B 3 T2b SS7 FINDING LIST OF FAIRY TALES AND FOLK STORIES IN BOOKS AT THE BRANCHES OF THE PUBLIC LIBRARY OF THE CITY OF BOSTON BOSTON. PUBLISHED BY THE TRUSTEES. 1908. FINDING LIST OF FAIRY TALES AND FOLK STORIES IN BOOKS AT THE BRANCHES OF THE PUBLIC LIBRARY OF THE CITY OF BOSTON BOSTON. PUBLISHED BY THE TRUSTEES. 1908. LiBRAIV SCHOOL The Public Library of the City »f Boston: Printing Department. Preface The following index is a finding list for the fairy tales and folk stories used in the children's rooms at the Branch Libraries. In general, only the old and familiar fairy tales and traditional folk stories have been included, though exceptions have been made in the case of a few collections of modern stories. The stories are indexed by title only. All titles be- ginning "Story of . . . ", "Legend of . . . ", etc., will be found enter- ed under the next word of the title. When the same story has been pub. lished under various titles it is indexed under the best known or most char- acteristic title, and references are made from all the others. The occasional cross-references from one story to another are not based on the "parallels" recognized by students of folk-lore, but on a similiarity which may be use- ful to a story-teller. For example, if none of the books containing "Rum- pelstiltzkin" can be found, "Tom Tit Tot" may prove a substitute. In a number of cases references are given in the notes for other accounts of the origin and characteristics of certain birds, animals, etc. No attempt has been made to include all the editions and translations of the Grimm and Andersen stories. Two collections of each have been chosen, the most nearly complete of those in use at the Branches. All these stories may be found at the Central Library also, in collections bearing different shelf numbers. This index was prepared by Miss Louise Prouty, Custodian of the Brighton Branch. ■-^o. FINDING LIST OF FAIRY TALES AND FOLK STORIES Abou Hassan; or, the sleeper awakened. Arabian nights. (Townsend.) Story of Abou Hassan. Y 250.2 Aboulhassan Ali Ebn Becar and Schemsel- nihar, the favourite of the Caliph Haroun Alraschid. Arabian nights. (Townsend.) History of Aboulhassan AH Ebn Becar. Y 250.2 Accomplished and lucky teakettle. Lang. Crimson fairy book. Magic kettle. [Adapted.] Y 5000.16 Tappan. Folk stories and fables. Y 8725.9 Adventures of a jackal. Lang. Orange fairy book. Y 5000.21 Adventures of an Indian brave. Lang. Orange fairy book. Y 5000.21 Adventures of Ciad, son of the king of Nor- way. MacManus. Donegal fairy stories. Y 5446 Adventures of Covan the Brown-haired. Lang. Orange fairy book. Y 5000.21 Adventures of Haroun-al-Raschid, Caliph of Bagdad. See Adventures of the Caliph Haroun Alraschid. Adventures of John Dietrich. Craik. Fairy book. Y 2010.3 Adventures of Kintaro, the golden boy. OzAKi. Japanese fairy book. Y 6638 Adventures of little Peachling. See Momo- taro; or, the story of the son of a peach. Adventures of Living Statue. CoMPTON. Snowbird and the water tiger and other American Indian tales. Y 1865 Adventures of Prince Camaralzaman and the Princess Badoura. See Camaralza- man, and the Princess Badoura. Adventures of the Caliph Haroun Alraschid. Arabian nights. (Lang.) Adventures of Haroun-al-Raschid. Y 250.2 — (Townsend.) Y 250.2 ScuDDER. Children's book. Y 8070.2 Adventures of the jackal's eldest son. Lang. Orange fairy book. Y 5000.21 Adventures of the younger son of the jackal. Lang. Orang^e fairy book. Y 5000.21 African Jack. Harris. Nights with Uncle Remus. Y 3850.1 Aladdin; or, the wonderful lamp. Arabian nights. (Lang.) Y 250.2 — (Townsend.) Story of Aladdin. Y 250.2 Arnold and Gilbert. Stepping stones to literature. Vol. 4. [Adapted.] Y 298 Blaisdell. Child life in literature. Lamp of Aladdin. [Adapted.] Y 909.4 Lang. Blue fairy book. Y 5000.1 — History of Whittington aiid other sto- ries. Y 5000.22 Mabie. Fairy tales every child should know. Story of Aladdin. Y 5400.2 Norton. Heart of oak books. Vol. 3. [Adapted.] Y 6460 Scudder. Children's book. Story of Alad- din. Y 8070.2 Tappan. Stories from seven old favorites. Y 8725.13 Ali Baba and the forty thieves. Arabian nights. (Townsend.) History of Ali Baba. Y 250.2 Crane. Red Riding Hood's picture book. Forty thieves. Y 2014.4 Lang. Blue fairy book. Forty thieves. Y 5000.1 — History of Wliittington and other sto- ries. Forty thieves. Y 5000.22 Mabie. Fairy tales every child should know. History of Ali Baba. Y 5400.2 Norton. Heart of oak books. Vol. 3. Y 6460 Scudder. Children's book. History of AH Baba. Y 8070.2 FAIRY TALES AND FOLK STORIES All Baba. (Continued.) Tappan. Stories from seven old favorites. Y 8725.13 Compare Simeli Mountain. Ali Cogia, a merchant of Bagdad. Arabian nights. (Lang.) Story of Ali Cogia. Y 250.2 — (Townsend.) Story of Ali Cogia. Y 250 2 All women are alike. AsBjoRNSEN. Fairy tales from the far north. Lz 314.2 Tappan. Folk stories and fables. Not a pin to choose between them. Y 8725.9 Compare Clever folks. AUerleirauh. See Many-furred creature. Almond-tree. See Juniper-tree. Alphege; or, the green monkey. Lang. Yellow fairy book. Y 5000.5 WxGGiN AND Smith. Magic casements. Y 9690.11 Amadan of the Dough. MacManus. Donegal fairy stories. Y 5446 Ambitious tailor. See Sham prince. Amina. Arabian nights. (Townsend.) History of Amina. Y 250.2 Andras Baive. Lang. Orange fairy book. Y 5000.21 Andrew Coffey. Jacobs. Celtic fairytales. Y 4460.1 Angel. Andersen. Fairy tales. Y 200.3 — Wonder stories. Y 200.4 Anne Lisbeth. Andersen. Fairy tales. Y 200.3 — Stories and tales. Y 200.1 Another haunted mill. See Mill. Another little red hen. See Little red hen. Another story of the rainbow. See Rainbow snake. Ant and the snow. Chandler. In the reign of coyote. Y 1628 Ape and the crab. See Crab and the monkey. Apprentice thief. MacManus. In chimney corners. Y 5446.2 Arbutus. See Old Winter Man and the Spring Maidea. Are you not satisfied? or, the tale of the noses. Laboulaye. Fairy tales. Y 4900.2 Aschenputtel. See Cinderella. Ashiepattle and his goodly crew. AsBjoRNSEN. Fairy tales from the far north. Lz 314.2 — Tales from the fjeld. Boots and his crezv. 1^2314. Ashiepattle and the king's hares. AsBjoRNSEN. Folk and fairy tales. Y314 — Tales from the fjeld. Osborn's pipe. Lz 314 Compare Enchanted whistle; Jesper who herded the hares. Ashiepattle who ate with the troll for a wager. AsBjoRNSEN. Fairy tales from the far north. Lz 314.2 Tappan. Folk stories and fables. Boots zvho ate a match with the troll. Y 8725.9 Ashiepattle who made the princess tell the truth at last. ASBJORNSEN. Folk and fairy tales. Y 314 Compare Princess who said : — Ashik-Kerib. Golden fairy book. Lz 3470 Asmund and Signy. Lang. Brown fairy book. Y 5000.17 Ass in the lion's skin. Jacobs. Indian fairy tales. Y 4460.2 Ass, the ox, and the labourer. Arabian nights. (Townsend.) Fable of the ass, the ox, and the labourer. Y 250.2 Ass, the table, and the stick. Jacobs. English fairy tales. Y 4460.3 Compare Table, the ass, and the stick. Aunt Tempy's story. Harris. Nights with Uncle Remus. Y 3850.1 Aunty. Andersen. Stories and tales. Y 200.1 Awful fate of Mr. Wolf. Harris. Uncle Remus, his songs and his sayings. Y 3850.2 Baba Abdalla. Arabian nights. (,Lang.) Story of the blind Baba-Abdalla. Y 250.2 — (Townsend.) Story of Baba Abdalla. Y 250.2 Babiole. Aulnoy. Fairy tales. Y 330.1 Valentine. Old, old fairy tales. Babiola. Y 9200.1 Ball-Carrier and the Bad One. Lang. Brown fairy book. Y 5000.17 Ball of crystal. Grimm. German household stories. Y 3610 Bamboo-cutter and the moon-child. OzAKi. Japanese fairy book. Y 6638 Barak Hageb and his wives. Golden fairy book. Lz 3470 Barber. Arabian nights. (Townsend.) Story of the barber. Y 250.2 Barber's clever wife. Steel. Tales of the Punjab. Lz 8496 Barber's eldest brother. Arabian nights. (Townsend.) Story of the barber's eldest brother. Y 250.2 Barber's second brother. Arabian nights. (Townsend.) Story of the barber's second brother. Y 250.2 Barber's third brother. Arabian nights. (Townsend.) Story of the barber's third brother. Y 250.2 Barber's fourth brother. Arabian nights. (Townsend.) Story of the barber's fourth brother. Y 250.2 Barber's fifth brother. Arabian nights. (Lang.) Story of the barber's fifth brother. Y 250.2 — (Townsend.) Story of the barber's fifth brother. Y 250.2 Barber's sixth brother. Arabian nights. (Lang.) Story of the barber's sixth brother. Y 250.2 — (Townsend.) Story of the barber's sixth brother. Y 250.2 Barmecide feast. Baldwin. Fifty famous stories. Y 468.5 ScuDDER. Children's book. Story of the Barmecide feast. Y 8070.2 FAIRY TALES AND FOLK STORIES Basil-plant. Houghton. Russian grandmother's won- der tales. Y4290 Battle of the beasts. See War of the wolf and the fox. Battle of the birds. Jacobs. Celtic fairy tales. Y 4460.1 Bear. Lang. Grey fairy book. Y 5000.10 Bear and skrattel. Jerrold. Reign of King Oberon. Y 4572 WiGGiN AND Smith. Fairy ring. Y 9690.9 Bear and the fox go into partnership. See Bruin and Reynard partners. Bear and the fox make a wager. AsBjoRNSEN. Fairy tales from the far north. Lz 314.2 — Tales from the fjeld. Fork and honey. LZ314 Bear, the boar, and the fox. Houghton. Russian grandmother's won- der tales. Y4290 Bear's bad bargain. Steel. Tales of the Punjab. Lz 8496 Bearskin. Grimm. German household stories. Y 3610 Beauty and the beast. Bay. Danish fairy and folk tales. Beauty and the horse. Y 637 Craik. Fairy book. Y 2010.3 Lang. Blue fairy book. Y 5000.1 Mabie. Fairy tales every child should know. _ Y 5400.2 Scudder. Book of folk stories. Y 8070.14 — Children's book. Y 8070.2 — Fables and folk stories. Y 8070.16 Tappan. Folk stories and fables. Y 8725.9 Valentine. Old, old fairy tales. Y 9200.1 Beauty and the horse. See Beauty and the beast. Beauty of form and beauty of mind. Andersen. Fairy tales. Y 200.3 — Stories and tales. Charming. Y 200.1 Bee and the orange tree. Aulnoy. Fairy tales. Y 330.1 Bee, the harp, the mouse and the bum-clock. McManus. Donegal fairy stories. Y 5446 Wiggin and Smith. Fairy ring. Y 9690.9 Bees and the flies. Holbrook. Book of nature myths. Story of the bees and the flies. Y 4206 Beetle. See Beetle who went on his travels. Beetle who went on his travels. Andersen. Fairy tales. Y 200.3 — Wonder stories. Beetle. Y 200.4 ■Beg and the fox. Houghton. Russian grandmother's won- der tales. Y 4290 Beginning of the Armadillos. Kipling. Just so stories. Y 4840.3 Bell. Andersen. Fairy tales. Bell, or nature's music. Y 200.3 — Wonder stories. Y 200.4 Scudder. Children's book. Y 8070.2 Bell's hollow. Andersen. Wonder stories. Y 200.4 Belle-Belle; or, the Chevalier Fortune. Aulnoy. Fairy tales. Y 330.1 Valentine. Old, old fairy tales. Fnrtunio. Y 9200.1 Bend the bough in time. Bay. Danish fairy and folk tal«s. Y 637 Bended roc^s. Compton. Snowbird and the water tiger and other American Indian tales. Y 1865 JuDD. Wigwam stories. Legend of Niagara Falls. Y4663 T.^nner. Legends from the Red man's forest. Legend of the Horse Shoe Falls. Y8728 Beneficent frog. Aulnoy. Fairy tales. Y 330.1 Jerrold. Reign of King Oberon. Bcneve- lent frog. y 4572 Lang. Orange fairy book. Frog and the lion fairy. y 5000.21 Valentine. Old, old fairy tales. Y 9200.1 Wiggin and Smith. Magic casements. Benevolent frog. Y 9690.11 Benevolent frog. See Beneficent frog. Bensurdatu. Lang. Grey fairy book. Story of Bensiir- (^otu. Y 5000.10 Beth Gellert. Jacobs. Celtic fairy tales. Y 4460.1 Beware of bad company. Rouse. Talking thrush. Y 7635 Bibi, Baba, and Bobo. Mace. Home fairy tales. Y 5425 Big frog and the little frogs. Chandler. In the reign of coyote. Y 1628 Big Klaus and Little Klaus. See Little Claus and Big Claus. Billy Beg and the bull. Bryant. How to tell stories. Pr 1229 MacManus. In chimney corners. Y 5446.2 Billy goat and the king. Lang. Olive fairy book. Y 5000.23 Binnorie. Jacobs. English fair}' tales. Y 4460.3 Bird-cage maker. Wiggin AND Smith. Fairy ring. Y 9690.9 Bird Dauntless. Asbjornsen. Fairy tales from the far north. Lz 314.2 Bird 'Grip.' Lang. Pink fairy book. Y 5000.9 Bird of popular song. Andersen. Stories and tales. Y 200.1 Bird of Truth. Lang. Orange fairy book. Y 5000.21 Bird, the fox, and the dog. Houghton. Russian grandmother's won- der tales. Y4290 Birds and the lime. Tappan. Folk stories and fables. Y 8725.9 Bishop of Borglum and his kindred. Andersen. Stories and tales. Y 200.1 Biter bit. Lang. Green fairy book. Y 5000.2 Bittern and the hoopoe. Grimm. Fairytales. Y 3610.2 — German household stories. Y 3610 Black bull of Norroway. Jacobs. More English fairy tales. Y 4460.4 Lang. Blue fairy book. Y 5000.1 Compare Red bull of Norroway. Black bull of the Castle of Blood. MacManus. In chimney corners. Y 5446.2 Compare Blue Beard. '' 4 FAIRY TALES AND FOLK STORIES Black horse. Jacobs. More Celtic fairy tales. Y 4460.5 Black Thief and Knight of the Glen. Lang. Red fairy book. Y 5000,3 Blanche and Rosalind. Valej^tine. Old, old fairy tales. Y 9200.1 WiGGiN AND Smith. Fairy ring. Story of Blanche and Vermilion. Y 9690.9 Blanche and Vermilion. See Blanche and Rosalind. Blind Baba-Abdalla. See Baba Abdalla. Blinded giant. Jacobs. More English fairy tales. Y 4460.4 Blockhead Hans. See Jack the dullard. Blondine, Bonne-Biche, and Beau-Minon. Segur. Fairy tales. Y 8093.3 Blue Beard. Lang. Blue fairy book. Y 5000.1 Mabie. Fairy tales every child should know. Y 5400.2 Perrault. Tales of Mother Goose. Y6847 ScuDDER. Children's book. Y 8070.2 Tappan. Folk stories and fables. Y 8725.9 Valentine. Old, old fairy tales. Y 9200.1 Compare Black bull of the Castle of Blood. Blue bird. AuLNOY. Fairy tales. Y 330.1 Craik. Fairy book. Y 2010.3 Lang. Green fairy book. Y 5000.2 Valentine. Old, old fairy tales. Y 9200.1 Blue cat. Golcen fairy book. Lz 3470 Blue heron and the wolf. JuDD. Wigwam stories. Y 4663 Blue light. Grimm. Fairytales. Y 3610.2 — German household stories. Y 3610 Norton. Heart of oak books. Vol. 3. Y6460 Blue Mountains. Lang. Yellow fairy book. Y 5000.5 Blue parrot. Lang. Olive fairy book. Y 5000.23 Bobino. Lang. Grey fairy book. Y 5000.10 Boiled eggs. Bay. Danish fairy and folk tales. Y 637 Bond of friendship. Andersen. Fairy tales. Y 200.3 Boots and his brothers. See Thumbkin. Boots and his crew. See Ashiepattle and his goodly crew. Boots and the beasts. Asbjornsen. Tales from the fjeld. Lz 314 Wiltse. Folk stories and proverbs. [Adapted.] Y 9760 Boots made of buffalo-leather. Grimm. German household stories. Y 3610 Boots who ate a match with the troll. See Ashiepatttle who ate with the troll for a wager. Bopoluchi. Steel. Tales of the Punjab. Lz 8496 Bottle neck. Andersen. Fairy tales. Y 200.3 — Stories and talcs. Y 200.1 Box with something pretty in it. See Box with the funny thing in it. Box with the funny thing in it. Asbjornsen. Folk and fairy tales. Y 314 — Tales from the fjeld. Box ivith something pretty in it. Lz 314 Compare Short story ; Tail. Boy and the mud pony. Tappan. Folk stories and fables. Y 8725.9 Boy and the wolves, or the broken promise. Lang. Yellow fairy book. Y 5000.5 Boy-beautiful, the golden apples, and the were-wolf. Kunos. Turkish fairy tales and folk tales. Lz 4893 Boy who could keep a secret. Lang. Crimson fairy book. Y 5000.16 Boy who found fear at last. Lang. Olive fairy book. Y 5000.23 Boy who had a moon on his forehead and a star on his chin. Jacobs. Indian fairy tales. Y 4460.2 Boy who went to the north wind. See Lad and the north wind. Boys with the golden stars. Lang. Violet fairy book. Y 5000.11 Brahman, the tiger, and the six judges. See Brahmin, the tiger and the jackal. Brahmin, the tiger and the jackal. Bryant. Stories to tell. Pr 1229.2 Jacobs. Indian fairy tales. Tiger the Brah- man, and the jackal. Y 4460.2 Steel. Tales of the Punjab. Tiger, the Brahman, and the jackal. Lz 8496 Tappan. Folk stories and fables. Brah- min, the tiger and the six judges. Y 8725.9 Wiggin and Smith. Fairy ring. Brahmin, the tiger and the six judges. Y 9690.9 Compare Way of the world. Brave against his will. Bay. Danish fairy and folk tales. Y 637 Compare Brave little tailor. Brave little mole. See Why the mole is blind. Brave little tailor. Grimm. Fairytales. Y 3610.2 — German popular tales. Valiant little tailor. Y 3610,3 Lang. Blue fairy book. Y 5000.1 Compare Brave against his vvfill. Brave old Bruin. See Bruin Goodfellow. Brave tin soldier. See Constant tin soldier. Bremen town musicians. Blaisdell. Child life in tale and fable. Toiun musicians. [Adapted.] Y 909.2 Craik. Fairy book. Y 2010.3 Grimm. German popular tales. Musicians of Bremen. Y 3610.3 Klingensmith. Household stories for little readers. Town musicians. [Adapted.] Y4815 Lang. Grey fairy book. Street musicians. Y 5000.10 ScuDDER. Children's book. Traveling mu- sicians. Y 8070.2 — Fables and folk stories. Traveling musi- cians. Y 8070.16 Compare How Jack went to seek his fortune. Brewery of eggshells. Jacobs. Celtic fairy tales. Y 4460.1 Briam, the king's fool. Laboulaye. Fairy tales. Story of Briam, the king's fool. Y 4900.2 — Last fairy tales. Briam the fool. Y 4900 i F/IIRY TALES AND FOLK STORIES Briar Rose. Grimm. Fairy tales. Y 3610.2 — German popular tales. Y 3610.3 WiGGiN AND Smith. Fairy ring. Y 9690.9 Compare Sleeping Beauty in the wood. Bride-choosing. Grimm. Fairytales. Trial of brides. Y 3610.2 — German household stories. Y 3610 Bridge. Houghton. Russian grandmother's won- der tales. Y4290 Bright sun brings it to light. Grimm. Fairytales. Y 3610.2 — German household stories. Bright stin brings on the day. Y 3610 Broad man, the tall man, and the man with eyes of flame. Chodzko. Fairy tales of the Slav. Y 1712 Broken pot. Jacobs. Indian fairy tales. Y 4460.2 Bronze boar. Andersen. Fairy tales. Y 200.3 Bronze ring. Lang. Blue fairy book. Y 5000.1 Brother and sister. Craik. Fairy book. Y 2010.3 Grimm. Fairy tales. Little brother and sis- ter. Y 3610.2 — German popular tales. Y 3610.3 Lang. Red fairy book. Y 5000.3 Mabie. Fairy tales every child should know. Enchanted stag. Y 5400.2 Wiggin and Smith. Fairy ring. Little brother and sister. Y 9690.9 Brother Deer an' King Sun's daughter. Harris. Told by Uncle Remus. Y 3850.6 Brother Fox and the white muscadines. Harris. Nights with Uncle Remus. Y 3850.1 Brother Fox, Brother Rabbit, and King Deer's daughter. Harris. Nights with Uncle Remus. Y 3850.1 Brother Fox catches Mr. Horse. Harris. Nights with Uncle Remus. Y 3850.1 Brother Fox covets the quills. Harris. Nights with Uncle Remus. Y 3850.1 Brother Fox follows the fashion. Harris. Told by Uncle Remus. Y 3850.6 Brother Fox makes a narrow escape. Harris. Nights with Uncle Remus. Y 3850.1 Brother Fox's fish-trap. Harris. Nights with Uncle Remus. Y 3850.1 B' Loggerhead and B' Conch. Tappan. Folk stories and fables. Y 8725.9 Brother Lustig. Grimm. German popular tales. Y 3610.3 Brother 'Possum gets in trouble. Harris. Nights with Uncle Remus. Y 3850.1 Brother Rabbit and Brother Bull-frog. Harris. Told by Uncle Remus. Y 3850.6 Brother Rabbit and his famous foot. Harris. Nights with Uncle Remus. Y 3850.1 Brother Rabbit and Miss Nancy. Harris. Told by Uncle Remus. Y 3850.6 Brother Rabbit and Mr. Wildcat. Harris. Nights with Uncle Remus. Y 3850.1 Brother Rabbit and the chickens. Harris. Told by Uncle Remus. Y 3850.6 Brother Rabbit and the gizzard eater. Harris. Told by Uncle Remus. Y 3850.6 Brother Rabbit and the little girl. Harris. Nights with Uncle Remus. Y 3850.1 Brother Rabbit and the mosquitos. Harris. Nights with Uncle Remus. Y 3850.1 Brother Rabbit breaks up a party. Harris. Nights with Uncle Remus. Y 3850.1 Brother Rabbit gets Brother Fox's dinner. Harris. Nights with Uncle Remus. Y 3850.1 Brother Rabbit gets the provisions. Harris. Nights with Uncle Remus. Y 3850.1 Brother Rabbit lays in his beef supply. Harris. Nights with Uncle Remus. Y 3850.1 Brother Rabbit outdoes Mr. Man. Harris. Nights with Uncle Remus. Y 3850.1 Brother Rabbit pretends to be poisoned. Harris. Nights with Uncle Remus. Y 3850.1 Brother Rabbit rescues Brother Terrapin. Harris. Nights with Uncle Remus. Y 3850.1 Brother Rabbit secures a mansion. Harris. Nights with Uncle Remus. Y 3850.1 Brother Rabbit submits to a test. Harris. Nights with Uncle Remus. Y 3850.1 Brother Rabbit takes a walk. Harris. Nights with Uncle Remus. Y 3850.1 Brother Rabbit takes some exercise. Harris. Nights with Uncle Remus. Y 3850.1 Brother Rabbit ties Mr. Lion. Harris. Nights with Uncle Remus. Y 3850.1 Brother Rabbit's astonishing prank. Harris. Nights with Uncle Remus. Y 3850.1 Brother Rabbit s cradle. Harris. Told by Uncle Remus. Y 3850.6 Brother Rabbit's laughing-place. Harris. Told by Uncle Remus. Y 3850.6 Brother Rabbit's love-charm. Harris. Nights with Uncle Remus. Y 3850.1 Brother Rabbit's riddle. Harris. Nights with Uncle Remus. Y 3850.1 Brother Terrapin deceives Brother Buzzard. Harris. Nights with Uncle Remus. Y 3850.1 Brother Wolf and the horned cattle. Harris. Nights with Uncle Remus. Y 3850.1 FAIRY TALES AND FOLK STORIES Brother Wolf falls a victim. Harris. Nights with Uncle Remus. Y 3850.1 Brother Wolf gets in a warm place. Harris. Nights with Uncle Remus. Y 3850.1 Brother Wolf says grace. Harris. Nights with Uncle Remus. Y 3850.1 Brother Wolf still in trouble. Harris. Nights with Uncle Remus. Y 3850.1 Bruin and Reynard partners. Asbjornsen. Fairy tales from the far north. Bear and the fox go into partnership. LiZ 314.2 — Tales from the fjeld. Lz 314 Bruin Goodfellow. Asbjornsen. Folk and fairy tales. Brave old Bruin. Y 314 — Tales from the fjeld. Lz 314 Buckwheat. Andersen. Fairy tales. Y 200.3 — Wonder stories. Y 200.4 Bryant. How to tell stories. Pr 1229 Bull and the bullfinch. Rouse. Talking thrush. Y 7635 Bull and the princess at the glass mountain. Bay. Danish fairy and folk tales. Y 637 Bull of Norroway. See Red bull of Norroway. Bunyip. Lang. Brown fairy book. Y 5000.17 Buried mooM. Jacobs. More English fairy tales. Y 4460.4 Bushy Bride. Lang. Red fairy book. Y 5000.3 Buttercup. See Little Butterkin. Butterfly. [L] Andersen. Fairy tales. Y 200.3 — Stories and tales. Y 200.1 Butterfly. [II.] Craik. Fairy book. Y 2010.3 Wiggin and Smith. Magic casements. Y 9690.11 Butterfly that stamped. Kipling. Just so stories. Y 4840.3 Cake shop on the wooden bridge. Singleton. Goldenrod fairy book. Y 8268 Caliph Haroun Alraschid. See Adventures of the Caliph Haroun Alraschid. Caliph Stork. Lang. Green fairy book. Story of Caliph Stork. Y 5000.2 Camaralzaman, Prince of the Isle of the Children of Khaledan, and Badoura, Prin- cess of China. Arabian nights. (Lang.) Adventures of Prince Camaralzaman. Y 250.2 — (Townsend.) History of Camarahaman. Y 250.2 Camel and the pig. Tappan. Folk stories and fables. Y 8725.9 Camel's neck. Rouse. Talking thrush. Y 7635 Candle. Andersen. Stories and tales. Candles. r> T ^ Y 200.1 Bailey and Lewis. For the children's hour. [Adapted.] Pr447 Cannetella. Lang. Grey fairy book. Y 5000.10 Cap o' Rushes, Jacobs. English fairy tales. Y 4460.3 Wiggin and Smith. Magic casements. Y 9690.11 Captain John's travels. Laboulaye. Fairy tales. Y 4900.2 Carasoyn. MacDonald. Light princess and other fairy tales. Y 5420.10 Castle of Fortune. Bryant. Stories to tell. Pr 1229.2 Castle of Life. Laboulaye. Fairy tales. Y 4900.2 Cat and the mouse. Arnold and Gilbert. Stepping stones to literature. Vol. i. [Adapted.] Y 298 Bailey and Lewis. For the children's hour. Pr 447 Jacobs. English fairy tales. Y 4460.3 Mother Goose's nursery rhymes, tales and jingles. Y6211 Compare Grain of corn ; How the mouse got into his hole ; Little Tuppen ; Munachar and Mana- char ; Nanny who wouldn't go home to supper ; Old woman and her pig ; Sparrow and the bush. Cat and the mouse in partnership. Grimm. German popular tales. Y 3610.3 Lang. Yellow fairy book. Y 5000.5 Compare Compair Lapin's godchild. Cat and the parrot. Rouse. Talking thrush. Y 7635 Cat and the sparrows. Rouse. Talking thrush. Y 7635 Cat that walked by herself. Kipling. Just so stories. Y 4840.3 Cat's elopement. Lang. Pink fairy book. Y 5000.9 Catherine and Frederick. See Frederick and Catherine. Catherine and her destiny. Lang. Pink fairy book. Y 5000.9 Catskin. Jacobs. More English fairy tales. Y 4460.4 Cauld lad of Hilton. Jacobs. English fairy tales. Y 4460.3 Charcoal-burner. Asbjornsen. Folk and fairy tales. Y 314 — Tales from the fjeld. LZ314 Charmed ring. Jacobs. Indian fairy tales. Y 4460.2 Compare Wonderful ring. Charming. See Beauty of form and beauty of mind. Cheerful temper. Andersen. Fairy tales. Y 200.3 — Stories and tales. Good humor. Y 200.1 Chevalier Fortune. See Belle-Belle. Chicken-Grethe's family. Andersen. Stories and tales. Y 200.1 Chicken Licken. Arnold and Gilbert. Stepping stones to literature. Vol 2. Chicken Little. Y 298 Asbjornsen. Fairy tales from the far north. Hen zvho went to Dovrefjeld to save the world. Lz 314.2 Bailey and Lewis. For the children's hour. Chicken Little. Pr 447 FAIRY TALES AND FOLK STORIES Chicken Licken. (Continued.) Blaisdell. Child life in tale and fable. Story of Chicken Litfle. Y 909.2 Jacobs. English fairy tales. Henny-Pcnny. Y 4460.3 Klingensmith. Household stories for lit- tle readers. Chicken Little. Y 4815 Mother Goose's nursery rhymes, tales and jingles. Y 6211 Norton. Heart of oak books. Vol. i. Henny-Penny. Y 6460 Scudder. Book of folk stories. Story of Chicken Licken. Y 8070.14 — Children's book. Story of Chicken Licken. Y 8070.2 Tappan. Folk stories and fables. Y 8725.9 Wiltse. Folklore stories and proverbs. Y9760 Chicken Little. See Chicken Licken. Child in the grave. Andersen. Fairy tales. Y 200.3 — Stories and tales. Y 200.1 Child who came from an egg. Lang. Violet fairy book. Y 5000.11 Child's grave. Grimm. Fairy tales. Shroud. Y 3610.2 — German household stories. Y 3610 Childe Rowland. Jacobs. English fairy tales. Y 4460.3 Children in the moon. Blaisdell. Child life in tale and fable. [Adapted.] Y 909.2 HoLBROOK. Book of nature myths. Y 4206 Children's prattle. Andersen. Fairy tales. Y 200.3 — Stories and tales. Y 200.1 Chipmunk's black stripe. JuDD. Wigwam stories. Y 4663 Tanner. Legends from the Red man's forest. Y8728 Compare How the chipmunk got the stripes on its back. Christian merchant. Arabian nights. (Townsend.) Story told by the Christian merchant. Y 250.2 Ciccu. Lang. Pink fairy book. Story of Ciccu. Y 5000.9 Cinder-youth. KuNOS. Turkish fairy tales. Y 4893 Cinderdla; or, the little glass slipper. Baldwin. Fairy stories and fables. Y 468.14 Craik. Fairy book. Y 2010.3 Grimm. Fairy tales. Y 3610.2 — German popular tales. Y 3610.3 Lang. Blue fairy book. Y 5000.1 Mabie. Fairy tales every child should know. Y 5400.2 Norton. Heart of oak books. Vol. 2. Y6460 Perrault. Tales of Mother Goose. Y6847 Scudder. Book of folk stories. Y 8070.14 — Children's book. Y 8070.2 — Fables and folk stories. Y 8070.16 Tappan. Folk stories and fables. Y 8725.9 Valentine. Old, old fairy tales. Y 9200.1 Compare Rushen Coatie. • City mouse and the country mouse. See Country mou^e and the city mouse. Clever Alice. Craik. Fairy book. Y 2010.3 Grimm. Fairytales. Clever Bess. Y 3610.2 — German popular tales. Y 3610.3 Scudder. Children's book. Y 8070.2 — Fables and folk stories. Y 8070.16 Compare Three sillies. Clever Bess. See Clever Alice. Clever cat. Lang. Orange fairy book. Y 5000.21 Clever Elsie. See Clever Alice. Clever folk. Grimm. Fairytales. Y 3610.2 Compare All women are alike. Clever goat. Rouse. Talking thrush. Y 7635 Clever Grethel. Grimm. Fairy tales. Clever Maggie. Y 3610.2 — German popular tales. Y 3610.3 Clever Maggie. Sec Clever Grethel. Clever Maria. Lang. Crimson fairy book. Y 5000.16 Clever prince. Grundtvig. Fairy tales from afar. Y 3634 Wiggin and Smith. Fairy ring. Y 9690.9 Clever tailor. See Valiant tailor. Clever weaver. Lang. Olive fairy book. Y 5000.23 Close alliance. Steel. Tales of the Punjab. Lz 8496 Coat o' Clay. Jacobs. More English fairy tales. Y 4460.4 Cock and the fox. Asbjornsen. Fairy tales from the far north. Lz 314.2 — Tales from the fjeld. Reynard and chan- ticleer. Lz 314 Cock and the hen. Houghton. Russian grandmother's won- der tales. Y4290 Cock who fell into the brewing vat. See Death of chanticleer. Codadad and his brothers. Arabian nights. (Townsend). History of Codadad and his brothers. Y 250.2 Coffee-mill which grinds salt. Bay. Danish fairy and folk tales. Y 637 Compare Quern at the bottom of the sea; Why the sea is salt. Cogia Hassan Alhabbal. Arabian nights. (Townsend.) History of Cogia Hassan Alhabbal. Y 250.2 Colony of cats. Lang. Crimson fairy book. Y 5000.16 Comb and the collar. Lang. Olive fairy book. Y 5000.23 Comet. Andersen. Stories and tales. Y 200.1 Compair Lapin and Mr. Turkey. Tappan. Folk stories and fables. Y 8725.9 Compair Lapin's godchild. Tappan. Folk stories and fables. Y 8725.9 Compare Cat and the mouse in partnership. Companion. Asbjornsen. Fairy tales from the far north. Lz 314.2 — Tales from the fjeld. Lz 314 8 FAIRY TALES AND FOLK STORIES Conal and Donal and Taig. MacManus. Donegal fairy stories. Y 5446 Conall Yellowclaw. Jacobs. Celtic fairy tales. Y 4460.1 Conceited apple branch. Andersen. Fairy tales. Y 200.3 — Stories and tales. "There's a difference." Y 200.1 Connla and the fairy maiden. Jacobs. Celtic fairy tales. Y 4460.1 Constant tin soldier. Andersen. Fairy tales. Brave tin soldier. Y 200.4 — Wonder stories. Y 200.3 Bailey and Lewis. For the children's hour. Brave tin soldier. Pr 447 Lang. Yellow fairy book. Steadfast tin soldier. Y 5000.5 Norton. Heart of oak books. Vol. 3. Brave tin soldier. Y 6460 Scudder. Children's book. Y 8070.2 Tappan. Folk stories and fables. Y 8725.9 Contrary woman. See Goody 'Gainst-the- stream. Coquerico. See Half-chick. Cormorants of Udrost. Asbjornsen. Folk and fairy tales. Y 314 Cottager and his cat. Lang. Crimson fairy book. Y 5000.16 Country mouse and the town mouse. Aesop. Fables. Tozun mouse and the country mouse. Y 70.1 Arnold and Gilbert. Stepping stones to literature. Vol. 2. Tozvn mouse and the ' country mouse. Y 298 Asbjornsen. Fairy tales from the far north. Tozvn mouse and the country mouse. Lz 314.2 — Tales from the fjeld. Tozvn mouse and the fell-mouse. 'Lz 314 Blaisdell. Child life in tale and fable. Y 909.2 Bryant. Stories to tell. Pr 1229.2 Norton. Heart of oak books. Vol. 2. Field mouse and the tozvn mouse. Y 6460 Scudder. Children's book. Y 8070.2 — Fables and folk stories. Y 8070.16 Country where the mice eat iron. Tappan. Folk stories and fables. Y 8725.9 Countryman and the Evil Spirit. Grimm. German household stories. Y 3610 Court cards. Andersen. Wonder stories. Y 200.4 Covetous man. Bay. Danish fairy and folk stories. Y 637 Coyote or prairie wolf. See How fire was brought to the Indians; How the animals secured salmon. Coyote's ride on a star. Chandler. In the reign of coyote. Y 1628 Crab and the monkey. Lang. Crimson fairy book. Y 5000.16 Ozaki. Japanese fairy book. Quarrel of the monkey and the crab. Y 6638 Blaisdell. Child life in many lands. Ape and the crab. [Adapted.] Y 909.3 Crab that played with the sea. Kipling. Just so stories. Y 4840.3 Creation of man. Chandler. In the reign of coyote. Y 1628 Creation of the world. Chandler. In the reign of coyote. Y 1628 Cricket and the cougar. Chandler. In the reign of coyote. Y 1628 Cross purposes. Macdonald. Light princess and other fairy tales. Y 5420.10 Crow. Lang. Yellow fairy book. Y 5000.5 Crow is a crow for ever. Rouse. Talking thrush. Y 7635 Crow-Peri. Kunos. Turkish fairy tales. Lz 4893 Cruel crane outwitted. Jacobs. Indian fairy tales. Y 4460.2 Crumbs on the table. Grimm. Fairytales. Y 3610.2 Crystal coffin. See Glass coffin. Cunning hare. Lang. Brown fairy book. Y 5000.17 Cunning jackal; or, the biter bit. Rouse. Talking thrush. Y 7635 Cunning man in Hilltown. Bay. Danish fairy and folk tales. Y 637 Cunning shoemaker. Lang. Pink fairy book. Y 5000.9 Cunning snake. Harris. Nights with Uncle Remus. Y 3850.1 "Cutta cord-la!" Harris. Nights with Uncle Remus. Y 3850.1 Daisy. Andersen. Fairy tales. Y 200.3 — Wonder stories. _ Y 200.4 Arnold and Gilbert. Stepping stones to literature. Vol. 3. Daisy and the lark. [Adapted.] Y 298 Bailey and Lewis. For the children's hour. [Adapted.] Pr447 Scudder. Children's book. Y 8070.2 Daisy and the lark. See Daisy. Dame Gudbrand. Asbjornsen. Fairy tales from the far north. Gudbrand on the hill-side. Lz 314.2 Laboulaye. Fairy tales. Good zvoman. Y 4900.2 — Last fairy tales. Y 4900 Tappan. Folk stories and fables. Gudbrand on the hill-side. Y 8725.9 Compare "What the good man does is sure to be right!" Dame Weasel and her husband. Laboulaye. Fairy tales. Weasel and her husband. [In Captain John's travels.] Y 4900.2 — Last fairy tales. Y 4900 Dancing-shoes. Grimm. German household stories. Shoes that zvere danced to pieces. Y 3610 Singleton. Goldenrod fairy book. Y 8268 Compare Twelve dancing princesses. Dandelion [I]. Bailey and Lewis. For the children's hour. Pr 447 Dandelion [II]. Strong. All the year round. Vol. 3. Spring. Legend of the dandelion. [Adapted.] Y 8628 Dandelion [III]. 5"fe Prairie dandelion. FAIRY TALES AND FOLK STORIES Daniel O'Rourke. Tappan. Folk stories and fables. Y 8725.9 Danish popular legends. Ander.sen. Stories and tales. Y 200.1 Dapplegrim. Lang. Red fairy book. Y 5000.3 Darning needle. Andersen. Fairy tales. Y 200.3 — Wonder stories. Y 200.4 Lang. Yellow fairy book. Story about a darning-needle. Y 5000.5 ScuDDER. Children's book. Y 8070.2 Tappan. Folk stories and fables. Y 8725.9 Daughter of Buk Ettemsuch. Lang. Grey fairy book. Y 5000.10 Day with the capercailzies. AsBjORNSEN. Folk and fairy tales. Y 314 Days of the week. Andersen. Stories and tales. Y 200.1 Deacon's dream. Bay. Danish fairy and folk tales. Y 637 Deacon's wife. Bay. Danish fairy and folk tales. Y 637 Dead wife. Lang. Yellow fairy book. Y 5000.5 Death and burial of poor hen-sparrow. Steel. Tales of the Punjab. Lz 8496 Compare Death of Chanticleer ; Spider and the flea ; Titty Mouse and Tatty Mouse. Death and the doctor. 5"^^ Lad with the beer keg. Death of Abu Nowas and of his wife. Lang. Crimson fairy book. Y 5000.16 Death of Chanticleer. Asbjornsen. Fairy tales from the far north. Cock who fell into the brewing-vat. "Lz 314.2 — Tales from the fjeld. Lz 314 Compare Death and burial of poor hen-sparrow ; Spider and the flea ; Titty Mouse and Tatty Mouse. Death of Koschei the Deathless. Lang. Red fairy book. Y 5000.3 Death of the cock. See Death of the little hen. Death of the little hen. Grimm. Fairy tales. Y 3610.2 — German popular tales. Death of the cock. Y 3610.3 Death of the Sun-hero. Lang. Yellow fairy book. Y 5000.5 Death's messengers. Grimm. German household stories. Y 3610 Deirdre. Jacobs. Celtic fairy tales. Story of Deirdre. Y 4460.1 Deluge. See Indian's flood. Deluge, and how it came about. Harris. Uncle Remus, his songs and his sayings. Story of the Deluge, and hozv it came about. Y 3850.2 Compare Indian's flood. Demon with the matted hair. Jacobs. Indian fairy tales. Y 4460.2 Deserter. Houghton. Russian grandmother's won- der tales. Y 4290 Diamond cut diamond. Lang. Olive fairy book. Y 5000.23 Diamonds and toads. See Toads and dia- monds. Dick Whittington and his cat. See Whitting- ton and his cat. Dirty shepherdess. Lang. Green fairy book. Y 5000.2 Disappointed bear. Houghton. Russian grandmother's won- der tales. Y 4290 Discontented pine tree. See Little pine tree who wished for new leaves. Discreet Hans. Grimm. German popular tales. Y 3610.3 Compare Epaminondas and his auntie; Lazy Jack; Silly Matt. Doctor and detective. Bay. Danish fairy and folk tales. Y 637 Compare Dr. Know-all. . Doctor Know-all. Grimm. Fairy tales. Y 3610.2 Compare Doctor and detective. Dog and the sparrow. Grimm. German popular tales. Y 3610.3 Lang. Grey fairy book. Y 5000.10 Doll in the grass. Asbjornsen. Fairy tales from the far north. Lz 314.2 Wiggin and Smith. Fairy ring. Y 9690.9 Dolly, draw the cake. Jerrold. Reign of King Oberon. Y 4572 Don Giovanni de la Fortuna. Lang. Pink fairy book. Y 5000.9 Donal that was rich and Jack that was poor. MacManus. Donegal fairy stories. Y 5446 Donkey cabbages. Grimm. German household stories. Y 3610 Lang. Yellow fairy book. Y 5000.5 Donkey Skin. Lang. Grey fairy book. Y 5000.10 Compare Many-furred creature. Dorani. Lang. Olive fairy book. Y 5000.23 Dragon and his grandmother. See Evil spirit and his grandmother. Dragon of the north. Lang. Yellow fairy book. Y 5000.5 Drak the fairy. Golden fairy book. Lz 3470 Wiggin and Smith. Fairy ring. Y 9690.9 Drakesbill and his friends. Baldwin. Fairy stories and fables. Y 468.14 Lang. Red fairy book. Drakestail. Y 5000.3 Wiggin and Smith. Fairy ring. Y 9690.9 Drakestail. See Drakesbill and his friends. Dream and a story. Harris. Nights with Uncle Remus. Y 3850.1 Dream of Owen O'Mulready. Jacobs. More Celtic fairy tales. Y 4460.5 Dreams. Grundtvig. Fairy tales from afar. Y 3634 Drop of water. Andersen. Stories and tales. Y 200.1 Drummer. Grimm. Fairytales. Y 3610.2 — German household stories. Y 3610 Dryad. Andersen. Wonder stories. Y 200.4 Dschemil and Dschemila. Lang. Grey fairy book. Story of Dschemil and Dschemila. Y 5000.10 10 FAIRY TALES AND FOLK STORIES Duel between the fox and the wolf. Tappan. Folk stories and fables. Y 8725.9 Dumb book. Andersen. Fairy tales. Y 200.3 Duration of life. Grimm. German hoHsehold stories. Y 3610 Dwarf Long Nose. Lang. Violet fairy book. History of Dwarf Long Nose. Y 5000.11 Dwarf with the long beard. Chodzko. Fairy tales of the Slav. Y 1712 Dwarf's daughter. Grundtvig. Fairy tales from afar. Y 3634 Dwarfs. Grimm. German popular tales. Y 3610.3 Earl Mar's daughter. Jacobs. English fairy tales. Y 4460.3 Ears of wheat. Grimm. German household stories. Y 3610 Earth and the sky. HoLBROOK. Book of nature myths. Story of the earth and the sky. Y 4206 East o' the sun and west o' the moon. AsBjoRNSEN. Folk and fairy tales. Y 314 Jerrold. Reign of King Oberon. Y 4572 Lang. Blue fairy book. Y 5000.1 WiGGiN and Smith. Fairy ring. Y 9690.9 Echo god and the Northern Lights. JuDD. Wigwam stories. Y 4663 Ee-aw! Ee-aw. Grundtvig. Fairy tales from afar. Y 3634 Eisenkopf. Lang. Crimson fairy book. Y 5000.16 Elder-tree mother. Andersen. Fairy tales. Y 200.3 — Stories and tales. Y 200.1 Singleton. Goldenrod fairy book. Y 8268 Elephant has a bet with the tiger. Tappan. Folk stories and fables. Y 872519 Elephant's child. Kipling. Just so stories. Y 4840.3 Elf hill. Andersen. Fairy tales. Elfin kill. Y 200.3 — Wonder stories. Elfin mound. Y 200.4 Jerrold. Reign of King Oberon. Y 4572 Elf maiden. Lang. Brown fairy book. Y 5000.17 Elf of the rose. Andersen. Fairy tales. Y 200.3 — Stories and tales. Rose-elf. Y 200.1 Elfin mound. See Elf hill. Elidore. Jacobs. More Celtic fairy tales. Y 4460.5 Elves [I]. See Elves and the shoemaker. Elves [II]. Grimm. Fairytales. Y 3610.2 — German popular tales. Little elves. Y 3610.3 Elves [III]. Grimm. Fairytales. Y 3610.2 — German popular tales. Little elves. Y 3610.3 Elves [IV]. Grimm. Fairytales. Y 3610.2 Elves and the shoemaker. Bailey and Lewis. For the children's hour. Pr 447 Bryant. Stories to tell. Pr 1229.2 Grimm. Fairy tales. Elves. Y 3610.2 — German popular tales. Little elves. Y 3610.3 Elves and the shoemaker. (Continued.) Norton. Heart of oak books. Vol. 3. Y6460 Scudder. Book of folk stories. Y 8070.14 — Children's book. Y 8070.2 — Fables and folk stories. Y 8070.16 Emerald book. See Goose girl at the well. Emperor's new clothes. Andersen. Fairy tales. Y 200.3 — Wonder stories. Y 200.4 Lang. Yellow fairy book. Story of the emperor's new clothes. Y 5000.5 Scudder. Children's book. Y 8070.2 Enchanted canary. Lang. Red fairy book. Y 5000.3 Enchanted forest. WiGGiN AND Smith. Magic casements. Y 9690.11 Enchanted head. Lang. Brown fairy book. Y 5000.17 Enchanted hind. See Hind in the wood. Enchanted hog. KuNOS. Turkish fairy tales. Lz 4893 Enchanted horse. Arabian nights. (Lang.) Y 250.2 — (Townsend.) Story of the enchanted horse. Y 250.2 Scudder. Children's book. Story of the enchanted horse. Y 8070.2 Enchanted knife. Lang. Violet fairy book. Y 5000.11 Enchanted lambs. Houghton. Russian grandmother's won- der tales. Y4290 Enchanted pig. Lang. Red fairy book. _ Y 5000.3 WiGGiN AND Smith. Magic casements. Y 9690.11 Enchanted ring. Lang. Green fairy book. Y 5000.2 Enchanted snake. Lang. Green fairy book. Y 5000.2 Enchanted stag. See Brother and sister. Enchanted watch [I]. Lang. Green fairy book. Y 5000.2 Enchanted watch [II]. Mac£. Home fairy tales. Y 5425 Enchanted whistle. Golden fairy book. Lz 3470 Wiggin and Smith. Magic casements. Y 9690.11 Compare Ashiepattle and the king's hares; Jesper who herded the hares. Enchanted wreath. Lang. Orange fairy book. Y 5000.21 End of Mr. Bear. Harris. Uncle Remus, his songs and his sayings. Y 3850.2 Envious man and him who was envied. Arabian nights. (Lang.) Story of the en- vious man, and of him who zvas envied. Y 250.2 — (Townsend.) History of the envious man, and of him ivho was envied. Y 250.2 Envious neighbour. Lang. Violet fairy book. Y 5000.11 Epaminondas and his auntie. Bryant. Stories to tell. Story of Epami- nondas and his auntie. Pr 1229.2 Compare Discreet Hans ; Lazy Jack ; Silly Matt. FAIRY TALES AND FOLK STORIES 11 Esben and the witch. Lang. Pink fairy book. Y 5000.9 Eve of St. Mark. Laboulaye. Last fairy tales. Y 4900 Evening in the squire's kitchen. AsBjoRNSEN. Folk and fairy tales. Y 314 Everything in its right place. Andersen. Fairy tales. Y 200.3 — Stories and tales. Y 200.1 Evil spirit and his grandmother. Grimm. German household stories. Y 3610 Lang. Yellow fairy book. Dragon and his grandmother. Y 5000.5 Experienced huntsman. See Learned hunter. Face of the Great Manitou in the rock. JuDD. Wigwam stories. Y 4663 Face of the Manito. HoLBROOK. Book of nature myths. Y 4206 Fair, Brown, and Trembling. Jacobs. Celtic fairy tales. Y 4460.1 Fair Catherine and Pif-Paf Poltrie. Grimm. German household stories. Y 3610 Fair Circassians. Lang. Grey fairy book. Story of the fair Circassians. Y 5000.10 Fair One with Golden Locks. AuLNOY. Fairy tales. Fair with golden hair. Y 330.1 Craik. Fairy book. Y 2010.3 Lang. Blue fairy book. Story of Pretty Goldilocks. Y 5000.1 Mabie. Fairy tales every child should know. Y 5400.2 Scudder. Children's book. Y 8070.2 Valentine. Old, old fairy tales. Y 9200.1 WiGGiN AND Smith. Fairy ring. Y 9690.9 Fair with golden hair. See Fair One with Golden Locks. Fairer-than-a-fairy [I]. Lang. Yellow fairy book. Y 5000.5 Fairer than a fairy [II]. Valentine. Old, old fairy tales. Y 9200.1 Fairy. See Toads and diamonds. Fairy at the well. See Toads and diamonds. Fairy crawfish. Laboulaye. Last fairy tales. Y 4900 Compare Fisherman and his wife. Fairy dust. Golden fairy book. Lz 3470 Fairy gifts. Lang. Green fairy book. Y 5000.2 Fairy of the dawn. Lang. Violet fairy book. Y 5000.11 Fairy ointment. Jacobs. English fairy tales. Y 4460.3 Fairy's blunder. Lang. Grey fairy book. Y 5000.10 Faithful beasts. See Grateful beasts. Faithful John, Grimm. German popular tales. Y 3610.3 Lang. Blue fairy book. Trusty John. Y 5000.1 — History of Whittington and other sto- ries. Y 5000.22 Singleton. Goldenrod fairy book. Y 8268 Tappan. Folk stories and fables. Y 8725.9 WiGGiN and Smith. Fairy ring. Faithful John, the king's servant. Y 9690.9 Faithful prince. Steel. Tales of the Punjab. Lz 8496 False collar. See Shirt collar. Falsehood and truth. Laboulaye. Last fairy tales. Y 4900 Family servants. Grimm. German household stories. Y 3610 Farm-yard cock, and the weather-cock. Andersen. Fairy tales. Y 200.3 — Wonder stories. Y 200.4 Farmer and the badger. Ozaki. Japanese fairy book. Y 6638 Farmer and the money-lender. Jacobs. Indian fairy tales. Y 4460.2 Steel. Tales of the Punjab. Lz 8496 Farmer of Liddesdale. Jacobs. More Celtic fairy tales. Y 4460.5 Farmer Weatherbeard. Asbjornsen. Fairy tales from the far north. Lz 314.2 Lang. Red fairy book. Y 5000.3 Farmer's ass. Rouse. Talking thrush. Y 7635 Fate. Laboulaye. Fairytales. [In Captain John's travels.] 4900.2 Fate of Mr. Jack Sparrow. Harris. Uncle Remus, his songs and his sayings. Y 3850.2 Fate of the children of Lir. Jacobs. More Celtic fairy tales. Y 4460.5 Fate of the turtle. See Talkative tortoise. Father Bruin in the corner. Asbjornsen. Tales from the fjeld. Lz 314 Father Grumbler. Lang. Brown fairy book. Y 5000.17 Father of the family. Asbjornsen. Folk and fairy tales. Seven fathers in the house. Y 314 — Tales from the fjeld. Lz 314 Fearless boy. Bay. Danish fairy and folk tales. Y 637 Feather bird. Grimm. German popular tales. Y 3610.3 Felicia and the pot of pinks. See Fortunee. Female Solomon. Laboulaye. Fairy tales. Maiden who was zuiser than an emperor. [In Captain John's travels. ] Y 4900.2 — Last fairy tales. Y 4900 Ferdinand Faithful, and Ferdinand Unfaith- ful. Grimm. Fairy tales. Y 3610.2 — German household stories. Y 3610 Field mouse and the town mouse. See Coun- try mouse and the town mouse. Field of Boliauns. Jacobs. Celtic fairy tales. Y 4460.1 Singleton. Goldenrod fairy book. Y 8268 Fighting hare. See Why the sun travels regularly. Finest liar in the world. Lang. Violet fairy book. Y 5000.11 Finette Cendron. AuLNOY. Fairy tales. Y 330.1 Fir-apple. Grimm. German popular tales. Y 3610.3 Fir-tree. Andersen. Fairy tales. Y 200.3 — Wonder stories. Y 200.4 Blaisdell. Child life in many lands. Lit- tle fir tree. [Adapted.] Y 909.3 12 FAIRY TALES AND POLK STORIES Fir-tree. (Continued.) Klingensmith. Household stories for little readers. Little fir tree. [Adapted.] ^^4815 Lang. Pink fairy book. Y 5000.9 ScuDDER. Children's book. Y 8070.2 Singleton. Goldenrod fairy book. Y 8268 Strong. All the year round. Vol. 2. Win- ter. [Adapted.] Y 8628 Tappan. Folk stories and fables. Y 8725.9 Fire-test. Harris. Nights with Uncle Remus. Y 3850.1 First ants. HoLBROOK. Book of nature myths. Story of the first ants. Y 4206 First butterflies. HoLEROOK. Book of nature myths. Story of the first butterflies. Y 4206 First Calender. Arabian nights. (Lang.) Story of the first Calender, son of a king. Y 250.2 — (.Townsend.) History of the first Calender. Y 250.2 First diamonds. HoLBROOK. Book of nature myths. Story of the first diamonds. Y 4206 First emeralds. HoLBROOK. Book of nature myths. Story of the first emeralds. Y 4206 First frogs. HoLBROOK. Book of nature myths. Story of the first frogs. Y 4206 First grasshopper. HoLBROOK. Book of nature myths. Story of the first grasshopper. Y 4206 First humming-bird. HoLBROOK. Book of nature myths. Story of the first humming-bird. Y 4206 First man and woman. JuDD. Wigwam stories. Sto7'y of the first man and tvoman. Y 4663 First mocking-bird. HoLBROOK. Book of nature myths. Story of the first mocking-bird. Y 4206 First moles. HoLBROOK. Book of nature myths. Story of the first moles. Y 4206 First old man and the hind. Arabian nights. (Lang.) Story of the first old man and of the hind. Y 250.2 — (Townsend.) History of the first old man and the hind. Y 250.2 First pearls. HoLBROOK. Book of nature myths. Story of the first pearls. Y 4206 First snowdrops. HoLBROOK. Book of nature myths. Story of the first snowdrops. Y 4206 First whitefish. HoLBROOK. Book of nature myths. Story of the first whitefish. Y 4206 First woodpecker. See Woodpecker. Fish and the ring. Jacobs. English fairy tales. Y 4460.3 Fisher-boy Urashima. See Uraschimataro and the turtle. Fisher who let out summer. See How sum- mer came to the earth. Fisherman. Arabian nights. (Lang.) Story of the fisherman. Y 250.2 — (Townsend.) History of the fisherman. Y 250.2 ScuDDER. Children's book. History of the fisherman. Y 8070.2 Fisherman and his wife. Baldwin. Fairy stories and fables. Y 468.14 Grimm. Fairy tales. Y 3610.2 — German popular tales. Y 3610.3 Lang. Green fairy book. Story of the fish- erman and his wife. Y 5000.2 ScuDDER. Children's book. Y 8070.2 — Fables and folk stories. Y 8070.16 Compare Fairy crawfish. Five out of one shell. See Pea-blossom. Five peas in a pod. See Pea-blossom. Five wise words of the guru. Lang. Olive fairy book. Y 5000.23 Flail from Heaven. Grimm. Fairytales. Y 3610.2 — German household stories. Flail which came from the clouds. Y 3610 Flax. Andersen. Fairy tales. Y 200.3 — Wonder stories. Y 200.4 Arnold and Gilbert. Stepping stones to literature. Vol. 3. [Adapted.] Y 298 Bailey and Lewis. For the children's hour. [Adapted.] Pr447 Blaisdell. Child life in many lands. [Adapted.] Y 909.3 PouLssoN. In the child's world. Pr7iio Scudder. Children's book. Y 8070.2 Wiltse. Kindergarten stories. Pr9740 Flax leavings. Grimm. Fairytales. Y 3610.2 — German household stories. Shreds. Y 3610 Fleece of gold. Laboulaye. Fairytales. Y 4900.2 — Last fairy tales. Golden fleece. Y 4900 Flitting day. Andersen. Stories and tales. Y 200.1 Florinda and Yoringal. See Jorinde and Jo- ringel. Flower Queen's daughter. Lang. Yellow fairy book. Y 5000.5 Flying carpet, the invisible cap, the gold- giving ring, and the smiting club. Chodzko. Fairy tales of the Slav. Y 1712 Flying head. Wilson. Myths of the Red children. [Verse.] Y 9738 Flying ship. Lang. Yellow fairy book. Y 5000.5 Flying trunk. Andersen. Fairy tales. Y 200.3 — Wonder stories. Y 200.4 Lang. Pink fairy book. Y 5000.9 Foolish fish. Rouse. Talking thrush. Y 7635 Foolish men and scolding wives. See Silly men and cunning wives. Foolish weaver. Lang. Orange fairy book. Y 5000.21 Foolish wolf. Rouse. Talking thrush. Y 7635 FAIRY TALES AND FOLK STORIES 13 Y 3610.2 Three luck chil- Y 3610.3 Y 330.1 Felicia and the pot Y 5000.1 Fortunatus. Craik. Fairy book. Y 2010.3 Lang. Grey fairy book. Fortunatus and his purse. Y 5000.10 ScuDDER. Children's book. History of Fortunatus. Y 8070.2 Valentine. Old, old fairy tales. Fortuna- tus and the wishing cap. Y 9200.1 This version is much longer than the others. Fortunatus and his purse. See Fortunatus. Fortunatus and the wishing cap. See Fortu- natus. Fortune and Knowledge. Bay. Danish fairy and folk tales. Y 637 Fortune and the wood-cutter. Lang. Brown fairy book. Y 5000.17 Fortune-seekers. Grimm. Fairj^ tales. — German popular tales, dren. Fortunee. Aulnoy. Fairy tales. Lang. Blue fairy book. of pinks. Fortunio. See Belle-Belle; or. the Chevalier Fortune. Forty princes and the seven-headed dragon. Kunos. Turkish fairy tales. Lz 4893 Forty thieves. See Ali Baba and the forty thieves. Four accomplished brothers. Grimm. German household stories. Y 3610 Norton. Heart of oak books. Vol. 3. Four clever brothers. Y 6460 Four clever brothers. See Four accom- plished brothers. Fox and Godmother- Wolf. See Wolf and Godfather Fox. Fox and the badger. Houghton. Russian der tales. Fox and the cat. Arnold and Gilbert. literature. Vol. 4. Grimm. Fairy tales. — German popular tales. Fox and the coyote. Chandler. In the reign of coyote. Y 1628 Fox and the dove. Houghton. Russian grandmother's won- der tales. Y 4290 Fox and the geese. Grimm. Fairytales. Y 3610.2 — German popular tales. Y 3610.3 Fox and the hedgehog. Houghton. Russian grandmother's won- der tales. Y 4290 Fox and the horse. Arnold and Gilbert. Stepping stones to literature. Vol. 4. Y 298 Grimm. Gerrnan household stories. Y 3610 Fox and the Llapp. Lang. BroWn fairy book. Y 5000.17 Fox and the wplf. Lang. Orange fairy book. Y 5000.21 Fox as herdsDoy. AsBjoRNSEN. Fairy tales from the far north. Lz 314.2 Holbrook. Book of nature myths. ]Vhy the tail of the fox has a white tip. Y 4206 Compare Six hungry beasts. grandmother's won- Y 4290 Stepping stones to Y298 Y 3610.2 Y 3610.3 Fragolette. Laboul.we. Fairy tales. Y 4900.2 — Last fairy tales. Y 4900 Lang. Grey fairy book. Prunella. [Adapted.] Y 5000.10 Frederick and Catherine. Grimm. Fairytales. Y 3610.2 — German popular tales. Catherine and Frederick. Y 3610.3 Frenchman's visit to Prague. Laboulaye. Fairy tales. Y 4900.2 Friends in life and death. AsBjoRNSEN. Tales from the fjeld. Lz 314 Friquet and Friquette. ALace. Home fairy tales. Y 5425 Frog. Lang. Violet fairy book. Y 5000.11 Compare Puddocky. Frog and the lion fairy. See Beneficent frog. Frog and the snake. Rouse. Talking thrush. Y 7635 Frog in the moon. Chandler. In the reign of coyote. Y 1628 Compare Making the moon. Frog king. See Frog prince. Frog prince, Craik. Fairy book. Y 2010.3 Grimm. Fairytales. Y 3610.2 — German popular tales. Y 3610.3 Norton. Heart of oak books. Vol. .3. Y"646o Scudder. Children's book. Y 8070.2 Singleton. Goldenrod fairy book. Y 8268 Tappan. Folk stories and fables. Frog- king. Y 8725.9 Wiggin and Smith. Fairy ring. Y 9690.9 Compare Maiden and the frog; Well of the world's end. Frog travellers. Blaisdell. Child life in many lands. Y 909.3 Lang. Violet fairy book. Tzvo frogs. Y 5000.11 From a window in Vartou. Andersen. Stories and tales. Y 200.1 Fulfilled. Bryant. How to tell stories. [Adapted.] Pr 1229 Grundtvig. Fairy tales from afar. Y 3634 Wiggin and Smith. Magic casements. Y 9690.11 Funny fellow. Bay. Danish fairy and folk tales. Y 637 Further adventures of the fisherman. Arabian nights. (Townsend.) Y 250.2 Gagliuso; or, the good cat. Laboulaye. Last fairy tales. Y 4900 Compare Puss in boots. Gallant tailor. See Brave little tailor. Galoshes of fortune. See Goloshes of for- tune. Ganem, son of Abou Ayoub, and known by the surname of Love's Slave. AR.AEIAN NIGHTS. (Townscud.) Historv of Ganem. y 250.2 Garden of Childhood. Bay. Danish fairy and folk tales. Y 637 Garden of Paradise. Andersen. Fairy tales. Y 200.3 — Wonder stories. Y 2004 14 FAIRY TALES AND FOLK STORIES Gazelle. Lang. Violet fairy book. Story of a ga- zelle. Y 5000.11 Geirlang the king's daughter. Lang. Olive fairy book. Y 5000.23 Ghost of the spring and the shrew. KuNOS. Turkish fairy tales. Lz 4893 Ghost story. Harris. Nights with Uncle Remus. Y 3850.1 Giant and Johannes Blessom. AsBjoRNSEN. Folk and fairy tales. Y 314 Giant and the tailor. Grimm. German household stories. Y 3610 Giant of the Band-Beggars' Hall. MacManus. In chimney corners. Y 5446.2 Giant who had no heart. AsBjORNSEN. Folk and fairy tales. Y 314 Compare Man without a heart. Giant with the golden hairs. See Giant with the three golden hairs. Giant with the three golden hairs. Grimm. German popular tales. Y 3610.3 Valentine. Old, old fairy tales. Ginnt zvith the golden hairs. Y 9200.1 Compare Sim; or, the three golden hairs of the old man Vsevede. Giant's heart. Macdonald. Light princess and other fairy tales. Y 5420.10 Giants and fairies. JuDD. Wigwam stories. Y 4663 Giants and the herd-boy. Lang. Yellow fairy book. Y 5000.5 Gifts of the magician. Lang. Crimson fairy book. Y 5000.16 Gingerbread boy. See Gingerbread man. Gingerbread man. Bryant. Stories to tell. Pr 1229.2 Bailey and Lewis. For the children's hour. Gingerbread boy. Pr447 Compare Johnny-cake ; Pancake ; Wee bannock. Girl-fish. , . , , v Lang. Orange fairy book. Y 5000.21 Girl who became a pine tree. JuDD. Wigwam stories. Y 4663 Girl who pretended to be a boy. Lang. Violet fairy book. Y 5000.11 Girl who trod on the loaf. See Girl who trod upon bread. Girl who trod upon bread. Andersen. Fairy tales. Girl who trod on the loaf. Y 200.3 — Wonder stories. Y 200.4 Glass axe. Lang. Yellow fairy book. Y 5000.5 Glass coffin. Grimm. German household stories. Y3610 Lang. Green fairy book. Crystal coffin. Y 5000.2 Glass mountain. Lang. Yellow fairy book. Y 5000.5 Glooskap and the Winter Giant. Wilson. Myths of the Red children. Y 9738 Goat and the hog. Rouse. Talking thrush. Y 7635 Goat-faced girl. Lang. Grey fairy book. Y 5000.10 Goat's ears of the Emperor Trojan. Lang. Violet fairy book. Y 5000.11 Gobborn Seer. Jacobs. More English fairy tales. Y 4460.4 Goblin and the grocer. See Nis at the gro- cer's. Goblin and the huckster. See Nis at the gro- cer's. Goblin of Adachigahara. OzAKi. Japanese fairy book. Y 6638 Goblin pony. Lang. Grey fairy book. Y 5000.10 Godfather. Grimm. German popular tales. Y 3610.3 Godfather Death. Grimm. German popular tales. Y 3610.3 Compare Lad with the beer keg. Going out a-travelling. Grimm. German household stories. Y 3610 Compare Stupid's cries. Gold-bearded man. Lang. Crimson fairy book. Y 5000.16 Gold bread. See Golden loaf. Gold children. See Golden lads. Gold-giving serpent. Jacobs. Indian fairy tales. Y 4460.2 Gold in the orchard. Bryant. Stories to tell. Pr 1229.2 Gold-spinners. See Water-lily. Gold-tree and Silver-tree. Jacobs. Celtic fairy tales. Y 4460.1 Golden apple-tree and the nine pea-hens. See Nine pea hens and the golden apples. Golden arm. Jacobs. English fairy tales. Y 4460.3 Golden ball. Jacobs. More English fairy tales. Y 4460.4 Golden bird [I]. Asbjornsen. Fairy tales from the far north. Lz 314.2 — Tales from the fjeld. Lz 314 Wiggin and Smith. Fairy ring. Y 9690.9 Compare Golden bird [II]; Golden blackbird; Golden mermaid. Golden bird [II]. Grimm. German popular tales. Y 3610.3 ScuDDER. Children's book. Y 8070.2 — Fables and folk stories. Y 8070.16 Singleton. Goldenrod fairy book. Y 8268 Tappan. Folk stories and fables. Y 8725.9 Compare Golden bird [I]; Golden blackbird; Golden mermaid. Golden blackbird. Baldwin. Fairy stories and fables. Prin- cet and the golden blackbird. Y 468.14 Lang. Green fairy book. Y 5000.2 Wiggin and Smith. Magic casements. Y 9690.11 Compare Golden [I] and [II] ; Golden mermaid. Golden bough. See Golden branch. Golden branch. Aulnoy. Fairy tales. Y 330.1 Lang. Red fairy book. Y 5000.3 Wiggin and Smith. Magic casements. Golden bough. Y 9690.11 Golden crab. Lang. Yellow fairy book. Y 5000.5 Wiggin AND Smith. Fairy ring. Y 9690.9 Golden fleece. See Fleece of gold. FAIRY TALES AND FOLK STORIES IS Golden goose. Baldwin. Fairy stories and fables. Peter and the magic goose. Y 468.14 Golden goose and the three bears. Y 3465 Grimm. Fairy tales. Y 3610.2 — German popular tales. Y 3610.3 Lang. Red fairy book. Y 5000.3 Mabie. Fairy tales every child should know. Y 5400.2 Norton. Heart of oak books. Vol. 3. [Shortened.] Y 6460 Compare Hans who made the princess laugh ; Magic swan; Saucy Jesper; Taper Tom. Golden Hair. Chodzko. Slav tales. Maid zvith hair of gold. Y 1712 Singleton. Goldenrod fairy book. Y 8268 Golden-haired children. KuNOs. Turkish fairy tales. Lz 4893 Golden-headed fish. Lang. Olive fairy book. Y 5000.23 Golden key [I]. Grimm. German household stories. Y3610 Golden key [II]. Macdonald. Light princess and other fairy tales. Y 5420.10 Golden lads. Grimm. German popular tales. Gold chil- dren. Y 3610.3 Lang. Green fairy book. Y 5000.2 Golden lantern, golden goat and golden cloak. Jer^old. Reign of King Oberon. Y 4572 Lang. Orange fairy book. Pinkel the thief. Y 5000.21 WiGGiN AND Smith. Fairy ring. Y 9690.9 Golden lion. Lang. Pink fairy book. Y 5000.9 Golden loaf. Laboulaye. Fairytales. Y 4900.2 Wiggin and Smith. Magic casements. Gold bread. Y 9690.11 Golden mermaid. Lang. Green fairy book. Y 5000.2 Compare Golden bird [I] and [II] ; Golden blackbird. Golden palace that hung in the air. AsBjORNSEN. Tales from the fjeld. Lz 314 Golden treasure. Andersen. Stories and tales. Y 200.1 Goldenrod and aster. Bailey and Lewis. For the children's hour. [Adapted.] Pr447 CooKE. Nature myths. Y 1891 Goldielocks. Mace. Home fairy tales. Y 5425 Goldsmith's fortune. Lang. Orange fairy book. Y 5000.21 Goloshes of fortune. Andersen. Fairy tales. Y 200.3 — Wonder stories. Galoshes of fortune. Y 200.4 Good bargain. Grimm. Fairy tales. Y 3610.2 — German popular tales. Y 3610.3 Good bear and the lost boy. Judd. Wigwam stories. Y 4663 "Good-for-nothing." See She was good for nothing. the far Lz 314.2 LZ314 Good giants. Wilson. Myths of the Red children. Y9738 Good humor. See Cheerful temper. Good little Henry. Seghr. Fairy tales. Y 8093.3 Good little mous«. AuLNOV. Fairy tales. Y 330.1 Lang. Red fairy book. Little good mouse. Y 5000.3 Valentine. Old, old fairy tales. Y 9200.1 Wiggin and Smith. Fairy ring. Little good mouse. Y 9690.9 Good woman. See Dame Gudbrand. Goody 'Gainst-the-Stream. Asbjornsen. Fairy tales from north. Contrary zvoman. — Tales from the fjeld. Goody Two-Shoes. Blaisdell. Child life in tale and fable. [Adapted.] Y 909.2 History of little Goody Two Shoes. Y3484 Norton. Heart of oak books. Vol. 2. Y6460 Poulsson. In the child's world. [Adapted.] Pr7iio Scudder. Children's book. Renozvned his- tory of Goody Tzvo-Shoes. Y 8070,2 Goose-girl. Grimm. Fairytales. Y 3610.2 — German household stories. Y 3610 Jerrold. Reign of King Oberon. Y4572 Lang. Blue fairy book. Y 5000.1 — history of Whittington and other sto- ries. Y 5000.22 Wiggin and Smith. Fairy ring. Y 9690.9 Goose girl at the well. Grimm. Fairy tales. — German household stories. Wiggin and Smith. Emerald book. Graciosa and Percinet. Atttnov. Fairy tales. cinet. Craik. Fairy book. Lang. Red fairy book. Valentine. Old, old fairy tales. Wiggtn and Smith. Fairy ring. Grain of corn. Steel. Tales of the Punjab. Compare Cat and the mouse; How the mouse got into his hole; Little Tuppen ; Munachar and Manachar ; Nanny who wouldn't go home to sup- per ; Old woman and her pig; Sparrow and the bush. Grandmother. Andersen. Fairy tales. Y 200.3 Grasp all, lose all. Lang. Olive fairy book. Y 5000.23 Grateful beasts [I]. Grimm. German household stories. Faith- ful beasts. Y 3610 Norton. Heart of oak books. Vol 3 Y6460 Grateful beasts [II]. Lang. Yellow fairy book. Grateful cobra. Wiggin and Smith. Fairy ring. Y 3610.2 Y3610 Magic casements. Y 9690.11 Gracieuse and Per- Y 330.1 Y 2010.3 Y 5000.3 Y 9200.1 Y 9690.9 Lz 8496 Y 5000.5 Y 9690.9 wRK\b^ 16 FAIRY TALES AND FOLK STORIES Grateful foxes. Cooke. Nature myths. [Adapted.] Y1891 Tappan. Folk stories and fables. Y 8725.9 Grateful goat. Rouse. Talking thrush. Y 7635 Grateful prince. ' Lang. Violet fairy book. Y 5000.11 Grave-mound. Grimm. German household stories. Y 3610 Great bear. See Great bear in the sky. Great bear in the sky. JuDD. Wigwam stories. Y 4663 Tanner. Legends from the Red man's forest. Great bear. [Adapted.] Y 8728 Great-grandfather. Andersen. Stories and tales. Y 200.1 Great Head. CoMPTON. Snowbird and the water tiger, and other American Indian tales. Y 1865 Great scholar. Mace. Home fairy tales. Y 5425 Great sorrow. Andersen. Fairy tales. Y 200.3 Great wizard. CoMPTON. Snowbird and the water tiger, and other American Indian tales. Y 1865 This story contains How the duck came to have a flat back ; White spot of the kingfisher ; and Indians' flood. Greedy cat. AsBjoRNSEN. Tales from the fjeld. Lz 314 Greedy youngster. See Grumble-gizzard. Greek king and the physician Douban. Arabian nights. (,Lang.) Story of the Greek king and the physician Douban. Y 250.2 — (Townsend.) History of the Greek king and Douban the physician. Y 250.2 Greek princess and the young gardener. Jacobs. More Celtic fairy tales. Y 4460.5 Green knight [I]. Asbjornsen. Tales from the fjeld. Lz 314 WiGGiN AND Smith. Magic casements. Y 9690.11 Green knight [II]. Lang. Olive fairy book. Y 5000.23 Green serpent. AuLNOY. Fairy tales. Y 330.1 Greenies. Andersen. Stories and tales. Y 200.1 Greyfoot. Bay. Danish fairy and folk tales. Y 637 Grizzled Peter. See Man who was going to mind the house. Grumblegizzard. Asbjornsen. Folk and fairy tales. Greedy youngster. Y 314 — Tales from the fjeld. Lz 314 Gudbrand on the Hillside. See Dame Gud- brand. Guleesh. Jacobs. Celtic fairy tales. Y 4460.1 Gwashbrari, the glacier-hearted queen. Steel. Tales of the Punjab. Legend of Gwashbrari. Lz 8496 Habetrot and Scantlie Mab. Jacobs. More English fairy tales. Y 4460.4 Compare Three little crones each with something big ; Three spinning fairies ; Widow's daughter. Hfibogi. Lang. Brown fairy book. Y 5000.17 Hairy man. Lang. Crimson fairy book. Y 5000.16 Half -chick. Bailey and Lewis. For the children's hour. Little Half Chick. [Adapted.] Pr 447 Bryant. Stories to tell. Little Half Chick. Pr 1229.2 Laboulaye. Fairy tales. Story of Coquerico. [In Captain John's travels.] Y 4900.2 Lang. Green fairy book. Y 5000.2 WiGGiN AND Smith. Fairy ring. Story of Coquerico. Y 9690.9 Half - man - riding - on - the-worse-half-of- a- lame -horse. KuNOS. Turkish fairy tales. Story of the half-man-riding-on-the-worse-half-of-a-lame- horse. "Lz 4893 Half man. Lang. Violet fairy book. Story of halfman. Y 5000.11 Handless maiden. Grimm. German popular tales. Y 3610.3 Hans Humdrum. Bay. Danish fairy and folk tales. Y 637 Hans in luck. Grimm. Fairytales. Y 3610.2 — German popular tales. Y 3610.3 Norton. Heart of oak books. Vol. 3. Y6460 Scudder. Book of folk stories. Y 8070.14 — Children's book. Y 8070.2 — Fables and folk stories. Y 8070.16 Tappan. Folk stories and fables. Y 8725.9 Hans married. Grimm. Fairy tales. Y 3610.2 — German popular tales. Y 3610.3 Hans, the Hedgehog. Grimm. German household stories. Y 3610 Lang. Green fairy book. Jack my Hedge- hog. Y 5000.2 Compare Prince Hedgehog. Hans, the mermaid's son. Lang. Pink fairy book. Y 5000.9 Hans, who made the princess laugh. Asbjornsen. Folk and fairy tales. Y 314 — Tales from the fjeld. Taper Torn. "Lz 314 Hansel and Grethel. Grimm. German popular tales. Y 3610.3 Jerrold. Reign of King Oberon. Y 4572 Lang. Blue fairy book. Y 5000.1 Mabie. Fairy tales every child should know. Y 5400.2 Tappan. Folk stories and fables. Y 8725.9 Happy family. Andersen. Fairy tales. Y 200.3 — Wonder stories. Y 200.4 Happy hunter and the skillful fisher. OzAKi. Japanese fairy book. Y 6638 Hard-headed woman. Harris. Told by Uncle Remus. Y 3850.6 Hare and the hedgehog. Grimm. German household stories. Y 3610 Tappan. Folk stories and fables. Y 8725.9 Hare and the heiress. See Hare who had been married. FAIRY TALES AND FOLK STORIES 17 Hare who had been married. AsBjORNSEN. Fairy tales from the far north. Lz 314.2 — Tales from the fjeld. Hare and the heir- ess. Lz 314 Hare's bride. Grimm. Fairytales. Y 3610.2 — German popular tales. Rabbit's bride. Y 3610.3 Harisarman. Jacobs. Indian fairy tales. Y 4460.2 Hassebu. Lang. Violet fairy book. Story of Hassebu. Y 5000. 1 1 Haughty princess. Tappan. Folk stories and fables. Y 8725.9 Haunted mill. See Mill. Hazel-nut child. Lang. Yellow fairy book. Y 5000.5 He wins who waits. Lang. Olive fairy book. Y 5000.23 Headless dwarfs. Lang. Violet fairy book. Y 5000.11 Heart of ice. Lang. Green fairy book. Y 5000.2 WiGCiN AND Smith. Magic casements. Y 9690.11 Hedley Kow. Jacobs. More English fairy tales. Y 4460.4 Hen roost. Grimm. German household stories. Y 3610 Hen who went to Dovrefjeld to save the world. See Chicken Licken. Henny-Penny. See Chicken Licken. Her Majesty's servants. Kipling. Jungle book. Y 4840 Herbs that heal. See How the Indians came to know medicine plants. Herd-boy. Jerrold. Reign of King Oberon. Y 4572 WiGGiN and Smith. Magic casements. Y 9690.11 Hereafterthis. Jacobs. More English fairy tales. Y 4460.4 Hermit. Golden fairy book. Lz 3470 Hermod and Hadvor. Lang. Yellow fairy book. Y 5000.5 Hero Makoma. Lang. Orange fairy book. Story of the Hero Makoma. Y 5000.21 Herr Korbes. Grimm. German popular tales. Y 3610.3 Herr Lazarus and the Draken. Lang. Grey fairy book. Y 5000.10 Hiawatha the wise. How he united the Five Nations. Judd. Wigwam stories. Y 4663 Hind in the wood. AuLNOY. Fairy tales. Y 330.1 Craik. Fairy book. Hind of the forest. Y 2010.3 Lang. Orange fairy book. White doe. Y 5000.21 Valentine. Old, old fairy tales. Enchanted hind. Y 9200.1 Wiggin and Smith. Magic casements. Story of the hind in the forest. Y 9690.11 Hind of the forest. See Hind in the wood. Hobyahs. Jacobs. More English fairy tales. Y 4460.4 Hok Lee and the dwarfs. Lang. Green fairy book. Story of Hok Lee and the dtvarfs. Y 5000.2 Holger Danske. Andersen. Fairy tales. Y 200.3 — Stories and tales. Y 200.1 Scudder. Children's book. Y 8070.2 Home fairy. Mace. Home fairy tales. Y 5425 Honest penny. Asbjornsen. Tales from the fjeld. Lz 314 Compare Whittington and his cat. Honest woodman. Arnold and Gilbert. Stepping stones to literature. Vol. 3- [Adapted.] Y 298 Poulsson. In the child's world. [Adapted.] PrTiio Hookedy-Crookedy. MacManus. Donegal fairy stories. Y 5446 Hop o' my Thumb. Craik. Fairy book. Y 2010.3 Lang. Blue fairy book. Little Thumb. Y 5000.1 Perr.\ult. Tales of Mother Goose. Little Thumb. Y 6847 Scudder. Children's book. Y 8070.2 Singleton. Goldenrod fairy book. Y 8268 Tappan. Folk stories and fables. Y 8725.9 Valentine. Old. old fairy tales. Y 9200.1 Horn-book. Andersen. Stories and tales. Y 200.1 Horned women. Jacobs. Celtic fairy tales. Y 4460.1 Horse-devil and the witch. KuNOS. Turkish fairy tales. Lz 4893 Horse Gullfaxi and the sword Gunnfjoder. Lang. Crimson fairy book. Y 5000.16 Horse Shoe Falls. See Bended rocks. House in the wood. Bailey and Lewis. For the children's hour. Pr 447 Grimm. Fairy tales. Y 3610.2 — German household stories. Y 3610 Lang. Pink fairy book. Y 5000.9 Wiggin and Smith. Fairy ring. Y 9690.9 House Island. Craik. Fairy book. Y 2010.3 How a fish swam in the air and a hare in the water. Lang. Violet fairy book. Y 5000.11 How an old man lost his wen. OzAKi. Japanese fairy book. Y 6638 How Ball-Carrier finished his task. Lang. Brown fairy book. Y 5000.17 How Brother Fox failed to get his grapes. Harris. Nights with Uncle Remus. Y 3850.1 Tappan. Folk stories and fables. Y 8725.9 How Brother Fox was too smart. Harris. Nights with Uncle Remus. Y 3850.1 How Brother Rabbit fooled the whale and the elephant. Bryant. Stories to tell. [Adapted.] Pr 1229.2 How Brother Rabbit frightened his neigh- bors. Harris. Nights with Uncle Remus. Y 3850.1 18 FAIRY TALES AND FOLK STORIES How Brother Rabbit got the meat. Harris. Nights with Uncle Remus. Y 3850.1 How clay dishes were first made. JUDD. Wigwam stories. Y 4663 How Cormac Mac Art went to faery. Jacobs. More Celtic fairy tales. Y 4460.5 How fear came. Kipling. Second jungle book. Y 4840.1 How Fin went to the kingdom of the Big Men. Jacobs. More Celtic fairy tales. Y 4460.5 How fire was brought to the Indians. Chandler. In the reign of Coyote. Hozv the animals secured fire. Y 1628 CoMPTON. Snowbird and the water tiger and other American Indian tales. Coyote or prairie wolf. Y 1865 Cooke. Nature myths. Hozv the shark of fire zvas saved. Y 1891 HoLBROOK. Book of nature myths. Y4206 How flax was given to men. HoLBROOK. Book of nature myths. Y 4206 How Geirald the coward was punished. L.\NC. Brown fairy book. Y 5000.17 How Ian Direach got the blue falcon. Lang. Orange fairy book. Y 5000.21 How Isuro the rabbit tricked Gudu. L.\NG. Orange fairy book. Y 5000.21 How Jack went to seek his fortune. Jacobs. English fairy tales. Y 4460.3 Compare Bremen town musicians. How light, fire, and water first came to the world. JuDD. Wigwam stories. Y 4663 How Mad Buffalo fought the thunder-bird. CoMPTON. Snowbird and the water tiger, and other American Indian tales. Y 1865 Mow Mr. Rabbit lost his fine bushy tail. Harris. Uncle Remus, his songs and his sayings. Y 3850.2 How Mr. Rabbit saved his meat. Harris. Uncle Remus, his songs and his sayings. Y 3850.2 How Mr. Rabbit succeeded in raising a dust. Harris. Uncle Remus, his songs and his sayings. Y 3850.2 How Mr. Rabbit was too sharp for Mr. Fox. Harris. Uncle Remus, his songs and his sayings. Y 3850.2 How Mr. Rooster lost his dinner. Harris. Nights with Uncle Remus. Y 3850.1 How musquitos came. Tanner. Legends from the Red man's forest. Y 8728 Compare Why the mosquito hates smoke. How old Craney-Crow lost his head. Harris. Told by Uncle Remus. Y 3850.6 How Raja Rasalu became a Jogi. Steel. Tales of the Punjab. Lz 8496 How Raja Rasalu journeyefl to the city of King Sarkap. Steel. Tales of the Punjab. Lz 8496 How Raja Rasalu killed the giants. Steel. Tales of the Punjab. Lz 8496 How Raja Rasalu played chaupur with King Sarkap. Steel. Tales of the Punjab. Lz 8496 Compare Raja Rasalu. How Raja Rasalu swung the seventy fair maidens, daughters of the king. Steel. Tales of the Punjab. Lz 8496 Compare Raja Rasalu. How Raja Rasalu was born. Steel. _ Tales of the Punjab. Lz 8496 How Raja Rasalu went out into the world. Steel. Tales of the Punjab. Lz 8496 Compare Raja Rasalu. How Raja Rasalu's friends forsooK lii.ii. Steel. Tales of the Punjab. Lz 8496 How six travelled through the world. Grimm. German popular tales. Y 3610.3 Lang. Yellow fairy book. How six men travelled through the wide world. Y 5000.5 How some wild animals became tame ones. Lang. Brown fairy book. Y 5000.17 How summer came to the earth. Brooks. Stories of the Red children. How summer came. [Adapted.] Y 1178 HoLBROOK. Book of nature myths. Y 4206 Tanner. Legends from the Red man's forest. Summer maker. Y 8728 Wilson. Myths of the Red children. Fisher How the alphabet was made. who let out summer. Y 9738 Kipling. Just so stories. Y 4840.3 How the animals got their colors. Chandler. In the reign of coyote. Y 1628 How the animals secured fire. See How fire was brought to the Indians. How the animals secured salmon. Chandler. In the reign of coyote. Y 1628 Compton. Snowbird and the water tiger, and other American Indian tales. Y 1865 How the bear lost his tail. See Why the bear has a short tail. How the bear nursed the little alligator. Harris. Nights with Uncle Remus. Y 3850.1 How the beggar boy turned into Count Piro. Lang. Crimson fairy book. Y 5000.16 How the birds came to have feathers. Tanner. Legends from the Red man's forest. Y 8728 How the blossoms came to the heather. HoLBROOK. Book of nature myths. Y 4206 How the camel got his hump. Kipling. Just so stories. Y 4840.3 How the chipmunk got the stripes on its back. Cooke. Nature myths. Y 1891 Compare Chipmunk's black stripe. How the copper mountain came to fall. JuDD. Wigwam stories. Y 4663 How the dragon was tricked. Lang. Pink fairy book. Y 5000.9 How the duck came to have a flat back. Tanner. Legends from the Red man's forest. Compare Great wizard. How the first letter was written Kipling. Just so stories. How the hermit helped to wii daughter. Lang. Pink fairy book. How the Indians came to know plants. JuDD. Wigwam stories. Y8728 Y 4840.3 the king's Y 5000.9 medicine Y4663 I FAIRY TALES AND FOLK STORIES 19 How the Indians came to know medicine plants. (Continued.) Tanner. Legends from the Red man's forest. Herbs that heal. Y 8728 How the kingfisher got his ring and his ruf- fle. JuDD. Wigwam stories. Y 4663 Tanner. Legends from the Red man's forest. White spot of the kingfisher. [Adapted.] Y 8728 How the leopard got his spots. Kipling. Just so stories. Y 4840.3 How the little brother set free his big brothers. Lang. Brown fairy book. Y 5000.17 How the little rabbit snared the sun. Wilson. Myths of the Red children. Y 9738 How the mouse got into his hole. Rouse. Talking thrush. Y 7635 Compare Cat and the mouse; Grain of corn; Little Tuppen ; Munachar and Manachar; Nanny who wouldn't go home to supper ; Old woman and her pig; Sparrow and the bush. How the patient worm saved the children. Brooks. Stories of the Red children. Y1178 How the quail became a snipe. HoLBROOK. Book of nature myths. Y 4206 How the rain comes. Brooks. Stories of the Red children. Y1178 Tanner. Legends from the Red man's ior&st. Rain and snozv. [Adapted.] Y8728 How the Raja's son won the Princess La- bam. Jacobs. Indian fairy tales. Y 4460.2 Tappan. Folk stories and fables. Y 8725.9 How the raven helped men. HoLBROOK. Book of nature myths. Y 4206 How the rhinoceros got his skin. Kipling. Just so stories. Y 4840.3 How the robin got its red breast. See How the robin's breast became red. How the robin's breast became red. Bailey and Lewis. For the children's hour. Pr 447 Cooke. Nature myths. Y 1891 Strong. All the year round. Vol. 3. Spring. How the robin got its red breast. Y 8628 How the spark of fire was saved. See How fire was brought to the Indians. How the Stalos were tricked. Lang. Orange fairy book. Y 5000.21 How the summer came. See How summer came to the earth. How the water lily came. See Star maiden. How the whale got his throat. Kipling. Just so stories. Y 4840.3 How the wicked sons were duped. Jacobs. Indian fairy tales. Y 4460.2 How the wicked Tanuki was punished. Lang. Crimson fairy book. Y 5000.16 How the woodchuck helped Menabozho. JuDD. Wigwam stories. Y 4663 How they got Hairlock home. See Nanny who wouldn't go home to supper. How to find out a true friend. Lang. Crimson fairy book. Y 5000.16 How to tell a true princess. See Princess on the pea. How to win a prince. AsBjoRNSEN. Tales from the f jeld. Lz 314 How two squaws saved their band. JuDD. Wigwam stories. Y 4663 How Wattle Weasel was caught. Harris. Nights with Uncle Remus. Y 3850.1 How Wiley Wolf rode in the bag. Harris. Told by Uncle Remus. Y 3850.6 Hudden and Dudden and Donald O'Neary. Jacobs. Celtic fairy tales. Y 4460.1 Humility and poverty lead to Heaven. Grimm. German household stories. Y 3610 Hunter. Houghton. Russian grandmother's won- der tales. Y 4290 Hunter who could fly. JuDD. Wigwam stories. Y 4663 Huntsman the unlucky. Singleton. Goldenrod fairy book. Y 8268 Husband and the parrot. Arabian nights. (Lang.) Story of the hus- band and the parrot. Y 250.2 — (Townsend.) History of the husband and the parrot. Y 250.2 Husband of the rat's daughter. Lang. Brown fairy book. Y 5000.17 Husband who was to mind the house. See Man who was going to mind the house. I know what I have learned. Lang. Pink fairy book. Y 5000.9 lagoo, the great story-teller. CoMPTON. Snow bird and the water tiger, and other American Indian tales. Story- teller himself. Y 1865 JuDD. Wigwam stories. Y 4663 Ian, the soldier's son. Lang. Orange fairy book. Y 5000.21 lb and Christine. See lb and little Christina. lb and little Christina. Andersen. Fairy tales. Y 200.3 — Stories and tales. lb and Christine. Y 200.1 Ice-maiden. Andersen. Fairy tales. Y 200.3 — Stories and tales. Y 200.1 Idle maiden. See Spinning queen. Idle spinner. See Lazy spinner. Imperishable. Chodzko. Fairy tales of the Slav. Y 1712 Impossible enchantment. Lang. Grey fairy book. Y 5000.10 In a thousand years. Andersen. Stories and tales. Y 200.1 "In some lady's garden." Harris. Nights with Uncle Remus. Y 3850.1 In the bear's paws and the eagle's claws. Grundtvig. Fairy tales from afar. Y 3634 In the duck-yard. See Portuguese duck. In the land of souls. See Journey to the Island of Souls. In the nursery. Andersen. Wonder stories. Y 200.4 "In the uttermost parts of the sea." Andersen. Fairy tales. Y 200.3 — Stories and tales. Y 200.1 Indian story of the mole. See Why the mole is blind. 20 FAIRY TALES AND FOLK STORIES Indian story of the robin. See Opeeche, the robin. Indian who married the moon. JuDD. Wigwam stories. Y4663 Indians' Cinderella. See Little Scar Face. Indians' flood. JuDD. Wigwam stories. Storv of the deluge. Y 4663 Tanner. Legends from the Red man's forest. Y 8728 Compare Great wizard ; Deluge and how it came about. Invisible prince [I]. L.\NG. Yellow fairy book. Y 5000.5 Invisible prince [II]. 5"^? Prince Sprite. Iron Hans. Grimm. Fairytales. Y 3610.2 — German household stories. Matt of iron. Y3610 Iron stove. Cr.mk. Fairy book. Y 2010.3 Grimm. German household stories. Y 3610 Lang. Yellow fairy book. Y 5000.5 WiGGiN AND Smith. Fairy ring. Y 9690.9 Iron wolf. WiGCiN AND Smith. Fairy ring. Y 9690.9 Island of Skeletons. CoMPTON. Snowbird and the water tiger, and other American Indian tales. Y 1865 Island of the Blessed. JuDD. Wigwam stories. White stone canoe. Y 4663 Lang. Yellow fairy book. In the land of souls. Y 5000.5 Tanner. Legends from the Red man's forest. Y 8728 Wiggin and Smith. Magic casements. lourney to the Island of Souls. Y 9690.11 It is quite true. Andersen. Fairy tales. Y 200.3 — Stories and tales. "It's quite true!" Y 200.1 Ivan. Jacobs. Celtic fairy tales. Tale of Ivan. Y 4460.1 Ivory city and its fairy princess. Jacobs. Indian fairy tales. Y 4460.2 Jack and his comrades. Jacobs. Celtic fairy tales. Y 4460.1 Tappan. Folk stories and fables. Y 8725.9 Jack and his golden snuff-box. Jacobs. English fairy tales. Y 4460.3 Jack and his master. Jacobs. Celtic fairy tales. Y 4460.1 Tappan. Folk stories and fables. Y 8725.9 Jack and the beanstalk. Baldwin. Fairy stories and fables. Y 468.14 Craik. Fairy book. Y 2010.3 Crane. Red Riding Hood's picture book. Y 2014.4 Jacobs. English fairy tales. Y 4460.3 Lajstg. Red fairy book. Y 5000.3 Mabie. Fairy tales every child should know. Y 5400.2 Norton. Heart of oak books. Vol. 2. Y 6460 ScuDDER. Book of folk Stories. Y 8070.14 — Children's book. Y 8070.2 — Fables and folk stories. Y 8070.16 Tappan. Folk stories and fables. Y 8725.9 Valentine. Old, old fairy tales. Y 9200.1 Jack and the king who was a gentleman. MacManus. In chimney corners. Y 5446.2 Jack Hannaford. Jacobs. English fairy tales. Y 4460.3 Jack my Hedgehog. See Hans the hedgehog. Jack the cunning thief. Jacobs. More Celtic fairy tales. Y 4460.5 Compare Master thief [I] and [II]. Jack the dullard. Andersen. Wonder stories. Y 200.4 Lang. Yellow fairy book. Blockhead Hans. Y 5000.5 Jack the giant-killer. Craik. Fairy book. Y 2010.3 Jacobs. English fairy tales. Y 4460.3 Lang. Blue fairy book. History of Jack the giant-killer. Y 5000.1 Mabie. Fairy tales every child should know. Y 5400.2 Mother Goose's nursery rhymes, tales and jingles. Jack and the giant. Y6211 Norton. Heart of oak books. Vol. 3. History of Jack the giant-killer. Y 6460 Scudder. Children's book. Y 8070.2 Tappan. Folk stories and fables. Y 8725.9 Valentine. Old, old fairy tales. Y 9200.1 Wiggin and Smith. Fairy ring. History of Jack the giant-killer. Y 9690.9 Jackal and the camel. Rouse. Talking thrush. Y 7635 Jackal and the crocodile. Steel. Tales of the Punjab. Lz 8496 Jackal and the iguana. Steel. Tales of the Punjab. Lz 8496 Jackal and the partridge. Steel. Tales of the Punjab. Lz 8496 Jackal and the pea-hen. Steel. Tales of the Punjab. Lz 8496 Jackal and the spring. Lang. Grey fairy book. Y 5000.10 Jackal or tiger? Lang. Olive fairy book. Y 5000.23 Jackal that lost his tail. Rouse. Talking thrush. Y 7635 Jackal, the dove, and the panther. Lang. Pink fairy book. Y 5000.9 "Jacky-my-Lantern." Harris. Uncle Remus, his songs and his sayings. Y 3850.2 James, the huntsman. Bay. Danish fairy and folk tales. Y 637 Janni and the Draken. Lang. Grey fairy book. Y 5000.10 Jelly fish and the monkey. Lang. Violet fairy book. Monkey and the jelly-fish. Y 5000.11 OzAKi. Japanese fairy tales. Y 6638 Jesper who herded the hares. Lang. Violet fairy book. Y 5000.11 Compare Ashiepattle and the king's hares ; En- chanted whistle. Jew among the thorns Grimm. Fairytales. Y 3610.2 — German household stories. Y 3610 Scudder. Children's book. Jezv in the bush. Y 8070.2 Jew in the bush. See Jew among the thorns. Jewish doctor. Arabian nights. (Townsend.) Story told by the Jewish doctor. Y 250.2 FAIRY TALES AND FOLK STORIhS 21 Jewish girl. See Jewish maiden. Jewish maiden. Andersen. Fairy tales. Y 200.3 — Stories and tales. Jewish girl. Y 200.1 Johnny-cake. Jacobs. English fairy tales. Y 4460.3 Compare Pancake ; Wee bannock. Johnny Gloke. Jacobs. More English fairy tales. Y 4460.4 Jorinde and Joringel. Grimm. German popular tales. Y 3610.3 Lang. Green fairy book. Y 5000.2 ScuDDER. Children's book. Y 8070.2 Singleton. Goldenrod fairy book. Flo- rinda and Yoringal. Y 8268 Joseph in the forest. Grimm. German household stories. Y 3610 Journey to the Island of Souls. See Island of the Blessed. Journey to the sun and the moon. Chodzko. Fairy tales of the Slav. Y 1712 Judgment of the jackal. Rouse. Talking thrush. Y 7635 Jungfrau Male en. Grimm. German household stories. Y 3610 WiGGiN and Smith. Magic casements. Y 9690.11 Juniper tree. Craik. Fairy book. Y 2010.3 Grimm. German popular tales. Almond tree. Y 3610.3 Compare Rose-tree. Jutlander and his stockings. Bay. Danish fairy and folk tales. Y 637 Kaa's hunting. Kipling. Jungle bo®k. Y 4840 Kari Woodengown. Lang. Red fairy book. Y 5000.3 Karl Katz. Jerrold. Reign of King Oberon. Y 4572 Kate Crackernuts. Jacobs. English fairy tales. Y 4460.3 Kept close is not forgotten. Andersen. Stories and tales. Y 200.1 Kid and the tiger. Rouse. Talking thrush. Y 7635 King and the miller. Bay. Danish fairy and folk tales. Y 637 Compare King John and the Abbot of Canter- bury ; Priest and the clerk. King Frost. Lang. Yellow fairy book. Story of King Frost. Y 5000.5 King John and the Abbot of Canterbury. Jacobs. More English fairy tales. Y 4460.4 Compare King and the miller ; Priest and the clerk. King Kojata. Golden fairy book. Kojata. Lz 3470 Lang. Green fairy book. Y 5000.2 King Lindorm. Lang. Pink fairy book. Y 5000.9 King of England and his three sons. Jacobs. More English fairy tales. Y 4460.4 King of Ethiopia. Laboulaye. Fairy tales. Story of the king of Ethiopia. Y 4900.2 King o' the Cats. Jacobs. More English fairy tales. Y 4460.4 King of the crocodiles. Steel. Tales of the Punjab. Lz 8496 King of the golden mountain. Grimm. Fairytales. Y 3610.2 — German household stories. Y 3610 Scudder. Children's book. Y 8070.2 King of the kites. Rouse. Talking thrush. Y 7635 King of the mice. Rouse. Talking thrush. Y 7635 King of the serpents. See Language of beasts. King of the tigers is sick. Tappan. Folk stories and fables. Y 8725.9 King O'Toole and his goose. Jacobs. Celtic fairy tales. Y 4460.1 King Solomon and the owl. Rouse. Talking thrush. Y 7635 King Thrushbeard. Grimm. Fairy tales. Y 3610.2 King Valemon, the white bear. Asbjornsen. Tales from the f jeld. Lz 314 King who was fried. Steel. Tales from the Punjab. Lz 8496 King who would be stronger than fate. Lang. Brown fairy book. Story of the king who zvould be stronger than fate. Y 5000.17 King who would have a beautiful wife. Lang. Pink fairy book. Y 5000.9 King who would see Paradise. Lang. Orange fairy book. Story of the king who would see Paradise. Y 5000.21 King Wren. See Willow wren. King's ankus. Kipling. Second jungle book. Y 4840.1 Kinkach Martinko. Chodzko. Fairy tales of the Slav. Y 1712 Kisa the cat. Lang. Brown fairy book. Y 5000.17 Knapsack. B.-VY. Danish fairy and folk tales. Y 637 Knapsack, the hat, and the horn. Grimm. German popular tales. Y 3610.3 Knights of the fish. Lang. Brown fairy book. Y 5000.17 Singleton. Goldenrod fairy book. Y 8268 Knockgrafton. Jacobs. More Celtic fairy tales. Legend of Knockgrafton. Y 4460.5 Knockmany. Jacobs. Celtic fairy tales. Legend of Knock- many. Y 4460.1 Knoist and his three sons. Grimm. German household stories. Y 3610 Knot-grass. Houghton. Russian grandmother's won- der tales. Y 4290 Kojata. See King Kojata. Kupti and Imani. Lang. Olive fairy book. Y 5000.23 Lac of rupees for a piece of advice. Jacobs. Indian fairy tales. Y 4460.2 Lad and the devil. Asbjornsen. Folk and fairy tales. Y314 Lad and the north wind. Asbjornsen. Folk and fairy tales. Y314 Bay. Danish fairy and folk tales. Boy who went to the north wind. Y 637 Lad who went wooing the daughter of old Mother Corner. See Mother Roundabout's daughter. 22 FAIRY TALES AND FOLK STORIES Lad with the beer keg. AsBjORNSEN. Fairy tales from the far north. Lz 314.2 •Tales from the fjeld. Death and the doc- tor. LZ314 Compare Godfather Death. Lad with the goat-skin. Jacobs. Celtic fairy tales. Y 4460.1 Lads who met the trolls in the Hedale Wood. See Trolls in Hedale Wood. Lady who was murdered by her husband. Arabian nights. (.Townsend.) History of the lady who was murdered by her husband. Y 250.2 Laidly worm of Spindleston Heugh. Jacobs. English fairy tales. Y 4460.3 Lamb and the fish. Grimm. Fairy tales. Y 3610.2 — German household stories. Little lamb and the little fish. Y 3610 Lambikin. Bryant. Stories to tell. Pr 1229.2 Jacobs. Indian fairy tales. Y 4460.2 Steel. Tales of the Punjab. Lz 8496 Lambton worm. Jacobs. More English fairy tales. Y 4460.4 Language of animals. See Language of beasts. Language of beasts. Laboulaye. Fairy tales. Language of ani- mals. [In Captain John's travels.] Y 4900.2 — Last fairy tales. King of the serpents. Y 4900 Lang. Crimson fairy book. Y 5000.16 Lantern and the fan. Holbrook. Book of nature myths. Y 4206 Lark and her little ones. See Lark and her young ones. Lark and her young ones. Arnold and Gilbert. Stepping stones to literature. Vol. 2. Lark's nest. Y 298 Baldwin. Fairy stories and fables. Lark and the farmer. Y 468.14 Blaisdell. Child life in tale and fable. Lark and her little ones. Y 909.2 Bryant. Stories to tell. Larks in the corn- field. Pr 1229.2 Norton. Heart of oak books. Vol. 2. Y6460 Tappan. Folk stories and fables. Y 8725.9 Lark and the farmer. See Lark and her young ones. Lark's nest. See Lark and her young ones. Larks in the cornfield. See Lark and her young ones. "Lars, my lad!" WiGGiN AND Smith. Fairy ring. Y 9690.9 Last dream of the old oak. Andersen. Fairy tales. Y 200.3 — Stories and tales. Old oak-tree's last dream. Y 200.1 Last pearl. Andersen. Fairy tales. Y 200.3 — Stories and tales. Y 200.1 Laughing Eye and Weeping Eye, or the limping fox. Lang. Grey fairy book. Y 5000.10 Lawyer's advice. Bay. Danish fairy and folk tales. Y 637 Lazy Harry. Grimm. Fairytales. Y 3610.2 — German household stories. Y 3610 Lazy Jack. Jacobs. English fairy tales Y 4460,3 Mother Goose's nursery rhymes, tales and jingles. Y 6211 Compare Discreet Hans ; Epaminondas and his auntie ; Lazy Jack ; Silly Matt. Lazy spinner. Grimm. Fairytales. Y 3610.2 — German household stories. Idle spinner. Y 3610 Leaf from Heaven. Andersen. Fairy tales. Y 200.3 — Stories and tales. Leaf from the sky. Y 200.1 Leaf from the sky. See Leaf from Heaven. Lean Betty. Grimm. German household stories. Y 3610 Leap-frog. Andersen. Wonder stories. Y 200.4 Leaping Rock in the Pipestone Valley. JuDD. Wigwam stories. Y 4663 Learned hunter. Grimm. Fairytales. Y 3610.2 — German household stories. Experienced huntsman. Y 3610 Leeching of Kayn's leg. Jacobs. More Celtic fairy tales. Y 4460.5 Legend of the Northland. See Woodpecker. Lesson for kings. Jacobs. Indian fairy tales. Y 4460.2 Letting in the jungle. Kipling. Second jungle book. Y 4840.1 Light princess. Mabie. Fairy tales every child should know. [Adapted.] Y 5400.2 Macdonald. Light princess and other fairy tales. Y 5420.10 Lightning. Brooks. Stories of the Red children. Y1178 Limping fox. See Laughing Eye and Weep- ing Eye. Lion and the cat. Lang. Brown fairy book. Y 5000.17 Lion and the crane. Jacobs. Indian fairy tales. Y 4460.2 Lion and the hare. Rouse. Talking thrush. Y 7635 Lion, the fox, and the story-teller. Tappan. Folk stories and fables. Y 8725.9 Little Anklebone. Steel. Tales of the Punjab. Lz 8496 Little ass. Grimm. German household stories. Y 3610 Little brother and sister. See Brother and sister. Little bull-calf. Jacobs. More English fairy tales. Y 4460.4 Little Butterkin. AsBjoRNSEN. Fairy tales from the far north. Lz 314.2 Tappan. Folk stories and fables. Butter- cup. Y 8725.9 Little Claus and Big Claus. Andersen. Fairy tales. Y 200.3 — Wonder stories. Y 200.4 FAIRY TALES AND FOLK STORIES 2^ Little Claus and Big Claus. (Continued.) Lang. Yellow fairy book. Story of Big Klaus and Little Klaus. Y 5000.5 ScuDDER. Children's book. Y 8070.2 Little Daylight. Macdonald. Light princess and other fairy tales. Y 5420.10 Little farmer. Grimm. German popular tales. Y 3610.3 Little fawn. Wilson. Myths of the Red children. Y 9738 Little fir tree. See Fir tree. Little folks' presents. See Presents of the little folks. Little Fred and his fiddle. AsBjoRNSEN. Fairy tales from the far north. Lz 314-2 — Tales from the fjeld. Little Freddy with his fiddle. Lz 314 Little Freddy with his fiddle. See Little Fred and his fiddle. Little glass shoe. Jerrold. Reign of King Oberon. Y4572 Little Goldenhood. Lang. Red fairy book. True history of Lit- tle Goldenhood. Y 5000.3 Compare Little Red Riding Hood. Little good mouse. See Good little mouse. Little gray man [I]. Golden fairy book. Lz 3470 Laboulaye. Fairy tales. Y 4900.2 — Last fairy tales. Y 4900 Little gray man [II]. Lang. Grey fairy book. Y 5000.10 Little gray mouse. Segur. Fairy tales. ' Y 8093.3 Little green frog. Lang. Yellow fairy book. Y 5000.5 Little Half Chick. See Half-chick. Little hare. Lang. Pink fairy book. Y 5000.9 Little hunchback. Arabian nights. (Lang.) Y 250.2 — (Townsend.) Story of the little hunchback. Y 250.2 ScuDDER. Children's book. Story of the little hunchback. Y 8070.2 Little Ice Man. Wilson. Myths of the Red children. Y 9738 Little Ida's flowers. Andersen. Fairy tales. Y 200.3 — Wonder stories. Y 200.4 Little Jack Rollaround. Bryant. Stories to tell. Pr 1229.2 Little jackal and the alligator. Bryant. Stories to tell. Little jackal and the camel. Little jackals and the lion. Bryant. Stories to tell. Pr 1229.2 See Tit for tat. [Adapted.] Pr 1229.2 Tappan. Folk stories and fables. Singh Rajah and the cunning little jackals. Y 8725.9 Little King Loc. Lang. Olive fairy book. [Adapted.] Story of little King Loc. Y 5000.23 Little lamb and the little fish. See Lamb and the fish. Little man. Laboulaye. Last fairy tales. Y 4900 Little mare. . ...— -^ Bay. Danish fairy and folk tales. Y 637 Little match girl. Andersen. Fairy tales. Little matchseller. Y 200.3 — Stories and tales. Y 200.1 Blaisdell. Child life in tale and fable. [Adapted.] Y 909.2 Klingensmith. Household stories for lit- tle readers. Little match seller. [Adapted.] Y4815 Scudder. Children's book. Y 8070.2 Little matchseller. See Little match girl. Little mermaid. Andersen. Fairy tales. Y 200.3 — Wonder stories. Little sea-maid. Y 200.4 Little Miss Mouse and her friends. Rouse. Talking thrush. Y 7635 Little Mister Cricket and the other creatures. Harris. Told by Uncle Remus. Y 3850.6 Little mouse, the little bird, and the sausage. Grimm. German popular tales. Y 3610.3 Little One-eye, Two-eyes, Three-eyes. Craik. Fairy book. _ Y 2010.3 Grimm. German household stories. Y 3610 Klingensmith. Household stories for lit- tle readers. Y4815 Lang. Green fairy book. _ Y 5000.2 Mabie. Fairy tales every child should know. One-Eye, Tzuo-Eyes, Three-Eyes. Y 5400.2 Scudder. Book of folk stories. Y 8070.14 — Children's book. Y 8070.2 — Fables and folk stories. Y 8070.16 Tappan. Folk stories and fables. Y 8725.9 Little people of the Senecas. JuDD. Wigwam stories. Y 4663 Little pine tree. See Little pine tree who wished for new leaves. Little pine tree who wished for new leaves. Bailey and Lewis. For the children's hour. Pr447 Blaisdell. Child life in tale and fable. Little pine tree. Y 909.2 Klingensmith. Household stories for lit- tle readers. Discontented pine tree. Y 4815 Strong. All the year round. Vol. 2. Win- ter. Discontented pine. [Verse.] Y 8628 Little porridge pot. See Wonderful porridge pot. Little Rabbits. Harris. Uncle Remus, his songs and his sayings. Story about the little Rabbits. Y 3850.2 Little Ravageot. Mace. Home fairy tales. Y 5425 Little Red Cap. See Little Red Riding Hood. [I]. Lewis. Fo Little red hen Bailey and hour. This version [II]. Bryant. Stories combines Little the children's Pr447 red hen [II and to tell. I. Another little red hen. 2. Story of the little rid hin. [Verse.] Pr 1229.2 Klingensmith. Household stories. Y 4815 Scudder. Doings of the Bodley family in town and country. [Verse.] Y 8070.8 24 FAIRY TALES AND FOLK STORIES Little red hen [I]. (Continued.) Whitney. Faith Gartney's girlhood. (Ch. 5- P- 27.) I2W 14 See also Little red hen [II]. Little red hen [II]; or, Little red hen and the grain of wheat. Bailey and Lewis. For the children's hour. Pr447 This version combines Little red hen [I] and [II]. Blaisdell. Child life in tale and fable. Y 909.2 Bryant. Stories to tell. Pr 1229,2 Klingensmith. Household stories. Y 4815 See also Little red hen [I]. Little Red Plume. See Mondahmin, who gave the corn. Little Red Riding Hood. Baldwin. Fairy stories and fables. Y 468.14 Blaisdell. Child life in tale and fable. Y 909.2 Craik. Fairy book. Y 2010.3 Crane. Red Riding Hood's picture book. Y 2014.4 Grimm. Fairy tales. Little Red Cap. Y 3610.2 — German popular tales. Little Red Cap. Y 3610.3 Klingensmith. Household stories for lit- tle readers. Red Riding Hood. [Adapted.] Y4815 Lang. Blue fairy book. Y 5000.1 Mabie. Fairy tales every child should know. Y 5400.2 Norton. Heart of oak books. Vol. 2. Y6460 Perrault. Tales of Mother Goose. Y 6847 ScuDDER. Book of folk stories. Y 8070.14 — Children's book. Y 8070.2 — Fables and folk stories. Y 8070.16 Tappan. Folk stories and fables. Y 8725.9 Valentine. Old, old fairy tales. Y 9200.1 Compare Little Goldenhood. Little Ruby Fish. See Muchie Lai. Little Scar Face. Tanner. Legends from the Red man's forest. Indians' Cinderella. Y 8728 Wilson. Myths of the Red children. Y 9738 Little sea-maid. See Little mermaid. Little shepherd boy. See Shepherd boy and the king. Little Snowdrop. See Little Snow-White. Little Snow-White. Craik. Fairy book. Little Snoivdrop. Y 2010.3 Grimm. German popular tales. Y 3610.3 Lang. Red fairy book. Snowdrop. Y S000.3 Mabie. Fairy tales every child should know. Magic mirror. Y 5400.2 Tappan. Folk stories and fables. Y 8725.9 Valentine. Old, old fairy tales. Snow- drop. Y 9200.1 Compare Gold tree and silver tree. Little soldier. Lang. Green fairy book. Y 5000.2 Little Sunshine. See Sunshine. Little Thumb. See Hop o' my thumb. Littla Tiny. See Thumbelina. Little Tuk. Andersen. Fairy tales. Y 200.3 — Stories and tales. Y 200.1 Little Tuppen. Baldwin. Fairy stories and fables. Y 468.14 Compare Cat and the mouse; Grain of corn; How the mouse got into his hole ; Munachar and Manachar ; Nanny who wouldn't go home to sup- per ; Old woman and her pig ; Sparrow and the bush. Little Ugly Boy. Wilson. Myths of the Red children. Y 9738 Little Wildrose. Lang. Crimson fairy book. Y 5000.16 Little wolf brother. JuDD. Wigwam stories. Y 4663 'Long bow story.' Lang. Olive fairy book. Y 5000.23 Long, Broad, and Quickeye. Lang. Grey fairy book. Y 5000.10 Long leather bag. See Old hag's long leather bag. Lord of Death. Steel. Tales of the Punjab. Lz 8496 Lost and found. Bay. Danish fairy and folk tales. Y 637 Lost child. I Chodzko. Fairy tales of the Slav. Y 1712 Lost spear. Golden fairy book. Lz 3470 WiGGiN and Smith. Magic casements. Y 9690.11 Love and sorrow to share. See Sharing love and sorrow. Loveliest rose in the world. Andersen. Fairy tales. Y 200.3 — Stories and tales. Y 200.1 Lovely Ilonka. Lang. Crimson fairy book. Y 5000.16 Lovers. See Top and ball. Loving Laili. Jacobs. Indian fairy tales. Y 4460.2 Luck may lie in a pin. Andersen. Stories and tales. Y 200.1 Lucky coin. Golden fairy book. Lz 3470 Lucky Luck. Lang. Crimson fairy book. Y 5000.16 Compare Faithful John. Lute player. Lang. Violet fairy book. Y 5000.11 Lying tale. Grimm. German household stories. Y 3610 MacAndrew family. Jacobs. More Celtic fairy tales. Story of the MacAndreiv family. Y 4460.5 Mackerel trolling. Asbjornsen. Folk and fairy tales. Y 314 Mackinaw Island. Judd. Wigwam stories. Legend of Macki- nazv Island. Y 4663 Mad cow. Mace. Home fairy tales. Y 5425 Mad Mehmed. Kunos. Turkish fairy tales. Lz 4893 Madam HoUe. See Mother Holle. Madschun. Lang. Olive fairy book. Y 5000.23 Magic axe and the white cat. Mac6. Home fairy tales. Y 5425 FAIRY TALES AND FOLK STORIES 25 Magic book. Lang. Orange fairy book. Y 5000.21 Magic bottles. Jerrold. Reign of King Oberon. Y 4572 Magic egg. WiGGiN AND Smith. Fairy ring. Y 9690.9 Magic feather, CoMPTON. Snowbird and the water tiger, and other American Indian tales. Y 1865 Magic fiddle. Jacobs. Indian fairy tales. Y 4460.2 Magic kettle. See Accomplished and lucky teakettle. Magic mirror [I]. Lang. Orange fairy book. Y 5000.21 Magic mirror [II]. See Little Snow- White. Magic moccasins. JuDD. Wigwam Stories. Y4663 Magic ring. Lang. Yellow fairy book. Y 5000.5 Wiggin and Smith. Fairy ring. Y 9690.9 Magic swan. Lang. Green fairy book. Y 5000.2 Compare Golden goose. Magic turban, magic whip, and the magic carpet. Kunos. Turkish fairy tales. Y 4893 Magic wigwam. Wilson. Myths of the Red children. Y 9738 Magician's horse. Lang. Grey fairy book. Y 5000.10 Magpie's nest. See Nest builders. Maid Lena. Grundtvig. Fairy tales from afar. Y 3634 Wiggin and Smith. Magic casements. Y 9690.11 Maid of Brakel. Grimm. German household stories. Y 3610 Maid with hair of gold. See Golden Hair. Maiden and the frog. Mother Goose's nursery rhymes, tales and jingles. Y 6211 Compare Frog prince. Maiden Bright-eye. Lang. Pink fairy book. Y 5000.9 Maiden who loved a fish. Wiggin and Smith. Magic casements. Y 9690.11 Maiden who was wiser than an emperor. See Female Solomon. Maiden with the wooden helmet. Lang. Violet fairy book. Y 5000.11 Mail-coach passengers. Andersen. Fairy tales. Y 200.3 — Wonder stories. Twelve by the mail. Y 200.4 Maize. See Mondahmin, who gave the corn. Making the moon. Tanner. Legends from the Red man's forest. Y 8728 Compare Frog in the moon. Man and his piece of cloth. Tappan. Folk stories and fables. Y 8725.9 Man of iron. See Iron Hans. Man, the hare, the fox, and the bear. Houghton. Russian grandmother's won- der tales. Y4290 Man who did not wish to die. OzAKi. Japanese fairy book. Story of the man who did not wish to die. Y 6638 Man who was going to mind the house. Asbjornsen. Folk and fairy tales. Y 314 Laboulaye. Fairy tales. Good zvoman. Ch. 2. Neighbor Peter who was determined to rule his own house. Y 4900.2 — Last fairy tales. Grissled Peter. Y 4900 Tappan. Folk stories and fables. Husband who ivas to mind the house. Y 8725.9 Man without a heart [I]. Bay. Danish fairy and folk tales. Y 637 Man without a heart [II]. Lang. Pink fairy book. Y 5000.9 Compare Giant who had no heart. Man's daughter and the woman's daughter. Asbjornsen. Fairy tales from the far north. Lz 314.2 Lang. Orange fairy book. Two caskets. Y 5000.21 Manis the besom man. MacManus. In chimney corners. Y 5446.2 Manis the miller. MacManus. Donegal fairy stories. Y 5446 Manus. Lang. Orange fairy book. Story of Manus. Y 5000.21 Many-furred creature. Grimm. Fairy tales. Princess in disguise. Y 3610.2 — German popular tales. Allerleirauh. Y 3610.3 Lang. Green fairy book. Allerleirauh; or, the many-furred creature. Y 5000.2 Wiggin and Smith. Fairy ring. Y 9690.9 Compare Donkey skin. Marriage of Mondahmin. Judd. Wigwam stories. Y4663 Marsh king's daughter. Andersen. Fairy tales. Y 200.3 — Wonder stories. Y 200.4 Marten and the white rabbit. Judd. Wigwam stories. Y 4663 Marvellous musician. See Wonderful musi- cian. Master and his pupil. Jacobs. English fairy tales. Y 4460.3 Master and pupil. Lang. Pink fairy book. Y 5000.9 Master Cat. See Puss in boots. Master Cobblersawl. Grimm. German household stories. Y 3610 Master fool. Bay. Danish fairy and folk tales. Y 637 Master-maid. Lang. Blue fairy book. Y 5000.1 — History of Whittington and other sto- ries. Y 5000.22 Master of all masters. Jacobs. English fairy tales. Y 4460.3 Master Reinecke and Gockeling, the cock. Houghton. Russian grandmother's won- der tales. Y4290 Master thief [I]. Grimm. German household stories. Y 3610 Compare Jack the cunning thief; Master thief [II]. Master thief [11]. Lang. Red fairy book. Y 5000.3 Compare Jack the cunning thief; Master thief [I]. FAIRY TALES AND FOLK STORIES Master Tobacco. AsBjoRNSEN. Tales from the fjeld. Lz 314 WiGGiN AND Smith. Fairy ring. Y 9690.9 Matsuyama mirror. See Mirror of Matsu- yama. Matthias the hunter's stories. AsBjoRNSEN. Folk and fairy tales. Y 314 Medio Pollito. Mace. Home fairy tales. Y 5425 Menabozho caught. JuDD. Wigwam stories. Y 4663 Menabozho swallowed by a large fish. JUDD. Wigwam stories. Y 4663 Compare Why the woodpecker's head is red. Merchant. Bay. Danish fairy and folk tales. Y 637 Merchant and the genius. Arabian nights. (Lang.) Story of the merchant and the genius. Y 250.2 — (Townsend.) Story of the merchant and the genie. Y 250.2 Mermaid and the boy. Lang. Brown fairy book. Y 5000.17 Merry wives. Lang. Pink fairy book. Y 5000.9 Mill. ASBJORNSEN. Folk and fairy tales. Legends of the mill. Y 314 — Tales from the fjeld. Haunted mill. An- other haunted mill. "Lz 314 Miller's boy and his cat. Grimm. Fairytales. Y 3610.2 — German household stories. Poor miller's son and the cat. Y 3610 Mink and the wolf. Lang. Orange fairy book. Y 5000.21 Minnikin. Lang. Red fairy book. Y 5000.3 Miracle of Purun Bhagat. Kipling. Second jungle book. Y 4840.1 Mirror of Matsuyama. OzAKi. Japanese fairy book. Y 6638 Wiggin and Smith. Magic casements. Matsuyama mirror. Y 9690.11 Misfortune. Grimm. German household stories. Y 3610 Miss Careless. Mace. Home fairy tales. Y 5425 Miss Cow falls a victim to Mr. Rabbit. Harris. Uncle Remus, his songs and his sayings. Y 3850.2 Mr. Bear catches old Mr. Bull-frog. Harris. Uncle Remus, his songs and his sayings. Y 3850.2 Mr. Benjamin Ram and his wonderful fiddle. Harris. Nights with Uncle Remus. Y 3850.1 Mr. Benjamin Ram defends himself. Harris. Nights with Uncle Remus. Y 3850.1 Mr. Fox. Jacobs. English fairy tales. Y 4460.3 Mother Goose's nursery rhymes, tales and jingles. Y 6211 Compare Robber bridegroom ; Sweetheart in the wood. Mr. Fox and Miss Goose. Harris. Nights with Uncle Remus. Y 3850.1 Mr. Fox and the deceitful frogs. Harris. Uncle Remus, his songs and his sayings. Y 3850.2 Mr. Fox figures as an incendiary. Harris. Nights with Uncle Remus. Y 38S0.1 Mr. Fox gets into serious business. Harris. Uncle Remus, his songs and his sayings. Y 3850.2 Mr. Fox goes a-hunting, but Mr. Rabbit bags the game. Harris. Uncle Remus, his songs and his sayings. Y 3850.2 Mr. Fox is again victimized. Harris. Uncle Remus, his songs and his sayings. Y 3850.2 Mr. Fox is "outdone" by Mr. Buzzard. Harris. Uncle Remus, his songs and his sayings. Y 3850.2 Mr. Hawk and Brother Buzzard. Harris. Nights with Uncle Remus. Y 3850.1 Mr. Hawk and Brother Rabbit. Harris. Nights with Uncle Remus. Y 3850.1 Mr. Lion hunts for Mr. Man. Harris. Nights with Uncle Remus. Y 3850.1 Mr. Lion's sad predicament. Harris. Nights with Uncle Remus. Y 3850.1 Mr. Man has some meat. Harris. Nights with Uncle Remus. Y 3850.1 Mr. Miacca. Jacobs. English fairy tales. Y 4460.3 Mr. Rabbit and Mr. Bear. Harris. Uncle Remus, his songs and his sayings. Y 3850.2 Mr. Rabbit finds his match at last. Harris. Uncle Remus, his songs and his sayings. Y 3850.2 Mr. Rabbit grossly deceives Mr. Fox. Harris. Uncle Remus, his songs and his sayings. Y 3850.2 Mr. Rabbit meets his match again. Harris. Uncle Remus, his songs and his sayings. Y 3850.2 Mr. Rabbit nibbles up the butter. Harris. Uncle Remus, his songs and his sayings. Y 3850.2 Mr. Terrapin appears upon the scene. Harris. Uncle Remus, his songs and his sayings. Y 3850.2 Mr. Terrapin shows his strength. Harris. Uncle Remus, his songs and his sayings. Y 3850.2 Mr. Vinegar. Jacobs. English fairy tales. Y 4460.3 Mother Goose's nursery rhymes, tales and jingles. Y6211 Mr. Wolf makes a failure. Harris. Uncle Remus, his songs and his sayings. Y 3850.2 Mr. Wolf tackles Old Man Tarrypin. Harris. Uncle Remus, his songs and his sayings. Y 3850.2 Mogarzea and his son. Lang. Violet fairy book. Y 5000.11 FAIRY TALES AND FOLK STORIES 27 Mohammed with the magic finger. Lang. Violet fairy book. Y 5000.10 Molly Whuppie. Jacobs. English fairy (ales. Y 4460.3 Momotaro; or, the story of the son of a peach. FiNNEMORE. Peeps at many lands. Japan. [Adapted.] Y 2967 OzAKi. Japanese fairy book. Y 6638 Tappan. Folk stories and fables. Adven- tures of Little Peachling. [Adapted.] Y 8725.9 Mondahmin, who gave the corn. Brooks. Stories of the Red children. Lit- tle Red Plume. Y 1178 JuDD. Wigwam stories. Y 4663 Tanner. Legends from the Red man's forest. Maize. Y 8728 Money-box. See Money-pig. Money-pig. Andersen. Fairy tales. Money-box. Y 200.3 — Wonder stories. Y 200.4 Money will buy everything. Bay. Danish fairy and folk tales. Y 637 Monkey and the crows. Rouse. Talking thrush. Y 7635 Monkey and the jelly-fish. See Jelly fish and the monkey. Monkey's bargains. Rouse. Talking thrush. Y 7635 Monkey's rebuke. Rouse. Talking thrush. Y 7635 Mons Tro. Grundtvig. Fairy tales from afar. Y 3634 WiGGiN and Smith. Magic casements. Y 9690.11 Moon in the mill-pond. Harris. Nights with Uncle Remus. Y 3850.1 Wiltse. Folklore stories. [Adapted.] Y 9760 More trouble for Brother Wolf Harris. Nights with Uncle Remus. Y 3850.1 Morning-dew. Houghton. Russian grandmother's won- der tales. Y 4290 Morning star. Brooks. Stories of the Red children. Y1178 JuDD. Wigwam stories. Where the morn- ing star came from. Y 4663 Tanner. Legends from the Red man's forest. [Adapted.] Y 8728 Morraha. Jacobs. More Celtic fairy tales. Y 4460.5 Most extraordinary thing. Andersen. Stories and tales. Y 200.1 Most obedient wife. Grundtvig. Fairy tales from afar. Y 3634 Mother. Andersen. Fairy tales. Story of a mother. Y 200.3 — Stories and tales. Story of a mother. Y 200.1 Mother and daughter who worshipped the sun. Steel. Tales of the Punjab. Lz 8496 Mother Bertha's stories. Asbjornsen. Folk and fairy tales. Y 314 Mother Holle. Blaisdell. Child life in many lands. Y 909.3 Grimm. German popular tales. Old Mother Frost. Y 3610.3 Lang. Red fairy book. Y 5000.3 Mother Roundabout's daughter. Asbjornsen. Fairy tales from the far north. Lad who went wooing the daughter of old Mother Corner. "Lz 314.2 — Tales from the fjeld. Lz 314 Wiggin and Smith. Fairy ring. Y 9690.9 Mother's Pet. Bay. Danish fairy and folk tales. Y 637 Motikatika. Lang. Crimson fairy book. Y 5000.16 Mountain Sesima. See Simeli-Mountain. Mouse, the bird, and the sausage. See Little mouse, the little bird, and the sausage. Mowgli's brothers. Kipling. Jungle book. Y 4840 Muchie Lai. Singleton. Goldenrod fairy book. Little Ruby fish. Y 8268 Wiggin and Smith. Fairy ring. Y 9690.9 Munachar and Manachar. Jacobs. Celtic fairy tales. Y 4460.1 Wiggin and Smith. Fairy ring. Y 9690.9 Compare Cat and the mouse; Grain of com; How the mouse got into his hole; Little Tuppen; Nanny who wouldn't go home to supper; Old woman and her pig; Sparrow and the bush. Murroghoo-More and Murroghoo-Beg. MacManus. In chimney corners. Y 5446.2 Muse of the coming age. Andersen. Stories and tales. Y 200.1 Musicians of Bremen. See Bremen town musicians. My Lord Bag of Rice. OzAKi. Japanese fairy book. Y 6638 My Own Self. Jacobs. More English fairy tales. Y 4460.4 Myles McGarry and Donal McGarry. MacManus. In chimney corners. Y 5446.2 Mysterious garden. See Mystic garden. Mystic garden. Laboulaye. Fairy tales. Mysterious garden. Y 4900.2 — Last fairy tales. Y 4900 Nail. Grimm. Fairytales. Y 3610.2 — German household stories. Y 3610 Nanny and Conn. MacManus. In chimney corners. Y 5446.2 Nanny who wouldn't go home to supper. Asbjornsen. Fairy tales from the far north. Lz 314.2 — Tales from the fjeld. How they got Hair- lock home. L,z 314 Compare Cat and the mouse; Grain of com; How the mouse got into his hole; Little Tuppen; Munachar and Manachar; Old woman and her pig; Sparrow and the bush. Naughty boy. Andersen. Wonder stories. Y 200.4 Neck of a bottle. See Bottle neck. Necklace of truth. Mace. Home fairy tales. Y54as 28 FAIRY TALES AND fuLK STORIES Neighbor Peter who was determined to rule his own house. SeeMan who was going to rnind the house. Neighboring families. Andersen. Wonder stories. Y 200.4 Nest builders. Baldwin. Fairy stories and fables. Y 468.14 Jacobs. English fairy tales. Magpie's nest. Y 4460.3 Compare Why the magpie's nest is not well built. Nettle spinner. Lang. Red fairy book. Y 5000.3 Never mind the money. Bay. Danish fairy and folk tales. Y 637 News. Jacobs. More English fairy tales. Y 4460.4 Niagara Falls. See Bended rocks. Niels and the giants. Lang. Crimson fairy book. Y 5000.16 Night before Christmas. Harris. Nights with Uncle Remus. Y 3850.1 Nightingale. Andersen. Fairy tales. Y 200.3 — Wonder stories. Y 200.4 Bryant. Stories to tell. [Adapted.] Pr 1229.2 Lang. Yellow fairy book. Y 5000.5 Scudder. Children's book. Y 8070.2 Nine pea-hens and the golden apples. Houghton. Russian grandmother's won- der tales. Golden apple-tree and the nine peahens. Y 4290 Lang. Violet fairy book. Y 5000.11 Nis and the dame. Andersen. Wonder stories. Y 200.4 Nis at the grocer's. Andersen. Fairy tales. Goblin and the huckster. Y 200.3 — Wonder stories. Y 200.4 Lang. Pink fairy book. Goblin and the grocer. Y 5000.9 Nix in the pond. Grimm. Fairy tales. Sprite of the mill pond. Y 3610.2 — German household stories. Y 3610 Lang. Yellow fairy book. Nixy. Y 5000.5 Wiggin and Smith. Magic casements. Nixy. Y 9690.11 Nix Naught Nothing. Jacobs. English fairy tales. Y 4460.3 Nixy. See Nix in the pond. Norka. Lang. Red fairy book. Y 5000.3 North star. Judd. Wigwam stories. Y 4663 North "Wind and the duck. See North Wind's defeat. North Wind's defeat. Brooks. Stories of the Red children. North Wind and the duck. Y 1178 Judd. Wigwam stories. Y 4663 Nose. Jerrold. Reign of King Oberon. Nose- tree. Y4572 Norton. Heart of oak books. Vol. 3. Y6460 Scudder. Children's book. Y 8070.2 Valentine. Old, old fairy tales. Three soldiers and the dwarf. Y 9200.1 Nose-tree. See Nose. Noses. See Are you not satisfied? Not a pin to choose between them. See All women are alike. Noureddin Ali and his son. Arabian nights. (Townsend.) Story of Noureddin Ali and his son. Y 250.2 Noureddin and the beautiful Persian. Arabian nights. (Lang.) Noureddin and the fair Persian. Y 250.2 — (.Townsend.) History of Noureddin and the beautiful Persian. Y 250.2 Nunda, eater of people. Lang. Violet fairy book. Y 5000.11 Nymph of the well. Wiggin and Smith. Magic casements. Y 9690.11 Obstinate shoemaker. Bay. Danish fairy and folk tales. Y 637 Ogre. Lang. Grey fairy book. Y 5000.10 Ogre of Rashomon. OzAKi. Japanese fairy book. Y 6638 Ohnivak. Chodzko. Fairy tales of the Slav. Y 1712 Old bachelor's nightcap. Andersen. Fairy tales. Y 200.3 — Stories and tales. Y 200.1 Old beggar-woman. Grimm. German household stories. Y 3610 Old Brother Terrapin gets some fish. Harris. Nights with Uncle Remus. Y 3850.1 Old church-bell. Andersen. Fairy tales. Y 200.3 — Stories and tales. Y 200.1 Old deer and old grizzly. Chandler. In the reign of coyote. Y1628 Old-fashioned Christmas Eve. AsBjORNSEN. Folk and fairy tales. Y 314 Old Father Bruin in the wolf pit. AsBjORNSEN. Fairy tales from the far north. Lz 314.2 Old grandfather and his grandson. Grimm. Fairytales. Y 3610.2 — German popular tales. Old man and his grandson. Y 3610.3 Old grave-stone. Andersen. Fairy tales. Y 200.3 — Stories and tales. Y 200.1 Old griffin. Grimm. German household stories. Y 3610 Wiggin and Smith. Fairy ring. Y 9690.9 Old Grinny-granny Wolf. Harris. Nights with Uncle Remus. Y 3850.1 Old hag of the forest. MacManus. In chimney corners. Y 5446.2 Old hag's long leather bag. MacManus. Donegal fairy tales. Y 5446 Wiggin and Smith. Fairy ring. Long leather bag. Y 9690.9 Old Hildebrand. Grimm. German household stories. Y3610 Old house. Andersen. Fairy tales. Y 200.3 — Wonder stories. Y 200.4 Old man and his grandson. See Old grand- father and his grandson. FAIRY TALES AND FOLK STORIES 29 Old man in the sky. JuDD. Wigwam stories. Y 4663 Old man who made withered trees to flower. QzAKi. Japanese fairy book. Story of the old man zvho made withered trees to flozver. Y6638 Old Mr. Rabbit, he's a good fisherman. Harris. Uncle Remus, his songs and his sayings. ¥3850.2 Old Mother Frost. See Mother Holle. Old oak-tree's last dream. See Last dream of the old oak. Old Rinkrank. Grimm. German household stories. Y 3610 Old street-lamp. Andersen. Fairy tales. Y 200.3 — Stories and tales. Y 200.1 Bailey and Lewis. For the children's hour. [Adapted.! Pr447 Old Sultan and his friends. Grimm. Fairy tales. Y 3610.2 — German popular tales. Y 3610.3 Old widow. Grimm. German household stories. Y 3610 Old Winter Man and the Spring Maiden. Bailey and Lewis. For the children's hour. Legend of the arbutus. Pr 447 Brooks. Stories of the Red children. Winter and spring. [Adapted.] Y 1178 JuDD. Wigwam stories. Legend of the ar- butus. Y 4663 PouLSSON. In the child's world. Indian legend of the arbutus. Pryiio Tanner. Legends from the Red man's forest. Winter and spring. [Adapted.] Y8725 Wilson. Myths of the Red children. Y9738 Old witch [I]. • Grimm. German popular tales Y 3610.3 Old witch [II]. Jacobs. More English fairy tales. Y 4460.4 Old woman and her pig. Bailey and Lewis. For the children's hour. Pr 447 Bryant. How to tell stories. Pr 1229 Jacobs. English fairytales. Y 4460.3 Klingensmith. Household stories. Y4815 Lang. Nursery rhyme book. Y 5000.14 Mother Goose's nursery rhymes, tales and jingles. Y 6211 Norton. Heart of oak books. Vol. i. Y 6460 Q'Shea. Six nursery classics. Y 6615 Scudder. Book of folk stories. Y 8070.14 Compare Cat and the mouse; Grain of corn; How the mouse got into his hole; Little Tuppen ; Munachar and Manachar ; Nanny who wouldn't go home to supper ; Sparrow and the bush. Old woman in the wood. Grimm. Fairy tales. Y 3610.2 — German household stories. Y 3610 Ole-Luk-Oie, the dream god. Andersen. Fairy tales. Y 200.3 — Wonder stories. Ole-Shuf-Eye. Y 200.4 Ole Shut-Eye. See Ole-Luk-Oie, the dream god. Ole the watchman. Andersen. Stories and tales. Y 200.1 One-Eye, Two Eyes, Three Eyes. See Little One-eye, Two-eyes, Three-eyes. One who loved him most. Judd. Wigwam stories. Y 4663 One who travelled to learn what shivering meant. Grimm. German popular tales. Y 3610.3 Lang. Blue fairy book. Tale of a youth who set out to learn what fear was. Y 5000.1 One's own children are always the prettiest. Asbjornsen. Fairy tales from the far north. _ Lz 314.2 Opeeche, the robin redbreast. Cooke. Nature myths. Indian story of the robin. [Adapted from How the robin came. j. G. Whittier.] Y i8qi Judd. Wigwam stories. Y 4663 Tanner. Legends from the Red man's forest. _ Y 8728 Origin of the Crane Tribe. Judd. Wigwam stories. Y 4663 Origin of the ocean. Harris. Nights with Uncle Remus. Y 3850.1 Origin of the woodpecker. See Woodpecker. Oriole. HoLBROOK. Book of nature myths. Story of the oriole. Y 4206 Osborn Boots and Mr. Glibtongue. Asbjornsen. Tales from the fjeld. Lz 314 Osborn's pipe. See Ashiepattle and the king's hares. Our parish clerk. Asbjornsen. Tales from the fjeld. Lz 314 Ourson. Segur. Fairytales. Y 8093.3 Owl. Grimm. Fairy tales. Y 3610.2 — German household stories. Y 3610 Owl and the eagle. Lang. Orange fairy book. Y 5000.21 Pack of ragamuffins. See Pack of vagabonds. Pack of vagabonds. Grimm. Fairy tales. Y 3610.2 — German popular tales. Pack of raga- muffins. Y 3610.3 Paddy O'Kelly and the weasel. Jacobs. More Celtic fairy tales. Y 4460.5 Padishah of the forty peris. Kunos. Turkish fairy tales. Lz 4893 Pancake. Asbjornsen. Folk and fairy tales. Y 314 — Tales from the fjeld. Lz 314 Compare Gingerbread man ; Johnny-cake ; Wee bannock. Paperarello. Lang. Crimson fairy book. Y 5000.16 Parrot and the parson. Rouse. Talking thrush. Y 7635 Parrot judge. Rouse. Talking thrush. Y 7635 Parson and the clerk. See Priest and the clerk. Partnership of the thief and the liar. Lang. Grey fairy book. Y 5000.10 Pea blossom. Andersen. Fairy tales. Y 200.3 — Stories and tales. Five out of one shell. Y 200.1 Arnold and Gilbert. Stepping stones to literature. Vol. 3. [Adapted.] Y 298 Blaisdell. Child life in tale and fable. Five peas in a pod. [Adapted.] Y 909.2 30 FAIRY TALES AND FOLK STORIES Pea blossom. (Continued.) PoULSSON. In the child's world. Five peas in a pod. [Adapted.] Pr 7110 Strong. All the year round. Vol. 3. Spring. [Adapted.] Y 8628 WiLTSE. Kindergarten stories and morn- ing talks. [Adapted.] Pr 9740 Peasant's clever daughter. Grimm. Fairy tales. Y 3610.2 — German popular tales. Wise peasant's daughter. Y 3610.3 Peasie and Beansie. Steel. Tales of the Punjab. Lz 8496 Pedlar of Swaffham. Jacobs. More English fairy tales. Y 4460.4 Peik. AsBjORNSEN. Folk and fairy tales. Y 314 — Tales from the fjeld. Lz 314 Peiter, Peter and Peer. Andersen. Stories and tales. Y 200.1 Pen and the inkstand. Andersen. Fairy tales. Y 200.3 — Wonder stories. Y 200.4 Perlino. Laboulaye. Fairy tales. Y 4900.2 WiGGiN AND Smith. Magic casements. Y 9690.11 Peter and Paul. M.\c6. Home fairy tales. Y 5425 Peter and the magic goose. See Golden goose. Peter Bull. Lang. Pink fairy book. Y 5000.9 Peter Fiddle-de-dee. Bay. Danish fairy and folk tales. Y 637 Compare Princess whom nobody could silence. Peter Gynt. AsBjoRNSEN. Folk and fairy tales. Y 314 Peter Humbug and the white cat. Bay. Danish fairy and folk tales. Y 637 Compare White cat. Peter, Paul and Espen. See Thumbkin. Philosopher's stone. Andersen. Fairy tales. Y 200.3 — Wonder stories. Stone of the zuise men. Y 200.4 Picture book without pictures. Andersen. Stories and tales. Y 200.1 Picture from the castle ramparts. See Sun- beam and the captive. Picture on the vase. HoLBROOK. Book of nature myths. Story of the picture on the vase. Y 42oi5 Piece of liver. Kunos. Turkish fairy tales. Lz 4893 Pied piper of Franchville. See Pied piper of Hamelin. Pied piper of Hamelin. Blaisdell. Child life in tale and fable. Y 909.2 Bryant. How to tell stories. Pr 1229 Crommelin. Famous legends. Y 2049 Jacobs. More English fairy tales. Pied piper of Franchville. Y 4460.4 Lang. Red fairy book. Ratcatcher. Y 5000.3 See also Pied Piper of Hamlin, by Robert Brown- ing. Piff-paff ; or, the art of government. Laboulaye. Fairy tales. Y 4900.2 Pig brother. Bryant. How to tell stories. Pr 1229 Pigeon and the crow. Jacobs. Indian fairy tales. Y 4460.2 Pigeon and the dove. AuLNOY. Fairy tales. Y 330.1 Pigs. Harris. Nights with Uncle Remus. Story of the pigs. Y 3850.1 Tappan. Folk stories and fables. Story of the pigs. Y 8725.9 Pike. Bay. Danish fairy and folk tales. Y 637 Pimmerly plum. Harris. Nights with Uncle Remus. Y 3850.1 Pine tree. Bailey and Lewis. For the children's hour. [Adapted.] Pr447 Pink. Grimm. German popular tales. Y 3610.3 Pinkel, the thief. See Golden lantern, golden goat and golden cloak. Pivi and Kabo. Lang. Brown fairy book. Y 5000.17 Plaisham. MacManus. Donegal fairy stories. Y 5446 Plantation witch. Harris. Uncle Remus, his songs and his sayings. Y 3850.2 Pleiades. Chandler. In the reign of coyote. Story of the Pleiades. Y 1628 Compare Pleiades, or the seven stars ; Seven stars ; Seven stars of Pleiades. Pleiades; or, the seven stars. Grundtvig. Fairy tales from afar. Y 3634 Compare Pleiades ; Seven stars ; Seven stars of Pleiades. Plentiful tablecloth, the avenging wand, the sash that becomes a lake, and the terrible helmet. Chodzko. Fairy tales of the Slav. Story of the plentiful tablecloth, the avenging zvand, the sash that becomes a lake, and the terrible helmet. Y 1712 Poor boy in the grave. Grimm. Fairytales. Y 3610.2 — German household stories. Y 3610 Poor Hans. Laboulaye. Last fairy tales. Y 4900 Poor man and the rich man. Grimm. German popular tales. Y 3610.3 Poor miller's son and the cat. See Miller's boy and his cat. Poplar tree. Cooke. Nature myths. Y 1891 Strong. All the year round. Vol. 4. Sum- mer. Story of the poplar tree. Y 8628 Pork and honey. See Bear and the fox make a wager. Porter's son. Andersen. Stories and tales. Y 200.1 Portuguese duck. Andersen. Fairy tales. Y 200.3 — Wonder stories. In the duck-yard. Y 200.4 Pottle o' brains. Jacobs. More English fairy tales. Y 4460.4 Poucinet. See Thumbkin. Poveretta. Mac]&. Home fairy tales. Y 5425 FAIRY TALES AND FOLK STORIES 31 Powel, Prince of Dyfed. Jacobs. More Celtic fairy tales. Y 4460.5 Prairie dandelion. Brooks. Stories of the Red children. South Wind and the dandelion. [Adaoted.] Y1178 JuDD. Wigwam stories. Y 4663 Presents of the little folk. Grimm. Fairy tales. Little folks' presents. Y 3610.2 — German household stories. Y 3610 Pretty Goldilocks. See Fair one with golden locks. Pride goeth before a fall. J.ACOBS. Indian fairy tales. Y 4460.2 Pride shall have a fall. Rouse. Talking thrush. Y 7635 Priest and the clerk. AsBjORNSEN. Folk and fairy tales. Parson and the clerk. Y 314 — Tales from the fjeld. Lz 314 Compare King and the miller ; King John and the Abbot of Canterbury. Prince Ahmed and the fairy Perie Banou. Arabian nights. (Townsend.) Story of Prince Ahmed and the fairy Perie Banou. Y 250.2 Lang. Blue fairy book. Story of Prince Ahmed and the Fairy Parihanoxi. Y 5000.1 Prince Amgiad and Prince Assad. Arabian nights. (Townsend.) History of Prince Amgiad and of Prince Assad. Y 250.2 Prince and princess in the forest. Lang. Olive fairy book. Y 5000.23 Prince and the dragon. Lang. Crimson fairy book. Y 5000.16 Prince and the fakir. Jacobs. Indian fairy tales. Y 4460.2 Prince and the three fates. Lang. Brown fairy book. Y 5000.17 Prince Beder and the Princess Jehaun-ara. Arabian nights. (Townsend.) Story of Prince Beder and the Princess Jehaun-ara. Y 250.2 Prince Cherry. See Prince Darling. Prince Darling. Arnold and Gilbert. Stepping stones to literature. Vol. 3. [Adapted.] Y 298 Bryant. Stories to tell. [Adapted.] Pr 1229.2 Craik. Fairy book. Prince Cherry. Y 2010.3 Lang. Blue fairy book. Y 5000.1 ScuDDER. Children's book. Prince Cherry. Y 8070.2 Valentine. Old, old fairy tales. Prince Cherry. Y 9200.1 Wiggin and Smith. Fairy ring. Prince Cherry. Y 9690.9 Prince Desire and Princess Mignonetta. Craik. Fairy book. Prince zvith the nose. Y 2010.3 Lang. Blue fairy book. Prince Hyacinth and the dear little princess. Y 5000.1 Valentine. Old, old fairy tales. Y 9200.1 Wiggin and Smith. Fairy ring. Y 9690.9 Prince Fatal and Prince Fortune. Valentine. Old, old fairy tales. Y 9200.1 Prince Featherhead and the Princess Celan- dine. Lang. Green fairy book. Y 5000.2 Prince Fickle and fair Helena. Lang. Green fairy book. Y 5000.2 Prince Half-a-son. Steel. Tales of the Punjab. Lz 8496 Prince Hedgehog. Houghton. Russian grandmother's won- der tales. Y 4290 Wiggin and Smith. Magic casements. Y 9690.11 Compare Hans, the Hedgehog. Prince Hyacinth and the dear little princess. See Prince Desire and Princess Mignon- etta. Prince Lionheart and his three friends. Steel. Tales of the Punjab. Lz 8496 Prince Narcissus and the Princess Poten- tilla. Lang. Green fairy book. Y 5000.2 Prince Ring. Lang. Yellow fairy book. Y 5000.5 Prince Sincere. Valentine. Old, old fairy tales. Story of Prince Sincere. Y 9200.1 Prince Slugobyl; or, the invisible knight. Chodzko. Fairy tales of the Slav. History of Prince Slugobyl; or, the invisible knight. Y 1712 Prince Sprite. AuLNOY. Fairy tales. Y 330.1 Craik. Fairy book. Invisible prince. Y 2010.3 Valentine. Old, old fairy tales. Invisible prince. Y 9200.1 Prince Tito. Valentine. Old, old fairy tales. Story of Prince Tito. Y 9200.1 Prince Vildering and Maid Miseri. Grundtvig. Fairy tales from afar. Y 3634 Prince Vivien and the Princess Placida. Lang. Green fairy book. Y 5000.2 Prince who wanted to see the world. Lang. Violet fairy book. Y 5000.11 Prince who was afraid of nothing. Grimm. German household stories. Y 3610 Prince who would seek immortality. Lang. Crimson fairy book. Y 5000.16 Prince with the golden hand. Chodzko. Fairy tales of the Slav. Y 1712 Golden fairy book. Prince with the hand of gold. Lz 3470 Prince with the hand of gold. See Prince with the golden hand. Prince with the nose. See Prince Desire and Princess Mignonetta. Prince Wolf. Grundtvig. Fairy tales from afar. Y 3634 Prince Yamato Take. Ozaki. Japanese fairy book. Story of Prince Yamato Take. Y 6638 Prince Zeyn Alasnam and the Sultan of the Genii. Arabian nights. (Townsend.) History of Prince Zeyn Alasnam and the Sultan of the Genii. Y 250.2 Singleton. Goldenrod fairy book. Y 8268 32 FAIRY TALES AND FOLK STORIES Princess Aubergine. Steel. Tales of the Punjab. Lz 8496 Princess Bella-Flor. Lang. Orang-e fairy book. Y 5000.21 Princess Belle-fitoile and Prince Cheri. AuLNOY. Fairy tales. Y 330.1 Princess Carpillon. AuLNOY. Fairy tales. Y 330.1 Princess Hase. OzAKi. Japanese fairy book. Story of Princess Hase. Y 6638 Princess in disguise. See Many-furred crea- ture. Princess in the chest. Lang. Pink fairy book. Y 5000.9 Princess Maia. See Princess Printaniere. Princess Mayblossom. See Princess Prin- taniere. Princess Minikin. Valentine. Old. old fairy tales. Y 9200.1 Princess Minon-Minette. Lang. Pink fairy book. Y 5000.9 Princess of Canterbury. Jacobs. More English fairy tales. Y 4460.4 Mother Goose's nursery rhymes, tales and fables. Y 6211 Princess of Deryabar. Arabian nights. (Townsend.) History of the Princess of Deryabar. Y 250.2 Princess on the glass hill. Lang. Blue fairy book. Y 5000.1 Wiggin and Smith. Fairy ring. Y 9690.9 Princess on the pea. Andersen. Stories and tales. Y 200.1 Lang. Yellow fairy book. Hozv to tell a true princess. Y 5000.5 Mabie. Fairy tales every child should know. Y 5400.2 ScuDDER. Children's book. Y 8070.2 Princess Pepperina. Steel. Tales of the Punjab. Lz 8496 Princess Printaniere. AuLNOY. Fairy tales. Y 330.1 Lang. Red fairy book. Princess Mayblos- som. Y 5000.3 Valentine. Old, old fairy tales. Princess Maia. Y 9200.1 Princess Rosamund. Bay. Danish fairy and folk tales. Y 637 Princess Rosette [I]. AuLNOY. Fairy tales. Y 330.1 Jerrold. Reign of King Oberon. Y 4572 Lang. Red fairy book. Y 5000.3 Valentine. Old, old fairy tales. Y 9200.1 Wiggin and Smith. Magic casements. Y 9690.11 Princess Rosette [II]. Segur. Fairy tales. Y 8093.3 Princess Sorrowful and the Green Knight. Grundtvig. Fairy tales from afar. Y 3634 Princess who said: — Bay. Danish fairy and folk tales. Y 637 Compare Ashiepattle who made the princess tell the truth at last. Princess who was hidden underground. Lang. Violet fairy book. Y 5000.11 Princess whom nobody could silence. Asbjornsen. Fairy tales from the far north. Lz 314.2 Compare Peter Fiddle-de-dee. Princet and the golden blackbird. See Golden blackbird. Professor Know-all. Grimm. German household stories. Y 3610 Prudent farmer. Laboulaye. Fairy tales. [Ch. VIII in Cap- tain John's travels.] Y 4900.2 — Last fairy tales. Y 4900 Prunella. See Fragolette. Psyche. Andersen. Stories and tales. Y 200.1 Puddocky. Lang. Green fairy book. Y 5000.2 Compare Frog ; Three feathers ; White cat. Punchkin. Jacobs. Indian fairy tales. Y 4460.2 Punishment of the fairy Gangana. Lang. Olive fairy book. Y 5000.23 Puppet-show man. Andersen. Fairy tales. Y 200.3 Puss in boots. Baldwin. Fairy stories and fables. Y 468.14 Craik. Fairy book. Y 2010.3 Lang. Blue fairy book. Master Cat; or, Puss in boots. Y 5000.1 Mabie. Fairy tales every child should know. Y 5400.2 Mother Goose's nursery rhymes, tales and jingles. Y 6211 Norton. Heart of oak books. Vol. 2. Y6460 Perrault. Tales of Mother Goose. Y 6847 Scudder. Book of folk stories. Y 8070.14 — Children's book. Y 8070.2 — Fables and folk stories. Y 8070.16 Tappan. Folk stories and fables. Y 8725.9 Valentine. Old, old fairy tales. Y 9200.1 Compare Gagliuso or the good cat ; Squire Peter. Puzzling tale. Grimm. German household stories. Y 3610 Quail and the fowler. Rouse. Talking thrush. Y 7635 Quarrel of the monkey and the crab. See Crab and the monkey. Queen bee. Blaisdell. Child life in tale and fable. [Adapted.] Y 909.2 Grimm. Fairytales. Y 3610.2 — German popular tales. Y 3610.3 Wiggin and Smith. Fairy ring. Y 9690.9 Queen of the Flowery Isles. Lang. Grey fairy book. Story of the Queen of the Flowery Isles. Y 5000.10 Queen of the Golden Mines. MacManus. In chimney corners. Y 5446.2 Quern at the bottom of the sea. Asbjornsen. Fairy tales from the far north. Lz 314.2 Bryant. How to tell stories. Why the sea is salt. [Adapted.] Pr 1229 Lang. Blue fairy book. Why the sea is salt. Y 5000.1 Tappan. Folk stories and fables. Why the sea is salt. Y 8725.9 Compare Coffee-mill which grinds salt ; Why the sea is salt. Quiquern. Kipling. Second jungle book. Y 4840.1 FAIRY TALES AN'D FOLK STORIES 33 Rabbit and the monkey. Rouse. Talking thrush. Y 7635 Rabbit's bride. See Hare's bride. Raccoon and the man-of-tar. Chandler. In the reign of coyote. Y 1628 Compare Wonderful tar-baby story. gacers. See Swiftest runners. Rags. Andersen. Stories and tales. Y 200.1 Rain and snow. See How the rain comes. Rainbow. Brooks. Stories of the Red children. Y1178 Tanner. Legends from the Red man's forest. Y 8728 Rainbow snake. Tanner. Legends from the Red man's forest. Another story of tfie rainbozu. [Adapted.! Y 8728 Wilson. Myths of the Red children. [Verse.] Y 9738 Raja Rasalu. Jacobs. Indian fairy tales. Y 4460.2 This story includes How Raja Rasalu went out into the world; How Raja Rasalu journeyed to the city of King Sarkap ; How Raja Rasalu swung- the seventy fair maidens, daughters of the King; How Raja Rasalu played chaupur with King Sar- kap. Rajeb's reward. Golden fairy book. Lz 3470 WiGGiN and Smith. Magic casements. Y 9690.11 Ram. AuLNOY. Fairy tales. Y 330-i Lang. Blue fairy book. Wonderful sheep. Y 5000.1 Ram and the pig who went into the woods to live by themselves. Asbjornsen. Fairy tales from the far north. Lz 314.2 — Tales from the fjeld. Sfi^ep and the pig who set up house. Lz 314 Bailey and Lewis. For the children's hour. Sheep and the pig. [Adapted.] Pr447 WiGGiN AND Smith. Fairy ring. Y 9690.9 WiLTSE. Folklore stories and proverbs. [Adapted.] Y 9760 Rapunzel. Grimm. Fairy tales. Y 3610.2 — German popular tales. Y 3610.3 Lang. Red fairy book. Y 5000.3 WiGGiN AND Smith. Fairy ring. Y 9690.9 Rat's wedding. Steel. Tales of the Punjab. LZ6496 Ratcatcher. See Pied Piper of Hamelin. Raven. Grimm. Fairy tales. Y 3610.2 — German household stories. Y 3610 Raven and the cattle. Tappan. Folk stories and fables. Y 8725.9 Red bull of Norroway. Mother Goose's nursery rhymes, tales and jingles. Bull of Norrozvay. Y 6211 Singleton. Goldenrod fairy book. Y 8268 Compare Black bull of Norroway. Red dog. Kipling. Second jungle book. Y 4840.1 Red Ettin. Jacobs. English fairy t-ales. Y 4460.3 Lang. Blue fairy book. Y 5000.1 Red-headed woodpecker. See Woodpecker. See also Why the woodpecker's head is red. Red Riding Hood. See Little Red Riding Hood. Red shoes. Andersen. Fairy tales. Y 200.3 — Wonder stories. Y 200.4 Scudder. Children's book. Y 8070.2 Red Swan. Compton. Snowbird and the water tiger, and other American Indian tales. Y 1865 Reflected glory. Rouse. Talking thrush. _ Y 7635 Reinecke's revenge on Isegrim. Houghton. Russian grandmother's won- der tales. Y4290 Resolute leaden soldier. See Constant tin soldier. RoiJ^nard and chanticleer. See Cock and the fox. Reynard wants to taste horse-flesh. Asbjornsen. Fairy tales from the far north. Lz 314.2 — Tales from the fjeld. Lz 314 Riddle. Grimm. Fairy tales. Y 3610.2 -— German popular tales. Y 3610.3 Lang. Green fairy book. Y 5000.2 Compare Ridere of riddles. Ridere of Riddles. Jacobs. More Celtic fairy tales. Y 4460.5 Compare Riddle. "Rikki-tikki-tavi." Kipling. Jungle book. Y4840 Rip Van Winkle. JuDD. Wigwam stories. Y4663 Riquet with the tuft. Craik. Fairy book^ Y 2010.3 Jerrold. Reign of King Oberon. Y 4572 ScuDDER. Children's book. Y 8070.2 Perr.\ult. Tales of Mother Goose. Y 6847 Valentine. Old, old fairy tales. Y 9200.1 Wiggin and Smith. Fairy ring. Y 9690.9 Road to fortune. Wiggin and Smith. Fairy ring. Y 9690.9 Robber and his sons. Grimm. German household stories. Y 3610 Robber bridegroom. Grimm. Fairytales. Y 3610.2 — German popular tales. Y 3610.3 Compare Mr. Fox ; Sweetheart in the wood. Robin. S-ee Opeeche, the robin. Robin and the salmon berry. Chandler. In the reign of coyote. Y 1628 Rogue and his master. See Thief and his master. Rogue and the herdsman. Lang. Crimson fairy book. Y 5000.16 Rog^e and the simpleton. Tappan. Folk stories and fables. Y 8725.9 Roland. Grimm. Gerrtmn popular tales. Y 3610.3 Rory the robber. MacManus. In chimney corners. Y 5446.2 34 FAIRY TALES AND FOLK STORIES Rosanella. Lang. Green fairy book. Y 5000.2 WiGGiN AND Smith. Magic casements. Y 9690.11 Rose. Grimm. German household stories. Y 3610 Rose-beauty. KuNOs. Turkish fairy tales. Lz 4893 Rose-elf. See Elf of the rose. Rose from Homer's grave. Andersen. Fairy tales. Y 200.3 Rose-leaf. Bay. Danish fairy and folk tales. Y 637 Rose-tree. Jacobs. English fairy tales. Y 4460.3 Compare Juniper tree. Roses and the sparrows. Andersen. Fairy tales. Y 200.3 Rover of the plain. Lang. Orange fairy book. Y 5000.21 Ruby Prince. Steel. Tales of the Punjab. Lz 8496 Riibezahl. Lang. Brown fairy book. Y 5000.17 Rumpelstiltzkin. Bailey and Lewis. For the children's hour. [Adapted.] Pr 447 Cr-MK. Fairy book. Y 2010.3 Grimm. German popular tales. Y 3610.3 Jerrold. Reign of King Oberon. Y4572 Lang. Blue fairy book. Y 5000.1 Norton. Heart of oak books. Vol. 3. [Adapted.] Y 6460 Scudder. Children's book. Y 8070.2 Wiggin and Smith. Fairy ring. Y 9690.9 Compare Tom Tit Tot. Rushen Coatie. Jacobs. More English fairy tales. Y 4460.4 Russet dog. Jacobs. _ More Celtic fairy tales. Y 4460.5 Sacred milk of Koumongoe. Lang. Brown fairy book. Y 5000.17 Sad fate of Mr. Fox. Harris. Uncle Remus, his songs and his sayings. Y 3850.2 Sagacious monkey and the boar. Ozaki. Japanese fairy book. Y 6638 Samba the coward. Lang. Olive fairy book. Y 5000.23 Sand-hills. Andersen. Fairy tales. Story from the sand-hills. Y 200.3 — Stories and tales. Story from the sand hills. Y 200.1 Sandal-wood necklace. Singleton. Goldenrod fairy book. Y 8268 Satin surgeon. Lang. Olive fairy book. Y 5000.23 Saucy Jesper. Bay. Danish fairy and folk tales. Y 637 Compare Golden goose ; Hans who made the princess laugh ; Magic swan ; Taper Tom. Schippeitaro. Lang. Violet fairy book. Y 5000.11 Schlauraffenland. Grimm. German household stories. Y 3610 Scrapefoot. Jacobs. More English fairy tales. Y 4460.4 Compare Three bears. Sea-maiden. Jacobs. Celtic fairy tales. Y 4460.1 Sea, the fox, and the wolf. Tappan. Folk stories and fables. Y 8725.9 Second Calender. Arabian nights. (Lang.) Story of the second Calender, son of a king. Y 250.2 — (Townsend.) History of the second Calen- der. Y 250.2 Second old man and the two black dogs. Arabian nights. (Lang.) Story of the sec- ond old man and of the two black dogs. Y 250.2 — (Townsend.) Story of the second old man and the tivo black dogs. Y 250.2 Septimus. Valentine. Old, old fairy tales. Y 9200.1 Serpent-Peri and the magic mirror. Kunos. Turkish fairy tales. Lz 4893 Seven crows. See Seven ravens. Seven dwarfs. See Snowdrop. Seven fathers in the house. See Father of the family. Seven foals. Lang. Red fairy book. Y 5000.3 Seven-headed serpent. Lang. Yellow fairy book. Y 5000.5 Seven ravens. Grimm. Fairy tales. Y 3610.2 — German popular tales. Seven crows. Y 3610.3 Seven Simons. Lang. Crimson fairy book. Story of the seven Simons. Y 5000.16 Seven stars. Houghton. Russian grandmother's won- der tales. Y4290 Compare Pleiades ; Pleiades, or the seven stars ; Seven stars of Pleiades. Seven stars of Pleiades. Judd. Wigwam stories. Y 4663 Compare Pleiades ; Pleiades, or the seven stars ; Seven stars. Seven Swabians. Grimm. German household stories. Y 3610 Shadow. Andersen. Fairy tales. Y 200.3 — Wonder stories. Y 200.4 Shadow canoe. Judd. Wigwam stories. Y4663 A legend of Minnehaha Falls. Shadows. Macdonald. Light princess and other fairy tales. Y 5420.10 Sham prince; or, the ambitious tailor. Lang. Crimson fairy book. Story of the sham prince; or, the ambitious tailor. Y 5000.16 Shan Ban and Ned Flynn. MacManus. In chimney corners. Y 5446.2 Sharing love and sorrow. Grimm. Fairytales. Y 3610.2 — German household stories. Loz'e and sorrozu to share. Y 3610 She was good for nothing. Andersen. Fairy tales. Y 200.3 — Stories and tales. "Good for nothing." Y 200.1 Shee an Gannon and the Gruagach Gaire. Jacobs. Celtic fairy tales. Y 4460.1 M FAIRY TALES AND FOLK STORIES 35 Sheep and the pig. See Ram and the pig who went into the woods to live by them- selves. Sheep and the pig who set up house. See Ram and the pig who went into the woods to live by themselves. Shepherd boy and the king. Grimm. Fairytales. Y 3610.2 — German household stories. Little shep- herd boy. Y 3610 Shepherd of Myddvai. Jacobs. Celtic fairy tales. Y 4460.1 Shepherd pashaw. Laboulaye. Fairy tales. Y 4900.2 — Last fairy tales. Shepherd pacha. Y4900 Shepherd Paul. Lang. Crimson fairy book. Y 5000.16 Shepherdess and the chimney-sweep. Andersen. Fairytales. Y 200.3 — Stories and tales. Y 200.1 ScuDDER. Children's book. Y 8070.2 Shinansha; or, the south pointing carriage. OzAKi. Japanese fairy book. Y 6638 Shirt collar. Andersen. Fairy tales. Y 200.3 — Wonder stories. False collar. Y 200.4 Lang. Pink fairy book. Y 5000.9 Shoemaker's apprentice. Grundtvig. Fairy tales from afar. Y 3634 Shoes that were danced to pieces. See Dancing-shoes. Shopboy and his cheese. Asbjornsen. Tales from the fjeld. Lz 314 Short story. Houghton. Russian grandmother's won- der tales. Y4290 Compare Box with the funny thing in it; Tail. Shreds. See Flax leavings. Shroud. See Child's grave. Sick lion. Houghton. Russian grandmother's won- der tales. Y 4290 Sidi-Nouman. Arabian nights. (Lang.) Story of Sidi- Nouman. Y 250.2 — (Townsend.) Story of Sidi-N ownan. Y 250.2 Silent princess. Lang. Olive fairy book. Y 5000.23 Silly Matt. Asbjornsen. Tales from the fjeld. Lz 314 Compare Discreet Hans; Epaminondas and his auntie ; Lazy Jack. Silly men and cunning wives. Asbjornsen. Folk and fairy tales. Foolish men and scolding zvives. Y 314 — Tales from the fjeld. Lz 314 Silver locks. See Three bears. Silver penny. Golden fairy book. Lz 3470 WiGGiN and Smith. Magic casements. Y 9690.11 Silver shilling. Andersen. Fairy tales. Y 200.3 — Wonder stories. Y 200.4 Simeli-Mountain. Grimm. Fairy tales. Y 3610.2 — German household stories. Mountain Sesima. Y 3610 Compare AH Baba and the forty thieves. Simpleton. Lang. Grey fairy book. Y 5000.10 Sinbad the sailor. Arabian nights. (Lang.) Seven voyages of Sinbad the sailor. Y 250.2 — (.Townsend.) Story of Sinbad the sailor. „ Y 250.2 Blaisdell. Child life fifth reader. First, sixth and seventh voyages. Y 909.5 Mabie. Fairy tales every child should know. Second voyage of Sinbad the sailor. Y 5400.2 Norton. Heart of oak books. Vol. 4. Story of Sinbad the sailor. Y 6460 ScuDDER. Children's book. Story of Sin- bad the sailor. y 8070.2 Tappan. Stories from seven old favorites. Y 8725.13 Unless otherwise specified each reference con- tains the seven voyages of Sinbad the sailor. Sing-song of Old Man Kangaroo. Kipling. Just so stories. Y 4840.3 Singh Rajah and the cunning little jackals. See Little jackals and the lion. Singing bone. Grimm. German popular tales. Y 3610.3 Sir Buzz. Steel. Tales of the Punjab. Lz 8496 Sir Gammer Vans. Jacobs. More English fairy tales. Y 4460.4 Sir Greenhat. Grundtvig. Fairy tales from afar. Y 3634 Sister of the sun. Bailey and Lewis. For the children's hour. Stm's sisters. [Adapted and con- clusion omitted.] Pr447 Lang. Brown fairy book. Y 5000.17 Six hungry beasts. Lang. Crimson fairy book. Y 5000.16 Compare Fox as herdsboy. Six servants. Grimm. German household stories. Y 3610 Six sillies. Lang. Red fairy book. Y 5000.3 Compare Three sillies. Six swans. Craik. Fairy book. Y 2010.3 Grimm. Fairytales. Y 36io!2 — German popular tales. Y 3610.3 Lang. Yellow fairy book. Y '5000.5 ScuDDER. Children's book. Y 8070.2 Tappan. Folk stories and fables. Y 8725.9 Compare Twelve brothers ; Twelve wild ducks. Skipper and Old Nick. Asbjornsen. Tales from the fjeld. Lz 314 Slaying of the Tanuki. Lang. Pink fairy book. Y 5000.9 Sleeping Beauty in the wood. Bailey and Lewis. For the children's hour. Sleeping princess. Pr 447 Burt. Story of the German Iliad. Y 1274 Craik. Fairy book. Y 2010.3 Lang. Blue fairy book. Y 5000.1 Mabie. Fairy tales every child should know. Y 5400.2 Norton. Heart of oak books. Vol. 2 Y 6460 Perrault. Tales of Mother Goose. Y 6847 ScuDDER. Book of folk stories. Y 8070.14 — Children's book. Y 8070.2 — Fables and folk stories. Y 8070.16 Tappan. Folk stories and fables. Y 8725.9 36 FAIRY TALES AND FOLK STORIES Sleeping Beauty in the wood. (Continued.) Valentine: Old, old fairy tales. Y 9200.1 The Lang and Valentine versions give a second part of the story which the others omit. Com- pare Briar Rose. Sleeping princess. See Sleeping beauty in the wood. Slip pine-root, grip fox-foot. See Slip root, catch Reynard's foot. Slip root, catch Reynard's foot. AsBjoRNSEN. Fairy tales from the far north. Slip pine-root, grip fox-foot. \aZ 314.2 — Tales from the fjeld. Lz 314 Slippers of Abou-Karem. Golden fairy book. Lz 3470 Sluggard. Chodzko. Fairy tales of the Slav. Y 17.12 Smallhead and the king's sons. Jacobs. More Celtic fairy tales. Y 4460.5 Smith and the devil. AsBjORNSEN. Folk and fairy tales. Y 314 Snail and the rose-tree. Andersen. Wonder stories. Y 200.4 Snake prince. Lang. Olive fairy book. Y 5000.23 Snake-woman and King Ali Mardan. Steel. Tales of the Punjab. Lz 8496 Snow-daughter and the Fire-son. Lang. Yellow fairy book. Y 5000.5 Snow man. Andersek. Fairy tales. Y 200.3 — Wonder stories. Y 200.4 Bailey and Lewis. For the children's hour. [Adapted.] Pr447 Lang. Pink fairy book. Y 5000.9 Snow-queen. Andersen. Fairy tales. Y 200.3 — Wonder stories. Y 200.4 Lang. Pink fairy book. Y 5000.9 Snow, the crow and the blood. MacManus. Donegal fairy stories. Y 5446 Snow-white. See Little Snow-White. Snow-white and Rose-red. Blaisdell. Child life in tale and fable. [Adapted.] Y 909.2 Craik. Fairy book. Y 2010.3 Grimm. German household stories. Y 3610 Lang. Blue fairy book. Y 5000.1 Singleton. Goldenrod fairy book. Y 8268 WiGGiN and Smith. Fairy ring. Y 9690.9 Snowbird and the water tiger. CoMPTON. Snowbird and the water tiger, and other American Indian tales. Y 1865 Snowdrop [I]. Bailey and Lewis. For the children's hour. [Adapted.] Pr447 Snowdrop [II]. See Little Snow-White. Snowflake. Lang. Pink fairy book. Y -5000.9 Snuff-box. Lang. Green fairy book. Y 5000.2 So born, so die. Houghton. Russian grandmother's won- der tales. Y 4290 Soaring lark. Grimm. German popular tales. Y 3610.3 Sole. Grimm. Fairytales. Y 3610.2 — German household stories. Y 3610 Sole. (Continued.) WiLTSE. Folklore stories and proverbs. [Adapted.] Y 9760 "Something." Andersen. Fairy tales. Y 200.3 — Stories and tales. Y 200.1 Son of Adam. Jacobs. More English fairy tales. Y 4460.4 Son of seven mothers. See Son of seven queens. Son of seven queens. Jacobs. Indian fairy tales. Y 4460.2 Steel. Tales of the Punjab. Son of seven mothers. Lz 8496 Tappan. Folk stories and fables. Y 8725.9 Wiggin and Smith. Magic casements. Y 9690.11 Soothsayer's son. Jacobs. Indian fairy tales. Y 4460.2 Soria Moria Castle. Asbjornsen. Fairy tales from the far north. Soria Maria's castle. Lz 314.2 Lang. Red fairy book. Y 5000.3 Wiggin and Smith. Magic casements. Y 9690.11 Soup from a sausage skewer. Andersen. Fairy tales. Y 200.3 — Wonder stories. Soup made of a sausage stick. Y 200.4 Soup made of a sausage stick. See Soup from a sausage skewer. South Wind and the dandelion. See Prairie dandelion. Sovereign of the mineral kingdom. Chodzko. Fairy tales of the Slav. Y 1712 Sparrow and his four children. Grimm. Fairytales. Y 3610.2 — German household stories. Y 3610 Sparrow and the bush. Wiggin and Smith. Fairy ring. Y 9690.9 Compare Cat and the mouse ; Grain of corn ; How the mouse got into his hole ; Little Tuppen ; Munachar and Manachar ; Nanny who wouldn't go home to supper ; Old woman and her pig. Sparrow and the crow. Steel. Tales of the Punjab. Lz 8496 Sparrow with the slit tongue. See Tongue- cut sparrow. Sparrow's revenge. Rouse. Talking thrush. Y 7635 Spider and the flea. Grimm. German popular tales. Y 3610.3 Compare Death and burial of poor hen-sparrow ; Death of Chanticleer; Titty-mouse and Tatty- mouse. Spindle, shuttle and needle. Bailey and Lewis. For the children's hour. Pr447 Grimm. Fairytales. Y 3610.2 — German household stories. Y 3610 Lang. Green fairy book.' Y 5000.2 Wiggin and Smith. Fairy ring. Y 9690.9 Spinning queen. Laboulaye. Fairy tales. Idle maiden. [In Captain John's travels.] Y 4900.2 — Last fairy tales. Y 4900 Compare Three spinning fairies ; Three little crones each with something big. Spirit in the bottle. Grimm. German household stories. Y 3610 FAIRY TALES AND FOLK STORIES 37 Spirit of the steppes. Chodzko. Fairy tales of the Slav. Y 1712 Spirits, seen and unseen. Harris. Nights with Uncle Remus. Y 3850.1 Sprig of rosemary. Lang. Pink fairy book. Y 5000.9 Sprightly tailor. Jacobs. Celtic fairy tales. Y 4460.1 Spring running. Kipling. Second jungle book. Y 4840.1 Sprite of the mill-pond. See Nix in the pond. Squire Peter. AsBjoRNSEN. Fairy tales from the far north. Lz 314.2 Compare Gagliuso, or the good cat ; Puss in boots. Squire's bride. AsBjORNSEN. Fairy tales from the far north. Lz 314.2 Sswanda the piper. Laboulaye. Fairy tales. Story of Sswanda the piper. Y 4900.2 Stag and the hedgehog. Houghton. Russian grandmother's won- der tales. Y 4290 Stag-prince. KuNOS. Turkish fairy tales. Lz 4893 Stag, the crow, and the jackal. Rouse. Talking thrush. Y 7635 Stan Bolovan. Lang. Violet fairy book. Y 5000.11 Star dollars. Bryant. How to tell stories. Pr 1229 Grimm. Fairy tales. Y 3610.2 — German household stories. Y 3610 Whittier. Child life in prose. Y 9680.2 Star maiden. Brooks. Stories of the Red children. Star that became a lily. [Adapted.] Y 1178 CoMPTON. Snowbird and the water tiger, and other American Indian tales. Y 1865 JuDD. Wigwam stories. How the zvater lily came. Y 4663 Tanner. Legends of the Red man's forest. Water-lily. Y 8728 Star that became a lily. 5"^^ Star maiden. Star that never moves. JuDD. Wigwam stories. Y 4663 Stars in the sky. Jacobs. More English fairy tales. Y 4460.4 Wiggin and Smith. Magic casements. Y 9690.11 Steadfast tin-soldier. See Constant tin sol- soldier. Steel cane. Lang. Olive fairy book. Y 5000.23 Steelpacha. Houghton. Russian grandmother's won- der tales. Y 4290 Stolen farthings. Grimm. German household stories. Y 3610 Stone cutter. Bailey and Lewis. For the children's « hour. Pr447 Lang. Crimson fairy book. Y 5000.16 Stone of the wise men. See Philosopher's stone. Stone-patience and knife-patience. KuNOS. Turkish fairy tales. Lz 4893 Stone-Shirt and the One-Two. Compton. Snowbird and the water tiger, and other American Indian tales. • Y 1865 Stones of five colours and the Empress Jokwa. Ozaki. Japanese fairy book. Y 6638 Storehouse key in the distaff. Asbjornsen. Fairy tales from the far north. Le 314.2 Stories about snakes. Grimm. Fairy tales. Y 3610.2 Storks. Andersen. Fairy tales. Y 200.3 — Wonder stories. Y 200.4 Blaisdell. Child life in many lands. [Adapted.] Y 909.3 Storm moves the sign-boards. Andersen. Stories and tales. Y 200.1 Story-teller at fault. Jacobs. Celtic fairy tales. Y 4460.1 Tappan. Folk stories and fables. Y 8725.9 Story-teller himself. See lagoo, the great story-teller. Strange adventures of little Maia. See Thum- belina. Straw, the coal, and the bean. Bailey and Lewis. For the children's hour. Why the bean wears a stripe down its back. [Adapted.] Pr447 Blaisdell. Child life in many lands. Y 909.3 Grimm. Fairytales. Y 3610.2 — German popular tales. Y 3610.3 Strong. All the year round. Vol. 3. Spring. Y8628 Street musicians. See Bremen town musi- cians. String of pearls. Andersen. Stories and tales. Y 200.1 Strong Hans. Grimm. German household stories. Y 3610 Strong prince. Lang. Crimson fairy book. Y 5000.16 Stupid's cries. Jacobs. More English fairy tales. Y 4460.4 Compare Going out a-travelling. Subjugation of the thunderbird. Chandler. In the reign of coyote. Y 1628 Suitor. Bay. Danish fairy and folk tales. Y 637 Sultan of Casgar's purveyor. Arabian nights. (Townsend.) Story told by the Sultan of Casgar's purveyor. Y 250.2 Summer-gowk. Andersen. Wonder stories. Y 200.4 Summer maker. See How summer came to the earth. Summer night in a Norwegian forest. Asbjornsen. Folk and fairy tales. Y314 Sun and the moon. Judd. Wigwam stories. Y4663 Sun Man and the moon. Wilson. Myths of the Red children. [Verse.] Y 9738 Sun, moon, and wind go out to dinner. See Why all men love the moon. Sun; or, the^ three golden hairs of the old man Vsevede. Chodzko. Fairy tales of the Slav. Y 1712 Compare Giant with the three golden hairs. 38 FAIRY TALES AND FOLK STORIES Sun, the moon, and the wind. See Why all men love the moon. Sun's daughter. See Sunchild. Sun's sisters. See Sister of the sun. Sunbeam and the captive. Andersen. Fairy tales. Y 200.3 — Stories and tales. Picture from the castle ramparts. Y 200.1 Sunchild. Laboulaye. Last fairy tales. Sun's datigh- ter. Y 4900 Lang. Grey fairy book. Y 5000.10 Sunshine. Bay. Danish fairy and folk tales. Y 637 Blaisdell. Child life in tale and fable. Little Sunshine. [Adapted.] Y 909.2 Sunshine stories. Andersen. Wonder stories. Y 200.4 Swan and the crow. Rouse. Talking thrush. Y 7635 Swan and the paddy-bird. Rouse. Talking thrush. Y 7635 Swan's nest. Andersen. Stories and tales. Y 200.1 Sweet soup. See Wonderful porridge pot. Sweetheart in the wood. AsBjORNSEN. Tales from the fjeld. Lz 314 Compare Mr. Fox; Robber bridegroom. Swiftest runners. Andersen. Fairy tales. Racers. Y 200.3 — Wonder stories. Y 200.4 Swineherd. Andersen. Fairy tales. Y 200.3 — Wonder stories. Y 200.4 Lang. Yellow fairy book. Y 5000.5 Scudder. Children's book. Y 8070.2 Sylvain and Jocosa. Lang. Green fairy book. Y 5000.2 WiGGiN and Smith. Magic casements. Y 9690.11 Table, the ass, and the stick. Grimm. Fairy tales. Wishing table, the gold ass, and the cudgel. Y 3610.2 — German popular tales. Y 3610.3 Wiggin and Smith. Fairy ring. Y 9690.9 Compare Ass, the table, and the stick. Tail. Jacobs. More Celtic fairy tales. Y 4460.5 Compare Box with the funny thing in it; Short story. Tailor. Arabian nights. (Townsend.) Story told by the tailor. Y 250.2 Tailor and the three beasts. Bryant. Stories to tell. Pr 1229.2 Tailor's daughter. Laboulaye. Fairy tales. Tailor's story. [In Captain John's travels.] Y 4900.2 — Last fairy tales. Y 4900 Tailor's story. See Tailor's daughter. Talkative tortoise. Bryant. Stories to tell. [Adapted.] Pr 1229,2 Jacobs. Indian fairy tales. Y 4460.2 Lang. Olive fairy book. Fate of the turtle. Y 5000.23 Talking thrush. Rouse. Talking thrush. Y 7635 Tamlane. Jacobs. More English fairy tales, Y 4460.4 Taper Tom. See Hans, who made the prin- cess laugh. Tar-baby. .S"^^ Wonderful tar-baby story. Tattercoats. Jacobs. More English fairy tales. Y 4460.4 Wiggin and Smith. Fairy ring. Y 9690.9 Tea-pot. Andersen. Stories and tales. Y 200.1 Tears of pearls. Chodzko. Fairy tales of the Slav. Y 1712 Teeny-Tiny. Jacobs. English fairy tales. Y 4460,3 Mother Goose's nursery rhymes, tales and jingles. Y 6211 Terrible head, Lang. Blue fairy book. Y 5000.1 Thanksgiving of the wazir. Lang. Olive fairy book. Y 5000.23 "There's a difference." See Conceited apple branch. Thief and his master. Grimm. Fairytales. Y 3610,2 — German popular tales. Rogue and his master. Y 3610.3 Third Calender. Arabian nights. (Lang.) Story of the third Calender, son of a king. Y 250.2 — (Townsend.) History of the third Calen- der. Y 250.2 This is the lad who sold the pig. AsBjoRNSEN. Tales from the fjeld. Lz 314 Thorny path of honor. Andersen. Stories and tales. Y 200.1 Three army surgeons. Grimm. German household stories. Y 3610 Three bears. Arnold and Gilbert. Stepping stones to literature. Vol. 2. Y 298 Bailey and Lewis. For the children's hour. Pr 447 Baldwin. Fairy stories and fables. Y 468,14 Blaisdell. Child life in tale and fable. Silver Locks. Y 909,2 Bryant. How to tell stories. Pr 1229 Golden goose and the three bears. Y 3465 Jacobs. English fairy tales. Y 4460,3 Klingensmith. Household stories. Y 4815 Lang. Green fairy book. Story of the three bears. Y 5000.2 Mabie. Fairy tales every child should know. Y 5400.2 Norton. Heart of oak books. Vol. 2. Y 6460 O'Shea. Six nursery classics. Story of the three bears. Y 6615 Scudder. Book of folk stories. Y 8070.14 — Children's book. Y 8070.2 Tappan, Folk stories and fables. Y 8725,9 Valentine. Old, old fairy tales. Y 9200.1 « WiLTSE. Folk lore stories. Y 9760 ^ Kindergarten stories. Pr 9740 In English fairy tales and the Green fairy book Southey's text is followed exactly. In the other versions a little girl has been substituted for the old woman, and there are minor variations. In Old, old fairy tales the story has been greatly- changed and lengthened. Compare Scrapefoot. FAIRY TALES AND FOLK STORIES 39 Three billy-goats who went up into the hills to get fat. AsBjoRNSEN. Folk and fairy talcs. Y 314 Baldwin. Fairy stories and fables. Three goats named Briise. Y 468.14 Klingensmith. Household stories. Three goats. [Adapted.] Y 4815 Three birds. Grimm. German popular tales. Y 3610.3 Three black princesses. Grimm. Fairytales. Y 3610.2 — German household stories. Y 3610 Three brother beasts. Golden fairy book. Lz 3470 Three brothers [1]. Grimm. German household stories. Y 3610 Lang. Pink fairy book. Y 5000.9 Three brothers [11]. Lang. Yellow fairy book. Y 5000.5 Three Calenders, sons of kings, and five ladies of Bagdad. Arabian nights. (Lang.) Story of the three Calenders. Y 250.2 — CTownsend.) Y 250.2 Three cows. Jacobs. More English fairy tales. Y 4460.4 Three dogs [I]. Lang. Green fairy book. Y 5000.2 Three dogs [11]. Wiggin and Smith. Magic casements. Y 9690.1 1 Three dwarfs. Grimm. German popular tales. Y 3610.3 Lang. Red fairy book. Y 5000.3 "Three eels." Houghton. Russian grandmother's won- der tales. Y4290 Three feathers [I]. Grimm. Fairy tales. Y 3610.2 — German popular tales. _ Y 3610.3 Wiggin and Smith. Fairy ring. Y 9690.9 Three feathers [11]. Jacobs. More English fairy tales. Y 4460.4 Three gifts. Singleton. Goldenrod fairy book. Y8268 Three goats. See Three billy-goats who went up into the hills to get fat. Three goats named Bruse. See Three billy- goats who went up into the hills to get fat. Three green twigs. Grimm. German household stories. Y 3610 Three happy tailors. Bay. Danish fairy and folk tales. Y 637 Three heads of the well. Jacobs. English fairy tales. Y 4460.3 Mother Goose's nursery rhymes, tales and jingles. Y 6211 Three journeymen. Grimm. German household stories. Y 3610 Three languages. Grimm. German popular tales. Y 3610.3 Three lemons [I]. Asbjornsen. Tales from the fjeld. Lz 314 Compare Three lemons [II]. Three lemons [H]. Golden fairy book. Lz 3470 Laboulaye. Fairy tales. Y 4900.2 Singleton. Goldenrod fairy book. Y 8268 Compare three lemons [I]. Three little crones, each with something big. Jerrold. Reign of King Oberon. Y 4572 Compare Habetrot and Scantlie Mab ; Three spin- ning fairies ; Widow's daughter. Three little men in the wood. See Three dwarfs. Three little pigs. Bailey and Lewis. For the children's hour. Pr447 Bryant. How to tell stories. Pr 1229 Jacobs. English fairy tales. Y 4460.3 Mother Goose's nursery rhymes, tales and jingles. Y 6211 Three little pigs and Tom Thumb. Y 8886 Compare Three pigs. Three little tales about toads. Grimm. German household stories. Y 3610 Three luck children. See Fortune-seekers. Three musicians. Lang. Green fairy book. Y 5000.2 Wiggin and Smith. Magic casements. Y 9690.11 Three orange-peris. KuNOS. Turkish fairy tales. Lz 4893 Three pennies. Bay. Danish fairy and folk tales. Y 637 Three pigs. Baldwin. Fairy stories and fables. Y 468.14 Klingensmith. Household stories. Y 4815 Lang. Green fairy book. Three little pigs. Y 5000.2 Compare Three little pigs. Three princes and their beasts. Lang. Violet fairy book. Y 5000.11 Three princesses in the blue mountain. Asbjornsen. Fairy tales from the far north. Lz 314.2 Three princesses of Whiteland. Lang. Red fairy book. Y 5000.3 Three questions. Mother Goose's nursery rhymes, tales and jingles. Y6211 Three robes. Lang. Crimson fairy book. Y 5000.16 Three sillies. Jacobs. English fairy tales. Y 4460.3 Tappan. Folk stories and fables. Y 8725.9 Compare Six sillies. Three sisters. Arabian nights. (Lang.) Story of two sis- ters who were jealous of their younger sister. Y 250.2 — (Townsend.) Story of the three sisters. Y 250.2 Three sisters and their glass hearts. Golden fairy book. Lz 3470 Three sluggards. Grimm. Fairytales. Y 3610.2 — German household stories. Y 3610 Three snake leaves. Grimm. German popular tales. Y 3610.3 Lang. Green fairy book. Y 5000.2 Three sneezes. Jerrold. Reign of King Oberon. Y 4572 Three soldiers and the dwarf. See Nose. Three sons of Hali. Lang. Grey fairy book. Story of the three sons of Hali. Y 5000.10 40 FAIRY TALES AND FOLK STORIES Three spinning fairies. Grimm. Fairytales. Y 3610.2 — German popular tales. Three spinsters^. Y 3610.3 Compare Habetrot and Scantlie Mab ; Three little crones; Widow's daughter. Three spinsters. See Three spinning fairies. Three treasures of the giants. Lang. Orange fairy book. Y 5000.21 Three wishes [I]. Jacobs. More English fairy tales. Y 4460.4 Three wishes [II]. Laboulaye. Last fairy tales. Y 4900 Three wonderful beggars. Lang. Violet fairy book. Story of three wonderful beggars. Y 5000.11 Three wonders of tlie world. Laboulaye. Last fairy tales. Y 4900 Three years without wages. AsBjoRNSEN. Tales from the fjeld. Lz 314 Thumb elina. Andersen. Fairy tales. Little Tiny. Y 200.3 — Wonder stories. Thiimbling. Y 200.4 Jerrold. Reign of King Oberon. Thunibe- lina. Y 4572 Lang. Olive fairy book. Strange adven- tures of little Maia. Y 5000.23 — Yellow fairy book. Y 5000.5 Singleton. Goldenrod fairy book. Little Tiny. Y 8268 Thumbkin. Bailey and Lewis. For the children's hour. Peter, Paul and Espen. Pr 447 Laboulaye. Fairytales. Y 4900.2 — Last fairy tales. Poticinet. Y 4900 Tappan. Folk stories and fables. Boots and his brothers. Y 8725.9 Thumbling. Grimm. German popular tales. Travels of Thumbling. Y 3610.3 Tappan. Folk stories and fables. Y 8725.9 Thunder-bird of the Dakotas. JUDD. Wigwam stories. Y4663 Tiger, the Brahmin and the jackal. See Brahmin, the tiger and the jackal. Tiger, the fox and the hunters. Tappan. Folk stories and fables. Y 8725.9 "Tiger! Tiger!". Kipling. Jungle book. Y4840 Tiidu, the piper. Lang. Crimson fairy book. Y 5000.16 Time and the kings of the elements. Chodzko. Fairy tales of the Slav. Y 1712 Tinder-box. Andersen. Fairy tales. Y 200,3 — Wonder stories. Y 200.4 Lang. Yellow fairy book. Y 5000.5 Tit for tat. Bryant. Stories to tell. Little jackal and the camel. Pr 1229.2 Tappan. Folk stories and fables. Y 8725.9 WiGGiN and Smith. Fairy ring. Y 9690.9 Titty-mouse and Tatty-mouse. Jacobs. English fairy tales. Y 4460.3 Mother Goose's nursery rhymes, tales and jingles. Y 6211 Compare Death and burial of poor hen-sparrow ; Death of Chantiaieer ; Spider and the flea. To your good health!. Lang. Crimson fairy book. Y 5000.16 Toad. Andersen. Wonder stories. Y 200.4 Toads and diamonds. Arnold and Gilbert. Stepping stones to literature. Vol. 3. Diamonds and toads. [Adapted.] Y 298 Blaisdell. Child life in many lands". Dia- monds and toads. [Adapted.] Y 909.3 Jerrold. Reign of King Oberon. Fairy at the well. Y4572 Lang. Blue fairy book. Y 5000.1 Norton. Heart of oak books. Vol. 2. Dia- monds and toads. Y 6460 Perrault. Tales of Mother Goose. Y 6847 Valentine. Old, old fairy tales. Diamonds and toads. Y 9200.1 Tom Hickathrift. Jacobs. More English fairy tales. [Short- ened.] Y 4460.4 Mother Goose's nurserj'- rhymes, tales and jingles. Y 6211 Tom Thumb. Baldwin. Fairy stories and fables. Y 468.14 Blaisdell. Child life in tale and fable. Y 909.2 Craik. Fairy book. Y 2010.3 Jacobs. English fairy tales. Y 4460.3 Mabie. Fairy tales every child should know. Y 5400.2 Mother Goose's nursery rhymes, tales and jingles. Y6211 Norton. Heart of oak books. Vol. 2. History of Tom Thumb. Y 6460 Scudder. Book of folk stories. Y 8070.14 — Children's book. Y 8070.2 — Fables and folk stories. Y 8070.16 Tappan. Folk stories and fables. Y 8725.9 Three little pigs, and Tom Thumb. [Adapted.] Y 8886 Valentine. Old, old fairy tales. Y 9200.1 Wiggin and Smith. Fairy ring. History of Tom Thumb. Y 9690.9 Tom Tit Tot. Baldwin. Fairy stories and fables. Y 468.14 Jacobs. English fairy tales. Y 4460.3 Compare Rumpelstiltzkin. Tongue-cut sparrow. Bailey and Lewis. For the children's hour. Pr 447 Lang. Pink fairy book. Sparrow with the slit tongue. Y 5000.9 OzAKi. Japanese fairy book. Y 6638 Tappan. Folk stories and fables. Y 8725.9 Tontlawald. Lang. Violet fairy book. Tale of the Tont- lawald. Y 5000.11 Toomai of the elephants. Kipling. Jungle book. Y 4840 Top and ball. Andersen. Fairy tales. Y 200.3 — Wonder stories. Lovers. Y 200.4 Bailey and Lewis. For the children's hour. Pr 447 Scudder. Children's book. Lovers. Y 8070.2 Top Off— Half Off— All Gone. See Cat and the mouse in partnership. I FAIRY TALES AND FOLK STORIES 41 Tortoise and a mischievous monkey. Lang. Brown fairy book. Tale of a tortoise and of a mischiez'ous monkey. Y 5000.17 Town mouse and the country mouse. See Countrj' mouse and the town mouse. Town-mouse and the fell-mouse. See Coun- try mouse and the town mouse. Town musicians. See Bremen town musi- cians. Trapping in the Happy Hunting Grounds. JuDD. Wigwam stories. Y 4663 Travelling companion. Andersen. Fairy tales. Y 200.3 — Wonder stories. Y 200.4 Travelling musicians. See Bremen town mu- sicians. Treasure seeker. Lang. Crimson fairy book. Y 5000.16 Trial. Bay. Danish fairy and folk tales. Y 637 Trial of brides. See Bride-choosing. Tritill, Litill. and the birds. Lang. Crimson fairy book. Y 5000.16 Troll's daughter. Lang. Pink fairy book. Y 5000.9 Troll's hammer. Jerrold. Reign of King Oberon. Y4572 Wiggin and Smith. Fairy ring. Y 9690.9 Trolls in Hedale wood. AsBjORNSEN. Folk and fairy tales. Lads who met the trolls in the Hedale zvood. Y 314 — Tales from the fjeld. Lz 314 True bride. Grimm. Fairy tales. Y 3610.2 — German household stories. Y 3610 Lang. Green fairy book. Y 5000.2 True history of Little Goldenhood. Lang. Red fairy book. Y 5000.3 Compare Little Red Ri'^'ng Hood. Trusty John. See Faithful John. Tune that makes the tiger drowsy. Tappan. Folk stories and fables. Y 8725.9 Turkey maiden. Wilson. Myths of the Red children. Y9738 Turnip. Grimm. Fairytales. Y 3610.2 — German household stories. Y 3610 Turtle and his bride. Lang. Brown fairy book. Y 5000.17 Turtle-Dove, Sage-Cock, and the witch. CoMPTON. Snowbird and the water tiger, and other American Indian tales. Y 1865 Twelve brothers. Grimm. Fairytales. Y 3610.2 — German popular tales. Y 3610.3 Lang. Red fairy book. Y 5000.3 Mabie. Fairy tales every child should know. Y 5400.2 Compare Six swans ; Twelve wild ducks. Twelve by the mail. See Mail-coach passen- gers. Twelve dancing princesses. Lang. Red fairy book. Y 5000.3 Wiggin and Smith. Magic casements. Compare Dancing shoes. Y 9690.1 1 Twelve hunters. See Twelve huntsmen. Twelve huntsmen. Grimm. German popular tales. Twelve hunters. Y 3610.3 Lang. Green fairy book. Y 5000.2 Twelve idlers. Grimm. Fairytales. Y 3610.2 Twelve months. Chodzko. Fairy tales of the Slav. Y 1712 Laboulaye. Fairy tales. Y 4900.2 Wiggin and Smith. Fairy ring. Y 9690.9 Twelve wild ducks. Asbjornsen. Fairy tales from the far north. Lz 314.2 Compare Six swans ; Twelve brothers. Twigmuntus, Cowbelliantus, Perchnosius. Wiggin and Smith. Fairy ring. Y 9690.9 Twin brothers [I]. Grundtvig. Fairy tales from afar. Y 3634 Twin brothers fill. Lang. Grey fairy book. Y 5000.10 Twin stars. Holbrook. Book of nature myths. Y 4206 Two brothers [I]. Andersen. Stories and tales. Y 200.1 Two brothers [HI. Chodzko. Fairy tales of the Slav. Y 1712 Two brothers [111]. Grimm. German popular tales. Y 3610.3 Compare Two brothers [IV]. Two brothers [IV]. Lang. Pink fairy book. Y 5000.9 Compare Two brothers [III]. Two brothers [V]. Steel. Tales of the Punjab. Lz 8496 Two caskets. See Man's daughter and the woman's daughter. Two friends. Mace. Home fairy tales. Y 5425 Two frogs. See Frog travellers. Two in a sack. Lang. Violet fairy book. Y 5000.11 Two king's children, Grimm. Fairytales. Y 3610.2 — German household stories. Y 3610 Two maidens. Andersen. Stories and tales. Y 200.1 Two sisters who were jealous of their younger sister. See Three sisters. Two wanderers. Grimm. Fairytales. Y 3610.2 — German household stories. Y 3610 Udea and her seven brothers. Lang. Grey fairy book. Y 5000.10 Ugly duckling. Andersen. Fairy tales. Y 200.3 — Wonder stories. Y 200.4 Arnold and Gilbert. Stepping stones to literature. Vol. 3. [Adapted.] Y 298 Bailey and Lewis. For the children's hour. [Adapted.] Pr 447 Blaisdell. Child life in tale and fable. [Adapted.] Y 909.2 Klingensmith. Household stories. [Adapted.] Y 4815 Lang. Orange fairy book. Y 5000.21 Mabie. Fairy tales every child should know. Y 5400.2 Norton. Heart of oak books. Vol. 3. [Adapted.] Y 6460 Scudder. Children's book. Y 8070.2 Strong. All the year round. Vol. 4. Sum- mer. [Adapted.] Y 8628 Tafpan. Folk stories and fables. Y 8725.9 Whittier. Child life in prose. Y 9680.2 42 FAIRY TALES AND FOLK STORIES Ugly duckling. (Continued.) WiLTSE. Kindergarten stories and morn- Pr 9740 Y 5000.9 Vol. 3. Y6460 Story of Y6538 ing talks Under the willow-tree. Andersen. Fairy tales. Y 200.3 — Stories and tales. Y 200.1 Underground workers. Lang. Violet fairy book. Y 5000.11 Undertakers. Kipling. Second jungle book. Y 4840.1 Undutiful son. Grimm. German household stories. Y 3610 Unlooked-for prince. Lang. Grey fairy book. Y 5000.10 Uraschima Taro the fisher lad. See Uras- chimataro and the turtle. Uraschimataro and the turtle. Finnemore. Peeps at many lands. Japan. Y 2967 Lang. Pink fairj' book. Norton. Heart of oak books. Fisher-boy Urashiina. OzAKi. Japanese fairy book. Uraschima Taro, the fisher lad. Valentine and Orson. ScuDDER. Children's book. History of Valentine and Orson. Y 8070.2 Valentine. Old, old fairy tales. Y 9200.1 Valiant blackbird. Rouse. Talking thrush. Y 7635 Valiant chatteemaker. Wiggin and Smith. Fairy ring. Y 9690.9 Valiant tailor. Grimm. German household stories. Y 3610 Lang. Green fairy book. Story of a clever tailor. Y 5000.2 Valiant Vicky, the brave weaver. Steel. Tales of the Punjab. Lz 8496 Vasilisa with the Golden Tress and Ivan the Pea. Singleton. Goldenrod fairy book. Story of Vasilisa zvith the Golden Tress. Y 8268 Vila in the golden castle. Houghton. Russian grandmother's won- der tales. Y 4290 Vila of Muhlenburg. Houghton. Russian grandmother's won- der tales. Y 4290 Virgilius the sorcerer. Lang. Violet fairj' book. Y 5000.11 Vision of MacConglinney. Jacobs. More Celtic fairy tales. Y 4460.5 Vision of the last day. Andersen. Stories and tales. Y 200.1 Vizier who was punished. Arabian nights. (Lang.) Story of the vizier who zvas punished. Y 250.2 — (Townsend.) History of the vizier who was punished. Y 250.2 Voice of Death. Lang. Red fairy book. Y 5000.3 Voyage to Lilliput. Arnold and Gilbert. Stepping stones to literature. Vol. 6. Y 298 Blaisdell. Child life fifth reader. Gulli- ver's voyage to Lilliput. [Adapted.] Y 909.5 Lang. Blue fairy book. Y 5000.1 Scudder. Children's book. Y 8070.2 Wall Dad the simple-hearted. Lang, Brown fairy book. Y 5000.17 Wampum-bird and the boy. Judd. Wigwam stories. Legend of the wam- pum-bird and the boy. Y 4663 Wandering star. (Will-o'-the-Wisp.) Brooks. Stories of the Red children. Y1178 War of the wolf and the fox. Baldwin. Fairy stories and fables. Bat- tle of the beasts. Y 468.14 Klingensmith. Household stories. Battle of the beasts. Y 4815 Lang. Green fairy book. Y 5000.2 Was it the first turtle? Holbrook. Book of nature myths. Y 4206 Watch-tower between earth and Heaven. Houghton. Russian grandmother's won- der tales. Y 4290 Water-lily [Tl. The Gold-spinners. Lang. Blue fairy book. Y 5000.1 Wiggin and Smith. Magic casements. Gold spinners. Y 9690.11 Water-lily fill. See Star maiden. Water of life [I]. Grimm. German household stories. Y 3610 Jerrold. Reign of King Oberon. Y4572 Wiggin and Smith. Magic casements. Y 9690.11 Water of life [III. Lang. Pink fairy book. Y 5000.9 Water sprite. Grimm. Fairytales. Y 3610.2 — German popular tales. Y 3610.3 Waupee, the white hawk. Tanner. Legends from the Red man's forest. Y 8728 Way of the world. Asbjornsen. Fairy tales from the far north. World's rezvard. "Lz 314.2 — Tales from the fjeld. Lz 314 Compare Brahmin, the tiger and the jackal. Weasel and her husband. See Dame Weasel and her husband. Wedding of Mrs. Fox. Grimm. German popular tales. Y 3610.3 Wee bannock. Jacobs. More English fairy tales. Y 4460.4 Compare Gingerbread man; Johnny cake; Pan- cake. Wee, wee Mannie, Jacobs. More English fairy tales. Y 4460.4 Weeng, the spirit of sleep. See Weenk the sleep-bringer and his warriors. Weenk the sleep-bringer and his warriors. Judd. Wigwam stories. Y 4663 Tanner. Legends from the Red man"s forest. Weeng, the spirit of sleep. Y 8728 Well done, ill paid. Asbjornsen. Fairy tales from the far north. Lz 314.2 Well of the world's end. Jacobs. English fairy tales. Y 4460.3 Compare Frog prince ; Maiden and the frog. What came of picking flowers. Lang. Grey fairy book. Y 5000.10 What happened to the thistle. Andersen. Stories and tales. Y 200.1 What is a man? Rouse. Talking thrush. Y 7635 What one can invent. Andersen. Stories and tales. Y 200.1 1 FAIRY TALES AND FOLK STORIES 43 What the Christmas star sees. Bay. Danish fairy and folk tales. Y 637 "What the good-man does is sure to be right!" Andersen. Fairy tales. What the Old Man does is ahvays right. Y 200.3 — Stories and tales. Y 200.1 ScuDDER. Children's book. Y 8070.2 Compare Dame Gudbrand. What the moon saw. Andersen. Fairy tales. Y 200.3 Blaisdell. Child life in tale and fable. [Adapted.] Y 909.2 What the old man does is always right. Sec "What the good-man does is sure to be right!" What the rose did to the cypress. Lang. Brown fairy book. Y 5000.17 What the whole family said. Andersen. Stories and tales. Y 200.1 When Brother Rabbit was king. Harris. Told by Uncle Remns. Y 3850.6 When Neil a-Mughan was tuk. MacManus. In chimney corners. Y 5446.2 Where the morning star came from. Sec Morning star. Which was the foolishest? Lang. Brown fairy book. Y 5000.17 Which was the happiest? Andersen. Stories and tales. Y 200.1 White and the black bride. Grimm. Fairy tales. Y 3610.2 — German household stories. Y 3610 White cat. Aulnoy. Fairy tales. Y 330.1 Cr^mk. Fairy book. Y 2010.3 Lang. Blue fairy book. Y 5000.1 Mabie. Fairy tales every child should know. Y 5400.2 Scudder. Book of folk stories. Y 8070.14 — Children's book. Y 8070.2 — Fables and folk stories. Y 8070.16 Singleton. Goldenrod fairy book. Y 8268 Tappan. Folk stories and fables. Y 8725.9 Valentine. Old, old fairy tales. Y 9200.1 Wiggin and Smith. Fairy ring. Y 9690.9 Compare Peter Humbug and the white cat. White Cloud's visit to the Sun-prince. Compton. Snowbird and the water tiger, and other American Indian tales. Y 1865 White doe. See Hind in the wood. White dove. Grundtvig. Fairy tales from afar. Y 3634 Lang. Pink fairy book. Y 5000.9 Wiggin and Smith. Magic casements. Y 9690.11 White duck. Lang. Yellow fairy book. Y 5000.5 White hare and the crocodiles. OzAKi. Japanese fairy book. Y 6638 White Hawk, the lazy. Compton. Snowbird and the water tiger, and other American Indian tales. Y 1865 White seal. Kipling. Jungle book. Y4840 White slipper. Lang. Orange fairy book. Y 5000.21 White snake. Grimm. German popular tales. Y 3610.3 Lang. Green fairy book. Y 5000.2 White spot of the kingfisher. See How the kingfisher got his ring and his ruffle. White stone canoe. See Island of the Blessed. White wolf. Lang. Grey fairy book. Y 5000.10 Whiteling's war with Isegrim. Houghton. Russian grandmother's won- der tales. Y 4290 Whittington and his cat. Baldwin. Fifty famous stories retold. Y 468.5 Blaisdell. Child life in many lands. Dick Whittington. Y 909.3 Jacobs. English fairy tales. Y 4460.3 Lang. Blue fairy book. History of Whit- tington. Y 5000.1 — History of Whittington and other sto- ries. History of Whittington. Y 5000.22 Norton. Heart of oak books. Vol. 2. Y6460 Scudder. Book of folk stories. Dick Whit- tington and his cat. Y 8070.14 — Children's book. History of Sir Richard Whittington and his cat. Y 8070.2 — Fables and folk stories. Dick Whitting- ton and his cat. Y 8070.16 Tappan. Folk stories and fables. Y 8725.9 Who killed the otter's babies? Bryant. Stories to tell. Pr 1229.2 Tappan. Folk stories and fables. Y 8725.9 Why all men love the moon. Blaisdell. Child life in tale and fable. Sun, the moon, and the zvind. Y 909.2 Holbrook. Book of nature myths. Y 4206 Jacobs. Indian fairy tales. Sun, moon, and zvind go out to dinner. Y 4460.2 Why Brother Bear has no tail. Harris. Nights with Uncle Remus. Y 3850.1 Tappan. Folk stories and fables. Y 8725.9 Why Mr. Cricket has elbows on his legs. Harris. Told by Uncle Remus. Y 3850.6 Why Mr. Dog is tame. Harris. Told by Uncle Remus. Y 3850.6 Why Mr. Dog runs Brother Rabbit. Harris. Nights with Uncle Remus. Y 3850.1 Why Mr. Possum has no hair on his tail. Harris. Uncle Remus, his songs and his sayings. Y 3850.2 Why Mr, Possum loves peace. Harris. Uncle Remus, his songs and his sayings. Y 3850.2 Why the alligator's back is rough. Harris. Nights with Uncle Remus. Y 3850.1 Why the aspen leaves tremble. Holbrook. Book of nature myths. Y4206 Why the baby says "goo." Wilson. Myths of the Red children. Y9738 Why the bat is blind. Chandler. In the reign of coyote. Y 1628 Why the bear has a short tail. Holbrook. Book of nature myths. Y4206 JuDD. Wigwam stories. How the hear lost his tail. Y 4463 Why the cat always falls upon her feet. Holbrook. Book of nature myths. Y4206 Tappan. Folk stories and fables. Y 8725.9 44 FAIRY TALES AND FOLK STORIES Why the coyote is so cunning. Chandler. In the reign of coyote. Y 1628 Why the crocodile has a wide mouth. HoLBROOK. Book of nature myths. Y 4206 Why the dead do not come back. Chandler. In the reign of coyote. Y 1628 Why the dog cannot endure the cat, nor the cat the mouse. Houghton. Russian grandmother's won- der tales. Y4290 Why the dove is timid. Holbrook. Book of nature myths. Y 4206 Why the evergreen trees never lose their leaves. Bryant. How to tell stories. Why the ever- green trees keep their leaves in winter. Pr 1229 Holbrook. Book of nature myths. Y 4206 Tappan. Folk stories and fables. Y 8725.9 Why the face of the moon is white. Holbrook. Book of nature myths. Y 4206 Why the fish laughed. Jacobs. Indian fairy tales. Y 4460.2 Why the guinea-fowls are speckled. Harris. Nights with Uncle Remus. Y 3850.1 Why the hoofs of the deer are split. Holbrook. Book of nature myths. Y 4206 Why the juniper has berries. Holbrook. Book of nature myths. Y 4206 Why the magpie's nest is not well built. Holbrook. Book of nature myths. Y 4206 Compare Nest builders. Why the mole is blind. Blaisdell. Child life in many lands. [Adapted.] Y 909.3 Brooks. Stories of the Red children. Brave little mole. Y 1 1 78 CooKE. Nature myths and stories for little children. Indian story of the mole. Y i8gi Tanner. Legends from the Red man's forest. Y8728 Why the mosquito hates smoke. Chandler. In the reign of coyote. Y 1628 How musquitos came. Why the negro is black. Harris. Uncle Remus, his songs and his sayings. Y 3850.2 Why the owl eats only small creatures. Chandler. In the reign of coyote. Y 1628 Why the parrot repeats the words of men. Holbrook. Book of nature myths. Y 4206 Why the peacock's tail has a hundred eyes. Holbrook. Book of nature myths. Y 4206 Why the peetweet cries for rain. Holbrook. Book of nature myths. Y 4206 Why the rabbit is timid. Holbrook. Book of nature myths. Y 4206 Why the raven's feathers are black. Holbrook. Book of nature myths. Y4206 Why the sea is salt [I]. Holbrook. Book of nature myths. Y 4206 Compare Quern at the bottom of the sea. Why the sea is salt [II]. See Quern at the bottom of the sea. Why the serpent sheds his skin. Holbrook. Book of nature myths. Y 4206 Why the snakes change their skins. Chandler. In the reign of coyote. Y 1628 Why the sun travels regularly. Chandler. In the reign of coyote. Y 1628 CoMPTON. Snow bird and the water tiger, and other American Indian stories. Fighting hare. Y 1865 Why the swallow's tail is forked. Holbrook. Book of nature myths. Y 4206 Why the tail of the fox has a white tip. See Fox as herdsboy. Why the tick is now small. Chandler. In the reign of coyote. Y 1628 Why the turkey-buzzard is bald-headed. Harris. Told by Uncle Remus. Y 3850.6 Why the water in rivers is never still. Holbrook. Book of nature myths. Y 4206 Why the white hares have black ears. Holbrook. Book of nature myths. Y 4206 Why the woodpecker's head is red. Holbrook. Book of nature myths. Y 4206 Compare Menabozho swallowed by a large fish. Why the wren flies close to the earth. Holbrook. Book of nature myths. Y 4206 Compare Willow wren. Why there is a hare in the moon. Holbrook. Book of nature myths. Y 4206 Why there is a man in the moon. Holbrook. Book of nature myths. Y 4206 Tappan. Folk stories and fables. Y 8725.9 Why there is only one southwest wind. Chandler. In the reign of coyote. Y 1628 Why turkeys have red eyes. Wilson. Myths of the Red children. Y9738 Wicked daughters-in-law. Laboulaye. Last fairy tales. Y 4900 Wicked prince. Andersen. Wonder stories. Y 200.4 Wicked wolverine. Lang. Brown fairy book. Y 5000.17 Widow's daughter. MacManus. In chimney corners. Y 5446.2 Wiggin and Smith. Fairy ring. Y 9690.9 Compare Habetrot and Scantlie Mab ; Three little crones ; Three spinning fairies. Widow's son. Asbjornsen. Folk and fairy tales. Y 314 Wild man of the marsh. Grundtvig. Fairy tales from afar. Y 3634 Wild swans. Andersen. Fairy tales. Y 200.3 — Wonder stories. Y 200.4 Jerrold. Reign of King Oberon. Y 4572 Wiggin and Smith. Fairy ring. Y 9690.9 Compare Six swans ; Twelve brothers ; Twelve wild ducks. Will-o'-the-Wisp. See Wandering star. "Will-o'-the-Wisp is in the town." Andersen. Stories and tales. Y 200.1 Willow wren. Grimm. Fairytales. Y 3610.2 — German household stories. King Wren. Y3610 Klingensmith. Household stories. King Wren. [Adapted.] Y 4815 Compare Why the wren flies close to the earth. Wily tortoise. Rouse. Talking thrush. Y 7635 Wind. See Wind's tale. FAIRY TALES AND FOLK STORIES 45 Wind-demon. KuNos. Turkish fairy tales. Y 4893 Wind's tale. Andersen. Fairy tales. Story of the wind. Y 200.3 — Stories and tales. Y 200.1 Windmill. Andersen. Stories and tales. Y 200.1 Winter and Sprinpr. Sec Old Winter Man and the Spring- Maiden. Wise bird and the foolish bird. Harris. Nights with Uncle Remus. Y 3850.1 Wise Hans. Grimm. German household stories. Y 3610 Wise men of Gotham. Jacobs. More English fairy tales. Y 4460.4 Wise old shepherd. Rouse. Talking thrush. Y 76^5 Wise peasant's daughter. See Peasant's clever daughter. Wishing-box. Grundtvig. Fairy tales from afar. Y by Robert Gilmor. In Bulletin no. 88. 1892. Notes on some writing which may be by Shakespeare in the Library. In Bulletin no. 79. 1889. Spanish and Portuguese Books not restricted to "Hall use." In Bulletin no. 84. 1891. Catalogues of Special Collections. Allen A. Brown Collection of Music. Catalogue. Vol. I, Pts. I, 2. A — Con. 1908. Each, 1.00; by mail, 1.13 Barton Library. Catalogue (complete^. 1888. 5.00 Part 1. Shakespeare Collection. i88o. 3.00 Part 2. Miscellaneous. 1888. 3.00 Ticknor Library of Spanish and Portuguese Books. Catalogue. 1879. 5.00 Chamberlain Collection of Autographs. Brief descrip- tion with portrait. 1897. Also Supplement: Text of four Great American documents. 1898. Free ; by mail, .05 Franklin Library. List of portraits. In Bulletin no. 89. 1892. John A. Lewis Library of Early New England Books. Catalogue. In Bulletin no, 89. 1892. Prince Library. Catalogue. 1870. 1.00 Thayer Library. Catalogue. In Bulletin no. 100. 1895. Galatea Collection. Catalogue. 1998. .15 ; by mail, .16 Codman Collection of Landscape Gardening, and Works on Forestry. 1899. .10 ; by mail, .13 Subject Catalogues. Reprinted from the Card Catalogue. No. I. Annuals. In Bulletin no. 94. 1893. No. 2. Egypt. In Bulletin no. 94. 1893. No. 3. Alps. In Bulletin no. 95. 1894. No. 4. Steam Engines. In Bulletin ho. 95. 1894, No. 5- Works relating to the Blind. In Bulletin no. 95. 1894. No. 6. Africa. In Bulletin no. 95. 1894, No. 7. Arctic Regions. In Bulletin no. 96. 1894. No. 8. Health and Hygiene. In Bulletin no. 97. 1894. No. 9. Tracts of the Time of Charles I., and the English Commonwealth. In Bulletin no. 98. 1894. No. 10. See Architecture in first column. No. 11. Roads. In Bulletin no. 99. 1895. No. 12. Corea, Japan, China. In Bulletin no. 99. 1895. No. 13. Goethe. In Bulletin no. 100. 1895. Special Bibliographies. No. I. Franklin Bibliography. 1883. .50 ; by mail, .53 No. 2. Spanish Grammar*. 1884. .25 ; by mail, .26 No. 5. Bibliography of Special Subjects. In Bulletin no. 80. 1890. .05; by mail, .10 No. 6. Bibliography of the Official Publications of the Continental Congress, 1774-1789. i888. .50 ; by mail, .53 No. 7. Catalogue of Family Histories. 1891. .lo; by mail, .12 No. 8. Higher Education of Women. 1897. .10; by mail, .13 No. 9. Higher Education of Women. Supplement no. 1. 1905. .io;by mail, .13 No. 10. History and Art of Printing. .15; by mail, .20 Other Publication*. Genealogies and Estates of CharlestowH, 1629-1818. By T. B. Wyman. 2 v. 1879. 8.00 Journal of the Quebec Expedition, 1775. 1886. Jour- nals, 1776 to 1783. 1887. By Henry Dearborn. Each, .75 ; by mail, .77 Works of Anne Bradstreet in prose and verse. Edited by John Harvard Ellis. 1867. 10.00 Map of Old Boston, compiled from the Book of Pos- sessions. By George Lamb. 1880. Branches. Finding List of Books common to the Branches. igo3. (Continued yearly in the Annual Lists, and Quar- terly Bulletin, 3d series.) .02 ; by mail, .06 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. fes