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B. 1451 Miriam dies. — Aaron dies, art. 123 — 1451 Moses dies, in the 11th month, at. 120 — 1451 Joshua, to the Division of Lands — Caleb 6 years Joshua XIV. — 10 — 1445 Caleb, set. 85, to the First Servitude The 1st Servitude, MESOPOTAMIA ( 28 years ) — 8 years Judges III. — 8 — B Othniel, — 'the land had rest 40 years* III. — 11 — 8 The Ilnd Servitude, MOAB 18 years III. — 14 15th Cent — o 3 Ehud, — ' the land had rest 80 years ' III. — 30 — o Shamgar, — 'he also delivered Israel' 3314 XlVth CENTURY 1400 B a, m 5 The Illrd Servitude, CANAAN 20 years IV. 3 — 3 £ 1 I Deborah and Barak, — 'the land had rest 40 years' V. — 31 — .2 *■ 5 o The IVth Servitude, MIDI AN 7 years VI. — I — o Gideon, — ' the country was in quietness 40 years' VIII. — 28 3414 XIII th CENTURY 1300 3 i Abimelech, — ' reigned 3 years ' IX. — 22 — o £ Tola, — 'judged Israel 23 years ' X. — 2 — 1 a Jair, — 'judged Israel 22 years ' X. — 3 -a 3 "u c The Vth Servitude, AMMON 18 years X. — 8 3614 XII th CENTURY 1200 Jephthah, — 'judged Israel Ibzan, — 'judged Israel 6 years' XII. — .7 7 years ' XII. — 9 1 Elon, — 'judged Israel 10 years ' XII. — 11 o 1 o Abdon, — 'judged Israel 8 years ' XII. — 14 Eli, — ' he had judged Israel — 40 years ' . . ."" . . . . during the 6th Servitude P The Vlth Servitude, PHILISTINES 40 years XIII. — 1 C. Samson, — ' he judged Israel — 20 years . . 5 Abode of the Ark in Kirjath-Jearim Samuel, — 'judged Israel in Mizpeh' 20 years 1 Samuel VI L — 2 (12 years) VII. — 5 3614 XI th CEXTURY 1100 1095 Saul anointed King of Israel, — reigns 40 years Acts XIII. — £1 1085 Birth of David 1055 David, King at Hebron, — reigns 7 years 1 King* II. — 11 1048 David, King at Jerusalem, — reigns 33 years 1033 Birth of Solomon 1015 Solomon, King of Israel — reigns 3 years 1012 THE TEMPLE is then commenced *** The Exode to the Temple,— St Paul, Abp. Usher, as derived from 1 Kings, * The date of the Temple, B. C. in the 4th year VI. — 1 579 y. + 1013 the date below, = 1592 the date above. 479 y. + 1012 the date below, = 1491 the date above. 1013, is taken from the computation of Mr. Clinton. ISTORICAL TABLES N°3 CENTURIES BEFORE CHRIST r th CENTURY Vth CENTURY 1400 II th CENTURY 13U0 Ith CENTURY KINGS OF SPARTA 4 Aristodemus, 5 or 4 y. D Eurystenes, 1100 Procles, 42 y. 41 y. 8 Agis,34y.? 4 Echestratus 35 y. 1059 Sous, ? yrs. — Eurvpon, ?yrs. DANAUS— FALL OF TROY— THE HERACLID^ *** (The dates between parentheses imply, that the time is computed by generations only.) (1460) Danaiis in Argos. — Gelanor King of Argos (Pelasgus IV.) displaced by Danaiis. — Pelasgus V. from whom the Arcadian Kings. (1433) Deucalion, the reputed founder of the Hellenes. — The Flood of Deucalion is generally placed in Thessaly, and seems to have been gradually invested with circumstances of the general deluge. (1383) Erectheus, or Erecthonius, King of Athens. — He appears to be described as a native chief of Ionian race. — Dardanus, founder of the Trojan dynasty. (1333) Azan, Aphidas, Elatus — Arcadian chiefs — supposed sons of Areas, from whom the Arcadian dynasty. (1313) Cadmus. — The introduction of letters ascribed to Cadmus by Herodotus, Sophocles, Ephorus, Aristotle, and Dionysius, is differently assigned by Euripides and others. (1283) Pelops in Pisatis — the patriarch of the later kings of Argos and Mycenje. (1261) Birth of Hercules at Thebes. 1256 The naval dominion and legislation of Minos. (1241) War of Hercules with Erginus, in which Amphitryon was slain. 1239 War of Hercules in Pylos when Nestor was young. (1225) The Argonautic expedition to; Colchis. — The Trojan expedition by Hercules. 1213 First Theban war. — 1212 Murder of Iphitus by Hercules in the youth of Ulysses. 1209 Death of Hercules on m. OSta.— The Heraclida? driven from Tiryns by Eurystheus. 1200 Accession of Agamemnon. — 1198 Second Theban war. 1192 Tke Trojan expedition (9 y. lm.) — 1183 FALL OF TROY. 1176 Orestes reigns in Argos in the 8th year. 1169 The Lydians first held dominion on the sea, 1169 — 1178. 1154 Second attempt of the Heraclidae under Cleodasus. 1124 Third expedition by the Heraclidas under Aristomachus. — The Thessali occupy Thessaly. — The Bceoti return to Bceotia in the 60th year. — Eolic migration under Penthilus. 1104 Return of the Heraclidae in the 80th year. — Melanthus, of Eolian descent, elected King of Athens. 1077 The Pelasgi obtain the empire of the sea, 1077 — 993. 1074 Aletes obtains Corinth. — 1074 Migration of Theras. 1053 Lesbos occupied 130 years after the Trojan Era. 1045 Death of Codrus King of Athens. — 1044 Ionic migration, .ed by Neleus, 60 y. 1033 Cyme founded, 150 years after the Era. [after ' the Return.' 1015 Smyrna founded 168 years after the Era. GRECIAN DYNASTIES, Vide Supp. Tab. III. 1237 Commencement of the Assy- rian empire, circa — 1207 Eurystheus slain by Hyllus. — Atreus succeeds Eurystheus at Mycense and Tiryns. 1203 First attempt by the Herac- lida; at the Isthmus. — Hyllus slain by Echemus King of Tegea. CORINTH 1104 Hippothus living at 'the Return' and 30 y. after 1074 Aletes, 40, or 38 y. 1034 Ixion, 38 y ATHENS 1104 Melanthus ? yrs. — Codrus ? his time be- tween Melan- thus and 3Ie- don ARCHONS 1045 Medon, 20 y. 1025 Acastus, 36 y. B.C 1753—055 CHRONOLOGICAL I 1783 1583 1483 1383 10S3 983 883 783 683 600 500 400 300 200 300 400 500 THE GRECIAN DYNASTIES (Inajhus) t Phoroneus cir. B.C 1753 (Niobe) Pelasgus + Argus I + Criasus f Phorbas f Triopas PelasgusII. (Messene) f Iasus f Agenor Lanssa Io f Crotopas f Sthenelus -i Achasus Phthius Pelasgus III l'hthius Haemon Pelasgus + Pelasgus IV. — Gelanor + Danatis cir. B.C. 1460 I V. I Hellen Thessalus (Lycaon) I i i 1 Gra;cus Nyctimus Peucetius CEnotrus (Ca'.listo) Areas f Acrisius Hypermnestra m f Lynci f Abas i Cacimus cir. 1313 I $ Polydorous \ Labdacus ; , Laius ^ fEriipug + Aphidas 4- Aleus Elatus Stymphelus Azan cir. 1333 Danae % Perseus 1 f Proetus t Megape f Anaxag Cepheus + Lycurgus Agamedes Aeropus An J ffiug i, Polynices \ Kteocles + Echemus $ Thersander Laodamas & Tisamenus I \ Autesion + Agapenor Theras Argia= Aristodemus GSolycus Telemachus Clytius JEgeus Chalciopeus Cercyon 4- Hippothus 4- iEpytus | + Cypselus + Laias 4- Bucolion 4- Phintas 4- Simus 4- Pompus 4- JEginetes J Electryon Alcaus J Sthenelus + Alector K Alcmena = Amphytrion Hercules, 1241 J Eurystheus .j^J c I I >a Hereulesob.1209 j Eurys theus ob. 1207 tc Antiochus Tlepolemus Phylas Hyllus ob.1203— First attempt at the Isthmus Cleodoeus ob. 1154, 2nd Expedi Aristomachus ob. 1 124, 3rd Exr 1104= HippothusfTemenus 1074 = Aletes f Cisus 1034=Ixion fMedon 996 = Agela» 959 = Prumnis 924 = Bacchis Agis || Sous Echestratus || Eurypon @ Glaucus Labotas || Prytanis (g Isthmiu: | Doryssus ^ (Elmomus) Erechtheus cir. B.C. 1363 J) Cecrops II. Pandorus Thestiun Orneus Hellen JEolus Dorus Dardanus cir. B.C. 1383 Erichthonius Salmoneus Tectamus Tantalus Pelops cir. I 1283 g) Pandion II. Peteiis Tros Tyro Pallas 1 r Lycus §) JEgeus Neleus Atreus in Pisatis Asterion Minos Assarachus g) Theseus ? Atreus succeeds to Mycenae, 1207 — Thyestes Agamemnon ace. 1200 i Agamemnon, ob. B.C. 1183 Orestes in Mycenae, succeeds to Argos Nestor g) Menestheus Penclymenus Penthilus J) Demophon Antilochus Laomedon Capys Priamus Anchises Hector Boms Penthilus, Eolic migr. 1124 §) Oxyntes + tTisa'menus * Aphidas §) Thymcetes f J 1 isamenus Interregnum Tisamenus, ob. 1 104 ■ elaiis Damasias itic 'Achaia' Ml' Agorius os' 'Elis' in joins ly Oxylus Daimenes Sparton Leontomenes Tellis ' 4 sons settle with Damasias in Achaia' Cometes migr. to Asia . Andropompus . §) Melanthus elect. 1104 §) Codrila Cnopus Andraemon Nauclus 'Erythrae' 'Lebedos' 'Teos' Cydrelus 'Myus' 1 1 1 1 1 1 Olonicmigr. Promethus Damasichton Androcles Neleus < * Medon — 1044 — 'Colophon' 'Colophon' 'Ephesus' 'Miletus' I ... led by Neleus' 'Priene the 8th colony planted by iEpytus son of Neleus' Phrygius iEpytus Hippocles Hegetor Phobius REFERENCES. $ Kings of Thebes f Kings of Argos J Kings of Mycenae = Heraclidaj and Bac- chiadae of Corinth + Arcadian Kings || Kings of Sparta f) Attic Kings (§ Kings of Messenia * Archons of Athens *** The years of the Spartan Kings and the Archons of Athens will be found, as far as they can be applied, in the columns of the succeeding Tables. Their names are here placed, only on an average of years, as are also those of Messenian and Arcadian kings, which, being deficient in numbers, except the terminating dates, could not be given in the Tabular form. * Acastus * Archippus * Thersippus * Phorbas * Megacles * Diognetus * Pherecles I * Ariphron * Thespieus * Agamestor 01. 1. * ^Eschylus, B.C. 776 _ soo 200 100 1483 a s 4 100 5 6 7 200 8 9 10 11 300 12 13 400 u 15 16 500 1183 1083 983 783 B.C. 1000—801 CHRONOLOGICAL 1 3714 CENTURIES BEFORE CHRIST Xth CENTURY 3734 3754 3774 3794 3834 3854 3874 3894 IX th CENTURY 1000 960 940 920 900 840 820 KINGS OF ISRAEL AND JUDAH 1000 Solomon, set. 34. 993 The building of the Temple and the Palace completed in 20 years. 976 Death of Solomon, aet. 58 — his reign 39 y. 6 m. 972 Invasion of Shishak, King of Egypt, in the 5th of Rehoboam. 959 Rehoboam dies, set. 58. 955 Jeroboam dies, aet. 43. 942 Covenant with God in the 15th of Asa. 941 Asa's league with Ben-Hadad, King of Syria — 16th of Asa. 930 Ela slain in the 27th of Asa. 926 Samaria built by Omri in his 7th year. 922 Asa at war with the Ethiopians. 918 Asa's last illness— two years. 913 Book of the Law read in the 3rd of Jehoshaphat. KINGS OF ISRAEL — Solomon, 16th y. of his i JUDAH 976 Rehoboam, 17 yrs. 959 Abijah, 3. 956 Asa. 41. 898 Jehoshaphat and Ahab at war with Ben-Hadad, — Ahab slain. 895 Translation of Elijah. — He had prophesied about 24 years. 891 Jehoshaphat dies, aet. 59. 884 The Syrian war, — Ahaziah and Joram against Hazael. 884 Jehoram dies, aet. 39. 883 Ahaziah dies, aet. 23. 877 Athaliah slain in her 7th year. 863 Hazael King of Syria reigned, circa B. C. 886—840. 855 Jehoida the High Priest still living, 23rd of Joash. He died, set. 130. 839 Jonah prophecies, circa B.C. 839— 782- 837 Joash dies, aet. 47. 836 Elisha died in the reign of Jehoash. 2 Kings xiii. 20. — He had prophe- cied about 60 years. Amaziah dies, aged 54. 915 Jehoshaphat 24. 976 Jerc 21 955 Nad 1 954 Baas 8 931 Elah 930 Zimi 930 Omr 919 Ahal 891 Jehoram 7. 884 Ahaziah, 1. 883 Athaliah, 6. 877 Joash, 40. 837 Amaziah, 29. 808 Uzziah, 52. 897 Ahai 895 Jorai 12. 883 Jehu 855 Jehoi 16. 839 Jehos 16. 823 Jerofc 41 *»* The Temple, B. C. 1013, to Rehoboam, 37 y. + 389 y. to its Destruction, B. C. 587 = 426 years. STORICAL TABLES N°4 NGS OF SPARTA Lgida; Proclida; hestratus — Eurypon botas, 37. Prytanis ryssus, — (Eunomus) — Folydectes 873 Charilaus, 64. 809 Nicander 39. HOMER — IPHITUS — LYCURGUS 1000 Homer flourished, 1018 — 983, 165 — 200 years after the Fall of Troy. 992 The Thracians obtain the maritime ascendancy on the Mediterranean, 992—914. 913 The Rhodians succeed the Thracians in the empire of the sea, 913—891. 897 Hesiod flourished, 915—880. / 890 The Phrygians enjoy the maritime power, 890 — 866. 884 Olympiad of Iphitus, in which Lycurgus concurred. 873 Regency of Lycurgus on the birth of Charilaus. 865 The Cyprian empire of the sea succeeds the Phrygian power, 865- Heraclidaa of Corinth 996 Agelas, 37. 959 Prumnis, 35. 924 Bacchis, 35. 889 Agelas, 30. 832 The Phoenicians are the seventh power that obtain the command of the Medi- terranean, 832—786. 859 Eudemus, 25. 834 Aristode- mus, 35. Archons Perpetual Archippus, 19. 970 Thersippus, 23. 947 Phorbas, 31. 916 Megacles, Diognetus, 28. i Pherecles, 19. 841 Ariphron, 20. 821 Thespieus, 27. *** For the Scripture Periods in connection with each other, refer to Table 9. ^ B.C. 800-751 CHRONOLOGICAL 3914 3915 3916 3917 3918 3919 3920 3921 3922 3923 3924 3925 3926 3927 3928 3929 3930 3931 3932 3933 3934 5935 3936 3937 3938 3939 3940 3941 3942 3943 3944 3945 3946 3947 3948 3949 3950 3951 3952 3953 3954 3955 3956 3957 3960 3961 3962 3963 — 1 «> ' s c M Cm O ■3 C3 '3. 1 5 u n — 800 — 799 — 798 — 797 — 796 — 795 — 794 — 793 — 792 791 790 — — 789 — 788 787 786 785 784 783 782 781 780 — — 779 — 778 — 777 — l.i 776 — 2 775 — 3 774 — 4 773 — 2.1 772 — 2 3 771 770 — — 4 769 — 3.1 768 — 2 767 — 3 766 — 4 765 — 4.1 764 — 2 763 — 3 762 — 4 5.1 761 760 — — 2 759 — 3 758 — 4 757 — 6.1 756 — 2 755 — 3 754 — 1 4 753 — 2 7.1 752 — 3 2 751 OLYMPIC VICTORS Coroebus Antimachus Androclus Polychares .Sschines ffibotas Kings of Judah 9 Uzziah 10 11 12 13 14 — 15 16 17 18 49 50 51 52 1 Jotham 2 3 4 5 6 Kings of Israel 24 Jeroboam II. 27 Interreg. IZachariah 6 m. 1 Shallum 1 Menahem — Interreg. 1 Pekaiah 1 Pekah 2 EMPIRE OF ASSYRIA 1 Pul the 21st 2 ante 769 5T0RICAL TABLES N°5 Bacchiadas of Corinth 35 Aristode- mus 1 Agemon 2 . 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 . 1 Alexander 2 3 1 Telestes 2 PROPHETS Joel nourishes B. C. 808—783. He delivers his prophecy circa 783. Some writers strte his time about B.C. 640 Amos prophecies circa B. C. 808—783 Hosea prophecies between B.C. 808 and 783, and thence to circa B.C. 724 Isaiah prophecies circa B. C. 757 — 712, or, according to others, circa B.C. 757—697 Micah prophecies in the reigns of Jotham, Ahaz, and Heze- kiah, B.C. 756—698 EARLY OLYMPIADS The Egyptian empire on the Mediterranean, 787—751. Phidon King of Argos reigns circa 783 — 744. Victory of Corcebus, the earliest authentic date m Grecian chronology. The Olympic games, now first registered, were celebrated this year, according to Scaliger, on July 23rd. Pandosia and Metapontum in Italy founded, to Metapontum by Justin. An earlier date is given Zechariah slain by Shallum. — Shallum slain by Menahem. Polychares of Messenia victor in the Olympic games : twenty years afterwards the cause of the first Messenian war. Theopompus King of Sparta institutes the Ephori. Telestes King of Corinth reigns twelve years. Uzziah dies aet. 66.— Settlement of Cyzicus in the Propontis by the Milesians, according to Strabo. Rome founded, according to Varro The decennial Archons at Athens commence with Charops.— Daicles crowned at the Olympic games, the first who had that honour. Rome founded, according to Cato. POETS, ETC. Arctinus of Miletus flourished circa 775 — 740 Cinaethon the Lacedasmonian, poet, fl. ' HpaxXeia Eumelus of Corinth fl. 761- 731 Antimachus of Teos fl. B.C. 750—701 CHRONOLOGICAL i •o •3 0) to 1 S PL, "3 c o 1 a c K o (H 4 T3 £ O 3 B O W 750 OLYMPIC VICTORS Kings of Judah Kings of Israel Kings of Babylon EMPIRE OP ASSYRIA Kings of Media Kings of Lydia Kings of Macedon A 3964 7 Jotham 8 Pekah 20Pul 3C 3965 5 4 749 8 9 21 4 3966 6 8.1 748 Anticles 9 10 22 5 3967 1 7 2 747 10 11 1 Nabonas- 23 6 3968 2 8 3 746 11 12 2 24 7 3969 3 9 4 745 12 13 3 25 8 3970 4 10 9.1 744 Zenocles 13 14 ■ 4 26 9 3971 5 11 2 743 14 15 5 27 10 3972 3 12 3 742 15 16 6 28 IE 3973 7 8 13 14 4 10.1 741 740 1 Ahaz 17 7 29 2 - 3 - 3974 Dotadas 2 18 8 30 3975 9 15 2 739 3 19 9 . 31 4 - 3976 3977 10 11 16 17 4 738 737 4 5 — Interreg. 10 11 1 Tiglath. pileser 2 ante 738 5 - 6 - 3978 12 18 11.1 736 Leochares 6 12 3 7 - 3979 13 19 2 735 7 13 4 8 - 3980 14 20 3 734 8 14- 5 9 - 3981 15 21 4 733 9 1 Nadius 6 10 - 3982 16 22 12.1 732 Oxythemis 10 2 7 1C1 3983 17 18 23 2 731 730 11 1 Chinzirus and Porus 8 2 - 3984 24 3 12 2 9 3 - 3985 3986 19 20 25 26 4 13.1 729 728 Diodes 13 14 1 Hoshea 2 3 1 Shalma- neser — Perdiccas I. 4 - 5 - 3987 21 27 2 727 15 3 5 3 6 - 3988 22 28 3 726 1 Hezekiah 4 1 Jugaeus 4 7 - 3989 23 29 4 725 2 5 2 5 8 - 3990 24 30 14.1 724 Dasmon 3 6 3 6 9 - 3991 25 31 2 723 4 — — • 7 4 7 ' 10 - 3992 26 32 3 722 5 8 5 8 lHi 3993 27 28 33 34 4 721 720 6 — Conquered by Assyria 1 Mardo- cempadus 9 2 - 3994 15.1 Orsippus 7 2 10 3 - 3995 29 35 2 719 8 3 11 4 - 3996 30 36 3 718 9 4 12 5 - 3997 31 37 4 717 10 5 13 6 - 3998 32 38 16.1 716 Pythagoras 11 6 14 1 Gyges 7 - 3999 33 39 2 715 12 7 15 2 8 - 4000 34 40 3 714 13 8 16 3 9 - 4001 4002 4003 35 36 37 38 39 41 42 43 4 17.1 2 3 4 713 712 711 710 709 Polus 14 15 16 9 10 11 1 Sennache- rib 2 KINGS 1 Esarhad- don or 6 10 - lLe 2 - 4004 4005 44 45 17 18 12 1 Archia- 2 Sardana- palus 1 Deioces 7 3 - 4 - 4006 40 46 18.1 708 Tellis 19 nus 4 2 9 5 - 4007 41 47 2 707 20 3 5 3 10 6 - 4008 42 48 3 706 21 4 6 4 11 7 - 4009 43 40 4 705 22 5 7 5 12 8 - 4010 4011 4012 44 45 46 50 51 52 19.1 2 3 704 703 702 Menus 23 24 25 — Interreg. £30 d. 1 Hagisa, 1 Baldanes 1 Belibus 8 10 6 8 13 14 15 9 - 10 - 1 Ap 4013 47 53 4 701 26 2 11 9 16 2 - TORICAL TABLES N°6 ;s S Bacchiadae "o of PROPHETS EARLY OLYMPIADS POETS, ETC. a £ Corinth lenes ra-21 us 22 - 23 9 Telestes 10 11 Home founded according to Polybius.— The Milesian empire of the sea, 750—733 Rhegiura colonized by the Messenians under Alcidamidas, a few years before the first Messenian war. Phidon, tyrant of Argos, celebrated the eighth Olympic games. - 24 - 25 12 lAutomenes Era of Nabonassar begins, Feb. 27.— Rome founded according to Fabius Pictor.— Telestes King of Corinth slain by Arieus and Perantas. Automenes King of Corinth. - 26 - 27 • 28 )- 29 1 Annual Prytanes 2 of Corinth First annual prytanis at Corinth. Eumelii 'KoptvOiaKci' 4 • SO 5 Jotham dies, ast. 40. 31 6 32 7 33 Pekah slain by I Ioshea. 34 9 35 36 10 11 Naxos in Sicily founded by Theucles. Callinus of Ephesus fl. circa 736—712 37 12 Syracuse founded by Archias of Corinth.— Acta?on slain by the Bac- chiadx. 38 13 39 14 The Carian Empire of the Sea, 732—672. 40 41 16 Leontium in Achaia founded. — Catana in Sicily founded by Euarchus. 42 17 43 18 Megara Hyblasa founded. — Rome founded according to Cincius. Philolaiis of Corinth fl. 44 19 45 20 Ahaz dies, set. 35. 46 21 47 22 The At'auXor added at the Olympic games. 48 23 Samaria besieged for three years. — First Messenian war ended. 49 24 Siege of Samaria second year.— Sybaris founded— 721. 50 25 Nahum the Prophet flourished B.C. 721—712 Samaria taken by Shalmaneser. — First eclipse of the Moon on record, Mar. 19, reduced by Ptolemy to the meridian of Alexandria. 51 52 26 27 Thasos founded according to Dionysius — The AoXtxos introduced in the Olympic games. — Second and third eclipses of the Moon on record, March 8 and Sept. 1. u- 28 War in Thyrea. - 29 Tyre besieged by Shalmaneser King of Assyria. - 30 31 3° Gyges began to reign in Lydia. — Mylae in the Chersonesus of Sicily founded. Abydos in Asia Minor planted by the Milesians. — 33 Sickness of Hezekiah. — Sennacherib invades Judea. - 34 35 Astacus — afterwards Nicomedia — in Bithynia founded by the Mega. rians. Revolt of the Medes and death of Sennacherib King of Assyria. — 36 Crotona founded by Myscellus. rates 37 Deioces begins to reign in Media. Tarentum in Apulia and Corcyra founded. — Thasos founded according to Xanthus. — Foundation of Parion placed at this year by Eusebius. — The 7rdX»j and nevTaO\ov added to the Olympic games. Archilochus of Thasos fl. 708 —665 - 39 40 - 41 42 43 Aminocles of Corinth first commands the Athenian navy. — The triremes also now first mentioned. - 44 - 45 B.C. 700—651 CHRONOLOGICAL 4014 4015 4016 4017 4018 4019 4020 4021 4022 4023 4024 4025 4026 4027 4028 4029 4030 4031 4032 4033 4034 58 59 SO 61 H 63 65 66 67 4035 69 4036 70 4037 71 4038 72 4039 73 4040 74 4041 75 4042 76 4043 77 4044 78 4045 79 4046 80 4047 81 4048 82 4049 83 4050 84 4051 85 4052 86 4053 87 4054 88 4055 89 4056 90 4057 91 4058 92 4059 93 4060 94 4061 95 4062 96 4063 97 | B 8 a 51 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 1 s 5 •c U 9 - 20.1 700 2 699 3 698 4 697 21.1 696 2 695 5 694 4 693 22.1 692 2 691 3 690 4 23.1 2 3 4 24.1 2 3 4 25.1 2 3 4 26.1 2 3 4 27.1 2 3 4 28.1 2 3 4 29.1 2 3 4 30.1 2 3 4 31.1 2 3 4 32.1 689 688 687 686 685 684 683 682 681 680 679 678 677 676 675 674 673 672 671 670 669 668 667 666 665 664 663 662 661 660 659 658 657 656 655 654 653 652 651 OLYMPIC Kings Kings Kings KINGS Kings Kings Kings of of of OP of of of VICTORS Judah Egypt Babylon ASSYRIA Media Lydia Macedon 1 Atheradas 27 Hezekiah 28 3 Belibus 1 Asordanes 12 Esarhad. don ' 13 10 Deioces 11 17 Gyges 18 — Perdiccas I. 3 4 29 2 14 12 19 5 1 Manasseh 3 — — 15 13 20 8 Pantacles 2 4 16 14 '■ 21 7 6 7 5 6 1 Regibalus 1 Mesesi- morda- 2 chus 17 18 1 Asordanes or Nergilus 2 K. of Ba- bylon lAdrameles or Sam. 15 16 17 ■ 118 . 'l9 . 22 — 23 24 25 26 8 10 1 2 Pantacles II. 8 9 10 11 1° 3 4 — Interreg. 2 mughes 3 4 5 6 8 20 21 22 23 24 25 27 28 29 30 31 3 4 6 6 7 B 9 Icarius 13 Cleoptolemus 14 26 33 15 16 17 9 10 11 27 28 29 34 35 36 ti- L» Thalpis 18 19 1 Asaridi- nus 2 12 13 30 31 37 38 20 3 14 32 1 Ardys — Argseus 21 4 15 33 2 Callisthenes 22 5 16 34 3 23 6 17 35 4 24 7 18 36 5 25 - — — 8 19 37 6 Eurybus 26 9 20 38 7 27 10 21 39 8 I.OI 28 29 . 1 Psamrae- tichus 2 11 12 1 Axerdis 40 41 9 10 Pis Charmis 30 3 13 3 42 11 Au 31 4 1 Saosdu- chinus 4 43 12 32 5 2 5 44 13 33 . 6 3 6 45 14 Chionis 34 7 4 . 7 46 15 ■ Mil 35 8 5 8 47 16 36 9 6 . 9 48 17 37 10 t 10 49 18 ■ Chionis II. 38 11 8 11 50 19 39 12 9 12 51 ■ 20 Mil 40 . 13 . 10 13 52 21 41 14 11 14 53 22 ■ Chionis IIL 42 15 12 15 1 Phraortes 23 43 16 13 16 ■ 2 24 44 17 ■ 14 17 ■ 3 25 45 18 15 18 4 26 ■ Cratinus 46 19 16 . 19 5 27 47 ■ 20 17 20 ■ 6 28 3T0RICAL TABLES N° 7 ?s a Prytanes 1 of PROPHETS. EARLY OLYMPIADS POETS, ETC E ta pl, Corinth urates xi- — us 46 Prytanis 47 — 48 49 50 Hezekiah dies, set. 54. — 52 53 54 Simonides of Amorgus fl. 693 —662 - 55 — 56 57 Gela in Sicily and Phaselis in Pamphylia, founded by Lacius brother ot Antiphemus. Thaletas fl. 690—660. - 58 The ttixmi introduced in the Olympic games. - 59 The Median empire commences according to Herodotus. \i- — us 60 61 go The second Messenian war according to Pausanias. - 63 64 . The annual Archons at Athens begin. Tyrteus, eleg. flourished - 65 - 66 The Quadriga, or Chariot race, added to the Olympic games. - 67 68 Battle of the Trenches, gained by the Lacedemonians over the Messe- nians ; fixed to this year by Pausanias. in- 70 Carnea — contest of the Lyre — instituted at Lacedasmon. Terpander, lyric, fl. 676—644 — 71 Cyzicus in Mysia refounded by the Megarians. Chalcedon in Bithynia refounded by Archias of Megaria. Polymnastus fl. 670 — 644 - 73 Settlement of the Locri in Magna Gracia according to Ephorus. - 74 Pantaleon king of Pisa participates in the second Messenian war. — 75 Naval empire of the Lesbians 671 — 603. Alcman the Lydian fl. 671 — 631 — 76 Psammetichus king of Egypt begins to reign. — 77 The Argives defeat the Lacedemonians at Hysiae. — 78 End of the second Messenian war according to Pausanias. — 79 — 80 - 81 ,82 83 84 85 Gymnopasdia celebrated at Lacedaemon. Sea fight between the Corinthians and the Corcyreans. — Acre in Etolia and Enna in Attica founded. Thaletas, accounted the first composer of songs for the Pyrrhic dance Za'eucus Locrus, jurispr. Birth of Epimenides of Crete Lesches of Mytilene . author of the I lias Parva - 87 Phigalia taken by the Lacedaemonians. Byzantium founfled by a colony of Megarians. - 89 90 — 1 Cypeslus King of 2 Corinth 3 ■ 4 5 . ■ Cypselus king of Corinth begins to reign, the expelled Bacchiade with. draw to Lacedemon. Acanthus and Stagira in Macedonia founded. — Abdera founded by the Clazomenians. — Lampsacus founded by the Phoceans led by Time- sias. — Borysthenes in Pontus founded. — Birth of Pittacus of Mytilene" according to Suidas B.C. 650—601 CHRONOLOGICAL I ■c B & "3 u a o 1 ft 4064 98 4065 99 4066 100 4067 101 4068 102 4069 103 4070 104 4071 105 4072 106 4073 107 4074 108 4075 109 4076 110 4077 111 4078 112 4079 113 4080 114 4081 115 4082 116 4083 117 4084 118 4085 119 4086 120 4087 121 4088 122 4089 123 4090 124 4091 125 4092 126 4093 127 4094 128 4095 129 4096 130 4097 131 4098 132 4099 133 4100 134 4101 135 4102 136 4103 137 4104 138 4105 139 4106 140 4107 141 4108 142 4109 143 4110 144 4111 145 4112 146 4113 147 ■ s o H o 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 3 4 33.1 2 3 4 34.1 2 3 4 35.1 2 3 4 36.1 2 3 4 37.1 2 3 4 38.1 2 3 4 39.1 2 3 4 40.1 2 3 4 41.1 4 42.1 3 4 43.1 2 4 44.1 2 650 649 648 647 646 645 644 643 642 64J 640 639 638 637 636 635 634 633 632 631 630 629 628 627 626 625 624 623 622 621 620 619 618 617 616 615 614 613 612 611 610 609 608 607 606 605 604 603 602 601 OLYMPIC VICTORS Gylis Stomus Sphaeron Phrynon Euryclidas Olyntheus Rhipsolcus Olyntheus II. Cleondas Lycotas Cleon Gelon Kings of Judah 48 Manasseh 49 50 ■ 51 52 53 54 55 1 Amon 1 Josiah 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 30 1 Jeoahaz Uehoiakim 2 3 4 5 6 7 Kings of Egypt 21 Psamme- tichus 22 23 24 25 26 27 51 52 53 54 1 Neco 2 3 4 5 6 Kings of Babylon 18 Saosdu- chinus 19 20 1 Chinala. danus 2 7 18 19 20 22 1 Nabopo- lassar 2 16 17 18 19 20Nebuch- 1 adnezzar 21 KINGS ASSYRIA 1 Nabucho. donosor 2 or Sardana- 3 palus 7 1 Saracus or Sinus 2 II. or Sardana- 3 palus 21 22 23 "24 — Fall of Nineveh 30 31 Kings of Media 7 Phraortes 8 10 11 13 ■ 14 15 16 17 18 19 ■ 20 21 22 1 Cyaxares 2 3 1 Nebuchadnezzar alone Kings of Lydia 29 Ardys 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 49 1 Sadyattes 2 3 5 7 10 11 12 1 Alyattes 5 6 7 Kings of Macedon — Argaeus — PhiUp I. — JEropus Dai TORICAL TABLES N°8 Kings of Corinth 6 Cypselus 7 PROPHETS 1 Periandcr 2 Zephaniah the Prophet flou- rished circa B.C. b40— 609. Jeremiah prophecies circa B. C. 628—586 Habakkuk the Prophet flou- rished B.C. 612—598 Daniel prophecies B. C. 606 — 534 throughoutthe Captivity EARLY OLYMPIADS Myron of Sicyon is victor in the chariot race. — Himera in Sicily founded. The irayKpartov and the Ke\ns added to the Olympic games. Pantaleon King of Pisa celebrates the Olympic games. — Casmens founded by the Syracusans. Manasseh dies at. 67. First establishment of Battus. Second settlement of Battus. The Cimmerians take Sardis. Phraortes slain by the Assyrians. — Irruption of the Scythians in Asia. Istrus and Tomi, Milesian colonies settled. The (5p6/uor and nd\tt iraiaiv added to the Olympic games. Cyrene in Africa founded by Battus. The Milesians are established in Egypt. Foundation of Sinope in Asia Minor by Coiis and Critines of Miletus. The Megarians send colonists to Byzantium.— Selinus in Sicily founded by Pamillus of Megara Hybla?a Lipara founded according to Eusebius. Prusias founded according to Eusebius. Epidamnus on the Adriatic founded. — Cypselus succeeded by Peri- ander. Proclus tyrant of Epidaurus is cotemporary with Periander. Milesian war begins. The Book of the Law read, and the Passover solemnly kept by Josiah. Legislation of Draco. — Fourth eclipse of the Moon on record, April 22. The Cimmerians finally expelled from Asia Minor by Alyattes. — The duration of their occupation circa B.C. 876—617. Peace with Miletus, between Alyattes and Thrasybulus. Pittacus overthrows the tyranny of Melanchrus. Neco began his canal between the Red Sea and the Nile about this time. Josiah king of Judah slain at Megiddo a?t. 39. — Apollonia on the Euxine founded. Panastius becomes tyrant of Leontium. The Scythians expelled from Asia by Cyaxares. Capture of Nineveh.— Captivity of the Jews.— Combat of Pittacus and Phrynon. — Periander mediates between Athens and Mytilenii. The Red Sea navigated by the Phoenicians about this time by order of Neco ; they returned by the Mediterranean. POETS, ETC. Pisander of Camira fl. circa 647—623 'HpaxAcia Pisan- dri' Terpander. His improve- ments in Spartan music about this time. Birth of Thales of Miletus Birth of Stesichorus, lyric poet Mimnermus of Colophon fl. 630—586 Aristoxenus of Selinus, iamb. fl. Arion, lyric, flourished in the reign of Periander 625 — 610. Invented the Cyclian chorus Draco, legislat. flourished Birth of iEsop, circa Sappho 61 1—592. — Alca?us.— Damophyle. — Erinna fl. Birth of Anaximander of Mi- letus. — Stesichorus fl. Alcseus is engaged in the war of the Athenians and Myti- lenaeans in Boeotia. Chersias of Orchomenus fl. B.C. 600—551 CHRONOLOGICAL 4114 4115 4116 4117 4118 4119 4120 4121 4122 4123 4124 4125 4126 4127 4128 4129 4130 4131 4132 4133 4134 4135 4136 4137 4138 4139 4140 4141 4142 4143 4144 4145 4146 4147 4118 4149 4150 4151 4152 4153 4154 4155 4156 4157 4158 4159 4160 4161 4162 4163 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 s o « O \* 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 O 45.1 2 3 4 46.1 2 3 4 47.1 2 3 4 48.1 2 3 4 49.1 2 3 4 50.1 2 3 4 51.1 2 3 4 52.1 2 53.1 2 3 4 54.1 2 3 4 55.1 2 3 4 56.1 2 3 4 57.1 600 599 OLYMPIC VICTORS Anticrates 598 597 596 595 594 593 592 591 Chrysomachus Eurycles 590 589 588 587 586 585 584 583 582 581 Glycon Lycinus 580 579 578 577 576 575 574 573 572 571 Epitelidas Eratosthenes Agis 570 569 568 567 566 565 564 563 562 561 Agnon Hippo-stratus 560 559 558 557 556 555 554 553 552 551 Hippostrat. II. PlicBdrus Ladromus Kings of Egypt 1 Psammis 3 4 5 6 1 Apries 2 3 *ai — ; Kings of Babylon LM — Interreg. 1 Amasis 2 3 6 5 Nebuchadnez- zar 6 7 Kings of Judah 10 Jehoia. kim 11 1 Jehoiakin 1 Zedekiah 2 4 10 11 — * Fall of Jerusalem SCRIPTURE PERIODS. B. C 4105-587 THE CREATION y. B.C. 4105 I To the Deluge lti56 . . . 1-449 II To the Call 352 III To the 504 IV To the Temple 579 V To its destruc- tion, as a'jove' 426 WIS 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 1 Evil Merodach (Ilvarodamus) 1 Neriglissar (Nericosolassar) 2 3 1 Laborosoarchod 9 m. 1 Belshazzar (Nabonadius) Kings of Media 35 Cyaxares 36 37 1 Astyages 35 PERSIA 1 Cyrus 2 3 4 Kings of Lydia 18 Alyattes 19 20 22 23 24 25 26 27 1 Croesus 2 3 4 Kings of Macedon • ^Eropus Phi Sol. Dn Ew Sin Dai Hip Cob Eutl TORICAL TABLES N°9 Kings of Corinth PROPHETS 26 Periander 27 31 1 Psamme- tichus 2 • End of the Cypselidae Ezekiel prophecies in the time of the Captivity, circa B.C. 594—536 Obadiah the Prophet flourish- ed circa B.C. 588—583 Ezekiel prophecies against Tyre and Egypt Ezekiel's vision in the Capti- vity in the 14th year after that city was smitten EARLY OLYMPIADS Massilia, — Marseilles founded by the Phocaeans. Camarina in Sicily founded by Dascon and Meriecolus. Cyrene in Africa founded according to Solinus. Birth of Croesus. — The Cirrha?an or Sacred war, 595 — 586. Legislation of Solon. ^ Odessus on the Euxine founded 1 tie Milesians. Cirrha taken by the Amphictyons under Edrylofchus.— Pythian Games first celebrated at Delphi. V» » Pittacus governs Mitylene for ten years. Demophon son of Pantaleon is king of Pisa. Captivity of Zedekiah, art. 32, June. — The Temple burnt, July. — Jeru- salem taken by Nebuchadnezzar, June. The conquest of the Cirrhaeans is completed, and the Pythian and Isthmian games are celebrated. Lycophron, son of Periander, slain by the Corcyraeans. — Death of Peri- ander king of Corinth. Clisthenes of Sicyon is victor in the second Pythia.— Agrigentum found. ed according to Thucydides. The dynasty of the Cypselidae ended. The Hellanodicae are augmented to two. Until this time one had pre- sided. Lipara founded according to Diodorus. — Pittacus resigns the government of Mytilene. Naval empire of the Phocaeans, 575 — 532. The War of Pisa and Elis ended in the subjection of the Pisaeans.— Tyre taken by Nebuchadnezzar. Accesssion of Phalaris according to Eusebius. — Apries dethroned by Nebuchadnezzar. The Panathenaea celebrated at Athens. — The Nemean Games restored, and celebrated the 1st and 3rd years of every Olympiad. Alalia in Corsica founded by the Phocaeans. Amisus in Pontus founded by the Phocaeans. Pisistratus first usurps the government at Athens about this time. Cyrus reigns in Persia. — Heraclea on the Euxine founded by the Pho- caeans. First exile of Pisistratus from Athens. Camarina in Sicily taken and destroyed by the Syracusans. POETS, ETC. Birth of Pherecydes of Syios. phil. Epimenides came to Athens.- Chilon, phil. fl. Solon flourished Anacharsis comes to Athens Alcaeus is in exile and opposed to the government of Pitta- Sacadas of Argos gains the prize in music in the three first Pythia B.C. 586, 582, 578. Pythocritus of Sicyon, victor at the fourth Pythian games, fl. 574—554 JEsop fl. circa. Birth of Pythagoras, circa Death of Pittacus of Mytilene. Eugamon of Cyrene flourished. Death of iEsop according to Eusebius The first Comedy acted at Athens by Susarion and Dolon Thales, phil. fl.— Ibycus, poet, fl. Anacreon the poet begins to be distinguished Birth of Simonides of Cos, poet. — Chilon, phil. ephor at Sparta Death of Stesichorus a?t. 79 B.C. 550—501 CHRONOLOGICAL A •a .2 V Ph 3 u a 1 5 o i I H 6 1 '5. 1 >> 5 M U n 4164 198 204 3 550 4165 199 205 4 549 4166 200 206 58.1 548 4167 201 207 2 547 4168 202 208 3 546 4169 203 209 4 545 4170 204 210 59.1 544 4171 205 211 2 543 4172 206 212 3 542 4173 207 213 4 541 4174 208 214 60.1 540 4175 209 215 2 539 4176 210 216 3 538 4177 211 217 4 537 4178 212 218 61.1 536 4179 213 219 2 535 4180 214 220 3 534 4181 215 221 4 533 4182 216 222 62.1 532 4183 217 223 2 531 4184 218 224 3 530 4185 219 225 4 529 4186 220 226 63.1 528 4187 221 227 2 527 4188 222 228 3 526 4189 223 229 4 525 4190 224 230 64.1 524 4191 225 231 2 523 4192 226 232 3 522 4193 227 228 233 234 4 521 4194 229 65.1 520 4195 230 235 2 519 4196 231 236 3 518 4197 232 237 4 517 4198 233 238 66.1 516 4199 234 239 2 515 4200 235 240 3 514 4201 236 241 4 513 4202 237 242 67.1 512 4203 238 243 2 511 4204 239 244 3 510 4205 240 245 4 509 4206 241 246 68.1 508 4207 242 247 2 507 4208 243 248 3 506 4209 244 249 4 505 4210 245 250 69.1 504 4211 246 251 2 503 4212 247 252 3 502 4213 248 253 4 501 ATHENIAN ABCHONS Erxiclides Thericles Miltiades Isagoras Kings 8 •3 Of "3 ■a 2 •< Sparta p< HAnaxandrid Ariston 11 12 12 Kings of Macedon 1 Cleome- nes I. 2 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 19 - 20 - 31 11 Amyntas I. 11 Demara- 1 I 31 tus - 2 32 37 27 20 33 4 5 6 7 8 J 38 9 39 10 40 KINGS OF PERSIA 10 Cyrus 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Kings of Lydia 11 Croesus 12 13 14 Conquered by Cyrus Kings of Babylon 6 Belshazzar 7 16 - 3 * « - 5-a — Conquered 1 by Cyrus 30 1 Cambyses 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Smerdis 7 m. 1 Darius Hystaspes 90 Ai 21 - 22 - 23 - 24 - 25 - 26 - 27 - 40 - 41 - 42 - 43 - 44 - — Co Ca rORICAL TABLES N° 10 HISTORIANS, ETC. Anaximenes, phil. and hist. fl. Anaximander, phil. fl. a?t. 64 Thales the philosopher still living Pherecydes of Syros, phil. fl. a?t. 56.- Bias of Priene, phil. still living Pythagoras flourished, 539—510 Xenophanes of Colophon, poet and philosopher, flourished A public library founded about this time at Athens by Hippias and Hip- parch us Hecatams and Dionysius Milesius, the historians, flourished Birth of Parmenides, poet and phil. circa Haggai and Zechariah, the Prophets, fl. 520—518 Charon of Lampsacus, hist. fl. Heraclitus, phil. fl.— Parmenides, the disciple of Xenophanes, fl. Hecataeus the historian assisted at the deliberations of the Ionians GRECIAN CHRONOLOGY Death of Phalaris of Agrigentum The temple of Delphi accidentally burnt. — Second tyranny of Pisistra- tus at Athens. Second exile of Pisistratus from Athens. Sardis taken by Cyrus, Croesus taken prisoner. Massilia refounded. — Conquest of Ionia by the Persians, 544 — 539 The Phocians settle in GauL Babylon taken by Cyrus ; Belshazzar slain. Third tyranny ©f Pisistratus at Athens. Edict of Cyrus for 'the return of the Jews and the rebuilding of the temple. Usurpation of Polycrates of Samos. Death of Cyrus and accession of Cambyscs. — The Samian power on the Mediterranean. Death of Pisistratus. Conquest of Egypt by Cambyses. — War of the Lacedemonians against Polycrates of Samos. Fifth lunar eclipse on record, July 16. Polycrates, tyrant of Samos, put to death by Orstes satrap of Sardis. Death of Cambyses and accession of Darius. — This year is reckoned as the 227 and 228th year of the era of Nabonassar. Plataea puts itself under the protection of Athens. Miltiades, son of Cimon, succeeds. — Stesagoras in the Chersonese. — Temple of Jerusalem finished, Mar. 10. — The Passover celeb. Ap. 18. Hipparchus, tyrant of Athens, slain at the time of the Panathenaaa by Harmodius and Aristogiton. First year of Hippias at Athens. Second year. Third year. Expulsion of the Pisistratidae from Athens. Institution of the x°P°? Uv&pwv. — Maritime empire of Mg'ma, 508 — 499. Sixth lunar eclipse on record, Nov. 19. Naxos besieged four months by Megabatcs and Aristagoras. POETS — THE DRAMA Hipponax of Ephesus, poet, fl. Theognis of Megara, poet, fl. Thespis first exhibits tragedy at Athens Anacreon the poet is at the court of Polycrates of Samos Birth of iEschylus. — Anacreon and Simonides come to Athens Chcerilus first exhibits tragedy Melanippides, poet, fl. Birth of Cratinus the comic poet Birth of Pindar Phrynichus gains the prize in tragedy Telesilla of Argos the poetess flour- ished Lasus of Hermione, poet, the in- structor of Pindar, flourished Fmdar. Pyth. X. I B.C. 500—451 CHRONOLOGICAL J 4214 4215 4216 4217 4218 4219 4220 4221 4222 4223 4224 4225 4226 4227 4228 4229 4230 4231 4232 4233 4234 4235 4236 4237 4238 4239 4240 4241 4242 4243 4244 4245 4246 4247 4248 4249 4250 4251 4252 4253 4254 4255 4256 4257 4258 4259 4260 4261 4262 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 281 282 285 286 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 s o « o >> 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 283 285 287 290 291 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 O 70.1 2 3 4 71.1 2 3 4 72.1 2 4 73.1 2 3 4 74.1 2 3 75.1 2 3 4 76.1 2 3 4 77.1 3 4 78.1 2 3 4 79.1 2 80.1 2 3 4 81.1 2 3 4 82.1 2 « 500 499 498 497 496 495 494 493 492 491 490 489 488 487 486 485 484 483 482 481 479 478 477 476 475 474 473 472 471 470 469 468 467 466 465 464 463 462 461 460 459 458 457 456 455 454 453 452 451 ATHENIAN ARCHONS Myrus Hipparchus Philippus Pythocritus Themistocles Diognetus Hybrilides Phajnippus Aristides Anchises Philocrates Leostratus Nicodemus Themistocles Calliades Xanthippus Timosthenes Adimantus Phaedon Dromoclides Acestorides Menon Chares Praxiergus Demotion Apsephion Theagenides Lysistratus Lysanias Lysistheus Archidemides Tlepolemus Conon Euippus Phrasiclides Philocles Bion Mnesithides Callias Sosistratus Ariston Lysicrates Chaerephanes Antidotus Kings to •a of "3 'So g < 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 ■3 £ 5 3 350 4 349 108.1 348 2 347 3 346 4 345 109.1 344 2 343 3 342 4 341 110.1 340 2 339 3 338 4 337 111.1 336 2 335 3 334 4 333 112.1 332 2 331 3 330 4 329 113.1 328 2 327 3 326 4 325 114.1 324 2 323 3 322 4 321 115.1 320 2 319 3 318 4 317 116.1 316 2 315 3 314 4 313 117.1 312 2 311 3 310 4 309 118.1 308 2 307 3 306 4 305 119.1 304 2 303 3 302 4 301 ATHENIAN ARCHONS Apollodorus Callimachus Theophilus Themistocles Archias Eubulus Lysiscus Pythodotus Sosigincs Nicomachus Theophrastus Lysimachides Charondas Phrynichus Pythodemus Euaenetus Ctesicles Nicocrates Nicetes Aristophanes Aristophon Cephisophon Euthycritus Hegomon Chrcmes Anticles Hegesias Cephisodorus Philocles Archippus Nejechmus Apollodorus Archippus Demogenes Democlides Praxibulus Nicodorus Theophrastus Polemon Simonides Hieromnemon Demetrius Charinus Anaxicrates Coroebus Euxenippus Pherecles Leostratus Nicocles Calliarchus Kings 8 ■3 OI 73 '3> £ <, Sparta p* 21 Cleomen. Archi- 12 22 damus 13 III. Kings of Macedou 10 Philip II. 11 31 22 32 23 33 AgisIII.l 41 Eudami- 1 das I. 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 ., — , — 49 50 1 A reus I. 1 Alexander the Great 2 KINGS OF PERSIA 10 Ochus 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Kings of Egypt Conquered by Uchus 20 - 21 - 1 Arses — 2 - 1 Darius Codomanus DARIUS CONQUERED BY ALEXANDER 9 10 11 12 13 THRACE 1 Philip III. Lvsima- 1 2 chus 2 ASIA 1 Olympias 8 and 2Cassander 9 1 Antigonus 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 Demetrius Poliorcetes 1 Seleucus Nicator 2 EGYPT 1 Ptolemy Soter 2 Kings of Bosphorus 4 Spartocus IL 5 1 Parysades 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 Satyrus II. 1 Prytanis 1 Eumelus 2 1 Spartocus III. 2 rORICAL TABLES N° 14 HIST.— PHIL.— OR AT. Demosth. 'in Bceot'pro 'Phormione' Demosth. 'Olynthiacae.' — Eubulusthe orator is opposed to Demosthenes Demosth. 'Midiana.' — The great influ- ence of Eubulus is felt by his rival Death of Plato, set. 82 ; Speusippus succeeds in theAcademy — Aristotle goes to Atarnae Isocrat. 'Philipp.' Demosth. 'de Pace' iEschin. 'Timarch.' Demosth. 'Philipp. II.' — Aristotle leaves Atarnae for Mytilene Demosth. et yEschin. 'Pais. Leg.' — JEschines is assisted by Eubulus Aristotle comes to the court of Philip. Demosth. 'de Chersoneso' Birth of Epicurus. — Demosth. 'Phi- lip III.' — Aristophon Colyttensis fl. Isocr. 'Panath.' — Ephorus,hist.Hege- sippus, Philocrates, Cephisophon, fl. Demosth. 'Epist. ad Philipp.' — Death of Speusippus, Xenocrates succeeds Death of Isocrates, set. 98. — Diyllus, hist. — Anaxarchus, phil. fl. Lycurg. 'in Lysiclem. in Autolycum.' Lycurgus presides in the Treasury Dinarchus, aet. 26, begins to compose orations Demosthenes and Lycurgus the ora- tors are demanded by Alexander Aristotle comes to Athens. — Pyrrho, phil. the disciple of Anaxarchus, fl. Demosth. 'in Theocrinem' — Ephorus the historian still living Demosth. 'in Phormionem.' — Apelles, the painter, flourished Lycurg. (Demosth.) 'in Aristogit.' — Zoilus the critic fl. Lycurg. 'in Leocr.' — Demosth. 'de Co- rona.' — jEschin. 'in Ctesiphont' — Demosth. 'in Dionysodor.' — Calip- pus, astron. fl. Crates the Cynic fl.— Death of Callis- thenes the historian Demadis Inrep ty\i 3w5eKaeT5 ■a ft u B « 454 300 455 299 456 298 457 297 458 296 459 295 460 294 461 293 462 292 463 291 464 290 465 289 466 288 467 287 468 286 469 285 470 284 471 283 472 282 473 281 474 280 475 279 476 278 477 277 478 276 479 275 480 274 481 273 482 272 483 271 484 270 485 269 486 268 487 267 488 266 489 265 490 264 491 263 492 262 493 261 494 260 495 259 496 258 497 257 498 256 499 255 500 254 501 253 502 252 503 251 ROMAN CONSULS Q. Appuleius Pansa M. Valer. Corvus 5 M. Fulvius Paetinus T. ManL Torquatus L. Cornelius Scipio Cn. Fulv. Max. Cent. Q. Fab. Max. Rullian. P. Decius Mus 3 Ap. Claud. Csecus 2 L.Vol. Flam.Violens 2 Q. Fab. Max. Rullian. P. Decius Mus 4 L. Post. Megellus 2 M. Atilius Regulus L. Papirius Cursor Sp. Carvil. Maximus Q. Fab. Max. Gurges D. Jun. Brutus Scaava L. Post. Megellus 3 C. Jun. Brut. Bubulcus P. Cornel. Rufinus M. Curius Dentatus M.Val. Max.Corvinus Q. Casdicius Noctua M. Marc. Tremulus P. Corn. Arvina 2 M. Claud. Marcellus C. Nautius Rutilus M.Val. Max. Potitus C. JElixis Partus M. Claud. Canina M. JEmil. Lepidus C. Servilius Tucca L. Cecil. Metellus P. C. Dolabelia Max. Cn. Domit. Calvinus C. Fabric. Luscinus Q. iEmilius Papus L. iEmil. Barbula Q. Marc. Philippus P. Valer. Lajvinus Tib. Coruncanius P. Sulpic. Saberrio P. Decius Mus C. Fab. Luscinus 2 Q. jErail. Papus 2 P. Com. Rufinus 2 C. J. Brutus Bubulc. 2 Q. Fabius Gurges 2 C. Genuc. Clepsina M. C. Dentatus 2 L. Corn. Lentulus M. C. Dentatus 3 Serv. C. Merenda C. F. Dorso Licinus C. CI. Canina 2 L. Pap. Cursor 2 Sp. Carvil. Max. 2 C. Quintius Claudius L. Genuc. Clepsina C. Genuc. Clepsina Cn. Corn. Blasio Q. Ogulnius Gallus C. Fabius Pictor P. Sempr. Soph us Ap. Claudius Rufus M. Atilius Regulus L. Julius Libo N. Fabius Pictor D. Junius Pera Q.Fabius Max.Gurg.3 L. Mamil. Vitulus Ap. Claud. Caudex M. Fulvius Flaccus M. Val. Maximus M. Otacil. Crassus L. Postum. Megellus E. Mamil. Vitulus .Valer. Flaccus T. Otacil. Crassus C. C. Scipio Asina C. Duilius L. Cornel. Scipio C. Aquill. Florus A. Atil. Calatinus C. Sulpic. Paterculus C. Atilius Regulus Cn. Corn. Blasio 2 L. Man.Vulso Longus M. Atil. Regulus 2 S. F. Ptetinus Nobilior M. jEmil. Paullus Cn. C. Scipio Asina 2 A. Atil. Calatinus 2 Cn. Serr. Csepio C. SeiMj). Blsesus C. Aurelius Cotta P. Servil. Geminus L. Ctecil. Metellus C. Furius Pacilus Punic Ph Achaean hJ . Pyrrhus 'circa' 295. 1 First Punic 2 War 3 4 — 21 — 22 — 23 — 24 — 25 Pr.26 — 27 — 28 — 29 — 30 Kings a ■o of ^ '3> g «S Sparta fij 10 Areus I. 11 12 13 14 15 Archida. mus IV. 16 42 Eudami- das II. 43 1 Acrotatus 1 Areus II. 1 Leonidas II. Kings 17 Olympias Lysima- 24 18 chus 25 19 26 Phil. 4m. 1 Antipa. 27 ter and 2 Alexan-28 der 3 29 1 Dome- 30 trius 2 31 3 32 4 33 1 Lysima- 37 chus 2 38 1 Ptolemy Ceraunus 1 Meleager 1 Sosthenes — Interreg. 1 Antigonus Gonatus Kings of Asia 2 Demetrius Poliorcetes 3 — Captured by Se.eucus Kings of Pergamus 1 Philetarus US 6 Nicome- 1 des I. Kings of Syria 13 Seleucus Nicator 14 1 Antiochus Soter 1 Eume- 16 nes I. 2 17 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Zielas 1 'circa' 11 12 ■ — ■ 3 1Q _ m = 10 tc o 14 — S* 15 Ariobar- 1 zanes 16 III. 2 17 3 18 4 19 5 1 Antio- chus 2 Theus 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 Kings of Egypt 24 Ptolemy Soter 25 21 26 26 27 39 Ptolemy 1 Philadel- 40 phus 2 1 3 "3 4 rORICAL TABLES N° 15 HISTORIANS, ETC. Birth of Lyco the peripatetic. — Eu- clid the mathematician, fl. Arcesilaus directs the Middle Acade- my.— Zeno of Cittium, the Stoic, fl. Diyllus closed his history about this period Demetrius Phalerius the orator with- draws, after the death of Cassander, to Egypt Dinarchus, the orator, returns from exile Dia»archus, geograph. fl. Birth of Archimedes. — Strato suc- ceeds Theophrastus in the Lyce- um. — Crates, the philosopher, the friend and disciple of Pelemo, fl. Dionysius began his astronomical era, June 26, being the first who found the exact solar year to be 365 days 5 hours 48 minutes and 57 seconds. Demetrius Phalereus is in great credit in Egypt till the death of Soter, but is disgraced by Philadelphus Timocharis, astron. fl. Demosthenes honoured with a statue. Chrysippus, stoic, b.— Cineas,orat.fl. Aristarchus of Samos,astron. — Timon Phliasis, crit. fl. — Duris, hist. fl. The four schools of philosophy, Strato, Zeno, Epicurus, and Arcesilaus, fl. Death of Metrodorus the Epicurean, a?t. 53. — Idomeneus of Lampsacus, hist, fl.— Colotes, the Stoic, fl. Birth of Eratosthenes, chronol. Birth of Euphorion of Chalcis, poet, fl. Birth of Aratus of Sicyon. — Zenodo. tus of Ephesus, critic, fl. Death of Strato the Peripatetic— Lyco succeeds. — Death of Epicurus, aet. 72. — Hermachus succeeds. — Death of Polemo the Platonic philosopher Manetho, hist. fl. History of Dionysius Halic. ends.— Timasus ends at the same period The Parian marble ends Death of Zeno, according to Eusebius. Dionysius Metathemenus, phil. fl. Timosthenes Khodius, geog. ob. Death of Zeno the Stoic, according to Laertius; he is succeeded by Cleanthes Erasistratus medicus, the grandson of Aristotle, fl. Sosibius of Laconia, gram. fl. GREECE AND ROME Athens besieged by Demetrius Poliorcetes during the tyranny of Lachares. — Agathocles takes Crotona. Third Samnite war — First campaign — Battle near Volaterraa in favour of the Romans. Second campaign — Destructive invasion of Samnium, Gellius Egnatius joins the Etrurians. Third campaign — Samnium relieved by Egnatius — Alarm at Rome on his invasion of their territory. — Death of Cassander. Fourth campaign — Battle of Sentinum, Decius devotes himself to death — Egnatius slain in battle by Fabius. Fifth campaign — Battle of Luceria gained by the Romans. — Demetrius Poliorcetes, having removed the sons of Cassander, reigns in Macedon. Sixth campaign — Both the consuls are victorious, and triumph on their return. — The first sun-dial at Rome, erected by Papirius Cursor. Seventh campaign — The Romans are defeated by C. Pontius, but in the next battle he is captured. Eighth campaign — Triumph of the Fabii, and murder of C. Pontius, the Samnite general, at the conclusion of the ceremony. Ninth campaign and end of the Samnite war. — Demetrius Poliorcetes celebrates the Pythian games at Athens. Death of Agathocles. Demetrius Poliorcetes driven by Pyrrhus from Macedon. Pyrrhus expelled from Macedon by Lycimachus, after seven months' possession. Ptolemy Philadelphus is associated in the sovereignty by his father, Soter. The Septuagint translation of the Old Testament made about this time. The Pharos of Alexandria built. Death of Demetrius Poliorcetes, set. 54. — Death of Ptolemy Soter. — The Consul Metellus killed at Arretium. The Tarentines surprise the Roman fleet. — The Roman ambassadors demanding satisfaction are dismissed with insult. Lysimachus defeated and slain by Seleucus, July. — The Tarentine war begins. — Embassy to Pyrrhus from the Italian Greeks. Seleucus murdered by Ptolemy Ceraunus, July. — Pyrrhus passes into Italy. — Rise of the Achasan League. — Ceraunus slain by the Gauls,Oct. Irruption of the Gauls into Greece. — Battle of Asculum. — League between Rome and Carthage. Destruction of the Gauls under Brennus at Delohi. — Pvrrhus passes into Sicily. Pyrrhus leaves Sicily. — His fleet is dispersed by the Carthaginians on his way to Italy. Pyrrhus defeated by the consul Curius at Beneventum, embarks for Epirus. Embassy from Ptolemy Philadelphus to Rome. Death of Pyrrhus. — Final submission of Samnium, Lucania, and Bru- tium. — Fall of Tarentum. Rhegium taken and restored to the old inhabitants, the remains of the Campanian legion being put to death. Hiero becomes king of Syracuse. War with the Picentes. — Silver first coined at Rome. The conquest of the Picentians completed by the consul Sempronius. — Colonies established at Ariminum and Beneventum. — Athens taken by Antigonus Gonatus. The Sallentines and the Sarcinates subdued. — Conquest of the Messa- pians and occupation of Brundusium. First Punic War. — Gladiators first exhibited. — TheVolsinii subdued. — The Romans become masters of all Italy. Hiero makes peace with the Romans, who exact from him 100 talents of silver. Surrender of Agrigentum after seven months' siege to the consuls Me- gellus and Vitulus. — Battle of Sardis. The Romans first prepare a fleet. Naval victory of Duilius over the Carthaginians off" Mylae. — Descent of Scipio upon Corsica and Sardinia. The consul Sulpicius takes several galleys from Hannibal ofF Sardinia ; Hannibal is murdered in revenge by his mariners. The Carthaginian fleet under Hanno and Hamilcar defeated by the consuls near Ecnomus. — The consul Regulus lands in Africa. Defeat and capture of Regulus by Xantippus. — Naval victory, the Car- thaginians lose 114 ships; the Roman fleet destroyed by a tempest. The Romans complete another fleet of 220 ships in three months. — Sur- render of Panormus. The consuls Servilius and Sempronius sail to Africa. — A second tem- pest, 150 ships lost. — The Romans desist from naval expeditions. Aratus delivers Sicyon. — The Romans again resolve on naval prepara- tions. POETS— THE DRAMA Demetrius of the New Comedy fl. Death of Menander, aet. 51 Posidippus, one of the six standards, of the New Comedy begins to ex. hibit Sopator of Paphos, of the New Come, dy, exhibits Lynceus, comic poet, fl. — Sotades poeta, fl. Homerus — Sosistheus — Philiscus — Corcyraeus — Sosiphanes, and Dio- nysides, tragic poets, fl. — Anyte' of Tegea, epigr. poet, fl. Aratus of Soli, poet, fl. — Alexander jEtolus, tr3g. fl. — Theocritus, poet, fl. Antagoras Rhodius, poet, fl. Death of Philemon of the New Come- dy, aet 97 Lycophron, trag. — ' Alexandr.' Callimachus, fl. B.C. 250—201 CHRONOLOGICAL 4464 4465 4466 4467 4468 4469 4470 4471 4472 4473 4474 4475 4476 4477 4478 4479 4480 4481 4482 4483 4484 4485 4486 4487 4488 4489 4490 4491 4492 4493 4494 4495 4496 4497 4498 4499 4500 4501 4502 4503 4504 4505 4506 4507 4508 4509 4510 4511 4512 4513 3 4 133.1 2 3 4 134.1 2 3 4 135.1 2 3 4 136.1 2 3 4 137.1 2 3 4 138.1 2 3 4 139.1 2 3 4 140.1 2 3 4 141.1 2 3 4 142.1 2 3 4 143.1 2 3 4 144.1 2 3 4 501 505 606 .507 508 SOS 510 511 512 513 S « 250 949 848 8*7 246 846 214 243 242 241 210 sag 938 237 236 835 254 2;;j 232 aw 290 219 218 217 216 815 211 213 212 211 ROMAN CONSULS C. Atil. Regulus 2 L. Manl. Vulso 2 P. Claud. Pulcher L. Junius Pullus C. Aurel. Cotta 2 P. Servil. Geminus 2 L. Caecil. Metellus 2 N. Fabius Buteo M. Otacil. Crassus 2 M. Fabius Licinus M. Fabius Buteo C. Atilius Bulbus A. M. Torqu. Atticup C. Semp. Blzesus 2 C. Fund. Fundulus C. Sulpic. Gallus C. Lutat. Catulus A. Post. Albinus >^ A. M. Torqu. Atticus 2 Q. Lutatius Cerco p., Achaean 2j 15 First Punic 16 War 17 33 18 Harail- 34 car 19 35 20 36 Kings Si -3 of 73 Mo S of >• Kings of 14Eumenes 1 Zielas 2 15 3 1 Antigonus Doson 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 Philip V. 2 1 Attalus 11 I. 14 Prusias 1 I. 15 - 12 Antiochus Ariobar-17 13 zanes 18 III. 14 19 Kings of Egypt 36 Ptolemy Philadel- 37 phus 15 20 lSeleucus21 Callini- 2 cus 22 Mithri. 1 dates IV. 2 lSeleucusl5 Cerau. 2 nus 16 3 17 1 Antio- 18 chus 2 Mag. 19 nus 3 20 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 Ptolemy Evergetes 2 1 Ptolemy Philopater SI 32 331 34 35 36 37 38 39 •II) 1 Ptolemy Epiphanes 2 1T0RICAL TABLES N°16 3 GREEK WRITERS ROMAN REPUBLIC ROMAN AUTHORS es s-11 s 12 Bsl3 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Hieronymus of Rhodes, stoic, fl. Heraclitus of Halicarnassus the poet, and Philostephanus of Cyrene, hist. fl. Nymphis of Heraclea brought his history to this year Euphantus of Olynthus, hist. fl. Death of Arcesilaiis of the Middle Academy. — Lacydes succeeds Victory of Metellus at Panormus. — Regulus pleads in the Senate for war. Siege of Lilybaeum — Arsaces founds the Parthian monarchy. Naval defeat of Claudius Pulcher by Adherbal off Drepanum. — The Romans lose every ship by storm, and again abandon the sea. Hamilcar Barcas appointed general of the Carthaginians. — Birth of Hannibal. Hamilcar encamps his forces between Panormus and Eryx in Sicily, where he maintains his post nearly three years. Hamilcar takes Eryx by surprise. The Consul Fundanius opposed to Barcas in Sicily. — Aratus delivers Corinth. The Romans again prepare a fleet. Naval victory of Catulus over Hanno at the iEgates. — End of the first Punic war. — War with the Falisci. — Agis King of Sparta put to death. 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 as 1 2 3 Lysimachus, phil. fl.— Neanthes of Cyzicum, hist. fl. Ister, poet, the disciDle of Callima- chus, fl. Ptolemy Physcon about this time pro- cures the MSS. of Sophocles, Euri- pides, and iEschylus, from the Athe- nians, upon a pledge of 15 talents The Libyan war terminated. — Hamilcar sent into Spain. — War with the Boii and Ligurians. The Ludi Sasculares celebrated ; the games attended by Hiero King of Syracuse with 200,000 modii of wheat. Irruption of the Transalpine Gauls. — Rome threatens Carthage with war, but is induced by an embassy to desist. Sardinia conquered by the Romans. — The temple of Janus is shut a second time. War in Liguria, Corsica, and Sardinia. — Sardinia revolts and is again invaded. The consul Fabius Maximus subdues the Ligurians. — The judicature of the Centumviri erected. — Sardinia a third time invaded. Agrarian law of C. Flaminius. — Sardinia a fourth time invaded. Divorce of Spurius Carvilius. — Sardinia and Corsica reduced to a province. Livius Andronicus began to exhibit Birth of Ennuis the poet Nsevius the poet flourished Birth of Cato 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Macho the comic poet and teacher of Aristophanes the critic fl.— Apollo- dorus of Carystus, comic poet, fl. Death of Lyco the peripatetic, at. 74. Aristo of Ceos, succeeds in the Ly- ceum Antigonus of Carystus, biog. fl. Eratosthenes, librarian at Alexandria, flourished Rhianus the poet flourished Euphorion, librarian to Antiochus, ob. Archimedes fl.— Archimelus, poet Teuta Queen of Illyria procures the murder of an ambassador sent from Rome, which leads to war. The first Illyrian war. — Hasdrubal succeeds Hamilcar in Spain. Peace with Illyria. — First Roman embassy to Greece. War between Cleomenes and Aratus " The Gallic war. — The Gauls defeated in Etruria by the consul Emi- lius. — The consul Regulus slain. — The Roman force near 800,000 men. The Boii subdued. — Cleomenes restores the Agrarian laws of Sparta. The Romans legions first pass the Po. — Victory of Flaminius over the Insubres. Victory of Marcellus. — Insubria and Liguria formed into the province of Cisalpine Gaul. — Battle of Sellasia, Cleomenes defeated by Antigonus. Hannibal succeeds Hasdrubal in Spain. — Conquest of Istria. Q. Fabius Pictor the historian serves in the Gallic war. — L. C. Alimentus, hist. fl. ssl4 on 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 The History of Aratus ends.— The History of Polybius begins. Phylarchus, hist, flourished Samius the poet begins to be distin- guished Mnesiptolemus the poet fl. — Epinicus the comic poet fl. Death of Lacydes. — Evander succeeds in the Middle Academy Birth of Carneades of Cyrene, the founder of the New Academy. Death of Aratus of Sicyon. — Death of Archimedes, at. 75 Battle of Caphyas. — Commencement of the Social war. Saguntum taken by Hannibal. — Second Illyrian war. — Demetrius flies for protection to Philip King of Macedon. The second Punic war. — Hannibal passes the Alps. — The Romans de- feated at the Ticin and the Trebia. — Inroads of Philip into Etolia. Hannibal passes into Etruria. — Flaminius defeated and slain at Thrasy- mene. — Hannibal winters in Daunia. Battle of Cannas, total defeat of the Romans. — Hannibal winters at Capua. — Casilinum taken. — Posthumius defeated and slain in Gaul. Hannibal enters into treaty with Philip of Macedon.— Hasdrubal the Bald defeated by th» Romans in Sicily. — Hannibal winters in Apulia. Fabius retakes Casilinum. — Marcellus sent into Sicily. — Syracuse be- sieged. — The siege turned to a blockade by the Romans. Progress of the Scipios in Spain. — They engage Syphax K. of Masae- sylia against Carthage. — Syphax defeated with great loss by Masinissa. Tarentum surprised by Hannibal. — Syracuse taken by Marcellus. — Death of Archimedes. — The two Scipios killed in Spain. Capua recovered by the Romans. — Scipio the Younger sent into Spain. Confederacy with the Etolians against Philip of Macedon. Birth of Pacuvius, trag. Fabius Pictor the historian sent am- bassador to Delphi 10 11 12 13 14 • 15 16 ■ 17 - 18 - 19 Death of Chrysippus the Stoic, a?t. 73. Zeno Tarsensis succeeds Sotion of Alexandria, critic, fl. Hermippus of Smyrna, biog. fl. Silenus,— Sosilus, — and Menodotus, the historians, fl. Fulvius Centumalus defeated by Hannibal at Herdonia— Agrigentum delivered to the consul Laevinus. — Carthago Nova taken by Scipio. Tarentum recovered by the consul Fabius Maximus. Marcellus slain in an ambush. — Hannibal forces Cincius to raise the siege of Locri. — Lasvinus defeats the Carthaginian fleet off Clypea. Battle of the Metaurus — Hasdrubal defeated and slain by the consuls Livius and Nero. — Hannibal retires into Bruttium. Scipio, in Africa, leagues with Syphax. — Masinissa treats with Scipio at Gades. — Battle of Mantinea. — The Carthaginians abandon Spain. Scipio, now consul, passes into Sicily. — Mago lands an army in Italy. — Scipio sends Laslius into Africa, who there confers with Masinissa. Peace between the Romans and King Philip.— Syphax secedes from the Roman interest. — Scipio lands in Africa, and is joined by Masinissa. Syphax defeated and captured. — Masinissa saluted as king by Scipio. — Hmnibal leaves Italy. — Peace proposed. — Hannibal lands in Africa. Interview between Hannibal and Scipio. — Battle of Zama. — End of the second Punic war. Peace granted to the Carthaginians..— Triumph of Scipio. — Sea fight near Chios. — King Philip defeated by Attalus and the Rhodians. i Cato, quasstor. — Ennius the poet brought to Rome by the quasstor Cato from Sardinia Death of Naevius B.C. 200—151 CHRONOLOGICAL 4514 4515 4516 4517 4518 4519 4520 4521 4522 4523 4524 4525 4526 4527 4528 4529 4530 4531 4532 4533 4534 4535 4536 4537 4538 4539 4540 4541 4542 4543 4544 4545 4546 4547 4548 4549 4550 4551 4552 4553 4554 4555 4556 4557 4558 4559 4560 4561 4562 4563 •° £ 8 ■a •a & 3 a "3 CO I 5 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 5G1 5(32 563 564 5(35 566 567 568 SOB 570 571 572 573 571 575 576 577 578 579 5S0 SSI 582 5S3 5S4 5S5 Bfl 587 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 Gee 597 598 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 HO 141 142 113 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 145.1 2 3 4 146.1 2 3 4 147.1 3 4 148.1 2 3 4 149.1 2 3 4 150.1 2 3 4 151.1 2 3 4 152.1 2 153.1 2 3 4 154.1 155.1 2 3 4 156.1 3 4 157.1 554 555 556 557 558 559 5(30 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 5S0 581 582 583 581 585 586 587 5SS 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 100 001 602 on ROMAN CONSULS P. Sulp.GalbaMax.2 C. Aurelius Cotta L. Corn. Lentulus P.Vilius Tappulus T. Qu. Flamininus Sex. JEl Partus Catus C. Corn. Cethegus Q. Minucius Rufus L. Furius Purpureo M. Claud. Marcellus M. Porcius Cato L.Valerius Flaccus P. C. Scipio Afric. 2 Ti. Sempr. Longus L. Cornel. Merula Q. Minuc. Thermus L. Qu. Flamininus Cn. D. Ahenobarbus M'Acilius Glabrio P. C. Scipio Nasica L. Cornelius Scipio C. Laelius Cn. Manlius Vulso M. Fulvius Nobilior C. Livius Salinator M. Valer. Messalla M. vEmil. Lepidus C. Flaminius Sp. Post. Albinus Q. Marc. Philippus Ap. Claud. Pulcher M. Semp. Tuditanus P. Claud. Pulcher L. Pore. Licinus Q. Fabius Labeo M. Claud. Marcellus L. .flJmil. Paullus Cn. Basb. Tamphilus P. Corn. Cethegus M. Bart). Tamphilus A. Post. Albinus C. Calpurn. Piso L. M. Acidinus Fulv. Q. Fulvius Flaccus M. Junius Brutus A. Manlius Vulso C. Claud. Pulcher Ti. Sempr. Gracchus Cn. C. Scipio Hispal. Q. Petil. Spurinus P. Mucius Scaevula M. JEm. Lepidus 2 Sp.Post. Alb. Paullus Q. Mucius Scffivula L. Post. Albinus M. Popillius Lasnas C. Popillius Lsenas P. JElius Ligus P. Licinius Crassus C. Cassius Longinus A. Hostil. Mancinus A. Atil. Serranus Q. M. Philippus 2 Cn. Servil. Caepio L. JEm. Paullus 2 C. Licinius Crassus Q. vElius Partus M. Junius Pennus C. Sulpic. Gallus M. Claud. Marcellus T. Manl. Torquatus Cn. Octavius A. Manl. Torquatus C. Cassius Longinus Ti. Sempr. Gracchus 2 M' Juvent. Thalna P. C. Scipio Nasica C. Marc. Figulus M. Valer. Messalla C. Fannius Strabo L. Anicius Gallus M. Corn. Cethegus Cn. Corn. Dolabella M. Fulvius Nobilior M. JEmil. Lepidus C. Popil. Laenas 2 Sex. Julius Cassar L. Aurel. Orestes L.C. Lentulus Lupus C. M. Figulus 2 P. C. Scipio Nasica 2 M. CI. Marcellus 2 Q. Opimius L. Post. Albinus Q. Fulvius Nobilior T. Annius Luscus M. CI. Marcellus 3 L. Valerius Flaccus L. Licin. Lucullus A. Post. Albinus -3 9 ■ Punic ■ 3 t>0 I Achaean ^ 2 Second Int.of P.81 3 Peace 82 4 Pr.83 5 84 6 Hanni- 85 bal in 7 Syria P. 86 8 87 9 88 10 Pr.89 11 Pr.90 12 91 13 Pr.92 14 Pr.93 15 94 16 95 17 Pr.96 18 97 19 Han. P. 98 nibal 20 ob. P. 99 21 circa. 100 22 101 23 102 24 103 25 104 26 105 27 106 28 Pr. 107 29 108 30 Pr.109 31 110 SB Ill 33 112 34 113 35 114 36 115 37 116 38 117 39 118 40 119 11 120 42 121 43 122 14 123 15 124 16 125 47 126 18 127 •19 128 50 129 n 130 a Kings is * fc Tyrants 02 4 Masinissa Nabis 7 5 8 6 9 7 10 8 11 9 12 10 13 11 14 12 ■ •a 13 5 Kings of Macedon 21 Philip 1 Perseus 2 - Conquered by the Romans s Kings a I of | 42 Attalus Prusias 29 43 30 44 31 1 Eumen- 32 esll. 2 33 18 Prusias 1 IL 19 1 Attalus 22 IL ■ 23 Kings Syria Pontu 24 Antiochus Mithri- 41 25 dates 42 IV. 26 43 27 44 28 45 29 46 30 47 31 48 32 49 33 50 34 Pharna-1 ces I. 35 2 36 3 lSeleucus 4 Philopa. 2 ter 5 3 6 4 7 5 8 6 9 7 10 8 11 9 12 10 13 11 14 12 15 lAntio- 16 chus 2 Epipha- 17 nes 3 18 4 19 5 20 6 21 7 22 8 — 23 9 24 10 25 11 26 1 Antio. 27 chus 2 Eupator28 IDeme- 29 trius 2 Soter 30 3 31 4 32 5 33 6 34 7 Mithri- 1 dates 8 V. 2 9 3 10 4 11 5 12 6 Kings of Egypt 6 Ptolemy Epiphanes 7 1 Ptolemy Philome- 12 Ptolemy 1 Physcon 13 2 TORICAL TABLES N°17 GREEK WRITERS Aristophanes of Byzantium, critic, fl. Polemo periegetes, fl. Zeno and Antisthenes, of Rhodes, the historians, fl. Alcaeus of Messenia, the poet, cele- brates the victory of Titus at Cynos- cephalae Asclepiades of Myrlea, gram. fl. Ptolemy of Megalopolis, the historian, governs Cyprus for Epiphanes Death of Eratosthenes, art. 80 or 82. — Apollonius Rhodius succeeds as librarian at Alexandria Hegesinus the Platonic philosopher, the successor of Evander, and pre- decessor of Carneades, flourished Aristonymus succeeds Apollonius Rhodius as librarian at Alexandria Polybius, the historian, is at the fu- neral of Philopoemen. — Nicander of Colophon poeta, fl. Polybius is sent ambassador to Egypt Death of Aristonymus, the librarian, at Alexandria Polybius i7r7rapxo?, and is ambassador to the consul Marcius in Perrhaebia Polybius and his father Lycortas ad- vocate the cause of the Ptolemies Polybius is among the Achaean exiles Hipparchus observes the autumnal equinox, Sept. 27 Satyrus the peripatetic, fl. Hipparchus observed the autumnal equinox , Sept.27.— Crates, the gram- marian, is at Rome Hipparchus again observes the au- tumnal equinox, Sept. 27 Aristarchus, the critic, flourished Diogenes the stoic, Critolaiis the peri- patetic,and Carneades the academic, are ambassadors to Rome Callistratus, the disciple of Aristo. phanes, and Moschus the poet, fl. Polybius returns with the other Achaean exiles to Greece ROMAN REPUBLIC Reception of Attalus at Athens. — First Macedonian war. — King Philip besieges Abydos. — He dismisses the Roman ambassador Emilius. King Philip defeated by the consul Sulpicius, near Octolophum. — He defeats the jEtolians, who now declare for the Romans. Siege of Elatea by Flamininus. — He forms an alliance with the Achaean league. — Antiochus defeats Scopas at Panium and conquers Coelesyria. Battle of Cynoscephala?, peace granted to Philip of Macedon. — Hamil- car, the Carthaginian, defeated in Gaul by the consul Cethegus. The consuls subdue the Insubres and the Boii. — Hannibal joins Antio- chus.— Greece declared free. — Conference at Lysimachia. Cato, now consul, tranquillizes Spain. — The Romans prepare for war with Antiochus. — Nabis submits to Flamininus. — Liberation of Argos. Defeat of the Boii. — Flamininus restores the JEtolian cities, Corinth, Chalcis, and Demetrias. — Triumph of Flamininus. Failure of embassy to Rome from Antiochus.— Hannibal urges an attack upon Italy. — Encroachments of Masinissa in Africa. Atilius sent into Greece. — Nabis defeated by Philopoemen, Lacedaemon joins the Achaean League. — Antiochus passes into Greece. Antiochus enters Acarnania, — Acilius defeats Antiochus at Thermopylae. Heraclea surrendered. — Antiochus defeated at sea, retires to Phrygia. Siege of Amphissa. — Six months' truce to the iEtolians, — L C. Scipio passes into Asia. — Battle of Magnesia, Antiochus defeated by Scipio. Ambracia besieged by the consul Fulvius, who grants peace to the iEtolians. — The consul Manlius reduces the Gallo-Greeks in Galatia. Eumenes and the ten legati join Manlius, and the treaty with Antiochus is completed. — Philopoemen abrogates the laws of Lycurgus. Achaean embassies sent to Rome and Egypt while Philopoemen is in office. — Scipio Africanus retires to Liternum in disgust. The Bacchanalian society suppressed. — The consul Marcius defeated by the Ligurians. The Romans, jealous of the growing power of Philip of Macedon. — He remonstrates against the reductions proposed by Metellus. King Philip sends his son Demetrius to Rome to conciliate the members of the Senate. — War between Eumenes and Prusias. Demetrius pleads for his father King Philip before the Roman Senate. — Philopoemen put to death by the Messenians. The Messenians surrender to Lycortas, the successor of Philopoemen. — The Lacedaemonians enter a second time into the Achaean League. Demetrius put to death by order of his father King Philip. — War in Spain. The Villian law, enacting the several ages required for admission to public office. — The Ligurians are transported to Samnium. Death of Philip King of Macedon. — Some books of Numa said to have been found at Rome ; Livy thought them forged. The consul Manlius carries on the war in Istria. The war in Istria completed by the consul Claudius, and in Sardinia by Sempronius Gracchus. Death t>f the consul Cornelius Scipio. — The consul Petillius slain by the Ligurians. The Bastarnae, who had been invited from the Danube by King Philip, enter Dardania, which excites the jealousy of the Roman Senate. Perseus King of Macedon endeavours to re-establish an alliance with the Achaeans. — Three ambassadors sent from Rome to Perseus. The three ambassadors return from Macedon without audience. — Popi- lius, the consul, gains a victory over the Ligurians. Eumenes excites the Senate against Perseus.— Renewed complaints of Carthage against Masinissa. — The Boeotian league dissolved. The Second Macedonian war. — Ambassadors from Perseus sue in vain for peace. — Licinius winters in Boeotia and Thessaly. The consul Hostilius attempts unsuccessfully to penetrate Macedon. — Antiochus Epiphanes takes Jerusalem. The consul Marcius proceeds into Macedon. — Perseus abandons Dium, but rallies and entrenches himself on the banks of the Enipus. Battle of Pydna, June 22. — The Illyrian war ended by Anicius in 30 days. Flight and surrender of Perseus to the consul Emilius Paullus. Macedonia divided into provinces. — 70 towns in Epirus destroyed. — 1000 of the principal Achaeans exiled to Rome for 16 years. The Ligurians are subdued by the consuls Gallus and Marcellus. Demetrius Soter twelve years a hostage at Rome, is refused his release to dethrone his nephew, Antiochus Eupator. — War in Corsica. Demetrius escapes from Rome by the connivance of the historian Poly- bius.— He dethrones Eupator and puts the King and his tutor Lysias to death. Philosophers and rhetoricians are prohibited at Rome. Treaty between the Romans and the Jews against Demetrius Soter.— Death of Emilius Paullus. Ariarthes King of Cappadocia comes to Rome for protection against Demetrius.— Cato urges the destruction of Carthage in the Senate. War with the Dalmatians. It is terminated the succeeding year. Embassy from Athens.— The Athenians obtain the remission of a fine of 500 talents.— Embassy to Rome in behalf of the Achaean exiles. The Romans first pass the Alps.— The disputes between the Ptolemies terminated by the concessions of the elder. The consuls enter upon their office on January 1.— The Celtiberian war is conducted unsuccessfully by Nobilior. War in Spain conducted by the consul Marcellus. The Celtiberian war is unpopular at Rome.— Galba the praetor defeated by the Lusitanians. — Return of the Achaean exiles. ROMAN AUTHORS Cato consul Birth of Terence Cato, military tribune LCincius Alimentus, ' De re militari' Ennius, the poet, accompanies the consul Fulvius into Etolia Cato, censor. — Death of Plautus. Caecilius, the comic poet, flourished Birth of Attius, trag. Death of Ennius, poeta, at. 70 Death of Caecilius, the comic poet Terentii 'Andria' Terentii ' Hecyra' Sulpicius Gallus, astron. is sent to Asia to watch the conduct of Eumenes Terentii ' Heautontimorumenos ' Terentii ' Eunuchus' Terentii ' Adelphi' Death of Terence. — Time measured by water at Rome, the invention of Scipio Nasica. Pacuvius, trag. fl. set. 65 Cato pleads his own cause, set 81 Albinus the consul, a writer of history B.C. 150—101 CHRONOLOGICAL 4564 4565 4566 4567 4568 4569 4570 4571 4572 4573 4574 609 4575 4576 4577 4578 4579 4580 4581 4582 4583 .4584 4585 4586 4587 4588 4589 4590 4591 4592 4593 4594 4595 4596 4597 4598 4599 4600 4601 4602 4603 4604 4605 4606 4607 4608 4609 4610 4611 4612 4613 M3 KM w lot; 167 168 MB 170 171 172 •3 2 s >> 5 I o H o >5 •2 o a » 3 604 150 4 605 149 158.1 606 148 2 607 147 3 608 146 4 609 145 169.1 .610 144 2 611 143 3 612 142 4 613 141 160.1 614 140 2 615 139 3 616 138 4 617 137 161.1 618 136 2 619 135 3 620 134 4 621 133 162.1 622 132 2 623 131 3 624 130 4 625 129 163.1 626 128 2 627 127 3 628 126 4 629 125 164.1 630 124 2 631 123 3 632 122 4 633 121 165.1 634 120 2 635 119 3 636 118 4 637 117 166.1 638 116 2 639 115 3 640 114 4 641 113 167.1 642 112 2 643 111 ] J 3 644 110 4 645 109 168.1 646 108 2 647 107 : 3 648 106 4 649 105 : 169.1 650 104 2 651 103 3 652 102 4 653 101 V ROMAN CONSULS T. Qu. Flamininus M Acilius Balbus L. Marc. Censorinus M. Manilius Sp. P. Albinus Mag. L. Calp. Piso Caes. P. C. Scipio Afr. Mm. C. Livius Drusus Cn. Corn. Lentulus L. Mummius Q. Fabius Max. JEm. L. HostiL Mancinus Ser. Sulpic. Galba L. AureL Cotta Ap. Claud. Pulcher £.C. Metellus Maced. . C. Metullus Calv. Q. Fab. Max. ServiL Cn. Serviiius Caepio Q. Pompeius Rufus C. Laelius Sapiens Q. Serviiius Caepio Cn. Calpurnius Piso M. Popillius Laenas P. C. Scipio Nasica D. Junius Brutus M. JE. Lepidus Pore. C. Hostil. Mancinus P. Furius Philus Sex. Atil. Serranus Ser. Fulvius Flaccus Q. Calpurnius Piso P.C.ScipioAfr.iEm.2 C. Fulvius F.accus P. Mucius Scaevula L. Calp. Piso Frugi P. Popillius Lamas P. Rupilius P. L. Crassus Muc. L. Valerius Flaccus C. Claudius Pulcher M. Perperna C. Semp. Tuditanus M.Aquillius Cn. Octavius T. Annius Rufus L. Cassius Longinus L. Cornelius Cinna M. JEmil. Lepidus L. Aurelius Orestes M. Plaut. Hypsaeus M. Fulvius Flaccus C. Cass. Longinus C. Sextius Calvinus Q. Caecil. Metellus T. Q. Flamininus Cn. O. Ahenobarbus C. Fannius Strabo C. Fabius Maximus L. Opimius P. Manlius C. Papirius Carbo L. Caecil. Metellus L. Aurelius Cotta M. Porcius Cato Q. Marcius Rex L Caecil. Metellus Q. Mucius Scaevula C. Licinius Geta Q. Fabius Maximus M. JEmil. Scaurus M. Caecil. Metellus M' Acilius Balbus C. Porcius Cato C. C. Metellus Capr. Cn. Papirius Carbo M. Livius Drusus L. Calpurnius Piso P. C. Scipio Nasica L. Calpurn. Bestia M. Minucius Rufus S. Postum. Albinus Q. Cascil. Metellus M. Junius Silanus Ser. Sulpic. Galba M. Aurel. Scaurus L. Cass. Longinus C. Marius C. Atilius Serranus Q. Serviiius Caepio P. Rutilius Rut'us C. Manlius C. Marius 2 C. Flavius Fimbria C. Marius 3 L. Aurelius Orestes C. Marius 4 Q. Lutatius Catulus C. Marius 5 M.Aquillius Punic £ Achaean >3 52 P. 131 lThirdP.132 Punic 2 War P.133 3 P. 134 —Carthage — and Corinth destroyed Kings 54 Masinissa Attal. 11.10 IMicipsa 11 12 Attalus 1 III. 1 Jugurtha and 2 Adherbal 7 Jugurtha alone 8 ■ Captured by Marius Kings of Bithynia 31 Prusias IL 1 Nicomedes II. 2 3 4 5 6 7 Kings of Syria 1 Alexander. Bala 2 1 Demetrius Nicator 2 1 Antiochus Sidetes 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 Demetrius Nicator 2 again [Grypus 1 Antiochus Cleopa- 1 2 tra 2 Kings of Pontus 7 Mithrida- tesV. * Antiochus 1 Cyzice- 15 nus 2 27 1 Mithrida- tes VI. 2 TORICAL TABLES N° 18 1-3 o .c GREEK WRITERS ROMAN REPUBLIC I ROMAN AUTHORS V. a- 3 a 4 5 6 7 8 9 >n 1 2 3 Polybius is sent for by the consul Manilius Heraciides Lembus, hist, flourished Hipparchus observes the autumnal equinox, Sept. 26 Polybius at Carthage and Corinth. — Hipparchus' obs. Mar.24 and Sept.27 Apoiiodorus' ' Chronicon' ends.— Zo- naras fl. — Demetrius of Scepsis fl. Antipater of Tarsus the Stoic, the successor of Diogenes Babylonius, fl Panaetius the Stoic accompanies Scipio in his embassy. — Hipparchus observes the autumnal equinox, Sept 26. Galba treacherously destroys the Lusitanians. — The Carthaginians de- feated by Masinissa. — Defection of Utica from Carthage. The destruction of Carthage demanded by the consuls. — Third Punic war. — Carthage besieged. — Death of Masinissa, aet. U0 or 97. Andriscus the Pseudo-Phiiippus usurps the throne of Macedon, and de- feats Juventius, but is repelled by Metellus. — Battle of Azotus. The greater part of Africa submits to the consul Scipio. — Hasdrubal proposes peace, which is rejected. — The Achaean war. Carthage taken by Scipio, July. — The city demolished. — Diaeus defeated by Mummius. — Corinth reduced to ashes, Sept. Fabius iEmilianus, the consul, commands in Spain against Viriathus. Jonathan Maccabeus betrayed and put to death by Tryphon. The consul Metellus, sent into Spain. — Embassy of Scipio Africanus to Egypt, accompanied by Panaetius. The consul Servilianus is sent to conduct the war against Viriathus. — Simon gets possession of the citadel of Jerusalem. Servilianus besieges Erisane, but is repulsed by Viriathus, who proposes peace, which is accepted and confirmed by the Senate. Cato prosecutes Galba.— Death of Cato, aet. 85. Calpurnius Piso, hist. fl. Cassius Hemina, hist, fl.— C. Fanni- us, the historian, serves with Scipio, at Carthage Birth of M. Antonius, the orator.— Fannius, the historian, serves in Spain 4 5 6 7 8 r-1 s 2 3 4 5 Nicander of Colophon, the poet, still living Hipparchus observes the vernal equi- nox, Mar. 23 Viriathus assassinated at the instance of the consul Caepio. The Astrologers banished from Rome. — The Celtiberian war is con- ducted by the consul Popillius. The consul Brutus proceeds to Lusitania. — Popillius the proconsul is routed by the Numantines. — Birth of Sulla. The consul Mancinus defeated by the Numantines who consent to peace upon equal terms. Brutus in farther Spain, reduces the Bracari and the Gallaeci. — The Numantines refuse to receive Mancinus as a prisoner. The consul Piso is sent against Numantia. — P. Lentulus defeated by the Servile army under Eunus. — History of the Apocrypha ends. The consul Scipio joined in Spain by Jugurtha. — Marius serves at Numantia. — Fulvius is sent to the Servile war in Sicily. Fall of Numantia and destruction of its inhabitants. — Sedition and death of Tiberius Gracchus. — Piso defeats the Servile army at Messana. The Servile war in Sicily ended by the consul Rupilius. War with Aristonicus the usurper of Pergamus. — The consul Crassus sent against Aristonicus. Birth of L. Liciniiis Crassus, the ora- tor.— Attius, set. 30, and Pacuvius, aet. 80, the tragic poets, exhibit Sempronius Asellio, the historian, serves at Numantia es 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Carneades, phil. ob. 85.— Clitomachus succeeds.— Polybius still living Hipparchus obs. the equinox, Mar. 22, and the sun at Rhodes, Aug. 4 Antipater of Sidon, epigr. fl.— Hip- parchus takes an observation on the sun at Rhodes, May 2, and another July 7 Death of Crates, the critic, circa Crassus defeated and slain near Smyrna. — Aristonicus captured by the consul Perperna. Death of Scipio Africanus iEmilianus. Antiochus Sidetes King of Syria, defeated and killed by Phraates King of Parthia. Caius Gracchus goes into Sardinia as quaestor to Aurelius. Aurelius remains as proconsul in Sardinia. — The consul Fulvius leads an army against the Salluvian Gauls. Gracchus appears unexpectedly at Rome. — The consul Sextius defeats the Salluvian Gauls near Aquae Sextiae. Gracchus chosen Tribune of the Commons. — The Baleares subdued by Metellus, and the Saluvii by Sextius Calvinus. Gracchus chosen Tribune a second time. He passes over to the new colony of Carthage, and returns in 70 days. — He loses his third election. Death of Caius Gracchus. — The Agrarian law is gradually abrogated. — Defeat of the Allobroges by Fabius Maximus. Coelius Antipater, the Roman histo- rian, fl. 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Agatharchides of Cnidus, the histo- rian, who was reader to Heraciides Lembus, is about this time tutor to the sons of Ptolemy Soter Philo succeeds Clitomachus in the New Academy, circa. — Diodorus Caius Marius, tribune of the people, imprisons the consul Metellus for opposition to his measures. Death of Micipsa. — The consul Marcius plants a colony at Narbonne in Transalpine Gaul.— The Roman power extends to the Pyrennes. Dalmatia subdued by Cecilius Metellus. — Ambassadors are sent to Numidia, who restore Adherbal. The consul Scaurus subdues the Carni at the Pennenine Alps, and drains the marshes at the Trebia and Placentia. The consul Cato Porcius is sent to the protection of Macedonia against an irruption of the Scordisci and totally defeated. Papirius Carbo routed by the Cimbri, who spread themselves over Transalpine Gaul. The Scordisci are forced by the consul Drusus to repass the Danube. — Antiochus Cyzicenus defeats Grypus and obtains Syria. Jugurthan war. — First campaign. — The consul Bestia leads an army into Numidia, but is bribed by Jugurtha, and desists. L. Crassus, aet. 21, accuses Carbo Birth of Varro Birth of Hortensius, orat.— Crassus, ' pro Licinia' Crassus quaestor. — Valerius Antias Roman hist. fl. 26 27 28 o- 1 si. i 2 A. 1 us 2 3 4 5 the peripatetic flourished Dionysius the Thracian, gram. fl. Artemidorus of Ephesus, geog. fl. Archias, the poet, in his youth comes to Rome Massiva murdered by Bomilcar at the instance of Jugurtha. — Sump- tuary Law, called Lex Licinia, introduced at Rome. Aulus defeated by Jugurtha, concludes a peace. — Jugurtha and Bomil- car defeated by Metellus. — Silanus defeated by the Cimbri. Metellus continued in his command. — Bomilcar sacrificed by Jugurtha . for conspiracy. — The consul Scaurus defeated by the Cimbri. Jugurtha joined by Bocchus. — Metellus superseded by Marius. — Capsa taken by Marius. — Sulla quaestor to Marius.— Cassius slain in Gaul. Jugurtha is betrayed by Bocchus to Sulla, and delivered up to Marius. Birth of Pompey. — Toulouse plundered by the consul Caepio. Manlius and Caepio, consul and proconsul, defeated by the Cimbri on the banks of the Rhone, with total loss of their army. Marius, a second time consul, passes over to Gaul. — Sulla is legatus to Marius. Marius a third time consul. — Sulla military tribune. Marius a fourth time consul, defeats the Teutones in two battles at Aquae Sextia. — Second Servile war in Sicily. Marius a fifth time consul. — Marius and Catulus defeat the Cimbri on the plain of Vercellae. — Aquillius commands in Sicily. Birth of Atticus, the friend of Cicero L. Crassus, tribunus plebis Birth of Cicero. — Crassus, aet. 34, ' suasit serviliam legem' Attii ' Tereus.'— Death of Turpilius comicus Furius Bibaculus, poeta, born B.C. 100—51 CHRONOLOGICAL A 4614 4615 4616 4617 4618 4619 4620 4621 4622 4623 4624 4625 4626 4627 4628 4629 4630 4631 4632 4633 4634 4635 4636 4637 4638 4639 4640 4641 4642 4643 4644 4645 4646 4647 4648 4649 4650 4651 4652 4653 4654 4655 4656 4657 4658 4659 4660 4661 4662 4663 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 690 691 694 695 696 697 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 170.1 171.1 4 172.1 3 4 173.1 3 4 174.1 175.1 2 3 4 176.1 2 3 4 177.1 2 3 4 178.1 2 3 4 179.1 2 3 4 180.1 2 3 4 181.1 2 3 4 182.1 2 654 655 656 857 BSB 880 BOO Ml BBS BBS BM BBS BBS 667 BOB BBS 670 671 B7S 873 ROMAN CONSULS C. Marius 6 L. Valerius Flaccus M. Antonius A. Postum. Albinus Q. C. Metellus Nep. T. Didius Cn. Com. Lentulus P. Licinius Crassus Cn. D. Ahenobarbus C. Cassius Longinus L. Licinius Crassus Q. Mucius Scaevula C. Cislius Caldus L. D. Ahenobarbus C. Valerius Flaccus M. Herennius C. Claudius Pulcher M. Perperna L. Marc. Philippus Sex. Julius Caesar L. Julius Cassar P. Rutilius Lupus Cn. Pompeius Strabo L. Porcius Cato L Cornelius Sulla Q. Pompeius Rufus Cn. Octavius L. Cornelius Cinna L Cornelius Cinna 2 C. Marius 7 L. Cornelius Cinna 3 C. Papirius Carbo C. Papirius Carbo 2 L. Cornelius Cinna 4 L. Corn. Scipio Asiat. C. Norbanus C. Marius Cn. Papir. Carbo 3 M. Tullius Decula Cn. Corn. Dolabella L. Corn. Sulla Felix 2 Q. C. Metellus Pius P. Servilius Vatia Ap. Claud. Pulcher M. iEmil. Lepidus Q. Lutat. Catulus D. Junius Brutus M.iE. MamercusLep. Cn. Octavius f_Liv. C. Scribonius Curio L. Octavius C. Aurelius Cotta L. Licin. Lucullus M. Aurelius Cotta M. T. Varro Lucullus C. Cassius L. Gellius Poplicola Cn.C.LentuLClodian. P. Corn. Lentulus Cn. Aufid. Orestes Cn. Pompeius Mag. M. Licinius Crassus Q. Hortensius Q. Csecil. Metellus L. Cajcil. Metellus Q. Marcius Rex C. Calpurnius Piso M. Acilius Glabrio M. iEmil. Lepidus L. Volcatius Tullus L. Aurelius Cotta L. Manl. Torquatus L. Julius Caesar C. Marcius Figulus M. Tullius Cicero C. Antonius D. Junius Silanus L Licinius Murena M. Pup. Piso Calpurn. M. Valer. Messalla L. Afranius Q. C. Metellus Celer C. Julius Cassar M. Calpum. Bibulus L. Calp. Piso Casson. A. Gabinius P. C. Lent. Spinther Q. C. Metellus Nep. C. C. Lentul. Marcell. L Marc. Philippus Cn. Pomp. Mag. 2 M. Licin. Crassus 2 L D. Ahenobarbus Ap. Claud. Pulcher Cn. Domit. Calvinus M. Valer. Messalla Cn. Pomp. Mag. 3 Q. C. Met. Pius Scip. Ser. Sulpic. Rufus M. Claud. Marcellus THE FIRST TRIUMVIRATE Kings of Bithynia 50 Nicomedes IL 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 1 Nicomedes IIL — Bithynia bequeathed to the Romans Kings of Syria 26 Grypus Cyzice- 13 27 nus 14 28 15 29 16 17 1 Seleucus 12 years' contention between the sons and nephew of Antiochus Grypus 1 Tigranes 1 Antiochus Asiaticus 2 Expelled by Pompey POMPEY — CRASSUS CESAR — POMPEY Kings of Pontus 21 Mithrida- tesVL 22 — fc. rt B| 23 — bog c g 24 — S<5 25 Tigranes 1 26 2 27 3 28 4 29 5 30 6 1 Pharna- 34 ces II. 2 35 Kings Ar of Egypt P< 8Alexand. I. Cleopa- 18 9 tra 19 26 M t 27 - 10 ■ 90 28 - 11 21 29 - 12 83 30 - 13 83 31 - 14 1 24 32 - 15 25 33 - 16 88 34 - 17 27 35 - 18 88 — In 1 Soter restored 2 - 4 _ 5 - 6 - 7 - 1 Cleopatra 1 Alexan.II. - 1 Ptolemi Auletes 2 4 ISi 5 2 6 3 - 7 4 - 9 6 ■ 10 7 ■ 11 IP 12 2 13 3 ■ 14 4 - 15 5 - 16 6 • 17 7 ■ 18 8 - 19 9 - °0 1 M t 21 2 - 22 . 3 - 1 Berenice 1 Tryphena 2 4 - 10 3 o _ 1 Auletes 3 - again 2 4 - 5 - 4 6 - 1 Cleopatra Ptolemy I. 7 - rORICAL TABLES N°19 E b ■■a 0) £ ' 5 GREEK WRITERS ROMAN REPUBLIC ROMAN AUTHORS VI. L6 1 7 8 g 10 n 12 IS 14 If. Meleager, the collector of the Antho- logia, fl. Philo academicus flourished Metrodorus of Scepsis, phil. fl. Marius a sixth time consul. — Sedition of Saturninus. — Exile of Metellus Numidicus.— Birth of Julius Ca?sar. Return of Metellus. — Servile war in Sicily ended by M. Aquillius. — Lu- sitania conquered by Dolabella. Ptolemy Apion King of Cyrene leaves his dominions to the Romans. Antiochus Cyzicenus defeated, near Antioch, by Seleucus ; he destroys himself when nearly taken prisoner. Seleucus defeated by Antiochus Pius, and retires to Mopsuestia, where he is burnt alive. Sulla receives the ambassadors of Arsaces on the banks of the Eu- phrates, the first public transaction between Rome and Parthia. Livius Drusus endeavours to procure the privileges of Roman citizens for the Italian allies, but is assassinated. iElius and Claudius, grammar ici, fl. M. Antonius defends Aquillius M. Antonius, censor Birth of Lucretius.— Crassus orat. 'pro Caepione' L. Crassus, censor.— Aurelius Opilius, rhetor, fl. Death of Crassus. — L. Pomponius, 'Atellanarum scriptor,' fl. Id 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 27 Scymnus of Chios, poeta, fl. Apollonius Molo, the rhetorician, fl. — Philo, the philosoph. comes to Rome Antiochus, the philosopher, accom- panies Lucullus to Alexandria Posidonius, the Stoic, is ambassador to Rome from Rhodes. — Archias, the poet, is with Lucullus in Asia Sulla acquires the library of Apellicon Alexander Polyhistor, the gramma- rian, came to Rome ' in the time of Sulla* The Marsian or Social war. — The consul Rutilius mortally wounded in an ambush.— Marius lays down his command. The consul Cato slain. — Sulla takes Stabiae by storm. — He returns to Rome at the close of the campaign to obtain the consulate. The Social war ended. — First Mithridatic war. — Civil war of Marius and Sulla.— Sulla procures the banishment of Marius. China deposed from the consulate by the senate. — Junction of Marius with China. — Contest of Cinna and Octavius. Death of Marius. — Athens stormed by Sulla. — Archelaus defeated by Sulla at Orchomenus in Boeotia. Successes of Fimbria in Asia. — Sulla passes into Asia. — Birth of Brutus. Interview between Sulla and Mithridates.— Peace granted to Mithri- dates. — Cinna assassinated. Pompey opposes Carbo on the part of Sulla. — Sulla lands at Brundu- sium. — Sertorius retires to Spain. Defeat of the younger Marius near Prseneste. — Sulla enters Rome. — Carbo put to death by Pompey in Sicily.— Sulla made Dictator. Triumph of Sulla. — Successes of Pompey in Africa. M. ^milius Scaurus, aet 72 Cicero serves under the consul Pom- peius Cicero hears Philo and Molo at Rome. P. Rutilius, hist fl.— P.Gallus, rhet. Antonius, orat. slain. — Birth of Catul- lus.— Sisenna the historian, fl. Birth of Sallust Birth of P. T. Varro Atacinus, poeta. Birth of C. Licinius Calvus, orat. Cicero 'pro Quinctio.' — Cato, gram. Otacilius Plotus, rhet fl. 86 27 - 1 ' 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Zeno the Epicurean taught at Athens. Geminus of Rhodes, math. fl. Antipater of Tyre, the Stoic, fl. Tyrannio, the grammarian, is taken at Amisus Capture of Mytilene. Abdication of Sulla. Death of Sulla.— Civil war of Lepidus.— War of Sertorius in Spain. Death of Lepidus. — The proconsul Servilius sent against the pirates ol Cilicia. Sertorius opposed by Metellus and Pompey in Spain. Scribonius succeeds Claudius in Macedonia. — Servilius subdues the Isaurians. Pompey carries on the war against Sertorius. — Nicomedes dying, be- queaths Hi thy nia to the Romans. — Mithridatic war. War with Spartacus began. — Lucullus defeats Mithridates at Cyzicus. Sertorius slain. — End of the war in Spain. — Amisus besieged by Lucul- lus. — Defeat and flight of Mithridates. The war with Spartacus ended by Crassus. — Amisus and Eupatoria taken by Lucullus. Cicero 'pro Roscio' Cicero at Athens Cicero hears Molo at Rhodes.— Sal- lust, hist, com.— Death of Q. Atta Cicero returns to Rome Cicero engaged in pleading. —Birth of Asinius Pollio Cicero, quaestor in Sicily Cicero again returns to Rome 10 11 12 ul 2 3 4 5 6 Death of Metrodorus of Scepsis, phiL Apollodorus of Pergamus, gram. fl. Parthenius, the preceptor of Virgil, is captured in the Mithridatic war Hermagoras and Athenaeus, rhet. fl. Posidonius of Rhodes, the Stoic, fl. Castor's Roman Chronology ends. — Archias poeta, still living Mithridates received by Tigranes. — Appius Claudius demands his de- livery to Lucullus but is refused. Siege of Tigranocerta.— Defeat of Tigranes, Tigranocerta taken by Lu- cullus. — The Cretan war. The Cretan war conducted by Metellus.— Nisibis taken by assault by Lucullus. Sedition in the army of Lucullus. — Triarius defeated by Mithridates. — The pirates defeated by Pompey. — Cretan war ended. Interview between Pompey and Lucullus in Galatiat — Mithridates de- feated by Pompey. — Surrender of Tigranes. Antiochus Asiaticus dethroned by Pompey. — End of the Seleucidae. — Syria reduced to the form of a Roman province. Pompey in Syria, hastens to Pontus, on advice of renewed preparations by Mithridates. Death of Mithridates.— Jerusalem taken by Pompey.— Catiline de- nounced by Cicero. — Birth of Augustus. Defeat and death of Cataline.— Pompey returns to Italy.— Caasar praetor Triumph of Pompey. Cicero 'in Q. Caecilium' et 'in Ver- rem.' — Hortensius defends Verres. Birth of Virgil Cicero, aedilis. — Hortensius, consul Varro serves under Pompey against the pirates Cicero, praetor: 'pro lege Manilia,"pro Cluentio.' — Antonius Gnipho, gr. Cicero 'pro Cornelio I.' — Birth of Horace. — Atticus returns from Athens to Rome Cicero in 'toga Candida' Cicero 'orat. consulares:' 'pro Mure- na.' — Orbilius Pupillus, grammat. settled at Rome Cicero 'pro Sulla' 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 11 15 16 Diodorus Siculus, the historian, is in Egypt The history of Diodorus ends at the Gallic war of Caesar Andronicus of Rhodes, gram. fl. The work of Castor, the Chrono. grapher, closes at this period Demetrius Magnesfl. — Timagines,the sophist, is brought to Rome by Gabinius Nicolaus Damascenus, hist. fl. Posidonius, the Stoic, comes to Rome. Jason, hisgrandson and successor, fl. Lusitania conquered by Cajsar. — He returns to Rome and declines his triumph that he may obtain the consulate. — The first Triumvirate. Caesar now consul, carries the Agrarian law, the ratification of the acts of Pompey, and the adoption of Clodius by the plebians. Caesar's first campaign in Gaul. — The Helvetii prepare to move.— Cicero in banishment. — Cato sent by Clodius to Cyprus. War with the Belgae.— Return of Cicero.— Violent proceedings of Clo- dius, and resistance of Milo. Clodius aedile. — Cato returns from Cyprus. — War in Armorica. Interview at Luca between Caesar, Pompey, and Crassus. — Caesar passes the Rhine, and into Britain. — Crassus embarks for Syria. Second expedition into Britain. — War with Ambiorix. — First campaign of Crassus in Asia. — He winters in Syria. Csesar invades the Suevi. — Crassus passes the Euphrates. — His defeat and death by the Parthians. Rencontre between Milo and Clodius, and death of the latter. — Pompey sole consul. — Exile of Milo. — War with Vercingetorix. _ Cicero embarks for Asia. — Caesar's eighth and last campaign in Gaul. — End of the Parthian war. Cicero 'Epist, ad Att' 1. 19 Cicero 'pro Thermo,' 'pro Flacco.' Birth of Livy.— iElius Tubero, hist. Cicero in exile Cicero recalled Cicero 'pro Sextio,' 'inVatinium,' 'de provinces consularibus.' Cicero 'in Pisonem,' 'De Oratore.' — Death of Lucretius. — Virgil as sumes the toga virilis Cicero 'pro Vatinio,' 'pro Scauro de Republica' ; Cicero 'pro Milone.'— Sallust, tribune Cicero, proconsul in Cilicia B. C. 50—1 CHRONOLOGICAL 1 3 >"5 i if c 1 to 8 3 9 ■ ■§ a I 5 a I M O U •n « 4664 699 263 3 704 50 4665 700 264 4 705 49 4666 701 265 183.1 706 48 4667 702 266 2 707 47 4668 703 267 3 708 46 4669 704 2G8 4 709 45 4670 705 269 184.1 710 44 4671 706 270 2 711 43 4672 707 271 3 712 42 4673 708 272 4 713 41 4674 709 273 185.1 714 40 4675 710 274 2 715 39 4676 711 275 3 716 38 4677 712 276 4 717 37 4678 713 277 186.1 718 36 4679 714 278 2 719 35 4680 715 279 3 720 34 4681 716 280 4 721 33 4682 717 281 187.1 722 32 4683 718 282 2 723 31 30 4684 719 283 3 724 4685 720 284 4 725 29 4686 721 285 188.1 726 28 4687 722 286 2 727 27 4688 723 287 3 728 26 4689 724 288 4 729 25 4690 725 289 189.1 730 24 4691 726 290 2 731 23 4692 727 291 3 732 22 4693 728 729 292 4 733 21 4694 293 190.1 734 20 4695 730 294 2 735 19 4696 731 295 3 736 18 4697 732 296 4 737 17 4698 733 297 191.1 738 16 4699 734 298 2 739 15 4700 735 299 3 740 14 4701 736 300 4 741 13 4702 737 301 192.1 742 12 4703 738 302 2 743 11 4704 739 303 3 744 10 4705 740 304 4 745 9 4706 741 305 193.1 746 8 4707 742 306 2 747 7 4708 743 307 3 748 6 4709 744 308 4 749 5 4710 745 309 194.1 750 4 4711 746 310 2 751 3 4712 747 311 3 752 2 4713 748 312 4 753 1 ROMAN CONSULS L. JEmil. Paullus C. Claud. Marcellus C. Claud. Marcellus L. C. Lentulus Crus C. Julius Caesar 2 P. Servil.Vatia Isaur. Q. Fufius Calenus P. Vatinius C. Julius Caesar 3 M. jEmil. Lepidus C. Julius Caesar 4 (sine collega) C. Jul. Caesar 5 M. Antonius C. Vibius Pansa A. Hirtius M. JEmil Lepidus 2 L. Munat. Plancus P. Ser. Vatia Isaur. 2 L. Antonius Pietas Cn. Dom. Calvinus 2 C. Asinius Pollio L. Marc. Censorinus C. Calvis. Sabinus Ap. Claud. Pulcher C. Norbanus Flaccus M. Agrippa L. Caninius Gallus L. Gellius Poplicola M. Cocceius Nerva L. Cornificius Sex. Pompeius L. Scribonius Libo M. Antonius 2 C. Caesar 2 L. Volcatius Tullus Cn. D. Ahenobarbus C. Sosius C. Caesar 3 M. V. Messalla Corv. C. Caesar 4 M. Licinius Crassus C. Caesar 5 Sex. Appuleius C. Caesar 6 M. Agrippa 2 C. Caesar 7 M. Agrippa 3 C. Caesar Aug. 8 T. Statilius Taurus C. Caesar Aug. 9 M. Junius Silanus C. Caesar Aug. 10 . C. Norbanus Flaccus C. Caesar Aug. 11 A. Ter. Varro Mur. M. Claud. Marcellus L. Arruntius M. Lollius Q. iEmiL Lepidus M. Appuleius P. Silius Nerva C. Cent. Saturninus Q. Lucretius P. Corn. Lentulus Cn. Corn. Lentulus C. Furnius C. Junius Silanus L. D. Ahenobarbus P. Corn. Scipio M. Liv. Drusus Libo L Calpurnius Piso M. Licinius Crassus Cn.C.Lentul. Augur. Ti. Claudius Nero P. Quinctilius Varus M. Valer. Messalla P. Sulpic. Quirinus Q. .ffilius Tubero Paul. Fabius Max. Julius Antonius Q. Fabius Max. Afr. Nero Claud. Drusus T. Q. Crisp. Volcanus C. Marc. Censorinus C. Asinius Gallus Ti. Claudius Nero 2 Cn. Calpurn. Piso C. Antistius Veter D. Laelius Balbus C. Caesar Aug. 12 L. Corn. Sulla C. Calv. Sabinus 2 L. Passienus Rufus Cn. Corn. Lentulus M. Val. Messallinus C. Caesar Aug. 13 M. Plaut. Sylvanus Cn. C. Lentulus Cos. L. Calpurnius Piso THE SECOND TRIUMVIRATE C. JULIUS CJESAR Kings of Pontus 14 Pharnaces II. 15 — Conquered by Caesar OCTAVIANUS — ANTONY — LEPIDUS OCTAVIANUS — ANTONY ROMAN EMPIRE 1 C. JULIUS CESAR OCT. SENATI PRINCEPS 5 C. CAESAR AUG. IMPERATOR 6 7 Kings of Egypt 2 Cleopatra Ptolemy 2 3 I. 3 Egypt a Roman Province *** The materials for the next four centuries being con- siderably lessened, the Tables are continued in single pages, but without the Parallel Years, which are given col- lectively in the Table preceding them for the same period. " Such a Table was the more necessary because Blair ■ (in the folio edition) only carried the years of Nabon- nassar and the Olympiads down to the Christian Era, and has not given the years of the Seleucidae at all." Fasti Hellenici III. Introd. ISTORICAL TABLES N°20 GREEK WRITERS Theophanes of Lesbos is in the ser- vice of Pompey Juba, the historian is brought to Rome ; Didymus, the grammarian, is his opponent Sosigines of Alexandria, math. fl. Cratippus the peripatetic fl.— Apol- lodorus of Pergamus is the pre- ceptor of Octavius.— By the rule of adoption, the name of Octavius now became C. Julius Caesar Octavianus Hybreas the orator opposes Labienus at Mylasa Conon, hist, flourished The Octavian library founded The libraries at Pergamus are said by Plutarch to contain 200,000 vols. Tyrannio the younger is brought to Rome.— Nicetes, rhetor, fl. Athenodorus, the preceptor of Au- gustus, governs Tarsus Dionysius of Halicarnassus, the his- torian, comes to Italy ; Caecilius is his contemporary Anaxilaiis, the Pythagorean, is exiled Strabo, act. 30 Nestor of Tarsus, the grammarian and preceptor of Marcellus, fl. Athenaeus peripat. fl. — Pylades mi- mus fl. Nicolaiis Damascenus, the historian, is in favour with Herod Dionysius Halicarnassus completes his history Theodorus of Gadara, the gramma- rian, is heard by Tiberius at Rhodes ROMAN REPUBLIC Measures of Pompey against Caesar. — Commencement of the civil war. Caesar occupies Ariminum. — He is deserted by Labienus. — Caesar pur- sues Pompey, who leaves Italy. — Caesar in Spain. Battle of Pharsalia, June. — Flight and death of Pompey. — Alexandrine war. War with and defeat of Pharnaces. — Caesar Dictator. — His arrival in Italy. — Sedition in his troops.— Expedition into Africa. Battle of Thapsus. — Death of Cato. — Four triumphs of Caesar. — Caesar made Dictator for ten years. — Reformation of the Calendar. War in Spain against the sons of Pompey. — Altegua taken by Caesar.— Battle of Munda. — Caesar returns to Rome. Caesar made Dictator for life. — Is assassinated, Mar. 15, aet. 55. — Octa- vianus arrives from Apollonia. — Antony proceeds to Cisalpine Gaul. Battles of Mutina. — Junction of Lepidus and Antony, May 28. — Second Triumvirate. — Death of Cicero, Dec. 7. First battle of Philippi, death of Cassius. — Second battle, death of Bru- tus.— Interview of Antony and Cleopatra on the Cydnus. Contest of Octavianus with Lucius Antony at Perusia, and ruin of the party of his brother Marc Antony in Italy. Labienus and the Parthians invade Syria and sack Jerusalem. — Pacifi- cation of parties, and marriage of Antony and Octavia. Octavianus and Antony conclude peace with Sextus Pompeius. — Labie- nus defeated by Ventidius. — Antony in repose at Athens. Unsuccessful war with the younger Pompey. — Victory of Ventidius in Parthia. — Antony in Italy. — Sossius takes Jerusalem. Agrippa crosses the Rhine. — Conference of Antony and Octavianus near Tarentum. — Octavianus prepares to invade Sicily. War with Sextus Pompeius. — Naval defeat of Pompey. — Fall of Lepi- dus. — Disastrous retreat of Antony in Parthia. Death of Sextus Pompeius. — War of Octavianus with the Illyrians and Pannonians. Antony invades Armenia and takes Artabazus prisoner. — Campaign of Octavianus in Dalmatia. — Campaign of Messalla. Media and Armenia conquered by the Parthians. — Antony in Egypt. — Agrippa, now aedile, restores the public edifices of Home. Rupture between Antony and Octavianus. — Preparations for war. Battle of Actium. — Flight of Cleopatra and Antony. — Victory of Octa- vianus. — Passing through Athens and Asia, he returns to Italy. Octavianus gains Antony's fleet. — Death of Antony. — Death of Cleopatra. Egypt reduced to a Roman province. Octavianus takes the title of Prince of the Senate. — The Templeof Janus is shut a third time. The acts of the Triumvirate are annulled. — Census taken for the whole empire, about 16,500,000 persons. Octavianus accepts the government for ten years. — He receives the title of Augustus and Imperator. Conspiracy and death of Cornelius Gallus. — The Temple of Janus is reopened. Cantabrian war. — The Temple of Janus is shut a second time by Augustus. Augustus returns from Spain. Death of Marcellus. — Embassy from Parthia. Conspiracy and death of Murena. Augustus visits Italy and Greece, and winters at Samos. The Roman standards restored by Phraartes. — Augustus visits the East and receives an Indian embassy at Samos. The Cantabri finally subdued.— Augustus returns from Samos to Rome. Augustus accepts the empire for ten years. Ludi Saeculares. — Agrippa is sent into Syria. Augustus proceeds into Gaul. — Agrippa passes over to Asia. Augustus in Gaul. — Rhaetia subdued by Tiberius and Drusus. Disturbances in the Bosphorus appeased by Agrippa. Augustus returns from Gaul and Agrippa from Asia. Death of Lepidus. — Augustus succeeds him as Pontifex Maximus. — Death of Agrippa. — Drusus in Germany. Second campaign of Drusus in Germany and of Tiberius in Dalmatia. Death of Octavia. Third campaign of Drusus in Germany.— Augustus in Gaul. — Birth of Claudius. Fourth campaign of Drusus. — His death, July 20. Tiberius takes the command in Germany. — Peace ensues. — Augustus accepts the empire a third time for ten years — Death of Maecenas. Triumph of Tiberius. — Augustus corrects the Calendar; the month Sextiles named Augustus. Tiberius receives the Tribunician power for five years. — He retires to Rhodes. THE NATIVITY OF OUR SAVIOUR, Dec. 25. Eclipse observed at Jerusalem, Mar. 13. — Illness and death of Herod. Birth of Galba. — Archelaus, Ethnarch of Judea. Banishment of Julia to the isle of Pandatarium. Caius Caesar is sent into the East. ROMAN AUTHORS Sallust expelled the Senate.— Death of Hortensius Cicero returns to Rome. — Death of Curio. — Varro lieutenant in Spain Cicero arrives at Brundusium from Pharsalia. — Lenaeus, gram. fl. Cicero and Caesar at Brundusium. — C. Julius Hyginus fl. Cicero 'Brutus,' 'pro Marcello,' 'pro Ligario.' — Sallust, praetor Cicero 'de Oratore,' 'pro Deiotaro.' Curtius Nicia, fl.— Pollio in Spain Ciceronis 'Phil.' I— IV.— His philo- sophical works Ciceronis 'Phi!.' V— XIV.— Death of Laberius.— Birth of Ovid.— Death of Cicero. — Varro proscribed Horace is present at Philippi.— Death of Corniticius poeta Cornelius Nepos flourished Birth of Atteius, philol. Varro 'De re rustica,' aet. 80 The Furnii flourished Death of Bavius Death of Sallust Horatii 'Sat.' II. 6. 40. aet. 32.— Birth of C. Melissus of Spoleto Death of Atticus, aet. 77 Horatii 'Epod.' I. 9. 11. 7, set. 34 Cornelius Gallus is prefect of Egypt Death of Varro, aet. 88 Horatii 'Carm.' I. 2. aet. 38.— Vitruvi- us, fl.— Tibullus in Aquitania Birth of Q. Caecilius Epirota. — Pro- pertius fl. Horatii 'Carm.' II. 4. 23, aet. 40.— Munatius Plancus, orat. fl. Quintilius Cremonensis, poeta, ob. — Virgil employed upon the jEneid Horatii 'Carm.' lib. II. Virgil recit. 'Tu Marcellus ens', Horatii 'Epist.' I. 20. 27, aet. 44 — Atratinus, orat. fl. Horatii 'Epist.' I. 3. Death of Virgil, aet. 50 Death of Tibullus, aet. 40 Horatii 'Carmen Seculare.'— Porcius Latro, the preceptor of Ovid, fl. Death of jEmilius Macer the elder, poeta Horatii 'Carm.' IV. 1. 6, aet. 50 Cestius, the rhetorician, fl. Death of Passienus, orat. fl. Livy ends his history Death of Horace, aet. 56 Albutius Silo, rhet. fl. M. Tullius Tiro fl. Death of Porcius Latro. — Melissus of Spoleto, gram. fl. Ovidii 'de Arte Amandi' A.D. 1—400 PARALLEL YEARS TO ■a g o> "3 -> 3 2 o a | 3 B co ■a 2 'S. £ 5 ■ E o « o 4 o Q o a a < •c o 'C 3 ■ I a 3 j 3 s CO 1 £ o ■ I o E o Q o s c < 1 3 •~3 u S» a a o .n ■ 3 CO 1 S, I o o> s o o >< 1 O o a a < ■3 O "3 1-5 u a 3 o .a 03 •A j '3 3 a 01 CO ■a 2 'p. E O 4714 749 313 195.1 754 1 4764 799 363 207.3 804 51 4814 849 413 220.1 854 101 4864 899 463 232.3 4715 750 314 2 755 2 4765 800 364 4 805 52 4815 850 414 2 855 102 4865 900 464 4 4716 751 315 3 756 3 4766 801 365 208.1 806 53 4816 851 415 3 856 103 4866 901 465 233.1 4717 752 316 4 757 4 4767 802 366 2 807 54 4817 852 416 4 857 104 4867 902 466 2 4718 753 317 196.1 758 5 4768 803 367 3 808 55 4818 853 417 221.1 858 105 4868 903 467 3 4719 754 318 2 759 6 4769 804 368 4 809 56 4819 854 418 2 859 106 4869 904 468 4 4720 755 319 3 760 7 1 4770 805 369 209.1 810 57 4820 855 419 3 860 107 4870 905 469 234.1 4721 756 320 4 761 8 4771 806 370 2 811 58 4821 856 420 4 861 108 4871 906 470 2 4722 757 321 197.1 762 9 1 4772 807 371 3 812 59 4822 857 421 222.1 862 109 4872 907 471 3 4723 758 322 2 763 10 1 4773 808 372 4 813 60 4823 858 422 2 863 110 4873 908 472 4 4724 759 323 3 764 11 j 4774 809 373 210.1 814 61 4824 859 423 3 864 111 4874 909 473 235.1 4725 760 324 4 765 12 4775 810 374 2 815 62 4825 860 424 4 865 112 4875 910 474 2 4726 761 325 198.1 766 13 4776 811 375 3 816 63 4826 861 425 223.1 866 113 4876 911 475 3 4727 762 326 2 767 14 4777 812 376 4 817 64 4827 862 426 2 867 114 4877 912 476 4 4728 763 327 3 768 15 4778 813 377 211.1 818 65 4828 863 427 3 868 115 4878 913 477 236.1 4729 764 328 4 769 16 4779 814 378 2 819 66 4829 864 428 4 869 116 4879 914 478 2 4730 765 329 199.1 770 17 4780 815 379 3 820 67 4830 865 429 224.1 870 117 4880 915 479 3 4731 766 330 2 771 18 4781 816 380 4 821 68 4831 866 430 2 871 118 4881 916 480 4 4732 767 331 3 772 19 ! 4782 817 381 212.1 822 69 4832 867 431 3 872 119 4882 917 481 237.1 4733 768 332 4 773 20 ; 4783 1 818 382 2 823 70 4833 868 432 4 873 120 4883 918 482 2 4734 769 333 200.1 774 21 4784 819 383 3 824 71 4834 869 433 225.1 874 121 4884 919 483 3 4735 770 334 2 775 22 4785 820 384 4 825 72 4835 870 434 2 875 122 4885 920 484 4 4736 771 335 3 776 23 4786 821 385 213.1 826 73 4836 871 435 3 876 123 4886 921 485 238.1 4737 772 336 4 777 24 4787 822 386 2 827 74 4837 872 436 4 877 124 4887 922 486 2 4738 773 337 201.1 778 25 4788 823 387 3 828 75 4838 873 437 226.1 878 125 4888 923 487 3 4739 774 338 2 779 26 4789 824 388 4 829 76 4839 874 438 2 879 126 4889 924 488 4 4740 775 339 3 780 27 4790 825 389 214.1 830 77 4840 875 439 3 880 127 4890 925 489 239.1 4741 776 340 4 781 28 4791 826 390 2 831 78 4841 876 440 4 881 128 4891 926 490 4742 777 341 202.1 782 29 4792 827 391 3 832 79 4842 877 441 227.1 882 129 4892 927 491 3 4743 778 342 2 783 30 4793 828 392 4 833 80 4843 878 442 2 883 130 4893 928 929 492 4 4744 779 343 3 784 31 4794 829 393 215.1 834 81 4844 879 443 3 884 131 4894 493 240.1 4745 780 344 4 785 32 4795 830 394 2 835 82 4845 880 444 4 885 132 4895 930 494 2 4746 781 345 203.1 786 33 4796 831 395 3 836 83 4846 881 445 228.1 886 133 4896 931 495 3 4747 782 346 2 787 34 4797 832 396 4 837 84 4847 882 446 2 887 134 4897 932 496 4 4748 783 347 3 788 35 ! 4798 833 397 216.1 838 85 4848 883 447 3 888 135 4898 933 497 241.1 4749 784 348 4 789 36 1 4799 834 398 2 839 86 4849 884 448 4 889 136 4899 934 498 2 4750 785 349 204.1 790 37 4800 835 399 3 840 87 4850 885 449 229.1 890 137 4900 935 499 3 4751 786 350 2 791 38 ; 4801 836 400 4 841 88 4851 886 450 2 891 138 4901 936 500 4 4752 787 351 S 792 39 4802 837 401 217.1 842 89 4852 887 451 3 892 139 4902 937 501 242.1 4753 788 352 4 793 40 4803 838 402 2 843 90 4853 888 452 4 893 140 4903 938 502 2 4754 789 353 205.1 794 41 4804 830 403 3 844 91 4854 889 453 230.1 894 141 4904 939 503 3 4755 790 354 2 795 42 4805 840 404 4 845 92 4855 890 454 2 895 142 4905 940 504 4 4756 791 355 3 796 43 4806 841 405 218.1 846 93 4856 891 455 3 896 143 4906 941 505 243.1 4757 792 356 4 797 44 4807 842 406 2 847 94 4857 892 456 4 897 144 4907 942 506 2 4758 793 357 206.1 798 45 4808 843 407 3 848 95 4858 893 457 231.1 898 145 4908 943 507 3 4759 794 358 2 799 46 4809 844 408 4 849 96 ! 4859 894 4S8 2 899 146 4909 944 508 4 4760 795 359 3 800 47 4810 845 409 219.1 850 97 4860 895 459 3 900 147 4910 945 509 244.1 4761 796 360 4 801 48 4811 846 410 2 851 98 4861 896 460 4 901 148 4911 946 510 2 4762 797 361 207.1 802 49 4812 847 411 3 852 99 4862 897 461 232.1 902 149 4912 947 511 3 4763 798 362 2 803 50 4813 848 412 4 853 100 4863 898 462 2 903 150 4913 948 512 4 ECLINE OF THE OLYMPIADS N° 60 = 20* 8 c o & CO j •3 '5 3 B *5 73 1 — S >-. 5 a o M o S o o o a a < ■a .2 B Pk 3 >-> cS a 3 o 1 j '5 3 JOJ ■o 00 j S o o s o « o >> a o o 3 < 1 o 3 >1 li I e o .a a "3 3 a> % a 'B. S a ■ S o a C4-. o i o o o 1 a < 1 H 3 a c o -Q a 8 3 3 S 1 I 5 a o o a o o 3 C i 949 513 245.1 954 201 4964 999 563 257.3 1004 251 5014 1049 613 270.1 1054 301 5064 1099 663 282.3 1104 351 -> 950 514 2 955 202 4965 1000 564 4 1005 252 5015 1050 614 2 1055 302 5065 1100 664 4 1105 352 i 951 515 3 956 203 4966 1001 565 258.1 1006 253 5016 1051 615 3 1056 303 5066 1101 665 283.1 1106 353 " 952 516 4 957 204 4967 1002 566 2 1007 254 5017 1052 616 4 1057 304 5067 1102 666 2 1107 354 1 953 517 246.1 958 205 4968 1003 567 3 1008 255 5018 1053 617 271.1 1058 305 5068 1103 667 3 1108 355 • 954 518 2 959 206 4969 1004 568 4 1009 256 5019 1054 618 2 1059 306 5069 1104 668 4 1109 356 ) 955 519 3 960 207 4970 1005 569 259.1 1010 257 5020 1055 619 3 1060 307 5070 1105 669 284.1 1110 357 t 956 520 4 961 208 4971 1006 570 2 1011 258 5021 1056 620 4 1061 308 5071 1106 670 2 1111 358 I 957 521 247.1 962 209 4972 1007 571 3 1012 259 5022 1057 621 272.1 1062 309 5072 1107 671 3 1112 359 5 958 522 2 963 210 4973 1008 572 4 1013 260 5023 1058 622 2 1063 310 5073 1108 672 4 1113 360 1 959 523 3 964 211 4974 1009 573 260.1 1014 261 5024 1059 623 3 1064 311 5074 1109 673 285.1 1114 361 i 960 524 4 965 212 4975 1010 574 2 1015 262 5025 1060 624 4 1065 312 5075 1110 674 2 1115 362 j 961 525 248.1 966 213 4976 1011 575 3 1016 263 ! 5026 1061 625 273.1 1066 313 5076 1111 675 3 1116 363 T 962 526 2 967 214 4977 1012 576 4 1017 264 | 5027 1062 626 2 1067 314 5077 1112 676 4 1117 364 ) 963 527 3 968 215 4978 1013 577 261.1 1018 265 | 5028 1063 627 3 1068 315 5078 1113 677 286.1 1118 365 » 964 528 4 969 216 4979 1014 578 2 1019 266 5029 1064 628 4 1069 316 5079 1114 678 2 1119 366 ) 965 529 249.1 970 217 4980 1015 579 3 1020 267 < 5030 1065 629 274.1 1070 317 5080 1115 679 3 1120 367 966 530 2 971 218 4981 1016 580 4 1021 268 5031 1066 630 2 1071 318 5081 1116 680 4 1121 368 1 967 531 3 972 219 4982 1017 581 262.1 1022 269 5032 1067 631 3 1072 319 5082 1117 681 287.1 1122 369 J 968 532 4 973 220 4983 1018 582 2 1023 270 5033 1068 632 4 1073 320 5083 1118 682 2 1123 370 1 969 533 250.1 974 221 4984 1019- 583 3 1024 271 5034 1069 633 275.1 1074 321 5084 1119 683 3 1124 371 5 970 534 2 975 222 4985 1020 584 4 1025 272 5035 1070 634 2 1075 322 5085 1120 684 4 1125 372 3 971 535 3 976 223 4986 1021 585 263.1 1026 273 5036 1071 635 3 1076 323 5086 1121 685 288.1 1126 373 " 972 536 4 977 224 4987 1022 586 2 1027 274 5037 1072 636 4 1077 324 5087 1122 686 2 1127 374 1 973 537 251.1 978 225 4988 1023 587 3 1028 275 5038 1073 637 276.1 1078 325 5088 1123 687 3 1128 375 ^ 974 538 2 979 226 4989 1024 588 4 1029 276 5039 1074 638 2 1079 326 5089 1124 688 4 1129 376 ) 975 539 3 980 227 4990 1025 589. 264.1 1030 277 5040 1075 639 3 1080 327 5090 1125 689 289.1 1130 377 I 976 540 4 981 228 4991 1026 590 2 1031 278 5041 1076 640 4 1081 328 5091 1126 690 2 1131 378 2 977 541 252.1 982 229 4992 1027 591 3 1032 279 : 5042 1077 641 277.1 1082 329 5092 1127 691 3 1132 379 J 978 979 542 543 2 983 230 4993 1028 592 4 1033 280 5043 1078 642 2 1083 330 5093 1128 692 4 1133 380 1 3 984 231 4994 1029 593 265.1 1034 281 ' 5044 1079 643 3 1084 331 5094 1129 693 290.1 1134 381 3 980 544 4 985 232 4995 1030 594 2 1035 282 j 5045 1080 644 4 1085 332 j 5095 1130 694 2 1135 382 i 981 545 253.1 986 233 4996 1031 595 3 1036 283 ! 5046 1081 645 278.1 1086 333 ! 5096 1131 695 3 1136 383 7 982 546 2 987 234 4997 1032 596 4 1037 284 j 5047 1082 646 2 1087 334 5097 1132 696 4 1137 384 1 9S3 547 3 988 235 4998 1033 597 266.1 1038 285 5048 1083 617 3 1088 335 5098 1133 697 291.1 1138 385 1 984 548 4 989 236 4999 1034 598 2 1039 286 5049 1084 648 4 1089 336 5099 1134 698 2 1139 386 ) 985 549 254.1 990 237 5000 1035 599 3 1040 287 j 5050 1085 649 279.1 1090 337 5100 1135 699 3 1140 387 1 986 550 2 991 238 5001 1036 600 4 1041 288 5051 1086 650 2 1091 338 5101 1136 700 4 1141 388 2 987 551 3 992 239 5002 1037 601 267.1 1042 289 5052 1087 651 3 1092 339 5102 1137 701 292.1 1142 389 3 988 552 4 993 240 5003 1038 602 2 1043 290 5053 loss 652 4 1093 340 5103 1138 702 2 1143 390 i 989 553 255.1 994 241 5004 1039 603 3 1044 291 5054 1089 653 280.1 1094 341 5104 1139 703 3 1144 391 5 990 554 2 995 242 5005 1040 604 4 1045 292 5055 1090 654 2 1095 342 5105 1140 704 4 1145 392 ; 991 555 3 996 243 5006 1041 605 268.1 1046 293 5056 1091 655 3 1096 343 5106 1141 705 293.1 1146 393 7 992 556 4 997 244 5007 1042 606 2 1047 294 5057 1092 656 4 1097 344 5107 1142 706 2 1147 394 B 993 557 256.1 998 245 5008 1043 607 3 1048 295 5058 1093 657 281.1 1098 345 5108 1143 707 3 1148 395 ) 994 558 2 999 246 5009 1044 608 4 1049 296 : 5059 1094 658 2 1099 346 5109 1144 708 4 1149 396 ) 995 559 3 1000 247 5010 1045 609 269.1 1050 297 5060 1095 659 3 1100 347 5110 1145 709 (294).l 1150 397 1 996 560 4 1001 248 5011 1046 610 2 1051 298 5061 1096 660 4 1101 348 5111 1146 710 2 1151 398 2 1 997 561 257.1 1002 249 5012 1047 611 3 1052 299 ! 5062 1097 661 282.1 1102 349 5112 1147 711 3 1152 399 3 998 562 2 1003 250 5013 1048 612 4 1053 300 ; 5063 1098 662 2 1103 350 5113 1148 712 4 1153 400 A.D.I— 50 CHRONOLOGICAL AND N' i •c s ft 3 i a o c c < Emperors of Rome Arsacida? of Parthia Kings of Cappadocia LEARNING AND GENIUS ROMAN EMPIRE STATES* AND WARRIC 4714 4715 4716 4717 4718 4719 4720 4721 4722 4723 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 32 Augustus 33 34 35 36 37 38 38 Phraates IV. 39 40 41 42 • 43 44 45 46 47 37Archelaus 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 Sextus the Pythagorean Phaedrus Philistion mimograph. Asinius Gallus, ob. 33 War in Germany. Interview of Caius Cajsar with Phraates. — Return of Tiberius to Rome. — Death of Lucius Caesar. Augustus accepts the Empire for a lourth period of ten years. Death of Caius in Lycia. — Adoption of Tiberius. His first campaign in Germany. Second campaign of Tiberius in Germany. — A famine this year. Third campaign of Tiberius. — Revolt of Pannonia and Dalmatia. Germanicus is sent into Germany. — The lllyrian War. Christ visits the Temple. — The Pannonians submit to the Romans. Defeat and death of Quintilius Varus by Arminius. Birth of Vespasian. Tiberius again sent into Germany, crosses the Rhine, and ravages the country. Germanicus, ob. Arminius, Germai ob. 40 41 4724 4725 4726 4727 4728 4729 4730 4731 4732 4733 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 42 43 44 1 Tiberius 2 3 4 6 7 48 49 1 Phraati- ces 1 Orodes II 1 Vonones L 2 3 1 Artabanes II. 2 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 47 48 49 50 — Regency from Rome — Cappado- cia a Ro- man pro- vince Death of Livy Sotion phiL the preceptor of Seneca Velleius Paterculus, ob. 31 Cornelius Celsus Strabo still employed upon his geography Tiberius retires to Gaul. Triumph of Tiberius.— Birth of Caligula.— Ger- manicus chief in command on the Rhine. Augustus accepts the Empire a fifth time for ten years. Death of Augustus at Nola in Campania, ast. 75. The destruction of the bridge on the Rhine pre- vented by Agrippina. Germanicus gains two battles over Arminius. — He is recalled. Triumph of Germanicus. — Earthquake in Asia, 12 cities destroyed. — Death of Arminius. Expedition of Germanicus and Piso to tne East. Cappadocia reduced to a Roman province. Death of Germanicus at Antioch. — Piso ejected from Syria by Sentius. Agrippina lands at Brundusium with the ashes of Germanicus. — Death of Piso. Drusus, son of Tib Agrippina, wife to cus, 4734 4735 4736 4737 4738 4739 4740 4741 4742 4743 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Valerius Maximus Thrasyllus phil. ob. 36 Revolt of the Gauls, who are subdued by Silius. Death of Drusus by Sejanus. War in Africa ended by Dolabella. The Thracians conquered by Sabinus. — Tiberius finally leaves Rome for Caprea. Revolt of the Frisians and defeat of Apronius. The ministry of John the Baptist . — Death of the Empress Li via. Banishment of Agrippina and the sons of Ger- manicus. — Power of Sejanus. Sejanus, minister 1 us, 4744 4745 4746 4747 4748 4749 4750 4751 4752 4753 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 18 19 20 21 22 14 15 16 17 18 19 Tiridates 20 21 22 23 Columella Apion of Alexandria Philo Judsus Fall and death of Sejanus. THE CRUCIFIXION, April 3. — Death of Agrippina. Martyrdom of St. Stephen.— Elevation and fall of Tiridates King of Parthia. Conversion of St. Paul.— Death of Tiberius, aet. 77. The Hebrew Gospel of St. Matthew written about this time. Macro, minister to 1 Caligula 2 3 4 Flaccus, governor Helicon, minister gula, 4754 4755 4756 4757 4758 4759 4760 4761 4762 4763 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 1 Claudius L i 3 4 5 6 7 g 24 25 1 Vardanes 2 1 Gotarzes 2 [II. 1 Vonones 1 Vologeses Pomponius Mela Conspiracy of Chaerea. — Death of Caligula. — Ele- vation of Claudius. — Death of Chaerea. Expeditions of Plautius and Claudius into Bri- tain. Thrace becomes a Romance province. Ludi Seculares— Expedition of Ostorius.— Canal formed between the Rhine and the Maes. Death of Messalina. Adoption of Nero by Claudius.— Cologne founded by Agrippina. Empress Messalina Narcissus, ministei dius, Pallas, minister to Caractacus, Kingol 9 10 Ostorius, Roman g« Britain, l. D. 51—100 HISTORICAL TABLES N°22 P o a c < Emperors of Rome Arsacida? of Parthia Bishops of Rome. LEARNING AND GENIUS ROMAN EMPIRE STATESMEN AND WARRIORS 51 ,52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 11 Claudius I. 2 Vologeses 3 4 6 8 9 10 11 Seneca, ob. aet. 63, 65 Persius Caractacus carried in chains before the tribunal Of Claudius. Nero pleads before the Emperor. Death of Claudius by Agrippina, Death of Britannicus. Death of Agrippina by Nero. Empress Agrippina, ob. 59 Corbulo, governor of Arme- nia, ob. 66 Burrhus, minister to Nero, ob. 62 Thrasea Paetus ob. 66 Boadicea Queen of the Iceni 13 1 Nero 2 4 6 7 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 1 Linus Petronius Arbiter, ob. cir. 66 Lucan, 37 — 65 Quintus Curtius Pliny the Elder, 22-79 St. Paul shipwrecked at Malta.— Boadicea de- feated by Suetonius. The Greek Gospel of St. Matthew written about this time. — Octavia put to death. The Gospels of St. Mark and St. Luke about this time. — Embassy from Volgeses to Nero. Conflagration of Rome. — First persecution of the Christians. Conspiracy and death of Piso. — Seneca, Lucan, and others put to death. Martyrdom of St. Peter and St Paul. — Nero pro- ceeds to the games of Greece. Vespasian enters Judea, and subdues Galilee. — Nero returns to Rome. Revolt of Vindex. — The Empire declined by Vir- ginius. — Elevation of Galea. — Death of Nero. Death of Galba. — Otho defeated at Bedriacum. — Surrender of Cremona to the army of Vespasian. Jerusalem taken and destroyed by Titus, Sept. 7. Suetonius Paulinus, gover- nor of Britain Tigellinus, minister to Nero, ob. 06 Gessius Florus, governor of Judea Piso, favourite of Galba, ob. 69 Mucianus, minister to Ves- pasian 9 10 11 12 13 14 IGalba lOtho 1 VitelUus 2 Vespasian 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 Titus 2 . 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 8 10 11 12 1 Anacletus 2 3 Flavius Josephus, ob. set. 56,93 Julius Frontinus, geomet. Silius Italicus Arcanius Pedianus, gram. The Temple of Janus is shut. Antiochus King of Commagene subdued. — Com- magene becomes a Roman province. The Philosophers expelled from Rome. Dedication of the Temple of Peace. Agricola sent into Britain. Death of Vespasian. — Destruction of Pompeii and Herculaneum by the eruption of Vesuvius. Great pestilence and conflagration in Rome. — Destruction of the Capitol recently built. Lupus, governor of Egypt Julius Agricola, 40—93 1 Domitian 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 Artabanes III. 2 3 6 8 9 1 Pacorus 5 7 9 10 11 12 13 Martial, ob. at. 75, 104 Apollonius Tyanaeus, the Pythagorean, ob. 97 Valerius Flaccus Solinus, gram. Epictetus, ob. cir. 161 Quintilian, cir. 42 — 95 Death of Titus. The Caledonians defeated by Agricola. Agricola returns to Rome from Britain. Institution of the Capitoline games. — War against the Dacii. Ludi Seculares. The Astrologers banished from Rome The Dacian war ended. Lucius Antonius, general in Germany, ob. 92 Cornelius Fuscus, Praetorian prefect I 9 10 I I ) 1 i ) J 1 2 3 11 12 13 14 15 1 Nerva 2 1 Trajan 2 3 2 8 9 10 11 1 Clement I. 2 3 4 5 8 9 1 Evaristus Statius, ob. 96 St. Ignatius, ob. 108 Tacitus, ob. post. 99 Juvenal, ob. 128 Menelaus of Alexandria Revolt of L. Antonius on the Upper Rhine. Death of Agricola. — War with the Sarmatians. The second persecution of the Christians. Domitian put to death by Stephanus, Sept 18, set. 44. Death of Virginius. — Sedition of the Praetorians. St. John writes his Gospel and the Apocalypse about this time. — Death of Nerva. Trajan returns to Rome from Germany. Maximus, general in Ger- many Julian, governor in Britain Calphurnius Crassus Decebalus, king of Dacia A. D. 101—150 CHRONOLOGICAL AND N° 4814 4815 4816 4817 4818 4819 4820 4821 4822 4824 4825 4826 4827 4828 4829 4830 4831 4832 4833 4834 4835 4836 4837 4840 4841 4842 4843 4844 4845 4846 4847 4848 4849 4850 4851 4852 4853 4854 4855 4856 4857 4858 4859 4860 4861 4862 4863 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 Emperors of Rome 4 Trajan 5 6 7 14 15 16 17 18 19 1 Hadrian 2 3 4 1 Antoninus Pius 2 Arsacidae of Parthia 12 Pacorus 13 14 15 16 1 Khosrou 2 4 5 Bishops of Rome 1 Alexan- der L 3 4 6 7 8 10 1 Sixtus I. Telespho. rus 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 1 Hyginus 2 3 1 Pius L 2 3 4 5 ^— 6 LEARNING AND GENIUS Pliny the Younger, ob. cir. 110 Dion Chrysostom Philo Biblius, ob. art. 80, 133 Plutarch, ob. cir. 120 Suetonius, .Elian, Florus ob. post 117 cir. 80—140 Theon of Smyrna, astron. Favorinus, phiL Phlegon the Trallian Aristides of Athens Aquila, the Interpreter Salvius Julianus, juriscon- sult ob. post. 148 St. Polycarp, ob. 167 Claudius Ptolemy, geog. cir. 70—161 Marcion of Sinope Arrian Justin Martyr, ob. 164 Appian, the historian Polyaenus ' Strategemata ' Artemidorus Daldianus Lucius Apuleius Justin, historian Aulus Gellius ROMAN EMPIRE War with the Dacii. — Peace granted to Dece- balus. Pliny is proconsul of Bithynia and Pontus. — His letter concerning the Christians to Trajan. Dacia reduced by Trajan to a Roman province. Trajan erects a bridge over the Danube. Conquest of Arabia Petraea by Cornelius Palma. War against the Parthians. — Trajan passes over to the East. Conquest of Armenia by Trajan. — Third persecu- tion of the Christians. Trajan's column erected at Rome. — The war against the Parthians renewed. Conquest of Assyria. — Surrender of Ctesiphon and Susa. Revolt of the Asiatic provinces. Loss of the conquests in the East — Death of Trajan in Cilicia, Aug. 10, set. 64. Hadrian passes through Illyria to Rome. — The fourth persecution of the Christians. Hadrian passes into Gaul and Germany. Hadrian passes into Britain. — The Vallum Ha. driani from Carlisle to Newcastle built. Jerusalem rebuilt by Hadrian. Revolt of the Jews. The Jewish war ends. Adoption of Titus Antoninus by Hadrian, Feb.25. Death of Hadrian at Baiae, July 10, set. 72. Marriage of Marcus Aurelius with Faustina, daughter of Antoninus. Death of the Empress Faustina. Antoninus defeats the Moors, the Germans, and the Dacians. Ludi Seculares. STATESM AND WARRIO Licinius Sura, P prefect Palma, governor of Marcellus, minister Empress Plotina, Maximus, Empress Sabina Marcius Turbo, go' Judea Julius Severus, got Britain Minucius Fundan consul in Asia Antinous, Barchochebas, the \ Ceionius Commodu Herodes Atticus, ob Empress Galeria Fa Claudius Maximus, sul of Africa V.D. 151—200 HISTORICAL TABLES N° 24 4 o o 2 c < 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 Emperors of Rome Arsacidae of Parthia Bishops of Rome LEARNING AND GENIUS ROMAN EMPIRE STATESMEN AND WARRIORS 14 Antoninus Pius 15 16 17 i 18 19 20 21 31 Vologesos II. 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 10 Pius L 11 12 13 14 15 1 Anicetus 4 Maximus Tyrius, ob. cir. 180 Pausanias, ob. post 173 Diophantus of Alexandria, mathemat. Lucian, cir. 90—180 Rescript from Antoninus to the proconsul of Asia in favour of the Christians. Atilius Titianus put to death for conspiring to obtain the empire. Lollius Urbicus, governor of Britain 23 [us •1 M. Aureli- L.Verus 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 41 42 43 44 5 6 8 9 10 11 1 Soter Hermogenes of Tarsus, rhe- torician Galen, 131—201 Athenagoras, the Christian philosopher, ob. 177 Theophilus, Bp. of Antioch, ob. 182 Death of Antoninus Pius, Mar. 7, a>t. 75. War with the Parthians. Sack and conflagration of Seleucia by the Romans. Peace with Parthia. Death of Lucius Verus. War with the Marcomanni. Statius Priscus, general to Aurelius Empress Faustina, ob. 175 9 1 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1 Commodus 6 8 9 1 Eleuthe- rus 2 4 Tatian Athenaeus of Naucratis, ob. cir. 194 Montanus, sectarian Diogenes Laertius, ob. cir. 222 War with the Marcomanni and the Vandals ended. Revolt of Avidius Cassius, who is slain. — Death of the Empress Faustina. War with the Marcomanni renewed. — Smyrna destroyed by an earthquake. Death of Marcus Aurelius at Sirmium, Mar. 17, set. 59. Avidius Cassius, the Syrian, ob. 175 Lucilla, sister to Commodus, ob. 183 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 St. Irenasus, ob. 202 Thedotion, the Interpreter Julius Pollux, ob. cir. 176 Lucilla, sister to Commodus, exiled and put to death for conspiracy. Perennis sacrificed by Commodus at the instiga- tion of the British legions. Sedition and death of Cleander. Perennis, minister to Com- modus, ob. 186 Uipius Marcellus, governor of Britain Marcia, favourite of Com- modus Cleander, minister to Com- modus, ob. 189 Electus and Laetus, minis- ters to Commodus 9 10 11 2 1 12 • 13 1 Pertinax Julian 2 S. Severus 3 4 5 6 7 — Vologeses III. lArtabanes IV. 15 16 1 Victor L 2 3 8 Tertullian, ob. cir. 222 Death of Commodus by strangulation, Dec. 31, set. 31. Murder of Pertinax, Mar. 28.— Elevation of Sep- timius Severus, Apr. 13. — Deposition and death of Julian, June 2. Battle of Issus.— PescenniusNigerdefeatedbySep- timius Severus. — Disputes respecting Easter Byzantium surrendered after a three years' siege to the generals of Severus. Battle of Lyons, Claudius Albinus defeated by Severus, Feb. 19. Ctesiphon taken by assault by Severus. Clodius Albinus, governor of Britain, ob. 198 Numerianus, general to Se- verus Scapula, proconsul of Africa A.D. 201—250 CHRONOLOGICAL AND N ( 4914 4915 4916 4917 4918 4919 4920 4921 4922 4923 4924 4925 4926 4927 4928 4929 4930 4931 4932 4933 4934 4935 4936 4937 4938 4939 4940 4941 4942 4943 4944 4945 4946 4947 4948 4949 4950 4951 4952 4953 4954 4955 4956 4957 4958 4959 4960 4961 4962 4963 am 202 205 204 90S 906 207 208 200 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218- 21!) 220 Emperors of Rome 9 Septimius Severus 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Arsacidae of Parthia 3 Artaba- nes IV. 5 6 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 880 930 240 241 242 24:3 214 245 246 247 248 249 250 1 Caracalla 13 Geta 1 14 4 5 6 ■ 1 Macrinus 1 Elagabalus 1 Alexander Severus 2 1 Maximin 1 Two Gord- ians, &c. 1 Gordian, junior 1 Philip the Arabian 2 1 Decius 24 25 8 a 26 !* 27 Jo 1 Ardisheer I. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1 Shahpoor L Bishops of Rome 9 Victor 1 Zephiri- nus 2 3 4 5 6 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1 Calixtus I. 2 — Vacant 1 Urban I. 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 Pontianus 1 Anterius 1 Fabianus 3 4 5 LEARNING AND GENIUS Papinianus, jurisprud. 140—212 Clemens of Alexandria ob. cir. 220 Philostratus, soph. ob. cir. 244 ROMAN EMPIRE Oppian, ob. aet. 30. 213 Minucius Felix, living 220 Julius Africanus, ■ Chrono- graphia ' Dion Cassius, Origen, Censorinus, gram. Gregory Thaumaturgus, ob. post 270 Herodian, hist. The Fifth Persecution against the Christians. Ludi Seculares. The Caledonian war. — Severus penetrates to the northern extremity of Scotland. Severus builds the wall across Britain from the Firth of Forth. STATESM AND WARRIO Plautianus, minisfc verus, Death of Sept Severus at York, Feb. 4, set. 64. Murder of Geta, Feb. 27. Conquest of Osrhoene by the Romans. Assassination of Caracalla, Mar. 8. — Elevation of Opilius Macrinus, Mar. 11. Battle of Imms, defeat and death of Macrinus, June 7. Alexander Severus declared Caesar. Murder of Elagabalus, Mar. 10.— Accession of Alexander Severus. Dynasty of the Arsacidae terminated. — Com. mencement of the Sassanides. Pretended victory of Alexander Severus. Conspiracy of Maximin.— Death of Severus, May 19.— Sixth Persecution of the Christians. Revolt in Africa.— Death of the Gordians, July 3. — Election of Maximus and Balbinus. Murder of Maximin, Apr.— Massacre of Maximus and Balbinus.— Elevation of Gordian, junior. Administration of Misetheus. — Sabinianus revolts in Africa. Expedition of Gordian against the Persians. Misetheus succeeded in the Prefecture by Philip the Arabian. Gordian the younger murdered at the instigation of Philip. Philip makes peace with Shapoor and returns to Rome. The Ludi Seculares celebrated by Philip, Apr. 21. Defeat and death of Philip by Decius, near Verona. Campaign of Decius against the Goths.— The Seventh Persecution of the Christians. Diadumemanus, Julia, mother to Ela Ulpian Roman lawy Mammea,mother to : Julius Celsus, gener verus Valerius Maximus, in Illyria Julius Palmatus, ge Armenia Vitalianus, minister imin, Sabinus, minister tc min, Capelianus, general ritania Misitheus, minister dian. Severianus, governoi sia Philip the younger, minister, Priscus, governor of -> 1 Q o £ < 5214 501 5215 502 5216 503 5217 504 5218 505 5219 506 5220 507 5221 508 5222 509 5223 510 5224 511 5225 512 5226 513 5227 514 5228 515 5229 516 5230 517 5231 518 5232 519 5233 520 5234 521 5235 522 5236 523 5237 524 5238 525 5239 526 5240 527 5241 528 5242 529 5243 530 5244 531 5245 532 5246 533 5247 534 5248 535 5249 536 5250 537 5251 538 5252 539 5253 540 5254 541 5255 542 5256 543 5257 544 5258 545 5259 546 5260 547 5261 548 5262 549 5263 550 Emperors of The East 11 Anastatius L 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 1 Justin L the 2 Thracian 1 Justinian I. 2 3 4 Ostrogoths C CO Vandals OTheodoric Thoris- 6 10 mund 7 11 8 12 9 13 10 14 11 15 12 16 13 17 14 18 15 19 16 20 17 21 18 22 19 23 20 24 21 25 22 26 23 27 24 28 25 29 26 30 27 31 Hilde-1 ric 32 2 33 3 1 Athala- 4 ric 2 5 3 6 4 7 5 Gelimer 1 6 2 7 3 8 4 ITheo- O datus § 2 -g IB 1 Vitiges g_ - c 2 *< W 3 | p> 4 — I ITheo- "„ debald g" 1 Araric in •£ °3 o> > Spain 3 KINGS IN FRANCE 18 Alaric IL 19 20 21 22 1 Gesalric 1 Almalric 2 under Theodoric 3 King of the Goths 4 15 16 17 18 19 20 Amalric alone 21 22 24 1 Theudis 2 5 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1 Theo- disel 2 1 Agila Cariaricl 1 21 Clovis L Metz Orleans Paris Soissons IThier ryL 4 — 5 — 6 — 7 — 8 — 9 — 10 — 21 — 22 — 23 — lTheo- debert 2 I. 3 — 4 — 5 — 6 — 9 — 10 — 11 12 — 13 — 14 — lTheo- debald 2 1 Clodo 1 Chil- mir debert 2 — 2 L 3 — 3 — 4 — 4 — 5 — 5 — 6 — 7 — 8 — 6 7 — 8 — 9 — 9 10 — 10 11 — 11 — 12 — 12 — 13 — 13 — Killed 14 in battle, 15 — his dom- inions 16 — divided 17 — 18 — 19 — 20 — 21 — 22 — 23 — 24 — 25 — 26 — 27 — 28 — 29 — 30 — 31 32 — 33 — 34 — 35 — 36 — 37 — 38 — 39 — 40 — 1 Clot- aire 2 L , 3 — 4 — 5 — 6 — 7 — 8 — 9 — 10 — 21 — 22 — 23 — 24 — 25 — 26 — 27 — 28 — 29 — 30 — Kings SAXON KINGS IN ENGLAND of the Eurgunds. Kent Suss. Wess. Essex Northumb. 11 Gonde- baud 12 14 Esca Ella 12 15 — 13 13 16 — 14 14 17 15 15 18 — 16 16 19 — 17 17 20 — 18 18 21 — 19 19 22 — 20 20" 23 — 21 21 24 — 22 22 lOcta 23 23 2 — 24 24 3 Cissa 1 25 4 — 2 | 3 1 Sigis- mund 2 3 5 — 3 6 — 4 7 — 5 o ■ c M 4 8 — 6 1 Cerdic 5 9 — 7 2 6 10 — 8 3 7 11 — 9 4 1 Gonde- 12' — 10 5 mar 2 13 — 11 6 3 14 — 12 7 4 15 — 13 8 — * 5 6 7 16 — 14 17 — 15 18 — 16 9 — 2 o 10 — a B 11 1 8 19 — 17 12 Erch- 1 enwin 9 20 — 18 13 — 2 Conquered by Childebert and Clotaire 21 — 19 14 — 3 22 — 20 23 — 21 15 — 4 1 Cynric 5 24 — 22 2 — 6 25 — 23 3 — 7 26 — 24 4 — 8 27 — 25 5 — 9 28 — 26 6 — 10 29 — 27 7 — 11 ■a S 30 — 28 8 — 12 lEr- 29 menric 2 — 30 3 — 31 9 — 13 10 — 14 11 — 15 § 3 t; o o 4 — 32 5 • — 33 12 — 16 13 — 17 a c 2 6 — 34 14 — 18 1 Ida lands 7 — 35 15 — 19 in 2 Bernicia 8 — 36 16 — 20 3 9 — 37 17 — 21 4 ISTORICAL TABLES N° 31 Bishops of Rome LEARNING AND GENIUS MIDDLE AGES STATESMEN AND WARRIORS >ymmachus Aredius, jurisconsult to Gonde- baiul / Anien, chancellor to Alaric Alcimus Avitus, Abp. of Vienne, ob. 523 St. Benedict, 480—543 or 7 Publication of the Burgundian laws, ' la loy Gombette,' by Gondebaud. — The Persian War, 502—505. The army of Anastatius destroyed by Kobad. Kobad defeated by Celer, which ends the Persian war. Alaric II. publishes an abridgment by Anien of the Theodosian Code. Battle of Vouille, near Poitiers, Alaric killed by Clovis in single combat. Conquest of Aquitaine by the Franks. Clovis makes Paris the capital of his dominions. Lando, minister to Clovis Celer, general to Anastatius Sabinianus, general to Anastatius Hibba, Gothic general Cassiodorus, hist, secretary to Theodoric, ob. a;t. 95, 575 Dionysius Exiguus, reputed au- thor of the Christian era, ob. 540 Clovis dies at Paris, Nov. 5. — His dominions divided between his sons. Constantinople besieged by Vitalianus the Goth. The Christian era introduced about this time. Death of Anastatius, Apr. 11, set 88, and elevation of Justin the Thracian. Battle of Charford, and establishment of Cerdic in Wessex. Vitalianus assassinated by order of Justin. Vitalianus, Gothic general, ob. 520 Symmachus, prefect of Rome, ob. 526 Ruffinus, minister to Anastatius [ormiscias Hesychius of Alexandria, lexico- grapher Boethius, ' De Consolatione Phi- losophise,' circ. 470 — 526 Priscian of Cassarea, grammarian Tribonianus, jurisconsult to Jus- tinian, ' Codex Justiniani,' ob. 560 Thorismund king of the Vandals defeated and killed by the Moors. Death of Boethius at Calvenzano. — Battle of Voiron, Clodomir defeated and killed by Gondemar. Death of Symmachus. Remorse and death of Theodoric, Aug. 30. — Earthquake at Antioch, 25,000 . lives lost. t The Emperor Justin succeeded by Justinian I. The Justinian Code, Feb. 13—529, Apr. 7, 530.— Amalric marries Clotilda, daughter of Clovis. Justinian closes the schools of Athens.— The Justinian Pandects, Dec. 15, 530— Dec. 16, 533. Erchenwin founds the kingdom of Essex.— Battle of Llongborth, between Cerdic and Arthur. Ephrem, minister to Justin, ob. 546 Amalasunta, regent of the Ostro- goths, ob. 534 John the Cappadocian, minister to Justinian ohn I. 'elix III. onii'ace 11. Procopius, secretary to Belisarius, ' History of his own Times,' ob. circ. 560 Count Marcellinus, chronolog. The succession of the Gothic kings of Spain becomes elective. Conquest of Burgundy by the Franks. — Insurrection of the Nika at Constan- tinople. Reduction of Carthage by Belisarius, Sept 15. Final conquest of Africa by Belisarius. — Second publication of the Codex Justiniani. — Defeat of Gelimer and theVandals. Amalasunta strangled by order of Theodatus, Apr. 30. — Defeat of the Moors by Belisarius. — He subdues Sicily, Dec. 31. Rome surrendered by Vitiges to Belisarius. Belisarius invades Italy, and reduces Naples. — Siege of Rome by the Goths, March. The Goths raise the siege of Rome, Mar.— Destruction of Milan and Genoa by Vitiges, 538 — 539. — Invasion of Italy by the Franks. Ravenna surrendered, and Vitiges taken prisoner by Belisarius, Dec. — Belisa- rius subdues the Gothic kingdom of Italy. Revolt of the Goths under Totila. — Noorsherwan invades Syria, and destroys Antioch. — Return of Belisarius. Empress Theodora, ob. 548 Belisarius, ob. 565 Modred, usurper in Britain Solomon, general to Justinian, ob. 541 ohn II. Igapetus I. ilverius r igilius Jornandes, Gothic historian, ' De Rebus Geticis,' ob. 552 Paul the Silentiary, secretary to Justinian Simplicius of Cilicia, peripatetic philosopher Defence of the East by Belisarius. — The Roman Consulship abolished by Justinian. Victories of Totila, 541 — 544. — The plague brought from Egypt, and lasts several years. Rebellion of the Moors, 543 — 558. — Totila the Goth invades Italy, and siezes Tuscany and Naples. Second command of Belisarius in Italy, 544 — 548. First appearance of the Turks in Asia. Rome besieged, May ; and taken by Totila, Dec. 17. Rome recovered by Belisarius, Feb. — Ida founds the kingdom of Bernicia. Final recal of Belisarius, Sept. Siege of Petra by Dagisteus. — Rome again taken by Totila, 549 — 551. — The Colchian or Lazic War, 549 — 556. lllyria ravaged by the Sclavonians. - A.D. 551—600 CHRONOLOGICAL A 5276 5277 5278 5279 5280 5281 5282 5283 5284 5285 5286 5287 5288 5289 5290 5291 5292 5291 5295 5296 5297 5298 5299 5300 5301 5302 5303 5304 5305 5306 5307 5308 5309 5310 5311 5312 5313 4 .2 V Ph 3 S 5 n o a c < 5264 551 5265 552 5266 553 5267 554 5268 555 5269 556 5270 557 5271 558 5272 559 5273 560 5274 561 5275 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 Emperors of The East 25 Justinian I. 26 27 1 Justin II. 1 Tiberius II. 2 1 Maurice the 2 Cappado- cian 3 4 5 6 7 Ostrogoths Italy. UTotila 1 Teia 1 Narses D. of Italy 2 3 4 5 6 7 I " 1 •2 12 | ■ 13 o ° £ f 14 o .5 2 s! 15 N 1 Alboin Longi- 1 2 nus 2 4 4 5 5 lCleoph 6 2 7 — Interreg. 8 © 9 o 5 10 a i> B. 11 2. 12 1 13 11 — 15 16 lAutharis Sma- 1 2 rag- 2 dus 3 3 7 Roma- 1 nus 1 Agi- lulph 7 Callini- 1 cus 8 2 Kings j> Spain k 2 Agila Caria- 2 3 ric 3 lAthana-5 gild 2 ■ 6 3 7 4 -8 5 9 6Theode-l mir 7 2 8 3 9 4 10 5 11 6 12 7 13 8 9 10 3 Mirva 1 4 2 KINGS IN FRANCE Metz Paris 1 Liuva L 2 1 Leovi- gild 2 3 4 — 5 6 7 10 13 11 Eburicl 12 Andical IRecar- oa edl. g 2 < 41 Clotaire 42 43 44 45 46 47 — 4 Theode- bald 5 6 Succeeded by Clotaire 41 Childe- bert 42 43 44 45 46 47 i Clotaire sole King of France 49 50 Paris Orleans Metz Soissons IChari. bert 2 I. 3 — 4 — 5 — 6 — lGon- tran 2 3 4 — 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 21 — 22 — 23 — 24 — 25 — 26 — 27 — 28 — 29 — 30 — 31 — 32 — 33 — lThier- rvll. 2 2nd son of 3 Chil- de- 4 bert 5 — 1 Sige- bert 2 L 3 — 4 — 5 — 6 — 7 — 8 — 9 — 10 — 11 — 12 — 13 — 14 — 1 Chil- de- 2 bert II. 3 — 4 — 5 — 6 — 17 — 18 — 19 — 20 — 21 — lTheo- de- 2 bert II. 3 eldest son 4 — 1 Chil- peric 2 I. 3 — 4 — 5 — 6 — 7 — 8 - 9 - 10 - 21 — 22 — 23 — 1 Clot, aire 2 II. 3 — 4 — 5 — 6 — 7 — THE SAXON HEPTARCHY Kent Suss. Wess. Essex EAng.Merc. North umb. lOErmenric Cissa38 11 — 39 15 — 43 16 — 44 17 — 45 18 — 46 1 Ethel- 47 bert 2 — 48 3 — 49 4 — 50 5 — 51 6 — 52 7 — 53 8 — 54 9 — 55 10 — 56 11 — 18 Cynric Erchen- 22 19 win 23 20 — 24 21 — 25 22 — 26 23 — 27 24 — 28 25 — 29 26 — 30 lCeaw-31 lin 2 — 32 3 — 33 4 — 34 5 — 35 6 — 36 7 — 37 5 Ida 6 7 8 .2 9 £ 10 .§ 5 ii 2 O o a 12 a c c 2 13 £ 1 Adda Ella 1 — 70 27 — % 32 — _ 3 — 42 lUffa 4 5 6 7 1 Titilus 9 . 39 10 — 40 11 41 IS — 42 13 — 43 14 — 44 15 45 u 46 17 — 47 u 48 10 49 20 50 21 51 22 — 52 u — 53 H 54 25 — 55 m — 56 27 57 28 Sledda 1 29 — 2 so 3 31 4 1 Ceolric 5 2 6 3 — 7 4 — 8 5 — 9 6 10 ICeolwulf Sabert 1 2 — 2 3 — 3 4 4 4 5 1 6 — 5 o c 8 2 9 Crida 1 10 — 2 11 — 3 12 — 4 13 — 5 14 — 6 15 — 7 16 Interreg. 17 18 19 20 Wibba 1 21 — 2 1 Red- 3 wald 2 — 4 2 — 3 — 4 — 5 — 6 — 7 — 1 Clappa 8 2 — 9 3 — 10 4 — 11 5 — 12 1 Heod- 13 wulf IFreod- 14 wulf 2 — 15 3 — 16 4 — 17 5 — 18 6 — 19 7 — 20 lTheod-21 ric 2 — 22 3 — 23 4 — 24 5 — 25 6 — 26 7 — 27 8 — 28 1 Ethel- 29 ric 2 3 Edwin 1 4 — 5 — 1 Ethel- frith 2 — 4 — 5 — 6 — 7 — ISTORICAL TABLES N° 32 Bishops of Rome LEARNING AND GENIUS MIDDLE AGES STATESMEN AND WARRIORS Vigilius The Roman Senate ceases to exist about this time. — Silk introduced into Europe from China. Expedition of Narses into Italy. — Defeat and death of Totila, July. — Conquest of Rome by Narses. Defeat and death of Teia, near Naples, Mar. — Vth General Council, of Con- stantinople, May 26 — June 2. Defeat of the Franks and the Alemanni by Narses. — Settlement of Italy by Narses, 554—568. Embassy of the Avars to Justinian. — Death of Childebert. — First example of the Salic law. Defeat of Zabergan King of Bulgaria, — the last victory of Belisarius. Ella founds the kingdom of Deira. Chramnes, son to Clotaire, ob. 560 ?elagius I. tohn III. Gildas, ' De Excidio Britannia; ' Agathias, Byzantine historian Disgrace of Belisarius. — France again divided on the death of Clotaire. Belisarius restored to his command. Constantinople nearly destroyed by fire. Death of Belisarius, Mar. 13, set. 84.— Death of Justinian, Nov. 14, ajt. 83. Embassy of the Avars to Justin II. Alboin undertakes the conquest of Italy. — Defection and death of Narses. Conquest of a great part of Italy by the Lombards, 568 — 570. Birth of Mahomet. Pride and power of the Chagan of the Avars, 570 — 600.— Conquest of Yemen by Noorsherwan. Fredegonde, queen to Chilperic, ob. 577 Gregory of Tours, the father of French history, ' History of the Franks,' 544 — 595 St. Columbanus of Leinster, Ab- bot of Luxeuil, Latin poet, 543—615 The Huns make an irruption in Thuringia, but are repelled by the French kings. Noorsherwan's last war with the Romans. Alboin King of Lombardy murdered by Rosamond his queen, June 28. The Persians invade and plunder Syria. The Lombards in Italy are governed for nine years by elective dukes. The French kings at war with each other. Peace between the kings in France. The Emperor Justin IL dies, Oct. 5, and is succeeded by Tiberius II. Merovaeus, son to Chilperic, ob. 577 Brunehaut, queen to Sigebert Mummol, general to Gontran Justinian, general to Justin Didier, general to Chilperic acan enedict I. elagius II. The Latin language falls into disuse in Italy about this time. The Emperor Tiberius II. dies, Aug. 14, and is succeeded by Maurice of Cap- padocia. The regal government restored by the Lombards in Italy. — Fiefs have their origin about this time in France. The Suevi conquered by Leovigild, and annexed to Spain. Crida founds the kingdom of Mercia. The city of Paris destroyed by fire. The Persians defeated by the Roman general, Philippicus. Exploits of Baharam. — Death of Hormuz. — Flight of Khosrou Purvez to the Romans. Landri, minister to Queen Fre- degonde Leudigisille, general to Gontran Philippicus, general to Maurice, ob. post. 602 'egory I. le Great Evagrius Scholasticus of Pontus, ' Ecclesiastical History, 431 — 594,' born cir. 536 Augustine, Abp. of Canterbury, ob. 604 Restoration of Khosrou King of Persia by the troops of the Emperor Maurice. Battle of Wanborough, Ceawlin King of Wessex defeated by his nephew, Ceolric. — Baptism of Ethelbert King of Kent. The Gascons cross the Pyrenees and settle in France. — The Avari expelled from Thrace by the Roman general, Priscus. Wars of the Emperor Maurice against the Avars. 595 — 602. — The Lombards besiege Rome, and ravage the Papal territory. Christianity introduced into Britain by St. Augustine. Commencement of the power of the Maires du Palais of the Merovingian kings of France. The Sclavonians and the Avari ravage Italy. Arnulph, Lombard general Priscus, general to Maurice A.D. 601—650 CHRONOLOGICAL A 5332 5333 5334 5335 5336 5337 5338 5339 5340 5341 5342 5343 5344 5345 5346 5347 5348 5349 5350 5351 5352 5353 5354 5355 5356 5357 5358 5359 5360 5361 5362 5363 •a _o 4 5 6 9 10 1 Soliman 2 1 Omar IL 1 Yezid II. 2 3 4 1 Hash em 2 3 4 5 6 7 19 1 Walid II. [III. 1 Yezid 1 Ibrahim 2 Merwan II. 3 1 Abul. Abbas | Dukes * < Kings fc 21 Pepin Childe- 7 bert 8 III. — 9 — 10 — 11 — 12 — 13 — 14 — 15 — 16 31 Dau'obertl III. 32 2 33 3 34 4 1 Ch.Martel Chilpe- 1 2 ric IL 2 6 Thierry 1 IV. Kings of the Lombards 1 Ragimbt. 1 Aribert 2 IL 3 4 6 11 [prand 1 Ans- lLuit- 2 prand 3 4 5 6 23 Interreg. under 24 Charles Martel 25 26 1 Carloman and Pepin 2 Childe- 1 ric III. 2 7 Pepin sole so- 8 vereign 7 9 8 10 9 Exarchs of Ravenna 30 31 32 [brand 1 Hilde- 1 Ratchis 2 Duke of Friuli 4 ■ 5 1 Astolfus 15Johannes Platon lTheophi- lactus 2 3 4 5 6 7 Uohannes Rizocop. 1 Eutychi- us the 2 Eunuch 1 Scholas- ticus 2 3 4 5 6 9 10 11 12 13 14 lPaul 1 Eutychi- us again Kings .2 Emirs .5 1 Witiza 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 Roderic + Tarik 1 Musa 1 5 Adelasis 1 ^ Alhaur 1 1 Pelayo AlSamal 2 2 4 Abderah- 1 man and 5 Ambisa 2 8 Hodeiral Yahia 1 9 2 10 Othmanl 11 Hodaifal Othman 1 12 Alhaitan 1 Mahomd. 1 13 Abderah- 1 man Abdel- 1 melic 2 3 Okbahl 2 1 Favila 3 2 4 1 Alfonso 5 L 2 Abdel- 1 melic SAXON KINGS IN ENGLAND Kent Wessex Essex E.Anglia Mercia 8 Wiht- red 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 29 30 31 lEad- bert 2 3 4 5 6 3 Baleda 1 4 Thalabal Abul- 1 katur 2 Thueba 1 Yussefl 2 3 4 5 1 Ethel- bert 2 14Ina 15 — 16 — 17 — 18 — 19 — 20 — 21 — 22 — 23 — 27 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 1 Ethel- heard 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 Cuth- red o 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 2 0ffa 3 4 5 6 7 lSueb- richt 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 1 Swith. red 2 38Aldulf 27 Ethel- 1 red 49 lSelred 3 4 5 ■ 6 7 1 Alph- uald 2 IBeorna and 2 Ethel- reld STORICAL TABLES N° 35 LEARNING AND GENIUS Ceolfrid, Abbot of Wearmouth, tutor to Bede, 642— 71b Adamnan, Abbot of Iona, ' De Locis Terra? Sanctae,' ob. 703 John of Beverley, Abp.of York, ob. 721 Felix, ' History of Croyland Abbey ' Venerable Bede, ' Historia Ecclesiastica,' 672 — 735 St. Boniface, Abp. of the Ger- mans, circ. 680 — 755 Tatwine, Abp. of Canterbury, ' ^nigmata,' ob. 734 Fredegaire, Fr.chronicler.con- tinuator of Gregory of Tours Bede's literary friends : — Egbert, Abp.of York,735, 'Con- fessionale,' and ' Poeniten- tiale,' ob. 766 Acca, Bp. of Hexham, ob. 740 Albinus, Abbot of St. Augus- tine, ob. 732 Nothelm, Abp. of Canterbury, ob. 739 Daniel, Bp. of Winchester, ob. 745 Ethelwald, Abbot of Lindis- farne, ob. 740 Forthere, Bp. of Sherborne, living 737 Hwetbert, Abbot of Wear- mouth, living 731 Plegwin, monk of York, living 730 Withred, presbyter, living 730 Cuthred.Abbot of Yarrow,pre- sent at his death, 735 MIDDLE AGES Justinian II. restored by Terbelis ; Leontius and Apsimar degraded in the Hippodrome, and executed. Final conquest of Africa by the Arabs, and adoption of the Moors, Conquest of Transoxiana. — First descent of the Saracens in Spain Tarik, July. Octal al Tarik lands at Gibraltar, Ap. 30.— Battle of the Guadalete, July. — Fall of the Gothic monarchy in Spain. Musa the Saracen lands in Spain. — Morida capitulates. — Tarik is superseded. Conquest of Spain by Musa. — Philippicus Bardanes assassinated, June 4. — Anastatius II. succeeds. Musa arrested at the head of his army by command of Caliph Walid. — Pepin Heristal dies, Dec. 16. Second siege of Constantinople, 716—718. Moslemah crosses the Hellespont, July 15.— Battle of Vincy gained by Charles Martel, Mar. 21. The Empire of the Arabian Caliphs in its zenith.— Siege of Constanti- nople raised by Moslemah, Aug. 15. Don Pelayo defeats the Saracens at Cavadonga. — Archbishop Oppas put to death. STATESMEN AND WARRIORS Gilulfus, Duke of Beneven- tum, ob. 707 Invasion of France by the Arabs. Charles Martel victorious over the Suevi, the Frisons, the Allemanni, and the Saxons. The Iconoclastic controversy begins. The Greek Bishops are opposed to the Emperor's edict against Images. Remonstrance of Gregory II. Rupture between the Pontificate and the Greek empire upon the Iconoclastic question. The Patriarch Germanus deposed by the Emperor Leo. — Rome at- tacked by the Lombards, 730—752. Expedition into France, and victories of Abderahman. Defeat and death of Abderahman by Charles Martel, between Poitiers and Tours, Oct. The Italian Bishops pray the Emperor Leo to revoke the edict against Images without success. Charles Martel becomes master of Aquitaine on the death of Duke Eudes. Destruction of Images by the Emperor Leo III. Interregnum under Charles Martel on the death of Thierry IV. Pope Gregory III. endeavours in vain to appease the Emperor Leo on the subject of Images. Pope Gregory, besieged by Luitprand, writes most urgently to Charles Martel for assistance. — Charles Martel dies, Oct. 22. — Pope Gregory, Nov. 28.— Leo the Isaurian, June 18. Birth of Charlemagne. Odillon Duke of Bavaria defeated by Pepin and Carloman. Carloman retires to a convent in Italy. — Pepin gains the ascendant. Decline and fall of Christianity in Africa, 749—1076. — The Christian era adopted by historians ahout this time. Fall of the Ommyiades, Merwan II. defeated and killed by Abu Moslem in Egypt, Feb. 10. Count Julian, ob. 714 Rainfroy, maire du palais to Dagobert Adelasis, son of Musa, ob. 716 Tiberius, tyrant of Sicily DOGES OF VENICE 5 Paolo Lucio- Anafesto 6 Eudes, Duke of Aquitaine, ob. 735 Childebrand,brother toCharles Martel Agallianus — and Stephen, generals against the Iconoclasts Artabasdus, minister to Leo, ob. 743 Herald, Duke of Aquitaine John Damascenus, min. to the Caliph Hashem, ob. 750 Thrasemond, general to Gre- gory III. Nicetas, minister to Constan- tine, ob. 780 1 Marco Teg- liano 2 . 1 Orso Ipato 2 3 4 MAESTRI DE CAVALIERI 1 Theodato Ipato 2 3 4 A.D. 751—800 CHRONOLOGICAL A Exarchs of Ravenna Kings cs of I 13 Alfonso I. Yussef 6 14 7 17 Abderah-1 man I. 18 King of 2 Cordova lFroilal. 3 King of 2 Oviedo 4 lAurelio 14 2 15 3 16 1 Silo the 20 Saracen 2 21 8 27 9 28 1 Maure- 29 gat the 2 Usurper 30 IBermudo I. Hashem 1 2 L 2 1 Alfonso 4 II. the 2 Chaste 5 CHARLEMAGNE crowned Emperor of the West 1 Alha- 1 cam I. 2 3 4 5 SAXON KINGS IN ENGLAND Kent Wessex Essex E Anglia Mercia 4 Ethel- bert 5 ■ 6 7 9 10 11 12 1 Alric 22 23 24 25 El. mund? 26 27 28 29 30 31 93 34 1 Edbert Pryn 2 1 Cuth- red 2 3 4 5 12 Cuth- red 13 14 1 Sige- bert ICyne wulf 2 27 29 IBertric 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1 Egbert 14 Swith- SBeorna 36 Ethel- red and bald 15 4 Ethel- red 37 ■ ■ 16 5 — 38 — 17 6 39 fred 18 7 — 1 Bern- lOfifa 19 8 2 20 9 3 21 lOBeorna alone 4 22 11 5 ■ 23 12 6 24 1 Ethel- red 7 25 2 8 26 3 9 27 4 10 28 5 11 29 6 12 30 7 13 31 8 14 32 9 15 33 10 16 34 11 17 35 12 18 36 13 19 37 14 20 38 15 21 39 16 22 40 17 23 41 18 24 42 19 25 43 20 26 44 21 27 45 22 28 46 23 29 47 24 30 48 25 31 49 26 32 50 27 33 51 28 34 52 29 35 53 1 Ethel- bert 36 2 37 1 Sigeric — Conqd. byOfla 38 39 1 Egfrid 1 Cenulf 2 3 4 5 6 1 Sige- red 2 '- [STORICAL TABLES N° 36 OPES achary :ephen II LEARNING AND GENIUS WilHbald of Wessex, Bp. of Eichstadt, 740, 700—766 MIDDLE AGES ephen III. drian I » III. Paulus Diaconus of Aquilea, historian, ob. 801 Alcuin of York, preceptor to Charlemagne, 735 — 804 Willehad of Northumbria, Bp. of Bremen, ob. 789 Georgius Syncellus of Constan- tinople, chronoL Termination of the Merovingian dynasty in France. Pepin raised on a shield at Soissons, and proclaimed King of the Franks. Intestine divisions among the Saracens in Spain. — Abderahman invited over from Mauritania. The destruction of Images decreed by the Synod of Constantinople. — Rome delivered by Pepin from the Lombards. Revolt from the Caliphat in Spain and elevation of Abderhman. — King Pepin enforces the cession of Ravenna to the Pope. King Pepin receives from the Greek Emperor the first organ seen in France. The seat of the Caliphat removed bv Almansor from Damascus to Bagdad. Pepin besieges and takes Narbonne. The Emperor Constantine Copronymus persecutes the Iconoclasts. Bagdad built by Almansor, and made the capital for the Caliphs of the House of Abbas. Pepin prosecutes the war in Aquitaine. The Turks ravage Armenia and Asia Minor. Pepin unites Aquitaine to France. — He dies, Sept. 24. — Charlemagne and Carloman succeed. Charlemagne builds Fronsac, the first instance of a fortified castle in France. The monasteries in the East dissolved by Constantine Copronymus. Death of Carloman, Dec. 4, a?t. 20. — Charlemagne now sole King of France. Revolt of the Saxons against Charlemagne, and thirty years' war Desiderius King of Lombardy besieges Pope Adrian in Rome, who ap- plies for assistance to Charlemagne. Conquest of Lombardy by Charlemagne. — Separation of the Pontificate from the Eastern Empire, 774 — 800. Constantine Copronymus dies, Sept. 14: and is succeeded by his son, Leo IV. Charlemagne reduces the Saxons. Battle of Roncesvalles, and death of Rolando. The Emperor Leo IV. dies, Sept. 8 ; and is succeeded by Constantine VI. under Irene, his mother, who restores the Images. Wars of Haroun al Raschid against the Romans, 781—805. Witikind defeated by Charlemagne in Saxony. Witikind and Alboin with the Saxons submit to Charlemagne ; and the Saxons are baptized. Charlemagne conquers Tasillon Duke of Bavaria, which is united to the empire. The VHth General Council, of Nice, Sept. 24— Oct. 23.— The Icono- clasts anathematized, and the worship of Images restored. The Emperor Constantine assumes the government independent of Irene, his mother. Bermudo King of Oviedo defeats the Saracens under Hashem, at Burebo near Burgos. Murder of Ethelbert King of East Anglia by Offa King of Mercia. Alfonso King of Oviedo defeats the Saracens at Lodos.— Offa intro- duces the tax of Peter pence into Mercia. Coronation of Charlemagne, Dec. 25.— Final separation of the Pontificate from the Eastern Empire.— Revolt ofthe Arabian Provinces, 800— 936. STATESMEN AND WARRIORS Burchardt, Bp of Wurtzburg Fulrad, minister to Pepin Hunaud, Duke of Aquitaine Walter of Alsace Rotgaut, general to Deside- rius, ob. 770 Nicephorus, minister to Leo Adelgisus the Lombard Teleric, King of Bulgaria Witikind, Saxon general in Germany Alexius, general to Constan- tine DOGES OF VENICE 10 Theodato- Ipato 11 1 Galadi Mala, mocco 1 Domenico Monegario 2 IMaurizioGal- bajo 2 1 Giovanni Galbajo A. D. 801—850 CHRONOLOGICAL A 5514 5515 5516 5517 5518 5519 5520 5521 5522 5523 i 801 802 803 804 805 806 807 808 809 810 5524 5525 5526 5527 5528 5529 5530 5531 5532 5533 5534 5535 5536 5537 5538 5539 5540 5541 5542 5543 5544 5545 5546 5547 5548 5549 5550 5551 5552 5553 5554 5555 5556 5557 5558 5559 5560 5561 5562 5563 811 812 813 814 815 816 817 818 819 820 821 822 823 824 825 826 827 830 831 832 833 834 835 836 837 838 839 840 841 844 845 847 849 850 Emperors of The East 22 Irene INicephorus I. 2 3 4 ■ 5 .6 7 ■ 1 Stauracius 1 Michael I.- 2 Rhar.gabe lLeoV. the Armenian 1 Michael II. the 2 Stammerer 3 4 5 6 7 1 Theophilus 2 1 Michael III. 2 the Sot Caliphs of the Saracens 16 Haroun al 17 Raschid 18 19 20 21 22 23 1 Amin 2 3 4 1 Mamun 2 3 4 5 6 19 20 1 Motasim 3 4 5 6 7 1 Wathek 2 3 4 1 Motawa- kel 2 3 4 EMPERORS OF THE WEST Charlemagne 1 Louis I. le D6bonnaire 2 3 4 5 6 7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 The West 1 Lothaire I. France Germany, 1 Charles the Bald Piastus 1 1 Louis 1. 2 2 3 Kings eij % of U 11 Alfonso II. Alha- 6 12 cam II. 7 19 8 14 9 15 10 16 11 17 12 18 13 19 14 20 15 21 16 22 17 23 18 24 19 25 ■ 20 26 21 27 ■ 22 2S 23 89 24 30 25 31 26 32Abderah-l man II. S3 2 34 ■ 3 SB 4 36 5 37 6 38 ■ 7 39 8 40 9 41 ■ 10 42 11 43 12 44 13 IS 14 46 15 47 16 48 17 49 18 50 19 51 20 1 Ramiro SI I. 2 22 3 23 4 24 5 25 6 ■ 26 7 27 8 28 !Ordonno29 I. SAXON KINGS IN ENGLAND. Wessex Kent Mercia 2 Egbert 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 6 Cuth- red 7 • 1 Bald- red 2 3 4 5 6 17 18 Conq. by Egbert 3Sige- red 4 5 6 7 Conq. by Egbert 32 33 34 35 36 1 Ethel wulf- 2 3 4 5 9 *»* The intermediate reigns in the kingdom of EAnglia 10 are unknown for nearly sixty years. 11 12 13 14 15 8Cen- ulf 9 — 10 — 11 — 12 — 13 — 14 — 15 16 17 — 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 ICenelm lCeol- 2 wulf 1 Burn- wulf 2 1 Lude- can 2 1 Wiglaf 9 10 11 12 13 lBert- ulf 2 ISTORICAL TABLES N°37 Kings of ;nmark POPES LEARNING AND GENIUS MIDDLE AGES STATESMEN AND WA R R I O R S 7 Leo UL Paulinus, Patriarch of Aqui- lea, 726—804 Embassy from Haroun al Raschid to Charlemagne. The Empress Irene deposed, and banished to Lesbos, by Nicephorus I., who succeeds, Oct. 31. The Saxons finally subdued by Charlemagne. Charlemagne divides his monarchy between his sons, before the diet of Thionville. Second embassy to Charlemagne from Haroun al Raschid. — Revolt of Bernhard King of Italy. Godfrey the Norman makes his first descent in France/ Venice founded on the Island of the Rialto. Stauracius, minister to Nice- phorus Crunnus, King of Bulgaria, ob. cir. 814 Taherus, Saracen general, ob. 882 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 arald I. 17 18 19 20 21 1 Stephen IV. 1 Pascal I. Agobard, Abp. of Lyons, 779—840 Aimon of St. Germain de Pres, Fr. legendary historian, ob. post 836 Nicephorus defeated and killed by Crunnus, King of the Bulgarians, July 25. Revolt of the Taherites from the Arabian Caliphat, 813— 872.— Michael I. defeated by Crunnus. Death of Charlemagne, Jan. 28, a?t 71. — The Emperor Leo renews the edict against images. Bernhard the Carlovingian King of Italy, put to death for conspiracy by King Louis. Leo the Armenian killed at the altar by Michael the Stammerer, Dec. 25. Eginhard, secretary to Char- lemagne, ob. 842 Hasan the Saracen, ob. 812 Theodorus, minister to Leo V. Hilduin, minister to Louis I. Thomas the Slave, general to Mamun, ob. 822 3 4 . Dicuil, Irish monk in France, ' De mensura orbis terra?,' nat. post. 750, Public penance of Louis le Debonnaire. — Constantinople besieged by Thomas the Slave. Conquest of the kingdoms of Kent and Essex by Egbert King of Wessex. Crete taken by the Saracen, Abu Caab of Andalusia, from whom it receives the name of Candia. Harald King of Denmark converted to Christianity. ' Sicily subdued by the Saracens of Africa, 827— 878.— The Almagest of Ptolemy translated into Arabic. Revolt of the Edrisites from the Arabian Caliphat, 829— 907.— Michael the Stammerer dies, Oct 1. Louis le Debonnaire compelled by his sons to renounce his power. Wulfhere, general to Egbert, ob. 838 Bernhard Count of Barcelona Empress Judith, ob. 843 Gombaud, minister to Louis 6 7 1 Eugenius II. 2 3 1 Valentine 1 Gregory 2 IV. 4 ; 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 I The army of Louis le Debonnaire passes over to his sons in the night of June 24. Lothaire recognised sole emperor by his army. Egbert revenges at Hengston a defeat by the Danes in 833, at Charmouth. Amorian war between the Emperor Theophilus and the Caliph Mo- tasim. Diet of Worms, May 30.— Division of the empire.— Ethelwulf defeated by the Danes off Charmouth. Louis le Debonnaire dies, June 20, set. 62.— Conflict of the Saracens, the Latins, and the Greeks in Italy, ^40 — 1017. Theophobus, minister to Theo- philus, ob. 841 Swithun, Bp. of Winchester, minister to Ethelwulf, 800—802 13 14 Albumazar, Arabian astron. 805—885 Godeschalcus Fulgentius, ob. 870 Hincmarus, Abp. of Rheims, ob. 882 Rabanus Maurus, Abp. of Mentz, 785—856 St. Neot, Abbot of Glaston- bury, ob. circa 877 Battle of Fontenai, Lothaire and Pepin defeated by Louis and Charles. — Oscar sails up the Seine and burns Rouen. The worship of images finally restored by the Empress Theodora . Final division of the empire of Charlemagne at Thionville, Aug. — Ger- many is detached from the empire of the Franks. Ragnar Lodbrog sails up the Seine and pillages Paris, Mar. 28.— Revolt of the Paulicians, 845—880. Invasion and sack of Rome by the Moors and Saracens of Africa. Marseilles taken and plundered by Greek pirates.— Bourdeaux burnt by the Normans. Victory of Pope Leo IV. over the Saracens at the mouth of the Tiber.— Birth of King Alfred. 16 17 1 Sergius II. 3 1 Leo IV. 2 3 4 ri: 1 A.D. 801—851 NON-REGAL STATES N° 37* DOGES OF VENICE 15 Giovanni Galbajo 16 17 1 Obelerio Anteno- rio 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 Angelo Participa- zio 2 3 4 5 6 1 Giustiniani Parti- cipazio 2 . 1 Giovanni Partici- pazio 2 1 Pietro Tradonico Tuscany, Dukes, Etc. 1 Boniface I. Marquis 2 1 Adalbert I. Duke and 2 Marquis 3 4 Counts of Bretagne 1 Nomenoe 2 3 4 5 6 For the Doges of Venice, A. D. 697 — 800 see the three preceding Regal Tables. *** The preceding Tables, A.D. 1 — 1800, are restricted to dynasties of imperial or regal rank, with some slight exceptions, as — the Dukes of Nor. mandy and the Princes of Orange in connection with the Kings of England, William I. and William III. — the Counts of Maurienne and the Dukes of Savoy, and the Counts and Dukes of Apulia as antecedent to the Kings of Sardinia and the Kings of Sicily, — and the inroad of the Arabian Emirs in the Gothic monarchy of Spain. The Tables which follow, being of non-regal rank, may be less generally referred to, but they will be found very useful to the student in history. It will be seen that the middle columns of the early Tables detail the succession of the contemporary Counts of Flanders, Holland, and Hainault; the Counts and Marquises of Namur ; and the Dukes of Brabant and Luxemburg. They proceed until the dominions of all are, nearly at the same time, absorbed by succession, sale, or conquest, by the House of Burgundy ; through the marriage of whose heiress, which in the sequel deluged Europe with blood, they were transferred, A.D. 1477, to the House of Austria. The troubled period which then succeeded, has rendered the viceroyalties of the Emperors Maximilian and Charles V. and more especially those of Philip of Spain, sufficiently memorable to be recorded in the columns of Historical Tables. They are brought down to the government of the Archduke Charles, 1793, and the recent revolutionary period ; the Stadtholderat of the Seven Provinces being placed in juxta-position to the Spanish and Austrian governments. — The years of the Stadtholderat are not always in unison with those of the Princes of Orange in the preceding Tables. Of the remaining columns, those to the left refer to the history of the Italian States, including the Venetian annals, for the long period of eleven hundred years. Those on the right describe what could be com- prised of the descent of the four recently erected monarchies in Germany, which, with the Margravate of Brandenburg ; the extinct dukedoms of Suabia, Lorraine, Franconia, and Bretagne do not require any separate explanation. TABLES, A.D. 801 — 1800 37 Counts and Dukes of Bre- tagne 824 37 Dukes and Grand Dukes of Tuscany 828 38 Counts of Flanders ... 862 38 Dukes of Suabia .... 867 38 Counts of Hainault ... 875 38 Dukes of Burgundy . . 877 38 Dukes of Saxony. ... 880 38 Dukes of Franconia. . . 891 38 Dukes of Bavaria . . . 895 39 Counts of Friesland, after- wards Holland .... 901 39 Dukes of Lorraine . . . 916 39 Counts and Marquises of Namur 932 39 Marquises of Montferrat . 938 40 Dukes of Lower Lorraine, afterwards Brabant . . 959 40 Counts and Dukes of Lux- emburg 964 42 Dukes of Ferrara, after- wards Modena . . . 1067 43 Electors of Brandenburg 1134 44 Electors Palatine . . . 1156 44 Electors of Saxony. . . 1180 46 Dukes of Milan .... 1295 47 Dukes of Mantua . . . 1328 49 Dukes of Guastalla . . 1406 49 Dukes of Brunswick . . 1109 50 Dukes of Wurtemburg . 1457 50 Governors of the Nether- lands 1477 51 Dukes of Parma . . . 1545 52 Stadtholders of the Seven United Provinces . . 1579 53 Electors of Bavaria . . 1623 54 Electors of Hanover . . 1692 56 Governors- General of In- dia 1774 56 Presidents of the United States 1789 A. D. 851—900 CHRONOLOGICAL AN 5564 5565 5566 5567 5568 5569 5570 5571 5572 5573 5574 5575 5576 5577 5578 5579 5580 5581 5582 5583 5584 5585 5586 5587 5588 5589 5590 5591 5592 5593 5594 5595 5596 5597 5598 5599 5600 5601 5602 5603 5604 5605 5606 5607 5608 5609 5610 5611 5612 5613 a o a o a c 851 852 853 854 855 856 857 858 859 860 861 862 863 864 865 866 867 868 869 870 871 872 873 874 875 876 877 878 879 880 Emperors of The East 10 Michael III. 11 the Sot 17 — 18 — 19 — 1 Basil I. the 2 Macedo- nian 3 882 884 885 890 891 892 893 894 895 896 897 898 899 900 1 Leo VI. the Philo- 2 sopher Caliphs of the Saracens 5 Motawa- kel 6 ■ 1 Mostan- ser 1 Mostain 3 4 1 Motaz 2 3 1 Mohtadi 1 Mota- med 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ■ 21 22 1 Motad- hed EMPERORS OF THE WEST 12 Lothaire 13 — 14 — 15 — 1 Louis II. 2 — 3 — 4 — 1 Charles II. the Bald, King of France 2 — Interregnum ' 1 Charles II L le Gros crowned k. of Italy 2 crowned emperor Kings of France 12 Charles II. the 13 Bald 14 ■ 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 32 33 ■ 34 35 36 37 1 Louis II. le Begue 2 [III. 1 Louis Carlo- 1 2 man 2 3 — Kings of Germany 9 Louis I. 10 —.* * 11 — 3>£ .5 ° 12 — ^£ 13 Charles 1 — 7 29 — 30 — 31 — 32 — o> B 33 — f o 1 Louis &< II. <- 2 — M c 3 — £ 4 Boson 1 5 — 2 succeeded 4 by Charles 5 le Gros 5 Charles le Gros obtains all the dominions of 6 Charlemagne,except the kingdom of Provence, 6 but is deposed, Nov. 11, 887 7 7 Germany Italy France 1 Arnulph 2 — a I 3 — 3 a 4 Borzi- 1 VOl 5 — 2 6 — 9 7 — 4 8 — B 9 — 6 10 crow- ned 7 u empe- ror 8 12 — B 1 Louis 10 111. 2 king 11 1 Eudes Count IBerenger 2 de D.ofFriuli Paris 2 Guy 1 3 D.of 3 Spo- 2 leto 4 crow- 3 ned 5 empe- 4 ror 6 — 5 7 Lam- 1 bert 8 emp- 2 eror 9 — 3 10 — 4 11 — 12 — 1 Louis the Blind 5 6 7 Charles 1 III. the 8 Simple 2 Trans- 8 juran Burgun- g« Q y re 1 Rodolf 3 i re 2 — * 3 Louis 1 ♦he 4 Blind 2 Dukes of Poland 10 Piastus 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 ■ 18 19 1 Ziemovi- tus 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 Lesko IV. 3 6 7 Kings „ o > O Of »rt j; ° o o 2 Ordonno I. Abder. 11.30 3 Maho- 1 med I. 4 2 5 3 6 4 7 5 8 6 9 7 10 8 11 9 12 10 13 11 14 12 15 13 16 14 1 Alfonso 15 III. the 2 Great 16 3 17 4 18 5 19 6 20 7 21 8 22 9 23 10 24 11 25 12 26 13 27 14 28 15 29 16 30 17 31 18 32 19 33 20 34 21 Almund- 1 hir 22 2 23 Abdal- 1 lah 24 2 25 3 26 4 27 5 28 ■ 6 29 7 30 8 31 9 32 10 33 11 34 12 35 13 KINGS OF ENGLAND Wess.Merc. 16Ethelwulf BertulfH 17 Burhred 1 18 2 19 3 20 4 1 Ethel- 5 bald 2 6 3 7 4 8 1 Ethel- 9 bert 2 10 3 11 4 — 12 5 13 6 14 1 Ethel- 15 red 2 16 3 17 4 18 5 19 1 Alfred 20 the 2 Great 21 3 22 4 Ceol- 1 wulf 5 2 6 deposed 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ■ 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 • 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 1 Edmund 7 I 8 Osbert 1 9 Ellal 10 2 11 3 12 4 13 Ingwar 1 or Ivar 14 the 2 Dane 15 3 1 Guth- 4 rum 2 the Dane 3 • 9Guthredl the 10 Dane 2 1 Eoric 13 ISTORICAL TABLES N° 38 Kings of Denmark POPES LEARNING AND GENIUS MIDDLE AGES STATESMEN AND WARRIORS Eric I. 5 Leo IV. 6 7 Ado, Abp. of Vienne, historian, 800— 875 Photius, Patriarch of Constan- tinople, 'Greek Lexicon,' ob. 891 The Danes ascend the Seine, the Meuse, and the Rhine, and carry on their ravages to Treves and Cologne. The Moors persecute the Christians in Spain. The Normans obtain possession of several cities in Fratice. The Emperor Lothaire dies, Sept. 28 ; King Ethelwulf visits Rome. The Normans sail up the Seine to Paris, and pillage and burn the churches. The Normans plunder the coasts of Holland. The winter this year exceedingly severe, the Adriatic being frozen so as to allow carriages passing upon it. The schism of the Greek church begins. Michael Bardas, minister to Michael the Sot, ob. 800 Jie Child 1 Benedict III. 2 3 1 Nicholas I. 2 3 4 5 6 7 John Scotus Erigena, ob. cir. 877 Anastatius, Bibliothecarius, ' Liber Pontiflcalis,' ob. cir. 886 Ordonno King of Oviedo takes Salamanca by storm. — Louis I., King of Germany, sends missionaries to convert the Sclavonians. Edict of Pistes, June ; every castle constructed without license to be razed before Aug. 1. — Conversion of Russia to the Greek Church. First naval expedition of the Russians against Constantinople. Michael III. put to death by Basil the Macedonian, who succeeds him, Sept. 24. Revolt of the Toulonides from the Arabian Caliphat, 868—905. VHIth General Council, of Constantinople, Oct. 5— Feb. 28 ; Photius the patriarch deposed, and the Inoclasts anathematized. Robert de Fort, minister to Charles the Bald, ob. 807 Bruern, a magnate in Nor- thumberland Ahmed, Saracen governor of Egypt, ob. 883 9 1 Adrian II. 2 3 4 5 1 John VIII. 2 3 4 5 6 7 — ■ Werferth, Bp. of Worcester, ob. 915 Alfraganus Logista, Arabian astron., ob. cir. 888 Denewulf, Bishop of Win- chester, ob. 897 The fortress of Bari taken after four years' siege by the Greeks and Franks under Louis. Revolt of the Soffarides from the Arabian Caliphat, 872— 892.— Battle of Wilton. — The Danes conquer Mercia. Revolt of the Samanides from the Arabian Caliphat, 874—999. The Emperor Louis dies, Aug. 2, and is succeeded by Charles the Bald, King of France. Charles the Bald defeated at Andernach by Louis of Saxony, Oct. 7. — The Danes invade Wessex. Charles the Bald defeated in Italy by Carloman. — He dies, Oct. 6. — Alfred establishes a fleet and defeats Guthrum the Dane. Conquest of Sicily by the Arabs. — King Alfred, driven from his throne by the Danes, retreats to Athelney. Boson proclaimed King of Aries at Mantaille, Oct. King Alfred again defeats the Danes and is restored about this time. Hubba the Dane 10 V] 1 Martin II. 2 1 Adrian III. 1 Stephen V. Albategnius, Arabian astron- omer, ob. 929 Abbe Reginon, historian, ob. 908 Plegmund, Abp.of Canterbury, ob. 923 Alfonso King of Oviedo defeats the Saracens, under Mahomed, on the Ana. — Charles le Gros crowned Emperor at Rome. King Alfred enlarges his navy.— Louis III. of France defeats the Nor- mans on the Loire. — He diesj Aug. 3. Emigration of the Turks or Hungarians.— Charles le Gros seizes the throne of France to the prejudice of Charles the Simple. Paris besieged by the Northmen for a twelvemonth, but are at length repulsed by the unassisted citizens. The Emperor Basil dies, Mar. 1, and is succeeded by Leo the Philosopher. Division of the Empire of the West. — Germany a second time separated from the Franks. Simeon King of the Bulgarians, 888—927. The Bulgarians ravage Greece and defeat the Hungarians sent by Leo against them. Rise and progress of the Carmathians, 890 — 951. Sigebert the Norman Goscelin, Bishop of Pans Zuendebold, Duke of Moravia Gform the Old 3 4 5 6 ■ 1 Formosus 2 . 3 4 ■ 5 [VI. 1 Boniface i Steph.VI. 1 Romanus [II. 1 Theodorus John IX. 2 1 Benedict IV. Asser, Bp. of Sherborne, ob. 910 Guy King of Italy crowned Emperor at Rome by Pope Stephen V., Feb. 25. — Arnulph defeats the Normans, Sept. 1. Revolt of the Hamadanites from the Arabian Caliphat, 892 — 1001. Invasion of Hastings in the Swale. — Charles the Simple crowned, Jan. 28, but is next year obliged by Eudes to retire. Hastings repulsed by King Alfred at Exeter.— Guy King of Italy and Emperor dies ; he is succeeded by Lambert, whose imperial title is dis- puted by Arnulph. Arnulph crowned Emperor by Pope Formosus, Feb. 27. The war terminates in England, and the Danes retire. Charles the Simple is recognised as King of France on the death of Eudes, Jan. 3. The Emperor Arnulph dies, Dec. 8, and is succeeded by Louis III., the last of the Carlov ingian race in Germany. Algitrudis, Queen of Italy Hatto, Abp. of Mentz. A.D. 851—900 NON-REGAL STATES N°38* DOGES OP VENICE 15 Pietro Tradonico 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 1 Orso Participazio 2 3 4 5 6 1 — 7 1 Giovanni Partici- pazio II. 2 3 4 5 6 1 Pietro Candiano I. 1 Pietro Tribuno Tuscany, Dukes, Etc. 5 Adalbert I. 6 1 Adalbert II. 2 the Rich. Duke and 3 Marquis 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 Dukes of Burgundy 3 Richard le Justicier 2 Counts of Bretagne 1 Erispoe 2 1 Salomon III. 1 Pasquito de Vannes 2 and Gurvan R de Rennes 1 Alain III. de Vannes 2 and Judicael 3 de Rennes Counts of Flanders 1 Baldwin I. Bras de fer 2 1 Baldwin II. 2 the Bald Counts of Hainault Dukes of Suabia 1 Regner I. 2 3 4 5 6 Dukes of Franconia — Hugh Dukes of Bavaria 1 Conrad I. circa 1 Leopold 2 3 . 4 5 6 A.D. 901—950 CHRONOLOGICAL AN 5614 5615 5616 5617 5618 5619 5620 5621 5622 5623 5624 5625 5626 5627 5628 5629 5630 5631 5632 5633 5634 5635 5636 5637 5638 5639 5640 5641 5642 5643 5644 5645 5646 5647 5648 5649 5650 5651 5652 5653 5654 5655 5656 5657 5658 5659 5660 5661 5662 5663 1 o o c c < 901 902 903 904 905 906 907 908 909 910 911 912 913 914 91.3 916 917 018 919 920 921 922 923 924 925 926 927 928 929 gsi 9-32 90S 931 B8S B96 937 MB 9r/j 910 941 942 943 944 945 946 947 948 949 950 Emperors of The East 16 Leo VI. the Philo- 17 sopher 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 1 Alexander and Con- 2 stantine VII. 3Porphyro. genitus 4 Alexander ob. 912 5 9 Roraanus Lecapenus 10 Constan- tino VIII. 18 Stephen & Christo- 19 pher, five emperors 20 at one time 21 Christo- pher ob. 22 34 Romanus in exile 35 Constan- ts VII. 36 restored 37 40 Caliphs of the Saracens 10 Motad- hed 1 Mohtafi 3 . 4 5 6 1 Mokta- der 2 24 1 Kaker 2 1 Radhi — Creation of the Emirs al Omra and Decline of the Arabian Caliphat Kings of Germany 3 Louis III. 4 5 6 7 1 Conrad I. Duke of 2 Franco- nia 3 4 5 6 7 " 1 Henry I. the 2 Fowler 14 15 16 17 18 1 Otho I. the 2 Great 4 5 Dukes of Bohemia 12 Borzivoi 1 Spitig- neus I. 2 3 4 5 1 Wratis- las I. 2 3 4 1 Wences- lasl. 2 3 4 5 16 17 18 19 20 1 Boleslas I. 3 4 5 Dukes of Poland lOLesko IV. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 ■ 18 19 1 Ziemo- raislas Kings of Italy 2 Louis crowned 3 emperor 4 5 1 Berenger again 2 3 4 5 ■ 6 10 11 crowned emperor 12 13 14 15 16 17 1 Rodolf King of 2 Burgun- dy lHugh Count de 2 Provence 3 4 , 5 16 17 18 19 1 Lothaire 2 4 1 Berenger & Adalbt. Kings of France 9 Charles III. the 10 Simple 11 12 13 14 — !», ■a c ]jj « g 16-| 17 — o I 18 — g Burgundy Aries 14 Rodolf I. Louis 12 15 the 13 Blind 16 — 14 17 — 15 18 — 16 19 — 17 20 — 18 21 — 19 22 — 20 23 — 21 19 Rollo 1 20 — 21 — 22 — 23 — 24 — 25 — 26 — 27 — -i> 11 1 Robert 12 I. lRodolfl3 Duke of 2 Bur- 14 gundy 3 — 15 4 — 16 5 Wm. 1. 1 Long 6 Sword 2 7 — 8 — 9 — 10 — 11 — 12 — 1 Louis 10 IV.the 2 Stran- 11 ger 3 12 8 Richd. 1 I. the 9 Fear- 2 less 3 10 — 11 — 12 — IS — 14 — 15 — 1 Rodolf 22 II. 2 — 23 3 — 24 4 — 25 5 — 26 6 — 27 7 — 28 8 — 29 9 — 30 10 — 31 KINGS IN SPAIN Navarre Oviedo Cordova ISancho Garcia 2 3 — - 4 5 6 22 23 King of Aries, — 24 Burgun- dy and 25Provence united 26 1 Conrad the 2 Pacific second 3 King of Aries 4 17 18 19 20 21 1 Garcia I. 2 3 4 5 36 Alfon- so III. 37 39 40 41 42 43 44 1 Garcia 2 3 4 lOrdon- no II. 2 K. of Leon 3 4 5 6 7 1 Froila II. 1 Alfon- so IV. 2 the Monk 3 1 Rami- roll. 2 3 — 4 — 14 Abdal lah 15 — 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 1 Abde- rah- 2 man III. 3 4 5 6 7 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 1 Ordon- no III. ■a Kings t of 1 Edward Don; 2 4 Consta tine I] 5 • 21 22 23 1 Ath el- stan 2 1 Edmund I. 2 4 Malcoln I. 5 lEdred 2 3 4 - ISTORICAL TABLES N° 39 Kings of Denmark POPES LEARNING AND GENIUS MIDDLE AGES STATESMEN AND WARRIORS Gorm the Old 2 Benedict IV. 3 lLeo V. 1 Christoph. lSergiuslII. 2 3 4 5 6 7 4 Louis, son of Boson, King of Aries, causes himself to be crowned Em- peror of the West by Pope Benedict IV., Feb. 12. The Huns invade Italy, and are defeated by Berenger. Second naval expedition of the Russians against Constantinople. — Berenger defeats Louis, son of Boson, whom he deprives of sight, and sends back to Provence. The Normans make themselves masters of Cotentin and Maine, and ravage Bretagne, Picardy, and Champagne. Burc.hardt Landgrave of Thuringia defeated by the Hungarians ; dying without issue, the Emperor Louis gives his territories to Otho Duke of Saxony. Prince Ethelward, grandson to Alfred, ob. 905 Himerius, general to Leo VI. Elfleda, daughter to Alfred, ob. 918 Mahomed, general to Mohtaii I Theodora, Roman courtesan Robert Count de Paris, ob. 923 Marozia, mistress to Sergius III. 1 Anastatius III. 2 1 Lando 1 John X. s. V Otho Duke of Saxony declines the Imperial crown, which is accepted by Conrad Duke of Franconia, as King of Germany. — Rollo the Nor- man converted to Christianity, and created Duke of Normandy. Ordonno King of Leon defeats Abderahman, and takes Talavera by storm. Berenger causes himself to be crowned Emperor by Pope John X. — The last Imperial coronation in the West till A.D. 9G2. Ordonno King of Leon defeats Abderahman at St. Peter de Gormuz. Death of Conrad, Dec. 23, and election of Henry the Fowler as King of Germany. Romanus Lecapenus usurps the imperial power. The Moors defeat the Christians in Spain. Empress Zoe Phocas, general to Constan- tine, ob. 919 3 4 5 6 7 Kudes de Cluni, ob. 942 Ordonno King of Leon defeated at Val Junquera, and the Bishops of Salamanca and Tuy taken prisoners. Battle of Placentia, in which Berenger is defeated by Rodolf King of Burgundy. Pavia reduced to ashes by the Hungarians, March 12.— Berenger the Emperor assassinated at Verona. Henry the Fowler appoints margraves or marquises to defend the fron- tiers of the empire. Hugh Count de Provence elected King of Italy. Abdication of Rollo Duke of Normandy in favour of William Long- sword. The Imperial throne in the East is now occupied by five emperors. Mecca pillaged by the Carmanthian, Abu Taher. — Charles the Simple dies a prisoner in the castle of Perronne, Oct. 7. Hugh the Great, minister to Rodolph I. ob. 956 Herbert Count de Verman- dois, ob. 943 9 10 11 12 13 14 1 Leo VI. 1 Stephen VII. 2 1 John XI. 3 4 Azophi, Arabian astronomer Luitprand, Bp. of Cremona, History of his own Times,' ob. 970 Revolt of Alberic against Hugh King of Italy. — Death of Rollo Duke of Normandy about this time. Revolt of theBowides from the Arabian Caliphat. 933 — 1055. Battle of Mersberg ; the Hungarians defeated by Henry the Fowler. — Revolt of the Ikshidites from the Arabian Caliphat, 934—968. Rodolf King of France dies ; and is next year succeeded by Louis the Stranger. Fallen state of the Caliphs of Bagdad under the control of the Emirs al Omra. — Henry the Fowler succeeded by Otho I. Invasion by Anlaff in the Humber. — He is defeated at Brunanburgh by Athelstan. Ramiro King of Leon defeats Abderahman at Simances, Aug. 6, and again at Salamanca. Alberic, son of Marozia, Go- vernor of Rome, ob. 954 Harald II. Blue-tooth 1 Leo VII. 2 3 1 Stephen VIII. 2 3 1 Martin III. 2 3 4 1 Agapetus II. Odo, Abp. of Canterbury, ob. 9G1 Alfarabius, Arabian philoso- pher, ' De Intelligentiis,' ob. 950 Third naval expedition of the Russians against Constantinople. The Eastern Emperors take possession of the kingdom of Naples. Romanus Lecapenus driven by his sons into exile. The Emperors Stephen and ConstantineVIII. exiled, the one to Lesbos, the other to Samothrace. — Constantine VII. reigns alone. Death of Romanus Lecapenus, July 15. The Emperor Otho defeats the Sclavonians, and makes Boleslas Duke of Bohemia tributary. Turketul, Lord Chancellor Buzun the Turk 3 4 A.D. 901—950 NON-REGAL STATES N° 39* DOGES OP VENICE 14 Pietro Tribuno 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Orso Participazio II. so Tuscany, Dukes, Etc. 12 Adalbert II. 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 1 Pietro Candiano II. 4 1 5 6 ■ — 7 1 Pietro Badoardo 2 1 Pietro Candiano III. 2 3 4 1 Guy, Duke 1 Lambert, Duke 2 1 Boson, Marquis i Hubert, Duke Marquises of Montferrat 1 Aledran circa 2 Dukes of Burgundy 1 Rodolph 2 1 Giselbert 2 Counts of Bretagne 25 Alain III. 26 27 29 . 30 IGurmallion 2 4 1 Hugh Blk. 1 Hugh the 2 Great Counts of Flanders 23 Baldwin II. 24 1 Berenger de Ren nes 1 Alain IV. de Vanncs 39 1 Arnolph I. and 2 Baldwin III. 3 a Counts S ~ ~ 1 of g> 35 fe 27 Regner I. 28 Dukes 'a o of g 1 Regner II. 2 3 4 5 6 7 Thierry 1 I. 1 Regnerlll. 2 3 4 5 6 . 7 Conrad — I. Dukes of Bavaria 7 Leopold Eberhard 1 2 3 5 S 7 1 Burch- ardt 1 Arnolph the Bad 2 1 Herman 15 I. 2 16 14 Conrad 1 II. 15 2 lti 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 lLudolphll 2 13 26 27 28 . 29 30 1 Eberhard 2 . 1 Henry I. the Quar. 2 reller A.D. 951—1000 CHRONOLOGICAL ■3 5 B i 1 i i o a c < 951 5664 5665 952 5666 953 5667 954 5668 955 5669 956 5670 957 5671 958 5672 959 5673 960 5674 961 5675 962 5676 963 5677 964 5678 965 5679 966 5680 967 5681 968 5682 969 5683 970 971 5684 5685 972 5686 973 5687 974 5688 975 5689 976 5690 977 5691 978 5692 979 5693 980 981 5694 5695 982 5696 983 5697 984 5698 985 5699 986 5700 987 5701 988 5702 989 5703 990 991 5704 5705 992 5706 993 5707 994 5708 995 5709 996 5710 997 5711 998 .5712 999 5713 1000 1 Romanus 1L 2 1 Nicephorus II. Phocas 2 1 John- Zimisces 2 Basil II. r.nd Con. 3 stantine IX. 1 Basil II. and 2 Constan- tine IX. 3 Kings of Germany 16 Otho I. the 17 Great 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27crowned emperor Kings of Italy 2 Beren- ger II. 3 and Adal- 4 bert 5 6 7 — Conq. by Otho Berenger ob. Adalbert ob. 36 37 1 Otho II. the Bloody 2 9 10 1 Otho III. 2 3 4 5 6 7 * Stephen I. Dukes of Bohemia 16 Boleslas I. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 ■ 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 Boleslas II. 21eDebon- naire 3 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 1 Boleslas III. 2 Dukes of Poland 39 Ziemo- mislas 40 41 42 43 44 45 43 47 49 50 51 1 Miecis. las I. 2 Duke 3 ■ 4 5 6 7 1 Boleslas I. King 2 the Lion Hearted 3 4 5 6 7 Kings of France 16LouisIV. 17 18 1 Lothaire 29 30 . 31 32 1 Louis V. leFain. lHugh Capet 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 Robert II. the 2 Wise 3 4 5 Kings of Aries 15 Conrad the 16 Pacific 17 18 19 55 56 1 Rodolf III. le 2 Fainant 3 4 5 6 7 KINGS IN SPAIN Navarre Leon Cordova 26 Garcia 1. 27 28 29 30 31 40 — 41 — 42 — 43 — 44 — ISancho IL 2Abarca 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 22 23 24 1 Garcia IL 2 3 4 5 6 ■ ■ 1 Sancho III. 20rdon- no III. 3 4 5 1 Sancho I. 2 the Fat 3 4 5 6 9 10 11 12 1 Rami- ro III. 2 15 IBermu. doll. 2 the Gouty 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1 Alfon- so V. 2 40 Abde- rah- 41 man III. 42 43 44 45 46 47 49 lAlha- cam 2 IL 3 4 5 6 7 11 12 13 14 15 1 Hash- em II. 2 3 4 5 Dukes of Normandy 9 Richard I. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 49 50 51 52 53 1 Richard II. 2 the Good 3 4 5 ISTORICAL TABLES N° 40 POPES 6 Agapetus II. 7 9 10 1 John XII. 2 3 4 5 — 6 7 1 Leo VIII. 1 Benedict V. 1 John XIII. Benedict VI. Bonif. VII. DomnusII. Benedict VII. 1 John XIV. 1 John XV. 1 John XVI. 2 3 4 5 6 • 1 Gregory V. and 2 John XVII.? 3 1 Silvester II. LEARNING AND GENIUS Rhazes Abubeker, Arabian physician, ob. aet. 80, 932 Ethelwold, Bp. of Winchester, ' the benevolent bishop,' ob. 984 Geber of Seville, philosopher and astronomer Oswald, Abp. of York, ob. 992 Abbo, monk of Fleury, favour- ite of K. Ethelred, ob. 1004 Bridferth of Ramsey, com- mentator on Bede Albirunius^ Arabian geograph, Aimon, Abbot of Fleury, his- torian, ob. 1008 JElfric, Bp. of Crediton T jElfric ' the grammarian,' Abp. of Canterbury, ob. 1006 MIDDLE AGES Otho drives Berenger II. and Adalbert his son out of Italy, at the in- stance of Adelaide, widow of Lothaire. — Otho marries Adelaide. Louis the Stranger, King of France, dies, Sept. 10. Battle of Augsburg gained by Otho over the Hungarians. — Baptism of the Princess Olga, the era of Christianity in Russia. Hugh the Great, father of Hugh Capet, dies, June 16. Otho defeats the Sclavonians in Saxony. Constantine VII. poisoned by his daughter-in-law, Theophania. Reduction of Crete by Nicephorus Phocas.— Hugh Capet created Duke of France by Lothaire. Otho crowned King of Italy, Nov. Union of the crowns of Germany and Italy. — Otho I. crowned Emperor of the West by John XII., Feb. 9. Romanus II. dies, Mar. 15, and is succeeded by Nicephorus Phocas. — Defection of Pope John from Otho. Revolt in Rome in favour of Pope John, who dies, May 14.— Otho re- takes Rome, June 23. Conquest of Cilicia by Nicephorus Phocas.— Christianity introduced into Poland about this time. Otho demands the hand of Theodora, daughter-in-law of Nicephorus, for his son, which leads to war. The Normans make a descent in Gallicia, and advance to Compostella. Nicephorus IL assassinated at the instigation also of Theophania ; John Zimisces succeeds, with Basil II. and Constantine VII. as his coL leagues. The Bulgarians defeated by Bardas Sclerus, and their empire terminated, Marriage of the Princess Theodora, daughter of Romanus II., to the eldest son of Otho. Otho the Great dies, Aug., aet. 61. John Zimisces dies, Jan. 10, suspected by poison. — His colleagues, Basil and Constantine, retain the empire. Otho IL subdues the Bohemians. The possession of Lorraine becomes a subject of warlike contention be- tween Otho and Lothaire, King of France. Otho II. defeated at Basentello. — Apulia and Calabria recovered by the Emperors of the East. Otho II. massacres his chief nobility at an entertainment to which he had invited them. Otho II. defeated by the Greeks and Saracens in Calabria, July 13. Death of Otho the Bloody, Dec. 7, who is succeeded by his son, Otho III. in his minority. Death of Louis le Faineant, and termination of the Carlovingian dynasty in France, May 21. Marriage of Wlodomir of Russia to the Princess Anne, daughter of Romanus II. The Saracens under Almanzor take Leon by assault, and ravage Gal- licia. The Arabian figures in arithmetic, according to some, introduced into Europe from Spain about this time. Sweyn and Olaus, Kings of Denmark and Norway, sail up the Thames with ninety-four vessels. Don Bermudo defeated by Almanzor on the banks of the Ezla. The Doge of Venice takes the title of Duke of Venice and Dalmatia. Revolt and execution of the Consul Crescentius.— The Saracens defeated by Don Bermudo at Osma. Hungary created a kingdom in favour of Stephen, son of Geisa. STATESMEN AND WARRIORS Matilda, mother of Otho, ob. 973 Dunstan, Abp. of Canterbury, 925—988 Earl Ethelwold, minister to Edgar ^lfric, Duke of Mercia, ob. 983 Bardas Sclerus, minister to John Zimisces, ob. 986 Empress Theophania, ob. 991 Crescentius, tyrant of Rome, ob. 998 Phocas, Eastern general Geoffrey Grisegonelle, ob. 987 Bouchard, Count de Melun, minister to Hugh Capet, ob. 1012 A.D. 951—1000 NON-REGAL STATES N° 40* DOGES VENICE 10 Pietro Candiano III. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1 Pietro Candiano IV. 2 1 Pietro Orseolo I. 1 Vitale Candiano 1 Tribuno Memmo 2 1 Pietro Orseolo II Tuscany, Dukes, Etc. 16 Hubert 17 1 Hugh the Great 2 3 4 5 6 7 Marquises of Montferrat 14 Aledr3ii 15 56 57 1 William I 2 . 3 4 5 . 6 3 Dukes S Counts cq 14 Hugh Alain 15 15 Drogo 1 16 Hoel IV. 1 de 17 Nantes 2 18 1 Otho q 3 4 5* 1 Henry 13 I. the 2 Great 14 16 Guerec 1 de 17 Nantes 2 23 Conan 1 24 Rennes 2 5 H Z Dukes _:' 34 Arnolph I. and 35 Baldwin III. 36 37 42 Godfrey 1 I 43 2 44 Baldwin 3 ob. 45 4 46 5 47 Godfrey 1 II. 1 Arnolph 2 II. le 2 Jeune 12 Charles 1 of 13 Fiance 2 1 Baldwin 14 IV. the 2 Bearded 15 27 5 28 Geoffrey 1 I. 29 Duke of 2 Bretagne 30 3 Counts of Luxemburg 1 Sigefrid 'J7 29 — 30 — 31 — 32 — 1 Frederic Hainault Friesland 20 Regner I. Thierry— 21 1. 22 24 25 1 Richer Thierry 1 IL 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 — Garner 10 & Rainald 1 Godfrey 11 the Old 2 and 12 Arnolph 3 13 4 14 5 15 6 16 7 17 8 18 9 19 10 20 11 21 12 22 13 23 14 24 15 25 16 Arno'ph 1 the 17 Great 2 18 3 9 4 20 5 21 6 22 7 23 8 24 9 25 10 1 Regner 11 IV. 2 12 Dukes c o of c 3 Ludolph Conrad 13 4 II. 14 1 Burch- 16 ardt II. 2 Otho 1 18 17 19 18 1 Otho I. 19 2 20 3 21 4 22 5 23 6 24 7 25 8 26 1 Conrad 28 I. 1 Herman 43 II. 2 44 Dukes of Bavaria 10 Henry the Quarreller 1 Henry II. 2 3 4 5 6 39 40 1 Henry III. Dukes « 16 Otho II. Conrad 8 17 the Red 9 Bruno 1 A op. of Colog- 2 24 Frederic 1 I. 1 Herman. 2 Billing 1 Bernard 15 I. 2 16 3 - - 17 18 19 20 21 12 Thierry 1 I. 13 - A.D. 1001— 1050 CHRONOLOGICAL A •d .2 3 I a o c a < 5714 1001 5715 1002 5716 1003 5717 1004 5718 1005 5719 1006 5720 1007 5721 1008 5722 1009 5723 1010 1011 5724 5725 1012 5726 1013 5727 1014 5728 1015 5729 1016 5730 1017 5731 1018 5732 1019 5733 1020 5734 1021 5735 1022 5736 1023 5737 1024 5738 1025 5739 1026 5740 1027 5741 1028 5742 1029 5743 1030 5744 1031 5745 1032 5716 1033 5747 1034 5748 1035 5749 1036 5750 1037 5751 1038 5752 1039 5753 1010 5754 1041 5755 1042 5756 1043 5757 1044 5758 1045 5759 1046 5760 1017 5761 1048 5762 10 19 5763 1050 Emperors of The East 26 Basil II. and Con- 27 stantine IX. 50 Constan- ti ne 51 alone 52 1 Roman us III. 2 Argyrus 1 Michael IV. the 2 Paphla- gonian 3 1 Michael V. Calaphates 1 Zoe and Constan. 2 tine X. Monoma- 3 chus Emperors of Germany. 19 0thoIII. 1 Henry II. the 2 Lame 3 4 5 • 6 7 20 21 22 1 Conrad II. the 2 Salique 3 4 5 6 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1 Henrv III. the 2 Black £* Kings 2 ■ *c bo — 3 | X K.andD.a 2 Stephen Boles. III. 3 3 Jaro- 1 mir 4 2 5 ■ 3 6 4 7 5 8 6 9 7 10 8 11 9 12 10 13 Udalric 1 14 2 15 3 16 4 17 5 18 6 19 7 20 8 21 9 22 10 23 11 24 ■ 12 25 13 26 14 27 15 28 16 29 17 30 18 31 19 32 20 33 21 34 22 35 23 36 24 37 25 38 Bretis. 1 las I. 1 Peter 2 the 2 German 3 3 4 1 Aba or 5 Owen 2 6 3 7 1 Peter 8 again 2 9 3 10 1 Andrew 11 I. 2 12 3 13 4 14 Poland. Kings, Dukes 10 Boleslas I. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 ■ 18 19 30 31 32 33 1 Miecis- las II. 2 1 Richense regent 2 — Interreg. 1 Casimir I. the 2 Pacific 3 5 Kings of France 6 Robert II. the 7 Wise 1 Henry I, 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 Kings of Aries 9 Rodolf III. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 24 25 26 — 27 — 28 Bero- 1 aid 29 — 30 — 31 — 32 — 33 — 34 — 35 Humb- 1 ert the 36 White2 Hand 37 — 3 38 — 4 39 — 5 — Leaves 6 his king, domto 7 Conrad the 8 Salique 9 10 11 c — 12 c ■ ■C 13 B S — 14 15 Hum- bert 16 18 19 20 21 1 Ama- deus I. 2 Longtail KINGS IN SPAIN Leon Cordova 2 Sancho III. 3 4 — 5 6 7 32 33 34 35 1 Garcia IIL 3 Alfonso V. 1 Bermudo III. 2 • 3 1 4 13 2W 10 3 SL Leon uconq. 4' by 4 Cas- 5 tile 5 26 Hash em IL 27 28 29 30 32 33 ■ Ted II. lMahom- lSuleim. 1 Mahom- ed II. 2 Hash em II. 3 again 1 Sulei- man 2 again 1 Mota- wakel lAbderah man IV. 1 Alcas- sim lYahia- Almo- 2 tadi lAbderah man V. 1 Yahia- Almo- 2 tadi lHashem III. I 5 Gehwar 1 ben Ma- homed 2 11 12 13 Mahom- 1 ed ben Gehwar 2 3 4 5 6 7 Dukes of Normandy 6 Richard II. the 7 Good SO 1 Richard III. 1 Robert Lie 2 Diable 4 5 6 7 1 William II. the 2 Bastard 3 5 6 [STORICAL TABLES N°41 Kings of -a CO Counts of Apulia POPES LEARNING AND GENIUS MIDDLE AGES STATESMEN AND WARRIORS weyn I. Olaf- 1 Skotko- 2 nung 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 3 Silvester IL 4 UohnXVII. Uohn 2 XVIII. 3 4 6 1 Sergius IV. 2 Avicenna of Bochara, physi- cian, /\ 980—1036 Wulfstan, Abp. of York, ' Ser- mo Lupi ad Anglos,' ob. 1023 Mesue, Arabian physician A Massacre of the Danes by Ethelred. — Otho III. poisoned by the widow of Crescentius. The Emperor Henry marches into Italy, and subdues his rival, Ardouin Marquis of Ivrea. Boleslas I., King of Poland, siezes Cracow, and treats the Duke of Bohemia with great cruelty. — He marches into Bohemia. Sweyn desists from his revenge on payment of 36,000 pounds of silver A civil war breaks out among the Saracens in Spain, and continues till 1094. Melenda Gonzales, regent of Leon Ulnoth Thane of Sussex 11 12 13 anute 14 II. 15 16 17 18 19 20 3 1 Benedict VIII. 2 3 4 5 6 7 Cynewulf, Bp. of Winchester, Anglo Saxon poet, ob. 10UH Invasion of Thurchill, who sells his friendship and ser- vices for 48,000 pounds. Last invasion of Sweyn. — Flight of Ethelred. Death of Sweyn. — Extensive inundation of the sea in Flanders, Sept. 28. Invasion of England by Canute. Five battles in seven months between Canute and Ed- mund Ironside.— Death of Edmund. The Normans first enter Italy. — The Russians break into Poland, but are repelled by Boleslas I. The Bulgarians defeated by the Emperor Basil, and re- duced to a province of the empire. Edric, minister to Ethelred, ob. 1017 Brithric, English admiral Uthred Earl of Northumber- land, nb. 1016 Agelnoth Archbishop of Can- terbury, ob. 1038 9 21 22 23 24 25 Ddraund 1 Colbren- ner 2 3 4 10 11 12 1 John XIX. 2 3 4 5 6 7 Guy Aretino, musician Campanus of Novarro, astron. Rodolf King of Aries being dethroned by his subjects, is restored by the Emperor Henry. Death of the Emperor Henry II., July 13, art. 52. The Emperor Basil dies, Dec.; Constantine, his col- league, retains the empire. Birth of William the Conqueror. The Emperor Constantine IX. dies, Nov. 12, and is suc- ceeded by Romanus Argyrus. Foundation of Aversa in Naples by the Normans. Canute performs a pilgrimage to Rome. — The Emperor Romanus defeated by the Saracens, April 13. Eudes Count de Chartres, minister to Robert I. ,, Glaber of Clugni, historian, ' Chronicle of France,' ob. post 1045 The Emperor Romanus drives the Saracens out of Syria. Rodolf King of Aries dies ; he bequeaths his dominions to Conrad the Salique. Romanus III. poisoned by his empress, Zoe, who mar- ries Michael IV., whom she raises to the throne. Death of Sancho the Great of Navarre, and establishment ol the kingdoms of Castile and Arragon. Battle of Bar le Due by Conrad over Eudes Count of Champagne, Sept. 17. Reign of Togrul Beg, 1038— 1063.— He defeats the Gasne- vides, and subdues Persia. Conrad the Salique dies, June 4, and is succeeded by Henry the Black. John, brother to Michael IV. 7 8 9 1 Benedict IX. 10 anute 11 III. 3 4 13 14 15 7 la ]( a 16 ?nus 17 Good lg of 18 rwav ' 19 20 21 jyn 22 I. 23 24 25 1 William I. 2Bras-de-fer 3 1 Drogo 2 3 4 9 10 11 1 Gregory VI. 2 1 Clement II. Hermannus ' Contractus ' of Suabia, mathematician and chronologer Franco of Liege, mathemat. Hereman, Bp. of Sherborne, ob. 1077 Michael IV. dies, Dec. 10 ; his cousin, Michael Calaphates, is placed by the empress Zoe on the throne. Calaphates dethroned by Zoe, who marries Constantine Monomachus, and raises him to the throne. The Normans conquer Apulia from the Greeks, 1043. — Fourth naval expedition of the Russians against Con- stantinople The Emperor Henry deposes three Popes at the Council of Sutrium, and is crowned, Dec. 25, by Pope Clement II. The Emperor Constantine makes war in Media. League of Pope Leo IX. and the two Emperors against the Normans in Sicily. Godwin Earl of Kent, ob. 1053 George Manasses, tyrant in the East Siward, Earl of Northumber- land, ob. 1055 Leo Tomitius, tyrant in the East Leofric Duke of Mercia, ob. 1057 I [H. 1 Damasus 1 Leo IX. 2 3 the Genoese subdue Sardinia A.D. 1001—1050 NON-REGAL STATES N° 41* DOGES op VENICE 11 Pietro Orseolo II. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1 Ottone Orseolo 2 1 Pietro Barbolano 1 Domenico Flaba- naco 10 ■ 11 1 Domenico Conta- rijii I. 2 3 4 — 5 6 7 8 Tuscany, Dukes, Etc. 1 Adalbert III. 11 12 13 1 Rinaldo Duke and 2 Marquis 1 Boniface II. 2 the Pious Duke and 3 Marquis Marquises of Montferrat 7 William I. •g Dukes g » of I I a a ■ n 37 Henry Geofi'reylO 38 11 12 13 14 15 ■ 16 Alain V. 1 1 Henry II. 1 Robert 25 I. 2 the Old 26 27 28 29 30 ■ 31 32 Conan 1 II. 2 Counts -g I o £ Dukes ,4 13 Baldw. IV. Otho 1 14 2 17 Godfrey 1 HI. 18 - 35 Gothelon 1 the 36 Great 2 1 Baldwin 14 V. le 2 Debon- 15 naire 3 16 4 17 5 18 8 Godfrey 1 IV. the 9 Hardy 2 10 3 11 4 12 5 13 Frederic 1 of 14 Luxem- 2 burg 15 3 4 Frederic I. 5 6 7 9 Albert 1 II. 10 2 1 Gilbert 14 2 15 26 27 28 - 29 - — - 30 31 Albert 1 III. 2 3 4 S Counts » 14 Amolph Hegner 4 15 IV. 5 1 Thierry 6 III. of 2 Jerusa. 7 lem 3 8 11 Regner 1 V. 28 Rechila, 1 Herman 29 andBald-2 win I. 30 deMons3 31 - 32 - 33 - 34 - 35 - 36 - 1 Thierry 10 IV. 2 11 1 Florence 20 I. of 2Holland 21 Dukes •£ o of g 5 Hermann. Otho 47 6 48 7 49 [III. 1 Herman Conrad 1 III. 2 8 Conrad 1 IV. 1 Ernest I. 2 1 Ernest II. 9 — 10 — 11 — 12 — 13 — 14 — 15 — 1 Herman 20 IV. and : Conrad 21 II. 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1 Henry I. 2 Empe- ror 3 4 5 6 1 Otho II. 2 1 Otho III. 2 Dukes of Bavaria 7 Henry III. elected 8 emperor 1 Henry IV. 2 10 — 11 — 12 13 14 — 15 16 Dukes Jj 29 Bernard; I. Thierry 18 19 1 Bernard 27 IL 17 Frederic 1 II. 18 2 19 3 20 4 21 5 24 Gothe- 1 Ion I. 25 9 10 Gothe- 1 Ion II. 2 3 Alct 1 a Alsace 2 Gerard 1 of Alsace 2 A.D. 1051—1100 CHRONOLOGICAL A 5764 5765 5766 5767 5768 5769 5770 5771 5772 5773 5774 5775 5776 5777 5778 5779 5780 5781 5782 5783 5784 5785 5786 5787 5788 5789 5790 5791 5792 5793 5794 5795 5796 5797 5798 5799 5800 5801 5802 5803 5804 5805 5806 5807 5808 5809 5810 5811 5812 5813 E B o a q < 051 052 OSS 054 055 066 067 OSS 059 060 081 091 OSS OK 094 095 096 097 098 099 100 Emperors of The East 10 Zoe and Constan- 11 tineX. Emperors of Germany 1 Theodora 2 ■ IMichaelVI. Stratiotic. 1 Isaac I. Comnenus 2 1 Constan- tine XL 2 Ducas 13 Henry III. 14 15 16 17 1 Henry IV. 2 5 1 Eudocia and 2 Romanus IV. 3 Diogenes 1 Michael VII. Para- 2 pinaces Androni. 3 cus I. and Constan. 4 tine XII. INicephorus III. 2 1 Alexius I. Comnenus 2 Kings .5 SK.andD.M 5 Andrew I. Bretis- 15 las 1. 16 17 18 Spitig. 1 neus II. 2 3 4 5 6 1 Bela I. Wratis- 1 2 las II. 2 First 3 King 3 1 Salomon 4 2 5 3 4 5 6 7 Poland. Kings, Dukes 11 Casimir L 12 13 14 15 16 17 1 Boleslas II. King 2 the Bold 1 Geisa I. 15 2 16 1 Ladislas 17 I. 2 18 :m 31 16 Conrad 1 I. Duke 17 Bretis- 1 las II. 18 Duke 2 1 Coloman 3 6 Borzivoi 1 II. Duke 1 Ladislas II. the 2 Careless Duke 3 4 5 6 7 Kings of France 21 Henry I. 22 23 24 1 Philip I. I'Amou. Counts of Maurienne 4Amadeus I. 5 6 7 KINGS IN SPAIN Castile Arragon Navarre Local 17 Garcia III. 18 1 Sancho IV. 2 3 4 5 — « 6 - | 7 — £ 1 Humbert II. le 2 Renforce 3 4 5 6 7 9-13 & 10 — » 11-J 12 Alfon-1 so VI. 13—2 17Ferdind. I. Rami- 17 ro I. 18 27 14 — 15 — 16 — 17 — 18 — 7 19 20 21 22 1 Sancho Rami- 2 rez K. of Ar- 3 ragon 4 5 16 17 18 1 Pedro of Ar- 2 ragon 3 4 5 6 7 29 Sancho 1 V. 30 Rami- 2 rez 1 Sancho 3 II. the 2 Strong 1 Alfonso 10 VI. the 2 Valiant 11 King of 3 Leon 12 23 Pedro 1.1 of 24 Navarre 2 8 Mahom- ed ben 9 Gehwar Mahom- 1 edAlmo- ateded 2 3 4 5 6 7 Mahom- 1 edAlmo- stadir 2 Dukes of Normandy 17 William II. the 18 Bastard 19 20 21 14 15 16 17 18 19 3 — 20 % — 21 B o S — 22 — 23 1 Yussef ben 2 TaxBn 3 4 5 6 7 27 28 29 30 31 — Invades England Robert Courthose 1087—1106 1 Henry of 2 Burgun- 3^ 4 6 ISTORICAL TABLES N° 42 Kings Counts LEARNING STATESMEN of -g >, of | POPES AND MIDDLE AGES AND I/! - I. 9 2 >> 14 7 Adam, Canon of Bremen, ' hist, and geog. of the North. ' King William reconciles Edgar Atheling, and passes over to Normandy, Mar.; but returns, Dec. 6. Earls Edwin and Morcar 3 15 Edwin and Morcar rebel, but submit. — Edgar Atheling Gervais, Abp. of Rheims, retires to the court of Malcolm Canmore. ob. 1084 4 a 16 9 The Danes, invited by the Northumbrians, land at the Humber, and are joined by Edgar. Waltheof, Earl of Northum- berland, ob. 1070 5 - U 17 10 Stigand, Abp. of Canterbury, is deposed, and succeeded by Lanfranc, an Italian. 6 + 18 11 The Emperor Romanus defeated and deposed by Alp- Arslan, Aug. 7 1 Roger 19 12 King William makes peace with Malcolm Canmore, who I. does homage and gives hostages. iterreg. 8 2 20 1 Gregory VII. Hil- Marianus Scotus, chronol. and hist. ob. 1086 Disputes commence between the Emperor Henry IV. and Pope Gregory VII. respecting investitures. 9 3 21 2 debrand Inroad ol the Turks in Asia Minor under Soliman. Don Roderigo Dios de Bivar, ' The Cid,' ob. 1099 10 4 22 The Emperor Henry defeats the Saxons at Neustadt. — Rebellion of the Norman Barons. Cincius, governor of Rome 11 5 23 4 Benjezla of Bagdad, the proto- type of Abulfeda, ob. 1080.1 Earl Waltheof executed for misprision of treason. — Con- quest of Jerusalem by the Turks. arald 12 6 24 5 King William accidentally wounded at the siege of Ger- [I. the beroi by his son, Prince Robert. imple 13 7 25 6 The erection of the Tower of London commenced. Osmond, Bishop of Sarum, ob. 1099 Lanfranc, Archbishop of Can- 14 8 26 7 Arzachel of Toledo, astron. Hampshire depopulated to obtain space sufficient for the New Forest. terbury, 1005—1089 mute 15 9 27 Battle of Mersburg, Rodolph Duke of Suabia mortally IV. wounded by Godfrey of Bouillon, Oct. 15. 16 10 28 9 William of Spires, mathemat. Battle of Durazzo, the Emperor Alexius Comnenus de- feated by Robert Guiscard, Oct. 18. Edgar Atheling, ob. cir. 1110 17 11 29 10 Odo Bishop of Bayeux being about to desert the kingdom for Rome, is arrested by the King in person. 18 12 30 11 King William imposes a tax of six shillings upon every hide of land. — Doomsday Book began. 19 u 31 12 Rome taken by the Emperor Henry IV., Mar. 21. — Final conquest of Asia Minor by the Turks. 20 14 Roger 1 13 Alphonso VI. takes Toledo from the Saracens, May 25. — Death of Robert Guiscard, July 17. laus 21 1., 2 1 Victor III. Edgar leaves England for Apulia. — King William sails V. for Normandy. — Doomsday Book completed. 22 Ifi 3 2 Suidas, lexicographer King William invades and ravages the French territory. — He dies.. Sept. 9. an. 63. Robert de Mowbray, ob. cir. 1125 23 17 4 1 Urban II. Odo, restored to the Earldom of Kent, forms a conspiracy, which failing, he is banished. 24 is 5 2 Rascelinus of Compeigne, the Scholastic King William siezes the revenues of the vacant livings of the clergy. Ingo I. 1 19 6 3 Conquest of Sicily completed by Roger de Hauteville. — Corbagat, Turkish general the King William forms a design upon Normandy. Good 2 '20 7 4 Prince Henry offended by Robert, surprises Mount St. Michael. — His brothers besiege him there. Ranulph Flambard 3 21 8 5 Peter the Hermit, the agitator of the Crusades Carlisle rebuilt as a barrier against the Scots. Hugh de Montlheri, minister to Philip I. 4 22 9 6 7 S A Northern Portugal, Lisbon, Santarem, and Cintra wrested from the Saracens by Alphonso VI. 5 23 10 Sigebert of Brabant, historian The Saracens call in Yussef ben Taxfin from Africa, who "3 obtains all Mahomedan Spain. ricIII. 6 24 11 8 § Robert de Mowbray conspires against King William, but le Good l> fails, and is confined thirty years. 7 25 12 9 — 2 o The 1st Crusade, Mar.— Duke Robert mortgages Norman- dy to King William to enable him to embark in it. Hugh Count de Vermandois, ob. 1102 8 26 13 io — a c Siege of Nice, June 20. — Battle of Doryla?um, July. — Order of Knights of St. John instituted. Raymond Count de Thou- louse, ob. 1105 9 27 14 11 tf Arius Polyhistor, ' Schedae Is- landicre,' History of Iceland, King William reduces Maine, which had revolted. — An- tioch besieged and taken, June 3. Boehmond Prince of Taren- tum 10 SW 15 1 Pascal II. Godfrey 1 born 1068 Siege of Jerusalem, June 7 — July 15. — Godfrey de Bouillon elected King, July 23. — Battle of Ascalon, Aug. 12. 11 2!) 16 2 of Bouillon King William killed by an arrow while hunting in the Baldwinl.l New Forest, Aug. 2, set. 43. ; A.D. 1051—1100 NON-REGAL STATES N° 42* DOGES 9 Donunico Conta- rini I. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1 Domenico Silvio 9 10 11 12 1 Yitale Micheli I. 3 Dukes H Signori (i, 25 Boniface II. 1 Frederic 1 Beatrice and 2 Godfrey the 3 Bearded 10 - 11 — . I 12 — a 13 Frede- 1 ric I. 14 2 17 5 18 6 19 7 20 8 21 9 1 Matilda 10 the 2 Great, 11 Countess 3 12 4 13 5 14 n Marquises of Montferrat 57 William I. 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 1 Boniface I. 24 31 1 William II. circ. Dukes g as of 5 « Robert Conan 12 II. 13 14 15 16 • 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 21 25 26 Hoel 1 V. 2 3 4 ■ 5 40 6 41 7 42 8 43 9 1 Hugh 10 I. 2 11 1 Eudes 13 I. 2 14 4 16 5 17 6 18 7 Alain 1 Fergent 8 the Red 2 2 Counts '=, J— I ■^ Dukes i4 16 Baidw. V. Frede- 4 ric V. 5 30 Godfrey 1 IV. 31 again 2 1 Baldwin 3 VI. the 2 Good 4 3 Godfrey 1 V.Bossu 1 Arnolph 2 III. 1 Robert I. 3 lc Frison - 4 6 Conrad 1 7 2 8 3 9 4 10 5 19 Godfrey 1 VI. of 20 Bouil. 2 Ion 21 22 1 Robert II. of 2 Jerusa- lem 3 4 5 7 King 11 of Jerusa- lem Counts j§ 3 S I ° f g 3 A ►-) 15 Albert III. Gilbert 33 16 34 17 35 18 36 19 37 20 38 21 Conrad 1 I. 22 — — 2 23 3 24 4 25 5 .6 6 27 7 28 8 29 9 30 10 31 11 32 12 33 13 34 14 35 15 36 16 37 17 38 18 39 19 40 20 41 21 42 22 43 23 44 24 45 25 46 26 47 27 48 eg 49 29 50 Henry 1 51 '- 2 52 3 53 4 54 5 55 6 56 7 57 8 58 9 59 10 60 William 1 61 2 Counts ^ 3 Florence I. Rechila 22 4 23 5 24 6 — 25 7 26 Thierry 32 V. 33 34 35 S6 37 38 39 40 Baldwin 1 II. of Jerusa- 2 lem 3 4 5 6 7 1 Florence 22 II. 2 the Fat 23 24 Dukes of Suabia. 5 Otho III. 6 7 1 Rodolph 2 . 3 4 1 Frederic I. de Buren 25 i 15 62 3 63 ■ 4 64 5 9 Baldwin 1 III. 10 2 Dukes of Bavaria 5 Conrad I. 1 Henry VI. 2 1 Conrad II. 1 Agnes empress 2 dowager 3 4 1 Otho 2 . 3 4 1 Guelph I. A.D. 1101—1150 CHRONOLOGICAL A 5814 5815 5816 5817 5818 5819 5820 5821 5822 GB93 5824 5825 5826 5827 5828 5829 5830 5831 5832 5833 5834 5835 5836 5837 5838 5839 5840 5841 5842 5843 5844 5845 £846 5847 5848 5849 5850 5851 6852 5853 E o a a c c < 1101 1102 1103 1104 1105 1106 1107 1108 1109 1110 1111 1112 1113 1114 1115 1116 1117 1118 1119 1120 1121 1122 1123 1124 1125 1126 1127 1128 1129 1130 1131 1132 1133 1134 1135 1136 1137 1138 1139 1140 5854 5855 5856 5857 5860 5861 1141 1142 1143 1144 1145 1146 1147 1148 1149 1150 Emperors of The East 21 Alexius I. Comnenus 22 26 — 27 — 28 — 29 — 30 — 1 John- Comnenus 2 KaXor Emperors of Germany 46 Henry IV. 47 49 50 1 Henry V. 2 3 4 5 16 17 18 19 1 Lothaire II. the 2 Saxon 3 4 1 Manuel I. Comnenus 2 9 10 11 12 13 Interreg, 1 Conrad III. Kings « E S K.and D.z; 7 Coloman I. Borzi- 2 8 voill. 3 5 6 7 Suato- 1 pluc Duke 2 Ladis- 1 las II. Duke 2 1 Stephen 6 II. the 2 Thunder. 7 bolt 3 8 12 Sobies- 1 las I. 13 Duke 2 1 Bela II. 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 15 10 Ladislas 1 III. 2d K. 1 Geisa II. 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 Poland. Kings, Dukes 21 Ladislas II. 1 Boleslas III. 2 Wry. mouth 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 1 Ladislas III. King 2 1 Boleslas IV. 2 le Frise Kings of France 42 Philip I. 43 44 45 46 47 48 1 Louis VL 2 le Gros 24 25 26 27 28 29 1 Louis VII. le 2 Jeune 3 4 Counts of Maurienne 30Humbert II. 31 32 33 34 35 36 1 Amadeus IL 2 Count of Savoy 3 KINGS IN SPAIN Castile Arragon Navarre Almorav. 8 Pedro I. 9 10 1 Alfonso I. 2 King of Arra- 3 gon 4 5 6 7 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 1 Humbert III. the 2 Saint 28 29 30 ■ 1 Garcia- Rami- 2 rez 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1 Sancho VI. SOAlfonsoVI. Pedro 8 1 I. 9 32 10 33 Alfonso 1 I. the 34 Warrior 2 35 3 36 4 37 5 1 Urraca 6 and 2 Alfonso 7 VII. SYussef ben 9 Taxfin 10 11 12 13 1 Ali ben Yussef 2 3 4 1 Alfonso 23 VIIL 2 Ray- 24 mond 3 25 9 Ramiro 1 II. the 10 Monk 2 11 3 12 Petronil. 1 la and 13 Raymond 2 Count of 14 Barce- 3 lona 15 4 Counts of Portugal 1 2 9 1 10 - 11 12 1 Tax- ■= fin g ben r* Ibra- j= him £ Anar- = chy £■ 8 Henry of 9 Burgun- dy 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 — C Abdel- 1 mumen — 2 1 Alfonso I. and 2 Theresa 4 5 6 1 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Alfonso alone 18 20 21 oo 23 24 25 26 27 28 takes the 29 regal title ISTORICAL TABLES N° 43 Kings of -g £ Kings | £ at 1 .s Z CO *% POPES LEARNING AND GENIUS MIDDLE AGES STATESMEN AND WARRIORS Eric III. Ingo 1. 12 the 13 Good Interreg.14 15 Nicholas 16 17 18 19 20 21 1 Roger II. Bald- 2 2 win 3 I. 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 3 Pascal II. Roger 17 4 Duke 18 of 5 Apulia 19 6 20 7 21 8 22 9 23 10 24 11 25 12 26 Ralph Flambard, Bishop of Durham, escapes to Normandy. 1st Crusade by land. Revolt and banishment of Robert de Belesme, Earl of Shrewsbury. Duke Robert visits King Henry, but is obliged to pur- chase his liberty to return. Baldwin, King of Jerusalem, defeats the Saracens and takes Ptolemais. Robert, in revenge for his brother's hostility, accepts the services of Flambard and Belesme. Battle of Tenechbray, Sept.28 ; Duke Robert sent prisoner to Cardiff' Castle for life. King Henry, now become master of all Normandy, returns to England. Battle of the Seven Counts. — Alphonso VI. defeated by the Saracens, under Ali, at Ucles, May 27. The Princess Matilda affianced to the Emperor Henry V. by proxy. Robert, King Henry's natural son, created Earl of Glou- cester. A-rchbishop Anselm, 1034—1109 22 Philip 1 2 3 4 5 6 Ingo 1 II. 2 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 16 16 17 17 18 18 Bald- 1 win 19 II. 2 20 3 13 William 1 11. 14 2 15 3 16 4 17 5 18 6 19 7 1 Gelasius 8 II. 1 Calixtus 9 II. 2 10 Peter Abelard, 1079—1142 Ernulph, Bp. of Rochester, ' Textus Roffensis,* ob. 1124 Pss. Anna Comnena, Greek historian King Henry settles a colony of Flemings in Wales. King Henry captures and executes Helie, Earl of Mans, the protector of William of Flanders. Fulke, Earl of Anjou, seizes the earldom of Mans, in right of his wife and against King Henry. Robert de Belesme falls into King Henry's hands, and is imprisoned in Wareham Castle for life. Peace is accepted by the Earl of Anjou, and the interests of the Norman prince are abandoned. King Henry instigates the Earl of Blois against King Ixmis, and sends him a powerful force. Louis, with the aid of the Earl of Flanders, invests Wil- liam in possession of Normandy. War renewed in Normandy. — Queen Matilda dies, May 1. Order of Knights Templars begins. Battle of Brenville, Henry defeats Louis, who receives homage for Normandy from Prince William. Prince William wrecked off* Barfleur on his return to England with the flower of the younger nobility. Second marriage of King Henry, with the Princess Adelaide of Lovain, Feb. 2. Malta taken by Roger King of Sicily. — Investiture by ring and crosier abandoned by the Emperor. Waleran de Mellent aims to restore William of Flanders. IXth General Council of the Lateran, Mar. 18— Ap. 5. Waleran de Mellent and Amauri de Montfort are taken prisoners in a skirmish, Mar. 25. The Emperor Henry V., husband of Matilda, daughter of King Henry, dies, May 23. The Empress Matilda returns to England with King Henry, Sept. LI. The Empress Matilda marries Geoffrey Plantagenet, ast. 15, son of Fulke, Earl of Anjou, Aug. 26. William, now Earl of Flanders, is killed at the siege of Alost, July 27. Louis le Gros is induced by the death of the Earl of Flanders to return to peace. King Henry passes over to Normandy, and has an inter- view with Pope Innocent at Chartres. Anseau de Garlande, minister to Louis le Gros, ob. 1 1 18 Roger Bishop of Salisbury, ministerto Henry I.,ob. 1140 William de Garlande, minist. to Louis, 1120 4 6 8 9 10 11 Swerker 1 I. 21 4 22 5 23 6 24 7 25 8 26 9 27 Duke 10 of 28 Apulia 11 29 12 30 King of 13 Sicily 31 Fulke 1 32 2 33 3 34 4 35 5 36 6 37 7 38 8 39 9 40 10 3 1 4 12 5 13 IHonoriusH II. 2 15 3 16 4 a> I 6 g. 1 Innocent "< II. Eadmer, Abbot of St. Albans, ' HistoriaNovorum,'ob.ll24 Hildebert, Abp. of Tours, ob. 1134 Athelard of Bath, mathemat. Chancellor de Senlis, minister to Louis William de Poitiers, Duke of Aquitaine, ob. 1137 3 5 6 Eric IV. 7 ■larefoot 8 Eric V. 9 10 11 12 2 fa o N 4_ f 5 — i 6 SB 7 § St. Bernard, Abbot of Clair- vaux, 1091—1153 1/ Averroes of Cordova, com- mentator on Aristotle, ob. cir. 1206 Alured of Beverley,' Eng. hist. to 1129,' born 1109 William of Malmsbury, ' De Regibus Anglorum,' ob.1143 The Barons swear fealty to the Empress Matilda. — Amalfi surrenders to the Normans. London reduced by fire nearly to ashes. Prince Henry born.— The oath of succession renewed, and the Prince included in it. Robert Duke of Normandy dies in Cardiff Castle, after a captivity of 28 years. King Henry I. dies, Dec. 2, set. 67.— Robert Earl of Glou- cester swears fealty to King Stephen. King Stephen produces the Pope's letter of succession to the Barons.— The Empress Matilda invades Normandy. David King of Scots marches to Durham, but peace ensues.— The Welsh rebel with impunity. Battle of the Standard, Aug. 22.— Robert Earl of Glou- cester takes to arms for his sister Matilda. Defeat of the Saracens, at Campo Ouriquez, by Count Alphonso.— Xth General Council of the Lateran, Ap. 20. Battle of Wimsberg.— War cry of the Guelphs and Ghi- belines, Dec. 21. Stephen de Garlande, minister to Louis William of Ypres, minister to Stephen Abbe Suger, minister to Louis le Jeune, ob. 1152 Empress Maud, ob. set. 67, 1167 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 [III. Sweyn 19 Canute V. 20 21 Eric X. 1 41 11 42 12 43 13 44 Bald- 1 win 45 III. 2 46 3 47 4 48 5 49 6 50 7 12 13 1 Celestine II. 1 Lucius II. 1 Eugenius III. 2 3 ■ 4 5 6 . Peter Lombard, Bp. of Paris, ' Master of the Sentences,' ' Sententiarum, lib. IV.' ob. 1164 Ordericus Vitalis, ' Historia Ecclesia?,' ob. 1143 Otho Freisingensis, hist.'Chro- nicle to 1146,' ob. 1158 Arnold of Brescia, early re- former and martyr, ob. 1155 Humenus of Egypt, astron. Wernerus, civilian in Ger- many, ob. 1190 Battle of Lincoln ; captivity of the King, Feb. 2, who is exchanged for the Earl of Gloucester, Nov. 1. Matilda besieged in Oxford by Stephen, Sept. 26 ; escapes by night to Wallingford, Dec. 20. Stephen retires to Wilton ; but his quarters being beaten up by Gloucester, he escapes by night. The Empress Matilda's prospects decline, and King Stephen's party visibly increases. The contending parties occupied only by predatory war- fare. Robert Earl of Gloucester dies, Oct. 31.— Normandy sub- dued by the Earl of Anjou. The Ilnd Crusade under Conrad III. and Louis VII. The Empress Matilda retires to Normandy. The Christians, under Baldwin IV., besiege Damascus, but are obliged to raise it. Prince Henry receives knighthood from his uncle, the King of Scots, at Carlisle. Prince Henry, at the instance of Matilda, is invested with the dukedom of Normandy. Robert Earl of Gloucester, ob. 1146 Henry Bp. of Winchester, ob. 1171 LD. 1101—1150 NON-REGAL STATES N°43* DOGES OP VENICE 6 Vitale Micheli I. 1 Ordelafo Faliero 2 3 4 5 . 6 7 1 Domenico Micheli 1 Pietro Polani 1 Domenico Moro- sini Dukes H Signori ft. 26 Matilda Frede- 27 ric I. Guy-Sa- 1 linguerra 1 Ratbod 2 1 Conrad 2 Presidents and 3 Marquis 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 1 Rampret 14 President and 15 Marquis 1 Henry 16 of 2Bavaria, 17 Count 3 18 lUlderic 22 Marquis 2 23 9 30 10 31 11 32 12 Taurellol Marquises of Montferrat 2 William II. 3 23 24 25 26 1 Rinaldo 2 3 4 5 1 William III. 2 the Old 3 -g Dukes 9 5 S> ao of 2 3 H pa pa 24 Eudes I. Alain 18 1 Hughll. 19 the 2 Pacific 20 Conan 1 III. the Fat 2 3 5 7 40 1 Eudes 31 II. 32 33 34 35 Eudes, 1 Hoel VI.and2 Geof- frey 3 "S — .3 OS M E Dukes 4 9 Robert II. Henry 1 10 I. 2 14 Godfrey 1 VII. the 15 Great 2 1 Baldwin 6 VII. ala 2 Hache 7 1 Charles 14 the 2 Good 15 1 William 22 Cliton 1 Thierry Waleran 1 2 and 2 Godfrey 3 VII. 3 13 Godfrpy 1 VIII. 14 le Jeune 2 15 3 16 Godfrey 1 IX. the 17 Valiant 2 Counts a S of B 65 Albert III. William 6 66 I. 7 67 8 1 Godfrey 10 2 11 3 12 4 13 5 14 6 15 24 Conrad 1 II. 25 2 Henry 1 II. the Blind 2 1 Henry 4 II. 2 5 -3 Counts ~ Of c 11 Floren. II. Bald. 3 win 4 III. 5 30 Baldwin 1 IV. the 31 Builder 2 1 Thierry 3 VI. Dukes "5 o of 1 22 Frederic L 23 24 25 1 Frederic II. de c 2 Borgne ,o M 3 — a B 4 15 !* 5 c B N 6 OS* o 10 S u — 2 12 Conrad 1 V. 13 2 14 3 15 4 16 5 34 Conrad elected 35 emperor 36 Dukes g pa Electors « o§ 1 Frederic III. Bar. 2 barossa 1 Guelph II. 13 — 14 — 1 Henry VII. the 2 Black 1 Henry VIII. 2 the Proud 3 9 Albert 1 I. the 10 Boar 2 First 11 Elector 3 12 4 1 Leopold 5 of 2 Austria 6 1 Henry 9 IX. of 2 Austria 10 29 Magnus Thier- 32 30 ly II. 33 lLothaire37 2 38 3 39 4 40 5 41 42 43 44 45 Sigis. 1 mund 2 3 4 5 6 20Lothairell elected 21 emperor 12 1 Henry 22 the 2 Proud 23 of 3 Bavaria 24 [Lion 1 Henry the Matth- 1 2 ew I. 2 A.D. 1151—1200 CHRONOLOGICAL A 5864 5865 5866 5867 5868 5869 5870 5871 5872 5873 5874 5875 5876 5877 5878 5879 5880 5881 5882 5883 5884 5885 5886 5887 5888 5889 5890 5891 5892 5893 5894 5895 5896 5897 5898 5899 5900 5901 5902 5903 1151 1152 1153 1154 1155 1156 1157 1158 1159 1160 1161 1162 1163 1164 1165 1166 1167 1168 1169 1170 1171 1172 1173 1174 1175 1176 1177 1178 1179 1180 5904 5905 5906 5907 5908 5909 5910 5911 5912 1181 1182 1183 1184 1185 1186 1187 1188 1189 1190 1191 1192 1193 1194 1195 1196 1197 1198 1199 1200 Emperors of The East 9 Manuel I. Comnenus 10 1 Alexius II. Comnenus 1 Androni- cus I. 2 Comnenus 1 Isaac II. Angelus 2 1 Alexius III. 2 Angelus the Tyrant 3 Emperors of Germany 14 Conrad III. 1 Frederic I. Bar- 2 barossa 20 — 21 — 22 — 23 — 24 — 25 — 26 — 27 — 28 — 29 — [VI. 1 Henry Asper Interreg. 1 Philip of 2 Suabia £> Kings « | I KK.andD.js 11 Geisa II. Ladis- 12 12 las IV. 13 1 Stephen 22 III. 1 Bela III. Sobies. 1 2 las II. 2 Duke 3 3 5 Frederic 1 Duke 6 2 17 Conrad 1 II. Duke 18 Wences-1 las II. 19 Duke 2 20 Henry 1 Bretislas 21 Duke 2 22 3 1 Emeric Ladisl.IV.1 2 Premis- 1 las I. 3 the Vic. 2 torious 4 Third 3 King 5 4 Poland. Kings, Dukes 6 Boleslas IV. 16 17 18 ■ 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 1 Miecis. las III. 2 the Old 1 Casimir ' II. the 2 Just 15 16 17 1 Lesko V. the 2 White 3 4 5 6 7 Kings Counts of of France Savoy 15 Louis VIII. 16 17 4 Humbert III. 5 6 18 19 7 8 20 9 21 10 22 11 23 12 24 13 25 14 26 15 27 16 28 17 29 18 30 19 31 20 32 21 33 22 34 23 35 24 36 25 37 26 38 27 39 28 40 29 41 30 42 31 43 32 1 Philip II. 33 2 August. 34 3 35 4 36 5 37 6 7 8 38 39 40 9 1 Thomas 10 2 11 3 12 4 13 14 6 15 16 17 18 7 8 9 10 ■ KINGS IN SPAIN Castile Arragon Navarre Almohad. 2 Sancho VI. the 3 Wise c g"-3 &5 6 S- 7 |£ 8 Ferdi. 1 nand 9 II. 2 10 — 11 — 12 — 13 — 14 — 15 — 16 — 17 — 18 — 19 — 20 — 13 21 — 14 22 — 15 23 — 16 24 — 17 25 — 18 26 — 19 27 — 20 28 — 21 29 — 22 30 — 23 31 — 24 32 — 25 33 — 26 34 — 27 35 — 28 36 — 29 37 — 30 38 — 31 39 Alfon-1 so IX. 40—2 42 — 43 — 44 — 1 Sancho 7 VIl.the 2 Infirm 8 3—9 4 — 10 5 — 11 6 — 12 7 — 13 26Alfon.VIII Petro. 15 27 nilla 16 28 17 29 18 30 19 31 20 1 Sancho 21 III. 1 Alfonso 22 IX.the 2 Noble 23 3 24 4 25 5 Alfonso 1 II. the 6 Chaste 2 7 3 8 4 9 5 10 6 11 7 12 8 13 9 14 10 15 Petro- 11 nilla 16 ob. 12 17 13 18 14 19 15 20 16 21 17 22 18 23 19 24 20 25 21 26 22 27 23 28 24 29 25 30 26 31 27 32 28 33 29 34 30 35 31 36 32 37 33 38 34 39 Pedro 1 11. 40 2 41 3 42 4 43 5 3 Abdel- mumen 4 5 6 7 Kings of Portugal 13 14 1 Yussef ben 2 Yacub 3 4 5 6 7 19 20 21 1 Yacub ben 2 Yussef 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1 Mahom- ed Al- 2 nassar 40 Alfonso I. 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 70 71 72 73 1 Sancho I. 2 3 4 5 ■ 6 >TORICAL TABLES N° 44 Kings § i of 5 51 Roger II. Bald- 8 52 win 9 III. 53 — — 10 1 William 11 I. the 2 Wicked 12 9 Amau- 1 rus I. 10 2 1 William 5 II. the 2 Good 6 3 7 4 8 5 9 8 Baldwin 1 IV. 9 2 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 20 Baldwin 1 V. 21 Guy de 1 Lusig- 22 nan 2 1 Tancred 4 2 5 1 Frederic I. Amau- 1 2 rus de 2 Lusig- 3 nan 3 K. of 4 Cyprus 4 6 Eugenius III. 7 1 Anastatius IV. 1 Adrian IV. 1 Alexander III. 2 ■ 1 Lucius HI. 2 3 4 1 Urban III. [VIII. 1 Gregory 1 Clement 2 III. 1 Celestine III. 2 3 4 6 7 1 Innocent III. 2 LEARNING AND GENIUS GratianofClusium, 'Decretal' Geoffrey of Monmouth Messue of Cordova, physician Buono, architect of St. Mark's Tower at Venice Al Edrisius, Arabian geogra- pher Henry of Huntingdon, ' His- tory of England ' John Tzetzes of Constantino- ple, critic and grammarian, ob. post. 117ti Eustathius, commentator on Homer, ob. circa 1194 John of Salisbury, Bishop of Chartres, ' Polycraticon,' ob. 1182 Simeon of Durham, ' History of England, GUi — 1130,' ob — Maimonides of Cordova, ' Tal- mud abridged,' 1133—1205 Benjamin of Tudela, Asiatic traveller, ' Itinerary,' ob. 1173 Peter Comestor of Troyes, ob. 1198 William Fitzstephen, ' De- scription of London,' ob. 1 191 Absolom, Abp. of Lund, the friend of Saxo Grammaticus, 1128—1191 Peter of Blois, ' Epistolas,' ob. 1200 Sueno Agonis, historian of Denmark Giraldus Cambrensis, ' Itine- raram Cambriae,' ob. cir. 1220 Benedict, Abbot of Peterbo- rough, Hist, of England, 1170—1192, ob. 1193 Hugh Falcandus, Sicilian hist. Roger de Hoveden, historian William of Newburgh, hist, ob. 113G Abdollatiph, Persian historian ' Alsagar,' born 1167 Campanus of Lombardy, astro- nomer MIDDLE AGES Henry Duke of Normandy marries Eleanor, the divorced Queen of Louis VII. Henry is induced by the Earl of Chester to land in England to assert his mother's claim to the crown. ' Eustace dies. — Treaty of Winchester, Aug. 1«. — Henry named heir to the crown, which Stephen holds for lite. King Stephen dies, Oct. 25, aft. 49. — The Emperor Frede- ric Barbarossa enters Italy to subdue it, Oct. The Emperor Manuel reduces Apulia and Calabria. — Thomas a Becket made Lord Chancellor. Thirty years' peace between the Greeks and the Nor- mans in Sicily. Birth of Richard Cceur de Lion at Oxford. Treaty of Milan with the Emperor Frederic, Sept. 17. — Prince Geoffrey contracted to Constance of Bretagne. Double election to the Pontificate. — Milan placed under the ban of the Empire, Mar. 23. King Henry enforces the marriage of Prince Henry to Margaret of France, which leads to hostilities. Alexander III. mediates between Henry and Louis, who each take the bridle to conduct his holiness to his home. Thomas a Becket consecrated to the see of Canterbury, Mav 31. — He resigns the great seal. The King is resolved to enforce ' the Constitutions of Clarendon ' on the clergy. Council of Clarendon, Jan. 25. — Becket signs, but refuses to seal. — He repents his assent to the King's demands. Becket finally rejects ' the Constitutions of Clarendon,' and becomes an exile at Pontigny. Becket, now at Sens, excommunicates the partisans of the Constitutions of Clarendon. Dermot King of Leinster solicits aid from and does homage to King Henry in Aquitaine. Frederic Barbarossa retreats precipitately over Mount Cenis. — Peace between Dermot a d Roderic in Ireland. Eai 1 Strongbow and his companions land in Ireland. — Conquest of Egypt by the Turks. Becket and Henry reconciled ; the King holds the stirrup of theprelate, July22. — Assassination of Becket, Dec. 29. King Henry lands at Waterford, and winters in Dublin. Reign of Saladin, 1171—1193. The coronation of Pri; ce Henry is repeated to include his consort, and to appease King Louis, Aug. 27. King Henry is deserted by Queen Eleanor and his three sons, who are defeated by the King. Open rebellion of the Princes. — The King does penance at Becket's tomb. — The King's sons surrender. The circuits and itinerant judges or ' barons errant ' in- stituted. — Siege of Alexandria*raised. Frederic Barbarossa totally defeated at Lignano, May 29. The ' Constitutions ' are now in favour of the Clergy. Saladin defeated before Jerusalem. — Six years' truce be- tween Frederic and the Guelphic cities. King Henry, on his return from Normandy, repeats his devotions at the tomb of Becket. Xlth General Council, of the Lateran, Mar. 5— 19.— The right of election by the Cardinals established. Ranulph de Glanville, Chief Justice of England, digests the civil law about this time. King Henry is much embarrassed at the wild ambition and separate views of his sons. Prince Henry demands Normandy. — The King aims at security by inciting dissensions between the Princes. Prince Henry dies, June 11. — Peace of Constance, June 25. Massacre of the Latins at Constantinople. Diet of Mentz ; definition of the Electoral function of the Duke of Saxony, Count Palatine of the Rhine, King of Bohemia, and the Margrave of Brandenburg as arch- marshal, arch-steward, arch-cupbearer, and arch-cham- berlain of the Empire. • P. Geoffrey dies, Aug. 19. — The states swear to Arthur. Jerusalem taken by Saladin, Oct. 2. — Guy de Lusignan falls into the hands of the Infidels. The Illrd Crusade by sea under Frederic Barbarossa. 'Prince Richard joins King Philip, Nov. 18. King Henry consents to peace, and dies at Chinon, July 6, an. 57.— Siege of Acre, 1189— 1191.— Illrd Crusade. King Richard and King Philip meet at Vezelai, July 1, and part at Lyons, July 31, on their way to Palestine. King Richard insults Leopold of Austria at the siege of Acre.— He defeats Saladin at Jaffa. Austria deserts. — Richard is driven by storm upon his dominions, and is sold and sent to the Emperor Henry. Prince John resorts to bribery to prolong King Richard's captivity. — Death of Saladin, Mar. 4. King Richard returns to England, May 13, and makes war upon France. — Sicily subdued by Henry VI. Alfonso King of Castile defeated by Yacub ben Yussef, on the plain of Alarcos, July 19. King Richard is defeated in Normandy, but captures the military Bishop of Beauvais. Cessation of hostilities between King Richard and Philip Augustus. — The Emperor Henry VI. dies, Sept. 28. Fulke of Neuilly preaches the IVth Crusade, which is embraced by the Barons of France. King Richard is mortally wounded by Bertram de Guer- don, Mar. 26, set. 41. — Anjou. &c, declare for Arthur. Peace with France. — King Philip sacrifices the interests of Arthur, and acknowledges the succession of K. John STATESMEN AND WARRIORS Robert Count de Dreux, ob. 1183 Earl Eustace, son of K. Ste- phen, ob. 1153 Robert Earl of Leicester Thomas a Becket, 1119—1170 Saladin, Sultan of Egypt, 1137—1193 Prince Henry, ob. set. 20, 1183 Roderick King of Connaught Richard Strongbow, Earl of Pembroke, ob. 1176 Thibault, Count de Blois, min. to Louis VII., ob. 1191 Humphrey Bohun, High Con- stable of England Ranulph de Glanville, lawyer and warrior, ob. 1190 Baldwin Abp. of Canterbury, ob. 1193 Longchamp, Bp. of Ely, ob. 1197 William of Blois, regent of France, ob. 1202 Geoffrey Fitz Peter, justiciary \.D. 1151—1200 NON-REGAL STATES N°44* DOGES OF VENICE 4 Dornenico Moro- siui 1 Vitale Micheli II. 2 3 4 5 16 17 1 Sebastiano Ziani 2 3 5 6 1 Orio Mastropiero 3 4 6 ■ . 7 ■ 8 9 10 11 ■ 12 ■ • 1 Enrico Dandolo 2 Signori [i. Ulderic 'i'aurello 2 Guelph 4 5 6 8 10 11 [Marq. 1 Philip Salingu- 1 2 erra II. 2 3 3 —Philip 4 elected emperor. 5 Florence a Republic 6 1208-1531 Marquises of Montferrat 12 William 13 1 Conrad 3 o a ^ « 1 Boniface .SP II. Of « M H 10 Eudes II. Eudes 4 Hoel, S etc. 6 Conan 1 IV. le Pettit 2 3 4 20 6 lHugh III. 7 10 Geoffrey 1 II. 30 — 31 1 Eudes III. Arthur 1 and Con- stance 2 Counts « a I Dukes £| Tnierry Godfrey 9 IX. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1 Philip 26 of 2 Alsace 27 39 40 41 42 43 . 44 45 46 47 Henry 1 II. 1 Margaret 2 I. and 2 Baldwin 3 VIII. 3 4 1 Baldwin 5 IX. of 2Constan. 6 tinople 3 7 Counts J> I of 5 13 Henry II. Henry 16 II. 17 - 60 [Marquis 1 Philip I. Ermen- 1 2 sind and 2 Theobald 3 3 •a Counts a c a £ of § o "Si m — w 30 Thierry VI. Bald- 32 31 win 33 IV. 32 34 33 35 34 36 35 37 1 Florence 38 III. 2 39 3 40 4 41 5 42 6 43 7 44 8 45 9 46 10 47 11 48 12 49 13 50 14 51 15 Baldwin 1 V. the 16 Valiant 2 17 3 18 4 19 5 20 6 21 7 22 8 3 9 24 10 25 11 26 12 27 13 28 14 29 15 30 16 31 17 32 18 33 ■ 19 1 Thierry 20 VII. 8 21 3 22 4 23 5 24 6 Baldwin 1 VI. 7 2 8 3- 9 4 10 5 11 6 1 Dukes c Electors pq 5Fredrc.III. Alb. I. 18 1 Frede- 19 ric IV. 2 de Roth- 20 emburg 3 and 21 Duke 4 of 22 Franco- 5 nia 23 10 11 12 13 14 15 - - 33 — Interreg.34 35 1 Frederic 36 V. 2 Otho 1 I. 9 8 o io fi- ll 5 12 C 12 13 14 Otho 1 IL 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 Conrad 8 Duke of 2 Franco- 9 nia and 3 Suabia 10 4 11 5 12 1 Philip 13 2 14 3 elected 15 emperor 4 16 Dukes a n Electors fn 10 Henry IX. 11 | S «lc 12 «K * s 1 Hen. -25 X the §<* 2 Lion Q ° 3 Conrad 1 of 4 Suabia 2 First 5 Elector 3 1 Otho I. 25 the 2 Great 26 3 27 1 Louis I. 28 2 29 3 30 4 31 5 32 6 33 7 34 8 35 Dukes « 13 Henry Matth- 13 14 ewl. 14 33 34 35 36 37 Sigis- 1 inund II. 2 3 4 1 Bernard 5 III. 2 First 6 Elector 3 of 7 Saxony 4 9 36 12 10 37 13 14 Henry 1 of 15 Saxe 2 16 3 17 4 18 5 A.D. 1201—1250 CHRONOLOGICAL A 8 S o g Greek fc Emperors >. H Kings 2 of c W - 5914 1201 7 Alexius 4 Philip 6 Emeric 8 Lesko V. 22 Philip 14 Thomas 8San.VII 44 Alfon. IX. 3Mahom- 17 Sancho 3 Jo IIL of Premis- 5 August. Alfon-14 Pedro 6 ed Al- I. W 5915 1202 8 Angelus 5 Suabia 7 las II. 6 9 23 15 9 so IX. 15 K. of 45 IL 7 4 nassar 18 4 5916 1203 1 Isaac II. &c. again 6 S 7 10 24 16 10 Leon 16 46 8 5 19 5 - 5917 1204 ITheodorel. / 1 Ladislas 8 11 ■ 25 17 11 — 17 47 9 6 20 G - Bald- 1 II. 5918 1205 2 win 1. 2 8 1 Andrew 9 12 26 18 12 — 18 48 10 7 21 7 - 5919 1206 3 Henry 1 9 2 10 13 27 19 13 — 19 49 11 8 22 8 - 5920 1207 4 2 10 3 11 14 28 20 14 — 20 50 12 9 ■ 23 9 - 5921 1208 5 3 1 Otho IV. 4 12 15 29 21 15 — 21 51 13 10 24 10 - 5922 1209 6 4 2 5 13 16 30 22 16 — 22 52 14 11 25 11 - 5923 1210 7 5 3 6 14 17 31 23 17 — 23 53 15 12 26 12 - 5924 1211 8 6 4 7 15 18 32 ■ ■ 24 18 — 24 54 16 13 27 13 - 5925 1212 9 7 5 Frede- 1 ric II. 8 16 19 33 25 19 — 25 55 17 14 1 Alfonso II. 14 - 5926 1213 10 8 6 King 2 of 9 17 20 34 26 20 — 26 56 James 1 I. 1 Yussef Abu 2 the Fat 15 - 5927 1214 11 9 7 Sicily 3 10 18 21 35 27 21 — 27 1 Henry 2 2 Yacub 3 16 A 5928 1215 12 10 8 4 11 19 22 36 28 22 — 28 2 3 3 4 17 - 5929 1216 13 11 9 5 12 20 23 37 29 23 — 29 3 4 4 5 lHe II o _ 5930 1217 14 Peter del 10 6 IS 21 24 38 30 24 — 30 1 Ferdin- 5 5 6 . Courte- and III. 5931 1218 15 nay 2 1 7 14 22 25 39 31 25 — 31 2 the 6 Saint 6 7 3 - 5932 1219 16 3 8 15 23 26 40 32 26 — 32 3 7 7 8 4 - 5933 1220 17 4 9 lu 24 27 41 33 27 — 33 4 8 8 9 5 - 5934 1221 18 Robert del Courtenay 1 John 2 10 Frederic 17 25 28 42 34 28 — 34 5 9 9 10 6 - 5935 1222 11 IS 26 29 43 35 29 — 35 6 10 10 11 7 - Ducas 5936 1223 2 Vataces 3 12 19 27 30 1 Louis VIII. 36 30 — 36 7 11 11 [wahid 1 Sancho II. 8 - 5937 1224 3 4 13 20 28 31 2 the Lion 37 31 — 37 8 12 1 Abdel- 1 Aladel 2 Capellus 9 - 5938 1225 4 5 14 21 29 32 3 38 32 — 38 9 13 2 3 10 - 5939 1226 5 6 15 22 30 33 1 Louis IX. the 39 33 — 39 10 14 3 [mun 4 11 - 5940 1227 6 7 16 23 31 1 Boleslas V. the 2 Saint 40 34 — 40 11 15 1 Alma- lAbu Ali 5 12 - 5941 1228 7 Baldwin 1 II. and 17 ■ 24 32 2 Chaste 3 41 35 — 41 12 16 2 6 13 - 5942 1229 8 John de 2 Brienne 18 25 33 3 4 42 36 — 42 37 - £ s 13 17 3 7 14 - 5943 1230 9 of 19 as Wences- 1 4 5 . ■ 43 14 succeeds 18 4 8 15 - Jerusa- las III. as 5944 1231 10 lem 4 20 27 le 2 Borgne 5 6 44 98 - * 15 King 19 of 5 ■ 9 16 - 5945 1232 11 5 21 _8 3 6 7 45 39 — a c 16 Leon 20 The Al- mohades 10 17 - 5946 1233 12 6 22 29 4 7 8 lAmadeus III. 40 - | 17 21 decline in Spain 11 18 - 5947 1234 13 7 23 30 5 8 9 2 lTheo-« bald ° 18 22 C4 12 19 - 5948 1235 14 8 24 IBela 9 10 3 2 I- B Count?. 19 23 ■ 13 20 - 5949 1236 15 9 25 2 7 10 11 4 3 de o Cham- 20 24 c 14 21 - 5950 1237 16 Bald- 10 win 26 3 8 11 12 ■ ■ 5 4 pagne 21 25 o 15 22 - 5951 1238 17 alone 11 27 4 9 12 13 6 5 22 26 1 Mahom- ed I. 1G . 23 - 5952 1239 18 12 28 5 10 13 14 7 6 23 27 2 17 24 - 5953 1240 19 13 29 6 11 14 15 8 7 24 28 3 18 25 - 5954 1241 20 14 30 7 12 15 16 9 8 ■ 25 29 4 19 ■ 26 - 5955 1242 21 15 31 8 13 16 17 10 9 26 ■ 30 5 20 27 - 59.36 1243 22 16 32 9 14 17 18 . 11 10 27 31 6 21 28 - 5957 1244 23 17 33 10 15 18 19 ■ 12 11 ■ 28 32 7 22 29 - 5958 1245 24 . 18 34 11 16 19 20 ■ 13 12 ■ ■ 29 33 8 — 23 SO - 5959 1246 25 19 35 12 17 20 21 14 ■ 13 • ■ 30 34 9 24 31 - 5960 1247 26 20 36 13 18 21 22 15 • 14 31 35 10 25 32 - 5961 1248 27 21 37 u 19 22 23 16 15 32 36 11 1 Alfonso III. 33 - 5962 1249 28 22 38 [IV. u 20 23 24 17 16 33 37 12 2 34 A d 5963 1250 29 23 1 Conrad 1 William 10 21 24 25 18 17 34 38 13 3 35 - STORICAL TABLES N°45 ngs of •§ ce Sicily 1 .- *** ~r S3 I of £ Q Ferrara t* 6 Azzo VI. Salingu- 7 7 erra II. 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 16 16 17 1 Aldov. 18 randini 2 I. 19 3 20 1 Azzo 21 VII. 2 ■ 22 3 23 4 24 5 25 6 26 7 27 8 28 9 29 10 30 11 31 12 32 13 33 14 34 15 35 16 36 17 37 18 38 19 39 20 40 21 41 22 42 23 43 24 44 25 45 26 46 27 47 28 48 29 49 30 Giacomo 1 31 2 32 3 33 4 34 5 35 6 36 7 Marquises of Montferrat 10 Boniface IL 11 1 William IV. 2 1 Boniface III. 2 the Giant •a Dukes g 5 M S> of 5 9 Eudes III. Arthur 6 10 7 11 Guy de 1 Tours, regent 2 9 10 Peter 1 Mau- clerc 2 lHugh IV. 2 20 John I. 1 the Red 21 2 £ Counts *. <5 = 5 Dukes pq 8 Baldw. IX. Henry 12 9 I. 13 10 14 11 Baldwin 15 Emp.of 12Constan-16 tinople 1 Jane and 17 Fcrdin- 2 and 18 3 19 4 20 5 21 6 22 7 23 8 24 9 25 10 26 11 27 12 28 13 29 14 30 15 31 16 32 17 33 18 34 19 35 20 36 21 37 22 38 23 39 24 40 25 41 26 42 27 43 28 Jane 44 alone 29 45 30 Henry 1 III. 31 2 32 3 33 4 34 5 35 6 36 7 37 8 38 9 IMargaretIO II. of 2Constan- 11 tinople 3 12 4 13 5 Henry 1 IV. 6 2 7 S Marqs. o a X 3 A Counts m 6 Philip I. Ermen- 6 7 sind 7 and 8 Theo- 8 bald - 9 1G Iti 1 Jolantha 17 and Peter 2 deCour- 18 ten ay 3 Ermen- 1 sind & 4 Wale- 2 ran 1 Philip II. 3 de Cour- 2 tenay. 4 (Peter 3 elected 5 emperor 4 of 6 Constan- 5 tinople 7 1216) [Court. 1 Henry del3 Henry 1 2 III.the2 Great 1 Margaret 3 de Cour. 2 tenay 4 1 Baldwin 12 de Cour. 2 tenay, 13 (elected 3 emp. of 14 Constan. 4 tinople 15 1228) ,q Counts S I of c 12Thier.VII. Bald- 7 13 win 8 VI. 1 William 9 L - 10 11 Jane 1 2 3 4 5 1 Florence 18 IV. 2 19 1 William 29 IL 2 30 11 Marga- 1 ret 2 12 13 14 15 16 17 elected emperor Dukes = m Electors pq 6Conrad III. Otho 18 7 II. 19 20 21 22 Albert 1 II. 2 1 Frederic 3 VI. 2 4 5 Frederic 7 crowned 6 emperor 8 1 Henry 14 II. 2 15 3 John I. 1 and Otho 2 III. 1 Conrad 15 IV. 2 16 9 10 11 12 13 14 - - 28 15 29 16 elected 20 emperor Dukes o pq Electors p. 19 Louis I. Henry 6 of 7 Saxe 45 Otho II. 1 the Illus- 46 trious 2 1 Otho II. 5 Elector 2 Palatine 6 5 Dukes _j 22 Bernd. III. Sig-s- 26 23 mund 27 II. 29 Ferri 1 I. Ferri 1 II. 32 6 1 Albert I. 7 2 Theobald 1 L 9 Matthew 1 IL 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 '25 2fi 87 2S 2!) 30 SI A.D. 1251—1300 CHRONOLOGICAL A 1 CL, 3 -> S o o 1 c < 5964 1251 5965 1252 5966 1253 5967 1254 5968 1255 5969 1256 5970 1257 5971 1258 5972 1259 5973 1260 5974 1261 5975 1262 5976 1263 5977 1264 5978 1265 5979 1266 5980 1267 5981 1268 5982 1269 5983 1270 5984 1271 5985 1272 5986 1273 5987 1274 5988 1275 5989 1276 5990 1277 5991 1278 5992 1279 5993 1280 5994 5995 1281 1282 5996 5997 5998 5999 6000 6001 6002 6003 6004 6005 6006 6007 6008 6009 6010 6011 6012 6013 1283 1284 1285 1286 1287 1288 1289 1290 1291 1292 1293 1294 1295 1296 1297 1298 1299 1300 Latin S 30 John Vat. Bald- 24 31 win 25 IL 32 26 33 27 1 Theo- 28 dore 2 Lasca- 29 1 John 32 Lascaris 1 Michael 33 VIII. 2 Palaeo- O logus % 22 1 Androni. cus II. 2 Palaeolo- gus the 3 Elder Emperors of Germany 10 11 12 13 | 14 • | 15 — 1 16 S o 17 S 18 Othmanl 19 2 2 William of 3 Holland 4 5 6 — Interreg. 1 Richard of Cornwall Richard ob 1 Rodolph of 2 Haps- burg 3 4 5 6 t? Kings 5 % Of 8 17BelaIV. Wences-22 18 las III. 23 19 Premis- 1 las II. 20 theVic-2 torious 3 1 Stephen 18 IV. 1 Ladislas 20 III. 2 21 7 Wences- 1 las IV. 8 2 — Interreg. lAdolph. of 2 Nassau 3 4 5 6 1 Albert I. of 2 Austria Poland. Kings, Dukes 25 Boleslas V. 26 27 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 1 Lesko VI. the 2 Black 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 — Interreg. Kings of France 26LouisIX. 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 1 Philip III. the 2 Hardy 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 III. the 2Venetian 14 3 15 4 16 5 17 G 18 7 19 8 20 9 21 10 22 1 Charo- bert 23 1 Premis- las, king 1 Ladislas IV. the 2 Short 3 4 , lWences- 1 as, king 12 13 14 15 1 Philip IV. the 2 Fair 3 4 5 6 Counts of Savoy 19Amadeus III. 20 1 Boniface- Rolando 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 Peter le Petit 2 Charle- magne 3 4 5 1 Philip I. 2 3 14 15 16 17 1 Amadeus IV. the 2 Great 3 5 6 KINGS IN SPAIN Castile Arragon Navarre Granada 18 Theo- bald I. 19 1 Theo- bald II. 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1 Henry I. Crassus 3 4 1 Joanna 2 3 4 5 6 7 35Fernd. III. Jas. 1.39 1 Alfonso 40 X.the 2 Wise 41 14Mahom- ed I. 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 9 10 11 12 marries Philip 13 the Fair 14 15 16 17 59 60 61 62 63 Pedro 1 IIL 2 3 4 5 lSanchoIV9 the Great 2 Alfonso 1 III. the 3 Benefi- 2 cent 4 3 James 1 II. the Just 2 1 Ferdin- and IV. 34 35 1 Mahom- ed II. 2 3 4 5 6 7 Kings of Portugal 4 Alfonso iir 5 36 He Al 37 dc 6 38 - 7 39 - 8 40 - 9 41 - 10 42 - 11 43 - 12 44 - 13 45 - 14 46 - 15 47 - 16 48 - 17 49 - 18 50 - 19 51 - 20 52 - 21 53 - 22 54 - 23 55 - 24 56 - 25 lEd 26 2 - 27 3 - 28 4 - 29 5 - 30 6 - 31 7 - 1 Dionysi- usthe 2 Liberal 8 - 9 - 3 10 - 4 11 - 5 12 - 6 13 - 7 14 - 8 15 B 9 16 - 10 17 - 11 18 - 12 19 Ir 13 20 - 14 21 15 22 - 16 23 - 17 24 - 18 25 Ii 19 26 - 20 27 - 21 28 - 22 29 - STORICAL TABLES N° 46 Kings of Sicily 2 Conrad I. 3 4 1 Conrad II. or 2 Conradin 3 4 1 Manfred 2 3 1 Charles I. of Anjou 2 111 I2 55 S 1S.S •a 14" a 15 5 16£- — + if* Pedro 1 I. the 18 Great 2 K. of 19 Arra. 3 gon 1 Charles II. James 1 2£ — 2 3 | — 3 4s| — 4 M T3 5fiT — S 12 Frederic 1 II. 13 2 14 3 15 4 16 5 POPES 9 Innocent IV. 10 1 Alexander IV. 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 Urban IV. 3 4 1 Clement IV. 2 3 4 — Vacant 1 Gregory X. 2 5 [V. 1 Innocent 1 Adrian V. 1 John XX. 1 Nicholas 2 III. 1 Martin IV. 2 3 4 1 Honorius IV. 2 1 Nicholas IV. 2 ICelestineV. 1 Boniface 2 VIII. LEARNING AND GENIUS St. Thomas d' Aquinas, ' Sum- ma Theologias,' 1224 — 1274 Cardinal Bonaventure, the ' Seraphic Doctor,' 1221—1274 John de Joinville, ' Memoirs of St Louis' Albertus Magnus, occult phi- losoph. 1205—1280 Roger Bacon, ' Opus Majus,' 1214—1292 Robert de Sorbonne, founder of the College, 1201—1274 Walter de Merton, Bp. of Ro- chester, founder of Merton College, ob. 1277 Giovanni Cimabue, the reviver of painting in Italy, 1240—1300 Durandus, Bishop of Mende, ' Speculator,' ob. 1296 Henry of Ghent, the 'Scho- lastic,' ob. aet. 76, 1293 Raymond Lully, philosoph. ob. aet. 80, 1315 Peter Langtoft, ' English Chronicle ' Jacobus de Voragine, ' Golden Legend,' ob. 1298 Arnolf di Lapo, Italian archi- tect, 1232—1300 Albertet, Provencal poet and mathematician John Duns Scotus, the ' most Subtile Doctor,' ob. aet. 43, 1308 Marco Polo, the Venetian tra- . veller Thebit, Arabian astronomer Nicholas Trivet, hist. ' An. nales Regum Anglia?,' ob. 1328 MIDDLE AGES The Mayor of London now first sworn before the Barons of the Exchequer. The King fails in obtaining the tenth of the revenues of the Clergy in aid of the Crusades. The astronomical tables of Alfonso X., King of Castile, composed about this time. The Pope offers the Crown of Sicily to King Henry for Prince Edmund, which is declined. King Henry extorts 18,000 marks from the Jews, who beg to leave the kingdom. King Henry sends ambassadors to Louis to demand Nor- mandy, but fails. Richard Earl of Cornwall crowned King of the Romans at Aix-la-Chapelle, May 17. ' The Provisions of Oxford,' enacted by the Barons. — Fall of Bagdad, and end of the Arabian Caliphat. Richard King of the Romans, landing at Dover, is com- pel. ed to swear to ' The Provisions.' Battle of Arbia, Sept. 4. — The Ghibellines enter Florence, and take the oath to Manfred. - Constantinople recovered by the Greeks, July 25. — Michael Palaeologus banishes Theodore Lascaris. The Barons abandon most of 'The Provisions.' — King Henry resumes the royal authority. Alternate ascendancy of each party, who propose an award to Louis of France. Battle of Lewes, May 13. — Montfort summons ' The Commons' to Parliament in the King's name. Prince Edward escapes to the Earl of Gloucester. — Battle of Evesham, Montfort, Earl of Leicester, killed, Aug. 4. Battle of Grandella, Manfred defeated by Charles of An- jou, who subdues the Sicilies, Feb. 26. The Earl of Gloucester breaks with the King, but peace ensues. — Ely surrenders, and the Barons' wars end. Battle of Tagliocozzo, Charges of Anjou defeats Conradin, Aug. 23, who is beheaded, Oct. 29. Parliament grants a twentieth part of all movables for the Crusade to the Holy Land. Prince Edward sails for Palestine with Louis IX. who dies at Tunis, Aug. 25. Prince Edward relieves Acre, and takes Nazareth. — He is wounded by an assassin, whom he fells. King Henry dies, Nov. 16, aet. 66. — Conquest of Anatolia by the Moguls. Commencement of the Austrian dynasty. XlVth General Council, of Lyons, May 7 — July 17. Insti- tution of the Conclave at Rome. — K. Edward lands July. Llewellyn Prince of Wales refuses homage, and seizes Rhudlan and other castles. King Edward refuses to release Lady Eleanor de Montfort, who was taken on her way to Llewellyn in Wales. Napoleon della Torre captured at Desio by Otho Arch- bishop of Milan, Jan. 21. K. Edward releases Lady Eleanor, who marries Llewellyn. Battle of Marchfield, Ottocar defeated by Rodolph. Conquest of Southern China by the Moguls. — King Ed- ward resigns Normandy. — Statute of Mortmain. The Emperor Michael Palasologus instigates the revolt of Sicily. The Princess of Wales dying, Llewellyn takes up arms and defeats King Edward's forces. Llewellyn slain.— The Sicilian Vespers, Mar. 30. — The Crown of Sicily transferred to Peter of Arragon. David Prince of Wales is taken and executed at Shrews- bury. — Wales is united to England. Edward Prince of Wales born at Caernarvon, Apr. 25. — Charles of Anjou defeated by Roger de Loria, Oct. 2. Alexander King of Scotland killed by a fall from his horse, Margaret ' the Maid of Norway ' succeeds. King Edward throws all the Jews into prison till they have paid £12,000, and then banishes them. John de Kirkby, the treasurer, summons a Parliament, and demands an aid for the King, which is refused. The Judges being found guilty of bribery are severely fined, and their estates confiscated. Marriage contract— P. Edward and Margaret of Scotland. The young Queen dies on her return from Norway. King Edward is acknowledged as Lord of Scotland by all claimants. — Loss of Acre and the Holy Land. King Edward declares John Baliol King of Scotland, who does homage to him at Newcastle. Baliol, being cited before the Court of Edward, temporizes till war ensues. Edward, being tricked by Philip the Fair out of Guienne, renounces his homage. — He finally subdues Wales. Baliol leagues with France, and is prevented by his Barons from obeying the summons of Edward. Baliol is defeated by Edward, and abdicates, July 2.— The parties of the Neri and the Bianchi at Florence begin. The English are defeated by Wallace and Moray at Cam- buskenneth, and are driven out of Scotland. Battle of Falkirk, July 22.— Battle of Spires, by Albert of Austria, the Emperor Adolphus killed, July 2. Bruce, Comyn, and Lamberton, acting as regents, refer the struggle for Scottish independence to the Pope. Pope Boniface insists that Scotland is held of the Holy See. — Institution of the Jubilee, or Holy Year. STATESMEN AND WARRIORS Peter de Villebeon, minister to Louis the Saint, ob. 1270 Richard Earl of Gloucester, ob. 12G2 Richard Earl of Cornwall, ob. 1270 Gilbert Earl of Gloucester, ob. 1295 Stephen Boileau Peter de la Brosse, minister to Philip le Hardi Waiter GifTard, Al p. of York, minister to Edward, ob. 1279 Matthew de Vendome, minis- ter to Philip le Hardi, ob. 1286 Llewellyn Prince of Wales, ob. 1282 Roger de Loria, admiral, ob. post 1287 John de Procida, minister to Peter King of Arragon Turgel, regent of Sweden Adomar de Valence, Earl of Pembroke, ob. 1323 Roger de Brabazon, Justiciary of England Humphrey Bohun, Lord High Constable, ob. 1298 Roger Bigod, Earl of Norfolk, ob 1306 Sir William Wallace, ob. 1305 ./ A.D. 1251—1300 NON-REGAL STATES N° 46* DOGES OP VENICE 3 Marino Morosini 1 Ranieri Zeno :2 3 4 5 6 7 1 Lorenzo Tiepolo 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 Giacomo Contari- ni 2 3 4 1 Giovanni Dandolo 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 Pietro Gradenigo 2 10 199 U fOO 12 Signori o — 5 of I 3 Ferrara h 37 Azzo VII. Giaco- 8 mo 9 1 Obizzo 21 II. 2 22 3 23 4 24 5 25 6 26 7 Salingu. 1 erra III. 29 1 Azzo VIII. 2 3 4 5 6 7 Marquises of Montferrat 27 Boniface III. 29 jg 1 William o V. the c 2 Great .2 4 Martin 1 del la 5 Torre 2 12 Napoleon 1 delta 13 Torre 2 24 Otto Visconti 25 abp. of 2 Milan 26 3 27 4 1 John I. 16 the Just 2 . 17 4 Matthew 1 I. the 5 Great 2 ■g Dukes S § 60 M of 2 34 Hugh IV. John 15 L 16 1 Robert 36 II. 15 John II. 1 16 2 17 3 18 4 19 5 Counts .u. £ Dukes pq 8 Margt. II. Henry 4 III. 5 18 John I. 1 the Vic- 19 torious 2 1 Guy de 20 Dampi. 2 erre 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 33 15 John II. 1 the 16 Pacific 2 Marqs. Z Counts ,-3 15 Baldwin Henry 26 III. 27 1 Guyde 38 Dampi. 2 erre 39 46 47 48 49 Henry 1 IV. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Henry 1 V. 29 - 30 - 31 - 32 - 33 - 34 - 1 John I. 10 2 11 3 12 4 13 ^ Counts *• a 2 S3 0f 5 "o S X X 18 William II. Marga- h 19 ret 9 1 Florence 13 V. 2 14 25 John D' 1 Avennes 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 . 39 40 1 John I. 2 1 John a; £ II. 2.^8 a »»5 aa Electors pq 17 Conrad IV. John 31 18 and 32 Otho 19 33 1 Conrad 34 V.or 2 Conra. 35 din 3 36 37 41 42 43 44 45 John 1 II. 2 S 4 5 Otho 1 IV. Dukes pq Electors p. 21 Otho II. Otho 25 22 II. 26 1 Louis II. 1 the 2 Severe 2 Elector 3 of 3 Bavaria 4 and 4 Elector 5 Palatine 5 1 Louis III. Rodolph 1 2 Lie 2 Begue 3 3 Electors o c2 Dukes jj 40 Albert. I. Ferri 1 III. 2 1 Albert 10 II. 11 IS 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 a 29 30 - 41 - 42 ■ 43 - 44 • 45 - 46 8 47 1 Rodolph 48 2 49 3 50 A.D. 1301—1350 CHRONOLOGICAL A •6 B •fi o Fm 3 o c a < * Emprs.of g a S* H Ottoman pq Emperors of Germany it 1 w Kings .2 of i .c o pq Kings of Poland Kings of France Counts of Savoy KINGS Castile Navarre IN SPAIN Arragon Granada Kings of Portugal 23 Dionysi- -a Kir a & — 6014 1301 20Andro. III. 4 Albert I. 2 Charobert 2Wences- 17 Philip 17Amadeus 28 Joanna 7 Fernd. IV. 29 Mahom- 30-Edw Othman 3 Wences- 24 IV. IV. I. James 11 ed II. us the Intt 6015 1302 21 4 5 3 las IV. 25 3 18 18 29 8 II. 12 1 Mahom- ed III. 24 Liberal 31 — 6016 1303 22 5 6 4 26 4 19 19 30 9 13 2 25 32 — 6017 1304 23 6 7 5 27 1 Ladislas the Short 20 20 31 10 14 3 26 33 — 6018 1305 24 7 8 6 Wences- 1 lasV. 2 again 21 21 1 Louis Hutin 11 15 4 27 34 — 6019 1306 25 8 9 7 Henry 1 and 3 22 22 2 ■ — - 12 16 5 28 35 R( B 6020 1307 26 9 10 8 Rodolph2 of Haps- 3 4 ' 23 23 3 13 17 6 29 lEdw I 2 — 6021 1308 27 10 1 Henry 9 5 24 24 4 U 18 7 30 ■ VII. of burg 6022 1309 28 11 2 Luxem- burg 10 4 6 25 25 5 u 19 1 Alnas- sar 31 3 — 6023 1310 29 12 3 11 John of 1 Luxem- 7 26 26 6 16 20 2 32 4 — 6024 1311 30 13 4 12 burg 2 8 27 27 7 17 21 3 33 5 — 6025 1312 31 14 5 13 3 9 28 28 8 1 Alfonso 22 4 34 6 — 6026 1313 32 15 — Interreg. 14 4 10 29 29 9 2 23 1 Ismail I. 2 35 7 — 6027 1314 33 ■ 16 1 Louis ' 15 5 11 1 Louis X. 30 10 3 24 36 •8 — IV. of Hutin 6028 1315 34 17 2 Bavaria and 16 6 12 2 King of Navarre 31 11 [4d. 4 25 3 37 9 — 6029 1316 35 18 3 Frederic III. of 17 7 13 UohnI.4d 1 Philip 32 1 John I. 1 Philip 5 26 4 38 10 — 6030 1317 36 19 4 Austria rival 18 8 14 2 V. the Long 33 2 King of France 6 27 5 39 11 — 6031 1318 37 20 5 emperors 19 9 15 . 3 King of Navarre 34 3 7 28 6 40 12 — 6032 1319 38 21 6 eo 10 16 4 35 4 8 29 7 • 41 13 — 6033 1320 39 22 7 21 11 17 takes the 5 36 5 9 30 8 42 14 — 6034 1321 40 23 8 22 12 18 regal title 19 6 37 6 10 31 9 43 15 — 6035 1322 41 24 9 S3 13 1 Charles 38 1 Charles 11 32 10 44 16 — IV. I. 6036 1323 42 25 10 21 14 20 2 le Bel King of 1 Edward 2 King of France 12 33 11 45 17 — 6037 1324 43 26 11 25 15 21 3 Navarre 2 3 13 34 12 46 18 — 6038 1325 44 27 12 26 16 22 4 3 4 II 35 1 Mahom- ed IV. 1 Alfonso IV. the 19 — 6039 1326 45 Orchan 1 13 27 17 23 5 4 5 u 36 2 2 Brave 20 — 6040 1327 46 2 14 a 18 24 . 6 5 6 16 Alfonso 1 IV. 3 3 — -i lEdw I 6041 1328 47 3 15 29 19 25 1 Philip 6 1 Joanna II. and 17 2 4 4 2 — 6042 1329 48 4 16 :;o 20 26 2 Valois 1 Aimon the 2 Philip Count 18 3 5 5 3 E 6043 1330 49 5 17 Louis alone 31 21 27 3 2 Peace Maker 3 d'Ev- reux 19 4 6 6 4 B 6044 1331 50 — — 6 18 98 22 28 4 3 4 90 5 7 7 5 — 6045 1332 lAndroni- 7 cus III. 19 33 23 29 5 4 5 21 6 8 8 , 6 — 6046 1333 2 Palaeolo- 8 gus the 20 34 24 1 Casimir III. the 6 5 6 22 7 1 Yussef I. 9 7 — 6047 1334 3 Younger 9 21 35 25 2 Great 7 6 7 9 12 20 18 — 6058 1345 5 20 32 4 36 13 18 3 18 3f 10 13 21 19 — 6059 1346 6 21 33 5 Charles 1 elected 14 19 4 19 ss 11 14 22 20 — 6060 1347 1 John 22 Canta- 1 Charles IV. of 6 empe- 2 ror 15 20 5 20 36 12 15 23 21 — 6061 1348 2 cuzene 23 2 Luxem- burg 3 7 3 16 21 6 21 37 13 16 — 24 22- — 6062 1349 3 24 8 4 17 22 7 1 Charles II. 2 the Bad 38 14 17 25 23 — 6063 1350 4 25 4 n 5 18 1 John II. 8 1 Pedro 15 18 26 24 — the Good the Cruel [STORICAL TABLES N° 47 Kings a. of -5" 17 Charles II. Frede- 6 18 ric I. 7 19 8 20 9 21 10 22 11 23 12 24 13 1 Robert 14 the 2 Wise 15 3 16 4 17 5 18 6 19 7 20 8 21 9 22 10 23 11 24 12 25 13 26 14 27 15 28 16 29 17 SO 18 31 19 32 20 33 21 34 22 35 23 36 24 37 25 38 26 39 27 40 28 41 29 Pedro 1 II. 30 2 31 3 32 4 33 5 34 Louis 1 1 Joanna 2 I. 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 8 Boniface VIII. 9 1 Benedict XI. — Vacant 1 Clement V. 2 3 4 5 6 — Vacant 1 John XXII. 2 1 Benedict XII. 2 1 Clement VI. 2 LEARNING AND GENIUS Peter de Apono, ' Conciliator,' 1250—1315 Flavio Giola, improver of the mariner's compass ? Dante Alighieri, 1265—1321 Arnoldus de Villanova, * Per- scrutator,' 1238—1314 Giotto, ' the second reviver of painting in Italy,' 1276—1336 Durandus, Bishop of Anicium, ob. 1333 Nicholas de Lyra, Catholic Jew, ob. 1340 Abulfeda, Arabian geographer and historian, 1273—1331 John Brompton, ' Chronicon,' 588—1198, ob. — William Occam, ' Inceptor,' ob. 1347 Nicephorus Gregorias, Byzan- tine historian, ob. 1350 Barlaam, the Calabrian, ob. cir. 1348 Leontius Pilatus of Thessalo- nica, Greek preceptor to Pe- trarch and Boccacio Richard of Cirencester, ' De- scription of Britain,' ob. 1401 MIDDLE AGES Dante Alighieri is exiled from Florence with the Bian- chi faction, by Charles of Valois. The royal forests enacted to be perpetual, Feb. 14.— The mariner's compass supposed by some to be invented. King Edward eaters Scotland with a powerful army. — A treaty is concluded with John Comyn. Wallace is betrayed to S.r John Monteith. — Death of Cazan, May 31, and decline of the Moguls. King Edward consults Bruce, and plans the government of Scotland. — Wallace is executed. Robert Bruce kills Comyn", and is crowned at Scone, Mar. 29. — King Edward proceeds to Carlisle. King Edward I. dies, July 7, set. 67. — Piers Gaveston re- called, and created Earl of Cornwall. The Barons demand the banishment of Gaveston. — Inde- pendence of the Swiss Cantons established, Jan. 13. Gaveston is permitted to return by the Barons, whom he insults. — The Papal Court removed to Avignon. Twenty-eight bishops and barons are constituted ' Or- dainers,' to control the royal excesses. Royal assent to the ' Ordinances.' — Gaveston retires. — Institution of the Council of Ten at Venice. Gaveston beheaded at Warwick Castle. — XVth General Council, of Vienne, Oct. 16, 1311— May 6, 1312. The Barons and the King are reconciled. — The Scots take Edinburgh Castle. Battle of Bannockburn, and flight of Edward, June 24. — The Cardinals lire the Conclave, and separate. Edward Bruce, invited by the Irish chiefs, lands at Car- rickfergus, and burns Dundalk. Edward Bruce crowned King of Ireland — Robert Bruce passes over to his aid, but returns next year. The Irish chieftains justify their choice of Edward Bruce to Pope John, and desire his protection. Battle of Dundalk, Edward Bruce defeated by John Lord Birmingham, and slain, Oct. 5. The younger Despenser introduced at Court. — Truce for two years between England and Scotland. Scottish memorial to Pope John XXII. — The two Despen- sers wholly engross the King's favour. The Barons rebel. — The Despensers are banished. — King Edward takes to arms. — The Despensers are recalled. Battleof Muhldorf, Frederick III. taken prisoner by Louis of Bavaria Sept. 28. — Thomas Earl of Lancaster beh. Truce with Scotland for thirteen years. — Roger Mortimer escapes from the Tower of London to France. Charles le Bel invades Guienne. — Queen Isabel takes of- fence at the Despensers for controlling her revenue. Queen Isabel goes over to France, forms a connection with Mortimer, and is joined by the Prince of Wales. Queen Isabel lands an army. — The Despensers are taken and hanged. — The King is confined at Kenilworth. King Edward II. resigns the crown, Jan. 7, art. 43, and is murdered at Berkeley Castle, Sept. 21. Peace with Scotland. — King Edward III. resigns all claim of superiority over that kingdom. Edmund Earl of Kent beheaded for unfounded conspi- racy, Mar. 21. Battle of Mount-cassel, Aug. 23. — Mortimer is seized in Nottingham Castle, Oct. 19, and executed, Nov. 26. King Edward projects the conquest of Scotland. — The Knights of the Teutonic order settle in Prussia. Edward Baliol defeats the regent Mar, Aug. 11, is crowned at Scone, Sept. 24 : and is defeated by Moray, Dec. 16. Battle of Halidon Hill, July 19. — Surrender of Berwick, July 20.— Flight of K. David.— Edward Baliol restored. Baliol does homage to Edward ; but the Scots, resenting his concessions, drive him to England. Scotland desolated by Edward in reprisal. King Edward demands restitution from Philip of Valois of the several places detained from him. James Atteveldt, a brewer of Ghent, becomes an impor- tant ally to the King of England. King Edward lands at Antwerp, July 22. — He proceeds to Ghent, and enlarges the privileges of the town. King Edward and King Philip approach each other, in battle array, near Laon, but no action ensues. King Edward destroys the French fleet at Sluys. — King Philip advances, but declines the proffered battle. First passage of the Turks into Europe, 1341-7. — King Edward sends aid to the Count de Montfort, Sir W. Manny relieves Lady Montfort at Hennebon. — The Countess engages a French fleet. The legates interpose a truce, Jan. 19. — The Duke of Athens driven out of Florence, Aug. 3. ( The Earl of Derby relieves Auberoche, invested by the Count de Lisle. Andrew of Hungary assassinated at the instance of his wife, Joan Queen of Naples, Sept. 18. Edward lands at La Hogue. — Battles of Creci, Aug. 26 — of Nevil's Cross, Oct. 17. King David taken prisoner. Surrender of Calais, Aug. 4.— Cola di Rienzi effects a temporary revolution in Rome. War between the Genoese and John Cantacuzene. — Louis of Hungary conquers Naples. — The Order of the Garter instituted. 'The Plague of Florence ''depopulates all Europe. Philip of Valoi^, King of France, dies, and is succeeded by John Duke of Normandy. STATESMEN AND WARRIORS Langton, Bp. of Lichfield, ob. 1322 Sir Nicholas de Segrave, ob. 1321 Sir Ralph Hengham, L. C. J., ob. 1308 Enguerrand de Marigni, min- ister to Philip the Fair, ob. 1315 Piers Gaveston, William Tell, ob. 1312 ob. 1354 De Lacy, Earl of Lincoln, ob. 1312 James de Molay, Grand Tem- plar, ob. 1314 Thomas Earl of Lancaster, ob. 1322 Sir James Douglas, ob. 1330 Randulph Earl of Moray, ob. 1331 Charles de Valois, minister to Louis Hutin, ob. 1325 Hugh Despenser, the Elder, ob. a?t. 90, 1326 Gerard la Guette, minister to Philip the Long, ob. 1321 Hugh Despenser, the Young- er, ob. 1326 Peter Remi, minister to Charles IV. ob. 1328 Castruccio Castracani, 1281—1328 Stapleton, Bp. of Exeter, ob. 1327 Mortimer, Earl of March, ob. 1330 Sir William Trussel, ob. 1348 Constable Chatillon, ob. 1329 Robert d'Artois, ob. 1342 Richard de Bury, Bp. of Dur- ham, 1281—1345 James van Arteveldt, of Ghent, ob. 1346 Geoffrey d'Harcourt Henry Duke of Lancaster, ob. 1360 Charles de Blois Hatfield, Bp. of Durham, ob. 1381 Nicholas Rienzi, ob. 1354 Cardinal Albornos, the anta- gonist of Rienzi, ob. 1367 Charles de Montmorency, ge- neral to Philip VI. ob. 1381 D. 1301—1350 NON-REGAL STATES N 47' DOGES OF VENICE 13 Pietro Gradenigo 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 . 21 22 1 Marino Giorgi 1 Sorazo 2 1 Francesco Dando- lo 2 1 Bartolommeo Gra. denigo 2 1 Andrea Dandolo 2 3 6 7 Signori S i= ."i OI >* Q Ferrara H 9 AzzoVIII. Saling- 32 10 uerra 33 III. 11 12 13 14 15 1 Fulke 2 3 1 Rinaldo % Obizzo 2 2 III. and & Nicho- 3 3 las I. % 19 Rinaldo, ob. 20 24 28 Nicholas, ob. 29 . 30 31 32 33 34 Marquises of Montferrat 10 John II. the Just 11 12 ■ 13 — Interreg. 1 Theodore Paleolo. 2 gus 3 4 5 1 John II. Paleolo. 2 gus S Signori g 7 Matthew the Great 1 Galeas I. 2 g 3 — 1 a 4 S 5 J o 6 & 8 1 Azzo Louis 1 2 I. de 2 Gonza- 3 ga 3 1 Luchin 12 2 13 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 John 2 •o Dukes g 3 "• J of * 3 2 « P5 30 Robert II. John 16 31 II. 17 32 18 33 19 1 Hugh V. Arthur 1 2 II. 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 John III. 1 the Good 9 2 10 3 1 Eudes 4 IV. 2 5 3 6 4 7 5 8 6 9 7 10 8 11 9 12 10 13 11 14 12 15 13 16 14 17 15 18 16 19 17 20 18 21 19 22 20 23 21 24 22 25 23 26 24 27 25 28 26 29 27 Charles 1 de Blois 28 and 2 John de 29 Montfort3 30 4 31 Charles 5 alone 32 6 33 7 34 8 35 9 1 Philip 1. 10 S2 Counts *> h Dukes pq 22 Guy John 8 23 II. 9 1 Robert 12 III. 2 13 7 18 8 John III. 1 the Trium- 2 phant 3 1 Louis I. 11 de Crecy 2 - 20 21 22 23 24 1 Louis 2 Male 3 4 Marqs. .o S £ Counts i-l 5 John I. Henry 14 6 V. 15 12 elected 21 emperor 13 John 1 K.of 14 Bohe-2 mia 1 John II. 23 2 24 3 25 4 26 1 Guy II. 27 1 Philip 28 III. 1 William 29 I. the 2 Rich 30 9 37 10 Charles 1 11 elected 2 emperor 12 3 •3 Counts X Electors pq 3 John II. Otho 20 4 IV. 21 1 William 23 III. the 2 Good 24 6 Walde- 1 mar 7 2 Henry 1 le 17 Jeune Inter, reg. 20 Louis 1. 1 of 21 Bavaria 2 1 William 15 IV. 2 16 1 Marga- 23 ret 2 24 Dukes o pq Electors p. 8 Louis III. Rodolph 8 I. 21 Louis 21 elected 22 emperor 22 26 Adolph 1 the 27 Simple 2 34 Rodolph 1 II. the 35 Blind 2 36 3 37 4 48 49 50 51 52 53 1 Stephen 2 4 Electors 2 | Dukes $ 4 Rodolph Ferri 51 5 III. 52 7 Theobald 1 II. Ferri IV. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Raoul 1 ■ 2 3 14 15 16 17 ■ 18 John 1 I. 2 3 4 5 ■ A.D. 1351—1400 CHRONOLOGICAL 1 ■ 3 E o « o 1 < 2 Emprs.of g -^ Z Kings a ? 'e 2 ° f 1 3 ° X M Kings of Poland Kings of France Counts of Savoy KINGS IN SPAIN Castile Arragon Navarre Granada Kings of Portugal 6064 6065 1351 1352 5 John Cant. Orchan 26 6 27 5 Charles IV. 6 10 Louis I. Charles 6 11 I. 7 19 Casimir III. 2 John II. 9Amadeus VI. 10 3 Charles II. 4 the Bad 2 Pedro Pedro 16 3 IV. 17 19 Yussef I. 20 27 Alfonso IV. 6066 1353 7 28 7 12 ■ 8 21 4 11 5 4 18 21 29 6067 6068 6069 6070 6071 1354 1355 1356 1357 1358 8 29 15 John 30 Paia?o- 16 logus 31 restored 17 32 18 33 8 9 10 11 12 13 9 14 10 15 11 16 12 17 13 22 23 24 25 26 5 6 7 8 9 12 13 14 15 16 6 8 9 10 6 8 9 19 20 21 22 23 1 Mahom- edV. 3 4 ■ 5 30 31 1 Pedro I. the 2 Severe 6072 1359 19 34 13 18 ■ 14 27 10 17 11 10 24 1 Ismail II. 1 Abu- Said 3 6073 1360 20 Amu. 1 rath 14 19 15 28 11 18 12 11 25 4 6074 1361 21 I. 2 15 20 16 29 12 19 13 12 as 2 5 6075 6076 1362 1363 22 3 23 4 16 17 21 17 22 18 30 31 13 14 20 21 14 15 13 14 27 96 1 Mahom- ed V. 2 again 6 6077 1364 24 5 18 23 19 32 1 Charles V. 2 the Wise 22 16 15 29 3 8 6078 1365 25 6 19 24 20 33 23 17 16 80 4 9 6079 1366 26 7 20 25 21 34 3 24 18 17 SI 5 10 6080 6081 6082 1367 1368 1369 27 8 28 9 29 10 21 ■ 22 23 26 22 27 23 28 24 35 36 37 6 25 26 27 19 20 21 18 32 1 Henry 33 II. the 2 Bastard 34 6 7 — 8 1 Ferdin- and 2 3 6083 1370 30 11 24 29 Louis 25 elected 1 Louis King of 2 Hungary "i 28 22 3 88 9 4 6084 6085 1371 1372 31 12 32 13 26 30 King of 26 Poland 31 27 8 9 29 30 23 24 4 86 87 10 11 5 6086 1373 33 14 27 32 28 4 10 31 25 6 88 12 7 6087 1374 34 15 28 — 33 29 5 11 32 26 7 39 13 8 6088 1375 35 16 29 34 30 6 12 33 27 8 to 14 9 6089 1376 36 17 30 35 31 7 13 34 28 9 41 15 10 6090 1377 37 18 31 36 32 8 14 35 29. 10 «s 16 11 6091 6092 1378 1379 38 19 39 20 1 Wences- las 37 Wences-1 las 38 Empe- 2 10 15 16 36 37 30 31 11 1 John I. 4.; 44 17 18 12 13 6093 1380 40 21 3 39 3 11 1 Charles VI. the 38 32 2 tf 19 14 6094 1381 41 22 4 40 4 12 2 Beloved 39 33 3 46 20 15 6095 1382 42 23 5 1 Mary 5 — Interreg. 3 40 34 4 47 21 16 6096 6097 1383 1384 43 24 44 25 6 2 6 3 7 4 5 lAmadeus VII. 2 the Red 35 36 5 6 48 49 22 23 1 John I. the 2 Great 6098 6099 1385 1386 45 26 46 27 8 9 4 8 5 9 1 Hedwig and 2 Ladislas V. 3 Jagello 4 6 7 3 37 38 8 50 51 24 25 3 6100 6101 1387 1388 47 28 48 29 10 11 6 10 7 11 8 9 6 1 Charles III. the 2 Noble 9 John I. 1 10 2 26 27 5 6 6102 1389 49 Bajazet 1 I. 50 2 12 8 12 5 10 7 3 11 3 28 7 6103 1390 13 9 13 6 11 8 4 1 Henry III. 4 29 8 6104 6105 6106 1391 1392 1393 1 Manuel 3 II. 2 Palaso- 4 logus 3 5 14 15 16 10 14 1 Sigis- 15 mund 2 16 8 9 12 13 14 1 Amadeus VIII. the 2 Pacific Duke of 3 Savoy 5 6 7 3 4 5 6 7 1 Yussef II. 2 3 9 10 11 6107 1394 4 6 17 3 17 10 15 4 8 5 8 4 12 6108 1395 5 7 18 4 18 11 16 5 9 6 Martin 1 5 13 6109 6110 1396 1397 6 8 7 9 19 20 5 19 6 20 12 13 17 ■ 18 6 7 10 11 8 2 1 Mahom- ed VI. 2 14 15 6111 1398 8 10 21 7 21 14 19 8 12 9 4 3 16 6112 6113 i 1399 1400 9 11 10 12 22 1 Rupert- Palatine 8 22 9 23 15 Ladislas alone 16 20 21 10 13 14 10 11 6 4 5 17 18 rORICAL TABLES N° 48 Kings I of J? 9 Joanna I. Louis 10 10 11 13 Frederic 1 III. the 14 Simple 2 1 Charles 6 III. of 2 Durazzo 7 POPES 10 Clement VI. 1 Innocent VI. 2 LEARNING AND GENIUS Gregory XI. Urban VI. Clement 1 VII. 2 1 Boniface 12 IX. 2 13 Francis Petrarch, 1304—1374 Giovanni Boccaccio, ob. art. 62, 1375 Robertof Avesbury, ' Mirabilia Gesta. Edw. III.' ob. cir. 1350 Ralph Higden, ' Polychroni. con,' ob. post 1377 Mattli ew of Westminster, ' Flo- res Historiarum ' to 1307, Sir John Mandeville, ob. 1371 Jonn Wiclif, cir. 1324—1384 John Gower, ob. 1402 John Barbour, Scottish poet, ' The Kruce,' ob. 1395 John Froissart, ' Chronicle,' born 1337 John Fordun, ' Scoti-Chroni- con' Nicholas Flainel, alch. Haflz, Persian poet, ob. cir. 1389, Manuel Chrysolaras, Greek philologist, ob. art. 60, 1415 Geoffrey Chaucer, 1329—1400 MIDDLE AGES Battle in the Bosphorus between the Venetian and Ge- noese admirals Pisano and Doria, Feb. 13. Establishment of the Ottomans in Europe. — The Genoese defeated off Sardinia, Aug. 29. A third conflict takes place, in which the Venetian fleet is destroyed by Doria off the Morea, Nov. 3. Marino Faliero, Doge of Venice, denounced to the Coun- cil of Ten, and beheaded, Apr. 16. The Black Prince with his van falls in with the rear of King John at Maupertius. — Battle of Poitiers, Sept. 19. The Black Prince returns with King John and Prince Phi- lip as prisoners. — David King of Scots is released, Nov. 1. The states of France refuse to ratify a peace between the Kings. — The war of 'the Jacquerie ' in France. King Edward lays siege to Rheims, but is repulsed by the Archbishop and the inhabitants. King John and King Edward ratify the treaty of Bretigny in person at Calais, Oct. 24. — King John is set at liberty. King Edward sends commissioners to France to take pos- session of the places surrendered. King Edward erects Guienne into the Principality of Aquitaine in favour of the Black Prince. The Black Prince takes possession of his principality, and resides at Bourdeaux. King John returns to England, and dies, Apr. 8. — Battle of Auray, Charles de Blois killed, Sept. 29. Sir Henry Green, chief justice, fined and removed for extortion. Peter the Cruel, being expelled by Don Henry, prays as- sistance of the Black Prince at Bourdeaux. The Black Prince defeats Don Henry at Navarette. — All Castile submits, and Peter mocks his ally. King Charles violates the treaty of Bretigny. — The Gas- con lords refuse to pay taxes to the Black Prince. King Charles summons the Black Prince to Paris, and confiscates the English possessions in France. Aquitaine is declared forfeited. — -The Black Prince retakes Limoges.— Reign of Timour, 1370 — 1405. John of Gaunt. D. of Lancaster, weds Constance, daughter of Peter the Cruel, and assumes the regal style of Castile. The E. of Pembroke defeated and taken prisoner by the Castilian fleet, June 23. — Du Guesclin besieges Rochelle. John of Gaunt passes over to Calais, and marches through France without resistance. Truce between England and France. — King Edward wastes his treasury upon Alice Perrers, his mistress. Commissioners for peace (John Wiclif and others) meet at Bruges, but they only prolong the truce. Edward the Black Prince dies, June 8, art. 45. — Charles the Wise prepares to invade England. King Edward III. dies, June 21, art. 64.— Gregory XI. re- stores the pontifical court from Avignon to Rome. The schism in the papacy commences with the double election of Urban VI. and Clement VII. Montfort, Duke of Bretagne, delivers Brest to the English, in consideration of a grant in land. Surrender of the Genoese fleet to the Venetians at Chi- ozza.— Capitation tax imposed. Insurrection of Wat Tyler, who is killed by William Wal- worth while insulting the king in Smithfield. Battle of Rosebeque, the Flemings defeated by Charles VI. Expedition to Portugal by the Earl of Cambridge fails. Crusade of Spenser, Bishop of Norwich, in favour of the Flemings.— Conquest of Turkestan by Timour. John of Gaunt is accused of treason, but the parties are reconciled by the Princess of Wales. King Richard declares Roger Earl of March, grandson of Lionel Duke of Clarence, presumptive heir to the crown. John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster, proceeds to Spain. — The Earl of Suffolk impeached by the H. of Commons. De Vere, D. of Ireland, Abp. Nevil, and the E. of Suffolk, ' appealed ' of treason by the Duke of Gloucester. Chief justice Tresi.ian, Sir Nicholas Brember, and Sir Simon Burley executed.— Battle of Otterburn, Aug. 9. King Richard asserts his majority.— The Dukeof Glouces- ter is removed. — John of Gaunt returns to England. Restoration of the Greek language in Italy by Manuel Chrysolaras, 1390—1415. Death of the Emperor John Palaologus. The city of London refuse the King £1000, who annuls the charter, and restores it for £10,000. The Duke of Gloucester, about to embark for Ireland, is recalled.— Conquest of Persia by Timour. Anne of Bohemia, ' the good Queen Anne,' dies, June 7. King Richard proceeds to Ireland. King Richard returns to appease the troubles raised by the Lollards.— Twenty-eight years' truce with France. Battle of Nicopolis, and defeat of Sigismund by Bajazet, Sept. 28.— Conquest of Kipzak by Timour. The Duke of Gloucester seized at Pleshy in presence of the King, and carried off to Calais. Wager of battle between the Dukes of Hereford and Nor- folk interrupted by the King, and the Dukes banished. Henry of Bolingbroke lands at Ravenspur, July 4. — King Richard taken prisoner, and resigns the crown, Sept. 29. War of Timour against Bajazet, Sept. 1.— Timour invades Syria and sacks Aleppo. Nov. 11. STATESMEN AND WARRIORS Pierre de la Foret, minister to John II. ob. 1361 Albuquerque, minister to Pedro the Cruel, ob. 1354 Edward the Black Prince, 1330—1376 Sir John Chandos, ob. 1370 James Lord Audley, 1314—1386 Sir Robert Knollys, ob. 1407 John Agnello, Doge of Milan, ob. 1368 Hastings, Earl of Pembroke, ob. 1375 Constable du Guesclin, ob. art. 66, 1388 Cardinal la Grange, minister to Charles the Wise, ob. 1402 Boccanegra, Spanish admiral, ob. cir. 1396 Sir John Hawkwood, ob. 1394 John de Vienne, admiral to Charles the Wise Louis Duke of Anjou, ob. 1383 John of Gaunt, Duke of Lan- caster, ob. 1398 Richard Scrope, lord chancel- lor, ob. 1402 Robert de Hales, lord trea- surer, ob. 1381 Archbishop Courtney, 1341—1396 Philip van Arteveldt, Flemish general, ob. 1382 Vere, Duke of Ireland, ob. 1395 Michael de la Pole, Earl of Suffolk, ob. 1388 John de Montagu, minister to Charles VI. ob. M09 Henry Earl of Northumber- land, ob. 1406 William of Wykeham, Bishop of Winchester, ob. 1426 Henry Lord Percy, ' Hotspur,' ob. 1403 John de Montacute, Earl of Salisbury, ob. 1400 Scrope, Earl of Wiltshire, ob. 1399 Owen Glendour n D. 1351—1400 NON-REGAL STATES N°48* VENICE 9 Andrea Dandolo 10 11 1 Marino Faliero 1 Giovanni Grade- nigo 1 Giovanni Dolfin 3 — 4 — 5 — 1 Lorenzo Celsi 2 3 4 1 Marco Cornaro 2 1 Andrea Contarini 1 Michele Morosini 1 Antonio Veniero 2 1 Michele Steno Signori of Ferrara 35 0bizzoIII. 1 Aldovran- dini III. 1 Nicholas II. 2 3 4 5 6 7 22 Tomaso 1 Albizzi 23 24 25 "6 27 1 Albert 2 3 INicho- 12 las III. - 13 Marquises of Montferrat 14 John II. Paleologus 15 34 1 Otho 2 3 4 5 6 1 John III. 1 Theodore II. 2 3 4 5 6 7 g Signori ^ 3 John Louis 24 4 I. 25 1 Matt. II. 27 Bernarbo 2 and 28 Galeas 3 II. 29 4 (Matt.) 30 (ob. 1355) 5 31 — 32 Guy 1 Louis 1 II. 2 ■2 Dukes 2 I £ Counts ^ of 1 John. 10 Galeas 2 and 11 Bernarbo 3 12 5 Francis 1 I. 6 2 8 Bernarbo 4 ob. 9 5 10 6 11 7 12 8 13 9 18 John. 14 Galeas 19 created 15 Duke of 20 Milan 16 2 Philip I. Charles 11 3 deBloisl2 2 21 22 lPhilipII.23 the Hardy 2 JohnV. 1 the Valiant 2 37 John VI. 1 the Good 38 — — • 2 £ Dukes pq 6 Louis II. John 40 7 III. 41 8 42 9 43 10 Jane& 1 WenceS- 11 las of 2 Luxem- 12 burg 3 i Jane 29 alone -Flanders 30 united to Burgun. 31 dy 32 33 Marqs. s a ^5 Dukes J 15William I. diaries 6 16 7 17 Wences- 1 las I. 18 Duke 2 19 3 20 - 21 - 22 - 23 - 24 - 47 Wences- 1 las II. Empe- 2 ror 3 4 Jossus 1 le Barbu 2 1 William 4 II. 60 •a Counts c c J 1 1 3 2 X Electors pq 7 Margaret Louis I. 29 8 Louis II. 1 the 9 Roman 2 10 ■ ■ 3 11 4 1 William 5 V. the 2 Senseless 6 3 7 4 8 5 9 6 10 7 11 8 12 9 13 10 OthoV. 1 le Fain- 11 eant 2 12 3 13 4 14 . 5 15 6 16 7 17 8 18 Wences- 1 las of 19 Luxem. 2 burg 20 3 21 4 22 5 23 Sigis. 1 mund 24 of 2 Luxem. 25 burg 3 26 4 27 5 28 6 29 7 30 8 31 9 32 10 33 Jossus 1 1 Albert 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 Dukes o .5 | pq Electors p* 5 Stephen Rodolph 25 6 II. 26 7 Rupert 1 I I. the 8 Red 2 86 26 27 28 1 John I. the 2 Pa. ific 3 4 16 Rupert 1 II le 17 18 19 20 21 22 1 Ernest Petit 2 — 3 — 4 — 5 — 6 — 7 8 2 Rupert 1 III. 3 2 4 elected 3 emperor Electors a> rt S t» Dukes ^5 54 Rodolph I. John 6 55 L 7 1 Rodolph 11 II. 2 12 ■1 5 ti 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 - - 24 1 Wences- 25 las 2 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 S5 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 1 Rodolph 43 III. 2 44 4 Charles 1 I. the Hardy 2 A.D. 1401—1450 CHRONOLOGICAL 3 Sh a •-> 1 o c c < "S Emprs.of g c2 S P Ottoman £ Emperors of Germany £> Kings 2 % of 1 5 ° Kings of Poland Kings of France Dukes of Savoy KINGS IN SPAIN Castile Arragon Navarre Granada Kings of Portugal 9 a 1 6114 6115 1401 1402 UManuelll. Bajazet 13 12 Soliman 1 I. 13 2 2 Rupert Count 3 Palatine lOSigismund Wences-24 11 las VI. 25 17 Ladis- lasIV. 18 22 Charles VI. 23 HAmadeus VIII. 12 15 Charles III. the 16 Noble 12 Henry III. Martin 7 13 8 6 Mahom- ed VI. 7 19 John I. the 20 Great 3 4 6116 1403 4 12 26 19 24 13 17 14 9 8 21 5 6117 1404 14 3 5 13 27 20 25 14 18 15 10 9 22 fi 6118 1405 15 4 6 14 28 21 26 15 19 — — 16 11 10 23 7 6119 1406 16 5 7 15 29 22 27 16 20 1 John II. 12 11 24 8 6120 1407 17 6 8 16 30 23 28 17 21 2 13 12 25 9 6121 6122 1408 1409 18 7 19 8 9 10 17 31 18 32 24 25 29 30 18 19 22 23 3 14 4 15 1 Yussef III. 2 26 27 ID 11 6123 1410 20 Musa- 1 Chelebi 1 Jossus 1 Sigis- 2 mund 19 ■ 33 Sigismd. 20 elected 34 26 31 20 24 5 Interreg. 3 28 IS 6124 1411 21 2 27 32 21 25 6 4 29 13 6125 6126 6127 1412 1413 1414 22 3 23 Mahom-1 ed I. 24 2 3 4 21 35 22 36 23 37 28 29 30 33 34 35 22 P 24 26 27 28 7 Ferdin- 1 and the 8 Just 2 King of 9 Sicily 3 5 6 7 30 31 32 14 1 2 6128 1415 25 3 6 24 38 31 36 25 29 10 4 8 33 3 6129 6130 1416 1417 26 4 27 . 5 8 25 39 26 40 32 — 33 37 38 26 27 30 ■ 31 11 Alfonso 1 V. the 12 Wise 2 9 10 34 35 4 5 6131 1418 28 6 9 27 41 34 39 28 32 13 3 11 36 6 6132 6133 1419 1420 29 7 30 8 10 11 28 Sigis- 1 mund 29 Empe- 2 ror 35 36 40 41 29 30 33 34 14 4 15 5 12 13 37 38 7 8 6134 1421 31 Amurathl II. 32 2 33 3 34 4 12 30 3 37 42 31 35 16 6 14 39 6135 6136 6137 1422 1423 1424 13 14 15 31 4 32 5 33 6 38 39 40 1 Charles VII. the 2 Victori- ous 3 32 33 34 36 37 38 17 7 18 8 19 9 15 1 Mahom- ed VII. 2 40 41 , 42 1 2 3 6138 6139 1425 1426 1 John. 5 Paleolo- 2 gus II. 6 16 17 34 7 35 8 41 42 4 5 35 36 Uohnll. 2 20 10 21 11 3 4 43 44 4 5 6140 6141 1427 1428 3 7 4 8 18 19 36 9 37 10 43 44 6 37 38 3 4 22 12 23 13 1 Mahom- ed VIII. 2 45 46 7 6142 6143 1429 1430 5 9 6 10 20 21 . 38 11 39 12 45 46 8 9 39 40 5 6 24 14 25 15 1 Mahom- ed VII. 2 again 47 48 8 9 6144 1431 7 11 22 40 13 47 10 41 7 26 16 3 — 49 10 6145 6146 1432 1433 8 12 9 13 23 24 41 14 42 15 48 49 11 12 42 . 43 8 9 27 17 28 18 lYus. IV. lMahom- 2edVII. 50 1 Edward 11 IS 6147 1434 10 14 25 43 16 1 Ladislas VI. 2 13 44 10 29 19 3 2 13 6148 1435 11 15 26 44 17 14 45 11 30 20 4 3 14 6149 1436 12 16 27 45 18 3 15 46 12 31 21 5 4 15 6150 1437 13 17 28 1 Albert 1 King of 2 Bohemia 2 and 3 Emperor 3 1 LadislasIV T- Ladis- 1 22, lasV. 2 4 16 47 13 32 22 6 5 If] 6151 6152 6153 1438 1439 1440 14 18 15 19 16 20 1 Albert II. the 2 Grave Interreg. 1 Frederic IV. 5 6 7 succeeds asK. of 17 18 19 48 49 50 ■ ■ 14 15 16 33 23 34 24 35 25 7 8 9 1 Alfonso V.the 2 African 17 IS 19 6154 1441 17 21 2 8 Hungary 20 51 17 36 26 10 4 'JO 6155 1442 18 22 3 50 3° — 3 9 21 52 18 37 27 11 5 21 6156 1443 19 23 4 3 4P. — 4 10 22 53 19 38 28 12 6 22 6157 1444 20 24 5 — Interreg. 5 11 Interreg. 1 Casimir IV. 2 23 54 20 39 29 13 7 23 6158 6159 1445 1446 21 25 22 26 6 7 6 7 24 25 55 56 21 22 40 30 41 31 1 Mahom- ed IX. 2 8 9 24 25 6160 1447 23 27 8 8 3 26 57 23 42 32 3 10 26 6161 6162 1448 1449 lConstan-28 tineXIII. 2 Paleolo- 29 9 10 9 10 4 5 27 28 58 59 24 25 43 33 44 34 4 5 11 12 27 28 6163 1450 gus 3 30 11 11 6 29 60 26 45 35 6 — 13 29 rORICAL TABLES N° 49 Kings I. of to 24 Martin 1 senior 25 Interreg. 98 1 Joanna s II. of g. 2 Bourbon r> 1 Alfonso I. the Wise 2 King of Arragon 3 13 Bonif. IX. Benedict 8 14 XIII. 9 3 15 1 Alexan- 16 derV. 1 John 17 XXIII. 1 Eugene IV. 2 3 4 5 G 7 LEARNING AND GENIUS Leonard Aretine, 1370—1443 John Huss, Jerome of Prague, ob. 1416 Archbishop Chicheley, 1362—1443 John Hardyng, chronicler, 1378, post. 1465 Poggio Bracciolini, 1380—1459 Flavius Blondus, ob. aet. 75, 1463 Theodore Gaza, ob. set. 90, 1478 Francis Philelphus, 1398—1481 Andrew Wintoun, ob. cir. 1430 George Trebisond, 1395—1480 Enguerrand de Monstrelet, ob. 1453 George Gemistus Pletho, ob. at. 100, 1490 Laurentius Valla, 1406—1457 John Guttemburg, 1397—1468 1 NicholasV. 2 3 John Fust, ob. cir. 1466 Peter Schoeffer, ob. post. 1479 Sir John Fortescue John Wesselus, of Groningen, 1419—1489 Henry, the Scottish Minstrel William of Waynflete, Bp. of Winchester, ob. 1486 Georgius Peurbachius, 1423—1461 MIDDLE AGES Owen Glendour raises a rebellion in Wales. — Timour sacks Damascus, Jan. 23, and Bagdad, July 23. Battle of Anjora and defeat of Bajazet, July 28. — Battle of Homildon Hill, Sept. 14. Battle of Shrewsbury, Hotspur killed, July 21 ; the Earl of Northumberland submitting, is pardoned. The House of Commons petition the king to seize the temporalities of the clergy to pay his army. Owen Glendour's son defeated by Prince Henry. — Arch- bishop Scrope and Lord Mowbray suffer for conspiracy. Prince James of Scotland taken prisoner on his way to France ; the Duke of Albany made regent. The Duke of Orleans assassinated at the instance of the Duke of Burgundy, who avows it, and is pardoned. The Earl of Northumberland defeated and killed at Bramham Moor, by Sir Thomas Rokeby. Council of Pisa, March 25. — John Wickliffe's books con- demned at the University of Oxford. King Henry takes advantage of the war between the houses of Burgundy and Orleans. King Henry sends an army under the Earl of Arundel, in aid of the Duke of Burgundy. The Orleans faction detach King Henry from the Duke of Burgundy, and form an alliance. King Henry IV. dies Mar. 20, aet. 45.— The Orleans fac- tion gains the ascendancy at Paris. King Henry V. demands the crown of France. — XVIth General Council, of Constance, Nov. 16 — Apr. 22, 1418. John Huss condemned at Constance.— Battle of Agin- court, Oct. 25. — King Henry lands at Dover, Nov. 16. The French besiege Harfleur, but are defeated, and the place is relieved by the Duke of Bedford. King Henry lands in Normandy, and declines negotiation. Lord Cobham suffers for heresy, Dec. 25. Massacre at Paris, June 12. — Queen Isabella and the Duke of Burgundy enter Paris in the king's name, July 14. John Duke of Burgundy assassinated, whilst in personal conference, at the instance of the Dauphin, Aug. 18. Treaty of Troyes, May 20. — Marriage of K. Henry and the Pss. Catherine.— Philip of Burgundy demands justice. Battle of Beauje, Duke of Clarence killed, Feb. 23.— Siege of Meaux, Oct. 6. — Reunion of the Ottoman empire. King Henry V. dies, Aug. 31, a5t.33. — Dukes of Bedford and Gloucester Protectors. — King Charles VI. dies, Oct. 21. Battle of Crevant, June. — James I., King of Scotland, re- leased, after seventeen years' captivity, Sept. 10. Battle of Vernuil, Aug. 18. — The Earl of March dies, and is succeeded in his regal rights by the Duke of York. High dissension between the Duke of Gloucester and Bp. Beaufort, which is appeased by the Duke of Bedford. The Earl of Warwick defeated at Montargis by the Bas- tard of Orleans. — Beaufort receives a Cardinal's hat. The Duke of Bretagne sues to the Duke of Bedford for peace, and swears to the Treaty of Troyes. The Earls of Salisbury and Suffolk take several towns upon the Loire, and besiege Orleans. Orleans carried by assault, by Joan of Arc, May 8. — King Charles VII. crowned at Rheims, July 17. Burgundy besieges Compeigne, Joan of Arc taken pri- soner, and delivered up to the Duke of Bedford. Joan of Arc burnt at Rouen, May 30. — XVIIth Council, of Basle, Dec. 14— May, 1443. Francesco Carmagnola betrayed at a banquet, and exe- cuted by the Venetian Senate, May 5. The Dukes of Burgundy and Bedford meet at St. Omer's, but part highly incensed. Cosmo de Medici recalled to Florence, Sept. — Exile of the Albizzi. — Last revolt of Rome. Treaty of Arras, Sept. 22.— The Duke of Burgundy sides with King Charles. — John Duke of Bedford dies, Sept. 14 The Duke of Burgundy lays siege to Calais, but the Duke of Gloucester obliges him to retire. Plague and famine desolate both England and France. The Duke of Burgundy makes a second attempt upon Calais, which he endeavours to inundate, but fails. Union of the Greek and Latin Churches, July 6.— XVIIIth General Council, of Florence, Feb. 26 — March 7, 1443. Duke of Orleans, 25 years a prisoner in England, set at liberty. — The art of printing discovered about this time. Marriage of Francesco Sforza with Bianca Visconti of Milan, daughter of Duke Philip. Talbot, Earl of Shrewsbury, takes Conches, in Normandy, and blocks up Dieppe. Truce between England and Burgundy, April 23. — The French raise the blockade of Dieppe. The Earl of Suffolk proposes marriage between K. Henry and Margaret of Anjou, which Gloucester opposes. The Queen, Marquis of Suffolk, Cardinal Beaufort, and Abp. of York, league against the Duke of Gloucester. Gloucester accused by the Queen's party, but acquitted. — The sea breaks in at Dort and overwhelms 100,000 souls Duke of Gloucester arrested at St.Edmundsbury, and found dead in his bed, Feb. 28. — Card. Beaufort dies, Apr. 11. Public disgust at the elevation of the Duke of Suffolk. The Duke of York puts down a rebellion in Ireland, by gentle measures only. — He now aspires to the crown. The Duke of Suffolk beheaded at sea, May 2.— Battle of Fourmingny, Apr. 18. — Insurrection of Jack Cade. STATESMEN AND WARRIORS L. C. J. Sir W. Gascoigne, ob. 1413 Tamerlane, ob. 1405 Louis Duke of Orleans, ob. 1407 Constable d'Albret, ob. 1415 Nevil, Earl of Westmoreland, ob. 1425 Robert, regent D. of Albany, ob. 1420 Archbishop Arundel, 1353—1413 Pierre des Essars, minister to Charles VI. ob. 1413 Oldcastle, Lord Cobham, ob. 1417 Constable d'Armagnac, ob. 1413 Edward Mortimer, Earl of March, ob. 1424 Beaufort, Duke of Exeter, ob. 1426 Thomas Earl of Salisbury, ob. 1428 Thomas Duke of Clarence, ob. 1421 Mareschal Boucicault, ob. 142! Archibald Earl of Douglas, ob. 1424 Murdoch, regent Duke of Al- bany, ob. 1425 Earl of Buchan, Constable of France, ob. 1424 Tanegui du Chatel, minister to Charles VI I. ob. 1462 President Louvet, ob. 1425 John Duke of Bedford, ob. 1435 John Earl of Arundel, ob. 1434 Constable Richemont, ob. 1458 Humphrey Duke of Glouces- ter, ob. 1447 Joan of Arc, 1412—1431 Mareschal de L'Isle Adam, ob. 1437 Cardinal Beaufort, ob. 1447 Sir John Fastolf, ob. 1469 George de la Tremouille, mi- nister to Chas. VII. ob. 1446 Beauchamp, Earl of War- wick, ob. 1440 John Earl of Shrewsbury, 1373—1453 Alexander Livingstone, regent of Scotland Creighton, Chancellor of Scot- land La Hire Vignoles, general to Charles VII. Mareschal de Chabannes, ob. 1453 William de la Pole, Earl of Suffolk, ob. 1450 John Corvinus Hunniades, ob. 1456 Edmund Beaufort, Duke of Somerset, ob. 1455 n D. 1401—1450 NON-REGAL STATES N° 49* DOGES OF VENICE 2 Michele Steno 3 4 . 5 ■ ■ 6 7 ■ 12 13 14 1 Tomaso Mocenigo 1 Francesco Foscari 2 3 4 5 6 7 Florence Ferrara 20 Tomaso Nuolo 9 21 III. 10 22 11 23 12 24 13 25 14 26 15 27 16 28 17 29 18 30 19 31 20 32 21 33 22 34 23 35 24 1 Nicolo 25 Albizzi 2 26 3 27 4 28 5 ■ 29 6 30 7 31 8 32 9 33 10 34 IRinaldo 35 Albizzi 2 36 3 37 4 38 5 39 6 40 7 41 1 Cosmo 42 de 2 Medici 43 3 44 4 45 5 46 6 47 7 48 8 Lionel 1 9 2 10 ■ 3 11 4 12 5 13 6 14 7 15 8 16 9 17 Borso 1 D. of Ferrara £ Marqs. -9 S 3 S Counts o 21 Theodore II. 22 23 24 25 26 Guy Tor- 1 relli the 27 Great 2 28 3 29 4 30 5 31 6 32 7 33 8 34 9 35 10 36 11 37 12 1 John- 13 James 2 14 3 15 4 16 5 17 6 18 7 19 8 20 9 21 10 22 11 23 12 24 13 25 14 26 15 27 16 28 17 29 18 30 19 31 20 32 21 33 22 34 23 35 24 36 25 37 26 38 27 39 1 John 40 V. 2 41 3 42 4 43 5Christoph.l & P. Guy I. 6 2 Dukes a a 3 si ' c S Signori g 24 Jo.Galeas Franc. 1.20 1 John- 21 Mary 2 22 3 23 4 24 5 25 6 John- 1 Francis 7 I. 2 Marquis 8 3 9 4 10 5 1 Philip- 6 Mary 2 7 3 8 4 9 5 10 6 11 7 12 8 13 9 14 10 15 11 16 12 17 13 18 14 • 19 15 20 16 21 17 22 18 23 19 24 20 25 21 26 22 27 23 28 24 29 25 30 26 31 27 32 28 33 29 34 30 35 31 36 32 37 33 Louis 1 III. the 34 Turk 2 35 3 5 6 1 Francis 7 Sforza ■% Dukes g 3> of 2 39 Philip II. John 3 40 VI. 4 1 John sans 2 Peur 3 4 5 6 7 1 Philip 21 III. the 2 Good 22 — 43 24 Francis 1 I. 25 2 26 3 17 4 5 29 6 30 7 II 8 Peter 1 II. Marqs. ^ Z Dukes cq HWm. II. Jane 47 12 • 48 13 49 14 50 15 Antony 1 John 1 IV. 27 3 1 John 4 III. 2 5 -Namur 7 sold to Burgundy 8 10 11 12 Philip 1 2 Brabant united to Burgundy bb •a Counts a Ulan xen X Dukes _i 13 Albert Jossus 14 14 15 15 16 1 William 17 VI. 2 18 3 19 4 20 5 21 6 22 7 23 8 Antony 1 Of Bur- 9 gundy 2 10 3 11 4 12 Eliza, I beth de 13 Gorlitz 2 1 Jacque- 3 line 2 4 3 5 4 6 5 7 6 8 7 9 8 10 9 11 10 12 11 13 12 14 13 15 14 • 16 15 17 16 18 —Holland 19 and Hainault 20 ceded to Burgundy21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Luxemburg sold to Burgundy cq Dukes cq 14 Jossus the Bearded 15 16 S? 3 n — | 18 | 19 -g I 20 § ? 21 PQ 22 Bernard 1 First Duke 2 1 Sigis- 3 mund 2 again 4 1 Frederic 7 I. of 2 Nurem- 8 burg 3 9 Dukes o cq Electors p. 5 Ernest Rupert 4 III. 5 14 Louis III. the 15 Bearded 2 20 OthoII.l and 21 Frederic 2 I. 22 3 1 Frederic 7 II. 2Dentde 8 fer 9 10 11 Frede- 12 ric I. alone 13 14 15 16 17 22 23 24 25 26 Louis 1 IV. 2 1 Albert 3 I. the 2 Pious 4 12 Frederic 1 I. the 13 Victori- 2 ous Electors £> cS? Dukes 3 14Rodph.HI. Charles 11 I. 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 1 Albert III. 2 1 Frederic 33 I. of 2 Misnia 34 1 Frederic 38 II. the 2 Good 39 Rene 1 d'Anjou 2 A.D. 1451—1500 CHRONOLOGICAL 1 0> ft 3 -s 6164 6165 6166 6167 6168 6169 6170 6171 6172 6173 6174 6175 6176 6177 6178 6179 6180 6181 6182 6183 6184 6185 6186 6187 6188 6189 6190 6191 6192 6193 6194 6195 6196 6197 6198 6199 6200 6201 6202 6203 6204 6205 6206 6207 6208 6209 6210 0211 6212 6213 < 1451 1452 1453 1454 1455 1456 1457 1458 1459 1460 1461 1462 1463 1464 1465 1466 1467 1468 1469 1470 1471 1472 1473 1474 1475 1476 1477 1478 1479 1480 1481 1482 1483 1484 1485 1486 1487 1488 1489 1490 1491 1492 1493 1494 1495 1496 1497 1498 1499 1500 Ottoman 1 W Emprs.ofH lMahom.II. Constant. 4 2 XIII. 5 3 g, s 3 5 | 6 — f 7 Emperors of Germany 1 Bajazet II. 2 3 4 5 6 7 20 — 12 Frederic IV. 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 1 Maximi- lian I. Kings 2 . I of «< — Interreg. Ladis- 12 las V. 13 1 Ladis- 14 las V. 2 King of 15 Bohemia 3 16 Kings of Poland Interreg. 1 Matthias George 1 2 Podie- 2 brad 3 3 14 Ladis- 1 las VI. 2 1 Ladislas 20 VI. 7 Casimir IV. 1 John I. Albert 2 — — 3 4 5 6 7 Kings of France 30 Charles VII. 31 32 33 34 ■ 35 36 37 lLouisXI. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 21 22 1 Charles VIII. 3 4 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ( 1 Louis XII. of 2 Orleans Dukes of Savoy 1 Louis 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 lAmadeus IX. the 2 Benevo- lent 3 4 5 6 1 Philibert the 2 Hunter 3 4 5 6 7 1 Charles I. the 2 Warrior 3 4 6 7 1 Charles II. 3 4 5 6 7 1 Philip II. sans terre 1 Philibert II. 2 le Beau 3 4 KINGS IN SPAIN Castile Arragon Navarre Granada 27 John II. 28 — 29 — 30 ■ — 31 — 32 — 33 — 34 — 35 — 36 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 1 Eleanor lFrancis- 2 Phoebus 3 4 1 Cathe- rine & 2 John d'Alb- 3 ret 4 5 6 7 46 John II Alfon- 47 soV 36 48 3>K 1 Henry IV. the 2 Impo- tent 3 36 •10 •11 4 42 5 John II. 1 K. of 6 Navarre 2 1 Ferdin- 17 and V. 2 the 18 Catholic 3 and 19 Isabella 4 20 7 Mahom- ed IX. 1 Mahom. ed X. 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 1 Abul- Hassan 2 3 4 5 16 17 18 lAbu- Abdalla 2 and Ab- dalla el 3 Zagel 4 5 6 7 dethroned by Ferdinand IORICAL TABLES N° 50 Kings of Naples 17 Alfonso the Wise 18 1 Ferdinand I. the 2 Bastard 1 Alfonso II. 1 Ferdinand II. 1 Frederic 4Partitioned by France and Spain in 1501 5 Nicholas V, 6 7 1 Calixtus 111. 1 Pius II. 2 3 4 5 6 1 Paul II. 1 Sixtus IV. 2 1 Innocent VIII. 2 3 4 5 6 7 ■ 1 Alexander VI. 2 3 4 5 6 7 LEARNING AND GENIUS Richard Beauchamp, Bp. of Salisbury, architect of St. George's Chapel, Windsor, ob. 1481 Cardinal Bessarion, 1395 — 1472 Thomas a Kempis, 1380—1471 Johannes Argyropolus, ob. set. 70, 1480 John Muller'Regiomontanus,' ob. set. 40, 1476 Bartolomeo Platina, 1421—1481 Rodolphus Agricola, 1442—1485 Sir Thomas Littleton, 'Te- nures,' ob. 1481 Tiptoft, Earl of Worcester, ob. 1470 John Jovius Pontanus, 1426—1503 Marsilius Ficinus, 1433—1499 Demetrius Chalcondyles, ob. 1511 William Caxton, 1410—1492 John Lascaris, ob. jet. 90, 1513 Gregory Tiphernas Annius of Viterbo, 1432—1502 George Merula, of Alexan- dria, ob. 1494 Jerome Savonarola, 1452 — 1498 John Picus, of Mirandola, 1463—1496 Margaret, Countess of Rich- mond and Derby, 1441—1509 Angelo Politian, 1454—1494 Hermolaus Barbarus, ob. aet. 39, 1493 William Grocyn, ob. set. 80, 1552 Baptista Mantuanus, ob. aet. 68, 1516 John Reuchlin Capnio, 1455—1521 Dr. John Colet, ob. set. 53, 1519 Alexander ab Alexandro, ob. set. 50, 1521 MIDDLE AGES The Duke of York returns from Ireland, and marches an army to London, but retires to Wales. Talbot, Earl of Shrewsbury, and his son slain at Chatil- lon. — Constantinople taken by Mahomet, May 29. King Henry falls ill ; the Duke of York leads the Coun- cil. — The king recovers at Christmas. First battle, or, rather skirmish, at St. Alban's, May 22, Duke of Somerset killed ; Duke of York made Protector. York and Salisbury retire to their castles ; Warwick passes over to Calais. — Siege of Belgrade, Sept. 4. The Scots enter England, but are repulsed by the Duke of York. — The truce is renewed. York and his friends are admitted to the Council ; but an affray arising at Court, they fly to arms. Battle of Bloreheath, Lord Audley killed, Sept.; the troops deserting, the Duke of York passes to Ireland. Battle of Northampton, July 10, K. Henry taken prisoner. Battle of Wakefield, Dec. 30, Duke of York beheaded. Battles of Mortimer's Cross, Feb. 1 ; of St. Alban's, Feb. 17; K. Edward IV. proc —Battle of Towton, Mar. 29. Queen Margaret is nearly wrecked off Holy Island on her return with troops from France. Battle of Hexham ; the Queen and her son escape to France ; King Henry, in the sequel, is taken to London. King Edward marries Lady Elizabeth Grey. — Death of Cosmo de Medici, August 1, aet. 74. The war of The Public Good in France, incited by Philip Duke of Burgundy against Louis XI. King Edward keeps fair with Louis of France, and allies himself to Burgundy, Bretagne, and Castile. The Earl of Warwick, indignant at the rise of the Wyd- viles, withdraws, and enters the French interest. Charles the Bold, Duke of Burgundy, marries the Prin- cess Margaret, sister to King Edward, June 3. Battle of Edgecote, Earl of Pembroke defeated and be- headed, July 26 ; Earl Rivers and his son beheaded. Battle of Erpingham, Sir R.Welles beh., Mar.19; K.Henry rest., Oct. 13; Edward passes over to Holland, Oct. 3. Battle of Barnet, E. of Warwick kiUed, April 14.— Battle of Tewkesbury, May 4 ; K. Henry murd. May 22, aet. 49. Francis Duke of Bretagne, refuses to deliver up the Earl of Richmond to King Edward. The Duke of Burgundy engages King Edward to join in a league against France. The Constable de St. Pol delivered up to Louis XI. by the Duke of Burgundy, and beheaded. Charles the Bold defeated by the Swiss, at Granson, Apr. 5, and at Morat, June 20. Charles the Bold killed before Nancy, Jan. 5. — The Countess Mary, his heiress, marries the Archduke Maximilian. Conspiracy of the Pazzi ; Assassination of Giulio, and escape of Lorenzo de Medici, April. A treaty is signed between France and England, but Louis detaches James III. of Scotland from King Edward. King Edward, bent upon revenge, gains Ferdinand of Cas- tile, and sends an army to the Archduke Maximilian. The Scots ravage the borders, and are opposed by Richard Duke of Gloucester. James of Scotland restored by the D. of Albany, who, in the sequel, retires to France. — Treaty of Arras, Dec. 23. King Edward IV. dies, Apr. 9, set. 41 ; King Edward V. murdered, Aug. — Duke of Buckingham beheaded, Oct. The Earl of Richmond, being apprized of his danger by Bishop Morton, escapes from Bretagne to France. Henry Earl of Richmond lands at Milford Haven, Aug. 6 ; Battle of Bosworth, K. Richard killed, Aug. 22, aet. 33. King Henry marries the Princess Elizabeth of York, Jan. 18. — Lambert Simnel proclaimed in Ireland. Simnel crowned in Dublin, May 24. — Battle of Stoke, Earl of Lincoln killed, June 16 ; Simnel degraded. Battle of Canglor, King James III. killed, June.— Battle of St. Aubin, Duke of Orleans taken prisoner, July 28. Cyprus, recently a kingdom, ceded to Venice. Battle of Dixmunde, the revolted Flemings under De Cordes, defeated by Lords Morley and Daubeney. Anne Duchess of Bretagne. unclaimed by Maximilian, marries Charles VIII. King of France, Dec. 16. Perkin Warbeck introduced at the Court of the Duchess of Burgundy, and acknowledged as Duke of York. Sir Robert Clifford, gained by King Henry, discloses the schemes of Perkin and the Duchess of Burgundy. Lord Fitzwalter is sentenced only, but Sir T. Thwaites and Sir Simon Mountfort are executed for conspiracy. Sir W. Stanley, accused by Clifford, is beheaded Feb. 15. Charles VIII. of France, takes Naples without a battle. Warbeck is received by James King of Scots. — He marries the daughter of Lord Huntly and invades England. Warbeck submits to King Henry. — The Portuguese first double the Cape and sail to the East Indies. Warbeck escapes from the precincts of the palace, but is captured and committed to the Tower, June 14. Warbeck found plotting with Lord Warwick in theTower, is executed Nov. 16, and the Earl beheaded Nov. 28. Commissioners sent to the counties to fine Warbeck 's adherents. — Treaty of Granada, Nov. 11. STATESMEN AND WARRIORS George Castriot, ' Scanderbeg,' 1404—1467 Richard Duke of York, ob. aet. 50, 14C0 Richard Nevil, Earl of War- wick, ob. 1471 Robert Lord Boyd, regent of Scotland Edmund Duke of Somerset, ob. 1471 Cardinal Bourchier, ob. 1464 Constable de St. Pol, ob. 1475 Wydvile, Earl Rivers, ob. 1469 Peter Landais, of Brittany, ob. 1485 Admiral Coulon Henry Stafford, Duke of Buck- ingham, ob. 1483 Bishop Morton, 1410—1501 William Lord Hastings, ob. 1483 Oliver le Daim, minister to Louis, ob. 1484 Philip de Commines, 1445—1509 Anne, Dame de Beaujeau, regent of France, ob. 1522 Thomas Lord Stanley Martin Behem, navigator, ob. 1506 Louis de la Tremouille, min. to Charles VIII., ob. 1525 Cardinal Briconnet, minister to Charles VIII., ob. 1514 Christopher Columbus, 1442—1506 Caesar Borgia, ob. 1507 Sir Reginald Bray, K.G., statesman and architect ol Henry VII. Chapel, ob. 1503 \mericus Vespucius, 1451 — Vasco de Gama, ob. 1 525 II D. 1451—1500 NON-REGAL STATES N° 50< DOGES OP VENICE Francesco Foscari Fasquale Malipie- Christofero Moro Niccolo Trono Niccolo Marcello Pietro Mocenigo Andrea Vendra- mino Giovanni Moceni. go Marco Barbarigo Agostino Barbari- eo g Signori £ Dukes h 18 Cosmo Borso 2 3 1 Pietro 15 de 2 Medici 16 I. 3 17 1 Lorenzo 20 andGiu- 2 Mode 21 Medici 3 Hercules 1 L 4 2 5 3 6 4 7 5 8 6 9 7 10 Lorenzo 8 alone 11 9 Pietro 22 II. 23 24 25 26 27 E Marqs. j £ 3 1 * o 3 3 Counts o 7 John IV. Christo- 3 8 pherand4 PeterGuy 9 I. 5 10 6 11 ■ 7 12 8 13 9 14 10 15 11 16 Guy Gal. 1 eotto & 17 Francis. 2 Mary 18 . 3 19 4 1 William 5 VI. 2 6 3 7 4 8 5 9 6 10 7 11 8 12 9 13 10 14 11 15 12 16 13 17 14 18 15 19 16,Francis- 20 Mary 17 alone 21 18 22 19 2S 1 Boniface 24 IV. 2 25 3 26 4 Peter. 1 Guy II. 5 2 6 3 7 4 8 ■ 5 9 6 10 7 1 William 8 VII. 2 Achilles 1 3 2 4 3 5 4 6 5 7 6 8 7 Dukes rt a 5 g Marqs. S 2 Francis Louis 8 3 III. 9 4 10 5 11 6 12 7 13 8 14 9 15 10 16 11 17 12 18 13 19 14 20 15 21 16 22 1 Galeas- 23 Mary 2 24 3 25 4 26 5 27 6 28 7 29 8 30 9 31 10 32 1 John- 33 Galeas- 2 Mary 34 3 Frede. 1 ric I. 4 2 5 3 6 4 7 5 8 6 9 John- 1 Francis 10 II. 2 11 3 12 4 13 5 14 6 15 7 16 8 17 9 18 10 1 Louis. 11 Mary 2 12 3 13 4 14 5 15 6 16 1 Louis of 17 France -a Dukes g 5 ao go of 5 3 t. 33 Philip III. Peter 2 34 II. 3 35 4 36 5 37 6 38 7 39 Arthur 1 III. 40 Francis 1 II. 41 . 2 42 3 43 4 44 5 45 6 46 7 47 8 48 9 1 Charles 10 the Bold 2 11 3 12 4 13 5 14 6 1e 15 7 IS 16 8 -o£ 17 §1 9 m<; 18 3 O 10 « " 19 lAdolph- 20 us of 2 Cleves 21 Governor 3 of the 22 Nether. 4 lands 23 5 24 6 25 7 26 8 27 1 Enpil. 23 bcrt Count 29 of Nassau 30 Anne 1 1 Albert 2 of 2 Saxony 3 3 4 4 , — - 5 5 6 1 Philip 7 le Beau 2 assumes 8 the 3 govern- ment 4 10 5 11 6 12 7 13 Dukes, Brunswick Lunenburg 18 Frederic I. 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 39 40 41 42 43 44 1 Henry I. 2 Dukes, of Wurtemburg 1 Eberhard I. the 2 Bearded, First 3 Duke 1 Eberhard II. 2 le Jeune 1 Ulric VI. 2 . 3 Electors of Brandenburg 12 Frederic II. 13 Dent defer 1 Albert III. 1 John- Cicero 2 as Margrave 3 11 succeeds as 12 Elector 13 14 15 1 Joachim I. 2 , Dukes ii Electors (l, 14 Albert I. Frederic 3 I. 4 1 John II. 12 & Sigis- 2 mund 13 3 14 4 15 5 16 1 Albert 17 II. 2 18 12 Philip 1 the Id. 13 genu- 2 ous 14 3 15 4 16 5 Electors s> & Dukes >3 24FredericII. Rene 21 25d'Anjou22 26 John 1 II. 27 2 28 3 4 5 6 7 34 9 35 10 36 11 1 Ernest 12 2 13 14 15 16 17 Nicho- 1 las 10 Jolantha 1 andRene 11 II. 2 12 3 13 4 14 5 15 6 16 7 17 8 1 Frederic 14 III. the 2 Wise 15 II A.D. 1501—1550 CHRONOLOGICAL 6214 6215 6216 6217 6218 6219 6220 6221 6222 6223 6224 6225 6226 6227 6228 6229 6230 6231 6232 6234 6235 6236 6237 6240 6241 6243 6244 6245 6246 6247 6248 6249 6250 6251 6252 6253 6254 6255 6256 6257 6258 6259 6260 6261 6262 6263 a o Q o s c < 1501 1502 1503 1504 1505 1506 1507 1508 1509 1510 1511 1512 1513 1514 1515 1516 1517 1518 1519 1520 1521 1522 1523 1524 1525 1526 1527 1528 1529 1530 1531 1532 1533 1534 1535 1536 1537 1538 1539 1540 1541 1542 1543 1544 1545 1546 1547 1548 1549 1550 Emperors of Turkey 21 Bajazet II. 22 31 1 Seliml. 2 3 4 6 7 1 Soliman II. Emperors of Germany. 9 Maximi. lian I. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 1 Charles V. 2 King of Spain Kings .2 of § 12Ladisl. VL Ladisl. 31 VI. 32 1 Louis II. of Hungary 2 I. of Bohemia 3 5 UohnZapol. ski and 1 Ferdinand I. King of 2 Bohemia rival 3 Kings a 5 'g 6 « o 7 Ivan IV. 1 Basilo- 8 vitz 2 First Czar 3 15 Ferdin- 9 and 16 alone 10 Kings of Poland 1 Alexan. der 2 3 4 5 1 Sigis- mund I. 2 3 4 5 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 1 Sigis- mund II. 2 August. Kings of France 4 Louis XII. 14 15 — -l 2 Hen. 1 II. 3 — 2 4 — 3 5 — 4 6 — 5 7 — 8 — 9 — 10 — 11 — 12 — 13 — 14 — 15 — 16 — 27 — 26 28 — 27 29 — 28 30 — 29 31 — 30 32 — 31 1 Hen. 32 II. 2 33 Dukes of Savoy 5 Philibert II. 6 1 Charles III. 2 the Good 3 4 6 7 Spain Navarre 28 Ferd.V. Cath- 19 29 erine20 and 30 John 21 d'Al- 31 bret 22 32 — 23 33 — 24 34 — 25 35 — 26 98 — 27 37 — 28 SB — 29 39 Navarre conq. by 40 Ferdi- nand 41 42 1 Charles I. 2 3 4 elected smperor 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 lti 17 IS 19 20 21 22 23 24 2.', 2(> 27 2S 29 30 31 32 33 34 r>5 Kings of Portugal 7 Emman- uel 1 John III. 2 4 5 6 England Scotland 17 Henry VII. James 14 18 IV. 15 19 16 20 17 21 18 22 19 23 20 24 21 1 Henry 22 VIII. 2 23 3 24 4 25 5 James 1 V. 6 2 7 3 8 4 9 5 10 6 11 7 12 8 13 9 14 10 15 11 16 12 17 13 18 14 19 15 20 16 21 17 22 18 23 19 24 20 25 21 26 22 27 23 28 24 29 25 30 26 31 27 32 28 33 29 34 Mary 1 35 2 .36 3 37 4 38 5 1 Edward 6 VI. 2 7 3 8 4 9 Princes of Orange 1 Philibert de 2 Chalons 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 13 14 . 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1 Rene de 2 Nassau 3 4 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1 William of 2 Nassau 3 5 6 ORICAL TABLES N° 51 POPES 10 Alexander VI. 11 1 Pius III. 1 Julius II. 2 1 Leo X. 1 Clement VII. 2 1 Paul III. 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1 Julius III. LEARNING AND GENIUS Aldus Manucius, 1447 — 1515 William Dunbar, 14G5— 1536 Leonardo da Vinci, 1452 — 1520 Gawin Douglas, 1474—1512 Albert Durer, 1471—1528 Nicholas Machiavel, 1469—1527 Ludovico Ariosto, 1474—1533 Bishop Fisher, 1459—1535 Giorgione — ' Barbarelli,' 1478 — 1511 Balthazar Castiglione, 1468—1529 Raphael d'Urbino, 1483—1520 Desiderius Erasmus, 1467—1536 Andrea del Sarto, 1483—1525 Polydore Vergil, — 1555 Cornelius Agrippa, 1486—1539 Francis Guicciardini, 1482—1540 Martin Luther, 1484—1546 Ulric Zuinglius, 1484—1546 Cardinal Bembo, 1470—1547 Dr. Thomas Linacre, 1460—1524 Nicholas Copernicus, 1473—1543 Michael Angelo, 1474—1564 Sebastian Cabot, cir. 1477—1557 Clement Marot, 1495—1544 Giulio Romano, 1492—1546 Antonio Corregio, 1496—1534 Francis Rabelais, 1483—1553 Hans Holbein, 1498—1594 John George Trissino, 1478—1550 Martin Bucer, 1491—1551 Hieronymus Vida, 1490—1566 Francesco Parmigiano, 1503—1540 Ignatius Loyola, 1491—1556 Julius Scaliger, 1481—1558 Bishop Latimer, 1470 — 1555 Bishop Coverdale, 1487—1568 Henry Earl of Surrev, 1520—1547 Sir Thomas Wyat, 1 503—1 54 1 John Sleidan, 1506—1556 Robert Stephens, 1503 — 1556 Philip Melancthon, 1497—1560 Titiano Vecelli, 1480—1576 John Calvin, 1509—1564 Bartholomew Las Casas, 1474—1568 Conrad Gesner, 1516—1565 Sir Anthony Cooke, 1506—1576 Jerome Cardan, 1501—1576 Henry Bullinger, 1504—1575 Paul Fagius, 1504—1550 Bp. Bale of Ossory, 1495—1563 MODERN HISTORY Marriage of Katherine of Arragon to Arthur Prince of Wales, Nov. 6. — Partition of Naples by Louis XII. and Ferdinand of Spain. Marriage, by proxy, of James IV. King of Scotland to the Princess Mar- garet, Jan. 29. — Arthur Prince of Wales dies, Apr. 2. The Duke de Nemours defeated at Cerignola, Apr. 28. — Louis XII. finally stripped of Naples. — Elizabeth of York dies, Feb. 16. Philip I. le Beau succeeds his mother-in-law Isabella as King of Castile, Nov. 26; but dies, Sept. 25, 1506, when the kingdom virtually devolves to Ferdinand V. Contract of marriage between King Henry and Margaret, sister to the Archduke Philip and widow of the Duke of Savoy. The Archduke is succeeded in the Netherlands by his sister Margaret, who makes a treaty of commerce only with King Henry. League of Cambray against Venice signed by Margaret and the Cardinal d'Amboise, Dec. 10. — Thomas Wolsey made Dean of Lincoln, Feb. 2. King Henry VII. dies, Apr. 22, ait. 52. — King Henry VHIth's first mar- riage, to Katherine of Arragon, June 29. — Battle of Aignadal, May 14. Treaty of alliance between King Henry arid Ferdinand, May 24. — Empson and Dudley beheaded, Aug. 18. — Wolsey made almoner to the King. STATESMEN AND WARRIORS League between Pope Julius II., Ferdinand of Arragon, and the States of Venice against France, Oct. 4. XlXth General Council, of the Lateran, May 3— Mar. 16, 1517.— Battle of^ Ravenna, Gaston de Foix, Duke de Nemours, killed. The French repulsed from Novara. — Battle of Spurs, Aug. 16. — Siege of Terrouenne. — Battle of Floddon, Sept.9. — Surrender of Tournay, Sept. 29. Marriage of the Princess Mary, sister to King Henry, to Louis XII. King of France, Oct. 9. — Wolsey advanced to the See of York, Aug. 5. Louis XI I. dies, Jan. 1. — Francis I. succeeds. — Wolsey receives a Cardinal's hat, Sept. 1 1 . — Battle of Marignano, the Swiss defeated by Francis, Sept. 14. Ferdinand King of Spain dies, Charles I. succeeds. — Treaty of Noyau, which ends the wars of the League of Cambray, Aug. 13. Sale of Indulgences by Pope Leo X. — Martin Luther preaches against Constable them at Wittemberg, and is condemned at Rome. Tournay restored to France. — Princess Mary, daughter to King Henry, affianced to the Dauphin, Oct. 4. — The Emperor Maximilian dies, Dec. 3. K. Henry, Francis I., and Charles of Spain in competition for the Imperial crown. — Charles V., at. 19, elected, June 28. — Wolsey sole legate, June29. King Henry and Charles V. meet at Dover, May 26. — Interview of Henry and Francis at Ardres, ' the Field of the Cloth of Gold,' June 7. D. of Buckingham, beh., May 17. — Diet at Worms, Luther excommunicat- ed, May 25. — League at Calais between Leo, Charles, and Henry, Nov. 19. Wolsey takes umbrage at Sir T. More's reply, as Speaker, to his demand for a supply in the House of Commons. — He fails in obtaining the Pontificate. Albany invades England, but retreats at the approach of Surrey, Nov. 3. — The Borders at peace for 18 years.— Wolsey again fails at Rome, Nov. 18. Francis I. besieges Pavia for three months, Oct. 28. Battle of Pavia, Francis I. taken prisoner, Feb. 24. — Dissension between Henry and Charles. — Henry makes peace with Francis, Aug. 30. Treaty of Madrid, Jan. 14. — Francis I. released, March 10.— Francis breaks faith with Charles, and refuses to surrender Burgundy. Rome taken by assault, D. of Bourbon killed, May 6. — The Pope retires to the Castle of St. Angelo. — K. Henry's marriage scruples become public. The Reformation in Scotland begins.— Patrick Hamilton suffers at St. Andrews. — Pope Clement is embarrassed by the subject of the divorce. Queen Katherine pleads her cause before'K. Henry and the legates, June 21 . Peace of Cambray, Aug. 5. — Wolsey deprived of the great seal, Oct. 17. Cranmer joined in an embassy to Pope Clement. — Rise of Thomas Crom- well. — Diet of Augsburg, June 25. — Cardinal Wolsey dies, Nov. 29. The clergy acknowledge the King's supremacy, May 4. — King Henry and Queen Katherine part at Windsor.— The Queen retires to Ampthill. Q. Katherine appeals by letter to Pope Clement, Jan. 25.— Sir T. More re- signs the seal, Mayl6. — Abp. Warhamdies, Aug. 23. — Cranmer succeeds. King Henry's second marriage, to Anne Boleyn, Jan. 25. — Abp. Cranmer pronounces Katherine's divorce, May 23. — Queen Elizabeth born, Sept. 7. The Parliament abrogates the Papal supremacy in England. — Final rup- ture between King Henry and the Court of Rome. Bp. Fisher beh., June 22; and Sir T. More, July 6.— Cromwell made Vicar- General. — Miles Coverdale's translation of the Bible published, Oct. 4. Queen Katherine dies, Jan. 8. — Lord Rochford beh.. May 17 ; and Q. Anne Boleyn, May 19. — K. Henry's third marriage, to Jane Seymour, May 20. Prince Edward born, Oct. 12. — Q. Jane Seymour dies, Oct. 21. — Suppres- sion of ' the pilgrimage of grace. ' — The greater monasteries dissolved. Treaty of Nice, between Charles and Francis, July. — King Henry confers with the German Protestant Missionaries from Saxony, Aug. 5. Marquis of Exeter, Lord Montagu, and Sir E. Nevil beh., Jan. 9 ; and Sir Nicholas Carew, K.G., Mar. 3.— The statute of ' the six articles,' May 5. K. Henry's fourth marriage, to Anne of Cleves, Jan.6. — Cromwell behead- ed, July 29. — K. Henry's fifth marriage, to Katherine Howard, Aug. 8. Margaret Countess Dowager of Salisbury, daughter of George Duke of Clarence, the last of the Plantagenets, beheaded, May 27. Q. Katherine Howard and Lady Rochford beh, Feb. 13.— Battle of Solway Moss, Nov. 25.— Birth of Mary Q. of Scot's ; K. James V. dies, Dec. 14. K. Henry proposes marriage between Prince Edward and the infant Queen of Scots, July. — K. Henry's sixth marriage, to Katherine Parr, July 12. Battle of Cerisolles, Apr. 14.— Earl of Hertford takes Edinburgh, May.— Boulogne surrenders to Henry, Sept. 14.— Treaty of Crespy, Sept. 17. The French fleet threaten hostilities in the Channel, but are driven off by Lord Lisle, July 19.— XXth General Council, of Trent, Dec. 13. Peace with France, June 7. — Cardinal Beaton assassinated at St. Andrews. Earl of Surrey beheaded, Jan. 19. — King Henry VIII. dies, Jan. 8, at. 56. — Francis I. dies, Mar. 31. — Battle of Muhlberg, Apr. 24. Mary Queen of Scots carried to France, Aug. 13 ; and contracted to the •Dauphin. — Q. Katherine Parr dies, Sept. 30. — Bp. Gardiner imprisoned. Lord Seymour beheaded, Mar. 17. — Insurrection of Kett put down by Dud- ley, Earl of Warwick.— Protector Somerset sent to the Tower, Oct. 14. Boulogne restored to France, Mar. 14. — The Duke of Somerset readmitted to the Council, Mar. 31. — Bishops Bonner and Gardiner deprived. Cardinal d'Amboise, 1460—1510 Gonsalvo, gen. to Ferdinand, ob. at. 72, 1515 Alfonso Albuquerque, 1452—1515 Cardinal Ximenes, 1437—1517 Fox, Bishop of Winchester, ' 1528 Gaston de Foix, 1489—1512 Ferdinand de Magellan,— 1521 Mareschal Trivulce, cir. 1447—1518 John, regent D. of Albany, —1536 Admiral de Bonnivet, —1525 Archbishop Warham, — 1532 Chancellor du Prat, 1463—1535 Bourbon, 1489—1527 Cardinal Wolsey, 1471—1530 Regent Dss. of Angouleme, ob. set. 60, 1531 Mareschal Lautrec, —1528 Anthony de Leva, ob. at. 56, 1536 Sultan Baber, 1483—1530 Dr. Richard Pace, 1482—1532 Sir Thomas More, 1480—1535 Andrew Doria, 1468—1560 Cardinal Campegio, 1474— 1539 Queen Katherine, 1474—1536 Archbishop Cranmer, 1489—1556 Thomas Lord Cromwell, 1490—1540 Admiral de Brion, — 1543 Cardinal du Bellay, 1492—1560 Queen Anne Boleyn, 1507—1536 Barbarossa, Turkish general, cir. 1474—1547 Queen Jane Seymour, —1537 Gardiner, Bp. of Winchester, 1483—1555 Admiral d'Annebaut, — 1552 Queen Anne of Cleves, div., —1510 Queen Katherine Howard, —1542 Cardinal Tournon, — 1562 Queen Katherine Parr, — 1548 Count d'Anguin, — 1546 Sir Ralph Sadler, 1507—1587 Cardinal Beaton, 1494—1546 Edward Duke of Somerset, —1552 Mareschal St. Andre, —1562 Diana of Poitiers, 1499—1566 Sir Thomas Smith, 1512—1577 1501—1550 NON-REGAL STATES N° 51* DOGES OP VENICE Leonardo Lore- dano Antonio Grimani Andrea Gritti Pietro Lando pa Electors £ 37 Albert II. Philip 26 27 16 Fred. III. Jolan- 29 tha&30 Bene 31 1 William I. Louis 1 2 V. the 2 Pacific 3 3 Electors v ■1 Dukes J 23 Antony 1 the Good 24 2 1 John the 18 Constant 2 19 37 Frederic 1 II. the 38 Wise 2 39 40 41 42 1 Albert III. 1 John. Frederic 2 - 13 Francis 1 I. 14 Charles 1 II. the 15 Great 1. 16 3 1 Maurice 4 2 5 3 6 D A.D. 1551— 1G00 CHRONOLOGICAL 6264 6265 6266 6267 6268 6269 6270 6271 6272 6273 6274 6275 6276 6277 6278 6279 6280 6281 6284 6288 6289 6290 6291 6292 6294 6295 6296 6297 6298 6299 6300 6301 6302 6304 6305 6306 6307 6308 6309 6310 6311 6312 6313 E o Q o 9 c < 1551 1552 1553 1554 1555 1556 1557 1558 1559 1560 1561 1 1562 1563 1564 1565 1566 1567 1568 1569 1570 1571 1572 1573 1574 1575 1576 1577 1578 1579 1580 1581 1582 1583 1584 1585 1586 1587 1588 1589 1590 1591 1592 1593 1594 1595 1596 1597 1598 1599 1600 Emperors of Turkey 32 Soliman II. 33 34 35 36 37 38 -— 39 40 41 1 Selim II. 2 ■ 3 4 5 1 Amurath III. 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 Mahomed III. 2 Emperors of Germany 33 Charles V. 34 35 .36 37 38 39 1 Ferdin. and I. 2 4 5 • 6 ■ ■ 1 Maximi- lian II. 2 4 5 6 7 9 10 ■ 11 12 1 Rodolph II. 2 3 4 5 a! Kings « 19 Ivan IV. Ferdi. 25 nand 26 I. 27 26 elected emperor 27 28 1 Feodor I. 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 Boris- Godonof 2 Kings of Poland 4 Sigis- mund 5 II. August. 6 24 25 — Interreg. 1 Henry of Valois 1 Stephen Batthori 2 3 4 5 6 9 10 11 — Interreg. 1 Sigis- mund 2 III. 3 4 France Navarre 5 Hen. II. Hen. 36 6 II. 37 7 — 38 8 — 39 9 Antho- 1 ny of 10 Bour- 2 bon & 11 Joan 3 d'Al- 12 bret 4 lFran- 5 cis II. 1 Chas. 6 IX. 2 — 7 3 Joan 8 alone 9 13 Hen. 1 III. 14 — 1 Hen. III. 6 — 7 — 8—10 9 — 11 10 — 12 11 — 13 12 — 14 13 — 15 14 — 16 15 — 17 1 Henry IV. the 2 Great King of 3 Navarre 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Dukes of Savoy 48 Charles III. the 49 Good 1 Emman. uel- 2 Philibert 19 20 21 • 22 23 24 25 26 27 1 Charles Emman. 2 uel I. 3 4 . 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Kings of Spain 36 Charles I. 37 - — - 38 39 40 ■ 1 Philip II. 2 3 4 5 36 • 37 ■ 38 39 40 41 42 1 Philip III. 2 Kings of Portugal •g Kings « ■2 of - 31 John III. 32 ■ 33 34 ■ 35 36 1 Sebas- tian 2 3 4 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 1 Henry the 2 Cardinal United to Spain 5EdwardVI. Mary 10 11 6 1 Mary 2 3 4 5 1 Eliza- 17 beth 2 18 3 19 20 ■ 21 22 23 24 25 James 1 VL 2 3 4 ORICAL TABLES N° 52 2 Julius III. 3 4 5 [II. 1 Marcel 1 us 1 Paul IV. 2 3 4 1 Pius IV. 2 1 Pius V. 2 3 4 1 Gregory XIII. 1 Sixtus V. 2 . 3 4 1 Urban VII. 1 Greg. XIV. 1 Innocent IX. 1 Clement VIII. 2 LEARNING AND GENIUS Annibale Caro, 1507—1566 Paul Manutius, 1512—1574 Bishop Hooper, 1495 — 1555 Michael Servetus, 1509—1553 Frederigo Baroccio, 1528—1612 John Fox, 1517—1587 Peter Martyr, 1500—1561 Peter Ronsard, 1524—1585 George Buchanan, 1506—1582 Roger Ascham, 1515—1568 Luis de Camoens, ^524 — 1579 Peter Ramus, 1515—1571 Benvenuto Cellini. 1500—1570 John Knox, 1505—1572 Giacomo Tintoretto, 1512—1594 Theodore Beza, 1519—1605 James Cujas, 1520—1590 Peter Ciaconius, 1525—1581 Archbishop Parker, 1504—1591 Charles Sigonius, 1524—1585 Henry Stephens, 1528—1598 John Bodin, 1530—1596 Paul Veronese, J 1532—1588 Michael de Montaigne, 1533—1592 Francis Hotomanus, — 1590 Andrea Palladio, 1518—1580 Janus Dousa, 1545 — 1604 Cardinal Baronius, 1538—1607 Anthony Riccoboni, — 1608 Peter Pithou, 1539—1596 Joseph Scaliger, 1540—1609 Christopher Clavius, 1537—1612 Torquato Tasso, 1544—1595 Edmund Spenser, 1553—1598 Sir Philip Sidney, 1554—1586 Tycho Brahe, 1546—1601 Ludovico Caracci, 1555 — 1619 Henry Davila, 1576—1631 Justus Lipsius, 1527—1606 Agostino Caracci, 1558—1602 James Arminius, 1560 — 1609 Richard Hooker, 1553—1600 Cardinal du Perron, 1556—1618 Isaac Casaubon, 1559 — 1614 William Shakspeare, 1564—1616 Annibal Caracci, 1560—1609 Miguel Cervantes, 1547—1617 President de Thou, 1553—1617 M. A. Caravaggio, 1569—1609 William Camden, 1551—1623 MODERN HISTORY Treaty of marriage between King Edward and Elizabeth of France, July 19. — Bishops Day and Heath deprived, Oct. 1. Duke of Somerset beheaded, Jan. 22. — The Earl of Arran resigns the regency of Scotland to Mary of Guise. — Treaty of Passau, July 31. Marriage of Lord Guilford Dudley to Lady Jane Grey, May. — K. Edward VI. dies, July 6, ast. 16. — First intercourse with Russia. Sir Thomas Wyat's rebellion. — Lord Guilford and Lady Jane Dudley beh. Feb. 12.— Marriage of Q. Mary and Philip of Spain, July 25. John Rogers, the first Martyr, Feb. 4. — Bishop Hooper sutlers, Feb. 9 ; Bishop Ferrar, Mar. 29 ; and Bishops Ridley and Latimer, Oct. 16. Abp. Cranmer suffers at Oxford, Mar. 21. — Cardinal Pole succeeds to the see of Canterbury, Mar. 22. — Charles V. abdicates in Spain, Jan. 16. St. Quintin taken by the Duke of Savoy, Aug. 10.— King Philip finally leaves England, July 7. — Contest of Queen Mary with the Pope. Calais taken by the Duke of Guise, Jan. 8.— Marriage of Mary Queen of Scots and the Dauphin, Apr. 28. — Queen Mary dies, Nov. 17, a»t. 42. Peace of Chateau Cambresis, Apr. 2. — Reformation in Scotland. — Contest between the regent Mary of Guise, and the ' Lords of the Congregation.' Conspiracy of Amboise, Huguenot war in France, Mar. 15. — Philip II. returns the Order of the Garter sent by Queen Elizabeth. Mary Queen of Scots lands at Leith, from the Court of France, Aug. 19. First interview of John Knox with Queen Mary. Q. Elizabeth aids the Huguenots. — Rouen surrenders, King of Navarre killed, Nov. 17. — Battle of Dreux, Coligny defeated by Guise, Dec. 19. The Duke of Guise shot by Poltrot, at the siege of Orleans, Feb. 18. — Surrender of Havre, July 28. — Edict of Amboise, March 19. Lord Robert Dudley proposed, through the Earl of Murray, to Queen Mary, Mar. 30. — Edict of Rousillon, Aug. 9. — Rizzio made secretary. Lord Damley's first introduction to Queen Mary at Wemys Castle, Feb. 16. — Marriage of Mary and Darnley, July 29. — ' The Roundabout Raid.' Murder of Rizzio, Mar. 9. — Birth of King James VI., June 19. — A divorce , proposed by Bothwell and his party to Queen Mary, rejected. Murder of Darnley, Feb. 10. — Marriage of Bothwell and Mary, May 15. — Bothwell dismissed at Carberry Hill, June 15. — Bat. of St. Denis, Nov. Queen Mary escapes from Lochleven Castle, May 2. — Battle of Langside, May 13. — Queen Mary lands at Workington, May 16. Battle of Jarnac, Mar. 13.— Battle of Moncontour, Oct. 3. — Projected mar. riage between Q. Mary and the Duke of Norfolk disclosed, Oct. 25. The regent Murray assassinated, Jan. 23. — Succeeded by the Earl of Len- nox, May. — Queen Elizabeth excommunicated by Pope Pius V., Feb. 25. Earl of Lennox assassinated at Stirling, Aug. — Earl of Marr succeeds as Regent. — Battle of Lepanto gained by Don John of Austria, Oct. 7. Duke of Norfolk beh., June 2. — Massacre of St. Bartholomew, Aug. 23.-^ Regent Marr dies, Oct. 8 ; succeeded by the Earl of Morton, Nov. 9. Duke of Alva recalled from his sanguinary government in the Nether- lands. — Duke of Anjou raises the siege of Rochelle, June 24. Charles IX. of France dies, May 30 ; succeeded by Henry King of Poland. Louis of Nassau, and his brother, defeated and killed at Moker. Queen Elizabeth declines the sovereignty of the Dutch provinces. — The Hugenots receive supplies from Elizabeth, through the Prince of Conde. Duke of Aleneon drawn off by the court from the Huguenot party. — He takes the title of D. of Anjou, Oct. 1. — Pacification of Ghent, Nov. 8. The Archduke Matthias madi; governor of the Netherlands, the Prince of Orange his lieutenant. — The States declare against Don John of Austria. Battle of Alcazar, Don Sebastian killed, Aug. 4. — Battle of Gemblours, the States defeated by Don John of Austria, Jan. 31.— He dies, Oct. 7. Union of Utrecht by William Prince of Orange, who virtually becomes Stadtholder, Jan. 23. — King James is urged to break witli England. Philip II. proscribes the Prince of Orange, June 15.— Philip takes pos- session of the throne of Portugal. — The regent Morton arrested, Dec. 31. Duke of Anjou accepts the sovereignty of the Provinces, Prince of Orange being Stadtholder, Sept. 29. — Anjou's last visit to Elizabeth, Nov. 1. Anjou inaugurated as Duke of Brabant, Feb. 19. — ' The Raid of Ruth- ven,' Aug. 23. — The Gregorian style published, Oct. 5 — 15. Duke of Anjou, in contravention of his accredited junction with the Prince of Orange, endeavours to take the Flemish towns against him. Q. Mary removed to the custody of Sir D. Drury and Sir A. Paulet. — D. of Anjou dies, June 10. — Prince of Orange assassinated, June 30. Q. Elizabeth advances money to ' the States,' upon security of Flushing, and the Brill being delivered up, Sept. — Huguenot war renewed. Babington's conspiracy discovered, Aug. 4. — Battle of Zutphen, Sir Philip Sidney killed, Sept. 22.— Queen Mary's trial, Oct. 11. Mary Queen of Scots beh., Feb. 8.— Sluys capitulates, July 30. — Battle of Coutras, Duke de Joyeuse defeated by the King of Navarre, Oct. 10. Defeat of the Spanish Armada, July 29.— Dudley, Earl of Leicester, dies, Sept. 4. — Henry Duke of Guise assassinated, Dec. 13. Henry III. of France assassinated by Clement at the siege of Paris, July 22. — Battle of Arques gained by Henry IV., Sept. 11. Battle of Ivry, the Duke de Mayenne defeated by King Henry IV., Mar. 4. Prince Maurice takes Breda, and expels the Spaniards from the Union. STATESMEN AND WARRIORS Dudley, Duke of Northum- berland, 1502—1553 Sir John Cheke, 1514—1557 Cardinal Pole, 1500—1558 James Earl of Arran, —1575 Constable de Montmorency, ob. a;t. 80, 1567 Francis Duke of Guise, 1519—1563 Cardinal de Lorraine, — 1574 Louis Prince de Conde, 1530—1569 Sir Nicholas Bacon, 1510—1579 Admiral de Coligny, 1517—1572 Count Egmont, 1522—1568 Count Horn, —1568 Chancellor L'Hospital, 1505—1573 Cardinal Granvelle, ob. aet. 70, 1586 James regent Earl of Moray, 1533—1070 Archibald Earl of Argyll, —1575 William Lord Burghley, 1520—1598 Sir Thomas Gresham, 1519—1579 Catherine de Medici, ob. aet. 70, 1589 James regent E. of Morton, —1581 Henry Duke of Guise, 1550—1588 Duke de Joyeuse, — 1587 Duke of Anjou, —1584 Lesley, Bishop of Ross, 1527—1596 Mareschal Biron, 1524—1592 Bishop Grindal, 1519—1583 Elizabeth sends the Earl of Essex with an army to King Henry, but takes umbrage at their being sent to Champagne instead of Rouen. Elizabeth sends Sir John Norris with more men to King Henry, but is highly offended at their being sent to Normandy instead of Bretagne. King Henry conforms to the catholic faith, July 15. — The preparations of Philip conduce to a league between Elizabeth and Henry, Oct. King Henry carries the war into Bretagne. — Q. Elizabeth sends Lord Zouch to inquire into the ascendancy of the Spanish faction in Scotland. King Henry, having declared war against Spain, demands succours, but Elizabeth complains, and refuses a supply. Calais taken by storm by the Archduke Albert, Apr. 15. — Cadiz taken by the Earl of Essex, June 21. — Sir Robert Cecil now Secretary of State. Essex resents the creation of the L H. Admiral Howard to the Earldom of Nottingham, and is made Earl Marshal to preserve his precedency. Edict of Nantes, Apr. — Peace of Vervins, Apr. 28. — Dispute in the Coun- cil, Essex receives a blow from Queen Elizabeth, June. Essex goes to Ireland as Lord Deputy. — He offends the queen by treating with Tyrone, Sept. 8.- — The queen takes umbrage on his return, Sept. 28. Battle of Nieuport, the Archduke Albert defeated by Prince Maurice, July 2. — First patent to the East India Company. Sir Francis Walsingham, ob. aet. 89, 1590 Dudley, Earl of Leicester, 1532—1588 Archbishop Whitgift, 1530—1604 Duke de Mayenne, — 1611 Cardinal Allen, 1532—1594 Sir James Melvil, 1530—1606 Admiral Lord Howard, 1536—1624 Sir Francis Drake, 1545—1596 Sir Walter Raleigh, 1552—1618 Turcnne, Duke de Bouillon, 1555—1623 Cardinal d'Ossat, 1536—1604 Duke de Sully, 1560—1641 Constable Lesdeguieres, ob. aet. 53, 1626 Robert Earl of Essex, 1567—1601 Thomas Earl of Dorset, 1527—1608 Duke d'Ossuna, ). 1551—1600 NON-REGAL STATES N°52* DOGES OF VENICE Francesco Donato M. Ant. Trovisan Francesco Venie- Lorenzo Priuli Girolamo Priuli Pietro Loredano Luigi Mocenigo Sebastiano Venie. ro Nicolo da Ponte Pasquale Cicogna Marino Grimani >> G.Dukes. S Dukes t, 15 Cosmo Hercu- 18 16 les II. 19 Alfonso 1 II. 2 1 Francis- 16 Mary de 2 Medici 17 1 Ferdin- 29 and I. 2 de 30 Medici 3 31 4 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 Caisar 1 2 3 4 Dukes - Ph Counts a 5 Octavius Ferdin- 13 6 and I. 14 Caesar 1 I. 29 Ferdin- 1 and II. 30 Duke 2 1 Alexan- 12 der 2 Farnese 13 lRanutiusl8 I. Dukes of Mantua 2 William 6 7 14 21 25 created Duke of 26 Montferrat 1 Vincent I. 2 3 4 2 Govnrs > T, o a - - £ 'A Stadts. p 21 Mary of Austria 22 23 24 ■ 1 Emmanuel Duke of 2 Savoy 3 4 1 Margaret of Austria 2 Duchess of Parma 1 Ferdinand Duke of 2 Alva 1 Don Louis de 2 Requesens 1 Don John of Austria 1 Alexander of Parma 2 William 1 Prince of 3 Orange 2 9 Earl of 1 Leicester 10 Prince 1 Maurice 11 of 2 Nassau 12 3 13 4 14 5 1 Peter 6 Ernest 2 Count of 7 Mansfeldt lArchduke8 Ernest 1 Pedro de 9 Fuentes 1 Albert of 10 Austria 2 11 3 12 4 Infanta 13 Isabella 5 marries 14 the Dukes, Brunswick Lunenburg 6 Mary and William 7 12 William alone 13 1 Ernest II. 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 Dukes of Wurtembg. 2 Christo- pher I. 3 the Pacific 4 5 6 7 ■ 1 Louis III. 2 3 1 Frederic 1. 2 3 4 5 6 7 Brandenbg. 17 Joachim II. 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 9.5 1 John- George 2 1 Joachim- Frederic. 2 For Dui-al Prussia, 3 see Regal Table, 53. ., Dukes o .2 S > 5 B Electors £ 2 Albert III. Frede- 8 3 ric II. 9 4 10 5 11 6 12 7 Otho- 1 Henry 8 2 9 3 10 Frede- 1 ric III. 11 the 2 Pious 12 3 13 4 14 5 15 6 16 7 17 8 18 9 19 10 20 11 21 12 22 13 23 14 24 15 25 16 26 17 27 Louis 1 VI. the 28 Easy 2 29 3 1 William 4 II. the 2 Religious 5 3 6 4 7 5 Frede- 1 ric IV. 6 2 7 3 8 4 9 5 10 6 11 7 12 8 13 9 14 10 15 11 16 12 17 13 1 Maximi-I4 lian 2 15 3 16 4 17 5 18 5 Dukes 3 4 Maurice Charles 7 5 II. 8 1 Augustus 9 the Pious 10 1 Christi- 42 an I. 2 43 1 Christi- 47 an II. 2 - - 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 A. D. 1601— 1650 CHRONOLOGICAL G314 6315 6316 6317 6318 6319 6320 6321 6322 6323 6324 6325 6326 6327 6328 6329 6330 6331 6332 6333 6334 6335 6336 6337 6338 6339 6340 6341 6342 6343 6344 6345 6346 6347 6348 6349 6350 6351 6352 6353 6354 6355 6356 6357 6358 < 1601 1602 1603 1604 1605 1606 1607 1608 1609 1610 1611 1612 1613 1614 1615 1616 1617 1618 1619 1620 1621 1622 1623 1624 1625 1626 1627 1628 1629 1630 1631 1632 1633 1634 1635 1636 1637 1638 1639 1640 1641 1642 1643 1644 1645 Emperors of Turkey 7 Mahomed III. 1 Ahmed I. 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 Mustafa I. again 1 Amurath IV. 2 1 Ibrahim 6359 1646 6360 1647 6361 1648 6362 1649 6363 1650 c Emperors of Germany 26 Rodolph II. 27 1 Matthias 2 4 5 6 1 Ferdin- and II. 2 ■ 5 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1 Ferdin. and III. 2 3 4 1 Mahomed IV. 2 Czars OS "O •5 (3 3 ,r- "3 W Kings n, 4 Boris Sigis- 15 5 mund 16 6 17 7 ■ 18 — Interreg.19 lVassili 20 Chouiski 2 21 3 ■ 22 4 23 — Interreg.24 25 26 1 Michael 27 Romanof 2 28 3 29 4 30 5 31 6 32 7 33 8 34 9 35 10 36 11 37 12 38 13 39 14 40 15 41 16 42 17 43 18 44 19 45 20 Ladis- 1 lasVII. 21 Vasa 2 22 3 23 4 24 5 25 6 26 7 27 8 28 9 29 10 30 11 31 12 32 13 1 Alexis 14 2 15 3 16 4 John II. 1 Cashnir 5 2 6 3 Dukes of Prussia 4Joachim. Frederic 5 Elector of 6Branden- burg 9 10 1 John Si- gismund 9 succeeds as Duke 10 of Prussia 11 1618 1 George- William 2 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 1 Frederic Wm. the 2 Great 4 6 8 9 10 11 Kings of France 13 Henry IV. 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 1 Louis XIII. 2 the Just 3 4 6 8 9 10 11 Dukes of Savoy 22 Charles- Emm. I. 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 1 Victor- Amade- 2 us I. 1 Francis- Hyacinth 1 Charles- Emm. II. 32 33 1 Louis XIV. 2 le Grand 3 Kings of Spain 4 Philip III. 1 Philip IV. 2 4 Kings of Portugal United to Spain 1 John IV. Duke of 2 Bragan- za 3 . 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 -a Kings -a c c JS of -2 44 Elizabeth James 35 45- VI. 36 1 James I. VI. of 2 Scotland 1 Charles I. 2 3 4 5 6 -Common- wealth rORICAL TABLES N c 53 POPES 10 Clement VIII. 11 ■ 1 Leo XI. 1 Paul V. LEARNING AND GENIUS 1 Gregory XV. 2 1 Urban VIII. 2 1 Innocent X. 2 1 Francis Lord Bacon, 1561—1626 Father Paul Sarpi, 1652—1622 Archbishop Bancroft 1544—1610 Francis de Malherbe, 1556—1628 Janus Gruter, 1560—1627 Cardinal Bellarmine, 1542—1621 Philip du Mornay, 1549—1623 Galilei Galileo, 15G4— 1642 Francesco Albano, 1578—1660 Sir Thomas Bodley, 1544— 1612 MODERN HISTORY Lopez de la Vega, 1562—1635 Ben Jonson, 1574—1638 John Kepler, 1571—1630 John Napier, 1550—1617 Sir Hugh Middleton, —1631 Sir Robert Cotton, 1570—1631 Domenichino Zampieri, 1581—1641 Giovanni Guercino, 1590—1666 Dr. William Harvey, 1578—1658 Guido Rheni, 1575—1642 Robert Burton, 1576—1639 Sir Peter Paul Rubens, 1577— 1G40 Sir Henry Spelman, 1562—1641 Cardinal Bentivoglio, 1579—1644 John Meursius, 1579—1639 Gerard John Vossius, 1577—1649 Pietro da Cortona, 1596—1669 Bishop Hall, 1574—1656 Inigo Jones, 1572—1652 Hugo Grotius, 1583—1645 Archbishop Usher, 1580—1656 Diego Velasquez, 1594—1660 Sir Anthony Vandyke, 1599—1641 John Selden, 1584—1654 Peter Gassendi, 1592—1655 Rene Descartes, 1596—1650 Claude de Lorraine, 1600—1682 Dionysius Petavius, 1583—1652 Paul Rembrandt, 1606—1674 Eustace Le Suer, 1617 — 1655 William Chillingworth, 1602—1644 Sir Thomas Browne, 1605—1682 Nicholas Poussin, 1594 — 1665 Bartolomeo Murillo, 1613—1685 Duke de la Rochefoucault, 1613—1680 Salvator Rosa, 1615—1673 Carlo Dolce, 1616—1685 Thomas Hobbes, 1588—1679 Dr. Edward Pococke, 1604—1691 Francis de Mezerai, 1610—1683 Defeat of the Spaniards in Ireland by Lord Mountjoy, Dec. 24. — Essex and Southampton found guilty, Feb. 19. — Essex is beheaded, Feb. 25. Conspiracy against Henry IV. — Mareschal Biron beheaded, July 21. — O'Neil Earl of Ty rone surrenders at discretion. Queen Elizabeth dies, Mar. 24, set. 69. — The proclamation of the acces- sion of King James read ' to the people' by Secretary Cecil, Mar. 24. Conference of divines at Hampton Court, Jan. 16.— The style of King of Great Britain first assumed, Oct. 24. Gunpowder Plot discovered, Nov. 5. — High disputes between Pope Paul V. and the Venetians. — Marino Grimani the Doge dies, Dec. 16. Pope Paul V. forbids the Catholics of England taking the oath of alle- giance, Sept. 3.— Ostend taken by Marquis Spinola, Sept 9. Sir Francis Bacon' in a debate upon a Union with Scotland introduces a luminous exposition of a plan of legal reform, Mar. Cecil Earl of Salisbury made Lord Treasurer, May 6.— Abp. Bancroft persecutes the Puritans, of whom numbers emigrate to Virginia. Twelve years' truce between Spain and the United Provinces, Mar. 29. Edict of Philip III. for the expulsion of the Moors, Dec. 9. Henry IV. assassinated by Ravailiac, May 4. — King James renews the league between England and France. STATESMEN AND WARRIORS New Translation of the Bible published by authority, May 22. — First creation of baronets.— Robert Carr advanced at Court. Cecil Earl of Salisbury dies, May 24.— Howard Earl of Suffolk succeeds as lord treasurer. — Henry Prime of Wales dies, Nov. 6. Marriage of the Pss. Elizabeth to the Elector Palatine. — Sir T. Over- bury dies, Sept. 24. — Carr Earl of Somerset marries the Css. of Essex. King James dissolves the parliament, June 8. — He resorts to raising money by way of benevolence, and obtains £52,909. George Villiers sworn of the Privy Council, Apr. 23. — The murder of Overbury divulged, Aug. 1. — Lady Arabella Stuart dies, Sept. 17. King James gives up the cautionary towns pledged to Queen Elizabeth, May 31. — Somerset and his countess condemned but reprieved, July 11. Sir Francis Bacon made Lord Keeper, Mar. 7 ; and Lard Chancellor, May 27. — King James enforces episcopacy in Scotland, July. Religious dissension in Bohemia.— Earl of Suffolk fined for peculation, July 12.— Sir Walter Raleigh beh. Oct. 29.— Synod of Dort, Nov. 1. War of the Succession in Germany, Aug. 26, continues thirty years. — The circulation of the blood discovered by Dr. William Harvey. Preliminaries of the Spanish match, Apr. 27. — Battle of Prague gained by the D. of Bavaria, Nov. 8. — Elector Palatine loses his dominions. Lord Bacon convicted of bribery, May 3. — King James in person can- cels a protest of the House of Commons from their journals, Dec. 30. Oxford, Southampton, Coke, Slden, Pym, &c. imprisoned. — The Puritans side with the people — the Arminians declare for the King. Buckingham and Prince Charles proceed incognito to Madrid, Feb. 7. — 'The match' broken off by the intrigues of Buckingham, Nov. 25. Cranfield Earl of Middlesex, lord treasurer, removed, May 13. — Treaty of marriage between Prince Charles and Henrietta of France. King James I. dies, Mar. 27, a;t. 59.— Marriage of King Charles with Henrietta Maria, June 14. — The first parliament, June lrt — Aug. 12. King Charles meets his second parliament, Feb. 6, which is suddenly dissolved, June 15. — He exacts a loan to assist the King of Denmark. Sir Thomas Wentworth imprisoned for refusing to aid the loan. — The Duke of Buckingham appears suddenly before Rochelle, July 7. Third parliament meets, Mar. 17.— Petition of Right, June 17.— Bucking- ham assassinated by Felton, Aug. 23. — Rochelle surrenders to Louis. The Speaker of the H. of Commons forcibly held in the chair pending a protest against tonnage and poundage, Mar. 2. — Parliament dissolved. King Charles engages, through the Marquis of Hamilton, to assist Gustavus Adolphus in the recovery of the Palatinate. Bp. Laud introduces various objectionable religious ceremonies, Jan. 16. Battle of Leipsic, Count Tilly defeated by Gustavus Adolphus, Aug.28. Proclamation enforcing the residence of landholders upon their estates, June 10. — Battle of Lutzen, Gustavus Adolphus killed, Nov. 6. King Charles crowned at Edinburgh, June 18.— Episcopacy opposed in the Scottish parliament. — Laud raised to the see of Canterbury, Aug. Battle of Nordlinghen gained by the Imperialists, Nov. 28. — Noy, At- torney-general, dies, Aug. 9.— First writ for ship-money, Oct. 20. Peace of Prague, May 20. — Earls of Salisbury and Westmoreland and others are heavily fined for encroachments on the royal forests. Proclamation restraining the emigration of the Presbyterians to Ame- rica, Apr. 30. — Oliver Cromwell actually embarked. Prynne, Bastwick, and Burton pilloried by the Star Chamber, June 30. — First tumult at Edinburgh on the reading of the liturgy, July 23. Judgment in the Exchequer against John Hampden for ship money, June 12. — Episcopacy abolished in Scotland, Nov. 29. Pacification with the Scots at Berwick, June 13. — Bp. Williams fined by the Star Chamber £5,000 to the King and £3,000 to Abp. Laud, Feb. Fourth parliament, Ap.13 — May 5. — The Lords 'solicit the supply' which is voted a breach of privilege, May 1. — Long parliament meets, Nov. 3. The judgment in the Exchequer in Hampden's case cancelled by act of parliament, Feb. 26.— Wentworth Earl of Strafford beheaded, May 11. King Charles demands the Five Members, Jan. 3. — The royal standard erected at Nottingham, Aug. 22.— Battle of Edgehill, Oct. 23. John Hampden mortally wounded at Chalgrove. June 18. — Prince Ru- pert takes Bristol by storm, July 26.— First battle of Newbury, Sept. 20. Parliament at Oxford, Jan. 29.— Battle at Marston Moor, July 2.— Sur- render of Skippon, Sept. 2. — Second battle of Newbury, Oct. 27. Abp. Laud beheaded, Jan. 10.— Treaty of Uxbridge fails, Feb. 22.— Bat- tle of Naseby, June 14. — Prince Rupert surrenders Bristol, Sept. 10. The King sends eight several messages to the parliament from Oxford, Dec. 1645 — Mar. 23. — He surrenders to the Scots at Newark, May 5. King Charles delivered by the Scots to the parliamentary commissioners, Jan. 30.— Is taken by Colonel Hammond to Carisbrook castle, Nov. 13. Battle of Lens gained by the Prince of Conde, Aug. 9. — Peace of West- phalia, Oct. 14. — The Presbyterians debarred entrance to ' the House.' King Charles I. beheaded, Jan. 30.— House of Lords abolished, Feb. 5. Duke of Hamilton and Lords Holland and Capel beheaded. Mar. 9. Marquis of Montrose executed, May 20. — King Charles lands in Scot- land, June 23.— Battle of Dunbar gained by Cromwell, Sept. 3. Chancellor de Bellievre, 1529—1607 Thomas Lord Ellesmere, 1540—1617 Secretary Villeroy, —1617 Robert Earl of Salisbury, 1563—1612 Sir Edward Coke, 1550—1634 Chancellor Brulart de Sillery, —1624 Howard Earl of Northampton, —1614 President Jeannin, 1540—1652 Francis Duke of Lerma, -1625 Sir John Davies, 1570—1625 Carr Earl of Somerset, —1645 Pensionary Barneveldt, 1547—1619 Sir Ralph Winwood, 1564—1617 Marquis de Spinola, 1569—1630 Charles Albert D. de Luines, —1621 Richard Earl of Cork, 1566—1643 Digby Earl of Bristol, 1580—1658 Archbishop Abbot, 1562—1633 Villiers Duke of Buckingham, 1582—1028 Henry Duke de Rohan, 1579—1638 Sir Henry Wotton, 1568—1639 Williams Abp. of York, 1582—1650 Cardinal Richelieu, 1585—1642 Albert Count Wallestein, 1584—1634 Thomas Lord Coventry, 1578—1640 Mareschal Bassompierre, 1579—1646 Gaspar Duke d'Olivarez, —1643 Chancellor Oxenstiern,' 1583—1654 Weston Earl of Portland, —1634 Duke of Saxe Weimar, 1604—1639 Archbishop Laud, 1573 — 1645 Thomas Earl of Strafford, 1593—1641 John Hampden, 1594 — 1643 John Pym, 1584—1643 Denzil Holies, 1597—1680 William Lenthal, 1591—1663 Robert Earl of Essex, 1596—1646 James Marquis of Montrose, 1612—1650 Carey Viscount Falkland, 1610—1643 William Marq. of Newcastle, 1592—1676 Thomas Lord Fairfax, 1611—1671 Sir Henry Vane, 1612—1662 Cardinal Mazarine, 1602—1661 Cardinal de Retz,' 1614—1679 Louis ' le Grande Conde' 1621—1686 Bishop Juxon, 1584— 1663 Anne of Austria, — 1665 D. 1601—1650 NON-REGAL STATES N° 53* DOGES OP VENICE 7 Marino Grimano 9 10 11 1 Leonardo Donato 2 3 4 ■ 5 1 M. Ant. Me:nmo 2 1 Giovanni Bembo 2 3 1 Nicolo Donato Antonio Priuli 1 Francesco Conta- rini 1 Giovanni Cornaro 4 5 6 1 Nicolo Contarini 1 Francesco Erizzo 2 1 Francesco Molino 2 3 4 ., G.Dukes j H Dukes M 15 Ferdind. I. Cassar 5 16 L 6 17 7 18 8 19 20 21 22 1 Cosmo 13 2 Medici 14 1 Ferdin. 25 and II. 2 de 26 Medici 3 27 8 Alfonso 1 III. 9 Francis 1 I. 10 2 Dukes £ i ° f 1 Ph ' o 10 Ranutius Ferdin- 27 11 and II. 28 30 47 1 Edward 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 Csesar 1 II. II Ferdin- 1 and III. 2 lRanutiusl5 II. 2 16 Dukes of Mantua 15 Vincent I. 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 lFrancisIII. 1 Ferdinand 2 1 Vincent II. 1 Charles I. 2 3 4 10 ICharlesIII. son of 2 Charles II. Duke de 3 Rethelois 2 Govnrs. > u o V I. J3 • (U a! e •A Stadts. t3 6 Archduke Albert, 15 7 both are 16 invested 8 with 17 sovereign 9 power 18 10 19 11 20 12 21 13 22 14 23 15 24 16 25 17 26 18 27 19 28 20 29 21 30 22 31 23 32 24 33 25 34 26 Isabel. 35 la 27 alone 36 28 37 29 38 30 Frederic 1 ' Henry 31 of 2 Orange 32 3 33 4 34 5 35 6 36 7 37 8 IDonFer- 9 dinand 2 10 3 11 4 12 5 13 6 14 7 15 8 16 1 Don 17 Fran- 2 cesco 18 Mello 3 19 1 Marquis 20 de Castel 2 Rodrigo 21 3 22 lArc.Leopd. William 1 2 II. of 2 Orange 3 3 A H 4 9 Dukes, Brunswick Lunenburg 10 Ernest II. 11 1 Christian I. 21 22 1 Augustus 1 Frederic II. 1 Christian- Louis 2 Dukes of Wurtembg. 9 Frederic 10 11 12 13 14 15 1 John- Frederic 2 1 Eberhard III. 2 Electors of Bavaria 6 Maximili- an 7 28 created the 8th 29 Elector Electors Palatine 19 Frederic IV. 20 21 1 Frederic V. Charles- Louis recovers the Palatinate, 1650 v§ Dukes (3 11 Christ. I. Charles 57 12 II. 58 18 Henry 1 1L the 19 Good 2 1 John- George 2 I. 3 4 5 6 7 — 14 Francis 1 II. 15 Charles 2 III. and 16 Nicholas 3 Francis 17 4 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 is 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 M 27 A.D. 1651—1700 CHRONOLOGICAL A 6364 6365 6366 6367 6368 6369 6370 6371 6372 6373 6374 6375 6376 6377 6378 6379 6380 g o P o c c < 1651 1652 1653 1654 1655 1656 1657 1658 1659 1660 1661 1632 1633 1664 1665 1666 1667 6381 1668 6382 1669 6383 1670 6384 1671 6385 1672 6386 1673 6387 1674 6388 1675 6389 1676 6390 1677 6391 1678 6392 1679 6393 1680 6394 1681 6395 1682 6396 1683 6397 1684 6398 1685 6399 1686 6400 1687 6401 1688 6402 1689 6403 1690 6104 1691 6405 1692 6106 1693 6407 1694 6408 1695 6409 1C96 6410 1697 6411 1698 6412 1699 6413 1700 Emperors of Turkey 3 Mahomed IV. 4 5 6 7 1 Soliman III. 2 1 Ahmed II. 2 3 4 1 Mustafa 1 1. Emperors of Germany 15 Ferdin- and III. 16 17 18 19 20 21 Interreg. 1 Leopold I. 2 K Kings pi, 7 Alexis John 4 8 II. 5 Dukes of Prussia Kings of France 14 15 16 17 IS 19 23 20 24 Interreg. 25 Michael 1 Koributh 26 2 27 30 John III.l Sobieski 31 2 1 Feodor .3 II. 2 4 1 Ivan V. 9 and 2 Peter I. 10 3 4 5 6 , 7 1 Peter the 2 Great alone 12Frederic- William 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 13 1 47 3 18 4 19 5 20 6 21 7 22 8 23 Interreg. 9 Frederic 1 August. 10 2 48 1 Frederic 2 9 Louis XIV. 10 11 — — 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Dukes of Savoy 14 Charles Em. II. 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Kings of Spain 31 Philip IV. 32 33 34 35 36 37 37 1 Victor. Amade- 2 us II. 43 44 1 Charles II. 2 3 4 5 6 Kings of Portugal Kings of Gt. Britain Princes of Orange — Protector- ate 12 John IV. — Common. of Bra. 13 ganza 14 15 16 1 Alfonso VI. 2 4 5 1 Charles II. 5WMUam II. 6 9 10 11 12 13 1 William III. 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 1 Philip V. 26 27 1 Pedro II. 2 3 4 5 6 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 1 James II. 2 3 4 Interreg. lWillm.IIL Mary 1 2 2 30 King of Great 31 Britain 3 32 4 33 :;i 35 M 37 38 39 40 41 TORICAL TABLES N° 54 ■ POPES a II. 8 Innocent X. 9 — 10 — 11 — 1 Alexander VII. 2 — 3 — 4 - — 5 - 6 — 7 9 — 10 — 11 n 12 — 1 Clement IX. 2 — 3 - 1 Clement X. — 2 — 3 — 4 6 — 1 Innocent XI. 2 — •3 — 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 _ 13 - 1 Alexander VIII. — 1 Innocent XII. 2 - 3 n 4 - 5 - 6 - 7" - 1 Clement XI. LEARNING AND GENIUS Madame de Sevigne, 1627—1696 John F. Gronovius, 1611— 1671 Blaise Pascal, 1623— 1662~ John Milton, 1608—1674 James Harrington, 1611 — 1677 Edmund Waller, 1605—1687 Peter Corneille, 1606—1684 John Baptist Moliere, 1622—1673 Bp. Brian Walton, 1600—1661 Luca Giordano, 1629—1705 Sir John Marsham, 1602—1685 Samuel Butler, 1612—1680 Charles le Brun, 1619—1690 Bp. Jeremy Taylor, 1613—1667 John F. Vaillant, 1632—1676 James Gregory, 1638—1675 John L. Bernini, 1598—1680 John Evelyn, 1620—1706 Christian Huygens, 1629— 1695 Sir Christopher Wren, 1622—1723 Isaac Barrow, 1630—1677 Richard Baxter, 1615—1691 Bartholomew D'Herbelot, 1625—1695 John Bunyan, 1628—1688 Robert Boyle, 1626—1691 Samuel Puffendorf, 1632—1694 Carlo Maratti, 1625—1713 Henry PurceU, 1658—1695 John de la Bruyere, John de la Fontaine, 1644—1696 1621—1695 Thomas Otway, 1651—1685 Bernard Fontenelle, 1657—1757 John Dryden, 1631—1700 John Racine, 1639—1697 Nicholas Boileau, 1636—1711 Humphrey Prideaux, 1648—1724 John George Graovius, 1632—1703 Peter Bayle, 1647—1706 John Locke, 1632—1704 Bishop Stillingfleet, 1635—1699 Archbishop Tillotson, 1630—1694 Bishop Burnet, 1643—1715 Bossuet Bp. of Meaux, 1627—1704 Luuis Tillemont, 1637—1698 Nicholas Malebranche, 1638—1715 John Dominic Cassini, 1625—1712 Henry Dodwell , 1 642— 1 7 IT James Gronovius, 1645 — 1716 Bishop Hough, 1650—1743 Madame Dacier, 1650—1720 MODERN HISTORY Charles II. crowned at Scone, Jan. 1. — Enters England by Carlisle, Aug. 6. -~- Battle of Worcester, Sept. 3. — The King escapes to France, Oct. 17. War between England and Holland, June 30. — Seven naval battles in thirteen months. — Blake, Van Tromp, de Ruyter, &c. Cromwell dissolves the Long Parliament, Apr. 20. — Barebone parlia- ment, July 4 — Dec. 12. — Cromwell proclaimed Lord Protector, Dec. 16, Peace between England and Holland, Apr. 5. — New parliament, Sept. 3 — Jan. 22. — The hereditary Protectorate refused, Oct. 19. Conspiracy of the republicans, Feb. 10. — Penruddock executed at Exeter, May 16. — The press controlled by the Secretary of State, Oct. War between England and Spain, Mar. 12.— Blake destroys four and takes two Spanish Galleons, Sept 10. — New parliament, Sept. 17 — June 26. Victory at Santa Cruz by Blake, who dies on his return, Apr. 17. — Crom. well declines the regal title. May 8. — Assassination plot, Jan. 9. The keys of Dunkirk delivered by Louis XIV. in person to the English ambassador, June 17. — Oliver Cromwell dies, Sept 3. New parliament, Jan. 27 — Apr. 22.— The Rump, May 7— Oct. 12. — Rich. ard Cromwell resigns, May 13. — The Rump restored, Dec. 26 — Mar. 16. General Monk enters England,-Jan. 1, and London, Feb. 3.— Convention parliament, Apr. 25 — Dec. 29. — King Charles II. restored, May 29. STATESMEN AND WARRIORS Archibald Marq. of Argyll, ob. st. 63, 1661 Admiral M. Van Tromp, 1597—1653 Oliver Cromwell, 1599—1658 Admiral Blake, 1599—1657 John Thurloe, 1616—1668 Edmund Ludlow, 1602—1693 Mareschal Turenne, 1611—1675 Admiral de Ruyter, 1607—1676 Bulstrode Whitelock, 1005—1676 Monk, Duke of Albemarle, 1608^1070 New parliament, May 8. — The Commons ordered to take the sacrament. Restoration of Episcopacy in Scotland, May 8. — Argyll beh. May 27. Marriage of King Charles to Catherine of Portugal, May 20. — Sir Henry Vane beheaded, June 14. — Dunkirk sold to France, Oct. 17. The Guards reviewed, — about 4000 men, the whole standing army of the time, July 4. — Impeachment of Lord Clarendon fails, July 9. The Clergy exchange the right of taxing themselves in Convocation for the elective franchise. — Hostilities against Holland The Dutch fleet defeated by the Duke of York ; Admiral Opdam blown up, June 3. — The great Plague in London, June 29 — Dec. 12. Conflict of four days with the Dutch fleet, June 1 — 4. — Dutch fleet de- feated by Rupert and Monk, June 26. — Great Fire of London, Sept. 2. The Dutch sail up the Medway and burn several ships of the line, June 3. Peace of Breda, JulylO.—Ld. Clarendon resigns the Great Seal, Aug. 30. Triple alliance; England, Holland, and Sweden against Louis XIV. Jan. 13 — Peace of Aix-la-Chapelle ; France and Spain, Apr. 22. Union with Scotland proposed to parliament upon the basis of episco- pacy, and is moved by Lauderdale in Scotland the same day, Oct. 19. The Cabal, — Clifford, Arlington, Buckingham, Ashley, and Lauderdale. Dss. of Portsmouth sent by Louis XIV. to secure the French interest. The 'Commons' protest against alterations in money bills by the ' Lords,' Mar. 6. — Attempt of Blood to steal the crown. May 9. The king shuts the Exchequer, Jan. 2. — Battle of Solebay, May 27. — P. of Orange made Stadtholder, June 1. — Shaftesbury Chancellor, Nov. 17. Test Act, Mar. 29. — Duke of York refuses the Test. — Shaftesbury dis- missed, Nov. 9, Duke of York marries Mary of Modena, Nov. 21. Peace between England and Holland, Feb. 11. — Battle of Senef between the Prince of Conde and the Prince of Orange, Aug. 1. Disputes between the two Houses respecting the right of appeal to the House of Lords, which leads to prorogation for 15 months, Nov. 22. King Charles pensioned by Louis XIV. withdraws to Windsor. — National prosperity. — Political calm before the tempest. Buckingham, Shaftesbury, Salisbury, and Wharton sent to the Tower for asserting that the prorogation was in effect a dissolution, Feb. 15. Peace of Nimeguen, July 31. — The Popish Plot, Sept. 6. — SirE. Godfrey murdered, Oct. 17. — Five Catholic lords sent to the Tower, Oct. 25. Parliament dissolved, Jan. 24. — D. of York withdraws to Brussels,Mar.3. New parliament, Mar. 6 — July 10. — Habeas Corpus act, May 27. Party distinctions, Whig and Tory arise. — Parliament, Oct. 21 — Jan. 10. Exclusion bill thrown out, Nov. 15. — Viscount Stafford beh. Sept. 29. The parliament meets at Oxford, Mar. 21 — 27. — ' The Expedient' fails. — Indictment against Lord Shaftesbury for treason ignored, Nov 24. The City authorities by the new election for sheriffs become devoted to the Court. — Shaftesbury withdraws to Holland, Oct. 19. Rye-House Plot, June 23.— Lord Russell beh. July 21.— Sir George Jef- fries made lord-chief-justice, Sept. 28. — Algernon Sydney beh. Dec. 7. John Hampden fined £40,000, Feb. 6.— The catholic lords released from the Tower, Feb. 12.— The Duke of York recalled to Council, May 28. K. Charles II. dies, Feb. 6, ast.54— Edict of Nantes revoked,Oct.l2.— D. of Monmouth taken at Sedgemoor, July 6.— Ld. Sunderland premier,Dec. The dispensing power assumed by the king and affirmed by the judges, June 21. — New ecclesiastical commission opened, July 14. Contest of the king with the University of Cambridge, May 7— and with Oxford, Dec. 10. — The Pope's Nuncio received at Windsor, July 3. Trial of the seven bishops, June 29. — MeetingatLd.Shrewsbury's,June30. P. of Orange lands at Torbay, Nov. 5. — K. James withdraws, Dec. 23. King William and Queen Mary proclaimed Feb. 13.— Habeas Corpus Act suspended the first time, March 16. — Bill of Rights, Dec. 16. Battle of the Boyne, July 1.— Dublin, Wexford, Drogheda, and Water- ford surrender, but at Limerick King William is repulsed. Aug. 30. Congress at the Hague, King William protests against LouisXIV. Jan. 26. Battle of Aghrim, July 12. — Limerick surrenders to Gen. Ginkle.Oct. 3. Marlborough deprived of office, Jan. 7.— Battle of La Hogue, May 23. — BattleofSteenkirk, July 24— Hanover made a ninth Electorate, Dec. 9. Massacre of Glencoe, Jan. 31.— Battle of Landen lost by King William, July 29. — Battle of Marsiglia, Duke of Savoy defeated. The royal assent refused to a bill touching free and impartial proceedings in parliament, Jan. 25. — Queen Mary dies, Dec. 28, est. 33. Sir John Trevor, speaker of the House of Commons, expelled for bribery, the question being put by himself from the chair, March 12. Assassination plot discovered, Feb.14.— Sir John Fenwick unconvicted by single evidence, suffers by a bill passed by a majority of seven, Nov. 9. Peace of Ryswick, Sept. 1 1 . — The Commons disband the forces against the king's expressed opinion in favour of a stand «ig army, Dec. 11. Peter the Great comes to England incognito. Jan. 11.— First partition treaty of the Spanish monarchy ; England, France, and Holland, Aug. 19. The king's request to retain his Dutch guards finally rejected by the House of Commons as contrary to the Constitution, Mar. 24. The second partition treaty. Feb. 26.— William Duke of Gloucester dies, July 30.— Charles II. King of Spain dies, Oct 29. Edward Earl of Clarendon, 1608—1674 James Duke of Ormond, 1607—1688 Heneage Earl of Nottingham, 1621—1682 Admiral C. Van Tromp, 1629—1691 Pensionary De Witt, 1625—1672 Edward Earl of Sandwich, 1625—1672 John Duke of Lauderdale, 1616-1682 Villiers2nd D.of Buckingham, 1627—1688 John Baptist Colbert, ob. »t. 64, 1683 Anthony Earl of Shaftesbury, 1621— 10s3 Sir William Temple, 1628—1700 Andrew Marvell, 1620—1678 Thomas Duke of Leeds, ob. aet. 81, 1712 Charles Earl of Dorset, 1637—1706 Bishop Compton, 1632—1713 Mareschal de Luxemburg, 1628—1693 Sir William Pulteney, ob. aet. 78, 1691 James Viscount Stair, 1607—1695 William Lord Russell, 1641—1683 Algernon Sidney, 1617—1683 James Duke Monmouth, 1649—1685 Mareschal D. of Schomberg, 1619—1690 Letellier de Louvois, 1641—1694 George Marquis of Halifax, 1630—1695 Mareschal de Vauban, 1638—1707 Robert Earl of Sunderland, ob. aet. 61, 1702 Archbishop Sancroft, 1616—1695 Sir Edward Seymour, ob. aet. 75, 1708 Reverend George Walker, — 1690 William Duke of Devonshire, 1640—1707 John Lord Somers, ob. aet. 67, 1716 Reverend William Carstares, 1619—1715 Russell Earl of Orford, ob. aet. 75, 1727 Madame de Maintenon, ob. set. 84. 1719 Charles Duke of Shrewsbury, 1667—1717 William Earl of Portland, —1709 Charles Earl of Peterborough, ob. aet. 77, 1735 John Earl of Stair, 1648—1707 Lord Chief Justice Holt, 1642—1710 Michael Chamillard, —1721 II u D. 1651—1700 NON.REGAL STATES N° 54* DOGES OF VENICE 6 Francesco Molino 7 1 Carlo Contarini 1 Francesco Cornaro 1 Bertucci Valiero 1 Giovanni Pesaro 1 Domenico Conta- rini II. 2 13 14 15 16 1 Nicolo Sagredo 1 Luigi Contarini 1 M. Ant. Giustini- ani 2 1 Francesco More sini 2 >,G.Dukes H Dukes S 1 Silvestro Valiero 2 1 Alvise Mocenigo I. 31Ferdin. II. Francis 23 32 I. 24 25 27 38 Alfonso 1 IV. 39 2 40 42 Francis 1 IL 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 1 Cosmo 2 Medici 10 Dukes £ of 1 3 e 6 Ranut. II. Ferdi- 20 7 nand 21 III. 8 22 23 24 25 26 27 29 25 Reginald 1 26 2 27 3 28 - 29 - 30 - 31 - 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 Charles 1 Duke of Mantua 2 47 Vincent 1 de 48 Gonzaga2 1 Francis 3 2 4 Dukes of Mantua 15 Charles III. 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 27 1 Charles IV. 2 3 4 5 6 27 4 2 Govnrs. > o 8 £ IDon g John B 2 of ft Austria 3 «< m 1 Marquis a de ir- 2 Fromia- ■~ ta ■ 3 c 4 CI 5 t_ 1 Marquis deCaste 2 Hodrigo 3 4 1 Dukede Feria 2 1 Corate de Monterei 2 3 William 1 lll.P.of 4 Orange 2 5 3 lDukedc 4 Villaher 2 mosa e 3 a 1 Prince 7 of 2 Parma 8 3 9 4 10 1 Marquis 11 del 2 Caretto 12 3 13 1 Marquis 14 del Cas 2 tanaga 15 3 16 4 17 5 18 6 19 7 20 1 Elector 21 of 2 Bavaria 22 3 n 4 24 5 25 6 Pfi ■s Dukes E? I _ 1 3 | pq Bishop O 4 Christian- Louis 5 6 7 o to 00 Osnaburg to P hop of 13 « 14 + 15 Ernest- 1 Aug. 16 2 17 3 1 George- 4 William 2 I. 5 3 6 4 7 5 8 6 9 7 10 8 11 9 12 10 13 11 14 12 15 13 16 14 17 15 18 16 19 17 20 18 21 19 22 20 23 21 24 22 25 23 26 24 27 25 28 26 29 27 Ernest- 30 Aug. 28 created 31 Elector 29 of 32 Hanover 30 33 31 34 Dukes, of Wurtembg. 24 Eberhard III. 25 1 William- Louis 2 1 Eberhard- Louis 32 35 33 36 34 George- 1 Louis 35 2 36 2 Electors of Bavaria 1 Ferdinand Mary 1 Maximili- an Emma. 2 nuel Palatine 20 Charles- Louis 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 1 Charles IL 1 Philip- William 1 John- William Electors J> J? Dukes J 41 Francis II. Charles 28 42 and 29 Nicho- 43 las 30 1 John- i George 2 II. 34 15 Charles 47 alone 20 Charles 1 IV. 21 22 23 24 1 John- George 2 III. 3 4 5 6 7 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 11 Leopold 1 1 John- George 2 IV. 1 Frederic- 5 August. 2 1. 6 3 5 9 6 10 7 11 II A.D. 1701—1750 CHRONOLOGICAL t ft 3 § Q o c c < Emperors of Turkey Emperors of Germany Emprs. « "a « Kings d, Kings of Prussia Kings of France Dukes ° 9 & Kings I Kings of Spain Kings of Portugal Kings of Gt. Britain Princes of Orange $ K s a P - 6414 6415 6416 6417 6418 6419 6420 6421 6422 6423 1701 1702 1703 1704 1705 1706 1707 1708 1709 1710 7 Mustafa 11. 8 1 Ahmed III. 2 3 6 8 44 Leopold 45 46 47 1 Joseph I. 2 4 5 6 13 Peter I. Frede- 5 14 ric 6 Aug. 15 7 16 Stanis- 1 las I. 17 2 18 3 19 4 20 5 21 Frede- 1 ric 22 again 2 14 Frederie I. 15 King 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 59 Louis XIV. 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 27 Victor- Amadeus 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 2 Philip V. 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 19 Pedro I L 20 21 22 23 1 John V. 2 3 4 5 13 William III. 1 Anne 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 42 William IIL 1 William IV. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ! 3Fr C 4 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 6424 6425 6426 6427 6428 6429 6430 6431 6432 6433 1711 1712 1713 1714 1715 1716 1717 1718 1719 1720 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1 Charles VI. 2 3 4 8 9 10 ; 23 3 24 4 25 5 26 6 27 7 28 8 29 9 30 10 31 11 32 12 24 25 1 Frederic Win. I. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 69 70 71 72 1 Louis XV. 2 3 4 5 6 37 38 39 obtains 1 the 40 crown 2 of 41 Sicily 3 42 4 43 ■ — - 5 44 exchan- ges for 45 Sardinia 46 12 13 14 15 16 — 17 18 19 20 21 6 7 8 9 • > 10 _ 11 12 13 14 15 10 11 12 1 George L 2 3 6 1 William V. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 13 - 14 - 13 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 19 - 20 - 21 I 22 I 6434 6435 6436 6437 6438 6439 6440 6441 6442 6443 1721 1722 1723 1724 1725 1726 1727 1728 1729 1730 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 1 Mahmood L 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 33 Peter IS takes 34 the 14 title of 35 empe- 15 ror 36 16 1 Cathe- 17 rine I. 2 18 1 Peter 19 IL 2 20 3 21 1 Anne 22 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 — — 55 1 Charles- Emman. 22 23 24 1 Louis 26 Philip resumes 27 28 29 SO 31 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 8 10 11 12 13 1 George II. 3 4 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 23 - 24 - 25 - 26 - 27 - 28 - 29 - 30 - 31 - ICh an 6444 6445 6446 6447 6448 6449 6450 6451 9452 6453 1731 1732 1733 1734 1735 1736 1737 1738 1739 1740 2 3 5 8 9 10 11 21 — .5 22 | 23 | 24 g 25 S ■ 26 § 1 27 — - 28 g (V 29 — o* — Interreg. Maria- 1 2 23 3 24 4 5 Frederic 1 Aug. II. 6 2 7 3 8 4 9 5 10 6 1 Ivan 7 VI. 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 1 Frederic U. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 2 III. S 3 — £ 4 ° m 5 -3 6 Don 1 Carlos 7 2 8 3 9 4 10 5 11 6 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 5 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 21 22 2-3 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 » - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 6454 6455 6456 6457 6458 6459 6460 6461 6462 6463 1741 1742 1743 1744 1745 1746 1747 1748 1749 1750 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Theresa 2 1 Charles 3 VII. of 2 Bavaria 4 3 5 1 Francis I. of 2 Lorraine 3 4 6 1 Eliza- 8 beth 2 9 3 10 4 11 5 12 6 13 7 14 8 15 9 16 10 17 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 27 28 29 SO 31 32 33 34 35 36 12 7 13 8 14 9 15 10 16 11 17 12 18 13 19 14 20 15 21 16 42 43 44 45 46 1 Ferdin- and VI. 2 3 4 5 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 1 Joseph 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 • 22 23 24 31 32 S3 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 12 Fr 13 a 14 - 15 - 16 - lFre ric 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 5T0RICAL TABLES N° 55 POPES 2 Clement XI. 3 1 Innocent' XIII. 2 1 Benedict XIII. 1 Clement XII. 1 Benedict XIV. LEARNING AND GENIUS Sir Isaac Newton, 1642—1726 Fenelon, Abp. of Cambray, 1651—1715 Godfrey Wm. Leibnitz, 1646—1716 Huet, Bp. of Avranches, 1630—1721 Dr. Robert South, 1633—1716 John Flamsteed, 1646—1719 Bishop Beveridge, 1637—1708 Sir Hans Sloane, 1660—1752 Dr. Richard Bentley, 1662—1742 Rene Anthony Reaumur, 1683—1757 Joseph Addison. 1672—1719 Sir Richard Steele, 1671—1729 P. J. de Crebillon, 1674—1762 Bishop Atterbury, 1662—1732 Nicholas Rowe, 1673—1718 John le Clerc, 1657—1736 John Baptist Massillon, 1663—1742 Lady M. W. Montagu, 1690—1762 Daniel De Foe, 1663—1731 Bernard de Montfaucon, 1655—1741 Dr. Samuel Clarke, 1675— 1729 Jonathan Swift, 1667—1742 Edmund Halley, 1656—1741 John Albert Fabricius, 1668—1736 Dr. John Arbuthnot, —1735 Herman Boerhaave, 1668—1738 Philip Destouches, 1680—1754 Daniel Waterland, 1683—1740 Leonard Euler, 1707—1783 Bishop Hoadly, 1675—1761 Alexander Pope, Thomas Southerne. Archbishop Potter. Bishop Butler, Bishop Sherlock, Bishop Berkeley, Colin Maclaurin, James Thomson, George Whitefleld, John Wesley, 1688—1744 1660—1746 1674—1747 1692—1752 1678—1761 1684-1753 1698—1746 1700—1748 1714—1770 1703—1791 Baron de Montesquieu, 1689—1755 Dr. Edward Young, 1681—1765 George Frederic Handel, 1684—1759 Dr. James Bradley, 1693—1762 Henry Fielding, 1707—1754 William Hogarth, 1697—1764 John Baptist Piranesi, 1721—1778 Dr. Richard Pococke, 1704—1765 David Garrick, 1706—1779 Frederick Klopstock, 1724—1803 MODERN HISTORY Act of Settlement, June 12.— K.James II. dies, Sep.6, aet. 68.— The Grand Alliance, Sept. 7. — Frederic Duke of Prussia takes the regal title. Kirg William III. dies, Mar. 8 aet. 51.— War against France and Spain, May 4.— Vigo taken by Sir George Rooke, Oct 12. Portugal joins the ' Alliance,' May 6. — The Great Storm, Nov. 26. — Charles III. of Spain arrives at Spithead, Dec. 26. Gibraltar taken by Sir George Rooke, July 13. — Battle of Blenheim, Mar- shal Tallard taken prisoner, Aug. 2. — Action off Malaga, Aug. 13. Siege of Gibraltar raised by the Spaniards — and naval victory of Sir John Leake, March 10. — Marlborough forces the lines at Tirlemont, July 7. Battle of Ramillies, May 12. — Menin surrenders to the Duke of Marl. borough, July 24. — Dendermond, on Aug. 19.— Battleof Turin, Aug. 28. Battle of Almanza, April 14. — Union with Scotland, May 1. — Sir Cloudesly Shovel lost on the rocks of Scilly, Oct 22. Battle of Oudenarde, June 30. — Minorca taken by General Stanhope, Sept. 18.— Action of Wynendale, Sept. 17.— Lisle taken, Oct 12. Battieof Pultowa,Charles XII. defeated, June 28.— Battle of Malplaquet, Sept. 1. — Dr. Sacheverell's sermon at St. Paul's, Nov. 5. Dr. Sacheverell suspended, Mar. 23. — Battle of Saragossa, Aug. 9. — Tory ministry, Sept. 21. — Battle of Villa Viciosa, Nov. 29. The Emperor Joseph dies, Apr. 6. — Is succeeded by Charles III. of Spain as Charles VI., Oct. 1. — Bouchain taken by Marlborough, Sept. 9. P. Eugene separates from the D. of Ormond, July 5 — and besieges Land. reci, July 6. — Earl of Albemarle defeated by Villars at Denain, July 13. The Dukes of Berry and Orleans renounce succession to the crown of Spain, Mar. 4. — Peace of Utrecht, Mar. 30. — Pragmatic Sanction, Ap. 6. Queen Annedies,Aug.l. aet. 49. — Peace of Baden, Aug. 24. — Bolingbroke dismissed, Aug. 31.— New ministry, Lord Halifax premier, Sept. 24. Louis XIV. dies, Aug. 21, aet. 77. — Robert Walpole Chancellor of the Exchequer. Oct. 10.— Battle of Sherifflnuir, Nov. 13. The rebel lords, Earl of Derwentwater and Viscount Kenmure, beheaded Feb. 24. — Septennial act, May 7, Duke of Argyll dismissed, July 4. Triple Alliance, England, France, and Holland, Jan. 4. — Lord Towns- hend and Mr. Walpole displaced by Secretary Stanhope, April 1C. Quadruple Alliance, July 22. — Sir George Byngdestroj s the Spanish fleet off Passaro, July 31 —Charles XII. killed at Frederickshal, Nov. 30. The crown of Sweden declared elective, Jan. 25. — The Mississippi scheme in France at its height in Nov., Dec., this year. The South Sea bubble begins about Apr. 7, is at its acme June, July, and sinks about Sept. 29. — Plague at Marseilles, Aug. Earl Stanhope dies suddenly, Feb. 5. — Lord Townshend succeeds as Se- cretary, Feb. 8. — Mr. Robert Walpole premier, Apr. 2. The regent duke of Orleans gives information of a conspiracy in favour of the Pretender, May. — John Duke of Marlborough dies, June 16. Bishop Atterbury sentenced to banishment, leaves England, June 22. — Lord Bolingbroke returns. — The regent Duke of Orleans dies, Nov. 22. Philip V. abdicates the throne, Jan. 4. — Ferment in Ireland respecting Wood's halfpence, April. — Philip of Spain resumes the crown, Aug. 20. First treaty of Vienna, between Spain and the Emperor, Apr. 30.— Lord Macclesfield convicted of embezzlement, and fined £30,000, May 20. The Duke de Ripperda arrested by the Spanish authorities in the British ambassadors house at Madrid, May 3. Siege of Gibraltar, May 20 — Apr. — King George I. dies, June 1 1, set. 67. — The new civil list raised to £800,000, an increase of £100,000, July 3. Congress at Soissons, May 14. — The Spaniards continue to make repri- sals notwithstanding the preliminaries at Soissons. Treaty of Seville, Gt. Britain, France, and Spain, Oct. 29.— L C. J. Ray. mond decides in Woolston's case, Christianity to be the law of England. Viscount Townshend retires, June.— Victor Amadeus, King of Sardinia, abdicates the throne, Sept. 3.— Sultan Ahmed III. deposed, Sept. 17. Second treaty of Vienna ; G. Britian guarantees the Pragmatic Sanction, Mar. 5.— William Pulteney struck off the list of Privy Council, July I. The Pragmatic Sanction confirmed by a diet of the Empire, Jan. 11. — The Dss. of Marlborough advances £300,000 upon the salt duty, June 19. Frederic Aug. King of Poland dies, Feb. 1. — Excise scheme introduced, Mar. 14. — Double election to the crown of Poland divides Europe, Oct.5. Marshal Duke of Berwick killed at Philipsburg, July 8.— Stanislaus withdraws from the Polish contest, July 9.— Battleof Guastalla, Sept. 8. Arrest of 19 of the Portuguese ambassador's retinue at Madrid, which is retaliated at Lisbon by a like proceeding, and divides the two courts. Death of Prince Eugene, April 10. — Capt. Porteous executed at the sign-post by the mob at Edinburgh, Sept. 7. The theatres placed by Walpole under the control of the lord chamberlain, June 2. — Royal disputes, the P. of Wales dismissed thepalace, Sept.14. William Pitt made gentleman of the bedchamber to the Princeof Wales, Feb. 21. — King George III. born May 24. — Peace of Vienna, Nov. 7. Lord Walpole, son of Sir Robert, made Auditor of the Exchequer. — War against Spain, Oct. 23.— Porto Bello taken by AdmiralVernon,Nov.21. Emperor Charles VI. dies, Oct. 9.— Pragmatic Sanction violated by all but England. — Maria Theresa rejects the terms of Frederic with disdain. Motion lost for dismissal of Walpole, Feb. 13.— Battleof Molwitz gained by Frederic of Prussia, Mar. 20.— Prague taken by assault, Oct. 30. Sir Robert Walpole outvoted at Chippenham, Feb. 2 ; resigns, Feb. 11. — Pulteney sinks in popularity as Earl of Bath, July 15. Battle of Dettingen, June 16.— Mr. Pelham made first lord of the Trea- sury, July 26. — Henry Fox, a junior lord of the Treasury, Dec. 22. Sea-fight off Toulon, Feb. 10.— War declared against France, Mar. 31.— t Broad bottom ministry, Nov. 27. — The Pelhams in the ascendant. Battle of Fontenoy, Apf. 30. — The young Pretender lands in Scotland, July. — ThegranddukeofTuscany elected emperor as Francis I. Sept.2. Battleof Culloden,Apr.l6. — Lords Kilmarnock and Balmerino beheaded, Aug. 18— and the Earl of Derwentwater (Charles Ratcliffe), Dec. 8. The Prince of Orange elected Stadtholder, May 3. — Heritable jurisdiction in Scotland abolished. — Admiral Hawke defeats the French fleet, Oct. 14 Peace of Aix la Chapelle, Oct. 7. — The young Pretender arrested at the Opera, and carried forcibly out of France, Dec. 10. Herculaneum discovered beneath the lava of Vesuvius after being lost for seventeen centuries. Reduction of interest on the public funds, Feb. 28. — Treaty of commerce between Great Britain and Spain, Oct. 5. STATESMEN AND WARRIORS Sidney Earl of Godolphin, —1712 Prince Eugene, 1663—1736 Mareschal Duke of Berwick, 1670—1734 John Duke of Marlborough, 1650—1722 Mareschal Tallard, 1652—1728 James Earl Stanhope, 1673—1721 Abigail Lady Masham, —1734 Admiral Lord Torrington, 1663—1733 Mareschal Villars, 1653—1734 Harley Earl of Oxford, 1661—1724 St John Viscount Bolinbroke, ob. aet. 73, 1751 Sir Simon Harcourt, ob. aet. 67, 1727 Colbert Marquis de Torcy, ob. aet 81, 1746 William Earl Cowper, ob. aet. 53, 1723 John Duke of Argyll, 1678—1743 Philip, regent Duke of Or- leans, 1640—1723 Cardinal Alberoni, 1664—1762 Thomas Earl of Macclesfield, ob. aet. 65, 1732 John Law, 1681—1729 Chancellor D'Aguesseau, 1668—1751 Sir Robert Walpole, 1676—1745 Charles Viscount Townshend, ob. aet 64, 1738 Pensionary Slingelandt, ob. aet 72, 1736 Duke de Ripperda, 1680—1737 Cardinal Fleury, 1653—1743 Don Joseph Patinho, ob. aet. 77, 1736 John Earl of Stair, 1673-1741 Richard Lord Cobham, ob. ast 74, 1749 Spencer Earl of Wilmington, ob. set. 71, 1743 Greffier Francis Fagel, ob. est 87, 1746 Chancellor Zinzendorff, ob. aet 70, 1740 Count Osterman, ob. aet. 70, 1746 Lord Chancellor Talbot, 1684—1737 Pulteney Earl of Bath, 1682—1764 John Earl of Granville, 1690—1763 Archibald Duke of Argyll, 1682—1761 Philip Earl of Hardwicke, 1690—1764 Lord President Forbes, 1685—1747 Mareschal Belleisle, ob. aet. 78, 1761 Arthur Onslow, ob. art. 76, 1768 Frederic Prince of Wales, 1707—1751 Thomas Duke of Newcastle, 1693—1768 Archbishoph Herring, 1691—1757 Henry Pelham, 1696- 1754 Mareschal Count Saxe, 1693—1750 William Duke of Cumber- land, 1721—1765 Admiral Lord Anson, 1697—1762 Admiral Lord Hawke, 1716—1781 Philip Earl of Chesterfield, 1694—1773 Allen Earl Bathurst, 1684—1775 .D. 1701—1750 NON-REGAL STATES N 55< DOGES ov VENICE 2 Alvise Mocenigo t 3 1 Giovanni Corna- roll. 2 1 Alv. Seb. Moceni- go 1 Carlo Kuzzini 9 10 11 12 1 Luigi Pisani 1 Pietro Grimani 2 >,G.Dukes pi Dukes S 32 Cosmo III. Rinal- 8 do 9 52 53 1 John. Gaston 2 de Medici 3 1 Francis II. Francis 1 2 III. 2 9 Francis 9 II. 10 elected 10 emperor 11 11 Dukes s s of a a I 8 Francis Vincent 10 9 de 11 Gonzaga 12 21 Antony. 1 Ferdin- 22 and 2 1 Antony 14 2 15 3 Joseph 1 4 2 IDon. Carlos 2 3 4 5 6 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 . H \ 1 Don Philip duke of 2 Parma and Gustalla Dukes of Mantua 37 Charles IV. — Mantua united to Savoy 2 Govnrs. 5: Z Stadts. p lM.Bedmar Wm. 30 1 Elector ^ of 5 Bavaria ° -Council 2 of State re -Conseil la con- ference 55 — Comte - 1 de Koenig- seck 1 Eugene Prince of 2 Savoy 1 Mary-Eliz. of 2 Austria 1 Count de Harrac- 2 Rohrau 1 Mary Anne of Austria 1 Charles Prince of 2 Lorraine 3 William 1 IV. of 4 Orange 2 £ Electors -~ X Dukes pq 4 Geo. Louis George- 36 5 Wm.I. 37 SB 14 S 15 E 16 | 17 Succeeds to the 18 crown of Great 19 Britain 20 1 George- Augustus 2 I. Dukes of Wurtembg. 25 Eberhard- Louis 26 27 M 1 Charles- Alexander 2 1 Charles- Eugene 2 Electors of Bavaria 23 Maximili- an Emma. 24 nuel 1 Charles- Albert 2 17 elected emperor 18 1 Maximili- an Joseph 2 I. Palatine 12 John- William 13 1 Charles- Philip 2 27 1 Charles. Theodore 2 Electors 2 ►» .5 1 71. < — ' s I Dukes j 8Fre.Aug.I. Leo- 12 pold 13 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 90 31 32 ss 34 SB 36 Francis. 1 Stephen 37 2 14 15 16 17 1S 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 90 31 99 33 3i 35 90 3~ 3 4 Frederic- 5 August. II. 6 Stanis- 1 laus of Poland 2 A.D. 1751—1800 CHRONOLOGICAL 1 B •-> a a a c < Emperors of Turkey Emperors of Germany Russia Poland Kings of Prussia Kings of France 3 Kings '3 _ g 1 S Kings of Spain Kings of Portugal Kings of Gt Britain Princes of Orange E B B Q - 6464 6465 6466 6467 6468 6469 6470 6471 6472 6473 1751 1752 1753 1754 1755 1756 1757 1758 1759 1760 22 Mahmood L 23 24 1 Osman II. 1 Mustafa IIL 2 4 7 Francis I. 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 11 Elizabeth Frede. 18 12 ric 19 Aug. 13 III. 20 14 21 15 22 16 23 17 24, 18 25 19 26 20 27 12 Frederic II. 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 37 Louis XV. 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 22 Charles Carlos 17 23 18 24 19 25 20 26 21 27 22 28 23 29 24 30 Ferdin-1 and I. 31 2 6 Ferdin- and VL 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 Charles III. 2 2 Joseph 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 U 25 George IL 26 27 28 29 30 31- 32 33 1 George III. 1 William VL 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 6F1 7 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 6474 6475 6476 6477 6478 6479 6480 6481 6482 6483 1761 1762 1763 1764 1765 1766 1767 1768 1769 1770 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 17 18 19 20 1 Joseph II. 4 5 21 28 lPetIH.29 lCathe- 2 rine II. Interreg. 3 Stanis- 1 laus 4 Aug. 2 5 3 6 4 7 5 8 6 9 7 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 32 3 33 4 34 5 35 6 36 7 37 8 38 9 39 10 40 11 41 12 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 16 - 17 - 18 - 19 - 20 - ICh an 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6484 648i> 64S6 6487 6488 6489 6490 6491 6492 6493 1771 1772 1773 1774 1775 1776 1777 1778 1779 1780 15 16 17 1 Abdul- Ahmed 4 5 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 10 8 11 9 12 10 13 11 14 12 15 13 16 14 17 15 18 16 19 17 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 57 58 59 1 Louis XVI. 2 3 4 5 6 42 13 43 14 1 Victor- 15 Amade- 2 us III. 16 3 17 4 18 5 19 6 20 7 21 8 22 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 22 23 24 25 26 27 1 Pedro III. and 2 Maria Frances- 3 ca 4 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 6 G V 7 ■ 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 6494 6495 6496 6497 6498 6499 6500 6501 6502 6503 1781 1782 1783 1784 1785 1786 1787 1788 1789 1790 9 — 10 11 12 13 14 1 Selim IIL 3 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 1 Leopold II. of 20 18 21 19 22 20 23 21 24 22 25 23 26 24 27 25 28 26 29 27 42 43 44 45 46 1 Frederic Wm.II. 2 3 5 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 9 23 10 24 11 25 12 26 13 27 14 28 15 29 16 30 17 31 18 32 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 1 Charles IV. 2 3 6 7 8 9 10 Maria Frances- 11 ca alone 12 13 14 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 16 - 17 - 18 - 19 - 20 - 21 - 22 - 23 - 24 - 25 - 6504 6505 6506 6507 6508 6509 6510 6511 6512 6513 1791 1792 1793 1794 1795 1796 1797 1798 1799 1800 6 10 11 12 13 2 Tuscany 1 Francis II. 3 4 5 8 9 30 28 31 29 32 30 33 31 34 g 1 Paul E- ° 2 — a 3 1 4 — * R £• O u s 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 Frederic Wm.III 2 3 4 18 19 — Revolu- tionary Tribunal — Directo- ry — Consu- late 19 33 20 34 21 35 22 36 23 37 lCharles-38 Eraman. 2 IV. 39 3 40 4 41 5 42 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 81 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 26 - 27 Ql VI 28 - 29 - 30 - 31 - 32 — 33 — G4 - 35 - ITORICAL TABLES N° 56 IS ia POPES LEARNING AND GENIUS MODERN HISTORY STATESMEN AND WARRIORS reg. em 1 12 Benedict XIV. 13 14 15 16 17 18 1 Clement XIII. 2 3 Francis A. Voltaire, 1694-1778 Thomas Gray, 1716—1771 Dr. John Blair, chronol. —1782 David Hume, 1711—1776 Dr. Samuel Johnson, 1709—1784 Bishop Warburton, 1698—1779 John Home, 1722—1808 Charles Linna;us, 1707—1778 Dr. William Robertson, 1721—1793 Abbe l'Epee, 1712—1789 Death of Frederic Prince of Wales, March 20, set. 44. — Peace between Spain and Portugal. The Gregorian or New Style takes place in Great Britain, Sept. 3 being reckoned as Sept. 14. Marriage Act passed, June 7. — Bill for registration of births, deaths, &c. thrown out in the lords, ' as being of dangerous tendency.' Death of Mr. Pelham, the Premier, Mar. 6. — Duke of Newcastle suc- ceeds. — Mr. Pitt and Mr. Fox united in political frendship. General Braddock defeated and killed by the French near Fort-du. Quesne, July 9. — Earthquake at Lisbon, Nov. 1. Seven years' war, May 18. — Indecisive action of Admiral Byng,May 20. — Calcutta taken, June 18.— Loss of Minorca, June 29. Calcutta retaken,Jan.2. — Admiral Byng shot Mar. 14. — Battle of Plassey, June 23. — Mr.Pitt, premier, July. — Convention of Closter Seven, Sept.8. Cape Breton taken by Gen. Amherst, July 26. — Cherbourg pier destroyed, Aug. 8.— Battle of Hochkirchen, Marshal Keith killed, Oct. 14. Battle of Minden, defection of Lord George Sackville, Aug. 1. — Battle of Quebec, Gen. Wolfe killed, Sept. 13.— Quebec taken, Sept. 18. Lord G. Sackville broke by court martial, Apr. 22.— Surrender of Mon- treal to Gen. Amherst, Sept. 18. — King George II. dies, Oct. 25, at. 75. Mareschal James Keith, 1696—1758 Henry Count Bruhl, 1700—1764 John Duke of Bedford, 1710—1771 Admiral Boscawen, 171 1 — 1761 Marquis de Pombal, 1699—1780 Anne Dss. of Saxe Weimar 1739—1807 Mareschal Count Daun, 1705—1766 General James Wolfe, ob. ajt. 33, 1759 Henry Lord Holland, 1705—1774 Pr. Ferdinand of Brunswick, 1721—1797 — 4 5 6 7 John Smeaton, 1724—1792 John James Rousseau, 1712—1778 Dr. George Campbell, 1709—1796 Dr. Thomas Reid, 1710—1796 Joseph Jerome Lalande, 1732—1807 Sir William Blackstnne, 1723—1780 Count de Buffon, 1707—1788 Sir Joseph Banks, 1743— 182C Sir Joshua Reynolds, 1723—1792 Oliver Goldsmith, 1728—1774 Mr. Legge resigns the Exchequer, Mar. 22. — Lord Bute secretary of state, Mar. 25. — Mr. Pitt r. signs as foreign secretary, Oct. 5. War with Spain, Jan. 18. — Peace between the northern powers, Apr. 7. — Lord Bute premier, May 29. — Peace of Fontainbleau, Nov. 3. Lord Bute resigns, Apr. 8. — Lord-chief-justice Pratt decides against general warrants, May 6. — Duke of Bedford minister, Sept. 9. Taxation of America proposed in parliament, March. — Order of the Jesuits abolished in France, Dec. American Stamp Act, Mar. 22.— Lord Clive governor of Bengal, May 3. Rockingham ministry, July. — Death of the Pretender, Dec. 30. American Stamp Act repealed, Mar. 18. — Count Lally beheaded at Paris, May 8. — Chatham ministry, Aug. 2. Lord North Chancellor of the Exchequer, Dec. 1. — Prayers for the royal family in the catholic chapels for the first time since 1688. Affair of Wilkes, Mar.— June, great excitement in consequence.— Lord Chatham resigns, Oct 15. — Tumults at Boston in America. John Wilkes expelled the House of Commons, Feb. 2 — and re-elected a fourth time, Apr. 13. — His election declared void, April 16. Lord North premier, Jan. 28. — Lord Mayor Beckford rejoins to the king's reply to an address from the city of London, May 23. Charles Townshend, 1725—1767 John Earl of Bute, 1713—1792 Lord Chief Justice Camden, 1714—1794 George Grenville, 1712—1770 Charles M. of Rockingham, 1730—1782 William Earl of Chatham, 1708—1778 Edward Duke of York, 1739—1767 Augustus Duke of Grafton, 1735—1811 George Viscount Townshend, 1724—1807 Frederick Lord North, 1733—1792 — 9 10 11 1 Clement XIV. 2 1 h l eg- 3 4 5 6 1 Pius VI. 2 3 4 5 6 Robert Orme, 1728—1801 Henry Cavendish, 1731—1810 James Watt, 1736—1819 John Howard, 1727—1790 Adam Smith, 1723—1790 Edward Gibbon, 1737—1794 Bishop Lowth, 1710—1787 Vittorio Alfieri, 1749—1803 Sir William Herschell, 1738—1822 Sir William Jones, 1746—1794 Parliamentary reports in the newspapers finally established after some ineffectual opposition by the House of Commons, May 8. Revolution in Denmark, Jan. 17. — Counts Brandt and htruenzee beh. — Revolution in Sweden, Aug. 1. — First partition of Poland, Aug. 5. Constitution of the East India Company revised by two acts, June. — Commotion at Boston, three cargoes of tea destroyed, Dec. 18. Dr. Franklin's petition to the privy council rejected, Jan. 29.— Gen. Gage dispatched to Boston, Apr. — First American Congress, Sept. 5. Hostilities commence at Lexington, Apr. 19. — Battle of Bunker's Hill, June 17. — Montreal taken by Montgomery, Nov. 12. Gen. Howe compelled to evacuate Boston, Mar. 17. — Declaration of Independence, July 4. — The king's troops enter New York, Sept. 15. Lord Cornwallis enters Philadelphia, the Congress remove to Lancaster, Sept. 26. — General Burgoyne surrenders at Saratoga, Oct. 17. France in alliance with America, Feb. 6. — Ld. Chatham's last address to the lords,Apr.7 — hedies,May 11. — Philadelphia evacuated, June 18. Admiral Keppel acquitted by court martial, Feb. 1 1 . — Alarm of invasion, Aug. — Siege of Gibraltar. — Irish trade opened, Dec. 13. Rodney defeats Langara, Jan. 16. and relieves Gibraltar. — Riots in Lon- don, June 2.— Gen. Gates defeated by Lord Cornwallis, Aug. 15. Sir Guy Carleton, 1724—1808 Capt. James Cook, 1728—1779 Robert Lord Clive, 1725—1774 Count de Vergennes, 1717—1787 General Lord Heath field, 1718—1790 General Lord Amherst, 1717—1797 Robert Jacques Turgot, 1727- 1781 Benjamin Franklin, 1706—1790 Admiral Lord Keppel, 1725—1786 William Earl of Mansfield, 1705—1793 [oo- 7 Dr. Charles Hutton, 1737—1823 John HorneTooke, 1736—1812 Bishop Horsley, 1733—1806 Sarah Siddons, st- 75—1831 William Cowper, 1731—1800 Robert Burns, 1759—1796 Johann Mozart, 1756—1792 Abbe Barthelemy, 1716—1795 Anthony Lavoisier, 1743—1794 Richard Porson, 1759—1808 Major Pierson killed at St. Helier, Jan. 6. — Lord Cornwallis surrenders York Town, with his army, to General Washington, Oct. 19. Buckingham ministry, Mar. 19.— Rodney defeats de Grasse, Apr. 12. — Shelburne ministry, July 1. — United States acknowledged, Dec. 5. Coalition ministry, Apr. 1. — Peace of Versailles, Sept. 3. — Mr. Fox's India bill fails, Nov. 18.— Mr. Pitt premier, Dec. 22. Great political excitement in Dublin, June 7. — The forfeited estates at the rebellion of 1745 restored.— Mr. Pitt's India bill, Aug. 13. Mr. Pitt's motion, the third, but the first in office, for Reform.— Mr. Adams, the first American ambassador, received at St. James's, June 1. The Sinking Fund adopted, Mar. 29.— Articles of impeachment exhibited against Warren Hastings by Edmund Burke. Droit d'Aubaine abolished in France as regarded Great Britain, Jan. First assembly of the Notables at Versailles, Feb. 22. Abolition of the slave-trade first debated. May 9 — Second assembly of the Notables, Oct. 5.— Severe illness of King George III. Nov. 19. Regency question, Feb. 3. — Theking recovers, Feb.19. — The Revolution Society of 1688 send congratulations to the National Assembly, Nov. 5. Mr. Burke in parliament described France as politically expunged from the system of Europe, Feb. 9. — Affair of Nootka Sound, May 6. Edmund Burke, 1730—1797 Admiral Lord Rodney, 1717—1792 Charles James Fox, 1748—1806 William Pitt, 1759—1806 Edward Lord Thurlow, 1732—1806 Thomas Lord Erskine, 1748—1823 Richard Brinsley Sheridan, — 1816 Warren Hastings, 1732—1818 Charles Earl of Liverpool, 1727—1808 William Lord Grenville, 1759—1834 r i eg. Ali i 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Ha- ul 17 18 19 20 . 21 Dr. Samuel Parr, 1747—1825 Frederic Schiller, 1759—1805 Sir Thomas Lawrence, 1769—1830 Dr. William Paley, 1743—1805 William Roscoe, 1753—1831 Dr. Edward Jenner, 1749—1823 Charles Butler, 1750—1832 Francis Joseph Haydn, 1732—1809 Murgo Park 1771—1805 Major John Rennell, 1740-1830 Mr. Burke disowns in the House of Commons his friendship with Mr. Fox, May 6.— Canada bill, Mar.14.— Riots at Birmingham, July 14. Mr. Fox's libel bill, Apr. 30.— Lord Thurlow resigns the great seal, June 15. — Parliament prorogued to Jan. 3, but it met on Dec. 13. M. Chauvelin ordered to leave England, Jan. 24. — War with France, Feb. 11.— Mr. Grey's first motion for Reform, May 6. Habeas Corpus Act suspended, May 23.— Lord Howe's victory in the Bay of Biscay, June 1. — State trials for constructive treason, Oft. 29. Earl Fitzwilliam recalled from Ireland, Feb. 21. — Warren Hastings ac- quitted, Apr. 23. — Lord Bridport's victory off L'Orient, June 22. SirS. Smith taken prisoner off the coast, Apr. 19. — Elba taken by Nelson, Aug. 9. — LdMalmsbury ambassador to Paris, Oct. 22, returns Dec. 29. Sir John Jervis' victory offSt. Vincent, Feb. 14. — Restriction on payments in specie at the Bank, Feb. 26.— Lord Duncan's victory, Oct. 11. The Irish Directory arrested, Mar. 12. — Mr. Fox dismissed the Privy Council, May 20.— Battle of the Nile, Aug. 1. Seringapatam taken by storm, May 5. — Expedition to Holland, Aug. 26. Rome surrendered to Commodore Trowbridge, Sept. 29. Correspondence with Tallyrand closed by Lord Grenville, Jan. 20. — The Queen Charlotte, 120 guns, blown up near Leghorn, Mar. 27. Henry Viscount Melville, 1740—1811 William Windham, 1750—1810 William Wilberforce, ob. set. 73, 1832 Admiral Earl Howe, 1725—1799 Sir Ralph Abercromb), 1738—1801 Admiral Earl St. Vincent, 1734—1823 Admiral Lord Duncan, 1731—1804 Admiral Lord Nelson, 1758—1805 Charles Marquis Cornwallis, 17:i8— 1*05 Robert Viscount Castlereagh, 1769—1824 i 23 24 25 lPiusVIL D .D. 1751—1800 NON-REGAL STATES N°56* Doges of „ 11 Pietro Grimani 1 Gr. Dukes of Tuscany 10 1 Marco Foscarini 1 Alvise Mocenigo II. Warren 1 Hastings — — 2 1 Paolo Reinier 2 a 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 Luigi Manin 2 Marquis 1 Cornwal- lis 2 Sir J. Shore 1 2 Marquis 1 Welles- ley 2 15 Francis II. of 16 Lorraine 1 Peter- Leopold 2 of Austria 3 Dukes of Modena 1 Ferdinand IIL 15 Francis III. 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 1 Hercules —Expelled Incorporated with the Cisalpine Republic Dukes of Parma 3 Don Philip 4 5 . 1 Don Ferdi- nand 3 Govnrs. e I * £ Stadts. £> 7 Pr.Charles William 1 8 V. of 2 Orange 3 Electors of Hanover 25 George. Augustus 26 L 1 Mary- 31 Christina 2 of 32 Austria S and 33 Albert 4 of 34 Saxony 5 35 37 40 1 Arch- 43 duke 2 Charles 44 — Belgium — and Holland united to France 1 George- William II. Dukes of Wurtembg. 15 Charles- Eugene 16 1 Louis- Eugene 2 1 Frederic- Eugene 2 1 Frederic IL 2 Electors of Bavaria 7 Maximilian Joseph I. 1 Charles- Theodore 2 1 Maximilian Joseph II. 2 Electors Palatine 9 Charles- Theodore 10 Electors o $ Dukes >3 19Fre.Aug. I. Stanis- 15 laus 16 lFred.Ch.27 1 Frederic- 2Aug.III.S -Succeeds to Bavaria 27 George Wash- 28 ington John 1 Adams 2 A.D. 1801—1843 CHRONOLOGICAL T3 O 'C -J s i o o c B < 6514 1801 6515 1802 6516 1803 6517 1804 6518 1805 6519 1806 6520 1807 6521 1808 6522 1809 6523 1810 6524 1811 6525 1812 6526 1813 6527 1814 6528 1815 6529 1816 6530 1817 6531 1818 6532 1819 6533 1820 6534 1821 6535 1822 6536 1823 6537 1824 6538 1825 6539 1826 6540 1827 6541 1828 6542 1829 654S 1830 6544 1831 6445 1832 6546 1833 6547 1834 6548 1835 6549 1836 6550 1837 6551 1838 6552 1839 6553 1840 6554 1841 6555 1842 6556 1843 6557 1844 6558 1845 6559 1846 6560 1847 6561 1848 6562 1849 6563 1850 Emperors of Turkey 14 Selim II. 15 16 17 18 19 1 Mustafa IV. 1 Mahmood II. 24 25 26 27 28 - 29 30 SI 1 Abdul- Medjid 2 3 4 5 Emperors of Germany 10 Francis IL 11 12 13 Emperor of 14 Austria 40 41 42 43 1 Ferdin- and Emperors of Russia 1 Alexan. der 21 22 23 24 1 Nicholas 2 4 5 6 Kings of Prussia 5 Frederic Wm.HL 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1 Frederic Wm.IV. Kings of France — Consu- late 1 Napoleon Emperor 2 and King of 3 Italy 4 5 7 ce Kings 1 ° f i 8 10 1 Louis XVIIL 2 8 9 10 1 Charles X. 2 3 5 1 Louis- Philipe 6 Chas. III. Ferd.1.43 1 Victor 44 Em. IV. 2 45 3 46 g 47 a w Joseph- 1 b. Napo- g- leon 2 3" Joachiml 1 Murat E 2 Kings of Spain 4 ST 5 6 1 Victor- 7 Em. rest. 2 Ferdin-1 and IV. 3 rest. 2 1 Charles- 7 Felix 2 8 6 Francis 1 I. 7 2 10 Ferdin-1 andlL 1 Charles- 2 Albert 2 3 14 Charles IV. 15 16 17 18 19 90 Uoseph Napoleon 2 Kings of Portugal 1 Ferdin audVIL 2 3 4 5 6 7 18 19 1 Isabella IL 2 4 5 6 25 Maria Frances- 26 ca 27 35 36 37 38 39 1 John VI 2 3 4 fi 6 7 8 9 10 IPedroIV. 1 Maria da 2 Gloria 1 Miguel 4 1 Maria rest. 2 5 Kings of Gt. Britain 42 George HI. 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 1 George IV. 4 5 6 9 10 1 William IV. i 5 1 Victoria 2 5 6 STORICAL TABLES N° 57 lahs of Ml POPES LEARNING AND GENIUS MODERN HISTORY STATESMEN AND WARRIORS teh Ali han 2 Pius VII. 3 4 5 6 7 3 Antonio Canova, 1757—1822 William Gifford, 1756—1826 Henry Kirke White, 1785—1806 Madame de Stael, 1766—1817 Dr. William Vincent, 1739—1815 Jeremy Bentham, 1749—1832 Dr. Thomas Young, 1773—1829 Dr. Edward D. Clarke, 1767—1821 Dugald Stewart, 1753—1828 William Cobbett, 1762—1835 Union with Ireland, Jan. 1. — Addington ministry, Mar. 17. — Battle of Alexandria, Mar. 21. — Battle of Copenhagen by Lord Nelson, Apr. 2. Peace of Amiens, Mar. 27. — The Income tax abandoned, Apr. 5. — Osna- burg united to Hanover, Oct. 21. — CoL Despard's conspiracy, Nov. 16. Peltier, the journalist, found guilty of libel upon Bonaparte, Feb. 21. — Ld. Kil warden assass., July 23. — Battle of Assay e, E. Indies, Sept. 23. Mr. Pitt's motion of censure on the naval administration, Apr. 16. — Mr. Pitt premier, May 12. — Droit d' Aubaine against England re-enacted. Lord Melville charged by Mr. Whitbread, Apr. 6. — Catholic qaestion moved by Mr. Fox. — Victory of Trafalgar and death of Nelson, Oct. 21. Death of Mr. Pitt, ast. 46, Jan 23. — Lord Grenville premier, Mr. Fox foreign secretary, Feb. 5. — Death of Mr. Fox, aet. 58, Sept. 13. Portland ministry, Mr. Perceval chancellor of the exchequer, Mar. 25. — Bombardment of Copenhagen, Sept. 2. — Orders in Council, Jan. 7. Five ships at Cadiz surrender to Lord Collingwood, June 14, the Russian fleet in the Tagus to Sir C. Cotton, Sept. 3. — Peace with Spain, July 4. Charges against the Duke of York, Jan. 27. — Expedition to Walcheren, July 28.— Death of the Duke of Portland.— Perceval ministry, Oct. 30. Riots in London pending the arrest of Sir Francis Burdett, Apr.6.— Lucien Bonaparte lands at Plymouth, Dec. 18. — The King's last illness, Dec. 20 General Lord Hutchinson, 1757—1832 Charles Earl Whitworth, 1754—1825 Samuel Whitbread, 1758—1815 Prince Talleyrand, 1754—1836 Admiral Lord Collingwood, 1748—1810 Sir Samuel Romilly, 1757—1818 Spencer Perceval, 1762-1812 General Sir John Moore, 1761—1809 Sir James Mackintosh, 1765—1832 Sir John Malcolm, 1769—1833 9 — Dethroned George Lord Byron, 1788—1824 Sir Humphrey Davy, 1779—1829 Sir Walter Scott, 1771—1832 Bishop Middleton, 1769—1822 Marquis La Place, 1749—1827 B. G. Niehbuhr, 1775—1831 Carl von Weber, 1786—1826 John Rennie, 1760—1821 William H. Wollaston, 1766—1828 Adam Clarke, 1760—1832 The Catholic committee of Dublin dispersed by the magistracy, Mar. 3. — The Duke of York replaced as commander-in-chiel, May 25. Restrictions on the regency terminated, Feb. 1. — Mr. Perceval assassi- nated, May 11. — Lord Liverpool premier, June 9. Catholic question lost in the Commons by the Speaker's vote, Apr. 25. — The Sinking Fund first applied to the Supplies, *Mar. 3. Louis XVIII. embarks for Calais, Apr. 24. — The allied sovereigns in London, June 8. — Peace of Ghent, Great Britain, and America, Dec.24. Belgium united to Holland, Feb. 23. — New German confederation, June 8. Battle of Waterloo, June 18. — Second peace of Paris, Nov. 20. Property tax repealed, Mar. 19. — Marriage of the Pss. Charlotte to Prince Leopold, May 2. — Algiers bombarded by Sir E. Pellew, Aug. 27. Habeas Corpus act suspended, Mar. 4. — Death of the Pss. Charlotte, Nov. 6. — William Hone acquitted on three trials for libel, Dec. 18. Habeas Corpus act restored, Jan. 28. — Bernadotte succeeds to the throne of Sweden, Feb. 14. — Congress of sovereigns at Aix-la-Chapelle, Feb. 14. Fatal meeting for Reform at St. Peter's field, Manchester, Aug. 16.— Six acts passed, Dec. — Droit d' Aubaine finally abolished in France, July 14. Death of K. George III. set. 81, Jan. 29.— Duke de Berry assass.— Feb. 1. Cato-street conspiracy, Feb. 23. — Q. Caroline's trial aband., Nov. 10. Francis Marquis of Hastings, 1754—1826 Robert Earl of Liverpool, 1770—1828 Thomas Lord Lynedoch, 1750—1843 General Sir Thomas Picton, —1815 Duke of Wellington, 1769— General Lord Hill, 1772—1842 Charles Lord Colchester, 1757—1829 Edward Duke of Kent, 1767—1820 Charles Lord Tenterden, 1762—1832 Frederick Duke of York, 1763—1827 15 Restored 16 18 19 20 21 22 23 1 Leo XII. 2 3 4 5 6 1 Pius VIII. 2 J. C. L. Sismondi, 1773—1842 Robert Southey, 1774—1843 Sir Astley Cooper, 1768—1841 Sir Francis Chantrey, 1781—1841 Bishop Burgess, 1756—1837 Samuel Wesley, 1766—1837 Sir David Wilkie, 1785—1841 Abraham Raimbach, 1777—1842 Dr. Thomas Arnold, 1795—1842 Frederic Baron Cuvier, 1773—1838 Commencement of the Greek Insurrection. — Death of Napoleon Bona- parte at St. Helena, May 5.— Death of Queen Caroline, Aug. 7. Revolution in Brazil, Oct. 12. — The Insurrection of the Greeks deemed a rebellion by the Congress of Sovereigns at Verona, Dec. 14. Russia, Austria, and Prussia recal their ambassadors from Madrid, Jan. 5. — Cadiz surrendered to the French, Oct. 3. Revolt of Mehemet Ali, Mar. 2. — Death of Lord Byron at Missolonghi, Apr. 19. — Liberty of the Press established in France, Sept. 29. National prosperity the leading topic of the royal speech, Feb. 3. — The last contract for lotteries, Feb. 28. — Commercial panic, Dec. 8. Don Pedro abdicates the throne of Portugal, May 2. — Extinction of the Janissaries at Constantinople by Sultan Mahmood, June 15. Sudden paralysis of Lord Liverpool, Feb. 17. — Mr. Canning premier, Apr. 30. — His death, Aug. 8. — Lord Goderich minister, Aug. 17. The Wellington ministry, Jan. 25.— Don Miguel usurps the throne of Portugal, June 26. — Liberation of Greece, Nov. Catholic Emancipation, Apr. 13. — Peace between Russia and Turkey, Sept. 14. — Metropolitan Police commenced, Sept. 29. Death of K. George IV. ast. 68, June 26.— Revolution in France, June 29— in Belgium, Aug. 25— and in Poland, Nov. 29. — Earl Grey premier. Richard Marquis Wellesley, 1760—1842 George Canning, 1770—1827 Simon Bolivar, ob. aet. 48, 1830 William Lord Stowell, 1745—1836 Admiral Lord Exmouth, 1757—1833 Henry Lord Holland, 1773—1840 Admiral Lord Saumarez, 1757—1836 John Earl of Eldon, 1751—1838 Count Pozzo di Borgo, 1768—1842 Marquis Lafayette, ob. aet. 76, 1834 1 Gregory XVI. 2 3 4 5 6 7 Introduction of the Reform Bill, Mar. 1.— Prince Leopold elected King of Belgium, June 4. — Devastating riots at Bristol, Oct. 29. Reform Bill passed, June 4. — Battle of Konieh gained by Ibrahim Pacha, Dec. 21. — Opium interdicted by authority in China, Feb. 9. Don Miguel's fleet, five ships, captured by Admiral Napier, July 2. — Donna Maria proclaimed Queen at Lisbon, July 23. DonMiguel expelled Portugal,May 26. — Ld. Melbourne premier, July 17. Death of Don Pedro, Sept. 24.— Sir Robert Peel premier, Dec. 10. The Melbourne cabinet restored, Apr. 18.— Assassinations at Paris by Fieschi, July 28. — Desolating fire at New York, Dec. 15. The independence of Cracow invaded by Russia and Austria, Feb. — English Church Reform Bill and New Marriage Act, Aug. 20. New Poor Law moved, Feb. 13.— Death of K. William IV. aet. 71 , June 30. Espartero premier in Spain, Aug. 14. — Rebellion in Canada, Dec. 14. Siege of Herat by Dost Mahomed and the Persians, June — raised by Shah Mahomed, Sept. 9. — British forces collect at Kernaul, Oct. 31. Ghuznee taken by Sir John Keane, July 23. — Shah Soojah restored to Cabul, Aug. 7. — War with China commenced, Aug. 31. Marriage of Q.Victoria, Feb. 10.— Public protest by Ld. Ebrington against repeal agitation.Oct. 3. — Dost Mahomed defeated in Affghanistan, Sept. lomed Men of eminence are still liv- ing, whose names will, in the course of events, be re- corded in these latter years. But it must be especially borne in mind that these names are placed by Dr. Blair, as also by chronolo- gers generally, not at the * * their connection with the world as public men, or as literary or scientific charac- ters. One great living name is inscribed, whose glorious year must otherwise remain, for long, Englishman would hope, unoccupied. This ar- rangement will, in conse- 9 10 11 12 13 date of their deaths, but, as nearly as circumstances will allow, at the time of * * Sir R. Peel premier, Sept. 7. — Insurrection at Madrid, Oct.— Rising at Ca- bul, murder of Sir A. Bumes, Nov. 2, and of Sir W. Macnaghten,Dec.25. Massacre of the British army at Khoord Cabul pass, Jan. 6—13. — Cabul reduced by gen. Pollock and Nott.Oct. 12.— Treaty of Nankin, Aug.29. Ameers of Scinde defeated by Sir C. Napier, Feb. 17. — Narvaez in power at Madrid, July 23.— Repeal meetings in Ireland interdicted, Oct. 7. quence, leave a few years of each edition of the vo- lume open at the close. N°58 CHRONOLOGICAL A ANNOS THE HOUSE OF SAXONY IN CONNECTION WITH THE DOMINI CROWN OF GREAT BRITAIN XVth t Century 1428 FREDERIC II. THE GOOD — ELECTOR OF SAXONY, ob. 1464, leaving issue two sons Table 49» THE ERNESTINE, or elder line THE ALBER or younger 1464 Ernest, eldest son, 1464 Albert th Elector geous, sei of Fred< Good 1486 Frederic III. the Wise, son, — XVI th Elector 1500 George tl son Century 1525 John the Constant, brother, Elector 1532 John Frederic, 1539 Henry th son, Elector — = John Frederic is deposed by the Emperor Charles V. and the Electorate transferred to the brother, ( DUCAL HOUSE OF younger line in the person of Maurice, son of Henry the Pious = 1547 Maurice, 8AXE-WEIMAR ELECTO 1554 John William, 1553 Augustus son ous, brot continues ectoral lii 1573 John, son J SAXE-GOTHA- ALTENBURG— DUCAL LINES FROM SAXE-GOTHA — 1586 Christian 1591 Christian XVII th 1605 John Ernest I. 1605 Ernest I. the Eious, Century son 7th son of John J *** On the extinction of the line of Saxe-Gotha in 1825 of Saxe- Weimar a new arrangement, or political division, took place between the princes of Saxony. By the convention of Nov. 12, 1826, 1611 John Geo brother 1626 William, brother, Hilburghausen and Saalfeld were transferred to the house of Meiningen, and the rights of the late Duke of Saxe-Gotha Altenburg were assigned to the two conceding powers. DUKES OF SAXE- S. HTLBURGHAUSEN S. SAALFELD COBURG 1656 John Geo MEININ6EN NOW NOW son 1662 John Ernest II. SAXE-ALTENBURG S. COBURG GOTHA son 1675 Frederic I. son 1675 Bernard, 3rd son 1675 Ernest, 6th son of 1675 John Ernest 7th 1680 Jonn weo of Ernest I. of Go. Ernest I. of Gotha son of Ernest I. son 1683 William Iffnest, tha of Gotha son, 1691 Frederic II. son 1691 John Geo 1694 Frederic / XVIII th 1706 Ernest Louis I. son brother Century [son 1724 Ernest Louis II. 1715 Ernest Frederic I. son 1728 Ernest Augustus, 1724 Ernest Frederic II. 1729 Christian Ernest, nephew 1732 Frederic III. son 1729 Charles Frederic, brother son son 1733 Frederic A 1748 Ernest Augustus 1743 Antony Ulric, un- 1745 Ernest Frederic 1745 Francis Joseph, son Constantine, son cle Charles, son brother 1758 Charles Augustus, 1772 Ernest Louis, son 1763 Augustus Frede- ric, son 1782 George Frederic, brother 1780 Frederic, son 1764 Ernest Frederic, son 1800 Francis Frederic, son 1763 Frederic CI 1763 Frederic A son XIX th 1804 Emilius Aug. son 1803 Bernard Eric, son, 1806 Ernest Anthony, 1807 takes the re Century 1815 takes the grand ducal title issue — Louisa married Ernest Duke of Saxe-Coburg his sister — Adelaide, Queen dow. of G. Britain son 1828 Charles Frederic, 1822 Frederic IV. 1826 Bernard succeeds 1826 Frederic succeeds 1826 — succ. to S. Gotha 1827 Anthony C son brother, ob. 1825 to Hilburghausen, to S. Altenburg 1844 Ernest August, son brother Saalfeld, &c. 1834 Joseph George, son brother — Albert, mar. to VICTORIA Q. of Gt. Britain uncles — Ferdinand, fa- ther of Ferdi- nand mar. to Q. of Portugal Leopold King of Belgium aunt — Victoria Dss. of Kent 1836 Frederic A nephew KING OF S STORICAL TABLES N°57* S Presidents p Govs.- Gen. *S 1 Thos. Jefferson Marquis Wei- 4 2 lesley 5 5 Mar. Corn wall is 1 Sir G. Barlow 1 6 administ. 2 7 Lord Minto 1 8 2 1 James 3 Madison 2 4 Marquis of 1 Hastings 1 James Monroe 7 Ld. Amherst 1 8 2 1 John Quincy 3 Adams 2 4 3 5 4 Lord Wm. 1 Bentinclc 1 Andrew 2 Jackson Kings of Hanover 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 ■ 7 7 8 8 Lord 1 Auckland 1 Martin Van 2 Buren 2 3 1 W. H. Harrison 6 1 John Tyler 2 Lord 1 Ellenborough 3 2 ■ George- 42 William IL 43 Elector 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 1 George- 55 William 2 II. 56 King 3 57 4 58 5 59 6 60 1 George- Aug. II. 1 William Henry 1 Ernest- Augustus 2 Kings of Wurtemburg • Frederic 5 IL Duke 6 1 Frederic 10 IL 2 King 11 6 15 7 16 8 17 9 18 10 19 1 William 2 3 4 5 Kings of Bavaria — Maximi- 3 lian Joseph 4 II. Elector 5 1 Maximi- 7 Han 2 Joseph 8 II. 3 King 9 17 18 19 20 1 Louis- Charles 2 Kings of Saxony - Frederic 39 Augustus III. 40 Elector 41 42 43 44 1 Frederic 45 Augustus 2 III. 46 King 3 47 U 16 17 is 19 20 1 Antony- Clement 2 3 4 1 Frederic- Augustus 2 IV. Holland, Netherlands, Belgium 1 Louis- Napoleon 2 King of Holland 3 — United to France — House of Orange restored 1 William I. King 2 of the Nether- 3 lands 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 — Interreg. 1 Leopold of Saxe- 2 Gotha King of 3 Belgium Kings of Greece 1 Otho I of Bavaria 2 Gr. Dukes of Tuscany 1 Louis (King of 2 Etruria) 1 Charles- Louis 2 . United to the king- dom of Italy 1 Ferdinand III. rest. 2 1 Leopold II. 2 Dukes of Modena 1 Francis IV. of Austria 2 Duchy of Parma United to France 1 Maria- Louisa 2 S 4 5 -, 6 7 Appendix CHRONOLOGICAL A REVOLUTIONARY PERIOD 1789 1790 1791 1792 1793 1794 1795 Opening of the States General at Versailles, May 5. The Tiers Etat declare themselves the National Assembly, June 17. Dismissal of Necker, July 11.— Storming of the Bastile, July 14. Lafayette takes the command of the National Guard, July 16. Ret'al of Necker, July 16. — King visits Paris — the princes emigrate. The Feudal system and all privileges abandoned by the nobles, Aug. 4. The ' Rights of Man,' Aug. 18.— Banquet of the Gardes du Corps, Oct.l. Assault at Versailles, Oct. 5.— The royal family taken to Paris, Oct. 6. The Duke of Orleans retires awhile from the popular agitation, Oct 14. First meeting of the Jacobin Club in the Rue St. Honore, Oct. 19. Confiscation of Ecclesiastical, now declared National property, Nov. 2. First circulation of Assignats, Dec. 21. Division of France into eighty-three departments, Jan. 15. Religious Orders abolished and the Monasteries suppressed, Feb. 13. Church property decreed to the payment of assignats, Mar. 17. Abolition of Lettres de Cachet, Mar. 16, and of Game laws, Mar. 20. Efforts of the clergy to dissolve the National Assembly, Ap. 19. The right of War and Peace assumed by the Assembly, May 20. All the orders of the nobility in France abolished, June 20. Anniversary of the destruction of the Bastile celebrated in the Champ de Mars — and partially so in England, July 14. Revolt and conflict at Metz and Nancy suppressed by Bouille, Aug. 31. Dismissal and final retreat of M. Necker, Sept. 4. Rapid fall of Assignats upon the new issue of 800,000,000, Sept. 29. New ecclesiastical oath refused by the bishops and clergy, Jan. 4. The territorial right of primogeniture finally abrogated, Mar. 18. Secret junction of Mirabeau with the court. — His death, Apr. 2. The Royal family arrested in their flight at Varennes, June 22. Petition for dethronement put down in the Champ de Mars, July 17. Declaration at Pilnitz by the emperor and king of Prussia, Aug. 27. Self-denying ordinance of the National Assembly, Sept. 4. New constitution accepted by Louis XVI. Sept. 14. Constituent National Assembly dissolved, Sept. 29. First sitting of the Legislative Assembly, Oct. 1. The king refuses to sanction the decree against the emigrants, Nov. 12. Insurrection at St. Domingo, Aug. 23. — Port au Prince burnt, Nov. The Guillotine adopted by a decree of the Assembly, Mar. 20. War declared between France and Austria, Apr. 20. Royal Guard disbanded, May 31.— Outrage at the Tuilleries, June 20. Manifesto of the duke of Brunswick from Coblcntz, July 25. Storming of the Tuilleries, Aug 10. — The king dethroned. All the foreign ambassadors leave Paris, Aug. 13—21. Lafayette falls into the hands of the Austrians, Aug. 20. Massacre of the Prisons, Sept. 2 — 6. — Princess Lamballe sacrificed. National Convention meets, Sept. 21. — First year of the Republic. Separation of the royal family in the Temple, Sept. 29. Retreat of the duke of Brunswick to Coblentz, Oct. 25. Battle of Gemappe, the Austrians defeated by Dumourier, Nov. 6. Louis XVI. beh. Jan. 21. War with England, Spain, and Holland.Feb.l. Insurrection, and, in the sequel, war in La Vendee, Mar. 10. Revolutionary Tribunal, Mar. 11.— Domiciliary visits decreed, Mar. 21. Committee of Public Safety, Mar. 25, and of Public Welfare, Apr. 6. Dumourier deserts to the Austrian lines, Apr. 4. Revolution of May 31. — Downfall of the Girondins. Marat assassinated by Charlotte Corday, July 13. The new French Calendar commenced, Sept. 22. Trial and execution of Marie Antoinette, Oct. 14, 16. Brissot and twenty-one of the Girondins beheaded, Oct. 31. Duke of Orleans (Philipe Egalite) beheaded, Nov. 6. Madame Roland beheaded, Nov. 8. — Toulon retaken, Dec. 19. Hebert, Clootz, &c. of the Cordelier Club guillotined, Mar. 23. Danton and his party sacrificed by Robespierre, Apr. 5. The Austrians defeated by Massena in Piedmont, Apr. 28. Madame Elizabeth, sister of Louis XVI. beheaded, May 10. Battle of Fleurus, Prince of Coburg defeated by Jourdan, June 26. Robespierre and his colleagues guillotined, July 28. Conde and Valenciennes retaken by the French, Aug. 30. Decree closing the hall of the Jacobin Club, Sept. 8. Battle of Ruremonde— Clairfait defeated by Jourdan, Sept. 18. The Allies driven across the Rhine, Oct. 17. Nimegu n taken by Pichegru, and Maestricht by Jourdan, Nov. 4. Fall of Warsaw by Suwarrow and extinction of Poland, Nov. 4. Pichegru takes Utrecht, Rotterdam, and Dort, Jan. 16, 18. The Stadtholder and family escape to England, Jan. 19. Peace between France and Prussia, Jan. 22. Establishment of the Batavian republic, Jan. 27. First pacification of La Vendee, Apr. 20. Rising of the Fauxbourgs. — Assassination of Feraud, May 20. The son of Louis XVI. dies in the Temple, June 9. The emigrants at Quiberon lay down their arms, July 21. Peace between France and Spain, July 23. Revolt of the Sections suppressed by Bonaparte, Oct. 5. National Convention succeeded by the Directory, Nov. 1. Battle of Loano gained by Massena, Nov. 23. 1796 1797 1799 1800 1802 Bonaparte made commander-in-chief in Italy, Mar. 30 ; gains the Montenotte and Mellesimo, Apr.14,17; and Mondovi surrender Bonaparte crosses the Po, May 7, defeats Beaulieu, and exact and works of art from the duke of Parma. Bonaparte carries the bridge of Lodi in face of the Austrian May 10, and enters Milan, May 15. Bonaparte enters Verona, June 3, and blockades Mantua, Ji Wurmser compels the French to raise the siege, July 31. Battle of Lonato by Bonaparte, Aug. 3, and of Castiglione i reau. — Wurmser falls back into Mantua. Bonaparte repulsed by Alvinzi at Caldiero, Nov. 11. — Battle o Alvjnzi defeated by Bonaparte, Nov. 16. Battle of Rivoli, Alvinzi defeated by Bonaparte, Jan. 14. Mantua surrendered by Wurmser to Bonaparte, Feb. 2. Passage of, and battle of the Tagliamento, Mar. 16. Overtures of peace by Bonaparte to the archduke Charles, Ma The archduke Charles defeated at Newmarkt by Massena, Api Preliminaries of peace signed at Leoben, Apr. 18. Battles of Nieuwied and Strasburg gained by Hoche and Apr. 18, 19, both unaware of the peace. The French enter Venice, May 16. — Revolution at Genoa, Ma Bonaparte procures the release of Lafayette from Olmutz, Sep Arrests at Paris and change in the Directory, Sept 4. Peace of Campo Formio, Oct 17. — Convention at Rastadt, De Invasion of Switzerland under general Menard, Jan. 27. The French enter Rome, Feb. 10, abolition. of the government, The Rhine acknowledged at Rastadt as a boundary, Mar. I. Outrage upon Bernadotte, as ambassador, who leaves Vienna, Expedition of Bonaparte to Egypt from Toulon, May 20. Landing in Egypt and capture of Alexandria, July 2. Unsuccessful descent upon Ireland by general Humbert, Aug. The subjugation of Switzerland completed by the French, Sep Conscription adopted, Sept. 28. — Rupture between France and General Mack defeated by Macdonald at Civita Castellana, De The king of Sardinia driven out of Italy, Dec. 9. Treaty between England and Russia, Dec. 18, — Prussia declini Ehrenbreitstein on the Rhine surrenders to the French, Jan. 2 Jourdan defeated by archduke Charles at Stockach, Mar. 25. Murder of the French plenipotentiaries at Rastadt, Apr. 19. Bonaparte compelled by Sir S. Smith to raise the siege of Acre, Zurich surrendered by Massena to the archduke Charles, Jun< Macdonald defeated by Suwarrow on the Trebia, June 18 Battle of Aboukir, the Turks defeated by Bonaparte, July 25. Battle of Novi, Joubert defeated by Suwarrow, Aug. 15. Battle of Zurich by Massena, retreat of Korsakof, Sept. 24. Bonaparte lands at Frejus from Egypt, Oct. 7. Dissolution of the Directory, Nov. 10. — Bonaparte First Consul Bonaparte proposes peace to England, Dec. 25. Battle of Engen by Moreau ; retreat of general Kray, May 2 Battle of Moeskirch, Kray defeated by Moreau, May 5. Passage of the Great St. Bernard by Bonaparte, May 14 — 23. Battle of Montebello, the Austrians defeated by Lannes, June General Kleber assassinated in Egypt, June 14. Battle of Marengo by Bonaparte over Melas, Dessaix killed, J Genoa surrendered by Massena to the allies, June 15. Moreau crosses the Danube and defeats Kray at Hochstedt, Jt Battle of Hohenlinden by Moreau, and passage of the Inn, De Northern Confederacy against England, Dec. 16, — Prussia acce Battle of the Mincio gained by Brune and Moreau, Dec. 25. The Infernal Machine — narrow escape of Bonaparte, Dec. 29. Peace of Luneville between France and Austria, Feb. 9. Assassination of the emperor Paul, Mar. 24. Bombardment of Copenhagen by Lord Nelson, Apr. 2. Occupation of Hanover by the Prussian troops, Apr. 3. Pacific course of Alexander towards Great Britain, Apr. 14. Dissolution of the Armed Neutrality, May 19. Peace between England and Russia, June 17. Capitulation by Menou of the French in Egypt, Aug. 30. Preliminaries between England and France, Oct. 1. Peace between France and Russia, Oct. 8. Peace between France and Turkey, Oct. 9. Expedition under Le Clerc sails for St. Domingo, Dec. 14. Cisalpine republic remodelled, Bonaparte president, Jan. 25. French Concordat, the Gallican church restored, Apr. 8. General amnesty to the French emigrants, Apr. 29. Decree to promote public instruction, May 1. Submission of Touissant, Christophe, &c. at St Domingo, Maj Institution of the Legion of Honour, May 19. Extension of the Consulate to Bonaparte for life, Aug. 2. Change in the Constitution— the Tribunate reduced, Aug. 4. The English newspapers seized and prohibited in Paris, Aug. 21 Mr. Fox received with marked respect at the Tuilleries, Sept. I Piedmont annexed to France, Sept. 11. General Andreossi arrives as French ambassador in London, K ISTORICAL TABLES N° 59 ENCH EMPIRE, 1789 — 1815. Helvetic Confederation of the Nineteen Cantons, Feb. 19. Correspondence of Bonaparte with Louis XVIII. at Warsaw, Feb. 2G. Bonaparte personally insults the English ambassador, Lord Whitworth, in presence of the court at the Tuilleries, Mar. 13. Louisiana sold by Bonaparte to the United States, Apr. 30. The English and French ambassadors respectively leave, May 12, 18. War between England and France, May 16. Bonaparte detains the English residents in France and Holland, May 22. Conquest of Hanover by the French under Mortier, May 26. Declaration of Bonaparte against British commerce, June 21. Convention of neutrality between France and Portugal, Oct. 6. Fort Dauphine in St. Domingo taken by the English, Nov. 30. Adoption of the new Civil Code in France, Jan. 15. Arrest of Moreau, Feb. 17 ; of Pichegru, Feb. 27 ; and of Georges.Mar. 9. Murder of the Duke d'Enghien at the castle of Vincennes, Mar. 21. General Pichegru found strangled in prison, Apr. 8. Napoleon declared Emperor of the French, May 18. Protest of Louis XVIII. against Bonaparte as emperor, June 6. Georges and the conspirators executed, June 25,— Moreau expatriated. Francis II. takes the hereditary title of emperor of Austria, Aug. II. The Russian minister at Paris, d'Oubril, demands his passports, Aug. 28, Sir G. Rumbold the resident at Hamburg seized by the French, Oct. 24. Napoleon crowned at Notre Dame, Dec. 2. Spain declares war against Great Britain, Dec. 12. Napoleon addresses proposals for peace to King George III. Jan. 2. Treaty of St. Petersburg, — Russia and England against France, Apr. 11. Napoleon crowned King of Italy at Milan, May 26. Violation of the territory of Anspach on the advance to Ulm, Oct. 8. Battle of Elchinghen gained by Marshal Ney, Oct. 14, 15. Surrender of Ulm and the army of Mack to Napoleon, Oct 17. Napoleon passes through Vienna to Schoenbrun, Nov. 14. Battle of Austerlitz, — Austria subdued by Napoleon, Dec. 2. Interview and armistice between the emperors Francis and Napoleon on the high road to Hollitch, Dec. 4. Peace of Presburg, Dec. 27, — Alexander accedes. Dethronement of the King of Naples, Dec 27. Joseph Bonaparte placed on the throne of Naples, Mar. 30. The King of Prussia declares himself King of Hanover, Apr. 1. Louis Bonaparte created King of Holland, June 5. Battle of Maida, July 6.— Confederation of the Rhine, July 12. Palm, the bookseller of Nuremburg, shot for a libel, Aug. 26. Prussia declares war against France, Oct. 8. Battle of Jena by Napoleon, — and of Auerstadt by Davoust, Oct. 14. Saxony detached from the allies by Napoleon, Oct. 17. Surrender of Prince Hohenloe to Murat at Prentzlow, Oct. 28. Capitulation of Magdeburg with its garrison, 22,000, to Mar. Ney, Nov. 8. Napoleon enters Berlin, Oct. 30.— Berlin decree by Napoleon,— Great Britain declared in a state of blockade, Nov. 20. Conquest of Silesia by Napoleon, Jan. Battle of Eylau, Feb. 8,— Retreat of Napoleon, Feb. 17. Dantzic surrendered to the French, May 24. Battle of Heilsberg, June 10; personal altercation between Lannes and Napoleon on its ill success. Battle of Friedland, the Russians defeated by Napoleon, June 14. Interview on the Niemen between Alexander and Napoleon, June 26. Peace of Tilsit between France, Russia, and Prussia, July 7 — 9. — New kingdom of Westphalia and grand duchy of Warsaw. The royal family of Portugal embark for Brazil, Nov. 29. General Junot enters Portugal with his army, Nov. 30. Napoleon renews his continental decrees at Milan, Dec. 17. Royal family of Spain entrapped by Napoleon at Bayonne, Apr. 20 — 30. Rising at Madrid in conflict with the troops of Murat, May 2. First siege of Saragossa, successful defence of Palafox, June 16 — Aug. 14. The patriots defeated by Mashal Bessieres at Rio Secco, July 14. Capitulation of Baylen by Dupont to Castanos, July 19. Entry of Joseph Bonaparte as King of Spain into Madrid, July 21. King Joseph retreats with the crown jewels to Burgos, Aug. 1. Battle of Vimeira,— Junot defeated by Sir A. Wellesley, Aug. 21. Convention of Cintra, Aug. 30, — capitulation of Junot. Interview between Alexander and Napoleon at Erfurth, Sept. 27. Battle of Tudela,— Castanos defeated by Lefebvre, Nov. 23. Surrender of Madrid to Napoleon, Dec. 4. Battle of Corunna and death of Sir John Moore, Jan. 16. Capitulation of Saragossa by Palafox to the French, Feb. 21. Oporto taken by Marshal Soult, Mar. 29. Archduke Louis defeated by Napoleon at Abensberg, Apr. 20. Battle of Eckmuhl, — Archduke Charles defeated by Napoleon, Apr. 22. Passage of the Douro, — Soult repulsed by Wellington, May 12. Napoleon enters Vienna, May 13. Battle of Aspern, — Napoleon defeated by the Archduke Charles, May 22. Final deposition of Pope Pius VII. June 10. Battle of Wagram, July 6. — Armistice signed by Francis II., July 12. Battle of Talavera, — Marshal Victor defeated by Sir A. Wellesley, July 28. Peace of Vienna, Oct. 14. — Demolition of the ramparts, Oct. 17. 1810 1812 1814 Rapid march of Albuquerque, which saves Cadiz, Feb. 3. Marriage of Napoleon to Maria Louisa, Apr. 2. Confederation of Venezuela in South America, Apr. 19. Fall of Lerida,— cruel attack upon the people by Suchet, May 14. Abdication of the crown of Holland by Louis Bonaparte, July 3. Ciudad Rodrigo surrenders with 4,000 men to the French, July 10. Marshal Bernadotte elected crown prince of Sweden, Aug. 21. Almeida surrenders to Marshal Massena, Aug. 27. Battle of Busaco,— Massena repulsed by Lord Wellington, Sept. 27. Lord Wellington gains the lines of Torras Vedras, Oct. 9. Junction of the Marquis de Romana with Lord Wellington, Oct. 20. The Hans Towns and Westphalia annexed to France, Dec. 13. Siege and fall of Tortosa to Marshal Suchet, Jan. 1. Battle of Barossa — Victor defeated by General Graham, Mar. 6. Retreat of Massena from Santarem, March 8. Badajoz surrendered by Imaz to the French, March 10. Birth of the King of Rome, March 20. Battle of Fuentes d'Onore between Massena and Wellington, May 5. Evacuation of, and retreat from Almeida by Massena, May 10. Battle of Albuera,— Soult defeated by Marshal Beresford, May 16. Tarragona surrendered by Contreras to Marshal Suchet, June 29. Marshal Suchet repulsed at Murviedro, Oct. 18. Battle of Saguntum,— Blake defeated by Suchet, Oct. 25. Surprise of Gerard by General Hill at Aroyo de Molinos, Oct. 28. Siege and fall of Valencia to Marshal Suchet, Jan. 9. Ciudad Rodrigo taken by storm by Lord Wellington, Jan. 19. Alliance between France and Prussia, Feb. 24. — France and Austria.Mar. Great Britain, Russia, and Sweden allied against France, Apr. 5. [14. Badajoz taken by storm by Lord Wellington, Apr. 6. General Hill takes Almarez by assault, May 19. Napoleon crosses the Niemen, June 23. — The Moscow campaign. Peace of Bucharest, between Russia and Turkey, July 14. Battle of Salamanca, July 22 ; Lord Wellington enters Madrid, Aug. 12. Battle of Smolensko,Aug. 17 ; of Valontina, Aug. 19 ; of Borodino, Sept. 7. Moscow burnt, Sept 19. — Retreat of Napoleon, Oct. 19. Passage of the Beresina, Nov. 26 — 28.— Napoleon arrives in Paris, Dec. 18- Treaty of Kalisch,— Russia and Prussia against France, Feb. 28. Co-operation of Bernadotte with the allies, Mar. 3. Battle of Lutzen, May 2, and of Bautzen by Napoleon, May 20, 21. Armistice of Pleschwitz for six weeks, June 4. Battle of Vittoria by Wellington, and flight of King Joseph, June 21. Manifesto against Napoleon by the Emperor Francis, Aug. 12. Battle of the Katzbach,— Macdonald defeated by Blucher, Aug. 26. Battle of Dresden, — Moreau mortally wounded, Aug. 27. St. Sebastian taken by storm by Lord Wellington, Aug. 31. Battle of Dennewitz, — Ney defeated by Bernadotte, Oct. 8. Battle of Leipsic, Oct. 16, 18, 19.— Napoleon in Paris, Nov. 9. [Dec. 1. Defection of Bavaria.Nov. 1 2.— Allies at Frankfort j revolution in Holland Battle of Brienne — defeat and retreat of Napoleon, Feb. 1. Congress at Chatillon, Feb. 4— Mar. 18.— Armistice of Lusigny, Feb. 24. Battle of Orthes,— Soult defeated by Lord Wellington, Feb. 25. Treaty of Chaumont, Mar. 1— Capitulation of Soissons, Mar. 3. Battle of Craone,— Napoleon gains upon Blucher, Mar. 7. Battle of Laon,— Napoleon defeated by Blucher, Mar. 10. Napoleon falls in the rear at St. Dizier, Mar. 22. The Allies enter Paris ; Napoleon retires to Fontainbleau, Mar. 31. Battle of Toulouse,— Soult defeated by Lord Wellington, Apr. 10. Abdication of Napoleon at Fontainbleau, Apr. 11. Louis XVIII. enters Paris, May 3.— Napoleon lands at Elba, May 4. Peace of Paris, May 30.— Congress assembles at. Vienna, Oct. 2. Napoleon lands at Frejus from Elba, March 1. Louis XVIII. withdraws, Mar. 19.— Napoleon enters Paris, Mar. 21. Murat defeated by the Austrians at the Po, Apr. 9. Napoleon leaves Paris for his army, June 13. Battle of Ligny,— Blucher retreats to Wavre. Action at Quatre-Bras,— Duke of Brunswick killed, June 16. Battle of Waterloo,— Overthrow of Napoleon, June 18. The Duke of Wellington and Louis XVIII. enter Paris, July 6, 8. Napoleon surrenders to Captain Maitland on board the Bellerophron, July 15 ; lands at St Helena, Oct 15. *** The Events in the above Table are chiefly continental, the corresponding years in the previous Tables, relating prin- cipally to Great Britain. But they do not always separate distinctly into these divisions, and sometimes they may be placed either way. FINIS. Table 60.-PARALLKL YEARS TO THE DECLINE OF THE OLYMPlADS-ie placed between B.C. 50—1 anil A. D. 1-50 ALPHABETICAL TABLES. I. — EMPERORS — KINGS — POPES II. — MEN OF EMINENCE III.— HISTORICAL EVENTS. ALPHABETICAL TABLES EMPERORS — KINGS — POPES N° B.C. 4 Abijah king of Judah — 959 3 Acastus perpetual archon — 1025 15 Achaean League, years of — 280 15 Achaean League — Praetors — 255 ".• The names of the 29 Praetors, now extant, could not be comprised within the Chronological columns. Their position's, corresponding with the dates below.are marked in Tables 15, 16, 17, 18, by the letter 1'. or I'r. 15 Marcus, Praetor — 255 16 . Aratus, Praetor — 243 16 ■ Timoxenus, Praetor — 221 16 Aratus, Praetor — 220 16 Aratus, jun., Praetor — 219 16 Eperatus, Praetor — 218 16 Aratus, Praetor — 217 16 Timoxenus, Praetor — 216 16 Cycliadas, Praetor — 208 16 Nicias, Praetor — 207 16 Lycippus, Praetor ■ — 202 16 Philopcemen, Praetor — 201 17 Cycliadas, Praetor — 200 17 Aristaenus, Praetor — 198 17 Aristaenus, Praetor — 195 17 Philopcemen, Praetor — 192 17 Diophanes, Praetor — 191 17 Philopcemen, Praetor — 189 17 Philopcemen, Praetor — 188 17 Aristaenus, Praetor — 185 17 Philopcemen, Praetor — 183 17 Lycortas, Praetor — 182 17 Xenarchus, Praetor — 174 17 Archon, Praetor — 172 18 Menalcidas. Praetor — 150 18 Diaeus, Praetor — 149 18 Damocritus, Praetor — 148 18 Diaeus, Praetor — 147 18 Critolaus, Praetor — 146 13 Acoris king of Egypt — 389 15 Acrotatus king of Sparta — 265 18 Adherbal king of Numidia — 118 7 Adrameles king of Assyria — 691 8 jEropus I. king of Macedon — 602 13 jEropus II. — 399 5 jEschylus perpetual archon — 777 5 Agamestor perpetual archon — 794 14 Agathocles tyrant of Syracuse — 317 4 Agelas I. king of Corinth — 996 4 Agelas II. — 889 5 Agenor king of Corinth — 799 8 Agesicles king of Sparta — 604 4 Agesilaus I. king of Sparta — 899 13 Agesilaus II. — 398 13 Agesipolis I. king of Sparta — 394 13 Agesipolis II. — 371 16 Agesipolis III. — 219 4 Agis I. king of Sparta — 1009 12 Agis II. — 427 14 Agis III. — 338 16 Agis IV. — 244 4 Ahab king of Israel — 917 6 Ahaz king of Judah — 741 4 Ahaziah king of Israel — 897 5 Alcamenes king of Sparta — 779 9 Alcetas king of Macedon — 576 5 Alcmaeon perpetual archon — 754 11 Aletes king of Corinth — 1074 3 Alexander king of Corinth — 783 11 Alexander I. king of Macedon — 509 13 Alexander II. — 369 14 Alexander III. the Great — 336 15 Alexander IV. — 297 18 Alexander I. king of Egypt 107 19 Alexander II. — 81 18 Alexander Bala, king of Syria — 150 18 Alexander Jannaeus, High Priest 105 8 Alyattes king of Lydia — 617 9 Amasis king of Egypt — 569 4 Amaziah king of Judah — 837 8 Amos king ot Judah — 642 10 Amyntas I. king of Macedon — 540 N° B.C. 13 Amyntas II. king of Macedon — 395 7 Anaxander king of Sparta — 675 9 Anaxandrides king of Sparta — 560 7 Anaxidamus king of Sparta — 686 14 Antigonus king of Asia — 318 15 Antigonus I. Gonatus king of Macedon — 277 16 Antigonus II. Doson — 229 15 Antiochus I. Soter king of Syria 280 15 Antiochus II. Theus — 261 16 Antiochus III. Magnus — 223 17 Antiochus IV. Epiphanes — 175 17 Antiociius V. Eupator — 164 18 Antiochus VI. Sidetes — 137 18 Antiochus VII. Grypus — 125 18 Antiochus VIII. Cyzicenus — 112 19 Antiochus IX. Asiaticus — 69 15 Antipater king of Macedon — 297 9 Apries king of Egypt — 594 6 Apsander decennial archon — 702 11 Archaeanactidae kings of Bos- phorus — 480 4 Archelaus king of Sparta — 862 12 Archelaus king of Macedon — 413 20 Archelaus king of Cappadocia — 36 6 Archianus king of Babylon — 709 8 Archidamus I. king of Sparta — 648 11 Archidamus II. — 469 13 Archidamus III. — 361 15 Archidamus IV. — 295 16 Archidamus V. — 230 4 Archippus perpetual archon — 989 7 Ardys king of Lydia — 678 14 Areus I. king of Sparta — 309 15 Areus II. — 264 7 Argaeus king of Macedon — 678 15 Ariamnes II. king of Cappadocia 284 16 Ariarthes III. king of Cappadocia 248 16 Ariarthes IV. — 220 17 Ariarthes V. — 162 18 Ariarthes VI. — 130 20 Ariarthes VII. — 42 15 Ariobarzanes III. king of Pontus 266 19 Ariobarzanes I. king of Cappadocia 93 19 Ariobarzanes II. — 63 4 Ariphron perpetual archon — 841 18 Aristobulus I. king of the Jews 107 19 Aristobulus II. — 66 4 Aristodemus king of Corinth — 834 9 Ariston king of Sparta — 560 16 Arsaces I. king of Parthia — 250 16 Arsaces II. — 248 16 Arsaces III. — 211 14 Arses king of Persia — 338 11 Artabanes king of Persia — 464 18 Artabanes king of Parthia — 128 11 Artaxerxes Longimanus king of Persia — 465 4 Asa king of Judah — 956 7 Asaridinus king of Babylon — 680 7 Asordanes king of Assyria — 693 7 Asordanes king of Babylon — 699 9 Astyages king of Media — 594 4 Athaliah king of Judah — 883 16 Attalus J. king of Pergamus — 241 17 Attalus II. — 159 18 Attalus III. — 138 6 Automenes king of Corinth — 746 7 Axerdis king of Assyria — 670 A.D. 1041 1582 1641 1732 888 1485 685 732 721 755 41 Aba king of Hungary — 52 Abbas I. the Great, Shah of Persia 53 Abbas II. — 55 Abbas III. — 38 Abdalla king of Cordova — 50 Abdalla el Zagel king of Granada 34 Abdelmelic, Caliph — 35 Abdelmelic emir in Spain — 35 Abderahman emir in Spain — 36 Abderahman I. king of Cordova N° A.D. 37 Abderahman II. king of Cordova 822 39 Abderahman III. — 912 41 Abderahman IV. — 1017 41 Abderahman V. — 1023 56 Abdul Ahmed emperor of Turkey 1774 35 Abdulasis emir in Spain — 714 57 Abdul Medjid emperor of Turkey 1839 43 Abdulmumen, dynasty of the Al- mohades — 1149 45 Abdulwahid, dynasty of the Al- mohades — 1223 45 Abel king of Denmark — 1250 56 Abool Fatteh Khan, Shah of Per- sia — 1779 34 Absimerus emperor of the East 698 50 Abu Abdalla king of Granada — 1484 45 Abu Ali, dynasty of the Almo- hades — 1225 33 Abubeker, Caliph — 632 35 Abul Abbas, Caliph — 750 50 Abul Hassan king of Granada — 1466 35 Abulkatur emir in Spain — 743 48 Abu Said king of Granada — 1360 33 Adawald king of the Lombards 615 32 Adda king of Bernicia — 560 34 Adelwald king of Bernicia — 651 34 Adeodatus, Pope — 672 55 Adil, Shah of Persia — 1747 46 Adolphus of Nassau, emperor of Germany 1292 56 Adolphus Frederic king of Swe- den — 1751 36 Adrian I. Pope — 772 38 Adrian II. — 867 38 Adrian III. — 884 44 Adrian IV. — 1154 46 Adrian V. — 1276 51 Adrian VI. — 1522 26 jEmilian Roman emperor — 253 56 Aga Mahomed Khan, Shah of Persia — 1795 31 Agapetus I. Bishop of Rome — 535 39 Agapetus II. Pope — 946 34 Agathon, Pope — 678 31 Agila king of the Visigoths — 550 32 Agiluph king of the Lombards 591 53 Ahmed I. emperor of Turkey — 1603 54 Ahmed II. — 1691 55 Ahmed III. — 1703 47 Aimon the Peacemaker, count of Savoy — 1329 45 Aladel, dynasty of the Almohades 1223 28 Alaric I. king of the Visigoths — 398 30 Alaric II. — 484 46 Albert I. of Austria emperor of Germany — 1298 49 Albert II. the Grave — 1438 49 Albert king of Hungary and Bo- hemii — 1437 48 Albert king of Sweden — 1365 32 Alboin king of the Lombards — 568 41 Alcassim king of Cordova — 1018 34 Aldulf king of East Anglia — 664 25 Alexander Severus Roman em- peror — 222 39 Alexander emperor of the East 911 43 Alexander I. king of Scotland — 1107 45 Alexander II. — 1214 45 Alexander III. — 1249 23 Alexander I. Bishop of Rome — 109 42 Alexander II. Pope — 1061 44 Alexander III. — 1159 46 Alexander IV. — 1254 49 Alexander V. — 1409 50 Alexander VI. — 1492 54 Alexander VII. — 1655 54 Alexander VIII. — 1689 57 Alexander emperor of Russia — 1801 42 Alexius I. Comnenus emperor of the East — 1081 44 Alexius II. — 11.80 ALPHABETICAL TABLES ! EMPERORS — KINGS — POPES N° A.D. N° A.D. N° A.D. 44 Alexius III. An eel us — 1195 39 Anastatius III. Pope — 911 34 Benedict II. Pope — 684 53 Alexis Czar of Russia — 1645 44 Anastatius IV. — 1153 38 Benedict III. — 855 35 Alfonso I. king of Asturias — 739 32 Andica king of the Suevi — 583 38 Benedict IV. — 900 36 Alfonso 11. the Chaste, king of 41 Andrew I. king of Hungary — 1047 40 Benedict V. — 964 Oviedo — 791 45 Andrew II. of Jerusalem — 1205 40 Benedict VI. — 972 38 Alfonso III. the Great — 866 46 Andrew III. the Venetian — 1290 40 Benedict VII. — 975 39 Alfonso IV. the Monk, k. of Leon 924 42 Andronicus emperor of the Last 1071 41 Benedict VIIL — 1012 40 Alfonso V. — 999 44 Andronicus I. Comnenus empe- 41 Benedict IX. — 1033 42 Alfonso VI. king of Leon sepa- ror of the East — 1183 42 Benedict X. Anti-pope — 1057 rated from Castile — 10^5 46 Andronicus II. Paleologus — 1282 47 Benedict XI Pope — 1303 42 Alfonso VI. the Valiant, king of 47 Andronicus III. Paleologus — 1332 47 Benedict XII. — 1334 Castile — 1072 24 Anicetus Bishop of Rome — 157 55 Benedict XIII. — 1724 43 Alfonso VII. — 1109 33 Anna king ot East Anglia — 635 55 Benedict XIV. — 1740 43 Alfonso VIII. Raymond — 1126 55 Anne queen of England — 1702 35 Beorna and Ethelreld, kings of 44 Alfonso IX. the Noble — 1158 55 Anne empress of Russia — 1730 East Anglia — 749 44 Alfonso IX. king of Leon sepa- 35 Ansprand king of the Lombards 712 38 Berenger I. king of Italy — 88« rated from Castile — 1188 25 Anterius Bishop of Rome — 235 39 crowned emperor — 915 46 Alfonso X. the Wise, king of Cas- 30 Anthemius emperor of the West 467 39 Berenger II. and Adalbert kings tile — 1252 52 Anthony of Bourbon king of of Italy — 950 47 Alfonso XI. — 1312 Lower Navarre — 1557 36 Bermudo I. king of Oviedo — 788 43 Alfonso I. the Warrior, king of 57 Anthony Clement k. of Saxony 1827 40 Bermudo II. the Gouty, king of Arragon and Navarre — 1104 23 Antoninus Pius, Roman emperor 138 Leon — 982 44 Alfonso II. the Chaste, king of 38 Aodh king of Scotland — 831 41 Bermudo III. — 1027 Arragon — 1162 31 Araric king of the Ostrogoths — 541 36 Bemred king of Mercia — 755 46 Alfonso III. the Beneficent — 1285 28 Arcadius emperor of the East — 395 37 Bernwulf king of Mercia — 821 47 Alfonso IV. — 1327 25 Ardisheer I. king of Persia — 226 41 Beroalcl count of Maurienne — 1020 49 Alfonso V. the Wise — 1416 28 Ardisheer II. — 381 36 Bertric king of Wessex — 784 43 Alfonso I. king of Portugal — 1139 34 Aribert I. king of the Lombards 653 37 Bertuif king of Mercia — 838 45 Alfonso II. the Fat — 1212 35 Aribert II. — 701 46 Birger II. king of Sweden — 1290 45 Alfonso III. — 1248 33 Ariwaldking of the Lombards 625 29 Bleda king of the Huns — 433 47 Alfonso IV. the Brave — 1325 38 Arnulph emperor of Germany 887 39 Boleslas I. king of Bohemia — 936 49 Alfonso V. the African — 1438 21 Artabanes II. king of Parthia — 18 40 Boleslas 11. le Debonnaire — 967 54 Alfonso VI. — 1656 22 Artabanes III. — 81 40 Boleslas III. — 999 49 Alfonso I. the Wise, king of Na- 2 1 Artabanes IV. — 199 40 Boleslas I. the Lion-hearted, ples — 1435 55 Ashraff Shah of Persia — 1725 king of Poland — 992 50 Alfonso II. — 1494 35 Astolfus king of the Lombards 749 42 Boleslas II. the Bold. — 1058 34 Alfred king of Bernicia — 685 31 Athalaric king of the Ostrogoths 526 43 Boleslas III. Wry Mouth, duke 38 Alfred the Great, king of Eng- 32 Athanagild king of the Visigoths 554 of Poland — 1102 land — 871 29 Athaulfus king of the Visigoths 412 43 Boleslas IV. le Frise, duke — 1146 37 Alfwold king of Northumbria — 808 39 Athelstan king of England — 924 45 Boleslas V. the Chaste, duke — 1227 36 Alhacam I. king of Cordova — 796 29 Attila king of the Huns — 433 46 Boniface-Roland count of Savoy 1253 40 Alhacam II. — 961 26 Aurelian Roman emperor — 270 29 Boniface I. Bishop of Rome — 418 35 Alhaitan emir in Spain — 729 36 Aurelio king of Oviedo — 768 31 Boniface II. — 530 35 Alhaur emir in Spain — 715 32 Autharis king of the Lombards 584 33 Boniface III. — 606 34 Ali, Caliph — 656 34 Authun and Berthun, kings of 33 Boniface IV. — 607 43 Ali ben Yussef, dynasty of the Sussex — 688 33 Boniface V. — 617 Almoravides — 1107 30 Avitus emperor of the West — 455 38 Boniface VI. — 896 56 Ali Moorhad Khan Shah of Persia 1781 B.C. 40 Boniface VII. Anti-pope — 974 45 Almamum, dynasty of the Almo- 46 Boniface VIIL Pope — 1294 hades — 1325 4 Baasha king of Israel — 954 48 Boniface IX. — 1389 36 Almanzor, Caliph — 754 4 Bacchis king of Corinth — 924 52 Boris-Godonof Czar of Russia 1598 38 Almundhir king of Cordova — 886 6 Baldanes king of Babylon — 702 38 Borzivoi I. duke of Bohemia — 890 47 Alnassar king of Granada — 1309 6 Belibus king of Babylon — 702 42 Borzivoi II. — 1100 35 Alphuald king of E. Anglia — 746 9 Belshazzar king of Babylon — 555 38 Boson king of Aries — 879 36 Aired king of Northumberland 765 19 Berenice queen of Egypt — 58 41 Bretislas I. duke of Bohemia 1037 36 Alric king of Kent — 760 A.D. 42 Bretislas II. — 1093 35 Al Sama emir in Spain — 718 38 Burhred king of Mercia — 852 41 Amadeus I. Long Tail, count of Maurienne — 1048 26 Baharam I. king of Persia — 26 Baharam II. — 272 276 B.C. 43 Amadeus II. count of Savoy — 1108 26 Baharam III. — 293 13 Callippus tyrant of Syracuse — 353 45 Amadeus III. — 1233 28 Baharam IV. — 390 10 Cambyses king of Persia — 529 46 Amadeus IV. or V. the Great — 1285 29 Baharam V. — 420 14 Cas^ander king of Macedon — 316 47 Amadeus VI. the Green Count 1343 32 Baharam VI. Choubeen — 590 4 Charilaus king of Sparta — 852 48 Amadeus VII. the Red — 1383 48 Bajazet I. Ottoman emperor — 1389 5 Charops, decennial archon — 752 48 Amadeus VIII. the Pacific — 1391 50 Bajazet II. — 1481 8 Chinaladamus king of Babylon 647 50 Amadeus IX. the Benevolent — 1465 37 Baldred king of Kent — 805 6 Chinzirus king of Babylon — 731 31 Amalric king of the Visigoths — 507 45 Baldwin I. Latin emperor — 1204 13 Cleombrotus I. king of Sparta 380 44 Amaurus I. king of Jerusalem — 1162 45 Baldwin II. — 1228 16 Cleombrotus II. — 244 44 Amaurus II. de Lusignan — 1197 42 Baldwin I. king of Jerusalem — 1100 10 Cleomenes I. king of Sparta — 520 35 Ambisa emir in Spain — 721 43 Baldwin II. — 1118 13 Cleomenes 11. — 370 37 Amin, Caliph — 809 43 Baldwin III. — 1144 16 Cleomenes III. — 236 48 Amurath I. Ottoman emperor — 1360 44 Baldwin IV. — 1173 18 Cleopatra queen of Syria — 125 49 Amurath II. — 1421 44 Baldwin V. — 1185 18 Cleopatra I. queen of Egypt — 117 52 Amurath III. emperor of Turkey 1574 35 Baleda emir in Spain — 741 19 Cleopatra II. — 81 53 Amurath IV. — 1623 38 Basil I. the Macedonian — 867 19 Cleopatra III. — 51 22 Anacletus Bishop of Rome — 78 40 Basil II. — 969 6 Clidicus decennial archon — 732 ! 30 Anastatius I. the Silentiary, em- 42 Bela I. king of Hungary — 1061 3 Codrus king of Athens — 1077 peror of the East — 491 43 Bela II — 1131 9 Croesus king of Lydia — 560 1 35 Anastatius II. — 713 44 Bela III. — 1174 8 Cyaxares king of Media — 634 } 28 Anastatius I. Bishop of Rome — 398 45 Bela IV. — 1234 7 Cypselus king of Corinth — 655 30 Anastatius II. — 496 32 Benedict I. Bishop of Rome — 574 9 Cyrus king of Persia — 559 ALPHABETICAL TABLES I. EMPERORS — KINGS — POPES N° A. D. 26 Caius Bishop of Rome — 283 21 Caligula, Roman emperor — 37 25 Calixtus I. Bi-hop of Koine — 219 43 Calixtus II. Pope — 1119 50 Calixtus III. — 1455 32 C'allinicus exarch of Ravenna — 597 41 Canute king of England — 1016 41 Canute II. king of Denmark — 1014 41 Canute III. — 1036 42 Canute IV. — 1080 43 Canute V. — 1147 44 Canute VI. the Pious — 1182 44 Canute king of Sweden — 1168 25 Caracalla, Roman emneror — 211 31 Cariaric king of the Suevi — 550 36 Carloman I king of France — 868 38 Carloman II. — 879 35 Carloman and Pepin, dukes of Austrasia — 741 41 Casimir I. the Pacific, duke of Poland — 1041 44 Casimir II. the Just — 1177 47 Casimir III. the Great, king — 1333 49 Casimir IV. — 1445 50 Catherine d'Albret queen of Na- varre — 1483 55 Catherine I. empress of Russia 1725 56 Catherine II. — 1762 34 Ceadwal king of Wessex — 685 32 Ceawlin king of Wessex — 560 29 Celestine I. Bishop of Rome — 422 43 Celestine II. — 1143 44 Celestine III. — 1191 45 Celestine IV. — 1241 46 Celestine V. — 1294 37 Cenelm king of Mercia — 819 35 Cenred king of Mercia — 704 35 Cenred king of Northumbria — 716 34 Centwin king of Wessex — 676 36 Cenulf king of Mercia — 794 33 Cenwal king of Wessex — 643 35 Ceolred king of Mercia — 709 32 Ceolric king of Wessex — 591 32 Ceolwulf k ; ng of Wessex — 597 35 Ceolwulf king of Northumbria 729 37 Ceolwulf I. king of Mercia — 819 3S Ceolwulf II. — 874 33 Ceorl king of Mercia — 615 31 Cerdic king of Wessex — 519 32 Charibert I. king of Paris — 561 33 Charibert II. king of France — 630 35 Charles Martel duke of Austra- sia — 715 36 Charlemagne emperor of the We*t — 800 38 Charles II. the Bald — 875 38 Charles III. le Gros — 881 47 Charles IV. of Luxemburg em- peror of Germany — 1347 51 Charles V. of Spain — 1519 54 Charles VI. — 1711 55 Charles VII. of Bavaria — 1742 47 Charles king of Bohemia — 1346 38 Charles king of Provence — 855 36 Charlemagne king of France — 768 37 Charles II. the Bald — 840 38 Charles III. the Simple — 893 47 Charles IV. le Bel — 1322 48 Charles V. the Wise — 13! 4 48 Charles VI. the Beloved — 1380 49 Charles VII. the Victorious — 1422 50 Charles VIII. _ 1483 52 Charles IX. the Bloody — 1560 57 Charles X. — 1824 50 Charles I. the Warrior, duke of Savov — 1482 50 Charles' II. — 14S9 51 Charles III. the Good — 1504 52 Charles Emmanuel I. duke of Savoy — 1580 53 Charles Emmanuel II. — 1638 N° of 55 Charles Emmanuel III. kin Sardinia — 56 Charles Emmanuel IV. — 57 Charles Felix — 57 Charles Albert — 47 Charles I. le Bel, king of Navarre 47 Charles II. the Bad — 48 Charles III. the Noble — 51 Charles I. king of Spain — 54 Charles II. — 56 Charles III. — 56 Charles IV. — 53 Charles I. king of England — 54 Charles 1 1. — 44 Charles VII. king of Sweden — 49 Charles VIII. — 53 Charles IX. — 54 Charles X. Gustavus — 54 Charles XI. — 54 Charles XII. — 57 Charles XIII. — 57 Charles John XIV. — 46 Charles I. of Anjou king of Sicily 46 Charles II. king of Naples sepa- rated from Sicily — 48 Charles III. of Durazzo — 55 Charles IV. — 57 Charles Louis king of Etruria 46 Charobert king of Hungary — 31 Childehert I. king of Paris — 32 Childehert II. king of Metz — 34 Childehert III. king of Neustria 30 Childeric I. king of the Franks 34 Childeric II. king of Austrasia 35 Childeric III. king of Neustria 30 Chilperic king of Burgundy — 32 Chilperic I. king of Soissons — 35 Chilperic II. king of Neustria — 33 Chindaswind king of the Visi- goths — 35 Chintilla king of the Visigoths 49 Christian I. king of Denmark — 51 Christian II. — 51 Christian III. — 52 Christian IV. — 54 Christian V. — 55 Christian VI. — 56 Christian VII. — 57 Christian VIII. — 53 Christina queen of Sweden — 39 Christopher emperor of the East 46 Christopher I. king of Denmark 47 Christopher II. — 49 Christopher III. king of Den- mark and Sweden — 39 Christopher, Pope — 31 Cissa king of Sussex — 32 Clappa king of Bemicia — 21 Claudius, Koman emperor — 26 Claudius II. — 22 Clement I. Bishop of Rome — 41 Clement II. Pope — 44 Clement III. — 46 Clement IV. — 47 Clement V. — 47 Clement VI. — 51 Clement VII. — 52 Clement VIII. — 54 Clement IX. — 54 Clement X. — 54 Clement XI. — 54 Clement XII. — 56 Clement XIII. — 56 Clement XIV. — 32 Cleoph king of the Lombards — 29 Clodion king of the Franks — 31 Clodomir king of Orleans — 32 Clotaire king of France — 33 Clotaire II. — 31 Clotaire I. king of Soissons — 32 Clotaire II. — A.D. 1730 1796 1S21 1831 1322 1349 1387 1516 1665 1759 1788 1625 Ki60 1162 1448 1604 1634 1660 1697 1809 1818 1256 1285 1382 1735 1803 1300 511 575 695 45S 660 742 466 561 715 641 636 1418 1513 1534 1588 1670 1730 1766 1839 1633 928 1252 1320 1440 903 514 567 41 268 91 1046 1187 1265 1305 1342 1523 1592 1667 1670 1700 1730 1758 1769 573 427 511 558 613 511 584 N° 34 Clotaire III. king of Neustria — 30 Clovis I. king of France — 23 Clovis II. king of Burgundy and Neustria — 34 Clovis III. — 42 Coloman king of Hungary — 24 Commodus, Roman emperor — 34 Conon, Pope — 39 Conrad I. king of Germany — 41 Conrad II. the Salique, emperor of Germany — 43 Conrad III. — 45 Conrad IV. — 42 Conrad I. duke of Bohemia — 44 Conrad II. — 39 Conrad the Pacific, king of Bur- gundy — 45 Conrad I. king of Sicily — 46 Conrad II. — 44 Conrad king of Jerusalem — 27 Constans I. Roman emperor — 33 Constans II. emperor of the East 27 Constantius I. Roman emperor 27 Constantius II. Koman emperor 27 Constantine I. the Great, Roman emperor — 27 Constantine II. — 33 Constantine III. emperor of the East — 34 Constantine IV. Pogonatus — 35 Constantine V. Coprunymus — 36 Constantine VI. — 39 Constantine VII. Porphyrogeni- tus — 39 Constantine VIII. — 40 Constantine IX. — 41 Constantine X. Monomachus — 42 Constantine XI. Ducas — 42 Constantine XII. — 49 Constantine XIII. Paleologus — 38 Constantine II. king of Scotland 39 Constantine III. — 40 Constantine IV. — 35 Constantine, Pope — 36 Cornelius, Bishop of Rome — 32 Crida king of Mercia • — 40 Culen king of Scotland — 34 Cnnibert king of the Lombards 35 Cuthred king of Wessex — 36 Cuthred king of Kent — 33 Cynegils king ot Wessex — 36 Cynewulf king of Wessex — 31 Cynric king ot Wessex — A.D. 656 481 3 David king of Israel — 10 Darius Hystaspes king of Persia 12 Darius Nothtis — 14 Darius Codomanus — 6 Deioces king of Media — 10 Demaratus king of Sparta — 15 Demetrius Poliorcetes king of Asia 15 Demetrius Poliorcetes king of Macedon — 16 Demetrius king of Macedon — 17 Demetrius Soter king ot Syria 18 Demetrius Nicator — 4 Diognetes, perpetual archon — 13 Dion tyrant of Syracuse — 12 Diony>ius tyrant of Syracuse — 13 Dionysius the younger — 4 Doryssus king of Sparta — 638 691 1095 180 686 911 1024 1138 1250 1092 1190 937 1250 1254 1192 337 641 305 337 306 337 641 668 741 780 911 919 9 9 1042 1059 1071 14 IS 863 904 994 708 251 586 965 6.S6 740 796 611 755 534 B.C. 1056 521 424 336 709 526 — 300 294 239 162 146 888 356 406 367 923 33 Dagobert I. king of France — 34 Dagobert II. king of Austras'a 35 Dagobert III. king of Neustria 28 Damasus I. Bishop of Rome — 41 Damasus II. Pope — 43 David 1. king of Scotland — A.D. 62S 674 711 366 1048 1124 ALPHABETICAL TABLES EMPERORS — KINGS — POPES N° 47 David II. king of Scotland — 25 Decius, Roman emperor — 36 Desiderius king of the Lombards 30 Dengizic king of the Huns — 33 Deusdedit, Pope — 26 Diocletian, Roman emperor — 46 Dionysius the Liberal, king of Portugal — 26 Dionysius Bishop of Rome — 22 Domitian, Roman emperor — 34 Domnus I. Pope — 40 Domnus II. — - 38 Donal king of Scotland — 38 Donald III. king of Scotland — 42 Donald Bane king of Scotland — 41 Drogo count of Apulia — 40 Duff king of Scotland — 41 Duncan I. king of Scotland — 42 Duncan II. — 4 Echestratus king of Sparta — 4 Elah king of Israel — 15 Eleazar, High Priest — 11 Eliashib, High Priest — 4 Eudemus king of Corinth — 6 Esarhaddou king of Assyria — 6 Esimides, decennial arelion — 14 Eudamidas I. king of Sparta — 15 Eudamidas II. — 7 Erixias. decennial archon — 14 Eumelus king of Bosphorus — 15 Eumenes I king of Pergamu3 — 17 Eumenes II. — 6 Eurycrates I. king of Sparta — 8 Eurycrates II. — 16 Eurydamidas king of Sparta — 4 Eurypon king of Sparta — 4 Eurysthenes king of Sparta — 9 Evil-Merodach king of Babylon 33 35 35 sa 32 31 34 U 33 •id 42 38 39 41 41 42 39 31 47 4!) 39 40 41 40 47 •17 50 50 50 33 32 40 36 86 34 33 25 Eadbald king of Kent — Eadbert king of Kent — Eadhert king of Northumberland Eanfrid king of Bemicia — Eburic king of the Suevi — Ecbert king of Kent — Ecfrid king of Bemicia — Edbert Pryn king of Kent — Edilward king of Sussex — Edgar king of England — Edgar king of Scotland — Edmund king of E. Anglia — Edmund I. king of England — Edmund II. Ironside — Edmund I. Colbrenner king of Sweden — Edmund II. Slemme — Edred king of England — Edric king of Kent — Edward count of Savoy — Edward king of Portugal Edward I. the Elder king England Edward II. the Martyr Edward III. the Confessor Edward I. king of England Edward II. Edward III. Edward IV. Edward V. Edward VI. Edwin king of Bernicia Edwin king of Deira Edwin king of England Egbert king of VVessex Egfrid king of Mercia Egica king of the Visigoths Egric king of E. Anglia Elagabalus, Roman emperor of A. D. 1329 249 756 452 614 284 1279 259 81 676 974 893 859 1093 1046 961 1033 1094 B.C. 933 931 292 462 859 711 742 330 268 692 309 263 197 710 637 240 970 1044 561 A.D. 616 725 738 634 582 664 670 794 648 959 1098 855 941 1016 1026 1056 946 685 1323 1433 901 975 1042 1272 1307 1327 1461 1483 1547 617 590 955 800 794 687 632 218 N° 50 Eleanor queen of Navarre — ■ 33 Eleutherius exarch of Ravenna 24 Eleutherus Bishop of Rome — 52 Elizabeth queen of England — 55 Elizabeth empress of Russia — 30 Ella king of Sussex — 38 Ella king of Bernicia — 32 Ella king of Deira — 36 Elwald king of North nmbria — 44 Emeric king of Hungary — 52 Emmanuel Philibert duke of Savoy 50 Emmanuel the Fortunate, king of Portugal — 38 Eocha and Grigg, kings of Scot- land — 33 Eoric king of East Anglia — 33 Ercenbert king of Kent — 31 Erchenwin king of Essex — 36 Erdulf I. king of Northumbria 37 Erdulf II. — 37 Eric I. king of Denmark — 38 Eric II. the Child — 42 Eric III. the Good 43 Eric IV. Harefoot — 43 Eric V. — 45 Eric VI. — 46 Eric VII. — 46 Eric VIII. — 48 Eric IX. — 43 Eric X. king of Sweden — 45 Eric XL — 45 Eric XII. le Begue — 48 Eric XIII. — 52 Eric XIV. — 31 Ermenric king of Kent — 57 Ernest Augustus king of Han- over — 33 Erpwald king of E. Anglia — 34 Ervigio king of the Visigoths — 30 Esca king of Kent — 34 Escwin king of Wessex — 38 Ethelbald king of Wessex — 35 Ethelbald king of Mercia — 32 Ethelbert king of Kent — 35 Ethelbert king of Kent — 38 Ethelbert king of VVessex — 36 Ethelbert king of E. Anglia — 32 Ethelfrith king of Bernicia — 35 Ethelheard king of Wessex — 38 Ethelred king of Wessex — 34 Ethelred king of Mercia — 36 Ethelred king of E. Anglia — 36 Ethelred king of Northumbria 36 Ethelred king of Northumbria 40 Ethelred the Unready, king of England — 34 Ethelric king of E. Anglia — 32 Ethelric king of Bernicia — 34 Ethelwald king of E. Anglia — 37 Ethelwulf king of Wessex — 38 Eudes king of France — 42 Eudocia empress of the East — 34 Eugenius I. Pope — 37 Eugenius II. — 43 Eugenius III. — 49 Eugenius IV. — 30 Euric king of the Visigoths — 27 Eusebius Bishop of Rome — 26 Eutychian Bishop of Rome — 35 Eutychius exarch of Ravenna — 22 Evaristus Bishop of Rome — A.D. 1479 616 177 1558 1741 490 863 560 778 1196 — 1553 25 Fabianus Bishop of Rome — 56 Fatteh Ali Khan Shah of Persia 35 Favila king of Asturias — 52 Fedor I. Czar of Russia — 54 Fedor II. — 26 Felix I. Bishop of Rome — 30 Felix II. — 31 Felix III. — 1495 882 890 640 530 795 810 850 854 1094 1135 1137 1241 1259 1286 1397 1150 1210 1223 1396 1560 542 1837 624 680 488 674 856 716 560 748 860 790 593 728 866 675 761 790 774 978 654 588 655 836 887 1068 654 824 1145 1431 466 310 275 711 100 236 1796 737 1584 1676 269 483 526 1217 1295 1474 1746 1814 1367 1458 1495 1759 1830 458 276 891 N° A.D. 52 Ferdinand I. emperor of Ger- many — 1558 53 Ferdinand II. — 1619 53 Ferdinand III. — 1637 57 Ferdinand IV. or I. emperor of Austria — 1835 51 Ferdinand king of Hungary — 1527 49 Ferdinand 1. the Just, king of Arragon — 1412 49 Ferdinand II. — 1479 41 Ferdinand I. king of Castile — 1035 44 Ferdinand II. king of Leon sepa- rated from Castile — 1157 45 Ferdinand III. the Saint, king of Castile — 46 Ferdinand IV. — 49 Ferdinand V. — 55 Ferdinand VI. king of Spain — 57 Ferdinand VII. 48 Ferdinand king of Portugal — 50 Ferdinand I. the Bastard, king of Naples — 50 Ferdinand II. — 56 Ferdinand I. king of Naples — Modern — 57 Ferdinand II. — 30 Firoze king of Persia 26 Florian, Roman emperor — 38 Formosus, Pope — 55 Francis I. of Lorraine, emperor of Germany — 56 Francis II. emperor of Germany 57 -emperor of Austria 51 Francis I. king of France — 52 Francis II. 53 Francis Hyacinth duke of Savoy 50 Francis Phoebus king of Navarre 57 Francis I. king of Naples — 44 Frederic I. Barbarossa, emperor of Germany — 45 Frederic II. — 47 Frederic III. — 49 Frederic IV. — 44 Frederic duke of Bohemia — 54 Frederic Augustus king of Po- land — 53 Frederic I. William the Great, duke of Prussia — 54 Frederic II. — 55 Frederic I. king of Prussia — 55 Frederic II. — 55 Frederic William I. king of Prussia — 56 Frederic William II. — 56 Frederic William III. — 57 Frederic William IV. — 53 Frederic Henry prince of Orange 51 Frederic I. king of Denmark — 52 Frederic II. — 53 Frederic III. — 54 Frederic IV. — 55 Frederic V. ■ — 57 Frederic VI. 55 Frederic king of Sweden — 44 Frederic I. king of Sicily — 46 Frederic II. 48 Frederic III. the Simple 50 Frederic king of Naples — 57 Frederic II. kingofWurtemburg 57 Frederic Augustus III. king of Saxony — 57 Frederic Augustus IV. — 32 Freodwulf king of Bernicia — 36 Froila I. king of Oviedo — 39 Froila II. king of Leon — 30 Frumarius king of the Suevi — 43 Fulke king of Jerusalem — 11 Gelon tyrant of Syracuse — 485 6 Gyges king of Lydia — 716 ALPHABETICAL TABLES EMPERORS — KINGS — POPES N° A. D. K° B.C. N° A.D. 22 Galba Roman emperor — 68 6 Hagisa king of Babylon — 703 43 Honorius II. Pope — 1124 27 Galerius Roman emperor — ■ 305 20 Herod king of Judea ■ — • 40 45 Honorius III. — 1216 26 Gallienus Roman emperor — . 251 6 Hezekiah king of Judah — 726 46 Honorius IV. — 1285 26 Gallus Roman emperor — 251 11 Hiero I. tyrant of Syracuse — ■ 478 26 Hoormuz I. king of Persia — 271 39 Garcia king of Ov'iedo — 910 15 Hiero II. king of Syracuse — 270 27 Hoormuz II. — 303 39 Garcia I. king of Navarre ■ — 926 16 Hieronymous king of Syracuse 216 30 Hoormuz III. — 456 40 Garcia II. — 994 13 Hipparinus tyrant of Syracuse 352 32 Hoormuz IV. — 579 41 Garcia III. — 1035 3 Hippothus the Heracleid — 1104 31 Hornrsdas Bishop of Rome — 514 43 Garcia IV. Ramirez — 1134 6 Hippomenes decennial archon — 722 39 Hugh king of Italy — 926 41 Gehwar ben Mahomed king of 6 Hoshea king of Israel • — 729 40 Hugh Capet king of France — 987 Cordova — 1031 18 Hyrcanus I. High Priest — 135 41 Humbert I. White Hand, count 42 Geisa I. king of Hungary — 1075 19 Hyrcanus II. High Priest — 78 ofMaurienne — ■ 1027 43 Geisa II. — 30 Gelasius I. Bishop of Rome — 1141 492 A.D. 42 Humbert II. le Renforce. — 43 Humbert III. the Saint, count of 1072 43 Gelasius II. Pope — 1118 36 Hadi, Caliph — 784 Savoy • — 1148 31 Gelimer king of the Vandals — 530 23 Hadrian Roman Emperor — 117 42 Humphrey count of Apulia — 1051 29 Genseric king of the Vandals — 429 42 Halstan king of Sweden — 1066 30 Hunderic king of the Vandals — 477 53 George WiLiam duke of Prussia 1619 37 Harald I. king of Denmark — 813 54 Hussein emperor of Turkey — 1694 50 George Podiebrad king of Bohe- 39 Harald II. Blue Tooth — 935 23 Hyginus Bishop of Rome — 139 mia — 55 George I. king of Great Britain 1458 1714 42 Harald III. the Simple — 41 Hardicanute king of England — 1077 1040 B.C. 55 George II. — 1727 41 Harold I. Harefoot king of Eng- 9 Ilvarodamus king of Babylon — 561 56 George III. — 1760 land — 1035 3 Ixion king of Corinth — 1034 57 George IV. — 57 George William II. king of Ha- 1820 42 Harold II. — 36 Haroun al Raschid, Caliph — 1066 786 A.D. nover — ■ 1814 34 Hasan, Caliph — 661 35 Ibrahim, Caliph — 744 57 George Augustus 1 1, king of Ha- 34 Hashem, Caliph — 724 53 Ibrahim emperor of Turkey — 1640 nover — 1820 37 Hashem I. king of Cordova — 788 31 Ida king of Bernicia — 547 31 Gesalric king of the Visigoths — 507 40 Hashem II. — 976 34 Ina king of Wessex — 68S 25 Geta Roman emperor — 211 41 Hashem III. — 1026 40 Indulf king of Scotland — 953 30 Glycerius emperor of the West 473 48 Hedwig queen of Poland — 1385 38 Ingwar the Dane, king of Ber- 42 Godfrey of Bouillon king of 30 Hengist king of Kent — 455 nicia — 867 Jerusalem — 1099 45 Henry Latin emperor — 1206 42 Ingo I. the Good, king of Sweden 1090 30 Gondebaud king of the Bur- 39 Henry I. the Fowler, king of 43 Ingo II. — 1118 gundians — 491 Germany — - 918 29 Innocent I. Bishop of Rome — 402 31 Gondemar king of the Burgun- 41 Henry II. the Lame, emperor 43 Innocent II. Pope — 1130 dians — 523 of Germany — 1002 44 Innocent III. — 1198 33 Gondemar king of the Visigoths 610 41 Henry III. the Black — 1039 45 Innocent IV. — 1243 34 Gondibert king of the Lombards 661 42 Henry IV. — 1056 46 Innocent V. — 1276 32 Gontran king of Orleans — 561 43 Henry V. — 1106 48 Innocent VI. 1352 25 Gordians, Two, — Roman em- 44 Henry VL. Asper — 1190 49 Innocent VII. — 1404 perors — i 237 47 Henry VII. of Luxemburg — 1308 50 Innocent VIII. — 1484 25 Gordiai^jun^Ronran emperor 238 44 Henry Bretislas duke of Bohemia 1193 52 Innocent IX. — 1591 38 Gorm the Old, king of Denmark 883 47 Henry king of Bohemia — 1306 53 Innocent X. — 1644 21 Gotarzes king of Parthia — 47 52 Henry of Valois king of Poland 1574 54 Innocent XL — 1676 28 Gratian Roman Emperor — 370 41 Henry I. king of France — 1031 54 Innocent XII. — 1691 34 Gregory exarch of Ravenna — 666 51 Henry II. — 1547 55 Innocent XIII. — 1721 32 Gregory I. the Great, Pope — 590 52 Henry III. — 1572 36 Irene empress of the East — 780 35 Gregory II. — • 715 52 Henry IV. the Great — 1589 33 Isaac exarch of Ravenna — 619 35 Gregory III. — 731 46 Henry I. Crassus king of Navarre 1270 42 Isaac I. Comnenus, emperor of 37 Gregory IV. — 827 51 Henry II. king of Lower Navarre 1516 the East — 1057 40 Gregory V. — 996 52 Henry III. — 1574 44 Isaac II. Angelus — 1185 41 Gregory VI. — 1044 45 Henry I. king of Castile — 1214 50 Isabella I. queen of Castile — 1474 42 Gregory VII. Hildebrand — 1073 48 Henry II. the Bastard — 1368 57 Isabella II. queen of Spain — 1833 44 Gregory VIII. — 1187 48 Henry III. — 1390 47 Ismail I. king of Granada — 1313 45 Gregory IX. — 1227 50 Henry IV. the Impotent — 1454 48 Ismail II. — 1359 46 Gregory X. ■ — 1271 42 Henry of Burgundy, count of 51 Ismail I. Shah of Persia — 1502 48 Gregory XI. — 1370 Portugal — 1094 52 Ismail II. Meerza — 1576 49 Gregory XII. — 1406 52 Henry the Cardinal, king of 51 Ivan IV. Czar of Russia — 1533 52 Gregory XIII. — 1572 Portugal — 1578 54 Ivan V. — 1682 52 Gregory XIV. — 1590 42 Henry I. king of England — 1100 55 Ivan VI. — 1740 53 Gregory XV. — 57 Gregory XVI. — 1621 1831 44 Henry II. — 45 Henry III. — 1154 1216 B.C. 34 Grimoald king of the Lombards 662 48 Henry IV. — 1399 17 Jason High Priest — 175 30 Gundamund king of the Vandals 484 49 Henry V. « — 1413 4 Jehoahaz king of Israel — 855 29 Gunderic king of the Vandals — 406 49 Henry VI. — 1422 8 Jehoahaz king of Judah — 609 29 Gunderic king of the Burguu- 50 Henry VII. — 1485 4 Jehoash king of Israel — 839 dians — 436 51 Henry VIII. — 1509 8 Jehoiakim king of Judah — 609 29 Gundicar king of the Burgun- 44 Henry king of Sicily — 1194 9 Jehoiakin king of Judah — 598 dians — 413 44 Henry king of Jerusalem — 1192 4 Jehoram king of Judah — 891 51 Gustavus I. Vasa king of Sweden 1523 32 Heodwulf king of Bernicia — 572 4 Jehoshaphat king of Judah — 915 58 Gustavus II. AUolphus — 1611 33 Heraclius emperor of the East 610 4 Jehu king of Israel — 883 56 Gustavus III. — 1771 29 Hermenric king of the Suevi — 409 4 Jeroboam I. king of Israel — ■ 976 56 Gustavus IV. — 1792 30 Hermisdas king of the Huns — 453 4 Jeroboam II. — 823 38 Guthred the Dane, king of Deira 878 30 Hilary Bishop of Rome — 461 10 Jeshua High Priest — 536 38 Guthrum the Dane, king of E. 35 Hildebrand king of the Lombards 744 4 Joash king of Judah — 877 Anglia — 870 31 Hilderic king of the Vandals — 523 11 Joiachim High Priest — 480 38 Guy king of Italy — 889 35 Hodaifa emir in Spain — 728 12 Joiada High Priest — 441 38 crowned emperor — 891 35 Hodeira emir in Spain — 725 13 Jonathan I. High Priest — 397 44 Guy de Lusignan king of Jeru- 28 H onorius emperor of the West — 395 17 Jonathan II. — 152 salem — 1186 33 Honorius I. Pope — 625 4 Joram king of Israel — 895 I. ALPHABETICAL TABLES ExMPERORS — KINGS — POPES I N° B.C. N° A.D. N° A. D. 8 Josiah king of Judah — 640 40 John XII. Pope — 956 30 Leo II. emperor of the East — 474 5 Jotham king of Judah — 756 40 John XIII. — 965 35 Leo III. the Isaurian — 718 17 Judas Maccabeus High Priest — 162 40 John XIV. — 983 36 Leo IV. — 775 6 Jugaens king of Babylon — 726 40 John XV. — 984 37 Leo V. the Armenian — 813 18 Jugurtha king of Numidia — 118 40 John XVI. — 985 38 Leo VI. the Philosopher — 886 A.D. 41 John XVII. — 41 John XVIII. — 1003 1003 29 Leo I. the Great, Bishop of Rome — 440 56 Jaffier Khan Shah of Persia — 1785 41 John XIX. — 1024 34 Leo II. Pope — 682 45 James I. the Conqueror, king of 46 John XX. or XXI. — 1276 36 Leo III. — 795 Arragon — 1213 47 John XXII. — 1316 37 Leo IV. — 847 46 James II. the Just . — 1291 49 John XXIII. — 1410 39 Leo V. _ 903 49 James I. king of Scotland — 1406 55 Joseph I. emperor of Germany 1705 39 Leo VI. — 928 49 James II. — 1437 56 Joseph II. — 1765 39 Leo VII. — 936 50 James III. — 1460 57 Joseph Napoleon king of Naples 1806 40 Leo VIII. — 963 50 James IV. — 1488 57 Joseph Napoleon king of Spain 1806 41 Leo IX. — 1048 51 James V. — 1513 55 Joseph king of Portugal — 1750 51 LeoX. — 1513 52 James VI. — 1567 49 Jossus emperor of Germany — 1410 53 Leo XL — 1605 53 James 1. king of England — 1603 28 Jovian Roman emperor — 363 57 Leo XII. — 1823 54 James II. ■ — 1685 24 Julian I. Roman emperor — 193 34 Leontius emperor of the East — 695 46 James king of Sicily — 1-285 28 Julian II. the Apostate — 361 54 Leopold I. emperor of Germany 1658 41 Jaromir duke of Bohemia — 1002 27 Julius I. Bishop of Rome ■ — 237 56 Leopold II. — 1790 57 Joachim Murat king of Naples 1808 51 Julius II. Pope 1503 57 Leopold of Saxe Coburg king of 46 Joanna I. queen of Navarre — 1274 51 Julius III. — 1550 Belgium — 1831 47 Joanna II. — 1328 30 Julius Nepos emperor of the 32 Leovigild kin? of the Visigoths 572 47 Joanna I. queen of Naples — 1343 West — 474 38 Lesko IV. duke of Poland — 892 49 Joanna II. of Bourbon 1414 31 Justin I. the Thracian emperor 44 Lesko V. the White — 1194 33 Johannes I. Lemigius exarcli a queen of Hungary 1740 56 Maria Francesca queen of Por- tugal — 1777 57 Maria da Gloria queen of Portugal 1826 33 Martin I. Pope — 649 38 Martin II. — 882 39 Martin III. — 942 46 Martin IV. — 1281 49 Martin V. — 1417 34 Martin and Pepin dukes of Au- strasia — 680 48 Martin king of Arragon — 1395 48 Martin I. king of Sicily — 1391 49 Martin II. senior — 1409 48 Mary queen of Hungary — 1382 52 Mary queen of England — 1553 51 Mary queen of Scots — 1542 48 Mary queen of Sicily — 1377 53 Matthias emperor of Germany — 1612 50 Matthias king of Hungary — 1458 36 Mauregat the Usurper king of Oviedo — 783 32 Maurice the Cappadocian empe- ror of the East — 582 53 Maurice prince of Orange — 1618 27 Maxentius Roman emperor — 306 26 Maximian Roman emperor — 286 50 Maximilian I. emperor of Ger- many — 1493 52 Maximilian II. -- 1564 52 Maximilian Joseph king of Ba- varia — 1805 25 Maximin I. Roman emperor — 235 27 Maximin II. — 308 30 Maximus emperor of the West 455 27 Melchiades Bishop of Rome — 311 29 Meroveus king of the Franks — 448 34 Merwan I. Caliph — 684 35 Merwan II. — 745 37 Michael I. Rhangabe emperor of the East — 811 37 Michael II. the Stammerer — 320 37 Michael III. the Sot — 842 41 Michael IV. the Paphlagonian 1034 41 Michael V. Calaphates — 1041 42 Michael VI. Stratioticus — 1056 42 Michael VII. Parapinaces — 1071 46 Michael VIII. Paleologus — 1260 54 Michael Koributh king of Poland 1669 53 Michael Romanof Czar of Russia 1613 40 Miecislas I. Duke of Poland — 964 41 Miecislas II. — 1025 44 Miecislas III. the Old — 1173 57 Miguel king of Portugal — 1828 32 Mirva king of the Suevi — 569 34 Moawiah I. Caliph — 661 34 Moawiah II. — 683 36 Mohadi, Caliph — 775 38 Mohtadi, Caliph — 869 39 Mohtafi, Caliph — 902 39 Moktader, Caliph — 908 38 Mostain, Caliph — 862 38 Mostanser, Caliph — 861 38 Motadhed, Caliph — 892 38 Motamed, Caliph — 870 37 Motasim, Caliph — 833 37 Motawakel. Caliph — 847 41 Motawakel king of Cordova — 1016 38 Motaz. Caliph — 866 36 Mull Ethelwold king of Nor- thumbria — 759 35 Musa emir in Spain — 712 49 Musa Chelebi Ottoman emperor 1410 53 Mustafa I. emperor of Turkey 1617 54 Mustafa II. — 1695 56 Mustafa III. — 1757 57 Mustafa IV. — 1807 N° 16 '.) 6 Nabis tyrant of Sparta — Nabonadius king of Babylon — Nabonassar king of Babylon — Nabopolassar king of Babylon Nabuchodonosor king of Assyria Nadab king of Israel — Nadius king of Babylon — Nebuchadnezzar king of Baby- lon — Necho king of Egypt — Nectanebis I. king of Egypt — Nectanebis II. — Nephereus king of Egypt — Nepherites king of Egypt — Nergilus king of Assyria — Nericosolassar king of Babylon Neriglissar king of Babylon — Nicander king of Sparta — Nicomedes I. king of Bithynia Nicomedes II. — Nicomedes III. — Ninus king of Assyria — 55 Nadir, Shah of Persia — 57 Napoleon emperor of France — 32 Narses duke of Italy — 26 Narsi king of Persia — 22 Nero Roman emperor — 22 Nerva Roman emperor — 37 Nicephorus I. emperor of the East — 40 Nicephorus II. Phocas — 42 Nicephorus III. — 57 Nicholas emperor of Russia — 43 Nicholas king of Denmark — 38 Nicholas I. Pope — 42 Nicholas II. — 46 Nicholas III. — 46 Nicholas IV. — 49 Nicholas V. — 31 Noorsherwan king of Persia — 13 Ochus king of Persia 14 Olympias queen of Macedon 4 Omri king of Israel 14 Onias I. High Priest 16 Onias II. 17 Onias III. 13 Orestes king of Macedon 19 Orodes I. king of Parthia 31 Octa king of Kent — 30 Odoacer king of the Heruli — 34 Offa king of Essex — 36 Offa king of Mercia — 35 Okbah emir in Spain — 41 Olaf Skotkonung king of Sweden — 42 Olaus IV. kins; of Denmark — 48 Olaus V. — 30 Olybrius emperor of the West 33 Olympius exarch of Ravenna — 33 Omar I Caliph — 35 Omar II. Caliph — 47 Orchan Ottoman emperor — 37 Ordonno I. king of Oviedo — 39 Ordonno II. king of Leon — 39 Ordonno III. — 21 Orodes II. king of Parthia — 38 Osbert king of Bernicia — 53 Osman I. emperor of Turkey — 56 Osman II. — 36 Osred I. king of Northumbria — 36 Osred II. — 33 Osric king of Deira — 35 Osric king of Northumbria — 36 Osulf king of Northumbria — 33 Oswald king of Bernicia — B.C. 206 555 747 625 650 955 733 606 616 375 361 395 375 693 559 559 802 278 149 91 630 A.D. 1736 1804 553 293 54 96 802 963 1078 1825 1105 857 1058 1277 12SS 1447 531 B.C. 359 316 930 324 2<3 195 39ii 57 A.D. 512 476 700 755 735 1001 1086 1376 472 649 r>34 717 1326 850 914 950 14 862 1618 1754 705 789 634 718 757 635 I. ALPHABETICAL TABLES EMPERORS — KINGS — POPES N° 33 Oswin king of Deira — 33 Oswy king of Bernicia — 46 Othman Ottoman emperor ■ — 33 Othman, Caliph — 35 Othman emir in Spain — 22 Otho Roman emperor — 39 Otho I. the Great, emperor of Germany — 40 Otho II. the Bloody — 40 Otho III. the Red — 45 Otho IV. — 57 Otho of Bavaria king of Greece 53 Otrefief Czar of Russia — 14 Parysades king of Bosphorus — 12 Pausanias king of Sparta — 13 Pausanias king of Macedon — 12 Pausiris king of Egypt — 5 Pekah king of Israel — 5 Pekaiak king of Israel — 6 Perdiccas I. king of Macedon — 11 Perdiccas II. — 13 Perdiccas III. — 8 Periander king of Corinth' — 17 Perseus king of Macedon — 17 Pharnaces I. king of Pontus — 19 Pharnaces II. — 4 Pherecles perpetual archon — 4 Phorbas perpetual archon — 7 Phraortes king of Media — 17 Phraartes I. king of Parthia — 18 Phraartes II. — 19 Phraartes III. 20 Phraartes IV. — 15 Philetaerus king of Pergamus — 8 Philip I. king of Macedon — 13 Philip II. 14 Philip III. 15 Philip IV. 16 Philip V. 11 Pleistarchus king of Sparta — 11 Pleistoanax king of Sparta — 4 Polydectes king of Sparta — 6 Polydorus king of Sparta — 6 Porus king of Babylon — 4 Procles king of Sparta — 4 Prumnis king of Corinth 16 Prusias I. king of Bithynia — 17 Prusias II. — 4 Prytanis king of Sparta — 6 Prytanes of Corinth — 14 Prytanis king of Bosphorus — 9 Psammetichus king of Corinth 7 Psammetichus king of Egypt — 9 Psammis king of Egypt — 13 Psammuthis king of Egypt — 13 Ptolemy 1. Alorites king of Ma- cedon — 15 Ptolemy II. Ceraunus — 14 Ptolemy 1. Soter I. king of Egypt 15 Ptolemy II. Philadelphus — 16 Ptolemy III. Evergetes — 16 Ptolemy IV. Philopater — 16 Ptolemy V. Epiphanes — 17 Ptolemy VI. Philometer — 17 Ptolemy VII. Physcon — 18 Ptolemy VIII Soter II. - 19 Ptolemy IX. Auletes — 19 Ptolemy the elder — 20 Ptolemy the younger — 5 Pul king of Assyria — 15 Punic Period, years of — 15 Pyrrhus king of Epirus — 22 Pacorus king of Parthia 30 Pallas king of Persia 37 Pascal I. Pope 42 Pascal II. 35 Paul exarch of Ravenna A.D. 644 642 1299 (44 727 69 936 973 983 1208 1833 1605 B.C. 348 408 394 408 757 759 729 454 364 625 179 190 63 860 947 656 139 70 37 283 640 359 323 298 220 480 458 890 742 731 1044 959 228 180 931 745 309 585 670 600 37C 367 281 323 285 247 222 205 181 170 117 80 51 47 769 264 295 A.D. 90 484 817 1099 727 N° A.D. 36 Paul I. Pope — 757 50 Paul II. — 1464 51 Paul III. — 1534 52 Paul IV. — 1555 53 Paul V. — 1605 56 Paul emperor of Russia — 1796 34 Peada king of Mercia — 655 42 Pedro king of Navarre — 1094 47 Pedro the Cruel, king of Castile 1350 42 Pedro I king of Arragon — 1094 44 Pedro II. — 1196 46 Pedro III. — 1276 47 Pedro IV. the Ceremonious — 1336 48 Pedro I. the Severe, king of Por- tugal — 1357 54 Pedro II. — 1683 56 Pedro III. — 1777 57 Pedro IV. 182« 46 Pedro I. the Great, king of Sicily , 182 47 Pedro II. 1337 32 Pelagius I. Bishop of Rome — 555 32 Pelagius II. — 578 35 Pelayo king of Asturias — 718 33 Penda king of Mercia — 626 36 Pepin the Little, king of France 752 34 Penharitus king of the Lom- bards — 661 24 Pertinax Roman emperor — 193 45 Peter de Courtenay Latin em- peror — 1217 41 Peter the German king of Hun- gary — 1038 46 Peter le Petit Charlemagne, count of Savoy — 1263 54 Peter I. the Great, Czar of Russia — 16S2 55 Peter 11. — 1727 56 Prter III. — 1762 43 Peironilla queen of Arragon — 1137 50 Philibert I. the Hunter, duke of Savoy — 1472 50 Philibert II. le Beau — 1497 51 Philibert de Chalons prince of Orange — 1502 25 Philip the Arabian Roman em- peror — 244 44 Philip of Suabia emperor of Ger- many — 1198 42 Philip I. L'Amoureux king of France — 1060 44 Philip II. Augustus — 1180 46 Philip III. the Hardy 1270 46 Philip IV. the Fair — 1285 47 Philip V. the Long — 1316 47 Philip VI. — 1328 46 Philip I. count of Savoy — 1268 50 Philip II. Sans Terre — 1496 47 Philip 1. king of Navarre 1316 47 Philip II. 1328 51 Phiiip I. le Beau king of Castile 1504 52 Philip II. king of Spain — 1556 52 Philip III. — 1598 53 Philip IV. — 1621 54 Pniiip V. king of Spain — 1700 52 Pniiip William prince of Orange 1584 43 Philip king of Sweden — 1112 35 Pliilippicus Bardanes emperor of the East — 711 33 Phocas emperor of the East • — 602 21 Phraatices king of Parthia — 13 37 Piastus duke of Poland — 842 23 Pius I. Bishop of Rome — 142 50 Pius II. Pope — 1458 51 Pius III. — 1503 52 Pius IV. — 1559 52 Pius V. — 1566 56 Pius VI. — 1775 56 Pius VII. — 1800 57 Pius VIII. — 1829 33 Plato exarch of Ravenna — 638 25 Pontianus Bishop of Rome — 230 N° A. D. 26 Probus, Roman emperor — 276 44 Premislas I. the Victorious, king of Bohemia — 1197 46 Premislas II. the Victorious — 1252 46 Premislas king of Poland • — 1295 - B.C 7 Regibaldus king of Babylon 4 Rehoboam king of Judah 39 Radhi, Caliph — 35 Ragimbert king of the Lom- bards — 35 Ratchis king of the Lombards 37 Ramiro I. king of Oviedo — 39 Ramiro II. king of Leon ■ — 40 Ramiro III. — 41 Ramiro I. king of Arragon — 43 Ramiro II. the Monk — 43 Raymond king of Arragon — 32 Recared I. king of the Visigoths 33 Recared II. — 34 Recheswind king of the Visigoths 29 Rechiarius king of the Suevi — 29 Rechila king of the Suevi — 32 Redwald king of E. Anglia — 30 Remismund king of the Suevi 51 Rene de Nassau prince of Orange — 41 Richense, regent of Poland — 46 Richard of Cornwall — 39 Richard I. the Fearless, Duke of Normandy — 40 liichard II. the Good — 41 Richard III. 44 Richnrd I. Cceur de Lion, king of England — 48 Richard II. ' 50 Richard III. — 45 Robert de Courtenay, Latin em- peror — 39 Robert I. king of France — 40 Robert II. the Wise 41 Robert I. le Diable, duke of Normandy — 42 Robert II. Courthose 47 Robert I. Bruce king of Scotland 48 Robert II. — 48 Robert III. — 42 Robert Guiscard duke of Apulia 47 Robert the Wise, king of Naples 35 Roderic king of the Visigoths 34 Rodoald king of Lombards — 46 Rodolphl. of Hapsburg, emperor of Germany — 52 Rodolph II. 47 Rodolph of Hapsburg, king of Bohemia — 39 Rodolf king of France — 39 Rodolf king of Italy — 38 Rodoif I. king of Transjuran Burgundy — 39 Rodolf II. — 40 Rodolf III. le Faineant — 42 Roger duke of Apulia — 42 Roger I. count of Sicily — 43 Roger II. — 55 Rokh, Shah of Persia 39 Rollo duke of Normandy — 39 Romanus I. Lecapenus emperor of the East — 40 Romanus II. — 41 Romanus III. Argyrus — 42 Romanus IV. Diogenes — 32 Romanus exarch of Ravenna — 38 Romanus Pope — 30 Romulus Augustulus emperor of the West — 33 Rotharis king of the Lombards 48 Rupert emperor of Germany — 701 744 842 927 967 1035 1134 1137 586 620 653 448 441 599 463 1530 1034 1257 943 996 1026 1189 1377 1483 1221 922 996 1028 1087 1306 1371 1380 10.57 1309 711 652 1473 1576 1306 923 922 911 993 1085 1072 1101 1748 911 919 959 1028 1067 590 897 475 636 1400 ALPHABETICAL TABLES EMPERORS — KINGS — POPES N° 8 Sadyattes king of Lydia — 7 Sammughes king of Assyria — 7 Saoduchinus king of Babylon — 8 Saracus king of Assyria — 6 Sardanapalus king of Assyria — 8 Sardanapalus — 8 Sardanapalus — 12 Satyrus I. king of Bosphorus — 14 Satyrus II. — 3 Saul king of Israel — 12 Seleucus king of Bosphorus — 14 Seleucus 1. Nicator king of Syria 16 Seleucus II. Ceraunus — 16 Seleucus III. Callinicus — 17 Seleucus IV. Philopater — 19 Seleucus V. — 6 Sennacherib king of Assyria — 5 Shallum king of Israel — 6 Shalmaneser king of Assyria — 15 Simon I. the Just, High Priest 16 Simon II. — 18 Simon III. — 19 Sinatrocct-s king of Parthia — 10 Smerdis of Persia — 12 Sogdianus king of Persia — 3 Solomon king of Israel — 15 Sostlienes king of Macedon — 4 Sous king of Sparta — 12 Spartocus I. king of Bosphorus 13 S|>artocus II. — 14 Spartocus III. — 11 Syracuse, First Interval — 14 Syracuse, Second — 14 Syracuse, Third — 15 Syracuse, Fourth • — 32 12 39 40 40 42 42 -1:3 •11 40 42 44 46 42 41 45 33 33 ;;.-) ,32 34 51 52 56 34 24 31 37 3!) 41 33 27 30 33 31 25 27 28 33 32 33 of Leon king of Sabert king of Essex — Sabianus, Pope — Salomon king of Hungary — Sancho I. Garcia, king of Navarre Sancho II. Abarca — Sancho III. — Sancho IV. — Sancho V. Ramirez — Sancho VI. — Sancho VII. the Infirm Sancho I. the Fat, kino Sancho III. the Strong Castile Sancho III. — Sancho IV. the Great — Sancho Ramirez king of Arragon Sancho I. king of Portugal — Sancho II. Capellus — Saxred king of Essex — Schiroueh king of Persia — Schola.Nticus exarch of Ravenna Sebastian king of Portugal — Sebbi king of Essex — Selim I. emperor of Turkey — Selimll. — Selim III. — Selred king of East Anglia — Septimus Severus Roman empe- ror — Sergius I. Pope — Sergius II. — Sergius III. — Sergius IV. — Severinus. Pope — Severus Roman emperor — Severus emperor of the West — Seward king of Essex — Sexburga queen of Wessex — Shahpoor I. king of Persia — Sliahpoor II. — Shahpoor III. — Shenendeh king of Persia — Sigebert I. king of Metz — Sigebert II. king of Austrasia — B.C. 617 691 667 630 711 650 630 407 310 1096 431 312 266 246 187 95 713 770 729 300 219 143 77 522 425 1016 280 1010 438 353 304 466 350 337 289 A.D. 597 604 1064 905 970 1000 1054 1076 1150 1194 955 1065 1157 1284 1063 1185 1223 614 628 713 1557 663 1512 1566 1788 633 194 687 844 904 1009 640 306 461 614 672 240 310 385 631 561 638 N° A. D. 36 Sigebert king of Wessex — 754 33 Sigebert king of East Anglia — 629 33 Sigebert I. king of Essex — 614 33 Sigebert II. the Little — 623 34 Sigebert III. the Good — 655 34 Sigenard king of Essex — 693 36 Sigered king of Essex — 799 29 Sigeric king of the Visigoths — 415 34 Sigeric I. king of Essex — 663 36 Sigeric II. — 792 49 Sigismund emperor of Germany 1410 48 Sigismund king of Hungary — 1392 49 Sigismund king of Bohemia — 1419 51 Sigismund I. king of Poland — 1506 51 Sigismund II. Augustus — 1548 52 Sigismund III. — 1587 31 Sigismund king of the Burgun- dians — 516 52 Sigismund king of Sweden — 1592 36 Silo the Saracen king of Oviedo 774 31 Silverius Bishop of Rome — 536 27 Silvester I. Bishop of Rome — 314 40 Silvester II. — 999 30 Simplicius Bishop of Rome — 468 28 Siricius Bishop of Rome — 384 33 Sisebert king of the Visigoths — 612 33 Sisenard king of the Visigoths — 63 1 35 Sisinius, Pope — 708 23 Sixtus I. Bishop of Rome — 119 26 Sixtus II. — 257 29 Sixtus III. — 432 50 Sixtus IV. Pope — 1471 52 Sixtus V. — 1585 32 Sledda king of Essex — 587 32 Smaragdus exarch of Ravenna 584 43 Sobieslas I. duke of Bohemia — 1125 44 Sobieslas II. — 1174 49 Soliman I. Ottoman emperor — 1402 51 Soliman II. — 1520 54 Soliman III. — 1687 35 Soliman Caliph — 715 54 Soliman Shah of Persia — 1666 53 Soofe Shah of Persia — 1627 24 Soter Bishop of Rome — 168 39 Spitigneus I. duke of Bohemia 902 42 Spitigneus II. — 1055 56 Stanislaus Augustus king of Po- land — 1764 37 Stauricius emperor of the East 811 39 Stephen emperor of the East — 928 40 Stehpen I. kin- of Hungary — 1000 43 Stephen II. the Thunderbolt — 1114 44 Stephen III. — 1161 46 Stephen IV. — 1270 52 Stephen Batthori king of Poland 1574 43 Stephen king of England — 1135 26 Stephen I. Bishop of Rome — 253 36 Stephen II., Pope . — 752 36 Stephen III. — 768 37 Stephen IV. — 816 38 Stephen V. — 885 38 Stephen VI. — 896 39 Stephen VII. — 923 39 Stephen VIII. — 939 42 Stephen IX. — 1057 42 Stenkill king of Sweden — 1056 41 Suatopluc duke of Bohemia — 1107 35 Suebricht king of Essex — 709 34 Suenfrid king of Essex — 693 33 Suintillakingof the Visigoths — 621 41 Suleiman king of Cordova — 1002 43 Swerker I. king of Sweden — 1129 44 Swerker II. — 1192 40 Sweyn I. Forked Beard, king of Denmark — 985 41 Swevn II. — 1047 43 Sweyn III. — 1147 34 Swithelm king of Essex — 661 35 Switlired king of Essex — 738 30 Symmachus Bishop of Rome — 498 N° 13 Tachos king of Egypt — 4 Teleclus king of Sparta — 5 Telestes king of Corinth — 5 Theopompus king of Sparta — 4 Thersippus perpetual archon — 4 Thespieus perpetual archon — 1 1 Thrasybulus tyrant of Syracuse 6 Tiglathpileser king of Assyria — 19 Tigranes king of Armenia — 19 Tigranes king of Syria — 14 Timoleon tyrant of Syracuse — 16 Tiridates king of Parthia — 19 Tryphena queen of Egypt — Tacitus Roman emperor — Tamasp I. Shah of Persia — Tamasp II. — Tancred king of Sicily — Tarik emir in Spain — Taxfin ben Ali, dynasty of the Almohades — Teia king of the Ostrogoths — Telesphorus Bishop of Rome — Thalaba emir in Spain — Theobald I. the Posthumous, king of Navarre — Theodebald II. — Theodatus king of the Ostrogoths Theodebald king of the Ostrogoths Theodebald king of Metz — Theodebert I. king of Metz — Theodebert II. — Theodemir king of the Suevi — Theodisel king of the Visigoths Theodora empress of the East — Theodore Lascaris I. Greek em- peror — Theodore Lascaris II. — Theodore I. exarch of Ravenna Theodore II. — Theodoric I king of the Visigoths Theodoric king of the Ostrogoths Theodoric II. — Theodoric king of Bernicia — Theodorus I., Pope ■ — ■ Theodorus II. — Theodosius I. the Great, Roman emperor — - Theodosius II emperor of the East Theodosius III. — Theophilactus exarch of Ravenna Theophilus emperor of the East Theudis king of the Visigoths — Thierry I. king of Metz — Thierry II. king of Orleans — Thierry III. king of Neustria — Thierry IV. — Thomas count of Savoy — Thorismund king of 1 he Visigoths Thorismund king of the Vandals Thueba emir in Spain — Tiberius I. Roman emperor — Tiberius II. emperor of the Tiberius III. Apsimar — Titilus king of East Anglia — Titus Roman emperor — Totila king of the Ostrogoths — Trajan Roman emperor — Tulca king of the Visigoths — 4 Uzziah king of Judah 41 Udalric duke of Bohemia 32 Uffa king of East Anglia 55 Ulrica queen of Sweden 25 Urban I. Bishop of Rome 42 Urban II. Pope 44 Urban III. B.C. 363 812 758 770 970 821 467 738 96 83 344 248 58 A.D. 275 1523 1729 1189 711 1143 552 127 742 1234 1253 534 540 548 534 596 559 548 1054 1204 1255 648 678 419 493 433 580 642 898 379 408 716 702 829 531 511 596 670 720 1188 451 496 745 14 578 698 578 79 541 98 640 B.C. 808 A D. 1012 571 1719 223 1088 1185 ALPHABETICAL TABLES EMPERORS — KINGS — POPES N° A.D. 46 Urban IV. _ 1261 48 Urban V. _ 1362 48 Urban VI. — 1378 52 Urban VII. — 1590 53 Urban VIII. _ 1623 43 Urraca queen of Castile — 1109 28 Valens Roman emperor — 364 37 Valentine, Pope — 827 28 Valentinian I. Roman Emperor 364 2S Valentinian II. _ 375 29 Valentinian III. emperor of the West — 425 26 Valerian Roman emperor — 253 21 Vardanes king of Parthia — 43 53 Vassili Chouiski Czar of Russia 1606 22 Vespasian Roman emperor — 70 24 Victor I. Bishop of Rome — 193 42 Victor II. Pope — 1055 42 Victor III. — 1086 53 Victor Amadeus I. duke of Savoy 1630 54 Victor Amadeus II. — 1675 55 Victor Amadeus II. king of Sar- dinia — 1718 56 Victor Amadeus III. — 1773 57 Victor Emmanuel IV. — 1802 57 Victoria queen of Great Britain J 837 31 Vigilius Bishop of Rome — 537 34 Vitalianus, Pope — 657 22 Vitellius Roman emperor — 69 31 Vitiges king of the Ostrogoths — 536 21 Vologeses I. king of Parthia — 50 23 Vologeses 1 1. — 121 24 Vologeses III. — 192 26 Volucian Roman emperor — 251 21 Vonones I. king of Parthia — 15 21 Vonones II. — 50 44 Waldemar I. the Great, king of Denmark — 1157 45 Waldemar II. the Victorious — 1202 47 Waldemar III. _ 1340 46 Waldemar king of Sweden — 1251 35 Walid I. Caliph — 705 35 Walid II. _ 743 N° A. D. 29 Wallia king of the Visigoths — 415 34 Wamba king of the Visigoths — 672 37 Wathek, Caliph — 842 48 Wenceslas emperor of Germany 1378 39 Wenceslas I. duke of Bohemia 916 44 Wenceslas II. — 1191 45 Wencrslas 1 1 1, le Borgue, king 1230 46 Wenceslas IV. — 1278 47 Wenceslas V. — 1305 48 Wenceslas VI. — 1378 46 Wenceslas king of Poland — l^OO 32 Wibbakingof Mercia — 597 37 Wiglafking of Mercia — 825 34 Wihtred king of Kent — 694 45 William emperor of Germany — 1250 39 William I. Longsword, duke of Normandv — 927 41 William II. the Bastard — 1035 42 William I. the Conqueror, king of England — 1066 42 William II. Itufus — 1087 54 William III. and Ma'v II. - 1689 57 William IV. king of Gt. Britain 1830 44 William the Lion king of Scot- land — 1165 51 William I. of Nassau, prince of Orange — 1544 53 William II. — 1647 54 William III. — 1660 55 William IV. — 1702 55 William V. — 1711 56 William VI. — 1751 57 William VII. — 1806 51 William I. king of the Nether- lands — 1815 57 Wi.liam II. — 1840 41 William I. Bras de fer count of Apulia — 1043 43 William II. duke of Apulia — 1111 44 William I. the Wicked, king of Sicily — 1154 44 William II. the Good — 1166 44 William III. — 1194 57 William king of Hanover — 1830 57 William I. king of the Nether- lands — 1815 57 William II. — 1840 N° 57 William king of Wurtemburg — 33 Witenc king of the Goths — 35 Witiza king of the Visigoths — 39 Wratislas I. Duke of Bohemia 42 Wratislas II. king — 34 Wulf here king of Mercia — 1 1 Xerxes I. king of Persia 12 Xerxes II. 35 Yahia emir in Spain — 41 Yahia Almotadi king of Cordova 29 Yezdejird I. king of Persia — 29 Yezdejird II. — 33 Yezdejird III. — 34 Yezid I. Caliph — 35 Yezid II. — 35 Yezid III. — 35 Yussefemirin Spain — 42 Yussef ben Taxfin dynasty of the Almoravides — 44 Yussef ben Yacub dynasty of the Almohades — 44 Yacub ben Yussef — 44 Yussef ben Yacub — 47 Yussef I. king of Granada — 48 Yussef II. — 49 Yussef III. — 49 Yussef IV. — 5 Zachariah king of Israel 9 Zedekiah king of Judah 6 Zeuxidamus king of Sparta 15 Zielas king of Bithynia 4 Zimri king of Israel 35 Zachary, Pope 30 Zeno emperor of the East 25 Zepherinus Bishop of Rome 39 Ziemomislas Duke of Poland 38 Ziemovitus duke of Poland 41 Zoe empress of the West 29 Zosimus Bishop of Rome B.C. ALPHABETICAL TABLES I. NON-REGAL STATES N° A. D. 50 Achilles count of Guastalla — 1494 37 Adalbert I. duke of Tuscany — 847 38 Adalbert II. the Rich — 890 5(5 Adams, John, president of the United States — 1797 57 Adams, John Quincy, pres. — 1825 47 Adolph elector Palatine - 1319 42 Agnes duchess of Bavaria — 1056 3S Alain III. de Vannes, count of Bretagne — 877 39 Alain IV. de Vannes — 937 41 Alain V. duke of Bretagne — 1008 42 Alain VI. Fergent — 1084 48 Albert D'Este lord of Ferrara — 1388 41 Albert II count of Namur — 1006 41 Albert III. — 1037 48 Albert count of Holland — 13S9 43 Albert I. the Boar, first elector of Brandenburg — 1134 45 Albert II. — 1206 50 Albert III. — 1470 49 Albert I. duke of Bavaria — 1438 50 Albert II. — 1465 51 Albert III. — 1550 45 Albeit I. elector of Saxony — 1212 46 Albert II. — 1260 49 Albert III. — 1418 41 Albert duke of Lorraine — 1046 45 Aldovrandini I. lord of Ferrara 1212 4S Aldovrandini II. — 1352 39 Aledran marquis of Montferrat 938 51 Alexander doge of Florence — 1531 52 Alexander duke of Parma — 1586 51 Alfonso I. duke of Ferrara — 1505 52 Alfonso II. — 1559 53 Alfonso III. duke of Modena — 1628 54 Alfonso IV. — 1658 52 Alva, Ferdinand duke of, gover- nor of the Netherlands — 1567 57 Amherst, William lord, gover- nor-general of India — 1823 37 Antenorio.Oblerio, doge of Venice 804 50 Anne duchess of Bretagne — 1488 55 Antony duke of Parma — 1727 55 Antony Ferdinand duke of Guas- talla — 1714 49 Antony duke of Brabant — 1405 49 Antony of Burgundy, duke of Luxemburg — 1411 51 Antony duke of Lorraine — 1508 39 Arnolph I. count of Flanders — 918 40 Arnolph II. le Jeune — 965 42 Arnolph III. — 1070 40 Arnolph count of Friesland — 988 40 Arnolph count of Hainault — 973 39 Arnolph the Bad, duke of Bavaria 907 44 Arthur I. duke of Bretagne — 1196 47 Arthur II. — 1305 50 Arthur III. — 1457 57 Auckland, George lord, gover- nor-general of India — 1836 53 Augustus duke of Brunswick — 1633 52 Augustus elector of Saxony — 1553 51 Austria, Margaret of, governante of the Netherlands — 1507 51 Austria, Mary of, governante — 1531 52 Austria, Margaret of. governante 1559 52 Austria, Don John of, governor 1576 52 Austria, Ernest archduke of, go- vernor — 1594 52 Austria, Albert archduke of, go- vernor — 1596 53 Austria, Leopold archduke of, governor — 1647 54 Austria, Don John of, governor 1656 55 Austria, Mary-Elizabeth of, go- vernante — 1725 55 Austria, Mary-Anne of, g.nante 1744 56 Austria, Mary-Christina of — 1781 56 Austria, Charles archduke of, governor — 1793 N° A.D. 44 Azzo VI. of Este, lord of Ferrara 1 196 45 Azzo VII. — 1215 45 Azzo VIII. — 1293 47 Azzo lord of Milan — 1328 39 Badoardo. Pietro, doge of Venice 45 Baldwin de Courtenay, marquis of Namur 38 Baldwin I. Bras de fer, count of Flanders — 38 Baldwin II. the Bald — 39 Baldwin III. — 40 Baldwin IV. the Bearded — 41 Baldwin V le Debonnaire — 42 Baldwin VI. the Good — 43 Baldwin VII. a la Hache — 44 Baldwin VIII. — 44 Baldwin IX. of Constantinople — 41 Baldwin I. count of Hainault — 42 Baldwin II. of Jerusalem — 42 Baldwin III. — 43 Baldwin IV. the Builder — 44 Baldwin V. the Valiant — 44 Baldwin VI. — 50 Barbarigo, Marco, doge of Venice 50 Barbarigo, Agostino, doge — 41 Barbolano. Pietro, doge — 42 Beatrice, duchess of Tuscany — 55 Bedmar, Isidor marquis de, go- vernor of the Netherlands — 53 Bembo, Giovanni, doge of Venice 57 Bentinck, lord William, gover nor-general of India 39 BerengerdeRennes count of Bre- tagne — 48 Bernarbo lord of Milan — 49 Bernard, first duke of Brunswick Lunenburg — 40 Bernard 1. duke of Saxony — 41 Bernard II. — 44 Bernard III. — 39 Berthold, duke of Bavaria — 37 Boniface I. marquis of Tuscany 41 Boniface II. the Pious, duke — 42 Boniface I. marquis of Montferrat 44 Boniface II. — 45 Boniface III. the Giant — 50 Boniface IV. — 51 Boniface V. — 49 Borso duke of Ferrara — 39 Boson marquis of Tuscany — 40 Bruno duke of Lower Lorraine 39 Burchardt I. duke of Suabia — 40 Burchardt II. — 939 — 1237 862 879 918 989 1036 1007 1111 1191 1194 1030 1070 1099 1120 1171 1195 1485 1486 1026 1055 1701 1615 — 1828 930 1354 1409 973 1010 1180 939 828 1027 1060 1192 1225 1483 1518 1450 931 953 916 954 52 Caesar duke of Ferrara — 1597 52 Caesar I. count of Guastalla — 1557 53 Caesar II. duke — 1630 38 Candiano, Pietro I. doge of Venice 887 39 Candiano. Pietro II. 39 Candiano, Pietro III. 40 Candiano, Pietro IV. — 40 Candiano, Vitale, doge — 54 Caretto, Otto-Henry marquis del, governor of the Netherlands 55 Carlos, Don. duke of Parma — 54 Castanaga, Francis marquis de, governor of the Netherlands 53 Castel-Rodrigo, Emmanuel mar- quis of, gov. of the N. lands 54 Castel-Rodrigo, Francisco mar- quis of, gov. of the N. lands — 48 Celsi. Lorenzo, doge of Venice — 54 Charles of Mantua, duke of Guas- talla — 53 Charles I. duke of Mantua — 53 Charles III. son of Charles II. duke de Rethelois, duke of Mantua — 54 Charles IV. duke of Mantua — 932 942 959 978 1682 1731 1685 1644 1664 1361 1678 1627 1637 1665 50 Charles the Bold, duke of Burgundy 1467 No A.D. 47 Charles de Blois duke of Bretagne 47 ( harles duke of Luxemburg 43 Charles count of Flanders — 55 Charles I. duke of Wurtemburg 55 Charles II. Eugene — 55 Charles I. Albert, elector of Ba- varia — 56 Charles II. Theodore — 55 Charles I. Louis, elector Palatine 53 Charles II. — 53 Charles III. Philip — 55 Charles IV. Theodore — 40 Charles of France, duke of Lower Lorraine — 48 Charles I. duke of Lorraine — 51 Charles II. the Great — 53 Charles III. — 54 Charles IV. — 53 Christian I. duke of Brunswick 53 Christian II. Louis — 52 Cnristian I. elector of Saxony — 52 Christian II. — 49 Christopher count of Guastalla 51 Christopher the Pacific, duke of Wurtemburg — 52 Cicogna, Pasquale, doge of Venice 1585 51 Claude duchess of Bretagne — 1514 50 Cleves, Adolphus of, governor of the Netherlands — 40 Conan I. de Rennes count of Bretagne — 41 Conan II. — 43 Conan III. the Fat — 44 Conan IV. the Little — 43 Conrad president of Tuscany — 44 Conrad marquis of Montferrat — 42 Conrad duke of L. Lorraine — 42 Conrad I. count of Luxemburg — 43 Conrad II. — 40 Conrad I. duke of Suabia — 41 Conrad II. 44 Conrad III. (and Franconia) — 45 Conrad IV. 46 Conrad V. or Conradin — 38 Conrad I. duke of Franconia — 39 Conrad II. — 41 Conrad III. — 41 Conrad IV. — 43 Conrad V. — 44 Conrad VI. 41 Conrad I. duke of Bavaria — 42 Conrad II. — 44 Conrad of Suabia, first elector Palatine — 39 Conrad the Red, duke of Lorraine 44 Constance duchess of Bretagne 41 Contarini, Domenico I. doge of Venice — 46 Contarini, Giacomo, doge — 48 Contarini, Andrea, doge — 53 Contarini, Francesco, doge — 53 Contarini, Nicolo, doge — 54 Contarini, Carlo, doge — 54 Contarini, Domenico II. doge — 54 Contarini, Luigi, doge — 48 Cornaro, Marco, doge — 53 Cornaro, Giovanni I. doge — 54 Cornaro, Francesco, doge — 55 Cornaro. Giovanni II. doge — 56 Cornwallis, Charles marquis, go- vernor-general of India — 57 Cornwallis, marquis, governor- general a second time 49 Cosmo de Medici lord of Florence 51 Cosmo I. de Medici the Great, grand duke of Tuscany — 53 Cosmo II. — 54 Cosmo III. — 51 Croy, William de, governor of the Netherlands — 1505 1341 1346 1119 1733 1737 1726 1778 1632 1680 1716 1743 976 1391 1545 1623 1675 1611 1648 1586 1591 1449 1550 1477 987 1040 1112 1156 1119 1188 1076 1057 1128 982 1030 1191 1235 1254 891 939 1004 1011 1116 1167 1047 1054 1156 944 1196 1043 1275 1367 1623 1630 1655 1659 1676 1365 1624 1656 1709 1786 1805 1434 1537 1609 1670 I. ALPHABETICAL TABLES NON-REGAL STATES N° A. D. N° A.D. N c A.D. 44 Dandolo, Enrico, doge of Venice 1192 49 Francis Sforza duke of Milan — 1447 42 Godfrey the Bearded, duke of 46 Dandolo, Giovanni, doge — 1279 51 Francis-Mary duke of Milan — 1521 Tuscany — 1055 47 Dandolo, Francesco, doge — 1328 51 Francis I. of France duke of 40 Godfrey I. duke of L. Lorraine 959 47 Dandolo, Andrea, doge — 1343 Milan — 1515 40 Godfrey II. — 964 52 Da Ponte, Nicolo, doge — 1578 48 Francis I. lord of Mantua — 1382 41 Godfrey III. — 1005 48 Dolfin, Giovanni, doge — 1356 48 Francis II duke of Mantua — 1540 41 Godfrey IV. the Hardy — 1043 51 Donato, Francesco, doge — 1545 53 Francis III. — 1612 42 Godfrey V. Bossu — 1069 53 Donato, Leonardo, doge — 1606 49 Francis I. duke of Bretagne — 1442 42 Godfrey VI. of Bouillon 1089 53 Donato, Nicolo, doge — 1618 50 Francis II. — 1458 43 Godfrey VII. the Great — 1106 40 Drogo count of Bretagne — 952 51 Francis I. of France duke of 43 Godfrey VIII. — 1140 Bretagne — 1524 43 Godfrey IX. the Valiant — 1143 50 Eberhard, first duke of Wurtem- 51 Francis I. duke of Lorraine — 1544 43 Godfrey count of Namur ■ — 1105 burg — 1457 53 Francis II. — 1624 40 Godfrey count of Hainault ■ — 973 50 Eberhard II. le Jeune — 1496 55 Francis III. Stephen — 1729 41 Gothelon duke of Lower Lorraine 1023 53 Eberhard III. — 1628 42 Frederic duke of Tuscany — 1052 41 Gothelon I. duke of Lorraine — 1033 39 Eberhard duke of Franconia — 912 42 Frederic lord of Ferrara — 1067 41 Gothelon II. — 1043 39 Eberhard duke of Bavaria — 937 50 Frederic I. marquis of Mantua 1478 46 Gradenigo, Pietro. doge of Venice 1289 53 Edward duke of Parma — 1622 52 Frederic II. duke of Mantua — 1519 47 Gradenigo, Hartolomeo — 1343 49 Elizabeth duchess of Luxemburg 1415 53 Frederic-Henry of Orange stadt- 48 Gradenigo, Giovanni, doge — 1355 52 Emmanuel Philibert duke of holder — 1625 51 Grimani, Antonio, doge — 1521 Savoy, gov. of the N.lands — 1555 40 Frederic count of Luxemburg — 998 52 Grimani, Marino, doge — 1595 38 Erispoe count of Bretagne — 851 41 Frederic of Luxemburg duke of 55 Grimani, Pietro, doge — 1741 53 Erizzo, Francesco, doge of Venice 1631 Lower Lorraine — 1048 51 Gritti, Andrea, doge — 1523 44 Ermensind I. ess. of Luxemburg 1196 42 Frederic I. duke of Suabia — 1080 44 Guelph duke of Tuscany — 1153 45 Ermensind II. — 1214 43 Frederic II. de Borgne — 1105 42 Guelph I. duke of Bavaria — 1071 41 Ernest I. duke of Suabia — 1012 43 Frederic III. Barbarossa — 1147 43 Guelph II. — 1101 41 Ernest II. — 1015 44 Frederic IV. (and Franconia) — 1152 40 Guerec de Nantes count of Bre- 51 Ernest I. duke of Brunswick — 1532 44 Frederic V. — 1169 tagne — 980 52 Ernest II. — 1592 45 Frederic VI. — 1208 39 Gurmallion count — 907 54 Ernest-Augustus first elector of 49 Frederic I. duke of Brunswick 1434 38 Gurvan de Rennes count — 874 Hanover — 1691 53 Frederic II. — 1636 39 Guy duke of Tuscany — 919 48 Ernest duke of Bavaria — 1397 52 Frederic I. duke of Wurtemburg 1593 43 Guy-Salinguerra lord of Ferrara 1118 50 Ernest elector of Saxony — 1464 56 Frederic-Eugene duke — 1795 49 Guy I. Torelli, count of Guas- 42 Eudes I. duke of Burgundy — 1078 56 Frederic II duke — 1797 talla — 1406 43 Eudes II. , — 1142 49 Frederic 1. of Nuremburg elector 50 Guy II. Galeotto, count — 1460 44 Eudes III. — 1 193 of Branrlenburgh — 1415 48 Guy lord of Mantua — 1360 47 Eudes IV. — 1315 49 Frederic II. Dent de fer — 1430 45 Guy de Tours regent of Bre- 43 Eudes duke of Bretagne — 1148 49 Frederic I. the Victorious, elector tagne — 1203 Palatine — 1449 46 Guy I. de Dampierre marquis of 42 Faliero, Vitale, doge of Venice 1084 51 Frederic II. the Wise — 1544 Namur — 1263 43 Faliero, Ordelafo, doge — 1102 52 Frederic III. the Pious — 1559 47 Guy II. marquis of Namur — 1335 48 Faliero, Marino, doge — 1354 52 Frederic IV. — 1583 46 Guy de Dampierre count of 52 Ferdinand I. de Medici grand 53 Frederic V. — 1610 Flanders — 1280 duke of Tuscany — 53 Ferdinand II. de Medici — 1587 49 Frederic I. elector of Saxony — Frederic II. the Good — 1423 1621 49 1428 55 Harrac-Rohrau, Frederic count 56 Ferdinand III. — 1790 50 Frederic III. the Wise — 1486 de, governor of the N.lands 1741 56 Ferdinand, Don, duke of Parma 1765 54 Frederic-Augustus I. elector of 57 Harrison, W. H., president of 51 Ferdinand I. de Gonzaga count Saxony — 1694 the United States — 1841 of Guastalla — 1539 55 Frederic-Augustus II. — 1733 56 Hastings, Warren, governor- 52 Ferdinand II. duke — 1575 56 Frederic-Christian — 1763 general of India — 1774 53 Ferdinand III. — 1632 56 Frederic-Augustus III. — 1763 57 Hastings, Francis, marquis of. 53 Ferdinand duke of Mantua — 1612 40 Frederic I. duke of Lorraine — 959 governor-general of India — 1813 53 Ferdinand, Don, governor of the 41 Frederic II. — 1026 43 Henry of Bavaria, count of Tus- Netherlands — 1633 54 Fromiata, Louis marquis de, go- cany — 1133 45 Ferdinand count of Flanders — 1206 vernor of the Netherlands — 1659 40 Henry I. duke of Burgundy — 965 54 Ferdinand-Mary elector of Ba- 52 Fuentes, Pedro d'Asorvedo count 41 Henry II. — 1015 varia — 1651 de, gov. of the Netherlands — 1595 43 Henry I. duke of L. Lorraine — 1101 54 Feria, Inigo duke de, governor of 47 Fulke lord of Ferrara 1308 44 Henry II. the Warrior, duke of the Netherlands 1668 Brabant — Henry III. 1190 1235 45 Ferri 1. duke of Lorraine — 1205 36 Galbajo,Giovanni,doge of Venice 787 45 45 Ferri II. — 1206 47 Galeas I. lord of Milan — 1322 45 Henry IV. — 1248 46 Ferri III. — 1251 48 Galeas II. — 1354 43 Henry II. count of Namur — 1139 47 Ferri IV. — 1312 50 Galeas-Mary duke of Milan — 1466 46 Henry de Courtenay marquis of 41 Flabanaco, Dominico, doge of 40 Geoffrey I. duke of Bretagne — 992 Namur — 1226 Venice — 1032 44 Geoffrey II. — 1171 42 Henry I. count of Luxemburg — 1086 41 Florence I. count of Friesland 1049 54 George-William I.duke of Bruns- 43 Henry II. the Blind — 1136 42 Florence II. count of Holland — 1091 wick — 1665 45 Henry III. the Great — 1226 44 Florence III. — 1157 54 George- Louis elector of Hanover 1698 46 Henry IV. — 1275 45 Florence IV. — 1223 55 George-Augustus elector — 1727 46 Henry V. — ■ 1288 46 Florence V. — 1256 56 George-William II. elector — 1760 41 Henry I. duke of Suabia — 1039 49 Foscari, Francesco, doge of Venice 1423 41 Gerard duke of Lorraine — 1048 45 Henry II. — 1219 56 Foscarini, Marco, doge — 1762 45 Giacomo lord of Ferrara — 1244 50 Henry I. duke of Brunswick — 1478 52 Francis-Mary I. de Medici grand 41 Gilbert count of Luxemburg — 1019 51 Henry II. — 1546 duke of Tuscany — 1574 47 Giorgi, Marino, doge of Venice 1311 47 Henry le Jeune, elector of Bran- 55 Francis II. — 1737 39 Giselbert duke of Burgundy — 923 denburg — 1319 53 Francis I. duke of Modena — 1629 39 Giselbert duke of Lorraine — 916 39 Henry I. the Quarreller, duke of 54 Francis II. — 1662 51 Giuliano de Medici lord of Flo- Bavaria — 942 55 Francis III. — 1737 rence — 1512 40 Henry II. — 955 57 Francis IV. of Austria — 1814 51 Giulio de Medici — 1519 40 Henry III. 995 54 Francis duke of Parma — 1694 54 Ginstiniani, M. Antonio, doge of 41 Henry IV. — 1004 50 Francis-Mary count of Guastalla 1460 Venice ■ — 1684 41 Henry V. — 1025 ALPHABETICAL TABLES I. NON-REGAL STATES N° A.D. 42 Henry VI. — 1052 43 Henry VII. the Black — 1120 43 Henry VIII. the Proud — 1126 13 Henry IX. of Austria — 1142 44 Henry X. the Lion — 1154 39 Henry I. the Fowler, duke of Saxony — 912 43 Henry 11. the Proud — 1136 lii Henry III. the Lion — 1139 44 Henry of Saxe elector Palatin e 1196 39 Henry I. duke of Lorraine — 940 53 Henry II. the Good — 1608 50 Hercules I. lord of Ferrara — 1471 51 Hercules II. duke of Ferrara — 1534 56 Hercules duke of Modena — 1780 39 Herman I. duke of Suabia — 926 -10 Herman II. — 997 41 Herman III. — 1004 41 Herman IV. — 1030 40 Herman-Billing duke of Saxo 11 y 960 40 Hoel IV. de Nantes count of Bretagne — 953 ■12 Hoel V. duke of Bretagne — 1066 43 Hoel VI. — 1148 39 Hubert duke of Tuscany — 936 40 Hugh duke (if Tuscany — 961 89 Hugh the Black, duke of B II- gundy — 938 39 Hugh the Great, duke of B 11'- gundy — 938 42 Hugh 1. duke of Burgundy — 1075 48 Hugh II. the Pacific — 1102 44 Hugh III. — 1162 45 Hugh IV. — 1218 47 Hugh V. — 1305 88 Hugh duke of Suabia of 867 52 Isabella, Donna, governante the Netherlands — 1599 57 Jackson, Andrew, president of the United States — 1829 49 Jacqueline countess of Holland 1417 48 Jane duchess of Brabant — 1355 45 Jane countess of Flanders — 1206 45 Jane countess of Hainault — 1206 57 Jefferson, Thomas, president of the United States — 1801 50 Joachim I. elector of Brandenburg 1499 51 Joachim II. — 1535 52 Joachim III. Frederic — 1598 55 John Gaston de Medici grand duke of Tuscany — 1723 46 John I. marquis of Montferrat 1292 47 John II. Palseologus — 1338 48 John III. — 1378 49 John IV. James — 1418 49 John V. — 1445 51 John VI. George — 1530 47 John lord of Milan — 1349 48 John-Galeas duke of Milan — 1395 49 John-Mary duke — 1402 50 John-Galeas-Mary — 1476 49 John-Francis marquis of Mantua 1407 50 John-Francis II. 1484 49 John the Fearless, duke of Bur- gundy — 1404 45 John I. the Red, duke of Bre- tagne — 1237 46 John II. — 1286 47 John III. the Good — 1312 47 John IV de Montfort — 1341 48 John V. the Valiant — 1364 48 John VI. the Good — 1399 46 John I. the Victorious, duke of Brabant — 1261 46 John II. the Pacific 1294 47 John III. the Triumphant — 1312 49 John IV. — 1415 46 John I. marquis of Namur — 1297 47 John II. — 1331 N° 49 John III. — 47 John duke of Luxemburg — 46 John I. count of Holland — 46 John II. — 46 John D'Avennes count of Hai nault 53 John-Frederic duke of Wur- temburg — ■ 45 John I. elector of Brandenburg 46 John II. — 50 John HI. Cicero — 50 John IV. George 48 John I. duke of Bavaria — 50 John II. 54 John-William elector Palatine — 51 John the Constant, elector of Saxony — 51 John-Frederic elector — 53 John-George I. elector of Saxony 54 John-George II. — 54 John-George III. — 54 John-George IV. — 47 John I. duke of Lorraine — 50 John II. 45 Jolantha marchioness of Namur 50 Jolantha duchess of Lorraine — 55 Joseph duke of Guastalla — 48 Jossus I. duke of Luxemburg — 48 Jossus elector of Brandenburg — 38 J udicael count of Bretagne — A.D. 1418 1309 1296 1299 — 1280 1608 1221 1266 1486 1571 1375 1460 1690 1525 1532 1611 1656 1680 1631 1346 1453 1212 1473 1729 1388 1388 877 39 Lambert duke of Tuscany — 51 Lando, Pietro, doge of Venice — 52 Leicester, Robert earl of, gover- nor of the United Provinces — 57 Leopold grand duke of Tus- cany — 38 Leopold duke of Bavaria — 43 Leopold of Austria duke of Ba- varia — 54 Leopold duke of Lorraine — 49 Lionel lord of Ferrara — 51 Loredano, Leonardo, doge of Venice — 52 Loredano, Pietro, doge — 50 Lorenzo I. de Medici lord of Florence — 51 Lorenzo II. de Medici — 55 Lorraine, Charles prince of, go- vernor of the Netherlands — 43 Lothaire duke of Saxony — 51 Louisa Torelli ess. of Guastalla 50 Louis- Mary duke of Milan — 50 Louis XII. of France, duke of Milan 47 Louis I. de Gonzaga lord of Mantua — 48 Louis II. — 49 Louis III. marquis of Mantua — 52 Louis III. duke of Wurtemburg 54 Louis IV. — 56 Louis V. Eugene — 47 Louis I. de Crecy, count of Flan- ders — 47 Louis II. de Male 47 Louis I. of Bavaria, elector of Brandenburg — ■ 48 Louis II. the Roman — 44 Louis I. duke of Bavaria — 46 Louis II. the Severe, duke of Bavaria and elector Palatine — 46 Louis III. duke of Bavaria — 49 Louis III. elector Palatine — 49 Louis IV. 51 Louis V. the Pacific — 52 Louis VI. the Easy — 47 Luchin lord of Milan 39 Ludolph duke of Suabia — 55 Koenigseck, count de, governor of the Netherlands — 1714 929 1539 1579 1824 895 1138 1690 1441 1501 1567 1469 1516 1745 1106 1522 1494 — 1500 1328 1369 1442 1568 1677 1793 1322 1346 1323 1352 1183 1253 1294 1410 1436 1508 1576 1339 949 N° A. D. 57 Madison, James, president of the United States — 1809 42 Magnus Duke of Saxony — 1073 50 Malipiero, Pasquale, doge of Ve- nice — 1457 56 Manin, Luigi, doge — 1789 52 Mansfeldt, Peter Ernst, count of, governor of the Netherlands 1592 50 Marcello, Nicolo, doge of Venice 1473 45 Margaret de Courtenay mar- chioness of Namur — 1228 44 Margaret I. countess of Flanders 1191 45 Margaret II. of Constantinople 1244 47 Margaret countess of Holland — 1345 45 Margaret countess of Hainault 1244 57 Maria- Louisa duchess of Parma 1814 46 Martin della Torre lord of Milan 1257 44 Mastropiero, Orio, doge ot Venice 1179 42 Matilda the Great, countess of Tuscany — 1076 46 Matthew I. lord of Milan — 1295 46 Matthew II. — 1354 43 Matthew I. duke of Lorraine — 1139 45 Matthew II. — 1220 52 Maurice of Nassau stadtholder 1579 51 Maurice elector of Saxony — 1548 51 Maximilian Sforza duke of Milan 1512 54 Maximilian elector of Bavaria, governor of the Netherlands 1 692 52 Maximilian duke of Bavaria — 1596 53 Maximilian elector of Bavaria — 1623 54 Maximilian-Emmanuel — 1679 55 Maximilian-Joseph I. — 1745 56 Maximilian-Joseph II. — 1799 53 Mello, Francesco de Mello, go- vernor of the Netherlands — 1641 40 Memrao, Tribuno, doge of Ve- nice — 979 53 Memmo, M. Antonio, doge ■ — 1612 42 Micheli, Vitale I. doge — 1096 44 Miclieli, Vitale II. — 1156 43 Micheli, Domenico, coge — 1117 57 Minto, Gilbert lord, governor- general of India — 1807 49 Mocenigo, Tomaso, doge of Ve- nice — 1414 50 Mocenigo, Pietro, doge — 1474 50 Mocenigo, Giovanni, doge — 1478 52 Mocenigo, Luigi, doge — 1570 54 Mocenigo, Alvise I. uoge — 1700 55 Mocenigo, Alvise, Sebastiani, doge — 1722 56 Mocenigo, Alvise II. doge — 1763 53 Molino, Francesco, doge — 1646 57 Monroe, James, president of the United States — 1817 54 Monterei, Juan count de. gover- nor of the Netherlands — 1670 50 Moro, Christofero, doge of Venice 1462 43 Morosini, Domenico, doge — - 1148 45 Morosini, Marino, doge — 1249 45 Morosini, Michele, doge — ■ 1382 54 Morosini, Francesco, doge — 1688 46 Napoleon della Torre lord of Milan 50 Nassau, Engilbert of, governor of the Netherlands — 49 Niccolo Albizzi lord of Florence 47 Nicholas I. lord of Ferrara — 48 Nicholas II. — 48 Nicholas III. 50 Nicholas I. duke of Lorraine — 53 Nicholas II. Francis — ■ 37 Nomenoe count of Bretagne — — 1265 1485 1417 1317 1361 1393 1470 1623 824 46 Obizzo II. lord of Ferrara — 1264 47 Obizzo III. — 1317 51 Octavius Farnese duke of Parma 1547 40 Orseolo, Pietro I. doge of Venice 976 40 Orseoio, Pietro II. — 991 ALPHABETICAL TABLES NON-REGAL STATES N° 41 Orseolo, Ottone, doge — 48 Otho marquis of Montferrat — 40 Otho duke of Burgundy 41 Otho duke of L. Lorraine — 40 Otho I. duke of Suabia 41 Otho II. 41 Otho III. 40 Otho duke of Franconia — 49 Otho duke of Brunswick — 44 Otho I. elector of Brandenburg 44 Otho II. - 45 Otho III. - 46 Otho IV. - 48 Otho V. le Faineant — 44 Otho I. duke of Bavaria — 45 Otho II. - 45 Otho II. elector Palatine — 52 Otho III. Henry - 38 Otho I. duke of Saxony — 39 Otho II. - 42 Otho III. - 46 Otto lord of Milan — 52 Parma, Alexander prince of, go- vernor of the Netherlands — 54 Parma, Alexander prince of — 37 Participazio, Angelo, doge of Venice — 37 Participazio, Giustiniani, doge — 37 Participazio, Giovanni I., doge 38 Participazio, Orso I., doge — ■ 38 Participazio, Giovanni II., doge 39 Participazio, Orso II., doge — 38 Pasquito de Vannes, count of Bretagne — 54 Pesaro, Giovanni, doge of Venice 56 Peter- Leopold of Austria, grand duke of Tuscany — 49 Peter-Guy I. count of Guastalla 50 Peter-Guy II. — 51 Peter- Louis Farnese duke of Parma — 45 Peter I. Mauclerc, duke of Bre- tagne — 49 Peter II. — 45 Peter de Courtenay, marquis of Namur — 44 Philip marquis of Tuscany — 55 Philip, Don, duke of Parma — 49 Philip-Mary duke of Milan — 47 Philip I. duke of Burgundy — 48 Philip 1 1, the Hardy — 49 Philip III. the Good — 50 Philip le Beau assumes the go- vernment of the Netherlands 44 Philip I. marquis of Namur — 45 Philip II. de Courtenay — 47 Philip III. — 49 Philip I. duke of Brabant — 44 Philip of Alsace count of Flan- ders — 44 Philip duke of Suabia — 50 Philip elector Palatine — 54 Philip-William elector Palatine 50 Pietro de Medici lord of Flo- rence 51 Pietro Sodorini gonfalonier of Florence 55 Pisani, Luigi, doge of Venice 43 Polani, Pietro, doge 52 Priuli, Lorenzo, doge 52 Priuli, Girolamo, doge 53 Priuli, Antonio, doge A.D. 1009 1372 956 1001 973 1045 1047 955 1434 1170 1184 1221 1282 1365 1180 1231 1227 1556 880 936 1062 1277 1578 1678 811 827 829 864 881 912 874 1658 1765 1449 1486 1545 1213 1450 1212 1195 1749 1412 1350 1363 1419 1494 1196 1216 1336 1427 1168 1196 1476 1685 — 1492 1735 1130 1556 1559 1618 43 Rampret president of Tuscany 1131 52 Ranutius I. duke of Parma — 1592 53 Ranutius II. — 1646 47 Raoul duke of Lorraine — 1328 43 Ratbod president of Tuscany — 1119 N° 41 Rechila and Herman, counts of Hainault — 54 Reginald duke of Modena — ■ 38 Regner I. count of Hainault — 39 Regner II. — 39 Regner III. — 40 Kegner IV. — 41 Regner V. — 56 Reinier Paolo doge of Venice — 49 Rene d'Anjou duke of Lorraine 50 Rene duke of Lorraine — 52 Requesens, Don Louis de, gover- nor of the Netherlands — 40 Richer count of Hainault — 38 Richard le Justicier, duke of Bur- gundy — 41 Rinaldo duke of Tuscany — 49 Rinaldo Albizzi lord of Florence 47 Rinaldo lord of Ferrara — 43 Rinaldo marquis of Montferrat 41 Robert I. duke of Burgundy — 45 Robert II. — 42 Robert I. count of Flanders — 42 Robert II. of Jerusalem — 47 Robert III. — 39 Rodolph duke of Burgundy — 42 Rodolph duke of Suabia — 46 Rodolph I. le Begue, elector Palatine — 47 Rodolph II. the Blind — 46 Rodolph I. elector of Saxony — 48 Rodolph II. — 48 Rodolph III. — 48 Rupert I. elector Palatine — 48 Rupert II. le Petit — 48 Rupert III. — 55 Ruzzini Carlo doge of Venice — 54 Sagredo, Nicolo, doge of Venice 43 Salinguerra-Guy I. lord of Fer- rara — 44 Salinguerra II. — 46 Salinguerra III. — 38 Salomon III. count of Bretagne 55 Savoy, Eugene prince of, gover- nor of the Netherlands — 50 Saxony, Albert of, governor — 50 Saxony, Albert of, governor — 56 Shore, Sir John, governor- general of India — 40 Sigefrid count of Luxemburg — 48 Sigismund of Luxemburg, elec- tor of Brandenburg — 50 Sigismund duke of Bavaria — 43 Sigismund I. duke of Lorraine 44 Sigismund II. — 42 Silvio, Domenico, doge of Venice 47 Sorazo, Giovanni, doge — 55 Stanislaus of Poland, duke of Lorraine — 48 Steno, Michele, doge of Venice 47 Stephen, duke of Bavaria — 43 Taurello, lord of Ferrara — 44 Theobald, count of Luxemburg 45. Theobald I. duke of Lorraine — 47 Theobald II. — 47 Theodore I. Palaologus marquis of Montferrat — 48 Theodore II. — 40 Thierry duke of L. Lorraine — 43 Thierry count of Flanders — 39 Thierry 1. count of Friesland — 40 Thierry II. — 41 Thierry III. of Jerusalem — 41 Thierry IV. — 42 Thierry V. count of Holland — 43 Thierry VI. — 44 Thierry VII. — A.D. 1030 1694 875 916 932 998 1013 1779 1431 1473 1573 958 877 1014 1427 1317 1126 1032 1272 1071 1093 1305 921 1057 1294 1327 1298 1356 1388 1353 1390 1398 1723 1675 1118 1195 1270 857 1716 1489 1781 1792 965 1378 1460 1115 1176 1071 1311 1737 1400 1347 1150 1196 1213 1304 1306 1381 984 1118 922 963 1003 1039 1061 1122 1190 N° 40 Thierry I. duke of Lorraine — 42 Thierry 1 1, the Valiant — 45 Tiepolo, Giacomo, doge of Venice 45 Tiepolo, Lorenzo, doge — 48 Tomaso Albizzi lord of Florence 37 Tradonico, Pietro, doge of Venice 52 Trevisan, M. Antonio, doge — 38 Tribuno, Pietro, doge — 50 Trono, Nicolo, doge — 57 Tyler, John, president of the United States — 43 Ulderic marquis of Tuscany — 50 Ulric VI. duke of Wuitembursr 54 Valiero, Bertucci, doge of Venice 54 Valiero, Silvestro, doge — 54 Van Buren, Martin, president of the United States — 50 Vendramino, Andrea, doge of Venice — 48 Veniero, Michele, doge — 52 Veniero, Francesco, doge 52 Veniero, Sebastiano, doge 54 Villahermosa, Carlos uuke governor of the Netherlands 52 Vincent I. duke of Mantua — 53 Vincent II. — 54 Vincent de Gonzaga, duke of Guastalla — de, 43 Waleran duke of L. Lorraine — 45 Waleran count of Luxemburg — 47 Waldemar elector of Branden- burg — 56 Washington, George, president of the United States — 56 Wellesley, Richard marquis, go- vernor-general of India — 48 Wenceslas duke of Brabant — 48 Wenceslas I. duke of Luxemburg 48 Wenceslas II. 48 Wenceslas of Luxemburg, elector of Brandenburg — 48 Wenceslas elector of Saxony — 40 William duke of Tuscany — 40 William I. marquis of Montferrat 42 William II. — 43 William III. the Old - 45 William IV. — 46 William V. the Great — 50 William VI. — 50 William VII. — 51 William duke of Mantua — 52 William 1. prince of Orange stadtholder — 53 William II. — 54 William III. — 55 William IV. — 56 William V. — 47 William 1. marquis of Namur — 48 William II. 42 William count of Luxemburg — 43 William Cliton count of Flanders 45 William I. count of Holland — 45 William II. 47 William III. the Good — 47 William IV. — 48 William V. the Senseless — 49 William VI. 51 William duke of Brunswick — 54 William-Louis duke of Wurtem- burg — 51 William I. duke of Bavaria — 52 William II. the Religious — 1579 1647 1672 1747 1751 1337 1391 1096 1127 1203 1234 1304 1337 1356 1404 1546 1674 1508 1579 46 Zeno, Hanieri, doge of Venice — ■ 1252 44 Ziani, Sebastiano, doge — ■ 1173 45 Ziani, Pietro, doge — 1205 ALPHABETICAL TABLES II. MEN OF EMINENCE 11 Achaeus, birth of — 12 exhibits tragedy — 10 jEschylus, birth of thon gedy began to exhibit — at the battle of Mara- gains the prize in tra- death of — 13 jEschines, orat., birth of — 13 is present at Mantinea 14 is assisted by Fubulus 14 withdraws to Asia — 14 death of — 8 iEsop, birth of — 9 death of — 18 Agatharchides, hist, tutor to the sons of Ptolemy Physcon — 12 Agathon, gains the tragic prize 12 at the court of Arche- laiis — 8 Alcaeus of Mytilene, lyric — is engaged in the war with the Athenians in exile, and opposed to Pittacus 17 Alcaeus of Messenia, poeta — 7 Alcman, the Lydian, lyric — 15 Alexander yEtolus, trag. — 19 Alexander Polyhistor, gram. — 13 Alexis of the Middle Comedy sa- tirizes Plato — 14 still living — 5 Amos the Prophet — 9 Anacharsis comes to Athens — 9 Anacreon the poet begins to be distinguished — 10 at the court of Poly- crates of Samos — 10 comes to Athens — 11 Anaxagoras. phi)., birth of — 11 settles at Athens — 12 withdraws from Athens, his pupils had there been Ar- chelaiis, Euripides, and Peri- cles — 12 prosecuted for impiety 12 death of — 13 Anaxandrides of the Middle Co- medy gains his first prize — 14 exhibits at the Olympia at Dium — 14 Anaxarchus, phil., the compa- nion of Alexander — 20 Anaxilaus, the Pythagorean of Larissa exiled — 8 Anaximander of Miletus, birth of 10 still living — 10 Anaximenes, phil. and hist — 12 Anaximenes, hist. — 14 Anaxippus of the New Comedy 11 Andocides, orat, birth of — 12 11 12 12 12 commands a fleet — ■ imprisoned on the mu- tilation of the Hermae — in exile at Elis — resumes public life • — ■ is banished, and dies in exile 19 Andronicus of Rhodes, gram. — 13 Androtion, orat, pupil of Iso- crates. engages in public affairs 15 Antagoras Rhodius, poeta, fl. at the court of Antigonus — 16 Antigonus of Carystus, biog. — 5 Antimachus of Teos, poeta — 12 Antimachus, poeta — 19 Antiochus acadeinicus accompa- nies Lucullus to Alexandria — 18 Antipater of Tarsus succeeds Dionysius Babylonius — B.C. 484 447 525 499 490 484 484 389 362 343 330 314 620 564 113 416 405 611 — 606 5S9 197 671 273 83 356 306 790 592 559 531 525 500 480 450 432 428 376 347 339 28 610 547 548 365 303 467 432 415 404 402 391 58 385 269 225 753 405 87 144 N° B. C. 18 Antipater of Sidon. epig. — 127 19 Antipater of Tyre, the stoic, fl. 74 12 Antiphanes of the Middle Come- dy, birth of — 404 13 first exhibits — 383 14 death of — 330 11 Antiphon, orat, the tutor of Thu- cydides, birth of — 479 12 — death of — 411 13 Antisthenes, phil. — 365 17 Antisthenes the Rhodian, hist. 198 14 Apelles, pictor. — 332 15 Anyte of Tegea, poetria, epig. — 278 13 Aphareus, the nephew of iso- crates, exhibits tragedy — 368 14 still living — 341 14 Apollodorus of Gela, of the New Comedy — 326 16 Apollodorus of Carystus, of the New Comedy — 230 18 Apollodorus of Athens, hist. — 145 19 Apollodorus of Pergamus — 64 20 the preceptor of Octa- vius — 44 17 Apollonius Rhodius, librarian at Alexandria — 194 19 Apollonius Molo, rhetor., the pre- ceptor of Cicero, Lucceius, and Caesar — 88 13 Araros of the Middle Comedy, son of Aristophanes, exhinits 375 15 Aratus of Soli, poeta, fl. at the court of Antigonus — 15 Aratus of Sicvon, hist, birth of 16 death of — 15 Arcesilaiis, phil. — 15 directs the Middle Aca- 16 demy death of 14 Archedicus of the New Comedy 12 Archelaiis, the first Athenian who taught philosophy at Athens 18 Archias the poet in his youth comes to Home — 19 is with Lucullus in Asia 19 still living — 6 Archilocus of Thasos — 16 Archimedes, birth of — 17 death of — 16 Archimelus, poeta — 12 Archinus, orat. — 12 Archippus of the Middle Comedy 5 Arctinus of Miletus — 8 Arion, lyric, invented the Cyclian chorus — 11 Aristarchus, tragic poet — 15 Aristarchus of Samos, critic — 17 Aristarchus the critic — 13 Aristippus, phil. — 16 Aristo Ceus succeeds Lycon at the Lyceum — 12 Aristomenes, comic poet, fl. — 17 Aristonymus, librarian at Alex- andria — 17 death of — 12 Aristophanes first exhibits — 13 ■ his last exhibition — 17 Aristophanes of Byzantium, critic 12 Aristophon the Azenian, orat. — 13 accuses the trierarchs 13 prosecutes Timotheus 14 Aristophon Colyttensis, orat — 13 Aristotle, birth of — 13 - 14 - 14 - lene comes to Athens — goes to Atarnae — leaves Atarnae for Myti- at the court of Philip — returns to Athens — death of — 14 - 14 - 14 - 8 Aristoxenus of Selinus, iamb. 272 271 213 2U9 278 241 302 450 102 86 61 708 287 212 221 402 415 775 625 454 280 156 365 226 424 183 171 427 388 200 403 362 354 341 384 367 347 344 342 334 322 628 N° B. C. 18 Artemidorus of Ephesus, geog. 103 17 Asclepiades of Myrlea — - 196 13 Astydamus first exhibits tragedy 398 13 Astydamus the younger gains the prize in tragedy — 372 19 Athenaeus, rhetor. — 62 20 Athenaeus, peripat. — 22 20 Athenodorus the preceptor of Augustus governs Tarsus — 30 19JiElius Grammaticus — 100 19 iElius Tubero. hist. — 59 20 jEmilius Macer the elder, poeta, death of — 16 19 M. iEmilius Scaurus — 90 17 Albinus the consul, a writer of history — 151 20 Albutius Silo, rhetor. — 6 18 M. Antonius, orat, birth of — 142 19 defends Aquillius — 98 19 censor — 97 19 slain — 87 19 Antonius Gnipo. gram. — 66 19 Asinius Pollio, birth of — 76 20 commands in Spain — 45 20 Atratinus, orat. — 21 20 Atteius, philol. gram., birth of— 39 19 Atticus the friend of Cicero, birth of — 109 19 returns from Athens to Rome 2(1 death of 17 Attius, trag , birth of 18 exhibits 19 Aurelius Opilius, rhetor. 40 Abbo, monk of Fleury — 44 Absolom, abp. of Lund — 44 Abdollatiph, Persian hist. — 43 Abelard, Peter — 45 Abulfaragius, Arabian hist. — 47 Abulfeda, Arabian geog. — 30 Acacius, patriarch of Constanti- nople — 35 Acca, bishop of Hexham — 45 Accursius of Florence — 42 Adam, canon of Bremen — 35 Adamnan, abbot of Iona — 55 Addison, Joseph — 38 Ado, abp. of Vienne — 40 jElfric, abp. of Canterbury — 40 jElfric, bishop of Crediton — 23 JEVian — 28 jElius Donatus — 27 JEiius Lampridius — 26 jElius Spartianus — 32 Agathias, Byzantine hist. — 37 Agobard, abp. of Lyons — 50 Agricola, Rodolphus — 51 Agrippa, Cornelius — 37 Aimon of St. Germain de Pres — 40 Aimon, abbot of Fleury — 28 Alban St. protomartyr — 53 Albano, Francesco — 38 Albategni, Arabian astron. — 46 Albertet, provencal poet — 46 Albertus Magnus — 35 Albinus, abbot of St. Augustine 40 Albirumus, Arabian geog. — 37 Albumazar, Arabian astron. — 31 Alcimus Avitus — 36 Alcuin of York — 34 Aldhelm, abbot of Malmsbury — 44 Al Edrisius, Arabian geog. — 50 Alexander ab Alexandro — 39 Alfarabius, Arabian phil. — 56 Alfieri, Vittorio — 38 Alfraganus Logista — 43 Aimed of Beverley — 28 Ambrose, bishop of Milan — 28 Aminianus Marcellinus — 65 32 170 140 92 A.D. 978 1178 1197 1144 1246 1321 471 739 1216 1067 704 1711 856 995 990 114 353 314 291 565 816 1464 1515 818 986 400 1609 881 1-89 1260 740 981 841 509 782 681 1155 1498 947 1778 879 1139 374 360 II. ALPHABETICAL TABLES MEN OF EMINENCE N° A.D. 28 Ammonianus of Alexandria — 389 38 Anastatius, bibliothecarius — 8fi(5 51 Angelo, Michael — 1522 29 Anianus of Alexandria — 402 31 Anien, chancellor to Alaric — 506 50 Annius of Viterbo — 1475 26 Anthony St. — 281 45 Anthony St. of Padua — 1221 21 Apion of Alexandria — 33 22 Apollonius Tyanaeus — 83 47 Apono, Peter'de — 1301 23 Appian of Alexandria — 143 23 Aquila the Intrepreter — 128 55 Arbuthnot, Dr. John , — 1725 31 Aredius, jurisconsult — 501 49 Aretine, Leonard — 1406 41 Aretine, Guy — 1021 50 Argyropolis, Johannes — 1457 51 Ariosto, Ludovico — 1507 23 Aristides of Athens — 127 27 Arius of Alexandria — 325 42 Arius Polyhistor — 109S 52 Arminius, James — 1591 26 Arnobius of Sicca — 285 43 Arnold of Brescia — 1146 57 Arnold. Dr. Thomas — 1829 47 Arnoldus de Villanova — 1306 23 Arrian — 136 23 Artemidorus Daldianus — 146 42 Arzachel of Toledo — 1079 30 Asaph St. bishop — 500 22 Ascanius Pedianus — 76 52 Ascham, Roger — 1560 21 Asinius Gallus — 8 38 Asser, bishop of Sherborne — 910 27 Athanasius St — 326 24 Athenagoras — 168 24 Athenaeus of Naucratis — 172 43 Athelard of Bath — 1129 55 Atterburv, bishop — 1714 28 Augustine St. — 394 32 Augustine, abp. of Canterbury 597 23 Aulus Gellius — 149 28 Aurelius Victor — 363 28 Ausonius — 379 43 Averroes of Cordova — 1136 41 Avicenna of Bochara — 1001 39 Azophi, Arabian astron. — 934 56JAbercromby, Sir Ralph — 1795 53 Abbot. Archbishop — 1621 26 Achileus, tyrant of Egypt — 287 35 Adelasis, son of Musa — 716 36 Adelgisus the Lombard — 776 40 jElfric, duke of Mercia — 969 29 /Etius, Western general — 431 35 Agallianus, Eastern general — 729 41 Agelnoth. abp. of Canterbury — 1020 48 Agnello, John — 1364 21 Agrippina, wife to Germanicus 19 22 Agrippina, Empress — 51 38 Ahmed, governor of Egypt i — 868 34 Alahis, duke of Trent — 692 49 Albany, Robert regent duke of 1406 49 Albany, Murdoch regent duke of 1420 51 Albany, John regent duke of — 1513 54 Albemarle, Monk duke of — 1660 39 Alberic, governor of Rome — 933 55 Alberoni, Cardinal — 1717 47 Albornos, Cardinal — 1348 48 Albuquerque, minister to Peter the Cruel — 1354 51 Albuquerque, Alfonso — 1503 42 Aldred, abp. of Canterbury — 1066 26 Allectus, tyrant of Britain — 293 36 Alexius, Eastern general — 782 38 Algitrudis, queen of Italy — 894 52 Allen, Cardinal — 1586 31 Amalasunta, regent of the Ostro- goths — 527 51 Amboise, Cardinal — 1501 56 Amherst, General lord — 1776 N° 33 Amrus. Arabian general — 27 Anabalianus — 29 Anatolius, Roman general — 33 Andegisil, maire du palais — 28 Andragathius, Roman general 51 Angouleme, regent dss. of — 51 Anguin, Count — 28 Anicius Probus — 48 Anjou, Louis duke of — 52 Anjou, duke of — 53 Anne of Austria — 51 Annebaut, Admiral — 43 Anselm, Archbishop — 55 Anson, Admiral lord — 23 Antinous — 29 Antiochus the Persian — 43 Aquitaine, William duke of — 28 Arbogastes, Roman minister — 33 Archambaud. maire du palais — 29 Ardaburus, Roman general — 52 Argyll, Archibald earl of — 54 Argyll, Archibald marquis of — 55 Argyll, John duke of — 55 Argyll, Archibald duke of — 30 Ariadne, Empress — 26 Arius Aprius ■ — 26 Armentarius, Caesar — 21 Arminius, German general — 33 Arnoul, maire du palais — 32 Arnulph. Lombard general — 52 Arran. James earl of — 35 Artabasdas, Eastern minister — 47 Arteveldt, James de — 48 Arteveldt, Philip van — 47 Artois, Robert d' — 49 Arundel, Archbishop — 49 Arundel, John earl of — 26 Asclepiodotus, Roman minister 29 Aspar, Roman general — 30 Aspar, Eastern patrician — 28 Athanaris, Gothic general — 26 Athenaeus, Roman general — 48 Audley, James lord — 26 Aureolus, tyrant of Illyria — 28 Auxonius, proconsul in Asia — 24 Avidius Cassius — 12 Bacchylides, lyric, the nephew of Simonides and rival of Pindar 15 Berosus, hist. — 10 Bias of Priene, phil. — 46 Bacon, Roger — 53 Bacon, Francis lord — 51 Bale, bishop of Ossory — 45 Balsham, Hugh de, bishop of Ely 53 Bancroft. Archbishop — 56 Banks, Sir Joseph — 50 Barbarus, Hermolaus — 48 Barbour, John — 47 Barlaam the Calabrian — 52 Baroccio, Frederigo — 52 Baronius, Cardinal — 54 Barron, Dr. Isaac — 56 Barthelemy, Abbe — 28 Basil St. — 54 Baxter, Richard — 54 Bayle, Peter — 50 Beauchamp, bp. of Salisbury — 35 Bede, the Venerable — 53 Bellarmine, Cardinal — 51 Bembo, Cardinal — 31 Benedict St. — 34 Benedict Biscop, abbot of Wear- mouth — 44 Benedict, abbot of Peterborough 44 Benjamin of Tudela — 42 Benjezla of Bagdad — 57 Bentham, Jeremy — A.D. 640 326 437 625 382 1520 1554 370 1376 1576 1650 1538 1101 1747 127 409 1123 388 646 429 1569 1651 1715 1736 491 283 291 10 613 592 1555 736 1337 1382 1334 1407 1425 296 433 468 376 267 13.59 965 381 171 B.C. 450 279 544 A.D. 1261 1601 1550 1247 1603 1768 1488 1375 1341 1555 1578 1671 1788 370 1672 1688 1451 731 1606 1519 510 674 1189 1169 1076 1806 N° A. D. 53 Bentivoglio, Cardinal — 1624 55 Bentley, Dr. Richard — 1709 42 Berengaria of Angers — 1059 55 Berkeley. Bishop — 1736 43 Bernard St. ^- 1133 54 Bernini, John L. — 1667 50 Bessarion, Cardinal — 1453 55 Beveridge, Bishop — 1707 52 Beza, Theodore — 1566 56 Blair. Dr. John, chronol. — 1753 56 Blackstone. Sir William — 1766 49 Blondus, Flavius — 1425 48 Boccaccio, Giovanni — 1355 52 Bodin, John — 1572 53 Bodley. Sir Thomas — 1610 55 Boerhaave, Herman — 172H 31 Boethius, philosoph. — 522 54 Boileau, Nicholas — 16S5 46 Bonaventure, Cardinal — 1256 35 Boniface St. — 732 54 Bossuet, bishop of Meaux — 1693 54 Boyle, Hon. Robert — 1675 49 Bracciolini, Poggio — 1418 55 Bradlev, Dr. James — 1744 52 Brahe, Tycho — 1586 40 Bridferth of Ramsey — 980 47 Brompton, John — 1328 53 Browne, Sir Thomas — 1642 54 Bruyere, John de la — 1679 51 Bucer, Martin — 1530 52 Buchanan, George — 1559 56 BuflFon, Count de — 1767 51 Bullinger, Henry — 1548 54 Bunyan, John — 1674 44 Buono, Italian architect — 1154 57 Burgess, Bishop — 1825 54 Burnet, Bishop — 1692 56 Burns, Robert — 1786 53 Burton, Robert — 1621 54 Butler, Samuel — 16fi2 55 Butler, Bishop — 1734 56 Butler, Charles — 1797 57 Byron, George lord — 1811 51tBaber, Sultan — 1523 52 Bacon, Sir Nicholas — 1561 33 Bahanes, Eastern general — 631 44 Baldwin, abp. of Canterbury — 1183 26 Balista, Roman minister — 257 51 Barbarossa, Turkish general — 1535 23 Barchochebas the Jew — 131 38 Bardas, Michael — *58 40 Bardas Sclerus — 97 1 53 Barneveldt, Pensionary — 1613 30 Basiliscus, Eastern general — 465 30 Brasilius, praetorian prefect — 483 53 Bassompierre, Mareschal — 1629 55 Bath, Pulteney earl of — 1734 55 Bathurst, Allen earl — 1750 34 Batilda, regent of Neustria — 660 51 Beaton, Cardinal — 1546 49 Beaufort, duke of Exeter — 1413 49 Beaufort, Cardinal — 1 49 Beaufort, Edmund duke of So- merset — 50 Beaujeau. Anne dame de — 44 Becket, Thomas a — 49 Bedford. John duke of — 56 Bedford, John duke of — 50 Behem, Martin, navigator — 31 Belisarius. general to Justinian 55 Bellisle, Mareschal — 53 Bellievre, Chancellor de — 30 Beorgor, king of the Alains — 37 Bernhard, count of Barcelona — 55 Berwick, Mareschal duke of — 45 Bigod, Roger, earl marshal — 46 Bigod, Roger, earl of Norfolk — 52 Biron, Mareschal — 54 Blake, Admiral — 45 Blanche, queen regent of France 44 Blois, Thibault count de — ALPHABETICAL TABLES IT 44 47 22 48 34 12 44 4(i 46 51 53 57 29 51 50 57 56 40 49 52 51 50 I 53 46 SO 50 50 51 53 41 46 38 56 S3 56 40 53 51 36 45 52 56 22 47 56 39 Blois, William de — Blois. Charles de — Boadicea, queen of the Iceni — Boccanegra, Spanish admiral — Bodillon, Count — Boehmond, prince of Tarentum Bohun, Humphrey — Bohun, Humphrey — Boileau, Stephen — Boleyn, queen Anne ■ — • Bolingbroke, St. John viscount Bolivar, Simon — Boniface, Count — Bonnivet, Admiral de — Borgia, Caesar — Borgo, count Pozzo di — Boscawen, Admiral — Bouchard, count de Melun — Boucicault, Mareschal — Bouillon, Turenne duke de — Bourbon, Constable — Bourchier, Cardinal — Boyd, Robert lord — Brabazon, Roger de — Brachila the Goth — Bray, Sir Reginald — Briconnet, Cardinal — Brion, Admiral de — Bristol, Digby earl of — Brithric, English admiral • — Brosse, Peter de la — Bruern of Northumbria — Bruhl, Henry count — Brunehaut, queen to Sigebert — Brunswick, Prince Ferdinand of Buchan, Earl of, constable of France — Buckingham, Villiers duke of — Buckingham, Villiers duke of — Burchardt, bp. of Wurtzburg — Burgh, Hubert de — Burghley, William lord — Burke, Edmund — Burrhus, Roman minister — Bury, Richard de, bp. of Durham Bute, John earl of — Buzun the Turk — 1191 1345 60 1372 672 1098 1173 1292 1267 1534 1711 1823 427 1514 1495 1829 1754 994 1416 1591 1517 1465 1461 1289 475 1497 1489 1532 1620 1012 1272 866 1751 572 1760 1421 1622 1668 751 1220 1570 1781 54 1336 1762 942 B.C. 29 329 432 256 736 328 373 371 361 20 Caecilius the cotemporary of Dio- nysius Halicarnassus — 14 Calippus, astron. fl. — 12 t'allias, comic poet — 15 Callimachus, poeta — 6 Callinus of Ephesus — 14 Callisthenes, hist., death of — 13 Callistratus, orat. (and Iphicra- tes) prosecute Timotheus — 13 at the congress of Sparta 13 is banished — 13 is seated in the Cher- sonese, — 356 13 and put to death on his return to Athens — — 17 Callistratus, gram., the disciple of Aristophanes — 16 Carneades of Cyrene, founder of the new academy, birth of — 17 ambassador to Rome — 18 death of — 19 Castor, chronographer — 12 Cephalus, orat. 13 moves the decree for assisting the Theban exiles — 12 Cephisodorus gains the prize in comedy — 14 Cephisophon, orat. — 10 Charon of Lampsacus, hist. — 8 Chersias of Orchomenus, poeta 9 Chilon, phil. — 9 ephor at Sparta — 11 Chionides first exhibits comedy 10 Chcerilus first exhibits tragedy 11 ■ opposed to iEschylus 11 still living — 11 Chcerilus of Samos, birth of — 12 resides at Samos in the time of Lysander — 13 is received at the court of Archelaiis, and dies, ante — 15 Chrysippus the stoic, birth of — 16 death of — 5 Cinaethon, poeta — 17 Cincius fl. — 15 Cineas, orat., accompanies Pyrr- hus into Italy — 18 Clitomachus, phil. — 15 Cleanthes, phil. — 15 Colotes the stoic — 12 Comedy, decree to prohibit — 12 Comedy, prohibition repealed — 20 Conon, hist. — 14 Crantor, phil. — 12 Crates, comic poet — 14 Crates the cynic — 15 Crates, phil., the friend and dis- ciple of Polemo — 17 Craies the grammarian at Rome 10 Cratinus, birth of — 11 gains the second prize in comedy — gains the first prize in 154 213 155 129 56 402 379 402 340 504 605 596 556 comedy death of 12 12 20 Cratippus, peripat. — 17 Critolaus, peripat. ambassador to Rome — 12 Ctesias, hist. — 13 Cydias, orat. — 17JCaecilius, comic poet — 17 death of — 20 Q. Caecilius Epirota, birth of — 18 Calpurnius Piso, hist. — 18 Cassius Hemina, hist. — 19 Catullus, birth of — 20 Cestius, rhetor. — 18 Cicero, birth of — 19 serves under the consul Pompeius — hears Philo and Molo 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 20 20 20 20 19 at Rome — at Athens — hears Molo at Rhodes returns to Rome — — engaged in pleading — quaestor — returns to Rome — aedile — praetor — in toga Candida — in exile — recalled — proconsul in Cilicia — returns to Rome — arrives at Brundusium from Pharsalia at Brundusium Caesar nth death of L. Cincius Alimentus, hist. — 19 Claudius, grammaticus — 18 Ccelius Antipater, Roman hist 20 Cornelius Gallus, elegiac, prae- fect of Egypt — 20 Cornelius Nepos — 20 Cornificius, poeta, death of — 20 Curio, death of — 20 Curtius Nicia, gram. — 487 523 499 483 479 404 399 280 207 765 190 280 129 259 277 440 437 36 315 450 328 287 159 519 425 423 422 44 155 401 352 179 168 26 149 146 87 13 106 89 51 Cabot, Sebastian — 34 Caedmon, Anglo Saxon poet — 79 78 77 76 75 74 69 66 64 58 57 51 49 48 47 43 190 100 123 30 40 41 49 45 A.D. 1523 680 34 Callinicus of Heliopolis — 673 51 Calvin, John — 1543 52 Camden, William — 1600 52 Camoens, Luis de — 1561 41 Campanus of Novarro — 1030 44 Campanus of Lombardy — 1199 56 Campbell, Dr. George — 1703 57 Canova Antonio — 1801 50 Capnio, John Reuchlin — 1493 52 Caracci, Ludovico — 1587 52 Ciracci, Agostino — 1590 52 Caracci, Annibale — 1596 52 Caravaggio, M. A. — 1599 51 Cardan, Jerome — 1547 52 Caro, Annibale — 1551 52 Casaubon, Isaac — 1594 54 Cassini, John Dominic — 1696 31 Cassiodorus, historian — 514 51 Castigliogne, Balthazar — 1510 56 Cavendish, Hon. Henry — 1772 50 Caxton, William — 1472 42 Cedrenus, George — 1057 52 Cellini, Benvenuto — 1563 21 Celsus — 17 25 Censorinus — 238 35 Ceoifrid, abbot of Wearmouth— 701 42 Cerularius, Michael — 1053 52 Cervantes, Miguel — 1597 50 Chalcondyles, Demetrius — 1471 48 Chaucer, Geoffrey — 1396 57 Chantrey, Sir Francis — 1824 49 Chicheley, Archbishop — 1414 53 Chillingworth, William — 1641 48 Chrysolaris, Manuel — 1392 28 Chrysostom St. — 396 52 Ciaconius, Peter — 1568 46 Cimabue, Italian painter — 1267 47 Cirencester, Richard of — 1348 57 Clarke. Dr. Adam — 1810 55 Clarke, Dr. Samuel — 1721 57 Clarke, Dr. Edward Daniel — 1808 28 Claudian — 397 25 Clemens of Alexandria — 206 52 Clavius, Cristopher — 1582 57 Cobbett, William — 1810 50 Colet, Dr. John — 1496 32 Columbanus St. — 575 21 Columella — 32 44 Comestor, Peter, of Troyes — 1172 43 Comnena, Prs. Anna — 1117 51 Cooke, Sir Anthony — 1546 57 Cooper, Sir Astley — 1823 51 Copernicus, Nicholas — 1521 54 Corneille, Peter — 1657 51 Correggio, Antonio — 1526 53 Cortona, Pietro da — 1627 53 Cotton, Sir Robert — 1616 51 Coverdale, Bishop — 1536 56 Cowper, William — 1785 55 Crebillon, P. — 1713 52 Cujas, James — 1567 35 Cuthred, abbot of Yarrow — 748 57 Cuvier, Frederic Baron — 1830 41 Cynewulf, bp. of Winchester — 1016 26 Cyprian St. — 251 28 Cyril of Jerusalem — 351 29 Cyril, bp. of Alexandria — 412 22JCalphurnius Crassus — 96 56 Camden, Lord chief justice — 1763 51 Campegio, Cardinal — 1528 57 Canning, George — 1822 25 Capelianus, general in Mauri- tania — 237 21 Caractacus, king of Britain — 47 26 Carausius, tyrant of Britain — 286 56 Carleton, Guy, lord Dorchester 1771 54 Carstares, Rev. William — 1692 29 Castinus, Western general — 417 56 Castlereagh, Robert viscount — 1800 47 Castracani, Castruccio — 1322 50 Castriot, George, 'Scanderbeg* 1451 II. ALPHABETICAL TABLES MEN OF EMINENCE N° 31 Celer, Eastern general — 49 Chabannes, Mareschal de — 34 Chaganis king of the Avari — - 54 Chamillard, Michael — 48 Chandos, Sir John — 49 Chatel, Tanegui du — 56 Chatham, William earl of — 47 Chatillon, Constable de — 52 Cheke, Sir John — 55 Chesterfield, Philip earl of — 35 Childebrand, brother to Charles Martel — 28 Chonodomar, prince of the Ale- manni — 32 Chramnes, son to Clotaire — 29 Chrysaphius, Western minister 42 Cincius, governor of Rome — 49 Clarence, Thomas duke of — 54 Clarendon, Edward earl of — 23 Claudius Maximus, proconsul of Africa — 24 Cleander, Roman minister — 26 Cleodamus, Roman general — 51 Cleves, Queen Anne of — 56 Clive, Robert lord — 24 Clodius Albinus, governor of Britain — 55 Cobham, Richard lord — 53 Coke, Sir Edward — 54 Colbert. John Baptist — 57 Colchester, Charles lord — 52 Coligny, Admiral de — 57 Collingwood, Admiral lord — 50 Columbus, Christopher — 50 Coinmines, Philip de — 23 Commodus Verus — 45 Comnenus, Theodore, prince of Epirus — 54 Compton, Bishop — 52 Conde, Louis prince de — 53 Conde, Louis 'le Grande' — 29 Con>tantine, tyrant of Gaul — 29 Constantine, Western minister 29 Constantius, Western minister 56 Cook, Captain James — 42 Corbagat, Turkish general — 22 Corbulo, governor of Armenia — 53 Cork, Richard earl of — 22 Cornelius Fuscus — 46 Cornwall, Kichard earl of — 56 Cornwallis, Charles marquis — 50 Coulon, Admiral — 48 Courtney, Archbishop — 53 Coventry, Thomas lord — 55 Cowper, William earl — 51 Cranmer, Archbishop — 49 Creighton, chancellor of Scotland 40 Crescentius, tyrant of Rome — 27 Crispus, son of Constantine — 51 Cromwell, Thomas lord — 54 Cromwell, Oliver — 37 Crunnus king of Bulgaria — 55 Cumberland, William duke of — 28 Cynegius, Roman minister — 26 Cyriades, the first of the thirty tyrants — 8 Damophyle, poetria — 8 Daniel the Prophet — 14 Demades, one of the orators de- manded by Alexander — 14 put to death — 14 Demetrius Phalereus, orat., en- ters into public life — 15 ^— — withdraws to Egypt — 15 is in great credit with Soter, but is disgraced by Philadelphus — 15 Demetrius of the New Comedy 17 Demetrius of Scepsis, critic — A.D. 504 1440 695 1700 1357 1422 1766 1328 1552 1749 725 357 556 447 1075 1415 1661 146 188 266 1539 1773 192 1728 1606 1669 1817 1562 1805 1494 1482 136 1216 1675 1560 1648 408 444 412 1772 1090 52 1619 87 1257 1799 1475 1381 1628 1714 1530 1438 983 317 1531 1653 807 1746 385 258 B.C. 611 606 335 318 325 296 N° B. C. 19 Demetrius Magnes, hist. — 55 14 Demochares, orat, nephew of Demosthenes, banished — 11 Democritus. phil., birth of — 13 continues his travels — 13 death of — 13 Demophilus, hist. 13 Demosthenes, birth of 13 18 l,'i U 14 11 15 year an orphan in his seventh prosecutes his guardians first composes public orations — - one of the orators de- manded by Alexander — in exile — death of — honoured with a statue 15 Diaearchus, geograph. — 1 1 Diagoras of Meios, phil. ■ — 20 Didymus, gram., the opponent of Juba 13 Dinarchus, orat., birth of 14 began to compose ora- 14 nourishes at Athens — 14 in exile — 15 returns from exile — 1 1 Dinolochus. comic poet — 13 Diodorus, comic poet — 18 Diodorus, peripat. — 19 Diodorus Siculus, the historian is in Egypt — 14 Diogenes the cynic, death of — 17 Diogenes Babylonius, Critolaiis, and Carneades, ambassadors to Rome — 15 Dionysides, trag. — 10 Dionysius of Miletus, hist. — 13 Dionysius Tyrannus gains the tragic prize with the Atrpa "EX TO P° ? — 15 Dionysius, — his astronomical era 15 Dionysius Matathemenus, phil. 18 Dionysius the Thracian, gram. 20 Dionysius Halicarnassus the his- torian comes to Italy — 20 completes his history — 13 Diophantes, orat. — 14 Diphilus, one of the six standards of the New Comedy — 14 Diyllus. hist. — 8 Draco, legislat. — 15 Duris of Samos, hist. — 283 299 145 54 Dacier, Madame — 42 Damiano, Cardinal — 35 Daniel, bp. of Winchester — 47 Dante Alighieri — 52 Davila, Henry — 51 Da Vinci. Leonardo — 57 Davy, Sir Humphrey — 55 Defoe, Daniel — 51 Del Sarto, Andrea — 38 Denewulf, bp. of Winchester — 53 Descartes, Rene — 55 Destouches, Philip — 54 D'Herbelot, Bartholomew — 36 Diaconius, Paulus, of Aquilea — 45 Diceto, Ralph de — 37 Dicuil, Irish monk in France — 24 Diogenes Laertius — 25 Dion Cassius — 23 Dion Chrysostom — 26 Dionysius, bp. of Alexandria — 31 Dionysius Exiguus — 24 Diophantus of Alexandria — 54 Dodwell, Henry — 53 Dolce, Carlo ' — 53 Dominichino, 'Zampieri' — 302 460 381 337 357 382 376 364 355 335 323 322 280 280 466 46 361 336 321 307 292 487 353 111 60 323 155 278 520 367 285 263 107 29 29 372 320 339 621 279 A.D. 1700 1052 742 1304 1588 1503 1812 1719 1513 880 1636 1727 1673 781 1209 825 178 229 105 257 516 156 1697 1647 1617 N° 51 Douglas, Gawin — 52 Dousa, Janus — 54 Dryden, John — 51 Dunbar. William — 46 Duns Scotus, John — 52 Du Perron, Cardinal — 46 Durandus, bp. of Mende — 47 Durandus. bp. of Anicium — 51 Durer, Albert — 55JD'Aguesseau, Chancellor — 49 D'Albret, Constable — 49 D'Armagnac, Constable — 50 Daim, Oliver le — 27 Dalmatius, Caesar — 35 Damascenus. John — 56 Daun, Mareschal count — 53 Davies, Sir John — 54 De Witt, Pensionary — 49 De la Pole, William', earl of Suf- folk — 22 Decebalus, king of Dacia — 47 Despenser, Hugh the elder — 47 Despenser, Hugh the younger 54 Devonshire, William duke of — 25 Diadumenianus — 51 Diana of Poitiers — 32 Didier, French general — 51 Doria, Andrew — 52 . Dorset, Thomas earl of — 54 Dorset, Charles earl of — 47 Douglas, Sir James — 49 Douglas, Archibald earl of — 52 Drake, Sir Francis — 44 Dreux, Robert count de — 21 Drusus, son of Tiberius — 51 Du Bellay, Cardinal — 48 Du Guesclin, Constable — 51 Du Prat, Chancellor — 50 Duncan, Admiral lord — 56 Dundas, Henry — 40 Dunstan, abp. of Canterbury — A.D. 1504 1577 1683 1502 1291 1593 1275 1312 1505 1720 1404 1411 1481 334 738 1776 1611 1665 1442 97 1316 1319 1690 217 1349 577 1527 1598 1674 1313 1417 1589 1152 18 1533 1370 1516 1797 1791 962 B.C. 4 Elijah the Prophet — 4 Elisha the Prophet — 11 Empedocles, poet and phil. — 12 still living — 14 Ephorus, hist. — 11 Epicharmus, perfected comedy ' before Chionides ' — 14 Epicurus, phil., birth of — 14 began to study philo- educated at Samos — comes to Athens — commences teaching at Mytilene and at Lamp-acus — settles at Athens — death of — sophy 11 14 14 14 15 14 Epigenes of the Middle Comedy 7 Epimenides of Crete, birth of — 9 at Athens — 16 Epinicus, comic poet — 15 Erasistratus medicus, the grand- son of Aristotle — 15 Eratosthenes, birth of — 16 librarian at Alexandria 17 death of — 8 Erinna, lyric — 13 Erinna, poetria — 13 Eubulus of the Middle Comedy 14 Eubulus, orat., opposed to De- mosthenes — 14 has great influence, which is felt by his rival — 12 Euciemon, astron. — 13 Eudoxus, phil. — 15 Euclid, mathemat — 13 Euetes, comic poet — 11 Euexenides, comic poet — 11 Eugamon of Cyrene — ALPHABETICAL TABLES II. MEN OF EMINENCE \tf>* <=>* N° 5 Eumelus of Corinth, epic poet 16 Euphantus of Olynthus, hist., the preceptor of Antigonus Doson — 12 Euphorion, trag., son of ^Eschy- lus, gains the prize against Sophocles and Euripides — 15 Euphorion of Chalcis, phil., birth of — 16 librarian to Antiochus, death of — 12 Eupolis, comic poet 12 contends with Aristo- phanes 11 Euripides, birth of 12 12 12 12 12 gains the third prize in tragedy — contends with Achaeus and Sophocles gains the first prize in tragedy contends with Sopho- cles and Euphorion — exhibits with Iophon and Ion and with Xenocles — death of — 12 - 12 - 16 Evander succeeds Lacydes in the Middle Academy — 9 Ezekiel the Prophet — 9 prophecies against Tyre and Egypt — 9 his Vision in the Cap- tivity — 16JEnnius, poeta, birth of — 16 - — brought to Rome by the quaestor Cato accompanies the consuls Fulvius into Etolia death of 43 Eadmer, abbot of St. Albans — 35 Egbert, abp. of York — 28 Ephraim Cyrus — 22 Epictetus — 28 Epiphanius — 51 Erasmus, Desiderius — 35 Ethelwold, abbot of Lindisfarne 40 Ethelwold, bp. of Winchester — 39 Eudes de Cluni — 55 Euler, Leonard — 28 Eunapius of Sardis — 27 Eusebius Pamphilus — 44 Eustathius, comment, on Homer 28 Eutropius — 29 Eutyches of Constantinople — 28 Evagrius Ponticus — 32 Evagrius Scholasticus — 54 Evelyn, John — 34JEbroin, maire du palais — 45 Eccelino, general of the Ghibel- lines — 30 Ecdicius, Roman minister — 42 Edgar Atheling — 41 Edric, minister to Ethelred — 48 Edward the Black Prince — 42 Edwin and Morcar — 33 Ega, maire du palais — 30 Egidius, Roman general — 37 Eginhard, secretary to Charle- magne — 52 Egmont, Count — 57 Eldon, John earl of — 24 Electus, Roman minister — 39 Elfleda, daughter to Alfred — 53 Ellesmere, Thomas lord — 45 Enguerrand de Couci — 31 Ephrem, Eastern minister — 56 Erskine, Thomas lord — 49 Essars, Pierre des — B.C. 761 246 431 274 221 429 425 480 455 447 441 431 428 415 406 215 594 587 573 239 — 204 189 169 A.D. 1124 737 371 88 391 1512 743 963 928 1729 372 327 1161 356 448 395 594 1668 665 1232 466 1081 1011 1356 1067 638 459 811 1563 1828 190 904 1602 1241 525 1786 1408 N° A. D. 52 Essex, Robert earl of — 1597 53 Essex, Robert earl of — 1640 39 Ethel wald, Prince — 901 40 Ethelwold, Earl — 963 35 Eudes, duke of Aquitaine — 722 41 Eudes. count de Chartres — 1022 30 Eudoxia, empress — 454 55 Eugene, Prince — 1702 28 Eugenius, tyrant of the Western empire — 391 44 Eustace, earl — 1153 57 Exmouth, Admiral lord — 1825 B.C. 16 Fabius Pictor the historian is in the Gallic war — 16 - — ambassador to Delphi 18 C. Fannius the historian serves with Scipio at Carthage — 18 serves in Spain — 18 Furius Bibaculus, poeta — 20 The Furnii — 55 Fabricius. John Albert — 51 Fagius, Paul — 44 Falcandus, Hugh — 23 Favorinus, philosoph. — 35 Felix, hist. — 55 Fenelon, abp. of Cambray — 50 Ficinus, Marsilius — 55 Fielding, Henry — 51 Fisher, Bishop — 44 Fitzstephen, William — 48 Flamel, Nicholas — 55 Flamsteed, John — 23 Florus — 27 Flavius Vopiscus — 54 Fontaine, John de la — 54 Fontenelle, Bernard — 48 Fordun, John — 49 Fortescue, Sir John — 35 Forthere, bp. of Sherborne — 52 Fox, John — 41 Franco of Liege — 35 Fredegaire, Fr. chron. — 48 Froissart, John — 22 Frontinus — 30 Fulgentius — 49 Fust, John — 55JFagel, Greffier Francis — 53 Fairfax, Thomas lord — 53 Falkland, Cary viscount — 49 Fastolf, Sir John — 23 Faustina, Empress Galeria — 24 Faustina, Empress — 28 Favritta the Goth — 44 Fitz Peter, Geoffrey — 21 Flaccus, governor of Egypt — 42 Flambard, Ranulph — 55 Fleury, Cardinal — 51 Foix, Gaston de — 55 Forbes, Lord president — 48 Foret, Pierre de la — 38 Fort, Robert de — 51 Fox, bishop of Winchester — 56 Fox, Charles James — 56 Franklin, Benjamin — 32 Fredegonde, queen to Chilperic 56 Frederic, Prince of Wales — 28 Fritigernes Gothic general — 30 Fronto, Western minister — 36 Fulrad, French minister — 19 Geminus of Rhodes, math. — 1 1 Gorgias, orat. 12 ambassador from Leon tium to Athens — 225 216 146 142 102 36 A.D. 1724 1549 1190 119 730 1702 1470 1745 1508 1174 1385 1706 116 315 1680 1682 1377 1443 744 1556 1047 734 1376 73 499 1441 1730 1644 1642 1432 144 169 399 1197 37 1091 1725 1509 1738 1353 862 1507 1783 1778 567 1741 375 455 761 B.C. 77 459 427 N° A. D. 24 Galen — 163 53 Galileo — 1608 55 Garrick. David — 1749 53 Gassendi, Peter — 1635 49 Gaza, Theodore — 1427 40 Geber of Seville — 965 30 Gelasius of Cyzicum — 475 30 Gennadius of Constantinople — 458 30 Gennadius of Marseilles — 473 44 Geoffrev of Monmouth — 1152 33 George of Pisidia — 634 36 Georgius Syncellus — 791 45 Gervase of Canterbury — 1202 51 Gesner, Conrad — 1545 56 Gibbon, Edward — 1776 57 Gifford, William — 1802 32 Gildas, hist. — 564 47 Giola, Flavio — 1302 54 Giordano, Luca — 1660 51 Giorgione, 'Barbarelli' — 1509 47 Giotto, Italian painter — 1307 44 Giraldus Cambrensis — 1188 41 GlaberofClugni — 1033 37 Godeschalcus Fulgentius — 843 56 Goldsmith, Oliver — 1770 48 Gower, John — 1373 54 Graevius, John George — 1687 44 Gratian of Clusium — 1151 56 Gray, Thomas — 1752 25 Gregory Thaumaturgus — 241 26 Gregory, jurisconsult — 289 28 Gregory Nazianzen — 361 28 Gregory, bp. of Nyssa — 373 32 Gregory of Tours — 572 54 Gregory, James — 1666 47 Gregorias Nicephoras — 1332 50 Grocyn, William — 1489 54 Gronovius, John T. — 1652 54 Gronovius, James — 1698 45 Grosseteste, Robert, bp. of Lin- coln — 1423 53 Grotius, Hugo — 1630 53 Gruter, Janus — 1605 53 Guercino, Giovanni — 1618 51 Guicciardini, Francis — 1516 53 Guido, 'Rheni' — 1620 49 Guttemburg, John — 1440 45 Guzman, Dominic de — 1217 28JGainas, tyrant of Asia — 398 28 Gallus, Roman minister — 351 50 Gama, Vasco de — 1500 51 Gardiner, bp. of Winchester — 1537 43 Garlande, Anseau de — 1111 43 Garlande, William de — 1115 43 Garlande, Stephen de — 1134 49 Gascoigne, Sir William — 1401 47 Gaveston, Piers — 1307 21 Germanicus — 8 42 Gervais, abp. of Rheims — 1068 22 Gessius Florus, governor of Judea — 65 46 Giffard, Walter, abp. of York — 1273 28 Gildo, governor of Africa — 394 35 Gilulfus, duke of Beneventum 704 44 Glanville, Ranulfde — 1181 48 Glendour, Owen — 1397 43 Gloucester, Robert earl of — 1141 45 Gloucester, Gilbert earl of — 1215 46 Gloucester, Richard earl of — 1255 46 Gloucester, Gilbert earl of — 1265 49 Gloucester, Humphry duke of 1427 55 Godolphin, Sidney earl of — 1701 41 Godwin, earl of Kent — 1041 37 Gombaud, French minister — 830 51 Gonsalvo, general to Ferdinand 1502 38 Goscelin, bishop of Paris — 886 56 Grafton, Augustus duke of — 1768 52 Granvelle, Cardinal — 1566 55 Granville, John earl of — 1735 27 Gregory, Roman minister — 336 56 Grenville, George — 1764 II. ALPHABETICAL TABLES MEN OF EMINENCE N° A. D 56 Grenville, William lord — 1790 52 Gresham, Sir Thomas — 1571 33 Grimoald, maire du palais — 647 52 Grindal, Bishop — 1580 40 Grisegonelle, Geoffrey — 986 45 Guerin, chancellor to Louis VIII. 1223 52 Guise, Francis duke of — 1558 52 Guise, Henry duke of — 1574 B.C — 612 — 519 — 520 — 501 8 Habakkuk the Prophet — 10 Haggai the Prophet — 10 Hecataeus, hist. fl. — 10 assists at the delibera- tions of the Ionians 12 Hegemon, comic poet, introduces parody and is protected by Al- cibiades — 413 14 put to death with Pho- cion and Pythocles — 14 Hegisippus, orat — 17 Hegisinus the Platonic philoso- pher — 11 Hellanicus, hist, birth of — 11 still living — 10 Heraclitus, phil. — 16 Heraclitus of Halicarnassus, poeta 14 Heraclides of the Middle Comedy 18 Heraclides Lembus, hist. — 15 Hermachus the Epicurean — 19 Hermagoras, rhetor. — 12 Hermippus, comic poet, prose- cutes Aspasia — 16 Hermippus of Smyrna, biog. — 11 Herodotus, birth of — I recites his history at the Olympic games goes to Thurium aet. 75, still employed 12 12 - upon his history 4 Hesiod flourished — 14 Hieronymus of Cardia, hist, ne- gotiates between Eumenes and Antigonus — 318 falls into the hands of 317 340 185 496 406 503 249 348 148 270 62 432 203 484 456 443 409 897 14 15 Antigonus upon the death of Eumenes — appointed governor of Bceotia by Demetrius upon the death of Antigonus — 16 Hieronymus of Rhodes, stoic — 11 Hippocrates, birth of — 12 flourished — 13 death of — 17 Hipparchus, astr. obs.162— 159— 147—146—143—135—128 — 10 Hipponax of Ephesus, poeta — 5 Hosea the Prophet — 4 Homer flourished — 15 Homerus, trag. — 20 Hybreas the orator opposes La- bienus at Mylasa — 14 Hyperides, orat. death of — 19JHorace, birth of — — present at the battle of 315 293 250 460 431 357 158 127 546 785 1000 278 40 321 65 Philippi death of 20 18 Hortensius, orat. birth of 19 defends Verres 19 consul 20 death of 20 Hyginus, Grammaticus 48 Hafiz, Persian poet 45 Hales, Alexander de 53 Hall, Bishop 55 Halley, Dr. Edmund 55 Handel, George Frederic 49 Hardyng, John, chron. 54 Harrington, James 42 8 114 70 69 50 47 A.D. 1389 1230 1628 1723 1743 1415 1655 N° A. D- 53 Harvey, Dr. William — 1619 56 Havdn, Francis Joseph — 1798 28 Heliodorus — 398 44 Henry of Huntingdon — 1156 46 Henry of Ghent — 1279 49 Henry the Scottish Minstrel — 1446 41 Hereman, bp. of Sherborne — 1050 41 Hermannus Contractus — 1041 24 Hermogenes, rhetor. — 161 26 Hermogenes, jurisconsult — 289 25 Herodian, hist. — 247 56 Herschell, Sir William — 1779 31 Hesychius of Alexandria — 521 48 Higden, Ralph — 1357 27 Hilary, St. — 341 43 Hildebert, abp. of Tours — 1125 37 Hincmarus, abp. of Rheims — 845 55 Hoadley, Bishop — 1730 53 Hobbes, Thomas — 1648 55 Hogarth, William — 1746 51 Holbein, Hans — 1528 56 Home, John — 1757 52 Hooker, Richard — 1592 52 Hooper, Bishop — 1553 56 Horsley, Bishop — 1783 52 Hotomanus, Francis — 1575 54 Hough. Bishop — 1699 44 Hoveden, Roger de — 1192 56 Howard, John — 1774 55 Huet, bp. of Avranches — 1704 56 Hume, David — 1754 43 Humenus of Egypt — 1148 49 Huss, John — 1411 56 Hutton, Dr. Charles — 1781 54 Huygens, Christian — 1669 35 Hwetbert, abbot of Wearmouth 745 29 Hypatia, daughter to Theon — 408 48JHales, Robert de — 1376 54 Halifax, George marquis of — 1684 53 Hampden, John — 1636 47 Harcourt, Geoffrey d' — 1342 55 Harcourt, Sir Simon — 1712 55 Hardwicke, Philip earl of — 1737 37 Hasan the Saracen — 812 50 Hastings, William lord — 1480 56 Hastings, Warren — 1788 57 Hastings, Francis marquis of — 1811 47 Hatfield, bp. of Durham — 1346 38 Hatto, abp. of Mentz — 900 55 Hawke, Admiral lord — 1748 56 Hawkesbury, Charles lord — 1789 48 Hawkwood, Sir John — 1373 56 Heathfield, General lord — 1775 21 Helicon, Roman minister — 38 47 Hengham, Sir Ralph — 1304 34 Heraclius, Eastern minister — 667 44 Henry, Prince, son of Henry II. 1169 29 Heraclianus, tyrant of Africa — 405 35 Herald, duke of Aquitaine — 737 27 Hermogenes, Roman geueral — 340 23 Herodes Atticus — 143 55 Herring, Archbishop — 1742 31 Hibba. Gothic general — 508 27 Hierocles, governor of Alexandria 302 37 Hilduin, French minister — 817 57 Hill, General lord — 1815 39 Himerius Eastern general — 902 56 Holland, Henry lord — 1759 57 Holland, Henry lord — 1826 53 Holies, Denzil — 1638 54 Holt, Lord chief justice — 1689 52 Horn, Count — 1564 51 Howard, Queen Katherine — 1540 52 Howard, Admiral lord — 1588 56 Howe, Admiral lord — 1794 38 Hubba the Dane — 872 39 Hugh the Great, French minister 923 36 Hunaud, duke of Aquitaine — 763 49 Hunniades, John Corvinus — 1443 57 Hutchinson, General lord — 1801 N° 9 Ibycus, poeta 15 Idomeneus, of Lampsacus, hist. 1 1 Ion of Chios first exhibits tra- gedy _ 12 — died before the exhibi- tion of the Eiptjuti — 12 Iophon trag. son of Sophocles, contended with Eurypides and Ion 12 still living — 12 Ionian alphabet adopted 5 Isaiah the Prophet 12 Isocrates, birth of — 14 death of — 16 Ister, poeta, the disciple of Calli- machus — 22 Ignatius, St _ 42 Ingulphus, abbot of Croyland — 24 Irenaeus, St 33 Isidore, bp. of Seville — 30 Illus, Eastern minister — 48 Ireland, Vere duke of — 19 Jason the Stoic, successor of Posidonius — 8 Jeremiah the Prophet — 5 Joel the Prophet — 4 Jonah the Prophet — 20 Juba the historian brought to Rome — 27 Jamblicus — 56 Jenner, Dr. Edward — 28 Jerome, St — 49 Jerome of Prague — 33 John of Alexandria, hist. — 35 John of Beverley — 44 John of Salisbury — 45 John of Pisa — 56 Johnson, Dr. Samuel — 46 Joinville, John de — 53 Jones, Inigo — 56 Jones, Sir William — 53 Jonson, Ben — 31 Jornandes, hist — 22 Josephus — 24 Julius Pollux — 25 Julius Africanus — 26 Julius Capitolinus — 23 Justin, hist — 23 Justin Martyr — 22 Juvenal — 53JJeannin, President — 49 Joan of Arc — 29 John the Notary — 31 John the Cappadocian — 41 John, brother to Michael IV. — 52 Joyeuse, duke de — 37 Judith, Empress — 25 Julia, mother to Elagabalus — 22 Julian, governor in Britain — 35 Julian, Count — 22 Julius Agricola — 25 Julius Celsus, Roman general — 25 Julius Palmatus, general in Ar- menia — 23 Julius Severus, governor of Bri- tain — 32 Justinian, Eastern general — 53 Juxon, Bishop — 53 Kepler, John 50 Kempis, Thomas a 55 Klopstock, Frederic 52 Knox, John 51 Katherine, Queen — 1613 — 1454 — 1750 — 1564 — 1529 ALPHABETICAL TABLES II. MEN OF EMINENCE N° 56 Keith, Mareschal James 57 Kent, Edward duke of 56 Keppel, Admiral lord 48 Knollys, Sir Robert A.D. — 1751 — 1818 — 1779 — 1360 B.C. 14 Lacydes succeeds Arcesilaiis in the Middle Academy — 241 14 death of — 215 10 Lasus of Hermione, poeta, the instructor of Pindar — 503 13 Laodamus, orat. — 372 7 Lesches of Mytilene, poeta — 657 16 Lycon the peripatetic, birth of 300 16 succeeds Strato in the Lyceum — 270 death of — 226 — 259 15 15 Lycophron, trag. — 14 Lycurgus, orat. the colleague of Demosthenes in an embassy to counteract Philip — presides over the trea- sury — restores the credit of the comic exhibitions and enacts honours for the tragic poets — is among the orators de- li 14 It It 14 14 Lynceus, comic poet 11 Lysias, orat. birth of 12 19 12 12 13 manded by Alexander death of honoured with a statue ■ goes to Thurium — — returns to Athens — withdraws to Megara — returns to Athens on the expulsion of the Thirty — death of — prize 16 Lysimachus, phil. 12 Lysippus gains the comedy 14 Lysippus, sculptor — 20JL;iberius, mimograph, death of 20 Lenseus Grammaticus — 19 C. Licinius Calvus, orat. birth of 20 death of — 18 L. Licinius Crassus, orat. birth of 18 accuses Carbo — 18 quaestor — 18 tribunis plebis — 18 suasit serviliam legem 19 censor — 19 death of — 16 Livius Andronicus began to ex- hibit — 19 Livy, birth of — 19 Lucretius, birth of — 19 death of — 27 Lactantius 56 Lalande, Joseph Jerome 46 Langtoft, Peter 57 La Place, Marquis 46 Lapo, Arnolf di 50 Lascaris, John 51 Las Casas, Bartholomew 51 Latimer, Bishop 56 Lawrence, Sir Thomas 56 Lavoisier, Anthony 54 Le Brun, Charles 55 Le Clerc, John 56 L'Epee, Abbe 53 Le Suer, Eustace 55 Leibnitz, Godfrey William 28 Libanius, 50 Littleton, Sir Thomas 56 Linnaeus, Charles 51 Linacre, Dr. Thomas 52 Lipsius, Justus 26 Longinus 343 337 337 335 323 307 279 458 443 411 404 403 378 241 434 324 43 48 82 46 140 119 111 107 106 92 91 240 59 95 55 A.D- 317 1765 1284 1815 1287 1473 1544 1535 1793 1789 1663 1716 1760 1640 1703 358 1466 1758 1520 1589 261 N° 43 Lombard, Peter — 54 Locke, John — 53 Lorraine, Claude de — 56 Lowth, Bishop — 51 Loyola, Ignatius — 22 Lucan — 24 Lucian — 23 Lucius Apuleius — 39 Luitprand, bishop of Cremona — 46 Lully, Raymond — 51 Luther, Martin — 47 Lyra, Nicholas de — 24JLaetus, Roman general — 57 Lafayette, Marquis — 48 La Grange, Cardinal — 47 La Guette, Gerard — 52 L'Hospital, Chancellor — 47 Lancaster, Thomas earl of — 47 Lancaster, Henry duke of — 48 Lancaster, John of Gaunt, duke of 50 Landais, Peter of Brittany — 31 Lande, French minister — 32 Landri, French minister — 42 Lanfranc, abp. of Canterbury — 45 Langton, Archbishop — 47 Langton, bishop of Lichfield — 53 Laud, Archbishop — 54 Lauderdale, John, duke of — 51 Lautrec, Mareschal — 55 Law, John — 54 Leeds, Thomas duke of — 34 Leger, bishop of Autun — 44 Leicester, Robert earl of — 52 Leicester, Dudley earl of — 53 Lenthal, William — 41 Leofric, duke of Mercia — 41 Leo Tomitius, tyrant in the East 30 Leontius, tyrant in the East — 53 Lerma, Fancis duke of — 52 Lesdeguieres, Constable — 52 Lesley, bishop of Ross — 32 Leudegisille, French general — 34 Leudesile, maire du palais — 51 Leva, Anthony de — 23 Licinius Sura, praetorian prefect 47 Lincoln, De Lacy earl of — 49 L'lsle, Adam, Mareschal de — 29 Litorious, Roman general — 57 Liverpool, Robert earl of — 49 Livingstone, Alexander, regent of Scotland 46 Llewellyn, Prince of Wales 24 Lollius Urbicus, governor Britain 44 Longchamp, bishop of Ely 30 Longinus, Eastern minister 46 Loria, Admiral Roger de 52 Lorraine, Cardinal de 49 Louvet, President 54 Louvois, Letellier de 24 Lucilla, sister to Commodus 22 Lucius Antonius 54 Ludlow, Edmund 53 Luisnes, Charles duke of 22 Lupus, governor of Egypt 54 Luxemburg, Mareschal de 57 Lynedoch, Thomas lord 16 Macho the comic poet and teacher of Aristophanes — 12 Malachi the Prophet — 15 Manetho, hist. — 14 Marysas of Pella, hist, the half brother of Antigonus — 10 Melanippides, poeta, fl. — 12 Melanippides, poeta, grandson of the elder 13 Melanopus, orat. the opponent of Callistratus at the congress of Sparta — A.D. 1141 1689 1637 1777 1533 62 158 147 937 1283 1517 1317 190 1830 1371 1318 1565 1311 1343 1377 1474 502 584 1079 1211 1301 1634 1667 1521 1719 1673 669 1157 1582 1639 1047 1045 481 1610 1595 1577 586 673 1522 101 1309 1429 434 1812 1437 1280 153 1189 488 1281 1559 1423 1683 175 83 1656 1617 72 1676 1843 B.C. 230 436 268 308 520 — 430 of 371 N° B. C. 19 Meleager, the collector of the Anthologia • — 95 13 Meletus, trag. the accuser of Socrates — 399 12 Melissus, phil. the disciple of Parmenides and Heraclitus — 444 12 defends Samos against Pericles — 440 12 settles at Athens — 422 14 Menander, one of the six stand- ards of the New Comedy, birth of — 14 Menandri 'Op7>; — his first prize 15 death of — 12 Menedemus of Eretria, phil. — 16 Menodotus, hist — 12 Meton, begins his cycle of the moon, June 27 — 15 Metrodorus the Epicurean, death of — 19 Metrodorus of Scepsis, phil. fl. 19 death of — 5 Micah the Prophet — 8 Mimnermus of Colophon — 16 Mnesiptolemus, poeta — 17 Moschus — 11 Mylus, comic poet — 20JMelissus of Spoleto, the precep- tor of Ovid, birth of — 20 Munacius Plantus, orat. — 28 Macedonius the Arian — 51 Machiavel, Nicholas — 55 Maclaurun, Colin — 29 Macrobius — 44 Maimonides of Cordova — 30 Malchus of Byzantium — 54 Malebranche, Nicholas — 53 Malherbe, Francis de — 48 Mandeville, Sir John — 50 Mantuanus, Baptista — 51 Manutius, Aldus — 52 Manutius, Paul — 54 Maratti, Carlo — 31 Marcellinus, chronol. — 23 Marcion of Sinope — 46 Marco Polo, navig. — 42 Marianus Scotus — 51 Marot, Clement — 54 Marsham, Sir John — 22 Martial — 28 Martin of Tours — 52 Martyr, Peter — 55 Massillon, John Baptist — 48 Matthew of Westminster — 24 Maximus Tyrius — 51 Melancthon, Philip — 22 Menelaus of Alexandria — 46 Merton, Walter de — 50 Merula, George — 41 Mesue. Arabian phys. — 44 Mesue of Cordova — 53 Meursius, John — 53 Mezerai, Francis de — 57 Middleton, Bishop — 53 Middleton, Sir Hugh — 54 Milton, John — 25 Minucius, Felix — 54 Moliere, John Baptist — 52 Montaigne, Michael de — 49 Monstrelet, Enguerrand de — 55 Montagu, Lady M. W. — 24 Montanus — 55 Montesquieu, Baron de — 55 Montfaucon, Bernard de — 53 Mornay, Philip de — 30 Moses Chorenensis — 56 Mozart, Johann — 50 Muller, John, Regiomontanus — 53 Murillo, Bartolomeo — 332 321 291 447 201 432 277 91 70 755 630 217 554 485 33 25 A.D. 381 1506 1737 403 1166 493 1695 1604 1366 1491 1501 1552 1677 537 134 1295 1073 1524 1661 81 369 1557 1717 1361 151 1541 98 1264 1476 1007 1153 1625 1650 1814 1615 1654 220 1658 1574 1432 1718 173 1741 1720 1607 462 1787 1461 1644 II. ALPHABETICAL TABLES MEN OF EMINENCE N° 55JMacclesfield, Thomas earl of »-« 57 Mackintosh, Sir James — 21 Macro, Roman minister — 51 Magellan, Ferdinand de — 27 Magnentius the tyrant — 39 Mahomed, Saracen general — 54 Maintenon, Madame de — 57 Malcolm, Sir John — 25 Mammea, mother to Severus — 41 Mannasses, George — 56 Mansfield, William earl of — 33 Manuel, governor in Egypt — 30 Marcellitius, Western minister 23 Marcellus, Roman minister — 47 March, Mortimer earl of — 24 Marcia, favourite of Commodus 23 Marcius Turbo, governor in Judea 47 Marigni, Enguerrand de — 55 Marlborough, John duke of — 39 Marozia, mistress to Sergius III. 54 Marvell, Andrew — 55 Masham, Abigail lady — 40 Matilda, mother of Otho — 43 Maud, Empress — 33 Maurice, governor of Rome — 22 Maximus, general in Germany 23 Maximus • — 52 Mayenne, Duke de — 53 Mazarine, Cardinal — 52 Medici, Catherine de 41 Melenda, Gonzales — 52 Melvil, Sir James — 32 Merovaeus, son to Chilperic — 21 Messalina, Empress — 23 Minucius Fundanus, proconsul in Asia — 25 Misitheus, Roman minister — 26 Mnesthius, the Notary — 28 Modestus, Roman minister — 31 Modred, usurper in Britain — 47 Molay, James de — 54 Monmouth, James duke of — 48 Montagu, John de — 45 Montfort, Simon count de — 45 Montfort, earl of Leicester — 42 Montlheri, Hugh de — 45 Montmorency, Constable Mat- thew de — 47 Montmorency, Charles de — 52 Montmorency, Constable de — 53 Montrose, James marquis of — 57 Moore, General Sir John — 47 Moray, Randulph earl of — 52 Moray, James, regent, earl of — 51 More, Sir Thomas — 49 Mortimer, Edward earl of March 50 Morton, Bishop — 52 Morton, James, regent, earl of 42 Mowbray, Robert de — 22 Mucianus, Roman minister — 28 Musonianus, Roman minister — 32 Mummol, French general — 6 Nahum the Prophet — 16 Neanthes of Cyzicum, hist. — 20 Nestor of Tarsus, the preceptor of Marcellus — 17 Nicander of Colophon, poeta — 18 still living — 20 Nicetes, rhetor. — 19 Nicolaus Damascenus, hist. — 20 is in favour with Herod 13 Nicochares the comic poet con- tends with Aristophanes — 13 Nicophon the comic poet con- tends with Aristophanes — 14 Nossis of Locri, poetria epig, — 16JNaevius the poet fl. — 16 — ' death of — A.D. 1718 1809 32 1510 350 905 1694 1810 223 1043 1780 634 463 103 1326 186 118 1305 1704 909 1672 1707 957 1140 641 92 113 1585 1646 1572 1001 1587 571 43 124 239 274 366 537 1310 1681 1385 1208 1244 1092 1214 1349 1557 1641 1808 1314 1568 1525 1412 1479 1573 1087 69 354 575 B.C. 721 241 23 182 138 31 53 16 388 388 356 235 201 N° 53 Napier, John — 37 Neot, St., abbot of Glastonbury 29 Nestorius, of Constantinople — 55 Newton, Sir Isaac > — 57 Niehbuhr, B. G. hist. — 35 Nothelm, abp. of Canterbury — 21JNarcissus, Roman minister — 33 Narses, Eastern general — 56 Nelson, Admiral lord — 50 Nevil, earl of Warwick — 53 Newcastle, William marquis of 55 Newcastle, Thomas duke of — 36 Nicephorus, Eastern minister — 35 Nicetas, Eastern general — 56 North, Frederic lord — 53 Northampton, Howard earl of 48 Northumberland, Henry earl of 52 Northumberland, Dudley duke of 54 Nottingham, Heneage earl of — 24 Numerianus, Roman general — 20 Oct avian library founded — 9 Obadiah the Prophet — 14 Onesicritus, the pilot of Alex- ander's ship — 19JOctacilius Plotus, rhetor. — 19 Orbilius Pupillus, gram, settles at Rome — 47 Occam, William — 39 Odo, abp. of Canterbury — 29 Olympiodorus of Alexandria — 25 Oppian — 43 Ordericus Vitalis — 25 Origen — 56 Orme, Robert — 40 Oswald, abp. of York — 43 Otho Freisingensis — 54 Otway, Thomas — 26JOdenatus, king of Palmyra — 49 Oldcastle, lord Cobham — 53 Olivarez, Gaspar duke of — 55 Onslow, Arthur — 30 Orestes — 54 Orford, Russell earl of — 49 Orleans, Louis duke of — 55 Orleans, Philip, regent duke of 54 Ormond, James duke of — 42 Osmund, bp. of Sarum — 52 Ossat, Cardinal — 52 Ossuna, Duke of — 55 Osterman, Count — 21 Ostorius, Roman general — 53 Oxenstiern, Chancellor — 55 Oxford, Harley earl of — A.D. 1614 850 427 1701 1816 741 44 602 1798 1456 1643 1744 775 745 1770 1608 1386 1551 1663 198 B.C. 33 588 326 81 63 A.D. 1330 941 443 213 1143 231 1771 972 1144 1681 263 1410 1630 1740 474 1693 1403 1716 1662 1078 1592 1600 1732 49 1631 1710 B.C. 18 Panaetius the Stoic accompanies Scipio in his embassy — 11 Panyasis the poet, uncle of Hero- dotus, fl. — 11 put to death — 15 Parian marble terminates — 10 Parmenides, poet and phil. birth of 10 flourished — 11 still living — 13 Parrhasius, pictor. — 19 Parthenius of Nicea. the poet and preceptor of Virgil, is captured in the Mithridatic war — 12 Pherecrates, comic poet — 9 Pherecydes of Syros, phil. birth of 10 > still living — 11 Pherecydes of Athens, hist. — 12 Phidias dedicates his statue of Minerva in the Parthenon — 12 death of — 14 Philemon, one of the six stan- dards of the New Comedy be- gins to exhibit — 143 489 457 264 519 503 455 396 63 420 600 544 480 438 432 330 N° 13 Philyllius, comic poet — 14 Philippides, one of the six stan- dards of the New Comedy — 14 is intimate with Lysi- machus — 15 Philiscus Corcyraeus, trag. — 12 Philistus, hist. — 13 slain by the Syracusans 10 Philo, phil. succeeds Clitomachus in the New Academy, cir. — 11 flourished — 19 comes to Rome — 14 Philochorus, hist. UpoaKoirot at Athens — 14 Philocrates, orat. — 6 Philolaiis of Corinth — 16 Philostephanus of Cyrene, hist. 13 Fhiloxenus, poeta — 13 death of — 10 Phrynichus gains the prize in tragedy — 11 flourished — 11 victor in tragedy — 12 Phrynichus, comic poet, first ex- hibits — 16 Phylarchus, hist. — 10 Pindar, birth of — 11 present at the battle of Salamis — 12 death of — 8 Pisander of Camira, poeta — 7 Pittacus of Mytilene, birth of 9 death of 12 Plato, phil. birth of attends to hear Socrates — withdraws to Megara serves in the battle of Corinth — i visits Sicily death of 12 13 13 13 14 12 Plato the comic poet exhibits — 13 still living — 14 Polemo, phil. succeeds Xeno- crates in the Old Academy — 15 death of — 17 Polemo, periegeta — 17 Polybius at the funeral of Philo- pcemen — 17 ambassador to Egypt 17 iirirapxm — 17 ambassador to the con- sul Marcius at Perrhabia — and Lycortas, advocate the cause of the Ptolemies — with the Achaean exiles returns with the exiles to Greece — is sent for by the consul Manilius — at the fall of Carthage 17 and of Corinth still living 18 - 7 Polymnastus of Colophon, lyric 13 Polyzelus probably of the Old Comedy — 15 Posidippus, one of the six stan- dards of the New Comedy, be- gins to exhibit — 19 Posidonius the stoic, ambassador to Rome from Rhodes — 19 comes to Rome — 11 Praiinas, trag. contends with jEschylus — 13 Praxitiles, sculptor — 12 Prodicus, phil. — 12 Protagoras, phil. flouished — comes to Athens — 14 Protogenes, pictor — 17 Ptolemy of Megalopolis, hist. governs Cyprus — 20 Pylades mimus — ALPHABETICAL TABLES II. MEN OF EMINENCE N° B. C. 14 Pyrrho, phil.the disciple ofAnax- archus — 10 Pythagoras, phil. — 11 death of — 14 Pythocles put to death with Phocion — 9 Pythocritus of Sicyon, victor at the Pythian games — 16JPacuvius,.trag. birth of — 17 flourished — 18 exhibits — 20 Passienus, orat. death of — 17 Plautus, death of — 19 Plotius Gallus, rhetor. — 19 L.Pomponius,Atellanarum scriptor 16 M. Porcius Cato, birth of — 16 quaestor 17 consul — 17 military tribune — 17 ' censor — 17 pleads his own cause — 18 prosecutes Galba — 18 death of — 20 M. Porcius Latro, the preceptor of Ovid, fl. — 20 death of — 20 Propertius flourished — 56 Paley, Dr. William — 52 Palladio, Andrea — 29 Panodorus of Alexandria — 25 Papinianus, jurisprud. — 28 Pappus of Alexandria — 45 Paris, William bishop of — 45 Paris, Matthew — 56 Park, Mungo — 52 Parker, Archbishop — 51 Parmigiano, Francesco — 56 Parr, Dr. Samuel — 54 Pascal, Blaise — 26 Paul of Samostrata — 31 Paul the Silentiary — 29 Paulinus bishop of Nola — 37 Paulinus patriarch of Aquilea 29 Paul us Orosius, hist. — 24 Pausanias — 29 Pelagius — 22 Persius — 53 Petavius, Dionysius — 30 Peter the Fuller — 42 Peter the Hermit — 44 Peter of Blois — 48 Petrarch, Francis — 22 Petronius Arbiter — 49 Peurbacius, George — 21 Phasdrus — 49 Philelphus, Francis — 21 Philo Judaeus — 23 Philo Biblius — 25 Philostratus — 38 Photius of Constantinople — 50 Picus, John of Mirandola — 47 Pilatus, Leontius — 55 Piranesi, John Baptist — 52 Pithou, Peter — 5') Platina, Bartolomeo — 23 Plegon the Trallian — 38 Plegmund, abp. of Canterbury 35 Plegwin, monk of York — 49 Pletho, George Gemistheus — 22 Pliny the elder — 23 Pliny the younger — 26 Plotinus — 23 Plutarch — 53 Pococke, Dr. Edward — 55 Pococke, Dr. Richard — 50 Politian, Angelo — 23 Polycarp, St. — 55 Potter, Archbishop — 23 Polyaenus — 335 539 472 317 574 219 154 140 10 184 88 91 234 204 195 191 184 153 149 149 17 4 20 A.D. 1794 1576 404 201 383 1232 1241 1799 1569 1532 1791 1653 262 544 409 801 416 153 406 57 1638 479 1092 1183 1353 61 1449 4 1429 39 106 210 895 1482 1343 1747 1580 1462 122 890 746 1433 66 103 254 109 1649 1748 1487 131 1733 145 N° 21 Pomponius Mela — 50 Pontanus. John Jovius — 55 Pope, Alexander — 26 Porphyry ■ — ■ 56 Porson, Richard — 53 Poussin, Nicholas — 54 Prideaux, Humphrey — 31 Priscian of Caesarea 29 Proclus of Lycea — 31 Procopius, hist. — 30 Prosper of Aquitaine ■ — • 28 Prudentius — 42 Psellus, Michael — 23 Ptolemy, geog. • — 54 PufFendorf, Samuel — 54 Purcell, Henry — SlJPace, Dr. Richard — 21 Pallas, Roman minister — 23 Palma, governor of Syria — 28 Para, king of Armenia — 39 Paris, Robert count de — 51 Parr, queen Katherine — 55 Patinho, Don Joseph — 29 Paulinus, Western minister — 30 Pelagius, Eastern patrician — 55 Pelham, Henry — 44 Pembroke, Strongbow earl of — 45 Pembroke, Wm. Marshal earl of 45 Pembroke, Richard earl of — 46 Pembroke, Adomar earl of — 48 Pembroke, Hastings earl of — 33 Pepin, maire du palais — 57 Perceval, Spencer — 48 Percy, Henry ' Hotspur ' lord 24 Perennis, Roman minister — 54 Peterborough, Charles earl of 27 Philagrius, governor of Egypt 32 Philippicus, Eastern general — 39 Phocas, Eastern general — 40 Phocas, Eastern general — 22 Piso, favourite of Galba — 57 Picton, General Sir Thomas — 56 Pitt. William . — 25 Philip the younger — 29 Placidia, Empress — 25 Plautianus, Roman minister — 23 Plotina, Empress — 52 Pole, Cardinal — 56 Pombal, Marquis de — 53 Portland, Weston earl of — 54 Portland, William earl of — 26 Posthumius, tyrant of Gaul — 25 Priscus, governor of Syria — 32 Priscus, Eastern general — 46 Procida, John de — 28 Procopius the Tyrant — 29 Pulcheria, Empress — 54 Pulteney, Sir William — 53 Pym, John — 20 Quintilius Cremonensis, poeta 19 Quintius Atta, death of 22 Quintilian 22 Quintus Curtius 26 Quintilius, Roman minister 16 Rhianus, poeta 19 P. Rutilius, hist 37 Rabanus Maurus, abp. of Mentz 51 Rabelais, Francis — 54 Racine, John — 57 Raimbach, Abraham — 52 Ramus, Peter — 51 Raphael d'Urbino — 42 Rascelinus of Compeigne — 55 Reaumaur, Rene Anthony — 38 Reginon, Abbe — 56 Reid, Dr. Thomas — 1 A.D. 45 1468 1731 276 1790 1643 1686 525 410 534 456 392 1063 133 1676 1678 1524 45 102 372 908 1543 1726 435 492 1743 1171 1203 1222 1285 1369 626 1807 1392 181 1697 341 589 916 984 68 1814 1784 246 424 201 108 1553 1755 1632 1696 260 247 594 1282 360 411 1677 1637 B.C. 24 78 A.D. 89 64 269 - 222 - 88 A.D. 847 1527 1684 1828 1562 1511 1089 1710 884 1764 N° 53 Rembrandt, Paul — 57 Rennie, John — 56 Rennel, Major John — 56 Reynolds, Sir Joshua — 40 Rhazes Abubeker — 52 Riccoboni, Anthony — 50 Richmond, Margaret Countess of 48 Robert of Avesbury — 56 Robertson, Dr. William — 53 Rochefoucault, Duke de — 43 Rochester, Ernulph bp. of — 51 Romano, Giulio — 56 Roscoe, William — 58 Ronsard, Peter — 56 Rousseau, Jean Jaques — 53 Rosa, Salvator — 55 Rowe, Nicholas — 53 Rubens, Sir Peter Paul — 29JRadagaisus, gothic ge neral — 35 Rainfroy, maire du palais — 52 Raleigh, Sir Walter — 26 Regillianus, tyrant ol Pannonia 47 Remi, Peter — 53 Retz, Cardinal de — 29 Rhoilas, Scythian general — 53 Richelieu, Cardinal — 49 Richemont, Constable — 30 Ricimer, Western minister — 47 Rienzi, Nicholas — 55 Ripperda, Duke de — 45 Rivaulx, Peter de — 45 Roches, Peter bp. of Winchester 56 Rockingham, Charles marq. of 44 Roderick, king of Connaught 42 Roderigo, ' The Cid ' — 56 Rodney, Admiral lord — 53 Rohan, Henry duke de — 57 Romilly, Sir Samuel — 36 Rotgaut, general in Italy — 28 Ruffinus, Western minister — 31 Ruffinus, Eastern minister — 54 Russell, William lord — 54 Ruyter, Admiral de — 9 Sacados of Argos 16 Samius the poet begins to be dis- tinguished — 8 Sappho — 12 Sannyrio, comic poet — 17 Satyrus peripat. — 19 Scymnus of Chios, poeta — 16 Silenus hist. — 7 Simonides of Amorgus — 9 Simonides of Cos, poeta — 10 at Athens — B.C. 1639 1818 1800 1769 959 1579 1485 1356 1759 1645 1115 1525 1795 1558 1762 1646 1715 1622 401 714 1590 261 1321 1647 422 1626 1426 461 1347 1724 1230 1218 1765 1170 1074 - 1782 — 1623 — 1806 — 774 — 393 — 517 — 1679 — 1658 B.C. — 586 218 611 407 160 90 201 693 556 525 gains the prize av&pSv xopS 476 11 - 1 1 death of 13 Simylus, comic poet, fl. 11 Socrates, birth of — hears Parmenides — 12 taught by Archelaus — 13 death of — 9 Solon legislat. — 15 Sopator of Paphos of the New Comedy exhibits — 11 Sophocles, birth of 11 - 12 - first tragic victory — exhibits tragedy with Achaeus and Euripides — employed as a general in the Sarnian war exhibits tragedy with Euripides and Euphorion death of 12 13 Sophocles, the grandson of the elder, first exhibits tragedy — 15 Sosibius of Laconia, gram. — 20 Sosigines of Alexandria, math. 16 Sosilus, hist. — 15 Sosiphanes, trag. — 467 353 468 454 450 399 594 283 495 468 447 440 431 405 396 251 45 201 278 II. ALPHABETICAL TABLES MEN OF EMINENCE N° B.C. N° A. D. N° A. D. 15 Sositheus, trag. — 278 23 Suetonius — Ill 31 Symmachus, Roman prefect 513 15 Sotades, poeta — 280 42 Suidas, lexicograph. — 1087 28 Syrianus, general in Egypt — 356 16 Sotion of Alexandria, critic — 205 29 Sulpicius Severus, hist. — 401 B.C 14 Speusippus, phil. succeeds Plato 51 Surrey. Henry earl of — 1537 in the old academy — 347 55 Swift, Dr. Jonathan — 1722 10 Telesilla of Argos, poetria 510 14 death of — 339 29 Synesius, bp. of Ptolemais — 411 12 Telestes, poeta, gains a dithy- 14 Stephanus of the Middle Co- 51JSt. Andre, Mareschal de — 1548 rambic prize — 401 medy, son of Antiphanes — 332 50 St. Pol, Constable de — 1466 7 Terpander lyric 676 8 Stesichorus, lyric, birth of — 632 56 St. Vincent, Admiral earl — 1796 8 Thales of Miletus, phil. birth of 639 9 death of — 553 31 Sabianus, Eastern general — 506 9 still living — 546 20 Strabo, aet. 30 — 24 23 Sabina, Empress — 117 7 Thaletas lyric 690 15 Strato peripat. succeeds Theo- 25 Sabinus, Roman minister — 256 15 Theocritus 272 phrastus at the Lyceum — 287 51 Sadler, Sir Ralph — 1545 13 Theodectes of Phaselis, trag. — 352 15 death of — 270 33 Sain, Persian general — 623 14 death of — 333 12 Strattis, comic poet — 407 44 Saladin, Sultan of Egypt — 1165 20 Theodorus of Gadara, gram. — 6 19 Sulla acquires the library of 48 Salisbury, John de Montacute 10 Theognis of Megara. poeta — 544 Apellicon — 84 earl of — 1393 20 Theophanes of Lesbos, the lis- 19JSallust, birth of - 86 49 Salisbury, Thomas earl of — 1414 torian in the service of Pompey 49 20 tribune — 52 53 Salisbury, Cecil earl of — 1605 14 Theophrastus succeeds Aristotle 20 expelled the senate — 50 43 Salisbury, Roger bp. of — 1114 in the Lyceum — 322 20 praetor, accompanies 28 Sallust, minister to Julian — 361 14 Theopompus, hist, still living 305 Caesar in the African war — 46 54 Sancroft, Archbishop — 1687 10 Thespis first exhibits traged; r 535 20 death of — 34 54 Sandwich, Edward earl of — 1666 13 Thrasybulus Cottyensis, orat. _ 372 18 Sempronius Asellio the historian 33 Sarbarus, Persian general — 621 11 Thucydides, birth of 471 serves at Numantia — 134 33 Saturninus, tyrant of Kgypt — 262 12 in command at Amphi- 19 Sisenna, hist. — 87 57 Saumarez, Admiral lord — 1827 polis 424 17 Sulpicius Gallus, astron. sent on 53 Saxe Weimar, William duke of 1633 12 in exile, partly in Thrace 423 a mission to Eumenes — 164 55 Saxe, Mareschal count — 1745 12 returns from exile and A.D. 24 Scapula, proconsul of Africa — 54 Schomberg, Mareschal duke of 199 1682 is still employed upon history his 403 23 Salvius Julianus 130 48 Scrope, Richard, lord chancellor 1378 19 Timagenes the sophist — 55 53 Sarpi, Father Paul — 1602 45 Segrave, Stephen — 1234 15 Timaeus, hist. — 265 50 Savonarola, Jerome — 1481 47 Segrave, Sir Nicholas — 1303 15 Timocharis, astron. — 281 45 Saxo Grammaticus — 1201 21 Sejanus, Roman minister — 22 14 Timocles of the New Comedy 51 Scaliger, Julius — 1534 43 Senlis, Chancellor de — 1121 exhibits — 324 52 Scaliger, Joseph — 1581 27 Severus, Caesar under Chlorus 305 11 Timocreon of Rhodes, lyric 471 56 Schiller, Frederic — 1792 28 Severus, Roman general — 371 15 Timon Phliasis, critic — 279 49 Schceffer, Peter — 1442 25 Severianus. governor of Mysia 244 15 Timosthenes of Rhodes, geog. 262 57 Scott, Sir Walter — 1813 51 Seymour, Queen Jane — 1536 12 Timotheus, poeta, birth of — 446 38 Scotus, John, ' Erigena* — 861 54 Seymour, Sir Edward — 1688 13 flourished — 398 33 Secundus, hist, of Lombardy — 603 54 Shaftesbury, Anthony earl of — 1670 13 death of — 357 53 Selden, John — 1634 34 Shahpoor, governor of Armenia 664 19 Tyrannio the grammarian taken 22 Seneca — 52 56 Sheridan, Richard Brinsley — 1787 at Amisus — 71 52 Servetus, Michael — 1554 49 Shrewsbury, John first earl of 1436 20 Tyrannio the younger — 31 54 Sevi?ne, Madame de — 1651 54 Shrewsbury, Charles duke of — 1695 7 Tyrtaeus — 683 29 Servius, comment, on Virgil — 410 30 Siagrius, Roman governor — 478 17JTerence, birth of — 195 52 Shakspeare, William — 1595 54 Sidney, Algernon — 1680 17 death of — 159 55 Sherlock, Bishop — 1735 38 Sigebert the Norman — 882 20 Tibullus is with Messalla in the 56 Siddons, Sarah — 1784 53 Sillery, Chancellor Brulart de — 1607 war with Aquitaine — 27 52 Sidney, Sir Philip — 1585 41 Siward, Earl of Northumberland 1044 20 death of — 18 30 Sidomus Apollinaris — 469 55 Slingelandt, Pensionary — 1623 18 Turpilius, comicus, death of — 103 42 Sigebert of Brabant — 1094 51 Smith, Sir Thomas — 1550 20 M. Tullius Tiro — 5 52 Sigonius, Charles — 1570 31 Solomon, Eastern general — 538 A. D. 22 Silius Italicus — 74 54 Somers, John lord — 1691 44 Simeon of Durham — 1165 50 Somerset, Edmund duke of — 1464 22 Tacitus — 94 33 Simocatta, Theophylactus — 612 51 Somerset, Edward duke of — 1547 27 Taliessin, the Welsh Bard — 335 31 Simplicius of Cilicia — 546 53 Somerset, Carr earl of — 1612 52 Tasso, Torquato — 1583 57 Sismondi, J. C. L. — 1821 53 Spinola, marquis de ' — 1616 24 Tatian — 171 51 Sleidan, John — 1539 50 Stafford, duke of Buckingham 1478 35 Tatwine, abp. of Canterbury — 733 55 Sloane, Sir Hans — 1708 54 Stair, James Viscount — 1678 54 Taylor, Bishop Jeremy — 1664 56 Smeaton, John — 1761 54 Stair, John earl of — 1698 24 Tertullian — 196 56 Smith, Adam — 1775 55 Stair, John earl of — 1727 46 Thebit, Arabian astron. — 1296 45 Snorro Sturleston — 1231 55 Stanhope, James earl — 1706 28 Themistheus Euphrades — 362 29 Socrates the Scholastic — 419 50 Stanley, Thomas lord — 1485 29 Theodoret, bp. of Cyrus — 437 22 Solinus — 86 47 Stapleton, bp. of Exeter — 1324 24 Theodotion the Interpreter — 183 46 Sorbonne, Robert de — 1263 37 Stauracius, Eastern minister — 804 23 Theon of Smyrna — 117 55 South, Dr. Robert — 1705 24 Statius Priscus, Roman general 165 28 Theon of Alexandria — 385 55 Southerne, Thomas — 1732 35 Stephen, Eastern general — 730 24 Theophilus, bp. of Antioch — 170 57 Southey, Robert — 1822 28 Stilicho, Western general — 396 46 Thomas d' Aquinas, St. — 1254 29 Sozomen of Salamis — 439 53 Strafford, Thomas earl of — 1635 55 Thomson, James — 1738 53 Spelman, Sir Henry — 1623 57 Stowell, William lord — 1824 52 Thou, President de — 1598 52 Spenser, Edmund — 1584 22 Suetonius Paulinus, governor of 54 Tillemont, Louis — 1694 57 Stael, Madame de — 1804 Britain — 62 54 Tillotson, Archbishop — 1691 22 Statius — 91 48 Suffolk, Michael de la Pole 30 Timotheus Gazaeus — 495 55 Steele, Sir Richard — 1712 earl of — 1384 52 Tintoretto Giacomo — 1565 51 Stephens, Robert — 1540 49 Suffolk, William earl of — 1442 50 Tiphernas, Gregory — 1474 52 Stephens, Henry — 1571 43 Suger, Abbe — 1138 50 Tiptoft, earl of Worcester — 1467 57 Stewart, Dugald — 1809 52 Sully, Duke de — 1593 51 Titiano Vecelli — 1542 54 Stillingfleet, bishop — 1690 54 Sunderland, Robert earl of — 1686 56 Tooke, John Home — 1782 29 Stobceus, John — 405 37 Swithun. bp of Winchester — 836 26 Trebellius Pollio — 298 44 Sueno Agonis — 1186 28 Symmachus, governor of Rome 386 49 Trebisond, George 1431 ALPHABETICAL TABLES II. MEN OF EMINENCE N° A.D. 31 Tribonianus, juriscons. — 529 51 Trissino, John George — 1529 46 Trivet, Nicholas — 1298 44 Tzetzes, John — 1159 37JTaherus, Saracen general — 810 55 Talbot, Lord Chancellor — 1733 55 Tallard, Mareschal — 1705 57 Talleyrand, Prince — 1804 49 Tamerlane — 1402 36 Teleric, king of Bulgaria — 777 47 Tell, William — 1308 54 Temple, Sir William — 1671 57 Tenterden, Charles lord — 1819 26 Tetricus, tyrant in Gaul — 273 31 Theodora, Empress — 534 39 Theodora, Roman courtezan — 907 33 Theodorus, Eastern minister — 619 37 Theodosius, Eastern minister — 813 28 Theodosius, Roman general — 373 34 Theodosius, brother to Constan- tius — 654 42 Theodosius, son to Monomachus 1056 40 Theophania, Empress — 972 37 Theophobus, Eastern minister 834 37 Thomas the Slave — 820 42 Thoulouse, Raymond IV. count 1097 45 Thoulouse, Raymond VI. — 1207 45 Thoulouse, Raymond VII. — 1224 22 Thrasea Partus — 58 35 Thrasemond, Papal general — 740 54 Thurloe, John — 1655 56 Thurlow, Edward lord — 1785 34 Tiberius, Eastern minister — 667 35 Tiberius, tyrant of Sicily — 718 22 Tigellinus, Roman minister — 64 24 Titianus, prefect of Gaul — 345 55 Torcy, Colbert marquis de — 1713 55 Torrington, Admiral lord — 1708 51 Tournon, Cardinal — 1541 55 Townshend, Charles viscount — 1722 56 Townshend, Charles — 1761 56 Townshend, George viscount — 1769 49 Tremouille, George de la — 1433 50 Tremouille, Louis de la — 1488 51 Trivulce, Mareschal — 1511 47 Trussel, Sir William — 1327 54 Turenne. Mareschal — 1657 46 Turgel, regent of Sweden — 1283 56 Turgot, Robert Jacques — 1777 39 Turketul, Chancellor — 941 53 Usher, Archbishop — 41JUlnoth, thane of Sussex — 25 Ulpian, Roman lawyer — 24 Ulpius Marcellus, governor of Britain — 41 Uthred earl of Northumberland 30 Uvinomadus, French minister — 18 Valerius Antias, Roman hist. — 18 M. T. Varro, birth of — 19 serves under Pompey against the Pirates — 20 — lieutenant in Spain — 20 — - — proscribed — 20 death of — 19 P. T. Varro Atacinus, poeta — 19 Valerius Cato, gram. — 19 Virgil, birth of — 19 assumes the toga virilis 20 employed upon the Eneid 20 recit. ' Tu Marcellus eris ' 20 death of — 20 Vitruvius, arch. — 21 Valerius Maximus 22 Valerius Flaccus 49 Valla, Laurentius 1631 1009 222 183 1014 462 B.C. 111 116 67 49 43 28 82 81 70 55 24 22 19 — 27 A.D. — 23 — 84 — 1436 N° 54 Vaillant, John — 53 Vandyke, Sir Anthony — 53 Vega, Lopez de la — 53 Velasquez, Diego — 21 Velleius Paterculus — 52 Veronese, Paul — 51 Vergil, Polydore — 30 Victorius of Aquitaine — 51 Vida, Hieronymus — 57 Vincent, Dr. William — 56 Voltaire, Francis A. — 46 Voragine, Jacobus de — 53 Vossius, Gerard John 27JValens the Caesar — 25 Valerius Maximus, general in Illyria — 47 Valois, Charles de — 53 Vane, Sir Henry — 54 Van Tromp, Admiral M. — 54 Van Tromp, Admiral C. — 54 Vauban, Mareschal de — 46 Vendome, Matthew de — 56 Vergennes, Count de — 39 Vermandois, Herbert count de 42 Vermandois, Hugh count de — 50 Vespucius, Americus — 48 Vienne, John de — 45 Vignes, Peter de — 49 Vignoles, La Hire — 55 Villars, Mareschal — 46 Villebon, Peter de — 53 Villeroy, Secretary — 25 Vitalianus, Roman minister — 31 Vitalianus, Gothic general — 29 Vitus, Roman general — 34 Vulfoald, maire du palais — A.D. 1665 1633 1611 1632 15 1573 1514 463 1531 1805 1751 1285 1626 311 233 1315 1645 1652 1664 1685 1276 1774 929 1096 1499 1374 1235 1439 1709 1252 1603 235 512 442 677 54 Waller, Edmund — 1656 45 Walter of Coventry — 1213 54 Walton, Bishop Brian — 1659 56 Warburton, Bishop — 1756 55 Waterland, Dr. Daniel — 1728 56 Watt, James — 1773 57 Weber, Carl von — 1817 38 Werferth, bp. of Worcester — 873 43 Wernerus, German civilian — 1150 55 Wesley, John — 1740 57 Wesley, Samuel — 1826 49 Wesselus, John of Gronigen — 1444 57 White, Henry Kirke — 1803 55 Whitefield, George — 1739 34 Wilbrod, bp. of Utrecht — 696 48 Wiclif, John — 1369 57 Wilkie, Sir David — 1827 36 Willehad, bp. of Bremen — 787 42 William of Spires — 1081 43 William of Malmsbury — 1140 44 William of Newburgh — 1195 49 William of Waynflete — 1447 36 Willibald, bp. of Eichstadt — 753 49 Wintoun, Andrew — 1430 35 Withred, presbyter — 747 57 Wollaston, William H. — 1809 54 Wren, Sir Christopher — 1670 41 Wulfstan, abp. of York — 1003 42 Wulstan, bp. of Worcester — 1068 51 Wyat, Sir Thomas — 1532 54JWalker, Rev. George — 1689 46 Wallace, Sir William — 1298 53 Wallestein, Albert count — 1627 55 Walpole, Sir Robert — 1721 52 Walsingham, Sir Francis — 1581 36 Walter of Alsace — 765 42 Waltheof, earl of Northumberland 1069 51 Warham, Archbishop — 1515 49 Warwick, Beauchamp earl of — 1435 56 Weimar, Anne duchess of — 1756 57 Wellesley, Richard Marquis — 1821 57 Wellington, Arthur duke of — 1815 49 Westmoreland, Nevil earl of — 1405 N° 57 Whitbread, Samuel — 54 Whitelock, Bulstrode — 52 Whitgift, Archhishop — 57 Whitworth, Charles Earl — 56 Wilberfoice, William — 43 William of Ypres — 45 William of Provence — 53 Williams, abp. of York — 55 Wilmington, Spencer earl of — 48 Wiltshire, Scrope earl of — 43 Winchester, Henry bp. of — 56 Windham, William — 53 Winwood, Sir Ralph — 36 Witikind, Saxon general — 56 Wolfe, General James — 51 Wolsey, Cardinal — 53 Wotton, Sir Henry — 37 Wulfhere, general to Egbert — 50 Wydvile, earl Rivers — 48 Wykeham, William of — 11 Xanthus of Lydia, hist — 13 Xenarchus, minograph. at the court of Dionysius — 1 2 Xenocles exhibits tragedy against Euripides — 12 still living — 13 Xenocrates, phil. birth of — — succeeds Speusippus in the Old Academy death of 14 10 Xenophanes, phil. birth of — 10 flourished — 11 an exile in Sicily — 12 Xenophon at the battle of Delium 12 goes with Cyrus into Asia 12 withdraws to Scillus — 13 flourished — 13 death of — 51 Ximenes, Cardinal 55 Young, Dr. Edward 57 Young, Dr. Thomas 45JYoland, Empress 52 York, Richard duke of 56 York, Edward duke of 57 York, Frederic duke of 7 Zaleucus of Locrus — 13 Zechariah the Prophet — 11 Zeno of Elea, the inventor of logic 11 still living — 15 Zeno of Cittium, phil. — 15 directs the stoic school 15 death of, according to Eusebius — — according to Laertius 15 - 16 Zeno of Tarsus, the stoic, suc- ceeds Chrysippus — 17 Zeno the Rhodian, hist. — 19 Zeno the Epicurean, taught at Athens — 15 Zenodotus of Ephesus, critic — 8 Zephaniah the Prophet — 13 Zeuxis, pictor. — 14 Zoilus the critic flourished — 29 Zosimus, hist. — 51 Zuinglius, Ulric — 26JZenobia, queen of Palmyra — 45 Zingis Khan — 55 Zinzendorff, Chancellor — 39 Zoe, Empress — 38 Zuendebold, duke of Moravia — A.D 1803 1659 1583 1813 1793 1137 1236 1625 1729 1394 1143 1792 1614 781 1758 1519 1624 826 1468 1388 B.C. 463 393 415 406 396 339 315 527 538 477 424 401 394 374 359 A.D. 1505 1742 1807 1217 1452 1767 1820 B.C. 660 519 464 435 299 278 263 259 207 198 79 271 639 397 331 A.D. 427 1518 268 1225 1731 911 889 III. ALPHABETICAL TABLES HISTORICAL EVENTS N° 7 Abdera founded by the Clazomenians — 6 Abydos in Asia Minor planted by the Milesians — 7 Acanthus in Macedonia founded — 15 Achaean League, commencement of — 17 send embassies to Rome and Egypt while Philopcemen is in office — exiles return to Greece — 17 18 war — 17 Acilius defeats Antiochus at Thermopylae — 17 besieges Amphissa — 7 Acrae in Etolia founded — 6 Actaeon slain by the Bacchiadae — 20 Actium, battle of, — Flight of Antony and Cleopatra — 1 1 iEaces restored by the Persians to the tyranny of Samos 12 ^Egospotami, battle of, — Defeat of Conon by Lysander 17 Africa for the most part submits to the consul Scipio — 3 Agamemnon, accession of — 14 Agathocles lands in Africa at the time of a solar eclipse 14 leaves Africa — 15 takes Crotona — 15 death of — B.C. 654 715 654 280 187 151 147 191 190 664 734 31 494 405 147 1200 310 307 299 289 13 Agesilaus II. passes from Aulis to Ephesus, — his first campaign in Asia — 396 second campaign.— He gains a victory near Sardis recalled from Asia — takes the Piraeus of Corinth — makes an expedition into Acarnania — marches into Bceotia — in Bceotia, second campaign — in Bceotia, third campaign, Cleombrotus takes the command — passes into Arcadia — death of, on his return from Egypt to Sparta 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 Agesipolis I. makes an expedition into Argolis 14 Agis III. king of Sparta slain by Antipater 16 Agis IV. king of Sparta put to death — 12 Agnon leads a colony to Amphipolis — 9 Agrigentum founded, according to Thucydides — 12 captured by Dionysius — 12 ■ taken by the Carthaginians — 15 surrender of, to the consuls Metellus and Vitulus 16 delivered to the consul Laevinus — 20 Agrippa crosses the Rhine — 20 now aedile, restores the public edifices of Rome 13 Agyrrhius is sent as successor to Thrasybulus at As- pendus — 9 Alalia in Corsica, founded by the Phocceans — 12 Alcibiades effects a treaty between the Athenians and the Argives — 12 sails with the Athenian fleet to Sicily — 12 recalled from Sicily — 12 passes over to Asia — 12 ■ takes Selymbria and Byzantium — 12 returns to Athens — 12 deposed — 12 death of — 3 Aletes obtains Corinth — 13 Alexander the Great, birth of Asia engages the Triballi and the Illyrians — passes the Hellespont. — His first campaign in 395 394 392 391 378 377 376 370 362 390 331 241 437 582 407 406 262 210 37 33 389 564 420 415 415 412 408 407 407 404 1074 356 335 334 14 founds Alexandria in Egypt — 332 14 marches to the oracle of Ammon — 332 14 takes Babylon, Susa, and Persepolis — 331 14 reduces the regions round the Caspian — 330 14 passes the Oxus — 329 14 founds Alexandria on the Tana'is — 329 14 passes the Tana'is, and engages the Scythians 329 14 reaches the mouth of the Indus — 325 14 and Nearchus meet at Susiana — 324 14 enters Babylon in the spring — 323 14 death of, at Babylon — 323 14 other leading events of the 11 campaigns 334 — 324 Arbeba, &c. are enumerated throughout the alphabetical arrangement 20 Alexandrine war — 48 17 Ambracia besieged by the consul Fulvius, who grants peace to the Jfetolians — 6 Aminocles of Corinth first commands the Athenian navy 9 Amisus in Pontus founded by the Phocaeans 189 704 563 N° 14 Amphictyonic congress at Corinth — 12 Amphipolis taken by Brasidas from Thucydides — 11 Anaxilaiis of Rhegium, death of — 12 Andocides the oraior commands a fleet ■ — 18 Andriscus the Pseudo-Philippus usurps the throne of Macedon — 12 Andros, siege of, by Alcibiades — 17 Anicius ends the Illyrian war in thirty days — 13 Antalcidas releases Nicholocus, who is blocked up at Abydos by Iphicrates and Diotimus — 11 Antigonus and Eumenes at war in Upper Asia — 14 ■ a second time at war — 14 Antigonus, Lysimachus, Seleucus, and Ptolemy assume the title of kings — 14 opposes Lysimachus in Cappadocia, — Seleucus approaches from Upper Asia — 17 Antiochus Magnus defeats Scopas at Panium, and con- quers Ccelosyria — 17 passes into Greece — 17 enters Acarnania — 17 defeated at sea, retires to Phrygia — 17 Antiochus Epiphanes takes Jerusalem — 18 Antiochus Sidetes defeated and killed by Phraates king of Parthia — 18 Antiochus Cyzicenus defeats Grypus, and obtains Syria 19 defeated by Seleucus near Antioch — 14 Antipater, death of — 12 Antipho frames the Constitution of Four Hundred — 20 Antony proceeds to Cisalpine Gaul • — 20 and Lepidus, junction of — 20 in repose at Athens — 20 invades Armenia, and takes Artabazus prisoner 20 in Egypt — 20 and Octavianus, rupture between — 8 Apollonia on the Euxine founded — 19 Appius Claudius demands the delivery of Mithridates from Tigranes to Lucullus — 9 Apries king of Egypt dethroned by Nebuchadnezzar — 18 Aquillius the consul commands in Sicily — 19 ends the Servile war in Sicily — 15 Aratus delivers Sicyon — 16 delivers Corinth — 14 Arbela, battle of, gained by Alexander, — Flight of Darius 13 Arcadia and Elis, war between — 13 Arcadians and Pisaeans preside at the Olympic games 3 Areas, the sons of, from whom the Arcadian dynasty — 13 Archidamus gains 'the Tearless battle' over the Ar- cadians — 13 invades Arcadia — 14 slain in Italy — 16 Archimedes, death of — 12 Arginussae, sea-fight off — 12 Argos, revolution at — 3 Argonautic expedition to Colchis — 17 Ariarthes king of Cappadocia seeks protection at Rome 15 Ariminum and Beneventum, colonies established at ■ — 11 Aristagoras solicits aid from Sparta and from Athens — 1 1 Aristides, Ostracism of — 1 1 death of — 18 Aristonicus captured by the consul Perperna — 16 Arsaces founds the Parthian monarchy — 11 Artemisium, naval actions near — 15 Asculum, battle of — 6 Astacus in Bithynia founded by the Megarians — 11 Athenian ascendancy or empire, commencement of • — 12 colony to Thurium conducted by Lampon — 12 army in Sicily, flight of — 13 expedition into Eubcea against the Thebans — 12 Athenians move from Lampsacus — 11 Athens at war with iEgina — 11 long walls of, rebuilt and the Piraeus restored 12 revolution at — 12 surrenders to Lysander — 13 and Arcadia, alliance between — 15 taken by Antigonus Gonatus — 19 • stormed by Sulla — 17 Atilius the praetor is sent into Greece — 3 Atreus succeeds Eurystheus at Mycenae and Tiryus — 17 Attalus comes to Athens — 12 Attica, first invasion of, in the Peloponnesian war — 12 second invasion — ALPHABETICAL TABLES III. HISTORICAL EVENTS N° 12 Attica,- 12 12 12 -third invasion fourth invasion fifth invasion sixth invasion 19 Augustus, birth of — 20 accepts the empire for ten years — 20 accepts the empire, a second time, for ten years 20 accepts the empire, a third time, for ten years 18 Aurelius remains as proconsul in Sardinia — 18 Auius, defeated by Jugurtha, concludes a peace — B.C. 428 427 425 413 63 27 18 8 125 109 A. D. 35 Abderahman the Emir in Spain gains several victories in France — 35 defeated and slain by Charles Martel between Poitiers and Tours — 44 Acre, siege of, by the Crusaders — 55 Act of Settlement by king William III. — 26 iEmilianus defeated by Valerian at Spoleto — 30 jEtius the patrician murdered by Valentinian III. — 33 Africa, first invasion of, by Abdallah — 34 conquest of, by Akbah and Yezid — 35 ■ finally conquered by the Saracens — 54 Aghrim, battle of, — gained by general Ginkle — 22 Agricola sent into Britain by the emperor Vespasian — 22 defeats the Caledonians — 21 Agrippina lands at Brundusium with the ashes of Ger- manicus — 21 banished with the sons of Germanicus — 55 Ahmed III. sultan, deposed — 51 Aignadel, battle of, — gained by the League over the Venetians — 54 Aix-la-Chapelle, peace of, between France and Spain 55 peace of, — the sovereignty of Maria Theresa consolidated — 33 Aiznaden, battle of, — defeat of the emperor Heraclius 28 Alaric marches into Greece, Athens capitulates — 28 attacked by Stilicho, escapes to Epirus — 28 proclaimed king of the Visigoths — 29 king of the Visigoths, overruns Europe — 29 enters Italy by the Frioul — 39 Alberic, son of Marozia, revolts against Hugh king of Italy — 32 Alboin king of Lombardy murdered by Bosamond his queen — 52 Alcazar, battle of,— Don Sebastian slain by the Moors 33 Aleppo and Antioch taken by the Saracens — 33 Alexandria taken by the Persians — 33 taken and the library burnt by the Saracen Amrou — 44 ■ siege of, raised — 57 battle of, — death of Sir Balph Abercrombie — 36 Alfonso II. king of Oviedo defeats the Saracens at Lodos — 38 Alfonso III. king of Oviedo defeats the Saracens under Mahomed on the Ana — 42 Alfonso VI. king of Leon takes Toledo from the Saracens 44 Alfonso IX. king of Castile defeated by Yacub ben Yussef on the plain of Alarcos 46 Alfonso X. king of Castile composes his astronomical tables about this time 38 Alfred, king, establishes a fleet, and defeats Guthrum the Dane — 38 retreats to the isle of Athelney — 38 repulses Hastings at Exeter — 57 Algiers bombarded by Sir Edward Pellew — 28 Allemanni invade Gaul, but are defeated near Chalons by Jovinus, general to Valentinian — 28 defeated by the emperor Gratian near Colmar 57 Allied sovereigns — Russia, Austria, and Prussia — at the court of London — 37 Almagest of Ptolemy translated into Arabic — 31 Amalasunta strangled by order of Theodatus — 55 Almanza, battle of. — lost by the earl of Galway — 40 Almanzor the Saracen takes Leon by storm, and ravages Gallicia — 52 Alva, duke of, recalled from his sanguinary govern- ment in the Netherlands — 43 Amalfi surrenders to the Normans — 52 Amboise, conspiracy of, — Coligny and Conde against the duke of Guise — 731 732 1189 1701 253 454 647 689 709 1691 78 84 20 30 1730 1509 1668 1748 633 396 397 398 401 402 932 573 1578 638 615 640 1175 1801 794 881 1084 — 1195 — 1253 877 878 894 1816 365 378 1814 827 535 1707 990 1573 1131 1560 N° A. D. 52 Amboise, edict of,— end of the first religious war in France — 1563 56 American Taxation proposed in parliament — 1764 56 Stamp act receives the royal assent — 1765 56 Stamp act repealed — 1766 56 Congress meets the first time — 1774 56 Independence declared — 1776 56 Embassy, — Mr. Adams the first received — 1785 57 Amiens, peace of — 1802 37 Amorian war between the emperor Theophilus and the Caliph Motasim — 838 46 Anatolia conquered by the Moguls — 1272 38 Andernach, battle of, — Charles the Bald defeated by Louis of Saxony — 876 47 Andrew of Hungary assassinated at the instance of Joan queen of Naples — 1345 49 Anjora, battle of, — Bajazet defeated by Tamerlane — 1402 30 Anthemius the emperor massacred by Ricimer — 472 28 Antioch, sedition of, against Theodosius — 387 42 besieged and taken by the Crusaders — 1098 23 Antoninus Pius defeats the Moors, the Germans, and the Dacians — 24 ■ issues a rescript to the proconsul of Asia in favour of the Christians — 41 Apulia conquered by the Normans from the Greeks — 31 Aquitaine conquered by the Franks — 53 Arabella Stuart, Lady, death of — 23 Arabia Petraea, conquest of, by Cornelius Palma — 33 Arabia, conquest of, by the Mahometans — 35 Arabian Caliphat in the zenith of its empire seat of, removed by Almansor from Damascus to Bagdad - — revolt of the Taherites revolt of the Edrisites — revolt of the Toulonides — revolt of the Soffarides — revolt of the Samanides — revolt of the Hamadanites — revolt of the Bowides — revolt of the Ikshidites — Fallen State of, under the control of the Emirs al Omra — — terminated by the fall of Bagdad — in Spain, revolt from, and elevation of Abde- 145 152 1043 508 1615 105 632 718 757 813 829 868 872 874 892 933 934 934 1258 991 331 — 1260 36 87 37 38 n m 88 88 88 39 4(5 36 rahman ■ — 755 40 Arabian figures in arithmetic supposed to be introduced into Europe about — 27 Araric king of the Goths passes the Danube — 46 Arbia, battle of, — the Ghibellines enter Florence and take the oath to Manfred 28 Arbogastes assassinates Valentinian II.— Usurpation of Eugenius — 392 28 and Eugenius defeated by Theodosius the Great 394 54 Argyll, marquis of, beheaded — 1661 28 Arianism, fall of, in Constantinople — 380 38 Arnulph crowned emperor of the West by Pope For- mosus — 896 52 Arques, battle of, — gained by Henry IV. of France — 1589 52 Arran, earl of, resigns the regency of Scotland to Mary of Guise — 1552 49 Arras, treaty of,— Burgundy exempted from feudal homage — 1435 50 treaty of, between Louis XL and the archduke Maximilian — 1482 45 Arthur, Prince, nephew of king John, murdered at Rouen — 1203 51 Arthur prince of Wales, death of — 1502 28 Athanaric general of Hermanric, conducts the Gothic war 366 28 death of, at Constantinople . — 381 42 Ascalon, battle of, — defeat of the sultan of Egypt by Godfrey of Bouillon ' — 1099 42 Asia Minor finally conquered by the Turks — 1084 57 Assassinations at Paris by Kieschi — 1835 57 Assye, battle of, — the Mahrattas defeated by major- general Wellesley — 1803 29 Athaulfus makes peace with the Romans, and marches into Gaul — 412 29 assassinated at Barcelona, — the Goths conquer and restore Spain — 415 24 Atilius Titianus put to death for conspiring to obtain the empire — 156 III. ALPHABETICAL TABLES HISTORICAL EVENTS N° A.D. 55 Atterbury, bishop, banished England — 1723 29 Attila, son of Mundzuk, succeeds Rugulas, with Bleda his brother — 29 enters into treaty with the Eastern empire — 29 ravages all Germany and France — 30 besieges Orleans — 30 invades Italy — 30 grants peace to the Romans — 30 death of, in Dacia, — Division of his empire — 21 Augustus accepts the empire, a fourth time, for ten years 21 accepts the empire, a fifth time, for ten years 40 Augsburg, battle of, — by Otho I. over the Hungarians 51 diet of, — Disputation of the Protestant and Catholic advocates — 48 Auray, battle of, — Charles de Blois killed — 26 Aurelian receives the surrender of the Gothic army on the Danube — 270 26 — — assassinated on his march between Byzantium and Heraclea 46 Austrian dynasty commences — 32 Avari expelled from Thrace by the Roman general Priscus — 41 Aversa in Naples founded by the Normans — 24 Avidius Cassius, — revolt of — 49 Azincourt, battle of, — Charles VI. of France defeated by king Henry V. — 10 Babylon taken by Cyrus, — Belshazzar slain 18 Baleares subdued by Metellus 17 Bastamse enter Dardania, and excite the jealousy of the Roman senate 7 Battle of the Trenches gained by the Lacedaemonians over the Messenians — 8 Battus, first establishment of — 8 second settlement of — 8 founds Cyrene in Africa — 19 Belgic war with Rome — 14 Bessus taken and delivered to the enemy — 18 Bestia the consul leads an army into Numidia, but is bribed by Jugurtha and desists • — 3 Bceoti, return to Bceotia — 17 Boeotian league dissolved — 16 Boii subdued by the Romans — 18 Bomilcar sacrificed by Jugurtha for conspiracy — 8 Book of the Law read and the Passover solemnly kept by Josiah — 7 Borysthenes in Pontus founded — 14 Bovianum taken by the Romans, and Gallus the Sam- nite general captured — 18 Brutus the consul proceeds to Lusitania — 18 in farther Spain reduces the Bracari and the Gallaeci — 19 Brutus, birth of — 3 Building of the Temple commenced — 4 Building of the Temple completed — 7 Byzantium founded by a colony of Megarians — 433 446 450 451 452 452 453 3 13 955 1530 1364 52 Babington's conspiracy discovered — 53 Bacon, Sir Francis, made lord chancellor — 53 lord, convicted of bribery — 55 Baden, peace of, between France and the emperor ■ — 43 Baldwin king of Jerusalem defeats the Saracens and takes Ptolemais — 53 Bancroft, archbishop, persecutes the Puritans — 56 Bank of England, restriction on payments in specie — 47 Bannockburn, battle of, and flight of king Edward II. 41 Bar le Due, battle of, by Conrad the Salique over Eudes count of Champagne — 40 Bardas Sclerus defeats the Bulgarians, and terminates their empire — 38 Bari, fortress of, taken after four years' siege by the Greeks and Franks under Louis II. — 50 Barnet, battle of, — Richard earl of Warwick killed — 33 Bassora, foundation of — 41 Battles, five in seven months between Canute and king Edmund Ironside 48 Battle in the Bosphorus between the Venetians and the Genoese . — 48 Battle off Sardinia,— the Genoese defeated by theVenetians 275 1273 593 1029 175 1415 B.C. 528 123 — 175 679 639 637 631 57 330 111 1124 172 224 108 622 654 305 138 136 85 1013 993 A.D. 1586 1617 1621 1714 1104 1608 1797 1314 1037 971 871 1471 636 N° 48 Battle off the Morea,— the Venetian fleet destroyed by Andrew Doria — 51 Beaton, cardinal, assassinated at St. Andrew's — 49 Beauje, battle of, — Thomas duke of Clarence killed — 33 Bedhr, battle of, gained by Mahomed over the tribe of Koreish — 22 Bedriacum, battle of, — Otho's army defeated by that of Vitellius — 29 Belgium invaded by the Burgundians — 57 united to Holland — 57 revolution in — 50 Belgrade, siege of, by Mahomet II. — 31 Belisarius reduces Carthage 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 32 32 32 32 — 1016 1352 3531 conquest of Africa by — defeats Gelimer and the Vandals — defeats the Moors in Africa and subdues Sicily invades Italy and reduces Naples — subdues the Gothic kingdom of Italy — second command of, in Italy — recal of — last victory, defeat of Zabergan king of Bulgaria in disgrace — restored to his command — death of — 39 Berenger defeats the Huns, who invade Italy — 39 king of Italy is crowned emperor of the West by Pope John X. — 39 the emperor assassinated at Verona — 36 Bermudo I. king of Oviedo defeats the Saracens under Hashem at Burebo, near Burgos — 40 Bermudo II. king of Leon defeated by Almanzor on the banks of the Ezla — 40 defeats the Saracens at Osma — 57 Bernadotte succeeds to the throne of Sweden — 55 Berry and Orleans, dukes of, renounce succession to the crown of Spain — 57 Berry, duke de, assassinated — 55 Berwick, mareschal duke of, killed at Philipsburg — 54 Bill of Rights enacted — 56 Birmingham, riots at — 53 Biron, mareschal, beheaded — 54 Blake, admiral, destroys the Spanish galleons — 54 victory at Santa Cruz. — He dies on his return 29 Bleda murdered, Attila becomes sole king of the Huns 55 Blenheim, battle of, — Mareschal Tallard taken prisoner 54 Blood, colonel, attempts to steal the crown — 50 Bloreheath, battle of. — Lord Audley killed — 22 Boadicea, queen of the Iceni, defeated by Suetonius — 31 Boethius, death of, at Calvanzano — 41 Boleslas I. king of Poland, seizes Cracow, and marches into Bohemia — 51 Boleyn, queen Anne, beheaded — 29 Boniface, count, invites the Vandals over to Africa — 29 defeated by the Vandals — 29 killed in single conflict with j?Etius — 26 Bonosus and Proculus in Gaul revolt against Probus — 38 Boson proclaimed king of Aries at Mantaille — 56 Boston in America, tumults at — 56 three cargoes of tea destroyed by the insurgents 56 ■ evacuated by general Howe — 50 Bosworth, battle of, — king Richard III. killed — 55 Bouchain taken by the duke of Marlborough — 51 Boulogne surrenders to king Henry VIII. — 51 restored to France — 37 Bourdeaux burnt by the Normans — 45 Bovines, battle of, — king John defeated by Philip Au- gustus — 54 Boyne, battle of the — 56 Braddock, general, defeated and killed near Fort-du- Quesne — 57 Brazil, revolution in, Don Pedro installed emperor — 43 Brenville, battle of, — Louis le Gros defeated by king Henry I. — 54 Breda, peace of — 48 Bretagne, Montfort duke of, delivers Brest to the English 50 Bretagne, Francis duke of, refuses to give up the earl of Richmond to king Edward 48 Bretigny, treaty of, ratified by kings Edward and John in person — 56 Bridport's, lord, victory off L'Orient — 57 Bristol, desolating riots at — ALPHABETICAL TABLES III. 446 937 1483 1521 — 1677 29 Britons complain to jEtius of the ravages of the Scots and Picts — 39 Brunanburg, battle of, Anlaff defeated by Athelstan — 50 Buckingham, Stafford duke of, beheaded — 51 Buckingham, Stafford duke of, beheaded — 54 Buckingham, Shaftesbury, Salisbury, and Wharton, sent to the Tower 34 Bulgarians invade Thrace and settle on the banks of the Danube — 678 38 ravage Greece and defeat the Hungarians sent against them by Leo VI. — 41 Bulgaria reduced to a province by the emperor Basil II. 45 Bulgarian war, defeat at Adrianople and captivity of the emperor Baldwin I. — 56 Bunker's Hill, battle of — 56 Burgoyne, general, surrenders at Saratoga — 28 Burgundians established on the Elbe — 29 Burgundian kingdom begins under Gundicar — 31 Burgundian laws, 'la loy Gombette' published by Gondebaud — 31 Burgundy, conquest of. by the Franks — 56 Burke, Edmund, his rupture with Mr. Fox in the house of Commons — 55 Byng, Sir George, destroys the French fleet of Passaro 56 Byng, admiral, indecisive action of — 57 admiral, shot — 57 Byron, lord, death of, at Missolonghi — 24 Byzantium surrenders after a three years' siege to the generals of Septimius Severus — 13 Cadmea recovered by the Theban exiles — > 3 Cadmus, to whom the introduction of letters is ascribed 19 Caesar conquers Lusitania — — declines his triumph that he may obtain the consulate now consul, carries the Agrarian law first campaign in Gaul 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 18 Caius Gracchus goes into Sardinia as quaestor to Au- relius — passes the Rhine and into Britain — — second expedition into Britain — — invades the Suevi — — eighth and last campaign in Gaul — — embarks for Asia — — in Spain — — pursues Pompey who leaves Italy — — is deserted by Labienus — — occupies Ariminum — — created dictator — — arrives in Italy — — expedition into Africa — — triumphs four times in one month — — made dictator for ten years — — war in Spain against the sons of Pompey — — takes Altegua in Spain — — returns to Rome — made dictator for life, is assassinated, March 15 IS IS IS IS 18 unexpectedly appears at Rome chosen tribune of the Commons chosen tribune a second time passes over to the new colony of Carthage. 1019 1205 1775 1777 371 413 502 532 1791 1718 1756 1757 1824 196 B. C. 379 1313 60 60 59 58 55 54 53 51 51 49 49 49 49 47 47 47 46 46 45 45 45 44 126 124 123 122 He loses his third election — 122 death of. — The Agrarian law is gradually abro- gated _ 121 9 Camarina in Sicily founded by Dascon and Meriecolus 599 9 taken and destroyed by the Syracusans — 553 16 Cannae, battle of, — total defeat of the Romans — 216 16 Caphyae, battle of, — Aratus the Achaean praetor defeated 220 8 Captivity of the Jews — 606 16 Capua recovered by the Romans — 211 7 Camea — contest of the lyre, instituted at Lacedaemon 676 12 Carthaginians enter Sicily and destroy Solinus and Himera — 409 15 ■ defeated off Myla by the consul Duilius — 259 15 under Hanno and Hamilcar defeated by the consuls near Ecnomus — 256 16 . abandon Spain — 206 8 Casmenae founded by the Syracusans — 644 14 Cassander escapes from Macedon to concert measures against Polyspherchon — 318 4 Cassander besieges Olympias at Pydna — 5 death of — 8 Cassius the consul slain in Gaul — 6 Catana in Sicily founded by Euarchus — 9 Catiline, his defeat and death — 7 Cato, now consul, tranquillizes Spain — 7 urges the destruction of Carthage in the Senate 8 Cato, Porcius, the consul, sent to Macedonia against the Scordisci is totally defeated — 9 the consul slain — 9 Cato returns from Cyprus 20 death of — 7 Celtiberian war conducted unsuccessfully by Nobilior 7 war is unpopular at Rome — 2 Censorship instituted at Rome — 6 Centumvirs instituted at Rome — 4 Chaeronea, battle of, gained by Philip of Macedon — 7 Chalcedon in Bithynia refounded by Archias of Megara 9 Cicero denounces Catiline — 9 in banishment — 9 return of — 8 Cimmerians take Sardis — 8 1 finally expelled Asia Minor by Alyattes — 1 Cimon marches to the assistance of the Lacedaemonians 1 assists the Lacedaemonians a second time — 1 recalled from exile — 1 obtains a cessation of hostilities — 2 makes a five years' truce with the Lacedae- monians — death of, and victory of the Athenians at Sala- mis in Cyprus 1 Cincinnatus, dictatorship of 9 Cinna deposed from the consulate by the Senate — 9 and Octavius, — Contest of the consuls — 9 assassinated — 9 Cirrhsean or sacred war — 9 Cirrha taken by the Amphictyons under Eurylochus — 6 Claudius Pulcher defeated off Drepanum by Adherbal 7 Claudius the consul ends the war in Istria — 3 Cleombrotus marches into Bceotia in the winter — 3 sent by the Spartans against the Thebans in Phocis — 6 Cleomenes and Aratus, war between — 6 restores the Agrarian laws of Sparta — 2 Cleon and Brasidas slain in Thrace — 9 Clisthenes of Sicyon is victor in the second Pythia — 9 Clodius, violent proceedings of, and resistance of Milo 3 Cnidus, naval defeat at, and death of Pisander — 3 Codrus, king of Athens, death of — 8 Combat of Pittacus and Phrynon — 1 Commissioners sent to Greece to collect laws for Rome 3 Conon restores the long walls of Athens — 20 Contest of Octavianus with Lucius Antony at Perusia 6 Corcyra founded — 2 sedition at — 2 Corcyrean embassy to Athens — 7 Cornelius Scipio, death of — 3 Corinth, battle near — 2 Coronea, battle of, death of Tolmides — 3 Coronea, battle of, gained by Agesilaus — 7 Corsica, war in — 4 Cranon, battle of, gained by Antipater — 8 Crassus the consul, sent against Aristonicus at Per- gamus — 8 defeated and slain — 9 Crassus ends the war with Spartacus — 9 embarks for Syria — 9 first campaign in Asia — 9 passes the Euphrates — 9 defeated and slain by the Parthians — 4 Craterus comes from Asia to the aid of Antipater — 9 Cretan war — 2 Critias, death of, end of the tyranny at Athens — 9 Croesus, birth of — 6 Crotona founded by Myscellus — 2 Cunaxa, battle of, retreat of the Ten Thousand — 3 Cyme founded — 7 Cynoscephalae, battle of, — Peace granted to Philip of Macedon — 9 Cypselidae at Corinth, their dynasty ended — 9 Cyrene in Africa founded, according to Solinus — B.C. 316 296 107 730 62 195 157 114 89 56 46 153 151 440 233 338 674 63 58 57 635 617 461 461 456 453 450 449 456 87 87 84 595 591 249 177 378 375 227 224 422 582 57 394 1045 606 451 393 41 708 427 433 176 394 447 394 163 322 131 130 71 55 54 53 53 322 69 403 595 710 401 1033 197 581 597 III. ALPHABETICAL TABLES HISTORICAL EVENTS N° 9 Cyrus reigns in Persia — 10 issues his edict for the return of the Jews — 12 Cythera occupied by the Athenians — 5 Cyzicus in the Propontis, settlement of, by the Milesians 7 Cyzicus in Mysia refounded by the Megarians — B.C. 559 536 424 756 675 A.D. Eudes strongly urged by Gregory III. who is besieged by Luitprand, for assistance — dies, Oct. 23.— Pope Gregory on Nov. 28 — 35 35 35 Charlemagne, birth of 36 becomes sole king of France 36 conquers Tasillon duke of Bavaria — Bavaria united to the empire — 36 crowned emperor of the West — 37 finally subdues the Saxons — 3S Charles le Gros seizes the throne of France to the pre- judice of Charles the Simple — 38 Charles the Simple crowned, but is next year obliged by Eudes to retire — 38 is recognised as king of France on the death of Eudes — 1670 1839 1841 636 1596 1823 670 1558 1596 1756 1757 54 Cabal formed — Clifford, Arlington, Buckingham, Ash- ley, and Lauderdale — 57 Cabul, Shah Soojah restored at — 57 rising at, and murder of Sir A Burnes — 33 Cadesia, battle of, — the Persians defeated by the Saracens 52 Cadiz taken by the earl of Essex — 57 surrendered to the French — 34 Cairon. the seat of the Caliphat in Africa, founded by the Saracen Akbah — 52 Calais taken by Francis duke of Guise — 52 taken by the archduke Albert — 56 Calcutta taken by Surajah Dowla — 56 retaken by the English — 51 Cambray, league of, signed by Margaret of Austria and Cardinal d'Amboise — 1508 51 • peace of, signed by the duchess of Angouleme and Margaret of Austria — 1529 46 Cambuskenneth, battle of, — the English driven by Wal- lace out of Scotland — 56 Canada divided into two provinces with local legislatures 57 rebellion in — 21 Canal formed between the Rhine and the Maes — 50 Canglor. battle of, — James III. king of Scotland killed 41 Canute king of Denmark invades England — 56 Cape Breton taken by general Amherst — 22 Capitoline games instituted at Rome — 22 Caractacus carried in chains before the tribunal of Clau- dius — 26 Carausius in Britain, revolt of,— He seizes the fleet at Boulogne — 26 is acknowledged by the other emperors — 26 murdered by his minister Allectus — 26 Career of the thirty tyrants begins — 26 Carinus and Numerian, transient reign of — 40 Carlovingian dynasty terminated in France by the death of Louis le Faineant — 38 Carmathians, their rise and progress — 53 Carr, Robert, advanced at Court — 53 earl of Somerset and his countess condemned, but reprieved — 29 Carthage surrenders to Genseric, and the kingdom of the Vandals in Africa begins — 34 1 conquest of, by the Saracen Hassan — 41 Castile and Arragon established as kingdoms on the death of Sancho the Great — 57 Catholic question introduced by Mr. Fox — 57 lost in the Commons by the Speaker's vote — 57 Catholic Emancipation, royal assent to — 57 Cato-street conspiracy detected — 51 Cerignola, battle of, — Duke de Nemours defeated by Gonsalvo, general to Ferdinand — 51 Cerisolles, battle of, — gained by the count d'Anguin over the imperial army — 30 Chalons, battle of, gained by jEtius, — retreat of Attila 31 Charford, battle of, — establishment of Cerdic in Wessex 35 Charles Martel victorious over the Suevi, the Frisons, the Allemanni, and the Saxons — 35 — — becomes master of Aquitaine on the death of 1297 1791 1837 47 1488 1015 1758 86 51 287 289 294 258 284 987 890 1611 1616 439 698 1035 1805 1813 1829 1820 1503 1544 451 519 725 735 741 741 742 771 786 800 803 884 893 898 N° 39 Charles the Simple dies a prisoner in the castle of Perronne — 46 Charles of Anjou defeated at sea by Roger de Loria — 50 Charles the Bold duke of Burgundy marries Margaret, sister to king Edward IV. — 50 defeated by the Swiss at Granson and at Morat 50 killed before Nancy — 50 Charles VIII. of France takes Naples without a battle 52 Charles V. abdicates the crown of Spain — 53 Charles I. king of England meets his first parliament - 53 - 53 - 53 - 53 - 53 - 53 - 53 - meets his second parliament meets his third parliament meets his fourth parliament — meets his fifth, the Long parliament — demands the five members — surrenders to the Scots at Newark — delivered by the Scots to the parliamentary commissioners — beheaded — 53 - 54 Charles II. king of England restored 54 pensionedby Louis XIV., withdraws to Windsor 55 Charles III. of Spain arrives at Spithead — 55 succeeds to the empire as Charles VI. — 55 Charles VI. the emperor dies. — The Pragmatic Sanction violated by all but England — 55 Charles XII. killed at Frederickshal — 52 Chateau Cambresis, peace of, opposed by the Guises — 56 Chatham's, lord, last address to the Lords — 56 Chauvelin, M., the French ambassador, ordered to leave England — ■ 56 Cherbourg pier destroyed by the English — 32 Childebert, death of,— first example of the Salic law — 57 China, war with — 21 Christ visits the Temple — 31 Christian era introduced circa 35 adopted by historians circa 32 Christianity introduced into Britain by St. Augustine — 55 Christianity decided by L. C. J. Raymond, in Woolston's case, to be the law of England _ — 44 Circuits and itinerant judges, or 'barons errant,' insti- tuted — 53 Circulation of the blood discovered by Dr. William Harvey — 42 Civitella, battle of,— Pope Leo IX. taken prisoner by Robert Guiscard — 54 Clarendon, lord, resigns the great seal — 26 Claudius defeats the Goths near Naissus in Dardania — 24 Cleander, sedition and death of — 54 Clergy in convocation exchange the right of taxing themselves for the elective franchise — 56 Closter-Seven, convention of,— capitulation of the duke of Cumberland ■ — 49 Cobham, lord, suffers for heresy — 31 Colchian or Lazic war — 57 Colli ngwood, admiral receives the surrender of five ships at Cadiz — 21 Cologne founded by Agrippina — 34 Colossus of Rhodes destroyed by the Saracens — 22 Commagene subdued, and becomes a Roman province 22 Conflagration of Rome under Nero 54 Conflict of four days with the Dutch fleet.— Their fleet destroyed by Rupert and Monk 57 Congress of sovereigns at Aix-la-Chapelle — 27 Constantine the Great elected emperor by the army — 27 gains three victories over Maxentius at Turin, Verona, and at Rome — defeats Licinius at Cibalis and Mardis — — wrests Illyrium from Licinius — enjoins, by edict, the observance of Sunday, 27 27 27 27 27 ■11 'dies solis' defeats Licinius before Adrianople — issues a general Edict of Toleration — puts the Caesars, Crispus, and Licinius to death 27 destroys the Pagan temples — 27 baptism and death of,— Division of the empire 27 Constantine II. betrayed by Magnentius into an ambus- cade and slain ' — 29 Constantine, a private soldier, acknowledged emperor in Britain and in Gaul — 33 Constantine III. poisoned by his step-mother Martina ALPHABETICAL TABLES III. HISTORICAL EVENTS N° 34 Constantine IV. Pogonatus, relinquishes the payments usual on the election of the Popes, but reserves the right of confirming their election 39 Constantine VII. restored.— The emperors Stephen and Constantine VIII. exiled _ — 40 poisoned by his daughter-in-law Theophania 26 Constantius Chlorus and Galerius Maximus made Caesars — 26 Constantius Chlorus recovers Britain — 27 Constantius the younger repulses the Goths in Mysia — 28 Constantius II. subdues Italy — 27 Constans the emperor murdered by Magnentius — 34 Constans II. assassinated in a bath at Syracuse 27 Constantinople, foundation of 27 - 30 — 31 — 33 — 33 — Avars becomes the seat of the empire — partly destroyed by an earthquake — besieged by Vitalianus the Goth — taken and pillaged by the Avari — delivered from Khosrou and the Chagan of the first siege of, by the Saracens — relinquished by the Saracens, who are repulsed A.D. — 6S2 945 959 292 292 296 332 352 350 668 324 328 480 514 618 by the Greek fire second siege of siege of, raised by Moslemah besieged by Thomas the slave first siege and conquest of, — Restoration of Isaac Angelus and Alexius second siege — election of Baldwin and revolt of the Greeks — i — taken by Mahomed II. — recovered by the Greeks. — Lascaris banished the second, under Conrad III. and Louis VII. the third, by sea under Frederic Barbarossa — the third ' — the fourth, under Henry Dandolo — the fifth, under Louis IX. — 24 Ctesiphon taken by assault by Septimius Severus — 55 Culloden, battle of, — defeat of the Young Pretender • — 33 Cyprus taken by the Saracens under Muavius — 50 recently a kingdom ceded to Venice — 626 668 677 716 718 822 — 1203 1204 1452 1261 998 1687 1801 — 1807 34 34 35 35 37 45 45 50 - 46 - by Paleologus 40 Consul Crescentius, revolt and fall of 54 Contest of king James II. with the two Universities — 57 Copenhagen, attack on, by admirals Parker and Nelson 57 bombardment of, — the Danish navy captured by admiral Gambier 56 Cornwallis, lord, enters Philadelphia, — the Congress re- move to Lancaster — 1777 56 surrenders York town to general Washington 1781 49 Cosmo de Medici recalled to Florence — 1434 57 Cotton, admiral, receives the surrender of the Russian fleet in the Tagus — 1808 28 Council of Aries — 353 28 Council of Rimini — 360 44 Council of Clarendon, — Becket signs but refuses to seal 1164 49 Council of Pisa — 1409 47 Council of Ten instituted at Venice — 1311 52 Coutras, battle of, — duke de Joyeuse defeated by the king of Navarre — 1587 51 Coverdale's, bishop, translation of the Bible published 1535 57 Cracow, independence of, invaded by Russia and Austria 1836 47 Creci, battle of,— defeat of Philip of Valois — 1346 22 Cremona surrenders to the army of Vespasian — 69 51 Cressy, treaty of, between Charles V. and Francis I. — 1544 37 Crete taken by the Saracen Abu Caul of Andalusia, from whom it receives the name of Candia — 823 49 Crevant, battle of,— the French defeated by the Earl of Salisbury . — 32 Crida founds the kingdom of Mercia — 51 Cromwell earl of Essex beheaded — 53 Cromwell. Oliver, embarks for America, but is detained 54 dissolves the long parliament — 54 proclaimed Lord Protector — 54 refused the hereditary protectorate — 54 declines the regal title — 54 death of — 21 Crucifixion of our Saviour — 42 Crusade, the first, instigated bv Peter the Hermit — 43 41 41 4.5 45 1423 586 1540 1636 1653 1653 1654 1657 1658 33 1096 1147 1188 1189 1202 1248 198 1746 648 1489 5 Daicles crowned at the Olympic games, the first who had that honour — 17 Dalmatian war under the consul Marcius — 17 terminated — 18 Dalmatia subdued by Caecilius Metellus — 14 Damascus taken by Parmenio — 3 Danaiis in Argos, — Gelanor displaced by Danaiis — 3 Dardanus the founder of the Trojan dynasty — 14 Darius Codomanus slain — 12 Decemvirate at Rome, institution of — 12 overthrown — 12 Delium, battle of, gained by the Boeotians over the Athen'ans — 10 Delphi, temple of, accidentally burnt — 13 congress at, on the part of Persia, to negotiate a peace — 14 Demetrius Phalereus governs Athens ten years — 14 Demetrius Poliorcetes defeated at Gaza by Ptolemy and Seleucus — 14 approaches the Piraeus at Athens — 14 ■ besieges Munychia and occupies Megara — 14 gains a naval victory over Ptolemy — 14 besieges Rhodes — 14 concludes a peace with the Rhodians — 14 sails to Greece to oppose Cassander — 14 makes a campaign against Cassander — 15 besieges Athens during the tyranny of Lachares 15 having removed the sons of Cassander, reigns in Macedon — 15 is driven by Pyrrhus from Macedon — 15 death of — 16 Demetrius Pharius flies for protection to Philip king of Macedon — 17 Demetrius of Macedon sent by his father, kitig Philip, to Rome to conciliate the members of the senate — 17 pleads for his father king Philip before the Roman Seriate — 17 put to death by his father king Pbilip — 17 Demetrius Soter is refused his release at Rome to de- throne his nephew Antiochus Epiphanes — escapes from Rome by the connivance of the 17 17 tutor to death 14 Demosthenes, decree of, for an alliance with Thebes — 14 counteracts Philip in Ambracia and Pelopon- historian Polybius dethrones Eupator, and puts the king and his B.C. 752 156 157 117 333 1466 1383 330 449 446 424 548 368 317 312 307 307 306 304 303 303 302 299 294 287 283 219 184 183 181 163 162 162 338 — 343 13 Dercyllidas makes a truce with Pharnabazus and be- sieges Atarnae — 13 invades Caria, and concludes an armistice with Tissaphernes — 3 Deucalion, the reputed founder of the Hellenes — 3 flood of — 18 Diaeus defeated by Mummius. — Corinth reduced to ashes 13 Dion lands in Sicily from Zacynthus — 12 Dionysius becomes master of Syracuse — 13 Dionysius the younger expelled from Syracuse — 13 Diphridas restores the Lacedaemonian affairs in Asia — 16 Divorce of Spurius Carvilius — 19 Dolabella conquers Lusitania — 8 Draco, legislation of — 33 Damascus taken by storm by the Saracens — 43 besieged by the Christians under Baldwin IV. 38 Danes, the, ascend the Seine, the Meuse, and the Rhine, and carry on their ravages to Treves and Cologne — 47 Dante Alighieri exiled from Florence with the Bianchi faction — 52 Darnley, lord, murder of — 46 David prince of Wales captured. — Wales united to England — 26 Decius revives the censorship in favour of Valerian — 55 Denain taken by Mareschal Villars, — the earl of Alber- marle defeated — 55 Dendermond surrenders to the duke of Marlborough — 56 Denmark, revolution in, Counts Struenzee and Brandt beheaded — 55 Derwentwater, earl of, and Viscount Kenmure beheaded 36 Desiderius, king of Lombardy, besieges Adrian I. in Rome who applies for assistance to Charlemagne — 398 397 1433 1433 146 357 406 356 391 231 99 621 A. D. 634 1148 851 1301 1567 1283 251 1712 1706 1772 1716 773 III. ALPHABETICAL TABLES HISTORICAL EVENTS N° A.D. 36 Desiderius, king of Lombardy, conquered by Charle- magne — 774 47 Despensers, the, father and son executed — 1326 55 Dettingen, battle of, gained over the French by king George II. — 1743 37 Diet of Thionville, — Division of the empire of the West 806 37 Diet of Worms, — Second division of the empire — 839 37 Diet of Thionville, — Final division of the empire — Ger- many separated from the empire of the Franks — 843 44 Diet of Mentz ; definition of the electoral function in Germany, of the duke of Saxony, Count Palatine of the Rhine, king of Bohemia, and the Margrave of Brandenburg — 26 Diocletian, military election of the emperor — 26 associates Maximian as his colleague in the 27 empire and Maximian abdicate the empire, and are succeeded by Constantius and Galerius 51 Dissolution of the greater monasteries — 54 Dispensing power assumed by king James II. and affirmed by the judges — 28 Division of the Eastern and Western empire — 50 Dixmunde, battle of, — De Cordes defeated by lords Morley and Daubeney — 21 Dolabella ends the war in Africa — 42 Doomesday Book began — 42 completed — 42 Dorylaeum, battle of, — retreat of Soliman before the Crusaders — 53 Dort, synod of — 57 Dost Mahomed and the Persians besiege Herat — 57 defeated by the British forces in Afghanistan 44 Double election to the Pontificate — 52 Dreux, battle of,— Coligny defeated by Guise — 56 Droit d'Aubaine abolished in France as regards Great Britain — 57 against England, re-enacted by Napoleon — 57 finally abolished in France — 56 Dublin, great political excitement in — 57 — catholic committee dispersed by the magistracy 6 Eclipse of the moon, the first on record 6 the second and third on record 8 the fourth on record 10 . the fifth on record 10 the sixth on record 11 the seventh on record 11 Egina surrenders to the Athenians 10 Egypt, conquest of, by Cambyses 11 revolts from Persia 1 1 recovered by Xerxes 11 reduced by the Persians 14 conquered by Ochus 4 Elijah, translation of 13 Embassy of Pelopidas to Persia 14 16 IS 16 17 17 17 18 to Persia at the instance of Demosthenes — — to Pyrrhus from the Italian Greeks — from Ptolemy Philadelphus to Rome — from Rome to Greece — to Rome from Antiochus fails — from Athens to Rome, the Romans remit a fine of 500 talents ■ — to Rome in behalf of the Achasan exiles — of Scipio Africanus to Egypt, accompanied by 1184 284 286 305 1537 1686 364 1490 24 1083 1086 1097 1618 1838 1840 1J59 1562 1787 1804 1819 1784 1811 49 Duke of Orleans assassinated at the instance of the duke of Burgundy — 1407 49 Duke of Burgundy assassinated while in conference with the Dauphin — 1419 53 Dunbar, battle of, gained by Cromwell — 1650 56 Duncan's, lord, victory off Camperdown — 1797 54 Dunkirk, keys of, delivered by Louis XIV. in person to the English ambassador — 1658 54 sold to France — 1662 42 Durazzo, battle of, — the emperor Alexius defeated by Robert Guiscard — 1081 54 Dutch sail up the Medway, and burn several ships of the line — 1667 25 Dynasty of the Arsacidae terminated. Commencement of the Sassanidae — 229 B.C. 721 720 621 523 502 491 455 525 486 484 455 350 895 367 340 281 273 228 193 155 155 Pansetius — 143 N° 18 Embassy sent to Numidia to restore Adherbal — 7 Enna in Attica founded — 8 Epidamnus on the Adriatic founded — 13 Epaminomlas makes an expedition into Achaia — 13 invades the Peloponnesus — 3 Erectheus king of Athens • — 12 Eruption of mount Etna — 14 Etolian war — 16 confederacy with the Romans against Philip of Macedon — 14 Etruscan war with the Romans — 14 Eumenes gains a battle against Craterus, who is slain 14 retires to Nora — 17 and the ten legati join Manlius, and the treaty with Antiochus is completed — 17 and Prusias are at war — 17 excites the Roman senate against Persius — 11 Eurymedon, victories of Cimon at the — 12 sent with supplies from Athens to Sicily — 3 Eurystheus slain by Hyllus — 13 Evagoras in Cyprus pressed by the Persians — 11 Ezra returns from Babylon to Jerusalem — 44 Earl Strongbow and his companions land in Ireland — 31 Earthquake at Antioch, 25,000 lives lost — 52 East India Company obtain their first patent — 57 Ebrington, lord, publicly protests against repeal agitation 53 Edgehill, battle of, gained by the parliamentarians — 42 Edgar Atheling retires to the court of Malcolm Canmore 50 Edgecote, battle of, — Earl of Pembroke defeated and beheaded — 27 Edict by Constantine at Milan in favour of the Christians 53 Edinburgh, tumult at, on reading the liturgy — 42 Edward the Confessor receives a visit from William duke of Normandy — 46 Edward, prince, sails for Palestine with Louis IX. who dies at Tunis — 46 ■ relieves Acre, — he is wounded by an assassin, whom he fells — 47 Edward Bruce crowned king of Ireland — 47 defeated and slain at Duudalk — 47 Edward Baliol crowned at Scone, but is soon defeated by the earl of Moray — 42 Edwin and Morcar rebel against king William I. but submit — 37 Egbert defeats the Danes at Charmouth — 33 Egypt, invasion of, by the Saracens — 44 conquered by the Turks — 56 Elba surrendered to commodore Nelson — 52 Elizabeth, queen, declines the sovereignty of the Dutch provinces — 32 Ella founds the kingdom of Deira — 22 Embassy from Volgeses king of Parthia to the emperor Nero — 32 of the Avars to Justinian — 32 — of the Avars to Justin II. — 37 from Haroun al Raschid to Charlemagne — 37 • second, from Haroun to Charlemagne < — 29 Emigration of the Northern Germans — 39 Empire of the East. — The Imperial throne occupied by five emperors at one time — 53 Episcopacy opposed in the Scottish parliament — 53 abolished in Scotland — 54 restored in Scotland — 31 Erchenwin founds the kingdom of Essex — 50 Erpingham, battle of, — Sir Robert Welles defeated and beheaded 57 Espartero declared regent in Spain — 53 Essex, Robert earl of, beheaded — 32 Ethelbert king of Kent baptised by St. Augustine — 36 Ethelbert king of East Anglia murdered by Offa king of Mercia ■ — 37 Ethelwulf defeated by the Danes off" Charmouth — 55 Eugene, prince, separates from the duke of Ormond — 30 Euric king of the Visigoths defeated in Gaul by the Romans under Ecdicius — 30 - defeats Syagrius, and makes himself master of Tours 30 makes himself master of Aries and Marseilles 46 Evesham, battle of, — Montfort earl of Leicester killed ALPHABETICAL TABLES HISTORICAL EVENTS N° A.D. N° B.C. 54 Exchequer shut up by royal mandate — 1672 15 Gladiators first exhibit at Rome — 264 55 Excise scheme introduced by Sir Robert Walpole — 1733 14 Granicus, battle of, gained by Alexander 334 54 Exclusion bill thrown out — 1680 11 Greece and Persia, end of the war between — 466 B.C. 17 Greece declared free by Flamininus at the Isthmian games — 196 11 Fabii, the, put to the sword by the Veientes at the 12 Gylippus arrives in Sicily from Sparta — 414 Crimera — 475 7 Gymnopaedia celebrated at Lacedaemon — 665 16 Fabius Maximus subdues the Ligurians — 233 214 A.D. 16 recovers Tarentum — 209 28 Gainas the Goth, conspiracy and fall of — 400 18 defeats the Allobroges — 121 26 Galerius Maximus and Constantius Chlorus made Caesars 292 18 Fabius iEmilianus the consul commands in Spain against 26 defeated by the Persians on the Euphrates — 296 Viriathus — 145 26 defeats Narses king of Persia in Armenia — 297 12 Fidenae finally taken by the Romans — 423 26 Gallus the emperor purchases peace by an annual tribute 12 Fifty years' truce, 'the Peace of Nicias' — 421 to the Goths — 252 16 Flaminius, his agrarian law — 232 23 Gallus, nephew of Constantine, declared Caesar — 351 16 the consul gains a victory over the Insubres — 223 28 puts the Imperial ministers to death at Antioch 354 17 Flamininus besieges Elatea; he forms an alliance with 28 put to death by his cousin Constantius — 354 the Achaeans — 198 32 Gascons, the, cross the Pyrennees and settle in France 593 17 restores the jEtolian cities, Corinth, Chalcis, 56 Gates, general, defeated by lord Cornwallis — 1780 and Demetrias — 194 35 Gebel al Tarik lands at Gibraltar — 711 18 Fulvius the consul is sent to the servile war in Sicily 134 30 Gelasius bishop of Rome asserts his authority as sove- 18 the consul leads an army against the Salluvian reign pontiff — 494 Gauls — 125 52 Gemblours, battle of, — gained by Alexander Farnese A.D. over the States General — 1578 27 lieneral Council, 325 46 Falkirk, battle of, — Wallace defeated by king Edward 1298 28 the Ilnd, — of Constantinople — 381 54 Fenwick, Sir John, suffers by a bill of pains and penalties 1696 29 the Illrd, — of Ephesus — 431 32 Fiefs have their origin about this time in France — 584 30 the IVth,— of Chalcedon — 451 28 Firmus the Moor in Africa, revolt of — 372 32 the Vth, — of Constantinople — 553 47 First passage of the Turks into Europe — 1341 34 the Vlth, — of Constantinople — 680 51 Fisher, bishop, beheaded — 1535 36 the Vllth,— of Nice — 787 56 Fitzwilliam, earl, recalled from Ireland — 1795 38 the VHIth, — of Constantinople — 869 51 Floddon, battle of, — king James IV. of Scotland killed 1513 43 the IXth, — of the Lateran — 1123 45 Florence declares its independence — 1250 43 the Xth, — of the Lateran — 1139 56 Foutainbleau, peace of — 1762 44 the Xlth, — of the Lateran — 1179 37 Fontenai, battle of,— Lothaire and Pepin defeated by 45 the Xllth,— of the Lateran — 1215 Louis and Charles — 841 45 the XHIth,— of Lyons — 1245 55 Fontenoy, battle of,— lost by the duke of Cumberland 1745 46 the XlVth,— of Lyons — 1274 56 Forfeited estates in the rebellion of 1745 restored — 1784 47 the X Vth, — ofVienne — 1312 49 Fourmingny, battle of, by which the French recover 49 the XVIth,— of Constance — 1414 Normandy — 1450 49 theXVIIth, of Basle — 1431 56 Fox, Mr., dismissed the Privy Council — 1798 49 the XVIIIth,— of Florence — 1439 35 France, invasion of, by the Arabs — 721 51 the XlXth,— of the Lateran — 1512 56 in alliance with America — 1778 51 the XXth,— of Trent — 1545 49 Francesco Carmagnola betrayed at a banquet by the 29 Genseric king of the Vandals lands in Africa — Boniface Venetian senate — 1432 retires to Carthage — 429 56 Franklin's, Dr., petition to the Privy Council rejected 1774 29 attached to the Arian heresy, deprives the 44 Frederic Barbarossa enters Italy to subdue it — 1154 catholic bishops of their sees — 437 44 enters into a treaty with the city of Milan — 1158 30 destroys the fleet of Majorian at Carthagena 457 44 retreats precipitately over mount Cenis — 1168 30 defeated by the emperor Leo, sues for peace, 44 totally defeated at Lignano — 1176 and obtains it — 467 44 makes a six years' truce with the Guelphic 30 defeats the expedition against the Vandals cities — 1177 under Basilicus — 468 45 Frederic II. excommunicated by Pope Gregory IX. — 1228 57 German Confederation renewed — 1815 45 obtains the surrender of Jerusalem — 1229 53 Germany, thirty years' war in — 1619 1237 1237 21 21 21 Germanicus sent into Germany — chief in command on the Rhine — gains two battles over Arminius. — He is recalled 7 ., , • .P. „ , . 15 45 forced by the Guelphs to raise the siege of 16 Parma — 1248 21 and Piso proceed to the East — 18 55 Frederic duke of Prussia takes the regal title — 1701 21 death of, — Piso ejected from Syria by Sentius 19 55 Frederic prince of Wales dismissed the palace — 1737 38 Germany a second time separated from the Franks — 887 52 Ghent, pacification of, and demolition of the monuments chamber — 1738 of Alva's administration — 1576 56 death of — 1751 57 peace of, between England and America — 1814 36 Fronsac built by Charlemagne, the first instance of a 45 Ghibelines, the, defeated at Fossalti — 1249 fortified castle in France — ■ 769 57 Ghuznee taken by Sir John Keane — 1839 44 Fulke of Neuilly preaches the IVth Crusade to the 55 Gibraltar taken by Sir George Rooke — 1704 barons of France — 1198 55 "iccc of rai°cd by the Spaniards und followed B. C. 55 by the naval victory of Sir John Leake — invested by the Spaniards — 1705 1727 18 Galba treacherously destroys the Lusitanians, Viriathus 56 besieged by the Spaniards — 1779 escapes — 150 28 Gildo the Moor in Africa, revolt of — 386 17 the praetor defeated by the Lusitanians — 151 28 defeat and death of — 398 16 Gallic war with Rome — 225 54 Glencoe, massacre of 1693 15 Gauls, irruption of the, into Greece — 279 48 Gloucester, Thomas duke of, carried off, in presence of 15 destruction of. under Brennus at Delphi — 278 the kins', to Calais — 1397 49 Gloucester, Humphrey duke of, arrested at St. Edmunds- IU ' (lcIcdXcU 111 1j Li III Id. uy LIJc CO 11 o 111 AjIIllllUa^^lilc consul Regulus slain — 225 bury, and found dead in his bed — 1447 7 Geta in Sicily founded — 690 54 Gloucester, William duke of, dies — 1700 1 1 Gelon becomes master of Syracuse — 485 37 Godfrey the Norman makes his first descent in France 808 III. ALPHABETICAL TABLES HISTORICAL EVENTS 54 Godfrey, Sir Edmundbury, murdered 42 Godwins, the, rebellion and banishment of 42 are restored 30 Gondebaud defeated by Clovis, between Langres and Dijon 25 Gordian the younger makes an expedition against the Persians — 25 murdered at the instance of Philip the Arabian 28 Goths ravage the Roman provinces — 28 ■ — allowed by Theodosius to settle in Thrace and Asia — A.D. 1678 1051 1052 — 500 242 244 379 395 711 35 Gothic monarchy in Spain, fall of — 55 Grand Alliance between England, the Emperor, and States General against France — 1701 46 Grandella, battle of,— Manfred defeated by Charles of Anjou — 28 Gratian made a colleague by the emperor Valentinian 28 flight of, and assassination by Andragathius 54 Great Plague in London — 54 Great Fire in London — 38 Greek church, — the schism begins — 57 Greek insurrection, commencement of — 57 insurrection deemed a rebellion by the congress at Verona — 57 Greece, liberation of — 52 Gregorian Style published by the court of Rome — 56 Gregorian, or New Style, takes place in Great Britain 52 Grey, lady Jane (Dudley), and lord Guildford Dudley beheaded — 34 Grimoald, duke of Benevento, seizes the throne of Lombardy — 35 Guadalete, battle of the, gained by the Saracens in Spain — 54 Guards reviewed, about 4,000 men, the whole standing army of the time — 55 Guastalla, battle of, between the Imperialists, the — French, and Sardinians — 52 Guise Francis, duke of, shot by Poltrot at the siege of Orleans — 52 Guise, Henry duke of, assassinated — 53 Gunpowder plot discovered — 38 Guy, king of Italy, crowned emperor of the West by Pope Stephen V. — — is succeeded by Lambert, whose Imperial — title is disputed by Arnulph 14 Halicarnassus taken by Alexander, who conquers Caria 16 Hamilcar Barcas chosen general of the Carthaginians 16 16 M 16 17 16 Hannibal, birth of encamps between Panormus and Eryx takes Eryx by surprise opposed to the consul Fundanius in Sicily sent into Spain defeated in Gaul by the consul Cethegus 16 succeeds Hasdrubal in Spain 16 takes Saguntum — 16 passes the Alps — 16 defeats the Romans at the Ticin and the Trebia 16 ■ passes into Etruria — 16 defeats Flaminius, who is slain at Thrasymene 16 winters in Daunia — 16 winters at Capua after the battle of Cannae 16 besieges and takes Casilinum — 16 enters into a treaty with Philip of Macedon 16 winters in Apulia — 16 takes Tarentum by surprise — 16 defeats Fulvius Centumalus at Herdonea — 16 forces Cincius to raise the siege of Locri — 16 retires into Bruttium — 16 leaves Italy, — he lands in Africa — 17 joins Antiochus king of Syria — 17 urges an attack upon Italy to Antiochus — 16 Hanno defeated by the consul Catullus at the Agates 16 Hasdrubal succeeds Hamilcar in Spain — 16 Hasdrubal the Bald defeated by the Romans in Sicily 17 Hasdrubal proposes peace, which is rejected — 9 Hellanodicae augmented to two — 11 Helots, their revolt — 14 Hephaestion, death of — 9 Heraclea on the Euxine founded — 1266 367 383 1665 1666 860 1821 1822 1828 1582 1752 1554 662 711 1663 1734 1563 1588 1605 891 894 B.C. 334 247 246 245 243 238 197 247 221 219 218 218 217 217 217 216 216 215 215 212 210 208 207 203 196 193 241 229 215 147 580 464 324 559 their first attempt at the Isthmus their second attempt under Cleodaeus their third attempt under Aristomachus return of the N° 12 Heraclea seized by the Boeotians 3 Heraclidae driven from Tiryns by Eurystheus 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 11 Hiero I Tuscans 15 Hiero II. becomes king of Syracuse 15 makes peace with the Romans — 8 Himera in Sicily founded — 11 battle of, and victory of Gelon — 14 battle of, — Agathocles defeated — 10 Hippias, son of Pisistratus, succeeds to the tyranny of Athens — 12 History of the Old Testament ends about this time — 18 History of the Apocrypha ends — 17 Hostilius the consul attempts unsuccessfully to pene- trate Macedon — 3 Hyllus slain by Eurystheus — Hercules, birth of — war of, with Erginus — war of, in Pylos — the Trojan expedition of — murder of Iphitus by — death of — of Syracuse gains a naval victory over the 54 Habeas Corpus Act suspended, the first time — 56 suspended — 57 suspended — 23 Hadrian passes into Gaul and Germany — 23 passes into Britain, — the Vallum Hadriani from Carlisle to Newcastle built rebuilds Jerusalem adopts Titus Antoninus in Feb, He dies 23 °3 July 10 28 Hadrianople, battle of, and death of Valens 47 Halidon Hill, battle of. gained by king Edward III. 53 Hamilton, duke of, and lords Holland and Capel be- headed — 42 Hampshire depopulated to obtain space to plant the New Forest — 53 Hampton Court, conference of divines at — 54 Hanover made a ninth Electorate — 37 Harald king of Denmark converted to Christianity • — 36 Haroun al Raschid at war with the Romans — 38 Hastings repulsed by king Alfred at Exeter — 42 Hastings, battle of, — king Harold slain — 33 Hatfield Chace, battle of, gained by Penda over Edwin 55 Hawke, admiral, defeats the French fleet • — 33 Heliopolis and Emessa besieged by the Saracens — 30 Hengist gains the battle of Crayford and is established in Kent — 30 massacres the British nobles — 39 Henry the Fowler elected king of Germany — 41 Henry the Black deposes three Popes at the council of Sutrium — 43 Henry, prince, is invested with the dukedom of Nor- mandy — 44 Henry II. is deserted by Queen Eleanor and his three sons — 44 ■ does penance at the tomb of Thomas-a- Becket — 50 Henry earl of Richmond escapes from Bretagne to France — 50 lands at Milford Haven — 53 Henry prince of Wales dies — 29 Heraclian, count, revolt and defeat of, in Africa 33 Heraclius and Priscus conspire against Phocas 33 33 33 takes up arms against Phocas elevation of, on the fall and death of Phocas makes peace with the Avari and pushes the war against the Persians first expedition of, against Khosrou second expedition of, against Khosrou third expedition of, against Khosrou 33 33 33 55 Herculaneum discovered, after being lost for seventeen centuries — 55 Heritable jurisdictions in Scotland abolished — 50 Hexham, battle of, — Queen Margaret escapes to France ALPHABETICAL TABLES III. HISTORICAL EVENTS N° A.D. 29 Hippo, siege of,— death of St. Augustine, bishop of Hippo — 430 56 Hochkirchen, battle of,— Mareschal Keith killed — 1758 53 Holy Bible, new translation, published by authority — 1611 49 Homildon Hill, battle of, between the earls of Douglas and Northumberland — 1402 57 Hone, William, acquitted on three trials for libel — 1817 53 House of Lords solicit a supply, which is voted a breach of privilege — 1640 53 abolished by the Commons — 1649 54 House of Commons ordered to take the sacrament — 1661 54 — protest against alterations in money bills by 54 51 the Lords disband the forces against the king's expressed — 1671 opinion for a standing army finally reject king William's request to retain his Dutch guards 51 Howard, queen Katherine, and lady Rochford beheaded 56 Howe's, lord, victory in the bay of Biscay — 52 Huguenot war in France — 40 Hugh the Great, the father of Hugh Capet, dies — 40 Hugh Capet created duke of France by Lothaire the king 40 Hungary created a kingdom in favour of Stephen, son of Geisa — 29 Huns, the, ravage Europe on to Constantinople — 30 extinction of their empire — 11 Icilius, his law allotting the Aventine to the Commons 16 Illyrian war with Rome, the first — 16 Illyria and Rome, peace between — 16 Illyrian war, the second — 11 Inarus revolts from the Persians — 11 Institution of the dictatorship at Rome — 16 Insubria and Liguria formed into the province of Cis- alpine Gaul — 16 Interview between Hannibal and Scipio — — between Sulla and Mithridates. Peace granted to Mithridates 19 between Pompey and Lucullus in Galatia — 19 at Luca between Caesar, Pompey, and Crassus 20 between Antony and Cleopatra on the Cydnus 20 of Antony and Octavianus at Tarentum — 10 Ionia, conquest of, by the Persians — 11 Ionian war. — Sardis burnt. — The Ionians defeated near Ephesus — 11 second year — Cyprus recovered by the Persians 11 ■ third year — Aristagoras slain in Thrace — 11 — fourth year — Histiseus comes down to the coast fifth year — Preparations for the assault of Mi- letus 11 last year — The confederates defeated in a naval action, and Miletus taken — 3 Ionic migration led by Neleus — 13 Iphicrates defeats the troops of Agesilaus by a new system of tactics — 13 sent to the Hellespont — — arrives at Corcyra, but Mnasippus is already slain 13 — continues in command of a fleet in the Ionian sea 14 Ipsus, battle of, — Antigonus falls. — Flight of Demetrius 16 Irruption of the Transalpine Gauls — 14 Issus, battle of, gained by Alexander — 16 Istria on the Adriatic, conquest of, by the Romans — 8 Istrus, a Milesian colony settled — 11 Ithome surrenders to the Lacedaemonians — 35 Iconoclastic controversy begins — 35 rupture between the Pontificate and the Greek empire upon the question — 31 Ida founds the kingdom of Bernicia — 36 Images, destruction of, decreed by the synod of Con- stantinople — 25 Immae, battle of,— defeat and death of Macrinus — 34 Ina king of Wessex publishes a code of Saxon laws — 57 Income tax abandoned — 56 India bill of Mr. Fox thrown out — 56 of Mr. Pitt passed 45 Innocent III. enjoins the election of Stephen Langton to the see of Canterbury — 1697 1698 1542 1794 1560 956 960 1000 441 468 B.C. 454 229 228 219 460 499 222 202 84 66 55 42 37 544 499 498 497 496 495 494 1044 392 389 373 372 301 236 333 221 633 455 A.D. 726 728 547 754 217 692 1802 1783 1784 1206 N° 45 Innocent III. consecrates Langton in person at Viterbo 45 pronounces the interdict against king John — 49 Insurrection of Jack Cade — 21 Interview of Caius Caesar with Phraates king of Parthia — of king Henry I. and pope Innocent II. at Chartres of Henry VIII. and Charles V. at Dover of Henry VIII. and Francis I. at Ardres 51 - 51 - 41 Inundation of the sea, of great extent in Flanders 49 at Dort, which overwhelmed 100,000 souls - 42 Investitures, and their question of right, raise disputes between the emperor and the pope — 43 by ring and crosier abandoned by the emperor 37 Irene, the empress, deposed and banished to Lesbos — 56 Irish trade opened • — 56 directory arrested at Dublin — 24 Issus, battle of, — Pescennius Niger defeated by Septi- mius Severus — 31 Italy, invasion of, by the Franks — 32 in great part conquered by the Lombards — 32 ravaged by the Sclavonians and Avari — 52 Ivry, battle of, — duke de Mayenne defeated by Henry IV. A.D. 1207 1208 1450 2 1130 1520 1520 1014 1447 1073 1122 802 1779 1798 195 538 568 600 1590 B.C. 370 587 63 144 609 HI 109 107 106 100 A.D. 47 James Arteveldt, a brewer of Ghent, becomes an ally to king Edward III. — 1337 49 James I. of Scotland taken prisoner on his way to France — 1406 49 released from his captivity — 1423 53 James I. of England resorts to raising money by way of benevolence — 1614 53 enforces episcopacy in Scotland — 1617 53 ■ personally cancels a protest of the House of Commons — 1621 57 Janissaries, extinction of, by Sultan Mahmood — 1826 52 Jarnac, battle of, gained by Henry duke of Anjou, the prince de Conde killed — 1569 57 Java, conquest of, by Sir Samuel Auchmuty — 1811 56 Jervis, Sir John, victory off Cape St. Vincent — 1797 22 Jerusalem taken and destroyed by Titus — 70 33 taken by the Saracens — 6i7 42 besieged and taken by the Crusaders — 1099 56 Jesuits, order of, abolished in France — 1764 49 Joan of Arc takes Orleans by assault — 1429 29 John the Notary, elevation and fall of — 423 45 John, king, does homage to the pope before his legate at Dover — 1213 45 signs Magna Charta, pope Innocent annuls it 1215 46 John Baliol declared king of Scotland by Edward I. — 1292 46 is defeated by king Edward, and abdicates his crown — 1296 48 John of Gaunt weds Constance, and assumes the regal style of Castile — 49 John Huss condemned at the council of Constance — 53 John Hampden, judgment in the Exchequer against — 53 judgment in the Exchequer cancelled by par- 13 Jason of Pherae is slain — 9 Jerusalem taken by Nebuchadnezzar. — The Temple burnt — 19 taken by Pompey — 18 Jonathan Maccabeus betrayed and put to death by Tryphon — 8 Josiah king of Judah slain at Megiddo — 18 Jugurthan war, first campaign — 18 Jugurtha and Boinilcar defeated by Metellus — 18 joined by Bocchus — 18 betrayed by Bocchus to Sulla, and delivered up to Marius — 19 Julius Caesar, birth of — liament 53 mortally wounded at Chalgrove 54 John Hampden fined £40,000 — 28 Julian declared Caesar, and sent to the West by Con- stantine — 28 first campaign in Gaul — 28 second campaign. — He defeats Chnodomar at Strasburg 28 five expeditions beyond the Rhine 28 subdues the Franks 357- 1371 1415 1638 1641 1643 1684 354 356 357 -361 358 Ill, ALPHABETICAL TABLES HISTORICAL EVENTS N° A.D. 28 Julian acknowledged emperor — 361 28 resolves on the conquest of Persia — 362 28 marches to the Euphrates, — invasion of As- syria, — death of Julian — 363 31 Justinian code published 529—530 31 pandects published — 529 37 Kent and Essex conquered by Egbert king of Wessex 823 56 Keppel, admiral, acquitted by court martial — 1779 32 Khosrou Purvez seeks protection with the Romans — 590 32 — restored as king of Persia by the troops of the emperor Maurice — 591 33 conquers Syria — 611 33 takes Jerusalem and conquers Palestine — 614 33 conquers Egypt and Asia Minor — 616 33 deposed and murdered by Schiroueh his son 628 57 Kilwarden, lord, assassinated in the streets of Dublin 1803 42 Knights of St. John, institution of — 1097 43 Knights Templars, institution of — 1118 31 Kobad destroys the army of Anastatius — 504 31 defeated by Celer, which ends the Persian war 505 57 Konieh, battle of, gained by Ibrahim Pacha over the Vizier Redschid Pacha — 1832 B.C. 20 Labienus and the Parthians invade Syria and sack Jerusalem — 20 defeated by Ventidius — 12 Lacedaemon, congress at — 12 and Elis, war between — 13 and Megalopolis at war — 17 Lacedaemonians defeated by the Argives at Hysia — 1 lose their ascendancy in Greece — 17 join the Achaean League — 17 enter a second time into the Achaean League 13 Laconia, first invasion of, — the Thebans arrive in mid- winter — 16 Laevinus defeats the Carthaginian fleet off Clypea — 14 Lamian war — 7 Lampsacus, founded by the Phocaeans, led by Timesias 14 Latin war with Rome ended — 14 Lautulae, battle of, — Fabius Maximus defeated by the Samnites — 13 Lechaeum, battle of, and sedition at Corinth — 18 Lentulus defeated by the servile army under Eunus 6 Leontium in Achaia founded — 19 Lepidus, civil war of — 19 death of — 20 Lepidus, fall of — 3 Lesbos occupied 12 revolts from Athens, except Methymne — ■ 12 recovered by the Athenians — 13 Leuctra, battle of, — Cleombrotus mortally wounded — 18 Lex Licinia, a sumptuary law introduced at Rome — 16 Libyan war with Carthage terminated — 17 Licinius the consul winters in Bceotia and Thessaly — 17 Ligurians are transported to Samnium — 17 subdued by the consuls Gallus and Marcellus 16 Lilybaeum besieged by the Roman consuls — 8 Lipara founded according to Eusebius — 9 founded according to Diodorus — 19 Livius Drusus endeavouring to advance the privileges of the Italian allies is assassinated — 7 Locri, the, settle in Magna Graecia — 11 Long walls of Athens completed — 19 defeats Mithridates at Cyzicus — 19 ' besieges Amisus — 19 takes Amisus and Eupatoria — 14 Lycia reduced by Alexander — 9 Lycophron, son of Periander, slain by the Corcyraeans 13 Lycophron surrenders Pherae to Philip, who is pre- vented by the Athenians passing Pylas — 4 Lycurgus, regency of — 13 Lysander slain at Haliartus — 15 Lysimachus defeated and slain by Seleucus — 54 La Hogue, battle of, gained by Admiral Russell 56 Lally, count, beheaded at Paris 50 Lambert Simnel proclaimed in Ireland 40 39 432 401 352 669 476 192 182 369 208 323 654 337 315 393 135 730 78 77 36 1053 428 427 371 110 238 171 180 166 250 627 579 91 673 456 73 72 71 333 585 352 873 395 281 A.D. 16 '2 1766 1486 Earl 50 Lambert Simnel crowned in Dublin. Battle of Stoke, — Simnel degraded — 54 Landen, battle of, lost by king William — 52 Langside, battle of, — Mary Queen of Scots defeated by the regent Moray — 32 Latin language falls into disuse about — 53 Laud, bishop, raised to the see of Canterbury — 53 archbishop, beheaded — 51 League between Julius II. Spain and Venice against France — 51 ■ at Calais between Leo X. Charles V. and Henry VIII. 52 Lennox, regent earl of, assassinated at Stirling, of Marr succeeds 14 Leipsic. battle of,— Count Tilly defeated by Gustavus Adolphus — 53 Lens, battle of, gained by the Prince of Conde — 37 Leo the Armenian killed at the altar by Michael the Stammerer 32 Leovigild conquers the Suevi, who are annexed to Spain — 52 Lepanto, battle of, gained by Don John of Austria — 46 Lewes, battle of, — King Henry III. taken prisoner — 56 Lexington, hostilities commence at — 56 Libel bill carried by Mr. Fox. The jury to judge both of the law and the fact — 57 Liberty of the press established in France — 27 Licinius declared Augustus by Galerius without the intermediate rank of Caesar — 43 Lincoln, battle of, — King Stephen taken prisoner — 45 battle of, — Prince Louis returns to France — 56 Lisbon, earthquake at — 29 Littorius defeated and taken prisoner by Theo- doric — 57 Liverpool, lord, sudden paralysis of — 46 Llewellyn Prince of Wales defeats king Edward's forces — 31 Llongborth, battle of, between Cerdic and Arthur — 32 Longinus, sent by Justin II. takes the title of Exarch of Ravenna ■ — 56 Lord Mayor Beckford rejoins to the king's reply to an address from the city of London — 40 Lorraine becomes the subject of warlike contention between Otho II. and Lothaire king of France — 57 Lotteries, the last contract for — 57 Louis XVIII. embarks for Calais on his restoration — 38 Louis III. of France defeats the Normans on the Loire — 39 Louis son of Boson king of Aries is crowned emperor of the West by Pope Benedict IV. ■ — 39 defeated by Berenger, who deprives him of sight — 45 Louis Prince of France, invited by the barons invades England — 45 Louis IX. of France takes Damietta — 45 captured, surrenders Damietta — 57 Lucien Bonaparte lands at Plymouth — 24 Lucilla, sister to Commodus, exiled and put to death for conspiracy — 53 Lutzen, battle of, — Gustavus Adolphus killed — 24 Lyons, battle of, — Claudius Albinus defeated by Septi- mius Severus — A.D. 1487 1693 1568 581 1633 1645 1511 1521 1571 1631 1648 820 585 1571 1264 1775 14 Macedonian garrison enters Munychia — 17 Macedonian war, the first — 17 the second — 17 Macedonia divided into provinces. — Seventy towns in Epirus destroyed — 17 Magnesia, battle of, — Antiochus defeated by Scipio — 16 Mayo lands an army in Italy — 18 Mancinus the consul defeated by the Numantines, who consent to peace upon equal terms 17 Manlius the consul reduces the Gallo-Greeks in Galatia — 17 carries on the war in Istria — 18 Manlius and Caepio, consul and proconsul, totally de- feated by the Cimbri on the banks of the Rhone — 12 Mantinea, battle of, gained by King Agis — 13 besieged by Agesipolis — 13 battle of, — death of Epaminondas — 1792 1824 307 1141 1217 1755 440 1827 1281 530 569 1770 978 1825 1814 882 901 904 1216 1249 1250 1810 183 1632 197 B.C 322* 200 171 167 190 205 — 137 189 178 105 418 385 362 ALPHABETICAL TABLES III. HISTORICAL EVENTS N° B. C. 13 Mantinea, peace of, the Messenians included, the Lace- daemonians not consenting — 361 16 battle of, — Machanides defeated and slain by Philopcemen — 11 Marathon, battle of, — the Persians defeated by Miltiades 16 Marcellus the consul kills Viridomarus in single conflict 16 sent into Sicily, — Syracuse besieged — 16 finally takes Syracuse — 16 slain in an ambush — 17 Marcellus the consul conducts the war in Spain — 17 Marcius the consul defeated by the Ligurians — 17 the consul proceeds into Macedon — 18 Marcius the consul plants a colony at Narbonne in Transalpine Gaul — 18 Marius serves at Numantia 18 - now tribune of the people, imprisons the consul Metellus for opposition to his measures — — takes Capsa. — His first consulate — a second time consul, passes over to Gaul. Sulla is legatus to him — a third time consul. Sulla military tribune — a fourth time consul, defeats the Teutones at Aquae Sextia a fifth time consul, and Catullus, defeat the Cimbri on the plain of Vercellae a sixth time consul lays down his command and Sulla, civil war between — and Cinna, junction of a seventh time consul, — his death 18 13 19 19 19 19 19 29 Marius the younger defeated near Praeneste 20 Marriage of Antony and Octavia 16 Masinissa saluted as king of Numidia by Scipio — 17 extends his encroachments in Africa — 17 renewed complaints against his encroachments 18 defeats the Carthaginians — 9 Massilia — Marseilles — founded by the Phocceans — 10 refounded 18 Massiva murdered by Bomilcar at the instance of Ju- gurtha — 20 Media and Armenia conquered by the Parthians — > 13 Megalopolis founded — 6 Megara Hyblaea founded — 8 Megarians send colonists to Byzantium — 11 Megarid, battles in the, between the Athenians and Corinthians — 3 Melanthus elected king of Athens — 12 Melos surrendered to the Athenians — 20 Messalla, campaign of — 15 Messapians, conquest of, and occupation of Brundusium 6 Messenian war, the first — 6 the first ended — 7 the second — 7 the second ended — 11 the third — 13 Messenians, restoration of the — 17 surrender to Lycortas, the successor of Philo- pcemen — 16 Metaurus, battle of the, — Hasdrubal defeated and slain 15 Metellus the consul killed at Arretinm — . 16 Metellus gains a victory over Hasdrubal at Panormus 18 Metellus the consul sent into Spain — 18 Metellus superseded by Marius — 19 exile of — 19 return of — 18 Micipsa king of Numidia, death of — 8 Milesians established in Egypt — 8 Milesian war begins — 8 Miletus, peace with, between Alyattes and Thrasybulus 12 battle of, gained by the Athenians — 19 Milo and Clodius, rencontre between — 19 Milo in exile — 10 Miltiades, son of Cimon, succeeds Stesagoras in the Chersonese 11 retires from the Chersonese to Athens, while the Phoenician fleet lay at Tenedos — 12 Mindarus slain by Alcibiades at Cyzicus — 3 Minos, his naval dominion and legislation — 19 Mithridatic war, the first — 19 renewed — 19 Mithridates, defeat and flight of — 206 490 222 214 212 208 152 186 169 118 134 119 107 104 103 102 101 100 90 88 87 86 82 40 203 193 172 150 600 544 110 33 371 728 628 457 1104 416 34 266 743 723 685 668 464 369 182 207 283 250 143 107 100 99 118 630 623 612 412 52 52 — 515 493 410 1256 88 74 72 N° 19 Mithridates received by Tigranes — 19 defeated by Pompey — 20 Munda, battle of. — by Caesar over Pompey, which ter- minates the civil war — 20 Mutina, battles of — 11 Mycale, battle of, gained by Leotychides — 11 Mycenae destroyed by the Argives — 6 Mylae in the Chersonesus of Sicily founded — 8 Myron of Sicyon is victor in the chariot race — 11 Myronides, expedition of, into Thessaly — 12 Mytilene besieged by the Athenians — 12 and Platea surrender — 19 capture of — 55 Macclesfield, lord chancellor, convicted of bribery — 51 Madrid, treaty of, — Francis I. released by Charles V. — 57 insurrection at, the palace attacked — 32 Mahomed, birth of — 33 preaches at Mecca — 33 begins to publish his Koran — 33 flight of, — era of the Hejira — 33 death of — 33 Mahometan war. The first against the Roman empire 32 Maires du Palais to the Merovingian kings of Prance usurp their power — 56 Malmsbury's, lord, embassy to Paris — 55 Malplaquet, battle of, between Marlborough and Villars 43 Malta taken by Roger count of Sicily — 57 Manchester meeting for reform, fatal issue of — 30 Marcellinus, count, revolts in Dalmatia — 48 March, Roger earl of, declared presumptive heir to the Crown — 49 — — succeeded in his regal rights by the duke of B.C. 70 66 45 43 479 468 716 648 454 428 427 80 A.D. 1725 1526 1841 569 609 612 622 632 629 598 1796 1709 1122 18)9 461 1385 1424 York 46 Marchfield, battle of, — Ottocar defeated by Rodolph of Hapsburg — 1278 55 Maria Theresa rejects the insidious offers of Frederic of Prussia — 1740 51 Marignano, battle of, — the Swiss defeated by Francis I. 1515 48 Marino Faliero denounced by the Council of Ten, and beheaded — 55 Marlborough, John duke of, dies — 55 Marlborough, dss. of, advances £300,000 on the salt duty 23 Marriage of Marcus Aurelius with Faustina, daughter of Antoninus — of Athaulfus with Placidia, sister of Honorius. 29 31 -10 ■10 ■11 16 49 50 50 50 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 52 52 He marches into Spain of Amalric, king of the Visigoths, to Clotilda, daughter of Clovis of the princess Theodora, daughter of the em- peror Romanus, to the eldest son of Otho the Great of VVlodomirof Russia to the princess Anne, daughter of Romanus II. of Henry duke of Normandy to Eleanor, the divorced queen of Louis VII. contract between prince Edward and Margaret of Scotland. — The young queen dies on her return from Norway — of Francis Sforza with Bianca Visconti, daugh- ter of duke Philip of Milan of king Edward IV. to lady Elizabeth Grey — of Mary countess of Burgundy with the arch- duke Maximilian of Anne duchess of Bretagne to Charles VIII. king of France of Katherine of Arragon to Arthur prince of of James IV. of Scotland to the princess Mar- garet of England — of king Henry VIII. to Katherine princess of of the princess Mary to Louis XII. king of Wales Wales i France of king Henry VIII. to Anne Boleyn — of king Henry VIII. to Jane Seymour — of king Henry VIII. to Anne of Cleves — of king Henry VIII. to lady Katherine Howard of king Henry VIII. to Katherine Parr — of lord Guildford Dudley and lady Jane Grey of Mary queen of Scots and the Dauphin — 1355 1722 1732 139 414 528 972 988 1151 1290 1441 1464 1477 1491 1501 1502 1509 1514 1533 1536 1540 1540 1548 1554 1558 III. ALPHABETICAL TABLES HISTORICAL EVENTS N° A.D. 52 Marriage of Mary queen of Scots and lord Darnley — 1565 52 of Mary queen of Scots to earl Bothwell — 1567 53 of the Ps. Elizabeth to the Elector Palatine — 1613 53 of king Charles I. to Henrietta Maria of France 1625 54 of the Duke of York to Mary of Modena — 1673 57 of queen Victoria and Prince Albert of Saxe Coburg Gotha — 1840 56 Marriage Act passed — 1753 37 Marseilles taken and plundered by Greek pirates — 848 55 plague at — 1720 54 Marsiglia. battle of, duke of Savoy defeated — 1693 53 Marston Moor, battle of — 1644 51 Martin Luther excommunicated at the Diet of Worms 1521 51 preaches against the sale of Indulgences at Wittemburg and is condemned at Rome — 1517 52 Martyrs, John Rogers, protomartyr — Bishop Hooper, Bishop Ferrars — 1555 51 Mary queen of Scots carried over to France — 1548 52 lands at Leith from the court of France — 1561 52 ■ lands at Workington — 1568 52 beheaded — 1587 44 Massacre of the Latins at Constantinople — 1183 52 Massacre on St. Bartholomew's eve — J572 53 Matilda, the empress, now a widow, returns to England 1126 43 marries Geoffrey Plantagenet — 1127 43 invades Normandy — 1136 43 escapes by night from Oxford to Wallingford 1142 43 returns to Normandy — 1147 32 Maurice the Cappadocian wars against the Avari — 595 33 and his five children put to death by Phocas 602 52 prince, takes Breda and expels the Spaniards from the Union — 1590 27 Maximin exacts the equal title of Augustus, which is also conceded to Constantine — 308 27 Maximian strangled at Marseilles by order of Con- stantine — 310 28 Maximus in Britain revolts against Theodosius — 383 28 invades Italy ; flight of Valentinian II. — 387 28 — defeated on the Save by Theodosius. — Death of Maximus — 388 33 Mecca, submission of to Mahomed — 629 39 pillatred by the Carmanthian Abu Taher — 929 57 Mehemet Ali, revolt of, from the Sublime Porte — 1824 57 Melville, lord, charged with embezzlement by Mr. Whitbread — 1805 55 Menin surrenders to Marlborough — 1706 29 Meroveus begins to reign, according to the French chronology — 448 36 Merovingian dynasty terminated in France — 751 39 Mersberg. battle of, — the Hungarians defeated by Henry the Fowler — 934 42 battle of,— Rodolph of Suabia killed by God- frey of Bouillon — 1080 57 Metropolitan Police commenced — 1829 37 Michael I. defeated by Crunnus king of Bulgaria — 813 38 Michael III. the Sot, put to death by Basil the Macedo- nian, who succeeds him — 867 42 Michael VI. abdicates the empire of the East in favour of Isaac Comnenus — 57 Miguel, Don, usurps the throne of Portugal — 57 — his fleet captured by Admiral Napier 1057 1828 1833 1759 1708 1719 1741 341 56 Minden, battle of, — defection of lord George Sackville 55 Minorca taken by general Stanhope — 55 Mississippi scheme at its height in Nov. Dec. — 55 Molwitz, battle of, gained by Frederic of Prussia — 27 Monastic life, increase and influence of, at Rome — 36 Monasteries in the East dissolved by Constantine Co- pronymus — 770 52 Moncontour, battle of, gained by Henry IV. • — 1569 54 Monmouth, duke of, taken at Sedgemoor — 1685 47 Montfort, countess de, engages a French fleet — 1342 56 Montreal, surrender of to General Amherst — 1760 56 taken by the Americans under general Mont- gomery — 1775 53 Montrose, marquis of, executed — 1650 53 Moors, expulsion of by Philip III. of Spain — 1609 51 More, Sir Thomas, beheaded — 1535 47 Mortimer, Roger, seized in Nottingham castle and executed — 1330 50 Mortimer's Cross, battle of, gained by Edward earl of March — 1461 N° 28 Mount Seleucus, battle of, — defeat and death of Mag- nentius — 47 Mount Cassel, battle of, gained by Philip of Valois over the Flemings 51 Muhlberg. battle of, gained by Charles V. — Elector of Saxony taken prisoner 47 Muhldorf, battle of, — Frederic III. taken prisoner by Louis of Bavaria — 52 Murray, regent earl of, assassinated, earl of Lennox succeeds — 28 Mursa, battle of, — Magnentius defeated by Constantius 35 Musa the Saracen lands in Spain — 35 effects the conquest of Spain — 35 arrested at the head of his army — 17 Nabis submits to Flamininus. — Liberation of Argos — 17 defeated by Philopcemen. — Lacedasmon joins the Achaean League — 6 Nabonassar, era of, begins — 3 Naval empire of the Lydians 1169- 3 of the Pelasgians 1077- 4 of the Thracians 992- 4 of the Rhodians 913- 4 of the Phrygians 890- 4 of the Cyprians 865- 4 of the Phoenicians 832- 5 of the Egyptians ? 787- 6 ■ of the Milesians 750- 6 oftheCarians 732- 7 of the Lesbians 671- 9 of the Phocaeans 575- 10 of the Samians — 11 of iEgina — 12 Naval actions in the Corinthian gulf ■ — 6 Naxos founded by Theucles — 10 besieged for four months by Megabates and Aristagoras — 11 besieged by Cimon — 13 battle off,— Pollis defeated by Chabrias — 8 Neco king of Egypt began his canal between the Red Sea and the Nile, circa — 9 Nemean games restored — 12 Nicias leads an expedition — 12 surrender of, in Sicily — 19 Nicomedes bequeaths Bithynia to the Romans — 8 Nineveh, capture of ■ — 18 Numantines, the, refuse to receive Mancinus as a prisoner 18 Numantia, its fall and destruction of its inhabitants — A.D. 353 — 1330 — 1547 1322 1570 351 712 713 714 B.C. 195 52 Nantes, edict of by Henry IV. in favour of the Re- formers — 54 edict of, revoked — 51 Naples, partition of, by Louis XII. and Ferdinand oi Spain 46 Napoleon della Torre captured at Desio by the arch bishop of Milan - 57 Napoleon Bonaparte, death of 29 Narbonne besieged by the Goths - 32 Narses effects the settlement of Italy 32 defeats the Franks and the Athenians 32 defection and death of 192 747 -1178 - 993 - 914 - 891 - 866 - 833 - 786 - 751 - 733 - 672 - 6o;i - 532 529 4S5 429 735 501 466 376 610 566 427 413 74 606 136 133 A.D. 1598 1685 - 1501 1277 1821 435 544 554 567 1C45 53 Naseby, battle of, — the royalists defeated — 57 National prosperity the leading topic of the royal speech in February. Commercial panic in December — 1825 48 Navarette, battle of, — by Edward the Black Prince over Henry the Bastard of Castile — 1367 45 Novas de Tolosa, battle of, — Mahomed Alnassar de- feated by Alfonso IX. of Castile — 1212 56 Nelson's, lord, victory off the Nile — 1798 47 Nevil's Cross, battle of, — David king of Scotland taken prisoner — 1346 53 Newbury, first battle of, gained by the parliamentarians 1643 53 second battle of, — an undecided conflict — 1644 56 New York taken by the king's troops — 1776 57 desolating fire at — 1835 42 Nice, siege of, by the Crusaders — 1097 51 Nice, treaty of, between Charles V. and Francis I. — 1538 37 Nicephorus defeated and killed by Crunnus king of Bulgaria — 811 ALPHABETICAL TABLES III. HISTORICAL EVENTS peius N° 40 Nicephorus II. assassinated at the instance of Theophania 969 48 Nicopolis, battle of, — defeat of Sigisinund king of Hun- gary by Bajazet I. — 1396 52 Nieuport, battle of, — the archduke Albert defeated by prince Maurice — 1600 31 Nika, insurrection of the, at Constantinople — 532 54 Nimeguen, peace of — 1678 27 Nisibis, first siege of, by Shahpoor king of Persia — 338 27 second siege of — 346 27 third siege of — 350 31 Noorsherwan invades Syria and destroys Antioch — 540 32 last war with the Romans — 572 56 Nootka Sound, affair of — 1790 53 Nordlinghen, battle of, gained by the Imperialists — 1634 52 Norfolk, Thomas duke of, beheaded — 1572 43 Normandy subdued by the earl of Anjou — 1146 45 united to France — 1204 38 Normans, the, sail up the Seine to Paris — 856 41 first enter Italy — 1018 42 conquer Calabria — 1060 50 Northampton, battle of, — king Henry VI. taken prisoner 1460 49 Northumberland, earl of, slain at Bramham Moor by Sir Thomas Rokeby — 1408 56 Notables, first assembly at Versailles — 1787 56 second assembly — 1788 51 Novarra, the French under La Tremouille repulsed by the Swiss — 1513 51 Noyau, treaty of, which ends the wars of the League of Cambray — 1516 B.C. 44 39 37 35 34 31 592 456 364 884 315 724 707 720 688 680 648 632 382 281 380 379 349 348 347 352 1176 366 A.D. 264 743 477 489 489 490 493 794 20 Octavianus arrives from Apollonia — and Antony conclude peace with Sextus Pom- prepares to invade Sicily — — at war with the Illyrians and Pannonians — campaign in Dalmatia — passes through Athens and Asia, on his return to Italy — 9 Odessus on the Euxine founded by the Milesians — 11 CEnophyta, battle of, gained by Myronides over the Boeotians — 13 Olympia, battle of, at the time of the games — 4 Olympiad of Iphitus, in which Lycurgus concurred — 14 Olympias captured and put to death by Cassander — 6 Olympic games, — the SiavXos added — 6 the 7rd\tj and nevra0ov — 6 the 56A('xo? — 7 ■ the irtxiit] — 7 the quadriga — 8 the irafKpdTiov and KeXri? — 8 — — — — the 5p6yuo9 and viXn wataiv — 13 Olynthian war, first campaign, — Phcebidas seizes the Cadmea — Teleutias marches to Olynthus — 13 second campaign. — Teleutias slain — 13 third campaign. — Death of Agesipolis — 13 finished by Polybiades — 14 first embassy to Athens, — Chares sent to Olyn- thus with 2,000 mercenaries — 14 second year, — Charidemus sent with auxiliaries 14 Olynthus taken by Philip, with several towns in Chal- cidicae and Thrace — 13 Onomarchus defeated by Philip — 3 Orestes reigns in Argos — 13 Oropus seized by the exiles — 26 Odenatus king of Palmyra governs the Eastern empire for Gallienus — 35 Odillon duke of Bavaria defeated by Pepin and Car- loman — 30 Odoacer forms an alliance with Euric king of the Visi- goths — 30 first defeat at Aquilea by Theodoric — 30 second defeat at Verona by Theodoric — 30 final defeat by Theodoric — 30 surrenders to Theodoric, and is assassinated at Ravenna — 36 Offa introduces the tax of Peter pence into Mercia — 40 Olga princess of Russia baptised. — The era of Christian- ity in Russia N° 33 Omar, caliph, mortally wounded in the mosque at Me dina by a Persian slave 35 Ommyiades, fall of the, — caliph Merwan defeated and killed by Abu Moslem in Egypt — 53 O'Neil earl of Tyrone surrenders at discretion — 54 Opdam, admiral, defeated by the duke of York — 57 Opium, introduction of, interdicted in China — 55 Orange, prince of. elected stadtholder — 47 Order of the Garter instituted — 54 Orange, prince of, lands at Torbay — 57 Orders in Council issued to counteract the Berlin decrees 38 Ordonno I. king of Oviedo takes Salamanca by storm 39 Ordonno II. king of Leon defeats Abderahman, and takes Talavera by storm — 39 defeats Abderahman at St. Peter de Gormuz — 39 defeated at Val Junquera — 57 Osnaburg united to Hanover — 25 Osrhcene, conquest of, by the Romans — 53 Ostend taken by the marquis Spinola — 21 Ostorius, expedition of — 28 Ostrogoths repulsed on the Danube by Theodosius — 33 Oswald king of Northumberland killed in battle with Penda king of Mercia ■ — 22 Otho the emperor defeated at Bedriacum — 39 Otho duke of Saxony declines accepting the Imperial crown — 39 Otho I. defeats the Sclavonians, and makes Boleslas duke of Bohemia tributary — 40 drives Berenger II. and Adalbert out of Italy 40 defeats the Sclavonians in Saxony — 40 crowned Emperor of the West by pope John XII. — 40 Otho II. subdues the Bohemians — 40 defeated at Basentello — 40 massacres his chief nobility at a banquet to which he had invited them — defeated by the Greeks and Saracens in Calabria A.D. 40 - 41 Otho III. poisoned by the widow of Crescentius 48 Otterburn, battle of, between Hotspur and Douglas — 55 Oudenarde, battle of, gained by Marlborough and Eugene — 43 Ouriquez, battle of,— the Saracens defeated by count Alfonso — 53 Overbury, murder of Sir Thomas, divulged — 49 Owen Glendour raises a rebellion in Wales — 9 Panathenaea instituted at Athens — 8 Pansetius becomes tyrant of Leontium — 5 Pandosia and Metapontum in Italy founded ■ — 15 Panormus surrenders to the Romans — 7 Pantaleon king of Pisa participates in the second Mes- senian war ■ — 8 celebrates the Olympic games — 15 Papirius Cursor erects the first sun-dial in Rome — 18 Papirius Carbo is routed by the Cimbri, who spread themselves over Transalpine Gaul — 6 Parion founded according to Eusebius — 20 Parthian war. — Disastrous retreat of Antony — 19 ended — 13 Peace of Antalcidas.— Corinth and Argos separated, Evagoras and Cyprus excluded — 13 Peace between Corinth, Phlius. and Thebes — 14 Peace between Philip of Macedon and the Athenians — 6 Pekah slain by Hoshea — 12 Peloponnesian war — 12 truce for a year — 3 Pelops in Pisatis — 3 Penthilus, Eolic migration under — 14 Perdiccas, death of, at the Nile — 8 Periander mediates between Athens and Mytilene — 11 Pericles enters into public life at Athens 11 - 12 - 12 - his campaign at Sicyon begins to have the sole power in Athens invests Samos by land and by sea, — surrender of Samos death of — 955 12 - 17 Perseus of Macedon endeavours to re-establish an alli- ance with the Achaeans — 17 declines giving audience to the Roman ambas- sadors — — 644 750 1602 1665 1832 1747 1348 1688 1807 862 914 916 921 1802 216 1606 47 386 642 69 91 950 951 957 962 977 980 981 982 1002 1388 1708 1139 1615 1401 B.C. 566 608 774 254 672 644 293 113 708 36 51 387 366 346 738 431 423 1283 1124 321 606 469 454 444 440 429 174 173 III. ALPHABETICAL TABLES HISTORICAL EVENTS N° B.C. — 171 17 Perseus sends ambassadors to Rome for peace 17 abandons Dium,and entrenches himself on the banks of the Enipus — 169 12 Persia and Sparta. First treaty between — 412 12 Second treaty between — 412 12 Third treaty between — 411 11 Persian armament, the first, under Mardonius — 492 11 the second, under Datis and Artaphernes — 490 13 Persian and Cyprian war of ten years — 385 17 Petillius the consul slain by the Ligurians > — 176 12 Phaeax sent to Sicily by the Athenians — 422 9 Phalaris of Agrigentum, accession of, according to Eu- sebius — 570 10 death of — 549 13 Pharnabazus with Conon ravages the coasts of Pelo- ponnesus — 393 20 Pharnaces, war with and defeat of — 47 15 Pharos of Alexandria built — 284 20 Pharsalia, battle of,— flight and death of Pompey — 48 7 Phaselis in Pamphylia founded — 690 5 Phidon king of Argos reigns — 783 6 celebrates the eighth Olympic games — 748 7 Phigalia taken by the Lacedaemonians — 659 20 Philippi, first battle of, — death of Cassius — 42 20 second battle of,— death of Brutus — 42 13 Philip of Macedon defeats Argaeus at Methone, makes peace with Athens, reduces Paeonia, and subdues the Illyrians — 359 takes Amphipolis — 358 besieges I'agasse and Methone — 353 invades Thrace and Scythia — 342 engaged in the siege of Selymbria — 340 raises the sieges of Perinthus and Byzantium 339 chosen general of the Amphictyons — 338 assassinated at Mgse — 336 14 Philip Aridaeus put to death by Olympias > — 317 16 Philip V. of Macedon defeated at Chios by Attalus and the Rhodians — 201 17 besieges Abydos — 200 17 dismisses the Roman ambassador Emilius — 200 defeated by the consul Sulpiciiis near Octolopum 199 defeats the iEtolians, who now declare for the Romans remonstrates against the reductions proposed — 199 17 - by Metellus 17 Philopoemen abrogates the laws of Lycurgus 17 put to death by the Messenians — 17 Philosophers and rhetoricians are prohibited at Rome 13 Phlius surrenders to Agesilaiis — 10 Phocians settle in Gaul — 13 seize Sicily — 14 Phocian or sacred war ends — 14 Phocion in Eubcea, gains the battle of Tamynae against Callias and Taurosthenes — 14 death of — 8 Phraortes king of Media slain by the Assyrians — 15 Picentians and Romans, war between - — 15 conquest of, completed by the consul Sempro- nius — 9 Pisistratus first usurps the govenment of Athens — 9 his first exile from Athens — 10 second tyranny of, at Athens — 10 his second exile from Athens — 10 his third tyranny at Athens — 10 death of — 10 Pisistratidae expelled from Athens — 18 Piso the consul is sent against Numantia — 18 defeats the servile army at Messana — 8 Pittacus overthrows the tyranny of Melanchrus — 9 governs Mytilene for ten years — 12 Plague at Athens — 12 a second time at Athens — 10 Plataea puts itself under the protection of Athens — 11 battle of, — Mardonius defeated and slain by Pausanias — attempted by the Thebans — besieged by Archidamus — restored in consequence of the measures of 12 12 - 13 - Agesilaiis with the Thebans 5 Polychares of Messenia victor in the Olympic games 10 Polycrates at Samos, usurpation of 185 188 183 161 379 539 357 346 350 317 634 269 268 560 554 548 547 537 527 510 135 133 611 589 430 426 519 479 431 429 386 764 532 N° 10 Polycrates of Samos at war with the Lacedaemonians ■ 10 put to death by Oraetes satrap of Sardis 13 Polydamis of Thessaly comes to Sparta 18 Pompey, birth of 19 — 19 - 19 — 19 — 19 — 19 - 19 - opposes Carbo on the part of Sulla — puts Carbo to death in Sicily — expedition into Africa — carries on the war against Sertorius — defeats the Pirates — dethrones Antiochus Asiaticus — hastens to Pontus on advice of renewed prepa- rations by Mithridates — 19 returns to Italy — 19 sole consul — 20 takes measures against Caesar — 14 Pontius the Samnite general refuses to receive the hostages consuls sent from Rome — 17 Popilius the consul gains a victory over the Ligurians — 18 conducts the Celtiberian war — 18 is routed by the Numantines — 14 Porus defeated by Alexander — 16 Posthumius defeated and slain in Gaul — 12 Potidea surrenders, — the siege having cost Athens 2,000 talents — 14 Proclamation by Alexander's letter for the return of the exiles — 8 Proclus tyrant of Epidaurus is cotemporary with Peri- ander — 8 Prusias founded according to Eusebius — 15 Ptolemy Philadelphus is associated in the sovereignty by his father Soter — 15 Ptolemy Ceraunus slain by the Gauls — 19 Ptolemy Apion king of Cyrene leaves his dominions to the Romans 11 Publilian law of Volero, the second great charter of Roman liberty — 15 Punic war. the first — 16 ■ end of the first — 16 the second — 16 end of the second — 18 the third, Carthage besieged — 18 end of the third — 17 Pydna, battle of, — Perseus defeated by the consul Emilius 12 Pylos, occupation of — 15 Pyrrhus expelled from Macedon by Lysimachus — B.C. 525 522 375 106 83 82 81 74 67 65 64 62 52 50 320 173 139 138 326 216 429 324 624 626 285 280 — 96 passes into Italy passes into Sicily leaves Sicily. His fleet is dispersed by the Carthaginians on his way to Italy — defeated by the consul Curius at Beneventum, embarks for Epirus — death of — 15 15 15 15 15 9 Pythian games first celebrated at Delphi 469 264 241 218 202 149 146 168 425 287 280 278 29 Pagan religion finally extinguished about this time — 33 Papal power, commencement of, by the concessions of Phocas — 47 Papal court removed to Avignon by Clement V. 48 restored from Avignon to Rome by Gregory XI. 51 Papal supremacy in England abrogated by Parliament 31 Paris made the capital of France by Clovis — 57 second peace of — 54 Parliament at Oxford, — 'The Expedient' fails — 56 Parliament prorogued to Jan. 3, but it met on Dec. 13 56 Parliamentary reports in the newspapers finally esta- blished — 54 Party distinctions, Whig and Tory, arise 29 Passage of the Rhine by the Vandals under Godesil and Gunderic — ■ 52 Passau, treaty of, — liberty of conscience secured to the German protestants — 34 Paulicians, or disciples of St. Paul, rise of — 39 Pavia reduced to ashes by the Hungarians — 51 battle of, gained by Charles V., Francis I. taken prisoner — 50 Pazzi, conspiracy of the, — assassination of Giulio, and escape of Lorenzo de Medici — 57 Pedro, Don, abdicates the throne of Portugal — 57 death of — 57 Peltier, M., found guilty of a libel upon Bonaparte — ALPHABETICAL TABLES III. HISTORICAL EVENTS N° 34 36 36 36 36 57 21 50 50 50 22 22 23 23 85 25 2.3 26 26 27 27 28 28 32 33 31 45 51 31 56 25 55 55 35 38 56 47 45 32 38 39 47 21 56 23 48 40 55 56 29 22 36 57 37 41 44 53 53 54 A.D. Pepin d'Heristal now governs all France — 687 Pepin le Bref proclaimed king of the Franks — 752 enforces the cession of Ravenna to Stephen II. 755 besieges and takes Narbonne — 759 unites Aquitaine to France — 768 Percival, Mr, assassinated in the lobby of the House of Commons — 1811 Perennis sacrificed by Commodus at the instigation of the British legions — 186 Perkin Warbeck acknowledged as Duke of York by the duchess of Burgundy — 1492 received by the king of Scots — marries the daughter of lord Huntley, and invades England — 1496 found plotting with lord Warwick in the Tower, is executed, and the earl beheaded — 1499 Persecution of the Christians — The 1st — 64 The Ilnd — 95 The Illrd — 107 The IVth — 118 The Vth — 202 The Vlth 235 The Vllth — 250 The VHIth — 257 The IXth — 272 The Xih — 303 Persian war with Rome — Shahpoor and Constantius — 337 Persian war between Shahpoor and Tiranes king of Armenia — 365 Persia, treaty of Peace between Ardisheer and Theo- dosius — 384 Persians, the, defeated by the Roman general Philip- picus — 589 Persia and Syria, invasion of, by the Saracens — 632 Persia, conquest of. by the Saracens — 651 Persia invaded by Zingis Khan — 1218 Peter the Great visits England incognito — 1698 Petra, siege of, by Dagistheus — 549 Philadelphia evacuated by the king's troops — 1778 Philip the Arabian defeated and killed near Verona — 249 Philip V. of Spain abdicates the throne — 1724 resumes the crown ■ — 1724 Philippicus Bardanes assassinated ■ — 713 Photius patriarch of Constantinople deposed, and the Iconoclasts anathematized — 869 Pierson, Major, killed at St. Helier — 1781 Piers, Gaveston, beheaded at Warwick castle — 1312 Pisans, the, arrest the prelates in the Genoese gallies on their way to the council at Rome — 1241 Piso, conspiracy and death of — 65 Pistes, edict of— every castle constructed without license to be rased before Aug. 1 — 864 Placentia, battle of, Berenger defeated by Rodolf king of Burgundy — 922 Plague of Florence depopulates all Europe — 1349 Plautius and Claudius proceed on an expedition to Bri- tain — 43 Plassey, battle of, Surajah Dowlah defeated by Colonel Clive _ 1757 Pliny proconsul of Bithynia writes concerning the Christians to Trajan — 102 Poitiers, battle of, John II. king of France taken prisoner — 1356 Poland. — Christianity introduced about this time — 966 Double election to the crown divides Europe 1733 First partition of — 1772 Pollentia, battle of, Alaric defeated by Stilicho.— Bold retreat of Alaric — 403 Pompeii and Herculaneum destroyed by an eruption of Vesuvius — 79 Pontificate finally separates from the Eastern empire 800 Poor Law Amendment Bill introduced — 1837 Pope Leo IV. defeats the Saracens at the mouth of the Tiber _ 847 Pope Leo IX. leagues with the two emperors against the Normans in Sicily — 1049 Pope Alexander II. mediates between Henry II. and Louis VII. — 1161 Pope Paul V. and the Venetians, high disputes between 1605 interdicts the oath of allegiance by the catho- lics of England — 1606 Pope's nuncio formally received at Windsor — 1687 N° A. D. 55 Porteous, captain, executed at the sign post by the mob at Edinburgh — 1736 55 Porto Bello taken by admiral Vernon — 1739 54 Portsmouth, dss. of, sent by Louis XIV. to secure the French interest — 1670 50 Portuguese first double the Cape and sail to the East Indies — 1497 57 Pottinger, major, and his troops massacred at Khoord Cabul Pass — 1842 55 Pragmatic sanction confirmed by a diet of the empire 1732 55 violated by all but England on the death of the emperor Charles VI. — 1740 53 Prague, battle of, — Elector Palatine loses his dominions 1620 53 peace of — 1635 55 taken by assault by the Bavarians — 1741 56 Pratt, L. C. J. decides against general warrants 56 Prayers for the royal family in the catholic chapels the first time since 1688 — 57 Princess Charlotte, marriage of, to Prince Leopold — 57 death of — 28 Priscillian bishop of Avila executed for heresy — 26 Probus delivers Gaul from the invasion of the Germans 26 assassinated by his army — 28 Procopius, revolt of, against Valens — 53 Proclamation by K. Charles I. enforcing residence of landholders upon their estates — 57 Property-tax repealed — 53 Prynne Bastwick and Burton pilloried by the Star Chamber — 55 Pulteney, William, struck off the list of Privy Council 55 sinks in popularity as Earl of Bath — 55 Pultowa, battle of,— defeat of Charles XI I. — 53 Puritans side with the people. Arminians declare for the king — 1767 1816 1817 385 277 282 363 1632 1816 1637 1731 1742 1709 1622 B.C. 12 Quaestores Classici at Rome thrown open to the Commons — 418 A.D. 28 Quadic and Sarmatian war with Valentinian I. — 374 55 Quadruple alliance between the Emperor, England, France, and the States General — 1718 56 Quebec, battle of,— general Wolfe killed — 1759 56 Queen Charlotte 110 guns blown up near Leghorn — 1800 57 Queen Caroline's trial abandoned — 1820 57 death of — 1821 21 Quintilius Varus totally defeated by Arminius and slain — 9 8 Red Sea, navigated by the Phoenicians by order of Neco 20 Reformation of the calendar under the revision of Sosigines — 15 Regulus lands in Africa — 15 defeated and taken prisoner by Zantippus - 16 pleads in the senate for war B.C. 604 46 256 255 250 13 Return of the ten thousand— they enter the service of Seuthes king of Thrace — 12 Revolt of Eubcea and Megara.— Eubcea recovered by Pericles — 14 Revolt of the Thebans on the reported death of Alex- ander. — Thebes destroyed _ — 6 Rhegium colonized by the Messenians under Alcidamidas — 400 445 taken and restored to the old inhabitants founded according to Varro Rome founded according to Cato founded according to Polybius — founded according to Fabius Pictor — — founded according to Cincius — — and Veii, war between — — and Veii, peace between — — and Veii, war between • — — burnt by the Gauls — — and Samnium. war between — — and Samnium, peace between — — and Latins at War — 14 Romans defeated by the Samnites at the Furcae Cau- dinae 1-1 Samnites under Papirius gain a decided victory over the 335 749 271 753 751 750 747 728 481 472 435 388 342 340 339 321 309 III. ALPHABETICAL TABLES HISTORICAL EVENTS N° 15 Romans and Carthage, league between 15 - 15 - 15 - become masters of all Italy first prepare a fleet take 114 Carthaginian ships. The Roman fleet destroyed by a tempest — complete 220 ships in three months — lose their fleet a second time — 120 ships destroyed desist from naval expeditions — again resolve on naval preparations — lose every ship by storm, and again abandon the sea again prepare a fleet — at war with the Falisci — at war with the Boii and Ligurians — threaten Carthage with war, but desist — their forces nearly 800,000 men — their legions first pass the Po — make peace with Macedon — grant peace to Carthage — subdue the Insubres and the Boii — first pass the Alps — 17 Roman consuls enter upon their office on January 1 — 18 Roman power extends to the Pyrennees — 14 Roxana taken by Alexander " — 19 Rutilius the consul mortally wounded in an ambush — 29 Radagaisus defeated by Stilicho in the heights of Fiesole 53 Raleigh, Sir Walter, beheaded — 55 Ramillies, battle of, gained by Marlborough over Mareschal Villeroy 44 Ranulph de Glanville digests the civil law about this time — 37 Ragnar Lodbrog sails up the Seine and pillages Paris 51 Ravenna, battle of, — Gaston de Foix killed — 51 Reformation in Scotland begins, — Patrick Hamilton suffers at St. Andrews — 52 contest between Mary of Guise and ' the lords of the congregation' — 56 Reform in parliament: Mr. Pitt's first motion in office 56 Mr. Grey's first motion — 57 Bill introduced — 57 Bill passed — 56 Regency question on the king's severe illness — 55 Regent duke of Orleans gives notice of a conspiracy in favour of the Pretender — 55 dies — 56 Registration bill, for births, deaths, &c. thrown out by the lords ■ as being of dangerous tendency' — 57 Repeal meetings interdicted in Ireland — 48 Restoration of the Greek language in Italy by Manuel Chry Solaris 33 Retford, battle of, — Ethelfrith king of Bernicia defeated and killed by Edwin of Deira — 49 Reunion of the Ottoman empire — 56 Revolution Society of 1688 congratulate the National Assembly — 57 Revolution in France, in Belgium, and in Poland — 59 Revolutionary Period and French Empire 1789- B.C. 279 264 260 255 254 253 253 251 249 243 241 2^8 236 225 223 204 201 196 154 153 118 327 90 A.D. 406 1618 - 1706 1180 845 1512 1528 1559 1785 1793 1831 1832 1789 1722 1723 1753 1843 — 1390 617 1421 1789 1830 -1815 •»• The events of this Period are so much within the memory of most readers as scarcely to require an alphabetical distribution iu an Index already sufficiently extended. 44 Richard Coeur de Lion and Philip Augustus meet at Vezelai on their way to Palestine — 44 defeats Saladin at Jaffa — 44 ■ insults Leopold of Austria at the siege of Acre 44 is driven by storm upon Austria's dominions and sold to the emperor Henry returns to England and makes war upon France and Philip Augustus suspend their hostilities mortally wounded by Bertram de Guerdon — 1190 1191 1191 1192 1194 1197 1199 1257 461 1780 44 41 44 46 Richard earl of Cornwall crowned king of the Romans 30 Ricimer reigns, de facto, in the name of Libius Severus 56 Riots in London incited by lord George Gordon — 57 pending the arrest of Sir Francis Burdett by the sergeant-at-arms — 1810 55 Ripperda, duke de, arrested in the British ambassador's house at Madrid — 1726 52 Rizzio, David, murder of — 1566 42 Robert Guiscard drives the Saracens out of Italy — 1058 N° 4 Robert duke of Normandy dies in Cardiff Castle — 47 Robert Bruce crowned king of Scots at Scone — 53 Rochelle surrenders to Louis — 56 Rodney, Sir George, defeats Langara and relieves Gibraltar — 56 defeats Count de Grasse — 41 Rodolf of Aries bequeaths his kingdom to Conrad the Salique — 39 Rollo the Norman converted to Christianity and created duke of Normandy — 39 abdicates Normandy in favour of William Longsword — 29 Roman legions finally leave Britain — 32 Roman senate, the, cease to exist about — 31 Roman consulship abolished by Justinian — 33 Romans, the, defeated in Italy by the Lombards — 39 Romanus Lecapenus driven by his sons into exile — 41 Romanus III. Argyrus, drives the Saracens out of Syria 42 Romanus IV. Diogenes, defeated and deposed by Alp Arslan — 28 Rome, conversion of, from Paganism — 29 first siege by Alaric — 29 second siege by Alaric — 29 third siege and sack by Alaric — Alaric evacu- ates Rome — Death of Alaric — 30 sacked by the Vandals — 30 sacked by the Goths — 31 surrendered by Vitiges to Belisarius — 31 besieged by the Goths — 31 besieged and taken by Totila — 31 recovered by Belisarius — 31 again taken by Totila — 32 conquest of, by Narses — 37 — invasion and sack of, by the Moors and Sara- cens of Africa taken by the emperor Henry IV. taken by assault, — the duke de Bourbon killed surrendered to Commodore Trowbridge — 42 - 51 - 56 - 36 Roncesvalles, battle of, and death of Rolando — 48 Rosebeque, battle of,— the Flemings defeated by the duke of Burgundy — 52 Rouen surrenders, — king of Navarre killed — 52 Rousillon. edict of, restricting the concessions to the protestants in the edict of Amboise — 54 Royal assent refused by William III. to a bill touching the freedom of speech in parliament — 47 Royal forests enacted to be perpetual — 53 Rupert, prince, takes Bristol by storm — 53 surrenders Bristol — 54 Russell, William lord, beheaded — 38 Russia, — the first naval expedition against Constan- tinople — 38 conversion of, to the Greek church — 39 second naval expedition against Constantinople 39 third naval expedition against Constantinople 41 fourth naval expedition against Constantinople 41 invades Poland, but is repelled by Boleslas I. 52 first intercourse with England — 57 Austria and Prussia recal their ambassadors from Madrid ■ — 54 Rye House Plot — 54 Ryswick, peace of, — king William III. acknowledged by Louis XIV. — 11 Salamis, battle of, — victory of Themistocles — 15 Sallentines and Sarcinates subdued — 18 Saluvii, the, subdued by Sextius Calvinus — 6 Samaria besieged for three years — 6 taken by Shalmaneser — 14 Samnite war, the first — 14 the second — 14 Samnites submit to the consul Sulpicius and become subject to Rome _ — 15 Samnium, Lucania, and Bruttium finally submit to Rome — 16 Sardinia conquered by the Romans — 16 revolts and is again invaded — 16 a third time invaded — 16 a fourth time invaded — 16 and Corsica reduced to a province — ALPHABETICAL TABLES III. HISTORICAL EVENTS No B. C. 8 Sardis taken by the Cimmerians — 635 10 taken by Cyrus, — Croesus taken prisoner — 546 14 Satricum recovered by the Romans under Papirius — 319 19 Saturninus, sedition of — 100 18 Scaurus the consul subdues the Carni at the Pennenine Alps — H5 18 defeated by the Cimbri — 108 15 Scipio, descent of, upon Corsica and Sardinia — 259 16 Scipios, the two, Laevinus and Scsevola, in Spain — 213 16 killed in Spain — 212 16 Scipio Africanus sent into Spain — 211 16 takes Carthago Nova — 210 16 makes a league with Syphax — 206 16 and Masinissa treat at Gades — 206 16 now consul, passes into Sicily — 205 16 sends Laelius into Africa, who there confers with Masinissa — 205 16 lands in Africa, and is joined by Masinissa — 204 17 grants six months' truce to the yEtolians — 190 17 retires to Liternum in disgust — 187 18 Scipio iEmilianus takes Carthage, — the city demolished 146 18 joined in Spain by Jugurtha — 134 18 death of — 129 18 Scordisci, the, are forced by the consul Drusus to repass the Danube — 112 19 Scribonius succeeds Claudius in Macedonia — 75 8 Scythians, irruption of, in Asia — 634 8 expelled from Asia by Cyaxares — 607 Scyros taken by Cimon — 476 Sea-fight between the Corinthians and Corcyreans — 664 between the Corinthians and Corcyreans — 435 bstween Evagoras of Cyprus and the Persians 385 Seleucidae, era of, begins — 312 end of their dynasty — 65 Seleucus murdered by Ptolemy Ceraunus — 280 Seleucus defeated by Antiochus Pius, is burnt alive — 93 Selinus in Sicily founded by Pamillus of Megara Hyblaea 628 Sellasia, battle of, — Cleomenes defeated by Antigonus Doson — 222 Sennacherib invades Judea — 713 death of, — revolt of the Medes — 711 Septuagint version of the Old Testament made about this time — 284 Sertorius retires to Spain — 83 , war of, in Spain — 78 opposed by Metellus and Pompey — 76 slain, — end of the war in Spain — 72 Servile war in Sicily ended by the consul Rupilius — 132 the second — 102 Servilianus the consul sent into Spain against Viriathus 142 besieges Erisane, but is repulsed by Viriathus, peace ensues — 141 Servilius and Sempronius the consuls sail to Africa — 253 Servilius the proconsul sent against the pirates of Cilicia 77 subdues the Isaurians — 75 Sestos, siege of, by the Athenians — 479 deserted in the night by its Persian garrison, 12 12 12 20 20 3 13 13 13 13 and surrendered — 478 Sextius the consul defeats the Salluvian Gauls near Aquse Sextise — 124 Sicily usurped by Agathocles — 317 Sidonians, besieged by the Persians, burn their city — 351 Silanus defeated by the Cimbri — 109 Silver first coined at Rome — 269 Simon gets possession of the citadel of Jerusalem — 142 Sinope in Asia Minor founded by Coiis and Critines of Miletus — 629 Sitalces king of Thrace, his alliance with Attica — 431 marches against Perdiccas king of Macedon — 429 death of — 424 Sextus Pompeius, war with, renewed — 35 death of — 35 Smyrna founded — 1015 Social war, — siege of Chios by Chares and Chabrias, Chabrias slain — 357 second campaign, — siege of Samos by the con- federates — 356 third campaign, — Chares sent to the relief of — 355 Samos, but sails for the Hellespont peace with the confederates promoted by Eu- bulus — 355 N° 16 Social war, commencement of — 19 Social or Marsian war excited by Drusus — 19 ended — 14 Sogdiana, subjugation of, by Alexandria — 9 Solon, legislation of — 20 Sossius takes Jerusalem — 13 Sparta, congress at, — Thebes excluded from the treaty 19 Spartacus at war with Rome — 12 Sphacteria invested and surrendered to Cleon — 13 Sphodrias attempts the Piraeus of Athens — 1 1 Spurius Cassius the consul makes a league with thirty cities of the Latins — 1 1 makes a league with the Hernicans, and carries the Agrarian law — 1 1 ■ trial and death of — 12 Spurius Melius put to death at Rome for imputed con- spiracy — 7 Stagira in Macedonia founded — 18 Sulla, birth of 18 - 19 - quaestor to Marius — receives the ambassadors of Arsaces on the 19 banks of the Euphrates takes Stabiae by storm. He returns to Rome to obtain the consulate 19 procures the banishment of Marius — 19 defeats Archelaiis at Orchomenus in Boeotia — 19 passes into Asia — 19 lands at Brundusium — 19 enters Rome. Is made dictator — 19 abdication of — 19 death of — 15 Sulpicius takes several gallies from Hannibal off Sardinia 6 Sybaris founded — 16 Syphax engaged by the Scipios against Carthage — 16 defeated with great loss by Masinissa — 16 secedes from the Roman interest — 16 defeated and captured — 6 Syracuse founded by Archias of Corinth — 12 battle at — 12 siege of — 19 Syria reduced to a Roman province — 21 St. Stephen, martyrdom of — 21 St. Paul, conversion of — 22 shipwrecked at Malta — 22 St. Peter and St. Paul, martyrdom of — 28 St. Athanasius, death of — 28 St. Martin of Tours destroys the idols in his diocese — 50 St. Alban's, first battle of,— duke of Somerset killed, king Henry prisoner — 50 second battle of, gained by the Lancastrians — 52 St. Denis, battle of,— the constable Montmorency killed 50 St. Pol, constable de, delivered up to Louis XL by the duke of Burgundy, and beheaded — 50 St. Aubin, battle of, by the lady of Beaujeu, — the duke of Orleans taken prisoner — 52 St. Quintin taken by the duke of Savoy against the con- stable Montmorency — ■ 55 SacheverelFs political sermon preached at St. Paul's — 56 Sackville, lord George, broke by court martial — 44 Saladin defeated before Jerusalem — 44 takes Jerusalem — 39 Salamanca, battle of, — Abderahman defeated by Ramiro king of Leon — 938 51 Salisbury, Margaret countess of, the last of the Planta- genets, beheaded — 1541 34 Saracen fleet destroyed before Constantinople by the Greek fire of Callinicus — 35 Saracens in Spain. — Their first descent by Gebel al Tarik 55 Saragossa, battle of, gained by Charles of Spain over Philip V. — 26 Saturninus revolts against Probus in the East — 28 Saxons established in maritime Gaul — 29 descent of the, into Britain — 36 revolt of the, against Charlemagne, and thirty B.C. 220 90 88 328 594 38 372 73 425 378 491 484 483 436 654 138 107 92 89 85 83 82 79 78 258 722 213 213 204 203 734 415 414 65 A.D. 36 37 61 66 373 389 1453 1461 1567 1475 1488 1557 1709 1760 1177 1187 years war — 42 defeated at Neustadt by the emperor Henry IV. 57 Scinde, Ameers of, defeated by Sir C. Napier — 27 Scots and Picts, their inroad into Britain — 21 Sejanus, tall and death of — 673 710 1710 279 371 449 772 1075 1843 343 31 1 III. ALPHABETICAL TABLES HISTORICAL EVENTS N° 24 Seleucia, sack and conflagration of, by the Romans — 54 Senef, battle of, between the Prince of Orange and the Prince of Conde — 55 Septennial Act passed — 28 Serapis, destruction of the temple of, at Alexandria — 56 Seringapatam stormed, — dismemberment of Mysore — 43 Seven Counts, battle of the, — Alfonso VI. defeated at Ucles by the Saracens 54 Seven naval battles between England and Holland in thirteen months — 56 Seven years' war — 25 Severus penetrates to the northern extremity of Scot- land — Caledonian war 25 builds the wall across Britain from the Firth of Forth — 30 Severus, the emperor, poisoned by Ricimer — 55 Seville, treaty of, between Great Britain, France, and Spain — 51 Seymour, admiral lord, beheaded — 54 Shaftesbury, indictment for treason against, ignored — 54 lord, withdraws to Holland — 55 Sheriffimuir, battle of, between the duke of Argyll and the Earl of Marr — 53 Ship-money, first writ for — 55 Shovel, Sir Cloudesley, lost on the rocks of Scilly — 37 Sicily subdued by the Saracens of Africa 38 - 42 - 44 - conquered by the Arabs conquered by Roger de Hauteville thirty years' peace between the Greeks and Normans subdued by the emperor Henry VI. A.D. 165 1674 1716 389 1799 — 1108 1652 1756 — 208 209 465 1729 1549 1681 1682 1715 1634 1707 827 878 1090 1156 1194 359 359 360 1403 1453 21 551 44 - 28 Shahpoor II. king of Persia invades Mesopotamia — 28 besieges and captures Amida — 28 takes Singara and Bezabde in Mesopotamia — 49 Shrewsbury, battle of, — Hotspur killed — 50 Shewsbury, earl of, and his son slain at Chatillon — 21 Silius subdues the Gauls who had revolted — 32 Silk introduced into Europe from China — 39 Simances, battle of,— Abderahman defeated by Ramiro king of Leon — 938 27 Singara, battle of, Constantius defeated by Shahpoor king of Persia — 348 56 Sinking fund adopted — 1786 57 first applied to the Supplies — 1813 27 Six Roman emperors at one time — 309 56 Slave trade, abolition of, first debated — 1788 47 Sluys, the French fleet destroyed at, by king Ed- ward III. — 1340 56 Smith, Sir Sidney, taken prisoner off the coast — 1796 24 Smyrna destroyed by an earthquake — 177 30 Soissons, battle of, — Syagrius defeated by Clovis — 486 55 congress at, — the Spaniards notwithstanding continue their reprisals — 1728 51 Solway Moss, battle of, — James V. king of Scots mor- tally wounded • — 1542 54 Solebay, battle of, — Earl of Sandwich blown up — 1672 52 Somerset, protector duke of, beheaded — 1552 55 South-sea bubble at its height, June, July — 1720 46 Southern China conquered by the Moguls — 1279 52 Spain and Portugal, union of, by Philip II. — 1580 52 Spanish Armada defeated — 1588 53 Spaniards defeated in Ireland by lord Mountjoy — 1601 53 Spain and the United Provinces, twelve years' truce between — 1609 53 Spanish match, preliminaries of — 1620 53 — broken off by the intrigues of Buckingham — 1623 54 Spanish monarchy, first partition treaty of — 1698 54 second partition treaty of — 1700 57 Spain, peace with, their prisoners clothed and sent home — 1808 53 Speaker of the House of Commons forcibly held in the chair pending a protest — 1629 46 Spires, battle of, by Albert of Austria, — the emperor Adolphus killed — 1298 51 Spurs, battle of, gained by Henry VIII. at Terrouenne 1513 54 Stafford, viscount, beheaded — 1680 43 Standard, battle of the, David king of Scotland defeated at Northallerton — 1138 50 Stanley, Sir William, accused by Clifford and beheaded 1495 56 State trials for constructive treason, failure of — 1794 51 Statute of ' tne Six Articles' enacted — 1539 N° A.D. 46 Statute of mortmain enacted — 1279 54 Steenkirk, battle of, between William III. and the duke of Luxemburg — 1692 43 Stephen, king, produces the pope's letter of succession to the barons . — 1136 43 captured at Lincoln, is exchanged for the earl of Gloucester retires to Wilton, but his quarters being beaten 43 - up by Gloucester, he escapes by night 28 Stilicho, military command of 29 beheaded by Heraclian at the 385 instance of Honorius 33 Suintilla the Visigoth drives the Greeks out of Spain 33 Sufetula in Africa, victory of the Saracens by Ab- dallah — 47 Surrender of Calais to king Edward III. — 51 Surrey, Henry earl of, beheaded — 34 Sussex subdued by Ceadwal and united to Wessex — 56 Sweden, revolution in — 41 Sweyn's last invasion of England, 1014. — His death — 47 Swiss Cantons, their independence established — 54 Sydney, Algernon, beheaded — 34 Syracuse besieged and destroyed by the Saracens — 45 Syria invaded by the Carizmians — 1 1 Tanagra, battle of, gained by the Lacedaemonians over the Athenians — 12 action at, gained by Nicias, who ravages the coast of Locris — 15 Tarentines surprise the Roman fleet — 15 Tarentine war with Rome begins — 6 Tarentum in Apulia founded — 15 fall of — 6 Telestes king of Corinth slain by Arieus and Perantas 13 Teleutias captures ten Athenian ships on their way to Cyprus — 12 Temple of Juno burnt at Argos — 16 Teuta queen of Illyria procures the murder of an am- bassador from Rome — 20 Thapsus, battle of, gained by Csesar over Scipio and Juba — 6 Thasos founded according to Dionysius — 6 founded according to Xanthus — 11 revolts from Athens — 3 Theban war, the first — 3 the second — 13 Thehans enter Peloponnesus — 11 Themistocles, Ostracism of — 11 seeks protection at the court of Persia — 5 Theopompus king of Sparta institutes the Ephori — 12 Theramenes, death of — 3 Theras, migration of — 11 Thermopylae, battle of, and death of Leonidas — 1 1 Theron of Agrigentum, death of — 12 Thespiae destroyed by the Thebans — 3 Thessali, the, occupy Thessaly — 13 Thimbron commands in Asia, — Dercyllidas supersedes Thimbron — 12 Thirty tyrants in power at Athens for eight months — 12 Thrasybulus occupies Phyle — 13 slain at Aspendus — 12 Thrasyllus enters Lydia — 6 Thyrea, war in — 17 Tiberius Gracchus ends the war in Sardinia — 18 sedition and death of — 19 Tigranes defeated, — Tigranocerta taken by Lucullus — 19 king of Armenia surrenders to Pompey — 17 Time measured by water at Rome, the invention of Scipio Nasica — 13 Timocrates, mission of, into Greece — 14 Timoleon, expedition of, — he gains Syracuse — 14 defeats the Carthaginians at the river Cremesus 13 Timotheus returning from Corcyra lands the exiles at Zacynthus — 13 appointed to oppose Mnasippus, is super- seded by Iphicrates — 13 repulsed at Amphipolis by the Olynthians — 11 Tolmides, campaign of — 8 Tomi, a Milesian colony settled — 18 Toulouse plundered by the consul Caepio — 1141 1143 -487 408 624 648 1347 1547 686 1772 1015 1308 168 J 670 1243 B.C. 457 426 282 281 708 272 747 390 423 230 ALPHABETICAL TABLES III. HISTORICAL EVENTS N° 13 Trial of Iphicrates and Timotheus 19 Triarius defeated by Mithridates 19 Triumvirate, the first, — Caesar, Pompey, Crassus 20 the second, — Octavianus, Antony, Lepidus 3 Trojan expedition 3 Troy, fall of 6 Tyre besieged by Shalmaneser 9 taken by Nebuchadnezzar 14 taken by Alexander 46 Tagliocozzi, battle of,— Charles of Anjou defeats Con- radin, who is beheaded — 45 Taillebourg, battle of,— king Henry III. and the count de la Marche defeated by Louis the Saint _ — 56 Tallyrand, correspondence with, closed by lord Grenville 32 Teia, defeat and deatli of, by Narses at Cumae, near Naples — 43 Tenechbray, battle of, — Robert duke of Normandy taken prisoner by Henry I. — 54 Test Act,— duke of York refuses the Test — 26 Tetricus defeated by Aureliati near Chalons — 47 Teutonic Order, knights of, settle in Prussia — 50 Tewkesbury, battle of, — king Henry in the sequel mur- dered 55 Theatres placed by Walpole under the control of the lord chamberlain — 55 The ' Great Storm,' — bishop Kidder killed in his palace at Wells — 30 Theodoric, expedition of, into Spain — 30 defeats Rechiarius on the Ebro — 28 Theodosius the elder effects the restoration of Britain 28 repulses the Saxons in an attack upon Britain 28 recovers Africa — 28 Theodosius the Great leaves his farm for the Imperial throne — 28 baptism of — 28 effects the submission of the Goths — 29 Theodo»ius II. establishes public schools in Constan- tinople — 29 Thecdosian Code published — 31 abridged by Anien, published by Alaric II. — 28 Thessalonica, massacre at, — : Penance imposed upon Theodosius by St. Ambrose at Milan — 44 Thomas a Becket made lord chancellor — — made abp. of Canterbury. He resigns the B.C. 351 67 60 43 1192 1183 717 570 332 A. D. 1268 1241 1800 553 1106 1673 271 1331 44 44 great seal repents his assent to the king's demands excommunicates the partisans of the council 44 21 21 48 Timour, reign of 48 48 48 48 48 49 conquers Turkistan conquers Persia conquers Kipzak wars against Bajazet invades Syria and sacks Aleppo sacks Damascus of Clarendon and king Henry reconciled. — Assassination of Becket — 31 Thorismund defeated and killed by the Moors — 21 Thrace becomes a Koman province — 21 Tiberius adopted by Augustus. — His first campaign in Germany — 21 second campaign in Germany — 21 third campaign — 21 again sent into Germany; crosses the Rhine, and ravages the country — retires to Gaul . — finally leaves Rome for Caprea — 33 Tingatana in Africa taken by the Goths — 21 Tiridates king of Parthia, elevation and fall of — 27 Tiridates king of Armenia, death of — 55 Tirlemont, lines of, forced by the duke of Marlborough 41 Togrul Beg defeats the Gasnevides, and subdues Persia 30 Tolbiac, battle of, — defeat of the Allemanni by Clovis — 31 Totila the Goth invades Italy, and seizes Tuscany and Naples — 32 defeat and death of, by Narses at Tagina — 50 Towton, battle of, — queen Margaret defeated by king Edward IV. — 49 Troyes, treaty of, between Henry V. and Charles VI. — — 1471 1737 1703 456 456 367 368 373 379 380 382 425 438 506 390 1162 1162 1164 1166 1170 522 46 4 5 6 10 11 26 1370 1383 1393 1396 1400 1400 1401 617 36 342 1705 1039 496 543 552 1461 1420 N° 57 Trafalgar, victory of, and deatli of lord Nelson • — 23 Trajan grants peace to Decebalus — 23 reduces Dacia to a Roman province — 23 erects a bridge over the Danube — 23 passes over to the East. — Parthian war — 23 subdues Armenia — 23 Asiatic provinces revolt from — 23 Trajan's Column erected at Home — 23 conquests in the East, loss of — 35 Transoxiana, conquest of, by the Saracens — 54 Trevor, Sir John, expelled the House of Commons, the question being put by himself from the chair — 54 Trial of the seven bishops — 28 Tribigild the Ostrogoth, rebellion of, and fall of Eutropius 54 Triple alliance, England, Holland, and Sweden, against Louis XIV. — 55 England, France, and Holland — 55 Turin, battle of, gained by prince Eugene and the duke of Savoy — 31 Turks in Asia, first appearance of — 41 invade the Eastern empire — 48 in Europe, establishment of — 55 Tuscany, grand duke of, elected emperor of Germany as Francis I. — 14 Umbrian war with the Romans under the consul Fabius 28 Union of the Goths with the Huns, Alans, &c. — 18 Utica, defection of, from Carthage — 40 Union of the crowns of Germany and Italy — 49 Union of the Greek and Latin churches — 54 Union with Scotland proposed upon the basis of epis- copacy — 55 Union with Scotland — 57 Union with Ireland — 56 United States acknowledged by Great Britain — 52 Utrecht, union of, by William prince of Orange — 55 peace of — 53 Uxbridge, treaty of, fails — 12 Veii besieged by the Romans 20 Ventidius defeats the Parthians 5 Victory of Corcebus, the earliest authentic date in Grecian chronology 17 Villian law, enacting the age required for admission to public office — 18 Viriathus assassinated at the instance of the consul Caepio 15 Volsinii subdued by the Romans — A.D. 1805 101 103 104 106 107 116 114 117 710 1695 1688 399 1668 1717 1706 545 1050 1353 1745 B.C. 308 377 150 A.D. 961 1439 1669 1707 1801 1782 1579 1713 1645 B.C. 402 38 - 776 180 140 264 A.D. 368 370 375 442 28 Valentinian I. passes and fortifies the Rhine — 28 restrains the avarice of the clergy — 28 Valentinian II. becomes a colleague with Gratian — 29 makes peace with Genseric, and cedes the bar- rier towns in Africa — 28 Valens transports the Goths over the Danube into the Roman empire — 376 26 Valerian defeated and taken prisoner by Shahpoor king of Persia — 30 Vandals become masters of Sicily — 54 Vane, Sir Henry, beheaded — 30 Venice, its first establishment — 34 institution of the doges of — 37 founded on the island of the Rialto — 48 Venetian fleet surrendered to the Genoese at Chiozza 49 Vernuil, battle of, — the French defeated by the duke of Bedford — 56 Versailles, peace of — 52 Vervins, peace of, between France and Spain — 22 Vespasian enters Judea, and subdues Galilee — 55 Victor Amadeus abdicates the crown of Sardinia — 28 Victories of the Huns over the Goths — 55 Vienna, treaty of, between Spain and the emperor — 55 second treaty of, Great Britain guarantees the Pragmatic Sanction 55 peace of, France guarantees the Pragmatic Sanction to the Emperor 55 Vigo taken by Sir George Rooke — 260 454 1662 452 697 809 1380 1424 1783 1598 67 1730 375 1725 1731 1740 1702 III. ALPHABETICAL TABLES HISTORICAL EVENTS N° A.D. N° A.D 55 Villa Viciosa, battle of, gained by count Staremberg over 43 William, prinee, son of king Henry I. shipwrecked off the French and Spaniards — 1710 Barfleur ■ — 11211 53 Villiers, George, sworn of the Privy Council — 1615 43 William Cliton, earl of Flanders, killed at the siege of 53 duke of Buckingham, shot by Felton — 1628 Alost — 1125 35 Vincy, battle of, gained by Charles Martel — 717 52 William prince of Orange assassinated — 1584 22 Virginius declines the Roman empire — 68 54 William III. king, protests against Louis XIV. at the 22 death of — 97 • Hague — 1691 29 Visigoths expel the Alans, and extend their dominion 56 Wilkes, John, elected member for Middlesex — 1765 in Spain — 417 56 expelled the House of Commons — 170« 31 Vitalianus the Goth assassinated by order of Justin — 520 43 Wimsberg, battle of, — war-cry of the Guelphs and Ghi- 31 Vitiges king of the Visigoths reduces Milan and Genoa 538 bellines — 114C 31 ■ taken prisoner at the surrender of Ravenna by 44 Winchester, treaty of, — Henry of Normandy named Belisarius 539 heir to the crown — 115: 31 Voiron, battle of, — Clodomir defeated and killed by 38 Wilton, battle of, — the Danes conquer Mercia 875 Gondemar — 524 34 Winwidfield, battle of,— Penda of Mercia defeated by 31 Vouille, battle of, near Poitiers, — Alaric killed by Clovis Oswy of Northumberland — • 65J in single combat — 507 27 Wisumer king of the Vandals defeated, and the Sarma- tians expelled — 36 Witikind and Alboin submit to Charlemagne, and the 334 50 Wakefield, battle of,— duke of York beheaded — 1460 Saxons are baptised — 78J 57 Walcheren, disastrous expedition to — 1809 51 Wolsey, Thomas, made dean of Lincoln — 150S 47 Wallace, Sir William, betrayed by Sir John Monteith 55 Walpole, Robert, premier — 1304 51 ilio of Y^orlc receive i cxrciiii'il " li'tt 151 = 1721 51 cardinal, sole legate — 1511 55 Walpole, lord, son of Sir Robert, made auditor of the exchequer — 153( 1724 1739 55 Wood's halfpence cause a ferment in Ireland 55 Walpole, Sir Robert, outvoted at Chippenham, resigns 1742 54 Worcester, battle of — 165 42 Waltheof earl of Northumberland suffers for misprision 52 Wyat, Sir Thomas, rebellion of — 1554 of treason — 1076 34 Wamba the Visigoth defeats the Saracens in Spain, and burns their flotilla — 675 33 Yermuk, battle of, between the Greeks and Saracens — 63( 32 Wanborough, battle of, — Ceawlin king of Wessex de- 34 Yezdejird III. king of Persia, flight and assassination of 65 feated by his nephew Ceolric — 591 49 York, duke of, puts down a rebellion in Ireland. He 48 War of the Jacquerie in Fiance — 1358 now aspires to the crown - — 144$ 50 of 'the Public Good' in France incited by the 54 York, duke of, withdraws to Brussels — 1671 duke of Burgundy — 1465 54 recalled to the council 168' 54 between England and Holland — 1652 55 Young Pretender lands in Scotland — 174. 54 between England and Spain — 1656 55 arreted and forciblv carried out or rrancc 174! 1702 1744 42 Yussef ben Taxfin called from Africa by the Saracens, obtains all Mahomedan Spain — do against r ranee anu opain ——. 55 declared against France — 109' 56 with Spam — 56 with France intimated by a royal message to 1762 B. C parliament — 1793 16 Zama, battle of, — Hannibal defeated by Scipio 20f 57 Wardle, colonel, moves charges of malversation against 5 Zechariah slain by Shallum, Shallum slain by Menahem 771 the duke of York — 1809 9 Zedekiah, captivity of — 58; 56 Warren Hastings, impeachment against, by Edmund Burke — 1786 A.D 56 acquitted — 1795 45 Zara, siege of, reduced by the Crusaders for the republic 57 Waterloo, battle of, — fall of Napoleon — 1815 of Venice — 1205 48 Wat Tyler killed by William Walworth — 1381 26 Zenobia queen of Palmyra revenges the death of Ode- 53 Wentworth, Sir Thomas, imprisoned for refusing to aid natus, and reigns over the East — 20' the loan — 1627 26 defeated and captured at Edessa by Aurelinn 275 53 earl of Stafford beheaded — 1641 41 Zoe the empress poisons Romanus III. and raises Mi- 30 Western empire, fall of, and deposition of Augustulus 476 chael IV., whom she marries, to the throne — 1034 53 Westphalia, peace of — 1648 41 on the death of Michael IV. raises Michael 49 Wickliffe's books condemned by the university of Oxford 1409 Calaphates to the throne — 104 41 William the Conqueror, birth of — 1027 41 J- dethrones Calaphates, and raises Constantine 42 ■ wounded at the sieye of Gerberoi by his son Monomachus, whom she marries, to the throne — 1045 prince Robert — 1077 52 Zutphen, battle of, — death of Sir Philip Sidney — 158< ] LRRJ LTUM. N° 30.— The Battle of Tolbiac has inadvertc ■ntly been twice inserted, A. D. 490 and 496. The latter date is that of Gib! >on, Rise and Fall, iii. 563, 4to. ra aA£*^a' V^'WV nl^^V sht^. +K±r\ AN INITIAL J«i i W «^1E«! W1LL INCREASE TO 50 CENT ^^ ^ DA Y AND TO $1.00 ON OVERE***" ■ ;r« •" ';■*.'•' "'••( Vf^^ W?\t\*\tt !31 JCT 21 HM FEB^Tl99Q V^®ffJ '* AA — j^r^^ 6 ^ />* >Y 21-100m-8,'34 1( pA' /- M^SM :2/^&fa*firti *^^^ ^ *vH&- ft*'-r^ *A^:» *&** . a^* a A*AA*^*A^ i v ■■■' i * - - ; V/■^^^^v^^^^^^^; YD 08670 U.C. BERKELEY LIBRARIES &&&&$ C022bBSTSM ^AA ^HM^ $ * a^¥C " 8 *? *, &W>