m .' '' ' . ^^H -. v . . :".. ... a . .' ' ' . X n .'." ' ' .,,"""' -" ' . - - ! ' | : '' . . - WE ' :... ' '- -: :, ' ,.-. ' '- . . - I - * SITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA J^3S!f^ QJf \. LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERS SITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERS SITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERS ^ Xii LIB = IAIIFORNIA LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA III T r^ UJ ( IRNIA IBRARY Of THE UNIVERSITY I N D E X TO T1IK CATALOGUE OT r.()OKS IN THE UPPER HALL 01' T II K PUBLIC LIBRARY OF THK CITY OF BOSTON. BOSTOXI3L CONDLTA. 'AS. BOSTON: PRESS OF GEO. C. RAND AND AVERT, PRINTERS TO THE CITY. 1861. > $7- PREFATORY NOTICE. THB Trustees of the Public Library linve the pleasure, by means of the proent Index, to open for tlu- use i.f tlu'ir fellow-citizens another portion of the books which ha\e 1'ccn intruded to their It embraces alxmt fifty-live thousand volumes, all in tin- I'l*] 11 ' 1 ' Hall of the building, ;i Index, published in 1S58, with its .-uppleinents coming down to near tin- cn<'. .ices about nineteen thousand volumes in the Lower Hall. Almo>t the whole of the Inioks \\ho-e .ire contained in the present Index, were either given by benefactors of the Institution, or ha\e 1 with the income of funds established by those benefactors for this express purjn rgcst and most important part of the collection having come directly from the munificence of the chief patron and friend of the Library, Joshua Hates. K>q., of London. To thc-e, hmveur, should still be added, in order to give a just idea of the present condition of the Institution, the rich collection of more than eleven thousand volumes very recently received as a bequest from the late lore Parker; and about two thousand duplicates, and nearly six thousand other volumes, chielly given by different generous individuals, but which, having been acquired since the panting of the present Index was begun, are necessarily not included in it. Tin- number of volumes in th is thus nearly ninety-tliree thousand, constituting a collection, which, as it is hardly eight years since it was seriously begun, is alike creditable to its founders and friends, and to tl, which has sustained and fostered it so liberally. The largest number of volumes in any one general division of the Library, is in that of Govern- ment, Administration, and Public Economy. The greatest pecuniary value of the books in any one general diviMoii. i- in that of the Natural Sciences, the Exact Sciences, and the Mechanic Arts. In 'f the departments constituting these divisions, the Library may be considered strong for one of /e ; and so it is in English History, in Music, and in some others, for which Mr. especially cared. In the remainder, it is not so strong; although, in the history of the principal .vorld, in books of travel, and in general literature, it cannot be considered relatively weak. But, in all, a foundation has been laid, and it is confidently believed, that time alone is want- ing to make each department what it should be. The Index now offered to the public will not, however, by itself, show the condition and re- of the Institution in any one particular, or perhaps even in tho-e particulars that maybe deemed mo.-t important. For this purpose, the Index of the Lower Ilall must be added to the present one of the .11, as will be readily seen by a reference to such headings as America, Architecture, Boston, :nitli. Irving, Shakspcare, and a multitude more, where both of the Indexes, and even the sup- pleni smaller one, must be consulted, in order to obtain a knowledge of all the Itooks con- trary, either with relation to a given subject or to a given author. This is an inevitable result of the rapid accumulation of so consideral f whi'-h are to be offered to the public tor free use and circulation, as soon as possible after they are acquired. 1 which, after a: lit one. there will, hou ~ ' IV PREFATORY NOTICE. constantly accruing remedy. The different Indexes and their supplements, will, as occasion may require, be united and consolidated ; and, when the Library shall have grown large enough to make it important, and funds shall have been afforded for the purpose, a Catalogue may be published, which, in a single, comprehensive, alphabetical arrangement, shall make known all the resources of the Insti- tution. At present this is impracticable. The collection of books is growing so rapidly, that any Index or Catalogue published to-day, will very imperfectly represent its condition a twelvemonth hence. The Trustees can, therefore, only go on, perhaps for several years, in the modest but effective way in which they have begun, printing occasionally such Supplements as will render the Library more and more interesting and useful, by informing those who resort to it what are the suc- cessive additions made to its shelves, without compelling them to wait until a Catalogue of the whole can be published. The present Index is constructed on the same principles with the smaller one of 1858, and is car- ried out with similar but often more minute cross-references and other details, so as to render it as practical and useful as possible. Like the earlier and smaller one, it has had the advantage of being prepared by C. C. Jewett, Esq., the accomplished Superintendent of the Library, who originally sug- gested its plan, and who has been faithfully aided in his difficult and perplexing labors by Mr. Fred- eric Vinton, by Professor William E. Jillson, and by other competent and earnest collaborators. The Trustees believe that it will fulfil its main purpose, namely, that of making the portion of the Library which it represents, easily accessible to all who may desire to use it ; to persons who are little in habits of literary or scientific investigation, as well as to those whose lives are given to study. In this respect, the Trustees believe that it will prove as well fitted to its purpose as the smaller Index of 1858, and they can ask for it no success more entire or more honorable. Its foundation is laid in the Catalogue proper of the Library, which is in manuscript and on cards of uniform size, alphabetically and compactly arranged in drawers, so as to be easily consulted. The number of these cards is as great as the means at the disposition of the Trustees would permit them to make it, so great that they will probably never be published as a printed Catalogue. But they will always constitute the materials, out of which any catalogue that may be found needful can be constructed without difficulty ; and they will always open the resources of the Library, by a complete list of its authors and subjects, with minute cross-references, and, when needed, with bibliographical notes, on a system so simple and obvious, that, as the Trustees believe, one more convenient or effec- tive is not likely to be devised. Any person who has access to the Institution may consult this Catalogue, with the aid of the Superintendent or one of his assistants, and thus learn at once whatever the Library can offer him for such researches as he desires to make, however detailed and elaborate they may be. To the great majority of persons, however, the present Index, which, so far as the Upper Hall is concerned, is a careful abridgment of the Card-Catalogue, will afford all the facilities they will need. In preparing it, every other consideration has been made subordinate to the desire of render- ing it practically useful, of offering to our fellow-citizens of all classes and conditions, a simple, convenient manual, which shall make the books of the Library and their contents easily and pleasantly accessible. No ideas of theoretical perfection in catalogues, either as to form, as to extent, or as to any nice harmony in their constituent parts, have been allowed to stand, for an instant, in the way of this main purpose. The present Index, therefore, has been made, throughout, a condensed index of subjects as well as of authors, distinguishing from each other, as carefully as possible, those authors who bear the same name, so as to prevent confusion, and arranging the subjects so as to bring under familiar heads all the works that should be grouped together ; but always, in relation to both, making as many cross-references as it was thought would be needful in order to facilitate a complete knowl- V edge of whatever the Library contain* on any give i any given author, wo far a such an abridgment of the ample Card-Catalogue In tome of its portions, the preparation uf ; has been a laborious and diffi. -tilt taak. The alphabetical analysis of the Sessional Papers of the I'.ritish Parliament, and the similar analysis of our own Congressional Documents, constitute cases in point. Tin-,, collection* of the .!..in-- ..r the two governments contain, scattered through above three thousand volumes, a great number of h. taut report* and discussions connected with the present state and progress of the arts of lift , anc buried trea-i::. -. A i;.;i. . them would, indeed, fill many volumes like the present; and then-tore nothing "f the kind ha.s be. -n here thought of; but it is nt .l..ii!.t-.l that what has been done, embracing as it does, in alphabetical !,-r the h. ; . . in l>o;h n throughout the country. Difficult and perplexing, therefore, as the tadt has 1 that it will, in this way, repay the great amount of time and skill that has been patiently given to it It would have Ken gratifying to the Trustees, and to those engaged in making the Index, if they had been able to do in relation to the Documents of the City of Boston, and the State of Massachu- setts, what they have done in relation to the Sessional Papers of the British Parliament and of i gress. But this has not been \ .tiding the great exertions that have been made to :h of these collections in the Public Library complete, neither is yet ample enough to make an index of its contents important. The Commonwealth, indeed, whose library possesses a full collec- >f State Documents, is about to make an index of them, which, while it will be too voluminous ;r means or wants, will yet furni.-h all the materials for a condensed alphabetical statement of their cont. -ponding to what has K-en done for the Sessional Papers of Congress and Parlia- ment, and not less useful. But the city will no doubt await the labors of a City Institution to furni.-h relation to its own documents, that will be more and more wanted :;'>pcd that the fact of these two important deficiencies will be borue in mind by the friends and that such of them as have the State or City Documents we need, will assist us in completing our collections. Many such volumes will no doubt be gladly gi\ en when it is -ecu, by i nee to our prc- . what they are, and how important it is that we should have them. rest we shall gladly purchase. Pamphlets are not, for the most part, included among the works grouped by subjects in tin- p. -, because few are so important as to justify giving to their titles the room they would require. til such as are bound are entered under the names of their authors when known, or under the first important word in th : the authors are not known ; for otherwise they would not be made accessible or useful. The unltound pamphlets are nearly all catalogued, and will, from time to . Ixj bound and entered in the I -sivcly publi.-hcd. A good collection of pamphlets is among the valuable possessions of any public library. Our collection, whi. -h is well begun, will, we hope, bo well continued, and bo made as ample as possible in whatever relates to our own city, commonw. An ini[>ortant addition has just been made to it as a part of * -quest of the late Rev. Mr. Parker, a very desirable and ci; .n of \\Iii.li regan: question of shivery in all its aspects. A principle similar to the one adopted in rela - pamphlets in the present Indr been adopted in relation to M. .is consist of tracts or books 1'. some VI PREFATORY NOTICE. specified purpose, like Pinkerton's Voyages and Travels, or Force's Tracts in relation to the American Colonies, or Leber's Dissertations connected with the History of France. They will, however, all be found entered as contents under the names of their respective collectors, while each will occur again under the name of its separate author, and, when of sufficient consequence, under its separate subject. Less than this would not have made the portion of the Library here referred to as useful and accessible as it ought to be ; more would have rendered the present printed Index too cumbersome and costly. In fact, for the number of volumes it represents, it is already large, much larger in proportion than any supplement to it will be. The reason is, that the great importance of the large collections like those relating to English, French, and Roman History and Antiquities, as well as to various subjects, both scientific and literary, caused these collections to be early presented to the Library by Mr. Bates, and its other patrons, leaving little of the same class of works to be acquired hereafter. No others occupy so much room, relatively to their size, in the Index ; but none more imperatively require their contents to be made known. In fact, under every aspect and condition, it has been intended to make the present printed Index ample for all the purposes it ought to serve, and whatever may be found wanting in it will, it is hoped, be obtained by a reference to the real Catalogue of the Library, the Card-Catalogue, where even the separate works in the various collections, however minute, and the bound pamphlets, however unimportant, no less than all the books and other resources of the Library are grouped under their respective subjects, as well as under the names of their respective authors, and where all are again provided with cross-references so abundant as to prevent them from escaping notice even in a hasty inquiry. But, as has been intimated, for all except exhausting researches upon individual subjects, the printed Indexes will probably be found sufficient ; and even where these may fall short, they will point directly to the Card-Catalogue, and facilitate its use ; while both taken together, will, in the sim- plest manner, explain whatever the Library may contain upon any subject or by any author, whether the investigations of the inquirer are general or special, comprehensive or minute. The titles of a moderate number of books in the present Index are marked with a double asterisk (**). All these books, of which the precious library of the late Dr. Bowditch forms the largest portion, have been presented to the city on condition that they shall not be permitted to circulate, but shall always be open for free use in the rooms of the Institution itself, a wise provision in relation to such books as these generally are, and one which it is hoped may prove the foundation for a large library of reference, which is always of great importance to persons making careful scientific inquiries ; but to none so desirable as it is to those who have not convenient arrangements for study at home. We have in New England few collections of this sort, and none that is open so freely as the Public Library of this city. The most costly, and in many respects the most remarkable book in the Library, is the collection of Patent Specifications, with the subsidiary works to facilitate its use, all presented by the British Government. Taken together, they make, thus far, nearly seven hundred volumes ; more than half of which consist of plates, and the series continues to be sent to the Library from year to year, in the same munificent manner in which the earlier portions were originally given. To fulfil the express terms of its donation, and prevent abuses which have followed elsewhere from mismanagement, it is kept in a room by itself; but can always be consulted by those who have need of the curious and important information it officially records. Another portion of the titles in the present Index is marked by a simple asterisk (*), to indicate that, although the books they represent can be taken out, it can be only after permission to do so has been asked and granted in a printed form, always kept ready for the purpose in the Library itself. The importance of this arrangement will be apparent to any one who will recollect how many rich Ml and praciOM vohnnM of engravings are preaen ed in <: 'hat ii-i\. giren by friend* of the Library who have counted upon ha\in;: faithful rare taken nf them, how many seta of books there are like the Parliamentary 1'. ; -\.\-.-\\ I) us in tin s;une expectation, hut each of i would lose no f""*H jmrt of its value if its completeness should he impaired, to say nothing ions pamphlets, and rare . works, which, if lost, can hardly be replaced; or of Encyclopaxlias and Dictionaries which should, if possible, be always at hand to meet the daily (want* of those who frequent the Lilian, f,.r purposes of study or i for all such books, it is . should IH> allowed to go abroad only when a case of sufficient urgency is made out to overhear 'iniuoii rule. They are. ' i' a class rarely wanted outside of the proper rooms of the ition. although they may be often wanted inside ; and no inconveniein e, will be likely -nit from the application of a rule much more liheral than the one commonly enforced under the same circumstances in < >I!M T public libraries. Certainly none resulted from the application of the ftmo nilo when it w during the period in which the Public Library was established in Maso ertainly no rule of wider indulgence would prevent discreditable losses of rich, and beautiful books, or discreditable injury to them, from careless use. In o!: heir fellow-citizens, however, the important collection of books represented by the present Index, the Trustees do not wish to have it thought that they regard the Public Library as either perfect or ample. Far from it. Grateful as they are to the Superintendent for the principles on which the Card-Catalogue and its Indexes are founded, and for the skill and fidelity with which he and his assistant- have carried them out, the Trustees are quite aware that, in the many hundr. thousands of details involved in a work so perplexing, not a few errors will probably escape the most painstaking and accurate. And still more grateful as they are to the Government of the City, and to the munificent patrons of the Library, who have filled so many of its shelves with books, and : led funds from which so many more will be filled hereafter, they do not conceal from them- fact that in all its departments the Institution is imperfect, and that in many only a founda- tion has been laid, and often one less broad than they would gladly have made it. But the past is a sufficient pledge for the future. They cannot, therefore, be disheartened or anxious. On the con- trary, they are. both gratified and surprised that in so short a time so much has been done and so well ; and. for the remainder, which is to make the Library what it ought to be, they rely confidingly on its faithful friends, and on the City Government who have made it what it is; never forgetting the com- munity by whose spirit it has been constantly sustained, and to whom the Trustees have, above even-- thing else, desired to make it a fertile and permanent source of improvement, intellectual, moral, and EDWARD EVERETT, GEO. TICKNOR, JOHN P. BIGELOW, NATH. B. SIIURTLEFF, WILLIAM W. GREENOUfill. E. T. WILSON, J. COFFIN JONES BROWN. Prr.i ic LIKI: u;v. July It:. 1861. EXPLANATIONS. Two STARS, prefixed to the shelf number, denote that the book cannot be taken from the library building. ONE STAR denotes that, for reasons already stated, the book so marked can be taken out only by special permission. See Preface, page vi. These stars are affixed to the principal title only, the title which has the imprint, and not to other brief entries of the book, called cross-references. BRACKETS, within titles, inclose words added, or changed in form. ABBREVIATIONS peculiar to certain long articles are explained in notes prefixed to the articles. See, for example, Great Britain, Sessional papers, page 335 ; and United States, Con- gressional . Documents, page 796; and Index to Congressional Documents, page 815. Other abbreviations used in the Index are indeed numerous and various, but they are thought to be so common or so obvious as not to require explanation. 8, 12, etc. indi- dicate the apparent size of the book, not always the exact fold of the sheet. Pph. and M. Pph. respectively designate pamphlets and medical pamphlets. LEARNED SOCIETIES and public institutions are catalogued under the names of the places where they are established. INDEX, Nederlaadi : i P..) lloarl IS6&-U63. 5v. s 1 AAROX, P. Conpendiolo intumo ul 60. MII.V \. ; Tr..!: . 3470.5 l4l l:iIilM". ::. Ii.irni' ini.-.i. inti-rp. I. i in music*, cc. Vinegia, 1545. 4* . i dl canto M011.10 ABAI .;raunnar. 1st I .'. 1'. Xlgnc. tPatrolojjiev. l>; CbMMte. PMro* AbcUrdtu. Fare I. EpUtolm. XL Scrmone* et opiucuU atceticai Sermonc*; Ex- podtto Orationlt DomlnlcBt Ezpmido irmboli ipot- tolorami Expoiitio fldci- la qnnbolum Athunasiii l:t!..,-a>. M ; '. r .!..!;. S.-.1 1*1 ij..-.:,.: i: :,..-:, r.-.- MMMtoOTM r,;ri AkahNI* Ml i ba . ill. The- ologiea et philosophies; Expositui in Ilcxzmcroni Ezporitfo In Epbtolam ad Botnn ad thanlngtMiii ThfoJogU Chrutimn.t 8 Dialoffa Inter ptiilavophan . , . I\ Monita ad ArtroUl. nonti.tione B. Maria Virpiiiij; Khvthi Trinitatc: Planctii. Van!.- Apjvr . r contra hcrcMi Romannr i prirlkfla pro pulhenoi i'.imcU- Scrio* abbattoamm parthn .iriurt B^irnpuiiu Abiclanli dit- cipuli; Ililuil Elrgia de rocfmu P.tri A'.a-ln- . rl*toi Btnngaril Apologia pro Prtro AtMclardo; Ejtudem Kphtola ad epltcopum Mimatciucm; ad Cuthnfiano*; Index uctorum qui in opcribui Ab- lardiauntur. Onvrages in.dits, ptit.l. par V. Cousin. Paris, 1836. 4*. [France. Docs, in CtafeaCc. Introduction! Soramaiic de llntatxluc- tfcmi Sic ct Xon: Index qu*ticnnm quas continct Sic t Non i IKaketicai Fin I. De partibn* orationu. II. Do propodtioaibu* et ijrllofbmij catrgorlcii, ica Analytica priorm. in. Topics. IV. De propoiitionl- btu et .TlluginnU hjrpothrtici., wo Analvticm portcri- ora. V. Liber dirMoonm et definite eontmqnn in DUlectica coatln< OennaDcnM de grneribui et (pecirbni; Glowa In PorphTrinm, In Categorbu. - in Ubrnn. tationc,-ln topic* BoethUi Apprndlee I. Rabin Maar. TL Olottt da Xe ti -c!c -,. I'toi'.liume de Champeaox. IT. Bernard d< Chartre*. V. PIiuiean . ;;.,.,, . IKtebt,parDocatiEp par Dowdai AbeUard k BHobei Betobe i AbeU- ard. par 8nri n! AbeUard k BMobe. par Doratt I1U- o-e k AbeUard. par Iteetar. - Abail .1 ^sl par II. rt Mm--. \. ft 'I'll. tr. p.ir M. i ' cron. [Miirtrm; rt Dunnnl. Tln-ininiK] .................... v.5of 2250.2 AWlard sa vie, sa philosophic ct f.i : :.XKJ.l - AHATI, A. See Carcano. Pocti nalirid i; il iani .................. v.::..f 2809.3 AiiAfxrr, K. >i gical, ami critical 8ulij(vts. Tr. I y K. Mar- wood. Loirioii, i:n. s 1 .......... .11. vs.* > .... v. 1 of 34 Aitn.\rt), P.ilcir. ' ' .'Coraz/iiil. K. i AKHADII-:, A. ] 3400.40 Ar.r. My, I. N" ................... ABB' ;.ta. [Mi^nc. Patrol- " v. I.T.I] ................ 3400.18 ABB". Liliri trc^ [inctrici] ih- tx-llu I'.iri- monosscl,>pti. >v. n-.'] 34C0.11 Canii- n s . .T.flof 2018.2 Ar.r. rewritten in Ctil).i in 1.S28. Bos- ton, 1S29. 8" ................ J.1G4.1 Pro< % t > 0(3in}, r '< in th- the ; '-!!. s' ..... *Pph. Sermons, with a memoir by S. ! .>g- ton, 1831. 12 ............... ::H1.20 Sermons to )ii:iriiu>rs. P.onton, ]>!.'. U . ADIIOT, .T. K. Sermons. With a mem. liy II. Ware. .Tr. ABBOTT, < . . j, a \v rt'lativ. merchant shiii- \v. ' '' P.-i-:. , i-.M. 8P, ...".! I.uxvrd. to nien-h. ships, etc. Phi la., 1802. 8 :: TT, Jacob. -tone, improved aii'l ...... :45.8 1 >ston, 1830. 12*. .. .H45.10 - Sa. .VJ9.2 Tho yonnf,' Christian. -on, ....... ABBOTT, James. Hand-book of i ........... 3S00.4<1 115.9 Pink- yaffes] . . of 2200.1.1 ABDOMEN, Diseases of the. Ballard, E ...... 3709.8 See al*o: DlgwtlOD, Hernia, btertiaw. Kidney, LiTcr, Stomach, Vitcera. .lournal in tho I'nitcd States. Lon- .......... ABEDOC ACADIA Shelf. No. ABEDOC. Canones selecti ; canones Hibcrnenses. [Migne. Patrologis v. 90] 3450.22 ABEEL, D. G. Dissertation on dysentery. New York, 1794. 8 *M. Pph. v. 10 ABEKEN, B. R. Cicero in seinen Briefen. Han- nover, ia35. 8 2928.21 ABEL, C. Journey in the interior of China. 1810. London, 1818. 4 3023.8 ABEL, N. H. On Abel's theorem. Lubbock, J. W. 3925.10 ABELIN, J. P., Lotichius, J. P., Schledcr, J. G., Oraeus, H., [and others.] Thcatrum Euro- pauim, oder Besehreibung 1 aller denckwiir- diger Geschichten in der Welt, 1617-1718. Mit vieler f iirnehmer Herren Contrefaotu- ren, wie auch beriihmter Stadten, Schlach- ten, u.s.w. Delineationen. Frankf. a M., 1662-1738. 21 v. f *2290.1 ABELL, E. B. Recollections of Napoleon at St. Helena. London, 1844. 12 2042.10 ABERCROMBIE, J. Diseases of the brain and spinal cord. 1st ed. Edinb., 1828. 8 *3801.7 - Same. 2d ed. Edinb., 1829. 8 *3S01.12 - Same. New ed. enl. Phila., 1843. 8. . *3801.4 Diseases of the stomach [and] other viscera. 2d ed. Edinb., 1830. 8 *3760.11 - Same. 4th Am. ed. Phila., 1845. 8. . . *37G0.10 Essays and tracts. Edinb., 1848. 12 . ... 3440.11 Contents. Culture and discipline of the mind; Harmony of Christian faith and character; Think on these things; The contest and the armour; The Mes- siah as an example; Elements of sacred truth for the young. Intellectual powers. Fr. 2d ed. New York, 1833. 18 3009.21 ABERDEEN, Earl of. See Gordon, G. H. ABERDEEN auxiliary Bible society. Second re- port, with list of subscribers. Aberdeen, 1813. 8 *Pph.v.37 ABERDEEN religious tract society. Address, with extracts from the reports of other tract societies. 1802-16. Aberdeen, 1816. 12. *Pph. v. 214 ABERNETHY, Rev. J., of Dublin. Discourses con- cerning the being and perfections of God. London, 1746. 2v. 8 3442.10 ABFRNETHT, J., M. D., F. R. S. Surgical and physiological works. Fr. 6th. London ed. Hartford, 1825. 2v. 8 *3722.23 Contents. Vol. I. Local diseases and aneurisms; Diseases resembling syphilis, and of the urethra; In- juries of the head; Miscellaneous. Vol.11. Punc- turing the bladder; Tic douloureux; Loose substances in knee-joints Hsemorrhoidal diseases; Tumours; Lumbar abscesses ; Ilunterian oration, 1S01; Physiog- nomy and phrenology; Physiological lectures. Diseases resembling syphilis, and diseases of the urethra. London, 1810. 8" *3745.1 General view of Mr. Hunter's physiology and comparative anatomy. London, 1810. 8 . *3886.7 Injuries of the head. London, 1810. 8 . . . *3745.1 Local diseases and aneurisms. London, 1809. 8 *3745.1 Rationality of Mr. Hunter's theory of life. London, 1814. 8 *3765.2 - Surgical and physiological essays. Part 2. London, 1793. 8 *3745.1 Tumours and lumbar abscesses. Lond, 1811. 8 *3745.1 ABERRATION, Begyndelsesgrundene af Laeren om. Hansen, H. J E. 110. 03 ABINGDON, Earl of. See Bertie, W. ABINGDON, Chronicon monasterii de 2414.9 ABLANCOURT. See Perrot d'Ablancourt. ABNAQUIS, La mission des Abnaquis [a 1' Acadie]. Bigot, J 2311.24,25 ABOLITION de 1'esclavage dans les colonies anglai- ses. Paris, 1S41. 8 3572.9 ABOLITION. See Slavery. ABORIGINES of America. See Indians. ABOUT, E. F. V. Le roi des montagnes. Nouv. e"d. Paris, 1859. 12 2002.16 Maitre Pierre. Paris, 1858. 12' 2062.17 ABRANTKS, Duchcsse d'. See Junot, Mme. Shelf. No. ABRCZZI, Zecche e monete degli. Lazari,V. . . 2731.2 ABSALON, abbot of Sprenlcirisbach. Sermones. [Migne. Patrologia; v. 211] 3470.32 ABSALON, abp. of Lund. Testameutum. [Migne. Patrologia; v. 209] v. 2 of 3470.30 ABSCESS. See Tumour, Ulcer. ABSOLUTISM. See Despotism. ABSORPTION cutanee des remedes. Chrestien,J.A. 3770.35 ABC Beer Mohammed Ibn Zacariya ar-Razi, commonly called Rhazes. Small-pox and measles, tr. by W. A. Grecnhill. London, 1857. 8 *3714.17 ABU Djafar Mohammed Tabari. Chronique, trad. sur la version persane, par L. Dubeux. Tome I. Paris, 1836. 4 [Oriental transl. fund 41] *3022.3 ABU-L-FARAD.T, or, Abulpharagius Bar-Hebraeus, G. Ecclesiae Antiochenae Syrorum nomo- canon. [Mai. Scrip, vet. nova coll.] . v. 10 of 3000.1 ABU-L-FAZL. Siege of Chaitur by Akbar. [Misc. trans, from Orient, langg.] 3012.30 ABU-L-FEDA, IsmaellbuAli. Historia ante-islam- ica arabice. Ed. vers Lat. H. O. Fleischer. Lipsias, 1831. 4' *3010.9 Excerpta ex chronologia universal!. [Mura- tori. Rer. Ital. Scr.] v. lp.2of 2710.1 ABU-L-HASAN Ali. Instruments astronomiqucs des Arabes, tr. par J. J. Sedillot. Paris, 1834, '35. 2v. in 1. 4' 3921.7 ABU-L-HASAN Ali Ibn al-Husain surnamed El Mas- udi. Historical encyclopaedia, tr. by A. Sprengel. Lond., 1841. 8 [Oriental transl. fund. 54] *3022.7 ABU-L-HASSAN Ali Ben Abdallah. Geschichte der mauritanischen Konige. Aus dem Arab, iibers. von Franz von Dombay. Agram, 1794, 1795. 2v. 8 3057.6 ABU-L-KAsiM. See Firdousi. ABU-L-NASR-Muhammad-bn-Muhammad al-Jab- bar al Utbi. The Kitab-I-Yamini, Historical memoirs of the Amir Sabaktagin, and the Sultan Mahmud of Ghazna. Tr. from the Persian version by Rev. J. Reynolds. Lon- don, 1858. 8. [Oriental transl. fund. 68] . *301 1.15 ABU-MUHAMMAD al-Kasim ibn Ali al Basri, com- monly known as Al Hariri. Makamat, or rhetorical anecdotes, tr. from the Arabic by T. Preston. London, 1850. 8 [Oriental transl. fund. 64] *3022.8 ABU Said Alhassan Ben Alhossain Assukkari. Poems of the Huzailis ; ed. in Arabic, and transl. by J. G. L. Kosegarten. Vol. 1. Lond., 1854. 4. [Orient, transl. fund. 66] *3021. 19 ABU Taleb Khan, Mirza. Travels in Asia, Afri- ca, and Europe, 1799-1803. Transl. by C. Stewart. 2v. London, 1810. f *2274.3 ABURY, a temple of the British druids. Stuke- ley.W 2460.10 ABYSSINIA. Combes, E. Voyage en A 3055.5 Knigge, A. von. Benj. Noldmanns Geschichte der Auf klarung in A 2896.3 Lobo, J. Voyage to 3055.16 Ludolf, J. Descriptio regni Habessinorum . 3051.2 Riippell, W. P. E. S. Neue Wirbelthiere von 3890.6 Salt, H. Travels in the interior of 3051.1 Tardieu, A. Histoire et description de 1'A. 2276.9 See also : Ethiopia. ACADEMY. Note. Publications of Learned Societies are re- corded under the names of the places where they are located. Those of societies which have no fixed place of meeting, as the British Association for the advance- ment of science, the American Association, &c., are recorded under the first word in the designation of the Society. For a list of such publications see under the word Transactions. ACADIA. Bigot, V. La mission des Abnaquis . 2311.24,25 His Majesty's right to 2311.15 Regnault, fi. Histoire et description de . . 2266.6 Limits of. Remarks on the French memorials. 2311.15 See also : Nova Scotia. \I.\M .', 3, Do. 10, 1814 Dec. 30, : it* an.l -Tflft.O nunmaUc*. > n |>ar- . MM ACOOLTI, T. Onulonc. (Datl. PTOM Ki .... M'l -I. : _ Tr.. i Cup.-, in ir-.'-w.'. . ' iti- 79.15 iir. KY.1MJ mini. Stockholm)*, 3858.16 : i'-o- - SYiiopslim ' -08.18 11 Troja. r. \v ppes ct riitopliuiiti* amoribus libri viii. Kil. Fr. Jaeohs. I.ipsiae, . -' 2978.1 ! a. [Didot.A. F. Bib.G; rip- 002.10 4*. ... *!. \.ili. 1'i la \iniit.nli hi K.- .lapi.-u in CaU- nia, soritta 1'annu 1287. [Opu-roli di Liii] v.4of 4704.1 - of Win- '. ton, ami \W-tmiii-tiT ; ith tli.' Cba Paul : Harrow, Rugby, and Christ's hospital. Ix>ndon, 1810. 4* . *2M0.1 :LTII vocabulary, English. New ed. Lon- don, 1858. 32* 2585.29 H. W. and Kuskin, .1. The Oxford mu 4095.24 Aoo- . >ric of the Kast and Wer-t In.; -:n. 4' *2312.8,9 tare, rpham, .). P> 4105.1 . F. Traite d'acous- i \kustik 3W3.20 Ininan, W. -. -ion of sound . . . . 4105.2 ;. . nova ! i o on sound 110.34 ACTA cruditoni! :. Lipsix, 50v. ! *3218.2 _ - E ;^J8.2 N I'. *3248.3 _ 8v. 4*. *3258.2 In ii -..n.; -.! -,|.:-i!.u \Ii doconuii. I.i]>- si*-. : t, Ixj*,dcsap6tn-. Pari, 1789-1M. lOv. 8* *4648.7 jrofc.-Ct journal [politiqae. pabUi peadut 1m MTolnttoa IVn(iw] conUrnt 311 elupltre* ou nume- ral. M. 1'clticr eu poor eoUmbonteurt le frorral comte At Ijtageron, ! comle dc I^iura^uml, u- Joaid*hni due dc Brute**, ct pair 75.8 ACTS of tli.' lii^-ii r.diMii: Durban), 18S8. 6*. . 2417.32 . K. Voya' < In ;.in, ic,im. H* *23flft.6 c_'inrnt.i li^liirii-nriiiii urn: v An Mi:.. I. Ill-lory of tin- AIM. ri.-:in Ii l..n, i;:.,. 4* *23).22 ./ Loon. Carmen ad RolxTtum regpin rriincoriiin. [Huii<|ii \. 10 of 2610.1 .i-v. 141] ... .'M00.20 (11. !. ' v.'. <-f 2018.2 Al'.M .r; Iiitroiln iiiiiii.-ii'lmniiu in iiiuiia-lrriiiiii M.^'im-nsc. r.itrolo-ia,. v . 1ST] .T460.10 A;>.M.i!i l:r M.I I;.T- naldum. iro.afi Al>A' ' rolo ADA: -tola. [MiL' v. i:j, 3470.1 Aii.M.iu:i:n -, /./''/ I'rncjue. Vita, auctm rlO] Huinilia. [.Mi^nc. ratrnln^iii; v. 137] :!4\I ,r>j. Admonitio ad NiiiiMiiniIam rcclusam. [Migne. Patrolo- gl v. 134J 3400. n Ai> Ai.iiAUiirs, .s'., Abbot of < - tnta pro mon irolo^ias v. l'i.">] .'H50.29 Kinliiurnts of Latin Grammar. :id Am. fr. 1st Eng. ed. Bos- ton, 1809. 12* *E.207.10 - Same. 4th Am. od. Boston, 1812. 12 . 7089.8 - Same. Simplified liy A. IVk. N.--.V York, 1822. 8* 7068.2 - Same. [Ed.] by B. A. Gould. Boston, 1825. 12* 7089.8 - Same. New ed. by W. W. CambrM ISC. 16 7089.7 - Same. Stor. ed. by I?. A.Gould. Boston, CP " 7089.4 Roman antiquities. Revised liy P. Wilson. S" '.'950.18 ', K. KM:?: .tr.i in lialmatia. [London,] 17(H. f*.: and .lames. Works in nrcliit.'ctnr.' ; [I>r>crip- tlons, in English and French.] London, 1773-1822. 3v.ini. f *4060.15 Content*. Vol. I. The Kit of the Duke of North- umberland t Sioni The villa of Earl Maiutuld at ...od; The n-nl eft!.. I'. :! . .f I'.uti- at l.iiton park; Public buil/ji //'."-/< n' >!. VIU 8. Coltunbc; Dc locis sanctls; Canoncs. me. PatrologUe T. 88] 3450.19 ADAMO ADAMS Shelf. No. ADAMO, [Sacra rappresentazione.] Andreini, G.B. 4777.20 ADAMS, A. Religious liberty ; a sermon at Eox- bury, Dec. 3, 1707. Boston, 17CS. 8".. . . *3458.14 ADAMS, C. F. Address on opening 1 the town hall, in Braintree, July 29, 1858. Boston, 1858. 8 2324. CO Oration in Faneuil Hall, July 4, 1843. Boston, 1843 *p p ii. v. 261 ADAMS, D. Scholar's arithmetic. Keene, N. H., 1817. 8 7058.8 ADAMS, E. Discourse occasioned by the death of Hon. Gurdon Saltonstall. New London, 1724. 10 *3459.44 ADAMS, G., math. inst. maker. Astronomical and geographical essays. 4th ed. Whitehall, 1800. 8 **E.187.6 Geometrical and graphical essays, containing a descrip. of math, instruments. Correct- ed by W. Jones. 3ded. Lond., 1803. 8 . . **E.190.10 Lectures on natural and experimental philos- ophy. Am. ed. from the last London ed. by Win. Jones. Bev. and corr. by K. Pat- terson. Philadelphia, 1800. 4v. 8 .... 3965.4 ADAMS, G. or Adams, Sampson and Co. Direc- tories. See Boston. Charlestown for 1858. Lowell for 1853-55. Lynn for 1858. Man- chester for 1858. New England for 1858. Eoxbury for 1850. ADAMS, H. An abridgment of the history of New England. Boston, 1805. 12 2328.27 Compendium of sects, with appendix. Bos- ton, 1784. 8" 3533.3 Controversy between the Eev. J. Morse, D.D., and the author. Boston, 1814. 8 . *Pph. v. 240 History of New England. [1020 1787. ] Decl- ham, 1799. 8 2321.13 History of the Jews. Bost., 1812. 2v. 12 . **E.219.12 Memoir ; by herself, with add. by a friend. Boston, 1832. 8 2348. 1 Truth and excellence of the Christian reli- gion. Boston, 1804. 12 3435.23 Complaints and accusations of, ag'ainst J. Morse. See Morse, J 2387.5 ADAMS, Jasper. Moral philosophy. Cambridge, 1837. 8 **E.218.19 Eulogium on Elias Horry. Charleston, 1835. 8" **E.110.9 ADAMS, John. Index villaris ; or, register of all the cities, market-towns, etc., of each coun- ty in England and Wales. Lon., 1690. f *2530.1 ADAMS, John, Pres. U. S. Works, with a life and notes by C. F. Adams. Boston, 1850-50. " lOv. 8 2400.2 Contents. 'Vol. I. Life. II. Diary; Notes of de- bates in the cont. congress, in 1775; Autobiography; Appendix. III. Autobiography continued; Diary: Notes of a debate in the senate of the U. S.; Essays; Dissertation on the canon and the feudal law; Instruc- tions of Braintree to its representatives, 1765; Instruc- tions of the town of Boston to their representatives, 17US-1769; On the independence of the judiciary; Controversy between W. Brattle and J. Adams ; Ap- pendix. IV. Novauglus, or a history of the dispute with America, from 1754; Thoughts on government, 1770; Report of a constitution for Massachusetts, 1779; Defence of the constitutions of the TJ. S., 1778. V. Defence, &c. cont. VI. Discourses on Davila; Four letters on government; Three letters on the constitu- tion ; Letters to Jno. Taylor, of Caroline, in reply to strictures on the Defence; Review of Mr. Ilillhouse's propositions for amending the constitution. VII.-IX. Official letters, messages, and public papers. IX.-X. General correspondence; Indexes. Discourses on Davila. A series of papers on political history. Boston, 1805. 8 .... 3502.11 Sermon on the death of. Frothingham, N. L. 3455.61 Administration of. Gibbs, G 2323.2 Letter concerning the public conduct and character of. Hamilton, A 2327.10 Eeview of the correspondence of, with W. Cunningham. Pickering, T 2327.10 Addresses to the President and his answers. 2348.5 bhelf. No. ADAMS, John, Pres. U. S., and Cunningham, W. Correspondence. 1803-1812. Bost., 1823. 8. 2327.10 and Sewall, J. Novangius, and Massachu- settcnsis; or political essays published in 1774 and 1775, to which are added a num- ber of letters from Adams to Tudor. Bos- ton, 1819. 8 **E,223.8 Note. For eulogies on John Adams, and pam- phlets relating to his administration, see under Cush- ing, C.; Duer, W. A.; Everett, E.; Jefferson, J.; Knapp, S. L.; Tillinghast, J. L.; Webster, D.j Wood, J. ADAMS, Rev. J. d. at Pultney, 1814. History of Eome to the death of M. Antonine. Dublin, 1792. 2v. 8 2757.1 ADAMS, Rev. J. Pres. of Geneva Coll. Inaugural discourse in Trinity church, Geneva. Gen- eva, 1827. 8 *Pph.v. 08,79 ADAMS, J. Q. Address at Washington on 4th Ju- ly, 1821. 2d. ed. Cambridge, 1821. 8 . *Pph. v.252 Address to the Mass, charitable fire society, submitted to the citizens of Charlestown. [Charlestown, 1821.] 8 *Pph.v.240 Dermot Mac Morrogh, or the conquest of Ire- land, in 4 cantos. Boston, 1832. 8 . . *Pph.v.237 Eulogy on J. Madison, Sept. 27th, 1830. Bos- ton, 1836. 8 *Pph.v.257,98 Eulogy on James Monroe. Boston, 1831. 8 *Pph.v. 82,266 Lectures on rhetoric and oratory. Cambridge, 1810. 2v. 8 2405.4 Letter to H. G. Otis, on the state of our na- tional affairs. Boston, 1808. 8 D *2327.10 Letters demonstrating that the first step in masonry is wrong, n.p. n.d. 8 .... *Pph.v.297 Letters to Edward Livingston, Grand high priest, etc. Boston, 1833. 8 *Pph.v.297 Letters on Silesia during a tour, 1800-1. Lon- don, 1804. 8 2803.2 Lives of celebrated statesmen, with a sketch of the author, by C. W. U pham. New York, 1840. 8 *Pph.v.l55 Oration addressed to the citizens of Quincy, July 4th, 1S31. Boston, 1831. 8 *Pph.v.82 Oration before the inhabitants of Newbury- port, July 4, [1837.] Newburyp't, 1837. 8. *Pph.v.99 Oration on the life and character of Lafayette. Washington, 1835. 8 *Pph. v. 93, 200 Poems. AVith notices of his life and charac- ter, by J. Davis and T. H. Bcnton. New York, 1850. 12 2398.37 [Political character of J. Q. Adams delineated]. Albany, 182-8. 8 *Pph.v.73 Present state of our national affairs. Albany, [1808.] 8 *Pph.v.3 Eeport on the Smithsonian bequest. [No title page.] 1840. 8 *Pph.ll2 Eeport upon weights and measures. Phila., 1821. 8 *C.153.7 The duplicate letters, fisheries and the Missis- sippi. Washington, 1822. 8. . . .*Pph. 43, 2324.1 The jubilee of the constitution. A discourse. Apr. 30, 1839. New York, 1839. 8 ... *Pph.v.l07 Vindication of Gen. Jackson's invasion and oc- cupation of Florida, etc. [Wash., 18 IS.] 8. *Pph.v.57 Life of. Quincy, J 2342.0,7 and others. Correspondence concerning the charge of a design to dissolve the Union. 2d ed. Boston, 1829. 8 *Pph.v.70 ADAMS, Joseph. Laws of different epidemic dis- eases. London, 1809. 8 *M.Pph.v.l23 Memoirs of John Hunter. 2d ed. London, 1818. 8 2455.9 On supposed hereditary diseases. London, 1814. 8 *3S07.3 Popular view of vaccine inoculation. Loud., 1807. 12 3809.29 Syllabus of a course of lectures on the insti- tutes and practice of medicine. London, 1811. 12 *M.Pph.v.l2C> i.Joalah. DMMBdant \laaa. IU>^ AS.W-. V. ' \! ' ' :'. < barb .:'...r< M HM ..a.l. tlilrtooa dlMonno*. Tlio commonkm Sabbath. lUnton, I85\ tf . DlMooneo: |;,.,-., ;l . V,N. ; .1 I.;. I:., . 1 . -'V. ll f '' _ Sou \;,VM~.. d r.; i ..f O. IT, Vf '"'.' \or., 1788. v.320 > i:i - ,, l.ir i : .1 Tlctor, Parit. Soqucntl* ]. . 3470.18 tog. . . . *-.M13.10 aomnl*, d fldom '!. Aut- clbortv, 3170.20 OMlnttL Senaoom IJher do online, h. ' pr r- -. M ''-I!: :' ' "'" '''-' r.-t-.it :.-:< ' u . ': De bipartito tabernacu'.oi De triplice gcncre contem- jlihnnli SoliloquU iiiinuB : Th-- kui_-'. ..... ADDIS' lv - *' Omfrr, i'mt on icvrral occasions! Rcmmond, an opecmi Eajr on Virjil's Georgicii Ca- to, tragedy; Foeawtat Dtalognet npon the ucful- DCM of ancient medalo Three cell of medal* illut- tratcd by ane. poet*. II. K. m . k< on icreial PJ Italy; The tattler, by baae Blckentafle; Th *pee- tator. HI. Spectator, o datedt Tne guardian i The loren Pretcnt >t the war; Trjrall and eonrictlon of Count Tariff; Whig examiner; Freeholder i : Icnccuofr : De n'Hvtat. I'. Poems. [.lohnson. Kn-. poets] ... v. 23 of 2680.3 __ ; ilx-rt. .T. ...... ..f 2CW.1 Lifo anl jnxjms of. [Chalmers, A. ........ Remarque* ur le para ... . _ . itson. TM t Barbitry. [Pin . . .'<1 ' York. l'pli.v.4 and more, 1813. (f . banv . to t lie Albany r< ..... 31' nn;-i :i ..lit/. ;..f u'810.3 glas v. is 'i ................. "I ton '!< ciu-li:iri-!i.i ; l.'liytliini ali>li:. ..... :ti<50.22 i.v P. A. .......... 3034.28 Imr-, is:w. s ............... 3034.17 I Hiul . "3.12 Mit!iri>lu' .mi'lc. i:. T: ......... v.WO.18 icrhuch 0.18 ilili.- to tin- sec. of state of tin- i t>' ........... *l'i''i. \ytllOUt ....... '10.20 Tr.: and atlas in fol ............... Tratt do gfometrie dewrlpttv -is, I is in fol .......... 3920.10 :tu des on. ami .. .............. ' .'.M.I? _ I , 1840. S* ; .. '. ....... AlUMU'.l, I.. Satire. Ani'-tcrdatn, 17Ii"-. - Same. I '0.10 - Same. [Carcni; ::-. Ital.J . v. .'..f --800.3 Orazi mniar of t -' ....... 708P.2 Am. -'a. ' ....... I003.88 lair :rt, ...... V ........ ADMINISTRATION ^SCHYLUS Shelf. No. ADMINISTRATION. Blanche, A. Dictionnaire g<5n- (5rald 3031.2 Cormeuin, L. M. de L. H. de. Droit admin- istratif 3620.14 Ex>n-dc-Beaumont, C. G. L. Loisirs sur divers sujeta d' 2308.1 Macarcl.L. Cours d' 3637.1 Vivien, A. F. A. Etudes administratives . . 3562.14 See also: Law, Government, Political science. ADMIRALTY. Bee, T. Decisions in the A. court of Pennsylvania, by F. Hopkinson 3707.1 Curtis, G. T. Digest of cases adjudicated in the A. courts of the U. S 3620.12 Home, T. H. Statute laws and regulations of the court of A. of Great Britain 3020.13 Pritchard, "W. T. Digest of cases before the high court of A. of England 3620.6 Stewart, J. Cases in court of vice A. at Halifax 3620.7 See also: Commercial law, Digest, Law, Maritime law, Reports. ADO, archiep. Viennensis in Gallia. Opera orania. [Migne. Patrologiae v. 123] v. 1 of 3460.6 Contents. Soncti Adonis elogium historicumj S. Adonis chronicon ; Vetus Eomanum Marty rologium; Libellus de festivitatibus apostolorum i S. Adonis Martyrologiuni ; Appendix; Passio S. Desiderii; Ad- onis privilegium pro ecclesia Velnensi; Vita S. Thcu- derii; Appendix; Translatio S. Barnardi; Miracula ejusdem. ADOLPHCS, J. History of France, 1790-1802. Lon- don, 1803. 2v. 8 4058.2 ADOLPHUS, J. L. Letters to R. Heber, on the Waverley [novels]. London, 1821. 8. . . 2573.2 ADONE, poema del cav. Marini, difesa dell'. Al- eandri, G 4769 a. 13 ADORNI, G. See Bernabd-Silorata. Prose e poesie di Italian! viventi v.5of 4768.16 ADORNO, J. N. Melographie ou nouvelle notation musicale. Paris, 1855. 4 4041.2 ADRAIN, R., and Ryan, J. The mathematical dia- ry. 2v.ini. New York, 1825-8. 8. . . **E.199.18 ADREON, S. W. Discussion of charges preferred in the Dugan controversy, etc., etc. St. Louis, 1840. 8" *M.Pph.v.43 ADREVALDUS, monk of Fleury. Historia transla- tionis S. Benedict! ; Miracula S. Benedict! post translationem ; De corpore et san- guine Christi; Vita S. Aigulfi. [Migne. Patrologiae v. 124] v. 2 of 3400.0 ADREVALD, Aimoin, Andre, Raoul Tortaire et Hugues de Sainte Marie. Les miracles de SaintBcnoit. [Latin text.] Paris, 1858. 8. [Soc. de 1'hist. de France] *2036.8 ADRIANI, G. B. Istoria de' suoi tempi. Prato, 1822, '3. 8v. 8 2717.7 ADRIANI, M. Lezione. [Dati, C. Prose Floren- tine] v. lOof 2787.1 ADRIANUS I., pope. Epistolaa; Bulla. [Migne. Patrologise v. 90] 3450.22 Epistohe. [Muratori, Rerum Ital. Scr.] v. 3 of p. 2 of 2710.1 ADRIANUS II., pope. Epistolaeet decreta; Bullas et epistola. [Migne. Patrologiae v. 122] . . 3400.5 ADRIANUS III., pope. Privilegium; Epistola. [Jlignc. Patrologia; v. 120] v. 2of 3400.7 ADRIANUS IV., pope. See Bouquet. Recueil des historiens des Gaules v. 15 of 2020.1 Epistola? ct privilegia. [Migne. Patrologiae v. 188] 3470.12 ADRIATIC. Donati, V. Storia naturale dell' . . . 3871.22 Grube, A. E. Actinien, Eehinodermen und WUrmer des adriat. Mceres 3871.7 Olivi, G. Zoologia Adriatica 3903.2 ADSIIEAD, J. Present gaol system, deeply de- praving to the prisoner, with remedies pro- posed. Manchester, 1847. 8 3575.10 Anso, abbot of Derby. Opera. [Migne. Patrolo- giae v. 137] 3400.10 Shelf. No. ADSO, abbot of Derby, continued. Contents. De Antichristo; Vita S. Frodol>erti j Vita 8. Mansueti; Vita S. Basoli; Miracula S.Basolij Vita S. Bercharii; Miracula sancti Waldeberti. Libellus de Antichristo. [Migne. Patrolo- giae v. 101] v. 2 of 3450.25 ADULTERATION. Chevallier, A. Alterations et falsifications des substances alimentaires, medicamenteuses, etc 3731.3 Bureaux. Falsifications des substances ali- mentaires, etc 3973.7 Pedronifils,P. M. Falsifications des drogues. 3834.16 AJDVENTIUS, bp. of Metz. Opuscula. [Migne. Patrologis v. 121] 3460.4 Contents. Libellus de Waldrada; Adventii episto- la ad Theutgaudum Coloniensem episcopum, ad Nicolaum papam ; Orationes in sy nodo Metis coadu- nata; Adventii privilegium. ADVENTURES of Hatim Tai. A romance from the Persian, by D. Forbes. London, 1830. 4 [Oriental transl. fund. 6] *3012.3 ADVICE to a young clergyman. London, 1796. 8. 3437.3 uEoioius Parisiensis. [Migne. Patrologiae v.212] . 3470.33 .22GIDIUS Zamorensis, J. See Gerbert von Hor- nau. Scriptores de musica sacra. . . v. 2 of 4041.7 .2ELFRIC, abp. of Canterbury. Anglo-Saxon hom- ily on the birth-day of St. Gregory, notes by L. F. Klipstein. N. Y., 1849. 12 .... 2587.20 Canones. [Migne. Patrologiaj v. 139] . . . 3460.18 JELFRIC, abp. of York. Homilies with an English transl. by B. Thorpe. Lond. 1843-46. 2v. 8 2587.17 .35LIANUS, C. De natura animalium libri XVII. Annotationes scripsit F. Jacobs, v. II. Je- nae, 1832. 8 2978.13 JSLIANUS Tacticus. De instruendis aciebus more Graeeorum. [Vegetius Renatus. De re militari] 2945.6 JSLNOTHUS. De vita et passione S. Canuti regis. [Meursius, J. Opera] v. Oof 2210.2 JSLREDUS, or Ethelredus, or Ailred, Aired, Ealred, 0660* of Rievaulx. Opera omnia. [Migne. Patrologis v. 195] 3170.17 Contents. Ascetica; Sermones de tempore et do sanctis; Sermones de oneribus in capp.xiii et seq. Is,; Speculum charitatis; Compendium speculi charitatis; Liber de spiritual! amicitia; Regula sive Institutio in- clusarum. Ilistorica: DebelloStandartii; Genealogia regum Anglorum; Vita S, Edwardiregisj De sancti- moniali de Wattun. Tractatus de Jesu puero duodenni. Mig- ne. Patrologiae v. 184] v. 3 of 3470.9 AENEAS, bp. of Paris. Liber adversus Graecos. [Migne. Patrologiae v. 121] 3460.4 AENEAS Silvius. See Pius II. AENEAS Tacticus. De toleranda obsidione. Ed. J. C. Orellius. Lipsiae, 1818. 8 2978.16 AEROLITES, Memoir on. Folger, W E.224.8 AERONAUTICS. Dupuis-Delcourt, J. M. Nouveau manuel complet d'aerostation 3965.13 Jeffries, J. Two aerial voyages, 1784-5 . . . 3963.1 Turgau, M. J. Histoire de la locomotion aerienne 3904.20 "Wise, J. System of 3964.2 ^SCHINES. See Baiter and Sauppe. Oratores At- tic! 2963.1 Orationes quaedam. [Bekker. Oratores At- tic!.] v. 3 of 2965.1 Orationes omnes. [Reiske. Orat. Gr.] . v. 3 of 2967.2 Aringa di Eschine contro Tesifonte. See Cesarotti v.25of 2798.1 Ragionamento critico sopra Eschine. See Cesarotti v.21of 2798.1 AESCHYLUS. Tragediae septem et perditarum frag- menta. [Cura] E. A. I. Ahrens. Parisiis, Didot, 1842. 8 2992.1 Trag. Curante J. F. Boissonade. Parisiis, 1825. 2v. 32. [Boissonade. Poetas Graeci. v. 12, 13] *2979.9 Tragedies. Transl. into prose with notes, 3d ed. Oxford, 1840. 8 2978.9 AESCHYLUS AGATHARCIDES Shelf. No. S, continued. Tragedie, trad, da Bellotti. [Pooti greci] . . 2903.2 Perditarum fabularum fragmenta. [Wagner. Poet. trag. fragm.] v.lof 2967.1 Les Perses ; Agamemnon ; Les coephores ; Les Eumenides; Les suppliantes. [Brumoy. Theatre des Grecs] v.2 of 2905.4 Promethee ; Les sept chefs ; Agamemnon ; Les Eumenides; Les suppliantes. [Bru- moy, Theatre des Grecs] v.3of 29C5.3 Promethee lid; Les sept chefs. [Brumoy. Theatre des Grecs] v.l of 2905.4 The Agamemnon. With notes by T. W. Peile. London, 1839. 8 2978.8 The Agamemnon. With notes by C. C. Fel- ton. Boston, 1847. 12 2978.10 The Agamemnon. Translated by W. Peter. Philadelphia, 1852. 12" 2979.20 I Persian!, tragedia; trad, in Italiana. See Alfleri, V v.3 of 2775.6 IlPrometeo. Trag. [Parnaso italiano] v.2 of 2709.1 Lexicon to. Linwood, W 2978.11 uEschylische Trilogie. Welcker, F. Q. . . . 2978.3 Nachtrag zu der Schrift Uber die J.s. Trilogie. Welcker, F. G 2978.4 ., 231 Medical college. Catal. and circular, 1839-1853. Albany, 18.19-63. *M. Pph. v.33,35, 37-39,41, 43,51-53 Medical seminary. Circular ; with a catalogue for 1827. Albany, 1827. 8 *M. Pph. v. 16 Select family school for young ladies. Cata- logue and circular. 1841-42. Alb., 1841. 8*Pph.vl29 Society for the promotion of the useful arts. Charter and by-laws. Albany, 1815. 8*Pph. v. 10 Young men's association for mutual improve- ment. 7th, 19th, 20th, annual meeting. Al- bany, 1840, 1852. 8 *Pph. v. 117,193 - Speeches in behalf of the university of Albany. Albany, 1852. 8 *Pph. v. 117, 193 - Order of exercises 77th anniv. of Amer- ican independence. Albany, 1853. 8 . *Pph. v. 193 - Catalogue of the library. Alb., 1853. 8. *2136.3 Political and Miscellaneous. Federal committee. Anti-federal objections refuted. Albany, n.d. 12 *Pph.v.229 Liberty national nominating convention. Pro- ceedings and address. Albany, 1841. 8.*Pph. v. 124 Republican corresponding committee. Ad- dress, documents and correspondence, n.p. n.d. 8 *Pph. v. 25 Proceedings of a meeting held at A. [to pro- mote the election of Clinton and Tallmadge]. !>Jl. 8 *Pph.v.47 Cholera record. Also a corrected meteoro- logical table of the weather since the com- mencement of cholera. Alb., 1832. 8.*M. Pph. v. 23 and Rensselaer horticultural society. 1st, 2d annual report, constitution, rules, and pre- miums for 1848. Alb. 1848, 49. 8 . . *Pph.v.l67, 174 ALBANY county. Agricultural society. Constitu- tion and by-laws ; also, names of members. Albany, 1819. 8 *Pph.v.25 - 2d, 3d, 5th, anniversary. [No title-page.] 1820-23. [Albany] *Pph.v.209,28, 49 - Geological survey of the county of Al- bany. [Albany], n.d. 8 *Pph.v.26 - Statist, report, 1820. Alb. 1823. 8.*Pph.v.45,119 Medical society. By-laws. Alb. 1821. 8. *M.Pph.v.8 ALBEMARLE, carl of. See Keppcl, G. T. ALHERGATI-CAPACELLI, F. See Teatro moderno applaudito 2768.1 ALBERGATI-CAPACELLI 12 ALCUIN Shelf. No. ALBERGATI-CAPACELLI, continued. Contents. Emilia, drnmma, vol.31 ; I ciarlatani per mestiere, commcdia, v. 57; I ciarlatore maldicente, commedia, v. G; II gazzettierc, farsa, v. 7; II matri- monio improwiso, farsa, v. 15; II prigioniero, corn- media, v. 14; I/aceademia di musica, commcdia v. 12; II capriceiosa, farsa, v. 13; La notte, farsa, v. 50t Le convulsion!, farsa, v. 1; Bodolfo, dramma, v, 18. ALBERGHETTI-FORCIROLI, C. See Teatro mod- erno applaudito 2768. 1 Content*. Dario, tragedia, v. 11; Edipo, tragedia, v. 15; Polibetc, tragedia, v. 7. ALBERI, E. Document! sull' assedio di Firenze [15291530. Da far seguito al tomo 2 delle relazioni Venete.] Firenze, 1840. 8. ... *2722.8 Le guerre d' Italia del principe Eugenio di Sa- voia. Torino, 1831. 8 2715.9 Relazioni degli ambasciatori Veneti durante il secolo decimosesto. Ser. 1. 1-3, II. 1-5, III. 1-3. Firenze, 1839-1858. llv. 8 *2722.7 Vita diCaterinade' Medici. Firenze, 1838. 4 2041.1 ALBERI, F. Teorie dell' artc pittorica. Bologna, 1833. 8 4004.9 ALBERICUS, canon of Aix. Hierosolymitana ex- peditio. [Migne. Patrologiae v. 160] . . . 3400.40 ALBERICUS, diaconus. Sermo in sanctam scholas- ticam. [Migne. Patrologiae v. GO] 3450.7 ALBERS, J. A. De tracheitide infantum. Lipsiae, 1810. 4 *3771.21 Dissertatio inauguralis de ascite. Jenae, 1785, 4 *M. Pph. v. 103 ALBERT D' Aix. Histoire des croisades. [Guizot. Coll. des mems. v. 20-21] 2628.2 ALBERT, Prince. Addresses on public occasions. London, 1857. 4" - . . 2501.3 ALBERTANO DI BRESCIA. Trattati morali, [vol- garizz.] da Soffredi del Grazia. Con illustr. da S. Ciampi. Firenze, 1832. 8 3587.3 Contents, Prefazione; Del dire e del tacere; Del consolamento e del consiglio; Del amore e de la dilec- tione di Dio e del proximo, ec. ; Testamento della cou- tessaBietricedaCapraja; Note; Aggiunte. ALBERTI, F. Notizic riguardanti Bevagna, citta. [Raccolta di opusc. scientiflci] v. 16,20,22of 5274.1 Kagguaglio del musco aperto nel 1787. [Rac- coltadiopusc.se.] v.23of 5274.1 ALBERTI, F. d' A. Miscellanea. See Corazzini, F. 4777.6 ALBERTI, L. Descrittione di tutta Italia. Bologna, 1550. f *2730.G ALBERTI, L. B. Opere volgari. Firenze, 1843- 1849. 5v. 8 2700.1 Contents. Vol. I. Delia vitae delle opere di L. B. Albert!; Discorso; Notizie; Document! illustra- tivi; Philodoxios, L. B. Alberti fabula; Aceaderaia coronaria, Tema : dclla vera Amicizia ; Add. oi Documenti ; Delia tranquilliti dell' animo ; Illus- trazioui Btoriche ; Cena di famiglia; Avvertimenti matrimoniali; Intornoal tor donna; Sofrona, dialogo ovc si ragiona della difesa delle donne. II. Ai corte- silettori; Sullc ragioni che il governo della famiglia creduto del Pandoh'ini sia di L. B. Alberti; Della fa- miglia; Sentenzie pitagoriche. III. Deiciarchia; H teogenio, dialogo; Ecatomfilea, ossia del vero amore; Istorietta nmorosa d' Ippolito e Leonora; Ippolito e Dianora, pocmctto; Deifira, ossia del fuggire il mal principiato amore ; Appendice. IV. Agliartisti; Dcl- la pittura; Delia prospettiva; Delia statua; Dell' arte ediflcatoria; I cinque ordini architettonici ; Sulla cu- pola di 8. Fr. di Rimini; De' ludi matematici. V. Trattato del governo della famiglia; Sopra 1' amore; Epistolaconsolatoria; Amiria; Efebic; Lettere ama- torie; Concioni composte a nomc di Stefano Porcari; Pocsie. Delia architettura. trad, di C. Bartoli con note di S. Ticozzi. Milano, 1833. 8 ... 4093.11 Della pittura e della statua. Milano, 1804. 8 4004.8 Commentarius de conjuratione Porcaria. [Muratori. Rerum Ital. Scr.] . . . . v. 25 of 2720.1 Trattato della pittura. See Carrer, L 4004.24 ALBERTI DI VILLANOVA, F. d'. Grand cliction- naire, franc;, italien et ital. franjais. Nouv. ed. par F. Ambrosoli et A. Sergent. Milan, 1842. 2v. 4 *2781.1 ALBERTIXI, J. B. v. and Sclnveinz, L. D. v. Con- spectus fungorum in Lusatkc agro Niski- ensi. Lipsise, 1805. 8 3856.2 Shell'. No. ALBERTUS, abbas Miciacensis. Epistola ; Charta. [Migne. Patrologise v. 139] 3460.18 ALBIGENSES, (Crusades against the) Sismondi, J. C. L. S. de 3528. 15 See also : Piedmont, Waldenses. ALBINOVANUS, C. Pedo. See Elton, C. A. Speci- mens of the classic poets v. 2 of 2963.14 ALBINUS, B. S. Tables of the skeleton and muscles of the human body. Edinburgh, 1777-8. fol *3750.9 ALBIZZI, A. degli. See Archivio stor. ital. V. 4 par. I. of 5245.2 ALBRECHT, J. L. Griindliche Einleitung in die Anfangs-Lehren der Tonkunst. Langen- salza, 1761. 4 *4055.27 ALBRECHTSBERGER, J. G. Collected writings on thorough bass, harmony, and composition. London, 1855. 8 4042.3 Generalbass-Schule. Neue Aufl. Leipzig, n.d., Obl. 4. 23 pi *4057.3 ALBRICUS, Albericus, Albricius, or Alfric, of Lon- don. De deorum imaginibus. See Staveren, A. van 2911.4 ALBRIZZI, I. T. Ritratti scritti. 3a ed. Lettere sulla Mirra di Alfieri e vita di V. Colonna. Venezia, 1810. 8 2743.11 ALBUIX. Epistola ad Heribertum. [Migne. Pat- rologifev. 138] _. 3460.17 ALBY, E. Les Camisards. [1702-1711.] Paris, [1857.] 12 4666.18 ALCAEUS. Reliquise. Collegit, etc. A. Matthias. Lipsiae, 1827. pp.78. 8 2978.17 Carmina. [Boissonade. Poet. Gr. sylloge] v. 15 of 2979.11 See Poet. com. Graec. fragmenta 3002.14 See Gaisford, Poetae minores Gr. . . . v. 3 of 2908.2 ALCALDE Quimico, Entreme's 3095.18 ALCAX, M. Sur 1'industrie des matieres textiles. Paris, 1847. 8, atlas 4 *4026.1 ALfEDO, A. de. Geographical dictionary of Am- erica and the W. Indies. Transl. with ad- ditions, by G. A. Thompson. Lond., 1812-15. 5v. 4 *2330.4 ALCESTIS. Tragedy. Euripides 2988.6 ALCHEMY. Figuier,L. Alchimieetlesalchimistes. 3976.8 See also : Chemistry, Necromancy, Occult sciences. ALCHERUS, monk of Clairvaux. Liber de spiritu et anima; Liber de diligendo Deo. [Migne, J. P. Patrologise v. 194] v. 9 of 3440.18 ALCIATI,A. De magistratibus. [Sallengre. Novus thesaurus antiq. Rom.] v. 1 of 2950.2 ALCIDAMAS. See Baiter and Sauppe. Oratores Attici 2963.1 De sophistis. [Bekker. Oratores Attici, v. 5] 2905.1 Oratio Ulyssis contra Palamedis proditionem ; De sophistis. [Ileiske. Oratorum Graeco- rum v. 8] 2907.2 ALCIPHROX. Epistola;. Cum S. Bergleri commen- tario. Ed. J. A. "Wagner. Lipsias, 1798. 2v. 8". 2978.19 Epistles on the manners, courtesans, and para- sites of Greece. Transl. by \V. Beloe. Lon- don, 1791. 8 2978. 18 ALCMAN. Carmina lyrica. [Boissonade. Poet. Gr. eylloge, v. 15J 2979.11 ALCOHOLIC drinks, Effects of. Forbes, J 3576.10 See also : Intemperance. ALCOTT, W. A. Construction of school houses. Boston, 1822. 8 4102.30 - Same *Pph.v.S4 The moral reformer. [A monthly.] v. 1. Bos- ton, 1835. 12 3707.1 The teacher of health. Boston, 1843. 2v. 12. 3769. CO ALCUIX. Opera omnia juxta editionem Frobenii. Accurante J. P. Migne. [Patrologia? v.100, 101.] 3450.25 Contents. Tomus I. Pars I. Epistola;. II. Opus- cula exegetica; Interrogationes et rcsponsiones in Genesin; Enchiridion, sou expositio piaac brevis in psalmos pccnitentiales, in psaimum cxvm et gradu- ates; Compendium in Canticum canticorum; Com- mentaria super Ecclesiasten ; Interpretationes uomi- num lieforaicoruni progenitorum Domini nostri ALCUIN 13 ALEXANDER ALCUIN, continued. Jesu Christ! ; Commcntaria in sancti Joannis Evan- gelium; Tra/:tatus super tres sancti Pauli ad Titum, ad Philemouciu ct ad Ilebrtcos cpistolas; Commen- tatio brevis in quasdam sancti Pauli seutcntias; Com- mentariorum in Apocalypsin libri qu'mque. Tomus II. Pars III. Opuscula dogmatica; IV. Liturgica et moralia; V. Hagiographica ; VI. Carmina; VII. Op- era didascalica; VIII. Opuscula dubia; IX. Opuscula supposita. Appendix I.-IV.: Epistolae; Dogmatica: Historica; Liturgica et historica. Dialo4.4 Contents. Benedetto Menziiu; Can. Pier Frances- co Tocci; Ylncenzio da FUicaja; Francesco Eedi; Anton Maria Salvini; Cosimo Brcelhu; Francesco Maria Molza; Jacopo Sannazaro; Mons. Giovanni Gvidiccioni. ALLOTT, R. England's Parnassus ; or, the choys- est flowers of our moderne poets. 1600. London, 1814. 4. [Park. Heliconia, v. 3] . 2591.13 ALLOU, C. N. Essai BUT 1'universalite de la langue fran?aise. Paris and Mans, 1828. 8. ... 2684.3 ALLSTOX, W. Lectures on art, and poems. N. York, 1850. 12 4072.14 ALLYX, A. Anti-masonic almanac for 1832. Phil- adelphia, 1832. 8 *PpL Book of oaths and penalties of masonry. Philadelphia, 1831. 32 3569.38 Ritual of freemasonry. Philadelphia, 1831. 12 3567.20 ALMAXAC. American almanac A.118.1 Anglo-Chinese calendar for 1847 3017.1 Briggs, J. Virginia and N. Carolina A. 1801. 2374.24 Downes, J. and Hunt, F. United States A. for 1844 2383.3 Fleet, T. and J. Pocket A. for 1780-1800 . . . 2359.3 Forster, J. The perennial calendar 2231.2 France. Annuaire du Bureau des longitudes. 3919.1 Geneal. hist, statist. A. Jahrg. 1824~iS. Wei- mar, 1824-48. 23v. 16 A.119.1 Goodrich, S. G. Peter Parley's A. for 1837. . E.214.28 Gothaischer genealog. Hof-Kalender. . . . A.119.2 Illustrirter Kalender 3180.2 Shurtleff, N. B. Perpetual calendar for old and new style 2220.8 Society for the diffus. of useful knowledge. The British almanac. See London 24S9.1 Waugh and Cox. Australian A. for 1856 . . 3047.13 See also, Boston. ALMAXACH de la cour, de la ville, et des ddparte- ments pour 1S5S. Paris, 1S58. 16 *2634.15 ALMANACS, The book of. De Morgan 2236.4 See alto : Annuaire. AL-MAsCoi. See Abu-1-Hasan Ali ibn al Husain. ALMIGXAXA, abbe. Du somnambulisme, des tables tournantes, et des mediums. Paris, 12. . 3769.18 ALMON 17 AMBROSIUS Shelf. No. ALMON, J. Anecdotes of W. Pitt, earl of Chat- ham. 7th ed. London, 1810. 3v. 8 . . . 2440.14 Biographical, literary and political anecdotes. With an appendix. London, 1797. 3v. 8 2453.15 The remembrancer : or impartial repository of public events. See Eemembraucer . . . 2323.9 ALOES, Mouographia generis A. Salm-Reiffer- scheid-Dyck, J 3900.12 ALPERTUS, monk of S. Symphorian at Mets. Li- bellus dc episcopis Metensibus ; Libri duo de diversitate temporum. [Migue. Patrolo- gise v. 140] 3400.19 ALPHABET. Silvestre, J. B. Album 2110.3 Sproat, A. D. Endeavor towards a universal. 2112.8 ALPHABETIC writing, Origin of. Wall, C. W. . 2111.1 ALPHABETS. Ahmad bin Abubekr bin Wahshih. Ancient A. explained 2950.15 Fry, E. Copies of all known 2111.3 Shaw, H. Handbook of mediaeval 2110.12 See also: Hieroglyphics; Inscriptions. ALPHAN^US, bp. of Benevcnto. Charta renuntiatio- nis jurium ecclesiae 8. Martini. [Migne. Pat- rologiae v. 80] 3450.15 ALPHANUS, bp. of Salerno. Carmina; Sermo; Vita et passio S. Christiniae. [Migne. Pat- rologire v. 147] 3400.25 Carmina aliaque pauca. [Ughelli. Italia sacra] v.2 of 3580.1 ALPHONSUS, P. Dialog! XII iu quibus inipiaa Judaeorum opiniones confutantur. Disci- plina clcricalis. [Fabulae XXX.] [Migne. Patrologiae v. 157] 3400.34 ALPS. De Luc, J. A. Histoire du passage des Alpes par Annibal 2750.3 Godeffroy, C. Notice snr les blocs erratiques des A 3803.7 Gras, S. Statistique mineralogique des Bas- ses A 3865.17 Klippstein, A. v. Geologische Kenntniss der ostlichenA 3861.2 Morlot, A. v. Geologische Uebersichts-Karte der nordostlichen A 3804.14 Saussure, H. B. de. Voyages dans les A . . . 3817.5 Wickham, H. L. Passage of Hannibal over the 2756.2 ALSACE. Strobel, A.W. Geschichte des Elsasses. 2816.1 ALSOPP, S. and sons. Recommendations of phy- sicians, etc. London, n.d. 8 *M. Pph.v.51 ALTANESI, G. F. Novels, transl. [Roscoe. Ital- ian novelists] v. 4 of 2772. 18 ALTEN, F. v. Graf Christoff von Oldenburg u. die Grafenfehde. [1534-1536.] Zur Geschich- te des danischen interregnums. Ham- burg, 1853. 8 2842.14 ALTENBURG, J. E. Versuch einer Anleitung zur heroisch-musikalischen Trompetcr uud Pau- ker-Kunst. 2 v. in 1. Halle, 1795. 4" . . *4056.9 ALTFEIDUS, bp. of Munster. Vita S. Ludgeri. [Leibnitz. Script, rerum Brunsvic.] . v. 1 of 2810.3 ALTIERI, F. Dizionario Italiano ed Inglese [and Eng.-Ital.] 2d ed. improved by E. Palermo. London and Venice. 1750-1751. 2v. 4 . . *2782.2 ALTISSIMO poeta fiorentino. Opere nouamente ris- tampatc. Firenze. pp. 90. 24 *4777.29 Contents: Le bellezze d'vna donna; Le bcllezze d'vu huomo; Ladescrizion de primauera; Le inuoca- zioni fatte in su la piazza di San Martino; Sonetti; Capitoli e Strambotti bellissimi. ALTMEYEK, J. J. Marguerite d' Autriche ; savie, sa politique et sa cour. Liege, 1840, 8 . . 2842.3 ALTON, J. W. E. d'. Vergleichende Osteologie. See Pander, C. H 3800.18 ALTSATTEL in Bohmen, Versteinerungen des Braunkohlensandsteius aus der Gegeud von. Rossmiissler, E. A 3861.14 ALT-ZELLE, das Cistcrcieuser Stift und Kloster, in dem Bisthum Meissen. Beyer, E. . . . 3527.3 ALULFUS, monk. Expositio Novi Tcstamenti. [Migne. Patrologia? v. 79] v. 5 of 3450.14 Shelf. No. , F. Regolette dclla volgar lingua. [Au- tori del ben parlarc] v.2 p. 1 of 3590.10 AL Utbi. See Abul-Nasr-Muhammad. ALVA, duke of. Ter Gedachtenisse van den Duim des metalen Gedenkbeelds, der Hartog van Alba. Amsterdam, 1719. 8 *Pph. v. 18 ALVARADO, P. d'. Lettere due a Fernando Cor- tese. [Ramusio. Navigation!] v.3of 2200.2, 2270.2 ALVAREZ, F. Viaggio nclla Ethiopia. [Raniusio. Navigation!] v. 1 of 2260.2 ALVAREZ, P. Navig. da Lisbona in Calicut. [Ra- musio. Navigation!] v. 1 of 2260.2 ALVAKUS of Cordova. Opera. [Migne. Patro- logiae v. 121] 3400.4 Contents: Confessio; Epistola;; Indiculus lumiu- osus; Carmina. ALVORD, B. Tangencies of circles and spheres. [Smithsonian contributions] v.8of 3340.1 ALYPIUS. Introductio musica. [Meibomius. An- tiq. Mus. scr.] 4055.6 Introductio musica. Grace et Latiiie, cum notis. [Meursius] v. of 2210.2 AMADESIUS, J. A. Dissertatio de metropoli eccle- siastica Ravennateusi. [Migne. Patrologias v. 52] 3440.23 AMADIGI, L'. Canto. Tasso, B 4769M6 AMADIS de Gaule, Traduction libre de. See Tressan. CEuvr.v. 1,2,3 2688.1 L'Istoriadi. Henrion, F 2171.2 AMADOR, R. d'. Sur le calcul des probabilities ap- plique a. la mddecine. Paris, 1837. 8.*M. Pph. v. 31 AMADUZZI, G. C. Lettera. [Origin! italiche] . 2730.10 AMALARIUS, bp. of Metz. Opera. [Migne. Patro- logiae v. 105] 3450.29 Contents: Eegula Canonicorum; Kegula sancti- monalium; De ecclesiasticis officiis libri IV.; De or- diuo antiphonarii; De officio missx; Epistola. AMALARICS, bp. of Treves. Epistolae; Versus. [Migue. Patrologiae v.99, v. 101] 3450.24 AMALIA. Ross, L. Reisen der Koniginn A. . . 3077.2 AMALRICUS, king of Jerusalem. Epistolre ad Lu- dovicum VII. [Migne. Patrologiae v. 155, col. 1263] 3460.32 AMALRICUS, A. Vitae nonnullorum Pontiflcum Romanorum. [Muratori. Rcrum ital. script.] v. 3, p. 2 of 2710.1 AMANDUS, bp. of Utrecht. Charta?. [Migne. Pat- rologiae T. 87] 3450.18 AMARI, M. La guerra del Vespro Siciliano. 4a ed. Firenze. 1851. 16 2739.3 Civilta arabica. [Archivio stor. ital. v. 3. par. 2. App. v.4] 5245.2 AMARYLLIDACE.E. Herbert, W 3851.16 AMATI, B. L'isola del congresso triumvirale, la selva Litana e il flume Rubicone. Pesaro. 182$. 24 4777.19 AMATI, G. Ricerche sulle origin!, scoperti, ecc. Milano, 1828-1830. 5v. 8 *2192.2 AMATI, P. Passaggio dell' Apennino fatto da An- uibale, e sopra il castello Mutilo. Bologna, 1770. 4 2755.10 AMATUS, bp. of Bordeaux. Epistolae; Synodus Gerundensis ; Synodus Burdcgalensis ; Dip- lomata. [Migne. Patrologiae v. 155] . . . 3460.32 AMATUS, bp. of Ellora. Epistola; XV. [Bouquet. Recueil] v. 14 of 2620.1 AMAZON [The river]. Maury, M. F 2315.2 Poeppig, E. F. Reise auf dem A 2370.0 A3IBER. Der Bernstein und die in ihm befindlich- en Pflanzenreste der Vorwelt. Goeppert, H. R 3860.14 AMBROSIAN chant. Regola del canto fermo Am- brosiauo. Per ego, C 4047.1 AMBROSIUS Alexandrinus, [Remains of.] See Cureton. Spicileg. Syr 3021.3 Epistola. [Routh. Reliquia; sacras. v.3] . . 3513.9 AMBROSIUS, S., bp. of Milan. Opera omnia. Ed. rccensita et locupletata cur. Migne. Paris- iis, 1845. 4v. 8. [Patrologia; v. 14-17] . . 3440.11 AMBROSIUS 18 AMERICA Shelf. No. AMBKOSIUS, continued. Contents. Tomi I. Pars prior. Epistola dedicatoria; Pracfatio; Vita, a Paulino conscripta; Vita, ab auc- tore anonymo; V T ita, ex cjus potissimum scriptis col- lecta; Selecta veterum testimonia; Hexameron; De Paradise i Be Cain et Abel; De Noe ct Area; De Ab- raham; De Isaac ct anima; De bono mortis: De fu- gasceculi; De Jacob ct vitabeata; De Joseph patri- archa; De bencdictionibus patriarcharum; DC Elia et jejunio; De Nabuthc Jezraelita; De Tobia; De in- terpretatione Job ct David ; Apologia prophetze David ; Apologia altera prophets David; Enarrationes in XII Psalmos Davidicos. Tomi I. Pars posterior. Ex- positio in psalmum CXVIII; Expositio Evangelii se- cundum Lucam ; Comraentarius in Cantica Cantico- rum e Scriptis S. Ambrosii collectus; Deexcidiour- bis Hierosolymitanffi ; Anacephalseosis quinque li- brorum de cxcidio Hierosolymitano. Tomi II. Pars prior. Praefatio; De omciis ministrorum ; Devirgin- ibus; Deviduis; De virginitate ; De institutione Vir- ginia et 8. Mariae virginitate pcrpetua ad Eusebium; De exhortatione virginitatis; De lapsu Virginia con- eecratffi; De mysteriis; De sacramcntis ; De poeni- tentia; De fide ad Gratianum Augustum; De spir- itueancto; De incamationis Dominiese Sacramento; Fragmentum Ambrosianum ex Theodoreto desump- tum Polymorphi dialogo II; Epistola) in duas classes distribute; De excessu fratris sui Satyri; De obitu Valcntiniani consolatio; De obitu Theodosii oratio; Hymni nonnulli; Index rerum et sententi- arura. Tomi II. Pars posterior: De XLII Mansioni- bus filiorum Israel; Commentaria in Epistolaa B. Pauli; Tractates de trinitate; Tractatus de fide or- thodoxa; De dignitate sacerdotali libellus; Libellus ad virginem devotam; Sermones; Epistolae ex Am- brosianarum numero segregatse; Precationes duaa ante Missam; Expositio in septem visiones libri Apoc- alypsis; De poenitentia; De spiritu sancto libellus; De Concordia Matthasi et Lucae in genealogia Christi; De dignitate conditionis humana? libellus; Exorcis- mus; Acta S. Sebastian!; Liber de vitiorum virtutum- que conflictu ; De vocatione gentium libri duo; De moribus Brachmanorum ; Philosophorum breves epistote; Epistolffl dua? de monacho energumeno; Explanatio symboli ad initiandos; Epistola de fide; Hymni S. Ambrosio attributi. Explanatio symboli. [Mai. Script, vet. nov. coll. v. 7] 3000.1 Sermoncstres,operumsupplementum. [Mig- ne. Patrologise v. 18] 3440.12 See Guillon, M. N. S. Bib. des peres. Ed. 1828. Vol. 11-12. *3499.30. Ed. 1834. V. 9 . 3508.2 AMBKOSIUS Autpertus, abbot of Benevento. Opus- cula. [Migne. Patrologiae v. 89] 3450.20 Contents: Sermonea et Homilies. AMBROSOLI, F. Manuale della letteratura itali- ana. Milano, 1831-32. 4v. 12 2770.17 AMEDEIDE, Poema eroico. Chiabrera, G 2807.7 AMEDEUS, bp. of Lausanne. Epistola ; Homilise. [Migne. Patrologiae v. 188] 3470.12 AMEGNANO, D. De marmoreo anaglypho. Let- tera intorno a' testacei montani. [Opuscoli di autori Siciliani. Vol. 1, 8] 4764.1 AMEILHOX, H. P. Sur 1'^preuve judiciaire appe'le' vulgairement I'iSpreuve de 1'eau froide. [Le- ber. Coll. diss. hist. France]. . . . v. 6 of 2618.1 AMELESAGORAS Chalcedonius. See Fragm. hist. Grasc. v. 2 3002.11 AMELGARD of Liege. Hist, des regncs de Charles VII. et de Louis XI. attribute a Th. Basin. [Socie'te' de 1'histoire de France] 2626.3 See Leber. Coll. diss. fr. v. 17 2618.1 AMELIO, P. Itinerarium D. Papse Gregorii XI. [Muratori. Rerum ital. script.] . v. 3, p. 2 of 2710.1 AMENTA, N. Commedie. Napoli, 1699-1733. 4v. sm. 12 4768.18 Contents: Vol. I. La gostanza; H forca. II. Le gemelle; La somiglianza. III. La fante; La Car- lutta. IV. LaGiustina; II medico aforza. Delia lingua nobile d'ltalia. Napoli, 1723-24. 2v. 4 *2785.5 AMERICA. Bibliography. Bibliotheca Americana. Catalogue of books, state papers, etc. upon 2150.18 Kennett, W. Bibliothecae Americans primor- dia 2152.10 Shelf. No. AMERICA. Bibliography, continued. Ludewig, H. E. Literature of American local history 2152.9 Rich, O. Catalogue of books relating to . . 2152.4 Rodd, T. Catalogue of voyages to 2371.11 Roorbach, O. A. Bibliotheca Americana . . 2152.1 Ternaux-Compans, H. Catalogue des ouv- rages relatifs a 1'Ame'rique 2152.11 Triibner and Co. Bibliographical guide to A. literature 2152.12 Warden, D. B. Bibliotheca Americo-septen- trionalis 2152.11 Geography and description. Alcedo, A. de. Geog'l and hist'l dictionary of. 2330.4 Alexander, J. E. Visits to scenes in 2363.18 Bonnycastle, It. H. Descriptive account of Spanish A 2314.3 Bry, Th. de. Voyages 2360.26 Bossu, F. Kouveaux voyages E.227.13 Burke, E. European settlements in 2321.16 Complete historical American atlas 2380.3 Description de 1'Ame'rique 2260.3 Kunstmann, F. Entdeckung Amerikas . . . 2310.11 Macgregor, J. The progress of 2310.28 Morse, J. The American Gazetteer 2388.9 Ranking, J. Conquest of Peru, Mexico, etc. by the Mongols 2314.2 Squier, E. G. American archaeological re- searches 2318.1 Ulloa, A. Mi^moires concernant 1'Amerique. 2318.18 Williamson, H. Climate of 3964.7 See also : North West passage. Antiquities, history and biography. Allen, W. American biographical dictionary. 2345.5 Art, L', de verifier les dates. Chronologic historique do 1'Amerique 2214.4 Baluffi, G. L' A. un tempo spagnuola riguar- data sotto 1'aspetto religioso 2317.1 Bartolomei, G. L'America. [Poema eroico] 2791.1 Bartolozzi, F. Ricerche circa alle scoperte d' Amerigo Vespucci 2318.9 Beamish, N. L. Discovery by the Northmen. 2317.2 Belknap, J. Discourse on the discovery of . 2318.6 - American biography 2315.8 Benzoni, G. Novi orbis historia 2312.10 Carli, J. R. Les usages des anciens habitans. 2316.2 Compagnoni, G. Storia dell' 2319.1 Copenhagen, Societas regia antiq. sept. Scrip tores septentrionales rerum ante-Columbia- narum in America 2310.5, 6 Delafleld, J. Origin of the antiquities of . . 2310.13 De Vries, D. P. Voyage from Holland to A. 1632-'44 2360.2 Dufau, P. A. Constitutions des deux Amer. 3504.8 Hakluyt, R. Divers voyages 2264.8 Herrera, A. de. General history of . . . . 2317.11,12 Holmes, A. American annals. 1492-1806. . 2317.5 Horn, G. De originibus Americanis .... 2319.4 Hurnboldt, A. v. Institutions and monuments of ancient inhabitants 2364.3 Las Casas, B. Narratio regionum Indicarum per Hispanos vastatarum 2311.16 Pradt, D. D. de. Reconnaissance de 1'independ- ance de 1'Amerique espagnole 2313.15 Robertson, W. History of 2301.4,7 Ternaux-Compans, H. Voyages pour servir a 1'hist. dc la decouverte de 1'Amerique . 2316.1 Thornton, J. W. Anglo-Amer. colonization. 2321.19 Trucchi, F. Dei primi scopritori del nuovo continente 2318.13 Vega, Garcias-Laso de la. Histoire des guer- res civiles des Espagnoles dans les Indes . 2316.5 Willson, M. American history 2328.6 Winterbotham, W. Historical view of Euro- pean settlements in 2325.7 See also: Columbus, Great Britain, Indians. Natural history. Audubou, J. J. Birds of. . . . D. 3.J L AMERICA 19 AMERICAN Shelf. No. AMERICA. Natural history, continued. Haenke, T. Descriptiones plantarum .... 3840.11 Jacquin, N. J. Select. Stirpium hist 5800.19 Wilson, A. American ornithology 3900.4 See also : Equinoctial regions. AMERICA, North. Geography, Travels, etc. Ampere, J. J. Promenade en Amdrique. Etats Unis, Cuba, Mexique 2362.11 Black. Atlas 2380.4 Bouchette, J. British dominions in 2310.16 Chabert, J. B. de. Voyage en 1750, 1751 et ob- servations astronomiques 2360.16,3271.6 Charlevoix, P. F. X. A voyage to 2361.19 Douglass, W. British settlements in North America 2329.1 Drake, D. Diseases in the interior valley of North America 3791.5 Gage, T. New survey of the "West Indies. Journal of 3,300 miles within the main land of 2365.8 Harmon, D. W. Travels into the interior of North America 2362.12 Hcnnepin, L. De'couverte d'un tres grand pays 2319.0 Jefferys, T. Natural and civil history of the French dominions in 2310.3 - Voyages for completing the discoveries of the northwest coast of 2370.7 Lahontan, J. Voyages dans 1'Ame'rique sep- tentrionale 2369.4 - Nouveaux voyages dans I'Amerique. . . 2369.6 Lettres au sujet des differends entre la France ct la Grande Bretagne 2329.31 Murray, H. Discoveries and travels in ... 2265.4 Rogers, H. D. Atlas of North America . . . 2380.6 Stevenson, D. Civil engineering of 4015.5 Natural History of North America. Audubon, J. J. Viviparous quadrupeds. . . 3901.2 Binney, A. The terrestrial air-breathing mol- lusks 3872.9 Bonaparte, C. L. J. L. Birds of 3904.0 Browne, D. J. Trees of America 3845. 5 Hooker, "W. J. Botany of the northern parts of British A 3S41.3 Michaux, A. Chenes de I'Amerique 3860.11 - Flora Boreali-Americana 3842.7 Michaux, F. A. The North American sylva. 3842.2 Nuttall, T. North American sylva 3842.3 Pursh, F. Systematic arrangement and de- scription of the plants of. 3853.3 Richardson, J. Zoology of the northern parts of British A 3902.1 Tuckcrman, E. Lichenes America septentri- onalis 3858.14 Warren, J. C. Mastodon Giganteus 3900.7 AMERICA. Central, ami the Isthmus. Brasseur de Bourbourg. Histoire de I'Ameri- que centrale, durant les siecles anterieurs a Ch. Colomb 2315.20 Paterson, W. Central America 2314.19 Wafer, L. Description of the Isthmus . . . 2364.8 Wells, W. V. General resources of 2364.2 AMERICA, South. Description, discovery, travels, etc. Acugna, C. d'. Voyages and discov- eries in 2305. ti Caldcleugh, A. Travels in, 1819, 20, 21 . . . 23C5.3 Coleti, G. D. Dizionario storico geograflco dell' America 2330.7 Juan, G. Voyage to 2365.5 La Condamine, C. M. de. Voyage fait dans 1' interieur 2277.1 3 Lafitau, J. F. Decouvertes des Portugais . . 309/.3 Orbigny, A. d'. Voyage 2370.1 History of South America. Biggs, J. Miranda's attempt in 2312.11 Hackett,J. Expedition from England to join the patriots in 1817 2313.6 Niles, J. M. History of . 2314.10 Pazos,V. Letter s on the United Provinces of. 2305.21 Shelf. No. AMERICA. History of South America, cont'd. Pradt, D. D. de. Des trois derniers mois de I'Amerique meridionale 2315.7 Natural history of South America. Vahl, M. Descriptiones plantarum praesertim Americae meridionalis nondum cognitarum. 3860. 15 AMERICAN academy of arts and sciences. See under Boston. AMERICAN agricultural society. Charter and by- laws. New York, 1840. 8" *Pph. v. KM AMERICAN agriculturist. A. B. Allen and O. Judd, eds. Vols. 12, 14-18. N. Y., 1854-1859. Gv. 4. *3190.2 AMERICAN almanac, for 1830-57. Bost., 1829-1856. 27v. 12 *A. 118.1 for 1830-40. Boston, 1829-ia39. llv. 12 . . **E. 228.10 AMERICAN annals of education and instruction. Woodbridge, W. C E. 217.2 AMERICAN annual register, or, historical memoirs of the United States for 1796. Philadelphia, 1797. 8 *Pph.v.C5 AMERICAN annual register. 1825-33. N.York, and Boston, 1827-35. 8v. 8 *2320.1 - Same. 1827-31. N. Y., 1830-32. 4v. 8.**E.213.1 AMERICAN antiquarian society. See under Wor- cester, Mass. AMERICAN anti-slavery society. 2d-0th annual report, with speeches at the anniversary meetings. New York, 1835-39. 8 5175.1 AMERICAN Apollo, containing essays and occur- rences. Vol.1. Part II. Boston, 1792. 8. *3183.3 AMERICAN archives. See United States. AMERICAN art union. Bulletin ; plan ; list of offi- cers ; catalogue of paintings, etc. N.York, 1848. 8 *Pph.v. 170 Circular, catalogue of paintings, [etc.] New York,n.d. 8 *Pph.v. 166 Transactions for the year 1840-49. New York, 1847-50. 8 *Pph.v.lCC.,175,181 AMERICAN association for the advancement of education. Proceedings of the lst-3d ses- sions, 1851-53. Phila., 1852-54. 3v.ini. 8. 3594.10 AMERICAN association for the advancement of science. Proceedings. lst-3d, 5th- 10th meetings. 1849-57. 7v. 8 *3935.1 AMERICAN Baptist home missionary society. 9th report, with the treasurer's report. New York, 1841. 8 5165.2 AMERICAN Baptist missionary union. The mis- sionary magazine. V. 1-11, 14, 16-21, 23-36. Boston, 1817-56. 32v. 8 *5166.1 AMERICAN Bible society. Abstract, containing an account of its principles, etc. New York, 1830. 8 v. 7 Of 3420.5 Brief analysis of the system of the Am. Bible society. New York, 1830. 8 v. 7 of 3420.5 Catalogue of editions of the Holy Scriptures in various languages, etc. N.York, 1837. 8. *3420.5 Constitution, address, etc. N. Y.,1810. 8. *Pph.v. 15 lst>-39th annual report. New York, 1817-55. lOv. 8 *3420.5 Strickland, W. P. History of 3544.4 AMERICAN board of commissioners for foreign missions. Annual reports, 1810-52. Boston, 1834-52. lOv. 8 *5168.2 Missionary herald for 1822-57. Vol. 18-53. Boston, 1822-57. 36v. 8 *5167.2 Report of the committee on anti-slavery me- morials. Boston, 1845. 8 *Pph. v. 149 AMERICAN book circular by Wiley and Putnam. New York, 1843. 8 2139.4 AMERICAN cauncl coal company. Acts of incor- poration and by-laws, with a description of their property. Boston, 1838. 8 ... *Pph. v. 279 AMERICAN churches. Narrative of a visit to the. Reed, A., and Mathcson, J 3544.13 AMERICAN coast pilot. Blunt, E. M E. 180.13 - Furlong, L H. 180.22 AMERICAN Colonies. Bancroft, E. Remarks on the review of the controversy between Great Britain and her colonies. 1769 2324.75 20 AMERICAN Shelf. No. AMERICAN colonies. Burke, E. Speech on Amer- ican taxation 2324.23 Cart-wright, J. American independence the interest of Great Britain 2325.8 Considerations on behalf of the colonists, in a letter to a noble lord. . . . 2325.11 & Pph. v. 241 Dickinson, J. Regulations respecting the British colonies 2325.11 Douglass, W. British settlements in North America in 17-19 2318.17 Dulaney, D. On imposing taxes in the Brit- ish colonies 2325.11 Force, P. Tracts relating to 2323.3 Franklin, B. Interest of Great Britain with regard to her colonies 2324.12,13,14 Grahamc,J. History of the rise and progress of the United States till 1088 2320.2 Griffith, W. American colonies from 1754-75. 2-328.8 History of the British dominions in North America 2320.19 Johnson, S. Taxation no tyranny 2324.48 Journal of the proceedings of the congress at Philadelphia, 1774 2324.50 Justice and necessity of taxing the colonies demonstrated Pph.v.241 Knox, J. Journal of the campaign, 1757-00. 2310.19 Knox, W. Controversy between Great Brit- ain and her colonies reviewed 2323.0 Laboulaye, E. Histoire politique dcs Etats- Unis, 1020-1789. v. 1. Colonies 2327.14 Late occurrences considered [1760] 2325.11 Letter to a member of parliament concerning the case of the colonists Pph. v. 241 Letters to the ministry from Gov. Bernard, Gen. Gage, etc 2324.37 Observations on several acts of parliament . 2329.0 Oldmixon, J. British empire in America . . 2317.9 On present affairs in N. America. . . . Pph. v. 241 Pownall, T. Administration of the colonies. 2323.5 Present state of North America. 1755. . . . 2324.58 Proceedings of the continental congress, Sept., 1774 2324.18 Robinson, M. Considerations on the meas- ures in the colonies, 1774 2324.15 Rogers, R. Reminiscences of the French war 2318.10 - Account of the several British col. [1705J 2317.8 St. John, J. Hector. Letters from an Ameri- can farmer 2303.9 Serious considerations on the present state of affairs. 1754 2324.09 True sentiments of America. 1708. [ByThos. Hollis] 2321.15 Wynne, J. H. General history of the British empire in America [in 1770J 2320.10 Sac also: American revolution, Stamp act. AMERICAN colonization society. Annual reports lst-20th. 1818-1830. Washington City, 1818- 37. 4v. 8 *5175.5 AMERICAN convention for the abolition of slavery. Minutes of proceedings, 13th-i5th Jan., 1806. Philadelphia, 1800 *Pph. v.2 AMERICAN democrat, The. Cooper, J. F 2406.20 AMERICAN dialogues of the dead. Phila., 1814. 8"*Pph. v.28 AMERICAN education society. Address to the friends of religion. Andover, 1S25. 8 . . . 5175.3 Brief view of the society, with [its] principles, and an appeal to the public. Andov'r, 1826. 8 5175.3 Quarterly register and journal, July, 1827 May, 1831. By Cornelius and Edwards. An- dover [1829-1831.] 3v.ini *5178.2 3d-15th report of the directors. Andover, 1818-31. 2v. 8 *5175.3 AMERICAN ethnological society. See New York. AMERICAN female moral reform society. First annual report, n.p. n.d. 8 *Pph. v. 116 AMERICAN genealogy. Hist, of some early set- tlers. Holgate, J. B 2330.3 AMERICAN generals, The. Frost, J 2346.2 Shelf. No. AMERICAN geographical and statistical society. Bulletin v. I., for 1852. N. York, 1852. 8*Pph. v.200 AMERICAN governors. Memoirs of. Moore, J. B. 2345.12 AMERICAN home missionary society. lst-14th report. With an appendix. New York, 1827 -40. 2v. 8 5165.2 AMERICAN husbandry. London, 1775. 2v. 8. . 3993.11 AMERICAN institute of instruction. Introductory discourse and lectures, 1835. Boat., 1830. 8 3593.1 AMERICAN journal of dental science. Vols. 4-8. Philadelphia, 1853-1858. 5v. 8 *5776.1 AMERICAN journal of education. Vol. 1-3. Boston, 1820-8. 3v. 8 3594.2 AMERICAN journal of insanity. Vol. 10-14. Utica, 1854-1858. 5v. 8 *5773.1 AMERICAN journal of science. See Silliman, B. AMERICAN journal of the medical sciences. Vol. 1 26. New series, v. 1, 3-18, 27-33, 30, 37. Philadelphia, 1827-59. 52v. 8 *3716.1 AMERICAN law magazine. Vol. 1-3. April, 1843, -July, 1844. Philadelphia, 1843-44. 3v. 8 . *3G60.1 AMERICAN life insurance and trust company. Act of incorporation, by-laws, [etc.] n. p. n. d. 8" *Pph. v. 281 Report of the committee of trustees. New York, 1839. 8 *Pph.v.281 AMERICAN literature. Triibner, N. Bibliograph- ical guide to 2152.13 AMERICAN lyceum. Proceedings of the conven- tion to organize the national department. Boston, 1831. 8 *Pph. v. 82 Proceedings July, 1832. No. 1. New York, 1832. 8 *Pph.v.85 AMERICAN medical association. Code of ethics, adopted, May, 1847. Phila., 1848. 8 . *M. Pph. v. 44 Transactions, vols. 1-7. Philadelphia, 1850- 1854. 7v. 8 *3746.2 AMERICAN medical and philosophical register. Hosack, D., and Francis, J. W 3727.1 AMERICAN medical biography. Thacher, J. . . 3735.3 - Williams, S. W 3735.2 AMERICAN monthly review. Cambridge and Bos- ton, 1832-1833. 4v. 8 **E. 226.4 AMERICAN museum, The. Carey, M 3203.4 AMERICAN oracle. Stearns, S 2407.1 AMERICAN party, Origin and progress of the. Lee, J. II 2328.24 AMERICAN peace society. Ninth annual report. n.p. n.d. 8 *Pph.v.l06 AMERICAN phrenological journal. Vols. 18-30. New York, 1853-1859. 12v.inO. 4 . . . . *3190.1 AMERICAN pomological society. Proceedings, Sept., 1850. Boston, 1857. 8 3837.5 AMERICAN protestant association. Address of the board of managers, with the constitu- tion and organization of the association. Philadelphia, 1843. 8 *Pph. v. 129 AMERICAN publishers' circular, [in contin. of Nor- ton's Register.] v. 2. N. York, 1850. 4 . *2150.2 AMERICAN quarterly register. See American ed- ucation society. AMERICAN quarterly review. Philadelphia, 1827 -34. IGv. 8 *3174.1 AMERICAN railroad journal, v. 5-11, 13. New York, 1849-57. 8v. 4 *5141.5 Note. Henry V. Poor, editor. Assistant editors : James T. Hodge, for mining and metallurgy. Charles T. James, for manufactures and the mechanic arts. M. B. Hewson, for civil engineering. AMERICAN register. Stryker, J 5178.4 AMERICAN register of history, politics, and litera- ture. Walsh, R 2325.0 AMERICAN remembrancer, The. A collection of essays, etc., relative to the treaty with Great Britain. Philadelphia, 1795-1790. 3v. 8.*2323.10 AMERICAN review of history and politics. V. 1- 4. Phil., 1811-12. 4v. 8 . . . '. 3170.3 AMERICAN review; a whig journal of politics, lit- erature, art, and science. V. 1-11, 13,14. New York, 1845-51. 13v. 8 *3153.2 AMERICAN 21 AMERICAN Shelf. No. AMERICAN Revolution, and preceding contro- versy. Answer to the declaration of the American congress. London, 1776. 8 ... *2324.22 Appeal to the justice and interests of the people of Great Britain, in the disputes with America. 4th ed., London, 1770. 8 . . . . *2324.16 Appeal, second, to justice and interest, on the measures respecting America. London, 1775. S 3 *2324.17 Authentic copies of the articles of peace be- tween Great Britain, France, Spain, and the United States of America. London, 1783. 12 *2324.46 Celebration of the battle of King's Mountain, and address of J. S. Preston. Yorkville, S. C., 1855. 8 2324.7 Columbiad, The ; or, a poem on the American war. In 13 cantos. [By a New Jersey farmer.] Philadelphia, 1795. 8 .... *Pph. v. 231 Detail of services performed in America, in 177(5-1779. Printed for Ithiel Town. New York, ia35. 12 2324.53 History of the war in America between Great Britain and her colonies. Dublin, 1779-85. 3v. 8 *2325.13 Trial of the British soldiers for the murder of Attucks, Gray, Maverick, [et al.] March 5, 1775. Boston, 1824. 12 2326.14 "What think ye of the congress now ? An en- quiry how far the Americans are bound to abide by the congress. N. York, 1775. 8 . *2324.44 Andrews, J. History of the war of 1775 to 1783. 2325.12 Anburey, T. Travels through the interior of America, 1776-80 . 2302.6 Bertie, W. Thoughts on Burke's letter on America 2324.34 Botta, C. G. G. Storia dell' independeuza degli Stati Uniti 2329.32 and 2325.9 Boucher, J. Causes and consequences of . . 2325.3 Burgoyne, J. Expedition from Canada . . 2320.21 Carroll, C. Visit to Canada, 1776 2324.9 Cartwright, J. Burke on American taxation refuted 2325.8 Case, W. Revolutionary memorials 240S.5 Dalrymple, Sir J. Rights of Great Britain asserted against the claims of America . 2324.25, 26 Duche, J. Duty of standing fast in our lib- erties 2324.42 Eddis, W. Historical and descriptive letters fromAmerica 2323.12 Gibbes, R. W. Documentary history of, chiefly in South Carolina 2375.3 Heath, W. Military events during the . . . 2323.4 Holcombe, J. P. Political issues and contro- versies of the 2324.54 Jones, A. Cymryof'76; or Welshmen of the. 2324.6 Judson, L. C. Sages and heroes of the . . . 2325.2 - Lossing, B. J. Pictorial field-book of the . . 2320.23 Marshall, C. Passages from the diary of C. Marshall 2409.40 Massachusetts. Docs, illustrative of the . . 6350.2 Niles, H. Principles and acts of the .... 2323. 1 Price, R. Importance of the 2324.76 - Justice of the war with America 2324.19 Purviance, R. Events which occurred in Bal- timore during the 2329.10 Ramsay.D. Historyof E.223.12 Remembrancer, The. [Almon's.] See Remem- brancer 2323.9 Revolutionary relics. Clinton corrcsp., etc. . 2325.1 Riedesel, M. de. Letters and memoirs relat- ing to American independence 2329.7 Sargent, TV. Loyalist poetry of the 2405.12 Sherburne, A. Memoirs of the 2347.13 Sparks, J. Diplomatic corresp. of. 2322.1 Smith, J. J. Hist, and literary curiosities . 2330.1 Society for the diffusion of useful knowl- edge. History of the E.212.3 Stedman, C. History of the American war . 2320. 18 - Tarleton, B. Campaigns of 1780 and 1781 . . 2320.17 Shelf. No. AMERICAN Revolution. Thacher, J. 3Iilitary journal during the. 2325.4 Washington, G. Official letters to congress during the war 2402.3 See also ; American colonies and United States. AMERICAN school union, Constitution of the. Al- bany, 1838. 8 *Pph. v. 116 AMERICAN senator, The. Carpenter, T C. 119.4 AMERICAN ship-master's daily assistant, or com- pendium of marine law. Portland, 1807. 8.**E.180.14 AMERICAN soc. for eviingelizing the Jews. Ac- count, constitution and address. N. York, 1817. 8 *Pph.v.26 AMERICAN soc. for meliorating the condition of the Jews. Second, seventh report, with an append. Princeton, N.J., 1824, '29. 8. *Pph. v.49.78 AMERICAN soc. for the diffusion of useful knowl- edge. Prospectus. New York, 1837. 8 *Pph. v. 2S2 Report of the committee on the subject of spelling books. New York, 1843. 8 . . *Pph. v. 133 Report of the executive committee on Eng- lish grammar. New York, 1843. 8 . . *Pph. v. 141 AMERICAN soc. for the encouragement of domes- tic manufactures. Address to the people of the United States. N. York, 1817. 8 ... *Pph. v. 18 AMERICAN soc. for the promotion of temperance. 2d annual report of the executive commit- tee. Andover, 1829. 8 *Pph. v. 78 AMERICAN state papers. See United States. AMERICAN Sunday school union. 7th, 14th, 17th, annual report. Phila., 1831 1841. 8. . *Pph.v.S3 AMERICAN system, The, or the effects of high du- ties on imports designed for the encourage- ment of domestic industry. Bost. , 1828. 8. **E.224. 13 AMERICAN tableaux. Sketches of aboriginal life. No. 1. by V. V. Vide. New York, 1S4G. 12. 2366.15 AMERICAN temperance society. Permanent docu- ments. Vol. 1. Boston, 1835. 8" 3576.3 Reports. 1832-34. Boston, 1832-34. 8" ... 3576.4 AMERICAN temperance union. Report of the ex- ecutive committee, 1838-41, '47. Philadel- phia, 1838-47. 8 *Pph. v. 104,125,163 AMERICAN tract soc. Address of the executive committee to the public, with a brief ac- count of the formation of the society. New York, 1825. 8" v.2of51C5.3 Proceedings of the first ten years. Boston, 1824. 12 3544.25 Proposed circulation of the standard evangel- ical volumes in the southern Atlantic states. New York, 1834. 8 v. 2 of 5165. 3 lst-17th, 22d-27th report, with lists of auxili- aries and benefactors, addresses, [etc.] 1826-41. 3v. 8 *5165.3 The child's paper, vol. 2, 3. N. York, 1853-54. 2v. f *8090.2 AMERICAN traveller, semi-weekly, v. 1-21. July 5, 1825-April 14, 1846. Bost., 1825-1846. 20v.fol. *7910.1 Weekly, v. 1-8. No. 15. Jan. 5, 1839- April 11, 1840. Boston, 1839-1846. 4v. f . . . . *7910.2 See also: Daily evening traveller. AMERICAN Unitarian association. Dialogue on providence, faith and prayer. Boston, 1827. 12 *Pph. v. 255 Divinity of Jesus Christ. 2d ed. Bost., 1830. 12 *Pph.v.219 Letter on devotion at church. Boston, 1827. 12 *Pph.v.255 On experimental religion. Bost., 1827. 12. *Pph.v.255 On some corruptions of scripture. Boston, 1828. 12 *Pph.v.255 On tests of true religion. Bost., 1828. 12. *Pph.v. 255 One hundred scriptural arguments for the Unitarian faith. 6th ed. Bost., 1830. 12. *Pph. v.219 Unitarianism vindicated against the charge of not going far enough. Bost., 1827. 12 . *Pph. v. 255 Reports of service in the ministry at large in Boston, by J. Tuckerman and C. F. Barnard. Boston, 1827-34. 2v. 12 3570.71 See also ; Christian register. AMERICANISMS 22 ANACREON Shelf. No. AMERICANISMS. Bartlett, J. K. Dictionary of . 2381.2 Pickering, J. Vocabulary, or, collection of words and phrases peculiar to the United States E.202.7 AMERICANS, The. Colton, C 2304.17 AMEUIGO. [Canti venti.] See Rosellini, M. F. . 4778.28 AMES,F. Works, with notices of his life and char- acter, [by J. T.Kirkland.] Bost., 1809. 8 . 2403.2,3 Contents. Lucius Junius Brutus; Camillus. I.-III.; Speech on biennial elections; Speech on Mr. Madi- son's resolutions ; Speech on the British treaty; Lao- coon. I.-II.; Eulogy on Washington ; School books; Falkland. I.-1V.; The observer; Sketches of the state of Europe. I.-II.; Phocioa. I.-VL; The New Romans. I.-V.; Russia; Foreign politicks. I.-III.; Hercules, no revolutionist: Equality. I.- VI.; " Histo- ry is philosophy teaching by example ; " Balance of Europe; Political review. I.-III.; Monitor; Republi- can. I.-II.; Character of Alex. Hamilton; Reflections on the war in Europe ; Character of Brutus ; On the prospect of a new coalition against France; The com- bined powers and France; Successes of Buonaparte; Dangerous power of France. I.-III.; Non-intercourse act; Lessons from history. I.-V.; British alliance; Duration of French despotism ; Dangerous power of France. IV.; Dangers of American liberty; Hints and conjectures concerning the institutions of Lycurgus; American literature; Review of a pamphlet, entitled " Present state of the British constitution; " Letters. Influences of democracy considered ; an intro- duction by H. Ewbank. London, 1835. 8. 3565.25 Speech [concerning] the laws necessary to carry into effect the treaty between United States and Gr. Britain. Bost., [1796.] 8". *Pph. v. 301 Remarks on the Hon. J. Q. Adams' review of Mr. Ames' works. Boston, 1809. 8 . . *Pph. v. 79 AMES, Joseph. Typographical antiquities. Augm. by W. Herbert, greatly enlarged by T. F. Dibdin. London, 1810-19. 4v. 4 *2120.15 AMES, Julius. Proposition to the citizens and legislators of the U. S. n.p.,n.d. 8 . . *Pph. v. 88 AMES, N. Pirate's glen and dungeon rock: a poem. Boston, 1853. 16 2399.48 AMES, S. Law of private corporations. See An- gell, J. K 3003.18 AMESBURY,J. Treatment of spinal diseases, n.p., n.d. 8 *M. Pph.v.31 AMIIERST college. Catalogue of Amherst college library. Amherst, 1855. 8 *2134.7 Catalogue of the corporation, faculty and stu- dents, 1830, '33, '30, '37. Amherst, 1830-37. 8 *Pph.v.87,97,102,129 AMI, L', du peuple. Marat, J. P 4640.15 AMICI, G. Rito della Canonizzazione descritto con aggiunte di F. M. Amici. 2a ed. Roma, 1838. 12 3517.18 AMICI, G. B. See Opuscoli scientiflci. . . . v. 3 of 3911.5 AMICI, V. Corso elementare di meccanica ed idraulica. Firenze, 1840-42. 2v. 8 . . . . 3945.1 AMICO del popolo. See Vero amico 4741.1 AMINTA, L'. Tasso, T 2805.15 AMIPSIAS. See Poet. com. Graec. fragm 3002.14 AMixifi dangereuse, ou Celimaure et Amelie. LaHaye, 1786. 2v. 16 4679 .8 AMMIRATO, S. Opuscoli. Firenze, 1637-42. 3v. 4. *2793.5 Contents. Vol. I. Orazione; Della segretezza; II rotao verodelleimprese; Dell' hospitaliti ; Delia dil- igenza; Segli honor! si debbono proccurare; Vitadi LadisUoredi Napoli; Vita di Giovanna II. reinadi Napoli; Lettera alia signora donna Leonora di Tole- do; Paralelli; Lettere dedicatoric diuerse. II. Dis- corsi varii; Mescolanze; Paralelli; Ritratti; Lettere; Sentenze; Proverb! Poesie; Salmo primo. III. Ri- tratti d'huomini illustri di casa Medici; Maremonte, dialogo dell' Ingiurie; Dedalione, dialogo del poeta; Cerimonie; Principe; Orazione in morte di Torquato Tasso ; Salmo secondo, terzo. Discorsi sopra Cornelio Tacito. Brescia, 1599. 4 *2947.7 Istorie Florentine 1256-1573. Firenze, 1641-47. 3v. f *2760.6 Poesie spiritvali sopra Salmi e alcune cantici. Firenze, 1649 8 *2794. 19 Shelf. No. xandrinus, presb. Evaugelicae har- monise, interp. Victore. [Migne. Patrolo- giaev.68] 3450.9 AMCENUS. Enchiridion Veteris et Novi Testamenti ; Carmen. [Migne. Patrologiae v. 61] ... 3450.3 AMORE fuggitivo. Tasso, T 2805.15 AMORETTI, C. Opuscoli scelti sulle scienze e sulle arti, tratti dagli atti accad., ec., ec. Milano, 1778-1803. 22v. 4 *3914.1 Scelta di opuscoli interessanti. Nuovaed. Mi- lano, 1781-84. 3v. 4 *3913.2 AMORI, Gli. Tasso, B 2809.12 AMORI. [Poesie.] Savioli, L 4766.9 AMOROS y Ondeano, F., Auriat, L., and others, [Discours, etc., a la] seance d'ouverture du gymnase civil et orthopedique. Paris, 1835. 8 *Pph.v. 154 AMOKY, T. Life of John Buncle, Esq. new ed. London, 1825. 3v. 12 2448.21 AMORY, T. C. Life of James Sullivan, with selec- tions from his writings. Bost., 1859. 2v. 8. 2342.13 AMOUROUX, J. Nouveau cours raisonn^ de des- sin industricl. See Armengaud, J. E. . . . 4081.8 Practical draughtsman. See Armengaud, J. E. 4081.3 AMPELIUS, L. Liber memorialis. See Florus, L. A. 2926.6 AMPERE, A. M. Essai sur la philosophic des sci- ences. Paris, 1834-'43. 2v. 8 2122.17 Observations electro-dynamiques. Paris, 1822. 8 3962.27 AMPERE, J. J. A. Histoire litteraire de la France avant le XII sifecle. Paris, 1839-40. 3v. 8. 2670.13 Litterature, voyages et poesies. Paris, 1850. 2v. 12 2678.3 Contents. Vol. I. Esquisscs du Nord; Litterature danoise; France; Ecosse ct Angletcrre; Literature allemande ; Litteratures slaves ; Bohcme ; Litterature scandinave; Histoire comparee des langucs; Edda et Sagas; Mythologie scandinave; DCS Scaldes. II. Heures de Poesie; Jeunesse et tristesse; Contem- plations; Italic; LaGreceancienncctmoderne; Ori- ent; France; Ecosse et Angleterre ; Allenjagne ; Scan- dinavie. Promenade en Ame"rique. Paris, 1855. 2v. 8. 2362.11 AMPHIBIA. Merrem, B. Versuch eines Systems derAmphibien 3873.12 Pompper, H. Die Amphibien nach ihrer geo- graphischen Verbreitung 5860.13 Reichert, K. B. Entwickelungsgeschichte des Kopfes der nackten Arnphibien 3870.34 Sturm, J. Die Amphibien 3875.30 Windischmann, K. J. H. De penitiori auris in amphibiis structura 3870.32 See also: Lepidosiren parodoxa. AMPIIILOCHIUS, bp. of Jconium. Vita S. Basilii. [Migne. Patrologize v. 73] v. 1 of 3450.13 AMPHIPOLIS. Voemel, J. T. Lineamenta belli Amphipolitani 2974.2 AMPHIS. See Poet. com. Graec. fragm 3002.14 AMSTERDAM. Institution of the English Bible so- ciety in Holland. Amsterdam, 1814. 8. *Pph. v. 69 Maatschappij tot Befordering der Toonkuust te Amsterdam. Verslag van de llde Verga- dering. Amsterdam, 1840. pp.48. 8. . . *4057.18 Ricard, J. P. Le Negoce d'A 3683.1 AMULO, bp. of Lyons. Opera omnia. [Migne. Patrologias v. 116] v. 1 of 3460.1 Contents Epistoloe ; Opuscula duo; Sententiae de praedestinatione; Liber contra Judaeos. AMYOT, W. H. A general treatise on statutes. SeeDwarris, Sir F 3625.8 ANACHARSIS, the younger. Travels in Greece. See Barthe"lemy, J. J 3073.2 ANACLETUS, pope. Epistolse et decreta. [Migne. Patrologiae Graecae v. 2] 3490.1 ANACLETUS, antipope. Epistolae et privilegia. [Migne. Patrologiae v. 179] 3470.6 ! ANACREON. Carmina grsece e rec. G. Baxteri. 3a ed. J. F. Fischerus. Lipsiae, 1793. 8 ... 2978.23 ' Anacreontea quae dicuntur illustr. Fr. Mehl- horn. Glogaviae, 1825. 8 2978.24 ANACEEON 23 ANATOMY Shelf. No. ANACT.EON. Anacreontica cum aliis lyricis ; cd. G. H. Schafer. Lipsise, 1817. 10 .... 2978.52 Anacreontica Grsece, rec. notisq. instr. F. H. Bothe. Lipsiae, 1805. 32 2979.14 Anacreontis reliquiae [cum] Basilii, Pauli Si- lentiarii frag-. Cur. J. F. Boissonade. Par- isiis, 1823. 32. [Boissonade. Poet. Grasc. v.l] *2979.1 Odes and epigrams. Transl. by F. Fawkes. [Chalmers. Eng. poets] v. 20 of 2592.7 Traduzione di alcune odi. See Conti, A. v. 1 of 2792.4 See Elton. Specimens of the classic poets. v. 1 of 2953. 14 See Parnaso Italiano v. 14 of 2769.1 Translations from, by A. Philips. [Johnson. Eng. poets.] v.44of 2589.3 Le odi tradotte da P. Costa e da G. Marchetti. [PoetiGreciJ 2963.2 ANAESTHESIA. Bigelow, H. J. Anaesthetic agents. 3745.5 Bouisson, E. F. Mdthode anesthetique . . . 3783.11 Simpson, J. Y. Anaesthesia 3772.28 See also: Chloroform, Ether. ANALECTIC magazine. Phila., 1813-19. 14v. 8 . *5178.3 ANALYSIS. Agnesi, M. G. Analytical institutions. 3911.3 Babbage, C. Analogy between the calculus of functions and other branches of A. . . E. 171.20 Condorcet, J. A. N. C. de. L'application de 1' analyse a la probability 3923.4 De Moivre, A. Miscellanea analytica . . . . 3920.19 Duhamel, J. M. C. Cours d'analyse de 1'ecole polytechnique 3925.14 Euler, L. Analyse infinitesimale E.194.7 Lubbock, J. W. On terms of the fourth order 3921.14 - Some applications of Abel's theorem . . . 3925.16 Mitterpacher, J. Unterricht in der mathe- matischcn Analysis E. 195. 11 Monge, G. Application de Paralyse a la geometrie 3920.12 Navier, C. L. M. H. Resume des logons d'aii- alyse 3925.15 Oettinger, L. Forschungen in dem Gebiete derhohernA E. 194.1 "Waring, E. Analyticae meclitationes. . . . E. 191.9 TVoodhouse, K. Principles of analytical cal- culation E. 194. 10 See also: Algebra, Calculus, Conic sections, Geo- metry. ANALYST, The, or mathematical museum. [Ed. byR. Adrain.] V.I. Phila., 1808. 8'. .**E.213.10 ANAMODUS of Ratisbon. Traditiones Emmeram- menses. [Migne. Patrologiae v. 129] v. 3 of 3460.8 ANASTASIUS I., emperor. Epistolae ad Hormisdam papam : epistola ad senatum urbis Romae. [Migue. Patrologiae v. 63] v.l of 3150.5 ANASTASIUS I., pope. Epistolae ct decreta ; Epis- tolae ad Joannem episcop. Jerosolym. [Migne. Patrologiae v. 20, 21, 48] 3440.14 ANASTASIUS II., pope. Epistola ad Anastasium imperatorem. [Migne. Patrologias v. 84] v. 4 of 3450.16 ANASTASIUS III., pope. Privilegia duo. [Migne. Patrologiae v. 131] 3460.10 ANASTASIUS IV., pope. Epistolae XII. [Bouquet. Kecueil d. hist.] v. 15 of 2C20.1 Epistolae et privilegia. [Migne. Patrologiae v. 188] 3470.12 ANASTASIUS bibliothecarius. Opera omnia. Ac- curante J. P. Migne. Lutctiae Parisiorum. 1852-53. 3v. 8 [Patrologia; v. 127-129] . . 3460.8 Contents. Tomus I., Prolegomena ad vitas Roma- norum pontificum ; Vita; Romano/um pontiflcum. Tomus II., Vita; Ronianorum pontiflcum [contin.;] Appendix ; Vita; Romanorum pontifleum a B. Petro ad 8. Paulum I., ex codice capituli Ycronensis; Frag- mentum catalog! pontificalia in Yigilio desincns ; Index locuplettssimus ad vitas Romanorum poutifi- cum. Devitis Romanorum pontiflcum. Romae, 1718- 1725. 4v. fol *3540.3 Vita; Romanorum pontiflcum. [Muratori. Rerum ital. script.] v. 3 of 2710.1 Shelf. No. ANASTASIUS biblioth. Epistola de Scripturatranp- latiouis Stephani do Jerusalem in Byzan- tium. [Migne. Patrologia; v. 41] . v. 10 of 3440.18 Epistola ad Calaritanos contra Monothelitas. [Migne. Patrologiae v. 129] v. 3 of 3460.8 ANASTASIUS, abbot of EntJiymius. Contra Ju- dseos. [Mai. Script, vet. nova coll.] . v.7 of 3000. 1 ANASTASIUS, apocrisiarius at Rome. Episto- la ad Theoclosium Gangrensem. [Migne. Patrologiae v. 129] v. 3 of 3460.8 ANASTASIUS, monk and hermit. Vita, auctore Gal- tero ; epistola ad Geraldum abbatem. [Migne. Patrologiae v. 149] 3460.27 ANASTASIUS, presbyter, monk 7th cent. Contra mo- nophysitas de verbi incarnatione. [Mai. Script, vet. nova coll.] v. 7 of 3000.1 ANASTASIUS Sinaita, bp. of Antioch. Lucubrati- unculae, etc., de vitae termino, etc. [Mai. Script, vet. nova coll.] . v. 1 pt. 1 of . . . . 3000.1 Sermones duo. See Meursius, J. . . . v. 8 of 2210.2 ANASTASIUS, memoirs of a Greek. See Hope, T. 2577.4 ANATOLIUS, bp. of Constantinople. Epistola? ad S. Leonem papam. [Migne. Patrologia; v. 54] v. 1 of 3440.25 ANATOMICAL examinations, questions with an- swers, and tables annexed. 6th ed. Loud. 1824. 2v. 16" *3759.13 ANATOMY. The importance of the study of anat- omy. From the Westminster review, with some additional remarks. Bost., 1825. 8 *Pph.v.240 Albinus, B. S. Tables of the skeleton, etc. . . 3750.9 Bartholin. T. Anatomicarum rariorum histo- riarum Centuria, 1,2 3759.20 Bartholini, C. Specimen historiae anatomica;. 3744.10 Baumgiirtner, C. H. BeitrLige zur Anatomic. 3764.2 Bayle, A. L. J. Manual of general A 3744.15 Beclard, P. A. filernens d'anatomie generate. 3744.16 Bell, J. Anatomy of the bones 3740.4 Bell, J. and C. Anatomy of the human body. 3754.2,3 Bichat, M. F. X. Traite d'A. descriptive .. 3754.7-9 Calori, L. Tavole auatomiche 3754.11 Camper, P. Connexion between A. and the arts of painting, statuary, etc 4071.1 Cheselden, AY. The anatomy of the human body 3754.12,13 Cloquet, H. System of 3743.1 Cooper, B. B. Lectures on 3743.6 Cowper,W. Anatomiacorporumhumanorum. 3750.10 Cruveilhier, J. Descriptive A 3743.11 - A. of the human body 3743.10 Cutter, C. Treatise on 7029.7 - Anatomy for schools 3764.17 Davy, J. Anatomical and physiological re- searches 3763.2 Diouis, P. A. of human bodies 3759.2 Edwards, H. M. Outlines of 3753.3 Encyclopedic anatomique 3734.5-11 Eustachio, B. Tabulae auatomicae 3740.23 Feltham, J. Structure of the human body . 3759.0 Fyfe, A. A system of 3753.7 Geoffroy-Saint-IIilaire, E. Philosophic anat- omique 3903.5 Gerber, F. General and minute A 3753.8 Goodsir, J. Anatomical observations. . . 3753.12 Gove, M. S. Lectures on 3759.12 Haller, A. v. Bibliotheca anatomica .... 2186.24 Handy, W. R. Text book of 3742. 1 Harrison, R. Manual of 3759.3 Hassall, A. H. Microscopic A 3742.2 Ilimly, E. A. W. Darstellung des Dualismus am menschlichen Korper 3745.30 Horner, TV". E. A. and histology 3742.9 - Lessons in practical 3742.10 Jackson, J. B. S. Anatomical museum of the Boston soc. for medical improvement. . . 3783.1 Lane, J. F. TV". Human A. for schools . . . 3763.11 Leber, F. Praelectiones anatomic 3752.3 Marjolin, J. N. Manuel d'anatomie 3752.7 Massachusetts. Report legalizing the study of. See Docs, for 1831 ANATOMY 24 ANDREWS Shelf. No. ANATOMY. Meekel, J.F. De duplicitatemonstrosa. 3740.17 - Handbuch der menschlichen Anatomie. 3752.9 - Manuel d'anatomie ge'nerale 3752.10 - Manual of descriptive and pathological . 3759.10 - Manual of general 3759.17 Miiller, J. Archiv fur Anatomie 3748.1 Nuck, A. Adenographia curiosa 3779.20 Otto, A. W. Verzeichniss der anatomisclien Praparatensammlung zu Breslau 3783.4 Palmer, S. Dictionary of the terms em- ployed in 3731.2 Parsons, U. Directions for making anatomi- cal preparations 3783.2 Portal, A. do. Cours d' anatomic medicale . . 3741.0 Quain, J. Human A 3741.14 Robin, C. Injections dans leurs applications a 1'A 3920.41 Sabatier, R. B. Traite complet d' A 3749.9 Sandifort, E. Museum anatomicum academiae Lugduno-Batava? 3750.1 Shaw,J. Manual of 3759.8 Smellie, W. Anatomical tables 3750.3 Todd, R. B. and Bowman. Physiological A. 3761.1 Tulk, A. Anatomical manipulations .... 3759.14 Vesalius, A. Opera anatomica. 3750.0 Winslow,J.B. Struct, of the human body. 3751.11,12 Wistar, C. A system of 3751.13 See also: Comparative anatomy, Dissection, Histo- logy, Organic life, Osteology, Pathology, Physiology, Surgery. ANAXANDRIDES. See Poet. com. Graec. fragm. . 3002.14 ANAXILAS. See Poet. com. Grsec. fragm 3002.14 ANAXIMANDER Milesius. See Fragm. hist. Grasc. v. 2 of 3002.11 ANAXIMENES Lampsacenus. See Baiter and Sauppe. Oratores Attici 2903.1 See Geier, R. Alexandri M. hist, script. . . 2903.10 ANAXIPPUS. See Poet. com. Grsec. fragm. . . . 3002.14 ANAXIS Boeotus. See Fragm. hist. Grsec. v. 2 of 3002.11 ANAYA, A. Essay on Spanish literature. Lond., 1818. 16 3105.1 ANBUREY, T. Travels through the interior parts of America. London, 1789. 2v. 8 .... 2362.0 ANCIENT accounts of India and China, transl. by E. Renaudot. London, 1733. 8 3044.18 ANCIENT history, English and French, in a dissec- tion of the Saxon Chronicle. London, 1830. 12 2419.7 ANCIENT and honorable artillery company, His- torical sketch of. Whitman, Z. G 2354.10 ANCILLON, F. Tableau des revol. du systeme polit. de P Europe. Nouv. ed. Paris, 1823. 4v. 8 2306.2 ANCONA. Peruzzi, A. Storiad'A. all' anno 1532. 2727.4 Ricci, A. Arti e artiste della Marca di . . . 4087.0 ANCRE, Concini Concino, Marechal d'. Mathieu, P. History of Philippa the Catanian . . . 2649.18 Histoire tragique du mar&hal d'A. [Lafaist. Archives hist, franc., ser. 2, v. 2] 2617.1 ANCREN riwle : a treatise on the rules of monastic life. Fr. a semi-saxon MS. by J. Morton. London, 1853. sm.4 [Camden Soc. 53] . . *2426.2 ANDALUCIA. Murray, R. D." Cities and wilds of. 3103.9 Rubi, F. R. Poesias andaluzas 3095.3 ANDERSON, Adam. Historical deductions of the origin of commerce. With an app. by Mr. Coombe. Dublin, 1790. 6v. 8 3652.10 ANDERSON, Andrew. Dissertation on the Eupa- torium Perfoliatum of Linnaeus. N. York, 1813. 8 *M.Pph.v.2 ANDERSON, M. A narrative of the British em- bassy to China, 1792-'94. N. York, 1795. 12 3019.9 ANDERSON, C. Annals of the English Bible. Lon- don, 1845. 2v. 8 2181.5 ANDERSON, G. and P. Guide to the highlands and islands of Scotland. Lond., 1834. p.8. 2486.17 - Same. 3d ed. Edinburgh, 1851. 12 . . . 2486.16 ANDEESON, James. Present state of the Hebri- des and W. coasts of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1785. 8 2474.4 Shelf. No. ANDEESON, John. History of Edinburgh, to 1850. Edinburgh, 1856. 8 2474.3 ANDERSON, J. S. M. History of the church of England in the colonies. 2d ed. London, 1856. 3v. 16 3529.3 ANDEESON, R. Ballads in the Cumberland dialect. 2cl ed. Wigton, 1815. 10 2580.29 ANDERSSON, C. J. Lake Ngami, or wanderings in southwestern Africa. 2d ed. Lond., 1856. 8. 3051.25 ANDEETON, G. G. Masonry the same : another murder. Boston, 1830. 8 *Pph.v.292 ANDES, journey across the Cordillera. Proctor, R. 2305.2 ANDOCIDES. Orationes quatuor, recens., etc. C. Schiller. Lipsise, 1835. 8 2978.26 See Baiter and Sauppe. Oratores Attici . . . 29G3.1 See Bekker, I. Oratores Attici . . . . v. 1 of 2965.1 SeeDidot. Biblioth.gr., Orat.Att 2992.15 See Reiske, J. J. Oratores grseci . . . v. 4 of 2967.2 ANDOVEE, Mass. Abbott female seminary. Cata- logue for the year ending Sept. 30, 1840. An- dover, 1840. 12 *Pph.v.283 Theological seminary. Catalogue of the li- brary. Andover, 1838. 8 *2135.3 - Catalogue of the officers and students, 1845, 1846. Andover, 1845 *Pph. v. 144 - Remarks on the *Pph. v. 240 ANDRAL, G. Medical clinic : Transl. by D. Spil- lan. Philadelphia, 1843. 3v. 8 *3792.1 ANDRE, B. Historia Henrici VII. necnon alia qusedam ad cundem regem spectantia. Ed. by J. Gairdner. London, 1858. 8. [Rolls chronicles] *2414.12 ANDRE, monk of Fleury. Les miracles de Saint Benoit. See Adrevald 2636.8 ANDRE, J. Papers found in Andre's boots. See Revolutionary relics 2325.1 ANDRE. J. A. Vierstimmige Fuge, etc., etc. Offen- bach, a. d.M. 1827. 8 *4055.19 ANDRE, J. F. Cours de droit canon, mis en rap- port avec le droit ecclesiastique. [Migiie. Encyl. theol.] 3430.2 Supplement de 1'hist. philos. de la revol. de France. See Fantin Desodoards . . v. 10 of 4655.14 ANDEEA di Modena. Canto harmouico. Modena, 1690. 4 *4055.49 ANDREAS, See Agnellus. ANDREAS, abp. of Crete. Sermo. See Meursius, J. v. 8 of 2210.2 ANDREAS Bergomas. Chronicon. [Migne. Pat- rologise v. 151] 3460.29 ANDREAS und Elene. Hrsg. von Jacob Grimm. Cassel, 1840. 8 2587.19 ANDREINI, A. F. SeeD&ti. Prose Fiorent. . v. lOof 2787.1 ANDKEINI, G. B. L'Adamo, sacra rappresenta- zione. [Pubbl. prim. 1617.] 2da ediz. Lu gano, 1834. 16 4777.20 ANDREOSSY, A. F. Histoire du canal du midi. Nouv. ed. Paris, 1804. 2v. 4 3941.12 ANDRES, G. Dell' originc, progress! e stato attu- aled'ogniletteratura. Parma, 1782-99. 7v. 4. *2200.2 Ragguaglio di due memorie accademiehe di. [Coll. d'opusc. sclent, e lett.] . . . ,v.21of 5278.2 ANDREUCCI, O. Gli orfanotrofi, cenni storici. Fi- renze, 1855. 10" 3570.69 ANDREWS, E. A. First lessons in Latin. 4th ed. Boston, 1841 7089.19 and Stoddard, S. Grammar of the Latin lan- guage. 16th ed. Boston, 1847. 12 . ... 7089.1 - Same. 65th ed. Boston, 1857. 12 ... 2933.5 ANDREWS, John, LL. D. War with America, France, Spain and Holland, 1775-83. Lon- don, 1785-86. 4v. 8 2325.12 ANDREWS, John, M. I). Dissertation on apoplexy. Philadelphia, 1793. 8 *M. Pph. v. 10 ANDREWS, J. P. History of Great Britain con- nected with the chronology of Europe. Lon- don, 1794. 2v.ini. 4 2411.4 ANDREWS, S. Sermon upon the fast, 9th May, 1798, delivered in Robinstown. Boston, ITDS. 8 *3458.19 ANDREWS 25 ANGLO-SAXON Shelf. No. ANDREWS, W. E. Examination of Fox's calen- dar of protestant saints, etc. Lond., 1826. 8 v. 3of*3557.7 Review of Fox's book of martyrs, showing in- accuracies, falsehoods, and misrepresenta- tions. London, 1824-26. 3v. 8 3557.7 ANDREWS, TV. S. Doctrines of natural and re- vealed religion. Cambridge, 1829. 12. . 3452.24 ANDRIEUX, F. G. J. S. (Euvres. Paris, 1818-23. 4v. 8 2677.3 Contents. Vol. I. Avertissement contenant notice biographique; Preface; Comedies; Anaximandre; Lesetourdis; Hehnjtius; La suite dumenteur.cn vers, de P. Coroeille avec des changemcns, etc. ; Moliere avec 603 amis; Variantcs de Moliere avec ses amis. II. Preface; Le tresor; Le vieux fat; La comedienne j Quelques scenes impromptus ; Discours prononce aux funerailles de Colliu D'Harle ville ; Prologue des quer- elles des deux freres. III. Le jeune Creole, imi- te de 1'anglais de Cumberland; Contes, anecdotes et fables envers; Poesies fugitives; Changemeus pro- poses pour Polyeucte et Nicoraede, tragedies de Cor- neille; Melanges en prose. IV. Notice sur la vieet les ouvrages de J. -Francois Collin-Harleville ; Disser- tation sur le Promethee enchain e d'Eschyle; Dialogue entre Archimede et Ciceron; Dissertation sur les langues; Traduction de la preface du dictionnaire de la langue anglaise, de S. Johnson; Le manteau, come- dies Leonora, drame horoique; Notices historiques sur Louis XII., Guillaume Budee, et Henri IV.; Ad juvenes, studiorum causa Lutetian! e provincils accer- sitos. Feles belle ocreata. ANDROCLES. See Baiter and Sauppe. Oratores Attici 2963.1 ANDRON Halicarnassensis. See Fragmenta hist. Grsec v.2of 3002.11 ANDROS, T. Ruin to nations from foreign influ- ence. Boston, 1812. 8 *Pph. v. 254 ANDROSSE, E. Narrative of his proceedings in New England justified. Byfield, N 2329.14 Narrative of the proceedings of. [Force, P. Tracts.] v.4of 2323.3 ANDROSTHENES Thasius. See Geier, R. Alexan- dri M. hist, script 2963.10 ANDROTION. See Baiter and Sauppe. Oratores Attici 2963.1 Fragmenta Atthidos, etc. See Fragm. hist. Graec v.lof 3002.11 Ax DRY, F. Diagnosis of diseases of the heart. Transl. by S. Kneeland, Jr. Bost., 1846. 12. *3S03.7 ANDRY,N. Orthopsedia. Vol.2. Lond., 1743. 12. *3759.10 ANECDOTA. Bekker, I. A. Graeca 2968.4 Boissonade, J. F. A. nova 2963.19 Martene, E. et Durand, U. Thesaurus novus anecdotorum 2250.2 Villoison, J. B. G. d'Ansse de. A. Grseca. . 2963.3 ANECDOTES and traditions. Ed. by W. J. Thorns. London, 1839. sm. 4 [Camden soc. 5] . . *2416.5 ANECDOTES. Almon, J. A. biographical, literary and political 2453.15 Beloe, W. A. of literature and scarce books. 2194.3 D'Israeli, I. Dissertation on 2558.6 Dugast de Bois de Saint Just, J. L. M. A. sur lavieprivee de plusieurs ministres, etc.. . 2638.3 King, W. A. of his own time 2542.23 - Minstrel, The, or A. of distinguished person- ages in the 15th century 2549.13 Nichols, J. Biographical and literary A. . . 2541.4 Spence, J. A. of books and men 2194.2 ANELLI, A. Le cronache di Pindo. [Poema.] Napoli,1820. 12 4776.1 ANERIO, F. Motetto. " Christus resurgens " a 8 vociinduecoriacapella. [Dehn. Pract. Mu- sikWerke] v.lof 4051.14 ANERIO, J. F. Missa pro defunctis. 4 voc. [Dehn. Pract. Musik-Werke] v. 12 of 4051.14 ANEURISM. Abernethy,J. Surg. observations on. 3745.1 Bell, C. Illustrations of 3740.6 Bell, J. Principles of surgery relating to . . 3744.21 Erichsen, J. E. Observations on 3714.6 Scarpa, A. Treatise on 3803.17 AXGARAN-PORTO, O. Lettere di nobiliVencziani illustri del secolo decimosesto. Venczia, 1829. 8 5274.7 Shelf. No. ANGARAN-PORTO, O. continued. Contents. Giorgio Barbaro; Pietro Bembo; Ber- nardo Cappello; Gasparo Contarini; Luigi Cornaro; Sebastiano Erizzo; Trissono Gabrieli; Giorgio Grade- nigo; Andrea Morosini; Marc Antonio da Mula; An- drea Navagero; Paolo Paruta; Agostino Valieroj Domenico Veniero. ANGUS, G. F. Savage life and scenes in Australia and New Zealand. London, 1847. 2v. p.8. 3047.11 ANGELELLI, M. See Bernab6 Silorata, P. Prose e poesie di Italian! viventi v. 1, 2 of 4768.16 See Opuscoli letter v. 1,2 of 2792.2 ANGELI, G. Lettere. [Dati. Prose fiorentine] v. 16 of 2787.1 ANGELIO, P. Lettere. [Dati. Prose fiorentine] v. 14, 16 of 2787.1 De sediticiorum Romas eversoribus ; De obelis- co. [Grsevius. Thesaur. 4] 2950.1 ANGELIS, L. de. Biografia degli scrittori sanesu Tomo 1. Siena, 1824. 4 *2742.1 ANGELL, J. K. Law of carriers. 2d ed. Boston, 1851. 8 3675.1 Law of fire and life insurance. 2d ed. Boston, 1855. 8 3601.6 Right of property in tide waters. 2d ed. Bos- ton, 1847. 8 3662.10 and Ames, S. Law of private corporations. 5th ed. Boston, 1855. 8 3663.18 ANGELO da Piccitono. Fior angelico di niusica. Vinegia, 1547. 4 *4047.11 ANGELO, M. Voyage to Congo, 1666-67. [Pink- erton. Voyages] v. 16 of 2260.13 ANGELOMUS, monk of Luxeuil. Commentarius in Genesin ; Enarrationes in libros Regum ; Enarrationes in Cantica canticorum. [Mig- ne. Patrologiae v. 115] 3450.33 ANGELONI, B. pseud. See Shcbbeare, J. ANGELONI, L. Dell' Italia ragionameuti IV. Par- igi, 1818. 2v. 8 2717.0 Sopra la vita, le operc, ed il sapere di Guido d'Arezzo. Parigi, 1811. 8 4042.19 Note. Si e nggiunta a questa dusertazione una no- vella edizione dei versi latini sopra i pesi e le misure de' Romani, e in parte ancor de' Greci, di q. Kennio Fannio Palemone. ANGELRAJINUS, bp. of Metz. Collectio canonum ; Adrian! papa? capitula ; Douationes quse- dam. [Migne. Patrologiae v 96] 3450.22 ANGELRANNUS, abbot of St. Rlcheriun. Vita ; Vi- ta S. Richerii. [Migne. Patrologise v. 141] 3460.20 ANGELUCCI, T. See Rime piacevoli 4769 a. 15 ANGERVILLE, d'. See Mouffle d' Angerville. ANGE VILLE, A. d'. Sur la statistique de la popula- tion francaise. Bourg, 1836. 4 7020.1 ANGILBERTUS, S., abbot of St. Richerius. De restauratione monasterii Centulensis ; Stat- uta qusedam rubrica; Carmina. [Migne. Patrologias v. 99] 3450.24 ANGILBERTUS, abbot of Corbey. Versus ad Ludo- vicumregem. [Migne. Patrol, v. 129] v. 3 of 3460.8 ANGILBERTUS Pusterla, abp. of Milan. Rescrip- tum; Privilegium. [Migne. Patrologise v. 151] 3460.29 ANGINA pectoris. Symptoms and causes of. Par- ry, C. H 3807.11 ANGIOLA Maria. Storia domestica. Carcano, G. 4775.5 ANGIOLINI, G. Lettere a Monsieur Novcrre sopra i balli pantomimi. Milano, 1773. 8 . . . . 4057.11 ANGLIA, East, Ancient kingdom of. Index mo- nasticus. Taylor, R 2470.1 ANGLING. Treatyse of fysshynge wyth an angle. Berners, J 4001.17 ANGLING literature of all nations. Blakey, R. 2173.7 See also : Fisheries, Recreative arts. ANGLO-CHINESE calendar for 1847. Canton, 1847. 8 3017.1 ANGLO-SAXON, The, European and colonial ga- zette, Jan.- Dec. 1856. Boston, 1856. 4 . . *8060.4 ANGLO-SAXON antiquities and history. Akerman, J. Y. Index to remains of 2532.3 Akerman, J. Y. Remains of pagan Saxondom. 2530.6 Heywood, S. Ranks under the A. S. govern- ments 3565.14 ANGLO-SAXON 26 ANXO Shelf. No. ANGLO-SAXON, continued. Lingard, J. History of the Anglo-Saxon church 3523.2 - Palgrave, F. A. S. policy and institutions . 2511.5 "Wright, T. Literary characters of the A. S. period 2i43.1 ANGLO-SAXON language. Bouterwek, C. W. Angel- sachs. Glossar 3418.1 Ebeling, F. W. Angelsachsisches Lesebuch . 2587.8 Elstob, E. Grammar 2587.14 Institutions grammatics Anglo-Saxonicae. [Hickes, G. Ling. Sept. thes.] . . . . v. 1 of 2940.5 Junius, F. Etymologicum Anglicanum et grammatica 2590.5 Klipstein, L. F. Grammar of the 2587.9 Leo, H. De Anglosaxonum literis guttural. 2583.1 Lye, E. Dictionarium Sax. et Goth. Lat. . . 2590.3 Principia Saxonica 2587.11 Vernon.E. J. Anglo-Saxon Guide, etc. . . . 2587.10 ANGLO-SAXON literature. ^Elfric. Homily on the birthday of St. Gregory 2587.20 Andreas und Elene. Hrsg. von Grimm. . . . 2587.19 Apollonius of Tyre, version of 2587.0 Beowulf; [an epic poem] 2587.12,13 Caedmon. Angelsachs. biblische Dichtungen . 3418.1 Conybeare, J. J. Essay and selections. . . 2587.1 Departing soul's address to the body .... 2587.4 Early English psalter. See Bible 2417.16 Elstob, E. English Saxon homily 2587.15 Ingram, J. Utility of 2581.3 Latin hymns of the A. S. church 2417.22 Leo, H. Angelsachiscb.es Heldengedicht, Beowulf 2883.4 Ormulum, The. Ed. by K. M. White . . . . 2587.18 Petheram, J. Historical sketch of 2587.5 Thorpe, B. Selection from authors of various ages 2587.7 ANGLO-SAXON passion of St. George. Ed. by C. Hardwick. [Anglo-Sax, and Eng.] London, 1850. p.8 [Percy society v.28] . *2537.28 ANGUILLAKA, G. A. dell'. Edippo, trag. di. See Teatro italiano antico v. 8 of 2770.1 See Berni, F. Opere burlesche . . . .v.2of 4769.6 See Carcano, G. Poeti satirici italiani . v. 2 of 2809.3 ANICETUS I., pope. Epistola ad Galliae episcopos. [Migne. Patrologia Grseca, v. 5] 3490.3 ANIMAL magnetism. History and philosophy of. Boston, n.d. 8 *Pph. v. 233 Verati, L. Storia, tcoria e pratica del mag- netismo animale 3765.24 See also : Electricity, Magnetism. ANIMALCULA. See Infusoria. ANIMALS. Gregory, J. Faculties of animals, compared with those of man 3600.30 Schmarda, L. K. Die geographische Verbrei- tung der Thiere 3882.11 Solclini, F. M. De anima brutorum 3887.14 Thompson, E. P. Passions of 3887.13 ANIMALS, domestic. See Domestic animals. ANIMALS, noxious. Boitard. P. Manuel du de- structeur des animaux nuisibles 3888.12 Katzeburg, J. T. C. Nouveau manuel com- plet des animaux nuisibles .- 3888.12 Zenker, J. C. Naturgeschichte schadlicher Thiere 3S84.! See also, Anatomy, Comparative anatomy, Domestic animals, Instinct, Palaeontology, Physiology, Quad- rupeds, Zoology. ANN Arbor. Michigan university. Catalogue of the officers and students in the department of arts and sciences, 1843-4. Ann Arbor, 1843. 8 *Pph.v.l35 ANNA Comncna. Alexiadis libri xv. Recensuit, novam interpretationem Latinam subiecit, Car.Ducangii commentaries suasque annota- tiones addidit Schopenus. v. 1. Bonnae, 1839. 8". [Corpus scrip, hist. Byzant. v.38] . . . *2968.1 ANNALEN der Chemie und Pharmacie. Brandes,K. 3288.1 A.NNALEN der Physik und der Chemie. Poggen- dorf, J.C 3918.2 Shelf. No. ANNALES abbatise sancti Petri Blandiniensis. Ed. van de Putte. Gandavi, 1842. 4 *2820.6 ANNALES arche'ologiques. Didron 3361.1 ANNALES de chimie. 1789-1815. 48v. 2de se'r. 1816- 1840, 75v. 3e ser, 1841-1859, v. 1-55. Paris, 1789-1859. In all 178v. 8 *3959.2 Table generate, v. 1-96, 1789-1815. Paris, 1801-21, 2v. 8 *3959.1 Table generate, 2de ser. 1-75, 1816-1840. Paris, 1831-41. 8 *3989.2 Tables des tomes 1-30. 3e se'r. [1841-50.] Paris, 1851. 8 *3999.2 ANNALES d 'hygiene publique et de medecine le- gale. T. 49, 50. 2e serie T. 1-10. Paris, 1853-58. llv. 8 *3715.2 ANNALES de la propagation de la foi. T. 1-30. Lyon, 1827-58. 30v. 8 *3538.1 ANNALES de la societe royale d 'agriculture et de botaniquede Gand. See Ghent *3851.12 ANNALES des mines. See Journal des mines. ANNALES des ponts et chaussees. le se'r. 2e se'r. 3e se'r. Tables. Paris, 1831-1858. 87v. 8 . . *3316.1 ANNALES des sciences naturelles: redigees par MM. Milne-Edwards, Ad. Brongniart tt J. Decaisne. Botanique, zoologie. 3e eerie, v. 19, 20. 4e sdrie v. 1-9. Paris, 1853-58. 22v. 8 *5S64.1 ANNALES des travaux publics de Belgique . . . . 3293.1 ANNALES du barreau frangais. Anc. 2-6. Mod. 1-12. Paris, 1822-47. 20v. 8 *3708.1 Contents. Yol. II. Le Maistre, Patru, Erard, Gil- let. II. p. 2. Terrasson, Barbier D 'Aucourt, Gerbier, Doillot, Manuory. III. Target. IV. Loyseau de Mauleon. V. Eliede Beaumont, Ilardoin. VI. Lin- guet. VI. p.2. Henrion de Pansey, Ilenrion de Saint- Amand, Tronson du Coudray, Froudiure. arreau moderne. Vol. I. Delamalle, Courvoisier, Piugnon. II. Deseze, Bonnet. III. Oellart. IV. Billecocq. Lepidor, Leroy de Saint Valery. V. Dupin aine. V. p. 2. Dupiu aine, Dupin jeune. VI. Henne- quin, Emmery, Loiscau. VII. Murilhou. VIII. Ber- villc, Marie. IX. Philippe Ferrure, Dcnuee. X. Chaix-d 'Est-Ange, CharriO, Mermilliod, Paillet. XI. Laint', Martignac, Ravez. XII. Chauveau-Lagardc, Parent-Real, Bresson, Mauguin. ANNALES du museum national d'histoire natu- relle. See Paris 3811.2 ANNALES generates des sciences physiques. See Bory de St. Vincent 2965.2 ANNALES medico-psychologiques : documents rel- atifs a 1' alienation mentale. 2e serie, v. 5, 6. 3e serie, v. 1-4. Paris, 1853-58. 8 . . . *5766.1 ANNALI [e nuove annali] di storia naturale, 1829- 1854, e rendiconto dell' accademia di scienze di Bologna. Bologna, 1829-54. 34v. 8. . *3878.1 ANNALI universal! di statistica. Luglio, 1824. Ot- tobre, 1849. v. 1-102 in 70v. Milano, 1824-49. 70v. 8 *3287.2 ANNALS and magazine of natural history. By Sir "VV. Jardine and others, v. 1-20. 2d ser. 1-20, and 3d se'r. v. 1-3. London, 1838-59. 43v. 8 *3816.2 ANNALS of electricity, magnetism, etc. See Stur- geon, W 3965.1 ANNALS of phrenology, v. 1, 2. Boston, 1833-35. 2v. 8 3600.22 ANNAPOLIS, Md. Eidgely, D. Annals of. . . . 2374.21 Naval academy. See United States. ANNE, Queen. Chambcrlen, P. The life and reign of 2519.4 Hamilton, C. Transactions during the reign of 2515.4 ANNE, T. Le courrier des theatres. See Theaulon de Lambert, M. E. G. M 4679 a. 25 ANNEMCNDUS, bp. of Lyons. Charta ad Lugdu- nense monasterium. [Migne. Patrologiae V.87] 3450.18 ANNESLEY, J. Diseases of India. London, 1825. 8 *3797.8 ANNESLEY. [A poem.] Drury.A. H 2567.18 ANNO, or Hanno, S., abp. of Cologne. Vita, auc- tore incerto. Diplomata. [Migne. Patro- logise v. 143] 3460.2-J ANN ONI 27 ANTHON Shelf. No. AXNONI, C. Osservazioni critiche sulla storia d 'Italia del eav. Luigi Boss!. Como, 1829. Gv. in 1. 12 2719.7 ANNUAIRE dc la bieufaisance. Societc Montyou . 2255.1 ANNUAIRE des deux mondes. T. 1-8. Paris, 1851 -1858. 8v. 8 *3193.3 ANNUAIRE clu bureau des longitudes. See France. 3919.1 ANNUAIRE et almanach du commerce et de 1 'Indus- trie, ou 500,000 addresses. Paris, 1842. 1857. 2v. 8 *2631.1 ANNUAIRE historique, [par C. L. Lesur, etc.] 1818- 1855. Paris, 1819-50. 38v. 8 *22C8.1 ANNUAL biography and obituary. Lond., 1817-37. 21v. 8. . , *2441.1 ANNUAL, register, The, or a review of history, pol- itics, etc, 1758-1858. Index 1758-1819. Lon- don, [1759]-1859. lOlv. 8 *2218.58 ANNUAL register and Virginian repository for 1800. Petersburg, Va. 12 2374.24 ANNUAL register. See American annual II. . . . 2326.1 ANNUAL reports of the Hindu college, Patshalla, Branch school, Sanscrit college, Calcutta Mudrussa, Russapuglah school. Calcutta, 1848. 8 3592.6 ANNUITIES. Baily, F. The doctrine of life annu- ities 3923.13 De Moivre, A. A. on lives, with tables . . . 3923. 20 Henry, J. Government annuity tables . . . 7072.7 Lee, W. An essay to ascertain the value of E. 171.12 Lubbock.J.W. On the calculation of . . . . 3921.16 Maseres, F. The principles of the doctrine of life A 3923.1 Milne, J. A treatise on the valuation of . . 3923.12 Simpson, T. The doctrine of E. 197.12 Thatcher, G. A treatise on 3923.9 See also: Assurance, Chance, Insurance, Proba- bilities, Reversionary payments. ANNUITY societies. Proposed rules for the estab- lishment of societies for granting govern- ment annuities. London, 1833. 8 .... 3570.61 ANNULOSA of So. Africa. Illustrations of the. Macleay,W.S 3870.19 ANONYMIANA. Observations on various authors and subjects. Pegge, S 2236.8 ANONYMOUS authors. Barbier, A. A. Dictionnaire des ouvrages anonymes 2144.2 Mylius, J. C. Bibliotheca anonymorum et pseudonymorum 2144.4 Placcius, V. Theatrum anonymorum . . . . 2140.1 Que>ard; J. M. Auteurs anon. deVoiles. v. 11 of 2103.1 See also : Pseudonymous. ANOPLURORUM Britannia monogr. Denny, H. . . 3893.2 ANQUETIL, L. P. Histoire de France jusqu'a la mort de Louis XVI. Continuee par J. P. Gallais. Paris, 1818-19. 13v. 8 2023.1 - Same. 4e ed. Paris, 1821. 12v. 8 ... *2629.4 L'esprit de la ligue ; les XVIe et XVIIe sieelcs. Nouv. ed. Paris, 1818. 2v. 8 . . 2047.9 L'intrigue du cabinet sous Henri IV. et Louis XIII. Nouv. ed. Paris, 1819. 2v. 8 . . . 2047.10 Louis XIV, sa cour et le Regent. Nouv. dd. Paris, 1819. 2v. 8 2047.11 Motifs des guerrcs et des traites de paix de la France, 1048-1783. Paris, 1797. srn.S . . . 4002.12 Precis dc 1'histoire univcrselle. Paris, 1823. 12v. 8 2215.2 ANSCHARIUS, S., monk of Hamburgh. Vita, auctore S. Remberto; Vita S. Willchadi, episcopi Bremensis. [Migne. Patrologiae v. 118] v.3of 3460.1 ANSELIN, N. I. B. Experiences sur la main d' ocuvre de diflercns travaux des ingenieurs. Boulogne, 1810. pp.98. 4 *4020.7 ANSELL, C. On friendly societies. Lond., 1835. 8 3570.44 ANSELLUS. Epistola ad ccclesiam Parisicusem. [Mignc. Patrologiae v. 102] v.2of 3400.37 ANSELLUS scholasticus. A'isio ; Musica opuscula. [Mignc. Putrologiae v. 151] 3400.29 Shelf. No. ANSELM, S., abp. of Canterbury. Opera omnia, labore et studio G. Gerberon. Ed. nova ac- curante J. P. Migne. Lutetiae Parisiorum, 1853-54. 2v. 8. [Patrologiae v. 158, 159] . . 3400.35 Contents. Pars. I. Operum S. Anselmi censura; Vita Anselmi auctore Eadmero; Dogmatica: dedivin- itatisessentiamonologium;rroslogion seu alloquium de Dei existentia; Liber pro insipiente auctore Gau- nilonc; S. Anselmi liber paologeticus contra Gaunilo- nem; De fide Trinitatis ct de incarnatione Verbi; De processione Spiritus sancti, contra Graces; Dialogua de casu diaboli; CurDeus homo; Liber de conceptu virginal! et original! peccato; Dialogus de veritate; Liber de voluntate; Dialogus de libero arbitrio; De concordia prosscientioG ct pra;destinationis; Dc nzymo etfermentato; De sacramentorum diversitate : Waler- anni epistola quae beato Anselmo scribendi argument- urn prsebuit; Responsio ad Waleranni querelas; Of- fendiculum sacerdotum; De nuptiis consanguineo- rum ; Dialogus de grammatico ; Liber de voluntate Dei. Pars. II. Ascetica ct paraenetica; Homilia: et exhort- ationes; Sermo de passione Domini; Exhortatio ad contemptum temporalium et desiderium aeter- norum ; Admonitio morienti ; Carmen de contemptu mundi; Aliud; Liber mcditationum et orationum; Meditatio super miserere; De pace et concordia; Tractatus asceticus; Oratio dicenda ante percepti- onem corporis et sanguinis Domini ; Salutatio ad Jesum Christum; Hymni ct psalterium de S.Maria; Versus de Lanfranco; De verbis Anselmi; Qusedam dicta utilia ex dictis S. Auselmi. Pars III. Epistolarum libri quatuor. See Guillon, M. N. S. Bibliotheque des peres. v.24 of 3508.2, v.34 of 3499.30 EpistolseXV. [Bouquet. Recueil, etc.] v. 15 of 2020.1 Hasse, F. R. Leben und Lehre 3557.9 Remusat, C. F. M. de. Tableau de la vie mo- nastique 3557.8 ANSELM, bp. of Havelberg. Liber de ordine canou- icorum regularium; Epistola apologetica pro ordine canonicorum regularium ; Dia- logorum libri tres. [Migne. Patrologiae y. 188] 3470.12 ANSELM, canon of Laon. Opera omnia quse extant. [Migne. Patrologiae v. 102] . . . . v. 2 of 3400.37 Contents. Enarrationcs in Cantica, in Matth- seum, in Apocalypsin; Epistola ad H. abbatem S. Laurentii Leodiensis. ANSELM, canon of Liege. Gesta episcoporum Tun- grensiuni, Trajectensium, et Leodiensium. [Migne. Patrologiae v. 139] 34C0.18 ANSELM, bp. of Lucca. Libri duo contra Guibertum antipapam ; Collectanea ; Collectio canouica. [Migne. Patrologiae v. 149] 3400.27 ANSELM, bp. of Milan. Privilegia. [Migne. Pat- rologiae v. 155] 3400.32 ANSELM, monk of Rlielms. Historia cledicationis ecclesiae S. Remigii apud Remos. [Migne. Patrologiae v. 142] 3400.21 ANSELM de Ribordimonte. Epistola ad Manassem archiepiseopum Remensem. [Migne. Pat- rologiae v. 155] 3400.32 ANSON, G., Ld. Voyage round the world, 1740-44. London, 1748. 4 2270.15 Life. Barrow, Sir J 2445.3 ANSPACH, margravine of. (Elisabeth n6e Berke- ley.) Memoirs, written by herself. Lon- don, 1820. 2v. 8 2542.5 ANSTER fair, [a poem.] Tennant, "W 2549.30 ANTANDER Syracusanus. See Fragmenta histori- corum Graecorum v.2of 3002.11 ANTARCTIC regions, Botany of the. Hooker, J. D. 3S41.1 ANTHEMIUS. Fragmenta. See Westermann. Scrip- tores mirabilium Grseci 2963.18 ANTHOLOGY, The. See Monthly anthology. ANTHON, C. A reply to the attack on Anthon's Greek reader, in the North American review for July, 1840. New York, 1840. 8 . . *Pph. v. 120 ANTHON, G. C. Displacement of the professor of the Greek lanLT. and lit. in the university of the city of N.Y. New York, 1851. 8 . . . 3592.23 ANTHON, H. The true churchman warned against the errors of the tune. N. Y., 1843. 8 . *Pph. v. 132 ANTHON 28 ANTISTHEXES Shelf. No. ANTHON, H. Sermon preached the Sunday after the decease of bishop Hobart. New York, 1830. 8 *Pph. v. 83 ANTHON, J. American precedents of declarations. New York, 1810. 8" 3692.3 ANTHONY, J. Trial for the murder of J. Green. 1814. Rutland, n.d. 8 *Pph. v. 45 ANTHROPOLOGY. See Man. ANTI-CHRIST. Prophecies relating to. Winthrop, J 3429.6 ANTIDOTES. Chaussier, H. Manuel pratique des contre-poisons 3788.11 See also : Poisons. ANTIDOTUS. See Poet. com. Graec. fragm. . . . 3002.14 ANTIGONE: [a tragedy.] Sophocles 3005.1 ANTIGONUS Carystius. Collectanea Graec. et Lat- ine cum notis. See Meursius, J. . . . v. 7 of 2210.2 Historic mirabiles. [Westermann. Scrip- tores mirabilium Grseci] 2903.18 ANTI-JACOBIN review and magazine. V. 1-20. London, 1798-1805. 21v. 8 *3170.2 ANTILLES. Dessalles, A. Histoire gdnerale des. 2312.5 Du Tertre, J. B. Histoire generate des . . . 2313.2 Poincy, L. de. Histoire naturelle et morale dea isles A 2313.4 Kegnault, E. Histoire des 2260.6 See also : West Indies. ANTIMACHUS: [fragmenta.] See Hesiodus. v. 2 of 2992.13 ANTI-MASONIC almanac, for N. England, 1829-35. Boston. 12' *Pph. v. 300 for 1837, by J. Gest. Phila., 1837. 12 . . *Pph. v. 300 ANTI-MASONIC conventions. Alabama. Proceed- ings of the adjourned meeting at Cahawba. Selma, Ala., 1830. 8 *Pph.v.2S9 - Proceedings and address at the meeting in Tuscaloosa co. Tuscaloosa, 1830. 8. .*Pph.v.289 Connecticut. Proceedings of state convention at Hartford, Feb. 3d and 4th, 1830. Hart- ford, 1830. 8 *Pph.v.289 Maine. Proceedings of state convention at Hallowell, Jan. 3, 4. Hallowell, 1834. 8. *Pph.v.289 Massachusetts. Debates and proceedings of the [flrst]-flfth convention. Boston, 1830-34. 8 *Pph.v.293,294,295 New York. Proceedings at Ballston, with address by J. W. Taylor. Ballston Spa, 1831. 12 *l'ph.v.298 - Proceedings of a convention held in Ca- yuga county, with address. Auburn, 1830, 1832. 8 *Pph.v.291,298 - Proceedings of a conv. of delegates from [several] counties. Rochester, 1829. 8. *Pph.v.293 - Proceedings of the Sangerfield meeting, Jan. 14, 1830. Utica, 1830. 8 *Pph.v.293 - Proceedings of young men of the county of "Washington, at Hartford. Union Village, N. Y. 1830. 8 *Pph.v.2S9 Ohio. Proceedings of the state convention at Canton, 21st July, n.p., [1830.] 12. .*Pph.v.298 Rhode Island. Proceedings of state conven- tion, Sept. 14, 1831. Prov., 1831. 12 . . *Pph. v. 298 Vermont. Proceedings of state convention. Reports, addresses, etc., 1830-33. Middle- bury and Montpelier, 1830-33 .... *Pph. v. 293, 295 United States. Proceedings, reports, debates, and addresses of lst-3d convention. Phila- delphia and Boston, 1830-32. 8 . . *Pph. v. 294, 295 ANTI-MASONIC newspapers, collected by H. Gas- sett. May 7, 1830-July 23, 1840. f *8000.3 ANTI-MASONIC tracts. No. 1. The penalties of masonry. Boston, n.d. 12 *Pph. v. 299 No. 2. Oaths and obligations. Boston, 1829. 12 *Pph. v. 299 No. 3. Renunciation of free masonry, by E. B. Rollins. Boston, 1829. 12 *Pph. v. 299 No. 4. M. Thachcr's address at Faneuil hall, Boston, 1829. 12 *Pph.v.299 No. 5. Masonic obligations unlawful. Bost., 1829. 12 *Pph.v.299 Shelf. X. ANTI-MASONRY. Address to the freemen of Massa- chusetts,"^ a freeman. Wore., 1832. 8 . .*Pph. v. 289 See also : Free masonry. ANTIMONY, Observations upon. Huxham, J. . . 3786.4 ANTINOMIANISM. Flavel, J. Rise and growth of v.3of 3472.4 Fletcher, J. Checks to 3455.1 ANTINORI, G. See Bernabd Silorata, P. Prose e poesie di Italian! viventi v.7,9of 4768.16 ANTINORI, L. A. Ad historiam Aquilanam iiitro- ductio. [Muratori. Antiq. Ital.] . . v. 16 of 2720.7 ANTIOCHIANUS. See Fragm. hist. Graec. . .v. 3 of 3002.11 ANTIOCHUS of Syracuse. See Fragmenta histori- corum Graecorum v. lof 3002.11 ANTIPHANES: [fragmens.] See Brumoy. Theatre des Grecs v.!6of 2905.4 See Poet. com. Graec. fragm 3002.14 ANTIPHON. See Baiter and Sauppe. Oratores Attici 2963.1 See Bekker, J. Oratores Attici v. lof 2905.1 Orationes. See Oratores Attici 2992.15 Orationes. See Reiske, J. J. Oratores Graeci. v.7of 2907.2 ANTIPHONARIUM Romanum, offlcio vesperarum accommodatum. Amsterdam, 1709. 12. . *4058.13 ANTIQUARIAN itinerary in Great Britain. London, 1815-16. 7v. 16 *2499.25 ANTIQUIS legibus, Liber de, cur. T. Stapleton. Londoniis, 1846. [Camden society, 34] . . *2416.34 ANTIQUITIES. Akerman, J. Y. Archaeological in- dex 2532.3 Bellori, G. P. Pictures antiquae cryptarum. 29. E. 1 Brand, J. Observations on popular A. . .2520.10,20 Caumont, A. de. Rudiments d' archeologie. 4095. 2,3 Champollion-Figeac, J. J. Archeologie. . . 2236.13 Copenhagen. Kong. nord. Oldsk. Selskab. Antiquarisk Tidsskrift 2832.2 Court de Gobelin, A. Monde primitif compare avec le monde moderne 2210.7 Didronaine' ) A. N. Annales archeologiques. 3361.1 Forsyth, J. S. The antiquary's portfolio . . 2520.30 Fosbroke, T. D. Encyclopedia of A. classical and mediaeval 2232.7 Fortia-d'Urban, F. X. Sur les murs saturni- ens ou ciclopeens 2236.11 Grose, F. The antiquarian repertory . . . . 2531.1 Koru, F. Symbolisches-Real-Wb'rterbuch fur Archaologen 3433.1 London soc. of antiq. Archseologia : or, mis- cellaneous tracts relating to A 3311.1 Montfaucon, B. de. L' antiquite expliquee . . 2220.1 Miiller, C. O. Archaeology of art 4072.9 Naples. RealmuseoBorbonico 4071.16 Quaranta, B. Guide du musee Bourbon. . . 4089.1 Remnants of feudal splendour, and monastic times 2499.30 Sims, R. Manual for the antiquary 2484.6 Spelman, H. Glossarium archaiologicum . 2930.2 Verstegan, R. Restitution of decayed intel- ligence in A 2520.31 Winckelmann, J. J. Monumenti antichi . . 4070.7 Wolf, F. A. Darstellung der Alterthums- wissenschaft 2211.7 - Vorlesungen iiber die Alterthumswiss- enschaft 2211.6 See also : Archaeological Institute, Architecture, Buddhist monuments, Cuneiform inscriptions, Finger rings, Gems, Inscriptions, Lamps, Manners and customs, Philology. ANTISELL, T. Improvement of the sanatory con- dition of the metropolis. Dublin, 1847. 8" 3767.29 ANTI-SLAVERY. See Liberator, National Era, Sla- very, also, the publications of various A. S. societies under the names of places where they are established. ANTISTHENES Atheniensis. See Baiter and Saup- pe. Oratores Attici 2963.1 See Bekker, I. Oratores Attici v.Sof 2965.1 See Reiske. J. J. Orat. Gr v.8 of 2967.2 AXTISTHENES 29 APOSTOLICAL Shelf. No. A.NTISTHENES Rhodius. See Fragmenta histo- ricorum Graec v. 3 of 3002.11 ANTISYNODALIA Americana, Animadversions up- on the. Allen, J 3540.23 ANTI-TRINITARIAN biography. Wallace, R. . . . 3553.7 ANTOLINI, F. Dei re d' Italia inaugurati o no con la corona ferrea opera tratta di L. A. Mura- tori e di C. Sigonio. Milano, ia38. 8. . . 2713.7 Kimario italiano. Compilato sul Kimario di Rosasco. Milano, 1839. 8 2771.5 ANTOLINI, G. Idee elementari di architettura civ- ile. Bologna, 1813. f *4100.25 Osservazioni ed aggiunte ai principii di archi- tettura civile di F. Milizia. Milano, 1817. 8 4072.17 ANTOLOGIA, giornale di scienze, lettere cd arti. Firenze, 1821-32. 48v. 8 *5244.1 ANTOLOGIA Romana. Roma, 1775-98. 24v. 4 . . *5264.1 ANTONELLI, G. Sulla vita e sulle opere di Giov. Inghirami. Firenze, 1854. 8 2745.2 ANTONI, S. degli. La congiura di Marco Bruto. f Teatro ital. del. sec. 18] v. 3 of 2778.1 ANTONINI, A. Dictionnaire italien, latin, et fran- $ois ; et franc,ois, latin, et italien. 4e e'd. Venise, 1755. 2v. 4 **E.202.12 Dizionario italiano-tedesco. 3a ed. Vienna, 1785. 8 **E.205.3 ANTONINUS (Augustus ?) Gibson, K. Comment upon the fifth journey through Britain. . . 2402.6 Itinerarium. See Itinerarium 2934.12 ANTONINUS Honoratus, bp. of Constantino. Epis- tola consolatoria ad Arcadium. [Migne. Patrologiae v. 50] v.2of 3440.21 ANTONINUS, M. Aurelius. De rebus suis: vers. Lat. nova, opera T. Gatakeri. Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1098. f *2920.2 Meditations, with Casaubon's notes. 4th ed. London, 1073. sm. 8 2979.22 Pense'es ou legons de vertu. Nouv. trad, par J. P. deJoly. 2deed. Paris, 1763. 16". . 2979.21 Commentarii. See Theophrastus 3002.7 Epistolae. See Fronto, M. C 2926.7,12 ANTONINUS Pius, T. A. F. Epistolarum reliquiae. See Fronto, M. C 292'3.7,!2 ANTONINUS Placentinus. Itinerarium terras sanc- tae. [Migne. Patrologize v. 72] 3450.12 ANTONIO da Ferrara. Canzone morale, f Fontani. Saggio di rime] 2794.8 ANTONIO di Boetio. Delle cose dell' Aquila, dal 1303 all' anno 1332. Poemi due. [Muratori. Antiq. Ital.] v.!6of 2720.7 ANTONIUS. Carmen adversus gentes. [Migne. Patrologiae v. 5] 3440.4 ANTONIUS, a monk. Vita S. Simeonis Stylitae. [Migne. Patrologiae v. 73] v. 1 of 3450.13 A.NTONIUS, N. of Seville. Disquisitio de pseudo- Liutprando. [Migne. Patrologiae v. 136] 3400.15 ANTOXIUS, P. Diarium Romanum, 1404-1417. [Muratori. Script, rer. Ital.] v.24of 2720.1 ANTONIUS Eparchus, of Corfu. Epistolae. [Larni. Deliciae eruditorurn] v.9of 4747.1 ANTONY, J. Geschichtliche Darstellung der Entstehung und Vervollkommnung der Or- gel. Minister, 1832. 12 4049.47 ANTS. Hist. nat. des fourmis. Latreille, P. A. . 3874.15 ANTWERP. See Anvers. ANUS. Ashton, T. J. Diseases of the 3790.34 Bushe, G. Diseases of the 3790.30 Copeland, T. Diseases of the 3790.32 Howship, J. Diseases of the 3700.20 ANVERS en 1S30, 1831 et 1832. Anvers, 1833. 8. . 2822.4 ANVILLE, J. B. B. d'. Compendium of ancient ge- ography. Transl. 1st Am. ed. New York, 1814. 2v. 8 22S6.9 Description de la Gaule a l'e"poque ou les Francs s'y ont etablis. [Leber. Coll. diss. hist, de France] v.2 of 2618.1 API: italiano dclle belle arti. Anno I-VI. Ro- ma, 1835-39. 5v. f *4080.5 APENNINES. Sopra il passaggio dell' Apennino fatto da Annibale. Amati, P 2755.10 Shelf. No. APHAREUS. See Baiter and Sauppe. Oratorcs Attici 2903.1 APHORISMS. See Maxims. APHORISJIEN. Goethe, J. TV. v 2909.3 APIITHONIUS Antiochinus, sophista. Progym- nasmata. [Autori del ben parlare] p. 4 v. 5 of 3590. 10 Progymnasmata. [Walz. Rhctores Graci 1,2] 2965.2 APION Oasita. See Fragm. hist. Gra:c.~. . v. 3 of 3002.11 APOCRYPHAL new testament. [Ed. by W- Hone.] Boston, 1832. 12 3418.4 APODOS, Los. Entremes. [Spanish interludes.] 3095.18 APOLLINARIS, C., bp. of Hierapolis, Fragmenta. [Migne. Patrologia Grteca. v. 5J 3490.3 APOLLINARIUS Laodicenus. Fragmenta commen- tarii in Lucam. [Mai. Scrip. vet. novacoll.l] 3000.1 APOLLODORUS Atheniensis. Bibliothecae libri tres. Illustr. C. G. Heyne. Gottingae, 1803. 8 2978.29 Bibliotheca et fragmenta. [Fragmenta hist. Graec.] v. 1 of 3002.11 Ad Apollodori bibliothecam observationes. Heyne, C. G 2978.30 APOLLODORUS Carystius. See Poet. com. Graec. fragin 3002.14 APOLLONIUS. Historia commentitia. [Seu his- toria mirabilis.] Meursius, J. v. 7 2210.2 Historic mirabiles. Westermann, A 2963.18 APOLLONIUS Alexandrinus Dyscolus. De con- junctionibus et deadverbiis. [Bekker. Anec. GraecaJ v. 2 of 2968.4 APOLLONIUS, an early Christian icriter. Frag- menta. [Migne. Patrologia Graeca v. 5] . 3490.3 Fragmenta. [Routh, Reliquiae Sacrae v. 1.] . 3513.9 APOLLONIUS Pergaeus. Conica. See Archime- des. Opera E.213.19 APOLLONIUS Rhodius. Argonautica. Cum notis Brunckii. Ed. nova. Lipsiae, 1810-13. 2v. 8 2978.34 Argonauticorum Lib. IV. Rec. L. Horstel. Brunsvigas, 1806. sm. 8 2979.16 Argonautics and life, translated by Fawkes. [Chalmers. Eng. poets] v. 20 of 2592.7 Argonautica. See Hesiodus 2992.13 Translations from the Argonautics, by G. West. See Pindarus vol. 1 of 2999.21 See Elton. Specimens of the classic poets. v. 1 of 2903.14 APOLLONIUS Sophista. Lexicon Homericum, ex recens. I. Bekkeri. Berolini, 1S33. 8 . *2978.32 APOLLONIUS Tyrius, Liny. Anglo-Saxon ver- sion of the story of A., with a translation, by B. Thorpe. London, 1834. 12 2587.0 Historia. [Erotici scriptores] 3002.10 APOLLOPHANES Atheniensis. See Poetarum comicorum Graec. fragm 3002.14 APOLOGIA dellc leggi di giurisdizione, amminis- trazione, epoliziaecclesiasticapubblicate in Toscana. Firenze, 1858. 16 3463.30 APOLOGUES. Hitopaddsa. A. traduit du Sanscrit 3025.33 Raccoltadi apologhi 2793.17 See also: Fables, Morals. APOLOGY for the catholics of Great Britain and Ireland. London, 1768. 12 3517.15 APOLOGY for the holy dead ; [by Laicus.] Albany, 1843. 8 *Pph. v. 137 APOPLEXY. Rochoux,J. A. Recherches surl' A. 3807.13 Copland, J. Causes, nature, and treatment of. 3799.2 East, R. Apoplexy in England 3794.22 APOSTLES, Lives of the. Cave, W 3553.2 APOSTLES' creed. Cavalca, D. Simbolo degli apostoli 3447.33 Cavalca, D. Esposizione del simbolo degli apostoli 3444.26 King, Sir P. History of the Apostles' creed, with critical observations on its several ar- ticles 3452.25 APOSTOLIC order. Apology for the advocates of. Hobart, J. H 3546.20 APOSTOLICAL constitutions, The, in Coptic, with a transl. by H. Tattam. London, 1848. 8. [Oriental transl. fund 63] *3021.6 APPARITIONS 30 ARATUS Shelf. No. APPARITIONS. Alderson, J. Essay on 3009.4 Beaumont, J. Treatise of. 3009.3 Ferriar, J. Essay upon 3009.12 Lenglet Du Fresnoy. Dissertations surles A. 3009.20 See Magic, Spirits, Visions. APPERLEY, C. O. Europe ; and other poems. London, 1833. 16 2549.10 APPERT, C. Le conservateur. See CarSme, A. . 4000.3 AFPIAN way. Delia via Appia. Pratilli, F. 31. . 2720.3 APPIAXUS. Historic Romanse ed. Schweighaeu- ser. Lipsise, 1785. 3v. 8" 2977.1 Historiarum Romanarum qu supers. Gr. Lat. Parisiis, 1840. 8. [Didot. Biblioth.Gr.] *2992.2 Epistolarum reliquiae. [Fronto. Epistolae.] 2926.7, 12 Fragmenta. [Mai. Scrip, vet. nova coll.] v. 2 of 3000. 1 Quze supersunt. See Polybius 3002. G De bellis Illyrieis. [Schwandtner. Script. rerum Hungaricaruin] v. 3 of 2810.2 APPIUS and Virginia. [Tragedy.] Dennis, J. . . 2575.14 APPLETON, D. and Co. Library manual. New Tork, 1852. 8 2142.3 APPLETOX, Jesse. Addresses at commencements, 1808-1818. Brunswick, 1820. 8. . **E.218. 12, 2406.1 Lectures, and occasional sermons. Bruns- wick, 1822. 8 3474.5 APPLETON, John, Funeral sermon on. See Rog- ers, J 3457.46 APPLETON, Nathan. Speech on the tariff. Ho. of Reps., 30th May, 1832. Washington, 1832. 8 **E.224.13 APPLETON, Nathaniel, D.D. Difference between a legal and an evangelical justification. Bos- ton, 1749. 8 *3458.15 Discourse after the death of Hon. F. Fox- croft. Boston, 1728. 12" *3457.48 Discourse after the funeral of Henry Flynt. Boston, 1700. 8 *3455.16 Sermon occasioned by the death of Rev. E. Wigglesworth. Boston, 1705. 8 *3455.16 Sermon occasioned by the death of the Hon. S . Phips. Boston, 1757. 8 *3455.50 Sermon occasioned by the surrender of Mon- treal and all Canada, Sept. 8th, 1700. Best., 1760. 8" *3455.16 Sermon preached after the death of the Rev. J. Leverett. Boston, 1724. 16 *3459.45 Sermon preached after the funeral of Mr. B. Wadsworth. Boston, 1737. 8 *3458.89 Two discourses after the funeral of Rev. E. Holyoke. Boston, 1769. 8 *3455.10 Two discourses preached after the funeral of Rev. J. Hancock. Boston, 1753. 8. ... *3450.01 APPLETON memorial. Jewett, I. A 2331.1 APPLICA/IONE del mutuo insegnamento alia mu- sica. Bologna, 1819. 8 *4055.45 APPUHN, C. A. Dissertatio inauguralis medica de cholera humida. Gottingse, n.d. 4.*M. Pph. v. 104 APSINES. /SteeWalz. Rhetores Graeci . . .v.9of 2965.2 APTERA. Mdmoirc apterologique. Hermann, J. F. 3880.3 APTHORP, E. Considerations on the Society for the propagation of the gospel. Boston, 1763. 8 35-44.19, *3456.53 Remarks on the mistakes of E. Aptliorp. [Mayhew, J. Observations on the Society for the prop, of the gospel] . . . *3456.53, *3544.19 APULEIUS Madaurensis, L. Opera omnia, cum an- imadv., etc. Fr. Oudendorpii. Lugduni Ba- tav., 1786-1823. 3v. 4 *2911.1 Content*. Vol. I. Metamorphoseon libri, notis D. Ruhnkenii. II. Florida, ct opera philosophica; Ac- ceduni apologia et fragmeuta, cum notis turn reli- quorum turn I. Cnsauboni, quibus suas adj. J. Bosscha. III. Appendix, continens P. Bcroaldi, J. Pricaei, J. Oruteri, Scipionis Gcntilisnotas, etc., etc., J. Boss- cha disputationem de Appuleii vita, scriptis, codicibus MSS. et editionibus, et indices necessaries. Les metamorphoses, ou Pane d'or [trad, par Compain de Saint Martin;] et le demon de Socrate. [Gamier. Voy. imaginaires, v. 33] 2666.1 Shelf. KG. APULEIUS, L. Caecilius Minutianus. Fragmenta de orthographia. [Juris civ. antejust. reliq.] 2925.17 APUS pisciformis, insect! aquatici species noviter detecta. Schaeffcr, J. C 3897.7 AQUEDUCTS. See Culverts, Lead diseases, "Water. See also under the names of various cities, particularly Albany, Boston, New York, Philadelphia. AQUIDNEC-K. [A poem.] Brooks, C. T 2399.40 AQUILA Romanus. De flguris sententiarum et elocutionis. [Autori del ben parlare. P. 2] 3590.10 ARABESQUE. Parallele entre les arabesques peiu- tes des anciens et celles de Raphael et de ses eleves, par J. I. Hittorff. [Gruner. Dec- orations de palais et d'eglises en Italic] . 27. E.I ARABIA. Geography and history. Autica civilta arabica. [Archivio stor. ital. Nuovaser. v.3. parte 2] 5245.2 Burckhardt, J. L. Travels in 3045.3 Cardonne, D. D. L' Afrique et PEspagne sous la domination des Arabes ...... 3049.7 Combes, E. Excursion dans PArabie heur- euse 3055.5 Desvergers, N. Histoire et description . . 2266.7 Fliigel, G. L. Die Geschichte der Araber . . 3049.9 Jomard, E. F. Etudes sur PA 3045.14 Laborde, L. E. S. Voyage de PArabie petrde. 3020.3 Marigny, L'Abb< A. de. Histoire des Arabes. 3049.0 Niebuhr, C. Reisebeschreibung nach A. . . 3042.6 - Beschreibung von Arabien 3042.7 Robinson, E. Biblical researches in A. Petraea. 3422.7 Rosemniiller, E. F. C. Biblical geography of. 3419.18 Riippell, E. Reisen in dein petraischen Ara- bien 3053.20 Valle, P. delle. Travels into Arabia deserta. 3041.7 Language, literature, etc. Arteaga, S. Delia influenza degli Arabi sull' origine clella poesia moderna 3034.26 Assemani, S. Sull' origine, culto, letteratura ec. degli Arabi 3034.19 Caspar! , C. P. Grammatica Arabica .... 3034.4 Clarke, A. Arabic grammars, lexicons, and writers. [Bibliog. misc. v.l] 2124.0 Djemal-Eddin Mohammed. Alflyya, ou la quintessence de la grammaire arabe . . . . 3034.5 Du Cange, C. du F. Extraits des manuscrits arabcs, et dissertations. [Petitot. Coll. mdm. hist, de France] . . . . Ser.l, v 3, of 2615.1 Freytag, G. W. Chrestomathia Arabica . . 3034.25 - Lexicon Arabico-Latinum 3031.1 HajiKhalfa. Lexicon bibliographicum . . . 2021.20 Handjeri, A. Dictionnaire arabe 3031.2 Kiesewetter, R. G. Die Musik der Araber . 4052.3 ARABIAN nights' entertainment. 1001 nuits, trad. par Galland. Nouv. ed. Paris, 1822-25. 6v. 8 3024.3 - Same. Translated by E. W. Lane. Lon- don, 1840-41. 3v. 1.8 3024.1 - Same. The barber's story of his fifth brother. Transl.by Lane. [Lend. n.d. 8].*Pph.v.l04 Remarks on the. See Hole, R 2549.4 AKACHNIDA. Hahn, C. W. Die Arachniden . . 3876.2 Koch, C. L. Uebersicht des Arachnidensys- tems 3876.3 ARACHNITIS. Parent-Duchatelet. Histoire do 1'A. 3801.9 ARAGO, D. F. J. The comet, in particular the C. of 1832. Tr. by Col. C. Gold. London, 1833. 16. 3929.18 The comet, [with] scientific notices of comets in general. New York, 1843. 4" .... *Pph. v. 327 Historical eloge of J. Watt, transl. with notes and appendix by J. P. Muirhead. London, 1839 **E.117.11 ARAGO, J. E. V. Promenade autour du moude, 1817-1820. Paris, 1822. 2v. 8" 2265.7 ARAROS. See Poetarum comicorum Gra;c. fragm. 3002. 14 ARATOR. Carmina. [Migne. Patrologiae v. 68] . 3450.9 ARATUS Sicyonius. See Fragm. hist. Graec . v. 3 of 3002.11 ARATUS Solensis. Astronomica. [Poetse bucolici et didactici] 3002.15 See Elton. Specimens of the classic poets v.l of 2963.14 ARATUS 31 ARCHITECTURE Shelf. No. ARATUS Solensis, continued. DC re astronomica ; Phaenomena et proguos- tica; Carmina. [Lemaire. Bibliotb. class. Lat. v.138, 140] 2912.1 ARBIB, L. Di alcuni passi delladivina commedia. See Centofanti, S 2802.11 AEHOGAST, L. F. A. Du calcul des derivations. Strasbourg, 1800. 4 **E. 191.6 ARBORIUS, A. M. See Lemaire. Biblioth. class. Lat. v. 135. Poetse satiricimin 2912.1 See Wernsdorf. Poetoe Latini min 2912.4 ARBUTHNOT, J. Essay concerning the nature of aliments. London, 1731. 8 3767.2 Tables of ancient coins, weights and meas- ures. Langwith's observations. 2d ed. London, 17S4. 4 2230.10 ARCADIA, [a poem.] Sanazzaro, J 4778.33 ARCADICO. See Giornale Arcadico. ARCADIUS, Hepl roixoi/ (de accentibus.) Ed. E. H. Barkerus et Boissonade. Lipsiae, 1820. 8". 2985.10 ARCANGELI, G. Poesie e prose. Firenze, 1857. 2v. 16 2809.5 Contents. Vol. I. Delia vitae delle opere di Ar- cangeli; Poesie ; Version! poetiche; Lucrezia, tragedia di F. Ponsard, voltata iu versi italiani; Lettere. II. Elogi di Gaspero Bencini; Andrea Francioni; Loren- zo Man cinii Mario Piori. Rapporti alia Crusca, e commemorazioni di V. Gioberti, C. Balbo, A. F. Ozanam, Basi, F. Cempini, G. Paver, A. Mai; Lezi- oni alia Crusca; Diseorso sulla nocessiti di riprendere gli studi classic!; Discorsi sopra la vita e opere di Virgilio e Cicerone; Guido delle Colonne; Sopra Gio- vanni da Verrazzano ; Memorie del capitano Mattauo da Cutigliano, del pievano Jacopo Lori di San Mar- cello; Di un manoseritte del capitan Domenico Cini di San Marcello; Elogio di A. Piermei; Biografia di G. Cenni; di B. Colti; di M. Soldati; di L. Corrieri; di G. Cini; di T. Ciui; di M. Giacomelli; C. Antoni- oli; di A. Pagnini; I. Jozzellij di P. Camici; O. Cat- ellacci; V.Peruzzi: L. Ciampolini. See Bernabo Silorata P. Prose e poesie di Ital- iani viventi. v. 1, 3 4768.16 ARCHADELT, G. Madrigali a quatro voci. Vene- tiis, 1543-46. 5v. 4 *4059.21 ARCHJEOLOGIA Americana. See "Worcester. Amer. antiq. soc 2311.1 ARCHAEOLOGICAL institute of Great Britain and Ireland. Memoirs of the county and city of York. London, 1848. 8 2505.14 ARCH.EOLOGY. See Antiquities. ARCHAMBAULT, P. J. Precis elementaire de phy- sique. Paris, 1855. 12 3905.10 ARCHDALE, J. Description of S. Carolina. See Carroll, B. R v.2 of 2375.1 ARCHEDICUS. See Poet. com. Graec. fragni. . . . 3002.14 ARCHELAUS. Notice. SeeGuillon. [Bibliotheque des peres v. 4 of 3508.2 v. 5 of 3499.30 Archelai et Manetis disputatio. [Routh. Re- liquiae sacrse, v. 5] 3513.9 ARCHENHOLZ, J. Memoires concernant Chris- tine reine de Suede suivis de deux ouvrages de cette savante princesse. Amsterdam, 1751-60. 4v. 4 *2841.8 ARCHENIIOLTZ, J. W. v. Gcschichte des sicbcn- jahrigcn Krieges. ote Aufl. Berlin, 1840. 2v. in 1. 8 2819.2 ARCHERY, [a poem. London,] 1793. 8. . . *Pph. v. 311 ARCHERY. Moseley, W. M. An essay on. . . . 4001.11 ARCHES. Barres du Molard, S. F. de. Moycn e'conomique de construire des arcs .... 4014.1 Bland, W. Construction of 4093.7 Boistard, L. C. La thdorie de l'e"quilibre . . 4012.19 Cresy, E. Equilibrium of 4010.6 Emy, A. R. Description d'un systeme d' arcs 4010.5 Hart, J. Practical treatise on oblique A. .4101.17, 18 See also: Vaults. ARCHIAC de Saint Simon, E. J. A. D. Vicomte d'. Histoire des progres de la geologic, 1834- 1855. Paris, 1847-50. Ov. 8 *38G3.8 ARCHIBALD, A. K. Poems. Boston, 1848. 16. . 2398.43 Shelf. No. ARCHILOCHUS. See Elton. Specimens of the classic poets, v. l 2903.14 See Gaisford. Poetae minores Grajci. v. 3 . 29G8.2 ARCHIMEDES. Opera, illust. et demonst. per I. Barrow; [also,] Apollonii coiiica ; Theodosii sphaerica ; lectiones astron. et geomet. auct. I. Barrow. London, 1675. 4 **E.213.19 Contents. De sphaera et cylindro lib. I.-IL; De circuli dimensione; De spiralibus, seu helicibus; Deconoidibus et spaeroidibus; De planorum aequi- libriis, sive centra gravitatum in plauis ; De aequipon- derantibuslib.I; De quadrature parabola;; Deaequi- ponderantibus liber II.; De insidentibus kumido lib. I. -II; Lemmata; De numero arena; ; Exoteriea. (Euvres trad, avec uu comment, par F. Pey- rard. Paris, 1807. 4 3912.1 Contents. Preface; Rapport sur les ceuvres d' Ar- chimede, par MM. Lagrauge et Delambre; De la sphere et du cylindre; DC la mesure du cerclc; Des conoides et des spkeroTdes, des helices; De IVquilibre des plans ou de leurs centres de gravitu ; De la quadra- ture de laparabole; L'arenaire; Des corps qui sont port's sur un fluide; Lemmes; Commentaires surles ceuvres d' Archimede; Miroir ardent par le moyen duquel on peut reflvchir et fixer, sur un objut en re- pos ou en mouveineut, les rayons solaires, en aussi grande quantite que Ton veut, par F. 1'eyrard; De I'arithmttique des Grccs. Arenarius et dimensio circuli, Gr. et Lat. See Wallis, J. Opera, v.3 3910.5 Delle cose che stanno sul liquido. See Rac- colta (moto dell'acque) v.3 3942.1 Notizie istoriche e critiche alia vita di A. See Mazzuchelli, G. M 3911.8 Theorems of the sphere and cylinder. See Euelides. Elements E.196.27 ARCHINUS. See Baiter and Sauppe. Oratores Attici 2963.1 ARCIIIPPUS. See Poetarum comicorum Graec. fragm 3002.14 ARCHITECTS. Dominico, B. de. Vite dei archi- tetti 4087.7 Felibien des Avaux J. F. De la vie et des ouvrages des plus celebres architeetes. . . 4061.17 Gould, J. Biographical dictionary of . . . . 4089.10 Marchese, V. Memorie dei piii insigni archi- tetti domenicani 4087.2 Milizia, F. Vite di antichi e moderni A. v. 4, 5 of 4072.15 Pascoli, L. Vite de' architetti pcrugini . . 4081.13 Vasari, G. Vite de' piu eccellenti A. v. 3-5 of 4087.8 ARCHITECTURE. Adam, R. and J. Buildings in Great Britain during the reign of George III. With designs for decorations. 125 plates 4050.15 Alberti, L. B. Delia architettura 4093.11 Algarotti, L. Lettere sopra architettura. v.3 of 2789.3 - Versuche iiber die Architectur 4059.9 Autolini, G. Idee elcmentari di architettura civile 4100.25 - Osservazione ed aggiunte ai priucipii di architettura civile 4072. 17 Baldinucci, F. Architettura 4076.2 Baltard. Paris et ses monumeus 2700.12 Barnard, H. School A 4102.28, 29 Barry, C. The travellers' club-house . . . . 4100.18 Billington, J. Architectural director .... 4082.2 Blondel, F. Cours d'A 4100.19 Boisseree, S. Denkmale der Baukuust am Nieder Rhein 4100.7 Borgnis, J. A. Traite" de construction appli- que'e a 1'architecture 4092.5 Britton, J. Architectural antiquities of Great Britain 4101.7 - Architectural antiquities of Normandy . 4101.4 Brown, R. Domestic A 4090.18 Builder (The) 3110.2 Cabillet, E. Album des edifices de Bordeaux. 4103.16 Calliat, V. Hotel de ville de Paris 2700.11 Carter, J. Ancient architecture of England. 4100.8 Caumont, A. de. A. civile 4095.3 ARCHITECTURE 32 ARCHIVIO Shelf. No. ARCHITECTURE, continued. Chambers, W. Decorative part of civil A. . 4092.1 - Dwelling houses for the humbler classes. 4102.25 Civil engineer and architect's journal . . . . 3200.1 Clochar, P. Palais, maisons et vues d'ltalie. 4100.12 Cotman, J. S. Architectural remains in Eng- land 4050.12 - Architectural antiquities of Normandy . 2700.1 Cottingham, L. N. Architectural ornaments and decorations 4100.10 Crelle, A. L. Journal fur die Baukunst .. . 4094.1 Dallaway, J. A. in England, from the Nor- man era to close of reign of Elizabeth . . . 4092.10 Davy, C. Architect's constructive manual . 4093.0 Dempsey, G. D. Details of stations, etc. . . . 4100.6 Durand, J. N. L. Parallele des edifices de tout genre 4050.6 - Precis des lecons d'architecture 4090.21 Fergusson, J. True principles of beauty in. 4092.4 - Ancient A. in Hindostan 3020.5 Five orders of 4092.2 Frdard de Chambray, R.Parallel of the ancient A. with the modern 4090.11 Gauthier, P. Lesplusbeaux edifices de la ville de GSnes 29. D. 1 Glossary of terms used in 4093.3 Gourlicr, P. C. Choix d'edifices publics en France 4050.8 Habershon, M. Ancient half-timbered houses 4100.22 Hittorff, J. I. A. antique de la Sicile . . . . 27. G. 2 - A. moderne de la Sicile 27. D. 2 Hope, T. Historical essay on 4092.8 Hosking, W. Treatises on building, masonry, etc 4101.24 Inwood, H. W. Fragments of Athenian A. . 3070.7 Jones,!. Architectural designs 4102.27 Knight, H. G. Architectural tour in Nor- mandy 4105.21 Krafft, P. C. Choix des plus jolies maisons de Paris 4100.4 Laborde, A. Monumens de la France .... 2700.8 Lamb, E. B. Ancient domestic A 4100.20 Lcgrand,J. G. Paris et ses edifices 4103.3 Lenoir, A. Statistique monumentale de Paris. -2700.7 Llaguno y Amirola, E. Arquitectos y arqui- tectura de Espana 4093.13 Lomazzo, G. P. Trattato dell' arte della A. 4072.3 London. Transactions of the royal institute of British architects 4101.26 London, J. C. Cottage, farm, and villa A. . 4093.1 - Country residences 4102.26 Mandar, C. F. Etudes d' A. civile 4050.3 Milizia, F. Saggio di architettura. . .v.9of 4072.15 - Principii di architettura civile. . v.6-8 of 4072.15 Missirini, M. Celebrita italiane nell' archi- tettura 4087.10 - Del tempio eretto in Possagno da Antonio Canova 4102.4 Mitford, W. Principles of design in 4095.1 Moller, G. Deutsche Baukunst 4100.14 Nicholson, P. The practical builder 4009.17 Normand, C. Parallel of the orders of . . . 4100.15 Normand, L. M. Paris moderne 4090.6 Owen, R. D. Hints on public A 4090.7 Palladio, A. Fabbriche e disegni 4080.2 - First book of 4096.9 - (Euvres completes 4100.16 Papworth, J. B. Rural residences 4102.10 Parker, C. Villa rustica 4090.15 Pennsylvania school A 4102.31 Percier, C. Maisons de plaisance de Rome . 4050.5 - Palais dessinds a Rome 4100.13 Pickett, W. V. New system of 4092.13 Piranesi, G. B. Opcre d' architettura . . . D.l.A-U Pugin, A. Technical terms descriptive of Gothic A 4101.5 - Details of antient timber houses 4101.12 - Noble edifices of the 14th and 15th cen- turies 4101.22 Shelf. No. ARCHITECTURE, continued. Quatremere de Quincy, A. C. De 1'architec- ture Egyptienne 4093.15 Ram Raz. A. of the Hindoos 3011.3 Richardson, C. J. A'l remains of the reigns of Elizabeth and James I 4050.4 Rickman, T. Styles of A. in England. . . . 4093.4 Robinson, P. F. Ornamental cottages and villas 4090.9 Rondelet, J. Traite de 1' art de batir . . . . 4091.4 Rossi, G. I. La libreria mediceo-laurenziana. 4100.9 Ruskin, J. Stones of Venice 4092.7 Santos, F. delos. Description of the Escurial. 4090.14 Scamozzi, V. Architettura univer sale. . . . 4093.16 Selvatico, P. E. Sulla architettura in Venezia. 4073.3 Sharpe, E. Seven periods of English A. . . 4102.16 Shaw, H. Details of Elizabethan A 4090.16 Soane, J. Designs for public and private buildings 4100.11 Stieglitz, C. L. Baukunst der Griechen und Romer 40%. 8 Tattersall, G. Sporting A 4102.23 Taylor, G. L. A'l antiquities of Rome . . . 27. B.I Toussaint, C. J. TraitcS d' A 4090.2 Tremont house, Boston, Description of . . . 4090.3 Trendall, E. W. Original designs, etc. . . . 4101.25 Turner, T. H. Domestic A. in England A.D. 1066-1400 4092.12 Vannini, G. Element! di arch, civile . . . . 4103.15 Vasari, G. Dell' architettura v.l of 4087.8 Vignola, G. B. da. Regola delli cinque ordini. 4100.17 Vitruvius Pollio, M. Architettura 4096.1 - Civil A 4090.1 - De architecture 2945.16 Waring, T. B. Examples of A. in Italy and Spain 4050.2 Weale, J. Catalogue of books on 2172.1 - Quarterly papers on 4091.6 Wiebeking, C. F. Von dem Einfluss der Baukunst 4092.6 Wiggington, W. Model town dwellings . . 4091.3 Wightwick, G. Modern English A 4101.13 Wilkins, A.W. Prolusiones architectonicse . 4090.8 - Essays on Grecian and Roman A 4090.8 "Willis, R. Architectural nomenclature of the middle ages 4092.3 - A. of the middle ages 4092.14 Winkles, H. Cathedral churches of England and Wales. 4102.1 Wolff, J. H. Beitrage zur ^sthetik der Baukunst 4093.2 Woods, J. Letters from an architect .... 4090.20 Zestermann, A. C. A. De basilicis 4012.5 See also: Acoustics, Arches, Baths, Buttresses, Carpentry, Cements, Church, Construction, Design, Encaustic tiles, Engineering, Gables, Gothic, Joinery, Marine, Masonry, Materials, Mortars, Naval A., Mili- tary A., Ornament, Prisons, Roofs, Terra-cotta, Tim- ber, Vaults, Ventilation, Warming. ARCHIV der Gesellschaft fur altere deutsche Ges- chichtkunde. See Hanover 3409.1 ARCHIV fur Anatomic, Physiologic und wissen- schaftliche Medicin. Miiller, J 3748.1 ARCHIV fur das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen. Herrig, L 3358.1 ARCHIV f iir Naturgeschichte. Wiegmann, A. F. A. 5839. 1 ARCHIV fur Padagogik. Jahn, J. C 3237.2 ARCHIVES curieuses de 1' histoire de France. See Lafaist, L 2017.1 ARCHIVES de la ville de Reims. [France. Monu- mens ine'dits] 2010.3 ARCHIVES des decouvertes et des inventions. 1809-1839. Paris, 1809-41. 31v. 8 .... *3277.2 AKCHIVIO storico italiano T. 1-1G. Nuova serie 1-6. Appendice 1-9. Indice della la ser. Firenze, 1842-^57. 38v. 8 *5245.2 Contents. Vol. I. Istoria florentina di Jacopo Fitti illustrata con document! c note. II. Uiario delle cose awenute in Siena dal SO Luglio 1550 al 28 Giu- gno 1555 scritto da Alessandro Sozzini con altre narra- AECHIVIO 33 ARCHIVIO f^hclf. No. AJSCHIVIO stor. ital., continued. zioni e document! relativi alia caduta di quellarepub- blica. III. Cronachc railanesi scrittc da Giovan Pi- fltro Cagnola, Giovanni Andrea Prato c Giovuii Mar- io Burigozzo ora per la prima volta puhblicatc. IV. Parte la, p. 2a. Vitc
  • . 2, v. 9 of 2011.1 Memoires. [Petitot. Coll. mem. hist, de France] ser. 2, v. 33, 34 of 2635.1 ARXAULD de Bonneval, I' abbe. Vic dc Saint Bernard, 1091-1154. [Guizot. Coll. nicm. hist, de France] v. 10 of 2618.2 ARXAULT, A. V. and others. Biographic nouvelle des contemporains. Paris, 1820-25. 20 v. 8 *2244.1 ARXD, E. Geschichte des Ursprungs uud der Ent- wickclung des franzosischen Volkes. Leip- zig, 1844-46. 3 v. 8 2628.2 ARXDT, J. De vero Christianismo. Francofurti, 1058-59. 12 3448.12 ARXELL, D. R. An address delivered to the Med- ical society of Orange county. New York, 1812. 8 *M.Pph.v.3 ARXETH, A. Das Leben des Grafen Guido Star- hemberg. "Wien, 1853. 8 2852.3 Prinz Eugen von Savoyen. Wien, 1858. 8. 2841.12 AKXF.TT, J. A. Books of the ancients, with a his- tory of book-binding. London, 1837. 16. 2115.7 AUXIM, L. A.v. "SVcrke. Hrsg. v. Grimm. Ber- lin, 1853-56. 22V. 8 *2905.2 Content*. Vol. I. Xovellcn : Isabella von Aegypten; Kaiser Karl des Fuutten crstc Jungendliebe, cine ARXIM 38 ARRIGO Shelf. No. , continued. Erzahlung; Meliick Maria Blainrille, die Hauspro- phetin aus Arabicu, cine Anekdote; Die drei lieb- reichen Schwestern und dcr gluckliche Farbcr, tin Slttengemalde; Angelika, die Gennescrin und Cos- mos, der Seilspringer. II. Die Ehenschmiede, No- vclleaus den Denkwurdigkeiten cines Naturforschers; DieVerkleidungen des franzosischenllofmeisters und seinea dcutschen Ziiglings, Novelle; Die Majorats- hcrren, Erzahlung; Owen Tudor, cine Reisc-gesch- ichte; Fiirst Ganzgott und Sanger Halbgott; Dcr tollo Invalide auf dem Fort Katonncau. Ill, IV. Die Kronen wachter, Novelle. V. Schaubiiline Jann's erster Dienst, cine Posse; Der Auerhahn, eine Gesch- ichte in vier Handlungen ; Das Friihlingsfest, ein Nachspiel; Missverstiindnisse, cin Lustspiel; Die Vertreibuug der Spanier aus Wesel im Jalire 1629, Schauspiel. VI. Das Loch, Oder daa wiedergefun- dene Paradies, ein Schattenspiel; Ilerr Ilanrei und Maria Tom langcu Markte, ein Pickelherings-spielj Der wunderthatige Stein, Ilauswurst-spiel; Jemand und Niemand, Trauerspiel; Die Appelmanner, Pup- penspicl; Die Capitulation von Oggersheim, hcro- isches Lustspiel. VH.-VIII. Armuth, Reichthum, Schuld und Bussc der Griifin Dolores, eine wahre Geschichte, mit Melodiecn. IX. Der Pfalzgraf ein Goldwascher; Die Kirchenordnung, Erzahlung; Raphael und seine Nachbarinnen, Erzahlung. X. Seltsamcs Begegnen und Wiedersehen, Erzalilung; Martin Martir, Erzahlung; Frau von Saverne, Er- zahlung; Juvcnis, Erzahlung; Die zerbrocheue Post- kutschc, [Text zu einer komischen Operettc]; Die Wcihnachts-Austellung, ein Schwank; Aloys und Rose; Franzosische Misccllen aus Wallis. XI.-XH. DerWintergarten.Novellcn. XlH-XIVi Des Knaben Wuuderhorn, alte dcutsche Lieder gesammclt von L. A. v. Arnim und Clemens Brentano. XV. Landhaus- leben, Erzahlungen. XVI. Halle und Jerusalem, Stu- dcntcnspiel und Pilger Abenteuer. XVII. Des Kna- ben Wunderhorn,alte deutsche Licdergcsammelt von L.A. v. Arnim u.Cl. Brentano, 4 Theil. XVIII. Schau- biihue; Der echte und der falsche Waldemar; Glinde, Burgermeister von Stettin, histor. Schauspiel; Der Stralauer Fischzug, Lustspiel. XIX. Die Papstin Johanna. XX. Markgraf Carl Philipp von Branden- burg, Trauerspiel; Die Glcichen, Schauspiel. XXT. DcsKnabenWunderhorn, alte deutsche Lieder gesam- melt von L. A. v. Arnim u. Clemens Brentano, mit Registern iiber sammtliche Bande der erstcn und letz- teu Ausgabc, nach A. v. Arnim's handschriftlichem Nachlass herausgegebeu von Ludwig Erk. XXTT. Gcdichte. ARNO. Scutum canonicorum ; Fragmentum ex libro contra Folmarum. [Migne. Patrolo- gisev. 104] v. 2 of 3470.10 ARNOBIUS Afer. Opera orania ad integras Con- stantii, Gallandii, Orellii edd. expressa, ac variorum notis instructa. [Migne. Patrolo- giae v.5] 3440.4 Contents. Notitia historica; Dissertatio praeviaj Adversus gentcs. See Guillon Bibliotheque des peres v. 4 of 3490.30. v. 3 of 3500.1 AENOBIUS, Junior. Opera omnia quas exstant. [Migne. Patrologiae v. 53] 3440.24 Contents. Conflictus de Deo trino et uno; Com- mentarii in psalmos; Annotationes in quaedam evan- geliorum loca. ARNOLD, G. Kirchen-und Ketzer-Hist. Franck- furt,1700. 2v. f *3550.3 ARNOLD, G. B. lst-7th semi-annual report of ser- vice as a minister at large in N. Y. New York, 1834-37. 16 3570.72 ARNOLD, I. F. K. Der angehende Musikdirektor, etc. Erfurt, 1800. 12 4050.20 ARNOLD, K. Customs of London, otherwise call- ed Arnold's chronicle. From the 1st ed. with add. incl. in the 2d ed. London, 1811. 4 *2480.2 ARNOLD, R. The reciprocal duty of physicians, and of the public. Address. Savannah, 1851. 8 *M.Pph.v.51 ARNOLD, T., D. D. Lectures on modern history. New York, 1843. 4 *Pph.v.327 ARNOLD, T., H.D. Observations on insanity. 2d ed. London, 180G. 2v. 8 3800.37 ARNOLD, T. K. First Latin book ; remodelled by A. Harkness. loth ed. New York, 1857. !*> 7080.11 Shelf. Xo. ARNOLD, T. K. First [and] second Latin book. Revised by J. A. Spencer. New York, 1844. 12 70S0.12 Gradus ad Parnassum novus anticlepticus. London, 1852. 8" 2032.5 Latin prose composition. Rev'd by J. A. Spencer. 8th Am. ed. New York, 1850. 12. 7080.8 ARNOLDUS, bp. of Halberstadt. Epistolas. [Mig- ne. Patrologiae v. 130] 3400.18 ARNOLDUS, monk. Scripta quae supersunt. [Mig- ne. Patrologiae v. 141] 3400.20 Contents. De miraculis ct mcmoria B. Emmeram- mi; Homilia de octo beatitudinibus; Descriptio cen- stium, proventuum ac fructuum ex prajdiis monaa- terii S. Emmerammi; Annales S. Emmerammi. ARNOT, D. H. Gothic architecture applied to modern residences. New York, 1851. 4.*4101.23 ARNOT, W. Race for riches. Am. ed. by S. Col- well. Philadelphia, 1853. 12 3578.2 ARNOTT, G. A. W. British flora. See Hooker, Sir TV. J 3850.19 ARNOTT, J. On indigestion, its pathology, and treatment. London, 1848. 8 *3700.22 ARNOTT, N. Elements of physics. 4th ed. Lon- don, 1820. 2v. 8 3003.2 - Same. v. 1. v. 2. pt. 1. Lend., 1832. 2v. 8 3004.20 ARNOULD, J. Law of marine insurance. 2d ed. with notes by J. Perkins. Bost., 1S50. 2v. 8. 3001.7 ARNULFUS, a Flemish preacher of the 2d crusade. Quomodo Ulixisbona capta est. [Migne. Patrologias v. 179] 3470.0 ARNULFUS, bp. ofLlsieux. Epistolae XXXI. [Bou- quet. Recueil,v.l<5] 2020.1 Opera omnia, accurante J. P. Migne. [Mig- ne. Patrologiae v. 201] 3470.23 Contents. Epistolse; Sermones; Tractatua de gchismate; Carmina. ARNULFUS, of Milan. Gesta Mediolanensium. [Leibnitz. Script, rerum Brunsvic. v. 3]. 2810.3 Gesta archiepiscoporum Mediolanensium. [Migne. Patrologiaj v. 147] 3400.25 Rerum sui temporis libri V. [Muratori. Re- rum Ital. script, v. 4] 2710.1 ARNULFUS, abp. of Rheims. Opuscula. [Migne. Patrologiaj v. 130] 3400.18 ARNULFUS, ofS. Giles. Tractatulus de difierentiis et generibus cantorum. [Gerbert von Hor- nau. Scriptores eccl. de musica sacra.]v.3 of 4041.7 AKNULFUS de Boeriis, a Cistercian monk of Laon. 12th cent. Speculum monachorum. [Mig- ne. Patrologiae v.180] 3470.7 ARON, P. See Aaron P. ARRAS, J. d'. Mclusine. Nouv. dd. par C. Brunei. Paris, 1854. 10 2009.2 ARRIANORUM fragmenta. [Mai. Scrip, vet. nova coll. v. 3] 3000.1 See also : Arians. ARRIANUS, F. Expeditions Alexandri libri VII. Illustr. Fr. Schmieder. Lipsize, 1798. 8 . . 2977.21 Alexaudri anabasis. Ed. C. G. Kriiger. Be- rolini, 1835-48. 2v. 8 2977.19 Anabasis et Indiea, emend. F. Diibner. Scrip- torum de rebus Alexandri fragmenta, et Pseudo-Callisthenes. Gr. Lat. ed. C. Miil- ler. Parisiis, 1840. 8. [Didot. Biblioth. grecque, 18] *2992.6 See Fragmenta historicorum Graecomm, v.3. 3002.11 Indiea et Ponti periplus. [Geographi Gr. minores. Didot. Bib. grecque] 3002.12 See Ramusio, G. B. Raccolta delle naviga- zioni et viaggi. v. 1,2 2200.2, 2270.9 ARRIGHETTI, N. Cose giocose. [Dati. Prose fiorentine, v. 12.] 2787.1 Orazione. [Dati. Prose fiorentine, v. 2-4] . 2787.1 ARRIGO di Abbate ovvero la Sicilia dal 1290 al 1313. Cesare, G. de 4777.34 ARRIGO da Settimello. Trattato contro all' avver- sita della fortuna. Firenze, 1730. 8 . . 2793.15 Lettera di D. M. Manni : Carmina de divcrsitate fortuna; ct philosophia: consolatione; Trattato contro all' avversiti della fortuua. ARRIVABENE ARTUSI ShclC No. ARRIVABENE, F. II secolo di Dante. T. 1-2. 2a ed. arrichita di tutte 1' illust. storichc da U. Foscolo. Firenzc, 1830. 2v. 10 .... 2809.9 ARRIVABENE, Count J. Letter on the manage- ment of the poor in Belgium. See Cam- eron, C. H 3570.C5 ARROWSJIITII, Rev. J. Tactica sacra, sive de milite spiritual!, dissertatio. Cantabrigiae, 1657. sm. 4" *3444.12 AUROWSMITH, J. Official map of railways in Eng- land and Scotland. See Great Britain . . . 2480.8 ARSENIUS. Epistolae. [Lami. Deliciae eruditorum, v. 9] 4747.1 ARSENNE, L. C. Manuel du peintre et du sculp- teur. Paris, 1833. 2v. 16 [Manuel Roret.] 4067.38 ART. Allston,W. Lectures on 4072.14 Clarac, C. O. F. J. B. de. Histoire de 1'A. chez les anciens 4089.11 Forster, E. J. Geschichte der deutschen Kunst 4064.19 - Beitrage zur neuern Kunstgeschichte . 4072.12 Greeley, H. Art at the crystal palace, N. Y. 4035.8 Gruner, L. Specimens of ornamental A. . . D. 3. M. Harding, J. D. Principles and practice of. 4060.11 Humphreys, H. N. Ten centuries of . . . . 4071.10 Jameson, A. Legends of the Madonna . . . 4006.3 - Legends of the monastic orders 4066 . 2 - Sacred and legendary A 4066.4 Manuale storico dell' arte 4077.34 Moke, H. G: Les splendours de 1' A. en Bel- gique 4071.11 Miiller, C. O. Ancient A. and its remains . 4072.9 Passavant, J. D. Tour of a German artist in England 4089.0 Robert, C. Essai d'une philosophic de 1' A. . 4072.5 SLTOUX d' Agincourt, J. B. L. G. Histoire de 1' A. paries monumens, auXVIe. siecle . . 4080.1 Trollope, E. Illustrations of ancient A. . . 4071.9 Waagen, G. F. Treasures of A. in Great Britain 4087.1 Winckelmann, J. J. Monumenti antichi. . . 4070.7 - History of ancient A 4074.9 See also: Esthetics, Artists, Arts, Beauty, Fine arts, Picturesque beauty, Taste. ART de verifier les dates, avant 1' ere Chrdtienne. Imprime par M. de St. Allais. Paris, 1819. 5v. 8 *2214.1 ART de verifier les dates, depuis notre Seigneur. Reimp. par M. de St. Allais. Paris, 1818- 1819. 18v. 8 *2214.2 ART de verifier les dates depuis 1770. Publ. par de Courcclles. Paris, 1821-29. 8v. 8 ... *2214.3 ART de verifier les dates. L'Amerique, par D. B. Warden. Paris, 1826-44. lOv. 8" *2214.4 ART of angling. London, 1653. Reprinted Leeds, 1817. 8 *Pph.v.307 ART of preserving the feet ; or instructions for the prevention and cure of corns, bunions, etc. London, 1818. 12 *M.Pph.v.l27 ARTAUD de Montor, A. F. Histoire du pape Le"on XII- Paris, 1843. 2v. 8 3552.10 Machiavcl, son gdnie et ses errcurs. Paris, 1833. 2v. 8" 2805.2 and La Salle, A. E. G. de. Italie et Sicile. Paris, 1842. 8. [L'Univers] 2260.20 ARTAVASDES rex Armeniae. See Fragmcnta his- toricorum Graecorum v. 3 of *3002.11 ARTE militare, di varii autori. Venezia, 1840. 16. 3954.12 ARTEAGA, S. Delia influenza degli Arabi sull' origine della poesia moderna in Europa. Roma, 1791. 16 3034.26 ARTERIES. Bell, C. Engravings of the 3740.5,7 Guthrie, G. J. Diseases and injuries of . . . 3803.23 Hodgson, J. Diseases of the 3803.22 - Engravings illustrative of 3800.18 Quaiu, J. Anatomical plates illustrating the. 3740.20 Ouain, R. Anatomy of the 3741.7 iloux, Ph. J. Maladies des art^res 3741.8 See rtlfo: Aneurism, Blood, Blood-letting, Hemor- rhage, Pulse, Veins. Shelf. X o. ARTESIAN wells. Essay on the art of boring the earth for the flow of water. New Bruns- wick, 1826. 8 *Pph.v.70 ARTETA, A. Tratado mctodieo para la educacion fisica & intelectual de los iiiiios. Valencia, n.d. 8 **E. 219.7 ARTHALDUS. Epistolae ad synodum Ingelheimen- sem. [Migne. Patrologiae v. 133] 3400.12 ARTHUR. The byrth, lyf, and actes of kyng Ar- thur, thachyeuyng of the sane greal, and le mort d' Arthur. With introd. and notes by R. Southey. London, 1817. 2v. 4" .... *2603.5 ARTHUR Carryl: [a novel in two cantos.] Os- borne, L 2398.8 ARTICOLI estratti dall' "Armonia della religione colla civilta," e dal "Courrier de la Gironde," etc. Roma, [1849.] 8 *4745.4 ARTICOLI estratti dal " Courrier de la Gironde e la Espagna." Aflari di Roma. Roma, 1849. 8. *4745.4 Contents. Influenza del pontificate sopra la gran- dezza dell' Italia cenni del Bar. d' Eckstein; Ilpen- siero di Pio IX. ; I profeti del secolo XIX. del P. Ga- etano Aliinonda; Sul dominio temporale del papi; Soluzione degli affari di Roma. ARTICULATA. See Annulosa, Arachnida, Crusta- cea, Entomology, Entozoa, Gammarus, Hel- minthology, Leech. ARTILLERY. Cibrario, L. Artiglierie dall 1300 al 1700 4749.5 Hutton, C. Force of gunpowder with appli- cations to E. 197.1 Lacroix, I. A. de. French field exercises . . 3954.0 Mallet, R. Construction of 3951.5 Piobert, G. Traite" d' A 3953.17,18 Poisson, S. D. Formules relatives aux efiets du tir d' un canon 3953.19 See also : Drill, Explosive compounds, Fire arms, Gunnery, Gunpowder, Projectiles. ARTISTS. Baldinucci, F. Notizie del professor! del disegno 4087.3 Boni,F.de. Biografia degli artisti 4081.4 Dominici, B. dc. Vite dei pittori napoletani. 4087.7 Gaye, G. Carteggio inedito d' artisti dei se- coli 14, 15, 16 4072.1 Gould, J. Biographical dictionary of . . . . 4089.10 Marchese, V. Memorie dei piu insigni artisti domenicani 4087.2 Pascoli, L. Vite de' artisti perugini 4081.13 Ricci, A. Artisti del la marcad' Ancona. .. 4087.6 Sillig, J. K. Dictionary of A. of antiquity . 4084.4 Ticozzi, S. [Dizionario degli] artisti. . . . 4081.16 See also: Architects , Art and Fine arts, Engravers, Musicians, Painters, Sculptors. ARTIZAN, The, v. 12-17. 1854-1859. London, 6r. 4 *5170.2 ART-JOURNAL, The, v. 6. New series, v. 1-4. Lon- don, 1854-1858. 5v. 4 *5160.1 ARTMAN, W. and Hall, L. V. Beauties and achievements of the blind. Auburn, 1858. 12. 2246.6 ARTOIS, Vallet d', Manuel du fabricant de gants. 2e ed. Paris, 1835. 16. [Manuel Roret] . . 4019.25 ARTS. Amoretti, C. Opuscoli scelti sulle arti . 3914.1 Barlow, P. Encyclopaedia of 4031.1 Brande, W. T. Dictionary of 4031.4 Carena, G. Vocabolario d' arti 2784.17 Coxe, J. R. Emporiumof E.211.24 Franco3ur, L. Dictionnaire universel des A. 4035.1 Gcethals, M. F. V. Histoire des A. en Belgique. 2886.4 Handmaid to the 4072.13 Harris, J. English dictionary of E.201.3 Messager des arts de la Belgique 3319.1 Kewton, W. Journal of 4026.8 Zanetti, G. F. Origini di alcune arti principal!. 4076.5 See also : Art, Artists, Fine arts, Technology, Use- ful arts. ARTS and artisans. Symons, J. C 3658.1 ARTS of design in the United States. Dunlap,W. . E. 115.4 ARTUSI, G. M. L'. Arte del contrapunto. Vene- tia, 1598. f *4051.10 Delle imperfettioni della moderna musica. Ragionamenti due. Novam. stamp. Vene- tia, 1COO. sm.f *4052.22 ARUNDELL 40 ASSOCIATION Shelf. No. ARCNDELL, F. V. J. Discoveries in Asia Minor. London, 1834. 2v. 8 3045.4 ASCAEICUS. Epistola. [Migne. Patrologiaj v. 99] 3450.24 ASCARIS acuminata. Bagge, H. Dissertatio de evolutione A. a 3874.2 ASCENSION island, Sufferings of a Dutch sailor on. 2374.19 ASCHAM, A. Confusions and revolutions of gov- ernments : how farre a man may conforme. London, 1049. sm.8 *3569.20 ASCHAM, R. English works. New ed. London, 1815. 8 2009.1 Contents. Life of Ascham, by Dr. Johnson; Report and discourse of the affairs and state of Germany; Toxophilus, the school or partitions of shootings Ded- ication to Queen Elizabeth; The schoolmaster; Let- ters. The schoolmaster : a perfect way of teaching the learned languages. Improved by James Upton. London, 1743. 8 3596.10 ASCHLUND, A. Om compassets Mis-viisning. The variation of the compass. [Danish and English.] Copenhagen, 1831. 8 . . . . **E. 110.71 ASCLEPIADES Myrleanus. See Fragmenta his- toricorum Graecorura v.3 of 3002.11 ASCOLI, Cecco d'. See Stabili, F. ASH, J. New and complete dictionary of the En- glish language. 2d ed. London, 1795. 2v. in 1. 8 *2584.21 ASH, T. Description of Carolina. See Carroll, B. R. 2375.1 ASIIANTEE, Mission to. Bowdich, T. E 3051.10 ASHBURTON, Lord. See Baring, Sir A. ASHE, T. Travels in America in 1806. Newbury- port, 1808. 12 *2361.22 ASHER, A. Bibliogr. essay on the collect, of voy- ages by Hulsius. Lond. and Berlin, 1839. 4. *2177.4 ASHLEY, J. Sermon on the great duty of charity. Boston, 1742. sm.8 *3458.47 ASHMOLE, E. History and antiquities of Berk- shire. Reading, 1736. 4 *2461.4 ASHMUN, J. Memoir of Rev. Samuel Bacon. Washington city, 1822. 8 2344.9 Bacon, L. Discourse at the funeral of . . Pph. v. 76 ASHTON, T. J. On diseases of the rectum and anus. London, 1854. 8 *3790.34 ASHWELL, S. Diseases peculiar to women. Bos- ton, 1843. 8 *377G.37 Parturition. [With papers by Blundell.] Lon- don, 1828. 8 *3776.3 ASIA. Abu Taleb Khan. Travels in 2274.3 Bell, J. Travels to divers parts of 3062.1 Buchanan, C. Christian researches in . . . . 3534.12 Calcutta society instituted in Bengal. Re- searches into the history and antiquities of. 3400.2 Drummond, A. Travels through parts of. . . 2270. 1 Heeren, A. H. L. Historical researches, etc. 3042.14 Humboldt, F. H. A. v. Fragmens de geologic etde climatologie asiatique 3864.8 - Fragmente einer Geologic und Klimat- ologie Asiens 3864.9 Kaempfer, E. D. Observations et descripti- ones rerum Asiae ulterioris 3042.15 Klaproth, J. Tableaux historiques de 1'Asie. 2284.7 Lithgow, W. Travels and voyages through. 2273.3 Lucas, P. Voyage fait en 1714, etc 2277.11 Murray, H. Discoveries and travels in ... 2265.2 Napier, E. Wild sports in 3048.2 New York. Astor library. Catalogue of books relating to the languages of Asia . . 2132.7 Pallas, P. S. Voyage dans 1'Asie septen- trionale 3001.5 Remusat, J. P. A. Nouveaux melanges asia- tiques 3044.4 Rosenmuller, E. F. C. Biblical geography of central A 3419.17 Russegger, J. ReiseinAsien 2261.4 Sullivan, R. J. Laws, etc., of Asiatic na- tions 3044.1 Ternaux-Compans, H. Catalogue des ouv- rages relatifs al'Asie 2151.5 See also: Oriental translation fund. Shelf. No. ASIA Minor. Arundell, F. V. J. Discoveries in . 3045.4 Beaufort, F. Descript. of the south coast of. 3083.3 Belgiojoso, C. T. de. Souvenirs de voyages. 3045.16 Kinneir, J. M. Journey through 3045.5 Leake, W. M. Tour in 3075.7 Rosenmullcr, E. F. C. Biblical geography of. 3419.18 Ross, L. Kleinasien und Deutschland . . . 3071.14 ASIATIC journal, v. 1-28. New series, v. 1-40. 3d ser. v. 1-4. 4th eer. v. 1, No. 1. London, 1816 -1845. 72v. 8 *3318.1 See Paris. Socidtd asiatique. Journal . . . 3317.1 ASINIUS Quadratus. See Fragm. hist. Graec. v.3 of 3002.11 AsiOLi,B. Osservazioni sul temperamento pro- prio degP istromenti stabili. Milano, 1816. 8. [Dehn's mus. pamph.] *4057.12 Principj elementari di musica. Genova, 1811. 8". [Dehn's mus. pamph.] *4057.12 Asius. Fragmenta. See Hesiodus. [Didot. Bib- liotheca Graeca.] 2992.13 ASPASIUS Byblius. See Fragm. hist. Graec. v. 3 of 3002.11 ASPERUS. See Lindemann, F. Corpus grammat- icorum Latinorum v. lof 2912.10 ASPHYXIA. Coley, H. Med. jurisprudence . . . 3787.12 Curry, J. On apparent death, and the means for recovery 3808.1 Fothergill, A. Preservation of the appa- rently dead 3808.3 Kite, C. Recovery of the apparently dead . 3808.2 Orflla, M. J. P. Secours a donner aux as- phyxies 3808.4 - Treatment of persons in a state of appa- rent death 3789.3,4 - Treatise on asphyxies 3789.1 Portal, A. Sur le traitement des asphyxies. 3789.4 ASPINALL,, J. Roscoe's library, or old books and old times. London, 1853. 16 2124.7 ASPINWAL, S., Sermon on the decease of. Allin, J 3450.42 ASSASSINS. Hammer-Purgstall, J. von. Histoire de 1' ordre des Assassins 3083.2 - History of the 3045.22 Joinville, J. de. History of the 2641.2 ASSEMANI, G. S. Bibliotheca juris orientalis, ca- nonicae et civilis ecclesiae Gr.-ecae. Romse, 1762-63. 3v. 4 #3611.1 ASSEMANI, S. Saggio sull' origine, culto, lettera- tura e costumi degli arabi. Padova, 1787. 8 3034.19 AsSERius. De rebus gestis ^Elfredi. [Great Brit- ain. Record commission. Mouum. hist. Br.] 70;o.7 ASSHETON, N. Journal, 1617 and 1618. Ed. by F. R. Raines. 1848. sm.4. [Chetham soc. v-14] *2415.6 ASSISTANT, The, of the ministry at large. Ed. by W. H. Hadley and J. Ritchie. Semi- monthly. Portland, Me., and Roxbury, Mass., 1850-52. 2v. 1. f *8040.2 ASSOCIATE presbyterian church, The. Remarks on the rise and standards of that society. Whitehall, 1807. 12 *Pph. v. 212 ASSOCIATE reformed church in North America. Overture for government, worship, and dis- cipline. New York, 1796. sm. 8 3458.59 ASSOCIATION de la propagation de la foi. Annales. Paris and Lyon, 1827-58. 30v. 8 *3538.1 ASSOCIATION of American geologists and natural- ists. Reports of the 1st, 2d, and 3d meet- ings, 1840-42. Boston, 1843. 8 *3S03.3 Note. For continuation see American association for advancement of science. ASSOCIATION for the exhibition of the industry of all nations, 1853. Official catalogue. New York, 1853. 12 2329.13 ASSOCIATION. Brisbane, A. Doctrine of .... 3505.5 Dana, C. A. A lecture on A. in its connection with religion 3505.6 Dwight, J. S. A lecture on A. in its connec- tion with education 3565.6 See afeo : Socialism. ASSOLLANT 41 ASTRONOMY Shelf. No. ASSOLLANT, A. Scenes de la vie des Etats-Unis. Paris. 1850. 12 2304.17 Contents : Acacia ; Les Butterfly ; Une fantaisie amtricaine. ASSUKKARI. See Abu Said Alhassan ben Alhos- sain. ASSURANCE. See Insurance. ASSYRIA. Hoefer, F. Histoirc et description de 1'Assyrie ' 2266.10 ASSYRIAN history, collected from the cuneiform inscriptions. Rawlinson, II. C 3034.12 ASTACUS. Entwickelung des Hummereies. Erdl, M. P 3871.4 ASTACUS fluviatilis. Entwickelung des Flusskrcb- ses. Rathke, H 5860.9 ASTEREARUM genera et species. Nees von E sen- beck, C. G 3859.13 ASTERIAS. Miiller, J. and Troschel, F. H. Sys- tem der Asteriden 3871.6 Tiedemann, F. Anatomic des pomeranzenfar- bigen Seesterns 5S60.2 ASTERIUS, S. See Guillon, Bibliotheque des peres v. 5 of 3508.2, v. 6 of 3409.30 ASTESANUS, A. Carmen de varietate fortunae. [Muratori. Rerum Ital. script, v. 14] . . . 2710.1 ASTHMA. Beddoes, T. Letters on, etc. . M. Pph. v. 108 Bree, R. Causes and indications of convulsive. 3795.17 Scudamore, Sir C. Inhalation in 3794.5 ASTLE, T. Origin and progress of writing. 2d ed. London, 1803. 4 *2110.9 The antiquarian repository. See Grose, F. . 2531.1 ASTOLFI, A. A. See Bernabo-Silorata, P. Prose e poesie di ital. viventi v.2 of 4768.16 ASTOR library. See New York. ASTORIUS, J. A. See Sallengre. Thesaurus antiq. Rom. v.2 2950.2 ASTRAGALUS. Candolle, A. P. de. Astragalogia. 3850.4 Pallas, P. S. Astragalorum species dcscriptas. 3840.3 ASTROLOGY, Elements of. Page, E. P E. 110.22 ASTRONOME, Anonyme, dit 1'. Vie de Louis le Debonnaire. [Guizot. Coll. mem. hist, de France] v. 3 of 2618.2 ASTRONOMICAL discoveries. Kepler, J E. 186.24 ASTRONOMICAL ephemeris. [Great Britain, Nau- tical almanac] E. 138. 1 ASTRONOMICAL instruments. Abu'l Hhassan AH. Instruments astronomiques des arabes . . 3921.7 Schuhmacher, H. C. Ucber den Apparat, zur Messung der Basis bei Braack. [1820] . . . E. 180.2 ASTRONOMICAL observations. Cambridge univer- sity E. 150.1 Great Britain, Roy. observ. Greenwich. . .E. 120.1 Harvard college. Annals of astronomical observatory of Harvard college E. 144.6 Herschel, Sir J. F. W. A. obs. at 1 he Cape, 1834-38 3921.2 ASTRONOMICAL tables. Bessell, F. W Tabulae Regiomontanse E. 151.10 Burckhart, J. Ch. Tables astr E. 186.9 Delambre, J. B. J. Tables astr E. 186.12 - Tables ccliptiques des satellites de Jupi- ter E. 183. 10 France. Nouvelles tables astr E. 183.9 Garnett, J. Tab. to be used with the Nautical ephemeris E. 180.20 Halley, Ed. Tabulae astronomicae E. 184.6 Mayer, T. Tabulas ruotuum solis et luna: . . E. ISO. 5 Mendoza y llios, J. de. Tables for facilitating the calculations of nautical astronomy . E. 185.3,4 Schumacher, H. C. Astronomische Iliilfs- tafeln 3929.2 Stansbury, D. Tables to facilitate nautical astronomy E. 184.7 Tables astronomiques. See Paris. Academic royale des sciences 3261.3 Tables astronomiques par Phillipe de La Hire. See Paris. Academic royale des sciences . . 3261.2 Ward, E. C. New lunar tables E.100.6 Zach, F. v. Tables d' aberration et de nuta- tion E. ISO. 10 Shelf. No. ASTRONOMICAL tracts. See Airy, G. B.; Hcrschel, Sir J. F. W.; Lubbock, J. W. ASTRONOMY. Adams, G. General principles of. E. 187. (5 Airy, G. B. Progress of A. during the pres- ent century E. 198.25 Alembert, J. le R. d'. Pr6c. des equinoxes. E. 195.17 - Systeme du monde E. 195.16 Bailly, J. S. Histoire de 1' astronomic . . . 3931.2-4 Barlow, P. Astronomy 3921.23 Bessel, F. W. Fundamenta astronomiae . . E. 182.4 Biot, J. B. Elementary chapters in. ... 3922.11 - Elementary treatise on E. 160.10 - Traite elementaire d' astr. physique . . . "'.)>,'. ".7 Bodc,J. E. Astronomisches Jahrbuch . . . E. 179.2 - Zur Kenntniss des gestirnten Himmcls . 3929.12 Bonnycastle, J. Introduction to E. 189.7 Borda, J. C. Description et usage du circle de reflexion E. 171. 18 Boscowich, R. J. Nouveaux ouvrages sur 1' astronomic 3912.2 Bradford, D. Popular view of 3920.5 Chalmers, T. Christian revelation in con- nection with 3441.25 Christie, J. R. Elements of 3922.12 Comte, A. Traite philosophiquc d' astrono- mic populaire 3922.16 Dam, P. A. N. B. L' astronomic, [poe'me en six chants] E. 188.12 Delambre, J. B. J. Abr. ATTORNEY'S compleat pocket book. 5th ed. Lon- don, 1764. 12 3634.10 ATTRACTION. Gauss, C. F. Determinatio attrac- tionis quam in punctum quodvis positionis data; exerceret planeta E. 186.23 Smythies, J. K. Essay on the theory of. E.211.3 Zach, F. v. L' attraction des montagnes et ses efiets stir les fils a plomb ou sur les ni- veaux des instrumens d' astronomie . . E. 213.20 ATTRIBUTE der Heiligen alphabetisch geordnet. Hannover, 1843. 8 3557.6 ATTUCKS, C. Trial of British soldiers for the murder of. See American revolution . . . 2326.14 ATWOOD, G. On the rectilinear motion and rota- tion of bodies. Cambridge, 1784. 8 . . **E. 171. 19 AUBIGNAC, abbe d\ See Hedelin, F. AUBIGNE, T. A. d'. Les aventures du baron de Faeneste. Nouv. 6d. par P. Merimee. Paris, 1855. 16 2669.3 Memoires, publics par L. Lalannc. Paris, 1854. 12 2659.0 Les tragiques. Nouv. ed. par L. Lalanne. Par- is, 1857. 16 2669.4 AUBLAY, Mne. The French present. Easy dia- logues. Fr. and Eng. 9th ed. London, 1827. 16 7079.26 AUBREY, J. Miscellanies. 4th ed. Lond., 1857. 12 2609.21 Godwin, W. Collections for life of Milton. 2541.2 Walker, J. Lives of eminent men 2453.8 AUBUISSON des Voisins, J. F. d'. Mouvement de 1' eau dans les tuyaux. Paris, 1827. 8. . 3943.17 Traite d' hydraulique. 2e ed. Paris, n.d. 8. 3944.4 Treatise on hydraulics. Tr. by J. Bennett. Boston, 1852. 8 3944.3 and Burat, A. Trait6 de ge'ognosie. Nouv. ed. Paris, 1828-35. 3v. 8 3S69.3 AUCHER, P. Dictionary English and Armenian, [and Armenian and Engl.] with assistance of J. Brand. Venice, 1821-25. 2v. 8 . . **E. 203*7 Grammar, Armenian and English. Venice, 1852. 12 **E. 209.29 AUCHER, P. M. R. Voyages en orient, 1830-38. An- notes par M. Jaubert. Paris, 1843. 2v. 8 . 3045.10 AUCKLAND islands. Enderby, C. Colonization of the 3651.17 AUCTIONEERING, Ruinous tendency of, and ne- cessity of restraining it. New York, 1813. 8 *Pph.v. 15 AUCTIONEERS. Livermore, S. Law relative to . 3665.10 AUCTIONS inconsistent with regular trade. N. Y. 1817. 8 *Pph.v.l5 AUDEBERT, J. B. Histoire naturelle des singes etdesmakis. Paris [1800.] f *38.H.2 AUDELAY, J. Poems. A specimen of the Shrop- shire dialect in the 15th cent. Ed. by J. O. Halliwell. Lond., 1844. 8. [Percy soc. 14]*2537. 16 AUDIFREDI, G. B. Catalogus hist. crit. Ro- manorum editionum saec. XV. Roma:, 1783. 4 *2170.6 Specimen historico-criticum editionum Itali- carum sseculi XV. Romae, 1794. 4 .... *2170.7 AUDIN, J. M. V. Histoire de Henri VIII. et du schisme d' Angletcrre. Paris, 1847. 2v. 8 2437.1 Histoire de Leon X. Paris, 1844. 2v. 8 . . . 3552.11 Vie, ouvrages et doctrines de Luther. Nouv. ed. Paris, 1850. 3v. 12 3556.13 AUDISIO, G. Compendio dellc lezioni di elo- quenza sacra. Torino, 1843 3438.1 AUDOENUS. Vita S. Eligii cpiscopi Noviomensis. [Migne. Patrologia? v. 87] 3450.18 AUDOT, L. A. L' Italia, la Sicilia, le isole, ec. la ed. Torino, 1834-38. 5v. 8 *2761.0 AUDOUIN, J. V. and Edwards, II. M. Recherches pour servir a 1' histoire naturelle du littoral de la France. Paris, 1832, 1834. 2v. 8. . 3873.4 AUDRADUS. Epistola [metrica] ad Hinckmarum Rhemensem ; Liber de fonte vitas ; Ex- cerpta libri Revelationum. [Migne. Patro- logiae v. 115] 3450.33 AUDUBON 44 AUGUSTINUS Shelf. No. AUDUBON, J. J. Birds of America, from original drawings. [435 colored plates.] London, 1827-38. 4v. elephant f *D.3.I M Ornithological biography ; an account of the birds of the United States of America. Philadelphia [I.-III.] Edinburgh, 1832-39. 5v. imp. 8" 3904.1 and Bachman, J. Viviparous quadrupeds of North America. N. York, 1840. v.l. imp. 8 3901.2 AUERSPERG, A. A. v. Gedichte. 9te Aufl. Leip- zig, 1852. 10 2S97.4 AUFIDIUS, C. See Fragm. hist. Graec. . . . v. 3 of 3002.11 AUGUSTINUS, A., dbp. of Tarragona. De legibus; De familiis Romanorum. [Graevius. The- saurus antiquitatum llomanorum] . 2, 7 of 2950.1 AUGUSTINUS, S., the English apostle. Vita; Per- pauca monumeuta quse exstant. [Migne. Patrologise v. 80] 3450.14,16 AUGUSTINUS, St. A. Opera omuia, opera ct stu- dio monach. ordinis S. Bencdicti. Ed. no- viss. Accurante J. P. Migne. Parisiis, 1841-49. 12v. 8. [Patrologisev. 32-47] . 3440.18 Contents. Vol. I. Vita auctore Possidio; Vita S. Aurclii Augustini, ex ejus potissimum scriptis con- cinnata ; Retractationum libri ii. ; Confessionum libri xiii.; Soliloquiorum libri ii.; Contra Acade- micos ; De bcata vita ; DC ordinc; De immortalitato aniraaD! De quantitate animas; De musica; De mag- istro; Dc libero arbitrio; De moribus ccclesia; catho- licas, et dc moribus Manichasorum ; Regula ad servos Dei; Contcntain appendice: De grammatica; Prin- cipia dialecticae; CategoricD decem; Principia rhe- torices; Regula; cleris traditaa fragmentum ; Regula secundai Devita ercmitica ad sororem. II. Episto- larum classes quatuor ; Contenta in appendice : nonnulloj epistol.-e Augustini nomine olim falso pramotatae. III. Pars la. Dcdoctrinachiiatiana; De vera religione; De Genesi contra Mfiniehaeos; De Genesi ad litteram imperfectus liber; De Genesi ad litteram libri xii.; Scripturoe sacra locuti- onum libri vii. ; Quaastionum in Pentateuchum libri vii.; Annotationum in Job liber unus; De scriptura sacra speculum; De consensu evangelista- rum; De sermone Domini in monte. Pars 2a. Quses- tionum Evangeliorum liber; Qusestionum septem- decim in Evangelium secundum Matthamm; In Jo- annis Evangelium tractatus cxxiv.; In epistolam Joannis ad Parthos tractatus x. ; Expositio quarum- dam propositionum ex epistola ad Romanes; Epis- tolaj ad Romanes inchoata expositio; Expositio ad Galatas; Contenta in appendice : De mirabilibus sacra; Scripturaa libri iii.; De benedictiouibus Patri- archal Jacob; Quajstiones Veteris et Novi Testa- ment!; In B. Joannis Apocalypsim expositio. IV. Enarrationes in psalmos. V. Sermonum classes quatuor, necnon sermoncs dubii. Appendix, com- plectens sermones supposititios. VI. De diversis quajstionibus; De octo Dulcitii quaastionibus ; De flde rerum quse non videntur; De fide et symbolo; De flde et operibus; Enchiridion de fide, spe et charitate; De agone Christiano; De catechizandis rudibus; De continentia; De bono conjugali; Do sancta virginitate ; Do bono viduitatis ; De conjugiig adulterinis; De mendacio; Contra mendacium; De opera monachorum; De divinatione dsmonumjDe curapromortuisgerenda; Depatientia; De symbolo ad catechumenos; De diseiplina Christiana; De cantico novo; De quarta feria; De cataclysmo; De tempore barbarico; De utilitate jejunii; De ur- bis exeidio; Contenta in appendice : Liber sen- tentiarum xxi. ; Dialogus quaestionum Ixv. ; De flde ad Pctrum ; DC spiritu et anima ; De amicitia ; De substantia dilectionis ; De diligen- do Deo; Soliloquia; Meditationes; De contritione cordis; Manuale; Speculum; Speculum aliud quod dicitur peccatoris; De triplici habitaculo; De scala paradisi ; De cognitione veras vita; ; Do vita Chris- tiana; De salutaribus documentis ; De duodecim abusionum gradihus; De septem vitiis et septem donis Spiritus Sancti ; De conflictu vitiorum et virtutum ; De sobrictate et castitate ; De vera et falsa pcenitentia; De Antichristo; Psalterium quod Augustinus matri sua; composuisse fertur; Expositio cantici Magnificat ; Tractatus de assumptione B. Marias; De visitatione inflrmorum ; Sermones de consolatione mortuorum; De rectitudine catholica? conversationis; De symbolo; De esu agni; Sermones ad neophytes; De contemptu mundi; De bono dis- ciplinas; Sermones alii ad populum; Sermones ad fratres in eremo. VII. De civitate Dei; Contenta in Shelf. No. AUGUSTINUS, St. A., continued. appendice: Aviti ad Palchonium epistola, de reli- quiis sancti Stephani, ct de Luciani epistola a se c Graeco in Latinum versa; Luciani epistola ad omnem ecclesiam totiusque orbis Christianos, de revelatione corporis Stephani martyris; Anastasii ad Landuleum epistola, de scriptura translationis Stephani mar- tyris; Scriptura de alia detectione ac translatioue sancti Stephani in urbem Byzantium; Severi epis- tola ad omncm ecclesiam, de virtutibus in Minori- censi insula factis per reliquias sancti Stephani; De miraculis sancti Stephani protomartyris libri duo ad Evodium. VIII. De haarcsibus ad Quodvultdeum ; Tractatus adversus Judacos; De utilitate crcdendi ad Honoratum; De duabus aniinabus contra Mani- chrcos ; Acta seu disputatio contra Fortunatum Manichacum; Contra Adimantum Manichaci discip- ulum ; Contra epistolam Manichan quam vocant Fundamenti ; Contra Faustum Manichaeum ; De actis cum Felice Manichseo; DC natura boni contra Manichfeos; Contra Secundinum Manichaeum; Con- tra adversarium legis et prophetarum: Ad Orosium contra Priscillianistas ct Origenistas; Sermo Ariano- rum; Contra sermonem Arianorum; Collatio cum Maximino Arianorum episcopo ; Contra eumdcm Maximinum Arianum; De trinitate; Contenta in appendice: Tractatus contra quinque haereses; Sermo contra Judoeos, Paganos ct Arianos; Dialogus de altcrcatione ecclesia? ct synagogao; DC fide con- tra Manicha;os liber Evodio tributus; Commonito- rium (vulgo Augustini) de recipiendis Manichaeis qui convertuntur; Contra Felicianum Arianum de fide trinitatis liber Vigilio Tapsitano episcopo res- titutus ; Qusestiones de trinitate et dc Genesi ex Alcuino deseriptaj; De incarnatione Vcrbi ad Jan- uarium libri duo collect! exOrigenc; Liber de trini- tate et unitate Dei; De essentia divinitatis; De imi- tate sancta; trinitatis; De ecclesiasticis dogmatibus. IX. Psalmus contra partem Donati ; Contra epis- tolam Parmeniani; De baptismo contra Donatistas; Contra litteras Petiliani ; Epistola ad Catholicos contra Donatistas, vulgo de unitate ecclesiao; Con- tra Crcsconium grammaticum Donatistam; De un- ico baptismo contra Petitianum; Breviculus collatt- onis cum Donatistis; Post collationem ad Donatistas; Sermo ad Caesareensis ecclesiae plebem Emerito praesente habitus; De gcstis cum Emerito; Contra Gaudcntium Donatistarum cpiscopum ; Sermo de Rusticiauo subdiacono a Donatistis rebap,tizato et in diaconum ordinato; Contenta in appendice: Contra Fulgentium Donatistam incerti auctoris liber; Ex- cerpta et scripta vetera ad Donatistarum historiam pertinentia. X. Pars 1. De peccatorum meritis et remissione; De spiritu et littcra ; De natura et gratia ; De perfectione justitiaD hominis liber ; De gestis Pelagii; De gratia Christi et de peccato origi- nali ; De nuptiis et concupiscentia ; De anima ct ejus origine; Contra duas epistolas Pclagianorum, ad Bonifacium ; Contra Julianum ; De gratia et libero arbitrio; Decorreptione et gratia; De praedes- tinatione sanctorum. Pars II. Dc dono persever- antia;; Contra secundam Juliani responsionem im- perfectum opus, sex libros complectens ; Contenta in appendice: Ilypomnesticon contra Pelagianos et Coelestianos ; Liber de pradestiuatione et gratia; De praedestinatione Dei libellus; Varia scripta et monumenta ad historiam Pelagiauorum pertinentia; Prosperi Aquitani pro Augustino contra iniquos doctrinae ipsius de gratia et praBdestinatione repre- hensores apologetica opuscula, scilicet : Epistola de gratia et libero arbitrio; Liber contra Collatorem; Besponsiones ad capitula calumniantium Gallorum ; Responsiones ad capitula objectionum Vincentian- arum; Responsiones ad excerpta, quaj de Genucns civitate sunt missa; Ejusdem liber sententiarum ex Augustino. XI. Indiculus librorum, tractatuum et epistolarum ; Opera appendicum, quorum auctorcs aut jam antea noti, aut hac editione detect! sunt, eorumque auctorum nominaaut astas; Operum ordo novus cum ordinc veteri comparatus ; Operum ordo vetus cum ordine novo comparatus; Operum omni- um index alphabeticus; Index in omnia opera ; Lec- tori phUaugustino; Sermones inediti ; Epistola ad Pium VII.; Sermones x. ex cod. cassin. recens editi; Index supplementi. Sermones recens cditi a Michaelc Dionysio, cui indici jungimus initia sermonum. Xn. Phereponus sive Clericus. Variorum exercita- tiones in S. Augustiui opera ; Norisius. Vindiciaa Augustiniana;; Merlin. Tractatus tres Gallice ad- ornati in defensionem S. Augustini; Fontani. Col- lectio quatuor opusculorum S. Augustini antehac anecdotorum; Mai. Collectio quatuor sermonum quos ipse primus e tcnebris eruit; A. B. Caillau et Saint- Yves. Variantes lectiones operum S. Augus- tini ab ipsis ex variis codicibus collects:. AUGUSTINUS 45 AUSTRIA Shel No. AUGUSTINUS, St., continued. Delia citta di Dio, volgarizzamcnto del buon eecolo ridotto alia vcra lezione da O. Gigli. Roma, 1842. Ov. 10 3499.9 De doctrina Christiana ; De rhetorica ecclesi- astica. [Autori del ben parlare] . . pt. 5 of 3590.10 Principia rhetorices. [Autori del ben par- lare] Pt.4, v. 3of 3590.10 See Guillon. Bibliotheque des peres. v. 29-31 of 3499. 30, v. 21, 22 of 3508.2 Contents. "Vol. XXI. Notice sur la vie de S. Au- gustin ; Traites de pliilosopliie ; Livres de litterature ; Dogmatique; Traites contreles paiens; Sur 1'ancien et nouveau testament. XXII. Traite des heresies; Les Juifs; Livres centre lea Manieheens ct les Pelagiens; Contreles donatistes; Traites dirers con- cernant le dogme, la morale, etc.; Sermons; Lettres. Prsecepta artis musicse. [Mai. Scrip, vet. nova coll.] v.3of 3000.1 Motivi di credere tuttavia ascoso e non isco- perto in Pavia 1' anno 1695, il sagro corpo di santo Agostino. [Muratori. Opera rain.] v. 10, p.2of 2710.2 Responsa ad episcopos. [Routh. Reliquiae sacra] v.5of 2513.0 AUGUSTUS Caesar imperator. Index rerum a sc gestarum, sive Monumcntum Ancyranum. Ed. A. W. Zumpt. Berlin, 1845. 4 . . . . 2911.5 Blaekwell, T. Memoirs of the court of . . . 2752.1 AUGUSTUS Frederick, duke of Sussex. Addresses delivered at the anniversary meetings of the Royal society, Nov. 30, 1831, 32, 33. London, 1833. 4 **E.153.1 AULAGNIER, A. F. Dictiounaire des alimens ct des boissons. Paris et Bruxelles, 1839. 8 . . *3733.G AULISIO, D. d'. De gymnasii constructione ; De mausolei architectura. [Sallengre. Novus thes. antiq. Rom.] v. 3 of 2950.2 AULNOY, M. C. L'isle de felicite". [Gamier. Voyages imag.] v.27of 2CG0.1 AUNARIUS. Relatio concilii ab Aunario celebrati ; Epistola ad Stephanum abbatem. [Migne. Patrologise v. 72] 3450.12 AUNGIER, G. J. History of Syon monastery, Isle- worth and Hounslow. London, 1840. 8.*2495.17 AUNILLON, P. C. F. Azor, ou le prince enchante. [Gamier. Voyages imag.] v. 21 of 2066. 1 AURELIANUS, bp. of Aries. Regula ad monachos; Regula ad virgines ; Excerpta ex epistola ad Theodebertum regem. [Migne. Patrolo- gise v. 08] 3450.9 AURELIANUS, C. De acutis morbis, lib. iii. De diuturnis, lib. V. Lugduni, 1509. srn.S" . *3809.6 AURELIANUS, monk of Reims. Musica disciplina. [Gerbert von Hornau. Script, eccles. de mus. sac. v. 1] 4041.7 Epistola ad Bernardum archicantorem. [Migne. Patrologiae v. 100] 3450.30 AURELIUS, bp. of Carthage. Epistola ad omnes episcopos. [Mignc. Patrologiae v. 20] . . . 3440.14 AURELIUS Victor, S. Historia Romana, curante J. Arntzenio. Amstelodami, 1733. 4 . . . 2910.12 AURIA, J. Annales Genuenses, abanno MCCXXX. [Muratori. Rer. Ital. script.] . . . . v. of 2710.1 AURIAT, L. Discours a 1'ouverture du gymnase orthopedique. See Amoros y Ondeano, F Pph. v. 154 AURICULAR confession. Whether a R. C. clergy- man be compcllable to disclose the secrets of. Sampson, W. [Catholic question in America] 3403.3 AURORA borealis. Conti, A. Riflessiom su 1'Au- rora borealc v. 1 of 2792.4 Paris. Acad. roy. des sciences. Traite physique et historique de 1'aurore boreale. Par M. de Mairan , 3271.8 Recent secular period of the. [Smithsonian contributions, v. 8. art. 3] 3340.1 AUSCULTATION. Barth, M. Treatise on 3795.20 Bowditch, H. I. Student's aid to 3795.32 Shelf. Xo. AUSCULTATION, continued. Hughes, H. M. Introduction to 3795.3! Kennedy, E. Observations on obstetric A. . 3776.20 Laennec, R. T. H. Traito do 1'A. mediate . . 3795.21 - Treatise on mediate A 3795.10 Naegelc, H. F. Treatise on obstetric A. . . 3779.27 Raciborski, A. Elementary treatise on . . . 3795.19 Sharpe, G. B. Manual of 3795.34 Skoda, J. A treatise, etc 3795.28 Weber. Clinical hand-book, etc 3795.29 See also: Percussion, Stethoscope. AUSONIUS, D., of Bordeaux. Epigrammata; Idyl- lia ; Epistolas, nee non ct alia opuscula. [Migne. Patrologiae v. 19] 3440.1 See Elton, C. A. Specimens of the classic poets v. 3 of 2963.14 SeeLemaire. Poet.Lat.min..v. 134-137, HOof 2912.1 See Wernsdorf.J. C. Poet.Lat.min. . v. 5,6of 2912.4 AUSPICIUS. Epistola ad Arbogastem. [Migne. Patrologiae v. 01] 3450.3 AUSTIN, A. W. Memorandum concerning the Charlestown post office, n.p., n.d. 8 . *Pph. v. 234 AUSTIN, B. Constitutional republicanism. Bos- ton, 1803. 8 *2406.7 See Selfridge T. O. Statement of the contro- versy between T. O. S. and B. A 2348.8 AUSTIN, C. Trial of Selfridge for killing C. Aus- tin. See Lloyd, T. and Caines, G 3084.15 AUSTIN, I. J. Oration before the citizens of Bos- ton! [July 4, 1839]. Boston, 1839. 8. .*Pph.v. 260 AUSTIN, J. T. Address before Massachusetts char- itable mechanic association. Boston, 1839. 8 2354.25 Address before the Massachusetts society for the suppression of intemperance. Boston, 1830. pp.32. 8 **E.224.9 Life of Elbridge Gerry. Boston, 1828, 9. 2v. 8" 2342.11 Remarks on Dr. Channing's slavery. Boston, 1835. 8 *Pph. v. 258 AUSTIN, Samuel. The apology of patriots ; a ser- mon. Worcester, 1812. 8" *Pph.v.G4 Oration pronounced at Worcester, July 4, 1798. 8 *Pph.v.C2 AUSTIN, Sarah. Characteristics of Goethe, from the German of Falk, Von Miiller, etc. Lon- don, 1833. 3v. 12 2907.2 Life of Carsten Niebuhr. See Society for dif- fusion of useful knowledge E.212.8 AUSTIN, S. F. Address delivered at Louisville, Ky., 7th of March, 1830. [Louisville, 1836]. 8 *Pph.v. 95 AUSTIN, W. Human character of Christ. Bos- ton, 1807. 8 3462.9 Letters from London during 1802-3. Boston, 1804. 8 **E.117.5 AUSTRALIA. Angas, G. F. Savage life and scenes in 3047.11 Bunce, D. Language of the aborigines of . . 2959.2 Flinders, M. Voyage to terra Australis, 1801. 2270.8 Major, R. N. Early voyages to 2204.20 Mitchell, T. L. Three expeditions into the interior of New South Wales 3047.3 Peron, F. Voyage aux terres australcs . . 2270.7 Phillip, A. Voyage to Botany bay 3042.1 Sidney, S. The three colonies of 3047.2 Sweet, R. Flora Australasica 3851.15 AUSTRALIAN almanac, 1850. Waugh and Cox's . 3047.13 AUSTRIA, e le primaric potenze. Balbi, A 2289.10 AUSTRIA. Jacquin, N. J. Miscellanea Austriaca 3825.4 Koch, M. Chronologische Geschichte Oester- reichs 2810.7 Kreil, C. Entwurf ernes metcorologischen Beobachtungs-system ftir die osterreich- ische Monarchic 3964.3 Le Glay, A. J. G Ndgociations entre la France et 1'Autriche durant les trcnte pre- mieres annees du XVIe. siecle 2650.23 Meidinger, C.v. Icones piscium Austriae in- disrenorum 3780.3 AUTHENTIC 46 AVANZINI Shelf. No AUTHENTIC account of the fatal duel between Ch. G. Hunter and W. Miller. Washington, 1830. 8 *Pph. v. 80 AUTHENTIC account of the proceedings of the congress at New York, on the stamp act. 1707. 8 *2325.11 AUTHENTICK relation of the sufferings of a Dutch sailor, on Ascension Isle. Lond., 1728. 8 2374.19 AUTHORITY. Blot, L. De 1' autorite clans les so- ciete's modernes 3562.15 Lewis, G. C. Authority hi matters of opinion . 3G03. 3 AUTHORSHIP. [A tale.] Neal, J -. . 2409.29 AUTHPERTUS. Sermo de Sancto Matthia. [Migne. Patrologise v. 129] v.3 of 34CO. AUTOCLES. See Baiter and Sauppe. Oratores At- tici 2963.1 AUTOCRATES. See Poet. com. Graec. fragm. . . 3002.14 AUTOGRAPHS. Berard, S. Coll. d' autographes . 2190.11 Fontaine, P. J. Manuel de 1' amateur d' A. . 2113.9 Gilmor, R. Catalogue of a collection of . Pph.v.225 Sinclair, Sir J. Facsimiles 2453.7 Sothcby, 8. L. Handwriting of Melancthon and Luther 2110.6 AUTOPSY. Gorgone, G. Considerazioni di ana- tomia e fisiologia patologiche 3753.11 Roose, T. G. A. Taschenbuch fur gericht- liche Aerzte und Wundiirzte bei Leichenoff- nungen 3749.11 Rose. Manuel d' autopsie cadaverique . . . 3788.4 AUTORI che ragionano di se. Venezia, 1840. 16. 4747.2 Contents. Dante; Tasso; Lor. de'Medici j Galileo; Chiabrera; Paruta; Didimo Chierico. AUTORI del ben parlare per secolari e religiosi opere diverse. Venetia, 1043. 9v. 8 ... *3590. 10 Contents. Parte la. Tomo I. Avvisi precedent!; Del nome, et elettione della lingva: Di Dante della volgare eloquenza libri due; II Castellano di M. Gio. Giorgio Trissino Vicentino; II Cesano di M. Clavdio Tolomei; Qvesito di M. Benedetto Varchi; Opinioni di M. Girolarao Mvtio, del cavalier Lionardo Sal- viati, del Doni, di M. Lodovico Dolce, del Cittadini, del Svbasiano. II. Della grammatica : Rcgole gram- matical! della volgar lingua di M. Gio. Francesco Fortvnio; Delle prose del Bembo della volgare lingva j Grammatica di M. Alberto Acarisio ; Grammatica di M. Givlio Camillo Delminio ; Regolette particolari della volgar lingua di M. Francesco Alvnuo; Gram- matica di M. Jacomo Gabriele; Grammatica di M. Rinaldo Corso. III. Della grammatica : Delle osser- uationi di M. Lodovico Dolce libri quattro; Discorso di M. Girolamo Evscelli a 51. Lodovico Dolce; Gram- matica di M. Giacomo Pergamini da Fossombruno; Giuntafatta al ragionamento de gli articoli del Bembo; Giunta fatta al ragionamento de'verbi del Bembo; Epistola del Trissino, delle lettere nouamente aggi- unte nella lingua italiana; Discorso de' dittongi di M. Jacopo Mazzoni. IV. Della grammatica : Degli auuertimenti della lingua, sopra il Decameroue vol- ume primo del cavalier Lionardo Salviati, diuiso in tre libri. V. Degli auuertimenti della lingua, del cavalier Lionardo Salviati, volume secondo, diuiso in libri due. VI. Le origini della volgar toscana fauella, per M. Celso Cittadiui; Delle cagioni della lingua toscana, di 51. Benedetto Bvonmattei ; Trat- tato della vera origine, e del processo, e nome della nostra lingua, scritto in volgar sanese, per M. Cclso Cit- tadini; Origine della lingua fiorentina, altrimente il Gello, di PierFr. Giambvlari; Delle differenze della lingua, del Svbasiano. Parte 2nda. Del barbarismo, e solecismo, tropi, e flgvre, et altre virtu, e vitij del parlare: Trattatello del Svbasiano intorno alia parola Barbaro; Discorso del Svbasiano intorno al bar- barismo ; Flavii Sosipatri, Diomedis, Prisciani, ^Elii Donati, Alcvini, Cornelii Frontonis, incerti, Qvintiliani, Ciceronis, Hieronymi Capidvri de bar- barismo; A. Gelli. Flavii Sosipatri Charisii, Diome- dis, Douati, Hieronymi Capidvri, Giacopo Mazzoni, Fabii Qviutiliani de solecismo; Diogene Laertio del soleciemo, e barbarismo, secondo gli stoici; Flavii Sosipatri Charisii, .(Elii Donati de caeteris vitiis; Di- omedia de vitiis orationis; Diomedis de orationis virtvtibvs; Sosipatri Charisii, de metaplasmo, et ejus speciebus; Diomedis, Donati de metaplasmo; Flavii Sosipatri Charisii, Diomedis, Donati, Fabii Qvintili- ani de tropis ; Jacopo Mazzoni de i tropi ; Flavii Sosipatri, Diomedis, Donati de schematibvs ; 5Iarti- Shelf. No. AUTORI, continued. ani Cappelke, Jacopi Strebei, Nicolai Cavsini, 51. F. Qvintiliani de flgvris; leidori Hispalensis episcopi de vitiis orationis fvgiendis, tropis et schematibvs; Ex P. Evtilii Lvpi, Aqvila; Romani, Jvlii Rvfiniani de flgyris sententiarvm, ct elocvtionis; Alexandri So- phist* de flgvris; La topica, 6 vero della elocvtione di M. Givlio Camillo; Trattato delle parole proprie, e trasportate, e delle flgvre del parlare, tolto da 51. Ber- nardino Daniello Lvcchese; Delle mctafore del S. P. F. Lodovico da Norcia; Annotation! del Svbasiano; Excerpta ex Aristotelis poetica. Parte 3a. T. I. Degli Btili et eloquenza : Demetrii Phalerei de elocvtione, cvm Petri Victorii Florentini latina interpretatione; Jvsti Lipsii epistoliea institvtio, cxcepta e dictimtia ejus ore. Tomo II. IV. La prima secomla parte principale del predicatore del F. Francesco Pani- carola. Tomo V. D. Longini liber de grandi, sive svblimi dicendi genere orationis; Discorso di M. Givlio Camillo Delminio sopra 1'Idee di Hermogene; Her- mogenis de formis oratoriis; In Ilermogcnis tractatvm de ideis, sive de formis eloqventi* Gasparis Lav- rentii commentarivs ; Hermogenis, de eloqventia, sive deapto, et solerti genere dicendi methodvs; In Her- mogenis lib. de methodo commentarivs Gasparia Lavrentii. Parte ia. Della rhetorica. Tomo I. Iler- mogenis ars rhetorica, de partitione statvvm et qvsestionvm; In Hermogenis librum de partitionibus statvvm orationis, Gasparis Lavrentii commentarius; Hermogenis de inveutione oratoria lib. 4; In libros Hermogenis de inventionibvs oratoriis commentarii Gasparis Lavrentii. Tomo II. Svbasiani selecta; Isidori Hispalensis episcopi de rhetorica; Martiani Cappell* de rhetorica; Rhetoric* compendium ex Magno Avrelio Cassiodoro; Dialogvs de rhetorica Flacci Alcvini Caroli Magni imperatoris magistri, quern et Albinvm dicunt; Cvrii Fortvnatiani Cons- veti artis rhetoric* scolic* lib. tres; Svlpitii Victoria institvtiones oratoria: ; Anonymi de locis rhetoricis; Emporii rhetoria de ethopoeia et commvni loco de demonstrative materi* praeceptis, de deliberativa specie ; Syntomata siue pr*cepta artis rhetoric* summatim collecta de multis 4 Julio Scveriano; De metris oratorum, et compositione. Tomo III. Georgii Cassandri tabvlae breves, et expedite in praccep- tiones rhetorica? ; D. Avrelii Avgvstini principia rhetorices ; Rhetoricorum ad C. Herennivm lib. iii. ; 51. T. Ciceronis de arte rhetorica, siue de inventione lib. ii.; ad Trebatium topica.; de partitione oratoria dialogus; ad Q. fratrem dialog! de ora- tore; de Claris oratoribvs iiber, qui dicitur Brutus; ad 5Iarcum Brutum orator; de optimo genere oratorvm. Tomo IV. Rhetorica d'Aristotele fatta in lingua toscana dal comendatore Aunibal Caro; Dionysii Halicarnassei prascepta de oratione pane- gyrica; ejusdom praacepta de oratione nvptiali; ejuedem praaccpta de oratione uatalitia; ejus- dem praecepta de epitalamiis ; Della rhetorica dieci dialoghi di SI. Francesco Patritio, nelli quali si fauella dell'arte oratoria con ragioni repug- nanti alTopinione, che intorno a quella hebberogli antichi scrittori. Tomo. V. Aphthonii Sophistas progymnasmata ; 51. Fabii Qviutiliani de primis apvd rhetorem exercitationibus ; Theonis Sophist* progymnasmata; Prisciani grammatici Caesariensis de pr*exercitamentis rhetoric* ex Hermogene liber. Tomo. VI. Dionysii Halicarnassei de prascipvis lin- gv* Grsec* avctoribvs elogia, interpositis Fabii Qvintiliani, et 51. T. Ciceronis jvdiciis; Jvdicivm de Isocrate Dionysii Halicarnassei; Dionysii Halicar- nassei de reprehenso stylo Platonis; Diorjysii Hali- carnassei de Thvcydidis historia jvdieivm. Parte 5a. Qvestioni di Monsig. Panicarola; Bed* presby- teri de tropis sacrae scriptvrae liber; Bedas Presbyteri de schematis scriptvr* ; D. Avrelii Augustini de doc- trina Christiana liber iv, qui de rhetorica ecclesias- tica; De formandis sacris concionibva, seu de inter- pretatione scriptvrarvm popvlari, lib. iii., collecti per fratrem Lavrentivm a Villavicentio Xerezanum ; 5Iodo di comporre vna predica di 5Ionsig. Pani- carola. AUVERGNE, Residence in. Bakewell, R 2804. 8 AUXILIUS. Libri duo de ordinationibus a Formo- so papa factis ; Libellus super causa et nc- gotio Formosipapse ; Chronicon Sebastiani ; Chronicon Atbeldense. [Migne. Patrolo- gia v. 129] v . 3 O f 3400-8 Auzoux, L. Du choldra-morbus, son siege, sa nature, et son traitement. Par., 1832. 8*M.Pph.v.36 AVA, Embassy to the court of. Crawford, J. . . . 3046.3 AVANZINI, G. Delia resistenza de' fluidi. Padova, W^- 8 3943.16 AVELLONI 47 BACCHUS Shelf. No AVELLOXI, F. A. Giulio Villenwelt assassino. [Commedia.] See Teatro mod. appl . v.43 of 2768.1 Sindam e Beltram. [Dramma.] See Teatro mod. appl v.39of 2768.1 Lc vertigini del secolo. [Dramma.] See Te- atro mod. appl v. 20 of 2768.1 AVEXBRUGGER, L. Mcthode pour reconnaitre les maladies de la poitrine par percussion. Tr. par Corvisart. Paris, 1808. 8 *3795.27 AVERAXI, B. SeeTtati. Prose fiorentine.v. 9-10of 2787.1 AVERILL, C. Operative surgery. With additions by J. Bell. 1st Am. ed. Phila., 1823. 18 . *3744.8 AVERSA, Osservazioni sopra il celebre stabilimen- to d'. Gualandi, D 3800.38 AVERY, E. K. Trial for the murder of S. M. Cor- nell. Hallett, B. F 3684.5 AVERY, B., Discourse on the death of. Webb, B. 3458.78 AVESGOTUS, S. Epistolaad S.Anselmum. [Migne. Patrologiae v. 143] 3460.22 AVEZAC, M. A. P. d', Lacroix, P. L. andYanoski, J. Afrique, Carthage, Numidie, etc. Paris, 1844. 8. [L'Univers] 2266.2 Decouvertes dans 1'Atlantique, faites au moyen age. Paris, 1845. 8 2263.3 lies de 1'Afrique. Paris, 1848. 8 [L'Uni- vers] 2266.23 AVIAXUS, F. Fabulae, C. Lachmannus recens. et emend. Berolini, 1845. pp.31. 8 2927.1 AVIENCS, K. F. See Elton, C. A. Specimens of the class, poets v. 3of 2963.14 See Lemaire. Poet. Lat. min. v. 137, 138 . . 2912.1 See Wernsdorf. Poet. Lat. min. .v. 5, p. 2 of 2912.4 AVIGXOX, Sur 1'histoirc d'. Gudrin, J 2649.15 Avisox, C. Essay on musical expression. 3d. ed. London, 1775. 16 4049.8 Avrrus, A. E. St. See Guillon. Bibliotheque des peres v 32 of3499.30,v.23of 3508.2 Sermo feria tertia in rogationibus. [Martene et Durand. Thes. novus,etc.]. . . . v.Sof 2250.2 Epistola; ; Homiliae ; Fragmenta ; Carmina ; Epistola ad Hormisdam papam. [Migne. Patrologiae v. 59, 63] 3450.1, v.Sof 3450.5 AVITUS, a Spaniard. Epistola de reliquiis Sancti Stephani, etc. [Migne. Patrologiae v. 41] v. 7 of 3440.18 AVON, a poem in three parts. Huckell, J. . . . 2504.10 AVRIL, J. T. Dictionnaire provengal franjais. Apt, ia39. 8 *2685.5 A VRILLOX, J. B. E. Conduite pour passer sainte- ment le careme. n.p. u.d. 12 3445.35 AVVEXIMEXTI del 1849 in Italia. [15 tracts.] 8 *4745.4 AvviiRTiMEXTi grammaticali di musica vocale. Koma, 1823. 59. 8 4057.12 AXIONICUS. See Poet. com. Graec. fragm 3002.14 AYALA, M. Bibliografla militare italiana antica e moderna. Torino, 1854. 8 *2172.18 AYMARDUS. Chartularium, etc. [Migne. Patro- logiae v. 137] 3460.16 AYRE, J. Disputatio de temperaturae effectibus in corpus humanum. Edinburgi, 1807. 8.*M. Pph. v. 2 On marasmus and bilious disorders. North- ampton, 1822. sm. 12 *3809.33 AYTOX, Armeno. See Ramusio. Navigation! v. 2 of 2260.2 A.ZAIS, P. H. Cours de philosophic generate. Paris, 1824. 8v. 8 3008.! Des compensations dans les destinees hu- maines. Seed. Paris, 1846. 12 2662.15 A.ZEGLIO, M. d'. Degli ultimi casi di Romagna. Gennajo, 1846. 24" 2739.11 Ettore Fieramosca o la disflda di Barletta. 2daed. Torino, 1833. 2v. 12 4775.3 - Same. Ed. ornata di disegni. Torino, 1842. r - 8 2772.4 I lutti di Lombardia. Napoli, 1818. pp. 88. 24 2729.5 Proposta d' un programma per 1' opinione nazionale italiana. Firenze, 1847. pp.62. 16 2719.10 Intorno a Niccolo de' Lapi. Turotti, F. . . . 4749.10 AZORES, History of the 3091.2 A.ZUXI, D. A. Droit maritime de 1'Europe. Paris 18 5- 2v. 8 3616 . 5 Shelf. No. AZZARIO, P. Chronicon de gestis principum vice- comitum, ab anno MCCL., usque ad annum MCCCLXII. [Muratori. Rer. Ital. script.] v. 16 of 2710.1 AZZOLINO, L. See Carcano, G. Poeti satirici ital v. 2 of 2809.3 AZZOLIXO, P. Filosofla italiana ai tempi de Dante. Bastia, 1839. 8 2802.4 Sul veltro di Dante. Firenze, 1837. pp. 79. 8 2802.10 BAAKE, F. Beschreibung der grossen Orgel der Marienkirche zu Wismar. Halberstaclt, n. d. 8 4036.4 SeeWilke, F. Zur Beleuchtung der Schmah- schrift des F. Baake 4046.24 BABBAGE, C. Abstract of a paper entitled obser- vations on the temple of Serapis at Poz- zuoli. London, 1&34. 8 **E.214.4,7 Analogy between the calculus of functions and other branches of analysis. London, 1817. 4 3921.13, **E.171.26 Comparative view of the various institutions for the assurance of lives. London, 1826. 8 **E.171.5 Decline of science in England. London, 1830. 8 3915.7,**E.212.12 Examples of the solutions of functional equa- tions, n.p. [1820.] 8 **E.213.13 Exposition of 1851. London, 1851. 8 . . **E.213.6 Note. Including the llth chapter of the History of the Royal Society, by C. R. Weld. Appended are a review of the llth chapter, by A. De Morgan, and an article from the Athenteum of Saturday, Dec. 16th, 1*18, relating to Babbage's calculating machine, pp.11. Influence of signs in mathematical reasoning. Cambridge, 1826. 4 Q 3911.4 Methods of investigating the sums of several classes of infinite series. [London,] 1819. 4. 3921.12 Ninth Bridgewater treatise. London, 1837. 8 3485.3 - Same, 2d ed. London, 1838. 8 . . . .**E.218.13 Observations on the temple of Serapis at Poz- zuoli. With a supplement. Conjectures of the physical condition of the surface of the moon. Privately printed, 1847. 8 . . . **E.214.4,7 On the economy of machinery and manufac- tures. London, 1832. 8 **E.110.33 On the Swedish tabulating machine of Mr. G. Scheutz. London, 1856. 8 **E.166.11 Table of logarithms, 1 to 108,000. 2d ed. Lon- don, 1831. 8 3934.5, **E.151.8 Thoughts on taxation. 2d ed. London, 1851. pp.28. 8 3653.6,**E.110.61 Principles of manufactures. See Barlow, P. [Treatise on manufactures] A.175.1 and Herschel, J. F. W. Account of the repe- tition of M. Arago's experiments on mag- netism. London, 1825. pp.30. 4 . . . . **E.191.6 BABIXGTON, T. View of Christian education. 1st Am. ed. Boston, 1818. 12 3599.10 BABRIUS. Fabellae iambicae CXXII. Ed. J. C. Orellius ct J. G. Baiterus. Turici, 1845. 16 2979.18 Fabulae Choliambicae. See ^Esopus 2978.14 BABYLON. Hoefcr, F. Histoire et description. . 2266.10 Perizonius, J. Origines Babylonicae .... 2299.2 Rawlinson, H. C. Early history of 3034.12 Rich, C.J. On the ruins of 3042.12 See also : Chaldsea. BACCANALI [Poesie.] Baruffaldi, G 2794.31 BACCHIC mysteries, Dissertation on the. Taylor, T 2597.12 BACCHINUS, B. See Graevius, J. G. Thesaurus Antiq. Rom v. 6 of 2950.1 BACCHIUS senior. Introductio artis musica;. Bel- lermann, F 4052.8 Introductio artis musicas. Meibomius, M. . 4055.6 SACCHUS, an essay on intemperance. Grindrod, R. B 3576.9 BACCHYLIDES 48 BACON Shelf. No. BACCHYLIDES, Inni di. See Ariel C. . . . v. 1 of 4777.18 See Elton's specimens of the classic poets v. 1 of 2963.14 BACCI, A. De thermis veterum. [Graevius. The- saurus antiq. Rom.] v. 12 of 2950.1 De conviviis antiquorum. [Gronovius. Thesaurus Graec. antiq.] v. 9 of 2900.2 BACH, C. P. E. Versuch iiber die wahre Art das Clavier zu spielen, herausg. von G. Schil- ling. 5 Ausg. Berlin, 1850. 2v. in 1. 8 . . *4046.10 Vierzehn Melodieen. Kellner, D 4057.6 BACH, J. S. Crucifixus aus der Hmoll-Messe. 4 voc. c. strom. [Dehn. Pratische Musik- Werke] v. 19 of 4051.14 Ueber Bach aus einem noch ungedruckten Werke. n.p. n.d. 8pp. 8 *4057.12 Forkel, J. N. Ueber B.'s Leben, Kunst und Kunstwerke 4040.13 Gradener, C. G. P. Bach und die Hamburger Bach-Gesellschaft 4040.11 Hauptmann, M. Erlauterungen zu Bach's Kunst dcr Fuge 4042.25 Hilgenfeldt, C. L. Leben, Wirken und Wcrke von Bach 4042.24 BACHAUMONT, F. le C. de. (Euvres. See Chap- elle, C. E. L 2009.8 BACHAUMONT, L. P. de. Memoires secrets pour 1' histoire des lettres en France. Londres, 1777-89. 3Gv. 12 *2209.1 Memoires de. [Barriere, F. Mem. rel. a 1' hist, de France] v. 3 of 4007.2 BACHE, A. D. Address on retiring from the du- ties of President of the American Associa- tion. 8 *Pph. v. 194 Report on education in Europe. Philadel- phia, 1839. 8 3595.1 Report of the progress of the coast survey, 1852-57. See United States. BACHE, L. Proceedings of a general court mar- tial for the trial of Lieut. Col. L. Bache. Philadelphia, 1815. 8 *Pph.v.30 BACHI, P. A grammar of the Italian language. Boston, 1829. 12 **E.207.13 BACHIARIUS. Professio fidei ; Liber de repara- tionelapsi. [Migne. Patrologiae v. 20] . . 3440.14 Fides, prolegomena, et notae. [Muratori. Opere min.] v. 11. par. 1. of 2710.2 BACHMAN, J. Viviparous quadrupeds of North America. See Audubon, J. J 3901.2 BACIALLI, G. Opuscolo sulle pescaie. [Raccolta, moto dell' acque] v. Oof 3942.1 BACKUS, A. Inaugural discourse, delivered De- cember 3, 1812. Utica, 1812. 8 *Pph. v. 6 BACKUS, I. Baptists in New England 1602-1804. See Sommers, C. G. Bap. lib. v. 1 3454.1 BACKUS, J. Offices and duties of sheriff, coroner, and constable. New York, 1812. 2v. 8 . . 3634.3 BACON, D. Trial of H. B. Hagcrman for assault and battery, with intent to murder, on W. Coleman. New York, 1818. 8 ... *Pph. v. 84,175 BACON, E. Abstract of a journal to Africa [etc.] Philadelphia, 1821. 8 *Pph.v.36 BACON, Ezekiel. Aegri somuia. Recreations of a sickroom. Utica, 1842. 16 *Pph.v.228 A lecture before the young men's association of Utica, Dec. 15, 1843. Utica, N. Y., 1844. 8 *Pph. y. 135 Recollections of fifty years since ; a lecture. Utica, 1843. 8 *Pph. v. 133 BACON, Y.,Lord. Works. New ed. by B. Montagu. London, 1825-34. 16v. 8" *2600.12 Contents. Vol. I. Preface ; Essays or counsels, civil and moral; Meditatioues sacra; ; The colours of good and evil ; Miscellaneous tracts upon human philosophy; Miscellaneous tracts (Apophthegmes, etc.) II. Preface; Analysis of the advancement of learning; The two books of Francis Bacon, on the proflcience and advancement of learning; New At- lantis, a work unfinished; Notes. III. Preface; The wisdom of the ancients; History of the reign of King Henry VII.; The state of Europe; Felicities of Queen Shelf. No. BACON, F., Lord, continued. Elizabeth ; Character of Julius Cassar. IV. Sylva sylvarum, or natural history. V. Tracts relating to Scotland; Tracts relating to England (True great- ness of Britain, etc.) VJ. Speeches; Charges; Papers relating to the Earl of Essex. VII. Theological tracts ; Prayers, etc. ; Miscellaneous ; Judicial charges and tracts. VIH., IX. Preface; De augmentis scienti- arum. IX., X. Instauratio magna. XI. Descriptio globi intellectualis ; Thema cocli; De fluxu et re- fluxu maris; Parmenidis, Telesiiet Dcmocriti phil- osophia; Partis instaurationis magnse secundae de- lineatio ; Phenomena universi ; Historia son! et auditus; De sapientia veterum; Meditationes sacra?; In felicem memoriam Elizabethan; Imagines; Paras- ceve ad historiam naturalem ; Redargutio philosophi- arum; Epistolae. XII., XIII. Letters; Law tracts; Common law; The use of the law; Legal arguments; Index to the English works. XIV. Translations: Novum organum; Natural history (of winds, of life and death); Fifth part of the great instauration; Thoughts on the nature of things. XV. Translations continued: Theory of the firmament; Interpretation of nature (Fable of Cupid); Phenomena of the uni- verse; Astronomical history; Ebb and flow; Sound and hearing; Sermones fideles, sive interiora rerum; Index. XVI. Life of Lord Bacon ; Notes. Works. Collect, and ed. by J. Spedding, R. L. Ellis, and D. D. Heath. London, 1857, 9. 7v. 8 2000.13 Contents. Vol. I. History and plan of this edi- tion; Life of Francis Bacon, by William Rawley; Philosophical works. Parti. Parts of the instauratio magna ; General preface to Bacon's philosophical works, by B.L. Ellis; Preface to the Novum Orga- num, by K. L. Ellis; Notes; Epistola de dedicatoria; Praefatio; Distributio opens; Novum organum; Pre- face to the Parasceve; Parascevc ad historiam natu- ralem et experimentalem; De augmentis scientiarum. Vol. II. Historia ventorum; Historia vita3 et mortis; Historia densietrari; Inquisitio de magiiete ; Topica inquisitionis de luce et lumine; Sylva sylvarum, or a natural history ; Scala intellectus sive filum laby rin- tlii. Vol. III. Part 2. Connected subjects, not parts Of the instauratio magua. Preface ; Cogitationes de natura rerum; Preface, by R. L. Ellis; DC fluxu et refluxu maris; Preface, by R. L. Ellis; De principiis atque originibus, etc. ; New Atlantis ; Magnalia naturae. Part 3. Designed as parts of the instaura- tio magna, but abandoned. Preface; Cogitationes de scientia humana; Preface, by R. L. Ellis; Valerius Terminus; Advancement of learning, Book 1,2; Filum Labyrinthi; De interpretatione naturse proce- mium; Temporis partus masculus; Partis instaura- tionis secundae delineatio et argumentum; Redar- gutio philosophiarum; Cogitata et visa de interpre- tatione naturae; Inquisitio legitima de motu ; Caloret frigus; Historia soni et auditus; Phenomena uui- versi; Preface, by R. L. Ellis; Descriptio globi intel- lectualis; Thema cceli; De interpretatione naturse sententiae 12; Aphorism! et consilia; Physiological and medical remains. Vol. IV. Translations of the philosophical works ; The great instauration ; The new organon; Preparative towards a natural and experi- mental history; Of the dignity and advancement of learning, Books 2-6. Vol. V. Of the dignity and ad- vancement of learning, Books 7-9 ; Natural and experimental history; Works connected with the instauratio magna, but not meant to be included in it; Thoughts on the nature of things; On the ebb and flow of the sea; On principles and origins, ac- cording to the fables of Cupid and ccelum; Works originally designed for parts of the instauratio magna, but superseded or abandoned; Description of the intellectual globe ; Theory of the heaven; Index. Vol. VI. History of the reign of King Henry 7th. ; The beginning of the history of the reign of King Henry 8th; The beginning of the history of Great Brit- ain; In felicem memoriam Elizabethoe, Anglise re- ginse; The same translated into English; In Henri- cum Principem Wallise elogium; The same trans- lated into English; Imago civilis Julii Csesaris; The same translated into English ; Additions and correc- tions inserted by Bacon in a manuscript copy of Camden's annales ; Essays or counsels, civil and moral; Appendix to the essays; De sapientia veter- um; The same translated into English. Vol. VII. Advertisement touching a holy war ; Of the true greatness of Britain ; Colours of good and evil; Letter and discourse to Sir Henry Savill, touching helps for the intellectual powers; Short notes for civil conver- sation; Apophthegms; Promus of formularies and elegancies; Religious writings; Appendix : Christian BACON 49 BAILEY Shelf. No. BACON, F. Lord, continued. paradoxes; Professional works : General preface; Maxims of the law; Reading of the statute of uses; Use of the law; Discourse upon the commission of Bridewell; Arguments of law; Preparation for the union of laws; Answers to questions toviching the office of constables; Ordinances in chancery ; Appen- dix; Index. Works, with life, by B. Montagu. New ed. Philadelphia, 1842. 3v. 1.8 2590.21 Contents. Vol. I. Life of Bacon ; Essays; Medi- tationes sacra;; Of the colours of good and evil; Mis- cellaneous tracts upon human philosophy; Apoph- thegms ; Ornamenta rationalia; Collection of sen- tences ; Notes for conversation ; Essay on death; The advancement of learning; New Atlantis; The wisdom of the ancients; Civil history; Biography; Miscellaneous tracts. II. Sylva sylvarum, or a natu- ral history; Tracts relating to Scotland, Ireland, Spain, England; Speeches; Charges; Papers relating to the Earl of Essex ; Theological tracts ; Miscellane- ous ; Judicial charges and tracts; Miscellaneous; Miscellaneous tracts [translated from the Latin]; III. Letters; Law tracts; The great instauration of Lord Bacon; Miscellaneous tracts [translated from the Latin] ; Index. Kesuscitatio, or bringing 1 into light several works of Ld. Bacon. 3d. ed. Lond.,1671. f. *2591.9 Contents. Part I. Observations upon a libel ; Re- port of the detestable treason intended by Lopez ; Controversies of the church ; Felicities of Queen Elizabeth; Discourse of the union of England and Scotland; Historic of Great Britain; Helps for the intellectual powers; Pacification of the church; Plan- tation in Ireland; Button's estate; Compiling and amending the laws of England; Essay on fame; Julius Cffisar; Apophthegms; Letters. Part II. A preparatory to the history, natural and experimental; Charge against duels; Decree of the star-chamber in the same cause; Apology touching the Earl of Essex; Speech in arraignment of Lord Sanijuere; Prayer ; Letter to Prince Charles; Translations of thePsalms; Charge of the sessions at the Verge; Speeches con- cerning the post nati; Considerations touching a war with Spain; Advertisement touching a holy war; Digest to be made of the laws of England; History of King Henry the Eighth; Natural and experi- mental history of the winds. Essays, with annotations by R. Whately. From 2d Lond. ed. New York, 1857. 8. . 2590.20 Life of Ilonry VII. [Kennet, W. Hist, of Eng. v. 1] 2410.3 Brougham, II. An account of Bacon's novum organon E.212.3 Maistre, J. de. Examen de la philosophic de. 3f>08.4 Mallet, D. Life of 2446.2 Rawley, W. Life of 2591.9 Remusat, C. de. Sa vie, son temps, etc. . . 2446.1 Smith, W. H. Was Bacon the author of Shakespeare's plays ? 2597.32 - Bacon and Shakespeare 2598.15 BACON, L. Discourse at the funeral of J. Ashmun, [etc.] New Haven, 1828. 8 *Pph. v. 76 Oration before the P. B. K. soc. of Dartmouth College. Hanover, 1845. 8 *Pph. v. 149 BACON, S. Life and character of. Ashmun, J. 2344.9 BACON, T. Sermons to masters and servants. Republ. by Rev. W. Meade. Winchester, n.d. 18 3459.27 BACON, W. T. Poems. New York, 1848. 8. . . 2398.35 BACON, Directions for curing. Youatt, W. . . . 4002.10 BACOT, J. Observations on syphilis. London, 1821. 8 '. . . ,*3770.29 BACSTROM, J. Voyage to Spitzbergen. [Pinker- ton. Voyages, v. 1] 2200.13 BACTRIA. Lassen, C. Zur Geschichte dcr Konige in Baktrien 3044.3 Rhode, J. G. Religions-System der alten Baktrer 3488.12 See also : Bokhara, BADA, G. B. Opere in versi edite ed incdite in vernacolo familiar Vcnezian. Venezia, 1788-1800. 4v. 10 4705.2 Contents. Vol. I. Scaramuzza, poema. II. El piovan arloto poema faceto. III. L'aseno d'oro, poema piacevole. IV. Quaranta favole d'Esopo ed nitre di piacevole argomento; Sonetti cd altre poesie. Shelf. No. BADEN, J. TydskogDansk Ordbog. Kiiibenhavn, 1787-97. 2v. 8 *2884.0 BADEX. Mone, F. J. Urgeschichte des badischen Landes 2836.4 Schreiber, H. A. Abre"ge de Phistoire de Bade 2834.11 BADHAM, C. On bronchitis. 2d ed. London, 1814. 12 *3794.33 Inflammatory affections of the bronchise. London, 1808. 18 *3809.27 Criticism applied to Shakspere. London, 1840. sm. 8 2598.2 BADINI, C. F. H duca d' Atone. Comic opera in Eng. and Ital. Music by Sig. Bertoni. Lon- don, 1780. 8. . *2777.6 La governante ; or the duenna. In Ital. and Eng. An opera. Music by Sig. Bertoni. London, 1779. pp. 91. 8" *2777.12 BADOAEO, P. Orazioni civili. la ediz. flor. Fi- renze, 1827. 8 2793.11 BAEE, C. E. v. TTeber Entwickelungsgeschichte der Thiere. Konigsberg, 1828-37. 2v. sm. 4 3884.3 Vorlesungen iiber Anthropologie. Konigs- berg, 1824. Iv. 8 and Iv. f 3765. 1 BAETA, H. X. Cullen, Brown, and Darwin, in the treatment of fever and rheumatism. Lon- don, 1800. 8 *M. Pph.v.63, 116 BAGAY, V. Nouvclles tables astrouomiques et hydrographiques. Ed. stereotype. Paris, 1829. 4 **E. 151.17 BAGE, R. Mount Kenneth ; Barham Downs 5 James Wallace ; [Tales,] with memoir of the author. [Ballantyne's novel. libr.].v.9of 2573.1 BAGETTI, J. P. Vues des champs de bataille de Napoleon en Italic. Sous la direction de Pelet. Paris, 1835. atl. f *27. A. 1 BAGGE, H. De evolutione strongyli auricularis et ascaridis acuminatse. Erlaugae, 1841. 4 . . 3874.2 BAGGESEN, J. Poetische Werke. Leipzig, 1836. 5v - 12 2896.6 Contents. Vol. I. Vorwort; Parthenais oder die Alpenreise, idyllisches Epos in zwiilf Gcsangen. IL Oden und Elegien; Lieder; Vermischte Ged- ichte; Epigramme; Oceania. HL Der vollendete Faust Oder Romanien in lauer, em dramatisches Gedicht in drei Abtheilungen. IV. Adam und Eva, Oder die Geschichte des Sundenfalls, cm humoris- tisches Epos in zwiilf Biicheru; Epigramme. V. Syrische Gedichte; Erzahlungen; Poetische Episteln. BAGLIONI IV., M. La vita e le imprese militari di. Vermiglioli, G. B 2744.1 BAGNOLI, P. L'Orlando savio ; [poema.] Nuova ediz. Firenze, 1843. 4v. 12 4709.5 Poesie scelte. Con un discorso di A. Conti. Firenze, 1857. 12 4776.13 See Bernabo Silorata, P. Prose e poesie di italiaui viveuti v.4of 4768.16 BAGOT, R. The bishop of Oxford's visitation [and charge in the university church.] [Ox- ford, 1842.] 8 *p p h. y. 126 BAHAMA islands, Natural history of. Catesby, M 3820.7 BAIER, J. J. Monumenta rerum petrifactarum przecip. NoricEe. Norimbergaj, 1757. pp.20 f , 15 tab *38G0.24 BAIF, L. de. De re vestiaria. [Grsevius. Thesau- rus antiq. Rom.] v.Oof 2950.1 De vasculis, sive animadversiones in tracta- tum de auro legato ; De re navali. [Grono- vlus. Thesaurus Graec. antiq.] . . v. 9, 11 of 2900.2 BAILEY. Impartial history of Newcastle upon Tyne. Newcastle, 1801. 8 *2503.29 BAILEY, A. H. Report on the New York State library, n.p. n.d. 8 *Pph. v. 169 BAILEY, E. First lessons in algebra. Imp. ster. cd. Boston, 1839. 12" 3936.10 3d, 7th, 9th annual catalogue of the young ladies' high school. Boston, 1829-36. **E.224.11, *Pph. v.91,99 BAILEY, Jacob. Life of. Bartlet, W. S 2344.2 BAILEY 50 BAKEWELL Shelf. No. BAILEY, John. Use of belladonna in painful dis- orders of the head and face. London, 1818. 8 *M. Pph.v.77 BAILEY, J. W. Microscopical examination of soundings, etc. [Smithsonian contribut. v.2, art. 3] 3340.1 Microscopical observations. [Smithsonian contrib., etc. v.2. art. 8] 3340.1 Notes on new species of microscopical organ- isms. [Smithsonian contrib. v-7. art.3] . 3340.1 BAILEY, M. J. Report on the law relating to the importation of spurious drugs and medi- cines. N. Y., 1849. 8 *M. Pph. v. 45 BAILEY, N. A universal etymological English dictionary. London, 1730. f **E.201.2 - Same. Vol. 2. 3d ed. London, 1737. 8". 2584.24 - Same. 30th ed. Glasgow, 1802. 8 .. **E. 204. 10 - Same. New ed. by J. N. Scott. London, 17G4. f *2590.2 BAILEY, S. Money and its vicissitudes in value. London, 1837. 8 3646.23 BAILEY, T. Annals of Nottinghamshire. Lon- don, 1853. 4v. in 2. 8 *2492.1 BAILLET, A. Jugemens des savans sur les prin- cipaux ouvrages. Paris, 1722. 7v. 4 . . . *2191.1 Contents. Vol. I. Abrege de la vie de Mr. Bail- lets Avertissement; Plan del'ouvrage; Desjugemens sur les livrcs en general; Des prejuges ; Jugemens des principaux imprimeurs. II. Jugemens des prin- cipaux critiques. III. Jugemens des principaux tra- ducteurs ; Jugemens des (principaux auteurs qui ont traite de 1'art poetique; Jugemens sur les principaux ouvrages des poetes. IV. Jugement sur poetes lat- - ins ; Poetes modernes (italiens, espagnols, et fr.). V. Jugemens sur les poetes modernes (italiens, es- pagnols et franffois). VI. Jugemens sur enfans Celebres par leurs etudes; Auteurs deguises sous des noms etrangers, empruntes, supposes, etc. VII. Des satyres personnelles; Traite historique et critique de celles qui portent le litre d'Anti; Table generale des Anti; Table generale. Critique du livre, intitule : Jugemens des sa- vans. Menage, G 2191.2 BAILLIE, J. Nature and dignity of Christ. 2d ed. London, 1838. 8 3462.3 BAILLIE, M. Morbid anatomy of parts of the hu- man body. 1st Am. ed. Albany, 1795. 12. *3744.9 Biographical sketch of. Wardrop, J 2458.1 BAILLIE, K. Letters and journals. Transcribed by K. Aiken. 1037-62. Edinburgh, 1775. 2v. 8 2454.20 BAILLIERE, J. B. Catalogue des livres de me'de- cine. Bruxelles, et Londres. 1829-32. 8.*M. Pph.v.23 BAILLY, C. F. Manuel du jardinier. Paris, 1843. 2v. 12 4003.29 Maison rustique du 19e siecle. Encyclopedic d' agriculture. Paris, 1836-39. 5v. in 3. 8. 3982.2 Contents. Vol. I. Agriculture proprement dite. II. Cultures industriellcs et animaux domestiques. III. Arts agricoles. IV. Agriculture forestiere; legis- lation et administration rurale. V. Encyclopedic d'horticulture. BAILLY, J. L. A. Notices historiques sur les bib- liotheques anciennes et modernes. Paris, 1828. 8 2121.5 BAILLY, J. S. Histoire de 1' astronomic ancienne. 2deed. Paris, 1781. 4" *3931.3 Histoire de 1' astronomic moderne. Nouv. ed. Paris, 1785. 3v. 4 *3931.2 Histoire de 1' astronomie ancienne et moderne en Europe. [6d.] par V. C[omeyras.] Par- is, 1805. 2v. 8" . . **E. 187.14 Memoires. Paris, 1821-22. 3v. 8. [Berville et Barriere. M6m. rel. a la revolution fran- caise] 11, 12, 13 of *4645.7 Traite de 1' astronomie indienne et orientale. Paris, 1787. 4 *3931.4 BAILMENT. Jones, Sir W. Essay on the law of. 3636.18 Troplong, K. T. Le droit du nantissement. 3637.9 BAILY, F. Catalogue of zodiacal stars. London, 1827. 8 **E. 110.55 Doctrine of annuities and assurances, [with an appendix.] London, 1810-13. 8 .... 3923. 13 Shelf. No. BAILY, F., continued. Report on the new standard scale of the roy. astronomical soc. London, 1836. 4. . **E. 161.18 On determining the longitude by the culmina- tion of the moon and stars. London, 1824. 4 **E. 186.2 BAIN telegraph case. French, B. B 3962.6 BAINES, E., Senior, and Whatton, W. R. History of the county and duchy of Lancaster. Lon- don, 1830. 4v. 4 *2491.5 BAINES, E., Jr. History of the cotton manufac- ture in Gt. Britain. London, [1835.] 8 . . 4010.7 BAINES, T. Liverpool in 1859. 2 parts. London, 1859. 8 *2472.20 BAIRD, SirD., Life of. London, 1832. 2v. 8.. 2445.8 BAIKD, J. S. S. The classical manual. Philadel- phia, 1852. 12 7089.17 BAIRD, R. Histoire des societds de temperance des Etots-Unis d' Ame'rique. Paris, 1830. 8 3576.12 Religion in America. New York, 1844. 8. . 3544.9 BAIRD, W. Natural history of the British ento- mostraca. " London, 1850. 8 [Ray society, 14] *3824.2 BAITER, J. G., and Sauppe, H. Oratores Attici. 2pts.ini vol. Turici, 1839-50. 4 *2903.1 Contents. Part I. Antiphou; Andocides; Lysias; Isocrates; Isa?us; Lycurgus; jEschines; Dinarclms; Demosthenes. Part II. Scholia in Isocratem ; Scho- lia in ^Eschinem; Scholia in Demosthenem; Frag- mcnta oratorum Atticorum, Gorgias, Antiphon, Phaeax; Androcles; Cleophon; Alcidumas; Thrasy- machus; Theodorus; Sophocles; Andocides j Archi- nus; Antisthenes; ^schines; Lysias ; Euripides; Leodamas; Cephalus; Aristophon; Callistratus; Mel- snopus; Iphicrates; Autocles; Cephisodotus ; Poly- crates ; Isocrates ; Isasus ; Philepsius ; Leodamas ; Androtion ; Isocrates ; Naucrates ; Theopompus ; Caucalus; Theodectes ; Aphareus ; Philiseus; Coccus; Lacritus; Lycoleon; Zoilus; Leptines; Demosthenes; Hegesippus; Lycurgus; Polyeuctus; Timarchus; Mce- rocles; Hyperides; Eubulus; JEschines; Aristogiton; Philocrates; Pytheas; Demades; ^sion; Pitholaus; Phormion; Cydias; Philinus; Euthias; Democrates; Anaximenes; Dinarchus; Demochares ; Stratoclcs; Menessechmus ; Callicrates ; Democlides; Philon ; Demopliilus; Glaucippus; Hagnonides; Polyxenus; Polychannus; Demetrius Phalereus; Adespota; Frag- mcnta Hyperidis nuper in ./Egypto reperta; Index nominum ; Onomasticum fragmentorum ; Index ora- torum et orationum omnium ex ordine literarum; Index eorum quae utroque volumine continentur ; Corrigenda et addenda. BAJ, T. Miserere per 2 cori a 4 e 5 voc. cant, per hebdomadam sanctam. Romae. [Dehn. Practische Musik-Werke v. 26] 4051 14 BAJETTI, R. See Opuscoli letterarii, v. 1 .... *2792.2 BAKER, A. E. Northamptonshire words and phrases. London, 1854. 2v. 12 *2586.15 BAKER, D. E. Companion to the playhouse, [or Biographia dramatica.] London, 1764. 2v. 12 2175.6 - Same. London, 1812. 3v. in 4. 8 .... *2175.3 BAKER, E. Brief sketch of the Lancasterian sys- tem. Troy, N. Y. 1816. 10" *Pph. v. 208 BAKER, G. History and antiquities of the county of Northampton. London, 1822-41. 2v. f . *2490.4 BAKER, H. Employment for the microscope. 2d ed. London, 1704. 8 3920.42 The microscope made easy. 5th ed. London, 1709. 8 3920.43 BAKER, J. Life of Sir T. Bernard. London, 1819. 8 2457.3 BAKER, J. L. Men and things. Short essays. Boston, 1858. 12 2406.23 BAKER, Sir R. Chronicle of the kings of England. 6th ed. London, 1074. f *2540.5 BAKER, T. E. Art of preserving health in India. Calcutta, 1829. 8 3767.5 BAKEWELL, R. Introduction to geology. 3d Am. fr. 5th Lond. ed. Ed. by B. Silliman. New Haven, 1839. 8 3862.3 Travels in the Tarentaise, Switzerland and Auvergne. 1S20-22. London, 1823. 2v. in 1. 8 2804.8 BALBI 51 BALEARIC Shelf. No. BALBI, A. Atlas ethnographique. IT. f. Intro- duction. Iv. 8. Paris, 1826 2234.6 L'Austria e le primarie potenze. Saggi di statistica comp. Introduzione da E. Balbi. Milano, 1846. 16 2289.10 Scritti geografici, statistic! e vari. Torino, 1841-42. 5v. 10 2289.11 BALBI, F. Argenide. Tragedia. [Teatro mod. appl.] v.8of 2768.1 Mebemet II. Tragedia. [Teatro mod. appl.] v.59of 2768.1 BALBI, G. Iter, anno 1579, ex Alepo Babyloniam versus, et inde porro ad regnum Pegu usque continuatum. [Bry, T. de, etc. Collectiones peregrinationum, Ser. 2. v. 3] 2360.26 Voyage to Pegu. [Pinkerton. Voyages]. v.9 of 2260.13 BALBI, L. A. Alessio Comneno. Tragedia. [Tea- tro mod. appl.] v.34of 2768.1 BALBO, C. Lettere di politica e letteratura. Fir- enze, 1855. 12 4767.5 Meditazioni storiche. Ed. terza. Firenze, 1855. 12 4749.9 Pensieri ed esempi, con 1' aggiunta dei dia- loghi di un maestro di scuola. 2da ed. Fi- renze, 1856. 12 4766.5 Quattro novelle narrate da un maestro di scuola. Torino, 1829. 8 2773.9 Contents. Francesco; Toniotto e Maria; Labella Alda; Margherita. Storia d'ltalia sotto i barbari. Firenze, 1856. 16 2719.6 Vita di Dante. Firenze, 18o3. 12 2800.16 See Bernabo Silorata, P. [Prose e poesie di ItaLviv.] v.Sof 4768.16 Delia vita e degli scritti del. Ricotti, E. . . . 2749.11 Lettere e vita di Carlo Vidua. Vidua, C. . . 2261.6 BALBOA, M. C. Histoire du Perou. [Ternaux- Compans. Voyages] v.9 of 2316.1 15ALCAKKES, Memoir of the house of. Crawford and Balcarres 2443.3 BALCH, T. Letters and papers relating to the pro- vincial history of Pennsylvania. Philadel- phia, 1855. 12 2372.5 BALCH, W. Sermon preached before the annual convention of ministers, May 29, 1760. Bos- ton, 1700. 8 *3455.40 BALDACCHINI, S. See Bernabo Silorata, P. [Prose e poesie di Ital. viv.J v.l,2,6,9of 4768.16 BALDASSERONI, A. Dizionario ragionato di giu- risprudenza marittima, e di commorcio. Li- vorno, 1811-14. 4v. 4 *3620.16 BALDASSINI, M.A. See Bernabo Silorata, P. [Prose e poesie di Ital. viv.] v.3,5,9,of 4768.16 BALDELLI, F. See Berni, F. Opere burlesche. v.2of 4769.6 BALDELLI-BONI, G. B. Del Petrarca e delle sue opere. Ed. 2da. Poligrafla Fiesolana, 1837. 2v.ini. 8" 2803.5 Elogio di Niccolo Machiavelli. Londra, 1794. 8 2805.7 Relazioni vicendevoli dell' Europa e dell' Asia. [Introd. al milione di Marco Polo.] Firenze, 1827. 2v. 4 2240.9 Vita di Giovanni Boccacci. Firenze, 1806. 8. 2772.17 Estratto della vita di Giovanni Boccacci. [Coll. d'opuscoli sclent, and lett.] . . v. 2 of 5278.2 Lettera al Carlo Denina. [Coll. d'opuscoli sclent, and lett.] v. 16 of 5278.2 BALDERICUS. Gesta Alberonis archiepiscopi Tre- verorum. [Migne. Patrologias v. 154] . . . 3460.31 BALDI, B. Vita c fatti di Federigo di Montefeltro, duca di Urbino, corr. di osserv. del Zuccardi. Roma, 1824. 3v. 8 2744.13 - Same. Pubb. per cura di C. de 1 Rosmini. Milano, [1821]. 2v. 8 2744.11 Orto. Idillio. [Parnaso italiano]. . . v. 23 of 2779.1 Lanautica. Poema. [Parnaso italiano]v. 25 of 2779.1 La nautica; Celeo, o 1'orto. [Raccolta di poemetti didasealici] v. 1,9 of 4779.8 Orazioni storiche. [Scelta di orazioni] . . . 4779.10 Shelf. No. BALDICCIONE di Casalberti, M. Ricordi di cose familiari. [Archivio stor. ital. app.] v. 8 of 5255.2 BALDINI, B. Disc, del fato. Firenze, 157S. pp. 42. 4. *2741 . 1 Vita di Co simo Medici. Firenze, 1578. 4. . *2741.3 BALDINUCCI, F. Arte dell' intagliare in rame, colle vite di molti de' piu eccellenti maestri della stessa professione : con anuotazioni del D. M. Manni. Milano, 1808. 8 .... *4063.20 Notizie dei professori del disegno. v. 1-5. Firenze, 1845-47. 5v. 8 *4087.3 Raccolta di alcuni opuscoli sopra varie mate- rie de pittura, scultura e architettura. Fi- renze, 1765. 4 *4076.2 Vocabolario toscano dell' arte del disegno. Firenze, 1781. 4 v. 7 of 2782.1 BALDOCK, T. Form of a steam engine. [Tred- gold, T. Steam engine, v. 2] 4011.7 BALDOVINI, F. II lamento di Cecco da Varlungo colle note d' Orazio Marrini. Firenze, 1755. 4 2794.13 See Berni, F. Opere burlesche. . . . v. 3 of 4709.6 See Corazzini, F. Miscellanea 4777.6 L' amante scartato. [Fontani. Saggio di rime] 2794.8 See Poesie di eccel. autori toscaui per far ridere 4776.24 Due cantate. [Poesie per far ridere. Race. primav. 1] 2809.2 Canzone per maggio. [Teatro ital. ant.], v.10 of 2770.1 BALDRICUS. Opera omnia, accurante J. P. Mig- ne. Lutetiaa Parisiorum, 1854. 8". [Patro- logiae v. 160] 3460.40 Contents. Historia Hierosolymitana; Acta trans- lation is capitis S. Valentin!; Vita S. Hugonis Rotho- magensis archiepiscopi ; Itinerarium, sive epistola ad Fiscannenses; Vita S. Robert! de Arbrissello; Carmina; Acta S. Valerian! martyris; De visitations infirmorum; Diploma. BALDUIN, count of Flanders. Epistolae et diplo- mata. [Migne. Patrologiae v. 209] . v. 2 of 3470.30 BALDUIN, king of Jerusalem. Privilegiura pro ecclesia Bethlehemitica. [Migne. Patrolo- giae v. 155] 3460.32 BALDUIN, abp. of Canterbury. Tractatus varii : Liber de commendatione fidci ; Liber de sa- cramento altaris. [Migne. Patrologiae v. 204J 3470.26 BALDWIN, E. Annals of Yale college. 2d ed. New Haven, 1838. 8 2387.3 BALDWIN, J. D. Story of Raymond Hill, and other poems. Boston, 1847. 12 2407.17 BALDWIN, L. Report on the subject of introduc- ing pure water into the city of Boston. Boston, 1834-35. 8 v. 1 of *6357.20 BALDWIN, Th.,D.D. Sentiments of baptists. Ans. to S. Worcester. Boston, 1810. 12 .... 3545.7 BALDWIN, Th. Pronouncing gazetteer, with an appendix. 3d. ed. Philadelphia, 1847. 8 . *2284.3 BALDWIN, Theron. Historical sketch of Illinois college. New York, 1832. 8 *Pph. v. 80 BALDWIN, W. Mirror for magistrates. Part 3. See Mirror, vol. 2 2003.8 BALDWIN, W. O. Observations on the poisonous properties of the sulphate of quinine. Montgomery, 1847. 8 *M.Pph. v. 43 BALE, J., bp. of Ossory. Select works, ed. by H. Christmas. Cambridge, 1849. 8. [Parker society, 32] 3493.5 Contents. Examination and death of Lord Cob- ham; Examination of W. Thorpe; Examination of Anne Askewe; The image of both churches. Chronyclc concernynge Sir J. Oldecastell, Ld. Cobham. London, 1729. 8 *2447.1 Kynge Johan ; a play. Ed. by J. P. Collier. London, 1838. sm. 4 [Camden soc. v. 2] . *2416.2 God's promises. -See Dodsley, R. Old plays, v.l 2588.1 BALEARIC islands. Lavallec, J. Histoire et de- scription des ilcs baleares, par M. F. La- croix 2206.19 BALESTRIERI 52 BALTIC Shelf. No. BALESTRIERI, D. Opere. Milano, 1816. 4v. 24". [Coll. delle migliori opere scritti in dial. milanese, v. 5-8] 4709 a. 5 Contents. Vol. I. H figliuol prodigo; Novellette; Sestine. H. Ottave; Sonetti. HI. La Gerusalemme Hlicnita. IV. Prose; Intermezzi; Traduzioni d'An- acreonte; Poesie varie; Brandana. Poesie. [Porta, C. Poesie milanese] .... 4779.7 BALFOUR, C. L. Working women of the last half century. London, 1850. 10 3574.29 BALFOUR, F. Treatise on the influence of the moon in fevers. Calcutta. 1784. Re-printed, Edinburgh, 1785. 8" *M. Pph.v.117 BALFOUR, J. Historical works : annales of Scot- land, 1057-1052. Edinburgh, 1825. 4v. 8 . *2475.7 BALFOUR, J. H. Letter to R. K. Greville in an- swer to a pamphlet entitled Singular specimens of criticism. Edinburgh, 1851. 8 *Pph.v. 193 BALFOUR, "Walter. Inquiry into the scriptural doctrine concerning the devil. Charles- town (Ms.), 1820. 12 3453.28 Inquiry into the scriptural import of the words translated hell. Ch'stown, 1824. 8. 3453.2 Reply to J. Sabine'a lectures on Inquiry into the import of Sheol, Hades [etc.] Bos- ton, 1825. 8" *Pph.v234 Support of religious teachers considered. Charlestown, 1813. 8 *Pph. v. 234 Reply to, touching future retribution. Hud- son, C 3453.41 BALFOUR, William. Sedative and febrifuge pow- -ers of emetic tartar. Edinburgh, 1818. 8*M.Pph.v.77 BALL, B. W. Elfin land, and other poems. Bos- ton, 1851. 8 2398.24 BALL, C. Historical account of Winchester. Winchester, 1818. 8 *2502.11 BALLADS. Ancient songs from Henry II. to 1688. 2538.3 Bloomfield, R. Ballads 2509.12 Burns, R. Strictures on Scottish B 2578.12 Collier, J. P. Roxburghe ballads 2537.2 - Ballads from early printed copies of the utmost rarity. [Percy soc. v. 1] 2537.3 Cox, A. C. Christian ballads 2398.19 Dixon, J. H. Scottish traditional versions of ancient B. [Percy soc. v. 17] 2537.19 - Ballads of the peasantry of England. [Percy soc. v. 17] 2537.19 Goodwin, J. Six ballads with burdens. [Percy soc. v. 13] 2537.15 Gutch, J. M. A lytell geste of Robin Hode . 2530. 1 Ilalliwcll, J. O. Early naval ballads of Eng- Ifiiul. [Percy soc. v. 11] " . . 2537.31 ilackay, C. B. relative to London prentices. [Percy soc. v. 1] 2537.3 Rimbault, E. F. B. gathered from ancient mu- sic books 2538.14 - B. illustrating the frost of 1GS3-S4. [Percy soc. v.9] 2537.11 Ititson, J. Northern garlands 2538.1 - Caledonian muse 2538.4 - Ancient B 2538.5 Robin Hood. A collection of ballads, etc. . 2538.7 Wright, T. Political B. publ. during the com- monwealth. [Percy soc. v. 3] 2537.5 Sec also : Songs. BALLANCHE, P. S. (Euvres. Paris, 1830. 4v. 8 . 3565.13 Contents. Vol. I. Preface generale ; Antigone ; L'homme sans nom; filegie; Fragments. II. Pre- face; Essai sur les institutions sociales; Le vieillard et le jeune homme; loge de Camille Jordan. TTT. Preface; Palingenesie sociale, prolegomenes; Reflex- ions diverses; Vision d'Hebal. IV. Premiere ad- dition aux prolegomenes; Orphee; Argument; Epi- logue. BALLAXTYXE, James and John. Novelist's li- brary, with prcf. memoirs by Sir W. Scott. London, 1821-24. lOv. roy. 8 *2573.1 Contents. Vol. I. Fielding : Josep'l Andrews; Tom Jones; Amelia; Jonathan Wild. II. Smollett: BALLANTYNE, James and John, continued. Roderic Random ; Peregrine Pickle ; Humphry Clinker. HI. Ferdinand, Count Fathom; Sir Lance- lot Greaves; Don Quixote, with life of Cervantes. IV. Le Sage: Gil Bias; The Devil on two sticks; Vanillo Gonzales; Johnstone : Chrysal, or the ad- ventures of a guinea. V. Sterne : Tristram Shandy; Sentimental journey; Goldsmith : Vicar of Wake- field; Johnson : Rasselas; Mackenzie : Man of feel- Ing; Man of the world; Julia de Roubigne; Walpole: Castle of Otranto; Reeve : Old English Baron. Vl.-Vm. Richardson. VI. Pamela. VII. Clarissa Hiirlowe. VIIL Sir Charles Grandison. IX. Swift J. : Gulliver's Travels; liagc, R. : Mount Hennett; Barham Downs ; James Wallace ; Cumberland, R. : Henry- X. Radcliffe, Mrs. Ann : Sicilian ro- mance; Romance of the forest; Mysteries of Udol- pho; The Italian ; The castles of Athlin and Dun- bayne. BALLANTYNE, J. Refutation of the misstatemcnts and calumnies contained in Mr. Lockhart's life of Sir W. Scott, respecting the Messrs Ballantyne. 2ded. London, 1838. 8 . . *Pph.v.223 BALLANTYXE humbug handled. Lockhart, J. G *Pph.v.224 BALLAP.D, E. Diagnosis of diseases of the abdo- men. London, 1852. 12 *3799.8 BALLARD, G. Ladies of Great Britain celebrated for their writings. Oxford, 1752. 4 ... 2451.0 BALLENSTEDT, J. G. J. Die Urwelt. 3te Aufl. Quedlinberg, 1818-19. 3Thle in Iv. 8 . . . 3877.14 BALLESTRAZZI, V. See Bernabo Silorata, P. Prose e poesie di Ital. viv v.9 of 4768.16 BALLEXSERD, J. Education physique des enfans. Paris, 1762. 8 3777.15 BALLINGALL, Sir G. Outlines of military sur- gery. 5th ed. Edinburgh, 1855. 8 .... *3744.7 Remarks on schools of instruction for mili- tary and naval surgeons. [Edinburgh, 1843.] 8 *M.Pph.v.39 BALLOONS. Dupuis-Delcourt, J.Fr. Guide pour ser- vir a 1'histoire et a la pratique des ballons. 3905.13 Turgan, J. Histoire de la locomotion aeri- enne 3964.21 See also : Aeronautics. BALLOT. Ricardo, D. Speech on the plan of vot- ing by 3G55.1 BALLOU, A. Practical Christian socialism. Hope- dale, 1854. 8 3565.3 BALLOU, H. 6. 1771, d. 1852. Future retribution. Boston, 1846. 18 3453.40 Notes on the parables. 3d ed. Hallowell, 1822. 12 3419.10 BALLOU, H. 2d, born 1790. Ancient history of Uni- versalism. Boston, 1829. 12 3453.25 Collection of psalms and hymns. Boston, 1837. 16 3449.18 BALLOU, H. and Turner, E. Universalist hymn book. Boston, 1821. 32 3449.20 BALLOU, M. The divine character vindicated ; a review of the Conflict of ages. N.Y.,1854. 12 3453.13 BALLOU, M. M. History of Cuba, or notes of a traveller in the tropics. Boston, 1854. 12" . 2313.17 BALLSTON Spa. Hosack, D. Analysis of the wa- ters M.Pph.v.3 State and national law school. Circular and catalogue. New York, 1852. 8 *Pph.v.l96 BALME, C. Memoires sur les flevres pestilen- tielles et contagieuses en general, et sur le chole'ra-morbus en particulier. Lyon, 1832. 8 *M.Pph.v.36 BALSAMO, G. Delia vita e delle gesta di A. Cagli- ostro 2749.5 BALTARD, L. Paris et ses monumens. Descript. par Amaury Duval. Paris, 1803-5. f " . . . *26. L. 1 Contents. Le Louvre; St. Cloud; Chateau d'Ecou- en; Fontainebleau. BALTIC. De Luc, J. A. Observations on some parts of the coasts of the v. 1 of 3802.21 Kobbe, T. C. A. v. Wanderungen an der Nord-und Ostsee 2802.13 BALTIMORE 53 15 AXES Shelf. Xo. BALTIMORE. Ordinances of the city. Baltimore, 1S01. 8 0375. '^O - Same. 1810. 8 f3:!75.u'7 - Same. Baltimore, 1839-49. llv. 8 ... 0375.28 National Lord's day convention. Abstract of proceedings, Nov., 1844. Baltimore, 1845. 8 *Pph. v. 144 Southern and -western commercial conven- tion, Dec. 18, 1852. Baltimore, 1852. 8. . 6375.4 Washington medical college. 1st annual re- port. Baltimore, 1839. 8 *M. Pph. v. 38 - Annual circular. Baltimore, 1839. 8. *M. Pph. v. 38 Purviance, E. Events in, during the revolu- tion 2329.10 BALTIMORE and Ohio railroad company. Twenty- third annual report of the president and directors to the stockholders. Baltimore, 1849. 8 *Pph. v. 278 BALTIMORE Canton company. Report of the committee of stockholders in Boston and its vicinity, June 13, 1S38. Boston, 1838. 8 *Pph. v. 279 BALTIMORE medico-chirurgical society. System of medical ethics. Baltimore, 1832. 8.*M.Pph. v.23 BALTTFFI, G. La chiesa Romaua, la vera chiesa. Imola, 1854. 8 3517.8 L 'America un tempo spagnuola, sotto 1'as- petto religiose. Ancona, 1844, 1845. 2v. roy. 8 2317.1 BALUZE, fi. Miscellanea novo ordine digesta, aucta opera ac studio J. D. Mansi. Lucje, 1761-04. 4v. f *3540.6 Contents. Vol. I. Jlonumenta historica turn sacra turn profana. II. Monumenta sacra. III. Monu- menta diplomatica et epistolaria. IV. Monumenta miscellanea. Nova collectio formularum. [Migne. Patro- logiae v. 87] 3450.18 BAMBER, J. Short history of the persecutions of J. Bamber, sen., and James Bamber, with an account of their surrender by Gov. Marcy to the British government, n. p., n. d. 8 *Pph. v. 175 BAMFORD, S. Dialect of South Lancashire, or Tuminus and Meary. 2d ed. London, 1854. 12 2586.31 BANCROFT, E. Natural history of Guiaua, with an account of the Indians. London, 170D. 8 2315.6 Philosophy of permanent colors. London, 1813. 2v. 8 4026.2 Remarks on the review of the controversy between Great Britain and her colonies. New London, 1771. 8 *2324.75 BANCROFT, G. History of the United States, v. I.-III. Boston, 1834-40. 8 **E. 111.1 Necessity, reality and promise of the progress of the human race. New York, 1854. 8 . *Pph.v.203 Account of the Round hill school. See Cogs- well, J. G Pph. v.240 BAXDELLO, M. Novelle. Milano, 1813-14. 9r. 10 [Raccolta de' novellieri italiani] .... *2788.1 Rime pubblicate per la prima volta da L. Costa. Torino, 1816. 8 2794.27 Novelle. See Novelliero italiano. . . v. 3 of 2772.19 Romeo e Giulietta. See Porto, Luigi da . . . 2773.4 Novels transl. [See Roscoe, T., Italian nov- elists] v. 3of 2772.18 BAXDIERA, A. M. Novelle. [Novelle di autori senesi] v. 2 of 2788.0 See Rabbi, C. C. Sinonimi ital 2781.5 I'ANDIXEL, J. Account of the trade in slaves from Africa. [1442-1841.] London. 1842. 8. . 3572.1 HANDINI, A. M. De Florentiua Juntarum typog- raphia. Par. 1, 2. Lucze, 1791. 2v. 8. . . *2114.5 Antica e moderna situazione dclla citta di Fiesole. Siena, 1800. 8" 2727.12 Vita e lettere di Amerigo Vespucci. Firenze, IMS. 4 2318.5 Shelf. So. BANDINI, A. M., continued. Illustrazione di due evangeliarj greci del secolo XI. [Raccolta di opuscoli scien- tifici] v. 19 of 5274.1 Ragionamento sopra uu opera di Ugolino da Montecatini. [Raecolta di opuscoli scien- tiflci] v.21of 5274.1 SulP antichissima Bibbia [Raccolta di opuscoli scientiflci] v. 18 of 5274. 1 BAXDIXI, G. Lettere al card. Aldobrandini rela- tive all' editto di Nantes. [Archiv. stor. ital. app.] v. 2 of 5255.1 BANDINI, S. A. Discorso economico. [Econo- mist! class, ital.] v . 8 of 3644.1 BANDIXUS. Libri quatuor sententiarum. [Mig- ne. Patrologiae v. 192] v.2of 3470.15 BAXFIELD, T. C. The statistical companion for 1854. London, 1854. 16 3684.25 BANGOR, 3fe. Charter and ordinances of the city. Bangor, 1851. 8 6339.10 BANGS, N. History of the methodist episcopal church from 1706 to 1840. 3d ed. New York, 1845-53. 4v. 16' 3543.1 BANK of the United States. Report to the com- mittee of ways and means. 1833. [Wash- ington, 1833.] 8 3646.2 BANKER'S gazette. See Economist 3110.1 BANKER'S magazine, and statistical register. Vols. V, VI, IX-XIII. Boston, 1850-52 and 1854-59. 7v. 8 *5346.1 BANKER'S magazine, v. XVIII. London, 1858. 8. *5345.l BANKES, H. Civil and constitutional history of Rome. London, 1818. 2v. 8 2755.1 BANKRUPTS. Renouard, A. C. Traite" des ban- queroutes 3678.1 BANKS and banking. Application for an act of incorporation for the leather manufactur- ers' bank, n.p., n.d. 8 *Pph. v. 88 Circulating medium, etc. " What shall I do to be saved." n.p. n.d. 8 3570.60 Considerations on the bank of the United States. By Umbra. Albany, 1832. 8 . *Pph. v. 92 Currency and the principles of banking. [Al- bany,] 1830. 8 *pph. v. 75 Hints on banking institutions. [No title- Page] Pph. v. 15 Remarks on the banks and currency of the New England States. Boston, 1820. 8".*Pph. v. 259 United States banks, with their location and capital, and the names of the presidents and cashiers. New York, 1848. 8. . . *Pph. v. 170 Bailey, S. Joint-stock banks 3040.23 Bradbury, H. Security and manufacture of banknotes 4012.5 Byles, J. B. A treatise on the law of bank notes 3074.4 Chitty, J. Law of bank notes 3674.1 Davies, B. Bank notes proved to be a rob- bery Pph. v . 232 Gallatin, A. B. system of United States . . 3040.12 Gilbart, J. W. History of B. in Ireland. . . 3046.15 Gouge, W. M. History of B. in the United States Pph. v. 112 Grant, J. Law relating to 3030.19 Hildreth, R. History of. 3640.35 Hints on 3653.3 King, P. Effects of the bank restrictions. . 3640.S Lawson, W. J. History of 3040.0 Lynde, S. Vindication of banks of credit. . 2324.77 Outline plan for a national bank 3646.22 Pratt, J. T. Savings banks in Great Britain and Ireland 3571.20 Projection for a B. of credit ill Boston, 1714 . 2324.77 Proudhon, P. J. Banque d'echange 3509.14 - Banque du peuple 3569.10 Ricardo, D. Observations on the bank of England 3055.1 Scaly, H. N. Treatise on 3040.29 Spencer, J. C. Speech on private B. . . . Pph. v. 54 BANKS BARBIER Shelf. No. BANKS and banking, continued. Thornton, H. Paper credit of Great Britain. 3640.11 Watt, P. Theory and practice of joint-stock banks Pph.v.222 See also : Bills of exchange, Brokers, Cambist, Cash payments, Circulation, Coinage, Coins, Credit, Cur- rency, Discount tables, Exchanges, Financial regis- ter, Funding system, Funds, Gold, Money, Paper currency, Usury laws. See also : The names of various states and coun- tries, for their documents on the subject, espe- cially Great Britain, Massachusetts, Khode Island, United States. BANKS, John. Riches of Christ. Ordination ser- mon of Rev. T. Hamilton. Albany, 1802. 8 *Pph. v. 53 BANKS, Sir Joseph. Catalogus bibliothecae hist, naturalis. Auctore J. Dryander. Londini. 1796-1800. 5v. 8 *2131.1 and Knight, T. A. Cause of disease in corn. And a letter on the late crops of peas. Lon- don, 1800 *M.Pph. v. 63 BANKS, T. C. Baronia Anglica concentrata. Rip- on. 1843-44. 2v. 4 *2431.1 Dormant and extinct baronage of England. London, 1807-57. 4v. 4 *2431.2 BANNATYNE, R. Journal of transactions in Scot- land, 1570-73. Edinburgh, 1800. 8 ... 2475.8 BANNEKER, B. Almanack for 1790. Baltimore, [1790.] 12 *3572.5 Memoir of. Latrobe, J. H. B 3572.5 BANTAM. Middleton, Sir H. Voyage to 2264.10 BAPTISM. Campbell, Rev. W. H. Subjects and modes of. Pph. v. 226 Gataker, T. De baptismo infantium .... 2920.2 Hall, J. H. Mode of B. proved from the Scriptures Pph. v. 108 Linn, W. B. not regeneration Pph. v. 13 Scott, J. B. according to the Scriptures, and the church of England 3545.0 Smith, S. S. Nature, subjects, and benefits of. 3441.4 Usages relatifs au baptgme. [Leber. Coll. diss. hist. Fr. v. 11] 2618.1 BAPTIST denomination. Backus, I. History of the B. in N. England, 1602-1804 v.l of 3454.1 Baldwin, T. Distinguishing sentiments of baptists explained and vindicated 3545.7 Benedict, D. History of the 3545.2,3 Cox, F. A. Baptists in America 3545.4 BAPTIST education society. Twenty-fifth annual meeting, with the reports, etc. Hamilton, 1842. 8 *Pph.v.l29 BAPTIST library. See Sommers, C. G 3454.1 BAPTIST ministers. Taylor, J. B. Lives of, in Virginia 3545.5 BAPTIST mission in India. Including an account of translations. 3d ed. Lond., 1810. 8. . *Pph.v.l6 BAPTIST missionary magazine. See American Bap- tist missionary union. BAPTIST missions. McCoy, I. History of the Baptist Indian missions 3534.7 BARALT, R. M. Historia de Venezuela desde el descubrimiento hasta 1797. Paris, 1841. 8 . *2315. 10 and Diaz, R. Historia de Venezuela, 1797- 1830. Paris, 1841. 2v.ini. 8 *2315.11 BARANTE, A. S. P. B. de. Histoire de la conven- tion nationale. Paris, 1851-53. 6v. 8 ... 4046. 5 - Same. Bruxelles, 1851-53. 6v. 16 ... 4056.4 Histoire du direotoire. Paris, 1855. 3v. 8" . 4043.7 Histoire des dues de Bourgogne, 1304-1477. 5e ed. Paris, 1837-38. 12v. 8 4004.1 Melanges historiques et litteraires. Paris, 1835. 3v. 8 204-1.4 Questions constitutionelles. Paris, 1849. 8 . 3504.0 Tableau de la litte'rature francaise, au 18e siecle. 7e e'd. suivie de discours prononce's a 1'Acad. francaise. Paris, 1847. 12 ... 4077.10 BARBACOVI, F. V. Scienza della legislazione. Ml- lano, 1824. 2v. 10 3508. S Shtlf No. BARBADOS. Hughes, G. Natural history of . . 2310.1 Ligon, R. History of the island 2:>ii..i> Schomburgk, R. H. Topographical map . . 2310.24 BARBARITIES of the enemy exposed. Troy, 1813. 12" *Pph.v.209 BARBARO, D. Storia veneziana. [Archivio stor. ital.] v. 7 p. 2 of 5245.2 BARBARO, J. Viaggio della Tana et nella Persia. [Ramusio. Navigation! v. 2] 2200.2 Viaggi alia Tana, ec. [Viaggi fatti da Vine- tia] 2277.10 BAEBAROSSA. Vie de Barberousse, ge'ne'ral des armees navales de Soliman II. [Richer, A. Vies des plus celebres inarms, v. 2]. . . . 4669.9 BAEBAROUX, C. M6moires (inedits.) Paris, 1822. 8. [Berville et Barriere.Mem, rel. a la re" vo- lution fran$aise. v21] 4045.11 BARBARY. Shaw, T. Travels, or observations re- lating to 3055.0 See also : Algiers and the other Barbary States. BARBAULD, A. L. Discourse on being born again. Boston, 1827. 12 *Pph.v.255 Thoughts on public worship. [Sparks. Tracts on theology] . v. 4 of 3469.28 BARBAZAN, E. Fabliaux et contes des Xle-XVe siecles. Nouv. ed. par Meon. Paris, 1808. 4v. 8 *2686.3 Contents. Vol. I. Dissertation sur 1'origine de la langue franffaise, sur ses variations et ses richesses, avec un projet de dictionnaire etymologique; Contes et autres pieces; Glossaire. II. Dissertation sur la langne des Celtes ou Gaulois; Sur la langue des Suisses; Nouvelles observations sur les etymolo- gies i Le castoiement d'un pere a son fils; Le chastie- ment des dames par Robers de Blois; Avertisse- mcnt; Chroniques de S. Magloirc; Avis de M 1'abbS de Beuf; Les rues de Paris, mises en vers anciensj Les crieries de Paris par G. de hi Villeneuve ; Lea monstiers de Paris i Les ordres de Paris, parRute- buef; La chanson des ordres par le mfime; Lc dit du Lendit rime; La bible Guiot de Provins; La bible an seignor de Berze; Duvarlet, qui se maria a Notre Dame, dont ne volt qu'il habitast a autre par Gautier de Coinsi; Miracle de Notre Dame, qui gari un moine de son let; Le jugement de Salemon; Du prestre, qui dist la passion; Glossaire. HI. Preface; Fabliaux et contes; Glossaire. IV. Avis ; Fabliaux et contest Glossaire. BARBfi-MARBOis, F. de. Histoire de la Louisiana. Paris, 1829. 8 2327.17 Journal d' un deported Bruxelles, 1835. 2v. 24 4669.1 BARBER, D. Catholic worship and piety recom- mended. Washington city, 1821. 8. ... 3403.11 BARBER, E. D. Address before the anti-masonic convention at Middlebury. Vergennes,1829. 12 *Pph.v.293 Popular excitements. Address before the anti-masonic convention at Middlebury. Middlebury, 1830. 8 *Pph.v.291 BARBER, J. W. History of New Haven, Conn. New Haven, 1831. 12 2336.0 Religious emblems. See Holmes, W. . . . 3445.14 BARBERINO, F. de. Del reggimento e de' costumi delle donne. Roma, 1815. 8 2793.16 Note. Accresciuto de' annotazioni. Indico di F. Ubaldini. Vita di Barberino scritta da medesimo. BARBEYRAC, J. Supplement au corps universel diplomat, du droit d. gens. Dumont, J. . . 3010. 1 BARBIE-DU-BOCAGE, J. D. Critical observations on the maps of ancient Greece. See Bar- thelemi, J. J 3073.1 Dictionnaire geographique dc la Bible. v.!3of 3413.3 BARBIER, A. A. Dictionnaire des ouvrages ano- nymes et pseudonymes en fran^ois et en latin. Paris, 1822-27. 4v. 8" *2144.2 Supplement aux recherches sur les ouvrages pseudonymes. See Querard, J. M 2144.1 and Desessarts, N. L. M. Xouvelle biblio- theque d' un homme de gout, cntierem. re- fondue. Paris, 1817. 5v. 8 *2143.2 BARBIER 55 BARETTI Shelf. No BARBIER, E. J. F. Journal clu regne de Louis XV, publ. par A. cle La Villegille. Paris, 1847- 50. 4v. 8 3 . [Society do Phist. de France] *2636 BARBIER d' Aucourt, J. See Annales du barreau francais v.2,p.llof 3708 BARBIERI, Giuseppe, of Naples, 1085. De miseria poetarum Grsecorum. [Gronovius. The- saurus Grasc. antiq.] v.10 of 2900., BARBIERI, Giuseppe. Opere scelte. Milaiio, 1827. 10 4778.2 Contents. Le stagioni; Conponimenti relativialle quattro stagioni. La pesca o le stagioni pescatorie, [libri quat- tro.] Padova, 1823. 3v. in 1. 10 4766. J Orazioni quaresimali ed altre nuove opere. Milano, 1837-38. 8v. in 4. 12 3443.2 Contents. Vol. I.-IV. Orazioni quaresimali. V. Prose accadeiniche ; Due nuove epistole ed una let- tera. VI. Sermoni ; Epistole ed altre poesie; Prose varie. VII. Delia sacra eloquenza in Italia ; SuU" azione oratoria del pulpito ; II matrimonio ; La fede conjtigale; Elogio di San Vincenzo de'Paoli; Orazione a San Giovanni Buono; Orazione per San Mauro; Esordio che dovea recitarsi a Palermo; Delle laudi di San Vincenzo de' Paoli. VIU. Intorno a mieistudj letterarj; H poverocd ilricco; La carita; La beneScenza; Nella festadi S. Gaetano Orazione; L'utilita economica delle pie case; Ai defunti bene- fattori delle pie case ; I diritti del povero. Poemetti descrittivi e didascalici. Firenze, 1820. 12 4707.0 Sermoni, epistole e prose diverse. 2da ed. Mi- lano, 1827 10 4778.5 Contents. Sermoni; Epistole; Prose diverse; La carita; Orazione; La beneficenza; Orazione; Elogio dijacopo daPonte; Orazione. See Carcano, G. Poeti satiric! italiani .v.4of 2809.3 La Sala di flsica sperimentale. [Raccolta di poemetti didascalici] v. 7 of 4779.8 BARBIERI, G. 31. Dell' origine della poesia rima- ta, con annot. dal G. Tiraboschi. Modena, 1790. 4 2196.2 BARBIERI, L. Compendio del libro: Errores maximi circa scientiam de motu detecti. [Raccolta di opuscoli scientific!] . . . v. 5 of 5274.1 Compendium tractatus de divinitate. [Rac- colta di opuscoli scientiflci] v.9of 5274.1 BARBIERI da Cento. See Guercino. BARBOSA, O. Delle Indie orientali. [Ramusio. Navigation!, v. 1] 2260.2 BARBOUR, J. The Bruce, or the history of Rob- ert I. in Scottish verse. With notes, etc., by J. Pinkerton. 1st genuine ed. London, 1790. 3v. 10 2586.17 BARCELLOXA, V. Memorie della vita letteraria o de' viaggi di Pietro Ranzano. [Opuscoli di autori siciliani] v.Oof 4764.1 BARCLAY, A. The cytezen and uplondyshman: an eclogue. Ed. by F. W. Fairholt. Lon- don, 1847. 8. [Percy soc. v. 22] *2537.24 BARCLAY, J. English dictionary. Lond., 1782. 8.*2584.22 BARCLAY, J. J. Address at the laying of the cor- ner stone of the house of refuge for col- ored juvenile delinquents. July 1, 1848. Philadelphia, 1848. 8 *Pph. v. 170 Address at the organization of the normal school. Philadelphia, 1848. 8 *Pph. v. 102 Address at the Zane st. public school house, 1841. Philadelphia, 1841. 8 *Pph. v. 121 BARCLAY, R. Apology for the true Christian di- vinity. 1st ster. ed. Providence, 1847. 8. 3472.3 Apologie de la vraie theologie Chretienne: contenant 1' explication et la defense de la doctrine des quakers, tr. par E. P. Bridel. Londres, 1797. 8 3472.2 Truth triumphant through the labours and writings of R. Barclay. London, 1092. sm.f . 3491 . 1 Contents. Preface; Testimonies concerning Rob- ert Barclay, by G. Fox, W. Penn, P. Livinestone, A. Jaffray; Truth cleared of calumnies; Some things of weighty concernment ; Appendix to truth cleared of calumnies (M70); William Mitchell unmasked (1071); A seasonable warning, with an answer to some _ Shelf. No. BARCLAY, R., continue??. queries annexed (167-2); A catechism and confession of faith (107"); The anarchy of the ranters (1674); Vindication of the preceding tract (1070); An apol- ogy for the true Christian divinity (1075); Dispute between some students of divinity and the people called quakers; Quakerism confirmed (1070); Uni- versal love considered (1G7G); An epistle of love and friendly advice to the ambassadors at Nimeguen (1077); R. B.'s apology vindicat.-d (1079); Possibility and necessity of inward and immediate revelation from the Spirit of God (1686); The author's testimony concerning his father. Truth triumphant. With account of his life and writings. Fr. ed. of 1718. Philadelphia, 1831. 3v. 8 3472.1 Contents. Vol. I. Life; Truth cleared of calum- nies; Several testimonies concerning Robert Barclay; Some things of weighty concernment ; William Mitchell unmasked; Seasonable warning to the in- habitants of Aberdeen; Catechism and confession of faith; The anarchy of the ranters, etc., refuted; Vin- dication of the anarchy of the ranters. II. An apol- ogy for the true Christian divinity, as held by the people called quakers. 111. Dispute between some students of divinity and the quakers ; Quakerism confirmed by R. B. and G. Keith; Universal love considered; An epistle of love and friendly advice to the ambassadors at Nimeguen; R. B.'s "apology" vindicated against J. Brown ; Of inward revelation of the Spirit of God; The author's testimony concern- ing his father. BARCLAY, S. M. Report of the committee ap- pointed to inquire into the cause of an armed force, etc. Harrisburg, 1839. 8 .... *Pph. v. 108 BARD, J. A letter to the author of thoughts on the dispensary. New York, 1791. 8 *3I. Pph. v. 49 BARD, S. Compendium of midwifery. 2d ed. N. York, 1812. 12 *3779.8 - Same. 5th ed. New York, 1819. 8 . . . *3774.4 Discourse on the importance of medical edu- cation. New York, 1812. 8 *M. Pph. v. 1 - Same. New York, 1819. 8 .... *3I. Pph. v. 60 Life. M'Vickar, J 2342.19 BARD, \V. Address before the alumni of Columbia college, 1826. New York, 1826. 8. . ,*Pph.v.OO Letter on life insurance. N.Yk., 1832. 10.*Pph.v. 219 BARDESAXES, Remains of. Cureton, W 3021.3 BARDETTI, S. Della lingua de' primi abitatori dell' Italia. Modena, 1772. 4 2730.5 De' primi abitatori dell' Italia. 2 pts. in Iv. Modena, 1709. 4 2730.4 BARDI, G. de' Conti. Della imperiale villa Adriana e altre. Firenze, 1825. 8 2950.26 BARDI, L. Galleria Pitti illustrata. Fireuze, 1837- 42. 4v. f *4000.8 BARDI, S. D. de. See Berni, F. Opere buries, v.3 of 4769.6 BARDWELI,, W. Temples ancient and modern, or notes on church architecture. Lond., 1837. 8 4092.11 BARENTZ, W. Trois voyages par le Nord, 1594-96. [Constantin. Recueil des voyages, v. 1] . 2277.12 BARERE de Vieuzac, B. Memoires, publ. par H. Carnot et David (d'Angers.) Paris, 1842-44. *v. 8 2(554.5 BARET, E. Espagne et Provence, etudes sur la litterature du midi de 1 Europe. Paris, 1857. 8 3093.17 BARETTI, G. Dictionary, Spanish and English, and English and Spanish. New ed. Lon- don, 1794. 4 **E.202.4 Dizionario italiano ed inglese. [Ed inglese italiano.] la. ed. liv. Leghorn, 1828-29. 2v. 40 *2781.3 English and Italian [and Italian and English] dictionary ; to which is prefixed a short Italian grammar. Florence, 1816. 2v. 4.**E.201.8 Manners and customs of Italy, with answer to S. Sharp. 2d ed. London, 1709. 2v. 8 2764.12 Opere. [La frusta letteraria.] Milano, 1813. 3v. 8* 2793.9 Contents. Vol. I.-HI. La frusta letteraria di Aris- tarco Scannabue. III. Aggiuntevi in fine le tre let- tere sopra un certo falto del Dottor Biagio Schiavo da Este. BARETTI 56 BAEXAKD Shelf. No. BARETTI, G., continued, Scritti scelti, con memorie della sua vita. Milano, 1822, 3. 2v. 8 2793.10 Contents. Vol. L Prefaziono dell' editore ; Cata- logo dell' opere di Baretti; Memorie dclla 8ua vitaj Scritti scelti. Parte 1. Diseussione letterarie. Parte 2. Lettere descrittive i.-x. Vol. II. Scritti scelti. Parte. 3. Lettere famiglicri. Parte 4. Poesie. See Carcano. Poeti satirici ital. v. 4 2809.3 Lettere. [Raccolta di prose c lettere ncl sec- Olo XVII v. 3] 2767.2 See Raccolta di pocsie satiriche 2808.5 BAKG-CUS. See Angelio, P. BAKGAGLI, S. I trattenimenti. Venetia, 1591. 8 m. 4 *2773.12 Novelle. [Novelle di autori senesi v. 2] . . . 2788.6 Novelle. [Novelliero ital.] v. 4 2772.19 Novels. Transl. [Roscoe. Italian novelists, v . 4] 2772.18 BAKHAM, R. H. D. Life and remains of T. E. Hook. New cd. London, 1853. 8 .... 2458.24 BAKING, Sir A., Lord Ashburton. Causes and con- sequences of the orders in council [etc.] New York, 1808. 8 *Pph. v. 5, 2529.3 BARKER, Jacob. [Address] to the public [respect- ing his commercial embarrassments. New York] 1819. 8 *Pph.v.74 BARKER, Joseph. Christianity triumphant. Lon- don, 1841. 12 3435.22 Public discussion with "W. Cooke. See Selkirk, J 3462.19 BARKER, T. H. On cystic cntozoa in the kidney. London, 1850. pp. 18. 8 *3760.25 BARKER, "W. G. M. J. Historical and topographi- cal account of Wensleydale. 2d ed. Lon- don, 1856. 8 *2505.17 BARKHAUSEN, P. G. C. E. De viis clandcstinis urinse. Berolini, 1820. 12 .... *M. Pph. v. 114 BARKOW, IT. R. L. Monstra animalium duplicia. Lipsise, 1828-36. 2v. 4 *3871.32 BARLACE, J. G. Progress of knowledge in Eng- land. [590-1007] London, 1819. 4 . . . . *2551.1 BARLOAV, II. B. Description of the outside-cylin- der tank engine. [Tredgold, T. Steam en- gine, v. 1] 4011.7 BARLOAV, James, surgeon, of Blackburn, Lanca- shire, Essays on surgery and midwifery. London, 1822. 8 *3774.5 BARLOW, James, of New Tori:. Analysis of ter- restrial magnetism. New York, ia35. 8.**E.214.24 BARLOW, Joel. Elegy on Titus Hosmer. Hart- ford, n.d. sm.4 *2409.12, *Pph. v. 218 Oration at Washington city, July 4. [Wash- ington.] n.d. 8 *Pph.v.62 Political writings. New ed. New York, 1790. 10 2408.13 BARLOW, P. Elementary investigation of the theory of numbers. London, 1811. 8. . **E.197.2 Essay on magnetic attractions. London, 1820. 8 **E.214.17 Encyclopaedia of arts, manufactures, and machinery. Prefixed, a view of the princi- ples of manuf., by C. Babbage. London, 1851. 4 *4031.1 Mathematical and philosophical dictionary. London, 1814. 8 3931.0, **E.202. 13 Mathematical tables containing squares, cubes, etc **E.151.16 - Same. Ster. ed. of 1840. London, 1850. 12. 3934.7 On malleable iron. London, 1835. pp.97. 8. 4018.5 On manvifactures and machinery. London, 1836. 4" 4031.2 Strength and stress of timber ; also of iron, and other materials. 3d ed. London, 1820. 8 **E.214.17 - Same. London, 1851. 8 4014.15 Kater, H. and Herschel, J. F.W Astronomy, with nautical and physical astronomy, fr. Ency. Metrop. n.p. n.d. 4 3921.23 Ancient and modern roofs. Tredgold, T. . . 4012.16 Shelf. No. BARLOW, W. Discourse commemorative of Hon. S.VanRensselacr. Albany, 1839. 8". . *Pph.v.l07 The Smithsonian institution, an address on the duties of government in reference to public instruction. New York, 1847. 8.*Pph. v. 100 BARNABAS, St. Guillon. Bibliotheque des peres. v. 1 3508.2, 3499.30 Epistola catholica. [Migne. Patrologiae v. 2] 3490.1 BARNABEE'S journal. Barnabas itinerarium. Brath- wait, R 2569.1 BARNARD, C. F. Reports, as a minister at large in Boston. [American Unitarian associa- tion] 3570.71 and others. Chapel hymn book. Boston, 1836. 32 3449.25 BARNARD, D. D. Address before the Albany in- stitute. Albany, 1836. 8 *Pph. v. 90 Address before the house of convocation, of Trinity college, Hartford, August 2, 1848. 8 *Pph. v. 170 Address before the literary societies of Gene- va college. Albany, 1834. 8 *Pph. v. 91 Address before the Philoclean and Pcithesso- phian societies of Rutgers college. Albany, 1837. 8 *Pph. v. 99 Address before the Rochester athenaeum and Young men's association. Albany, 1839. 8 *Pph.v. 107 Address to the class of graduates of Albany medical college, 1846. Albany, 1840. 8. *M.Pph.v.41 Anniversary address before the American in- stitute. New York, 1843. 8 *Pph. v. 137 Character and services of J. Madison. Al- bany, 1837. 8 *Pph.v.97 Daniel Webster. Speech at a meeting of Americans in Paris, 10th Nov., 1852. Berlin, 1853. 8 *Pph. v. 193 Discourse before the literary societies of the University of Vermont. Albany, 1838. 8 *Pph. v. 103 Discourse before the New York Alpha of the society of Phi Beta Kappa, 1837. Albany, 1837. 8 *Pph. v. 99 Discourse on the life of S. Van Rensselacr. With hist, sketch of Rensselaerwyck. Al- bany, 1839. 8 *Pph. v. 107, 265 Introductory address before the Young men's association. Albany, 1834. 8 *Pph.v.91 Introductory lecture before the Young men's association of Troy. Troy, 1835. 8 . . *Pph. v. 94 Man and the state, social and political ; an address. New Haven, 1846. 8 *Pph.v. 156 Oration delivered in Albany on the 4th of July, 1835. Albany, 1835. 8 *Pph. v. 93 Plea for social and popular repose ; an address. New York, 1845. 8 *Pph. v. 149 Political aspects and prospects in Europe ; a lecture. Albany, 1854. 8 *Pph. v. 200 Remarks on the bill in relation to duties and drawbacks. Washington, 1841. 8 ... *Pph. v. 124 Speech against abandoning or suspending works of internal improvement. Washing- ton, 1840. 8 *Pph.v. 112 Speech in favor of a uniform system of electing representatives by districts. Washington, 1842. 8 *Pph.v. 127 Speech in relation to the destruction of the Caroline, and the case of McLeod. Wash- ington, 1841. 8 *Pph.v.l25 Speech on the annexation of Texas. Wash- ington, 1845. 8 *Pph.v.l45 Speech on the bankrupt bill. Washington, 1841. 8 *Pph.v.l25 Speech on the bill to refund the fine imposed upon Gen. Jackson. Wash., 1844. 8 . *Pph. v. 130 Speech on the loan bill. Wash., 1841. 8" . *Pph. v. 125 Speech on the policy of a protective tariff. Washington, 1842. 8 *Pph. v.127 BARNARD BARRETT Shel No. BARNARD, D. D., continued. Speech on the President's exchequer plan. Washington, 1843. 8 *Pph.v.l28 Speech on the proposition to refuse the oath to five members returned from New Jersey. Washington, 1839. 8 *Pph.v.I09 Speech on the remedial justice bill. Wash- ington, 1842. 8 *Pph. v. 131 Speech on the treasury note bill, March 25, 1840. Washing-ton, 1840. 8 *Pph. v. 112 Speech on the treasury note bill, Jan. 18, 1811. Washington, 1841. 8 *Pph.v.ll9, 125 Speech on the sub-treasury bill. Washing- ton, 1840. 8 *Pph. v. 116 Speech on the tariff bill. Wash., 1844. 8 . *Pph. v. 136 Speech on the veto of the provisional tariff bill. Washington, 1842. 8 ... . *Pph. v. 127, 182 Speech relative to the elections by general ticket in N. H., Ga., Miss., and Mo. Wash- ington. 8 *Pph. v. 136 BARNARD, G. Landscape painting in water colors. London, 1855. imp. 8 *40G2.2 BARNARD, H. School architecture. 2d ed. New York, 1848. 8 4102.28,29 Report and documents relating to the public schools of Rhode Island, for 1840 3594.3 BARNARD, J. New version of the psalms of David. Boston, 1752. 12 *3449.16 Sermon preached at the funeral of Rev. Saul Cheever. Boston, 1724. 10 *3459.46 The true divinity of Jesus Christ evinced. Boston, 1701. 8 *3458.5 Zeal for good works ; a sermon at the Thurs- day lecture. Boston, 1742. 12 *3458.65 BARNARD, T., of Neiobury. Tyranny and slavery in religion ; sermon at the ordination of Mr. E. Barnard. Boston, 1743. 12 *3458.37 BARNARD, T., of Salem. Discourse before the so- ciety for propagating the gospel among the Indians and others in North America. Nov. 0,1806. Charlestown, 1806. 8 *Pph.v.249 A sermon on the death of. See Prince, J. . E.219.4 BARNES, A. Our position ; a sermon before the general assembly. New York, 1852. 8" . *Pph. v. 192 Pica in behalf of western colleges. A dis- course. Philadelphia, 1846. 8 *Pph. v. 152 Position of the evangelical party in the epis- copal church. 2d ed. Phila., 1844. 16 . *Pph. v. 227 Narrative of the case of. See Engles, W. M. Pph.v.83 BARNES, B. A divine centurie of spirituall son- nets, from the edition of 1595. Lond., 1815. 4. [Park's Heliconia, v. 2] *2591.13 BARNES, J. Jefferson medical college: conduct of the trustees and faculty. Philadelphia, 1828. 8 *M.Pph.v.25 BARNES, J. IT., and Carroll, E. A. Tariff for 1828, to which ia added a woollen table, also a cotton table. Philadelphia, 1830. 8. . *Pph.v. 150 BARNES, R. Injunctions, etc., 1575-87. Durham, 1850. 8 [Surtees soc. v. 22] *2417.21 BARNES, W., of Dorchester, Enrj. Philological grammar, formed from a comparison of more than sixty languages. Lond., 1854. 8 2956.3 Poems of rural life in the Dorset dialect. 2d ed. London, 1848. 16 *2586.13 BARNES, W. Settlement and early history of Al- bany : prize essay. Albany, 1851. 8 . . *Pph. v. 194 BARNFIELD, R. Poems. Reprinted at the Au- chinlech press, by Alex. Boswell. 1816. 4 *2571.5 Contents. The cncomion of lady Pecunia, or, the praise of money (1508); The complaint of poetrie for the death of liberalities The combat bctweene conscience and covetousuesse iu the minde of man; Poems in diuers humors. The affectionate shepherd. Ed. by J. O. Ilal- liwell. London, 1845. [Percy soc. v.20]. . *2537.22 BARNSTABLE, Mass. Centennial celebration. See Cape Cod celebration 2356.19 BARNSTAPLE, Eng. Memorials of. Gribble.J. B. 2494.10 Shelf. No. BARNWELL, R. G. Life and tunes of J. De Witt. New York, 1856. . 12 2458.6 The New Orleans book. N. Orleans, 1851. 12 2405.17 BARNWELL, W. Diseases of a warm and vitiated atmosphere, from climate, etc. Philadel- phia, 1802. 8 *3797.14 BAROLI, P. II progresso. Milano, 1842. 16 . . 4770.4 BAROMETER. Belville, J. H. Manual of the. . . 3964.16 Biot, J. B. Tables barometriques 3983.2 Tavole nuove barometriche E. 189.9 BARON, G. Principles of common navigation. New York, 1803. 16 **E. 199.28 BARON, M. L'Andrienne. [Theatre du 2d ordre. Comedies en vers. v. 4] 2640. 19 L'homme a bonne fortune ; La coquette et la fausse prude. [Theatre du 2d ordre. Come'- dies en prose, v.4, 5] 2640.19 BARON, S. Description of Tonqueen. [Pinker- ton. Voyages, v. 9] 2260.13 BARONAGE. Banks, T. C. Baronia Anglica con- centrata 2431.1 - Dormant and extinct B. of England . . . 2431.2 Dugdale, W. B. of England 2430.1 See also : Heraldry, Nobility, Arms, Crests, Pedi- gree, Peerage. BARONETAGE. Burke, J. Extinct and dormant baronetcies 2433.4 Burke, J. B. B. of the British empire . . . . 2402.5 Dod, C. R. B. of Great Britain and Ireland . 2430.8 See also : Knightage. BARONIAL remains in England, Scotland and Ire- land. Parkyns, G. 1 2485.2 BARONius, C., and Raynaldus, O. Annales eccle- siastic!. [A Christo nato ad 1198.] A. D. 1198-1565 auctore O. Raynaldo cum critico P. A. Pagii, notisque J. D. Mansi. Appa- ratus. Lucse, 1738-53. 35 v. f *3510.1 BAROTTI, G. A. Memorie istoriche dl letterati ferraresi. v. 1. Ferrara, 1777. f . . . . *2160.6 Prose italiane. Ferrara, 1770. 3v. 8. ... 2793.8 Contents. Vol. I. Discorsi e orazioni. n. Notizie di B. Barberinij Memorie di G. Sanritali; Vita di Ariosto; Lettcre. III. Difcsa degli scrittori ferraresi, da quanta ha pubblicato contro di loro G. Fonta- nini. Difesa degli scrittori. ferraresi. See Muratori, L. A. Esami di varj autori, ec 2160.16 BAROTTI, L. La flsica. [Raccolta di poemetti didascalici] v.3of 4779.8 BARR, J. Anglican architecture. 2d ed. Oxford, 1843. 16 4105.24 BARRATT, J. Report on the season of 1846, with a table showing the flowering of fruit trees. Middletown, 1846. 8 *Pph. v. 104 BARRAULT, A. De la fabrication du fer. See Fla- chet, E 4012.8 Deux annees de 1' historic d' Orient. See Cadalvene, E. de 3045.12 BAERAULT, E. Guerre do Mehemed Ali. See Ca- dalveue, E. de 3045.11 BARRE, Jos. Tie do M. le marquis de Fabert. Paris, 1752. 2v. 12 2648.10 BARRK, Lieut. Col. I. Memoir of. Britton, J. . . 2555.1 BARREN fig tree. Bunyan, J 3449.60 BARRERE de Vieuzac. See Barere de Vieuzac. BARRES du Molard.S. F. de. Nouveau systeme de ponts a grandes portecs. Paris, 1827. 4.. 4014.1 BARRET, E. Du poeme du Cid. Moulius, 1858. 8. 3093.18 BARRETT, C. B. Electricity and galvanism me- chanically and medicinally applied. New York, 1848. 12 *M. Pph. v. 44 BARRETT, J. Earlier part of the life of Swift. London, 1808. 8 2443.6 BARRETT, P. Tables of European exchanges. London, 1771. 4 *3081.2 BARRETT, S. A full grammatical analysis of Brit- ish classical poetry. Canton, N. Y. n.d. 10 *Pph.v.221 Maintonomah, and other poems. New York, 1819- 12 2398.12 BAEKEY Shelf. No. BARBEY, or Barry, L. Ram-alley: or merry tricks. [Dodslcy. Old plays] . . . v.Sof 2588.1 BARRICADES, La journee des, 12 Mai, 1588. [La- faist. Archives curieuscs hist. France. Ser. l,v.2] 2017.1 BARRICADES, Les. Scenes historiques 1588. [A drama.] Vitet, L 4669.22 BARRIERE, J.F. Bibliotheque des mdmoires rela- tifs a 1' histoire de France pendant Ic 18me eiecle, avec avant-propos et notes. Paris, 1840-54. 12v. 10 *4667.2 Contents. Vol. I. Memoires de Mme. de Staal Delaunay, de M. le Marquis d'Argenson et Madame mere du regent, suivis d'eclaircissements extraits deg memoires du due de Saint-Simon. II. Memoires secrets sur le rt-gne de Louis XIV, la regence et le regne de Louis XV, par Duclos. III. Memoires de Madame du Hausset, et extrait des memoires his- toriques et litteraires de Bachaumont, .... 1762 a 1782. IV. Memoires du Baron de Beseuval; La verite daua le vin, comedie par Colle. V. Memoires de Mar- montel, precedes d'une introduction, par Barriere. VI. Memoires de M'lle. Clairon, de Lekain, de Pre- ville, de Dazincourt, de Mole, de Garrick, de Gold- oni. VII. Memoires de Weber, frere de lait de Marie Antoinette. VIII. Memoires particuliers de Mme. Holland suivis des notices historiques sur la revolu- tion, du portrait et anecdotes, ct des dernieres pcnsees, par la meme. IX Memoires de Clery, de M. le due de Montpensier, de Riouffe. X. Memoires sur la vie de Marie- Antoinette, suivis de souvenirs et anecdotes historiques sur les regnes de Louis XIV, de Louis XV, et de Louis XVI, par Mine. Cainpan. XI. Memoires du general Dumouriez. XIL Suite des memoires du general Dumouriez ; Memoires de Lou- vet, et memoires pour servir a I'histoire de la conven- tion nationale, par Dauuou. See also : Berville, S. A. Essai sur les moeurs et eur les usages du XVIIe, siecle 2654.3 See Lomenie, L. H. de. BARRINGTON, A. Elements of natural science. Ed. by Mrs. F. B. Fogg. Nashville, 1858. 12 7029.6 BARRINGTON, Archibald, M. D. [Royal] genealo- gy simplified. London, 1843. 16 2430.12 BARRINGTON, D. Miscellanies. London, 1781. 4 2561.4 Observations on the statutes from Magna Charta to James I. 5th ed. London, 1796. 4 2511.9 BARRINGTON, J. S., Lord. Miscellanea sacra. New ed. London, 1770. 3v. 8" 3516.9 Essay on the teaching and witness of the Ho- ly Spirit. [Watson. Theological tracts, v.4] 3454.2 BARRINGTON, Rhode Island. Sketch of a part of. [Bliss. History of Rehoboth] E.225.5 BARRINGTON, Shute, bp. Political life of William Wildman, vise. Barrington. London, 1814. 4 2550.1 BARRON, Com. J. Correspondence. See Dccatur, S Pph.v.35 Trial. See United States, Navy Department. 2343.15 BARROS, J. de. Entdeckungen und Eroberun- gen der Portugiesen im Orient, 1415- 1539. [Uebers.] Von D. W. Soltan. Braun- schweig, 1821. 3v. 8 3091.6 See Ramusio, G. B. Raccolta delle naviga- tion!, v. 1 2200.2 BARROW, I. Theological works. Ed. by A. Na- pier ; with notice of B.'s life and academi- cal times, by W. Whewell. Cambridge, 1859. 9v. 8 *3501.1 Contents. Vol. I.-IV. Sermons. V., VI. Ser- mons on the creed. VII. An exposition of the creed; The Lord's prayer; The decalogue; The doctrine of the sacraments. VILT. On the Pope's supremacy; Unity of the church ; Appendix. IX. Opuscula; Poemata ; Two dissertations ; Sermons, etc., at- tributed to Barrow. Theological works. Oxford, 1818. 6v. 8 . 3497.2 Contents. Vols. I.-III. Sermons. IV., V. Ser- mons on the creed. VI. Treatise on the Pope's su- premacy ; Discourse concerning the unity of the church. 58 BARTHEZ Shelf. No. BARROW, L, continued. Geometrical lectures. Transl. fr. the Lat. by E. Stone. London, 1735. 8 **E. 198.20 Lectio, in qua theoremata Archimedis de sphaera et cylindro cxhibentur. Londini, 1678. 8 **E. 199.20 BARROW, Sir J. Life of George, Lord Anson. London, 1839. 8 2445.3 Public life and unpublished writings of the earl of Macartney. London, 1807. 2v. 4*2440.14 Travels in China. London, 1804. 4" . . . . 3023.12 Voyage to Cochin China, in 1792 and 93, and a journey in Southern Africa, 1801 and 1802. London, 1800. 4 *2200.15 BARROW, John, teacher of math. Navigatio Brit- annica, or a complete system of navigation. London, 1750. 4 **E.180.29 BARROWS, E. P. The harmony of creation. An address. Hudson, 1847. 8 *M.Pph.v.42 BARRUEL, A. Memoires pour I'histoire du Jaco- binisme. Londres, 1797-98. 4v. 8* .... 4654.3 BARRY, A. C. Treatise on the human hair and the formation of the skin. N.Y., n.d. 8 . *M.Pph.v.50 BARRY, C. Traveller's club house, and essay, by "W. H. Leeds. London, 1839. f *4100.18 BARRY, D. Disputatio de phlegmasia dolente pu- erperarmn. Edinburgi, 1807. 8. . . *M.Pph.v.2 BARRY, G. History of the Orkney islands. 2d ed. by J. Headrick. London, 1808. 4. . . *2492.4 BARRY, J. Works, [with] life and writings of the author. London, 1809. 2v. 4 4061.11 Contents. Vol. I. Correspondence with Burke; Lectures on painting. II. Observations on art in Italy and France; Remarks on the Orleans gallery; Essay on Pandora. BARRY, J. S. Genealogical sketch of the Stetson family. 1634-1847. Boston, 1847. 8 . . . *2333.19 History of Massachusetts. Boston, 1855-57. 3v. 8 2352.3 BART, or Barth, J. Vie, precedee d'un precis his- torique do la marine de France. [Richer. Vies des plus celebres marins, v.l] . . . . 4669.10 BARTAS. See Saluste, G. de, seigneur du Bartas. BARTELS, E. D. Biologic. Frankfurt, 1808. 8. 3765.3 BARTII, H. Wandcrungen durch die Kiisteiilan- der des Mittelrneeres. Band I. Das nord afrikjinische Gestadcland. Berlin, 1849. 8. 3054.1 j'J^ and Roger, H. Practical treatise on - j auscultation. Tr. with notes by P. Newbig- ging, and app. by L. M. Lawson. Lexing- ton, 1847. 8 *3795.26 BARTHE, F. Refutation de la relation du capitaine Maitland touchant 1'embarquement de Na- poleon. Paris, 1827. 8 2642.4 BARTHE, N. T. Les fausses infidelites ; La mere jalouse. [Theatre du 2d ordre. Comedies en vers,v.!2] 2640.19 BARTHELEMY, E. M. de. La noblesse en France avant et depuis 1789. Paris, 1858. 12 ... 4667.9 BARTHELEMY, J. J. (Euvres completes. Atlas. Paris, 1821-22. 4v. 8 and lv.obl.4. . . . 2707.1 Contents. Vol. I.-III. Memoires ; Voyage du jeune Anacb.arsis en Grece. III. Sur une inscription grec- que; Voyage en Italie. IV. CEuvrcs diverses; Lan- gucs ; Numismatique ; Inscriptions ; Monumens; Histoire ; Traite de morale; Carite et Polydore; La chanteloupee ; Correspondance. Travels of Anacharsis the younger, in Greece, tr. by W. Beaumont. 5th ed. London, 1817. Gv. 8 3073.2 Maps, plans, views, and coins, illustrative of the travels of Anacharsis. [With obs. on the maps by Barbie du Bocage.] 4th ed. London, 1806. 4" 3073.1 BARTiiJiLEMY Saint Hilaire, J. De la logique d'Aristote. Paris, 1838. 2v. 8 3604.11 De 1'ecole d'Alexandrie. Paris, 1845. 8" . . 2952.2 BARTHEMA, L. See Rarnusio. Navigation!, v.l . . 2260.2 BARTHEZ, P. J. Science de 1'homme. 2de ed. Paris, 1806. 2v. 8 3887.3 Consultations de medecine. Paris, 1807. 2v. 8 *3793.7 BARTHOLD 59 BARTON Shelf. No. BARTHOLD, F. W. Gcscliichtc dor fruchtbringen- den Gesellschaft. Berlin, 1848. 8 . . . . 2836.12 BARTHOLIX, B. Dissertatio de poenula. [GrEevius. Thesaurus antiq. Rom.] v.Gof 2950.1 BARTHOLIX, C. Specimen historic anatomicae. Hafniac, 1701. 4 *3744.10 , De tibiis veterum et earum antique usu. Am- stelaedaml, 1079. 12 *4059.41 BARTHOLIX, T. Historiarum anatomicarum rario- rum centuria 1, 2. Hafniae, 1G54. 10 . . . *3759.20 BARTHOLOMAEUS, abbot. Epistola ad Ernaldum episcopum. [Migne. Patrologise v. 149] . . 3400.27 BAKTHOLOMAEUS, lp. of Catalonia. Epistola ad Sugerium abbatem. [Migne. Patrologiae v. 181, 180] 3470.8, 10 BARTHOLOMAEUS, bp. of Loon. Douationes piae. [Mignc. Patrologiae v. 170] v.3of 3460.41 BARTHOLOMEW, A. Construction of fire proof buildings. London, 1839. pp. 39. 8 ... 4105.5 BARTHOLOMEW fair, memoirs of. Morley, H. . . 2520.24 BARTLET, TV. S. Life of Rev. Jacob Bailey. New York, 1853. 8 2344.2 BARTLETT, E. Degree of certainty in medicine. Philadelphia, 1848. 8 *3721. 15,16 Philosophy of medical science. Philadelphia, 1844. 8 *3722.6,7 BARTLETT, Josiah, M. D. Oration occasioned by the death of J. Warren, M. D. Boston, 1815. 8 *M.Pph.v.65 Progress of medical science in Massachusetts. Boston, 1810. 8 *Pph.v.64 - Same. [Charlcstown, 1813.] 8 ... *Pph.v.240 BARTLETT, Josiah, Esq. Speech on retrenchment. Washington city, 1828. 8 *Pph.v.72 BARTLETT, J. R. Progress of ethnology. 2d ed. New York, 1847. 8 *Pph.v.l60 Dictionary of Americanisms. 2d ed. Boston, 1859. 8 *2381.2 BARTLETT, J. S. Physician's pocket synopsis. Boston, 1822. 18 *3789.29 - Same. 2d ed. by N. Coley. New York, 1833. 24 *3786.36 BARTLETT, S. C. Moral relations of physical science. An address, March 6, 1850. Hud- son, 1850. 8 *M.Pph.v.46 BARTLETT, W. E. Defence of the yearly meeting of Baltimore, against certain charges circu- lated by J. J. Gurney. Baltimore, 1839. 8 *Pph.v.l66 BARTLETT, W. H. American scenery: [descrip- tions] by N. P. Willis. London, 1838-40. 3v. 4 *2320.29 BARTOL, C. A. Confession of faith. A sermon. Boston, 1844. 8 *Pph.v.2G9 Grains of gold. Boston, 1835. 32" 3446.47 Discourses on the Christian spirit and life. 2d ed. Boston, 1850. 12 3444.20 The hand of God in the great man. Sermon [occasioned by the] death of Daniel Web- ster. 2d ed. Boston, 1852. 8 *Pph.v.262 BARTOLI, C. Discorsi historici universal!. Ve- netia, 1509. 4" *3587.1 BARTOLI, D. Opere. Firenze, 1829-37. 50v. in 22- 8 * 3537 . 1 Contents. Vol. I.-XXXIX. Dell' istoria dclla com- pagnia di Gesu. I.-vm. La Cina. IX.-XH. L'- Italia prima parte dell' Europa. XIII.-XVI. p. 1 and 2. Delia vita e dell' Utituto di S. Ignazio. XVII.- XXV. II Giappone. XXVI.-XXXI. L'Asia, parte prima. XXXII.-XXXVI. L'Inghilterra. XXXVII. Mission e al gran Mogol XXXVIII. Vita del padre Niccolo Zucchi. XXXIX. Vita di S. Francesco Bor- gia. XL. Delle due eternita dell' uomo 1'una in Dio, 1'altra con Dio, considerazioni del P. D. Bartoli. XLI. Vita del P. Vinccnzo Carafa. XLII. Vita di S. Stanislao Koska. XLIII. I/eternita consigliera. XLIV. I,'uomo di lettere. XLV., XLVI. L'uomo in punto di morte; Pensieri sacri. XLVIL, XL VIII. Delle grandezze di Cristo in se stesso e delle nostre in lui. XLIX. Esame dclla riposta ad una senttura il cui titolo c che orazione sia quclla cho chiamano di qui- sle; Delle camere e delle sale parlanti e apezialmente Shelf. No. BARTOLI, D., continued. delle due famose di Mantova e di Caprarola; Pensieri sacri. ii. Dell' ortografia italiana trattato. del P. D. Bartoli. Del suono de' tremori armonici e dell' udisto. Bologna, 1680. 8 *3943.22 Frasologia italiana. Milano, 1826. 8. ... 27f>3.4 La poverta contenta. Milano, 1843. 16. . . 4779.13 . Ortografia italiana. Milano, 1830. 16".. . . 2786.21 Prose scelte. Nuov. ed. Napoli, 1853. 3v. in 1. 16. ...."... 4767.15 Contents. Vol. I. Orazioni. II. Dcscrizioni varie di cose naturale; Descriziorii yarie di lavori d'arti. III. Narrazioni varie di fatti storici antichi. Orazioni storiche 4779.10 BARTOLI, P. S. Museum Odescalchum, sive the- saurus antiq. gemmarum. Romse, 1751-52. 2v. f *4070.12 Veterum lucernae sepulcrales. Ed. nov. Lug- duni Batav. 1728. f *2950.4 Veterum sepulcra ; Veterum lucernae sepul- crales. [Gronovius. Thesaurus Graec. antiq.] p.l,v. 12of 2960.2 Colonna Trajana. See Rossi, G. G 29.E.2 BARTOLIXI-SALIMBEXI, Delia famiglia di. [De- lizie degli eruditi toscani] . . . v.23, p. 2 of 2767.1 BARTOLOMEI, G. L'America. Poema eroico. Ro- ma, 1050. 4 2791.1 BARTOLOMMEI, F. S. De vitiis publics educati- onis. [Raccoltadiopuscoli scientiflci].v. 9of 5274.1 BARTOLOMMEI, G. di Bandino de'. Historia Sen- ensis, 1402-1422. [Muratori. Rerum Ital. script.] v.20of 2710.1 BARTOLOMMEI da Ferrara. Polyhistoria, ab anno M CC LXXX VI II, usque ad M CCCLXVII. [Muratori. Rerum Ital. script.] . .v.24of 2710.1 BARTOLOMMEO cancelliere. Aunales Genuenses, ab anno M CC XXIV. [Muratori. Rerum Ital. script.] v.Gof 2710.1 BARTOLOMMEO di Bonifacio. Annales Genuenses, ab anno M CC LXX. [Muratori. Rerum Ital. script.] v. Oof 2710.1 BARTOLOMMEO, F. da San Concordio. Ammaes- tramenti degli antichi Latini e Toscani. Note di V. Nannucci. Firenze, 1840. 16 . 2789.5 BARTOLOZZI, F. Ricerche circa alle scoperte d' Amerigo Vespucci. [Also Apologia.]Firenze, 1789. 8 *2318.9 BARTOX, B. S. Collections for an essay toward a materia medica of the United States. Phil- adelphia, 1798. pp. 49. 8 *3784.20 Discourse on some of the principal desiderata in natural history. Phila., 1807. 8 . *M. Pph. v. 25 Disease of goitre, as it appears in North America. Philadelphia, 1800. 8 . . *M. Pph. v. 123 Elements of botany. Philadelphia, 1803. 8. 3852.1 - Same. 2d ed. Philadelphia, 1812. 8 . . 3852.2 Fascinating faculty of the rattlesnake, and other American serpents. Philadelphia, 1796. pp.70. 8 *3875.11 Origin of the tribes and nations of America. Philadelphia, 1797. 8 *Pph.v. 73 Third supplement to the Philadelphia medical and physical journal. Philadelphia, 1809. 8 *M.Pph.v.4 BARTOX, D. Speech on the public lands, n.p., n.d. 12 **E. 224.10 BARTOX, I. Eulogy on E. Bailey. Providence, 1818. 8 *Pph.v.254 BARTOX, J. L. Commerce of the great northern and western lakes. Buffalo, 1847. 8 . *Pph. v. 195 Commerce of the lakes, and Eric canal. Buf- falo, 1851. 8 *Pph.v. 194 Early reminiscences of western New York and the lake region of country. Buffalo, 1848. 8 *Pph. v. 194 BARTOX, J. R. Treatment of anchylosis by the formation of artificial joints. Philadelphia, 1S27. 8 *M.Pph.v.l20 BARTOX 60 BASTIAT Shelf. No. BARTON, W. P. C. Address to congress respect- ing the use of liquors in the navy. Wash- ington, 1843. 8 *3I. Pph. v. 38 Chymical properties and exhilarating effects of nitrous oxide gas. Philadelphia, 1808. 8 *M. Pph. v. 60 BARTRAM, J. Memorial of. See Darlington, W. 3830. 11 Journal. See Stork, W 2300.7 BARTRAM, "W. Travels through Carolina, Georgia and Florida. Philadelphia, 1701. 8. ... 2301.12 - Same. London, 1792. 8 2301.11 BARTRUM, J. P. The psalms newly paraphrased. Boston, 1833. 12 3449.19 BARTSCH, A. v. AnleitungzurKupferstichkunde. Wieu, 1821. 2v. 8 4003.10 BARUE, S. Domestic French cookery. Trans, by Miss Leslie. Philadelphia, 1832. 12 ... 4006.5 BARUFFALDI, G., sen. Ad rituale Romanum com- mentaria. Florentias, 1847. 2v. 8. ... 3447.2 Baccanali. 2cl ed. Bologna, 1758. 3v. 8. . 2794.31 Grillo, canti died. Verona, 1738. 4 . . . . 2794.15 Kime serie e giocose. Fcrrara, 1786-87. 3v. 8 2794.30 Canto XV. del Bertoldo con Bertoldino e Ca- casenno. See Bertoldo 2789 7 II canapajo. Pocma. [Parnaso ital.] v.48of 2769.2 Del canapaio. [Raccolta di poemetti didasca- lici] v. 4 of 4779.8 BARUFFALDI, G.,jun. Continuazione delle mem- orie istoriche di letterati ferraresi. Ferrari, 1811. 4" 2741.8 La vita di Lodovico Ariosto. Fcrrara, 1807. 4" 2741.4 Notizie intorno Pellegrino Fulvio Morati. [Raccolta di opuscoli scientific!] . . v. 8 of 5274.1 BARUFFALDI, H. Deveterisigillo Antonii. [Rac- colta di opuscoli scicntifici] .... v. 10 of 5274.1 BARZAS-BREIZ, chants populaires de la Bretagne. Villemarque', T. de la 2670.27 BARZONI, V. Descrizioni. 3a cd. Messina, 1812. 8 4042.19 Discorsi. Nuova cd. n.p. 1808. 8 4042.19 BASAN, P. F. Dictionnaire des graveurs. 2de ed. Paris, 1789. 2v. 8 *4088.2 BASCOME, E. History of epidemic pestilences. With researches into their natures. Lon- don, 1851. 8 3797.16 BASEDOW, J. B. Lebcn. See Meier, J. C 2848.22 BASEVI, A. Delia certezza. Livorno, 1842. 8 . . 3604.1 BASI, C. Trattato dell' arte oratoria. 2a ed. Fi- renze, 1850-51. 3v. 12 3590.21 BASILE, G. B. II pentamerone trad, in idioma bo- lognese. [Collczione di componimenti scel- ti] v. 5, 6, 7 of 4779 a.4 BASILICA. See Church architecture. BASILIUS. Anacreontica. [Boissonade. Poet. Gr. syll. v. 1] 2979.1 BASILIUS imperator. [Mai. Scrip, vet. nova. coll. v. 2] 3000.1 BASILIUS Magnus, S. bp. of Ccesarea. Orazione, in tempo di siccita e carestia. [Gozzi, G. Opere] v. 6 of 2797.1 See Guillon. Bibliotheque des peres. v. 9, 10 Of 3499. 30 v. 7 of 3508.2 Rcgula ad monachos. Admonitio ad filium spiritualcm. [Migne. Patrologise v. 103] 3450.27 Scripta qujedam, in linguam Latinam ver- sa, interprcte Erasmo. [Erasmus. Opera] v. 8 of 2920.3 BASILIUS, S. bp.of Seleucia. See Guillon. Biblio- theque des peres. V. 27 of 3499.30, v. 19 of 3508.2 BASIN, T. Histoire des regnes dc Charles VII, et de LouisXI jusqu' ici attribue aAmelgard, publiee par J. Quicherat. Paris, 1855-57. 3v. 8 [Socidte de 1'histoire de France] .... *2026.3 BASLE, Histoire du Concile de. Lenfant, J. . . 3512.1 BASNAGE do Beauval, J. Histoire des Juifs de- puis J. C. Nouv. ed. La Haye, 1716. 9v. in 15. 12" *2296.7 Shelt No- BASNAGE de Beauval, J., continued. Histoire des ordrcs militaires ou dcs cheva- liers, et un traite sur les duels. Nouv. ed. Amsterdam, 1721. 4v. sm.8 2234.1 BASQUE language. French- Basque Testament. See Bible 3416.6 Humboldt, C.W. v. Baskische Sprache v.4of 2950.18 BASS. Albrechtsberger, J. G. Generalbass-Schule. 4057.3 Biihler, F. Partitur-Regeln den General-Bass zu lernen 4057.2 Daube, J. F. General-Bass injdrei Accorden. 4057.7 Forster, E. A. Anleitung zum General- Bass 4049.53 Freudenberg, Fraulein v. Kurze Anfiihrung zum General-Bass 4049.50 Heinichen, J. D. Der General-Bass, in der Composition 4057.8 Hesse, J. H. Anweisung zum General-Bass. 4057.2 Kellner, D. Unterricht im General-Bass. . . 4057.6 Lautier, G. A. System des Grundbasses der Musik 4057.5 Riepel, J. Bass SchlUssel, das ist Anleitung zu Setzkunst 4040.8 Werckrneister, A. Anmerkungen und Regeln, wie der General-Bass konne tractirt wer- den 4047.21 BASSETT, F. Oration, on the 5th of July, 1824. Boston, 1824. 8 *Pph.v.272 BASSETT, N. Sermon on the death of. See Smith, J 3456.47 BASSI, D. L' impegno della vera amicizia. Comme- dia. [Teatro moderno applaudito] . v.59 of 2768.1 L'impensato accidente. Commcdia. [Teatro moderno applaudito] v. 42 of 2768.1 BASSIANO, G. Chronicon Mutinense, ab anno Mil ad MCCCLXIII. [Muratori. Rerumltal. script.] v. 15 of 2720.1 BASSOMPIERRE, F. de. Ambassade en Espagne. Cologne, 1668. 2v. 18 *2649.22 Memoirs of the embassy to England in 1620. London, 1819. 8 2446.3 Memoires. [Michaud. Coll. mem. hist. France] Ser. 2, v. Oof 2611.1 Memoires. [Petitot. Coll. me~m. hist. France] Ser. 2, v. 19-21 of 2635.1 BASTENAIRE-DAUDENART, F. L'art de fabriqucr la faience. Paris, 1828. 12 4025.5 L'art de fabriquer la porcelaine. Paris, 1827. 2v. 12 4025.4 L'art de vitrification. Paris, 1825. 8 .... 4025 3 BASTER, J. Kruidkundig samenstel van den Rid- der Linnaeus. Haarlem, 1708. 8". . . *M.Pph.v.4 BASTIAT, F. (Euvres completes. Paris, 1854-55. 6v. 12 3047.2 Contents. Vol. I. Avertissement; Notice sur Bas- tiat; Correspondance ; Premiers ecrits ; Melanges. IL Le libre echange. III. Introduction; Cobden et la ligue; Appendice. IV. Sophismes economiques; Pamphlets suivis de discours et opinions parlemcnt- aires; Propriete ct loi; Justice ct fraternite; L'utat; La loi; Propriete et spoliation; Baccalaureat et so- cialisms; Protectionisme et; communismc. V. Pam- phlets; Spoliation et loi ; Guerre aux chaires d'econo- mie politique ; Capital et rente; Maudit argent; Gratuite du credit; Ce qu'on voit et ce qu'on ne voit pas; Abondance; Balance du commerce ; Paixetlib- erte ou le budget rtpublicain ; Discours sur la repres- sion des coalitions industrielles ; Reflexions BUT 1'amendment de M.Mortimer; Terneaux; Aux de- mocrates; Incomptabilites parlementaires. VI. Har- monies fcconomiques. Harmonies 6conomiques. 2de ed. augmented. Paris, 1851. 12 3647.3 Melanges d' economic politique. Bruxelles, 1851. 2v. 16 3647.4 Contents. Vol I. Sophismes economiques; Capital et rente; Gratuite du credit. II. Propriete et loi; Justice et fraternite; Protectionisme ct communisme; Paixetliberte; L'etat; Maudit argent; Baccalaureat et socialisme; Spoliation ct loi; Propriete et spolia- tion; La loi; Ce qu'on voit et ce qu'on ne voit pas. BASTILLE 61 BAUSSET Shelf. No. BASTILLE. Delort, J. Detention des philosophes a la 2655.7 Linguet, S. X. II. Memoires sur la 4645.3 BATAVIA. Bennett, G. Wanderings in 3047.4 Stavorinus, J. S. Account of B. [Pinker- ton. Voyages] v. 11 of 2200.13 BATCHKLDEK, E. Border adventures, and other poems. Boston, 1851. pp.48. 12 2399.32 BATCIIELDER, J. P. Second edition of" an adver- tisement," by C. B. Coventry, " with candid exposition of facts." Utica, 1829. 8.*M.Pph.v.20 BATCIIELDER, S., Jr. Poetry of the bells. Cam- bridge, 1858. 12 2405.14 BATE, G. Pharmacopeia Bateana. 3d ed. by W. Salmon. London, 1706. 8 *3785.19 and Skinner, T. Rise and progress, and com- posing of the late troubles in England. Transl. by A. Lovel. London, 1085. sm. 8. 2519.3 BATE, J. Defence of Hutchinson's tenets. Lon- don, 1751. 8 3507.6 BATEMAX, T. Account of the contagious fever of this country. London, 1818. 8 ... *M. Pph. v. 99 Cutaneous diseases. 2d Am. ed. Philadelphia, 1824. 8 *3790.51 Memoir of the late Thomas Bateman. Lon- don, 1822. 10 *M. Pph. v. 4(5 BATES, D. B. Four years on the Pacific coast. Boston, 1857. 12 2301.20 BATES, Edward. Oration delivered before Mis- souri lodge, Xo. 1. St. Louis, 1822. 8.*Pph. v. 222 BATES, Elisha. The doctrines of friends. 8th ed. Providence, 1853. 12 3542.11 BATES, I. C. Oration in commemoration of the nativity of Washington. Xorthampton, [1812.] 8 *Pph. v.64 BATES, Rev. J. Anniversary discourse delivered at Dudley, Mass., March 20, 1853. Boston, 18.53. 8 3442.4 Lectures on Christian character. Eulogy, etc. Andover, 1846. 8" 3442.4 Eulogy on. See Howe, G 3442.4 Sermon on. See Sprague, W. B 3442.4 BATH, Eng. Post office directory 2484.10 Robertson, A. Topographical survey of the great road from London to 2504.5 BATHIXG. Floyer, Sir J. The history of cold bathing 3767.6 Gibney, J. Use and abuse of M. Pph. v. 78 Metropolitan working classes' association. B. and personal cleanliness 3769.21 See also : Water cure. BATHS. Cameron C. B. of the Romans explained and illustrated 29 France. Bains et lavoirs publics 7010.11 Kentish,!']. Warm and vapor B. . . . *M. Pph.v. 78 Palladio, A. Tcrme del Romani *4080.3 Spongier, L. Etudes sur les thermos d' Ems. 3799.7 Thomas, J., M. D. Warm mineral B. . *M. Pph. v. 83 BATHUUST, C. Differences in Shakspcare's ver- sification in different periods of his life. London, 1857. 10 2598.11 BATHUUST, H. Memoirs of Dr. Henry Bathurst, bishop of Norwich. London, 1837. 2v. 8 . 2447.10 BATIXES, C. de. Bibliografla Dantesca. Prato, 1845-46. 3v. 8 *2802.12 Contents. Vol I. Parte prima. Bibliografla pro- priamcnte dctta della divina commedia. II. Parte seconda. Bibliogralia critica dctta della divina corn- media. Partc tcrzn. C'omenti stampati. ill. Parte quarta. Bibliografla manoscritta. J. Codiei ma- noscritti. II. Comcnti inediti per ordine crono- logico. Del comento su la rlivina commedia appellate 1' ottimo. See Centofanti, S 2802.11 15ATO. See Poctarum com. Grasc. fragm 3002.14 BATBACOMIOMACHIA. Costa, P. Volgarizzamento flella v . 2 of 2790.10 Hoincrus. B. Ilomero vulgo attributa . . . 2998.3 Leopardi, G. Paralipomeni della 4777.11 Shelf. No. BATSCH, A. J. G. K. Umriss dor gesammten Xatur- geschichte. Jena, 1796. 8 3833.7 BATTAGLIXI, M. Istoria universale di tutti i con- cilifi 4taed. Venezia, 1704. 2v. f . . . . *3521.1 BATTEL, A. Strange adventures. [Pinkerton. Voyages v. 10] 2260.13 BATTEUX, C. Corso di belle lettere. 3a ed. ital. Palermo, 1816. 4v. 8 2196.4 BATTIFERRA, L. II primo libro dell' opere tos- cane. Poesie. Firenze, 1560. 4 *4764.2 BATTIXI, C. Apologia del secoli barbari. Colle, 1823. 8 2236.3 Conferma della apologia dei secoli barbari. Pesaro, 1824. 10 2236.3 Illustrazione d' una medaglia inedita di Agrip- pina Giuniore. [Collezione d' opuscoli scient. e lett.] v. 18 of 5278.2 BATTLE, Preparation of vessels of war for. [United States. Xavy Department] . . . . C. 153.9 BATTLE abbey. Burke, J. B. The roll of . . . . 2430.14 Chronicle of 2503.14 Cognomina nobilium qui Will, ducem in Ang- liam secuti sunt. [Migne. Patrologia; v. 149] *3460.27 BATTLEY, R. Address to the students of the me- tropolitan medical schools. [London], 1*4(1. 8 *M.Pph.v.41 BATUTA. See Ibn Batuta. BAUDEAU, X. Commerce. [Encyclopedic meth- odiquc] A. 158.5 BAUDELOCQUE, J. L. L'art dcs accoucheinens. 4e e"d. Paris, 1807. 2v. 8 *3774.6 BAUDI di Vesme, C., and Fossati, S. Vicende dulla proprieta in Italia dalla caduta dell' iinperio romano fino allo stabilimcnto dei feudi. Torino, 1836. 4 *3561.16 BAUDOUIX, A. Reveries sur les bords du Cher. [Poesies.] Paris, 1841. 8 2063.12 BAUDRILLARD, J. J. Dictionnaire de la culture des arbrcs et de 1' amenagemeut des forets. [Encyclopedic me'thodiquc] A. 159. 1 BAUDRIMOXT, A. Traite de chimie. Paris, 1844-46. 2v. 8 3973.5 and others. Dictionnaire de 1'industrie, etc. Paris, 1833-41. lOv. 8 *4034.1 BAUER, F. Botanical plates. [10] London, 1814. f *38.G.l Contents. Vol. I. Flindersia australis. II. Eupoma- tialaurina. III. Eudesmiatetrogona. IV. C'ephalotua follicularis. V. Antiaris macrophylla. VI. Frank- landia fucifolia. VII. Synaphea dilatata. VIII. Da- gypogon bromeli folius. IX. Calectasia cyanea. X. Azollapinnata; Corysanthes fimbriata. BAUER, L. Schriften. Suttgart, 1847. 8 .... 2906.2 Content!'. Lebena Abriss und frcuudsehaftliche Briefe ; Alexander der Grosse, Charaktergemiilde, i. e. Alexander und Meranon, Schauspiel. 1. Abth. Eine Nacht in Persepolis. Zwischenspiel; 2. Abth. Alexander und seine Freunde, Trauerspiel; 3. Abth. Der heimlichc Maluff, drama; Orphids k'tzte Tage, Gedichte; Vermischte Aufsiitze ; d !KT classiche Bildung; Gcnialitat und Buchhandcl; Das Lied der Niebelungen, ein Kunstwerk ; ISemerkungen ilber Tonkunst; Ueber deutsche Musik; Ein \Vort iiber Sprachreinigung. BAUHIN, J. Historia fontis balneique Bollensia in ducatu Wirtembcrgico. Montisbeligardi, 1598. 4 *3786.6 BAU5I, J.W. Theodor Beza. Leipzig, 1843-52. 3r. in 2. 8 3555.9 BAUMGARTXER, C.H. Beitriige zur Physiologic und Anatomic. 2te. Aufl. Stuttgart, 1842. 8 *3764.2 BAUSSET, L. F. de, cardinal. Histoiro de Bossuet. 2c ed. Versailles, 1819. 4v. 8 3496.3 Histoire de Feuelon. 3e ed. Versailles, 1817. 4v. 8 3505.3 BAUSSET, L. F. J. de, baron. Memoires anecdo- tiqucs pour servir a 1'histoire de Xapoleon depuis 1805 jusqu'en 1816. Bruxelles, 1827-29. 5v. 24 4668.18 BAVA 62 BAYLIES Shelf. No. BAVA, G. B. E. Rclazione delle operazioni mili- tari in Lombardia ncl 1848 cou document!. Torino, 1848. 10 4745.23 BAVARIA. Statistique de Baviere 7203.8 Bianconi, G. L. Lcttere sopra alcune partico- larita dclla Baviera v. 2 of 2793.14 Friodrich II. Correspondance au sujet de la Baviere 2895.1 - Der bayersche Erbfolgekrieg . 2836.3 Bayern in seinen alterthiimlichen, geschicht- lichen, artistischen, und malcrischen Scho'n- heiten. Miinohcn, 1843 44. 3v. 8 2862.3 Lerchenfeld, G. Frhr. von. Geschichte Bay- erns unter Maximilian Joseph 1 2836.2 Thompson, B. Public institutions in . . . . 3903.10 Woyda, C. Briefc aus Baiern 4048.8 See also : Bayerische Annalen. BAVARIAN academy. See Munich. BAVAY, C. V. de. Proces du comte D'Egmont. Bruxelles, 1854. 8 2852.2 BAVIAD, The: A poem. Gifford, W 2565.1 BAXTER, B. A posing question put by Solomon to the wisest men. [With an epistle by It. Baxter.] London, [1061.] 12 *3458.70 BAXTER, R. Practical works, with a life, and critical examination of his writings, by Rev. W. Orme. Lond., 1830. 23v. 8 *3497.1 Contents. Vol. I. Life and times ofBaxter; Life and writing of Baxter; Chronological list of works. Vols. I.- VI. Christian directory, or a sum of practi- cal theology. Part I., v. 2, 3. Christian ethics. Part n., v. 4. Christian economics, or family duties. Part II., v. 5. Christian ecclesiastics, or church duties. Part IV., v. G. Christian politics, or duties to our rulers and neighbors. Vol. VII. Treatise of con- versation; Call to the unconverted; Now or never. Vol. VIII. Directions and persuasions to a sonnd con- version ; Directions for weak, distempered Chris- tians; Character of a sound, continued Christian; God's goodness vindicated. Vol. IX. Right method for a settled peace of conscience and spiritual comfort ; Crucifying of the world by the cross of Christ; The Christian's glorying. Vol. X. A saint or a brute; The one thing necessary; Caiu and Abel malignity. Vol. XI. Treatise of self-denial; Obedient patience. Vol. XII. The life of faith. Vol. XIII. The divino life; Divine appointment of the Lord's day proved; Re- demption of time; Preface to Mr. Alleine's alarm. Vol. XIV. Gildas salvianus; The reformed pastor; Confirmation and restauration the necessary means of reformation and reconciliation. Vol. XV. Knowl- edge and love compared; Compassionate counsel to all young men; A moral prognostication; The re- formed liturgy. Vol. XV. Sense of the articles of the church of England; Reasons for ministers using the greatest plainness and seriousness possible ; Direc- tions to justices of the peace. Vol. XVI. Mischiefs of self-ignorance and benefits of self-acquaintance; True catholic and catholic church described; Catholic unity; Making light of Christ and salvation. XVII. Vain religion of the formal hypocrite; Miscellane- ous sermons, etc. Vol. XVIII. Funeral sermon of Mrs. Hanmer; Mr. Stubbs; Mrs. Cox; Mr. Ashhurst; Mr. Corbet ; Farewell sermon at Kidderminster ; Dying thoughts upon Phil. 1 : 23; The mother's cate- chism. Vol. XIX. Catechising of families ; Poor man's family book; Sacred hymns. Vol. XX. Un- reasonableness of infidelity. Reasons of the Chris- tian religion. Vol. XXI. Reasons, etc., continued; More reasons, and no reasons against it. Vol. XXII. The saint's everlasting rest. Vol. XXIII, The saint's everlasting rest continued; Conclusion; In- dex. Reformed pastor. [Young minister's com- panion] 3437.5 Abridgement of B.'s life and times, and ac- count of ejected ministers by E. Calamy. 2d ed. London, 1713. 2v. 8 *3554.20 [Reliquiae Baxterianas, publ. by M. Sylvester, with additions. London, 1090.] f *3550.7 Sermon relative to the decease of. See Syl- vester, M 3550.7 BAY,W. Dissertation on dysentery. New York, 1797. 8 *M.Pph.v.lO BAY state democrat. July 1, 1840-March 31, 1843. 4v. f *8060.2 Shelf. No. BAYARD, J. Speech on the organization of the courts of the U. S. [Wash., 1802.] 12 . *Pph. v. 218 Speech in the senate, [for the embargo,] Feb. 14, 1809 *Pph.v.8 BAYARD, J. F. A. La belle-mere ; La manic des places ; Les actionnaires ; Louise ; Philippe; Jeune et vieille ; Les trois maitresses ; Le Budget; La me'decine sans medccin; Ca- milla; Le gardien. [Scribe, E. (Euvres completes] 2701.2 BAYARD, P. du Terrail. See Du Terrail. BAYARD, W. Conduct of G. G. and S. Howland, and LcRoy, Bayard and company in relation to the [Greek] frigates Liberator and Hope. In answer to M. Contostavlos. New York, 1826. 8 2371.23 BAYERISCHE Annalen. Miinchen, 1832-35. 5v. 4 *3224.2 BAYLE, A. 1 J., and Hollard, H. Manual of anatorrv. [Tr.] by S. D. Gross. Philadel- phia, 1828. 8 *3744.15 BAYLE, G. L. Sur la phthisic pulmonaire. Paris, 1810. 8 *3794.18 BAYLE, P. (Euvres diverses, excepte son diction- naire historique et critique. Nouv. ed. La Haye, 1737. 4v. f *2090.7 Contents. Vol. I. Nouvelles de la republique des lettres; Lettres a safamille; Apologie de Mr. Bayle, ou lettre d'un sceptique. II. Critique generate de 1'his- toire du Calvinisme de Mr. Maimbourg; Nouvelles lettres; La France toute catholique sous le regne de Louis le Grand; Commentaire philosophique sur ces paroles de Jesus Christ ; Contraius-les-d'entrer, et 1'apologie que St. Augustin a faite des persecutions, traduit de 1'Anglois du Sieur Jean Fox de Bruggs par M. J. F.; Reponse d'un nouveau convert! a la lettre d'un refugie, pour servir d'addition au livre de Dom Denys Sainte-Marthe, intitule, reponse aux plaintes dcsprotestans; Avis important aux refugiez sur leur prochain retour en France; La cabale cliim- erique ; Lettre touchant la cabale chimerique; De- claration de M. Bayle; Entretiens sur la cabale chim- erique; La chimere de la cabale de Rotterdam, de- montree par les pretendues convictions, que le sieur Jurieu a publiees centre Mr. Bayle; La chimere de la cabale dimontree par les nouvelles convictions, [etc.]; Avis au petit auteur des petits livrets, sur son philosophe degrad ' ; Nouvel avis au petit auteur, etc. ; Nouvelle heresie dans la morale, touchant la haine du prochain, prechee par Mr. Jurieu ; Janua coelo- rum reserata cunctis rcligionibus a celebri admodum viro Domino Petro Jurieu. * * m. Pciisees diverses ecrites a un docteur de Sorbonne, a 1'occa- sion de la comete qui parut au mois de Decembre MDCLXXX. Septieme edition; Addition aux pen- sees, etc. Continuation, etc.; Reponse aux questions d'un provincial. IV. (Eloge de Mr. Bayle, par Mr. de Beauval.) Eutretiens de Maxime et de The- miste, ou reponse a ce que Mr. Le Clerc a tcrit dans son Xe tome de la bibliotheque choisie centre Mr. Bayle; De 1'essence des corps; Theses philosophi- ques; Objectiones in libros de Deo, anirna et malo; Opuscules de M. Pierre Bayle; Systcme abrege de philosophic, en quatre parties, la logique, la morale, la physique et la raetaphysique ; * * * Lettres: Dis- cours historique sur la vie de Gustave Adolphe, roi de Suede. Dictionnaire hist, et crit. Nouv. ed., augm. de notes de Chaufepie. Paris, 1820. 16v. 8 *2245.1 Dictionary. 2d cd. With life, etc., by Des Maizeaux. London, 1734-38. 5v. f . . . . *2250. 1 BAYLE-MOUILLARD, J. B. Eloge du baron de Gerando. Paris, 1846. 8 2655.2 BAYLEY, SirJ. Bills of exchange, cash bills and promissory notes. Fr. 4th London ed., with notes, etc., by W. Phillips, and S. E. Sewall. Boston, 1S2G. 8 3674.9 BAYLEY, Rev. J. A sermon, preached at Newark, Apr. 25, 1823. London, 1823. 8 . . . .*Pph.v.309 BAYLEY, J. History of the tower of London. London, 1821-25. 2v. 4 *2491.7 BAYLEY, It. An account of the epidemic fever which prevailed in New York in 1795. New York, 1790. 8 *M.Pph.v.l4 BAYLIES, F. Historical memoir of New Plymouth, 1620-41. Boston, 1830. 2v. 8" **E.223.3 BAYLOR 63 BEAUMONT Shelf. No. BAYLOR, C. G. Direct trade. Speech. Washing- ton, 1852. 8 3657.3 BAYWATER asylum for the cure of scrofula, [etc.] Second annual report. Lond., 1824. 8 . *M. Pph. V. 15 BAZAN do la Manche. D' une paix universelle et permancnte. Paris, 1842. 1.8 3577.1 BAZANCOURT, C. de. L' expedition de Crime'e. Paris, 1850. 2v. 8 4603.17 BAZIN, A. Notes historiquea sur la vie de Moliere. 2de ; Expositio in Tobiam. X., XI. In Marci Evangelium expositio; In Lucas Evangelium expositio. XII. In acta Apos- tolorum expositio; Super cpistolas catholicas expos- itio; Explanatio Apocalypsis. Opera omnia ex tribus prascipuis editt. inter se collatis, accurante J. P. Migne. Parisiis, 1850-51. 5v. 8 [Migne. Patrologise v. 90-94] 3450.21 Contents. Vol. I. Prolegomena amplissima; De orthographia; De arte metrica; De natura rerum; De temporibus; De ratione temporum; De ratione computi; De celebratione paschas; De ordinatione feriarum paschalium; De tonitruis; Opuscula dubia et spuria. II. Hexameron; Commentarii in penta- teuchum; De tabernaculo ct vestibus sacris libri tres; Expositionis in Samueltm libri quatuor ; Quoes- tioncs in libros Regum; Liber de templo Salomonis; Expositionis in Esdram et Nehemiam libri tres; In- terpretatio in librum Tobia?; Expositio in Parabola* Salomonis; Libellus de muliere 1'orti; Fragmenta in BEDA 66 BEKKER Shelf. No. BEDA Venerabilis, continued. Proverbia Salomonis; Expositionis in Cantica cnnti- corum libri septem; Expositio in canticum Ilabacuc. III. In Evangelium S. Matthaci; In S. Marci Evan- gelium; In St. Lucae Evangelium; In S. Joannis Erangelium. IV. Expositio super epistolas cathol- icas; Explanatio Apocalypsis; De sex dierum cre- ationc ; Quscstiones super Pentateuchum ; Quaes- tiones super librum Josue; Quaestiones super librum Judicum; Qutestiones super librum Ruth ; QUSES- tiones super Hbros Regum; Quarsstiones varisc; De Psalmorum libro exegesis ; Opuscula. V. Homi- liarum genuinarum libri duo; Huiuiliic subdititiu?; Libellusprecum; Deofficiis; Collectanea; Dereme- diis peccatorura; Vita mctrica S. Cuthbcrti; Passio S. Justinimartyris; Marty rologium poeticum; Hym- nitredecira; Epistolas; Vita quinque abbatum Wir- emuthensiura; Vita prosaica S. Cuthberti ; Martyrol- ogiurn, cum auctario, notis et appendieibus. VI. Historia ccclesiastica gentis Anglorum; Bedse chron- ologia continuata auctore anonymo; Appendix nd Ven. Bedaj Opera, complectens elucidationes in ilia opera, praBsertim vero in historian! ecclesiasticam. Opera historica minora. Recens. J. Steven- son. Londinl, 1841. 8" [Eng. hist. soc. v. 2] *2413.2 Contents. Introduction ; VitaS. Cuthberti metrica, auctore Ven. Beda; Vita S. Benedict!, aliorumque chronicon, sive de sex atatibus scculi; Epistola ail Egbertum antistitem; Appendix; Index. Historia eeclesiastica gentis Anglorum, Re- cens. J. Stevenson. Londini, 1838. 8 [Eng. hist. soc. v. 1] *2413.1 De sacrae scripturas tropis, et schematibus. [Autori del ben parlare] Par. 5 of 3590.11 See Guillon, M. N. S. Bibliotheque des peres. v. 33 of 3499.30, v. 24 of 3508.2 Carmina. [Lemaire. Poctaeminores, v.134] . 2912.1 Libri quatuor in principium Genesis ; Homilia in canticum Habacucj Homiliae undecim. [Martene et Durand. Thesaurus novus, v-5] 2250.2 Carmina. [Wernsdorf. PoetasLat.min. v.2] 2912.4 BEDDOES, T. Hygeia : or essays moral and medi- cal. Bristol, 1802-1803. 3v. 8 3767.8 Letters on asthma and other diseases. Bris- tol, [1793.] 8 *M.Pph.v.l08 Observations on the nature and cure of calcu- lus, consumption, etc. Phila., 1797. 8 . . *3807.8 Prevention of pulmonary consumption. Lon- don, 1799. 8 *3794.10 Elements of medicine : translated, with ob- servations on the character of the author. See Brown, J 3722.15 BEDELL, G. T. Sermons, with a sketch of the au- thor, by S. H. Tyng. Philadelphia, 1835. 2v. 8 3441.5 BEDFORD, G. S. Address, introductory to a course of lectures, in the hall of the medi- cal college of South Carolina. 2d ed. Charleston, 1&34. 8 *M. Pph.v.34 Address, introductory to a course of lectures in Clinton Hall, N. Y., ia34. Nov. 8, 1834. New York, 1834. 8 *M.Pph.v.29 An address introductory to a course of lec- tures delivered in Clinton Hall, New York, Nov. 15, 1835. New York, 183C. 8 . *3I.Pph.v.29 Introductory lecture before the Albany medi- cal college, 1839. Albany, 1839. 8. . *M.Pph.v.33 BEDFORD, Duke of. See Russell, J. BEDFORD, and its environs. Matthiason, J. H. . 2493.8 BEDFORDSHIRE. Fisher, T. Collections, histori- cal, genealogical, and topographical, for. B. *24. K. 1 Post office directory 2484.13 BEDINGFIELD, J. Compendium of medical prac- tice. London, 1816. 8 *3721.5 BEDOS de Celles. Pseud. See Monniotte, J. F. BEE, T. Report of cases in the district court of S. Carolina. Philadelphia, 1810. 8 .... *3707.1 BEECHEN tree, The. A tale in rhyme. Thomas, F. W 2398.18 BEECHER, C. A review of the " spiritual manifes- tations." New York, 1853. 12 3609.5 Shelf. No. BEECHER, E. Conflict of ages, or the moral rela- tions of God and man. 5th ed. Boston, 1854. 12 3453.11,12 Review of conflict of ages. See Ballon, M. . 3453.13 BEECIIER, L. Government of God desirable. A sermon. 7th ed. Boston, 1827. 8 ... *Pph.v.72 Memory of our fathers. A sermon. Boston, 1828. 8 *Pph.V.72 Remedy for duelling. A sermon, [etc.] [2d ed.] New York, 1809. 8 *Pph.v.20 Review of tracts published by the American Unitarian association. Boston, 1827. 8. *Pph.v.72 Sermon at the installation of Rev. Bennet Ty- ler in Portland, Me. Boston, 1829. 8 . *Pph.v.78 and Nettleton, A. Letters on the " new meas- ures " inrevivals. New York, 1828. 8 . *Pph.v.72 BEECHEY, F. "W. Voyage of discovery towards the north pole, 1818. With a summary of early attempts to reach the Pacific by way of the pole. London, 1843. 8 2273.1 - Same. New York, 1843. 4. [From the New World] *Pph.v.327 and H. W. Expedition to explore the north- ern coast of Africa. 1821-22. London, 1828. 4 *3051.4 BEECKMAN, D. Voyage to Borneo. [Pinkerton. Voyages, v.ll]. . . .- 2260.13 BEEDELL, E. Mercantile and maritime guide. See Willmore,G 3083.4 BEER, A. Einleitungindiehohere Optik. Braun- schweig, 1853. 8 3920.34 BEER, J. Musikalische Discurse, nebst einem An- hange genannt der musikalische Krieg zwischen der Composition u. d. Harmonic. Niirnberg, 1719. sm. 8 4049.42 BEES. Guide de 1' apiculteur. Debeauvoys . . . 4002.20 BEESTOK, W. Hieronymian Hebrew ; or a gram- mar of the sacred language, on the sys- tem disclosed by the writings of St. Jer- ome. London, 1843. 8 *Pph.v.243 BEET sugar, Notice on the. Church, E 4003.24 BEETHOVEN, L. van. Sammtliche Compositionen. Wolfenbiittel, n.d. 2v. 4 *4040.6 Contents. Vol. I. Die 18 ersten Sonaten fur das Pianoforte zu 2 Handen, mit Beethoven's Portrait in Stahlstlch als Pramie. II. Die 14 letzten Sonaten fur das Pianoforte zu 2 Handen mit der Biographic Beethoven's v. Dr. Heinrich D6ring als Pramie. Missa solennis op. 123. Eine kurze erkliirende Beschreibung von cinem Mitgliede des bonner Sangerchors. Bonn, 1845. 8 . . *4046.7 Thematisches Verzeichniss samrntl. in Druck erschienenen Werke von L. van B. Leipzig, 1851. 8 *4044.12 Eine Kunststudie. See Lenz, W. v 4046.9 Biographic von. See Schindler, A 4046.8 BEETLES. See Jablonsky, C. G. [Natursystem aller Insekten.] Kafer 3898.8 See Sturm, J. Abth. V. Kafer 3899.13 Sturm, J. Kafer Deutschlands 3899.15 BEGER, L. Thesaurus Brandenburgicus selectus antiq. gemmarum et numismatum. Coloniae Marchicse, 1696-1701. 3v. in 2. f *2970.1 BEGGAR'S opera. See Gay, J 2565.4 BKGGS, T. Extent and causes of juvenile deprav- ity. London, 1849. 8" 3575.22 BEGIN, E. A. Biographic de la Moselle, ou his- toire de toutcs les personnes nees dans ce departement qui se sont fait remarquer. Metz, 1829-32. 4v. 8 *2644.1 BEHISTUN, Persian cuneiform inscription at. See Rawlinson, H. C 3034.11 BEKE, C. Communication supposed entre le Niger et le Nil. Londres, 1850. 8 3055.9 Reasons for returning the gold medal of the geographical society of France. London, 1851. 8. 3055.9 BEKE, C. T. An enquiry into M. Abbadie's jour- ney to Kaffa. London, 1851. pp.63. 8" . **E. 110.59 BEKKER, B. "World bewitch'd " refuted. Beau- mont, J 3609.3 BEKKER 67 BELGIUM Shelf. No. BEKKER, I. Anecdota Gneca. Bcrolini, 1814-21. 3v. 8 2908.4 Contents. Vol. I. Lexica Segueriana. II. Apol- lonii Alexandrini de conjunctionibus et de advcrbiis libri; Dionysii Thrncis grammatica ; Chtcrobosci, Diomedis, Melampodis, Porphyrii, Stcphani in cam scholia. III. Theodosii canones; Editoris armotatio critica; Indices. Oratores Attici. Berolini, 1823-24. 5v. in 3. 8. *29C5.1 Contents. Vol. I. Antiphon; Andocides; Lysias. II. Isocrates. in. Isams; Dinarchus; Lycurgusj Aeschincs ; Demades. IV. Demosthenis pars prior. V. Demosthenis pars altera, Lesbonax; llerodes ; Antisthenea; Alcidanias; Gorgias. Scholia in Homeri Iliadem ex recens. Bek- keri. Berolini, 1825. 2v. 4 2991.8,9 Scholiarum in Homeri Iliadem appendix. Bcrolini, 1827. 4 2991.9 BELANG, J. van. Spiegel der Waarhcid, voor de Landberoerende Cabaal. n.p. n.d. 8 . . *Pph. v. 9 BELCARI, F. Prose, edite ed inedite pubbl. da Ot- tavio Gigli. Roma, 1843. 5v. in 4. 16 . . 4770.23 Contents. Vol. I. Tre autografl di Feo Belcari; Allettori O. Gigli; Prcfazione delRainaldi; Xotizie della vita di Feo Belcari; Vita del B. Colombini, composta da Feo Belcari e riveduta sopra tre testi a penna dal P. Odcrigo Rainaldi: Indice de' capitolij Laudi spirituali; Edizione del Dragondelli messa a confronto con 1'autografo del Belcari; Alcunibrani della vita del B. Gio. Colombini. II. Parte della vita d'alcuni Gesuati * * * eriv. dal P. O. Rainaldi; In- dice de' capitoli; Vita di frate Egidio. III. Lettere pubbl. per cura di Domenico Moreni; Due trattati del lacopone da Todi volgarizzati di Belcari; Trattato di Ricardo da S. Vittore de' quattro gradi della cariti j n prato spirituale volgarizzamento di Feo Belcari sopra un testo a penna e due stampe autiche com- posto da Santo Giovanni Everato di Alessandria e riveduto cpubblicato per cura di Ottavio Gigli. IV., V. Continuazione di II prato spirituale. Vita del beato G. Colombini. Milano, 1832. 12. 2749.10 Sonetti V. See Fontani, G. [Saggio di rime.] 2794.8 BELCARI, L. Rappresentazioni ed altre poesie. Firenze, 1833. 8 2795.4 BELCHER, Jon., gov. of New Jersey. Funeral ser- mon on. See Burr, A 3455.54 BELCHER, Jos. Sermon occasioned by his death. With an elegy by J. Danforth. Boston, 1723. 10 *3459.41 BELCHER, M. Funeral sermon on. Prince, T. . 3455.52 BELCHER, S. Assize sermon preached at Ipswich 21st May, [1702.] Boston, n.d. 12 .... *3450.34 BELCHERTOWX, Mass. Sketch of the congrega- tional church in. Doolittle, M 3544.23 BELDEN, L. W. Account of Jane C. Rider, the Springfield somnambulist. Boston, 1834. 8 *M. Pph.v.25 BELDING, A. Elegy on her death. Hartford, 1774. 12 *3458.68 BELETHUS, J. Rationale divinorum officiorum. [Migne. Patrologiae v. 202] 3470.24 BELFOOR, J. Collection of Eng. proverbs. Ray, J. 2584.8 BELGIOJOSO, C. T. princesse de. Asie mineurc et Syrie; Souvenirs de voyage. Paris, 1858. 8. 3045.10 BELGIUM. Annales des travaux publics. Brux- elles, 1843-55. 13v. 8 *3293.1 AperQU dcs publications statistiques, sur la B. depuis 1794. 4 *7203.7 Chemins de fer. Rapport. Bruxellcs, 1841-49. 8v. f *7202.4 Chemins de fer. Ligne du Hainaut. Ligne de Flandres. Embranchement du Lim- bourg. Bruxelles, 1837-38. f *7202.3 Chemias de fer do 1'etat: Sccours pour lea ouvriers. Bruxelles, 1851. f *7202.5 Collection de chroniques beiges inedites. Bruxelles, 1830-50. 19v. 4. savoir .- - Dynter, E. de. Chronica nob. ducum Loth- aringias et Brabantias ac regum Francorum. Bruxellis, 1854-57. 3v *2S11.1 - Heelu, J. de. Chronique en vers. Brux- elles, 1830. Iv *2811.2 Shelf. No. BELGIUM. Collection, etc., continued. - Klerk, J. de. Les gcstes des dues de Bra- bant. Bruxelles, 1839-43. 2v *2811.3 - Los, J. Chronicon rerum gestarum ab anno 1404 ad 1514. Bruxellis, 1840. Iv. . *2811.4 - Mouskes, P. Chronique rimee. Bruxelles, 1830-38. 2v *2811.5 - Reiffenbcrg, F. A. F. T. baron de. Monu- ments pour 1'histoirede Namur, de Hainaut et de Luxembourg. T. 1. 4 8. Bruxelles, 1844-48. Ov *2811.6 - Relation des troubles de Gand sous Charles Quint. Bruxelles, 1840 *2811.7 - Smet, J. J. de. Corpus chronicorum Flandrise. Bruxellis, 1837-50. 3v *2821.1 Compte de 1'administration de la justice crim- inelle en Belgique, 1831-34. Brux., 1835. 4. *7201.2 Compte-rendu de la commission d' histoire. T. 1-10. Table. 2de se"r. T. 1-7. Bruxelles, 1838-55. 25v. 8 *3257.1 Extraits du rapport decennal sur la situation administrative du royaume. (1841-1850.) Bruxelles, 1852. 2v. f *7201.1 Contents. Institutions de bienfaisance ; Cultes; Police et suretu publique; Administration de justice. Hygiene publique. L' assainissement des lieux insalubres. Bruxelles, 1850. 8 . . . 7203.16 Inventaires des cartes et plans aux archives du royaume. Bruxelles, 1848. f *7202.18 Mouvement de 1' etat civil. 1841-44. n.p., n.d. pp. 10. 4 *7203.5 Navigation vers Paris. Rapport. Bruxelles, 1840. f *7202.1 Nouvclle carte ge'ne'rale, a 1'ech. -^Q-^^-Q^ Etabl. geogr. fonde" par Ph. Vandermselen. Bruxelles, n.d. folded 4 *2831.1 Recensement general. Rapports de X. Heusch- ling. n.p., n.d. pp.21. 4 *7203.6 Rapport du conscil d' hygiene publique. Ire annee. Bruxelles, 1850. 8 7203.17 Recueil des pieces imprime'es par ordre de la chambre des rcpre'sentants 1853-54. Brux., 1854. 5v. f *7200.G R6forme des impots, comme moyen de soula- ger le pauperisme. n.p., n.d. 4 7203.14 Releve de la population du royaume. 1 Janv. n.p. 1831. 8" 7203. 15 Statistique. Bulletin de la commission. Bruxelles, 1843-55. Cv. 4 *3300.3 Com. de statistique. Statistique de Baviere d' apres Hermann et de Reden. Notice par Heuschling. n.p., n.d. 4 7203.8 Statistique commerciale. Instructions gene- rales. [1839.] [Bruxelles, 1839.] f . . . *7200.1 Statistique. Commerce avec les pays etran- gcrs, 1851-53. Bruxelles, 1852-54. 4v. 4.*7200.3-5 Statistique. Population. Recensement 15 Oct., 1840. Bruxelles, 1849. 1.4 *720(.2 DesvoicsnavigablesenB. Bruxelles, 1842. f. *7202.2 Bulletin du bibliophile beige 2157.1 Bivort, J. B. Constitution beige expliquee . 3021.10 Borgnet, A. Histoire des Beiges 2813.2 Cameron, C. H. Management of the poor in B 3570.05 Des Roches, J. Recherches sur la Belgique avant 1' invasion des Romains 2810.9 Dewez, L. D. J. Cours d' histoire. Belgique . 2813.13 - Histoire de la Belgique 2812.7 Dictionnaire des hommes dc lettres, des sa- vans ct dcs artistes de la Belgique 2843.2 Esquisses historiques de la revolution de la Belgique 2822.3 Gachard, L. P. Troubles de la Belgique, sous le regne de 1'empereur Charles VI. . 2812.8 Goethals, F. V. Lectures relatives a 1' his- toire dcs sciences, etc., en Belgique. . . . 2197.1 Gourcy, C. dc. Voyage agricole en Belgique. 2273. 13 The management of the poor in. See Great Britain [Report on the poor laws] . . . 3570.02,05 BELGIUM BELLANI Shelf. No. BELGIUM, continued. Hasselt, A. v. Essai sur 1'histoire de la pou- sie francaise en Belgique 2891.1 - Histoire ct description de Belgique . . . 2266.8 Heuschling, P. F. X. T. Essai sur la statis- tique generalc de la Belgique .... 7203.11,13,14 Hofken, G. Vlamisch Belgien 2863.12 Juste, T. Grttnduug der constitutionellen Monarchic in Bclgien 2813.9 - Histoire de la Belgique 2812.2 Mathieu, C. Flore gdnerale de Belgique. . 3856.1 Messager des sciences et des arts de la Bel- gique 3319.1 - Les splendours de 1' art en Belgique . . . 4071.11 Moke, H. G. and others. La Belgique monu- mentale 2862.1 Poplimont, C. La Belgique depuis 1830 . . . 2812.3 Pradt, D. D. de. De la Belgique depuia 1789 jusqu' en 1794 2813.14 Quetelet, L. A. J. De 1' influence des saisons sur la mortality aux differens ages dans la Belgique 3764.18 - Statistique des tribunaux de la Belgique, 1826-30 7203.4 - Sur les anciens recensements de la popu- lation beige 7203.3 Raepsaet, J. J. Me'moire sur 1' origine des Beiges 2810.14 Kerum Belgicarum libri. [Meursius. Opera, v. 10] 2210.2 Selys-Longehamps, E. de. Faune beige . . . 3907.3 Tresor national de Belgique 2813.8 Viardot, L. Les musees de Belgique. . . . 4089.19 See also: Brabant, Flanders, Hainault, Ghent, Liege, Limburg, Luxembourg, Mechlin, Namur and other names of districts and cities in Belgium. BELIDOK, B. F. de. Architecture hydraulique. Paris, 1739-88. 4v. 4 *3941.4 BELIEVER, Words of a. La Mcnnais, F. de . . . 3446.25 BELISAEIO, A. M. Report of the trial of A. Hodge, at the island of Tortola, for the murder of his negro man slave. Middletown, Coiin., 1812. 12 *Pph.v.207 BELISARIUS, [a tale.] Marmontel, J. F 3587.19 BELKNAP, J. American biography. Boston, 1794-98. 2v. 8 *2345.8 Discourse intended to commemorate the dis- covery of America. Boston, 1792. 8 . . . *2318.6 History of New Hampshire. 2d ed. Boston, 1813. 3v. 8 2338.7 - Same. With notes by J. Farmer. Dover, 1831. V. 1. 8 2338.6 Psalms and hymns, selected from the best authors. Boston, 1795. 12 *3449.31 - Same. 3d ed. Boston, 1801. sm. 12 . . 3449.22 - Same. 5th ed. Boston, 1808. 12. . .**E.219.19 - Same. New ed. Boston, 1820. sm. 12 . 3449.20 Life, with selections from his writings. Col- lected by his granddaughter. New York, 1S47 2348.18 BELL, B. System of surgery. 7th ed. London, 1801. 7v. 8 *3744.17 Treatise on gonorrhoea virulenta and lues ve- nerea. 2d ed. Edinburgh, 1797. 2v. 8 . . *3770.33 Treatise on the management of ulcers. Bos- ton, 1791. 8 *3807.9 BELL, Sir C. Anatomy and philosophy of expres- sion. 4th ed. London, 1847. 1.8 *4061.19 Anatomy of the brain. London, 1802. 4. . *3801.l Animal mechanics. [Soc. for diff. useful knowledge.] n.p., n.d. 8 **E.212.5 Engravings of the arteries. London, 1801. 4. *3740.5 - Same. 3d Am. ed. Philadelphia, 1833. 1. 8 *3740. 7 The hand, as evincing design. London, 1834. 8. [Bridgewater treatise] 3485.4 Illustrations of the great operations of sur- gery. London, 1821. obi. 4 *3740.6 Injuries of the spine and thigh-bone. London, 1824. 4 *3740.2 Shelf. No. BELL, Sir C., continued. The nervous system of the human body. With an appendix. London, 1830. 4 *3740.3 - Same. 3d ed. Edinburgh, 1836. 8 ... *3802.8 System of dissections. 2d ed. London, 1810. f, [with plates] *3740.1 - Same. 3d ed. London, 1809. 2v. in 1. 12 *3759.19 System of operative surgery. London, 1807- 1809. 2v. 8 *3744.18 - Same. 1st Am. ed. Hartford, 1812. 2v. 8*3744. 19 Notes to natural theology. See Paley, W. . 3486.5 BELL, G. J. Commentaries on the laws of Scot- land, and on mercantile jurisprudence. 4th ed. Edinburgh, 1821. 2v. 8 3621.1 BELL, H. Observations upon the character of Alexander the Great, as given by Rev. Dr. Robertson. Edinburgh, 1792. 8 ... *Pph. v. 329 BELL, J. of Antermony. Travels to divers parts of Asia. Glasgow, 1703. 2v. 4 3062.1 Contents, Vol. I. A journey to Ispahan in Persia, in the years 1715, 10, 17, and 18. Part of a journey to Pekiu, in China, through Siberia, in the years 1719, 20, and 21. With a map of the author's two routes between Mosco and Pekin. II. The continuation of the journey between Mosco and Pekin, to which is added a translation of the journey of Mr. de Lange, resident of Russia at the court of Pekin, in the years 1721, 22; A journey from Mosco to Derbent in Persia in the year 1722; A journey from St. Petersburg to Constantinople, in the years 1737, 38. Journey from St. Petersburgh to Pekin. [Knox. New collection of voyages] .v. 6 of 2263.1 Travels in Asia. [Pinkerton. Voyages, v. 7] 2260.13 BELL, John, surgeon of Edinburgh. Engravings explaining the anatomy of the bones and muscles. London, 1794. 4 *3740.4 Principles of surgery as they relate to wounds, ulcers, [etc.] New ed. by C. Bell. London, 1826. 4v. 8 *3744.21 and C. Anatomy and physiology of the hu- man body. 4th ed. New York, 1822. 3v. 8 *3754.2 Same. 7th ed. London, 1829. 3v. 8. ... *3754.3 Contents. Vol. I. The anatomy of the bones, mus- cles, and joints, the heart and circulation, and the lungs. II. Description of the arteries and the veins, the absorbing system, and the brain and nerves. m. Anatomy of the organs of the senses, the viscera of the abdomen, and the male and female parts of generation. BELL, John, of London. Classical arrangement of fugitive poetry. London, 1789-93. lov. 16.*25C9.24 Contents. Vol. I.-VII. Epistles; 1. Ethic; 2. Hu- morous; 3. Critical and didactic ; 4. Descriptive and narrative ; 5. Satirical and preceptive ; G. Panegyrical and gallant; 7. Heroic and amatory. VIII. Elegies moral, descriptive and amatory. IX. Elegies local, sympathetic and funereal, and monodies. X. Poems in the stanza of Spencer. XI. Poems imitative of Spencer, and in the manner of Stilton. XII., XIII., XIV., XV. Odes. BELL, John, M. D., of Philadelphia. Influence of medicine. An oration. Philadelphia, 1828. 8 *M. Pph. v. 19,28,122 Memorial to the trustees of Pennsylvania university. Phila.,1850. 8 *M.Pph. v. 46 BELL, J. G. The bibliographer's manual. Ft. I- VI. Manchester, [1856.] 8 *2124.2 BELL, L. V. Small pox, varioloid and vaccination. Boston, 1836. 1.8 *3790.46 BELL, T. History of British reptiles. London, 1839. 8 3875.5 History of British stalk-eyed Crustacea. London, 1853. 8 3873.8 BELLADONNA. Observations relative to the use of. Bailey, J M. Pph.v. " BELLAMY, J. Remarks on Rev. Mr. Croswell's let- ter to Rev. Mr. dimming. Bost., 1763. 12*3457.49 Theron, Paulinus, and Aspasio, or love, faith, and assurance. Boston, 1759. 12 *3446.9 BELLANI, A. La corona ferrea del regno d' Italia [con appendice e articolo sulla corona ler- rca. Venezia, 1821.] Milano, 1819. 4' . . 2732.3 BELLARMATI 69 BEMERKUNGEN Shelf. No. BELLARMATI, 31. A. Istorie sancsi ; Sulla scon- fitta di Montaperto ; Zecca sanese. Siena, 1844. 8 2"27.6 BELLART, N. F. Plaidoyers. See Annales du Barreau francais v. 10 of 3708.1 BELLATI, F. Pocsie di. See Coll. delle migliori opere scritte in dialetto milanese. .v.llof 4709 a.5 BELLENDEN, W. Do statu, libri tres. [Ed. with a pref. by Dr. S. Parr.] Ed. 2a. Londini, 1787. 8 3500.3 BELLERMANN, H. Die Mensuralnoten und Takt- zeichen des XV u. XVI Jahrhunderts. Ber- lin, 1858. 4 *4052.23 BELLERMANN, J. F. Die Tonleitern und Musik- noten der Griechen. Berlin, 1847. 4 ... *4041.11 Fragmentum Grsecte scriptiouis de musica. Berlin, 1S40. 4 4652.45 Anonymi scriptio de musica. Bacchii scnioris introductio artis musicae. Illus. J. F. B. Berolini, 1841. 4 4052.8 BELLES lettres. Alcmbert, J. le Rondd'. Dizio- nario di belle lettere 4001.15 Batteux, C. Corso di belle lettere 2196.4 Blair, H. Lectures on 3007.7 Picci, G. Guida allo studio delle belle lettere. 3590.20 Rollin, C. Method of teaching and studying the E.227.10 - La maniere d'enseigncr et d'etudier les . 2200.3 See also: ./Esthetics, Criticism, Eloquence, Ora- tory, Poetry, Ehetoric, Sublime, Taste. BELLEY, A. Memoires sur 1'ordre politique des Gaules, qui occasionna le changement de nom de plusieurs villes. [Leber. Coll. diss. hist. France, v.2] 2618.1 BELLINGER, F. Nutrition of the foetus in the womb. London, 1717. 8 *3776.5 BELLINI, L. La Bucchereide. Firenze, 1729. 8.*4767.19 - Same. Bologna, 1823. 2v. in 1. 24 ... 4778.31 Cicalata seconda. See Raccolta di prose diverse, v.2 2767.4 Cose giocose. See Dati, C. [Prose fioren- tine] v. 13 of 2787.1 Lettere. See Dati, C. [Prose florentine.] v. 14 of 2787.1 II matrimonio. See Poesie di eccel. aut. tos- cani per far ridere 4776.24 Opere burlesche, v.3. SeeBerni, F 4769.6 BELLISOMI, F. Grammatica. See Lissoni, A. . . 2783.3 BELLO, F. Ilmambriano. See Cieco da Ferrara. 2791.13 BELLO, J. B. De partibus templi auguralis ; De Pharsalici conflictus mense et die. [Grae vius. Thesaurus antiq. Rom. v. 5-8] . . . 2950.1 BELLOC, A. Traite de la photographic sur collo- dion. Paris, 1854. 8 4024.6 BELLOC, H. Prize essay on laryngeal phthisis. See Trousseau, A 3755.22 BELLOC, J. J. Cours de medecine legale. 2de d. Paris, 1811. 8 *3788.5 BELLONI, A. Liber de vitis et gestis patriarch- arum Aguilejensium. [Muratori. Rerum Ital. script, v. 16] 2710.1 BELLONI, G. Dissertazione sopra il commercio. [Economisti class, ital. v. 9] 3044.1 BELLONI, P. De admirabili operum antiquorum prsestantia. [Gronovius. Thesaurus Graec. antiq. v. 8] 2960.2 BELLORI, G. P. Descrizione delle immagini di- pinte da Rafaello ncl Vaticano, colla [sua] vita. Roma, 1821. 10 4089.16 Pictures antiquse cryptarum Romanarum et sepulcri Nasonum. Romas, 1791. f . . . *2.1 BENSOX, E. Memoir read before the historical society of N. Y., 31 Dec. 1816. New York, 1817. 8 *Pph.v.5S BEXSOX, G. Belief of things above reason. [Sparks. Tracts in theology, v.4] 3400.20 Essay concerning inspiration ; Essay concern- ing the unity of sense. See Watson, E. [Theol. tracts] v.4 of 3454.2 E-ssay on the man of sin. See Watson, R. [Thcol. tracts] v.5 of 3454.2 BENSON, It. and Hatcher, H. History of old and new Sarum. See Hoare, Sir R. C. Wiltshire 2500.4 BENTHAM, J. Works published [by] J. Bovrring. Edinburgh, 1843. llv. 8 *3624.1 Contents. Vol. I. Introduction to the study of Bentham's works, by John Hill Uurton; Principles of morals and legislation, with additions from Du- moiit; Promulgation of laws, and of their reasons (essay); Influence of time and place in mat- ters of legislation : Fragment on government; Prin- ciples of the civic code; Principles of penallaw; Table of the springs of action, pp. 195-219. II. Principles of judicial procedure; Rationale of reward; Lead- ing principles of a constitutional code for any state; Liberty of the press; On political tactics; Book of Fallacies; Anarchical fallacies; Principles of inter- national law; Protest against law-taxes ; Escheat via taxation; Tax with monopoly. III. Defence of usury; Manual of political economy; Restrictive and prohibi- tory commercial system; Plan for saving trouble and expense in the transfer of stock, by note annuities; View of a complete code of laws; Pannomial frag- ments; Nomography, and appendix; Equity dispatch court proposal ; Equity dispatch court bill ; Parliamen- tary reform; Radical reform bill ; Radicalism not dan- gerous. TV. View of the hard-labor bill ; Panopticon, or the inspection house ; Panopticon vs. New South Wales; Plea for the constitution ; Judicial code for France ; Bentham's draught for judicial establish- ments, compared with that of the national assembly; Emancipate your colonies; On houses of peers and senates; Codification and public instruction; Codifi- cation proposal. V. Scotch reform (courts and justice) ; View of plan of court of lords delegates; Elements of art of packing, as applied to special juries; " Swear not at all;" Truth versus Ashhurst; The King t\*. Edmonds and others; The King vs. Wolseley and Harrison; Official aptitude maximized; Expense minimized i Commentary on Humphrey's real property code; Plan of register of real property; Justice and codification petitions; Lord Brougham displayed. VI. Rationale of evidence: Rationale of judicial evidence applied to English practice (Book i.-iv.). VII. Same (Book v.-x.). VIII. Chres- tomathias Design of an institution to be called Chres- tomathic school; Fragment of ontology; Essay on logic; Essay on language; Fragments on universal grammar; Tracts on poor-laws and pauper manage- ment; Observations on the poor bill; Three tracts on Spanish and Portuguese affairs; Letters to Count Torenoonthe proposed penal code, 1821; Securities against misrule, adapted to a Mahommedan state; IX. The constitutional code. X. Memoirs of Ben- tham, including auto-biographical conversations and correspondence. XI. Same, with appendix; Ana- lytical index to the whole. Defence of usury. To which is added a letter to A. Smith on the discouragements opposed by the above restraints to the progress of inventive industry. New York, 1837. 8. *Pph.v.222 Fragment on government. London, 1770. 8 3502.10 Observations on Peel's House of commons speech, 24th March, 1825. London. 1825. 8 '. . *Pph.v.73 Traites de legislation, civile et penale. Pub- lies en francois par E. Dumont. Paris, 1802. 2v - 8 3500.20 BEXTIVOGLTO, E. See Carcano, G. [Poeti sati- rici italiani, v.l] 2809.3 See Rime piacevoli 4700 a. 15 Shelf. No. BEXTIVOGLIO, G., cardinal. Opere storiche [Con vita da L. Marotti.] Milano, 1SOG-7. 5v. 8. 2707.4 Contents. Vol. I. Vita scritta dell' abate Lorenzo Barotti; Delia relazione delle provincie unite di 1 i- andra; Breve relazione di Danimarca; Breve relaz- ione degli Ugonotti di Francia; Relazione del trattato delia tregua de Fiandra; Del trattato della tregua di Fiandra libroii.; Relaz. della messa d'arme per le cose di Cleves; Rclaz. della fuga tii Francia del principe di Conde. II.-IV. Delia guerradi Fiandra. V. Memorie del Cardinal Bentivoglio con le quali de- scrive la sua vita, e non solo le cose a lui successe nel corso di essa, ma msiume le piii notabili ancoraoc- corse nella citta di Roma, in Italia, ed altrove. DivUi in due libri. History of the warrs of Flanders. Englished by Henry [Carey] Earl of Monmouth. Lon- don, 1078. f 2810.5 Lettere, con note di G. Biagioli. Ediz. 3a. Milano, 1828. 10" 4770.14 Orazione storiche. See Scelta di orazioiii estratti dagli storici italiani 4770.10 BEXTLEY, R., D. D. Dissertatio de Phalaridis, Themistoclis, Socratis, Euripidis, aliorum- . que epistoli*, et de fabulis ^Esopi. In Lat. serm. convertit I. D. a Lennep. Groningse, 1777. 4 3001.1 Dissertation upon the epistles of Phalaris, Themistocles, etc., and .aSsop's fables. Lon- don, 1007. 12 2950.1 - Same. Ed. by A. Dyce. Lon., 1836. 2v. 8" 2008.1 Remarks on a late discourse of free-thinking. [By A. Collins.] Sded.and 2ded. London, 1732. 8 3454.7 Sermons ; Remarks upon free-thinking ; Pro- posals for an ed. of the Gr. Test. Ed. by A'cr. Alex. Dyce. London, 1838. 8 ... 2008.2 Controversy between Boyle and B., concern- ing the genuineness of Phalaris' epistles. See Budgell, E 2443.10 Epistola ad loannem Millium. See Mallalla, J. [Corpus script, hist. Byz. v. 15] ... 2009.1 Remarks on Dr. B.'s proposals. See Middle- ton, C. [Works v. 3] 3507.5 Life of. See Monk, I. H 2440.9 Controversy between Dr. B. and Mr. Boyle. See Rymer, T 2959.7 BEXTLEY, Richard. Bentley's miscellany, v. 35 41,44. London, 1854-58. 8v. 8 *5298.1 BEXTOX, T. H. Abridgment of debates in Con- gress, 1780-1850. X.York, 1857-00. llv. 8. *C. 239.2 Examination of the decision of the U. S. Su- preme court in the Dred Scott case. New York, 1857. 8 3684.7 Speech on Mr. Clay's resolutions, directing the restoration of the government deposits to the U. S. bank, etc. Alb., 1834. 8 . . *Pph. v.92 Speech on the bill to separate the government from the banks. Washington, 1838. 8 . *Pph. v. 105 BEXVKXTE, B. Fragmenta Fulgiuatis historiae 1198-1341. [Muratori. Antiq. Ital. v.O]. 2720.7 BEXVEXUTO da Imola, R. or Jacopo dalla Lana. Excerpta historica super Dautispot-tascom- osdias. [Muratori. Autiq. Ital. v. 3] . . . 2720. 1 BEXZOXI, G. Novi orbis historiae libri tres : U. Calvetonis industria Latini facti. [Genevae,] 1578. sm.8 2312.10 Novae novi orbis historiae. [Bry. Collec- tiones peregrinationum. Ser. 1. Pars 4-0] . 2360.20 BEOWULF: an epic poem, tr. fr. the Anglo-Saxon, by A. D. Wackerbarth. Lond., 1840. 10.2587.12, 13 Heldengedicht, nach seinem Inhalte und hist. mythol. Beziehungen. Leo, H 2883.4 BKUAXGER, P. J. de. CEuvres completes [chan- sons.] Nouv.c'd. illustr. Paris, 1847. 2v. 8 2663.14 B;':RARD, A. S. L. Essai bibliogruphique sur les editions des Elzevirs. Paris, 1822. 8. .*2114.10 Isographie des homines celebrcs; auto- graphes. Paris, 1828-30. 2v. 4 *2190.11 BKRARDI,A. Document! armonici. Bolog., 1687. 4. *4047.7 II perche musicale overo staffetta armonica. Bologna, 1093. 4 4055.28 Miscellanea musicale. Bologna, 10S9. 4 . . 4047.6 BERAEDO BERNABO Shelf. No. BERAHDO, A. Assedio dclla citta di Vercelli noil' anno 1617. [Archivio stor. ital.] . . v. 13 of 5245.2 BEKBRUGGER, L. A. Memoire sur la peste en Al- ge"rie. [France. Exploration de 1'Algerie. Sciences medicales] v. 18, lOof 3054.2 BERCHET, G. Poesie ; coll. aggiunta di altre ro- manze. 4a ed. Londra, 1830. 10 4766.11 BERCHOUX, G. La gastronomic. [Raccolta di poem. didascalici] v. lof 4779.8 BERENGARIUS, viscount of Narbonne t Querimo- nia adversus Guifredum archiep. Xarbon. [Migne. Patrologiae v. 143] 3460.22 BERENGARIUS, P. Apologia pro Petro Abaslardo. Epistola?. [Migne. Patrologise v. 178] . . 3470.5 BERENGAUDUS. Expositio super septem visioues libri Apocalypsis. [Migne. Patrologise v. 17] V.2, p.2of 3440.11 BERENGOSUS. De laude et inventione sanctae crucis; De mysterio ligni Dominici; Ser- mones. [Migne. Patrologiae v. 160] . . . . 3460.36 BERENICE, La ehioma di. Callimachus 2979.24 BERESFORD, J. Bibliosophia ; account of book col- lecting; [and] the twelve labors of an editor. London, 1810. 16 2115.7 BERG. Fahne, A. Geschichte der bergischen Geschlechter 2830.1 BERGER, L. Confession d'un republicain de la veille. Paris, 1849. 12 3569.11 BERGERET, J. P. Phytonomatotechnie univer- selle. Paris, 1783-86. 3v. f *3890.4 BERGERET, L. F. E. Maladies do 1'enfance. Paris, 1855. 12 *3777.23 BERGERON, L. E., Pseud. See Salivet, L. G. I. BERGERON, P. Histoire de la litterature romaine. Bruxelles, 1840. 2v. 8 2953.1 BERGHAUS, H. C. Allgemeine Lander-und Volk- erkunde. Stuttgart, 1837-44. 6v. 8. . . . 2285.2 BERGIER, N. Histoire des grands chcmins de 1' empire remain. Nouv. e"d. Bruxelles, 1736. 2v. 4 2950.8 De publicis et militaribus imperii Romani viis. [Graevius. Thesaurus antiq. Rom.] . v. 10 of 2950.1 BERGIER, N. S. Dictionnaire de la theologie. See Encyclopedic methodique A.155.3 BERINGER, M. Exempel Biichlein fiir die Tyrones Oder Anf anger in der Musica. Niirnberg, 1610. 4 *4047.22 Musicae : das ist der freyen lieblichen Sing- kunst Ir, 2r Theil. NUrnb., 1610. 2v. in 1. 4*4047.22 BERINGTON, J. Reign of Henry II., Richard [I.] and John. 1154-1216. London, 1790. 4 . . 2410.13 BERKELEY, G. Works, with life, by J. Stock. London, 1820. 3v. 8 3601.7 Contents. Vol. I. Life; Letters; Principles of hu- man knowledge; Dialogues between Hylas and Philo- nous, in opposition to sceptics; New theory of vision; Alciphron, or the Minute philosopher, containing an apology for the Christian religion, against free-think- ers. II. Alciphron (continued) ; Passive obedi- ence j Arithmetica absque algebra ; Miscellanea mathematica; De motu; The analyst, addressed to an infidel mathematician. III. A defence of free- thinking in mathematics; Essay towards prevent- ing the ruin of Great Britain; Discourse addressed to magistrates and men in authority; Word to the wise, or exhortation to the Roman Catholic clergy of Ire- land; Letter to the Roman Catholics; Patriotism; The querist; Proposal for converting the savage Americans to Christianity; Sermon before the society for the propagation of the gospel; Siris, a chain of philosophical objections; The virtues of tar water. Miscellany, containing several tracts. Lon- don, 1752. 8" 2565.19 Contents. To the author of Siris, anode; Farther thoughts on tar- water; Essay towards preventing the ruin of Great Britain; Discourse to magistrates and men in authority; A word to the wise; Letter to the catholics of the diocese of Cloyne ; Maxims concerning patriotism ; The Querist, proposed to the consideration of the public; Verses on planting arts and learning in America; Proposal for con- verting the savage Americans to Christianity: Ser- mon before the society for propagating the gospel in foreign parts, 173i; DC motu. Shelf. No BERKLEY, G., continued. Memoirs, drawn up by Rev. J. Stock. 2d ed. London, 1784. 12 ............. 3555.16 BERKELEY, J. Memoires de. Herbert, Sir. T. . 2518.3 BERKELEY, M. J. The English flora. Crypto- gamia. Part II. Fungi. See Smith, J. E. . 3855.2 BERKENHOUT, J. First lines of philosophical chemistry. London, 1788. 8 ....... 3971.17 Naval hist, continued to the year 1779. See Campbell, J ................. 2450.11 BERKSHIRE, Eng. Ashmole, E. History and an- tiquities of ................. 2461.4 Post-Office directory ............. 2484.13 Ritchie, L. Windsor castle and its environs. 2493.10 BERKSHIRE, Mass. Jubilee. See Pittsfleld. BERKSHIRE medical institution. See Pittsfleld. BERLIN, J. D. Anleitung zur Tonometrie. Ko- penhagen, 1767. 8 ............. *4049.39 BERLIN. Conservatorium der Musik zu Berlin. Statuten. Berlin, n.d. pp.14. 8 ..... *4049.15 Konigliche Akaclemie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin. Abhandlungen. 1804-57. Berlin, 1815 -59. 56v. 4 ................ *3322.2 - Histoire, v. 1-26. Berlin, 1746-71. 25v. 4". *3312.2 - Miscellanea Berolinensia. Berolini et Hake, 1710-43. 2v. 4 ........... *3312.1 - Monatsberichte, 1836^58. Berlin, 1&JO-59. 20v. 8 ................... *3334.2 Geppert, C. E. Chronik von ........ 2824.2 Mirabeau, H. G. R. de. Secret history of the court of ................... E.117.6 Willdenow, C. L. Enumeratio plantarum horti regii Bcrolinensis .......... 3853.8 BERLINER astronomisches Jahrbuch. Bode und Encke .................... E.179.2 BERLINER allgemeinemusikalische Zeitung. Marx, A. B ..................... 4053.8 BERLINGHIERI, C. D. See Inghirami, F. Colle- zione nuova di opuscoli, etc. vol. 1 , . . . 2767.5 BERLIOZ, H. On instrumentation and orchestra- tion. Tr.by M.C.Clarke. London, 1856. 8. 4042.2 BERMUDAS, Description of. [Force's tracts.] v.3 of 2323.3 Smith's history of the. [Pinkerton. Voy- ages] ................ v.!2of 2260.13 BERNAB6 Silorata, P. Poesie e prose inedite o rare di Italiani viventi. Bologna, 1835-36. 9v. 16.*4768.16 Contents. Vol. I. M. Angelelli; G. Arcangeli; 8. Baldacchini; P. Bernabo Silorata; L. Biondi; G. Borghi; I. Borzaghi; F. Capozzi; E. Cappello; P. Costa; P. A. Fiorentino; M. T. Gargallo; G. Gior- dan! ; M. G. Guacei; G. Marchetti; G. I. Montanari; G. Montrone; C. E. Muzzarelli; P. A. Paravia; F. Ranalli; G. Kambelli; A. M. Bicci; F. Romani; R. Taddei ; A. Tanari; D. Vaccolini ; V. Valorani; J. Vittorelli; L. Vivarelli. II. M. Angelelli; A. As- tolfi; M. Baldacehini; L. Biondi; G. Borghi; L. Borrini; I. Borzaghi; F. Cassi; P. Costa; P. Farini; L. C. Ferrucci; P. A. Fiorentino; F. C. Franceschi; G. Gonnella; M. G. Guacei; T. Mamiani della Rovere; A. Mezzanottc; D. Missiroli; C. Montalti; G. I. Montanari; C.E. Muzzarelli; G. Pellegrini; F. Ranalli; A. M. Bicci; A. Ricci; F. Rocchi; D. Stroc- chi; A. Tauari; F. Torricelli; D. Vaccolini; V. Val- orani. III. G. Arcangeli; A. Baldassini; P. Ber- nabo Silorata; L. Biondij G. Bonetti; G. Borghi; Li. Borrini; J. Borzaghi; A. Cagnoli; F. Capozzi; F. Cassi; P. Costa; C. Ferrucci; P. A. Fiorentino; F. C. Franceschi; M. G. Guacei; F. Ilarii; M. Leoni; O. Machirelli; T. Mamiani della Rovere; G. Mar- chetti; G. I. Montanari; F. Mordani; C. E. Muzzar- elli; G. Pellegrini; A. M. Ricci; D. Vaccolini; F. Valdem. IV. P. Bagnoli; P. Bernabo Silorata; F. Cassi; P. Configliacchi ; P. Contrucci; F. C. Fran- ceschi; E. Frullani; F. Gerardi; D. Ghinassi; G. Godi; G. Leopardi; G. Marzetti; G. I. Montanari; L. Muzzi; P. A. Paravia; D. Santucci; D. Strocchi; A. M. Ricci ; M. Romagnoli. V. G. Adorni ; C. Bal bo ; A. Baldassini; P. Bernabo Silorata ;G. Bonetti; A. Bo- nucci; A. Bonuccelli; I. Borzaghi; A. Cagnoli; F. Capozzi; F. di S. T. Carrone; F. Cassi; C. Dal Bono; N. G. Dalla Riva; P. Farini; G. Galvani; M. G. Guacei ; G. Marchetti. VI. M. Baldaechini ; P. Bernabo Silorata ; I. Borzaghi; F. di S. T. Carrone; A. Caguoli; L. Cibrario; N. G. Dalla Riva; P. Farini; T. Gargallo; G. Golfleri; M. G. Guacei; F. Ilarii; M. Leoni; G. Leopardi; T. Malvezzi Carniani; T. Mamiani della Rovere; G. Manno; A. Mezzanottc; BERN'ABO 73 BERNHARDT Shelf. No BERNABO Silorata, P., continued. G. I. Montanari: C. E. MuzzarclH; P. A. Paravia; A. 1'cruzzi; B. Puoti; A. M. Ricci; T. Sgricci; L. Tarantini; P. Viaui. VII. G. Antinori; C. Bct- telonl; G. Borghi; I. Borzaghi ; 3. Cnbianca ; A. C:ignoli; F. Capozzi; L. Cibrario; L. Cornazzaui ; N.~G. Dalla Riva; E. Fabri ; T. Gargallo ; O. Gi~!i ; G. Marzctti ; A. Mai ; 51. Missirini; L. Muzzi; P. Odesealchi; P. A. Paravia; F. Polidori; F. Ranalli; F. Romani; A. Saffi; L. Turrini; P. TJ1- loa; D. Vaccolini; L. Vivarelli. VIII. P. Bcrnabd Silorata; C. G. C'antalamessa; L. Carrer; F. di S. T. Carronc; G. D'Andrea ; N. G. Dalla Riva; C. Di Bagnolo; L. C. Ferrucci; T. Guoli; G. I. Moutanari; F. Mordani; C. E. Muzzarclli; F. Ranalli; A. M. Ricci; G. Rosinl; D. Strocchi. IX. G. Antinori ; 8. Baldacchini; A. Baldassini; V. Ballestrazzi; P. Bcrnabd Sllorata; C. Betteloni; A. Bianchini; G. Borghi; F. Capozzi; G. Di Montronc; A. Gabrielli; T. Gargallo; G. Marzetti; G. I. Montanari; A. Per- etti; F. Ranalli; A. M. Ricci; F. Romani; G. Ros- etti; R, D. Saluzzo; L. Siccardi; D. Vaccolini. BERNADOTTE. See Cliarles XIV. of Sweden. BERNALDCS. Tractatus dc sacramentis excommu- nioatorum ; Opuseula diversa [pro Gregorio VII. papa.] [Migne. Patrologise v.148] 3460.20 BERNARD, le tresorier. Histoire des croisadcs (1184-1275.) [Guizot. Coll. mem. hist, de France, v.19] 2018.2 Liber de acquisitione Terrae-Sauctae 1095-1230. [Muratori. Rerum Ital. script, v.7] . . . . 2710.1 BI:RNAI:D, A. J. Cartulaire de 1' abbaye de Savig- ny. Paris, 1853. 2v. 4. [France. Docs. iiiikl. 22,23. ser. 1. Hist. polit.J 2610. De 1'origine et des debuts de 1' imprimerie en Europe. Paris, 1853. 2v. 8 2113.15 BERNARD, D. Light on masonry. Utica, 1829. 12. 3507.17 BERNARD, F. and Gage, Gen. T. Letters to the Earl of Hillsborough. Boston, 1769. sm.f .*2320.16 Gage, T. and Hood, S. Letters to the minis- try. London, [1769.] 8 2324.37 BERNARD, 3. Retrospections of the stage. Bos- ton, 1832. 2v. in 1. 12 2588.13 BERNARD, P. and Couailhac, L. Le jardin des plantes. Paris, 1842-43. 2v. 1.8 *3831.5 BERNARD, Sir T. On the comforts of old age. 2d ed. London, 1817. 12 2569.21 Life. Baker, J 2457.3 BERNARD de Montbrison, A. Proces verbaux des etats generaux, de 1593. Paris, 1842. 4. [France. Docs. ine'd.44. Ire ser. Hist. polit.]*2640.12 BERNARDUS, abbot of Fontcauld, 12th century. Liber adversus Waldensium sectam. [Mig- ne. Patrologiaj v.204] 3470.26 BERNARDUS, alp. of Toledo, 1100. Sermones quat- uor in antiphonam, Salve regina. [Migne. Patrologiae v.155, 184] 3400.32 BERNARDUS, bp. 1098. Donatio pro ecclesia S. Gregorii Ruthenensi. [Migne. Patrologiae v.150] 3460.28 BERNARDUS, count, 10S5. Epistola et diploma. i Migne. Patrologias v. 149] 3460.27 BERNARDUS Guidonius, 1260-1331. Catalogus Ro- manorum pontificum. [Bouquet. Recueil, v.21] 2020.1 Vita Iiinocentii II. pontiflcis Romani. [Mig- ne. Patrologise v.179] 3470.6 Vita? nonnullorum pontificorum Romanorum. [Muratori. Rerum Ital. script, v.3] .... 2710.1 BERNARDUS of Angers, 1029. Epistola ad Fulber- tum ; Opuseula diversa. [Migne. Patrolo- gife v. 141] 3460.W BERNARDUS, Carthusian prior. Epistolae tres. [Migne. Patrologia? v. 153] v.2 of 3400.30 BERNARDUS Oricellarius. De urbe Romae. [Tar- tini. Rerum Italicarum scriptores. v. 2] 2720.2 BERNARDUS, St. abbot of Clairvaux. Opera omuia locupletata tertiis curis J. Mabillon. Ed. nova, accurante Mignc. Lut., Par. 1854-55. 4v. 8. [Patrologise v. 182-185] 3470.9 Contents. Vol. I. Epistola;; Tractatus morales, doctrinales et ascetic! ; De considerationc; De mori- bus et oflicio episcoporum; Sermo de conversione, BERNARDUS, ,SY., continued. adclericos; De praecepto et dispensatione; Apologia; Liber ad inilites Templi de laude nova? militia; ; Tractatua de gradibus humilitatis et superbia;; Liber de diligendo Deo; Tractatus de gratia it libero arbi- trio; Tractatus de baptismo aliisque qua;stionibus; Capitula hacresum Petri Abselardi ; Tractatus de erroribus Petri Abselardi; Vita. . MaLtchiffi; I3ym- nus de S. Malachia; Tractatus decantu; Appendix ad tractatus; S. Bernardus super hymnum; Jcsu nostra redemptio ; Liber de passione Christ! et dolori- busmatris ejus; Tractatus ad laudem gloriosa; vir- ginis Maria;; Tractatus de corpore Domini; Trac- tatus cantandi Graduale; Tonale S. Bcruardi. II. Sermones de tempore; Sermones de sanctis; Ser- mones de diversis; Sententia;; Alia; sententia;; Para- bola;; Confessionis privatas formula; Officium de S. Victore; Sermones in Cantica. III. Aliena et sup- posititia. IV. Variorum dcS. Bernardi vita et rebus gestis elucubrationcs; S. Bernardi vita et resgestae libris septem comprehensa; ; Acta S. Bernardi Bol- landiana; Varia ad libros devitaet rebus gestis S. Bernardi additamenta ; S. Bernardi genus illustre asserttim; Oclonis de Diogilo, Joannis Eremita;, Her- berti Turritani aliorumque aliquot scriptorum opus- cula duodecimi post Christum saeculi historian! illus- trantia; S. Bernardi gloria posthuma ampliucata; Monumenta sacra; Claraivallensis abbatia;; Richard! monachi de Grandi-Silva carmen de laude Clarscval- lis; Iter Cisterciense Meglingeri ; Description des tombeaux tt sepultures qui existaient autrefois dans 1'abbayc de Citeaux; Note sur Fontainc-les-Dijon, patrie de saint Bernard; Lettre a M. le cornte de Moutalembert sur les rcliques de saint Bernard et de saint Malachie, ct sur le premier emplacement de Clairvaux, par M. Ph. Guignard, bibliothucaire de la ville de Dijon; Documents sur le s(-jour de saint Bernard en Flandre et le culte de Xotre-Dame d Afflighem, par le R. P. Pitra, de 1'ordre de Saint- Benoit; Etudes sur 1'histoire du Xllle siecle; Re- cherches sur la part quo 1'ordre de Citeaux ct le comtc de Flandre prirent a la lutte de Boniface VIII. ct de Philippe le Bel, par M. Kervyu de Lettenhove. Vola-arizzamento del trattato della coscienza, testo di lingua dell' aureo secolo. Verona, 1828. 10" 4778.25 Choix dc sermons de. See Bible. Les 4 livres de Rois 2050.6 Epistola; CX. [Bouquet. Recueil, v.15] . . 2020. 1 Legendary psalter in Latin. [Percy soc. v.7] 2537.9 See Gcrbcrt von Hornau. Scriptores eccles. de musica sacra, v.2 4041.7 See Guillon. Bibliotheque des peres .... v. 34, 35 of 3499.30, v.25of 3508.2 See Guizot. Coll. mem. hist, de France, v.10. 2018.2 Opuscoli attribuiti a S. Bernardo. See Pianto. 3417.1 BERNARDUS, Sapiens, monk Mh century. Itiuerar- ium in loca sancta. [Migne. Patrol, v.121] 3460.4 Voyage de. See Paris. Socie'te de geographic. Recueil de voyages, v.4 2260.11 BERNAREGGI, I. Tavole paraboliche. See Rac- colta del moto dell' acque, v.12 3942.1 BERND, C. S. T. Die Hauptstucke der Wappen- wissenschaft. Bonn, 1841-49. 2v. S . . . *2232.2 Schriftenkunde der Wappenwissenschaft. Bonn, 1830-41. 4v. in 3. 8" *2232.1 BERNE, Switzerland. Escher, H. Politische An- nalcn, 1834-:J(i 2828.S Forbes, J.D. Excursions in the high Alps of. 2861-8 Ilerzog, C. Geschichte des berner Volkcs . 2828. C BERNELINUS. Cita ct vera divlsio monochordi in diatonico genere. [Gerbert von Hornau. Scriptoreseccles.de musica sacra, v.l] . . 4041.7 - Same. [Migne. Patrologiae v.151] . . . 3460.29 BERNERI, G. II meo patacca overo Roma in feste neitrionfldi Vienna [poemagiocoso]. Roma, 1695. 8 *4708.2 BERNERS, J. Fysshynge with an angle. London, 1S27. pp.41. 10" 4001.17 BERNERUS, abbot. Vita sancta; Hunegundis vir- ginis; Translatio corporis S. Hunegun- dis; Miracula, etc. [Migne. Patrol, v.137] 3400.16 BERNIIARDT, W. Dr. Ernst Chladni der Akusti- ker. Einc Biographic und geschichtliche Darstcllung seiner Entdeckuugen. AVittcn- berg, 1856. 8 4040.19 BERNI 74 BERTI Shelf. No. BERNI, Fr. and others. Opere burleschc di Berni c di altri. Lcida, 1823-24. 3v. 24 .... 4709.6 Contents. Vol. T. Berni; Terzerime; Sonetti; A. Firenzuola; G. de la Casa; B. Varchi; Mauro; Bino; Molza; L. Dolce. II. Berni ; Molza; F. Coppetta; Martelli; G. Kuscelli; Q.Gherardi; Strascino da Siena; P. Arctino; Bino; A. Lori; L. Martini; F. Baldelli; Bronzino; V. Buongioco; L. Valoriani; G. A. dell' Anguillara; L. Domenichi; M. Franzesi. HI. P. Arctiuo ; Bronzino ; C. Bronzino ; Strascino da Siena; N. Martelli; Dell' Orsilago; M. Franzesi; B. A. M. B. Como; De Bardi; L. Medici; A. Alamanni; G. Galileo; F. Baldovini ; F. Euspoli ; Pier Sali- vctti; R. Bertiui; L. Bellini; A. Fireuzuola; Del Lasca; Alfonzo de' Pazzi. Opcre burlesche [di Berni e di altri.] Usecht alRene, 1771. 3v. 8 47G5.1 foli . Contents as above. Orlando innamorato [rifatto]. See Boiardo, M. M 2805.20 Orlando innamorato rifatto. [Parnaso itali- ano] V. 11-15 of 2709.2 See Corazzini, F. Miscellanea 4777.0 Catrina ; Mogliazzo. [Scherzi comici.] [Fon- tani. Saggio di rime] 2704.8 Catrma ; Mogliazzo. [Teat. ital. antico. v. 10] 2770.1 Satirici c burleschi del secolo XVI. [Parnaso italiano] v.27 of 2709.2 BERNI, G. Chronicon Eugubinum, 1450-1472. (Muratori. Rerum Ital. script, v. 21] .... 2720.1 BERNIER, A. Seances du conseil de Charles VIII, 1484-85. Paris, 1830. 4. [France. Docs. ined. v. 43. Ire se>. Hist, polit.] . . 2020.8 BERNIER, F. History of the empire of the Great Mogul. London, 1071-72. 4v. in 1. 12 . . 3048.5 Travels in the Mogul empire. Tr. by I. Brock. London, 1826. 2v. 8 3043.10 Voyages, contenant la description des etats du Grand Mogol, de 1' Indoustan, etc. Paris, 1830. 2v.ini. 8 3043.11 Voyage to the East Indies, 1054-00. [Pinker- ton. Voyages, v. 8] 2200.13 BEKNIER. Palais, maisons, etc., a Rome. See Per- cier, C 4100.13 BERNINO, D. Historia di tutte 1' heresie. Vene- zia, 1711. 4v. 4 3540.11 BERNIS, Fr. J. de P. cardinal de. CEuvres. Paris, 1797. 8 2703.2 Contents. Discours sur la poesie ; fipitres, en vers ; Poesies diverses j Les quatre parties du jour; Lea quatre saisons ; Reflexions sur les passions, sur la mctromanie, sur lacuriosite; Discours a 1'Acad. fr.; Complimens ; La religion vengee, poeme en dbt chants. BRRyo,Augiensis. 1048. Tonarius; Devariapsal- morum atque cantuum modulatione; De consona tonorum diversitate. [Gerbert von Hornau. Scriptores eccles. de musica sacra] v. 2 of 4041.7 Opera omnia qua exstant. [Migne. Patrolo- giae v. 142] 3400.21 Contents. De officiis ecclesiasticis; de cclebratione adventus Domini; De jejunio quatuor temporum; Opuscula de musica; Epistolx; Vita S. Meginradi; Vita S. Udalrici; Carmina, BERNOUILLI, C. Cours de me'chanique pratique, trad, de 1'Allem. Paris, n.d. sm. 12". [Man- uel-Roret] 3945.17 BERNOUILLI, D. Hydrodynamica. Argentorati, 1738. 4 3944.1 Account of his treatise " Flux et reflux de la mer." Lubbock, J. W 3945.5 BERNOUILLI, Jacques. Opera. Geneva, 1744. 2v. 4 3911.7, **E. 192. 8 Note. Containing numerous short treatises on mathematical and physical topics. ~ Ars conjectandi. Basilese, 1713. 4 **E.193.23 Doctrine of chances. See Maseres, F. Doc- trine of permutations 3923.5 Shelf. No. BERNOUILLI, Johann. Opera omnia. Lausanne, 1742. 4v. 4 3912.4, **E. 192. 9 Note. These volumes contain a larpc number of dissertations and memoirs on mathematical and phys- ical subjects, extracted, for the most part, from trans- actions of various learned societies. BERNOUILLI, Johann, son of the preceding. Sex- centenary table, exhibiting the result of any proportion where the terms do not exceed 600 seconds, or 10 minutes. London, 1779. 4 **E. 161.1 Commcrcium philosophicum et mathemati- cum. See Leibnitz, G. W. von 3912.3 BERNOWINUS, lp. of Clermont, 1334. Carmina. [Migne. Patrologias v. 105] 3450.29 BERNTEN, H. de. Chronicon monastcrii Marien- rode. [Leibnitz. Script, rerum Bruns- vicensium] v.2 of 2810.3 BEROLDUS Mcdiolanensis. Ordo et cercmonise ccclesise Ambrosianae Mediolanensis. [Mu- ratori. Antiq. Ital.] v.ll of 2720.7 BEROSUS. Chaldaeorum histories cum comment, etc. Auct. J. D. G. Itichter. Lipsiae, 1825. pp.93. 8 2979.19 See Fragmenta historicorum Graecorum. . . v.2 of 3002.11 BERRIAN, S. Oration before the Tammany so- ciety. New York, 1812. 8 *Pph. v. 4 Oration before the Tammany and other so- cieties. New York, 1815. 8 *Pph.v.28 BERRIAN, W. Historical sketch of Trinity church, New York. New York, 1847. 8 . 3540.2 BERRUYER, I. J. Histoire du peuplc de Dieu. 7e ed. Paris, 1738. 7v. in 8. 4 *2210.9 BERRY, C. F. d'Artois, Due de. Memoires sur la vie et la mort de. See Chateaubriand, R. F. A. de 2046.17 BERRY, W. Encyclopaedia heraldica. London, n.d. 3v. 4 *2431.3 History of Guernsey, and the neighbouring- islands. London, 1815. 4" *2472.3 BERTALI, A. Adoramus te a 4 voc. con strom. [Dehn. Practische Musik-Werke, v. 12] . 4051.14 BERTALOTTI, A. M. Regole per apprendere il canto fermo. 3a imp. Bologna, 1720. 4 . *4055.25 BERTANI, G. Poesie. [Coll. op. Milan.] . v. 10 of 4709a.5 Poesie. [Porta. Poesie Milanese] 4779.7 BERTARIUS, abbot of Monte Cassino, 884. Carmen de S. Benedicto. [Migne. Patrologise v. 120] v.2 of 3400. 7 BERTARIUS, priest of Virdim, 915. Gesta episco- porum Verdunensium. [Migne. Patrolo- giaev. 132] 3400.11 BERTEAU, F. G. Method for teaching 1 and learn- ing- the French language. New York, 1845- 40. 2v. 12 7079.39,42 BERTHAULD, P. De ara. [Graevius. Thesaurus antiq. Rom.] v. 12 of 2000.1 BERTHIER, P. Traite des essais par la voie seche. Paris, 1848. 2v. 8 3973.2 BERTIIOD, F. Memoires. [Michaud. Coll. mem. hist.de France. 2e ser.] v. 10 of 2011.1 Memoires, 1052-1053 ; Notice sur. [Petitot. Coll. mem. hist. France. Ser. 2] . . v. 48 of 2015. 1 BERTHOLDUS. Vita seu elogium Hermanni Con- tracti ; Chronicon, sive annalcs. [Migne. Patrologize v. 143,147] 3400.22, 25 BERTHOLLET, C. L. and A. B. Art of dying [and] bleaching. Tr. by Ure. 2d ed. Lon- don, 1824. 2v.ini. 8 '. . . 4026.6 - Same. London, 1841. 8 4020.5 Methode de nomenclature chimique. See Guy ton de Morveau, L. B 3973.10 Table of chemical nomenclature. See Guy ton de Morveau, L. B 3971.4 BERTHOLON,N. Dictionnaire de physique. [En- cyclopedic methodiquc] A.106.5 BERTI, L. Regole di canto gregoriano. Roma, 1836. 4 *4040.20 BERTICHRAMNUS 75 BESCHERELLE Shelf. No BERTICIIRAMNUS. Testamentum. [Migne. Pa- trologise v. 80] 3450.1 BERTIE, TV., earl of Abingdon. Thoughts on the letter of Burke on the affairs of America. 2clcd. Oxford, 1777. pp.64. 8 *2324.3 EERTIX, A. tic. Voyage de Bourgogne a 1' ilc de Bourbon. [Gamier. Voyages imag. v. 28] . 2666. BERTIN, R. J. F. H. Maladies du coeur et des gro3 vaisseaux. Redige par J. Bouillaud. Paris, 18:34. 8 *3803.i BERTIXI, D. Dissertazioni sopra la storia ccelesi- astica lucchese. [Memorie e documenti per la storia di Lucca. T. 4, pt. 1, 2] 2711.<_ BERTIXI, M. See Opuscoli scientific;, v. 2 . . . . 3911.5 BERTIXI, R. See Berni, P. Operc burlesche v. 3 of 4705.1, 47G9.6 BERTIUS, P. DC ag-geribus ct pontibus hactenus ad mare extructis. [Sallengre. Novus the- saurus antiq. Rom. v. 2] 2950.2 BERTOLA de' Giorgi, A. Filosofia della storia. 2a ed. Milano, 1823. 10 2211.20 Opcrette in verso c in prosa. Bassauo, 1789. 3v. 10 4770.7 Contents. Vol. I. Idilj; Seherzi; Le quattro parti del giorno marittime pcrmusica; Sonctti. II. Odi; Lettere campcstri ; Osservazioni sopra Metastasio. III. Saggio sopra la favola; Delle favole; Epigram- me; Elogio di Gessner. Poesie. Ancona, 1825. 6v. 10 4768.12 Viap^io sal Reno e no' suoi contorni. 2a ed. Milano, 1817. 10 2363.16 See Uaccolta di apologhi 2793.17 BERTOLDO con Bertoldino e Cacasenno, in ottava rinia, con argomenti, allegoric, annotazioni. Bologna, 1736. 4 *2791.3 Note. A poem composed by several writers ; Za- notti, Barufi'aldi, Zampieri, etc. - Aggiuntavi una traduzione in lingua bo- lognese. 5a ed. Bologna, 1741. 3v. 12. 2789.7 - Traduzion dal toscan in lengua veneziana. Padova, 1747. 3v. sm.8 2799.7 - In ottava rima. Bologna, 1822. 3v. 12 4709.7 BERTOLONI, A. Flora Italica. Bononiae, 1&33-54. lOv. 8 *3856.4 Nuova serie de' testi di lingua italiana. Bo- logna, 1840. 8" *21G0.20 See Opuscoli scientific!, v. 1-4 3911.5 BERTON, E. A. J. Traite pratique dcs maladies dcs enfants, avee dcs notes dc M. le docteur Baron. 2e ed. Paris, 1842. 8 *3777.19 BERTOXI, F. Crucifixus a 4 voc. c. organo. [Dchn. Practische Musik-Werke v. 21] . 4051.14 11 duca d'Atcnc, a new comic opera. Music by Bcrtoni. See Badini, C. F 2777.6 La gouvcrnante : an opera ; music by Bertoni. /See Badini, C. F 2777.12 BERTRAMUS. See Ratramnus. BEKTRAXD, A. Revolutions du globe. 5e e'd. Notes par Arago, etc. Paris, 1839. S . . 3862.15 BERTRAXD dc Blancesfort. Epistola ad Ludovi- cum regem. [Migne. Patrologioe v. 155, col- 1239.] 3460.32 BERTRAND de Moleville, A. F. Histoire de la re- volution do France. Paris, 1801-1803. 14v. 8. *4G40.2 Private memoirs of Louis XVI. London, 1797. 3v. 8 2646.1 BERTRAXDI, J. A. M. Operations de chirurgie. Trad, par Solier de La Romillais. Paris, ira>- 8" *3754.4 BERTUCII, C. Bemerkungen auf cincr Reise aus Thiiringen nach Wien. 1S05-1806. "Weimar, 1803-10. 2v. 10 4048.9 BERVILLE, S. A. Plaidoyers. [Barreau francais, moderne, v. 8] 3708.1 and Barriere, J. F. Memoires relatifs a la re- volution franjaise. 50v. in 57. 8 *4645.1 Contents. Vol. I., It. Memoires dc Madame Ro- land, nvec une notice sur sa vio. 1II.-V. du Mar- quis do Fcrrkrcs. VI. de Linguet, sur la Bastille; -de Dusaulx surle 14 Juilk-t. VH.-du Marquis de Bouille, lieutenant-general dcs armees du roi. VIII. BERVILLE, S. A., continued. sur I'affaire de Varennes, par M. Bouille; Rapport deDamasj Du voyage, de 1'arrestation, etc, par M. de Valory. IX., X. de baron de Besenval. XI.- XIII. de Bailly. XIV..XV. de Weber, concernant Marie-Antoinette. XVI. Relation du depart de Louis XVI., le 20 jnin 1701, par M. le due de Choi- seul. XVII. -XX. La vie et les memoires du general Dumouriez. XXI. Memoires inedits de Barbaroux, avec une notice de sa vie. XXII- XXIV. eur la vie privee de Marie- Antoinette, suivis de souvenirs historiques sur les rigncs de Louis XIV., X V., et XVI. par Mme. Campan. XXV. du baron de Goguelat, sur les evenemcns relatifs au voyage de Louis XVI. a Varennes, suivis d'un precis des tentatives qui ont t-te faites pour arraciier la reine d la captivite du Temple. XXVI. sur les journees de Septembrc, 1792, par Jourgniae de Saiut MOard, la marquise de Fausse-Lendry, TabbC- Sicard et G. A. Jourdan. XXVII. de Madame la marquise de Bonchamps, redigts par la comtesse de Genlis; de la marquise de Larochejaciiuelein rediges par M. de Barante. XXVUI., XXIX. sur les prisons, contenaut les memoircs d'un dC-tenu, par Riouffe, mumanite muconnue, par J. Taris de 1'L'pi- nard; L'incarceration de Beaumarchais; Tableau his- torique de la prison de S. Lazare, etc. XXX. de Louvet de Couvray; Lettre de M. JuUieu aux edi- tears. XXXI. sur la VendOe, par un abministra- teur milit. et par Mme. de Supinaud. XXXII. de Meillan. XXXIII. Memoires de S. A. L. A. P. d'O.-- leans, due de Montpensier. XXXIV.-XXX V. bis. pour scrvira 1 histoire de Lyon, pendant la revolution, par 1'abbe Aime Guillon de Montleon. XXXVI. pour eervir a 1'histoire de la guerre de la Veudue par !e general Turreau. XXXVII. MC-moires du gCnirrl Doppet. XXXVIII. Memoire sur la reaction roy:;lc et sur les massacres du midi par Frcron. XXXIX., XL. Memoires sur la convention et le directoirc, par A. C. Thibaudeau. XLI. de Rivarol. XLII. Mem 5. historiques et militaires sur Caruot, rediges apres manuscrits. XLIII. de Madame du Ilausset, femme de chambre de Mme. de Pompadour. XLIV. Journal de Clery, suivi des dernierea heuresde Louis XVI., par Edgeworth de Firmont; Reeitdcs eveiie- mens arrives au Temple, par Madame Royale. XLV. Histoire de la Convention nationale, par Durand de Maillaue, suivie d'un fragment historique sur le 31 mai, par le comte Lanjuinais. XL VI. Mtmoires du marquis d'Argenson, ministre sous Louis XV. XL VII. Le Vieux Cordelier, journal politique, redigO en 1'an ii. par Camille Dcsmoulins; Causes secretra de lajournee du 9aulO Thermidoran ii., suivis des mystures de la mere de Dieu devoiles, par Vilatc, cx-jurti au tribunal revclutionnaire ; Precis historique inedit dcs evCnemens de la soiree du 9 Thermidor an ii., par C. A. Meda, gendarme charge de reduire la commune de Pails. XL VIII., XLIX. Memoires, souvenirs, opinions, ecrits du due de Gaete. L. sur la catastrophe du due d'Enghien. LL-LVI. Guerres des Vendeens et des Chouans centre la republique f'ransaise. BERWICK, J. Fitz James, marshal. Memoires de. [Michaud. Coll. mem. hist, de France, scr. 3 1 v. 8 of 2611.1 Portrait ; Memoires, 1G80-1734 ; Ebauche his- torique. [Pctitot. Coll. mem. hist, de France, s ^r. 2] v . 05, 03 Of 2045.1 BERZELIUS, J. J. Jahres-Bericht iiber die Fort- schritte der Chemie. Jhrg. 1-29. Tubin- gen, 1822-50. 27v. 6 *3949.1 Rapport, sur les sciences phys. et chim. trad. par Plantamour. le-Se annce, 1840-47. Paris, 1841-48. 8v. 8 *3975.4 Theorie des proportions chimiques. 2e ed. Paris, 1835. 8 3975.2 Lehrbuch der Chemie. Ucbersetzt von F. Woehler. 4eAufl. Dresden, 1835-38. 7v. 8. *3795.1 Traite de cliimie. 2de ed. Trad, par Esslin- ger et Hoefer. Paris, 1845-50. 6v. 8 . . 3975.3 x, Histoire de 1'eglise de. Dunod, M. r - T 4651.2 De la surprise dc la cite de, par certains con- spirateurs, 1573. [Lafaist. Archives curi- euses, ser. 1] v. Oof 2617.1 ESCHERELLE, L. X. Dictionnaire national do la languc fran?alsc. 3c c-d. Paris, 1856. 2v. il. *2<)80.1 ESCiir.uELLE, aine, L. N., ctjcune. Dictionnaire dc tous les verbes fran^ais. Paris, 1843. 2v. 8" *2084.14 BESCHERELLE 76 BEZOUT Shelf. No. BESCHERELLE, aine, etc., continued, et Litais de Gaux. Grammairo nationale. 7e ed. Introd. par Ph. Chaslcs. Paris, 1850. gr.S *2G83.1 BESENVAL, P. V. de. Memoires. Paris, 1821. 2v. 8". [Bervillc et Barrierc. Mem. rel. a la revolution franchise. 0, 10] *4045.G See Barrierc, F. Memoires relatifs a 1' his- toire de France v. 4 of 4007.2 BESSARIOX, J., card. Epistola ad psedagogum flliorum Thomas Palaeologi. [Mcursius. Opera] v. 7 of 2210.2 BESSK or Besset, H. de. Campagnes de Kocroy ct de Fribourg. [Latour. Petits chefs d' ceuvre. hist.] v. 1 of 4007.3 BESSEL, F. W. Bcobachtungen liber die physische Beschaffenheit des Halley'schen Kometen. [Altona, 1830.] 4 **E.180.22 Fundamenta astronomise pro anno MDCCLV. deducta ex observationibus J. Bradley, per annos 1750-02, institutis Regiomonti, 1818. f **E.1S2.4 Populiire Vorlesungen ueber wissenschaft- lichc Gegenstiinde herausg. von Schu- macher. Hamburg, 1848. 8 39J5.15 Refraction tables. 4" **E.210.8 Tabulae Rcgiomontanje reductionum observa- tionum astronomicarum ab anno 1750 usque ad annum 1850 computatac. Regiomonti, 1830. 8 **E.15].10 Untersuchung der Grosse und dcs Einflusses des Vorriickens der Nachtgleichen. Berlin, 1815. pp.40. 4 **E.18G.22 Untersuchungcn iiber die scheinbare und wahre Balm des im Jahre 1807 erschiencncn grossen Kometen. Konigsberg, 1810. 4.**E.180.22 BESSEMER process. Hall, J. The iron question with rei'crence to the 4018.2 BEST, H. Rural economy in Yorkshire in 1G41. Durham, 1857. 8 2417.31 BEST, R. Tables of chemical equivalents, incom- patible substances, and poisons and anti- dotes. Lexington, Ky., 1825. 8. . . *M.Pph.v. 13 BETAGH, Wm. Account of Peru. [Pinkertou. Voyages] v. 14 of *22GO. 13 BETANCOUUT, D. T. See Lanz et Betancourt. BETHAM, Sir W. Etruria Celtica. Dublin, 1842. 2v. 8" 2730.12 Irish antiquarian researches. Dublin, 1827. 8. 2470.5 The Gael and Cymbri. Dublin, ia34. 8 . . . 2520.19 BETIIANIA Xcnodoehium TVulpcnse. Brugis, 1849. 4. [Societe d' emulation de la Flandre] . . *2821.6 BETHLEHEM hospital. Reports as to the state and management of. See Great Britain . . 3800.24 Proceedings at laying the first stone of new buildings. By P. Laurie. London, 1833. 8. 3570.42 BETHMAXN. Sur les genealogies dcs comtes de Flandrcs. Bruges, 1819. pp. 45. 4. [So- cicte d' emulation de la Flandre] *2821.2 BETHUXE, G. TV. Annual sermon in behalf of the American Sunday-school union. 1847. Phil- adelphia, n.d. 12 *Pph. v. 230 Genius: an address before the literary soc.'s of Union college. Philadelphia, 1837. . *Pph. v. 101 The strength of Christian charity : a sermon. Philadelphia, 1844. 8 *Pph. v. 138 BETHUXE, J. E. D. Lives of Galileo and Kepler. [Soc. for the diff. of usef. knowledge. Lives of eminent men] E.212.S BETHUXE, M. de, due de Sully. Memoires. IS'ouv. ed. Paris, 1827. Cv. 8 2057.3 Memoires. [Michaud.Coll. me'm. hist.France] ser. 2, v. 2, 3 of 2011.1 Denkwiirdigkeitcn. [Schiller. Hist. mem. II. Abth. 1-0] v. 5-10 of 2013.1 BETTAXXIER, J. See Agassiz, L. J. R. Etudes sur les glaciers 3800.25,22 BETTELOXI, C. See Bernabo Silorata, P. Prose e pocsie di Italian! viventi . . . . v. 7, 9 of 470S.1G BETTI, C. La cousumazione del secolo. [Poema.] Lucca, 1793. 2v. 8 4764.6 Shelf. No. BETTI, Z. Elogio di D. Vallarsi. [Elogj italiani] v. Oof 2743.15 Del baco da seta. [Raccoltadipoemettididas- calici, etc.] v. 7 of 4779.8 BETTIXELLI, S. Operc edite ed inedite. 2a ed. Venezia, 1799-1801. 24v. 10" *47C9.1 Contents. Vol. I. n. Prefazione dell' autorc so- pra lo studio dellc belle lettere, e sul gusto modcrno dl quelle; Introduzione. Filosofici ragionamcnti. III. IV. Dell' cntusiasmo deile belle arti. V.-VI. Dialoghi d'araore. VII. X. II risorgimento d' Italia negli studj, nell' arti, e ne' costumi dopo il inille. XI. Dellc lettere e delle arti Mantovane. Xil. Lettere di Virgilio e dclle Inglesi. XIII. Lettero di una damaad una sua arnica su le belle arti; Del dominio delle donne e della virtu; Lettere su i prcgj dclle donne. XIV., XV. Lettera d'uu amic-a tratta dall' originale e scritta a penna corrente. XVI. XVIII. Discorso sopralapoesiaitaliana; Pocsie. XIX. Let- tere; Dclteatroitaliano; Scrse re di Persia, tragcdiaj Gionata figlio di Saullo, tragcdia. XX. Demetrio Poliorccte, tragedia; Roma salvata, tragcclia tra- dotta del Voltaire; Lettere. XXI., XXII. Lettere a Lesbia Cidonia sopra gli cpigrammi ; Saggio sulla vita cle opcre di Matteo Borsa; Disscrtazione accadcm- ica sopra Dante; Esortazione due. XXIII. Eajgio sull' cloquenza. XXIV. Dell' eloquenza del pul- pito; Sopra la poesia scritturale; Pancgirici; Dis- corsi; Lettere. Serse. See Teatro scelto italiano .... v. 29 of 4779 a. 6 BETUSSI, G. II Raverta, dialogo, nel qualc si ragiona d' amore. Vinetia, 1544. 10" . . . 4779.25 BEUDANT, F. S. Geologic. 7e e"d. Paris, 1857. 8 3805.24 Mineralogie. 8e <5d. Paris, 1858. 12 . ... 3805.24 Voyage mineralogique ct geologique en Hon- grie, 1818. Paris, 1822. 4v. 4 *2SG1.0 BEUGXOT, A. A. Essai sur les institutions de St. Louis. Paris, 1821. 8 3502.21 Les Juifs d' Occident. Paris, 1824. 8 .... 2290.5 Les Olim, 1254-1318. Paris, 1839-48. 4v. 4. [France. Docs. ined. 94, 95, 90, 97. Ire ser. Hist, pol.] *2040.7 BEULE, E. L' Acropole d' Athenes. Paris, 1853- 54. 2v. 8 3075.2 Etudes sur le Peloponese. Paris, 1S55. 8. . 3075.1 BEVERIDGE,W. Annotationes in canones concil- iorum Ancyrani et Neocaesariensis. [Routh. Reliquiae sacrae, v. 4] 3513.9 BEVERLEY, Eng. Oliver, G. History and antiqui- ties 2402.1 Poulson, G. History and antiquities .... 2505.12 Sanctuarium Bevcrlacense 2417.5 BEVERLY, R. History of Virginia. London, 1705. 8 *2374.22 - Same. Reprinted from the ed. of 1722. In- troduced by C. Campbell. Richmond, 1855. 8 2374.11 BEVERLY, Mass. Bowditch, N. Directions for sailing into the harbour of E.110.27 Stone, E. M. History of 2357.1 BEVILACQUA, G. 11 Giulio Sabino, tragcdia. [Tca- tro italiano del secolo 14, v. 4] 2778. 1 BEWICK, T. History of British birds. Newcas- tle, 1797-1804. 2v. 8 3905.7 BEYER, E. Das Cistercienser-Stift und Kloster Alt Zclle in dem Bisthum Meissen. Dres- den, 1855. 8 3527.3 BEYLE, II. Histoire de la peiuture en Italic. Paris, 1817. 2v. 8 4004.7 Memoires dun touriste. Nouv. ed. Paris, 1654. 2v. 12 4077. 1 Promenades dans Rome. Augmentee. Paris, 1853. 2v. 12 4749.3 BEZA, T., dargestellt. Baum, J. "W 3555.9 BEZOUT, E. First principles of the differential and integral calculus. Translated from the French. Cambridge, 1824. 8. . **E.100.8,**E.195.1 Theorie des Equations algebriqucs. Paris, 1779. 4" 3920.14 Trigonometry and application of algebra to geometry. Lacroix, S. F 3925.4 BHADRA 77 Shelf. No. BHADRA Bahu. The Kalpa Sutra and Nava Tatva or Jain religion and philosophy. Trans, by J. Stevenson. London, 1848. 8" [Oriental transl. fund.] *3011.13 BHAGAVATA piiraua. Trad, par E.Burnouf. [Texte en Sanscrit.] Paris, 1840-47. 3v. f . [Col- lection orientale 3] *3010.3 Btt/SsCARA. Algebra, with arithmetic and men- suration. See Brahmegupta E. 191. 11 BHILSA Topea. See Cunningham, A 3Ot4.ll BI.VXCA Cappello. Memorie. Firenze, 1827. 1G.2749.17 Dramma. See Carrer, L. [Venezia e lasua storia] 2743.8 BIAXCHETTI, G. Giulia Francardi coll'aggiunta. 4a ediz. Firenze, 1850. 10" 4775.30 BIAXCIII, G. Lat. Blancus. De conchis minvs notis liber. Ed. altera. Romse, 1700. 4 . *3S71.23 BIAXCHI, M. Geografia politica dell' Italia. Firenze, 1845. 8 [Biblioteca dell' Ital. v.2] 2734.2 BiAXCHi-GioviNi, A. Biografla di Fra Paolo Sar- pi. Bruxelles, 1830. 2v. 10 3550 21 Esame degli atti e documenti rclativi alia pa- pessa Giovanna. Milauo, 1845. 12 355-. 13 La republicadi Milano dopo la morte di F. M. Visconte [1447-60.] Milauo, 1848. 8" . . . . 2727.7 Sullo origiui italiche di A. Mazzoldi. Osser- vazioni. Milauo, 1841-4','. 2v.ini. 8. . 2730.11 Chiave storico-critica dal poema tartaro. See Casti, B v. 2 of 2792.3 BIAXCHIXI, A. See Bcruabo Silorata, P. [Prose e poesie di Italian! vivcnti] v.9of 47C8.1G BIANCHIXI, F. La storia universale. Venezia, 1825-27. 5v. 8" 2212.1 Lettere. [Raccolta di prose e lettere nel se- colo XVIII.] T. 2 of 2707.2 De tribus geueribus instrumcntorum musicae YCterum organicte dissertatio. Roma, 1742. 4 *4052.20 Prolegomena, notse, et dissertationes, ad Anastasii vitas Romanorum pontificum. [Migne. Patrologiae v. 127] v. 1 of 3400.8 In vitas pontificum Romanorum Anastasii prsefatio. [Muratori. Rcrum Ital. script.] v. 3, p.l of 2710.1 BIAHCHIHI, G. Epistolae de Usebio Vcrcellensi. [Migne. Patrologiae v. 12] 3440.9 BIANCHIXI, G. M. Dei granduchi di Toscana della reale casa de' Medici ragionameiiti istorici. Venezia, 1741. f *2740.2 Delia satira italiana con una dissertazione dell' ipocrisia degli uomini letterati. 2a ediz. Firenzc, 1729. 4 2771.13 Tre lezioni [sopra Dante Alighieri, Francesco Petrarca e Benedetto Varchi.] Firenze, 1710. 4 2802.2 BLVNCHINI, L. Delia scienza del ben vivere so- ciale e della economia degli stati. Palermo, 1845. 8" 3501.7 Finanze del regno di Napoli. 2a ediz. Paler- mo, 1839. 3v. in 1. 8 2724.5 BIANCOXI, G. See Opuscoli lettcrarii . . v.l,2of 2792.2 BlANCONi, G. L. Opere. Milano, 1802. 4v. 8. 2793.14 Content?. V. I. Elogio da A. Marriott! ; Lettere so- pra A. Cornelio Celso. II. Lettere sopra alcune par- ticolarita della Baviera, cd altri paesi della Germanias Elogj; Osservazioui sull' idrofobia. III. Di aleune notizie intorno a Pisa, e Firenze; Otto lettere ri- guardanti il 3 torao della Felsina Pittrice di L. Cres- pi; Lettere difisica; Elettricismo. IV. Poesie varie; Lettere varie ; Articoli di vario genere. BIBB, G. M. An oration, commemorative of lay- ing the corner stone of the Louisville med- ical institute, n.p. 1838. 8 *M.Pph.v.51 BIBBIEXA, D. B. da. Calandra, comedia. [Par- naso italiano] v. 17 of 2709.2 BIBER, E. Pestalozzi, and his plan of education. London, 1831. 8 2847.2 BIBLE. Polyglotta. Biblia Hcbraiea, Samaritaua, Chaldaica, Gr.-e- ca, Syriaca, Latina, Arabica. [Ed. G. M. Le Jay.] Lutetiae Paris., 1029-15. 9v in 12. f. *5410.1 Shel No. BIBLE, Polyglotts, continued. Note. 'L.e Jay employed the assistance of the fol- lowing learned men: Philip Aquinas, Jean Aubert, Abraham Echellensis, Godfrey Hcrmant, Jean Mo- reau, Gabriel Sionita, and Jean Tarin. Biblia sacra polyglotta, complectentia Hebrai- cum, (cum Pent. Samar.) Cha'.d. Grsec.: ver- siouumquc antiquarum, Samar., LXXTI in- terp.,Chald., Syr., Arab., Acth., Pers., vulg. Lat., quicquid comparari poterat. Ed.B.AVal- ton. Londini, 1055-57. Ov. f *3420.1 Note. For the lexicon prepared for this polyglott, see Castcll, E. Biblia sacra polyglotta textus archetypes, necnon versiones Vulgatam, Angl., Germ., Ital., Gall., et Hisp., complectentia. Ace. prolegom. auct. S. Lee. Londini, Bagster, 1831. f *3420.3 Whole Bibles. Arabic. [Old and New Testament.] London, 1857.8. [British and for. Bible society] . 3411.11 Armenian. [Old and New Testament.] Con- stantinople, 1857. 12 [Br. and F. Bib. soc.] 3411.15 Bohemian. Biblia sacra, Togest: Biblj Svrata. w. Kyseku, [Giius.] 1851. 8. [Br. :\nd F. Bib. soc.] 3412.6 Chinese. [Old and New Testament.] Hong Kong, 1850. 4v. 8'. [Br. and F. Bib. soc.] 3415.15 Danish. Bibelen cller den Hellige Skrift. London, 1855. 1.8. [Br. and F. Bib. soc.J 3412.5 Dutch. Biblia : dat is de gantsche H. Schrif- ture. Amsterdam, 1002. 4 *4058.6 - Same. Amsterdam, 1004. 12" . . . . **E. 200.20 - Same. Amsterdam, 1071. 8 4058.4 - Bijbcl, dat is de gansche heilige Schrift. London, 1850. 8. [Br. and F. Bib. society] 3412.12 English. Versions by Wycliffe and his fol- lowers. Ed. by Forshall and Madden. Ox- ford, 1850. 4v. 4 3420.4 - The Holy Bible translated from the Greek by Charles Thomson. Phila., 1808. 4v. 8. 3414.7 Finnish. Pyhii Naamattu wanha ja Uusi Tes- tamenti. Stockholmjsa, 1852. 8. [British and foreign Bible society] 3412.10 Flemish. Biblia sacra, dat is do geheele hey- lige schriftuer. Te Brussel, 1838. 8. [Br. and foreign Bible society] 3412.11 French. La sainte Bible, en latin et en fran- $ais, [suivie des dictionnaires par Barbi J du Boeage.] Paris, 1828-34. 13v. 8 *3413.3 - La saiute B. rev. par D.Martin. Bruxelles, 1855. 8. [Br. and F. Bib. soc.] 3413.2 Gaelic. Leabhraichean an t-seann tiomnaidh agus an tiomnaidh nuadh. London, 1807. 12. [Br. andF. Bib. soc.] 3418.17 - Same **E.20G.lo - Same. London, 1857. 8. [Br. and F. Bib. soc.] 3412.14 German. Die Bibel nach der deutschen Ucber- sctzung M. Luthers. 130 Aufl. Halle, 1820. 8 **E. 203.2 - Same. Coin, 1857. 1.8. [Br. and F. Bib. soc.] 3412.3 - Die heilige Schrift. Uebcrs. von AV. M. L. de Wette. 3e Ausg. Heidelberg, 1839. 3v. in 1. 1.8 3412.4 - J. D. Michaelis deutsche Uebersetzung m. Anmerkk. fiir Ungelehrte. Gottingen, 1709- 83. 13v. in 9. 4 *3420.9 Hungarian. Szent Biblia, azaz : Magyar nyelvre fordittatott. Ksiroli Gaspar. Kosz- egen, 1852. 8". [Br. and F. Bib. soc.] . . . 3412.7 Iri*h of Connaur/ht. Lcabhuir an tscan tiom- na an Dr. Uilliam Bhedel. Tiomna Nuadh an U. O' Dhomhnuill. Dublin, 1827. 8. [Br. and F. Bib. eoc.] 3412.13 Italian. La sacra Bibbia tradotta in lingua italiana da G. Diodati. Londra, 1850. 8 . 3413.6 - and Latin. La sacra Bibbia, tr. in lingua italiana [con note] da A. Martini. Firenze, 1844-46. 3v. 1.8 3413.1 BIBLE Shelf. No. BIBLE, Whole Bibles, continued. Latin. Biblia sacra. Parisiis, 1642. 8v. f ". *3410.2 Manks. Yn Vible cashcriek. London, 1819. 8. [Br. andF. Bib. soc.] 3412.15 Polish. Biblia Swicta. W Lipsku, 184(5. 8. [Br. and F. Bib. soc.] 3412.8 Portuguese, A Biblia sagrada, traduzida em Portuguez por A. Pcrcira de Figueiredo. Londres, 1855. 8. [Br. and F. Bib. soc.] . 3413.5 Earotongan. To Bibilia tapu ra kiritiia ei tuatua Rarotonga. 2d ed. Lonedona, 1855. 8. [Br. and F. Bib. soc.] 3412.17 Romaic. [Old and New Testament.] Oxford, [1850-51.] 2v. inl. 8. [Br. and F. Bib. soc.] 3411.14 Spanish. La Biblia sagrada. Trad, por F. Scio de S. Miguel. Nueva ed. Nueva York, 1826-29. 8 [American Bible soc.]. . .**E.206.3 - Same. Londres, 1855. 8. [Br. and F. Bib. soc.] 3413.4 Swedish. Bibelen eller den Heliga Skrift. Stockholm, 1855. 8. [Br. and F. Bib. soc.J 3412.9 Turco-Greek. [Holy books ; Turkish lan- guage in the Greek character.] Constanti- nople, 1850. 8. [Br. and F. Bib. soc.] . . 3411.10 Turkish. Same. [In the Arabic character.] 1827. 2v.ini. 4. [Br. and F. Bib. soc.] . *3411.6 Welsh. Ybibl cyssegr-lan. Llundain, 1857. 8. [Br. andF. Bib. soc.] 3412.16 Old Testament. Original texts. Biblia Hebraica, recensita va- rfisque notis Latinis illustrata ab E. van der Hooght. Ed. prim. Amcr. Philadelphia, 1814. 2r. 8 3411.12 - Same. Secundum editiones . . . imprimis E. van der Hooght recensuit A. Halm. Ed. ster. quart, recog. Lipsise, 1839. 8 . . . . 3411.13 - Concordantiae sacrorum bibliorum Heb- raicoruin. Calasio, 31. dc 3410.1 - Vetus testamcntum Grsecum juxta LXX. intcrp. cum Lat. transl. Cura J. N. Jager. Parisiis, 1839. 1.8". [Didot. Biblioth. Gr.3;J] 3411.3 Amharic version. Biblia sacra Amharice ver- tit Abu-Rumi. Ed. T. P. Platt. Londini, 1S44. 2v.ini. 4. [Br. and F. Bib. soc.] . 3411.7 Persian version. Old Testament, edited by Dr. Glen. Edinburgh, 1845. 4v. in 1. 8. [Br. and F. Bib. soc.] 3411.8 Pentateuch. - Kaflr. Itestamente endala ; umqulu wokuq- ala Isahlulo 1. Genesis to Joshua. Emkan- g-iso, 1857. 8. [Br. and F. Bib. soc.] . . . 3417.9 Miitoyalim. Five books of Moses. Cottnyam, 1S39. 8. [Br. and F. Bib. soc.] 3il7.3 Moldavian. [Five books of Moses.] St. Pe- tersburgh, 1819. 8. [Br. and F. Bib. soc.] 3417.2 Sanscrit. Five books of 3Ioses, and Joshua translated into the Sanscrit. Calcutta, 1848. 8. [Br. and F. Bib. soc.] 3417.5 Dissertations on the bks. oi' Moses. Sauriu, J. 5420.1 Collections of later historical books. English. Paraphrase on the book of Job, the songs of Moses, Deborah, David, some chapters of Isaiah, [etc.] by Sir R. Black- more [in verse]. London, 1700. f 3421.1 French of the 12th cent. Les 4 livr. des Rois, Job, etc. en Francais du Xlle siecle. Paris, 1841. 4. [France. Coll. de docs. ined. 101. 2e ser. Hist, et letter.] *2rt50.0 [Oriya, language.} Judges to Job. A new translation. Cuttack, 1843. 8". [Br. and F. Bib. soc.] 3417.4 Syriac. Codex Syriaco-hexapl. IV. Reg. lesaias. Proph. min. XII., Prov. Job, Cant. Thrcn. Eccles. Ed. H. Middeldorpf. Ber- olini, 1835. 4 *3411.5 Prophets. Hebrew. Prophetze posteriores [et] Hagio- grapha. Amstelodami, [1705] v.2. 8 . . . 3418.24 78 BIBLE Shelf. No. BIBLE, Prophets, continued. English. New translation of the Hebrew pro- phets. By G. R. Noycs. Boston, 1833-37. 2v. 12 3414.18 Tahitian. Minor prophets. Tahiti, 1833. 10. [Br. and F. Bib. soc.] 3418.13 Single books of the O. T. Genesis. Hebrew and Englinh. Scriptures in Hebrew and English. New tr., by De Sola, Lindcnthal, and Raphall. v. 1. Genesis. London, 5004 [1844]. 8 3414.4 - Akra. The first book of Moses in the Akra [G;i.] language. 1857. 10. [Br. and F. Bib. soc.] 3418.19 - Bengalee. Genesis and part of Exodus in Bengali. Calcutta, 1848. 10. [Br. and F. Bib. soc.] 3418.12 - Hindui-Kaithi. Genesis and part of Ex- odus, in Kaithi. Calcutta, 1851. 8. [Br. and F. Bib. soc.] 3417.6 - Mahratta. Genesis. 8. [No title-page. ] [Br. and F. Bib. soc.] 3417.17 - Expository discourses on the book of Genesis. Fuller, A 3426.1 Deuteronomy. Mahratta. [Deuteronomy]. Bombay, 1846. 8. [No title-page.] [Br. and F. Bib. soc.] 3417.7 Judges. Italian. Giudici. [Parnaso dei poeti classici d' ogni nazionc] v. 3 of 2769.1 Job. English. The book of Job, transl. with notes, etc., by J. 31. Good. London, 1S!2. 8. 3414.13 - An amended version of the book of Job, with introduction and notes by G. R. Noyes. Cambridge, 1827. 8 **E. 214.5 - Book of Job, illustrated, with notes, etc., by J. Hamilton. New York, 1858. 8 ... 3414.5 - Italian. Giobbe. [Parnaso dei poeti clas- sici de ogni nazione] v. 1 of 2769.1 - Latin. Commentarius in librum Job. See Gregorius Magnus 3421.11 Psalms. Anglo-Saxon. Anglo-Saxon and early English Psalter. London, 1843-47. 2v. 8. [Surtees society, 16 and 20] *2417.16 - Bidgarian. Psalter. Smyrna, 1855. 8. [British and foreign Bible society] .... 3418.11 - Dutch. De CL. Psalmen dcs Prophctcn Davids, in nederlantschen Dichte overgcsct door P. Dathenum. Amsterdam, IGiH. 12. *E. 206. 20 - - Same, in Nederduytsch Gedicht ges- telt, door TV.v. Haecht. Amstelredam, 1671. 8 *40.j-!.4 - - De Psalmen dcs Propheten Davids. Amsterdam, 1720. 12" *405S.14 - English. Thirteen Psalms, and the first chapter of Eccles. Versified by J. Crokc. London, 1844. 8. [Percy soc. publ. v. ll].*2537. 13 - German. Verfassung dcs gantzen Psalter Davids in teutsche Rciin-Gebande. Niirn- berg, 1680. sm. 8 *4058.10 - - Die alte Zions Harpfe des Konigs Dav- ids Ehre, nach denen 150 Psalraen. Niirn- berg,1094. 8' *4058.5 - - Der ganze Psalter Davids, verteutscht von M. Luthern. Halle, 1808. 12. . . **E. 206. 21 - Italian. I libri poetici della Bibbia. Trad. da Sav. Mattei. Firenze, 1823. 6v. in 3. 32 3410.30 - - II libro de' Salmi. Torino, 1844. 12 . 3410.27 - - Parafrasi sopra li primi venticinque Salmi, da G. A. Giustiniani. Venezia, 1803. 4v. f *4040.4 - - La rcdeuzione ossia Salmo 72. Colla versione letterale e parafrasi italiana di F. Ricardi. Genova, 1820. 12 **E.219.15 - - Canzionere di Salmi cento cinquanta. [Parnaso de' poeti classic! d' ogni nazione, v. 2, 3] 2769.1 - - and Latin. Libro dei Salmi tradotto in italiano da Martini. Psalterium hoc est Psalmorum liber. Londra, 1S22. 8" . . . . *3417.10 BIBLE BIBLE Shelf. No. BIBLE, Psalms, continued. - Latin. Liber Psalmorum juxta novam methodum legend! sine punctis. Auc. P. Ricardi. Genuae,n.d. 12 **E.219.15 - Malagasy. Salamo any Davidra. London, 1835. 16. [Br. and F. Bib. soc.] 3418.23 - Russian. The Psalter. London, 1854. 12. [British and foreign Bible society.] .... 3416.11 - Sessouto. Buka ea lipesaleme. Le livre de Psaunies, tr. en Sessouto par T. Arbous- set. Platberg, South Africa, 1855. 8. [Br. and foreign Bib. soc.] 3417.14 - Bossuct, J. B. Psalmorum liber cum notis, etc v. 1 of 349C.5 - Brady, N. New version of 3440.30 - Home, G. Commentary on the Psalms. 3420.4 - Marot, C. Psaunies de David . . . v. 3 of 2708.3 - Watts, I. Psalms of David imitated . . 3449.29 See also below: New Testament, Anglo-Dutch, French, German, Hiutgarian, and Lithuanian. Solomon's Sony. Latin. II Cantico de' cantici e i Treni di Geremia. Tr. da E. Leone. Fi- renzc, 1845. 32 3419.29 - Cauticum canticoruin. [Bossuet, J. B.] v. 2 of 3490.5 - Salomonis libri, cum notis, etc. [Boss-act, J. B.] v. 2 of 3496.5 - Cantico de' Cantici. [Parnaso dei poeti cla-siei d' ogni nazione] v. 1 of 2769.1 E-'':l5.C Treatise on the membranes. New ed. [with] life by Husson. Tr. by J. G. Coffin. Bos- ton, 1813. 8. . . . *3745.3 BICKER, G. Dissertatio de recto atque tuto mer- curii sublimati corrosivi in variis morbis usu. Gottingae, 1777. 4 *M. Pph. v. 104 BICKER, L. Vertoog van de voornaamste redenen van de Inenting der Kinderpokjes. Rotter- dam, 1777. 8 *M.Pph.v.3 BICKERSTAFF, I. Lionel and Clarissa; The maid of the mill ; Love in a village. [Cumberland. British drama v. 8] E. 229.7 BICKERSTETII, E. Christian psalmody. Enlarged ed. London, 1841. 12 3449.11 BiCKHAM, G. The universal penman. London, 1741. f *2110.4 BICKLEY, G. W. L. History of Tazewell county, Virginia. Cincinnati, 1852. 8 2374.17 BIDDLE, N. Address before the alumni associa- tion of Nassau Hall. Princeton, 1835. 8. *Pph. v. 04 Address before the Philadelphia society for promoting agriculture. Phila., 1822. 8.*Pph.v. 37,43 Eulogiuna on T. Jefferson. Phil., 1827. 8. *Pph. v. 09 BIDDLECOIIBE, G. Art of rigging. New ed. Lon- don, 1848. 8 3953.11 BIDPAI, or Pilpay. Kalila and Dimna, fables tr. from the Arabic. By W. Knatcbbull. Ox- ford, 1819. 8 3024.2 BIEGLER, A. P. Anatomy and physiology of the brain and nervous system. Albany, 1840. 8" *M. Pph.v.35- BIELEFELD, C. F. Use of the improved papier macho in furniture, etc. London, n.d. 4.*4100.23 BIELFELD, J. F. Elements of universal erudition. Tr. by W. Hooper. London, 1770. 3v. 8.*A. 14S.4 BIENVILLE, D. T. de. Nymphomauia, or a disser- tation concerning the fluor uterinus. Tr. by E. S. Wilmot. London, 1775. 8. *M. Pph. v. 109 BIET, A. Voyage de la France cquinoxiale en 1' isle de Cayenne. Paris, 1004. 4 *2313.3 BIET, L. M. I). Choix d' edifices publics en France, XIXe sit-cle. Gourlier, P. C. . . . 4050.8 BIET, R. Sur le lieu ou s'est donncSe la fameuse bataille de Soissons. [Leber. Coll. diss. hist. France, v. 1] 2018.1 BIEVRE, G. Marquis de. Le seducteur. [Theatre des auteurs du second ordrc. Comedies en vcrs, v.14] 2040.19 BIFFI, G. A. Prissian de Milan de la parnonzia milanesa. [Collezione delle migliori opere scritte in dialetto milanese v. 1] 4709 a. 5 BIGAZZI, P. Miscellanea storica inedita con note. Firenze, 1840. 8 2805.5 BIGEL, J. Manuel d' hydrosudopathie, suivi d'un mdmoire par M. Pelletan. Paris, 18iO. 12 . *3808.26 BIGELOW, A. Christians called unto liberty. A sermon preached at Derry, N. H., Sept. 30, 1832. Boston, 1832. 8 *3441.28 Farewell discourse at Eastport, May 27, 1821. Boston, 1821. 8 *3441.28 God's charge unto Israel. Election sermon. Boston, 1830. 8 *3441.2S Man's frailty, and God's immutability. Dis- course on the death of W. H. Harrison. Taunton, 1841. 8 *3441.28 Pastoral memorial. Discourse preached at Taunton. Boston, 1842. 8 *3441.28 Shelf. No. BIGELOW, A., continued. Pastor's retrospect. Two discourses at Taun- ton, April 7, 1840. n.p.,n.d. 12 *3441.28 Sermon, at Medford. Paul at Athens a preach- er of unitarianism. [No title-page.] 8. . *3441.28 Sermon in Norton, at the interment of the Rev. P. Clarke. Taunton, 1835. 8 .... *3441.28 Signs of the moral age. A sermon preached in Reading, Jan. 6, 1828. Boston, 1828. 12 . *3441.28 The promised rest. A sermon. [No title page.] 8 *3441.28 Two sermons preached at Chelsea, Oct. 21, 1827. Boston, 1827. 12 *3441.28 BIGELOW, G. T., and Bemis, G. Report of the trial of Abner Rogers, jr., for the murder of C. Lincoln, jr., warden of the State pris- on. Boston, 1844. 8 3084.13 BIGELOW, H. J. Address before the Boylston med. soc. Boston, 1846. 8 *3745.7 Anaesthetic agents. [No title-page.] 8 . . *3745.5 Clinical lectures on surgery. Boston, 1851. 8 *3745.8 Ether and chloroform. Boston, 1848. 8 . . *3745.5 Introd. lecture at Mass. med. coll., 1849. Boston, 1850. 8 *3745.8 Manual of orthopedic surgery. Boston, 1845. 8 *3745.4 New agent in treatment of strictures of the urethra. [No title-page.] 8 *3740.35 Recovery from the passage of an iron bar through the head. Philadelphia, 1650. 8 . *3745.6 BIGELOW, J. American medical botany. Boston, 1817-20. 3v. 8 **E.211.11 - Same. Boston, 1817-20. 3v. in 2. 8 . . *3781.3 Comparative forwardness of Spring in differ- ent parts of the U. S. Cambridge, 1818. 4 . *2320.22 Elements of technology. Boston, 1829. 8 . **E.214.1 Expositions of rational medicine: Prefixed The paradise of doctors, a fable. Boston, 1858. 12" 3799.11 Inaugural address, Cambridge, Dec. 11, 1816. Boston, 1817. 8 **E.224.12 - Same. *Pph. v.17,258 Nature in disease. 2ded. Boston, 1859. 12. 3799.10 Plants of Boston and environs. Boston, 1814. 8 *3830.4 - Same. 2d ed. Boston, 1824. 8 3830.5 Reply to Bull's defence of experiments to de- termine the value of fuel, etc. Boston, 1828. 8 *Pph.v.72 The useful arts. Boston, [1840.] 2v. 12. . 4034.16 - Same. New York, 1851. 2v.ini. 10. . 4034.15 Treatise on the materia medica. Bost., 1822. 8 *37S4.4 BIGELOW, J. P. Statistical tables of industry in Massachusetts for the year ending April 1, 1&37. Boston, 1838. 8 6348.11 BIGELOW, L. Digest of cases argued in the su- preme court of Mass., 1804-15. Carnb., 1818. 8 3092.4 Digest of cases argued in the supreme court of Mass. [1785-1824.] Boston, 1825. 8 . . . . 3701.2 Digest of Pickering's reports, v. ii-vii. Bos- ton, 1830. 8 3701.3 BIGELOW, T. Oration delivered before the mu- nicipal authorities of the city of Boston, July 4, 1853. Boston, 1853. 8 *Pph.v.262 BIGESCHI, G. Dell' inoculazione dclla vaccina alle bestie a lana. [Coll. d' opuscoli scient. e letter, v. 0] 5278.2 Notizie di medicina pratica e di fisiologia. [Coll. d'opuscoli scient. e letter, v. 5] ... 5278.2 Sull' influenza dei nervi pulmonari ed i resul- tati della respirazione. [Coll. d' opuscoli scient. e lett. v. 4] 5278.2 Sullo stato attuale dell' ostetrieia in Francia. [Coll. d' opuscoli scient. e letter, v. 7] . . . 5278.2 BIGGS, J. History of Miranda's expedition in So. Ame,r. 2d ed. Boston, 1810. 12 ... 2312.11 BIGLAND 85 BIOGRAPHY Shelf. No. BIGLAND, J. History of England. London, 1815. 2v. 8 2428.2 Beauties of Yorkshire. See Brayley, E. W. [Beauties of England and Wales] . . v. 10 of 2466.1 BIGLAND, It. Historical collections relative to the county of Gloucester. London, 17SG. f. *2470.7 BIGLIA, A. Historia, ab anno 1402-1431. [Mura- tori. Kerum Ital. script.] v. 19 of 2720.1 BIGLOW, W. Education : poem spoken at Cam- bridge. Cambridge, 1799. 8" *Pph.v.25S History of Natick, Mass., 1050-1830. Boston, 1830. 8 2356.8 Introduction to making 1 Latin. 2d ed. Sa- lem, 1809. 12 7089.10 BlGNOLD, T. System and principles of fire and life insurance. London, 1818. 8 . . . . **E.110.54 BlGNON, L. P. E. baron de. Histoire de France, depuis le 18 brumaire (Nov. 1799) jusqu' a la deuxiume rcstauration. Paris, 1829-50. 14v. 8 *4C58.1 BIGOT, J. Copie d'une lettre e'scrite pour accom- pagner un collier de pourcelaine envoiee par les Abnaquis au tombeau de leur S. pat- ron a Annccy. Manate. f X. York ?] 1858. 16*2311.25 Relation de ce qui s' est passe duns la mission Abnaquise, 1684-85. Mauate [X. York?] 1857 -58. 2v. 16 *23J1.25 BIGOT, V. Relation de ce qui s' est passe dans la mission des Abnaquis a 1'Acadie, 1701. Mauate [X. York ?] 1853. 10 *2311.24 BILBAO. Ordenanzas de la ilustre universidad, y casa de coutratacion de la villa de Bilbao. Madrid, 1790. f 7194.2 BILIOUS diseases, Facts and observations on. Faithhorn, J 3760.39 BILIOUS disorders, Observations on. Thomas, 3 M.Pph.v.83 BILIOUS fevers. Pennell, R. Inaugural essay on M.Pph.v.10 Webster, N. jr. B. fev. of the United States previous to 1790 3797.20 Yates, C. C. Essay on M.Pph.v.4 BILLARD, C. M. Diseases of infants, with notes by Dr. Ollivier. Tr. fr. 3d Fr. ed. with app, by J.Stewart. New York, 1839. 8 . . . . *3777.7 BILLAED, C. It. C. De la membrane muqueuse gastro-intestiuale. Paris, 1825. 8 .... *3760.28 BILLECOCQ, J. B. L. J. Plaidoyers,etc. [Annales du barreau fraii5ais] v. 11 of 3708.1 BILLING, A. Diseases of the lungs and heart. London, 1852. 8 *3795.11 First principles of medicine. 2d ed. London, 1837. 8 *M.Pph.v.31 - Same. 2d Amer. fr. 5th Lond. ed. Phila., 1851. S" *3722.4 BILLINGS, C. J. Expedition to the northern parts of Russia, etc. Sauer, M 30C1.3 BILLINGS, R. W. Tracery of Brancepeth church. London, 1845. 4 . . *4101.15 BILLINGTON, J. The architectural director. 2d ed. London, 1834. 8 4082.2 BILLS. See Notaries, Promissory notes, Surety- ship. BILLS of exchange. Bayley, SirJ. Law of. . . 3074.9 ' Byles, J. B. Law of 3074.4 Chitty.J. Treatise on 3074.1 Kyd, S. Law of 3074.15 Nouguier, L. Des lettres de change 3074.7 Story, J. Law of 3074.3 BINGHAM, C. American preceptor. Improved les- sons for reading and speaking. 04th ed. Boston, 1821. 12 7059.28 BINGHAM, II. Twenty-one years in the Sandwich islands. 3d ed. Canandaigua, N. Y., 1855. 8 3046.12 BINGHAM, J. Origines ecclesiastics and other works, with a biographical account of the author [by Rev. R. Bingham]. London, 1840. Ov. 8" *3513.5 BINI, T. Rime e prose inedite, del buon secolo della lingua. Lucca, 1852. 8 2794.21 Shelf. No. BINNEY, A. Terrestrial mollusks of N. America. Ed. by A. A. Gould. Boston, 1851-57. 3v. 8 *3872.9 BINNEY, C. J. F. History and genealogy of the Prentiss family. Boston, 1852. 8 *2332.7 BINNEY, IT. Eulogium on W. Tilghman. Phila- delphia, 1827. 8 *Pph. v. 01) Inquiry into the formation of Washington's farewell address. Philadelphia, 1859^ 8. 2341.13 BINNEY, T. A study for young men ; or a sketch of Sir T. F. Buxton. Boston, 1851. 8 . **E.2'9.31 BINO, M. SeeBerni, F. Opere burlesche . v.l,2of 4709.0 BIOGRAPHIA Britannica. Lives of the most emi- nent persons in Great Britain and Ire- land, from the earliest ages. London, 1747- 60. Gv. in 7. f *2440.1 - Same. 2d ed. with add. by A. Kippis. London, 1778-93. 5v. f *2440.2 BIOGRAPHICAL dictionary of living authors of Great Britain and Ireland. London, 1810. 8 *2153.6 BIOGRAPHICAL sketches. Campbell, J. W. ... 2346.3 BIOGRAPHIE etrangere, contenaut les portraits politiquesdepersonnages celebres etrangers a la France. Paris, 1819. 2v. 8 2244.2 BIOGRAPHIE des hommes vivants. Paris, 1810-19. 5v. 8 *2244.3 BIOGRAPHIE de tous les ministres depuis la con- stitution de 1791 jusqu' a nos jours. 2e ed. Paris, 1825. 8 *2644.5 BIOGRAPHIE universelle. v. 1-52. Partie myth- ologique, v. 53-55. Supplement v. 50-S4. Paris, 1811-57. 84v. 8 *2243.1 BIOGRAPHY. Aikin, J. General B 2540.28 Annual B. and obituary 2441.1 Baylc, P. Dictionnaire hist, et crit 2245.1 Blake, J. L. Biographical dictionary .... 2240.4 Bottiger, C. W. Die Weltgeschichte in Bio- graphieen 2246.2 Butler, C. Biographical sketches 3502.1 Campbell, J. W. Biographical sketches . . . 2344.3 Cantii, C. B. per corredo alia storia univer- sale 2743.13 Chalmers, A. Biographical dictionary . . . 2241.1 Chaudon, L. M. Dictionnaire historiquc . . 2255.2 Cuvier, G. L. C. F. D. Recueil des eloges his- toriques 2644.6 Feller, F. X. de. Biographic universelle . . 2245 .3 Gordon, D. Lives of sufferers for high trea- son 2443.6 Hocquart, E. Dictionnaire classique des hommes celebres 2240.4 Howe, H. Memoirs of eminent mechanics. 2340.20 Jones, S. Biographical dictionary 2259.3 L' Advocat, J. B. Biographical dictionary . 2245.2 Landon,C. P. Galerie des homines celebres . 2255.3 Lempriere, J. Universal B 2251.4 Massenbach, C. von. Riickerinnerungen an grosse Miinner 2842.23 Mignet, F. A. A. Portraits et notices hist, et litteraires 2644.3 Miscellanea biographica; Oswinus, Cuth- bertus, Eata 2417.8 Moreri, L. Le grand dictionnaire historique. 2240.1 Miiller, J. N. Ein biographiscb.es Lesebuch. 2843.5 New and general biographical dictionary . . 2251.3 Myers, F. Lectures on great men 2548.18 Oettinger, E. M. Bibliographic biographique universelle 2140.11 Patmore, P. G. Celebrities of the nineteenth century 2443.11 Pindemonte, I. Elogi di letterati 2743.2 Playfair, W. Political portraits 2443.4 Plutarchus. Hommes illustres de Plutarque. 3009.2 Rich, E. Cyclopaedia of 2251.5 Societe Montyon ct Franklin. Histoire des hommes utiles 2255.1 Society useful know. Biographical dictionary 2252.1 Storie e ritratti di uomini utili 2242.2 Westermann, A. Vitarum scriptorcs Grci minores 2903.17 BIOGRAPHY 86 BISHOP Shelf. No. BIOGRAPHY, continued. Woltmann,K. L. Ucber die Biographic . . . 2830.19 See also : Agriculturists, America, Artists, Bologna, Composers, Contemporaries, Cornwall, Devonshire, Ecclesiastical biography, England, Engravers, Flan- ders, Florence, France, Genealogy, Germany, Great Britain, Holland, Italy, Jews, Lawyers, Liege, Litch- field, Conn., Lunigiana, Moselle, Musicians, Naples, Naval biography, Netherlands, New England, Ori- entals, Painters, Parma, Pennsylvania, Perugia, Philosophers, Physicians, Ravenna, P.omc, Scotland, Sienna, Spain, Statesmen, Sweden, Taunton, Tus- cany, Umbria, United States, Venice, Westmore- land, Eng., Women, Worcestershire, Zoologists. BIOLOGY. See Physiology. BION. Works, translated by F. Fawkes. [Chal- mers. English poets] v. 20 of 2592 7 Carmina. [Poetse bucol. et didac. Didot. Bib. Gr.] 3002.15 Gl' idillj . . . tradotti dal P. G. M. Pagnini. [Poeti greci] 2903.2 See Elton, C. A. Specimens of the classic poets v. 1 of 2903. H See Fragmenta hist. Graec v. 2 of 3002.11 See Gaisford, T. Poetae minores Graeci. v. 4 of 2908.2 See Pamaso dei poeti classic! d'ogni nazione. v. 14 of 2709.1 See Theocritus. Carmina 2979.2 - Carmina Grajce et Latine 3005.10 and Moschus. Carmina. Kec. G. Herman- nus. Lipsise, 1849. pp.96. 8 2979.17 BIONDI, L. See Bernabo Silorata, P. [Prose e poesie di Italian! viventi] . . . v. 1, 2, 3 of 4768.10 Lettere inedite. See Castreca-Brunetti, E. . 2747.3 BIOT, E. De 1'abolition de 1'esclavage ancien en Occident. Paris, 1840. 8 3572.24 BIOT, J. B. Elementary chapters in astronomy. Ed. by H. Goodwin. Cambridge, [Eng.,] 1850. 8 3922.11 Elementary treatise on astronomy, by J. Far- rar. Cambridge, 1827. 8 **E.160.10 - Same. Cambridge, 1827. 8 3922.3 Elements of electricity, magnetism, and elec- tro-magnetism. By J. Farrar. Cambridge, 1826. 8 3962.17 Essai de geometric analytique. 3me e'd. Paris, 1808. 8 **E.190.18 Melanges scientiflques et litt^raires. Paris, 1858. 3v. 8 3924.12 Sur les mouvements des molecules de la lu- miere autour de leur centre de gravite. Paris, 1814. 4 **E.191.18 Tables barometriques portatives. Paris, 1811. 9 tab. pp.50. 8 3983.2 Traite analytique des courbes et des surfaces du second degre. Paris, 1802. 8" . . . . **E.194.14 Traitd de physique. Paris, 1810. 4v. 8 . . 3903.18 - Same **E.212.14 Traite el^mentaire d'astronomie physique. Paris, 1805. 8 **E.187.15 - Same. Avec des additions relatives a 1'as- tronomie nautique par M. de Kossel. 2e 4d. Paris, 1810-11. 3v. 8 **E.187J3 Traitd d'astronomie physique. 3e 6d. Paris, 1841-57. 5v. 8 atlas obi. 4 *3922.17 Life of Sir I. Newton, transl. by H. Elphin- stone. [Society for the diffusion of useful knowledge. Lives of eminent men] . . . E.212.8 BIKAGO, G. Poesie. [Collezione delle migliori operein dialetto milanese] v.4of 4769 a. 5 BIRCH, T. History of the Royal soc. of London. London, 1750-57. 4v. 4 *32G0.5 Life of Henry, Prince of "Wales. London, , 1760. 8 2444.15 Life of Tillotson. London, 1752. 8 3555.14 Negotiations between England, France, and Brussels, from 1592-1017. London, 1749. 8. 2302.3 Share [of] Charles I., in the transactions of the Earl of Glamorgan in bringing over a body of Irish rebels in 1045-C. 2d ed. Lon- don, 1756. 8 2476.21 Shelf. No BIRCH, "W. J. Philosophy and religion of Shaks- pere. London, 1848. 8 2598.9 BIRD, F. Dissertation on the eanguinaria Cana- densis of Linnaeus. N. Y., 1822. 8 . *3I.Pph. v. 10 BIRD, G. Urinary deposits ; their diagnosis, [etc.] 2d Am. ed. Philadelphia, 1851. 12 ... *3740.36 BIRDS, The. [A comedy.] See Aristophanes . . 2977.12 BIRDS. See Ornithology. BIRD'S eggs. Hewitson, W. C. Coloured illustra- tions of the eggs of British birds 3905.6 Thicnemann, F. A. L. Colorirte Abbildungen von Vogcleiern 3901.3 BIRKETT, J. Diseases of the breast. London, 1850. 8 *3775.2 BIRMAN empire. Histoire et description de. Jan- cigny, A.D. de 2270.1 BIRMINGHAM, T. Short narrative of the home colonies of Castle Sampson and Iskerbane, established for Lord Clonbrock. London, 1833. 8 3570.60 BIRMINGHAM. See Post office directory .... 2484.11,12 BIENBACII, H. Der vollkommene Componist. Ber- lin, 1832-46. 4v. in 2. 8 Atlas. 4 .... *4052.54 BIRON, C. de Goutant, ducde. Histoire de la vie, conspiration, etc. du mareschal de. [100.'.] [Lafaist, L. Arch. hist. Fr. sdr. 1] . v. 14 of 2617.1 BIRTH of the war-god, The. A Sanskrit poem. See Kalidasa 3011.5 BIRTHS. See Great Britain, Massachusetts. BISACCIONI, M. Novels. See Roscoe, T. [Italian novelists] v.4of 2772.18 BISCHOF, C. G. C. Die Warmelehre des Innern unsers Erdkorpers. Leipzig, 1837. 8 . . . 3964.10 Lehrbuch d. chemischen u. physikalischcn Geologic. Bonn, 1847-55. 4v. 8 3804.3 Chemical and physical geology. Tr. by B. H. Paul, and J. Drummond. London, 1854- 59. 3v. 8" [Cavendish society] *3974.2 BISCHOFF, G. W. Worterbuch der beschreibcn- den Botanik. Stuttgart, 1857. 8 *3S33.2 and others. Naturgcschichteder drei Reiche. Stuttgart, 1832-57. lov.in 19. 8, and Iv. 4 pi. *3815.1 Contents. Vol. I. Leuckart, F. S.i Allgemeine Einleitung in die Naturgeschichte. II. Blum, J. R., Ijehrbuch der Oryktognosic; Supplement zum min- eralogischen Theile; Lithurgik Oder Mineralicn und Felsarten. m. Leonhard, K. C. v. Lehrbuch der Geognosie und Geologic. IV.- VL Bischoff, G. W., Lehrbuch der Botanik ; Bischoff, G. W., Botauik (Anhang) Worterbuch der beschreibcnden Botauik 2 Aufl. VIL-XII. Voigt, F. S., Lehrbuch, der Zool- ogie, 6 v. in 5. 8. and 22 pi. 4. XIH.-XV. Bronn, H. G., Handbuch der Geschichte der Natur. 3 v. in 5. 8". and 7 pi. 4". BISCHOFF, J. History of woollen and worsted manufactures. London, 1812. 2v. 8 . . . 3051.13 BISCHOFF, T. L. "W. Eutwickelungsgeschichte der Saugethiere. Leipzig, 1842. 8 .... *38S4.6 Lepido siren paradoxa. Leipzig, 1840. 4. . *5800.14 Traite du deVeloppement de 1'homme et des mammiferes, suivi d'une histoire du devel- oppement de Poeuf du lapin ; tr. par A. J. L. Jourdan. Paris, 1843. Iv. 8, Iv. 4. [En- cyclopedie anatomique v. 8] *3734.10 BISCIONI, A. M. Lettere di santi e beati Fioren- tini. Firenze, 1730. 4 *3444.0 - Same. Milano, 1839. 16 3439.6 Parere sopra la seconda edizione de' canti car- nascialeschi. Firenze, 1750. 8 2787.7 BISHOP, A. Oration in Wallingford at the thanks- giving for the election of Jefferson to the presidency. New Haven, 1801. 8 . . . *Pph. v.42 Oration on the extent and power of political delusion, delivered in New Haven, Sept., 1800. Albany, 1801. 8 *Pph.v.42 - Same. Newark, 1800. 8 *Pph.v.ll Rod for the fool's back, or Abraham Bishop unmasked. By a citizen of Connecticut. Reprinted. Benniugton, 1800 (?) . . . . *Pph.v.229 BISHOP, G. New England judged: a relation of the sufferings of the quakers, 1056-65. 2d ed. abr. Loudon, 1703. 8 *354>.12 BISHOP Shelf. No. BISHOP, M. Life and adventures, written by him- self. London, 1744. 8 2454.19 BISHOPS. No evidence for bishops without con- sent of the people. Clarkson, D 3493.1 See England, Church of; Episcopacy. BISMUTH, Dissertation on the medical virtues of. Moore, S. W M. Pph. v. 2 BISSELL, W. H. Report of the committee of the house of reps. U. S. on the memorial of W, T. G. Morton. Wash., 1852. 8 ... *M. Pph. v. 52 BISSET, R. Life of Edmund Burke. 2d ed. Lon- don, 1800. 2v. 8 2440.16 Bisso, R. DC juriaprudentia polemica, etc. Ex- ercitatio juris naturalis, I. II. De recto jurisprudcntiae ministerio e sanioris dialec- tics usu, etc. [Opuscoli di autori Sicilian! v. 4, 5, 17] 4764.1 BlSTiCCi, V. Notizie di alcuni illustri donne del seeolo XV. Vita di Alfonso I. re d'Aragona. Vite di L. Ridolfl, Bernardo Giugni, ecc. [Arcliivio stor. ital. v. 4. p.l] 5245.2 BISTON, V. and Hanus, P. A. Manuel du char- pentier. Paris, 1850. sm. 12. [Manuel Roret] 4019.15 BITAUBE, P. J. Guillaume de Nassau, ou la fon- datiou des Provinces Unies. N. univers] 2200.11 L' Honiine. Essai zoologique sur le genre humain. 3e ed. Paris, 1835". 2v. 12 ... 3889.3 Histoire naturelle des zoophytes. [Encyclo- pedic methodique] A. 157.1 Shelf. No. BORY de St. Vincent, continued. Botanique. [France. Exploration de 1'Al- gerie] 3054.2 Geographic physique de 1'Espagne. See La- borde, A. de 3103.1 Travaux de la section des sciences phys- iques. [France. Expedition de la Moree v.l] 3070.8 BOBZAGHI, I. See Bernabb Silorata, P. Prose e poesie di Ital. viventi v. 1-7 of 4708.10 Bos, L. Ellipses Graecae. Ed. G. H. Schaefer. Lipsize, 1808. 8 2985.8 Greek ellipses, abridged and transl. by Rev. J. Seager. London, ia30. 8 2985.4 Bosc, L. A. G. Agriculture et la culture des ar- bres, et I'aruenagcment des forets. [Ency- clopedic methodique] A. 159.1 BOSCAWEN, W. Poems. London, 1801. 12 ... 2559.12 BOSCOLI, P. P. Recitazione del caso di. [Archivio storico ital.] v. 1 of 5245.2 Boscovicu, R. J. Nouveaux ouvrages. Bassan, 1785. 5v. 4 *3912.2 Contents. Vol. I. De constructione, et usu novi in- strumenti maxime idonet ad determinandas vires refraetivas, et distractivas substantia'rum diaphan- arum ; Deductio fonnularum pertinentium ad focos lentium, cum carum applications ad calculandas sphsericitates, qua3 adhiberi debent pro teleseopiis acromaticis. H. De correctionibus pertinentibus ad oculares, quibus acceditcorrectiosolius erroris fignras sphEcricse objectivorum; De lente ustoria potissimum ingenti; De modo determinandi discrimen velocitntis, quam habet lumen, dum percurrit diversa media, per duo telescopia dioptrica, alterum commune, alterum novi cujusdam generis; De novo genere micrometri objectivi; De telcscopio exhibente simul binas im- agines ejusdem object!, alteram directam, alteram in- versam, cum earum motibus contrariis, et asqualibus; De globulis nigris translatis per discum soils cum epistola gallica ad ejus phenomeniobservatorem; De refractionibus astronomicis, et altitudine poli, deter- minandis per distantias apparentes binarum fixarum supra, et infra polum; Methodus determinandi re- fractiones astronomieas sine ulla suppositione phys- ica, quae non videatur omnino certa, ope instrumenti habcutis utilitatem generalem in tota astronomia. III. De la detennination de 1'orbite d'une comete par trois observations peueloignees entr'elles; Memoires correlatifs ; Sur la nouvelle planete. IV. Verifica- tion et rectification des principaux instruments qui sont en usage en astronomic. 18 opusc. V. De ap- paritione et disparitione annul! Saturui; Appendix; Sur les elements de la rotation du soleil sur son axe determines par 1'observation de ses tcches; De deter- minatione longitudinis penduli oscillantis ad singula secunda temporismedii; Notice abregue de 1'astron- omie pour un marin; Table sommaire; Methodus determinandi accuratissime altitudinem poli ope gno- monis supplendo instrumenta ad id opportuna, ubi desint; Determination du limbe cclaire de la lune qu'on doitattendreau meridien; Methode pour em- ployer le retour de Venus a la memo longitude par la retrogradation pour la determination des elements moins certains de son orbite; Methode pour corriger les elements d'une comete, dont on a la longitude du noeud, et 1' inclinaison de 1'orbite parun a-pcu-pres; Methode analogue pour trouver 1'orbite elliptique, quand la parabolique ne s'accorde assez avec les observations; Methode pour corriger les elements d'une planete par trois observations; De orbitas in- clinata: projectione in planum eclipticze; De orbitse inclinatae projectione in aliud planum; De calcu- landa aberratione astrorum orta e propagatione lumi- nis successiva; Demonstrations simples de quelques beaux theoremes appartenants aux triangles. Philosophise iiaturalis theoria. Viennas, 1759. 4 **E.214.2 Del porto di Rimini. [Raccolta, moto dell' acque] v.7of 3942.1 BOSE, J. A. De pontiflce maximo Rornse veteris ; De pontificatu maximo imperatorum Ro- manorum. [Graevius. Thesaurus antiq. Rom.] v.5of 2950.1 BOSELLINI, C. See Opuscoli letterarii . . . v. 2 of 2792.2 Bosio, A. Roma subterranea. See Arhighi, P. . 2750.1 BOSIO, J. Istoria della sacra religione et militia di S. Giovanni Gierosoliniitano. Roma, 1594-[1002.] 3v.in2. f *2'210.5 BOSMAN 97 BOSSUET Shelf. No. AX, W. Description of the coast of Guinea. Originally in Dutch, now done into Eng- lish. 2cl cd. London, 1721. 8 3057.5 Description of the coast of Guinea. [Pinker- ton. Voyages, v.16] 22(50.13 BOSNIA, History of the war in, 1737-39 3021.15 Bosox E da Gubbio. Canto sopra la esposizione e divisione della Divina commedia. [Dante. Operc, v.5] 2801.0 Della famiglia, della persona, etc. [Lami. Deliciae erud. v.17] 4747.1 BOSPHORCS. Description traduite du Grec de Pierre Gillcs. [Buehon. Coll. chron. de France, v.3] 2617.2 ISOSSAXGE, A. Des crimes et des peines capitales. Paris, 1852. 8 3575.17 BOSSASGE freres. Catalogue general. Paris, [1820?] 8 *2139.2 Bossi, G. II cenacolo di Leonardo da Vinci. Mi- lano, 1810. f *40G0.9 Poesic. [Carcano. Poeti satirieiitaliani,v.4] 2809.3 Poesie. [Collezione in dialctto milanese, v.9.] 4709 a. 5 Poesie. [Porta. Poeaie milanese] 4779.7 See Raccolta di poesie eatiriche 2808.5 Osservazioni sul volume iutitolato Del cena- colo di Leonardo da Vinci. See Verri, C. . 4005.8 Bossi, L. Della istoria d'ltalia antica e moderna. Milano, 1819-23. 19v. 8 *27I8.1 Vita di Cristoforo Colombo. Milano, 1818. 8. 2318.14 Osservazionicritichesullastoria d'ltalia. See Annoni,C 2719.7 II costume dei Germani. [Fcrrario. Europa, v.9] 22C2.1 Bosso, G. De toga Komana ; De penatorum lato clavo ; Isiacus, sive de sistro ; lanotatius, Bive dc strena. [Sallengre. Novus thesau- rus autiq. Roman, v. 2'J 2950.2 Bossu, F. Nouveaux voyages aux Indcs occiden- tales. Paris, 1708. 2v.ini. 10 . . . .**E.227.13 Rosst-KT, J. B. CEuvres. Versailles, 1815-19. 43v. 8 *3490.5 Contents. Vol. I. Dedicace; Preface; Observa- tions de 1'editeur; Liber psalmorum, additis Canticis, cum notis, et supplenda in Psalmos. II. Libri Salomonis, curanotis; Proverbia; Ecclesiastes; Can- ticum canticorum; Liber sapientia?; Liber Ecclesi- astic!, cum notis. III. Explication de la proph- etic d'lsaic, surl'enfantement de la Ste. Vierge et du Psanme xxi.; L' Apocalypse, avec une explication! Abrege de 1" Apocalypse; Avertissemcnt aux protest- ants sur leur pretendu accomplissement des proph- eties. IV. De excidio Bahylonis apud S. Joan- nem, demonstrationes; Avertissemcnt surle livre de reflexions morales; Lcttresau sujetdela version du Nouveau Testament de R. Simon imprimee a Tre- voux; Instructions sur la mfme avec une disserta- tion sur la doctrine et la critique de Grotius. V. Defense de la tradition et des saints peres; Instruc- tion sur la lecture de I'ecriture sainte pour les religi- eusesde Meaux. VI. Avertissement: Le premier ct le second catechismc de Meaux; Catechisme des fetes etautressolcnnites ct observances de 1'eglise; Prieres ecclesiastiri'.ics; Meditations pour le temps de Jubile. VII. Statuts et ordonnances synodales; Pieces con- cernant I'etat de 1'abbaye de Jouarre; Cleri Gallicani de ecclesiastica potestate declaratio ; Decretum de moral! disciplina ; Censura et declaratio, conventus generalis cleri Gallicani congregati, in materia fidci et momm; Memoires au sujet de 1'impression des ouvrages de doctrine composes par desevques; De doctrina concilii Tridentini circa dilectionem; Ordonnances de l'evque de Meaux ; Ordonnance de 1'archeveque de Paris, sur la grace ct la pre- destination. VIII. Elevations a Dieu sur les myfteres. IX. Meditations sur 1'Evangile. X. Fin des meditations sur 1'Evangile; Discours Bur la vie cachee en Dieu; Traite de la concupiscence; Opuscules. XI.-XI\". Sermons ; Exhortations ; In- structions, etc. XV. Fin des sermons; Pensees chre- tie:mcs ct morales sur diflerens sujets. XVI. Pane- gj'riques. XVII. Sermons pour les vetures et pro- fessions religieuses ; Oraisons funebres. XVIII. Avertissement; Exposition de la doctrine de 1'eglise catholique, sur les matiures de controverse; Lettres relatives a 1'exposition ; Fragmens sur diverses ma- tiercs de eontroverse. XIX. Neuf livres dc 1'histoire des variations des eglises protestantes. XX. Ilistoire Shelf. No. BOSSUET, J. B., continued. des variations, fin, [lirrcs x.-xv.]. XXI. Avcrtisse- ments aux protestans sur les lettres du ministre Jurieu contre 1'histoire des variations; Defense dc 1'iiistoire des variations contre la reponse de M. Bas- nage, ministre de Rotterdam. XXII. Avertissement; L'antiquite eclaircie sur I'immutabilite de 1'Etre divin et sur 1'egalite dcs trois personnes ; L'etat present des contro verses et de la religion protestante; Extraits dc quelqucs lettres de M. Burnet; Instruc- tion pastorale sur les promesses de 1'eglise. XXIII. Refutation du catechisme du sieur Paul Ferry; Con- ference avec M. Claude surlamatiere de 1'eglise; Re- flexions sur un ecrit de M. Claude; Traite de la com- munion sous les deuxcspeces. XXIV. La tradition clefendue sur la matiere de la communion sous une espeee, contre les rcponses de deux auteurs protes- tans; Explication de quelques difficultes sur les priercs de la messe, a nn nouveau catholique. XXV., XXVI. Lettre pastorale aux nouveaux catho- liques pour les cxhorter a faire leurs paqucs; Lettre sur 1'adoration de la croix; Regiements du seminaire des filles de la propagation de la foi ; Pieces concernant un projet de reunion des protestans de France a 1'eglise catholique ; Recueil de dissertations ct de lettres, composccs dans la vue dc reunirles protes- tants d'Allcmagne de la confession d'Augsbourg a 1'eglise catholique. XXVII. Ordonnance et instruc- tion pastorale de Mgnr. 1'eveque de Meaux sur les etats d'oraison; Aetes de la condemnation des quie- ti?tes. XXVIII. Tradition de nouveaux mystiques: Dcclar. et divers ecrits ou memoires sur le livre in- titule. Explication des maximes des saints, et preface sur 1'instruction pastorale donne a Cambrai le 15 Sept., ion". XXIX. Reponse a quatre lettres a Mgnr. 1'archcveque de Cambrai; De nova qua:stione, trac- tatus tres (mystic! in tuto, schola in tuto, quietismus reilivivus); Relation sur le quietisme. XXX. Re- marques sur la reponse de Mgnr. rarchcveqiie de Cambrai a la relation surle quietisme; Reponse d'un thcologien a la premiere lettre de M. 1'archeveque do Cambrai a M. Teveque de Chartres: Reponse aux pre.juges decisifs pour M. 1'archeveque de Cambrai; l.es passages Celaircis, ou reponse au Hvre intitule Les principales propositions du li\*re des maximes des saints, justifies, par dcs expressions plus fortes des saints auteurs; Mandemcnt pour la publication de la constitution de N. S. P. le pape Innocent XII., du 12 Mars, 1OT), portant condamnation et defense du Hvre intitule; Explications dcs maximes dcs saints sur la vie interieure; Relation des actcs et delibera- tions concernant le bref de N. S. P. le papc Inno- cent XII. portant eondamnation du livrc Intitule, Explication dcs maximes des saints ; Memoire de ce qui est a corriger dans la nouvelle bibliotheque des auteurs ecclesiastiques de M. Dupin; Remarqucs sur lliistoire dcs conciles d'Ephese et dc Chalc6doine de M. Dupin ; Rcmarques sur un livre intitule, La mystique cite de Dieu ; Traite de 1'usure i Dis- sertatiunenlsB quatuor adversus probabilitatem. XXXI.-XXXIII. Defensio declarationis conventus cleri Gallicani anni 1682 de ecclesiastica potestate, suivie de 1'appcndix ad defensionem ; Memoire presente au roi contre le livre intitule; De Roman! pontificis auctoritate par Dom frere J. T. de Roc- caberti. XXXIV. De 1'instruction de Msgr. le dau- phin, flls de Louis XIV., au pape Innocent XI. en latin et en francais ; De la counaissance de Dieu et de soi-mCme; Traite du libre arbitrc. XXXV. Dis- cour sur 1'histoirc univcrselle. XXXVI. Politique tiree des propres paroles de 1'ecriture sainte. XXXVII., XXXVIII. Lettres diverses ; Maximes et reflexions sur la comedie; Lettres de picte et de direction. XXXIX. Lettres de piete et de direction. XL.-XLII. Lettres (.W.) sur 1'affaire du quietisme, suivies de lettres diverses (40). XLIII. Avertisse- ment des editcurs; Melanges, savoir 1. Sur les trois Magdelenes 2. Reponse de Bossuet a une consulta- tion de Jacques II., roi d'Angleterre ; 3. Sur deux questions proposees par Jacques II ; 4. Lettres du card. Jansonj 5. Preuves du sentiment de 1'evgqur de Meaux sur la declaration du roi d'Angleterre; Dis- cours dcreception a 1' Academic franoaise ; Reponse de M. Charpentier; Discours de 1'abbe de Polignac lorsqu' il fut reju a la place de Bossuet; Repouse de M. Vabbe Clerambault; Oraison funebre de J. B. Bos- suet parle P. dc la Rue; Table des ceuvres de Bos- suet; Table des matieres; Lettres ineditcs de Bos- suet. CEuvres philosophiques. Nouv. dd. precedde d'une introd. par J. Simon. Paris, 1853. 12. 4078.16 Contents. De la connoissance dc Dieu et de soi mSme; Traite du libre arbitre; Elevations a Dieu; Traite de la concupiscence. BOSSUET 98 BOSTON Shelf. No. BOSSUET, J. B., continued. Discours sur 1'histoirc universelle, d. con- forme a cello de 1700. Paris, 1853. 12 . . . 4678.18 Elevations a Dieu sur tons les mysteres de la religion chrelienne, reproduction de I'e'd. 1816-20, de A. Lebel. Paris, 1845. 12 . . . 4678.17 Histoire des variations des e'glises protes- tantes. Paris, 1844-45. 3v. 12 3464.22 Meditations sur 1'Evangile. Nouv. (id. Paris, 18-15. 12 3447.29 Oraisons funebres.
  • . Repertoire general des causes eel. ancicnncs ct modornes 3098.1 CAUSEUS, M. A. de. See La Chausse, M. A. dc . CAUSSIX, N. De liguris. [Autori del ben par- lare. Parted] 3590.10 CAUSTIC, C. /'scud. Sec Fessenclen, T. G. UAUVIX, J. Dictionary of science, literature, and art. Braude, W. T 4031.4 Shtlf. No. CAUX de Montlebert, G. de. Marius a Cyrthe [propremcnt assigne au pres. Ilt'nault.] [Theatre des auteurs du second ordre. Tragedies, v. 2] 2640.19 CAVALCA, D. Disciplina dcgli spiritual! col trat- tato delle trcnta stoltizie. Roma, 1757. 8 . 3444.24 - Same. Ridotta alia sua vcra lezione da G. Bottari. Milano, 1838. 10 4768.3 Esposizione del simbolo degli apostoli. Ro- ma, 1763. 8 3444.26 - Same. Pubb. per la cura dcll'ab. Federici. Milano, 1842. 2v. 16 3447.33 Frutti della lingua. Milano, 1837. 16 .... 3444.29 Medicina del cuore. Delia pazienza. Milano, 1838. 16 3447.34 Prose scelte dalle vitc dei santi padri, tratte, dal volgariz. di Cavalca. Milano, 1842. 16. 4776.22 Pungilingua ridot. alia sua vera lezione. Koma, 1751. 8 3444.23 - Same. Milano, 1837. 16 4778.11 Spccchio de' pcccati ridotto a miglior lezione per opera di F. del Furia. Firenze, 1828. 8. 3444.21 - Same. Cui aggiun vari cap. del Esposiz- ione del credo. Milano, 1838. 16 3447.32 Volgarizzamento dclle vite do' Banti padri, accresciute di note per cura di B. Puoti. Parma, 1841. 6v. in 3. 16' 3439.5 Volgariz. del dialogo di San Gregorio, e dell' epistola di S. Girolamo. See Gregorius Magnus 3439.4 Volgariz. di alcuni opusculi di Grisostomo. See Chrysostomus, J 3444.22 CAVALCABO, C. B. Lettera. [Raccolta di opus- coli scientific!, ec. v.ll] 5274.1 CAVALCAXTI, B. Reggimenti delle repubbliche. Firenze, n.d. 24 3568.14 Trattati sopra gli ottimi reggimenti delle re- pubbliche. Milano, 1805. 8 3500.18 Lettera al Machiavelli, N. See Bigazzi, P. . 2805.5 Orazione. [Dati. Prose fiorentine, v.O] . . 2787.1 Lettere. [Dati. Prose fiorentine, v.14] . . 2787.1 Orazione. [Raccolta di prose, v.l] 2767.4 CAVALCAXTI, Giovanni. Istorie fiorentine. Fi- renze, 1838-39. 2v. roy.8 2725.2 CAVALCAXTI, Guido. Rime edite ed inedite aggi- untovi un volgariz. del comento di Dino del Garbo sulla canzone. Per opera di A. Cic- ciaporci. Firenze, 1813. 8 2794.6 CAVALIEIU San-Bertolo, N. Istituzioni di archi- tettura statica ed idraulica. Mantova, 1845. 2v. 4 *3941.5 CAVALIEIU, B. Elogio. See Frisi, P 4778.15 CAVALIERS, Memoirs of the. "\Varburton, E. . . 2444.7 CAVALLO, T. Complete treatise on electricity. 3d ed. London, 1786-95. 3v. 8 3962.23 CAVAXIS, A. A., and M. A. dc. II giovanc istruito nella cognizione dci libri. Venczia, 1822-25. 15v. 10" *2148.4 CAVE, W. Lives of the apostles. New cd. by H. Gary. Oxford, 1840. 8 3553.2 Lives of the fathers of the church. New ed. by H. Cary. Oxford, 1840. 3v. 8 .... 3553.3 Scriptorum ccclesiasticorum historia litera- ria. Oxon., 1740-43. 2v. f *2180.1 Contents. Prolegomena; Scriptores cedes, a Chris- to nato usque ad so:c. 14; Scriptores gentiles Chris- tiana; rcligiomsoppugnatores; II. Dissert, trcs: De Bcriptoribus ccclesiasticis incertoe tctntis; Dc libris et officiis ceelcsiasticis Graicorum; De Euscbii Caesari- cnsis arianismo, advcrsus Johainiem Clericum; Epis- tola apologetica. CAVEDOXI, C. See Opuscoli lettcrarii . . . v.2 of 2792.2 CAVEI.IEI:. Voyage de La Salle pour decouvrir 1' embouchure du flcuvc de Missisipy; par son frerc. Manatc [New York?], 1S5S. 10. 2311.23 CAVENDISH, lion. II. Life of. [Wilson, G. Cav- endish society, v.ll j 3974.6 Canada: debates of the house of commons in 1774, on the bill for the more effectual gov- ernment of Quebec. London, 1839. 8 ... 2311.4 CAVENDISH 151 CEL8US Shelf. No. CAVENDISH, T. Iter quo duorum fere annorum spatio 13,000 Anglicana miliaria in mari confecit. [Bry. Collectiones peregrinatio- nura. Scr. 1. Pars 8] 2300.20 C.vvrxmsii society. Publications. London. 17v. 8, and IT. 4. Namely . - Handbook of chemistry. By Leopold Gmelin. lOv '. . . . 3974.1 - Elements of chemical and physical geol- ogy. By Gustav Bischof. 2v 3974.2 - Chemical method, notation, classification, and nomenclature, by Auguste Laurent. Tr. by W. Odling 3974.3 - Atlas of physiological chemistry. By Dr. Otto Funke. 4 3974.4 - Physiological chemistry. By C. G. Leh- mann. 2v 3974.5 - Life of the Hon. Henry Cavendish. By George Wilson 3974.6 - Life of John Dalton. By W. C. Henry . 3974.7 CAVERNS. Hohlen um Muggeiidorf. Rosenmul- ler, J. C 33.G.3 CAVES. Tour to the C. in the environs of Ingle- borough and Settle 2464.3 CAVRIANA, F. Discorsi sopra i primi cinque libri di C. Tacito. Firenze, 1597. sm.4 .... 2947.3 CAVYLL. How the two Mortimers for their vices ended their lives unfortunately ; The wil- fvll fall of the blackesmithe, and the foolishe end of the lorde Audclcy. [Mirror for mag- istrates, v.2, p.3] 2603.8 CAWTHORN, J. Poems. London, 1771. 4 ... 2591.8 Life and poems. [Chalmers. English poets] v.!4of 2592.7 CAXTON, "W. Life by Stcphenson. [London. Soc. for diff. of useful knowl. Lives of eminent persons] E.212.8 CAYENNE. Biet, A. L' isle de 2313.3 Description of the isle and colony. [Jeffereys. History of the French dominions, p. 2] . . 2310.3 Labat, J. B. Voyage du chevalier Des Mar- chais 2369.7 CAYET, P. V. P. Chronologic nove"naire, 1589-98. Paris, 1608. 3v. 8 *2639.2 Chronologic septenaire. 1598-1604. Paris, 1612. 8 *2639.1 Chronologic novenaire contcnant 1'histoire de la guerre sous le regne de Henri II. [Mi- chaud. Coll. m(5m. hist. France. Scr. 1, v.12] 2611.1 - Regne de Henri IV. [Petitot. Coll. me"m. hist. France. Ser. 1] v.38-i3 of 2625.1 CAYLUS, M. M. Souvenirs, suivis dc quelques- unes de ses lottres. Nouv. <$d. preceded d' une notice par M. Auger, et des notes de Voltaire. Paris, 1823. 12 2658.14 Souvenirs de Mad. de Caylus, pour servir de supplement aux mem. de Me. de Maintenon. [Maintenon. Memoiros ct lettres] .... 2059.4 Souvenirs de. [Michaud. Coll. mem. hist. France. Ser. 3,v.8] 2611.1 Souvenirs de. [Petitot, C. B. Coll. mem. hist. France. Ser. 2, v.60] 2645.1 CAYUGA county teachers' institute. Catalogue of the members during its session at Auburn, 1843. Auburn, 1843. 8 *Pph. v. 151 CAZEAITX, P. Midwifery, including the diseases of pregnancy. Transl. by R. P. Thomas. Philadelphia, 1850. 8 *3774.10 - Trait6 theoriquc ct pratique dc 1'art des ac- couchemcnts. 6e ed. Paris, 1858. 8 ... *3774.22 CAZENAVE,P.L. A. Traite des syphilides. Paris, 1843. 8 *3770.26, Atlas, f.*37.I.l and Schedel, H. E. Abrege pratique des maladies de la peau. Paris, 1828. 8 ... *3790.53 - Diseases of the skin. From the French, with notes, etc. by T. H. Burgess. 2d Am. ed. by H. D. Bulkley. New York, 1852. 8.*3790.55 CAZOTTE, J. Diablo amoureux ; nouvelle cspag- nole. [Gamier. Voyages imagiu.] v.35of 2666.1 Shelf. No. CAZZA, G. A. See Carcano, G. Poeti satirici ital- iani v.4of 2809.3 CAZZOLA, G. L'oro. [Raccolta di poemetti didas- calici, etc.] v.5 of 4779.8 CEBA, A. II cittaclino di repubblica. Milano, 1825. 10" 3508.10 Le gemclle capovane, tragedia ; Alcippo spar- tano, tragedia. [Maffei. Teat. ital. v.3] . . 2776.8 CEBES. H quadro di. [Gozzi. Operc, v.C] . . . 2797.1 La tavola di Cebete tcbano, secondo la ver- sione del padre Pagnini. [Romagnosi. Op- erc, v.2, par. 2] 3022.2 Tabula. [Theophrastus. Didot. Bib. Gr.] . 3002.7 CECCANO, G. da. Chronicon Fossae nova? ab anno salutis primo usque ad 1217. [Ughello. Ital- ia sacra, v.l] 3580.1 CECCHI, G. M. Commedie. Firenze, 1856. 2v. 12. 4777.2 Contents. Vol. I. II figluol prodigo; II diamante; I rivali; Gli sciamiti; Le pellegriue; Morte del re Acab. II. II raartello; L'ammalata; Le cedole: La maiana; Lo sviato; La conversione della Scozia. Dichiarazioni de' proverbi toscani [e] Lezione di L. Fiacchi. 3a ed. Milano, 1838. 10 . . 4770.39 See Corazzini, F. Miscellanea 4777.0 CECCO d'Ascoli. See Stabili, F 4779.23 CECCO da Varlungo. II lamento di, poema. See Baldovini,F 2794.13 CECIL, W., lord Burghley. Collection of state pa- pers, 1542-96. London, 1740-59. 2v. f . *2420.5 Life and administration of. See Nares, E. . 2440.11 CECINA, L. A. Notizie istorichc della citta di Vol- terra, con note di F. dal Borgo. Pisa, 1758. B m.4 *2727.1 CEDKENUS, G. [Hist, compendium.] J. Scylitzae ope, ab I. Bckkero suppl. et emend. Bon- nae, 1838-39. 2v. 8. [Corpus script, hist. Byzant. v.34, 35] *2968.1 CEFFI, F. Le dicerie, pubblicate da L. Biondi. Torino, 1825. 8 2784.11 CELEBES. Account of, by Stavorinus. [Pinker- ton. Voyages, v.ll] 2260.13 Vaughan, \V. Island of E. 225.11 CELEBRATION of the 200th anniversary of the in- corporation of Bridgewater, Mass., includ. address by E. Washburn, and poem by J. Read. Boston, 1856. f *2356.6 CELESIA, E. Intelletto e amore. Racconto. Fi- renze, 1846. 16 4776.16 CELLVR, leyenda americana: poema. Cervantes, A. M 3093.1 CELIBACY of the clergy. Jacopini, E. II sacro celibate riguardato sotto 1'aspetto religioso e politico 3404.4 Intorno al celibato ecclcsiastico. [Vannetti. Opere, v.6] 2705.5 CELIDONIUS. Apologia pro S. Hilario. [Migne. Patrologise v.55] v.2 of 3440.25 CELIMAURE et Ame'lie, ou L'amitio dangcreusc . 4079 a.S CELLARIUS, C. Notitia orbis antiqui. Ed. alteram auxit L. I. C. Schwartz. Lipsia:, 1773. 2v. 4. *2286.1 De studiis Romanorum literariis in nrbe ct provinciis. [Sallengre. Novus thesaurus antiq. Rom. v.3] 2950.2 See Sigonio, C. Opera, v.4 2700.3 CELLE, G. dalle. Lettere. [Isaac. Collazione] . . 3471.2 CELLINI, B. Vita, scritta da lui medesimo, per cura di G. Molini. Ed. 2da. Fireuze, 183:2. 2v. 8. 4074.2 CELLS, vegetable. See Reports and papers on botany 3824.8 CELNART, Mme. [F. E. Canard dame Bayle-Mouil- lard.] Manuel des habitans de la campagnc. 2eed. Paris, 1834. sm.l2. [Manuel Rorct]. 4003.31 Manuel du fleuriste artificiel. Nouv. ed. Paris, 1854. sm.l2. [Manuel Roret] 4019.20 Nouveau manuel d'economie domestique. Paris, 1837. 12 [Manuel Rorct] 4006.23 CELSUS, A. C. De medicina libri viii. Ed. C. C. Krause. Lipsise, 1700. 8 3723.8 Dercmtdica. Glasguse, 1700. 8 3723.9 Lettere sopra. [Bianconi. Opere, v.l] . . . 2793.14 CELSUS 152 CESARI Shelf. No. CELSUS, a Christian writer. De Judaica incredu- litate, ad Vigilium cpiscopum. [Migne. Patrologiae v.O] v.l of 3440.5 CELTIC antiquities, Index to. [Akerman. Arch- aeological index] 2532.3 Davies, E. Researches on the origin, etc. of the ancient Britons 2230.1 Logan, J. Celtic manners preserved among the Highlanders 2474.2 M'Laughlan, T. Celtic gleanings 2475.14 Paris. Academic celtique. Memoires .... 5275.3 Pi ichard, J. C. Eastern origin of the Celtic nations 2956.7 CELTIC language. Bullet, J. B. Dictionnaire de la langue celtique 2940.6 Leo, H. Gcschichte der keltischen Sprache . 2883.2 Pictet, A. De 1' affinite des langues celtiques avec le Sanscrit 2950.21 (.'FMENT. Loriot, M. Practical essay on .... 4093.10 Vicat, L. J. Treatise on calcareous C 4093.8 See also : Mortar. CEMETERIES. Aringhi, P. Antiqua coemeteria et praecipue Christianorurn 2750.1 See also: Catacombs, Churchyards, Sepulchral monuments. CENCI, Beatrice. Storia del secolo XVI. Guer- razzi, F. D 2773.1 CENEAU, K. De vera mensurarum ponderumque ratione. [Graevius. Thesaurus antiq. Rom. v.ll] 2950.1 CENSORINUS and Lucilius, C. S. Liber de die na- tali ut et C. Lucilii reliquiae satyrarum. Cum notis etc. Ed. S. Havercamp. Lug- duni Batav. 1743. 8 2927.20 CENSURA literaria. Brydges, Sir S. E 2155.1 CENSUS of the Canadas, 1851, 2. See Canada . . . 7033.2 CENSUS of Great Britain. See Great Britain. . 7003.1,2 CENSUS of the United States. See United States. C. 110. 1-4 CENTAUR, ship. Narrative concerning the loss of the. Inglefield, J. N 2443.8 CENTLIVRE, Mrs. S. The wonder; The busy body. [Cumberland. British drama, T. 1,4.] E.229.7 CKNTOFANTI, S. Studi su Dante: autori, Cento- fanti, A. Torri, C. de Batines, L. Arbib, P. Fraticelli. Firenze, 1846. 8 2802.11 Contents. Sopra frate Ilario, lettera del prof. Cento- fan ti ad Alessandro Torri ; Su i comenti a due passi del- la divina comm. 1' uno astronomico, 1'altro filologico; Su 1'inedito comento di Fran, da Buti alia div. comm. del dott. A. Torri; Del comento nppelato 1'ottimo, e di quello attribuito a Jac. della Lana; Come si debba leggere un verso della canzone "donne cue avete intelletto ec.;" Chi fosscro i due Malaspina amici ed ospiti di Dante, lettera di P. Fraticelli. See Archivio stor. ital. nuova ser. v.2, par. 2, v.3, par. 2 5245.2 Bull' indole e le vicende della letteratura gre- ca. SeePoeti greci 2903.2 CENTRAL park, New York. 1st report on the im- provement of. See New York 6309.18 CENTRALIZATION. See Smith, J. T 3563.13 CENTRIPETAL force. The laws of. [Emerson. Tracts] 3944.27 CENTURY club, Twelfth night at the 2407.2 CENTURY of inventions. White, J 4013.2 CEOLFRID. Epistola ad Naitanum regem Picto- num. [Migne. Patrologiae v.89] 3450.20 CEPHALION. See Fragm. hist. Grsec. v.3 3002.11 CEPHALOPODA. Entwickelungsgeschichte der Ccphalopoden. Kolliker, A 3873.1 CEPHALUS. Fragmenta. [Baiter and Sauppe. Oratores Attici] 2963.1 CEPHISODORUS. See Fragm. hist. Graec. v.2. . 3002.11 See Poet. com. Gnec. fragm 3002.14 CEPHISODOTUS. See Baiter and Sauppe. Orato- res Attici 2903.1 CERATI, A. Elogi di C. I. Frugoni ; G. Cerati ; Sforza Pallavicino. [Elogj italiani, v.3, 5, 11] 2743.15 Shelf. No. CERCHI, V. Delle lodi di Cosimo II. granduca di Toscana; Delle lodi di Francesco Medici. [Dati. Prose fiorentine, v.G. Orazioni] . 2787.1 CEKEALIS. Libellus contra Maximinum arianum. [Migne. Patrologiae v.58] 3440.27 CEREBRAL circulation, On disorders of the. Bur- rows, G 3801.11 CEREBRAL diseases of children. Dendy, W. C. . 3778.1 CEREBRUM and Cerebellum. See Brain. CEREMONIES. Cancellieri, F. C. de la semaine sainte 3445.30 Migne, J. P. Dictionnaire des ceremonies . . 3430.3 Philippe-le-bel. Ceremonies des gages de bataille 2671.8 CERETA, P. de. Chronicon Veronense, 1117-1228. [Muratori. Rerum. Ital. script, v.8] . . . 2710.1 CERFBEER, A. See Scribe. (Euvres completes . 2701.2 CERIOLI, G. See Opuscoli scientific!, v.4 .... 3911.5 CERMENATE, G. de. Historia de situ, origine, et cultoribus Ambrosianas urbis. [JIuratori. Rerum Ital. script, v. 9] 2710.1 CERRATO, P. Opera quae superant. Vercellis, 1778. 8 2794.20 Contents. Joseph! Vernazzaa de Paulo Cerrato commentariolus; De virgiuitate [poema ;] Epithala- mium. CERRETTI, L. Instituzioni di eloquenza. Mila- no, 1811. 2v. 8 3590.16 Poesie. Firenze, 1821. 2v. in 1. 10 .... 4766.20 Elogio di Giuliano Cassiani; Lettere. [Rac- colta di prose e lettere nel secolo 18, v.1,3.] 2767.2 CERTAINTY. Della certezza. Basevi, A 3004.1 CERTAINTY in medicine. Bartlett, E. Degree of. 3721. 15, 1C Du degre de certitude de la medecine. [Ca- banis. CEuvres,v.l] 3713.6 CERTALDO, P. da. Storia della guerra di Semi- fonte e cronichetta di Neri degli Strinati. Firenze, 1753. 8 2725.12 CERUTTI, A. A new Italian grammar. 2d ed. London, 1828. 8 **E. 209.4 Vita, con ragionamenti, ecc. da lui scritta. Firenze, 1846. 2v. 12 2749.1 CERVANTES, A. M. Cellar. Leyenda americana. Paris,1852. 4 3093.1 CERVANTES-SAAVEDRA, M. de. Obras escogidas. Ed. por A. Garcia de Arrieta. Paris, 1826. lOv. 16 *3095.1S Contents. Vol. 1. Vida de Cervantes, y analisis del Quijote. 2-6. El ingenioso hidalgo Don Quijote de la Hancha; Novelas ejemplares : v. T-S^as follow: 1. El curioso impertinente ; El capitan cautivo ; El amante liberal; La Espaliola Inglcsu ; La fuerzadela Bangre. 8. Las dos doncellas; La solera Cornelia; Latiafingida: La Gitanillade Madrid; Rinconetey Cortadillo. 9. Ellicenciado Vidriera; El zeloso Es- tremelio; La ilustre fregona; El casamiento engau- oso; El coloquio de los perros; La adjunta al Parnaso; Poesias escogidas. 10. Tcatro: Numancia, tragedia ; La entretenida, comedia: Entremeses : El jucz de los divorcios; El ruflan viudo; La eleccion de los alcaldes deDaganzo; La guarda cuidadosa; El Vizcaino fin- gido; El retablo de las maravillas; La cueva de Sala- manca; El viejo zeloso; Los dos habladores. Don Quichotte de la Manche, trad, par Flo- rian. Paris, 1810. 6v. 24 [CEuvres de Florian,v.l-0] 2650.27 Don Quixote. [Con la vida de Cervantes.] Amsterdam, 1755. 4v. 16 3095.6 Don Quixote, with life of Cervantes. [Bal- lantyne. Novelist's library, v.3] 2573.1 See Nueva colleccion de piezas, etc E. 229. 11 CESARE, G. di. Arrigo di Abbate, ovvero, la Sicilia dal 1296 al 1313. Montepulciano, 1836. 16 47". 0! CESARI, A. Antidoto contro le novita in opera di lingua italiana. Forli, 1S29. 8 2785. 2C Bellezze della commedia di Dante, dialoghi. Verona, 1824-26. 3v. 8 2301. Dissertazione sopra lo stato presente della lingua italiana. Verona, 1810. 4 2771.2 Fiore di storia ecclesiastica. 4a ed. Milano, Io43-50. 6v. 16 3439.2 CESARI 153 CHALMERS Shelf. No. C'KSARI, A., continued. I fatti degli apostoli. Firenze, 1&33. 2v. 8. 3424.5 Lc gi-azie ; dialogo. Verona, 1813. 4 .... 2785.2 Lcttero raccoltc e pubblicate dall' ab. G. Sla- nuzzi. Fircnzc, 1845-46. 2v. 8 2747.2 Morti dci pcrsccutori della ehiesa, c disserta- zior.i. Milano, 1832. 10 3439.3 Novelle, [c II Macco, dramma giocosa per musica.] 4a ed. Venczia, 1853. 24 . . . .4769 a. 18 Opuscoli di letteratura e di crudizione. Par- ma, 1840. 10" 4778.18 Opuscoli raorali. Prato, 1844. 8 3472.5 Prose scelte con una dissertazione su lo stato della lingua italiana dal professore A. Le- vati. 4aed. Milano, 1841. 10 4769a.3 Contents. Dissertazione sopra lo stato presente della lingua italiana; Lc grazie, dialogo, [che corapie la dissertazione del medesiir.o.] La vita di Gesu Cristo c la sua religione. Fi- renze, 1832-33. Ov. 8 3475.1 Same. Nuova ed. Milano, 1841. Cv. 10 . . 4708.11 Le grazie, dialogo. See Mcnzini, B 2780.25 Vita di Vannetti. [Vannetti. Opere, v.l] . . 2795.5 CKSAROTTI, M. Opere. Pisa, 1800-13. 40v. iu42. sin. 8 *2798.1 Contents. Vol. 1. S-'aggi sulla filosofia delle lingue e del gusto. II. V. Poesie di Ossian antico poeta ccl- tico. VI.-IX. La Iliade di Omero. X.-XVI. Uisscrtn- zioni c versione letterale dell' Iliade. XV1I.-XVIII. Relazioni aecademiche. XIX. Satire di Giuvcnal e scelte ridottc in versi Italian! ed illustrate. XX.- XXII. Corso de letteratura greca, XXII.-XXVIII. Lc opere di Demosteue tradotte ed illustrate. XXIX. XXX. Prose di vario gencre: Saggio sopra le i:~t;t.izionl scolastiche private e pubbliche; Ragio- namento sopi'a il diletto della tragedia; Elojio dell'abate Giuseppe O'.ivi; Istruzioned'un citUulino e il patriottismo illuminato; L'autore agli editori; Squarcio di lettera privata ad un arnicolontino: Is- truzione di un cittadino, a' euoi fratelli meno istruiti; Lettera d'un Padovano al celeb, signer abate Denina; Piano ed elcnco dilezioni rettoriche; Saggio sul bel- lo; Della configurazione di parole c di cose; Osserva- zioni sopra Orazio; Orazione panegirica in lode di S. Francesco di Sales; Frammenti; La luna d'Agosto ; Tt-lcgono storia mitologica; La pioggiad'oro; Fraia- menti, cc, ec. XXXI. De lingua et eloiiucntia prae- cinuc graica, acroases in Pativino arehigymnasio publice habitas a M. Cesarotii: accedunt excerpta nonnulla et dialogus. XXXII. Poesie origin all di Mclchior Cesarotti. XXXIII. Version!, p >esie la- tine e iscrizioni ; Versioni ; Semiramide, tragedia; Maomctto, tragcdia de Voltaire; La morte di Cesare; Ragionamento sopra il Cesare del sig. di Voltaire; Elegia di Tomaso Gray sopra un cimeterodi cara- p gna; Epitalamio d'Elcna di Teocrito; Osservazioni sul primo canto dell' Odissea; Scelta di pocsie lat- me; Inscriptiones; Selvaggiano o iscrizioni e abel- limeuti letterarj collocati nella villa dell' ab. Cesa- rotti. XXXIV. Vita dei prim! cento pontefici. XXXV.-XL. Dell' epistolario di M. Cesarotti. XL. Ragionamento sopra 1' origine e i progress! dell' arte poetica; Orazione funebre di Cesarotti, da Giuseppe Barbieri; Epistola ad A. Mazza j Memorie intorno alia vita ed agH stud] di Cesarotti, da Barbieri; Elogio, da Barbieri; Ritratto di Cesarotti ecritto dal eig. contessa Isabella Albrizzi ; Indicc generale delle materie contenute nei quaranta volumi delle opere. Filosofia delle lingue e del gusto. Milano, 1821. 10 3609.20 Lettere. [Raccolta di prose e lettere nel se- colo 18, v. 3] 2707.2 CKSI, F. Memorie istorico-critiche del principe. See Odescalchi, B 5272.4 CESSART, L. A. de. Travaux hydrauliques. Paris, 1800. 2v. 4 3941.3 CESSOLE, J. da. Volgarizzameuto del libro degli scacchi. Milano, 1829. 8 4001.13 CETACEA. Buffon, G. L. L. de. Histoire natur- elle des cetacees 3823.3 Escbricht, D. F. Zoologisch-anatomisch- physiologische Untcrsuchungcn iiber die nordischen Wallthiere 5800.12 Rapp, W. Die Cetaceeii zoologisch-anatom- iscb dargestellt 3907.2 See also : Whale. Shelf No. CETOX, Milord, Voyages dc, dans les sept pian- ettes, par Mme. M. A. de R. Robert. [Gar- nier. Voyages imaginaries, v.17, 18] . . . 2666.1 CEVALLOS, P. Practices which led to the usur- pation of the crown of Spain. New York, 1803. 8" *Pph. v. 1 CEVASCO. Statistique de la ville de Genes, 1838- 40. 2v. 8 2764.11 CEYLOX. Bennett, J. W. Rare and curious fishes found upon the coast of 3900.13 History, etc., of. [Martin. British colo- nies] v.0of2421.3 Jancigny, A. D. de. Histoire et description de Ceylan 2276.1 Percival, R. Account of 3041.5 Upham, E. Sacred and historical books of . . 3488.3 Yakkun. System of demonology in . . . . 3011.12 CII.VBAXNES, A. de. Chronique sur le comte de Dammartin. [Lafaist. Arch. hist. France. Ser. l,v.l] 2617.1 CHABERT, J.B.de. Voyagecn 1750-51, dans I'Amt'r- ique septent. pour rectifier les cartes de 1'Acadie. Paris, 1753. 4 *2360.16 - Same. See Paris. Academic royalc des sciences 3271.6 CHABERT, P., Flandrin, B., and Huzard, J. B. Maladies des animaux domestiques. 3e et 4e cd. Paris, 1800-13. Ov. 8 *4002.6 CHABOT de Bouin, J. See Scribe, A. E. CEuvres completes v.l, 2 of 2701.2 CHABRIER, J. Essai sur le vol des insectes, [etc.] Paris, 1822. 4 *3S92.9 CH.EREAS. De Cha;rea et Callirrhoe. See Chariton. 2991.4 See Fragrn. hist. Grajc v.3 of 3002.11 CII.EREMOX. See Fragm. hist. Graec. v.3 .... 3002.11 CHAILLY, N. C. H. Traite pratique de Part des ac- couchcments. 3e dd. Paris, 1853. 8. . .*3774.12 Treatise on midwifery. Transl. by G. S. Bed- ford. New York, 1844. 8 *3774.17 CHAIX-D' EST-AXGE, V. C. See Annales du bar- reau francais. Barrcau moderne, v.18 . . 3708.1 CHALAIS, Le prince de. See Talleyrand, H. de. CHALCOCOXDYLAS, L. Historiarum libri decem, ex recognitiono I. Bekkeri. Bonnse, 1843. 8. [Corpus scriptorum hist. Byz. v.45] . . . *2968.1 CHALCOGRAPHY. See Copperplate engraving. CHALD.EA. Hoefer, F. Histoire et description de. 2266.10 LoftuSj'W. K. Travels and researches in . . 3042.13 CHALDEE antiquities. Chaldasorum historian. See Berosus 2979.19 CHALDEE language. Lexicon Chaldaicum. Bux- torf, J 3432.7 Lexicon sermonis Chaldaici. Cocceius,J. . . 3034.20 CHALDEE literature. Codices Chaldaici bibliothecae Vaticanre. [Mai. Script, vet. nova coll. v.5] 3000.1 CIIALLIS, J. Astronomical observations. See Cambridge, Eng., Observatory E. 150.1 CHALLONER, R. Memoirs of missionary priests. See Andrews, W. E 3557.7 CHALMERS, A. General biographical dictionary. New ed. rev. and enl. Lond., 1812-17. 32v.8. *2241.1 History of the colleges, [etc.] attached to the university of Oxford, including the lives of the founders. Oxford, 1810. 2v. 4". *2492.5 Works of the English poets, from Chaucer to Cowper. London, 1810. 21 v. 8 *2592.7 Contents. Vol. I. Chaucer. II. Gower; Skelton; Howard, earl of Surrey ;Wy at; Gascoigue; Turbervile. III. Spenser; Dauicl. IV 7 . Drayton ; Warner. V. Shakspeare; Davies; Donne; Hall; Stirling; Jonson; Corbet; Carew; Druminond. VI. J.Beaumont; G.and P.Fletcher; F. Beaumont; Browne; Davenant; Hab- ington; Suckling; Cartwright; Crashaw; Sherburne; Brome; C. Cotton. VII. Cowley; Denham; Milton. VIII. Waller; Butler; Rochester; Roscommou; Ot- wa\'; Pomfrct; Dorset; Stepney; J. Philips; Walsh; Dryden. IX. Dryden; Smith; Duke; King; Sprat; Halifax; Parnell; Garth; Howe; Addison. X. Ilughes; Sheffield; Prior; Congrevc ; Blackmore ; Fenton; Gay. XI. Lansdowne; Yalden; Tickull; Hammond ; Somcrvile ; Savage bwift. XII. Broome; Pope; Pitt; Thomson. XUI. Watts; A. CHALMERS 154 CUAMFOET Shelf. No. CHALMERS, A., continued. Philips; West; Collins; Dyer; Shenstone; Young. XIV. Mallet; Akenside; Gray; Lyttclton; Moore; Cawthorne ; Churchill ; Falconer ; Cunningham ; Grainger; Boyse. XV. Thompson; Blair; Lloyd; Green; Byrom; Dodsley; Chatterton; Cooper; Smol- lett; Hamilton. XVI. Smart; Wilkie; P. White- head; Fawkes; Lovibond; Harte; Langhorne; Gold- smith; Armstrong; Johnson. XVII. Glover; W. Whitehead; Jago; Brooke; Scott; Miekle; Jenyng. XVIII. Cotton; Logan; T.Warton; J.Warton; Black- lock; Cambridge; Mason; Jones; Bcattie; Cowper. XIX. Pope's Iliad and Odyssey; Dryden's Virgil, Persius, and Juvenal ; Pitt's Virgil's ^Eneid, and Vida's art of poetry; Francis's Horace. XX. Eowe's Lucan; Granger's Tibullus and Sulpicia; Fawkes' Theocritus, Apollonius Rhodius,Coluthus, Anacreon, Sappho, Bion, Moschus, Musffius; Garth's Ovid; Lewis' Statius; Cooke's Hesiod. XXI. Boole's Ari- es to and Tasso; Mickle's Lusiad. CHALMERS, C. Thoughts on electricity. 3d ed. Edinburgh, 1851. 8 3962.13 CHALMERS, G. Apology for the believers in the Shakspeare papers. London, 1797. 8 ... 2596.7 Caledonia ; or, an account of North Britain. London, 1807-24. 3v. 4" *2421.5 Collection of treaties between Gr. Britain and other powers. London, 1790. 2v. 8 ... 3688.4 Comparative strength of Great Britain during the present and former reigns. New ed. London, 1794. 8 2512.5 Domestic economy of Great Britain and Ire- land. New ed. Edinburgh, 1812. 8" ... 2512.9 Life of Mary, queen of Scots. 2d ed. Lon- don, 1822. 3v. 8 2444.6 Life of Thomas Ruddiman. London, 1794. 8". 2454.7 Poetic remains of Scottish kings. London, 1824. 12 2538.10 Political annals of the present United colo- nies. [1607-1763.] London, 1780. 4 ... *2320.15 Supplemental apology for the believers in the Shakspeare papers ; being a reply to Mr. Malone. With a postscript to T. J. Mathias. London, 1799. 8 2590.8 See Carroll, B. K. Political annals of Caro- lina 2375.1 CHALMERS, L. Weather and diseases of South Carolina. London, 1776. 2v. in 1. 8 ... *3799.3 CHALMERS, T. Adaptation of nature to man. 5th ed. Glasgow, 1839. 2v. 8 3485.6 Application of Christianity to the ordinary affairs of life. 3d Am. ed. Hartford, 1821. 12 3456.29 Christian charity applied to seligious differ- ences : a sermon. Glasgow, 1818. 8 . *Pph. v. 20 Christian revelation viewed in connexion with astronomy. New York, 1818. 8 ... 3441.25 Efficacy of prayer : a sermon. 2d ed. Boston, 1832. 4 *Pph.v.218 On political economy in connection with the moral state and prospects of society. 2d Am. ed. Columbus, 1833. 12 3643.25 Sermon before the Society for propagating Christian knowledge. [Edinburgh, 1814.] 8 *Pph.v. 20,48 Sermon on the day of the funeral of the princess Charlotte. New York, 1818. 12". . 3441.25 Sermons preached in the Tron. New York, 1819. 12 3441.27 Introductory essay to the " Imitation of Christ." 3445.13 Sprague, W. B. Discourse commemorative of Pph. v. 160 CHALONER, T. See Mirror for magistrates .... 2603.8 CHALYBAUS, H. M. Hist. Entwickelung der spee- ulativcn Philosophic von Kant bis Hegel. 4te Aufl. Dresden,1848. 8 ...'.... 3004.8 CHAMBAUD, L. Dictionary, French and English, and Eng. and Fr. Abr. by J. Perrin. New ed. by Moysant. Lond., 1797. 12 . . . **E.208.12 Exercises to the rules of French speech. Rev. and cor. by M. DCS Carrieres. 17th ed. Lon- don, 1801. 12 7079.35 Shelf. No. CHAMBAUD, L. Exercises, etc., continued. - Same. 20th ed. cor. by Des Carrieres. London, 1815. 12" 7079.34 Grammar of the French tongue. 12th ed. [by Des Carrieres.] London, 1797. 8 . . . 7079.6 - Same. 17th ed. London, 1814. 8 ... 7079.1 Themes francois et anglois. Nouv. d. Lon- don, 1793. 8 7058.12 Treasure of the French and English lan- guages, llth ed. Air [Ayr?], 1802. 12'.**E.207.23 CHAMBERLAYNE, W. Pharonnida, an heroic poem ; [with Love's victory, a tragi-com- edy.] London, 1820. 3v. in 1. 16 . ... 2009.10 Pharonnida; a heroic poem. London, 1059. sm.S" 2549.14 CHAMBERLEN, P. Life of queen Anne. London, 1738. 8 2519.4 CHAMBERS, J. Biographical illustrations of Wor- cestershire. Worcester, 1820. 8 2443.7 Bibliotheca recondita : a collection of curious pieces. London, 1739. 2v. 8 *2559.2 Contents. Vol. I. A critical examination of Dean Prideaux's connection of the Old and New Testa- ments, [by J. Le Clerc]; State of the process against Mr. James Gramc; Epistle from Zelim to Nathan; Muhamed and Moses compared ; A letter to Sir Chr. Wren, occasioned by some antiquities lately discov- ered near Bishops-Gate, London, by J. Woodward. II. A juridical dissertation, by J. Johnstoun; The Invalidity of unconsummated marriages, with appen- dices, by John Crawford; Love and artifice, or a com- plete history of the amour between Lord Mauritio and Emilia; A defence of polygamy and divorce; An essay concerning the laws of nations and the rights of sovereigns; An address [The benefits of freedom of thought and speech in increasing true Christianity in the world.] CHAMBERS, R. Ancient sea-margins. Edinburgh, 1848. 8 3803.5 Biographical dictionary of eminent Scotsmen. Glasgow, 1837. 4v. 8 *2442.1 Cyclopaedia of English literature. Edinburgh, 1843-44. 2v. 1.8" 2551.2 Index to heirs at law. New ed. London, 1857. 12 *2430.7 Jacobite memoirs of the rebellion of 1745. Edinburgh, 1834. 8 2442.2 CHAMBERS, T., and Tattersall, G. Laws relating to buildings. London, 1845. 12 3634.5 CHAMBERS, Sir W. Decorative part of civil archi- tecture. With notes by J. Gwilt. London, .1825. 2v. 4 *4092.1 Dissertation on oriental gardening. 2d ed. London, 1773. 4 3991.1 CHAMBERS, W. Dwelling houses for the humbler classes. London, 1855. pp.16. 8 4102.25 CHAMBERS, W. and R. Edinburgh journal. Ed- - inburgh, 1833-43. 12v. in 6. f *3130. 1 Journal of popular literature, science and arts. London, 1854-59. 9v. 8 *5313.1 History of the English language and litera- ture. Edinburgh, 1853. 10 2553.7 CHAMBLY, Canada East. Catalogue of the offi- cers and students of St. Peter's college. Montreal, 1831. 12 *Pph.v.217 CUAMBON de Montaux, N. Maladies des enfans. Paris, [1799.] 2v. 8 3777.17 Maladies des filles. 2e . 3, v.l] 2611.1 Paleographie universelle. Silvestre, J. B. . 2110.1 CHAMPOLLION, lejeune, J. F. Dictionnaire egyp- tien. Paris, 1841. f *3030.4 Grammaire dgyptienne. Paris, 1836. f . . . *3030.5 Lettres ecrites d' Egypte et (le Nubie. 1828-29. Paris, 1833. 8 *3053.9 Lcttrcs relatives an musec royal egyptien de Turin. Paris, 1824-26. 8 *3053.6,19 Monuments de 1'Egypte et de Nubie. Notices descriptives. Paris, 1844. 2v. srn.f". . . *3050.3 - Same. Planches. Paris, 1835-45. 4v.f*D.4.K-N Pantheon egypticn. Paris, 1823. 4 3051.3 Precis du systeme hieroglyphique des figyp- tiens. 2e ed. avec planches. Paris, 1827-28. Iv. 1.8 . . 3034.9 CtlAMPOLLiox-FiGEAC, J. J. Annales des Lagi- des, ou chronologic des rois grecs d' Egypte. Paris, 1819. 2v. 8 3053.10 Archoologie. Paris, 1835. 32 2236.13 Documents historiques inedits : melanges his- toriques. Paris, 1841-48. 4v. 4". [France. Docs. indd. 55, 5(5, 57, 58. Ire ser. Hist. polit.] *2649.17 Egypte ancieane. Paris, 1839. 8. [L'Uni- vers] 2266.16 Sur les patois de la France. Paris, 1809. 12 2684.16 Lettres de rois, rcines et autres personnages des cours de France, et d' Angleterre depuis Louis VII. jusqu' a Henri IV. Bre'quigny, L. G. O. F. de 2040.14 Hieroglyphic system of. Greppo, J. G. H. . 3034.15 Dissertation sur 1' etymologic. Roquefort, J. B. B.de 2683.5 Paleographie universelle. Silvestre, J. B. . 2110.1 CHAMPOUR, M. de, and Malepeyre, F. Manuel de la fabrication des encres. Paris, 1856. sm. 12. [Manuel Roret] 2113.22 CHANCE. Clark, S. Laws of 3923.14 Cournot, A. A. Exposition de la theorie des chances 3923.11 De Moivrc, A. Doctrine of chances 3920.7 Lubbock, J. \V. Questions on the theory of chances 3921.16 Masercs, F. The doctrine of chances . . . . 3923.1 Simpson, T. Nature and laws of E.197.12 Sur 1'origine des jcux de hasard. [Leber. Coll. diss. hist. France, v.iO] 2618.1 See also : Combination, Permutation, Probabilities. CHANCEL screens, Treatise on. Pugin, A. W. . 4102.9 Shelf. No. CHANCERY. Thoughts on the constitution, and strictures on the court of chancery. Albany, 1821. 8 *I'ph.v.28 Cooper, C. P. Tracts on the court of . . . . 3625.0 Essay on the establishment of chancery juris- diction in Massachusetts 3625.10 Maddock, II. Principles and practice of the court of 3625.9 Ordines cancellariae 3634.18 Parkes, J. History of the court of 3625.12 See also : Digests, Reports. CHANDLER, A. Thoughts on free-masonry. Dan- ville, Vt., 1829. 12 *Pph. v.290 CHANDLER, B. Quo warranto against prcsbyteri- ans, independents, and anabaptists ; or an essay towards proving a community of pas- tors. London, 1720. 8 *Pph. v.51 CHANDLER, J. Treatise of the disease called a cold. 2ded. London, 1701. 8. . . *M.Pph. v. 50 CHANDLER, J. A. Speech on the policy of the state [Virginia] with respect to her slave population. Richmond, 1832. 8 ... *Pph. v. 152 CHANDLER, J. R. Grammar of the English language. Philadelphia, 1821. 12 7049.36 CHANDLER, P. W. The morals of freedom : an oration, July 4, 1S44. Boston 1844. 8". *Pph. v. 261 CHANDLER, R. Life of W. Waynflete, bishop of Winchester. London, 1811. 8" *2440.18 Travels in Greece at the expense of the socie- ty of dilettanti. Oxford, 1770. 4 *3071.9 Prefatio in marmora Oxoniensia. See Oxford. 3070.6 CHANDLER, S. Plain reasons for being a Chris- tian. [Watson. Theol. tracts, v.3] .... 3454.2 CHANDLER, T. B. Appeal in behalf of the church of England in America. N. York, 17(57. 8 *3547.0 Appeal defended : or the American episcopate vindicated. New York, 1769. 8 *3547.9 Appeal farther defended, in answer to Dr. Chauncy. New York, 1771. 8 *3547.9 Life of Samuel Johnson, D. D. New York, 1805. 12 2347.14 CHANNEL islands. Duncan, J. Hist, of Guernsey. 2497.4 Inglis, H. D. Jersey, Guernsey, Alderuey . 2497.26 Mudie, R. History of v.3 of 2504.1:! Rooke, O. Channel isl. pictorial, etc 2497.27 CHANNING, W. A plea for pure water. Boston, 1844. 8. [Boston. Water doc.] v.2 of . . *6357.20 Another word in support of supplying the city of Boston with the water of Long Pond. Boston, 1845. 8 *M.Ppli.v. 130 Case of pericarditis. [Boston ?] n.d. 8*M.Pph.v. 130 Cases of inflammation of the veins. Identity of phlebitis and phlegmasia dolens. [Bos- ton, 1830 ?] 8 *M.Pph. v. 130 Cases of organic diseases of the womb. [Boston mod. journal, 1847.] 8 . . . *M.Pph.v.l30 Cases of polypus of the womb. Boston, 1855. 8 *M.Pph. v. 130 Etherization in childbirth. [American jour- nal mod. sci., Apr. 1849] *M.Pph. v. 130 Irritable uterus, n.p., n.d. 8 *M.Pph. v. 24 Law of compensations : a lecture. [Boston, 1855?] 8 *M.Pph.v.l30 Life and character of J. D. Fisher, M. D. [Boston, 1850? 8] *M.Pph.v. 130 Medical profession, and its preparation, a lec- ture. Boston, 1845. 8 *M.Ppli. v. 130 Memoir of Enoch Hale, M.D. Boston, 1848. 8 *M.Pph. v. 130 Moral uses of the study of natural history. Boston, 1836. 8 *M.Pph. v. 130 My own times, or 'Tis fifty years since. [Bos- ton, 1845?] 8 *M.Pph. v.130 Notes on anhscmia. n.p., n.d. 8 ... *M.Pph.v. 130 Parliamentary sketches, and water statistics. Boston, 1845. 8. [Boston. Water doc.] . 6357.20 Physical education, n.p., n.d. 8. [From the Journal of health] *M.Pph.v. 130 Physician's vacation, or a summer in Europe. Boston, 1856. 12 2273.5 CHANNING 156 CHAPMAN Shelf. No. OIIANNING, W., continued. Remarks on physical education, n.p., n.d. 8 **E.224.8 Reminiscences of foreign travel. [Boston, 1852?] 8 *M.Pph.v. 130 CHANNING, W. E. Works, with introduction, llth cd. Boston, 1849. Cv. 12 3472.7 Contents. Vol. I. Introductory remarks; Charac- ter and writings of Milton; Life of Napoleon Bona- parte ; Character of the writings of Fenelon ; Moral argument against Calvinism; Remarks on national literature; Remarks on associations; The union; Re- marks on education. II. Slavery; The abolitionists; Annexation of Texas to the United States; Letter on Catholicism; Address on temperance; Address on self-culture. m.-IV. Discourses ; Evidences of Christianity. V. Remarks on the slavery question ; Lecture on war; Lectures on the elevation of the laboring classes; Death of Rev. Dr. Follen, a dis- course; Charges at the ordinations of F. T. Gray, R. C. Waterston, and J. S. Dwight; Miscellanies; Ap- pendix. VI. Emancipation, 1810; Discourse on the life of Rev. J. Tuckermun; Addresses on the present age; Duty of the free states; Address on the anniver- sary of emancipation in the British W. Indies. Address on temperance. Boston, Feb. 28, 1837. Boston, 1837. 8 3570.5 Address on the anniversary of the emancipa- tion in the British West Indies. Lenox, Mass., 1812. 8 *Fph. v. 12 'i Character and writings of Milton. Boston, 1826. 8 *Pph.v. 60,24s Discourse at the dedication of the 2d cong. Unitarian church. New York, 1826. 8. *Pph. v. 248 - Same. 2d ed. New York, 1827. 8. . *Pph.v.257 - Same. 4th ed. New York. 12 . . . *Pph. v. 215 Discourse at the installation of the Rev. M. I. Motte. 2dcd. Boston, 1828. 12.*Pph.v.216,248,26S Discourse at the ordination of Rev. F. A. Far- ley. 2ded. Boston, 1828. 12. . . *Pph. v. 210, 248 Discourse occasioned by the death of Rev. Dr. Follen. Boston, 1840. 8 .*Pph.v.20o Discourse on the deliverance of the Christian world from military despotism. With ap- pendix. Boston, 1814. 8 *Pph. v. 248, 257 Discourse on the evidences of revealed reli- gion. Boston, 1821. 8" **E.224.12 - Same. 2d cd. Boston, 1826. 12". . .*Pph.r.2!5 Discourses. Boston, 1832. 12 3443.21 Contends. Evidences of Christianity ; Character of Christ; Christianity rational; Honor due to all men; Self-denial; Imitableness of Christ's character; Evil of sin; Immortality; Love to Christ. Discourses, reviews and miscellanies. Bost., 1830. 8 3473. 1,**E. 218.5 Contents. Remarks on the character and writings of J. Milton; Remarks on the life and character of Napoleon Bonaparte; Remarks on the character and writings of Fenelon; Moral argument against Cal- vinism ; Discourse at the ordination of Rev. John E. Abbot, Salem, 1M5; Before the cong. ministers of Mass., Boston, 181:5; At the ordination of Rev. Jared Sparks, Baltimore, 181D ; On the evidences of re- vealed religion ; At the ordination of Rev. E. S. Gan- nett, Boston, 18-M; At the dedication of the 2d cong. unit, church, New York, 18:20 ; Discourse at the in- stallation of the Rev. M. I. Motte, Boston, 1829; At the ordination of the Rev. F. A.Farley, Providence, R. I., 1828; At the dedication of Divinity Hall, Cam- bridge, 1826; Miscellanies; Appendix. Distinguishing opinions of Unitarians. 12th ed. Boston, 1830. 12 *Pph. v.224 Letter to Rev. S. C. Thatcher on the aspersions contained in the Panoplist on the ministers of Boston. Boston, 1815. 8 .. 3462.27, *Pph.v. 12 Ministry for the poor. Boston, 1835. 8. *Pph. v.257 Religion a social principle : a sermon. Bost., 1820. 8 *Pph. v. 268 Remarks on the character of Napoleon Bona- parte ; occasioned by Scott's Napoleon. Bos- ton, 1827-28. 8 *Pph.v. 70,72, 25!) Remarks on Rev. Dr. Worcester's letter on the review of American unitarianism. 2d ed. Boston, 1815. pp.39. 8 3462.27 Shelf. No. CHANNING, W. E., continued. Remarks on the slavery question. Boston, 1839. 12 *Pph. v.224 Remarks on Dr. Channing's Slavery. By a cit- izen of Massachusetts. 2d ed. Boston, : 8. . . *5175.1 Reply to the reviewer of the remarks on Dr. Channing's Slavery. Boston, 1830. 8 . . *5175.1 Selection from [his] works. Bost., 1855. 12. 3472. s Self-culture : an address, delivered Sept. l.- Boston, 1&39. 8 *Pph. v. 22.3 - Same. Boston, 1838. pp.81. 8 3593.2 Sermon at the ordination of Rev. E. S. Gan- nett. [With a memoir of the church and so- ciety.] Boston, 1824. 8 . *Pph. v. 248, 267,**E.224.9 - Same. 2d ed. Boston, 1824. 8 .... *Pph. v. 57 Sermon delivered in Boston, Sept. 18, 1814. Boston, 1814. 8" *Pph. v. 138, 267 Sermon, in consequence of the declaration of war against Great Britain. Boston, 1812. 8 3441. 4, **E. 219. 3 Sermon preached at the annual election, 1830. Boston, 1830. 8 *Pph. v. 80, 237, 257 Sermon preached in Boston, April 5th, 1810. 3d ed. Boston, 1810. 8 *Ppli. v. 207 Vie et oeuvres, avec une preface de C. do Re- musat. Paris, 1857. 8 2406.8 Gannett, E. S-. Address at the funeral of Pph. v. 2(55 - Sermon delivered the Sabbath after his death Pph. v. 265 Woods, L. Letters occasioned by his sermon at the ordination of the Rev. J. Sparks. Pph. v. 271 Worcester, S. Letter to C. on his letter to Thatcher Pph. v. 12 CHAP-BOOKS printed at Aldermary churchyard, Bow churchyard, etc. Halliwell, J. O. [Per- cy society, v.29] *2537.29 CHAPEL of the hermits : a poem. Whittier, J.G. 2399.19 CHAPELLE, C. E. L., and Bachaumont, F. le Coig- neaux de. CEuvres. Nouv. t'd. par M. Te- nant de Latour. Paris, 1854. 10 2069.8 Voyage en Provence. [Gamier. Voyages im- aginaircs, v.28] 2666.1 CHAPIN, C. Sermon at the funeral of Rev. T. Dwight. New Haven, 1817. 8 . . . .*Pph.v.265 CHAPIN, E. H. Discourse, May 12, 1844, in refer- ence to the recent riots in Philadelphia. Boston, 1844. 8 *I'ph. v. 234 Discourse upon the catastrophe of the Prince- ton. Boston, 1844. 8 *Pph. v. 234 Sermon before the U. S. general convention of univcrsalists. Boston, 1845. 8 . . . . *Pph. v. 235 Sermon : the relation of the individual to the republic. Boston, 1844. 8 *Pph.v.234 CHAPIN, J. B. Tenotomy: its advantages and dis- advantages. Boston, 1844. 8 . . . . *M. Pph.v. 41 CHAPLIN, J. The greatness of redemption: ser- mon before the baptist missionary society in Massachusetts. Boston, 1808. 8 . . *Pph. v. 249 CHAPMAN, Edmund. Improvement of midwifery. 3ded. London, 1759. 8 *3774.18 CHAPMAN, Eunice. Account of the conduct of the people called shakers. Alb., 1817. 12. *Pph.v.207 Additional account of the conduct of the shakers. Also the deposition of Mary Dyer, [etc.] Albany, 1818. 12 *Pph. v. 207 See also : Chapman, James. CHAPMAN, F. H. V. Treatise on ship-building, translated into English by J. Inman ; with notes and remarks. Cambridge, 1820. 4. 3951.10 CHAPMAN, G. All fools ; Eastward hoe, a play by Jonson, Marston, and Chapman. [Dods- ley. Old plays, v.4] 2588.1 The widow's tears. [Dodsley. Old plays, v.O] 2o*8.1 Bussey d'Ambois, a tragedy; Monsieur d'Ol- ive, a comedy; May day, a comedy. [Old English play s,v.3, 4] 2607.1 CHAPMAN, H. T. Varicose veins. Lond., 1850. 12. 3803.28 CHAPMAN, James. Memorial concerning his sep- aration from Eunice C. 8. n.p., u.d . . *Pph. v. 18 CHAPMAN 157 CHARLES Shetf. No. CHAPMAX, John. Cheap books, and how to get them. London, 1852. pp.54. 8 2112.9 CHAPMAX, Jonathan, Oration on the sixty-first anniversary of American independence, 1837. Boston, 1837. 8 *Pph. v. 200 CHAPMAN, \V. Treatise on the preservation of timber. London, 1817. 8 3952.12 CHAPPE d'Auteroche, J., and Kracheninnikow, E. Voyage en Siberic en 1701, contenaut la de- scription du Kamtchatka. Paris, 1708. 2v. in 3. 4 3060.1 CIIAPPELSMITII, J. Account of a tornado near New Harmony, Ind. [Smithsonian institu- tion. Contributions, etc. v.7, art. 2] .... 3340.1 CiiAPSAL, C. P. Lecons ct modules de litterature fransaise. Nouv. ed. New York, 1848. 12. 7079.41 Noel, F. J. Nouvelle grammaire frangaise . 2083.8 CIIAPTAL de Chanteloup, I. A. C. De 1'industrie francaise. Paris, 1819. 2v. 8 3052.8 Elcmens de chymie. 3e ed. Paris, 179C. 2v. 8. 3970.0 Elements of chemistry, transl. by Nicholson. Philadelphia, 1790. 3v. in 1. 8 3971.13 Essay on impost duties and prohibitions . Pph.v. 47 CHARACTERS. Ferri di S. Costante, G. Sopra i dipintori de' carattcri 2787.3 La Bruyere, J. de. Les caracteres 2092.3 La Bruyere, J. de. C., or manners of the age. 2078. C Stanhope, P. D. C. of great personages, v.4 of 2557.10 CIIARAS, M. Nouvelles experiences sur la vipere. Paris, 1G72. 12 3875.10 CHARAX Pcrgamenus. See Frag. hist. Grsec. v.3. 3002.11 CHARDIX, J. de. Voyages en Perse et autres lieux de 1'orient. Amsterdam, 1711. lOv. 12.*3049.11 Travels through Miugrclia, etc. to Persia. [New collection of voyages, v.O] 2203.1 Travels in Persia. pPinkerton. Voyages, v.9] 2200.13 CHARES Mytilenams. See Geier. Alexandri M. hist. script 2903.10 CHARICLIDES. See Poet. com. Grasc. fragm. . . . 3002.14 CHARISIUS, F. S. De barbarismo ; De solcecismo ; De caeteris vitiis ; De metaplasmo ; De tro- pis ; De schematibus. [Autori del ben par- lure. Parte 2] 3590.10 Institutionum grammaticarum libri quinque. Lindemann, J. F v.3 of 2912. 10 CHARITABLE institutions. Administration gene- rale d'assistance publique a Paris. See Paris 7011.7 Bethlem hospital. See London 3570.42 Carey, M. Essays on the public charities of . Philadelphia 2400.2 Etablissemeuts de bieufaisance. [France. Ministere de 1' agriculture. Statistique de 1 'administration, v.l] 7010.9 Etudes sur la legislation charitable 3570.7(1 Gerando, J. M. de. De la bienfaisauce pub- lique 3571.19 History of the Humane society of Mass. . . 3570.43 Lamothe, L. Bibliographic charitable .... 3570.70 Landini, P. Istoria della venerabile arcicon- fraternita di Santa Maria della miscricordia di Firenze 3571.17 Low, S., jr. Charities of London 24S5.15 Petitti di Roreto, C. I. Saggio sul buon go- vcrno degli istituti di beneficenza 3570.78 Rapport a 1'empcrcur sur la situation des societes des sccours mutuels. See France. 7011.9 Reminiscences of the Boston female asylum. See Boston 3570.06 Report of domestic missionaries. See Uni- tarian clom. missions 3570.73 Report on the Liverpool domestic missions. See Liverpool 3570.73 Reports of the benevolent fraternity of churches. See Boston 3570.72,73 What is done for the poor. See Five Points monthly record 3570.41 SeeaUo: Blind, Deaf anil dumb. Friendly societies; Hospitals; Ministry at large) Poor laws; Poverty; Ragged schools. Shvlf. CIIARITO, Pseud. See Lami, G. CHARITON. De Chaerea et Callirrhoe. Ed. J. P. d'Orville. Amstelodami, 1750. 4 .... 2991.4 Erotici scriptores. [Didot. Bib. Gr.] . . . 3002.10 CHARITY. Jameson, A. Sisters of C., catholic and protestant ............... 3574.27 Mandeville, B. An essay on C. and C. schools. 3585. 15 Trimmer, S. Economy of .......... 3445.20 Watteville de Grabe, A. de. Etablissements de bienfaisance en France ......... 3571.1 CHARIVARI, Origine des. [Leber. Coll. diss. hist. France, v.O] ................. 2618.1 CHARIVARI, London. See Punch. CHARLEMAGNE. Caroli Magni opera ornnia juxta ed. memoratissimas. Accurante J. P. Mig- ne. Parisiis, 1851. 2v. 8. [Migne. Pat- rologiae v.97, 98] .............. 3150.23 Contents. Vol. I. Codex diplomaticus ; Capitu- laria; Privilegia. II. Monumentadominationis pon- tiflcije sive codex Carolinus; KpistoUe Roraanorum pontificum Grcgorii III., sancti Zucharia;, Stephani II., Pauli I., pseudopapa: Constantini et Adrian! I.; Provinciale vetus, sivc ccclesiaj universal provinciar- um notitia; Liber censuuragenuinus; EpistoUe de pa- pa Leone ad imperatorem Carolum missse; Privilcgi- um Ludovici imperatoris de rcgulibus confirmandis papa; Paschal! ; Excmplum privilcgii Ottonis impera- toris de regalibus bcato Pctro concessis; Exemplum privilegii Henrici impera toris de regalibus beato Petro concessis ; Cartula comitissse Mathildc; Rudolph! I. Csesaris Augusti.epistolaruin libri tres ; Epistoke ; Libri Caroliniquatuor; Carmina; Appendix; Carolina, sive varia ad Caroli Magni gesta, cultum, faraam et laudcs pertinentia; Liturgica; Ilistorica; Poctiea; Addenda ad beat! Caroli Magni diplomata autheutica quae ad partea Italic spectant. Ancienne legende des amours de. [Leber. Coll. diss. hist. France, v.20] ....... 2618.1 Annales du roi, 741-829. [Guizot. Coll. mem. hist. France, v.3] .............. 2018.2 Bonaparte, L. C. or the church delivered : an epic poem ................ 2689. 10 Butler, C. Revolutions of the principal states of the empire of Charlemagne . . . 2301 . 1 Caroli Magni leges. [Muratori. Rerum Ital. script. v.l,pt.2] .............. 2710.1 Caroli Magni cxpeditio Hispanica. [Schilter. Thesaur. antiq. Teuton, v.2] ....... 2810.4 Eginhard. Vie publique ct privee de . . . . 2016.5 Exarnen critique des trois histoires fabuleusea dont C. est le sujet ; Exameu de la tradition touchant le voyage de C. ii Jerusalem. [Le- ber. Coll. diss. hist. France, v.18] .... 2018.1 Gesta Caroli Magni ad Carcasso'.iiam, etc. . . 2047.17 Guillon, N. S. Bibliotheque des peres. v.33 of ............... 3499.30, v.24of 3508. 2 Ozanam, A. F. Histoire sur le regne de . . .",5,V.:; Pocta? Saxonis auonymi, libri quinque aunal- ium de gestis Caroli Magui. [Migne. Pat- rologiae v.99] ............... 3450.24 Roman van Karl der Grooten ........ 2873.3 Sporschil, J. Karl der Grosse sein Reich und sein Haus ................. 2842.12 Turpin, J. De vita Caroli Magni ...... 2047.17 CHARLEJIONT, earl of. See Caulfleld, J. CHARLES I, ofEng. Eu-oJi/BacnAui;. The povrtraic- tvre of his sacred majestic in his solitudes and sufferings. 2ded. Hage, 1049. sin.l2.*2453.35 E KIZN BASIAIKH. Le povrtraict dv roy de la Grand' Bretagne fait de sa propre main. Paris, Chez Lovys Vendosmc, 1049. 10 . . *2519.31 Proces de [and Eikon Basilike; also, Me- moires de Charles II.] Paris, 1827. 8. [Guizot. Coll. des mtms. rcl. a la revolu- tion d'Angleterre, v.O] ........... *2518.0 Birch, T. Share of Charles I. in bringing over the Irish rebels in 1045-10 ......... 2476.21 Bromley, Sir G. Original letters written by. 2444.11 Bruce, J. Calendar of state-papers, domes- tic scries, of the reign of, 1025, 20 ..... 7002.8 Dalrymple, D. Memorials and letters re- lating to the reign of ............ 2519.20 CHARLES 158 CHARLES Shelf. No. CHARLES I., of Eng., continued. Evelyn, J. Correspondence between Sir E. Nicholas and 2-140.5 Fellows, W. D. Historical sketches of . . . 2-110.15 Guizot, F. P. G. Histoire de 2517.11 Herbert, Sir T. Memoirs of the two last years of 2444.21 Ludlow, E. Case of 2440.8 Mayhew, J. Sermon on the anniversary of his death 3454.10 Memoirs of the reign of. [Johnson. Fairfax correspondence] 2517.9 Sanderson, W. Life and raigne of 2410.14 Verney papers. [Camden soc. No. 31] .... 2410.31 Warwick, Sir P. Memoirs of the reign of. 2444.10 Whitelock, B. Reign of 2517.1 CHARLES II, of England. Bromley, Sir G. Origi- nal letters written by 2444.11 Carrel, N. A. Histoire de la contre reVolu- tion sous 2518.15 Details du passage de C. en France, apres la bataille de Worcestre. [Arnaud. (Euvres, v.10] 2076.5 Jameson, A. Beauties of the court of . . . 2440.12 M<5moires sur sa fuite apres la bataille de Worcestre 2518. C Moneys received and paid for secret services of. [Camden soc. 52] 2410.52 North, R. Vindication of the honour of .. 2411.5 Ralph, J. A review of the reign of 2510.2 Reresby, Sir J. Anecdotes and secret his- tory of the court of 2440.20 Rye-House plot against the late king. See True account 2420.12 Sydney, H. Diary of the times of 2517.10 CHARLES Edward. A true journal of the escape of prince Charles Edward after the battle ofCulloden. n.p., n.d. 8 *Pph. v. 242 Journals and memoirs of the young Pretend- er's expedition in 1745, by the Highland officers in his army. See Lockhart, G. . . 2511.4 CHARLES II, the bald, of France. Epistolte ; Libcl- lus proclamationis. [Migne. Patrologias v.124] v.2of 3400. C CHARLES VI, of France. Chronique du rcligieux de S. Dcnys, contenant le regne de 2020.4 Feuin, P. Evenemcnts sous le regnc de. [So- ciete de 1' histoire de France] 2020.7 Histoire de, durant quarante deux annees de son regne ; Journal d' un bourgeois de Paris sous le regne dc. [Michaud. Coll. mem. hist. France. Ser. 1, v.2] 2611.1 Obligation que les arts ont a. [Leber. Coll. diss. hist. France, v.10] 2618.1 Tableau du regne de. [Petitot. Coll. mem. hist. France. Ser. 1, v.6] 2G15.1 Salmon, P. Les dcmandes faites par .... 2671.2 CHARLES VII, of France. Basin, T. Histoire du r cgno de Char le s VI I. [ S ociete de 1 ' histoire de France] 2026.3 Compte cles fimcraillcs de, 1461. [Lcber. Coll. diss. hist. France, v.19] 2618.1 Fenin, P. Evenements sous le regne de. [Society de 1' histoire de France] 2020. 7 Journal d' un bourgeois de Paris sous le regne de. [Michaud. Coll. mem. hist. France. Ser. 1, v.3] 2611.1 Tableau du regne de. [Petitot. Coll. mem. hist. France. Ser. 1, v.8] 2015.1 CHARLES VIII, of France. Bernier, A. Seances duconseilde 2620.8 Comines, P. Histoire du roi 2629.1 Indication dos documents pour le regne de. [Michaud. Mem. hist. France. S^r. l,v.5] 2011.1 Masselin, J. Journal des etats gdneraux de France tenus a Tours en 1484 2640.13 Personnes principales de son temps ; Voyage pour la conqueste du royaumc de Naples, par P. Desrey. [Lafaist. Arch. hist. France. ScT.l, v.l] 2017.1 Shelf. No. CHARLES VIII, of France, continued. Segur, P. de. Histoire de 2G47.fi Tableau du regnc de. [Petitot. Coll. mc-m. hist. Fr. Ser. 1, v.14] 2015.1 CHARLES IX, of France. Abrege de la vie, mocurs et vertus de, par son predicateur ; Extraits des comptes de depenses de ; llistoire de, par Papyre Masson; Le trespas et obseques. [Lafaist. Arch. hist. France. Ser. 1, v.8]. 2017.1 Memoire envoye a tous les gouverneurs de ses provinces pour destituer tous ceux de la religion ; Memoires et instructions euvoycSa au comte de Cliarny, son lieut. en Bour- gogne ; Stratagemc, centre les huguenots. [Lafaist. Arch. hist. France. Ser. 1, v.7] . 2617.1 Memoires du regne de. [Petitot. Coll. mem. hist. Fr. Sur. 1, v.20] 2615.1 Rocderer, A. M. Intrigues politiques et ga- lantes de la cour de France sous 4062.7 CHARLES V, of Germany. Correspondence of C. and his ambassadors at the courts of Eng- land and France, with biographical notices, ed. by W. Bradford. London, 1850. 8 . . 2842.9 Correspondenz, mitgetheilt von K. Lanz. Leipzig, 1844-40. 3v. 8 2842.10 Carlo V. in Modena. [ Archivio stor. ital. app. v.O] 5245.2 Commentaires des dcrnieres guerres de Hen- ri II. avec Charles V. [Michaud. Coll. mem. hist. France. Ser.l, v.7] 2011.1 Due orazioni per muovere i Vencziani a col- legarsi col papa contro Carlo quinto. [Casa Opere, v.3] 2796.3 Entrevue de Charles V. et du roy FranQOis I a Aigues-Mortes. [Lafaist. Arch, hist France. Ser. l,v.3] 2617.1 Gachard, L. P. Retraite et mort de, au mon- astere dc Yuste 2842.13 Giordani, G. Coronazione di Carlo V. in Bo- logna, 1530 4744.1 Glorieux retour de 1' empereur de Provence, 1536. [Lafaist. Arch. hist. Fr. Ser. 1, v.3]. 2017.1 Juste, T. Etudes sur la minorite, etc. de . . 2842.20 - Les Pays-Bas sous 2842.2 Le livre des fais et bonnes moeurs du sage roy, par C. de Pisan. [Michaud. Coll. mem. hist. France. Ser. 1, v.1,2] 2611.1 - Same. [Petitot. Coll. mem. hist. France. Ser. l,v.5, 6] 2015.1 Male, G. van. Lettres sur la vie intericure dc Charles quint 2842.1 Pradt, D. D. dc. Extrait de 1' introduction a 1' histoire de 3500.2 Relation des troubles dc Gand sous. . . . 28!!. 7 Robertson, W. History of 2301.4,0 CHARLES VI, of Germany. Troubles de la Bel- gique sous le regne de. Gachard, M. . . 2812.8 CHARLES d' Anjou, of Naples. Obligations que les arts ont a. [Leber. Coll. diss. hist. France. v.10] 2618.1 Saint-Priest, A. de G. de. Histoire de la con- quete de Naples par 2724.3 CHARLES XII, of Sweden. Discours sur 1'histoire dc. [Voltaire. CEuvres,] v.24of 2685.18 Voltaire, F. M. A. de. Histoire de 2829. 12 CHARLES XIV, of Sweden. Histoire de. See Sar- rans, B 2652.1 CHAKLES, duke of Wiirtemberg. Briefe gewcchselt zwischen J. F. Pfaff und. See Pfaff, J. F. . 2847.6 CHARLES de Bourbon, constable of France. La trahison du connOtable ; Observ. sur le proces de. [Leber. Coll. diss. hist. Fr.v.17] 2618.1 Proces criminel de, et de scs complices. [La- faist. Arch. hist. France. S6r. l,v.2] . . 2617.1 CHARLES de France, duke of Guiemte. De 1'em- poisonnement de. [Leber. Coll. diss. hist. France, v.17] 2018.1 CHARLES de Lorraine, duke of Mayenne, La vie et trcpas du prince. [Lafaist. Arch. hist. France. Ser. 1, v.15] 2017.1 CHARLES 159 CHATEAUBRIAND Shelf. No. CHARLES de Valois, duke of AngouUme. Me- moires ; Notice sur, et sur ses memoires. [Petitot. Coll. m(5m. hist. Fr. Sdr. 1] v.44of 2J15.1 CHARLES lo hardi, duke of Burgundy. Ddpeches des ambassadeura Milanais, 1474-1477. See Gingins La Sarra, F. de 4642.2 Estat particulier de la maison du due. [Mi- ehaud. Coll. mem. hist. Fr. SLT. 1, v.3] . 2611.1 L'cstat de la maison du. [Petitot. Coll. mem. hist. France. Stir. l,v.lO] 2615.1 CHARLES, the good, count of Flanders. De pas- sione S. Caroli. [Meursius. Opera, v.O] . 2210.2 Vie de, 1119-1127. [Guizot. Coll. mem. hist. France, v.8] 2G18.2 Vita et martyrium, auctoribus Gualtero et Galberto. [Mignc. Patrologias v.160] . . 3400.40 CHARLES, J. A. C. Dictionnaire des mathe'mat- iques. See Encyclopedic method, v. 2,3 of A. 156. 5 CHARLES, N. Visitation of the county of Hunt- ingdon, under autli. of W. Camdcn. Ed. by Sir H. Ellis. London, 1840. sm.4. [Cam- den society, no. 43] *2416.43 CHARLESTON, S. C. Proceedings at the semi- centennial celebration, 1857, of the Wash- ington light infantry. Charleston, 1857. 8. 2375.4 Insurance and trust co. Act to incorporate the. Charleston, 1830. 8" *Pph.v.2Sl CHARLESTOWN, Mass. City government. Re- ceipts and expenditures, 1842-44. Charles- town, 1843-45. 8 *Pph.v. 233,235 List of persons assessed a state, town, and county tax in Charlestown, for 1844. Charlestown, 1845. 8 *Pph.v.235 School report, 1843-44. [Charlestown, 1844. 8] *Pph. v.235 Miscellaneous. Bunker hill monument association. Circular of the directors. Boston, 1824. 8 ... **E. 224.11 Directory, 1858. Charlestown, 1858. 16" . . 2389.23 Conditions of sale of house lots in the vicin- ity of Bunker hill monument. 1839. 8 . *Pph.v.280 See also : Bunker Hill. CHARLESTOWN female seminary. Catalogue for the thirty-second term, with the course of study and remarks. Boston, 1841. 12 . *Pph.v.283 CHARLESTOWN post-office. Memorandum con- cerning the. Austin, A. \V Pph.v.234 CHARLESTOWN wharf company. Report, June 5, 1838. 8 *Pph. v.280 CHARLEVOIX, P. F. X. de. Histoire de St. Dom- ingue. Paris, 1730-31. 2v. 4 *2310.29 Histoire du Japon. Nouv. dd. Paris, 1754. 6v. 12 *3019.8 Histoire du Paraguay. Paris, 1756. 3v. 4 . *2310.25 La vie de la mere Marie de 1' incarnation. Paris, 1735. 12 3557.13 Voyage to North America. Dublin, 1766. 2v. inl. 8 361.19 CHARLOTTE, queen of George IV. Original letters from. See Bury, C 2444.9 Inquiry into conduct of. Perceval, S 2444.10 CHARLOTTE of Savoy. Depenscs de la royne, 1483. [Leber. Coll. diss. hist. France, v.19] . . 2618.1 CHARLOTTE Augusta, princess of Wales. Chalm- ers, T. Sermon the day of the funeral of . 3441.25 Culberton, R. Sermon on the death of . . Pph. v.48 Hall, R. Sermon on the death of . . . . Pph. v. 209 CHARLOTTE Elisabeth, duchess of Orleans. Me- moires de. [Barriere. Mem. rel. a 1' hist. de France, v.l] 4607.2 CHARLOTTEVILLE, N~. T. Catalogue of the offi- cers and students of the New York confer- ence seminary. Albany, 1851. 8 . . . . *Pph.v.l ( J.J CHARLOTTESVILLE, Fa. Catalogue of the officers and students of the university of Virginia, 1833-34. Cliaiiottesville, 1834. 8 .... *Pph.v.94 Cn ARLTON, E. A. New Hampshire as it is. Clare- mont, N. II., 1855. 8 2384.2 CHAP.XOCK, J. I5iographia navalis, or navy of Gr. Br., 1000-1790. Loud., 1794-98. Ov. 8. *2442.7 Shelf. No. CHARNOCK, J., continued. History of marine architecture. London, 1800- 1802. 3v. roy.4 *3951.4 CHARON Lampsaeenus. Fragments omnia. See Creuzer G. F. Historicorum Grsecorum fragments 29(>8.3 See Fragm. hist. Grace, v.l 3002.11 CHARPENTIER, E. T. von. Horas entomologies. Wratislavioe, 1825. 4 *3881.4 CIIAIIPENTIER, F. La vie de Socrate. 3e ed. Am- sterdam, 1699. 16 3009.3 CHARPENTIER, J. de. Constitution geognostique des Pyrenees. Paris, 1823. 8 3802.25 Essai sur les glaciers. Lausanne, 1811. 8 . 3803.0 CHARPENTIER, J. P. Les e"crivains latins de 1'cm- pire. Paris, 1859. 12 2952.10 CHARPENTIER, P. Supplemeutum ad glossarium Cangianum. Du Cange, C. du Fresne . . 2940.2 CIIARREL, J. Traite des magiianeries. Paris, 1848. 8 3051.5 CHARRIE, E. M. See Annales du barreau fran- $ais. Barreau moderne v.lSof 3708.1 CHARRIERE, E. Negotiations do la France dans le Levant. Paris, 1848-53. 3v. 4. [France. Coll. dedocs. ined.,03, 09, 70. Ire. ser.] . . *2050.21 CHARRON, P. De la sagesse. Paris, 1013. 10 . . 3586.5 Of wisdom. With an account of the author. Made English by G. Stanhope. 2d ed. Lon- don, 1707. 2v. 8 35S5.18 CHARTER house school. Hist. of. Ackermann, R. 2540.1 CHARTERS relating to ecclesiastical affairs, from the library of Dr. Cox Macro. [Cainden soc. No. 8] 2410.8 CHARTISTES, Les. See Reybaud. Etudes sur les reformateurs, v.2 3559.8 CHARTRES. Gudrard, B. E. C. Cartulaire de 1'ab- baye de Saint-Pere de v.l,2of 2610.5 Lassus, J. B. L. Monographic de la cathc- drale de 2700.14 CHARTS in Harvard coll. libr. See Cambridge . 2134.2 CHARTUITIUS, E. Vita S. Stephani, primi Hunga- rise regis. [Schwandtner. Script, rer. Hun- garic. v.l] 2810.2 CHASE, H. Final report on instruments in the cure of hernia. Philad., 1837. 8 *3745.17 Medical student's guide. Phila., 1842. 18 . *378U.27 CHASE, M. M., and her writings. II. Fowler, ed. Boston, 1855. 8" 2400.38 CHASK, P. Bishop Chase's reminiscences. 2d ed. Boston, 1848. 2v. 8 2343.3 The star in the west, or Kenyon college in 1828. 8. [No title-page] *Pph.v.74 CHASE, P. E. Arithmetic. See Mann, II 7019.5 CHASE, Samuel, judge. Answer to the articles of impeachment in the house of reps. U. S. Albany, 1805. 8 *Pph. v. 43 Report of the trial of, before the U. S. senate. Evans, C C. 110.13 CHASE, Sam'l, Rev. Vindication of bishop Chase against the malicious accusations of an snonymous pamphlet. N. Y., 1847. 8.*Pph. v. 101 CHASLES, M. Traite de gdomttrie superieurc. Paris, 1852. 8 3926. 13 CHASTE, Le commandeur de. Voyage to Tercers. [Pinkerton. Voyages, v.l] 2260.13 CHASTELLAIN, or Chastelain, G. Notice sur. [Bu- chon. Coll. chron. nat. franc.] . . . v.41 of 2617.2 Fragment of the chronicle of Normandy, from the MSS. of. See Henrici quinti gesta. 2413. 15 CHASTELLUX, F. J. de. Travels in N. America in 1780-82. Dublin, 1787. 2v. 8 *2361.18 Voyages dans 1'Anu-rique septeutrionale. 2e ed. Paris, 1788-91. 2v. 8. *2361.17 Lettre a C. dans laquclle on refute ses opin- ions sur les quakers, sur les negres, etc. [Brissot de Warville. Exameu crit.] . . . 2361.16 CHATEAUBRIAND, R. F. A., vcte. de. OEuvres com- pletes. Paris, 1836. 22v. 8 *2692.4 Contents. Vol. I., II. Preface genGrale; Essai histor- ique, politique ct moral sur les revolutions ancionm-s et modernes, coiisiderees dans leurs rapports uvec la CHATEAUBRIAND 160 CHAUMONOT Shelf. No. CHATEAUBRIAND, R. F. A., continued. revolution franeaise. III. Melanges historicities; Me- tnoires sui le due de Berry ; Pieces justificatives; Le roi est mort ; Vive le roi ; De la Vendee ; Notices necrologiqucs ; Les quatre Stuarts. IV.- VI. Avant- propos; Etudes historiques; Analyse raisonnee de 1' histoire de France. VII. Voyage en Ameriquc; Voy- age en Italic; Voyage a Clcrinont; Voyage au Mont- Blanc; Notice sur les fouillcs dc Pompei; Lettre de M. Taylor a M. C. Nodier sur les villes de Pompei et d' Herculanum. VIII., IX. Preface dc 1'itineraire; Ayant-propos; Note sur la Grece; Extrait; Opinions; Discours; Introduction; Itineraire de Paris a Jerusa- lem etde Jerusalem a Paris; Notes; Pieces justifica- tives: Itinerarium a Burdigala Hierusalem usque, et nl> Heraclea Mcdiolanum usque; Dissertation sur 1'etendue de 1'ancienne Jerusalem, par M. D'Anville; Memoire sur Tunis. X. Atala; Rene; Les aventures du dernier Abencerage ; Dargo, Duthona, Gaul, poemes tr. d'Ossian ; Lettre sur 1'art du dessin dans les paysages; Pcnsees, reflexions ct maximes; Poes- ies; Poemes divers; Moi'se, tragedic. XI.-XIII. Genie du Christianisme; Defense du Genie du Christianisme.pur 1'auteur; Notes et eclaircissements; Lcttres a M. de Fontanes sur 1'ouvrage de Mmc. de Stael. XIV., XV. Lcs martyrs ou le triomphe de la religion chrctienne; Remarqucs; Extrait des annales litteraires dc M. Dussault XVI., XVII. Les Natch- ez; Note; Description du pays dcs Natchez. XVEfl. Melanges litteraires. XIX., XX. Melanges politiques; Notes. XXI. Politique, opinions et discours; Docu- ments generaux. XXII. Polemique. Analyse dc 1'histoire de France, et fragments. Paris, 1853. 12 4607.6 Atala, ou les amours de deux sauvages dans leddsert. 5e ed. Paris, 1801. 18 ... .4679 a. 12 Atala, o gli amori di due selvaggi nel deserto j trasportato in lingua italiana da J. F. C. Blanvillain. Parigi, 1801. 18 4679 a. 13 De Buonaparte et des Bourbons, [etc.] 3e ed. Paris, 1814. 8 *Pph.v.l2 Congres de Verone, etc. 2e e~d. Paris, 1838. 2v. 8 2702.4 Contents. Vol. I., II. Congres de Verone; Guerre d'Espagne de 1823; Negotiations; Colonies espag- nolcs; Note. Essai sur la literature anglaise, [etc.] Paris, 1836. 2v. 8 2702.5 Etudes sur la chute de 1'empire remain, la naissance et les progres du Christianisme, et 1'invasion des barbarcs. Paris, 1852. 12" . 46C7.5 Le genie du Christianisme, suivi de la de- fense, [etc.] Paris, 1854. 2v. 12 4678.8 Melanges litteraires. Bruxelles, 1826. 32. 4679 a. 26 Melanges polit. et litt. Paris, 1854. 12 ... 4678.9 Contents. Les quatres Stuarts; De la Vendee; De Bonaparte ct des Bourbons; De la monarchic scion la charte j De la libcrte de la presse. Memoires d'outre-tombe. Paris, 1849. 12v. 8 2702.2 Memoires touchant le due de Berry, 3e .'j..' - Diagnosis of diseases of the 3795.6 Laennec, K. T. H. Diseases of the 3795.15 Stokes, W. Diseases of the . ........ 3795.4 Swett, J. A. Diseases of the 3795.2 See a/so : Asphyxia, Auscultation, Consumption, Heart, Inhalation, Lungs, Percussion, Pleura, Pneu- monia, Respiratory organs, Spirometer. CHESTER, J. Knowledge and holiness, the sources of morality : sermon before the Albany moral society. Albany, 1821. 8 .... *Pph. v. 28 Narrative of the state of religion within the presbytery of Albany. Albany, 1820. 8.*Pph. v. 25 Obituary notices of the Rev. J. Chester, D.D. Albany, 1829. 8 *Pph. v. 76 Sermon in commemoration of the lauding of the pilgrims, December 22, 1820. Albany, 1820. 8 *Pph. v. ~'o Trial of. See Albany presbytery Pph. v. 22 CHESTER, Eng., County and city of. Chester's tri- umph in honor of her prince, 1010. [Man- chester,] 1844. sm.4. [Chatham soc. v.3] . *2415.3 Chetham soc. Remains, literary and histor- ical, connected with 2415.1-17 Dodridge, Sir J. Ancient and modern state of the earldom of 2473.17 Leigh, C. Natural history of Cheshire . . . 3900.2 Leycester, Sir P. Remarks concerning the history of Cheshire 2400.12 Mortimer, W. Sketch of the city and co. of. 2502.14 Notitia Cestriensis. See Gastrell, F. [Chet- ham soc. v.8, 19, 21, 22] 2415. .3 Ormerod, G. History of the co. and city of . 2450.4 - Memoir on the domesday roll of . . . . 2493.11 Piccope, G. J. Wills and inventories .... 2415.8 See Post-office directory 24S4.15 Rights and jurisdiction of the county of . . 2415.10 Specifications of Chester Dee bridge. [Wealc. Theory, practice, etc., of bridges] 4014.2 Wilbraham, R. Glossary of the Cheshire di- alect 2Xi.:;o CHESTERFIELD, Karl of. Sec Stanhope, P. D. CHESTXEY, J. Oration before the city guards of Albany, July 4. Albany, 1818. S . . . *Pph. v. 23 CHETHAM society. Remains, historical and lit- erary, connected with the counties of Lan- caster and Chester. 1844-57. 21v. sm. 4 . No. I. Travels in Holland, the United Pro- vinces, etc., 1034-35. By W. Brercton. Ed. by E. Hawkins *2415.1 - II. Tracts relating to military proceed- ings in Lancashire during the great civil war. Ed. by G. Ormerod *2415.2 - III. Chester's triumph in honor of her prince, St. George's day, 1610. Reprinted from the edition of 1010, with introduction and notes *2415.3 - IV. Life of Adam Martiudale, written by himself, and now first printed. Ed. by Rich- ard Parkinson *2415.4 - V. Lancashire memorials of the rebellion, 1715. By S. H. AVare *2415.2 - VI. Pott's discovery of witches in the county of Lancaster. Introd. and notes by J. Crossley *L>415.3 - VII. Iter Lancastrense ; a poem, 1030, by Richard James. Ed. by T. Corser *2415.1 - VIII. Notitia Cestriensis. By Bishop Gastrell. Ed. by F. R. Raines *2415.5 - IX. Norris papers. Ed. by T. Heywood. *2415.0 - X., XI. Coucher book, or chartulary of Whallcy abbey. Ed. by W. A. Hulton. v.!,2. *2415.7 - XII. Moore rental. Ed. by T. Heywood. *2415.8 - XIII. Diary and correspondence of Dr. JohnWorthington. Ed. by J. Crossley, v.l. *2415.9 - XIV. Journal of Nicholas Assheton. Ed. by F. R. Raines *24J5.C CIIETIIAM 164 CHICKEN Shelf. No. CHETIIAM society, continued. - XV. Holy life and history of St. Wer- burge. Ed. by E. Hawkins *2415.4 - XVI. Couchcr book, v.3 *2415.7 - XVII. Warrington ia 1405. Ed. by W. Bcamont *2415.1 - XVIII. Diary of Henry Ncwcome, 1601- 03. Ed. by T. Heywood *2415.11 - XIX. Notitia Ccstriensis, by Bishop Gas- trell. Ed. by F. R. Raines, v. 2, part 1 . . *2415.5 - XX. Coucher book. v. 4 *2415.7 - XXI., XXII. Notitia Cestriensis. v.2, part 2, 3 *2415.5 - XXIII. A golden mirrour. By Richard Robinson. Ed. by T. Corser *2415.3 - XXIV., XXXVII. Chetham miscellanies, v.l, 2. Ed. by W. Langton 2415.10 Contents. Vol. I. Containing papers connected with the affairs of Milton and his family ; Epistolary relics of Lancashire and Cheshire antiquaries; Cal- endars of the names of families which entered their several pedigrees in the successive heraldic visita tions of the county palatine of Lancaster; A frag- ment illustrative of Sir W. Dugdale's visitation of Lancashire; Autobiographical tracts of Dr. John Dee, warden of the college of Manchester. H. containing, The rights and jurisdiction of the county palatine of Chester, the earls palatine, the chamber- lain and other officers; The Scottish field [A poem on the battle of Floddcn]; Examynatyons towch- eynge Cokeye More, temp. Hen. VIII, in a dispute between the lords of the manors of Middleion and Badclyfie; Ahistory of the ancient chapel of Denton, in Manchester parish ; A letter from John Brad- shawe of Gray's Inn to Sir Peter Lcgh of Lyme. - XXV. Cardinal Allen's defence of Sir W. Stanley's surrender of Dcventer. Ed. by T. Heywood *2415.12 - XXVI., XXVII. Autobiography of Hen- ry Ncwcombe. Ed. by R. Parkinson. v.l-2.*2415.11 - XXVIII. Jacobite trials at Manchester, 1C04. Ed. by W. Beamont *2415.4 - XXIX. Stanley papers. Part 1. Earls of Derby and the verse writers and poets of the 10th and 17th centuries. By T. Hey- wood *2415.12 - XXX. Documents relating to the priory of Peuwortham and other possessions in Lancashire of the abbey of Evesham. Ed. by W. A. Hulton *2415.8 - XXXI. Stanley papers. Part 2. Derby household books, with a diary, etc. By W. Ffarington. Ed. by F. R. Raines .... *2415.12 - XXXII., IV., XL., XLIV. Private journal and literary remains of John Byrom. Ed. by Richard Parkinson, v.l, 2. Part 1, 2 . *2415.13 - XXXIII. Lancashire and Cheslure wills and inventories from the ecclesiastical court. 1st por. Ed. by G. P. Piccope . . . *2415.8 - XXXV., XLI., XL1II. Steward's house and farm accounts of the Shuttleworths of Smithils and Gawthorpe. Ed. by J. Har- land *2415.14 - XXXVI. Diary and correspondence of John Worthington. Ed. by J. Crossley . . *2415.9 - XXXVIII. Bibliographical notices of the church libraries of Turton and Gorton, be- queathed by Humphrey Chetham. Ed. by Gilbert J. French *2415.10 - XXXIX. Ffarington papers. Ed. by Miss Farington *2415.G - XLII. History of the ancient chapels of Didsbury and Chorlton. By J. Booker . .*2415.15 - XLV. Miscellanies: selection from the poems of T. Wilson. Ed. by F. R. Raines. *2415. 15 - XLVII. Booker, J. History of the chapel of Birch, in Manchester *2415.10 - X L VIII. Jones, T. Tracts for and against popery *2415.17 CHETTLK, H. Kind-heart's dream. Ed. by E. F. Rimbanlt. London, 1841. pp.88. 8. [Percy soc. publ. v.5] *2537.7 Sheif. No. CIIETWYND, C. J., vise. Ingestre. Meliora; or better times to come. 1st, 2d series. Lon- don, 1852, 3. 2v. 10 3509.4 CHEVALIER, C. Catalogue des instrumens fop- tiques] construits par C. Chevalier. Paris, 1842. 8 *Pph.v.l54 CHEVALIER, M. Cours d' economic politique. Re- dige par A. Broiit. Paris, 1842. 3v. 8. . 3042.11 Examen du systeme commercial [protecteur.] Paris, 1852. 8 3C12.7 - Same. 2e t'd. Paris, 1853. 8 3057.1 Lettres sur 1' Amerique du Nord. Paris, 1830. 2v. 8 23-.'<.10 - Same. 3c ed. Bruxelles, 1838. 3v. 16 . 2369.9 L'isthme dc Panama. Paris, 1844. 8 .... 2314.17 CHEVALIER, T. General structure of the human body. London, 1823. 8" *3707.11 CHEVALLET, A. de. Origine et formation do la langue fransaise. Paris, 1853-57. 2v. 8 . . 2084.1 CHEVALLIER, A. Dictionnaire des alterations, etc., des substances alimentaires. Paris, 1850-52. 2v. 8 *3731.3 CHEVKEUSE, M. de Rohan, duchessede.Vie. [Nouv- elles etudes sur les femmes illustres, et la societe du 17e siecle. Cousin, V.] 2658.2 CHEYNE, G. Essay of health and long life. 4th ed. London, 1725. 12 3767.14 Essay on regimen. With discourses on med- icine. London, 1740. 8 3767.13 Natural method of cure. 3d ed. London, IT 'X'. 8 *3721.22 CHEYNE, J. Bowel complaints of children. Philadelphia, 1813. 12 3779.25 CHIABRKRA, G. Alcune prose inedite. Geneva, [1826]. 16 2807.10 Contents. Delle lodi di Alessandro Farnese; Vita di Gian-Giacomo de 1 Medici; L'orzalesi, ovvcro della tessitura delle canzoui; II Geri, dialogo; II Bambe- rini; Delia tribolazione ; Discorso intorno alia orazi- one cristiana; Discorso sopra le parole Surge, propera, arnica mea ; Discorso intorno alia pompa delle donne. Amedeide, poema eroico. Nuova ed. Ge- nova, 1836. 8 2807.7 Lettere, date in luce da G. F. Porrata. Bo- logna, 1762. 4 *2741.5 Rune. Milano, 1807-8. 3v. 8 2807.6 Contents. Vol. I. Le canzoni eroiche, le lugubri, le sagre e le morali. n. Canzonette amorose e morali, scherzi, sonetti, epitaftj vendemmie, egloghe e ser- moni. IIL Poemetti profani e sacri. Angelica in Ebuda, trag. per musica. [Teatro italiano antico, v.9] 2776.1 Vita. ("Carrer. Autori che ragionano di se.] 4747.2 CHIANA. Memorie idraulico-storiche sopra la Val-di-C. Fossombroni, V 3942.4 Sopra la boniflcazione della ; Sulla relazioue tra le acque dell' Arno e quelle della C.: Dell' influenza che esercitar possono sul corso dell' Arno le acque della C.; [Rac- colta, del moto delle acque, v.3, 17] . . . . 3942.1 CHIAPPA, G. del. Della vita di G. Rasori. Mila- no, 1838. 8 2745.1 CIIIABI, P. Fanni a Londra : dramma. [Teatro modernoapplaudito,v.!3] 2768.1 CHICAGO, 111. Charter and ordinances of the city. Chicago, 1856. 8 *C.173.21 Fifth annual review of the commerce, etc., of. Democratic press 2373.3 Annual announcement and catalogue of Rush medical college, session 1S44, 1850-51. Chi- cago, 1845-51. 8 *M.Pph.v.41, 46,50 CHICASAWS. Journal de guerre contre les Chica- chas 2311.28 CHICHESTEE, Eng. Dalhvway, J. History of the city and diocese of 2400.11 Hay, A. History of 2503.16 Parry, J. D. An historical and descriptive account of 2503.13 CHICKEN pox. Fisher, J. D :ir Stewart, J. Diseases of 3777.9 Underwood, M. Diseases of 3777.3,4 Waterhousc, B. Diseases of 3777.27 Sec also : Chicken pox, Cholera infantum, Croup, Hydrocephalus, Infants, Measles, Scarlet lever, Ver- minous diseases, Whooping cough. Shelf. I.'o. CHILDS, H. H. Synopsis of the co'nrso of lectures at the Maine medical school, with a brief outline of their principles. Brunswick, 1837. 10 *M.Pph.v.29,31 CHILDS, H. W. Progress of medical science [in Mass.] n. p., n.d. 8 M.Pph. v. 122 CHILI. Farain, C. Histoire et description do . . 2200.11 Frezier, A. F. Voyage aux cotes du .... 2305.9 Graham, M. Residence in. [1822] 2300.10 Hist, relation of. [Pinkerton. Voyages, v.14] 2200.13 Molina, G.I. Geogr.,nat., and civil hist. of. 2315.5 Poeppig, E. F. Reise in Chile 2370.6 See Santiago. Annales de la univcrsiclad . . 7034.1 CHILLINGWORTH, W. Works [including sermons]. Oxford, 1838. 3v. 8 3494.4 Contents. Vol. I., II. Life; Answer to Charity maintained by catholics. III. Sermons; Additional discourses. Life and writings of. See Des Maizeaux, P. . 3555.17 CHIMNEY fireplaces. Thompson, B. [Essays, v.l] 3903.10 CIIIMXEY pieces. Gibbs,J. Suggestions relative to the designing of 4100.21 CHIMNEYS. See Smoke, Ventilation. CHINA. Ta Tsing Leu Lee : being the fundamental laws, and a selection from the penal code. Tr. by Sir G. T. Staunton. Lond., 1810. 4. 3021.18 Abel, C. Journey in the interior of, 1816 . . 3023.8 Ancient accounts of 3044.18 Anderson, M. Narrative of the British em- bassy, 1792-94 3019.9 Barrow, J. Embassy to the emperor of . . . 2440.14 - Travels in 3023.12 Bell, J. Journey to Pekin, 1719-21 3052.1 Benjamin, of Tudela. Travels, 1100-73. [Piu- kertou, v'.7] 2200.13 Bennett, G. Wanderings in 3047.4 Boym, R. Briefve relation. [Theveuot. Voy- ages, v.l] 2300.1 Dapper, O. 2de en 3de Gezandschap na . . . 3010.5 Delia Cina. [Bartoli. Opere, v.1-8] Soir.l Donovan, E. Insects of 3891.1 Du Halde, J. B. Description de 30J3.4 - General history of 3019.1 Ellis, H. Embassy to 3017.3 Forbes, R. B. On C. and the China trade. Pph. v.234 Goez, B. Travels in. [Pinkerton. Voyages, v.7] 2200.13 Grosier, J. B. G. A. Description generate . 3023.3 Lettres ^difiantes des missions de la Chine . 3539.1 Maillac,J. A. M. deM.de. Histoire generale. 3013.1 Martini, M. Description de la. [Thevenot. Voyages, v.2] 2300.1 Meadows, T. T. Government, people, etc., of. 3017.5 Memoires conceruant les Chinois 3013.2 Mendoza, J. G. de. History of 2204.13 Mohammedans, Two. Travels, in the 9th cen- . tury through. [Pinkerton. Voyages, v.7] . 2260.13 Nieuhof, H. Ambassade des Hollandois a la Chine [The"venot. Voyages, v.2] 2300.1 Orleans, P. J. d'. History of the two Tartar conquerors of 2264.14 Osbeck, P. Voyage to 3040.5 Pauthier, G. Description historique, geogra- phique, et litteraire 2206.12 Peters, J. R. jr. Guide to the Chinese mu- seum Pph. v.235 Remusat, J. P. A. Nouveaux melanges asi- atiques 3044.4 Rubruquis. Travels, 1253. [Pinkerton. Voy- ages, v.7] 2200.13 Rundall, T. Voyages towards Cathay, 1 h 1631 2264.5 Scars, R. Pictorial history of E. 225.1 Sonuerat, P. Voyage a la Chine, 1774-81 . . 3041.15 Staunton, Sir G. T. Miscellaneous notices . 3017.4 Synopsis chrouol. monarchic Sinica;. [Theve- uot. Voyages, v.2] -2300.1 Thclwall, A. S. Iniquities of the opium trade 3578.3 Thornton, T. History of 3017.0 CHINA 166 CIIOIECKI Shelf. No. CHINA, continued. Veer, G. de. Three voyages towards Cathay and China, 1594-90 2204.12 Yung lun yuen. History of the pirates who infested the Chinese sea, 1807-10 3014.4 See also : Canton, Hongkong. CHINAZZO, D. Belli apud fossam Clodiam, inter Venetos, et Genucnses gcsti anno 1378 Italico sermone descriptio. [Muratori. Re- rum Ital. script.] v.15 of 2720.1 CHINESE calendar for 1847. See Anglo-Chinese . 3017.1 CHINESE collection in Philadelphia, Descriptive catalogue of. Dunn, N 3017.2 CHINESE language. Bridgman, E. C. Chresto- mathy 3023.7 Du Ponceau, P. S. System of writing. . E. 209.1 Grammatica linguae Sinensis. [Thevenot. Voyages, v.2] . . . 2300.1 Guignes, C. L. J. de. Dictiounaire chinois, francais et latin 3030.1 Kemusat, J. P. A. Sur la langue et littera- ture chinoises 3034.2 CHINESE literature. The following works were imblished by the Orient, transl. fund? Confucius and Mencius. Les quatre livres de. Transl. par Pauthier 3024.5 Han Koong Tsew, or the sorrows of Han, tragedy 3011.24 Haou Kcw Chuen, or fortunate union : a ro- mance 3014.2 Hoe'i Lan Ki, on 1'histoire du cercle de craie. Trad, par S. Julien 3014.3 Nipon O Dai Itsi Ran ; annalcs des empcreurs duJapon. Trad, par I. Titsingh 3011.25 Pirates of China, 1807-10. Transl. by C. F. Neumann 3014.4 San Kokf Tsou Ran To Sets ; fipercu des trois royaumes. Trad, par Klaproth 3011.6 San Tsze King, or the tri-literal classic. Tr. byS. C. Malan 3014.5 The following worJcs are in the CJiinese language i Almanac for 1844. 8" *3010.11 Arithmetic. 16" *3039.7 Commentaries on ancient literature. lOv. 8.*3010.12 Commentary on the Ta Hioh. 2v. 8 . . . . *3039.14 Costumes and occupations. 360 delineations. 3v. 4 *3039.17 Cultivation and manufacture of hemp. 120 delineations. 4 *3039.18 Fan Wan ; pronouncing dictionary of the Canton dialect. 2v. 16 *3039.5 Hau Chuan. The fortunate union, a iiovel. 6v. 16 *3029.9 History of Shaw Yan. 3v. 10 *3019.12 Hist, of the dynasties Han and Sang. 20v. If. *3029.4 Imperial dictionary. 32v. 8 *3010.10 Instruction for youth. 2v. 8* *3039. 10 Jokes and bon mots. 2v. 16 *3019.10 King Kiver's story. lOv. 16 *3029.7 Laughable and amusing stories. 4v. 10 . . *3029.8 Miscellaneous. 5v. 10 *3039.2 Miscellaneous. 2v. 8 *3039.11 Miscellaneous tales and sayings. 16v. 16. *3029.1 Plants and flowers. 4v. 16 *3019.11 Popular songs, 25 in number *3039.3 Pronunciation of the Mandarin dialect, north and south. 2v. 10 *3039.8 Rebellions under the Tang dynasty, llv. 10. *3029.6 Shaw Yan. Romance. 7v. 10 *3039.0 Stories of the past and present. 9v. 16 . . *3029.5 Ta Hung Pau, or the great red cloak. A novel. 9v. 16 *3039.1 Ti Yi Tsai. A master piece of history. 20v. 10 *3029.3 Tsing Shi. History of the passions. Novels. 16v. 10 *3029.2 Two discourses. 4v. 8 *3039.1G Wan Po. Ten thousand jewels. 5v. 10 . . *3039.4 Writing books. 2v. 8 *3039. 12 Shelf. No. CHINESE sugar-cane. Hyde. J. F. C. History and mode of culture 4003.22 CIIINIAC de la Bastide, P. Memoire sur la nature ct les dogmes de la religion gauloise. [Le- ber. Coll. diss. hist. France, v.3] 2018.1 CIIIONIDES. See Poet. com. Graec. fragm 3002.14 CUIPMAN, N. Principles of government. Bur- lington, Vt. 1833. 8 *3561.10 CHIPPEWAY. Vindication against the calumny in Brown's report of the battle of. Treat, J. . 2343.11 CHIPPEWAY language. Vocabulary of. Long, J. 23C.Q.23 CHIPS concerning Scotland. Churchyard, T. . . 1M7.J.10 CIIIP.URGICAL review. See Mcdico-chirurgical . 5748.1 CHISWICK, England, History and antiquities of. Faulkner, T 2505.4 CHITTY, J. Bills of exchange. New ed. by Joseph Story. Boston, 1809. 8 3074.8 Law of nations. Boston, 1812. 8 3014.9 On the laws of commerce and manufactures. London, 1824. 4v. 8 3071.1 Medical jurisprudence. 2d Am. ed. Part 1. Philadelphia, 1830. 8 3787.1 and Hulme, J. W. Bills of exchange, promis- sory notes, [etc.] 12th Am. ed., by J. C. Per- kins. Springfield, 1854. 8 3074.1 CHIVALRY. Basnage de Beauval, J. Histoire des chevaliers 2234.1 Broun, Sir R. Sketch of the order of St. John of Jerusalem 2232.4 Cibrario, L. Descrizione storica degli ordinl cavallereschi 2230.9 De la chevalerie. [Leber. Coll. diss. hist. France, v.12] 2618.1 Digby, K. H. True sense and practice of . . 2233.1 Ferrario, G. Storia degli antichi romauzi di cavalleria 2171.1 Genouillac, II. G. de. Dictionnaire histo- rique des ordres de chevalerie 2233.4 Henrion, F. Istoria di tutte 1'istorie o ro- manzi di cavalleria del secoli XV e XVI. . 2171.2 Letters on. [Hurd. Dialogues] 2558.29 Kottenkamp, F. History of 2230.11 La Curne de Sainte-Palaye, J. B. Memoires eur 1'ancienue chevalerie 2234.2 Perrot, A. M. Histoire des ordres de cheva- lerie 2230.7 See also : Knights templars ; Malta, knights of. CHLADNI, E. F. F. Akustik. Leipzig, 1802. 4 . *3943.20 Entdeckungen ttber die Theorie des Klanges. Leipzig, 1787. pp.77. 4 *3943.23 Neue Beytrage zur Akustik. Leipzig, 1817. 4 *3943.20 Traite d' acoustique. Paris, 1809. 8 .... 3943.21 Biographic. Bernhardt, W 4046.19 CHLORINE. Inhalation of C. in pulmonary con- sumption. Gannal, J. N 3794.16 CHLOROFORM. Bigelow, H. J. History, surgical use, etc 3745.5 Simpson, J. Y. C. in surgery 3772.28 See also : Anaesthesia ; Ether. CHMEL, J. Die Handschriften der Hofbiblio- thek in Wien. Wien, 1840-41. 2v. 8 ... *2138.2 CHOATE, R. Discourse [at] Dartmouth college, commemorative of Daniel Webster. Bos- ton, 1853. 8 *Pph.v.262 CHOCOLATE. Nouveau manuel complet du chocol- atier. Cardelli, P 4006.21 CHOCTAWS. Travels through the country of the Choctaws. Bartram, W 2361.11 CHODZKO, A. Specimens of the popular poetry of Persia. London, 1842. 8. [Oriental translation fund, 55] *3012.14 CHCERILUS. Fragmenta. See Hesiodus. Didot. Bibliotheque grecque 2992.13 CIICEROBOSCUS, G. Defigurispoeticis. tfeeWulz, C. Rhetores Graeci, v.S 2965.2 See Bekker, J. Anec. Graica, v.2 2968.4 I, E. La paix et la guerre, lettre ii 31. Paul de Bourgoing. Paris, 1849. pp.60. 8 4052.0 CHOISEUL 167 CHRIST Shelf. No. CHOISEUL-GOUFFIER, M. G. A. F.,cfe. de. Voy- age pittorcsque de la Grece. Paris, 1782- 1>22. 3v. f *3070.5 CHOISEUL-STAINVILLE, C. A. G., due de. Depart de Louis XVI, 1791. Paris, 1822. 8. [Ber- ville and Barriere. Mem. rel. a la revolu- tion fran5aise, 10] *4C45.9 Memoires des contemporains pour servir k 1' hist.dc France. Paris, 1824. 8 2654.12 CHOISXIX, J. Memoires de 1' election du roy de Pologne. [Michaud. Coll. mem. hist. France. Ser.l,v.ll] 2011.1 Mi-moires de. [Petitot. Coll. mem. hist. France, Ser.l] v.38 of 2015.1 CHOISY, F. F. de. Journal du voyage de Siam. Nouv. ed. Trevoux, 1741. 12 2277.8 Memoircs pour servir a. 1' histoire de Louis XIV. [Michaud. Coll. mem. hist. France. Ser.3] v.Gof 2011.1 Memoires. [Petitot. Coll. mem. hist. France. SO"r.2,v.G3] 2045.1 CHOLERA and cholera morbus. Full account of the operation of injecting the veins with aqueous and saline liquids for the cure of malignant cholera. N. Y., 1832. 8 . *M. Pph. v.41 Nouveaux details sur le cholera-morbus de Paris, ses causes, sa marche, et ses traite- ments. 8 *M.Pph.v.3G Observations on a letter on the subject of cholera in Philadelphia, 1832. Philadelphia, 1833. 8 *M.Pph.V.24 Report of the board of health of the city of New York on the subject of Asiatic cholera. New York, 1848. 8 *M.Pph.v.44 Treatment of the premonitory symptoms of the cholera. By a citizen of New York. New York, 1832. 10 *M.Pph. v.29 Allibert, C. Rapport de la commission en- voyee en Pologne pour eiudier le . . M.Pph. v.30 Annesley, J. Epidemic C. of the east . . . 3797.8 Appuhn, C. A. DeC. humida .... M.Pph. v.104 Boisscau, F. G. Treatise on 3805.7 Boulay de la Meurthe, H. Hist, du cholera morbus dans le quart, de Luxembourg. M.Pph.v.3G Brigham, A. Treatise on epidemic C 3805.12 Bureaud-Riofrey, A. M. Moyens preserva- tifs et curatifs du 3805.9 France. Rapport sur la marche du 3791.3 Gaulter, H. Malignant C. in Manchester . . 3805.15 Great Britain. See Report of the general board of health on the C. of 1848-49 . . . . 3805.11 Great Britain. See Report in relation to the C. epidemic of 1854 3805.10 Greenhow, T. M. C. of Newcastle and Gates- head 3805.4 Heidler, C. J. Die Schiitzmittel gegen die . 3805.10 Hosack, D. Inaugural dissertation on . M.Pph. v.48 Jackson, J. C. in Paris, 1832 3805.1 Massachusetts medical society. Report on spasmodic C 3805.0 Meigs, C. D. Remarks on spasmodic C. . . . 3805.8 Neuville. Relation sur le cholera-morbus a Paris, 1832 M.Pph. v.3G Paine, M. Letters on the cholera asphyxia of New York 3805.2 Philadelphia college of physicians. History of epidemic C 3805.5 Scouttetten, H. J. History of 3805.3 Spencer, T. Asiatic C M.Pph.v.24 ! Tardieu,A. Treatise on epidemic C 3805.14 Thaekrah, C. T. Cholera, its character and treatment Pph.v.308 Warren, E. Sketch of malignant C. . . M.Pph.v.24 Willard, E. Of deep respirations in . . M.Pph.v.45 Zimmermann, K. G. Die Cholera-Epidemic in Hamburg-, [1831.] 3805.17 CHOLERA iufantum. Maun, J. Dissertation on. M.Pph. v.1,04 CHOLEVIUS, C. L. Geschichte cler deutschen Poe- sie. Leipzig, 1854-56. 2v. 8 2880.1 Shelf. No. CHOLICK, Treatise of the. Purccll, J 3809.17 CIIOLMELEY, W. Request and suite of a true- hearted Englishman. [Camdeu soc. No. 55. Miscellany] v.2 of 2416.39 CHOMEL, A. F. Des flevres et des maladies pesti- lentiellcs. Paris, 1821. 8 *379GU3 Elements of general pathology. 3d ed. Transl. by F. E. Oliver and W. W. Morland. Bos- ton, 1848. 8 *3792.2 Pathologic generate. 2e ed. Paris, 1824. 8.*3792.10 CHONSKI, H. de. Institutions de credit foncier. See France 7015.11 CHOPIN, J. M. Danemark. See Eyries, J. B. . 2200.15 CHOPIN, J. P., Famin, C., and Bore, E. Russie, Circassie, Georgie, et Armenie. Paris, 1838. 2v. 8. [L'Univers] 2270. S CHOEIS, L. Voyage pittoresque autour du monde. Descriptions par Cuvier, Chamisso, etc. Paris, 1820. f *22S0.3 Vues ct paysages des regions equinoxiales. Paris, 1620. f *22S0.3 CHOEUS. De choricis systematis tragicorum Graecorum. Lachmaun, C 2980.4 CHOUAXS. Guerres des C. centre la republique francaise. See Guerres 4055.10 CHOULAXT, L. Ueber die Vorwelt der organ- ischcn Wesen auf der Erde. See Holl, F. 3869.14 CHOULES, J. O. Sermon, at Newport, upon the death of Daniel Webster. N. Y.,1S52. 8.*Pph.v.2G2 Life and character of. Hague, W 2344.7 CHOUQUET, G. First lessons in learning French. 6th ed. New York, 1849. 10 7079.30 CHOWAXETZ, J. Geschichte Ungarna bis zum Totle Franz I. Hamburg, 1847. 8 .... 2827.3 CHBESTIEX, J. A. De la methode 'iatraleptique, remedes par absorption cutanee. Paris, 1811. 8 *3770.35 CHRIST. Adams, N. Christ a friend 3441.9 Austin, W. Human character of 3402.9 Baillie, J. General tenour of the New Tes- tament regarding 3402.3 Barnard, J. Divinity of 3i5S.5 Beard, J. R. Voices of the church in reply to Strauss 3475.5 Bible. Ministry of Christ 34i<>. :9 Biitticher,W. Das Christliche im Tacitus . . 3475.8 Bulfinch, S. G. Contemplations of the Sa- viour 3445.4 Bushnell, H. C. in theology 34 .J.2'J Burr, A. Scripture account of 31 >2.2S Cesari, A. La vitadi Jesii Cristo GKo.l Corneille, P. Limitation de Jesus C. . . . 3444.3 Considerant, V. Jesus Christ devant lescon- seils de guerre 3560.20 Greuve, F. C. de. Het leven van Jezus, critisch verdedigd 3475.6 Guillon, M. N. S. Doctrines do Gibbon, de Salvador et de Strauss sur J. C 3475.4 Haynes, H. Character and offices of . . . . 3402. 2-! Hooper, W. C. the only way to the Father. 3458.4 Horsley, S. Controversy with Priestley on our Lord's divinity 3402.7 Kempis, T. a. Imitation of 3445.13 Kelburn, S. Divinity of our Lord asserted . 3402. 10 Lamsou, A. Doctrine of two natures in . *Pph.v.5oG Leonard, "W. Second appearing of 3429.7 Lian, J. B. Socrates and Jesus compared ; answer to Priestley 3475.11 Maillard, O. Histoire do la passion de . . . 2671.6 Newcome, Wm. Our Lord's conduct as a di- vine instructor 3475.2 Peignot, E. G. Recherches historiques sur la personne de J. C 3475.3 Picrpoiit, J. What think you of C. . . . Pph. v. 268 Priestley, J. Early opinions concerning . . 3402.8 - Letter on divinity and atonement of. Pph.v.13 Priestley, T. Life of 3421.8 Rammohun Roy. The precepts of Jesus . . 3414.8 Rossi, G. B. de. Delia lingua propria di C. . 3427. 10 Searlc.A. Names and titles of 34(32.12 CHRIST 168 CHRONICLE Slielf. No. CHRIST, continued. Spear, C. Names and titles of 3475.9 Thoughts on the sufferings of 3-115.41 Turnbull, R. Christ in history 3516.10 Ware, II. Offices and character of 3475.10 "Watts, I. The redeemer and sanctifler . . . 3440.57 Whately, R. Kingdom of C. delineated . . 3404.13 Worcester, T. The divine sonship of . . . . 3411.4 See also: Anti-Christ, Atoning sacrifice, Lord's prayer, Lord's supper, Resurrection, Trinity. CHRISTERN, F. W. Verzeichniss der Biicher. See Verzeichniss 2149.1 CHRISTIAN, G. J. Traite de me'canique industri- clle. T.l-3et planches. Paris, 1822-25. 4v. 4. *4013.1 CHRISTIAN August, Prinz zu Schleswig-Holstein, nachmals Kronprinz von Schweden. Eine Episode. Seelpsen, A 2842.16 CHRISTIAN. Abbott, J. The young Christian . . 3445.11 Chandler, S. Plain reasons for being a Chris- tian. [Watson. Theolog. tracts, v.3] . . . 3454.2 Hooker, T. Doubting C. drawn to Christ . 3440.30 Muratori, L. A. Delia rcgolata divozione de' Cristiani . . 3447.35 Pallavicino, S. Arte della perfezion Cristiana. 3447.31 Roberts, W. Portraiture of a Christian gen- tleman 3446.12 Selkirk, J. What is a Christian 3402.19 Winslow, H. Are you a Christian 3540.49 CHRISTIAN character. Bates, J. Lectures on . . 3442.4 CHRISTIAN classics. Pickering, W 3446.34 CHRISTIAN days and thoughts. Peabody, E. . . 3445.19 CHRISTIAN denomination in the United States. Clough, S Pph.v.69 CHRISTIAN disciple and theological review. Two series. Boston, 1813-23. 8v. 8" . 3140.2, **E. 217.1 CHRISTIAN divinity, Christian doctrine. See The- ology. CHRISTIAN doctrine of prayer. Clarke, J. F. . . 3445.24 CHRISTIAN examiner, and [theological] review. V.l-64. lst-5th series. Bost., 1824-59. 8 . *3140.3 - Same, v.1-10, 12-23. Boston, 1824-38. 22v. 8" **E.216.1 CHRISTIAN independents in Glocester, Answer to an appeal by the. Salem, 1785. pp.23. 8. 3455.51 CHRISTIAN knowledge. See Theology. CHRISTIAN manual ; or the life and manners of true Christians. Woolton, J 3499.5 CHRISTIAN monitor, v.2-10. Boston, 1800-11. 9v. 12 **E. 219.20 CHRISTIAN nurture, Views of. Bushnell, H. . . 3445.42 CHRISTIAN observer, conducted by the members of the established church. London, 1802-58. 50v. 8 *3147.1 CHRISTIAN philosophy, Picture of. Fellowes, R. 3456.11 CHRISTIAN poets. Christianorum poetarum reli- quiae dramatic*. See Euripides. [Didot. Bib.Gr.] 2992.11 CHRISTIAN register, devoted to Unitarian Chris- tianity. v.5-14. Boston, 1820-34. 9v. In 4. f. 8050.4 CHRISTIAN religion. Becon,T. Principles of. v.l of 3503.17 Calvin, J. Institutes of the 3452.9 CHRISTIAN review, v.1-23. Boston and Baltimore, 1830-58. 23v. 8 *3468.1 CHRISTIAN spectator, conducted by an association of gentlemen. New ser. v.1,2. Quarterly [scr.} v.1-3. New Haven, 1827-31. 5v. 8. *5162.1 CHRISTIAN spirit and life. Discourses. Bartol, C. A. 3444 20 CHRISTIAN union. Wilson,H.B. Principles of . 3450.6 CHRISTIANITY. Arndt, J. De vero Christianismo. 3448. 12 Bonnet, C. Inquiries concerning 3459.18 Chateaubriand, A. Le genie du Christianisme. 4678.8 Gordon, T. Primitive C., or The independent whig 3529.20 Humphreys, D. Appeal to the Bible on gen- uine C 2329.19 Jacques, A. Christianisme et democratic . . 3509.30 Raunier, R. von. Einwirkung des Christen- thumb auf die althochdeutschc Sprache . . 3515.9 Whutcly, R. Essays on some of the peculi- arities of 3404.10 8hel :-'o. CHRISTIANITY, continued. Wilson, T. C. made easy to the mcanrst ca- pacity 3446.7 Young, A. C. as a universal religion . . Pph, v. 257 See also: Ecclesiastical history, Evidences, Mis- sions, Religion, Sects, Theology. CHRISTIE, A. J. Emigrant's assistant ; or re- marks on the Canadas. Part 1st. Montreal, 1821. 12 2311.19 CHRISTIE, J. R. Elements of practical astrono- my. London, 1853. 8 3922.12 CHRISTIE, W. Observations on the writings of Priestley. See Priestley, J 2447.12 CHRISTINA, queen of Sweden. Memoires. Paris, 1830. 2v. 8 2841.10 Memoires, suivis de deux ouvrages par cctte princesse. Archcnholz, J 2841.8 Catteau-Calleville, J. P. G. Histoirc de C. . 2841.11 Chaussard, J. B. P. Voyages de 2688.3 CHRISTINE de Pisan. Le livre des fais et bonnes meurs du sage roy Charles V. [Michaud. Coll. mem. hist. France. Ser. 1, v.l, 2] . . 2011.1 Notice sur la vie et les ouvrages de. [Peti- tot. Coll. nu'm. hist. France. Ser. 1, v.o] 2015.1 CHRISTISON, R. Dispensatory of G. B. and the U. S. 2d ed. rev. with supp. and add. by R. E. Griffith Philadelphia, 1848. 8 *3785.2 Granular degeneration of the kidneys. Phila- delphia, 1841. 8 *3745.23 Poisons, in relation to medical jurisprudence. 2ded. Edinburgh, 1832. 8 *3787.5 - Same. First Am. fr. 4th Edinburgh ed. Philadelphia, 1845. 8 *37S7.4 Biog. sketch of E. Turner. 2ded. Edinburgh, 1837. 8 . . . *Pph.v.l01 and Coindet, C. W. Poisoning by oxalic acid. [Edinburgh, 1823.] 8 *M.Pph,v.ll CHRISTMANN, M. J. De kalendario Romano. [Gravius. Thesaurus antiq. Rom. v.S] . . 2950.1 CHRISTMAS bells. [Poems.] Brown, J. W. . . . 2405.26 CHRISTMAS carols, Specimens of old. Wright, T. [Percy soc. v.4] 2537.6 CHRISTOPHER. Christoff von Oldenburg, und dieGrafenfehde[1534-36.] Alten, F. v. . . 2842,14 CHRISTOPHER Caustic, pseud. See Fessenden T.G. CHKISTOPHORUS. Diploma. [Migne. Patrolo- giaev.131] 3460.10 CHRIST'S hospital, History of the school of. Ack- ermann, R 2540.1 CHRIST'S kirk on the green ; an anc. Scottish poem. Callander, J 2537.1 CHRIST'S tears over Jerusalem. Nash. [Brydges. Archaica, v.l] 2591.14 CHRODEGANGUS. Regulacanonicorum ; Diploma. [Migne. Patrologiae v.89] 3450.20 CHRODOBERTUS. Judicium de muliere adultera. [Migne. Patrologiae v.54, 87] 3450.18 CHROMATE of potash, a test for arsenic, copper, and corrosive sublimate. Cooper, T. . . 3787.7 CHROMATICS. Sermo ; In evang. Matthsei ; Scrip- ta apocr. [Migne. Patrologise v.20] . . . 3440.14 CHRONIC affections of the digestive organs, etc. Thomas, J M.Pph.v.83 CHRONIC diseases. Cadogan, W M.Pph. v.57 Leake, J. D. peculiar to women *3?70.21 Waterhouse, B. General doctrine of . . M.Pph.v.4 CHRONICA der Sachsen. Botho.C *2S10.6 CHRONICLE of Battel abbey, transl. with notes, by M. A. Lower. London, 1851. 8 2503.14 CHRONICLE of Calais. Ed. by J. G. Nichols. London, 1846. sm.4. [Camden soc. No.35]*2410.35 CHRONICLE of Cranborne, account of the ancient town, lordship and chase. London, 1841. t>.*249i.21 CHRONICLE of the Grey friars of London. Ed. by J.G.Nichols. London, 1S52. sm.4. [Cam- den society, No. 53] *2410.53 CHRONICLE of Queen Jane, and of two years of Queen Mary, etc. Ed. by J. G. Nichols. London, 1850. sm.4. [Camden society, No.48] *-M16.4S CHRONICLE 169 CHURCH Shelf. Xo. CHRONICLE. See also Cronaea, Cronica, etc. CHRONICLES of the White Rose of York. London, IS 13. 8 2-118.3 CHRONICLES of Casco bay, 1030-1807. [Imperfect. pp. 0-53.] n.p., n.d 8 2330.4 CIIRONICON Amigemensc. [Migne. Patrologias v.lG:>] 3400.40 CHRONICON Beccensis abbatiae. [Mignc. Patro- logise v.150] 3400.28 CIIRONU-ON Besuense. [Migne. Patrologiae v. 102] v.2of 3400.37 CiiRONiCON Clarevallense, 1147-1102. [Migne. Patrologiae v. 183] v.4 of 3470.9 CiiRONiroN Mantnanum. [Archivio stor. ital. nuova serie] v.lof 5245.2 CHRONICON monasterii Aldenburgensis. [Migne. Patrologiae v. 174] 3470.3 - Same. Ed. R. D. F. van de Putte. Gan- davi et Bruges, 1840-43. 4. [Bruges. Soeiete d'emulation de la Flandre] . . . . *2821.4,5 CHRONICON monasterii de Abingdon. Ed. by J. Stevenson, v. 1-2. London, 1858. 2v. 8". [Great Britain. Rolls chronicles] *2414.9 CHRONICON paschale. Rccensuit L. Dindorfius. Bonnae, 1832. 2v. 8. [Corpus seriptorum hist. Byz. v.lG, 17] *29G9.1 CHRONICON Petroburgcnse, curante T. Stapleton. London, 1840. sm.4. [Camden society, no. 47] *2410.47 CHRONICON ViTodunense ; sive de vita et miracu- lis S. Edithae, cura G. H. Black. Londini, 1830. f *2500.5 CHRONICON Vormesclense. Brugis, 1847. pp. 02. 4 [Bruges. Soc. d' omul, de la Flandre] . *2821.7 CHRONICON ct cartularium abbatiae Sancti Nicolal Furnensis et chronicon Bcthaniae seu do- mu3 S. Joseph Furnensis. Brugis, 1849. 4. [Bruges. Societe d' emulation de la Flan- dre] *2821.6 CHRONICQUE de la tra'ison et mort de Richart deux, roy d' Engleterre, mise en lumierc, etc., par B. Williams. [With an English version.] Londres, 1840. 8. [English hist, soc. 13] *2413.12 CHRONIICES, Les, des contes de Flandres. Bruges, 1S19. pp. 03. 4. [Bruges. Societe d'emula- tion de la Flandre] *2821.8 CHRONIQUE de 1' abbaye de Ter Doest. Bruges, 1845. pp.81. 4. [Bruges. Societe d' emula- tion de la Flandre] *2821.9 C i iRONiQUEde la conquetede Constantinople, etde 1' etablissement des Francois en Moree, tr. d'apresleMS. grec. Paris, 1825. 8. [Buch- on. Coll. des chroniques franc.] v.4. . . . *2G17.2 CHKONIQUE des gestes de Maximilien ler, durant son mariage avec Marie de Bourgogne. Trad, par O. Delcpierre. Bruxelles, 1839. 8. 2842.22 CHEONIQUE du religieux de St. Denys, 1380-1422. Paris, 1839-52. Cv. 4. [France. Coll. de docum. inedits, Ire sdr. Hist. pol. 29-34]. *2G20.4 CHRONIQUE scandaleuse. Comines, P. de .... 2029.1 CHRONIQUES. Archives curieuses de Phistoire de France depuis Louis XI. jusqu' a Louis XVIII. , ou collection des pieces rares et interessantes telles quo chroniques, m&- moires, etc. Lafaist, L 2017.1 CiiRONiQUEsnationales franchises. Buchon, J. A. 2017.2 CHRONOLOGICAL tables of ancient history. Ox- ford, 1835. f *2220.7 CHRONOLOGICAL, tables of modern history. Ox- ford, 1839. f *2220.7 CHRONOLOGY. Art da verifier les dates 2214.4 Blair, J. Chronology of the world 2220.5 Cantii, C. Cronologia per servire alia storia universale 2210.1 Ewing, J. Elementary system of 39G3.8 Hales, W. Analysisof history and prophecy. 2231.5 Idcler, L. Handbuch der Chronologic . . . 2231.3 Las Cases, M. .T. E. D. Chronological atlas . 2'Mi.l New chronological table E.2','4.8 Shel No' CHRONOLOGY, continued. Xcwton. Opera, v.5. Chronology of ancient kingdoms amended 3911.1 Scaligcr, J. De emendatione temporum . . 2210.4 See Treasury of knowledge, v.l 22S4.4 CHRONOMETERS. Parkinson and Frodsham. Brief accountof E. 214. 10 Stausbury, D. Directions for regulating . E. 110. 07 CHRYSAL, or adventures of aguinea. Johnstone, C. 2577.1 CIIRYSEROS. See Fragm. hist. Graec. v.3 3002,11 CHRYSOLOGUS, P. Opera omnia recusa ad recen- Bioncm Seb. Pauli. Parisiis, 1840. 8". [Mig- ne. Patrologiae v.52] 3440.23 Epistola ad Eutychem presbyterum. [Migne. Patrologiae v.54] v.lof 3440.25 See Guillon. Bibliotheque des peres. v.32 of 3499.30 v.23of 3508.2 CHRYSOPA. Symbolse acl monographiam generis chrysopas. Schneider, W. G 3894.4 CHRYSOSTOMCS, J. Opera omnia in Latinum ser- monem convcrsa. Parisiis, 1581. 5v. in 4. f.*3500.13 Contents. Vol.1. Catalogus ; Vita, per Palladium diaconum, per Cassiodorum scnatorera, per Lconcm imperatorem, per Suidam, per Simeonem Metaphras- tem; In Genesim homilias C7; De quibusdara locis librorum sacrorum ceterorum, homilia!, scrmones, expositiones permulti. II. Ea qurc pertinent ad elu- cidationein Matthasi, Marci, et Lucas. III. Homilise et sermoncs in evangeliuin Joannis, ct Acta apostolo- rum, insupcr de trinitate, de eucharistia, de martyrl- bus, etc. IV. Homilia; omnes Pauli cpistolas copios- issime cxplicantes. V. Miscellanea : Ad populum Antioehenum, liomiliaj 80; Didacticaet pnra:nctica ; Epistolse septcm; Apolojetica, advcrsus Gentiles, Juclajos, etc.; Additamenta, videlicet, de virginitate, de providcntia, de avaritia, humilitatc, de juramento, etc.; Ejiistola; et nonuullanunc priraum cdita. Volgarizzamento di alcuni opuscoli, da D. Cavalca. Firenze, 1821 3444.22 See Guillon. Bibliotheque des peres. v. 13-27 of 3490.30 v. 10-19 of 3508.2 Contents. Discours prCliminaire Bur 1'eloquence de Saint Jean C'hrysostome; Vie de memo; Lcs six livres sur le sacerdoce, traductiou nonvellc, augmea- tee des notes du prelat romaiu Michel- Angc Giaco- melli ; Discours Bur les editions et traductions des ceuvres dc Chrysostomc ct surla distribution particu- liere donnee a la collection de ses ceuvres dans cette ouvrage ; Ordre, dans 1'eililion des btnedictins et danscellede Morel; Nouvelle traduction des ocuvres de C.partagecscu trois classes: Foi, Esperance, Char- ite. [Quaedam scripta, maxime homiliae, in Lati- nam linguam versa. Erasmus. Opera, v. 8]. 2920.3 The education of children. Evelyn, J. . . . 2001.2 Orazione. [Gozzi. Opere, v.G] 2797.1 CHURCH, B.Jr. Oration delivered March 5, 1773, to commemorate the bloody tragedy of the 5th Mar., 1770. Boston, 1773. sm.4 .... *3455.58 CHURCH, E. Notice on the beet sugar. North- ampton, 1837. 12 4003.24 CHURCH, T. Passages relating to Philip's war. Boston, 1710. 8m. 4 *2300.22 CHURCH architecture. Bardwell,W. Notes on . 4092.11 Barr, J. Anglican church A 4105.24 Billings, R. W. Tracery of Brancepeth church 4101.15 Brandon, R. and J. A. Parish churches . . 4102.11 Britton, J. Cathedral antiquities 4101.6 - Christian architecture in England . . . . 4091.7 - Essay on Rcdcliffe church, Bristol . . . 4102.3 Caumont, A. de. A. rcligieuse 4095.2 Clarke, C. Architectura eccles. Londini . . . 4090.2 De sacrarum basilicarum origine ac appel- latione. [Muratori. Opera min. v. 12] . . 2710.2 Denison, E. B. Lectures on church building. 4105.22 Gilbert, A. P. M. Basilique metropolitaine de Paris 4103.4 - Notre-Damc de Rouen 4:03.5 Lassus, J. B. L. Cathedrale de Chartres . . 2:00.14 Lcnoir, A. A. monastique 2050.16 Noel, M. J. dc. Cathedrale de Cologne . . 4105.23 Pocock, W. F. Designs for churches .... 4102.2 CHURCH 170 CIACCONIUS Shelf. No. CHURCH architecture, continued. Pugin, A. W. Ecclesiastical A. in England. 4093.12 - Revival of Christian A 4102.7 - True principles of pointed A 4102.8 Relton, H. E. Sketches of churches .... 4101.14 Uggeri, A. Delia basilica di S. Paolo .... 4101.9 Vaientine, A. La basilica Lateranense . . . 4050.7 - La basilica Liberiana 4050.0 - La basilica Vaticana illustrata 4050.11 Vitet, L. Notre Dame de Noyon 2700.13 Weale. Quarterly papers, v.4. Account of the ancient basilicas 4091.6 Whewell, W. Architectural notes on Ger- man churches 4102.18 Willis, R. Architectural history of Canter- bury cathedral 4102.17 Winkles, H. and B. Cathedral churches of England and Wales 4102.1 Woolnoth, W. Cathedral of Canterbury . . 4101.8 Zcstermann, A. C. A. De basilicis libri tres. 4102.5 See also : Chancel, Glass painting, Gothic architec- ture, Pulpits, Rood-lofts, Temples. CHURCH dictionary. Hook, W. F 3433.4 CHUKCH government. See Ecclesiastical polity. CHURCH history. See Ecclesiastical history. CHURCH members' guide. James, J. A 3446.18 CHURCH militant, a poem. Vaughan, W 2559.22 CHURCH music. Filitz, F. Ueber einige Interes- sen der alteren Kirchenmusik 4056.14 Frezza dalle Grotto, G. II cantore ecclesias- tico 4052.31 Gerbert von Hornau, M. Scriptorea ecclesi- astic! de musica 4041.7 Gerlach, O. Die Kirchenmusik in der evan- gelischen Kirche 4057.12 Gotthold, F. A. Soil der bisherige Kirchen- choral mit den rhythmisch-vierstimmigen vertauscht werden ? 4056.15 Hauer. Bemerkungen Uber die Gesangsnoth in der evaugelischen Kirche . ....... 4049.22 Hewins, J. M. Hints concerning 4049.1 Kirchengesang teutsch und lateinisch .... 4052.42 Kocher, C. Die Tonkunst in der Kirche . . 4049.19 Mortimer, P. Der Choral-Gesang zur Zeit der Reformation 4056.13 - System der acht Kirchen-Tonarten . . . 4056.20 Nauenberg, G. Ideen zu einer Reform der christlichen Kirchenmusik 4056.18 Winterfeld, C. v. Der evangelische Kirch- engesang und sein Verhaltniss zur Kunst des Tonsatzes 4052.5 See also, Ambrosian chant, Gregorian chant, Misse, Music. CHURCH review and ecclesiastical register, v.7-9, 11. New Haven, 1854-59. 4v. 8 *5171.1 CHURCH and state. Gladstone, W. E. Relations of 3547. G Griswold,S. Church and state, a union formed by the enemies of both Pph.v.63 Madden, R. R. Connection between .... 3555.2 Redgrave, S. Official handbook of 2485.14 Whately, R. Christianity independent of the civil government 3436.9 See also: England, Church of; Fathers of the church; Roman catholic church; and the names of various other denominations of Christians. CHURCHILL, C. Works. 5th ed. London, 1774. 4v. sm.8 2568.3 Contents. Vol. I. The Rosciad; The apology; Night; The prophecy of famine; Epistle to Hogarth ; The ghost. II. The ghost; The conference; The author; The duellist. III. Gotham; The candidate; The farewell; The times; Independence; The jour- ney. IV. [Ten sermons on the Lord's Prayer.] Poems. 4th ed. London, 1769. 2v. 8 ... 2566.4 Contents. Vol. I. The Bosciad; The apology; Night; The prophecy of famine; An epistle to Wil- liam Hogarth, and the ghost, in four books. II. The conference; The author; The duellist; Gotham, in three books; The candidate; The farewell; The times; Independence, and fragment of journey. Shelf. No. CHURCHILL, C., continued. Life and poems of. [Chalmers. English poets] v.!4of 2592.7 CHURCHILL, F. Diseases of infants and children. Philadelphia, 1850. 8" *3777.8 Selected essays on the puerperal fever, and other diseases peculiar to women. London, 1849. 8". [Sydenham soc.] *3714.3 Contents. Historical sketch of the epidemics of puerperal fever, by the editor; Essay by Dr. Denman; Treatise by Dr. Huline; Observations on the child- bed fever, by Dr. Leake; Treatise on pregnant and lying-in women, by Charles White; Es^ay on child- bed fevers, by Dr. Kirkland; Account of puerperal remittent fever, by Dr. Butter; Observations on puer- peral fever, by Dr. Joseph Clarke; Essays on the man- agement of pregnancy, by Dr. John Clarke; Treatise on the epidemic puerperal fever, by Dr. Gordon ; Dr. JTothergill on the management proper at the cessation of the menses; Dr. Macbride's cases of tumefaction ofthelabium; Dr. Clarke on the cauliflower excres- cence. - Same. Philadelphia, 1850. roy.8 .... *3776.10 Theory and practice of midwifery. With add. by R. M. Huston. 2d Am. ed. Phila- delphia, 1846. 8 *3774.19 - Same. With add. by D. F. Condie. New Am. ed. Philadelphia, 1855. 8 *3774.20 CHURCHILL, G. Address before the Albany typo- graphical society. Albany, 1813. 8 . . *Pph. v. 20 CHURCHILL, John, duke of Marlborough. Let- ters and dispatches, 1702-12. Ed. by Sir G. Murray. London, 1845. 5v. 8 . . . . *2524.1 Memoirs of. Coxe, W 2445.15 CHURCHILL, J. M. Medical botany. See Steven- son, J 3780.5 CHURCHILL, Juvenal. Magazine of wonders, ad- dressed to the people of New York. New York, 1819. 8 *Pph.v.25 CHURCHILL, S., duchess of Marlborough. La con- duite que la duchesse de Marlborough a tenue a la cour de la Grande Bretagne ecrite par elle meme, [et par N. Hooke.] n.p., n.d. 18 2458.38 Private correspondence and select correspond- ence of her husband. Loud., 1838. 2v. 8. 2453.4 CHURCHMAN armed against the errors of the times. See Soc. for distrib. tracts in defence of the church of England 3547.3 CHURCHMAN'S guide, The. Forster, J 3433.3 CHURCHWARDENS, Duty of. Hale, W. H 3090.3 CHURCHYARD, T. Chips concerning Scotland, with life by G, Chalmers. Lond.,1817. 16. 2475.10 Churchyard's good will : verses on the arch- bishop of Canterbury. London, 1815. pp.14. 4. [Park's Helicoma, v.3] *2591.13 Frondes caducas. Reprinted at the Auchinleck press. 1816. 4 *2G05.9 Contents. The mirror of man, and manners of men, 15&4: A sad and solemue funerall, of the right hon. Francis Knowles, knight, 1590; A pleasant discourse of court and wars: with replication to them both, and a commendation of all those that truly serve prince and countrie, written by C. and called his cherish- ing. 1396. See Mirror for magistrates. P.3 2603.8 CHURCH-YARD memorials. Gibbs, J 4100.21 CHURCH-YARDS. Historical notices relating to. Stone, E. C 2534.1 See also : Cemeteries, Sepulchral monuments. CHYLE. De chyli in sanguinem transitu. Lower, R 3803.9 CHYTR.EUS, [orKochhaff.] Series philosophorum. [Gronovius. Thesaurus Grsec. antiq. v.10] 29G0.2 CIACONIUS, A. Historia vtrivsque belli Dacici a Trajano Csesare gesti, ex simvlachris qvse in colvmna eivsdcm Romae visvntvr collecta. Roraae, 1674. f *2300.3 Vitas pontiflcum ct cardinalium, ad Clement- em IX., ab A. Oldoino recognitse. Romae, 1C77. 4v. f *3590.1 CIACCONIUS, P. In colvmnaa rostratas inscript. ex- plicatio. [Grsevius. Thes. antiq. Rom. v.4]. 2950.1 CIAMPI 171 CICERO Shelf. No. CIAMPI, S. Bibliografia dclle corrispondenzc dell Italia. Firenze, 1834-39. 2v.ini. 8 . . . *2162.1 Disamina sull' opiuionc di G. Boccaccio intor- no la papessa Giovanna. Fircnze, 1828. 8. 3552.12 Monument! d'uii manoscritto autografo di G. Boccacci. Firenze, 1827. 8 2772.12 Breve prospetto dell' origine della statuaria. [Coll. d'opusc. scicnt. e lett. v.10] 5278.2 CIAMPINI, G. Examen libri pontiflcalis. [Jlura- tori. Rerum Ital. script, v.3] 2710.1 CIAMPOLINI, L. Prose e poesie. ediz. 3a. Firenze, 1832-40. 3v. 24 4779.20 Contents, Vol. I. Le guerre dei Sulliotti contro All Bassa di Janina; Lezioue sopra un luogo della Divina coramedianel xiii canto del purgatorio; Cenni sul- la vita e sugli scritti di F. Bencdetti ; Delia vita c delle poesie di G. Fantoni, cogn. Labindo; Articoli necro- logici. II. Proemio a Necra; Idilli; JLiriche. III. Viaggio di tre giorni ; Frammento. CIANELM, A. ST. Dissertazioni sopra la storia Lucchese di ; Nuove mura di Lucca. [Me- morie e documenti per servire all' istoria di Lucca, v.1-3, 8] 2711.4 GIBBER, C. Apology for his life, written by him- self. 2d ed. London, 1740. 8 2455.14 Letter to Mr. Pope, and another occasional letter. London, 1777. 12 2549.6 She wou'd, and she wou'd not ; The careless husband; The provoked husband. [Cum- berland. British drama, v.3, 5,0] .... E. 229.7 CIBBER, T. Apology for the life of T. Cibber. Dublin, 1741. 12" 2458.19 Lives of the poets of Great Britain and Ire- land. London, 1753. 5v. 12 2443.14 CIBRARIO, L. Delia economia politica del medio evo. 2a ed. Torino, 1841-12. 3v. 12 . . 3C48.4 Descrizione storica degii ordiui cavallereschi. Torino, 184G. 2v. 4 *2230.9 Opcrette. Firenze, 1856. 12 4749.5 Contents. Storia del conte Rosso [Amedeo VII. di Savoia]; Frammenti storici sul rcgno d' Amedeo; Terre libere del Piemonte; Matildc di Savoia regina diPortogallo; Le valli di Laiizo e d'Usseglio; Statuti e concordato d'Amcdco VIII. ; Gugliclmo Bolomier vicc-cancelliere di Savoia giustiziato ncll44G; Torino ncl 1335; Pallio figuratoj Amori e morte d' Agnese Visconti Gonzaga; Societa popolari c alberghi de* nobili nel medio evo; Viaggio di Chiara Gonzaga iu Piemonte ed in Savoia; Artiglierie dal 1300 al 1700; Commercio degli schiavi a Geneva; Giudizio feudale contro il presidente di Fcisigny ; Della giustizia umana. Opuscoli. Torino, 1841. 10 47G6.3 Contents. Delle giostre alia cortc di Savoia; To- rino nel 1333; Dell' ordine dell' annunziata; Del Commercio dcgli schiavi a (jcnova; Escmpio di gius- tizia feudale ; Necrologie ; Dell' imputabilita nclle alienazioni di mente; Delia pace pubblica interna; Dclle finanze di Savoia re' sccoli XIII. e XIV.; Cro- nologia de' principi di Savoia rettiflcata. Storie di Chieri con documenti. Torino, 1827. 2v. 8" 2727.10 See Bernabo-Silorata. Prose c poesie di Ital- ian! viventi,v.G, 7 4708.16 CICCEIDE, La, pot-main sonetti. Lazzcrclli, G. F. 4707.11 Ciccoxr, T. Lettere di alcunl accademici della Crusca. Pesuro, 1835. 8 2747.12 CICERO, M. T. Opera, cum indicibus ct variis lec- tionibus. Oxonii, 1783. lOv. 4 *291L8 Contents. Vol. I. Rhetorica: De inventione; De oratore; Brutus, sive de Claris oratoribus ; Orator; To- pica; Oratorio; partitiones; Deoptimo gcnere orator- urn. II., III. Philosophical 2. Lucu'.lus; Aeademico- rum liber primus; De iinibus bonorum et malorum; Tusculanas quajstiones; De natura deorum. ". De divinatione; De fato; De lezilnis; De ofHciis; Cato major, sive de scnectute; Lajlius, sive de amicitia; Paradoxa ; Philosrphicorum frngmenta ; Somuium Scipionis; Timajus, sive de uuiversitute. IV.- VI. Orationcs: 4. Oratio pro Publio Quinto; Pro S. Koscio Amerino; Pro Q. Roscio comocdo; In Q. Cajciiium, divimitio ; In C. Vcrrcm ; De prajtura urb-ma ; De jurisdictione Siciliensi; De frumento: DC signis; De suppHeiis; Pro M. i'oiituio; Pro A. Cascina." 5. Ora- Shelf. No. CICERO, M. T., continued. tio pro lege Manilla; Pro A. Cluentio Avito; De lege agraria, tres; Pro 0. Rabirio; In L. Catilinam, quatuor; ProL. Murasna; Pro L. Flacco; Pro P. Sylla; Pro A. Licinio Archia; Post reditum, duo; Pro demo sua; De haruspicum responsis; Pro Cn. Plaucio. (J. Oratio pro P. Sextio; In Vatinium; Pro M. Caclio; De provinciis consularibus; Pro L. Cornelio Balbo; In L. Calpurn- ium Pisonem; Pro T. Annio Milonc; Pro C. Rabirio Postumo; Pro M. Mnrcello; Pro Q. Ligario; Pronge Dejotaro; In M. Antonium Philippics quatuordecim: Orationum fragmeuta. VII., VIII. Epistolao : 7. Ad familiarcs. 8. Ad Atticum. IX. Ad Quintum fra- trem; Ad Brutum; Epistolarum fragments; Poema- tum fragmeuta; Fragmenta librorum incertorum. X. Adjiciuntur: Rhetorica ad C. Herennium; De petilione consulatus; Ciceronis historia perFabrici- um; Jacotius de doctrina philosophorum. Opera omnia. [Ed.] C. G. Schtitz. Lipsiae, 1814-21. 20v. in 27. 10 2919.1 Contents. Vol. I. Incerti auctoris rhetoriconim ad Herennium libri quatuor, et Ciceronis rhetoriconim libri duo. II. De oratore. III. Brutus; Orator; To- pica; Partitiones oratorio; Deoptimo gcncro orator- urn. IV. Orationes pro Quintio, Roscio Amerino, Roscio comoedo, et Divinatio in Csecilium; Accedunt anouymi veteris interprets in orat. pro Ro cio Amer- ino ejusdemque et Asconii in divinationem notse. V. Pars i. Actionis prinia; in Verrem proocmium; Actionis sccunda; liber primus etsecundus; Accedunt Asconii ct anonymi vetcris interpretis in dims priores orationes notae. Pars ii. Actionis secuuda? in Verrem liber tertius, quartus ct quintus. VI. Orationes pro Fonteio, Cascina, lege Manilla, Cluentio, de lege ogra- ria contra Rullum, pro Rabirio perduellionia reo. VII. Orationes in Catilinam, pro Murcua, Flacco, Sulla, Archia poeta, Plancio. VIII. Pars i. Orationes pro Sextio, in Vatinium, pro Caslio, de provinciis consularibus, pro Balbo, in Pisonem, pro Milone, pro Rabirio Postumo, pro Ligaiio, pro rege Dciotaro; Ac- cedunt Asconii in orat. in Pisonem ct pro Miloue, et anonymi in orat. pro Milone, Ligario et Deiotaro scholia. Pars ii. Orationes Philippics! in M. Antoni- um. Pars iii. Orationes suppositas post reditum in Bcnatu, ad Quirites post reditum, pro domo sua, de haruspicum responsis, pro M. Marcello; Accedunt Ciceronis, qua; vulgo feruntur ad Brutum, et Brutl ad Ciceronem epistola:. IX., X. Epistola; ad famili- ares. XI., XII. Epistola; ad Atticum; Epist. ad Q. fratrem; Q. Ciceronis ad M. fratrem lib. do pctitione consulatus. XIII. Ac-ademicorum libri duo et de fi- nibus bonorum ct imlorum ad M. Brutum lib. quin- que. XIV. Tusculanarum disputationum libri quinque; Paradoxa ad M. Brutum. XV. Libri de natura deorum, de divinatione, de fato. XVI. Parsi. Libri de Icgibus, dc officiis, de senectute, dc amicitiu. Pars ii. Operum depard. frngmenta. Pars iii. Frag- menta librorum de republica, ab A. Maio cdita. XVII. Index geographicus et historicus. XVIII., XIX. Index I.atinitatis. XX. Indices. (Euvres completes, [lat. et fr.] Paris, 1810- 18. 27v. 8 2918.1 Contents. Vol. I.-IV. Ouvrages de rhetoriquo ; 1. De la rhetorique a C. Herennius. 2. De 1'invcntion ; Les trois dialngnes de 1'orateur. 3. Dialogues dc 1'or- ateur, cont.; Brutus, ou dialogue surles om tours illus- tres. 4. L'orateur, ailresse a M. Brutus; Les topiqueg adressOs a C. Tribatius; Les partitions oratoires; Des orateurs parfuits. V.-XIII. Oraisons. XIV.-XX. Lct- tres. XXI. -XXVII. Ouvrages philosophiques: L'l. Questions acadumiqucs; I.ucullns; 21,22. Trait6 sur les vrais bicus et sur lea vraismaux; UJ, i 1 '!. Tuscu- lancs. 23. Traite sur la nature des dieux. 24. Traite de la divination. i5. Traite du destin ; Traite dcslois; Traite des devoirs; :G. Caton 1'ancien, ou dialogue ur la vieillesse; Dialogue sur 1'amitic'; Lcs paradoxes; De ladctnande du consulat. 27. Traitu de la conso- lation ; Fragmcns; Histoire de M. T. Ciceron par 1' abbe Prevost. Fragmenta ad ed. J. V. Leclerc, cur. N. E. Le- maire. Parisiis, 1831. 8. [Lemaire. Bib- lioth. class. Lat. 23] *2917.7 - See Fragmenta hist. Grac. v.3 3002.11 Opera rhetorica et oratoria, ed. J. W. Rinn. Parisiis, 1831-32. 2v. 8. [Lemaire. I'.ib- lioth. class. Lat. 0, 7] *2917.3 Contents. Vol. I. Ad C. Herennium; Dc inven- tione rhetorica; Topiea; Oratoria? partitiones; De optimo pcucre oratorum. II. Ad Q. fratrem de ora- tore; Brutus, eeu, de Claris oratoribus; Ad M. Bru- tum, orator. CICERO 172 CIMBRI Shelf. No. CICEKO, M. T., continued. Opera philosophica, ex recens. J. Davisii. Ed. R. G. Rath. Halis Sax., 1804-20. 6v. 8 *2927.2G Contents. Vol. I. DC finibusbonorum et malorura. II. TusculaniE disputationes. III. Academica. IV. De legibus, cum Turnebi commentario. V. De divi- natione et de fato. VI. De natura deorum. Opera philosophica, ad ed. J. V. Leclerc, cur. N. Bouillet. Parisiis, 1828-31. 6v. 8. [Le- maire. Biblioth. class. Lat. 14-19] *2917.5 Contents. Vol. I. Academicorum posteriorura H- . her primus, ad M. Tcrentiura V'arronem; Academi- corum priorum liber secundus, qui inscribitur Lucul- lus; Paradoxa; Timams ex Platone, seu de universe; Protagoras ex Platone ; CEeonomicorum, ex Xeno- phonte. II. De finibus bonorura ct malorum. III. Tusculante quaestiones. IV. De natura deorum; Dcdivinatione; De fato. V. DC rcpublica; Somnium Scipionis. VI. Dcofficiis; Cato major, seu de sencc- tutc; Lselius, Bive de amicitia. Offices, Cato, Laelius, friendship, paradoxes, Scipio's dream, and letter to Quintus, tr. by C. R. Edmonds. New York, 1855. 12 . . 2928.25 La difficolta dell' eloquenza, dal libro dell' or- atore; De barbarismo, ad Herennium; De arte rhetorica; Topica; De partitione ora- toria ; De oratore j Brutus ; Orator ; De optimo genere oratorum. [Autori del ben parlare. Parte, i, ii. v.3. pt.iv.] 3590.10 Epistolae, ad ed. J. V. Leclerc, cur. N. E. Le- maire. Parisiis, 1827, 28. 3v. 8. [Lemaire. Biblioth. class. Lat. 20-22] *2917.6 Epistolse, zum Gebrauche fiir Schulen, von J. Billerbeck. Hannover, 1&30. 4v. 8 ... 2928.12 Letters, with remarks by W. Melmoth. Lon- don, 1753. 8 ,. 2918.3 Essays on old age and friendship, [tr.] by W. Melmoth. 8th ed. London, 1820. 8" .... 2928.27 Orationes omnes, ad ed. J. V. Leclerc, cur. N. E. Lemaire. Parisiis, 1827-30. Ov. if. [Le- maire. Biblioth. class. Lat. 8-13] *2917.4 Orationes. Explanavit Carolus Halm. Lip- siae, 1845-48. 2v. 8 292S.2 Orations, transl. by W. Guthrie. 2d ed. Lon- don, 1745-58. 3v. 8 2927.25 Orationes quaedam selects ; accesserunt dia- logi de senectute et de amicitia, cum notis in usum Delphini. Ed. 9. Londini, 1770. 8. 2928.13 Orationes quaedam selectae. Ed. Exon. 3a. Exoniae, N. H. 1820. 12 7089.27 Orationes quaedam selectae. Ed. stereo, [cura C. Folsom.] Bostoniae, 1830. 12 7089.26 Orationes sclectae XV. Recog. J. C. Orellius. Turici, 1836. 8 2928.5 Orationes selectae, notis illustratae. 4a ed. stereo. [C. Folsom.] Boston, 1855. 12 . . 7089.22 Orationes IV. in Lucium Catilinam, mit An- merkungen von C. Benecke. Leipzig, 1827. 2v. 8 2928.15 Oratio de praetura Siciliensi. Hrsg. v. F. Creuzer u. G. H. Moser. Gottingen, 1847. 8 2928.3 Oratio pro A. Lie. Archia, poeta, rec. R. Stue- renburg. Ace. annot. Lipsiae, 1832. 8. . 2928.18 Select orations, transl. into English, with the original Latin. London, 175G. 8 2928.28 Select orations, with notes by C. Anthon. New ed. New York, 1849. 12 7089.23 Select orations, trausl. by C. D. Yonge. New York, 1850. 12 2928.24 Select orations, with notes by E. A. Johnson. New York, 1857. 12 7089.24 Rede fiir Sextus Roscius, mit Einl. u. Com- mentar von E. OseubrUggen. Braunschweig, 1844. 8 2928.19 Peroraison pour Milon. [Alcmbert. CEuvres, v.13] 2097.1 Orazionc in difesa di Q. Ligario. [Race, di prose, v.l] 2707.4 Ad M. Brutum, orator: rcc. H. Mcycrus cum epistola C. H. Frotscheri. Lipsite, 1827. 8. 2928.14 Shell. No. CICERO, SI. T., continued. Brutus. Emendavit, etc. H. Meyerus. Halis, 1838. 8 2928.8 Cato Major seu de senectute ct, paradoxa. Ed. A. G. Gernhard. Lipsiae, 1819. if 2928.16 De fato, cum notis I. Henr. Bremii. Lipsiae, 1795. pp. 81. 8 2928.17 De finibus bonorum et malorum. Rec. J. N. Maduigius. Hauniae, 1839. 8 2928.1 De legibus. Ed. G. H. Moser et F. Creuzer. Francofurti ad M. 1824. 8 2928. 10 De natura deorum. Ed. G. H. Moser. Lipsiae, 1821. 8 2928.6 De officiis, ed. a C. Beiero. Lipsiae, 1820-21. 2v. 8 2928.9 De officiis. Recensuit R. Stuerenburg. Lip- siae, 1834. 8" 2928.7 De officiis. Ed. by Rev. H. A. Holden. 1st Am. ed. by C. Anthon. N. York, 1859. 12. 7089.25 De oratore. Rec. emend, interp. F. Ellendt. Regimontii Pruss., 1840. 2v. in 1. 8 ... 2928.4 De re astronomica, carmina ex Arato. [Le- maire, v. 140. Poetae Latini minorcs] . . . 2912.1 De republica, ed. A. Maio. Romas, 1822. f.*2910.10 De republica quae supersunt, etc., cum uotis, etc. A. Mail. Halae, 1824. 8 2928.20 De republica, cum Maii praef. et comm. Ed. G. H. Moser. Accedit F. Creuzeri annot. Francofurti ad M. 1826. 8 2928.11 Tusculan questions, transl. by G. A. Otis. Boston, 1839. 12 2928.26 Abeken, B. R. Cicero in seinen Briefeu . . . 2928.21 Ernesti, J. A. Clavis Ciceroniana 2919.2,4 Heusde, J. A. C. van. Disquisitio de philo- sophia Ciceroniana 2928.22 Indices Ciceronis, ex ed. J.V. Leclerc, recogn., etc., N. E. Lemaire. Parisiis, 1832. 8. [Le- maire. Biblioth. class. Lat. 24] *2917.8 Judicium de consolatione Ciceronis (opusculo Sigonii.) [Lipsius. Opera, v.l] 2920.1 Kiihner, R. Ciceronis in philosophiam ejus- que partes merita 2928.23 Nizzoli, M. Lexicon Ciceronianum . .... 2010.11 Lyttelton, G., Lord. On the life of C. ... 2608.3 Middleton, C. Histoire de Ciceron. [Prevost d' Exiles. (Euvres, v.36-39] 2068.1 Passeroni, G. C. H Cicerone, poema [giocoso] 4779.15 Schiitz, C. J. Lexicon Ciceronianum .... 2919.3 Villemain, A. Etudes sur Ciceron 4077.7 CICOGXA, E. A. Saggio di bibliografia vencziana. Venezia, 1847. 4 , *2170.8 See Arehivio stor. ital. v.8 5245.2 CICOGNAKA, L. Biografia di Antonio Canova. Venezia, 1823. 8 4074.14 Delbello. Firenze, 1808. sm.4 3601.2 Dell' origine [ec.] dei nielli. Venezia, 1827. 4. 4061.2 Memorie spettanti alia storia della calcografia. Prato, 1831. 8. Tavole. f *40G3.4 Storia della scultura dal suo risorgimento in Italia fino al secolo di Canova. 2a ed. rived. Prato, 1823-24. 7v. 8. Tavole. Iv. f . *4073.6 CICOGNIXI, J. See Corazzini, F. Miscellanea, etc. 4777.6 CID Ruy Diaz de Vibar. Poeme du Cid texte espagnol aceompagne d'une traduction francaise. Notes, etc., par Damas Hinard. Paris, 1858. 4 3093.19 Du poeme du. Barret, E. . 3093.18 CiECO da Ferrara, o Francesco Bello, o Fr. Coiio- Bciuti. II mambriano. Veuezia, 1840. 4. 2791.13 CiEXFUEGOS, N. A. de. Teatro. Barcel., 1830. 8 . 3095.1 Contents. La condcsa de Castillo, trajedia; Idome- neo, trajedia; La Zorayda, trajedia; Las Llermanas jcnerosas, comedia moral. CIESZKOAVSKI, A. Du credit et de la circulation. 2e ed. Paris, 1847. 8 3656.3 CILLEY, J. Sermon on the death of. See Sprague, W. B Pph.v. 101,266 CiMBEn, I;., pseud. See Lafaist, L. CIMBUI. The Gael and Cymbri. Bctliam, Sir W 2020.19 C1MENTELLI 173 CLAP Shelf. No. CIMENTELLI, V. Cose giocose. [Dati. Prose Cor- outine, v 12] 2787.1 Marmor Pisauum dc honore Biscllii ; De mus- cis odoris ; De vcterum sellis. [Graevius. Thesaurus antiq. lloman. v.7] 2950.1 CIMENTO, Accademia del. See Florence. CI31INELLO, X. Dell' Aquila, poema storico della guerra dell' Aquila con Braccio da Montone ncgli anni 923, e 924. [Muratori. Antiq. Ital. v.17] 2720.7 CINAGLT, A. Le moiiete de' papi descritte in ta- vole sinottiche. Fermo, 1848. f *2730.2 CINCHONA. Duncan, A. Observations on. M. Pph. v. 11 Lambert, A. B. Illustration of the genus C. 3850.7 Magendie, F. Preparation and uses of. M. Pph. v. 125 CINCIARINO, P. Introdvttorio abbreviate cli nlv- sica piana, etc. Venetia, 1555. 4 *4055.44 CINCINNATI. Observations on a pamphlet entitled Considerations on the society or order of the Cincinnati. Hartford, 1784. 12 . . *Pph.v.218 CINCINNATI, Ohio. Charter and ordinances. Cin- cinnati, 1850. 8 *6389.1 Cist, C. Cincinnati in 1841 2373.13 Drake, B. Cincinnati in 1820 2373.12 Drake, D. Natural and statistical view of . . 2373.14 CINCINNATI college. Catalogue, 1830-37. 2d ed. Cincinnati, 1837. 8 *M.Pph.v.29 CINCINNATI eclectic medical institute. Annual announcement, 1817,51-5-'. 8 ... M.Pph.v.43,51 CINCINNATI mercantile library association. Cata- logue of the library. Cincinnati, 1S53. 8 . *2136.5 CINCINNATUS, Considerations sur 1' ordre de. Mirabeau, G. H. R. de 3502.19 CINELLI-CALVOLI, G. Biblioteca volante continu- ata dal dottor D. A. Sancassani. Ed. 2a. Venezia, 1734-17. 4v. in 3. 4" *2170.11 TINEAS Thessalus. See Fragm. hist. Grsec. v.2. 3002.11 CINI, G. B. Vita di Cosimo de' Medici. Firenzc, 1011. sm.4 2744.10 Letterc. [Dati. Prose florentiue, v. 14] . . . 2787.1 CINNA, C. H. Vita ct carmiuum reliquiae. Wei- chert, M. A 2912.0 CINNAMUS, J. . Epitome rerum ab loanne et Alcxio Comnenis ge.starum. Rcc. A. Meiucke. Bon- nae, 18:13. 8. [Corpus script. Byz. v.2G.] *29G9.1 CINO da Pistoia. Vita e memorie, poesie ; dal cav. S. Ciampi. 3a ed. Pistoia, 1820. 2v. in 1. 8 2745.7 CINONIO, II, pseud. See Mambclli, M. A. CINQ.-MARS, H. C. de R., marq. de. Particulari- tes en la mort dc. [Lafaist. Arch. hist. France. Ser.2, v.5J 2017.1 Cixyi: ports. Brayley, E. \V. . Delineations of. 2497.3 Holloway, W. Incidental notices of the . . 2503. 15 Lyon, J. Account of the 2402.13 Oldliekl, T. II. B. History of the 2514.5 CINTRA, P. de. Navigatione. [Ramusio. Raccolta delle navigation! ct viaggi, v.l] 2200.2 ClOCCi, R. Narrative of iniquities and barbari- ties practised at Rome in the 19th century. 1st Am. ed. Philadelphia, 1844. 12 . . *Pph.v,229 CIPKIDIO, M. Elogio di A. Gritti. [Klogj itali- ani, v.l] 2743.15 CIRBIED, J. C. Grammaire de la langue armen- iennc. Paris, 1823. 8 3034.10 Refutation d' une critique an sujct de la grain- maire arrnenienne de M. Cirbicd. Paris, 1S23. 8. [Journal asiatiquc] . . . . v.3 of *3317.1 CIRCASSIA. Histoire ct description de Circassie. Chopin, J. M 2270.8 See also : Caucasus. CIRCASSIAN language. Circassian-English-Turk- ish dictionary. Loewe, L V .C of 2940.7 CIRCE: a tragedy. D'Avcnant, C. . .' 2575.11 CIIICENSIAN games. Account of. Burgess, R. . 2730.12 CIRCLE, Quadrature of the. Parker, J. A. . . . 3925.8 CIRCULATION of money. Cieszowski, A. De la circulation 3050.3 Tooke, T. State of the C. 1793-185.) 3041.7 Shelf. No. CIRCULATION of the blood. Hall, M 3885.4 Della circolazione. [Spallanzaui. Opere, v.4]. 3817.3 Harvey, W. Motion of the blood 3803.11 Hasse, C. E. Diseases of the organs of . . . 3714.9 CIRCUS on the Via Appia. Burgess, R 2730.12 CIRENCESTER, History of. Rudder, S 2504.7 CIRIACY, L. F. v. Belagerungskrieg des konigl. preussischen zweiten Armee-Korps, [1815.] Berlin, 1818. 8 2824. S Militairische Beschreibung des osmamii- schen Reichs. Berlin. 1824. 8 3082.7 CiRlCO, L. La coltivazione del grano turco. [Rac- colta de' poemetti didascalici, etc. v.12] . . 4779.8 CIRIFFO Calvaneo ; poema. Pulci,L. de' 2807.2 CIRINO, A. De urbe Roma ejusque rege Romulo. [Sallengre. Nov. thes. antiq. Rom. v.2] . 2950.2 CIRRIPEDIA, A monograph on. Darwin, C. . . 3824.3 CIST, C. Cincinnati in 1841. Cincin., 1841. 12. 2373.13 CISTERCIAN order. Processionale Cisterciense . 4058. 7 Menologium Cisterc. Henriquez, R. P. C. . . 3540.8 CITIES. See Index villaris, Towns, Boroughs. CITTADELLA, G. Storia della dominazione car- rarese in Padova. Padova, 1842. 2v. 8 . 2727.8 CITTADINI, C. Opere, raccolte da Girolamo Gigli. Roma, 1721. 10 4700.4 Contents. Trattato della vera originc, e del pro- cesso, e nome della nostra lingua; L'origine dclla tos- canafavella; DegV idiomi toscani, trattato; Xote in margine dclla giunta di Lodovico Castelvetro al ra- gionamento degli articoli del Bcmbo; Xote sopra le prose di Pietro Bembo. Le origin! della uolgar toscana favella. Siena, 1004. 10 4770.45 Le origini della volgar toscana favella ; Trat- tato della vera origine della nostra lingua. [Autori del ben parlare. Partel,v.O]. . . 3590.10 Opiuioni. [Autori del ben parlare. Partc 1, v.l] 3590.10 CIVIALE, J. Lithotritie, on broiemeut de la pierre dans la vessic. Paris, 1827. b *3740.33 Maladies des organes genito-urinaires. 2e ed. augm. Paris, 1850. 2v. 8 *3740.56 CIVIL engineer and architect's journal, v.1-15, 13- 21. London, 1838-5*<. 19v. 4 *3200.1 CIVIL engineers, Institution of. Catalogue of the library. See London 2132.0 CIVIL law. See Law, Roman. CIVILIZATION. Brotonne, F. de. Civilisation primitive 2211.2 Guizot, F. P. G. Civilisation en Europe de- puis la chute de 1' empire remain 2302.12 Rornagnosi, G. D. Dell' indole e dei fattori dell' iucivilimento 4778.7 Sega, J. What is true C 3500.24 See also : Progress. CIVITAVECCHIA. Istoria dell' antichissima citta di. Frangipani, A 2700.17 CLAIRAUT, A. C. Recherches sur les courbes a double courburc. Paris, 1731. 4 *3920.18 Theorie de la figure de la terre. 2e ed. Paris, 1808. 8 **E. 188.20 Figure of the earth. Maupertuis, P. L. M. de E. 189.3 CLAIRON, C. J. Leyris de Latude, k;iotcn as Mile. C. Memoires. [Barriere. Mi'm. rel. a 1' hist, de France, v.O] 4007.2 CLAP, Rev. N. Discourse on the death of. Callen- der, J 3450.40 CLAP, R. Memoirs. [Dorchester antiquarian and historical society, No.l] 2:;!7.7 See Young, A. First planters of Mass. . . . 2352.4 CLAP, T. Essay on moral virtue and obligation. New Haven, 1705. 8 *35S5.20 Letter to a friend in Boston [on] Mr. White- field's design to turn ministers out of their places. Boston, 1745. 18 *345S.92 Letter to Mr. C. concerning Whitefield. See Edwards, J 3458.92 Letter to Mr. Edwards showing that he con- tradicts himself. Boston, 1745. 4 .... *3458.92 CLAP 174 CLARKE Shelf. No. CLAP, T., continued. Religious constitution of colleges, especially of Yale college. New London, 1754. sm.4 *3458.16 Daggett, N. Sermon on the death of . . . . 3457.20 Gale, B. Remarks on Mr. Graham's vindica- tion of 2348.12 and others. Declaration of the rector and tu- tors of Yale college against Rev. Geo. Whitcficld, his principles and designs. Bos- ton, 1745. pp.15. 10 *3455.20 CLARAC, C. O. F. J. B. de. Manuel de Phist. de 1'art chez les anciens. Paris, 1847-19. 3v. 12. 40S0.11 Musee de sculpture antique et modcrne. Con- tinue par A. Maury. Paris, 1820-53. Cv. in 7. 8. Planches. Ov. obl.4 *4073.4 CLARE, J. Poems, descriptive of rural life and scenery. 4th ed. London, 1821. 10 ... 2549.23 Rural muse. Poems. London, 1835. 10. . 2540.20 Shepherd's calendar; with other poems. London, 1827. 16 2549.22 Village minstrel, and other poems. London, 1821. 2v. 10 2540.21 CLARENDON, Lord. See Hyde. CLARIDGE,J. Rules to judge of the weather. New ed. London, 1827. pp.50. 12 3964.14 CLARI, G. C. M. Stabat mater ; a 4 voei concert. con stromcnti. [Dehn. Practische Musik- Werke, v.4] 4051.14 - Same. Secondo un altro manoscritto. [Dehn. Practische Musik-Werke, v.20] . . 4051.14 CLARINDA, Mrs. Me Lehose. Letters to. See Burns, II. Works, v.4 2578.12 CLARK, Aaron. Civilization of the Indians. Ora- tion. Albany, 1819. 8 *Pph. v. 24 Trial of J. Graham for murder. Albany, 1814. 8 *Pph.v. 10 CLARK, Alonzo. The annual address before the New York state medical society, etc., etc. Albany, 1853. 8 *M. Pph. y. 52 CLARK, Andrew. Practical directions for preserv- ing the teeth. 2d ed. London, 1820. 8 . . 3805.20 CLARK, C. John Noakes and Mary Styles : a poem, exhibiting localisms peculiar to Es- sex. London, 1839. pp.48. 12 2580.4 CLARK, D. Proofs of the corruption of Gen. J. Wilkinson and his connection with Burr. Philadelphia, 1809. 8 2324.3 CLARK, D. K. Railway machinery. Glasgow, 1855. 2v. 1.4 *4010.21 CLARK, E. The Britannia and Conway tubular bridges. London,1850. Iv.in2. 1.8. Plates. f *4014.5 CLARK, G. Common mode of defending the doc- trine of the trinity. Boston, 1817. 8 . *Pph. v. 240 CLARK, G. F. History of the town of Norton. Boston, 1850. 12 2357.9 CLARK, G. T. Reports on sewerage, supply of water, etc. [Gt. Brit. Board of health, v.2] 7004.1 CLARK, H. G. Dissertation on ship fever, or Brit- ish typhus. Boston, 1850. 8 ... . *M. Pph. v. 47 CLARK, Rev. James. Two sermons on scriptural union. Jedburgh, 1820. 8 *Pph. v.4S CLARK, Sir James. On pulmonary consumption. London, 1837. 8 *3794.15 Remarks on medical reform, etc. London, 1842. 8 *M. Pph. v. 42 Sanative influence of climate. Fr. 3d London ed. Philadelphia, 1841. 8" 3797.9 Yellow fever in the island of Dominica, 1793- 00. [etc.] London, 1797. 8 *M.Pph.v.95 CLARK, John, gov. of Ga. Purity of the princi- ples of W. IT. Crawford, deducible from his conduct. New York, 1823. 8 *Pph.v.43 CLARK, Rev. John, b. 1745. Remarks on the char- acter of. See Jay, W *Pph. v. 33 CLARK, John, esq. In memory of Daniel Webster. Boston, 1850. pp. 90. 8 2342.5 CLARK, Rev. Jonas. Sermon preached at Lexing- ton, April 19, 1770. [And] Narrative of the transactions of Ap. 19, 1775. Bjston, 1770. pp.34. 8 *3454.14 Shelf. No. CLARK, J. V. H. Onondaga; with notes on Os- wcgo. Syracuse, 1849. 2v. 8 2371.18 CLARK, O. Examination of a minority report made by O Clark on the memorials of inhabitants of New York, in relation to Trinity church, Albany. Alb. ,1815. 8.*Pph. v. 155 CLARK, S. Laws of chance applied to problems relating to cards, etc. London, 1758. 8. . 3923.14 CLARK, S. A. History of St. John's church, Elizabethtown, N. J. Phil.i.,1857. 12 . . . 3540.12 CLARK, T. Observations on fevers, and diseases of the W. and E. Indies, and of America. Edinburgh, 1801. 8 *M. Pph.v.5 CLARK, W. T. Suspension bridge, uniting Pesth with Buda. London, 1852-53. 8 4014.6 CLARKE, A. Bibliographical dictionary. London, 1802-24. Ov. 12 " *214S.3 Bibliographical miscellany. London, 1806. 2v. 12 *2124.6 Last illness and death of Richard Porson. London, 1808. pp.32. 8 2455.1 and J. B. B. View of the succession of sacred literature, to A. D. 1445. London, 1830-32. 2v. 8 *2182.5 CLARKE, B. British gazetteer. London, 1852. 3v. imp.S" *2480.4 CLARKE, C. Architectura ecclcsiastica Londini. London, 1820. 4 *4090.2 CLARKE, Sir C. M. Diseases of females. 3d ed. London, 1831. 2v. 8 *3775.5 CLARKE, Rev. E. Account of Spain and Portugal. [New collection of voyages, v.5] 2263.1 CLARKE, G. R. History of Ipswich, [England.] Ipswich, 1830. 8 *2503.7 CLARKE, G. W. The wreath of the west. Phila- delphia, 1828. 12 2399.40 CLARKE, II. The seaman's desiderata. Bristol, 1800. pp.50. 4 **E.181.11 CLARKE, James F. Christian doctrine of prayer. 2ded. Boston, 1850. 12 3445.24 The church as it was, as it is, as it ought to be: a discourse. Boston, 1848. 8 *Pph.v.269 CLARKE, James S. The life of James II. from memoirs writ of his own hand. London, 1816. 2v. 4 *2410.8 and M'Arthur, J. Life of Lord Nelson. Lon- don, 1809. 2v. 4 *2440.4 CLARKE, John. Address to the people of Penn- sylvania, read to the anti-masonic conven- tion, Feb. 25. Lancaster, 1830. 8 . *Pph. v. 289, 293 CLARKE, John, M. D. Commentaries on some of the diseases of children. P. 1. London, 1815. 8 *3777.2 The management of pregnancy and labour. 2d ed. London, 1800. 8 *3774.21 Cauliflower excrescence from the os uteri ; Management of pregnancy and labour ; Tu- mour of the uterus. [Churchill. Essays on puerperal fever] *3714.3 CLARKE, John, law bookseller. Bibliotheca legum, or catalogue of the law-books of the U. kingdom. New cd. London, 1819. 12 . . *2185.4 CLARKE, Rev. John, of Boston. Discourse deliv- ered at the interment of the Rev. C. Chaun- cy. Boston, 1787. 8" *3455.29 Discourses to young persons. Boston, 1804. 12 *3457.17 Letters to a student in the university of Cam- bridge, Mass. Boston, 1795. 12 *3599.22 CLARKE, John, schoolmaster at Hull, Eny. Exam- ination of [Wollaston's] notion of moral good and evil. London, 1725. 8 . . . . *Pph.v. 31 CLARKE, L. H. Report of the trial of M. M. Noah for libel against S. Miller. New York, 1823. 8 *Pph.v.4J CLARKE, M' D. Poems. New York, 1836. 12. . 2399.33 CLAKKE, M. A. Authentic find interesting me- moirs of Mrs. Clarke. N. York, 1809. 8.*Pph.v.3 CLARKE, M. C. Testimonial to Mrs. M. C. Clarke. New York, 1852. 8 *Pph. v. 193 CLARKE 175 CLAY Shelf. No. CLARKE, Samuel, 6. 1075, d. 1720. Butler, J. Correspondence with bishop Butler . v.2 of 3490.2 Natural religion and Christian revelation. [Watson. Theological tracts, v. 4] ..... 3454.2 DC vcrbis Grascorum. See Wolle, C ..... 2985.14 Winston, W. Historical memoirs of .... 2458.20 CLARK.K, lieo. S., and Dean, P. Addresses, June 8, 1S30, at the stated communication of the Mass, grand chapter. Boston, 1830. 8 . *Pph.v.29G CLARKE, William, bookseller. Repertorium bibli- ographicum. London, 1819. 1.8 ..... *2121.2 CLARKE, Rev. William. Letters from, on Greek philology. [Bowyer. Tracts] ...... 2561.7 CLARICE, William, gov. of Afo. Brief notices of governor C. [St. Louis, 1820.] 8. . . *Pph.v.323 CLARKSOX, D. Select works. Ed. by B. H. Cooper, with life by Rev. J. Blackburn. London, 1846. 8 .............. 3493.1 Contents. Xo evidence for diocesan churches, or any bishops, without consent of the people; Primitive episcopacy, cleared from the Scriptures and ancient records; Discourse concerning liturgies; Of the sav- ace of God: Funeral sermon on Dr. John Owen; "What must Christians do? Doctrine of justification corrupted in the Romish church. CLARKSOX, D. A. New designs for monuments, tombs, etc. London, n.d. 4 ....... 4070.10 CLARKSOX, T. Essay on slavery. 2d ed. London, 1788. 8 .................. 3572.13 - Same. Philadelphia, 1804. 12 ...... 3573.34 History of the abolition of the slave trade. New York, 1830. 3v. 12 ......... 3573.32 Necessity of improving the condition of the slaves in the British colonies. New York, 1823. 8" ................. *Pph.v.55 Portraiture of Quakerism. New York, 1800. Strictures on a life of Wilberforce, with cor- respondence between Lord Brougham and Mr. C. 2d ed. London, 1838. 8 ..... 2447.21 CLASEXI, D. Demonstratio, qua probatur gentil- ium deos, sacrificia et alia ex fonte scripturae originem traxisse. [Gronovius. Thesau- rus Graec. antiq. v.7] ............ 2960.2 CLASIO, L. Favole e sonetti pastorali. [Coll. d'opuscoli scient. e lett. v.4] ....... 5278.2 Lusus pastorales. [Coll. d'opuscoli scient. e lett. v.22] ................. 5278.2 Trc epigrammi latini. [Coll. d'opuscoli scient. elctt.v.20] ................. 5278.2 CLASSIC, The, in Italy and Sicily. Evans, G. W. D ...................... 2704.2 CLASSICAL bibliography. Dibdin, T. F. Intro- duction to the knowledge of editions of the Latin and Greek classics .......... 2174.2 Draud, G. Bibliotheca classica ; in quo singu- li singularum facultatum libri reeensentur 2141.3 Engclmann, W. Bibliotheca script, classic. . 2174.8 English translations of Greek and Latin clas- sics. [Clarke. Bibliogr. miscel. v.l] . . . 2124.6 Jacobs, C. F. W. Beitriige zur altern Lit- teratur .................. 2193.5 Moss, J. W. Manual of ........... 2174.1 Paitoni, J. M. Biblioteca degli autori antichi volgarizzati ................ 2174.11 Schweiger, F. L. A. Handbuch der classis- chcn Bibliographic ............ 2174.5 CLASSICAL dictionary. Sabbathier, F. Diet, pour P intelligence des auteurs classiques . . . 2249.1 Smith, W. Diet, of biography and mythol. . 2930.7 - Same, [abridged, with] geography. . . 2'.):X'.1 See Treasury of knowledge ....... v.l of 2284. 4 CLASSICAL education. Kennedy, C. R. . . . Pph. v. 101 CLASSICAL journal, by A. J. Valpy. London, 1810-29. 40v. 8 .............. *2958.1 CLASSICAL learning. Claims of classical learning examined and refuted. By Rumford. Bos- ton, 1824. 8 .............. *Pph.v.247 Beattie, J. Usefulness of .......... 2557. 5 Irving, J. T. Advantages of ....... Pph. v. 80 Pillaus, J. Utility of classical instruction. Pph. y. 97 Shelf. No. CLASSICAL literature. Elton, C. A. Specimens of the classic poets 2903.14 Fuchs, A. Schriftenthum der Griechcn u. Homer 2193.4 Miiller, C. O. Schriften iibcr Religion, Kuust, Sprache, u. s. w. des Alterthums 2904.10 Smithers, W. C. Classical student's manual . 2932.2 Wakefleld, G. Correspondence of G. Wake- field with C. J. Fox, on 2454.13 CLASSICAL manual. Baird, J. S. S 70S9.17 CLASSICAL museum, The. A journal of philology, etc. v.1-7. London, 1844-50. 7v. 8 . . . . *2957.2 CLASSICAL philology. See Philology, classical. CLASSICS. Felton, H. Dissert, on reading the . 2959.4 See alto : Greek language and literature, Latin lan- guage and literature. CLASSIFICATION. Agassiz, L. J. R. Essay on . 3882.1(5 Ampere, A. M. C. naturelle des sciences . . 2122.17 Robin, C. C. des sciences foudameiitales . . 3920.41 Lubbock, J. W. C. of different branches of knowledge 2122.7 Woodward, A. L. B. Considerations on the C. of the sciences 2120.1 CLATER, F. Every man his own cattle doctor. llth ed. ByMayhew. London, 1853. 12. 4002.19 CLAUDEL, J. Formulcs, etc. Aide-memoire des ingcnieura. 3e ed. Paris, 1854. 8 .... 4033.6 CLAUDIAXCS, C. Opera omnia. Rec-ensmt N. L. Artaud. Parisiis, 1824. 2v. 8. [Lemaire. Biblioth. class. Lat. 25,26] *2917.9 See Elton. Specimens of the cl. poets, v.3 . 2903.14 See Parnaso dei classic! d'ogni nazione,v.40. 2769.1 CLAUDIUS. Opuscula quae supersunt. [Migne. Patrologiae v.104] 3450.28 Contents. Praefatio in libros informationum litteraa et spiritus super Leviticum; Liher primus inforniu- tionum; XXX quzstiones super libros regum; Prae- fatio in catenam super S. Matthscum ; Prafatio in commentaries BUGS nd epistolas B. Pauli npostoli ; Praefatio cxpositionis in epist. ad Ephesios; Enarratio in epist. ad Galatas; Expositio epist. ad Philemonem; Brevis chronica; Excerpta qua:dam ex eommenlariis In epistolas B. Pauli apostoli; Elogium S. Augustini. CLAUDIUS Apollinaris. See Routh. Reliquiae sacrae, v.l 3513.9 CLAUDIUS Cassar. See Fragm. hist. Graec. v.3 . . 3002.11 CLAUSEWITZ, C. v. Die Feldziige von 1799 in Itul- ien, u. d. Schweiz. Berlin, 1833-34. 2v. 8 . 4049.7 Campaign of 1812 in Russia. London, 1843. 8. 3005.3 CLAVEL, R. His majesties propriety on the Brit- tish seas asserted. London, 1005. sm.S . *2519.27 CLAVIER, E. Histoire des premiers temps de la Grece. 2e ed. Paris, 1822. 3v. 8 3070.3 CLAVIGERO, F. S. Storia della California. Vene- zia, 1789. 2v. in 1. 8 2316.3 History of Mexico. Transl. by C. Cullen. London, 1787. 2v. 4 *23!0.20 - Same. Philadelphia, 1817. 3v. 8 . . . . 2314. (5 CLAVILLE, C. F. N. Lemaitre de. See Lemaitre. CLAXTOX, T. Decimal tables for arithmetical cal- culations, n.p. 1825. pp.14. 24. . . **E.199.31 - Same. Boston, 1&30. 8 **E. 110.51 CLAY, C. British record of obstetric medicine and surgery. Manchester, 1848-49. 2v. 8 . . *3774.23 CLAY, C. M. Writings, speeches, and addresses. [Ed. by H. Greeley.] New York, 184S. 8" . 2401.4 CLAY, H. Address to the public in refutation of charges made by Gen. Jackson. Wash- ington, 1827. 8" *Pph.v.23G Life and speeches ; compiled and edited by D. Mallory. 4th ed. New York, 1844. 2v. 8. 2404.0 Private correspondence. Ed. by C. Colton. Boston, 1850. 8" 2343.0 Mr. C.'s moral character. 8 *Pph.v.l45 Speech on slavery, Feb. 5, 1850. New York, 1850. 8 *Pph.v.l80 Speech on taking up his compromise resolu- tions on slavery. New York, 1850. 8 .*Pph.v.l82 Speech delivered at the great barbecue at Lex- ington, Ky. Sing-Sing, N. Y., 1842. 8 . *Pph.y.l82 CLAY 176 CLINTON Shelf. No. CLAY, II., continued. Supplement to the address, published Decem- ber, 1827, in refutation of charges against him. Washington, 1828. 8 *Pph.v.73 Life and public services of. Sargent, E. . Pph.v.147 Obituary addresses on. See United States. CLAYTON, J. Flora Virginica. See Gronovius, J. p 3842.10 Letter to the Royal society, May 12, 1688, giving an account of several observables in Virginia. [Force. Tracts, v.3] 2323.3 CLAYTON, R. On subscription to articles and creeds. [Sparks. Tracts in theology, v.O]. 3409.20 CLEANTIIES. See Boissonade. Poetae Grzeci, v.8. Callimaclms 2979.6 SeeBrunck. Gnomici Graeci 2908.5,0 See Elton. Specimens of the classic poets, v.l. 2903.14 CLEARCHUS Atheniensisr See Poet. com. Graec. fragm 3002.14 CLEARCHUS Solensis. See Fragm. hist. Graec. v.2. 3002.11 CLEAVELAND, E. L. Discourse [at] New Haven, occasioned by the death of Daniel Webster. New York, 1853. 8 *Pph.v.202 CLEAVELAND, N. Address before the Pcucinian society, at Bowdoin college, Sept. 3, 1821. Brunswick, 182*. 8" *Pph.v.252 CLEAVELAND, P. Treatise on mineralogy and geology. 2ded. Boston, 1822. 2v. 8. . 3805.3 CLEAVER, I. An inaugural dissertation on cat- aract. Philadelphia, 1805. 8 . . . . *M.Pph.v.41 CLEF, La, d'or, ou 1'art de gagner a la loterie. Lille.n.d. 18 4079a.l9 CLEGG, S. Architecture of machinery. London, 1842. 4 4012.21 CLEGHORN, G. On the epidemical disease of Mi- norca, with notes by B. Rush. Philadel- phia, 1809. 12" 2809.3 CLELAND, J. Description of Glasgow. 2d ed. Glasgow, 1840. 8 2474.13 Enumeration of the inhabitants of Glasgow. Glasgow, 1820. pp. 41. f 2470.3 CLEMENS, O. Keokuk in 1850 ; also a sketch of the Black Hawk war [etc.]. Keokuk, 1850. 8. 2373 .4 CLEMENS Alexandrinus. See Guillon. Bib. des peres. y. 2 of 3499.30 v.l of 3508.2 CLEMENS Romanus. Opera omnia quae exstant. [Graece et Latine.] Accurante J. P. Migne. Lutetise, 1857. 2v. 8". [Migne. Patrolo- giaa Graecae v.l, 2] 3490.1 Contents. Vol. I. Scripts genuina : Epistola I. II. ad Corinthios; Epistola; duae ad virgines (SyriacS et Latine), interprete D. C. Villecourt ; Scripta dubia : Constitutioncs apostolical ; Recognitiones. II. Ilomilia? viginti; Epitome de gestis S. Fetri; Liturgia. See Guillon. Bib. des peres v.l . . 3499.30, 3508.2 CLEMENT II, pope. Epistolae et privilegia. [Migne. Patrologiae v.142] 3400.21 CLEMENT III, pope. Epistolae. [Migne. Patro- logije v.148] 3400.26 Epistolae et privilegia. [Migne. Patrologiae v.204] 3470.20 Epistolae quinque. [Bouquet. Recueil, v.19]. 2020.1 CLEMENT IV, pope. Epistolae 711. [Martene et Durand. Thesaurus novusanecdotorum,v.2.J 2250.2 CLEMENT VII, pope. Cronaca della dimora in Bologna per la coronazione di Carlo V. Giordani, G 4744.1 Epistolse dementis VII. nomine scriptae. See Sadoleto, G 3476.3 Memorie storiche del principal! avvenimenti politici d' Italia scguiti duranteil pontificate di. See Rossi, P. de 2719.3 CLEMENT XIV, pope. Ganganelli, G. V. A. Let- tore, bolle e discorsi. Ed. da C. Frediani. 2a ed. Firenze, 1849. 12 . . . 2747.19 Lcttresinteressantes. Nouv. e"d. Paris, 1776. 2v. 12 3557.14 Storia del pontificate di. [Archivio stor.ital. Nuovaser. v.4. par. 1] 5245.2 Shei'. CLEMENT, F. See Bouquet. Recueil, v.12, 13 . . 202U.1 CLEMENT, D. Bibliothuque curieuse. Giittingen, 1750-4)0. 9v. in 5. 4 *2140.3 CLEMENT J. M. B. Medee. [Brumoy. Theatre des Grecs, v.O] 2905.4 CLENDININ, J. The practical surveyor's assist- ant. Philadelphia, 1793. 4 **E.213.24 CLEOPATRA. Vita. Landi, G 3059.30 CLEOPHON. See Baiter and Sauppe. Oratores Attici 2903.1 CLERGY list for 1850. London, 1&50. 8 2480.5 CLERGYMAN, Advice to a young 3437.3 See also: Ministers, Pastoral duties. CLERY, J. B. C. H. Journal de la captivit(5 de Louis XVI. Londres, 1798. 8 2046.2 Journal, suivi des [Mem.] par Edgeworth et Mme. Royale. Paris, 1825. 8. [Bcrville et Barriere. Mems. rel. a la rev. fran- gaise, 44] *4C55.4 Journal, etc. [Barriere. Memoires rel. a 1' hist, de France, v.9] 4067.2 CLEVELAND medical college. Annual announce- ment for 1848-49. Cleveland, n.d. 8.*M.Pph. v.44 CLEVELAND, Yorkshire, History of. Graves, J. 2402.7 CLICKING, Treatise on. See Boot and shoe- maker's assistant 4010.20 CLICQUOT-BLERVACIIE, S. De 1'etat du com- merce de la France, xii-xv siecle. [Leber. Coll. diss. hist. France, v.16] 2618.1 CLIFFORD, A., countess of Pembroke. Sermon preached at her funeral, and memoirs. See Rainbow, E 2448.16 CLIMATE. Armstrong, R. The influence of, on the human constitution 3793.13 Barnwell, W. Diseases of a warm atmos- phere 3797.14 Bonstetten, C. V. de. L'influence du climat . 3887.2 Bright, J. Review of the climates recom- mended in affections of the chest 3795.18 Clark, Sir J. Sanative influence of 3797.9 Foissac, B. Influence de climats sur 1'homme. 3887.6 Francis, D. J. T. Change of C. as a remedy in various diseases 3797.23 Gregory, J. Influence of a change of C. in curing diseases 3797.10 Johnson, J. Means of preserving health in hot climates 3797.13 - Medicinal influence of travelling .... 3797. 11 Lind, J. Diseases of hot climates 3797.15 See Paris. Bulletin de la societe zoologique d'acclimatation 39G6.1 Winterbottom, T. M. Medical directions for settlers in hot climates 3797.32 Young, T. On the medical effects of climates . 3735.8 See also: Air, Atmosphere, Meteorology, Moist- ure, Vapors. CLIMATOLOGY. Blodget, L. C. of the U. S. . . 3901.6 Humboldt, F. H. A. v. Fragmens de clima- tologie asiatique 3864.8 See also : Isothermal lines. CLINICAL medicine. See Pathology. CLINTON, C. A. Oration before the Albany mili- tary association. [4th July, 1819.] Albany, 1819. 8 *Pph.v.28 CLINTON, De W. Account of the salmo Otsego, or the Otsego basse. N. York, 1822. 8 . *I'ph. v.43 Address of the republican general committee of the city and county of N. York, [against Clinton.] New York, 1817. 8 *Pph.v.l8 Clinton monument. N. Y., 1848. 8 . . *Pph. v. 193 Clinton and the late war. 8. n.p. n.d. . *Pph. v. 182 Discourse before the American academy of the arts, 1816. New York, 1810. 8 . . . *Pph. v. 53 Discourse before the literary and philosophi- cal society of New York. N. Y., 1815. 8. 2403.8 Discourse before the New York Alpha of the P. B. K. Albany, 1823. 8" *Pph.v.43 Discourse before the New York historical so- ciety. New York, 1812. 8 *Pph.v.33 CLIXTOX 177 COBB Shelf No. CLINTON, De W.. continued. Letters of Marcus, ami Philo-Cato to DC Witt Cliutoii. Xcwcd. n.p., 1810. 8 *Pph.v.3G Memoir on the antiquities of the western part of Xew York. Albany, 1820. 8 *Pph.v.25 Message to the legislature of the state of Xc-,v York. Albany, 1827. 8 *Pph.v.82 Public proceeding's on the removal of C. from the office of canal com. N. Y., 1824. 8 . *PpIi. v. 47 Kemarks ou the fishes of the western waters of the state of New York. N. Y., 1815. 8 . *Pph. v. 84 Speech to the legislature of the state of Xew York, Jan. C, 1810. Albany, 1810. 8 . . *Pph.v.S4 Speech to the legislature of the state of Xcw York, Jan. 4, 1820. Albany, 1820. 8 . . *Pph. v. 84 Speech to the legislature of Xew York, Jan. 2, 1S22. Albany, 1822. 8" *Pph.v.30 Speeches against a war with Spain. Xew York, 1812. 8 *Pph.v.G To federalists, attached to republican govern- ment, in Xew York. [Xo title-page.] 8 . *Pph. v. 18 Armstrong, L. Sermon on the death of . Pph. v. 72 Conkling, A. Discourse commem. of ... Pph. v. 74 Hosaek, D. Memoir of 2340.5 Knapp, S. L. Life and character of .... Pph. v. 72 Mauley, J. K. Eulogium on .Pph. v. 74 Milnor, J. Sermon occasioned by the death of Pph. v. 72 Proudfit, A. Sermon commemorative of. Pph. v. 7 2 Renwick, J. Character and services of. Pph.v.7<> CLINTON, G. Oration in honor of. See Morris, G. Pph.v.4 CLINTON, G. W. Address before the domestic horticultural society of the western parts of Xew York. Canandaigua, 1830. 8 . . *Pph.v.80 Address before the young men's temperance society of Buffalo, 1841. Buftalo, 184!. 8. *Pph.v.ll9 CLINTON, H. F. Epitome of the chronology of Eomc, and Constantinople. [A. D. 15-041.] Oxford, 1833. 8 2231.1 Fasti Hellenic!. Chronology of Greece and Home from, the 124th Olympiad to the death of Augustus. Oxford, 1830. 4 *2981.C Fasti Rornaui. Civil and literary chronology of Rome and Constantinople. Oxford, 1S43-50. 2v. 4 *2751.3 CLINTON, gen. J. Life and military services of. Campbell, W. W Pph.v.108 CLINTON, A 1 ". T. Catalogue of the faculty and stu- dents of Hamilton college, 1820,20,31,47. Utica, 1820-47. 8 *Pph.v. 00, 88, 103, 103 Catalogus senatus academic!, et corum qui ali- quo gradu cxoruuti fucrunt, in collegio Hamiltoucnsi. Romse, 1813. 8 ... *Pph.v.l33 Catalogue of the officers and students of Clin- ton seminary. Rome, 1842. 8 *Pph.v.l29 CLIO, History and visions of. Martin, J. P. . . . 2406.11 CLITAKOIIU.S. See Geier. Alexaudri M. hist. script 2903.10 CLITHEUOE, History of the honor of. Whitaker, T. D 2501.11 CLITODEMUS. See Fragm. hist. Grac. v.l . . . . 3002.11 CLIVE, R., lord. Life of. Malcolm, Sir J. . . . 2443.4 CLOCHAK, P. Palais, maisons et vues d' Italic. Paris, 1609. f *4100.12 CLOCKS. Deuison, E. B. Remarks on 4105.22 Reid, T. Treatise on clock-making 4023.2 Patents for. See Great Britain. CLODOALD. Sermo. [Migne. Patrologiae r.138] 3400.17 CLODOVEUS II. Diplomata siucera; Diplomata spuria. [Migne. Patrologiae v.87] . . . . 3450.18 CLONCUKKY, Lord. See Lawless, V. B. CLOQUET, H. System of human anatomy. Transl. by R. Knox, from 4th French ed. Boston, 1830. 8 *3743.1 Poissons ct reptiles. SeeCuvter.F 3818.1 - Dictionnaire raisonnc dcs termes d' anatomic et do physiologic ; Reptiles, poissons, mol- lusqucs, crustacees, annelides, arachimlcs, iuseetos, racliaircs. SM Encyclopedic mu- thodiquc A. 155. 2 Shelf. No. CLOQUET, J. G. Anatomic des vers intestinaux. Paris, 1824. 4 *3873.30 CLOT, A., (lit Clot-Bey. Apercu general sur 1' Egypte. Paris, 1840. 2v. 8 3053.3 CLOTARIUS II. Ecclesiastics prseccptiones. [Mig- ne. Patrologiae v. 80] 3450.15 CLOTAIUUS III. Ecclesiastics proeceptiones. [Mig- ne. Patrologise v.87] 3450.18 CLOUDS ; a play. See Aristophanes. CLOUGH, E. Trial for embracery. Hallett, B. F. Pph. v. 295 CLOUGH, S. Account of the Christian denomina- tion in the U. S. Boston, 1827. 8 ... *Pph.v.69 CLOWES, T. Answer of St. Peter's church in Al- bany, to the pamphlet by Lt. GOT. Taylor and others. [Albany,] 1810. 8 . . . . *Pph.v.l5 The root-extractor. Hempstead, N. Y. 1831. pp.68. 12 **E.110.75 CLOWNS of Shakespeare. Dissertation on the. Douce, F 2590.1 CLUB-FOOT. Brown, B. Cases of talipes, or. . . 3755. 2." Little, W. J. Treatise on the nature of.. . 373.">. i CLUB-UOOM, The. See Prescott, W. H 3183.5 CLUBBE, J. Antiquities of the ancient villa of Wheatfield. See Dodsley, R. Fugitive pieces, v.2 2540.27 CLUNY, L'hotel de, Les arts an moyen age en ce quiconcerne. Du Sommerard, A 4071.15 CLUNY. Essai historique sur 1' abbaye de. Lo- rain, P 3521.14 CLUTTERBUCK, H. Xew method of treating af- fections which arise from the poison of lead. London, 1794-95. 8 *M. Pph. v.57 On the prevention and treatment of the epi- demic fever. London, 1819. 8. . . *M. Pph. v.09 Remarks on the opinions of J. Hunter, re- specting the venereal disease. London, 1799. 8 *M. Pph. v.70 CLUTTKP.BUCK, R. History of the county of Hertford. London, 1815-27. 3v. f . . . . *2470.4 CLUTTON, J. Good and bad effects of Joshua Ward's pill and drop. London, 1730. 8 . . 3786.5 CLYTUS Milesius. See Fragm. hist. Graec. v.2. . 3002.11 COAD, J. Wonderful providences, to a poor un- worthy creature during Moumouth's rebel- lion. London, 1849. 16 2458.34 COAL. Bradish, L. Report rel. to fossil C. . Pph. v.7~' Fournct, M. J. II. De 1'extension dea ter- rains houillcrs de la France 3863.9 Johnson, W. R. A report to the navy depart- ment on American C 3651.9 Williams, C. W. Combustion of 3971.18 COAL mines. Great Britain. Prevention of dan- gerous accidents in 4020.2 Hedley, J. Working and ventilation of ... 4014.19 Holmes, J. H. II. Treatise on the C. M. of Durham and Xorthumberland 38C5.5 Guide to the C. M. of Pennsylvania. See Xorthern traveller 2389.12 COAL trade of Great Britain. Holland, J. . . . 3651.10 COAL trade of Xewcastle. Brand, J 2501.1 COALITION, La, et la France. Londrcs, 1817. 8. *Pph.v.30 COATES, B. H. Biographical sketch of Thomas Say. Philadelphia, 1835. 8 *Pph.v.8o Origin of the Indian population of America. Philadelphia, 1&J4. 8 s *Pph.v.95 COATES, C. History and antiquities of Reading, [and] supplement. London, 1802-10. 4 . *2501.5 COATES, R Oration on the defects of the present system of medical instruction in the U. S. Philadelphia, [1835]. 8 *M.Pph.v.35 COATHAM, Yorkshire, A trip to. Huttou, W. . 2505.20 COATS, W. Geography of Hudson's Bay, with appendix. Ed. by J. Barrow. London, 1K>-.'. 8. [Ilakluyt society, 9] *2264.11 COBB, J. U. Growth of the mulberry-tree [and] the culture of silk. Boston, 1831. la" . . 4019.3 COBB, L. Critical review of the orthography of Dr. Webster's series of books for systemat- ical instruction in the English language. Is'cw York, 1831. 8 *Pph.v.84 COBB 178 CODIFICATION Shelf. No. COBB, L., continued. Keview of the elementary spelling-book, compiled by A. Ely, and published under the name of N. Webster. Sandy Hill, N. Y., 1836. 8 *Pph. v.98 Advantages of Cobb's school books. See Howard, D Pph.v.100 COBB, S. Poems, with imitations from Horace. London, 1707. 8 2558.20 COBBETT, W. Porcupine's works, exhibiting a faithful picture of the United States, 1783- 1801. London, 1801. 12v. 8 2327.15 Contents. Vol. I. Summary view of the politics of the United States, from the close of the war to 1794; Addresses to Dr. Priestley, and observations on his emigration; Account of the insurrection in the west- ern counties of Pennsylvania in 1794; Dispute be- tween America and Great Britain. II. A bone to gnaw for the democrats; A kick for a bite; Congres- sional proceedings, 1794, 5; Popular proceedings as to the British treaty; A little plain English as to the treaty; Analysis of Randolph's vindication; New- year's gift for the democrats. III. The political cen- sor; The bloody buoy, a warning to the political pilots of all nations. IV. The scare-crow, an infam- ous letter threatening violence; Life and adventures of Porcupine; The political censor [continued] ; The diplomatic blunderbuss ; Washington's retirement. V.-VII. Selections from Porcupine's gazette, 1797. VH. The republican judge, or American liberty of the press. VIII. Selections, etc.; Conspiracy of the United Irishmen; The cannibal's progress, or the horrors of the French invasion in Germany ; Depre- dations on the commerce of the United States. IX. Selections, etc.; Impeachment of Senator Blount ; Stone's letters to Priestley; Miscellaneous anecdotes; Priestley's poor emigrants. X. Selections, etc.; Dr. Morse's exposure of French intrigue in the United States; Galloway's exposure of Howe; Trial of repub- licanism. XI. Selections, etc. ; Suwarrow's cam- paign in Italy, 1799; American Rush light. XII. Trial of Cooper; Emigration society; Washington's death; Congressional proceedings, 1799; Defence of the quakers of Pennsylvania; Prison eclogue; Jeffer- son's election ; Convention between France and America, 1800; Cong, proceedings, 1801; Index. Selections from political works, with notes. London, [1835?] Ov. 8 3503.5 A bone to gnaw for the democrats. Phila- delphia, 1795. 8 *Pph. v.317 Advice to young men and young women. New York, 1844. 18 3574.30 French grammar, in a series of letters. Lon- don, 1824. 12 7079.14 History of the protestant reformation in England and Ireland. Philad., 1825. 12.*Pph.v.215 Life and adventures of Peter Porcupine. Philadelphia, 1796. 8 *Pph. v.26,317 Observations on a pamphlet entitled a vindi- cation of Mr. Randolph's resignation. Philadelphia, 1796. 8 *Pph. v.150 Observations on the insolent and seditious notes by Adet. Philadelphia, 1790. 8 . *Pph. v.150 Parliamentary history of England. London, 1806-20. 30v. 8 *7088.1 Queen's answer to a letter from the king to his people. Philadelphia, 1821. 8 ... *Pph.v.27 Remarks on debates in congress ; also answer to Tom Paine's attack on Washington. 2d ed. Philadelphia, 1790. 8 *Pph. v.150 The scare-crow, an infamous letter. P^iila- delphia, 1796. 8 *Pph. v.317 Trial of Miss Mary Ann Tocker, for an al- leged libel on R. Gurney, [with] an address to jurymen. New York, 1818. 12". . . *Pph. v.218 Trial for libelling king George III. See Lam- bert, J Pph.v.5 and Howell, T. B., and T. J. State trials, compiled to 1820. Index by D. Jardine. London, 1809-28. 34v. 8 *3693.1 COBBLEK of Aggawam, by Theodore de la Guard. Ward, N v.3 of 2323.3 COBDEN, R. Russia and the eastern question. Boston, 1854. 12" 3068.2 Shelf. ?. T o. COBELLI, L. Fatto d' armi nel 1281. [ Archivio Btor. ital. App. v.7] 5255.1 COBHAM, Lord. See Oldcastell, Sir J. COCAJUS, Merlinus. See Folengo T. COCCEIUS, J. Lexicon sermonis Hebraic! et Chal- daici. 5aed. Lipsiae, 1793-96. 2v. 8 . . .*3034.20 COCCHETTI, C. Rivista di storia degli Italiani, per Cesare Cantii. [Arch. stor. ital. Nuova aer. v.2, par.2] 5255.1 COCCHI, A. Discorsi toscani. Firenze, 1701-62. 2v. 4 *2793.6 Opere. Milano, 1824. 3v. 8 3717.10 Contents. Vol. I. Discorsi e lettere. II. Dei bag- ni di Pisa trattato. III. Consult! medici con un' ap- pendice d'altri scritti in parte inediti. Discorso sul vitto pitagorico. See Cornaro, L. 3769.37 Lettere. [Raccolta di prose e lettere nel secolo 18. v.2] 2767.2 Coccus. See Baiter and Sauppe. Oratores Attici. 2903.1 COCHIN-CHINA. Barrow, J. Voyage to, 1792-93. *22GO. 15 Borri, C. History [Pinkerton. Voyages, v.9] 2200.13 Fiulayson, G. Mission to, 1821-23 3046.4 Jancigny, A. D. de. Histoire et description. 2276. 1 Roberts, E. Embassy to the eastern coasts. 301(3.1 COCHIN-CHINESE language, Vocabulary of. By J. Morrone. [also] Cochin-Chinese and Latin dictionary. See Du Ponceau, P. S. . 3034.1 COCHL.EUS, J. Tetrachordum musices. Nurn- bergae, 1516. 4 *4047.12 COCHRANK, T., lord. Case of, containing the history of the hoax, the trial, etc. New York, 1814. 12 *Pph.v.205 COCK Lorell's bote ; a satirical poem. Ed. by E. F. llimbault. London, 1843. 8. [Percy BOC. publ. v.6] *2537.8 COCK, T. Inaugural dissertation on respiration. New York, 1805. 8 *M.Pph.v.64 COCK, T. F. Manual of obstetrics. New York, 1853. 12 *3774.24 COCKBURN, J. Journey from the gulf of Hon- duras to the South Sea, [with] travels of N. Withington. London, 1735. 8 2364.6 COCKBURN, W. Creation of the world. London, 1840. 8 *Pph.v.327 COCKERELL, C. R. The temple of Jupiter Olym- pius at Agrigentum. London, 1830. f . . *27.H.2 COCKRANE, J. Report of the trial of. See Smith, G. E Pph.v.253 Coco, V. De veteri Catinae ritu circa missam et eucharistiam. [Opuscoli diaut. sicil. v.16] 4704.1 COCOA-NUT tree, Natural and economical history of. Marshall, H M.Pph.v.35 COCONDKIUS. De figuris. [Walz. Rhet. Gr. v.8] 2005.2 COD-LIVER oil. L' huile de foie de morue. Jongh, L.J. de 3794.37 CODAZZI, A. Geografla de Venezuela. Paris, 1841. 8 2315.10 CODDINGTON, H. An elementary treatise on optics. Cambridge, 1823. 8 **E.176.7 CODE. See Law. CODE de 1' humanite". Felice, F. B. de 3623.1 CODES. Notes respecting the geography, chronol- ogy, and history of the principal C. of the Grecian, Roman, feudal, and canon law. Butler, C 3633.4,5 See also : Pandects. CODEX diplomaticus Siciliae, notis, [etc.] Johan- nis de Johanne. To. 1. Panormi, 1743. f . *2720.4 CODEX cliplom. aevi Saxonici. See Kemble, J. M. 2413.7 CODEX Theodosianus, cum commentariis lacobi Gothofredi, op. et stud. A. Marvillii. Ed. nova I. D. Ritter. Ace. appendix a lac. Sirmondo. Lipsiae, 1736-45. Ov. in 3. f . *3620.4 See also : Corpus juris Romani aute-justiniani. CODICES Gregorianus, Hermogenianus, Theodo- sianus. Ed. G. IIa;ncl. Bonnae, 1S42. 4 . *3611.2 CODIFICATION papers. [Bentham. Works, v.4] 3624.1 CODINUS 179 COLEMAN Shelf. No. CODINUS, G. De officialibus palatii C'politani et de offlciis magnse ccclesiae, ex recog 1 . I. Bekkeri. Bonnae, 1839. 8. [Corpus script, hist. Byz. v.37] *2968.1 Excerpta de antiquitatibus Constantinopoli- tanis, ex recog. I. Bekkeri. Bonnae, 1843. 8. [Corpus script, hist. Byz. v.4G] .... *290S.l CODMAN, J. Oration on the fiftieth anniversary of American independence. Boston, 1820. 8 *Pph.v.237 Review of the past : a sermon, in Dorches- ter. Boston, 1846. 8 *Pph.v.2G9 and others. Pretended claims of "Wm. Vans on the estate of J. Codman. "With appendix. Boston, 1837. 2v. 8 2344.12 COE, It. Poems. Philadelphia, 1850. 8 .... 2399.6 The old farm-gate, containing stories and poems. Philadelphia, 1852. 12 2399.47 CCECUM. Dissertatio inauguralis de intestino cocco ejusque processu vermiformi. Busch, G. von dem M.Pph.v. 104 CCELEBS deceived. Philadelphia, 1817. sm.l2 . 2576.29 CcELESTiNUSl,.pope. Epistolae decretales. [Mig- ne. Patrologiae v.84] v.8 of 3450.16 CCELESTINUS II, pope. Epistolae et privilegia. [Migne. Patrologiae v.179] 3470.6 Epistolae sex. [Bouquet. Recueil] . v.15 of 2610.1 C'ELESTINUS III, pope. Epistolae et privilegia, ordine chronologico digesta. Ace. J. P. Migne. Lutetiae Parisiorum, 1855. 1.8. [Migne. Patrologiae v.200] 3470.28 Epistolas. [Bouquet. Recueil] . . ,v.!9of 2010.1 CQELESTIUS. Scripta qua extant. [Migne. Pa- trologiae v. 21, 48] 3440.15,20 COFFEE. Monographic du cafe. Coubard d'Aul- nay, G. E 3840.6 COFFIN, James H. Astronomical tables. New Haven, 1842. 8 *Pph.v.l27 On the winds of the northern hemisphere. [Smithsonian contributions, v.O, art. 5] . . 3340.1 COFFIN, John G. Address delivered before the contributors of the Boston dispensary, Oct. 24,1813. Boston, 1S13. 8 *Pph.v.04,244 Discourse on medical education and the medi- cal profession, n.p., 1822. 8 *M.Pph.v.lO COFFIN, Joshua. History of Ncwbury, Newbury- port, and West Newbury. Boston, 1845. 8. 2356.1 COFFIN, W. H. An essay on the tariff. Utica, 1847. 8 *Pph. v. 103 COGAN, T. Letters to Wilberforce on the doctrine of total depravity. [Sparks. Tracts, v.3J . 3409.20 (' xaxosus. Vita S. Brigidae virginis. [Migne. Patrologiae v.72] 3450.12 COULAN, T. Improved system of mnemonics. London, 1813. 8 *Pph. v. 307 COGSWELL, J. G., and Bancroft, G. Account of school for boys at Round Hill, Northamp- ton, Mass. Northampton, 1820. 8". . *Pph. v.246 COGSWELL, \V. Sermon at the funeral of. See Kelly, J Pph. v . 205 COHEN de Vinkenhocf, A. J. P. L. Histoire de la uoMesse de France. Paris, 1856. 1.8. . . 2031.5 COHN, F. Natural history of Protococcus pluvi- alis. Henfrey, A 3824.5 COIMBATOOK, Letters on the blue mountains of. Hough, J 3043.7 COINAGE. Jenluuson, C. Treatise on the coins of the realm 3040.9 Scaly, H. N. Treatise on coins, currency, aiid banking 3040.29 See also : Coins, Circulation, Currency, Money. COINDF.T, C.W. Poisoning by oxalic acid. Chris- tison, R M.Pph.v. 11 COINS. Akcrman, J. Y. Ancient C. of cities and princes 2 '">,.'.' !.("> Arbuthnot, J. Tables of ancient C 2230.10 Humphreys, H. N. Ancient C 2-.-J3.1 Kelly, P. Universal cambist 3081.3 See also: Medals, Numismatics, Tokens. Shelf. No. COINTREAU, M. Salamandre, ou les aventurcs de 1'infortunee Julie, histoire veritable. [Gar- nier. Voyages imaginaires,v.34] 2660.1 COINSI, G. de. Du varlet qui se maria a Nostre- Dame. [Barbazan. Fabliaux et contes,v.2]. 2080.3 COKE, Sir E. The first part of the institutes of the laws of England. Commentary upon Littleton ; rev. by F. Hargrave and C. But- ler, [with] add. by T. Day. 1st Am. cd. from 10th Edinb. ed. Phila., 1812. 3v. 8 . 3025.5 Johnson, C. W. Life 2440.7 Life ; by E. P. Burke. [London. Soc. dif. usef. knowl. Lives of eminent persons] . E.212.8 Woolrych, H. W. Life 2440.6 COLA di Rienzi. See Rienzi, N. G., detto Cola di. COLARDEAU, C. P. Caliste. [Theatre des auteurs du second ordre. Tragedies, v.5] 2640.19 Lettres et epitres d'HeloYse et d'Abeilard. SeeAbaelardus, P 4668.5 COLBATCH, J. Chirurgical and medical tracts. 2d ed. London, 1704. 8 *3759.1 Contents. A. new light of chirurgery; The new light vindicated; A physico-medical essay concern- ing alkaly and acid ; Further considerations concern- ing alkaly and acid; A treatise of the gout; The doc- trines of acids further asserted; A relation of a sudden and extraordinary cure of a person bitten by a viper, by the means of acids, etc. COLBERT, J. B. Eloge. [Necker. (Euvres.v.lo] . 3500.10 Vie. [Lafaist. Arch.hist.fr. Ser. 2, v.9] . 2017.1 COLBERTIS.MO, II. See Mengotti, F 3042.13 COLBEUTISJIO, ossia della liberta di commercio. [Economisti class, ital. v.43] 3044.1 COLBURN, D. P. Decimal system of numbers. Boston, 1855. 12 7019.0 COLBURN, W. Arithmetic ; being a sequel to first lessons. Boston, 1822. 12 **E.199.14 - Same. Boston, 1849. 12 7019.7 Key to the sequel. Boston, 1833. 12" .... 7019.8 COLCHESTER, Co. of Essex, Eng. Cromwell, T. History and description of 2504.2 Morant, P. History and antiquities of . . . 2400.1 COLCHICUM as a remedy in inflammatory diseases. Haden, C. T M.Pph.v. 90 COLCHICUM, use in medicine. Kerr, G. . . M.Pph.v. 77 C, Of the disease called. Chandler, J. M.Pph.v. 56 COLDEN, C. History of the five Indian nations of Canada. 3d cd. London, 1755. 2v. 12 . . *23CO. 14 GOLDEN, C. D. Brief exposition of the views of John L. Sullivan respecting exclusive right to the use of steam towboats. New York, 1822. 8 *Pph.v.37 Observations on the intended application of the North-American coal and mining com- pany, to the legislature of N. Y., 1814. 8.*Pph. v.l Vindication of the steamboat right granted by the state of N. Y. Albany, 1818. 8" . . *Pph. v. 19 Duer, W. A. Reply to Mr. C.'s vindication of the steamboat monopoly Pph. v. 22 - Letter to C. in answer to the strictures contained in his life of Fulton Pph. v. 19 Sullivan, J. L. Ans. to mis-statements of. Pph. v. 37 COLDINGIIAM, The priory of. See Priory .... L'417.12 COLE, C. Memoirs of affairs of state. 1097-1708. London, 1733. f *2510.4 COLE, C. A. Memorials of Henry V., of England. London, 1858. 8. [Rolls chronicles] . . . *2414.11 Contents. Vita Henrici quinti, Roberto Redman- no auctore; Versus rhythmic! in laudetn rcgis Hen- rici quinti; Elmhanji liber metricus de Ilenrico V. COLE, H. Popular geology subversive of divine revelation : a letter to Rev. A. Sedgwick. London, 1S34. 8 *Pph. v. 121 COLE, T. Life and works of. Noble, L. L. . . . 4005.19 COLE, W. De mechanica ratione peristaltic! in- testinorum motus. Londiui, 1093. 8" ... 3809.2 Febrium intermittentium symptomata. Lon- dini, 1093. 8 3809.2 COLEMAN, W. Trial of Lev! Weeks for murder. [No title-page.] 8 *Pph.v.40 COLEOPTERA 180 COLLECTION Shelf. No. COLEOPTERA. Dejean, P. F. M. A. cle. Species general des coh-opteres 389G.5 - Histoire naturclle des coleopteres .... 3896.4 Dumont d'Urville, J. Coleopteres reeueillies pendant le voyage de 1'Astrolabe 2261.1 Germar, E. F. Coleopterorum species novae ant minus cognitse 3896.6 Gravenhorst, J. L. C. Monographia C. mi- cropterorum 3896.8 - C. microptera Brunsvicensia 3890. 7 Paykull, G. v. Monographia staphylinorum Succiae 3899.8 Spry, W. British C. delineated 3896.3 Stephens, J. F. Manual of British C 3896.9 See also: Beetles, Brachelytra,Curculionidae, Scyd- mffiua. COLERATNE, Lord. See Hare. COLERIDGE, H. Poems, with a memoir by his brother [Derwent.] London, 1851. 2v. 16. 2549.17 COLERIDGE, S. H. Phantasmion. [A story.] Lon- don, 1837. 12 2576.27 COLERIDGE, S. T. Letters, conversations, etc. London, 1830. 2v. 12 2558.23 Selections from the sibylline leaves. Boston, 1827. pp.43. 8" **E.224.10 Statesman's manual, addressed to the higher classes of society. Burlington, 1832. 12. 3569.1 COLES, Elisha, d. 1688, uncle. Discourse of God's sovereignty. Edinburgh, 1798. 18" . ... 3459.19 COLES, Elisha, 6. 1640, nephew. English diction- ary. London, 1677. sm.4 *25S5.21 - Same. London, 1708. 12 **E.207.16 Dictionary, English-Latin, and Latin-English. 17th ed. London, 1764. 8 **E.205.16 COLES, L. B. Philos. of health. Boston, 1848. 18.*3769. 31 COLET, J. Character of. See Erasmus, D. . . . 3463.27 Life. Knight, S 3555.18 COLETI, G. D. Epistola de nova Ovarii voce et offlcio. [Raccolta di opusc. scient. v.9] . . 5274.1 - Notse et sigla quse in nummis et lapidibus apud Romanes obtinebant. [Raccolta di opuscoli scientiflci, v. 14-17, 19-25] 5274.1 Dizionario storico-geografico dell' America meridionale. Venezia, 1771. 2v. 4 . . . . *2330.7 COLETI, G. J. Dei pedagoghi degli antichi. [Rac- colta di opuscoli scientiflci, v.6] 5274.1 De situ Striclonis. [Raccolta di opuscoli sci- entiflci, v.15] 5274.1 COLETTI, V. Chroniche della citta di Pisa. [Tar- tini. Rerum Italicarum scriptores, v.l] . . 2720.2 COLBY,!!. Poisons and asphyxia. N.York, 1832. 8 3787.12 COLIGNY, G. de. Arrest de la cour de parlement contre. [Lafaist. Arch. hist. France. Ser. 1, v.O] 2617.1 Lettres du roi sur le meurtre de. [Lafaist. Arch. hist. France. Ser.l, v.6,7] 2617.1 Diseours sur le siege de Saiut-Quentin. [Mi- chaud. Coll. mem. hist. Fr. Ser. 1, v. 8.] . 2611.1 - Same. [Petitot. Coll. mem. hist. Fr. Ser. l.v.32] 2625.1 COLIGNY-SALIGNY, J. de. Memoires publ. par M. Monmerque". Paris, 1841. 8 [Socicte de 1' histoire dc France] *2636.3 COLLALTO, A. R. Rime. See Stampa, G. . . . 4764.3 COLLALTO, C.,coftie di. Rime. See Stampa, G. 4764.3 COLLALTO, V.,conte di. Rime. See Stampa, G. 4764.3 COLLE", C. Dupuis et Des Ronais. [Theatre des auteurs du second ordre. Comedies en vers, v.ll] 2640.19 La partie de chasse de Henri IV. [Theatre des auteurs du second ordre. Comedies en prose, v.13] 2640.19 La vcrite dans le vin, comedie. [Barriere. Mem. rel a 1' hist, de France, v.4J .... 4067.2 COLLE, F. M. Dissertazione sopra il quesito di- mostrare die cosa fosse, e quanta parte avesse la musica,nell' educazione de' Greci, etc. Mantova, 1775. 4 *4052.13 Storia dcllo studio di Padova. Padova, 1824- 25. 4v. in 2. 4 . *2771.4 Shelf. No. COLLECTANEA sacra Latina, sacred Latin in schools. New York. 1840. 12 3447.12 COLLECTANEA topographic* et genealogica. Nich- ols, J. G 2485.1 COLLECTION de chroniques beiges inedits. See Belgium 2811.1 COLLECTION de documents inedits sur 1' histoire de France. See France 2610.2 COLLECTION des anciens monumens de 1' histoire et de la langue francoisc. See Crapelet. . 2671.1 COLLECTION des chroniques natiouales fran<;uises ecrites en langue vulgaire du 13e au 16e sie- cle. See Buchon, J. A 2617.2 COLLECTION des Keuren ou statute de tous les metiers de Bruges. Gand, 1842. 4. [Bruges. Societe d' emulation de la Flandre] *2821.10 COLLECTION des mcilleures dissertations, notices, et traites particuliers relatifs a 1' histoire de France. See Leber, C 2018.1 COLLECTION des memoires relatifs a la revolution d' Angleterre. See Guizot, F. P. G. . . . 2518.1 COLLECTION des memoires relatifs a la revolution francaise. See Berville and Rarriere. . . . 4645.1 COLLECTION des me'moires relatifs a 1'histoire de France depuis la fondation de la monarchie jusqu' au 13e siecle. See Guizot, F. P. G. . 2018.2 COLLECTION complete des memoires relatifs a 1' histoire de France depuis le regne de Phi- lippe-Auguste jusqu' au commencement du 17e siecle. See Petitot, C. B. ....... 2615.1 COLLECTION of curious historical pieces. See Peck, F 2440.19 COLLECTION of English and Scotch songs. No. 1, 2 of v. 3. London, 1736. 16 2569.6 COLLECTION of essays and tracts in theology. See Sparks, J 3469.26 COLLECTION of letters on freemasonry. See Free- masonry. Pph.v.292 COLLECTION of poems by several hands. See Dodsley, R 2559.5 COLLECTION of the disasters in the tempest, 26th Nov. 1703. 2d cd. London, n.d. 8. . . 39136.6 COLLECTION of original papers relative to the his- tory of the colony of Massachusetts bay. Boston, 1769. 8 *2321.21 COLLECTION of psalms and hymns, [by W. Bent- ley ; the psalms from Tate and Brady's col- lection]. Salem, n.d. 12 **E.219.18 - Same. 2d ed. Salem, 1795. 12 . . . **E. 219.34 COLLECTION of psalms and hymns. 2d ed. Bos- ton, 1813. 12 3449.14 COLLECTION of state tracts published during the reign of William III. Lond. 1705-7. 3v. f. *2540.8 COLLECTION of old plays. See Dodsley, R. . . . 2588.1 COLLECTION of yearly bills of mortality. 1657- 1758, etc. etc. London, 1759. 4 *3561.5 Contents. Natural and political observations on tilt bills of mortality, by Capt. J. Graunt; Essay in political arithmetic, concerning the growth of the city of London, with the measures, periods, causes, and consequences thereof, by Sir W. Petty; Observations on the past growth and present state of the city of London, by C. Morris, esq.; A comparative view of the diseases and ages, and a table of the probabilities of life, for the last thirty years, by J. P. COLLECTION of voyages by the Dutch East India Co. London, 1703. 8 2265.10 COLLECTION of voyages and travels. See Pinker- ton, J 2260.13 COLLECTION of voyages, discoveries and travels. See Knox, J. New collection 2203.1 See also : Bry, J. T. de, and Hakluy t society. COLLECTION orientale, maiiuscrits inedits de la bibliotheque royale, traduits et publics, par ordre du roi. Paris, 1836-55. 8v. f. Namely i Raschid-Eldin. Histoire des Mongols, trad. par Quatremere. [Persian and French] . . *3010.1 Firdousi. Le livre des rois, trad, etc., par J. Mohl. 4v *3010.2 Bhagavata purana, trad, par E. Burnouf. Texte en Sanscrit. 3v *3010.3 COLLEGE 181 COLLEZIONE Shelf. No. COLLEGE life, Dangers of a. [A discourse.] Car- nahan, J Pph.v.135 COLLEGE of amis, History of the. Noble, M. . 2432.1 COLLEGES, Religious constitution of. Clap, T. . 3458.16 Note. For the histories of colleges and for cata- logues of their libraries, see the names of the places in which they are located. COLLEGIAN, The, in six numbers. [February- July, 1830]. Cambridge, [Mass.] 1830. 8 3183.4 COLLEGIATE education, Principles of, discussed. See Neath, South Wales 3592.8 Report on changes in. Way-land, F 2387.2 COLLENUCCIO, P. Intorno la niorte di. Perti- cari, G 4778.4,16 COLLERYE, R. de. CEuvres. Nouv. d. par C. d 1 Hericault. Paris, 1853. 16 2669.9 Contents. Satyre pour les habitants d'Auxerre ; Epistres; Epitaphes; Dialogues; Ballades; Rondeaux. COLLES, A. Lectures on surgery, ed. by S. 31' Coy. Dublin, 1844-45. 2v. 12 *3759.5 COLLET, S. Relics of literature. London, 18-23. 8. 2553.2 COLLETTA, P. Storia di Xapoli, 1734-1825. Vita dell' autore da G. Capponi. 3a ed. Firenze, 1856. 2v. 12" 2723.14 - Same. 4a ed. Capolago, 1&36. 2v. 8 . 2724.2 Lettere. [Leopardi. Opcre, v. 5, 6] 4777.10 C. uomo di stato e serittore. [Archivio stor. ital. nuova ser. v.3, p.l. v.4, p. 2] . . . *5245.2 COLLEZIONE clelle migliori opare scritte in dialetto milanese. Milauo, 1810-17. 12v. 24 ... *47C9 a. 5 Contents. Vol. I. Notizie de' componimenti milan- esi non inseriti nella collczione; Poisie di Gian-Paolo Lomazzo; Varon Milanes de Giovanni Capis; De la p-irnonm de Milan d'Ambrogio Biffi; Sonetti di Fabio Varese. II., III. Opere di Carlo Maria Maggi. IV. Poesie di Girolamo Birago, Pictro Cesare Larghi, Stefano Simonctta, Carl' Ant. Tanzi. V.-VIII. Opere di Domenico Balestricri. IX. Pocsie di F.G. Corio, G. Giulini, C. A. Oltolina, L. Marliani, G. Parini, G. Bossi, ecc. X. Poesic di A. Garioui, F. Pertusati, G. Bertani. XI. Poesic di T. Grossi, C. A. Pelliz- zone, F. Bellati, G. Zanoja. XII. Poesie di Carlo Porta. COLLEZIONE delle migliori opcre in dialetto vene- ziano. Venezia, 1817. 12v. in 5. 10. . .*4769a.6 Contents. Vol. I.-III. Poesie di Antonio Lam- berti. IV. Poesie di Gio. Giaoomo Mazzola e di I/O- dovico Pastd. V. Ditirambi di diversi autori. VI., VII. Apologhidi Francesco Gritti; II brigliadoro di Francesco Gritti con altre poesie di autori viventi. VIII., IX. Poesie di Pietro Buratti; Scherzi poctici di Carlo Goldoni. X.-XII. Poesie satiriche di Angelo Maria Labia; Poesie di autori diversi. COLI.KZIONE di componimenti scclti in idioma bo- logncse. Bologna, 1827-10. 7v. 24 . . . *4779 a. 4 Contents. Vol. I. Bulogna travaja dal guerr zivil di Lambertazz e di Gereme; Focmett scherzevol fatt da G. F.M.CLasali.] in-t-la so leingua bulgneisa; [Vita di G. F. M. Casali.] II. Chi u' ha zcrvell ava gamb o sia la liberazion d'Vicnna poeraetto giocoso di Lotto Lotti in lingua popolare bolognese; Rimedi per la sonn da lezra la ban zola, dialog dello stesso autore. III. La Batracomiomachi v:il a dir la guerra di ra- nucc' cun i pondg c la scccia ruba del Tusson. IV. Vari poesi fatti da divers autur bulgnis. V.-VII. Al Pentameron d'zvan Alessi Basile o sia zinquanta fol detti da dis donu in zciuqu giornat, traduzion dal napolitan in leingua bulgneisa. COLLEZIONE di scelte poesie italiane. Padova, ;. 2v. 24 4709.8 Contents. Scelte poesie liriche italiane da Dante Alighieri sino a' di uostri. Scelti versi sciolti italiaui. COLLKZIONE d' opuscoli scientifici e letterarj ed itti d' opcre interessauti. Firenze, 1807- 18. 22v. in 4. 8 *5278.2 Contents. Vol. I. Introduzione; Saggio di poesia arabica; Vita, e disciplina di Guarino Veronese e de' suoi' discepoli; 11 podagroso di Luciano traduzione incdita dell' ab. A. M. Salviui; Lcttcra scritta sopra alcuni opuscoli MSS. di Benedetto Varchi, die esis- tono nella libreria del maichese G. Pucci; Dei vasi antichi dipinti volgarmente rhiainati ctrusehi; Libri viirj. II. Lczione di Benedetto Varchi da un MS. della libreria drl signor G. Pncci; Selva dello Smar- -it-j intitolata Cerere vatlcimmtc; Estratto del map- Shcli'. No. COLLEZIONE, etc.. continued. pamondo di fra Mauro caraaldolese descritto ed illus- trato da D. P. Zurla; Lettera di Benedetto Varchi tratta da un MS. csistente nella libreria di Giuseppe Pucci; Tito Manlio di mano di Antonio Maria Sal- vlnii Meraoria sulla necessita di sostituire all' uso delle pianteofflcinali esotiche, le indigene corrispond- enti; Estratto della vita di Giovanni Boccacci scritta di Gio. Battista Baldelli; La poetica d'Orazio volga- rizzata in verso seiolto dal Picvano Giuseppe della Nave; Libri varj. III. Memoria di Giuseppe Al. Pag- nini carmelitano sopra le serie de' triangoli rettangoli numeric!; Elogio di Polibio del rev. Antoniuo Longo; Lettera di Vincenzio Follini sopra il sepolcro di Vi- eri de' Medici; Memoria sulla causa speciale d'un er- pete; Estratto del codice diplomatico toscano compil- atodaFilippo Brunetti; Lczione inedita di Salvino Salvini, ec. Che la lingua toscana e piu obbligata al Petrarca che a Dante ; Fine della poetica d' Orazio volgarizzata, ec.; Aloisii Lanzii inscriptionum et car- minum libri tres, cc., estratto ; Selva inedita della emarrito intitolata. La naiadc deila villa; Epistola in versi di Erit4sco Pileneio alia contcssa Rossanc, ec.; Sonetto per la nascita del primogenito nato in Ispag- na; Risposta per le time al suddetto souetto del prof. Pagnini; Libri varj. IV. Frammento di grammatica di Benedetto Varchi; La prima lezione fatta il di 6 Aprile 1807 nella reale universita di Bologna da Pom- pilio Pozzetti; Lettera .... che contiene 1' estratto della memoria dei eigg. Dupuytren e Dupuy sulP in- fluenza; Ragguaglio della traduzione toscana in ter- zetti legati del poemetto di Catullj iulitolato, La chi- oma di Berenice, fatta di Tommaso 'uccini; Ode di Catullo sulle nozze di Giulia e di Manlio trad, in can- zone; Enitalamio di Catullo per le nozze di Giulia e di Manlio trad.; Estratto di un opuscolo di Cesare Luechesini intitolato, Saggio di osscrvazioui sopra uu" opera reeentemente pubblicata col titolo Feste della Grecia; Ode di Alessandro Pope in onore di S. Ce- cilia tradotta da G. M. Pagnini carmel.; Epigramma sullanascita d'un i'anciullo; Ragguaglio della versione italiana de' sei libri di Grozio sulla verita della Crist, religione, fatta di P. A. Magal>tti di Terni; Ragguag- lio delle favole e de' sonetti pastorali di L. Clasio; So- netti xiv sopra il Pater noster di A. M. Salvini; Libri varj. V. Fine del frammento inedito di gram- matica di B. Varchi; Dissertazione di Vincenzio Fol- lini; Notizie di medccina pratica e di fisiologia tras- messe di Parigi dal dott. G. Bigeschi ; Estratto di un* opera iutitolata Li bassirilievi antichi di Roma in- cisi da Tommaso Piroli colle illustrazioni di Giorgio Zoega, pubbl. in Roma da Pietro Piranesi; Sonetto di Giovanni de Bizzarro alia raaesta di Napoleone il massimo; Poemetto di Catullo sul maritaggiodi Peleo e di Teti trad, di G. M. Pagnini; Estratto di tre mem- orie intitolate Dei diiitti del principato sugli antichi cdifizj pubbtici sacri c profani in occasion del Panteon di M. Agrippa, Roma 18co di S. Antonio; Sommario di notizie per servire nllu storia politica di Castiglion fiorentino, del D. l.uigi Eustachio Polidori, ec.; Continuazione del rag- guaglio dci hassirilievi antichi di Roma; Di alcune iiitture antichi nuovamente scoperte iu Venezia; Rag- guaglio del libro ititolato, Poesie rustical! raccolte, ed illustrate con note dal dott. Giulio Ferrario, ec.; No- vita trasmesse di Parigi dal dott. Gio. Bigeschi; Libri varj. VII. Lettera sullo stato attuale doll' ostitricia in I'nmcia del dott. G. Ligeseiii; Ragguaglio ditm' opera intitolata, Ignatii Rossii etymologise -lEgyptia;, Roinae, 1808; Congetturo di Pompilio Pozzetti delle scuole Pie, ec., intorno un capitolo delle Notti attiche Ui Aulo Gellio; Estratto di un' opera col titolo, Memo- rie per servire alia vita di Francesco Maturanzio, ora- torc e pocta perugino, raccolte da (jio. Batista Vermig- lioli, Perugia, 18'"; Imitazionc di due sonctti francesi 1'uno di M. de Barrcaux e 1'altro del P. lamin bene- dettino; Estratto di uu' opera intitolata, Memorie della vita di mcsscr Cino da Pistoia raccolte ed illus- trate da S. Citimpi, Pisa, 1S08; Continuazione del rag- guaglio dei bassirilievi nntichi di Roma; L'Ocipo di Luciano, vcrsiouc ined. da A. M. Salvini; Descri- zione del Taurobolio presa dall' inno di Aurcllo Pru- yon en 1817; Let- trcs a M. Charles Durand, sur les protestants de Nimes; Des elections de 1817; Des elections de 1818; Des reactions politiques; Essai sur le contre- revolu- tion de 1'Angletcrre; Table analytiquc. Commentario alia scienza della legisl. di Fi- langieri. Italia, [Livorno r] 1826. 8 . . . . 3500.6 Cours de politique constitutionelle. Nouv. ed. par Pages. Paris, 1S3G. 2v. 8 .... 3564.7 De la religion, dans sa source, ses formes et ses developpements. Paris, 1824-31. 5v. 8. 3438.2 Discours a la chambre des deputes. Paris, 1827-28. 2v. 8" 2055.10 Minerve fran9aise. See Aiguan, E 2000.2 Philosophical miscellanies. See Cousin, V. . 3606.10 CONSTANT [Wairy], valet de XapoUon. Mumoires sur la vie privee de Napoleon, [par J. B. de Roquefort, et autres.] Paris, 1830. 6v. 8. 2055.9 CONSTANTIN, de. Recucil des voiages qui ont servi a 1'otablissement de la compagnie des Indes orientales, formee dans les Pays-Bas. 2e ed. Amsterdam, 1703-10. 5v. 12 2277.12 Contents. Vol. I. Premier, second, troisieme voi- ages des Hollandois par le nord, pour chercher un passage a Cathai et a la Chine; Description de la Si- berie; Voiages des Hollandois aux Indes orientales; Voiage de cinq vaisseaux de Rotterdam au dttroit de Magellan. II. Voiage de De Xoort autour du monde; Voiage de Paul van Caerden ; 2d voiage de J. van Neck, [1GOO]; Divers memoires touchantles Indes ori- entales; Voiage de fit. ran der Ilagen; Voiage aux roiaume d'Achin, 1GOO-1601; Voiage de Wolphart Har- mansen; ler voiage de Spilberg; Voiage pour la com- pagnie d'Octroi. III. Second voiage de van der Ha- gen ; Voiage de MateHet'; Second voiage de P. van Cacrden; Description de 1'Indostan. IV. Voiage de Verhoeven aux Indes orientales; Voiage au Japon; CONSTANTIN 191 CONSUMPTION Shelf. No. CONST AXTIX, de, continued. Memoires toucliaut les isles de Banda, 1'isle Borneo, les isles Moluques, les isles Solor et Timor, Amboine, etc.; Nouveau nu-moire touchant les isles Moluqucs; Voiages de P. ran Broeck au Cap Vert, a Angola et aux ludes orientales; Voiage de Spilberg aux islea Moluques ; Navigation australe par Le Maire et Schouten; Voiage de la flote de Nassau ; Description de Perou. V. Voiage de Rechteren, avcc une relation de 1'ttat dc 1'isle Formose ; Voiage de Ilagcnaar ; Ilis- toire d'une persecution faite au Japon ; Visite du Dairo al'empereur du Japon; .Memoire touchant le commerce du Japon; Formose negligee, ou la prise de cette isle par les Chinois sur les Hollaudois. COXSTAXTIX, Leopold Auguste. See Hesse. COXSTAXTIX, R. Dictionarium Graeco-latinum. Basilese, [1503.] f *2980.1 COXSTAXTIXE, abbot of S. Symphorian. Vita Ad- alberonis Metensis episcopi. [Migne. Pa- trologiae v.139] 3400.18 i CONSTANTINE, ant i pope. Epistolse duse ad Pip- pinum. [Migne. Patrologise v.93]. . v.2 of 3450.23 ! COXSTAXTIXE I., C. F. V. A. C., emperor. Opera qua: extant universa. Parisiis, 1844. 8. [Migne. Patrologiae v.8] 3440.6 Contents. Euscbii PamphiH libri quatuor de vita Constantini; Decreta et constitutiones; Conciones; EpistoUe; Pancgyricus Constantini auctore Nazario; Panegyric! vcteres ab aliis Constantino dieti. See Guillon. Bibliotheque des peres. v.6. of 3499.30, v.5 of 3508.2 CONSTAXTIXE IV. Pogonatus, emperor. Epistola ad Donum papam ; Epistolse ad Leonem papam. [Migne. Patrologiae v. 87, 96] . . 3450.18,22 COXSTAXTIXE V T II. Porphyrogenitus,e//>eror. De ceremoniis aulse Byzantinae, Graece et Lat- ine, e recensionc J. J. Eeiskii cum ejusdem commentariis intcgris. Bonnse, 1829-30. 8. [Corpus script, hist. Byz. v.10] *2969.1 De thematibus, et de administrando imperio. Recog. I. Bekkerus. Bonnae, 1840. 8. [Cor- pus script, hist. Byz. v.ll] . *2969.1 De adminiatrando imperio ; Tactica ; Strate- gicum ; De thematibus ; Novelise constitu- tiones. [Meursius. Opera, v.O] 2210.2 COXSTAXTIXE I, pope. Epistolae duo. [Muratori. Rerumltal. script, v.3, p. 2] 2710.1 COXSTAXTIXE, QOth, pope, d.7\5. Epistolse. [Migne. Patrologise v.89] 3450.20 COXSTAXTIXE Africanus. Prologi ad libros de medicina. [Mignc. Patrologiae v.150] . . 3460.28 COXSTAXTIXE, 31. Annalcs. [Mcursius. Opera. v.7] 2210.2 CONSTAXTIXOPLE. See Buchon. Coll. chron. nat. fran5oises. v.1-4 2617.2 Contents. Vol. I., II. C. sous les empereurs fran- Sais jusqu'a la conqufite des Turcs, p:ir Du Cange. III. Chronique de la prise de C. par les Francs 1108- 1207; Chronique mutrique de la conquete de C. par les Francs par Philippe Mouskes. IV. Chronique de la conquete de C. et de 1'etublissement des Fraujais en Moree, ucrite en vers politiques. Casti, G. B. Viaggio a Constantinopoli. v.l of 2792.3 Clinton, H. F. Chronology of 2751.3 Conquete de, 1200-07. [Petitot. Coll. mem. hist. France. Scr. 1, v.l] 2615.1 Fragments d'auteurs orieutaux relatifs a la prise de. [Lebeau. Histoire du Bas-Em- pire, v.21] 3074.1 Histoire du Bas-Empire. [Segur. (Euvres, v. 16-19] . 2074.1 Hobhouse, J. C. Journey to. 1809-10. . . . 3081.5 Mac Farlane, C. C. in 1S28 : Touruefort, J. L'histoire de 3081.7 Tout ce qui s'est passe a C. pour le traits de la paix de Bavbarie, 1005? [Lafaist. arch. cur. hist. Fr. SOr.2, v.4] 2017.1 VillehardouiiiiJ.de. Conqueste de 2610.8 "Walsh, R. Residence at 3082.3 Wheler, G. Account of, 1075 3071 . 1 CONSTAXTIXOPLE, Synod of. Actio prima-octava. [Mai. Script, vet. nova coll. v.4] 3000.1 Shelf. No. COXSTANTIUS, Albigensian bp. Epistol.i ad Desid- erium. [Migne. Patrologiae v.S7] .... 3450.18 CONSTITUTIOXAL irritation. Inquiry concerning. Travers, B 3807.4 See also: Hereditary diseases. CONSTITUTIOXAL law. Cours de politique consti- tutionnelle. Constant-Rebecque, H.B. de . 3564.7 See also : Government, Political science. COXSTITUTIOXALIST and -weekly magazine, June 23, 1812 June 15, 1813. Exeter, N. H., 1812-13. f *8070.5 COXSTITUTIOXS. Barantc-, G. P.B. de. Questions constitutionnelles 3564.6 Delacroix, J. V. C. of Europe and America. 3564.5 Dufau, P. A. Collection des C 3564.8 Heeren, A. H. L. C. of the states of anti- quity 2291.2 Politz, C. N. L. Die europaischen Verfas- sungen. 1789-1847 3554.3 Sismondi, J. C. L. S. de. Etudes sur les C. des pcuples libres 3562.20 CONSTITUTIONS of the apostles. See Apostolic constitutions. COXSTRUCTIOX. Borgnis, J. A. Traite ulem. de. . 4092.5 Bruyere, L. Etudes relatives a Part de . . . 4100.3 Duliot, J. P. Cours elu'mentaire de 4101.16 Sganzin, J. M. Lccon d'un cours de . . . . 4012.7 See also : Arches, Architecture, Aqueducts, Bricks, Bridges, Buttresses, Canals, Carpentry, Culverts, Engineering, Fire proof. Marble, Slasonry, Materials, Prisons, Public works, Railways, Roads, Sewers, Tim- ber, Tunnelling, Vaults, Viaducts. CONSULS. Borel, F. Originc et fonctions des . . 3616.1 Cussy, F. de. Manuel- lexique du consul . . 3634.9 Mensch, F. A. v. Manuel du consulat . . . . 3616.3 Moreuil. Manuel des agents consulaires . . 3616.2 Warden, D. B. Origin, nature, etc., of con- sular establishments 3616.4 See also : Diplomacy, Law of nations, Negotiations, Treaties. CONSULTI mcdici di varii aut. Venezia, 1839. 16. 3749. 12 CONSUMPTIOX, Pulmonary. Arnott, J. Apply- ing heat or cold in 3760.22 Bayle, G. L. Sur la phthisic pulmonaire . . 3794.18 Beddocs.T. Causes of 3794.10 - Nature and cure of 3807.8 Bennett, J. H. Pathology, and treatment of 3794.17 Clark, Sir J. Treatise on 3794.15 Cornell, W. M. C. forestalled 3794.34,05 Cotton, R. P. Physical diagnosis of . . . . 3795.33 Crichton, Sir A. Practical observations on . 3794.6 - Vapor of boiling tar used in .... M.Pph.v.08 East, R. The dangerous disease of England. :); Gannal, J. N. Inhalation of chlorine in . . 3794.10 Granvillc, A. B. Hydro-cyanic acid in ... 3786.8 Griffith, M. Observations on . . . M.Pph.v.92,118 Hamilton, W. Utility of foxglove in ... 3600.20 Hayes, T. Prevention and cure of 3799.28 Holland, G. C. Cases of tho cure of . . . . 3; - Nature and cure of 3794.8 Lebert, H. Maladies tuberculeuses 3795.13 Louis, P. C. A. Exarnen dc 1'examen de 31. Broussais relativement a la phthisic .... 379-1.21 - Pathological researches on phthisis . . . 3794.1 - Recherches pathologiques sur la phthisic. 3794.19 Mansford, J. G. Influence of situation on M.Pph.v.58 Moore, J. Essay on Pph.v.329 Morton, S. G. Anatomical characters, and causes of 3794.7 Portal, A. Phthisic pulmonaire 3794.23 Ramaflge, F. H. C. curable 3794.2 Rose, J. 8. C. curable 3794.32 Scudamore, Sir C. Efficacy of various medi- cines by inhalation in 3794.5 - Iodine and coniuin in phthisis 3794.11,20 Swcctscr, W. Treatise on 3794.4 Thompson, T. Lectures on 3794.9 Trousseau, A. Treatise on laryngeal phthisis. 3755.22 Yeoman, T. H. C. of the lungs 3794.31 CONSUMPTION 192 COOK Shelf No. CONSUMPTION, continued. Young, T. Consumptive diseases 3794.14 See also: Auscultation, Chest, Coughs, Hereditary diseases, Inhalation, Lungs, Percussion, Respiratory organs, Scrofula, Stethoscope. CONTAGION. Great Britain. Act for the preven- tion of 3769.29 Hosack, D. Communication of 3790.57 Macmichael, W. Progress of opinion on.*M.Pph.vJ8 Potter, N. Memoir on *M.Ppli.v.l8 See also : Black death, Cholera, Pestilence, Small- pox, Spotted fever, Vomito priesto, Yellow fever. CONTANT de la Molctte. See Du Contant CONTANT d'Orvillc, A. G. Melanges tire's d'une grand bibliotheque. See Paulmy, A. de . . 2198.1 CONTAKINI, A. Viaggio nella Persia. Ramusio. Navigation!, v.2 2200.2 See Viaggi fatti da Vinetia 2277.10 CONTARINI, G. Vita e lettere. [Beccadclli. Monum. di var. lett. v.2] 2741.2 Vita. [Casa. Opere, v.4] 2790.3 CONTARINI, V. De frumentaria Romanorum lar- gitione ; De militari Romanorum stipcndio. [Graevius. Thesaurus antiq. Rom. v.8, 10]. 2950.1 CONTELORO, F. De prsefecto urbis. [Sallengre. Thesaurus antiq. Rom. v.l] 2950.2 CONTEMPORARIES. Arnault, A. V. Biographic nouvelle des contemporains 2244.1 Biographic dcs hommes vivants 2244.3 Choiseul-Stainville, C. Mcmoires des con- temporains 2054.12 Nisard, C. Portraits contemporains .... 2063.11 Rabbe, A. Biographic universelle des con- temporains 2254.2 Vapereau,G. Dictionnaire universel des con- teraporains 2242.1 CONTES nioraux. See Marmontel, J. F 4079.10 CONTI, A. Prose e poesie [con] notizie spettanti alia sua vita, e suoi studj. Venezia, 1739- 56. 2v. 4 2792.4 Contents. Vol. I. Prefazione; Lettera a raonsig. Ceratti; Globo di Venere, sogno; Delia fata Mor- gana; Riflessione eu 1'aurora boreale ; Proteo, idilHo; Cantate: Timoteo, o gli effetti delta musica; Cassan- dra; Sonetti : teologici, filosofici, eroici; Poesie varie; Dissertazione sopra 1'Atalia del Racine; Traduzione dell' Atalia, di alcune odi di Anacreonte, del cantico a Venere di SafFo, de uu fragmento dell' oda di Sim- onide intitolata Perseo, dell' inno di Callimaco sopra il lavacro di Pallade, di nlcune odi di Orazio, dell' egloga VI., di Virgilio, del poema di Callimnco sopra la chiomadi Berenice tradottoda Catullo. II. Notizie intornola vitaegli studj del sig. abate Conti; Trat- tato dell' imitazione, de' fantasmi poetici, della poesia greca ; Allegoria dell' Eneide ; Illustrazione dello scudo di Enea; Illustrazione del poema di Catullo intitolato le nozze di Tetide e di Peleo ; Dissertazione eopra La Tebaide di Stazio; Discorso sopra laitaliana poesia; Illustrazione del dialogo di Fracastoro intito- lato il Navagero, o sia della poesia; Dissertazione so- pra la ragion poetica del Gravina; Trattato delle po- tenze conoscitive delTamma; Trattato delle fantasie particolari; Avvertimento al lettore; Poesie tradotte dall' Inglese; Al sig.marchese Manfredo Repeta sopra il poema del riccio rapito; II riccio rapito; Prose fran- cese e italiane a monsieur Perel ; Dialogue sur la nature de 1'amour; Lettre a Mme. la presidente Ferrant; Lettera al sig. cavalier Vallisnieri; Al sig. marchese Maifci; Al sig. Benedetto Marcello; Al Bernardo Pi- senti C. R. Somasco ; A monsignor Ceratti. Giulio Cesare. [Teatro scelto italiano, v.28] . 4779 a. 6 Giunio Bruto, tragedia. [Teatro italiano del secolo 18, v.3] 2778.1 CONTI, C. Sulla campagna di Roma. Firenze, 1846. roy.8" 2765.2 CONTI, G. de'. La bella mano [poema] e una rac- colta delle rime antiche di diversi Toscani. Nuova. ed. Firenze, 1715. 24 4769 a. 9 CONTI, I. M. Missa assumptionis B. Maria: vir- ginis. 4 voc. c. viol, ed organo ; Missa I. Sperabo in te,a 4 voc. da cappella ; Missa II. Adjuva me, a 4 e 5 voc. da cap.; Missa III. Exaudi me, a 4 e 5 voc. ; Missa IV. Judica me, a 6 voc. [Dehn. Practische Musik- Werke, v.23] 4051.14 Shelf. No. CONTI, N. di. Viaggio nolle Indie. [Ramusio. Navigation!, v.l] 2200 2 CONTILE, L. Rime, con discorsi, et argomenti di F. Patritio, et A. Borghesi con le sei canzo- ni dette le sei sorelle di Marte. Venetia, 1500. 16 4779.24 CONTINENTAL congress. Extracts from the pro- ceedings of the American continental con- gress, 1774. See United States 2324.18 CONTOSTAVLOS, A. Facts in relation to the build- ing of the two Greek frigates. New York, 1826. 8 *Pph.v.66 Answer to his narrative in relation to the frigates Liberator and Hope. Bayard, W. 2371.23 CONTRACTOR'S pocket-book, The. See Engi- neers, etc 4019.25 CONTRACTS. Comyn, S. Law relative to C. not under seal 3665.5 Emerigon, B. Des contrats a la grosse . . 3001.1 Grant, J. Essay on the origin of 3501.2 Parsons, T. Law of 3665.1 Smith, J. W. Law of 3605.4 Story, J. Conflict of laws in regard to . . 3625.1 Vcrplanck, G. C. Essay on the doctrine of 3005.7 CONTRUCCI, P. Iscrizioni. Pistoia, 1837. 8. . 2746.1 See Bernabo Silorata, P. Prose e poesie di Italian] viventi, v.4 4768.16 CONVENTION of the friends of domestic industry. Address, reports, and memorials to con- gress. Baltimore, 1831. 8 *C.152.8 CONVERSATIONS on common things. 7th ed. Bos- ton, 1836. 18 7029.23 CONVERSATIONS-LEXICON. Brockhaus. Leipzig, 1851-55. lOv. 8 *A. 144.1 CONVERSATIONS-LEXICON. See Meyer, J. . . . A. 136.1 CONVERSION. Mather, I. Truths about .... 3459.31 Shepard, T. Treatise of evangelical .... 3440.0 See also : Regeneration, Revival. CONVEYANCER. See Modern conveyancer . . . 3034.15 CONWAY, Dcrwent, pseudonym. See Inglis, H. D. CONWAY, H. S. Speech on quieting the troubles now reigning in the British colonies in America. London, 1781. 8 *Pph.v.37 CONWAY, M. D. Free schools in Virginia. Fred- ericksburg. 1850. 12 3596.21 CONWAY tubular bridge. See Clark, E 4014.5 Fairbairn, Wm. Construction of 4014.4 CONWELL, C. C. Vegetable chemistry. Phila- delphia, 1829. 8 *M.Pph.v.27 CONYBEARE, J. J. Illustrations of Anglo-Saxon poetry. Ed. by his brother, W. D. C. Lon- don, 1826. 8 2587.1 CONYBEARE, W. D., and Phillips, W. Geology of England and Wales. London, 1822. 8. 3864.11 COOK, E. Melaia, and other poems. [Ed. by R. W. Griswold.] New York, 1854. 12. . . . . 2405.29 COOK, G. History of the reformation in Scotland. 2d ed. Edinburgh, 1819. 3v. 8 3524.4 COOK, Capt. James. Three voyages round the world. London, 1821. 7v. 8 *2205. 1 Contents. Vol. I., II. Life of Cook; Account of a voyage round the world, in the years 17G8-71, drawn from Cook's original journal, and from the papers of Sir Joseph Banks, by Dr. Hawkesworth. III., IV. Voyage performed in the years 1772, 3, 4, 5, written by J. C. and George Forster; Vocabulary of the language of the Society islands. V.-VII. Voyage to the Pacific ocean to determine the position and extent of the west side of North America, its distance from Asia, and the practicability of a northern passage to Europe, performed by Captains Cook, C'lerke, and Gore, in the years 1776-80, written by Captains Cook and King. Abstract of voyages. [Pinkerton. Voyages, v.ll] ". . . 2260.13 Voyage de. [Hawkesworth. Voyages] . . 2265.11 Life. Kippis, A 2440.7 COOK, John. Green's Tu quoque : or the city gal- lant. [Dodsley. Old plays, v.7J 2588.1 COOK, S. A. Address before the medical society of the county of Rensselaer, N. Y. June 11, 1844. Troy, N. Y., 1844. S *M.Pph.v.40 193 COOPER Shelf. No. COOKE, C. T. White mustard seed in affections of the liver. 1st Am. til. N. Y., 1827. lts.*3789.28 COOKE, G. W. History of party, 1GGG-1832. Lon- don, 1838-37. 3v. 8 2514.4 Memoirs of Lord Bolingbroke. 2d ed. Lon- don, is Vi. 2v. 8" *244G.13 COOKE, I. American orator, or extracts in prose and poetry. New Haven, 1819. 12" .... 70G9.5 COOKE, J. Preacher's assistant. [IJibliogr. of ser- mons and texts.] Oxford, 1783. 2v. 8. *21S2.4 COOKE, J. E.,.V. I). Autumnal and winter epidem- ics. [Louisville, Ky.] 1829. 8" 3797.21 COOKE, John Estcn. The Virginia comedians : or old days in the old dominion. New York, l.xjK 2v. 12 2409.39 COOKE, P. P. Froissart ballads, and other poems. Philadelphia, 1847. 12 2399.20 COOKE, W., and Barker, J. Report of the public discussion between. See Selkirk, J. . . . 3402.19 COOKERY. Indian cookery, translated by Sand- ford Arnot. See Miscellaneous transl. from orient, lang 3012.30 System of. See Ladies' indisp. assistant . . 4000.4 Receipts in ancient C. See London. Society of antiquaries 2511.3 Thompson, B. Proposals for improving- . . 4000.1 Vinton, T. Specifications of a patent for an improved cooking grate E.224.8 COOKESLEY, W. G. Explanatory index and map of ancient Rome. 2cled. Eton, 1&51. 12. 2730. 11 COOLEY, J. E. Review of the administration of Gen. Pierce, a speech. N. Y., 1S54. 8 . . *Pph. v.203 Speech in vindication of his position. [Al- bany, 1853.] 8 *Pph. v. 193 The American in Egypt. Appendix to. See Gliddon, G. R Pph. v. 133 COOLIDGE, A. J., and Mansfield, J. B. History of New England, v.l. Boston, 1859. 8.'. . *2320.31 COOLLIDGE, S. Sermon upon the death of her majesty queen Caroline. Bost., 1738. 12 . *3458.40 COOMBE, Mr. Continuation of the history of commerce. See Anderson, A 3052.10 COOMBE, T. Sermon preached July 20, 1775, the clay recommended by congress for a gen- eral fast. Philadelphia, 1775. 12 *3458.4G COOPER, A. A., 3d earl of Shafteslniry. Charac- teristicksof men, manners, opinions, times. 5th ed. [London,] 1732. 3v. 8 2557.12 Contents. Vol. I. Letter concerning enthusiasm; Essay on the freedom of wit and humour; Advice to an author. II. Inquiry concerning virtue and merit; The moralists. III. Miscellaneous reflections; Judg- ment of Ilercules; Letter concerning design. Locke, J. Original letters of C 2542.3 Reflections upon a letter concerning enthu- siasm Pph. v. 31 Remarks upon the letter concerning enthu- siasm. London, 1708. 8 Pph. v. 31 Wotton, Mr. Enquiry after wit; in which due respect is had to a letter concerning enthusiasm Pph. v. 31 Life, by B. Martyn 2440.10 COOPEH, Sir A. P. Abdominal hernia. 2d ed. by C. A. Key. London, 1827. f *3750.12 Anatomy of the breast. With plates. Lon- don, 1840. 4 and f *3740.10, 11 Anatomy of the thymus gland. London, 1832. 4 pp.47 *3740.12 Dislocations and fractures of the joints. New ed. by B. B. Cooper, with add. Boston, 1844. 8 *3745.18 - Same. New Am. cd. with add. Philadel- phia, 1851. 8 *3745.19 Principles and practice of surgery, with add. by F. Tyrrell. Boston, 1825-28. 3v. 8" . . *3743.3 - Same. Ed. by A. Lee. London, 183G-43. 3v. 8 *3743.2 - Same. Sixth orig. ed. Loud., 1839. 10 . *3759.15 Structure and diseases of the testis. 2d ed., by B. B. Cooper. London, 1841. 4 . . . . *3740.!3 Shelf. No. Cooricn, Sir A. P., continued. Bell, C. Answer to remarks of Sir A. C., on spinal and femoral injuries 3740.2 Cooper, B. B. Life 2455.5 and Green, J. H. Manual of surgery. 3d ed., by T. Castle. London, 1832. 12 *3759.7 and Travers, B. Surgical essays. London, 1818. 2v. 8 *3743.4 COOPER, B. B. Lectures on anatomy. London, 1830-35. 4v. 8" *3743.G Lectures on osteology. London, 1844. 8. . *374.j.'-0 Life of Sir Astley Cooper. Lond.,1843. 2v. 8. 2455.5 COOPER, C. P. Account of the public records. London, 1832. 2v. 8 *7072.2 Act of settlement, and the pope's apostol- ic letters. 5th cd. London, 1851. 8". . . *34G3.12 Ancient British and English churches. 2d ed. London, 1851. pp.70. 8 *3043.12 Another leaf omitted out of the record report. London, 1837. 8 *Pph.v. 103 Appellate jurisdiction of the house of lords, privy council, and court of chancery. 5th ed. London, 1850. pp.38. 8 *3025.6 Case of Arnold vs. Arnold decided by the lord chancellor, May, 1847. Loud, 1847. pp.19. 8. *3G25.0 Catalogue of portions of the library of C. P. C. to be sold 1853. London, 1852. 8 *2130.32 Catalogue of a further portion of the library of C. P. C., to be sold in 1857. Lond., 1850. 8.*2130.31 Common law and the pope's apostolic letters of Sept. 1850. London, 1851. 8 *34G3.12 Court of chancery. Debate in the house of commons, 27th March, 1851. 4th ed. Lon- don, [1851] *3025.0 Delay in the offices of the masters in chan- cery. 2d ed. London, 1849. pp.44. 8. . *3G25.6 House of lords as a court of appeal. Lon- don, 1850. 8 *3025.6 Late edict of the court of Rome. Cth ed. London, 1850. pp.23. 8 *34C3.12 Letter on a defect in the law regulating the custody of lunatics. London, 1849. 8. . *3025.0 Letter respecting the sanitary state of a part of St. Giles in the fields. 2d ed. London, 1850. 8 *34G3.12 Letter [and 2d letter] to C. P. Cooper, esq., on the appointment of a permanent judge in chancery, [etc.] London, 1835. 8 ... *3G25.G Letter to the vice-chancellor on the practice of adjourning court by reason of the ab- sence of counsel. 17th ed. London, 1850. 8. *3G25.6 Letter upon the bill to simplify the proceed- ings of chancery in Ireland. 12th ed. Lon- don, 1850. 8 *3025.6 Mr. Purtou Cooper's paradox. 10th ed. Lon- don, 1850. 8 *2625.6 Notes upon Lord Brougham's letter on the legislation of 1850, relating to the court of chancery. London, 1850. 8 *3G25.6 Oxford university commission. Lond., 1851.S.*34G3.12 Papers respecting the sanitary state of Church lane aad Carrier st. 2d ed. Lond., 1850. 8".*34G3.12 The pope's apostolic letter of 1850. Letter to an Eug. Roman catholic peer. 9th ed. London, 1851. 8 *34G3.12 The pope's letters [1850] relative to an arch- bishopric, etc. Oth ed. London, 1851. 8.*3403.12 The pope's brief of Sept., 1850. 4th ed. Lon- don, 1851. 8 *34G3.12 Present state of the court of chancery no reason against the commission for the great seal. 2d ed. London, 1850. 8 *3G25.G So much of Lord J. Russell's evidence on offi- cial salaries as relates to the law and to lawyers. London, 1850. 8 *3025.fl What occurred in a cause in which R. Bethell and C. P. Cooper were leading counsel. Oth ed. London, 1847. 8 *3025.G COOPEK, E. The crisis ; or the duties of the church. 2d ed. London, 1825. is" . . . . 3430.30 COOPER 194 COPYRIGHT Shelf. No. COOPER, E., continued. Letters to a serious enquirer. 2d ed. London, 1817. 18 3445.31 COOPER, J. F. American democrat. Coopcrstown, 1838. 12 2400.20 Battle of Lake Erie ; or, answers to Messrs. Burges, Duer, and Mackenzie. Coopers- town, 1843. 12 *Pph.v.220 Kcview of the case of Mackenzie. See Macken- zie, A. S 2348.0 COOPER, J. G. 1723-1709. Life and poems. [Chal- mers. Eng. poets] v.15 of 2592.7 Project for raising an hospital for decayed authors. [Dodsley. Fugitive pieces, v.2] . 2549.27 COOPER, Rev. J. G. An essay on comets. Phila- delphia, 1832. 8 . **E.110.17 COOPER, Rev. It. ? History of North America. Philadelphia, 1797. 12 2329.24 COOPER, Samuel, M. D. Properties and effects in medicine of the datura stramonium, or common thorn-apple. Philad., 1797. 8 *M. Pph.v.14 First lines of surgery. From the 4th Lond. ed., with notes by A. H. Stevens. New York, 1822. 2v. 8 *3743.8 - Same. 7th ed. London, 1840. 8 .... *3743.7 COOPER, Rev. Samuel. Sermon to the ancient and honorable artillery company, Boston, June 3, 1751. Boston, 1751. 8 *3458.24 Sermon, May 20, 1755, the anniversary for the election of council. Boston, 1750. 8 . *3458.20 Sermon upon the occasion of the reduction of Quebec. Boston, 1759. 8 *2324.36 COOPER, Capt. Samuel, and Macomb, A. Instruc- tions and regulations for the militia and volunteers of the U. S. Philad., 1830. 12. 3954.5 COOPER, Thomas, bp. Against the apology of private mass. Ed. by W. Goode. Cam- bridge, 1850. 12. [Parker soc. 35] *3499.6 COOPER, Thomas, M. D. Elements of political economy. 2d ed. with additions. London, 1831. 8 3043.8 Introductory lecture at Carlisle college, ("on chemistry, etc., among the ancients.] Car- lisle, 1812. 8 *M.Pph.v.G Observations on the writings of Priestley . . 2447.12 Political essays. 2d ed. Philadelphia, 1800. 8. 2400.27 Some information respecting America. Lon- don, 1794. 8 2328.30 Strictures on Crawford's report recommend- ing intermarriage with the Indians. Phil- adelphia, 1824. 8 *Pph.v.40 Tract on the proposed alteration in the tariff. New York, 1824. 8 *Pph. v. 40 Tracts on medical jurisprudence. Philadel- phia, 1819. 8 3787.7 Contents. Farr's elements of medical jurispru- dence; Cease's remarks on medical jurisprudence; Male's epitome of juridical or forensic medicine; Has- lam's treatise on insanity; Digest of the law relating to insanity and nuisance; Appendix containing Ers- kine's speech for J. Iladfleld, indicted for shooting at the king; Abstract of a report of the trial of Abra- ham Kessler, indicted for poisoning his wife; Me- moir on the chromat of pot-ash, as a tt-st lor detect- ing arsenic, copper, and corrosive sublimate. Two essays : On the foundation of civil gov- ernment ; On the constitution of the U. S. Columbia, [S. C.,] 1820. pp.71. 8 . . . *Pph.v.67 COOPER, W. Researches on the cheiroptera of the United States. New York, 1837. 8. . *Pph.v. 100 COOPER, Rev . W. Reply to the objections against taking the smallpox in the way of inocula- tion, from principles of conscience. 3d cd. Boston, 1730. 12 *3809.19 Sermon occasioned by the death of J. Gore. App. by Rev. Mr. Colman. Boston, 1720. 12.*3450.44 Sermon on the occasion of the funeral of Rev. P. Thacher. Boston, 1739. 8 *345G.57 Sermon on the death of. See Colman, B. . . 3457.30 COOPER, W. D. Provincialisms in use in Sussex. 2d ed. London, 1853. 12. 2580.19 Shelf. :.21 Tennant, J. E. C. of designs 3600.28 Sec aho : Literary property. COQCEBERT 195 CORNEILLE Shelf. No. COQUEBERT, A. J. Illustratio iconographica iu- sectorum quae in mussels Parisinis, obs. J. C. Fabricius, etc. Parisiis, an VII., [1799.] 4. 5870.9 COQUELIN, C., and Guillaumin, U. G. Diction- naire de 1'economic politique, par M. M. Bastiat, etc. 2d tirage. Paris, 1854. 2v. 8. *3082.2 COQUETTERIE. Relation du royaume de, par F. Hedelin. [Garnier. Voyages imagiuaires, v.2G] 2000.1 COQUILLART, G. (Euvres. Nouv. dd. par C. d'Her- icault. Paris, 1857. 10 2069.10 Contents. Coquillart et la vie bourgeoise au XVe siecle ; Poesies di verses ; Droitz nouveaulx. Cor.A, Antichita di. [Piranesi. Opere, v.9] . . . D. 1. H. CORAL reefs, Geological observations on. Dar- win, C 3803.12 CORAZZINI, F. Miscellanea di cose inedite o rare. Firenze, 1853. 10 4777.0 Contents. Prose. FederigoIL; Lettere; Orazione degli ambasciatori genovesi a Federigo e risposta; Orazione di Cristoforo Landino; L'Eutifrone o del santo, dialogo di Plntono trad, del Salvini: II convito, o dell' amore del' medes. trad, dal detto. Poesie. Fol- gore da san Gimiguano, sonetti; Matteo di Dino Frcs- cobaldi, canzoni e ballata; Franco Sacchetti, can- zoni, e sonetti; Messer Antonio, sonetto; Paolo dell' Abbaco, canzoni; Antonio Beccari da Ferrara, can- zoni; Bindo Bcnichi da Siena, canzone; Antonio Pucci: H Giamirante, poemetto; Lauda chc tratta della poverta; Francesco d'Altobianco degli Albert!, canzone; Simone di Ser Uino, canzone ; Andrea Orcagna, sonetto; Francesco Bcrni, ballata, sonetto; Michelangelo Buonarroti, sonetti; Jacopo Cicognini, anacreontica e canzone ; Ottavio Rinuccini, nna- creontica; Rinaldo con Armida; Marco Lambert!, capitolo ; Francesco Baldovini : Pellegrino e con- tadlno, prologo; Scherzo familiare; Galileo Galilei: Due sonetti; Quattro madrigal!; Gio. Maria Cecchi; J. Malandrini, farsa; Indice alfabctico. CORBET, R. Poems. Biogr. notes, etc., by O. Gilchrist. 4th cd. London, 1807. 10 ... 2549.8 Life and poems. [Chalmers. English poets.] v.Sof 2592.7 COKDA, A. C. J. Anleitung zum Studium der My- cologie. Prag, 1842. 8 3858.1 Bcitriige zur Flora der Vorwelt. Prag, 1845. 1.4 3850.6 Flore illustrde de mucediuees d'Europe. Leip- zig, 1840. pp.55. f 3840.6 Skizzen zur vergleichendeu Phytotomie vor- und jeztweltlicher Pflanzeu-Stiirume. n.p. n.d. 1.4 3850.5 CORDIER, P. L. A. Temperature of the interior of the earth. Amhcrst, 1828. pp.94. 12 . . 3903.20 CORDILLERAS. Vue des Cordillieres. [Humboldt. Voy. aux reg. equi. Atlas pittoresque] . 3810.4 See also : Andes. COREA. AperQii des trois royaumes. See Rinsi- fec de Sendai 3011.6 CoRFO. Botta, C. G. G. Storia naturalc e medica dell' isola di 3079.3 Tommaseo, N. H supplizio d'un Italiano in. 4749.7 CORINTHIANS. Calvin, J. Commentary on the epistles of Paul to the 5504.9 Locke, J. Paraphrase on St. Paul's epistle to- the 3414.11 See also : Bible. CORIO, F. G. Poesie. [Collezione dci migliori operc in dialetto milancsc, v.9] 47C9a.5 See Gorini-Corio, G. CORIOLIS, G. Mecanique des corps solides, etc. 2e ed. Paris, 1844. 4 3941.17 CORIPPUS, F. C. Johannidos, seu de bellis Liby- cis libri VII. See Mcrobaudes, F. [Corpus script, hist. Byz. v.28] 2908.1 CORK, Ireland. Ancient and present state of. Smith, C 2470.10 CORMENIN, L. M. de La If. de. Droit adminis- tratif. 5eed. Paris, 1840. 2v.ini. 8 . . . 3620.14 Questions d'uii Jacobin au sujet d' line dota- tion. Go ud. Paris, 1810. 24 4008 21 Revision, [dc la constitution.] [Paris,] 1851. 18 . 4008.20 Shelf. No. CORN. Essay on the influence of a low price of C. on the profits of stock. Ricardo, D. . . . 3055.1 CORN and currency. See Graham, Sir J 304.J.U CORN laws. Dialogue on the corn laws, between a gentleman and a farmer. Manchester, [Eng.]n.d. 8 *Pph.v.l48 Letters on the corn laws, and on the rights of the working-classes, by H. B. T. Lon- don, 1834. 8" 3570.00 Report on petitions relating to the corn laws ; with the minutes of evidence ; and an nppendix. [London,] 1814. 4 *Pph.v.323 Tits. william, C. "W. W. Address to the laborers of Great Britain on the 3570.60 Hansard, T. C. Debate upon the 3051.4 Hints on 3ii5'!.3 McCulloch, J. R. Probable consequences of the proposed repeal of 3051.18 CORN trade. Tooke, T. Remarks on the .... 3041.7 Young, A. Memoir on the 3053.10 Cor.NARius [or Hagenbut,] J. De conviviis vet- erum Grascorum. [Gronovius. Thesaurus antiq. Graec. v.9] 2900.2 CORNARO, L. Discorsi intorno alia vita sobria, 1'arte di godere sanita perfetta. Milauo, 1841. 10 3709.37 Sure methods of attaining a long and health- ful life. 54th ed. Cheltenham, n.d. 24 . . 3769.36 CORNAZZANI, G. Historia: Parmensis fragmonta 1301-1355. [Muratori. Rerum Ital. script. v.12] 2710.1 CORNAZZANI, L. See Bernab6 Silorata. Prose e pocsie di Italian! viventi, v. 7 4758.10 CORNEA, Opacity of the. Luxmoorc, T 3809.26 CORNEILLE, P. (Euvres, avec les commentaircs de Voltaire. [Suivis des pieces do tlu-utre de T. Corneille.] Paris, 1817. 12v. 8 . . 2700.2 Contents. Vol. I. Avcrtissement pour 1'edition de 1774; Vie de P. Corneille par Fontenclle; Melite, comedie; Clitandre, tragedic; La veuve, comedie; La galciie du palais, comedie. If. La suivuntc, cnmedu 1 ; La place royale, comedie; Medec, trngedie; I/illusion comkiue, com.; Lc Cid, trag. III. Pieces surle Cid; Horace, trag.; Cinna, ou laclemcnce d'Auguste, trag. IV. Folycucte, martyr, trag.; La mort do Pompee, trag.; Le menteur, com. V. La suite du mentcur, com.; Theodore, vierge et martyre, tra.?. ; Rodoi-une, princesse des Parthes, trag. VI. 1,'IIcraclius espagnol, ou la comedie fameuse ; IKrnclius, cmpcreur d'orient, trag. ; Andromede, tragedie ; Don Sanelie d'Aragon, comedic. VII. Xicomirtc, trag.: Pertliarite, roi des Lombards, trng. ; (Edipc, trag. ; La toison d'or, trag. Vin. Sertorius, trag. ; Sophonisbe, trag. ; Othon, trag.; Agvsilas, trag. IX. Attila, roi des Huns, trag.; Tite ct Berenice, com.; Puk-herie, trng.; Surena, general des Parthcs, trag.; Psyche, tragi-comC-die et ballet. X. Trois discours sur Ic poemc dramatique, sur latragedie, sur les trois unites; PoCsics diverscs; R'ponso de Voltaire a un detractcur de Corneille; Reponse a uu academicien; S> ntiment d'un acade- micien de Lyon; Lettre de Francois de Nenfehateau. XI. Limitation de Jesus-Christ, tradnitc et pura- phrasecen versfranynis. XII. Avertissemcnt; Eloge de P. Corneille, par Gaillard; Extraits dea inrmoires de Palissot tt du discours dc Racine sur Corneille; Discours dc P. Corneille lorsqu'il fut reju a I'acade- mie franeaisc; Chefs-d'ccuvres de Thomas Corneille; filoge de Th. Corneille; Liste dcs pieces de theatre de T. Corneille; Arianc; Le comte d'Esscx: Lefestin de Pierre ; Changements proposes pour Polycucte et Nicoinede; Elegic de Rotrou; Sentiment de Palissot sur le cominentaire de Voltaire. Theatre. Nouv. 6d. Geneve, 1774. 8v. 4. *2091.2 Contents. Vol. I. Medec: Le Cid; Cinna; Jules Cesar. II. Horace; Polycucte; Le mcntrur; Lf suite du menteur. III. Pompee; Theodore; Rodogune; Andromede. IV. L'Heraclius cspagnol; Ileraclius empereur d'Orient; Don Sunche d'Aragon; Nico- mede; Pertharite. V. (Edipc; La toison d'or; Serto- rius: Sophonisbe. VI. Othon; A'-'.'sil;;.s: Attila: Be- renice dc Racine; Berenice de Corneille; Pulclierie. VII. Snrena; Arii-.ne; Le comte d'Essex; Melite; Clitandre; La veuve. VIII. La galeric du palais; La suiruntu; La place royale; L'illusion; Trois dis- cours, sur le poenie dramaticiuc, sur la tragedle, sur les trois unites; Vie do Corueillc par Fontonelle, etc. CORNEILLE 106 CORRESPONDENCE Shell. No. CORNEILLE, P., continued. L'imitation do Jesus Christ, traduite ct para- phrasee en vcrs fr. Paris, 1050. 4 .... *3444.3 M6dec ; CEdipe. [Brumoy. Theatre des Grecs, v.G, 3] 2905.4 Orazio ; II Cid. [Teatro moderno applaudito, v.52, 29] 2768.1 Philips, C. Pompey and Horace 25(51.9 Taschereau, M. J. Histoire de la vie et des ouvrages de 2079.5 CORNEILLE, T. Remarques sur la langue fran- caise. Vaugelas, C. F. de 2084.17 CEuvres. See Corneille, P. (Euvres, v.12 . 2700. 2 CORNELIUS, St. Epistolae, et quae ad eum scriptae sunt. [Migne. Patrologiae v.3] 3440.2 Epistolae. [Kouth. Reliquiae sacrae, v. 3] . 3513.9 CORNELIUS, W. Nord-und Ostsce. See Kobbe, F. C. A 2802.13 CORNELIUS Gallus. See Gallus. CORNELIUS Nepos. Quae exstant. Ed. nova cur. G. H. Bardili. Stutgardiae, ISi-'O. 2v. 8 . 2927.29 [Opera] cur. J. B. F. Descuret. Notas add. J. V. Lc Clerc. Parisiis, 1820. 8. [Lemaire. Biblioth. class. Lat. 27] *291G.l De vita excellentium imperatorum. cura T. B. Hayward. Bostouiae, 1830. 12 7089.33 - Same. Ed. 2a. Philadelphia, 1845. 12 . 7089.32 - Same. Cum versione Anglica, notis et in- dicc, [cura] J. Clarke Ed. lla. London, 1771. 8 2927.28 Defensio C. N. contra jEmilium Probum. See Lieberkiihn, G. E. F 2954.4 CORNELIUS Severus. See Scverus. COIINELL, S. M., Trial of E. K. Avery for the murder of. See Hallctt, B. F 3084.5 CORNELL, S. 8. Gram.-school gcog. N.Y.,1859. 4 7039.11 CORNELL, W. M. Consumption curable, and its treatment. Boston, 1850. 18 3794.35 Consumption forestalled and prevented. Bos- ton, 1840. 10 3794.34 The Sabbath made for man. Boston, 1847. 10. 3459.10 CORNER, P. V. II cieco,farsa; II tradimeuto not- turno, dramma. [Teatro moderno applau- dito, v. 45,54] 2708.1 CORNER Stone, The. Abbott, J 3445.8 CORNETO, Essais dc diffe'rentcs friscs qui se trou- vent pres de. [Piranesi. Opere, v.7] . . D. 1. F. Sopra le saline di. [Morichini. Opcre, v.l] 3723.3 CORNIANI, G. B. I secoli della letteratura italiana. Brescia, 1804-13. 5v. 8 2770.9 Della legislazione relativamente all' agricol- tura; Riliessioiii sulle moncte. [Ecouom- isti class, ital. v. 40] 3044.1 Elogio di D. Duraute. [Elogj italiani, v.8] 2743.15 CORNIANI-MALVEZZI,T. C. La cacciata del tiranno Gualtieri, 1343, poemetto. Bologna, 1832. 8. 2794.7 CORNWALL. Cornwall, its mines and miners. London, 1854. 12 2499.18 Betham. Sir W. Origin and history of the Cornish 2520.19 Borlase, W. Antiquities of the county of. 2450.5 - Natural history of 3900.1 Carew, R. Survey of 2402.11 De la Bcche, II. T. Geology of 3802.9 Dodridge, Sir J. Ancient and mod. state of 2473.17 Gilbert, D. Parochial history of 2493.15 Hitchins, F. History of 2402.9 Oliver, G. Memoranda for the history of. 2494.8 Parry, J. II. Cambrian Plutarch 2443.15 Polwhcle, R. History of 2402.10 Post-office directory 2484.17 Specimens of the Cornish provincial dialect 258(5.5 Warner, R. Tour through 2493.10 Whitaker, J. Cathedral of 2402.12 - Supplement to the history of 2402.10 CORNWELL, F. Description of the spirituall tem- ple. London, 104(5. pp.SS. sm.8 *3459.32 CORONATION. Sur le sacre de nos rois de la pre- miere race, par Bullet. [Leber. Coll. diss. hist. Fr. v.4] 2018.1 Shelf. Xo. CORONER. Backus, J. Laws relating to the office of ' 3034.3 Office and duty of. See Compleat sheriff . . 3034.14 CORP, S., et al., and Phoenix ins. co. Court of errors. Case on the part of the plaintiffs in error. Albany, 1814. 8 *Pph.v.l CORPORATIONS. Angell, J. K. Law of private 3003.18 Hatch, J. L. Rights of corporators . . . . 3084.10 See also : Agency, Banks, Contracts, Partnership. CORPS universel diplomatique du droit des gens. SeeDumont, J 3010.1 CORPULENCE, Remarks on. Wadd, W. . *M.Pph.v.f-4 CORPUS Christi college, History of. See Cam- bridge, Eng 2203.3 CORPUS grammaticorum Latinorum veterum. See Lindemann, F 2912.10 CORPUS inscriptionum Graccarum. See Bockh, A. 2900.1 CORPUS juris civilis Justinianei ; cum commenta- riis Accursii, etc. Index a S. Daoys, auctus a T. de Juges. Aureliae, 1G25. Cv. f . . *3G20.3 CORPUS juris mcdico-legale. See Valentin, M. B. . 3780.2 CORPUS juris Romani ante-Justiniani, consilio pro- fessorum Bonnensium. Prsefatus est E. Bockingius. Bonnae, 1841. 4 *3G11.3 Contents. Part I. Gaii institutionum commentarii quattuor, ex reccnsione ct cum commentarii3 J. F. L. GoDschenii, opus Gceschenii morte interruptum ab- solvit Carolus Lachmannus. II. Codex Theodosia- nus, ad liv. librorum manuscriptorum et priorura editionum fidera recognovit ct annotatione critica instruxit G. Uxncl. III. Codicis Gregorian! ct codi- cis Hermogeniani fragmcnta, ad xxxvi. librorum manuscriptorum et priorum editionum fidem recog- novit ct annotatione critica instruxit G. HzEnel. IV. Novella; constitutions imperatorum Theodosii II., Valentiniani III., Maximi, Mujoriani, Sevcri, Anthc- mii, xviii. constitutiones, quas J. Sinnondus divul- gavit, ad librorum manuscriptorum et editionum fidem recognovit et annotatione critica instruxit G. Haenel. CORPUS scriptorum historiae Byzantinae. Ed. con- silio B. G. Niebuhrii instituta. Bounce, 1828-55. 48v. 8 *2909.1 Contents. Vol. I. Agathias. II.-IV. Joannes Cantacuzenus. V. Leo diaconus; Nicephorus Pho- cas i Theodosius diaconus. VI.- VIII. Nicephorus Gregorns. IX.-XI. Constantinus Porphyrogenitus. XII., XIII. Georgius Syncellus, Nicephorus Constan- tinopolitanus archiep. XIV. Dcxippus; Eunapius; Petrus Patricius ; Priscus ; Malchus ; Menandcr ; Olympiodorus ; Candidus; Xonnosus; Tiieophanes; Procopius Gazanis ; Priscianus. XV. Joannes Ma- lala. XVI., XVII. Chronicon paschnlc. XVIII.- XX. Procopius Cacsariensis. XXI. Dueas. XXIL Thcophylactus ; Genesius. XXIII. Nicetas Cho- niates. XXIV., XXV. Georgius Pachymeres. XXVI. Joannes Cinnamus; Nicephorus Bryennius. XXVn. Michael Glycas. XXVIII. Merobandcs ; Corippus. XXIX. Constantinus Manasses; Joel; Georgius Acropotita. XXX. Zosimus. XXXI. Joan- nes Lydus. XXXII. Paulus Sileutiarius; Georgius Pisida; Nicephorus Constantinopolitanus. XXXIII. Thcophancs continuatus; Joannes Cameniata; Sym- con Magister ; Georgius monachus. XXXIV., XXXV. Georgius Cedrenus. XXXVI. Georgius Fhrautzes; Joannes Cananus; Joannes Anagnostes. XXXVH. Codinus Curopalates. XXXVIIl'. Anna Comnena. XXXIX., XL. Thcophancs. XLI. Eph- r.Tiuius [Byzan.inus]. XLII., XLIII. Joannes Zonaras. XLIV. Leo grammaticus ; Eustathius Thessalonicensis. XLV. Laonicus Chalcocondylas. XLVI. Georgius Codinus; Photius patriarcha; In- certus auctor. XLVII. Ilistoria politica et patriar- chica; Epirotica. XL VIII. Michael Attaliota. CORREARD, A., and Savigny, H. Naufrage de la Mcduse, 1810. 4e ed. Paris, 1821. 8 J . . . 3055.11 CORRESPONDENCE between 1st church and Taber- nacle church in Salem. Salem, 1832. S.**E.218.3 CORRESPONDENCE, diplomatic, of the American revolution. Sparks, J 23v!2.1 CORRESPONDENCE, diplomatic, of the United States, 1783-89 2321.20 CORRESPONDENCE, Manual of commercial . . . 3083. 6 CORRESPONDENCE, literary. Angaron-Porto, O. Lettere di nobili rencziani illustri drl secolo XVI . ~Tir.5 CORRESPONDENCE 197 COSTA Shelf. No. CORRESPONDENCE, literary, continued. Bromley, Sir G. Collection of royal letters. 2444.11 Ciceoni, T. Lettere ineclitc di alcuni accadem- ici della Crusca 2747.12 Ellis, H. Letters illustrative of English his- tory 2419.4 Fabri, D. Lettere familiar! d'alnuni Bolog- nesi del secolo 18 2747.11 Fabroni, A. Lettere ined. di uomini illustri. 2747. 1C Fanfani, P. Lettere precettive di ecccllenti scrittori 4770.38 Fenn, J. Letters during 1 the reigns of Henry VI., Edward IV., and Richard III 2451.1 Gamba, B. Lettere di donnc italiaue del secolo decimosesto 4748.4 Gayc, G. Carteggio inedito d' artisti dei secolo 14-16 4072.1 Halliwcll, J. O. Letters of the kings of Eng. 2419.5 Lettere di principi, o a' principi 2246.5 Lcttcre inedite d' illustri Italian! dal priucipio del sec. 18 flno ai nostri tempi 2747.6 Lettere sulla pittura, ecc. See Nuova rac- colta 4077.36 Letters of eminent literary men of the IGth 17lh and 18th centuries. [Camdcn soc., No. 23] 2416.23 Schlozer, A. L. v. Briefwechsel mcist stat. hist, und polit. Inhalts 2308.2 Speckter, E. Bricfc eines deutschen Kiinst- lers aus Italien 4089.12 "Wulkcr, J. Letters of eminent persons in the 17th and 18th centuries 2453.8 CORRUPTIONS of scripture. See American uni- tarian association Pph.v.255 Historical account of two notable. [Newton. Opera, v.5] 3911.1 CORKY, J. Life of Washington. Lond., 1800. 12. 2341.9 - Same. New ed. [London, n.cl.] 18. . 2341.16 and Evans, J. History of Bristol. Bristol, 1S10. 2v. 8 2504.6 CORSALI, A. Lettere. [Ramusio. Navigation!, v.l] 2200.2 CORSI, F. Delle pietrc antiche trattato. Ed 2a. Roma, 1833. 8 : 3865.19 CORSICA. Boswell, J. Account of 2980.30 Cambiagi, G. Istoria del regno di 2760.13 Dellc cose di C. dal 1730 al 1708. [Arch. stor. itaL v.ll] 5245.2 Lavallee, J. Histoire et description de Corse par M. Friess de Colonna 2206.19 I.impcrani, G. P. Istoria della 2760.12 Tommaseo, N. Canti popolari corsi .... 2787.8 Valery, A. C. Voyages en Corse 2705.7 Vergenues, G. de. Memoires sur la Corse. . 2370.5 CORSINI, B. II torracchione desolato, poema eroi- comico. Leida, 1822. 3v. in 1. 24 .... 4778.34 CORSINI, 31. de. See Rosaio della vita 3444.27 COKSINI, O. Ragionamento istorico sopra la Val- dichiana. [Raccolta dell moto dell' aeque, V.17] 3942.1 CORSO, R. Grammatica. [Autori del ben parlare, parte l,v.2] 3590.10 CORT, II. Railroad impositions detected. 2d ed. London, 1834. 8 *Pph. v.307 COUTEGIANO, II. See Castiglione, B. CORTES, D. Etudes socialcs. lU'ponse & M. Cortes. See Montagu. A. de 4679.15 CORTES, II. Despatches during the conquest of Mexico ; transl. with introd. and notes by G. Folsom. New York, 1843. 8 2314.1 Conquest of Mexico. [Xew coll. of voyages, v.l] 2203.1 Relation! della Nvova Spagna. [Ramusio. Kavigatioui ec. v.3] 2260.2 CORTICELI.I, S. Della toscana cloquenza. Bolog- na, 17T/J. 4 3590.6 Regole della lingua toscana. 2a ed. Bolog- na, 1754. 16 2786.13 - Same. Accresciute da P. Dal Rio. Fi- renze, 1845. 12 2786.12 Shelf. No. CORTONA. Accademia etrusca di Cortona. Saggi di disscrtazioni. Roma, 1742-91. 9v. 4" . *5252.17 CORTUSIO, A. and G. Historia de novitatibus Paduae ct Lorabardiro, 1256-1304. [Muratori. Reriun Ital. script, v.12] 2710.1 CORVARIA, G. Fragmenta historic Pisansc, 1270- 80. [Muratori. Rerum Ital. script, v.24] . 2720. 1 CORVEY. Die Corveyschen Geschichtsquellen. Wigand, P 2836.10 CORVISART des Marets, J. N. Organic diseases and lesions of the heart, [etc.] transl. by J. Gates. Philadelphia, 1812. S *3S03.3 Use of the stethoscope. See Forbes, J. . . . 3795.16 I CORY, I. P. Ancient fragments of Phoenician, Chaldoean, and other writers. 2d ed. Lon- don, 1832. 8" 2236.6 Contents. Introductory dissertation ; Theology of the Phoenicians, from Sanehoniatho; Chaldaean frag- ments from Bcrossus and others ; Dynasties of the kings of Chaldfea, Assyria, Media, Persia, Thebes, and Egypt; Egyptian fragments, from the obelisks, and from Manetho, Chaercrm-n, Lysimaehus, and other writers; The fragments of the Tyrian annals, from Dius and Mennndcr ; Carthaginian fragments from Hanno and Iliempsiil; Indian fragments from Megasthenes and Clitarchus; Atlantic and Panchzan fragm., from Marcellus and Euemerus; TheChaldocan oracles of Zoroaster; Fragments of the Hermetic, Or- phic, Pythagorean, and other cosmogonies and the- ogonies; Chronological fragments from Berossus, Sen- eca and others; An inquiry into the method, objects and results of ancient and modern philosophy and the trinity of the Gentiles. CORYAT, G. Posthvma fragmenta poematum. Londiui, 1610. sm.4 CORYAT,T. Crudities hastily gobbled up in France, Italy [etc.] London, 1611. sin. 4 [Letter to Sir E. Phillips] from the court of the Great. Mogul. [Londou,] 1016. sm.4. COSMAS Japygus. Carmen in honorem SS. Theopompi ct sociorum. [Migne. Patro- logije v.li'J] COSMAS Pragcnsis. Chrouica Bohcmorum ; Ca- nonic! VTissegradensis continuatio Cosmaj ; Monachi Sazavcusis continuatio ; Canonico- rum Pragcnsium continuatioues. [Migne. Patrologix v.100] COSMETICS, Receipts for. See Toilet of Flora . . COSMO III. See Medici. COSMOGRAPHY. Muuster, S. Cosmographiae uni- versalis libri sex Winslow, C. F. C., or philosophical views of the universe 2274.1 *2274.1 *2274.1 3400.12 3460.40 4019.2 2270.2 3809.10 See also : Creation, Universe, World. COSMOLOGY. Essai de cosmologie. [Maupertuis. CEuvres, v.l] E. 111.5 Lewis, T. Scriptural C 3419.3 COSMOS. See Humboldt, F. H. A. v. COSNAC, D. de. Memoires, publ. par J. de Cosnac. Paris, 1852. 2v. 8. [Societe dc 1'histoire de France] *2636.4 COSSACKS, Account of the. [New collection of voyages, v.4] 2203.1 Plotho, C. v. Die Kosaken oder Geschichte derselben 3009.2 COSSON, E. Phanerogamic. See France. Explor- ation de I'Alg^rie 3054.2 COSTA, P. Opere complete. [Firenze, 1839-40.] 4v. in 2. 8 2790.10 Contents. Vol. I. Del modo di comporre le idee, a fine di ben ragionare; Delia sintcsi e dell' analioi; Della elocuzione; I classic! e i romantic!, lettera; Op- uscoli filosofici; Dissertazione sulla sintcsi e 1'unalisi. II. Biografie, elogi ed opuscoli letterarii : Vita di Dante Alighieri ; Properzia de' Rossi, composizione drainmatica; La donna ingegnosa, commedia; Elogio del conte Giulio Pcrticari; Prcfazione nl dizionario della lingua Italian:!, stampato in Bologna nel 1^10; Discorso letto nell'accadcmia di bcile arti; Vita di Alberto Fortis ; Vita di Giovanni Donati; Sul Bardo della selva nera, pou'madi V. Monti; Osservazioniin- turiio 1'articolo 1, del giornale il Novellatore, Bologna 182-1; Risposta alle brutte accuse dategli da Filalete ue- COSTA 198 COUCIIER Shelf. No. COSTA, P., continued. mico dellc coutcse; Alcune dichiarazioni degli editor! del dizionario italiano; Componimenti poetic! ; Vol- garizzamento dclla batracomioraachia ; II progresso; Dell' arte poetica; II Dun Carlo, trag.; Lettere. Del modo di comporrele idee. Mil., 1844. 16. 3607.14 See Bernabo Silorata. Prose e poesie di Ital- ian! viventi, v. 1,3 4768.10 Lettere inedite. See Castreca-Brunetti, E. . 2747.3 COSTANTINI, G. A. Lettere critiche, giocose, mo- rali, scientiflche, ed erudite, lla ed. ven- cta. Venczia, 1780. lOv. sm.S *274S. 10 COSTANZIO, V. A. De vita Hieronymi Nigri com- mentarius ; Paul! Sadoleti vita. [Sadoleto. Epi st. appendix] 3476.5 COSTANZO, A. di. Istoria del reguo di Napoli. Milano, 1831, 1832. 4v. 32 2739.13 Le rime. Nizza, 1782. 16" 4770.6 COSTE, ,1. J. M. C. V. Instructions sur la piscicul- ture. 2e COURCELLES, M. L. Mdmoires et correspondauce. Publ. par P. Pouin. Paris, 1855. 10 . . . 2669.11 COURCY de Larochc-Hdron, H. de. Catholic church in the United States. Transl. and enl. by J. G. Shea. New York, 1856. 12 . 3544.21 COURIER do Mere, P. L. (Euvres completes. Nouv. ed. Par Carrel. Paris, 1834-36. 4r. s 2663.6 Contort*. Vol. I. Essai sur la vie et les ccrits de P. L. Courier, par Arm:md Carrel; Petition aux deux chambrcs; Lcttres an redacteur du Censcur; A' mes- sieurs du conseil dc prefecture a Tours; Lettres par- ticulieres; Simple discours de Paul-Louis, aux mcm- bres du conseil de la commune dcVcretz; Aux ames devotes dc la paroisse de Veretz; Proces de P. L. Courier; Collections de lettres ct articles publics dans diftvrens journaux; Petition a la cluunbre des deputes pour les villageois, que Ton empcche de danser; Ke- ponsc aux lettres anonj-mes adressccs a P. L. Courier; Gazette du village; Livret de Paul-Louis, vigueron; Slu-If. No. COURIER cle Herd, P. L., continued. Avertisscmcnt du libraire; Piece diplomatique, ex- traite des journaux anglais; Pamphlet des pamphlets. II. Preface de la Lmciade; La Luciade ou 1'anei Notes ; Les pastorales de Longus ou Daphnis et Chloe ; Notes; Preface du traducteur; Fragmens d'une tra- duction nouvellc d'HC-rodote; Preface dutraducteur; Pericles, traduction libre et abregee de Plutarque. III. Lettres inedites, ecrites de France et d'ltalie. IV. Correspondance; A' messieurs les juges du tri- bunal civil, a Tours ; Placet au ministre ; Pierre Clavier a messieurs les jugcs, a Blois; Pamphlets lit- teraires; Du commandement de la cavaleric et de 1'equitation; CEuvres diverses. COUKNOT, A. A. Theorie des chances ct des prob- abilites. Paris, 1843. 8 . . . '. 3923.11 COUKONNE poetique de Napoleon. Paris, 1S40. 12" 2689.8 COURRIER des Etats-Unis, orgaue des populations franco-amdricaines, v. 1-11, 13, 14. New York, 1851-58. 13v. 4" *3130.3 COURRIEK, Le, des theatres, vaudeville. Thdau- lon de Lambert, M. E. G. M 4679 a. 25 COURS de dessin sans maitre, d'apres la mdthode de Mme. Cave. Paris, n.d. 2v. f . . . . *4060.19 COURT and city register. Kalcndar for the year 1805. London, [1805.] sm.!2 2487.3 COURT and country guide. See Boyle 2485.17 COURT-HAND restored. See Wright, A 2111.2 COURT de Gdbelin, A. Monde primitif compare avec le monde moderne. Paris, 1773-82. 9v. 4 *2210.7 Contents. Vol. L Monde primitif considere dans son genie allCgorique et dans les allegories auxquel- les conduisit ce genie. II. dans 1'histoire naturelle de la parole, ou grammaire universelle et compara- tive. III. dans 1'histoire naturelle de la parole, ou origine du langue ct de 1'ecriturc. IV. dans i'lii<- toire civile, Kligieuse et nllcgorique du calandrier cu almanach. V. dans les origines franjoises ; ou dictionnaire etymologiquede la langue franooise. VI., VII. dans les origines latines ; ou dictionnaire cty- mologique de la langue iatine. VIII. dans divers objets concernant 1'histoire, le blason, les monnoies, les jeux, les voyages des Pfleniciens autour du monde, les langues amuricaincs, etc. IX. dans les engines grecques ; ou dictionnaire etymologique de la langue grecque, precede de rccherches ct de nouvelles vucs eur 1'origine des Grccs et de leur langue. Sur la vie et les t'crits de. See Rabaut-Saint- Etienne, J. P. 2iiii:j.5 COURTANVAUX, F. C. Le Tellier. Journal du voy- age. See Paris. Academic royale clcs sci- ences 3271.7 COURTENAY, E. S. Eulogy on W. Crafts. Charles- ton, 1826. 8 **E.lKJ.-,':3 COURTENAY, E. S. C. Dictionary of abbreviations. New ed. London, n.d. 10 *2115.9 COURTEXAY, J. Inquiry into the propriety of es- tablishing a national observatory. Charles- ton, 1827. 8 **E.224.s COURTENAY, T. P. Commentaries on the hist. plays of Shakspcare. London, 1840. 2v. 12. 251.T..:) Memoirs of the life, works, and correspond- ence of Sir W. Temple. Lon., 1830. 2v. 8". 2446.11 COURTILZ de Sandras, G. de. Mcmoires de M. de Bordeaux. Amsterdam, 1753. 4v. 12" . . 2049.6 COURTNEY, S. Voyage round the world. [New collection of voyages, v.3] 2263.1 COURVOISIER, J. B. Plaidoycrs. [Annalcs du barreau frangais. Barreau moderne, v.l] . 3708.1 COUSIN, J. A. J. Traite de calcul, differcntiel et integral. Paris, 1790. 4 3920.15 COUSIN, V. Cours dc 1' histoire de la philosophic. Nouv. dd. Paris, 1839-11. 6v. 8 .... 3605.1 Contents. Vol. I. Introduction. II., III. Philoso- phic du XVIIIe sieaje. IV., V. Introduction gCnC- rale a 1'histoire de la philosophic morale nu ISe sie- cle; Cours de philosopliic morale au ISe siecle, pro- ftssu a la faculte des lettres en 1S19 et 1S-0 : le ptie. Ecole sensualize; i;e ptie. Ecole ecossaise. VI. Cours de 1'hist. de la philosophic moderne, pendant les nniiees, 1SKJ et 1817, pul)lie avec son autorhation. De la metaphysique d'Aristote. Paris, 1S35. 8 .... 3004.12 COUSIN 200 COXE Shelf. No. COCSIN, V., continued. De 1'instruction publique clans quelques pays de 1'Allemagne ct particulierement en Prusse. Bruxelles, 1841. 2v. 18 .... 3508.20 De 1'instruction publique en Hollande. Bruxelles, 1838. 2v. 10 3398.18 De 1'instruction secondaire dans Prusse. Bruxelles, 1841. 10 3598.10 DCS pensecs de Pascal : rapport a 1'academie francaise. Paris, 1843. 8 3005.8 Discours politiques, avec une introduction surlesprincipesdugouvernementrepresen- tatif. Paris, 1851. 16 4078.10 Du vrai, du beau et du bien. Paris, 1836. 8. 3005.5 - Same. Publ. par A. Gamier. Bruxelles, 1840. 10 4078.2 - Same. 5e ed. Paris, 1855. 8 3G05.6 Education in Holland. Transl. by L. Horner. London, 1838. 8 3500.11 Fragments litteraires. Bruxelles, 1844. 2v. 10 4678.4 Contents. Vol. I. Diseours, etc. II. Lcttres in- edites de Mine, la duchesse do Longueville; Kant dans les dernieres annecs dc la vie; Santa-Rosa. Fragments philosophiques. 3e e"d. Paris, 1838. 2v. 8 3005.2 - Same. Bruxelles, 1840. 3v. 12 .... 4078.3 Fragments philosophiques. Philosophic an- cienne. 2e ed. Paris, 1840. 8" 3605.4 Fragments philosophiques. Philosophie scholastique. 2e ed. Paris, 1840. 8 ... 3605.3 Histoire de la philosophic moderne. le-3e serie. Nouv. cd. Paris, 1847. 3v. 12. . 4678.11 Introduction a 1'histoire de philosophic. Bruxelles, 1840. 18 3608.15 L'histoire de la philosophic morale au 18e siecle. Introd. par E. Vacherot. Suivie de Vanini, ses ecrits, etc. Bruxelles, 1844. 16 4679 a.7 La jeunesse de Mme. de Longueville. 2e ed. Paris, 1853. 8 4066.2 Mme. de Chevreuse et Mme. de Hautefort. Paris, 1850. 8 2658.2 Mme. de Longueville. 3e ed. Paris, 1855. 8. 2658.3 Madame dc Sable. Paris, 1854. 8 2658.1 Report on public instruction in Prussia,transl. by S. Austin. London, 1834. 12" 3599.21 Considerazioui sopra le dottrine religiose di. [Gioberti. Studio della filosofla, v.l] . . . 3004.5 Faugere, P. Vinet, etc. Jaqueline Pascal. Introd. by W. R. Williams. New York, 1854. 12 3557.10 Jouffroy, T., and Constant, B. Philosophical miscellanies. Transl. by Ripley. Boston, 1838. 2v. 12 3000.10, **E.214.27 COUSSEMAKER, C. E. H. de. Histoire de 1'har- monie au moyen age. Paris, 1852. 4 . . . 4041.5 Notice sur les collections musicales dc la bib- liotheque de Cambrai. Paris, 1843. 8 . . . 4057.16 COUTUME, La, reformc-e de Norman die, commentee par Berault, Godefroy, ct d'Aviron. Roueu, 1684. 2v. f *3670.1 COUTURIEK de Vieime, A. F. Coup d'oeil sur les forces militaires des principales puissances de 1' Europe. Paris, 1858. 8 2304.2 COVEI,L, A. L. Reasons for forming the Ameri- can and foreign bible society. [Sommers. Bap. lib.v.3] 3454.1 Discourse [on] the death of. Welch, B. T. Pph.v. 101 COVENANTERS. McCrie, T. Vindication of the Scottish C 3524.13 Pollok, R. Tales of the 3440.53 COVENTRY, A. Annual addresses before the med- ical society of N Y., 1824, 25. Albany. 8. *M. Pph.v. 11,13,80 COVENTRY, C. B. Address to the graduates of the medical institution of Geneva college. Utica, 1842. 8 *M. Pph.v. 39 Insanity, its causes, pathology, and treat- ment. Albany, 1843. 8 *M. Pph.v. 38 Shelf. r.:>. COVENTRY, C. B., continued. Lecture, introductory to the course of obstet- rics in Geneva medical college, 1843-44. Ge- neva, 1843. 8 *M. Pph.v. 30 COVENTRY, G. The letters of .Tunius, written by lord Sackville. London, 1825. 8 ..... 2555.3 COVERDALE, M. Letters of the martyrs. Pre- face by Coverdale. Introd. by Rev. E. Bickersteth. London, 1837. 8 3553.14 Memorials ; with the Bible in the reign of Henry VIII. London, 1838. 8" 3555.1 Remains. Ed. by G. Pearson. Cambridge, 1840. 8". [Percy society, 22] *3493.11 Writings and translations. Ed. by G. Pear- son. Camb., 1844. 8. [Parker soc. 15] . . *3403.10 Cow, J. Boats for ships of war, etc. 3d ed. London, 1843. 12" 3952.34 COW-POX. Papers relative to the transactions of the town of Milton. Bost., 1809. 8 . *M.Pph. v. 62 Aiken, C. R. View of facts concerning . . . Fermor, W. Reflections on the . . . M.Pph. v. 101 Fisher, J. D. Treatise on 3790.25 Woodville, W. Observations on . . . M.Pph. v.59 See also : Small-pox, Vaccination, Varioloid. COWLEY, A. Works, published out of original copies. 3ded. London, 1072. f *2501.2 Contents. Miscellanies; The mistress, or several copies of love verses; Pindarique odes; Davideis, a eacred poem of the troubles of David, in four books; Davideidos liber primus; Verses written on several occasions; Proposition for the advancement of experi- mental philosophy! Concerning the government of O. Cromwell ; Several discourses, by way of essays, in verse and prose. Works, llth ed. London, 1710-11. 3v. 8 . 2505.3 Contents. Vol. I. Life and writings; Miscella- nies; Anacrcontiques; The mistress; Pindarique odes; Davideis. II. Davideis; Verses written on several occasions; Proposition for the advancement of experi- mental philosophy ; Several discourses ; Vision con- cerning the government of Cromwell; Cutter of Cole- man street, m. Life ; Constantia and Philetus; Love's riddle, a comedy; Books of plants, six books, 4th cd.; Tragical history of Piramus and Thisbe, 9th cd.; Naufragium jocularc, comccdia. Life and works. [Chalmers. Eng. poets].v.7of 2592.7 Poems. [Johnson. Eng. poets, v.l, 2] . . . 25^0.3 COWPER,W.,6. 1660, d. 1709. Anatomia corporum humanorum. Latinitate douata, curaute G. Dundass. Lugduni Batav. 1730. f . . . . *3750.10 Myotomia reformata, or an anatomical treatise on the muscles. London, 1724. f . . . . *3750.7 COWPER, W., 6. 1731, d. 1800. Life and poems. [Chalmers. English poets] . . . .v.lSof 2502.7 Life and letters. See Hayley, W 2454.11 Cox, A. S. Reply to Dr. S. P. White's case of tumor of the shoulder. N.Y.,1845. 8.*M. Pph.v. 41 Cox, F. A., and Hoby, J. The baptists in Amer- ica. New York, 1830. 12 3545.4 Cox, F. L. Examination of Dr. Dwight's disc. on baptism. [Sommers. Bap. lib. v.l] . . 3454.1 Cox, R. The doctrines of the protcstant episco- pal church incompatible with Romanism : a sermon. Troy, 1843. 8 *Pph.v.l32 Cox, S. H. Regeneration, and the manner -of its occurrence : a sermon. N. Y., 1820. 8 . *Pph. v. 75 Squint at a co-presbyter, and glance at the minutes of the high-school synod. New York, 1840. 12 *Pph.v.223 COXE, A. C. Christian ballads. Rev. ed. Hart- ford, 1847. 12' 2308.19 Revivalism and the church : a letter. Hart- ford, 1843. 12 *Pph. v. 2i7 Saul: a mystery. New York, 1845. 12 . . . 2:ji".UO COXE, D. Description of Carolaua, by the Span- iards called Florida, and by the French La Louisiaiie. London, 1741. 8 ... .2376.10,11 COXE, E. S. Address before the Peithcssophian and Philoclean societies of Rutgers college, 1844. New York, 1844. 8 *Pph.v.l44 COXE, J. R. Appeal to the public from the univer- sity of Penn. Philadelphia, 1835. 8 . *M.Pph. v.30 COXE 201 CRAN31ER Shelf. No. COXE, J. R. continued. Emporium of arts and sciences. Philadelphia, 1S12. 2v. 8 **E.211.24 Observations on vaccination. Philadelphia, 1802. 8 *M.Pph.v. 101 COXE, 31. Claims of the country on American females. Columbus, 1842. 2v. 12 .... 3574.23 COXE, Ii. S. Address delivered the evening 1 be- fore the annual commencement of the col- lege of X. Jersey. Princeton, 1833. 8 . *Pph. v. 91 [New critical pronouncing dictionary of the English language. Burlington, 1813. 8 3 ] . **E.203.2 COXE, S. II., jr. Progress of the church : a poem. Geneva, N. Y., 1843. 12 *Pph.v.229 COXE, T. Address to an assembly of American manufacturers. Phila. 1787. 8 ... v.2 of *G350.10 Enquiry iuto the principles on which a com- mercial system for the United States should be founded. Phila. 1787. 8 *G350.10 View of the United States. 1787-94. Phila- delphia, 1794. 8 2329.4 CoXE,W.,rtro7t(fcacow. Memoirs of the kings of Spain of the houso of Bourbon. [1700-88.] 2ded. London, 1815. 5v. 8 3101.2 Memoirs of Jolm, duke of Marlborough. 2d ed. London, 1820. Cv. 8. Atlas, 4 . . . 2445.15 Memoirs of Sir R. Walpole. New ed. Lon- don, 1810. 4v. 8 2445.14 Memoirs of the administration of the lit. Hon. II. Pelham. London, 1829. 2v. 4. 2511.7 Russian discoveries between Asia and Amer- ica. 3ded. London, 1787. 8 30C2.10 - Same; [with] conquest of Siberia, etc. 4th ed. London, 1803. 8" 3002.9 Travels into Poland, Kussia, Sweden, and Denmark. 4th edition. London, 1792. 5v. 8 3002.8 Travels in Denmark, Norway, and Russia. [Pinkerton. Voyages, v.G] 2200.13 Travels in Switzerland, 1770. [Pinkerton. Voyages, v.5] 2200.13 COXE,W., esq. View of the cultivation of fruit- trees. Philadelphia, 1817. 8 4003.4 COXETER, T. Notes collected for lives of the poets. SeeCibber, T 2443.14 CRAAN, G. B. Notice biographique sur. Heusch- ling, P. F. X. T 2845.2 CRABB, G. Dictionary of general knowledge. Lon- don, 1830. 12 4034.17 English synonymes explained. 2d ed. Lon- don, 1818. 8 **E.204.11 Family encyclopaedia. New York, 1831. 8. *A. 148.3 German extracts from the best German au- thors. 2ded. London, 1811. 12". . . . **E. 207.21 Universal historical dictionary. Enlarged cd. London, 1833. 2v. 4 *2230.4 Universal technological dictionary. London, 1823. 2v. 4 *4032.1 CUABETH, D. Works. [Weale. Early masters of decoration] 4000.1,2 CRABS. Cancrorum consideratio physico-philolo- gico-historico-medico-chymica. Sachs, P. J. 3899.10 CRADOCIC, J. Literary and miscellaneous me- moirs. [2d ed. of vol. 1.] London, 1820-28. 4v. 8 2542.10 Contents. Vol.1. Literary and miscellaneous me- moirs; Appendix; Travels in Frauce and Holland. II. Travels in France. III. Zobeide, a tragedy, 4th ed.; The czar, an historical tragedy; Four disserta- tions, moral oud religious; Fidelia, or the prevalence of fashion, a tale; Remarks on North Wales, 1776-7; Life cf John Wilkes, csq., in the manner of Plutarch. IV. Village memoirs; Letters between a clergyman and his daughter in the country, and his son in town; Literary memoirs and epistolary correspondence! Poems. CRADOCK, M. Letter to Capt. Endicott. [Young. First planters of Mass.] 2352.4 CRAFT, /. First sitting of the committee on the proposed monument to Shakspenre. Lon- don, 1823. pp.29. 8 2595.4 Shelf. No. CRAFTS, W. An oration on the influence of moral causes on national character. Cambridge, 1817. 8 **E. 224.12 Eulogy on. Courtenay, E. S E. 110.20 CRAGG, S. George Clinton next president ; or, James Madison unmasked. New York, 1808. 8 *Pph. v. 30 CRAIG, J. Elements of political science. Edin- burgh, 1814. 3v. 8 3503.1 CRAIG, N. De rcpublicaLacedasmoniorum. [Gro- novius. Thesaurus Graec. antiq. v.5] . . . 29C0.2 CRAIG, N.B. History of Pittsburgh. Pittsburgh, 1851. 12 2372.0 CRAIG, T. Right of succession to the kingdom of England, against the sophism of Parsons. London, 1703. f *2540.3 CRAIK, G. L. Pursuit of knowledge under diffi- culties. Revised ed. by F. Wayland. Bos- ton, 1840-4. 2v. 12 2252.1 and Mac Farlane, C. Pictorial history of Eng- land. London, 1847-49. 8v. 8 *2422.1 CKAMER, F. M. G. Denkwiirdigkeiten der Griifln Maria Aurora Kiinigsmark. Leipzig, 1830. 2v.ini. 8 2S42.15 CRAMER, J. A. Description of ancient Greece; with a map. Oxford, 1828. 4v. 8 *3073.3 Description of ancient Italy ; with a map. Oxford, 1820. 3v. 8 *2730.4 Dissertation on the passage of Hannibal over the Alps. See Wickham, II. L 2750.2 CRAMMER, C. Relation de la visite quo la Dairo rendit a 1'empereur du Japon, 1020. [Con- stantin. Rccueil des voyages, v.5] .... 2277.12 CRAMP, W. Junius compared with the earl of Chesterfield. London, 1850. 8 2555.0 CRAMP rings, The office of consecrating. 1094. Waldron, F. G 2557.14 CRANACJI, L. Uber das Leben und die Werke L. Cranach's. Heller, J 4005.22 CRANBORN* Chace, History of the forest, known as. West, W 2494.23 CRANBORNE in Dorsetshire, Chronicle of the town, lordship and chase of 2494.21 CRANCII, C. P. Poems. Philadelphia, 1844. 10" . 2399.22 CEANCH, J. The oeconomy of testaments. Bath, 1794. 12 *Pph.v.209 CRANCH, W. Reports. See Curtis, B. R 3702.1 CRANDAL, W. L. Talks with the people of New York [on the public school policy of the state.] Albany, 1853. 8 *Pph. v.202 CRANE, J. Oration delivered at Douglass, July 5th, 1802. Worcester, 1802. 8 *Pph.v.C4 Sermon preached at Northbridge, Nov. 27, 1800, on the anniversary thanksgiving of Mass. Worcester, 1800. 8 *Pph. v. 04 CRANIUM. Carus, C.G. Atlas der Cranioscopie . 3740.9 Choris, L. Observations sur les cranes hu- maius 2280.3 Okon, L. Ueber die Bcdeutung der Schiidel- knochen 3885.2 Sandifort, G. Craniorum diversarum nation- urn tabulae 3750.2 See also : Head, Skull. CRANMER,T., archlp. Works, ed. by J. E. Cox. Cambridge, 1844-40. 2v. 8. [Parker soc.12] *3503. 10 Contents. Vol. I. Life, state, and story of Thomas Cranmer [from Foxe's monuments] ; Answer to a crafty and sophistical cavillation devised by Stephen Gardiner ; Answer to Smith's preface ; Matters wherein the bishop of Winchester varied from other papists, etc.; Disputations at Oxford; Index; De- fensio veras et catholicte doctrinx de sacrameuto. II. Biographical notice; Fac-simile; A confutation of unwritten verities; A collection of tenets from the canon law; Speech on general councils; Corrections of the institution of a Christian man, by Henry VIII., with annotations; Preface to the Bible; Speech at I he coronation of Edward VI.; Homilies; Queries, articles of visitation, etc.; Answer to the fifteen articles of the rebels, Devon ; Notes, and sermon on rebellion; On justification; Examination at Oxford; Appeal at his degradation; Letters; Appendix. CRANMER 202 CREUZER Shelf. No. CRANMER, T. archbp. continued. Life of. SeeTodd, H.J 3555.3 CRANTZ, D. History of Greenland. London, 1707. 2v. 8 2820.2 CRAPELET, G. A. Collection dcs anciens monu- ments do 1'histoire et de la langue fransaise. Paris, 1828-35. 12v. in 13. 4. Namely : Vol. I. Vers sur la mort, par Thibaud de Marly *2671.12 - II. Lcttres do Henri VIII *2444.22 - III. Le combat dcs trente Bretons . . . *2071.11 - IV. Histoire de la passion de Jesus Christ. See Maillard, O *2C71.6 - V. Le pas d'armcs de la bergere. See Beauvau, L. de *2671.7 - VI. Histoire du chatelain de Coucy et de la dame de Fayel. See Coucy, Le chatelain de *2671.1 - VII. Ceremonies des gages de bataille. See Philippe, le Bel *2C71.8 - VIII. Proverbes et dictons populaires. Paris, 1831. 8 *2071.5 - IX. Poesies morales ethistoriques d'Eus- tache Deschamps. See Dcschamps, E. . . *2671.4 - X. Tableau des moeurs au dixieme siecle. See Peignot, E. G *2671.3 - XI. Les dcmandes faites par le roi Charles VI. See Salmon, P *2671.2 - XII. Partonopeus de Blois, poi-me com- pose dans le 13e siecle. 2v *2671.9 Essai sur la typographic. Paris, 1837. v.l. 8.*2112. 10 CRAPO, H. H. New Bedford directory. New Bed- ford, 1839. 12 2389.8 CRASHAW, R. Complete works, edited by W. B. Turnbull. London, 1858. 10. [Library of old authors] 2609.24 Contents. Preliminary observations; Preface to the original edition! Steps to the temple; The de- lights of the muses; Sacred poems; Poemata Latina; Epigrammata sacra. Life and poems. [Chalmers. English poets] v.Oof 2592.7 CRATES. See Poet. com. Grsec. fragm 3002.14 CRATINUS. See Poet. com. Grasc. fragm 3002.14 CRATIXUS junior. See Poet. com. Graec. fragm. . 3002.14 CRATIPPUS. See Fragm. hist. Graec. v.2 3002.11 CRATYLUS, The new. Donaldson, J. \V 2955.1 CRAUFURD, Q. Researches concerning India. London, 1817. 2v in 1. 8 3043.6 Sketches of the Hindoos. 2d ed. London, 1792. 2v. 8 3043.5 Notice sur la vie et lea ouvrages de. [Bar- riere. Mem. hist, de France, v.3] 4607.2 CRAVEN, R. K. Tour through the southern prov- inces of Naples. London, 1821. 4" .... *2761.2 CRAVEN, Yorkshire. Carr, W. The dialect of. 2586.14 C. dialect exemplified. See Horse . . . . E.209.13 CRAWFORD, A. Enquiry into the effects of tonics, on the animal fibre. London, 1810. 8 . *M.Pph.v.84 CRAWFORD, A. W., lord Lindsay. Lives of the Lindsays. London, 1849. 3v. 8 *2443.3 CRAWFORD, W., and Russell, W. Extracts from the second report of the inspectors of pris- ons for the home district. [Reprint.] Phil- adelphia, 1838. 8 *Pph.V. 102 CRAWFORD, W. H. Life and character of, by Americanus. Albany, 1824. 8 . . . . *Pph.v.l70 On the principles of. Clark, J Pph. v. 43 CRAWFORD and Balcarres, Memoirs of the houses of. See Crawford, A. W 2443.3 CRAWFURD, J. Dictionary of the Indian islands, [etc.] London, 1850. 8 3035.2 - Embassy to Ava. 2d ed. London, 1834. 2v. 8. 3040.3 History of the Indian archipelago. Edin- burgh, 1820. 3v. 8 3046.6 CRAYON, The, a journal devoted to the graphic arts. New York, 1855. 2v. 4 *5281.1 CREATION. Babbage, C. Design in the 3485.3 Blackmore, Sir R. Creation: a poem. . . . 2559.21 ShelC No. CREATION, continued. Boucher de Crevecocur de Pcrtlies, J. De la creation 3879.24 Lewis, T. The six days of 34!'J.3 Miller, H. Foot-prints of the Creator . . . 3ts>.17 Ray, J. C. of the world 3419.2 - Wisdom of God manifested in 3485.22 CREBILLON, P. J. de. CEuvres. Paris, 1812. 3v. 8. 2700.4 Contents. Vol. I. Notice sur Crebillon; Idome- nee; Atree etThyeste; Electre. II. Rhadamisthe ct Zenobie; Xerxes; Semiramis. III. Pyrrhus; Cati- lina; Le triumvirat, ou la mortde Ciceron; Discouri academiques. Electro, trag. [Brumoy. Theatre des Grecs, 2e <5d. v.ll] 2965.4 Radamisto e Zenobia, trag. Atreo e Tiestc, trag. [Teatro modcrno applaudito, v. 21,31] 2708.1 CREDI, O. di. See Arch. stor. ital. v.4, par. 1 . . 5245.2 CREDIBILITY of the gospel history. See Lardner, N. Works, v.1-8 3492.1 CREDIT. Cieszkowski, A. Du credit 3050.3 C. foncier et agricole. See France. Ministere de 1'agriculture et de commerce 7015.11 Josseau, J. B. Legislation rel. au C. foncier . 3637.7 See also : Banking, Currency, Exchange, Paper currency. CREED. Esposizione del credo. Cavalca, D. . . 3447.32 See also: Confession of faith, Apostles' creed, Symbolism. CREEK Indians. Travels through the Creek con- federacy. Bartram, W 2301.11 CREIGHTON, R. Historical map of Palestine. London, 1838. folded 8 *3045.9 CRELLE, A. L. Journal f iir die Baukunst. Ber- lin, 1829-51. 30v. 4 *4094.1 CREMIEUX, I. A. La peine de mort. Hugo, V. 3575.3 CREMONA. II codice diplom. del capitolo cremo- nese. [Arch. stor. ital. nuova serie. v.2]. 5255.2 CREPEREIUS Calpurnianus. See Fragm. hist. Graec. v.3 3002.11 CEESCENZI, P. de'. Trattato della agricoltura, transl. nella favella fiorentina da Badi Rossi. Verona, 1851, 1852. 3v. 8" 3992.3 CRESCIMBENI, G. M. Istoria della volgar poesie. 3a ed. Venezia, 1730-31. Ov. 4 *2771.7 Vita dell' abate A. Guidi. See Guidi, A. . . 4778.35 CRESOL, L. Theatrum veterum rhetorum, orato- rum, declamatorum. [Gronovius. Thesau- rus Grasc. antiq. v.10] 2960.2 CRESSWELL, D. Supplement to Euclid. 2d ed. Cambridge, 1825. 8 3926.12 Treatise on spherics. Cambridge, 1816. 8. **E. 213.17 CRESTOMAZIA dei prosatori italiaui. Mohtepul- ciano, 1834-35. 2v. 16 2787.2 CRESTS, Book of family 2430.10 CRESY, E. On bridge building and on the equili- brium of vaults and arches, with life of Rennie. London, 1839. f *4010.6 Supplement to encyclopaedia of civil engineer- ing. London, 1850. S" *4033.3 Reports on sewerage, supply of water, etc. See Great Britain. Board of health . . . 7004.1 Architectural antiquities of Rome. See Tay- lor, G. L 27. B. 1 CRETE. De Gretas rebus et antiquitatibus. [Meur- sius. Opera, v.3] 2210.2 Pashley, R. Travels in 3075.5 Saiute-Croix, G. E. J. G. de. De la legisla- tion de 3.563.12 CRETINEAU-JOLY, J. Histoire de la compaguie de Jesus. Paris, 1844-46. Gv. 8 . . . . . *3530.1 Histoire du Sonderbund. Paris, 1850. 2 v '. L-JS.,-, CRETINS. Brown, B. Treatment of cretins. . . 3800.32 CREUZER, G. F. Deutsche Schrifteu. Leipzig u. Darmstadt, 1836-48. llv. 8 *2904.1 Contents. Ite Abth. Vol. 1-4. Symbolik und My- thologie der alten Volker besondcrs dcr Griechen. 2te AMh. 1-3. Zur Archaologie oder zur Ueschiehte und Erklarung der alten Kunst. Ste Abth. 1. Die historische Kunst der Qriechou in ihrer Entstehuug CREUZER 203 CRON1CHETTE Shelf. No. CHEUZEK, G. F. continued. und Fortbildung. '2. Zur Gcschichte der griechischcn und riiinischcn Literatnr. 4te Abth. Zur romischen liescliichtc und Alterthuniskundc. 5tc Abth. Aus dem Lcbcn eincs altcii Professors. 1 vol. Ilistoricorum Grjeeorum antiquissimorura fragm. [llecattci hist, itcmquc Charonis ct Xantlii omnia.] Heidclb. 1806. 8 ... 29G8.3 CREVENNA, P. A. Cataloyao raisonne dc ses li- vres. Amsterdam, 1775-70. Ov. 4 . . . . *2132.1 Contents. Vol. I. Theologie. II. Jurisprudence j Philosophic: Histoirenaturelfectarts. III. Belles let- tres. Premiere partie. IV. Belles lettres. Seconde partie. V. llistoirc. VI. Additions ct tables. CREVIER, J- B. L. Ilistoire dcs empercurs re- mains. Paris, 1749-53. 12v. 12 *2759.3 - Same. Paris, 1824-28. 9v. 8" 2755.0 Ilistoire tie 1' uuivcrsito de Paris. Paris, 1701. 7v. 12 *3592.10 CKIBELLI, G. Oratio parcntalis in laudcm Blan- CJE Marias Sfortiae viceeomitis. [Muratori. Rcrurn Ital. script, v. 25] 2720.1 CRIBKLLI, L. De vita, rebusque gestis Sfortiae ducis, etc. [Muratori. Rerum Ital. script. v.19] 2720.1 Libri duo de expeditionc Pii papae II. in Tur- cas. [Muratori. Rcruru Ital. script, v. 23] 2720.1 CRICHTON, A. Cure of pulmonary consumption. London, 1823. 8 3794.0 Vapor of boiling tar in the cure of consump- tion. Edinburgh, 1817. 8 *M. Pph.v.08 CRI de guerre : on la France devant 1' Europe. Lc- dain, A 4052.9 CRIME and punishment. Beccaria, C. Dei dclitti e dclle pone 3575.21 - Dca delits et des pcines . . 3575.10 - Essay on 3575.4 Hill, F. Amount, causes and remedies of C. 3575.11 Hill, M. D. Suppression of C 3575.5 Maconochie, A. Norfolk island ; The mark system 3575.18 See also : Prison discipline, Punishment. CRIMEA. Bazancourt, C. dc. L'expedition de. 4063.17 Becattiui, F. Storia della Crimea 30S5.1 Chopin, , I. M. Ilistoire et description de . . 2270.8 Demidoff, A. de. Voyage dans la Crimee. . 3001.4 CRIMINAL histories. Hitzig, J. E. Sammluug der interessantesteu Criminalgcschichten . . . 3099.2 CRIMINAL law. Bossang-e, A. Des crimes et des peines capitales 3575.17 Compte general dc 1'administratkm de la jus- tice criminelle, 1'au 1820, 47, 55. See France. *7020.2 Powers, G. Compendium of Pph.v.09 See also : Penal law. CRIMP, G. Trial for piracy and man-stealing. See Whitby, II Pph.v.25 CRISCONIUS. Brcviariumcanonicum. [Migne. Pat- rologias v.88] 3450.19 CRISIS, The, an appeal on the subject of foreign influence in the U. S. N. York, 1844. 8.*Pph.v.l38 CRISIS, The. On our political dissensions. By a citizen of Vermont. Albany, 1815. 8 . *Pph.v.l8 CRISIS, The, stated, or hints upon a war with France. Edinburgh, 1793. 8 *Pph.v.8 CRISPI, F. Eudosia, tragedia. [Teatro italiano del sec. 18, v.2] 2778.1 CRISPINUS, G. Disputatio Judaei cum Christiano. [Migne. Patrologiaj v.159] v.2 of 3460. 35 Vita St. Horluini primi pastoris et funda- toris Beccensis ccenobii. [Mignc. Patro- logiffiv.loO] 3460.28 CRISPINUS, M. Vita beati Lanfranci, archiepis- copi Cantuaricnsis ; Vitas Guillclmi et Bos- onis, Bceccusium abbatum; Vita? Theobaldl et Letardi, Bcccensium abbatum ; Brevis notitia dcnobili gencre Crispinorum. [Mig- ne. Patrologiae v.150] 3460.28 CIUTIAS tyrannus. Qua? supersunt. Ed. Nic. Bachius. Lipsiae, 1827. 8 2975.12 See Frugm. hist. Graec. v.2 3002.11 Shelf. No. CRITICAL essay on various manuscripts, Arabic and Persian, transl. from the Persian. Lon- don, 1832. 8 *3012.13 CRITICISM. Baillet, A. Jngcmens des savans sur les principaux oiivrages des autcurs . 2191.1 Dennis, J. Grounds of C. in poetry 2558.19 Edwards, T. Canons of 2590.3 Home, H. Elements of 3007.2,9 Jortin, J.. Critical tracts v. 12, 13 of 3498.2 Nisard, D. Etudes de critique 4077.12 Priestley, J. Lectures on 2582.6 Tieck, L. Kritischc Schriften 2908.2 See also : Rhetoric. CRITICK of pure reason. Kant, 1 3002.3 CRITO. See Poet. com. Grxc. fragm 3002.14 CRIVELLATI, C. Discorsi musicali, etc. Viterbo, 1024. sm.8 4059.18 CROATIA. J. Lucius de regno Dalmatian ct Cro- atia?; M. Marulus de regum Dalmatian et Croatia gestis. [Schwandtner. Script, re- rum Hungaric. v.3] 2810.2 CROBYLUS. See Poet. com. Grace, fragm 3002.14 CHOKER, T. C. Historical songs of Ireland. [IOSS-91.] Lond. 1841. 8. [Percy soc. v.l] *2537.3 Keen of the south of Ireland. London, 1844. 8. [Percy soc. v.13] *2537.15 Popular songs, illustrative of the French in- vasions of Ireland. Lond., 1845. 8. [Percy soc. v.21] *2537.23 CROLLIS, D. do. Ragionamcnti al duca di Sora. Roma, 1829-36. 4v. 8 2793.1 Ragionamento a D. Pictro Odescalchi [sul 7" canto dclla la cantica di Dante.] Roma, 1833. 8 2793.2 CROMBIE, A. Cursory observations, in reply to Rev. Mr. Gilchrist in his national grammar. London, 1817. 8 *Pph. v. 86 Etymology and syntax of the English lan- guage. 8th cd. London, 1856 25S4.11 Natural theology. London, 1829. 2v. 8 . 3480.2 CROME, A. F. W. Statistik des Grossherzogthums Hessen. Darmstadt, 1822. 8 2&32.6 CROMEK, R. H. Remains of Nithsdalc and Gallo- way song. London, 1810. 8 2580.2 Select Scottish songs, ancient and modern. Notices by R. Burns. London, 1810. 2v. inl. 8 2538.15 CROMWELL, O. Memoirs of the protector and his sons. 2d ed. London, 1821. 2v. 8" ... 2444.2 Cowley, A. Discourse concerning the gov- ernment of 2561.2 Fcllowes, W. D. Sketches of 2410.15 Guizot, F. P. G. Histoire de 2517.12 Merle d'Aubignd, J. H. The protector: a vindication 2441.4 Peck, F. Life and actions of 2440.19 Vaughan, R. The protectorate, illustrated in a series of letters, etc 2444.3 Villemain, A. F. Ilistoire de 2441.20 Walker, C. Parallel betwixt Argyle and C. 3526.12 CROMWELL, Protcctoral house of. Noble, M. . 2444.1 CROMWELL, T. History and description of Col- chester in Essex. London, 1825. 2v. 8" . *2504.2 Walks through Islington. Lond. 1835. 8 . 2495.16 CRONACA italiana dal 1814 al 1850 compilata da una societa. Firenze, 1852-54. 4v. 4". . *2713.1 CRONACA, La, veneta detta Altinate e la cronaca dci Vcueziani di M. da Caualc colla versione ital. di Galvani e con annotazioni. Firenze, 1845. 8. [Archiv. stor. ital. v.8] *5245.2 CRONACHE milanese scritte da G. P. Cagnola, G. A. Prato, e G. M. Burigozzo. Firenze, 1842. 8". [Archiv. stor. ital. v.3] *5245.2 CRONACHE, Le, di Pindo, [poema.] Anclli, A. . 4770.1 CRONE, W. A. Dissert, inaug. dc prolapsu funiculi umbilicalis. Groninga?, 1817. 8.. . *M.Pph. v. 105 CRONICA, La. Enero 1851 Julio 1854. N. York. 4v. f 7400.3 CRONICHETTE antichc di varj scrittori del buon secolo dclla lingua toscana. Firenze, 173-3. 4. *2714.1 204 CTESIAS Shelf. No. CRONICHETTE antiche. Manni, D. M 4749a.3 CRONIKEN, Register des Buchs der. Schcdel, H. 2210.1 CRONIQUES de London, [1200-1344.] Ed. by G. J. Aungier. London, 1814. sm.4. [Camden SOC. 28] *2416.28 CROPH, J. B. Antiquitatcs Macedonicas, sive de regio Macedonum principatu, moribus,atque militia. [Gronovius. Thesaurus Grsec. an- tiq. v.6] 2960.2 CROSBY, A. Greek grammar. [No title-page.] 12" 7099.2 CROSBY, N. Annual obituary notices of eminent persons in the U. 8. for 1857. Bost. 1858. 8. 2345.3 CROSBY, T. Builders' price-book for 1858. 57th ed. London, 1858. 12 4033.8 CROSS, James C. Address on American literature. Bloomington, [la.,] 1839. 8" *Pph. v. 117 Appeal to the medical profession of the Uni- ted States. Cincinnati, 1840. 8. . .*M.Pph.v.41 Essay on scarlatina. [No title-page.] 8. *M.Pph.v. 32 Inaugural discourse on the value of time and the importance of study to the physician. Lexington, Ky. 1837. 8 *M.Pph.v.31 Oration before the Chamberlain society of Centre college. Danville, 183G. 8 ... *Pph. y. 97 Refutation of the charges made by Dr. Cald- well. Lexington, Ky. 18)8. 8 . . . *M.Pph.v.32 Refutation of the statements in relation to the expulsion of J. C. Cross from Transyl- vania university, by Dudley, Mitchell, and reter. Louisville, 1840. 8 *M.Pph.v.43 Thoughts on the policy of establishing a school of medicine in Louisville. Lexing- ton, 1834. 8 *M.Pph.v.2S CROSS, Jeremy L. The true masonic chart. New Haven, Conn., 1820. 12 3507.22 CROSS, John. Medical schools of Paris. London, 1815. 8 3735.5 Essay on uterine haemorrhage. SeeRigby, E. 3770.29 CROSS. Calf hill, J. Answer to John Martiall's treatise of the 3493.9 Coverdale, M. Exhortation to the carrying of Christ's cross 3493.11 Meditazione sopra 1'albero della croce . . . 3444.8 Penn, W. No cross, no crown 3445.12 CROSSE, A. Memorials, scientific and literary, of A. Crosse. London, 1857. 8 2458.25 CROSSE, J. G. Treatise on the urinary calculus. London, ia35. 4 *3740.15 CROSSKEY, H. W. Defence of religion. London, 1854. pp.47. 12 3436.11 CROSWELL, A. Letter to the Rev. A. Gumming, [with] remarks on Mr. Bellamy's late per- formance. Boston, 1702. pp.31. 12. . . *3457.49 Animadvers. on his letter. See Gumming, A. 3457.49 Remarks on Rev. Mr. Croswell's letter to A. Cumming. See Bellamy, J 3457.49 CROSWELL, H. Speeches against H. Croswell on indictment for a libel on T. Jefferson. New York, 1804. 8 *Pph.v. 2,167 CROSWELL, W. Descrip. of the Mercator map of the heavens. Boston, 1810. 8. *Pph.v. 17 **E. 110.49 CROTCH, W. Elements of musical composition. 3d ed. by T. Pickering. Lond. 1856. roy.8". *4042.1 CROTON aqueduct. See New York. CROUP. Albers, J. A. Commentatio de trachei- tide infantum 3771.21 Bretonneau, P. De la diphtherite 3798.10 Green, H. C. and its treatment 3799.5 Hosack, D. Observations on M.Pph.v.60 Ware, J. History, diagnosis and treatment of M.Pph.v.102 CROWN, J. Sir Courtly Nice ; or, It cannot be. A comedy. 2d ed. London, 1093. 4 ... 2575.21 CROWN garland, The, of golden roses. Pt.2. London, 1845. pp.74. 8". [Percy soc. v.!5]*2537. 17 CROYDON, History and antiq. of. Garrow, D. W. 2503.10 CROZET, C. A treatise on descriptive geometry. Par. I. New York, 1821. 8 **E. 190.4 CRUOELI, T. Poesie; con 1'aggiunta di altre com- posizioni. 2aed. Napoli, 1767. 16 . ... 4778.12 Shelf. No. CRUDELI, T. continued. Raccolta di pocsie. Napolf, 1040. pp.71. 4 . *4773.3 Apologhi. See Raccolta di apologhi 2793.17 CRUDEX, A. Complete concordance to the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments, or a dictionary and alphabetical index to the Bible. 1st Am. ed. Philadelphia, 180G. 4.**E. 201. 5 CRUDEN, R. P. History of Gravescnd and of the port of London. London, 1843. 8 . . . .*2402.17 CRUDITIES hastily gobled up in five moneths trauels. Coryat, T 2274.1 CRUGER, J. Synopsis musica, continens rationem constituendi melos harmonicum. 2a ed. Berolini, 1030. 4 *4047.18 CRUIKSHANK, W. Experiments on the insensible perspiration of the human body. London, 1795. 8 *M.Pph.v.56 Treatment of lues venerea. See Rollo, J. . . 3770.31 CRUMPE, S. Nature and properties of opium. London, 1793. 8 *3786.3 CRUSADES. Funck, K.W. F. v. Gemalde aus clem Zeitalter der Kreuzziige 2293.4 Hist, de la croisade de Louis VII., par Odon de Deuil. [Guizot. Coll. mem. hist. France, V.24] 2018.2 Hist, de la premiere croisade par Robert le moine. [Guizot. Coll. hist. France, v.23] . 2018.2 Histoire des croisades, par Guibert de Nogent. [Guizot. Coll. mem. hist. France, v.9] . . 2618.2 Histoire des croisades, par Guillaume de Tyr. [Guizot. Coll. mem. hist. France, v. 10-21] 2618.2 Hist, des croisades par Foulcher de Chartres. [Guizot. Coll. mem. hist. France, v.24] . . 2018.2 Maimbourg, L. Histoire des croisadcs . . . 2300.9 Michaud, J. F. Bibliothequc des croisades . 2293.3 - Histoire des croisades 2293.1 Recueil des historiens des croisades. See Paris. Institut de France. Acad. des insc. ctbell. lett 2220.3 Wilken, F. Geschichte der Kreuzziige . . . 2293.2 CRUSCA, Accadcmia dclla. See Florence. CRUSIUS, G. C. Lexicon of Homer and the Ho- meridae, translated by H. Smith. Hartford, 1844. 8" 2982.3 CRUSIUS, J. A. De nocte atque noctumis officiis apud veteres. [Sallengre. Thesaurus an- tiq. Rom. v.2j 2950.2 CRUSTACEA. Aldrovandi, U. De mollibus ani- malibus 3870. 7 Bell, T. British stalk-eyed C 3873.8 Rathke, H. Eutwickelung des Flusskrebses. 5800. 9 Riippell,'W.P.E.S. KurzschwanzigeKrabben. 3801.29 Zaddach, E. G. Prodromus synopseos crusta- ceorum Prussicorum 3871.14 See also : Astacus, Crabs, Gummarus. CRUVEILIIIER, J. Descriptive anatomy. London, 1841^2. 2v. 8 *3743.11 - Same. 1st Am. ed. by G. S. Pattisou. N. York, 1844. 8 *3743.10 Essai sur 1'anatomie pathologique. Paris, 1810. 2v. 8 *3743.12 CRUYL, L. Descriptio faciei locorum, quam pro- spectum vocant, urbis Romae. [Grasvius. Thesaurus antiq. Rom. v.4] 2950. 1 CRYPTOGAMIA. Hoffman, G. F. Descriptio plan- tarum e classe cryptogamica 3840.14 Schkuhr, C. Kryptogamische Gewachse . . 3851.18 Wallroth, F. W. Flora cryptogamica Germ. 3840.12 See also : Algas, Ferns, Fungi, Hepoticae, Lichens, Mosses, Mushrooms. CRYSTAL palace. See London, New York. CRYSTALLOGRAPHY. Haiiy, R. J. T'raite de cris- tallographie 3865.18 Naumann, C. F. Lehrbuch der Krystallog- raphie 3805.6 - Anfangsgriinde der Krystallographie . . 38C5.7 Regnault, M. V. Elementary treatise on . . 3805.8 CTESIAS Cnidius. Quze supersunt, cum interp. Lat. Ed. A. Lion. Gottingw, 1823. 8 . . 2975.14 Fragmenta. See Herodotus. [Didot. Bib. Gr.] 2992.12 CTESIAS 205 GUMMING Shelf. No. CTESIAS Cnidius, continued. L'histoire de Perse ct de 1'Inde. See Hero- dotus 2987.3 CTESIBIUS. See Fragm. hist. Grzec. v.2 3002.11 CUBA. Abbot, A. Letters written in 2364.1 Ampere, J. J. Promenade en 2302.11 Ballou, M. M. History of 2313.17 Carranza, D. G. Description of 2312.6 Daumont, A. L'ile de Cuba Pph.v.152 Huber, B. Apergu statistique de Pile de . . 2313.19 Humboldt, F. H. A. de. Essai politique sur 1'Jlede 2313.12 La Sagra, R. de. Historia economico-politica y estadistica de 2310.26 Lobe, G. C. et lea grandes puissances occi- dentales de 1'Europe 2313.5 CUBES. Barlow, P. Tables of 3934.7 Hutton, C. C. of all numbers to 10,000 . . . 3910.2 CUBI y Soler, M. Le traducteur francois. Balti- more, 1826. 8 7079.38 CUBITT, B. L. The believer obeying the call of God : a sermon. Ipswich, 1848. 8 . . *Pph. v.250 CUCCETTI, A. M. Pirro e Polissena ; Scipione in Africa: dramme. [Teatro moderno ap- plaudito, v.47, 56] 2768.1 CUDWORTH, R. Intellectual system of the uni- verse ; Immutable morality ; Lord's sup- per : sermons. 1st Am. ed. Andover, 1837 -38. 2v. 8 3435.6 CUGNET de Montarlot. L'homme gris, alma- nach francais, pour 1'annee 1820. Paris, [1820.] 18" 4668.22 CUJAS, J. See Opuscoli di autori siciliani, v.5 . . 4674.1 CULBERTSON, R. Sermon on the deaths of the princess Charlotte Augusta of Wales and Saxe-Coburg, and her infant son. 2d ed. Edinburgh, 1817. 8 *Pph.v.48 CULDEES. Ordo monasticus in veteri Scotise mo- nasterio de Kil-Ros olim observatus. [Mig- ne. Patrologise v.59] 3450.1 CULLEN, W. First lines of the practice of physic, with notes by J. Rotheram. New York, 1793. 2v. 8 3718.3 - Same. New ed. Edinburgh, 1803. 2v. 8 3718.4 - Same. With notes by P. Reid. New and imp. ed. Brookfleld, 1807. 2v. in 1. 8 . . . 3718.5 - Same. With notes and obs. by C. Cald- well. 2d ed. Philadelphia, 1822. 2v. 8 . 3718.2 - Same. With notes by R. J. Thornton. London, 1816. 12 *3809.5 Letter concerning the recovery of persons drowned and seemingly dead. Edinburgh, 1784. 8 *M.Pph. v.9 Nosology, a systematic arrangement of dis- eases. Edinburgh, 1800. 8 *3782.6 Synopsis nosologiae methodicae. Ed. alt. Edinburgi, 1772. 8 *3782.7 Synopsis and nosology. 2d ed. Springfield, 1793. 18" *3782.12 - Same. Transl. by E. Lewis. Stockbridge, [1807.] 12" *3782.11 Treatise of the materia medica. Edinburgh, 1789. 2v. 4 *3781.1 Eulogium in honor of. See Rush, B. . . Pph. v.329 Brown and Darwin. Comparative view of the theories and practice of. See Baeta, H. X M.Pph.v.116 CULLOIJEN papers, with memoirs of the hon. Duncan Forbes. London, 1815. 4 .... 2511.8 CULLUM, J. History and antiquities of Hawsted and Hardwick. 2d ed. London, 1813. 4.*2471.14 CULPEPPER, N. The English physician, enlarged. . London, 1695? 8. [No title-page] .... 3786.26 Supplement to the English physician. See Blagrave, J 3786.20 CULTURE du chasselas de Fontainebleau. Paris, 1844. em. 12 [Manuel Roret] 4003.30 CULVERTS. See Dempsey, G. D 4011.6 See also : Canals, Drainage, Sewers. Shelf. No. CUMBERLAND, G. Essay on the ancient engravers of the Italian school, accompanied by a critical catalogue. London, 1827. sm.4 . *4081.11 Outlines from the ancients. [Sculpture.] London, 1829. 8 4073.1 CUMBERLAND, R. Anecdotes of painters in Spain. 2d ed. London, 1787. 2v. 16 4089.14 The Jew, a comedy. Lond. 1794. pp.75. 8 . 2575.22 Memoirs, by himself. Boston, 1806. 8 . **E. 228.12 Retrospection, a poem. N.Y. 1812. 12 . *Pph.v.207 The British drama. London, 1817. 9v. 16.**E.229.7 Contents. Vol. I. The wonder, by Mrs. Centlivre; The conscious lovers, by Sir Richard Steele; The re- venge, by Edward Young; The clandestine marriage, by G. Colman and D. Garrick. II. The mourning bride, by W. Congreve; Zara, by Aaron Hills Love for lore, by W. Congreve; The way to keep him, by Arthur Murphy. III. The mistake, by Sir John Vanbrugh; Oroonoko, by Thomas Southern; She wou'd and she wou'd not, or The kind impostor, by Colley Cibber j Tamerlane, by N. Rowe. IV. Masque of Comus, by John Milton; The beaux' stratagem, by George Farquhar; The busy body, by Susannah Centlivre; The orphan, or The unhappy marriage, by Thomas Otway. V. The suspicious husband, by Benjamin Hoadly; Tancred and Sigismunda, by James Thomson; The constant couple, by George Farquhar; The careless husband, by Colley Cibber. VI. The gamester, by Edward Moore; Alzira, by Aaron Hill [tr. from Voltaire] ; The way of the world, by W. Congreve; The provok'd husband, by Sir John Vanbrugh and C. Cibber. Vn. All in the wrong, by Arthur Murphy ; The school for wives, by Hugh Kelly; The brothers, by R. Cumberland; The chances, by Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher. VIII. Lionel and Clarissa, by Isaac Bick- erstaff; The maid of the mill, by I. Bickcrstaff; The beggar's opera, by John Gay; Love in a village, by I. Bickerstaff. IX. All for love, by John Dryden; The Grecian daughter, by A. Murphy; The minor, by Samuel Foote. The brothers. [Cumberland. British drama, v.7] E.229.7 Henry, with a memoir of the author. [Bal- lantyne. Novelists, v.9] 2573.1 CUMBERLAND, Eng. Anderson, R. Ballads in the C. dialect 2586.29 Dialogues, etc. in Cumberland dialect. See Westmoreland 2586.3 Gilpin, W. Mountains and lakes of .... 4000.9 Housman, J. Topographical description of . 2493.21 Hutchinson, W. History of the county of . 2471.2 Nicolson, J. History of the county of . . . 2471.1 Post-office directory of 2482.3 Ritson, J. Annals of 2475.11 West, T. Guide to the lakes in 2493.22 CUMBERLAND, R. I. Sketch of. [Bliss. History of Rehoboth] E. 225.5 CUMBERLAND county, Pa. Bible society of Cum- berland county, Pa. Second, third report. Carlisle, 1818-19. 8 *Pph.v.53 CUMINGS, S. Western pilot ; containing charts of the Ohio and Mississippi. Cincinnati, 1829. 8 2388.7 CUMMIANUS. Epistola de controversia paschali; Liber de mensura poenitentiarum. [Migne. Patrologise v.87] 3450.18 GUMMING, A. Animadversion^ on Mr. Croswell's letter. Boston, 1763. 12 *3458.57 Sermon at his [own] instalment, colleague with the Rev. J. Sewall. Charge by J. Sewall. Boston, 1761. 8 *3457.43 Croswell, A. Letter to 3457.49 Sewall, J. Sermon on the death of 3456.56 CUMMING, Hiram. Secret history of the perfidies, corruptions, etc., of the Tyler dynasty. Washington and New York, 1845. 8 . . *Pph. v.175 GUMMING, Hooper. Fourth of July oration. Schenectady, 1821. 8 *Pph.v.27 Oration commemorative of Washington. Albany, 1821. 8 *Pph.v.25 Sermon on the divinity of Jesus Christ. Al- bany, 1823. 8 *Pph.v.45 Whole case of. See Albany Pph.v.22 CUMMINGS 206 CURTIUS Shelf. No. CUMMINGS, J. A. Introd. to ancient and modern geography. Oth ed. Boston, 1818. 12 . . 7039.4 Pronouncing spelling-book, Rev. from 4th ed. Boston, 1833. 12 7059.20 CUMMINGS, P. Dictionary of congregational usages. Ster. ed. Boston, 1853. 12 ... 3484.30 CUMMINS, M. S. The lamp-lighter. 8th thousand. London, 1854. 12 2408.2 CUMPLIDO, I. El album Mexicano, periodico de literatura, etc. Mexico, 1849. 8 *2390.15 CUNEIFORM inscriptions. Grotefend, G. F. Ins. at Persepolis. [Heeren. As. nations, v.2]. 3042.14 Milnter, F. Keillormige Inschriftcn zu Per- sepolis 3034.13 Eawlinson, H. C. Commentary on the C. I. of Babylonia and Assyria 3034.12 Memoir on Persian 3034.11 CUNNINGHAM, Alexander. The Bhilsa topes, or Buddhist monuments, comprising a sketch of Buddhism. London, 1854. 8 3044.11 CUNNINGHAM, Allan. Cabinet gallery of pictures, etc. London, 1836. 2v. 8 *4001.22 CUNNINGHAM, J. Life and poems. [Chalmers. English poets] v.!4of 2592.7 CUNNINGHAM, J.W. Sermons. N. Y., 1823. 8. **E.218.21 "World without souls. 4th Am. from 2d Lond. ed. Baltimore, 1810. 18 2559.24 CUNNINGHAM, P. Thoughts on compass varia- tion, etc. London, 1843. 12" 3952.35 Two years in New South Wales. London, 1827. 2v. 12 3047.8 CUNNINGHAM, W. Correspond, with Adams, J. . 2327.10 Pickering, T. Review of the correspondence between J. Adams and Pph.v.46 Cuoco, V. Platoue in Italia. Trad, dal Greco. 3a ed. Lugano, 1843. 2v. 12 2773.20 Saggio storico sulla rivoluzione dl Napoli. 2a ed. Milano, 1800. 8 2724.7 CUPER, G. De clephantis in nummis obviis. [Sal- lengrc. Thesaurus antiq. Rom. v.3] ... 2950.2 CUPPING-GLASS. Dissertatio de cucurbitulis. Miiller,E.G. L M.Pph.v.113 CUKBIO, N. dc. Vita Innocentii IV. pont. max. [Muratori. Rerum Ital. script, v.3] . . . . 2710.1 CURCI, C. M. La dcmagogia italiana, ed il papa re. Roma, [1849.] 8 *4745.4 Sulle trc ultime opere dl V. Gioberti. Parigi, 1848. 2v. 8 3530.2 CURCULiONiDzE. See Weevil. CURETON, W. Spicilegium Syriacum, with an English translation. London, 1855. 8. [Ori- ental translation fund, 67] 3021.3 Contents. Remains of Barclcsan, Meliton, Am- brose, and Mara Bar Scrapion. CURIOSITIES. Chambers, J. Collection of curious private pieces 2559.2 Curious pamphlets and tracts. See Harleian miscellany 2412.1 Disraeli, I. C. of literature 2194.1 Forsyth, J. S. Selection of historical and lit- erary curiosities 2520.30 Lalannc, L. Curiosites litteraires 2206.5 Millingen, J. G. C. of medical experience . 3712.4 Smith, C. J. Historical and literary C. . . 2110.10 Smith, J. J. American historical and literary. 2330.1 Walker, J. Curious articles from the gentle- man's magazine 2556.2 CURLING, T. B. Diseases of the rectum. London, 1851. 8 *3790.33 On the diseases of the testis, etc. Ed. by P. B. Goddard. Philadelphia, 1843. 8 . . *3740.42 CURRENCY. Inquiry into the causes of the pres- ent state of the circulating medium of the United States. Philadelphia, 1815. 8.*Pph.v.28 Financial register 3641.0 Gallatin, A. Considerations on the 3040.12 Graham, Sir J. Corn and C 3646.14 Hill.E. Principles of 3646.33 Hooper, S. C. or money 3646.3 Hubbard,J. G. C. and the country 3640.21 Shelf. No. CURRENCY, continued. Huskisson, W. Depreciation of our . . . . 3040.13 Jenkinson, C. Facts relating to the .... 3040.9 Leatham, W. Letters on the Pph.v.309 Lubbock.J.W. On C 3040. 16 Present state of the. See Reflections . . . E.110.8 Ricardo, D. Proposals for an economical and secure C 3055.1 Scaly, H. N. Treatise on 3640.29 Stirling, P. J. Relative value of currency, labor, and coin 3641.9 Tookc, T. Inquiry into the C. principle . . . 3646.19 See also : Banking, Coinage, Credit, Gold, Money, Paper money, Precious metals, Silver. CURRIE, J. On the use of water in diseases. Abr. of 2d ed. Augusta, Me. 1798. 16 *M.Pph.v.ll4,*Pph.270 Abridgment of report on the use of water. Thacher, J 3785.10 CURRIE, W. Memoirs of the yellow fever in Phila- delphia. Phila. 1798. 8 *M.Pph.v.9 Kise and progress of the yellow fever in Phil- adelphia, 1799, [etc.] Phila. 1800. 8 . *M.Pph.v.l4 Letters on the kine-pox. Oliver, B. L.*M.Pph.v.l01 CURRY, J. Examination of the prejudices against mercury in liver complaints, syphilis, [etc.] 2ded. London, 1810. 8 *M.Pph.v.63 On apparent death. 2d ed. London, 1815. S. 3S08.1 CURSORY examination of the respective preten- sions of the colonizationists and abolition- ists. New York, 1837. 8 *Pph.v.lOO CURSORY, A, glimpse of the state of the nation ; or a lucubration on the properties of ni- trous oxide. Philadelphia, 1814. 8. . .*Pph.v.l CURTIN, S. Tentamcn medicum inaugurale de febre flava Indiae occidentalis. Edinburgi, 1778. 8 *M.Pph.v.93 CURTIS, B. R. Reports of decisions in the su- preme court of the U. S., and digest, 1790- 1854. Boston, 1855-56. 22v. 8 *3702.1 Contents. Vol. I. 1790-1806. Reported by Dallas and Cranch. IL 1807-1813. Crunch. III. 1814-1816. Cranch and Wheaton. IV. 1817-1820. Wheaton. V. 1821-1823. Wheaton. VI. 1824-1826. Wheaton. VH. 1827-1828. Wheaton and Peters. VIII. 1829- 1830. Peters. IX. 1S30-1831. Peters. X. 1832-1833. Peters. XI. 1834-1835. Peters. XII. 1836-1838. Pe- ters. XIII. 1839-1840. Peters. XIV. 1841-1843. Peters and Howard. XV. 1844. Howard. XVL 1845-1847. Howard. XVLL 1848-1849. Howard. XVIII. 1840-1850. Howard. XIX. 1851. Howard. XX. 1852-1853. Howard. XXI. 1853-1854. Howard. XXII. Digest of the decisions of the supreme court of the United States from the origin of the court to the close of the December term, 1854. CURTIS, G. T. Digest of cases in the courts of ad- miralty of the United States and in Eng- land. With some topics from Sir L. Jenkins. Boston, 1839. 8 3620.12 Law of copyright in books, etc. in England and America. Boston, 1847. 8 3666.3 Law of patents for inventions in the United States. 2d ed. Boston, 1854. 8 3606.1 Letters to the editor of the New Bedford Mercury. [On the case of A. Burns.] Bos- ton, 1854. 8 *Pph.v.200 Rights and duties of merchant seamen. Bos- ton, 1841. 8 3062.2 True uses of American revolutionary history : an oration [July 4]. Boston, 1841. 8. *Pph.v.261 Digest of decisions, etc. Metcalf, T *3701.4 CURTIS, J. British entomology. London, 1824- 39. 16v. in 8. 8 *3892.15 CURTIS, W. Botanical magazine, v.1-70. Lon- don, 1793-1844. 70v. 8 *3844.1 British grasses. 2d cd. London, 1790. 8. 3992.5 Flora Londinensis. New ed. by G. Graves and W. J. Hooker. London, 1835. 5v. f. *3S40.1 CURTIUS Rufus, Q. De gestis Alexandri Magni, hrg. von J. MUtzcll. Berlin, 1841. 2v. 8. 2920.1 - Same. Ed. C. T. Zumpt. Brunsvigse, 1849. 8 2926.2 CURTIUS 207 CYPRIANUS Shelf. No. CURTIUS Rufus, Q. continued. - Same. Cum supplem. J. Freinshcmii, itinerario Alcxandri, ct Julio Valcrio. N. E. Lcmairc. Parish's, 1X22-24. 2v. in 3. [Lemaire. Biblioth. class. Lat. 72-74.] . . . *2915.5 CURVES. Clairaut, A. C. Sur les courbcs a double courbure 3020.18 Hill, T. Essay on E. 110. 39 Jacquct, A. Trace general dcs courbcs . . . 4015.10 Simms, F. "W. Field practice of laying- out . 4015.11 GUSHING, A. Historical letters on the first char- ter of Massachusetts. Boston, 1839. 12 .**E.230.4 GUSHING, C. Eulogy 011 Adams and Jefferson, pronounced in Newburyport. Cambridge, 1826. 8" *Pph.v.60 Oration before the colonization society of Mass. Boston, 1833. 8 *Fph.v.237 GUSHING, L. S. Law and practice of legislative assemblies. Boston, 1856. 8 *3561.8 Reports of cases in the supreme judicial court of Massachusetts. [1848-53.] Boston, 1855- 58. llv. 8 *3705.2 GUSHING, S. B. Report respecting the harbor of Van Buren, on Lake Erie. N. Y. 1836. 8.*Pph.v.97 GUSHING, T., Sermon on the death of. [Prince. v.2] 3458.69 GUSHING, Col. T. H., Trial of. See Lee, W. . *Pph.v.35 CUSHMAN, H. W. Genealogy of the Cushmans. 1617-1855. Boston, 1855. 8 *2331.10 CUSHMAN, W. M. Report on laying a railroad upon the turnpike belonging to the Albany and Schenectady Co. n.p. n.d. 8. . . *Pph.v.84 CUSHMAN celebration, Proceedings at the. Aug. 15, 1S55. Shurtleff, N. B 2331.6 CUSICK, D. Ancient history of the six nations. Tuscarora vHlago, 1828. 12 *Pph.v.216 CusSY, F. de. Dictionnaire du diplomate, et du consul. Leipzig, 1846. 16 3634.9 CUSTINE, A., marq. de. L'Espagne sous Ferdi- nand VII. Bruxelles, 1838. 4v. 16 ... 3105.20 La Russie en 1839. Bruxelles, 1843. 4v. 8. 3062.6 - Same. 5e ed. Suivie de la critique de 1'ouvrage par un Russe. Bruxelles, 1844. 4v. 10' 3069.5 CUSTODI, P. Storia di Milano di P. Verri, con- tinuata. See Verri, P 2739.2 CUSTOMS and manners of the women of Persia. Transl. by J. Atkinson. Lond. 1832. pp. 93. 8 [Oriental transl. fund. 20]. . . . *3012.21 CUSTOMS. Saggio dell'origine eprogresso de'cos- tumi. Stellini, J 2236.2 See also : Manners and customs. CUSTOMS of London. Arnold, R 2480.2 CUSTOMS' tariffs of all nations. Hiibaer, O. . . 3681.4 CUTANEOUS absorption, Experiments on. Mus- sey, R. D M.Pph.v.64 CUTANEOUS diseases. See Skin. CUTBUSH, E. Discourse at the opening of the medical institution of Geneva college, N. Y. Feb. 10, 1835. Geneva, 1835. 8 . . . . *M.Pph.v.29 Dissertation on insanity. Philadelphia, 1794. 8 *M.Pph.v.lO CuTiiBicr.T, St. Vita S. Cuthberti, auctore Beda. [Miguc. Patrologiae v.94.] v. 5 of 3450.21 Libollus de admirandis beati Cuthberti virtu- tibus. See Reginald 2417.1 CUTiliiEirrsoN, J. Practical electricity and gal- vanism. 2dcd. London, 1821. 8" . . . . 3962.18 CUTLEH, T. Funeral sermon on. See Caner, II. 3455.60 CUTTER, C. Treatise on anatomy, physiology, and hygiene. Ster. ed. Boston, 1850. 12. 7029.7 - Same. 2d cd. Boston, 1840, 12 . . . 3764.17 CUTTS, E. L. Manual for the study of sepulchral slabs and crosses. London, 1849. pp. 93. 8 *4074.12 CUVELIER. Chronique de Bertraud du Guesclin. Pub. par E. Charriere. Paris, 1839. 2v. 4. [France. Coll. dedocs. ined. Ire ser. 24, 25] *2620.2 Shelf. No. CuviER, F. Dictionnaire des sciences naturelles, par plusieurs professeurs du jardiu du roi. Paris, 1816-30. 72v. 8 *3818.1 Contents. Vol. I.-LX. CText alphabetically ar- ranged.] Planches. Vol. I. le partie, ri'gue inorgau- ise : Cristallographie par M. Urochant de Villers ; Mineralogie par M. A. Brongniart. II.-VI. 2e partie, regne organise : Botanique classce d'apres la methods naturelle de M. Antoine Laurent de Jussieu, pur M. P. J. F. Turpin. 2. Acotyiedones. 3. Monocotyle- dones. 4-6. Dicotyledones. VII.-XII. T. Zoologie : Mammiferes, par M. Frederic Cuvier. 8. Ornithol- ogie, par M. Duinont de Saintc-Croix. 9. Poissons et reptiles, par M. Hippolyte Cloquet. 10. Insectcs, par M. Andre Marie C. Dumeril; Crustaces, par M. An- seline Getau Desmarest. 11. Conchyliologie et mala- cologie, par M. Ducrotay de Blainvillc. 12. Vers et zoophytes, par M. Ducrotay de Blainville. CuviER, G. L. C. F. D. Classified index of the animal kingdom ; with add. by E. Griffith. London, ia35. 8 3834.4 Histoire des progres des sciences naturelles. Paris, 1820-28. 4v. 8 *3S27.2 Historical eulogium on J. Priestley, transl. by D. B. Warden. Paris, 1807. 8 ... *Pph. v. 29 Logons d'anatomic comparee; rccueil par Du- meril, etc. 2e ed. Paris, 1835-16. 8v. in 9. 8.*3S85.12 Ossemensfossiles. Seed. Paris, 1825. 5v. in 7. 4 *3sr0.21 Recueil des eloges historiques. Paris, 1819- 27. 3v. 8 2041.6 Regne animal distribue" d'apres son organisa- tion. Nouv. ed. Paris, 1829. 5v. 8 ... *38S0.8 - Same. Ed. accomp. de planches par unc reunion de disciples de Cuvier. Paris, For- tiu, Masson, et Cie. 1836 et suiv. 20v. 4" . . *3901.1 Contents. Gr. div. I. Les mammifercs, avec un atlas par MM. Milne-Edwards, Laurillard etRoulin, text lv. atlas lv.; Les oiseaux, avec un atlas par M. Alcide d'Orbigny, text Iv. atlaa lv.; Les reptiles, avec un atlas par M. Duvernoy, text 1 v. atlas lv. ; Les poissons, avec un atlas par M. A. Valenciennes, text lv. atlas lv.; Les mollusqucs, par M. G. P. Deshaycs, text lv. atlas lv. ; Les annelicles, par M. Milne-Ed- wards; Les arachnides, par M. Ant. Duges et M. Milne-Edwards, text ]v. atlas lv.; Les crustaees, par M. Milne-Edwards, text lv. atlas lv.; Les iusectcs par SIM. Audouin, Blanchard, Doyerc, ct Milne-Ed- wards, text 2v. atlas 2v. ; Les zoophytes, par M. Milne-Edwards, text lv. atlas lv. Theory of the earth ; with illustrations by R. Jameson. 4th ed. with add. Edinburgh, 1S22. 8 3862.19 Descriptions de mammifercs ctoiscaux. See Choris, L. Voyage 2880.3 Biographical and critical notices of John Ray. 3824 . 13 Memoirs of, by 3Irs. It. Lee . 2655.3 and Valenciennes, A. Histoire naturelle des poissons. Paris, 1828-19. 22 v. 8 *3906.1 CUYLER, C. C. Question answered, whose chil- dren are entitled to baptism ? Poughkeep- sie, 1810. 8" *Pph.v.36 Sermon occasioned by the death of Rev. J. If. Livingston. Poughkcepsie, 1825. 8. . *Pph. v. 57 CYCLOP.r.iHA. British C. of natural history. Par- tington, C. F 3834.1 CYCLOP.KDIA bibliographica. Darling, J 2142.1 CYCLOP.EDIA of Biblical literature. Kitto, J. . . 3-lsi.:{ CYCLOPAEDIA of the Bible. Lawson, J. P 3481.2 CYCLOP.KDIA of commerce. Waterston, W. . . . 3iiS2. 1 CYCLOPAEDIA of English literature. Chambers, R. 2.>:!.4 CYCLOPEDIA of missions. Newcomb, IT 3.v;2.4 CYCLOP-EDIA of practical medicine. Forbes, J. . 3734.1 See also : Encyclopedia. CYCLOPIAN remains in Greece and Italy. Dod- well, E 3070.4 CYDIAS. See Baiter and Sauppe. Oratores Attici. 2963.1 CYMRY, Early history of the. Roberts, P. ... 2520.21 CYMRY of '76. See Jones, A 2324.6 CYPIUANUS, T. C., St. Opera omnia, ad S. Bal- uzii ed. expressa et [var.] notis instructa. Parisiis, 1844. 8". [Migne. Patrologiae v.4] 3440.3 Contents. Epistolre ; Liber de habitu virginis ; Liber de lapsis; Liber de unitate ccclesia; ; Ad De- CYPRIANUS 208 DAMAS Shelf. No. CTPRIANUS, T. C., St., continued. metrianum; DC idolorum vanitate; De mortalitatc; Deopcre et eleemosynis; DC bono patientisc; De zelo etlivore; Ad Fortunatum, de cxhortatione martyrii; Testimoniorum contra J mlicos libri III ; Appendices. Concilia Carthaginensia, sub S.Cypriano cele- brata ; Epistolae ; Annalcs ccclcsiae Africanae tcmporibus Cyprianicis ; Vitaetpassio Cy- priani, per Pontium ; Acta proconsularia Cypriani. [Migne. Patrologiae V.3J. . . . 3440.3 See Guillen. Bibliotheque des peres. v.4,5 of 3499.30. v.3,4of 3508.2 Opusculum de mortalitate. [Muratori. Opcre min. v.4] . . 2710.2 CYPRIANUS, monk of Monte Cassino. Hymnus de S. Bcnedicto. [Migne. Patrologiae v.89] . 3450.20 CYPRIANUS, of Cordova. Epigrammata ; Notitia historica. [Migne. Patrologia? v.121,132] . 3400.4,11 CYPKUS, De illius insulaj rebus et antiquitatibus. [Meursius. Opera, v.3] 2210.2 Sereno, B. Commentari della gucrra di Cipro. 2722.2 CYEANO do Bergerac, S. Voyages dans les empires de la lune et du soleil ct 1'histoire des oiseaux. [Gamier. Voy. imag. v.13] . . . 2000.1 CYRENAICA. Beechey, F. W. Account of. . . . 3051.4 Dea relations inedites de la Cyrenai'que. [Paris. Societe de geographic. Recueil de voyages, v.2] 2260.11 CYRICIUS. Epistola ad Taionem episcopum. [Migne. Patrologiae v.80] 3450.15 Epistolae duae ad Hildefonsum episcopum. [Migne. Patrologiae v.9(i] 3450.22 CYUILLUS, St. Epistolae ad Nestorium, ad clcri- cos suos ; Apologeticus pro duodecim capi- tibus, etc. ; Apologeticus adversus Theodo- retum ; Scholia de incarnatione unigeniti. [Migne. Patrologiae v.48] 3440.20 DABISTAN, The, or school of manners, [attributed to Mohsau Fani,] transl., etc., by D. Shea and A. Troyer. Paris, 1843. 3v. 8. [Orien- tal transl. fund, 58] 3012.11 DABOLL, N. School-master's assistant : a system of arithmetic. Ster. ed. Albany, 1821. 12. 7019.19 - Same. With book-keeping by S. Green. Ithaca, 1829. 12 7019.21 DACIER, B. J. Kapport sur les progres de 1'his- toire et de la litterature ancienne, dcpuis 1789. Paris, 1810. 4 2190.3 DADIZEELE, J. van. Memoires. Bruges, 1850. 4". [Bruges. Societe d'emul. dc la Flandre] . *2821.11 DADO. Opusculum. [Migne. Patrologiae v.132] 3400.11 DAGGKTT, D. Argument before the general assem- bly of Connecticut, in the ease of certain justices of the peace. N. Haven, 1804. 8.*Pph. v. 30 DAGGETT, N. Sermon occasioned by the death of the Rev. Thomas Clap. New Haven, n.d. 4. 3457.20 DAGOBEKT I. Vic. [Guizot. Coll. mem. hist. France, v.2] 2618.2 EcclesiasticEe praoceptiones. [Migne. Patro- logiae v.80] 3450.15 Gesta Dagoberti regis Francorum, scripta a monacho coenobii S. Diouysii, anonymo quidem sed contemporauco. [Migne. Pa- trologiae v.9(i] 3450.22 DAGOBEUT II. Diplomata ct ecclesiasticae prae- ceptiones. [Migne. Patrologiae v.87] . . . 3450.18 DAGULFUS. Octodecastichon. [Migne. Patrolo- giae v.99] 3450.24 DAIILGREN, J. A. Boat armament in the U. S. navy. Philadelphia, 1852. 12" 3952.14 Ordnance memoranda: naval percussion locks and primers. Philadelphia, 1853. 12 . . . 3952.15 Report on the thirty-two pounder of thirty- two cwt. Washington, 1850. 12 3952.10 Shells and shell-guns. Philadelphia, 1850. 8. 3952.7 Form of exercise and manoeuvre for boat howitzers. See United States C. 153.9 DAHLMANX, C. F. Forschungen auf dcm Gebiete der Geschichte. Altona, 1822-23. 2v. sm.8. 2213. 1 Shelf. No. DAHLMANN, F. E. History of the English revo- lution. Transl. by H. E. Lloyd. London, 1844. 8 2517.3 DAHOMY. Dalzel, A. History of 3051.15 DAILY advertiser, Advocate, Bee. See Boston. DAILY evening transcript, v.1-28 *7810.1 DAILY evening traveller, v. 1-13 *7910.3 See American traveller. DAILY herald, Mail, Post, Times. See Boston. DAIMACHUS. See Fragm. hist. Grsec. . . . v.2 of 3002.11 DAKOTA language. Grammar and dictionary of. See Smithsonian contributions, v.4 .... 3340.1 DALCIIO, F. Protestant episcopal church in South Carolina. Charleston, 1820. 8' 3540.5 DALE, A. van. De oraculis veterum ethnicorum. Ed. 2a. Amstelodami, 1700. 4 3488.2 DALE, R. Catalogue of the nobility of England. London, 1097. sm.8 *2430.11 DALE, T. Sermon on the death of E. Turner. 2d ed. London, 1837. 8 *Pph. v. 101 Introductory lecture in the university of Lon- don, 1828. 4th ed. London, 1829. 8 . . *Pph. v. 78 DALE, W. A. T. Manual of the Albany Lancaster school. Albany, 1820. 10" *Pph. v.208 DALECARLIA. Diplomatarium Dalekarlicum. Kro- ningssvard, C. G 2823.2 DALLAS, G. M. Memoir. Philadelphia, 1853. 1.8. 2343.1 DALLAS, R. C. History of the Maroons, with a history of Jamaica. London, 1803. 2v. 8. 2313.8 DALLAWAY, H. Manual of heraldry. London, 1828. 12 2233.5 DALLAWAY, J. Anecdotes of the arts in England. London, 1800. 8" 4074.11 Antiquities of Bristow, including the topo- graphy by W. Wyrcestre, and life of W. Canynges. Bristol, 1834. 4 *24G1.7 Architecture in England. Lond. 1833. roy.8.*4092.10 and Cartwright, E. History of the western division of the county of Sussex. London, 1815-32. 2v. in 3. 4 *2400.11 DALLE-CELLE, G. See Celle, G. dalle. DALLIBA, J. Narrative of the battle of Browns- town, 1812. New York, 1810. 8 ... . *Pph.v.43 DALLOZ, P. A. Dictionnaire de jurisprudence. Paris, 1835-41. 5v. 4 *3031.1 DALLOZ, V. A. D. and P. A. Jurisprudence gen- erale. Recueil periodique. Paris, 1840-58. 13v. 4 *3070.12 DALLY, N. Elements de 1'histoire du genre hu- main. Bruxelles, 1841. pp.07. 4 2234.8 DALMATIA. Lucius de regno D. ; Marulus de regum D. gestis. fSchwandtner. Script, rcrum Hungaric. v.3] 2810.2 Voyage de D. fait 1075 et 1070. Spon, J. . . 2760.8 DALRYJIPLE, Sir D., lord Hailes. Annals of Scot- land, 1057-1371, with several valuable tracts. New ed. Edinburgh, 1797. 3v. 8 *2475.5 - Same. 3d ed. Edinburgh, 1819. 3v. 8 . 2474.12 Memorials and letters. Reign of Charles I. Glasgow, 1700. 12" 2519.20 Memorials and letters. Reign of James I. 2d ed. Glasgow, 1700. 12 2519.25 DALRYMPLE, Sir J. History of feudal property in Great Britain. 4th ed. London, 1759. 12. 3709.2 Memoirs of Great Britain and Ireland, 1081- 1702. New ed. London, 1790. 3v. 8 ... 2510.3 Rights of Great Britain asserted against the claims of America. London,1770. pp.92. 8. 2324. 25,50 DALTON, J. Meteorological observations and es- says. 2d ed. Manchester, 1834. 8 .... 3902.21 Life and researches of. See Henry, W. C. . . 3974.7 DALYELL, J. G. Tract, chiefly relative to monas- tic antiquities. Edinburgh, 1809. 8 . . . .*2520.13 DALZEL, Andrew. Collectanea Graeca majora. Ed. 4a. Americana. Boston, 1835. 2v. 8. 29C3.8 DALZEL, Archibald. History of Dahomy. Lon- don, 1793. 4" *3051.15 DAMAS, le comte de. Relation sur 1'affaire de Var- ennes. See Bouille, F. C. A. de 4645.5 DAMASTES 209 DANIEL Shelf. No. DAMASTES Sigeensis. See Fragm. hist. Grace, v.2. 3002.11 DAMASUS, St., pope. Opera quae supersunt. [Migne Patrologiaj v.13] 3440.10 Contents. Prolegomena, de S. Damasi opusculis et gestis; Diatribie duse illustrantcsgesta; Epistolae; Carmina; Opera apocrypha; Catalogus Romanorum poutificum. Epistolse dccretalea ad Paulinum episcopum Antiochenum. [Migne. Patrologise v.84] v.8 of 3450.16 DAMEN, J. C., and Camper, P. Verhaal der Door- enede van de Schaambeenderen, enz. [Am- sterdam, 1786.] 8 *M.Pph.v.3 DAMIANUS, P. Opera omnia collecta primum stu- dio ac labore C. Cajetani. Lutetise Parisio- rum, 1853. 2v. 8. [Migne. Patrol, v.144-5] 3460.23 Contents. Vol. I. Epistolse ; Donatio facta S. Petro Damiano ab cpiscopoFaventino; Concordia statutaa S. Petro Damiano inter cremum Gamugni et inter monasterium de Acereta; Serraones ; Vitas sanctorum. II. Opuscula ; Alexandri III diploma de legatione S. Petri Damiani in Gallias; De adventu S. Petri Damiani ad Cluniacensem ecclesiam; Acta synodi in Galliis celebrata; a B. Petro Damiano; Hymnus de gloria paradisi; De Gallica profectione S. Petri Dami- ani ; Expositio canonis missse ; Testimonia NOT! Testamenti ex operibus S. Petri Damiani cxcerpta; Carmina sacra et preces; Collectanea in Vetus Testa- mentum ex operibus S. Petri Damiani. Iter Gallicum; Expositio canonis missse; Collectanea ex N. T. [Mai. Script, vet. nova coll. v. 6] 3000.1 Scrmo do translatione sancti Hilarii. [Migne. Patrologiae v.9] v.lof3440.7 DAMIANUS. Epistola. [Migne. Patrologise v. 87]. 3450.18 DAMIENS de Gomicourt, A. P. Dissertation histo- rique et critique pour servir a 1'histoire des premiers temps de la monarchic francaise. [Leber. Coll. diss. hist. France, v. 5]. . . 2618.1 Dissertation sur les maires du palais ; Disser- tation sur la dignite de connetable ; Supple- ment sur la suppression du connetable. [Leber. Coll. diss. hist. France, v. 6]. .. 2618.1 DAMIRON, J. P. Histoire de la philosophic en France au XVIIe siecle. Paris, 1846. 2v. 8. 3605.11 Histoire de la philosophic en France, au XIXe siecle. 3e ed. Paris, 1834. 2v. 8 . 3605.12 Cours de philosophic. 2e ed. Paris, 1834-37. 4v. 8 3605.13 DAMM, C. T. Lexicon Graecum ex lexico Ho- merico-Pindaric. [cura] J. M.Duncan, auxit V. C. F. Host. Lipsia;, 1831. 4 *2981.2 - Same. Editio de novo instructa cura J. M. Duncan. London, 1842. 4' *2981.1 DAMMARTIX, Comte de. See Chabunnes, A. de. DAMOISEAU, M. C. Tables de la lune. Paris, 1824. 4 **E.151.4 DAMOPHILUS Bithynus. See Fragm. hist.Grajc. v.3. 3002.11 DAMOXENUS. See Poet. com. Grsec. fragm. . . . 3002.14 DAMPIER, W. New voyage round the world. 2d ed. London, 1697. 8 2277.4 Nouveau voyage autour du monde. Rouen, 1715. 5v. 12 2277.9 Voyage round the world, 1703-4. London, 1707. 8 2277.6 Voyages and descriptions. London, 1699. 8". 2277.5 Voyage round the world. [New collection of voyages, v.3] 2263.1 Account of New Holland, and of the Philip- pine islands. [Pinkcrton. Voyages, v. 11] 2260.13 DANA, C. A. Association in its connection with religion. Boston, 1844. pp. 41. 12 .... 3565.6 DANA, E. Sketches on the Western country. Cincinnati, 1819. 12 2388.11 DANA, James, D. D., b. 1/35, d. 1812. The heav- enly mansions : a sermon at the interment of Kcv. Ezra Stiles, D. D. New Haven, [1795?] 8 *Pph.v.265 Human frailty and vanity: discourse occa- sioned by the death of E. Hall, of Walling- ford. New Haven, 1765. pp. 34. 8" ... 3458.36 Shelf. No. DANA, James, D. D. continued. Wisdom of observing Providence -. thanks- giving sermon. Hartford, 1805. pp. 27. 8. 3458.38 DANA, James F. Epitome of chymical philoso- phy. Concord, N. H. 1825. 8 3971.24 DANA, Joseph. Liber primus. 5th ed. Boston, 1827. 12 7089.16 DANA, J. G., and Thomas, R. S. Report of the trial of J. O. Beauchamp for the murder of S. P. Sharp. Frankfort, 1826. 12 3084.19 DANA, R. H. The buccaneer, and other poems. London, 1844. 16 2399.54 Poem before the Porter rhetorical society in the theological seminary, Andover. Bos- ton, 1829. 8 *Pph.v.73 DANA, S. Sermon at Danvers, at the interment of the Rev. B. Wadsworth. Salem, 1826. pp.24. 8 *Pph.v.265 DANCE of death. See Douce, F 4002.8 Massmann, H. F. Literatur der Todtentanze. 4002.6 DANCING. Blasis, C. Manuel complet de la danse. 4001.25 Caroso, F. Raccolta di varij balli 4047.29 - H ballarino 4052.30 Jenyns. The art of: poem. [Works, v.l] . 3473.2 Kirnberger, J. P. Der allezeit fertige Polo- noisen-und Menuettencomponist 4057.9 La Fage, J. A. de. Histoire de la dause . 4057.10 Letteron the subject of Pph.v.161 Negri, C. Nuove invention! di balli 4051.2 DANCOURT, F. C. Le chevalier a la mode; La maison de campagne ; L'ete des coquettes ; Les bourgeoises a la mode ; Le tuteur ; Les vendanges de Surene ; Les vacances ; Les curieux de Compiegne ; Le mari retrouv^ ; Les bourgeoises de quality ; Les trois cou- sines ; Le galant jardinier. [Theatre des au- teurs du second ordre. Comedies en prose, v.1-4] 2640.19 DANDINI, G. Voyage to mount Libanus. [Piiik- erton. Voyages, v.10] 2260.13 DANDOLO, A. Chronicon Venetum, a pontificatu S. Marci ad annum usque 1339. [Muratori. Scriptores rerum Ital. v.12] 2710.1 DANDOLO, C. T. L'ltalia nel sccolo passato sin 1789. Milano, 1853. sm.8 2770.16 Reminiscenze e fantasie. Torino, 1841. 3v. 12. 47C5.3 DANDOLO, V. Del governo delle pccore spagnu- ole e italiane. Milano, 1804. 8 4002.12 Dell' arte di governare i bachi da seta. Mil- ano, 1S15. 8 4003.18 Enologia, ovvero 1'arte di fare, conservare e far viaggiare i vini. Milano, 1812. 2v. 8. 4003.19 DANFORTH, J. Sermon occasioned by the late great earthquake, 1727. [With a poem on the death of P. Thacher and S. Dauforth.] Boston, 1728. pp. 40. 18 *3457.47 An elegy. See Belcher, J *3459.41 DANGEAU, P. de Courcillon, marq. de. Memoircs, avec des notes, etc. par Mine, de Gcnlis. Paris, 1817. 4v. 8" 2656.5 DANGERS incident to prosperity. Parker, T. . . 3413.1 DANGERS to Christian faith, Essays on some of the. Whately, R 3464.11 DANGERS which threaten the rights of man. Par- ker, T 3443.1 DANIEL, G. Histoire de France. 2e ed. Amster- dam, 1720. 6v. 4 *2621.4 - Same. N.ed. Amst. 1755-58. 24v. 12. 2019.1 Dissertations sur 1'origine de la monarchic frangaisc et la pretendue deposition de Cbil- dcric. [Lebcr. Coll. diss. hist. France, v.l] 2618.1 De la dignite de mare'chal de France ; De la dignite d'amiral de France ; Des assemblies ou parlemens sous la premiere race ; Des titres de dues, comtcs ct marquis. [Leber. Coll. diss. hist. France, v. 6] 2618.1 Des tributs quo les sujets des rois de la pre- miere race leur payaient. [Leber. Coll. diss. hist. France, v.7] 2618.1 DANIEL 210 DANTE Shelf. No. DANIEL, H. A. Thesaurus hymnologicus. Lipsise, 1855-56. 5v. 8 3448.1 DANIEL, J. F. Chemistry. [Lib. Use. Knowl.] . E.212.5 DANIEL, S. Poetical works [with] life. London, 1717-18. 2v. 12 2609.13 Contents. Vol. I. Life of Daniel; A defence of rhyme; Complaint of Rosamond; Letter from Octavia to Marcus Antonius; Hymen's triumph, a pastoral comedy ; The queen's Arcadia; The vision of the twelve goddesses; The tragedy of Cleopatra; Tragedy of Philotas. II. History of the civil war; Poems, epis- tles, etc. The history of the civil war ; Musophilus ; Sonnets to Delia ; Complaint of Rosamond. [Chalmers. Eng. poets.] v.3 of 2592.7 DANIEL, Commentary on. See Bible. Commentaries on the book of. Calvin, J. . . 5504.2 DANIELL, J. F. Elements of meteorology. Lon- don, 1845. 2v. 8 39(54.9 Meteorological essays and observations. 2d ed. London, 1827. 8 3966.3 DANIELLO, B. Trattato delle parole proprie e tras- portate, e delle figure del parlare. [Autori del ben parlare, p.2] 3590.10 DANISH language. Baden, J. Tydsk og Dansk Ordbog 2884.6 Gierlow, J. Elements of the 2884.12 and literature. See Denmark. DANJOU, F. Archives curieuses de 1'hist. de France. Lafaist, L 2017.1 DANTE Alighieri. Opere. Firenze, Ciardetti et Molini, 1830-41. Cv. 8" *2801.6 Contents. Vol. I.-1II. La divina commedia. IV. Prose : Rimario degl' interi versi della divina corn- media secondo il testo di Crusca; Indice delle voci dclla divina commedia citato nel vocabolario della Crusca; Indice dei nomi proprj e delle cose notabili contenute nella div. comm. ; Convito, trattato primo- quarto; Vita nova; Della volgare eloquenza; Pistola allo'mperatore Arrigo di Luzimburgo. V. Rime : Vita di Dante Alighieri composta da Giovanni Boc- caccio, tratta da un codice del 1437; Vita di Dante Alighieri scritta da Lionardo Aretino; Vita di Dante Alighieri scritta dal cavaliere Girolamo Tiraboschi; Note del signore Filippode Romanis; Lettere di M. Bottari e P. A. di Costanzo; Canto di mcsser Bosone dallgobbio; La visione del monaco Alberigo riscon- trata coi luoghi di Dante che le si avvicinano; Esame delle correzioni che pretendeva doversi fare Gio. Jac. de march. Dionisi; Allegoria del poerna ; Esame di Giuseppe di Cesare; Dell" amor patrio di Dante; Rime: Canzoni, sonetti, rirne sacre ; Variant!; Serie dell' cdizioni della divina commedia. VI. Still' oper- etta di Dante che ha per titolo, la Vita nuova, da P. J. Fraticelli ; Appendice al canzoniere ; Indieealfa- betico di tutte le rime di Dante; Egloghe latine di Giovanni del Virgilio e di Dante Alighieri colic note; Sulle poesie liriche; Illustrazioni al canzoniere; Dis- sertazione- al convito; Argomenti dei trattatie capi- toli component! il eonvito e tavola delle cose notabili enomi proprj in esso; Devulgari eloquio sive idio- mate, libri duo; DC monarchia libri III. cum Italica interpretatione Marsilii Ficini; Epistola; quae exstant cum disquisitionibua P. Fraticelli ; Delia prima e principale allegoria del poema di Dante, discorso di P. Fraticelli. Prose e poesie liriche illustrate per cura di A. Torri. v.l, 3,4, 5. la ed. Livorno, 1842-50. 4v. 8 2801.7 Contents, Vol. I. Vita nuova, ediz. 16a corretta lezione ridotta median tc il riscontro di codici inediti e con illustrazioni e note di diversi. III. La monarehia col volgarizzamento di Marsilio Ficino tratto da codice inedito dclla Mediceo-Laurenziana di Firenze. IV. Delia lingua volgare libri due tradotti di latino da Giangiorgio Trissino e ridotti a corretta lezione col riscontro del testo originale, edizione 17a, aggiuntevi le note di diversi. V. Eplstole edite e Lnedite, aggiun- tavi la dissertazione intorno all' acqua e alia terra e le traduzioni respettive a riscoutro del testo latino, con illustrazioni e note di diversi. Divina commedia. Venezia, Zatta, 1784. 3v. 10. [Parnasoitaliano, v.3-5] *2769.2 - Same. Corretta, spiegata e difesa da P. B. Lombard}. Roma, de Romanis, 1815-17. 4v. 4 *2801.1 Shelf. No. DANTE Alighieri, continued. Contents. Vol. I. L'inferno. II. II purgatorio. III. II paradiso. IV. Le principal! cose appartenenti alia divina commedi cio e il rimario ne' suoi versi inticrU Lettera di G. Bottari; Lettera di Costanzo; Canto di Bosone da Ugobbio, e di messer Pietro di Dante ; La visione di Alberico, cd altro che la con- cerne, parecchie note ed osservazioni aggiunte ; La vita del poeta scritta dal cav. G. Tiraboschi; L'csaine della sua opera di Giuseppe di Cesare; La bibliogra- fla; L'indice, cc. ec. - Same. Manoscritta da Boccaccio. Ro- veta, 1820. 3v. 8 2802.1 - Same. Giusta la lezione del codice Bar- toliniano [coi lavori dell' Arrivabenc.] Udine, 1823-28. 3v.in4. 8 2802.13 Contents. Vol.1. Tavola ;<: ;' vocum, 09; 10 vocum, 70; 12 vocum, 71-7'.'. X. Gabri- elli, A.; Deus misercatur nostri, iii chori; Giovan- elli, R.; Vtstiva i colli, mcssa a 8 voci; Ilanuncr- schmidt. A.; Motetto fiir G Siugst. mit Lass cont. Schaffe in mir Gott ein reincs Hcrz; Schiitz, 1J. S.; Motetto fur G Singst. mit Bass cont. Die IJimmel cr- ziihlcn; Motetto fiir 4 Singst. mit Bass cont. Wer will uns scheiden; Bruhns, N.; Canta'.r, Dor Ilcrr hat seinen Stulil im Ilimmcl aO, 2 violini, fagotto, 2 violctte, basso solo con basso continuo; Ilasse, G. A.; Miserere, a quattro voci, concettato con instru- ment! ; Miserere, 2 soprani e 2 alti con fitrotncnti. XI. Stobaeus.J.; Geistliche Lieder fiir !i Stimmi-ii ; Eccardus, J. ; Gcistliche Lieder fiir 5 Stimmen; Scarlatti, A.; Messa a quattro voci, cd orgnno; Si- monelli. M.; Victimae paschali a 4 voci; Koseiun til- ler, J.; Vierstimmipc Messe; Hammerschmidt, A.; Motetto a 5 voci; Pistocchi, F. A.; Psalm us, Lauda Jerusalem, quinquc voci. XII. Porta, C.; Mesn di requiem a 5 voci, 1540; Vittoria, T. L.; Messa di re- quiem a 4 voci, 1575; Anerio, J. F.; Missa pro dc- functis 4 voci; Michael des Buissons ; Tibi decus et imperium 7 voci; Prenner, G. ; Credo redcmptor mcus.C voci, liGO; Pitoni, G. O.; Magnificat u4oon- certato; Mattel, F. 8.; Laudato Dominum a due cori con stromenti; Predieri, L. A.; Kyrie a 5 voci concertati con stromenti; Porpora, N.; Avc rcgina a voce sola con instromcnti; Bertali, A.; Adoramus tc a 4 voci con stromenti ; Pitoni, G. O. ; Missa Albi- na cum octovoci; Dies irse, G voc. XIII. btiilzel ; 6 Messen a 4 voci. XIV. Palestrina, G. P. A.; Madri- gal! spiritual!, libro primo, Xo. !-.(>, 15S1, libro secon- do. No. 1-30, 1594. XV. Palestrina, G. P. A.; Salom- onis canticum canticorum, 5 v. No. 1-29. XVI. Puies- trina, G. P. A.; Varia ex operibus, lib. i.-ii. XVII. Palestrina, G. P. A.; Varia ex operibus, liber iii., iv. XVIII. Palestrina, G.P. A.; Missa brevis a 4 voci; Missa di papa Marcello a sei voci ; Missa sex vocum, omnium ipsiua fere prtestantissima, sub titulo, As- DEHN 216 DELAFIELD Shelf. No. DEHN, S. W. continued. aumpta est, l.WSs G auscrlcsenc Motettcn fiir 5 und 6 Slimmon; Missn ad cocnum agni providi quinque vo- cum. XIX. Salieri, A.; Se Ionian ben mio; Nell" affannocncl porifilio a 3 voci; Doblhoff, C. von; Psalmlxxv. v.2. Wirrtankcn Gott,4 Stimmen; Jo- melli, N.; Hosannah fllio David, 4 voci con orpano; Pcrti, O.; Crucifixus Icvato d'una mcssa, 3 voci; Haydn, J.; Offertorium a 4 voci; Carapella, T.; Miserere a 4 voei ; Lotti, A. ; Piange 1'amantc, 4 voci con organo; In una siepe, 5 voci con basso continue ; Zelenka, J. D. ; Sub tuum presidium, NOB. 1 2,4 voci con basso continue; Ecee quomodo, 4 voci con organo; In monte Olivcti, 4 voci con basso continue; Palestrina, G. P. A.; Sub tuum presidium, a 4 vo- ci par! acute, cio c Ire soprani ed un' alto; Salmi di vcspro della Domenica, a 4 voci; Palestrina, G. P. A.; Descend! in hortum, 5 voci; Adjuvo vos, 5 voci; Caput cjus, 5 voci; Bortniansky, Heiligistdcr Herr, 4 voci; Rovctta, G.; Salve regina, 6 voci; Bach. J. 8.; Crucifixus aus der H moll racsse, 4 voci con stromenti; Haendel, G. F.; Chorus, aus dem Alexanderfest, The many rend the skies, 4 voci coa instr. XX. Clari, G. C. M.; Stabat mater a 4 voci concertato con stromenti (secondo un altro mano- ecritto); Caldara, A.; Stabat mater a 4 voci con stro- menti; Lauda Jerusalem, motetto a 4 voci con organo; Te Deuin laudamus a 4 voci; Regina cccli laetare a 4 voci; Gasparini, F.; Magnificat a 4 voci; Missa a 4 voci; Jomelli, N.; Miserere a 4 voci. XXI. Lotti, A.; Dixit Dominus a 5 voci con stromenti; Ilerodia, P.; Antiphonaindiedefunctorum.flvoci; Lotti, A.; Mrssa a 3 voci . Oi Jones, J. Reply to two deistical works . . . 34e.j.il Leland, J. View of the principal deisticai writers in England 3435.16 Leslie, C. Short and easy method with deists 3430.32 See also : Evidences of revealed religion, God, Infidelity. DEITY. Crombie, A. Essays on the existence of. 3486.2 Letters to Bentley on the proofs of a. [New- ton, Sir I. Opera, v.4] 3911.1 DEJEAX, P. F. M. A. Species general des coleop- teres. Paris, ], <_'.:>-:'; 1. 5v. in 0. 8 *3896.5 and Boisduval, J. A. Iconographie et histoire naturelle des coleopteres d' Europe. Brux- elles, 1829-32. 3v. 8 3890.4 DEKAY, J. E. Anniversary address on the pro- gress of the natural sciences in the United States. New York, 1826. 8 *Pph.v.60 Zoology of New York, in six parts. Albany, 1842-44. 5v. 4. [Nat. hist, of N. Y.] . . *5863.1 DEKIGALLAS, J. rpaitpaTiKQ rrn IraAoc//{ j-Aaxro-Tjj. E* A.0rivais, 1836. 8 2765.21 rpanfittTiKri pcBodiKi) TI; EAAqixirtK yXuactis ex TToAA&H' cpam- HOVTTO\CI, 1838. 8 3770.14 riepi Xvtraiis 6taTpt/3ri. Et> 'Effiomolit, 1839. 8. 3800.42 ttcpi ijivaiicujv tv\oyi.'.i DETRACTION. LeMcrcler.A. Treatise against . .3079.3 Pithy essay upon, by R. Brathwayt. [Bridges' Archaica, v.2] 2591.14 DEUCIIARS, D. Etchings after the most eminent masters. Edinburgh, 1803. 2v. f . . .*4060.12 DEDS, A. Chronicon Senense. [Muratori. Rerum. Ital. script, v.15] 2710.1 DEUSDEDIT, or Dcodatus. Opusculum et frag- mcuta. [Migne. Patrologiae v.150] . . . 3400.28 DEUSDEDIT, pope. Epistola et decrctum. [Migne. Patrologiae v. 80] 3450.15 DEUTERONOMY. Commentary on. See Bible. DEUTSCHE constituirendeVersammlung zu Frank- furt. Stenogr. Bericht, von F. AVigard. Frankfurt, a. M. 1848-49. 9v. in 8. 4. . *2810.10 DE VEAUX, J. Memoir of. See Gibbes, R. W. . 2343.17 DEVENTER. Defence of Sir Wm. Stanley's sur- render of Deventer. See Allen, C. and W. [Chetham soc. v.31] 2415.12 DEVERGIE, M. G. A. Medecine legale ; rev. et an- no!, par J. B. F. Dehaussy de Robecourt. 3e ^d. Paris, 1852. 3v. 8 *3787.19 DEVIENNE, C. J. B. A. See Agneaux de Vienue. DEVIL, Scriptural doctrine concerning the. Bal- four, W 3453.28 See also : Demonology, Spiritualism, Witchcraft DEVILLE, A. Depenses de la construction du cha- teau de Gaillon, avec atlas. Paris, 1850. 4". [France. Coll. docs. ined. 104. 3e ser.].*2650.15 DEVONSHIRE. Moore, T. History of 2471.3 Oliver, G. Ecclesiastical antiquities in ... 2494.8 - Monasteries in 2494.13 Palmer, , I. F. Dialogue in the D. dialect . . 25.Si.ll Polwhele, R. History of 2450.7 Prince, J. Worthies of Devon 2450.0 Post-Office directory 2484.17 Westcote, T. Devonshire in 1630 24W.12 See also: Barnstable, Exeter, Tivertou. DEVOTION 223 DIAZ Shelf. No. DEVOTION. Fry, J. Dcv. exorcises for the sick. 3447.15 Johnson, E. Exercises for 3447. '27 Martincau, II. Devotional exercises .... 3447. '25 Rowe, E. Devout exercises of the heart . . 3445.1 Zsehokke, J. II. D. Stunclen dor Anclacht . . 3444.15 DEVOTIONAL poetry of the reign of queen Eliza- beth. Farr, E 3490.8 DE TRIES, D. P. Voyages from Holland to Am- erica, 1032-44. Transl. by H. C. Murphy. New York, 1853. 4 *2360.2 DEW, T. R. An essay on slavery. 2d cd. Rich- mond, Va., 1849. 8 3572.14 "Lectures on the restrictive system. Rich- mond, 1829. 8 3657.2 Pro-slavery argument. Harper, M 3573.17 DEWEES, W. P. Compendious system of mid- wifery. 12th ed. Philadelphia, 1853. 8. .*3773.11 Diseases of females. 5th ed. Phila. 1835. 8. *3775.9 - Same. 10th cd. 1653. 8 *3775.8 Essays on midwifery. Philadelphia, 1823. 8. *3773. 10 Means of lessening pain and facilitating diffi- cult parturition. Phila. 1800. 8'. *M.Pph.V. 28,04 Physical and medical treatment of children. Philadelphia, lxJ5. 8 *3777.G - Same. 10th cd. Philadelphia, 1S53. 8 . *3777.5 Practice of physic. Phila. Irv'JO. 2v. 8. . *3791.15 D'Ewics, Sir S. Autobiography and correspond- ence. Ed. by J. O. Hallhvell. London, 1845. 2v. 8 2448.4 DE WETTE, W. M. L. Lehrbuch der christlichen Dogmatik. 2e Aufl. Berlin, [181GJ-18I8. 8. 3452.13 DEWEV, C. Reports on the herbaceous flowering 1 plants of Mass. Cambridge, 1M0.8 8 . . *Pph.v.lC5 DEWEY, O. Discourse delivered at the dedication of the church of the Messiah. New York, 1839. 8 *Pph.v.l07 Discourse on slavery and the annexation of Texas. Hew York, la* 8. . . . *Pph.v.l38, 200 Oration at Cambridge before the Phi Beta Kappa. Boston, 1S30. .8 *Pph.v.81 The old world and the new. N. Y. ls3>.5. 2v. 12. 227::. 12 The Unitarian's answer. 5th ed. Boston, 1830. 12 *Pph.v.219 DEWEY, T. Observations on the art of writing. Albany, 1808. 8 *Pph.v.l7 DEWK/C, L. D. J. Cours d'histoire bclgique. Bruxclles, is:!3. 2v. 8 2813.13 Histoire gene>alc do la Belgique. Bruxclles, 1S20-28. 7v. 8 *2812.7 DE WITT, B., Catalogue of minerals in the cabi- net of. Albany, 1820. 8 *Pph.v.20 On the necessity of establishing an agricul- tural college. Albany, 1810. 8 .... *Pph.v.23 DE WITT, Iter.J. Funeral discourse, occasioned by the decease of Rev. J. II. Livingston, D. D. New Brunswick, 1S25. ,s . . . . *Pph.v.57 DE WITT, John, i/rtiml i><-nxi<>n.'. '. London. Mcd. soc. of obs. What to observe. 37>-2. 1.". Pison, N. De coguoscendis morbis .... 3710.0 Simon, J. Pathology as conducive to ra- tional D 3792.19 Swieten, G. van. De cognoscendis morbis. 3711.1,2 Tanner, T. II. Manual of 3780.25 See also: Auscultation, Microscope, Percussion, Prognostics, Pulse, Spiroraetcr, Stethoscope. DIALECTS. S<'f- English language, French, etc. DlALOian francesi, italiani, tcdcschi, ed inglesi, trattiilallccommediediMoliere. llaed. Mi- lano, 1818. 12 2959.0 DIALOG i'E between Adam and Eve, the Lord and the Devil, called the endowment. Albany, 1847. 8 *Pph.v.l50 DIALOGUE. Dcldialogo. Pallavieino, S :;V.).17 DiAi,oi;n:s. Hard, R. Moral and political . . . 2.V>^.2'.i DiAi.ocur.s des morts. Fenelon, F. S. de la M. . 4o;,s.:jo DIALOGUES of the dead. Montagu, E 2.V.C>.1 DIAMOND mini's seen at Golconda and Yisapour by Tavernicr, J. B. [Pinkerton. Yny;. v.8] 22011.1:: DIAMONDS, A treatise on. Mawc, J 3805.15 DIANIN. La cducazione del fringuclli. [Raccolta di pocmetti didascalici, v.12] 4779.8 DIARIAN miscellany. Hutton, C -. . 3939.8 DIARIO de la marina. Agosto 1851 Julio 185 k Habana, 1851-54. Cv. f 7400.1 DIARY of an ennuyiie. See Jameson, A 2704.17 DIAZ del Castillo, Bcrnal. The conquest of Mex- ico, by M. Kcatinge. Salem, 1803. 2v. 8.**E.225.12 DIAZ di Bibar. See Cid. DIAZ, Ramon. See Baralt, R. M. DIBDIN 224 DIDEROT Shelf. No. DIBDIN, T. F. Bibliograpical tour in France and Germany. 2cl ed. London, 1829. 3v. 8. 2114.1 Bibliographical tour hi the northern counties of England, and in Scot. Lond. 1838. 2v. 8". *24C4.1 Bibliomania. London, 1811. S *2123.1 Bibliophobia. London, 1832. 8 *2124.3 History of Cheltenham and its environs. Cheltenham, 1803. 8 2504.3 Library companion. 2d ed. London, 1825. 8. *2143.1 Hare and valuable editions of the classics, Bible, and fathers. 4th ed. London, 1827. 2v. 8 *2174.2 Reminiscences of a literary life. London, 1830. 2v. 8 2453.10 DKLEARCIIUS Messenius. Quae supersunt, ed. a Max. Fuhr. Darmstadii, 1841. 8 2974.20 See Fragm. hist. Graec. v.2 3002.11 Periegesis. [Didot. Bib.Gr.,Geographi] . . 3002.12 Geographica quaedam sive dc vita Grxcix. [Gronovius. Thesaurus Gra:c. antiq. v.ll]. 2900.2 DICK, A. C. Nature and office of the state. Ed- inburgh, 1848. 8 3502.10 DICKENS, C. American notes for general circula- tion. New York, 1842. 4 *Pph.v.327 DICKESON, M. \V. American numismatical man- ual. Philadelphia, 1859. 4 *2330.5 DICKINSON, D. S. Address at the exhibition of the Queen's county agric. soc., 1843. Hemp- stead, 1844. 8 *Pph.v.l49 Remarks upon Mr. Clemens's resolutions con- cerning California. Washing. 1850. 8.*Pph.v.l82 Speech in the senate of the U. S. on cstabl. a government for California, n.p. n.d. 8.*Pph.v.lG9 DICKINSON, J. Political writings. Wilmington, 1801. 2v. 8 2406.15 Contents. Vol. I. Speech in house of assembly of Pennsylvania, 1704, on occasion of a petition praying the king for a change of the government ; Late regula- tions respecting the colonies considered, 17C5; Rough draft of the resolves of the first congress, 17GJ; Address to the committee of correspondence in Barbadoes, 17CC; Letters from a farmer, 1708; Essay on the consti- tutional power of Great Dritain over the colonies, 1774. II. Address of congress to the inhabitants of Quebec, Dec. 1774; Petition of congress to the king; Declaration by congress of the causes and necessity of taking up arms, July J77j; Second petition to the king; Address of congress to the several states on the state of affairs ; Letters of Fabius in 1778 on the fede- ral constitution, and in 17'.)7 on the present situation of public affairs. Regulations respecting the British colonies considered. London, 1766. 8 *2325.11 DICKINSON, N. Remarks on burns and scalds. London, 1818. 8 *M.Pph.v.73 Observations on the yellow fever. London, 1819. 8 *M.Pph.v.lOO DICKINSON, R. Geographical and statist, view of Massachusetts proper. Greenfield, 1813. 8. 2352.8 DICKINSON, S. N. A help to printers and publish- ers. Boston, 1835. sm.8 **E.214.26 DiCKSOX, S. H. Dengue ; its history, pathology, and treatment. Philadelphia, 1839. 8. *M.Pph.v.37 DICTIONARIES. Marsden, W. Catalogue of D., vocabularies, grammars, and alphabets . . 2190.10 Vater, J. S. Litteratur der Wortersammlung- en aller Sprachen 2174.10 DICTIONARY of merchandise, and nomenclature in all languages. Phila. 1805. 8 *3082.6 DICTIONARY of modern slang, cant, and vulgar words. London, 1859. 12" *2586.40 DICTIOXNAIRE dcs hommcs de lettres, des savans, et des artistes de la Belgique. Bruxelles, 1837. 8 2843.2 DICTIONNAIRE des sciences mcdicales [redige par Chaumeton ct Merat]. Appendices et tables. Paris, 1812-22. 60v. 8 *3719.1 Contents. Vol. I. A Amp. II. Amu Ban. III. Ban Can. IV. Can Cha. V. Cha Col. VI. Col Cor. VII. Cor Cys- VIII. Dan Des. IX. Des Dis. X. DU Eau. XI. Eau Emo. XII. Emp Epi. XIII. Epi Exc. XIV. Exc Fern. Shelf. No. DICTIONNAIRE, etc. continued. XV. Fern Fis. XVI. Fis Fra. XVH. Frn Gen. XVIIL Gen Com. XIX. Gom Gyp. XX. Ilab Hem. XXI. Ilcm-IIum. XXII. Ilnm-Uyg. XXIII. nyg-Hc. XXIV. Ili-Inf. XXV. Int lod. XXVI. Ipe-Jus. XXVII. Kal-Lct. XXVIII. Leu Lorn. XXIX. Lon Mali. XXX. Mai-Mar. XXXI. Mar-Med. XXXII. Med-Mes. XXXIII. Met-Moi. XXXIV. Mol-Musc. XXXV. Mus- Kev. XXXVI. Ncz Nys. XXXVH. Obc-Ord. XXXVIIL Ore Ouv. XXXIX. Ova Pea. XL. Pec Per. XLI. Per Phr. XLII. I'ht-Plad. XLIIL Plai Pois. XLIV. Poit Poum. XLV. Pour Pru. XLVI. Psc Rach. XLVII. Bach Kcso. XLVIII. Rcsp Rhu. XLIX. Ric Sap. L. Bar Scm. LI. Sen SoL LII. Som Sth. LIH.SU Syrapa. LIV. Symph Tcs. LV. Tct Trie. LVI. Trif-Vap. I, VII. Var-Vic. LVIII. Vie-Zt. LIX. Appendice. LX. Table des matures. DICTIONNAIRE francois et hollandois. Dordrecht, 1813. 10" **E.208.13 DICTIONNAIRE gcographique universel. Paris, 1823-33. lOv. 8 2285.3 Contents. Vol. I. A. Bazz. II. B. Chin. III. C.-Fett. IV. F.-High. V. U.-Lamb. VI. L.- Mogu. VII. M. Pcno. VHI. P.- Sand. IX. S. Tibc. X. T.-Zzan. DICTIONNAIRE universel francais et latin de Tre- voux. Nouv. ed. Paris, 1771. 8v. f . . *A. 180.1 DICTIONNAIRE des gens du monde. Sticotti, A. F. 4079 14 DIDEROT, D. CEuvres. Paris, 1821. 20v. 8. . *2094.1 Contents. Vol. I. Preface de Naigeon ; Preface dcs nouvcaux editeurs; Essai surle merite et la vcrtu, traduitde 1 'anglais de milord Shaftsbury; Pcnsees philosophiqucs; Lettre sur les aveugles, a 1'usage de ccuxquivoicnt; Suite de 1'apologie de M. 1'abbe de Pradcs, ou reponse a 1'instr. pastorale de monseign- eur I'eveque d'Auxerre. II. Lettre sur les sourds et muets, a I'usagc de ceux qui entcndent ct qui par- lent; Pensces sur 1'intcrpretation de la nature; Prin- cipcs philosophiquca sur la matierc et le mouvcment; Principesde politiquc des souverains; Dialogues; In- troduction aux grands principes; Supplement au voy- age dc Bougainville ou dialogue cntre A ct 15; Entrc- tien d'un pere avcc ses cnfants, ou du danger de te mettre au-dessus des lois; Entrctien d'un philosophe aveclamarechalede . . .; La marquise deClayect St. Alban ; Cinqmars et Dcrville ; Mon pcrc ct moi ; Qu'cn pensez-vous, conte. III. Melanges dc lilterature etde philosophic. IV. Theatre : Le fils nature! ou le ep- reuvcs de la vertu, comcdie ; Entrctiens sur le fils nat- urcl ; Lc perc de fomille, comedie ; De la pocsie draina- tique ; La piece et le prologue, ou celui qui les sert tous et qui n'cn coutcn te aucun. V.-VII. Romanset contes : Les bijoux indiscrets; L'oiseau blanc, conte bleu; Jacques le fatalistect son maltre; La rcligieuse; Suite de la religieusc; Les deux amis de Bourbonne ; Cecl n'cst pas un conte; Sur 1'inconsequence du jugcment public de nos actions particulicres ; Surlcsfemmes ; Le Gulistan, ou le rosier du poete Sadi ; Anecdotes ; PoC-sies di verses. VUI.-X. Salons; Essai sur la pcin- ture ; Pensees detachees sur la pcinture, la sculpture, 1" architecture et la poesie; L'histoire et le secret de la peintureen circ: Mathematiques; Hi-flexions sur la cohesion des corps. XI., XIL Essai BUT les regnes de Claude ct de Neron, et sur la vie de Senequc, pour servir d'introduction a la lecture de ce philosophe; Plan d'une universite pour le gouvernement de Rus- sie, ou d'unc education publique dans toutes les sci- ences: Correspondence. XIII.-XX. Dictionnaire en- cyclopedique. CEuvres inedites. Paris, 1821. 8 2094.2 Contents. Le neveu de Rameau; Voyage dc Hol- lande ; Correspondance ; Table chronologique des ouvrages de Diderot; Table generale et analytique dcs matieres contenues dans les ceuvres de Diderot. Memoires, correspondance et ouvrages ine- dits. 2d ed. Paris, 1834. 4v. 8 2094.3 Contents. Vol. I., II. Memoires pour servir a 1'his- toire de la vie ct des ouvrages de Diderot, par Madame de Vandeul, sa fille; Memoires de Diderot; Lettres a mademoiselle Voland, de 1759-74. III. Suite desme- moires; Voyage d Bourbonne; Voy. aLangres; Corres- pondance avcc Falconet, lettres sur le dcsirdetrans- mcttre son nom d la posterite, lettre nu general Betzky i IV. Paradoxesur le coined ; Entrctien cntrc D'Alem- bert ct Diderot; Re ve dc D'Alembcrt ; La promenade dusccptique, ou lesallees; Clef de la promenade du sceptique; Table des matieres; Est-ilbon? Est-il me- chant?oul'officieux persifleur, ou celui qui les sert tous ct qui n'en contente aucun, piece en prose. DIDEEOT 225 DILETTANTI Shelf. No. DIDEROT, D. continued. II figlio naturale, ossia la prova della virtu, clramma ; II padre di famiglia. commcdia. [Teatro moderao applaudito, v.40, 41]. . . 2708.1 Le pere de famille. [Theatre des auteurs du second ordre. Dramcs, v.l] 2640.19 Lettres inedites. See Epinay, L. F. P. . . . 2(558.12 Grimm. F. M. Correspondance 2604 1 Xaigcon, J. A. Memoires sur la vie et les ouvrages de 2094.4 and Alcmbert, J. Le K. d'. Encyclopedic. Paris, 1751-05. 17v. f *A. 150.1 - Supplement a 1'encyclopedie. Amster- dam, 1770-77. 4v. f *A. 160.2 - [Encyclopedic.] Planches sur les scien- ces, etc. Paris, 1762-72. 2v. f *A. 100.4 - Suite dc planches. Paris, 1777. f . . . *A. 170.2 - Tables des 33 vols. du dictionnaire des sci- ences, etc. Paris, 1780. 2v. f *A. 160.3 DIDIER, C. Question sicilienne. Paris, 1849. 12". 2723.15 Une annee en Espagne. Bruxelles, 1837. 2v. 12 3104.6 DIDIEZ, N. J. Cours de geometric. Ire. partie. Paris, 1828. 8 **E.196.17 DIDOT, A. F. [Bibliotheque grecque, avec la trad. latino, et les index.] Paris, 1838-1850. 49v. 1.8 *2992.1 Namely . JEschyli et Sophoclis tragoediae ct fragmenta. 2992.1 Appianus Alexandrinus. Eoraanarum histo- riarum quae supersunt 2992.2 Aristophanes. Comoediae et fragmenta Me- nandri et Philomonis fragmenta 2992.3 - Scholia Graeca in Aristophanem .... 2992.4 Aristoteles. Opera omnia 2992.5 Arrianus. Scriptorum de rebus Alexandri M. fragmenta [et] Pseudo-Callisthenes .... 2992.6 Bible. Vetus Testamentum juxta LXX. in- tcrp. Cura J. N. .lager 3411.3 - Novum Testamentum. Ed. C.Tischendorf 3411.2 Demosthenes. Opera, rec. J. T. Voemelius . 2992.7 Didorus Siculus. Bibliotheca historica . . . 2992.8 Diogenes Lacrtius. De philosophorum vitis. 2992.9 Erotici scriptores 3002.10 Euripidis fabulae. Ed. T. Fix 2992.10 - Fragmenta ; Tragicorum omnium frag- menta ; Christianorum potarum reliquiae dramatical! 2992.11 Fragmenta historicorum Grascorum. Ed. C. etT. Milllcrus 3002.11 Geographi Graeci minores. Ed. C. Miillerus. v.l et tabulae 3002.12 Herodotus. Libri IX. Ctesiae et chronogra- phorum fragmenta 2992.12 Hesiodus, Apollonius, Musaeus, Coluthus, Quintus, Tryphiodorus,Tzetzes. Ed. Lchrs. Asii [et al.] fragmeuta 2992. 13 Ilomerus. Carmina et cycli cpici reliquiae. 2992.14 Josephus, F. Opera. Kecogn. G. Dindorfius . 2992.10 Letronne, A. J. Fragments inedits d'anciens poetes grecs 2992.3 Lucianus. Opera, ex rec. G. Dindorfli . . . 2992.17 Nonnos. Les Dionysiaques. Poe'me en 48 chants, gr. et fr 2992.18 Oratorcs Attici : Antiphon, Andocides, Lysi- as, Isocrates, Isaeus, Lycurgus, .35schines, Dinarchus, Demades, declamationes Gorgiae et aliorum, vol. 1 2992.15 Pausanias. Descriptio Graeciae. Ed. L. Din- dorfius 2992.19 Philostratorum et Callistrati opera. Euna- pii vitae sophist. Himerii declamationes . 3002.13 Plato. Opera, ex recensione Hirschigii et Schneider! 3002.1 Plotinus. Enncades, cum Ficini interp. Por- phyrii et Procli instit. Prisciani solutioncs. 3002.2 Plutarchus. Fragmenta et spuria. Ed. F. Diibner 300-2.5 - Scripta moralia 3002.4 - Vitae. Recognovit T. Doohner 3002.3 Shelf. No. DIDOT, A. F. continued. Poetae bucolici et didactici 3002.15 Poetarum comicorum Graecorum fragmenta. Ed. F. H. Bothe 3002.14 Polybii et Appiani quae supersunt 3002.6 Scholia in Theocritum, Nicandrum et Oppia- num 3002.16 Theophrastus, Antoninus, Epictetus, Arria- nus, Simplicius, Cebes, Maximus Tyrius . 3002.7 Thucydides. Historia belli Peloponnesiaci . 3002.8 Xenophontis scripta 3002.9 DlDRON, A. N. aine. Annales archeologiques. Paris, 1844-08. 18v. 4 *3361.1 Iconographie chretienne: histoire de Dieu. Paris, 1843. 4. [France. Coll. de docs. ined. 103. 3e ser. archeol.] *2650.H DIDTMUS. Liber de Spiritu Sancto, [Latine,] Hier- onymo interprete. [Migne. Patrologiae v.23] v.2of3440.10 DIEFENBACH, L. Lexicon comparativum lingua- rum Indogermanicarum. Frankfort, a. M. 1851. 2v. 8" *2955.4 DIEFFENBACH, J. F. Radical cure of stuttering. Tr. by J. Travers. Lond., 1841. pp.27. 8. 3807.5 Restoration of the nose, etc. Transl. by J. S. Bushnan. London, 1833. 8 *3805.23 DIET. Paris, J. A. Treatise on 3766.5 Robertson, W. H. Treatise on 3766.13 Willich, A. F. M. Lectures on 3700.26 See also : Digestion, Drink, Food. DIETERICI, F. Reisebilder aus dem Morgenlandc. Berlin, 1853. 2v. 16 3045.23 DIETETICS. Arbuthnot, J. Nature of aliments . 3767.2 Moleschott, J. Lehre der Nahrungsmittel . 3766.3 Ritson, J. Abstinence from animal food . . 3766.12 See also: Drink, Food, Regimen. DIETRICH, A. Flora regni Borussici. Berlin, 1833-44. 12v. 1.8" *3842.4 DIETRICH, D. Deutschlands flora. Jena, 1835- 51. 9v. 8" *3S57.9 DIFFRACTION, Calculation of Newton's experi- ments of. Airy, G. B E. 153.1 DlGBY, G. Elvira; or tho worst not always true. [Dodsley. Select coll. of old plays] . v.12 of 2588.1 DIGBY, Sir K. Private memoirs by himself. London, 1827. 8 2445.5 DIGBY, K. II. The broad stone of honour ; or the true sense of chivalry. Lond., 1844. 3v. 12. 2233.1 DIGEST. Bigelow, L. Cases in the supreme court of Mass., 1785-1824 3701.2 - D. of Pickering's reports, v.2-7 3701.3 Curtis, B. R. Decisions of the supreme court of the U. S., 1789-1854 3702.1 Curtis, G. T. Cases in admiralty in the U. S. and Gr. Britain 3020.12 Metcalf, T. Decisions of the courts of com- mon law and admiralty in the U. 8 3701.4 Pritchard, \V. T. All reported cases on mar- itime law 3620.6 Whitc.W. C. D. of the laws of Massachusetts. 3700.5 DIGESTION. Beaumont, "W. Physiology of . . . 3705.4 Combe, A. Physiology of 3707.15 Fordyce, G. Treatise on 3707.20 Leuret, F. Histoire de la 3763.12 Prout, W. D. considered with reference to natural theology 3485.2 Swectser, W. Treatise on 3700.32 Thorndike, O. De concoctione tarda . M.Pph. v.SO See also : Diet, Dyspepsia, Food, Indigestion. DIGESTIVE organs. Scudamore, C. Morbid states of the 3806.5 Thomas, J. Chronic affections of . . . M.Pph. v.83 DIGITALIS purpurea, or foxglove. Ferriar,J. Es- say on the medical properties of 3009.12 Hamilton, W. Observations on the use of . 3000.20 Steell, T. E. Dissertation on M.Pph. v.2 DIGNITIES, Book of. Haydn, J 2484.3 DILETTANTI society. See London. DILITKRM 226 DIONYSITS Shelf. No. DILHERM, J. M. Evangelischer Schlussreimen, componirt durch J. E. Kindermanu. N urn- berg, 1052. 3v. in 1. 4 *4059.44 DILLENIUS, J. J. llistoria muscorum. Edinb., 1811. 4 3841.2 DILLOX, W. Poems by the earl of Koscommon. [Johnson. English poets] v.lOof 2589.3 Lifcandpocms. [Chalmers. Eng. poets]. v.8of 2592.7 DIL WORTH, T. Young bookkeeper's assistant. 5th ed. London, 17G8. 8 . . . . **E.213.23 DIMSDALE, T. Observations on the introduction to the plan of the dispensary for the gener- al inoculation. London, 1778. 8 . ,*M.Pph.v.G2 DINAUCHUS. See Baiter and Sauppe. Oratores Attici 2963.1 See Becker. Oratores Attiei, v.3 29C5.1 See Didot. Bib. Gr. Oratores Attici .... 2992.15 SeeReiske. Oratorum Graecorum, etc. v.4,8 . 29C7.2 DINGLKK, J. G. Polyteclmisches Journal. 8. [Index zu B. 1-118, von D. M. Stccker und D. Philipp.J Stuttgart, 1820-56. 144v. 8 . 3917.2 DINGLEY, A. Oration on the improvement of medicine. New York, [1794.] 8. . .*M.Pph.v.9 DINGLEY. Bataile of Floddon ficlde, faught in 1513. [Mirror for magistrates. Pt.3] v.2 of 2003.8 DINI, P. La nimicizia dell' acqua e del vino. [Dati. Prose florentinc, v.13] 2787.1 DINIAS Argivus. See Fragm. hist. Graec. v.3 . . 3002.11 DiNNEN.J. On marine boilers. [Tredgold. Steam engine, v.3] 4011.7 DlNO. See Fragm. hist. Graec. v.2 3002.11 DINO, S. di. See Corazzini, F. Miscellanea, etc. 4777.6 DINOTHUS. Responsio ad Augustinum monach- um pctentem subjectioncm ccclesiae Ito- manae. [Migne. Patrologiae v.80] .... 3450.15 Dio Cassius. Historiarum Komanarum quae BU- persunt. Notasadjecit F. G. Sturzius. Lip- siae, 1824-43. 9v. in 8. 8 2973.5 See Mai. Script, vet. nova coll. v.2 3000.1 DlO ChrysOStOmus. 'OAufnrcof, ri rrcpi TIJJ npwrris row Ocov cwoias. Kec. J. Gcelius. Lugd. Bat., 1840. 8 2973.8 Orationcs. Ed. J. J. Keiske. Lipsize, 1784. 2v. 8" 2973.9 Orazione detta 1' Iliaca tr. dal ab. A. Zcudri- ni ; Orazione a quci di Nicca, d' Apamea, dl Prusa, d' Alessandria. [Ccsarotti. Opere, v.10, pt.l, v.21] 2798.1 DIOCESAN churches, No evidence for. Clarkson,D. 3493.1 DIOCLEAS. Regnum Sclauorum. [Schwandtner. Script, rer. Hungaric. v.3] 2810.2 DIOCLES Atheniensis. See Poet. com. Grasc. fragm 3002.14 DIOCLES Peparethius. See Fragm. hist. Graec. v.3. 3002.11 DIOCLETIAN. Ruins of the palace of, at Spalatro. Adam, R 29. F. 1 DIOPORUS Gadarenus. See Fragm. hist. Graec. v.3. 3002.11 DIODORUS Periegeta. See Fragm. hist. Graec. v.2. 3002.11 DIODORUS Siculus. Bibliotheca historica. Nova ed. Biponti, 1793-1807. llv. in 6. 8" ... *2973.1 - Same. Gr. etLat. Ed. H.C.A. Eichstadt. Halis Sax. 1800-02. 2v. 8 2973.2 - Same. Gr. et Lat. Ed. C. Mullerus. Parisiis, 1842-44. 2v. 1.8. [Didot. Bib. Gr. 14] *2992.8 See Fragm. hist. Graec. v.2 3002.11 See Mai. Scrip, vet. nova coll. v.2. p. 1 .... 3000.1 DiODORCsSinopensis. See Poet. com. Graec. fragm. 3002.14 DIOGENES, A. Erotica. [Didot. Bib. Gr. Erotici scriptores] 3002.10 DIOGENES Laertius. De vitis, etc. philosophorum. Ed. H. G. Huebnerus. Lipsiae, 1828-31. 2v. 8. 2792.1 - Same. Gr. et Lat. Ed. \Vestermanno et Boissonadio. Parisiis, 1850. 1.8. [Didot. Biblioth. Gr. 30] *2992.9 Del solecismo, e barbarismo. [Autori del benparlare, Parte 2] 3590.10 DC vita, moribus, placitisque Epicuri, cum nova interp. etc. [Gassendi. Opera, v.5]. 3910.3 DIOGNETUM, Epistola ad. [Migne. Patrol.] v.2 of 3490.1 Shelt No. DIOMEDES. De barbarismo ; DC soloecismo ; De vitiis orationis ; De oratiouis virtutibus ; De mctaplasmo ; DC tropis ; De echemati- bus. [ Autori del IKMI jmrlaro. 1'artc 2] . . 3590.10 DIOMEDES. See Becker, I. Ant-cd. (ositis medicameutis. DIOXIPPUS. See Poet. com. Graec. fragm 3002.14 DIPIIILUS. Fragmens. [Brumoy. Theatre des Grecs. 2e ed. v.10] 2905.4 See Poet. com. Graec. fragm 3002.14 DIPLOMACY. Capefigue, B. II. 11. Les diplomates europeens 2240.1 Cussy, F. de. Manuel-lexique du diplomate. 3034.9 Elliot, J. Diplomatic code of the U. States . C.159.7 Fiassan, G. de. Histoire de la diplomatic francaise 2023.2 Martens, C. von. Le guide diplomatique . . 3015.7 Poison, A. D. by T. H. Ilorne 3010.10 Reguiiult, E. Mysteres diplomatiqucs aux bords du Danube 3005.12 Saint-Priest, A. de. Etudes diplomatiqucs . 40(1:!. 5 Wiequefort, A. L'ambassadeur 3011.7 See also: Law of nations, Negotiations, Treaties. DIPLOMATIC correspondence of the revolution. Sparks, J 2322.1 DIPLOMATICS. Ebert, F. A. Zur Handschriften- kunde 2114.11 Fumagalli,A. Delle istituzioui diplomatichc. 2110.17 Montfaucon, B. de. Palaeographia Graeca give dc ortu ct progrcssu literarum (ir;caruin. 2110.5 Silvestre, M. J. B. Paluographie universellc. 2110.1 Toustaiu, C. Nouveau traite dc diplomatique. 2110.16 Trombelli, G. G. Arte di conosccre 1'eta de' codici latini e italiaui 2190.8 Vaines, F. J. dc. Dictionnaire raisonne de diplomatique 2114.0 Wailly, N. de. Elements de paleographie . 2110.8 See also : Abbreviations, Alphabet, Autographs, Court hand, Hieroglyphics, Illuminated books, Il- lumination, Manuscripts, Papyrus, Writing. DIPTEUA. Miigcn, J. W. Europiiischc zwciflii- gclige Insckten 3897.10 Wiedemann, C. K. W. Aussereuropiiische zwcifliigelige Insekten 3899.4 - Diptcra exotica 3899.7 See also: Flies, Mycetophila. DIRECT trade. See Baylor, C. G 3657.3 See Commercial conventions 3057.3 DIRECTORY to noblemen and gentlemen's seats, villages, etc. in Scotland. Edinb. 1857. 8. 2480.7 DIRKSEN, II. E. Zur Kritik u. Herstellung der Zwolf-Tafel-Fragmente. Leipzig, 1824. 8 . 3612.3 DIRUTA, G. Del transilvano : dialogo sopra il vero modo di sonar organi ed istromeuti. Venetia, 1009-12. 2v. in 1. 4 *4040.19 Shelf. No. DISCIPLINA spirituale. Cavalca, D 4708.3 DlSCORSi di chirurgia, tratti da varii autori. Vene- zia, 1840. 10 *3749.13 DISCOUNT tables. Rowlctt, J 3932.1 DISCOURSE before the New Jerusalem church, Dec. 25,1818. Boston, 1819. 8 * Pph. v. 254 DISCOURSE, of natural and revealed religion. London, 1091. sm.8 3430.19 DISCOURSE on government and religion, for the meridiaaof the 30th of Jan. Bost. 1750. S.*3502.29 DISCOURSE between Calvin and Christian, upon the doctrines of Calvinism. 8. [No title]. *Pph.v. 45 DISCOVERIES. Archives des decouvertes dans les sciences, les arts et les manufactures . 3277.2 Dutens, L. Origine des decouvertes .... 2192.3 Noel, F. J. Dictionnaire des decouvertes dans les arts, les sciences, etc 4035.2 See also : Inventions, Origins, Voyages. DISCOVERY and conquest of Florida, by De Soto. Transl. by Hakluyt ; with notes, etc. by W. B. Rye. London, 1851. 8 [Hakluyt soc. 7] *22G4.9 DISEASES. See Pathology. DISLOCATIONS. Cooper, Sir A. P. Dislocations of the joints 3745.19 Malgaigne, J. F. Traite des luxations . . . 3755.9 DISNEY, J., D.D. Dialogue between a Scripturian and an Athanasian, 1785. 4 3370.4 Memoirs of John Jortin. London, 1792. 8 . 3555.8 Memoir of Jebb. SeeJebb, J 3473.3 DISPENSATORY, See Pharmacopoeia. DISRAELI, B. Vindication of the English consti- tution. London, 1835. 8 2512.20 DISRAELI, I. Curiosities of literature. 14th ed. London, 1849. 3v. 8 2194.1 Dissertation on anecdotes. London, 1793. 8. 2558.0 The literary character. 5th ed. Lond. 1839. 10. 2200.3 DISSECTIONS. Bell, C. System of 3740.1 Guyot, C. De cadaverum sectionibus pa- thologicis M. Pph. v. 105 Handy, W. R. Guide in 3742.1 Harrison, U. Dublin dissector 375'J.3 Dissr.NTEUS. Bennett, J. History of 3525.0 Bogue, D. History of, 10S8-1808 3525.2 Calamy, E. Account of ministers ejected after the restoration 3525.12 Peirce, J. Vindication of the D. in answer to Dr. W. Nichols 3450.15 Toulmin, J. State of the 3525.3 Wilson, W. History and antiquities of . . . 3525.4 See also : Brownists, Congregationalists, Covenant- ers, Independents, Non-conformists, Non-jurors, Presbyterians, Puritans, Society of Friends, etc. DISSENTING colleges, Account of the. Dyer, G. . 3592.4 DISSERTATION on the ancient pagan mysteries. London, 1706. 8" 3154.7 DISTILLATION. La Cambre, G. Traite complct. 4013.7 Payen, A. Traite complct 4013.9 DISTRESSED wife: a comedy. Gay, J 25.T>.4 DITTAMONDO, pocma. Uberti, F. degli 4767.18 DlTTON, II. Discourse concerning the resurrec- tion of Jesus Christ. 3ded. Lond. 1722. 8. 3150.10 DIVISA commedia, La. See Dante Alighieri . . . 4rri)a.7 DIVINE character vindicated. See Ballou, M. . . 3453.13 DIVINE influence upon the human soul. See Bra- zcr, J E.219.30 DIVINITY. Doddridgc, P. Lectures on 3451.1 Jarratt, D. Thoughts on subjects in .... 3550.15 See also : Theology. DIVIZIO da Bibbiena, B. La calandria, commedia. [Teatro italiano antico, v.l] 2770.1 DIVORCE. Selden, J. Uxor Ebraica seu de nup- tiis et divortiis 3420.15 Story, J. Commentaries on the conflict of laws in regard to 3025.1 Dix, J. A. Address delivered before the societies of Geneva college. Albany, 1839. 8 . *Pph. v. 107 Speech in favor of reciprocal trade with Can- ada. Washington, 1849. 8 * Pph. v. 109 Speech in relation to territories acquired from Mexico. Washington, 1849. 8 .... *Pph. v. 109 DIX 228 DODSLEY Shelf. No. Dix, J. A. continued. Speech on the bill for paying certain claims in California. [Washington, 1848.] 8'. *Pph. v. 108 Speech on the bill to establish a territorial government in Oregon. Wash. 1818. 8.*Pph. v. 168 Speech on the bill to establish governments in the territories. Washington, 1818. 8. *Pph. v. 108 Speech on the three million bill. Washing- ton, 1847. 8 *Pph. v. 159 Dix, J. II. Morbid sensibility of the retina. Bos- ton, 1819. 12 3804.22 On strabismus. Boston, 1841. 10 3801.23 Dix, W. G. Pompeii, and other poems. Boston, 1848. 8 2309.13 DIXON, B. H. Surnames. Boston, 1855. 8 . . . 2331.7 - Same. 2d ed. Boston, 1857. pp. 80. 8 . *2331.8 DIXON, E. 8. Ornamental and domestic poultry. 2d ed. London, 1850. 10 4002.23 DIXON, J. H. Ancient poems, ballads, and songs of the peasantry of England. London, 1846. p.8. [Percy soc. v.17] *2537.19 Scottish traditional versions of ancient bal- lads. Lond. 1845. p.8. [Percy soc. v.17] . *2537.19 DIXWELL, J. Memoir of Hon. J. Brooks, M. D. 1825. 8 *M.Pph.v. 120 DIXWELL, Col. J. History of. See Stiles, E. . . 2329.23 DITLLUS Atheniensis. See Fragm. hist. Graec. v.2. 3002.11 DIZIONARIO gcograflco, storico, biografico ital- iano. Firenze, 1848. 2v. 8. [Biblioteca dell' Italiano,v.5] *2734.1 DIZIONARIO portatilcde'concilj. Ed. nuov. Napoli, 1815. 2v. 8 3533.1 DjEMAL-EnniN Mohammed. Alfiyya, ou gram- maire arabc, en original, avec commentaire par Silvestre do Sacy. Paris, 1833. 8. [Oriental translation fund] *3034.5 DOANE, G. W. Epistle to the bishops of the epis- copal court at Camden, [on the case of bishop Doane.] n.p. 1853 *Pph.v. 190 The faith once delivered to the saints, a ser- mon, Oct. 28, 1840. Burlington, 1840. 8. *Pph. v. 137 The glorious things of the city of God, a ser- mon. Burlington, 1842. 8 *Pph. v. 127 The goodly heritage of Jerseymen, an ad- dress. Burlington, 1840. 8 *Pph.v.l52 Protest and appeal, [etc.] Phila., 1852. 8.*Pph.v.l94 Sermon after the death of the Rev. B. Holmes. Burlington, 1830. 8 *Pph.v.l94 The true catholic pastor of the church of Jesus Christ, funeral sermon of Rev. Dr. Butler. Burlington, 1842. 8 *Pph.v.l27 The voice of the departed, a sermon on the death of J. S. J. Gardiner, D. D. Boston, 1830. 8 *Pph.v.239 Young American ; his dangers, his duties, and his destinies. Address. Phila. 1853. 8.*Pph.v.l94 Memoir of C. H. Wharton. See Wharton . . 2344.16 The true catholic. Sermon after the death of Rev. B. D. Winslow. See Winslow, B. D. 3441.8 DOBBS, A. Reply to remarks of A. D. on Capt. Middleton. See Middlcton, C 2529.2 DOBIE, R. History of St. Giles in the fields and St. George, Bloomsbury. London, 1829. 8. 2495.12 DOBLHOFF, C. v. Psalm 75, v.2. Wir dauken Gott, 4 Stimmen. [Dehn. Practische Mu- sik-Werke, v.19] 4051.14 DOBSON, S. Life of Petrarch, [collected from De Sade.] 6th ed. London, 1805. 2v. 8 . 2803.7 DOBSON, T. System of seamanship and naval tac- tics. Philadelphia, 1799. 8 **E.180.26 DOCKS and commerce, Tracts on. Vaughan, W. E. 214. 23 DOCTORS, Paradise of. Bigelow, J 3799.11 DOCTRINES, History of. Hagenbach, C. R. . . 3452.7 See also : Theology. DOCUMENTS and proceedings relating to the foun- dation of a board for the emigration, pres- ervation, and improvement of the aborigi- nes of America. New York, 1829. 8 . *Pph.v.80 DOD, A. B., Last hours of. See Hodge, C. . Pph.v.149 Shelf. No. DOD, C. R. Parliamentary companion, 1854. Lon- don, 1854. 32 *2458.3G Peerage, baronetage, and knightage of Great Britain and Ireland. London, [1853.] 18". *2430.8 DODANA, or Duodena. Liber manualis ad filium suum Willchnum. [Migne. Patrol, v.100] 3450.30 DODD, C. Church history of England with regard to catholics, 1500-1688, by M. A. Ticrncy. London, 1839-43. 5v. 8 3523.5 DODD, W. Comfort for the afflicted. 5th ed. Lon- don, 1809. 12 3440.14 Thoughts in prison [in verse.] Boston, n.d., [about 1783.] sm.8 *2549.5 - Same. Odiorne's ed. Exeter, N. H., 1794. 18 ." . 2549.25 DODD en van de Velde. Nieuw vlaemsch-fransch Woordenboek. Brussel, 1852. 8 2882.3 DODDRIDGE, P. Correspondence and diary. Ed. by J. D. Humphreys. Lond. 1829-31. 5v. 8. 3554.5 Lectures on pneumatology, ethics, and divin- ity. London, 1763. 4 3451.1 Lectures on preaching. Boston, 1808. 12 . 3437.8 Passages in the life of Col. J. Gardiner. To which is added, sermon occasioned by his death. 3d ed. Boston, 1748. 8" .... 3-144.31 - Same. Appendix relative to the Monro's of Fowlis. 4th ed. London, 1763. 12 . . 3559.9 Practical discourses on regeneration, in ten sermons, [etc.] 3d ed. London, 1760. 12". 3459.47 Rise and progress of religion in the soul. Exeter, 1794. 12 3445.30 Sermons to young persons. 4th ed. London, 17o--'. 12 3459.28 Sermons on the religious education of chil- dren. 3d ed. London, 1743. 12 3459.28 Treatise on the pastoral office. See Young minister's companion 3137.5 Sermon on the death of. See Orton, J. . Pph.v.205 DODGE, A. W. Essay on fairs. See Mass, society for promoting agriculture 3994.3 DODINGTOX, G. B. Diary, 1749-61. Publ. from MSS. by H. P. Wyndham. 3d ed. London, 1785. 8 2448.5 DODRIDGE, Sir J. Hist, account of Wales, Corn- wall, and Chester. 2ded. Lond. 1714. 8. *2473.17 DODSLEY, R. Collection of poems by several hands. London, 1782-83. lOv. 12 .... *2559.5 Fugitive pieces by several authors. 3d ed. London, 1771. 2v. 16 *2549.27 Contents. Vol. I. Crito: or a dialogue on beauty [by Sir Harry Beaumont, i.e. Rev. Joseph Spcnce]; An account of the Emperor of China's gardens near Fekin [from the French of F. Attiret] ; Deformity, by William Uay, esq.; Lucina sine concubitu, ad- dressed to the royal soc. [by the Rev. F. Coventry] ; A modest defence of gaming; The pretty gentleman; The polite philosopher [by Col. Forrester]; Plan of an essay on delicacy, by Nathaniel Lancaster. IL Vindication of natural society, by Edmund Burke ; Antiquities of the ancient villa of Wheatfield, by the Rev. John Clubbe; Fragments of ancient poetry, col- lected in the highlands of Scotland; An account of Russia in 1710, by Charles lord Whitworth; Journey in England, by Paul Hentzner, in 1SU8; Project for raising a hospital for decayed authors, by John Gil- bert Cooper; A parallel in the manner of Plutarch between a celebrated man of Florence [MagliabecchiJ and one scarce even heard of in England, by Rev. Mr. Spence. A select collection of old plays. New ed. with additions, notes, and corrections, by I. Reed, O. Gilchrist, [etc.] London, 1825-27. 12v. 8 *2588.1 Contents. Vol. I. Prefaces j Historia histrionica, an account of the English stage, [by James Wright,] 1G99; God's promises, a morality, by J. Bale; The four P's, by John Heywood ; Ferrex and Porrex, by Thos. Sackvllle, lord Buckhurst; Damon and Fith- ias, by Richard Edwards ; New custome. II. Gam- mer Gurton's needle, by bp. John Still ; Alexander and Campaspe, by John Ly ly ; Tancred and Gismun- da, by Robert Wilmot; Cornelia, trausl. from Robert Garnier, by Thomas Kyd; Edward II., by Christo- pher Marlow. UL George a Greene, the pinner of DODSLEY 229 DONALDSON Shelf. No DODSLEY, E. continued. Wakefield; The first part of Jeronimo; The Spanish tragedy by T. Kyd ; The honest whore, by Th. Dek- kar. IV. The malcontent, by J. Marston ; All fools, by G. Chapman; Eastward hoe, by B. Jonson, J. Marston, G. Chapman; The revenger's tragedy, by Cyril Tourneur j The dumb knight, by Lewis Mach- in. V. The miseries of inforced marriage, by George Wilkins; Lingua, or the combat of the tongue and the five senses, by A. Brewer ; The merry devil of Edmonton; A mad world, my masters, by Thomas Middleton ; Ham-alley, or merry tricks, by Lodo- wick Barry. VI. The roaring girl, or Moll Cutpurse, by T. Middleton andT. Dekkar; The widow's ears, by George Chapman; The white devil, or Vittoria Corombona, by John Webster; The hog hath lost his pearl, by Robert Tailor; The four prentices of Lon- don, by Thomas Heywood. VII. Greene's Tu quo- que, or the city gallant, by John Cooke ; Albumazar, by Mr. Tomkis ; A woman killed with kindness, by Thomas Heywood; A match at midnight, by William Rowley; Fuimus Trocs, the true Trojans, by Dr. Jasper Fisher. VIII. The wounds of civil war, by Thomas Lodge; The heir, by Thomas May; Friar Bacon and friar Bungay, by Robert Greene ; The Jew of Malta, by Christopher Marlow; The wits, by Sir W. Davenant. IX. Will Summer's last will and testament, by Thos. Nash; Microcosmus, by Thomas Nabbes ; The Muse's looking-glass, by Thomas Ran- dolph; The city match, by Jaspar Mayne; The queen of Arragon, by William Ilabington. X. The antiquary, by Shakerley Marmion; The goblins, by Sir J. Suck- ling; The ordinary, by William Cartwright; A jovial crew, or the merry beggars, by Richard Brome ; The old couple, by Thomas May. XL The chronicle of Edward the first, by George Peele ; The mayor of Quinborough, by Thomas Middleton; Grim, the col- lier of Croydon; The city night-cap, by Robert Dav- enport; The parson's wedding, by Thomas Killegrew; XII. The adventures of five hours, by Sir Samuel Tuke; Elvira, by George Digby, carl of Bristol; The widow, by Ben Jonson, Fletcher, and Middleton ; Chichevache and Bycornc, by Lydgate ; The world and the chylde ; Apius and Virginia ; Additional notes ; Index. II cieco di Bethnal-green, farsa ; La bottega del chincagliere, farsa. [Teatro moderno appl. v.38,49] 2768.1 Poems and life. [Chalm. Eng. poets] v.15 of 2592.7 DODSOX, James. Anti-logarithmic canon. Lon- don, 1742. f" **E.151.2 Mathematical repository. London, 1748-53. 2v. 8 **E.199.22 DODSOX, John. Reports of cases in admiralty, 1811-22. Ed. by G. Minot. Boston, 1853. 2v. in 1. 8 3694.4 DODWELL, E. Cyclopean remains in Greece and Italy. London, 1833. f 3070.4 Classical and topographical tour through Greece, 1801, 1805, 1800. Lond. 1819. 2v. 4". 3071.6 DOEDEULEIX, L. Lateinische Synonyme und Ety- mologieen. Leipzig, 1820-39. 7v. 8 ... *2934.2 DOENXIGES. W. Acta Hcnrici VII impcratoris. Bcrolini, 1839. 2v. in 1. 4 2823.3 DOGGETT, J.Jr. Guide to New York for 1846. 2d ed. New York, 1846. 18 2389.19 DOGLIOXI, L. Lettere. [Raccolta di opusculi sci- entific!, v. 10, 14, 17, 23] 5274.1 DOGMATICS. See Theology, doctrinal. DOILLOT, avocat. Plaidoycrs. [Annales du bar- rcau francais. Barreau ancien, v.2] .... 3708.1 DoiN,G.T., Geographic physique, continued par. See Encyclopedic mdthodique A. 157.1 Dictionnaire des teintures. [Encyclopedic methodique. Arts et metiers, v.4] . . . . A. 156. 3 DOLBY, T. Shakesperiau dictionary E.227.4 DOLCE, Lodovico. Dialogo della pittura. [In Ital- ian and French.] Firenze, 1735. 8 . . . . 4064.12 Tragedie. Vinegia, 1560. sm.l2 4768.20 Contents. Giocasta; Medea; Didone; Ifigenia; Thieste; llecuba. SeeBerni. Opcre burlesche, v.l 4769.6 Giocasta, trag.; Marianna, trag. [Teatro ital. antico,v.5, 6] 2776.1 Jocastc; Modec. [Brumoy. Theatre des Grccs, v.4] o 9C5-3 Shelf. No. DOLCE, Lodovico, continued. Parere se la volgar lingua si dee chiamare italiana o thoscana; Osscrv. della lingua volgare. [Autori del ben parlare, P.l,v.l",3] 3590.10 DOLCE, Lorenzo. See Carcano, G. Poeti satiric! italiani, v.2 2809.3 DOLET, S. De re navali. [Gronovius. Thesaurus Graec. antiq. v.ll] 2960.2 DOLGOROUKY, P. Hand-book of the principal families in Russia. London, 1858. 12 . . 3069.6 .Notice sur les principales families de la Rus- sie. Nouv. ed. Berlin, 1858. 8 3063.4 DOLLMAN, F. T. Examples of antient pulpits in England. London, 1849. 4 *4090.5 DOLMAX. How the lord Hastings was betrayed. [Mirror for magistrates, Par 3.]. . . . v.2 of 2603.8 DOLOMIEU, D. de. Memoire sur les lies Ponces ; suivi de la description dc Peruption de 1'Et- na, 1787. Paris, 1788. 8 3869.4 Earthquakes in Calabria, 1783. [Pinkerton. Voyages, v.5] 2260.13 DOLOPATHOS, Li romans de. See Herbers . . . 2669.18 DOM Bouquet, M. See Bouquet, M. DOMAT, J. Les loix civiles, le droit public, et le- gum delectus. Nouv. <5d. rev. et augm. des 3e et 4e livres du Droit pub. par M. de Heri- court. Notes de Bouchevret, Berroyer, ct Chevalier, et suppl. aux loix civiles de M. de Jouy. Paris, 1777. f *3C80.3 DOMENICHI, L. See Berni. Opere burlesche, v.2. 4709.6 DOMESDAY book. Ellis, Sir H. General intro- duction to 7041.2 See Great Britain. Record commission . . . 7010.4 Kelhara, R. D. B. illustrated 2532.13 DOMESDAY of Worcestershire, exact copy, by T. R. Nash. 1775. f *2500.8 DOMESTIC animals. Lcfebvre St. Marie, G. De la race bovine dite dc Durham 4002.3 Low, D. D. A. of the British islands .... 3890.2 Rigot, F.J. J. Anatomic des animaux dom. 3887.17 Weber, M. I. Die Skelctte der Haussauge- thiere und Hausvogel 3870.30 See also : Ilorse, Pig, Poultry, Sheep. DOMESTIC buildings, Designing of. Gibbs, J. . 4100.21 DOMESTIC chaplain. Stanford, J 3444.6 DOMESTIC economy. Barue", S. Domestic French cookery 4006.5 Cardelli, P. Nouveau manuel complet du cuisinier 4006.20 Careme, A. Le conservateur 4006.3 Carena, G. Vocabolario domestico italiano . 2784.18 Celnart, M. Nouveau manuel complet .... 4006.23 Ladies' assistant 4006.4 Parisct, Mme. Lettrcs sur 1'dcon. dom. . . . 4006.22 Roger, P. P. Domestic economy 4000.6 Thompson, B. Kitchen fire-places 4006.1 Viart. Lc cuisinier royal 4006.2 See aim : Brewing, Coal, Cooking, Food, Furni- ture, Rural economy, Ventilation. DOMESTIC mission society, Lewin's Mead chapel. Tenth report. Bristol, 1849. 12 *3570.73 DOMESTIC worship. See Furness, W. II 3447.13 DOMINI, G. de. See Carcano, G. Poeti satiric! ital. v.2 2809.3 DOMINICAN order. Memorie dei piii insigni pittori, scultori e architetti domen. Marchcsc, V. 4087.2 DOMINICI, B. de. Vite dci pittori, scultori, ed ar- chitetti napoletani. Napoli, 1840-46. 4 v. 8. 4087.7 DOMimcus, patriarch of Aquileia. Epistola ad Petrum patriarcham Antiochenum. [Mignc. Patrologiae v.141] 3460.20 DOMINICUS, St. Vie de. Lacordaire, H. D. . . . 3557.5 DOMXIZO, or Donizo. Vita Mathildis comitissa;, carmine scripta. [Higne. Patrol, v.148] 3460.26 - Same. [Muratori. Rcrum Ital. script, v.5] 2710.1 DOMNOLUS. Tcstamentum. [Mignc. Patrol, v.72] 3450.12 DON, G. General system of gardening and botany. Miller, P 3881.1 DONALDSOX, J. Agricultural biography, 1480-1854. London, 1854. 1.8 3982.3 DONALDSON 230 DOUET-D'ARCQ Shelf. No. DONALDSON, J. W. New Cratylus, or contribu- tions towards a knowledge of the Greek language. 2d ed. London, 1830. 8 . . . . 2055.1 Theatre of the Greeks. 4th ed. Cambridge, 1830. 8" 2952.1 Varronianus: ethnography of ancient Italy. 2ded. London, 1852. 8 2955.2 DONATI, A. Roma vetus ac recens, utriusque aedi- flciis ad eruditam cognitioncm expositis. [Grzevius. Thesaurus antiq. Roman, v.3] 2950.1 DONATI, V. Delia storia naturale marina dell' Ad- riatico. Giuntavi una lettera da L. Sesler. Venezia, 1750. 4 *3871.22 DONATO, G. De processione Spiritus Sancti. [Mai. Script, vet. nova coll. v.7, pars. 2] 3000.1 DONATUS. Rcgula ad virgines. [Migne. Patrol- ogiae v.87] 3450.18 DONATUS, M. Ars grammatica. See Lindemann, F. Corpus gramm. Lat. vet. v.l 2912.10 De barbarismo ; De solecismo ; De caeteris vitiis ; De metaplasmo ; De tropis ; De sche- matibus. [Autori del ben parlarc, P. 2] . 3590.10 DON Calccta. Entremes. [Spanish interludes] . 3095.18 DONCASTEH, History and topography of the deanery of. Hunter, J 2500.13 DONGOLA, Expedition to. English, <;.!!.... 3055.3 DONI, A. F. La libraria del Doni florentino nella qvale sono seritti tuttl gl' autori vulgari con cento discorsi sopra quelli. Vincgia, 1550. sm.l2 *2102.20 La [prima c] seconda libraria del Doni. Vi- ncgia, 1551-80- 8m.l2 2162.21 Novellc. [Raccoltadi novel, ital. 13] . . . . 2788.5 Novels. [Roscoe. Italian novelists, v.3] . . 2772.18 DONI, G. 13. De praestantia musicae veteris libri tres. FlorentiiE, 1647. 4* *4052.37 De rcstituenda salubritate agri Romani. [Sal- lengre. Thesaurus autiq. Rom. v.l] . . . . 2950.2 De utraquc paenula. [Graevlus. Thesaurus antiq. Rom. v.G] 2950.1 Lettere. [Dati. Prose florentine, v.10] . . . 2787.1 DONIZO. See Domnizo. DONNE, J. Works, with life by H. Alford. Lon- don, 1839. 6v. 8 *3495.1 Life and poems. [Chalmers. English poets] v.5 of 2592.7 DONOVAN, E. Insects of India. New ed. by J. O. Westwood. London, 1842. 4 *3891.2 Natural history of British birds. London, 1794-1820. lOv. in 5. 8 *3905.2 Natural history of British insects. London, 1793-1813. lOv. in 8. 8 *3894.3 Natural history of British shells. London, 1800-4. 5v. in 2. 8 *3872.7 Natural history of fishes. London, 1802-8. 5v. in 2. 8 *3905.1 Natural history of the insects of China. New ed. by J. O. Westwood. London, 1842. 4 *3891.1 DON Quixote. Vida y hechos del ingenioso hidal- go. See Cervantes-Saavedra, M. de. . . . 3095.6 DOOLITTLE, J. F. Extent of individual influence : prize essay at Albany female academy. Albany, 1835. 8 *Pph.v.94 DOOLITTLE, M. Sketch of the congregational church in Bclchertown, Mass. Northamp- ton, 1852. 12 3544.23 DOPPET, F. A. Memoires politiques et militaires. [Bervillc et Barriere. Mem. rel. a la revo- lution frangaise, 37] 4645.23 DORAT, C. J. (Euvres choisies. Paris, 1786. 3v. 24 2689.14 Contents. Vol. I. Avcrtisscment; Precis sur la vie de M. Dorat ; Notice dcs ouvrages de M. Dornt ; Re- gulus, tragedie; La feinte par amour, comedie; Le celibatairc, comedie. II. Discours prCliminaire; Notions sur la danse ancienneet moderne; Poemes; La declamation theatrale, poeme didactique; Hero- ides, ou lettres en vers ; Odes; Fables; Contes; Chan- sons. III. Poesies fugitives; Epitres; Melanges de poesies. Shelf. No. DORAT, C. J. continued. La feinte par amour. [Theatre des autcurs du second ordre. Comedies en vers, v.13] . 2640.19 Lettres et ("'pitres d'Heloi'se et d'Abeilard. See Abaelardus, P 4008.5 DORCHESTER, Lord. See Carleton, Sir D. DORCHESTER, Mass, in 1630, 1776, 1855. An ora- tion. Everett, E 2324.5 DORCHESTER antiquarian and historical society. Annals of the town of Dorchester, by J. Blake. 1750. Boston, 1840. 12 2357.0 Journal, life, and death of Richard Mather. 1635. Boston, 1850. 12 2347.8 Memoirs of Roger Clap, 1630. 2d ed. Bos- ton, 1844. 12 2347.7* DORIA, A. Vie du prince de Mclfi. [Richer. Vies de plus celebres marins] 4609.12 De vita, et rebus gestis. [Sigonio. Opera, v.3] 2790.3 DORIA, P. M. La vita civile,*con un trattato della educazione del principe. 3a imp. Napoli, 1729. 4 3561.15 - Same. Torino, 1852. 16 3568.7 DORIC race. Manso, J. C. F. Sparta 2960.10 Muller, C.O. History and antiquities of the. 2960.9 DORING, G. Zur Geschichte der Musik In Preus- sen. Elbing, 1852. 8 4042.21 DORING, H. Gottf. Aug. BUrgcr. Ein biograph. Denkmal. Gottingen, 1847. 16 2849.5 J. G. von Herder's Lebcn. Weimar, 1829. 32. 2849.4 Jean Paul, Leben u. Charakteristik. Leipzig, 1830-32. 2v. 16 2849.8 DOROTHEUS. Epistola ad Hormisdam papam. [Migne. Patrologiae v.63] v.l of 3450.5 DORPAT. Breitengradmessung von der Universi- tat zu D. veranstaltet. Struve, F. G. W. E. 182.7 DORR, B. Sermon at the opening of the conven- tion of the protestant episcopal church. Oct. 7, 1830. New York, 1830. 8 . . . . *Pph.v.83 DORRINGTON, ~R.,pseud. Le solitaire anglois, ou aventures merveilleuses de Philippe Quarll, trad, de 1'anglois. [Gamier. Voyages im- aginaries, v.4] 2666.1 DORSET, Earl of. See Sackville, C. DORSETSHIRE. Barnes, W. Dissertation on the Dorset dialect 2586.13 Hutchins, J. History of 2450.9 Murray, J. Hand-book for travellers in . . 248(5. 14 See Post-office directory 2483.1 See also: Cranborne, Melcombe regis, Poole, Wey- mouth. DORSET, J. S. Elements of surgery. Philadel- phia, 1813. 2v. 8 *3743.15 Lithontriptic virtues of the gastric liquor. Philadelphia, 1802. 8 *M. Pph. v. 4 Syllabus or heads of lectures on the matcria medica. Philadelphia, 1817. 12 . . *M. Pph. v. 126 DORT. Articles of the synod of, and its rejection of errors, tr. by T. Scott. Utica, 1831. 8. 3452.23 Hales, J. Letters from the synod of . . .3443.26,27 DORTOUS de Mairan, J. J. Correspondance sur des sujets metaphysiques. Malebranche, N. 3609.6 DOSSIE, R. Observations on pot-ash brought from America. London, 1767. 8 ... *Pph. T. 330 DOTTI, B. See Carcano. Poeti satirici italiani, v.3 *2S09.3 DOUBLE conspiracy, The: a matter of fact, deline- ated in the form of a play, n.p. 1783.12. 2409.7 DOUBLEDAY, E., and Westwood, J. O. The genera of diurnal lepidoptera. Plates by Hewit- son. London, 1846-52. 2v. f *5870.10 DOUBLEDAY, T. Law of population, connected with the food of the people. 3d ed. enl. London, 1893. 8 3645.6 DOUCE, F. The dance of death. London, 1833. 8. *4062.8 Illustrations of Shakespeare and of ancient manners. London, 1807. 2v. 8 2596.1 Catalogue of the bocks bequeathed to the Bodleian library by Douce 2130.3 DOUET-D'ARCQ, L. Comptes de 1'argenterie des rois de France an 14e siecle. Paris, 1851. 8. [Societe de 1'histoirc de France] *20','0.-j DOUGLAS 231 DRAKE Shelf. No. DOUGLAS, Sir H. Essay on the principles and construction of military bridges. 3d cd. London, 1S53. 8 3053.10 Treatise on naval gunnery. 4th cd. rev. Lon- don, 1855. 8 3952.8 DOUGLAS, James, ^^.T). Comparative description of all the muscles in a man, aud in a quad- ruped. New ed. Dublin, 1777. 12 .... 3880.19 DOUGLAS, James, New York. Facts relative to the session of the reformed prcsbyterian church, New York. New York, 1822. 8 . *Pph.v.53 DOUGLAS, James, csq. Advancement of society , in knowledge and religion. 1st Amcr. ed. Hartford, 1830. 16 350C.25 DOUGLAS, John, surgeon. Medical topography of upper Canada. London, 1819. 8 . . *M. Pph. v. 86 DOUGLAS, John C. Explanation of spontaneous evolution of the fetus. 2d ed. London, 1819. 8 -. *M. Pph.v. 109 DOUGLAS, L. Inquiry into the function of the liver, [etc.] New York, 1810. 8 . . *M. Pph. v. DOUGLASS, D. B. Statement of facts and circum- stances connected with the removal of the author from the presidency of Kcnyon col- lege. 2d ed. New York, 1844. 8 .... *Pph. v. 143 Sermon oc. by the death of. / See Hale, B. Pph.v. IsO DOUGLASS, John, M. D. Experimental essay on mercury. Philadelphia, 1805. 8 . . *M. Pph.v. 28 DOUGLASS, Win. M. D. British settlements in North America. Boston, 1749-51. 2v S.*2318.17 - Same. London, 1755. 2v. 8 *2329.1 - Same. London, 1700. 2v. 8 2317.6 Dissertation concerning inoculation of the small-pox. Boston, 1730. 12 *3809.19 Inoculation of the small-pox, as practised in Boston, as considered in a letter to A. S. in London. Boston, 1722. 12 *3809.19 DOUGLASS, W. Key to pronunciation. Philadel- phia, 1809. 18 *Pph. v.229 DOULIOT, J. P. Cours de construction. 2eptie. [v.l texte. v. 2 planches.] Paris, 1828. 2v. 4 *4101.10 Traite special de coupe des picrres. Paris, 1825. 2v. 4 *4103.1 DOUWES, B. J. Tafelen berattcudo de sinussen, tangcnten en sccantcn, bcnevens derzel- vcr Logarithmcn. Amsterdam, 1779. 8 . **E.181.13 DOUZA, G. DC itinere suo Constantinopolitauo. [Gronovius. Thesaurus Grace, antiq. v.(i] . 2900.2 DOVE, II. W. Darstellung dor Farbenlehre und optische Studien. Berlin, 1853. 8 .... *3920.35 Distribution of heat over the surface of the globe. London, 1853. 27pp. and plates. 4. *3900.1 DOVE, P. E. Elements of political scion e, with account of A. Yarranton. Edinb. 1854. 8. 3503.2 DOVER, Lord. See Ellis, G. J. W. A. DOVER, Eng. History of. Lyon, J 2402.13 DOVER oast'le, History of. Darcll, "W 2530.4 DOVERI. Trattato clemcntare di chimica organica. Livorno, 1849. 8 3975.9 DOVERI del clero nolle attuali circostanze polit- iche. Roma. 1849. 8 4745.4 Dow, D. Free inquiry recommended on free ma- sonry. Norwich, 1829. 12 *Pph.v.299 Dow, L. A chain, with its concomitants, or po- lemical reflections. N. York, 1807. 12. *Pph. v. 210 Dow jr. Short patent sermons. No. 1-10. 8. *Pph. v. 120 DOWLER, B. Experimental researches on the post-mortem contractility of the muscles. New York, 1840. 8" *M. Pph.v. 42 DOWNES, J. Roscius Anglicanus ; or an histori- cal review of the stage. With add. by T. Davies. London, 1789. pp.20. 8. [Wal- dron's literary museum] 2557.14 DOWNES, J. U. S. almanac, for 1S44, statistics by Freeman Hunt. Philadelphia, 1844. 12" . 2383.3 Occultations visible in the V. S. during 1851, 1852. [Smithsonian contrib. v.2,.1,0] . . . 3340.1 DOWNEY, W. Properties of the sanguinaria Can- adeusis, or puccoon. n.p. n.d. 8 . . *M. Pph. v. 27 Shelf. No. DOWNING, C. T. Neuralgia, its forms, pathology, and treatment. London, 1851. 8 *3S02.3 DOWNING, S. Elements of practical hydraulics. London, 1853. 8 3944.8 DOWSE, T. Eulogy on. Everett, E 2342.17 Dox, H. L. Christ the foundation, a discourse. Albany, 1S49. 8 *Pph.v.l92 DOXEY, T. Dissert, medicainauguralisdephthisi pulmonali. Edinburgi, 1800. 8. . . . *M.Pph.y.l2 DOXIPATER, or Doxopater, J. Commentarii in Aphthonium ; Rhctorices prolegomena. [Walz. Rhetores Graeci, v.2-0] 2905.2 DOYERE, L. See'Cuvicr. Reguc animal .... 3901.1 D'OYLY, G. Life of William Sancroft. 2d ed. London, 1840. 8 3555.7 DRACONTIUS. Carmina. [Migne. Patrologise v.OO] 3450.2 HexanueronaS. Eugenioemendatum. [Migne. Patrologiae v.87] 3450.18 DRAGO. Parafrasi del Popule metis. [Opuscoli di autori siciliani, v.17] 4704.1 DRAINAGE. Dwyer, J. Thorough D 3 C .U.'. S Elkington, J. Mode of 3942.7 Girard, P. S. Sur le dcssechemcnt de Paris. 3941.1 Great Britain. Metropolis sewers 3940.2 - Reports on 7004.1 See also: Great Britain. Patents for drain tile. France. Ministerc de 1'agriculture. Instruc- tions pratiques sur le 3945.14 - Lois et documents, etc. rclatifs an. . . 7011.11 Moon, J. Construction of drain, arch, etc. . 4012.1 Paris. Carte statistique des egouts de Paris. 7011.13 See also: Canals, Culverts, Sewers. DRAKE, B., and Mansfield, E. D. Cincinnati in 1820. Cincinnati, 1827. 12 2373.12 DRAKE, C. D. Funeral oration in the city of St. Louis, on the occasion of the obsequies of Daniel Webster. St. Louis, 1852. h . . *Pph.v.2C2 DRAKE, D. Diseases of the interior valley of N. America. Cincinnati, 1>."><>. .s *3791.5 Importance of promoting literary and social concert in the valley of the Mississippi. Louisville, 1833. 8 *Pph. v. 91 Inaugural discourse at the opening of the medical college of Ohio, Nov. 11, 1N20. Cin- cinnati, 1820. 12 *Pph. v. 210 Introductory lecture at the opening of the 30th session of the medical college of Ohio, Nov. 5, 1849. Cincinnati, IM'.i. V. . l .M.Pph.v.46 Means of promoting the intellectual improve- ment of the students and physicians of the valley of the Mississippi. 2d ed. Louisville, Ky. 1S44. 8 *M. Pph.v. 40 The people's doctors, a review by the peo- ple's friend. Cincinnati, 1829. 8 . . *M. Pph.v.21 Picture of Cincinnati and the Miami country. Cincinnati, 1SI5. 12 2373.14 DRAKE, Sir F. Descriptio trium itinerum. [13ry. Collect iones percgrinationum. Scr. 1. v.3] 2300.26 Fletcher, F. World encompassed by .... 2204.15 Maynarde, T. Voyage, 1505, with the Spanish account of Drake's attack on Puerto Rico . 2204.0 Voyage round the world. [New collection of voyages, v.3] 2203.1 DRAKE, F., F. R. S. Eboracum.or the history of the city of York. London, 1730. f . . . . *2500.11 DRAKE, J. Anticnt and modern stages survey'd. London, 1099. 8 2588.6 Character of T. Brown and his writings. See Brown, T 2549.1 DRAKE, N. Literary hours. 3d cd. London, 1804. 3v. 8 2550.9 Shakspeare and his times. Lond. 1817. 2v. 4. 2592.2,3 Shakspeariana, or sketches of the character and genius of S. collected, with notes. Lon- don, 1828. 8' 2597.3 DRAKE, S. G. Genealogical and biographical ac- count of the family of Drake. [Boston,] 1845. 8 *2334.2 History and antiquities of Boston, 1030-1770, Boston, 1850. 8 *2350.10 DRAMA 232 DRUMMOND Shelf. No. DRAMA. Baker, D. E. Biographia tlramatica . . 2175.3,0 Defence of dramatick poetry 2578.15 Geoffroy, J. L. Cours de litterature dramat. 2070.31 Girardin, S. M. Cours de litterature dramat. 2070.5 Janin, J. Histoirc de la litterature dramat. 2070.10 Soleinne, M. de. Bibliothequc dramatique de. 2175.1 Tieek, L. Dramaturgischc Blatter 2908.3 See also : Actor, Burlesque, Chorus, Comic litera- ture, Interlude, Mysteries, Stage, Theatre. DRAPER, J. W. Relations of atmospheric air to animals and plants. N. Y. 1844-45. 8.*M.Pph.v.40 DRAPER, L. C. Madison, Wis., its growth, condi- tion, etc. Madison, 1857. pp.48. 8 ... 2373.3 DRAPER, W. Life of Dr. Adam Smith. See Lon- don. Soc. for the diffusion of useful knowl- edge. Lives of eminent persons E.212.8 DRAPIEZ, A. Annalcs dcs sciences physiques. See Bory de Saint Vincent, J. M. B. G. . . 3905.2 DRAUD, G. Bibliothcca classica in quo singuli singularum facultatum libri recensentur. Francofurti, a M. 10^5. 4 2141.3 DRAWING. Armengaud. Cours de dessin indus- triel 4081.8 - Practical draughtsman's book, etc. . . . 4081.3 Cours de dessin, sans maitre 4000.19 Harding, J. D. Lessons on trees 4000.15 Wilme, B. P. Handbook for architectural D. 4081.0 See also : Design, Expression, Ornament, Perspec- tive, Proportion. DRAYTON, C. Partial and concealed inversion of the uterus. Philadelphia, 1809. 8 . *M.Pph.v.ll9 DRAYTON, M. Works. London, 1753. 4v. 8. . 2609.2 Contents. Vol. I. The battle of Agincourt ; The barons' wars; England's heroical epistles. II. The miseries of queen Margaret, the unfortunate wife of the most unfortunate king, Ilcnry VI.; Nymphidia, the court of fairy; The moon-calf; The legends of Robert duke of Normandy, Matilda the fair, Pierce fiaveston, and Thomas Cromwell, carl of Essex; The quest of Cynthia ; The shepherd's sircua ; Eight songs of the Poly-Olbion, with the annotations of Scl- den. III. Twenty-two songs of the Poly-Olbion, with the annotations of Seldcn. IV. Elegies; Ideas; The owl; The man in the moon; Odes, and other lyrick poesies; Pastorals; The muses' elysium ; Noah's flood; Moses, his birth and miracles; David and Go- liah. England's heroical epistles. Lond. 1737. 12. 2559.14 The harmonic of the church. Ed. by A. Dyce. London, 1743. p. 8. [Percy soc. pub. v.7]. *2537.9 Life and poems. [Chalmers. English poets] v.4of 2592.7 Contents. The battle of Agincourt; The barons' wars; England's heroical epistles ; Miseries of queen Margaret; Nymphidia, the court of fairy; The moon- calf ; Robert duke of Normandy; Matilda the fain Pierce Gavcsion; Thomas Cromwell; Poly-Olbion, or description of England; Elegies; Ideas; The owl; Man in the moon; Odes; Muses' Elysium; Noah'B flood; Moses, his birth and miracles; David and Goliah. How the lord Cromwell was brought to un- timely end. Mirror for magistrates. Part. Ill v. 2 of 2603. 8 DREAM of a day, a poem. Percival, J. G 2405.27 DREAMS. Die Symbolik des Traumes. Schubert, G. H. v 3609.1 See also : Sleep. DREPANHJS Florus. See Florus Drepanius. DRESDEN. Catalogue des tableaux de la galerie royale de Dresde. Dresde, 1834. 8 .... 4089.2 Geschichte der konigl. Bibliothek zu. Ebert, F. A 2125.9 DRESS. See Costume. DRESSLER, E. C. Fragmente einiger Gedanken diebessere AufnahmederMusikinDeutsch- land bctreffend. Gotha, 1707. 4 *4057.19 DREUX-BREZI':, E. J. M. de. Hommage funebre a la memoire de M. le due de Bellune. [Paris, 1842.] 8 *Pph.v.l63 DREUX du Radier, J. F. Etymologic des noms des rois de France depuis Marcomir. [Le- ber. Coll. diss. hist. France, v.l] 2618.1 Shelf. No. DREWIS, F. G. Freundschaftliche Briefe liber die Theorie der Tonkunst und Composition. Halle, 1797. 8" *4055.4G DREYER, J. II. Concord and religion, the princi- pal sources of civil prosperity, a discourse. N. Y. 1812. 8 *Pph.v.23 DREYSSIG, W. F. Traite" du diagnostic medical, trad, par L. J. Renauldin. Paris, 1804. 8 . *3782.8 DRIEBERG, F. v. Die griechische Musik auf ihre Grundgesetze zuriickgefuhrt. Berlin, 1841. 4 *4052.11 Die mathematische Intervallenlehre der Grie- chen. Berlin, 1818. pp.00. 4 *4052.9 Die musikalischen Wissenchaften der Grie- chen. Berlin, 1820. 4 *4052.12 Die praktische Musik der Griechen. Berlin, 1821. 4 *4052.10 Worterbuch der griechischen Musik. Berlin, 1835. 4 . *4052.14 DRIESSEN. J. C. Dissert, inaug. de phosphuria et diabete mellito. Groningiae, 1818. 8.*M.Pph.v.lOr> DRILL, Instruction for. Russell, J 3054.7 DRINKS Dictionnaire des boissons. Aulagnier, A. F 3733.6 DRIVER, J. Letters from Madeira in 1834. 2d ed. London, 1838. 10 3059.4 Account of the island of Madeira. Mason, J. A 3057.1 DROGO, bishop of Beauvais. Epistola; I.itanisc vetercs. [Migne. Patrologise v.143] . . . 3400.22 DROGO, cardinal, bishop of Ostia. Opuscula. [Migne. Patrologiae v.100] 3460.40 DROGO, H. Annales Genuenscs, ab anno 1207. [Muratori. Rerum Ital. script. v.O] . . . 2710.1 DROIT au travail, au Luxembourg et a I'assemble'e nationalc; avec une introd. par E. de Gi- rardin. Paris, 1849. 2v. 10 3569.18 DROME, Statistique mineralogique du department dela. Gras, S 3865.16 DROMO. See Poet. com. Graec. fragm 3002.14 DROPSY. Blackall, J. Nature and cure of. . . . 3806.3 Milman, F. De natura hydropis . . . M.Pph.v.57 Observations on D. in the brain . . . . M.Pph.v.48 Sydenham, T. Treatise on IJrJl.l DROVETTI, V. Voyage a 1'oasis du Dakel. Cail- liaud, F 3050.2 DROWNING, Death by. See Asphyxia. DROYSEN, J. G. Leben dcs Grafen York von War- tenburg. Neue Ausg. Berlin, 1854. 2v. 16. 2852.14 DROZ, F. X. J. CEuvres. Paris, 1826. 2v. 8 . . 3006.5 Contents. Vol. I. Preface; Essai sur 1'art d'etre heureux; Eloge de Montaigne; Notes; Etudes surle beau dans les arts. II. Preface; De la philosophic morale; Notes; Applications de la morale a la poli- tiquc; Notice sur Michel de L'llospital; Discoura de reception a 1'academie franyaise. Economic politique. Paris, 1829. 8 .... 3642. 14 Histoirc du regne de Louis XVI. Paris, 1839- 42. 3v. 8" 2646.5 DBCERY, J. H. Historical notices of Great Yar- mouth. London, 1826. 12 *2499.3 DRUGS. Falsifications des drogues. Pedroni, P. M. 3834.16 DRUIDS. Borlase, W. Superstition, customs, and remains of 2450.5 Druidisme, culte des Gaulois. [Leber. Coll. diss. hist. France, v.3] 2618.1 Davies, E. Mythology of the British D. . . 2520.9 Memoires sur les Druides. [Duclos. CEuvres. V.8.] 2706.1 Stukeley, W. Stonehenge, restored to the British druids 2460.10 DRUMANN, C. W. Geschichte Roms, oder Pom- pejus, Caesar, Cicero, u. ihre Zeitgenossen. Kouigsborg, 1834-44. 6v. 8 2755.8 DRUMCLOG, Hist, of rencounter at. Aiton,\V. 2519.1 DRUMMOND, A. Travels through Germany, Italy, Greece, and several parts of Asia. Lon- don, 1754. f *2270.1 DRUMMOND, H. Histories of noble British fami- lies. London, 1846. 2v. f *24.M.l DRUMMOND 233 DUCHE Shelf. No. DRUMMOXD, J., earl of Perth. Letters to the countess of Erroll and others. Ed. byW. Jerdan. London, 1845. sm.4 [Camden society,33] *2410.33 DRUMMOXD, W., of Ilawthornden. Works. Edin- burgh, 1711. f *2G00.4 Contents. Preface; Life; Poems in commendation of the author; Dedication; Introduction; History of the lives and reigns of the five Jameses, kings of Scot- land; A cypress grove ; Memorials of the state ; Familiar epistles; Irene; A remonstrance for concord, Sept. 1C3S; Magical mirror; Prophecy ; Load-star; ZlvIAMAXIA ; Of libraries ; Ben Jonson's conver- sation with, etc.; Vindication of the tlamiltons; Col- lection of all the poems written by W. Drummond. Poetical works, ed. by W. 15. Turnbull. Lon- don, 1853. 16 2009.15 Life and poems. [Chalmers. Eng. poets] v.Sof 2592.7 DRURY, A. H. Annesley, and other poems. Lon- don, 1817. p. 8 . . ! 2507.18 Light and shade, or the young artist. Lon- don, 1853. p. 8 2576.21 The blue ribbons, a story of the last century. London, n.d. sq.l2 2576.23 DRURY, Dm. Illustrations of exotic entomology. New ed. by J. O. "Wcstwood. London, 1837. 3v. 4 *3891.3 DRURY, II. Arundines Cami. Ed. 4a. Cantabrigiae, 1851. 8 2934.16 DRURY, R. Madagascar, or journal during 15 years captivity. London, 1729. 8 3057.3 DRUTHMARUS, C. Expositio in Matthaeum cvan- gelistam; Expositio brevis in Lucam cvau- gelistam ; Expositiuncula in Joannem evan- gelistam. [Mignc. Patrologire v.100] . . . 3450.30 DRY docks of the United States. Stuart, C. B. . 3951.1 DRYAXDER, J. Catalogus bibliothecae historico- naturalis Joseph! Banks 2131.1 DRYDEN, J. Poems. London, 1779. 7v. 16". [John- son. English poets] v.13-19 of 2589.3 Contents. Vol. I. Verses in praise of Mr. Dry den ; Original poems; Annus mirabilis; Essay upon satire ; Absalom and Achitophel; The Medal; Tarquin, etc. ; Rcligio laici; Art of poetry; Threnodia Augustalis. II. The hind and tho panther; Britannia rcdiviva; Mac-Flecknoe; Epistles ; Elegies and epitaphs; Songs, odes, and a masque; Alexander's feast; Prologues and epilogues; Verses to Mr. Dryden. III. Tales from Chaucer: Palamon, and Arcite; The cock and tho fox; The flower and the leaf; Wife of Bath's tale; Good parson ; Translations from Boccace: Sigis- monda and Guiscardo ; Theodore and Ilonoria; Cymon and Iphigenia; Translations from Ovid: Ded- ication ; Metamorphoses. IV. Translations from Ovid: Metamorphoses; Epistles; Art of love; Trans- lations from Ilomer, Theocritus, Lucretius, and Horace. V.-VII. Translations from Virgil: Verses to Dryden ; Dedication, Pastorals, Georgics, uEneis ; Translations from Juvenal, from Persius. All for love. [Cumberland. British drama. v.9] E. 229.7 Translations from Virgil, Pcrsius, and Juve- nal. [Chalmers. Eng. poets] . . . v.19 of 2592.7 Life and poems. [Chalmers. English poets] v.8,9, 19 of 2592.7 Life. [Scott, W. Misc. prose works, r.l] . . 2577.5 DUAXE, "W., b. 17CO, d. 1835. Mississippi question, a debate in the senate. Philad. 1803. 8" . . *2328.22 DUANE, W. Ligau, a collection of tales and sketches. Philadelphia, 1857. 12 2408.30 Du BARRI, M. J. G. de V. Memoires. Paris, 1829- 30. Cv. 8 2658.7 Du BARTAS. See Saluste, G. dc. Du BELLAY, M. Memoires. [Michaud. Coll. me"m. hist. France. Ser. 1, v.5] 2011.1 Memoires. [Petitot. Coll. mem. hist. France. Ser. I,v.l7,19] 2615.1 Ogdoades. [Petitot. Coll. mem. hist. France. Ser.l, v.17] 2615.1 DUBEUX, L. LaPerse. Paris, 1841. 8. [L'Univcrs] 2276.5 Valmont, V., and Raymond, X. Tartarie, Nepal, Afghanistan, etc. Paris, 1848. 8. [L'Univers] 2276.13 Shelf. No. DUBLIN, city of. Gilbert, J. T. History of . . . 2470.11 Warburton, J. History of 2450.10 Royal Irish academy. Proceedings. [1836- 53.] Dublin, 1841-53. 5r. 8 *3300.6 - Transactions and index to v.1-11, by N. Carlisle. Dublin, 1787-1848. 22v. 4 .... *3290.6 - Same. Dublin. 1787-1837. ISv. 4 . **E. 173.1,2 DUBLIN dissector. Harrison, R 3759.3 DUBLIN quarterly journal of medical science. Dub- lin, 1854-58. v. 17-2-2, and 24-26. 9v. 8. . *571S.l DUBLIN review. London, 1S36-5S. v.1-36, 38-45. 44v. 8 *31S6.1 DUBLIN society for promoting the education of the poor of Ireland, 33d report. [Dublin, 1844.] 8 *Pph.v.l51 DUBLIN university calendar for 1858. Dublin, 1858. 12 2485.9 DUBLIN university problems, being questions to the candidates for the gold medal, from 1816-22. Account of the fellowship examina- tion in 1823. London, 1823. 8 **E. 190.9 DUBLIN university magazine. Dublin, v.1-42 and 49-52. 1833-58. 46v. 8 *3188.1 DUBOCCAGE, A. M. L. La Colombiadc, poume. Londrcs, 1758. 8 2607.3 DUBOIS, valet de Louis XIII. Memoirc fidelc des choses qui se sont passees a la mort du Louis XII. , le 14 mai 1043. [Michaud. Coll. mem. hist. France. Ser.l.v.ll] 2011.1 DUBOIS, E. F. Histoire philosophique dc I'hypo- chondrie et de 1'hysterie. Paris, 1833. 8 . *3800.34 DUBOIS, G., cardinal. Memoires [composes par P. Lacroix.] Paris, 1829. 4v. 8" 2050.3 Vie privee. See Mongcz, A 2050.4 Du BOIS-REYMOXD, E. Animal electricity; ed. by II. B. Jones. London, 1852. 18 .... 3962.30 DUBUAT Nancay, L.G., le comte. Principcs d'hy- draulique ct dc pyrodynamique. Nouv. ('0. 4 *4012.10 DULLER, E. Die Geschichte des deutschen Volkes. 3e Aufl. Berlin, 1846. 2v. 10 2819. 14 Geschichte Philipps des Grossmiithigcn. Darmstadt, 1S42. 8 2842.7 Die malerischen und romantischen Donau- la'nder. Leipzig, n. d. 8. [Das malerische und romantische Deutschland. Sect. 8]. . 2802.11 DULXESS, Progress of. Trumbull,J 2409.13 DUMAXIAXT, J. A. B. Isaura e Gcrnanzio, ovvero i rifugiati religionarj, dramma; I raggira- tori, commedia ; La notte delle avventure, commedia ; Guerra aperta, owero astuzia contro astuzia, commedia. [Tcatro mo- derno applaudito, v.15, 20, 26, 28] 2768.1 DUMAS, A. D. The countess of Saint-Geran; Vaninka; Nisiila. New York, 1843. 4.*Pph.v.327 Lc mois. Revolution de 1848. Mars 1848- Dec. 1849. Paris, 1848-49. 8 4052.2 DUMAS, C. L. Principes de physiologic. 2e ^d. Paris, 1806. 4v. 8 3 *37G3.4 DUMAS, J. B. Chimie physiologique et medicale. Paris, 1846. 8 *3763.3 Chimie appliquee aux arts. Paris, 1828-40. 8v. 8. Atlas, 2v. 4 *3973.11 and Boussingault, J. B. Essai de statiquc chimique dcs etrcs organises. Seed. Paris, 1844. 8 3970.3 Dr/MAS, M., comic. Eve'nements militaircs, 1799- 1814. Paris, 1810-26. 19v. 8. Atlas, f . *4059.2 Souvenirs, do 1770-1836. Paris, ia39. 3v. 8. 2654.4 DUMB. See Deaf and dumb. DUMERIL, A. M. C. Elomcns des sciences natn- rellcs. 4e ed. Paris, 1830. 2v. 8. ... 3sru.ll - Same. 5e ed. Paris, 1846. 2v. 12 . . . 3838.3 Zoologic analytique. Paris, 1806. 8 .... 3884.8 Insectcs. [Cuvicr. Dictionnaire des scien- ces naturellcs] 3818.1 Du MERSAX, T. M. Notice sur le zodiaque dc Den- dera ct sur son transport en France. 2e ed. Paris, 1825. 12 **E. 110.81 DUMMER, J. Defence of the New England char- ters. London, [1721.] 8 *Pph.v.241 - Same. London, [1765.] 8 2325.11 DCMMER, Mrs. K. Sermon on the death of. See Bylcs, M 3158.79 DUMMER, Hon.W., Funeral sermon on. See Byles, M 3456.51 DUMOXT, G. M. B. See Butcl-Dumont, G. M. DUMOXT, J. Corps uuiversel diplomatique du droit dcs gens. 8v. Supplement. [Par Bar- beyrac et Roussct.] 5v. Amsterdam, 1726- 39. 13v. f *3610.1 Contents of Supplement. Tol. I. Barbeyrac. Ilis- toire desancienstraituz jusquesn Charlemagne, n., III. Rousset Recueil des traites. IV., V. Roussct Ceremonial diplomatique. DUMOXT, P. Et. L. Souvenirs sur Mirabcau ot les deux premieres assemblees legislatives. Paris, 1832. 8 2654.9 Traites de legislation publ. en Franjois. Bentham, J 3560.20 DUMOXT d'Urville, J. S. C. Voyage de 1 Astro- labe, 1826-29. Paris, 1830-35. llv.8. Atlas. Iv. 4. Cv. f. Namely: - Histoire du voyage. 5v. 8 *2261.1 - Atlas historique. 2v. f *22.G.1,2 - Botaniquc par A. Lesson et A. Richard. Iv. 8 *2261.1 - Atlas de botanique. Iv. f *22.F.2 - Faunc entomologique dc Pocean paciflque, avec 1'illustration des insectes nouveaux, par Boisduval. le ptie, lepidoptercs- 2c ptie, coleopteres et autres ordres. Iv. 8. *2261.1 - Philologie par D'Urville. Iv. 8 . . . . *2201.1 DUMONT 236 BURLAP Shelf. No. DUMONT d'Urville, J. S. C. continued. - Observations nautiques,meteorologiques, hydrographiques, ct dc physique. Iv. 4.*2200.12 - Atlas hydrographique. Iv. f *22.E.2 - Zoologie par Quoy ct Gaimard. 4v. in 3. 8 *2261.1 - Atlas zoologique. 2r. f. *22.E. l.v.l, *22.F.l.y.2 Voyage au pole sud et dans 1'Oceanie pen- dant les annees 1837-40. Paris, 1842-54. 12v. 8. Atlas. Cv. f. Namelyi - Histoire du voyage par Dumont d'Urville. 5v. 8 *2271.1 - Atlas pittoresque. 2v. f *22.J.l - Zoologie, par Hombron ct Jacquinot. 2v. 8 *2271.1 - Atlas. Iv. f *22.A.2 - Botanique, par Hombron et Jacquinot: plantes cellulaires, par M. C. Montagne; plantes vasculaircs, par J. Decaisne. Iv. 8. *2271.1 - Atlas. Iv. f *22.1.2 - Geologic, mineralogie,ct geographic phys- ique, par M. J. Grange. Iv. 8 *2271.1 - Atlas, f *22.I.l - Physique, par Vincendon Dumoulin et Coupvent-Debois. Iv. 8 *2271.1 - Ilydrographie, par Vincendon Dumoulin. 8 *2271.1 - Atlas. F *22.E.2 - Anthropologic, par Dumoutier. 8 ... *2271.1 - Atlas, f *22.I.l DUMONT dc Saintc-Croix, C. II. F. Ornithologie. [Cuvier. Diet, des sciences naturclles] . . 3818.1 DUMOULIN, C. Omnia quae extant opera. Ed. noviss. Parisiis, 1081. 5v. f *3090.2 Contents. Vol. I. Vie, par J. Brodcau. II. Jus Gallicum. HI. Jus Romanum. IV., V. Jus canoni- cum. DUMOULIN, E. Minerve fran$aise. See Aignan, E. 2600.2 DUMOURIEZ, C. F. Duperrier. Future situation of France. London, 1705. 8 *Pph.v.251 Memoires Merits par lui-mfime. Hambourg, 1794. 2v.ini. 10 40C8.7 Vie et memoires. Paris, 1822, 23. 4v. 8. [Berville and Barriere. Mem. rel. a la rev. fr. 17-20] *4645.10 Memoires. [Barriere. Mem. rel. a 1'hist. de France, v. 11, 12] *4007.2 DUMOUTIER, M. le doct. Antliropologie. [Du- mont d'Urville. Voyage au pole sud.] . . 2271.1 DUNBAR, J. E. W. Structure, functions, and dis- eases of the nervous system. Phila. 1828. 8 *M.Pph.v.27 DUNBAR, S. Righteousness by the law, subver- sive of Christianity : a sermon. Boston, 1751. sm.8 *3458.7 DUNBAR, W. Poems, with notes and life by D. Laing. Edinburgh, 1834. 2v. 12* 2578.7 DUNCAN, Rev. Alexander. The peace of Zion, a sermon. Edinburgh, 1819. 8 *Pph.v.48 Substance of a speech in the general associ- ate synod, on covenanting. Edinburgh, 1819. 8 *Pph.v.48 DUNCAN, Andrew, sen.,M.D. General view of the method of conducting a clinical course. [No title-page.] 8 *M.Pph.v.ll Heads of lectures on pathology. Edinburgh, 1782. 12 *3793.14 Heads of lectures on the theory and practice of medicine. 2ded. Edinburgh, 1781. 12.*3793.14 Medical commentaries. Phila. and Edinburgh, 1793-95. lOv. 8 *3728.1 and Duncan, A. jr. Annals of medicine, for 1790-1804. Edinburgh, 1790-1804. 8v. 8 . *3739.2 DUNCAN, A..,jr., Af.D. Account of signora Girar- clelli, the incombustible lady. [No title- page.] 8 *M.Pph.v.ll Cases of erysipelas successfully treated chiefly by venesection. [Edinburgh, 1821.] 8.*M.Pph.v.ll Dietetics, reprinted from the suppl. of the En- cyclopaedia Britannica. n.p. [1822]. 8. *M.Pph.v.ll Shelf. No. DUNCAN, A., jr., M. D. continued. Letter [and testimonials] submitted to the consideration of the patrons of the uni- versity of Edinb. [No title-page.] 8.*M.Pph.v.ll Letters, containing experiments and observa- tions on cinchona. [Edinb. 1803.] 8.*M.Pph.v.ll List of officinal plants, arranged after the nat- ural system. [No title-page.] 8 . . .*M.Pph.v.ll Observation on the general treatment of lun- atics. [No title-page] *3I.Pph.v.ll Reports of practice in the clinical wards of the royal infirmary of Edinburgh, during the months of Nov. and Dec. 1817, and Jan. July 1818. Edinburgh, 1818. 8. *M.Pph.v.08,72 and Gordon, J. Case of hydrocephalus with bifid brain. [No title-page]. 8. . . *M.Pph.v.ll DUNCAN, J. History of Guernsey. Lond. 1841. 8. 2497.4 DUNCAN, J. M. Lexicon Graecum ex lexico Ho- merico-Pindaric. See Damm, C. T. ... 2981.2 DUNCUMB, J. History and antiquities of the Co. of Hereford. Hereford, 1804. 2v. 4 . *2491.1 DUNDAS, II. Trial, by impeachment, of Henry Dundas, lord Melville, [with] sketch of the life of his lordship. London, 1806. 8. . .3084.16 DUNFERMLINE. A history of the town and parish. Fernie, J 2474.6 DUNGALUS Reclusus. Epistola de duplici solis eclipsi anno 810 ; Liber advcrsus Claudium Taurinensem; Carmina. [Migne. Patrolo- giaev.105] 3450.29 DUNGLISON, K. Address to the medical graduates of the Jefferson medical college. Philadel- phia, 1837. 8 *3I.Pph.v.29 Charge to the graduates of Jefferson medical college, Mar. 25, 1S47. Phila. 1847. 8.*M.Pph.v.42 Discourse in commemoration of Peter S. Du Ponceau. Philadelphia, 1844. 8 . . . . *Pph.v.l4t Diseases of the stomach and bowels of chil- dren. London, 1824. 8 *3777.11 Human health, or elements of hygiene. New ed. Philadelphia, 1844. 8 3767.18 Human physiology. 7th ed. Philadelphia, 1850. 2v. 8 . *3763.5 Introd. lecture in Jefferson medical college. Philadelphia, 1839. 8 *M.Pph.v.34 On certain medical delusions. Philadelphia, 1842. 8 *M.Pph.v.38 DUNHILL, T. Health of towns : papers on sani- tary reform. [London,] 1848. 8 *3767.30 DUNI, E. Opcre complete. Si aggiungono osser- vazioni di G. F. Finetti, c la vita dell' autore da A. Gennarelli. Roma, 1845. 5v. 4. . *3622.1 Contents. Vol. I., II. Origine e progress! del citta- dino e del govemo civile di Roma. HI. Saggio di giurisprudcnza uriiversale; Dubbi di Gianfrancesco Finetti intorno ad alcunc dottrine di G. B. Vico, e di E. Duni; Rispostaai dubbi. IV. Lascienza del cos- tume o sia sisteraa eul diritto universale. V. De vet- eriac novo jure codicillorum commentarius, atque de solcmui quinque testium numero in codicillis vel testamento confirmatis adversus Justum Ilenningum Bcchmerum ; Accedit contraria Bcehmeri disputatio de codicillis sine testibus validis, additis animadver- sionibus, quibus auctor suo quoquo loco notatur. DUNLAP, J. A sermon on board the fleet at White- hall, 18th Dec. 1814. 2d ed. Bennington, 1823 *Pph.v.l35 DUNLAP, J. A. Treatise on the law of principal and agent. See Paley, W 3664.5 DUNLAP, J. L. Sketch of the professional char- acter, etc. of Dr. John L. Dunlap, etc. Troy, 1847. 8 *M.Pph.v.43 DUNLAP, W. Address to the students of the na- tional academy of design. N. Y. 1831. S.*Pph.v.83 History of the rise and progress of the arts of design in the United States. New York, 1834. 2v. 8 **E.115. History of the New Netherlands to [1789]. New York, 1839-40. 2v. 8 2371.6 Life of Charles Brockden Brown, with selec- tions from his works. Phila. 1815. 2v. 8. 2343.13 DUNLOP 237 DUPONCHEL Shelf. No. DUNLOP, John. History of Eoman literature. London, 1823-28. 3v. 8 2953.2 Memoirs of Spain, 1621-1700. Edinburgh, 1834. 2y. 8 3101.1 DUNLOP, John. Drinking usages in Scotland. [Glasgow, 1833.] 12* *Pph.v.228 DUNN, N. Catalogue of the Chinese collection in Philadelphia. Phila. 1839. 8 . . 3017.2, **E.214.3 DUNN, S. Dunn's linear tables described, etc. ByS. Naylor. Boston, [1805]. 8 . . . **E.110.66 DUNOD de Charnage, F. I. Histoire du comt6 de Bourgogne. Dijon, 1735-40. 3v. 4. ... *4651.2 DUNOIS, J., Du comte de, par le pere Griffet. [Leber. Coll. diss. hist. France, v. 18] . . 2618.1 )UNOYER, C B. De la liberte du travail. Paris, 1845. 3v. 8" 3565.7 )UNSFORD, M. Historical memoirs of Tiverton. Exeter, 1790. 4 *2502.4 )UNS Scotus. See Scotus. DUNSTABLE, Mass. History of. Fox, C. J. . . . 2357.3 DUNSTAN, St. Vita, auctore Osberno monacho ; Epistola ad "Wulfsinum; De regimine mona- chorum. [Migne. Patrologiae v.137] . . . 3460.16 Vita, auctore Bridferto. [Migne. Patrologia? v.139] 3460.18 )UNTZER, H. Kritik und Erklarung der horazi- schen Gedichte. Braunschweig, 1840-46. 5v. 12 2925.1 Contents. Vol. I. Die Oden. II. Die Satiren. HI. Der Episteln erstcs Bueh. IV. Der Epistcln zweites Buch, nebst der Ars poetica. V. Nachtrage und Be- richtigungen, mit besonderer Beriickeichtigung von Orelli's z welter Ausgabe ; Register. )UPANLOUP, F. Delia sovranita temporale del papa. Roma, [1849?] 8 4745.4 )UPARCQUE, F. Functional and organic diseases of the uterus. Transl. by J. Warrington. Philadelphia, 1837. 8 *3776.15 )u PATY, C. M. J. B. Mercier. Lettressur 1'Italie en 1785. Nouv. ed. Notice par L. Dubois. Paris, 1824. 2v. 24 27C6.9 )U PETIT-THOUARS, A. A. Voyage de la Venus, 1836-39. Paris, 1840-55. lOv. 8. Atlas, 4v. in 3. f . Namely .- - Relation. 4v. 8 *2261.2 - Atlas pittoresque. f *22.K.l - Zoologie: maramiferes, oiseaux, reptiles et poissons. 8 *2261.2 - Atlas de zoologie. f *22.A. 1 - Physique, par U. de Tessan. 5v. 8. . *2261.2 Contents. Vols. I., II. Observations meteorolo- giques faitcs a la mer. HI. Observations raagne- tiques. IV. Observations diverses et rcsiimes. V. Observations detachees et considerations generates. - Atlas de botanique. f *22.A.l - Atlas hydrographique. f *22.N.l Biographical and critical notices of John Ray. 3824.13 DUPIN, aine, A. M. J. J. Opuscules de jurispru- dence. Paris, 1851. 16 2185.5 Contents. Profession d'avocat; Bibliothcque choi- eie a 1'usage dcs ctudiants en droit et des jeunes avo- cats ; Reflexions sur 1'enseigneraent et 1'etude du droit; Precis historique du droit romain ; Precis histo- rique du droit francais, avec la continuation depuis 1674jusqu' en 1834; Aphorismes dc Bacon; Prolegom- ena juris ad usum scholar et fori; Notions elemen- tal res sur la j ustice, le droit ct les lois ; Des magistrals ; De la jurisprudence des arrets; Libre defense des ac- cuses; Del'lmprovisation; Biographic des magistrals ct jurisconsultes ; Vocabtilaire des termes de droit ; Catalogue des ouvrages de M. Dupin. Opinion on the rights of the seminary of Mon- treal, in Canada. Paris, 1826. 8 ... *Pph.v.l08 Profession d'avocat. v.l. Recueil de pieces cone. 1'cxercise de cette prof. 2. Biblio- theque choisie des livres de droit. Paris, 1832. 2v. 8 *2185.2 Plaidoyers. [Annales du barreau francais. Barreau moderne, v.5] 3708.1 DCPIN, F. P. C. Applications de geometric et de mechanique a la marine, aux ponts et chaus - sees, etc. Paris, 1822. 4" 4013.3 Shelf. No. DUPIN, F. P. C. continued. Commercial power of Great Britain. London, 1825. 2v. 8 2512.4 Forces productives et commcrciales de la France. Paris, 1827. 2v. 4 2631.3 Geometric ct mechanique des arts et metiers. Cours normal. Paris, 1825-26. 3v. 8 . . 3944.28 Voyages dans la Grande-Bretagne. Paris, 1820-24. 3v. 4". Atlas, obl.f *3953.3 Contents. Vol. I. Force militaire de la Grande- Bretagne; Constitution de 1'armee; Eludes et tra- vaux. II. Force navale, etc. ; Constitution de la ma- rine ; Eludes et travaux. III. Force coramerciale, etc.; Sections des travaux publics et d'association ; Voies publics, places, rues, routes, canaux, ponts et chaussees; Cotes et ports maritimes. DUPIN, L. E. [Bibliotheqve des auteurs ecclesias- tiques. 40v. 8.] Namely .- - Nouvelle biblioth. des auteurs cedes, le- 8e siecle. 2e ed. Paris, 3688-1701. 5v. in S. *3549.2 - Bibliotheque des auteurs ecclesiastiques. Supplement. Hist, de 1'eglise, 4e-8e siecles. Paris, 1711 *3549.3 - Histoire des controverses, et des mati- cres eccles. 9e-15e siecles. Paris, 1694-98. 7v. in 6 *3549.4 - Histoire de 1'eglise ct des auteurs ec- cles. du 16e siecle. Paris, 1701-3. 4pts. in5v. *3549.5 - Bibliotheque des auteurs eccles. du 17e siecle. Paris, 1708. 7v *3559.4 - Histoire ecclesiastique du 17e siecle. Paris, 1714. 4v *3549.6 - Bibliotheque des auteurs eccles. du 18e siecle. 1700-10. Paris, 1711. 2v *3559.1 - Bibliotheque des auteurs separez dc la communion romaine. Paris, 1718-19. 2v. *3559.2 - Dissertation preliminaire sur la Bible. 2e ed. Paris, 1701. 2v. in 3 *3429.2 - Table universelle des auteurs eccles. Paris, 1704. 5v *3559.5 See Bossuet, J. B. Critique de la bibliotheque ecclesiastique v.30 of *3490.5 See Goujet, C. P. Continuation de la bibl. eccles. Auteurs du 18e siecle 3559.3 See Petit- Didier, M. Remarques sur la bibli- otheque ecclesiastique 3559.6 See Simon, R. Critique sur la bibl. eccl. . . 3559.7 DUPIN, jeune, P. S. Plaidoyer dans la cause centre le Constitutionnel, pour outrage aux bonnes moeurs. [Paris, 18'-!0.] 8. . .**E.110.73 Plaidoyers. [Annales du barreau francais. Barreau moderne, v.5. pt-2] 3708.1 Dtr PLESSIS, A. J. See Richelieu, cardinal. DUPLESSIS, G. See Gratet Duplessis, P. A. DUPLESSIS-MORNAY, Mme. C. A. de. Memoires sur la vie de son mari. Paris, 1824. 8.. 2657.1 DUPLESSIS-MORNAY, P. de. Memoires et corre- spondance. Paris, 1824-25. 12v. 8T . . . . *2657.2 Lettre d'un gentilhomme catholique francois contenant breve reponse aux calomnies d'un certain pretendu Anglois. [Lafaist. Arch. cur. hist. France. Ser. 1, v.ll] 2617.1 DUPLESSIS-PRASLIN, C. de. Memoires. [Michaud. Coll. me"m. hist. France. Ser.3] . . . v.7 of 2611.1 Memoires, [1027-71.] [Petitot. Coll. mem. hist. France. Ser 2, v.57] 2645.1 Du PONCEAU, P. S. Chinese system of writing. Vocab. of the Cochin Chinese lang. by J.M. Morrone, etc. Philad. 1838. 8. 3034.1, **E. 209.1 Early history of Pennsylvania: an oration. Philadelphia, 1821. 8 *Pph.v.43 Eulogium in commemoration of "W. Tilgh- man. Philadelphia, 1827. 8*Pph.v.C.9, **E.110.47 Necessity and means of making our national literature independent of that of Great Britain. Philadelphia, 1834. 8 *Pph.v.91 Discourse in commemoration of. See Dun- glison, R Pph.v.144 DUPONCHEL, P. A. J. Continuation d'icono- graphie des chenilles. See Godart, J. B. . 3893.4 DUPONT 238 DUTY Shelf. No. DUPONT, Paul. Notice historique sur 1'imprimerie. Paris, 1849. 8 *2120.5 DUPONT, Pierre. See Breynat. Les socialistes. 3569.17 DUPONT do Nemours, P. S. Memoires sur la vie de Turgot. See Turgot, A. R. J 3654.5 DUPPA, B. F. Causes of the present condition of the laboring classes in the south of Eng- land, etc. London, 1831. 8 *3570.61 DUPPA, K. Subversion of the papal government, 1798. 3ded. London, 1807. 1.8" 3521.10 DUPRAT, P. Races de 1'Afrique septentrionale. Paris, 1845. 8 2235.3 Du POGET, A. Memoires concernant les troubles de religion dans le midi de la France, [1561- 1597.] [Michaud. Coll. mem. hist. France. Ser.l,v.O] 2611.1 DUPUIS, C. F. Origine de tous les cultes, ou re- ligion universelle. Nouv. ed. Notice par Auguis. Paris, 1822. 7v. 8. Atlas, 4 . . 3488.9 Remarks on his Origin of all religions. See Priestley, J 3435.12 DUPUIS-DELCOURT, J. F. Manuel d'aerostation. Paris, 1850. 8m.l2. [Manuel-Roret] . . . 3965.13 DUPUIT, A. J. E. J. Essai et experiences sur le tirage des voitures. Paris, 1837. 8. pi. . . 4015.19 and Genieys, R. De la conduite et de la dis- tribution des eaux, [avec atlas.] Paris, 1854. 2v. 4 *3941.10 DUPUYTREN, G. Injuries and diseases of bones, transl. and ed. by F. Lc Gros Clark. Lon- don, 1847. 8 *3714.4 Lesions of the vascular system, diseases of the rectum, etc., transl. by F. L. G. Clark. London, 1S54. 8 *3714.5 Logons de clinique chirurgicale, recueillies par Brierre de Boismont. 2e ed. Paris, 1839. 6v. 8 *3753.1 Du QUESNE, A. Vie. [Richer. Vies des plus cele- bres marins] 4609.14 DURAND, J. Elogio di Faure. [Elogj italiani, v.6] 2743.15 DUEAND, J. F. Memoirs of the famous captain Thurot. [Croker. Percy soc. v.21] .... 2537.23 DURAND, J. N. L. Precis de lecons d'architec- ture. Paris, 1802-5. 2v. 4 *4090.21 Recueil et parallele des edifices. Paris, [1801.] f *4050.6 DURAND de Maillane, P. T. Histoire de la conven- tion nationale, etc. Fragment sur le 31 mai par Lanjuinais. Paris, 1825. 8. [Berville and Barriere. Mems. rel. a la r<5v. fr. 45] . *4655.5 DURAND, U. Thesaurus novus anecdotorum. See Martene, E 2250.2 DURANDUS, bp. of Clermont. Epistola ad Ansel- mum. [Migne. Patrologiae v.150] .... 3460.28 DURANDUS, abbot. Liber de corpore et sanguine Domini ; Epitaphia duo. [Migne. Patrolo- gias v.149] 3460.27 DURANTE,F. Litanie della beata verginc Maria. [Dehn. Practische Musik-Werke, v.5] . . 4051.14 DURANTI, D. Attilio Regolo, tragedia. [Teatro ital. del secolo 18, v. 4] 2778.1 DURANTON, A. Cours de droit frangais. 4e d. Paris, 1844. 22v. 8 *3627.1 DURAS, C. L. deK., la duchesse de. (Euvres, [Ou- rika, Edouard] precedees d'une notice sur sa vie et ses ecrits, par G. Duplessis. Paris, 1851. 16 4678.15 DURAZZO, I. Elogio di Cristoforo Colombo. [Elogj italiani, v.2] 2743.15 DUREAU de La Malle, A. J. C. A. Histoire et de- scription de Carthage. See Avezac, M. A. P. d' 2266.2 DURER, A. Leben und Werke. See Heller, J. . 4065.13 DURFEE, J. Complete works, with a memoir. Ed. by his son. Providence, 1849. 8 2403.7 Contents. Poems, Lectures, Discourse, Oration, Panidea, Charges to the grand jury. Discourse before the Rhode Island historical society. Providence, 1847. 8 *Pph. v. 175 Shelf. No. DURFEY, T. Marriage-hater match'd : a comedy. London, 1692. pp.54. sm.4 *2575.23 DURHAM, Earl of. See. Lambton, J. G. DURHAM household book. [Ed. by J. Raine.] Lon- don, 1844. 8. [Surtees society, 18] . . . . *2417.18 DURHAM, City and county of. Holmes, J. H. H. Coal mines of 3865.5 Hutchinson, W. History of the county of . 2471.5 Mackenzie, E., and Ross, M. Historical and descriptive view of the county of 2471.4 Post-office directory of 2482.3 Raine, J. Historic Dunelm. scriptorcs tres. 2417.9 Surtees, R. History and antiquities of the county of 2450.8 Wallis, J. History and antiquities of . . . . 2501.3 DURHAM, See of. Acts of the high commission court 2417.32 BoldonBuke. Survey of possessions of . . 2417.24 Catalogues of the library of D. cathedral . . 2417.7 Ebchester, W. Obituary roll 2417.29 Ecclesiastical proceedings of the courts of, from 1311 to the reign of Elizabeth. See Depositions 2417.20 Hatfleld, T. de. Possessions of the 2417.30 DURHAM breed. De la race bovine dite de Dur- ham. Lefebvre Ste. Marie, G 4002.3 DURIEU de Maisonneuve. Botanique de 1'Algerie. [Plates, unbound. See France] DURIS Samius. See Fragm. hist. Graec. v.2 . . . 3002.11 DURKEE, S. Treatise on gonorrhoea and syphilis. Boston, 1859. 8 *3770.27 DURNFORD, C., and East, E. H. Reports of cases in the king's bench, 1785-87. Dublin, 1780- 87. 8 3696.8 DURUY, V., Filon, C. A. D., Lacroix, L., and Ya- noski, J. Italic ancienne. Paris, 1850-51. 2v. 8. [L'Univers] 2206.27 DUSAULX, J. Memoires sur le 14 juillct. [Ber- ville and Barriere. Coll. mem. rev. France, v.6] 4645.3 Du SOMMERARD, A. Les arts au moyen age. Paris, m38-46. 2v. 8. Atlas. 4v. f . . . *4071.15 DUSSIEUX, L., Soulie, E., Mantz, I. [etc.] Sur la vie ct les ouvrages des membres de 1'aca- demie royale de peinture et de sculpture. Paris, 1854. 2v. 8 40S6.2 DUTCH East India company. Constantin, de. Re- cueil des voyages de la compagnie des Indes orientales formee dans les Pays-Bas . . . 2277.12 Voyages undertaken by. See Collection . . . 2265.10 DUTCH language, literature, and people. See Hol- land, Netherlands. DUTCH reformed church. See Reformed Dutch ch. DUTCH settlements in the East Indies, Batavia, Java. [Knox. New coll. of voyages, v.2]. 2263.1 DUTCHER, S.,jr. Oration commemorative of the birth of Washington, 23d February, 1824. Albany, 1824. 8 *Pph.v.47 - Same. Albany, 1826. 8 *Pph. v. 61 DUTENS, L. Origine des de'couvertes attributes aux modernes. 2e ed. Paris, 1776. 2v. 8" . *2192.3 Du TERRAIL, P., le chevalier Bayard. Histoire du bon chevalier sans paour et sans reprouche. [Michaud. Coll. mem. hist. France. Ser. 1, v.4] 2611.1 - Same. [Petitot. Coll. mem. hist. France. Ser. 1, v.15,16] 2615.1 Les gestes, ensemble la vie du. [Lafaist. Arch. hist. France. Ser. 1, v.2] 2617.1 Panegyric du. [Petitot. Coll. mm. hist. Fr. Ser. 1, v.14] 2615.1 Du TERTRE, J. B. Histoire des Antilles habitees par les Frangois. Paris, 1607-71. 3v. 4 . . *2313.2 DUTIES on importations. See United States . . . 3651.6 DUTILLIOT. Sur 1'institution de la mere folle de Dijon. [Leber. Coll. diss. hist. France, v.9] 2618.1 DUTY of American women to their country. New York, 1845. 18 3574.31 DUTY of Christian freemen to elect Christian rulers. Ely, E.S Pph.v.72 DUTY 239 EAR Shelf. No. DUTY. Tappan, D. Letters to Rev. S. Spring on his dialogue on the nature of duty 3585.17 Wainwright, J. 31. Filial D., a sermon . . . 3441.19 DUVAL, Alexander V. P., and Picard, L. B. La vcra bravura, farsa. [Teatro moderuo ap- plaudito. v.12] 2768.1 DUVAL, Amaury Pineux. See Baltard, L. De- scriptions dc Paris et ses mouumens . . . 20. L.I See Denon, V. Monuments des arts du dessin decrits et expliques 4070.1 See Orloff, G. Memoires sur le royaume de Naples 2724.4 DUVAL, E. E. Amaury. Statuaire et peinture sur mur de la cathedrale de Chartres. Lassus, J. B. L 26. G.I DUVAL, F., marq. de Fontenay-3Iareuil. Memoires. [Midland. Coll. mem. List. Fr. Ser. 2, v.5] 2611.1 Memoires. [Petitot. Coll. mem. hist. France. Ser. 1, v.50,51] 2625. 1 DUVAL, H. Manuel du cuisinier et de la cuisi- niere. Nouv. ed. Paris, n.d. sm.l2. [Man- uel-Roret] 4000.20 and others. Manuel du limonadier, etc. Paris, 1851. sm.l2. [Manuel-Roret] 4006.21 Du VAURE, N. Le faux savant. [Theatre des auteurs du second ordre. Comedies en prose, v.10] 2640.10 Du VERDIER, A. Les bibliothequcs frangoises de. See La Croix du Maine, F. G. de 2100.10 Du VERDIER, G. S. The love and armes of the Greeke princes. London, 1640. 3v.ini. 8. 2501.5 DUVERGIER, J. B. See Dufau, P. A. DUXBURY, Mass., History of. Winsor, J. . . . 2356.2 DWARRIS, Sir F., and Amyot, W. H. A general treatise on statutes. 2d ed. Lond. 1848. 8. 3625.8 DWIGHT, II. G. O. Memoir of Mrs. E. B. Dwight [and] Mrs. J. S. Grant. N. York, 1840. 12. 2347.12 DWIGHT, J. S. Association in its connection with education. Boston, 1844. pp.41. 8" .... 3505.6 Journal of music, v.1-6, 9, 10. Boston, 1852- 57. 4v. 4 5170.1 DWIGIIT, Theodore. History of the Hartford convention. New York, 1833. 8 2327.18 DWIGHT, Theodore, Jr. Gazetteer of the United States, etc. See Darby, W 2388.2 DWIGHT, Timothy. Conquest of Canaan, a poem. Hartford, 1785. 12 *2409.6 Discourse, July 23, 1812, on the public fast. New Haven, 1812. 8 *Pph. v. 13 - Same. 2d cd. Boston, 1813. 8" 3441.4 Discourse occasioned by the death of Jona- than Trumbull. New Haven, 1809. 8 ... *3458.45 Duty of Americans at the present crisis, a dis- course on the 4th of July. New Haven, 171)8. 12 *2324.47 Greenfield hill, a poem. New York, 1794. 8.*2405.13 Remarks on the review of Inchiquin's letters in the Quarterly review. Boston, 1815. 8 . 2328.31 Sermon on duelling, Sept. 9, 1804. N. York, 1805. 8 *Pph.v.l67 Sermon before the American board for for- eign missions. Boston, 1813. 8 ... . *Pph.v. 13 Dissertation on the poetry of the Bible. See Mclmoth.C 3419.25 Ode on the glory of Columbia. See Hum- phreys, D 2406.14 Oration in commem. of. See Spring, G. . Pph. v.18 Sermon at his funeral. See Chapin, C. . . Pph. v. 265 DWXN, L. Heraldic visitations of Wales, 1586- 1613. Ed. by S. R. Mcyrick. Llandovery, 1846. 2v. 1.4 *2430.2 DWYER, A. Discourse on the structure of the poetry of the Hebrews. Utica, 1830. 8. *Pph.v.81 DWYER, J. Hydraulic engineering, applied to drainage. 2d cd. Dublin, 1852. 8 .... 3942.8 DYCE, A. Notes on Shakespeare. Lond. 1853. 8. 2596.6 Remarks on Collier's and Knight's edition of Shakespeare. London, 1844. 8" 2597.1 Strictures on Collier's edition of Shakespeare, 1858. London, 1859. 8 2596.13 Shelf. No. DYCE, A. continued. Reply to animadversions of D. on Mr. Hunt- er's disquisition on The tempest, etc. See Hunter, J 2597.30 DYCKMAN, J. Pathology of the human fluids. New York, 1814. 8 *M. Pph. v.5 Tribute to the memory of. See. Ducachet, II. W M.Pph.v.10 DYDE, W. History of Tewkesbury. 2d ed. Tewkesbury, 1798. 8 2504.9 DYEING, Elements of the art of. Berthollet, C. L. 4026.5,6 See also: Colors. DYER, D. Discourse on the characteristics of the puritans. Boston, 1840. 8 *Pph.v.2G9 DYER, G. Academic unity, with preface, etc. Lon- don, 1827. 8 3592.4 Ancient modes of bestowing names on rivers, hills, etc. Exeter, 1805. 8 25S4.9 History of the university and colleges of Cambridge. London, 1814. 2v. 4 .... *2402.5 Privileges of the university of Cambridge. London, 1824. 2v. 8 *2490.17 DYER, J. Life and poems of. [Chalmers. Eng- lish poets] v.!3of 2592.7 Poems, including Grongar hill, The ruins of Rome, The fleece, etc. [Johnson. English poets] v.53of 25S9.3 DYER, M. 31. Portraiture of shakcrism, 1822. 12. 3518.21 DYER, S. Voices of nature, and thoughts in rhyme. Louisville, 1849. 12 2398.14 DYK, H. S. v. See Bowring, J. Batavian anthol- ogy 2886.11 DYMOND, J. Accordancy of war with Christian- ity. New York, 1847. 8" 3577.2 DYNAMICS. Alembert, J. le R. d'. Traite de dy- namique 3944.5 Warr, G. F. Treatise on 3944.13 Who well, W. Treatise on 3944.14,15 See also : Electro-dynamics, Hydro-dynamics, Mo- tion. DYNAMIUS. Epistolae duae; Vita sancti Marii; Vita Sancti Maximi. [Migue. Patrol. v.Su] 3450.15 DYNAMOMETER. Notice sur divers appareils dy- namometriques. 3Iorin, A 4015.17 DYNTER, E. de. Chronica uobilissimorum ducum Lotharingiae ct Brabant in: aeregum Franco- rum. Illustr. P. F. X. de Ram. Bruxellis, 1854-57. v.3. 4. [Collection de chroniques beiges iueditcs] *2S11.1 DYSENTERY, Abcel, D. G. Dissertation on. 31. Pph. v. 10 Mann, J. Dissertation on 3722.11 Somcrs, E. S. Treatment of 31. Pph. v. 91 Zimmerman, J. G. Treatise on 3700.27 - TraiU' de la dysenteric 3700.34 DYSPEPSIA, Indigestion the cause of. Johnson, J. 3700.23 See alio : Indigestion. EACHARD, J. Works. London, 1773-74. 3v. 12. 3456.31 Contents. Vol. I. Grounds of the contempt of the clergy inquired into; Observations on un answer to the inquiry. II. Mr. Ilobbs' State of nature consid- ered, in a dialogue between Timothy und Philautus ; Five letters in defence of the Contempt of the clergy. I1L Second dialogue between Timothy oud Phi- lautus. EADMER. Vita S. Ansclmi, Cantuariensis archi- episcopi ; Historia novorum ; De excellen- tia Virginia 3Iariae ; De quatuor virtutibus quae fuerunt in beata Maria ejusque sublim- itate ; DC beatitudine coelestis patrix ; De S. Ansclmi similitudinibus ; Vita: S3. Yilfridi, Bregwiui, Oswaldi, Dunsfani, Odouis ; Epis- tola ad Glastonicnses ; Epistohi ad mona- chos Wigornienses. [3Iigne. Patrol, v.159] 3400.35 EADWIG, Life and character of king. See Allen, J. 2514.8,16 EALING, Middlesex, Eng. History and antiquities of. Faulkner, T 2505.4 EAR. Kramer, W. Traite des maladies de 1'orcillc. 3805.24 Saunders, J. C. Treatise on diseases of the. 3805.20 Saissy, J. A. Diseases of the 3805.22 EAR 240 EATON Shelf. No. EAR, continued. Valsalva, A. M. Tie aure humana tractatus . 3805.21 Wilder, W. K. Diseases of tho 3805.19 Wrisrht, W. Anat. structure of the .. M.Pph.v.85 See also : Acoustics, Deafness, Hearing. EARLE, J. Microcosmography, in essays and char- acters. New eel. with notes by P. Bliss. London, 1811. 10 3587.18 EAKLE, P. Visit to thirteen asylums for the in- sane in Europe. With a notice of similar institutions in the U. S. Phila., 1811. 8.*M.Pph.T.129 EARNSIIAW, C. Gazetteer of the world. Derby, 1824. 12" *22S4.5 EARNSHAW, S. A treatise on statics. 4th ed. Cambridge, 1858. 8" 3945.10 EARTH. Airy, G. B. Figure of the 3922.13 Alembcrt, J. Le R. d'. La nutation de 1'axe delaterre E. 188.2 Ballcnstedt, J. G. J. Die Urwclt 3877.14 Bertrand, A. Lettrcs sur les revolutions du globe 3862.15 Bischoff, C. G. Die Warmclehre des Innern unsers Erdkorpers 3904.10 Brongniart, A. Essai sur la structure de la terrc 3882.8 Burnct, T. Sacred theory of the 3419.7 Clairaut, A. C. Theorie de la figure de la terre E. 188.20 Cordier,L. Temperature of the interior of the. 3903.20 Cuvier, G. L. C. D. Theory of the 3802.19 Francoeur, L. Traite de la figure de la terre. 3924.7 Harris, J. Pro-Adamite E 34S5.18 Kriiger, J. F. Geschichte der Urwclt. . . 3877.13 Krligcr, J. G. Geschichte dcr Erde in den allcriiltesten Zeiten 3877.12 Lametheric, J. C. de. Theorie do la terre . . 3804.0 Leibnitz, G. W. von. Dissertatio de prima facie telluris 3877.1 Maupcrtuis, P. L. M. de. Figure of the . . E. 189.3 Niiggerath, J., and Burkart, J. Der Bau dcr Erdrindc 3800.31 Paris. Academic des sciences. La figure de la terre 3201.4,5 - Mesurc des trois premiers degres dumuri- dicn dans 1'hemisphere austral 3271.2 - De la grandeur et de la figure dc la terre. 3271. 1 Sabiue, E. Experiments to determine the figure of the 3921.8 Winslow, C. F. Preparation of the earth for the intellectual races 3869.10 Wood, J. New theory of the diurnal rotation of the E.224.8 See also: Climate, Creation, Deluge, Geography, Geology, Globe, Isothermal lines. Latitude, Longi- tude, Physical geography, Tides, Volcanoes, World. EARTHQUAKE at Lisbon, 1755, Accounts of the. See Farmer, Mr 3929.24 EARTHQUAKE in S. Amer., 1818. Gardiner, G. A. Pph.v.53 EARTHQUAKES. Essay on the earthquake of 1755. Boston, 1701. 8 *3906.4 Cunningham, P. Motions of 3952.35 E. in Calabria. [Piukerton. Voyages, v.5] . 2200.13 Mayhew, J. E. in 1755 3457.12 Winthrop, J. Lecture on 3429.0 EAST, E. II. Iteports. See Durnford, C 3090.8 EAST, R. Consumption and apoplexy, the two dangerous diseases of England. London, 1842. 12 3794.22 EAST, The. Assemani, G. S. Bibliotheca juris oricntalis 3611.1 Aucher-Eloy, P. M. R. Voyages en 1'orient. 1830-38 3045.10 Belon, P. Observations de plusicures choses dans 1'orient 3075.10 Cadalvenc, E. de. Deux annees de 1'histoire dc 1'orient 3045.12 Carnc, J. Recollections of travels in .... 3045.20 Chnrdin, J. Voyages en Perse ct autrcs licux del'orieut 3049.11 Shelf. No. EAST, The, continued. Dietcrici, F. Reisebilder aus dem Morgen- lande 3045.23 Forskal, P. Descriptiones animalium qua: in itinere oriental} observavit Forskal .... 3902.9 Grant, C. Restoration of learning in the E. : a poem Pph.v.6 Michaud, J. F. Correspondance d'orient . . 3045.13 Ray, J. Rau wolf 's journey into the . v.2 of 2203.2 Urquhart, D. Spirit of 3045.24 Voyages en orient. See Paris. Societd de geographic. Recueil 2200.11 Walpole, R. Travels in countries of .... 3040.10 See also : East Indies, Levant, Oriental, etc. EAST Anglia, Vocabulary of. Forby, R. . . . E.209.5 EAST Bloomfield academy, Catalogue of the, 1847. Rochester, 1848. 8 *Pph.v.l63 EAST Boston. See Boston. EAST India Co. General court of proprietors. Proceedings of the committee appointed to consider the expediency of augmenting the allowances to the directors, [etc.] London, 1814. 4 *Pph.r.326 Buckingham, J. S. Report on Mr. B.'s claims to compensation from the 2529.1 First voyage on account of. [Knox. New coll. of voyages, v.2J 2203.1 Waring, S. Present state of the Pph.v.14 EAST Indies. Acosta, J. Naturall and morall historic of the 2312.8,9 Castanhcda, F. L. Historia dell' Indie orien- tal! 3044.9 Dutch settlements, etc. in the. [Knox. New coll. of voyages, etc. v.2] 2203.1 Ives, E. Reizenaar Oost-Indiii E. 171.27 Linschoten, Hans Hugo van. Histoire de la navigation aux Indcs oricntales 2200.3 Maffei, G. P. Istoria delle Indie oricntali . . 3044.10 Mandelslo, J. A. de. Voyages celebres et re- marquables fails aux Indes 3040.5 Orlich, L. von. Reise in Ostindien 3048.4 Osbeck, P. Voyage to 3040.5 Papi, L. Lettcre sulle Indie oriental! . . . 3044.5 Sonnerat, P. Voyage aux Indcs orientales. 3041.10 Tavernier, J. B. Six voyages through the . 3040.4 Valle, P. delle. Travels into the 3041.7 Vasquez de Gama's voyage to. [Knox. New coll. of voyages, v.2] 2203.1 See also : India, and the names of countries be- yond it EASTBURN, J. and Co. Catalogue of books for 1817- 18. New York, 1817. 8 *Pph.v.l8 Catalogue of books for 1818. N.Y. 1818. 8.*Pph.v.23 Catalogue of books which will be sold at public auction. N. Y. 1824. 8 *Pph.v.50 EASTBURN, M. Sermon after the interment of Webster. Boston, 1852. 8 *Pph.v.262 EASTERN origin of the Celtic nations. Prichard, J.C 2956.7 EASTERN railroad Co. Annual report of directors, 1843, 1850. Salem, 1843-50 *Pph.v.234, 278 EASTLAKE, C. L. Contributions to the literature of the fine arts. London, 1848. 8 . . . . 4062.12 EASTMAN, J. W. The Bible excellent : a sermon. Albany, 1823. 8 Pph.v.70 EASTMAN, L. Masonick melodies. Bost. 1818. 8. 35G7.3 EASTWARD hoe : a play by Ben Jonson, John Marston, and George Chapman. [Dodsley. Coll. of old plays, v.4] 2588.1 EATON, A. Chemical note-book. [Troy,] 1821. 12 *Pph.v.26 Geological and agricultural survey of Rcns- sclacr county in N. Y. Albany, 182','. k. *Pph.v.30 Geological and agricultural survey of the Erie canal district. Part I Alb. 1824. 8. 3868.17 Geological nomenclature for Nortli America. Albany, 1828. 8 *Pph.v.74 Index to the geology of the Northern states. Leicester, 1818. 8 *Pph.v.26 EATON 241 ECCLESIASTICAL Shelf. No. E.VTOX, A. continued. System of education for the improvement of common schools. Albany, IS'-'O. 8 . . *Pph.v.77 and Beck, T. It. Geological survey of the county of Albany Pph.v.25 EBALVS. Charta. [Mignc. Patrologiae v.141] . 3400.20 EiiBO. Coufcssio ; Apologeticum ; Narratio de- positionis Ebbonis; Poe'mata. [Migne. PatrologiEe v.llC] v.l of 3400.1 EBCHESTER, W., and Buruby, J. Obituary roll. [Ed. by J. Raine.] Durham, 1856. 8. [Sur- tees soc. 31] 2417.29 EBEDJESUS. Collectio canonum synodicorum, Syriace et Latine ; Liber margaritae sou de veritate Christianas rcligionis, Syr. et Lat. [Mai. Script, vet. nova coll. v.10] 3000.1 EBEL, J. G. Manuel du voyageur en Suisse. trad. 3c cd. Zurich, 1818. 3v. 8 2834.2 - Same. Nouv. ed. revue par Lutz, mis en ordre par Richard. Paris, 1834. 8 .... 2834.4 and Lutz, M. Manuel du voyageur en Suisse. Paris, 1830. 12 2834.15 EBELIXG, F. W. Angelsachsischcs Lesebuch. Leipzig, 1S47. sm.4 2587.8 EBELMEN*. Travaux scicntiflques. Revue par Salvetat. Paris, 1855. 2v. 8 3973.4 EBERIIAKD, A. G. Gesammclte Schriften. Halle, 1830. 20v. in 10. 10 2898.0 Contents. Vol. I. Schriftstellerische Laufbahn und Proben friiherer Vcrsuche ; Erziihlungen : List um List, odcr was em Kuss nicht vermag; Zwist und Liebc; Liebesnoth und Liebesgliick. II. Der Polyp im Ilerzen ; Nur keinc Mesalliance ; Bricfe einer verungliickten Kammerjungfer; Bandov, der Gliick- liche; Treue des Gliicks; Die neue Putzstube, oder : Regen und Sonnenschein im Prasselschcn llause. III. Zauberkiinste, e'm Miihrchen ; Gestiindnisse eincs Weiberfeindes; Geschichte vom diinnen Veil i Sonnenaufgangsfeier der Honoratioren in X.*; Bruchstiicke aus dem Tagebuche eines Gymnasias- ten; Ilans und Gretchen, odcr: was die Liebe nicht thut ; Tante Gesche und ihre Kaffeeschwestcrn. IV., V. Ferdinand Warner, der arnie Flutenspieler. V., VI. F. Warner, cont. ; Wcstold undscin Freund. VII. llrise in die siichsische Schwciz, aus Basalt's Brieftaschc ; Erinnerungen von Riigen ; Ich und mcin Mecr-Fraulein ; Kliingc aus der Nordscc. VIII. Bruchstucke aus fruhern Arbeiten : Aus Fet-Elof, odcr der Streit mit deu Glicfcn; Aus Iscliarioth Kralls Lehrcn u. Thaten; Der Olympier; Xuch ein Versueh; Treue Liebe, Schauspiel; Das Erdbebcn Oder, der Schulmcistcr und seine Frau, Skizze zu ciner Comudic. IX. Vcrmischte Gcdichtc: I-yrisch nndelegisch; Scherzcnd ; Epigrammatisch ; Iliithsel und Charaden; Epistcln; Auf politische Ereiguisse bcziiglich ; Gclcgcnheitsgedichte ; Episch i Rclipios. X. Ilanchcn und die Kuchleiu; Der erste Meusch und die Erde, Gedicht. EBERH.vni). Epistolae. [Migne. Patrol, v. 141]. 3460.20 EBEUIIARDCS Frisingcnsis. De mensura fistula- rum. [Gerbert. Script, de musica, v. 2] . 4041.7 EBEUS, J. Dictionary of the German and English languages. Leipzig, IT'.XMK). 3v. 8. . **E. 203.5 Vollstundiges Wtirterbuch der englischen Sprache. Leipzig, 1793-04. 2v. 8 ... **E. 203.0 EitEKT, A. Quellenforschungen aua der Ge- Bchichte Spaniens. Kassel, 1849. 8 ... 3092.3 EBERT, F. A. Bibliographisches Lexikon. Leip- zig, 1821. 2v. 4" *2140.12 Bibliographical dictionary, from the German. Oxford, 1837. 4v. 8. Interleaved, in 8v. P. *2140.2 Die Bildung des Bibliothekars. 2te Ausg. Leipzig, 1820. 8 *2122.11 Geschichte der konigl. Bibliothek zu Dres- den. Leipzig, 1822. 8 *2125.9 Zur Ilandschriftenkunde. Lpz. 1825-7. 2v. 8.*2114.11 EBN Ilaukal. See Ibn Haukal. EUX-MALEK. See Djomal-Eddin Mohammed. EISUAKD, J. II. A. Commentary ou the New Tes- tament. Olshauscn, H 3424.1 EBRARDI-S. Chrouicon Watiuense. [Migne. Pat- rologiae v.149] 3400.27 - Same. [Martene. Thes. nov. anec. v.3] 2v!5o.2 Shelf. No. EccARDUS, J. Gcistliche Lieder fiir 5 Stim- men. [Dehn. Practische Musik-Werke. v.ll] 4051.14 ECCELIXI, Storia degli. Yerci, G. B 2733.1 e gli Estensi. Storia del secolo XIII. Boiii, F. de 4749 a. 2 See also : Ezzclino. ECCLESIASTICAL antiquities. Bingham, J. Orig- iues ecclesiastics; 3513.5 Mamachi, T. De' costumi del primitivi Cris- tiani 3439.1 Martene, E. De antiquis ecclesise ritibus . . 3590.3 Molanus, J. De historia Ss. imaginum et pic- turarum 3511.2 Slater, W. Draught of the primitive church. 3518.4 ECCLESIASTICAL architecture. See Church archi- tecture. ECCLESIASTICAL biography. Stephens , Sir J. Es- says in 3553.4, 5 See also : Apostles, Cardinals, Confessors, Fathers, Martyrs, Popes, Saints, and the names of Christ- ian sects and countries. ECCLESIASTICAL documents, publ. by Rev. J. Hunter. London, 1840. Bm.4. [Camdcn soc. No. 8] *2410.8 ECCLESIASTICAL history. Baronius, C. Annales ecclesiastic!, a Christo iiato ad annum 1505. 3510.1 Broglic, A. de. L'eglisc et 1'empirc remain. 3515.7, 10 Bullet, J. B. Histoire de 1'etablissemcut du christianisme 3510.3 fiunscn, C. C. J. Christianity and mankind, their beginnings and prospects 3513.8 Burton, E. Lectures upon, to A. D. 313. . . 3511.9 Cesari, A. Fiore di storia ecclcsiastica . . . 3409.2 Chateaubriand, R. F. A. de. La naissancc et lesprogres du christianisme 4607.5 Dupin, L. E. Histoire des matieres eccles. 9c-15c sieclcs 35 in. 4 - Ilistoire dc 1'eglisc ct des autenrs ccclc- siastiqtu-s du lOe sieclc 35I9.5 - Histoire eccles. du 17esiccle 3.V1H.O Floury, C. Uistoire ccclesiustique 3510.3 Gieseler, J. C. L. Compendium of 3513.4 Jarvis, S. F. Chronological iutrod. to the history of the church 3513. 3 Lange, J. P. Die Geschichte der Kirchc . . :;:>!.">..: Maimbourg, L. Les histoiresi'cclcsiastiqucs.OSl^-lS Maitland, C. Church in the catacombs . . . 35i:;.0 Matter, A. J. Uistoire du christianisnn- . . 3515.8 Maurice, F. D. First and second centuries . 3514.8 Milniau, II. II. History of Christianity to the abolition of paganism 3515.4, 6 - History of Latin Christianity 3515.5 Miluer, J. History of the church to 1800 . . 3518.2 Moroni, G. Dizionario di erudizionc storico- ccclesiastica 3541.1 Moshcim, J. L. E. H. ancient and modern . 3515.3 Ordcricus Vitalis. Historia; ecclesiastical libriXIII 2010.3 Orsi, G. A. Storia ecclcsiastica 3519.1 Planck, G. J. Geschichte des christlich -kirchl. Gesellschafts-Vcrfassung 3518.0 Stcbbing, II. History of the church from 1530 to 1800 3514.7 Tillemont, S. L. de. Ilistoire ccclesiastique des six premiers siecles 3510.2 Tornicl, A. Anuales sacri 3540.2 Waddington, G. History of the church, to the reformation E. 212.6 Wordsworth, C. Hippolytus and the church in the 3d century 3513.7 See also: Bulls, Controversies, Councils, Heresies, Missions, Monastic orders. Papacy, Persecution, Protestantism, Reformation, Roman catholic church, and the names of various denominations, heretics, and schismatics; For the history of the church in par- ticular countries and localities, see their names. ECCLESIASTICAL ornament and costume, Glos- sary of. Pugiu, AW 4090.4 ECCLESIASTICAL 242 ECONOMIST! Shelf. No. ECCLKSIASTICAT, polity. Allen, J. State churches and the kingdom of Christ 3547.4 Allin, J. Animadversions on the antisyno- dulia Americana 351 <'>..::; Bunsen, C. C. J. Kirchc der Zukuiift . . . . 35K,.-:, - Church of the future 3540.10 Cambridge synod. Platform of church disci- pline 3547.21 Carson, A. Answer to Ewing on some points of church government 3540.18 Davidson, S. Ecclesiastical polity of the New Testament unfolded 3547.20 ITobart, J. H. Apology for apostolic order . 3540.20 Mather, R. Church government and church covenant discussed 3540.21 Palmer, Wm. Treatise on the church of Christ 3514.0 See Society for distrib. of tracts, etc. Church- man armed 3547.3 Wise, J. Vindication of the government of the N. E. churches 3547.21 See also: Bishops, Church and state, Congrega- tionalism, Councils, England, church of, Episco- pacy, Papacy, Presbytcrianism, Roman catholic church, Synod. ECCLESIASTICAL tenures. See Putnam, J. O. Pph.v.203 ECCLESIASTICAL usurpation exposed. See Wor- cester, T 3441.4 ECOLi-:siA/.rs.K. Weibervolksversammlung. See Aristophanes 2077.11 ECCLESTON, J. Introduction to English antiqui- ties. London, 147. 8 2520.14 ECHARD, L. History of England. 2d cd. Lon- don, 1718. 3v. f " *2420.2 Roman history, [vnr.cds.] Lond. 1713. 5v. 8". 2750.1 Particular notice of E.'s history of England. See Oldmixon, J 2410.1 ECHiNODEiiMATA. Agassiz, L. J. R. Catalogus echiuoderniatum 3870.27 - Monographies d'e'chinodenncs vivans et fossiles 3870.22 Forbes, E. British starfishes and other E. . 3873.9 Grube, A. E. Echiuodcrmcu des Adriati- schen-und Mittclmeers 3871.7 Klein, J. T. Naturalis dispositio echinoder- matuni 3871.13 See also: Asterias, Holothuria, Star-fishes. ECK, J. G. Lcipziger gelehrtes Tagebuch auf das Jahr 1780-1807. Register, 1780-1802. Leipzig, [1780-1807.] 23v. in 0. 8 *4058.2, 3 ECKEBERG, C. G. Account of the Chinese hus- bandry. See Osbeck, P 3040.5 ECKERAKD. Hynini sacri. [Migne. Patrolo- gi* v.87] 3450.18 ECKIIEL, J. II. Doctrina nvmorvm vetervm. Ed. 2a. Vinclobouae, 1792-1830. 8v. 4 *2222.1 Mauvalc doctrinae nvmorum vetervm in comp. redact. F. Caronuo. Roma;, 1808. 8 ... *2222.10 ECKLEY, J. Discourse before the society for propagating the gospel among the Indians, [etc.] Boston, 1800. 8 *Pph.v.240 ECLECTIC magazine, The, of foreign literature, science and art. W. H. Bidwcll, ed. v. 31- 35, 37-41, 43, 45, 46. New York, 1854-50. 13v. 8 ....... 5220.1 ECLECTIC review. New series, v.3, 4. London, 1858. 2v. 8 5205.1 ECLIPSES, Computation of. Lubbock, J. W. . . 3022.0 ECOLE polytechnique. See Paris. ECOLE royale des chartes. See Paris. ECOLIER, ou Raoul et Victor. Guizot, E. C. P. . 4G70a.l ECONOMIST, The, weekly commercial times, etc. v.1-11, 13, 15. London, 1843-58. 13v. f . *3110.1 ECONOMIST! classici italiani. Parte ant. v.1-7. Partc mod. 1-41. Supplimento, Indice. Mi- lauo, 1803-10. 50v. 8 *3044.1 Contents. Parte antica. Vol. I. Breve trattato dclle cause che possono far abbondare H regni d'oro c d'argenlo dove non sono'miniere, di A. Serra; Dis- corsi c relazioni sulle mouete del reguo di Napoli, di Shell'. No. ECONOMISTI, etc. contlniii'il. G. D. Turbolo con note dell' autore. IT. I,eziono dcllc moncte di B. Davanzati con note scclte deli' autore e di A. M. Suh ini, ux;;iuntavi la noti/ia de' cambj dfll" autoro ni' <: -o sopra le moneto c della vera prup'irr.ionc tra 1'oro c i'arzento, di G. ScarufH; Breve istruzionc sopra il discorso delle moncte, di Gasparo Scaruffl. III. Delia moncta, trat- tato mercantiledi G. Montanari; Breve trattato del valore dcllc moncte in tuttigll stati, di G. Montanari. IV, V. Trattato do' tributi, di C. A. Broggia. Trattato delle monete considerate nc' rapporti di legittima ridu- zione, di circolazione, c di dcposito, di C. A. Bropgia; Due frammenti estratti dal trattato politico della sanita. VI. Osscrvazioni sopra il prczzo legate dclle monete, di P. Neri. VII. Document! anncssi alle Osscrvazioni sopra il prezzo, cc. I'arte moderna. VIII. Elogio di 8. A. Bandini, scritto da G. Gorani; Discorso cconomico di S. A. Bsndini; Saggio sopra il commcrcio di F. Algarotti con alcuni frammenti. IX. Dissert, sopra il commercio, di G. Belloni c let- tcra dell' autore sulla moneta immaginaria; Sapfrio eopra il giusto pregio delle cose, la giusta valuta dclla moneta, e sopra il commercio dei Roman!, di F. Pagnini. X., XI. Della moneta, di F. Galiani. XII., XIII. Dialogues sur le commerce des bits par 1'abbu F. Galiani ; Lcttres de 1'abbe Galiani sur Ics dialogues ; Estratto del discorso sulla pcr- fctta conservazionc del grano, da F. Galiani scrit- to solto il nome di Bartolomco Inticri. XIV.- XVI. Lezioni di economia civile di A. Gcnovesi; Opuscoli di Genovesi. XVIII., XIX. Element! di economia pubblica di C. Bcccaria; Prolusione, cc.; Della riduzione dclle misure di lunchczza all' uni- formita per lo stato di Milano relazionc di C. Bccca- ria. XX. Dell' origine c del commercio della moneta e dei disordini chc accadono nclle ulterazioni dicssa, dissertazionc di G. R. Carli. XXI. Osservazioni pre- ventive al piano intorno alle monete di Milano, di G. R, Carli; Nuove osservazioni su la rilorma dclle mo- nete, di G. R. Carli; Rapporto del principe Kaunitz- Kk'tberg (Carl!?), su la riforma delle monete nello stato di Milano; Rclazione del censimcnto dcllo stato di Milano, di G. R. Carli; Breve ragionamcnto sopra i bilunci economic! delle nazioni, di G. R. Carli; Del libero commercio de' prani, lettera di G. II. Car!!. XXII. Meditazioni sulla cconomica politica di P. Verri con annot. di G. R, Carli. XXIII. Sullc leggi vincolunti principalmente nel commcrcio de' grani, riflessioni di P. Verri; Dialogo sul disordine nclle monete ncllo stato di Milano ncl 1"C2, di P. Vend; Estratto del progetto di una tariffa della mercanzhi per lo stato di Milano, di P. Verri. XXIV. Mim. etor. Eull' economia pubblica dcllo stato di Milano, di P. Vcrri ; Osservazioni sulla tortura, di P. Verri ; Varj opnscoli diccon. pubb. di Vcrri. XXV., XXVI. I.ct- tcrc sceltc sull' agricoltura, sul commercio, e sulle arti, di A. Zanon; Estratto del trattato dell' utilita morale, cconomica, ec. delle accadcmic d' agricoltura, cc. ec. XXVII. Estratto de' pcnsieri sopra 1* agricoltura,
  • :;.(; Whcwcll, W. Liberal E. in general M99.14 Wiese, L. German letters on English E. . . .V/.c.i.'.'o Wildcrspin, S. A system of E. for the young. 3599. 15 Wilson, W. System of infants' schools . . . Woodbridge, W. C. American annals of . E.217.2 Wyse, T. Educational reform 3593.11 See also : Blind, Classical education reformed, Clas- sics, Collegiate education, Deaf and dumb. Ignorance, Piidagogik, Physical education, Schools, Self-educa- tion. Also the names of cities and countries whose governments have published educational documents; especially, Boston, Canada, Connecticut, France, Gt. Britain, New York, Paris, Rhode Island, United States, Massachusetts. EDUCATION society. See American education so- ciety 5178.2 EDUCATIONAL institutions of the United States. Siljestrom, P. A 2383.1 EDUCATIONAL tracts, No. 5. Hints on instruction iu reading. [No title-page.] 8 . . . . *Pph.v.l51 EDUCAZIONE dell' uomo e del cittadino. Venezia, 1841. 10 3508.13 Contents. L. Carrcr ai lettori ; A. Pandolfini, Del gorerno della famiglia ; M. Palmieri, Delia vita civile; S. Spcroni, Delia cura famigliare. EDWARD the confessor. La cstoire de seint JSd- ward le rei ; Vita beati Edvardi rcgis et con- fcssoris j Vita ^Eduuardi rcgis. Ed. by H. R. Luard. London, 1858. 8. [Rolls chron.] *2414.G Leges ccclesiastioc; Diplomata. [Migne. Pa- trologisev.151] 3400.29 EDWARD I. History of. Prynne, W '2:sM.l EDWARD II. History of. Cary, H 2420.11 Poem on the times of, from a MS. [Percy BOC. v.28] 2537.28 EDWARD III. Histoire de la qucrelle de Philippe de Valois et d'. Gaillard, G. II 2629.3,5 EDWARD IV. Arrival in England, 1471. [Camden soc. No.l] 2410.1 Chronicle of the first thirteen years of. [Cani- den soc. No. 10] 2410.10 Fcnn, SirJ. Letters .during the reign of . . 2451.1 EDWARD the Black Prince, Life and glorious ac- tions of. Collins, A 2444.14 EDWARDS, B. French colony in the island of St. Domingo. London, 1797. 4 2310.17 History of the British West Indies, with a continuation [by Sir W. Young.] 5th ed. London, 1819. 5v. 8. Maps 4 2312.2 EDWARDS, B. B. Address delivered on the na- tional fast, May 14th, 1841, [death of Harri- son.] Andover, 1841. 8 *Pph.v.206 Missionary gazetteer. Boston, 1832. 12 . . 3533.8 Missionary gazetteer. [Brown. Encyclop. of religious knowledge] 3481.1 EDWARDS, C. History and poetry of finger-rings. New York, 1855. 12 2230.10 EDWARDS, Edward, 6. 1738, d. 1800. Anecdotes of painters in England. London, 1808. 4 . . 4001.3 EDWARDS, Rev. Edward. Survey of St. Asaph, en- larged and brought down to 1801. Willis, B. 2473.0 EDWARDS, Edward. Memoirs of libraries : in- cluding a hand-book of library economy. London, 1859. 2v. 8" *2121.4 Three reports on the origin [etc.] of the Man- chester free library. With an introduction. Manchester, 1853. 8 *Pph.v.l99 EDWARDS, II. Milne. Anatomy and physiology. Traiisl. by Lane. Boston, Iss41. 8" .... *3753.3 Elernens de Zoologic. Paris, 1S34. 8 . . . . 3890.10 Legons sur la physiologic et 1'anatomic com- paree de 1'homme et des auimaux. Paris, 1857-58. 3v. 8 3887.20 Zoologic. Seed. Paris, 1858. 10 3SS0.10 EDWARDS 245 EGYPT Shelf. No. EDWARDS, IT. Milne, continued. Description des collections cl'histoirc natur- elle. [Jacqucmont. Voy. clans 1'Inclc, v.4]. 3040.2 L'histoire uaturclle clu littoral cle la France. Audouin, J. V 3873.4 and Vavasscur, P. Manual of materia medica. London, 1831. 8 *3784.5 EDWARDS, I. Temperance oration at Cumberland centre, July 4, 1844. See Smith, J. H. . Pph.v.138 EDWARDS, John. Kathleen, a ballad, from an ancient Irish tradition. London, 1808. 4.*Pph.v.323 EDWARDS, Jonathan. Doctrine of original sin defended. Worcester, [1808.] 8 3457.5 History of redemption. New York, 1793. 8. 3428.7 Letter to the Rev. Mr. Clap, concerning Mr. Whitefield. Boston, 1745. 18 *345S.92 Life of the late Rev. David Brainerd. Boston, 1749. 8 *355G.ll - Same. New Haven, 1822. 8 2344.10 Narrative of the work of God in the conver- sion of souls in Northampton, etc. Preface by Dr. Watts and Dr. Guyse, of London. 3d ed. Boston, 1738 *3459.39 Sermon on the [death] of Rev. Mr. David Brainerd. Boston, 1747. 12 *23G0.11 Sermon on the death of Hon. John Stod- dard. Boston, 1748. 1C" *3455.25 That freedom of will which is essential to moral agency. Boston, 1754. 12 *3457.4 - Same. 4th ed. London, 1775. 8 . . . . *3457.3 Thoughts concerning the present revival of religion. Edinburgh, 1743. sm.8 *3457.1G Treatise concerning religious affections. 2d ed. New York, 1708. 8 *3448.11 - Same. New York, n.d. 18. [Evangelical family library] 3440.54 Bledsoe, A. T. Examination of the inquiry into the freedom of the will 3009.18 Breck, R. Account of the council which dis- missed J. E. from the pastoral care of the first church at Northampton 3458.70 Clap, T. Letter to Mr. E. showing that he contradicts himself 3458.92 Day, J. Examination of the Inquiry on the will 3009.19 EDWARDS, Jonathan, Jr. Observations on the lan- guage of the Muhhekanecw Indians. New York, 1801. pp.10. 8" 2306.5 The salvation of all men strictly examined, and the endless punishment of the impeni- tent argued against the reasonings of Dr. Chauncy : to which is added an appendix byN. Emmons. Boston, 1824. 12 .... 3453.19 EDWARDS, Justin. Temperance manual. Boston, n.d. 18 357G.27 EDWARDS, M. Life of Col. Monroe Edwards. New York, n.d. 8 *Pph.v.l27 EDWARDS, Richard, b. 1523. The paradise of dainty deuiccs. With introd. remarks by Sir E. Brydgcs. Lond. 1810. 4". [Brydgcs. British bibliographer, v.3] *2155.2 Damon and Pithias. [Dodsley. Oldplays.v.l] 25S8.1 EDWARDS, Richard. Map of Virginia; also its constitution, etc. Richmond, 1850. 8 ... 2374.2 EDWARDS, S. The botanical register. In 2 scries. London, 1815-47. 33v. 8 *3843.1 EDWARDS, Thomas, esq. Canons of criticism, being supplement to Warbiirton's Shake- spear ; trial of the letter Y, and sonnets. 7th ed. London, 1705. 8 2590.3 EDWARDS, T.,LL.D. Reports of cases in admi- ralty, 180S-[1S12.] Ed. by (J. Minot. Bos- ton, 1853. 8". [Eng. adm. Rep. v.4] . . . *3G94.2 EDWARDS, W. F. Influence of physical agents oil life, translated by Ilodgkiii and Fisher. London, 1*32. 8" 37G5.8 EDDYSTOXE lighthouse. Smcaton, J. Narrative of the building of the 4100.1 Weston, R. II. Letters and documents rel- ative to the 4090.24 Shelf. No. EELLS, N. Letter, showing reasons why he dotu not invite Rev. Mr. Whitcfleld into his pul- pit: to which is added, an answer to the reasons given by ministers convened at Taunton, etc. Boston, 1745. 10 *3459.38 EELLS, W. W. Discourse occasioned by the death of D. Webster. Ncwburyport, 1852. 8. *Pph.v.202 EFEMERIDI letterarie di Roma, la ser. v. 1-27. 1772-1SOG. Nuova ser. v. 1-13. 1820-23. Roma, 1772-1823. 40v. 8 *5203.1 EFESIACI, Gli. See Xenophon Ephesius 2999.10 EFFIXGHAM, C., pseud. See Cooke, J. E 2409.39 EGBERT, abbot. Scripta quse cxstant. [Mignc. Pa- trologia; v. 195] 3470.17 EGBERT, arcKb'p of York. 732-760. Pontifical. [Ed. by W. Greenwell.] Durham, 1853. 8. [Surtees soc. 27] *2417.26 Excerptiones e dictis ct canonibus sanctorum patrum ; Liber poeuitentialcs ; Dialogus de institutionc catholica 5 Canones de rcmcdiis peccatorum. [Migne. Patrologia; v. 89] . 3450.20 EGBERT, monk of Hersfdd. Vita B. Heiineradi, presbyteri ctconfcssoris. [Leibnitz. Script, rerum Brunsvic. v.l] 2810.3 EGERIA, or voices of thought and counsel. Simms, W. G 2407.16 EGERTON papers, The. Ed. by J. P. Collier. Lon- don, 1840. sm.4. [Camdcn soc. No. 12] . *2416.12 EGGELING, J. H. Hysteria Cercris et Bacchi in vasculocxuno onychc. [Gronovius. The- saurus Grace, antiq. v.7] 2900.2 EGILMARUS. Qucrimonia ad Stephanuin V pa- pam. [Mignc. Patrologia; v. 129] . .v.3 of 3400.8 EGINIIAKD. (Euvrcs completes, reunics ct tr. par A. Teulct. [French and Latin.] Paris, 1840-43. 2y. 8. [Soc. dcl'hist. de France]. *2010.5 Contents. Vol. I. Notice Bur Eginhard ct sur sos ouvrnjrcs; Vie publiijue ct privee du trcs-glorieux empcreurct roi Charlemagne; Annales de France, do 741 a 829. II. Lettrea. Annalcs; Epistola;. [Bouquet. Recueil, v.G]. 2010. 1 Annalcs ; Vic de Charlemagne. [Guizot. Coll. mt'in. hist. Fr. v.3] 2G18.2 Vita B. Caroli Magui impcratoris ; Annalcs Eginhardi cum Laurisscnsibus collati ; Epistola: ; Historia translations BI5. Mar- ccllini et Petri ; Rythmus de passione Mar- cellini ct Pctri ; Charta;. [Mignc. Patro- logiaev.104] 3450.28 EGLAMOUR, Early English romance of. Halliwell, J. O 2537.32 Metrical romance. [Camdcn soc. No. 30] . . 2410.30 EGMOXT, ~L.,count. Bavay, C. V. de. Proces de. 2>.v.'.2 Rciffcnberg, F. A. F. F. do. Interrogatories. 2841.2 EGYPT. AbdAllatif. Relation respecting. [Pink- crton. Voyages, v. 15] 2200.13 Brown, W. G. Travels in, 1792-98 3051.14 Bryant, J. E. in its most early state . . . 3051. 19 Buusen, C. C. J. Aegyptens Stellc in der Weltgeschichte 3053.11 Champollion-Figcac, J. J. Chronologic des rois grecs d' Egypte 3053.10 - Egypte ancicune 2200. 1(5 Chanipollion, J. F. Lettres ecritcs d' Egypte. 3(0:;. ! - Monuments de 1'Egyptc 3050.3 - Pantheon egypticn 3051.3 Clot-Bey, A. Apergu general sur 1'Egypte . 3053.3 De Nili incremcnto, libelli. [Fracastoro. Carmina, v.l] 2791.9 Denon, D. V. Voyage dans 1'Egypte .... 3059.2 Description de 1'Egyptc D.4.A-I Gau, F. C. Fortset/ung dos fran/osisrlicu Workes viber Acgypten 3050.14 Hancarville, P. d'. Los moniinu'iis antiques dc 1'Egyptc 3071.3 Hceren, A. II. L. Politics, intercourse, and trade of 3053.1 Ilistoire de 1'expedition fram;aise en Egypte. 3052.1 Jolliflc,T. R. Letters from 3045.8 EGYPT 246 ELECTRO-MAGNET Shelf. No. EGYPT, continued. Lctronuc, A. J. Rcchcrches pour scrvir a 1'histoirc do 1'Egypte 3053.15 Luciis, P. Voyage'dans 1'Egypte en 1714 . . 2277.11 Marcel, J. J. Egyptc, depuis la conqucte des Arabcs jusqti'ii la domination frangaise . . 2266.17 Mengin, F. Histoire dc 1'Egypte sous le gouvernement do Mohammed- Aly .... 3052.6 Niebuhr, C. Rciscbcschreibung 3042.0 Korden, F. L. Voyage d'Egypte 3020.8 Osburn, W. Ancient E., her testimony to the truth of the Bible 3053.12 Pcrizonius, J. Origines JSgyptiacse 2299.2 Pococke, R. Travels through. [New coll. of voyages, v.O] 2263.1 - Same. [Pinkerton. Voyages, v.15] . . 2200.13 Russcgger, J. Rcise in Aegypten 2201.4 Saint-John, J. A. Travels in the valley of the Nile 3052.3 Savary, C. Letters on 3053.5 Sounini, C. N. S. dc 31. Travels in 3053.4 - Voyage dans 1'Egypte 3052.7 Volney, C. F. C. de. Voyage en Egypte . . . 3045.21 Wilkinson, J. G. General view of 3053.2 Wilson, R. T. British expedition to .... 3052.2 EGYPTIAN antiquities. Antiquites de 1'Egypte. See Description dc 1'Egypte D.4.A-E Champollion, J. F. Lcttres relatives au mu- see royal e'gypticn de Turin 3053.6,19 Jones, O., and Bonorni, J. Egyptian court in the crystal palace 4089.40 Leemans, C. Lettre sur lea monumcns cgypticns 3034.10 Quatrcmere de Quincy, A. C. L'architecture e~gyptienne 4093.15 Wilkinson, J. G. Manners and customs of the ancient Egyptians 3053.7,8 EGYPTIAN language. Benfey, T. Vcrhaltniss der agyptischcn Spraehc zum semitischen Sprachstamm 2950.11 Champollion, J. F. Dictionnaire e"gyptien . 3030.4 - Grammaire e'gyptienne 3030.5 - Systeme hieroglyphique 3034.9 Lctronne, A. J. Inscription de Rosette . . 3002.11 Roscllini, I. Elementa linguae Egyptiacae, vulgo Copticse 3032.1 Silvcstrc de Sacy, A. J. Inscription c'gyp- ticnne du monument trouvo a Rosette . . 3053.13 Wall, C. W. An essay on the hieroglyph. . 2111.1 See also: Hieroglyphics. EIIRENBERG, C. G. Die Infusionsthicrchen, nebst Atlas. Leipzig, 1838. 2v. f *3880.1 EHRENMALM, A. Travels in western Nordland. [Pinkerton. Voyages, v.l] 2200.13 EICHHOFF, F. G. Litterature du Nord au moyen ago. Paris, 1853. 8 . . 2193.2 Parallele des langues dc 1'Europe et de 1'Inde. Paris, 1830. 4 *2951.5 EICHHORN, C. F. Deutsche Staats-und Rechts- Geschichte. Gb'ttingen, 1808-23. 4v. sm.8. 3610.9 EICHHORN, J. G. Geschichte der Cultur u. Littera- tur des neueren Europa. Gottingen, 1796. sm.S" 2193.7 Geschichte der drey letzten Jahrhundcrte. 3te Ausg. Hannover, 1817-18. 6v. 8 ... 2305.8 Geschichte der Litteratur. [Bd. 6. von C. F. Staudlin.] Gottingen, 1805-11. 6v. in 11. 8. 2193.0 XlXtes Jahrhundert. Hannover, 1817. 8 . 2305.9 EICHWALD, C. E. Fauna Caspio-Caucasia. Pe- tropoli, 1841. 4 *3890.11 EICKMA, O. C. Specimen inaugurate, contincns nonnulla de aiire flxo, quae medicinam spec- tant. Lugduni Batavorum, 1782. 4 . . *Pph.v.326 EIGHTS, A. Funeral sermon on the death of. See Stansbury, A. J ....'. Pph.v.22 EIGHTS, J. Outlines of the geological structure of the lake Superior mineral region, be- longing to the New York and lake Superior mining company. Albany, 1840. 8 . . *Pph.v.l54 Shelf. No. EIGHTS, J. continued. Annual address before the medical society of the state of N. Y M. Pph.v.22 EIGIL. Vita S. Sturmii abbatis Fuldensis primi. [Mignc. Patrologias v.105] 3450.29 EIKflN BASIAIKH, le pourtraict du roy de la Grand' Brctagne. See Charles I. ..... 2519.31 EINHARD, or Einhardus. See Eginhard. EINLADUNGS-BLATTER zu den Konzert Lcistun- gen 1832 und 1834 in der Tonhalle zu Altona. Altona, 1832-33. 8 4049.28 EISENDECIIER, W. Burgerrccht im alien Rom. Hamburg, 1829. 8" 2950.23 EKART, T. P. Synopsis jungermanniarum in Gcr- mania cognitarum. Coburgi, 1831. 4 . . . 3851.4 EKKEHARD. Cbronicon Wirziburgense ; Chron- icon universale ; Hierosolimita; Epistola ad Erkembertum. [Migne. Patrol, v.154] . 3460.31 ELA, R. Trial of Amos Furnald for the murder of Alfred Furnald. Concord, 1825. 8.*M.Pph.v.l21 EL-'AiACHi, Abou Salem, and El Morerbi. Voy- ages dans le sud de I'Algerio ct des etats barbaresques de 1'ouost ctde 1'est. [France. Exploration de 1'Algerie. Sciences hist. and geogr. v. 9] 3054.2 ELBA. Hoare^Sir R. C. Tour through 2700.1 Valery, A. C. Voyage a 1'ile d'Elbe .... 2705.7 ELBRIDGE, Onondaga Co., N. T. Catalogue of Munro acad. 1854-55. Albany, 1855. 8.*Pph.v.203 ELCI, A. d'. Satire. Firenze, 1817. 4 *2791.7 - Same. Firenze, 1817. 12 4770.14 See Carcano. Pocti satiric! italiani, v.3 . . 2809.3 ELDEFONSUS. Opusculum de pane eucharistico. [Migne. Patrologise v.100] 3450.30 EL Dorado, Relation of the city of Manoa which the Spaniards call. Raleigh, W 2204.3 ELECTION sermons, 1031-1830, Preachers of. Big- elow, A 3441.28 ELECTIONS, L'affairedelaloides. Pradt, D. D. de. 35G4.1G ELECTRICITY. Beccaria, G. Upon artificial E. . 3902.3 Becquerel, A. C. Traite d'electricite .... 3902.25 Blot, J. B. Elements of. 3902.17 Cavallo, T. Treatise on 3092.23 Chalmers, C. Thoughts on 3902.13 Cuthbertson, J. Practical E 3902.18 Du Bois-Reymond, E. Animal E 3902.30 Elements of. [Farrar. Course of natural phi- losophy, v.2] E. 211.20 Francis, G. W. Electrical experiments . . . 3962.11 Grimelli, G. Elcttro-flsiologiche osserva- zioni ed csperienze 3902.32 Hare, R. Electrical essays E. 110. 24 - Essay on electrical fluids M.Ppli.v.110 - Mechanical E 3902.8 Higgins, W. Observations on electrical phe- nomena M.Pph.v.58 Key to electrical psychology M.Pph.v.45 Lojigct, F. A. Relation entre le sena du cou- rant electrique 3962.31 Matteuci, C. Phenomenes electro-physiolo- giques des animaux 3902.24 Murphy, R. Principles of the theory of . . 3962.14 Murray-, J. Manuel de 1'electricite atmos- pherique 3965.14 Peignot, E. G. Dea effeta les plus singuliera de la foudre. 3904.15 Priestley, J. History and present state of . 3902.4 Roget, P. M. Electricity 3903.6 Singer, G. J. Elements of 3902.20 Sturgeon, W. Annals of 3965.1 Thomson, T. Electricity 3902.19 See also : Galvanism, Lightning, Magnetism, Thun- der storms, Telegraph. ELECTRO-CHEMISTRY. Singer, G. J 3902.20 Sturgeon, W. Researches in 3961.3 ELECTRO-DYNAMICS. Rccucil d'obscrvatious tlec- tro-dynamiques. Ampere, A. M 3962.27 ELECTRO-MAGNET. Account of a large electro- magnet made for the laboratory of Yale college, by J. Henry, n.p. n.d. 8 . . *Pph.v.S4 ELECTRO-MAGNETISM 247 ELMES Shelf Ho. ELECTRO-MAGNETISM. History of Davenport's invention of the application of electro-mag- netism to machinery; with remarks by Prof. Silliman. Also information on elec- tricity, galvanism, etc. by Mrs. Somer- ville. New York, 1837. 8 **E.110.20 Biot, J. B. Elements of 3002.17 Nobili, L. Memorie ed osservazioni .... 3902.15 Rog-et, T. M. Electro-magnetism 3903.0 ELECTRO-METALLURGY. Storia dell' elettrome- tallurgia. Grimelli, G 4018.0 ELECTRO-TELEGRAPH. See Telegraph. ELEGANT extracts; or, useful and entertaining passages from the best authors. Knox, V. 2550.1 ELEGIAC poem to the memory of Rev. G. White- field. Boston, 1770. sm.4 *3458.56 ELEGY on the times. New Haven, 1775. 12. . . *2409.11 ELEMENTS of mental and moral philosophy, n.p. 1831. 8 3002.7 ELEUSINIAN mysteries, Dissertation on the. Taylor, T 2597.12 ELEUTHERIUS enervatus, an answer to the divine right of presbyterian ordination. N. Y. 1733. 12 *3547.23 ELEUTHERIUS. Sermoncs. [Mignc. Patrol. v.05] 3450.0 ELEUTHERUS. Epistolao. [Migne. Patrologia Graeca, v.5] 3490.3 ELFIN land, a poem. Ball, 15. W 239S.24 ELGIN botanic garden. Hosack, D. Catalogue of plants in 3855.12 Establishment and progress of M.Pph.v.l ELIAS do Coxida. Sermoncs duo. [Migne. Patro- logiaev.209] v. 2 of 3470. 30 ELIE de Beaumont, J. B. J. Plaidoycrs. [Anua- les du barreau frangais. B. ancien, v.5] 3708.1 ELIE de Beaumont, J. B. A. L. L. See Dufrenoy. ELIEZER et Nephtaly, poiimc traduit de 1'hebreu. Florian, J. P. Claris do 2050.28 ELIGIUS. Homiliae; Scrmo ad regem; Epistola ad Desiderium ; Charta ad ecclesiam So- lemniacensem. [Migne. Patrologiae v. 87]. 3450.18 ELIOT, A. Inordinate love of the world inconsis- tent with the love of God : sermon at the Thursday lecture. Boston, 1744. 8 ... *3458.41 Sermon after the funeral of the late Rev. J. Webb. Boston, [1750.] 8 *3455.3S Sermon before the execution of Levi Ames, Oct. 21, 1773. Boston, 1773. 8 *3453.13 Thanksgiving sermon preached Oct. 25th, 1759, [on] the reduction of Quebec. Bos- ton, 1759. 8 *3454.12 The faithful steward: [Eliot's] ordination ser- mon [by himself]. Boston, 1742. 12 ... *3458.53 Twenty sermons. Boston, 1774. 8 *3457.2 ELIOT, J. jr., apostle to the Indians. Life of. Thornton, J. W 2347.5 ELIOT, J. Biographical dictionary of worthy men in New England. Salem, 1809. 8. **E. 205. 9, 2345.0 ELIOT, S. Liberty of Rome. N. Y. 1849. 2v. 8. 2:05.3 Passages from the history of liberty. Bos- ton, 1847. 10 2408.7 ELIOT, S. A. History of Harvard college. Bos- ton, 1848. 16" . . . 2387.10 ELIOT, W. G. Lectures to young men. 4th ed. Boston, 1854. 10 3445.18 ELIPANDUS. Epistolse. [Migne. Patrologias v.9G]. 3450.22 ELIS.EUS. The history of Vartan : religious wars between the Persians and Armenians. Tr. by C. F. Neumann. Lond. 1830. 4. [Orien- tal transl. fund] *3021.1 ELISABETH, queen of England. Letters of queen Elizabeth and James VI. of Scotland. Ed. by Bruce. London, 1849. sm.4. [Camden soc. No. 40] *2410.40 Annals of the first four years of the reign of. [Camden soc. No. 7] 2410.7 Household account of, 1551-52. [Camden soc. No. 55] 2410.39 - Naunton, R. Court of 2451.5 Wright, T. E. and her times 2444.5 Shelf. No. ELIZABETH, queen of EoJiemia. Original letters. Bromley, Sir G 2114.11 ELIZABETH, St. Vita ct visioncs. [Mignc. Patro- logisev.195] 3470.17 Histoire dc. Montalembert, C. do 3057.12 ELIZABETIITOWN, AT. J. History of St. John's church. Clark, S. A 3540.12 ELLENDORF, J. Die Karolinger und die Hierar- chic ihrcr Zeit. Essen, 1838. 2v. 8 . . . . 3527.2 ELLET, C.,jr. Essay on the laws of trade, in ref- erence to internal improvement. Richmond, 1839. 8 3041.8 Physical geography of the Mississippi valley. [Smithsonian contrib. v.2, art.4] 3340.1 ELLICOTT, A. Journal of commissioner for de- termining the boundary between the United States and the possessions of his catholic majesty. 179G-1800. Philadelphia, 1814. 4.*2320.20 ELLINGER. Epistolae. [Migne. Patrologiaj v.141] 3400.20 ELLINGTON, Conn. Catalogue of the Ellington school. Hartford, 1834. 8 *Pph.v.01 ELLIOT, John. Medical pocket-book. 3d ed. New York, 1793. 18 ". *3789.30 ELLIOT, Jonathan. Eebates, etc., on the adoption of the federal constitution. Wash. 1827-30. 4v. and v.5, Madison's Debates. 8 . . *C.139.4, 5 Diplomatic code of the United States, 1778- 1827. Washington, 1827. 8 *C. 159.7 ELLIOT, S. Voice from the Green Mountains on masonry. Brattleboro', 1834. 8 . . . . *Pph.v.295 ELLIOT, ou, le genercux Americain, trad, de 1'an- glois. 2pts. inlv. Amsterdam, 1788. 10.*2409. 24 ELLIOTT, C. Delineation of Catholicism. New cd. by J. S. Stamp. London, 1844. roy.8 . . . 3403.1 ELLIOTT, C. W. New England history, 1)80-1770. New York, 1857. 2v. 8 2321.4 ELLIOTT, S. Botany of S. Carolina and Georgia. Charleston, 1821-24. 2v. 8 :;.<>2.9 ELLIPSES Graces;. Bos, L 2985.4,8 ELLIPSOIDS. Ivory, J E.is-'.i:; Lubbock, J. W. Attraction of 3945.5 ELLIS, A. J. Plea for phonotypy and phonogra- phy. Bath and London, 1845. 8. . . *Pph.v. 151 ELLIS, G. Specimens of early English metrical romances. London, 1805. 3v. 8 2538.11 ELLIS, G. A. History of Weymouth and Md- combe regis. Weymouth, 1829. 8 .... *2494.22 ELLIS, G. J. W. A., lord Dover. History of the iron mask. London, 1820. 12 2047.19 Letters to John Ellis, 1080-88. Ed. by lord Dover. London, 1831. 2v. 8 2453.3 ELLIS, Henry, gov. of Ga. Voyage to Hudson's Bay, 1740 17, for discovering a northwest passage. London, 1748. 8 2307.2 ELLIS, Sir Henry, A". C. E.,d. 1855. Journal of the late embassy to China. 2d ed. London, 1818. 2v.ini. 8" 3017.3 ELLIS, Sir Henry, K. II., British museum. Cata- logue of MSS. formerly possessed by F. Hargrave. See London. British museum. 7041.2 Introduction to Domesday book. London, 1833. 2v. 8. [Record commission] *2130.12 Original letters illustrative of English his- tory. lst-3d series. Lond. 1825-40. 11 v. 8. *2419.4 Original letters of eminent men of the 10th- 18th centuries. London, 1843. sm.4. [Cam- den soc. No. 23] *2410.23 ELLIS, J. Natural history of uncommon zoo- phytes. Ed. by Solander. London, 178(1. 4. *3871.1 ELLIS, S. S. Fireside recollections, and the young sculptor. New York, 1843. 4 *Pph.v.327 Women of England. New York, 1839. 12 . 3574.25 ELLISON, T. Hand-book of the cotton-trade. Lon- don, 1858. 8' 3051.22 ELLSWORTH, E. W. Poems. Hartford, 1855. 12. 2399.15 ELLWOOD, T. Life, written by his own hand. Supplement. London, 1714. 8 3512.10 EL-MASUDI. See Abu-l-IIasan All Ibn al-IIusain. ELJIES, J. General biographical dictionary of the fine arts. London, 1820. 8 4082.1 ELMES 248 EMERSON Shelf. No. r.*, .T. ctmlinut'tl. Memoirs of the life and works of Sir C. Wren. London, 1823. 4 4091.8 Ki.-Moi:r,um. See Morerbi. ELOCUTION. Demetrius Phalcreus. De elocu- tione 2970. :;o Fowlc, W. 15. American speaker 7009.4 Murdoch, .1. E. Vocal culture in 7059.40 Eusscll, W. American elocutionist ..... 7009.3 Walker, J. Elements of 3591.15 See also : Eloquence, Oratory, and English elocution. ELOGI. See Massucco, C 4779.3 ELOGJ di letterati italiani. See Pindemonte, I. . 2743.10 ELOGJ degli uomini illustri toscani. Lucca, 1771- 74. 4v. 8 2743.5 ELOGJ italiaui [di variiantori, pubblicati per cura diA. Itubbi.] Venezia, 1782. 12v. 10" . . *2743.15 Contents. Vol. I. Elogio di G. Spolverini da I. Findemonte; El. di A. Gritti da M. Cipridio; El. di P. Metastasio da A. Rubbi. II. El. di Cristoforo Co- lombo da I. Durazzo. III. El. di A. d'OriadaN. O. C. Leonard!; El. di C. I. Frugoui da A. Cerati; El. dl P. A. Michel! da A. C. Mugellano. IV. El. di B. Castiglionc da A. Rubbi; El. di B. Castiglione da Q. V. Benin! ; El. di Guido ii. Bentivoglio d'Aragona da liouifacio da Luri; El. di Pier Lombardo, dal signor N. N. V. El. di Francesco Algarotti da G. B. Giovio; El. di G. Cerati da A. Cerati; El. di G. Gali- lei da A. Rubbi. VI. El. del principe R. Montecuc- coli dal conto A. Paradisi; El. di A. 1'avre da Jacopo Duraudi; El. di C. Galiano da A. Cromaziano; El. di !". R. Morando da I. Pindemontc.'. VII. i;i. di F. Bed! dal signer N. N.; El. di San F. Ken da G. B. Gazola; El. di B. Giovio dal conte G. B. Giovio. VIII. El. di P. Giovio il vescovo dal conte G. B. Giovio ; El. di L. da Vinci da A. Rubbi ; El. del conte Durantc Duranti dal conte G. Corniani; El. di G. Tartini da F. A. Morossi. IX. El. di C. di Firmian da G. B. G. d'Arco ; El. di Doracnico Vallarsi da Z. Betti; El. di G. Botcro da G. G. Napione. X. El. del conte F. Gimmui da A. Rubbi; El. di C. Zeno da N. Mclantco; El. di Aug. M. Quirim da Ant Brognoll. XI. El. di F. Pctrarca da A. Rubbi; El. di Sforza Pallavicino da Ant. Cerati; El. di Dante AligMeri dal sign. G. F.; El. di A. Palladio dal eonte G. B. Giovio, etc. XII. El. di Scipiouc Mallei da I. Pindemonte. ELOQUENCE. Bouterwek, F. Geschichtc der Be- redsamkeit 2190.3 Ccrrctti, L. Institution! de cloquenza . . . 3590.10 Feni'loii, F. S. do La Motte. Dialogue sur 1't'loquenee 4C78.24 Muratori, L. A. De' pregi dell' cloqucnza popolare 3590.18 Kodman, J. Nature and properties of . . . Pph.v.3 Villa, A. T. Lezioni di cloquenza 3590.24 Villemain, A. F. Tableau do 1'eloqucncc chre- tienne au IVe sieclc 4077.9 Williston, E. B. E. of the United States . . 2403.4 See also : Elocution, Oratory. ELOQUENCE, Pulpit. See Homiletics. ELOY. See Aucher, P. M. R. ELPIIINSTONE, M. Account of Caubul and its de- pendencies. Ifew cd. London, 1842. 2v. 8. 3043.3 Report on the territories conquered from the Paishwa. Calcutta, 1821. 4 *3042.4 ELPIB. llymni duo in honorem SS. Pctri et Pauli. [Mignc. Patrologiae v.C3] . . v.l of 3450.5 ELRINGTON, C. R. Life of Ussher, and an account of his writings. See Ussher, J 3502.3 ELSNEI:, J. Schediasma criticum, quo antiquitatis monvmcnta cxponvntvr. Bcroliui, 1744. 4. [Miscellanea Bcrolinensia, v. 2] *3312.1 ELSTOJS, E. English Saxon homily; transl. with notes, by E. Elstob. London, 1709. 8. ,*2587.15 Rudiments of grammar for the English-Saxon tongue. London, 1715. sm.4 *25S7.14 ELTON, C. A. Specimens of the classic poets. London, 1814. 3v. 8 *2963.14 Contents. Vol. I. Homer; Hesiod; Archilochusi Tyrta:us; Sappho; Eriuua; Mimnermus; Thcognis; Anacreon; Simonides; Pindar; Onomacritusj Bac- chylides; Callistratus ; Lycophroni Theocritus; Ara- Shclf. No. ELTON, C. A. continued. tus; Callimachus! Apollonius Rhodius; Clcanthess Rhianus ; Bion ; Mosdius ; Nicamlor ; M' : II. Lucretiu; Catullus; Virgil; Gallus; Tibiillus; Horace; Propcrtius; Ovid; Pedo Albinovanus; Cor- nelius Scvcrus ; Gratius ; Slanilius ; Dionysiui Pericgctes; I'haedrus; Pcrsiuu. III. Lucan; Vale- rius Flaccus; Silius Italicus; Martial; Sulpilia; Sta- tius; Juvenal; IMonysiua Musicus; Oppian; Keme- sian; Calphurnius; Quintus Smyrriocus; Ausonius; Claudian; Avienus; ItutiUus ; NOOIIUB ; MUSOJUS; Coluthus; Tryphiodorus. ELVENICH, P. J. See Braun, J. W. J. ELWELL, W. O. American dictionary of the Eng- lish and German languages. With a gram- mar of cither language. 3d eter. ed. New York, 1852. 10 *2884.13 EL-WES, J. Life. See Topham, E Pph.v.73 ELY, E. S. Duty of Christian freemen to elect Christian rulers. Philadelphia, 1828. 8.*Pph.v.T2 Ecclesiastical proceedings relative to. See Philadelphia: 3d presbyterian church . Pph.v.206 ELZEVIRS. Berard, A. S. L. Essai bibliograph- ique sur les editions les plusprecicuses dcs. 2114.10 Pieters, C. Histoirc de la famille des .... 2112.4 Reume, A. de. Rechcrches historiqucsjgone- alogiques etbibliogr. sur les Elsevier . . . 2113.14 EMANGAUD, F. P. Dissertation sur le cholcra- morbus epidemique. L'Aigle, 1832. 8.*M.Pph.v.3C EMBALMING. Greenhill, T. The art of 3971.7 Operation of. [Warren, J. C. Description of a mummy] 3705.26 EMBAIIUO, The : a satire. Bryant, W.C 2109.15 EMBARGO. Bayard, J. Speech upon Giles' mo- tion for an Pph.v.8 Pickering, T. Speech on laying an .... Pph.v.3 Remarks on the Pph.v.n Speeches in congress on the Pph.v.3 EMBRACERY, Trial for alleged. Hallett, B. F. Pph.v.295 EMIJUOIDEIIY. See Great Britain, Patents. EMBRYOLOGICAL data, Classification of insects from. [Smithsonian contrib. v.2, art.O] . . 3340.1 EMBRYOLOGY. Agassiz, L. Lectures on compar- ative E 3886.1 Baer, C. E. von. Entwickelungsgeschichte der Thiere 3884.3 Bischoff, T. L. W. Entwickelungsgeschichte der Saugcthiere 3884.6 Dcnman, T. Engravings representing the generation of some animals 3770.1 Hausmaun, U. F. Ucber die Zeugung und Entstellung des wahren weiblichen Eies . 3882.3 Herold, J. M. D. Wirbellose Thiere im Eie . foru.3 Pander, C. II. Entwickelungsgeschichte des Hiihnchcus im Eye 3901.5 - Hist, metamorphoseos quam ovum incu- batum prioribus quiuque diebus subit . . 3879.25 Purkinje, J. E. Symbol* ad ovi aviuin his- toriam ante incubationcm 3901.4 Reichert, C. B. Beitriige zur Kcnntniss des Zustandes der heutigen Entwickelungs- Geschichte 3884.2 Soemmerring, S. T. Embryonum humanorum icones 37.11. 2 Ziegler, G. L. Ueber den Embryo der Rche. 3SS4.5 See also : Generation, Reproduction, Sterility. EMERIGON, B. M. Traite dcs assurances, etc. Nouv. ed. par Boulay Paty. Rcnncs, 1827. 2v. 4 *3GC1.1 Treatise on insurances, transl. by S. Mere- dith. London and Boston, 1850. 8* . . . . 3001.5 EMERSON, B. Essential difference between the righteous and wicked: a sermon. Salem, 1810. 8 *Pph.v.240 EMERSON, B. D. National spelling-book. Bos- ton, 1831. 12 7059.19 EMERSON, F. North American arithmetic. Part 1. Boston, 1830. 12" 7019.13 - Same. Philadelphia, 1855. 12 7019.14 - Same. 2d part. Boston, 1832. 12 ... 7019.11 - Same. 3d part. Boston, 1S37. 12 ... 7019.12 EMERSON 249 ENCYCLOPEDIA Shelf. No. EMERSOX, G. B. Address delivered at the open- ing 1 of the Boston mechanics' institution. Boston, 1827. 8 **E.224.10 Moral education : a lecture before the Amer. institute. Boston, [1842.] 8 *rph.v.!3G Observations on a pamphlet entitled remarks on the seventh annual report of the Hon. Horace Mann, [etc.] [No title-page.] 8. *Pph.v.l41 Report on the trees and shrubs of Massachu- setts. Boston, 1840. 8 3845.8 EMERSOX, James. History of Modern Greece. London, 1830. 2v. 8 3074.2 EMERSON, Joseph. Letters [on masonry] to the members of the Genesee consociation. 4th ed. Boston, 1829. 8 *Pph.v.293 EMERSOX, Rev. William. Historical sketch of the first church in Boston. Boston, 1812. 8 . 2354.8 Oration pronounced July 5th, 1802, at Boston. Boston, 1802. 8 **E.224.12 Selections of psalms and hymns. Boston, 1808. 12" 3449.15 EMERSOX, W. Doctrine of proportion and geom- etry. London, 1703. 8 3926.22 Miscellanies, mathematical. London, 1770. 8. 3912.9 Principles of mechanics [with] appendix by G. A. Smeaton. London, 1830. posts . . 3945.10 Tracts, containing mechanics, etc. New ed. with life by Bowe. London, 1793. 8 ... 3944.27 EMEUSOX'S magazine and Putnam's monthly. v.G. Jan.-June, 1858. New York, 1858. 8 ... 5285.2 EMERY, S. H. The ministry of Taunton. Boston, 1853. 2v. 12 2345.10 EMETICS. Dissertatio therapeutico-medica inau- guralis, de indicantibus et contra-indicanti- bua emeticorum. Rosier, J. P. . . . M.Pph.v.105 EMETIXE, Preparation and uses of. Magendie, F M.Pph.v.125 EMIGRANT aid company. Organization, objects, and plan of operations, also a description of Kansas. 2d ed. Boston, 1854. 8 . . *Pph.v.200 EMIGRATIOX. Rapport eur 1'emigration europe- enne. See France 7015.10 EIIILIAXI-GIUDICI, P. I quattro poeti italiani con prefazioni e commcnti. Firenze, 1845. imp.8". 2791.11 Contents. Div. comm. di Dante; Lc rime di Pe- trarca; L'Orlando Furioso, d' Ariosto; La Gerusa- letnmc liberata, di Tasso. Storia delle belle lettere in Italia. Firenze, 1844. 8. [Bibliotecadell'Italiano, v.3] . . *2770.10 Storia della letteratura italiana. 2a ed. Fi- reuze, 1855. 2v. 12 2770.19 Storia politica dei municipj italiani. Firenze, 1851. 2v. 8 2714.3,5 EMILY: a poem. Brown, J. N 2398.48 EMLYX, T. Inquiry into the scripture account of Jesus Christ. 5th cd. Boston, 1750. 8 . 3402.28 - Same. [Sparks. Tracts in theology, v.4]. 3409.20 EMMA. Enconium, incertoauctorecoaetanco; Epis- tola Emmae ad fllios. [Migne. Patrol, v.141]. 3400.20 EMMERY, H. C. Statistique des caux de la ville de Paris. Paris, 1840. 8 7014.20 EMMERY, H. N. Plaidoyers. [Annales du bar- reau francais. Barrcau modcrne, v.O] . . . 3708.1 EMMIUS, U. Vetus Graecia. [Gronovius. Thesau- rus Graec. autiq. v.4] 2960.2 EMMOXS, E. Address before the Albany medical college. Albany, 1845. 8 *M . Pph. v. 41 Agriculture of New York. Albany, 1840-51. 4v. 4. [Nat. hist, of New York] *58C3.9 Geology of the second geological district of New York. Albany, 1842. 4. [Nat. hist. of New York] *5803.5 Report on the quadrupeds of Massachusetts. Cambridge, 1840. 8 *Pph. v. 105 Taconic system, based on observations in N. Y.,Mass., Me.,Vt., etc. Alb. 1844. 4" . *Pph. v.328 EMMOXS, G. F. Navy of the United States, 1775- 1853. Washington, 1853. 4 *C.150.5 EMMONS, N. Discourse delivered July 5, 1802. Wrentham, [Mass.,] 1802. 8 2324.31 Shelf. No. EMOTIOXS. Why and what am I ? Education of the emotions. Jarves, J. J 2406.21 EMOTT, J. Speech in relation to the non-inter- course. [Washing-ton, 1811.] 8 . . . . *Pph.v. 34 Speech in relation to the refusal of further communication from F. J. Jackson. [Wash- ington, 1809.] 8 *Pph.v.36 Speech on an act to raise an additional mili- tary force. Utica, 1813. 8 *Pph.v.G EMPEDOCLES. See Gaisford. Poetae minores Graeci, v.3 2908.2 and Parmenides. Fragmenta. Ed. A. Pey- ron. Lipsise, 1810. pp.70. 8 2988.10 EMPIE, A. Remarks on the distinguishing doc- trine of modern universalism. New York, 1825. 8 *Pph.y.57 EMPIRE of reason : an allegory addressed to the Dialectic society at the U. S. military acad- emy. Ncwburgh, 1829. 12 *Pph. v.218 EMPOLI, G. da. Lettera di, del viaggio di Malacca ; Vita di, scritta da suo zio. [Arch. stor. ital. app. v.3] 5255.1 Viaggio fatta nell' India. [Ramusio. Navi- gation! ct viaggi, v.l] 2260.2 EMPORICS. De ethoposia. [Autori del ben par- lare, parte 4, v.2] 3590.10 EMPYLUS. See Fragm. hist. Grace, v.3 3002.11 EMS, Etudes balneologiqucs sur les thermes d'. Spongier, L 3799.7 &MY, A. R. L'art de la charpenteric. Paris, 1837-41. 2v. 4. Atlas,f *4012.20 Du mouvement des ondes et des travaux hy- drauliqucs maritimes. Paris, 1831. Iv. 4. Atlas f *3940.7 Nouveau systemc d'arcs pour les grandcs charpentes. Paris, 1828. f *4010.5 ENAMELS. Cantu, C. Sugli smalti 4006.17 Cicognara, L. Dell' originc, composizionc e dccomposizione dci nielli 4061.2 Duchesne, J. Essai sur les niellos 4063.11 ENAXTI: Vignajuolo,7we!/<7. Sec Baruflaldi, G. son. ENCAUSTIC tiles, Examples of. Nichols, J. G. . 4101.20 ENCHIRIDION. See Quarles, F 2009.19 EXCKE, J. F. Die Entf'ernung der Sonne von der Erde. Gothu, is--"-'. ,s **E.188.14 Der Venusdurchgang von 1709. Gotha, IK.! I. 8 **E. 188.13 On Encke's comet. Transl. by G. B. Airy. Cambridge, 1832. pp.58. 8 **E. 198.25 Berliner astronomisches Jahrbuch. See Bode, J. E E.179.2 ENCYCLOPEDIA, in the form of treatises on the sciences and arts. 1st Am. cd. Supple- ment. Phila. 1818. 21v. 4 *A. 149.1 Contents. Vol. I. A Ang. II. Ang Bar. III. Bar-Bzo. IT. Caa-Cic. V. Cic-Dia. VI. Dia Eth. VII. Etm-Goa. VIII. Gub-IIyd. IX. Uyd Les. X. Lcs-Mec. XI. Med Mid. XII. Mie Neg. XIII. Neh Pas. XIV. Pas-Pla. XV. Pla Han. XVI. Ran-Sco. XVII. Sco Str. XVI II. Str Zym. Supplement : Vol. I. A Ele. II. Eli- Phi. III. Phi-Zoneshio. ENCYCLOPEDIA Americana. Ed. by F. Licber, assisted by E. Wigglesworth and T. G. Bradford. Phila. 1SJ9-33. 13v. 8 ... **E. 155.1 Contents. Vol. I. A Bat U. Bat-Cat HI. Cat Cra. IV. Cra-Eve. V. Eve Gre. VI. Gre Ind. VTI. Ind Lin. VIII. Lin Mon. IX. Mon Pen. X. Pen Rev. XI. Rev Ste. XII. Ste Vis. XIII. Vis-Zwi. - Same, with supplement by H. Vethakc. Philadelphia, 1850. 14v. 8 *A. 124.1 ENCYCLOPEDIA Britannica. 7th ed. Edinburgh, 1842. 21v 4 *A. 111.1 Contents. Vol. I. Dissertations. II. A Ana, HI. Ana Ast. IV. Ast Bor. V. Bor Cal. VI. Cal Clo. VII. Clo Dia. VIII. Dia Eng. IX. Eng Fra. X. Fra-Gro. XL Gro Ilyd. XII. Hyd Kyr. XIII. L Mag. XIV. Mag Mex. XV. Mcy Nav. XVI. Nav-Pan. XVII. Pan Pla. XVIII. Pla Quo. XIX. R-Scu. XX. Scu Sur. XXI. Sur Zym. ENCYCLOPAEDIA 250 ENCYCLOPEDIE Shelf. No. ENCYCLOPAEDIA mctropolitana. 25v. Plates, 3v. Index, Iv. London, 1845. 29v. 4 ... *A. 175.1 Contents. Vols. I., II. Pure sciences : 1. Gram- mar, by Sir John Stoddardj Logic, by Rev. Kichard Whatcly ; Rhetoric, by the same; Geometry, by Peter Barlow; Arithmetic, by Rev. George Peacock; Alge- bra, by Rev. Dionysius Lardncr; Geometrical analy- sis, by the same ; Theory of numbers, by Professor Barlow; Trigonometry, by George Biddell Airy; An- alytical geometry, by Rev. H. P. Hamilton; Conic sections, by the same; Differential calculus, by A. Levy; Integral calculus, by the same. 2. Integral calculus, by A. Levy; Calculus of variations, by Rev. T. G. Hall; Calculus of finite differences, by the same; Calculus of functions, by A. De Morgan; The- ory of probabilities, by the same ; Definite integrals, by Rev. 11. Moseley; Moral and metaphysical philos- ophy, by Rev. F. D. Maurice ! Law: General princi- ples of law, by R. Jebb; Law of nations, by A. Poi- son; Roman and canon law, by J. T. Graves; Eng- lish law, by A. Poison ; Theology, by Rev. G. E. Corrie, Rev. II. J. Rose, Professor Corrie, and Rev. J. H. Rose. III.- VIII. Mixed sciences : 3. Mechanics, Hydrodynamics, Pneumatics, Optics, and Astron- omy, by P. Barlow; Nautical astronomy, by Captain Kater; Physical astronomy, by Sir J. F. W. Ilerschel; Magnetism, by P. Barlow. 4. Electro-magnetism, by P. Barlow; Electricity, by Rev. F. Lunn; Galvan- ism, by P. M. Roget; Ilcat, by Rev. F. Lunn; Light, by Sir J. F. W. Uerschcl; Chemistry, by the Rev. F. Lunn: Sound, by Sir J. F. W. Ilerschcl. 5. Meteor- ology, by G. Harvey; Figure of the earth, by G. B. Airy; Tides and waves, by the same; Architecture, by J. Narrien; Sculpture, by J. Westmacott, jr.; Painting, by the right Rev. J. T. James ; Heraldry, by Piev. II. Thompson ; Numismatics, by B. R. Green ; Poetry, by J. Hughes; Music, by J. Gwilt ; Engrav- ing, by Rev. J. Lindsay. G. Agriculture, by right Rev. bishop Russell; Horticulture, by G. Don; Com- merce, by J. Lowe; Political economy, by N. W. Se- nior; Carpentry, by P. Nicholson; Fortification, by C. C. Mitchell; Naval architecture, by G. Harvey; Crystallography, by J. H. Brooke; Mineralogy, by the same ; Geology, by J. Phillips. 7. Botany, by T. Edwards; Zoology, by J. F. South; Anatomy, by J. F. South and F. Le Gros Clark (The anatomy of the bones and muscles, by Mr. South, the remainder of the treatise by Mr. Clark); Materia medica, by G. Johnson ; Medicine, by R. Williams ; Surgery, by W. Bowman ; Veterinary art, by W. C. Spooner. 8. Preface; Introductory view of the principles of manufactures, by C. Babbage ; Manufactures, by P. Barluw. IX.-XIII. History and biography. XIV.- XXV. Miscellaneous and lexicographical. V. 1. A Aec. 2. Asc Bri. 3. Bri Coh. 4. Coh Dif. 5. Dif Fal. C. Fain Cue. 7. Gue Ins. 8. Ins Mar. 9. Mas Ozo. 10. P Ran. 11. Rel Squ. 12. Squ Zyg. XXVI.-XXVIII. Plates 3v. V. 1. Plates to pure sciences. 1.-2. Plates to mixed sciences. 3. Plates and maps to the historical and miscellaneous divi- sions. XXIX. Index; List of plates. ENCYCLOPAEDIA. Bazzarini, A. Ortografia enci- clopedica univcrsale dclla lingua italiana . A. 132. 1 Allgcmeine deutschc lleal-Encyclopiidie fur die gebildeten Stande. See Conversations- Lexikon A. 144.1 Crabb, G. Dictionary of general knowledge. 4034. 17 - Family E A. 148.3 Diderot, D. Encyclopedic, ou dictionnaire raisonne des sciences, etc A. 150.1 Ersch and Gruber. Encyclopedic der Wis- senschaften und Kiinstc A. 179.1 Falconetti, A. F. Enciclopcdia moderna e dizionario italiano della conversazione . . A. 131.1 Felice, F. B. de. Encyclopedic, ou diction- naire universel A. 129.1 Gegenwart, Die. Encyclopadisehe Darstel- lung der neuesten Zeitgcschichte A. 126. 2 See London encyclopaedia A. 121.1 Meyer, J. Das grosse Conversations-Lex- . ikon A.13G.1 Pierer, H. A. Universal-Lexicon A. 123.1 Rampoldi. Enciclopedia dei fanciulli . . . A. 148. 5 Kees, A. Cyclopaedia, or universal diction- ary of arts, sciences, and literature . . . . A. 147.1 Keisch, G. Encyclopaedia margarita philoso- P' lica 4047.10 Saint-Laurent, C. Dictionnaire encyclope- di( J ue A.124.4 Shelf. No. ENCYCLOPAEDIA, continued. Zorzi, A. Prodromo della nuova cnciclopedia italiana A.130.2 ENCYCLOPEDIC anatomique, trad, par Jourdan. Paris, 1843-47. Texte, 8v. 8. Atlas. 2v. 4. Namely : - Osteologic et syndesmologie, par S. T. Scemmcrring; Mt-canique des organes dela locomotion clicz 1'homme, par G. et E. Weber. 8. Atlas, 4 *3734.5 - Traite de myologie et d'angciologie, par F. G. Theile *3734.8 - Trait^ dc nevrologie, par G. G. Valentin *3734.7 - Traite de splanchnologie et des organes des sens par E. Iluscbke, avec 5 planches gravees *3734.8 - Traite d'anatomie g<>ne>ale ou histoire des tissus et de la composition chimique du corps humain. par J. Ilenle, avcc 5 plan- ches gravccs. 2v *3734.9 - Traite du developpement dc 1'homme et des mammiferes; suivi d'une histoire du deVeloppement dc 1'oeuf du lapin, par T. L. G. Bischoff. 8. Atlas, 4' *3734.10 - Traite d'anatomie pathologique generalc, par Julius Vogcl *3734.H ENCYCLOPEDIE des gens du mondc. Paris, 1833- 22v. 8 *A.170.4 Contents. Vol. I. A Anq. II. Anq Bao. IH. Bap Bou. IV. Bou Car. V. Car Chr. VI. Chr Cor. VII. Cor Dep. VIII. Dep Dzw. IX. E Esd. X. Esk Fie. XI. Fie Fux. XII. G Gnu XIII. Gra lies. XIV. lies Ins. XV. Ins Kys. XVI. L Lou. XVII. Lou Mol. XVIII. Mol Orl. XIX. Orm Pol. XX. Pol Sal. XXI. Sal Teu. XXII. Tex Zyz. ENCYCLOPEDIE methodiquc. Paris, 1782-1832. 197v. 4. Namely: - Vol. I.-VII. Agriculture, par H. A. Tes- sier, A. Thouin, A. D. Fougeroux de Bonda- roy , L. A. G. Bosc, et J. J. Baudrillard. VII. Dictionnaire de la culture des arbrea et de I'amcJnagement des forets, par L. A. G. Bosc etJ. J. Baudrillard *A. 159.1 Contents. I. Aal Azu. 2. Bab Cet. 3. Cha Cyt 4. Dae Hys. 5. Ibe Pom. 6. Pom Zuc. 7. Aal-Zan. - VIII. Des amusemcns des sciences math- dmatiqucs et physiques ; des precedes curi- eux des arts ; des tours recreatifs et Bubtils de la magic blanche, et des decouvertes in- genieuses ct variees de 1'industrie .... *A.159.2 - IX.-XIII. Antiquitds, mythologie, dip- lomatique des chartres et chronologic, par A. Mongez. 5v *A. 159.3 - XIV. Eecueil d'antiquites, contcnant, 1. Tetes antiques, ou iconographie ; 2. Cos- tumes des differens peuplea de 1'antiquite", jusqu' aumoyenage; 3. Figures antiques, ou iconologie ; redige par A. Mongez . . *A.155.4 - XV.-XVI. Antiquites. Planches, 2v.*A. 165.2 - XVII.-XIX. Architecture, par A. C. QuatremercdeQuincy. 3v *A.159.4 Contents. 1. Aba Col. 2. Col Mut. 3. Nac Zot. - XX. Art aratoire et du jardinage : con- tenant la description et 1'usage des machines, utensiles, instrumens et outils employes dans 1'exploitation des terres et dans la cul- ture des plantes *A. 159. 5. Planches . . *A.1C5.1 - XXI. Dictionnaire de 1'artillerie, par H. Cotty ct F. R. J. de Pommcreul *A.159.0 - XXII.-XXV. Art militaire, par M. de Keralio. 4v *A. 159.7 Contents. 1. A Con. 2. Con Gue. 3. Gu<5 Zig. 4. Abr Vol. - XXVI.-XXXIII. Arts et metiers meca- niques. 8v *A.169.2 Contents. Aig Cui. 2. Dia Hor. 3. Hor Mon. 4. Mos Tour. 5. Tour Vou; Marine. 6. Bon Vel; Manufactures et arts. 7. Art militaire, armes, equitation ; Art heraldique ; Mathematiques ; Ma- EISCYCLOPEDIE 251 EXCYCLOPEDIE Shelf. No. ENCYCLOPEDIE methodiquc, continued. chines hydrauliqucs ; Optique, perspective, astron- omic; llistoireiiaturelle; Vuncrie. 8. Planches con- cernautle chanvre, le coton, lalaine, le poil,ctlasoie; Concernart 1'emploi des pcaux ct cuirs, pelk'terie, huile, savon, teinture, impression ; Planches des amusemens des sciences, et dca arts. - - XXXIV.-XL. Recueil de planches par ordre de matieres. 8v *A.165.3 Contents. 1. Aig Cha. 2. Coo Fil. 3. Flo Ins. 4. Ins Men. 5. Mer Pal. C. Par Pur. 7. Qua Tab. 8. Tab Zin. - XLI. Arts academiques, Equitation, es- crimc, danse, ct art do nager *A.168.4 - XLII. Asscmblco nationale constituante, contenant 1'histoirc dc la revolution, Ics de- bats ct les actes dc 1'asscmblee, avec la col- lection des lois ou decrets sanctionnes par le roi *A.1G9.3 - XLIII.-XL1V. Beaux-arts, commcnc. par C. H. Watelet, contin. par P. C. Le- vesque. 2v *A.1C9.4 XLV. Beaux-arts. Planches . . . . *A.1C5.5 - XLVI.-LVIII. Botaniquc, par J. B. P. A. de Monnet dc Lamarck, continuee par J. L. M. Poiret. 8v. Supplement. 5v. . . . *A.100.5 Contents. 1. Aal Cho. 2. Cic Gor. 3. Gor Mau. 4. Mau Pan. 5. Pan Pyx. C. Qua Scl. 7. Sci Tra. 8. Tre Zuc. Supplement. 1. Aba- Bur. 2. Caa Gyr. 3. Hab Mor. 4. Mor Ryn. 5. Sab-Xyl. - LIX.-LXII. Tableau encyclopedique et methodiquc des trois regnes de la nature. Botanique, par B. P. A. de Monnct dc La- marck, continuee par J. L. M. Poiret. 3v . *A.155.7 - LXIII.-LXVI. Planches de botunique, 4v *A. 154.1 - LXVII. Dictionnairc dc toutes les cspe- ces de chasses *A.158.2 - LXVIII. Chasses. Planches *A.154.2 - LXIX.-LXX1V. Chymie, pharmacie ct metallurgie. La chymic, par L. B. Guyton dc Morvcau, A. F. dc Foureroy ct par N.L. Vauquelin; la pharmacie, par II. Maret ct par F. Chaussicr ; la metallurgie, par J. P.' F. Guillot Duhamcl. Cv *A.158.3 - LXXV. Eecucil des planches, le partie, chymic. 2e partic, metallurgie *A.154.3 - LXXVI.-LXXVII. Chirurgie, par F. de La Roche et P. Petit-Radcl. 2v *A.158.4 - LXXVIII. Rccucil des planches. . . *A.154.4 - LXXIX.-LXXXI. Commerce. Discours preliminaire, par M. Baudeau. 3v *A.158.5 Contents. 1. A Cys. 2. D Ize. 3. Kab Zor. - LXXXII.-LXXXV. Economic politique et diplomatique, par M. Demcunier. 4v . . *A.1G8.2 Contents. 1. Aba Cza. 2. Dae Imp. 3. Imp Pro. 4. Pru Sue. - LXXXVI. Encyclopcdiana, ou diction- nairc ciicyclopediquo des Ana *A.1G8.3 - LXXXVII.-LXXXIX. Finances. Dis- cours prelimin. ou cssai hist, sur les finan- ces, par J. P. Rousselot de Surgy. 3v . . *A.108.5 Contents. 1. Abo Dun. 2. Eau Lyo. 3. Mag Yve. - XC. Foretsetbois,arbresetarbustes,parL. M. Blanquart dc Sept-Fontaines, precedees de la physiologic vegctalc, par J. Senebicr ; Me'thodes et tables pour la cubaturcdcs bois en mesures anciennes, par M. dc Sept-Fon- taines, precedees d'une instruction conte- nant 1'cxplication ct 1'usagc des tables dc M. de Sept-Fontaines, par G. C. F. M. Riche de Prony *A.1C8.0 - XCI.-XCIII. Geographic ancienne, par E. Mentcllc. 3v *A. 168.7 Contents. I. A Gra. 2. Cra Rom. 3. Rom Zyr. - XCIV.-XCVI. Geographic modcrnc, par F. Robert ctN. Masson de Morvillicrs. 3v.*A. 168.8 Contents. 1. A- Hoi. 2. Uom Ric. 3. Rie Zwy. Shelf. No. ExCYCLOPfiniE methodique, continued. - XCVII.-XCV1II. Atlas encyclopedique, contenant la geographic ancienne, et quel- ques cartes sur la geographic du moycn age, la geographic moderne, et les car- tes relatives a la geographic physique, par R. Bonne et par M. Desmarest. 2v *A.1G5.4 - XCIX.-CIII. Geographic-physique, par N. Desmarest, continuee par J. B. G. M. Bory de St. Vincent, G. T. Doin, Ferry, et J.J. N. Huot. 5v A.157.1 Contents. 1. Notice des progres de la geographic physique, en presentant un precis raisonne des de- couvertes et des travaux des physicicns et des nntu- ralistes. 2. Aa Azo. 3. Baa Dyl. 4. Eau Noy. 6. Oas Zur. - CIV. Atlas encyclopedique contenant les cartes et les planches relatives a la geogra- phic physique, par N. Desmarest et par J. B. G. M. Bory dc St. Vincent *A.154 8 - CV.-CVII. Grammaire et litterature, par J. F. Marmontel ct N. Beauzec. 3v *A. 157.2 Contents. I. Aba Esp. 2. Esp Par. 3. Par Str. - CVIII.-CXIII. Histoire. Supplement. Par G. II. Gaillard. Gv *A.157.3 Contents. 1. Aba Cas. 2. Cat Gra. 3. Gra Myt. 4. Naa See. 5. Sau Zyp. - CXIV.-CXXIII. Histoire naturelle, d' aprcs le comte de Buffon; Quadrupedes; Oiscaux, par M. Mauduit ; Poissons, par L. J. M. Daubcntou; Insectcs, par G. A. Olivier ; Crustaces, arachnides, ct inscctcs, par P. A. Latreille, J. B. Godart, A. Lc Pel- leticr dc Saint-Fargcau, J. G. Audinet-Ser- villc et F. E. Guerin. lOv *A.157.4 Contents. 1. Quadrupedes; Oiseaux, A Eve. 2. Oiseaux, F Zou; Quadrupedes oviparcs ct eerpcns. 3. Poissons; Inscctcs; Discours preliminaire. 4. In- sectcs ; Discours preliminaire, par Guencau de Montbeillard; Introduction par M. Olivier; A Bom. fi. Bom Cin. 0. Cir Gyr. 7. Uan Mou. 8. Jlou Pas. 0. Pupillons. 10. Pap Zyg. - CXXIV.-CXXV. IcIithyologicjCetologicj Par J. P. Bonnaterre. Planchcs.lv . . . *A.154.9 - CXXV. Mammalogie. Ptc. 1. Les or- dres des bimancs, des quadrumancs et des cariiassiers. Ptc. 2. Les ordrcs des ron- gfcurs, des edentes, des pachydermcs, des ruminans et des cetaces, par A. G. Desma- rest *A. 155.5 - CXXVI. Mammalogie. Planches . . *A.154.10 - CXXVII.-CXX1X. Histoire naturelle des vcrs, par J. G. Bruguicre et par J. B. P. A. dc Lamarck, continuee par G. P. Des- hayes. 3v *A.1G7.2 Contents. I. Abe Con. 2. Aca Myt. 3. Nac Vul. - CXXX. - CXXXII. Tableau, contenant 1'helminthologic, ou les vers infusoires, les vcrs iutestins, les vers mollusques, etc., par J. G. Bruguierc, mollusques tcstaces, mol- lusques et polypes divers, par J. B. P. A. dc Lamarck. [Avcc planches.] 3v *A.154.5 - CXXXIII. Histoire naturelle des zoo- phytes, ou animaux rayonnes, par J. V. F. Lamouroux, J. B. G. M. Bory de St. Vin- cent, et E. Deslongchamps *A.107.3 - CXXXIV.-CXLIII. Jurisprudence. 10v.*A. 167.4 Contents. I. Aba Bay. 2. Bca Com. 3. Com Dom. 4. Don Gul. 5. Ilab May. 6. Mef Pri. 7. Pro Tax. 8. Tern Zeu. 9. La police, etc. ; Aba Cut 10. Dan Voi. - CXLIV.-CXLVII. Logique et metaphy- sique ct morale, publiec par P. L. Lacretellc. 4v *A. 156.2 Contents. 1. Abs Mem. 2. Met Sys; Morale: Aba Dev. 3. Dig Ost. 4. Par llti; Supplement au dictionnairn de morale; Dictionnaire d'education. ENCYCLOPEDIE 252 EXGELMANN Shelf. No. ENCYCLOPEDIE methodique, continued. - CXLVIII.-CLI. Manufactures, arts ct metiers, par J. M. Roland do laPlatiere; lo dictionnaire dcs tcintures, par G. T. Doin, le traite dcs huilcs, ct le traite des savons, par J. J. E. Poutet. 4v *A.150.3 Contents. 1. Att Reg. 2. Reg Toi; Supplement et vocabulairc ar J. A. Naigcou. 3v. *A. 166.4 Contents. 1. Aca Col. 2. Con Ind. 3. Ine Zen. Supplement. - CLXXVIII.-CLXXXI. Dictionnaire de physique, par G. Monge, J. D. Cassini, N. Bertholou, J. H. Ilasseufratz. 4v *A.106.5 Contents. I. Aba Buv. 2. Supplement: Aba- Bur; Cab Dys. 3. Eau Max. 4. Mau Zym. - CLXXXII. Physique. Planches . . . *A.154.12 - CLXXXIII.-CLXXXVI. Systemc ana- tomique: Dictionuaire raisonne dcs termes d'anatomie et de physiologic, par II. Clo- quet. Quadrupedes, par F. Vicq d'Azyr. Mammiferes ct oiseaux, commence par feu F. Vicq d'Azyr, ct continue par II. Cloquet. Keptiles, poissons, mollusques, crustace's, annelides, arachnides, insectes, radiaires, par H. Cloquet. 4v *A.155.2 - CLXXXVII. Systeme anatomique. Plan- ches *A. 165.1 - CLXXXVIII.-CXC. Tableau, des trois regnes de la nature. Ornithologie, par 1'abbe J. P. Bonnaterre, et continuee par L. P. Veillot. 3v *A. 155.6 - CXCI. Ornithologie. Planches . . ,*A.154.11 - CXCII.-CXCIII. Tableau d'entomologie. Crustacus, arachnides ct insectes, par P. A. Latrcille. Planches. 2v *A.154.6 - CXCIV. Tableau. Erpetologie et ophi- ologic, par J. P. Bonnaterre. Planches . *A.154.7 Shelf. No. ENCYCLOPEDIC mdthodique, continued. - CXCV.-CXCVII. Thd-ologie, par N. S. Bergier. 3v ............... *A. 155.3 Contents. I. Aar Ezc. 2. Fab Xys. 3. Obe Zwi. ENCYCLOPEDIE modernc, publ. par Didot, sous la direction de L. Renicr 27v. Atlas. 3v. Nouv. <5d. Paris, 1851-53. 30v. 8 ... *A. 130.1 Contents. Vol. I. Aba Alg. II. Alg Ana. III. Ana. Arc. IV. Arc Atr. V. Att Bca. VI. Bee Brc. VII. Brc-Cat. VIII. Cat-Che. IX. Che CoL X. Col Cop. XI. Cop Def. XII. Uif Dra. XIII. Dra-Enc. XIV. Enc-Eyl. XV. Fab Fra. XVI. Fra-Gre. XVII. Grc-IIys. XVIII. lam Kis. XIX. Lab Mad. XX. Mad Mim. XXL Min-Nig. XXII. Nil-Oxy. XXIII. Pac- Pol. XXIV. Pol-Ron. XXV. Ron-Sue. XXVI. Sue Tyr. XXVII. Ulc Zyg. XXVIII.-XXX. Atlas. Complement, public 1 sous la direction de M. M. Noel DCS Vergers, ct L<5on Renier, et de M. Carteron. [Abe". L(5g.} Paris, 1856-58. 7v. 8. Texte. 7cah.pl ......... *A. 125.1 ENDERBY, C. Auckland islands and the southern whale fisheries. London, 1849. 8 . . *Pph.v.243 On the British southern whale fishery in com- bination with the colonization of the Auck- land islands. London, 1847. 8 ...... 3651.17 ENDLICHER, S. L., and Martius, C. F. P. v. Flora Brasiliensis. Vindobonaj, 1S40-1S5-. 3v. f . *3820.5 Contents. Vol. I. Musci, exposuit C. F. Horn- Bchucich; Lycopodineaj, exposuit A.F. Spring; Anon- acea;, exposuit C. F. P. de Martius ; Cyperacca;, exposuit Nees ab Esenbeck; Smilaceaj et dioscoreoe, exposuit A. H. R. G rise bach ; Hypoxidea;, burman- niaccoj, hajmodoraceae, vellosica;, pontederiacea;, hy- drocharidea;, alismacea;, butomacea;, juncacea;, rapa- teacex, liliaceae, amaryllidctc, exposuit Mauritius Scubcrt. II. Solanaceas et cestrineae, exposuit Otto Sendtner; Utricularieas, exposuit L. Benjamin; Ac- anthacea!, exposuit C. G. Nees ab Esenbeck i Ver- benacea>, exposuit J. C. Schauer. III. Chloranthaceze et piperaceoe, exposuit F. A. G. Miquel. Urti- cine.r, exposuit F. A. G. Miquel ; Salicinex, ex- posuit Frid. Ley bold; Podostemacca;, exposuit L. B. STulasne ; Polygonacea:, tliymeteaceae. proteacea:, exposuit C. F. Meiiner. , a tale of Greece. Hirst, H. B. ... 2399.28 EXFKRMO descomido : entremes. [Spanish inter- ludes] ................... 3095.18 ENFIELD, W. Biographical sermons, on the prin- cipal characters in Scripture. London, 1777. 12 ..................... 3459.14 Institutes of natural philosophy. London, 1785. 4 .................. *3%2.2 - Same. Boston, 1802. 4 ........ **E.1G1.6 See Aikin, J. General biography ...... 2540.28 ENGEL, J. J. Schriften. Berlin, 1844-15. 12v. in 6. 16 ................... 2897.8 Contents. Vol. I. Der Philosophfur die Welt. II. Furstenspiegel ; Reden uud iisthetische Versuche. 111. DIT dankbare Sohn, Lustspicl; Dcr Edclknabc, Schauspiel ; Titus, Vorspiel; Der Vemiiihlungstag, Schauspiel ; Eid und Pflicht, biirgerliches Trauer- epiel; Stratonice, Schauspiel; Der Diamant, Lust- spiel. IV. Ideen zu ciner Mimik. V. Philosophische Schriften: Versuch einer Methode, die Vernunftlehre aus Platonischen Dialog, zuentwickeln; Uebereinige Eigenheitcn des Getiihlsiunes; Zwei kleine Aufsiitze. Versuch iiber das Licht; Ueber die Realit&t allge- meiner Begriffe; Ueber den Urspruug des Begriffi der Kraft. VI. Die Poctik : Anfangsgriinde ciner Theorie der Dichtungsarten aus deutsclien Mustern entwickelt; HerrLorenz Stark, Charaktergemalde. 11 figlio riconoscente, farsa. [Teatro mo- derno applaudito, v.5G] .......... 2768.1 ENGELBERT. De musica. [Gerbert von Hornau. Scriptores ecclcs. de musica sacra, v.2] . . 4041.7 ENGELHUSEN, T. Chronicon, ab orbe condito ad ipsius usque tempora. [Leibnitz. Script. rerum Bruusvic. v.2] ............ 2810.3 ESGELMAXN, G. Traite de lithographic. Mul- house. n.d. 4 ......... ..... 4061.14 ENGELMAN.V, W. Bibliotheca historico-naturalis. Leipzig, 1846. Bd I. 8 .......... *2173.2 ENGELMANN 253 ENGLAND Shelf. No. ENGELMANN, W. continued. Bibliothecajuridica. 2te Aufl. Lcipz. 1840. 8. *2185.1 Bibliothcca mechanico-technologica, [and supplcmont.] 2to Aufl. Leipzig, 1844-50. 2v. 8 *2172.5 Bibliothcca medico-chirurgica ct anatomico- physiologica. Ctc Aufl. Leipzig, 1848. 8 . *2186.2 Bibliothcca oeconomica. 2te Aufl. Lcipz. 1S41. 8" *21S<5.3 Bibliotheca philologica. 3tte Aufl. Leipzig, 1853. 8 *2174.6 Bibliotheca scriptorum classicorum, ct Grseco- rum ct Latinorum. Cte Aufl. Lcipz. 1847. 8. 2983.1 - Same. Leipzig, 1858. 8 *2174.8 Bibliothcca vetcrinaria. 2te Aufl. Leipzig, 1S43. 8 *2180.3 Bibliothek der Forst-und Jagd-Wissenschaft. 2te Aufl. Leipzig, 1843. 8 *21SG.3 Bibliothek der neueren Sprachen. Leipzig, 1842. 8 *2174.9 ENGHIEN, L. A. H. de Bourbon, due d'. Me- moircs sur la catastrophe du due d'Enghien, Paris, 1824. 8. [Bervillc et Barriere. Mem. rel. a la revolution frangaisc, v.5] *4055.9 Episode historique du temps du consulat. See Saint-Hilaire, E. M. de 2C59.9 ENGINEERING. Anselin, N. J. B. Experiences sur la main d'ceuvre de diflerens travaux . 4020.7 Boistard, L. C. Experiences sur diflerens travaux 4012.19 Claudcl, J. Aide-memoire des ingdnieurs. . 4033. C Cresy, E. Supplement to an encyclopaedia of civil E 4033.3 Dempsey, G. D. Examples of 4100.6 Dupin, C. Applications de geom. et de me- chauique 4013.3 Dutias of the royal engineers 4020.21 Hebcrt, L. Engineer's and mechanic's en- cyclopedia 4033.4 Lambel. Applications du principe des vitesses virtuelles a la poussee dcs terres et des voutes E.1G1.4 London. Minutes of the institution of civil engineers '4028.1 - Transactions of the institution of civil engineers 4022.7 Mahan, D. II. Elementary course of civil E. 4022.0 Mittcrpacher, J. Untcrricht in der Maschinen- Lehre E. 195. 11 Scott, D. Engineer and machinist's assistant. 4030.1 Sganzin, M. I. Course of civil E 4012.20 Smeaton, J. Reports on various occasions . 4022.5 Stevenson, D. Canal and river E 3912.9 - Civil engineering of North America . . 4015.5 Tclford, T. Professional life of Telford . . 4011.12 Weale, J. Catalogue of books on 2172.1 - Quarterly papers on 4021.7 Whcwcll, W. Mechanics of 3944.6 Wilme, B. P. Hand-book for 40S1.6 Zabaglia, N. Contignationcs ac pontes . . . 4050.10 See also : Aqueducts, Arches, Bridges, Buttresses, Canals, Construction, Culvert*, Curves, Dynamo- meter, Hydraulics, Iron, Levelling, Locomotive, Mechanics, Piers, Public works, Railroad, Steam, Timber, Tunnelling, Viaducts. ENGINEER'S and contractor's pocket-book for 1857. London, 1857. 12 4019.29 ENGINEER'S magazine. See Practical mechanics. 4022.1 ENGLAND, J. Works. Collected [for bishop] I. A.Reynolds. Baltimore, 1849. 5v. 8". . 3474.1 Contents. Pt. 1. Vol. I. Dogmatic and polemic theology, preceded by biographical sketches of the author: Infallibility; Judicial office of the catholic church; Church authority; Calumnies of Blanco White against the catholic religion ; Tran substantia- tion; On the doctrine of intention. II. Letters to Dr. Bowen; On misrepresentations of the catholic re- ligion; Austerities; Liberality; Definition of faith; 2. History. Influence, political and moral, of the Ro- man see : Episcopacy ol St. Peter at Rome ; The pope's dispensing power; English ecclesiastical laws; Moral character of several popes; Papacy and feudalism ; Shelf. No. ENGLAND, J. continued. The Waldenscs. III.nistory,etc.(continued) : Roman chancery; Domestic slavery ; Contributions to the ecclesiastical history of America: CatholUity in South America; To the propagation societies of Lyons and Dublin; History of the diocess of Charleston; Mother M. C. Molony ; Historical fragments: Denmark, Swe- den, etc.; The Greek schism; Miscellaneous: The mass; The holy week at Rome; Miraculous cure of Mrs. Mattingly; Miracles of Prince Hohenlohe; Let- ters to O'Connell. IV. Miscellaneous : The republic in danger ; Calumnies against catholic voters re- futed; Vindication of Judge Gaston; Catholic schools; The New York school question; Jansenist schism; Ward and Poinsctt; Letters from Rome; Willis's mis- representations; Imputed superstitions; On catholic tenets; The title, Catholic; Discourses, pastoral letters, addresses and orations: Discourse before congress; The Ursulines ; Discourse on charity ; Pastoral let- ters; Addresses to conventions; Soc. of St. John Bap- tist; Great fire in Charleston ; American Indians, their religion ; George Washington, his character. V. Discourses, etc.: On classical education; Pleasures of the scholar; Epochs of Irish history; Duelling; ^Encas among the shades; Appendix; Diocess of Charleston; Case of William Uogan; Harold corre- spondence; Burning of Charlestown convent; Maria Monk's disclosures, and the Hotel-Dieu, Montreal. ENGLAND. [For all topics connected with Eng- land, see also Great Britain.] Agriculture. Caird, J. Agriculture anglaise 3993.7 Gourcy, C. de. Voyage agricole en Angle- terre 3993.8 Lavergne, L. G. L. G. de. Sur 1'economie ru- rale de I'Angleterre 4002.22 Young, A. Farmer's tour in the east of Eng- land 2404.4 - Tourthrough the north of England . . . 2404.6 - Tour through the south of England. . . 2404.5 Antiquities. Customs about the year 1500. [Camden so- ciety, No. 37] 2416.37 Eccleston, J. Introduction to 2520.14 Fairholt, F. W. Costume in England . . . . 2520.16 Fosbroke, T. D. Manners of the monks of E. 2520.8 Godwin, W. Manners in the 14th century . 25 1 1.5 Hearne, T. Discourses upon 2418.4 Houard, 31. Coutumes Anglo-Xormandcs xi xiv siecle 3(511.6 Leland,J. Collectanea de rebus Britannicis. 2418.0 - Serche for Englande's antiquities .... 2455.3 London. Society of antiquaries. Liber quo- tidianus contrarotulatoris garderobaj . . . 2511.2 - Regulations for the government of the royal household '2511.3 Manners of the northern counties of England. See Wills 2117.2 Ormerod, G. Ancient remains at the conflu- ence of the Wye and the Severn 2520.35 Strutt, J. Dress and habits of the people of England 2.~>:;u.2 - Sports and pastimes of the people . . . . L'.V.'i).? - Regal and cccles. antiquities of England. 2530.3 Vcrstegan, It. Restitution of decayed intel- ligence in antiquities 2520.31 See Worsaae, J.J. A. Antiq. of Denmark, etc. 2>::2. 1 Art and artists. Dallaway, J. Anecdotes of the arts in Eng. 4074.11 Edwards, E. Anecdotes of painters in Eug. 4001.3 Lombard!, G. Saggio dell' istoria pittorica d' Inghilterra 4064.6 Thoughts on the state of the fine arts in. England v.4 of 4072.2 Viardot, L. Les musccs d'Angleterrc . . . 4089.19 Waagen, G. F. Kunstwcrke und Kunstler in England 4064.17 - Treasures of art in 4087.1 Walpole, H. Anec. of painting in Eng. . 4062.14,15 See also : Architecture, Church architecture, En- graving, Painting. Geography, travels, etc. Adams, J. Register of all the towns in E. . 2530.1 ENGLAND 254 ENGLAND Shelf. No. ENGLAND, continued. Black, A. and C. Picturesque tourist . . . . 2480.15 - Guide to the lakes 2480.20 Brayley, E.W. Beauties of E 2406.1 Brcrcton, W. Travels in 1634-35 2415.1 Burke, J. B. Historic lands of E 24G3.2 Camden, W. Chorographical descript. of E. 2450.2 Cary, J. Great roads in E 2480.10 Clarke, B. British gazetteer 2480.4 Cosmo III. Travels through E 2400.21 DeLuc, J. A. Geological travels 3802.21 Drayton, M. Poly-Olbion, or description of E. [Chalmers. Eng. poets] v.4of 2592.7 Dudley, D. Pictures of life in E 2408.1 Dugdale, Sir W. Monasticon Anglicanum . 2520.4 Faucher, L. L. J. Etudes sur 1'Angleterre . 2404.12 Geography of England 2487. 1 Gibson, K. Comment upon the journey of Antoninus through Britain 2402.6 Gilpin, W. Picturesque beauty in E. . . . 4066. 9-13 Gonzales, M. Voyage to Great Britain. [Pinkerton. Voyages, v.2] 2260.13 Great Britain. Official map of railways . . . 2486.8 Hood, E. P. English people in relation to the times 3500.6 - Pictures of life 2558.33 Leigh, S. Road-book 2487.4 Mantell.G. Geology of the southeast of E. . 3862.14 Martineau, H. English lakes illustrated . . 2472.10 Moritz, C. P. Travels in E. 1782. [Pinker- ton. Voyages, v.2] 2260.13 New display of the beauties of E 2407.3 Nougarede de Fayet, A. Lettres sur 1'Ang- leterrc 2464.11 Otley, J. Description of English lakes . . 2486.13 Parliamentary gazetteer 2481.1 Passavant, J. D. Tour of a German artist . 4089.6 Paulding, J. K. Sketch of old E 2464.14 Pecchio, G. L'anno mille otto cento ventisel dell' Inghilterra 3048.22 Phillips, J. Account of canals in E 2260.6 Pichot, A. Voyage en Angleterre 2478.1 Raumer, F. L. G. v. E. imJahre ia35 . . . 2479.1 Remusat, C. de. L 'Angleterre an 18e siecle . 2512.1 Richardson, M. A. Borderer's table book . 2482.1 Roberts, G. Social history of the southern counties 2520.18 Shcbbeare, J. Letters on the Eng. nation . 2404.13 Silliman, B. sen. Travels in England . . . 2273.14 Sorbierc, S. de. Voyage en Angleterre . . . 2409.21 Surtees society. Northern counties of E. 2417.1-29 Tymms, S. Family topographer of E. ... 2499.24 Upcott. W. Works relating to English to- pography 2153.10 Wakefleld, E. G. England and America : a comparison 2328.11 "Warner, R. Tour through the northern counties 2464.2 West, T. Guide to the English lakes .... 2493.22 See also: Channel islands; Man, Isle of; Wales; and the following names of counties : Bedfordshire, Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, Cambridge, Cheshire, Cornwall, Cumberland, Derbyshire, Devonshire, Dorset, Durham, Essex, Gloucestershire, Hampshire, Herefordshire, Hertfordshire, Kent, Lancashire, Lei- cestershire, Lincolnshire, Middlesex, Norfolk, North- amptonshire, Northumberland, Nottinghamshire, Oxfordshire, Kichmondshire, Rutland, Shropshire, Somerset, Staffordshire, Suffolk, Surrey, Sussex, War- wickshire, Westmoreland, Wiltshire, Worcestershire, Yorkshire. History . Comprehensive works. Baker, R. Chronicle of the kings 2540.5 Bigland, J. History 24-JS.2 Bonnechose, E. de. Histoire d'Angleterre . 2428.4 Brady, R. History 2420.7 Carte, T. General history 2410.2 Craik, G. L. Pictorial history 2422.1 Echard, L. History 2420.2 Ellis, Sir H. Letters illustrative of English history 2419.4 Shelf. N.I. ENGLAND, continued. Galibcrt, L. Histoire d'Angleterre 2266.5 Halliwell, J. O. Letters of the kings . . . 2419.5 Hume, D. Histoire d'Angleterre 2513.1 Konnett, W. History, to the death of Wil- liam III 2410.3 Lingard, J. History 2129.2 Naval history. [New coll. of voyages, v.7] . 2263.1 Oldmixon, J. Critical history 2419.1 Rapin do Thoyras, P. History 2410.1 Rymer, T. Foedera, etc. 1110-1034 2510.1 Stow, J. Chronicle 2420.9 Wadc,.T. E.'s progress, to the peace of Paris. 2512.17 Walter, H. History of England, on Christian principles 2428. Whitelocke, Sir B. Memorial of English affairs to the end of James 1 2540.0 History of periods, to the great rebellion. Akerman, J. Y. Remains of pagan Saxon- dom 2530.6 Bassompierre, F. de. Embassy to E., 1620 . 2440.3 Camden, W. Annales rerum Anglicarum, regnante Elizabetha 2410.5 Capgrave, J. Chronicle, to 1417 2414.2 Cecil, W. (Lord Burghley) State papers. 1542-96 2420.5 Duchesne, A. Historia Anglicana circa tern- pus conqucstus 2412.4 Fabyan, R. New chronicle, to 1558 2521.2 Fantosmc, J. War between the English and the Scots in 1173 and 1174 2417.11 Fenn, Sir J. Letters during the reigns of Edward I V.-Hcnry VII 2451.1 Gaillard, G. II. Rivalite de la France et de 1'Angleterrc 2029.2 Geoffrey of Monmouth. British history . . 2412.7 Gildas, St. De excidio Britanniae 2413 3 Godwyn, M. Annales of E. 1509-1558 . . . . 2110.12 Grafton, R. History, to Queen Mary. . . . 2521.5 Hall, E. History, 1399-1548 2521.6 Hearne, T. Chronicles of Peter Langtoft and Robert of Gloucester 2412.5 Kemble, J. II. Codex diplomaticus aevi Sax- onici 2413.7 Lappenberg, J. M. England under the Anglo- Saxon kings 2412.8 Letters of state. Henry VHI.-Charles I. Sec Cabala 2420.10 Matthew Paris. Historia major Angliae, 1067- 1273 2540.11 Milton, J. History of Britain 2412.2 Monumcnta histories, to the conquest . . . 7070.7 Nennius. Historia Brittonum 2412.9 Palgrave, F. Rise and progress of the Eng- lish commonwealth 2511.5 Parker, M. History of his own times. . . . 2519.6 Peck, F. Desiderata curiosa 2140. 19 Sidney, H. Memorials of state 2420.3 Thierry, A. Histoire de la conquete .... 2419.3 Wace, R. Chronicle of Britain 21-.'u'.4 Wavrin, J. de. Anchiennes cronicqucs . . 2630.6 Whitaker, J. History of the Britous .... 2418.5 William of Malmesbury. Gcsta rcgum Ang. . 2413.0 - History of the kings of 2521.1 William of Newbury. Historia, 1000-1197 . . 2413.10 Winwood, R. State affairs, 1596-1013 .... 2540.4 Yorke, P. State papers 2411.3 History .- Great rebellion and revolution. Bate,G. The late troubles, 1640-60 2519.3 Boxhorn, M. Z. Metamorphoses Anglorum. 2419.9 Burton, T. Diary in the parliaments, 1650^9. 2510.2 Carrel, A. La centre revolution 2518.15 Cary, H. The great civil war, 1646-52. . . . 2517.4 Culloden papers, 1625-1748 2511.8 Dahlmann, F. E. History of the revolution. 2517.3 Dugdale, Sir W. The late troubles in. ... 2420.8 Fairfax family, Memorials of the 2517.8 Godwin, W. History of the commonwealth. 2517.7 Guizot, F. P. G. Etudes biographiques sur la revolution d'Angleterre 2519.29 ENGLAND 255 ENGLISH Shelf. No. ENGLAND, Guizot, F. P. G. continued. - History of the.Eng. revolution of 1040 . 2318.16 - Memoires relatifs a la revolution .... 2518.1 - Revolution d'Anpfletcrre 2517.11,12 Hyde, E. History of the rebellion in 1041 . 2515.1 -" State papers, 1G21-16GO 2410.4 Maeaulay, C. History of E. 1003-89 2421.2 May, T. History of the parliament of HHO . 2511.6 Mazure, F. A. J. Histoire de la revolution de 1688, en Angleterre 2518.13 Nalson, J. Affairs of state, 1039-1641 .... 2540.9 Ormerod, G. Military proceedings in Lan- cashire during the great civil war 2415.2 Ricraft, J. Survey of England's champions. 1641-17 2519.1 Rushworth, J. Historical collections, 1018- 1643 2420.6 Smith, T. De republica Anglorum 2419.10 Somerville, T. Political transactions, 1660-88. 2521.4 Symonds, R. Marches of the royal army during the civil war 2420.20 Thurloe, J. State papers, 1G3S-16GO 2420.4 Vicars, J. Parliamentary chronicle, 1041-13. 2519.2 Washbourn, J. Tracts during the civil war . 2471.13 Welwood, J. Transactions in the century preceding 1088 245S.16 Whitelock, B. Memorials of English affairs. 2517.1 History i Since the revolution. Aikin, J. Reign of George III 2510.5 Burnct, G. History of his own time .... 2517.5 Chambers, R. Jacobite memoirs of the rebel- lion of 1745 2442.2 Cobbett, W. Parliamentary history and de- bates 7088.1 Cole, C. Affairs of state, 1097-1708 2510.4 Collection of state tracts, during the reign of William III 2540.8 Coxe, W. Administration of Pelham. . . . 2511.7 Grimblot, P. Politics of England, 1697-1700. 2444.8 Halliday, A. Annals of the house of Hano- ver 2515.2 Hamilton. C. Reign of queen Anne .... 2515.4 History of the late minority, 17G2-G5 .... 2512.11 Luttrcll, N. State affairs, 1678-1714 2516.1 Marchmont, Earls of. Papers illustrative of events, 1085-1750 2510.6 Martineau, H. E. during the 30 years' peace 2422.3 Montgaillard, J. G. M. de. Situation dc 1'An- gleterre en 1811 2518.14 Porter, G. R. Progress of the nation .... 2512.3 Ralph, J. History of E. 1GSS-1727 2510.2 Rumusat, C. dc. L'Angleterre an 18e siecle . 2512.1 Veruon, J. Letters illustrative of the reign of William III 2510. 4 Waldegrave, J. Memoirs, 1754-58 2511.10 Ware, S. H. Rebellion of 1715; state of par- ties in Lancashire 2415.2 Wraxnll, X. W. Memoirs of my own time, 1772-84 2515.3 yote. For other documents of the history of Eng- land, see Camden society, Chctham society, English historical society, Percy society, Surtees society. ENGLAND, Church of. Articles, canons, with other publick records. Edward VI Charles I. with preface by A. Sparrow. London, 1840. 8m.4 3546.19 Book of common prayer. London, 1814. 8. 3447.6 Exclusive right of the church to the clergy reserves defended. Kingston, 1826. 8. *Pph.v.01 Liturgical services set forth in the reign of queen Elizabeth. Ed. by W. K. Clay. Cambridge, 1847. 8. [Parker soc]. . . . 3493.19 The two liturgies set forth by Edward VI. 1549-52. Ed. by J. Kctley. Cambridge, 1844. 8. [Parker soc.] '3493.20 Private prayers put forth during the reign of queen Elizabeth, et". Ed. by W. K. Clay. Cambridge, 1S51. S 3 . [Parker soc.] . . . . 3503.1 Anderson, J. C. of E. in the colonies . . . 3529.3 Shelf. No. ENGLAND, Church of, continued. Audin, J. M. V. Histoire du schisme d'An- gletcrre 2437.1 Brewster, J. On the ordination services . 3547.2 Burnet, G. Reformation of 3550.1 Carwithcn, J. B. S. History of the 3529.2 Chandler, T. B. An appeal in behalf of the. 3547.9 Davanzati, B. Scisma d'Inghilterra . . v. 2 of 2799. 8 Fathers of the English church 3177.20 Great Britain. Momimenta cedes. Anglicana. 3700.3 Hale, W. H. Precedents in causes of ofBce . 3G90.3 Hook, W. F. Call to union on the principles of the reformation v.2of 3547.10 Huntingford, G. J. Call for union with the established church 3547.1 Jebb,J. History of the choral service of . . 3447.5 Maskell, W. Monumenta ritualia ecclcsiae Anglicanae 3447.4 Kelson, R. Companion for the festivals and fasts of 3444.11 Real advantages [of] conforming to the . . 3458.77 Rogers, T. Catholic doctrine of 3503.4 Scudamorc, W. E. England and Rome: a dis- cussion 3464.15 Short, T. V. History of, to 1088 3529.19 Soamcs, H. Elizabethan religious history . 3522.4 - Reformation of the 3522.5 Southey, R. Book of the church 3523.3 - Vindication of the book of the church . . 35-.M. 4 Strype, J. Ecclesiastical memorials. . . . 3d--'-'.3 - Reformation in 3522.2 Tayler, J. J. Religious life of 3525.10 Ward, T. England's reformation : a poem . 2559.15 Wordsworth, C. English ecclesiastical bio- graphy 3553.6 See alao: Anglo Saxon church. Apostolic order, Brownists, Congregationalism, Dissenters, Episco- pacy, Great Britain, Independents, Non-conformity, Non-jurors, Puritans, Thirty-nine articles. ENGLEFIELD, Sir II. On the determination of the orbits of comets. London, 1793. 4 . . **E. 185.1 ENGLES, W. M. Narrative of the proceedings in the case of Rev. A. Barnes. Philadelphia, 1830. 8 *Pph.v.83 ENGLISH, G. B. Expedition to Dongola and Scn- naar. 1st Am. ed. Boston, 1823. S . . . 3055.3 Review of the grounds of Christianity exam- ined. See Cary, S 3430.13 ENGLISH, T. D. 1844; or the power of the " S. F." during the presidential campaign. A tale. New York, 1S47. 12 *Ppli. ENGLISH composition. Brewer, E. C. Guide to. 7009.8 Parker, R. G. Aids to 7009.1,2 - Progressive exercises in 7049.14 Tower, G. B. Grammar of 7069.7 ENGLISH elocution. Goodrich, S. G. 4th reader. 7059.34 Hillard, G. S. Second class reader 7059.40 Kellcy, H. J. American instructor 7059.16 Murray, L. English reader 7059.29,30 Parker, R. G. Rhetorical reader 7059.36 PierpOnt, J. American first class book . . . 7059.39 - Introduction to the national reader . . . 7059.35 - National reader 7059.33 - Progressive speaker 7059.43 Russell, W. Lessons in enunciation .... 7059.25 Sargent, E. Standard fifth reader 7059.44 Scott, W. Beauties of eminent writers . . . 7059.31 Swan,W. D. District school reader 7059.37 - Instructive reader 7859.38 Tower, D. B. Gradual primer 7059.26 - North American first class reader .... 7059.45 - Practical reader 7059.32 ENGLISH grammar, (spelling included.) Alex- ander. C. Grammatical system 7049.44 Allen, AV. Grammar 7059.2 Brace, J. Principles of 7049.55 - Key to principles of 7049.57 Brown, G. First lines of 70-19.2 - Grammar of English grammars 2583.7 Brown, J. American grammar 7049.43 ENGLISH 256 ENGLISH Shelf. No. ENGLISH grammar, Brown J. continued. - Appeal from the British system of ... 7049.4 - Appeal from the popular system of Eng- lish philology 7049.29 - English syntascopo 7019.0 - English syntithology 7049.12 - Exegesis of English syntax 7019.7 Buchanan, J. English syntax 7049.48 Bullions, P. Grammar of the English lan- guage 7049.15 - Principles of 7049.40 Butler, N. English grammar 7049.5 Cardcll, W. S. Elements of 7059.3 - Philosophic grammar 7049.28 Carll, M. II. English grammar 7059.7 Chandler, J. R. English grammar 7049.30 Comly, J. English grammar 7059.11 Crombie, A. Etymology and syntax . . . . 2584.11 Cummings, J. A. Spelling book 7059.20 Davenport, B. English grammar simplified. 7059.9 Dearborn, B. Columbian grammar . . . .7049.30,42 Emerson, B. D. National spelling book . . 7059.19 Fowle, W. B. Common school grammar . . 7049.13 - Guide to English spelling 7059.13,14 Frost, J. Elements of 7059.5 Gallaudet, T. II. The practical spelling book. 7059.21 Goodenow, S. B. Orthoepy and orthography. 7049.21 Green, It. W. Inductive exercises in, . . . . 7009.4 Hull, S. K. Grammatical assistant 7049.32 Ilamlin, L. F. Lectures in 7049.34 Harrison, Mr. Rudiments of 7009.14 Uutchins, J. An abstract of 7049.37 Ingersoll, C. M. Conversations on 7049.39 Jaudon, D. Union English grammar .... 7059.8 Kelly, II. J. Lessons in orthography . . . 7059.17 Kirkham, S. English grammar in, familiar letters 7049.25 Latham, II. G. Elementary grammar .... 7049.20 Lemon, G. W. Derivative dictionary .... 2580.3 Lowth, R. Introduction to 7049.51-63 McCreudy, F. Grammar in verse 7049.27 Murray, L. Grammar. 181G 7049.38 - Grammar simplified by J. Blair. 1&31 . . 7049.45 - Grammar improved by E. Pond. 6th ed. 1833 7049.33 - Grammar abridged by I. Algcr. 1840 . . 7049.54 - Grammatical exercises, edited by Alger. 1824 7059.0 - Grammatical exercises. 1833 7049.47 - Spelling book, with reading lessons. 1823. 7059.10 Parker, R. G. English grammar 7049.17,18 Picket, A. Analytical school grammar . . . 7049.56 Priestley, J. English grammar, with lectures on language, etc 2582.0 Sanborn, D. II. Normal English grammar . 7049.31 Sanders, C. W. Spelling book 7059.18 Short introduction to E. 207.22 Smith, R. C. Productive system of 7049.46 Smith, Sir T. De recta scriptione lingua An- glicae 2980.1 Smith, \V. W. Speller and defmer's manual. 7059.22 Tower, D. B. Elements of 7049.49 - Gradual lessons in 7049.3 Wallis, J. Grammatica lingua? Angl. . . . 25S4.10 Waterman, J. English grammar 7059.1 Welcl, A. II. English grammar 7049.22 Wells, W. H. School grammar . . . .7049.23,24,50 Wiggins, R. United States spelling book . . 7059.15 ENGLISH Ilcxapla. See Bible 3410.3 ENGLISH historical society. Collection of mon- astic chronicles illustrative of English his- tory. Lond. 1833-50. 29v. roy.S". Xamely . Adam of Murimuth. Chronica sui temporis. Rccensuit Thomas Hog *2413.10 Beda, V. Opera historica. Recensuit J. Stevenson. 2v *2413.1,2 Chronicque de la traison et mort do Richart deux roy d'Engleterre *2413.12 Florence of Worcester. Chronicon ex chron- icis, ed. B. Thorpe. 2v *2413.13 Shelf. No. ENGLISH historical society, continued. Gcsta Stcphani, regis Anglorum, incerto anc- torc, sod contemporanco *2413.11 Gildas, St. De excidio ISritanniae. Recensuit J. Stevenson *2413.3 Henrici quinti Anglias regis gesta. Illustravit B.Williams *2413.15 Kemble, J. M. Codex diplomaticus aevi Sax- onici. Ov *2413.7 Nennius. Historia Britonum. Rccensuit J. Stevenson *2413.4 Richard of Devizes. De rebus gestis Ricardi primi, regis Angliae *2413.5 Roger of Wcndover. Chronica, sive florca historiarum, et appendix. 5v *2413.8 Trivet, N. Annalcs sex rcgum Angliae, etc. *2413.9 Walter of Hemingburgh. Chronicon degestis regum Angliae. 2v *2413.14 William of Malmesbury. Gesta regum An- glorum atque historia novella. 2v. . . . *2413.0 William of Ncwbury. Ilistoria rerum Angli- carum. 2v *2413.16 ENGLISH lexicography, and philology. Ack- worth vocabulary 2585.29 Akerman,J. Y. Glossary of Wiltshire words and phrases 2586.34,36 Anderson, R. Ballads in the Cumberland dialect 2580.29 Ash,. I. Dictionary of the English language. 2584.21 Audelay, J. Poems in the Shropshire dialect in the 15th cent v. 14 of 2537.10 Bailey, N. Univcr. etymol. dictionary. 1730. E.201.2 - Same. 1737 25S4.24 - Same. 1764 2590.2 - Same. 1802 E. 204. 10 Baker, A. E. Northamptonshire words and phrases 2586.15 Bamford, S. Dialect of South Lancashire . 2586.31 Barclay, J. Dictionary L'.>1.L''J Barnes, W. Poems in the Dorset dialect . . 2586.13 Booth, D. Analytical dictionary 25S2.3 Bosworth.J. Origin of the English language. 2583.2 Boucher, J. Glossary of archaic and provin- cial words 2581.2 Brockett, J. T. A glossary of north country words E.209.9 Bywater, A. Sheffield dialect 2580.37 Carr, W. Dialect of Craven 2586.14 Clark, C. Essex localisms 2580.4 Coles, E. Dictionary 2585.21 Collier, J. Lancashire dialect E.209.7 Cooper, W. D. Provincialisms in the county of Sussex 2586.19 Coxe, R. S. Dictionary E.203.2 Crabb, G. Synonymes explained E. 204. 11 Craven dialect exemplified. See Horse. . . E. 209. 13 Dictionary of slang 2586.40 Exmoor scolding and an Exmoor courtship . 2586.11 Forby, R. Vocabulary of East Anglia . . . 2586.16 Glossary of provincial words used in Here- fordshire 2586.18 Glossary of prov. words used in Teesdale 2586.12 Graham, G. F. English synonymes 2585.25 Grimshaw, W. Etymological dictionary . E. 207.9 - Ladies' lexicon 7059.12 Grose, F. Provincial glossary 2530.4 - Classical diet, of the vulgar tongue . . E.209.3 Halliwell, J. O. Provincial dialects of Eng. 2586.1 - Diet, of archaic and provincial words . . 2584.7 Harrison, M. Rise, progress, and structure of the English language 2586.8 Hoare, E. N. English roots, and derivation. 2586.32 Holloway, W. Dictionary of provincialisms. 2584.6 Hunter, J. Hallamshire glossary 2580.10,11 Jennings, J. Dialects of the west of Eng. . 2586.30,36 Johnson, S. Dictionary, fed. 1755 . . . 2590.1 - Same. 6th cd. 1785 E.201.7 - Same. Perry's cd. 1802 2585.24 - Same. With add. by Todd. 1818. . . . 2580.1 - Same. Improved by Todd. 1828 .... 7068.1 ENGLISH 257 ENGRAVERS Shelf. No. ENGLISH lex. and philol., Johnson, S. continued. - Same. Todd's edition corrected by Chal- mers. 1820 E.204.4 - and Walker, J. Dictionary. Jameson's cd. 1827 2584.18 _ - - Same. Jameson's ed. 1853 2585. lo Junius, F. Etymologicum Anglicanum . . 2590.5 Kenrick, W. Dictionary 2582.2 Kcr, J. B. Archasology of our popular phrases 2580.28 Knowlcs, J. Dictionary 2583.5 Lhuyd, E. Glossography of Great Britain . 2590.4 Mason, G. Supplement to Johnson's dic- tionary E.204.12 Maunder, S. Dictionary 2585.23 Moor, E. Suffolk words and phrases .... 2580.21 Nares, R. Glossary of words, phrases, etc. . 2592.1 Palmer, J. F. Dialogue in the Devonshire dialect 2580.11 Parsons, J. U. Analytical vocabulary . . . 7059.23 Pegge, S. Anecdotes of the Eng. language. 2584.1, 2 Perry, W. Dictionary. 4th Am. ed. 179G. E.208.14 - Synonymous dictionary. 1805 2583.0 Pickering, J. Words and phrases peculiar to America E.204.2 Piozzi, H. L. British synonymy 2534.10 Platts, J. Dictionary of English synonymes. 25SG. 20 Polwhele, R. Cornish-English vocabulary . 24C2.10 Ray, J. Collection of English words not generally used 2580.38 Reid, A. Dictionary 2584.25 Richardson, C. New dictionary 2530.4 Roget, P. M. Thesaurus of words and phrases 25S4.4 Sheridan, T. General dictionary. 1780. . . 25>v!.4 - Same. 3d ed. 1790 E. 202. 14 - Same. 4th ed. Dublin, 1790 2584.23 - Same. Impr. by N. Salmon. 1800 . . . E. 208. 10 - Same. Ed. by S.Jones E.208.15 Smart, B. H. Critical dictionary 2584.19 Smith, J. R. List of works on the provincial dialects of England 2580.0 Specimens of the Cornish dialect 25SG.5 Sternberg,T. Folk-lore of Northamptonshire. 2580.27 Taylor, W. English synonyms 2585.20 Tooke, J. H. Diversions of Purley . . . . E.205.8 Toone, W. Glossary of obsolete and uncom- mon words 2580.20 Treasury of knowledge. Dictionary . v.2 of 2284.4 Vines, C. Dictionary appendix 2585.27 Vulgar tongue ; words and phrases used in London 2580.39 Walker, J. Pronouncing dictionary. . . E.205.5 Walters, J. English and Welsh dictionary . 2583.3 Webster, N. American dictionary .... E. 201.0 Webster, N. Dissertations on the English language 2585.2 Welsford, H. Origin of the English lan- guage, etc 2584.3 Westmoreland and Cumberland dialects . . 2580.3 Wilbraham, R. Glossary of words used in Cheshire 2580.30,33 Worcester, J. E. Dictionary 2580.0 Wright, J. W. Philological lectures on the English language Pph.v.190 Wright, T. Dictionary of obsolete and pro- vincial English 2585.20 - Scraps from ancient MSS 2584.17 Yorkshire dialect exemplified 2580.7 See also : Americanisms, Anglo-Saxon. ENGLISH literature. Bibliography. Allibone, A. S. Dictionary of 2150.14 Botfield, B. Cathedral libraries 2121.3 Brydges, Sir S. E. British bibliographer . . 2155.2 - Old books in 2155.3 - Opinions of old English books 2155.1 Clarke, W. Repertorium bibliographicum . 2121.2 Dibdin, T. F. Bibliographical tour 2404.1 Dictionary of living authors 2153. ( Griffith, A. F. Bibliotheca Anglo-poetica . 2155.6 Shelf. No. ENGLISH literature, continued. Hunter, J. English monastic libraries . . . 2125.4 London catalogue 2153.1^ Lowndes, W.T. Manual of 2153.5 Oldys, W. British librarian 2155.10 Publishers' circular. General record of lit- erature 2154.1 Ritson, J. Bibliographia poetica, 12th 10th centuries 2155.9 Walpole, II. Royal and noble authors of G. B. and Ireland < 2155.5 Watt, R. Bibliotheca Britannica 2150.13 History and collections. Aikin, J. Collection of English songs . . . 2530.3 - Letters on English poetry 2553.8 Allott, R. England's Parnassus, or flowers of our poets 2591.13 Bodenham, J. England's Helicon : pastoral and lyric poems 2155.2 Burnett, G. Specimens of English prose. . 2508.5 Chalmers, A. English poets 2592.7 Chambers, R. Cyclopaedia of Eng. lit. . . . 2551.2 Chateaubriand, F. A. de. Essai sur la littiira- ture anglaise 2702.5 Collet, S. Relics of literature 2553.2 Collier, J. Short view of the immorality and profaneness of the English stage 2588.3 - Defence of the short view 2588.4 Collier, J. P. Conversations on English poets. 2558.15 - History of dramatic poetry 2588.2 Cromck, R. H. Remains of Nithsdale and Galloway song 2580.2 Ellis, G. Specimens of English metrical ro- mances 2538.11 ILislewood, J. Ancient critical essays upon English poets 2003.7 Hawkins, T. Origin of the drama 2588.8,9 Headley, H. Beauties of ancient English poetry 253S.C Hey wood, T. Poets of the 10th and 17th cen- turies 2415.12 Hone, W. Ancient mysteries described . . 2575.24 Jcnks, J. W. Rural poetry of the English language 2591.3 Johnson, S. Works of the English poets . 25S9.3 Knox, V. Elegant extracts from the best English authors 2550. 1 Muziures, M. L. Histoire critique de la lit- terature anglaise 2553.5 Morgan, J. Phoenix Britannicus 2510.6 Nichols, J, Illustrations of the literature of the 18th century 2554.1 - Literary anecdotes of the 18th century . 2j.jl.^ Old English plays 2007.1 Park, T. Hcliconia 2591.13 Phillips, E. Thcatrum poetarum Anglic. . 2155.8 Puttenham, G. Arte of English pocsie . . . 2591.1 Ray, J. Collection of proverbs 2584.8 Ritson, J. Engleish metrical romancers . . 2538.8 - English songs 25:>S.9 Songs of England and Scotland E.2-J9.1 Southey, R. Specimens of the later poets. 2538.1 Stockdale, P. Lectures on eminent poets. 2554.3 Thesaurus dramaticus, beauties of English plays 2588.10 Wartou, T. History of English poetry . . 2553.3 Willmott, R. A. Critical view of English sacred poetry 2458.22 Wright, T. Lyric poetry of England in the reign of Edward 1 2558.24 See alto : Ballads, Camden society, Junius, Percy society. ENGLISH pleader, The, a collection of precedents of declarations. [London,] 1734. 8 . . . 3034.12 ENGLISH surnames, Essay upon. Lower, M. A. 2430.5 ENGLISIIBE, J. Statement of facts of the En- glishbccase. N. Y. 1849. 8 *Pph.v.l71 ENGRAVERS. Basan, P. F. Dictionnaire des gra- vcurs 4088.2 Catalogo dei piii celebri intagliatori 4088.4 ff n+n ?i.24 Fabricius, J. C. Entomologia systcmatica, emendata et aucta 3895.4 - Genera insectorum 3884.15 - Genera et species antliatorum 3884.31 - Mantissa insectorum 3899.3 - Nomenclator entomologicus 3884.32 - Philosophia entomologica 3884.27 - Species insectorum 3884. 19 Systema piezatorum 3899.11 - Systema antliatorum 3897.20 - Systema entomologiae 3884.18,25,3895.5 - Supplementum entomologiae systematicae. 3895.6 Ga'de, H. M. Zur Anatomic der Insekten . 3895.1 Gebhardt.J.G. Die schiidlichsten Feld.Wald- und Obstbaum-Insekten 3897.8 Geer, C. de. Abhandlungcn zur Geschichte der Insekten 3893.1 Geoffrey, E. L. Histoire abreg^e des insectes. 3890.10 Germar, E. F. Magazin der Entomologie . . 3899.9 Coze, J. A. E. Geschichte ciniger schadli- chen Insekten 3899.6 Hahn, C. W. Die wanzenartigen Insecten . 3897.21 Hegetschweiler, J. J. De insectorum genita- libus 3897.6 Herrich-Schaffer, G. W. A. Verzeichniss der europiiischen Insecten 38S4.34 Jordens, J. H. Entomologie des menschli- chen Korpers 3892.2 Kirby, W. Introduction to 3895.2 King, F. Entomologische Monographieen. 3897.16 Latreille, P. A. Cours d' cntomologie . . . 3884.23 - Lesfourmis,lesabeilles,lesaraignees,etc. 3874.15 Lehmann, M. C. G. Deantennis insectorum. 3899.17 Lessors, F. C. Insecto-theologia 3899.14 Linne, C.v. Entomologia 3888.10 See London. British museum ; Linncan soc. . 5861.1 Merian, M. S. Insectes de 1'Europe 38. A. 1 Panzer, G. W. F. Faunae insectorum Ger- manieac initia 3889.1 - Entomologisches Taschenbuch 3899.18 - Index entomologicus 3884.33 - Nomenclatur uber Schaffer's Abbildungen regcnsburgischer Insekten 3SS3.1 See Paris. Annales de la societe entomolo- gique 3889.2 Paykull, G. v. Insecta 3899.10 Percheron, A. R. Bibliographic entomolo- gique 2173.14 Ramdohr, C. A. Verdauungswerkzeuge der Insecten 3892.8 Rosel van Rosenhof, A. J. Insecten-Belusti- gung 3897.17 - De natuurlyke historic der insecten . . . 3891.6 Samouelle, G. Entomologist's useful com- pendium 3884.26 Schaffer, J. C. Der wunderbare und viel- leicht in der Natur noch nie erschiencne Eulenzwitter 3897.1 Schaun, II. R. Analecta entomologica . . . 3S97.9 Sturm, J. Catalog meiner Insectensamm- lung 3884.21 Swammerdamm, J. Historia insectorum . . 3S90.8 Westwood, J. O. Cabinet of oriental E. . . 3S92.1 - Illustrations of insects 3897.13 - Modern classification of insects 3SS4.22 TYood, W. Index entomologicus . . .... 38S2.5 See also : Anoplura, Ants, Aptera, Apus piscifor- mis, Colcoptera, Diptera, Hymenoptera, Lepidoptera. For the entomology of various countries see their names; particularly China, Europe, Germany, Gt. Britain, India, New England. ENTOZOA. Barker, T. H. Cystic cntozoa in the human kidney 3760.25 Cloquet, J. G. Anatomic des vers intesti- naux 3873.30 ENTOZOA 259 ERASMUS Shelf. No EXTOZOA, continued. Fauna, A, within living animals. [Smith- sonian contrib. v.5] 3340. Goze, J. A. E. Versuch cincr Naturge- schichtc der Eingeweidewiirmcr 3S74.5 Laurer, J. F. De amphistomo conico .... 3874. Kudolphi, C. A. Entozoorum historia natu- ralis 3874.12 - Entozoorum synopsis 3874.1 Schmalz, E. DC entozoorum systemate ner- voso dissertatio 3874. K Set also : Ascaris, llclminthology, Strongylus. ENTRECASTEAUX, J. A. B. d'. Voyage a la re- cherche de La Pcrousc, 1791-93. Paris, 1808. 2v. 4. Atlas. f *2270.11 ENTRIES, A collection of. Rastell, W 3070.7 See also : Law. Eox de Beaumont, C. G. L. A. A. T. d'. Les loisirs, sur divers sujets d'administration. Amsterdam, 1774. 13v. 8 *230S.l Pieces relatives aux Icttres, mc'moires, et ne- gotiations. Londres, 1705. 12 **E.229.5 Memoires du chevalier d'. See Gaillardet, F. 4GC8. 10 EPHESIANS. Calvin, J. Commentary on the. See Bible 5504.10 EPIIIPPUS Atheniensis. See Poet. com. Grjec. fragm 3002.14 EPIIIPPUS Olynthius. See Geier, R. [Alexandri M. hist, script.] 29G3.10 EPIIORUS Cumanus. See Frag. hist. Graec. v.1,3 . 3002.11 EPHUAE.M Byzantinus. Imperatorum et patriar- charum rccensus, interp. A. Maio. Ex recog. I. Bekkeri. Bonnae, 1S40. 8. [Corpus script, hist. Byz. v.41] *2968.1 Vita? Caesarum, a Caio Caligula ad Michaelem VIII. Palaeologum; Catalogus patriar- charum Byzantinorum. [Mai. Script, vet. nova coll. v.3, p.l] 3000.1 EPHRAEM Syrus. See Guillon. Bibliotheque des Pures v.10, 11 of 3490.30, r.8 of 3508.2 Vita S. Abrahae, eremitae; Vita S. Maria?, meretricis. [Migne. Patrologiae v. 73]. v.lof.3450.13 EPICHARMUS. Fragmens. [Brumoy. Theatre des Grecs. 2e ed. v.10] 2905.4 EPICRATES. See Poet. com. Graec. fragm 3002.14 EPICTETUS. Works. Transl. by Mrs. E. Carter. 4th ed. London, 1807. 2v. 8 *2972.12 Disscrtationum libri iv; Enchiridion [cum Simplicii commcntario et paraphrasi Chris- tiana] et fragmcuta, post J. Uptoni aliorum- que curas cd. J. Schweighseuser. Lipsiaa, 1799-1SOO. 5v. in 0. 8 *2972.13 Dissertationes, fragmenta, et enchiridion cum commentario Simplicii. [Theophrastus. Di- dot. Bib. Gr.] 3002.7 Manuale, sccondo la versione del padre Pag- niui. [Romagnosi. Opere, v.2, p.2] . . . . 3G22.2 Morals, made English in a poetical paraphrase by E. Walker. London, 171G. sm.l2 . . . 2988.11 EPICURUS. Philosophise syntagma ; De vita, mori- bus, placitisquc Epicuri. [Gassendi. Opera t V ' 3 ' 5 J 3910.3 EPIDEMICS. Adams, J. Laws of epidemic dis- cases M.Pph.v.123 Bascome, E. History of 3797.10 Caldwell, C. Nature and origin of the late E. of the United States 3807.10 Cleghorn, G. E. of Minorca 3809.3 Cookc, J. E. Autumnal and winter E. . . . 3728.7 Hecker, J. F. C. E. of the middle ages . . . 3722.42 Heuschling, P. F. X. T. De 1'influence pa- ludeusc sur la sante '3797.3 Hippocrates. Epidemical diseases 3723. G See also : Cholera, Contagious diseases, Yellow fe- ver. EPIGENES. See Poet. com. Graec. fragm 300-> 14 EPIGRAMMATA. See Martialis, M 292!)! 10 See Meleager Gadarenus 2994.1 Shelf. No. EPIGRAMMI. See Capozzi, F 4778.30 See Spettatore poetico 4764.4 EPILEPSY. Dissertatio inauguralis sistens casum epilepsia; per terebrationem cranii sanataD. Theiner, J. G M.Pph.v.107 EPILYCUS. See Poet. com. Grasc. fragm 3002.14 EPINAY, L. F. P. T. d'E. d'. Memoires et corre- spondance. 2e ed. Paris, 1818. 3v. 8. . 2058.12 EPINICUS. See Poet.com. Grsc. fragm 3002.14 EPIPHAXIUS, St. See Guillon. Bibliotheque des peres. v. 27 of 3499.30 v.20of 3508.2 EPISCOPACY. Bowden, J. Chauncy's compleat view of E. considered 3547.11 Chauncy, C. Compleat view of E. until the close of the 2d century 3547.8 Clarkson, D. Primitive E 3493.1 Potts, G. No church without a bishop . Pph.v.139 Sparks, J. Ministry, etc. of the episcopal church 3547.5 See also : England, Church ofi EPITAPHS. Webb, T. New select collection of . 2534.2 See also : Boston, Cambridge, Inscriptions, United States. EPITOME of the anc. history of Persia, tr. by W. Ouseley. [Per. and Eng.] Lond. 1799. 18. 3049.10 EPITOME of phrenology. Boston, 1835. 12 ... 3000.33 EPSOM-WELLS : a comedy. Shadwell, T 2575.23 EQUATOR. Voyage a 1'equateur, par M. dc La Con- damine. See Paris. Acad. des sciences . . 3271.4 EQUATORIAL regions. Choris, L. Vues et pay- sages des regions equinoxiales 2280.3 Humboldt, F. H. A. v. Travels to the equi- noctial regions, 1799-1804 2364.4 - Voyage aux regions equinoxiales du nou- veau continent 3810.1-8 EQUICOLA, M. Istoria di Mantova, riformata per B. Osanna. 2a imp. Mantova, 1008. 4. . 2727.13 EQUILIBRIUM. Carnot, L. N. M. Principes fon- damcntaux de 1'Oquilibrc 3944.31 EQUINOXES. Alembert, J. de R. d'. Recherches sur la precession des E.188.2 Bcssel, F. W. Uutersuchung des Gro'ssc und des Einflusscs des Vorriickcns der Nacht- gleichen E. 186. 22 EQUITABLE society [Lond.], Tables showing the total number of persons assured in the. . E. 150.4 EQUITY draftsman, The. See Van Iloythuysen, F. 3033.2 ERACLIUS or Everaclus. Epistola ad Ratherium episcopum ; Rclatio miraculi S. Martini. [Migue. Patrologiae v.135] 34C0.14 Er.Ann, C. See Annales du barreau francais. Bar- reau ancien, v.l 3708.1 ERASMO da Narni, Delia statua cquestre di. [Ar- chivio stor. ital. nuova serie. v.2, par. 1] . 5245.2 ERASMUS, D. Opera omnia. T. 1-10. Lugduni Batavorum, 1703-1706. llv. f ' *2920.3 Contents. Vol. I. Dcdicatio; Prrefatio in novam editionem; Judicia honorifica de Erasmo; Encomia in laudem Eraf>mi ab variis effusa; B. Rhenani ad Carolum Csesarem epistola i Vita D. Erasmi par- tira ab ipsomet Erasmo, partim ab amicis ojqualibus exnctc descripta; Catalog! lucubrationum Erasmi duo; D. Erasmi raors, epitaphiis virorum doctorum defleta. Quae ad institutionem litcrarum spectant : De duplici copia vcrborum ac rerum; Theodori Ga- zae grammaticaB institutiones; Gulielmi Lilii de octo orationia partium constructione libellug ab Erasmo emendatus; Luciani dialog! Erasmo interprete; De ratione conscribeudi cpistolas; Declamatio de pueris ad virtutem ac literas liberaliter instituendis idque protinusanativitate; De studio bonarum literarums De laude artis mcdicjo declamatio; Libanii aliquot declamationes, Erasmo interprete; De parabolis sive similibus; Colloquia familiaria; Conflictus Thalia? et Barbaric! ; Coronis apologetica pro colloquiis Eras- mi ; De utilitate colloquiorum; De recta Latin! Crae- cique scrmonis pronunciatione dialogus; Ciceronia- nus, sive de optimo dicendi generc; De civilitate morum pueriUum ; Galcni paraphrastaa Menodoti ad artiura liberalium studiu cxhortatio, accedunt duo libelli, quorum primus agit de optimo dicendi penere, secundus docet mcdicum eundcm et philosophum csse, interprete Erasmo ; In Laurentii Valla; elegan- tiarum libros epitome; Euripidis Hecuba, Latina facta ERASMUS 260 ERLACH Shelf. No. ERASMUS, D. continued. Erasmo interprcte; Euripidislphiceniae Grascoeer- mone in Latinurn tradiicta, Erasmo intcrprcte; P. Ovidii Nasonis do nucc clcgia, cum commentario Erasmi; Epigrammata. II. Adagia. III. P. I., II. Epistola;, pluribus quam CCCCXXV, ab Erasmo, aut nd Erasmum scriptis auctiores, ordinc temporum mine primum dispositac.multoquam uniquam antea emcndatiores. ct proestan tium aliquot virorum ad quosscripta; sunt imaginibus ornatas; Indices. IV. Qua; ad morum institutioncm pertinent : Ex Plutar- cho versa: Apophthegmatum libri octo; Stultitias laus, Erasmi declamatio, cum commentariis Gerardt Listrii, ct iiguris Joannis Ilolbenii, acccdunt, prae- fatio C. Patini, vita Ilolbenii, opera Ilolbenii, epis- tola G. Listrii . . . Prjefatio Erasmi ad Thomam Morum; Panegyricus Philippo Burgundionum prin- cipi dictus i Ad Philippum eundem carmen gratula- torium; Institutio principis Christian!; Isocratcs ad Nicoclcm regem dc institutione principis, Erasmo interprete; Declamatio do morte; Querela paciss Xenophontis Ilieron, sive tyrannus, Erasmo inter- prcte; Prccatioad dominum Jesum, pro pace cccle- sia;; Lingua, sive de lingua? usu atque abusu; De senectutis incommodis, carmen heroicum. V. Qua! ad pictatem instituunt; Enchiridion militisChristiani; Oratio de virtute amplectenda; Ratio veras thcologioe ; Paraclesis, i. e. adhortatio ad Christiana; philosophia? studium ; Exomologesis sive modus confitendi; Enar- ratio psalmi I., II.; Paraphrases in psalmum IIL; Concio in psalmum IV.; De puritate ecclesiae Chris- tiana: ; Enarratio in psalmum XXII.; De bello Turcis infercndo; Enarratio psalmi XXXIII., XXXVIII.; De amabili ccclesia; concordia; Concio in psalmum LXXXV. ; De magnitudine misericordiarum Domini concio; Virginis ct martyris comparatio; Concio de pucro Jesu; Epistolaconsolatoria ad virgines sacras; Christian! matrimonii institutio; Vidua Christiana; Ecclesiastes, sive de ratione concionandi; Modus orandiDcum; Symbolum, sive catcchismus; Prcca- tiODCs; Paean virgin! matri dicendus; Obsccratio ad virginem matrem Mariam in rebus adversis; De con- temptu mundi; De tscdio et pavore Christ! disputatio; De praparatione ad mortem; Ode de casa natalitia Jesu ; Expostulatio Jcsu cum homine pereunte; Hymni varii; Liturgia virginis Lauretanse; Carmen votivum Genovefa;; Commcntarius in duos hymnos Prudentii.de natal! ct epiphania pucri Jesu; Chris- tian! hominis institutum, carmen; Epitaphia in Odi- liam. VI. Novum Testamentum [Gr. et Lat.], cui, in hac cditione, subjectas sunt singulis paginis adnota- tiones. VII. Paraphrases in N. Testamentum in qua? acccssere summaria singulorum capitum, vcrsio vul- gata margin! adjecta, versuumque numeri adnotati. VIII. Versa c patribus Gra;cis, Joanne Chrysostomo, Athanasio, Origene, Basilio, accesserunt, in hae editioue, oratio de pace ct discordia, oratio funebris in obitum Bcrta; de Heycn, variaquc carmina, omnia antchac incdita, Fr. Robortelli aduotationes in quae- dam apophthcgmata ab Erasmo versa ut ct Joannis Heroldi declamatio pro Erasmo. IX. Apologiarum pars prima: Epistola apologctica ad M. Dorpium pro Moria; Apologia ad Jac. Fabrum Stapulensem; Ja- cob! Fabri disputatio adversus superiorem annota- tioncm Erasmi; Ad Jacobum Latomum de linguis; Ad Atenscm pro declamatione matrimonii; Apologia de, In principle erat sermo; Apologias tres ad nota- tion cs Eduardi Lei; Apologia; varia; ad Jacobum Lopim Stunicam ; Adversus Sanetium Caranzam; Apologia; de loco, Omncs quidem resurgemus; Apol- ogia; aliquot in Natalcm Beddam ; Apologia adversus dcbacchationes Pctri Sutoris; Appendix de scriptis J. Clithovci ; Dcclarationes adversus censuras the- ologorum Parisiensium; Apologia ad Phimostomum de divortio ; Apologia ad juvenem Geronto-didas- calum ; Apologia ad monachos quosdam Hispanos; Apologia; ad Albertum Pium Carporum principem; Ad episcopum Basileensem de esu carnium, et hominum constitutionibus ; De libero arbitrio. X. Apologiarum pars secunda : Hyperaspista; diatri- bes libri duo contra servum arbitrium Martini Lutheri ; Purgatio adversus epistolam ejusdem Martini Lutlieri ; Detectio praestigiarum libelli cujusdam ; Epistola adversus pseudevangelicos ; Epistola ad Eleuthcrium, ad Grunnium, ad fra- trcs Germania; inferioris; Spongia adversus adsper- gines Ulrici Hutteni; Pautalabus, seu adversus febri- citantem ; Adversus mendacium ct obtrectationem admonitio; Antibarbarorum liber; Adversus Gracu- los; Kesponsio ad Petri Cursii defensionem; Epistola de termino suo; Martini Lydii apologia pro Erasmo; Index expurgatorius in ejus opera; Guiljelmi Insu- lani oratio funebris in obitum Erasmi; Epistola in- edita; Index generalis ad omnia ejus opera, cxcepto III volumine; Loci scripturarum passim explicati. Shelf. No. ERASMUS, D. continued. Complaint of peace ; [and] Antipolcmus. 1st Am. ed. Boston, 1813. 12 3577.15 Pilgrimages to Saint Mary of Walsingham, and Saint Thomas of Canterbury. Tr. with colloq. on rash vows, and characters of abp. Warham and dean Colet, and notes by J. G.Nichols. Westminster, 1849. 8 ... 34C3.27 Butler, C. Life of 2844.1 Jortin. Life of. [Works, v. 4-6] 3498.1 Knight, S. Life of 2846.5 Michclet, J. Biographic d' Erasme 2844.3 ERATOSTHENES Cyrenams. See Gale, T. Opus- cula myth. phys. et eth 2963.11 See Herodotus. Didot. Bib. Gr 2992.12 ERATOSTHENES Scholasticus. See Brunck, R. F. Gnomici poetae Graeci 2968.5,0 See Gnomici Graeci 2979.3 ERCHAMBERT, bp. of Freysingen. Fragmenta. [Migne. Patrologia; v.116] v.l of 3400.1 ERCHEMBERT, monk of Monte Cassino. Exposi- tio in aliquot psalmos. [Mai. Script, vet. nova coll. v 9] 3000.1 Historia Langobardorum. [Migne. Patrolo- gia: v. 129] v. 3 of 3460. 8 Historia Langobardorum Beneventi post Pau- lum diaconum, cum notis Camilli Pere- grinii. [Muratori. Rerum Ital. script. v/.'.] 2710.1 ERCOLE d' Este. Lettere. [Archivio storico ital. App. v.O] 5255.1 ERDESWICK, S. Survey of Staffordshire. [Ed.] by T. Uarwood. N.ed. Lond. 1844. 8". . . *2503.4 ERDL, M. P. Entwicklung dcs Hummercies. Miinchcn, 1843. 4 *3871.4 ERECIITHIUS. See Mai. Script, veterum, etc. v. 7. 3000.1 ERECTHEION, The, at Athens. See Inwood, H.W. 3070.7 EREMBERT. See Erchembert. EREMITA, J. See L'llermite, J. ERGEBNISSE [und weitere Ergeb.] der bisherigen Forschungen iiber die Echtheit des Mo- zartschcn Requiem. Mainz, 1820-27. 8 . *4046.5 ERGOT. Beck, J. B. Observations on . . . M.Pph.v.35 Michell, W. Use of E. in parturition . . . 3775.14 Prescott, O. Medicinal effects of. . . . M.Pph.v.4 ERICHSEN, J. Science and art of surgery. Lon- don, 1853. 8 *3753.5 - Same. Ed. by J. H. Brinton. Philadel- phia, 1854. 8 *3753.4 ERICHSEN, J. E. Selected observations on aneu- rism. London, 1844. 8". [Sydenham soc.]. *3714.6 ERICHSON, W. F. Entomographien, v.l. Berlin, 1840. 8 3884.24 Genera et species staphylinorum, insect. coleopt. familiae. Berolini, 1840. 1.8 . . . 3897.15 ERIE canal. Origin and completion of the Erie canal. 2d cd. Providence, 1827. 8. ... 3942.3 Report of the commissioners for internal im- provement. Albany, 1814. 8 *Pph.v.l Campbell, A. Report on a direct route for the eastern termination of the Pph.v.154 Morris, G. Correspondence illustrating the advantages of the Pph.v.l Randel, J. Direct route for the E. C. at its eastern termination Pph.v.37 Report on the improvement of the internal navigation of the state Pph.v.9 ERIE canal district, Geological and agricultural survey of the. Eaton, A 3868.17 ERIN, Lyrics of. Maturin, E 2398.29 ERINNA. See Elton. Specimens of the classic poets, v.l 2963.14 ERIPHUS. See Poet. com. Graec. fragm 3002.14 ERIZZO, S. Le sci giornate. Milano, 1814. 10" . 2773.23 Novelle. [Novelliero italiano, v.4] 2772.19 Novels. [Roscoe. Italian novelists, v. 3] . 2772.18 ERKEMBALD. Opuscula. [Migne. Patrologiae v.137] 3460.10 ERLACH, F. C. v. Die Volkslieder der Deutschen. Mannheim, 1834-36. 5v. 8 *2902.9 ERMAN 261 ESQUIKOL Shelf. No. ERMAX, A. G. Vcrzeichniss yon Thieren u. Pflan- zen, auf einer Roisc urn die Erde gesammclt. Mit 17 Taf. Berlin, 1805. f *5860.3 ERMAXRIC. Fragmenta de grammatiea. [Migne. Patrologiajv.llG] v.l of 3400.1 ERMEXGAUD, or Ermcngard. Opusculum contra hareticos. [Mignc. Patrologife v.204] . . 3470.26 ERMOLD Niger, or Le Noir. Carmen dc rebus gcs- tis Ludovici Pii. [Bouquet. Recueil, v.C]. 2610.1 - Same. [Migue. Patrologize v.105]. . . 3450.29 - Same. [Muratori. Rerum. Ital. script. v.2, pt. 2] 2710.1 Fails et gestes dc Louis le pieux,poeme [814- 829]. [Guizot. Coll. mem, hist. Fr. v. 4] . 2618.2 ERNALD, or Arnald. De opcribus sex dierum ; Commcutarius in psalmum 132; De donis Spiritus sancti; De cardinalibus operibus Christi ; De septem vcrbis Domini in cruce ; Dc laudibus Marix ; Meditationes. [Migne. Patrologias v.189] 3470.13 Vita ct res gestse S. Bernardi, abbatis Clarae- vallcnsis. [Mignc. Patrologise V.1S5] .v. 3 of 3470. 9 ERXESTI, J. A. Claris Ciceroniana : accedunt Graeca Ciceronis. Ed. 4a. Halae, 1777. 8 . 2919.2 - Same. Parisiis, 1818. 2v. 8 *2919.4 ERXST, S. P. Histoire du Limbourg [etc.] publiee par E. Lavalleye. Liege, 1837-47. 7v. gr.8. *2S12.6 ERXULF. Collectanea de ccclesia Roffcnsi ; To- mcllus sive cpistola de incestis coujugiis. [Migne. Patrologiae v.163] 3460.38 EROTICI scriptores, Graece et Latine. Parisiis, 1856. 1.8. [Didot. Biblioth. Gr. 34] . . . *3002.10 Contents. Parthenius; Achilles Tatius; Longus; Xenophon Ephcsius; Heliodorus; Chariton Aphro- disiensis; Antonius Diogenes; Jamblichus, ex nova recensionc Guilelmi Adrian! Ilirschig ; Eumathius ex reccnsione Philippi Le Bas; Apollonii Tyrii his- toria ex cod. Paris, edita a J. Lapaume; Nicetas Eu- genianus ex nova recensione Boissonadii. ERROR, Innocency of, asserted. Sykes, A. A. . 3454.7 ERRORS in our funding system. Edinb. 1823. 8. 3646.24 ERSCII, J. S. La France litteraire. Hamburg, 1797-1806. 5v. 8 *2168.2 and Grubcr, J. G. Encyclopedic. Ite Sect. A.- Gers. 61v.; 2te Sect. H.-Junius 31v. heraus- gegeben von G. Hassel, W. Miiller und A. G. Hoffman; 3te Sect. O.-Phyx, 25v. her- ausgegeben von M. H. E. Meier und L. F. Kiimtz. Leipzig, 1818-1855. 117v. 4 . . *A. 179.1 Contents, Sec. I. Vol. I. A. Aetius. II. Aega Aldus, in. Ale Anax. IV. Anax-Appel. V. Appel Arzi. VI. Arzn Azz. VII. B Bar. VIII. Bas Bend. IX. Bene Bibeh. X. Bibel Blei. XI. Blei-Bol. XII. Bosch Bret. XIII. Bri Bunkur. XIV. Bui Cal. XV. Cam Caz. XVI. Cea Chi. XVII. Chi Clay. XVIII. Cle Com. XIX. Con Cor. XX. Cos Coz. XXI. Cab-Crgp. XXII. Car Dan. XXIII. Dan Dem. XXIV. Dem Did. XXV. Die-Dip. XXVI. Dir-Dom. XXVII. Don Dru. XXVIH. Dru Dzi. XXIX. Dae Eber. XXX. Eber Eck. XXXI. Eck Ehs. XXXII. El Els. XXXIII. Els Elz. XXXIV. Em Ens. XXXV. Ent-Epi. XXXVI. Epi-Erg. XXXVII. Erh-Erb. XXXVIIL Es Eug. XXXIX. Bug Ezz. XL. Ecc Fab. XLI. Fab Far. XLII. Fas Fer. XLIII. Fer-Fic. XLIV. Fic-Fiz. XLV. Fla-Flu. XL VI. Flu-For. XL VII. For-Fra. XL VIII. Fra Fre. XLIX. Fre Fri. L. Fri Fuc. LI. Ful-Fus. LII. G Galla. LIII. Galle Gar. LIV. Gar Gauh. LV. Gauk Gefr. LVI. Gef Gel. LVII. Gel Gene. LVIII. Gcnf Genz. LIX. Geca-Geor. LX. Geor-Gcrh. LXI. Gerh Gers. Sec. II. Vol. I. H Hamb. II. Hamc Hand. III. Har-Heb. IV. Ilec Heind. V. Hein Hens. VI. Hera-IIerp. VII. Herp Hib. VIII. Hibo Ilin. IX. Hir Hoe. X. Hoi Hor. XI. Hor ilul. XII. Hum-Hyp. XIII. Hyp Jac. XIV. Jac Iba. XV. Iba Jes. XVI. Jet Ind. XVII. Indi-Indo. XVIII. Indog-Ins. XIX. Insel-Inu. XX. Inv Job. XXL Joh Jofa. XXII. Job Ion. XXIII. loni-Irk. XXIV. Irl-Iom. XXV. Isu Italien. XXVI. Ital Jue. XXVII. Jad Judl. XXVIII. Jud-Jun. XXIX. Jun-Eur. XXX. Jus-Int. XXXI. Int Jun. Sec. III. Vol. I. O Ober. II. Ody Ohr. III. Olb Oina. IV. Ono Ord. V. Ordi-Oro. VI. Orp-Ost. VII. Ost-Otz. VIII. Shelf. No. ERSCH, J. S. continued. Qua Pac. IX. Pac Pal. X. Pal Pan. XI. Panv Pare. XII. Pard Pasca. XIII. Pasch Pau. XIV. Paul Feb. XV. Pei Pen. XVI. Pcne Perig. XVII. Perik Perse. XVIII. Pers Peter. XIX. Peter Peute. XX. Peut Peitzcr. XXI. Pflanz Phant. XXH.Phant Philipp. XXIII. Phil- ipp Philos. XXIV. Philo Phok. XXV. Phol Phyx. ERSKIXE, D. S., earl of Buchan. Essays on the lives and writings of Fletcher and Thom- son. London, 1792. 8 2457.10 ERSKIXE, Thomas, lord. Armata: a fragment. 2 parts. 1st pt. 5th ed. 2d pt. 3d ed. Lon- don, 1817. 2v.ini. 8 3565.15,16 Liberty of the press. 2d ed. Lond. 1793. 8.*Pph.v.3 Speeches, with memoir by Brougham. Coll. by J. Ridgway. London, 1847. 4v. 8 . 2502.10 View of the causes and consequences of the present war with France. From 24th Lon- don ed. Boston, n. d. 8 *Pph.v.301 Speech for James Hadfield, indicted for shoot- ing at the king. [Cooper. Tracts on med. jurisprudence] 3787.7 ERSKIXE, Thomas, esq. Internal evidence for revealed religion ; and an essay on faith. Andover, 1820. 18 3436.21 ERUDITIOX, Elements of universal. Bielfield, J. F A. 148. 4 See also : Learning. ERUPTIVE fevers, Lectures on. Gregory, G.. . 3796.10 ERVISIUS. Epistolae. [Migne. Patrol, v.196] . . 3470.18 ERYSIPELAS, Nature, etc. of. Nunnelcy, T. . . 3790.54 ERYSIPELATOUS inflammation. Hayward, G. His- tory of M.Pph.v.120 Warren, E. Treatise on 3717.0 ESATTA notitia del Pcloponneso, [ecc.] Vcnczia, 1087. 4 3075.11 ESCALIX des Aimars, A. Vie d'Antoine Escalin des Aimars, connu sous les noms du capi- taine Paulin, et du baron de La Garde. [Rich- er. Vies de plus celebres marins] 4609.11 ESCHER, H. Politischc Annalen dcr eidgeniiss- ischen Vororte Zurich und Bern. 1834-36. Zurich, 1838-39. 2v. 8 2828.8 ESCHRICHT, D. F. Die nordischen Wallthiere. Leipzig, 1849. 1.4 *5860.12 ESCHSCHOLTZ, J. F. System der Acalephen. Berlin, 1829. 4 *3871.9 Zoologischer Atlas. Kotzebuc's Rcise um die Welt. Berlin, 1829-33. f *5800.11 ESCOUBLEAU, H. d'. See Sourdis, H. d' E. de. ESCUKIAL, Description of the. Santos, F. de los 4090.14 ESNEAUX, J., and Chennechot, or Sennechot, L. E. Histoire philos. et polit. de Russie. Paris, 1828-30. 5v. 8 3063.2 ESXEH, Analyse critique de representations zodiacales d'. Letronne, A. J 3921.9 ESPEJO, El, entremes. [Spanish interludes] . . 3095.18 ESPER, E. J. C. Die ausliindischen Schmctter- linge. Hrsg. v. Toussaint von Charpentier. Erlangen, [1830.] 4 *38y*.7 ESPIXASSE, I. Digest of the law of actions and trials at Nisi prius. From 3d London ed. New York, 1811. 2v. 8 3025.2 ESPINOSA, G. A. de. Sonetti. [Opuscoli di autori siciliani, v.3] 4764.1 ESPRIT, L', de Luxembourg. Cologne, 1694. 12. 2649.16 ESPY, J. P. Paper on storms. 8. [No title- page] *Pph.v.l29 Queries and strictures respecting Espy's report. See Hare, R Pph.v.195 Remarks on Mr. Espy's theory of centripe- tal storms. See Redfield, W. C Pph.v.109 ESQUEMELIXG, J. History of the buccaneers of America. New ed. Boston, 1856. 8 . . . 2312.1 ESQUIROL, J. E. D. Treatise on insanity, transl. with add. by E. K. Hunt. Philadelphia, 1845. 8 . 3800.28 ESQUISSKS 262 ETHICS Shelf. No. ESQUISSES de la revolution dc la Belgique en 1&30. Bruxclles, 1830. 8 *2822.3 ESSAI d'un glossaire occitanion a 1'intclligence des troubadours. Toulouse, 1819. 8 ... 2685.3 ESSARTS, M. des. See Desessarts, N. T. M. ESSAY on a chancery jurisdiction in Mass. Bos- ton, n.d. 8 3025.10 ESSAY on the manufacturing interest of the U. 8. Philadelphia, 1804. 8 *Pph.v.ll ESSAYS on education. London, [1836.] 2v. in 1 . 3596.22 ESSAYS on the origin of pauperism and crime. Boston, 1841. 10 3570.75 ESSAYS to do good. Mather, C 3440.55 ESSEX, Eng. Description of the county of, by JohnNorden. [Camden soc. No. 9] . . . . 2416.9 Gilpin, W. Observations on the county of . 4000.11 Morant, P. History and antiquities of the county of 2460.1 New and complete history of the county of . 2504.1 Ogborne, E. History of 2471.9 Post-office directory of 2484.18 Salmon, N. The history and antiquities of the county of 2400.2 Suckling, A. Family history and heraldry of the county of 2471.10 Wright, T. History and topography of . . 2471.8 See also : Colchester. ESSEX calf's visit to Tiptree races. Clark, C. . 2586.4 ESSEX, Mass. History of. Felt, J. B 2350.5 ESTABLISHMENT of the Turks in Europe. Lon- don, 1828. 12 3085.4 ESTANCKLIN, L. Recherches sur les voyages et decouvertes des Normands. Paris, 1832. 8. 2264.30 ESTELLE pastorale. Florian, J. P. C. de .... 2050.38 ESTE. Statistica degli stati estensi 2731.3 ESTETICA, La, dell' adolescenza, narrazione istor- ica. Pelleri, G. R 4776.17 ESTHONIA. Beschreibung der Vogel Esthlands. Meyer, B 3905.10 ESTIENNE, H. La preccllence du langage fran- gois. N.dd. par L. Feugere. Paris, 1850. 12. 2684.15 ESTIMATE, An, of the manners and principles of the times. Brown, J 2556.11 ESTREES, F. A. d'. Mcmoircs, contenant les choses les plus remarquables sous la re- gence de Marie de Medicis ct le regne de Louis XIII. [Michaud. Coll. mem. hist. France. Ser. 2, v.G] 2011.1 Memoires, [1010-17.] [Petitot. Coll. m&n. hist. France. Ser.2,v.lG] 2035.1 ESTREES, J. d. s Vie. [Richer. Vies de plus celebrcs marins] 4609.15 ESTREES, V. M. d'. Vie. [Richer. Vies de plus cel<5bres marins] 4609.15 ETCHINGS, Collection of. [Dutch and Flemish schools.] Deuchar, D 4060.12 ETERNAL generation of the Son of God, Letters on the. Stuart, M Pph.v.271 ETHELBERT. Donationes ad diversas ccclesias; Decretum de rebus Dei et ccclesia; non ab- strahendis. [Migne. Patrologiae v.80] . . 3450.15 ETHELRED II. Leges ecclesiastics ; Privilegium. [Migne. Patrologiae v.151] 3460.20 ETHELWOLD. Vita, auctore Wolstano, ejus dis- cipulo. [Migne. Patrologiae v.137] . . . . 3400.16 ETHELWOLF. Canonum Hibernensium collectio ; Carmen de abbatibus Lindisfarnensibus. [Migne. Patrologiae v.96] 3450.22 ETHEREGE, Sir G. Works containing his plays and poems. London, 1704. 12" 2575.41 Contents. The comical revenge, or love in a tub; She wou'd if she cou'd, a comedy; The man of mode, or Sir Fopling Flutter, a comedy. ETHERIZATION. Bigelow, H. J. History of the surgical use of ether and chloroform . . . 3745.5 Bissell, W. H. Report of committee of the house of representatives, U.S., on the claim of W.T.G. Morton M.Pph.v.52 Brown, B. Effects of ethereal inhalation . . 3783.10 Shelf. No. ETHERIZATION, continued. Gay, M. Claims of C. T. Jackson to the dis- covery of M.Pph.v.42 Hosack,A.E. Beneficial effects of ether. M.Pph.v.42 Lord, J. L. Defence of Dr. C. T. Jackson's claim to the discovery of M.Pph.v.44 Piper, R. U. Use of ether in surgery .... 3741.3 Warren, E. Some account of the letheon, or who is the discoverer? M.Pph.v.42 Warren, J. C. Etherization 3783.12 See also: Anaesthesia; Chloroform. ETHEROLOGY. See Grimes, J. S 3600.35 ETHICS. Adams, J. Elements of moral philos- ophy E.218.19 Beattie, J. Elements of moral science . . . 3585.9 Bolgeni, G. V. II posscsso principio fonda- mentale per decidere i casi moral! 3585.17 Cavalca, D. I frutti della lingua 3444.29 - Lo spccchio de' peccati 3447.32 - Pungilingua 3444.23 Cicero, M. T. De finibus bonorum et malor. 2928. 1 - DC offlciis 2928.7,9 - Offices, or moral duties 2928.25 Clap, T. Essay on virtue and obligation . . 35>.3.20 Combe, G. Lectures on moral philosophy . 3587. 1<> Cousin, V. Cours de philosophic morale . . 4079. a7 Delislc de Sales, J. B. Traite de morale . . 3587. L'9 Doddridge, P. Lectures on 3451.1 Elements of moral philosophy 3002.7 Epictctus. The enchiridion 2988.11 Gale, T. Opuscula ethica 2%3.11 Garnicr, A. Morale socialc ou devoirs de 1' dtat et des citoyens 3505.8 Gcnovcsi, A. Filosofia del giusto e dell' onesto 3587.25 - Meditazioni fllosofiche su la morale . . . 3447.41 Gioja, M. Del merito e delle ricompense . . 3581.1 Girardin, S. M. Essai de morale 2070.37 Gisborne, T. Duties of men 3585.14 Hawes, J. Lectures to young men 3446.21 Holyoke, E. A. Ethical essay 3585.3 Jany Muhammad Asaad. Practical philoso- phy of the Muhammedan people 3012.12 Jouffroy, T. S. T. Introduction to 3585.16 Lc Maitre de Claville, C. F. N. Trait6 du vrai mOrite de 1'homme 3586.9 Leopardi, G. Operette morali 3587.28 Lieber, F. Manual of political ethics .... 3562.3 Mandeville, B. Fable of the bees : or private vices, public benefits 3585.15 Matter, M. J. Histoire des doctrines morales destrois derniers siecles 3605.15 More, H. Moralis philosophise rudimcnta . 3587.22 Nicole, R. Essais de morale 3586. 4 Paley,W. Principlesof moral philosophy. 3585.11,21 Pauthier, G. Les quatre livres de philosophic morale de la Chine 3024.5 Payne, G. Elements of moral science . . . 3587.17 Pendola, T. Pensieri di morale filosofia . . 3587.6 Penrose, J. Nature and discipline of human motives 3585.8 Plutarchus. Scripta moralia 3002.4 Price, R. Review of questions in morals . . 35S5.12 Rucellai, O. R. Dcgli officii per la societa umana 3566.11 Smith, A. Theory of moral sentiments . . . 3585.1 Smith, S. Sketches of moral philosophy . . 3587.21 Spalding, S. Philosophy of Christian morals. 35S5.7 Stewart, D. Progress of ethical philosophy. E. 218. 14 Tommaseo,N. Pensieri morali 3587.14 Waterston, R. C. Moral and spiritual cul- ture 3445.39 Wayland, F. Elements of moral science . . 35S5.2 Whewoll, W. History of moral science in England 3585.6 Zanotti, F. M. La filosofia morale 3587.27 See also: Benevolence, Conscience, Detraction, Duelling, Duty, Emotions, Evil, Good, Happiness, Intemperance, Passions, Responsibility, Slavery, Temperance, Truth, Virtue, War. See alto : Man. ETHIOPIA 263 EULER Shelf. No. ETHIOPIA. Harris, W. C. Highlands of .... 3055.4 _ Santos, J. dos. History of eastern. [Pink- erton. Voyages, v.l<5] 2200.13 "Waddington, G. Visit to some parts of . . 3051.12 ETHIOPIC clidascalia, The : with transl. by T. P. Platt. London, 1834. 4. [Oriental transl. fund, 35] *3021-2 ETHNOGRAPHY. Balbi,A. Atlas cthnographique du globe 2234.6 Bartlett, J. R. Progress of ethnology . Pph.v.lOO Heuschling, P. F. X. T. Manuel dc statis- tiquc ctlmographique universello 2235.1 Latham, R. G. Ethnology of the crystal palace 4089.28 See New York. American ethnological so- ciety. Transactions 2235.18 Nott, J. C. Biblical and physical history of man 2235.2 _ - and Gliddon, G. R. Ethnol. researches . 2234.9 Pricharcl, J. C. Ethnological maps 2234.7 Smith, S. S. Causes of the variety of figure in the human species 2235.4,5 See also: Complexion, Cranium, Customs, Man, Mankind, Kaces of men. ETIENNE, C. G. Minerve fran$aise. Aignan, E. . 2GC0.2 ETON, W. Survey of the Turkish empire. 2d ed. London, 1799. 8 3082.2 ETON, History of the college of. Ackermann, II. 2540.1 ETRUEIA. L'Etruria : studj di filologia, di Icttcra- tura, di pubblica istruzione, e di belle arti. Firenze, 1851-52. 2v. 8 5140. 1 History of. Gray, II 2750.13 ETRUSCAN antiquities. Bctham, Sir W. Etruria Ccltica 2730.12 Bonaparte, L. Museum etrusque 2750.4 Gori, A. F. Inscriptionum antiquarum Grae- carum ct Romanarum qua) cxstant in Etru- ria; urbibus, pars 1-3 2751.1 Guarnacci, M. Mcmorie istorico-etrusche . "2720.5 Inghirami, F. Monument! etruschi o di etrusco nome 2750.7 - Lettere di etrusca crudizione 2750.11 - Pitture di vasi etruschi 2750.6 Lampredi, G. M. Sopra la filosofia degli antichi etruschi 2750.14 Lanzi, L. Saggio di lingua etrusca "2750.12 Orioli, F. Dei sepolcrali edifizi dell' Etruria media 2750.5 Siracusa, II conte di. Notizia dci vasi dipinti rinvcnuti a Cuma 4070.14 Vcrmiglioli, G. B. Monument! inediti . . . 2750.3 ETTORE Fieramosca o la disfida diBarlctta: rac- conto. Azeglio, 31. d' 4775.3 ETYMOLOGY. Principii dclla scienza etimologica. Borrelli, P 2784.10 EUANGELUS. See Poet. com. Grace, fragm 3002.14 EUBULIDES. See Poet. com. Grasc. fragm 3002.14 EUBULUS Anaphlystius. See Baiter and Sauppe. Oratores Attic! 2903.1 EUBULUS Cettius. See Poet. com. Grasc. fragm. . 3002.14 EUBULUS Philosophus. See Mai, A. Script, vet. nova coll. v.2 3000.1 EUCHERIA. SeeLemaire.N.E. Poet. Lat. min. v.2. 2912.1 See Wernsdorf, J. C. Poet. Lat. min. v.3 . . 2912.4 EUCHERIUS, St. See Guillon. Bibliothequc des percs. v. 32 of 3499. 30 v.23of 3508.2 Libellus de laude Eremi ; Epistola ad Valcri- anum ; Liber formularum spiritalis intclli- geutia; ; Instructioncs ad Salonium ; Passio 8. Mauricii et sociorum ; Ilomilue quondam ; Exhortatio ad monachos ; Epitome operum Cassiani. [Migne. Patrologia: v. 50] v.2 of 3440.21 EUCLIDES. Elementa geomctrica uovo ordine ac methodo fere demonstrata. Londini, 1000. sm.l2 **E.189.22 - Same. Libri 15, ct Data, opera I. Bar- row. London, 1085. 12 **E.199.20 - Same. Libri priores 0, item 11 et 12. [Ed.] R. Simson. Glasguae, 1750. 4 **E.193.19 Shelf. No. EUCLIDES, continued. Elements, with Archimedes's theorems: also Data, etc. By I. Barrow, 1751. 8 . . . . **E.190.27 - Same. Books 1-0, 11, 12. Also the Data, corrected by R. Simson. 5th ed. Also trig- onometry. Edinburgh, 1775. 8 **E.188.7 _ Same. By It. Simson, [with] trigonom- etry. Philadelphia, 1800. 8 3926.21 - Same. [In Arabic.] Calcutta, 1824. 8. *E. 190.2,3 Method of demonstrating the fifth book. Cambridge, 1812. 8 **E.110.13 Cresswell, D. Supplement to the elements . 3926.12 Meibomius, M. Introductio harmonica . . . 4055.0 Vilant, N. Synopsis of book V E. 213. 12 EUDEMUS Parius. See Fragm. hist. Grose. v.2 . 3002.11 EUDIOMETERS, Account of some. Hare, R. . . E.224.8 EUDOXUS. See Poet. com. Grace, fragm 3002.14 EUENUS. See Brunck, R. F. Gnomic! pocta: Graci 2908.5,6 Carmina. See Gnomic! Grosei 2979.3 EUGENE, prince of Savoy. Militiirische Korrcs- pondenz. 1094-1705. Hrsgb. v. F. Heller. Wicn, 1848. 2v. 8" 2842.4 Alberi, E. La guerre d'ltalia del principe Eugenio di Savoia 2715.9 Arncth, A. Prinz Eugcn von Savoyen . . . 2841.12 EUGENE de Rothelin. Nouvclle. See Souza, A. F. de 4609.21 EUGENIUS, bp. of Carthage. Epistola. [Mignc. Patrologia: v. 58] 3440.27 EUGENIUS, bp. of Toledo. Opuscula diversa, mis- cellanea et epistolae. [Migne. Patrologia V.87] 3450.18 EUGENIUS II, pope. Privilegia. [Mignc. Patro- logia; v. 129] v.3 of 3400.8 Diploma ; Epistola ; Decrcta. [Migne. Pat- rologiae v.105] 3450.29 EUGENIUS III, pope. Epistola; CXIX. [Bouquet. Recueil.v.15] 2020.1 Epistolse et privilegia. [Migne. Patrologiae v.180] 3470.7 EUGEON Samius. See Fragm. hist. Graec. v.2 . . 3002.11 EUGYPIUS. Opera omnia, sive thesaurus. Par- isiis, 1848. 8. [Migne. Patrologia; v. 02]. 3450.4 EULER, L. Compleat theory of the construction and properties of vessels. Transl. by H. Watson. London, 1770. 8 **E.1S0.23 Conjectura physica circa propagationem soni ac lumiuis, [etc.] Berolini, 1750. 4 .. **E. 110.32 Elements of algebra. Tr. from the French with the notes of Bernoulli, the additions of La Grange, mem. of E. and a praxis. Lon- don, 1797. 2v. 8 **E. 198.4 - Same. Selected [by J. Farrar.] 2d ed. Cambridge, 1821. 8 **E. 198. 2, 3936. 19 Institutioncs calculi diffcrentialis, cum cjus usu in analysi finitorum ac doctriua seric- rum. Ticini, 1787. 4 **E.194.8 Institutions calculi intcgralis. Ed. altcra. Petropoli, 1792-93. 3v. 4 **E.194.12 Introd. a 1'analysc infinitusimalc. Trad, par Labcy. Paris, 1790, 97. 2v. 4 . **E. 194. 7, 3920. 16 Lcttres sur divers sujcts de physique et de philosophic, precedces de 1'eloge d'Eulcr par Condorcet. Nouv. dd. avec une iutrod. par E. Saisset. Paris, 1843. 16 3906.5 Letters on physics and philosophy. Transl. from the French by H. Hunter. 2d ed. London, 1802. 8 3903.11 Mechauica, sivc motus scientia aualytice cx- posita. Petropoli, 1730. 2v.ini. 4 . .**E.193.5 Methodus invcuicndi lincas curvas. Lausan- nse ct Geneva;, 1744. 4 **E.191.20 Tentamen novae theorise mvsicae. Petropoli, 1739. 4 4052.43 Theoria motus corporum solidorum. Ed. nova. Gryphiswaldiae, 1790. 4 ... .**E. 186.25 Theoria motuum lunse, cum tabtilis astronom- icis, studio J. A. Euler, W. L. Krafft, J. A. Lexell. Petropoli, 1772. 4' **E. 185.11 EULER 264 EUROPE Shelf. No. EULER, L. continued. Thcoria motuum planetarum et cometarum. Berlin, n.d. 4 **E.180.19 Opuscula varii argument!. Berol. 1740. 4".**E. 110.32 OpusculoruratomusIII. Berolini, 1751. 4. **E.110.32 Adnotationes ad calculum intcgralem Euleri. Mascheroni.L 3925.5 EULOGIUM [historiarum sive temporis] chronicon ab orbe condito usque ad A.n. 1300. Ed. by F. S. Haydon. London, 1858. 8. [Great Britain. Rolls chronicles] *2414.5 EULOGIUS. Opera omnia. [Migne. Patrologiae v.115] 3450.33 Contents. S. Eulogii vita vcl passio, auctore Alvaro Cordubensi; Mcmoriale sanctorum ; Documentum marty riale ; Epistoke ; Scholia Ambrosii Moralis ; Ap- pendix. EUMACHUS. See Fragm. hist. Graec. v.3 3002.11 EUMATHIUS. Erotica. [Didot. Bib. Gr. Erotici ecriptores] 3002.10 EUMENius. Panegyricus Constantino Augusto dictus ; Gratiarum actio Constantino Aug. Flavensium nomine. [Migne. Patrol, v.8] 3440.6 EUNAPIUS. Excerpta ex historia, et fragmenta. [Dexippus. Corpus script, hist. Byz. v. 14]. 2909.1 Vitae sophistarum. [Philostratus. Didot. Bib. Gr.] 3002.13 See Fragm. hist. Graec. v.4 3002.11 See Mai, A. Script, vet. nova coll. v.2 . . . - 3000.1 EUNICUS. See Poet. com. Grace, fragm 3002.14 EUPIIAXTUS. See Fragm. hist. Graec. v.3 .... 3002.11 EUPIIORION. See Fragm. hist. Graec. v.3 .... 3002.11 EUPHRATES, Survey of the. Chesney, F. R. . . 3042.5 EUPIIRON. See Poet. com. Graec. fragm 3002.14 EUPHRONIUS. Epistolae duse. [Migne. Patrol- ogiaev.58] 3440.27 EUPHROSYNE, or amusements on the road of life : poems. Graves, R 2559.3 EUPOLIS. See Poet. com. Graec. fragm 3002.14 EURIPIDES. Curante J. F. Boissonade. Parisiis, 1825-20. 5v. 32. [Boissonade. Poetae Graeci, v.10-20] *2979.12 Fabulce. Gr. et Lat. Ed. Th. Fix. Parisiis, 1843. 1.8. [Didot. Biblioth. Gr. 0] ... *2992.10 Tragcedise etc. Tomus III. continens S.Mus- gravii notas, etc. Curavit C. D. Beckius. Lipsise, 1788. 4 2971.1 Fragmenta, itcrum ed. F. G. Wagner. P&- risiis, 1840. 1.8. [Didot. Biblioth. Gr. 7].*2992. 11 Pcrditarum fabularum fragmenta. Wagner, F. W v.2of 29G7.1 Tragedies, trad, par diverses poetes. [Bru- moy. Theatre des Grecs.] Ed. 1749. v.2- 6of29C5.3. Ed. 1820-25 v. 5-11 of 2905.4 Contents ofed. o/l'49. Vol. II. Electre; Hippo- lytc; Iphigenie en Aulide. HI. Iphigenie en Tau- ride ; Alcestc. IV. Ilecube; Orestc; Les Pheniciennes; Medce ; Andromaque ; Lcs suppliantes ; Rhesus; Lcs Troycnnes. V. Les Bacchantes; Les Huraclides; Helene; Ion; Hercule furieux. VI. Le cyclope. Contents ofed. q/1820-25. Vol. V. HC-cube; Oreste. VI. Les Phenicienncs; Medec. VII. Hippolyte ; Alceste ; Andromaque. VIII. Lcs suppliantes ; Iphigenie en Aulide j Iphigenie en Tauride. IX. Rhesus; Les Troyennes ; Les Bacchantes ; Les He- raclides. X. Helene; Ion; Hercule furieux. XI. Electre ; Sujct de Danae, trag. perdue; Hippolyte voile, trag. perdue; Le cyclope. Tragcdie cinque, tradotte da F. Bellotti. See Poetigreci 2903.2 Contents. Ippolito; Alccsti; Andromaca, Le sup- plicanti; Ifigenia in Aulide. Notae philologicae et grammaticae in Euripidis tragoedias. [Cura G. Trollope.] Londini, 1828. 2v. 8 2988.2 Alcestis, with notes by T. D. Woolsey. New ed Boston, 1854. 12 2988.6 Iphigcnia in Aulide, cum animad. F. Vateri. Mosqutc, 1845. 8 2988.1 Phocnissae, ed. J. Geelius. Scholia antiqua adj. C. G. Cobetius. Lugd. Batav. 1840. 8. 2988.3 L'Alceste, trad, iu Ital. [Alfieri, v.3] .... 2775.6 Shelf. No. EURIPIDES, continued. Alccstis et Medea. Latino carmine redditae. [Buchanan. Opera, v.2] 2000.1 Ecuba, tragedia trasportata in versi italiani. [Visconti. Opcre, v.10] 2750.8 Hecuba, Latina facta; Iphigenia in Aulide. [Erasmus. Opera, v.l] 2920.3 Iphigenia in Tauris, transl. by G. West. See Pindar v.l of 2999.21 Medea. [Parnaso dei poeti classici d'ogni nazione, v.12] 2709.1 Dissertatio de epistolis Euripidis. See Bent- ley, R 3001.1 Dissertation upon the epistles of. See Bent- ley, R 2959.1 EUROPE. Geography and condition. Abu Taleb Khan. Travels of Mirza in 2274.3 Bache, A. D. Education in 3595.1 Carter, N. H. Letters from, 1825-27 .... 2'.T4.13 Catlin,G. Travels and residence in 2^7i.ll Channing, W. Physician's vacation .... 2273.5 Coryat, T. Travels in France, the Nether- lands, etc 2274.1 Couturier de Vienne, A. F. Statistique sur les forces militaires des puissances de 1' Europe 2304.2 Dewey, O. Old world and new 2273.12 Fischer, W. Historiches und geogr. Atlas von Europa 2280.11 Jewett, I. A. Passages in foreign travel . . 2273.0,7 Kemblc, J. M. State of 2304.3 Laing, S. Social and political state, 1848-49 . 2274.10 Nugent, T. Tour through the Netherlands, Germany, Italy, etc 2274.12 Oddy, J. J. European commerce 3051.3 Praclt, D. D. L'Europe dcpuis le congres d' Aix-la-Chapelle 3500.2 Russegger, J. Reise in Europa 2201.4 Sedgwick, C. M. Letters from abroad . .2273.10,11 Smith, J. E. Tour on the continent .... 2274.2 Starke, M. Information for travellers on the continent 2289.8 Stuart, G. View of society iu 3505.21 History and politics. Abelin, J. P. Theatrum Europaeum, 1017- [1718] Allonville, A. F. d'. Memoires tires des pa- piers d'unhomme d'etat Ancillon, F. Revolutions du systems poli- tique de 1'Europe Burmcister, C. C. H. Zur Geschichte Euro- pa's im lOten Jahrhunderte Capefigue, B. H. R. L'Europe pendant la revolution francaise - L'Europe pendant le consulat et 1'empire de Napoleon - L'Europe depuis 1'avenement du roi Louis Philippe - L'Europe depuis la chute de L. Philippe. De La Croix, J. V. Constitutions of the prin- cipal states of Dufau, P. A. Constitutions de 1'E Giambullari, F. F. Istoria dell' Europa dal 800 al 919 Hallam, H. E. during the middle ages . . . Heeren, A. H. L. Political system of . . . . Lacopede, B. G. E. Histoire generate de 1'E. Maimbourg, L. L'histoire de la decadence de 1'empire de Charlemagne Michailowsky Danielewsky, A. I. Geschichte des Krieges im Jahre 1812 Niebuhr, B. G. Geschichte des Zeitalters der Revolution Ottieri. F. 31. Guerre avvenute in Europa per la successione alia moparchia delle Spagne, 1090-1725 Philippart, J. Northern campaigns of 1812-13. Schoell, M. S. F. Cours d'histoire des etats europeens 2290.1 2302.6 2300.2 2305.4 ^300.1 2306.4 2294.1 2294.2 3504.5 3564.8 2220.3 2301.3 3502.13 2300.3 3512.8 30G5.10 2302.7 2295.1 3005.5 2304.1 EUROPE 265 EVANS Shelf. No. EUROPE, continued. Plotho, C. v. Tagebuch des Krieges, 1806, 1S07 2824.11 - Der Krieg des verbiindeten Europa gegen Frankrcich im Jahre 1815 4049.6 Politz, C. H. ~L. Die europaischen Verfas- sungen, 17S9-1&32 3564.3 Raumer, F. v. Gcschichte Europas .... 2307.1 Kolt, R. Conduct of the powers in the gen- eral war, 1730-1743 2302.9 S6gur,L. P. de. Tableau historique do 1'E. . 2307.5 Springer, A. II. Geschichte des Rcvolutions- Zeitalters 2302.4 Wachsmuth, E/W.G. Das Zeitalter der Revo- lution 2302.5 Languages and literature. Bosworth, J. Origin of the English, Ger- manic, and Scandinavian languages .... 2583.2 Eichhoff, F. G. Literature du Nord au moyen age. . 2193.2 Eichhorn, J. G. Geschichte der Cultur und Littcratur des neueren Europa 2193.7 Hallam, H. Literature of 2193.1 Parsons, J. Affinity and origin of the Euro- pean languages 2951.1 Schele de Vere. Sketch of the languages of . 2956.20 Sisraondi, J. C. L. S. de. Litterature du midi del'Europe 2193.3 Natural history. Bonaparte, C.L.J. L. Birds of Europe . . . 3904.6 Corda, A. C. J. Flore illustree de mucedinees d'Europe 3840.6 DC Luc, J. A. Geological travels in the north of Europe 3862.21 Fries, E. Lichenographia Europea reformata. 3858.16 Godart, J. B. Lepidopteres de 1'Europc . . 3893.5 Gourcy, C. de. Voyage agricole en France, Allemagne, etc 2273.13 Gravenhorst, I. L. C. Ichneurnonologia Eu- ropoea 3897.19 Herrich-Schaffer, G. "W. A. Verzeichniss der europaischen Insecten 3884.34 Hiibner, J. J. Verzeichniss europiiischer Schmetterlinge 3899.1 Lindcnberg, J. B. C. Synopsis hepaticarum Europaearum 3851.6 Meigen, J. W. Beschreibung der europai- schen Schmetterlinge 3894.6 Merian, M. S. Inscctes de 1'Europe .... 38- A. 1 Ochsenheimer, F. Die Sehmetterlinge von Europa 3894.5 Schimper, \V. P. Bryologia Europjea . . . 3841.4 Thienemanu, F. A. L. Fortpflanzung der Vogel Europa's 3902.4 EUROPE, and other poems. Apperley, C. O. . . 2549.10 EUROPEAN agriculture and rural economy. See Colman, II. . 3993.1 EUSEBIUS. See Fragm. hist. Graec. v. 3 3002.11 EUSEBIUS Bruno. Epistola ad Bereugarium de cucharistia. [Migne. Patrologiae v.147] . 3460.25 EUSEBIUS Pamphilus, or Cassariensis. Opera om- nia quae cxstant, [Gr. et Lat.] curis variorum edita, denuo rccog. Migne. v.1,5,6. Lute- tian Parisiorum, 1857. 3v. 8. [Migne. Patrologi33T.19,23,24] 3490.17 Contents. Vol.1. Chronicon libri duo; Appendix duplex : Samuelia Aniensis temporum usque ad suam aetatem ratio: Veterum scriptorum opuscula chronologica et astronomica ex recensione Dionysii Petavii. V. Commentaria in Fsalmoa. VI. Cora- mentariorum in Psalmoa supplementum; Fragmenta inProverbia; Commentaria in Isaiam; Fragmenta ia Danielcm; Commentaria in Lucam; Fragmenta in epistolam ad Ilcbrceos; De tlieophania; De solem- iiitate paschali; Contra Marcellum; De ecclesiastica theologia; Opuscula duodccim. Chronicon breviatum ; Excerpta comraentarii in Lucam; Questiones ad Stephanum et ad Marinum. [Mai. Script, vet. nova coll. v.l, pars.l] 3000.1 Shelf. No. EUSEBIUS Pamphilus, continued. Chronicorum libri duo. [Mai. Script, vet. nov. coll. v.8] 3000.1 Expositio in Cantictim canticorum. [Meur- sius, J. Opcre, v.8] 2210.2 See Guillon. Bibliotheque des peres. v.O of 3499.30 v.5 of 3508.2 Interpretatio chronicae Eusebii, [et] fragm. [Migne. Patrologiae v.27] v.6of3440.16 Vita imperatoris Constantini. [Migne. Pa- trologias v.8] 3440.6 EUSEBIUS, pope. Notitias biographieae nee non et bibliographical ; Epistola;. [Migne. Patro- logiae v.6, 7] 3440.5 EUSEBIUS Vercellcnsis. Opera omnia. Parisiis, 1845. 8. [Migne. Patrologiae v.12] .... 3440.9 Contents. Evangelium, cum variis versionis Italics exemplaribus collatura; Epistola;; De trinitatc con- fessio. EUSTACHIO, B. Tabula? anatomicae. Amstelae- dami, 1722. f *3740.23 EUSTAPIIIEVE, A. Resources of Russia. 2d ed. with app. Boston, 1813. 12 3069.1 EUSTATHIUS. Metaphrasis Latina hexaemeri S. Basilii. [Migne. Patrologiae v.53] . . . 3440.24 EUSTATHIUS Cappadox. See Fragmenta histori- corum Graec. v.4 3002.11 EUSTATHIUS Epiphaniensis. See Fragmenta his- toricorum Graec. v.4 3002.11 EUSTATHIUS Monachus. Contra monophysitas. [Mai. Script, vet. coll. v.7] 3000.1 EUSTATHIUS Thessalonicensis. Commentarii ad Homeri Iliadem. Lipsiae, 1827-30. 4v. 4 . *2991.5 Commentarii ad Homeri Odysseam. Lipsise, 1825-20. 2v. 4" *2991.6 Index in Eustathii commcntarios in Homeri Iliadem et Odysseam, studio M. Devarii. Lipsiae, 1828. 4 *2901.7 See Leo Grammaticus. [Corpus script, hist. Byz. v.44] 2968.1 EUSTIS, W.,gov. of Afass. Sermon on the death of. See Gray, T Pph.v.267 EUTIIERIUS. Exccrptum ; Epistola ad Sixtum papam. [Migne. Patrologiae v.48] .... 3440.20 EUTIIIAS. See Baiter and Sauppa. Oratores Attici 2903.1 EUTHYCLES. See Poctae com. Graec 3002.14 EUTROPIUS. Historia miscella. [Muratori. Rc- rum Ital. script, v.l] 2710.1 EUTROPIUS, bp. of Valentia. Epistola ad Petrum papam, de octo vitiis ; Epistola ad Petrum papam de districtione monachorum. [Migne. Patrologia; v.80] 3450.15 EUTYCHES. Epistola ad S. Leonem I. papam. [Migne. Patrologiae v.51] v.l of 3440.25 EUTYCHIANUS Cappadox. See Fragmenta histor- icorum Graec. v.4 3002.11 EUTYCHIANUS, pope. Exhortatio ad presbytcros. [Mai. Script, vet. nova coll. v.O. pars 2] . 3000.1 Exhortatio ad presbyteros ; Epistola et de- creta dubia. [Migne. Patrologia; v.5] . . 3440.4 EVAGRIUS. Altercatio inter Theophilum Chris- tiauum et Simonem Judaeum ; Sententiae. [Migne. Patrologise v.20] 3440.14 - Same. [Martene and Durand. Thesaurus novus anecd. v.5] 2250.2 EVANGELICAL instructor for schools. Collier, W. 7059.27 EVANGELISTS. Allen, J. Questions on the . . . 7029.27 Calvin, J. Commentary on a harmony of Matt., Mark, and Luke 5504.4 EVANGILES, Les, des quenouilles. [Recueillies par Touquart de Cambray.] Nouv. ed. Paris, 1855. 16 2609.14 EVANS, Charles. Report of the trial of Hon. S. Chase before the senate of the U. S. Balti- more, 1805. 8 *C.110.13 EVANS, Charles, M.D. Account of the asylum for the relief of persons deprived of reason, near Frankford. Phila. 1839. 8 ... *M.Pph.v.l29 Biographical notice of Joseph Hartshorne. Oct. 7, 1851. Philadelphia, 1852. 8 . *M.Pph.v.50 EVANS 266 EVERETT Shelf. No. EVANS, G. Speech in relation to the failure of the bill making appropriations for fortifications. Washing-ton, 1830. 8 *Pph.v.% EVANS, G. W. D. Classic and connoisseur in Italy and Sicily ; with appendix containing au abridged translation of Lanzi's Storia pittorica. London, 1&35. 3v. 8 2764.2 EVANS, James. Remarks on ulcerations of the genital organs. London, 1819. 8 . . *M.Pph.v.88 EVANS, John, LL.D. History of Christian sects. 2d Am. ed. New York, 1844. 12 3533.4 EVANS, Rev. John. Beauties of North Wales. [Braylcy. England and Wales. ]. .v.!7of 2407.1 History of Bristol. See Corry, J 2504.6 and Britton, J. Beauties of Monmouth- shire, Norfolk, Northamptonshire. [Bray- ley. England and Wales, v.ll] 2406.1 EVANS, L. Analysis of a map of the middle Brit- ish colonies in America. Phila. 1755. 4 . *2320.22 EVANS, R. II. Supplement to essays on song- writing. See Aikin, J 2536.3 EVANS, W. J. Sugar-planter's manual. Philadel- phia, 1848. 8 4003.21 EVANSON, It. T., and Maunscll, H. Management and diseases of children. From 5th Dublin ed. Boston, 1848. 8. [Library pract.med. v.18] *3777.18 EVANTHIUS. De tragoedia et comoeclia commehta- tiunculae. [Gronovius. Thesaurus. Graec. antiq. v.8] 2900.2 EVANTIUS. Epistola unica. [Migne. Patrologiae v.88] 3450.19 EVARISTUS, pope. Epistolae et decreta. [Migne. Patrologia Gracca, v.5] 3490.3 EVARTS, J. Essays on the present crisis in the condition of the American Indians. Bos- ton,1829. 8 *Pph.v.75 - Same. Philadelphia, 1830. 8 . . . .*Pph.v.l48 Life. Tracy, E. C 3554.3 EVE, P. F. Address at the medical college of Georgia, on opening the course of lectures, 1837. Augusta, Ga. 1838. 8 *M. Pph. v. 34 EVE of the conquest : a poem. Taylor, H. . . . 2009.25 EVELYN, J. Miscellaneous writings, with notes byllpcott. London, 1825. 4 2001.2 Contents. Preface; Of liberty and servitude, trans- lated from the French of sicur de La Mothe Le Vaycr; The state of France, as it stood in the 9th, yeer of this present monarch, Lewis XIV ; The epistle dedicatory to the translation of the French gardincr; The golden book of St. John Chrysostom, concerning the education of children j A character of England, with reflections upon Gallus castratus; An apology for the royal party, by a lover of peace and of his country; The late news from Brussels unmasked, and his majesty vindicated; Fumifugium, or the in- convcnicncy of the smoak of London dissipated; Sculptura, or the history and art of chalcography and engraving in copper, with an ample enumeration of the most renowned masters and their works, to which is annexed a new manner of engraving, or mezzo tinto ; The epistles dedicatory prefixed to the transla- tion of the Parallel between ancient and modern architecture, by Roland Freart; An account of archi- tects and architecture; Kalendarium hortensc, or the gard'ner's almanack, directing what he is to do monthly throughout the year; Public employment, and au active life, preferred to solitude; An idea of the perfection of painting; The history of the thrco famous impostors, viz: Padre Ottomano, Mahomed Bel and Sabatai Sevi ; Navigation and commerce, their original and progress; Letters to Aubrey and the secretary of the Bx>yal Society; Mundus muliubris, or the ladies' dressing-room unlock'd ; Advertise- ments; Acetaria, a discourse of sallcts; General in- dex. Discourse of medals. London, 1697. f . . *2230.2 History of religion, with notes by R. M. Evauson. London, 1850. 2v. 8m.8 . . . . 3435.17 Memoirs, comprising diary, correspondence, etc. Ed. by W. Bray. London, 1818. 2v. 4. *2440.5 KVENING gazette and general advertiser, v.2. Aug. 19, 1815 Aug. 10, 1816. Boston, 1815- 16. f *8060.7 Shelf. No. EVENING mail, v. 1-24. Dec. 1845 Dec. 1857. Lon- don, 1845-1857. 24v. f *7880.1 EVERACLUS. See Eraclius. EVERARD, J., baron Arundell. The hundred of Dunworth. [Hoare. Wiltshire]. . v.4of 2500.3 EVERATO, G. II prato spirituale.volgarizzamcnto diBelcari. See Bclcari, F v. 3 of 4770. 23 EVEREST, C. W. Poets of Connecticut. Hartford, 1843. 8 2405.9 EVERETT, A. H. Address in commemoration of the battle of Bunker hill. Bost. 1836. 8.*Pph.v.237 Literary character of the scriptures : an ad- dress. New York, 1838. 8 *Pph.v.l03 New ideas on population. Bost. 1823. 8" . *Pph.v.C8 Oration before the citizens of Boston, 5th July, 1830. Bost. 1830. 8 . **E.224.10, *Pph.v.260 [Remarks on the censures of the government of the United States, contained in a book [by A. H. E.] entitled Europe. Boston, 1828. 8] *Pph.v.2 EVERETT, D. Address in Boston on the 4th of July, 1809. See White, W. C *Pph.v.03 EVERETT, E. Address at Charlestown in com- memoration of Adams and Jefferson. Bos- ton, 1826. 8 *Pph.v.OO Address at Bloody Brook, South Deerfield, Sept. 30th, 1835. 8 *Pph.v.258 Address at the anniversary of the American colonization society, 18th Jan., 1853. 8. [No title-page] *Pph.v.l93 Address at the erection of a monument to John Harvard. Boston, 1828. 8 . . . .**E.224.10 Address before the Adelphic union society of Williams college. Boston, 1837. 8 . . *Pph.v.l01 Address before the American institute of New York, ia31. New York, 1&31. 8 . . . . *Pph.v.86 Address before the literary societies of Am- herst col. Aug. 25, 1835. Bost. 1835. 8 . *Pph.v.258 Address before the Mass, charitable mechan- ic association. Boston, 1837. 8 . . v.l of 2354.25 Address before the New York historical so- ciety. London, 1853. 8 2324.4 Address before the Phi Beta Kappa society in Yale college. New Haven, 1833. 8 . *Pph.v.91 Address delivered as the introduction to the Franklin lectures in Boston, 1831. Boston, 1832. 8 *Pph.v.87 Address on the anniversary of the arrival of governor Winthrop at Charlestown. Charlestown, 1830. 8 *Pph.v.80 Dorchester in 1630, 1776, and 1855 : an ora- tion. Boston, 1855. 8 2324.5 Eulogy on Lafayette in Faneuil hall. Bos- ton, 1834. 8 *Pph.v.237 Eulogy on Thomas Dowse ; with the intro- ductory address by 11. C. Winthrop. Bos- ton, 1859. 8 2342.17 Lecture on the working men's party. Boston, 1830. 8 **E.224.10 Letter to John Lowell, csq. in reply to Re- marks on a pamphlet printed by the pro- fessors and tutors of Harvard university, touching their right to the exclusive gov- ernment of that seminary. Bost. 1824 . *Pph.v.245 - Same v.3 of **E.224.6 Manuscripts and printed books relating to America, in possession of O. Eich. [Wash- ington, 1827. 8] *Pph.v.71 Oration at Cambridge before the society of Phi Beta Kappa. Boston, 1824. 8 . *Pph.v.46, 273 Oration at Cambridge on the fiftieth anniver- sary of the declaration of independence. 2ded. Boston, 1826. 8" *Pph.v.74,239 Oration at Charlestown on the fifty-second anniversary of the declaration of indepen- dence. Boston, 1828. 8 *Pph.v.74 Oration at Concord, April 19, 1825. Boston, 1825. 8 *Pph.v.56 Oration at Plymouth, Dec. 22, 1824. Boston, 1825. 8 *Pph.v.50 EVERETT 267 EVERYBODY'S Shelf. No. EVERETT, E. continued. Oration oa the 4th of July, 1835, before the citizens of Beverly. Boston, 1835. 8 . *Pph.v.93 Orations and speeches. 2d ed. Boston, 1850- 59. 3v. 8 2404.5 Contents. Vol.1. The circumstances favorable to the progress of literature in America, oration at Cam- bridge, Aug. 26, 1824s The first settlement of New England, oration at Plymouth, Dec. 22, 1824; First battles of the revolutionary war, oration at Concord, April 19, 1825; The principle of the American consti- tutions, oration at Cambridge, July 4, 1820; Adams and Jefferson, eulogy at Charlestown. Aug. 1, 18-0; The history of liberty, oration at Charlestown, July 4, 1SJS; Monument to Harvard, address at Charlestown, Sept. 20, 1828; Speech at Nashville, Tcnn., June 2d, 1829; Speech at Lexington, Ky., June 17, 1829; Speech at the Yellow Springs, O., June 29, 1829; The settle- ment of Massachusetts, address at Charlestown, June 28, 1830; Importance of scientific knowledge to practi- cal men, and the encouragements to its pursuit; The working men's party, lecture at Charlestown, Oct. 0. 1800; Advantage of scientific knowledge to working men, an introduction to the Franklin lectures, Bos- ton, Nov. 14, 1801; Colonization and civilization of Africa, speech at Washington, Jan. 1C, 1832; Educa- tion in the western states, speech on behalf of Ken- yon college, O., Boston, May 21, 1*33; Bunker hill monument, speech at Faneuil hall, May 28, 1833 ; Temperance, speech in Salem, June 14, 1833; The seven years' war the school of the revolution, oration at Worcester, July 4th, 1833; The education of man- kind, oration at New Ilaven, Aug. 20, 1833; Agricul- ture, address at Brighton, Oct. 10, 1833; Eulogy on Lafayette, in Faneuil hall, Sept. 0, 1834; The battle of Lexington, oration at Lexington, 19th (20th) of April, 1x05; The youth of Washington, oration at Beverly, Mass., July 4, 1835; Education favorable to liberty, morals, and knowledge, address before literary so- cieties of Amherst college, Aug. 25, 1835; The battle of Bloody Brook, address in South Deerfield, Sept. 30, 1835. II. The boyhood and youth of Franklin, lectuie in Boston, Nov. 17, 1829; Fourth of July at Lowell, oration at Lowell, July 5, 1830 ; American manufactures, address at New York, Oct. 14th, 1831; Anecdotes of early local history, lecture before the Mass. hist, society, Oct. 21, 1833; The western rail- road, speech in Faneuil hall, Oct. 7, 1835; Anniversary of the settlement of Springfield, speech, May 25, 1800; The importance of the militia, remarks at the anni- versary dinner of the ancient and honorable artillery company, June 0,1830; The seventeenth of June at Charlestown, remarks at a public dinner at that place, June 17, 1800 ; Harvard centennial anniversary, speech, Sept. 8, 1830; The settlement of Dedham, re- marks, Sept. 21, 1830; The cattle show at Danvers, remarks. Sept. 28, 1830; The Irish charitable society, speech, March 17,1807; Improvements in prison dis- cipline, remarks made in Boston, May 30, 1837; Su- perior and popular education, address before the Adelphic union society of Williams college, Aug. 10, 1837; The Boston schools, remarks in Faneuil hall, Aug. 23, 1837; The importance of the mechanic arts, address before the Massachusetts charitable mechanic association, Sept 20, 1837; Reception of the Sauks and Foxes, address to the chiefs, Boston, Oct. 30, 1807; Dr. Bowditch, remarks at a meeting of the American acad. of arts and sciences, March 2", 1838; Fourth of July, 1838, remarks in Faneuil hall; Education the, nurture of the mind, remarks made at Tisbury, Aug. 10, 183S; Festival at Kxeter, remarks, Aug. 20, 180-i, in honor of Dr. Abbott; Accumulation, property, capi- tal, credit, address in Boston, Sept 13, 1808; Impor- tance of education in a republic, remarks in Taunton, Oct 10,1838; Settlement of Barnstable, remarks, Sept. 3, 1839; Normal schools, address at Barre, Sept 5, 1839; Opening of the railroad to Springfield, remarks, Oct. 23, 1839; Scots' charitable society, remarks made at the 183d anniversary in Boston, Nov. 30, 1830; John Lowell, jr., founder of the Lowell institute, memoir delivered in the Odeon, in Boston, Dec. 31, 1839; Dr. Robinson's medal, reply to the speech of the president of the royal geog. society, May 23, 1812; British asso- ciation at Manchester, response to a toast, May 25, 1812; University of Cambridge, reply to a toast com- plimentary to the American and other foreign min- isters, July 4, 1812; Royal agric. society at Bristol, reply to a toast, July 14, 1812; Agric. society at Wal- tlinm, reply to a toast, Sept. 20,1842; York Minster, remarks, Oct. 0, 1842 ; Lord Mayor's day, reply to a toast. Nov. 0, 1842; Geolog. society of London, repl.y to a toast; Royal acatl. of art, reply to a toast, May 6, If 40; Royal literary fund, reply to a toast, May 10, Shelf. No. EVERETT, E. continued. 1843; Agric. society at Derby, reply to a toast, July 13, 1843; Reception at Hereford, remarks Sept. 9, 1813; Saffron Walden agric. society, reply to a toast, Oct. 13, 1834; Scientific assoc. at Cambridge, remarks, June 19, 184.5; Pilgrim fathers, reply to a toast at Plymouth, Dee. 22, 1845; University education, ad- dress at Cambridge, Mass., April 30, 1840; New medi- cal college, Boston, address, Nov. 4, 1840; Famine in Ireland, remarks in Faneuil hall, Feb. 18, 1847; Aid to the colleges, remarks made before the committee of the board of education of Mass., Feb. 1, 1848 ; Eulogy ou J. Q. Adams, in Faneuil hall, April 15, 18)8; Cambridge high school, remarks at the dedica- tion, June 27, 1848; Second speech on aid to the col- leges, Feb. 7, 1849; American scientific assoc., re- marks at Cambridge, Aug. 21, 1849; Departure of the pilgrims, remarks at Plymouth, Sept. 17,1849; Cattle show at Dedham, remarks, Sept. 20, 1849; Nineteenth of April at Concord, reply to a toast, April 19, 18.50; The Bible, speech in Boston, May 27, 1S50. III. Bat- tle of Bunker hill, oration in Charlestown, 1850 ; Opening of the Brattle house, Cambridge, remarks, June 28, 1S50; Cambridge high school, remarks, July 2>, 1850; The Ottoman empire, reply to a toast at a dinner given to Emin Bey, Boston, Nov. 4, 1850 ; Birthday of Washington, speech in New York, in re- ply to a toast, 1851; Conditions of a good school, re- marks in Cambridge, Aug. 2, 1851; Beneficial influ- ence of railroads, remarks Sept. 19, 1851; The hus- bandman, mechanic, and manufacturer, remarks at Lowell, Sept. 24, 1851 ; Treatment of animals, remarks in Boston,Feb.l7,1852; Effects of immigration, remarks in Boston, April 18, 1S52; Festival of the alumni of Harvard, remarks, July 22, 1852; Education and civil- ization, speech at Cambridge, Aug. 7, 1852; Dinner to Thomas Baring, esq., remarks, Sept. 10, 1852; Speech, Sept. 22, 1852; Progress of agriculture, reply to a toast at Northampton, Oct. 7, 1852; Death of Daniel Web- ster, remarks in Faneuil hall, Oct. 27, 1852; The col- onization of Africa, speech in Washington city, Jan. 18, 1853; Abdul Rahaman; Discovery of America, a lecture in Boston, repeated in New York, June 1, is,'/;; Stability and progress, remarks in Faneuil hall, July 4, 1853; Pilgrim fathers, speech at Plymouth, Aug. 1, 1853; New Hampshire, speech at Manchester, Oct. 7, 1853; Vice-president King, remarks in the senate of the U. 8., Dec. 8, 1853; Peter Chardon Brooks, memoir; Dorchester in 1030, 1776, and 1855, oration, July 4, 1855; Boston school festival, remarks in Faneuil hall, July 23, 1855; Launch of the De- fender, remarks, July 28, 1855; Abbott Lawrence, re- marks made in Faneuil hall on occasion of [his] de- cease, Aug. 20, 1855; Obituary notice of Abbott Law- rence; Vegetable and mineralgold, speech iu Boston, Oct. 4,1855; D.Webster as a man, remarks Jan. 18, 1850; Reception at Philadelphia, reply to a com- plimentary address, April 5, 1850 ; Mr. Dowse's library, remarks in Boston, Aug. 5, 18.50; Uses of astronomy, discourse at Albany, Aug. 28, 1850; George Peabody, speech in Danvers, Oct. 9, 1856; Obituary notice of Mr. Dowse, Nov. 13, 1850; Memorial of the Franklin family, remarks before Mass. hist, society, April 9, 1857; Academical education, address at St. Louis, April 22, 1857; Statue of Warren, address on Bunker hill, June 17, 18,57 ; Importance of agri- culture, address at Buffalo, Oct. 9, 1857; Charitable institutions and charity, address in Boston, Dec. 22, 18.',7 ; Dedication of the Boston public library, speech Jan. 1, IS.'S; Dedication of Crawford's Wash- ington, remarks at Richmond, Feb. 22, 1858; Presen- tation of the cane of Washington, reply to Col. Mun- ford's address, Richmond, Feb. 23, 1858; Recollections of Turkey, remarks at a dinner in honor of Mehem- mcd Pasha, Boston, May 25, 1858; Washington abroad and at home, speech in Faneuil hall, July 5, 1858; Fourth of July, speech in response to a toast, Boston, July 5, 1858. Discourse at the inauguration of Washington university. See St. Louis, Mo 2387.8 Uses of astronomy. See Dudley observatory. 3924.3 EVERETT, J. Oration on the prospects of the young men of America. Bost. 1818. 8" . *Pph.v.254 EVERETT, L. S. Exposure of the principles of the free inquirers. Boston, 1&31. 8 . . *Pph.v.88 EvEiui.vr.n. De funclatione ct incrementis Gan- dershemensis ecclesiae. [Leibnitz. Script. rerum Brunsvic. v.3] 2810.3 EVERS, P. Student'8 compendium of compar- ative anatomy. Philadelphia, 1841. 8 . . 3745. 3 EVERYBODY'S book, or the marvellous repository; containing tales, etc. Phila. n.d. 18 ... 2409.23 EVERY 268 EYE Shelf. No. EVERY man his own printer, or lithography made easy. London, 1854. 1.8 2120.16 EVESIIAM, Documents relating to the abbey of. [Hulton. Chatham soc. v.30] 2415.8 History and antiquities of the abbey and borough of. Tindal, W 2402.14 EVIDENCE. Peake, T. Law of 3030.1 Roscoe, II. Digest of the law of 3636.3 See also : Certainty, Logic, Moral evidence, Probability. EVIDENCES of a revelation. Adams, H. Truth of the Christian religion 3435.23 Addison, J. E. of the Christian religion . . 3436.22 Allix, P. Reflexions to establish the truth of the Christian religion. [Watson. Theol. tracts, v.l] 3454.2 Barker, J. Christianity triumphant 3435.22 Bclsham, T. E. of the Christian revelation . 3436.20 Bonnet, B. Truth of the scriptures proved . 3435.18 Bolton, W. J. E. of Christianity 3435.9 Bowen, F. Application of metaph. and ethi- cal science to the E. of religion 3435.2 Butler, J. Analogy of religion to the consti- tution and course of nature 3436.14 Gary, S. Review of a book entitled Grounds of Christianity examined by G. B. English. 3436.13 - Clarke, S. Truth and certainty of the Chris- tian revelation. [Watson. Theol. tracts, v.4] 3454.2 Crosskey, II. W. Defence of religion. . . . 3436.11 Erskine, T. Internal E. of revealed religion. 3436.21 Fabry, J. B. G. Les efforts pour aneantir le christianisme 3598.2 Frayssinous, D. dc. Defense du christia- nisme 3486.1 Grotius, H. De veritate Chr. religionis . . E. 219. 28 Gurncy, J. J. Essays on the practical opera- tion of Christianity 3435.24 - Hints on the portable E. of Christianity. 3436.27 Hartley, D. Truth of the Christian religion. 3436.17 Hopkins, J. H. External E. of the New Tes- tament 3436. 15 Hopkins, M. Lectures on the E. of Chris- tianity 3435.3 Jennings, D. Scripture testimony examined and confirmed 3439.31 Knox, V. Christian philosophy 3436.18 Lardner, N. Argument for the truth of Chris- tianity from the fulfilment of predictions. [Watson. Theol. tracts, v.5] 3454.2 - Credibility of the gospel history. [Works, 1-5] 3492.1 Leslie, C. Short method with deists .... 3430.21 Macknight, J. Argument for the truth of the Christian religion. [Watson. Theol. tracts, v.5] 3454.2 Maltby, E. Truth of the Christian religion . 3435.13 Miall, E. Examination of Christianity . . . 3435.8 Miles, H. A. Origin of the gospel narrative. 3436.10 Ncal, J. One word more : intended for unbe- lievers 3436.31 Norton, A. Genuineness of the gospels . . 3435.4 Paley, W. E. of Christianity 3436.23, 24 - Horae Paulinas 3486.7 Priestley, J. Institutions of Moses compared with those of the Hindoos 3435.12 Robinson, T. Enquiry into the E. of revealed religion 3430.7 Scott, J. Internal E. of Christianity .... 3430.25 Smith, S. S. Lectures on 3436.16 Spcdalieri, N. Analisi dell' esame critico di N. Frerct sulle prove del Cristianesimo . . 3434.2 - Confutazione dell' esame del Cristiane- simo fatto da Eduardo Gibbon 3434.1 Tatianus. Oratio ad Grsecos 3409.2 Theophilus. Libri tres ad Autolycum . . . 3499.3 Tulloch, J. Theism: the witness of reason and nature 3435.19 Verplanck, G. C. Essays on the E. of revealed religion 3435.26 Ware, H., sen. Inquiry into the E. of relig. 3435.20 Shelf. No. EVIDENCES of a revelation, continued. Watson, R. Apology for Christianity . . . 3435.10 Webster, D. Defence of Chris, religion *Pph.v.L'G9 Whately, R. Remarks on some causes of hostility to the Christian religion 3409.25 Whewell, W. Indications of the Creator. . 3436.12 See also: Christianity, Inspiration. Miracles, Prophecy, Religion, Resurrection, Revelation. EVIL. James, H. Nature of 3453.14 King, W. De origine mail 3450.18 - Essay on the origin of 3450.17 See also : Original sin. EVLIY Efendi. Travels in the 17th century ; tr. from the Turkish by J. von Hammer, v.l, pt.l, 2;v.2. London, 1844-50. 3v. 4. [Ori- ental transl. fund, 32] *3021.18 EWART, J. On asthma. See Bcddoes, T. *M.Pph.v.l08 EWBANK, T. Life in Brazil. New York, 1850. 8. 2315.1 EWELL, T. Discourses on modern chemistry. New York, 1800. 8 *3971.16 EWING, C., and Drake, G. K. Opinions in the case of Hcndrickson vs. Shotwell. Chancery of New Jersey, 1832. [No title-page.] 8. *Pph.v.l46 EWING, J. Natural philosophy, astronomy, and chronology : with a biogr. by Rev. R. Pat- terson. Philadelphia, 1809. 8 . 3963.8, **E.214.16 EXAMINATION of the various charges against Aaron Burr, by Aristides. Phila. 1S03. 8.*Pph.v.lO - Same. New cd. 1804. 8 *Pph.v.lO EXAMINER, The. Jan. 4, 1851 Dec. 25, 1852. Jan., 1858 Dec. 1859. London, 1851-59. 4v. f . *7181.1 EXAMYNATYONS towchcyngc Cokeye More. In- trod. and notes by F. R. Raines. [Man- chester], 1855. 4. [Chetham soc. v.37] . . *2415.10 EXCHANGE. See Currency, Paper currency, Money, Prices, Value. EXCHANGE, Bills of. See Bills of exchange. EXCHANGES. Barrett, P. Tables of European E. 3081.2 Kelly, P. Universal cambist 3681.3 EXCURSION, An, of the dog-cart : a poem. N. Y. 1822. 8 *Pph.v.37 EXECUTIONS. Carter, S. Law of 3034.8 EXECUTIONS for high treason in Great Britain and Ireland. Gordon, D 2443.6 EXETER, Eng. Oliver, G. Monasticon dioecesis Exoniengis 2520.3 Shortt, W. T. P. Antiquities of 2494.11 EXHIBITION of 1851. See London. EXMOOR scolding, An, in the propriety and de- cency of Exmoor language, [with] a glos- sary. Also, an Exmoor courtship. 7th ed. Exon, 1771. 12 **E. 207.4, 2586.11 EXODUS, Commentary on. See Bible. EXPLOSIONS in coal mines, Prevention of. See Great Britain 4020.2 EXPLOSIVE compounds. See Scoffern, J 3953.20 See also: Gun-cotton, Gunpowder. EXPOSITION of the late general election in N. Y. Phila. 1826. 8 *Pph.v.07 EXPRESSION, Anatomy and philosophy of. Bell,C.*4061.19 EXTRACTS in prose and verse, by a lady of Mary- land ; together with a collection of origi- nal poetry by citizens of Maryland. An- napolis, 1808. 2v. 12 2398.42 EXTKAIT abrege dcs vieux memoriaux de 1'ab- baye de Saint- Aubin des Bois en Bretagne. Paris, 1853. 16 2069.13 EYBEN, W. DC ordine equestri vet. Romanorum. [Sallengre. Thes. antiq. Rom. v.l] . . . 2950.2 ErCK, J. v. Eyck und seine Nachfolger. Schop- enhauer, J 4065.23 EYE. Dix, J. H. Morbid sensibility of the retina. 3804.22 Guthrie, G. J. Practical treatise on the sur- gery of the 3804.5 Jones, T. W. Manual of ophthalmic medi- cine and surgery 3S04.24 Kitchiner, W. Economy of the 3804.25 Lawrence, Vf. Diseases of the 3804.4 - Venereal diseases of the 3804.7 Mackenzie, W. Diseases of the 3804.1 EYE 269 FABRONI Shelf. No. EYE, Mackenzie, W. continued. - Diseases of the excreting parts of the lachrymal organs M.Pph.v.79 Middlemorc, R. Diseases of the 3804.6 Renwick, T. Case of Margaret McAvoy . . 3800.14 Scarpa, A. Diseases of the 3804.8 Soemmering, D. AV. Do oculorum sectione horizontal! 3800.19 Walton, H. H. Operative ophthalmic surgery. 3804. 3 Ware, J. Chirurgical observations relative to the 3804.9 See also : Blind, Cataract, Cornea, Optics, Retina, Spectacles, Strabismus, Vision. EYNARD, C. Vie de madame de Krudener. Paris, 1849. 2v. 8 2852.1 EYRAUD, d'. Administration de la justice en France. 2e ed. Paris, 1825. 3v. 8 ... 3027.3 EYRE, Sir J. The stomach and its difficulties. 2d ed. London, 1852. 8" *3700.30 EYRIES, J. B., and Chopra, J. 31. Danemark. Paris, 1840. 8. [L'Univers] 2200.15 EYTON, R. W. Antiquities of Shropshire. Lon- don, 1854-1860. 12v. 8 *2492.14 EZECHIEL. Reliquiae. [Euripides. Didot.Bib.gr.] 2992.11 EZEKIEL. Calvin, J. Commentaries on the first twenty chapters of 5504.1 EZZELIXO III. da Romano, Vita e gesti d'. Ge- rardo, P 2739.10 FABBRONI, G. Scritti di pubblica economia. Fi- renze, 1847-48. 2v. 8 3042.20 FABER, F. Naturgeschichte der Fische Islands. Frankfurt a. M. 1849. 4 3900.19 FABER, G. S. View of the prophecies. Boston, 1809. 8" 3430.2 Ordinary operations of the Holy Spirit. BT. York, 1S14. 12 3440.5 FABER, H. Ad musicam practicam introductio. Nurimburgae, 1550. 4 *4047.15 Compcndiolum musicae pro incipicntibus. Noribergae, 1573. sm.8 *4059.35 FABER, J. JIusica libris quatuor demonstrata. Parisiis, 1551. 44 leaves, sm. 4 *4047.23 FABER, P. De magistratibus Romanorum com- mentarius. [Sallengre. Thesaurus antiq. Rom. v.3] 2950.2 De re athletica ludisque veterum gymnicis, musicis atque circensibus. [Gronovius. Thesaurus antiq. Graec. v.8] 2900.2 FABER, Tanaquil. See Lefevre, Tanncgui. FABER, U. Descriptio praecipuarum quarundam Indite occidentalis regionum et insularum. [Bry. Coll. peregrinationum, ser. 1, v.3] . 2300.20 FABERT, A., le marq. de. Vie, par P. Barre . . 20-18.10 Dernieres paroles de. [Lafaist. Arch. hist. Fr.Ser. 2, v.10] 2017.1 FADIUS Pictor, Q. F. See Fragm. hist. Graec. v.3 3002.11 FABLES, ^sopus. Fabulae 2978.14, 15 Avianus, F. Fabulae 2927.1 Babrius. Fabellae 2979.18 Calvclli, C. Favole 4707.2 Florian, P. C. Fables 2050.35 Gay, J. Fables 2509.22 Iriarte, T. de. Fabulas literarias 3095.8 La Fontaine, J. de. Fables 2704.1 Perrault, C. Fables trad, de Facrne .... 2002. C Perrin, C. One hundred F 7079.37 Phsedrus. Fabulae .(Esopiae 2910.10 Rossi, G. G. Favole 4709.4 - Nuovc favole 2794.10 SamaniegOjF. M. Fabulas en verso castellano. 3095.16 FABRA, A. dalla. Dclle febbri. [Raccoltadi opus- coli scientifici, v.l] 5274.1 FABRE. Voyage par terre, de Taza a Tunis. [France. Exploration de 1'Algerie. Sci- ences hist, etgx'ogr, v. 9] 3054.2 FABRE, J. C. Continuation de 1'histoire ecclesia- stique de Fleury. See Fleury, C. . v.2 of 3510.3 Shelf. No. FABRE d' Eglantine, P. F. N. Le Philinthe de Mo- liere, ou la suite du misanthrope ; L'intrigue e"pistolaire ; Les precepteurs. [Theatre dcs autcurs du second ordre. Comedies en vcrs, v.10] 2040.19 FABRETTI, A. Biografie del capitani venturicri dell' Umbria. Montcpulc. 1842-40. 4v. 12. 2743.13 Note, ec. , ad illustrare le biografie dei capitani. 3Iontepulciano, 1842. 12 2743.14 FABRETTI, R. De aquis et aquaeductibus veteris Romas. Romae, 1788. 4 2950.12 - Same. [Graevius. Thcs. antiq. Rom. v.4] 2950.1 FABRI, A. Lettere. [Raccoltadi prose e lettero nel secolo 18, v.2] 2707.2 Lettere. See Fabri, D 2747.11 FABRI, D. Lettere familiari di Bolognesi del sec. 18. 2aed. Bologna, 1820. 2v. sm.8 . . .2747.11 Contents. Vol. I. Lettere di Eustachio Manfred!; Giampictro Zanotti; Fernand'Antonio Ghedini. II. F.A. Ghedini; Francesco Zanotti; Alessandro Fabrij Flaminio Scarselli; Domenico Fabri. Lettere. [Opuscoli letterarii, v.2, 3] . . . . 2792.2 Lettere. [Raccolta di prose e lettere nel se- colo 18, v.3] 2707.2 FABRI, E. See Bernabo Silorata, P. Prose e poesie di Italiani viventi,v.7 4708.16 FABRIC rolls of York Minster. Durham, 1859. 8. 2417.33 FABRICIUS, G. Descriptio urbis Romas. [Graavius. Thesaurus antiq. Roman, v.3] 2950.1 FABRICIUS, J. A. Bibliotheca Graeca, cur. Harles. Ace. J. A. F. et Heumanni suppl. Ed. 3a, 4a. Hamburgi, Lipsiae, 1790-1809. 12v. 4. *2961.1 Bibliotheca Latina. Ed. J. A. Ernesti. Lip- siae, 1773, 74. 3v. 8 2954.14 FABRICIUS, J. C. Entomologia systematica. Sup- plementum. Indices. Hafniae, 1792. 5v. 8. 3895.4 Genera inscctorum. Chilonii, [1770.] sm.S" . 3884.15 Mantissa insect. Hafniae, 1787. 2v.ini. 8. 3899.3 Nomenclator entomologicus. Ed. nova. Lip- sia, 1810. 8 3884.32 Philosophia entomologica. Hamburgi ct Ki- lonii, 1778. 8 3884-27 Species insectorum. Hamburgi ct Kilonii, 1781. 2v. 8" 3884.19 Supplementum entomologiae systematicae. Hafniae, 1798. 8 3805.6 Sy sterna antliatorum. Brunsvigae, 1805. 8. 3897.20 Index alphab. in systema autliatorum. Bru- novici, 1806. sm.4 *38S4.31 Systema entomologiae. Flensburgi, 1775. 8.3884. 18,25 Systema piezatorum. Brunsvigae, 1804. 8. 3899.11 CoquebertdeMontbert, A. J. Illustratio icon. insectorum quae obs. Fabricius 5870.9 FABRICIUS, J. L. De ludis scenicis dialexis casuis- tica. [Gronovius. Thes. Graec. antiq. v.8] 2900.2 FABRICIUS, O. Fauna Groenlandica. Hafniae, et Lipsiae. 1780. 8 3909.4 FABRO, E. dalla. Apologia. [Raccolta di opus- coli scientifici, v. 10] 5274.1 FABRONI, A. b. 1732. d. 1803. Elogj di Dante, Poliziano, Ariosto e Tasso. Parma, 1800. 8. 2743.3 Elogj d'illustri Italiani, [c] di uomini illustri. Pisa, 1780-89. 2v. 8 2743.4 Contents. Vol. I. Leopoldo de' Medici ; Galileo . Galilei; Francesco Rcdi ; Michel Angelo Giacomelli; Eustachio Zanotti; Carlo InnocenzioFrugoni; Pietro Mctastasio; Tommaso Perelli ; Paolo Frisi. IL Rug- giero Giuseppe Boscovich; Lodovico Sergardi ; Fede- rico IL re di Prussia; Gio-Batista Bcccaria; Natale Saliceti ; Giuseppe Baldassari ; Anton. Raffade Mcng8. Historiae academiae Pisanae. Pisis, 1791-95. 3v. 4 *5272.5 Laurentii Medicis vita. Pisis, 1784. 2v. 4.*2741.11 Lettere inedite di uomini illustri. Firenze, 17:3-75. 2v. in 1. 8 2747.16 Magni Cosmi Medicei vita. Pisis, 1788-89. 2v. in 1. 4 *2741.10 Vita del conte Lorenzo Magalotti. See Maga- lotti, L 2747.7 FAKRONI 270 FALRET Shelf. No. FABRONI, A. continued. Vita Leonis X. Pisis, 1797. 4 *3552.1 FABRONI, A., dott. Storia degli antichi vasi fittili arctini. Arczzo, 1841. 8 4000.14 FABRY, J. B. G. Lc gdnie dc la revolution consi- dere dans 1'education, etc.. Paris, 1817-18. 3v. 8 3598.2 FABYAN, R. Chronicles of England and France. Reprinted from Pynson's cd. 1516. Prcf. and index by II. Ellis. London, 1811. 4. *2521.2 FACCIOLATI, G. Ortografia moderna Italians. Ed. noviss. Venezia, 1821. 4 *2783.1 Lettere erudite. [Raccolta di opuscoli scien- tiflci, v.5] 5274.1 See also : Forcellini, E. FACHINI. See Canonici-Fachini. FACTOR. See Agent. FACTS [respecting] the distressed weavers at Randwick, by an eye-witucss. 2d ed. De- venport, 1832. 8 3570.00 FACUNDUS. Libri XII. pro dcfensione trium cap- itulorum; Liber contra Mocianum. [Migne. Patrologias v.G7] 3450.8 FADL-ALLAH-RASCHID. See llaschid-Eldin . . 3010.1 F.ESCII, S. De nummo Pylaemeuis Evergetae. [Gronovius. Thesaurus Grace, antiq. v.9]. WfJQ.Z FAENESTE, Les aventures du baron de. See Au- bigne, T. A 2069.3 FAGAN, C.B. Lerendez-vous, ou 1'amour suppose ; La pupille ; Les originaux ; L't'tourderic. [Theatre des auteurs du second ordre. Co- m6dics en vcrs, v. 8, en prose, 10] 2640.19 Gli originali, farsa. [Teatro mod. appl. 41] . 2708.1 FAGIUOLI, G. B. Rime piacevoli. Firenze, 1729- 45. 7v. sm.4 *4774.7 - Same. Bologna, 1823. 2v.ini. 10. . 4708.17 See Carcano, G. Pocti satirici italiani, v.4 . 2809.3 See Raccolta di poesie sutiriche 2808.5 FAHNE, A. Geschichte dcr kolnischen, jiilich- schen, und bergischcn Geschlechter. Koln und Bonn, 1848-53. 2v.ini. f *2830.1 FAIN, A. J. F. Manuscrit dc 1'an trois [1794, 95] pour servir a 1'histoire [de France.] Paris, 1828. 8 2043.10 Manuscrit de 1812, pour servir a 1'histoire de Napoleon. Paris, 1827. 2v. 8 2G43.8 Manuscrit de 1813, pour servir a 1'histoire de Napoleon. 2eed. Bruxelles, 1825. 2v. 8. 2043.9 Memoircs dcs contemporains. 2e livr. 3e , by J. Tatham; London's resurrection to joy, by T. Jordan; The triumphs of London, by T. Jordan ; Appendix : Representations in parts, by T. Jordan; Mutes and additions to part the first. Poems and songs relating to Villicrs, duke of Buckingham, and his assassination. Lon- don, 1850. 8. [Percy HOC. v. 29] *2537.29 Satirical songs and poems on costume. 13th to the 19th cent. London, 1849. 8. [Percy soc. v.27] *2537.27 FAIRS, Prize essay on. See Mass. BOC. for pro- moting agriculture 3994.3 FAIRY of the stream, The. See Farmer, C. M. . 2399.24 FAIRY Morgana, Enchanted lake of the. Boiardo, M. M Pph.v.16 FAIRY queen, Observations on the. Warton, T. 2553.4 FAITH. Erskine, T. Essay on 3430.21 Martineau, H. Essential F. of the universal church . . . E. 219.40 - The F. as unfolded by many prophets. E. 219. 41 Romaine, W. Life of 3440.22 - Triumph of 3440.23 FAITHHORN, J. Liver complaints and bilious dis- eases in general. London, 1814. 8 . *M.Pph.T.83 - Same. 5th cd. London, 1823 *3700.39 FAITHFUL shepherd, The, a poem. Guarini, B. 2578.10 FALCANDOS, U. Historia de rebus gestis in Sici- line rcgno. [Muratori. Rcrum Ital. script. v.7] 2710.1 FALCKENHEINER, C. B. N. Geschichte hessischer Stiidtc und Stifter. Cassel, 1841-42. 2v. 8. 2825.2 FALCO Bennventano. Chronicon [sive historia regni Xoapolitani in suo tempore.] [Migne. Patrologiae v.173] 3470.2 - Same. [Muratori. Rerum Ital. script. v.5] 2710.1 FALCONER, W. Dictionary of the marine. New ed. London, 1789. 4 *3932.3 - Same. Washington, 1805. 12 3934.24 Life and poems of. [Chalmers. Eng. poets] v.Hof 2592.7 FALCONET, C. Sur les anciens horloges, et sur Jacques Dondis, surnomme Horologius. [Leber. Coll. diss. hist. France, v.10] . . 2018.1 FALCONETTI, A. F. Euciclopcdia moderna ital. Append. Tavole. Venezia, 1837-53. lOv. 8.*A. 131.1 FALCONIA, V. Centones Virgiliani. [Migne. Pa- trologiae v.19] 3440.13 FALCONIERI, O. Abjura del Peripateticismo. [Poe- sie per far ridere. Race. 1] 2809.2 - Same. See Poesie di eccel. aut. toscani per far ridere, ecc 4770.24 De pyramide C. Cestii dissertatio ; De latere ex sedificii veteris ruderibus eruto. [Grae- vius. Thesaurus antiq. Rom. v.4] .... 2950.1 Inscriptiones athleticae nuper repcrtas ; De nummo Apamcnsi, Deucalionei diluvii ty- pum exhibente. [Gronovius. Thesaurus Graec. antiq. v.8, 10] 2960.2 FALK, J. D. Characteristics of Goethe. See Aus- tin, S 2907.2 FALKENSTEIN, C. Geschichte dcr Buchdrucker kunst. Leipzig, 1840. 4" *2110.11 Thaddaus Kosciuszko, nach seinem o'ffentl. u. liiiusl. Leben geschildert. Leipzig, 1834. 8 2845.7 FALKLANDS, Botany of the. Hooker, J. D. . . . 3841.1 FALKNER, T. Description of Patagonia, and ac- count of the native tribes. See Molina, J.I 2315.5 FALLMERAYER, J. P. Geschichte der Halbinsel Morea. Stuttgart, 1&30-30. 2v. sm.8. . . 3078.5 FALLOUX, F. A. P. de. Discorso pronunciato nell' assemblea legislativa di Francia sugli affari di Roma. Roma, n.d. 12 4745.4 Louis XVI. Paris, 1840. 1.8 *2041.3 FALRET, J. P. De 1'hypochondrie ct du suicide. Paris, [1822]. 8 *3800.40 FALSTAFF 271 FATAL1SME Shelf. No. FALSTAFF, Sir J. Brough, R. B. Life of. . . . 2594.10 Halliwcll, J. O. Character of E. 228. 16 Richardson, W. Essay upon the character of. 2500.!) FAMILIES. See Genealogy. FAMILY, The. Kcenigswarter, L. J. Ilistoire de 1'organisation de la famille en France . 2037.9 Pandolfmi. A. Trattato del governo della famiglia 3500.12 FAMILY encyclopedia, A. See Crabb, G. . . . A. 148. 3 FAMIN, C. Colombie et Guyanes. See Denis, F. 2206.9 La Russie d'Europe, Circassie et Georgie. See Chopin, J. P 2276.8 Lacroix, F., and Bory de St. Vincent. Chili, Paraguay, Patagonie, iles des trois oceans, etc. Paris, 1840. 8. [L'UnivCrs] 2206.11 FAMOSISSIMA compagnia della Lesina. Dialogo, capitoli, e ragionamcnti. [E stanze del poeta Sciarra, fiorent.] Vicenza, 1589. 4 .... *2799.1 FANCY ball, The : a letter lost from the portfolio of a young lady. Albany, 1840. 8. . . *Pph.v.l52 FANEUIL, P. Funeral oration on. See Lovell, J. 3455.50 FANEUIL hall market, Report on the extension of. See Boston 6358.10 FANFANI, P. Lettere precettive di eccellenti scrit- tori. Firenze, 1855. sm.8 4770.38 Rime bur leschedi eccellenti autori. Firenze, 1850. 10 4778.17 Vocabolario della lingua italiana. Firenze, 1855. 2v. sm.8 2784.19 FAN Feredin. Voyage merveilleux dans la Ro- mancie: conte par Bougeant. [Gamier. Voyages imaginaires, v. 20] 2006.1 FANNING, E. Memorial, praying that a national discovery and exploring expedition be sent to the South seas. n.p. 1833. 8 ... . *Pph.v.89 FANTIN-DKSODOARDS, A. E. N. Ilistoire dc la re- volution de France. 5e ed. [Suppl. par J. F. Andre.] Paris, 1807. lOv. 8 *4fi55.14 FANTONI, G. [Labindo.] Opere. Lugano, 1823- 24. 3v. in 2. 12 4760.16 Contents. Vol. L Odi. II. Idilj ; Odi ; Schcrzi ; Notti; Egloghe virgilianc ; Epitalamj ; Pocmetti; Prose letterarie. Poesie. Italia, 1823. 3v. 8 2795.3 Contents. Vol. I. Odi; Osservazioni sui mctri ora- ziani delle odi di Labindo. II. Idilj i Notti: Po- emetti; Scherzi. III. Epitalami; Sonctti; Odi ana- creontiche; Frammenti; Prose letterarie: Lezioni di eloquenza; Elogio funebre di Antonio Ansclmi di Carrara; Discorso; II lei, il voi, il tu, lettere a Lesbia; Elogio funebre dell' impcratrice Maria Teresa d'Aus- tria; Mcmorie istoriche sulla vita di Giovanni Fan- toni, cognominato Labindo. FANTOSME, J. Chronicle of the war, [Eng. and Scot.] 1173-74. Ed. by F. Michel. London, 1840. 8. [Surtccs society, v.ll] *2417.11 FANTUZZI, G. Notizie degli scrittori bolognesi. Bologna, 1781-94. 9v. 4" *2170.2 FANUCCI, G. B. Storia dei tre celebri popoli ma- rittimi dell' Italia: Veneziani, Genovesi, Pi- sani. Livorno, 1853-55. 4v. roy.S .... *2722.4 Tre dissertazioni accademiche sulle cose pi- sane. Livorno, 1855. roy.8 2722.5 Contents. Storia militare pisana i Navigazione e commcrcio; Istoria letteraria, FARAO, M. See Inghirami, F. [Coll. di opus- coli, v.l] 2767.5 FARDULF. Carmina. [Migne. Patrologias v.99] . 3450.24 FAREY, J. Treatise on the steam engine. Lon- don, 1827. 4 4011.10 FARINI, D. A. Della cducazione delle fanciulle. Forli, 1831. 16" 3593.10 FARINI, L. C. Lo stato romano, 1815-50. Torino, 1850-53. 4v. sm.8" 3517.13 The Roman state, 1815 to 1850, transl. by W. E. Gladstone. London, 1851-54. 4v. 8 . 3517.2 FARINI, P. See Bernab6 Silorata, P. Prose e poesie di Italian! viventi, v.2,5, 6 4708.16 FARM. Plantation and farm instruction 3982.1 Ritchie, R. Farm-engineer 3992.2 Shelf. No. . 3993.4 FARM, continued. Stephens, H. Book of the See also: Agriculture. FARMER, C. M. The fairy of the stream, and oth- er poems. Richmond, Va. 1847. 12 ... 2399.24 FARMER, D. D. Trial for murder. See Rogers, A M.Pph.v.121 FARMER. Two accounts of the earthquake at Lis- bon, the first by Mr. F. Boston, 1750. 8 . 3929.24 FARMER, II. Dissertation on miracles, n.p. 1771. 8. 3435.15 Essay on the demoniacs of the New Testa- ment. 3ded. London, 1818. 12 3455.14 FARMER, J. Genealogical register of the first settlers of New England. Lancaster, Mass. 1829. 8 2335.2 Historical sketch of Amherst, N. H. Am- hcrst, 1820. 8 *Pph.v.236 FARMER, R. Learning of Shakespeare. Cam- bridge, 1707. pp.50. 8 2597.34 FARMER'S calendar. /S'ee Young, A 3982.6 FARMER'S companion. See Bucl, J 3993.17 FARMER'S library. See Skinner, J. S 3993.4 FARMER'S tour through the east of England. See Young, A 2464.4 See also: Agriculture. FARNESE, P.L. Vita. See Affo, 1 2744.17 FARNIIAM, L. Glance at private libraries. Bos- ton, 1855. pp.79. 8 *2125.3 FARO industrial de la Habana. Marzo, 1850 Agosto, 1851. Habana, 1850-51. 2v. f . . *7300.2 FARO. Charts. [Migne. Patrologiajv.87] . . . 3450.18 FARQUHAR, G. Works. 10th ed. London, 1772, 1700. 2v.ini. 12 2509.15 Contents. Vol. I. Memoirs; Poems and letters; Discourse upon comedy; Stage-coach, a iarce ; Love and a bottle, comedy ; Constant couple, or a trip to the jubilee, a comedy; Sir Harry Wildair, sequel of the trip. II. The Inconstant, remedy; Twin-rivals, comedy; Recruiting officer, comedy; Beaux-strati- gem, comedy. The beaux-stratagem; The constant couple. [Cumberland. British drama, v.l, 5] . . E.229.7 FARR, E. Select poetry, chiefly devotional, of the reign of queen Elizabeth. Cambridge, 1845. 2v. 12. [Parker soc. 21] *3499.8 FARR, S- Elements of medical jurisprudence. 3d ed. London, 1815. 12 *3789.4 - Same. See Cooper, T 37>7.7 FARR,W. Nature of scrofula. Lond. 1820. 8.*M.Pph.v.79 FARRAR, J. Elementary treatise on mechanics. Cambridge, 1825. 8 3944.20 **E.211. 19 Elementary treatise on the application of trigonometry. Cambridge, 1822. 8". . . **E.1G0.7 Elements of electricity, magnetism, and elec- tro-magnetism. Camb. 1820. 8. . . **E.211.20,21 Experimental treatise on optics. Cambridge, 1820. 8 **E. 211.22, 23 FARRAR, T. Report of the case of Dartmouth college versus W. II. Woodward. Supreme courtofN.H. Portsm'th,[1819.] 8.30S4.G**E.223.7 FARSETTI, T. G. Operc volgari. Venezia, 1764. 8. 2807.21 Contents. La vita di M. Cornelio Castaldi da Fol- tre ; Lettcra al marchese Ferdinando degli Obizzi, nclla qualc si discorre di Luca Valenziano c del suo canzoniere; Discorso sopra il trattato del sig. Fonte- nelle, intorno alia naturadell' cgloga; Lettere al Big. dottore Natale Lastesio; Discorso del miglioramcnto dell' agricoltura; La morte d'Ercole, tragedia; Sor- monda, tragedia ; La trasformazione d'Adria, poe- metto ; In morte di Gio. Antonio Deluca, cgloga. FASQUELLE, L. Colloquial French reader; with vocabulary. New York, 1854. 12 .... 7079.43 Key to the new French method, with notes. New York, 1856. 12 7079.44 FASSBIND, T. Geschichte des Kantons Schwyz. Schwyz, 1832-38. 5v. sm.8 2828.7 FASTlDius. De vita Christiana. [Migne. Patro- logiae v.50] v.2 of 3440.21 FASTREDUS. Epistolae. [Migne. Patrol, v.188] .3470.9, 12 FATALISME, Examen du. Pluquet, F. A. A. . . 3459.23 FATE 272 FEATHERSTONIIAUGH Shelf. No. FATE. Baldini, B. Discorso del fato 2741.3 Cicero, M. T. Liber dc fato 2928.17 FATHERS of the church. Cavalca, D. Volgariz- zamcnto delle vite de' santi patlri .... 3553.15 Cave, \V. Lives of the most eminent .... 3553.3 Dibdin, T. F. Introduction to the knowledge of valable editions of the 2174.2 Guillon, M. N. S. Bibliothfeque choisie dcs peresdel'eglise 3499.30 3508.2 Hilgcnfcld, A. Die apostolischen Viiter . . 3553.1 Marechal, B. Concordance dcs saints peres del'eglise 3480.7 Mason, H. M. Selcctze e patribus 3499.1 Migne, J. P. Patrologiae cursus completus . 3440.1 FATHERS of the English church. [Ed. by L. Rich- mond.] London, 1807-12. 8v. 8 .... *3477.20 Content*. Vol. I. W. Tindal : Life; Pathway into the holy Scriptures; Protestation on the resurrection of the bodies; Prologues upon Roman*, Galatians, etc; Parable of the wicked mammon; Exposition upon Matthew v-vii. ; Extracts, from a prologue to the book of Jonah, from the obedience of a Christian man, from an answer to Sir T. More's dialogue, from an exposition on the first epistle of St. John. J. Frith : Life; Mirror or glass to know thyself; Trea- tise on baptism; Letter, to the faithful followers of Christ's gospel ; Extracts, from a treatise on pur- gatory, from an answer to Sir T. More, an answer to Rastall, a work on the sacrament of the body of Christ, a defence of the character of some of the reformers, a comparison between the Paschal Lamb and the sacrament. P. Hamilton : A treatise on the law and the gospel. K. Barnes: Life; Treatise by George Joy against Bishop Gardiner; Treatise on justification by faith; treatise on free- will. Memoirs of Tindal, Frith, Hamilton, Joy, Barnes. II. L. Ridley : Life ; Commentary upon Ephesians; Exposition upon Philippians; Extract from an exposition of St. Jude; Life, Articles, Cate- chism of Edward VI. II. Laiimer : Life ; Sermons: on Good Friday, Luke ii., 42, Matt, xx., 1, The Lord's prayer, Marriage feast; Passages from other sermons. III. T. Cranmer: Life; Prologue to the Bible; Annotations upon the King's book ; Cate- chism of 1518; Book on the sacrament; Answer to Dr. Smith ; Homily of salvation ; Homily on faith ; Homily on good works ; Letter to Mrs. Wilkinson ; Passages from C.'s answer to bishop Gardiner on the subject of the sacrament. IV. N. Ridley: Life and martyrdom ; Farewell ; Conferences with Latimcr j Treatise lamenting the state of England; On the Lord's supper ; Letters ; Confessions of faith in the reign of Queen Mary. J. Philpot : Life j Epistles ; Letter on infant baptism. J. Rogers : Life and mar- tyrfora. W. Turner: Old learningand the new com- pared. V. J. Hooper : Life ; Epistles ; Declaration of Christ and his office; Confession of faith ; Homily for the time of pestilence; On the ten commandments; Confession of the Christian faith ; Expositions on various Psalms. VI. J. Bradford : Life ; Epistles ; Godly meditations upon the Lord's prayer, the belief, and the commandments, with prayers and exercises; Defence of election ; Treatise against the fear of death; Sermons; Epistles. L. Saundersi Life; Let- ters : Appendix containing some account of Lady Jane Grey. VII. J. Jewell: Life; Apology of the church of England; Exposition upon the epistles to the Thessalonians ; Treatise of the holy Scriptures ; Treatise on the sacraments; Sermons; Extracts from sermons, from the defence of the apology, etc. VHI. Nowell's catechism; Abp. Parker's prefaces to the O. and N. Testaments; Preface to the Geneva Bible; Prayers published with the Geneva Bible; Sum of the whole Scripture; Questions and answers touch- ing predestination and the sacraments; Forms of pri- vate prayer ; Confession of faith ; Answer against Osorius, by W. Iladdou and J. Fox; Spiritual and most precious pearl. FAUCHE-BOREL, L. Refutation des calomnies de, relativement a la famille des Bourbons. See Perlet, C. F 4653.15 FAUCHE. Botanique. [France. Expedition scien- tifique de Moree. Tome III. 2e partie] . 3070.8 FAUCHE R, L. L. J. Etudes sur 1'Angleterre. Paris, 1850. 2v. 8 *2464.12 FAUCHET, C. Les antiqvitez et histoires gavloises et francoises. Ed. dern. Geneve. 1011. 4. *2G31.6 FAOCOX, N. Bibliotheque portative des meilleurs ^crivains fran9ais : pifeces en prose. Bos- ton, 1810. 8 *5178.1 Shelf. No. FAUOERE, A. Jaquelinc Pascal, or convent life at Port Royal. See Cousin, V 3557.10 FAUJAS dc Saint-Fond, B. Histoirc naturelle de la montagne de St. Pierre de Macstricht. Paris, 179.S. 4 3800.6 FAULKNER, C. J. Speech in the house of dele- gates of Virginia on the policy of the state with respect to her slave population. Rich- mond, 1832. 8 *Pph.v.l50 FAULKNER, Thomas. Account of Fulham, inclu- ding Hammersmith. London, 1813. 8 . . *2505.2 Historical and topographical description of Chelsea. London, 1810. 8 *2505.1 History and antiquities of Hammersmith. London, 1839. 8 *2495.13 History of Brentford, Baling, and Chiswick. London, 1845. 8 *250.j.4 History of Kensington. London, 1820. 8.*2i'J5.18 FAULKNER, Thomas, architect. Designs for tombs. London, n.d. 4. [31 plates] . . *4071.6 FAUNA. See Zoology. FAUNO, L. Dc antiquitatibus urbis Romae. [Sal- lengre. Thesaurus antiq. Rom. v.l] . . . 2950.2 FAUKIEL, C. C. Histoire de la Gaule meridionale sous les Gcrmains. Paris, 1836. 4v. 8 . 2037.4 FAURIS de Saint-Vincens, A. J. A. Sur les bas- reliefs de Notre Dame de Paris. Aix,1816. 8 4103.4 FAUSSE-LENDRY, M. la marq. de. Memoircs sur les journdes de septembre, 1792. See Saint- Mwird, F. de J 4645.14 FAUSTINUS. Liber de Trinitate. [Migne. Patro- logiae v.13] 3440.10 FAUSTINUS, St. Homilia de passione Domini. [Mignc. Patrologiae v. 59] 3450.1 Ilomilia. [Martene and Durancl. Thesaurus nov. anee. v.5] 2250.2 FAUSTUS. De gratia et libero arbitrio ; Epistolae ; Scrmones. [Migne. Patrologise v.5S] . . 3440.27 FAVA Ghisilieri, N. See Opuscoli letterarii, v. 1, 2, 3 2792.2 FAVART, C. S. L'Anglois a Bordeaux ; Les trois sultanes. [Theatre dcs autcurs du second ordre. Comedies en vers, v.ll, 12]. . . . 2640.19 FAVIERES, E. G. F. de. Elisabetta: dramma. [Teatro moderno appl. v.17] 2768.1 FAVERSII AM, Abbey and church of. Lewis, J.. 2402.15 FAVORINUS. See Fragm. hist. Graec. v.3 ... 3002.11 FAWKES, F. Life and poems of. [Chalmers. Eng. poets] v.lOof 2592.7 FAY, J. Refutation of claims of N. II. and Mass. to Vermont. See Concise refutation . . . 2337.4 FAY, J. D. Essays of Howard: or, tales of the prison. New York, 1811. 8" *Pph.v.6 FAY, R. S. Oration before the citizens of Boston, on the 53th anniversary of independence. Boston, 1834. 8 *Pph.v.260 FAZOLDI, G. De plurimis Graecorum gentilium antiquitatibus, ritibusque sacris dissertatio. [Gronovius. Thesaurus Graec. antiq. v.7] . 2960.2 FAYOLLE, L. F. Supplement a la collection his- torique des ordres de chevalerie civils et militaires. See Perrot, M 2230.7 FAZOQL, Voyage au dela de. Cailliaud, F. . . . 3055.13 Voyage de Mohammed-Aly dans le Fazoql. Jomard, E. F 3045.14 FEARN, J. Laws of cerebral vision. London, [1830.] 8 *3920.25 FEARON, H. B. Sketches of America, with re- marks on Birkbeck's letters. 2d ed. Lon- don, 1818. 8 2362.9 Thoughts on materialism, etc. London, 1833. 8 3435.7 FEATHERSTOXHAUGII, G. W. Death of Ugolino : a tragedy. Philadelphia, 1830. 8. . . *Pph.v.l63 Geological examination of the country be- tween the Missouri and Red rivers. Wash- ington, 1&35. 8 *3862.16 Geological reconnoissance in 1835, from [Washington] to Coteau de prairie. Wash- ington, 1830. 8 *3862.1? FEBUSSO 273 FENELON Shelf. No. FEBUSSO e Breusso, poema ora per la prima volta pubblicato [by Lord Vernon.] Firenze, 1847. g *2791.12 Contents. Dichiarazione di Giovanni Mazzuoli; Descriziotie del codice per Vincenzio Follini; Diss. diV. Follini; Frammento d'antico volgarizzamento di Girone il Cortcse; Sul primo poema toscano in ottava rima, II Febusse e Breusse da Francesco Pal- ermo; Fcbusso e Breusso. FEDERAL orrery, edited by Thomas Paine, 2 July, 1795 Aug. 26, 1796. Boston, 1795-96. f.*8070.3 FEDERlCi, C. Commedie scelte. Milano,1828. 16. 2778.0 Contents. L'amor di natura; II cappello parlante; Noncontarglianniaunadonna; II buongiudice; II pericolo, o sia Enrico IV. al passo della Mama; Av- viso a' mariti; II ministro d' Arrigo IV., re d' Inghil- terra, dramma; II duca di Sabbioneta; La cieca nataj Lo scultore ed il cicco ; II delatore, dramma. I pregludizj deipaesipiccoli ; II cappello par- lante; II delatore. [Raccoltadicommedie, ecc. v.2] 2777.7 See Teatro raoderno applaudito 2768.1 Contents. Vol. II. L'avventuriere notturno, corn- media. III. Le lagrime d' una vedova, commedia. IV. II mendico dell' anno 1741, commedia. V. Carlo xii. a Bender, dramma. VIII. I pregiudizj del paesi piccoli, ossia lo scultore ed il cieco, commedia. X. I falsi galantuomini, commedia. XXXVII. Av- viso a' raaritati, commedia. L. 11 cappello parlante, commedia. LVI. Raoul di Vitri, commedia. LX. Avviso alle maritatc, commedia. FEDERICI, F. Annali della tipografia volpi-co- miuiana. [With appendix. 1817.] Padova, 1809. 8" *2114.17 Degli scrittori greci e dclle italiane version! delle loro opere. Padova, 1828. 8 .... *2174.3 FEDERIGO di Montcfeltro, duca di Urbino. Vita efatti. SeeBaldi, B 2744.13 FEDERMANX, N. Narration du premier voyage 1529-30. [Ternaux-Compans. Voyages et mrm. pour servir a 1'hist. de la dccouverte de 1' Amerique, v.l] 231G.1 FEE, A. L. A. ViedeLinne". Paris, 1832. 8.. 3836.10 FEET, Art of preserving the M. Pph. v. 127 FEET costume, History of. See Boot and shoe- maker's assistant 4010.20 FEIERABEXD, 31. A. Das Doppelfest der vier- hundertjahrigen Schlachtfeicr bei St. Jakob, 1844. Zurich, 1844. 8 *2836.11 Geschichte der eidgenossischen Freischies- sen. ZUrich, 1844. 8 *2836.11 FEIGNED diseases, Dissertation on. Blatchford, T. W M.Pph. v.6 FEITH, E. Antiquitatum Homericarum libri qua- tuor. [Gronovius. Thes. Graec. antiq. v.6]. 2960.2 FELIBIEX, A. Sur les vies et sur les ouvragesdes plus exccllens peintres. 2e 6d. Paris, 1685-90. 2v. 4 *4061.17 FELIBIEX, J. F. Recueil historique de la vie et des ouvrages des plus celebres architectes. Paris, 1680. 4 v.2 of *4061.17 FELICE, F. B. de. Code de 1'humanite, ou la legis- lation universelle. Yverdon, 1778. 13v. 4". *3623.1 Droit de la nature et des gens. Paris, 1830. 2v. 8 3614.16 Encyclopedic. Tome 1-42. Supplement, 1-6. Planches, 1-10. Yverdon, 1770-80. 58v. 4.*A. 129.1 Contents. Vol. I. A. Ajo. II. Air Ans. in. Ant Ass. IV. Ast Bas. V. Bat Bom. VI. Bon Cak. VU. Cal Cas. VIII. Cat Cha. IX. Cha Civ. X. Cla Con. XL Con Cot XII. Cou Ddx. XIII. De-Die. XIV. Dif-Eau. XV. Eb Emu. XVI. En-Erz. XVIL Es-Exf. XVIII. Exh Feu. XIX. Fev Fon. XX. Fon Fuy. XXI. G Got XXII. Gou Hey. XXIII. Ilei Jam. XXIV. Jan Inv. XXV. lo-Leh. XXVI. Lei Lyt. XXVII. M-Mat. XXVIII. Mau-Mir. XXIX. Mis-Myx. XXX. N-Oehr. XXXI. lEil- Pamp. XXXII. Pan-Pepu. XXXIII. Per Pla. XXXIV. Pla-Pouz. XXXV.Pra-Quot. XXXVI. B-Rhy. XXXVII. Ria-Schw. XXXVIII. Sci- Som. XXXIX. Son Szu. XL. T Tom. XLI. Ton Velu. XLII. Ven Zyz. Suppl. Vol. I. A Asu. II. At Com. IIL Cou Imp. IV. Ind Pay. V. Pea Sox. VI. Sea Zyz. Shelf. No. , a metrical romance. Kinney, E. C. . . 2398.20 FELICITAS. Passio sanctarum martyrum Perpet- use et Felicitatis. [Migne. Patrol, v.3] . 3440.2 FELIX I, pope. Epistolse dubias quatuor. [Migne. Patrologiae v.5] 3440.4 FELIX II, pope. Epistola; et decreta. [Mignc. Patrologiae v.13] 3440.10 FELIX III, pope. Epistola damnans Acacium epis- copum. [Migne. Patrologiae v.5G] . v.3 of 3440.25 Epistolte, tractatus et decretum. [Mignc. Patrologios v.58] 3440.27 Epistolae decretales. [Migne. Fatrologiae v.4] v.4of3450.16 FELIX IV, pope. Epistolse et decreta. [Migne. Patrologiae v.Co] 3450.6 FELIX, bp. of Limoges. Epistola. [Migne. Pat- rologias v.87] 3450.18 FELIX, bp. of Ravenna. Fragmentum. [Migne. PatrologiEev.89] 3450.20 FELIX, bp. of Toledo. Vita Juliani Toletani epis- copi. [Migne. Patrologiae v.96] 3450.22 FELIX, German bishop. Confessio fldei. [Migne. Patrologiae v.%] 3450.22 FELIX, Axel. See Hansen, C. FELLENBERG, Educational institutions of. See Letters from Hofwyl 35%. 20 FELLER, F. X. de. Biographic uuiversellc. Nouv. eUparM.Perennes. Paris, 1833, 34. 12v. 12. *2245.3 Contents. Vol. I. Aa Azz. II. Baa Bru. III. Bry Com. IV. Con Ezz. V. Fab Goz. VI. Gra Jez. VII. Joa Lyt. VIII. Mab-JIop. IX. Mor Pib. X. Pha Rid. XI. Rye Sze. XII. Tab Vin. FELLOWES, E. Picture of Christian philosophy. 4th ed. London, 1803. 8 *345<>.ll Religion without cant. London, 1801. 8 . . 3444.17 FELLOWES, W. D. Historical sketches of Charles I., Cromwell, Charles II. Lond. 1828. 4 . *2410.15 FELLOWS, Sir C. Account of the Ionic trophy monument excavated at Xanthus. London, 1848. pp.27. 8 *3071.13 Discoveries in Lycia. Lond. 1841. roy.8" . *3071.12 The Xanthian marbles. London, 1843. 8.*3071.12 FELLOWS, J. Reflexions on Humphrey's life of Putnam, also notices of Peabody's life, Swett's sketch of Bunker hill battle, etc. New York, 1843. 12 2347.11 FELLTHAM, O. Resolves, divine, moral, political; with additions. 12th ed. Lond. 1709. 8. *2558.1 - Same. London, 1840. 12 255S.2S FELT, J. B. History of Ipswich, Essex, and Ham- ilton. Cambridge, 1834. 8 235(5.5 Massachusetts currency. Boston, 1839. 8. 2352. 1,2 Memoir, or defence of Hugh Peters. Boston, 1851. 8 2447.3 FELTHAM, J. Structure of the human body. Lon- don, 1803. 12 3759.6 FELTON, A. C. Second festival of the sons of New Hampshire, 1853 ; also, proceedings commemorative of Webster. Bost. 1854. 8". 2338. 4,5 FELTON, C. C. Selections from the Greek histo- rians. Cambridge, 1852. 12 2963.16 FELTON, H. On reading the classics and forming a style. 3d ed. London, 1718. 12 2959.4 FEMALE sovereigns, Memoirs of celebrated. Jameson, A 2444.12 FEMALES. See Women. FEMUR, Congenital dislocations of the head of the. Carnochan, J. M 3745.16 FEXARUOLO, G. See Carcano, G. Poeti satirici italiani, v.2 2809.3 FEKEL, J. B. P. Quelles provinces, cites ou pla- ces furent ajoutees successivement au roy- aume de Soissons, et en quelles annccs. [Leber. Coll. diss. hist. France, v.2] . . . 2618.1 FENELON, B. de S. de La M. dc. Correspondance diplomatique, 1508-75. Paris, 1,838-40. 7v. 8. 4662.5 FENELON, F. de S. de La Mothe. (Euvres. Ver- sailles and Paris, 1820-24. 22v. 8 *3495.3 Contents. Vol. L Ouvrages sur divers sujcts de inetaphysique et de theologie: Traite de 1'existeiice et FENELON 274 FKMN Shelf. No. N, F. de S. de La Mothe, continued. des attributs de Dieu; Lettrcs sur divers sujets de me- taphysique et de religion. II. Traite du ministere dcspasteurs; Lettres sur 1'autorite de 1'eglise; Entre- tiens dc Fenelon ct de M. dc Ramsay sur la verite de la religion; De sum mi pontilicis auctoritate disser- tatio; Epistolaj. III. RC-futation du systeme du P. Malcbranchc sur la nature et la grace; Lcttrcs au P. Lami, bencdictin, sur la grace ct la predestination; Lcttre a M. 1'evfique d' Arras sur la lecture de l'crl- ture Salute en languo vulgaire; Opuscules theolo- giqucs. IV. Analyse raisonnee dc la controverse du quietisme; Diverses pieces relatives aux conferences d'Issy; Lettres de I'archevfique de Cambrai a un de ges amis; Instruction pastorale sur le livre intitule, Explications des maximes des saints; Reponse a la declaration dcs trois prelats; Reponse a 1'ouvragc de M. de Meaux, intitule, Sunima doctrinas. V. Disser- tation sur les veritables oppositions entre la doctrine de M. de Meaux ctcclle de M. de Cambrai; Instruction pastorelle deM.de Paris ; Lettres a M. de Paris ; Re- ponse de M. de Paris aux quat. lettres de M. dc Cara- brai; Respons. D. archiepiscopi Cameracensis ad cpis- tolam D. Parisiensis archiepiscopi. VI. Letlrcs a M. dc Meaux en reponse aux div. ccritsou mem. sur le livre desmaximcs; Lettres pour servirde reponse a cclle de M. de Meaux; Reponse a 1'ecrit dc M. dc Mcaux intitule, Relation sur le quietisme. VII. Reponse aux remarqucs do M. I'evfique de Meaux sur la re- ponse a la Relation sur le quietisme; Lettre pastorale de M. 1'eveque de Chartres sur le livre intitule, Ex- plication des maximes des saints, ct sur Ics explica- tions diffcrentcs que M. 1'archevfique dc Cambrai en adonnccs; Lettres pour servir de reponse d la lettre pastorale dc 1'evfique de Chartres sur le livre intitule, Explication des maximes des saints; Lettres a 1'evfi- que de Chartres en reponse a la lettre d'un theologien. VIII. Lettres a I'cve'que dc Mcaux pour repondre a 1'ouvrage latin, intitule, De nova qusestionc tracttitus tres; Les principalcs propositions du livre desmax- iraesdcs saints justinces; Lettres a 1'eveque dc Mcauz en repouse a 1'ecrit, intitule, Les passages eclaircis, prejuges dccisifs pour 1'archeve'que de Cambrai; Lettre sur la reponse de I'evfque dc Meaux aux pre- juges decisifs. IX. Lettre a 1'evdque de Mcaux sur la charite; Lettres d 1'evCquc de Meaux sur douze propositions qu'il veut faire censurer par des doctcuri de Sorbonne; Pieces relatives a la condamnation du livre des maximes dcs saints ; Disscrtatio dc amore puro, seu analysis controversial inter archiepiscopum Cameraccnsem et Mcldcnsem episcopum UabiUe, de charitatis naturn.neciion de habitual! statu puri amor- is; Epist. ad Clementcm papamXI.,de eadem con- trov. X. Ouvragcs surle jansenisme; Ordonnance et instr. pastor, portant condamn. du cas dc conscience! Seconclo instr. pastorale pour eclaircir les difficultes proposees centre la precedente instruction. XI. Troi- siemc instruction pastorale, contenant les prcuves de la tradition conccrnant I'infaillibilitc de 1'i-glise tou- chaut les textes orthodoxcs ou heretiques. XII. Quat- rieme instruction pastorale, oil 1'on prouve que c'cst 1'eglise qui exige la signature du formulairc; Reponse a uu evcque sur plusieurs difficultes qu'il lui a pro- posees au sujet de scs instructions pastorales; Re- ponse a une seconde lettre de 1'evSque de ' * * ; Lettre a un theologieu au sujet de scs instructions pastorales; Ileponse a la premiere lettre de 1'eveque de Saint-Pons ; Reponse a la seconde lettre de 1'eveque de Saint- Pons; Memoire sur 1'etat du diocese de Cambrai par rapport au janseuismc, et sur les moyens d'y arrcter les progres de 1'erreur; Memoriale sanctissirao D. N. clam legendum. XIII. Lettres sur 1'ordonnance du cardinal de Noailles, du 2 fevrier 1703, centre le cas de conscience ; Reponscs aux lettres du cardinal GabrielU; Exameu et refutation des raisons alleguees contre la reception du bref du 12 fevrier 1703; Memoriale de npostolico decreto contra casum conscientia3 mox edendo; Ordounance et in- struction pastorale sur la publication de la constitu- tion de Clement XI., du 15 juillet 1"05; Lettre a un eveque surle mandement de M. de Saint-Pons ; Let- tre au P. Quesnel touchant 1'ecrit, intitule, Denon- ciation solennclle de la bulleVineam Domini, etc ; Let- tre au P. Quesnel touchant la relation du card. Rospig- liosi; Lettres contre un nouveau systeme sur le silence respectueux. XIV.. Instruction pastorale sur le livre intitule Justification du silence respectueux; Lettre sur I'infaillibiUte de 1'eglise touchant les textes dog- matiqucs; Maudcmens pour 1'acceptation de la con- stitution Unigcnitus. XV. Dissertationes ad Janse- nismt controversiam spectantes; Instruction pastorale en forme de dialogue, sur le systeme de Junsenius. XVI. Instruction pastorale en forme de dialogues, sur le systeme de Jansenius; Ordonnances et instruc- tions pastorales portant condamnation d'un livre, inti- Bhelf. No N, F. de S. de La Mothe, continued. tule, Theologia dogmatica ct moralis ad usum semi- narii Catalauncnsis. XVII. De 1'education des filles; Sermons et cntretiens sur divers sujets; Lettres sur divers points de spirituality. XVIII. Manuel de piete; Reflexions saintcs pour tous lesjours du mois; Meditations stir divers sujets de 1'Epriturc Sainte; Entreticns affectifs pour les principals fetes del'an- nee; Meditations pour un maladc; Exhortations et avis pour I'administration des sacremens; Instruc- tions et avis sur divers points de la morale ct de la perfection chreticnne; Mandemens. XIX. Fables; Dialogue des morts; Opuscules divers, franoais et la- tins; Fabulosco narrationes historiae. XX. Discours de la poesie cpiquc et de 1'exccllcnce du pocme de Telemaque, par le chevalier de Ramsai; Les aven- tures de Telemaque. XXI. Dialogue sur ['eloquence en general, et sur celle de la chaire en particulier; Discours de reception a 1 'academic fran^aise; Reponse de Bergeret; Memoire sur Ics occupations de I'acade- mie franjaise; Correspondance litteraire de Fenelon avcc Houdar de La Motte dc 1'academie franchise; Poesies; L'Odyssee d'Homere. XXII. Abrege des vies dcs anciens philosophes ; Examen de conscience sur les devoirs dc la royaute ; E ssai philosophiquc sur le gouvcrnement civil ; Divers rnemoircs concer- nant la guerre de la succession d'Espagne; Plans de gouvernemcnt concertes avec le due de Chevreuse pour etre proposes au due de Bourgogne en 1711 ; MC-moircs sur Ics precautions et les mesurcs a prcndre aprea la mort du due de Bourgogne. CEuvres philosophiques. Nouv.dd. par A. Jacques. Paris, 1845. 10 4078.23 (.'intents. De 1'existence de Dieu; Lettres sur la metaphysique ; Refutation du systeme de Male- branche. Selections from the writings of F. 3d ed. Boston, 1831. 12 3443.19 Correspondance. Paris, 1827. llv. 8. ... 3005.2 Contents. Vol. I. Correspondance, avcc le due de Bourgogne, Ics dues de Bcauvilliers ct de Chevrcuse, et leurs families. II. -IV. Correspondance avcc sa famille; Lettres diverses. V. Lettres et memoircs concemant la juridiction cpiscopale ct metropolitaine de 1'archeveque de Cambrai; Lettres spirit ucllcs. VL Lettres spirituclles. V1I.-XI. Corrcspondauce surl'affaire du quietisme. XI. Lettres de 1'abbe de la Bletterie a un ami, au sujet dc la relation du quie- tisme; Pieces conceruant 1'histoire ct les oeu^Tca de Fenelon: Testament de Fenelon; Recucil dcs prin- cipales vertus de Fenelon; Lettre de 1'abbe Galet, a feu M. de Beausobru sur M. dc Fenelon; Extraitd'un discours sur 1'education du due de Bourgogne, qui a remporte le prix propose par 1'academie royale d'.Vn- gers; Extrait du discours prononce par M. Gros de Boze, lorsqu'il fut reou a 1'academie franeaise, a la place de M. de Fenelon ; Extrait de la K-ponse de M. Dacier, secretaire pcrpetuel de 1'academic, au discours de M. Boze; In fun ere Francisci de Salignac de la Mothe-Fenelon, religionis luctus; De la tolerance philosophiquc attribute d Fenelon; Dissertation sur 1'ostensoir d'or offert par Fenelon d son eglise metro- politaine; Notice des principaux personnages con- temporains de Fenelon, dont il cst fait mention dans sa Correspondance; Table des matieres. - Les aventures de Telemaque. Paris, 1790. 4v. 24 4079 a. 22 - Same. Nouv.6d. D'apres 1'ed. de Le Brun. New York, 1852. 12 7079.40 Le avventure di Telemaco. Kuova ed. Paris, 1807. 12" **E. 227.9 De 1'existence de Dieu ; entretiens sur la re- ligion; dialogues sur 1'eloquence [etc.]. Paris, 1S53. 16 4078.24 Dialogues des morts, avec quelques fables. Nouv.ed. Limoges, 1805. 16 4078.25 - Same. 2v. in 1. n.d 4078.25 Bausset, L. F. Histoire de 3505.3 Charming, W. E. Remarks on the character and writings of 3473.1 Tabaraud, M. M. Supplement a 1'histoire de. 34%. 4 FENIN, P. de. Memoires, sous les regnes de Charles VI. et Charles VII. Nouv. ed. Par Mile. Dupont. Paris, 1837. 8. [Societe de 1'histoire de France] *202G.7 Memoires. [Michaud. Coll. mem. hist. Fr. Ser. 1, v.2] 2G11.1 - Same. [Petitot. Coll. mem. hist. Fr. Ser. 1, v.7] 2015.1 FENN 275 FERRIAR Shelf. No. FENN, C. Compendium of funds, debts, and rev- enues of all nations. 5th ed. By II. Ayres. London, 1853. 10 3084.24 FENN, Sir John. Original letters during the reigns of ITcn. VI., Edw. IV. and V., Ric. III., Hen. VII. London, 1787-1823. 5v. 4. *2451.1 FENN, Joseph. New and complete system of algebra. Dublin, n.d. 4 **E.198.14 FENNELL, J. Life written by himself. Philadel- phia, 1814. 8" 2344.13 FENNELL, J. H.' Shakespeare repository. Nos. 1-i. [London,] 1853. f *2590.11 FENNER, E. D. Southern medical reports. Vols. I., II. New Orleans, 1850-51. 2v. 8 ... *3712.1 FENNING, D. Young algebraist's companion. 2d ed. By AY. Davis. Two suppl., the 2d byJ. Hellens. London, 1808. 12 . . . **E.109.17 FENOUILLOT do Falbaire, C. G. II fabbricatore inglese, dramma ; L'amor flliale, dramma. [Teatro moderno applaudito, v.30, 48]. . . 2708.1 L'honncte criminel, ou 1'amour filial. [The- atre des auteurs du 2d ordrc. Drames, v.2]. 2040.19 FENTON, E. Poems and life. [Chalmers. Eng. poets] v.lOof 2592.7 Poems. [Johnson. Eng. poets]. . .v.29of 2589.3 FENWICK, B. I. Sermon for the benefit of the city dispensary. New York, 1810. 8 . . *Pph.v.34 FENWICK, S. Application of algebra to geome- try, etc. [London, 1853.] 8. [Woolwich course of mathematics, v.l] 3912.5 FERBER, J. J. Oryctography of Derbyshire. [Pinkerton. Voyages, v.2] 2200.13 FERDINAND V, of Spain. Prescott, W. H. His- tory of the reign of E.115.3 FERDINAND VII, of Spain. Custine, A. do. L'Es- pagne sous 3105.20 FERGUSON, A. Essay on the history of civil so- ciety. 8th ed. Philadelphia, 1819. 8. ... 3505.24 FERGUSON, E. J. On the nervous system and the neuroses. [Buffalo, 1843.] 8. . *M.Pph.v.38 FERGUSON, James, b. 1710, d. 1776. Astronomy explained. 4th ed. London, 1770. 8 . . . 3929.13 - Same. 1st Am. fr. the last Lond. ed. rev. by It. Patterson. Philadelphia, 1800. 8.**E.187.2 - Same. 2d Am. ed. by R. Patterson. Phil. 1809. 8" 3924.0 - Essays aud treatises. Appendix by Brew- ster. N.ed. Edinb. 1823. 8 3925.12 Lectures on select subjects : with notes and the most recent discoveries in the arts and sciences by D. Brewster. 3d ed. Edinb. 1823. 2v. 8 **E.170.5 Astronomical part of Outline's geogr. hist. and comm. grammar. See Guthrie, W. . . 2286.7 FERGUSON, James. Annual address before the Al- bany institute. Albany, 1838. 8. . . . *Pph.v.l02 FERGUSON, R. Essays on diseases of women. Pt. 1. Puerperal fever. Lond. 1839. 12 . .3775.10,20 Induction aud its results in medical science. [London, 1839.] 12 3775.20 FERGU.SSOX, J. Illustrations of ancient architec- ture in Hindostan. London, 1848. f . . . *3020.5 Illustrations of rock-cut temples of India. 10 plates. London, 1845. Iv. f. Iv. 8. .*3043.1C Principles of beauty in art. Part. 1. Lond. 1849. 4 4092.4 FERGUSSON, W. Recollections of a professional life, edited by his son. London, 1840. 8 . 3721.11 FERISHTAH, Mahuinmud Casim. History of Hin- dostan, transl. by A. Dow. New ed. Lon- don, 1803. 3v. 8 3043.8 FERMINELLI, G. Riflessioni sull' ufficio attribuito al punto soemeringiano dal dott. Santi. [Opusculi scientific!, v.2] 3911.5 FERMOU, \V. On the cow-pox [as] security against small-pox. Oxford, 1800. 8 ... *M.Pph.v.l01 FERNIANI, A. Reuclimcnto di grazie. [Raccolta di opuscoli scientific!, etc. v.14] 5274.1 FERNIE, J. History of Dunfermline. Dunferm- line, 1815. 8" 2474. (i Shelf. No. FERNOW, C. L. Fr. Petrarca dargestellt : nebst dem Leben des Dichters u. Ausgabenver- zeichnisscn von L. Haiu. Altenberg und Leipzig, 1818. 10 2803.16 FERNS. Hooker, Sir W. J. Icones filicum . . . 3840.9 - Species filicum 3847.11 Presl, C. B. Tentamen pteridographiae seu genera filicaccarum 3847.13 ! FERRALL, S. A. Ramble through the United States. London, 1832. 8 2303.10 I FERRAXD, \V. B. Letter on the great Mott ques- tion. London, 1844. 8 *Pph.v.30G FERRANDUS. Epistola dogmatica advcrsus Arria- nos aliosque hareticos. [Mai. Script, vet. nova coll. v.3] 3000.1 FERRARA. Barotti, G. A. Mcmorie istoriche di letterati ferraresi 2100.0 Baruffaldi, G. Memorie istoriche di letterati ferraresi 2741.8 Frizzi, A. Memorie per la storia di Ferrara. 2700.14 Laderchi, C. La pittura ferrarese 4001.21 Nannini, F. Vocabolario ferrarese-italiano . 2784.3 FERRARI, C. Tiburga Oldofredi, scene storiche del sccolo xiii. Milano, 1840-47. 3v. 10 .4779.11 FERRARI, C. E. Vocabolaric bologuese-italiano : terza cdizione compendiata, ed accresciuta di molte voci. Appendice. Bologna, 1853- 5S. sm.8 *2784.4,5 Vocabolario de' nomi propri, seguito da altro vocab. degli adicttivi propri, da L. Muzzi. Bologna, 1827-28. 10 *2784.8 FERKARI, F. B. De vctcrum acclamationibus et plausu. [Grsevius. Thesaurus antiq. Rom. v.O] 2950.1 Lettera sulla conca grande di Paderno prcsso 1'Addai; Sulle bocchcche estraggono acqua dai navigli, o sia canali uavigabili di Milano ; Sopra la costruzione dclle chiusepcr la deri- vazione de' canali regolati. [Raccolta, del moto dell' acque, v.14] 3942.1 FERRARI, O. De origine Romanorum ; Analccta de re vestiaria ; Dissertatio de veterum lu- cernis sepulchralibus. [Grsevius. Thesau- rus antiq. Rom. v.l, 0,12] 2950.1 Depantomimis et mimis dissertatio. [Sallen- gre. Thesaurus antiq. Rom. v.2] 2950.2 FERRARINI, A. Sopra i mctodi di preparare alcuni rimedj aurifici. [Opuscoli scientific!, v.2] . 3911.5 FERRARIO, G. II costume antico e moderno di tutti i popoli. 2a ed. Firenze, 1823-32. 26 Y. in 32. 8 *2262.1 Contents. Asia,v. 1-8; Africa, 1-4; America, 1-4; Europa, 1-10. Storia ed analisi degli antichi romanzi di ca- valleria. Milano, 1828-29. 4v. 8 *2171.1 Drammi rusticali. [Teatro ital. ant. v.10] . 2776.1 FERREIRA. See Pinheiro Ferreira. FERREOLUS. Regula ad monachos. [Migne. Pa- trologiae v.60] 3450.7 FERRERE, P. Plaidoyers. [Annales du barreau francais. Barreau moderne, v.9] 3708.1 FERRKRS, G. Fall of R. Tresilian, 1388 ; How Syr Thomas of Woodstocke, duke of Gloccs- ter was vnlawfully murdered, 1397 ; How King Richard II. was deposed and mur- dered ; How Eleanor Cobham for witch- craft was banished ; How Humphrey Plan- tagenet, duke of Glocester, was brought to confusion ; Tragedye of the Duke of Som- erset, 14.34. [Mirror for magistrates, v.2]. 2603.8 FERRERS, J. B. Observations on the administra- tion of the poor laws. London, 1832. 8". 3570.60 FERRETO, V. Historia rcrum in Italia gestarum, 1250-1318; De Scaligerorum origine, poema. [Muratori. Rerum Ital. script, v.9]. . . 2710.1 FERRI di S. Costante, G. Lo spettatore italiano. Milano, 1822. 4v. 8 2787.3 FERRIAR, J. Bibliomania: [poetic] epistle to Richard Heber. London, 1809. pp. 14. 4 . *2120.14 FERRIAR 276 FICIITE Shelf. No. FERRTAR, J. continued. Illustrations of Sterne, with essays. London, 1812. 2v.ini. 12 2558.21 Contents. 'Essays : Of certain varieties of man; Mcuippcan essay on Eng. historians; Origin of the modern art or fortification ; The puppet-show, poem; Genius; Dialogue in the shades; The bibliomania, an epistle to Richard Hebcr, csq.; A northern pros- pect, an ode. Medical histories and reflections. London, 1792-1813. 3v. 8 *3722.14 - Same. London, 1810-13. 4v. 8 *3717.9 Medical properties of fox-glove. Manches- ter, [Eng.] 1799. pp. GO. sra. 8" 3009.12 Theory of apparitions. London, 1813. 12 . 3009.12 FERIUAP., J. F. Institutes of mctaphysic, 2d ed. Edinburgh, 1850. 12 3008.7 FERRitiucs, C. K.,marq. de. Miimoires. 2e dd. Partic inedite. Paris, 1821-22. 3v. 8. [Ber- villc and ISarriere. Memoircs rcl. a la re>. franc. 3, 4, 5] *4645.2 FERRIO, G. Do Julii Csesaris Bordonii clysio. [Raccolta di opuscoli scientific), etc. v. 5] . 5274.1 FERRIS, I. Address at the funeral of Lt. Col. A. R. Thompson, of the U. S. army, delivered May 25, 1838. New York, ia38. 8 ... *Pph.v.223 Address at the opening of the Rutgers fe- male institute. New York, 1839. 8. . . *Pph.v.l07 Appeal to ministers in behalf of Sunday schools : a sermon. Phila. 1834. 12. *Pph.v.lO,220 Domestic Christian education : a sermon. Al- bany, 1835. 8 *Pph.v.94 Ecclesiastical characteristics of the reformed prot. Dutch church. New York, 1818. 12.*Pph.v.230 FERKO, P. J. Positiones medicae circa hsemopty- sin, etphthisin. Vindobonae, 1777. 8 . *M.Pph.v.7 FERRUCCI, C. F. Degli studii delle donne. Torino, 1853. 10 3598.16 Delia educazione intellettuale. Torino, 1849- 51. 2v. 10" 3598.17 Educazione morale della donna italiana. To- rino, 1847. 10 3598.15 FERRUCCI, L. C. See Bcrnabb Silorata, P. Prose epoesiedi Italian! vivcnti, v.2, 3, 8. . . . 4708.10 FERRY, C. J. Geographic-physique, continuee. Encyclopedic methodique A. 157.1 FERUSSAC, J. B. L. d' A. de, and Deshayes, G. P. Histoire naturellc dcs mollusques. Paris, 1820-51. 4v. f *5860.20 FERUZZI, M. Inscriptiones. [Opuscoliletterarii, v.3] 2792.2 FESSENDEN, G. M. Descendants of W. Bradford, 2d gov. of Plymouth. Boston, 1850. 8.. 2333.7 FESSEN'DKN,T.,rf. 1813. Explanation of the science of sanctity. Brattlcboro, 1S04. 8 .... *3455.4 FESSENDEN, T. G-,d. 1837. Democracy unveiled. Boston, 1805. 12 2409.1 Terrible tractoration, and other poems. 3d Am. ed. Boston, 1830. 10 2409.22 FESSLER, I. A. Die Gcschiehten der Ungarn. Leipzig, 1815-47. lOv. 8 *2827.1 FESTA, C. Madrigale a 3 voci. Madonna io v' amo. [Dehn. Practische Musik-Werke, v.7] 4051.14 FESTUS, S. P. Fragmenta. [Lindemann. Cor- pus gramm. v.2] 2912.10 FETIS, E. Les splendours de I'art en Belgique. Moke, H. G 4071.11 FETIS, F. J. Biographic universelle des musi- ciens, et bibliographic generale de la mu- sique. Bruxellcs, 1830-44. Sv. 8 *4040.21 Die Musik: Handbuch fur Frcunde und Lieb- habcr dieser Kunst. Von C. Blum, nach d. franzos. Berlin, 1830. 10 *4049.3S, 70 Mcmoire sur cette question : qucls ont dte les merites des Neerlandais dans la musique. See Kiesewetter, R. G 4052.7 FEUCHTERSLEBEN, E. v. Medical psychology, tr. by H. E. Lloyd, ed by B. G. Babington. London, 1847. 8". [Sydenham soc.] . . . 3714.7 Shelf. No. FEUCHTWANGER, L. Mad dog : or hydrophobia, with its various symptoms, causes, [etc.] New York, 1840. 8* *M.Pph.v.35 FEUDAL property, General system of. Dalrym- ple, J 3709.2 FEUDAL system. See Fiefs, Middle ages. FEUGERE, L. J. Etienne dc Ja Hot-tie : etude sur sa vie et sea ouvrages. Paris, 1845. 8 ... 2072.2 Etude sur Henri Esticnne. See Esticnnc, II. 2084.15 Etude sur la vie ct sur lea ouvrages dc Pas- quier. See Pasquicr, E 4078.20 FEUGUIERE, A. de Pas, marq. de. Mdmoircs con- tcnans ses maximes sur la guerre. Nouv. ed. Paris, 1750. 4v. as 2. 8 2048.6 FEVER. Armstrong,.!. Illustrations of . . . . 3790.14 Baeta, II. X. Treatment of M.Pph.v.63 Balfour, F. Influence of the moon in . M.Pph.v.117 Bouillaud, J. Traite des fievres ditcs essen- ticllcs 3790.11 Brown, W. Power of medicine in control- ling JI.Pph.v.93 Caignou, E. de. Fievres continues 3798.3 Calvert, T. K. Reflections on 3740.52 Chomcl, A. F. Des fievres 3790.13 Clark, T. Nature and cure of M.Pph.v.5 Clutterbuck, II. Prevention and treatment of epidemic F M.Pph.v.99 Flint, A. Reports on continued F 3790.6 Fordyce, G. Simple F. consisting of one par- oxysm only 3790.16 - Regular continued F 3790.17 - Five dissertations on 3790.2 - Irregular continued F 3790.18 Freind, J. Nine commentaries upon. . . . 3797.20 Hosack, D. Observations on febrile conta- gion M.Fph.v.100 Huxham, J. Essay on 3797.24 - Essays on fevers and their various kinds. 3797 28 Jackson, J. Discourse on M.Pph. \.93 Jackson, R. History and cure of 37%. 15 James, R. Dissertation on M.Pph. v.94 Miner, T. Essays on 37%. 5 Philip, A. P. W. Treatise on symptomatic F. 3790.12 Rolfincius, G. Ordo et methodus cognosccndi et curandi febrcs generales 3797.29 Sennert, D. Libri quatuor de febribus . . . 3710.2 Smith, T. S. Treatise on 3790.7 Spalding, L. Reflections on M.Pph. v.8 Stoker, W. Treatise on 3t.Pph.v.97 Tommasini; G. Considerations sur la fievre continuee 3797.19 Twecdic, A. Illustrations of 3790.7 White, J. Observations of 3797.25 Wilson, A. P. Treatise on febrile diseases . 3790.3 See also: Bilious, Eruptive, Hectic, Intermittent, Malignant, Puerperal, Scarlet, Spotted, Typhoid, Typhus, Yellow fever. FEZZAN, Travels from Cairo to Mourzouk, the capital of. Horneman, F 3051.16 FFARINGTON, S. M. Farington papers, 1547-1088. 1850. sm.4. [Chetham soc. v.39] .... *2415.6 FFIRTH, S. Treatise on malignant fever ; with an attempt to prove its non-contagious nature. Philadelphia, 1804. 8" *3I.Pph.v.28 FiACCiii, L. Osservazioni sul Decamerone di G. Boccaccio. Firenze, 1821. 8 2772.16 Dei proverbi toscani. See Cecchi, G. M. . . . 4770.39 Lezioni dette nell' accadcmia della Crusca. [Coll. d' opuscoli sclent, e lett. v. 19, 21]. 5278.2 FIAMMA, G. Manipulus florum, sive historia Me- diolanensis, ab originc urbis ad annum 1371. [Muratori. Rerum Ital. script, v. 11]. 2710.1 Opusculum de rebus gestis ab Azone, Luchi- no, et Johanne, vicecomitibus, 1328-1342. [Muratori. Rcrum Ital. script, v. 12] . . . 2710.1 FIBROUS plants of India. Koylc, J. F 4016.6 FlCHTE, J. G. Siimmtliche Werke. Berlin, 1845- 46. 8v. 8" 2893.3 Content*. Vol. I. Vorrede des Herausgcbers; Re- cension des Aenesidemus oder iiber die Fundamente FICHTE 277 FILSEN Shelf. No. FiCHTE, J. G. continued. der vom Herrn Prof. Reinhold in Jena geliefertcn ElementarphLlosophic; Uebcr den Begriff der Wis- senschaftslchrc oder der sogennnnten Philosophiej Grundlagc der gesamtntenWissenschaftslchre;Grun- driss des Eigenthiimlichen der Wissenschaftslehre in Rucksicht auf das theoretischc Vermogen ; Ueber die Wiirde des Menschen i Erste Einleitung in die Wis- senschaftslehrc; Zweite Einleitung in die Wissen- schaflslehre; Versuch einer neuen Darstellung der Wisscnschaftslehre. II. Darstellung der Wissen- schaftslchre ; Die Bestimmung des Menschen: Popu- larerundkritischer Anhang : Sonnenklarer Bericht iiber das Wcsen der neuestcn Philosophic ; Vergleich- ung des vom Uerrn Prof. Schmid aufgestellten Systems rait der Wissenschaftslehre; Annalen des philosophischen Tons ; Recension von Bardili'a Grundriss der ersten Logik; Antwortsschreiben an Herrn Prof. Reinhold; Die Thatsachen des Bewusst- seyns ; Die Wissenschaftslehre in ihrem allgemei- nen Umrisse. III. Grundlage des Naturrechts nach Principien der 'Wissenschaftslehre ; Der gcschlossenc Handelsstaat, ein philophischer Entwurf als Anhang zur Rechtslehre und Probe eiuer kunftig zu liefern- den Politik. IV. System der Sittenlehre nach den Principien der Wissenschaftslehre ; Die Staatslehre, Oder fiber das Verhaltniss des Urstaates zum Ver- nunftreiche, in Vorlesungen ; Rede an seine Zuhorer. V. Aphorismen fiber Religion und Deismus ; Ver- snch einer Kritik aller Offenbarung; Ucber den Grand unseres Glaubens an cine giittlichc Weltregierung; Appellation an das Publicum fiber die durch cm Churf. Sachs. Confiscationsrescript ihm beigemes- senen athcistischen Aeusserungen ; Gcrichtlicha Vcrantwortungsschriften gegen die Anklage des Ath- eismus ; Riickerinnerungen, Antworten, Fragen ; Aus einem Privatschreiben ; Die Anweisung zum seligen Lebcn, Oder auch die Religionslchre. VI. Zuriickforderung der Denkfreihcitrvon den Fiirsten Europens, die sie bisher unterdriickten; Bcitrage zur Berichtigung der Urtheile des Publicums fiber die franzosische Revolution; Einige Vorlesungen fiber die Bestimmung des Gelehrten; Ueber das Wesen des Gelehrten, und seine Erscheinungen im Gebiete derFreiheit; Ueber die einzig mogliche Stdrungder akademisclien Frciheit. VII. Die Grundziige des gegenwiirtigen Zeitalters ; Reden an die deutschc Nation ; Auhang zu den Reden an die deutsche Nation; Politische Fragmente aus den Jahren 1807 und 1813 : Bruchstucke nus einem unvollendetcn polttischen Werke vom Jahre 180C-7 : Episode fiber unser Zeitaltcr; Die Republik der Deutschen; Aus dem Entwurfe einer politischen Schrift im Jahre 1813; Excurse zur Staatslehre: Ueber Errichtung des Vernunftreiches ; Ueber Zufall, Loos, Wunder ; Uebcr die Ehe, den Gegensatz von altcm und ncucm Staatc und Religion, u. B. w. VIII. Nicolai's Leben und sonderbare Meinungen ; Deducirter Plan einer zu Berlin zu errichtendcn hoheren Lehranstalt ; Beilagcn zum Universitiitsplane : Plan zu cincm pcriodischen schriftstcllerischen Werke an cincr dcutschen Universitiit ; Rede bei ciuer Ehrenpro- motion an der Universitat zu Berlin; Vcrmischte Aufsiitze: Bcweis der Unrcchtmassigkcit des Biich- ernachdrucks, cin Rasonncment und einc Parabel ; Zwei Prcdigtcn aus dcm Jahre 1791 ; Ucber Gcist und Buchstab in der Philosophic ; Von der Sprachfa- higkcit und dem Ursprungc der Sprache; Ueber Be- lebung und Erhohuug des reincn Intcresse fiirWahr- heit; Aphorismen fiber Erziehung aus dem Jahre 1804; Bericht fiber die Wissenschaftslehre und die bisherigcn Schicksale dersclben; Reccnsionen: Von Creuzcrs skcptischen Bctrachtungen fiber die Frei- heitdos Willcns; Von Gebhard fiber sittliche Giitc; Von Kant zum ewigen Fricden ; Poesicn uud metri- sche Uebersetzungen : Das Thai der Liebenden, Novelle ; Kleinere Gcdichte ; Uebersetznngen aus dem Portugiesischen, Spanischcu und Italiiinischen. Nachgelassene "Werke, heransgegeben von J. H. Fichte. Bonn, 1834, 5. 3v. 8" ... 2893.4 Contents. Vol. I. Einleitungsvorlesungen in die Wissenschaftslehre, die rransscendentalc Logik, und die Thatsachen des Bewusstseir.s. II. Wissenschafts- lehre und das Ss'stem der Rechtslehre. III. System der Sittenlehre, Vorlesungen fiber die Bestimmung des Gelehrten und vermischtc Aufsiitze. Vocation of man, transl. by \V. Smith. Lon- don, 1848. 12 3008.2 Vocation of the scholar, transl. by \V. Smith. London, 1847. pp.72. 8 3GOS.3 M. Sopra lo amore o ver' convito di Pla- tone. Firenze, 1544. 16" *3009. 1 Shelf. No. FICORONT, F. de'. Le vestigia, e rarita di Koma antica ; [e Le singolarita di Roma mo- derna.] Koma, 1744. 2v. in 1. 4 2732.2 FIDEXTIO Glottogrysio. Pseud. See Scroffa, C. FIEFS. Liber fcodorum in curia seaccarii, temp. Hen. III. and Edw. I. See Great Britain. Record commission 7060.2 FIELD, D. D. History of Pittsfleld, Berkshire Co., Mass. Hartford, 1844. pp. 80. 8. . .2356.15 Statistical account of the county of Middle- sex, Conn. Middletown, Conn. 1819. 8 . 2X36.2 FIELD, J. Sermon : The care of Providence. 8. [No title-page] *Pph.v.267 FIELD, R. S. Provincial courts of New Jersey. N. T. 1849. 8. [N. J. hist. soc. coll. v.3] . *2345.13 FIELD-BOOK of the revolution. Lossing-, B. J. . 2320.23 FIELDING, H. Julien, 1'apostat, on voyage dans 1'autre monde, par M. Kauffmann. [Gamier. Voyages imaginaires, v.24] 2606. 1 Joseph Andrews, Tom Jones, Amelia, Jona- than Wild. [Ballantyne. Novelist's libra- ry, v.l] 2573 1 FIELDING, T. H. Painting 1 in oil and water col- ours. 5th ed. London, 1854. 8 4001.20 FIELDS, J. T. A few verses for a few friends, n.p. n.d. 12" 2408.15 FIESOLE, Letterc xii. nelle quali si ricerca e s'illustra 1'antica e moderna situazione della cittadi. Bandini, A. 31 2727.12 FIFE. Lcighton, J. M. History of the county of. 2471.11 Small, A. Roman antiquities discovered in . 2474.8 FIGUIER, G. L. L'alchimie et les alchimistes. 2e oil. Paris, 1850. 12 3976.8 L'annee ecientifique ct industrielle, le-3e an- nee. Paris, 1857-58. 4v. 12 3934.16 Principales decouvertes scientifiques mo- derncs. 4c ed. Paris, 1855. 3v. 12 ... 3905.8 Contents. Vol. I. Machines a vapeur; Bateaux a vapeur; Chemins defer; Notes. II. Photographic; La telegraphic aerienne et Hectriquc; Galvano-plas- tie et dorure chimique ; Planete Ixiverrier ; Notes. III. Aerostats; ficlairage au gaz; Etherisation ; Pou- dres de guerre et poudre-coton ; Notes. FILANGIERI, G. La scienza della legislazione, e opuscoli scelti. Livorno, 1826-27. 5v. 8. 3500.5 Contents. Vol. I.-V. Scienza della legislazione ; Note. V. Riflessioni politiche sull' ultima legge del sovrano che riguardalariformaneH'amministrazione della giustizia; Parere prcscntato al re sulla proposi- zione di un affitto sessennale del cosi detto tavoliere di Puglia; Estratto dell' opera di G. Playfair dirctto al marchese, D. T. Commentario alia scienza della legi slazione di . See Constant-Rebecque, H. B. de 3500. G Delle leggi politiche cd economiche. [Econ- omist! class, ital. v.39] 3644.1 FILELFO, G. M. Vita Dantis Alighieri nvnc pri- mvm ex codice Lavrentiano in Ivcem cdita. Florentiae, 1828. 8 2800.13 FILICAIA, V. da. Poesie toscane. Firenze, 1823. 8". 2807.4 Orazionc dclle lodi di S. Antonio ; Orazione nella decollazione di S. Giovambatista. [Da- ti. Prose florentinc, v.5] 2787.1 Rimeinedite. See Allori, A 2794.4 and others. Prose e rime inedite di Filicaja, d'A. M. Salvini e d'altri. Firenze, 1821. 8. 2807.5 FILITZ, F. Ueber cinige Interessen der iilteren Kirchen-musik. MUnchen, 1853. 8 . . . . 4056.14 FILLI di Sciro, favola pastorale. See Bonarelli, G. 4779.5 FILLMORE, J. Captivity of J. Fillmore, and his escape from the pirates. 2d ed. Johnstown, 1809. 8 *Pph.v.84 FILMER, Sir R. Patriarcha, or the natural power Of kings. London, 1680-85. 8 3503.14 FILOCALUS, F. D. Kalendarium antiquum. [Mig- nc. Patrologias v.13] 3440.10 FILOMENA, St. Relazione istorica della traslazione del sacro corpo di S. Filomena da Roma a Mugnano. See Lucia, F. di 3403.28 FlLON, C. A. D. Italic anciennc. See Duruy, V. 2266.27 FILSOX, J. Discovery, settlement, and present state of Kentucky. Seelmlay.G 2373.10 FINANCE 278 FISH Shelf. No. FINANCE. Beausobre, L. dc. Introduction gend- rale a 1'etude dc 3648.8 Capcfiguc, J. B. II. R. Emprunts, bourses, credit public,gTands capitalistes dc 1'Europc, 1814-52 3040.28 Mollien, F. V. Mdmoires d'un ministre du tresor public, 1780-1815 3040.27 Necker, J. Dernieres vues de 3503.10 Sec also: Banking, Currency, Funds, Taxation: and for the finances of particular countries, sec under their several names. FINANCIAL register of the United States. July, 1837 Dec. 1838. Philadelphia, 1838. 2v. 8. 3041.6 FINCH, L. T., countess of Guernsey. Death-bed confessions. Philadelphia, 1822. 12 . *Pph. v. 210 FINCHAM, J. On masting ships, and mast-making. 3ded. enl. London, 1854. 8 and Atlas. f. 3952.3 FINE, J. Lecture on the resurrection of the body, compiled from the writings of Paul, Dick, Hall, etc. Albany, 1851. 8 *Pph.v.l94 On negotiable paper, and on vessels, master, seamen, and freight. Albany, 1851. 8 . *Pph.v.l94 FINE arts. L'ape italiana delle belle arti 4080.5 Baldinucci, F. Opuscoli sopra varie materie di pittura, ec 4076.2 Bell, C. Anatomy and philos. of expression. 4001.19 Bonvicini. Compendio storico delle belle arti. 4072.6 Dechazelle, P. T. Studii sulla stor. delle arti. 4072.4 Denon, D. V. Monuments des arts du dessin. 4070.1 Du Sommerard, A. Les arts au moycn age . 4071.15 Eastlake, C. L. Contrib. to the liter, of the . 4002.12 Eighth report of the art-union of London . . 4072.11 Elmcs, J. Bibliographical dictionary of the. 4082.1 Etruria. Studj di belle arti 5146.1 Greek court, Koman court, etc. See London. Crystal palace 4089.26,41 Gualandi, M. A. Mcmorie originali italiane risguardanti le belle arti 4076.3 Hagcn, E. A. Kunstlcr-Geschichten .... 4077.35 Kinkel, G. Geschichte der bildenden KUnste. 4095.5 Library of the 4072.2 Mengs, A. R. Opere 4062.5 Meyer, J. H. Geschichto der bildenden KUnste 4075.1 Milizia, F. Operc risguardanti le belle arti . 4072.15 Nagler, G. K. Kiinstlcr-Lexicon 4083.1 Northcotc, J. Conversations on the .... 4065.21 Letterc sulla pittura, ecc. See Nuova rac- colta 4077.36 Quatremerc de Quincy, A. C. Essai sur 1'imi- tation dans les beaux-arts 4076 1 Rumohr, C. F. L. F. v. Reisen nach Italicn. 4004.23 Rungc, P. O. Hinterlassene Schriften . . . 4004.6 Schadow, J. G. Kunst-Werke und Kunst-An- sichten 4064.4 Society of arts, etc. Papers on the 4072.7 Speckter, E. Briefe eines deutschen KUnst- ler's 4089.12 Strange, R. Inquiry into the rise and estab- lishment of the Royal academy of arts . . 4072.16 Sulzer, J. G. Allgemcine Theorie der scho- nen KUnste 4082.4 Vasari, G. Opere 4087.8 Watelet, C. H. Dictionnaire des arts de peint- ure, sculpture ctgravure 4082.6 See also : ^Esthetics, Architecture, Art, Artists, Beauty, Design, Engraving, Expression, Galleries, Museums, Music, Ornament, Painting, Picturesque, Proportion, Sculpture, Taste. FINESCHI, P. V. Notizie storiche sopra la stam- peria di Ripoli. Firenze, 1781. 8" *2114.15 FINGER rings, Hist, and poetry of. Edwards, C. 2236.10 FINK, G. W. Wesen und Geschichte der Oper. Leipzig, 1838. 8 4056.12 FINK, T. F. De amphibiorum systemate uropo- ctico. Halae, [1817.] 8 *M.Pph.v.ll3 FINLAND. Travels through, 1798,9. Acerbi, G. 2861.7 See also : Finnish literature. FINLAYSON, G. Mission to Siam, and Cochin China, with a memoir by T. S. Raffles. Lon- don, 1826. 8 3040.4 Shelf. No. FINLEY, 8. Sermon occasioned by the death of the Rev. G. Tennent ; [also, funeral eulogy.] Philadelphia, 1704. 8 *3450.26 FINNEY, C. G. Review of Rev. Mr. Rand's stric- tures on a sermon preached by Rev. C. G. Finney, on making a new heart. Boston, 1832. 8 *Pph.v.84 Sermon at Troy. Troy, N. Y., 1827. 8 . *Pph. v. 135 FINNISH literature. Kalcwala, das National-Epos der Finnen 2903.1 FlORE d'ltalia, testo di lingua. Corr. di note da L. Muzzi. Bologna, eccolo 19. [1824.] 8 . . 2795.10 FlORE di virtu, ridotto ad uso della gioventu. Testo di lingua. Parma, 1842. 10 .... 2799.11 FIOEENTINI, F. M. Memorie di Matilda la gran contessa. Lucca, 1042. sm.4 *2744.15 FIORENTINO, G. Novelle. [Novelliero ital. 2.] 2772.19 FIOKENTINO, P. A. See Bernabo Silorata. Prose epoesie di Italian! viventi, v.1-3 4768.16 FIORENTINO, S. Poesie. Firenze, 1823. 2v.in 1. 12 4778.27 La spiritual) sta. [Raccoltadipoemetti didas- calici, ecc. v.2] 4779.8 FIORETTI, B. Proginnasmi poetici di Vdeno Ni- sioly. Firenze, 1095-97. 5v. in 4. 4 ... *2771.8 FIORILLO, J. D. Geschichte der zeichnenden KUnste. Gottingcn, 1798-1808. 5v. 8" . . 4004.10 FlORlO, G. La vana seduzione : dramma. [Teatro moderno applaudito, v.35] 2768.1 FlORONl, J. A. Oflertorium a 4 voci, con organo. [Dchn. Practische Musik-Werke, v.21] . 4051.14 FIRDAUSI, Abul Kasha. Shah Namch : translated and abridged by J. Atkinson. London, 1832. 8. [Oriental translation fund,21] *3012.9 Lclivrcdesrois, trad. etc. par J. Mohl. Paris, 1838-55. 4v. f . [Collection orientale, 2.] . *3010.2 FIRE-ARMS. Colt, S. De 1'application des ma- chines a la fabrication des arrncs a feu a culasse tournante 3954.9 Greener, W. Treatise on rifles, cannon, and sporting arma 3953.7 See Great Britain. Comma, of patents. Spe- cifications relating to. See also : Gunnery. FIRE proof buildings, Facts relating to the con- struction of. Bartholomew, A 4105.5 FIRENZUOLA, A. See Berni, F. Opere burlesche, v.1-3 4769.6 Novelle. See Novelle 2788.5 Novelle. [Novelliero italiano, v.2] 277-'. 19 Novels. [Roscoe. Italian novelists, v.3] . . 2772.18 FIRMICUS Maternus, J. Liber de errore profana- rum religionum. [Migue. Patrologiae v.12] 3440.9 FIRMILIANUS. Epistola ad Cyprianum. [Migne. Patrologiae v.3] 3440.2 FIRMONT, H. E. Edgeworth de. See Edgeworth de Firmont. FIRMUS. Epistolae XLV. [Muratori. Opere min. V.12] 2710.2 FIRST planters of the colony of 3Iassachusetts bay. Young, A 2352.4 FIRTH, W. The case of Ireland set at rest. Ad- dressed in a letter to R. Peel. London, 1825. 8 *Pph.v.73 FISCHER, E. G. Physique mecanique, trad, de P allemand avec des notes de M. Biot. 2o e"d. Paris, 1813. 8 **E. 176.22 FISCHER, "W., and Streit, F. W. Historischer und geogr. Atlas von Europa. Berlin, 1833-37. 3v. in 2. 8. Atlas, 4 *22SC.ll FISCHER von Waldheim, G. Bibliographia palx- onthologica. Ed. alt. Mosquae, 1834. 8. *2173.1 Typographische Seltenheitcn. Mainz u. Nurn- bcrg, 1800-1804. 8 *2114.9 FISH, H. Communication from the governor of New York, transmitting certain proceed- ings of the Seneca nation n.p. n.d. 8.*Pph.v. 169 Report of the committee in assembly of New York to examine the claim of W. W. Niles. n.p. n.d. 8 *pph. v. 169 FISH 279 FLA VI ANUS Shelf. No. FISH, H. C. Primitive piety revived, or the ag- gressive power of the Christian church. Boston, 1855. 12 3445.7 FISH, J. Sermon at the ordination of Rev. W. Vinal. Newport, 1747. 8 *3457.32 FISH. See Ichthyology. FISU-ISREEDIXG. Coste, J. J. Instructions pra- tiques sur la pisciculture 3906. 6 See France. Ministry of agric. comm. etc. Commission de pisciculture 3882.4 Jourdier, A. La pisciculture 3900.7 FISHBOURXE, E. G. Lectures on naval architec- ture. London, 1840. 8 3053.9 FISHER, A. Journal of a voyage to the arctic re- gions. 3d ed. London, 1821. 8 . . . . . 2307.1 FISHER, A.M. Eulogy on. See Kingsley, J.L. E. 110. 09 FISHER, G. The instructor, or young man's best companion. 25th cd. London, 1789. 8. **E. 199.10 FISHER, James. Inestimable value of divine truth: a sermon. [Kinclaven.] 1739. 12.*Pph.v.212 FISHER, Jasper. Fuimus Troes the true Tro- jans. [Dodsley. Old plays, v. 7] 2588.1 FISHER, bp. John. Life of. See Lewis, J 3555.5 FISHER, John D. Small-pox, varioloid, cow-pox, and chicken-pox. Boston, 1829. pp.73. 4.*3790.25 - Same. 2d ed. Boston, 1834. pp.73. 4 . *3790.26 FISHER, J. F. Discourse on the private life of W. renn. Philadelphia, 1&3G. 8 . . . . *Pph. v.95 FISHER, N. Sermons in St. Peter's church. Sa- lem, 1818. 12 3443.15 FISHER, K. T. Act for the amendment of the law with respect to wills, with explanatory re- marks. London, 1&37. 12" 3G3C.17 FISHER, S. W. Our country, its position, obliga- tion, etc.: a sermon. Albany, 1844. 8 . *Pph. v. 133 Sermon occasioned by the death of Mary S. Dwight. Albany, 1845. 8 *Pph.v. 144 Supremacy of mind : a lecture. Albany, 1844. 8" *Pph. v. 144 FISHER, T. Collections, historical, etc. for Bed- fordshire. London, 1812-30. f *24.K.l FISHER, "W. L. Mental phenomena as connected with the philosophy of divine revelation. Philadelphia. 1851. 12" 3008.18 FISHERIES. Adams, J. Q. Documents concern- ing the Pph.v.43 Macpherson, D. Annals of the '3041.1 FISHING. See Angling, Recreative arts. FISK, B. F. Grammar of the Greek language. Ster. ed. Boston, 1838. 12 7099.4 Greek exercises. Boston, 1831. 12 7099.3 FlSK, H. "W. Address on speculative free-ma- sonry. New Lisbon, 1834. 12 *Pph.v.298 FISK, W. Life of. See Holdich, J 2JH.1 FISKE, O. Oration, delivered at Douglass, July 5th, 1802. n.p. n.d. 8 *Pph.v.04 FISTULA in perinco. See Syme, J 3740.55 FITCH, A. Hessian fly, its history [etc.] Albany, 1840. 8 *Pph.v.l04 Report 1st, 2d, on the insects of N. Y. See New York 6350. a.3 FITCH, A. F. Trial for conspiracy. See Report . 3084.14 FITCH, 11. Voyage to Pegu. [Pinkcrton. Voyages, v.9] 2200.13 FITCH, T. Reasons for taking the oath required by the stamp act. Hartford, 1700. pp.14. 8.*2324.33 FITCIIBURG and Brattleborough railroad, Facts relating to the. Boston, 1844. 8 .... *Pph.v.234 FITTOX, W. II. Articles published in the Edin- burgh review. 1817-1849. [Edinb.] n.d. 8. 3864.13 Review of Mr. Lycll's Elements of geology. n.p. 1S39. 8" **E.214.9 FITZ-HERBERT, Sir A. The new natura brcvium. London, 1077. 8" 3034.13 FITZIXGER, L. I. Ncue Classification der Rep- tilien. Wien, 1820. pp.00. 4" *3882.2 FlTZOSBOBSE, Sir T. Pseud. See Mclmoth, W. FITZWILLIAM, C. W. W., earl Fitzwilliam. Ad- dress to the land owners of Great Britain on the corn laws. London, ia34. 8 3570.00 Shelf. No. FIVE hundred points of good husbandry. Tusser, T 2000.4 FIVE lessons for young men. Albany, 1S37. 12 . 3570.20 FIVE orders of architecture. London, n.d. 4 . *4092.2 FIVE Points' monthly record. lst-3d series. New York, 1S51-5G. 3v. 8 3570.41 Fix, T. Sur 1'etat dcs classes ouvrieres. Paris, 1840. 8" 3560.17 FLACHAT, E., Barrault, A., and Petiet, J. Fabri- cation de la fonte et du fer. Paris, 1812-40. 3v. 4. Atlas, f *4012.8 FLACHAT, S. Histoire du canal caledonieu. Paris, 1828. 4. Atlas, f *3041.8 Mecanique industrielle. Paris, 1S35. 4 ... *4012.6 FLAGG, A. C. Report of the superintendent of schools [in N. Y.] Albany, 1828. 8 . . *Pph.v.71 FLAGG, J. F. Family dentist. Boston, 1822. 18. 3805.32 FLAGG, W. Agricultural education. See Mass. soc. for prom, agriculture 3994.3 FLAMEL, N. Relation de la decouverte du livre d'or, etc. [Leber. Coll. diss. hist. France. v.15] 2618.1 Petite traicte d'alchymie,intitule le Sommaire philosophique. [Lorris. Lc roman de la rose, v.4] 20S6.6 FLAMSTEED, J. [Biog.] account, from his own manuscripts : to which is added his British catalogue of stars. By F. Baily. [With supplement.] London, 1835-37. 4" . . . **E. 144.7 FLANDERS, H. Treatise on maritime law. Bos- ton, 1852. 8 3002.11 FLANDERS. Bentivoglio, G. Warrs of. 2810.6 See Bruges. Annales de la societe d'emula- tion de la Flandre occidentale 2814.1 Campana, C. Guerra di Fiandra, 1559-1001 . 2813.12 Carton, C. Biographic dcs hommes rcmar- quables de la Flandre occidentale 2843.3 Conscience, H. Scenes de la vie flamandc . 2668.17 Descamps, J. B. Vie des peiutres flamands . -ins-',.! Hoflcen, G. Vliimisch-Belgien 2803.12 Kervyn de Lettenhove, J. M. B. C. Histoire dc Flandre 2813.1 Michiels,A. Histoire de la peinture flamande. 4002. 13 See also : Flemish language and literature. FLAXDIX, E.N. MonumcnsdeNinive. SeeBotta., P. E * 3020.2 Voyage en Perse. See France. FLAXDRIX, B. Sur les animaux domcstiques. See Chabcrt, P 4002.6 FLASSAX, G. de X. dc. Histoire de la diplomatic francaisc. 2e ed. Paris, 1811. 7v. 8 ... *2023.2 FLATMAX, T. Poems and songs. 4th ed. Loud. UNO. sm.S" 2508.0 FLATS, Law of 3072.3 See also: Wharf property . FLAVEL, J. Whole works. New ed. Edinburgh, 1824. 6v. 8 3472.4 Contents. Vol. I. Life of F.; The fountain of life. II. Method of grace; Treatise of the soul of ni:m. III. Treatise of the soul, continued; A practical trea- tise of fear; Righteous man's refuge; Causes and cure of mental errors; Refutation of Philip Gary; Antino- mianism; Gospel unity. IV. England's duty; Mount Pisgah; Divine conduct, or the mystery of Provi- dence; Wonderful sea deliverances; Antipharmacum saluberrimum, or tidinps from Rome, or England's alarm. V. Husbandry spiritualized ; Navigation spiritualized ; Dissuasive from drunkenness, swear- ing, uncleanness, etc. Seaman's catechism, farewell, etc.; Keeping the heart; Token formourners; Touch- stone of sincerity. VI. Preparations for sufferings ; Balm of the covenant, sermon ; Exposition of the Assembly's catechism; Reply to Philip Gary; Sacra- mental meditations; Reasonableness of reformation; Coronation sermon ; Character of a true evangelical pastor. The touchstone of sincerity. N. Y. n.d. 18. [Evangelical fam. libr.] 3440.54 - Same. 2d ed. Boston, 1818. 18 .... 3440.50 FLAVIAXUS. Epistolae duae ad Leoncm I. papam. [Migne. Patrologiae v.54] v.lof 3440.25 FLAXMAN 280 FLODDON Shelf. No. FLAXMAN, J. Lectures on sculpture. 2d ed. [With address by Sir II. Wcstmacott.] Lou- doii, 1838. 8 4074.1 FLECHIER, E. CEuvres completes. Nismes, 1782. lOv. 8 *2072.6 Contents. Vol. I. Preface gcneralc; Discours BUT la personnect Ics cents dc F.; Portrait ct caractere de F., ecrit par lui-mcme; Elogcs de F. recueillia de divers auteurs; Ilietoire de Theodose le grand. II. Preface, etc. ; Vie du cardinal Jcan-Franard, B. E. C. Cartulaires de France. 9v *2010.5 - XXII.-XXIII. Bernard, A. Cartulaire de 1'abbaye de Savigny, suivi du petit cartu- laire de 1'abbayc d'Ainay. 2v *2C10.6 - XXIV.-XXV. Cuvelicr. Chronique de Bertrand du Gucsclin. 2v *2620.2 - XXVI.-XXVIII. Bcnoit. Chronique des dues de Normandic. 3v *2C20.3 - XXIX.-XXXI V. Chronique du religieux de Saint-Denys. 1380-1422. Ov *2020.4 - XXXV.-XXXVI1. Sourdis, H. de E. de. Corrcspondance, augmentee dcs ordres, in- structions, lettres de Louis XIII, et du car- dinal de Richelieu a M. de Sourdis. 3v. . . *2020.5 - XXXVIII.-XL. Dcpping, G. B. Corre- spondance administrative sous le regne de Louis XIV. 3v *2C20.6 - XLI.-XLII. Thierry. A. J. N. Recueil dcs monuments inedits de 1'histoire du ticrs- etat. Region du Nord. 2v *2C20.7 - XLIII. Bernier, A. Proces verbaux des seances du conseil de regence du roi Charles VIII. 1484-1485 *2C20.8 - XLIV. Bernard de Montbrison, A. Pro- ces verbaux des etats-generaux de 1593 . . *2040.12 - XLV. Massclin, J. Journal des etats- geiieraux de France tenus en Tours, en 1484, sous le regne de Charles VIII *2040.13 - XLVI.-XLVII. Brequigny, L. G. O. F. de. Lettres de rois, reines, etc. depuis Louis VII jusqu' a Henri IV, publiees par M. Champollion-Figeac. 2v *2640.14 - XLVIII.-LIII. Henri IV. Recueil des lettres missives de Henri IV. 7v *2040.15 Shelf. No. FRANCE, Ministry of public instruction, continued. - LIV. Li livres de jostice ct depict, avec un glossaire *2G40.10 - LV.-LVIII. ClmmpollioH FrM-ac, J. J. Documents Iiistoriques incdits tires dcs MSS. dc la bibliotheque royale, etc. 4v. . *2G40.17 - LIX.-LXVI1. Vault, F. E. de. Mtmoires militaircs rclatifs a la succession d'Espagne sous Louis XIV. 8v. Atlas, f *2G40.18 - LXVIII.-LXX. Cbarriere, E. Nt-gocia- tions de la France dans le Levant. 3v. . . *2050.21 - LXXI.-LXXIV. Mignet, F. A. A. N-go- ciations relatives a la succession d'Espagne sous Louis XIV. 4v *2C50.22 - LXXV.-LXXVI. LeGlay. Negotiations diplomatiqucs entre la France et 1'Autriche, durant les 30 premieres annces du XVIe siecle. 2v *2G50.23 - LXXVII. Paris, L. Negotiations, let- tres et pieces diverses relatives au regne de Francois II *2G50.24 - LXXVIII.-LXXXVI. Granvelle, A. P. cardinal de. Papiers d'etat. 9v *2050.25 - LXXXVII. Richelieu, A. J. du Plessis, cardinal de. Lettres, instructions diplo- matiques, et papiers d'etat. Tome I. 1008- 1024. III. 1028-30. 2v *2640.9 - LXXXVIII. Geraud, H. Paris sous Phi- lippe le Bel *2040.3 - LXXXIX.-XC. Michelct, J. Proces dcs templiers. 2v *2640.4 - XCI.-XCII. Tommaseo,N. Relations des ambassadeurs venitiens sur les affaires de France au XVIe siecle. 2v *2G40.5 - XCIII. Boileau,E. Reglemens sur les arts et metiers de Paris au XHIe siecle. 1837 . *2040.6 - XCIV.-XCVII. Beugnot, A., comte de. Les olim, ou arrets rendus par la cour du roi, sous Louis IX Philippe le Long. 4v. *2040.7 - XCVIII. Guillaume de Tudele. Histoire de la croisade centre les heretiques Albi- gcois, en vers provenjaux *2040.8 - XCIX. Desjardins, A. Negotiations dip- lomatiques de la France, avec la Toscane, documents recueillis par Giuseppe Canes- trini *2050.1 - C.-CI. Ilaton, C. Memoires, contenant le recit des evenements accomplis de 1553 a 1582 principalement dans la Champagne et la Brie, publics par M. Felix Bourquelot. 2v 2C50.4 Deuxieme sine. Lettres et sciences. - CII. Abelard, P. Ouvrages inddits, pu- blics par V. Cousin *2050.2 - GUI. Catalogue gdneral des manuscrits des bibliotheques publiques des departe- ments *2G50.3 - CIV. Bible : Les quatre livres des rois [Job, etc.] traduits en francais du 12e siecle. *2050.C - CV. Palsgrave, J. L'eclaircissement de la langue francaise *2C50.7 Troisieme serie. Archeologie. - CVI. Didron. Iconographie chretienne : histoire de Dieu *2G50.1* - CV T II. Deville,A. Comptes de dc-penses de la construction du chateau dc Gaillon. [Avec atlas f] *2C50.15 - CVIII. Lenoir, A. Architecture monas- tiquc *2G50.10 - CIX. Merimee, Prosper. Notices sur les peintures de 1'cglise dc Saint-Savin. Iv. f.*20.H.l - CX. Lassus, J. B. L. Cathedrale de Chartres *26.G.l - CXI.-CXIII. Vitet, L. Notre-Dame de Noyon. Iv. 4 *2050.17 - Grille de Beuzelin. Statistique monumcn- tale. Atlas. Monuments de Toul ct de Nancy. f *20.J.l FRANCE FRANCE Shelf. No. FRANCE, continued. - CXIV.-CXVI. Lcnoir, A. Statistique mo- nunientale do Paris. 3v. atl. f and 2v. mainly duplicates *20.B.C.E Compte reiulu par lo ministrc des affaires cc- clesiastiques et de 1'instruction publique. ISx'li. Paris, 1820. 4 *7020.5 Recucil dc lois conccrnant 1'instruction publ. 1598-1813. le suric. Paris, 1814. 4v. 8. . 3598.1 Ministry of icar. Carte topographique dc France, 159 feuilles, 2 tables. Paris, 1811. 21v. 8 *7018.1 Rapport sur la situation de 1'Algerie en 1853, parVaillant. Paris, 1854. 8 *3055.7 Bibliography. Barbier, A. A. Dictionnaire des anonymes ct pseudonymes 2144.2 Bibliographic de 1'empire francais. See Jour- nal de 1'imprimerie 2107.1 Catalogue de 1'histoire de la France. See Paris 2100.S Desessarts, N. de M. Les sieeles litteraires de la 21C8.1 Dibdin, T. F. Bibliographical tour in .... 2114.1 Ersch, J. S. Das gclehrte Frankreich .... 2108.2 Girault de St. Fargeau, A. Bibliographic his- torique et topographique de la 2103.3 Hcuschling, P. F. X. T. Bibliographic his- toriquedela statistique en 7203.10 La Croix du Maine, F. G. de. Les biblio- theques fran^oises 2100.10 Le Long, J. Bibliotheque historique de la . 2160.1 Qm'rard, J. M. Auteurs duguises de la lit- terature fran9aise au 19e siecle 2144.1 - Dictionnaire bibliographique 2103.1 _ Les supercheries litturaires devoilees . . 2144.5 Antiquities. Antiquites de la France. See Paris. Acade- mic celtique 5275.3 Antiquites de la France. See Paris. Societe royale des antiquaires de France 5275.1 Arnd, E. Geschichte des Ursprungs und der Entwickelung des franzosischen Volkes . 2028.2 Crapelet, G. A. Monumens anciens de 1'his- toire fran9aise 2071.1-12 Debay, A. Les modes et les parures chez les Francais 2037.7 Laet, J. dc. De Francorum rcgis dominiis et opibus commentarius 2039.4 Monteil, A. A. Histoire des Francais aux cinq dernicrs siecles 2038.4 See also : France, political institutions, and social distinctions. Arts. Burney, C. State of music in 4042.10 - TagebucheinermusikalischenReisedurch Frankreich 4048.4 Deschamps, J. B. Vie des peintrcs francuis. 4080.1 Gourlier, P. C- Choix d' edifices publics en . 4050.8 Laborde, A. dc. Les monumens de la . . . 20. A.I Lenoir, A. Musee des monumens francais . 4080.4 Viardot, L. Les musees de 40s;i.-j:; Woods, J. Letters from F., by an architect. 4090.20 See also : Paris. Biography. Alembert, J. L. R. d'. Select eulogies . . . 2039.11 Brantome, P. de B. de. Vies des dames illus- tres 2039.3 Cuvicr, G. L. C. F. D. Recueil des eloges historiques 2044.0 Dugas de Bois Saint-Just, J. L. M. Vie priv^e de plusieurs ministres, etc. de Louis XV ct Louis XVI 2038.3 Haag.E. Vies des protestants franais . . . 2044.7 Histoire pittoresque des principaux membres de la convention nationale 4047.0 Houssaye, A. Galerie de portraits du 18e eiecle , 2070.8 Shelf. No. FRANCE, Biography, continued. Mignct, F. A. A. Portraits historiques . . . 2044.3 Richer, A. Vies des plus celebres marins . . 4009.11 Thomas, A. L. Eloges 2701.1 See also : Conde, Guise, Moselle. Description, geography, travels, etc. Aicard, J. Patria : la F. ancienne et moderne. 2034.2 Andreossy, A. Histoire du canal du midi . . 3941.12 Angeville, A. d'. Statistique de la popula- tion frangaise 7020.1 Annuairc. Almanach des addresses .... 2031.1 Carte topographique gravee a 1'echelle de 60000 7018.1 Coryat, T. Trauells in 2Q74.1 Duclos. Dictionnaire general des villes, etc. 2032.3 Dupin, C. Forces productives et commcr- cialesdela 2031.3 Forbes, J. Letters from. 1803-1801 2001.1 Gazetteer of 2034.7 Girard, P. S. Hemoires sur le canal dc 1'Ourcq 3941.1 Gourcy, C. Voyage agricole en 2273.13 Hagcau, A. Description du canal dejonction de la Meuse au Rhin 3941.2 Hazlitt, W. Journey through 2000.25 Joinville, F. F. P. L. prince de. State of the naval forces of Pph. v. 332 Legrand d'Aussy, P. J. B. Vie privec des Fransais 2037.6 Lettres sur la situation de la 2300.2 Link, H. F. Reise durch Frankreich .... 2060.31 Atlas van hot tegenswoordig toncel des oor- logs en een gedeelte van Frankrijk . . . E. 214. 12 Nougaredc de Fayet, A. Lettres sur la France. 2404.11 Pacca, B. Due viaggi in Francia 2744.3 Piogey, J. Du morcellement du sol en ... 4003.9 Puissant, L. Description geometrique de la. E.193.8 Reichardt, J. F. Vertraute Briefe aus Paris. 4050.10 Schnitzler, J. H. Statistique de la F. comparee aux autres grandcs puissances de 1'Europe. 2633.1 Stephens, S. Travels, 1738. [New coll. of voyages, v.5] 2263.1 Tench, W. Letters written in, 1794-95. . . 4050.11 Traveller's guide through 2634.10 Voyage d'cxploration sur le littoral de la . . 7010.10 Wilson, W. R. Records of a route through. 227:;. 4 Young, A. Example of F. a warning to Brit. 2512.7 - Travels, in 1787-89. [Pinkerton. Voy. v.4] 2260.13 See also : Gaul, Normandy, Paris. Ecclesiastical history. Browning, W. S. History of the Huguenots. 3528.1 Gregorius, G. F. Hist, eccles. des Francs . 2610.1 Gregoire, H. Essai sur les libertes de 1'eglise gallicane 3528.8 Haag, Eug. et fon. La France protestante . 2644.7 Maistrc, J. de. L'eglise gallicane, dans son rapport avec le sovcrain pontife 3517.6 Marsh, A Protestant reformation in .... 3528.9 Ozanam, J. A. F. Civilisation chretienne chez les Francs 3528.3 Roisselet de Sauclieres. Calvinismc en . . . 3528.7 Theiner, A. Documents inedits rclatifs aux affaires religieuscs de la 464'J.l Weiss, C. Histoire des refugies protestants. 3528. 18 See also : Albigenscs, Port Royal, Waldenses. History i comprehensive works. Anquetil, L. P. Histoire de 2623.1 Bouquet, M. Recueil des historiens .... 2610.1 Buchon, J. A. Collection des chroniques nationales franjaises 2617.2 Chateaubriand, R. F. A. de. Analyse raison- nee de 1'histoire de 4007.6 Daniel, G. Histoiro de 2021.4 Documents inedits sur 1'histoire de 2010.3 Fauchet, C. Antiquitez et histoircs 2631.6 Flassan, G. de X. de. Histoire de la diplomatic franjaise 2623.2 Gouraud, C. Histoire de la politique com- merciale de la 4663.2 FRANCE 292 FRANCE Shcl No. FRANCE, History, continued. Guizot, F. P. G. Civilisation en 4600.21 - Collection dcs mem. rel. a 1'histoire .ll Beaulieu, C. F. Essais sur la revolution . . 4654.4 Bcrtrand de Mollevillc, A. F. Histoire de la revolution 4646.2 Bcrville and Barriere. Collection de md- moirca relatifs a la revolution francaise . . 4045.1 Blanc, J. J. L. Histoire dc la revol. franc. 4656.2, 3 Bobee, A. Les causes qul ont amene la chute de la royaute en F 4652.7 Buchez, B. J. B. Histoire parlementaire de la revolution francaise 4644.1 Burke, E. Reflections on the revolution in F. 4644.5 Choiseul-Stainville, C. Memoires des contcm- porains 2654.12 Debats de la convention nationale 4044.2 Delvau, A. Les murailles revolutionnaircs. 4641.6 Deschlens. Bibliographic des journaux dc la revolution francaise 2176.6 Dulaure, J. A. Evencmens de la rev. fran^. 4646.1 Dumont, E. Souvenirs sur les deux pre- mieres assemblies 2654.9 Durand de Maillane, P. T. Histoire dc la con- vention nationale 4646.4 Faiu,A. J.F. Mauuscritde 1'an trois, 1794-95. 2643.10 Fautin-Desodoards, A. E. N. Histoire de la revolution de 4655.14 Fruron, L. S. Memoire sur la reaction royalc. 4660.5 Gallois, L. Histoiredcsjournauxdelarev.fr. 2176.4 Georgel, J. F. Evenemens de la fin du 18e siecle 2654.13 Histoire pittorcsque de la convention na- tionale 4647.6 Ivernois, F. d'. Tableau des pertes causdes par la revolution fran^aise 4655.13 Lacretelle, C. I. Epreuves pendant la rev. . 4C56.8 Laferriere, F. Principcs, institutions ct lois pendant la revolution franjaise 3563.15 Lallement, G. Rapports, opinions et discours a la tribune nationale. 1789-99 2014.1 Lamartine, A. P. de. Histoire des Girondius 2704.3 Malouct, P. V. Letters on the Fr. rev. . Pph.v.:i51 Michelet, J. Histoire de la revolution fr. .. 4647.1 Mignet, F. A. Histoiredelarev.fr 4650.18 Moniteur, 1787-1799 7210.5 Moore, J. Causes and progress of the Fr. rev. 4056.13 - Journal during a residence in F. 1792 . 4656.12, 15 - Sejour en F. AOut Dec. 1792 4650.14 Mounier, J. J. Causes qui ont empeche les Francois de devenir librcs 3560.19 Influence attribuee aux philosophes, etc. sur la revolution francaise 4056.7 Necker, J. De la revolution francoise . . . 4055.15 Papi, L. Comentarii della rivoluzione fran- cese 4648.2 Prudhomme, L. Histoire des crimes commia pendant la revolution frangaise 404S.5 Ki-volutions de Paris, 1789-93 4654.1 Rabaut de Saint-Etienne, J. P. Precis his- torique de la revolution francaise 4068.23 Smyth, W. Lectures on the Fr. rev 464S.4 FKANCE 293 FRANCE Shelf. No. FRANCE, History of the revolution, continued. Somervillc, W. C. Causes, and consequences of the Fr. rev 4650.10 StaUl-IIolstcin, A. L. G. N. de. Considdra- tions sur la revolution fran^aise 4650.6 Thibaudcau, A. C. Memoircs sur la conven- tion ct sur le directoire 4647.7 Thiers, L. A. Histoiredelarev.fr 4646.3 - History of the Fr. rev 4648.3 Veron, L. Memoires d'un bourgeois de Paris. 4643.3 Wouters, F. Histoire parlemcntaire de 1'as- Berablee 4641.1 See also: The memoires ofBarere de Vicuzac, B.; Brissot, J. P.; Buzot, F. L. N.; Condorcet, M. J. A. N. dej Genlis, S. F. D. de; Jullian, P. L. P. de; La- fayette, le marq., G. M.de; Lavallette, M. C. des Mallet du Pan, J.; Morellet, A.; Nodier, C.j Vau- blanc-Viennot, V. M. History since the revolution. Beauvais, C. T. Victoires, conquetes, desas- tres, 1792-1815 4649.1 Bignon, L. P. E. de. Histoire de, 1799-1815. . 4658.1 Blanc, J. J. L. Hist, dc dix ans, 1830-40 . . 4653.1 Borne, L. Lettres e'critcs de Paris pendant les annees 1830 et 1831 4653.14 Capefigue, J. B. H. R. Histoire de la restaura- tion 4653.18 Cauchois-Lemaire, L. A. F. Histoire de la revolution [de 1&30] 4652.14 Chauvelot, B. Restauration de 1'autorite en. 4653.19 Dulaure, J.A. Histoire des cents-jours. . 4657.2 Dumas, A. Revolution de 1848 4652.2 Dumas, M. le comte. Prdcis des evenements militaires, 1799-1814 4659.2 Fain, A. J. F. Memoires, 1812-14 2643.11 Floury de Chaboulon, P. A. E. Les cents- jours 4657.3 Genty de Bussy, P. Etablissement des Fran- cais dans la regence d'Algcr 4652.4 Girardin, E. de. Revolution de 1848 .... 3569.16 Gouvion-Saint-Cyr, L. de. Operations de 1' arniee de Catalogne, 1808-9 4649.3 Guizot, F. P. G. De la democratic en F. 1849. 3562.18 - Gouvernement, depuis la restauration . . 4663.3 Haussonville, C. O. B. de C. d'. Politique exte>ieure du gouvernement fr. 1830-48 . . 4663.4,7 Jomini, H. de. Histoire des guerres de la revolution 4659.1 Lallement, G. Rapports, opinions et discours a la tribune nationale, 1789-1819 2614.1 Lamartine, A. P. de. Hist, de la restauration. 2704.4 - Histoire de la revolution de 1848 .... 4052.3 - Restoration of monarchy in 4653.16 - Trois mois au pouvoir 4652.26 La Varenne, C. de. Les rouges peints par eux-memes 4652.27 Leclain, A. Cri de guerre 4652.9 Le Mullier, H. Histoire de la presidence . . 4652.30 Lucas, A. Les clubs et les clubistcs .... 4652.29 Mayer, P. Retour de 1'empire 4663.6 Memoires d'une contemporaine sur la repub- lique et 1'empire 2659.2 Memoircs d'une femme de qualite sur les annees 1830-31. See Revelations 2658.9 Memoires sur le consulat 4647.5 Meyer, F. J. L. Fragmente aus Paris im vierzehnten Jahr der Republik 4656.17 Michailowsky-Danilewsky, A. J. Darstel- lung des Feldzuges in Frankreich, 1814 . . 3065.9 Mollien, F. N. Memoires d'un ministre du trdsor public, 1780-1815 3646.27 Moniteur, 1799-1858 7220.1 Montgaillard, G. H. R. de. Histoire de F. 1793-1825 2612.2 Norvins, J. M. de M. de. Portefeuille de 1813 2642.5 Plotho, C. v. Der Krieg des verbiindeten Europa gegen Frankreich 4649.0 - Der Krieg in Deutschland und Frank- reich, 1813-14 4649.5 Shelf. No. FRANCE, History since the revolution, continued. Pradt, D. D. de. Restauration de la royaute en. 4653.15 Saint-Hilairc, E. M. de. Souvenirs intimes du temps de 1'empire 4643.4 Salgues, J. B. F. sous le gouvernement de Napoleon Buonaparte 4657.1 Salvandy, N. A. de. Seize mois, ia30-31 . . 4659 a.O Sarrans, B. Lafayette et la revolution, 1830. 2054.2 Schoell, M. S. F. Pieces officiclles destinees a detromper les FranQOis 4658.4 Stephens, A. Wars of the French revolution. 4654.2 Storiadeglianni 1813-15 4659 a. 10 Taschereau, J. A. Revue retrospective . . 4641.2 Thibaudeau, A. C. Histoire de la F. 1799-1815. 4647.2 Thiers, L. A. Histoire du consulat 4647.4 - Histoire de 1'empire 4647.4 Thomas, E. Histoire des ateliers nationaux. 4652.28 Toulongeon, F. E. de. Histoire de F. depuis la revolution de 1789 4658.3 Vaudoncourt, F. G. Campagnes d'ltalie en 1813-14 4651.5 Vaulabelle, A. dc. Histoire des deux rcstau- rations 4653.2 See also: The memoires of Gourgaud, G.; Junot, L. P. dej Montholon-Semonville, C. T. de; Napo- leon I. ; Ney, M.; Savary, A. J. M. R.; Soult, N. J. de. Also : For further information respecting the wars produced by the French revolution, consult the his- tory, during this period, of England, Germany, Italy, Russia, and Spain. See also: Algeria, America, Belgium, England, Switzerland. Jurisprudence, etc. Duranton, A. Cours de droit francais. . . 3627.1 Eyraud, d'. Administration de la justice en. 3027.3 Gand, H. de. Code des Strangers en F. . . . 3637.4 Laferriere, F. Histoire du droit francais . . 3627.2 Laget de Podio. Nouvelle juridiction des consuls do 3615.11 Pailliet, J. B. J. Droit public frangais . . . 3053.8 Raynouard, F. Hist, du droit municipal en . 3637.3 Renard, E. Lois municipales 3637.6 Rogron, J. A. Les codes fran$ais cxpliquds. 3610.3 Royer-Collard, P. P. Les codes francais . . 3010.7 Westoby, W. A. S. Legal guide for resi- dents in 2034.8 See also : Bulletin des lois, also Dalloz, P. A. and V. A. D. Natural history. Audouin, J. V. Recherchcs pour servir a 1'histoire naturelle du littoral de -3873.4 Bulliaud, P. Herbier de la 3860.2 De Luc, J. A. Geological travels in .... 3802.22 Dufrenoy, P. A. Description geologiqucde la. 3862.24 - Explication de la carte geologique de . . 3861.12 DuhamelduMonceau.H.L. Traite des arbres etarbustcs en 3860.1 Fournet, M. J. H. De 1'extension des ter- rains houillers 3863.9 Godart, J. B. Histoire naturelle des lepidop- teres de 3893.3 Gossin, L. L 'agriculture frangaise 4001.23 Lamarck, J. Florc francaise 3857.1 Latreille, P. A. Hist. uat. des salamandres de. 3875.9 Scrope, G. P. Extinct volcanoes of central F. 3861.20 Political institutions. Capeflgue, J. B. H. R. Histoire constit. . . 2637.3 Came, L. de. Etudes sur 1'histoire du gou- vernement represcntatif en F. 1789-1848 . . 4663.1 Constant-Rebecque, II. B. dc. CEuvres sur la constitution actuclle de la 3560.9 Constitution de 1848 3564.1 Constitutions anciennes du royaume frau$ais. [Leber. Coll. diss. hist. France, v.4] . . . 2618.1 Cormenin, L. M. de la H. dc. Revision de la constitution 4668.20 Lanjuinais, J. D. Constitution dc la nation. 3564.9 Lczardierc, M. C. P. R. de. Theorie des lois politiques de la monarchic franyaise . . . . 2637.2 294 FRANCOIS Shelf. No. FRANCE, Political institutions, continued. M:issclin, .1. Etats generaux, 14S4 2040.13 Napoleon III. La r6 vision dc la constitution. 4052.10 Roclker, B. Constitutions of 3504.10 Traite do 1'origine du gouvernement frang. [Leber. Coll. diss. hist. France, v.5] . . . 2618.1 Thibaudcau, A. C. Histoire dcs etats generaux ct dcs institutions representatives en ... 2033. 3 Thierry, J. N. A. Hist, du tiers etat .... 2020.6 Walsh, R. Genius, etc. of the French gov- ernment 4650.9 Social distinctions, etc. Barthelemy, E. La noblesse en France . . . 4607.9 Cohen de Vinkenhoef, A. J. P. L. Histoire de 1'origine et des institutions dc la no- blesscde 2631.5 Courcelles, J. B. Histoire genealogique et heraldique des pairs de 2630.1 Dareste dc la Chavanne, A. E. C. Histoire des classes agricoles en F. depuis Saint-Louis jusqu'a Louis XVI 2638.5 Goncourt, E. de. Soci6te franjaise pendant la revolution, etc 4643.1,2 Koenigswarter, L. J. Histoire de 1'organisa- tlon de la famille en 2637.9 Le Grand d'Aussy, P. J. B. Histoire de la vie privde des Franjais 2637.6 Levasseur, E. Hist, dcs classes ouvrieres en. 2637.8 Lourdoueix, J. II. L. de. La restauration de la societe fran$aise 4653.13 Proudhon, P. J. La revolution sociale de- montree par le coup d'etat 3566.21 Roedcrer, P. L. de. Histoire de la sociy, A. F. Histoire de 1'education en . . 4663.8 Tocqueville, A. de. Society in F. belore the revolution of 1789 4656.1 Note, For the language and literature of France, see French. FRANCESCHI, E. 11 Greco e la sua famig-lia, rac- conto. Firenze, 1854. 12* 4775.4 FRANCESCIII, F. C. See Bernabo Silorata. [Prose e pocsie di Italiani viventi. v.3, 4] 4768.16 FEANCESCHI, L. Cicalata in lode de' Polli. [Dati. Prose fiorentine, v. 13] 2787.1 Sopra il sonetto del Pctrarca, che comincia, Lasso, ch' i' ardo, e altri non mel crede. [Dati. Prose fiorentine, v. 9] 2787.1 FRANCESCO d' Angeluccio. Cronaca delle cose dell' Aquila, 1436-1485. [Muratori. Antiq. Ital. v.16] 2720.7 FRANCESCO da Carrara. Poemation. [Lami. De- liciae eruditoruin, v.16] 4747.1 FRANCESCO, S. Fioretti di, ed. fatta sopra la Ve- ronese del 1822. Milano, 1843. 16 4767.16 FitANCiA, Lirealidi. See Reali di Francia . . . . 2773.10 FRANCIS I, of France. Champollion-Figeac, A. Captivitd du roi Francois I 2610.4 Emprunt au roi d'Angleterre pour delivrance des enfants de France ; Remarqucs sur une medaillc, ct sur la salamandre qu'il avait adoptee pour devise. [Leber. Coll. diss. hist. Fr. v.19, 20] 2618.1 Gaillard, G. H. Histoire de Francois I. roi de France 2648.5 Histoire des choses mdmorables advenues au regne de Franjois I.; Indication analytique des documents pour le regne de. [Michaud. Coll. mem. hist. France, Ser. 1, v.5] . . . . 2611.1 Journal d'un bourgeois de Paris sous le regne de Fran$ois 1 2626.6 Melanges pour 1'histoire de. [Lafaist. Arch. hist. Fr. Ser. 1, v.2, 3] 2617.1 Roederer, P. L. Histoire de 2647.4, 5 FRANCIS II, of France. Introduction aux me- moires du regne de Frangois II. [Petitot. Coll. mem. hist. Fr. Ser. 1, v.20] 2615.1 Paris, L. Negotiations, lettres et pieces di- verses relatives au regne de Francois II. . 2650.24 FRANCIS of Sales, St. See Fra^ois de Sales. Shelf. No. FRANCIS, C. Address at "Watcrtown, July 4th, 1828. Cambridge 1828. 8 *Pph.v.259 FRANCIS, D. J. T. Climate as a remedy in chronic affections. London, 1853. 12 3797.23 FRANCIS, G. W. Electrical experiments. 7th ed. London, 1854. pp.92. 8 3902.11 - Same. 8th ed. London, 1855. pp.91. 8*. 3962.12 FRANCIS, James B. Lowell hydraulic experi- ments. Boston, 1855. 4 *3940.4 Turbine water-wheel. [Tredgold. Steam engine, v.3] 4011.7 FRANCIS, John W. Address on the anniversary of the Philolexian society of Columbia col- lege. New York, 1831. 8" *Pph.v.84 Anniversary discourse before the New York academy of medicine. New York, 1847. 8. 2403.10 Cases of morbid anatomy. New York, 1815. 4" *Pph.v.328 Dissertation on mercury, its history, action, and abuse. New York, 1811. 8 . *M.Pph.v.2, 60 New York during the last half century: dis- course [on] the 53d anniversary of the N. Y. historical society. New York, 1857. 8*. . 2371.7 FRANCISCANS. Monumenta Franciscana .... 2414.8 Ozanam, A. F. I poeti franccscani in Italia nel secolo decimoterzo 2808.4 FRANCISCUS Camenus. llymnus in S. Nicolaum Peregrinum. [Migne. Patrol, v. 162]. v.2 of 3460.37 FRANCK, A. H. Guide to the study of the scrip- tures, with life by W. Jacques. 2d ed. Lon- don, 1815. 12 3419.8 Vita cui adjecta cst, narratio rerum memora- bilium in ccclesiis evangelicis per Germa- niam, etc. Revisa, et cura Mather cdita. Boston, 1733. 8 *2845.13 Account [of the orphan-house at Glaucha near Hall]. See Whitefleld, G 2348.28 FRANCKE, H. Outlines of a new theory of disease applied to hydropathy, transl. by R. Baikie. New York, 1849. 12" 3808.27 FRANCKLIN, "W. Military memoirs of George Thomas. Calcutta, 1803. 4 3042.2 Tour in the south of Persia. [Pinkerton. Voyages, v. 9] 2260.13 FRANCO, M., and Pulci, L. Sonetti, con la confes- sione, ecc., date alia luce dal march. F. de Rossi. [Lucca,] 1759. 8 2807.16 FRANCO, N. Lettere scritte ii prencipi, ec. di nuo- vo ristamp. Vicenza, 1604. 8 e 2747.26 Sonetti maritimi. [Parnaso italiano, v.25] . 2769.2 FRANCO. Libri XII. de gratia Dei; Epistolae. [Migne. Patrologise v.166] 3460.40 FRANCO of Liege. De quadratura circuli. [Migne. Patrologise v.143] 3460.22 FRANCO of Cologne or Parisicnsis. Mnsica et can- tus mensurabilis. [Gerbert von Horuau. Scriptores ecclcs. de musica sacra, v.3] . . 4041.7 FRANCCKUR, L. B. Astronomic pratique. Paris, 1830. 8 **E. 189.8 - Same. 2e ed. Paris, 1840. 8 3922.14 Cours complet de mathcmatiqucs pures. 2e 4d. Paris, 1819. 2v. 8 **E.196.24 - Same. 4e 6d. Paris, 1837. 8 3915. 13 Dictionnaire technologique. Paris, 1822-35. 22v. 8. Planches. 2v. 4 *4035.1 Elemensdestatique. Paris, 1810. 8. 3944.19**E.176.18 Elemens de technologic. 2e dd. Paris, 1842. 8. 4034.2 Geodesic, ou traite de la figure de la terre. 3e 7.15 Stone, W. L. Letters on 3505.1 Sumner, C. P. Letters on speculative M. Pph. v. 293 Thacher, M. Secret principles of freemasonry renounced Pph. v. 299 Very, N. Renunciation of Pph. v. 298 Vinton, D. Masonick minstrel 3567.4 Webb, T. S. Freemason's monitor . . . .3567.18,24 See also: Anti-masonic, Anti-masonry. FREE 297 FRENCH Shelf. No. FREE state, Excelleneie of a. Needham, M. . . . 3502 12 FREE thinking, Remarks on a late discourse of. Bentlcy, R 3454.7 FREE trade, Article on, from Westminster review. No. 23. London, 1830. 8 *Pph.v.87 Essay on free trade from Blackwood's maga- zine for May, 1825. Phila. 1827. 8 ... *Pph.Y.70 Baker, J. L. Essays on 2406.23 Byles, J. B. Sophisms of 3057.5 Mongotti, F. II colbertismo 3042.13 Phillips, W. Propositions concerning . . . 3G57.4 Rae, J. Fallacies of 3043.4 Raguct, C. Principles of 3043.21 Urquhart, W. P. Direct taxation necessary to carry out the policy of 3C53.5 See also : Corn laws, Political economy, Protective system, Restrictive system, Tariffs. FRKGIER, H. A. DCS classes dangereuses. Paris, 1840. 2v. 8 3570.77 Histoire de la police de Paris. Paris, 1850. 2v. 8 3G37.2 FREIIER, M. Cecropistromachia, antiqua duelli gladiatorii sculptura in sardonyche expo- sita ; De re monetaria veterum Romanorum, etc. [Graevius. Thesaurus antiq. Rom. v.9,11] 2950.1 Decisiouum Areopagiticarum sylvula. [Gro- novius. Thesaurus Grasc. antiq. v.5] . . . 2960.2 FREIBERG, J. Preussische Chronik, mit Aurncrk. v. F. A. Meckelburg. Konigsberg, 184S. 8. 2824.4 FREILIGRATII, F. Gedichte. Stuttgart, 1855. 10. 2906.8 FREIND, John. Account of the earl of Peterbor- ow's conduct in Spain. 2d ed. London, 1707. 10 2519.5 FREIND, Dr. John. Opera omnia medica. Lon- dini, 1733. f *3710.3 Contents. Dedicatio; Carmina [laudatoria] ; Prie- fatio Johannis Wigan ; Pralectiones chymico; in musoso Ashmoleano luibito! ; Emmcnologia, in qua fluxus muliebris menstrui phenomena . . . exi- guntur; Hippocratis de morbis popularibus liber primus et tertius Grace etLatine; Defebribus com- mcntarii novem ad librum epidemiorum llippocratis accomodati; De purgantibus, in sccunda variolarum confluentium febre, adhibcndis cpistola; De quibus- dam variolarum generibus epistola; Oratio anniver- earia; llistoria mediciuce a Galeni temporc usque ad initiura sajculi decimi scxti ; Vita Gabrieiis filii Bach- tishuic, filii Georgii, ex Arabico Latino reddita a Salomone Negri Damascene. History of physick. 4th. ed. London, 1750. 2v. 8 *3735.12 Fevers and small-pox : transl. by T. Dale. London, 1730. 8 *3797.26 FREINSHEIM, J. Dissertatiuncula dc calidae potu. [Gronovius. Thesaurus Grrec. antiq. v.9.] 2960. 2 FREISCIIUTZ, Der, travcstie, by Septimus Glo- bus, csq. With twelve etchings by George Cruikshank. London, 1824. 8 *Pph.v.315 FRELINGIIUYSEN, F. T. Address before the liter- ary societies of Rutgers college, July 20, 1853. Newark, 1853. 8 *Pph.v.200 FRELINGHUVSEN, T. Address before the socie- ties of Rutgers college. New Brunswick, 1831. 8" *Pph.v.83 FBEMERY, B. Mijne offeranden aen Apollo en Hijraen. Dordrecht, 1780-90. 8 . . . . **E.117.14 FREMONT, J. C. Expedition to Oregon, Califor- nia, [etc.] 1843-44. Washington, 1845. 8 . 2378.5 Geographical memoir upon Upper California. Washington, 1848. 8" *Pph.v.l68 FREMY, E., and Pelouze, T. J. Abrege de chimie. 3976.13 Traite de chimie generale 3973.1 FRENCH, B. B. Circuit court U. S., E. dist. Penn. April, 1850. No. 104. B. B. French vs. H. J. Rogers, et als. in equity. [Telegraph case.] n.p. n.d. 2v. in 1. 8 *3962.6 FRENCH, B. F. History of the iron trade in the United States from 1621. N. York, 1858. 8. 3051.8 FRENCH, The neutral. Williams, C. R 2408.3 FRENCH institute. See Paris. Shelf. No. FRENCH language. Easy lessons for learning French. Boston, 1833. 10 7079.29 Abadie, II. French grammar 7079.7 Allou, C. N. Essal sur I'universalit6 de la langue francaise 2684.3 Antonini, A. Dictionnaire fran$ois, latin, ct italien E. 202. 12 Aublay, Mme. The French present: easy dialogues 7079.26 Bertcau, F. G. Method for teaching F. . 7079.39,42 Bescherclle, freres. Dictionnaire usucl de tousles verbes francais 2084.14 - Grammaire nationale 2083.1 Bescherelle, L. N. Dictionnaire universel de la langue francaise 2680.1 Boeuf, J. F. A. Grammar of the French tongue 7079.23 Boiste, P. C. V. Dictionnaire universel de la langue francaise 2682.2 Bossut, C. French phrase book 7079.25,28 Boyer, A. Dictionnaire franjois-anglois, et anglois-francois E. 203.1, 2680.8 Chambaud, L. Dictionary, French and Eng- lish, and English and French E. 208. 12 - Exercises 7079.34,35 - Grammar 7079.1,6 - Treasure of the Fr. and Eng. languages. E. 207. 23 - Themes, francois et anglois 7058.12 Champollion-Figeac, J.J. Idiomes vulgaires de la France 2684.16 Chapsal, C. P. Modeles de la litterature fr. 7079.41 Chevallet, A. de. Origine ct formation de la langue francaise 2684.1 Chouquet, G. First lessons in learning F. . 7079.30 Cobbett, W. French grammar 7079.14 Crapelet, G. A. Anciens monuments de la langue francaise 2071.1 Cubi y Soler, M. System for translating . . 7079.38 Dictionnaire de 1'acade'mie frangaise et com- plement. See Paris. Institut de France. Acad. fran9 2080.4,5 Dictionnaire universel A. 180.1 Dufief, N. G. Nature displayed in teaching the French language 7058.9 Du Guez, G. Introduction for to lerne to rede, to pronounce, and to speke French trewly. See Palsgrave, J 2650.7 Estienne, H. Precellence du langage fran- cais 2684.15 Fasquelle, L. French reader and key . . .7079.43,44 Fleming, C. Grand dictionnaire frangais-an- glais 2680.2 Fowle, W. B. French accidence 7079.4 Girault-Duvivier, C. P. Analyse raisonnee des mcilleurs traites sur la langue fraiicaisc 2083.4 - Grammaire des grammaires 2083.6 Hentz, N. M. Manual of French phrases . . 7079.33 Lafaye, B. Dictionnaire des synonymes de la langue fransaise 2082. 4 Landais, N. Dictionnaire des dictionnaires fran?ais 2081.2 - Complement du dictionnaire des diction- naires fraugais 2081.3 - Grammaire generale des grammaires fran- caises 2683.2 Laveaux, J. C. Dictionnaire raisonne des difficult^ de la langue fransaise 2683.3 - Nouveau dictiouuaire de la langue fr. 2080.6 Lequien, E. A. Concordance des temps des verbes 7079. 16 - Grammaire elementaire de la langue francoise 7079.19 - Traite de la conjugaison des verbes . . . 7or'J.20 Le Tcllier, C. C. Exercices d'analyse gram- maticalc 7079.32 - Grammaire francoise 7079.24 Levizac, J. P. V. L. Theoretical and practi- cal grammar of the French tongue . . .7079.11,17 L'Homond, C. F. Elements of French gram- mar 7079.5,13 FRENCH 298 FRK/ZA Shelf. No. FRENCH language, continued. Ludwig, C. English, German, and French dictionary E. 203.4 Mandet, F. Principaux dialectes de la France meridionale 2685.1 Martin,.!. French homonyms E. 207. 20 Mary, J. French and English grammar. . E.207.7 Menage, G. Dictionnairc cStymologique de la langue francaise A. 170. 3 Merlet, P. F. French grammar 7079.3 Morin, J. B. Dictionnaire des mots francais derives du Grec 2081.11 Mozin, Tabbed Dictionnaire de la langue francaise 2082.1 Noel, F. J. Grammaire francaise 2083.8 Nouveau dictionnaire fransais-allemand. . E.204.3 Palsgrave, J. L'eclaircissemcnt de la langue francaise 2050.7 Pcrrin, J. Grammar of the 7079.18 Porny. M. A. French grammar 7079.22 - Grammatical French exercises 7079.31 Pougens, C. Vocabulaire de mots anciens tombes en desuetude 2084.12 Rcstaut, P. Principes dc la grammaire fr. E. 207. 20 Roquefort, J. B. B. de. Dictionnaire etymo- logique de la langue frangaise 2083.5 - Discours sur la languc frangoise .... 2085.2 Rowbotham, J. Grammar of the 7079.2,8 Spiers, A. French and English dictionary . 2G80.7 Surault, F. M. J. French exorcises 7079.30 Tardy, 1'abbe. Dictionary of the E.208.4 Vaugelas, C. F. de. Remarques sur la langue francoise 2084.17 Wailly, N. F. Nouvcau vocabulaire frangois. 2C84.10 - Principes de la langue franjaise 7079.21 Wanostrocht, F. French exercises 7079.13 - Grammar of the 7079.9, 10 Wcy, F. Remarques sur la langue fran- caise 2084.2 Winkclman, O. R. F. W. Dictionnaire, fran- cois-hollandais E. 204.0 FRENCH literature. Ampere, J. J. Histoire litte- raire de la France 2070.13 Bachaumont, L. P. de. Memoires pour 1'his- toire des lettres en France 2209.1 Barante, A. S. P. B. de. Tableau de la littera- ture francaise 4077.10 Barbazan, E. Fabliaux des poetes francois des lle-15e siecles 2086.3 Chenier, M. J. dc. Tableau de la litterature francaise dcpuis 1789 2070.10 Colombey, E. Histoire anecdotique de la litterature frangaisc 4077.14 Costcllo, L. S. Specimens of the poetry of France 2070.17 Foster, M. Hand book of 2070.11 Fournier, E. Varietes historiques et litte- raires 2079.10 Geoffroy, J. L. Cours de litterature drama- tique 2070.31 Janin, J. Histoire de la litterature drama- tique 2670.10 La Mesangere, M. de. Dictionnaire des pro- verbes francais 2084.13 Legrand d'Aussy. P. J. B. Contes, fables et romans du 12e et du 13e siecle 2086.1 Lerminier, E. De la litterature revolution- naire 2070.19 Leroux de Lincy, A. J. V. Recueil de chants historiques francais 2670.18 Leroy, O. Epoques dc 1'histoire de France en rapport avec le theatre fr 2070.15 Menchc de Loisne. Influence de la litt. fr. de 1830-50 sur Pesprit public 2070.14 Moland, L., and Hericault, C. de. Nouvelles francaises an XIIIc siecle 2009.25 Monmerque, L. J. N. Theatre frangais au moyenage 2071.13 Montaiglon, A. de. Poesies frangoises des XVe et XVIe siecles 2009.27 Shelf. No. FRENCH literature, continued. Nisard, J. M. N. D. Histoire de la littdrature francaise 2070.12 Planche, J. B. G. Portraits litteraires . . 2070.6, 7 Poitevin, P. Petits poetes franeais 2703.1 Roquefort, J. Etat do la pot-sic frangoise dans Ics 12c et 13e Hicclcs 2070.35 Sainte-Beuve, C. A. Causeries de Lundi . . - Portraits contemporains 2070.3 - Portraits de femmes 2070.4 - Portraits litteraires 2670.2 Sayous, A. Histoire de la littdrature fran- gaise a 1'etranger 2070.29 - Ecrivains fraugais de la reformation . . . 2070.30 Ventouillac, L. T. French librarian, or lit- erary guide 2104.1 Villemain, A. F. Cours de litt. frangaise . . 4077.5 Viollet le Due, N. Ancicn theatre frangois . 2079. 17 Weimar, L. Histoirc de la litt. fran$ 2070.20 See also : Brittany. FRENCH metrology. Metrologie frangaise . . . . 3081.5 FRENEAU, P. Poems, during the American revo- lution. 3d ed. Philadelphia 1809. 2v. 12. 2405.25 FRERET.N. CEuvres compl. Paris. 1796. 20v. 24 . *2229.2 Contents. Vol. I.- VI. Histoire. VH.-X. Sur la chronologic de Newton; Preface par Bougainville. XI.-XIV. Sur la chronologic des Chinois. XV., XVI. Geographic; Decouvertes des anciens dan les arts et dans les sciences. XVI., XVII. Sciences et arts. XVIL, XVHI. Mythologic. XIX., XX. Phi- losophic; Les apologistes '.>. p. 8. [Percy society publications, v. 15] *2537.17 PBIDKOODUB. Vita metriea S. Wilfrid! cpiscopi Eboracensis. [Mignc. Patrologiae v.133.] 3460.12 FIMDERICUS. See Frederic, abp. of Cologne. Fr.iKXi) of peace. See Worcester, N 3577.4 FRIENDLY societies. Ausell, 0. Treatise on . . . 3570.44 Heport of the registrar of. See Gt. Britain. 3571.21 Report on the laws respecting 7000.12 FRIENDS. Society of F. in Pennsylvania, etc. Facts relative to the participation of Amer- ican citizens in the African slave trade. Philadelphia, 1841. 8 *Pph.v.l52 Yearly meeting in Fhila. Rise and progress of the testimony of the religious society of friends against slavery and the slave trade. Philadelphia, 1843. 12 *Pph.v.229 Yearly meeting in London. Unlawfulness of all wars and fightings under the gospel. London, 1841. 8 *Pph.v.300 Rules of discipline of the society of friends, with advices [and] supplement. 3d ed. Lon- don, 1834,49. 4" 3542.1 Barclay, R. Principles and doctrines of the. 3472.3 - Principes de la sociute dite des quakers . 3472.2 Bates, E. Doctrines of the 3542.11 Bishop, G. Sufferings of the quakers in N. E. 3542.12 Clarkson, T. Portraiture of quakerism . . . 3542.8 Gough, J. History of the people called Q.. . 3542.7 Gurney, J. J. Observations on the religious peculiarities of 3542.6 Hancock, T. Principles Of peace exemplified in the conduct of 3577.17 Peun, W. Rise and progress of the people called quakers 3542.21 Quaker laws of Plymouth and Massachusetts. See Blue-laws 2357.4 Sewell, W. History of the Christian people called quakers 3542.2 Whiting, J. Answer to Cotton Mather's abuses of the quakers 3542.12 See also : Tract association. FRIENDSHIP, Essays on. Cicero, M. T 2928.27 FRIENDSHIP in death. Rowe, E 2374.19 FRIES, E. Lichenographia Europsea reformata. Luudae, 1831. 8 3858.16 Summa vegetabilium Scandinavise. Holmiae et Lipsiae, 1846. 8 3859.14 FRIES, J. Two trials for treason. See Carpenter, T C. 110. 12 FRIESLAND, East. Geschichte Ostfrieslands, 1570- 1751. Klopp, 2836.6 FRIESS de Colonna, C. Histoire et description de la Corse. See Lavallee, J 2266.19 FRINK, T. Sermon preached May 31, 1758, the an- niversary for the election of council. Bos- ton, 1758. 8 3457.28 FRISBIE, Itev. Levi. Discourse before the society for propagating the gospel among the In- dians, [etc.] Charlestown, 1804. 8 . . *Pph.v.249 FRISBIE, Prof. Levi. Miscellaneous writings, with life by A. Norton. Boston, 1823. 8. ... 2403.6 Contents. Inaugural address; Remarks on Taci- tus; Examination of Smith's theory of moral senti- ments; Duty of government to provide for support of religion; Extracts from MS. notes of lectures; Poetry. Inaugural address, Nov. 5, 1817. 2d ed. Cam- bridge, 1818. 8 *Pph.v.236 Address before the univ. of Cambridge on the interment of. See Norton, A *Pph.v.244 FRISI, P. On rivers and torrents, transl. byJ. Garstin. London, 1818. 4" *3941.9 Opcrcttc scelte. Mem. stor. da P. Verri. Mi - lano, 1825. 16 4778.15 Shelf. No. FRISI, P. continued. Contents. Opuscoli filosofici; Discorso pcrrendere la Delmona navigabile dalP Adda all' Og'iio; Delia manicra di continuarc la navigazione dall* Oglio all* Adda per il canale della Dclmona; Elogio di Bona- ventura Cavalieri; Elogio di Isacco Newton; Elogio di Donato Silva. Dei fiumi, e dei torrenti, libri tre. [Raccolta del moto dell' acque, v.6] 3942.1 Elogio di Bonaventura Cavalieri, di Donato Silva, di Galileo Galilei, di Isaac Newton. [Haccolta di prose e lettere nel sec. 18, v.l] 2767.2 Mem. intorno a Frisi, da Pietro Verri. [Rac- colta di prose e lettere nel secolo 18, v.l] . 2767.2 FRITIIJOF saga: a Scandinavian romance. Teg- ner, E 2903.26 FRITOT, A. Science du publicistc, avec des notes. Paris, 1820-23. llv. 8 *3617.1 FRITSCII, C. Kalender der Flora des Horizontes von Prag. Wien, 1852. 8. [Wien. Kais. Akad. Sitzungsber. v.8] *3310.3 FRITZEX, B. Anweisung, wie man Claviere, etc. rein stimmen koniie. 2te Aufl. Leipz. 1757. 24pp. 4' *4056.8 FRITJLI. Florae Forojul. syllabus. Pirona, J. A. 3856.3 FRiVALnszivY, E. Mouographia serpentum Hun- garian Pestini, 1823. 8 3875.7 FRIZZI, A. Memorie per la storia di Ferrara con giunte e note di C. Laderchi. 2a ed. Fer- rara, 1847-18. 5v. 4 *2760.14 Memorie storiche della nobil famiglia Ariosti dl Ferrara. [Raccolta di opusc. scient. v. 3] 5274.1 FROBERVILLE, E. de. Rodrigues, Galega, les Se- chelles, les Almirantes, etc. See Avezac, M. A. P. d'. lies de 1' Afrique 2266.23 FROBISHER, Sir M. Historia navigations Martini Frobisheri a J. H. Freigio translata. Ham- burg!, 1075. sm.4 2367.4 Voyages to discover the north-west passage. [Pinkerton. Voyages, v. 12] 2260.13 FRODOARD, See Flodoard. FROISSAUT, J. Chroniques [abre'ge'es] miscs en ordre par Jean Yanowski. Paris, 1853. 12. 4667.1 Chroniques. [Buchon. Coll. chron. uat. fr. v. 11-25] 2617.2 Poesies, publiees pour la premiere fois par J. A. Buchon. Paris, 1829. 8. [Buchon. Coll. des chron. nat. fr. v.10] 2617.2 Etude litteraire [sur F.I. See Kervyn de Let- tenhove, J. M. B. C 4677.15 FROLICII, Dr. J. Biographic des grossen Tonkiiust- lers Abt Georg Joseph Vogler. Wiirzburg, 1845. 8" *4046.20 FROLLAND. Epistola ad Berengarium. [Migne. Patrologia3 v.143] 3460.22 FROLLIERE, G. di. Racconto della guerra soste- nuta dai Perugini contro Paolo III nel 1540. [Arch. stor. ital. v.16, p. 2] 5245.2 FROJIBERG, E. O. Painting on glass. [Weale. Quarterly papers, v.4] 4091.6 FROME, R. E. Method of conducting a trigono- metrical survey. London, 1840. 8 . . . . 3925.22 FRONDE. Mailly, J. B. L'esprit de la 4659a.2 Sainte-Aulaire, J. B. Histoire de la .... 4641.5 FRONDES caducae. Auchinleck press. 1816-18. 2v. 4. [Vol. I.] The mirror of man, and manners of men, by T. Churchyard, 1594; Fvnerall of Sir Francis Knowles, by T. Churchyard, 15%; Churchyard's cherrishing, or dis- course of court and wars, 1596 *2605.9 [Vol. II.] Ane tractat of a part of ye yngliss chronikle, shawand of yar kings part of yar ewill and cursit gouernance and yar vnhappie lyuagc *2520.11 FRONTINUS, S. J. De aquaeductibtis urbis Romae. [Graevius. Thesaurus antiq. Rom. v.4] . . 2950.1 De solertibus ducum factis et dictis libri quatuor ; De aqmeductibus Romae commen- tarius ; De re agraria, liber unus ; De colo- niis Italiae. See Vegetius, F 2945.6 FRONTO 300 FUEL Shelf. No. FRONTO, M. C. De barbarismo. [Autori del ben l>:irlare. Partc 2] 3590.10 Reliquiae. Ed. 15. G. Kicbuhrius. Aeccdunt liber de dificrentiis vocabulorum et Q. A. Symmaehi fragmenta. Berolini, 181G. 8. 2920.10, 11 Frontonis et Aurelii epistolaj. L. Veri et Antonini Pii ct Appiani reliquiae. Fragmcn- ta Frontonis et scripta grammatica. Ed. la Rom. cur. A. Maio. Romas, 1823. 8 ... 292C.7 - Same. Curante A. Majo. Ed. in Germ. prima. Cellis, 1832. 10" 2920.12 FllOST, J. American generals from the founding of the republic. Philadelphia, 1848. 8 . . 2340.2 Elements of English grammar. 2d ed. Bos- ton, 1833. am. 12 7059.5 Oration at Middlcbury before the associated alumni of the coll. 1829. Utica, 1829. 8. *Pph.v.78 FROTIIARIUS, T. Epistolse. [Bouquet. Rec. v.G] 2010.1 Epistolae. [Migne. Patrologiaa v.lOG] . . . 3450.30 FROTHINGHAM, N. L. Barabbas preferred, a ser- mon. Boston, 1832. 8 *3455.G1 Believer's rest, a sermon. Bost. 1843. 8. *Pph.v.269 Charge [at the installation of Rev. D. Fos- dick at Hollis street church, 1840.] [No title-page.] 8" *3455.61 Deism, or Christianity: four discourses. Bos- ton, 1845. 8 *Pph.v.2G9 Duties of hard times, a sermon. Boston, 1837. 8 *3455.C1 Duty of the citizen to the law, a sermon. Bos- ton, 1844. 8 *3455.61 Farewell: a sermon on resigning the pas- toral charge of the 1st church, March 10, 1850. Boston, 1850. 8 *Pph.y.305 God among the nations : a [fast day] sermon. [No title-page], 1818. 8 *3455.G1 Gold : a sermon. Boston, 1849. 8 . *Pph.v. 209,305 Great men : a sermon at the Thursday lec- ture. [Cut from a newspaper.] n. p. [1852] . *3455.61 He descended into hell. [From the Chr. Ex- aminer, May, 1851.] [No title-page.] 8 . *3455.G1 Memory and example of the just : a sermon. Boston, 1840. 8 *3455.01 Mourning days : a sermon after the death of Webster. [No title-page.] 8 *3455.G1 National sins : a [fast day] sermon. [No title- page.] 8 *3455.G1 New idolatry: a sermon. Boston, 1840. 8.*3455.01 Our religious times: an address before the alumni of Cambridge theological school. Boston, 1844. 8 *3455.C1 Plea against religious controversy. Boston, 1829. 8 **E.224.9 The ruffian released : a sermon [on Acts iii. 14]. Boston, 1836. 8 *3455.61 Salvation through the Jews : a sermon. [No title-page.] 8 *3455.C1 Sermon after the death of J. P. Bradlee. Boston, 1838. 8 *3455.01 Sermon after the death of Hon. P. C. Brooks. Boston, 1849. 8" *3455.G1 Sermon after the death of J. G. Stevenson. Boston, 1835. 8 *3455.C1 Sermon after the funeral of the Rev. F. W. P. Greenwood. Boston, 1843. 8 *Pph.v.2G9 Sermon after the funerals of the Rev. Dr. Harris and the Hon. D. Sargent. Boston, 1842. 8 *Pph.v.2G9 Sermon at the funeral of Rev. T. Gray. Bos- ton, 1847. 8 *3455.01 Sermon at the installation of Rev. W. P. Lunt. Boston, 1835. 8 *3455.61 Sermon at the ordination of Mr. E. Bucking- ham. Boston, 1836. 8 *3455.01 Sermon at the ordination of Rev. O. B. Froth- ingham. Salem, 1847. 8 *3455.61 Sermon on the death of J. Adams. Boston, 1820. 8 *3455.61 Sermon on the death of Lafayette. Boston, 1834. 8 *3455.61 Shelf. No. FROTHINGHAM, N. L. continued. Sermon on the death of Rev. J. McKean. Boston, 1818. 8" *3455.01 Sermon on the twentieth anniversary of his ordination. Boston, 1835. 8 *3455.01 The shade of the past, [a sermon]. Boston, 1833. 8 *3455.G1 Signs in the sun : [a sermon] after the eclipse of Feb. 1831. n.p. [1831]. 8 *3455.C1 The solemn week: a sermon preached on fast-day. Boston, 1841. 8 *3455.61 Terms of acceptance with God. n.p. 1829. 8.*3455.61 Two hundred years ago : a sermon. Boston, 1830. 8 *Pph.v.239 Water into the city : a sermon. 1828. 8 . . *3455.61 FROTHING n AM, R. jr. History of the siege of Boston, and of the battles of Lexington, Concord, and Bunker hill. 2d ed. Boston, 1851. 8 2353.1 Remarks on F's history of the battle of Bunker hill. See Swett, S Pph.v.195 FROUDIERE, L. F. B. See Annales du barreati francais. Barreau ancien, v.G, pt. 2. . . . 3708.1 FROUMUNDUS. Epistola;; Poematica. [Migne. Patrologiae v.141] 3460.20 FROWLNUS. De libero arbitrio; Fragmenta. [Mi- gne. Patrologiae v.179] 3470.0 FRUCTUOSUS. Regula monachorum ; Regula mo- nastica communis ; Carmina. [Migne. Pa- trologiae v. 87] 3450.18 FRUGONI, C. I. Poesie da F., fra gli Arcadi Co- mante Eginetico. Lucca, 1779-80. 15v. 8. *2808.6 Contents. Vol. I.-VI. Versi sciolti. VI. Laciac- cheidc. VII. Kadamisto e Zenobia, tragedia del CrO billon portata nell' italiano; Ippolito ed Alicia, tragedia; Le fcste d'Imeneo : II trionfo d'amore; Atto di Iride, di Sall'o, di Egle; In occasione cheBar- barigo, vescovo di Brescia introdusse nella mcdes. citta gli esercizj spiritual!; I conibrti di Maria Vergine addolorata ; II mondo riparato ; La pcrfidia ebraica confusa;L'infinito amor di vino verso gli uominiiLa libei azionc de' santi padri ; Per 1' assiin ziune Uella ver- gine ; L' arrivo in Italia di Don Carlo; II giorno della nascita di Elisabetta, regina delle Spagne. VIII.- XV. Versi eciolti; Stanze; Egloghe; Conzoni; 80- netti; Cantate; Brindisi, ecc. See Bertoldo con Bertoldino, ecc. Lettere. [Raccolta di prose e lettere nel se- colo 18, v.2] 2707.2 Memoriale alia repubblica di Genova. [Poesie per far riderc. Raccolta quinta, v.2] . . . 2809.2 See Poesie di eccel. autori toscani per far ridere le brigate 4776.24 FRUIT trees. Coxe, W. Cultivation of 4003.4 Duhamel, H. L. Traite des arbres fruitiers . 3820. 10 Forsyth, TV. Culture and management of . 4003.3 FRUITS. F. cultivated in the garden of the horti- cultural soc. of Lond. See Horticultural . 3832.8 Hovey, C. M. Fruits of America 3842.1 Lawrence, J. Fruit garden kalender .... 3992.26 Phillips, H. Histor. and bot. account of. 4003.2 Proceedings of the American pomological soc. See American, etc 3837.5 FRULLANI, E. Versi. Firenze, 1855. 12 .... 4777.16 See Bernabo Silorata. Prose e poesie di Ita- liani viventi, v.4 4768.16 FKY, E. Pantographia, containing all the alpha- bets in the world. London, 1799. 8 ... *2111.3 FRY, J. The sick man's friend, containing prayers and hymns. London, 1816. 12 3447.15 FUCHS, Aloys. Jn Sachen Mozart's. Wein, 1851. 12 *4049.34 FUCHS- August. Geschichte des Schriftenthums der Griechen und Romer. Halle, 1840. 8*. *2193.4 Fuci. See Alga?. FUEL. Annual report of the city inspector of fire-wood, anthracite, charcoal, etc. in- spected in N. Y. 1830. N. Y. 1837. 8 . . *Pph.v.99 Bull, M. Defence of experiments to deter- mine the compar. value of the varieties of. Pph.v.72 - Experiments to determine the compara- tive value of Pph.v.68 FUEL 301 FUNGI Shel No. FUEL, continued. Consumption of F. in engines, by E. Woods. [Trcdgold. Steam engine, v.l] 4011.7 Reply to a defence of experiments to deter- mine the value of E. 224.8 FUESSLix, J. C. Staats-und Erdbeschreibung der echweizerischen Eidgenossschaft. Schaf- hauseu, 1770~7'2. 4v. 8 2828.10 FUGUE. Andre, J. Vierstimmige Fuge 4055.19 Gotthold, F. A. Briefe liber die musikalische Nachahmung, den Kanon und die Fuge . . 4055.22 Hauptmann, M. Erlauterungen zu J. S. Bachs Kunst der Fuge 4042.25 Richter, E. F. Lebrbuch der Fuge 4055.20 FUHRMAXX, M. H. Musicaliscber Tricbter, etc. Franckfurt an der Spree, 170G. 4 *4059.20 Fumus Troes, the true Trojans: a play by J. Fisher. [Dodsley. Old plays] . . . v.7of 2588.1 FULBEKT. Opera omnia ad ed. Bouqueti, Chcs- nii, etc. recog., accur. Migne. Lutetiae Pa- risiorum, 1853. 8. [Migne. Patrol, v. 141]. 3460.20 Contents. Epistolas; Tractatus in cap. 12, \ersl, Act. apost. ; Tractatus contra Judaeos ; Sermones ; DC peccatis capitalibus; Hymni et carmina ccclestas- tica; Versus de uncia et partibus cjus et de scrupulo; Proclamatio antequam dicant Pax Domini ; Diplc- rnata; Vita S. Autberti; Appendix; Diplomats non- nulla ex chartulario abbatise S. Pctri Carnotensis, tempore S. Fulberti data; Laus vitas monastics. FULCHERIUS. Histoire des croisades par Foul- cher de Chartres, 1095-1127. [Guizot. Coll. mem. hist. Fr.] v.24of 2C18.2 Historia Hierosolymitana, 1095-1127. [Migne. Patrologiae v.155] 3460.32 FULCO, abbot of Corbey. Epistola ad Alexandrum II, papam. [Migne. Patrologiae v. 150] . . 3460.28 FULCO, abp. of Reims. Epistolae. [Migne. Pa- trologiae v.131] 3400.10 FULCO, count of Angers. Donationes piae. [Migne. Patrologiae v.155] 3460.32 FULCO, or Foulcoie, sub-deacon of Meaux. Fulcoii notitia historica ; Epistola ; Fragmenta ; Ep- itaphium Otgeri et Benedicti. [Migne. Pat- rologiae v. 150] 3460.28 FULFORD, F. Sermon at the consecration of Ho- ratio Potter. New York, 1854. 8. . . *Pph.v.203 FULGEXTIUS, F. C. G. Opera omnia, ex memora- tissimis edd. exprcssa. Parisiis, 1847. 8. [Migne. Patrologiae v.05] 3450.6 Contents. Vita ; Ad Monimum; Ad Trasimun- dum ; EpistoliB ; De trinitate ; Contra sermoncm Fastidiosi Ariani ; De remissione peccatorura; De incarnatione filii Dei ; De veritate pradestinationis etgratias Dei; DC fide; Pro fide catholica; Sermones gcnuini; Instrumenta fidei catholicse; Excerptum ex libra III llincmari necnon ex libro III Ratrarai ; Sermones duoincditi; Liber de proedestinatione et gratia) Sermones SO, paucis exceptis, supposititii. FULGEXTIUS, F. P. Mythologies ; De expositione Virgilianae continentiae ; Expositio sermo- num antiquorum. See Staveren, A. v. . . 2911.4 FULGEXTIUS Ferrandus. Brcviatio canonum. [Migne. Patrologiae v. 88] 3450.19 Epistolae et opuscula. [Migne. Patrologiae v.67] 3450.8 FULHAM, Co. of Middlesex. Historical and topo- graphical description of. Faulkner, T. . . 2505.2 FULKE, \V. Defence of the transl. of the Holy Scriptures, against the cavils of G. Martyn. Ed. by C. H. Hartshorne. Cambridge, 1843. 8. [Parker soc. 10] *3493.12 Replies to Stapleton, Martiall, and Sanders. Ed. by R. Gibbings. Cambridge, 1848. 8. [Parker soc. 29] *3493.13 FULLER, A. Apology for the late Christian mis- sions to India: in answer to Mr. Twining and Maj. Scott Waring. Parts first-third. London, 1808. 8 *Pph.v.l4 Expository discourses on the book of Gene- sis. London, 1806. 2v. 8 ...;.... 3426.1 Strictures on sandemanianism. N.Y. 1812. 16". 3459.25 Shelf. No. FULLER, A. continued. Practical uses of Christian baptism; The backslider ; Discourses on Genesis ; Gospel worthy of all acceptation. [Sommers. Bap- tist library, v.2] 3454.1 Strictures on sandemanianism; Memoirs of S. Pierce. [Sommers. Baptist library, v.3]. 3454.1 FULLER, F. A. and M. V. Poems of sentiment and imagination, with dramatic and descriptive pieces. New York, 1851. 12 2398.6 FULLER, H. W. Rheumatism, rheumatic gout, and sciatica. New York, 1854. 8 3S06.1 FULLER, I. Eulogy on. See Sprague, D. G. . Pph.v.254 FULLER, J. G. Conversations on strict and mixed communion. [Sommers. Bap. libr. v.l] . . 3454.1 FULLER, R., and Way land, F. Domestic slavery, considered as a scriptural institution. New York and Boston, 1845. 12 3573.36 Review of Hammond and Fuller's letters on slavery in the south 3572.5 FULLER, Samuel. Two sermons on the death of Rev. S. Fuller. Andover, 1843. 8 . . *Pph.v.l37 FULLER, Sarah M. Marchesa d'Ossoli. SeeOssoli. FULLER, Dr. Siah. Comments on the trial of. See Judson, A. T 3684.11 FULLER, Thomas. Church history of Britain. 3d ed. with preface and notes by J. Nichols. London, 1842. 3v. 8 3522.1 History of the university of Cambridge and of Waltham abbey. New ed. with notes, by J. Nichols. London, 1840. 8 *2490.16 History of the worthies of England. New ed. with add. by P. A. Nuttall. Lond. 1840. 3v. 8 *2441.2 Holy and profane state. New ed. with notes by J. Nichols. London, 1841. 8 3444.4 - Same. London, 1840. 16" 3445.25 FULLER, Timothy. Oration before Suffolk anti- masonic committee. Boston, 1831. 8 . *Pph.v.286 FUMAGALLI, A. Dellc istituzioni diplomatiche. Milano, 1802. 2v.ini. 4 2110.17 FUMAXI, A. Carmina. See Fracastoro, G. . . . 2791.9 FUXCK, J. N. DC adolescentia Latinae lingvae trac- tatvs. Marbvrgi Cattorvm, 1723. 4 ... 2953.9 De imminenti Latinae lingvae senectvte tracta- tvs. Marbvrgi Cattorvm, 1736. 4 . . . . 2953.5,7 De inerti ac decrepita Latinae lingvae senectvte commentarivs. Lemgoviae, 1750. 4 ... 2953.8 De origine et pueritia Latinae linguae. Marbur- gi Cattorum, 1735. 4 2953.7 Leges XII tabularum quotquot reperiri pot- uerunt. Rintelii, 1744. sm.4 2953.5 FUXCK, K. W. F. v. Gemiilde aus dem Zeitalter der Kreuzziige. Leipzig, 1821-24. 4v. 8 . 2293.4 Contents. Vol. I. Tancred; Baldnin UL n. Die letzten Kdnige von Jerusalem und Saladin. III. Die Kreuzfahrcr und Saladin nach dem Fallc des KiJnig- reichs Jerusalem, Konrad von Montferrat, Kaiser Friedrich I. und Richard der Lowenherzige, IV. Kaiser Friedrich El und der heilige Ludwig. FUXCTIOXS. Babbage, C. Examples of the solu- tions of functional equations . ..... E. 213. 13 Lagrange, J. L. de. Theorie des fonctions analytiques E. 191. 17 - Logons sur le calcul des fonctions . . E. 190. 19 FUXDIXG system, Errors in our 3640.24 McCulloch, J. R. Principles and influence of. 3653.4 Ravenstone, P. Thoughts on the 3640.24 FUXDS. Compendium of English and foreign . . 3684.24 FUNERAL celebrations. Pompe funebri celebrate nella real basilica di San Lorenzo dal secolo XIII. Moreni, D 2743.12 FUNGI. Albertini, J. B. Conspectus fungorum in Lusatiae superioris agro Niskiensi cres- cervtium 3856.2 Corda, A. C. J. Anleitung zum Studium der Mycologie 3858.1 Gleditsch, J. G. Methodus fungorum . . . 3858.7 Nees von Esenbeck, T. F. L. Das System der Pilze . .... 3852.4 FUNGI 302 GAGK Shelf. No. FUNOI, continued. Persoon, C. II. De fungis clavaeformibus . 3858.8 - Mycologia Europoea 3858.2 - Observationes mycologies} ....... 3858. C - Synopsis methodica fungorum 3858.9 - Tentameu dispositions methodicae fun- gorum 3858.5 See also : Mushrooms. FUNKE, O. Atlas of physiological chemistry : being a supplement to Lehmann. London, 1853. 4. [Cavendisii society] *3974.4 FUNKH/ENEL, C. H. Quaestiones Demosthenicae. Lipsiae, 1831. 8 2974.8 FUOCO, F. Saggi economic!. Pisa, 1825-7. 2 v. 8. 3642.12 Contents. Vol. I. Esposizione di una nuova teoria su la rendita dclla terra; Lainetansicadell' economia politica. II. Teoria de' limiti applicata all' economia politica; Applicazione dell' algebra all' economia po- litica; Sull' origine c natura dclla ricchezza pubblica, e privata; Rivistadialcuni seritti di economia pubbli- ca recentemente pubblieati in Italia; I principj dclla morale cd i principj d'cconomia ridotti ad un solo sistema. FUKCHAU, A. F. Hans Sachs. [Biogr. in form of romance.] Leipzig, 1810-20. 2v. in 1. 8 . 2844.4 FURETIERE, A. Le roman bourgeois. Nouv. ed. par E. Fournier. Paris, 1S54. 10" 2609.16 FUKIA, F. del. Delia scoperta c subitanea perdita di una parte inedita del libro 1 do' pastoral! diLongo. [Coll. d'opuscoli scient. let. v.10]. 5278.2 FURLANETTO, B. Delia vita di. See Cam, F. . . 4046.28 FUULANETTO, G. See Facciolati, G. FURLONG, L. American coast pilot. 2ded. New- buryport, 1798. 8 **E.181.12 - Same. 3ded. Newburyport, 1800. 8.**E. 180.22 FURJIAN, G. Address before the American insti- tute. New York, 1843. 8 *Pph.v.l49 Address before the Queen's co. agricultural society, 1844. Jamaica, 1845. 8 . . . . *Pph.v.l49 FURNALD, Amoo. Trial of, for the murder of Alfred Furnald. See Ela, R. . . . *M.Pph. v. 121 FURNEAUX, Capt. Abridged history of treaties. London, 1837. 8 3688.3 FURNESS, W. H. Domestic worship. Philadel- phia, 1840. 8 3447.13 FURNESS, Lancashire, Antiquities of. West.T. . 2402.16 FURNITURE. Bielefeld, C. F. Papier-mache in . 4100.23 Gibbs, J. Designs for Gothic F 4090.19 Loudon, J. C. Encyclopaedia of 4093.1 Pugin, A. W. N. Gothic F 4101.10 FUSCIII a Fagnano, J. F. di. Observatio aurorse borealis. [Raccolta di opuscoli scientifici, etc.v.10] 5274.1 FCSELI, H. Lectures on painting. New ed. Lon- don, 1&30. 4 *4061.7 Memoirs of. See Smith, J. T 4074.8 Fuss, J. D. Roman antiquities transl. by A. W. and B. Street. Oxford, 1840. 8 *2950.19 Fuss, N. Eloge de L. Euler. St. Petersbourg, 1783. 4. [Actaacad. Petrop. 1781, pt.2] . *3240.2 Reflexions sur les satellites des etoiles. St. Petersbourg, 1780. 4. [Acta acad. Petrop. 1781, pt.2] *3240.2 FQSSLI, W. Die wichtigsten Stadte am Rhein mit Bezug d. Archit., Sculpt., u. Malerei. 2te Ausg. Leipzig, 1846. 2v. 16 4064.22 Contents. Vol. I. Zurich und die oberrheinischen Stadte Basel, Freiburg, Strassburg, Karlsruhe und Mannheim. II. Die wichtigsten Stadte am Mittel- und Niederrhein im deutschen Gebiet, enthaltend Schilderungen von Mainz, Wiesbaden, Frankfurt, Coblenz, Bonn, Coin, Aachen und Dusseldorf. FUTURE punishment. See Punishment. Fux, J. J. Gradus ad Parnassum, sive manu- ductio ad compositionem musicae regularem. Vienna;, 1725. f *4040.13 Messa cauonica, 4 voc. [Dehn. Practische Musik-Werke, v. 26] 4051.14 Offertorium, Ad te Domine, 4 voc. [Dehn. Practische Musik-Werke, v. 24] 4051.14 Shelf. No. FYFE, A. Elements of chemistry, with add. by J. W. Webster. Boston, 1827. 12 .... 7029.10 System of anatomy and physiology. 3d ed. Edinburgh, 1791. 3v. 8 3753.7 GABALIS, Le comte de, ou entretiens sur les sci- ences secretes, par l'abb<5 M. de Vilhirs. [Gamier. Voyages imagiuaires, v.34] . . 2666.1 GABEREL, J. Rousseau et les Genevois. Geneve, 1858. 16 4C67.10 Voltaire et les G<5nevois. 2e e"d. Paris,1857. 12. 4067.11 GABERLUNZIE-MAN, an ancient Scottish poem. Callander, J 25.T.1 GABLES. Ornamental timber G. Pugin, A. . . 4101.2 GABRIELE, Giacomo. Grammatica. [Autori del benparlare. Par. I. v. 2] 3590.10 GABRIELI, Giovanni, und sein Zeitalter. See Winterfeld, C. G. A. V. v 4046.14 GABRIELLI, Andrea, b. 1520, d. 1586. Deus mise- reatur nostri, 3 chori. [Dehn. Practische Musik-Werke, v.10] 4051.14 GABRIELLI, Andrea, conte. SeeBernabo Silorata. Prose e poesie di Italian! viventi, v. 9 . . . 4768.16 GABUSSI, G. Memorie per scrvire alia storia della rivoluzione degli stati romani. Geneva, 1851-52. 3v. 8 4745.1 GACHARD, L. P. Correspondance de Guillaume le taciturne, prince d'Orange. Bruxelles, 1847-54. 4v. 8 2842.8 Correspondance de Philippe II, sur les affaires du Pays-Bas. Bruxelles, 1848-51. 2v. 4 . *2841.1 Documents concernant les troubles de la Bel- gique. Bruxelles, 1838, 9. 2v. 8 2812.8 Extraits des registres dcs consaux de Tour- nay. Bruxelles, 1846. 8 2813.11 Retraite et mort de Charles-Quint, au monas- teredeYuste. Tome ler. Bruxelles, 1854. 8 2842.13 GADE, H. M. Anatomie und Physiologic der Me- dusen. Berlin, 1816. pp.28. 8 3871.18 Bey tragezur Anatomie der Insekten. Altona, 1815. pi. 2. 4 3895.1 GAEL. Betham, Sir W. Gael 2520.19 Logan, J. Celtic manners preserved among the Highlanders 2474.2 M'Lauchlan, T. History and literature of the Scottish G 2475.14 See also : Highlands. GAELIC language. Armstrong, R. A. Gaelic and English dictionary E. 202.1 Dictionary and grammar. Edinburgh. High- land society 2580.2 GAETANI, C. Omelia di S. Leone papa, tradotta in versi italiani ; Sopra un antico idoletto di Creta ; Parafrasi del salmo xcvii ; Piombi antichi mercantili; Osservazioni sovra un antico cameo 5 Capitolo di lettera della ca- mera reginale di Sicilia. [Opuscoli di au- tori siciliani, v.4, 6, 14, 16, 19, 20] 4764.1 GAETANI, P. A. Museum Mazzuchellianum. Ae- cedit versio Italica Cosimi Mei. Venetiis, 1761-63. 2v. f *2240.2 GAETANO, G. Relation del discoprimento dell' is- ole Molucche. [Ramusio. Navigation!, v.l] 2260.2 GAETE, due de. See Gaudin, M. M. C. GAFFORI, or Gafuri, F. Apologia adversus Joan- nem Spatarium et complices musicos Bono- nienses. Taurini, 1520. 8 *4051.12 De harmonia musicorum instrumentorum opus. Mediolani, 1518. 4 *4051.12 Practica musice. Mediolani, 1496. f . . . .*4051.13 Theorica musice. Mediolani, 1492. f . . .*4051.13 GAGE, J. History, etc. of Thingoe hundred in Suffolk. London, 1838. 4 *2501.8 GAGE, P. Effect and disorders produced by phlegm in the human frame, [etc.]. [No title-page.] 8 *M.Pph.v.50 GAGE, Rev. Thomas. Histoire de 1'empire mexi- cain representee par figures, tr. par M. Thevenot. Paris, 1696. f. [Thevenot. Voyages, v.2] *2300.1 GAGE 303 GALENUS Shelf. No. GAGE, Rev. Thomas, continued. New survey of the West Indies. 3d ed. Lon- don, 1077. 12 2365.8 GAGE, Gen. Thomas. Letters to the earl of Hills- borough. See Bernard, F 2320.16 Letters to the ministry. See Bernard, F. . . 2324.37 <;.U;E, Thomas. History of Rowley from 1030, with an address by Rev. J. Bradford. Bos- ton, 1840. 12 . 2357.2 GAGERN, H. C. E. v. Critik des Volkerrechts. Leipzig, 1840. 8 3615.8 Mein Antheil an der Politik. Stuttgart, 1823- 45. SThle ia3v. 16" 2848.21 Contents. Vol. I. TJnter Napoleons Ilerrschaft; Nach Napoleona Fall; Der Congress zu Wicn. II. Dcr Bundestag; In der Einsamkcit: Die Bricfe des Frciherrn von Stein an den Frciherrn von Gagern von 1313-1831, mit Erlauterungen. III. Dcr zweite PariserFricden: Erster Theil, Derllergang; Zweiter Theil, Die Bcilagen. Resultate dor Sittcngeschichte. 2e Aufl. Stutt- gart u. Tubingen, 1822-17. 9v. in 6. 10 . 3569.27 Contents. Vol. I. Die Fursten, oder die Xatur der Monarchic. II. Aristokratie. III. Deraokratie. IV. Politik oder der Staaten Verfassungen. V. Freund- schaftuud Liebe. VI. Wohnung, Arbeit und Eigen- thum, oder die Famine, a. u. d. T. Civilisation. GAGLIARDI, P. Lettere colle annotazioni di G. B. Chiaramonti. Brescia, 1703. 2v. 8 . . . . 2747.18 Lettere. [Raccolta di prose e letterenel se- cololS, v.2] 2767.2 GAGLIO, V. Sovra 1'investitura d'un villaggio abi- tato da cento Saraciui, ec. ; Sopra un'iscri- zione agrigcntina do' tempi di mezzo; Let- tcra per servir di risposta alle uotizie de' letterati num. vii. d' Andrea Rapetti ; So- pra un antico sarcofago di marmo, oggi bat- tistcrio del duomo di Girgenti ; Problema, Se la Sicilia fit piii felice sotto il governo clolla rcpubblica romana, o sotto i di lei im- peradori; Lcttera nl signer Pepi sull' es- traziouc del fcto vivente. [Opuscoli di nu- tori siciliani, v.0, 11, 13, 14, 17, 19J 4704.1 GAIGNAT, L. J. Catalogue des livres de. Do Euro, G. F. de 2143.4 GAIL, J. B. Clef d'llomerc. Paris, n. d. 12 . . 2999.5 GAILLARD, G. H. Histoire de Franyois Ir. Paris, 1700. 4v. 16' 2648.5 Histoire dc la querelle dc Philippe de Valois et d'Edouard III, etc. Paris, 1774. 4v. 12. 2029.3 Histoire de larivalite de la France el de 1' An- glcterre. Paris, 1771. 3v. 12 2629.2 Supplement :i 1'histoire de la rivalitd, etc. Paris, 1777. 2v. 12 2629.5 Vie de M. de Malcsherbes, suivic de la vie du premier president de Lamoignon. Paris, 1805. 8 4066.6 Dictiounaire historiquc. See Encyclopedic methodiquc A. 157. 3 Sur uue bulle de Boniface VIII du 27 jnin 1298. [Leber. Coll. diss. hist. Fr. v. 17] . 2618.1 GAILLARD, L. de. Lettrcs politiques sur la Suisse. Geneve, 1852. 8 2828.3 GAILLARDKT, F. Momoires du chevalier d'Eon. Bruxclles, 1837. 3v. 16 4068.10 GAILLON, Comptcs de di'penses de la construction du chateau dc. Deville, A 2650.15 GAIMARD, P. Voyage en Islamic et au Groiinland, 1835-30. [Avec atlas.] Paris, 1838-52. Ov. 8. 2865.1 Contents. Vol. I. Instructions, etc. II. Histoire du voyage par Paul Gaimard et Eugene Robert. III. Physique par Victor Lottin. IV. Histoire de 1'Islaude ct de la littcrature island, par Xavicr Mannicr. V. Journal du voyage par Eugene Mequct; Zoologieet medecinc par Eugene Robert. VI. -Miauralogie et geologic par Eugene Robert; Atlas. - Same. Atlas historiquc. Paris, n. d. 2v. f *27 M.I - Atlas zool. med. ct gi ; og. Paris, n. d. f.*27. N.I Zoologie. [Dumoiit D'Urville. Voyage de PAstrolabe] 2261.1 Shelf. No. GAIRDXER, W. Gout, its history, causes, and cure. 2d ed. London, 1851. 12 3806.6 GAIRDXER, "W. T. Pathological anatomy of bron- chitis. Edinburgh, 1850. 8 3795.12 GAISFORD. T. Poetae minores Grzeci. Lipsiae, 1823. 5v. in 3. 8 2968.2 Contents. Vol. I. Hesiodi carmina; Scholia ad Hesiodum. II. Theognidis, Archilochi, Solonia, Si- monidis, Tyrt;ci, Empedoclis, Parmenidis,Sapplionis, Alcsei, Stesichori et nliorum fragmenta. III. Theo- criti, Bioniset Moschi carmina bucolica ex rec. L. C. ValckentBrii; Scholia ad Theocritum. GALATEE, pastorale. See Florian, J. P. C. de . . 2650.36 GALATEO, II. See. Casa, G. della 4706.14 GALATEO nuova. [Treatise on politeness.] See Gioja, M 4778.21 GALATEO primo. See Gioja, M. 4778.24 GALATIANS, Commentary on. Calvin, J. . . . 5504.10 GALAXY. New England, by J. T. Buckingham. See New England Galaxy. GALBERT. Vie de Charles le Bon, 1119-1127. [Gui- zot. Coll. mem. hist. Fr. v. 8] 2618.2 Vita et martyrium B. Caroli Boni Flandrias comitis. [Migne. Patrologise v.106] . . . 3460.40 GALE, B. Brief remarks on Mr. Graham's answer, and on his vindication of Pres. Clap. New Haven, 1700. 8 2348.12 GALE, T. Opuscula mythologica, physica et eth- Ica. Gr. etLat. Amstclaedami, 1088. 8.. 2903.11 Contents. Paltcphnti de incredibilibus historiis; Heracliti de incredibilibus ; Anonyml longe Iler- aclito recentioi is dc incredibilibus; Eratosthenis Cy- rcnan Catasterismi ; Phuniutide natura Deorum; Commentarius Sallustii philosophi de diis et mundo; Homeri poets; vita; Ileraclidis Pontici allegorise IIo- meri ; Ocellus Lucanus philosophus de universi natura; Tiraajt Locri de anima muudi et natura; Theophrasti notationcs morum ; Demophili siiuil- itudines, seu vitas curatio ex Pythagoreis; Deniocratis philosophi aurea? sententiaj ; Secundi Athcuicnsis sophista; sentential; Scxti Pythagorei sententia? e Gracoin Latinum a Rutfino versa:; Ex quorunilaiu Pythagoreorum libris fragmeuta, in quibus de philo- sophia niorali agitur. GALENUS, C. Opera omnia [Gr. et Lat.] Ed. cur- avit C. G. Kuhn. Lipsia-, 1821-33. 20v. in 22. 8. [Kuhn. Medicorum Gr. opera] . . *29G0.1 Contents. Vol. I. Ilistoria litcraria Galeni; Ad- hortatio ad artcs addiscendas; De optima doctrina; Quod optimus mcdicus tit qnoquc philosoplius ; De scctis ; De optima sccta ; De constitutionc artis inedicas ; Ars medica ; De elemcntis, ex Ilip- pocrate ; De tcmperamentis. II. De natural. bus facultatibus; De anatomicis ndministrationibus ; De ossibus adtironcs; Dc vcnaruni arteriarumquc dissec. tionc ; De nervorum disscctionc; De instruincnto odoratus; De uteri dissectione. III., IV. De usu partium corporis human!. IV. De motu muscu- loram; De causis rcspirationis; De usu rcspirationis; Descminc; De fustuum forniationc ; An in artoriis natura sanguis contincatur ; Dc optima nostri cor- poris constitutione; De bono habitus Dc substantia fucultatum naturalium; Quod animi mores corporis temperamcnta scqnantur. V. De cognoscendis cu- randisque animi morbis; De ctijuslibet animi pecca- toruin dignotione atque mcdela; De atra bile; Uc usu pulsuum; De Ilippocratis ct Plutonis pkuritis; L'truin nu-diciniD sit an gymnastices hygicine ? De parvas pila; cxcreitio; De vcncreis. VI. De sanitate tucnda; De alimentorum focultatibus; De pi obis pravisque olimentorum succis; De ptisana; De dignotione ex insomniis; De raorbonim differentiis. VII. De causis morborum; De symptomaturn differentiis; De symp- tomatum causis ; De febriura differentiis ; Dc mor- borum temporibus; Dc totius morbi tcmporibus; De typis; Adversus cos qui de typis scripserunt; De pienitudine; De trcmore, palpitatione, convulsione ct rigore; Decomate secundum Ilippocratem; De mar- core; De tumoribus pra;ter naturam; De inajquali intempcric; De difficultate rcspirationis. VIII. De locis ftffectis ; De pulsibus ad tirones; De differentia pulsuum; De dignoseendis pulsibus. IX. De causis pulsuum; Dc pra;sagitione ex pulsibus; Galeni sy- nopsis librorum suorum de pulsibus; De crisibus; De diebus decretoriis. X. De methodo mcdendi. XI. Ad Glauconcm de medendi methodo; De venae sec- tioue advcrsus Erasistratum; De simpliciuni medi- camentorum temperamcntis ac facultatibus. XIL De eodem; De compositione medicamentorum se- GALENUS 304 GALINDO GALENOS, C. continued. cundum locos. XIII. DC codcm; DC compositione, mcdicamentorum per genera. XIV. DC antidotis; Da thcriaca ad Pisoncm : DC theriaca ad Pamphilianum; Dcremediis parabilibus; Dcsophigmatis; DC proeno- tionc ; Mcdicus, Galcno adscriptus. XV. In Oippo- cratem do natura hominis; In II : pp. dc salubri victus ratione; In Hipp, do alimento; In Hipp, dc acutor. morbor. victu. XVI. In Hipp, dc humoribus; In Hipp, praidictionum librum I. XVII. Part 1, 2. In Ilippocratis libros epidcmiorum commentarii. Commentarii. in Hipp, aphorismos. XVIII. P. 1. Hipp, nphorismi et Galeni in cos commcntarii; Ad- ver&usLycum; Advcrsus ea, quo; Juliano in tlippo- cratis nphorismos cnunciata sunt; Hippocratis de articulis liber et Galon i in cum commentarii; Dc fas- ciisi Ex Galeni comment, de fasciia libellus. Part 2. Galeni comment, in Hipp, prognostic.; Galeni commentar. in Hippocratem de fracturis ; Galeni comm. in Ilippocratcm de mcd. offic. ; De muscu- lorum dissectione ad tironcs. XIX. Quomodo simu- lantcs raorbum dcprchendcndi; De libris propriis; De ordine librorum; Glossarium; An animal sit quod in utero gcritur; De victus ratione in morbis acutis; Dc philosophica historia; Dcflnitiones medico:; Quod qualitatos incorporca; ; Dc humoribus i Do pneno- tionc; Pracsagitio omnino vera et cxperta; Dc venffl scctione; Prognostica de decubitu ex mathematica scicntia: Liber dc urinis; De minis compendium; Dc urinis ex llippocrate. Galeno ct aliis; De pulsibua adAntonium; Dcrcnum affectibus; Dc melancholia; De Buceedaneis; Dc ponderibus et mcnsuris. XX. Index in Galeni opera. GALEOTTI, L. Trajano Boccalini e il suo tempo ; L'archivio ccntralc di Btato nuovamente is- tituto in ToBcana nolle sue relazioni con gli studj storici. [Arch. stor. ital. nuova seric. v.l,pt.2. v.2, pt. 2] v. 32, 33 of 5215.2 GALEOTTI, M. De Matthias Corvini, Ilungariae regis, cgregie, sapicnter, iocose, dictis et factis. [Schwandtncr. Script, rer. Ilunga- rie. v.l] 2810.2 GALERIE de 1'anciennecour pour scrvir a 1'histoire des regnes de Louis XIV et de Louis XV. n.p. 178C. 3v. 12 2049.9 GALES, J. Debates and proceedings in Congress, 1789-1824. Washington, 1834-50. 41v. 8. *C.1G9 GALFRIDUS grammaticus. Promptorium parvulo- rum,reccns. A. "Way. Londoni, 1843, 1853. 2v. sm.4. [Camden society. Nos. 25,54] . "2416.25 GALIANI, F. Delia moneta ; Dialogues sur le com- merce des bles. [Economist! class, ital. v.10, 11,12,13] 3044.1 GALIANO, A. A. Introductory lecture in the uni- versity of London, Nov. 15, 1828. 2d cd. London, 1829. 8" *Pph.v.78 GALIBERT, L., and Pelle, C. Anglcterre, Ecosse, Irlaudc. Paris, 1842-44. 4v. 8. [L'univcrs] *226C.5 GALIGNANI, A. and \V. Paris guide. 13th cd. London, 1825. 24 2034.13 GALILEI, G. Opere [pubbl. dal prof. E. AJberi]. T. 1-15 e supplem. Firenze, 1842-50. IGv. sm.4 *3913.1 Contents. Vol. I. Awertimento generale; Opere astronomiche: Dialogo intorno ai' due massimi sis- temi del mondo tolemaico e copernicano. II. Lettere di Galileo intorno al sistema copernicano; Escrcita- zioni filosoliche di D. Antonio Rocco contro il dialogo dei massimi sistemi; Postille di Galileo alle csereita- zioni del Rocco; Discorso di Lodovico delle Colombe contrail moto dclla terra; Postille di Galileo al dis- corso di Lodovico dclle Colombe; Discorso di Gali- leo a monsig. Orsino intorno il flusso e reflusso del mare. III. Trattato dclla sfera, ocosmografia; Syde- reus nuncius; Lettere intoruo le apparenze dclla luna; De phajnomonis in orbe lunre, ct de luce et lumine disputatio J. C. La Galla; Postille di Galileo al discorso del La Galla; Lettere intorno alle macchie solari. IV. De tribus comctis anni 1G18, disputatio astronomica, publice habita in collegio Romano so- cietatis Jesu ab uno ex patribus ejusdcm societatis; Discorso delle comete di Mario Guiducci, fatto da lui ncll' aecademia Corentiua nel suo mcdesimo conso- lato; Libra astronomica ac philosophica, qua Galilei Galilxi opiuionis de cometis a Mario Guiduccio cx- positic cxarainantur a Lothario Sarsio Sigensano ; Postille di Galileo alia libra astronomica; II saggiatore di Galileo Galilei, nel ;.v> GALLOWAY, Annals of. Ritson, J 24:5.11 GALLUP, J. A. Institutes of medicine. Boston, 1839. 2v. 8 3721.20 Outlines of an arrangement of medical noso- logy. Woodstock, 1823. 8 *Pph.v.270 Pathological reflections on general diseased action. Montpelicr, 1819. 8 *M.Pph.v.6G Reflections on the supertonic state of disease. Montpelicr, 1*22. 8 *M.Pph.v.89 GALLurn, P. Element! di filosofia. Firenze, 1834. 2v.ini. 12 3004.16 - Same. 4th cd. Milano, 1S46. 3v. 16. . 3604.17 Filosofla della volonta. la ed. milanesc. Mi- lano, 1840. 3v. 10 3004.18 Idealismo e razionali.smo. Milano, 1845. 16. 3609.25 Lettcre filosofichc sulle vicendc della lilosolb, preccdute da 1111 discorso di L. Blanch. Fi- renze, 1840. 24 3609.22 Saggio filosofico sulla critica della conoscenza. Napoli, 183:5. Ov. 8 3ii04.15 Storia della lilosofla. Milano, 1847. 16 ... 3609.23 Teologia naturale, la ed. milanesc escguita eulla 4a dell' autorc. Milano, 1844. 10 . . 3480.27 GALLUS, C. Cornelius. See Elton. Specimens of the classic poets, v.2 2903.14 See Lemaire, N. E. Poet. Lat. min. v. 135 . . 2912.1 See Wcrnsdorf, J. C. Poetae Lat. min. v.3 . 2912.4 GALLUS. Roman scenes in the time of Augustus. Becker, W. A 2950.27 GALLUS, St. Sermo habitus Constantia;. [Mignc. Patrologias v.87] 3150.18 GALLUZ/I, R. Storia del granducato di Toscana. Nuov. ed. Firenze, 1822. llv. 8" *2720.5 - Same. Capolago, 1841-42. 7v. 10'. . . . 2729.2 GALLYPOT, Dr. Gabriel. Adventures. [No title- page] M.Pph.v.8 GALO. Epistola ad Lambcrtum; Diploma. [Migne. Patrologia? v.102] v.2 of 3460.37 GALT, J. Poems, [including the Star of destiny, the Hermit Peter, etc.] London, 1833. 8 . 2566.2 GALTEIIIUS. Antiocheua bella. [Migne. Patro- logia3V.155J 3400.32 GALTEP.US. Epistola ad Robcrtum ; Diploma. [Migne. Patrologia) v.157] 3400.34 GALVAXI, G. Delle genti e delle favelle loro in Italia dai primi tempi storici. Firenze, 1849. 8. [Archivio storico ital. v.14] *5245.2 Osservazioni sulla poesia de' trovatori. Mo- deua, 1829. 8 2787.9 See Bernabfr Silorata. Prose e poesie di Ita- liani viventi, v.5 4768.16 GALVAXI, L. Opere edite ed inedite [ed aggiuuta.] Bologna, 1841-42. 4 3961.4 Contents. Rapporto su i Mss. dell' autore ; Elogio. Opere cditc: De ossibus; De renibus atque uretcribus volat ilium j De volatilium aure; De Mauzoliuiaiia GALVANI 306 GARDENING shut: i\u. GALVANI, L. continued. Bupcllcctili; DC viribus electricitatis in motu muscu- lari commcntarius; Lettera al Galvani del prof. Don Bassano Carminati; Lcttcra di risposta del Galvani; Dell' uso e dell' attivita dell' arco conduttore nelle contrazioni dti muscoli; Jlemoric sull' elettricita ani- male al celebre abate Lazzaro Spallanzani. Opuscoli iuediti : Disquisitionca aiiutomico; circa membranam pituitariam; De conscnsu ct diflerentiis inter respira- tionem ct fiammam penicillumque electricum pro- dicns ex acuminate conductore Leydensis phialse de industria oneratac ; Dieci de' piii notevoli t'rammenti tratti dagli autogran; Indici, e nuove tavole di figure. Ossorvazioni inter-no ad un articolo del prof. Grimelli sulla collezionc Galvaniana. Bo- logna, 1842. 8 3961.4 GALVANISM. Bostock, J. History of . . . M.Pph.v.87 Cuthbertson, J. Practical G 3962.18 Galvani, L. Opere 3961.4 Hare, R. Galvanic essays E. 110. 24 - Observations on M.Pph.v. 110 La Rive, A. de. Researches into the cause of voltaic electricity Pph.v.101 Roget, P. M. Galvanism .... 3903.0 Volta, A. Opere 3902.28 See also : Electricity, Electro-magnetism, Magnet- ism. GAMA, J. P. Traite" dcs plaies de tfite et de Pen- cephalitc. Paris, 1830. 8 3802.14 GAMA, V. de. Navigatione fatta nell' anno 1497. [Ramusio. Navigation!, v.l] 2260.2 Voyage to the East Indies. [New collection of voyages, v.2] 2263.1 GAMAGE, W. Account of the fever in Boston, 181 7-18, with remarks on typhus fever. Bos- ton, 1818. 8" *M.Pph.v.93 GAMBA, B. Delle novclle italiane in prosa. Ed. 2a. Firenze, 1835. 8* *2162.6 Lettero descrittive di celebri Italian!. Ed. 4a. Venezia, 1832. 16" 2747.24 Lettcre di donne italiane del secolo decimo- sesto. Venezia, 1832. 16" 4748.4 Novelle per far ridere le brigate [con N. per far piagnere.] Bologna, 1830. 2v. in 1. 10. 4775.37 Serie degli scritti impressi in dialetto vene- ziano, giuntevi alcune odi di Orazio tra- dotte da Pietro Bussolin. Venezia, 1832. 16.*2162.18 Serie dei test! di lingua e di altre opere impor- tanti nella italiaua letteratura, dal secolo XIV al XIX. 4a ed. Venezia, 1839. 4". .*2160.14 GAMBAKA, V. Rime e lettere raccolte da F. Riz- zardi. Brescia, 1759. 8 8 4773.10 GAMBARINI, B. Cagione dclle inondazioni del Tcvere, ec. [Raccolta del moto delle acque, v.10] 3942.1 GAMBIA. Adanson, M. Voyage to the. [Pinker- ton. Voyages, v.lG] 2260.13 Bowdich, T. E. English settlements on the. 3051.9 GAMBIER, J. E. Introduction to the study of moral evidence. 3d ed. London, 1824. 8. 3302.2 GAMBIER, Ohio. Reply of the trustees of Kenyon college to the statement of D. B. Douglass. Philadelphia, 1844. 8 *Pph.v.l43 GAMERRA, G. La madre colpevole : dramma. [Teatro moderno applaudito, v.53] .... 2768.1 GAMES. See Cards, Chess, Foot-ball, Recreative arts, Sports. GAMMARUS. De gammari pulicis historia natural!, atque circuitu sanguinis commentatio. Zen- ker, J. C 3897.3 GAMMELL, \V. Address before the R. I. histori- cal society. Providence, 1844. 8 ... *Pph.v.l70 GAMMER Gurton's garland: or the nursery Par- nassus. London, 1810. 12 2538.4 GAMON, A. Memoires, 1560-86. [Michaud. Coll. mem. hist. France. Ser. l,v.8] 2611.1 - Same. [Pctitot. Coll. mem. hist. France. Ser. 1, v.34] ". 2625.1 GAMURIUNI, E. Istoria gcnealogica delle famiglie nobili toscane, et vmbre. Fiorenza, 1668-S5. 5v. f *2741.1 Shelf. No. GAND, N. Code des Strangers, ou [leur] <5tat civil et politique en France. Paris, 1853. 8 ... 3637.4 GANDELLINI. /S'ee Gori-Gandellini. GANDINI, F. Viaggi in Italia. 2a ed. Cremona, 1833-36. 9v. 8 *2765.1 GANDOLFI, G. Sulla dentizione del BUS scrofa; Cenni di confronto tra le malattie dell'uomo e dei bruti ; Su i temperament! degli ani- mal! domestic!. [Opuscoli scientiflci, v.l, 2] 3911.5 GANDY, J. P. Pompeiana. See Gell, Sir W. . . 2735.1 GANGANELLI, G. V. A. L. See Clement XIV. GANGES. Fraser, J. B. Tour to the source of the. 3041.3 Hamilton, F. Fishes found in the 3900.15 GANILH, C. Dictiounaire d'economie politique. Paris, 1826. 8 3683.5 Inquiry into various systems of political economy, transl. by D. Boileau. New York, 1812. 8 3043.9 Th6orie de 1'economie politique. Paris, 1815. 2r. 8 3642.17 GANNAL, J N. Inhalation of chlorine in con- sumption, transl. by W. H. Potter. Lon- don, 1830. pp. 93. 8" 3794.16 Le conservateur. See Careme, A 4006.3 GANNETT, E. S. Address at the funeral of Rev. W. E. Channing. Boston, 1842. 8 ... *Pph.v.265 Address at the installation of Rev. D. Fos- dick. See Putnam, G Pph.v.272 Discourse on thanksgiving day, Dec. 2d, 1830. Boston, 1830. 8 *Pph.v.257 Faith of the Unitarian Christian explained, justified, and distinguished : a discourse. Boston, 1845. 8 *Pph.v.209 Objects, subjects, and methods of the ministry at large : a discourse. Boston, 1848. 8. *Pph.v.269 Religion of politics: a sermon. Boston, 1842. 8" *Pph.v.269 Sermon after the death of Rev. W. E. Chan- ning. Boston, 1842. 8 *Pph.v.265 Sermon at the funeral of Hon. Charles Paine. Northfleld, 1853. 8 Pph.v.200 Sermon before the fatherless and widow's society, Oct. 28, 1849. Boston, 1849. 8'. *Pph.v.305 GANOT, A. Traite elementaire de physique, et de meteorologie. 6e ed. Paris, 1856. 12 ... 3965.7 GARATONI, G. Excursus ad Verrinas ; D. Stroc- chii de vita G. Garatonii commentarius. [Opuscoli letterarii, v.l J 2792.2 GARBET, S. History of Wem[etc.] Wem,1818. 8. 2502.8 GARBETT, J. Dr. Pusey and the university of Oxford : a letter. 2d ed. Lond. 1843. .*Pph.v.l38 GAKBO, D. del. Comento sulla canzone, Donna mi prega, ec. See Cavalcanti, G 2794.6 GARBO, F. del. Lettere. [Dati. Prose tiorentine, v.15] 2787.1 GARCIA, B. La zingana, commedia. [Teatro mo- derno applaudito, v.47] 2768.1 GARCIA, G. Origen de los Indies de el nuevo mundo, e Indias occidentales. 2a imp. Mad- rid, 1729. f *2360.27 GARCIAS. Epistola ad Olivam episcopum. [Migne. Patrologise, v.141] 3460.20 GARCILASO de la Vega. See Vega. GARCIN de Tassy, J. II. S. V. Histoirc de la lit- terature hindoui et hindoustani. Paris, 1839-47. 2v. 8. [Oriental transl. fund, 51.] *3032.3 Rudimens de la langue hindoustani. Paris, 1829. 4 3032.2 GARDEN, J. History of Henry III, king of France. London, 1783. 8 2047.7 GARDENING. Bailly, C. F. Nouveau manuel com- plet du jardinier 4003.29 Bonuefons, N. de. French gardiner 4003.32 Chambers, Sir W. Dissertation on orient. G. 3991.1 Hovey, C. M. Magazine of horticulture . . 5877.1 S'ee Ghent. Journal d'horticulture de Gand. 3851.12 Lawrence, J. Art of 3992.26 Lindley, J. Theory of horticulture .... 3852.14 See London hortic. soc. Catalogue of fruits. 3S32.8 Loudon, J. C. Encyclopaedia of 3S34.7 GARDENING 307 GARTH Shelf. No. GARDENING, continued. See Mass, horticultural soc. Transactions . 3992.1 Miller, P. Gardener's dictionary 3830.1 - General system of 3881.1 Pap worth, , I. B. Hints on ornamental G. . 4003.1 Ke, F. II giardiniere avviato nell' esercizio della sua professione 3993.13 - L'ortolano dirozzato 3992.25 - Manuale del giardiniere florista 4003.27 Whatcly, T. Modern G 3993.18 See alale. See Stein, G. W 3771.0 GASCOIGNE, G. Princely pleasures at Kcnilworth castle, 1575, with memoir and notes. Lon- don, 1821. 10 2520.32 Delicate diet for daintie mouthde droonkards. [Waldron. Literary museum] 2557.14 Life and poems. [Chalmers. English poets] v.2of 2592.7 GASKELL,, M. Copy of his letter to the chairman of his committee, Mar. 28, 1832. WakeQeld, [Eng.] 1832. 8 *Pph.v.30C GASOMETRY. See Buusen, 11. G. E 3975.5 GASPAR da Vcrono. Vita Pauli II pontificis. [Muratori. Rerum Ital. script, v. 3, pt.2] . 2710.1 GASPARIN, A. E. de. Esclavage et traite. Paris, 1838. 8 3572.22 GASPARINI, F. L'armonico pratico al cimbalo, spinetta ed org. 4a imp. Venezia, 1745. 4". *4050.2 Magnificat a 4 voci 5 Missa a 4 voci. [Dehn. Practischc Musik-Werke, v.20] 4051.14 GASSENDI, P. Opera omnia. Florentiae, 1727. Gv. f *3910.3 Contents. Vol. I. Syntagma philosophicum in quo capita prxcipua totius philosophic edisseruntur. Para 1. Logica. Pars 2. Do rebus naturae universe; De rebus coelestibus. II. De rebus terrcnis inanimis; Do rebus terrenis viventibus, seu de animalibus; Ac- cessit pars tertia qua? est ethica, sive de moribus. HI. Opuscula philosophica ; Phtlosophiaa Epicuri syntagma; Exercitationes paradoxical udversus Aris- toteleos; Fluddana; philosophia? examen; Disquisitio metapliysica advcrsus Cartesiuin; Epistolaad librum Herbert! deveritate; De apparente magnitudine soils humilis, ct sublimis ; DC motu impresso a motore translate; De proportionc, qua gravia dcuidcntia ac- celerantur; DC parheliis, scu solibusiv. spuriis Ilomaa visis. IV. Astronomica: Institutioastrouomicacum oratione inaugural! ; Observationes ccelcstes; Mcr- curiusin sole visus, et Venus iuvisa; Novem stolla) circa Jovera visa?; Solstitialis altitudo Massilicnsis. V. Miscellanea: Diogcnis Laiirtii liber X cum nova interpretatione, et notis; Vita Epicuri, Peircskii, Ty- chonis Brahei, Copernici, Peurbachii, et Regiomon- tani; Abacus sestertialis, seu dc valore autiquas moncta; ad nostrum redactas ; Romauum calendarium compendiose expositum; Manuductio ad thcoriam musices; Notitia ecclesiaj Diniensis. VI. EpistolaD, quibus accesserunt clarissimorum quorumdam ad ipsum epistohe, ct responsa. Institutio astronomica, cui accesserunt Gal. Galilei nuncius sidereus et Joh. Kepleri di- optrice. 3a ed. Londini, 1G83. 8 . . .**E.189.1G Kalendarium Romanum compendiose expos- itum. [Gramus. Thes. antiq. Rom. v.8] . 2950.1 GASSETT, H. Catalogue of books on the anti-ma- sonic institution. Bost. 1852. S**E. 224. 20*2176.1 GASSMANN, F. L. Gradualc, Eripe me Domine, 4 voci con organo ; Graduate, Unam petii a Domino, 4 voc. con organo ; Stabat mater a 4 voc. con orgauo. [Dehn. Practische Mu- sik-Werke, v.24] 4051.14 Shelf. No. GASSNER, F. S. Universal-Lexicon der Tonkunst. Neue Ausg. Stuttgart, 1849. 4 *4042.20 GASTINES, Chevalier des. Memoircs du, par S. Grivcl. [Gamier. Voy. imag. v.7-9] . . . 2000.1 GA8TON, J. B., due d'Orleans. Memoires, 1008- 38. [Michaud. Coll. mem. histoire France. SeT.2,v.9] 2011.1 - Same. [Petitot. Coll. mem. hist. France. Sdr.2, v.31] 2035.1 GASTON, W. Address before the societies of the college of N. Jersey. Princeton, 1835. 8.*Pph.v.94 Speech on the bill to authorize a loan of twenty-five millions of dollars, Feb. 1814. Washington, [1814]. 12 *Pph.v.205 GASTRELL, F. Notitia Cestricnsis. Ed. by F. R. Raines. Cheshire, Lancashire, 1845-50. 2v. sm.4. [Chetham soc. 8, 19, 21, 22] . . *2415.5 GASTRIC juice. Beaumont, W. Experiments and observations on the 37G5.4 Dorsey, J. S. Lithontriptic virtues of . M. Pph. v. 4 See also: Digestion, Indigestion. GASTRITIS. De gastritide chronica . . . . M. Pph. v. 114 GATAKER,T. Opera critica. Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1698. f *2920.2 Contents. Dissertatio de Novi Instrument! stylo; Cinnus, sive adversaria miscellanea; Adversaria mis- cellanea posthuma; Marci Aiitonini impcratoria de rebus suis libri xii. commcntario perpctuo cxplicati ; De diphthongis, sive uivocalibus; DC nomine tctra- grammato Jehovah; De baptismo infantium. GATARI, A. di. Chronicon Patavinum, 1311-1406. [Muratori. Rcrum Ital. script.] . .v.!7of 2710.1 GATES, G. Trial at Albany general sessions, for intent to defraud. [Albany,] n.d. 8 . . *Pph.v.94 GATHY, A. Musikalischcs Conversations-Lexi- con. Leipzig, 1835. 8 *4040.20 GATRUCIIE, P. Mathematics totius institutio. Cantabrigise, 1008. 12 **E.199.27 GAU,F. C. Neu cntdekte Denkmiiler von Nubien. Stuttgart, 1822. Atl. f ' . *D.4. J GAUBIL, A. Traite de la chronologic chinoise. See Memoires de la Chine 3023.2 GAUDENTIUS. Introductio harmonica. See Mei- bomius, M 4055.6 GAUDENTIUS, St. See Guillon, M. !S T . S. Biblio- theque des peres . . . v.ll of 3499.30, v.8 of 3508.2 Tract atus vel sermones. [3Iigne. Patro- logiaev.20] 3440.14 GAUDET, J. See Dufau, P. A. GAUDIN, M. M. C., due de Gaete. Memoires, etc. Paris, 1820. 2v. 8. [Berville et Barriere. Mems. rel alarev. frang. 48, 49] *4C55.8 GAUFRED. Pars altera chronic! Lemovicensis. [Bouquet. Recueil,] v.lSof 2010.1 GAUFRED Malaterra. See Malaterra, G. GAUFRID, abbot of Clairvaux. Declamationes de colloquio Simonis cum Jcsu, ex S. Bernardi sermonibus collectae ; Vitae S. Bernardi ab- batisClarae-Vallensis, etc.; Sermo, Libellus, Epistolae. [Migne. Patrol, v.184, 185]. v.3,4of 3470.9 GAUFRID, bp. of Chalons, 1142. Epistohe et diplo- mata. [Migne. Patrologiae v.173] .... 3470.2 GAUFRID, of Beaulieu. Vita Ludovici IX. [Bou- quet. Recueil] v.20 of 2010.1 GAUFRID, of Neustria. Epistolae et variorum ad ipsum. [Migne. Patrologiae v.205] .... 3470.27 GAUFRID, the gross. Vita Bernardi. [Migne. Pa- trologiae v.172] 3470.1 GAUGING. Lubbock,J. W. On cask-gaging . . 3925.27 GAUL. Barbazan, E. Dissertation sur la langue des Gaulois 2680.3 Bouquet, M. Recueil des historiens de la Gaule 2010.1 Ca:sar, C. J. Commentarii de bello Gallico . 2912.3 Fauchet, C. L'origine des choses advenves en Gavle 2631.6 Fauriel, C. C. Gaule meridionale sous la domination des conquerants Germains . . 2037.4 Pownall, T. Antiquities of the provincia Ro- manaof 2631.2 GAUL 309 GED Shelf. No. GAUL, continued, Walckenaer, C. A. Geographic des Gaules cisalpine et transalpine 2633.2 See also : France. GAULE, La, poe'tique. See Marchangy, M. de . . 2637.5 GAULTER, H. Malignant cholera in Manchester. London, 1833. 8 3805.15 GAURArADA. Commentary on the Sankhya phi- losophy. See Iswara Krishna 3011.8 GAUKICO, P. De sculptura, sive statuaria. [Gro- novius. Thesaurus Grace, antiq. v.9] . . . 2900.2 GAUSLIXUS. Epistolae; Sermo de S. Martiali. [Migne. Patrologiae v.141, 142] 3460.20,21 GAUSS, C. F. Bestimmung des Breitenunter- schiedes zwischea den Sternwarten von Giittingen und Altona. Gottingen, 1828. 4 **E.180.23 Demonstratio nova theorematis omnem func- tionem algcbraicam rationalem integram unius variabilis in factores reales primi vel secundi gradus resolvi posse. Helmstadii, 1799. 4 **E.180.23 - Same. Getting, 1816. pp.84. 4 . . **E.180.23 Determinatio attractionis quam exerceret planeta. Gottingse, 1818. 4 **E.180.23 Methodus nova integralium valores per ap- proximationem inveniendi. Gottingae, 1815. pp.40. 4 **E.186.23 Methode des moindres Carre's, trad, par J. Bertrand. Paris, 1855. 8 3925.13 Principia gcneralia theoria? flgurae fluidorum in statu sequilibrii. Gottingae, 1&30. 4 . **E. 180.23 Recherches arithmetiques, trad, par A. C. M. Poullet-Delisle. Paris, 1807. 4 ... . **E.193.15 Theorematis fundamentalis in doctrina de residuis quadraticis demonstrat. et amplia- tionesnova3. Gottingse, 1818. pp.20. 4 . **E. 180.23 Theoria combinationis observationum errori- bus minimis obnoxiae. Gottingse, 1823. 4.**E.180.23 Theoria motus corporum coelestium. Ham- burgi, 1809. 4 **E.185.2 - Same. Transl. by C. H. Davis. Boston, 1857. 4 3921.3 GAUSSELM. Epistola. [Migne. Patrologiaev.IGG]. 3400.40 GAUTHEY, E. M. De la construction des ponts. [2e6d. ofT. 1.] Paris, 1813, 1832. 2v. 4. *4011.1 Mcmoires sur les canaux de navigation. Paris, 1816. 4 *4011.2 General principles of construction, etc. "Weale. Theory of bridges 4014.2 GAUTHIER, A. Hist, du somnambulisme. Paris, 1842. 2v. 8 3488.7 GAUTHIER, P. Les plus beaux edifices dc Genes. Paris, 1818. f *29.D.l GAUTHIEU do Sibert. Momoire relatif a 1'exis- tence du tiers-etat sous les deux premieres races. [Leber. Coll. diss. hist. France, v.5] 2618.1 Observations supplementaircs sur les titres de dues, comtes et inarquis. [Leber. Coll. diss. hist. France, v.G] 2618.1 GAUTTIER-DUPORT, P. H. Positions geographi- quesdeterminees en 1816-18 dans la Mediter- ranee, 1'Adriatique et dans 1'Archipel. [Paris,] n.d. 8 **E.110.53 GAVARD, H. Traite" complet d'osteologie. 2e e"d. Paris, 1794. 2v. in 1. 8 3753.9 GAVIN, H. Unhealthiness of London, 1847. 8 . 3707.30 GAY, Ebenezer. Character of a good ruler, and the duty of an obliged people: sermon preached before W. Shirley. Boston. 1745. 8 *3457.53 Discourse on the transcendent glory of the gospel. Boston, 1728. 8 *3457.44 Pillar of salt to season a corrupt age : a ser- mon. Boston, 1728. 8 *3457.44 Sermon on individual responsibility. Boston, 1842. 8 *Pph.v.2C9 Sermon preach'd at the funeral of the Eev. John Hancock. Boston, 1744. 8 *3457.31 Shelf. No. GAY, J. Works. London, 1772. 3v. 12 .... 2569.22 Contents. Vol. I. Rural sports; The fan; The shepherd's week; Trivia; The what d'ye call it, a farce. II. Epistles; Tales; Eclogues; Miscellanies j Dione, a pastoral tragedy. III. Fables. Poems. 2v. 16. [Johnson. English poets]. v.41,42of*2589.3 Contents. Vol. I. Rural sports; The fan; Shep- herd's week; Trivia; Epistles, i.-xiv.; Eclogues; Elegies; Songs and ballads; Miscellanies; Wine; Acis and Galatea; Translations. II. Tales; Fables; Duke upon duke; Dione, a pastoral tragedy, Poems and life. [Chalmers. English poets]. v.lOof 2592.7 Beggar's opera. 6th ed. London, 1749. 8 . 2505.4 - Same. [Cumberland. British drama,v.8]. E.2-"J.7 Distressed wife : a comedy. 2d ed. London, 1750. 8 2565.4 GAY, M. A statement of claims of C. T. Jackson to discovery of applicability of sulphuric ether to the prevention of pain in surgical operations. Boston, 1847. 8. . *M.Pph.v. 42,46 GAYANGOS, P. de. Kings of Granada from the conquest of the Arabs to the expulsion of the Moors. [Crystal palace library] . . . 4089.37 GAYE, G. Carteggio inedito d'artisti dei secoli xiv, xv, xvi. Firenze, 1839-40. 3v. 8 . . 4072.1 GAYOT de Pitaval. See Pitaval. GAZA, T. De mensibus Atticis. [Gronovius. The- saurus Graec. antiq. v.9] 2900.2 Grammatics institutionis libri duo. [Eras- mus. Opera, v.l] 2920.3 GAZATA, S. and P. di. Chronicon Regiense, 1272- 1388. [Muratori. Rcrum Ital. script.] v.!7of 2720.1 GAZETTE des hGpitaux. See Lancette frangaise. . 3760.2 GAZICTTE nationale. See Moniteur. GAZETTEER. Baldwin, T. Universal pronounc- ing G 2284.3 Brookes, R. General G E. 205. 13 Brown, J. N. Missionary G. by B. B. Ed- wards 3481.1 Bryce, J. Library G 22s:',.l Charlton, E. A. G. of New Hampshire . . . 23S1.2 Clark, B. British G 2480.4 Cotton, H. Typographical G 2113.3 Darby, W. G. of the United States . . . . E.2a-,.l Earnshaw, C. G. of the world 2^1.5 Hayward, J. G. of Massachusetts 2383.4 - New England G E. 205. 15 Johnston, A. K. G. of the world 2284.1 McCulloch, J. R. Geographical dictionary of the world 2284.2 Malham,J. Naval G 2v!,<>.6 Martin, J. G. of Virginia 2:!HS.i Maunder, S. Universal G 2585.23 Morse, J. American G 2280.4 - G. of the eastern continent 2-.'- : <>.."i Parliamentary G. of England and Wales . . 2481.1 Parliamentary G. of Ireland 2481.2 Salmon, T. Modern universal G 2v.'sn.7 Spafford, H. G. G. of New York 2388.10 Thornton, E. G. of India 3035.1 Worcester, J. E. Universal G E.205.2 GAZETTEER of France, including 40,000 places. London, 1793. 3v. 12' 2034.7 GAZETTEER'S interpreter. Part 1, 2. 5th ed. Lon- don, 1724. 2v.ini. 12 2289.12 GAZOLA, G. B. Elogio di san F. Neri. [Elogj italiani, v.7] 2743.15 GEBAUER, C. E. Kunde des Samlandes. Konigs- berg,1844. 8 2836.8 GEBELIN, A. Court de. See Court de Gebelin, A. GEBHARD. Epistola ad Hcrmannum pro Grcgorio VII pontif. Rom. [Migne. Patrologia? V.148] 3460.26 GEBIIARDT, J. G. Die schiidlichsten Feld-Wald- und Obstbaum-Insekten. Hannov. 1834. 8. 3897.8 GEBUIN. Epistola ad Rodulphum Turoneusem. [Migne. Patrologia: v.147] 3400.25 GED, W. Biographical memoirs. Lond. 1781. 8.*2113.13 OEDDES 310 GENET Shelf. No. GEDDES, Memoirs of the life and writings of. See Good, J. M 2447.13 GEK, J. Sermon after the death of Cotton Mather. Boston, 1728. 8 *345S.93 Trade and navigation of Great Britain consid- ered. Cth ed. Glasgow, 1700. 12 3648.24 GEEK, C. v. Zur Geschichte derlnsekten, aus d. Franzos. Leipzig, 1770-83. 7v. 4 .... *3893.1 GEGENWART, Die. Encyclopiidische Darstellung dor neuesten Zcitgeschichte. Leipzig, 1848- 1856. 12v. 8 *A.126.2 GEHENNA, Scriptural import of the word. Bal- four,W 3453.2 GEHLEK, J. 8. T. Physikalisches Worterbuch. Leipzig, 1825-45. 20v. 8. Atlas. Iv. 4 . *3984.1 GEIBEL, E. Gedichte. 39 Aufl. Berlin, 1855. 16 . 2887.3 GEIER, 11. Alexandri M. historicorum scrip- tores setate suppares. Ed. R. Geier. Lipsiae, 1844. 8 2963.10 Contents. Prolegomena; Ptolemseus Lagida; Aris- tobulus Cassandrensis; Onesicritus Astypalaeensis ; Nearchus Cretensis; Clitarchus ^Eolensis; Callis- thcncs Olynthiusj Anaximanes Lampsaccnus; Cha- res Mytilenasus; EphippusOlynthius; Marsyas Pel- Iseus; Androsthenes Thasius, Medius Larissseus et Cyrsilus Pharsalius; Ephcmerides rcgiae ct itincra- rium Alexandri M. GEIGER, P. L. Pharmaceutische Zoologic [u. Reg- ister zum Handb. d. Pharm.] 2te Aufl. YOU C. Marquart. Heidelberg, 1839. 8 .... 3784.15 GEINITZ, H. B. Grundriss der Vcrsteincrungs- kunde. Dresden u. Leipzig, 1846. gr.8 . 3861.6 and Gutbier, A. v. Versteinerungen des Zech- steingcbirges und Rothliegenden in Sach- sen. Dresden u. Leip. 1848-49. 2v. in 1. 4. 3860.23 GEISSLER, C. A. Bibliographiscb.es Handbuch der philologischen Literatur der Deutschen. 3tte Aufl. Leipzig, 1845. 8" *2174.7 GELASIUS, I. pope. Epistolae. [Migne. Patrologiae v.50] v. 3 of 3440. 25 Epistolae decretales. [Migne. Patrologiae v. 84] v. 4 of 3450. 16 Epistolae et decreta. [Migne. Patrologiae v.59] 3450.1 Sacramentarium Gelasianum. [Migne. Pa- trologia; v.74] v.2of3450.13 GELASIUS II, .pope. Epistolse et privilegia. [Migne. Patrologiasv.103] 3460.38 GELATI di Bologna, Aceademia dei. See Bologna. GELBCKE, F. A. Octavianus magnus, ein satyri- sches Gedicht. Hamburg, 1840. 8 .... *4049.24 GELDER, J. de. Grondbeginselen der Cijfferkunst. Rotterdam, 1793. 8 **E.197.6 GELL, Sir W. Geography and antiquities of Ith- aca. London, 1807. 4 *3071.4 Itineraire de Moree, trad, de 1' Anglais. Paris, 1828. 8 3075.3 Topography of Rome. New ed. by E. H. Bun- bury. London, 1846. 8 2736.5 and Gandy, J. P. Pompeiana. 3d ed. Lon- don, 1852. 8 2735.1 GELLI, A. Vita del F. M. Zanotti. Zanotti.F.M. 3587.27 GELLI, G. B. Opere. Firenze, 1855. 12 4776.15 Contents. Awertenzn ; Delia vita e delle opere di G. B. Gelli; Bibliografla delle opere di G. B. Gelli; Orazione di M. Capli nella morte di G. B. Gelli ; La Circe, dialoghi dieci ; I capriccl del bottajo, ragiona- menti ; Ragionamento eulla lingua; Commedie; Lettere; Poesie. Lezione. [Dati. Prose fiorentine, v.9] . . . 2787.1 Lettere. [Dati. Prose fiorentine, v.14] . . 2787.1 GELLIUS, A. Noctes Atticae. recens. etc. A. Lion. Gottingse, 1824. 2v. 8 2926.13 De soloecismo. [Autori del ben parlare. Parte2] 3590.10 GELZER, II. Die drei letzten Jahrhunderte der Schweizergeschichte. Aarau und Thun, 1838-39. 2v. 8 2828.9 Life of Luther, with a sketch of the reforma- tion. London, 1853. 1.8 3554.1 Shelf. No. GEMS of the ancients. Bartoli, P. S. Museum Odescalchum 4070.12 Corsi, F. Trattato dcllo pietre antiche . . . 3SG5.19 Hebenstreit, J. E. De gemmis scalptis . . 5860.21 GENEALOGY. Barrington, A. American and Eng- lish G. simplified 2430.12 Farmer, J. Genealogical register 2335.2 Genealogical register. See New England . . 2335.1 Holgate, J. B. American G 2330.3 Nichols, J. G. Collectanea genealogica . . . 2485.1 - The genealogist 2486.1 Sims, R. Manual for the genealogist .... 2484.6 See also : Surnames, and the list of families whose genealogy has been published, Namely: Applcton, Blake, Bradford, Bright, Cushman, Davenport, Day, Drake, Dudley, Goodwin, (including Blukcman, Case, Chester, Clark, Dwight, Edwards, Goodrich, Gurley, llollister, Hopkins, Ingcrsoll, Jones, Judson, Kent, Lord, Mather, Metcalf, Mygate, Nott, Porter, Sedgwick, Smith, Spencer, Stone, Starrs, Treat, Ward, Webster, Welles, Whiting, Worthington,) Haven, Ilodges, Kilbourne, Lane, Lawrence, Leon- ard, Leverett, Locke, Medford families, Neal, Otin, Prentiss, Rawson, Reyner, Rice, Rockwood, Shat- tuck, Shurtleff, Sprague, Stetson, Swett, Thaycr, (in- cluding Adams, Alden, Arnold, Bass, Billings, Ca- pen, Copeland, French, llobart, Jackson, Paine, Wales, White,) Turner, Vinton, (including Adams, Alden, Allen, Baldwin, Boylston, Carpenter, Faxon, French, Green, Hayden, llolbrook, Mills, Niles, Penniman, Putnam, Richardson, Safford, Thayer, White,) Ward, Warren, Whipple, Wight, Willard, Williams. GENELLI, H. C. Das Theater zu Athen. Berlin u. Leipzig, 1818. 4 2952.17 GENERAL collection of treatys, etc. 1648-1730. Lon- don, 1710-32. 4v. 8" 3688.5 GENERAL deluge, The: a poem. n.p. n.d. 8 . *Pph.Y.311 GENERAL repository and review, v.1-4. Cam- bridge, 1812-13. 4v. 8 *3184.2 - Same. 4v. in 2 **E.226.2 GENERATION. Coste, J. J. M. C. V. Recherches sur la generation des mammiferes 3880.5 Couper, R. Mode of impregnation 3776.13 - Modern theories of , . . 3776.14 Flourens, M. J. P. Cours sur la generation . 3882.1 Harvey, W. De generatione animalium . . 3879.30 - G. of living creatures 3879.26 Highmore.N. History of 3879.29 Mann.R. J. Philosophy of reproduction . . 3879.28 Oken, L. Die Zeugung 3886.15 Pouchet, F. A. Ovulation spontanee, etc. . 3886.20 Wagner, R. Prodromus historiae generationis hominis atque animalium 3750.8 Ziegler, G. L. Zur Lehre von der Zeugung. 3884.5 See also : Embryology, Reproduction, Sterility. GENERATIONS, On the alternation of. Steenstnip, J. J. S 3824.15 GENERATIVE and urinary organs. Civiale, J. Traite" sur les maladies des organes genito- nrinaires 3740.56 Evans, J. Ulcerations of the .... M.Pph.v.88 Lallemand, C. F. Maladies des 3740.46 See also : Bladder, Calculus, Diabetes, Fistula in perineo, Flnor albus, Gravel, Kidney. Leuccorhoea, Prostate gland, Testicles, Testis, Urethra, Venereal diseases. GENEROUS choice, The: a comedy. Manning, F. 2575.23 GENESEE county, N. T. Observations on the dis- eases of. Ludlow, E. G M.Pph.v.110 GENESIS. Calvin, J. Commentaries on 5494.3 Fuller, A. Expository discourses on .... 3426.1 See also: Bible. GENESIUS, J. [De rebus Constantinopolitanis, 813-886.] Bonnae, 1834. 8. [Corpus script, hist. Byz. v.22] *2969.1 GENEST, C. C. Penelope. [Theatre des autenrs du second ordre. Tragedies, v.l] 2640.19 GENET, E. C. Address on science, useful knowl- edge, public improvements, finances, etc. Albany, 1825. 8" *Pph.v.58 GENET 311 GEOGRAPHY Shelf. No. GENET, E. C. continued. Address on the means of opening new sources of wealth for the northern states. Troy, 1S21. 8 *Ppli.v.30 Correspondence between citizen Genet and the officers of the federal government, [etc.] Philadelphia, 1793. 4 *Pph.v.326 Letter to the electors of president and vice president. New York, 1808. 8 *Pph.v.8 Memorial on the upward forces of fluids. Al- bany, 1825. 8 *Pph.Y.60 Obstructions at the head of the Hudson. , Albany, 1818. 8 *Pph.v.47 Vindication of Mr. Genet's memorial on the upward forces of fluids. New Haven, 1827. 8 *Pph. v.C7 GENEVA, Switzerland. Bibliotheque universelle de Geneve. See Bibliotheque 5218.1 Gaberel, J. Rousseau et les Genevois . . . 4GG7.10 - Voltaire et les Genevois 4007.11 Lemercier, A. Church history of 3528.19 - Geographical and political account of . . 2834.12 Saussure, H. B. de. Essai sur 1'histoire na- turcllc des environs de Geneve 3817.5 GENEVA, N. T. Circular and catalogue of Geneva college. [No title-page.] *M.Pph.v.33 Catalogue of Geneva college, 1820, 1838-09, 1841HW. Geneva, N. Y. 1827-46. 8" .... *Pph.v.09, 129, 144, 152*M.Pph.v.33 Catalogue of the medical instit. in Geneva college, 1835-47, 1850. Geneva and Roches- ter, 1835-49. 8 . . *M. Pph.v.30, 33, 34, 37^1, 43, 45 Medical institution in Geneva college. Let- ter of the board of professors to the board of trustees, on the rights and relations of the two boards. Geneva, 1843. 8". . *M.Pph.v.39 Controversy between the mod. institution and the trustees. Spencer, T M.Pph.v.39 GENIUS. Bethune, G. W. Address on. . . . Pph.v.101 Linn, J. B. Tho power of genius : a poem. 2409.3 GENLIS, E. F. D. de St. A. B. Handbok for re- sande, eller: Manuel du voyageur, en quatre langues. [Ed. by F. D. D. Ulrich.] Norr- koping u. Leipsic, 1807. 8 **E.207.8 Memoires inedits. Paris, 18:25. lOv. 8 . . 2058.8 La curiosa, commedia. [Teatro moderno ap- plaudito, v.17] 2768.1 GENNADIUS, Liber de er.clesiasticis dogmatibus ; Liber de scriptoribus ecclesiasticis. [Migne. Patrologiaev.58] 3440.27 GENNARELLI, A. La moneta primitiva e i monu- mcnti dell' Italia antica. Roma, 1843. 4 . *2730.3 La vita d' E. Duiii cd un discorso Bull' opere del medesimo. Duni, E 3022.1 and Mazio, P. II saggiatore, giornale romano. Roma, 1844-40. 6v. 8 *5146.10 GENNARI, G. Lcttere. [Raccoltadi prose e lettere nel sccolo XVIII, v.3] 2707.2 GENOA. Carbone, G. Compendio della storia ligure 2739.5 Ccvasco. Statistique de Genes 2764.11 Conqueste de Gennes, 1507. [Lafaist. Arch. hist. Fr. Ser. 1, v.2] 2617.1 Descrizione di 2761.3 Fanucci, G. B. Storia dei Genovesi 2722.4 Gauthier, P. Les plus beaux edifices de la ville de Genes 29.D.1 Marana. Dialogue de GSnes etd'Algers, villes foudroyees par Louis XIV 4659a.8 Serra, G. La storia di Geneva 2727.3 GENOUILLAC, H. G. de. Dictionnaire des ordres dc chevalerie. Paris, 1854. 12 2233.4 GENOVESI, A. Diceosina o sia filosofia del giusto e dell' oncsto. Milano, 1831. 2v. 16 ... 3587.25 Gli clementi dell' arte logico-critica, ridotti a diulogo da G. Mauzoni. Parma, 1843. 10". 3007.15 Medhazioui filosofiche su la religione e su la morale. Milano, 1840. 10 3447.41 Lettere. . [Raccolta di prose c lettere nel eecolo XVIII, v.3] 2707.2 Shelf. No. GENOVESI, A. continued. Lezioni di economia civile. [Economist! class. itnl. v. 14-10] 3644.1 GENT, T. Life of Mr. Thomas Gent, written by himself. London, 1832. 8 2455.2 GENTII, F. A. Researches on the ammonia-cobalt bases. [Smithsonian contrib. v.9, art. 5]. 3340.1 GENTILI, A. De actoribus et spcctatoribus fabula- rum non notandis. [Gronovius. Thesau- rus Graec. antiq. v.8] 2900.2 GENTLEMAN, The compleat. See Peacham, H. . 4089.5 GENTLEMAN'S magazine, v.l 207. London, 1731- 1859. 202v. 8" *3115.1 - General index, 1731-1780, by S. Ayscough. London, 1818. 2v. 8 *3205.2 - General index, v.3, 4. 1787-1818 incl., with introd. by J. Nichols. Loud. 1821. 2v. 8. *3205.3 - List of plates and wood-cuts, 1731-1818 incl., [by C. St. Barbe.] London, 1821. 8. *3205.4 Selection of curious articles from the. Walk- er, J 2556.2 GENTLEMAN'S religion, with an appendix. Oth ed. London, 1737. 12 3459.22 GENTY de Bussy, P. De 1'etablissement des Fran- cais dans la regence d'Alger. 2e ed. Paris, 1839. 2v. 8 4652.4 GENTZ, F. T. Schriften. Von G. Schlesicr. Mann- heim, 1838-1840. 5v. 8 2900.4 Contents. Vol. I. Bricfe und vertraute Blatter. II., III. Kleinere Schriften [politis.hen Inhalt's]. IV. Brief w echsel zwischeu Gentz und Johai.nea v. Miiller, mil cinein Anhang vermischtcr Briefe. V. Ungedruckte Denkschriiten, Tagebucher und Briefe. England und Spanien, [1803, 4.] St. Peters- burg, 1806. sm.8 3102.7 GEOFFREY, of Monmouth. British history, transl. by A. Thompson. New ed. by J. A. Giles. London, 1S42. 8 2412.7 GEOFFUOY, E. L. Histoire des insectes aux envi- rons de Paris. Paris, 1762. 2v. 4 .... *3892.6 Histoire abregee des insectes. Nouv.ed. Paris, 1799. 2v. 4 *3890.10 GEOFFROY, J. L. Cours de litterature dramatique. 2e <5d. Paris, 1825. 6v. 8 2670.31 GEOFFUOY de Clairvaux. Vie de St. Bernard. [Gnizot. Coll. mem. hist. Fr. v. 10] . . . . 2618.2 GEOFFROY Saint-Hilaire, E. Philosophic ana- tomique. Paris, 1818. 4" 3903.5 and I. Expedition de la Moree. See France. 3070.8 GEOFFROY SnVct-Hilairc, I. Histoire generate et particmiere des anomalies de 1'organisation. Atlas. Paris, 1832-30. 4v. 8 3778.29 Description des collections recueillies dans I 1 Indc. See Jacqucmont, V 3040.2 GEOGIIEGAN, E. On the treatment of the venereal disease. London, 1814. 8 *M.Pph.v.71 GEOGRAPIII Graeci minores. Ed. C. Mullerus. Vol. I. et tabula;. Parisiis, 1855. 2v. 1.8. [Didot. Biblioth. Gr. 33] *3002.12 Contents. Vol.1. Hannonis Carthaginiensis peri- plus: Seylaeis, ut fertur, pcriplus; Oicacarchi, ut t'er- tur, pericgesis; Agatharchidis .:; Nouer N'ckrolog der Deutschen &09.5 Osten, W. A. von der. Feldziige der alliir- ten Armec, 1757-62 2824.15 Ozanam, A. F. Les Germains avant le christ- ianisme 2817.4 Pelet, J. J. G. Mc'moires sur la guerre de 1809, en Allemagne 4059.3 Plotho, C. v. Der Kricg in Deutschland uud Frankreioh, 1S13, 1814 4649.5 Piitter, .J. S. Political constitution of. . . 2816.2 Schilter, J. Thesaurus autiquitatiim .... 2810.4 Schlichtegroll, A. U. F. Nekrolog der Deut- schcn, fiir das ICte Jahrhundert 2S49.1 Sporschil, J. Freiheitskriege der Deutschen, 1813, 1814, 1815 2819.4 - Der Dreissigjiihrige Krieg 2819.5 Wietcrsheim, E. v. Zur Vorgeschichte dcut- scher Nation 2836.13 Zoepfl, H. Deutsche Staats-und Rechtsge- schichte 3610.10 German language. Adelung, J. C. Worterbuch der lioeh- deutschen Mundart 2882.1 Antonini, A. Dizionario italiano-tedesco . E.205.3 Baden, J. TydskogDansk Ordbog 2884.6 Bosworth, J. Origin of the Germanic lan- ^guages 2583.2 Campe, J. H. Worterbuch der deutschcn Sprachc 2881 1 Ebers, J. Dictionary of the German and English languages E. 203.5 Shelf. No. GERMANY, continued. Elwell, W. O. Dictionary of the English and German languages 2884.13 Follen, C. T. C. Deutsches Lesebuch fUr An- fanger E.228.7 - Grammar of the German language . . E.209.6 Graff, E. G. Althochdeutscher Sprachschatz. 2884.1 Hcinsius, T. Worterbuch der deutschen Sprache 2883.1 Jordcns, C. H. Lexikon deutscher Dichter u. Prosaisten 2156.1 Leo, II. Zur Geschichte der deutschen Sprache 2883.2 Ludwig, C. Deutsch-engl. Worterbuch . . E.203.3 - English, German, and French dictionary. E.203.4 Mcidinger, J. V. Dictionnaire portatif fran- (Ois-allcmaiid,etc 2884.9 - Nicuwe hoogduitsche Spraakkunst . . E.207.2 Moziu, 1'abbe. Diet, de la langue allemande . 2('v-J.l Neunian, H. Marine dictionary of the . . . 3934.23 New German-English dictionary E.208.7 Nohden, G. H. Grammar of 2884.11 - Exercises for writing E. 207. 15 Nouveau dictionuaire allemaud-francais . . E.204.3 Raumer, R. v. Eiuwirkung des Christen- thuras auf die althochdeutsche Sprache . . 3515.9 Reimnitz, F. W. Deutsche Grammatik und Literatur 2884.8 Render, W. Grammar of the E. 207. 17 Rinne, J. K. F. Die Lehre vom deutschen Stile 28^4.3 Schade, C. B. Grammar of the E. 207. 25 Valcntini, F. Dizionario tedesco-italiano . E.208.5 Woodbury, W. II. Shorter course with the. 7099.28 Ziemann, A. Altcleutsches Elementarbuch . 2S82.2 See also: Flemish, Gothic, Holland. Literature. Barthold, F. W. Geschichte der fruchtbrmg- endcn Gesellschaft 2830.12 Cholevius, C. L. Geschichte der deutschcn Poesic 2886.1 Crabb, G. German extracts from the best German authors E. 207. 21 Erlach, F. C. v. Die Volkslieder der Deut- schen 2902.9 Gersdorf, E. G. Repertorium der deutschen Literatur , 3267.1 Godcke, C. Deutschlands Dichter von 1813 bis 1843 2892.17 Giirres, S. Altteutsche Volks-und Meister- lieder 2902.10 Hagen, F. H. v. der. Anmerkungen zu der Nibclungen Noth 2903.5 - Deutsche Liederdichter des 12, 13, 14, Jahrhunderts 2902.2 Heine, H. History of modern polite litera- ture in G 2889.4 Heinsius, T. F. Histoire de la litterature allemande 2886.13 Hillcbrand, J. Deutsche Nationalliteratur . 2880.9 Horn, F. C. Die Poesie und Beredsamkeit der Deutschen 2886.12 Hub, I. Die deutsche komische und humo- ristischc Dichtuug 2894.2 Kurz, H. Geschichte der deutschcn Literatur. 2892.3 - Handbuch der deutschen Prosa 2892.2 - Poetischc Natiouallit. der Deutschen . . 2892.1 Literary memoirs of Germany 2871.2 Menzel, W. Survey of German literature . 2886.7 Mono, F. J. Geschichte der teutschen Liter- atur und Sprache 2886.6 MUllenhof, C. Sagcn, Marchen und Liedcr der Schleswig Holstein und Lauenburg . . 2902.11 Miiller, M. German classics from the 4th- l'.th century 2S86.10 Muslins, J. C. A. Volksmiihrchen der Deut- schen 2902.1 Nibelungenlied 2903.3,6,28 Nibclungen Klagc 2903.4 Nibchmgc Noth und die Klage 2903.2 GERMANY 316 GHIVIZZANI Shelf. No. GERMANY, literature, continued. Fo'litz, C. H. L. Das Gcsammtgcbict der tcutschcn Sprache 2886.8 Quinct, I-j. Philosophic ct poesie dc 1'Alle- magne 28C3.19 Robinson, E. Charactcristik dcr Volkslieder germanischer Kationen 2902.8 - Schciblc, J. Das Kloster, meist aus der al- tern deutschen Volks-Litcratur 2889.1 - Literarische und bildlichc Scltcnheiten . 2889.2 Schwab, G. Deutsche Frosa 2892.18 - Littcratur der Deutschen 2151.3,4 Soltau, F. L. v. Deutsche historische Volks- licdcr 2902.12, 13 Taylor, E. Lays of German troubadours. . 2902.14 Taylor, W. Survey of G. poetry 2886.2 Wolff, O. L. B. Encyclopedic der deutsche Natioualliteratur 2871.1 Natural history. Bechstcin, J. M. Naturgeschichte Deutsch- lands 3819.5 Bloch, M. E. Naturgeschichte der Fische Deutschlauds 3900.10 DC Luc, J. A. de. Geological travels in some parts of 3862.22 Dietrich, D. Deutschlands Flora 3857.9 Eckert, T. P. Synopsis Jungermanniarum in Germauia cognitarum 3851.4 Hoffmann, G. F. Deutschlands Flora . . . . 3840.14 Hubener, J. W. P. Muscologia Gcrraanica . 3847.7 Keferstein, C. Teutschland geognostisch- geologisch dargestcllt 3860.1 Kutzing, F. T. Deutschlands Algcu .... 3859.3 Meyer, B. Taschenbucb. dcr deutscheu Vo- gelkunde 3905.11 Naumann, J. A. Vogel Deutschlands . . . . 3904.2 Oeynhausen, C. v. Geognostische Umrisse der Kheinlander 3868.4 Panzer, G. W. F. Insektenfaune Dcutsch- lands 3899.12 - Faunae insectorum initia Gcrmanicae . . 3889.1 Kocmcr, F. A. Die Verstcinerungeii des nord- deutschen Kreidegebirges . . . .' 3861.27 Sturm, J. Fauna Deutschlands 3909.8 - Deutschlands Flora 3840.15 - Deutschlands Insectcn : Kiifcr . . . .3899.13,15 Wallroth, F. W. Flora cryptogamica Germa- nia: 3840.12 See also: Austria, Prussia, and the names of other German states. GEKMAR, E. F. Coleopterorum species novae aut minus cognita;. Halse, 1824. 8" 3896.6 and Zincken, J. L. T. F. Magazin der Ento- mologie. Halle, 1813-21. 4v. 8 3899.9 GEROCH. Adversus Simoniacos. [Martene et Durand. Thesaurus nov. anec. v.5] . . . 2250.2 GERRARD, J. Siglarium Romanum. [Forccllini. Lexicon] E. 201.4 GERRY, E. Life. See Austin, J. T Z342.ll GERSDORF, E. G. Repertorium der deutschen Lit- eratur. Leipzig, 18:54-42. 34 v. 8 *3267.1 GERSON, J. Dissertazioni epistolari bibliograft- che sopra G. Gersen. Cancellieri, F. . . . 2318.16 Sopra la validita delle scomuniche. [Sarpi. Opere, v.3] 3491.2 GERSTNER, F. J. Treatise on mechanics. Ed. by F. A. de Gerstner. Vienna, 1834. 4 . *Pph.v.327 GERUNDIO. Historia del famoso predicador fray Gcrundio. Isla, F. L. dc 3095.12 GERUSALEMJIE, La distruzione di. [Dramma.] Ricardi, F E. 219. 15 Gerusalemine liberata. See Tasso, T. . . . 2790.4 See also: Jerusalem. GERVAIS, E. Politische Geschichte Deutschlands unter Heinrich V uud Lothar III. Leip- zig, 1841-i2. 2v. 8 2816.5 GERVASE. Epistolae j Diplomata. [Migne. Patro- logiae v.143] 3460.22 Shelf. No. GERVASE, of Tilbury. Otia irnperialia ad Otto- nem IV impcratorem. [Leibnitz. Script. rerum Brunsvic. v.l] 2810.3 GERVINO.J. Diseases of children. Lond. 1829. 8. 3777.10 GESCJIICIITE des americani.schen Kriegs von 1812 bis 1815. Heading, Pa. 1817. 8 ... **E.223.16 GESENIUS, W. Hebrew grammar, tr. by Stuart, [with] chrestomathy. Andover, 1846. 8 . 3432.3 GESNEK, A. New Brunswick: with notes for emigrants. London, 1847. 8 2363.11 GESNER, J. M. Novus linguae eteruditionin Ho- manae thesaurus. Lipsiae, 1749. 4v. in 2. f. *2930.1 GESSERT, M. A. Art of painting on glass. [Wcale. Quarterly papers, v.l.] 4091.6 GESSNER, S. Idylles et poemes champStres, trad. par A. Huber. Lyon, 1702. 12" 2889.8 Idilli di Gessner, del Cav. A. Maffei. 5a ed. Milano, 1825. 16 4778.10 GEST, J. Defence of John the baptist, against the libel of free -masons. Phila. 1834. 12 . *Pph. v.290 Defence of Solomon, king of Israel, from the wicked slander of free-masons. Philadel- phia, 1835. 8 *Pph.v.297 Selection of masonic oaths and penalties. Philadelphia, 1835. 8 *Pph.v.297 GESTA Caroli Magni ad Carcassouam et Narbonam et de aedificatione monastcrii Crassensis, il- lustrata a Ciampi. Florentiae, 1823. 8. . 2647.17 GESTA Romanorum. Douce, F. On the . .v.2of 2596.1 See Warton, T. History of English poetry . 2553.3 GESTA Trevirorum ediderunt J. H. "Wyttenbach et M. F. J. Miiller. Augustae Trevirorum, 1836-39. 3v. 4 3521.9 GESTATION. King.J. Extra-uterine. . . M.Pph.v.109 Mcrriman, S. Extra-uterine M.Pph.v.119 See also : Pregnancy. GESUALDO, C. Madrigale a 5 voci, Moro lasso al mio ; Madrigale a 5 voci, Moro e mentre ; Madrigale a 6 voci, Donna sc m'ancidete. [Dehn. Practische Musik-Werke, v.7] . . 4051.14 GETHSEMANE: or thoughts on the sufferings of Christ. 1st Am. ed. Phila. 1817. 12 . . . 3445.41 GEZO. Liber de corpore et sanguine Christi. [Migne. Patrologise v.137] 3460.16 - Same. [Muratori. Opere. min. v.ll, pt.2], 2710.2 GFKORER, A. F. Geschichte Gustav Adolphs u. seiner Zeit. Stuttgart u. Leipzig, 1837. 8. 2852.4 GHEDINI, F. A. Lettere. [Fabri. Lettere d'al- cuni Bolognesi] 2747.11 Lettere. [Raccolta di prose e lettere nel secolo 18, v.2] 2767.2 GHEMINGIIER, O. II pittore naturalista, comme- dia. [Teatro moderno applaudito, v.39] . . 2768.1 GHENT. Societ^ royale d'agriculture et de bota- nique de Gand. Annalcs: journal d'horticul- ture, [etc.] redige, par C. Morren. n.p. n.d. 2v. 8 *3S51.12 Adams, J. Q. Negociations at 2324.1 Annales abbatiae Sancti-Petri Blandiniensis. 2820.6 Troubles de Gand sous Charles-Quint . . . . 2811.7 GHERARDI, Q. SeeBerni. Opere burlesche, v.2. 4769.0 GHERARDINI, G. Appeudice alle grammatiche italiane. MUano, 1843. 8 2785.3 Lessigrafia italiana. Milano, 1843. 4" .... *2780.5 Saggio sopra alcune osservazioni di quelle fatte a tutt' i vocabolarj italiani. See Mor- tara, A. E 2784.9 GHERI, C. Vita e lettere. [Beccadelli. Monu- menta di var. lett. 1] 2741.2 GHERI, G. Lettere. [Arch. stor. ital. App.v.6]. 5255.1 GHIBELLINI, Del veltrode'. SeTrojadi Napoli, C. 2802.8 GHINASSI, D. See Bernabd Silorata, P. Prose e poesie di Italiani viventi, v.4 4768.16 GHIRARDACCI, C. Historia di Bologna. Bologna, 1596-1669. 2v. f *2711.1 GHIVIZXANI, A. Mortorio e inscrizione. See Po- esie di eccel. autori toscani per far ridere le brigate 4770.24 Sonetti estemporanei. [Poesie per far ridere. Raccolta quinta, v.2] 2809.2 GHIVIZZANI 317 G1ESELER Shelf. No. GHIVIZZANI, A. continued. Sonetti. [Poesie per far ridere. Eaccolta prima.v.l] 2809U2 GHOLAM Hussein Khan, Mir. History of the Mo- hammedan power in India. Ed. by J. Briggs. London, 1832. 8. [Oriental transl. fund, 19] *3012.20 GIACOMAZZI, S. Dialoghi sopra Torquato Tasso. Brescia, 1827. 16 2805.21 GIACOMELLI, M. A. Lettere. [Raccolta di prose e lettere nel secolo 18, v.2] 2767.2 GlACOMiNi, A. See Arch. stor. ital. v.4, par.2 . . 5245.2 Vita. SeeNardi, J 2745.3 GIACOJIINI, L. SeeDati, C. Prose fiorentine . . 2787.1 Contents. Vol. V. Delia grandezza, e bonta di Dio. VI. Orazione nel prendere il consolato dell* accademia de' Lucidi. XI. Sopra le cagioni dell' umana felicita ; Sopra 1'amore. GIAMBONI, B. Trattati morali. Milano, 1847. 16. 3587.24 Contents. Miseria dell' uomo; Giardino di conso- lazionc; Delia introduzione alle virtu; Si aggiugne la scala dci claustrali. GIAMBCLLARI, B. See Poesie di eccel. autori tos- cani per far ridere le brigate 4776.24 GIAMBULLARI, P. F. Istoria dell' Europa dal 800 al 919. Vol. unico. Milano, 1830. 8 ... 2226.3 - Same. Pubbl. per cura di A. Gotti. Fi- renze, 1850. 12 2307.6 Lezioni, aggiuntovi 1' origine della lingua florentina. Milano, 1827. 16 4770.42 Saggio di poesie inedite. Firenze, 1820. 4. 2794.1 SeeDati, C. Prose fiorentine 2787.1 Contents. Vol. VII. Del sito del purgatorio; Della carita. VIII. Dcgl 1 iuflussi celesti ; Del ordine dell' universe. Del ordine dell' universo. [Raccolta di prose, v.2] 2767.4 Orazioni storiche. See Scelta 4779.10 Origine della lingua fiorentina. [Autori del ben parlare. Parte 1, v.6] 3590.10 GIANDOLINI, A. Istoria critica della vita civile. Bologna, 1754. 4 *3550.10 GIANELLI, P. Dizionario della musica sacra e pro- fana. Venczia, 1801. 3v. in 1. 12 .... *4040.30 - Same. 2aed. Venezia, 1820. 7v.ini. 16. 4036.6 Grammatica ragionata della musica. 2a ed. Venezia, 1820. 16 *4055.48 GIANNI, F. Poesie. Firenze, 1827. 3v. in 1. 16. 4778.20 GIANNI, F. M. Scritti di pubblica economia, sto- rico-economici e storico-politici. Firenze, 1848-49. 2v. 8 3642.21 GIANNONE, P. Opere. Milano, 1823-24. 14v. 8. *2724.1 Contents. Vol. I.-XI. Istoria civile del regno di Napoli; Vita di P. Giannone da Leonardo Panzini. XII.-XI V. Opere postume : 1-2, Apologia della istoria civile del regno di Napoli; 2, Annotazioni critichc Bopra il nono libro della storia civile di Nap. ; Risposta ; 3, Abbiura di P. Giannone ; Ragioni per le quali si dimostra 1' uffizio di corriero maggiore del rcgno di Napoli nou dover esser compreso nellarcciproca resti- tuzionc de' beni da stabilirsi negli articoli della futura pace ; Osservazioni sopra lascritturaintornola chiesa collegiata di S. MuriadeHacattoI.ee.; Osservazione dell' abate Biagio Garof'alo, sopra le riflessioni in let- tere da Eusebio filopatro; DC' consigli e dicasteri della citta di Vienna ; Ragioni del marchese D. Maft'eo Barberini contro D. Cornelia Barbcrini ; Scrittura sulla collazione dell' arcivescovado benevcntano ; Supplica sulla collazione de' benefici cd offici ; Do- cumenti c ragioniche giustiflcano lasupplica ; Expli- catio uunii cujusdam Ludovici XII Francorum regis. Histoire du royaume de Naples, trad. etc. La Haye, 1742. 4v. 4 *2723.1 GIANNOTTI, D. Opere politiche e lettcrarie, anno- tate da F. L. Polidori, precedute da un dis- corso di Atto Vannucci. Firenze, 1850. 2v. 12 4770.10 Contents. Vol. I. Discorso di A. Vannucci, intor- no alia vita c alle opere di Giannotti; Sopra il fermare il govcrno di Firenze ; Delia repubblica di Firenze ; Sulla vitaetsulle azionidi F. Ferrucci; Trattato della repubblica fiorentina ; Discorso del!^ cose d' Italia a Shelf. No. GIANNOTTI, D. continued. papa Paolo III.; Discorso sopra il riordinare la re- pubblica di Siena, n. Libro df-lla repubblica de* Viniziani ; Vita ed azioni di G. Savorgnano ; II vec- chio amoroso, commcdia; Milesia, commedia in versi; Selva di una tragedia sopra la passione di Cristo ; So- netti : Versi latini ; Lettere. Lettere. [Dati. Prose fiorentine, v.14] . . . 2787.1 GIARDINA, D. Sopra la fata Morgana di Messina. [Opuscolidi autori siciliaui, v.l] 4764.1 GlBBKS, R. W. History of the American revolu- tion, chiefly in South Carolina. Columbia, S. C. 1853. 8 2375.3 Memoir of James DeVeaux. Columbia, S.C. 1846. 8" 2343.17 Mosasaurus and allied genera. [Smithsonian contributions, v.2, art.5] 3340.1 GIBBON, E. Vindication of some passages in the history of the decline and fall of the Roman empire. Dublin, 1779. 8 *Pph. v. 38 Guillon, M. N. S. Examen critique dea doc- trines de G. sur Jesus Christ 3475.4 Mciners, C. Einleitung zu Gibbons Ges- chichte 2953.6 Spedalieri, N. Confutazione dell' esame del cristiancsimo fatto dal signor E. G. . . . 3434.1 Whitaker, J. History, etc. reviewed .... 2705.9 GIBBS, G. Administrations of Washington and Adams. New York, 1846. 2v. 8 2323.2 GIBBS, J. Designs for gothic ornaments and fur- niture. London, 1853. roy.8" *4090.19 English gothic architecture. Manchester, 1855. 4 *4100.21 GIBBS, J. W. Manual Hebrew and English lexi- con, including the Biblical Chaldee. 2d ed. New Haven, 1832. 8 3432.4 GIBBS, O. W. Inaugural dissertation on a natu- ral system of chemical classification. Prince- ton, 1845. 8. . *M.Pph.v.41 Researches on the ammonia-cobalt bases. [Smithsonian contributions, v.9, art.5] . . 3340.1 GIBERT, C. M. Special diseases of the skin. 2d ed. tr. by E. Sheppard. London, 1845. 12. 3790.48 GIBERT, J. B. See Lebcr, J. M. C. Coll. diss. hist. France 2018.1 Contents. Vol.1. Memoire sur les Mcrovmgicns; Rcmarques sur 1'origine des Francsctretymologie de leur nom. II. Examen de differents sentiments BUT I'epoque de I'etablissement fixe des Francs dans les Gaulcs. VI. Recherches sur les cours qui excrcaient la justice souveraine sous la premiere ct la seconde race, ct au commencement dc la troisieme. GIBNEY, J. Practical observations on the use and abuse of cold and warm sea-bathing. Lon- don, 1813. 8 *M.Pph.v.78 GIBRALTAR, a comedy. Dennis, J 2575.1 GIBSON, J. Boston merchant of 1745, a volunteer to Louisburg, with a journal of that siege. Boston, 1847. 16 2353.15 GIBSON, K., and Gough, R. Journey of Antoninus and history of Castor. 2ded. Lond. 1819. 4. 210','. < GIBSON, R. Land surveying. New ed. by M. Trotter. London, 1850. 8 3926.19 GIBSON, Walter M. The prison of Weltevreden, and a glance at the East Indian archipelago. New York, 1855. 12 3046.7 GIBSON, William, M.D. Practice of surgery. Philadelphia, 1824, 25. 2v. 8 3753.10 Strictures on Mr. Pattison's reply to certain criticisms. Baltimore, 1820. 8. . . *M.Pph.v. 110 GIBSON, William, U. S. nary. Vision of faery land, and other poems. Boston, 1853. 8 . . . . 2398.40 GIDDINS, E. Account of the savage treatment of Capt. W. Morgan, in fort Niagara. Boston, n.d. 12 *Pph.v.299 GIEBEL, C. G. Fauna der Vorwclt. Leipz. 1847-52. 3v. 8 3877.2 GIERLOW, J. Elements of the Danish and Swed- ish languages. Cambridge, 1847. 12 . . . 2884.12 GIESELER, J. C. L. Compendium of ecclesiastical history, transl. by S. Davidson from the 4th ed. New York, 1849. 2v. 8 3513.4 GIFFARD 318 GILPIN Shelf. No. GIFFARD, E. A short visit to the Ionian islands, Athens, and tho Morca. London, 1837. 12. 3078.7 GIFFOKD, G. Dialogue concerning witches and witchcrafts. [Percy soc. v.8] 2537.10 GIPFORD, J. Political life of William Pitt [the younger]. London, 1800. 6v. 8 *2456.1 GIFFORD, T Oration : proportionate cultivation of the moral and intellectual powers. Sche- ncctady, 1814. 8 *Pph.v.9 GIFFORD, W. Baviad and Maeviad. New ed. London, 1797. 8 2565.1 Catalogue of the library of the late W. Gif- ford, esq. New York, 1829. 8 *Pph.v.79 GIGLI, G. Opere edite ed inedite. la ed. Aja, 1797-98. 3v. 8 4760.2 Contents. Vol. I. Vita dell' autore; Collegio petro- niano. II. Vocabolario cateriniano con 1'aggiunta delle retrattazioni i'atte dall' autore, e con le premesse lettere di quasi tutte le accademie d'ltalia in approva- zione della locuzione di Santa Caterina. III. Voca- bolario cateriniano. Lezioni di lingua toscana, raccolta dall' ab. G. B. Catena. Oacd. Venezia, 1772. sm.S". 2786.19 II don Pilone; La sorellina. [Raccolta di comm. ecc. v.l] 2777.7 La scivolata, ec. [Poesie per far ridere. Raccolta prima, v.l] 2809.2 See Poesie di cccel. autori toscani per far ridere le brigate 4776.24 Sonettii [Poesie per far ridere. Raccolta quinta, v.2] 2809.2 GIGLI, O. See Bernab6 Silorata. Prose e poesie di Italian! viventi, v. 7 4768.16 GIGLIOTTI, B. Dissertazioni sopra la legislazione lucchese. See Memorie per servir all' isto- riadi Lucca, v.3, pt.2 2711.4 GILBART, J. W. History of banking in Ireland. London, 1836. 8 3646.15 GILBERT, bp. of Limerick. Liber de statu eceles.; Epistola ad Anselmum. [Migne. Patrolo- giae v. 159] v.2 of 3460.35 See also : Gillcbert, Gilliebert, Gislebert, Guibert. GILBERT, A. P. M. Description historique de Notre-Dame de Rouen. Rouen, 1816. 8 . 4103.5 Description historique de la basilique metro- politaine de Paris. Paris, 1821. 8 .... 4103.4 GILBERT, D. Parochial history of Cornwall. London, 1838. 4v. 8 2493.15 GILBERT, J. T. History of the city of Dublin. Dublin, 1854-59. 3v. 8 2476.11 GIL Bias de Santillane. See Le Sage, A. R. . . . 2662.13 GILDAS. De excidio Britanniae. Rccensuit J. Ste- venson. London, 1838. 8. [English hist, society, 2] *2413.3 - Same. [Migne. Patrologiae v.69] . v.l of 3450.10 GILDEMEISTER, J. De rebus Indite una cum Ma- sudii loco. Bonnze, 1838. 8 3044.8 GILDING. Nouveau manuel complet de dorure. Selmi, F 4019.14 GILDUIN. Epistolae. [Migne. Patrologiae v. 196]. 3470.18 GILES, J. Practical liberty : an oration, July 4, 1848. Boston, 1848. 8 *Pph.v.261 GILES, J. A. Life and letters of Thomas a Becket. London, 1846. 2v. 8 3557.3 GILES, W. B., and Bayard, J. Speeches on bill entitled an act to repeal certain acts respect- ing the organization of the courts of the U. S. Boston, 1802. 8 *Pph.v.301 GILFILLAN, G. Bards of the Bible. New York, 1851. 12 3429.3 GILL, O., and others. Remarks upon a scandalous book, against the government of New Eng. written by Robert Calef. Boston, 1701. 18. 2358.31 GILLEBERT. Historia miraculorum S. Amandi. [Migne. Patrologiae v.150] 3460.28 GILLEBERT, of Hoi/land. Sermones in Canticum Salomonis; Tractatus scptem; Sermo de semine verbi Dei ; Epistolae. [Migne. Patro- logiaev.184] v.3 of 3470.9 Shelf. No. GILLES, P. Description du Bosphore, et de la ville de Constantinople. [Buchon. Coll. des chrbniques nat. franc, v.3] 2617.2 GILLET, F. H. See Annales du barreau franeais Barreau ancien. v.2, partie le 3708.1 GILLIEBERT. Ecclesia ct synagoga. [Martene and Durand. Thesaurus nov. anec. v. 5] . . . . 2250.2 GILLIES, John, D. D., b. 1712, d. 1796. Life of Geo. Whitefleld. London, 1772. 8" 3554.19 GILLIES, John, LL. D., b. 1747, d. 1836. History of ancient Greece, to the division of the Mace- donian empire. 2d ed. Lond. 1787. 4v. 8. 3073.7 - Same. 1st Am. ed. N. Y. 1814. 4v. 8. 3073.0 GILLIES, R. P. Memoirs of a literary veteran. 1794-1849. London, 1851. 3r. 8 2548.16 GILLIS, J. D. Sailing directions for the pepper ports on the west coast of Sumatra. Salem, 1&34. pp.31. 12 **E. 110.80 GILLISS, J. M. U. S. naval astronomical expedi- tion to the southern hemisphere, 1849-52. Washington, 1855. 2v. 4 2360.18 GILLMAX, J. Dissertation on the bite of a rabid animal, 1811. London, 1812. 8" ... *M.Pph.v.81 GILLOT, J. Relation touchant la regence de Marie de Mddicis. [Michaud. Coll. mem. hist. France, se>. l,v. 11] 2611.1 - Same. [Petitot. Coll. mem. hist. France, ser.l, v.49] 2625.1 GILLS. Kiemenappar. d. Wirbelthiere. Rathke, H. 3902.5 GILLY, W. S. Horae catcchcticae, ed. with add. by G. W. Doane. Philadelphia, 1836. 12 . . 3546.17 OILMAN, C. R. Introd. address to the students of the college of physicians and surgeons of the university of the state of New York. New York, 1840. 8" *M.Pph.v.35 OILMAN. S. Unitarian Christianity free from ex- tremes. 2d cd. Boston, 1831. 12 ... *Pph.v.219 Sermon at the semi-centennial celebration of the Washington light infantry. See Charles- ton, S. C 2375.4 GILMOI:, R. Catalogue of autographs. [Baltimore,] 1832. 12 *Pph.V.226 GILO Pnrisiensis. Carmen de expeditione Hiero- solymitana. [Martene and Durand. Thesau- rus no vus anec. v.3] 2250.2 Epi itola adversus Antiochenum patriarcham ; Epistola de vita Hugonis abbatis Clunia- censis ; Notitia Gilo Parisiensis. [Migne. Patrologiae v. 173] 3460.2 Epitome vitae S. Hugonis ab. Cluniac. [Migne. Patrologiae v.159] 3460.35 Historia metrica gestorum vise nostri tempo- ris Hierosolymitanae. [Migne. Patrologise v.155] 3400.32 GILPIN, H. D. Reports of cases in district court of the U. S. for the E. dist. of Pa. [1828-35.] Philadelphia, 1837. 8 *3704.1 GILPIN, W. Essay on prints, 5th ed. Lond. 1802. 8 4063.21 Essays on picturesque beauty, picturesque travel, and sketching landscape, with a poem on landscape painting. 3d edition. Lon- don, 1808. 8 4066.6 Observations on the coasts of Hampshire, Sussex, and Kent, relative chiefly to pictu- resque beauty. London, 1804. 8 4066.12 Observations on the counties of Cambridge, Norfolk, Suffolk, and Essex, also on North Wales, relative chiefly to picturesque beauty. London, 1809. 8 4066.11 Observations on the Highlands of Scotland, relative chiefly to picturesque beauty. 3d ed. London, 1808. 2v. 8 4066.8 Observations on the mountains and lakes of Cumberland and Westmoreland, relative chiefly to picturesque beauty. 3d ed. Lon- don, 1808. 2v. 8 4066.9 Observations oil the river Wye, South Wales, etc., relative chiefly to picturesque beauty. 5th ed. London, 1800. 8 4066.13 GILPIN 319 GIOJA Shelf. No. GILPIN, "W. continued. Observations on the western parts of Eng- land, relative chiefly to picturesque beauty : to which are added, remarks on the Isle of Wight. 2ded. London, 1808. 8 4006.10 Remarks on forest scenery, relative chiefly to picturesque beauty. 2d ed. London, 1794. 2v. 8 4002.11 - Same. 3d ed. London, 1808. 2v. 8" . . 4006.7 GILSON, A. The czar and sultan, [also] the Turks in Europe, by F. Bouvet. N. Y. 1853. 10. 3009.3 GIJDIA, G. Idea clella storia dell' Italia letterata. Napoli, 1723. 2v. 4 *2771.6 GIXAL, H. Rede ueber den Unterschied zwischen dem Rationalismus der Theologen Deutsch- lands und seiner eigenen Lehre. Philadel- phia, 1843. 8 *Pph.v.231 GINGINS la Sarra, F. de. Depeches des ambassa- deurs milanais sur les campagnes de Charles le Hardi, ducde Bourgogne, de 1474 a 1477. Paris ct Geneve, 1858. 2v. 8 *4042.2 GlNGUENI-:, P. L. Histoire litteraire d'ltalie, con- tinue'c par F. Salfl. 2e d. Paris, 1823-35. 14v. 8 *2770.3 Notice sur la vie et les ouvrages de Nicolas Piccinni. Paris, 1801. 8" 4040.18 Storia della letteratura italiana, trad, del prof. B. Perotti. Ed. riv. Firenze, 1820-28. 12v. 8 *2770.2 Dictionnaire de musique. See Encyclopedic m6tbodique A. 100. 2 GIOBERTI, V. Delbello. Ed. 2a. Firenze, 1845. 8. :;5s5.5 Delbuono. Brusselle, 1843. 8 3585.4 Del buono, del bello. Firenze, ia53. 12 . . . 3609.11 II gesuita moderno. Losanna, 1840, 7. 5v. 8. 3536.3 lutroduzione allo studio della lilosofia. Brus- selle, 1840. 2v. 8 300-4.5 Introduction a 1'etude de la philosophie, tr. par L. J. Alary. Moulins 1845, 7. 4v. 8. 3004.7 Pcnsicri e giudizi sulla letteratura italiana e straniera, raccolti da tutte le sue opere cd ordinati da F. Ugolini. Firenze, 1856. 12 . 4770.30 Prirnato morale c civile degli Italian!. Brus- selle, 1843. 2v. 8 2771.11 Prolegomeni del primato morale e civile degli Italian!. Brussclle, 1845. 8 2771.10 Sopra le dottrine religiose di V. Cousin. Brusselle, 1840. 8 v.l of 3604.5 G. e il panteismo. [anon.] Napoli, 1847. 12. 3608.9 Una divinazione sulle tre ultimo opere di V. G., i Prolegomini, il Gesuita moderno, e 1' Apologia. See Curci, C. M 3536.2 GIOJA, M. Opere minori. Lugano, 1832-37. 17v. 8 *3560.1 Contents. Vol. I. I partiti chiamati all' online; Problema, se sia dovuto ai democratic! un' indenniz- znzione; Trattato d' allcanza tra le rcpubbliche itali- ana c franccse; Analisi della Icgge contro gli allar- raisti; Breve risposta al proclama del miuistro della guerra e suoi unit! riflcssi ; Articoli del Monitore italiano ; Ragionamento sui dcstini della repub- blica italiana. II. La scieuza del povero diavo- lo ; Riflessioni relative allo stesso j Rieorso alia reggenza prowisoria del regno d' Italia ; Mani- festo di S. M. prussiana contro la Franciu; I frati e le monachc. III. II Censore, giornale filisofico-critico; Quadro politico di Milano; Apologia al quadro poli- tico di Miluuo, c appcndiec; Analisi e riilcssi di Lat- tiiu/i sul quadro politico di Milano; Document! com- provauti la cittadiuanza italiana di Gioja. IV. I Frances!, i Tedeschi, 1 Russi in Lombardia; Disserta- zioue sul problema, Qualc del govern! libcri mcglio conveiisa alia i'eliciti dell' Italia. V. Cenni moral! e politic! eull' Inghilterra ; La Giulia, ossia 1'inter- regno della Cisalpina, trag. ; II rappresentante Pozzi al governo, alia nazione, sulla dimissionc dei com- missarj del tesoro nazionale ; Vantaggi provenienti dalla sostituzione della lignite di Valgandino alia legnaed Types of mankind. See Nott, J. C 2234.9 GLISSON, F. Anatomia hepatis, etc. Londini, 1054. 8m.8 3759.9 De ventriculo et intcstinis. Amstelodami, 1677. sm.l2 3759.21 GLOBE, Atlas ethnographiquc du. Balbi, A. . . 2^4.0 GLOBE, Congressional. See United States . . . . C. 121.1 GLOSSARY of terms used in architecture. Plates. 5th ed. Oxford, 1S50. 2v. in 3. 8" .... 4093.3 GLOSSARY of provincial words used in Hereford- shire. London, 1839. 10 2586.18 GLOSSARY 322 GODIN Shelf. No. GLOSSARY of provincial words used in Teesdale, Durham. London, 1849. 8 2586.12 See also : English language. GLOTTIS, (Edema of the. Green, H 3795.8 GLOUCESTER, Eng. Fosbroke, T. D. History of the city of 2472.1 Washbourne, J. Tracts relating to G., illus- trative of the civil war 2471.13 GLOUCESTER Greek grammar. See Camden, W. . 7099.6,7 GLOUCESTERSHIRE. Atkyns, Sir K. State of. . 2470.0 Bigland, K. Collections relative to .... 2470.7 Fosbroke, T. D. Abstracts and manuscripts respecting 2472.2 Post-office directory for 2484.10 Rudder, S. History of 2470.5 See also : Bath, Bristol, Cheltenham, Cirencester, Tewkesbury, Toddington. GLOVER, Richard. The Athenaid, a poem. Lon- don, 1757. 3v. 12 2578.8 Leonidas, a poem. Dublin, 1737. 12" .... 2549.12 Memoirs by a celebrated literary and political character from 1742 to 1757. New ed. Lon- don, 1814. 8 2455.11 Substance of the evidence on the petition presented by the W. T. planters and mer- chants. New York, 1775. 8 *Pph.v.4 Medee. [Brumoy. Theatre des Grecs. 2e ed. v.6] 2965.4 Poems and life. [Chalmers. English poets] v.!7of 2592.7 GLOVER, Robert. Ordinary of arms. See Ed- mondson,J 2430.4 GLOVES. Manuel du fabriquant de gants. Artois, y. d' 4019.25 GLUCK, C. F. v. Erlauterung der Pandecten. Nach Hellfeld ein Commentar. Fortgesetzt von C. F. Miihlcnbruch und E. Fein, f mit] Register. Erlangen, 1792-1853. 48v. 8 . . *3618.1 GLDCK, C. W. v. Dessen Leben und tonkiinstle- rischcs Wirken. See Schmid, A 4046.15 Ueber Gluck und seine Werke. See Leblond, G. M 4046.16 GLUES. Nouveau manucl complct de la fabrica- tion des colics. Malepeyre, C. F 4019.18 GLUTZ-BLOZHEIM, R. Geschichte schweizeri- scher Eidgenossenschaft. [Miiller. Ge- schichte, u. s. w. v.5,pt. 2] 2818.1 Histoire de la confederation suisse. See Mul- ler, J.v 2818.2 GLYCAS, M. Annales. Recognovit I. Bekkerus. Bonnae, 1836. [Corpus script, hist. Byz.J v.27of 2969.1 Ad Gregorium Acropolitam epistola. [Meur- sius. Opera, v.8] 2210.2 Epistolae. [Lami. Deliciae eruditorum, v.1,5]. 4747.1 GMELIN, J. G. Reise durch Sibirien 1733 bis 1743. Gottingen, 1751-52. 4v. 8 3067.1 GMELIN, L. Handbook of chemistry, transl. by H. Watts. London, 1848-56. lOv. 8. [Cav- endish soc.] *3974.1 Contents. Vol. I. Cohesion, adhesion, affinity, light, heat and electricity. II. Non-metallic elements. III.- VI. Metals. VII. Generalities ; Compounds containing two atoms of carbon. VIII. Compounds containing two and four atoms of carbon. IX. Com- pounds containing four and six atoms of carbon. X. Compounds containing eight and ten atoms of car- bon. GNOLI, T. See Bernabo Silorata, P. Prose e poe- sie di Italian! viventi, v.8 4768.1 GNOLL college. See Neath, South "Wales .... 3592. e GNOMICI Graeci. Cur. J. F. Boissonade. Parish's, 1823. 32. [Boissonade. Poetae Graeci, v.3]. *2779.J Contents.' Theognis; Callinus ; Tyrtasus ; Mim- nermus; Solon; Simonides; Pythagoras; Phocylides; Naumachius; Linus; Panyasis; Khianus; Evenus; Eratosthenes. GNOMON of the New Testament. See Bengel, J.A. 3427. GNOSTICISM. Matter, J. Histoire critique du guosticisme 3516. Shelf. No. jOA, Inquisition at. Dellon, C 3517.20 . Beecher, E. Moral relations of God and man 3453.11,12 Bunsen, C. C. J. Gott in der Geschichte . . 3438.3 Fen61on, F. S. De 1'existence et des attri- butsdeDieu 4678.24 Haynes, H. Attributes and worship of . . . 3462.23 Thorn, D. Character of G. opposed to that of man 3456.2 See also: Atheism, Deism, Divinity, Paganism, Pantheism, Theology. JOD'S judgments upon the Gentile apostatized church. London, 1713. 8 3463.26 IODART, J. B. Catalogue des k-pidopteres d'Eu- ropc, par Duponchel. Paris, 1814. 8. .3893.3,4,5 Histoire naturelle des lepidopteres ou papil- lons de France, avec suppl. Paris, 1821-42. 10v. 8 *3893.3 Iconographie des chenilles. Paris, 1832. & . 3893.4 Entomologie, (papillons.) See Encyclopedic methodique A.157.4 jODDARD, G. Account of the parliament of 1654. See Burton, T 2516.2 3ODDARD, N. Report of a committee of the citi- zens of Boston opposed to increase of duties. Boston, 1827. 8 3651.6 GODDARD, W. G. Address to the people of Rhode Island on the adoption of the constitution. Providence, 1843. 8 *Pph.v.l33 Memoir of Rev. J. Manning, 1st president of Brown university. Boston, 1839. 8 ... 2387.2 Discourse in commemoration of. See Way- land, F 2387-2 GODEFFROY, C. Notice sur les glaciers, les mo- raines et les blocs erratiques des Alpes. Paris, 1840. 8 3863.7 GODEFRED. Triumphus S. Remacli de Malmun- dariensi coenobio. [Migne. Patrol, v.149] . 3460.27 GODEFRID, abbot of Admont. Opera omnia. Ed. B. Pezius, accurante Mignc. Lutetiae Pari- Biorum, 1854. 8. [Patrologiae v.174] . . . 3470.3 Contents. Homilije dominicales, dominicales sestivales, festivales, in diversos Scriptura; locos; Liber de benedictionibus Jacob patriarchs: ; Liber de decem oneribus Isaiae ; Epistola ad O. monachum. GODEFRID, bishop of Amiens. Epistolae et diplo- mata. [Migne. Patrologiae v. 162] . . v. 2 of 3460.37 GODEFRID, or Godfrey, of Bouillon. Epistolae et diplomata. Accedunt monumenta perplu- rima de bello sacro. Accur. J. P. Migne. Lutetiae Parisiorum, 1854. 8. [Migne. Pa- trologiae v.155] 3460.32 Godfrey of Boulogne, or the recouerie of Jerusalem. See Tasso, T 2791.8 Le chevalier au cygne et Godefroid de Bouil- lon. [Poeme.] [Reiffenberg. Monuments pour 1'histoire de Namur, v.4-0] 2811.6 GODEFRID, of St. Victor's, Paris. Notitia et frag- menta. [Migne. Patrologiae v. 196] . . . .3470.18 GODEFRID of Viterbo. Pantheon, sive memoria sseculorum. [Migne. Patrologiae v.198] . 3470.20 GODEFROY de Paris. Chroniquc metrique. Paris, 1827. 8. [Buchon. Chron. nat. fr. v.9] . . *2617.2 GODEHARD. Vita, auctore Wolfero, ejus aequali et discipulo ; Epistolae. [Migne. Patrolo- giasv.Hl] 3460.20 GODEKE, C. Deutschlands Dichter von 1813-43. Hannover, 1844. sm.4 2892.17 GODESCHALK. Sequentiae. [Migne. Patrologise v.141] 3460.20 GODEY, L. A. Godey's magazine and lady's book. v.36, 37,48-56. Phila. 1848, 1855-58. 9v. 8. *5325.1 GODFREY. See Godefrid, Gottfried. GODFREY, T. jr. Juvenile poems, with the Prince of Parthia, a tragedy. Phila. 1705. 4 . . . 2405.11 GODI, G. See Bernabo-Silorata. Prose c poesie di Italian! vivcnti, v. 4 4768.16 GODIN des Odonais, Mine. Lettre coutenant la relation du voyage de. See La Condamine, C. M. de 2364.7 GODLINESS 323 GOLDONI Shelf. No. GODLINESS. Sidcnham, C. Greatness of the mys- tery of 3450.30 Williams, II. Rational G 34*1 See also : Piety. GoDMAX; J. D. Addresses, -with an appendix on tight-lacing. Philadelphia, 1829. 8 .... 3721.8 Introd. lecture to tli course of anatomy and physiology in Rutgers college. New York, 1820. 8 *M.Pph.v.l6 - Same. 2d ed. New York, 1827. 8.*M.Pph.v. 122 Lecture, introductory to the course delivered in the Philadelphia anatom. rooms, session of 1824-25. Philadelphia, 1S25. 8" . . *M.Pph.v.l5 Letter to Dr. Thomas P. Jones [respecting R. W. Harlan's Fauna Americana,] Phila- delphia, 182G. 8 *Pph.v.61 Professional reputation : an oration before the Phila. mod. soc. Phila. 1820. 8". *M.Pph.v.2S Life and character of. See Tract association of friends 3542.18 Memoir of. See Sewall, T M.Pph.v.22,23 GODMANCHESTER, Co. of Huntingdon. History of. Fox, R 2504.19 GODOY, D. Del discoprimento, ct acquisto di diuerse citta e prouincie nella Nuova Spa- gna. [Ramusio. Navigation! et viaggi, v.3.] 2260.2 GODOY, M. Memoircs du prince do la paix. Bru- xelles, 1S3G-41. 5v. 1C 3105.21 Note. The real author is said to have been J. G. Esmuuard, who professes to translate from Spanish MSS. GOBI, A. Chronica [civiratis Vicentise] 1194-1260. [Muratori. Rerum Ital. script. v.8] .... 2710.1 GODKIOUS, St. Libellus de vita ct miraculis S. Godrici, hcremitse. See Reginald 2417.19 GODWIN, P. Popular view of the doctrines of Fourier. New York, 1844. 8 35GG.18 GODWIN, \Y. Adventures of Caleb Williams, with a memoir of the author. London, 1849. 10 2576.19 Enquirer, The : a series of essays. London, 1797. 8 2556.8 Enquiry concerning political justice. 2d ed. London, 1796. 2v. 8 3563.6 Essay on sepulchres. N.York, 1809. 16 *Pph.v.208 History of the commonwealth of England. London, 1824-28. 4v. 8 2517.7 Life of Chaucer, including memoirs of John of Gaunt. London, 1803. 2v. 4 2541.5 Lives of E. and J. Phillips. Added : I. Col- lections for the life of Milton, by J. Aubrey. II. Life of M. by E. Phillips. Lond. 1815. 4. 2541.2 Memoirs and defence of the authorof a vindi- cation of the rights of woman. London, 1798-1803. 10 2458.33 On population, an answer to Malthus. Lon- don, 1820. 8 3645.4 Thoughts on man. London, 1831. 8 .... 3002.8 GODWYN, F. Annalcs of England, [1509-1558.] Englished by M. Godwyn. London, 1630. sm. f *2410.12 Life of queen Mary. [Kennct. History of England, v.2] 2410.3 GODSON, R. Law of patents and of copyright. Supplement by P. Burke. 2d ed. London, 1851. 8 3666.15 GOETGIIEBUER, P. J. Choix des monumens, edi- fices, etc. des Pays-Bas. Gand, 1827. f . *28.M.l GOETHALS, A. Chronica monasterii Sancti An- drese. Gandavi, 1844. 4. [Societe" d'emu- lation dc la Flandre] *2821.13 GOETHALS, F. v. Lectures rel. a 1'hist. des sci- ences, etc. en Belgique. Bruxelles, 1837. 4v. 8 2886.4 GOEZ, B. Travels from Labor to China. [Pin- kerton. Voyages, v. 7] 2260.13 ] GOFFE, J. Report on Christian fellowship with free-masonry. Boston, 1831 8 . . . . *Pph.v.289 j GOFFE, W. History of. See Stiles, E 2329.23 Shelf. No. GOFFRID, Abbot of Tendome. Opera omnia juxta ed. Sirmondianam, accurante J. P. Migne. Lutctias Parisiorum. 1854. 8. [Migne. Pa- trologiae v.157] 3460.34 Contents. Epistolae; Opuscula; Sermones ; De Ordinatione episcoporura et iuvestitura laicorum. GOGUELAT, F. de. Memoire sur le voyage de Louis XVI a Varennes. Paris, 1823. 8. [Berville and Barriere. Mems. rcl. a la rev- olution fransaise, 25] *4645.13 GOGUET, A. Y. Osservazioni sull' arte nautica e marinaresca dei Greci ; Sopra 1'arte militare de' Greci al tempo dclla guerra di Troja. [Cesarotti. Opere,v.lO, pt.l] 2798.1 GOITRE, Memoir concerning the disease of. Bar- ton, B. S M.Pph.v.123 GOLBERY, M. P. A. de. Histoire et description de la Suisse et du Tyrol. Paris, 1838. 8. [L'univers] *2276.11 GOLD. Cheesman, J. C. Medical properties of. M.Pph.v.45 Strzclecki, P. E. de. A supplement to de- scription of New South Wales 3047.7 Watherston, J. II. The gold valuer 3640.34 GOLD, T. R. Address to the people of the county of Oneida. [No title-page.] 8 ... . *Ppu.v.l52 GOLDFUSS, G. A. Die Entwickelungsstufen des Thieres. Niirnberg, 1817. 8 3S79.4 Grundriss der Zoologie. Niirnberg, 1820. 8. 3884.11 Handbuch der Zoologie. 2te Abth. Niirn- berg, 1820. 8 3908.2 Die Siiugethiere. See Schreber, J. C. D. v. . 3902.8 GOLDONI, C. Drammi c opcre diverse. Prato,1823- 25. 15v. sm.8 *2778.3 Contents. Vol. I. La bella Giorgiana ; Rosmonda; H mercato di Malmantile ; Ilfilosofodi cnmpagna ; Lucrezia romana. II. Rinaldo di mont' Albann; Don Giovanni Tenorio ; 11 disinjranno in corte ; Gli amori d' Alcssandro; GH ucccllatori. III. Bclisirio; II monte Parnaso, introduzione; Zoroastro; La me- tempsicosi, ossia, la pittagorica trasmigrazione; Gius- tiuo. IV. Enca nel Lazio ; Artemisia ; Enrico; II coro delle muse; La pelarina; L'amore delta patria. V. II gcnio buono e il genio cattivo ; L'oracolo del Vatican i > ; II talismano ; La ninfasaggia ; II re alia caccia ; Gli amanti felici ; La pupiila ; Le quattro stagioni. VI. II gondoliere ; La birba ; L'amaute cabala ; Amor fa 1* uomo cieco ; Amore artigiano ; II quartierc fortunate; Amore contadino; La favolade* tregobbi. VIII. Amore in caricatura; Monsieur Pe- titon; Le nozze; L' ippocondriaco ; I volponi ; II filo- sofo; La bella verita. VIII. Le virtuose ridicole ; L* Arcadia in Brenta ; La diavolessa ; La calamita de' cuori ; Le donne vendicate. IX. La notte critica; Aristide ; Bertoldo, Bertoldino e Carcasenno ; II finto principc ; La bottega del cade ; La contessina. X. L" unzione di Davidde ; Pisistrato ; Germondo ; Gustavo Vnsa ; Oronte ; Vittorina. XI. II festino ; Filosofia cd amorc; De gustibus non est disputan- dum; La buona flgliuolr. ; Satira. XII. La buona figliuola, maritata ; La mascherata ; La Bpeziale ; La scuola moderna; La fondazione di Venezia. XIII. La ritornata di Londra ; La donna di governo ; II negligente ; Le pcscatrici; II paese dclla Cuccagna. XIV. I bagni di Abano ; I portentosi cffetti della ma- drc natura ; L 1 isola disabitata ; II viaggiatore ridi- colo; II signor dottorc. XV. II mondo della luna; II conte Caramella ; Buovo d' Ar.tona ; II mondo a ro- veseio, ossia, Le donne che comandano; La cascina. Commedie. Prato, 1819-21. 30v. sm.8 . . *2778.2 Contents. Vol. I. II teatro comico; La bottega del caffe; L'avrenturiere onorato; La locandiera. II. Pamela fanciulla; Pamela maritata; Lavedova seal- tra; Lafamiglia dell' antiquario, o sialasuocerae la nuora. III. II vero amico; L'avvocato veneziano ; II padre di famiglia; II cavaliere e la dama. IV. II bugiardo; Gli amori di Zelinda c Lindoro; Le gelosie di Lindoro; Lo inquietudini di Zelinda. V. II ven- taglio; Le smanie per la villeggiatura; Le avvcnture della villeggiatura; II ritorno dalla villeggiatura. VI. La cameriera brillimte; L'avaro fastoso i La serva amorosa; L'osteria della posta. VII. La mogliesag- gia; Ilfeudatario; II burbero benefico; Laputtaono- rata. VIII. La buona moglie; La finta ammalata; La guerra; La burla retrocessa. IX. II tutorc; Le femmine puntigliose; Gliinnamorati; La donna vo- lubile. X. L'adulatorc; Lascozzese; Un curioso ac- cidento; H Torquato Tasso. XI. II cavaliere di buon GOLDON1 324 GOODRICn Shelf. No. GOLDONI, C. continued. gusto ; II servitorc di due padroni ; La donna di ma- neggio; II Moliere. XII. L'amore paterno; II prodigo; La tiglia ublndicntc; La donna istravagantc. XIII. II matrimoniopcr concorso; II raggiratore ; La donna di gaibo; La pupilla. XIV. I mcrcanti; Lc donnc curiose; I malcontent!; La donna forte. XV. II poeta fanatico; II vecchio bizzarroi II frappatorc; La ve- dova spiritosa. XVI. Labuona famiglia; Lavilleg- giatura; La castalda; II medico olandesc. XVII. La donna di testa debole; La donna vcndicativa; II contrattempo, o sia ilchiacehierone imprudcnte; La scuola di ballo. XVIII. L'erede fbrtunata ; La madre amorosa; La donna bizzarra: II ricco insidi- ato. XIX. L'amantc militarc ; L'impostorc ; L'amante de se mcdesimo; La sposa sagace. XX. L'uomo di mondo ; L'impresario delle Smirnc : II padre per amore; La Griselda. XXI. L'avaro; II gcloso avaro; La buona madre ; II fllosofo inglese. XXII. La banca rotta, o sia il mercante fallito; I pettcgolezzi dcllc donne; II cavalier giocondo; La Peruviana. XXIII. L'uomo prudente; La dama prudente; La bellaselvaggia; Lo spirito di contradizionc. XXIV. Hgiuocatore; I puntigli domestici; LaDalmatina; II ccimpiello. XXV. L'incognita; I rusteghi; II festlno; II Terenzio. XXVI. I due gemelli veneziani; La sposa pcrsiana ; Ircana in Julfa; Ireana in Ispaan. XXVII. Gli amanti timidi; Le donue gelose; Le masserc; La donna di governo. XXVIII. Chi la fa 1'aspetta; Sior Todero brontolon; Le morbinose; I morbinosi. XXIX. Le donne di buon uruore; La casa nova; Le donne di casa soa; La donna sola. XXX. Le baruffcchiozzotte; Una dclle ultimo sere di Carnovale; L'apatista, ossial'indifferente; II cava- lier di spirito. [2 vols. are wanting to complete the comedies of Goldoni.] Memorie. Prato, 1822. 3v. sm.8 2749.3 Memoires. [Barriere. Slum. rel. a 1'hist. de France, v.O] 4667.2 Scherzi poctiei. [Collezione dclle mig-liori opere in dialetto venez. v.O] 4769a.6 Le bourru bienfaisant. [Theatre dcs auteurs du2dordre. Comedies en prose, v.13] . 2640.19 See Teatro raodorno applaudito 2708.1 Contents. Vol. XV. La locandiera, comm. XXIV. H burbero di buon core, comm. XXXV. La Scoz- zcsc, comm. GOLDSMITH, A. Lithotripsy, or the breaking of the stone in the bladder. N Y. 1843. 8.*M.Pph.v.41 GOLDSMITH, L. Conduct of France towards America. 2d ed. New York, 1810. 8. . . *Pph.v.8 GOLDSMITH, O. Abrege de 1'histoire romaine, trad, par V. D. Musset-Pathay. 4e ed. Paris, 1812. 2v.in 1. 18 2759.4 History of Greece to the death of Alexander. 13th ed. London, 1820. 2v. 8 3073.4 Poetical and dramatic works. London, 1791. 2v. 8 **E.111.4 Contents. Vol. I. Memoirs of the life and writings of Goldsmith; Poems. II. The good-natured man, a comedy; She stoops to conquer, or the mistakes of a night. Roman history. N. ed. Lond. 1786. 2v. 8.**E.117.7 - Same. 7th ed. London, 1797. 2v. 8 . 2757.3 II vicario di Wakefield, trad, di G. Berchet. Firenze, 185G. 16 2576.28 Vicar of Wakefleld. [Ballantyne. Novelist's library, v.5] 2573.1 Life of Parnell. See Parnell, T 2601.0 Poems and life. [Chalmers. Eng. poets.] v.lOof 2592.7 Forster, J. Life and times of 2454.10 Prior, J. Life Pph.v.223 GOLDSMITHS, Designs for. Pugin, A. W 4071.2 GOLDSON, W. Cases of smallpox, subsequent to vaccination. Portsea, 1804. 8 ... *M.Pph.v.62 GOLFIERI, G. See Bernabo Silorata. Prose e poe- sie di Italiani viventi, v.G 4768.16 GOLINI, A. Lettere. [Raccolta di prose e lettere nel secolo 18, v.3] 2767.2 GOLLMICK, C. Leitfadenim Clavierspielen, nebst einem Notenhefte 89 Beispiele cnthaltend. Darmstadt, 1842. 8. Notcnheft. obi. 4. 4056.7 GOLOWNIN, W. Memoirs of captivity in Japan, 1811-13. London, 1824. 3v. 8 3017.10 Shelf. No. GONCOURT, E. and J. de. Histoire de la sook'tc franchise pendant la revolution. Paris, 1854. 8 4643.2 Histoire de la societd fran^. pendant le direc- toire. 2e ed. Paris, 1855. 8 4613 1 GONDELIER. Le courricr des theatres. See The- aulon de Lambert, M. E. G. M 4679a.25 GONDEMAR, F. Decretum de ccelesia Toletana. [Migne. Patrologia v.SO] 3450.15 GONDI, J. F. P., card, de Retz. Memoires du card, de Itctz, de Guy Joli, et de laduch. de Nemours. Nouv. ed. Paris, 1820. 6v. 8. 2656.1 Denkwiirdigkeiten. [Schiller. Hist. mem. v. 19,20] 2013.1 Kechcrches historiques sur le card, de Retz. See Musset-Pathay, V. D 2656.2 GONFALONIERI del popolo [bolognese], dall' anno 1500 al 1769. Bologna, [1770?] Bm.4 . . . 2728.2 GONGORA y Argote, L. de. Poesias escogidas. See Quevedo y Villegas, F. de 3095.11 GONNELLA, G. See Bernabo Silorata. Prose e poesie di Italiani viventi, v.2 4768.16 GONORRIKEA. Bell, B. Treatise on G. virulenta. 3770.33 Durkee, S. Treatise on G. and syphilis . . . 3770.27 GONSON, Sir J. Three charges to several grand juries. 2ded. London, 1728. 8 2374.19 GONZAGA, C. Alcune rime e lettere di. See Cas- tiglione, B 2809.15 GONZALES, M. Voyage to England and Scotland. [Pinkerton. Voyages, v.2] 2260.13 GONZALVE de Cordoue : roman historique. See Florian, J. P. C. de 2650.29 GOOCH, R. Compendium of midwifery. [Ed.] by G. Skinner. London, 1831. 12 .... *3779.9 Go^n. Cousin, V. Foudement des idees du . . 3S05.5, Gioberti, V. Del buono, e del bello 3609.11 Mather, C. Essay to do 3410.59 Pallavicino, S. Del bene 3587.2, 26 GOOD, J. M. Anniversary oration on the physi- ology of plants compared with animals. London, 1808. 8" *M.Pph.v.61 Book of nature. Boston, 1826. 2v. 8 . . **E. 217.4 Memoirs of Rev. Alex. Geddes, LL. D. Lon- don, 1803. 8 2447.13 Physiological system of nosology. Boston, 1*23. 8 3782.4 Study of medicine. 4th Am. ed. Boston, 1820. 5v. 8 3713.1 - Same. 4th ed. by S. Cooper. London, 1840. 4v. 8 3713.2 See Bible. Book of Job literally translated. 3114.13 GOODENOW, S. Topographical and statistical manual of N. Y. Albany, 1811. 12 . . *Pph.v.210 GOODENOW, S. B. Text-book of orthoepy and orthography. 3d ed. Boston, 1850. 12 . 7049.21 GOODHUE, J. Discourse on the occasion of the death of. See Bellows, H. W Pph.v.175 GOODHUE, S. Copy of a valedictory and moni- tory writing, directed to her husband and children, [and others.] Cambridge, N . E. 1081. Reprinted, Boston, 1850. 8. . . *Pph.v.200 GOODMAN, J. The old religion demonstrated. London, 1848. 24 3440.34 GOODMAN, J. R. Memoirs of eminent Pennsyl- vanians. Philadelphia, 1842. 12 2340.21 GOODRICH, Charles A. Bible hiatory of prayer. Boston, 1850. 12 3445.6 GOODRICH, Charles B. Science of government, as exhibited in the U. S. A. Bost. 1853. 8 . 3561.9 GOODRICH, Charles R. World of science, art, and industry. See. Silliman, B. jr 4020.1 GOODRICH, Chauncey, E. A sermon on the death of A. Brigham. New York, 1850. 8. *Pph.v.l80 GOODRICH, S. G. Enterprise, industry, and art of man. Boston, 1845. 12 3051.30 Fourth reader. Boston, 1839. 12 7059.34 Glance at philosophy, mental, moral, and so- cial. Boston, 1845. 12 3008.11 Glance at the physical sciences. Boston, 1844. 12 3935.14 GOODRICH 325 GOTHE Shelf. No. GOODRICH, S. G. continued. Illustrated natural history of the animal kingdom. New York, 1859. 2v. 1.8". . . 3822.11 Outcast, and other poems. Boston, 1830. 12. 2405.28 Peter Parley's almanac for old and young-, 1837. New York, 1837. 12 **E.214.28 Poems. New York, 1851. 12 2398.11 GOODRICH family. See Goodwin, N 2332.8 GOODSIR, J. and H. D. S. Anatomical and patho- logical observations. Edinburgh, 1815. 8. 3753.12 GOODWIN, E. S. Sermons, with a memoir. Bos- ton, 1834. 8 3445.37 GOODWIN, James. Six ballads with burdens. London, 1844. p.8. [Percy soc. v.13] . .*2537.15 Goo DWIN, Joseph. New system of shoeing horses. London, 1820. 8 *M.Pph.v.82 GOODWIN, N. Genealogical notes, or family hist, of some of the first settlers of Conn, and Mass. Hartford, 185G. 8 2332. 8 Contents. Memoir of N. Goodwin ; Genealogy of the Goodwin family ; Notices of the families of Blake- man, A.; Chester, I,.; Clark, D.; D wight, J.; Edwards, W.; Goodrich, Li Goodrich, TV. ; Gurley, W.; Ilollis- ter, J.; Hopkins, J. ;Ingersoll, J. ; Jones, L.i Judson, W.; Kent, J.; Mather, R.; Metcalf, M.; Mygatt.J.; Nott, J.; Porter, J.; Scdgwick, R.; Smith, Rev. H.; Spencer, J.; Spencer. T.; Stone, Rev. 8.; Storrs, S.; Terry, Samuel; Terry, Stephen ; Treat, M.; Trcat.R.; Ward, A.;Webster, Gov. J.; Welles, Gov. T.; Worth- ington, N. Appendix: Case, J. ; Edwards family; Goodrich family ; Spencer, W.j Family of R. Treat; Whiting, W. ; Lord, J.; Errata; Index. GOODWIN, P. A. Biography of Andrew Jackson. New York, 1S33. 12 2343.22 GOODWYN, E. Connection of life with respiration. Philadelphia, 1805. 8 *M.Pph.v.ll8 GOOKIN, D. Historical collections of the Indians in New England. Boston, 1792. pp.89 8. 2366.17 GoPPERT, H. R. Der Bernstein und die in ihm befindlicb.cn Pflanzenreste der Vorwelt. Berlin, 1845. f 3860.14 Die Gattungen der fossilicn Pflanzen. Bonn. 1841. obi. 4 3853.4 and Meyer, H. v. Index palaeontologicus. [Bronn. Handb. einer Gesch. der Natur. 3r Bd. lr Abth.] v. 17, 18 of 3815.1 GoRACCi, A. Breve istoria dell' origine e fonda- zione della citta del Borgo di San Sepolcro. See Villani, F 2725.3 GORAN i, G. Elogio di Salustio Antonio Bandini, sanese. [Economist! class, ital. v.8] . . . 3044.1 GORDON, Rev. Sir A. Occasional assistant to the visitation of the sick. London, 1797. 12 . 3447.22 Sermons on the festivals and fasts of the church of England. London, 17%. 8 . . 3441.16 GORDON, Alexander. On the epidemic puerperal fever of Aberdeen. London, 1705. 8.*M.Pph.v.ll9 - Same. See Churchill, F. Essays on the puerperal fever 3714.3 GORDON, D. Lives of personages that have suf- fered in Gr. Britain and Ireland for high troason, or other crimes. Lond. 1700. 3v. 8. 2443.0 GORDON, G., and Glendinning, R. Pinetum : being a synopsis of all the coniferous plants at present known. London, 1S58. 8 .... 3845.7 GORDON, G. H., carl of Aberdeen, History of the secretaryship of. See Macknight, T. . 2524.2 GORDON, P. Geography anatomized. 19th ed. London, 1749. 8 2289.2 GORDON, S. Speech on the Mexican war. [No title-page.] 8" *Pph.v.l55 GORDON, T., Trenchard, J., and others. The in- dependent whig, or a defence of primitive Christianity. [Gth ed. of v.l, 2.] London, 1735. 3v. 12 3529.20 Discourses upon Tacitus. See Tacitus . . . 2949.11 GORDON, T. F. Digest of the laws of the United States. See United States C. 129.4 GORDON, William, lieut. 7?. y. Economy of the marine steam-engine. 2d ed. London, 1850. 8 4015.8 Shelf. No. GORDON, William, D. D., b. 1720, d. 1807. Rise, progress, and independence of the United States. 2d Am. cd. New York, 1794 3v. 8. 2329.2 GORE, C. Oration delivered before the society of free and accepted masons, June 24, 1783. A. M. 5783. Boston, n.d. sm.4 2408.32 Funeral sermon on. Greenwood, F. W. P. E.224.9 GORE,J. Sermon on the death of. See Cooper, W. 3450.44 GOREE, Adanson's voyage to the island of. [Pin- kerton. Voyages, v. 1C] 2260.13 GORELLO d'Arezzo. Poe'ma Italice scriptum de rebus gestis in civitate Aretina, 1310-1384. [Muratori. Rcrum Ital. script.] . .v.lSof 2720.1 GORGEI, A. Mein Lcben u. Wirken in Ungarn. [1S4S-1S49.] Leipzig, 1852. 2v. 1.8. . . . 2853.1 GORGIAS Leontinus. See Baiter and Sauppe. Ora- torcs Attici 2903 .1 See Bekker, I. Oratores Attici, v. 5 2905.1 See Reiske, J. J. Oratorum Grsecorum, etc. v.8 2907.2 GORGIAS of Plato, ed. by T. D. Woolsey. See Plato 3008.4 GORGONE, G. Antopsia cadaverica del sig. Carlo Cattone. Palermo, 1830. 8 3753.11 GORHAM, J. Inaugural address, delivered in the chapel of the univ. at Cambridge, Dec. 11, 1816. Boston, 1817. 8 **E.224.12 Sermon occasioned by the death of. See Pal- frey, J. G E.224.9 GORI, A. F. Inscriptionum in Etruriae urbibus pars la-3a. Florentiae, 1727-43. 3v. f " . . *2751.1 GORI, J. Istoria della citta di Chiusi in Toscana. [Tartini. Rerum Italicarum scriptores, v.l]. 2720.2 GORI-GANDELLINI, G. Notizie istoriche degli in- tagliatori. Siena, 1808-10. 15v. in 9. 8 . . *40S8.1 GORINI-CORIO, G. Jezabelle : tragcdia. [Teatro italianodol sccolo 18, v.l] 2778.1 GORLE, J. Questions on H. Browne's exposition of the xxxix articles. London, 1857. 10. 3452.26 GOROSTIZA, M. E. dc. Appendice al Teatro esco- gido. Paris, 1S20. 2v. 24 3095.14 Contentt. Vol. I. Lo que son mugeres, comedia. H. Tambicn hay secrcto en muger, comedia. GORRES, J. J. v. Altteutsche Volks-und Meister- lieder. Frankfurt a. M. 1817. 8 2902.10 Athanasius. 4te Ausg. Regensburg, 1&3S. 8. 3403. G Die Triarier H. Leo, P. Marheinecke, K. Bruno. Regensburg, 1838. 8 3404.5 Sendschreiben an. See Leo, II 3404.0 GORTON, J. Life of Adm. R. Blake. See London. Soc. diff. useful knowl. Lives, etc. . . E.212.8 GORTON, S. Letter to Nathaniel Morton. [Force. Tracts, v.4] 2323.3 GOSBERT. Carmen acrosticum ad Guillelmmn Blcsensium. [Migne. Patrol, v. 129.] v. 3 of 3400.8 GOSCELIN. Vita S. Augustini, Anglorum apos- toli. [Migne. Patrologiae v.80] 3450.15 Historia translations S. Augustini; Vita S. Swithuni episcopi Wintonise in Anglia ; Vita; S. Ivonis, S. Wcrcburgae, S. Eadgitha;. [Migne. Patrologias v.155] 3460.32 GOSPEL. See Bible, Evidences. GOSSELIN, P. F. J. Geographic des Grecs analysee. Paris, 1790. 4 **E.151.18 GoesiN, L. L'agriculture francaise. 2e ed. Paris, 1859. 2v. 12 4001.23 GOSSON, S. School of abuse, a pleasant invective against poets, pipers, etc. London, 1841. 8. 2575.8 GOSTLING, W. Walk in and about Canterbury. New ed. with add. Canterbury, 1825. 8 . 2496.1 GOTHA, Merkwiirdigkeiten der herzogl. oflentl. Bibliothek zu. Jacobs, C.F.W 2193.5 GOTHAISCHER genealogisciicr Hof-Kalender nebst diplomatisch-Btatistischem Jahrbuche auf das Jahr 1852-58. Gotha. 7v. 24 . . . . A.119.2 GOTHE, J. W. v. Sammtliche Werke. Stuttgart und Tubingen, 1840. 40v. 16 *2909.1 Contents. Vol. I. Zueigmmg; Lieder; Gesellige Lieder ; Aus Wilhelm Meistcr ; Balladen ; Antiker Form eich nahernd; Elegien; Episteln; Epigramme; GOTHE 326 GETTING K-N Shelf. No. Go Til E, J. W. v. continued. Wcissagungen dea Bakis; Vier Jahrcszcitcn ; Notcn. II. Sonctto ; Vcrmischle Gedichte ; Kunst ; Parabo- lisi:h j Epigrammatisch ; Politica i Gott und Welt ; Chincsisch-Dcutsche Jahrcs-und Tnes-Zeitcn ; Aus fremdcn Sprachcn; Noten. III. Spruche in Rcimen; Spriiche in Prosa; Ethischcs. IV. Buch dcs Siingers; Buch llafis j Buch dor Liebe ; Buch dcr Eetrach- tungcn i Buch dcs Unmuths ; Buch dcr Spruche ; Buch dcs Timur; Buch Sulcika; Das Schenkcnbuch; Buch dcr Parabeln ; Buch des Parscn i Buch des Paradieses ; Notcn und Abhandlungcn zu besserem Verstiiudniss dcs West-ostlichen Divans. V. Her- mann und Dorothea; Achillei's; Rcuncke Fuchs. VI. Alles an Pcrsonen und zu fcstlichen Gelcgcnhciten Geilichtetc cnthaltend: Loge; Festgedichte; An Per- Bonen j Invcctivcn ;Gedichte zu Bildern : Maskenziige; ImNaracn der Biirgerschaft von Carlsbad; Einzelne Sccncn zu festlichcn Gelcgenheiten ; Thcaterreden ; Noten. VII. Die Laune des Verliebtcn, ein Schafer- spiel ; Die Mitschuldigen, ein Lustspicl ; Das Jahr- marktsfest zu Plundersweilern, ein Schonbartspiel ; Das Neueste von Plundersweilern;Ein Fastnachtspiel vom Pater Brey ; Satyros odcr der vergotterte Wald- tcufel, Drama ; Prolog zu den neuesten Offcnbarung- en Gottes, verdeutscht durch Carl Friedrich Bahrdt ; GOtter, Ilclden und Wieland; Prometheus, dramatis- ches fragment ; Kunstler's Erdewallen, Drama ; Kiinstlers Apotheose, Drama ; Der Triumph der Empflndsamkeit, cine dram.itische Grille; Die Vogcl, nach dcm Aristophanes. VIII. Claudino von Villa Bella, ein Singspicl; Erwin und Elmire, ein Singspicl; Jery und Biitely, ein Singspiel ; Lila; Die Fischcrin, ein Singspicl; Scherz, List und Rachc, ein Singspiel; Die unglcichcn Ilausgcnosscn, ein Singspiel ; Der Zauberflote, zweiter Thcil, Fragment ; Cuntatcn. IX. Gi5tz von Bcrlichingcn mit der cisernen I [mid, Schauspicl ; Egmont, Trauerspiel ; Clavigo, Trauer- spiel ; Stella, Trauerspiel ; Die Geschwister, Schau- spicl. X. Dcr Gross-Cophta, Lustspicl; Der Biirger- gencral, Lustspiel ; Die Aufgcregtcn, politischcs Drama ; Des Epimenides Erwachen ; Pandora, Fcst- spicl. Xl.-XII. Faust, Tragudic. XIII. Iphigcnie auf Tauris, Schauspiel; Torquato Tasso, Schauspiel; die natiirliche Tochter, Trauerspiel; Elpcnor, Trau- erspicl. XIV. Leiden dcsjungcn Wcrthers ; Bricfe aus der Schwciz ; Brief eincs Landgeistlichen ; Zwo biblische Fragcn. XV. Die Wahlvcrwandtsclmften, Roman. XVI.-XVII. Wilhclm Mcisters Lehrjahre. XVIII. Wilhelm Meisters Wamlerjahre oder die Ent- eagendcn, 1 u. 2 Buch. XIX. Wilhelm Meister, Schluss; Reise der Siihne Mcgaprazon's, Fraginente; Unterhaltungen deutscher Ausgewanderten ; Die gutcn Weiber ; Novclle. XX.-XXII. Aus raeinera Leben, Wahrhcit und Dichtung. XXIII. Carlsbad bis auf den Brenner; Vom Brenner bis Verona; Ve- rona bis Vencdig; Vcncdig; Ferrara bis Rom ; Rom; Neapel j Sicilicn. XXIV. Neapel; Zwciter Aufent- halt in Rom ; Ueber Italien, Fragmcnte. XXV. Campagne in Fnmkreich, 1792 ; Belagerung von Mainz, 1793. XXVI. Schweizcrreise im Jahre 17u7 ; Reise am Rhein, Main und Neckar in den Jahren, 1814 und 1815 ; Sanct-Rochus-Fest zu Bingcn ; Im Rheingau Ilcrbsttage j Kunst-Schiitze am Rhein, Main und Neckar. XXVII. Annalen oder Tag-und Jahres-IIefte von 1749, bis Ende K22 ; Reden ; Bio- graphische Einzelnheitcn. XXVIII. Benvcnuto Cellini, 1-3 Buch. XXIX. Benvenuto Cellini, 4tes Buch ; Anhang ; Rameau's Neffe, ein Dialog von Diderot; Anmerkungen ; Nachtriigliches zu Ramcau'a Neffc ; Diderot's Vcrsuch tiber die Malcrei. XXX. Winckelmann ; Philipp Hackcrt ; Einleitung in die Propylaen ; TJcber Laokoon ; Der Sammler und die Sdnigen ; Ueber Wahrhcit und Wahrschcinlichkeit der Kunstwerke, ein Gesprach; Philostrat's Gcmalde und Antik und Modern ; Nachtraglichcs. XXXI. Ferneres iibcr Kunst. XXXII. Deutsche Literatur. Recensionen indie Frankfurter gelehrtcn Anzei- gen ; Recensionen in die Jenaische allgemeine Lit- eraturzeitung ; Ferneres iiber deutsche Literatur. XXXIU. AltgriechischeLiteratur; Franzosische Lit- eratur ; Englische Literatur i Italianische Literatur ; Orientalische Literatur; Volkspoesie. XXXIV. Ges- chichte Gottfriedens von Berlichingen mit der eiser- nen Hand, dramatisirt; Iphigenie nut Tauris; Erwin und Elmire, ein Schauspiel; Claudine von Villa Bel- la, ein Schauspicl; Zwoi iiUere Scencn aus dem Jahr- marktsfcst zu Plundersweilcrn ; Hauswurst's Hoch- zeit oder der Lauf der Welt, ein inikrokosmisch.es Drama ; Paralipomena zu Faust ; Zwei Teufelchen und Amor ; Fragmente einer Tragodic ; Die natiir- liehe Tochter, Schema der Fortsetzung ; Pandora, Schema der Fortsetzung; Nausikaa, ein Trauerspiel. XXXV. Gotz von Berlichingen mit der eisernen Hand, Schauspiel; Die Wette, Lustspiel; Mahomet, Shelf. No. GOTHE, J. W. v. continued. Trauerspiel. nach Voltaire ; Tancrcd, Trauerapiel, nach Voltaire ; Theater und dramatischu Poesie. XXXVI. Morphologic, Bcitriigc zur Optik : I. Bil- dung und Umbildung organischer Naturen ; Die Metamorphose der Pflanzcn; Vcrfulp; Ostcologic. 2. Beitrage zur Optik. XXXVII. Zur Farbculchre, didaktischcr TheiL XXX VIII. Der Farbcnlehre, polemischer Theil. XXXIX. Gcschichto dcr Far- benlehrc. XL. Nachtragc zur Forbcnlchrc ; Natur- wissenschaftliche Einzelnheitcn ; Mincralogie und Geologic ; Mcteorologie ; Natnrwissenschaft im All- gemcincn ; Chronologic der Entstchung Gothe'schcr Schriften. CEuvres d'histoirc naturclle trad, par C. F. Martins, avcc atlas par P. J. F. Turpin. Paris, 1837. Iv. 8. pi. f " *3825.5 Bricfe an Frau von Stein, [1770-1826.] Wei- mar, 1818-51. 3v. 16" 2909.2 Briefe von und an G. Desgleichen Aphoris- men u. Broeardica. Leipzig, 1840. 10 . . 2009.3 Austin, S. Characteristics of 2907.2 Ulrici, H. Shakspcare's relation to 2597.13 and Schiller, J. C. F. Poems from the Ger- man of Goethe and Schiller, with notes, by J. S. Dwight. Boston, 1839. 12 2894.7 GOTHIC architecture. Ancient English G. A., by G. Wightwick. [Wealc. Quarterly papers, v.2,4J 4091.6 Arnot, D. H. Gothic architecture applied to modern residences 4101.23 Brandon, R. Analysis of 4101.3 Gibbs, J. English G. A 4100.21 Mollcr, G. Memorials of German G. A. . . 4093.5 Pugin, A. Examples of 4091.2 - Specimens of 4101.5 See also : Church architecture. GOTHIC furniture. See Pugin, A. TV. N 4101.10 GOTHIC language. Lye, E. Dictionarium Saxon- ico et Gothicc-Latinum 2590.3 Zeiiuc, A. Gothische Sprachformen nnd Sprachproben 2881.2 GOTHIC ornaments. Gibbs, J. Designs for . . . 4090.19 Pugin, A. Gothic ornaments 4091.1 GOTHS. Magnus, I. Historia de regibus G. . . 2820.4 Tamassia, G. Regno dei Goti in Italia . . 2715.8 GOTTESCHALC. Confessio fidei ; Fragmenta om- nia quae exstant libelli de pnedestinationc ; Epistola metrica ad Ratramnum. [Migne. Patrologiaev.121] 3460.4 GOTTFRIED von Strassburg. Werke mit Einleit. u. Worterb. v. F. H. von der Hagcn. Bres- lau, 1823. 2v.ini. 8 2907.1 Contents. Tristan und Isolde mit THrichs von Tur- heim Fortsetzung; Heinrichs von Friberg Fortsct- zuugvon Gottfrieds Tristan ; Gottfrieds Miunelieder; Die alien franzosischen, cn.slischen, wallisischen und spanischen Gedichte von Tristan und Isolde. GOTTHOLD, F. A. Bricfe an Marie iiber die inu- sikalische Nachahmung, den Kanon und die Fuge. Konigsberg, 1844. 8 *4055.22 Soil der bisherige Kirchenchoral mit den rhythmisch-vierstimmigen vertauscht wer- den? Konigsberg, 1852. 8 *4056.15 GoTTLN'GEN. Konigliche Gesellsch. der Wissens- chaften zu Giittingen. Abhandlungen 1838- 57. Gottingen, 1843-57. 7v. 4 *3304.2 - Commentarii. 1751-54. Gottingae, 1752-55. 4v. 4 *3294.1 - Commentarii novi, 1769-77. Gottiugae u. Gothae, 1771-78. 8v. 4 *3294.2 - Commentationes. Gottingae, 1779-1808. lOv. 4" *3294.3 - Commentationes recentiores. 1SOS-1837. Gottingen, 1811-41. 8v. 4 *3294.4 - Gelehrte Anzeigen, 1753-1858. Gottingen, 1753-1858. 199v. em. 8 *3219.2 - - Register von 1753 bis 1782. Gottingen, 1784-85. 2v.ini. 8m.8 *3219.1 GotLingische Zeitungen vou gelehrteu Sa- chen, 1735-52. Gottingen, 1739->52. 14v. 8. *321S.l GOTTSCHALCK 327 GOZZI Shelf. Jfo. GOTTSCHALCK, F. Ritterburgen u. Bergschlos- ser Deutschlands. Halle, 1815-3;. Uv. 12.*2S64.10 GOTTWALDT, C. Phys. anat. Bemerkungen ueber die Schildkruten. Niirnberg, 1781. sm.4. 3875. 3 GOUGE, W. M. Fiscal history of Texas. Phila- delphia, 1S52. S 2376.1 Short story of paper money and banking in the U. States. 2d cd. New York, 1835.S.*Pph.v.ll2 GOUGH, J. History of the quakers. Dublin, 1789-90. 4v. 8 3542.7 GOUGH, J. B. Narrative of his conduct and con- versation during his late absence. New York, 1845. 8 *Pph.v.l49 Early history of. See Pound, J Pph.v.143 GOUGH, R. Some account of the alien priories. London, 1779. 2v. 12 2499.13 Catalogue of books bequeathed [by him] to the Bodleian library. See Oxford 2130.10 Camden, W. J. Britannia, enlarged by ... 2450.2 Gibson, K. Parochial history of Castor, and account of Marham 2462.6 GouiN, and Le Chatelier, L. Experiments on loco- motive engines, transl. by R. Lloyd, n.p. n.d. 4 4011.8 GOUJET, C. P. Biblioth. des autcurs eccles. du 18e siecle, en contin. a celle de Dupin. Paris, 1744. 3v. 8 3559.3 De 1'etat des Bciences en France, depuis la mort de Charlemagne jusqu' au celle du roi Robert. [Leber. Coll. diss. hist. Fr. v. 14]. 2018.1 GOUJOX, J. CEuvre, grave au trait par M. Revcil precede d'un essai sur sa vie ct ses ouvra- gcs, [par A. Pettier.] Paris, 1M4. 8 ... 4073.2 GOULART, 8. Hemoires de la ligue. Nouv. ed. Amsterdam, 1758. Cv. 4 *4651.1 GOOLBOUKX, E. M. Book of Rugby school, n.p. 1856. 4 3592.1 GOULD, A. A. History of New Ipswich. See Kid- der, F 2338.1 GOULD, B. A. jr. Address in commemoration of S. C. Walker, n.p. 1854. b *Pph.v.203 Report on the discovery of Neptune. Wash- ington, 1850. 8 *Pph.v.l80 GOULD, Jacob, vs. T. Weed. Trial for libel. Al- bany, 1831. 8 *Pph.v.291 GOULD, James. Oration before the Conn. Alpha of the Phi Beta Kappa soc. New Haven, 1825. 8 *Pph. v. 56 GOULD, John. Biographical dictionary of paint- ers, sculptors, engravers, and architects. New ed. London, 1838. Iv. in 2. 12 . . 4089.10 GOULD, 31. T. C. Debate in the senate of N. Y. on Mr. Granger's motion to increase the number of delegates. Albany, 1821. 8. *Pph.v.26 Report of the trial of Friends, at Steuben- ville, Ohio, 182s. Philadelphia, 1821). 8 . . 3542.3 Trial of Mcdad M'Kay, for the murder of his wife. Albany, 1821. 8 *M.Pph.v.ll GOULD, N. D. History of church music in Amer- ica. Boston, 1853. 12 *4049.4 GOURAUD, C. Histoire de la politique commer- ciale de la France. Paris, 1854. 2v. 8 . . 4663.2 Histoire du calcul des probabilites. Paris, 1848. 8" 3923.6 GOURCY, Cte C. dc. Troisieme voyage agricole en Angleterre et en Ecosse. Paris, 1855. 8 . 3993.8 Voyage agricole en France, Allemague, Hon- grie, Scheme, Belgique. Paris, n.d. 12 . . 2273.13 GOUKCY, Vabbe de. De 1'etat des personnes en France sous la premiere et la seconde race denosrois. [Leber. Coll. diss. hist. France, v.5] 2618.1 GOURGAUD, G. de. Memoires pour P histoire de France sous Napoleon. Paris, 1S23. 2v. 8. 2643.6 GOURLAY, R. Statistical account of Upper Can- ada, and introduction. London, !Si2. 3v. 8 2311.8 GOUKLIER, P. C., Biet, L. M. D., and others. Choix d'e'difices publics en France. Paris, 1825-50. 3v. f *4050.8 Shelf. No. GOUROFF, A. J. Dugour. Recherches sur les en- fant s-trouvesctlesenfantsillegitimes, [etc.] Prospectus. Paris, 1829. 8 . . . . *M.Pph.v.21 GOURVILLE,J. Heraultde. Memoires. [Michaud. Coll. mem. hist. France. Ser. 3, v.5] . . . 2611.1 Memoires. 1642-98. [Petitot. Coll. mem. hist. France. Ser. 2, v.52] 2045.1 GOUT. Cadogan, W. Dissertation on the . . Pph.v.330 Gairdner, W. History, causes, and cure of . 3800.6 Gardiner, J. Nature, cause, and cure of . . 3799.20 Jones, H. B. Prevention and cure of .... 3800.2 Scudamorc, C. Nature and cure of 3800.4,5 GOUVION-SAINT-CYR, L. de. Operations de 1'ar- mee de Catalogue en 1808 et 1809. Atlas. Paris, 1821. 8 4649.3 GOVE, M. S. Lectures on anatomy and physiol- ogy. New York, 1840. 12 3759.12 GOVERNMENT and the Irish Roman catholic mem- bers. London, 1851. pp.22. 8 3463.12 GOVERNMENT. Ascham, A. Confusions and rev- olutions of 3509.20 Bellenden, W. De statu : Bentham, J. Fragment on 3502.16 Chipman, N. Principles of 35'Jl.lO Discourse on 3502.29 Goodrich, C. B. Science of 3501.9 Hoadly, B. Civil G. discussed 3553.11 Ingersoll, C. J. Improvement of Pph.v.50 Locke, J. Essay on civil G Ppu.v.331 Neville, H. Dialogue concerning 3569.3 Sammarco, O. Delle mutazioni de' regni . . 3503.9 Savonarola, G. Trattato del regimento degli stati, ecc 3508.11 Sidney, A. Discourses on 3501.13 Smith, J. T. Local self-government and cen- tralization 3563.13 See also: Administration, Centralization. Colonies, Democracy, Dependencies, Despotism, Free trade, Kings, Legislation, Liberty, Magistrates, Monarchy, Representation, Royalty, Socialists, Towns. Gow, N. Law of partnership, and supplement. 3ded. London, [1841.] 1.8" 3663.1 GOWER, J. Confessio amantis, with life, f Chal- mers. Eng. poets] v.2 of 2592.7 GOWRIK, frtrlx <>f. See Ruthven. GOYA, F. Vie de. Mathcron, L 4065.24 GciZE, J. A. E. Eingeweidewiirmer thierischer Korper. Blankenburg, 17b2. 4 3874.5 Geschichtc ciniger schiidlichen Insckten. Leipzig, 1787. 8" 3899.6 GOZECIIIN. Epistola ad Valcherum. [Migue. Patrologiae v.143] 3460.22 GOZPERT. Epistola;. [Migne. Patrologix V.139J. 3400.18 Gozzi, C. See Teatro moderno npplaudito. Vol. XIX. H mctaflsico, ossia 1'amore e 1'amiei- zianllaprova,dramma. XXXVIII. II inoro di corpo bianco, commedia. XLIII. La principcssa filosofa 2768.1 Novels. [Roscoe. Italian novelists, v. 4] . . 2772.18 Gozzi, F. ed. Sopra 1'uso di alcuui rcmedj auri- fici nolle malattic veneree. [Opuscoli scien- tific!, v.l, 2] 3911.5 Gozzi, G. Opere : [ed. A. Dalmistro.] Padova, 1818-20. IGv. 8" *2797.1 Contents. Vol. I.-HI. Prefazione dell' editore; Vita del Gozzi: Osservatore. IV., V. II mondo morale, conversazioni della congrega di Pellegrini. V. Ar- gomenti a ciascun canto del poema di Dante; Giudi- zio degli antichi poeti sopra la modcrna ceusura di Dante, attribuita ingiustamente a Virgilio; Sajrgio di critiea, poema di Pope. VI. Ragionamento di Atena- gora intorno alia risurrezionc de' morti, tradotto dal Greco; II quadro di Ccbete Tebano, volgarizzato con alcune brevi dichiarazioni in fine per intelligcnza dell" allcgoria in esso contenuta; Due orazioni di S. Giovangrisostomo ed una di S. Basilio, tradotte in Italiano ; Orazioni inaugurutorie per procuratori di 8. Marco. VII. \\-rsione degli amori pastoral! di Dafni e Cloe descritti da Longo Sofista; Le cose etio- piche di Eliodoro; Principio dell' adunanzade'Gran- elleschi cicalate in quclla dette cd altre piacevoli scritturc; Ignorantc 1-C ; Esopo in citta, commedia. Vm., IX. La gazzetta veneta. IX. Scelta di novelle GOZZI 328 GRJEVIUS Shelf. No. GOZZI, G. continued. oriental!. X. Elettrn, tragediaj Meden, tragcdia; Isnccio, rappresentazione sceuica; I-Mipo, tragcdia; l/Antiochia, rapprescntazionc scenica. XI. Marco Polo, rappresentaziono scei.ica; Zaira, tragcdia ; Ma- rianne, tragcdia ; La furza de' natal!, commedki! Cnntatc; Sermon!. XII. Rime serie; II trionfo dell' umilta, canti quattro. XIII. Scclta di lettere tratte da diversi autori per ammncstramcnto do* gio- vanetti, tanto nello scrivcre, quanta in virtu di costumt; I.ettero diverse. XIV. Rime piaccvoli i Favole eaopiane. XV. Rime serie; Delia prudcnza, libriduc; Lavittoriadi amore; Le tortorelli- di Zel- ma; Lc quattro stagioni; L'arte dclla pittura; Del vetro. XVI. Lettere familiari. Scritti, scclti di N. Tommaseo. Firenze, 1849. 3v. 12 4767.23 Contents. Vol. T. Delia vita e degli gcritti di Gaa- paro Gozzi; Cose moral!. II. Cose morali; Cose let- teraric. III. Vcrsi; Lettere. See Carcano, G. Poeti satirici italiani, v.3 . 2809.3 Del vetro. [Raccolta di poemetti didascalici, v.5] 4779.8 Lettere. [Kaccolta di prose e lettere nel se- colo 18, v.3] 2707.2 GP>XDENER, C. G. P. Bach und die Hamburger Bachgesellschaft. Hamburg, 1850. pp.31. 8 4W0.11 GRADENIGO, G. B. Ragionamcnto intorno alia letteratura greco-italiana. Brescia, 1759. 8. 2770.5 GRADUS ad Parnassum sive iiovus synonymorum, epithctorum, versuum, ac phrasium poeti- carum thesaurus [1680]. London, 1817. 8. 2980.0 - Same **E.205.14 GRADUS ad Parnassum novus anticlepticus. See Arnold, T. K 2932.5 GRADUS ad Parnassum for schools. See Yonge, C. D 2986.7 GRADUS ad Parnassum, Greek. See Brasse, J. . 2986.5 GUAFI:NUAN,A. Geschichtederklassischen Philo- logie. Bonn, 1843-50. 4v. in 2. 8 .... 2951.15 S, J. G. Thesavrvs antiqvitatvm Roma- narvm. Traj. ad Rhen., 1094-99. 12v. f ' . 2950.1 Contents. Vol. I. Ferrarius, O., de origine Ro- manorum; Manutius, P., de civitate Romana; Sigo- nius, C., de autiquo jurecivium Romanorum; Pan- yinius, O., de impcrio Romano; Manutiua, P., de co- mitiis Romanorum ; Gruchiua, N., de comitiia Ro- manorum; Gruchii, N., responsio ad binaa C. Sigonii reprehcnsioncs; Sigonii, C., de binis comitiis et lege curiata posterior cum N. Gruchio disputatio; N. Gru- chii ad posteriorem C. Sigonii disputationem refutatio; Sigonius.C., de lege curiata magistratuum et imperato- rum, et eorum jure; Manutius, P., de senatu Romano; Zamoscius, J. S., de senatu Romano. II. Manutius, P., de legibua Romania ; Augustinus, A., de legibua Romanis cum notis Fulvii Ursini ; Sigonius, C., de antiquo jure Italia; ; Sigonius, C., de antiquo jure provinciarum ; Sigonius, C., de judiciis; Siccama, S. T., de judicio centumrirali ; Hottomannus, F., de magistratibus Romanorum, eorumque institutione ; Hottomannus,F., de senatu et insignibus aliquot scu- atus-consultis; Ilottomannus, F. de formulis anti- quis: Rig.iltii, N., Bullialdi, I., et Valesii, H., observa- tion es de populis fundis; Sigonius, C., de nomiuibus Romanorum ; Pauvinius, O., de antiquis Romanorum nominibua; Castalionis, J., adversus feminarum prte- nominum ossertores disputatio; Castalionis, J., com- mentarius de antiquis puerorum pncnomiutbus. III. Robortellus, F., de provinciis Romanorum et earum distributione atque administratione; Robor- tellus, F., de judiciis, et omni consuetudine causas agcndi apud Romanos; Rabirius, J., de hostarum et auctionum origine ac ratione ; Robortcllus.F., de mag- istratibus impp. ; Robortellus, F., de gradibua hono- rum et magistratuum Rom.; Pancirollus, G., de mag- istratibus municipalibus; Pancirollus, G., de corpor- ibua artificum; Rufua, S.,de regionibus urbis; Victor, P., de regionibus urbis Roma; ; Marliani, B., urbis Roma; topographia, cum notis ineditis Fulvii Ursini; Panvinii, O., antiqua; urbis imago ; Fancirolli, G., urbia Roma; descriptio, ejusdem de quatuordccim urbis regionibuacommeutarius; Fabricii, G., doscrip- tio urbis Roma; ; Donati, A., Roma veins ac recens, utriusquc ffidificiia ad eruditam cognitionem expos- itis. IV. Nardini, F., Roma vetus, libri viii ex Ital- ica in Latinam liuguam translati a J. Tollio; Falco- ne rii, O., de pyramide C. Cestii Epulonis disscrtatio; Falconerii.O., ad C. Datum epistola, de latere ex s;di- Shelf. No. GR^EVIUS, J. G. continued. flcii vcteris rudcribua eruto; Vossius, I., de ant'iqua urbis Roma; magnitudine; Borrichius, O., de antiqua urbis Homo: facie; Frontini, 8. J.,de aquxductiban urbis Roma! commentarius; Fabrctti, R-,de aquis et aqua;ductibus vctoris Roma; dissertatiuncs trcs; Chi- flttii, J., aqua virgo. Cons Roma; cel'.n.7 GRAPE. Culture du chasselas 4003.30 See also: Vine, Wines. GRAPPOLINO. II convito borghesiano, dieci piace- volissime novelle. Londra, 1800. 8 ... 4774.6 GRAS, S. Statistique min^ralogique du departe- ment de la Drome. Grenoble, 1835. 8 . .3865.16 Statistique mineralogique des Basses-Alpes. Grenoble, 1840. 8" 3865.17 GRASSE, J. G. T. Bibliotheca magica et pneumat- ica. Leipzig, 1843. 8 *2172.4 Bibliotheca psychologies^. Leipzig, 1845. 8. *2172.4 GRASSER, J. Antiquitates Ncmausenses. [Sal- lengre. Thesaurus antiq. Rom. v.l] . . . . 2950.2 GRASSES. Curtis, W. On British grasses .... 3992.5 Richardson, W. Essay on florin grass . . . 3992.5 Schreber, J. C. D. v. Beschreibung der Graser 3860.7 Wade, W. On sown grasses 3992.5 White, J. Indigenous G. of Ireland .... 3992.5 GRASSI, G. Dizionario militare italiano. la ed. Napoli, 1835. 8 3932.6 Saggio intorno ai sinonimi [Italian!.] Vita per G. Manno. Firenze, 1855. 16 2786.26 GRASSI, O. Libra astronomica ac philosophica; Ratio ponderum librae et simbellae. [Gali- leo. Opere, v.4] 3913.1 GRASSO Legnajuolo, Novella del. See Novella, ecc. 2772.6 Novella antica del. See Novelle, ecc 2788.5 GRATAKOLO, B. Astianatte, tragedia. [Maflei. Teatro ital. v.2] 2776.8 GRATET-DUPLESSIS, P. A. Bibliographic pare- miologique. Paris, 1847. 8 *2176.11 GKATIANUS. Decretum, emend. Grcgorii XIII. jussu editum. Denuo ed. M. L. Richter. Lutetiae Parisiorum, 1855. 8. [Migne. Pa- trologiae v.187] 3470.11 GRATIUS Faliscus. See Elton. Specimens of the classic poets, v.2 2963.14 Cynegeticon. [Lemaire. Poetaeminores.v.l]. 2912.1 - Same. [Wernsdorf. Poet. Lat. min. v.lj. 2912.4 GRATTAN, H. Miscellaneous works. London, 1822. 8 2562.8 Speeches, ed. by his son. Lond. 1822. 4v. 8. 2502.7 GRAUNT, J. Observations on the bills of mortal- ity. See Collection of the bills of mortality. 3501.5 GI:AYI;L. Jones, H. B. Prevention and cure of . 3806.2 Majfcndie, F. Recherches sur la gravelle . . 3740.49 Prout, W. Nature and treatment of . . .3740.51,52 Scudamore, C. Practical observations on . . 3806.5 See also: Calculus, Generative and urinary organs, Lithotomy, Urine. GRAVEXHORST, J. L. C. Coleoptera microptera Brunsvicensia. Brunsvigae, 1802. 8 ... 38%. 7 Ichneumonologia Europzea. Vratislavise, 1829. 3v. 8 3897.19 Monita de speciebus nigris ichneumonum. Wratislaviae, 1829. pp.19. 4" 3897.4' Monographia coleopterorum micropterorum. Gottingae, 1806. 8 3896.8 Monographia ichneumonum pedestrium. Lip- siae, 1815. 8 3898.4 Keptilia musei zoologici Vratislaviensis. Lipsiae, 1829. f *5860.10 Tergestina, oder einige bei Triest lebende Ar- ten der Gattungen, Octopus, Doris, u. s. w. Breslau, 1831. 8 3872.11 Vergleiehende Uebersicht des Linneischen u. einiger neuern zoologischen Systeme. Giit- tingen, 1807. 8 3884.9 GRAVENWEERT, J. van' s. Verspreide letter- vruchten. Amsterdam, 1819. posts . . **E.225.9 GRAVES, H. M. Essay on the genius of Shake- speare. London, 1826. 12 2598.4 GRAVES, J. History of Cleveland in the north riding of York. Carlisle, 1808. 4 .... *2462.7 GRAVES, J. M. Farewell sermon, preached Jan. 17, 1836. Schenectady, 1836. 8 *Pph.v.97 GEAVES 331 GREAT BRITAIN Shelf. No. GRAVES, Richard. Euphrosyne, or amusements on the road of life. [Poems.] London, 17/0. 12 2559.3 GRAVES, Robert J. System of clinical medicine, with notes by Gerhard. 3d Am. ed. Phil- adelphia, 1848. 8 3791. GRAVESEXD, Co. of Kent. History of the town of. Cruden, R. P 2462.17 GRAVIER, J. Journal du voyage en 1700 depuis le pays des Illinois jusqu' a 1'embouchure du Mississippi, N. Y. 1859. pp. 07. sm.4 . . 2311.31 Relation de ce qui s'est passe dans la mission au pays dcs Illinois, 1093-94. Manate, [New York] 1857. pp. 65. 12 2311.22 GRAVINA, D. da. Chronicon de rebus in Apulia gestis, 1333-1350. [Muratori. Reriim Ital. script, v.12] 2710.1 GRAVIXA, G. V. Delia ragion poetica. Firenze, 1771. 10 2786.14 Opere scelte italiane. 2a ed. Milano, 1827. 16. 4778.8 Contents. Delia ragion poetica ; Delia tragedia; Regolamento degli studi di nobile c valorosa donna. Discorso sopra 1'Endimione di Alessandro Guidi. [Raccoltadi prose, v.2] 2767.4 GRAVISI, G. Notizic intorno Ottonello Vida gius- tinopolitano. [Raccolta di opuscoli scienti- fici, etc., v.22] 5274.1 GRAVITATION. Airy, G. B. Gravitation .... 3929.15 Borelli, G. A. De motionibus naturalibus a gravitate pendentibus 3939.1 Vincc, S. Observations on the cause of . E. 110. 10 See also: Attraction. GRAY, Alonzo. Elements of chemistry. 4th ed. New York, 1842. 12 7029.11 Elements of natural philosophy. New York, 1851. 12 7029.1 GRAY, Asa. Planta? Wrightiana: Texano-Neo- Mexicana:. Part I., II. [Smithsonian contri- butions, v. 3, art. 5, v. 5, art. 6.] 3340.1 Botany : Phanerogamia. [United States ex- ploring expedition. Wilkes] 3820.11 GRAY, B. Account of the captivity and deliver- ance of Mrs. Jemima Howe. Bost. 1792. 8. 2366.19 GRAY, Edward. Sermon after the death of. See Chauncy, C 3455.30 GRAY, Ellis. Design of the gospel ministry : ser- mon. Boston, 1741. 12 *3458.48 Sermon preach'd at the ordination of Rev. T. Maccarty. Boston, 1742. 8 *3456.62 Funeral discourse on. See Mather, S 3455.30 GRAY, Francis C. Letter to Gov. Lincoln in rela- tion to Harvard univ. Bost. 1831. 8 . *Pph.v.83 - Same. 2d ed. Boston, 1831. 8 2387.4 Poem before the Phi Beta Kappa soc. of Har- vard univ. 1840. Boston, 1840. 8" .... 2405.5 Prison discipline in America. Bost. 1847. 8. 3575.7 GRAY, Frederick T. Sunday school and other addresses. Boston, 1852. 12 3445.38 GRAY, Mrs. Hamilton. History of Etruria. Lon- don, 1843, 44. 2v. 12 2750.13 GRAY, Horace, jr. Reports of cases in the su- preme court of Massachusetts, [1854-55.] Boston, 1856-58. 4v. 8 3705.1 GRAY, James, D.D., of Baltimore. Present condi- tion and prospects of the Christian church. Baltimore, 1821. 8 *Pph.v.52 [Candid re view of the mediatorial reign of the Sou of God, etc., by J. Gray, D. D. Phila- delphia, 1821. 8] *Pph.v.53 GRAY, Rev. James, ofSrechin. The last charge of an ascending Redeemer : a sermon. Edin- burgh, 1819. 8 *Pph.v.48 GRAY, John. Lectures on money. Edinburgh. 1848. 8 3046.4 GRAY, S. Happiness of states, or an inquiry con- cerning population, v.l. London, 1815. 4. 3641.4 GRAY, S. F. Supplement to the pharmacopoeia, by T. Redwood. 2d ed. London, 1848. 8. 3785.5 Shelf. No. GRAY, Thomas, 6. 1710, d. 1771. Correspondence with Rev. N. Nicholls, and other pieces. Ed. by J. Mitforcl. London, 1843. 16 . . 2458.20 Contents. Mathias's letter on the death of N. Nich- olls ; Reminiscences of Gray by his intimate friend the Rev. N. Nicholls ; Correspondence of Thomas Gray with Rev. N. Xicholls; Correspondence relative to Gray ; Notes on Walpole's lives of the painters; Metrum, observations on English metre, on the pseudo-rythmus, on rhyme and on the poems of Lydgate; Some remarks on the poems of John Lyd- gate; Architectura Gothica. Poems, to which are prefixed memoirs by W. Mason. York, 1775. 4 2591.6 Poems and life. [Chalmers. English poets]. V.14of 2592.7 Poems, [including the Elegy in a churchyard.] [Johnson. Eng. poets] v.SGof 2589.3 Elegia sopra un cimitcro di campagna. [Ce- sarotti. Opere, v.33] 2798.1 Elegia sopra un cimitero campestre, trad, da L. Mancini. See Pope, A 2606.3 Elegy, transl. into Latin. [Murphy. Works, v.7] 2575.26 Observations on the writings and character of. See Mathias, T. J 2558.17 GRAY, Itev. Thomas, D. D. Sermon preached in Roxbury, on the death of Gov. Eustis. Bos- ton, 1825. 8 *Pph.v.207 Sermon at the funeral of. Frothingham, N. L 3455.61 GRAY, Thomas, jr., M. D. Change: a poem in commemoration of the settlement of Rox- bury. 1830. 8 *Pph.v.81 GRAZIA, V. di. Considerazioni. [Galileo. Op- ere, v. 12] 3913.1 GRAZIAXI, G. II conquista di Granata. Canto. [Parnaso italiano, v. 38-39] 2769.2 GRAZZIXI, detto ULasca,A.. F. Canti carnascia- leschi. [2a ed. per R. M. Bracei.] Cosmo- poli [Lucca, Bcncdini] 1750. 2v. 8 .... 2787.6 Egloghe ed altere rime. Livorno, 1799. sm.8. 2809.1 Le cene. [Novelle.] Milano, 1815. 3v. in 2. 10. [Raccolta de' novellieri italiani, v.18, 19] 2788.8 See Bcrni. Opere burlesche, v.3 4769.6 Lettere. [Dati. Prose fiorentine. Lettere, v-M] 2787.1 In lode della sig. Armenia, [" attribuite al celebre Lasca, ma senza sufficicuti prove. "] [Fontani. Saggio di rime] 2794.8 Novelle. [Novelliero italiano, v.3] 2772.19 Novels. [Roscoc. Italian novelists, v.2] . . 2772.18 Parcre sopra le canti carnascialeschi. See Bis- cioni, A. M 2787.7 GREAT awakening. See Tracy, J 3544.5 GREAT Britain, Island and empire of. [For all topics under this head, see also England. The cross-references to works relative to Great Britain will be found at the end of this article, after all the publications of the British government.] Statutes at large from Magna charta to the un- ion, by Ruffuead, etc. Lond. 1763-1800. 18 v. 4 *7041.1 Statutes of the united kingdom, with notes, etc., by T. E. Tomlins, J. Raithby, and N. Simons. London, 1804-53. 21v. 4 ... *7051.1 Index to statutes from 1801-1844. n. p. 1845. 2v. f *7100 5 Statutes. See also, below, Record Commis- sion. Admiralty. Catalogue of books in the admiralty library. London, 1858. 8" *2132.11 Hydrographic office. Light-houses of the British islands, corrected to July, 1S36. London, 18:50. pp. 23. 8 **E. 110.5 - [Light-houses, French, translated from the Description sommaire des phares et fa- naux, etc. corrected to 1830.] pp.15. 8 **E.110.6 GREAT BRITAIN 332 GREAT BRITAIN Shelf. No. GREAT Britain, Admiralty, continued. Royal observatory, Cape of Good Jlope. As- tronomical observations made in the year 1834, under the direction of T. Maclear. Vol. I. Cape of Good Hope, 1840. 4 . **E.1G0.2 - Edinburgh. Astron. obser. for the year 1839-54, by T. Henderson and C. P. Smyth, v.5-11. Edinb. 1843-57. 7v. 4 . . **E. 160.1 - Greenwich. Astronomical observations made in the years 1831-56 under the direc- tion of J. Pond and G. B. Airy. London, 1831-58. 5v. f. 21v. 4 **E. 120.1 - Reduction of the observations of the moon, made 1750-1830, under the super- intendence of G. B. Airy. London, 1848. 2v. 4 **E.140.8 - Reduction of the observations of the planets, made from 1750 to 1830, under the superintendence of G. B. Airy. London, 1845. 4" **E.140.9 - Magnctical and meteorol. observations made at the royal observatory, Green- wich, 1840-47, under the direction of G. B. Airy. Lond. 1843-49. 7v 4 **E. 160.4 Observations made at the magnetical and meteorological observatory at Hobarton, in Van Dicmen Island, and by the Ant- arctic expedition. Printed under the super- intendence of E. Sabine. London, 1850-52. 3v. 4 **E. 170.4 Admiralty and commissioners of longitude. Kautical almanac and astronomical ephemeris for 1795-1812, 1828-40. London, 1790-1837. 15v. 8 **E. 138.1 - Same, for 1809. Lond. 1804. 8 . . . .**E.110.43 - Same, for 1810-13. American impres- sion, revised by J. Garnctt. New Bruns- wick, [1807-12]. 8 **E. 138.1 - Same, for 1812. New York, 1811. 8 . **E. 110.70 - Same. Blunt's ed. for 1814-27. New York, 1813-25. 4v. 8 **E. 138.1 Tables to be used with the astronomical and nautical ephcmeris. London, 1700. 8 . **E.151.15 Admiralty and ordnance department. Observations on days of unusual magnetic disturbance, 1840-4. London, 1843-51. Iv. in 2. 4 *3901.2 - Same. Publ. under the superintendence of Lieut.-colonel E. Sabine. 2v. 4 . . . **E. 170.1 Civil departments. Board of health. Report on a general scheme of extra-mural sepulture, for country towns. London, 1850. 8 *7003.5 - Report on the epidemic cholera of 1848-49, [and] appendix A-B. London, 1850. 8 . 3805.11 - Medical council. Report of the committee in relation to the cholera epidemic of 1854. London, 1855. 8 3805.16 - First, second report of the metropolitan sanitary commission, with minutes of evi- dence. London, 1848. 2v. 8 *7064.16 - Reports on sewerage, drainage, supply of water, and sanitary condition, by B. H. Babbage, E. Cresy, J. Smith, G. T. Clark, W. Lee, T. W. RammeH, W. Ranger, R. Rawlinson. London, 1849-50. 8v. 8" . . *7004.1 - Report on the supply of water to the me- tropolis. Appendix, I., II. London, 1850. 2v. in 1. 8 *7064.2 - - Same. Appendix III., IV. London, 1850. 8 *3767.29 Board of trade. Official map of railways in England and Scotland, by J. Arrowsmith. [London], 1855. Folded map. 12 .... *2486.8 Commissioners of public works. Memoirs of the geological survey, v. I., II., pts. 1, 2. London, 184&48. 2v.in3. 8 *3861.16 Office of inland revenue. Copy of bankers' returns, 25 Feb. 1857. [London, 1857.] f.*7090.15 Shelf. No. GREAT Britain, Civil departments, continued. Poor law commission. Annual reports first- fourteenth. London, 1835-48. I4v. 8 . . *70C3.8 - Instructions from the central board to assistant commissioners. [No title-page.] pp. 02. 8 3570.00 - Report from commissioners for inquiring into the administration of the poor laws. London, 1834. 8 3570.63 - Report on the continuance of the com- mission, [etc.] London, 1840. fe *7063.20 - Report on local taxation. London, 1844. 8 *7063.23 - Report on the training of pauper chil- dren. London, 1841. 8 *7063.21 - Reports on the employment of women and children in agriculture. Lond. 1843. 8.*7063.22 - Two reports [on] the poor laws, by C. H. Cameron, J. Wrottesley, and J. W. Cowell, and a letter from count Arrivabcne on the management of the poor in Belgium. Lon- don, 1834. 8 3570.62,65 Registrar general. Answers and returns pursuant to an act for taking account of population. Parish register abstract, 1831. [London], 1833. f *6440 1 - Census of Great Britain, 1801, 1811, 1821, 1831,1841,1851. London, 1852. 2v. f . . *0440.5 - Census of Great Britain in 1851. London, 1854. 8 *7063.1 - Census, 1851. Education, Eng. and Wales: report and tables. London, 1854. 8 ... *7063.2 - Census, 1851. Religious worship, Eng. and Wales: report and tables. London, 1853. 8 *7063.3 - Comparative account of population, 1801, 1811, 1821, and 1831. [London], 1831. 2v. f . *6440.2 - Enumeration abstract of the returns pur- suant to an act for taking account of the population, v. I., II. [London], 1831. 2v. f. *0440.3 - Revenue, population, commerce, etc. 1820- 1840. Part III.-X. London, 1834-42. 8v. f . *6440.4 - Index to the names of the parishes, town- ships, and places in the population tables. London, 1852. f *6440.6 - Reports 1-12 of births, deaths, and mar- riages in England, 1839-53. London, 1839- 53. lOv. 8 *3339.1 Department of justice. Commissioners -in lunacy. Reports 4-8. Lon- don, 1850-54. 8" 3800.23 - Report, 1844. Supplem. 1844. Further report, 1847. London, 1844-47. 8 .... 3800.22 Commissioners of patents. Catalogue of the library of the great seal patent office. Lon- don, 1857-58. 2v. 8 *2170.20 - Commissioners of patents' journal, 1854- 59. London, 1854-59. Ov. 8 - Form of application [for] patent rights in the colonies and expenses attendant, [with Curtis's letter, and the answers thereto.] London, 1857. 8 - Index, Alphabetical, of patentees and ap- plicants, 1017-1858. London, 1854-59. 7v. 8. - [Index, Chronological] of patents from Mar. 2, 1617 to Oct. 1, 1852. London, 1854. 2v. 8 - Index, Chronological, of patents, from 1st Oct. 1852 to 31 Dec. 1858. London, 1854-59. 6v. 8 - Index, Reference, of patents, 1617-1852. Appendix, 1855. London, n.d. 2v- 8 . . - Index, Reference, of subjects named in Schubarth's Repertorium, with correspond- ing references to Woodcroft's. London, 1856. 8 - Index, Subject-matter, of patents. Mar. 2, 1617-Oct. 1, 1852. London, 1854. 2v. 8 . . - Index, Subject-matter, of patents, Oct. 1, 1852-Dec. 31, 1858. London, 1855-59. 7v. 8'. GREAT BRITAIN 333 GREAT BRITAIN Shelf. No. GREAT Britain, Commissrs. of patents, contin. - Index, Key to subject-matter, 1617-1852. London, 1857. 8 - [List of prices of Specifications, from 1617- 1858.] London, v.cl. 8 - Specifications of inventions filed from Mar. 2, 1017-Oct. 1, 1852. [A complete series under the old law.] London, 1854-57. Text, 160v. imp.S . Plates. 310v. f - Specifications of inventions filed from Oct. 1, 1852 to Dec. 31, 1857. London, 1854- 57. Text, 157v. 8. PI. 83v. f. 34v. obl.f. - Specifications of patents of invention re- lating 1 to fire-arms, projectiles, etc. 15th May, 1718-lOth Sept. 1852. London, 1854. Text, 3v. 8. Plates, 2v. obi. f " - Specifications of inventions in fire-arms, projectiles, etc. from 1st Oct. 1852 to 31 Dec. 1853. London, 1854. 8 - Specifications relating to fire-arms and other weapons, ammunition, and accoutre- ments. London, 1859. 10 - Specifications, Abridgments of, relatingto aids in locomotion. London, 1858. 12 . . - Specifications, Abrid. of, rel. to bleaching, dyeing, and printing calico and other fa- brics, and yarns. London, 1859. 16. . . . - Specifications, Abridg. of, relating to elec- tricity and magnetism, and their generation and applications. London, 1859. 10 ... - Specifications, Abridg. of, relating to In- dia rubber [caoutchouc] and gutta percha, including, air, fire, and water proofing. Lon- don, 1859. 16 - Specifications, Abridg. of, relating to the manufacture of paper, pasteboard, and pa- pier-mache. London, 1858. 10 - Specifications, Abridg. of, relating to drain tiles and pipes. London, 1857. 12 . - Specifications, Abridg. of, relating to man- ufacture of iron and steel. London, 1858. 12 - Specifications, Abridg. of, relating to ma- nure. London, 1857. 12 - Specifications, Abridg. of, relating to ma- rine propulsion. London, 1858. 12 ... - Specifications, Abridg. of, relating to the preservation of food. London, 1857. 12. - Specifications, Abridg. of, relating to printing, including copies on all kinds of materials (excepting felting and textile fa- brics). London, 1859. 10 - Specifications, Abridg. of, relating to sew- ing and embroidery. London, 1857. 12 . - Specifications, Abridg. of, relating to steam culture. London, 1858. 12" .... - Specifications, Abridg. of, relating to watches, clocks, [etc.] London, 1858. 12. - Specifications, Appendix to the, for reap- ing machines. London, 1853. Text. 8. Plates, obi. f - Synopsis of patent laws of various coun- tries, by A. Tolhausen. London, 1857. 12 Master of the rolls. Chronicles, 14v. 8, vi~.: - Buik of the chroniclis of Scotland, or a metrical version of the history of Hector Boece, by W. Stewart. Ed. by W. B. Turn- bull *2414.1 - Chronicle of England, by J. Capgrave. Ed. by F. G. Hingeston *2414.2 - Book of the illustrious Henries, by J. Capgrave. Transl. by F. C. Hingeston . . *2414.3 - Johannis Capgrave liber de illustribua Henricis. Ed. F. C. Hingeston *2414.4 - Eulogium (historiarum sive temporis) : chronicon ab orbe condito usque ad annum 1366, a monacho quodam Malmesburiensi exaratum. Accedunt continuationes dusc, una ad annum 1413, altera ad annum 1490. Ed. by F. S. Haydon. v.l "2414.5 Shelf. No. GREAT Britain, Master of the rolls, continued. - Lives of Edward the confessor : I. La estoire de Scint Acdward le rci. II. Vita beati Edvardi rcgis et confessoris. III. Vita Aetluuardi regis qui apud Wcstmonas- terium requicscit. Ed. by H. R. Luard . . *2414.6 - Historia monasterii S. Augustini Cantua- riensis, by Thomas of Elmham. Ed. by. C. Hardwick *2414.7 - Monumenta Franciscana: I. Thomas de Eccleston de adventu fratrum minorum in Angliam. II. Adae de Marisco epistolae. III. Registrum fratrum minorum Londo- niae. Ed. by J. S. Brewer *2414.8 / - Chronicon monasterii de Abingdon. Ed. ' by the Rev. J. Stevenson. 2v *2414.9 - Fasciculi zizaniorum magistri Johannis Wyclif cum tritico. Ascribed to T. Netter of Waldcn, ed. by the Rev. W. W. Shirley. *2414.10 - Memorials of Henry the fifth, king of England : I. Vita Hcnrici quinti, Roberto Redmanno auctore. II. Versus rythmici in laudcm regis Henrici quinti. III. Elmha- mi liber metricus de Henrico quinto. Ed. by C. A. Cole *2414.11 - Historia regis Henrici, a Bernardo Andrea Tholosate conscripta, ed. by J. Gairdner. *2414.12 - Munimenta Gildhall Londoniensis ; v.l. Liber albus, compiled A. D. 1419 *2414.13 Naval department. Greenwich royal hospital for seamen. Offi- cial papers, on operations for cataract, and ophthalmia, n.p. 8 *M.Pph.v.5 Ordnance department. Mathematics for the royal military academy. London, 1853. 3v. roy.8 3912.5 Contents. Vol.1. Arithmetic and algebra, by W. Rutherford ; Application of algebra to geometry, plane trigonometry, spherical trigonometry, mensu- ration, and co-ordinate geometry of two dimensions by S. Fenwick; Differential and integral calculus by W. Rutherford. II. Geometry by T. S. Davies; Conic sections supplied by S. Fenwiek. III. Mechanics, including statics and dynamics; Hydrostatics and hydrodynamics, including pneumatics by J. P. Heather; Geodesy, including practical astronomy, by Capt. Yolland. Observations at magnetical observatories, 1840- 1S50. London, 1847-57. 3\r. 4 *3961.1,**E.170.3, 6, 6 Contents. Vol. L Cape of Good Hope. Observa- tions, 1841-1846, with abstracts from 1841-50 inclusive. II. St. Helena, 1840-1843, with abstracts from 1840-1845 inclusive. 1H. Toronto, 1840-48, with abstracts of ob- servations to 1855, inclusive. Ordnance surveys : Map of England and AYalcs (scale 1 inch to 1 mile), 96 sheets; Diagram shewing the principal triangula- tion for the survey of Great Br. and Ircl. (scale 1 in. to 24 miles), 1 sheet; London (scale 6 in. to 1m.), sheets 2-16; Edinburgh (6 in. to 1m.), 1 sheet; Ireland (4 in. to 1 m.), 6 sheets ; Dublin (6 in. to 1 m.), 1 sheet ; Hongkong (4 in. to 1 m.), 4 sheets ; Malta and Gozo (2 in. to 1 m.), 1 sheet. War department. Army list for March, 1856. n. d. 16 ... . *2485.16 Catalogue of the library of the army medical department, 1833. n. d. 8 *M.Pph.v.37 Report of the sanitary commission dispatched to the scat of war in the East, 1855, 6. Lon- don, [1857.] 8 *7063.4 Record commission. Acts of the lords auditors of causes and com- plaints, 1466-94. London, 1839. f . . . . *7080.3 Acts of the lords of council in civil causes, 1478-1495. London, 1839. f " *70S0.4 Acts of the parliaments of Scotland. Lon- don, 1814-44. llv. f *7080.1 Ancient kalendars and inventories of the ex- chequer, ed. by Sir F. Palgrave. London, 1836. 3v. roy.8 *7071.10 GREAT BRITAIN 334 GREAT BRITAIN Shelf. No. GREAT Britain, Record commission, continued. Ancient laws and institutes of England: also monumenta ecclesiastica Anglicana. 7th-10th century. Ed. by B. Thorpe. [Lon- don], 1840. f 3700.8 - Same. 2v. roy.8 *7071.9 Ancient laws and institutes of Wales. Lon- don, 1841. 2v. roy.S *7071.8 Calendarium inquisitionum post mortem give escaetarum, temp. Hen. III. Ric. III., cum app. do aliis inquisit. a regno Hen. III. usque Jac. I. London, 1806-1828. 4v. f *7000.4 Calendarium rotulorum cliartarum, et inqui- sitionum ad quod damnum. Lond. 1803. f. *7060.1 Calendarium rotulorum patentium, in turri Londinensi. London, 1802. f *7070.2 Calendars of the proceeding's in chancery in the time of Elizabeth. Lond. 1827-32. 3v. f.*7060.12 Catalogue of the Harlcian manuscripts, with indexes, etc., in the British museum. Lon- don, 1808-1812. 4v. f " *7070.4 Catalogue of the Lansclowne manuscripts, in the British museum. London, 1812, 1819. 2v . f *7070.6 Catalogue of the manuscripts in the Cotto- nian library in the British museum. Lon- don, 1802. f *7070.5 Documents illustrative of English history in the 13th and 14th century, ed. by H. Cole. London, 1844. f *7070.8 Documents illustr. hist, of Scotland, ed. by Sir F. Palgrave. Vol.1. Lond. 1&37. 8.*7071.15 General introduction to domesday-book. Lon- don, 1817. 4 *7040.7 Domesday-book. London, 1783. 2v. f . . *704Q.4 Domesday-book, Additamenta [to]. London, 1816. f *7040.6 Domesday-book, Indices [of]. Accessit dis- sertatio do ratione hujusce libri. London, 1816. f *7040.5 Ducatus Lancastriae. Pars. I.-IV. Calendars, etc. London, 1823-34. 3v. f *7060.10 Excerpta e rotulis flnium 1216-72. London, 1835-30. 2v. 8 *70G1.7 Fines, sive pedes finium sive finales con- cordiae in curia dom. regis 1195-1214, ed. J. Hunter. London, ia35-44. 2v. 8 .... *7061.6 Foedera, etc., ab A. D. 1000, cura Th. Rymero et R. Sanderson, accur. A. Clarke, F. Hol- brooke, J. Caley. London, 1810-30. 3v. in C. f ... *7050.1 Inquisitionum ad capellam regis abbreviatio. London, 1811. 3v. f *7080.2 luquisitionum in offlcio rotul. cancel. Hiber- nias repertorium. Lond. 1820-29. 2v. f . . *7070.3 Introduction to the statutes of the realm. London, 1810. 4 *7040.8 Issue roll of Thomas de Brantingham. 44th year of Edw. III., 1370. By F. Devon. London, 1835. 8 *7071.12 Issues of the exchequer, Henry III.-Henry VI. By F. Devon. London, 1837. 8. . . *7071.11 Issues of the exchequer, James I. By F. Devon. London, 1830. 8" *7071.13 Magnum rotulum pipse de anno tricesimo- primo Hen. I (ut videtur.), ed. J. Hunter. [London], 1833. 8 *7061.5 - Great roll of the pipe, 1189-90, ed. J. Hunter. London, 1844. roy.8 *7061.4 _ - - Same. A. D. 1155, 1156, 1157, 1158. Ed. by J. Hunter. London, 1844. roy.8" . . . *7061.3 Modus tenendi parliamentum, ed. by T. D. Hardy. London, 1840. 8 *7071.16 Monumenta historica Britannica. Vol. I. (ex- tending to the conquest.) London, 1848. f . *7070.7 Contents. General introduction ; Preface; Intro- ductory remarks on the chronology of the mediaeval historians ; Chronological abstract ; Excerpta ex scriptoribus Gracis atque Latinis, geographica, his- torica, miscellanea ; Excerpta ex inscriptiouibus ; Shelf. No. GREAT Britain, Record commission, continued. Indices ; Remarks on the ancient British coin f Fac similes ot coins ; Map of Britannia Itomana i Gilds de excidio Britannia historia, ct epistola; Nennii eulogium Britannia: i Bedaa chronicon, et historia ecclcsiastica; Chronologia ad Northanyrnbros upcctans ; The Anglo-Saxon chronicle ; Asseri .is de re- bus gestis^Elfredi;Chronicon Aethclweardi ; Florcntii Wigornensis chronicon et appendix ; Simeonis Du- nclmcnsis historia; L'estorie des Engles, BO! urn la translation Gcffrci Gaimar ; Henrici Iluntend. hist. Annales Cambrise i Brut y Ty wysogion, or the chron- icle of the princes of Wales; De bello Ilastingcnsi carmen; Indices. Nonarum inquisitiones In curia scaccarii, temp. Edw. III. London, 1807. f . . . . *7060.3 Parliamentary writs and writs of military summons. v.l,v.2. Div. 1, 2, 3. London, 1827-34. 2v. in4. f *7050.7 Placita de quo warranto, temp. Edw. I., II., III. n.p., 1818. f *7060.8 Placitorum in domo capit. Wcstmonast. ab- breviatio, temp. Ric. I. Edw. II. Lon- don, 1811. f *7060.6 Privy council, Proceedings and ordinances of the. Ed by Sir H. Nicolas. London, 1834- 37. 7v. 8 *7071.14 Record of Caernarvon. London, 1838. f . *7070.1 Rcgistrum magni sigilli rcgum Scotorum. London, 1814. f *7060.5 Reports respecting the public records, 1800-19, and appendix. London, 1819. 2v. f ' . . . *7070.12 - Appendix to reports from the commis- sioners, respecting the published records. Ordered to be printed, 13 July, 1819 .... *7100.7 - Reports 1-15 respecting the public rec- ords of Ireland, 1810-25. London, 1813-29. :;v. f *7070.14 Rotuli chartarum in turri Loudinensi as- servati, accur. T. D. Hardy. Vol. 1, pars 1. London, 1837. f *7050.6 Rotnli curiae regis, ed. Sir F. Palgrave. Lon- don, 1835. 2v. roy.8 *7071.4 Rotuli de liberate ac de misis ct prsestitis, regnante Johanne, cura T. D. Hardy. Lon- don, 1844. roy.8 *7071.6 Rotuli de oblatis et finibus, temp. Johan- nis, accur. T. D. Hardy. London, 1835. 8. *7071.1 Rotuli hundredorum temp. Hen. III. et Edw. I. London, 1812, 1818. 2v. f *7050.2 Rotuli litterarum clausarum, accur. T. D. Hardy. London, 1833-44. 2v. f *7050.4 Rotuli litterarum patentium, accurante T. D. Hardy. London, 1835. f *7050.3 Rotuli Normannias in turri Londinensi asser- vati, accurante T. D. Hardy. London, 1835. roy.8 *7071.3 Rotuli Iparliamentorum 1278-1503. London, n.d. 6v. f% and index, 1832. f *7090.1 Rotuli Scotiae, temp, regum Angl. Edw. I. Hen. III. London, 1814-19. 2v. f . . . . *7050.5 Rotuli select! ad res Anglic, et Hibern. spectantes, cura J. Hunter. [London,] 1834. 8" *7071.5 Rotulorum originalium in curia scaccarii ab- breviatio, temp. Hen. III., Edward 1., II., III. London, 1805. 2v. f *7000.9 Rotulus cancellarii. London, 1833. 8 ... *7071.7 State papers, publ. under authority of his majesty's commission. King Henry VIII. London, 1830-52. llv. 4 *7061.2 Statutes of the realm, [from Henry I. to the end of the reign of queen Anne.] London, 1810-22. 9v. in 10. f *7040.3 - Alphabetical index, from magna charta to the end of the reign of queen Anne. Lon- don, 1824. f *7040.1 - Chronological index, from magna charta to the end of the reign of queen Anne. London, 1828. f *7040.2 Taxatio ecclesiastica Angliae et Walliae, circa A. D. 1291. [London], 1802. f " *7060.7 GKEAT BKITAIN 335 GKEAT BRITAIN Shelf. No. GREAT Britain, Record commission, continued. Testa do KcviH sivc liber feodorum in. curia scaecarii, temp. Hen. III. et Ecl\v. 1. [Lon- don], 1807. f *70G0.2 Valor ecclesiasticus, temp. Hen. VIII. [Lon- don], 1810-34. Ov. f *70C0.11 Report of the committee on Mr. Bay ley's pub- lication, of chancery calendars. Load. 1833. 8". [Only 25 copies printed] *7072.1 Report, General, of the commissioners on the public records. London, ia37. f *7070.13 Report, First eighteenth, of the deputy keeper of the public records. London, 1840-57. 4v. 8 *7090.3 Cooper, C. P. Account of the public records and publications of the Rec. Com *7072.2 Nicolas, N. H. Remarks on proceedings of *7072.4 Palgrave, F. Reply to X. II. Nicolas .... *7072.4 Anonymous pamphlets relating to the record commission. Catalogue of record works. Lond. 1847. 8.*Pph.v.l66 Description of the works of the record com- mission. London, 1831. 8 *7072.5 Leaf, Another, omitted out of the record report. London, 1837. 8 *7072.9 Leaf, Third, omitted out of the record re- port. London, 1837. 8 *7072.9 Letters from eminent historical writers re- lating to the publications of the board of commissioners on the public records. Lon- don, 1836. 8 *Pph.v.l66 Memoria tlirigida aos cartorarioa de Portugal. Lisboa, 1835. 8" *7072.9 Opinions on the constitution and duties of the record commissioners. [London], 183(5. 8". *7072.9 Papers relative to a general record office. Lon- don, 1835. 8" *7072.9 Papers relating to evidence of certain wit- nesses exam, before committee appointed to inquire into the management of the re- cord commission. London, 1837. 8 ... *7072.C Proposal for a general record office. London, ia32. 8 *7072.8 Rules for the management of select commit- tees. [London], 1837. 8 *7072.9 Parliament. Catalogue of parliam. reports, and a breviate of their contents, 1C9G-1834. f *7100.6 Cobbett, W. Parliamentary history .... *7088.1 General index to bills, reports [etc.], 1801-38. London, 1833-40. 2v.ini. f *7100.3 General index to sessional papers, printed by order of the house of lords, or presented by special command, 1801-1837. Compiled by orderoftheSel.Com. of the house. 1839. f. *7100.6 Hansard, T. C. Parliamentary debates . . . *7098.2 Journals of the house of lords, [1509-1853.] London, n.d. 83v. f *F. - Same. Index to vol. 1-52. [1509-1819.] London, 1817-30. 4v. f *F. - Same. Calendar, 1509-1826. [No title- page.] 2v. f *F. Journals of the house of commons, [Nov. 8, 1547-December 12, 1854.] [London,] v. d. 109v. f *F. - Same. Index to v.1-92. [London, 1785- 1839.] 8v. f *F List of sessional papers, 1839-44. [No title- page.] f *7100.4 Papers presented to parliament in 1809-23. London, 1809-23. 21v. 8. Namely. - Correspondence relative to Spain and Por- tugal, 1810. London, 1811. 8 . . . . v.5 of *7073.1 - Naval papers respecting Copenhagen, Portugal, and the Dardanelles, 1808. Lon- don, 1809. 8 v.3of *7073.1 - Papers. Discussion with Spain in 1802, 1803, and 1804. London, 1805. 8 . . . v.l of *7073.1 Shelf. No. GREAT Britain, Parliament, continued. - Papers relating to America. London, 1809, 10,13. 3v. 8 v.4, 5, 7 of *7073.1 - Papers relating to the expedition to the Scheldt. London, 1811. 8 v.6 of *7073.1 - Papers relative to the discussion with France in 1806. London, 1807. 8 . . v.2 of *7073.1 - Papers relative to the slave trade. [Lon- don,] 1821-23. 7v. 8 7073.1 Parliamentary register. London, 17C6-1801. 84v. 8 *707S.l Reports from committees not inserted in the journals. Reprinted. 1715-1800. lOv. f. [London,] 1803 *F. Contents. Vol. I.-UI. Miscellaneous. III.-VHT. East Indies. IX. Corn, grain, provisions for the poor. X. Fisheries ; Coal, and copper trade, etc. XI. Bank, civil list, distilleries. XII., XIII. Finance reports. XIV. Royal burghs (Scotland); Statutes; Port of Lon- don, etc. XV. Public records; Index. Rolls of parliament, 1278-1553. London, n.d. 7v. f *F. [Sessional papers, 1807-1859, in 2174 volumes, mostly in folio] *F. Note. The sessional papers, since the year 1835, hare been arranged under the following divisions : 1. Bills public. 2. Reports from committees. 8. Reports from commissioners. 4. Accounts and papers; From 1812 to 1834, the arrangement varied some- what, from year to year, but corresponded in general with that which has since become established. Pre- ceding the year 1812 comparatively few papers were published, and no classification of them appears to have been attempted. For the greater part of the se- ries, general title-pages and tables of contents are found, specifying all, or the most important, subjects in each volume, or in each general division. The following list contains Reports of Commit- tees and Commissioners, and documents included among "Accounts and Papers" and "State Pa- pers," arranged in alphabetical order, under the title given to the report or paper, in the general title- pages and tables of contents, named above, without aiming at further completeness, exccpttogive, where no title-pages nor tables of contents were found, the subjects of those papers supposed to be of special im- portance. State papers (conventions, treaties, etc.) are found in the last volume or two of each session. An index to each session will generally be found in the last volume for the session. Other indexes are enumerated under the word Index, below, and to these reference must be had for a minute and full view of the matters treated in this mass of papers. The letters A. P. stand for Accounts and Papers. " " R. Ct " " Report of Committee. " " R. Cr. " " " " Commis- sioners. " " S. P. " " State Papers. ABERDEEN university. R. Cr. 1837, v. 33. ABORIGINES. (British settlements.) R. Ct. 1836, v.7; W;r. v.7. ACCIDENTS. See Factories, Mines, Railways, Steam- vessels. ACCOUNTS, 1800-1833, Index to R. Crs. on public. A. P. 1847, v. &S, part 1. ADMIBALTY courts. R. Ct 1833, v. 7 ; 1843, v. 5. reports. R. Cr. 1847-8, v. 31. wreck register. A. P. 1852, v. 49. See also: Wrecks. ADULTERATION of food, etc. R. Ct. 1814-5, v. 5; A. P. 1835, v. 37; 1854-5, v. 8; 1856, v. 8. AFFGIIANISTAS. A. P. 1843, v. 37. AFRICA. Sec Algiers, Cape of Good Hope, Fernando Po, Kafir tribes, Loanda, Morocco, Palm oil, Sierra Leone, Slavery. West coast of. R. Ct. 1842, v. 11, 12. AFRICAN slave trade. R. Ct. 1850, v. 9. See also : Slave trade, Slavery, etc. AGENTS, factors or merchants. R. Ct. 1823, v.4. AGRICULTURAL customs. R. Ct. 1847-8, v.7. produce. A. P. 1826-7, v. 18; 1828, v. 19. , statistics. R. Ct. 1854-5, v. 8; A. P. 1857-8, v.ftft. AGRICULTURE. R. Ct 1822, v.5; 1833, v. 5; 1836, v.8 1837, v.5. Employment of women and children in. R. Cr. 1843, v. 12. See also: Belvoir, Guano, Land. GREAT BRITAIN 336 GREAT BRITAIN GREAT Britain, Sessional papers, continued. ,\IJ;M:I:S. A.I'. Is 7.1, v . .Ml; I 1 -'!:;, v. 45. ALI Moorad Khan. A. P. 1852-3, v. 77; R. Ct 1857- 8,T.1A AI.II:N s, Laws affecting. R. Ct. 1843, v.5. AMERICA. .S' c Arctic expeditions, Bahamas, Ber- bicu, British North America, Central America, Mexico, United States. AMERICAN claimants. R. Ct. 1812-13, v.3. AMEIUC AN tariffs. A. P. 1828, v. 19; 1846, v. 48, 40. Sec also : United States. ANDOVEE union, Admin, of poor laws in. R. Ct. 1840, v. 5. ANNUITIES, Irish tontine. R. 1811, v. 5; Life. R. Ct 1829, v. 3. ANNUITY tax (Edinburgh). R. Ct. 1851, v. 7. APPEALS. A. P. 1820-7, v. 19. Privy council. R. Ct. 1843, v. 11. ARCTIC expeditions. A. P. 1847-8, v. 41; 1849, v. 32s 1850, v. 35; R. Ct. 1834, v. 18; A. P. 1854^5, v.35. See also : Franklin, Sir J. ABIGNA mining company. R. Ct. 1826-7, v. 8. AKMT. Accounts. A. P. 1847, v. 3G; 1847-8, v. 41; 1849, v. 32; 1850, v. 35; 1851, v. S3; 1852, v. 30; 1852-3, v. 59; 1854, v. 41; 1854-5, v.32; 1850, v.40; 1857, v.9; 1857, 2d sess., v. 27. Appointments in the. R. Ct. 1833, v. 7. Diseases of the, in the East. R. Cr. 1857, 2d session, v. is. Estimates for the. A. P. 1835, v. 38; 1810, v. 30; 1841, v. 14; IStt.v. 27; 1843, v. 31; 184, v.33; 1845, v. 29; 181G, v. 20; 1847, v. 05; R. Ct 1847-8, v. 21; A. P. 1847-8, T.40; 1849, y.Sl; 1850, v. 34; 1851, v. 32; 1852, v. i; 1852-3, v. 58; 1854, v. 40; 1854-5, v.31; 1856. v.89; 1857, v. 8; 1857, 2d BOSS., V. 26; 1857-8, V. 85. Purchase and sale of commissions. R. Cr. 1857, 2d session, v. 18. Sanitary condition of the. R. Cr. 1857-8, v. 18. Statistics of the. R. Cr. 1839, v. 16. and navy. A, P. 1857-8, v. 35. and ordnance expenditure. R. Ct. 1849, v.9; 1850, v. 10; 1851, v. 7. hospitals. A. P. 1S51-5, v. 33. medical department. R. Ct. 1856, v. 13. See also: Commissariat, Crimea, Flogging, Mil- itary, Ordnance department, Sandhurst, Sebast- opol, Small-arms. AST, National works of. R. Ct. 1841, v. 6. See Design, Fine arts, National gallery, Science and art. AET unions. R. Ct. 1844, v. 1 ; 184S, v. 7. ABTIZANS. R. Ct 1824, v. 5 ; 1833, v. 5. AECNDEL borough, Limits of. R. Ct. 1831-32, v. 5. ASSUKANCE associations. R. Ct. 1852-3, v.21. See Insurance. ATHLONE election. R. Ct. 1844, v. 14; 1852-3, v. 8. ATTOENIES. A. P. 1833, v. 31; 1837, v. 44. AUCKLAND islands. A. P. 1852-3, v. 65. AUCTIONS. R. Cr. 1835, v. 30; 1845, v. 27; A. P. 1845, v. 28. AUSTRALIA. A. P. 1837-8, v.40; 1839, v. 34; R. Cr. 1837-8, v.29; 1839, v. 17; 1840, v. 28; A. P. 1847, v.38; 1854, v. 44; 1854-5, v.88; 1856, v.43. See Gold discovery, New South Wales, Swan river, Sydney. AUSTEIA. A. P. 1824, v. 24; 1839, v. 50; 1852, V. 55. See also : Italy. ATLESBUET elections. R. Ct. 1847-8, v. 10; 1851, v.12. BAHAMAS. A. P. 1839, v.37; 1840, v.34. BAKEHS. R. Ct. 1824, v. 6; A. P. 1847-8, v.51; 1849, v. 46. Sea also: Bread assize. BANK of England. R. Lord's. 1797, 1810, v. 5; A. P. 1811, v.l; R.Cr. 1819, 2; R. Ct. 1.320, v. 3; 1829, v. 15; 1830, v. 17; 1831-2, v. 6; 1833, v. 1; 1834, v. 41; 1844, v. 1; 1847-8, v. 8; 1850, v. 83. See also : Exchequer. BANK acts. R. Ct. 1857, v. 10; 1857-8, v. 5. BANKING. R. Ct. 1837-8, v. 7 ; A. P. 1857-8, v. 33, 34. BANKRUPTCY. R. Ct. 1817, v. 5; A. P. 1831-2, v. 35; 1833, V. 31; 1837-8, v. 44; 1839, V. 43; R. Cr. 1840, v. 16 : 1841, v. 12; A. P. 1843, v. 41 ; R. Ct 1849, v. 8; 1S50, v. 18; 1852-3, v. 22; R. Cr. 1854, v. 23. BANKS. A. P. 1822, v. 21; 1836, v. 37 ; 1840, v. 29; R. Ct. 1840, v. 4 ; 1841, v. 5; A. P. 1841, v. 13; 1847- 8, v. 8. See also: Forgeries, Joint stock banks, Savings bank. BANN navigation bill. R. Cr. 1851, v. 24. BAKBADOES. A. P. 1839. v.36; 1840, v.35. GREAT Britain, Sessional papers, continued. BARBEK, W. II. H. Ct. lH.',7-8, v. 12. BABXSTAPLE elections. R. Ct. 1852-3, v. 8, R. Cr. 1,1, v. 21 ; R. Ct. 1854-fi, v.7. BABODA. Corruption in office. 1852-3, v. "0-73. BATH election. R. Ct. 1857, lid scss., v. 6. BEER. A. P. 1822, v. 21 ; 182C-7, v. 17 ; 1829, v. 17; 1830, v. 22; R. Ct 1830, v. 10; 1833, v. 15 ; 1850, V.18| 1852-3, v.37; 1854-5, v. 10. See also : Molt BEET-BOOT sugar. A. P. 1845, T. 46; 1852-3, T. 99. BELFAST borough, Municipal afcairs of. R. Cr. 1859, v.12. election compromise. R. Ct. 1842, v. 5. railway. R. Ct 1846, v. 12. riots. R-Cr. 1857-8, v. 26. BELGIUM, Mining inspection in. R. Cr. 1847-8, v. 26. BELVOIB national agricultural school. A. P. 1850, v. 21, pt 2. BEKBICE, Slaves in. A. P. 1830-1, v. 15. BERWICK upon Tweed election. B, Ct 1852-3, v. & BEVEELEY election. R. Ct 1857, 2d scss., v. C. BEWDLEY election. R. Ct 1847-8, v. 10. BILLETING of troops. R. Ct 1857-8, v. 10. BIRMINGHAM. Borough prison .Treatment of prisoner! in. R. Cr. 1854, v. 31. eanalbill. R. Ct 1826, v.4. police. A. P. 1841, v. 18. BIRTHS, deaths, and marriages. R. Registrar general. IS'B, v. 14; 1837-8, v. 28; 1839, v. 16; 1840, v.17; 1841, 2d sess. v. 6; 1842, v, 19; 18*3, v. 21; 1844, v. 19; 1847-8, v. 25; 1849, v. 21; 1850, v. 20; 1851, T. 22; 1852, v. IS; 1^.', 3, v. 40; 1854, v,19; l*vW,C,v. 15; 1856, v. 18; 1857, v. 4, 1857, 2d Bess., 22; 1857-8, v.23. BIRTHS during 1837-8, A. P. 1839, v. 41. BISHOPRICS. R. Cr. 1847, v.33; 1854-6, v. IS. See Chureh, Ecclesiastical. BISHOPS, Colonial. A. IMS52, v. 32. BLEACHING. R. Cr. 1854-5, v. 18; R. Ctl857, v. llj 1857-8, v. 11. BOARD of health. A. P. 1831-2, v. 28; 1834, v. 51 1849, v. 24; R, Ct 1850. v. 21, 22; R. Cr. 1851, v.23; A. P. 1851, v.43; R. Cr. 1852, v. 19; 1852,3, v. 41. BOARD of trade, Meteorological department of the. R. Cr. 1857, 2d scss., v. 20. BODE, Baron dc, Claim of. R. Ct 1834, v. 18; A. P. 1837-8, v. 37. BONDED corn. See Corn. BONES imported. A. P. 1837-8, v. 45. BOOTS and shoes imported, 1841-5. A. P. 1846, v. 44. BORNEO. A. P. 1849, v. 56; 1850, v. 65; 18^2, v. 31; 1852, 3, v. 61; 1854, v. 72; 1854-5, v. 29; R. Ct 1854-5, v. 86; 1857, v. 10. BOSTON and Halifax mails. R. Ct 1846, v. 15; A. P. 1846, v. 45. BP.EAD. See Adulteration. BREAD assize, Index to reports of, 0804-24). A. P. 1837, v. 52. BRIBERY at elections. R. Ct 1835, v. 8; 1854, v. 7. See also: St. Albans. BBIDGNORTH election. B, Ct 1852-3, v. 8. BRISTOL port B, Cr. 1854, 5, v. 17. BRITISH museum. A. P. 1808, v. fi; 1820, v. 12; 1822, v. 21; A. P. 1834, v. 42. R. Ct 1835, v. 7; 1836, v. 10, 47; B, Cr. 1837-8, v. 23; A. P. 1846, v. 25; 1847, v, 34; 1849, v. 30; R. Cr. 1850, v. 24; A. P. 1852-3, v. 57; 1854, v. 39; 1856, v. 38; 1859, v. 14. R. Ct on collections. (Burney's) 1818, v. 3; (El- gin's) 1816, v. 3; (Hargrove's) 1812-3, v. 4; (Rich's) 1825, v. 5; (Townley's) 1813-4, v. 3. BRITISH North America. A. P. 1839, v. 32. See also: Canada, Jamaica, Labrador, New Brunswick, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, Prince Ed ward's Island, Red river settlement, Vancouver's island, West Indies. BROAD wheel acts. B. Ct 1808, v. 5; 1809, v. 2; 1810, v.5, 8. BROOKE, Sir J., Suppression of piracy. A. P. 1850, v. 55; 1852-3, v. 01; 1854, v. 72. BROOKSBANK, and Beltz, and Dr. Bowring, Reports of. A. P. 1831, v. 14. , BUCKINGHAM, J. S. Compensation to, for the suppres- sion of the Calcutta journal. R. Ct 1834, v. 8. BUCKINGHAM palace. B, Ct. 1831, v. 4. BULLION, High price of. R. Ct. 1810, v. 3. BURDETT, Sir F., Proceedings relative to. Rep. 1S1C, v. 5, 8. BURIAL acts. R. Ct. 1856, v. 7. See also : Interment BURY St. Edmund's election. R. Ct 1852-3, v. 8 ; 1857, 2d sess. v. 5. GREAT BRITAIN 337 GREAT BRITAIN GREAT Britain, Sessional papers, continued. CALCUTTA bankers. R. Ct. 1822, v. 5; 1834, v. 44. journal. R. Ct. 1834, v. 8. CALEDONIAN canal. R. Cr. 1808, v. 6; 1809-12, v. 1; 1816, v. 8; 1818, v. 10; 1820, v. 7; 1822, v. 8; 1823, v. 7; 1824, v. 9; 1825, v. 15; R. Ct. 1826-7, v. 7; 1828, v. 9; R. Cr. 1829, v. 5; 1830, v. 15; 1831, 2, v. 23; 1834, v.40; 1835, v.36; 1837-8, T. 35; R. Ct. 1839, v. 8; R. Cr. 1840, v. 28; ISU.v. 12; 1842, v. 25; J843, v. 29; 1844, v. 31; 1845, v. 26; 3847, v. 33; 1847-8, v. 37; 1849, v. 27; 1850, v. 30; 1852, v. 18; 1852-3, v. 40; 1854, v. 19; 1854, 5, v. 15; 1856, v. 18; 1857, 2d sess., v. 16. CAMBRIDGE borough. R. Cr. 1852, 3, v. 46. election. R. Ct. 1352, 3, v. 9. university. R. Cr. 1852,3, v. 44; A. P. 1854, v.50; 1854-5, v. 41. CAMELFOED election. R. Ct. 1819, v. 4. CANADA. R. Ct.l828,v.7; A. P. 1831-2, v. 32; 1834, v. 18 ; A. P. 1837, v. 42 ; 18S7-8, v. 39; R. Cr. 1839, v. 17;A. P. 1839, v. 34; 1810, v. 31-32; 1842, v. 28; 1843, v. 32; 1844, v. 34; 1847, v. 38; 1847-8, V. 42; 1851, V. 36; 1852, V. 33. Grievances in lower. R. Cr. 1837, v. 24. Head's dispatches. A. P. 1839, v. 33. Rebellion in. A. P. 1837-8, v. 39; 1839, v. 34; 1810, v. 32. Removal of the seat of government of. A. P. 1850, v.38. See Rideau Canal. CANAL bills. R. Ct. 1852, 3, v. 38; 1857, v. 2; 1857, 8, v. 12, 14; R. Cr. 1857, 8, v. 31. CANALS. R. Ct. 1831-32, v. 5; R. Cr. 1857-8, v. 32. See also: Birmingham; Caledonian; Rideau. CANTERBURY. R. Cr. 1852, 3, v. 47. election. R. Ct 1841, T. 9; 1852, 3. v.9. CAPE of Good Hope. R. Cr. 1829, v. 5; A. P. 1847, v. 38; 1849, v. 43; 1854-5, v. 38; 1856, v. 4J. Slaves at 1826-7, v. 21, 22; 1830-1, v. 15; 1854, v. 73; 1855, V. 56; 1850, v. 62. CAPITAL punishment. R. Ct. 1846, v. 34; A. P. 1850, v.36; 1856, v. 7. CAPBI, Capture of, by the French; A. P. 1809, v. 5. CARLISLE election. R. Ct. 1847-8, v. 10. CARLO w borough elections. R. Ct 1836, v. 11; 1837, v. 10; 1839, v. 6, 7. CARNATIC debts. Rep. 6, 7, 1809-12, v. 1; 1810, v. 6; 1818, v. 6; R. Cr. 1819, v. 13; 1823, v. 10; 1825, v. 15; 182(3-7, v. 7; 1828, v. 9; 1829, v. 5; 1830, v. 15; 1854- 5, v. 40. CAHRICK on Shannon union. R. Ct. 1850, v. 11. CAKRICXFERGUS election. R. Ct 1833, v. 8; A. P. 1834, v. 43. forgeries. R. Ct. 1830-1, v. 3. CASHEL election petition. R. Ct. 1857-8, v. 12. CATHEDRAL and collegiate churches. R. Cr. 1854, T. 25. and college libraries. R. Ct. 1849, v. 17. CATTLE. See Murrain, Pleuro-pneumonia. CENSUS of 1851. A. P. 1S51, v. 43. See Ireland, Population, Scotland. CENTRAL America. A. P. 1856. v. 44, 56, 60. CETLOX. A. P. 1*31-2, v. 32; 1833, v. 26, 1847-8. v. 42; R. Ct 1S49, v. 11; 1850, v. 12; 1851, v.8; R. Cr. 1851, v. 22; A. P. 1852, v. 02. CHANCERY. A. P. 1824, v. 18; R. Cr. 1826, v. 15-16; A. P. 1828, r. 20; 18-J9, v. 18; 1830, V. 20; 1831, V. 15; 1833, v. 31 ; R. Ct. 18X3, v. 14; R. Cr. 1852, v. 21; 1854, v. 24; R. Ct. 1856, v. 10; R. Cr. 1856, v. 22. CHANNEL islands, Criminal law in the. R. Cr. 1847, T.15. CHARITABLE donations and charities. R. Cr. 1819, v. 10; 1820, v. 4, 5, 6; 1822, v. 9, 10; 1S24. v. 13, 14; 1825, v. 10, 11; 1826, v. 12, 13; 1826-7, v. 8-10; 1828, V. 10, 11, 21; 1829, V. 7, 8, 20; 1830, v. 12; 1831, V. 11, 15; 1833, v. 18, 19; 1834, v. 21, 22; 1835, v. 21; R. Ct 1835, v. 7; R. Cr. 1837-8, v. 24-27, 38; 1839, v. 14, 15, pt 1, 41; 1840, v. 19; 1843, v. 16-18; 1850, v. 20; 1851, v. 22; A. P. 1852, v. 38; R. Cr. 1852-3, v. 41 ; 1854, v. 19; 1854-5; v. 15; 1856, v. 22; A. P. 1856, v. 46; R. Cr. 1857, T. 3; 1857-8, v. 23; 1859, v. 12. CHARITABLE funds. A. P. 1834, v. 45. CHARITABLE uses. R. Ct. 1S57, v. 9. CHARITY trustees. A. P. 1859, v. 20. CHATHAM election. R. Ct. 1S35, v. 9; 1852-3, v. 9. CHELTENHAM election. R. Ct. 1847-8, v. 11. CHILDREN, Employment of. (In agriculture.) R. Cr. 184.3, v. 12. (In factories.) R. Ct. 1831-2, v. 15; R, Cr. 1833, v. 20, 21; 1834, v. 19, 20; A. P. 1850, v. 42. (In mines.) R. Cr. 1842, v. 15, 1C, 17. (In sweeping chimnies,) R. Ct 1817, v. 6. (In trade and mauufact.) R. Cr. 1843, v. 13-15. See Juveniles. GEEAT Britain, Sessional papers, continued. CHINA. A. P. 1840, v. 36; R. Ct. 1840, v. 7; 1S47, v. 5; A. P. 1847, v. 40; 1847-8, v. 48; 1849, v.39; 1850, v. 41; 1S57, v. 11; 1857-8, V. 43. See Nankeen, Opium. CHOLERA. R. Cr. 1847-8, v. 41, 51; 1850, v. 21,51; 1852, v. 20; 1S54, v. 35; A. P. 1854-5, v. 45. CHURCH. A. P. 1820, v. 9; 1830, v. 19; 1833, v. 27; 1834, v. 43; R. Cr. 1835, v. 22; 1836, v. 36; 1837, v. 21; A. P.1S37, v.41; 1839, v.41; 810, v. 39; 1841, v.20; 1S42, v. S3; 1843, v. 40; 1844, v. 38, 1845, v. 35; 1846, v. 32; 1S47, v. 44; 1817-8, v. 49; 1850, v. 42; 1851, v. 42; 1852, v. 3S; 1852-53, v. 78; 1854, v. 50; 1856, v. 46; 1857, v. 13, 32; 1S57-8, v. 46. See also : Bishops, Clergy, Ecclesiastical, Epis- copal. Tithes. building. R. Cr. 1834, v. 40. charities. R. Cr. 1854, v. 19. education. A.P.1S49, v. 42; 1854-5, v.41. estates. R. CT. 1852, v. 18; 1852, 3, v. 40; R. Cr. 1859, v. 12. leases. R. Ct 1837, v. 6; 1837-8, v. 9; 1839, v. 8. rates. A. P. 1856, v. 48; A. P. 1859, v. 20. temporalities. R. Cr. 1835, v. 22, 35. tithes. A. P. 1831, 2, r. 30. CHURCHES. R. Cr. 1822, v. 11; 1823, v. 7; 1824, v. 9; 1826, v. 11, 1826-7, r. 7; 1828, v. 9; A. P. 1829, v. 21; R. Cr. 1830, v. 15; A. P. 1830-1, v. 7; 1831, 15; R. Cr. 1831, v.9; 1S54-5, v. 15. (New.) R. Cr.l831-?,r. 23; 1828, v.21;1834, v.40; 1837,v.21; A. P. 1837-8, v.SS; R. Cr. ISG'.t. v. 1C; 1840, v. 28 ; 1842, v. 25 ; 1843, v. 29 ; 1845, r. 27; 1847, v.33; 1847-8, v. 26; 1849, v. 22; 1850, v. 20; 1851, v. 22; 1852-3, v. 40; 1856, v. 18. CIRENCESTER election. R. Ct. 1S52-3, v. 9. CIRCUIT regulation. R. Cr. 1845, v. 14. CIVIL government charges. R. Ct 1831, v. 4. list A. P. 1822, v. 20; R. Cr. 1822, v. 14; R. Ct 1830, r. 9; 1830-1, v. 3; 1833, v. 7; A. P. 1837, v. 52. list establishments. R. Cr. 1837, v. 34. service. R. Cr. 1854, v. 27; 1854-5, v. 20; A. P. 1857-8, v. 36; R. Cr. 1859, v. 8. service, Reorganization of the. R. Cr. 1854-5, T. 20. service superannuation. R. Ct 1856, v. 9; R. Cr. 1856, v. -j. CIVITA Vecchia. A. P. 1S49, v. 57. CLARE election. R. Ct. 1SJ2-3, v. 9. CLEUGY. A. P. 1825, r. 21; 1834, v. 43; 1835, v.47; 1837, v. 41; 1837-8, v. 38; R. Cr. 1837-8, v. 28; 1839, v.16; A. P. 1847-8, v. 49. CLERK of the crown. R. Ct. 1835, v. 18; (Chancery) R. Ct. 1814, v. 14. CLITHEROE election. R. Ct. 1S.J2-3, v. 10. COAL duties (metropolis). R. Ct 1852, 3, v. 22. mines. R. Ct. 1852, v. 5. - Accidents in. R. Ct 1849, v. 7; 1854, v.9. See also : Collieries. trade. R. Ct 1830, v. 8; 1836, v. 11; 1837, 38, v. 15. whippers (act and bill). R. Ct. 1851, v. lOj 1857, v. 12. COALS suited to the steam navy. R. Cr. 1847-8, v. 38; 1849, v. 32. COCKERMOI'TH election. R. Ct. 1852-3, v. 10. COCOA imported (1821-30). A. P. 1830-1, v. 10. COFFKE planting. R. Ct 1847-8, v. 23. Adulteration of C. with chiccory. A. P. 1849, v. 0; 1852-3, v. 99; 1854-5, V. 50. COFFE Y, E. I/., Petition respecting Ali Moorad Khan'i claim. R. Ct. 1857, 8, v. 12. COINAGE. 1830-1, v. 5; R. Cr. 1849, v.28. See also : Decimal coinage, Mint. COLDBATH fields. Meeting in. R. Ct. 1833, v. 13. prison. R. 1809, v. 2. COLLIERIES. R. Cr. 1845, v. 1C; R. Cr. 1845, v. 27; R. Cr. 1844, v. 16; 1847-8, v. 26; 1850, v. 23; 1851, v. 23; 1852-3, v. 40; 1854, v. 19; 1854, 5, v. 15. See Darley, Explosions. COLONIAL appeals. A. P. 1831, 2, v. 32. bishops. A. P. 1852, v. 32. income. A. P. 1825, v.19; R. Cr. 1830-1, v.4. lands. R. Ct. 1836, v. 11; 1837, v.7 ; R. Cr. 1839, v. 17; R. Cr. 1842, v. 25; 1843, v. 29; 1844, v. 31 ; 1845, v. 27; 1847 8, v. 26; 1849, v. 22; 1851, v. 22; 1852, v.18 ; 1852, 3, v. 40; 1854, v. 8. COLONIES. A. P. 1822, v. 20 ; 1830, v. 21 ; 1830-1, v. 9; 1831-2, v. 31, 32 ; 1833, v. 25; 1834, v. 44 ; 1835, v. 39; R. Ct. 1835, v. 6 ; A. P. 1836, v. 39 ; 1S37, v. 42; 1837-8, v.39, 40; 1839, v. 32; 1840, v. 31-35; 1841, V. 15-17 ; 1842, V. 28, 29 ; 1843, v. 32, 33 ; 1844, V. 34, 35; 1845, V. 31 ; 1846, V. 27-30; 1817, v. 37 ; 1847-8, V. 42-46 ; 1849, v. 34-37; 1850, v. 36-39 ; 1851, v. 34-38; 1852, V. 31-35; 1852-53, v. 62-67 ; 1854. v. 43) 1854-S, V. 36-38 ; 1856, V. 42-44 ; 1857, V. 10 ; 1857-8, V. 40 41. GREAT BRITAIN 338 GREAT BRITAIN GEEAT Britain, Sessional papers, continued. COLONIES. Military expenditure. B. Ct. 1834, v.6. Slaves in the. 1828, v. 25. and foreign possessions; Statistical tables relat- ing to. A. P. 1857, 2d sess., v. 40, See Emigration, Colonial. COLT'S revolvers. 1864, v. 16. COMBINATIONS of workmen. B. Ct 1887-8, v. 8. See also : Masters and operatives. COMMERCE. B. Ct. 1833, v.6; A. P. 1833, v. 41 ; 1836, v. 46; 1837, v. 49; 1839, v. 45; 1840, v. 43; 1841, v. 24; 1843, v.55-56; 1844, v. 46; 1845, v. 48; 1846, v.47; 1847, v. 65; 1847, 8, v. 62 ; 1849, v. 53, 54; 1850, v.54 ; 1851.V.54-55; 1852, v. 52; 1854, v.60. See also: Corn, Cotton, Grain, Guano, Linen, Linseed, Navigation, Shipping, Silk, Sugar, Tobac- co, Trade, Whale-fishery, Wheat, Wool. Tribunals of. B. Ct. 1857-8, v. 16. COMMERCIAL marine. B. Ct. 1844, v. 8; 1845, v. 12; A. P. 1847-8, v. 59. relations with France. B. Cr. 1835, v. 36 relations with Tuscany, etc. B. Cr. 1839. v. 16. tarifis. A. P. 1843, v. 57; 1846, v. 48,49; 1847, v. 64; 1847-8, v.61; 1849, v. 52. See also : Mercantile. COMMISSABIAT. A. P. 1845, v. 29; 1846, v. 26: 1847, v.35; 1849, v. 32; 1850, v. 35; 1851, v. 33; 1852, v. 30; 1852, 3,v. 59; 1854, v. 41; 1854,5, v. 32; 1856, v.40. COMMON law courts, Practice and proceedings of. B. Cr. 1829, v. 9; 1830, v. 11; 1831, v. 10; 1833, v. 22; 1834, v. 26; (Ireland), 1842, v. 23. COMMONS inclosure. See Inclosure. CONNAUGHT lakes, Inland communication through the. B. Ct. 1835, v. 20. CONSOLS, Price of, (1797-1832) 1831-2, v. 6; (1834-43) 1844, v. 32. CONSTABULARY. A. P. 1830-1, v. 8 ; B. Cr. 1839, v.19. CONSULS. A. P. 1830, v. 21; 1854-5, v. 50; 1856, v. 58; B. Ct. 1857-8, v. 8. CONTRACTS for the supply of public departments. B. Ct. 1856, v. 7, 40; 1857. v. 2; 1857-8, v. 6. CONVICT discipline. A. P. 1831, v, 45; 1857, v.14. CONVICTS. A. P. 1814, v. 4; 1824, v. 19 ; 18*, v. 24s 1826-7, v, 19 ; R. Ct 1828, v. 6; A. P. 1800, v. 23; 1830-1, v. 12; 1833, v. 29; 1835, v. 45 ; 1S3G, v. 42; B. Ct. 1837, v. 19; A. P. 1837-8, v. 42 ; 1839, v. 88 ; 1843, v. 42; 1845, v. 37; 1847, v. 48; 1847-8, v. 52; 1849, v. 43 ; 1850, v. 45 ; 1851, v. 45, 46 ; 1852-3, v. 82 ; 1854, v. 54 ; 1854-5, v. 39 ; 1857, v. 14. See also : Gaols, Prisons. COOLIES. A. P. 1839, v. 36, 39; 1840, v. 34; 1841, v. 16; 1842, v. 30; 1843, v. 35; 1844, v. 35; 1847-8, v.44; 1852-3, v. 68; 1856, v. 24. COPPEB, Commerce in. 1832-44. 1845, v. 44. COPYHOLD commission. B. Cr. 1859, v. 12. COPYHOLDS. B. Cr. 1842, v. 25 ; 1843, v. 29 ; 1845, v. 27; 1847-8, v. 26; 1849, v. 22; 1850, v. 23; 1851, v. 22; 1852, v. 18 ; 1852, 3, v. 40; 1854, v. 1'J ; 1854, 5, v. 15; 1856, v. 18; 1857, v. 3; 1857-8, v. 24. COPYKIGIIT acts. B. Ct. 1812-13, v. 4 ; R. Cr. 1818, v. 9 See also : International copyright COPYRIGHT of designs. B. Ct. 1840, v. 6. CORK, Report of the president of Queen's college at. B. Cr. 1859. v. 7. COBK city election. B. Ct. 1852-3, v. 11. COEN trade. A. P. 1822, v. 21 ; B. Ct. 1822, v. ; A. P. 1824, v. 18; 1825, v. 20; 1826-7, v. 16; 1828, v. 18; 1829, v. 17; 1830, v. 22; B. Ct. 1834, v. 7; 1835, v. 13; A. P. 1839, v. 46; B. Ct 1840, v. 5; A. P. 1841, v. 26; 1842, v. 45; 1843, v. 53; 1844, v. 45; 1845, v. 46; 1846, v. 44. See also : Grain, Wheat. COEONATION. B. Ct. 1831, v. 4. COEONEES. B. Ct. 1840, v. 14; 1851, v. 10. COEPOEAL punishment in the navy. A. P. 1845, v. 30; 1847, v.36; 1847-8, v. 41. COEPOEATE offices and charitable fund. A. P. 1834, v.45. COEPOBATIONS. R. Cr. 1835, v. 23-29; A. P. 1835, v. 40; 1837, v.44; 1839, v. 41. COTTON in India. B. Ct. 1847-8, v. 9 ; A. P. 1847, v. 42; 1857, 2d sess. v. 31, pt. 1, 2. manufactures, Rep. 1808, v. 6. mill at Oldham, B. Cr. 1845, v. 16. COUNTY courts. B. Cr. 1854, 5, v. 18. rates. B. Ct. 1825, v. 6; A. P. 1833, v. 32; B. Ct 1835, v. 14; B. Cr. 1835, v. 36; 1836, v. 27; 1850, v. 13; A. P. 1852-3, v. 100. COUP.T of session. A. P. 1829, v. 18. COUETS. A. P. 1826-27, v. 19; 1836, v. 43. - of justice. B. Cr. 1810, v. 8; 1822, v. 8, 11, 14; A. P. 1830, v. 20; 1830-1, v. 8. of law and equity. B. Ct. 1842, v. 10; 1845, v. 12; 1847, v. 8; 1847, 8, v. 15; 1852-3, v. 40. GREAT Britain, Sessional papers, continued. COUETS of probate. E. Ct. 18.7J, v. 3. of request. A. P. 1833, v. 30. See also : Chancery, Law. COVENTRY election. R. Ct. 1833, v. 8. CUEMILL Point. R. Ct 1831, 2, v. 5. CBIME. A. P. 1831, 2, v. 33; 1833, v. 28-29; 1834, v. 47; 1836, v. 41 ; 1837, v. 45, 46 ; 1807-8, v. 45; 1839, r. 38 ! 1840, v. 38 ; 1841, v. 18; Is 12, v. 32; 1*43, v. 42; 1844, v. 39; 1845, v. 37; 1840, v. 34, 35; 1847, v. 47; 1847-8, v. 52; 1849, v. 44; 1851, v.46; 1852, v.41; 1852-3, v. 81; 1854, v. fit; 1857-8, v. 47; 1859, v.22. CKIMI: A, British army in the. R. Cr. 1854, v. 20; 1854- 5, V. 9, 32, 33, 34, 36; 1856, v. 20, 21, 40; 1857, v. 9; 1857-8, v. 38. See also : Sebastopol. CRIMINAL commitments. R. Ct 1828-7, v. 6. laws. R. Ct. 1824, v.4 ; R. Cr. 1834, v. 26 ; 1837, v. 31; 1339, v. 19; 1840, v. 20; 1841, v. 10; 1843, v. 19; 1845, v. 14 ; B. Ct. 1S47, v. 7; R. Cr. 1847, v. 15; 1847-8, v. 27; 1849, v. 21. and destitute juveniles. B. Ct. 1852, v. 7 ; 1852, 3, v. 23. CRIMINALS. See Convicts, Crime, Prisons. CROWN, Clerk of the. B. Ct. 1835, v. 18. Droita of the. A. P. 1830, v. 27; 1833, v. 24. forests. B. Ct. 1854, v. 10. Land revenue of. Rep. 1809, v. 6. leases. B. Ct 1829, v. 3. See also : King, Queen. CROYDON and Epsom railway. B. Ct 1844, v. 14. CEUELTY to animals. R. Ct 1831, 2, v. 5. CUBA. Correspondence concerning alleged project* of annexation. A. P. 1&52-3, v. 102. Descriptive sketches and statistics of. A. P. 1847, v.64. CUSTOMS. B. Cr. 1822, v. 11; 1823, v. 7; A. P. 1824, v. 17; 1826-7, v. 17; 1830, v. 25; 1830-1, v. 10; 1831- 2, v. 34; 1833, v. 33; 1834, v. 49; 1836, v. 43; 1843, v. 42; 1845, v. 46; 1846, v. 44; 1847-8, v. 42; B. Ct. 1851, v. 11; 1852, v. 8; B. Cr. 1857, v. 3; 1857-8, v.25. See also : Duties, Revenues. CUSTOMS and coast guard. A. P. 1851, v. 53. DARLEY main colliery. B. Cr. 1849, v. 22. DARLING, Gen. B. B. Ct. 1835, v. 6. DARTMOOR prison. 1834, v. 42; 1835, v. 11; 1836, T. 38; B. Ct 1852-3, v. 61; B. Cr. 1854, v. 33; 1854-5, v.25; 1856, v.35. DARTMOUTH election. B. Ct 1845, v. 12 ; 1852-5, v. 12. DEAN, Forest of. B. Cr. 1835, v. 36. DEATHS. See Births, deaths, and marriages. PELT, Number of persons confined for. A. P. 1826- 7, T. 19; 1828, v. 20; 1829, v. 18; 1830, v. 23; 1830-1, v. 12; 1833, v. 29; 1835, v. 44; 1836, v. 43; 1837, v. 39; 1839, v. 43. DEBTS from foreign governments. B. Ct. 1849, v. 12. Small. B. Ct 1823, v. 4. DECIMAL coinage. B. Ct 1852-3, v. 22; B. Cr. 1857, 2d sess., v.19; 1859, v. 8. DEFAMATION and libel. R. Ct. 1843, v. 5. DEFAULTERS. A. P. 1822, v. 22. DEMERARA, Slaves in. 1829, v. 25; 1830-1, v. 15. DERBY elections. R. Ct 1847-8, v. 11 ; 1S52-3, v. 13. DESIGN, Schools of. B. Cr. 1843, v. 29; 1845, T. 27 A. P. 1847, v. 62; 1851, v. 43. DESIGNS act extension bill. R. Ct 1851, v. 18. Copyright of. R. Ct. 1840, v. 6. DEVON and Dorset railway. H. Ct 1852-3, v. 24. DIPLOMATIC establishments. A. P. 1830, v. 21. service. Absence of members from their posts from 1845-54. A. P. 1856, v. 58. See Civil service. DlSFBANCHISEMENT bills. A. P. 1831, V. 16. DISINFECTING fluids. A. P. 1847-8, v. 51. DISSECTION, Manner of obtaining subjects for. B. Ctl828,T.7. DISTILLATION of sugar. B. 1808, v. 7. DISTILLERS. A. P. 1830, v. 22. DISTURBANCE in Hyde Park. R. Cr. 1856, v. 23. DIVINE worship. A. P. 1854, v. 50; 1857-8, v. 9. See also : Sunday. DIVORCE. R. Cr. 1852-3, v. 40. DOCKS. A. P. 1847, v. 61; 1850, v. 53; 1856, v. 55; 1857 2d sess., v. 19. DOCK-YARD appointments. A. P. 1852-3, v. 60; B. Ct 1852-3, v. 25. DOG stealing. K. Ct. 1844, v. 14. DOUAY college. 1845, v.35. DOVER harbour. B. Cr. 1847, v. 16. DOWNING street public offices. B. Ct. 1854-a, v. 7. GREAT BRITAIN 339 GREAT BRITAIN GREAT Britain, Sessional papers, continued. DRAINAGE. R. Cr. 1845, v. 26; 1846, v. 22. - Arterial. R. Cr. 1852-3, v. 41; A. P. 1857-8, v. 48. See also : London, Metropolis. DRAMATIC literature, Laws affecting. R. Ct. 1831-2, v.7. DROGHEDA election. R. Ct. 1857, v. 6. Dr.rxKEXNESS. R. Ct. 1834, v. 8. DUBLIN. Elections. R. Ct. 1831, v. 4; 1857, 2d session, v.G. hospitals. R. Ct. 1854, v. 12; 1856, v. 19; 1857. v. 23. jury lists. A. P. 1844, v. 44. royal society. R. Ct. 1S3C, v. 12. ship canal. R. Ct. 1833, v. 16. taxation. R. Ct. 1822, v. 7; 1823, v. 6; 1824, v. 8. turnpikes. R. Cr. 1854-5, v. 19. uuiTersity. R. Cr. 1852-5, v. 45. wide streets. R. Ct. 1346, v. 12. DUCHY of Lancaster. (Bertolacci's petition.) R. Ct. 1857, 2dsess., v. 12. DCKE of fork, Evidence on the conduct of the. 1809, v.4. DtJLwicn college. R. Ct. 1S57, v. 9. DUXGAKVOX election. R. Ct 1854, v. 8. DURHAM city election. R. Ct. 1852-3, v. 12. DUTIES, Import. R. Ct. 1S40, v. 5. See also : Customs. EAST India company charter. A. P. 1811, v. 4; 1812- 13, V. 7, 1833, v. 25. company. Affairs, accounts, etc. A. P. 1808, v. 3; R. Ct. 1809-10, v. 2; A. P. 1810, v. 6, 6, 7; 1810-12, v. 2; R. Ct. 1812-3, v. 7-10; 1813-4, v. 8, 9; A. P. 1816, v. 10; R, Cr. 1818, v. 11; 18i, v.6; 1823, v. 17; 1826, v. 25; 1826-7, v. 20; 1828, v. 23, 24; 1829, v. 23; R. Ct. 1830, v. 5, 6; A. P. 1830, v. 28; 1830-1, v. 9; R. Ct. 1831, v. 6; 1831-2, v. 8-14; A. P. 1831-2, v. 31 ; 1833, v. 26 ; R. Ct. 1835, v. 18; A. P. 1835, v. 39; 1836, v. 40; 1837, v. 43; 1837-8, v. 41j 1839, V. 39-40 ; 1840, v. 7 ; R. Ct. 1810, v. 37 ; 1841, V. 17; 1842, v. 30; 1843, v. 35; 1814, v. 36; 1845, V. 34; 1846, v. 31; 1847, v. 41; 1849, v. 39-41 ; 1850, v. 41 ; 1851, v. 41 ; 1852, v. 36 ; 1852-3, v. 27-33, 69, 74-76; 1854, v. 47-48; 1854-5, v. 40; 1856, v. 45; 1857, v. 11; 1857, 2d sess., v. 29, 30. See also : Baroda, Carnatic, Hindoo, India, Mad- ras, Scinde. maritime officers in the service of the E. India company. R. Ct. 1S35, v. 18; 1837, v. 6. railways. A. P. 1859, v. 19. produce. 1840, v. 8. EAST Indies, Marriages in the. R. Cr. 1850, v. 20. Mutiny in the. A. P. 1857, 2d sess. v. 30; 1857-8, v. 44; 1859. v. 18. Slavery in the. A. P. 1828, v. 24; 1841, v. 28. See also : India, Piracy. EAST Retford. R. Ct. 1828, v.4; Disfranchisement bill, A. P. 1830-1, v. 10. EASTERN archipelago company. A. P. 1852, v. 31. counties railway company. R. Ct. 1849, v. 10. ECCLESIASTICAL affairs. A. P. 1818, v. 18; 1836, v.40. accounts. A. P. 1859, v. 20. commission. A. P. 1836, v. 40; R. Ct. 1847, v. 9; 1817-8, v. 7 ; 1852, V. 18 ; J854, v. 19 ; 1854-5, V. 15 ; 1856, v. 11; R. Cr. 1852-3, v. 40; 1856, v. 18, 19; 1857, V. 3; 1857-8, v. 24, 26. commissioners. R. Cr. 1859, v. 12. corporations, R. Ct. 185", 2d session, v. 9. courts. A. P. 1828, v. 20; 1829, v. 18; 1830, v. 19. courts consolidation bill. R. Ct. 1843, v. 11. revenue. A. P. 1835, v. 47. See Ireland. EDIXBUEGH, General register house at. R. Cr. 1844, v. 26. See also : Annuity tax. university. R. Cr. 1837, v. 35. EDCCATIOX. R. Ct. 1819, v. 9, a-c; A. P. 1831, v. 15 ; R. Ct. 1834, v. 9 ; R. Ct. 1835, v. 7 ; A. P. 1835, v. 40-43 ; 1837, v. 47 ; 1837-8, v. 38, (negro) v. 43 ; R. Cr. 1837-8, v. 28; A. P. 1839, v. 41; 1840, v. 40; 1841, v. 19, 20; 1842, v. 33 ; 1843, v. 40; 1844, v. 38; 1845, V. 35 ; R. Ct. 1846, v. 10 ; 1847, v. 45 ; A. P. 1847-8, v. 50; 1849, v. 42; 1851, v. 43, 44; 1852, v. 39, 40; R. Ct. 1852-3, v. 24; A. P. 1854-5, v. 41, 42; 1S56, v. 46-47; R. Cr. 1856, v. 19; 1857, 2d session, v. 17 ; A. P. 1857, v. 13, 2d sess., 32-33 ; 1857-8, v. 45, 4C; 1859, v. 21, pt 1, 2. See also: Charities for promoting education, De- sign (Schools of), Normal school, Queen's colleges, Ragged schools, Universities. GREAT Britain, Sessional papers, continued. EDUCATION, Committee of council on. A. P. 1850, v. 43-14; 1851, V. 44; 1852, V. 39; 1852-3, v. 79-80; 1854, V. 51-52. Indexes to reports from Commissioners on edu- cation, Ireland (1814-14) . A. P. 1845, v. 42, EGYPT and Candia. R. Cr. 1840, v. 21. ELECTIOX petition recognizances. R. Ct. 1852-3, v.34. ELECTIOXS. A. P. 18&3, v. 27; 1834, v. 43; 1836, v. 43; 1841, v. 20; 1843, v. 44; 1844, v. 38; 1845, v. 36; 1847, v. 46; 1S47-8, v. 51 ; 1840, v. 45; 1850, v. 46; 1851, v. 47; 1852, v. 42; 1852-3, v. 83; 1854, v. 53; 1854-5, v. 44; 1856, v. 51; 1857, v. 14,34; R. Ct. 1S26-7, v. 4; 1833, v. 8; 1834, v. 9; 1833, v. 9; 10; 1837, 8, v. 10, 11, 12; 1840, v. 9; 1841, v. 9; 1842, v. 5; 1843, v. 6; 1844, v. 14; 1846, v. 8; 1847-8, v. 10-14; 1857, 2d sess., v.5-8. Bribery at. See Bribery. ELECTIONS. See also : Athlone, Aylesbury, Barns- staple, Bath, Belfast, Berwick-upon-Twced, Bev- erley, Bewdley, Bury St. Edmund's, Cambridge, Camelford, Canterbury, Carlisle, Carlow, Cashel, Chatham, Cheltenham, Cirencester, Clare, CUth- eroe, Cockermouth, Cork, Dartmouth, Derby, Drogheda, Dublin, Dungarvon, Durham city, East Retford, Evesham, Frome, Galway, Glou- cestershire, Great Marlow, Great Yarmouth, Guildford, Harwich, Hertford, Horsham, Hud- dersfield, Kingston-upon-HulI, Kinsale, Knares- borough, Lancaster, Leicester, Limerick, Lin- coln, Liverpool, Longford, Lyme-Regis, Maid- stone, Maldon, Marlborough, Mayo, New Ross, Newry, North Cheshire, Norwich, Oxford, Pem- broke, Penrhyn, Peterborough, Plymouth, Ponte- fract.Kochdale, Roxburghshire, Rye, Sligo, South- ampton, Stafford, Stamford, Sudbury, Taunton, Tavistock, Totnes, Tjnemouth, Wareham, War- wick, Waterford county, Wexford, Wigton, Windsor (New), Worcester. ELECTOBS. A. P. 1840, v. 39; 1842, v.33. Votes of. R. Ct. 1846, v. 8. ELGIN marbles. R. Ct. 1S16, v. 3. EiiiGHAXT ships, R. Ct. 1854, v. 13, EMIGRATION. R. Ct. 1826, v. 4; 1820-7, v. 5; A. P. 1828, v. 21; 1836, v. 40; 1837-8, v. 40; 1839, v.39; 1842, v. 31; 1843, v. 34; 1844, v. 35; 1847, v. 39; 1847-8, v. 47; 1850, v. 40; 1851, v. 40; 1852-3, v. 63; 1854, v. 46; 1856, v. 44; R. Cr. 1850. v. 24; A. P. 1 v.7, v. 10 ; 1857, 2d session, v. 28 ; R. Cr. 1S57, 2d sess. v.16; 1857-8, v. lit. - Colonial. R. Cr. 1840, v. 29; 1845, v,27; 1847-3, v.26. EXTAILED estates. R. Ct. 1845, v. 12; 1849, v. 12. EPISCOPAL and capitular estates management bill. R. Ct. 1851, v. 13. and capitular revenues. R. Cr. 1850, v. 20. EPSOM railway. R. Ct. 1844, v. 14. EUPHRATES, Steam navigation of the. R. Ct 1834, v. 14; A. P. 1SJ7-S, v. 41. EVELYN, L. H., Case of. A. P. 1856, v. 44. EVESHAM election. R. Ct. 1830-1, v. 3; 1837-8, v. 10. EXCHEQUER bills, Evidence on funding. R. Ct 1810, v. 8. bills forgery. R. Cr. 1842, v. 18. EXCISE. R. Cr. 1822, v. 11 ; A. P. 1824, v. 17; 1830, v. 25; 1831-2, v. 34; 18:;;. v. R| !-:;(, v. 49; R. Cr. 1834, V. 24, 25; A. P. 18CG, v. 45; R. Cr. 18.30, V. 26 1837, v."'i; A. P. lv>r-8, v. 47; 1840, v. 29; 1841, V. 13; 1843, v. 30; 1844, v. 32. See also : Duties. inquiry. R. Cr. 1835, v. 30, 31. EXECUTIONS in Eng. and Wales, (1805-18), A. P. 181!), v. 17; (1829-38) A. P. 1839, V. 38. for murder in Eng. and Wales (1810-1842). A. P. 1843, v. 42. ExmuiTiox, London, 1851. R. Cr. 1852, v. 26; 1852- 3,v. 54; 1856, v. 24. New York, 1852. R. Cr. 1854, v. 36. Paris, 1855. R. Cr. 1856, v. 36. EXPENDITURES. R. Ct. lst-5th, 1807. See also : Public expenditures. EXPIRED and expiring laws. Rep. 1811, y. 5; R. Ct 1820, v. 2; 1822, v. 4; 1823, v. 4; 1825, v. 4; 1826, v. 3; 1826-7, v. 3; 1828, v. 4; 1829, v. 3; 1830, v. 4; 1830-1, v. 3; 1831-2, v. 5; 1833, v. 16; 1834, v. 18; 1836, V. 21; 1837, v. 20; 1837-8, v. 23; 1839, v. 13; 1840, v.15; 1841, v. 9; 1843, v. 11; 1844, v. 14; 1845, v. 12; 1846, v. 15;R. Cr. 1847, v. 8; 1849, v. 12; 1850, v. 13; 1851, v. 13; 1852, v. 5; 1852, 3, v. 34; 1854-5, V. 7; 1856, v. 7; 1857, 2d sess., v. 9; 1857-8, v. 12. EXPLOSIONS in collieries. R. Cr. 1847, v. 16. EXPORTS. A. P. 1828, v. 19 ; 1831, v. 17. EXPORTS and imports. A. P. 1825, v. 21; 1826-7, v. 18. 1830, v. 27 ; 1830-1, v. 10 ; 1831-2, v. 34 ; 1833, v. 33; 1847, v. 60 ; 1847-8, v. 58; 1849, v. 50; 1850, v. 52; 1851, v. 53; 1852, v. 81. GREAT BRITAIN 340 GREAT BRITAIN GREAT Britain, Sessional papers, continued. EXTRA-MURAL sepulture. R. Cr. 1850, v. 21, 33. See also : Health of towns, Interment. FACTOniES. R. Ct. 1831-2, v. 15; A. P. 1835, v.40; 185", v. 50; 18"S, v. 42;1847-8, v. 61 ; 1850, v. 42 ; R. Cr. 1837, v. 31 ; 1837-8, v. 28 ; 1839, v. 19; R. Ct. 1840, v. 10; R. Cr. 1840, v. 23; 1841, v. 10 ; 1842, v. 22; 1843, v. 27 ; 1844, v. 28; 1845, v. 25; 1847, v. 15; 1847-8, v. 26; 1849, v. 22; 1850, v. 23; 1851, v. 23 ; 1852,v. 21 ; 1852-3, v. 40; 1854, v. 19; R. Ct. 1854-5, v. 15; R. Cr. 1856, v. 18; 1857, v. 3; 1857-8, v. 24; R. Cr. 1859, v.l 2. See also : Children. FACTORS, Law of. R. Ct. 1823, v. 4. FAIRS and markets. R. Cr. 1852-3, v. 41. FEES in courts. R. Ct. 1847, v. 8 ; 1847, 8, v. 16; 1849, v. 8; 1850, v. 13. FELONIES and assaults. A. P. 1S30-31, v. 12. FERNANDO Po. R. Ct. 1830, v. 10. FICTITIOUS votes, (Ireland and Scotland). R. Ct. 1837, v. 11, 12; 1837-8, v. 13, 14. FINANCE accounts, 1808, v. 8 ; 1809, v. 1, 3; 1811, v. 1; 1812, v. 2 ; 1812-13, v. 11 ; 1813-14, v. 10 ; 1816. v. 11 ; 1817, v. 12; 1818, v. 12 ; 1819, v. 14 ; 1820, v. 10; 1821, v. 13 ; 1822, v. 1G ; 1823, v. 12 ; 1824, v. 16; 1825, v. 17 ; 182G, v. 19 ; 1826-7, v. 14 ; 1828, v. 16 ; 1829, v. 15 ; 1830, v. 17 ; 1830-1, v. 5 ; 1831-2, v. 26; 1833, v. 23 ; 1834, v. 41 ; 1835, v. 37 ; 1836, v. 37 ; 1837, v. 39 ; 1*37-8, v. 36 ; 1839, v. 30 ; 1840, v. 29 ; 1811, v. 2, 13 ; 1843, v. 30 ; 1844, v.32 ; 1845, v. 28 ; 1846, v. 25 ; 1847, v. 34 ; 1847-8, v. 39 ; 1849, v. 30 ; 1850, v. 33; 1851, v. 31; 1852, v. 28; 1852-3, v. 67; 1854, v. 39 ; 1854-5, v. 30; 1856, v. 38 ; 1857, 2d Bess. v. 25; 1857-8, v. 33; 1859, v. 14. See aho: Revenue. FINE arts. R. Ct. 1841, v. 6 ; R. Cr. 1842, v. 25 ; 1843, v.29; 1844, v.31; 1845, v.7,27; 1846, v.24; 1847, v. 33 ; R. Ct. 1847-8, v. 16; A. P. 1847-8, v. 61; R. Ct 1849, v. 18; A. P. 1849, v.45; R. Cr.1849, v. 22; 1850, 4, v. 23; 1854, v. 19; 1857-8, v. 24; A. P. 1857, v. 13. See also : Art, Design (Schools of)- FIBE-DAMP, Persons destroyed by, since 1810. R. Ct. 1834, v. 49. See also : Collieries (Accidents in). FIRST fruits. A. P. 1830, v. 19; 1830-1, v. 7; 1831, v. 15; R. Ct. 1837, v. 0. FISHERIES. R. Cr. 1820, v. 7; 1826, v. 11; 1830, v. 15; 1833, v. 14; 1843, v. 28, 29; 184C, v. 23; R. Ct 1850, v. 23; 1851, v. 22 ; 1852, v. 18 ; 1854, v. 19 ; 1854-5, v. 15; 1856, v. 18, 19; 1857, 2d. sess. v. 16, 17; 1857-8, v. 32. See also : Herring, Salmon. FLOGGING in the army (1847-55). A. P. 1852-3, v. 59; 1857, v. 9. See also : Military punishments. FOEEIOIT office. H. Ct. 1857-8, v. 11. refugees. S. P. A. P. 1852, v. 64. trade. R. Ct 1822, v. 6. FOBESTS. R. Cr. 1816, v. 15; 1819, v. 19; A. P. 1854-5, v. 53; 1856, v. 52; 1857, v. 13. See also : Woods and forests. FOEGERIES on banks. A. P. 1828, v. 20. FOEGERT, Convictions for (1791-1829). A. P. 1830, v. 23; 1830-1, v. 12. FOUEDRINIER'S patent R. Ct. 1837, v. 20. FEAMEWOKK knitters. R. Ct 1812, v. 2; 1819, v. 5; 1841, V. 7; 1845, v. 15; 1855, v. 14. FBANCE. A. P. 1823, v. 19. Commercial relations with. R. Cr. 1834, v. 19; 1835, v. 36. Mining inspection in. R. Cr. 1847-8, v. 26. Noxious trades. A. P. 1854-5, v. 45. Public libraries in. A. P. 1854-^, v. 49. Report on the public accounts of. A. P. 1831 2, v.28. State papers. A. P. 1843, v. 60. See also : Paris. FRANKFORT. 8. P. 1831-2, v. 48. FBANKLIN, Sir 3., Search for. A. P. 1852, v. 50; 1852-3, v.60 ; 1854, v. 42 ; R. Ct 1854-5, ' v. 7; A. P. 1854- 5, v. 35; 1856, v. 41. FREEMEN of cities and boroughs. R. Ct. 1840, v. 11. FEESH fruits. R. Ct. 1839, v. 8. FBIEIIDLY societies. R. Ct. 1825, v. 4; 1826, 7, v. 3; A. P. 1837, v. 51; R. Ct. 1849, v. 14; 1852, v. 5; A. P. 1852-3, v. 100; R. Ct. 1854, v. 7; A. P. 1856, v. 58; 1857-8, v. 50. FBOME election. R. Ct. 1852, 3, v. 13. GALWAY elections. R. Ct. 1826-7, v. 4; 1857, v. 6; B. Cr. 1857-8, v. 26. freemen. A. P. 1831, v. 16. GKEAT Britain, Sessional papers, continued, GAME laws, No. of persons confined for offencet against the. A. P. 1825, v. 3; 1826, v. 24; 1831-2, r. 83; 1849, v. 44. Operation of the. R. Ct. 1816, T. 4; 1823, v. 4; 1828, v. 8; 184.5, v. 12; 1848, y. 9; A. P. 1846, v. 34. GAMING. R. Ct. 1844, v. 6. GAOLS. A. P. 1828-7, v. 19. Reports of gaol returns. A. P. 1836, T. 42; 1843, T. 43. See also : Crime, Ilchester, Leicester, Prison*. GAS light establishments. R. Ct 1823, v. 5; A. P. 1857, v. 13. Supply of, to the metropolis. R. Ct 1869, v. 3. GASES in collieries. R. Cr. 1847, T. 16. See also: Fire-damp. GAUGE of rail ways. R. Cr. 1846, v. 16. GERMANY, Mining inspection in. R. Cr. 1849, v. 22. See also : Prussia. GIBRALTAR. A. P. 1854-5, v. 36. GILBERT unions. R. Ct. 1344, v. 10; 1845, v. 13. GLASGOW lottery. R. Ct 1834, v. 18. ami Belfast union railway terminus and harbor. R. Ct. 1846, V. 12. university. 1837, v. 36. GLOUCESTEBSHIEE election, West R. Ct 1847-8, v. 11. GOLD discovery in Australia. A. P. 1852-3, T. 04; 1854, v. 44; 1854-5, v.38; 1856, v. 43. and silver wares. R. Ct. 1856, v. 16. bullion, High price of. R. 1810, v. 8. GEAIN, Average price and quantity imported 1800- 1825; A. P. 1825, v. 20; Average prices of bread, 1827-8; A. P. 1828, v. 18. Foreign. R. Ct. 1826-7, v. 6; A. P. 1826-7, v. 16; A. P. 1829, v. 17. See also : Corn trade, Wheat GREAT Marlow election. R. Ct 1842, v. 7. GREAT Yarmouth election. R. Ct. 1847-8, v. 12. GREECE, State papers relating to the affairs of. 8. P. 1830, v. 32; 1831-2, v. 48; Slaves, 1833, v. 43; A. P. 1843, v. 60; 1850, v. 56. See also : Ionian islands, Navariuo. GREEK loan. A. P. 1847-^, v. 34. GRENADA. A. P. 1839, v. 36. GUANO imported. A. P. 1850, v. 62; 1852-3, v. 99; 1854-5, v. 60; 1856, V. 58. GUIANA, British. A. P. 1839, v. 35; 1840, v. 34; 1846, v. 27; 1847, v. 37; 1849, v. 37; R. Ct 1849, v. 11; A. P. 1852, v.31. GUILDFOBD election. R. Ct. 1852-3, v. 13. GUENET, G. Steam carriages. R. Ct 1834, v.ll; 1835, T.13. HACKNEY carriages (metropolis). No. of licenses, etc. A. P. 1852, v. 41. carriage convictions. A. P. 1837, v. 45. See also : Public carriages. coach offices. R. Ct 1830, v. 10. HALIFAJC and Boston mails. See Boston. HANCOCK, Maj.-gen. H. Report on the organization of the Indian army. R. Cr. 1859, v. 5. HAND-LOOM weavers. R. Ct. 1834, v. 10; 1835, v. 13; A. P. 1839, v. 42; R. Cr. 1840, v. 23, 24; 1841, T. 10; R. Ct. 1842, v. 7. HANSARD, J., L. G., and L. J. See Stockdale. HARBOUR dues. A. P. 1846, v. 46. HARBOURS. R. Ct. 1836, v. 20; R. Cr. 1840, T. 28 ; 1845, v.16; A. P. 1847, v. 61; 1850, v. 53; 1851, v. 52; 1852, v. 49; 1854, v. GO; 1857, 2d sess., v. 39; 1857-8, v. 62 ; R. Cr. 1857, 2d sess., v. 19 ; 1857-8, v. 31; R, Ct.1857, 2d sess., v.14; 1857-8, v. 17; A. P. 1859, v. 25; R. Cr. 1859, v. 10, pt 1, 2. See Glasgow, Holyhead, Leith, Ramsgatc. Tidal. R. Cr. 1845, v. 16; 1846, v. 18; 1847, v. 32. HARWICH elections. R. Ct. 1847-8, v. 12; 1852-3, v. 13. HAYNAU, Marshal, Assault on. A. P. 1851, v. 58. HAYTI. A. P. 1829, v. 24. HEAD, Sir F. B. Dispatches from Canada. A. P. 1839, v. 33. HEALTH, Board of. See Board of health. Public. A. P. 1852-3, v. 96; 1854, v. 61 ; R. Cr. 1854, v. 35; B, Ct 1854-5, v. 13; A. P. 1857, 2d sess. v.41. HEALTH of towns. R. Ct, 1840, v. 11; R. Cr. 1845, v. 18. Effect of interment of bodies upon the. R. Cr. 1842, v. 10. See also : Board of health. Cholera, Extra-mural sepulture, Nuisances, Quarantine. HEREFORD lunatic asylum. R. Ct. 1839, v. 9. HEM p imported. A. P. 1S39, v. 46; 1852-3, v. 99; 1854, v. 05; 1856, v. 56; 1S57, v. lt>. GREAT BRITAIN 341 GREAT BRITAIN GKEAT Britain, Sessional papers, continued. HERRING fishery. R. Cr. 181", v. 9; 1821, v. 10; 1322, v. 8; 1823, v. 7; 1824, v. 9; 1829, v. 5; 1830-31, v. 4; 1837, v. 22; 1840, v. 28; 1841, v. 12; 1842, v.25; 1852-3, V. 40; 1854, v. 19; 1855, v. 15; 185S, V. 18. HEBTFORD borough election. B. Ct, 1833, v. S. HIDES. B. Ct. 1S24, v. 7. HIGH sheriffs. B. Ct. 1830, v. 10. HIGHLAND roads and bridges. B. Cr. 1809, v. 6; 1811, v. 3; 1821, v. 10; 1825, v. 15; 1826, v. 11; 1828, v. 9; 1829, v. 5; 1830, v. 15; 1831-32, v. 23; 1833, v.17; 1834, v. 40; 1840, v. 28; 1841, v. 12; 1842, v. 25; 1843, v. 29; 1845, v. 26; 1846, v. 23; 1847, v. 33; 1849, v. 27; 1852, v. 18; 1852-53, v. 40; 1859, v. 13. HIGHWAYS. Eep. 1808, v. 5; B. Ct. 1819, v. 5; 1837-8, v. 23; 1847, v. 8 ; A. P. 1849, v. 46; 1852, v. 43 ; 1857, 2d sess., v. 37. See also : Broad wheel acts, Roads. HINDOO widows. A. P. 1821, v. 18; 1823, v. 17; 1824, v. 23; 1825, v. 24; 1830, v. 28; 1831-2, v. 9. temples. 1841, v. 17. HOLYHEAD harbour. B. Ct. 1837, v. 50; A. P. 1844, v. 45; 1847, v. 8; B. Cr. 1847, v. 16. roads. B. Ct. 1811, v. 4; 1830, v. 10; B. Cr. 1829, v. 5; 1830, v. 15; 1830-31, v. 4; 1831-32, v. 23; 1833, v. 17; 1834, v. 40; 1836, v. 38; 1837, v. 33; 1837-8, v. 85; 1839, v. 39; 1840, v. 28; 1841, v. 12; 1842, v. 25; A. P. 1830, v. 27; B. Cr. 1843, v. 29; 1845, v. 27; 1847, v. 33; 1849, v. 27. roada and harbour. B. Ct. 1822, v. 6; B. Cr. 1828, v. 9. HONDURAS. A. P. 1828, v. 26; 1852-3, v. 62; 1855, v. 36; 1856, v. 42; 1857, v. 10. HOP duties. B. Ct. 1857, 2d sess., v. 14. HOBSHAM elections. B. Ct. 1847-8, v. 12. HOUSE of commons. B. Ct. 1.834, v. 11; 1837, v. 13) A. P. 1837, v. 39; B. Ct. 1837-33, v. 23; 1839, v. 13; 1840, v. 15; A. P. 1843, v. 44; 1844, v. 38; 1845, v. 36; 1846, v. 33; 1847, v. 46; 1847-8, v. 51; 1849, v. 45; 1850, v. 46; 1851, v. 47; 1852, v. 42; 1852-3, v. 83; 1854, v. 53; 1854-5, v. 44; 1856, v. 51; 1857, v. 14; 1857-8, v. 46. See also : Houses of parliament Bill business of the. B. Ct. 1854, v. 7. Buildings of the. B. Ct. 1831, T. 4; 1833, v. 12. committee relative to the grouping of private bills. B. Ct. 1851, v. 10; 1859, v. 3. Divisions of the. A. P. 1850, v. 48. Index to the divisions of the (1836-52). A. P. 1854 -.5, v.44; (1852-3, 57) 1857, v. 17. See under the word Index, below, for general in- dexes of papers published by order of the house of commons. Kitchen and refreshment rooms. B. Ct. 1849, v. 12; 1852, v. 5; 1852-53, v. 34. Library of the. B. Ct. 1830, v. 4; 1&31-2, v. 5; 1834, v. 11; 1835, v. 18, 23; 1837, v. 13; 1839, v. 13; 1841, v. 9; 1845; v. 12; 1852, v. 5; 1S5G, v. 7; 1857, v. 2. Members accepting offices abroad. R. Ct, 1829, v. 3. Members compelled to give evidence. B. Ct. 1842, v. 14. Members in office. B. Ct 1833, v. 12. Members, Privilege of. B. Ct, 1826, v. 3. Members' returns. B. Ct. 1822, v. 4. Oaths of members. B. Ct 1850, v. 15. Offices. B. Ct. 1849, v. 12. Private business. B. Ct 1840, v. 15; 1841, v.9; 1851, v. 10. Speakership o f the. B. Ct 1852-3, v. 34. Staudingorders of the. B. 1810, v.8; 1811, v.6; 1840 v. 15; 1842, v. 14; 1843, v. 11; 1844, v. 14; 1845, v. 13; 1846, v. 12; 1849, v. 12; 1850, v. 19; 1852, v. 5; 1852- 3, v. 34; 1854, v. 7; 1854-5, v. 7; 1856, v. 7; 1857-8, v. 12. Strangers at divisions. B. Ct 1849, v. 12; 1852-S, Ventilation and lighting of. B. Ct. 1842, v. 14; 1852, v. 16; 1852-3, v. 34; 1854, v. 9. See also : Elections, Index, Parliament, Westmin- ster (new palace). HOUSE of lords. Beports, 1835, v. 14. Appellate jurisdiction of. B. Ct 1856, v. 8. Attendance in. B. Ct 1851, v. 7. See also : Index, Peer of the realm. HOUSES of parliament, New. B. Ct. 1835, v. 18; 1837, v. 13; 1844, v. C; 1846, v. 15; 1847-8, v. 16. See also : Parliament HOWARD v. Gosset. Printed papers. R. Ct. 1845, v.13. HOWELL'S divorce. R. Ct. 1834, v. 18. HUDDERSFIELD election. B. Ct 1852-3, v. 13. HUDSON'S bay Co. A. P. 1842, v. 28; 1849, v. 35; 1850, v. 38; 1852-3, v. 65; B. Ct 1857, 2d sess., v. 15. GREAT Britain, Sessional papers, continued. HUNGARY state papers. A. P. 1851, v. 58. HYDE Park, Disturbance in. B. Cr. 1856, v. 23. iLCHESTERgaol. B. Cr. 1822, v. 11. IMPORTS and exports. See Exports and imports. INCLOSURE commission. B. Cr. 1844, v. 5; 1847, r.33; 1847-8, v. 26; 1849, v. 22; 1850, v. 23; 1851, v. 22; 1852, v. IS; 1852-3, v. 40; 1857, 2d sess., v. 16; 1857- 8, v. 24; 1859, v. 12. INCOME and property tax. A. P. 1844, v. 32; B. Ct 1851, v. 10; 1852, v. 9. INDEX to bills printed by order of the house of com- mons (1801-1852) . A. P. 1854, v. 70. to reports of select committees of the house of commons (1801-34). A. P. 1837, v. 52; (1800-45) 1845, v. 42; (1801-52) 1854, v. 70. See also, above, under Parliament, page 335, Catalogue of parliamentary reports, 1696-1834. to bills, reports, accounts, etc., of the house of commons (1801-32). A. P. 1833, v. 40; (1832-8) 1840, v. 49; 0832-44) 1845, v. 44; (1844^50) 1850, v. 47; (1852-3, 7) 1857, v. 17. See also, above, under Parliament, page 335, General index to sessional papers, printed by order of the house of lords, or presented by special com- mand. See also : Accounts public, Civil list, Colonies, East Indies, House of commons, Ireland (Educa- tion), Ireland (Poor laws), Law and courts of jus- tice, Medical, Roads and bridges. INDIA, Colonization and settlement in. B. Ct 1857-8, v.7; 1859, v. 4. Electric telegraph in. B. Cr, 1852-3, v. 76; 1854- 5, v. 40. Infanticide in. A. P. 1828, v. 23; 1830, v. 28; 1843, v. 35. - Salt in. B. Ct. 1836, T. 17; B. Cr. 1856, v. 26. Slavery in. A. P. 1828, v. 24. Steam navigation to. B. Ct 1834, v. 14; 1851, v.21. See also : AH Moorad Khan, Calcutta, Carnatic, Ceylon, Cotton planting, Hindoo widows, East India company, East Indies, Jupgernauth, Madras, Napier, Pilgrim tax, Punjab, Sattara, Somnauth, Surat, Tanjore, Travancore, Zemindar of Nozeed. INDIAN army. R. Cr. 1859, v. 5. law commission. A. P. 1*43, v. 36; 1844, v. 37. territories. R. Ct 1852, v. 10. IN-DIOO imported, 1780-1830. A. P. 1831-2, v. 8. INLAND revenue. R. Cr. 1857, v. 4 ; 1857, 8, v. 25. warehousing. R. Ct 1840, v. 5. INNS of court. R. Ct. 1834, v. 18; R. Cr. 1854, 5, v. 18. INSURANCE. A. P. 1830, v. 25; R. Cr. 1857, v. 3. See also : Assurance, Marine insurance. INTEREST of money. R. Ct. 1845, v. 12. INTERMENT in towns. R. Ct. 1842, v. 10; B. Cr. 1843, v. 12. See Extra-mural sepulture, Health of towns, Me- tropolitan interment. INTERNATIONAL copyright. 1837-8, v. 1; 1844, v. 1. INVENTIONS, Patents for. B. Ct. 1829, v. 3. See Patents. IONIAN islands. A. P. 1850, v. 36; 1852, v. 82; 1852-5, v. 62. IPSWICH, B. Ct. 1835, v. 9; Petitions, 1842, v. 7. IRELAND. Admiralty court. R. Ct. 1829, v. 4. Agricultural produce. A. P. 1852, 3, v. 93. Agricultural statistics. A. P. 1859, v. 26. Benefices. B. Cr. 1834, v. 23. Bogs in, Nature and extent of. Bcp. 1810-12, v.l; 1813-4, v. 6. Census of. A. P. 1824, v. 22; 1852 v. 46; B, Cr. 1856, v. 29-31. Chancery offices. B. Cr. 1859, v. 12. Charitable donations and bequests. A. P. 1844, v. 44; B. Cr. 1847, v. 17; 1847, 8, v. 29; 1849, v. 23; 1851, v. 24; 1852, v. 18; 1854, v. 20; 1854-5, v. 16. See Ireland (Medical charities). Churches. A. P. 1824, v. 21. Civil list B. Cr. 1822, v. 14. Colonization from. R. Ct 1847, v.6; 1847-8, v. 17 ; 1849, v. 11. Commerce with. A. P. 1824, v. 18. Commitments. A. P. 1824, v. 22. Consolidated annuities. B. Ct 1852, v. 6. Corporations. B. Cr. 1835, v. 27-8; 1836, v. 24; 1839, v. 18. County cess. B. Ct. 1836, v. 12. County rates. R. Ct. 1857-8, v. 13. Court of chancery bill. R. Ct. 1856, v. 10. Courts. R. Ct 1823, v. 6; B. Cr. 1823, v. 7; 1824, v.9; 1842, v. 23. Courts of justice. R. Cr. 1822, v. 14; 1826. v. 17j 1826, 7, v. 11; 1829, v. 13; 1830, v. 15; 1830, 31, v. 4; 1831, v. 10. GREAT BRITAIN 342 GREAT BRITAIN GREAT Britain, Sessional papers, continued. IRELAND. Courts manor. R. Ct. 1837, v. 15; 1837, 8, v.17. Courts prerogative and eccles. R. Ct. 1837, v. 6. Crime. R. Ct. Lord, 1839, v. 11, 12. Drainage of lands. R. Ct. 1842, v. 14; R. Cr. 1843, v. 28; R. Ct. 1852-3, v. 26. Ecclesiastical commission. R. Cr. 1830, v. 25; 1840, v. 28; 1841, v. 12; 1842, v. 23; 1843, v. 28; 1844, v. 30; R. Ct. 1847, v. 9; R. Cr. 1847, v. 17, 33; 1849, v. 23; 1854, v. 10; 1854-5, v. 16; 1859, v. 12. Ecclesiastical court. R. Ct. 1837, v. 6. Ecclesiastical education. R. Cr. 1854, v. 20. Ecclesiastical inquiry. R. Cr. 1831, v. 9; 1833, v. 21. Eccles. revenues. R. Cr. 1834, v. 23; 1837, v. 21. Education, Rep. of Board of. 1809-12; R. Cr. 1820, v. 8; 1824, v. 21s 1825, v. 12; 1826,7, v.12, 13 ; 1828, v. 12; R. Ct. 1829, v. 4; R. Cr. 1830, v. 15; 1831, v. 12; 1834, v. 40; 1835, v. 35; R. Ct 1837, v. 8-9, R. Cr. 1837, v. 21; 1837-8, v. 28; 1839, v. 1C; 1840, v. 28; 1841, v. 12; 1842, v. 23; 1844, v. 30; 18- 50, v. 25; 1851, v. 24; 1852, 3, v. 42, 43; 1854, 6, v. 16; 1857, 8, v. 20-22. Index to R. Cr. on educa- tion (1814-44). A. P. 1845, v. 42. See Ireland (National education). Evictions. A. P. 1849, v. 49. Fairs and markets. R. Cr. 1854-5, v. 19. Fees at public offices in. R. Cr. 1809, v. 6; 1812, V. 4; 1812-3, v. 6. - First fruits. A. P. 1811, v. 4; 1831-2, v. 30. Fisheries. R. Cr. 1820, v. 7; 1822, v. 14; 1837, v. 22; 1842, v. 14; 1844, V. 30; 1845, V. 26; R. Ct 1849, V.13;R. Cr. 1854, v. 19, 20. Grand jury laws. R. Ct. 1826, 7, v. 3; R. Cr. 1842, v. 24. Gratuities at public offices. R. Cr. 1809, v. 6. Income and expenditure. R. 1811, v. 6. Incumbered estates. R. Cr. 1850, v. 25; 1851, v. 24; 1854, 5, v. 19. Insurrection act. R. Ct. 1824, v. 8. Laws and institutes of. R. Cr. 1852, r. 18. - Loan fund. R. Cr.1839, v. 29; 1840, v. 28; 1841, v. 12; 1842, v. 24; 1843, v. 28; 1844, v. SO; 1845, v. 26; 1849, v. 23; 1850, v. 25; 1851, v. 24; 1852, v. 18; 1852-3, v. 41; 1854, v. 20; 1854-5, v. 16. Lunatic asylums. R. Cr. 1844, v. 80; 1845, v. 25; A. P. 1845, v. 45; R. Cr. 1847, v. 17; 1849, v. 23; A. P. 1850, v. 51 ; R. Cr. 1651, v. 24; 1854-5, v. 16. Lunatic poor. R. Ct. 1843, v. 10; 1859, v. 3. Magistracy, Number and names of the. A. P. 1830-1, v. 8; 1831-2, v. 35. Map of. R. Ct. 1852, 3, v. 39. Marriages. R. Cr. 1850, v. 25; 1854, v. 20; 1854-5, v. 16; 1859, v. 12. Medical charities. R. Cr. 1841, v. 11 ; R. Ct. 1843, v. 10; 1846, v. 11; R. Cr. 1854, v. 20; 1834-5, v. 16; 1859, v. 9. National education. R. Cr. 1844, v. 30; 1847, v. 17; 1849, V. 23; 1850, v. 25 j 1851, v. 24 ; R. Ct. 1854, v. 15; R. Cr. 1854, v. 30; 1854-5, v. 23; 1856, v. 27; 1859, v. 7; A. P. 1859, v. 21, pt 2. Orange lodges. R. Ct. 1835, v. 15, 16. Ordnance memoir. B. Cr. 1844, v. 80; R. Ct 1846, v. 15. Ordnance survey. A. P. 1851, v. 60. Outrages. A. P. 1850, v. 51. Pawnbrokers. R. Ct. 1837, 8, v. 17. Poor. R. Ct. 1823, v. 6; 1829, v. 4; 1830, v. 7; A. P. 1842, v. 36; 1843, v. 46; 1844, v. 40; 1849, v. 47; R. Cr. 1849, v. 23; 1850, v. 27; A. P. 1850, v. 50; R. Cr. 1851, v. 26; A. P. 1851, v. 49; 1352, v. 46; R. Cr. 1852, v. 23; 1852-3, v. 50; A. P. 1852-3, v. 84; 1856, v. 28; 1857-8, v. 49. Poor law unions and electoral divisions. R. Cr. 1819, v. 23; 1850, v. 26. Poor laws. R. Cr. 1836, v. 30-34 ; A. P. 1837, v. 51 ; R. Cr. 1847,8, v. 33, 37; R. Ct. 1819, v. 15, 16; R. Cr. 1854-5, v. 24; A. P. 1856, v. 49. Index to R. Cr. on (1835-9). A. P. 1845, v. 43. Poor rates. A. P. 1841, v. 22, 23; R. Ct Relief, 1846, v. 11. Population. R. Cr. 1843, v. 24. See also : Ireland (Census). Post communication. R. Ct. 1831, 2, v. 17. Post-office. R. Cr. 1829, v. 12. Prerogative court. R. Ct. 1850, v. 16. Prisons, A. P. 1824, v. 22; R. Cr. 1826-7, v. 11; 1828, v. 12; 1830-31, v. 4; 1831, 32, v. 23; 1834, v. 40; 1837-8, v. 29; 1842, v. 22; 1844, v. 28; 1847, v. 29; 1849, v. 26; 1850, v. 29; 1851, v. 28. Public instruction. R. Cr. 1835, v. 33, 4. Public works. R. Cr. 1831-2, v. 23; 1834, v. 40; R. Ct. 1835, v. 20; R. Cr. 3837, v. 33; 1839, v. 20; A. P. 1839, v. 44; R. Cr. 1840, v. 28; R. Cr. 1844, v. 30; 1845, v. 26; 1847, v. 17; 1849, v. 23, 27, 49; 1850, v. 25, 30; 1851, v. 25, 29; 1854, v. 20. GREAT Britain, Sessional papers, continued. IRELAND. Public works. Index to reports from com- missioners on Irish public works, (1810-46.) A. P. 1847, v. 58, pt. 3. Quarantine. R. Cr. 1849. v. 24. Queen's colleges. R. Cr. 1850, v. 25| 1854, v. 20. - university. R. Cr. 1854-5, v. 16. Railways. A. P. 1845, v.39; R. Cr. 1850, v.31; 1851, v. 30. Receivers of the courts of chancery and ex- chequer. R. Ct 1849, v. 8. Records. R. Cr. 1812-13, v. 15; 1819, v. 20; 1824, v. 12; 1830, v. 10. Registration and conveyancing. R. Cr. 1850, v. 32. Registry of deeds. R. Ct. 1831-2, v. 18. Reports on the state of Ireland, Index to (1801-34). A. P. 1837, v. 52. Revenue arising in. R. Cr. 1822, v. 12, 13; 1823, v. 7; 1824, v. 11; 1826, v. 10; 1828, v. 13-15; 1829, T.11,12; 1830, v. 13, 14. Roads. R. Cr. 1826, v. 11; 1826-7, v. 11; 1828, v. 12-15; 1829, T. 18; R. Ct. 1831-2, v. 17. Royal mint. R. Cr. 1849, v. 28. Savings bank. R. Ct. 1849, v. 14. Scarcity in. A. P. 1846, v. 37; 1847, v. 60-54. Stamps. A. P. 1829, v. 22. Spirits, Trade in. R. Ct 1842, v. 14. State trials tO 'Connell, etc.). 1844, v. 44. Survey and valuation. R. Ct. 1824. v. 8. Tithes. R. Cr. 1622, v. 14; R. Ct. 1831-2, v. 21, 22. Tolls. A. P. 1830, v. 26; R. Ct 1834, v. 17. Townland valuation of. R. Ct. 1844, v. 7. Transatlantic packet station. R. Cr. 1851, v. 25. Turnpike roads. R. Ct. 1831-2, v. 17. Union workhouses^ R. Ct. 1844, v. 14; R. Cr. 1844, v. 30; A. P. 1847, v. 55; 1847-8, v. 54-56; 1849, v. 48. Woods and forests. R. Cr. 1849, v. 27; 1850, v. 30; 1851, v. 29. Workhouses. A. P. 1847, v. 55. See also : Athlone, Bann, Belfast, Bogs, Carlow, Camckfergus, Canick on Shannon, Cashel, Clith- eroe, Connaught, Cork, Drcgheda, Dublin, Galway, Keighley, Kilrush, Kingstown, Kinsalc, Lame, Limerick, Longford, Maynooth, Newry, Shannon, Waterford, Wexford. ISLE of Man. See Man, Isle of. ITALY, Interference of Austria in. A. P. 1847-8, v. 65; 1849, v. 57, 58. See also: Capri, Civita Vecchia, Malta, Mazzini, Sardinia, Sicilies, Tuscany. JAMAICA. R. 1831-2, v. 47; A. P. 1839, v. 36, 36; 1840.T. 34, 35; 1846, v. *7; 1847, v. 38; 1847-8, T. 23, pt3, 44-46; 1849, v. 34, 37) 1850, v. 39. JAPAN. A. P. 1856, v. 56, 61. JAVA trade. A. P. 1 840, v. 49; 1842, v. 30; 1844, v. 46. JERSEY. R. Cr. 1847, v. 15. JEWS act Minutes of evidence. R. Ct 1859, v. 3. JOINT-STOCK banks. R. Ct 1836, v. 9; 1837, v. 14. See also : Banks. JOINT-STOCK companies. R. Ct 1843, v. 11 ; 1844, T. 7; A. P. 1846, v. 43; 1847, v. 59; 1847-8, v. 51; 1849, v. 50; 1850, v. 52. JONES, E. C. Treatment of, in Westminster house of correction. A. P. 1851, v. 46. JUGGERNAUTH pagoda. A. P. 1850, v. 41; 1852-3, v. 69. JURIES. A. P. 1824, v. 19; 1836, T. 43. JUVENILES, Criminal and destitute. R. Ct. 1852, v. 7; 1852-3, v. 23. KAFIR tribes. A. P. 1847, v. 38; 1847-8, v. 43 ; 1849, v. 36; R. Ct 1851, v. 14; A. P. 1850, v. 38; 1852-3, v. 66; 1854, v. 43; 1854-5, v. 38. KAKS, Defence and capitulation of. A. P. 185J, v. 61. KEIGULEY union. R. Ct. 1842, v. 9. KEPPEL, Capt. H. Attacks made on the pirates of Borneo. A. P. 1852-3, v. 61. KIDDERMINSTER election. R. Ct. 1850, v. 13. KILRUSH union. R. Ct. 1850, v. 11. KING'S bench, No. of posters, 1826-8; A. P. 1829, v. 18. printers (Scotland). R. Ct 1837, v. 13. KINGSTON-UPON-HULL borough elections. R. Cr. 1837-S, v. 11; 1854, V. 22. KINGSTOWN and Holyhead mails. R. Ct. 1850, v. 14. KINSALE election. R. Ct. 1837-8, v. 12; 1847-8, v. 13. KNARESBOROUGH election. R. Ct 1852-3, v. 14. LABRADOR. A. P. 1849, v. 35. LABCAN. A. P. 1847-8, v. 42; 1849, v. 34; 1850, v. 10) 1856, v. 57. LAGOS, Reduction of. A. P. 1852, v. 64. LANCASTER election. R. Ct. 1852-3, v. 14. LAND, Burdens on. R. Ct 1846, v. 6. improvement. R. Ct 1854-5, v. 7. GKEAT BRITAIN 343 GREAT BRITAIN jREAT Britain, Sessional papers, continued. LAUD revenue of the crown. R. Cr. 1809, v. 6; 1816, v. l.j; 1819, v. 19; 1823, v. 11; 1826, v. 14; 1829, v. 14; 1830, v. 14; A. P. 1830-1, v. 13; R. Ct. 1833, V. 14; 1834, v. 15; B. Cr. 1836, v. 27. tax. R. Ct. 1828, v. 4. LARNE. See Belfast railway. LAW. Papers relating to courts, etc. A. P. 1831-2, v. 35; 1833, v. 31; 1834, v. 48; 1835, v. 4C; R. Cr. 1835, v. 35; 1836, v. 36; A. P. 1837, v. 44; R. Ct. 1837, v. 20; R. Cr. 1837, v. 31; A. P. 1837-8, v. 44; 1839, v. 43; R. Ct. 1840, v. 15; R. Cr. 1840, v. 20; A. P. 1840, v.41; 1841, v. 20; R. Cr. 1841, v. 10; A. P. 1842, v. 33; 1843, v. 44; 1844, v. 38; 1845, v. 8fi; 1846, v. 33; 1847, v. 46 ; 1847-8, v. 51 ; 1849, v. 44; 1850, v. 46; 1851, v. 47; 1852, v. 42; 1852-3, v. 78; R. Cr. 1852-3, v. 40; A. P. 1854-5, v. 43; 1857, v. 14; 1859, v. 22. See also : Courts. Index to reports of commissioners, 1810-45. (Law and courts of justice.) A. P. 1846, v. 41. against combinations among workmen. R. Ct. 1825, v. 4. Expiring. See Expired, etc. LEEWARD islands. A. P. 1839, v. 37. LEGAL education. R. Ct. 1846, v. 10; R. Cr. 1856 v.18. LEICESTER. County gaol. R. Cr. 1854, v. 34. election. R. Ct. 1852-3, v. 14. LEITH harbour. R. Ct. 1835, v. 20. LETTERS, Opening and detaining (1845-53); A. P. 1852-3, v. 95. LEVANT, Affairs of the. A. P. 1841, v. 29; 1845, v. 52. See also : Turkey. LIBRARIES. See Cathedral, House of commons, Pub- lic libraries, British museum, Royal library. LICENSES. R. Ct. 1833, v. 15. LIGHTHOUSES. A. P. 1829, v. 21 ; 1833, v. 33; R. Ct. 1834, v. 12; 1845, v. 9; A. P. 1850, v. 53; 1851, v.34, 62; 1852, v.49; 1852-3, v. 65, 98; 1859, v. 24. LIMERICK election. R. Ct. 1819, v. 4. Taxation in. H. Ct. 1822, v. 7. LINCOLN election. R. Ct. 1847-8, v. 13. LISTEN trade. R. Ct. 1822, v. 7; 1854, v. 39, 66; 1854-6 V. 51, 52; 185fi, v. 56. LINSEED imported (1821-32). A. P. 1833, v.33. LIVERPOOL elections. R. Ct. 1830-31, v. 3; 1833 v 10- 1852-3, v. 15. roads. R. Cr. 1843, v. 29; 1845, r. 27. and Birkenhead docks. R. Ct 1854-5, v. 7. LOAN fund. R. Cr. 1843, v. 28; R. Ct. 1854-5, v. 7; R. Cr. 1857, 2d sess. v. 17; 1857-8, v. 23. LOANDA. R. Cr. 1852-3, v. 39. LOCAL acts. R. Cr. 1847, v. 19-26, 33; 1847-8, v. 80 31- R. Ct. 1850, v. 13; R. Cr. 1852, v. 20; 1852-3, v 54- 1854, v. 38; 1856, v. 37; 1857, 2d sess. v. 19; 1859, v. 13. LOCAL charges upon shipping. R. Cr. 1854, v. 37- R. Ct. 1856, v. 12. See also : Sound dues. taxation. R. Cr. 1843, v. 20; A. P. 1847-8, v. 61 LODGING houses. A. P. 1852-3, v. 78; R. Cr 1854 v. 35; 1857, 2d sess., v. 16. LOHDON, Chamber of, (Orphan'sfund). A. P. 1813-14. V. 12; 1814-15, v. 10; 1810, v. 18; 1817, v. 17; 1818 V 15; 1819, v. 16; 1820, v. 12; 1821, v. 21; R, Ct 1822! V. 4; A. P. 1825, V. 20. charities. R. Cr. 1840, v. 19. companies. R. Cr. 1837, v. 25. Contagious fevers in. R. Ct 1818, v. 7. Corporation of, Inquiry into the state of the. R. Cr. 1854, V. 26; R. Ct. 1857-8, v.U. drainage. R. Ct. 1852-3, v. 26. flour company. A. P. 1811, v. 6. gaols. R. Ct. 1813-14, v. 4. lodging houses. R. Ct 1852-3, r. 23. mendicity. R. Ct 1814-15, v. 3; 1816, r. . Port of. R. Ct. 1636, v. 14. university. A. P. 1835, v. 40; 1836, v. 47; 1837 y 39; 1840, v. 40; 1842, v. 33; 1843, v. 40; 1845, v. 35, 86. water. R. Ct. 1828, v. 8; R. Cr. 1828, v. 9. and Birmingham railways. R. Ct 1839, v. 13. and Liverpool road. R. Cr. 1840, v. 28; 1841, T. and Southwark. R. Cr. 1837, v. 25. See also: Buckingham palace, Hyde park Me- toopolis, Regent street, St James' park, St. Paucras, Thames, "Westminster. LONGFORD elections. R. Ct. 1837, v. 10; 1842 T. 6. LONGITUDE, Board of. A. P. 1829, v. 21. LOTTERIES. A. P. 1817, v. 17; 1836, v. 20. See also: Glasgow. LOTTERY laws. Rep. 1808, v. 6. GREAT Britain, Sessional papers, continued. LUNACY. R. Cr. 1844, v. 18; A. P. 1846, v. 33; 1847, Y. 49; R. Cr. 1847, V. 33; 1847-8, v. 26, 32; 1849, v. 22; A. P. 1849, v. 46; 1850, v. 49; R. Cr. 1850, v. 23; 1851, T. 23; 1852-3, V. 49; 1854, V.29; A. P. 1854, v.63j R. Cr. 1854-5, v. 1"; 1856, V. 18; A. P. 1856, v. 52; R. Cr. 1857, 2d sess., v. 16; 1857-8, v. 23 ; A. P. 1859, v. 22. LUNATIC asylum, Hereford. R. Ct. 1839, v. 9. asylums. Advances bill. R. Ct. 1854-5, v. 8. LUNATICS. A. P. 1835, v. 46; 1836, v. 41; 1837, T. 44; 1839, v. 44; 1842, v. 34; (Pauper) R. Ct. 1826,7, v.6; A. P. 1859, v. 22. Regulations for the care and treatment of. R. Ct 1859, v. 3. LTME-REOIS election. R. Ct. 1842, v. 6; 1847-8, v. 14. MACHINERY, Exportation of. R. Ct. 1824, v. 5; 1841, v. 7. MADHOUSES. R. Ct. 1814-15, v. 4; 1816, v. 6. See also : Lunacy. MADRAS, Registrar at. R. Ct. 1829, v. 3. Torture at. 1854-5, v. 40. MADRID, Protestant burial-ground at. A. P. 1852, v.54. MAIL coach exemption from toll. R. 1811, v. 8. MAILS. Reports and returns. A. P. 1840, v. 44; 1843, v. 53; 1852, v. 49; 1852-3, v. 95; R. Ct. 1854, v. tU See Boston, Postage, Post-office. MALDON borough. R. Cr. 1852-3, v. 48. MALT. A. P. 1830, v. 22. drawback. R. Ct. 1831, v. 7. See also : Beer. MALTA. R. Cr. 1836, v.39; 1837-8, v. 29; 1839, v. 17; A. P. 1847, v. 38; 1847-8, v. 42. Plague at, 1813. A. P. 1854-5, v. 45. MAN, Isle of. A. P. 1829, v. 21; 1847, v. 59; 1852-3, v. 99. MANBY'S method of communicating with stranded Bhips. R. 1810, v. 8; R. Ct. 1813-14, v. 3. MANCHESTER and Salford, Education in. R. Ct 1852, v. 11; 1852-3, v. 24. MANUFACTURES. A. P. 1826-7, v. 18; 1828, v. 19; B. Ct. 1833, v. 6. See also : Factories. MARGATE harbour. R. Ct 1850, v. 14. MARINE insurance. R. 1810, v. 8; R. Ct. 1824, v. 7. MARRIAGES. See Births, deaths, and marriages. See also under Great Britain, page, 332, Civil de- partments, Registrar general. MARTIXICO sugar. A. P. 1811, v. 4. MASTER'S jurisdiction in equity bill. R. Ct. 1852, T. 13. MASTERS and operatives. R. Ct. 1856, v. 13; R. Cr. 1856, v. 18; A. P. 1856, v. 50. See also: Combinations. MAURITIUS. A. P. 1826, v. 26; 1829, v. 25; 1840, v. 37) 1847, v. 38; 1847, 8, v. 44, 5; 1849, v. 87; 1850, v. 39; 1852, v. 31. MATNOOTH college. A. P. 1831, v. 15; 1833, v. 38; 1840, v. 39; 1843, v. 51; 1840, v. 42; R. Cr. 1847-8, v. 29; 1849, v. 23; 1851, v. 24; 1852, v. 18; 1854-5, V. 22. MAZZINI, O. Despatches relative to, (1833-44) A P 1845, v. 52. MEDICAL charities. R. Cr. 1856, v. 19; 1857, v. 4. education. R. Ct. 1834, v. 13. registration. R. Ct. 1S47, v. 9; 1847-8. v. 15. reports, returns, correspondence, etc. ; A. P. 1846, v. 33; 1847, v. 49; 1847-8, v. 51; 1849, v. 46; 1850, v. 49; 1851, v. 43; 1854, V. 63; 185G, v. 52. Index to medical reports (1807-34). A. P. 1837 v. 52. MERCANTILE law amendment. R. Cr. 1856, v. 14. laws. R. Ct. 1854-5, v. 18. MERCHANT seamen. A. P. 1840, v. 44; 1847, v. 60| 1847-8, v. 60; 1850, v. 53; 1851, v. 52; 1852, v. 49. MERCHANT seamen's fund. R. Ct. 1840, v. 13; 1844, v. 8; 1845, v. 12; A. P. 1845, v. 47; 1840, v. 45; R. Cr. 1847-8, v. 28. METEOROLOGICAL department of the board of trade R. Ct. 1857, 2d sess., v. 20. METROPOLITAN asylums. R. Ct. 1846, v. 7. bridges. R. Ct. 1854, v. 14. buildings. A. P. 1846, v. 43; 1847, v. 57; 185L v. 48; R. Ct. 1854-0, v. 7, 10. burials and cemeteries. A. P. 1S52-3, v 96; 1854, Y.61; 1856, v. 52. districts, Administration of justice in. R. Ct 1849, T. 8. drainage. A. P. 1857, 2d sess., v. 36. education of the lower classes. R. Ct 1816, v. 4. - gas. R. Ct. 1857-8, v. 11; 1859, v. 3. GREAT BRITAIN 344 GREAT BRITAIN GREAT Britain, Sessional papers, continued. METROPOLITAN interment act. R. Cr. 1851, v.23; 1&-.2, v. 20. improvements. R. Ct. 1836, v. 20; 1837-8, v. 16; 1839, v. 13; 1840, v. 12; 1841, v. 9; R. Cr. 1844, v. 15; 1845, v. 17; 1846, v. 24; 1847, v. 16. paving. A. P. 1825, v. 20. police. R. Ct 1817, v. 7; 1818, v. 8; 1828, v. 6; 1833, v. 13 ; 1834, v. 1C; 1*37, v. 12 ; 1837-8, v. 15; A. P. 1845, v. 37; 1846, v. 34; 1847, v. 47; 1817-8, v. 52 j 1849, v. 44; 1850, v. 45; 1856, v. 52. See also; Police. railway termini. R. Cr. 1846, v. 17. rates. A. P. 1831-2, v. 44. roads. R. Cr. 1840, v. 28; A. P. 1841, v. 12; B. Cr. 1812, v. 25; 1843, v. 29; 1847, v. 33; 1852, v. 18; 1852-3, v. 40. sanitary commission. R. Cr. 1847-8, v. 32. sewage manure. R. Ct. 1846, v. 10, 43. sewers. R. Ct. 1823, T. 5; 1834, v. 15; A. P. 1847- 8, v. 51 ; R. Cr. 1S50, v. 33; A. P. 1852-3, v. 96; 1854, V.61; 1854-5, v. 53, 57. turnpike roads. R. Cr. 1845, v. 17. water-bill. R. Ct. 1834, v. 15; 1840, v. 12; 1851, v. 15. water supply. R. Cr. 1850, v. 22; 1851, v. 23; R. Ct. 1852, v. 12; A. P. 1854, v. 61; 1854-5, v. 63; 1856, 52; 1857, v. 13. See also : London. MEXICO. A. P. 182), v. 24. MIDDLESEX county court. R. Ct 1843, v. 11. MILBANK, Penitentiary at. R. Ct. 1823, v. 5; 1824, v. 4. prison. R. Cr. 1847, v. 30. MILEAGE duty. R. Cr. 1854-5, v. 15. MILFOED Haven. R. Ct. 1826-7, v. 3. MILITARY and convict prisons. R. Cr. 1854-^5, v. 25. and naval affairs. A. P. 1810, v. 1. enquiry. R. Cr. 1808, v. 5; 1809-10, v. 1; 1811- 12, v. 1 ; 1850, v. 21 ; 1857-8, v. 18, 19. punishments. R. Cr. 1834, v. 42; A. P. 1835, v. 38; 1836, v. 22; 1*37-8, v. 37; 1841, v. 14; 1847, v. 36; 1852-3, v. 59; 1854, v. 41; 1857, v. 9. training. R. Cr. 1857, v. 6. See also : Army. MILITIA estimates. R. Ct. 1819, v. 15; 1820, v. 2; 1821, v. 8; 1822, v. 19; 1823, v, 4; 1824, v. 6; 1830, v. 18; 1831, v. 4; 1831-2, v. 5; 1835, v. 6; 1840, v. 15; 1841, v. 9; 1842, v. 14; 1843, v. 11 ; 1844, v. 14; 1845, v. 12; 1846, v. 15; 1847-8, v. 16; 1849, v. 12; 1850, v. 13; 1851, v. 10; 1852, v. 5; 1852-3, v. 39; 1854, v. 7( 1854-5, v. 7; 1856, v. 7; 1857, 2d sess. T. 9. See also : Army. MILLS. R. Ct 1841, v. 9. MINES and mining. R. Cr. 1844, v. 16; 1845, v. 27; 1847, v. 16; 1847-8, v. 26; 1849, v. 22; 1850, v. 23; 1851, v. 23; 1852, v. 21; 1852-3, v. 40; 1854, v. 19; 1854-5, v. 15; 1856, v. 18; 1857, 2d sess. v. 16; 1857- 8, v. 32. Accidents in. R. Ct 1835, v. 5 ; R. Cr. 1849, v. 7. See also : Collieries, Dean forest, Rating. MINT, Royal. A. P. 1822, v. 18; 1828, v. 16; R. Ct 1836, v. 37; R. Ct. 1837, v. 16; 1843, v. 30; 1844, v. 46; 1845, y. 28; 1846, v25; 1847, v. 34; R. Cr.1849; v. 28; A. P. 1849, v. 30; 1850, v. 33. MITCHELL, J. Instructions relative to. 1849, v. 32. MOLASSES, Use of, in breweries and distilleries. R. Ct. 1831, v. 7; A. P. 1847, T. 59. imported (1831-48). A. P. 1846, v. 44; 1847, v. 59; 1847-8, v. 58; 1849, v. 50. MOROCCO, Trade of. A. P. 1857, v. 16. MORTMAIN. R. Ct. 1844, v. 10; 1851, v. 16; 1852, v. 13; MORTON'S patent slip. R. Ct. 1831-02, v. 5. MOSQUITO territory. A. P. 1824, v. 16; 1847, v. 64; 1847-8, v. 65. MOUNT, Stephen, Trial of. A. P. 1852-3, v. 83. MUNICIPAL corporations. R. Ct. 1833, T. 13; R. Cr. 1837, v. 25, 26; A. P. 1840, T. 41; 1811, v. 20. MURRAIN in cattle. R. Cr. 1857, v. 20. See also : Pleuro-pneumonia. NANKEEN cloths imported (1830-42). A. P. 1843, v. 62. NAPIER, Gen. Sir C. Resignation of the office of commander-in-chief in India, A. P. 1854, v. 47. NAPLES. A. P. 1857-8, v. 59. See Sicilies. NAPOLEON. Removal of the remains of, from St Helena, A. P. 1840, v. 29. NATAL. A. P. 1847-8, v. 42; 1819, v. 11, 36; 1850, v. 38; 1851, v. 37; 1852-3, v. 62; 1854-5, v. 36; 1856, v. 24, 42, 57. NATIONAL debt. A. P. 1837, v. 89; 1846, v. 25; 1847, v. 34. GREAT Britain, Sessional papers, continued. NATIONAL gallery. A. P. Isic.v. 25; 1M7, v.34, 57; B. Ct. 1MO, v. 15; R. Cr. 1851, v. 22; R. Ct. 1852-3, V. 35; R. Cr. 1857, 24 sess. v. 24; 1857-8, v. 24. land company. R. Ct 1847-8, v. 19. monuments. R. Ct. 1811, v. 6. NAVAL officers, Instructions to. A. P. 1844, v. 50. medical supplemental fund. R. Ct 1845, y. 12. promotion. R. Cr. 1840, v. 22. NAVARINO, Battle of. A. P. 1833, v. 24; 1834, r. 42; 1842, v. 26. NAVIGATION bill. R. Ct 1844, v. 14. laws. R. Ct. 1847, v. 10j 1847-8, v. 20; A. P. 1847- 8, v.59; 1849, v.61. NAVT. A. P. 1811, v. 7; R. Ct. 1833, v. 7 ; A. P. 1836, v. 38; 1837, v. 40; 1837-8, v. 37; 1839, v. 81; 1840, v. 30; 1841, v. 14; 1845, v. 30; 1847, v. 36; R. Ct 1847- 8.V.21; A. P. 1847-8, v. 41; 1849, v. 32; 1850, v.35; 1851, v. 33; 1852, v.30; 1852-3, v. 60; 1854, v. 42; 1854-5, v. 34; 1856, v. 41; 1857, v. 9; R. Cr. 1857, 2d sess. v. 18; A. P. 1857-8, v. 35, 39. Corporal punishments in the. A. P. 1845, v. 29, 30, 36; 1847, v. 36; 1852-3, v. 60; 1854-5, v. 34; 1857, v. 9. Health of the. A. P. 1852-3, v. Cl ; 1854, v. 42. Manning the. R. Cr. 1859, v. 6. Spirits served out in the. A. P. 1850, v. 35. See Army and navy, Corporal punishment, Prize ships, Steam navy. NEGRO apprenticeship. R. Ct 1836, v. 15; 1837, v. 7; A. P. 1837-8, v. 48. See African slave trade, Slavery. NELSON trust A. P. 1811, v. 6. NETHERLANDS, Public accounts of the. A. P. 1831- 2, v. 28; S. P. 1831-2, v. 48; 1833, v. 43. NEW Brunswick. A. P. 1831-2, v. 32; 1837-S, v. 39, 47; 1844, v. 46; 1847, v. 38. NEWCASTLE, etc. R. Cr. 1854, v. 35. NEWCASTLE-UNDER-LYME election R. Ct 1812, v. 8. NEWFOUNDLAND. A. P. 1819, v.16; 1824, v. 16; 1826- 7, v. 18; 1828, v. 17; 1847, v. 38; 1849, v. 35. NEWRT election. R. Ct 1833, v. 10. NEW South Wales. R. Cr. 1823, v. 10; 1826, v. 26; A. P. 1830-1, v. 9; 1834, v. 6; 1839, v. 34; 1840, v. 33; A. P. 1845, v. 32; 1846, v. 29; 1847, v. 38; 1847-8, v. 42; 1851, v. 35; 1854-5, v. 38. See Australia. Sydney, Transportation. NEWSPAPER stamps. A. P. 1*30, v. 25; 1845, v.28; 1849, r. 30; 1850, v. 33; R. Ct 1851, v. 17; A. P. 1652-3, v. 57; 1854, v. 39; 1856, V. 38. NEW York industrial exhibition. R. Cr. 1854, v. 86. NEW Zealand. R. Ct 1837-S, v. 21; 1840, v. 7; A. P. 1840, v. 33; R. Ct 1844, v. 13; A. P. 1845, v.33; 1846, v. 30; 1847, v.38; 1847-S, v. 43; 1851, v. 35; 1854, v. 45, 66; 1856, v. 24, 57; R. Ct 1857, 2d sew., v.9. NIGER expedition. A. P. 1840, v. 33; 1842, v. 26; 1843, v.31,48. NORMAL schools. A. P. 1847, v. 45; 1849, v. 42. NORTH Cheshire election. R. Ct. 1847-8, v. 11. NORTHERN roads. R. Ct 1830, v. 10. NORTHLE ACII, Prison at R. Cr. 1845, v. 16. NORTHUMBERLAND, Prisons in. R. Cr. 1840, v. 26. NORWICH navigation bill. R. Ct 1826, v. 4. NOVA Scotia. A. P. 1836, v. 39; 1837, v. 42; 1S37-S, v. 39; 1839, v. 34; 1844, v. 46; 1847-8, v. 46; 1847, v. 38; 1849, v. 38. NUISANCES removal. R. Cr. 1849, v. 24; B, Ct 1854, v.61; 1854-5, v. 13,45,53. See also : Health. OATHS in certain cases. R. Ct 1835, v. 14; 1837, v. 20. O'BRIEN, W. S. A. P. 1846, v. 33; 1849, v. 49. O'CONNELL, D., State trial. A. P. 1844, v. 44. OFFICES. See Corporate offices, Ireland, Public offices, Salaries. OPIUM. A. P. 1640, v. 7; 1844, v. 46; 1846, v. 31; 1847, v. 40; 1852-3, V. 27; 1854, v. 66; 1857, v. 11. war. 1840, v. 36; 1843, v. 30, 31. OBANGE lodges. R. Ct. 1835, v. 15, 16. societies. A. P. 1835, v. 45. ORDERS in council. 1808, v. 7. Evidence on petitions against the. 1812, v. 1. ORDNANCE department. A. P. 1836, v. 38; R. Cr. 1837, v. 40; 1837-8, v. 37; 1839, v. 31; 1840, v. 30; 1847, v. 36; R. Ct. 1847-8, v. 21 ; A. P. 1847-8, v. 40, 41 ; 1849, v. 32; 1850, v. 35; 1852-3, v. 59; 1854, v. 41; 1854-5, v. 32; R. Cr. 1857, 2d sess., v. 27. ORPHANS' fund. R, Ct 1829, v. 3. See also: London (Chamber of). OUDE proclamation. A. P. 1856, v. 45; 1859, v. 18. OUTRAM, Col. J. Removal from office as resident at the court of Guicwar. A. P. 1852, v. 37; 1852-3, v. 73. OXFORD university. R. Cr. 1852, v. 22; 1854-5, v. 16, 60; 1857-8, v. 20. GKEAT BRITAIN 345 GREAT BRITAIN GREAT Britain, Sessional papers, continued. PACKET service contract. R. Ct. 1849, v. 12. PAISLEY, Distress in. R. Ct 1813, v. 7. PALM oil imported (1790-1841). A. P. 1845, v. 46. PAMPHLETS and newspapers. A. P. 1830, v. 25. PAPER. Fourdrinier's patent for making paper by machinery. R. Ct. 1837, v. iO. PABIS universal exhibition. R. Cr. 1856, v. 36, pt 1, 2. and London postal communication. R. Ct. 1850, v. 14. PARISH constables' bill. R. Ct. 1842, v. 14. rates. A. P. 1828, v. 21. See Poor. registers. A. P. 1830-31, v. 11 ; 1833, v. 38. register abstract. R. Cr. 1845, v. 25. PARISHES. R. Cr. 1849, v. 22; 1850, v. 20; 1854-5, v. 15. Survey o R. Ct. 1837, v. 6. See Parochial. PABKHURST prison. R. Cr. 1847, v. 30; 1852-3, v. 51; R. Ct. 1852-3, v. 23. PARLIAMENT. R. Ct. 1836, v. 2L See also : Houses of parliament, Privileges. PARLIAMENTARY papers. See Index. - Gratuitous distribution of, among literary and scientific bodies. R. Ct. 1852-3, v. 34. petitions, Reform of. R. Ct. 1830-31, v. 3. report classification. R. Ct. 1*30, v. 4. representation. A. P. 1830-31, v. 10; 1831, v. 16; 1831-2, v. 36-43. PAROCHIAL assessments. R. Ct. 1850, v. 16. registration. R. Ct 1833, v. 14. See also : Parishes. PARTNERSHIP, Law of. R. Ct. 1851, v. 18; R. Cr. 1854, v. 27; A. P. 1854, v. 05; R. Cr. 1854-5, v. 18. PASSENGERS' act R. Cr. 1812, v. 25; R. Ct. 1651, v. 19. PATENT law amendment bills. R. Ct. 1851, v. 18. King's printers'. R. Ct. 1831-32, v. 18. PATENTS. A. P. 1837, v. 39; 1837-8, v. 36; 1839, v. 30 1840, v. 29; 1844, v. 7; 1849, v. 45; 1854-5, v. 15, 50. PAUPEB lunatics. See Lunatics, Pauper. PAWNBROKERS. A. P. 1SSO, v. 25. PAYMENT of wages. R. Ct. 1842, v. 9; 1854, v. 16. PEER of the realm, Dignity of a. R. Lords, lst-4th, with app. 1826, v. 6-9. PEMBROKE election. R. Ct. 1831, v. 4. PENALTIES, Pecuniary. R. Ct. 1830-31, v. 3. PENITENTIARIES, Laws relating to. R. 1811, v. 8. See also : Gaols, Prisons. PENRHYN election petition. R. Ct. 1?42, v. 8. PENSIONS. R. Ct 1822, v. 5; A. P. 1836, v. 37; R. Ct. 1837, v. 20; 1837-8, v. 23. PENTONVILLE prison. R. Cr. 1843, v. 29; 1847, v. 30. PETITIONS, Public. R. Ct. 1831-2, v. 5. PHARMACY bill. R. Ct. 1852, v. 13. PILORIM tax in India. A. P. 1637, v. 43; 1840, v. 37. PILOTAGE. R. Cr. 1836, v. 28; A. P. 1831, v. 52; 1852, v. 49; 1852-3, v. 98; 1854-5, v. 46; 1856, v. 41. See also : Lighthouses. PIRACY. A. P. 1850, v.55; 1851, v.56; 1852-3, v. 61; 1854, v. 42. PLEADING in the courts of common law. R. Cr.1851, v.22. PLEURO-PNECMONIA in cattle. A. P. 1852-3, v. 102. PLURALITIES. A. P. 1837-8, v. 38; 1849, v. 42. PLYMOUTH breakwater. R. Ct. 1835, v. 20; A. P. 1835, v. 38; 1812, v. :::>. election. R. Ct. 1852-3, v. 18. sound. A. P. 1812, v. 3. POISONS. R. Ct. 1857, 2(1 sess. v. 12. POLAND. 8. P. 1831-3,', v. 48; A. P. 1817, v. 69; 1850, v.33. POLICE. R. 1809-12, v. 1; A. P. 1830, v. 23; 1830-1, y. 8; 1831-2, v. 33; 1833, v. 32; 1836, v. 41; 1840, v.39; 1841, V. 20; 1842, v. 32; 1843, v. 42; 1844, V. 39; 1845, V. 37; 1847, v. 47; 1817-8, V. 52; 1819, v. 44; 1851, v. 4G; 1852, v. 41; 1852-3, v. 78; R. Ct. 1852-3, v. 36; A. P. 1854, v. 53; 1S54-5, v. 43; 1857, v. 14; 1857-8, v. 47. POLLS, Election. R. Ct. 1826-7, v. 4. POOR. A. P W31-2, v. 44; 1834, v. 43; R. Cr. 1835, v. 32 ; 1837, v. 31 ; 1837-8, v. 28 ; A. P. 1839, v. 41 ; 1810, v. 39; 1841, v. 21; 1842, v. 35; 1843, V. 45; 1844, v. 40; 1815, v. 38; 1846, v. S6; 1847, v. 49; 1819, v. 47; 1850, V. 50; 1S51, V. 49; 1852, V. 45; R. Cr. 1852, v. 23; 1852-3, v. 50; 1854, v. 29; A. P. 1851, v. 55, 56; 1851-5, V. 46; 1836, v. 49; R. Cr. 1856, v. 28; A. P. 1857, v. 13, 32; R. Ct. 1857-8, v. 13; R. Cr. 1857-8, v. 28; A. P. 1857-8, v. 49. As3-lums for the houseless in the metropolis. R. Ct. 1816, v. 7. law amendment act R. Ct 1837-8, v. 18-19, 5 vols. GREAT Britain, Sessional papers, continued. POOR laws. R. Ct. 1818, v. 5; 1828, v. 4; 1831, v. 8; R. Cr.1834, v. 27-39; 1835, v. 35; A. P. 1837, v. 51; R. Cr. 1839, v. 20; 1810, v.17, 18; 1841, v. 11; 1842, v. 19; 1843, v. 21; 1844, v. 19; 1845, v. 27; 1846, v. 19; 1847, v. 8:1847-8, v. 33. rates. R. Ct. 1822, v. 5; 1823, v. 5; 1824, v. 6; 1825, v. 4; 1826, v. 3; A. P. 1834, v. 43; 1857, 2d sess. v. 32. Relief of the. R. Ct. 1844, v. 9, 10; 1845, v. 13. Removal from England of poor born elsewhere. R. Ct. 1817, V. 8, 11; 1854, v. 17; 1854-5, V. 13. POPULATION. A. P. 1831, v. 18; 1833, v. 36, 37-39, 41; 1835, v. 49; 1836, V. 46; 1837, v. 49; 1837-8, v. 47; 1839, v. 45; 1840, v. 43; 1841, v. 24; A. P. 1844, v. 46; 1815, v. 48; 1816, v. 47; 1847, V. 49, 05; 1847-8, V. 62; 1849, v. 53, 64; 1850, V. 54; 1851, v. 54, 55; 1852, V. 52; 185J-3, v. 85-90; 1854, v. C6. act, Abstract of returns pursuant to the. R. 1811, v. 2; 1822, v. 15. Age abstract. R. Cr. 1843, v. 23. Enumeration abstract. R. Cr. 1843, v. 22. Occupation abstract. R. Cr. 1844; v. 27. Index to population tables. A. P. 1852-3, v. 87. bill. R. Ct. 1830, v, 4. of foreign countries. A. P. 1854-5, v. 52. See also : Births, deaths, and marriages, Census. PORTUGAL. A. P. 1810, v. 7; 1823, v. 19; 1844, v. 46, 47; 1847, v. 68; 1847-8, v. 58; 1849, v. 51. Claims on. S. P. 1831, v. 20. PORTUGUESE claims. R. Ct. 1854, v. 16. POSTAGE. R. Ct. 1837-8, v. 20; 1813, v. 8; A. P. 1839, v. 46; 1840, v. 44; 1841, v. 26; 1850, v. 36; R. Ct 1852, v. 15. R. Hill's pamphlet. R. Ct 1837-8, v. 20. - label stamps. R. Ct. 1852, v. 15. reduction, Effect of. A. P. 1852-3, v. 95; R. Ct 1854, v. 60; R. Cr. 1857, v. 4. Pos,TAi, arrangements. R. Ct. 1854-5, v. 11. communication between London and Paris. R. Ct 1850, v. 14. POST-OFFICE. R. Cr. 1829, v. 12; 1830, v. 13; A. P. 1834, v. 49; R. Cr. 1836, v. 28; A. P. 1SJ6, v. 45; 1837, V. 50; 1837-8, V. 45; 1840, v. 42; 1841, v. 20; 1842, v. 89; R. Ct 1843, v. 8; A. P. 1843, v. 53; 1844, v. 14, 45; is 15, v. 47; 1846, v. 45; 1847, v. 02; 1847-8, V. 60; 1849, v. 31; 1850, v.53; R. Cr. 1850, v. 20; A. P. 1851, V. 51; 1852, v. 49; 1852-3, v. 95; 1854, V. 60; 1854-5, v. 46; R. Cr. 1854-5, v. 20; 1856, v. 51; R. Cr. 1856, v. 37; 1857, v. 4; 1857-8, v. 25; 1859, v. 8. See also: Letters, Mails, Money orders, News- paper stamps, Postage. POST officers. A. P. 1857-8, v. 48. POTATO crop. A. P. 1846, v. 37. PRACTICAL art. R. Cr. 1852-3, v. 54. PRESERVED meats [Navy]. R. Ct. 1852, v. 15. PRICE, Eliza. Ill treatment of by constables. R. Cr. 1845, v. 27. PRINCE Edward's island. A. P. 1847, v. 38; 1847-8, V. 47; 1849, v. 34, 38. PRINTING for the house of commons. R. Ct. 1828, v. 4 ; 1811, v. 9 ; 1846, v. 15 ; 1847-8, v. 10 ; R. Cr, 1847-8, v. 38; R. Ct. 1850, v. 16; R. Cr. 1857, v. 2. for the houses of parliament. Cheapest and most expeditious mode of. R. Ct 1854-5, v. 11. See also : King's printer, Queen's printer. PBISON discipline. R. Cr. 1843, v. 25; R. Ct 1850, v.17. PRISONERS. A. P. 1835, v. 45. PRISONS. R. Ct 1822, v. 4; A. P. 1826, v. 24; 1830, v. 24; 1830-31, v. 8, 12; R. Cr. 1835, v. 36; 1836, v. 35; 1837, v. 31; A. P. 1837-8, v. 40; R. Cr. 1839, v. 21, 22; 1840, v. 25; 1841, v. 11; 1842, v. 0, 21; 1843, V. 25, 26; 1844, v. 28, 29; 1845, v. 16, 23-25; 1846, v. 21| 1847, v. 23, 30; 1847-8, V. 34-36; 1852, v. 24; 1832-3, T. 61-53; 1854, v. 33, 34; 1854-5. v. 25, 26 ; A. P. 1856, v. 49; R. Cr. 18.56, v. 32, 33; 1857, v. 7, 17, 23; 1857-8, v. 29, 30; 1859, v. 11. Convict and military. R. Cr. 1854, v. 33; 1856, v.35. Inspectors of. R. Cr. 1837, v. 32; 1837-8, v. 30t 1845, v. 23, 24. See also: Gaols, Birmingham, Dartmoor, Mil- bank, Pentonvillc, Military prisons, Penitentiaries. PRIVILEGES of parliament. R. Ct 1831, v. 4; A. P. 1840, v. 45. PBIVY council. See Appeals. seal office. R. Cr. 1849, v. 22. PRIZE ships. A. P. 1808, v. 4. PROBATE of wills. A. P. 1828, v. 20; 1829, v. 18. PROSECUTORS. R. Ct 1856, v. 7. PRUSSIA. Commercial union. R. Cr. 1840, v. 21. See also : Germany. GREAT BRITAIN 346 GREAT BRITAIN GREAT Britain, Sessional papers, continued. PUBLIC buildings. K. Ct. 1324, v.C. carriages, Informations, convictions, etc., con- cerning. A. P. 18"5, v. 45. departments. A. P. 1849, v. 33. establishments. Exemption from taxes. R. Ct. 1857-8, v. 11. expenditure. R. 1809-11, v. 2; R. Cr. 1809, v. 6; R. Ct. 1828, v. 5; (1836-40) A. P. 1847, v. 34. See also : Expenditure, Finance. houses. R. Ct. 1852-3, v. 37; 1854, v. 14. Institutions. A. P. 1850, v. 26. libraries. R. Ct. 1849, v. 17; A. P. 1849, v. 45; R. Ct. 1850, V. 18; 1851, v. 10; 1852, V. 5; A. P. 1852- 3, v. 101; 1854-5, v. 49; 1850, v. 59. moneys. R. Ct. 1856, v. 15; 1857, v. 2. offices. A. P. 1821, v. 14; R. Ct. 1834, v. 49; R. Cr. 1854, v. 27; A. P. 1854-5, v. 49; R. Ct. 1856, v. 14. See also : Downing street, Offices. prosecutors. R. Ct. 1854-5, v. 12. records. See Records. walks. R. Ct. 1833, v. 15; A. P. 1843, v. 30. works. R. Cr. 1831-2, v. 23; 1841, V.12j 1842, v. 24; 1843, v. 28; 1847-8, v. 37; 1852-3, v. 41; 1856, v. 19; 1857, v. 17; A. P. 1857-8, v. 48; R. Cr. 1857-8, v ^6 PUNISHMENTS, Secondary. R. Ct. 1831, v. 7; 1831-2, v.7. See also : Penalties, Tread wheels. PUNJAB, Papers relating to the. A. P. 1849, v. 41. Mutiny in the, 1857. A. P. 1&59, v. 18. QUARANTINE regulations. A. P. 1843, v. 54; R. Cr. 1849, v. 24; A. P. 1S50, v. 85; 1851, v. 52; R. Cr. 1852, v. 20; A. P. 1854-5, v. 45. QUEEN Anne's bounty. A. P. 1831, v. 15; 1843, v. 30; 1845, v. 28; 1846, v. 25; 1847, v. 34; 1847-8, v. 49; 1819, v. 42; 1850, v. 42; 1857-8, v. 46; R. Cr. 1859, v.20. QUEEN'S colleges. R. Cr. 1850, v. 25; A. P. 1850, T. 51; R. Cr. 1857-8, v. 21; 1859, v. 7; A. P. 1859, v. 21, pt.2. printers (Scotland). R. Cr. 1850, v. 20. university. R. Cr. 1856, v. 19; 1857-8, v. 21 ; 1859, v.7. -RACE-HORSE duty (1850-56). A. P. 1856, v. 38. RAGS. Quantity imported and exported (1801-1853). A. P. 1548, v. 65. RAGGED schools. A. P. 1856, v. 49. RAILWAY accounts, Audit of. R. Ct. 1849, v. 10. accidents. A. P. 1854, v. 62; 1854-5, v. 48; 1856, v. 54; 1857, v. 16. gauge. R. Ct 1845, v. 11 ; R. Cr. 1846, v. 16. subscription contracts. A. P. 1837, v. 48. subscription lists. R. Ct. 1837, v. 18. RAILWAYS. R. Cr.l837,v.33: R. Ct. 1S37-8,V.16; 1839, v. 10; R. Cr. 1839, v. 13; R. Ct. 1810, v.13; 1841, v. 8; A.P. 1841, v.io; 1842, V. 41; 1813, v. 47; 1844, v.41; R. Ct. 1S44, v. 11 ; 1845, v. 10, 11; A. P. 1845, v. 39; 1846, V. 38, 39; R. Ct. 1846, v. 13, 14; 1847, v. 12; A. P. 1847, v. 6.3; R. Cr. 1847, v. 01; A. P. 1847-8, v. 63; 1349, v. 51; R. Cr. 1849, v. 27, 29; A. P. 1850, V. 63; 1851, v.5t; R. Cr. 1851, V. 30; A. P. 1852, V. 48; 1852-3, v. 97; R. Cr. 1852-3, v. 55; R. Ct. 1852-3, v. 38; R. Cr. 1854, v. 3tf; A. P. 1851, v. 62; 1854-5, v. 48; 1856, v. 54; 1857, v. 16; 1857, 2d sess., v. 37; 1857-8, v. 51; R. Ct. 1857-8, v.14, 15; R. Cr. 1857- 8.V.31; A. P. 1859, v. 25. Indexes to reports of commissioners (Railways) , 1837-1846; A. P. 1847, v. 58, pt. 2. See also : East India, Belgian, Eastern counties, Epsom, Ireland (Railway), Belfast, London and Birmingham, Metropolitan. RAMSGATE harbor. R. Ct. 1850, v- 14. RATES in parliam. boroughs. A. P. 1857-8, v. 50. County receipts and expenditures of. R. Ct. 1834, v. 14; R. Cr. 1835, v. 36; 1837, v. 33; R. Ct 1857-8, v.13. See also : Poor rates. RATING of mines. R. Ct. 1856, v. 16; 1857, 2d ness. v. 11. of tenements. R. Ct. 1837-8, v. 21. REAL property, Law respecting. R. Cr. 1S29, v. 10; 1830, v. 11; 1831-2, V. 23; A. P. 1831-2, v. 35; R. Cr. 1833, v. 22; A. P. 1845, v. 38; R. Cr. 1816, v. 6. RECORD commission. R. Cr. 1836, v. 16. RECORDS, Public. R. Cr. 1837, v. 34; 1840, v. 28; A. P. 1842, v. 34; 1843, V. 47; 1844, V. 41; 1843, v. 48; 1846, v. 43; 1847, T. 62; R. Cr. 1847-8, v. 38; 1849, v. 28; 1850, v. 20; 1851, v. 22; 1852, v. 21; 1852-3, V. 40; 1854, v. 19; 1834-5, v. 15; 156, v. 18; 1857, 2d sess., v. 16; 1857-8, v. 24. RD River settlement. A. P. 1849, v. 35. GREAT Britain, Sessional papers, continued. REGENT street paving. R. Ct. 181.>, v. aO. REGISTER. General register of deeds affecting real property. R Ct. 1&31-2, v. IS. REGISTERS, Non-parochial. R. Cr. IKT-S, v. 23. REGISTRAR-GENERAL. See Births, deaths, and mar- riages. REGISTRAR of bankruptcies. R. Ct. 1850, v. 18. REGISTRATION of assurances. R. Ct. 1852-3, v. 86. of letters. A. P. 1841, v. 26; 1844, v. 45. of real property. R. Cr. 1850, v. 32. RELIGIOUS worship. A. P. 1852-3, v. h9; R. Ct. 1854, v. 60. REPEAL agitation (Ireland). A. P. 1844,v. 38. REVENUE. A. P. 1814-5, v. 10; 1817, v. 14; 1826, v. 19) 1835, v. 37, 47, 49; 1836, v.46; 1837, v. 49; 1837-S, v. 47; 1839, v. 45; 1840, v. 43; 1841, v. 24; R. Cr. 1842, v. 25; A. P. 1844, v. 40; 1845, v. 48; 1846, v. 47; 1847, v. C5; 18)7-8, V. 62; 1849, v. 53, 54; 1850, V. 54; 1851, v. 54, 55; 1852, v. 52; 1854, v. (16; 1854-5, v. 62; 1857, 2d sess., v. 42; 1857-8, v. 34, 36. See also : Finance accounts, Income. RlDEAU canal. R. Ct. 1830-1, v. 3; A. P. 1831-2, v. 27, 32. RIGHT of search. 1847, v. 67. ROADS. R. Ct. 1820, v. 3; R. Cr. 1820, v. 7; 1822, v. 8; 1823, v. 10; R. Ct. 1823, v. 6; 1824, v. 7, 9; 1830, v. 15; 1831, v. 12; 1834, v. 40; R. Cr. 1835, v. 36; 1837, v. 33; R. Ct. 1839, v. 9; R. Cr. 1840, V. 28; A. P. 1841, v. 12; R. Cr. 1842, v. 25; 1843, v. 29| 1847, v. S3; 1849, v. 46; 1852, v. 18; 1852-3, v. 40; State of. (Eng. and Wales), 1840, v. 27. and bridges. See Highland roads and bridges. Indexes to reports of commissioners, (Roads and bridges) , 1800-1846. A. P. 1847, v. 58, pt. 2. See also : Highways, Uolyhcad, Northern roads, Railways, Shrewsbury, Turnpikes. ROCHEFORT, Squadron off. A. P. 1808, v. 4. ROMAN catholics. R. Ct. 1816, v. 7; A. P. 1840, v. 39; R. Ct 1851, v. 20; A. P. 1851, v. 59; R. Cr. 1854-6, v. 43. See also : Maynooth college. ROUE. State papers. A. P. 1852, v. 55. ROSS, Captain J. R. Ct. 1834, v. 18. ROTHSCHILD, L. N. de. London writ, or report whether baron L. N. de R. has vacated his seat by a loan of sixteen millions to the public service. R. Ct. 1855, v. 7. ROXBURGHSHIRE election. R. Ct. 1837-8, v. 12. ROYAL family. A. P. 1840, v. 29. library. R. Ct 1823, v. 4. RUM, exported and imported. A. P. 1830, v. 22; 1846, v. 44; 1852-3, v. 99; 1856, v. 55; 1857, v. 16. RYE election. R. Ct. 1852-3, v. 18. SABBATH day, Observance of the. R. Ct. 1831-2, v. 7; 1833, v. 31. See also: Disturbance in Hyde Park, Divine worship, Sunday, Religious worship. SAFETY lamps, Experiments with. R. Ct. 1852-3, T. 20. See also : Gases. ST. ALBAN'S bribery. R. Cr. 1852, v. 27. ST. ANDREW'S election. R. Cr. 1841, v. 9. university. R. Cr. 1837, v. 37 ; 1846, v. 23. ST. JAMES' park. R. Ct 1856, v. 7. ST. LUCIA, Slaves at. 1830-1, v. 15. ST. PANCRAS, Relief of the poor in. R. Cr. 1847, v. 28. SALARIES in the public offices of Great Britain. A. P. 1825, v. 19; R. Ct 18SO-1, v. 3, 7, 8; A. P. 1836, v.37; 1837-8, v. 36; R. Cr. 1839, v. 30; A. P. 1840, v. 29; R. Ct. 1850, v. 15. SALEABLE offices in courts of law. R. 1810, v. 9. SALMON fisheries. R. Ct 1824, v. 7; lSi'5, v. 5; 1826- 7, V. 6; 1835, v. 20; 1836, V. 18; 1842, V. 14. SALT in British India. R. Ct 1836, v. 17; 1810, v. 7; 1852-3, v. 69; 1853, v. 27; R. Cr. 1856, v. 26. SAMPAYO, H. T. A. P. 1840, v. 30; 1841, v. 14; 1841, 2d sess. v. 2; 1842, v. 27. SANDHURST royal military college. R. Ct. 1854-5, v. 12; A. P. 1852-3, v. 59; 1854-5, v. 12; 1855, v. 32; 1856, v. 40. SARDINIA. A. P. 1856, v. 65, 56, 61; 1857-8, v. 9. SATTARA, Commission of inquiry at A. P. 1843, v. 38. Rajah of. A. P. 1844, v. 36; 1845, v. 34; 1SU6, v. 31; 1847, v. 41; 1817-8, v. 48; 1849, v. 39; 1850, v. 41; 1852-3, v. 69. Receipts and charges on account of. A. P. 1832- 3, V. 69; 1854-5, v. 40. SAVINGS banks. R. Ct 1849, v. 14; 1850, v. 19; A. P. 1854, v. 63; 1857, v. 8; R. Ct. 1857-8, v. 16. See alto : Banks. GREAT BRITAIN 347 GREAT BRITAIN GREAT Britain, Sessional papers, continued. SAVINGS of the middle and working classes. R. Ct. 185!), v. 19. SCHELDT, Expedition to the. A. P. 1810, v. 2, 3. SCHOOLS of design. A. P. 1S40, v. 20; 1811, v. 13; R. Cr. 184% v. 29; 1S44, v. 31 j 1845, v. 27; 1S4G, v. 24; A. P. 1847, v. GJ; K. Ct. 1S40, v. IS; A. P. 1851, T. 43. SCHOOLS. A. P. 1840, v. 40; 1847, v. 44. See also : Education. SCIENCE and art, Reports from the department of. R. Cr. 1854, v. 28; 1854-5, v. 17; 1856, v. 24 ; 1857, 2d sess. v. 20. See also : Art. SCINDE. A. P. 1839, v. 40; 1843, v. 39; 1844, v. 36; 1846, v. 31; 1847, v. 41; 1852-3, v. 77; 1854, v. 49; 1857, v. 11. SCOTLAND. Agricultural statistics. A. P. 1857-8, v. 56. Births, deaths, and marriages. Rep. Registrar general. R. Cr. 1850, v. 12. Church patronage. K. Ct. 1834, v . 5. Churches, Sites for. R. Ct. 1817, v. 13. Corporations. R. Cr. 183i, v. 29; 1836, v. 23. Courts of justice. R. 1SOS, v. 2; R. Cr. 1816, v. 8; 1817, v. 9; 1822, v. 8s 1821, v. 10; A. P. 1831-2, v. 35; 1839, v. 43. Criminal law commission. R. Cr. 1840, v. 20. Education. A. P. 1837, v. 47; 1S41, v. 19; 1859, v. 21, pt. 2. Emigration. R. Ct. 1841, v. 6. Entails. R. Ct. 1828, v.7; 1829, v. 3. Exchequer court. R. Ct. 1831-2, v. 5. Fictitious votes. R. Ct. 1837-8, v. 13, 14. High court of j usticiary. A. P. 1826-7, v. 19. Judges' salaries. R. Ct. 1834, v. 11. Law. R. Cr. 1834, v. 20. Lunacy. R. Cr. 1859, v. 9. Lunatic asylums. R. Cr. 1857, v. B. Marriage. R. Ct. 1849, v. 12. New churches. R. Cr. 1829, v. 5. Ordnance survey. R. Ct. 1850, v. 14. Papers relating to courts of law. R. Cr. 1837-8, v. 29. Parochial education. A. P. 1826, v. 18. Poor. R. Cr. 1839, v. 20; 1817, v. 28; 1847-8, v. 33; A. P. 13i:, v. 47; R. Cr. 18^', v. 23; 1852-3, v. 50; 1836, v. 28; 1857, v. 4; A. P. 1857, v. 49; 1857- 8, v. 49, pt. 2. Poor law. R. Ct. (Commons) 1849, v. 15; (Lords) 1849, v. 10; R. Cr. 1854-5, v. 24. Poor law inquiry. R. Cr. 1844, v. 20-26. Poor relief. R. Cr. 1859, v. ;). Prisons. R. Ct. 1820, v. 5; A. P. 1830, v. 24; H. Cr. 1837, v. 32; 18-37-8, v. 31; 1840, v. 26; 1842, v. 22; 1843, v. 27; R. Ct. 1845, V. 13; R. Cr. 18J2, V. 25; 1852-3, v. 53; 1854, v. 32; 1856, v. 35; 1857-8, v. 30; 1859, v. 11. Public houses. R. Ct. 1846, v. 15. Queen's printers. R. Cr. 1847-8, v. 38; A. P. 1847- 8, v. 49. Ragged schools. R. Ct. 1852-3, v. 23. Relief of distress in. A. P. 1817, v. 53. Religious instruction. R. Cr. 1837, v. 21; 1837-8, v. 32,""",; iss), v. 23-26. Revenue. R. Cr. 1825, v. 14; 1826, v. 10; 1828, v. 13, 15; 1831-2, v. 26; A. P. 1852-3, v. 101. Royal burghs in. R. Ct. 1819, v. 6. Salmon fisheries. R. Ct. 1836, v. 18. School-masters' widows' fund bill. R. Ct. 1843, v. 11. Statute labor. R. Ct. 1836, v. 18. Universities. R. Cr. 1831, v. 12; 1837, v. 35-58; A. P. IS',9, v. 21, pt. 2. Miscellaneous. A. P. 1843, v. 49 ; 1844, v. 42; 1845, v. 45; 1847, v. 57; 1852, v. 53; 1852-3, v.101; 1854, v. 59; 1851-5, v. 47; 1S5G, v. 59; 1857, v. 15. See also : Aberdeen, Caledonian canal, Edin- burgh, Glasgow, Highland roads and bridges, Pais- ley, Roxburgshire, St. Andrew's. ScuTAni hospital. R. Ct 1854-5, v. 9; A. P. 1854-5, v. 32, S3; 185r, v. 9. SEBASTOPOL, Army before. R. Ct. 1854-5, v, 9; A. P. 185G, v. 40. SETTLEMENT, Operation of the law of. R. Ct 1847, v. 11. SEVERN navigation. R. Cr. 1847-8, v. 31. SEWAGE. R. Cr. 18.j7, 2d sess. v. 20. manure. Metropolitan. R. Ct. 1846, v. 10, 43. SEWERS. A. P. 1851, v. 48. See also : Metropolitan. SHANNON navigation. R. Ct. 1834, v. 17; R. Cr. 1837- 8, v. 34; 1839, v. 27, 28; 1840, v. 28; 1841, v. 12; A. P. 1842, v. 38; R. Cr. 1843, v. 28; 1844, v. 31; 1815, v. 26;1816, v. 22; 1847, v. 17; 1849, v. 23; 1850, v. 25. GREAT Britain, Sessional papers, continued. SIIEEP, etc. Prevention of contagious diseases among. A. P. 1847-8, v. 51; R. Ct. 1857, 2d sess. v. 9. SHERIFFS' courts. A. P. 1835, v. 46. See also : High sheriff. SHIP " Novello." R. Ct. 1852-3, v. 39. SHIPPING. A. P. 1831, v. 17; 1830-1, v.10; 1831-2, T. 34; 1834, v. 49; 1S3G, v. 45; 1837-8, v. 45; 1842, v. 39; 1843, v. 52; R. Ct. 1844, v. 8; A. P. 1844, v. 45; 1845, v. 47; 1846, v. 45; 1S47-8, v. 60; 1849, v. 51; 1850, v. 53 ; 1851, v. 52; 1852, v. 49; 1854, v. GO; 1854-5, v. 4G; R. Cr. 1854-5, v. 27; A. P. 185G, v. 51; R. Cr. 1857, v. 16; A. P. 1857, v. 39; 1857-8, v. 52. See also : Tonnage. SHIPPING dues, England. R. Cr. 1854, v. 37. SHIPWRECKS. R. Ct. 1813-14, v. 3; 1823, v. 4; A. P. 1825, v. 21; 1833, v. 24; 1836, v. 17; 1839, v. 9; 1843, v. 9. by lightning. A. P. 1854, v. 42. See also : Manby, Wreck register. SU-BEWSBURY roads. R. Cr. 1830-1, v. 4; 1834, T. 40; 1839, v. 29. SICILIES. R. Cr. 1840, v. 21; A. P. 1849, v. 56. See Naples. SIERRA LEONE. A. P. 1829, v. 25; R. Ct. 1830, v. 10; A. P. 1815, v. 31; 1852-3, v. 62; 1854-5, v. 30; 1856, v. 42. SIGNET office. R. Cr. 1849, v. 22. SILK trade. A. P. 1829, v. 17; R. Ct. 1831-2, v. 19. SINUE. See Scindc. SINECUP.E offices. R. 1, 2, 1809-11, v. 2; R. Ct. 1834, v. 6; 1835. v. 18. SINKING fund. A. P. 1831-2, v. 26; 1833, v. 23; 1844, v. 82, 46. SLAVE trade and slaves. A. P. 1822, v. 22; 1823, v. 18, 19; 1824, v. 23; 1826, v. 27, 29; 1828, v. 25, 20; 1829, T. 25, 26; 1830, v. 21, 33; 1830-31, v. 15, 16; 1831, v. 19; 1831-2, v. 46, 47; 1S33, v. 43; 1835, v. 50, 51; 1839, v. 48, 49; 1813, v. 58; 1844, v. 48, 50; 1815, v. 49, 50; 1.846, v. 50,51; 1817, v. 66,67; 1847-8, v. 04; R. Ct. 1847-S, v. 22; A. P. 1S49, v. 55; R. Ct. 1849, v. 19; A. P. 1850, v. 55 ; 1851, v. 56; R. Ct. 1S52-3, v. 39; A. P. 1852-3, v. 10; 1854, v. 73; 1854-5, v.5C; 1856, v. 62; 1857, v. 44; 1857-8, v. 61; A. P. 1853, V. 27. See also : Cape of Good Hope, SLAVEBY. R. Ct. 1831-2, v. 20; A. P. 1835, v.50,51; 1836, v. 48, 49; IS 1 ??, v. 53; 1S37-8, v. 48-52; 1840, v. 46, 47; 1841, v. 28; 1812, v. 42-41. See also : Berbice, Demerara, East Indies, India, Sicrrc Leone, St. Lucia. SLIGO elections. R. Ct. 1847-8, v. 14; 1852-3, v. 18; 1854, v. 8; 1856, v. 7. SMALL arms for his mjaesty's service, Means of pro- viding. R. Ct. 1854, v. 18. SM A LL debts. A. P. 1823, v. 14, 15. See Debts. SJIITIIFIELD market. R. Ct 1828, v. 8; 1847, v. 81 1849, v. 19; R. Cr. 1850, v. 31; 1851, v.10; 1856, v. 37. SMOKE prevention. R. Ct. 1843, v. 7; 1845, v. 13; A. P. 181G, v. 43; 1854, v. 61. SMUGGLING. A. P. 1831-2, v. 83. SOMNAUTII, Gates of the temple of. A. P. 1843, r. 35. SOUND dues. 1836, v. 45; 1841, v. 31; 1842, v. 4.5; R. Ct. 1856, v. 16. SOUTHAMPTON election. R. Ct. 1842, v. 8 ; 1S52-3, T.18. SPAIN. A. P. 1808-9, v. 5; 1810, v. 7; 1823, v. 19; 1829, v. 26; 1844, v. 47; 1847-8, v. 65; 1854, v.39, 66: 1856, v. 56, 57. War in. A. P. 1836, v. 38, 60; 1837, v. 39, 40; 1839, v. 50. See also : Madrid. SPIRITS. R. Ct 1809, v. 3; A. P. 1822, v. 21; 1826-7, v. 17; 1830, v. 22; 1834, v. 49; 1840, v. 44; 1847, v. 59. See also : Distillation. STADE tolls. R. Ct. 1857-8, v. 17. STAFFORD. Disfranchisement. R. Ct 1836, v. 19. election. R. Ct. 1833, v. 11. STAFFORDSHIRE, South, midland mining commis- sion. R. Cr. 1813, v. 13. STAMFORD election. R. Ct. 1847-8, v. 14. STAMPS. R. Cr. 1821, v. 10; A. P. 1824, v. 17; 1826-7, v.17; A. P. 18,v. 25; 1835, V. 37; 1846, V. 45; R. Ct. 1S52, v. 15. See Newspaper stamps. STATISTICAL papers. A. P. 1859, v. 26. STATUTE law. R. Cr. 1854, v. 24; 1854-5, v. 15; 1856, v. 18. law commission. R. Ct 1857, v. 2. Sec also : Law. 348 GREAT BRITAIN GREAT Britain, Sessional papers, continued. STEAM boats and vessels. R. Ct. 1817, v. 6; A. P. 1828, v. 19j 182:>, v. 17; 1831-2, v. 34; B. Cr. 1831-2, v. 17; A. P. 187), v. 47; 1851, V. 52; 1852-3, V. CO; 1854, V. CO; 1850, v. 41. engine furnaces, Means of preventing the incon- venience arising from the smoke of. R. Ct. 1819, v. 8; 1820, v. 2. navigation. R. Ct. 1831, v. 8; 1849, v. 17; A. P. 1852-3, v. 61. - navy. R. Ct. 1847-8, v. 38; 1849, v. 17; A. P. 1849, V. 32; 1850, v. 35; 1852-3, v. 61. STOCKDALE vs. Hansard. A. P. 1840, v. 45. STONOR, Henry. R. Ct. 1854, v. 8. STOPPAGE of wages (Hosiery). R. Ct. 1854-5, v. 14. STRANDED ships. See Manby's method of communi- cating with stranded ships. STRIKES of workmen. See Combinations of work- men, Masters and operatives. SUDEUKY borough, Bribery in. R. Cr. 1844, v. 18. election. R. Ct. 1842, v. 7. SUGAR, Distillation of. R. 1808, v. 7. growing colonies. A. P. 1847-8, v. 46; 1851, v. 39; 1852-3, v. 07. planting. R. Ct. 1847-8, v. 23. See also : Beet-root sugar. SUGARS, Martinico. A. P. 1811, v. 4. SUNDAY, On the suppression of music in Kensington gardens on. A. P. 1836, v. 52. trading. R. Ct. 1847, v. 9; 1850, v. 19; 1851, v. 10) 1854-5, v. 6. travelling. 1817, v. 63. See also: Sabbath. SUPERANNUATION act. A. P. 1825, v. 19; R. Cr. 1857, 2d scss., v. 2; 1857-8, v. 25. SUPPLY, Committee of. R. Ct. 1857, 2d sess., v. 9. SCBAT, Treaty with the nawab of. R. Ct. 1856, v. 10; A. P. 185C, v. 45. SURVEYORS. R. Ct. 1857, 2d sess., v. 9. Sw.\y river settlements. A. P. 1829, v. 24. SYDNEY. A. P. 1840, v. 33. SYRIA, Commercial statistics of. R. Cr. 1840, v. 21. Military operations in, and affairs of, A. P. 1841, v. 13; 1843, v. GO. TABLES of deaths. R. Cr. 1856, v. 29, 30. of revenue, population, commerce. A. P. 1833, v.41; 1843, v. 55, 56. TAHITI. A. P. 1845, v. 52; 1847, v. 70. TANJORE, Private debts of the rajah of. R. Cr. 1831, v. 12; 1831-2, v. 23; 1833, v. 17; 1834, v. 40. TARIFFS, Commercial. A. P. 1842, v. 40. See also : Commercial. TAUNTON election. R. Ct. 1852, 3, v. 1ft TAXATION, Local. A. P. 1830-1, v. 11; 1839, v. 44; R. Cr. 1843, v. 20; A. P. 1844, v. 42; 1845, v. 41; 1846, v. 40; 1847, v. 44; 1847-8, v. 51; 1849, v. 46; 1850, v. 49; 1851, v. 48; 1852-3, v. 100. TAXES. A. P. 1824, v. 17; 1825, v. 20; 1826-7, v. 17; 1830, v. 25; 1830-1, v. 11; 1831, v. 17; 1831-2, v. 44; 1833, v. 33. See also : Excise, Income, Rates. TEA. R. Ct. 1834, v. 17; A. P. 1845, v. 46; 1850, v. 52. TEAK. A. P. 1847-8, v. 20 pt. 2, 41, 48. TELFORD, T. Report on the state of the road from Shrewsbury to London, etc. R. Ct. 1822, v. G. THAMES embankment. R. Ct. 1840, v. 12; 1856, v. 52. marshes. R. Ct. 1854, v. 18; A. P. 1854-5, v. 30. river, State of the. R. Ct. 1857-8, v. 11. tunnel. A. P. 1835, v. 38. TIDAL harbours, R. Cr. 1845, v. 16; 1846, v. 18; 1847, v. 32; 1847-8, v. 26. See also : Harbours. TIMBER. A. P. 1828, v. 19. See also: Forests, "Woods and forests. TIMBER duties. R. Ct. 1835, v. 19. TITHE affrays. A. P. 1831-2, v. 22; 1833, v. 27; 1835, v. 47; 1837-8, V. 38. commission. R. Cr. 1859, v. 12. TITHES. A. P. 1830, v. 19; 1834, v. 43; 1836, v. 44; 1837, V. 41 ; 1839, v. 41 ; 1840, v. 39 ; R. Cr. 1839, v. 16; 1840, T. 28; 1841, v. 12; 1842, v. 25; 1843, v. 29; 1845, v. 27; 1847, v. 33; 1847-8, v. 26; 1849, v. 22; 1S50, v. 20; 1851, v. 22; 1852, v. 18; 1852-3, v. 40; 1854, v. 19, 40; 1854-5, v. 41; 1856, v. IS; 1857, v. 4. TOBACCO. A. P. 1828, v. 19; R. Ct. 1830, v. 10; 1844, v. 12; 1846, v. 6; A. P. 1854-5, v. 52; 1857, v. 16. Adulteration of. A. P. 1846, v. 34. TOBAGO. A. P. 1839, v. 36. TOLL, Mail coach exemption from. R. 1811, v. 3. TOLLS, Stade. See Stade tolls. TONNAGE. A. P. 1824, v. 18; 1828, v. 19. See also: Shipping. TOOLS, Export of. R. Ct. 1823, v. 5. GKEAT Britain, Sessional papers, continued. TOWNS, Sanitary state of large. R. Ct. 1844, T. 17; 184,5, v. 18. Interment in. See Interment TEADE and navigation. 1820, v. 9; It. Ct. 1820, v. 2, 3; 1822, v. fl; 1824, v. 6; A. P. 1830, v. 27; 1831, v. 17; 1831-2, V. 34; 18*3, v. 33; 1834, V. 49; 1830, V. 45; 1837, V. 50; 1837-8, V. 41; 183!', v. 47; 1840, V. 44; 1841, V. 26; 1842, v. 39; 1843, v. 52; 1844, v. 45; 1845, v. 4C; 1846, v. 44; 1847, v. 59; 1847-8, v. 58; 1849, v. 50, 51; 1850, v. 52; 1851, v. 53; 181.', v. 51; 1852-3, v. 98, 99; 1854, v. G5: 1854-5, v. 50-52; 1856, v. 55- 57; 1857, v. 38; 1857-8, v. 63-55; 1859, v. 25. See also : Commerce, Navigation, Shipping. TRAFALGAR square. R. Ct 180, v. 12. TRANSPORTATION. R. Ct. 1S12, T. 2; A. P. 1823, v. 14, 15; R. Ct. 1837, T. 19; lS'ff-8, v. 22; 1847, v. 7; A. P. 1849, v. 43; 1854, T. 54; R. Ct. 1856, v. 17. Number of convicts transported in each year. (1817-35), R. Ct. 1835, v. 11 ; (1793-1837), R. Ct 1837-8, v. 22. See Convicts, New South "Wales. TBAVAXCORE. R. Ct. 1831-2, v. 5. TEEAD-WIIF.ELS. A. P. 1823, v. 14, 15; 1824, T. 19; 1825, v. 23. TREATIES. 1813-14, v. 14; 1814-15, v. 12,13; 1816, T.17; 1826-7, v. 25, A. P. 1839, v. 50; 1852, v. 54; R. Ct 1852-3, v. 39; 1854, v. ~'2. TRINIDAD. A. P. 1839, v. 36 ; 1840, v. 34; 1845, v. 8; 1847-8, v. 46; 1849, v. 37; 1854-5, v. 36; 1858, T. 42; 1857, v. 10. TURKEY. A. P. 1837-8, r. 47; 1844, v. 4.5, 46; 1845, v. 52; 1849, T. 50; 1852, T.55; 1851, v. 71; 18.57-8, T. 38. Diseases of the army in. R. Cr. 1857, 2d sess. v. 18. See also : Crimea, Kars, Syria, Levant TURKS island. A. P. 1847, v. 38. TURHPIKES. R. 1809, v. 2; 1810, v. 8; R. Ct. 1826-7, v. 6; R. Cr. 1828, v. 9; 1829, v. 5: 1830, v. 15; 1831- 2, v. 23; R. Ct. 1833, v. 15; A. P. 18.51, v. 48; 1852, T. 44; R. Ct. 1856, T. 14; A. P. 1857, v. 37; R. Cr. 1857-8, v. 32. TURNPIKE trusts. A. P. 1824, v. 20; R. Ct. 1825, T. 5; 1826-7, v. 6; 1836, r. 19; B. Ct 1839, v. 9; A. P. 1839, v. 44; 1852-3, v. 97; 1854, v. W; 1854-5, v. 49; 1856, v. 58; R. Cr. 1856, v. 19; 1859, v. 13. TUBTON, Sir Thomas, Defalcation of! A. P. 1849, v. 39; R. Ct 1850, v. 19. TUSCANY, Austrian troops in. A. P. 1849, v. 57. TYNE, River. R. Cr. 1854-5, v. 28. TYNEMOUTII borough. R. Cr. 1854, v. 21. UKITED States. Boundary line. A. P. 1831-2, v. 32) 1836, v. 39; 18-37-8, v. 39; 1840, v. 32; 1842, v. 28; 1843, v. 61; 1845, v. 52; 1846, v. 52. Commercial tariff. A. P. 1828, v. 19; 1846, v. 49. Extradition of criminals. A. P. 1844, v. 39. Gaols, penitentiaries. A. P. 1834, v. 46. Mint. R. Ct. 1837, v. 16. Recruiting in the. A. P. 1856, v. 60. State papers. A. P. 1828, v. 27; 1856, v. 60. See also : American, Boston, New York. UNIVERSITIES, Improvement in. A. P. 1854, v. 50. See also: Aberdeen, Cambridge, Edinburgh, Glas- gow, London, Oxford, St Andrews. VACCINE establishment R. Cr. 1849, v. 22; 1850, v. 20 ; 1851, v. 22; 1852, v. 18; A. P. 1852-3, v. 101 j 1854-5, v. 45; 1856, v. 52. VAGRANTS. A. P. 1822, v. 22; 1824, v. 19; R. Ct 1828, v.4; 1833, v. 16; A. P. 1851, v. 46. VANCOUVER'S island. A. P. 1847-8, v. 42; 1849, v. 35; 1852-3, v. 65. VAN Dicmen's Land. A. P. 1830-1, v. 9; 1834, v. 44; 1837, v. 7, 19; A. P. 1S37, v. 45; R. Ct. 1837-8, v. 22 A.P.184C,v. 29; 1847, v. 38 ; 1847 -8, v. 43; 1856, v. 56; 1857, v. 10. See also : Australia. VENTILATION. R. Ct. 1852, v. 16. See also: House of Commons. VESTRIES, Select R. Ct. 1830, v. 4. VERNOX collection. A. P. 1847-8, v. 51; 1850, v. 15. VOTES, Fictitious. See Fictitious votes. WAGES. See Payment of wages, Stoppage of wages. WALES. A. P. 1835, v.41, 43; 1843, v. 48; 1847-8, V. 53; 1849, v. 47; R. Cr. 1847-8, v. 33, 37. Charities in. R. Cr. 1822, v. 9, 10; 1825, v. 10, llj 1826-7, v. 10 ; 1828, v. 10, 11 ; 1829, v. 7, 8 ; A. P. 1829, T. 20; R. Cr. 1830, v. 12. Ecclesiastical courts. R. Cr. 1831-2, v. 24. Education. R. Cr. 1830, v. 12; 1847, v. 27. Poor. A. P. 1852, v. 45. Religious worship. A. P. 1852-3, v. 89. GREAT BRITAIN 349 GREAT BRITAIN GREAT Britain, Sessional papers, continued. WALMER castle, Sums expended at, 1825-34. A. P. 1815, v. 38. WAREHOUSES. B. Ct. 1841, v.5. WARWICK borough. R. Ct. 1834, v. 18. election. R. Ct. 1S03, v. 11. WATERFOED, Postal arrangements in. R. Ct. 1854-5, v. 11. county election. R. Ct 1852-3, v. 19. WEAVERS. Hep. 1811, v. 5. WEIGHTS and measures. R. Ct. 1813-14, v. 3; 1821, v. 4; 1824, v. 7; 18U v. 18; 1835, v. IS; R. Cr. 1842, v. 25; 1854, T. 13; 1854, 5, V. 15. WELLINGTON, Funeral of the duke of. R. Ct. 1852, 3, v. 39. statue. A. P. 184B, v. 43; 1847, v.5!. See also : Walmer castle. WEST India free labourers. R. Ct. 1811, v. 5. Indies. A. P. 1S11, v. T; 1826, v. 26; 1826, 7, v. 24; 1830,1, v. 12; 1831,2, v. 31; R. Ct. 1831, 2, v.20; A. P. 1833, v. 6; 18.57, 8, v. 40; 1839, v. 37; 1,340, v. 35; 1842, v. 29; R. Ct. 1842, v. 13; A. P. 1846, V. 30; 1847, 8, v. 44, 45, G2; 1854-5, v. 36; 1856, v. 42; 1857, v.10. See also : Bahamas, Barbadoes, Hayti, Jamaica, Leeward islands, Martinico, St. Lucia, Windward islands. WESTMINSTER abbey, Money received for admis- sion to. A. P. 1837, v. 41; 1843, v. 40. Monuments erected in Westminster abbey and St. Paul's. (1750-1840), R. Ct. 1837-8, v. 36; 1841, v.G. bridge. R. Ct. 1844, v. 6; 1846, v. 15; 1850, v. 19; R. Cr. 1852, v. 18; R. Ct. 1852-3, v. 39; 1856, v. 14. High bailiff of. R. Ct. 1811, v. 5; A. P. 1818, v. 15. improvements in. R. Cr. 1808, v. 6; R. Ct 1810, v. 8; 1813-4, v. 3; 1831-2, v. 5; 1852-3, v. 39. petition. R. Ct.1310, v. 8. - new palace. R. Ct. 1843, v. 15; 1847-8, v. 16; A. P. 1857, v. 48. See also : House of commons. St. Margaret's church. R. Ct. 1844, v. 6. WEZFORD election. R. Ct. 1830, v. 4. Freeholders of. R. 1811, v. 5. WHALE fishery. A. P. 1820, v. 12; 1823, v. 13; 1846, v. 45. WHEAT. A. P. 1828, v. 18; 1829, v. 17. See Grain. WILTS, Schools in the county of. A. P. 1859, v. 21, pt. 2. WINDSOR castle, Improvements at. R. Ct. 1830, v. 9. forest. R. Cr. 1809, v. 2. WINDWARD islands. A. P. 1839, v. 37 . WINE. A. P. 1830, v. 22. . WINES, Import duties on. R. Ct. 1852, v. 17. imparted (17SG-1849); A. P. 1850, v. 52. WITNESSES' expenses. R. Ct. 1840, v. 15. WOODS and forests. R. Cr. 1810, v. 15; 1819, v. 19; 1823, v. 11; 18-Xj, v. 14; 1830, v. 16; A.P. 1830-1, v. 13; R. Cr. 1833, v. 22; 1837, v. 33; 1839, v.29; 1840, v.2S; 1841, v.12; 1845, v.29; 1845, v. 27; 1847, v. 33; R. Ct. 1847-8, v. 24; R. Cr. 1847-8, v. 31; R. Ct 1849, v. 20; 1852, v. 26; 1852-3, v. 55, 56; 1854, v. 38; A. P. 1854, v. C7; 1854-5, v. 53; R. Cr. 1854-5, v. 29; 1856, v. 37; A. P. 1856, v. 52; 1857, v. 13; R. Cr. 1,357, 2cl sess., v. 24; A. P. 1857, 2d sess. v. 41; R. Cr. 1857-8, v. 31; A P. 1857-8, v. 48. See also : Forests, Windsor. WOOL and Woollens. R. Ct 1828, v. 8; A. P. 1828, v. 19; 1839, v. 46; 1643, v. 52; 1844, v. 4.5; 1847-8, v. 15; 185.K!, v. 99; 1854-5, v. 50; 1856, v. 55. WOOLWICH. Treatment of prisoners in the hulks. R. Cr. 1847, v. 18. WOMEN, Employment of, in agriculture and in mines. R, Cr. 1S43, v. 12; 1844, v. 16. WOECESTER election. R. Ct. 1819, v. 4. WORKMEN, Combinations of. R. Ct. 1837-8, v. 8. WRECKS, Register of. A.P. 1852-3, v. 61. See also : Manby, Shipwrecks. WYNNE, Capt. E. Letters relative to the county of Clare. R, Ct. 1847, v. 14. YARMO CTH election. R. Ct. 1835, v. 10. YORK election. R. Ct 1835, v. 10. YOEK, Duke of, Minutes of evidence upon the con- duct of the. R. Ct. 1309, v. 4. ZEMINDAR of Nozeed. R. Ct. 1831, v. 3. ZEMIXDART tenure, (Madras). R. Cr. 1831-2, v. 11. ZINC imported and exported. A. P. 1846, v. 44; 1847. v.63; 1847-8, v.58; 1849, v.SO; 1850, v.52. Shelf. No. GREAT Britain. [Cross references.] Antiquities. Antiquarian itinerary 2490.25 Bctham, Sir W. Gael and Cymbri 2520.19 Boutell, C. British archaeology 2520.33 Brand, J. Popular antiquities . . 2520.10,20,2530.5 Davies, E. Origin, traditions, and language of the ancient Britons 2230.1 Forsyth, J. S. Antiquary's portfolio .... 2520.30 Grose, F. Antiquarian repertory 2531.1 Gutch, J. Collectanea curiosa 2520.17 Leland, J. Collectanea de rebus Britannicis. 2418.6 - Serche for England's antiquities 2455.3 Leycester, Sir P. Historical antiquities of . 2460.12 Moore, J. Castles and monasteries 2485.3 Parkyns. Monastic and baronial remains . 2485.2 Poste, B. Britannic researches 2520.12 Kemnants of feudal splendor 2499.30 See also : Anglo-Saxon, Druids. Biography. Annual biography and obituary, 1817-37 . . . 2441.1 Ballard, G. Memoirs of ladies of 2451.6 Beatson, II. Naval and military memoirs of G. B. 1727-83 2450.13 Biographia Britannica, or the lives of the most eminent persons in 2440.1 Biographical dictionary of living authors of. 2153.6 Butler, k C. Memoirs of English, Irish, and Scottish catholics 3517.1 Campbell, J. Lives of British admirals. . 2450.11 Charnock, J. Officers of the navy of .... 2442.7 Cibber, T. Lives of the poets of 2443.14 Drummond, H. Histories of British families. 24. M.I Fuller, T. AYorthics of England 2441.2 Gordon, D. Lives of persons who have suf- fered for high treason in 2443.6 Granger, J. Biographical history 2442.3 Halliday, A. History of the royal family of. 2410.9 Johnson, S. Lives of the poets . . v. 50-68 of 2589.3 Lewis, T. Contemporaries of Clarendon . . 2441.3 Lloyd, D. State worthies 2443.13 Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious person- ages of 2451.11 - Illustrations of biography 2437.2 Macdiarmid, J. Lives of British statesmen . 2443.5 Marshall, J. Koyal naval biography. . . . 2450.12 Most eminent persons in, 1714-1828. See Georgian era 2442.6 Oliver, G. English, Scottish, and Irish mem- bers of the society of Jesus 3536.5 Playfair, "W. Political portraits 2443.4 Willmott, K. A. Lives of sacred poets . . . 2458.22 Wilson, J. Biographical index to the present House of commons, 1808 2458.32 Wrangham, F. British Plutarch 2442.5 Wright, T. Biographia Britannica literaria . 2443.1 Civil and political institutions. Allen, J. Rise and growth of the royal pre- rogative 2514.8,16 Barrington, D. Observations on the statutes. 2511.9 Bowen, F. Documents of the constitution of. 3564.4 Brady, R. Succession of the crown 2420.7 Burnet, G. Constitution and policy 2517.6 Clavel, R. His majesties propriety and do- minion on the British seas 2519.27 Cooke, G. W. History of party, 1666-1832 . 2514.4 Craig, F. Right of succession 2540.3 Dalrymple.J. History of feudal property in. 3709.2 De Lolme, J. L. Constit. de 1'Angleterre . . 3560.22 Disraeli, B. Vindication of the constitution. 2512.20 Fortescue, J. De laudibus legum Anglise . . 2512.19 llallam, H. Constitutional history 2514.6 Levi, L. Annals of British legislation . . . 2522.1 Madox, T. Hist, and antiq. of the exchequer. 2511.11 Merewether, H. A. History of boroughs and municipalities 2514.1 Millar, J. Historical view of the constitution. 2514.3 Oldfleld, T. H. B. Sketch of constitutional rights, etc 2514.5 Ordines cancellariae 3634.11 GREAT BRITAIN 350 Shelf. No. GREAT Britain, Civil and pol. institu. continued. Kaumer, F. L. G. v. Political history, 16-18th centuries 2514.2 Rayiial, T. G. F. Hist, du parlemcnt anglais. 2514.10 llussell, J. Essay on the constitution. . . 2514.15 Secondat, C. de. Constitution of. ... Pph.v.242 Sinclair, J. History of the revenue 2512.10 Smith, J. T. Outlines of the E. constitution. 3503.13 Thomas, F. S. Ancient exchequer 2511.18 Townsend, W. C. Hist, of the H. of commons. 2514.7 Whitelocke, B. Disquisitions on the govern- ment of. 3501.4 "Woodcson, R. Systematical view of laws of. 3025.11 Wynne, E. Constitution of 2514.14 Coinage. Akerman, J.Y. Tradesmen's tokens . . . . 2532.12 Burn, J. H. Traders' tokens of the 17th cen- tury 2532.10 Davics,E. Remarks on ancient British coins. 2520.9 Hawkins, E. Silver coins 2532.5 Humphreys, H. N. Coins of Br. empire . 2532.1,2 Leake, S. M. Hist, account of Eng. money. 2532.6 Ruding, R. Annals of the coinage of . . . . 2531.3 Spelman, II. Dialogue concerning the coin of the kingdom 2000.3 Description, geography, travels, etc. Books relating to British topography be- queathed by R. Gough to the Bodleian library. See Oxford 2130.10 Camden,W. Britannia: a description of Eng- land, Scotland, and Ireland 2450.2 - Remains concerning Britain 2520.34 Chalmers, G. Estimate of the strength of . 2512.5 ~ Domestic economy of 2512.9 Colquhoun, P. Wealth, power, and resources of 2511.1 Defoe, D. Tour through the whole island . . 2409.20 Dupin, C. Commercial power of 2512.4 - Voyages dans la Grande-Bretagne .... 3953.3 Galibert, L. Angleterre, Ecosse, Irlande. 2200.5 Head, Sir F. B. Defenceless state of . . . . 2512.10 Lysons, D. and S. Account of the counties of 2401.1 McCulloch, J. R. Empire of 2512.2 Martin, R. M. Colonies of 2421.3,7 Nichols, J. G. Collectanea 2485.1 - Topographer and genealogist 2480.1 Nougaret, P. J. B. Esprit, moeurs, coutuines 2435.2 Patcrson, D. Description of cross-roads . . 2487.2 Richard of Cirencester. Description of . . . 2418.8 Simms.F. W. Public works of ...... 4010.10 Spackman, W. F. Statistical tables of . . . . 2435.1 Speed, J. Theatre of the empire of 2280.2 Whishaw, F. Railways of 4011.13 Young, A. Present state of 3653.10 See also: Channel Islands, England, Man (Isle of), Scotland, Shetland, Wales, Wight (Isle of). Ecclesiastical history. Beda, V. Historia ecclesiastica 2413.1 Collier, J. Ecclesiastical history of 3523.1 Dodd, C. Church history of 3523.5 Fuller, T. Church history of Britain . . . . 3522.1 Incidents of the apostolic age in Britain . . 3529.4 Tayler,J. J. Religious life of England . . . 3525.10 Thackeray, F. Researches into the ancient ecclesiastic state of 2520.15 See also : Anglo-Saxon church, England (church of), Dissenters, and names of various sects. Heraldic, and social distinctions, etc. Banks, T. C. Baronia Anglica concentrata . 2431.1 - Dormant and extinct baronage 2431.2 Barrington, A. Changes in the armorial bear- ings of the sovereigns 2430.12 Beatson, R. Chronological register of par- liament 2484.4 - Political index 2484.5 Book of family crests 2430.10 Burke, J.B. Commoners of. 2433.3 - Extinct baronetcies 2433.4 - Heraldic illustrations 2432.3 2432.1 2484.6 Shelf. No. GREAT Britain, Heraldic, continued. Burke, J.B. Knightage of 2130.13 - Peerage and baronetage of 2432.5 - Royal families of 2432.2 Catalogus nobilium qui immediate pra:dia a conquestore tenucrunt. [Migne. Patrolo- gia:v.l49] 3400.27 Collins, A. Peerage of 2434.1 Dale, R. Nobility of 2430.11 Debrett, J. Peerage of 2430.9 Dod, C. R. Peerage, baronetage, etc. of, 1855. 2430.8 Dugdale, W. Baronage of 2430.1 Eden, F. M. Labouring classes in .3571.18 Hampden, J. Aristocracy of 2.519.28 Haydn, J. Book of dignities 2484.5 Heylyn, P. Coats of arms of the nobility and lord mayors 2480.2 Nicolas, N. H. Synopsis of the peerage . . 2433.5 Noble, M. History of the college of arms . Sims, R. Manual for the genealogist, etc. . - Index to the pedigrees and arms contained in the heraldic visitations 2434.3 Townsend, F. Calendar of knights 2430.6 History. Andrews, J. P. History of 2411.4 Belsham, W. History of, 1088-1802 2129.1 Boyer, A. Political state of, 1711-1740. . . 2449.1 Brodie, G. History of the British empire, 1018-1060 2516.7 Bruce, J. Calendar of state papers, domestic series of the reign of Charles 1 7002.7,8 Chalmers, G. Treaties between Great Britain and other powers 3C88.4 Churchill, J. Letters and dispatches of the duke of Marlborough, 1702-12 2524.1 Collection of state tracts. Revolution of 1688, [etc.] 2540.8 Dalrymple, Sir J. Memoirs of 2516.3 Green, M. A. E. Calendar of state papers, domestic series, 1603-1C25 7002.3-6 Henry, R. History of 2428.1 Hertslet, L. Treaties between Great Britain and foreign powers 3087.1 Ker, J. Secret negociations in Scotland, etc. 2539.4 Lemon, R. Calendars of state papers, domes- tic scries, 1547-1580 7002.2 Macknight, T. Thirty years of foreign policy. 2524.2 Macpherson, J. Secret history of, 1000-1710. 2410.10 Macray, W. D. Manual of British historians to A.D. 1600 2123.12 Miege, G. Trois ambassades du comte de Carlisle, 1663 3069.35 Nelson, H. Dispatches of viscount Nelson. 2523.5 Nicolson, W. Historical libraries 2150.17 Sadler, Sir R. State papers and letters 1539-70. 2410.11 Somers, J. Scarce and valuable tracts . . . 2411.2 Speed, J. Historic under the conquests . . 2520.2 Stace, M. English, Scottish, Irish, and Welsh historians 2153.11 Wade,J. British history chronol. arranged. 2412.6 Wcllesley, A. Dispatches of the duke of Wellington 2523.1-3 Natural history. Alder, J. Nudibranchiate mollusca of ... Bell, T. Stalk-eyed Crustacea of - Reptiles of Bewick, T. British birds Bolton, J. Filices Britannicae Brown, T. Conchology of Conybeare, W. D. Geology of England . . Curtis, J. British entomology Curtis, W. On British grasses Denny, H. Monographia anoplurorum Bri- tanjiire Donovan, E. British birds , - British fishes - British insects - British shells Fleming, J. British animals 3870.14 3873.8 3875.5 3905.7 3851.3 3870.17 3804.11 3892.15 3992.5 3893.2 3905.2 3905.1 3894.3 3872.7 3903.26 GREAT BRITAIN 351 GREECE Shelf. No. GREAT Britain, Natural history, continued. Forbes, E. British starfishes, etc 3873.9 - British naked-eyed medusae 3870.15 Geological survey of . . . 3801.10 Greviilc, R. K. Algne Britannicae 3859.2 Harvey, W. II. British sea-weeds 3851.13 Hewitson, W. C. Eggs of British birds . . 3905.6 Hooker, W. J. British flora 3859.19 - British Jungcrmanniae 3840.5 - Museologia Britannica 3847.3 Humphreys, II. N. British butterflies . . . 3891.5 - British moths 3891.4 Johnston, G. British sponges and litho- phytes 3871.17 Loudon, J. C. Ilortus Britannicus 3830.7 - Trees and shrubs of Britain 3845.4,8 Low, D. Domestic animals of 3890.2 M'Coy. British paleontology 3877.3 Macgillivray, W. British birds 3905.4 Montagu, G. Dictionary of British birds . . 3882.10 - British shells, [and] supplement . . . 3871.34,35 Newman, E. British ferns 3847.12 Phillips, II. Pomarium Britannicum .... 4003.2 Selby, P. J. British forest trees 3845.0 - British ornithology 3905.5 Smith, J. E. Englishflora 3855.2 - Flora Britannica 3855.3 Sowerby, J. Mineral conchology of. . . . 3872.10 Spry, W. British coleoptera 3890.3 Stephens, J. F. British entomology . . . . 3894.1,2 - Catalogue of British insects 3884.17 - Manual of British beetles 3890.9 Sweet. R. Ilortus Britannicus 3830.0 - British flower garden 3853.2 Withering, W. Arrangement of Brit, plants. 3852.7 Wood, W. Lepidopterous insects of .... 3882.5 Yarrell, "W. British birds 3905.3 Science, manufactures, etc. Babbage, C. Decline of science in 3915.7 - Science, industry, etc., of E. 213.0 Baines, E. Cotton manufacture in 4010.7 Barlow, P. Manufactures and machinery of 4031.2 BorlacCjJ. G. Progress of knowledge in . . 2yjl.l Gee, J. Trade and navigation of 3048.24 James, J. History of the worsted manufac- ture in 4010.8 Moll, G. Alleged decline of science in . Pph.v.101 Pritchard, A. English patents 4034.18 Ure, A. Cotton manufacture of 4010.11 GREATEST happiness principle, explained and de- fended. 5th cd. London, 1829. 8 .... *Pph.v.S7 GREATIIEED, B. Poems. See Florence miscel- lany 2550.10 GREAVES, J. Miscellaneous works [and] life, pub- lished by T. Birch. London, 1737. Iv.in 2. 8. 3053.10 Contents. Vol. I. Life of the author; Pyramid- ographia, or a description of the pyramids in Egypti A discourse of the Roman foot and denarius. II. Tracts upon various subjects, letters, poems, and ob- servations in his travels in Italy, Turkey, and Egypt; A description of the grand seignor's seraglio; Reflec- tions on the pyramidographia, written by an anony- mous author; Dissertation by Sir I. Newton upon the sacred cubit of the Jews and the cubits of the several nations, in which Iroin the dimensions of the greatest Egyptian pyramid, as taken by Mr. Greaves, the antient cubit of Memphis is determined. GRECO, II, e la sua famiglia. [Racconto.] Fran- ccschi, E 4775.4 GREECE. Antiquitit-s. Alciphron. Domesticman- ners, courtesans, and parasites of 2978.18 Beger, L. Gcmmarum et numismatum Grse- corum series, etc 2970.1 Bottiger, C. A. Die Furienmaske im Trauer- spiele 2900.12 Dodwell, E. Pelasgic remains in 3070.4 Fontani.F. I riti nu/iali de' Greci : dissert. 2900.3 Gronovius.J. Thesaurus Graecarum antiqui- tatum 2900.2 Heeren, A. H. L. Ancient G 3072.0 Shelf. No. GREECE, continued. Hiillmann, C. D. Griechische Denkwiirdig- keiten 2900.11 Lalanne, M. L. C. Recherches sur Ic feu gregcois 3953.1 Meier, 31. H. E. Commentatio epigraphica . 2900.6 Miiller, C. O. Gcschichten hellenischer Stlimme und Stadte 3073.10 Pauw, C. de. Dissertations on the Greeks . 3070.2 Potter, J. Antiquities of 2900.16 St. John, J. A. Manners and customs of ancient G 2960.25 See also : Bacchic mysteries, Doric race, Eleusinian mysteries, I/ycia, Mythology. Art. Bellermann, F. Die Tonleitern und Musik- noten der Griechen 4041.11 Bojesen, E. F. De harmonica scientia Gr. . 4052.39 Colic, F. M. La musica nell' educazione de' Greci . 4052.13 Dricberg, F. v. Die griechische Musik . . . 4052.11 - Die mathematische Intervallenlehre der Griechen 4052.9 - Die musikalischen Wissenchaften der Griechen 4052.12 - Die praktische Musik der Griechen . . . 4052.10 - Worterbuch der griechischen Musik . . 4052.14 Hancarrillc, P. d'. Recherches sur les pro- gres des arts de la Grece 3071.3 Hoffman, C. J. Beweis und Darstellung des ausgebildeten musikalischen Taktes der al- ten Griechen 4057.12 Inwood, H. W. The erechtheion at Athens. 3070.7 Jones, O. Apology for the coloring of the Greek court in the crystal palace 4089.30 Kiesewetter, R. G. Ueber die Musik der neu- eren Griechen 4052.16 Manuale dell' arte greca 4077.34 Meyer, H. Geschichte der bildenden Kimste bei den Griechen 4075.1 Nolan, F. Theoretical music of the Greeks . 4052.4 Scharf, G. Greek court in the crystal palace. 40S9.39 Stieglitz, C. L. Baukunst der Griechen . . . 4090.8 Stuart, J. Antiquities of Athens, etc. . . . 3070.2 Tatham, C. H. Architectural ornament . . 4100.24 "Wcitzmann, C. F. Geschichte der griechis- chen Musik 4052.15 "Winckelmann, J. Art among the Greeks . . 4074.9 Woods, J. Letters from G. by an architect . 4090.20 Description, geography, travels, etc. Barthelcmy, J. J. Travels of Anacharsis . .3073.1,2 Beaujour. F. Commerce de la Grece 1787-97. 3077.4 Beule, E. Etudes sur le Pdloponnesc . . . 3075.1 Brandis, C. A. Mittheilungen iiber Gricchen- land 3078.6 Chandler, R. Travels in 3071.9 Choiseul-Gouffier, M. G. F. A. de. Voyage pittoresque de la Grece 3070.5 Cramer, J. A. Description of ancient G. . . 3073.3 Dodwell, E. Classical and topographical tour. 3071.6 Drummond, A. Travels through 2270.1 Esatta notitia del Peloponneso 3075.11 Expedition scicntifique de Morce. See France. Ministry of the interior 3070.8 Gcll, W. Itinerairo de Morde 3075.3 Giffard, E. Visit to the Ionian islands, etc. . 3078.7 Hughes, T. S. Travels in 3071.8 Jacobs, F. Hellas 2959.8 Lacroix, L. Histoire ct description des isles de Grece 2200.24 Leake, W. M. Travels in Northern G. . . . 3075.6 Maurer. G. L. v. Das griechische Volk . . . 3077.3 Morse, S. E. Geographical view of . . . Pph.v.215 Pausanias. Descriptio Graeciae 2992.19 - Description of 2993.1 - Description de la Grece 2993.2 Pouqueville, F. C. H. L. Histoire et descrip- tion de la Grece 2266.21 - Voyage de la Grece, 1826 3075.9 GREECE 352 GREECE Shelf. No. GREECE, continued. Ross, L. Reiscn des Konigs Otto in G. . . 3077.2 Savary, C. Lettres sur la Grecc 3070.5 Ulrichs, II. N. Reisen und Forschungen in Gricchenland 3075.4 Wheler, G. Journey into 3071.1 Williams, H. W. Select views in 3071.7 - Travels in 2704.7 Wordsworth, C. Greece pictorial, descrip- tive, and historical 3071.11 See also : Attica, Crete, Ithaca, Suliotes. History. Boeckh, A. Corpus inscriptionum Graecarum. 2900.1 Clavier, E. Premiers temps de la Gr^ce . . 3070.3 Clinton, H. F. Chronology of 2081.0 Emerson, J. History of modern G 3074.2 Fallmerayer, J. P. Geschichtc der Halbinsel Morea 3078.5 Gillies, J. History of ancient G 3073.0,7 Goldsmith, O. History of 3073.4 Grotc, G. History of 3072.1 Hermann, C. F. Political antiquities of . . . 3072.7 Howe, S. G. Sketch of the G. revolution . E.117.4 Hiillmann, C. D. Anfange der griechischen. Geschichte 3078.1 Lassen, C. Zur Geschichte des griechischen Konige in Baktricn, Kabul und Indien . . 3044.3 Leake, W. M. Outline of the Greek revol. . 3078.2 Lerminier, E. Constitutions de la Grece . . 3072.8 Ludeinann, G. W. v. Der Suliotenkrieg . . 3079.4 Malkin, F. History of E.212.7 Memorie istoriograflche della Morea .... 3079.2 Fieri, 51. Risorgimcnto dclla Gr. 1740-1824. 3079.5 Pouqueville, C. H. L. F. Histoire de la re- g<5neration dc la Grece 3077.1 Pradt, D. D. de. Grece dans sea rapports avecl'Europe 2313.15 - Vrai systeme de 1'Europe relativement a laGrfcce v.Sof 3500.2 Rochcttc.D.R. Histoire des colonies grecques 3073.8 Rose, H.J. Inscriptioncs Graecae vetust. . 2900.7 Smith, W. Dictionary of Greek biography . 3930.7 - History of 3072.3 Stanyan, T. Grecian history 3073.5 Thirlwall, C. History of 3072.2 Thucydidcs. De bello Pcloponnesiaco . . . 3004.10 - Histoire grecque *3001.5 Visconti, E. Q. Iconographie ancienne . 29. G. 1-3.1 Wachsmuth, E. W. G. Historical antiquities. 307C.1 Webster, D. Speech on Greek revol. . . Pph.v.40 Westermann, A. Vitarum scriptores Graeci. 2903.17 Language. Bos, L. Ellipses Graecae 2985.8 - Greek ellipses 2985.3,4 Brasse, J. Greek, Latin, and English proso- dial lexicon 2980.5 Buttmann, P. C. Lexilogus. Meaning and ety- mology of numerous Greek words 2985.3 - Griechische Wort-Erklarung 2980.21 Camden,W. Greek grammar 7099.0,7 Constantin, R. Dictionarium Graeco-Latinum. 2980.1 Crusius, G. C. Lexicon of Homer 2982.3 Damm, C. T. Lexicon Graecum 2981.1,2 De dialecto lonico tractatus quidam . .v. 7 of 2987.1 Delectus sententiarum Graecarum 7099.9 Donaldson, J. W. New Cratylus 2955.1 Fisk, B. F. Greek grammar 7099.4 - Greek exercises 7099.3 Hachenberg, C. F. Greek grammar 7099.10 Hartung, J. A. Lehre von den Partikeln der griechischen Sprache 2980.9 Hederich, B. Lexicon Graecum 2982.4 Jacobs, F. Greek reader 2903.9 Kendrick, A. C. Greek Ollendorff 7099.1 Kiihuer, R. Grammatik der griechischen Sprache 2984.3 - Greek grammar 2984.2 Lancelot, C. New method of learning the . 2984.5 Shelf. No. GREECE, continued. Lennep, J. D. van, Etymologicum linguae Graecae 2985.5 5Iaittaire, M. Graecae linguae dialecti 2985.2 - Greek dialects 2985.1 Matthiae, A. H. Greek grammar 2984.4 Moschopulus, M. Opuscula grammatica . . 2985.11 Osann, F. G. Auctarium lexicorum Grae- corum 2982.2 Pickering, J. Greek and English lexicon . E.204.5 Portus, M. Dictionarium lonicum Grasco- Latinum 2982.6 Ross, J. A. Graecae grammaticae institutio compendiaria 7099.12 Rost, V. C. F. Greek grammar 2984.6 - Griechische Grammatik 2984.7 Scapula, J. Lexicon Graeco-Latinum .... 4990.2 Schrevelius, C. Greek and Latin lexicon .. 2983.2,3 - Lexicon manuale Graeco-Latinum .... 7058.6 Schweighaeuser, J. Lexicon Hcrodoteum . 2987.2 Smith, Sir T. De recta pronuntiatione linguae Graecae 2986.1 Sophocles, E. A. Catalogue of Greek verbs . 2984.15 - History of the Greek alphabet 2985.12 - Greek exercises 7099.5,8 - Greek lessons 7099.14 Stephanus, H. Thesaurus Graecae lingua;, 1572 4980.1 - Same. Ed. Hase, etc. Paris, 1831 . . . 4990.1 Spitzncr, F. Greek prosody 298C.2 Sturz, F. W. Lexicon Xenophonteum . . . 3003.4 Suidas. Lexicon 2982.1 Thiersch, F. W. Greek grammar 2984.9 - Griechische Grammatik 2984.8 Timaeus Sophista. Lexicon vocum Platoni- carum 2982.5 Valpy, R. Elements of Greek grammar . . 7099. 13 Veitch, W. Irregular and defective Greek verbs 2984.17 Vigier, F. De idiotismls Grjecae dictionis . .2985.6,7 Weiske, B. Pleonasm! Graeci 2986.20 Whipple, F. P. Pronunciation of .... Pph.v.217 Wolle, C. De verbis Graecorum mediis com- mentationes 2985.14 See also : Romaic. Literature. Bibliography. Federici, F. Degli scrittori greci e delle italiane version! 2174.3 - Hoffmann, S. F. W. Bibliographisches Lexicon der Litteratur der Griechen . . . 2174.4 See also : Classical bibliography. Collections. Baiter and Sauppe. Oratores Attici 2903.1 - Bekker, I. Anecdota Graeca 2968.4 - - Oratores Attici 2965.1 - Boissonade, J. F. Poetarum Graecorum sylloge 2979.1 - Brumoy, P. Le theatre des Grecs . . . 2965.3,4 - Brunck, R. F. P. Gnomici poetae Graeci. 2968.5,6 - Creuzer, G. F. Historicorum Graecorum antiquissimorum fragmcnta 2968.3 - Cycli epici reliquiae. [Didot.Bib.gr.]. . 2992.14 - Dalzcl, A. Collectanea Graeca majora . . 2963.8 - Felton, C. C. Selections from Greek his- torians 2963.16 - Fragmenta historicorum Graecorum. [Di- dot. Bib. grecque] 3002.11 - Gaisford, T. Poetae minores Grseci . . . 2968.2 - Huschke, J. G. Analecta critica in antho- logiam Graecam 2954.16 - Jacobs, C. F. W. Anthologia Graeca . . 2903.7 - - Delectus epigrammatum Graecorum . 2963.13 - Letronne, A. J. Fragments inedits d'an- ciens poutes grecs 2992.3 - Merivale, J. H. Collections from the Greek anthology 2963.15 - Neander, M. Opus aureum et scholasti- cum 2991.17 - Oratores Attici. [Didot. Bib. grecque] . 2992.15 GREECE 353 GREENLEAF Shelf. No. GREECE, Collections, continued. - Poetarum comicorum Graecorum frag- ments, 3002.14 - - Pocti grcci nclle loro piu celebri tradu- zioni italiane 2963.2 - - Porson, II. Notas et cmendationes in poe- tasGraecos 2954.6 - Reiske, J. J. Oratorum Graecorum quae super sunt monumenta ingenii 2967.2 - Tommaseo, N. Canti popolari greci . . 2787.8 - Villoison, J. B. G. d' Ansse de. Anec- dota Graeca 2963.3 - Wagner, F. W. Poetarum Graecorum tragicorum fragmenta 2967.1 - Walz, C. Rhetores Graeci 2965.2 - Westermann, A. Scriptores rerum mi- rabilium Graeci 2963.18 - Wolf, J. C. Mulierum Graecarum quae oratione prosa usae sunt fragmenta .... 2963.4 Historical view of. Bode, G. H. Geschichte der hellenischen Dichtkunst 2952.6 - Cardella, G. M. Compendio dclla storia della bella letteratura 2770.22 - Corso di letteratura greca. [Cesarotti. Opere, v. 20-22] 2798.1 - Darley, J. R. Dramatic literature of the Greeks 2175.2 - Denina, C. G. M. Istoria politica e lette- raria della Grecia 3072.4 - Donaldson, J. W. Greek drama and the- atre 2952.1 - Fabricius, J. A. Bibliotheca Graeca sive notitia scripto rum veterum Graecorum . . 2961.1 - Gruppe, O. F. Die tragische Kunst der Griechen 2952.5 - Gradenigo, G. G. Ragionamento intorno alia letteratura greco-italiana 2770.5 - Kayser, W. C. Historia critica tragico- rum Graecorum 2952.4 - Lachmann, C. De choricis systematis tragicorum Graecorum 298G.4 - Meineke, J. A. F. A. Scenicarum quaes- tionum specimen, I.-III 2952.16 - Meiners, C. Wissenschaften in Griechen- land 2952.15 - Schoell, M. S. F. Litt. grecque profane . 2952.7 - Wagner, G. P. E. Griechische Tragodie und das Theater zu Athen 2960.13 - Welcker, F. G. Der epische Cyclus . . 2952.9 - Wyttenbach, D. Importance of . . . Pph.v.244 See also : Alexandria, Athens, Classical. GREEK church. Maimbourg, L. L'histoire du schisme des Grecs 3512.6 Tosti, L. Storia dell' origine dello scismo Greco 3517.16 GREEK empire. Buchon, J. A. C. Domination fraugaise dans 1'cmpire grec 4651.4 Lebeau, C. Hist, du Bas Empire 3074.1 See also : Byzantine, Constantinople. GREEK frigates. Evidence and award between the Greek deputies and Le Roy, Bayard & Co. etc. New York, 1826. 8" *Pph.v.66 See also : Bayard, W. j Contostavlos, A.; Duer, J.; Sedgwick, H. D. GREEK princes, Love and armes of : a romance. Du Verdier, G. S 2561.5 GREEKS. The religion of the ancient G. See Le Clerc de Septchenes 3488.8 GREELEY, H. Address before the literary soc. of Hamilton college. N. Y. 1844. 8" . *Pph.v.l44 Formation of character, n. p. n. d. . .*Pph.v.l33 Exhibition at the crystal palace. N. Y. 1853- 54. New York, 1853. 12 4035.8 GREEN, A. Discourse delivered April 7th, 1805. Philadelphia, 1805. 8 *Pph.v.l3 Life and death of the righteous : an address at the funeral of W. M. Tennent. Philadel- phia, 1811. 8 *Pph.v.4 Sermon occasioned by the death of Rev. J. Sproat. Philadelphia, 1794. 8 *Pph.v.l3 Shelf. No. GREEN, A. continued. Sermon preached at the funeral of Rev. G. Duffield. Philadelphia, 1790. 8 .... *Pph.v.l3 GREEN, H. Diseases of the air passages, bronchi- tis, etc. 3d cd. enl. New York, 1852. 8 . 3795.9 Pathology of croup. 2d ed. N. Y. 1852. 12". 3799.5 Polypi of the larynx and oedema of the glot- tis. New York, 1852. 8 3795.8 Dr. Green's treatise on the air passages. [Critique from the N. Y. med. and surg. re- porter. No title-page.] 8 *M.Pph.v.43 GREEN, Jacob. Advantages of chemistry, an ad- dress. Philadelphia, 1834. 8 . . *M.Pph.v.29.37 Description of two new species of trilobites. [No title-page.] 8 *Pph.v.97 GREEN, James S. Address before the Washing-- ton benevolent societies of Cranbury and Princetown, N. J. N. Bruns. 1815. 8 . *Pph.v.l6 GREEN, Jonathan. Compendium of the diseases of the skin. Fr. 2d London ed. Boston, 1839. 8 3790.47 GREEN, Joseph C. Appeal to the Christian pub- lic, [against] the trinitarian church in Con- cord, Mass. Boston, 1828. 8 *Pph.v.208 GREEN, Joseph H. Medical reform : three let- ters. London, 1841. 8 *M.Pph.v.36 Mental dynamics : Hunterian oration, 1847. London, 1847. 8 3765.10 Vital dynamics : Hunterian oration, 1840. London, 1840. 8 3765.10 Principles and practice of surgery. Cooper, Sir A 3759.7 GREEN, Mary A. E. Calendar of state papers, domestic series, James 1. 1003-25. London, 1857-59. 3v. 8 *7062.4-6 GEEEN, Matthew. Life and poems. [Chalmers. Eng. poets] v.luof 2592.7 GREEN, R. W. Inductive exercises in English grammar. 4th ed. Philadel. 1S33. sm.12". 7059.4 GREEN, V. History, etc. of the city of Worces- ter. London, 1796. 2v. in 1. 4 *2501 . 12 GREENE, N. Life and correspondence. See John- son, W 2340.4 GREENE, R. Arcadia, or Menaphon, Camilla's alarum from the ed. of 1616. London, 1814. 4. [Brydges. Archaica, v.l] *2591.14 Philomela, the lady Fitzwater's nightingale, 1615. N. ed. London, 1814. 4. [Brydges. Archaica, v.l] *2591.14 History of friar Bacon and friar Bungay. [Dodsley. Old plays, v. 8] 2588.1 GREENE, S. D. Vindication against the false swearing of Johnson Goodwill. Boston, 1834. 8 *Pph.v.290 GREENE, S. S. Rejoinder to the third section of the reply of Hon. Horace Mann . . . . Pph.v.148 GREENER, W. Science of gunnery. N. ed. Lon- don, 1846. 8 3953.6 - Same. London, 1858. 8 3953.7 GREENFIELD hill : a poem. Dwight, T 2405.13 GREENHILL, T. The art of embalming. London, 1705. 4 *3971.7 GREENHOW, R. History of Oregon and Califor- nia. Boston, 1844. 8 2378.2 - Same. 2d ed. Boston, 1845. 8 2378.1 GREENHOW, T. M. Cholera in Newcastle and Gateshead [Eng.]. Philadelphia, 1822. l.b. 3805.4 GREENLAND. Crantz, D. History of 2826.2 Fabricius, O. Fauna Grcenlandica 3909.4 Gaimard, P. Voyage au Greenland 2865.1 Martens, F. Groenlandische Reisebeschreib- ung 2865.10 O'Reilly, B. G-, and the N. W. passage . . 2861.3 White, A. Documents on G 2264.17 GEEENLEAF, B. Elements of geometry. Electro- type ed. Boston, 1858. 12 7019.33 Introduction to the National arithmetic. N. ed. Boston, 1855. 12 7019.1 Key to the introduction of the National arith- metic. New ster. ed. Boston, 1855. 12 . 7019.2 GREENLEAF 354 GREGORIUS Shelf. No. GREENLEAF, B. continued. Treatise on algebra. 4th cd. Boston, 1854. 8 7019.26 GREENLEAF, J. Ecclesiastical history of Maine. Portsmouth, 1821. 12 3544.24 GREENLEAF, M. Statistical view of the district of Maine. Boston, 1810. 8" ... 2330.2, **E.224.13 GREENLEAF, S. Origin and principles of free- masonry. Portland, 1820. 4 3567.8 GREENLEAF slate and coal company. Act of in- corporation, with map and description of their quarries, in Williamsburgh, Me. Bos- ton, 1836. 8 *Pph.T.279 GREENOUGII, TV. TV. The conquering republic: an oration before the authorities of Boston, July 4, 1849. Boston, 1849. 8" *Pph.v.261 GREENVILLE, D. Advice to a young gentleman in Oxford. London, 1685. 8 3563.14 GREENWICH observatory. See Great Britain, Ad- miralty department. GREENWOOD, C. Epitome of county history, v.l. Kent. London, 1838. 4" *2491.3 and J. Somersetshire delineated. London, 1822. 8 2503.1 GREENWOOD, F. TV. P. Collection of psalms and hymns. 39th ed. Boston, 1844. 10 .... 3449.9 Funeral sermon on the late Hon. Christopher Gore. Boston, 1827. 8 **E.224.9 Sermon delivered at the ordination of Rev. TV. P. Lunt. New York, 1828. 8 ... *Pph.v.268 Sermon after the funeral of. See Frothing- ham, N.L 3455.61 GREENWOOD, Grace, pseud. See Lippincott, S. J. GREENWOOD, I. Discourse, April 7, 1731, upon the death of Thomas Hollis, of London. Bos- ton, 1731. 8 *3455.35 GREG, TV.R. Agriculture and the corn-law. [Man- chester, ia32.] 8 *Pph.V.133 Essays on political and social science. Lon- don, 1853. 2v. 8" 3563.3 GREGG, TV. P., and Pond, B. Railroad laws and charters of the United States. Boston, 1851. 2v. 8 3075.2 Contents. Vol. L Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont. II. Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut. GEEGOIRE, H. Histoire des sectes religieuses, qui sont noes depuis le commencement du dernier siecle. Nouv. cd. Paris, 1828-29. 5v. 8 3533.2 Intellectual and moral faculties, and litera- ture of negroes, transl. by D. B. Warden. Brooklyn, 1810. 8 3572.5 Libertes de 1'eglise gallicane. Paris, 1818. 8". 3528.8 Ruines de Port-royal des champs. Nouv. ed. Paris, 1809. 8 3528.6 GREGORI, G. See Raccolta di opuscoli scientiflci. 5274.1 Contents. Vol. XVIII. Riflessioni sopra Pantico porto e fiume della citta di Aquilcia. XX. Sopra U commercio antico cd attuale stato d' Aquilcia. XXTT. Lettcra intoruo al fiume Timavo. GREGORIAN chant. Berti, L. Regole di canto gregoriano . . . Grandcsso, G. B. riano Hugo Reutlingensis. cantus Gregorian! . Janssen, N. A. Lehrbuch des gregoriani- schcn Kirchengesanges Keller, J. TV. Die acht Psalmen-Tone des grcgorianischen Choral-Gesanges Nachbar, K. J. Der gregorianische Kirchen- gesang GREGORIO, G. di. Delle acque acidole di Patern6 ; De ortu, deque incremento regalis Panhor- mitanae medicorum academiae synopsis ; Epistola de notatu dignis regalis Panhorm. med. acad. [Opuscoli di autori siciliani, v.3,6,7] Moderno corista grego- Flores musice omnis 4040.20 4056.17 4047.14 4055.18 4052.53 4049.31 4764.1 Shclfc No. GREGORIUS, I. St. patriarch of Armenia. Eccle- sise Armeniacae canones selecti. [Mai. Scrip, vet. nova. coll. v. 10] 3000.1 GREGORIUS, I. Magnus, St., pope. Opera omnia ad MSS. emendata studio monachorum Ben- edict. Parish's, 1849. 5v. 8 [Migne. Pa- trologiae v. 75-79] 3450.14 Contents. Vol. I. Vita, auctore Paulo diacono; Eadem, auctore Joanne c'.iacono; Eadem, ex cjusdcm S. Gregorii papoe ecriptis potissimum adornata ; In expositionem beati Job moralia, ecu moralium libri. IL Librorum moralium continuatio; Horn ilia; XL. in Ezechielem. III. Liber regulaj pastoralis; Dialog- orum libri quatuorj Epistolarum libri quatuordecim ; Appendix ad cpistolas. IV. Liber sacraracntorum cum variis prafationibus et eupplementis; Liber anti- phonarius; Liber responsalis ; Appendix : Ordines Roman! sexdccim. V. Commcntarii in librum I.Re- gum ; Expositio super Cantica canticorum ; Expositio inPsalmos pcenitentialcs; Concordia testimoniorum S. Scriptura:; De expositione utriusque Testamenti, auctore Paterio; Expositio Nbvi Testamenti, auctore AJulfo. Volgarizzamento del dialogo di S. Gregorio, e dell'cpistola di S. Girolamo ad Eustochio, opera di Dom Cavalca, con alcune poesie. Roma, 1764. 8 3444.25 - Same. Milano, 1840. 16 3439.4 Luoghi notabili, tradotti, ec, da F. Ambrosoli. Milano, 1847. 10 4768.7 I morali, volgar. da Strata. Verona, 1852. 3v. 1.8 3421.11 See Guillen. Bibliotheque des peres. v.33 of 3499.30 v.24 of 3508.2 Epistola. [Muratori. Rerum Ital. script, v.3. pt.2] 2710.1 Epistolae decretales. [Migne. Patrologiae v.84] v.4 of 3450.16 Maimbourg, L. Pontiflcat de S. Gregoire le grand . 3512.14 GREGORIUS II. pope. Epistolae ct canones. [Mi- gne. Patrologiae v.89] 3450.20 GREGORIUS III. pope. Epistolae ; Excerptum de diversis criminibus et remediis corum. [Migne. Patrologiae v.89] 3450.20 Epistolae duae ad Carolum Martellum. [Mi- gne. Patrologiae v.98] v.2 of 3450.23 Epistolse. [Muratori. Rerum Ital. script, v.3, pt.2] 2710.1 GREGORIUS IV. pope. Epistolae. [Migne. Patro- logia; v.lOO] 3450.30 Epistola ad episcopos regni Francorum [olim Agobardo attributa.] [Migne. Patrologiae V.104] 3450.28 Epistolae et privilegia. [Migne. Patrologiae V.129] v.3 of 3400.8 GREGORIUS V.,pope. Epistolse et privilegia. [Mi- gne. Patrologiae v.l 37] 3400.16 GREGORIHS VI., pope. Epistolae et privilegia. [Migne. Patrologiae v. 142] 3400.21 GREGORIUS VII., pope,, Hildebrand. Epistolae et diplomata pontiflcia, accurante Migne. Lu- tetiae Parisiorum, 1853. 8. [Migne. Patro- logiae v. 148] 3400.20 Epistohe CLXIV. [Bouquet. Recueil.Jv. 14 of 2610.1 Epistolae aliquot historicae. [Tartini. Rerum Ital. script, v.l] 2720.2 See Guillon. Bibliotheque des peres .... v.34of 3499. 30, v.24 of 3508. 2 GREGORIUS VIII., pope. Epistolae. [Bouquet. Recueil] v.!9of 2010.1 Epistolae ct privilegia. [Migne. Patrologiae v.202] 3470.24 GREGORIUS XIII., pope. In historiam Bononien- semcensurae. [Sigonio. Opera, v.3] . . . 2790.3 GREGORIUS Bar-Hebraeus. See Abul-Faradj. GREGORIUS Corinthius. See Reiske, J. J. [Ora- torum Grsecorum v.8] 2907.2 See TValz, C. Rhetores Graeci, v.7, 8 .... 2905.2 GREGORIUS Monachus. Chronicon Farfense, 681- 1104. [Muratori. Rerum Ital. script, v.2, pt. 2] 2710.1 GREGORIUS 355 GRIFFIN Shelf. No. JRKGORIUS Nazianzcnus, St. See Guillon. Bib- liothcquc tics percs, v.7-0of :H!i'.i.:;o, v.0,7 of 3508.2 Carmiua, sivo epigrammata. [Muratori. Op- crcmin. v.12] 2710.2 Lyrica. See Lyrici Groeci. [Boissonadc. Poet. Gr. syllogc] 2079.11 JREGORIUS Neocrcsariensis. See Routh, M. J. Reliquiae sacra;, v.3 3513.9 IREGORIUS Nyssenus. See Guillon. Bibliotheque lies percs v. 10 of 3499.30, v.8 of 3508.2 Contra Arium ct Sabclliura, ct contra Mace- doniauos. [Mai. Scrip, vet. nova coll. v. 8]. 3000.1 Liber tie creationc homiuis. [Migne. Patro- logiscv.67] 3450.8 jRKGOiuus Presbyter. Tabulae rubricarum. [Mi- gnc. Patrologiaev.1031 3400.38 jREGORltis Thaumaturgus, St. See Guillon. Bib- liotheque dcs peres . . v.5 of 3409.30, v.4 of 350S.2 See Mai, A. Scrip, vet. nova coll. v. 7 . . . . 3000.1 JREGORIUS Turoncnsis, G. F. St. Opera omnia ad codd. MSS. ct vctt. cdd. collata. Parisiis, 1849. 8". [Migne. Patrologia; v.71] . . . 3450.11 Contents. Vita per Odonem abbatem; Historic Francorum libri deccm ; Ilistoria Francorura cpito- mata per Frcdcgarium ; Clironicum Fredcgaril cum suifl continuatoribus ; Fredcgurii fragment* de his- toria Francorum; Jliraculorum Hhri duo; Liber de gloria confessorum; DC miraculis S. Martini libri quatuor; Vita; patrum; Fragmcnta comincntarii in Psalmos; Opera S. Gregorio attributa: De miraeulia S. Andrea; ; Liber dc vita S.Juliani; Ilistoria septem dormientiuui ; Vita S. Aridii. Historise ccclcsiasticae Francorum libri 10. [Bouquet. Recueil, v.2] 2C10.1 Histoire ecclesiastique des Francs, f Lat. et Fr.] trad, par Guadct et Taranne. Paris, l.S:JO-38. 4v. 8. [Socictc dc 1'histoire de France] *2016.1 Histoire dcs Francs. [Guizot. Coll. mdm. hist. France, v.l, 2] 2018.2 Lcs livrcs des miracles, trad, par II. L. Bord- ier. T. 1. Paris, 1857. 8. [Societe dc 1' histoirc dc France] *2010.2 Locbcll, J. W. Gregorund seine Zcit . . . 3557.17 GREGORY, George, M. D. Lectures on eruptive fevers. London, 1843. 8 3790.10 Theory and practice of physic, with add. by X. Potter and S. Colhoun. Philadelphia, 1820. 2v. 8 3703.4 - Same. 3d Am. cd. Phila. 1831. 2v. 8. 3703.0 GREGORY, George, D. D. Life of Chatterton. See Chatterton, T 2008.13 GREGORY, Giovanni C. dc. He de Sardaignc. Paris, 1839. pp.49. 8. [L'univers] . . . *2206.19 GREGORY, James. Conspectus medians; theoret- ics:. Ed. 3a. Edinburgi, 1788. 2v. 8. . 3793.6 - Same. 4th ed. Edinburgh, 1790. 2v. 8. 3793.5 Influence of a change of climate in curing dis- ease., tr. by W. P. C. Barton. Philadelphia, 1815. 8 3707.10 GREGORY, John. Comparative view of man [and] of the animal world. New ed. London, 1798. 12 3000.30 GREGORY, O. G. Treatise of mechanics. 2d cd. London, 1807. 2v. 8 **E.176.9 Memoir of Robert Hall. [Sommers. Bap- tist library, v.3] 3454.1 GREGORY, T. II. Original miscellaneous poetry. Albany, 1837. 10 *Pph.v.22-.! GREGORY, "VV. Letter on the schools of chemistry in the united kingdom. London, 1842. 8 *Pph . v. 120 GREGSOX, M. Fragments, relative to the history and antiquities of Lancaster. 2d cd. Liver- pool, 1824. f *2400.3 GRELLMAXX, H. M. G. Dissertation on the gip- sies, tr. by G. M. Raper. London, 1787. 4. 2240.12 GREX, F. C. Principles of modern chemistry. London, 1800. 2v. 8 3972.7 GREX, G. De rusticationc Romanorum ; Dc vil- larum antiquarum apud Romanos structura. [Sallengre. Thesaurus antiq. Rom. v.l] . 20.50.2 Shell'. No. GREXVILLE papers : being the correspondence of earl Temple, and George Grenville. Ed. by W. J. Smith. London, 1852-53. 4v. 8 . . 2524.3 GREXVILLE, G. N. T.,lord Nugent , Letter to John Murray, touching an article in the Quarterly review on a book called, Some memorials of Hampden. London, 1832. 8 .... *Pph.v.88 GREXVILLE, W. \f.,lord Grenville. Letter to W. Roscoe, containing strictures on the causes, etc. of the war. Liverpool, 1808. 8..*Pph.v.3 GREPPI, G. See Teatro moderno applaudito . . . 2768.1 Contents. Vol. VII. L'amore irritato dalla diffi- colta, dramma, VIII. Teresa vedova, dramma. IX. Teresa e Wilk, dramma. XL VIII. L'inconstanza punita, eomiu. GREPPO, J. G. H. Hieroglyphic system of Cham- pollion, jr., transl. by I. Stuart. Boston, 1830. 12" 3034.15 GRESSET, J. B. L. CEuvres choisies. [Lcttres, podsiea.] Paris, 1805. 18 4679 a. 18 Le mediant. [Theatre dcs autcurs du second ordro. Comedies en rcrs, r. 10] 2640.19 GRESSWELL,W. P. Annals of Parisian typography. London, 1818. 8 *2112.3 View of the early Parisian Greek press. Ox- ford, 1833. 2v. 8" *2112.5 GREUVE, F. C. dc. Het Icven van Jezus, crit- isch verdccligd tegen D. F. Strauss. Gro- ningen, 1840-42. 3v. 8 3475.0 GREVILLE, Y.,lord Brooke. Certainc learned and elegant workcs. London, 1C33. sm.f . . 2603.6 Contents. Treatise of humane learning; Inquisition upon fame and honour; Treatise of warres; Tragedie of Alaham; Tragedie of Mustapha; Cxlica, contain- ing cix Bonnets; Letter to an honorable lady; Let- ter of trauell. Life of Sir P. Sydney, with preface by Sir E. Brydgcs. Kent, [Lee Priory] 1810. 2v. 8. 2453.1 GREVILLE, II. K. Alga Britaunicae. Edinburgh, 1830. 8 3859.2 Flora Edinensis. Edinburgh, 1824. 8 ... 3855.11 Scottish cryptoganiic flora. Edinburgh, 1823- 28. 6v. 8 3851.14 Iconcs fllicum. See Hooker, W. J 3840.9 GREVILLE. Policy of England towards Ireland. 2d ed. London, 1845. 12 2470..20 GREW, N. Anatomy of plants. [2d ed. Lon- don], 1082. f 3851.1 GREY, A., lord, of Wilton. Commentary on the services and charges of William, lord Grey, of Wilton. Ed. by Sir P. de M. G. Egerton. London, 1847. sm.4. [Camden soc. no.40].*2416.40 GREY, H. G.,earl Grey. Parliamentary govern- ment, with reference to reform. London, 1858. 8 3502.1 GREY, lady Jane. Literary remains. Nicolas, N. II. 2444.17 GREY, Z. Notes on Shakespeare. London, 1754. 2V. 8 2596.10,11 GRIBBLE, J. B. Memorials of Barnstaple. Barn- staple, 1830. 8 2494.10 GRIFFKX, J. Defects in Webster's elementary spelling-book. Sandy Hill.N.Y. ia30. 8.*Pph.v.'-!22 GRIFFET, H. Mcmoircs pour servir a 1'histoire de Louis, dauphin. Paris, 1777. 2v. 12 ... 2649.4 Du premier roi de France ; Du titre Tres-chre- tien; Des titres dc Consul et d'Auguste donnes a Clovis. [Lcber. Coll. diss. hist. France, v.l, 4] 2618.1 GRIFFI, L. Libellus de conflictu Aquilano. [Mu- ratori. Rerum Ital. script, v. 25] 2720.1 GRIFFIX, Edmund D. Poemata quaedam Latina, eademquc Anglice versa. New York, 1822. 4 *Pph.v.324 GRIFFIX, Edward D. Farewell sermon at New- ark, May 28, 1809. Newark, 1809. 8 . . . *Pph.v.5 Kingdom of Christ: a missionary sermon. Philadelphia, 1805. 8 *Pph.v.33 Letter on communion. [Somrncrs. Baptist library, v.3] 3454.1 Oration on [his] induction [as] Bartlet profes- sor, at Andover. Boston, [1809.] 8". . . *Pph.v.3 GRIFFIN 356 GRONOVIUS Shelf. No. GRIFFIN, Edward D. continued. Plea for Africa : a sermon. New York. 1817. 8 *Pph.v.20 Sermon at the dedication of the church in Park street. Boston, 1810. 8 *Pph.v.5 Sermon at the funeral of Itev. A. MacWhorter , D. D. New York, 1807. 8 *Pph.v.5 Sermon before the annual convention of the con"TCon- fjLiVMV fragmentum ; Morcllius, G., de veterum philosophorum origine, successione, astate et doctri- na ; Chytrai, D., tabula philosophica, sive series philosophorum ; Jacotius, D., de philosophorum doc- trina; Meursii, J., ^schylus, Sophocles, Euripides, sive de tragccdiis eorum lib. 3 ; Plutarchii Alcxan- drina proverbia, Gr. et Lat. ; Meursii, J., Theseus, sive de ejus vita; Dufresne, R., Trichetus de Charon- dz cfflgie in Catanensi nummo expressa ; Mcursii, J., Thcophrastus ; sive de illius libris ; Dionysius, sive de auctoribus istiua nominis ; De Heraclide, aliisque cjus nominis disscrtatio ; Lectiones Theo- phrasteac ; Vorstii, A., Epistola de obitu Joan. Mcursii ; Tomasini, J. P., maims aencse Cccropii votum referentis dilucidatio ; Falconerius, O., de nummo Apamcnsi Deucalionci diluvii typum ex- hibente ; Schubarti, G., Enarratio parergica meta- morphoseos Ovidianae dcdiluvio Deucalionis; Fabri, T., vita) poctarum Grsecorum ; Barberius, J., de miscria poetarum Graecorum ; Castellan!, P., vitaa veterum et illustrium medicorum ; Bcccleri, J. 51., do scriptoribus Gracis ct Latinis, ab Homcro ad ini- tium sasculi xvi ; Besantinoi, II., crestomathiaa, Grasce, cum interpret. Lat. ct notis, J. Meursii; Wo- wer, J. a, de polymathia ; Laurentius, J., de profes- soribus, oratoribus, nomenclatoribus et littcris; Mcursii, J., bibliotheca Graeca ct bibliotheca Attica ; Allatius, L., de patria Homeri ; Homeri natales Gr. Lat. XI. Dicsearchi geogr. quaadam, sive de vita Grasciffi ; Stephani, II., dialogus, Dicaaarchi sym- practor, vel de Grascorum moribus, prassertimque Atheniensium, supplementum; Viudingii, E., Hel- len, in quo antiquae Grajciae populorum incunabula, migrationes, coloniarum deductiones, et res prseci- puas gestae exponuntur ; Bayfius, L., de re navali ; Doletus, S., de re navali ; Calcagninus, C., de re nautica ; Schefferus, J., de varietate navium ; Lau- rentius, J., de varietate navium ; Camerarius, J., Ilippocomicus, seu de curandis equis : item dc no- minibus cquestribus Graccis et Latinis, collectio; Bulengerus, J. C., de triumphis, spoliis, trophaeis, arcubus triumphalibus, et pompa triump. ; Modius, GEONOVIUS 358 GUALTER Shelf. No. GRONOVIUS, J. continued. F., dc triumphis, ludis et spectaculis veterum ; Meur- sius, J., de funere ; Laurentius, J., dc funcribus an- tiquorum; Quenstedius, J. A., dc sepulture veterum; La. Seine, P., Uomeri nepenthes, seu de abolendo luctu liber. XII. Bartolii, P., Veterum sepulchre, ecu mausolca Romanorum et Etruscorum, cum ex- plicationibus J. P. Bcllorii ; Bartolii, P. Veterum lucernse sepulchrales, cum observationibus J. P. Bel- lorii ; Potteri, J., Archceologia Grxca. XIH. Tres indices absolutissimi : i. Effigieruni, ii. Auctorum et operum, iii. Rerum et verborum. GEONOVIUS, J. F. Flora Virginica. Lugduni Batav. 1702. 4 3842.10 De museo Alexandrine. [Gronovius. The- saurus Graac. aiitiq. v.8] 2060.2 GEONOVIUS, L. T. Marmorea basis colossi Tibe- rio Caesar! erecti ob civitates Asise restitu- tas post horrendos terrse tremorcs. [Gro- novius. Thesaurus Grsec. antiq. v.7] . . . 2900.2 GEOOMBEIDGE, S. Catalogue of circumpolar stars, ed. by G. B. Airy. London, 1838. 4 ... **E.144.8 GEOS, M. F. T. Pouesies prouvencalos. Marseille, 17C3. 8" 2685.6 GEOSE, F. Ancient armour and weapons. London, 1786. 4 2230.5 Antiquities of Scotland. Lond. 1797. 2v. 4. 2473.1 Classical dictionary of the vulgar tongue, ed. byP.Egan. London. 1823. 8 **E.209.3 Glossary of provincial words, with local proverbs, and popular superstitions. New ed. London, 1811. 4 2530.4 - Same. 8 **E.209.2 - Same. Supplement by S. Pegge. Lon- don, 1839. 12 2586.9 Sketches of. See West, W. 2542.7 Astle, T., and others. Antiquarian repertory. New ed. London, 1807-9. 4v. 4 *2531.1 GEOSE, J. H. Voyage to the East Indies. [Knox. New coll. of voyages, v.2] 2263.1 GEOSIEE, J. B. G. A. Description generate de la Chine. Paris, 1795. 4 3023.3 GEOSS, S. D. Diseases [etc.] of the bladder, pros- tate gland, etc. 2d ed. Phila. 1855. 8 . . *3740.39 Elements of pathological anatomy. Boston, 1839. 2v. 8" 3753.14 - Same. 2d ed. rev. and cnl. Phila. 1845. 1.8. 3753.13 Foreign bodies in the air-passages. Philadel- phia, 1854. 1.8 3795.7 GEOSSI, T. I Lombard! alia prima crociata, [canti 15.] Ed. 2a. Siena, 1826. 12 4707.12 Poesie. [Coll. delle migliori opere in dial- etto milanese, v.ll] 4709 a.5 GEOSVENOE, B. The mourner relieved. 4th ed. London, 1761. 12 3446.4 GEOSVENOE, T. P. An oration delivered on the 4th of July, 1808. Hudson, 1808. 8. . .*Pph.v.3 GBOTE, G. History of Greece. 2d ed. London, 1849-52. 12v. 8 *3072.1 GEOTEFEND, G. F. Rudimcnta lingua Umbricae. Par. i-viii. Hannoverze, 1835-39. 4 .... 2951.3 Inscriptions at Persepolis ; Pasargadae and the tomb of Cyrus. Heeren, A. H. L. v.2 of 3042.14 GEOTIUS, H. De jure belli acpacis. Ed. M. Tyde- man. Traiecti ad Rhenum, 1773. 8 . . . . 3615.9 De veritate religionis Christianas, cum no- tulis J. Clerici. Bostonii, 1809. 8. . **E.219a.2S Rights of war and peace [with] the notes of Barbeyrac. London, 1738. f *3030.3 - Same. Abridged. Transl. by W. Whewell. Cambridge, 1853. 8 3615.10 Explicatio nominum et verborum Gothico- rum, Vandelicorum et Langobardicorum. [Muratori. Rerum Ital. script, v.l] .... 2710.1 Life. See Butler, C 2846.2 GROTON, Mass. Lawrence academy. Catalogue of, from the incorporation. Groton, 1855. go *3592.26 - Jubilee 12 July, 1854. New York, 18S5. 8.*3592.26 GEOTTO, L. La vita di L. Grotto, cieco d'Adria. Rovigo.1777. 8 2745.10 See Rime piacevoli 4769a.l Shelfi No. JROUCHY, N. de. De comitiis Romanorum. [Grse- vius. Thesaurus antiq. Rom. v.l] . . . . 2950.1 JEOULARD, C. Memoircs. [Michaud. Coll. mom. hist. France. Ser. 1. v.ll] 2611.1 Memoires. [Petitot. Coll. mem. hist. France, Ire 8>. Libellus de miracnlis beatas virgiuis Marias. [Mignc. Patrologiae v.173] 3470.2 rUALTER, prior of St. Fi'cfor's, Paris. Excerpta ex libris Gualteri contra iv labyrinthos Franciae. [Mignc. Patrologiaj v . 199] . . . 3470.21 }UALTER de Castellionc. Tractatus contra Ju- daeos ; Alexandreis, sive gesta Alexandri Magni libris x comprehensa, [in hcroico versu]; Liber de trinitate. [Migne. Patro- loglaev.209] v. 2 of 3470.30 See also : Walter. rUALTERio, F. A. Gli ultimi rivolgimenti itali- ani. Firenze, 1850-51. 4v. 8 2715.7 JUALTIERI. La cacciata del tiranno. See Corniani- Malvezzi, T 2704.7 JUALTIERI, G. Effemeridi del pontificate dl Sisto V. [Arch. stor. ital. App. v.l] 5245.2 JUAXO, its origin [etc.], with directions for using- it. New York, 1845. 8 *Pph.v.l45 J-UARDI, X. In obitu Francisci Tardiae,idyllium. [Opusculi diautori Sicilian!, v. 19] 47C4.1 JUARDIAN, The. Steele, Sir R E.229.2 JUARGUANTE da Soncino, H. Eccellenze della verg. Maria. See Tansillo, L 2809.19 JUABIXI, G. B. Opere, con 1'annotazioni [di varj], Verona, 1737-38. 4v. 4 *2791.C Contents. Vol. I. II pastor fldo, tragicommedia, con 1'annotazioni alia mcdesiraa dell'autore; Rime scelte. n. Le rime starapate cdinedite; L'idropica, corn- media; Discorso di Jason Denores, etc., intorno a quo* principj, cause, cd accrescimcnti che la corn- media, la tragcdia, ed il poema eroico ricevono dalla filosofia morale c civile, e da' governatori delle re- pubbliche; Verato primo, ovvero difesa di Guarini contra quanto ha ecritto Messer lason Denores; Apol- ogia contra 1'autor del Verato di lason Denores. III. Verato secondo owero, replica dell' attizzato accad- emico Ferrarcse in difesa del Pastor fldo, contra la Beconda scrittura di Messer lason de Nores intitolata Apologia; Compendio della poesia tragicomica, tratto da duo Vcrati ; per opera dell' atitore del Pastor fido, collagiunta di molte cose spettanti all' artc; Delia poesia rappresentativa, e del modo di rappresentare le fovole sceniche, discorso di A. Ingegneri; Due dis- corsi, 1'uno contra le tragicommedie, e le pastoral!, 1'altro contra il Pastor fido, di Faustino Suinrao pado- vano. IV. Considerazioni intorno al Pastor fido da G. P. Malacreta; Risposta al Malacreta di Paolo Benii Discorso di Paolo Beni sopra il Pastor fidoedinris- posta al Malacreta i Apologia di G. Savio in difesa del Pastor fido. II pastor fido : the faithful shepherd, with other poems, [etc. translated] by Sir R. Fan- shawc. London, 1670. em. 8 2578.10 Contents. 1\ pastor fido; Ode upon his majesties' proclamation for the gentry to reside upon their estates; The Escurial [Latin and English]; On his majesties' great ship, the Sovereign of the seas; Mains Lucanizans; Of the progress of learning; Loves of Dido and ^Eiieas; Virgil's fourth book; The civil wars of Rome. II pastor fido. Milano, 1807. 8 2805.17 Le bergcr fidelle, traduit en vers frangois [par 1'abbd de Torche.] Paris, 1072. 18. [Ital- ian and French] 2809.18 II pastor fido, tragicommedia pastorale. See Tasso, T 2805.15 - Same. [Teatro scclto italiano, v.2] . . 4779 a. - Same. [Parnaso italiano] .... v.35 of 2709.2 Trattato della polit. liberta. Vinegia, 1818. 8. 3500.15 - Same. [Trattati politic! di varii autori] . 3568.12 GUARIXI, G. B. L. See Lascaris Guarini. GUARIXUS, abbot of St. lector, at Paris. Epistolai, ct variorum ad ipsum. [Migne. Patro- logiaev.1%] 3470.18 GUARX.UTI, M. Origin! italiche o siano memorie Istorico-etrusche. Lucca, 1707-1772. 3v. f . *2720.5 Vitas pontificum et cardinalium, a Clemente X ad Clcmentem XII. Romas, 1751. 2v. f . *3590.2 Esamc critico delle origin! italiche. See Ori- ini 2730.10 GUASCO, F. E. Letterc. [Raccolta di prose e let- tere nel secolo 18, v.3] 2707.2 Shelf. No. GUASCO, O. de. Recherches sur 1'etat des lettres, des sciences ct des arts en France sous lea regnes de Charles VI et VII. [Lebcr. Coll. diss. hist. France, v. 15] 2018.1 GUASTI, C. Sopra gli statuti di comuni italiani. [Arch. stor. ital. App.v.9] 5255.1 GOASTI, F. Dell' influenza che escrcitar possono sul corso dell' Arno le acque della Chiana. [Raccolta del moto delle acque, v. 17] . . . 3942.1 GUATEMALA. Juarros, D. Statistical and com- mercial history of 2314.15 Larenaudiere, P. de. Histoire et description. 2270.2 Thompson, G. A. Visit to 2314.14 See also : America (Central). GUAXACA. Travels to, by N. J. Thierry de Menonville. [Piukerton. Voyages, v.12]. 2260.13 GUDERMAXN, C. Grundriss der analytischen Spharik. Koln, 1830. 8 3925.28 GUDIN de la Brenellerie, P. P. L'astronomio, [poeme.] Paris, 1810. 8 **E.187.11 GFDINCS. Planctus rythmicus super mortc Con- stantii, etc. [Migne. Patrologia? v.151] . 3400.29 GCEBRIANT, J. B. B. do, Histoire et oraison fu- nebre pour. See Le Laboureur, J 2690.4 GUELPH. Butler, C. Historical minutes of the family of 3517.1 Halliday, A. History of the house of . . . 2410.9 GuEXE.u'-DE-MoxTBEiLLARn, P. Histoire na- turelle des insectes. See Encyclopedic me- thodique v.4of A. 157.4 GUERARD, B. E. C. Cartulaires de France. Paris, 1840-57. 9v. 4. [France. Coll. docs. ined. Ire ser. v. 15-21] *2610.5 GuERCixo, G. F. Barbieri, detto il. Raccolta di dNi'gni. [Pirancsi. Opere, v.21] .... D.I. 2 GUERCIO, N. Annales Genuenses, ab anno 1207, post Caffarum. [Muratori. Rerum Ital. script. v.O] 2710.1 GUERIX, A. Elements de chirurgie operatoirc. 2e cd. Paris, 1858. 12' 3749.7 Gu^Rix, J. X. B. Description de la fontaiue de Vaucluse. 2e ed. Avignon, 1813. 10 3 . . 2034.14 Discours sur Phistoire d' Avignon. Avignon, 1807. 12 2049.15 GUERIN-MEXNEVILLE, F. E. Dictionnairo ento- mologique. See Encyclopedic mtthodique. A.157.4 Lea crustace's. Expedition scicntifiquc de Moree. See France v.3, pt. 1 of 3070.8 GUERINO detto il Meschino, storia, con note da Giuseppe Berta. Milano, 1841. 4 .... 2772.3 GUERNSEY:, countess of. See Finch, L. T. GUERNSEY. Berry, W. History of the island of. 2472.3 Duncan, J. History of 2497.4 See also: Channel islands; Hampshire. GUEROULT, A. Espagne : histoire et description. Lavallt-e, J. . '. 2266.18 GUERRA, M. Cerauno e Berenice: traged. [Teatro moclernoapplaudito,v.26] 2768.1 GUERRAZZI, F. D. Apologia della [sua] vita poli- tica, [ed] appendice. Firenze, 1851-52. 2v. in 1. 8 4746.6 Beatrice Cenci, storia del secolo XVI. Pisa, 1854. Iv. in 2. 8 2773.1 Breve descrizione della citta e dintorni di Fi- renze all' epoca dell' assedio [1529]. [With maps]. Firenze, 1851. pp.44. 16 2729.4 Collezione di document! per servire alia storia della Toscana del tempi nostri. Firenze, 1853. 8 4746.5 Collezione storica di tutti gli atti, ecc., della celebre causa di lesa macsta contro F. D. Guerrazzi, G. Montanelli, G. Mazzoni c loro consort!. Firenze, 1852-54. 3 pts. in 8v. 8. 4746.1 11 marchcse di Santa Prassede. Pisa, 1853. srn.b" 2773.17 Memorie di Leonardo Romanclli. Firenze, ls.v>. 8 4746.2 Memorie scrittc da lui medesimo. Livorno, 1848. 12 2749.12 GUEREAZZI 360 GUIGNIAUT Shelf. No. GUERRAZZI, F. D. continued. Nel processo politico contro il ministoro tos- cano Rohiarinicnti di Giuseppe Montanelli. Firenze, 1S52. pp.78. 8 4746.4 Orazione detta in sua difesa avanti la corte re^ia di Firenze. Fireuze, 1853. 8 .... 4740.3 Orazioni funebri di illustri Italian!. 5a ed. Fircnze, 1850. 12 4749.8 Contents. Francesco Salvi ; Cosimo Delfante i Francesco Sabatelli; Giuseppe Sabatelll. GUERRES des Vendeens et des Chouans. Paris, 1824. Cv. 8. [Bcrville et Barriere. Mems. rel. a la revolution francaise, 51-50] . . . . *4655.10 GUERRICUS. Sermones, per annum. [Migne. Pa- trologiae v. 185] v.4of.3470.9 GUEST, R. History of the cotton manufacture. 12 plates. Manchester, 1823. pp.70. 4 ... 4012.2 GUETTIICR, A. De la fonderie en France. Paris, 1S44. 4 4012.9 GUGLIELMINI, D. Delia natura do' flumi, con le annotazioni di E. Manfrcdi. Bologna, 1821. 4. [Raccolta del moto dell' acque, v.l] . . *3942.1 Opuscoli idrauliei. Bologna, 1822. 4. [Rac- colta del moto delle acque, v. 2] 3942.1 Contents. Delia misura dell' acque correnti; Scrit- ture sopra vari progetti fatti per la diversione del Reno; Parcre sopra 1'inalveazione dell' acque del Reno, e del resto del torrent! del Bolognese; Tre lettere idrostatiche ; Yisita i'utta al Po di Piacenza, e lettera scritta al duca di Parma risguardante i ripari dafarsi in dctto Po; Lettera inedita scritta al cardi- nale d'Adda, risguardante il canale navig. di Bologna; Delia linea cadentc dei ihimi che corrono in ghiaraj Problema, Se il proporzionare con 1'arte i'alveo a di- versi flumi uniti sia cosa possibile ? Punti da con- siderarsi, quando si TOgliouo fare nuove inalveazioni de' fiumi. GUGLIELMO, della Puglia. Historicum poema de rebus Kormannorum in Sicilia, Apulia ct Calabria gestis. [Migne. Patrologiae v.149]. 3460.27 - Same. [Muratori. Rer. Ital. script, v.5]. 2710.1 - Same. [Leibnitz. Scriptores rer. Bruns- vie. v.l] 2810.3 GUGLIELMO, monk of Clusa. Historia Clusiensis monastarii ; Vita Benedict! abbatis Clusien- sis. [Migne. Patrologiae v.150] 3400.28 GOGLIELMO Tcmpioni. Storia del secolo XVI. See Maccolini, G 4775.35 GUIANA. Bancroft, E. Natural history of. ... 2315.6 Description of. [Force. Tracts, v. 3] . . . . 2323.3 Famin,C. Hist, et description de Guyanes . 2266.9 Raleigh, W. Discovery of. 2264.3 See also : Cayenne, Surinam. GUIART, G. Branche des royaux lignages, chro- nique metrique. Paris, 1828. 2v. 8. [Bu- chon. Coll. chron.nat.fr. v. 7, 8] *2617.2 Chronique metrique, 1305-6. [Buchon. Coll. chron. nat. fr. v.7] 2617.2 GuiBERT de Nogent. Opera omnia, juxta ed. L. d'Achery, accurante Migne. Lutetife Parisi- orum, 1853. 8. [Migne. Patrologiae v.150]. 3460.33 Contents. Liber quo ovdine sermo fieri debeat; Moralia in Genesin; Tropologies in Osee, Amos et Jeremiam; De incarnatione; De buccella Judae data et de veritate Dominici corporisj De laude sunctoe Marias; De virginitate; De pignoribus sanctorum; Gesta Dei per Francos; De vita sua; D'Achery notae. Histoire des croisades ; Sa vie, par lui-meme. [Guizot. Coll. mem. hist. France, v. 9, 10]. 2618.2 GUIBERT of Gemblours. De combustione monas- terii Gemblacensis. [Migne. Patrologiae v.160] 3460.36 Epistolae. [Migne. Patrologiae v. 211] . . . 3470.32 GUIBOURT, N. J. B. G. Histoire naturelle des drogues simples. 4e ed. Paris, 1849-51. 4v. 8 3834.15 GUICCIARDINI, F. Storia d'ltalia, ed. dal Prof. G. Rosini, pref. di C. Botta. Parigi, 1832. 6v. 8 2717.4 Savonarola, G. Avvertimenti civili di . . . 35ft8.ll Orazioni storiche. See Scelta 4779.10 Kosini, G. Su le azioniesu leopere di . . 4769 a. 8 Shelf. No. GUICHARD. Statuta eccles. Lugdunensis. [Migne. Patrologiae v. 199] 3470.21 GUICHARD, A. C. Jurisprudence communale et municipale : les biens, les dettes et les pro- ces des communes. Paris, 1820. 8 . . . . 3671.6 Legislation hypothecate. Paris, 1810. 3v. 8. 3620.7 Guicni:, A. de Gramont, Comte de. Mdmoires conccrnant les provinces unics dcs Pays- Bas. Utrecht, 1744. 2v. 12 2824.14 GUICHEXOT, A. Histoire naturelle des reptiles et des poissons. [France. Exploration de 1'Algerie. Sciences physiques. Zoologie] . 3054.2 GUIDA ad esprimere i proprii pensieri,ed escmpii di quelle scritture piii di frequente in BO- cieta. Paruia, 1848. 10 4768.1 GUIDE des voyageurs en Italic. Nouv. ed. Flor- ence, 1817. 16 . 2734.12 GUIDE, New, of Brussels. Paris, 1834. 16 ... 2834.17 GUIDE to service. The maid of all work. London, 1838. 16 *Pph.v.225 GUIDI, A. Canzoniere. Venezia, 1799. 18. [Par- naso italiano] v.42 of 2769.2 Poesie. Padova, 1818. 8 4774.3 Poesie. Con la sua vita descritta da G. M. Crescimbcni. Pisa, 1821. 2v. in 1. 24 . . 4778.35 Endimione, [favola di Numi.] [Parnaso ita- liano] v.36 of 2709.2 GUIDICCIOLO, L. da. Istoria del cipriano Coriteo. [Novelliero italiano, v.4J 2772.19 GUIDICCIONI, G. Rime inedite. See Allori, A. . 2794.4 GUIDINI, C. Memorie, 1396. [Arch. stor. ital. v.4, pt.l] 5245.2 GUIDO, abbot of Cherlieu. Tractatus de correctione cantus ordinis Cistcrciensis. [Migne. Pa- trologiae v.182] 3470.9 GUIDO, abbot of Farfa. Disciplina Farfeusis et monasterii S. Pauli Roma2. [Migne. Pa- trologiae v. 150] 3460.28 GUIDO, bp. of Amiens. Opuscula. [Migne. Pa- trologiae v. 146] 3460.24 GUIDO, bp. of Podio. Statuta et charta. [Migne. Patrologiae v.137] 3460.16 GUIDO or AVido, emperor. Leges. [Muratori. Re- rum Ital. script, v. 1, pt. 2] 2710.1 GUIDO de Castellione, alp. of Reims. . Diplomata. [Migne. Patrologiae v.142] 3460.21 GUIDO dell' Antella. Ricordanze, 1298-1405. [Arch. stor. ital. v.4, pt. 1] 5245.2 GUIDO Donati or Guittoiie d'Arezzo. Rime, [per cura di L. Valeriani.] Firenze, 1828. 2v. 8. 2807.3 Opuscula [ad musicam omnino pertinentia]. [Migne. Patrologiae v.141] 3460.20 Angeloni, L. Sopra la vita, le opere, ed il sapere di 4042.18 See Gerbert von Hornau, M. Script, eccles. de musica sacra, v.2 4041.7 Kiesewetter, R. G. Sein Leben u. Wirken . 4052.20 See also : Wido. GUIDOBALDO, I. da Montefeltro, duca di Urbino. Vita e fatti di. SeeBaldi, B 2744.11 - Same. See Perticari, G 4778.16 GUIDOTTO da Bologna, Fra. II fiore di rettorica, ed. da B. Gamba. Venezia, 1821. 8 . . . . 3590.15 - Same. Milano, 1847. 10 3590.22 GuiDUCCi, M. Lezione sopra le rime di M. A. Buo- narroti. See Buonarroti, M. A 4768.6 Delle comete. [Galileo. Opere, v. 4, 5] . . . 3913.1 GUIFRED. Constitutiones. [Muratori. Rerum Ital. script, v.8] 2710.1 GUIGNES, C. L. J. de, the son. Dictionnaire chi- nois, francais et latin. Paris, 1813. f . . *3030.1 Philippine islands and isle of France. [Pin- kerton. Voyages, v.ll] 2260.13 GUIGNES, J. de, the father. Histoire generale des Huns, des Turcs, des Mogols, et des autres Tartares occidentaux. Paris, 1756-58. 5v. 4. *3023.5 Sur 1' etat du commerce des Francais en Orient avant les croisades. [Leber. Coll. diss. hist. France, v. 16] 2618.1 GUIGNIAUT, J. D. See Bouquet. Becueil, v.21. 2620.1 GUIGO 361 GUILLON Shelf. No. GUIGO I. Epistolae ; Medltationes ; Consuetudines Carthusicnscs ; Vita S. Hugonis, episcopi Gratianop. [Mignc. Patrologia? v.153] v.2 of 3400.30 Epistola sen tractatus ad fratres cle monte Dei. [Migne. Fatrologise v.184] v.3of 3470-9 Epistolae quaedam. [Migne. Patrologiae v.185] v.4 of 3470.9 GUIGO II. Scala paradisi, scu tractatus de modo orandi et de vita contcmplativa ; Liber de quadripartite cxercitio cellae. [Migne. Pa- trologiae v.153] v.2 of 34C0.30 GUIGOU, P. Livourne et sea bains de mer. Li- vournc, 1814. 8 2705.8 GUILD, R. A. Historical sketch of Brown univer- sity. [No title-page.] pp.8. 8 *2387.2 Librarian's manual. New York, 1858. sm.4.*2122.15 GUILDFOKD, N. de. The owl and the nightingale, ed. by T. Wright. London, 1843. 8'. [Percy soc. publ. v.ll] *2537.13 GUILDHALL of London, Account of the. Nich- ols, J. B 2495.4 GUILELMUS. See Guglielmo, Guillaume, Wilhelm, William. GUILLAUME, abbot of St. Tliierry, at Eheims. Tractatus de contemplando Deo ; Tractatus de natura et dignitate amoris ; Vita et res gestae S. Bernardi, abbatis Claraevallensis liber primus. [Migne. Patrologiae v.184, 185] y.3,4of 3470.9 Opuscula diversa. [Migne. Patrol. v.lSO, 184.] 3470.7 Vie de Saint Bernard, abbe de Clairvaux. [Guizot. Coll. mdm. hist. France, v.10] . . 2018.2 GUILLAUME, abbot of St. Benigne at Dijon. Notitia historica ; Vita ex chronico S. Benigni ex- cerpta; Epistola; ct privilegium ; Vita, auc- tore Rodulfo Glabro monacho. [Migne. Patrologiae v. 141, 142] 3400.20,21 GUILLAUME, abbot of St. Germain at Paris. Epis- tola ad fratres. [Migne. Patrologiae v.141]. 3400.20 GUILLAUME, St. abbot of St. Thomas. Epistolze. [Bouquet. Recueil, v.19] 2020.1 GUILLAUME, monk of St. Denis. Vie de Sugcr. [Guizot. Coll. mem. hist. Fr. v.S] 2018.2 Epistola. [Migne. Patrologise v.180] . . . . 3470.10 GUILLAUME, V. duke of Aquitaine. Epistolae ; Diploma. fMigne. Patrologiae v.141] . . 3400.20 GUILLAUME de Champeaux, bp. of Chalons. Opus- cula. [Migne Patrologiae v.103] 3400.38 GUILLAUME de Chartres. De vita et actibus regis Francorum Ludovici. [St. Louis.] [Bou- quet. Recueil, v.20] 2020.1 GUILLAUME dc Jumiege. Histoire des Normands jusqu'en 1137. [Guizot. Coll. mem. hist. France] v.29of 2018.2 Historia Northmannorum. [Migne. Patro- logiae T.149] 3400.27 GUILLAUME de Nangis. Chronique latine, 1113- 1300. Nouv. ed. par Geraud. Paris, 1843. 2v. 8. [Sociotii d'hist. de France.] . . . 2016.6 Chronicon. [Bouquet. Recueil, v.20] .... 2620.1 Chronique. [Guizot. Mems. hist. Fr. v.13.] 2018.2 GUILLAUME de Poitiers. Vie de Guillaume le con- quurant, 1035-70. [Guizot. Coll. mem. hist. France, v.29] 2018.2 Gcsta, etc., Willelmi conquestoris, Anglorum regis ; Carmina. [Migne. Patrologiae v.149, 150] 3460.27,28 GUILLAUME dc Podio. Historia Albigensium. [Bouquet. Recueil, v. 19,20] 2020.1 GUILLAUME de Puy-Laurens. Chronique eonte- naut 1'cxpedition des Frangais contre les Albigeois, 1202-72. [Guizot. Coll. mem. hist. France, v. 15] 2018.2 GUILLAUME de St. Andre". Le libvre du bon Jehan, due de Bretaigne. See Cuvelier. v.2 of 2620.2 GUILLAUME de Trahmac, prior of Grandmont. Epistolae. [Migne. Patrologiae v.204] . 3470.20 GUILLAUME de Tudele. Croisade contre les Albi- geois, en vers provencaux. Paris, 1837. 4. [France. Coll. de docs. ined. 98. Ire ser.] *2640.8 Shelf. No. GUILLAUME Dandina, de St. Savin. Vita Hugonis de Lacerta. [Migne. Patrologiae v. 204] . 3470.26 GUILLAUME-LE-BRETON. Extraits dc la Philippi- de,avec des notes par O. Delepierrc. Bru- ges, 1841. 4. [Bruges. Societe d' emulation de la Flandre] *2821.14 Gesta Philippi Augusti, Francorum regis. [Bouquet. Recueil, v.17] 2620.1 * La Philippide, poeme, 1105-1207 ; Vie de Philippe-Auguste. [Guizot. Coll. mem. hist. France, v.ll, 12] 2018.2 GUILLAUME le franc-parleur. See Jouy, E. . . . 4679.6 GUILLAUME, F. Histoire des campagnes d' Anni- bal en Italic, suivie d'un abrdg6 de la tac- tique des Ilomains et des Grecs. Milan, 1812. 3v. 4. Iv. f *2751.2 See also : Guglielmo, "William, Wilhelm. GUILLAUMIX, U. G. Dictionnaire de 1'economie politique. See Coquelin, C 3682.2 GUILLELMUS. See Guglielmo, Guillaume, Wil- helm, William. GUILLEMIN, A. J. Archives de botanique. Paris, 1833. v.l. 8 3854.3 GUILLERMIN, G. Journal historique de la revolu- tion, de la partie de 1'cst de Saint Do- mingue. Philadelphie, 1810. 8 ... .*Pph.v.l2 GUILLEVILLE, G. de. Le pelerinage de 1'homme, compared with the Pilgrim's progress of John Bunyan. Ed. by N. Hill. London, 1858. 4 *2071.15 GUILLIE, S. Instruction and amusements of the blind. London, 1819. 8 3591.13 GUILLIM, J. Display of heraldry. 6th ed. Lon- don, 1724. f *2430.3 GUILLOX, M. N. S. Bibliotheque choisie des peres de 1'eglisc. Paris, 1828-29. 30v. 12 ... 3499.30 Contents. Vol. I. Premiere partie : les trois pre- miers siecles. Dedicace; Table generate de la Ire par- tie; Discours preliminaire; Notice sur les collections des saints pures; De lamcilleuremanieredetraduire, par 8. Jerome. Tires apostoliques : S. Barnabe; S. Clement; 8. Ignace d'Antioche; S. Polycarpe; S. Ircnee; Pasteur d'Hermas ; Constitutions aposto- liques; S. Papias d'llieraple; S. Denis de Corinthe; Hcgesippe, historicu; S. Denis d'Alexandrie ; Ecri- vnins profanes des temps apostoliques. Peres apo- logistcs : Persecutions et ecrits contre le christianis- me; Apologistcs grecs : Quadrat; Aristide; Agrippa; S. Justin ; Meliton; Tatien; S. Apollinaire; Athunagorc; S. Th (ophite d'Antioche; Hermias. II. S. Clement d'Alexaudrie; S. nippolyte ; Origene. III. Latins: Tertullien. IV. Suite de Tertullien; Minucius Felix, Arnobe; Lactance; S. Cyprien. V. Suite de S. Cyp- rien; Julius Firmicus Matcrnus; S. Archelaus, S. GrG- goire Thaumaturge; S. Pamphile; Miltiade ; Apollo- nius ; Khodon ; Asterc Urbain ; Eusebe de Cesaree ; S. Athanase; S. Cyrille d' Alcxandrie; S. Gregoire de Nazianze; Theodoret; Philostorge et diverscs apol.; Les martyrs de Lyon ; Concilcs ; Considerations sur les trois siecles. VI. Deuxieme partie coutenant les percs dogmatiq. : Discours preliminaire; S. Athanase; Osius; S. Alexandre; S. Jules; S. Methodius; Didymc; Eusebe de Cesarecj Constantin; S. Optat; 8- Pacien; Phebade; Melece; Astere. VH. S. Hilairc; S. Am- philoque; S. Lucifer; S. Antoine; S. Eusebe dc Samo- zate; S. Eusebe de Verceil; Eusebe d'Emese; S. Eus- tache; Marcel; Libere; Philastre; Concilcs; S.Gregoire de Nazianze. VIII. Suite de S. Gregoire. IX. Suite de Gregoire; S. Basile le grand. X. Suite de S. Basile le grand; S. Gregoire de Nysse; S. Ephrcm. XI. Suite de S. Ephrem; S. Cyrille; 8. Gaudcnce; S. Ambroise. XII. Suite de S. Ambroise; 8. Zenon; S. Martin; 8. Since; S. Nectaire; Couciles ; Synesius, Jean Cas- sicn. XIII. Discours preliminaire sur 1'eloquence de saint Jean Chrysostome; Vic de S. Jean Chrysos- tome ; Les six Hvres de S. J. Chrysostome sur le sac- erdoce [Livres I.-U.] XIV. Les six livres de S. J. Chrysostome sur le sacerdoce [Livres HL-VL] XV.-XXI. Discours preliminaire; Traite sir la foi. XXI.-XXIII. Esperance. XXHI.-XXVH. Charite. XXVII. Peres et ecriv. apres S. Jean Chrysostome : Reflexions preliminaires; Conciles ; S. Epiphane; Buffin; S.Jerome. XXVIII. Suite dc S.Jerome; 8. Paulin de Nole; Sulpice-Severe; Ausone; Prudence; Sedulius ; Juvencus ; Fortunat ; S. Sidoine Apolli- naire ; Mammert Claudien ; Victorin d' Afrique ; Le pape Damase ; S. Celestin. XXIX-XXXI. St. Au- gusta (Conferences tor S. Aug.) XXXII. Salvien; GUILLON 362 GUIZOT Shelf. No. GUILLON, M. N. S. continued. Julicn Poinere; S. Ililaire d' Aries ; 8. Fulgenee ; S. AlcimeAvite; S.Euchcr, S.Remi;VinccntdeLerins; S. Leon ; S. Pierre Chrysologuc ; S. Maximo de Turin ; Boece ; Cassiodore ; S. Prosper. XXXIII. Saint-Leon Uincmar. XXXIV. Amolon: Hilde- brand cm Gregoire VII ; Seholastiques, Xlle et XHIe siecles: Jean Scot Erigene S. Bernard, doc- v teur de I'eglise. XXXV. Suite de S. Bernard; Prin- cipauxecrivainseccles. desXIV, XV, XVIe siecles: Arnaud de Bonneval Bossuct. XXXVI. Table gen- erale ; Table chronologique ; Table des auteurs et ceuvres cites; Table generale dcs matieres. Bibliotheque choisie dcs peres de I'eglise. Nouv. <5d. Paris, 1834. 26v. 8 *3508.2 Examen critique dcs doctrines de Gibbon, de Salvador, ct de Strauss, sur Jesus Christ. Paris, 1841. 2v. 8 3475.4 Refutation des ouvrages de La Mennais. Paris, 1835. 3v. 8 3517.10 GUILLON de Montleon, A. Le cenacle de Leonard de Vinci. Milan, 1811. 8 4065.10 Memoires pour 1'histoirc de Lyon pendant la revolution. Paris, 1824. 3v. 8. [Ucrville et Barriere. Mem. rel a la rev. fr. 34, 35] . *4045.21 GUINEA. Bosman, W. Description of the coast of. 3057.5 - Same. [Pinkerton. Voyages, v. 10] . . 2200.13 Labat, J. B. Voyage du chevalier Des Mar- chais en Guinee 2309.7 Tardieu, A. Histoire et description de G. . 2270.9 GUIRAN, G. Explicatio duorum vetustorum nu- mismatum Ncmauscnsium ex sere. [Sal- lengrc. Thesaurus antiq. Rom. v.l] . . 2950.2 GUIRLANDE, La, de Julie, pour Mile, de Rambouil- let. 172. sm.8 2048.8 GUISCHARDT, C. G. Quintus Icilius. Memoires critiques et historiques, etc. Berlin, 1774. 4v. sm.8 3954.10 Contents. Vol. I.-II. Ltustoire detaille de la campagne de Jules Cesar en Espagne coutre les lieu- tenants de Pompee. III. L'histoire des legions de Cesar; Une dissertation sur 1' annee romaine avec un journal des principaux evenemens arrives dans les quatre dernieres annees qui ont precede la reforme du calendrier par Cesar; Les eestes de Jules Africain traduits pour la premiere foisd'un manuscrit grcc. IV. La defense des memoires militaires sur les Grecs ct les Remains contre les rechercb.es d'antiquites mi- litaires du chevalier Lo-Looz. GUISE, II. de Lorraine I., duo de. See Lafaist. Archives de 1' histoire de France 2617.1 Contents. Ser. I. Vol. IV. Destruction du sacca- gement exerce en la ville de Vassy; [Plusieurs dis- cours sur le memo sujet]. V. Discours de la battaille de Dreux; Relation, etc., sur la moit du due de Guise ; Ceremonies funebres. XI. Lettre ecrite au roy par le due de Guysc; Particularites qui sc passer- ent a Paris quand M. de Guyse s' en empara, et que le roi en sortit, mai 1588. XII. Le martyre. GUISE, H. de Lorraine II., due de. Le memorie del sig. duca di G. Colonia, 1075. 2v. 16. 2649.19 Note : On croit qu' ils ont etc rediges par Philippe Goibaud, sieur du Bois, de 1' academic i'ransaise. Qverard. Memoires, 1647-48. [Petitot. Coll. mem. hist. France. Ser, 2. v. 55,56] 2645.1 Memoires. [Michaud. Coll. mem. hist. Fr. Ser. 3. v.7] 2611.1 GUISE, Histoire des dues de. Bouille, R. de . . . 2648.1 GUITARKA, La. Entremes. [Spanish interludes]. 3095.18 GUITMUND. Opuscula. [Migne. Patrol, v.149] . 3460.27 GUITTONE d'Arezzo, F. See Guido, D. GUIZOT, E. C. P. de Meulan. L'ecolier, [conte.] Bruxelles, 1S37. 3v. 18 4679a.l Talcs for young persons. Boston, 1833. 18. 4079.16 and F. P. G. Abailard et Heloise, essai his- torique. See Abaelardus, P 3553.16 GUIZOT, F. P. G. Civilisation en Europe, depuis la chute de 1'cmpire remain. Paris, 1828. 8. 2302.8 - Same. Nouv. ed. Paris, 1853. 16 ... 2302.12 Civilisation en France depuis la chute de I'em- pire remain. Nouv. ed. Paris, 1853. 4v. 10. 4066.21 Shelf. No. GUIZOT, F. P. G. continued. Collection des me'moires relatifs a 1'histoire de France, jusqu' au 13e siecle. Paris, 1823- 35. 31v. 8 *2018.2 Contents. Vol. I. Introduction : Considerations sur les Gaulois, les Francs et les Franjais, par Bourdon de Sigrais; Fragment sur I'histoircdc France, par A. Trognon. I. [bis.] Gregoiro de Tours, histoire des Francs. II. Gregoire dc Tours (suite ct fin) A. D. u'.ll; Fredegaire, chroniquc, 583-7G8; Vie dc Dagobert 1. 602-651; Vie de Saint-Legcr, CGO-680; Vic de Pepin- le-Vieux,ditdeLanden, 622-752. III. Eginhard; An- nales dcs rois Pepin, Charlemagne ct Louis le Debon- naire, 7-11-829; Vie de Charlemagne, 765-814; Moine de Saint-Gall, des faits et gestes de Charles le Grand, 7G8-814 ; Thegan, de la vie ct dcs actions de Louis le f Debonnaire, 814-829; Anonyme, ditl'astronomc.viede Louis le Debonnaire, 814-820; Nithard, histoire des dis- sensions des fils de Louis le Debonnaire, 814-843. IV. Ermold le Noir, des faits ct gestes de Louis le Picux, [le Debonnaire,] poemc, 814-829; Hincmar ct autrcs, annales de Saint-Bertin, 741-882 ; Annales dc Metz, 882-903. V. Flodoard, histoire de 1' eglise de Rheims depuis sa fondation jusqu'cn 949. VI. Abbon, le siege de Paris par les Normands, poe'me, 835-887; Flodoard, chronique, 857-978 ; Raoul Glaber. chro- nique, 843-1046; Uelgaud, vie du roi Robert 996-1031 ; Adalberon, evfique de Laon, poemc satirique, 1008. VII. Odon, moine de Saint-Maur, vie dc Bouchard, comte dc Melun, 987-1031; Fragment de I'hietoire des Franfais, par un anony me, 985-1108; Hugues, moine de Floury, chronique, 987-1108; Proces-verhal du sacre de Philippe 1. 1059; Hugues de Poitiers, histoire du monastere de Vezelai, 1140-1167. VIII. Suger, vie de Louis le Gros, 1108-1137 ; Guillaume, moine de Saint- Denis, vie de Suger, 1081-1151; Vie de Louis le Jeune, 1125-1105; Galbert, syndic de Bruges, vie de Charles le Bon, comte de Flandre, 1119-1127. IX.-X. Gui- bert dc Nogent, histoire dcs croisades, 1053-1124; Vie de Guibert de Nogent, par Iui-m6me 1053-1104; Vies de Saint-Bernard, abbe de Clairvaux, par Guillaume, abbe de Saint-Thierry, Arnaud de Bonneval et Geof- froy dc Clairvaux, 1091-11.54. XI. Rigord, et Guil- laume le Breton, vies de Philippe-Auguste, 1165- 1227 ; Vie de Louis VIII. 1223-1226 ; Nicolas de Bray, dcs faits et gestes de Louis VIII., poemc histo- rique, 12.'t-1226. XII. Guillaume le Breton, la Phi- lippide, poeme, 1165-1207. XIII. Guillaume de Nan- gis, chronique, 1113-1327. XIV. Pierre dc Vaulx-Cer- nay, histoire de la guerre des Albigeois, avec des feclaircissements et pieces historiques, 1203-1218. XV. llistoire de la guerre des Albigeois, par un anonyme, 1202-1319 ; Guillaume de Puy-Laurcns, chronique contenant 1'expedition des Franjais coutre les Albi- geois, 1202-1272 ; Chronique de Simon dc Montfort, dcs gestes glorieux des Fransais, 1202-1311. XVI.- XVIII. Guillaume de Tyr, histoires des croisades, ou histoire des fails et gestes dans les regions d'outre- mer, 632-1184. XIX. Bernard, le Tresorier, continu- ation de 1'histoire dcs croisades de Guillaume de Tyr, 1184-1275. XX.-XXI. Albert d'Aix, histoire des croi- sades, ou histoire des faits et gestes dans les regions d'outre-mer, 1095-1120 ; Raymond d'Agiles, histoire des Francs qui ont pris Jerusalem, 1095-99. XXII. Jacques de Vitry, histoire des croisades jusqu'en 1219. XXIII. Raoul de Caen, des faits ct gestes du prince Tancrede, pendant 1'expedition de Jerusa- lem, 1096-1105; Robert le Moine, histoire de la pre- miere croisade, 1095-99. XXIV. Foulchcr de Chartres, histoire des croisades 1095-1127; Odon de Deuil, his- toire de la croisade de Louis VII. 1148. XXV- XXXJU. Orderic Vital, histoire de Normandie jus- qu'en 1141. XXIX. Guillaume de Jumiege, histoire des Normands jusqu'en 1137; Guillaume de Poitiers, vie de Guillaume le Conquerant, 1035-1070. XXX. Table generale et analytique des memoires. Collection des memoires relatifs a la reVolu- tion d'Angleterre. Paris, 1827. 25v. 8 . . *2518.1 Contents. Vol. I. Memoires de Sir Philippe War- wick sur le regne de Charles ler. H.-III. His- toire du long-parlement, par Thomas May. IV. Me- moires de John Price, chapelain de Monk, sur la restauration des Stuart ; Memoires de Thomas Her- bert, sur les deux dernieres annees du regne de Charles I.; Memoires de Sir John Berkley, sur les negociations de Charles lir avec Cromwell. V. Me- moires de Hollis ; Memoires de Huntington ; Me- moires de Fairfax. VI.-VIII. Memoires de Ludlow. IX. Proces de Charles I. ; Eikon basilike, apologie at- tribuee a Charles I.; Memoires de Charles II., sur sa fuite apres la bataille de Worcester. X.-XL Me- moires de rnistriss Hutchinsou; Memoires sur luistriss GUIZOT 363 GUTHER 2402.4 3562.18 *4745.4 4666.22 2519.29 2341.4 4663.3 2517.11 2517.12 2518.10 2456.10 2450.11 2341.15 Shelf. No. Gurzor, P. P. G. continued. Bendysh, petite-fille de Cromwell. XII.-XV. Me- moires de lord Clarendon, grand-chancelier d' Angle- terre sous Charles II. XTI. Journal de lord Henry Clarendon, fils du comte de Clarendon sur les anuOes 1087-90. XVII.-XX. Ilistoire de mon temps par Burnet, cvcque de Salisbury. XXI. MC-moires de Sir John Rercsby; MOmoires du due de Buckingham; RGcit de la revolution de 1688, par le due de Buck- ingham. XXII. Memoircs de Jacques II. Correspondance et ecrits de Washington. See Washington, G De la democratic en France. Paris, 1849. 8. Democrazia in Francia, 1849. Roma, n. d. 8. Essaia sur 1'histoire de France, complement aux observ. de Mably. 7ine ed. Paris, 1847. 12 Etudes biographiques sur la revolution d'An- gleterre. Bruxellcs, 1851. 12 Etude historique sur Washing-ton. See Witt, C. de Gouvernement de la France depuis la restau- ratiou. 2e ed. Paris, 1820. 8 Histoire dc Charles I., 1025-19. 5e ed. Paris, Is51. 2v. 8 Histoire de la republique et de Cromwell. 1049-53. Paris, 1854. 2v. 8" History of the English revolution of 1040, transl. by Hazlitt. London, 1846. 12 . . Sir Robert Peel, etude d'histoire contempo- raine. Paris, 1850. 8 - Same. Nouv. ed. Paris, 1853. 12" ... Washington. Nouv. ed. Paris, ls!4. 12 . . GULIELMUS, J. De magistratibus urbis Romanae. [Sallengre. Thesaurus antiq. Rom. v.3] . See also : Uugliclmo, Guillaume, \Vilhelm, Wil- liam. GULLIVER'S travels, by J. Swift. [Ballantyne. Novelist's library, v. 9] 2573.1 GUM. Xouvcau manucl complet du fabricaut d'ob- jets en gomrne factice. Desormeaux, P. . 4019.23 GUMILLA, J. El Orinoco illustrado, y defendido. 2a impr. Madrid, 1745. 2v. 4 2305.20 GUMMERE, J. Elementary treatise on astronomy. Philadelphia, 1822. 8 **E.187.3 G UMPACII, J. v. Inquiry into the moon's rota- tion. London, 1850. 8" 3924.5 GUMPELZIIEIMER, A. Compendium musicae Lat- ino-Germanicum. Ed. 4a. Augusta, 1005. 4 *4047.20 GUMPOLD. Vita Vencezlavi ducis Bohemia;. [Mignc. Patrologise v.135] 3460.14 GUMS, of the teeth. Devastation of the. Koecker, L. [Philadelphia jour. med. and phys. sci- ences. August, 1821] *M.Pph.v.9 GUN-COTTON. Nouvcau manuel complet pour la fabrication du coton-poudre. Roussel, T. . 4019.24 GUN-SHOT wounds, Treatise on. Hunter, J. . . 3s03.29 GUNDECIIAR. Liber pontiflcalis. [Migne. Patro- logiae v.140] 3460.24 GUNDULF. Vita, auctore monacho RofFensi coae- taneo ; Epistolae duae. [Migne. Patrologiae v.159] v. 2 of 3400. 35 GUNN, A. Memoirs of the Rev. J. H. Livingston, D.D. New York, 1829. 8 3544.27 GUNNERY. Dahlgren, J. A. Shells and shell-guns. 3952.7 - Report on thirty-two pounder of 32 cwt. 31152. 10 Douglas, H. Treatise on naval G 3952.8 Greener, W. Science of 3953.6 See also : Firearms, Gunpowder, Projectiles, Shrap- nel shell. GUNNING, H. Reminiscences of Cambridge from 1780. 2d ed. London, 1855. 2v. 12 ... 2490.25 GUNPOWDER. Hutton, C. Results of experiments on the force of 3915.10 Lalanne, M. L. C. Sur 1'introduction de la poudre a canon en Europe 3953.1 See also: Artillery, Explosive compounds, Fire- arms, Gun cotton, Gunnery. Shelf. No. GUNTER, E. Description of the lines on Gunter's scale. See Mountainc, W E. 110.57 GUNTHAR. Opuscula. [Miguc. Patrologiae v.121] 3460.4 GUNTHER. Libri tredecim de oratione, jejunio, et elcemosyna ; Historia captae a Latinis Con- etantinopoleos, 1204; Ligurinus, sive de re- bus gestis Friderici impcratoris Augusti, cognomento Aenobarbi, libri decem [in versu.] [Migne. Patrologiae v.212] . . . 3470.33 GUNTHER, A. F. Entwickelung des Gehororgans. Leipzig, 1842. pp.63. 8 3886.11 GUNZO. Epistola ad Augienses fratres ; Epistola ad Attonem, Vercellensem episcopum. [Migne. Patrologiae v.134, 136] 3400.13,15 GURLEY, if. W. Address before the grand lodge of Massachusetts. Boston, 5803. 8. . *Pph.v.64 GURLEY, R. R. Life and eloquence of Rev. Syl- vester Larncd. New York, 1844. 12 ... 3443.20 GUKNEY, D. Papal and hierarchical system com- pared with the religion of the New Testa- ment. New York, 1843. 8 *Pph.v.l32 GURNET, Joseph. Trial of John Donellan for the murder ot' Sir T. E. A. Boughton, 1781. 2d ed. Lond. 1761. 4 *Pph.v.323 GURNEY, Joseph J. Evidences, doctrines, and practical operation of Christianity. Lon- don, 1825. 8 3435.14 - Same. From 3d London ed. Philadel- phia, 1829. 12 3435.24 Portable evidence of Christianity. Prefixed, an essay by F. Wayland. Boston, 1833. 18. 3436.27 Religious peculiarities of the society of friends. 2d ed. London, 1824. 8 3542.6 GCEOWSKI, A de. Russia as it is. New York, ;. 12 3005.11 GURRUMINAS, Las. Eutremes. [Spanish inter- ludes.] pp.29 18 3095.18 GURRUMINOS, Los. Entremes. [Spanish inter- ludes.] pp.29. 18 3095.18 GUSMAN, N. cli. See Guzman, N. di. GUSSAGO, G. J. Tipografia bresciana. Brescia, 1811. 4 *2120.6 GUSTAVUS Adolphus, Death of. [Camden soc. No. 39] 2416.39 Discourse on the life of. [Bayle. Dictionary, v.5] 2250.1 Geschichte Gustav Adolphs. See Gfrorer, A.F 2s52.4 Histoire de Gustave-Adolphe. See Mauvil- lon.E 2829.14: GUSTAVUS III. king of Sweden. Nachgelassene Papiere, aus dem Schwedischcn. Ueber- sieht, Auszug, u.s.w. von E. G. Geijer. Ham- burg, 1843-40. 3v. 8 2S52.5 GUTBIER, A. v. Geognostische Beschrcibung des Zwickauer Schwarzkohlengebirges und seiner Umgebungen. Zwickau, 1834. 8 . 3868.2 Vcrstcincrungcu des Zwickauer Schwarzkohl- engebirges uud seiner Umgebungen. Zwic- kau, 1835. pp.80. 8, und 11 Tafeln 4 . . 3861.26 Versteiuerungen des Zechsteingebirges und Rothliegenden. See Geinitz, H. B 3860.23 GUTCII, J. Collectanea curiosa, relating to the antiquities of England and Ireland. Ox- ford, 1781. 2v. 8 2520.17 GUTCH, J. M. A ly tell geste of Robin Hode, with other ballads, and his history. London, 1847. 2v. 8 2536.1 GUTENBERG, J. Recit de 1'inauguration de la statue de. See Luchet, A E. 209. 24 Erfindung dcr Buchdruckerkunst durch. See Schaab, K. A 2114.3 GUTH, J. B. Das Ries. See Weng, J. F 2804.9 GUTHER, J. De officiis domus Augustas publicae et privatae. [Sallengre. Thesaurus antiq. Rom. v.3] 2950.2 De veteri jure pontiflcio urbis Rornae ; De jure manium, seu de ritu, more, et legibus prisci funeris. [Graevius. Thesaurus antiq. Rom. v.5, 12] 2950.1 GUTIIRIE 364 HAGUELON Shelf. No. GUTURIE, G. J. Compound fractures of the ex- tremities, and [other] subjects. Philadel- phia, 1841. pp. DO. 8 *3745.23 Diseases and injuries of arteries. London, 1&30. 8 *3803.23 Operative surgery of the eye. 3d ed. Lon- don, 1838. 8 *3804.5 GUTHRIE, W. Geographical, historical, and com- mercial grammar. The astronomical part by J. Ferguson. 14th ed. Lond. 1794. 8.**E.205.10 - Same. 1st Am. cd. Philadelphia, 1794- 95. 2v. 4". and atlas Iv. f *2240.5 - Same. 18th ed. London, 1801. 8 ... 2280.6 - Same. 1st Am. ed. imp. Philadelphia, 1809. 2v. 8 2286.7 GUTTA-PERCHA, Nouveau manuel complet du fabricant d'objets en. Desormcaux, P. . . 4019.23 See Society for promoting Chr. knowledge . 4019.32 GUYLFORDE, Sir R. Pilgrymage to the Holy Land, ed. by Sir H. Ellis. London, 1851. sm.4. [Camden society. No. 51] *2416.51 GUYMOND de la Touche, C. Iphigenie en Tan- ride. [Theatre des auteurs du second ordre. Tragedies, v.4] 2040.19 GUYOT, C. Dissertatio inauguralis de cadaverum sectionibus pathologicis et recto ex illis ferendojudicio. Groningae, [1S18.J 8.*M.Pph.v.l05 GUYOT de Mcrvillc, M. Le consentement force. [Theatre des auteurs du second ordre: comedies en prose, v.12] 2640.19 GUYSE, J. de, and Lcfevre, J. Histoire de Hai- naut [et] aunales de Hainaut, par J. Le- fcvre, avec table gdnerale, par M. Fortia d'Urban. Paris, 1820-38. 22v. 8 *2822.1 GUYSE, Les dues de. See Guise. GUYTON de Morveau, L. B. Chymie. See Ency- clopedic me'thodique . A. 158. 3 Lavoisier, A. L., Bcrtholet, C. L., and Four- croy, A. F. Mcthodc de nomenclature chimique. Paris, 1787. 8 3973.10 - Table of chemical nomenclature, transl. by G. Pearson. London, 1794. 4 3971.4 GUZERAT or Gujarat. Political and statistical his- tory of, translated from the Persian. See Ali Mohammed Khan 3012.0 GUZMAN, N. de. Dclle imprese fatte in acquistare molte provincie, et citta nella maggior Spagna. [Ramusio. Navigation!, v.3] . . 2200.2 GUZMAN de Alfarache. Vida y aventuras del pi- caro. See Aleman, M 3095.2 GWILT, J. Examination of Grecian architecture. See Chambers, Sir W 4092.1 GYLES, J. Memoirs of odd adventures, strange deliverances, etc. Boston, 1730. pp.44. 4. 2366.18 GYLLIUS, P. See Gilles, P. GYMNASTICS for youth. See Salzmann, C. G. . . 4001.16 GYSBERTSZ, K. Histoire d'une persecution qui a 6t& faite aux chrdtiens remains du Japon. [Constantin. Recueil des voyages, v.5] . 2277.12 HAAG, Eugene et Emile. La France protestante, on vies des protestants francais. Paris, 1846-58. 9v. 8 *2644.7 HAAGEN, E. van der. Voyage aux Indes orien- tales, 1599-1608. [Constantin. Kecueil des voyages, v. 2, 3] 2277.12 HAAS, H. Der llangau und seine Grafen. Erlan- gen, 1853. 8 2836.5 HAAS, J. L. Memorial du medecin homceopa- thiste, trad, par A. J. L. Jourdain. Paris, 1834. 24 3807.26 HABAKKUK. Calvin, J. Commentary on .... 5504.3 HABERSHON, M. Ancient half-timbered houses of England. London, 1836. f *4100.22 HABINGTON, J. Reign of king Edward IV. [Ken- net. History of England, v.l] 2410.3 HABINGTON, W. Castara. Preface and notes by C. A. Elton. Bristol, [1812]. 16 .... 2609.11 Poems and life. [Chalmers. Eng. poets, 6] . 2592.7 Queen of Arragon. [Dodsley. Old plays, v.9]. 2588.1 Shelf. No. HACHENBERG, C. F. Elements of Greek grammar, 3d ed. [by C. A. Goodrich.] Hartford, 1822. 12 7099.10 HACHETTE, J. N. P. Histoire des machines a va- peur. Paris, 1830. 8 4015.15 HACK.ETT, J. Narrative of the expedition in 1817 to join the South American patriots. Lon- don, 1818. 8" 2313.6 HADDUCK, C. B. Discourse at Hanover occa- sioned by the death of W. H. Harrison. Windsor, Vt. 1841. 8 *Pph.v.266 HADEN, C. T. Observations on the colchicum au- tumnale as a remedy for inflammatory dis- eases. London, 1820. 8 *M.Pph.v.90 HADES, Scriptural import of the word. Balfour, W. 3453.2 HADLEY, J. Nature and use of Hadley's quadrant, with preface and description of the Nonius, n. p. n. d. pp.24. 8 **E. 110.65 HADOIND. Scripta quse exstant. [Migne. Pa- trologiaev.80] 3450.15 HADRIANUS, Caesar. Delia imperiale villa Adri- ana. See Bardi, G. de 2950.26 See Fragm. hist. Grascorum, v.3 3002.11 HAENKE, T. Reliquiae Haenkeanae seu descrip- tiones et icones plantarum, quas in America meridional! et boreali, in iusulis Philip- pinis ct Marianis collegit T. Haenke. Itcd- egit C. B. Presl. Prague, 1830. 2v. in 1. f .*3S40.11 HAFIZ OOL-MOOLK, Haflz Kehmut Khan. Life, liyhisson. See Mohammed Moost'ujab . 3012.19 HAGAR a story of to-day. See Carey, Alice . . 2409.37 HAGEAU, A. Canal de jonction de la Meuse au Khin. Paris, 1819. Iv. 4. Atlas Iv. f. *3941.2 HAGEN, C. Geschichte der neuesten Zeit. Braun- schweig, 1851,2. 2v. 8 2305.1 HAGEN, E. A. Kiinstler-Geschichten. Leipzig, 1833-40. 4v. 16 4077.35 HAGEN, F. Heinrich von der. Anmerkungen zu der Nibelungen Noth. Frankfurt, a. M. 1824. 8 2903.5 Minnesinger, mit Abbildungen. Leipzig u. Berlin, 1838-56. 5v. 4 *2902.2 Nordische lleldenromane. Breslau, 1814-28. 5v. 24 2903.25 Contents. Vol. I.-HI. Wilkina-und Niflunga-Saga oder Dietrich von Bern und die Nibelungen. IV. Volsunga-Saga Oder Sigurd der Fafnirstodter und die Niflungcn. V. Kaguar-Lodbroks-Saga, und Norna-Gests-Saga. HAGEN, F. Henning. Syllabus abbatum Werth- inensium et Helmstadiensium. [Leibnitz. Script, rerum Brunsvic. v.3] 2810.3 HAGEN, S. de. Iter in Indiam orientalem. [Bry and Merian. Collectiones peregrinationmn. Ser. 2. Pars 8] 2360.26 HAGEN, T. Civilisation und Musik. Leipzig, 1846. 16 *4049.35 Musikalische Novellen. Leipzig, 1848. 16. *4048.1 Contents. Karoline Reichmann ; Der Dorfmusi- kant; Die Opcr auf dera Kirchhofe; Aus der Fariser Gesellschaft; Schreckliche Folgen. HAGENAAR, II. Voyages aux Indes orientales, 1631-38. [Constantin. Reeueil des voyages, v-5] 2277.12 HAGENBACH, C. R. History of doctrines, transl. by C. W. Buch. 2d ed. of v.l. Edinburgh, 1850-52. 2v. 8 3452.7 HAGGAI. Calvin, J. Commentary on 5504.3 HAGGARD, J. Reports on cases in admiralty, 1822-32, 38. Ed. by G. Minot. Boston, 1853. 3v. in 2. 8 3694.5 HAGKONIDES. See Baiter and Sauppe. Oratores Attici 2963.1 HAGUE, W. Discourse commemorative of Rev. J. O. Choules. New York, 1856. 8" ... 2344.7 HAGUELON, P. Calendarium trilingue, seu de mensibus Hebraeorum, Graecorum, et Ro- manorum dialogus. [Gronovius. Thesaurus Graec. antiq. v.9] 2960.2 HAHN 365 HALES Shelf. No. HAIIN, C. W., and Koch, G. L. Die Arachniden. NUrnberg, 1 S3 1-48. lOv. 8 *3870.2 and Herrich-Schaffer. Die wanzenartigen Insecten. Nurnberg, 1831-53. 9v. 8 . . *3S9~.21 HAHN, J. C. Geschichte der Mauren in Spanien. Greifswald, 1845. 10 3102.9 HAHNKMANX, 31. M. de II. Proces de madarae H. Question d' exercice illegal dc la miklc- cinc. Paris, 1846 ? 8 *M.Pph.v.45 HAimxuKR, W. Naturwissenschaftliche Abhand- lungcn. Wicn, 1847-51. 4v. 4 *3S50.8 HAIGIIT, B. I. Letter relative to the recent ordi- nation of Arthur Carey. New York, 1843. 8 *Pph.v.l32 HAILKS, lord. See Dalrymple, Sir D. HAIMIN. Sermo ; Epistolae dua?. [Migne. Pa- trologise v.105] 3450.29 HAIX, L. Repertorium bibliographieum. Vol. I. pt. 1, 2. Vol. II. pt. 1, 2. Stuttgartiae, 1820- 38. 4v. 8 *2141.2 HAINAUT. Annalesde. Guyse, J. de 2822.1 HAINES, C. G. Considerations on the great west- ern canal. 2ded. Brooklyn, 1818. 8 . *Pph.v.24 Beport on the penitentiary system in the U. S. [withapp.] N. Y. 1822. 8 ... . *Pph.v.37 Two speeches in the New York convention, with the proceedings. N.Y. 1824. 8 . . *Pph.v.5G HAINE.S, T. Sixteenth annual report of the su- perintendent of the common schools of Pennsylvania, 1849. [No title-page] . . *Pph.v.l78 HAJlKhalfaor Khalifeh, Mustafa Ben Abdallah. Lexicon bibliographieum et encyclopaedi- cum. Ed. G. Fluegel. Leipzig and London, 1835-52. 6v. 4. [Oriental transl. fund] . . *3021.20 Maritime wars of the Turks, transl. from the Turkish by J. Mitchell. Ch. I.-IV. Lon- don, 1831. pp.80. 4. [Oriental transl. fund]. *3021. 17 HAKEWILL, J. History of Windsor. London, 1813. 4 *2500.6 HAKLUI-T, R. Divers voyages touching the dis- covery of America. Ed. by J. W. Jones. London, 1850. 8. [Hakluyt society] . . . *2264.8 HAKLUYT society. Works issued by the Hakluyt society. London, 1847-54. 19v. 8. Namely: - Collection of documents on Spitzbergen and Greenland *2264.17 - Discovery and conquest of Terra Florida. *22G4.9 - Discovery of the empire of Guiana, by Sir Walter Raleigh *22C4.3 - Divers voyages touching the discovery of America, etc *22G4.8 - Geography of Hudson's Bay *22C4.11 - Historic of travaile into Virginia .... *2264.4 - History of the two Tartar conquerors of China *22G4.14 - Memorials of the empire of Japon . . . *22G4.7 - Mendoza's historic of the kingdome of China. 2v *22C4.13 - Notes upon Russia. [Herberstein.] 2v.*2264.10 - Observations of Sir Richard Hawkins . . *2264.2 - Select letters of Columbus, etc *22G4.1 - Sir Francis Drake, his voyage, 1595 . . . *22G4.G - Three voyages by the north-east .... *22G4.12 - Voyage to Bantam and the Maluco Is- lands, 1604-6 *22G4.16 - Voyages towards the north-west, 1496- 1631 *22C4.5 - World encompassed by Sir Francis Drake.*22G4 . 15 HALDAXE, J. A. Doctrine and duty of self-exam- ination: two discourses. Edinburgh, 1806. 8 *Pph.v.256 Foundation of the observance of the Lord's day, and of the Lord's supper vindicated. Edinburgh, 1807. 8 *Pph.v.2S6 Observations on Mr. Brown's vindication of the prcsbyterian form of church govern- ment, with an appendix. Edinburgh, 1806. 8 *Pph.v.256 HALDEJIAN, S. S. Description of several new and interesting animals. Albany, 1847. 8. *Pph.v.l96 Shelf. No. HALDORSEN, B. Lexicon Islandico-Latino-Dan- icum, cura R. K. Raskii editum. Havniae, 1814. 2v. in 1. 4* 2884.7 HALE, B. Baccalaureate address at Geneva col- lege, 1847. Geneva, 1847. 8 *Pph.v.l60 Inaugural address [at] Geneva college. Ge- neva, N. Y. 1837. 8 *Pph.v.97 - Same. 2d ed. Albany, 1837. 8 ... *Pph.v.97 Liberty and law, a lecture. Geneva, 1838. 8 *Pph.v.l01 Mechanical principles of carpentry. Bos- ton, 1827. 8" **E.213.2 Scriptural illustrations of the service and lit- any of the protestant episcopal church. Boston, 1835. 18 3546.20 Sermon occasioned by the death of D. B. Douglass. Geneva, 1850. 8 *Pph.v.l80 Sources and means of education : a lecture. Geneva, 1846. 8 *Pph.v.l52 HALE, B. E. Conversations upon the constitu- tion of the United States. West Bradford, 1835. 18 7029.26 HALE, Edward E. The immaculate conception : a sermon. Boston, 1855. 8 3464.3 HALE, Enoch. Boylston medical prize disserta- tions for 1S19 and 1821. Boston, 1821. 8 . 3717.7 Experiments on the production of animal heat by respiration. Bost. 1813. 8.*M.Pph.v.60,67 Spotted fever at Gardiner, Me. 1814. Boston, 1818. 8 3797.7 Typhoid fever of New England. Boston, 1839. 8 3796.8 Memoir. See Chauning, W M.Pph.v.130 HALE, Sir M. Works moral and religious, to which are prefixed his life by Burnet and Baxter. Ed. by Thirlwall. London, 1805. 2v. 8 3496.1 Contents. Vol. I. Preface; The life and death of Sir M. Hale, by G. Bumet ; Appendix ; Four let- ters to his children ; A brief abstract of the Chris- tian religion ; Considerations for cleansing the heart and life ; Discourse of religion ; On life and im- mortality; On the day of Pentecost ; Concerning the works of God; Doing as we would be done unto; The life and death of Pomponius Atticus, tr. from Ncpos; Discourse touching provision for the poor. II. Contemplations, moral and divine : Considera- tions of our latter end; Wisdom and fear of God; Knowledge of Christ crucified ; Victory of faith orer the world; Humility ; Jacob's vow; Of contentation ; Of afflictions; A good method to entertain unstable and troublesome times; Changes and troubles, a poem; Redemption of time ; The great audit ; Enquiry touching happiness ; Chief end of man; Remember- ing our Creator in the days of our vouth; Unclean- ness of the heart; Folly of sin; Self-denial ; Motives to watchfulness; Moderation of the affections; Vex- ation from worldly hope and expectation; Instabil- ity of our present condition; Contentedness and pa- tience; Moderation and anger; A preparative against affliction ; Submission, prayer, and thanksgiving; Meditations on the Lord's prayer, etc.; Poems upon Christmas day. Contemplations, moral and divine. 2d part. London, 1721. 12 3446.10 Memoir of. [Tract association of friends, v.l]. 3542.18 HALE, S. Annals of the town of Keene, 1734-90. Concord, 1826. 8 2338.8 HALE, W. H. Precedents in causes of office against churchwardens and others. Lon- don, 1841. 8 3090.3 HALEM, G. A. y. Leben Peters des Grossen. MUn- Bter u. Leipzig, 1803, 4. 3v. 8 3066.1 HALEN, J. van. Memoires, e'crits sous les yeux de 1'auteur, par Ch. Rogier. Bruxelles, 1827. 2v. 8 3103.8 HALES, John, of Eton. Works. Glasgow, 1765. 3v. 10 3443.28 Contents. Vol. I. Preface; Testimonies; Para- phrase on the twelfth chapter of St. Matthew's gos- pel; Tract concerning the sin against the Holy Ghost; Tract on the sacrament of the Lord's supper; Confes- sion of the Trinity; Of the Scriptures ; Power of the keys and auricular confession; Miscellanies ; Con- HALES 366 HALLAM Shelf. No. ILVLES, John, of Eton, continued. cerning schism ; Letter to Abp. Laud; Marriage be- twixt first-cousins; Heading profane history ; Letter concerning weapon-salve j Letters; Oratio funcbris in obitum Thomas ISodlcii; Ecclesiastical jurisdic- tion. II. Abuses of hard places of Scripture ; Deal- ing with erring Christians ; Of duels ; Danger of receiving our good things in this life ; Peter's fall ; Christian ornnipotency ; Duty of constant prayer; Christ's kingdom not of this world ; Tender con- science. III. Sermons : Peace, the legacy of Christ; The profit of godliness; Jacob's vow; Against glut- tony; Enquiry and private judgment in religion; Se- verity of the divine judgments vindicated; Of resolv- ing to take heed to our ways; Letters from the synod of Dort. Golden remains. London, 1659. sm.4 . . . 3443.27 Contents. Sermons ; Letters from the synod of Dort; Dr. Walter Balcanqual's letters from the synod of Dort. Tracts with selections. [Sparks. Tracts in theology, v.5] 3409.20 HALES, John G. Survey of Boston and its vicin- ity. Boston, 1821. 8 **E. 223. 14, 2353.13 HALES, S. Useful discovery to distill double the usual quantity of sea-water, [etc.] 2d ed. London, 175G. 8 *Pph.v.330 HALES, W. Analysis of chronology and geogra- phy, history and prophecy. 2d ed. Lon- don, 1830. 4v. 8 2231.5 HALIBUKTON, Thomas C. Historical and statisti- cal account of Nova Scotia. Halifax, N. S. [1829?] 2v. 8 311. 13 HALIFAX, lord. See Montague, and Savile. HALIFAX [Nova Scotia], Reports of cases in the court of vice-admiralty in. Stewart, J. . . 3020.7 HALINARD. Vita, auctore anonymo ejus discipulo; Epistolae. [Migue. Patrologise v.142] . . 3400.21 HALITGAK. Libri v. de poenitentia ; Liber poeni- tentialis. [Migne. Patrologize v.105] . . 3450.29 HALL, A. II. Sketches of Irish character. Lon- don, 1842. 4 2501.8 HALL, Basil. Captain Hall in America. Philadel- phia, 1830. 8 *Pph.v.80 HALL, Baynard 11. Oration before the societies of the college of New Jersey. New York. 1852. 8 *Pph.v.l92 HALL, E. Chronicle containing the history of England during the reign of Henry IV. and the succeeding monarchs to the end of the reign of Henry VIII. London, 1809. 4 . *2521.0 HALL, Francis. Travels in Canada and the United States in 1810-17. Boston, 1818. 8 .... 2364.21 HALL, Frederick. Catalogue of minerals, found in the state of Vermont, and in the adjacent states. Hartford, 1824. 8 *Pph.v.47, 104 HALL, James, judge, b. 1793. Statistics of the West, at the close of the year 1836. Cin- cinnati, 1836. 12 2373.15 HALL, James, geologist, b. 1811. Address at the anniversary of the Harvard natural history society. Cambridge, 1848. 8 *Pph.v.l73 Address before the society of natural history of the Auburn theological seminary. Aug. 15,1843. Auburn, 1844. 8 *Pph.v.l37 Geology of the fourth district of New York. Albany, 1843. 4 5803.7 Niagara falls, their physical changes and the geology and topography of the surround- ing country, n. p. n. d. 8 *Pph.v.l64 Notes upon the geology of the western states. [No title-page.] 18 *Pph.v.l04 Palaeontology of N. Y. Albany, 1847-52. 2v. 4. 5803.8 HALL, Mrs. James. Phantasia and other poems. New York, 1849. 8" 2399.4 HALL or Halle, John, 6. 1529. An historiall ex- postulation against the abuses of chy- rurgerie and physyke. Ed. by T. J. Petti- grew. London, 1843. 8. [Percy soc. v.ll].*2537.13 HALL, John, of Wallingford, b. 1739, d. 1763. Fu- neral sermon on. See Dana, J 3458.36 Shell. No. HALL, John, 1i. 1<'>70, d. 1730. Discourse on the death of. See Whittelscy, S 3456.43 HALL, capt. John. Trial for conduct in the ship Chesapeake. See United States. Navy de- partment 2343.15 HALL, John E. Philadelphia souvenir. Philadel- phia, 1826. 12" 2399.45 HALL, John H. The word baptizo defined, and the mode of baptism proved from the Scrip- tures. Albany, 1840. 8* *Pph.v.l08 Controversy between the author of " Baptizo defined," and Rev. Mr. Kelly. Albany, 1840. 8 *Pph.v.ll5 HALL, Joseph, bp. of Norwich, 1574-1656. Great mystery of godliness, also the Invisible world discovered to spiritual eyes. Lon- don, 1852. 24 3446.36 Meditations and vows. London, 1851. 24 . 3440.35 Satires and other poems. London, 1838. 8 . 2566.3 Poems and life. [Chalmers. Eng. poets].v.5 of 2592.7 HALL, Joseph. The iron question with reference to the Bessemer process. Lond. 1857. pp. 73. 8 4018.2 HALL, L. V. Beauties and achievements .of the blind. See Artman, W 2246.6 HALL, M. Circulation of the blood, especially in the batrachia and fishes. London, 1831. 8. 3886.4 Diagnosis, in four parts. London, 1817. 8" . 3782.5 Diseases of females. London, 1827. 8. . .*3775.12 - Same. 2d cd. London, n. d. 8 ... .*3775.11 Disorders of the digestive organs, [etc.] Lon- don, 1820. 8 *M.Pph.v.l23 Effects of loss of blood. London, 1830. 8. 3803.19 - Same. Philadelphia, 1830. 8 3803.20 Medical essays. London, 1825. 8 *3721.14 Morbid affection chiefly after delivery, mis- carriage, [etc.] London, 1820. 8 . . *M.Pph.v.72 Nervous system and its diseases. Philadel- phia, 1830. 8* 3802.9 Observations and suggestions in medicine. 2 series. London, 1845, 40. 2v. 12* . . . 2721.23 Observations on blood-letting. Lond. 1836.8. 3803.18 Synopsis of the diastaltic nervous system. London, n. d. 4 3802.1 Theory and practice of medicine. London, 1837. 8 3793.3 Twofold slavery of the United States. Lon- don, 1854. 12 3573.33 HALL, N. Discourse on the Sunday succeeding the funeral of R. Thaxter. Boston, 1852. 8 *Pph.v.l92 HALL, O. A. Oratorical treatise on astronomy and natural philosophy. 4th ed. New York, 1831. 12 *Pph.v.217 HALL, P. Charge delivered to the African lodge, June, 24, 1797, at Menotomy. n. p. 1797. 18. 3567.25 HALL, Robert. Sermon on the death of the prin- cess Charlotte of Wales, preached Nov. 10, 1817. Greenfield, 1818. 12 *Pph.v.209 Terms of communion. From 3d Eng. ed. Bos- ton, 1816. 8 *Pph.v.271 Modern infidelity considered, with respect to its influence on society : a sermon. [Som- mers. Baptist library, v. 2] 3454.1 Memoir of. [Sommers. Baptist library, v. 3]. 3454.1 HALL, Samuel R. Grammatical assistant. 2d ed. Springfield, 1833. 12 7049.32 Lectures on school-keeping. 4th ed. Boston, 1832. 12 *Pph.v.218, 230 HALL, Sarah. Selections from her writings, with memoir. Philadelphia, 1833. 12 2408.8 HALL family. See Whitmore, W. H 2333.13 HALLAM, H. Constitutional history of England. 5th ed. London, 1846. 2v. 8 2514.6 Introduction to the literature of Europe in the 15th, 16th, and 17th centuries. 3d ed. London, 1847. 3v. 8 *2193.1 State of Europe during the middle ages [and supplemental notes]. 9th ed. London, 1846- 48. 3v. 8 2301.3 HALLAMSHIRE 367 HAMILTON Shelf. No. HALLAMSHIRE glossary. See Hunter, J. . . . 2580.10, 11 HALLAKAX, W. S. Enquiry into the causes of the extraordinary number of the insane, with observations on the cure of insanity. Cork, 1810. 8 *M.Pph.v.80 HALLECK, F. G. Alnwick castle, with other poems. New York, 1827. 8 *Pph.v.76 Fanny, [poem]. New York, 1810. 8 . . . *Pph.v.22 - Same. 2d cd. N. Y. 1821. 8' *Pph.v.27 HALLER, A. v. Bibliotheca anatomica. Tiguri, 177-1-77. 2v. 4 *2186.24 Bibliotheca chirurgica. Bernae et Basilise, 1774- 75. 2v. 4 *2186.25 Disputatioues ad morborum historiam et cu- rationcm facicntes. Venctias et Lausannae, 1757-CO. 7v. in 4. 4 *3711.3 Contents. Vol. I. Ad morbos capitis et colli; Ad morbos pectoris. II. Ad morbos abdominis. HI. Ad fcbres; Ad morbos, qui corporis universitatem obsidcnt. IV. Auxilia; Priorum v aluminum supple- mentum. Elementa physiologiae corporis huraani ; [et] auctarium. Lausannae, 1757-82. 9v 4 . *3761.20 First lines of physiology, translated from the Latin, under the inspection of W. Cullen. Edinburgh, 1779. 8 *3763.6 - Same. 1st Am. ed. Troy, 1803. 8 ... *37G3.7 HALLETT, B. F. Arguments of counsel in the trial of Rev. E. K. Avcry, also report of the medical testimony of TV", dimming and W. Turner. Boston, June 1833. 8 3084.5 Trial of Rev. Mr. Avery, supreme court, R. I. charged with the murder of S. M. Cornell. 2d ed. Boston, May, 1833. 8 3084.5 Trial for alledgcd embracery. Commonw. of Mass. vs. E. Clough. Boston, 1833. 8.*rph.v.295 Turner, G., and others. Legislative investi- gation into masonry, Rhode Island. Bos- ton, 1832. 8 *Pph.v.280 HALLEY, Ebcnezer. Christianity: an address be- fore the theological society at Union col- lege. Albany, 1^47. b* *Pph.v.lCO Pantheism of Germany: a sermon. Albany, '. 8" *Pph.V.192 HALLEY, Edmund. Astronomical tables. Lon- don, 1752. 4 **E.184.6 Tabula; astronomies : accedunt de usu tabu- larum pracccpta. London, 1749. 4 . . . **E.184.6 Catalogue of slurs. >', c, Baily, F. . . . v. 13 of 3341.1 Note on the orbit of the comet of. See Lub- bock, J. W 3921 . 19 HALLEY, R. The sacraments : an inquiry. 2d ed. London, 1854, 55. 2v. 10 3540.22 HALLIDAY, .Sir A. Annals of the house of Han- over. London, 1S2G. 2v. 8 2515.2 History of the house of Guelph. London, iNJi. 4 *2410.9 HALLIWELL, J. O. Account of the only known MS. of Shakespeare's plays. London, 1843. pp.24. 8" 2595.4 Character of Falstaff, as exhibited by Shake- speare. London, 1841. 12 . 2598.13, 14, **E. 228.16 Descriptive notices of popular English histo- ries. Lond. 1848. pp.9G. S". [Percy society, v.23l *2537.25 Dictionary of archaic and provincial words. 2d cd. London, 1850. 2v. 8 2584.7 Early naval ballads of England. London, 1841. 8. [Percy society, v. 2] *2537.4 Introduction to Midsummer night's dream. London, 1841. 8 2597.24 Letters of the kings of England. London, 1848. 2v. 12 2419.5 Life of Shakespeare. London, ls-kS. 8 ... 2597.4 Manuscript rarities of the university of Cam- bridge. London, 1841. 8 **E.213.10 Notices of fugitive tracts, and chap-books. Lond. 1849. pp.9G 8. [Percy society, v. 29]. *2537. 29 Nursery rhymes of England. London. 1842. 8. [Percy society, v.4] *2537.6 Shelf. No. HALLIWELL, J. O. continued. Observations on MS. emendations of the text of Shakespeare, and are they copyright? London, 1853. pp.15. 8" 2597.25 Provincial dialects of England. London, 1847. 8 2580.1 Rara mathematica : or, a collection of treat- ises on the mathematics, from ancient ined- ited manuscripts. London, 1839. 8. . . **E.213.8 - Same. 2d ed. London, 1841. 8 ... **E.213.7 Remarks on the emendation " Who smothers her with painting," in the play of Cymbe- line. London, 1852. pp.15. 8 2597.20 Shakespcriana : catalogue of early editions, and of illustrative works. Lond. 1841. 8. *2595.4 Thornton romances, Perceval, Isumbras, Eg- lamour, and Degrcvant. London, 1844. 4. 2537.32 HALLS, J. J. Life and correspondence of H. Salt. London, 1834. 2v. 8 2454.14 HALSTED, C. A. Obligations of literature to the mothers of England. London, 1840. 12 . 3574.8 HALSTED, O. New method of curing the dyspep- sia. New York, 1830. 12 3700.29 HAMANN, J. G. Schriften. Herausgegeben von F. Roth. Berlin, 1821-43. 9v. 10 .... *2906.6 Contents. Vol. I. Vorbericht ; Beylage zu Dan- geuil's Anmerkungen ; Biblische Bctrachtuugen eines Christen ; Brockon ; Gedanken fiber mcinen Lcbcnslauf; Briefe. II. Sokratische Denkwiirdigkci- tcn; Wolken; Kreuzziige des Philologcn ; Essaisala mosaiquc ; Close philippique ; Schriftstellcr und Kunstrichtcr; Lcser und Kunstrichter; Flint" Ilirtcn- briefe; Bcrlinische Beurtheilung der Kreuzzugc de3 Philologen. III. Briefe ; Kleine Aufsatzc. IV. Zwo Rcceusioncn nebst ciner Beylage, betreffend den Unsprung dor Sprnehe; Des Killers von Itosencrcuz letzte Willcnsmeynung iiberdeii gottlichcnund raen- sclilichen Ursprung der Snrache; Philologischc Ein- fiille und Zweifel iiber fine acaclemischc Preis-Schrift; Selbstiresprach eiues Antors; Beylage zun Denkwur- digkeitcn des scligcn Sokratcs ; Neue Apologia des Buchstabcns h. ; Lcttre perdue d'un sauvage du nord; Tableau de mcs finances; Encore deux lettres pcr- ducs ; An die Hexe zu Kadmonbor ; Prolegomena fiber die neueste AusU'gung d'.-r ultesten Urkunde dcsmenschlichcn Gcschlechtes; Lc kcrmcsdu nordi Manchcrley und Etwas zur Bolingbroke-IIervey- Iluntcrschcn Ucbersetzung; Versueh ciner Sibylle fiber die Khe ; Hierophantische Briefe ; Zweifel und Einfalle fiber eino vcrmisehte Nacliricht dor allge- mcinen deutschcn Bibliothek. KIciuc Aufsiitze. V., VI. Briefe; Fragmcnte ciner apokryphisehen Sibylle fiber apokalyptische mystcrien; Zwey Schcrflein zur neuesten deutschen Litteratur; Recension der Critik der reincn Vcrnnnft. VII. Mrtukritik ucbcr den Purismum der reincn Vcrnunft ; Golgatha und Scheb- limini ; Fliegender Brief; Briefe. VIII. Nachtruge, Erlauterungcn und Bcrichtigungen. IX. Register. HAMBKUCER, G. E. De praxi medica rational! ad- discciula ct proponenda praefatio. See Swic- tcn, G. v 3711.2 HAMBLETOX, J. P. Henry A. Wise, with the campaign in Va. in 1855. Richmond, Va. 1850. 8 2343.7 HAMBRIEXTO, Del. Entremes. [Spanish inter- ludes] 3095.18 HAMBURG. Lloyd, H. E. Transactions which took place in that city in 1813 Pph.v.37 Neddermcyer, F. H. Statistik und Topo- graphic H. und seines Gebictes 7193.1 Zimmcrmaun, K. G. Die Cholera-Epidemic in Hamburg, 1831 3805.17 II AM EL. See Becdelievre-Hamel. HAMEL, II. Travels in Korea, 1053. [Pinkerton. Voyages, v. 7] 2200.13 HAMEL, N. World in miniature. New ed. Lon- don, 1830. 12 2289.9 HAJIERSLEY, A. Causes of phthisis pulmonalis. Philadelphia, 1S25. 8 *M.Pph.v.l5 - Same. 2ded. New York, 1827. 8.*M.Pph.v.lG HAMILTOX, capt. Alexander. Account of the East Indies. [Pinkerton. Voyages, v. 8] . 2260.13 HAMILTOX, gen. Alexander. Address to the elec- tors of the state of New York. Albany, n.d. 12 *Pph.v.205 HAMILTON 308 HAMMOND Shelf. No. 1 1 A MILTON, gen. Alexander, continued. Public conduct and character of J. Adams. 3ded. New York, 1300. 8 2327.10 Second letter from Phocion to the considerate citizens of New York. N. York. 1784. 12. 2324.01 Speech against Croswell, indicted for libel on Jefferson Pph.v.2 Mason, J. M. Oration commemorative of. Pph.v.O McDonald, J. Sermon on the death of . . Pph.v.25 Nott, E. Discourse occas. by death of . . E. 110. 42 Otis, II. G. Eulogy on Pph.v.8 Particulars of the late duel fought between Burr and Hamilton Pph.v.33 Wills, T. Statement of the affair of honor between H. and Burr Pph.v.10 and Jefferson, T. Soundness of the policy of protecting domestic manufactures. Phil- adelphia, 1817. 8" *Pph.v.l20 HAMILTON, prof. Alexander, M. D. Treatise of midwifery. Edinburgh, 1781. 8 *3773.14 HAMILTON, count Anthony. L'enchanteur Faustus, conte. [Gamier. Voy. imaginaires,v.3o]. 2G6C.1 HAMILTON, C. Transactions during the reign of queen Anne. Edinburgh, 1790. 8 .... 2515.4 HAMILTON, E. Elementary principles of educa- tion. Alexandria, 1803. 2v. 12 .... **E.219.23 - Same. 3d American ed. Boston, 1825. 2v. 12 3599.13 Examples of questions calculated to excite and exercise the minds of the young. Sa- lem, 1829. 12" **E.219.14 Letters on the formation of religious princi- ple. Salem, 1821. 2v. 12 3599.12 Life of Agrippina, wife of Germanicus. Bath, 1804. 3v. sm.8 2744.18 Memoirs of modern philosophers : a novel. 4th ed. Bath, 1804. 3v. 8 257C.1 Series of popular essays. Boston, 1817. 2v. 24 3599.23 HAMILTON, F. Fishes found in the Ganges. Ed- inburgh, 1822. 4" *3900.15 HAMILTON, F. II. Introductory address at Au- burn, and catalogue of students attending the annual course of lectures on anatomy and surgery. Auburn, 1&J7. 8. . . *M.Pph.v.29 Introductory address in Geneva medical col- lege, 1841. Geneva, 1841. 8" *M.Pph.v.39 Introductory lecture before the surgical class of the college of physicians and surgeons, Fairfield, N. Y. Albany, 1839. 8. . *M.Pph.v.34 Lecture on phrenology. Rochester, 1841. 8" *M.Pph.v.35 Valedictory to the graduates of Geneva med- ical college, Rochester, 1843. 8" . . . *M.Pph.v.39 HAMILTON, Henry P. Analytical system of conic sections. 5th ed. Cambridge, 1843. 8* . . 3925.25 Principles of analytical geometry. Cam- bridge, 1820. 8 3920.14 HAMILTON, Hugh, b. 1729, d. 1805. Geometrical treatise of the conic sections, transl. from the Latin. London, 1773. 4 **E.171.24 HAMILTON, James. Life and dying confession. Albany, 1818. 8 *Pph.v.24 HAMILTON, James, M. D. Observations on mid- wifery. Edinburgh, 1830. 2v. 8 *3773.15 Utility of purgative medicines. 1st Am. ed. Philadelphia, 1809. 12 3809.4 - Same. Fr. 5th Edinb. ed. Phila. ISIS. 8. 3722.13 HAMILTON, P. Treatise on the law and gospel. See Fathers of the English church, v.l. 3477.20 HAMILTON, R. W. Revealed doctrine of rewards and punishments. London, 1853. 12. [Con- gregational lectures] *3453.20 HAMILTON, Wm. b. 1704, d. 1754. Poems and life. [Chalmers. English poets, v. 15] 2592.7 HAMILTON, Rev. Wm. d. 1797. Letters on the No. coast of Ireland. [Pinkerton. Voy.v.3] 2260.13 HAMILTON, Sir Wm. b. 1730, d. 1803. Pitture de' vasi antichi. Ed. romana, trad, da F. de Sanctis. Roma, 1814. 4 *4001.0 Shell: No. HAMILTON, Sir Wm. b. 1788, prof, of logic, etc. at Edinb. Lectures on metaphysics. Ed. by Rev. H. L. Mansel and John Veitch. Edin- burgh, 1850-60. 4v. 8 3003.6 HAMILTON, Wm., M. />., b. 1708, d. 1808. Utility of foxglove in consumption, etc. London, 1807. 8 *3000.20 HAMILTON, William, M. B. Prodromus plantarum Indiae occidentalis. Londini, 1825. pp. 07. 12 3856.10 HAMILTON, W. D. Papers illustrative of the life and writings of John Milton. [London], 1859. 4. [Camden soc. No. 75] *2420.19 HAMILTON, Mass. History of. Felt, J. B. . . . 2350.5 HAMILTON, Madison co. N. T. Literary and theo- logical institution. Catalogue of the officers and students, 1832-34, 1841-42, 1843-45. Ham- ilton and Utica, 1832-44. 8.*Pph.v.87, 93, 129, 135, 144 Madison university. Catalogue of, 1851-53. Hamilton, 1852-53. 8 *Pph.v.l96 HAMILTON college. See Clinton, N. T. HAMLET. Uistoire of Hamblet, on which the tragedy is constructed. [Collier. Shake- speare's library, v.l] 2597.5 Macdoncll, P. Essay on the tragedy of . . . 2595.4 HAMLIN, J. Discourse on the death of. SeeHunt- ington, E 3458.43 HAMLIN, L. F. English grammar in lectures. Stcr. ed. Boston, 1832. 12 7049.34 HAMMER, C. E. I. Dissertatio inauguralis anatom- ico-pathologica sistens tumorum morboso- rum in cerebro observationes novas. Lip- siae, n.d. 4 *M.Pph.v.l04 HAMMER-PURGSTALL, J. v. Geschichte des os- manischen Reiches. 2te Aufl. Neue Ausg. Pesth, 1840. 4v. 8 3082.8 Histoire de 1'ordre des assassins, trad, par J. J. Hellert et P. A. de La Nourais. Paris, 1833. 8 3083.2 History of the assassins, transl. from German, by O. C. Wood. London, 1840. 12 .... 3045.22 HAMMERSCHMIDT, A. Motetto a 5 voci. [Dehn. Practische Musik-Werke, v.ll] 4051.14 Motetto a 10 vel 15 voci, manuscript. Est ist nicht guth dass der Mensch aleine sey. pp.17, f . . *4040.10 Motetto fur C Singst. mit Bass cont. Schaffe in mir Gott ein reines Herz. [Dchn. Prac- tische Musik-Werke, v. 10] 4051.14 HAMMERSMITH, Middlesex, Eng. History and an- tiquities of the parish of. Faulkner, T. . 2495.13 Description of the hamlet of. Faulkner, T. . 2505.2 HAMMOND, Jabez D. Address on the dedication of the New York conference academy, at Charlotteville. Albany, 1851. 8 . . .*Pph.v.l93 Evidence, independent of written revelation, of the immortality of the soul : an address. Albany, 1851. 8 *Pph.v.l94 Letter to Calhoun on the annexation of Tex- as. Cooperstown, 1844. 8 *Pph.v.l44 Letter to D. Webster, [relative to his speech of March 7, 1850.) n. p., n. d. 8 . . .*Pph.v.l80 HAMMOND, James, b. 1710, d. 1742. Love elegies. [Johnson. English poets] v.49 of 2589.3 Poems and life. [Chalmers. English poets]. v.ll of 2592.7 HAMMOND, James H. Two letters on slavery in the United States, addressed to Thomas Clarkson. Columbia, [S. C.] 1845. 8.*Pph.v.l46 Letter on marl. See South Carolina agricul- tural society 0374.20 Review of letters on slavery 3o72.5 HAMMOND, John. Leah and Rachel, or Virginia and Maryland. [Force. Tracts, v.3] . . . 2323.3 HAMMOND, Wells S. Oration delivered at Cherry Valley, 4th July, 1839. Albany, 1839. 8 *Pph.v.lO? HAMMOND, William. Original sin, justification by faith and the Holy Spirit. 4th ed. Bir- mingham, n.d. 8 *3452.10 HAMOND 369 HANSEN Shelf. No. HAMOND, J., D. D. Historical narration of the Bible. 2 parts. London, 1727. 8 .... 3419.4 HAMOR, K. Solida narratio de moderno provinciae Virginia; statu. [Bry and Merian. Collec- tiones pcregrinatiouum, etc. Ser.l, v.4] . . 2360.26 HAJIPDEN, J. Aristocracy of England. 2d ed. London, 1846. 16 2519.28 HAMPSHIRE, Eng. Gilpin, AY. Coast of . . . . 4066.12 Mudie, R. Condition and prospects of . . . 2504.13 Post-office directory 2483.1 Warner, K. Collections for the history of . . 2472.4 See also : Wight (Isle of) . Winchester. HAMPSTEAD, co. of Middlesex. Topography and natural history of. Park, J. J 2505.3 HAN Koong Tsew, or the sorrows of Han, a Chi- nese tragedy, trausl. by J. F. Davis. Lon- don, 1829. 4". [Oriental transl. fund.] . . *3011.24 HANBURY, Barnard. Journal of a visit to some parts of Ethiopia. See Waddington, G. . 3051.12 HANBURY, Benjamin. Memorials relating to the independents or congregationalists. Lon- don, 1839-44. 3v. 8 3525.5 HANCARVILLE, P. F. II. d'. Kecherche sur les arts delaGrece. Londres, 17S5. 3v. 4. ... *3071.3 HANCOCK, A. British uudibranchiate mollusca. See Alder, J 3870.14 HANCOCK, Rev. John, b. 1071, d. 1752. Sermon preached at the Instalment of Kev. T. Har- rington, in Lancaster. Boston, 1743. 8 . *3456.65 Appleton, N. Funeral discourse on 3456.61 HANCOCK, Eev. John, 6. 1702, d. 1744. Funeral disc, on Edmund Quincy. Bost. 1738. 8.*3457.41 Gay, E. Funeral sermon 3457.31 HANCOCK, Gov. John. Higginson, S. Ten chap- ters in the life of 2342.16 HANCOCK, T. Principles of peace exemplified. Ster. ed. Boston, 1838. 10 3577.17 HAND, F. Aesthetik der Tonkunst. Leipzig und Jena, 1837-41. 2v. 8 *4049.9 HAND, Mechanism and endowments of the. Bell, C. 3485.4 HANDBOOK for Mount Auburn cemetery. Boston, 1858. pp.70. 10 2-353.17 HANDBOOK for travellers. Manuel du voyageur. See Genlis, E. F. D. de S. A. B E. 207.8 HANDBOOK of the principal families in Russia. Dolgorouky, P 3069.6 HANDBOOK, The, of taste in book-binding. Lon- don, n.d. 8 2113.11 HANDBOOK of church and state. Redgrave, S. . HANDBOOK for Wiltshire, Dorsetshire, and Som- ersetshire. Murray, J 2486.13 HANDBUCII der musikalischcn Littcratur. Leip- zig, 1817. 8 *2170.21 HANDEL, G. F. Chorus aus dem Alexanderfest, The many rend the skics,4voci con instr. [Dehn. Practische Musik-Wcrkc, v.l'J] . . 4051.14 Music of Judas Maccabxus. See Judas. . . 2575.9 Burney,C. Musical performances in commem- oration of II.. 4041.3 Meyer, G. M. Eine biographische Charakter- istikvon 4049.17 Life of. See Schoelcher, V 4046.30 HANDELMANN, H. Die letzten Zciten hansischer Uebermacht im skandinavischen Norden. Kiel, 1853. 8 2836.9 HANDJERI, A. Dictionnaire francais-arabe-persan etturc. Moscou, 1840-11. 3v. 4" *3031.2 HANDMAID to the arts. London, 1758. 8 .... 4072.13 HANDY, W. R. Text book of anatomy and dis- sections. Philadelphia, 1854. 8 3742.1 HANMER, Sir T. Life and correspondence. See Bunbury, H. H 2453.9 HANN, J. Theoretical and practical mechanics. London, 1849. 8 3944.12 Theory of bridges. See Weale, J 4014.2 HANNAH, J. Poems by Sir Henry Wotton, Sir Walter Raleigh and others. London, 1845. 16. [Library of old authors] 2549.18 HANNEKEN, P. L. De curadomestica Romanorum. [Sallengre. Thesaurus antiq. Rom. v.l] . 2950.2 Shelf. No. HANNETT, J. Bibllopegia, or the art of book- binding. 4th ed. London, 1848. 12 ... *2115.3 HANNIBAL. Dissertazione sul passaggio d'Anni- bale per leAlpi. [Rezzouico dclla Torre. Opere,v.8] 2792.14 Amati, P. Dissertazione sopra il passaggio dell' Apennino fatto da Annibale .... 2755.10 De Luc, J. A. Histoire du passage dcsAlpes. 2756.3 Guillaume, F. Campagnca d'Annibal en Italie 2751.2 Wickham, H. L. and Cramer, J. A. Hanni- bal's passage over the Alps 2756.2 See Fragmcnta historicorum Grasc. v.3 . . . 3002.11 HANNO Carthaginiensis. Periplus. [Didot. Geo- graphi Graeci minores] 3002.12 Navigatione. [Ramusio. Navigationi e vi- aggi.v.l] 2260.2 HANNO, abp. of Cologne.- See Anno. HANOVER, Germany. Archiv der Gcsellschaft fur iiltcre deutsche Geschichtkunde. F'rank- furt a. M. und Hannover, 1820-58. lly. 8. *3409.1 Halliday, Sir A. Annals of the house of . . 2515.2 Knesebeck, E. v. dem. Geschichte der chur- hannoverschen Truppen in Gibraltar, Mi- norca, u. Ostindien 2837.2 Reden, F. W. O. L. v. Das Konigrcich H. . 2837.3 Schradcr, H. A. Plantae rariorcs Hannovcra?. 3840.7 HANOVER, A". //. Dartmouth college. Catalogue of the officers and students, ia32, 34, 38, 39, 1841-46. Hanover, etc. 1832-16. 8 .... .... *M.Pph.v. 32-34, 38,41, *Pph.v.M4, 227, 283 - Catalogus eorurn qui adhuc alicujus gra- dus laurea exornati fuerunt. Andoverii, L 8 *Pph.v.l3 - Candid review of the sketches of the his- tory of Dartmouth college, from 1779- : [Xo title-page.] 8 *Pph.v.l3 - Sketches of the history of Dartmouth college and Moor's charity school, from 1779-1815. n.p., n.d. 8" 3592.22 - Vindication of the trustees of Dartmouth college. Concord, 1815. 8 2387. 7 - Report of case of the trustees against W. II. Woodward. Farrar, T 3684.6 - New Hampshire medical institution, cir- cular, etc., 1826. 8 *M.Pph.v.l5 Northern academy of arts and sciences. Con- stitution and by-laws, and first, second an- nual report of the curators. Hanover, 18I-- 43. 8 *Pph.v.l29 HANSARD, T. C. Art of printing, its history and practice. Edinburgh, 1851. 12 *2114.4 Debate in parliament on the corn laws, 1 E London, [1846.] 2v. roy.8" 3651.4 Parliamentary debates, v. 1-41. New ser. v.l- 25. Sdscr.v. 1-153. 22 Nov. 1803. 19 April. 1859. London, 1804-59. 218v. 8 *7098.2 Typographia : the origin and progress of printing. London, 1825. 8 *2111.5 HANSCOM, W. C. Sermons, with memoir by J. Q. Adams. Boston, 1838. 12" *3459.1 HANSEATIC league, Handelmaun, H. Die letzten Zciten hansischer Uebermacht im skandina- vischen Nordcn 2836.9 RouxdeRochelle,J. B. G. Villes anseatiques. 2276.15 HANSEN, C. Langtfra Danmark : Skizzer og Scener fra de Forenede Stater, I.-III. KjUbenhavn, 1852-55. 8 2364.14 HANSEN, II. J. Begyndelscsgrundene af Lauren om Abcrratsionen. Kjobenhavn,1831. 8.**E.110.63I HANSEN, J. B. De jurejurando vcterum. [Grae- vius. Thesaurus antiq. Rom. v. 5] .... 2950.1 HANSEN, J. N. De music in corpus humanum vi dissertatio psychologico-medica. Bero- lini, 1833. 4 *4052.49 HANSEN, P. A. Tables dc la lune. Londres, 1857. 4 **E.160.3 Untersuchung iiber die gegenseitigcn Storuu- gen des Jupiters und Saturns. Berlin, 1831. 4 **E. 186.1 HANSON 370 IIARMONTA Shelf. No. HANSON, J. W. History of Danvcrs. Danvers, ISIS. 12 2357.10 History of Norridgewock and Canaan. Bos- ton, 1849. 12 2339.8 HANWAY, J. Account of the society for the en- couragement of the British troops. Lon- don, 1700. 8 2512.0 Account of Russia, Prussia and the low coun- tries. [Knox. New coll. of voyages, v.4,5]. 2203.1 HARBORS. Rennie, Sir J. Theory, formation, and construction of. 4010.1 White, J. Essay on harbours of refuge . . 3952.10 See also: Great Britain (sessional papers), Ply- mouth. HARDIE, J. Account of the malignant fever lately prevalent in N.York. ST. Y. 1799. 8.*M.Pph.v.lO, 26 Account of the malignant fever of New York during 1805. New York, 1805. 8. . . *M.Pph.v.l New freemason's monitor. 2d cd. N. York, 1819. 12 3507.14 HARDING, J. D. Lessons on trees. Lond. n.d. 4.*4000.15 Principles and practice of art. Lond. 1S45. f .*4000.11 HARDING, W. History of Tiverton, Devonshire. Tiverton, 1845-47. 2v. 8 2494.9 HARDIOX, J. Storia universalo continuata dal sig. Linguet e Thiulen, trad, dal Francese. Roma, 1800-9. 35v. 8m.8 *2219.1 HARDOIN de la Reynerie, L. E. Plaidoyers. [An- nales du barrcau francois. B. ancien. v.5] 3708.1 HARDWICK in Suffolk, Eng. History and antiq- uities of. See Cullum, Sir J 2471.14 HARDWICKE., Zd earl of. See Yorke, P. HARDY, F. Life of J. Caulfleld, carl of Charle- mont. 2ded. London, 1812. 2v. 8 . . . 2453.13 HARDY, R. W. H. Remarks on some properties of light. London, 1856. 8 3920.28 HARDY, William. Trial of, on an indictment for the murder of an infant, Nov. 27, 1800. Bos- ton, 1807. 8 *Pph.v.63 HARK, F., bp. Life of John Tillotson, archbishop of Canterbury. London, 1717. 8 3555.15 Difficulties and discouragements which attend the study of the Scripture. [Sparks. Tracts in theology, v. 2] 3409.26 HARE, U.,last lord Coleraine. Account of Tot- tenham high cross. See Oldfleld, U. G. . . 2499.19 HARE, J. I. C., and Wallace, II. B. American leading cases, with special reference to mer- cantile law. 3ded. Phila. 1S52. 2v. 8 . 3695.0 HARE, R. Account of some eudiometers of an imp. construction. u.p.,n.d. pp.12. 8.**E.224.8 Animadversions on the review of his theory of galvanism, by Dr. Patterson. 8. *M.Pph.v.llO Compendium of chemical instruction, 4th ed. Philadelphia, 1810-43. 8 3971. Description of a part of the apparatus used in the chemical course of the university of Pennsylvania. Phila. 1820. pp.52. 8.**E.110.11 Essays chemical, electrical, and galvanic. n.p., 1825. pp.48. 8' **E. 110.24 Mechanical electricity [and voltaic electricity] . Philadelphia, 1840. pp.23. 8 3962.8 New modifications of galvanic apparatus. [No title-page.] 8" M.Pph.v.110 New theory of galvanism, also a new mode of decomposing potash. Philadelphia, 1819. 8 *M.Pph.v.llO Objections to the nomenclature of Berzelius. Philadelphia, 1840." pp.23. 8 2962.8 Queries and strictures respecting Espy's me- teorological report to the naval department, etc. Philadelphia, 1852. 8 *Pph.v.l95 Radicals of more than one element in the am- phide salts. Phila. 1842. 8" 3962.8 Review of certain doctrines advanced by Lie- big and sanctioned by Gregory and Kane. [No title page.] 8 *M.Pph.v.43 Strictures on a publication entitled Clark's gas blow-pipe. Philadelphia, 1820. 8.*M.Pph.v.llO Shelf. No. HARE, R. continued. Strictures in reply to remarks on the calori- motor, published in the Medical recorder. Philadelphia, 1820. 8 *M.Pph.v.llO Two electrical fluids, according to Du Faye, or one, according to Franklin? [No title- page] 8 *M.Pph.v.llO On the cxplosiveness of nitre. [Smithsonian contributions, etc. v. 2, art. 7] 3340.1 HARE, T. Cases relating to railways. See Nich- oll,II.1 3095.1 HARFORD, J. S. Life of M. A. Buonarroti, with transl. of many of his poems and letters, also mems. of Savonarola, Raphael and Vit- toria Colonna. 2dcd. Lond. 1858. 2v. 8. 4065.5 Life of Thomas Burgess, late bishop of Salisbury. London, 1840. 8' 2447.14 HARGRAVE, F. Catalogue of his MSS. now in the British museum. See London 2130.12 HARGROVE, E. History of Knaresbrough, with Harrogate. Cth ed. Knaresbrough, 1809. 12 *2499.21 HARGROVE, W. History of York. York, 1818. 2v. in 3 *2505.13 IIARING, W. Der neue Pitaval. See Hitzig, J. E. 3699.2 IIARINGTON, SirJ., and others. Nugae antiquae, in prose and verse, with notes by T. Park. London, 1804. 2v. 8 2557.7 Contents. Vol. I. Letters ; Miscellaneous papers. II. Additions to Godwin's catalogue of bishops ; Dis- course concerning Elias ; Character of John, lord Harrington; and poems by various authors, written between 1540-1612. HARIOT, T. De commodis et incolarvm ritibvs Virginias. [Bry. Collectiones peregrina- tionum. Ser.l.pt.l] 2300.26 HARIRI. See Abu-Muhammad al-Kasim. HARIULF. Chronicon Centulense ; Vita S. Arnulfl, episcopi Suessionensis ; Vita S. Madelgi- sili, confessoris et eremitae. [Migne. Pa- trologias v.174] 3470.3 HARIVANSA, ou histoire de la famille de Ilari, trad, par S. A. Langlois. Paris, 1834-35. 2v. 4. [Oriental transl. fund] *3011.1 HARLAN, R. Description of a new species of fresh water tortoise, inhabiting the Colum- bia river, of the horned agamas, etc. 8. [American journal of science, etc. v.31] *Pph.v.98 HARLAN, R. W. Refutation of misrepresentations against the author of the Fauna Americana issued in the Philadelphia Franklin journal and N. II. review. Phila. 1826. 8 . . . *Pph.v.61 Critique on the Fauna Americana. See God- man, J. D Pph.v.61 HARLAND, J. House and farm accounts of the Shuttleworths of Gawthorpe Hall, 1582- 1621. 1856, 57, 58. 2v. 801.4". [Chetham society, v. 25, 41,43] *2415.14 HARLAY, A. de., Discours sur la vie et mort de. [Lafaist. Arch. hist. France. Se"r.l, v.15]. 2617.1 HARLAY de Chanvalon, F., db'p of Paris. Instruc- tion pastorale sur la perfection chreticnne et sur la vie interieure. [Fenelon. (Euvres, v.5] 3495.3 HARLEIAN manuscripts in the British museum, Catalogue of the. See Great Britain. Rec- ord commission 7070.4 HARLEIAX miscellany, or a collection of scarce, curious, and entertaining pamphlets and tracts, with notes. London, 1808-11. 12v. imp. 8 *2412.1 HARLEY, lady Brilliana. Letters, ed. by T. T. Lewis. London, 1854. sm.4. [Cainden society,58] *2426.1 HARMANSEN, W. Voiage aux Indes orientales, 1601-3. [Constantin. Recueil des voy. v. 2]. 2277.12 HARMER, A. pseud. See Wharton, H. HARMON, D. W. Voyages and travels in North America. Andover, 1820. 8" 2362.12 HARMONIA mensurarum. See Cotes, R. . . . E. 186.16 HARMONIES 371 HARRISON Shelf. No. HARMONIES of the evangelists. See Bible. HARMONIES poi'tiques et religieuses. Lamartine, 31. L. A. P. do 2704.7 HARMONY, The, of birds : a poem. London, 1843. p. 8. [Percy soc. publ. v.7] 2537.0 HARMONY. Aaron, P. De institutione harmonica 4047.3 Albrcchtsberger, J. G. Writings on musi- cal II 4042.3 Cousscmakcr, C. E. H. de. Histoire de I'har- monic au moyen-age 4041.5 Jelenspcrger, D. Die Harmonic im Anfange dcs lOtcu Jahrhundcrts 4041.10 Knecht, J. H. Elemcntarwcrk der Harmonic. 4052.27 Mainzcr, J. Principles of. 4042.8 Sclvaggi, G. Trattato di armouia 4055.34 Smith, R. Philosophy of musical sounds . . 4042.14 HARMS, C. Lcbcusbeschreibung. [Autobiogr.] Kiel, 1851. 8 3554.10 HARP of the willows. Perkins, E 2409.41 HARP and the cross, The. Bulfinch, S. G 3449.6 HARPER, J. G., and brothers. List of publica- tions. New York, 1859. 12" 2139.6 HARPER, R. G. Select works, consisting of speeches. Vol. I. Baltimore, 1814. 8 . . 2406.6 Birth of Washington : an oration. Alexan- dria, 1810. 8 *Pph.v.l2 Letter on the accession of Mr. Jefferson. Portsmouth, X. H. 1801. 8 *Pph.v.304 Observations on the dispute between the U. S. and France. 4th ed. London, 1798. 8 . . 2324.27 - Same. [With his] speech on the foreign intercourse bill. 4th Am. ed. Boston, 1798. 8 *Pph.v.301 Speech on the foreign intercourse bill, in re- ply to Nicholas and Gallatin, 1798. 8 . *Pph.v.l9 Speech at the celebration of the triumphs of the cause of mankind in Germany, delivered at Annapolis, 1814. New Haven, 1814. 8. 2324.20 and Walsh, R. Correspondence respecting Russia, with [a] speech and essay. Phila- delphia, 1813. 8 *Pph.v.l HARPER, W., and others. Pro-slavery argument. Pliila. 1853. 8 3573.17 See Slavery, etc. Review of H.'s memoir on slavery 3572.5 See South Carolina. Agricultural society. Memoir on slavery 6374.20 HARPOCRATION, V.,and Mooris. [Atftif pi/Top^cai] cxrcccnsionc I. Bekkeri. Berolini, 1833. 8. 2988.15 HARRINGTON, II. T. Comparative importance of foreign and domestic missions : a discourse. Albany, 1846. 8 *Pph.v. 152 Moral influence of the American government : an oration. Albany, 1846. 8 *Pph.v.l54 Sermon on occasion of the anti-rent disturb- ances, 1844. Albany, 1845. 8" *Pph.v.l44 HARRINGTON, James. Occana and other works, with life by J. Toland. London, 1700. f. *3561.1 Contents. Oceana; The prerogative of popular government, in two books; The art of law-giving, in three books; A word concerning a house of peers; Six political tracts written on several occasions, viz : Va- lerius and Publicola, a system of politics; Political aphorisms; Seven models of a commonwealth; The ways and means of introducing a commonwealth, by the consent of the people ; The humble petition of divers well affected persons, with the parliament's an- swer. Vindication of the considerations upon Mr. Harrington's Oceana. See Wren, M. . . . 3569.25 HARRINGTON, Sir John. See Harington, J. HARRINGTON, T. Sermon at the instalment of. See Hancock, J 3456.65 HARRIOTT, J. Struggles through life. Philadel- phia, 1809. 2v. 12 2448.23 - Same. 3ded. London, 1815. 3v. 12 . 2448.22 HARRIS, C. A. Dictionary of dental science. Phila. 1849. 8 3734.2 HARRIS, Rev. G. of Liverpool. Unitarianism, the only religion that can become universal : a discourse. Liverpool, [1818]. 8 . . . *Pph.v. 309 Shelf. No. HARRIS, G. esq. of London. Life of lord chancel- lor Hardwicke. London, 1817. 3v. 8 . . 2456.8 Truetheory of representation. Lond. 1857. 8. 3562.2 HARRIS, I. Speech upon the anti-rent question, in assembly. [N. Y.],Fcb. 4, 1846. n. p. n. d. 8 *Pph.v. 155 HARRIS, James, esq.,b. 1709, (/. 1780. Hermes, an inquiry concerning universal grammar. 4th andcorr. ed. London, 1786. 8 2585.1 Miscellanies. London, 1775-86. 5v. 8 ... 2557.6 Contents. Vol. I. Three treatises, the first con- cerning art, the second concerning music, painting, and poetry, the third concerning happiness. II. Hermes, or a philosophical inquiry concerning uni- versal grammar. III. Philosophical arrangements. IV., V. Philological inquiries. HARRIS, James, earl of Malmesbury, 6. 1746, d. 1820. Diaries and correspondence, missions to courts, etc. London, 1844. 4v. 8 ... 2453.5 HARRIS, John, D. D., 6. 1607, d. 1719. Lexicon technicum, or an universal English diction- ary of arts and sciences. 5th ed. London, 1730. 2v. f **E.201.3 Discoveries made by the English in America, from the reign of Henry VII. to the close of that of queen Elizabeth. [Pinkerton. Coll. of voyages, v. 12] 2260.13 HARRIS, John, D. D.,b. 1804, d. 1856. Pro- Adam- ite earth. Boston, 1851. 12 3485.18 HARRIS, Joseph. Essay on money and coins. London, 1757. 8 3646.5 HARRIS, R. Hundred of Westbury. [Hoare. Modern Wiltshire] 2500.3 HARRIS, Thaddcua M. Discourse at Dorches- ter, Dec. 29th, 1799, after the death of Wash- ington. Charlestown, 1800. 8 .... *Pph.v.266 Discourse on the abolition of the slave trade. Boston, 1822. 8" *Pph.v.257 Discourses vindicating the design of freema- sonry. Charlcstown, Anno lucis, 5801. 8". 3567.9 Contents. Twelve discourses ; Masonic eulogy; Charges; Addresses; Dirges; Dissertation on the Tes- sera hospitalia of the ancient Romans; Account of the Roman Arrha hospitalc, and of the Bacillus men- tioned by Olaus Wormius. Natural history of the Bible. Boston, 1820. 8 **E. 217. 3, 3422.9 Sermon. Pray for the Jews ! Boston, 1810. 8 *Pph.v.207 Sermon after the funeral of. See Frothing- ham, N. L 3455.61 HARRIS, Thaddcus W. Insects of New England injurious to vegetation. 2d ed. Boston, 1852. 8 **E.1GG.5, 3897.14 HARRIS, William, D. D., 6.1720, d. 1770. Histori- cal and critical account of Hugh Peters. London, 1751. pp.72. 12 2348.11 Life and writings of James I. Lond. 1753. 8. 2444.13 HARRIS, William C. Highlands of .-Ethiopia. 2d edition. London, 1844. 3v. 8 3055.4 HARRIS, William S. Nature of thunderstorms, and the means of protection against light- ning. London, 1843. 8" 3962.22 Papers relative to Harris's lightning con- ductors. See Forbes, R. B 3962.7 HARRIS, William T. Epitaphs from the old bury- ing-ground in Cambridge, ([Mass.] Cam- bridge, 1845. 12 2334.3 HARRISBDRG. Proceedings of a general conven- tion of agriculturists, [1827]. 8 ... .*Pph.v.71 HARRISON. Rudiments of English grammar. 7th Am. ed. Phil. 1804. 18 7069.14 HARRISON, J. B. Contamination of water by lead. London, 1852. 16 3809.7 HARRISON, M. Rise, progress, and structure of the English language. London, 1848. 12". 2580.8 HARRISON, R. The Dublin dissector, or manual of anatomy. 5th ed. Dublin, 1838. 12 ... 3759.3 HARRISON, W. II. Bouton, N. Discourse on the death of Pph.v.266 Edwards, B. B. Address on the death of Pph.v.266 HARRISON 372 HASSELT Shelf. No. HARRISON, W. H. continued. nadduck, C. B. Discourse on the death of. Pph.v.2G6 Humphrey II. Discourse on the death of. Pph.v.20G Onderdonk, II. U. Serm. in honor of . . Pph.v.121 Potter, II. Discourse on the death of . . Pph.v.121 Richards, J. Eulogy on Pph.v.2G6 Sprague, W. B. Scrm. on the death of . Pph.v.121 Van Rensselaer, C. Funeral sermon . . Pph.v.121 HAREOGATE, West riding of York. History of II. and its medicinal springs. Hargrove, E. 2499.21 Mineral waters of. Scudamore, C. . . M.Pph.v.74 HARROW, History of the free school of. Acker- mann, R 2540.1 HART, C. W. Dialogue between a Christian and a deist. Hartford, 1815. 8 *Pph.v.34 HART, H. G. Army list, and militia list for 1857. London, 1S57. 8 *2486.4 HART, II. V. vs. Ten Eyck, A. Opinion and decree of the chancellor, Jan. 10, 1S1G. Albany, 1816. 8" *Pph.v.l2 HART, John, mason. On oblique arches. 2d cd. London, 1839. pp.40, imp. 8 *4101.18 - Same. 3d ed. London, 1848. pp.52. 4. 4101.17 HART, John, M. R. I. A. Description of the skel- eton of the fossil deer of Ireland, cervus megaceros. 2d ed. Dublin, 1830. 8 . *Pph.v.l64 HARTE, W. Essays on husbandry. London, 1764.8 3993.12 Poems and life. [Chalmers. Eng. poets]. V.16of*2592.7 HARTFORD, Conn. American asylum for the deaf and dumb. 3d-8th, 10th-24th reports of the directors. Hartford, 1819-40. 8 *5175.2 Connecticut retreat for the insane. 3d report of the directors, May 11, 1827. Hartford, 1827. 8 *Pph.v.24G Baptist church. Reason for the secession of a number of members. Hart. 1824. 12.*Pph.v.213 Trinity college. Catalogue of the officers and students, 1844-40. Hartford, 1845. S-*Pph.v.l48, 152 HARTFORD convention, 1814. Proceedings of a convention of delegates from Mass., Conn., R. I. etc, Hartford, 1815. 8 *Pph.v.ll - Same. 3d ed. Boston, 1815. 8 2324.11 History of the. Dwight, T 2327.18 Letters in defence of the. Otis, II. G. . . . 2327.12 HARTLEPOOL, co. Durham. History of. Sharp, C. 2494.20 HARTLEY, D. Observations on man. London, 1791. 3v. 8 3602.9 Theory of the human mind, with essays by J. Priestley, LL. D. 2d ed. London, 1790. 8. 3002.11 Truth of the Christian religion. [From the obs. on man.] Boston, 1808. 12 3430.17 - Same. [Watson. Theological tracts, v.5], 3454.2 HARTLEY, R. M. Intemperance in cities. New York, 1851. 12 3576.25 HARTJIAN or Ilartmundus. Hymnisacri. [Migne. Patrologisev.87] 3450.18 HARTSIIORNE, C. H. Book rarities in the univer- sity of Cambridge. London, 1829. 8 . . *2124.5 HARTSHORXE, J. Effects produced by air upon living animals. Phil. 1805. 8. . . . *M.Pph.v.27 Biographical notice of. See Evans, C. . M.Pph.v.50 HARTUNG, J. A. Lehre von den Partikeln der griech. Sprache. Erlangen, 1832, 3. 2v. 8. 2980.9 HARVARD lyceum, The, published in 1810 and 1811. Cambridge, 1811. 8 *3192.4 HARVARD register, 1827-28. Cambridge, 1828. 8. *5172.3 HARVARD university. See Cambridge, Mass. HARVEST, Contemplations on. Pearsall, R. . . . 3446.2 HARVEY, G. Four letters and certain sonnets, es- pecially touching Robert Greene. First printed, 1592. Newed. London, 1814. pp. 09. 4". [Brydges. Archaica, v.2] *2591.14 New letter of notable contents, with Gor- gon. Lond. 1593. pp.29. 4". [Brydges. Arch- aica, v.2] *2591.14 Pierce's supererogation, or a new praise of the old ass. London, 1593. 4. [Brydges. Archaica, v.2] *2591.14 Shelf. No. HARVEY, "W. Works, transl. from the Latin, With life by R. Willis. London, 1847. 8. [Sydenham soc.] *3714.8 Contents. Anatomical disquisition on the motion of the heart and blood in animals; Second disquisi- tion, in which objections are refuted; Anatomical ex- ercises on the generation of animals, to which are added essays on parturition, on the membranes and fluids of the uterus, and on conception; Examina- tion of the body of Thomas Parr, who died at the age of 152 years; Letters. Concerning the motion of the heart and blood, [with] J. do Back's discourse on the heart. London, 1053. sm.8 3803.11 De generatione animalium. Hagae Comitis. 1080. 24 3879.30 Generation of living creatures. Lond. 1053. 12" 3879.26 HARVEY, W. H. Phycologia Britannica. Lond. 1846-51. 3v. 1.8" *3851.13 Nereis Borcali-Americana. [Smithsonian contributions v. 3,art.4; v.5, art. 5] . . . 3340.1 HARVEY, William W. Sketches of Hayti from the expulsion of the French. Lond. 1827. 8" 2313.11 HARWOOD, E. View of the classics. [Clarke. Bibliographical dictionary] 2148.3 HARZ, Wanderungen durch den. See Blumenha- gen, W 2802.8 HASBROUCK, A. B. Address at his inauguration as president of Rutgers college. New York, 1840. 8 *Pph.v.H7 HASKELL, C. N. See Newburyport directory. HASKINS, R. W. Arts, sciences, and civilization anterior to Greece and Rome. [Buffalo. 1844.] 8 *Pph.v.l38 Exposition of Hazlitt's transl. of Guizot's History of civilization. Buffalo, 1840. 8.*Pph.v.l56 Popular essay upon comets. Buffalo, 1842. 12" *Pph.v.226 HASLAM, J. Considerations on the moral man- agement of insane persons. London, 1817. 8 *M.Pph.v.lll Medical jurisprudence, as it relates to insan- ity. London, 1817. 8 3787.13 On madness and melancholy. 2d ed. London, 1809. 8 3800.35 Medical jurisprudence of insanity. See Coop- er, T 3787.7 HASLEWOOD, J. Ancient critical essays on Eng- lish poets and poesy. London, 1811-15. 2v. sm.4" 2603.7 HASSALL, A. H. Microscopic anatomy of the hu- man body, with additions by H. Vanarsdale. New York, 1851. 2v. 8 3742.2 HASSAM, J. H. English grammar abridged. [Xo title-page.] 8" *Pph.v.231 HASSE, C. E. Diseases of the organs of circula- tion and respiration, translated by W. E. Swaine. London, 1840. 8. [Sydenham society] *3714.9 HASSE, F. R. Anselm von Canterbury. Leipzig, 1843-52. 2v. sm.S 3557.9 HASSE, J. A. Miserere, 2 soprani e 2 alti con stro- menti. [Dehn. Practische Musik-Werke, v.10] 4051.14 Miserere, a 4 voci concertato coninstrumenti. [Dehn. Practische Musik-Werke, v.10] . 4051.14 HASSEL, G. See Ersch, J. S. Allgem. Encyc. . A. 179.1 HASSEL, J. G. H. Geographisch-statistisches Handworterbuch. Weimar, 1817. 2v. in 1. 8 **E.204.7 HASSEJ.L, J. Tour of the Isle of Wight. London, 1790. 2v. in 1. 8 2497.1 - Same. [Pinkerton. Voyages, v.2] . . . 2260.13 HASSELQUIST, F. Travels in the Levant, 1749-52, published by C. Linnsus. London, 1700. 8. 3083.4 HASSELT, A. van. Belgique et Hollande. Paris, 1844. 8". [L'univers] 2266.8 Essal sur la poesie franjaise en Belgique. Bruxelles, 1838. 4 2891.1 HASSELT 373 HAWES Shelf. No. HASSELT, A. van, continued. Moke, H. G. La Belgique monumentalc, his- torique ct pittorcsquc 2862.1 - Les splendours dc 1'art en Bclgique . . . 4071.11 HASSEXFRATZ, J. II. La siderotcchnic, Part do traitor les minerals do fer pour en obtenir de la foute, du fcr, on de 1'acier. Paris, 1812. 4v. 4 *-1021.1 Dictionnaire dc physique. See Encyclopedic methodique A. 166. 5 HASSLER, F. R. Comparison of weights and meas- ures. Washington, 1832. 8 **E.171.17 Elements of arithmetic. N. Y. 1826. 12 . **E.199.13 Elements of analytical trigonometry. New York, 1826. 8 **E. 189.1 HASTED, E. History of the county of Kent. Can- terbury, 1778-09. 4v. f *24S0.1 HASTINGS, C. Nature of inflammation. 1st. Am. cd. Philadelphia, 1821. 8 3798.9 Salt springs of Worcestershire: a lecture. Worcestershire, 1835. 8 *Pph.v.95 HASTINGS, co. of Sussex, Eng. Sketch of. Stock- dale, F. W. L 2503.19 HASTY sketch of a tour through the Austrian Netherlands and Holland, 1785. London, 1787. 8 2863.11 HATCH, J. L. Eights of corporators and report- ers : case of R. W. Gibbes vs. E. J. Arthur. Columbia, S.C. 1857. 8 3684.10 HATCHER, H. History of Salisbury. See Hoarc, Sir R. C. Modern Wiltshire . . . 2500.4 HATFIELD, T. do. Survey of the possessions of the see of Durham, with an appendix and a glossary, by W. Greenwell. Durham, 1857. 8 *2417.30 HATIM Tai, Adventures of. See Adventures . . 3012.3 HATIN, E. Histoire du journal en France, 1031- 1853. 2e ed. Paris, 1853. 12 *2176.7 HATON, C. Memoires,contcuant le recit des evene- ments accomplis du 1553-82, principalement dans la Champagne et la Brie, pub. par F. Bourguelot. Paris, 1857. 2v. 4. [Docs. iued. sur 1'hist. de France. Ire ser. hist. POlit] *2650.4 HATSELL, J. Precedents in the house of com- mons. New ed. London, 1818. 4v. 4. . *7042.1 HATTO, or Hetto, or Ahyto, bp. of Basle. Capit- ulare. [Migne. Patrologiae v. 115] 3450.33 Capitulare ; Libellus de visione et obitu We- tini, monachi Augiensis. [Migne. Patrolo- giae v.105] 3150.20 Epistolae. [Migne. Patrologiae v.100] .... 3450.30 HATTO, abp. of Mentz. Epistola ad Joannem IX, papam. [Migne. Patrologiae v.131] . . . . 3400.10 HAITCII, J. C. v. Denkschriften von H.C. Oersted. 2848.20 HAUDIQUIER, C. M. See Bouquet, M. Recueil, v.0,10,11 2610.1 HAUDIQUIER, J. B. See Bouquet, M. Recueil, v.9,10, 11 2010.1 HAUER, H. Praktische Bemerkungen zu der Schrift des Herrn geheimcn Raths Schede iiber die Gesangs-Noth in der evangelischen Kirche. Berlin, 1853. 8 4049.22 HAUPT, T. Delle minicre e dclla loro industria in Toscana. Firenzc, 1847. 8 3865.2 HAUPTMANN, G. Prolusiones de Andocide. [Reiske. Oratorcs Grajci, v.8] 2967.2 HAUPTMANN, M. Erlautcrungen zu J. S. Bachs Kunst der Fuge. Leipzig, 1841. 4 .... *4042.25 Die Natur dor Harmonik und dcr Metrik: zur Thcorie der Musik. Leipzig, 1853. 8 . *4055.10 HAUSCIIKOX, T. Pensum sacrum metro-rhythmi- cum, CCLXVII odis. Gorlicii, 1648. 24 . . *4*059.42 HAUSMAXX, J. F. L. Gcbirgssystcm der Sierra Nevada, etc. Gottingeu, 1842. 4 3801.15 Handbuch der Miucralogie. Gb'ttingcn, 1813. 3v. sm.8 3884.16 Observations de pyritc gilvo, hepatico ct radiato avctorvm. Goettingae, 1814. 4. *M.Pph.v.l03 Shelf. No. HAUSMAXN, J. F. L. continued. Specimen de relatione inter corporvm natvr- alivm anorganicorvm iudoles chcmieas at- qve cxtemas. Gcettiagae, 1813. 4 . *M.Pph.v.l03 IlArs.MANX, U. F. Die Zeugung und Entstehung des Eies. Hannover, 1840. 4 3882.3 HiUSSER, L. Gcschichte der rheinischen Pfalz. Heidelberg, 1845. 2v. 8 2816.6 HATTSSONVILLE, C. O. Bernin de Cleron d'. Po- litique du gouverneinent francais, 1830-18. Paris, 1850. 8 4663.4 - Same. Nouv. ed. Paris, 1850. 2v. 12" . 4603.7 HAUTEFEUILLE, L. B. Droits, etc. des nations ncutres en temps de guerre maritime. Paris, 1848, 49. 4v. 8 3615.5 HAUTERIVE, A. M. B. L. d', and Cussy, F. de. Re- cueil des traites de commerce, etc., de la France. Paris, 1831-44. lOv. 8 *3688.1 HAUTEROCHE, N. L. Crispin medccin ; Le cocher suppose; Le deuil. [Theatre des auteurs du second ordre. Prose, v.l, Yers, v.l] . 2640.19 HAUT, R. J. Natural philosophy, transl. by O. Gregory. London, 1807. 2v. 8 3963.12 Traite de cristallographie. Paris, 1822. 3v. 8 3865.18 Traite elementaire de physique. 2e ^d. Paris, 1800. 2v. 8 3963.13 - Same. Seed. 1821. 2v. 8" 3903.14 HAY AXE, La. See Merlin, Mme. la comtesse . . 2313.7 HAVELOK the Dane, Ancient romance of. See Madden, F 2571.3 HAVEN, Jason. Sermon in Dedham, Feb. 1790, 40 years after the author's induction into the ministry. Boston, 1796. 8 *3455.47 HAVEN, Joseph. [Life and character of Daniel Webster] an address before the students of Amherst college, Nov. 17, 1852.' 2d ed. Am- herst, 1853. 8 *Pph.v.202 HAVEN, N. A. Remains, with a memoir of his life by G. Ticknor. Cambridge, 1827. 8 . **E.225.3 Contents. Memoir; Orations; Papers read before the Forensic society; Papers published in the Ports- mouth journal ; Sunday schools ; Miscellaneous pieces; Poetry; Correspondence. HAVEN, R. of Lynn, Mass. Genealogy of the de- scendants of. See Adams, J 2333.16 HAVEN, S. F. Address, 2d centennial anniversary of the incorporation of Dedham. Dedham, 1837. 8 2356.16 Archaeology of the United States. [Smith- sonian contributions, v.8, art. 2] 3340.1 HAVEN, S. F. jr. Jf.D. Cases of intestinal obstruc- tion. Philadelphia, 1855. pp. 31. 8 .... *3700.14 HAVERFOED school association. Report of the managers. Philadelphia, 1839. 8. . .*Pph.v.l51 HAVRE de Grace, De la reduction du, 1503. [La- faist. Arch. hist. France. Ser. l,v.5]. . 2017.1 HAWAIIAN islands. Laws of his majesty Kame- hameha III. Honolulu, 1851. 8*. [In Eng- lish and in Hawaiian] 7048.4 Penal code passed 1850. Honolulu, 1850. 8. [Hawaiian and English] 7048.3 Statute laws passed 1845-46. Honolulu, 1840. 2v.ini. 8 7048.1 Supplement to the statute laws. Honolulu, 1848. pp. 76. 8 7048.2 Translation of constitution and laws. Lahai- naluna, 1842. 12 7048.5 See also : Sandwich islands. HAWEIS, T. History of the church of Christ. See Milner, J 3518.2 HAWES, J. Lectures to young men. 4th ed. Hartford, 1830. 18 3446.21 Tribute to the memory of the pilgrims, and a vindication of the congregational churches inN. E. 2ded. Hartford, 1836. 12.. . . 3544.30 HAWES, S. The pastime of pleasure : an allegor- ical poem. London, 1845. p.8. [Percy soc. v.18] *2537.20 HAWKER 374 HAYWARD Shelf. No. HAWKER, K. Zion's pilgrim, [etc.] 1st American from 4th London ed. Boston, 1808. 12. . 3445.22 HAWKI:S, T. II. Sermon preached at the ordina- tion of. See Sprague, W. B . Pph.v.203 HAWKESWORTH, J. llelation des voyages cntre- pris pour faire des decouvcrtes dans 1'hemi- sphere meridional, traduite de 1'anglais. Lausanne, 1774. 3v. 8 2205.11 Voyages in the south hemisphere, by Byron, Wallis, Cartcret and Cook : drawn up from their journals and from the papers of J. Banks. London, 1773. 3v. 4 *2270.6 HAWKINS, Sir C. Observations on the tin trade of the ancients in Cornwall, and on the Ictis of Diodorus Sic. Lond. 1811. 8 *Pph.v.50 HAWKINS, Edward, D.D. The ministry of men in the economy of grace : a sermon before the univ. of Oxford. N. York, 1844. 8 *Pph.v.l37 HAWKINS, Edward, F. K. 8., F. A. S. etc. Silver coins of England. London, 1841. 8 . . . . 2532.5 HAWKINS, Sir J. A general history of music. London, 1770. 5v. 4 *4041.4 - Same. New ed. London, 1853. 3v. roy.8. 4042.4 Life of SamuelJohnson. London, 1787. 8. 2454.15 HAWKINS, Sir R. Observations in the South sea, 1503, ed. by C. K. D. Bethune. London, 1847. 8. [Hakluyt soc. 2] *2204.2 HAWKINS, T. Origin of the English drama, illus- trated in its various species by specimens from our earliest writers. Oxford, 1773. 3v. p.8 2588.8,9 Contents. Vol. I. Candlemas-day, or the killing of the children of Israel, a mystery; Every-man, a morality ; Ilycke-scorner, a morality ; Lusty juven- tus by R.Wever, a morality ; Gammer Gurton's nee- dle, comedy ; Cambises king of Pcrcia, comedy by Thomas Preston. II. The Spanish tragedy, or, Hier- onimo is mad again, by T. Kyd; The love of king David and fair Bethsabe, drama by G. Peele; Soli- man and Perseda, tragedy; Ferrex and Porrex, trag- edy. III. Supposes, comedy by Ariosto, Englished by George Gascoigne; The untrussing of the humor- ous poet, by Thomas Dekker; The return from Par- nassus, or the scourge of simony; Wily beguiled, comedy. HAWKS, T.L. Adventures of Daniel Boone. New York, 1844. 12 2348.22 Contrib. to the ecclesiastical history of the U. S. [Prot. episcopal church in Va. and Md.] New York, 1836-39. 2v. 8 3540.1 United States Japan expedition. Washing- ton, 1850. v.I, III. 2v. 8 **E.221.8 HAWKS, M. Report of trial, Lowell vs. Hawks, for ignorance in professional treatment. See Lowell, C M.Pph.v. 111,121 HAWLEY, G. Address at the public exercises of the Albany academy, Albany, 1835. S *Pph. v. 94 Instructions from the regents of the univer- sity of the state of New York, to the several colleges. Albany, 1835. 8 *Pph.v.l09 HAWOETH, A. II. Saxifragearum enumeratio. London, 1821. 8 3859.18 Supplementum plantarum succulentarum. Londini, 1819. 12 3859.17 HAWSTED, Suffolk, Eng. History and antiquities of. Cullum, J 2471.14 HAXTHAUSEN, A. v. Etudes de la Russie. Han- ovre et Berlin, 1847-53. 3v. 8 3002.4 Studien iiber Kussland. Hannover u. Ber- lin, 1847-52. 3v. 8 3002.7 HAY, A. History of Chichester. Chich. 1804. 8. 2503.10 HAY, D. R. Science of beauty. Edinb. 1850. 8. *4071.14 HAY, AYm. d. 1755. Deformity, an essay. [Dods- ley. Fugitive pieces, v.I] 2549.27 HAY, "Wm. jr. Address before the Washington benevolent soc. Glenn's Falls, 1813. 8.*Pph.v.lO HAYDEN family. See Vinton, J. A. See also: Hey den. HAYDN, Joseph, b. 1732, d. 1809. Oratorio of the creation. Albany, 1840. 8 *Pph.v.llG Oratorio of the seasons, performed at Albany, 1850. 12 *Pph.v.232 Shelf. No. HAYDN, Joseph, continued. Offertorium a 4 voci. [Dehn. Practische Mu- Bik-Wcrke, v.10] 4051.14 Lettcre su la vita e le opcre del celebre maes- tro G. Haydn. See Carpani, G 4044.2 HAYDN, Joseph, d. 1850. Beatson's political index modernised: the book of dignities. Lon- don, 1851. 8 2484.3 HAYDN, M. Tenebrae factae sunt, 4 voci con or- gano. [Dehn. Practische Musik-Werke, v.21] 4051.14 HAYDON, B. R. Lectures on painting and design. London, 1844-40. 2v. 8 *4062.9 Life, ed. by Tom Taylor. London, 1853. 3v. 8 4005.20- HAYES, T. Consequences of neglecting common coughs and colds. 1st Am. from 4th Eng. ed. Boston, 1790. 18 3799.28 HAYGARTH, J. Imagination as a cause and as a cure of disorders of the body. Bath, 1800. 8 *M.Pph.v.59 Letter to Dr. Percival on the prevention of infectious fevers, etc. Bath, 1801. 8 . *M.Pph.v.95 Reply to H's letter to Dr. Percival. See Cald- well, C M.Pph.v.92 HAYLE Y, W. Life and letters of William Cowper. New ed. London, 1834. 3v. 8 2454.11 Poems and plays. New ed. London, 1788. Ov. 12 2568.8 Contents. Vol. I. Essay on painting. II. Essay on history. III. Essay on epic poetry. IV. Notes to epic poetry. V. Triumphs of temper ; The happy prescription. VI. Marcella, a tragedy ; The two con- noisseurs; Lord Russell, a tragedy; The mausoleum, a comedy in rhyme. HAYM, N. F. Biblioteca italiana. Milano, 1771-73. 2v. 4 *21C2.4 HAYMO. Opera omuia diligentissime emendata, accurante Migne. Lutetiae Parisiorum, 1852. 3v. 8. [Migne. Patrologiae v.110-118] . . 3460.1 Contents. Vol. I. Explanat io in omnes Psalmos ; Commentaria in Cantica aliquot ; Commcntaria in Isaiam. II. Euarratio in duodecim Frophetas mine- res; Enarratio in Cantica canticorum; Enarratio in D. Pauli epistolas ; Enarratio in Apocalypsin. III. Ilouiilitcde tompore; IIomilia3 desanctis; Homiliaein alkjuot epistolas Pauli; De corpore ct sanguine Dom- ini ; Historiaa sacrae epitome ; De varietate librorum sive de amore coelestis patria:. HAYNE, P. H. Poems. Boston, 1855. 12 .... 2398.31 HAYNES, H. Attributes and worship of God. 3d ed. London, 1797. 12 3402.23 HAYNES, L. Universal salvation, a very ancient doctrine : a sermon. 10th ed. Boston, 1821. 12 *Pph.v.219 HAYTI. Collection of proclamations and docu- ments, with pref. by Prince Sanders. Lon- don, 1816. 8 2313.10 Formation of the new dynasty. Philadel- phia, 1811. pp.16. 8 3572.5 Lcs six codes. Port-au-Prince, 1828. 10 . . 3709.4 Harvey, W. W. Sketches, from the expul- sion of the French 2313.11 Madion, T. Histoire d' Haiti 2313.1 Placide, Justin. Histoire de Pile d'Hayti . 2313.18 Rainsford, M. Historical account of .... 2310.23 Schoelcher, V. Resultats de 1'emancipation anglaise en Haiti 3572.20 See also: St. Domingo. HAYTON Armeno. Historia dell' origine e succes- ione de' Gran Cani imperadori tartari e della . vita, religione, costumi e condicione de' Tar- tari. [Ramusio. Navigation!, v.2] .... 2260.2 HAYWARD, G. Erysipelatous inflammation in the Mass, general hospital in 1826, 27. No title- page.] 8 *M.Pph.v.l20 Human physiology, for schools. Boston, 1834. 12" 3703.8 Surgical reports, and miscellaneous papers on medical subjects. Boston, 1855. 12 . . 3759.4 HAYWAKD 375 HEATHER Shelf. No. HAYWARD, Sir John, d. 1627. Annals of the first four years of the reign of queen Elizabeth. Ed. by J.Bruce. London, 1840. sm.4. [Cam- den society, 7] *2410.7 Life of king Ed\vard VI. [Kennct. History of England, v.2] 2410.3 HAYWARD, John. Gazetteer of Massachusetts. Boston, 1S4C. 12 2383.4 New England gazetteer. 2d ed. Concord and Boston, 1839. 12 **E.205.15 New England and New York law-register, 1835. Boston, [1835]. 8 *0339.16 HAZARD, E. Historical collections, consisting of state papers. Phila. 1 792-94. 2v. 4 ... *2320.27 HAZARD, S. Annals of Pennsylvania, 1009-1682. Philadelphia, 1850. 8 2372.1 United States commercial and statistical reg- ister, 1839-42. Phila. 1840-42. 6v. roy.8". *3201.3 HAZARD, T. R. Report on the poor and insane in Rhode Island. Providence, 1851. 8 . . . *G335.19 HAZEN, E. Present method of teaching the Eng- lish language. [No title-page.] 12 . . *Pph.v.217 HAZLITT, "W. Journey through France andltaly. London, 1826. 8" 2660.25 Literary remains, with life by his son, etc. London, 1838. 2v. 8 2556.6 Plain speaker : opinions on books, men, and things. London, 1826. 2v. 8 2556.7 The round table, essays on literature, men and manners. Edinburgh, 1817. 2v. 12 . . 2558.30 HEAD, Sir F. B. Defenceless state of Great Brit- ain. London, 1850. 12 2512.16 Descriptive essays. London, 1857. 2v. 12. 5172.5 Fortnight, A, in Ireland. 2d ed. London, 1S52. 8 2470.1 HEAD. Abernethy, J. On injuries of the . . . 3745.1 Bigelow, H. J. Recovery from the passage of an iron bar through the 3745.6 Burns, A. Anatomy of the 3745.10,11 Gama, J. P. Traite des plaies de tete . . . . 3802.14 Mease, J. On the sick headache. . . . M.Pph.v.ll Surgical diseases of the. See Paris. Acadu- mie royale de chirurgie 3714.1 See also : Brain, Cranium, Neck, Skull. HEADLEY, H. Select beauties of ancient English poetry. London, 1810. 2v. 12" 2538.6 HEADLEY, J. T. The one progressive principle : [an address.] New York, 1840. 8. . . *Pph.v.l56 HEALTH. Letters concerning the general health. New York, 1805. 8 *M.Pph.v.l9 Principles applied to the preservation of II. ByMedicus. Albany, 1845 *M.Pph.v.40 Alcott, W.A. Teacher of 3709.20 Armstrong, J. Art of preserving II., poem, 370'..3,32 - Baker, T. E. Preserving health in India . . 3707.0 Blane, G. H. of seamen 3709.30 Cheync, G. Essay on health and long life . Coles, L. B. Philosophy of . 3769.31 Hodgkin, T. Promoting and preserving . . 3709.20 Johnson, J. Influence of sedentary habits on M.Pph.v.13 Lloyd, G. Economy of the public H. . . . 3767.28 Plan for the promotion of public and personal H. See Massachusetts. Misc. Documents . 6349.19 Metropolitan workiug classes association. Address on the public H 3769.21 Parkinson, J. Admonitions respecting the preservation of 3766.17 Robbins, C. Disorders of literary men . . . 3760.15 Sinclair, Sir J. Code of health and longevity. 3706.20 Smith, T. S. Philosophy of 3769.35 Solomon, S. Guide to 3769.25 Sweetscr, W. Influence of the intellect and passions on the 3800.25 Sutherland, J. Health of towns' advocate . 3767.27 Thackrah, C. T. Effects of trades and pro- fessions on health and longevity . . . .3706.18,19 Tissot, S. A. Advice to people with respect to their health 3769.23 Wallis, G. The art of restoring 3766.23 Shelf, No. HEALTH, continued. "Warren, J. <3. Preservation of 3769.28 Watcrhouse, B. Cautions concerning health. M.Pph.v.59 See aJso : Climate, Dietetics, Digestion, Hygiene, Regimen. AJso : Great Britain and New York, for the boarda of health established there. HEALTH of towns' association. Report on lord Lincoln's sewerage bill. London, 1840. 8.*3707.30 Report on objections to the public health bill. London, 1848. 8 *37G7.30 Sanitary condition of London. Lond. 1848. 8.*3707.30 HEARING. Bcobachtungen iiber die Entwickelung des Gehororgans bei Mcnschen uiid hijheren Saugethieren. Giinther, A. F 3886.11 See also : Acoustics, Deafness, Ear. HEARNE, S. Journey to the northern ocean in 1769-72. London, 1795. 4 *2360.5 HEARNE, T. Curious discourses upon English antiquities. London, 1775. 2v. 8 .... 2418.4 Works : containing Robert of Gloucester's chronicle, and Peter Langtoft's chronicle. [London,] 1810. 4v. 1.8 *2412.5 Walker, J. Journeys to Reading and to Whaddon Hall 2453.8 Iluddcsford, W. Life 2455.3 HEART. Andry, F. Diseases of the 3803.7 Bcrtin, R. J. F. H. Traitu des maladies du cccur 3803.6 Billing, A. Diseases of the 3795.11 Brown, B. Ectopia cordis, or cardiac displace- ment 3803.12 Burrows, G. Connection between affections of the brain and diseases of the 3801.11 Corvisart, J. N. Organic diseases of the . . 3803.3 Harvey, W. Motion of the 3714.8 Hope, J. Diseases of the 3803.1 Lacnnec, R. T. H. Maladies du cocur .... 3795.21 Latham, P. M. Diseases of the 3803.8 Lower, R. Tractatus decorde 3803.9,10 Mills, T. Morbid appearances of the .... 3803. 2 Walshc, W. H. Diseases of the 3794.27, 28 Wardrop, J. Nature and treatment of dis- eases of the 3803.5 Warren, J. C. Organic diseases of the . . . 3803.4 See also: Aneurism, Angina pectoris, Arteries, Blood, Hemorrhage, Pulse, Veins. HEARTS' case, or a remedy against trouble. Pat- rick, S 3446.40 HEARTTE, I. T. Tables of longitude. Baltimore, 1819. 8 **E.189.2 HEAT. Forbes, J. D. Undulatory theory of . Pph.v.98 Leslie, J. On the relation of air to 3903.4 - Nature and propagation of. 3903.3 Murphy, R. Theory of 3902.14 Okcii, L. Zur Theorie dcr Wiirme 3920.24 Pedct, J. E. C. Traite dc la chaleur .... 3900.6 Poisson, S. D. Theorie mathematique de la chaleur E. 211. 10 Progress of H. in spherical bodies. [I'layfair. Works, v.3] 3915.5 Tabula? calorum et refractionum. [Newton. Op.4] 3911.1 Thomson, T. Outline of the sciences of H. and electricity. 3902.19 See also : Smoke, Ventilation, Wanning. HEATH, B. Revisal of Shakespear's text. Lon- don, 1705. 8 2597.16 HEATH, C. Paris and its environs. See Pugin, A. 2030.3 HEATH, I. Life. See Thornton, J. W 2347.5 HEATH, R. Natural and historical account of the islands of Scilly, etc. London, 1750. 8" . 2497.25 - Same. [Piukerton. Coll. of voyages, v.2] 2260.13 HEATH, W. Memoirs of Maj. gen. Heath. Bos- ton, 1798. 8" 2323.4 HEATHER, J. F. Mechanics, including statics and dynamics; hydrostatics and hydrodynamics, including pneumatics. See Great Britain. Ordnance department v.3 of 3912.5 HEATHER 376 IIEIXECCIUS Shelf. No. HEATHER, W. New North sea pilot. London, 1802. 8 -. . . **E. 110.56 HEATON, G. Review of a report on the permanent cure of reducible hernia or rupture. Bos- ton, 1853. 8" *M.Pph.v.52 HEAVEN'S alarm to the world. See Mather, I. . 3*58. GO HEAVENS, The: a poem. See Rude veins, etc. . 2405.15 HEAVENS. See Astronomy, Tlanets, Stars. HEBENSTEEIT, J. E. Anthropologia forensis. Ed. alt. Lipsiae, 1753. sm.8 3789.2 Mvsevm Richterianvm continens fossilia ani- malia, vegetabilia, mar. illvstrata iconibvs et commentariis D. I. E. Hebcnstreitii. Ac- cedit de gemnris scalptis antiqvis liber. Lipsiae, 1743. f *5S60.21 HEBER, R. Librorum impressorum qui in museo Britannico adservantur catalogus. See Lon- don, British museum 2131.2 HEBERDEN, W. Diseases incident to children. London, 1807. 18 3809.27 History and cure of diseases. 4th ed. Lon- don, 1816. 8 3792.7 HEBERNUS. Miracula B. Martini. [Migne. Pa- trologisev.129] v. 3 of 3460. 8 HEBERT, L. Engineer's and mechanic's encyclo- paedia. London, ia30, 42. 2v. 8 *4033.4 HEBREW language. Beeston, W. Grammar of the sacred language Pph.v.243 Buxtorf, J. Lexicon Hebraicum et Chaldai- cum 3432.7 Cocceius, J. Lexicon et commentarius ser- monis Hebraici 3034.20 Gesenius, W. H. grammar 3432.3 Gibbs, J. W. H. and English lexicon. . . . 3432.4 Pike, S. Compendious H. lexicon 3432.5, 6 Ricardi, F. Vraie mdthode de lire et comprcn- dre 1'Hebreu E. 219.15 Seixas, J. H. grammar 3432.4 Stuart, M. H. grammar 3432.2 Wilson, . I. P. H. without the points . . . E.205.7 HEBREW literature. Du Contant de la Molette, P. Sopra la poesia e la musica degli Ebrei . . 4049.16 Lowth, R. Lectures on Hebrew poetry . . . 3423.3 Til, S. von. Dicht-Sing-und Spiel-Kunst, besonders der Hebreer 4052.40 Vom Geist der ebriiischen Poesie. [Herder. Sammtliche Werke, v.l] 2887.1 HEBREW proper names, Tcrminational vocabula- ries of. Walker, J 2584.14 HEBREWS, Religious development of the. Mac- kay, R.W 3487.1 See also : Jews. HEBREWS, Calvin, J. Commentaries on the epistle of Paul to the 5504.13 HEBRIDES. Anderson, J. Present state of the . 2474.4 Journey to the. [Johnson. Works, v.8.] . . 2589.2 Knox, J. Tour through the 2474.5 Martin, M. Description of the. [Pinkerton. Voyages, v. 3] 2260.13 Necker de Saussure, L. A. Voyage to the. Pph.v.47 HECAT.EUS Abderita. See Fragm. hist. Graec. v.2. 3002.11 HECAT.EUS Milesius. See Creuzer, G. F. Hist. Graec. fragmenta 2968.3 See Fragmenta historicorum Graec., v. 1 . . . 3002.11 HECATOMMITHI overo cento novelle. See Geraldi, G 2772.9 HECKER, J. F. C. Black-death in the 14th century. London, 1833. sm.12" 3797.33 Epidemics of the middle ages, transl. by B. G. Babington. London, 1844. 8 3722.12 HECTIC fevers, Observations on the cure of. Grif- fith, M M.Pph.v.92, 118 HEDELIN, F. Relation du royaume de coquetterie. [Gamier. Voyages imaginaires, V.2GJ . . 2666.1 HEDERICH, B. Lexicon manualc Graecum, rec. et auctum a S. Patrick. Londini, [1727]. 4. *2982.4 - Same. Lahore Patricii, Ernesti, Morell et Taylor, auctum et emendatum. Londini, 1803. 4 **E.202.9, 2981.3 HEDGE, L. Elements of logic. Camb. 1816. 12 3607.19 Shelf. No. HEDLET, J. Working and ventilation of coal mines. London, 1851. 8 4014.19 HEDWIO, J. .Species muscorum frondosorum. Lipsiae, 1801. 4 *3841.7 - Same. Supplementum 1-4. Lipsiae, 1811- 42. 3v. 4 *3841.8 HEELC, J. van. Chronique en vers, ou relation de la bataille de Woeringen. Bruxelles, 1SJ6. [Belgium. Coll.de chron. beiges ineM.] *2811.2 HEEREN, A. H. L. Historische Werke. Gottin- gen, 1821-26. ISv.in 13. 8" *2303.4 Contents. Vol. I.-III. Vcrmischtc historische Schriftcn. IV.-V. Geschichtederclassichon Littera- tur im Mittclalter, 1 v. VI. Biographischc und littcr- arische Denkschriften. VH. Handbuch der Ge- schichte der Staaten des Alterthuma, mil bcsonderer Rucksicht auf ihre Verfassungen, ihrcn Handel und ihre Colonieen. VIII.-IX. Handbuch der Ge- echichte des europaischen Staatensystems und sein- er Colonieen, von seiner Bildung seit der Entdeck- ung beider Indien bis zu seiner WiederherstcUung nach dcm Fall des franzdsischen Kaiserthrons und der Freiwerdung von Amcrika. X.-XV. Idcen fiber die Politik, den Verkelir und den Handel der vor- nehmsten Volker der alien Welt: Asiatische Viilker, 8v. Afrikanische Volker, 2v. Europaische Volker. Ancient Greece, [etc.], transl. by G. Bancroft. New ed. London, 1847. 8 3072.6 Manual of ancient history, with regard to constitutions, etc. London, 1817. 8 ... 2291.2 Political system of Europe and its colonies, [1492-1770.] Northampton, Mass. 1828-29. 2v. 8 **E.225.16 ^'502.1 - Same. From 5th German ed. London, 1840. 8 3562.13 Politics, intercourse, and trade of ancient Asiatic nations. London, 1840. 2v. 8 . . 3042.14 Politics, intercourse, and trade of the Cartha- ginians, Ethiopians, and Egyptians. 2d ed. London, 1850. 8 3053.1 HEERINGKN, G. v. Wanderungen durcli Frankcn. Leipzig, n.d. 8. [Das malerischc und ro- mautische Deutschland, sect. 3] *2862.6 1 1 I.KS, V. A. van. Dissertatio de causa functionis absorbentis systematis lymphatici. Lug- duni Batavorum, 1817. 4 *M.Pph.v.l03 HEGEMON. SeePoet.com. Graec. fragm 3002.14 HEGESIANAX Alexandrinus. See Fragm. hist. Graecorum, v.3 3002.11 HEGESIPPUS comicus. See Poetarum comicorum Graecorum fragmenta 3002.14 HEGESIPPUS Crobylus. See Baiter and Sauppe. Oratores Attici 2963.1 Ostenditur Hegesippi esse orationem de Ha- lonneso. See Voemel, J. T 2974.3 HEQESIPPUS, St. Extrait de Hegesippe. [Guil- lon. Bib. des peres, v.l] 3499.30 Fragmenta. [Migne. Patrologia Graeca. v.5]. 3490.3 Fragmenta. [Routh. Reliquiae sacrae, v.l] . 3513.9 HEGETSCIIWEILER, J. J. De insectorum genital- ibus. Turici, 1820. pp. 32. 4 3897.6 HEGNER, U. Hans Holbein der jiingere. Berlin, 1827. 8 s 4065.12 HEIDELBERGER Jahrbiicher der Literatur. P. 46- 50. Heidelberg, 1853-57. 5v. 8 *5328.1 HEIDLER, C. J. Die Schutzmittel gegen die Chol- era. Prag, 1854. 8 3805.10 HEIJE, J. P. Aanteekeningen betreffende do voor- gedragene wet op de nit oefening der takken van geneeskunde. Amster. 1844. 8* . *M.Pph.v.41 HEINE, H. History of modern polite literature in Germany, transl. from the German by G. W. Haven. Boston, 1830. 12 2889.4 Reisebilder. 4te Auflage. Hamburg, 1848-50. 4v. 16 2273.15 Contents. Vol. I. Die Heimkehr; Die Harzreise ; Die Nordsee. II. DieNordsee; Ideen; Neuer Friih- ling. III. Italien: Reise von Munchen nach Genua; Die Biider von Lukka. IV. Italien : Die Stadt Luk- ka; Englische Fragmente. HEINECCIUS, J. G. Elementa juris civilis, cum animadversionibus J. G. Estoris. Giessae, [1727.] 8 3612.13 HEINECKEN 377 HE3IANS Shelf. No. HEINECKEX, C. II. v. Idee d'une collection d'es- tampes. Leipsic, 1771. 8 4088.5 HEIXICIIEX, J. D. Der General-Bass in der Com- position. Dresden, 1728. 4 *4057.8 HEIXSK, J. J. W.,b. 1749, d. 1803. Siimmtlicho Schriftcn, herausgegeben von H. Laube. Leipzig, 1838. lOv.in 5. 10 4048.3 Contents. Vol. I. II. Ardinghello vrad die gliick- scligen Inseln. I1I.-1V. Hildegard von Hohenthal. V. Laidion Oder die eleusinischen Gehcimnisse. VI.-VIT. Anastasiaund das Schachspicl. VIII.-IX. Briefe. X. Gedichto and vermischte Schriften. HEIXSIUS, J. W. d. 1817. Allgemcines Biicher- Lexikon. [1700-1856,] Lpz. 1812-58. lOv. 4. *2151.2 HEIXSIUS, O. F. T. Histoire de la litterature alle- mande, trad, par 31 31. Henry et Apffel, avec une preface de3Iattcr. Bruxelles, 1&39. 10. 2880.13 Wortcrbuch der deutschen Sprache. Hanno- ver, 1818-22. 4v. 8 2883.1 HEIRS at law, Index to. Chambers, R 2430.7 HEISE, C. De venenorum vegetabilium effectu in oculos. Gottingae, 1818. 12 . . . . *3I.Pph. v. 114 HEISTER, L. System of surgery. 3d ed. Lon- don, 1748. 2v. 4 3742.8 HELDERBERG war, N~. T. 1839. History and hor- rors of the Hclderberg war, by a continen- taler. Albany, 1840. 8 *Pph.v.ll9 HELEX. Sulle tradizioni intorno alia storia di Elena. [Cesarotti. Opere, v.10. pt.l] . . 2798.1 HELGALD or Helgaud. Epitoma vitae Robcrti, re- gis Francorum. [Bouquet. Recueil, v.10]. 2610.1 - - Same. [3Iigne. Patrologiae v.141] . . . 3460.20 Vie de roi Robert, 990-1031. [Guizot. Coll. mems. hist. France, v.O] 2018.2 HELICOX, England's. A collection of pastoral and lyric poems. Bodenham,J 2155.2 HELICOXIA, a selection of English poetry. Park, T 2591.13 HELIXAXD. Opera omnia, ace. J. P. 3Iigne. Lu- tetiae Paris. 1855. 8". [Migne. Patrologiae v.212] 3470.33 Contents. Sermones; Ilclinandi flores a Vincentio Bcllovacensi collceti ; DC cognitione sui ; DC bono regimine principis; Epistola ad Galtcrum, sivc liber de reparatione laps! ; I'assio SS. Gereonis, Victoris, Cassii et Florentii, Thcba;oruin inartyrum ; Chroni- cnn C4J-11&5; Carmen de raorte, (fragmenta). HELIODORUS, ^Ethiopica. [Erotici scriptorcs. Didot. Bib. Gr.] 3002.10 Lc cose etiopiche. [Gozzi. Opere, v.7] . . 2797.1 HELL. Balfour, W. Import of the words trans- lated Hell 3453.2 See also: Gehenna, Punishment, (Future), Re- wards and punishments. HELLADIUS Bcsantinous. Chrestomathiae. [Gro- novius. Thcs. Grasc. antiq. v.10] 2900.2 Same. Cum iuterpretatione Latina. [3Ieur- sius. Opera, v.O] 2210.2 HELLAXICUS Lesbius. SeeFragm. hist. Grace, v.l. 3002.11 HELLAS, or the home of the Greeks. Jacobs, C. F. W 2959.8 HELLEBORE, as a remedy for insanity. See Kerr, G 3I.Pph.v.77 HELLER, C. B. Reisen in Mexiko, 1845-48. Leip- zig, 1853. 8 2364.9 HELLER, Johann F. Pathological chemistry of the urine. Dahl's ed. transl. by W. D. 3Ioore. Dublin, 1855. sm.!2 *3740.43 HELLER, Johann J. Exercitatio de deo ignoto Atheniensium. [Gronovius. Thes. Grasc. autiq. v.7] 2960.2 HELLER, Joseph. Das Leben und die Werke A. DUrer's. Bamberg, 1827. 2v. 8 *4065.13 Geschichtc der Holzschneidckunst. Barn- berg, 1S23. 8 *4063.12 Handbuch fiir Kupferstichsammler [und] Lexicon fiir Kupferstichsammler. Bam- berg, 1823, 25, 28. 3v.in 1. 1C" 4089.13 Leben u. TVerke Lucas Cranach's. Bamberg, 1821. 8 4005.22 Monogrammen Lexikon. Bamberg, 1831. 8. 4081.17 Shelf. No. HELLIXS, J. 3Iathematical essays. 2d cd. Lon- don, 1789. 4 **E. 101.15 HELMHOLTZ, H. Wechselwirkung der Natur- kriifte. 2er Abel. Konigsbcrg, 1854. pp. 47. 8 3905.3 HELMIXTIIOLOGY. Bruguiure, J. G. Helmiiitlio- logic, ou les vers infusoires, etc 3871.20,21 Grube, A. E. Wiirmer des Adriatischen und Mittelmecrs 3871.7 Jordens, J. H. Helminthologie des mensch- lichen Korpers 3892.2 Modecr, A. Bibliotheca helmiuthologica, sou enumeratio auctorum qui de vermibus scrip- serunt 2173.5 3Iiiller, O. F. Vermium terrestrium et fluvi- atilium historia 3871.15 - Von Wurmcrn des siissen und salzigen TVassers 3874.4 Sturm, J. Die Wiirmer 3874.30 See also : Annulosa, Articulata, Entozoa. HELMUTH, J. H. C. A short account of the yel- low fever in Philadelphia. Philadelphia, 1794. 8 *3I.Pph.v.4 HELOISE. See Abxlardus. HELPERIC. Liber de computo ecclcsiastico. [3Iigne. Patrologiae v.137] 3400.16 HELPS, A. Companions of my solitude. Boston, 1852. 10" 3506.26 Conquerors of the New World, and their bondsmen: a narrative of the cveuts which led to negro slavery, v.l. London, 1848. 8. 3573.16 HELVETIUS, C. A. (Euvres complettcs. Nouv. ed. Paris, 1795. 5v. 8 3 3606.8 Content, 1 '. Vol. I., II. Essai sur la vie ct les ou- vrttgcs d' Ilelvetius; De 1'esprit, discours. III.-IV. De I'liomme, de ses facultes intellectuelles ct de son edu- cation, ouvrage posthume. V. Le bonhcur, chant ; EI .itrcs sur leg arts, le plaisir, la superstition ; Dis- conrs sur la moderation; Vcrs sur la mort d'llelve- tius; Lettrcs de Voltaire d Ilelvetius ; Lettres ; Exa- mcn des critiques du livre intitule De 1'csprit ; Les progres de la raison dans la recherche du vrai, ou- vrage posthume. (Euvres. Paris, 1792. 4v. 8 3000.9 Contents. Vol. I. Essai sur la vie ct les ouvrages d'Hclvttius i De 1'esprit. II. De 1'esprit, suite. III., IV. De 1'homme, de BCS facultes intellectuelles, ct de sou education. Two letters of. See Destutt dc Tracy .... 3503.21 HELWIXG, E. Geschichto brandenburgisch- preussichen Staats. Lemgo u. Dctmold, 1846. 8 2824.0 HELYOT, P. Histoire des ordres monastiques. Paris, 1714-19. 8v. 4 *3540.10 Contents. Vol. I. Les ordres de Saint- Antoine, de Saint-Basilc, ct des autrcs fondateurs de la vie moua- stiquecn Orient, avcc les ordres militaircs qui out sui- vi leur regie. II. Les congregations des chanoincs rcgulicrs ct des chanoinesscs reguliercs, avcc les or- dres militaircs qui y out rapport. III., IV. Toutca lea differentes congregations, ct les ordres militaircs qui ont ete soumis a la regie de S. Augusiiii. V., VI. Toutes les differentes congregations, et Irs nrdres mi- litaires qui ont ete soumis a la regie de S. BOnoit. VII. Les ordres de Saint-Franjois, ct autres qui ont des regies particuliercs. VIII. Toutcs les congrega- tions suculieres de 1'un et de 1'autre scxe, et les or- dres militaires, ct de chcvalerie qui ne sont soumis a aucune des regies de religion. HEMANS, F. D. AVorks, with life by her sister. Edinburgh, 1839-40. 7v. 10 2578.11 Contents. Vol I. Memoir; Wallace's invocation to Bruce; England and Spain. II. Tales ami historic scenes; Restoration of the works of art to Italy; Mod- ern Greece; Translations from Caraoens and other poets; Miscellaneous poems; Italian literature. III. The sceptic; A tale of the secret tribunal; Supersti- tion and revelation; The caravan in the deserts; Ma- rius amongst the ruins of Carthage ; Translations from Horace; From the Italian; The Maremma; Stan- zas lo the memory of Gco. III.; Tale of the fourteenth century; Belshazzar's feast; The last Constantino; Greek songs; Elysium; Song of the battle of Morgar- tcn; Sebastian of Portugal; Siege of Valencia. IV. Forest sanctuary ; Lays of many lands ; Miscella- neous pieces; Dartmoor j Welsh melodies; Hymns for HEMANS 378 HENRY Shelf. No. HKMANS, F. D. continued. childhood ; Do Chatillon ; Miscellaneous pieces. V. Vespers of Palermo ; Songs of the Cid ; Records of woman ; Miscellaneous poems. VI. Songs of the affections i Miscellaneous poems ; National lyrics. VII. Songs of a guardian spirit; Songs of Spain i Songs for summer hours ; Songs of captivity; The league of the Alps; Scenes and hymns of life; Female charac- ters of Scripture; Sonnets ; Sonnets, devotional and memorial; Records of the spring of 1834; Records of the autumn of 1834 ; Despondency and aspiration ; Thoughts during sickness. Poems, a new edition chronologically ar- ranged with notes. Edinburgh, 1854. 1.8 . 2604.5 Contents. Juvenile poems; Translations from Ca- raocnsand other poets; Miscellaneous poems; Talcs and historic scenes ; Italian literature ; Welsh melo- dies; Vespers of Palermo; Tales and historic scenes; Songs of the Cid; Greek songs; Miscellaneous poems; Siege of Valencia; Lays of many lands; Forest sanc- tuary; Miscellaneous poems ; Hymns for childhood; Lyrics, and songs for music ; Scenes and hymns of life; Sonnets; Miscellaneous poems. Forest sanctuary, and other poems. Boston, 1827. 8 **E.117.2 League of the Alps ; Siege of Valencia ; Ves- pers of Palermo, and other poems. Boston, 1826. 8 **E. 117.3 HEMMINGUS. Vita S. Wulstani episcopi Wigor- uiensis. [Migne. Patrologiae v.150] .... 3460.28 HEMOPTYSIS, Medical dissert, on. Ware, J. M.Pph.v.75 HEMORRHAGE. Griffith, M. Method of treating internal H M.Pph.v.92 Jones, J. F. D. Treatise on the process of na- ture in suppressing H 3803.26 Lordat, J. Trait6 des hemorragies 3803.27 Rigby,E. Essay on uterine H '3776.29 Stewart, D. Treatise on uterine H 3774.21 HEMORRHOIDAL excrescence, Treatment of cer- tain severe forms of. Kirby, J. . . . M.Pph.v.67 HEMP. Alcan, M. Essai comprcnant le travail complet du chanvre 4026.1 Quincy, E. Treatise on hemp-husbandry. 2408.39 Representations of the cultivation and manu- facture in China. See China 3039.18 HEN, C. Belgique monumental^, historique ct pittoresque. ^ee Moke, H. G 2862.1 Les splendours de 1'art en Belgique. See Moke,H. G 4071.11 HENAULT, C. J. F. Abrege" chronologique de 1'histoire de France. Nouv. ed. Paris, 1821, 22. 6v. 8 2624.4 Marius a Cyrthe. [Theatre des auteurs du second ordre. Tragedies, v.2] 2640.19 Observations generates sur la pairie. [Leber. Coll. diss. hist. France, v.6] 2618.1 HENAUX, F. Histoire du pays de Liege. T. ler. Nouv. e"d. Liege, 1850. 8 2813.3 HENCHMAN, N. Sermon occasioned by the death of Hon. John Burrill. Prefaced by the Rev. R, Brown. Boston, 1721. 16 ... ... *3457.50 HENCKEL, J. F. Flora Saturnizans. See Neri, A. 4024.35 HENDERSON, James. History of Brazil, its com- merce, etc. London, 1821. 4 2360.14 HENDERSON, John. View of the agriculture of Caithness. London, 1812. 8 3993.9 HENDERSON, M. A. pseud. See Song of Milkan- watha 2399.17 HENDERSON, Thomas, M.D. Criticisms on Dr. Washington's essay on yellow fever. Georgetown, D. C. 1824. 8 *M.Pph.v.llO Lecture on the theory and practice of medi- cine. Washington, 1825. 8. . . *M.Pph.v.89, 122 HENDERSON, Thomas, F. It. S.prof. astron. etc. Astronomical observations made by. See Great Britain. Admiralty department. Ed- inburgh observ E. 100.1 HENDERSON, W. Letter to John Forbes on his article entitled Homoeopathy, etc. New York, 1840. 8 *M.Pph.v.41 HENDREICH, P. Massilia, cjus situs, administra- tio reipubl. leges, instituta, religio, militia, etc. [Gronovius. Thes. Graec. antiq. v.6] 2900.2 Shelf. No. HENFREY, A. Botanical and physiological me- moirs, by Braun, Mcneghini, and Cohn. London, 1853. 8. [Ray society, 17J ... *3824.5 Contents. Rejuvenescence in nature, especially in the life and development of plants; Animal nature of the diatomeae, with an organographical revision of the genera established by Kutzing; Natural history of proto coccus pluvialia. Scientific memoirs, selected : natural his- tory. London, 1853. 8" 3964.19 Anatomical manipulation. SeeTulk, A. . . 3759.14 HENGHAM, R. de. The two sums, commonly called Hengham magna and Hengham par- va. See Fortescue, Sir J 3709.3 HENIOCHIUS. See Poet. com. Graec. fragm. . . . 3002. 14 HENKE, A. C. H. Lehrbuch der gcrichtlichen Medicin. 2te Ausg. Berlin, 1819. 8 . . . 3787.14 HENLE, F. G. Jakob. Vergleich.-anatom. Besch- reibung des Kehlkopf. Leipzig, 1839. pp.83. 4 3871.2 Beschreibung der Plagiostomen. Miiller, J. 5870.2 HENLE, Julius. Trait<5 d' anatomic generate, trad. de 1'Allem. par A. J. L. Jourdan. Paris, 1843. 2v. 8. [Encyclopedic anatomique, y.O, 7] *3734.9 HENLEY, R. Memoir of Robert Henley, earl of Northington. London, 1831. 16 2458.4 HENNE, A., and Wauters, A. Histoire de la ville de Bruxelles. Bruxelles, 1845. 3v. 8 . . 2812.4 HENNEN, J. Principles of military surgery. 1st Am. ed., with life. Philadelphia, 1830. 8. 3742.4 HENNEPIN, L. Nouvelle ddcouverte d'un pays, entre le Nouveau Mexiqne et la mer glaci- ale. Utrecht, 1697. 16 2319.6 New discovery of a vast country in America, between New France and New Mexico, [etc. etc.] London, 1698. 8 2317.10 Narrative of. See Shea, J. G 2328.5 HENNEQUIN, A. L. M. Plaidoyers. [Annales du barreau fransais. B. moderne, v.6]v.!4 of 3708.1 HENNIN, II. C. Notae ad Bergierium de publicis et militaribus Rom. imp. viis. [Graevius. Thes. antiq. Rom. v. 10] 2950.1 HENNINGSEN, C. F. Past and future of Hungary. Cincinnati, 1852. 8 2827.4 HENRIADE, La : poeme. Voltaire, M. A. de . . E.227.15 HENRIETTA of England. Histoire de. [Lafayette, M. M. de. (Euvres, v.3] 2605.1 - Same. [Michaud. Coll. mem. hist. France. Scr. 3] v.8of 2011.1 - Same. [Petitot. Coll. mem. hist. France. Ser. 2] v.04 of 2645.1 HENRION, F. Istoria di tutte 1'istorie o romanzi di cavalleria e magia dei secoli xv. e xvi. Firenze, 1794. 8 *2171.2 HENRION, M. R. A. Histoire de la papaute. 2e f EUz. Dra- matic works, with life and remarks on his writings, by J. P. Collier. Lond. 1850-[1]. 2v. 8. [Shakspeare soc.] *2605.7 Contents. Vol. I. King Edward the fourth; Fair maid of the exchange; Fortune by land and sea; Fair maid of the west, or, a girl worth gold. II. Royal king and loyal subject; A woman killed with kindness; If you know not me, you know nobody, or the troubles of queen Elizabeth; The golden age; The silver age. Marriage triumph. London, 1842. p. 8. [Per- cy soc. v.3] *2537.5 Apology for actors. Gosson, S 2575.8 Challenge for beauty, a tragi-comedy ; Eng- lish traveller, a tragi-comedy ; Royal king and loyal subject, a tragi-comedy. [Old English plays, v.G] 2607. 1 Four prentices of London; Woman killed with kindness. [Dodsley. Collection of old plays, v.G, 7] 2588.1 Porta pictatis, or, The port or harbour of pi- ety. [Fairholt. Percy soc. v. 10] 2537.12 HIBBERD, S. Rustic adornments for homes of taste. 2ded. London, 1857. 8" 4001.18 HiCKCOX, J. H. Historical account of American coinage, with plates. Albany, 1858. 8 . . 2330.6 HlCKES, G. Linguarum vet. septcntrionalium thesaurus. Oxoniae, 1703-5. 5v. in 3. f e . *2940.5 Contents. Vol. I. Institutiones grammaticse Anglo- SaxonicJE et Mseso-Gothica:; Institutioncs grammat- icaa Franeo-Theotisca; ; Grammatics Islandicao ru- dimenta per Eunolphum Jonam, Islandum, cum G. H. add. II. De antiquas literature septentrionalis utilitate dissertatio ; Andrea? Fountaino numismata Saxonica et Dano-Soxonieo. III. Humphredi Waaleii HICKE3 385 HIGHLEY Shelf. No. HICKES, G. continued. librorum vet. septentrionalium, qui in Angliae bibli- oth. extant catalogus historico-criticus; nee non mul- torum vet. cod. septentrionalium alibi extantium uotitia. HICKEY, W. Constitution of the United States, etc. Cth ed. Philadelphia, 1853. 12 ... 2383.5 HICKLIN, J. History of Nottingham castle. Lon- don, 1830. 12 2499.16 HICKOK, L. P. The completely Christian : an ad- dress before the theol. soc. of Union col. July 23, 1848. Auburn, N. Y. 1848. S,*Pph.v.l70 Empirical psychology. Schenectady, 1854. 12. 3009.17 HICKS, E. Journal of, life and labours. 3d ed. New York, 1&32. 8" 3542.5 HICKS, J. B. Inaugural dissertation on compres- sion of the brain from concussion. New York, 1793. 8 *M.Pph.v.49 HICKSOX, W. E. Account of the present state of education, in Holland, Belgium, and the German states. London, 1840. 8" ... *Pph.v.l30 HIECKE, R. Archiv fiir das Studium der neuercn Sprachen und Litcraturen. See Herrig, L. .3358.1 HIEROCLES. Facetiae Grsece et Latinfc, rec. J. A. Schier. Lipsiae, 1708. sm.8 2999.10 HIEKOCLKS Grammaticus. Synecdemus. See Con - stantinus Porphyrogenitus. [Corpus script, hist. Byzaut. v.ll] 2909.1 HIEROGLYPHICS. Ahmad bin Abubekr bin Wahs- hih. H. characters explained 2950.15 Greppo, J. G. H., on the system of Champol- lion 3034.15 Landseer, J. Lectures on 2240. 13 Eicardi, F. Hieroglypb.es domestiques, pho- netiques E. 219. 15 Spineto, Marquis. Elements of 3034.8 Wall, C. W. Essay on 2111.1 See also : Egypt, Inscriptions. HIEROGLYPHICS of thelifeof man. SeeQuarles, F. 2G09.9 HIKRONYMUS Cardianus. See Fragmenta histor- icorum Graec. v.2 3002.11 HIERONYMUS, E. St. Opera omnia post monach- orum ordinis Benedicti rccensionem, denuo castigata. Ed. Parisiorum novissima recog- nita, accurante J. P. Migne. Parisiis, 1845. llv. in 9. 8. [Mignc. Patrologix v.22-30]. 3440.10 Contents. Vol. I. Prasfatio generalis ; Praefatio altera; Vita S. Hieronymi; Vita alia, auctorc incertoi EpistoUe. II. Vitae S. Pauli, S. Ililarionis et Malchi, monachorum; Regulae 8. Pachoraii translatio Latina; S3. Pachomii et Theodori epistolse et verba mystica; Interpretatio libri Didymi de Spiritu sancto ; Dia- logus contra Luciterianos; Liber dc perpctua virgin- itate B. Maria? ; Liber duo adversus Jovinianum j Liber contra Vigilantium ; Liber contra Joannem Hierosolymitanum ; Apologia adversus libros liufini; Dialogus adversus Pclagianos; Theodori Mopsuesteni fragmenta; Liber de virisillustribus; De vitis aposto- lorum; Epistola ad Desiderium. III. Liber dcnomin- ibus Hebraicis; Liber Hebraicarum quaestionum in Genesim; Commentarius in Ecclesiastcn; Interpreta- tio homiliarum duarum Origenis in Canticum ; Gra;ca fragmenta libri nominum Hebraicorum ; Liber nom- inura locorum ex Actis; De bcnedictionibus Jacob patriarchac ; De deccm teutationibus populi Israel in deserto; Commentarius in canticum Deboraj; Quaes- tioncs Hebraicas in libros Regum et Paralipomenon ; Expositio intcrlinearis in librum Job; Commentarii in S. Hieronymi libros, auctore Martiana;o. IV. Commentariorum in Isaiam libri octo et decem ; Com- mentariorum in Jeremiam libri sex; Translatio homi- liarum novem Origenis in visiones Isaiae ; Abbreviatio in Isaiam. V. Commentaria in Ezechielem j Com- incntaria in Danielem ; Trauslatio homiliarum Orig- enis in Jeremiam ct Ezechielem ; In Lamen tationes Jcremiaj tractatus. VI. Commentaria in Osee, Joe- lem, Amos, Abdiam, Jonam, Micha:am, Naum, Aba- cue, Sophoniam, Aggacum, Zachariam, Malachiam; Uefensio eruditionis Hicronymiana? adversus Joan- nem Clericum. VII. Commeutaria in evangelium S. Mattha'i; Translatio homiliarum Origenis in evan- gelium Lucae ; Commentaria in cpistolam ad Galatas, Ephesios, Titum, Philemoncm; Commentaria in li- brum Job; Breviarium in Psalmos. Vm. Interpre- tatio chronicas Eusebii Pamphili, auctore Hieronymo, cum praecedente ejusdem Hieronymi praefatione; S. Shelf. No- HIERONYMUS, continued. Hieronymi chronicon ; Prosper! Aquitaniei chroni- con ; Pontaci castigationes et notae. IX. Prsefatio; Prolegomena in divinam bibliothecam: De nomine bibliotheeas divina;, et de modo quo nobisedita sit; De tcmpore translationum Hieronymi, et earum usu inecclesia; De canone Hebraicaj veritatii et scholiia ejusdem marginalibus; De titulis ct capitulis, versi- bus et mctris sacrorum Bibliorum; Divinoi biblio- tliccse pars prima: Genesis Esther. X. Divinae bibliothecoe pars secunda : Libri Tobias, Judith, Job, Psalmorum; Appendix : Liber Sapientiae, Ecclesias- tici, Machabasorum ; Divinae bibliothcccc pars tertia: Evangelium secundum Matthasum, Marcum, Lucam, Joannem; Actus apostolorum; Epistola: XII Pauli apostoli; Epistolae VII catholics; Apocalypsis Jo- annis; Appendix: Variantes lectiones. XI. Opera supposititia: Epistola;; Deformis Hebraicarum litter- arum; Homilia ad monachos; Rcgula monachorum; Canones pccnitentiales ; Martyrologium ; Liber com- itis sive lectionarius per circulum anui; Commen- tarii in evaugelia necnon et in cpistolas B. Pauli. Vitas S. Pauli primi eremitae, S. Hilarionis monachi, Malchi captivi monachi, Beataa Fabiolae, S. Paulae Romanae viduie, Mar- ccllae vidua;. [Migne. Patrol, v.73] . v.l of 3450.13 Volgarizzamcnto dell'cpistola di S. Girolamo ad Eustochio. See Grcgorius Magnus . . 3444.25 Epistola di S. Girolamo ad Eustochio. See Gregorius Magnus 3439.4 See Guillon. Bibliotheque des peres.v.27, 2S of 3499.30 v.20of 3508.2 HlGGlXS or Higins, J. Mirour for magistrates. Part I. [London, 1810.] [Brydges. British bibliographer, v. 4] 2155.2 - Same. See Mirror 2003.8 HIGGISS, W. Experiments on the atomic theory and electrical phenomena. London, 1S14. 8 *M.Pph.v.58 HlGGixsox, or Higgeson, Francis. New England's plantation, or, a short and true description of the commodities and discommodities of that countrey. [Force. Tracts, v.l] . . . 2323.3 Voyage to New England ; Xcw England's plantation. [Young. First planters of Mass.] 2352.4 HIGGIUSON, F. J. Remarks on slavery and eman- cipation. Boston, 1834. 10 3573.20 HIGGINSOX, S. Examination of Jay's treaty, by Cato. New York, 1795. 8 *Pph.v.32 Ten chapters in the life of John Hancock. New York, 1857. pp.08. 8 2342.16 HIGGIXSON, T. W. Address to the voters of the third congressional district of Massachu- setts. Lowell, 1850. pp.7. 8 *3443.24 Birthday in fairy land : a story. Boston, 1850. pp.23. 32 *3443.24 Does slavery christianize the negro ? n.d. pp.8. 12 3443.24 Man shall not live by bread alone : a thanks- giving sermon. Newburyport, 1848. 8 . . *3443.24 Massachusetts in mourning. Boston, 1854. pp.15. 8 *3443.24 Merchants: a lecture. Newburyport, 1851. pp.31. 8 *3443.24 The new revolution : speech before the Amer- ican anti-slavery society. Boston, 1857. 8 <> .*3443.24 Ride through Kansas, n.d. pp.24. 8". . . *3443.24 Scripture idolatry. Worcest. 1854. pp.10. 16".*3443.24 - Same. London, n.d. pp.10. 8 *3443.24 Things new and old : [a sermon.] Worcester, 1852. 8 *3443.24 The tongue : two practical sermons. New- buryport, 1850. 8 *3443.24 The Unitarian autumnal convention. Boston," 1853. pp.14. b *3H3.24 Woman and her wishes. Bost. 1853. pp.2G. 8V3443.24 - Same. 2d ed. N. York, 1853. pp.23. 8.*3443.24 - Same. 3d Am. ed. n.d. pp.32. 8. . . *3143.24 - Same. London, 1854. pp.23. 8 .... *3443.24 HiGHGATE, Middlesex, History and antiquities of. Prickett, F 2505.7 HIGHLEY, S., and son. Catalogue of medical and scientific works. London, 1851. 8" .... *2172.6 HIGHLANDS 386 HILLARD Shelf. No. HIGHLANDS of Scotland. Anderson, G. and P. Guide to the 2480.17 Bristed, J. Pedestrian tour through .... 2474.7 Grant, A. Superstitions of the Highlanders. 2549.7 Lauder, T. D. Highland rambles 2570.4 - Legendary tales of the 2576.3 HIGHMORE, N. History of generation, [also] cure of wounds by sympathy. London, 1651. sm.S" *3879.29 HILARIANUS, or Ililariou. De mundi duratione ; Expositum de die Paschae et mensis. [Migne. Patrologiae v.13] 3440.10 HILARIOX, monk. [De pane mystico Graecorum et azyma Latin.] [Mcursius. Opera, v. 8] 2210.2 HILARY, St. bp. of Aries. Notitia historico-litter- aria ; Vita S. Hilarii ; Sermo dc vita S. Ho- norati, episcopi Arclatcnsis ; Opuscula du- bia. [Migne. Patrologiae v.50]. . . v. 2 of 3440.21 HILARY, , St., bp. of Poictiers. Opera omnia, juxta cd. monachorum Benedict, reproducta, auc- ta. Parisiis, 1844-45. 8. [Migne. Patro- logiaev.9, 10] 3440.7 Contents. Vol. I. Prscfatio generalis; Vita S. Hi- larii ex ipsius scriptis potissiraum collects; Vita ejus- dem, auctore S. Ilieronymo; Vitaejusdem aFortu- nato scripta; De translatione S. Ililarii Petri Damiani scrmo i Selecta vcterum lestimonia de S. Hilario; Notitia Uttcraria in S. Hilarium; Syllabus manuscrip- torum necnon editorum codicum ad quos exacta et cmendata eunt S. Ililarii opera; Admouitio in com- mentariumsubsequcntem; Sancti Uilarii tractatus su- per Psalmos; Coinmentarius in I'salm. xv., xxi.,xli. ; Commcntarius in evangclium Matthaii. II. Detrini- tate libri duodecira ; Liber de synodis seu fide orien- talium ; Apologetica ad reprchensores libri de synodis responsa; Epistola ad Abram ftliam suam; Uymnus cidem ab codcm missus ; Censura altering hymiii Ililario perperam tributi ; Libri duo ad Constantium Augustum; Liber contra Constantium; Liber contra Arianoa vel Auxentium; Quindccim fragments ex opere historico; Fragmeuta ex aliis S. Ililarii operi- bus; Epistola seu libcllus cum praefatione et disserta- tionibus; Scrmo de dcdicationo ccclcsia;; Liber de Filii et Patris imitate; Liber de esseutia Patris et Filii; Nicolai Fabri in fragmenta Uilarii prxfatio; Index rcrum et scnteutiarum ; Index glossaruni. See Guillon. Bibliotheque des peres. v. 7 of 3499. 30 v.Sof 3508.2 HILARY, disciple of Abelard. Elegia de recessu Petri Abaelardi ex Paracleto. [Migne. Pa- trologia3V.178] 3470.5 HILARY, pope. Epistola ad Pulchcriam Augus- tam. [Migne. Patrologiae v. 54] . . v.l of 3440.25 Epistolae ct decreta. [Migne. Patrol, v. 58] .3440.27 Epistolae decretales. [Migne. Patrologiae v.84] v. 4 of 3450. 10 HILDEBERTUS, Cenomanensis, bp. of Tours. St. Opera omnia, studio Beaugendre et Bourassd, accurante J. P. Migne. Lutetiae Paris. 1854. 8. [Migne. Patrol, v. 171] . 3460.42 Contents. Prolegomena ; Epistola; ; Diplomata ; Sermones; Vita S. Radegundis reginas; Vita S. llu- gouis ; Liber de querimonia et conflictu carnis et spiritus seu aiiim;u; Moralis philosophia de honcsto et utili; Libcllus de quatuor virtutibus vita; honestx; Tractatus theologicus; Tractatus brevis de Sacra- mento altaris; Liber de expositione missas; Versus de mysterio inissic; Liber de sacra cucharistia; Car- mina de operibus sex die rum; Physiologus; De ordine mundi; De ornatu mundi; Carmen in libros Begum; Applicatio moralis locorum scriptural ex veteri Testamento; Libtllus inscriptionum Christi- anarum; Versus de sunetu Susauiia; De Machabxis; Versus de S. Vincentio; Passio sanctoe Agnetis; De inventione sanct;c crucis; Vita beutuj Mario; ^Egy- tiara 1 ; Lamentatio peccatricis aninnc ; liistoria de Mahumcte; Liber dictus mathematicus; Carmina miscellanea; Carmma quaidarn indifferentia; Sup- plemcntum ad carmina Ilildeberti. De urbis Romas ruina. [Wernsdorf. Poet. Lat. min. v.5,p.l] 2912.4 - Same. [Lemaire. Poet. Lat. min. v. 137]. 2912.1 Epistolae V. et sermones II. [Muratori. Op- ere min. v. 2, p. 2] 2710.2 Vita S. Hugonis abbatis Cluniacensis. [Migne. Patrologiae v . 159] v. 2 of 3400.35 Shelf. No. , B. E. Diplomatarium Succanum V.IH. p. 2., v.iv, p.l. Holmiae, 1842-1850, 1853. 2v.4 2823.1 HILDEBRAND. See Gregorius VII. HILDEBRAXD Junior, Magister. Libcllus de con- templatione. [Migne. Patrologiae v.181]. 3470.8 HILDEFOXSUS. See Ildcfonsus. HILDEGARDIS. Opera omnia ad opt. lib. fidem ed- ita, accurante J. P. Migne. Lntetiae Paris- iorum, 1855. 8. [Migne. Patrologiae v. 197]. 3470.19 Contents. Acta, II.; Epistolx; Visioncs; Liber dmnorum operum simplicis hominis; Solutionef triginta octo qucestionum; ExpUmatio rcgulx 8. Ben- edict! ; Explanatio symbol! S. Athanasii; Vita S. Bu- perti; Vita 8. Disibodi; Physica, cujus titulus ex cod. ins., Subtilitutum divcrsarum naturarum cre- aturarum libri novuin. HILDEMAR. Epistola ad Ursum, Beneventanum episcopum. [Migne. Patrologiae v. 106] . 3450.30 HILDESHEIM. Hildcsheimenses annales et Chron- icon Hild. [Migne. Patrologiae v. 141] . . 3400.20 HILDERIC. Epistola metrica. [Migne. Patrolo- giae v. 105] 3450.29 HILDRETH, R. Despotism in America. Boston, 1840. 12 3673.30 History of banks, [and] advantages of free competition. Boston, 1837. 12 3646.35 HILDUIN. Areopagitica, sive S. Dionysii vita. [Migne. Patrologise v.100] 3450.30 HILGEXFELD, A. Die apostolischen Vater. Halle, 1853. 8 3553.1 HILGEXFELDT, C. L. J. S. Bach's Leben, \Vir- kenundWerke. Leipzig, [1850]. 4 . . . *4042.24 HILL, A. Works: consisting of letters and poems, with an essay on acting. London, 1753. 4v. 8 *2567.2 - Same. 2d ed. London, 1754. 4v. 8 . . 2507.3 Zara ; Alzira. [Cumberland. British drama. v.2, G] E.229.7 HILL, E. Principles of currency. London, 1850. 12 3046.33 HILL, F. Crime, its amount, causes, and remedies. London, 1853. 8" 3575.11 HILL, George, D. D., b. 1750, d. 1819. Theological institutes, in three parts. Edinb. 1803. 8 . 3452.3 HILL, George, Amer. poet, b. 1790. The ruins of Athens; Titania's banquet, and other poems. Boston, ia39. 8 2399.3 HILL, H. Catalogue of books, maps, and medals relating to America, to be sold at auction. New York, 1840. 8 *Pph.v.l63 HILL, Isaac. Biography, speeches, and miscella- neous writings. Concord, 1835. 18" ... 2348.20 HILL, James. Spirit of sugar, with observations on the water-bath still. N. Y. 1815. 8.*M.Pph.v.25 HILL, John, B. D. Artis logicae rudimenta, with observations. Cth ed. Oxford, 1850. 12 . 3007.18 HILL, Sir John. The actor : a treatise on the art of playing. London, 1700, 1755. 2v. 10 . 2588.11 The inspector. London, 1753. 2v. 12 . . . 2558.35 HILL, M. D. Suggestions for the repression of crime. London, 1857. 8 3575.5 HILL, Robert, D. D. Pathway to piety. London, 1847. 2v. 24* 3446.37 HILL, Robert, self-taught tailor, b. 1C99, d. 1777. Parallel between Magliabechi and Hill. See Spence, J 2542.22 HILL, Rev. Rowland, Life of. Sidney, E 2447.2 HILL, T. Elementary treatise on arithmetic. Bos- ton, 1845. 12 **E. 213.20 First lessons in geometry. Boston, 1857. 18. 3929.34 Elementary treatise on curvature, also, an essay on curves. Boston, 1850. 8. . . **E.110.39 HILLARD, G. S. Dangers and duties of the mer- cantile profession. Boston, 1854. 8 ... *2321.9 Discourse before the New England society. Dec. 22, 1851. New York, 1852. 8 .... *2321.9 Oration before the inhabitants of Boston, July 4, 1835. Boston, 1835. 8 *Pph.v.260 Second-class reader. Boston, 1857. 12. . . 7059.40 Six months in Italy. London, 1853. 2v. 12 . 2702.0 HILLARY 387 HIPPOCRATES Shelf. No. HILLARY, Sir W. Plan for the construction of a steam life-boat, also for extinguishment of fire at sea. 2d cd. London, 1825. 8 . . *Pph.v.73 Sketch of Ireland, in 1824. 2d ed. London, 1,<25. 8 *Pph.v.73 HILLKBUAND, J. Die dcutsche Xationalliteratur. Hamburg- u. Gotha, 1845. 3v. 8" 2S86.0 HILLER, J.A. Anwcisung- zuin musikalisch-richt- igen Gesauge. Leipzig:, 1774-80. 3v. in 1. 4 *4055.15 Anwcisung- zum Singen f iir Schulen in Stiidten undDorfern. Leipzig, 1702. 4 *4055.17 HILLHOUSE, J. Speech in the senate of the U. S. 1808, explanatory of his proposed amend- ments to the constitution. Troy, 1808. 8.*Pph.v.2 HILLIARD, F. Elements of law: a summary of American civil jurisprudence. Boston and New York, 1835. 8 3025. 7, **E. 212. 16 Law of sales of personal property. New York, 1841. 8" 3073. 2 Law of vendors and purchasers of real prop- erty. Boston, 1858. 2v in 1. 8 3073.1 HILLIARD, W. Address delivered before the Mas- sachusetts charitable mechanic association. Cambridge, 1827. 8 ... **E.224.10, *Pph.v.236 HILTON, J. T. Address before the African grand lodge of Boston, June 24th, 1828. Boston, 1828. 8 *Pph.v.291 HILTON, W. Relation of a discovery made on the coast of Florida, 1CG3. [Force. Tracts, v.4]. 2323.3 HIMALA mountains, Tour through the. Frascr, J. B 3041.3 HIM Emus Sophista. Eclogae ct declamationes. Ed. G. Wernsdorfius. Gottingae, 1790. 8. 2988.16 Declamationes. [Philostratus. Didot. Bib- liotheque grecque] 3002.13 HIMLY, E. A. W. Darstellung- des Dualismus am menschlichen Korper. Hannover, 1829. 4. 3745.30 HiNCiiAR, abp. of Reims. Opera omnia, juxta ed. Sirmondianam. Lutetiae Parisiorum, 1 2v. 8. [Migne. Patrologiae v . 125, 126] . 3460.7 Contents. VoL I. Epis tola ad Carolum regem, pri- ori contra praedestinatianos dissertation! (denerditae) prtetixa; De prajdestinatione Dei et libcro orbitrio disscrtatio posterior; De una et non trina Deitute ; De divortio XiOtharii regis et Tetbergae regina?; Capitula synodica; Coronationes regia:; Explanatio in fercu- lum Saloinouis; Opuscula varta; Appendix: llinc- mari annalcs give annalium Bert'mianorum pars tertia. II. Epistolae; Opuscula ctcpistolie quae spec- tant ad causam lliucmari Laudimensis. Annales de Saint-Bertin. [Guizot. Coll. mem. hist. France, v.4j 2618.2 See Guiilon. Bibliotheque dcs peres .... v. 33 of 3499. 30, v.24of 3508.2 HIXCMAR, bp. of Laon. Opuscula et epistola;. [Migne. Patrologiae v. 124] v. 2 of 3460. 6 HIND, J. R. Comets : a treatise, with an account of modern discoveries. London, 1852. 12. 3929.14 The comet of 1850, being popular replies to e very-day questions. Lond. 1857. pp.69. 12. 3929.22 HINDMARCII, \V. II. Law relative to patent privileges. Harrisburg, 1847. Iv. 8. . . 3666.2 Observations on the defects of the patent laws, with suggestions for the reform of them. London, 1851. pp.57. 8 3666.14 HiNDOSTAx, Account of. [Knox, J. New coll. of voyages, v.6. ] 2263.1 Ainslic, W. JIateria Indica, drugs, etc. . . 3784.10 Bernier, F. Description des etats de 1'ln- doustan 3043.11 Craufurd, Q. History, etc., of the Hindoos . 3043.5 Fergusson, J. Ancient architecture .... 3020.5 Ferishtah, M. C. History of 3043.8 Garcin de Tassy, J. H. Litterature hindoui ct hindoustani 3032.3 - Rudimens de la langue hindoustani . . . 3032.2 Hamilton, "VV. Prodromus plautarum Indiae occidentalis 3856.10 Jones, Sir W. Ueber die Musik der Indier . 4052.41 Langles, L. Monuments de 1' Hindoustan . 3010.4 Shelf. No. HINDUSTAN, continued. Mandclslo, J. A. de. Une description nouvelle et tres-curieuse de 1'Indostan 3040.5 Menu. Institutes of Hindu law 3610.15 Moorcroft, TV". Travels in 3043.15 Priestley, J. Comparison of the institutions of Moses, with those of the Hindoos . . . 3435.12 Ram Raz. Architecture of the Hindus . . . 3011.3 Rhode, J. G. Ucbcr religiose Bildung, My- thologie und Philosophic der Hindus . . . 3044.6 Solvyns, F. B. Lcs Hiudous, ou description de leurs mceurs, etc 3020.7 Strachey, E. Algebra of the Hindus . . E. 191. 12 Twining, T. Danger of interfering in the reli- gious opinions of the Hindoos Pph.v.14 Vishnu Purana. Hindu mythology and tra- dition 3011.2 "Ward, W. Yicw of the history, literature, and religion of the Hindoos 3043.9 Wilson, H. H. Theatre of the Hindus . . . 3025.1 See also: Brahmins, Ceylon, East Indies, Great Britain (Sessional papers), India, Mogul empire, Mysore, Paishwa, Sanscrit. HIXRICIIS, J. C. Entstehung, Fortgang,und jetz- ige BeschafTeuheit der russischen Jagd- musik. St. Petersburg-, 1790. 4 *4052.44 Ycrzeichniss der Biichcr in der Hinrich- schen Buchandlung 2149.1 HLXTOX, J. H. History and topography of the United States. New ed. by S. L. Knapp. Boston, 1834. 2v. 4 2320.28 - Same. 3d ed. London, 1842. 2v. 4. . *2310.15 HIXTS for the improvement of early education. Fr. 5th Lond. ed. Salem, 1820. 12 .... 35%. 23 - Same. Salem, 1826. 12 **E.219.29 HINTS [on Senior's lectures] on wages, corn-laws, etc., by a British merchant. Lond. 1832. 8. 3653.3 HIP-JOINT. Coulson, W. Disease of the . . . . 3740.14 Ford, E. Disease of the 3745.22 "Warren, J. C. Dislocation of the . . . M.Pph.v.91 HiPPARC'iius. See Poet. com. Grace, fragm. . . . 3002.14 HIPPIAS Eleus. See Fragm. hist. Graec. v. 2 . . . 3002.11 HIPPOCRATES. Opera omnia, [Gr. et Lat.] Ed. curavit C. G. Kiihn. Lipsiae, 1825-27. 3v. 8. [Kiihn. Med. Gr. op. v.21-23] .... *2967.3 Contents. Vol. I. Historia literaria Hippocratis j Jusjurandum; Lex; Dcarte: De priscamedicina; De medico; De decent! habitu; Praeceptiones; Praeno- tioncs; Dehumoribus; De judicationibus; DC diebiu judicatoriis ; Pradicta ; Coaesc prsenotioncs ; De natura hominis; De genitura; De natura pueri; De carnibus; De partu septimestri, et octimestri; De superfoetatione; De dentitionc; De corde; De glan- dulis; DC ossium natura; De ai're, locis etaquis; De flatihus; De morbo sacro; De salubri vict. rat.; De victus ratione. II. De iusomniis; De alimento; De ratione victus in morbis acutis; De locia in nomine; De liquidorum usu; De inorbis; De affectionibus ; De interuis offectiouibus; De his qua? ad virgiuera spec- t;xnt ; De natura muliebri ; De morbis mulierum. III. De his quae uterum non gerunt; De videndi acie; De offlcina medici; De fracturis; Dearticulis; Vectiarius; De ulceribus; De fistulis; De hceinor- rhoidibus; De capitis vulneribus; De fcctus in utero niortui exectionc; De corporumrescctione; De mor- bis vulgaribus; Aphorismi ; Epistola;; Sorani vita Ilippocratis; Index. Opera, [Latino] prnefatus A. de Haller. Ed. alt. Lausannae, 1784. 4v. 8 *3723.7 Contents. Vol. I. Deaeribus, aquis et locis; De natura hominis; De locis in hominc; Dehumoribns; DC alimento; De morbis popularibus; Prognosticon, liber; Praedictionum liber; De victus ratione in mor- bis acutis; De fracturis; De articulis; Mochlicus; De capitis vulneribus; Deofficina clururgi ; Aphorismor. liber, n. De corporum resectione; De carnibus aeu principiis; De ossium natura; De corde; De glandu- lis; De genitura; De natura pueri; De septimestri partu; De octimestri partu; De superfoetationc; De dentitione; De praadictionibus; Coacas prainotionesi DC judicationibus; De diebua judicatoriis; De mor- bis popularibus; De adfectionibus; De intcrnis ad- fet-tionibus. III. De morbis; De morbis muliebribus; De natura muliebri; De sterilibus; De morbis vir- ginum; De morbo sacro; De insania; De flatibus; De visu. IV. Hippocrates de sanorum victus ratione; HIPPOCRATES 388 HISTORY Shelf. No. HIPPOCRATES, continued. De victus ratione salubri; Be insomniis; De ulceri- bus; DC fistulis; DC hicmorrhoidibus ; De veleri medicina; De arte; DC medico; De decent! habitu; Prajecptiones; Dclege; DC jurejurando; Dehominis structura; DC naturahominis; Desolate; De septi- mcstri partu; De significatione vitas et mortis secun- duni niotum luniB ct adspectus planetarum; De liquidorum usu ; De medicamentis purgantibus; De veratri usu; Antidoti; De exsectione foetus; DC re ve- terinaria; Epistolao ; Vita ex Sorano ; DC vita ct familia scriptisque Hippocratis testimonial Fragmenta et elo- gia; Conscnticntia; Contradicta et defensa. CEuvres medicales, d'apres 1'ddition de Foes. Toulouse, 1801. 4v. 8 *3723.5 Contents. Vol. I. Extrait de la vie d'Hippocrate, par Dacier; Preface du traducteur; DCS pronostics; Dea humeurs; DCS predictions; De la nature de 1'homme; DCS airs, dcs iieux, et des eaux; Des ali- mens; Du regime dans les maladies aigui's ; Des Iieux dans 1'homme; Du laboratoire du chirurgien; Des fractures; DCS articles. II. Le mochlique; Des plaies delatete; Des epidemics; Aphorismes; Le serment; La regie; De 1'art; De 1'ancienne medecine; Dn. medeciu; De la deccncc; Lcs avis; Des crises; Des jours critiques; Predictions; Coaques; De la genera- tion; De la nature de 1'enfant; Des chairs; De la grosscsse dc sept mois; De la grosscsse de huit mois; De lasuperfetation; De la dentition; Du coeur; Des glandcs; De la nature dcs os; Des vents. III. De 1'epilcpsie ou maladie sacree; De la diete salubre; Du regime; DCS songes; De 1'usage des liquides; Des maladies; Des affections; DCS affections internes. IV. Des affections des filles; De la nature de la femme; DCS maladies des fcmmes; Des femmes sturiles; De la vuc; Des fistulcs; DCS plaies; Des hOmorroi'des; De 1'extraction du foetus; De la dissec- tion dcs corps ; Des epidemics. Works, with preKm. discourse by F. Adams. London, 1819. 2v. 8. [Sydenham soc.] . *3714.12 Contents. Vol. I. Preliminary discourse ; On ancient medicine ; Airs, waters, and places ; Prog- nostics; Regimen in acute diseases; First and third books of the epidemics; On injuries of the head. II. Things relating to surgery; Fractures; The articula- tions; Mochlicus; Aphorisms; The oath; The law; Ulcers; Fistulas; Hemorrhoids; The sacred disease ; Index. CEuvres, trad, en Franc.ais par Gardeil et de Coray, transl. latinc d' A. Foes. Paris, 1855. 2v. 8 *3723.4 Coacas prsenotiones, interprete et enarratore L. Dureto. Genevae, 10(55. f *3710.1 Upon air, water, and situation; Epidemical diseases and prognostics. Transl. by F. Clifton. London, 1734. 8 *3723.0 De morbis popularibus. See Friend, J. . . . 3710.3 HIPPOLYTUS, St. Bun sen, C. K. J. Hippolytus and his age v.l of 3513.8 See Guillon. Bibliotheque des peres .... v.2of 3499.30, v.l of 3508.2 Wordsworth, C. H., and the church of Rome in the third century 3513.7 HIPPOPHILUS, pseud, for Filippo Elmi. See Lami, G. Deliciae eruditorum. v.10, 11, 13, 16,18of 4747.1 HlPPYS Rheginus. See Fragm. hist. Graec. v.2 . 3002.11 HIKSCH, M. A collection of arithmetical and alge- braic problems and formula, transl. by F. J. Grund. Boston, 1831. 8 . . . **E.199.6,7,8,10 Integral tables, or a collection of integral formulae. London, 1823. 8" **E.195.10 HIEST, H. B. Endymion : a tale of Greece. Bos- ton, 1848. 8 2399.28 HIRTIUS, A. DebclloAlexandrino,etc. SeeCsesar. 2912.3 HISTOLOGY. Heusinger, C. F. System der His- tologie 3832.1 Homer, W. E. Histology 3742.9 Humboldt, F. H. A. v. Versuche iiber die gereizte Muskcl-und Nervenfaser 3886.14 Kolliker, A. Manual of human H 3714.13 Queckett, J. Lectures on 3832.2 Wedl, C. Rudiments of pathological H. . . 3724.9 See also : Bones, Muscles. HISTORIA politica et patriarchies Constantino- poleos [1391-1578J. Epirotica. Recog. I. Bekker. Bonnae, 1849. 8. [Corpus script, hist. Byz.] v.47of*2968.1 Shelf. No. HISTORICAL account of the revolutions in Persia, in 1722-25, by a French missionary. Lon- don, 1727. pp. 90. 8 574.19 HISTORICAL and descriptive account of the tower and castle of Warwick. Warwick, 1815. 8". *2502.7 HISTORICAL review of the constitution and gov- ernment of Pennsylvania. [Attrib. to Dr. Franklin.] London, 1759. 8 2372.3,4 HISTOIRE de Notre-Dame de la Poterie. Bruges, 1843. 4". [Societd d'emulation de la Flan- dre] *2821.15 HISTOIRE pittoresque de la convention nationale et des principaux membres. Paris, 1833. 4v. 8 4fi47.6 HISTOIRE scient. et milit. de 1 'expedition fransaise en Egypte. Paris, 1830-30. lOv. 8. 2v. obi. 4 3052.1 Contents. Vol. I., II. Histoire ancienne de 1'Egypte par L. Reybaud. III.- VIII. Histoire de 1'expedition fransaise en Epypte par L. Reybaud. IX., X. Histoire moderne de 1'Egypte [1801-343 par A. de Vaulabellc. HISTORIE of the arrivall of Edward IV. in Eng- land, 1471. Ed. by J. Bruce. London, 1838. em. 4 [Camden soc. 1] 2416.1 HISTORY, gazetteer, and directory of the county of Oxford. Peterborough, 1852. 8 . . . . *24S0.6 HISTORY of the Azores. London, 1813. 4. ... 3091.2 HISTORY of the British dominions in N. Amer- ica. London, 1773. 2v.ini. 4 *2320.19 HISTORY of a corporation of servants discovered in the interior parts of South America. Glasgow, 1705. 8 *Pph.v.242 HISTORY of French influence in the U. S. Phila- delphia, 1812. 8 *Pph.v.33 HISTORY of the late minority, during the years 1702-05. London, 1760. 8 s 2512.11 HISTORY of Lincoln. Lincoln, 1816. 12 2499.15 HISTORY of Liverpool. Liverpool, 1810. 4. . . *2472.15 HISTORY of patient Grissel. London, 1841. 8 [Percy soc. v.3] *2537.5 HISTORY of Reynard the fox, ed. by W. J. Thorns. London, 1844. 8. [Percy soc. publ.v.12] *2537.14 HISTORY of the rise and progress of the war in North America. Boston, 1780. 2 v. in 1. 8. 2326.13 HISTORY of Stirling, with a tour to the Trosachs. 2d ed. Stirling, 1817. 12 2475.12 HISTORY of the United States, for 1796. Philadel- phia, 1797. 8 *Pph.v.29 HISTORY of the war in Bosnia 1737-9, transl. by C. Fraser. London, 1830. pp. 88. 8. [Orient, transl. fund.] *3021.15 HISTORY, Philosophy, study, etc. of. Bertola de' Georgi, A. Filosofia della storia . 2211.20 Bossuet, J. B. Discours sur 1'histoire uni- verselle 4678.18 Bryant, J. Inquiries relating to ancient H . 3051.19 Bunsen, C. C. J. Gott in der Geschichte . . 3438.3 Dacier, B. J. Rapport sur les progres del'his- toire depuis 1789 2190.3 Fournier, E. L'esprit dans 1'histoire . . . . 4677.13 Herder, J. G. Philosophy of 2230.6 Lenglet du Fresnoy, N. Methode pour etu- dicr 1'histoire 2210.8 Priestley, J. Lectures on 2211.1 St. John, H. Study and use of 2211.3 Voltaire, F. M. A. de. Philosophy of . . . . 2211.4 Ancient history. Abulfeda, I. Historia anteislamica, Arabice 3010.9 Diodorus Siculus. Bibliotheca historica . .2973.1,2 Heercn, A. H. L. Manual of ancient H. . . . 2291.2 Herodotus. Musse, sive historiarum libri ix. 2987.1 Levesque, P. C. Etudea de 1'histoire an- cienne 2292.3 Muratori, L. A. Novus thesaurus veterum inscriptionum 2910.1 Kaumcr, F. v. Vorlesungen iiber die alte Geschichte 2292.2 Rollin, C. Ancient H 2239.5 HISTORY 389 HOARE Shelf. No. HISTORY, Ancient, continued. Koliin, O. Histoire ancienne 2239.6 Taylor, TV. C. Manual of 2291.1 Modern history. Annuaire historique. Histoire politique 1818 -55 2268.1 Annual register, 1758-1855 2218.1 Burckhardt, E. Geschichte der ncuesten Zeit 2305.2 Eichhorn, J. G. Geschichte der drey letzten Jahrhunderte 2305.8 - Neunzehntes Jahrhundert 2305.9 Eon de Beaumont, C. G. L. de. Lea loisirs . 2308.1 Hagen, K. Geschichte der neucsten Zeit. 2305.1 Heeren, A. H. L. Modern H 2302 1 Hermes, C. H. Geschichte der neuesten Zcit, 1815-52 2305.3 Jahrbiicher der Geschichte und Politik . . . 2247.1 Journal historique et litteraire 3286.1 Kricgsgeschichtliche Monographien seit 1792. 2305.6 La Farina, G. Studi storici nuove sul secolo decimoterzo 2307.2 Menzel, C. A. Geschichte der Jahre 1815 bis 1837 2305.7 Mignet, F. A. A. Memoires historiques . . 4607.4 Miller, S. Retrospect of the 18th century . 2302.2 Raumer, F. v. Bcitriige zur ncueren Gesch. 2299.3 - Historisches Taschenbuch 2309.1 Schirach, C. v. Gesch. unsercr Zeit, 1829-30. 2305.5 Sclilosser, F. C. History of the 18th cen- tury, etc 2301.2 Schoell, M. S. F. Cours d'histoire des etats europeens 2304.1 Thierry, A. Dix ans d'etudes historiques . 4602.17 Thou, J. A. de. Historiarum sui temporis T.I. -VII 2300.4 Villemain, A. F. Etudes d'histoire moderne. 4677.8 Wilks, \V. H. of the half century 2229.4 See also : Crusades, Chivalry, Europe, etc., France (revolution), Heraldry, -Middle ages. Universal and miscellaneous histori/. Anquetil, L. P. Precis de 1'histoire univer- sellc 2215.2 Balbo, C. Meditazioni storiche 4749.9 Bartoli, C. Discorsi historic! universal! . . 3587.1 Bianchini, F. Storia universale provata, con monument! 2212.1 Bibliotheque de 1'ecole royale des chartes. See Paris 2272.1 Buttiger, C. W. Die Weltgeschichte in Bio- graphieen 2240.2 Cantii, C. Histoire univcrselle 2226.2 - Enciclopedia storica 2216.1 Dahlmaun, C. F. Forschungen auf dem Gebiete der Geschichte 2213.1 Daunou, P. C. F. Cours d'etudes historiques. 2215.1 Hardion, J. Storia universale 2219.1 Histoire ct description de tous Ics peuples. See Univers 2266.26 Iriarte, T. dc. Lecciones iustructivas sobre lahistoria 3095.4 Kausler, F. v. Kriegsgeschichte aller Volker. 2213.2 Lobell, J. W. Wcltgeschichte in Umrissen. 2225.1 Martcne and Durand. Thesaur. anccdot . . 2250.2 Luden, H. Allgcmcine Geschichte 2292.6 Maunder, S. II. of the world 2237.2 Meursius, J. Opera omnia 2210.2 Michelet, J. Introduction a 1'histoire uni- verselle 2211.5 Millot, C. F. X. Elements d' histoire ge- nerale 2239.2 - Elements of general H E.220.5 MUller, J. v. Allgcmeine Geschichte . . . . 2239.3 - Universal H 2239.1 Nicolas, N. II. Notitia historica, tables, calendars, etc 2231.4 Nicbuhr, B. G. Kleine historische Schriften. 2904.11 Ott, A. Manuel d'histoire universelle . . . 2239.4 Paulmy, A. de. Catalogue raisonne de tous lea livres pour faire un cours complet d' . 2198. 1 Shelf. No. HISTORY, Universal etc., continued. Raleigh, Sir W. Historic of the world . . . 2300.6 Rotteck, C. v. Allgemeinc Geschichte . . . 2229.3 Schuckford, S. Sacred and profane H. . . . 2^92.4 Smyth, W. Lectures on II 4048.4 Thou, J. A. de. Histoire universelle .... 2300.7 Tytler, A. F. Universal H 7039.20,21 Universal H 2217.1 Voltaire, F. M. A. de. Essai sur les mceurs et 1'csprit des nations 4679.2 Williams, E. System of 2:.'39.0 Worcester, J. E. Elements of 7039.18,19 - Historical atlas 2210.3 See also: Antiquities, Biography, Chronology, Civilization, Costume, Ecclesiastical history, Ethnog- raphy, Geography, Negotiations, Numismatics, Polit- ical science, Social science, Statistics, Treaties. HlTA, G. P. de. Guerras civiles de Granada. Madrid, 1833. 2v. 16 3095.5 HITCHCOCK, D. K. Preservation of the teeth. Boston, 1840. pp. 90. 32' 3805.34 HITCHCOCK, E. Key to Hitchcock's new method of teaching book-keeping. Boston, 1851. 8. 7058.3 HITCHCOCK, Edward, D. D. Address before the association of American geologists. New Haven, 1841. 8 *Pph.v.l2G,104 Alcoholic and narcotic substances, as articles of common use. Amhcrst, etc. 1830. 12.*Pph.v.217 - Same. 2d cd. Amherst, 1830. 8. . . **E.224.9 Dyspcpsy forstalled and resisted: or lectures 011 diet. Amherst, 1830. 12 3709.2 Elementary geology, with introd. notice by J. P. Smith. 8th ed. New York, 1853. 8. 7029.8 Geology of Massachusetts. Amherst, 184 1. 2v. Iv. plates. 4 **E. 211.0, 3861.3 Illustrations of surface geology. [Smithso- nian contributions, v.9, art. 3] 3340.1 Sandstone of Connecticut valley. See Mass. 3860. 13 HITCHIXS, F. History of Cornwall. Hclston, 1SJ4. 2v. 4 2402.9 Hrror.vn6sA. Recueil d'apologues ct de contes traduit du Sanscrit, par E. Lancereau. Paris, . 1855. 16 3025.33 - Same. Jones, Sir W. Works, v.13 . . . 2004.3 HITTORKF, J. J. Essai sur les arabesques des anciens comparees a celles de Raphaiil ct de son ecole. See Gruner, L 27. E.I and Zauth, L. Architecture antique dc la Sicile. 48 planches. Paris, 1827. Iv. f . .*27.G.2 - Architecture moderne de la Sicile. Paris, 1835. P *27.D.2 HITZEN VUER, C. Pcrfacilis, brevis et expedita ratio componendi symphonias cocentusiie musicos. Lavingae, 15.S5. sm.8 *4049.57 HITZIO, J. E., and Hiiring, W. Der neue Pitaval. Criminalgeschichte aller Lander. Leipzig. 1842-58. 26v. 12" *3099.2 HIVES. See Croup. HOADLY, Benj. bp., b. 1676, d. 1761. Institution of civil government discuss'd : added, an- swer to Atterbury's charge of rebellion. London, 1710. 12 3563.11 Answer to the reflections of. See Calamy, E. 3525.14 Tracts, with biographical notice. [Sparks. Tracts iu theology, v.l] 3469.26 HOADLY, Benj. jr. M. D., b. 1700, d. 1757. The sus- picious husband. [Cumberland. British drama, v.5J E.229.7 HOAGLAXD, C. C. Gleanings for the history of the prot. ref. Dutch church of Harlingen. Somerville, N. J. 1847. 8 *Pph.v.l92 HOAR, L. Two sermons on the death of the lady Mildmay. Boston, 1680. sm.4 *3458.28 HOARE, E. N. English roots, and the derivation of words from the Anglo-Saxon : two lectures. 2dcd. Dublin, 1856. 16" 2586.32 HOARE, P. Memoirs of Granville Sharp. Lon- don, 1S20. 4 2440.10 The spoil'd child : a farce in two acts. 2d ed. New York, 1810. 12 *Pph.v.208 HOARE 390 IIOEI Shell'. No. HOARE, Sir R. C. History of anciciit Wiltshire. London, 1810-10. 2v. f *2500.2 History of modern Wiltshire. South Wilt- shire. London, 1822-37. 5v. f *2500.3 Contents. Vol. I. Hundred of Mere; Hundred of Heytesbury. II. Hundred of Branch and Dole, by the Rev. John Offer and R. C. Hoare; Hundred of Everley, by R. C. Hoare ; Hundred of Ambrcsbury; Hundred of Underditch. HI. Hundred of Wcstbury, by Mr. Richard Harris and R. C. Hoare; Hundred of Warminster, by Henry Wansey and R. C. Hoarej Hundred of South Damcrham, by William Henry Black, and R. C. Hoare; Hundred of Downton, by G. Matcham and R. C. Iloare; Hundred ot'Cawden; IV. Hundred of Dunworth, by James Everard, Bar- on Aruudell, and R. C. Iloare; Hundred of Chalk, by Charles Bowles, esq. and R. C. Iloare. V. Hun- dred of Alderbury, by R. C. Iloare and John Gough Nichols, F. S. A.; Hundred of Frustflcld, by George Matcham, esq., LL. D. and R. C. Uoare ; Addenda to the several Hundreds, and general index. History of modern Wiltshire. Salisbury, by R. Benson and II. Hatcher. Lond. 1843. f . *2500.4 Tour through the island of Elba. London, 1814. pp.32. 4 2700.1 HOBART, II. Reports of the court of common pleas. 4th ed. London, 1078. f " *3G70.4 HOBART, J. II. Address on the opening 1 of the general thcol. seminary of the prot. episc.. church iu the U. S. of America. IS'ew York, 1822. 8 *Pph.v.34 Apology for apostolic order. 2ded. New York, 1844. 12 3540.20 Charter of the corporation of Trinity church defended against the attack of a late pam- phlet. Reprinted, New York, 1840. 8. *Pph.v.l55 Christian bishop approving himself unto God: a sermon at the consecration of H.U. Onder- donk. Philadelphia, 1827. 8 *Pph.v.G9 Excellence of the church : a sermon. New York, 1810. 8 *Pph.v.27 Letter to the vestry of Trinity church, [N. Y.] in answer to a pamphlet by Rev. C. Jones. N. Y. 1811. 8 *Pph.v.l5 Pastoral letter, on the subject of an associa- tion styled the Prot. episc. clerical associa- tion of New York. New York, 1829. 8. *Pph.v.77 Principles of the churchman explained. N. Y. 1819. 8 *Pph.v.28 Security of a nation: ascrm. N. Y. 1815. 8.*Pph.v.34 United States compared with European coun- tries, particularly England : a discourse. New York, 1825. 8 *Pph.v.5S [Review of bp. Hobart's sermon, entitled, The United States compared with Eng- land ; with two answers to the same. N. Y. 1820. 8] *Pph.v.OG Vindication of the pastoral letter of the right rev. bishop Hobart. New York, 1829. 8 *Pph.y.77 Word, in season, touching the present mis- understanding in the episcopal church. By a layman. New York, 1811. 8 *Pph.v.l5 [Answer to bp. Hobart's pastoral letter on the subject of Bible and common prayer book societies, by an episcopalian. New York, 1815. 8] *Pph.v.29 Reply to a letter to bishop Hobart, occasioned by his strictures on Bible societies, by Cor- rector. [W. Jay?] New York, 1S23. 8.*Pph.v.44 [Strictures on a pastoral letter on Bible and prayer book societies. N. Y. 1815. 8] . *Pph.v.29 [Observations on Strictures on Bp. H's let- ter on Bible and common-prayer book so- cieties. N. Y. 1815. 8] *Pph.v.2 Observations on bp. Hobart's charge, entitled Corruptions of the church of Rome. See Ironside, G. E 3403.11 Sermons occasioned by the death of. See An- thon, II., Dorr, B.,Ouderdonk, B. T., Schroe- der, J. F., Wainwright, J. M Pph.v.83 HOBART family. See Thayer, E 2333.2 ':(. NO. HOBARTON, Observations made at the magnctical and meteorological observatory. See Great Britain. Admiralty 3961.1 HOBBES, T. English works. Ed. by Sir W. Molcsworth. London, 1839-45. llv. 8 . *2005.1 Contents. Vol. I. Elements of philosophy, con- cerning body. II. Philosophical rudiments concern- ing government and society. III. Leviathan, or the matter, form, and power of a commonwealth, ecclesi- astical and civil. IV. Three discourses : 1. Human nature. 2. Elements of law, moral and politic. 3. Of liberty and necessity; Answer to bishop Bramhall; Heresy and the punishment thereof; Reputation, loy- alty, manners, and religion of Hobbes; Answer to Sir William Davenant's preface before Gondibert. V. Questions concerning liberty, necessity, and chance, elated and debated between bishop Bramhall and T. Hobbes. VI. Dialogue between a philosopher and a student of the common laws of Eng. ; Behemoth, the history of the causes of the civil wars of England ; Whole art of rhetoric ; Art of sophistry. VII. Seven philosophical problems and two propositions of geom- etry; Decameron pbysiologicum, or, ten dialogues of natural philosophy ; Proportion of a straight line to half the arc of a quadrant; Six lessons to the Savilian professor of the mathematics; Absurd geometry of Dr. Wallis; Extract of a letter from Henry Stubbc; Three papers against Dr. Wallis ; Considerations on the answer of Dr. W. VIII.-IX. History of the Gre- cian war, written by Thucy dides. X. Iliads and Ody s- scs of Homer. XI. Index. HOBHOUSE, J. C. lord Brouyhton. Illustrations of Childe Harold, Canto IV. N. Y. 1818. 8 . 2574.4 Journey through Albania to Constantinople, 1809-10. 2ded. London, 1813. 2v. 4. . 3081.5 HOBY, J. Baptists in America. See Cox, F. A. . 3545.4 HOCCLEVE, T. Poems, never before printed. London, 17%. 4 2G03.9, 10 HOCK, C. F. Gerberto, o sia Silvestro II. ed il suo secolo, tr. da G. Stelzi. Milano, 1846. B m.8 3552.14 HOCQUART, E. Dictionnairc classique des hommes celebres. Paris, 1822. 2v. 16 2240.4 HODGE, C. Brief account of the last hours of A. B. Dod. Princeton, N. J, [1845]. 8 . . *Pph.v.l49 HODGES, A. D. Genealogical record of the Hodg- es family. Boston, 1853. 8 *2333.6 HODGKIN, T. Means of promoting and preserv- ing health. 2d ed. London, 1841. 10 ... 3769.26 HODGSON, A. Letters from North America. Lon- don, 1824. 2v. 8 2361.5 Letter to J. B. Say, on the expense of free and slave labour, with appendix. Liver- pool, 1823. 8 **E.219.5 Remarks during a journey through North America in the years 1819-21 : [selected from H.'s letters]. Also, a letter on free and slave labour, collected by S. Whiting. New York, 1823. 8 2363.17 HODGSON, John. History of Northumberland, in three parts. Newcastle upon Tyne, 1820-40. 6v. 4 2501.2 Northumberland, Nottinghamshire. [Bray- ley. Beauties of Eng. and Wales, v.12, p.l.] 2466.1 Wilts, Warwickshire, Westmoreland, Wor- cestershire. [Brayley. Beauties of England and Wales, v.15] 2406.1 HODGSON, Joseph. Engravings to illustrate some diseases of arteries. London, 1815. pp.27. 4.*3800.18 Treatise on diseases of arteries and veins. London, 1815. 8" *3S03.22 HOEFER, J. C. F. Afrique australe, orientale, centrale, et Maroc. Paris, 1848. 8. [L'uni- vers] 2260-1 Chaldee, Assyrie, Mesopotamie, Phenieie, et Palmyrene. Paris, 1852. 8. [L'univers]. 2266.10 Etats tripolitains. See Rozet, C. A 2260.3 Isles d' Afrique. See Avezac, M. A. P. d'. . . 2206.23 HOEFER, J. F. Dissertatio inauguralis medica de morbo ex navigatione oriundo. Get- ting*, 1809. 8 , . *M.Pph.v.l04 HoEi-LAN-Ki, ou 1'histoire du cercle de craie: drame, trad, par S. Julien. London, 1832. 8. [Oriental transl. fund.] *3014.3 HOFFMAN 391 HOLLAND Shelf. No. HOFFMAX, C. F. Wild scenes in the forest and prairie. New York, 1843. 2v.ini. 12. . 2409.36 Pioneers of New York : a discourse before the St. Nicholas society. New York, 1848. 8.*Pph.v.l60 HOFFMAX, D. Course of legal study. 2ded. Balti- more, 1836. 2v. 8 3625.13 HOFFMAX, M. Speech on amending the constitu- tion of the U. S. respecting the election of president and vice president. [Washing- ton,] 1826. 12" *Pph.v.l70 HOFFMAX, O. Address before the alumni of Co- lumbia college. New York, 1832. 8. . *Pph.v.86 HOFFMAXX, Carl August Julius. Qusestiones Homericae, v.l. Clausthalias, 1842. 8 . . . 2997.14 HOFFMAXX, Carl Johann. Beweis und Darstcllung des ausgebildcten musikalischen Taktes der alten Griechen aus ihren eignen Musikern. Berlin, 1832. 8. [Dehn. Musical pamph.] *4057. 12 HOFFMAXX, Carl Julius Adolph. Die Tonkiinst- ler Schlesiens, 5)00-1830. Breslau, 1830. 8.*4055.16 HOFFMAXX, Franz. B. II secreto, farsa ; L'ori- ginale, farsa. [Teatro moderno applaudito, v.9,17] 2768.1 HOFFMAXX, Friedrich, 6. 1660, d. 1742. Mcdicinse rationalis S5 r stematicoe [T.i-iv.] Ed. nova. Francof. ad Moonum, 1738-39. 8v. 4 . . *3712.6 HOFFMAXX, Friedrich, b. 1797, d. 1836. Geognos- tische Beobachtungen in Ital. und Sicil. Berlin, 1839. 8 3868.3 HOFFMAXX, G. Franz. Deutschland's Flora. Erlangen, 1705-1804. 3v. 16 3840.14 Lichencs. Lipsiae, 1790-1801. 3v. in 1. 4 . . 3850.2 HOFFMANX, S. F. W. Bibliographisches Lexicon der Litteratur dcr Griechen. 2teAusg. Leip- zig, 1838-45. 3v. 8 *2174.4 HOFKEX, G. Vlamisch-Belgien. Bremen, 1M7. 2v. in 1. 8 ! HoFLER,C. Kaiser Friedrich II. Miinchcn,1844.8. 2842.17 HOFMAXX, J. C. C. Geschichte des Aufruhrs in den Sevennen unter Ludwig XIV. Nordlin- gen, 1837. 16 4659.6 HOFWYL, Letters from 3596.20 UOGAX, J. S. Canada : prize essay. Montreal, 1855. pp.86. 8 2311.10 HOGAX, W. Sermon on the intercession of the saints. Lansingburgh, 1820. 8 .... *Pph.v.2o Synopsis of popery, as it was, and as it is. Boston, 1845. 12 *Pph.v.229 HOGARTH, W. Analysis of beauty. Lond. 1753. 4. 4071. 13 HOGARTH illustrated. See Ireland, . 1 4061.24 HOGG, J. Hogg's instructor, v.II-VI. Edin- burgh, 1854-50. 5v. 8 *5365.12 -Vote. After vol. VI. this periodical was united with the Titan. HOLBEIX, II. [Biogr.] See Hegner, U 4005.12 Dissertation on the Dance of death, attributed to. See Douce, F 4062.8 Vita Johannis Uolbenii, pictoris Basiliensis ; Index operum." [Erasmus. Opera, v. 4] . 2920.3 HOLBERG, L. de. Voyage de Nicolas Klimius dans le monde souterrein. [Gamier. Voyages imaginaires, v.19] 2660.1 HOLBROOK, J. Easy lessons in geometry. 2d ed. Boston, 1829. 18 7019.38 HOLBROOK, N. M. Progressive second-reader. -S'eeTown, S 7059.41,42 HOLBROOK family. See Vinton, J. A 2332.3 HOLCOMBE, J. P. Leading cases upon commer- cial law. Boston, 1847. 8 3671.4 Political issues of the revolution : a discourse. Richmond, 1856. pp.63. 12 2324.54 HOLDEX, H. Narrative of the shipwreck, captiv- ity, and sufferings of H. H. and B. H. Nute, on the Pclew and Lord North's Island. Boston, 1836. 16" **E. 230.5 HOLDEX, S. Funeral sermon on. See Colman, B. 3455.59 HOLDERXESS, History and antiquities of the seigniory of. Poulson, G 2472.6 HOLDICH, J. Life of Wilbur Fisk. New York, 1856. 8 2344.1 Shelf. No. HOLE, R. Remarks on the Arabian nights' enter- tainments. London, 1797. 12 2549.4 HOLGATE, J. B. American genealogy. New York, 1851. 4 2330.3 HOLL, F. Handbuch dcr Petrefactenkunde. Dres- den, 1829-30. 5v.ini. 10 3S69.14 HOLLAXD, G. C. Animal creation as expressed in structural appendages. London, 1857. 8 . *3765.9 Cases illustrative of the cure of consumption, indigestion, etc. London, 1850. 10 . ... 3794.36 Nature and cure of consumption, indigestion, etc. London, 1850. 8 3794.8 Moving powers of the blood. Lond. 1844. 8.*3803.21 Philosophy of animated nature. London, 184.S. 8 *3S02.7 Physiology of the foetus, liver, and spleen. London, 1831. 8 *3703.9 Practical views of nervous diseases. London, 1850. 8 3S02.6 HOLLAXD, II. Medical notes and reflections. Phil- adelphia, 1839. 8 - Same. 2d ed. London, 1840. 8 *3722.9 Mental physiology. London, 1852. 8" .... 3603.5 HOLLAXD, Rev. John. Sketch of ancient geogra- phy, with an appendix. New ed. Boston, 1814. 12 *Pph.v.213 HOLLAXD, John. History of fossil fuel, the col- lieries, and coal trade. 2d ed. London, 1841. 8 3651.10 HOLLAXD, S. S. Memoir of Rev. S. Smith, with select letters, ed. by Mrs. Austin. 3d ed. London, 1855. 2v. 8 2454.2 HOLLAXD, lord. See Fox. HOLLAXD. Algemeeneboekenlijstten dienste der lagere scholen in H. 8 Pph. v. 74 Bijdragcn ter bcvordcring van hct ondcr- wijs in de opvoediug. Haarlem, 1812. 8". *Pph.v.67 Notificatie voor de binnenlandsche zakcn der bataafschc rcpubliek behelzeude eene alge- mcene schoolorde. In den Uaag, 1800. 8.*Pph.v.67 Schoolwczcn in de Vereenigde Ncderlanden. [No title-page.] 8 *Pph.v.74 Stall stick van den handel en de scheepvaart, 1851. 's Gravenhage, 1852-53. 2v. f . . *7190.1 Ver/ameling van echte stukken, Staats-Pa- pioreii, enz. betrekkclyk linie schcepeu naar Brest. [1782.] 8 *Pph.v.l8 Description, travels, etc. Brereton, Sir W. Travels iu. [Chetham soc. v.l] 2415.1 Carleton, D. Embassy in H. from January 1C.1| to Dec. 1620 2451.4 Cousin, V. Instruction publique en ... 3598.18 - State of education in 3596.11 Hasty sketch of a tour through, in 1785 . . 2803.11 Pouu, W. Travels in, 1077 2803.15 Silliman, B. Travels in 2273.14 Steven, W. Dutch ecclesiastical establish- ment Pph. v. 129 See also : Friesland, Netherlands. History, biography, etc. Aa, A. J. Biographisch woordenboek der Nederlanden 2843.4 Andrews, J. History of the war with, 1775-83. 2325.12 Bradford, J. M. Struggle of the Dutch for emancipation Pph. v.l Descamps, J. B. Vies des peintrcs hollan- dais 4086.1 Hasselt, A. van. Histoire et description d' . 2266.8 La Fayette, M. M. de. Memoires de Hol- lande 4079a.9 Louis, (King.) Sur le gouvernement de la Hollande 2815.10 See also : Alkmaar, Brabant, Utrecht. Language, literature, arts, etc. Dictionnaire franjois et hollandois .... E. 208. 13 Holtrop, J. Dutch and English dictionary. E. 204.9 Janson, B. Dutch-English and English-Dutch dictionary E. 208.3 HOLLAND 392 HOME Shelf. No. HOLLAND, continued. Grammar of the Dutch language E. 207. 11 Kicsewetter, K. G. Qucls ont etc les me- ritcs des Neerlandais dans la musique . . . 4052.7 Leyden. Werkenuitgegcvcn door Vereenig- ingter bevordering dcroudc Nederlandsche letterkunde 2873. 1-G Michicls, A. Histoire de la pcinture hollan- daise 4002.13 Viardot, L. Les musdes do Hollande . . . . 4089.19 Wilcocke, S. H. Dutch and Eng. dictionary. E.208.9 Winkelman, O. R. F. W. Dictionnaire fran- cois hollandois E.204.C HOLLAR, W. Catalogue of prints of H., sold at auction July 16, 1827. London, n.d. 8. . *4081.12 Beschreibendes Verzeichniss seiner Kupfer- stiche. See Parthey, G 4003.7 HOLLAED, H. Nouveaux elements de zoologie. Paris, 1838. 8 3890.15 Precis d'anatomie comparee. Paris, 1837. 8. 3880.21 Manual of anatomy. See Bayle, A. L. J. . . 3744.15 HOLLES, D. lord. Memoirs, 10-11-8. London, 1099. sm.S" 2518.17 Memoires. Paris, 1827. 8. [Guizot. Mems. rel. a la rev. d'Angleterre, v.5] *2518.4 See also: Hollis. HOLLEY, H. President Holley not the Transyl- vania university. By Forthcoming. Lex- ington, 1824. 8 *Pph.v.50 Genius and character of. See Caldwcll, C. . 2343.18 Discourse occasioned by the death of. See Pierpont, J Pph.v.272 HOLLEY, M. Address on the anti-masonic excite- ment, or new party. Albany, 1830. 8" . *Pph.v. 115 Initiatory discourse before the domestic hor- ticultural soc. of N. Y. Geneva, 1828. 8.*Pph.v.77 HOLLEY, O. L. Description of the city of New York. New York. 1847. sm.l2 2389.7 HOLLIDAY, J. Life of William [Murray,] earl of Mansfield. London, 1797. 4 2440.17 HOLLINGSWORTH, A. G. H. The brotherhood of man: a sermon. Ipswich, 1845. 8 . . *Pph.v.250 HOLLIS, Thomas, b. IC59, d. 1731. Philosophical discourse on. See Greenwood, 1 3455.35 Sermon upon the death of. See Wiggles- worth, E , 3455.35 HOLLIS, Thomas, 6. 1720, d. 1774. True sentiments of America. London, 1708. 8 2321.15 Memoirs, [compiled by F. Blackburn] and appendix. London, 1780. 2v. 1.4 .... 2440.3 See also : Holies. HOLLIS, N. H. History of. Fox, C.J 2357.3 HOLLIS street meeting-house. Proceedings of an ecclesiastical council in the case of the pro- prietors of, and the Eev. J. Pierpont. Lo- throp, S. K 3544.8 HOLLISTER family. See Goodwin, N 2332.8 HOLLOWAY, W. Dictionary of provincialisms. London, 1840. 8 *2584.6 History and antiquities of Rye. London, 1847. 8" 2503.15 HOLMES, A. Address before the American anti- quarian society. Boston, 1814. 8 ... *Pph.v.l9 American annals. Cambridge, 1805. 2v. 8. 2317.5 Life of Ezra Stiles, D. D. Boston, 1798. 8. 2343.16,29 Sermon after the interment of Gov. I. Sum- ner. Boston [1799.] 8 *Pph.v.266 Sermon at the funeral of Rev. D. Osgood. Cambridge, 1822. pp.24. 8 **E.224.12 Sermon at the ordination of Rev. T. B. Gan- nett in Cambridgcport. Cambridge, 1814. 8 **Pph.v.2C7 Sermon before the convention of congrega- tional ministers of Mass., 1819. Cambridge, 1819. pp.36. 8 3441.4 Sermon at the funeral of Rev. D. Tappan. See Tappan, D 3443.5 HOLMES, A. F. Valedictory address to the grad- uates in medicine of M'Gill college. [Mon- treal, 1S54. 8] *M.Pph.v.54 Shelf. No. HOLMES, Edwin. Sermon occasioned by the death of Rev. P. S. Wynkoop. Albany, 1849. 8.*Pph.v.l92 HOLMES, Elias B. Speech in the House on the Mexican war. Washington, 1846. 8 . *Pph.v.l52 HOLMES, James II. H. Coal mines of Durham and Northumberland. London, 1816. 8" . . . . 3865.5 HOLMES, John, Esq. Oration at Alfred on the 4th of July, 1815. Boston, 1815. 8 *Pph.v.l2 HOLMES, Jlev. John. Missions of the united brethren. Dublin, 1818. 8 3534.11 HOLMES, O. W. Benefactors of the medical school of Harvard university, with a biographical sketch of Dr. Geo. Parkman, Nov. 7, 1850. Boston, 1850. 8 *Pph.v.305 Homo3Opathy and its kindred delusions. Bos- ton, 1842. 12 3807.24 Urania : a rhymed lesson. Boston, 1846. 8.*Pph.v.l56 Haxall,R. W., and Bell, L.V. Boylston prize dissertations for 1830. Boston, 1830. 8. [Library of pract. med. v.7] *3717.2 HOLMES, S. L. Address on the temperance pledge. Albany, 1843. 8 *Pph.v.l29 HOLMES, W., and Barber, J. W. Religious em- blems. Imp. ed. Boston, 1857. 2v.in 1. 12. 3445.14 HOLOTIIUKIA. Dissertatio academica de holothu- riis. Jaeger, W. F 3871.8 Anatomic der Rohren-Holothurie. Tiede- mann, F 5860.2 HOLROYD, J. B., lord Sheffield. Commerce of the American states. Cth ed. enl. London, 1784. 8 2327.5,6 HOLSTKIX, L. Commentariolus in veterem pic- turam nymphaeum referentein. [Graevius. Thes. antiq. Rom. v.4] 2950.1 Epistola ad Franciscum cardinalem Barbe- rinum de fulcris, seu verubus Dianae Ephe- eiae simulacro appositis. [Gronovius. Thes. Grsec. antiq. v.7] 29C0.2 HOLSTEIN. Abbildungen der Pflanzen in den Her- zogthumern, Schlesswig und H. See Oeder, G. C. v 3850.1 HOLTEN, S. Discourse at the interment of. See Wadsworth, B Pph.v.265 HOLTROP, J. English and Dutch [and Dutch and English] dictionary, corr. by A. Stevenson. Dordrecht, 1823-24. 2v. 8 **E.204.9 HOLTZAPFFEL, C. Turning and mechanical ma- nipulation. London, 1846-52. 3v. 8 . . . 4016.1 HOLT/MANN, A. Indische Sagen. 2tc Aufl. Stutt- gart, 1854. 2v. 16 3025.32 HOLY land. See Palestine. HOLY living, Rule and exercises of. Taylor, J.. 3445.32 HOLY Scriptures. See Bible. HOLY Spirit. Barrington, J. S. Teaching and witness of the. [Watson. Theological tracts, v.4] 3454.2 Faber, G. S. Ordinary operations of the . . 3446.5 Hammond, W. Doctrine of the . ..... 3452.10 HOLY state, and profane state. Fuller, T. . . . 3445.25 HOLY week. Description des ceremonies de la se- maine sainte. Cancellieri, F 4049.21 HOLYOKE, E. Appleton, W. Two discourses after the funeral of. 3455.16 Sewall, S. Oratio funebris 2348.26 HOLYOAKE, G. J. Self-help by the people : his- tory of co-operation in Rochdale. 3d ed. London, n.d. 12 3566.32 HOLYOKE, B. A. Ethical essay, with a biogr. memoir by J. Brazer. Salem, 1830. 8. **E. 218. 17, 3585.3 Memoir of. Boston, 1829. 8 *M.Pph.v.32 Discourse on the death of. See Brazer, J. E.224.9 HOMANS, J. S. Historical and statistical account of the commerce of the United States. New York, 1857. 8' 2327.3 HOMBRON, M. Zoologie et botanique. [Dumont d'Urville. Voyage au pole sud.] . v.6-8 of 2271.1 HOME, H. lord Kames. Elements of criticism. 1st Am. from 7th London ed. Boston, 1796. 2v. 8 **E.215.3, 3607.9 HOME 393 HOMERUS Shelf. No. HOME, H. lord Kames, continued. - Same. 4th Am. from 8th Lond. ed. New York, 1823. 2v. 8 3607.2 Six sketches on the history of man. Phila- delphia, 1776. 8 **E. 215.5 - Same. 3d ed. Dublin, 1779. 2v. 8 . . 3602.10 - Same. Edinburgh, 1788. 4v. 8 . . . . 3603.16 Memoirs of the life and writings of. See Tytler, A. F 2451.9 HOME, John. Works, [with] life, by H. Macken- zie. Edinburgh, 1822. 3v. 8 2605.3 Contents. Vol. I. Life; Dramatic works: Agis; Douglas. II. The siege of Aquileia; The fatal dis- covery; Alonzo; Alfred; The history of the rebellion in 1745. III. Rebellion (continued); Appendix. HOMEK, J. L. Nahant, and other places on the north shore. Boston, 1848. 8 2356.21 Notes on the sea-shore. Boston, 1848. 8. . 2356.21 HOMERTOH college society. Annual report, with an appendix. London, 1825. 8 . . . . *Pph.v.l23 HOMERUS. Homcri et Homeridarum opera et re- liquiae, ex recens. F. A. Wolfli. Lipsiae, 1804-7. 4v. in 3. 16 2999.3 Carmina, et cycli epici reliquiae, Gr. et Lat. Parisiis, 1840. 8. [Didot. Bibliotheque grecque] *2992. 14 Iliads and Odysses, transl. by T. Hobbes. 3d ed. London, 1684-86. 2v. in 1. 18 . . 2999.4 Iliad and Odyssey, transl. by Pope. [Chal- mers. English poets] v.!9of 2592.7 Iliad and Odyssey, transl. by Pope. [John- son. English poets, v. 36-38] 2589.3 Carmina [Ilias cum versione Latina]. Cur- ante C. G. Heyne. Lipsiae, 1S02-22. 9v. 8. *2998.2 Ilias. Adjicitur index verborum. London, 1816. 2v.ini. 8 **E.227.6 Ilias, ex recens. C. G. Heynii, cum notis An- glicis. Londini, 1819. 8 2998.1 Ilias. Cur. J. F. Boissonade. Parisiis, 1823. 2v. 32. [Boissonade. PoetseGraeci,v.4,5] *2979.4 Ilias, secundum recensionem Wolfli, cum pre- fatione G. Hermanni. Ed. ster. Lipsiae, 1827. 8' 7058.13 Iliad, translated by A. Pope, New edition with notes by G. Wakefleld. London, 1796. 6v. 8 2997.1 Iliads, transl. by G. Chapman. New ed. by W. C. Taylor. London, 1843. 2v. 12 . . 2998.5 Iliads, done according to the Greek by G. Chapman, with notes by K. Hooper. Lon- don, 1857. 2v. sq. 16 2999.1 LalliadediOmero. [Cesarotti. Opere, v.6-9]. 2798.1 Contents. Vol. I. Ragionamento preliminare sto- rico-critico, parte prima-terza. 1. Storia della per- sona e dell' opere d'Omero. 2. Riputazionc d'Omero. 3. Oggettie piano della presente opera; Avviso dcgli editori; Opinion! sulla durata dell" assedio di Troja; Idea dell' Iliade del sig. Bitaube ; Angeli Politiani at nbra, sive Uomerus, idylium; L'ombre d'Horaere, ode par M. De la Mothe. H.-IV. L'lliade o la morte d'Ettore. IV. Awertimento ; Variapti; Estratto ed analisi critica dei Paralipomeni d'Omero, poema di Quinto Smirneo; Indice poetico; Dizionario poetico; Sopra i prolegomeni di Wolf. Versione letterale del Iliade. [Cesarotti. Opere, v. 10-16] 2798.1 Contents. Vol. I. Orazione di Dione Grisostomo dcttal'Hiaca; Traizioni intorno ad Elena; Compa- razionc dello stato attuale della Troade dellostato del tempo d' Omero, di R. Wood ; Osservazioni sull' arte nautica e marinarcsca dc; Greci del sig. Goguet; Ri- flessioni del sig. Goguet sopra 1' arte militate de' Grc- ci al tempo della guerra di Troja; Riflessioni sopra i combattimenti d' Omero estratte da una dissertazione di A. Pope; Analisi di due dissertazioni inglesi intor- no la lingua trojana; Considerazioni sopra la qucs- tione, se Omero conoscesse la scriltura alfabetica; Tavola storico-geograflca delle citta, dei popoli, e dei capitani dell' armata greca, dei Trojani e degli ausi- liarj ; Osservazioni di A. Pope sopra il oatalogo d' Omero, del Big. Bitaube, del. sig. Rochefort, ccc.; Estrntto della dissertazione del sig. Court de Gubelin sopra lo spirito allcgorico, eec. ; Riflessioni general! Bulle allegoric d' Omero dell' ab. Terrasson ; Parallelo Shelf. No. HOMERUS, continued. dell' ab. Terrasson fra gli eroi dell' Tliade e quelli della Gerusalemme; Ristretto del ragionamento del sig. Bitaube sopra il mLrabile epico; Analisi critica dello Bcudo d' Achille ; Congettura sopra la favola dell' Olimpo, del sig. Mairan; Osservazioni del sig. Freret sulla storia delle Amazoni; Lostesso del sig. Paw. II.- VII. Volgarizzamento letterale dell' Iliade. VIII. Appendice; Catalogo delle principali edizioni e versi- one di Omero, e delle alterazioni fatte al tcsto dell* Iliade; Osservazioni e riflessioni poetico- critiche in- torno all' Iliade; Ragionamenti, discussion!, e riflessi- oni su i luoghi piii celebri dell' Iliade; Versi d' Omero osservabili per meccanismo espressivo; Squarcio di Girolamo Vida sopra il meccanismo della versificazi- one; Scelta delle varie lezioui piu considerabili che si trovano nell' edizione del sig. Villoison. Iliade, tradotta da V. Monti. See Poeti greci. 2962.2 L'lliade, tradotta da G. Ceruti. [Parnaso italiano, T.4-6] 2769.1 Hectoris intcritus, sive Iliadis liber xxii, cum scholiis Porphyrii et al. quae evulg. L. C. Valckenaer. Leovardiae, 1747. 8 2944.6 II primo canto dell' Iliade trad, in versi itali- ani. Londra, 1730. 12 v.lof 5248.1 Scholia in Iliadem. Ed. L. Bachmannus. Lipsiae, 1835. 8 2997.5 Bekker, I. Scholia in Homeri Iliadem . . . 2991.8 Bryant, J. Observations upon the vindica- tion of H. by J. B. S. Morritt 2991.15 Eustathius. Commentarii ad Homeri Iliadem. 2991.5 Forchhammer, P. W. Achill 2997.11 Morritt, J. B. S. Vindication of H. respecting the siege of Troy 2991.12, 14 Moschopulus, M. Scholia in duos priores Iliadis libros 2991.10 Penn, G. Examination of the primary argu- ment of the Iliad 2997.3 See also: Troy. Odyssea, etc. Cur. J. F. Boissonade. Parisiis, 1824. 2v. 32. [Boissonade. Poctae Graeci, V.6,7] *2979.5 Odyssea ex recogn. I. Bekkeri. Berolini, 1843. 8 2993.4 Odyssey, tr. by A. Pope. New ed. with notes byG.Wakefield. Lond. 1796. 5v. 8. v. 7-11 of 2997.1 Odysseys, translated by G. Chapman, with in- troduction by R. Hooper. London, 1857. 2r. sq.l6 2999.2 Odissea di Omero, tradotta da I. Pindemonte. 3aed. Bologna, 1825. 2v.ini. 12 . ... 2998.10 - Same. See Poeti greci 2903.2 L'Odissca, trad, di G. Bozzoli. [Parnaso ita- liano, v. 7-9] 2769.1 Commentarii ad Homeri Odysseam. See Eu- stathius 2991.6 Erkliirende Anmerkungen zu Homer's Odyssee. See Nitzsch, G. W 2997.9 Batraohomyomachia. Ed. Aug. Buumeister. Gottingae, 1852. pp. 79. 8 2998.3 Batracomiomachia. [Parnaso italiano, v. 10]. 2769.1 La Batracomiomachi. Loughi, F. M. [Col- lezione di componimenti scelti, in idioma bologuese] 4779 a.4 Remarks on the battle of the frogs and mice. See Parncll, T 2601.6 Apollonius Sophista. Lexicon Homericum 2978.32 Blackwell, T. Enquiry into the life and writ- ings of Homer 2997.12 Catalogo delle principal! edizioni e versioni di Omero. [Cesarotti. Opere, T. 16. App.] 2798.1 Crusius, G. C. Greek and Eng. lexicon of. 2982.3 Elton, C. A. [Spec, of the class, poets, v.l] .2963.14 Feith, E. Antiquitates Homericae. [Grono- vius. Thes. Graec. antiq. v.O] 2960.2 Fortia d'Urban, A. F. J. Homereetses cents. 2997.4 Gail, J. B. Clef d'Homere 2999.5 Geppert, C. E. Ueber den Ursprung der ho- merischcn Gesiinge 2997.7 Gladstone, W. E. Studies on H. and the Ho- mericage 2997.2 Hoffmann, C. A. J. Quaestiones Homericae . 2997.14 Homeri vita. [Gale. Opuscula] 2903.11 HOMERUS 394 HOOPER Shelf. No. HOMERUS, continued. Inghirami, F. Galleriaomerica 2997.10 Nit/scli, G. W. De bistoria Homeri 2097.8 Quintus Smyrnaeus. Posthomericorum, libri xiv 3006.10, 11 Rieci,A. M. Dissertationes Homericae . . . 2997.6 Schoeuemann, C. T. G. De geographia Homeri. 2997.15 Tzetzes, J. Ante-homerica, Homcrica et post-homer ica 3004.9 Wood, R. Essay on the original genius and writing-s of 2991.11 HOMILKTICS. Audisio, G. Di eloquenza sacra . 3438.1 Campbell, G. Lectures on pulpit eloquence. 3437.2,6 Doddridge, P. Lectures on preaching . . . 3437.8 Maury, J. 8. L'eloquence de la chaire . . . 3437.9 Palmer, C. Evangelische Homiletik . . . . 3437.4 Orton, J. Letters to a young clergyman . . 3437.19 Vaughan, R. The modern pulpit 3437.7 Vinet, A. Theory of preaching 3437.10 See also : Clergyman, Minister, Sermons. HOMCEOPATHY. Bibliotheca homcoopathica . . . 2186.5 Blatchford, T. W. Address on. ... M.Pph.v.38 Haas, J. L. Memorial du medecin homoeop. 3807.26 Henderson, W. Letter to Dr. Forbes on his article entitled H M.Pph.y.41 Holmes, O. W. H. and its kindred delusions. 3807.24 Rosenstein, I. G. Treatise on M.Pph.v.30 Simpson, J. Y. H., its tenets and tendencies. 3807.23 Tarbell, J. A. Pocket homoeopathist .... 3789.31 Zimpel, C. F. Short account of Pph.v.243 HONDURAS. Cockburn, J. Journey from the gulf of 2364.6 Wells, W. V. Explorations in 2364.2 HONE, W. Ancient mysteries described, especially the miracle plays. London, 1823. 8 ... 2575.24 Spirit of despotism. 5th ed. London, 1821. 8. 2523.4 Three trials, for publishing three parodies. London, 1818. 8 2514.12 HONEY WOOD, St. J. Poem on reading Washing- ton's address, declining a reelection to the presidency. Albany, 1796. 8 *Pph.v.29 HONG Kong. Charts published by the ordnance department of Great Britain. See Great Britain. HONG Kong consular ordinances, 1844. Hong Kong, 1846. f *7194.1 HONORIUS Augustodunensis. Opera omnia, mine primum collecta, accurante J. P. Migne. Lutctix Parisiorum, 1854. 8. [Migne. Pa- trologiaev.172] 3470.1 Contents. De philosophia raundi; DC soils affecti- bus; De imagine mundi j Summa totius de omnimoda historia; De scriptoribus ecclcsiasticis; Hexajmeron; De decem plagis vEgypti spiritualiter; Expositio Psal- morum sclectorum; Qusestiones et rcsponsiones in Proverbia et Ecclesiasten ; Expositio in Cantica canti- corum; Sigillum B. Maria:; Gemma animw; Sacra- mentariura; Speculum ccclesia: ; Elucidarium ; Liber duodecim qusestionum; Libcllua octo qu;estionum; Inevitablle, sive dialogus de libero arbitrio; Scala coeli major; Scala coeli minor; De animsa cxstlio et patria; De vita claustrali; Eucharistiou; Summa gloria de apostolico et augusto. HONORIUS I. pope. Epistolae et fragmenta. [Migne. Patrologise v.80] 3450.15 HONORIUS II. pope. Epistolseetprivilegia. [Migne. Patrologise v.166] 3460.40 HONORIUS III. pope. Epistolse. [Bouquet. Re- cueil, v.19] 2620.1 HOOD, E. P. The age and its architects : the Eng- lish people in relation to the times. 2d ed. London, 1852. 12" 3569.6 Old England : historic pictures of life. Lon- don, 1851. 18 2558.33 William Wordsworth, a biography. London, 1856. 12 2458.2 HOOD, G. History of music in New England. Boston, 1846. 16 *4049.5 HOOD, S. Letters to the ministry, 1769. See Ber- nard, F 2324.37 HOOD, T. Dream of Eugene Aram. [No title- page,] 8 *Pph.v.332 Bhelf. No. HOOK, T. E. Life and remains. See Barham, R. H. D 2458.24 HOOK, W. F. Call to union on the principles of the Eng. reformation. 4th London cd. New York, 1839. 8 v.2of3547.10 Church dictionary. Oth cd. Phila. 1854. 8. 3431.2 - Same. 7th ed. London, 1854. 8 . . . . 3433.4 Hear the church : a sermon preached in St. James' palace. London, 1838. 8 ... *Pph.v.l07 Mutual forbearance recommended in tilings indifferent: a sermon. N. York, 18J3. 8.*Pph.v. 137 HOOKE, N. Roman history to the ruin of the commonwealth. New ed. London, 1806. llv. 8 *2757.2 La conduite de la duchesse de Marlborough. See Churchill, S 2458.38 HOOKER, Herman, bookseller. Evil and impolicy of the church engaging in merchandise. Philadelphia, 1849. 8" *Pph.v.l70 HOOKER, Horace. Spelling-book. See Gallaudct, T. H 7059.21 HOOKER, John, d. 1777. Death of useful persons : a sermon at the funeral of the Rev. J. Hunt. Boston, 1776. 8 *3455.31 HOOKER, Joseph D. Botany of the antarctic voy- age of the Erebus and Terror, 1839-43. Lon- don, 1847. 2v. 4" *3841.1 HOOKER, Rev. N. Funeral sermon on. See Perry, J 3457.39 HOOKER, T. Doubting Christian drawn to Christ- Boston, 1743. 32 3446.30 HOOKER, Sir William J. British Jungermanniae. London, 1816. f *3840.5 Botanical miscellany. London, 1830-33. 3v. 1.8 *3842.5 Exotic flora. Edinburgh, 1823-27. 3v. 1.8. *3842.6 Flora Boreali-Americana. Lond. 1840. 2v. 4. *3841.3 Flora Scotica. London, 1821. 8 3855.10 Icones plaiitarum, or figures of rare plants, [in 2 ser.] London, 1837-44. 8v. 8 ... *3846.7 Journal of botany. London, 1834-42. 4v. 8. 3837.2 London journal of botany. 2d scries of Bo- tanical miscellany, v . 1-7. London, 1842-48. 7v. 8 3837.3 Musci exotici : containing figures and descrip- tions of foreign mosses and other cryptoga- mic subjects. London, 1818-20. 2v. 8. . *3847.1 Species lilieum, descriptions of ferns. V.I. pi. 1-70. London, 1846. 8 3847.11 Victoria regia, fig. by W. Fitch. 4 plates. London, 1851. imp.f *38.K.l English cryptogamia. See Smith, J. E. . . 3855.2 and Arnott, G. A. W. British flora. 7th ed. London, 1855. 12 3859.19 and Greville, R. R. Icones filicum : figures and descriptions of ferns, principally such as have been unnoticed by botanists. Lou- don, 1831. 2v. f *3S40.9 and Taylor, T. Muscologia Britannica, moss- es of Great Britain and Ireland. 2d ed. London, 1827. 8" 3847.3 HOOKER, Worthington. Lessons from medical delusions. New York, 1850. 8 3721.12 HOOLE, J. Transl. of the Orlando of Ariosto, and the Rinaldo of Tasso ; Portuguese em- pire in Asia ; Inquiry into the Brahmin philosophy. [Chalmers. Eng. poets.] v. 21 of 2592.7 HOOPER, J. bp. Early writings, ed. by Rev. S. Carr. Camb. 1843. 8. [Parker soc., 11]. 3493.15 Contents. Declaration of Christ and his office; Answer to the bishops of Winchester; Declaration of the ten commandments ; Deliberation upon the prophet Jonas; Funeral sermon. Later writings, ed. by C. Nevinson. Cam- bridge, 1852. 8. [Parker soc. 39] 3493.16 Contents. Advertisement; Biographical notice of bp. Hooper; A lesson of the incarnation of Christ; A brief and clear confession of the Christian faith; Con- fession of John Hooper's faith; Annotations on Ro- mans xiii.; Copy of bp. Hooper's visitation book; Hooper's injunctions; Homily to be read in the time HOOPER 395 HOKDYNSKI Shelf No. HOOPER, J. bp. continued. of pestilence; Expositions upon Psalms xxiii., Ixii., Ixxiii., Ixxvii.; Brief treatise respecting Judge Hailea; Epistolaad synodum Londincnscm; Appellatio ad parliamentum ; De vera doctrina et usu ceeuse Domini ; De falsa religione dignoscenda et f'ugienda; Apology ngainst a slanderous report; Letters. Life, epistles, confessions, homily, exposi- tion. [Fathers of the English church, v.5]. 3477.20 HOOPER, K. Compendious medical dictionary. 2d ed. London, 1801. 12 *3734.14 - Same. ICth Am. ed. by S. Akerly. New York, 1840-50. 2 v. in 1. 8 3734.3 HOOPER, S. Currency, its nature and uses, and the effect of bank-notes. Boston, 1S55. 8. 3040.3 HOOPER, TV. The Apostles neither impostors nor enthusiasts : a sermon. Boston, 1742. 12 *3458.42 Christ the only way to the Father : sermon at the Thursday lecture, Boston, Dec. 24, 1741. Boston, 1742. 8 *3458.4 Sermon preached at the funeral of T. Greene, esq., Aug. 5, 1763. Boston, 1703. 8m. 4 . . *3455.57 HOPE, G. Agriculture and the corn law. [Stock- port.] n. d. 8 *Pph.v.l33 HOPE, J. Diseases of the heart, with notes by C. W. Pennock. 2d Am. ed. Philadelphia, 1846. S" 3803.1 On nervous diseases. See Tweedie, A. ... 3802.2 HOPE, T. Anastasius, or memoirs of a Greek. 4th ed. London, 1827. 3v. 8 2577.4 Costume of the ancients. New ed. London, 1841. 2v. 8 2230.8 Essay on the origin and prospects of man. London, 1831. 3v. 8 3602.13 Historical essay on architecture. 3d ed. Lon- don, 1840. 2v. 8 4092.8 HOPKINS, C. Boadicea, queen of Britain, a trag- edy. London, 1697. pp.50. sm.4 2575.19 HOPKINS, H. B. Kcnunciation of free-masonry. Boston, 1830. 8 *l > ph.v.299 HOPKINS, J. II. bp. Address on the death of Gen. Z.Taylor. St. Albans, 1850. 8 . . . . *Pph.v.l83 Address on tolerating among our ministry the doctrines of the church of Home. New York, 1840. 8 *Pph.v.l52 Christianity vindicated, in discourses on the evidences of the New Testament. Burling- ton, 1833. 12 3436.15 Letter by the bishop of Vermont, on his cor- respondence with Rev. \V. H. Hoit. Bur- lington. 1846. 8 *Pph.v.l52 Letter to Rev. Samuel Seabury, [on Oxford tract No. 90.] 8 *Pph.v.l52 Novelties which disturb our peace, [four] let- ters to the bishops [etc.] of the prot. episc. church. Philadelphia, 1844. 12" .... *Pph.v.227 Religion the only safeguard of national pros- perity : a sermon. Boston, 1831. 8 . . *Pph . v 239 Scripture and tradition : a sermon, June 27, 1841. New York, 1841. 8 *Pph.v.l23 HOPKINS, M. A discourse [on] the death of the Rev. E. D. Griffin. Troy, N. Y. 1837. 8.*Pph.v.l01 Inaugural discourse at Williams college. Troy, 1836. 8 *Pph.v.97 Lectures on the evidences of Christianity. Boston, 1846. 8 3435.3 HOPKINS, Samuel, d. 1755. Memoirs relating to the Housatunnuk Indians. Bost. 1753. sm.4. 2366.9,21 HOPKINS, Samuel, D.D. of Newport, It. /.,&. 1721, d. 1803. Future state of those who die in their sins. Newport, R. I. 1783. 8 .... *3453.24 Sermon at the instalment of. See Stiles, E. . 2408.36 HOPKINS, Samuel, D. D. of Hadley, Mass., b. 1731. d. 1811. Funeral sermon. See Lyman, J. Pph.v.265 HOPKINS, Samuel M. Oration before the Wash- ington benevolent society in N. Y. New York, 1809. 8 *Pph.v.28 and others. Correspondence on the princi- ples of right reasoning applicable to tem- perance. Part I. Geneva, 1836. 8 ... *Pph.v.97 Shelf. No. HOPKINS, Stephen. Grievances of the Am. col- onies candidly examined. Lond. 17C6. S*Pph.v.241 HOPKINS, T. Atmospheric changes which pro- duce rain and wind. 2dcd. London, 1851. 8. 3964.6 HOPKINS, W. Elements of trigonometry. Lon- don, 1833. 8 **E.212.3 HOPKINS family. See Goodwin, N 2332.8 HOPKINSON, F. Miscellaneous essays, and occa- sional writings. Philadelphia, 1792. 3v. 8. 2406.17 Contents. Vol.1. Miscellaneous essays. II. Ora- tions; Miscellaneous essays; Account of the proces- sion at Philadelphia, July 4, 1788. III. Judgments in the admiralty ot'Pennsylvania; Poems. HOPKINSON, J. Annual discourse before the Pennsylvania academy of fine arts. Phila- delphia, 1810. 8" *Pph.v.l2 HOPKINTON association. Extracts of some letters occasioned by [their] proceedings. Con- cord, N. II. 1812. 12 *Pph.v.212 HORACE in London. See Smith, H. and J 2399.51 Hou.E momenta Cravenae, or, the Craven dialect. London, 1824. 16 **E.209.13 HOR.E juridicae subsecivae. Butler, C 3633.4 HOR.E Paulinre. See Paley, W 3486.7 HoRATiusFlaccus.Q. Eclogse [Opera omnia]. Ed. W.Baxter. Londini,1701. 8 2920.24 Eclogae [Opera omnia], notis illustr. Baxte- rus. Observ.add. Gesnerus ct Zeunius. Ed. repetita Lipsiae, 1802. 8 2926.21 [Carmina], ex recensionect cum notis, etc. R. Bentlcii. Ed. nova. Lipsiae, 1826. 2v. 8 . 2926.20 Opera, in usum Delphini. Notis illust. L. De- sprez. Ed. Sain Am. Phila. 1828. 8 . . . 2926.19 Quae exstant opera omnia. Cur. et emend. N. E. Lcmaire. Parisiis, 1829-31. 3v. 8. [Lemaire. Biblioth. class. Lat. 29-31] . . . *2916.3 Opera omnia, rcccns. et illustr. F. G. Doer- ing. Ed. novam cur. G. Regel. Lipsiae, 1836-39. 3v. 8 2926.22 Opera omnia, ed Guil. Dillenburgcr. Ed. 3a. Bonnae, 1854. 8" 2926.17 Carmina expurgata, cum notis J. Juventii, etaliorum. Cantabrigiae, [Nov. Ang.] 1806. sm.S" 2026.25 CEuvres en Latin et en Francois, par A. Dacier. Seed. Hambourg, 1733. 10 v. in 5. 12.. 2929.1 Poetical translation with the text and notes, collected by P. Francis. 6th ed. rev. Lon- don, 1756. 4v. 12 2929.2 Works, trausl. by P. Francis. [Chalmers. Eng- lish poets] V.19of 2592.7 Pocsie recate in vcrsi italiaui da G. Solari. [Lat. and Ital.] Genova, 1811. 2v. 8 . . 2926.23 Opcre, tradotte da Tommaso Gargallo ; Vita di (J. Oruzio Flacco scritta da Atto Vanucci. [Pocti latini] 2911.2 Satire, epistole, arte poetica, odi. [Parnaso italiano, v. 24,25] 2769.1 Kritik uud Krklarung der Horazischen Ge- dichtc. Sec Duntzer, H 2925.1 Epistolae. Edid. S. Obbarius et Th. Schmi- dius. Lipsiae, 1841. 8 2926.15 Carmina [Odae et epodae.] Kritisch be- richtigt, u.s.w., von Th. Obbarius. Jena, 1848. 8 2926.10 Satiren erklart von L. F. Hcindorf. Neu bearb. v. E. F. Wiistcmann, mit. Abh. 9 von C. G. Zumpt. Leipzig, 1843. 8 . . . 2926.18 See Collczione d'opuscoli scient. e lett. . . . 5278.2 Contents. Vol. II., III. La poetica d'Orazio vol- garizzata. XIV. Satira I. del libro I. volgarizzata dal ab. Pagnini. XVI. Satira II. e III. del libro I. L'arte poetica. [Raccolta di poem, didasca- lici.etc. v.2] 4779.8 Esposizione in prosa della poetica di. See Moutanari, G. 1 2196.5 See Elton, C. A. Specimens of the classic poets, v.2 2903.14 HORDYNSKI, J. History of the late Polish revo- lution. Boston, 1832. 8 3004.2 HO11MISDAS 396 HOSACK Shelf. No. HORMISDAS, pope. Epistoloe ct decreta. [Migne. Patrologix v.GSj v.l of 3450.5 Epistohe dccrctalcs. [Mignc. Patrologiae v.84] v.4 of 3450.16 HORN, F. C. Die Pocsie und Beredsamkeit der Dcutschen. Berlin, 1822-29. 4v. 8 . . . . 2886.12 HORN, George, of Greusscn, b. 1C20, d. 1070. De originibus Amcricanis. Hagse Comitis, 1052. sm.8 2319.4 HORN, George, of London, apothecary. Treatise on leeches. London, 1798. 8 . . . . *M.Pph.v.59 HORNE, George, D. D., bp. of Norwich, b. 1700, d. 1792. Comm. on the Psalms. N. Y. 1813. 8". 3426.4 Letters on infidelity, [with] letter to A. Smith. 2d ed. Oxford, 1780. 18 3436.26 HORNE, M. Sermon preached before the society for missions to Africa and the East. Phil- adelphia, 1811. 8 *Pph.v.4 HORNE, T. II. Introduction to the study of bibli- ography. London, 1814. 2v. 8 *2123.2 Introduction to the Holy Scriptures. 10th ed. by Davidson and Tregelles. London, 1856. 4v. in 5. 8 3423.5 Laws and regulations of the court of admi- ralty. London, 1803. 12" 3620.13 Manual of Biblical bibliography. London, 1839. 8 *2181.1 Diplomacy. See Poison, A 3616.10 HORNE Tooke, J. See Tookc, J. H. HORNEMAN, F. Journal of travels from Cairo to Mourzouk, 1797-8. London, 1802. 4 ... *3051.16 HOKNER, J. C. Memoire sur la reduction des dis- tances lunaires. GSnes, 1822. 8 . . . . **E. 189.12 Method for correcting the apparent distances of the moon from the sun or a fixed star : with new tables. Genoa, 1822. 8 ... **E. 189.12 Methode pour calculer les latitudes d' un lieu par les hauteurs do 1'etoile polaire, etc. G6nes, 1822. pp.29. 8 **E. 189.12 HORNER, W. E. Lessons in practical anatomy. Philadelphia, 1823. 8 3742.10 Special anatomy and histology. 8th ed. Phil- adelphia, 1851. 2v. 8 3742.9 HoRNES, M. Die fossilen Mollusken des Tcrtitcr- Beckens von Wien. Wien, 1850. 4. [Vi- enna. Kais.-kon. geol. Keichsanstalt, v.3].*3860.29 HORKY, E. Eulogium on the life and character of. See Adams, J E.110.9 HORRY, P., and Weems, M. L. Life of Marion. Philadelphia, 1855. 12 2348.2 HORSE. Comparative view of the English racer and saddle H 4002.1 Goodwin, J. Diseases of the feet of the. M.Pph.v. 82 Low, D. The horse. [Domestic animals, v.l] 3890.2 Miles, W. Horse-shoeing. [Mass. soc. for promoting agriculture] 3994.3 Richard, A. De la conformation du cheval . 3903.25 HORSE and horsemanship of the U. S. and British provinces of N. A. See Herbert, H. W. . . 4002.2 HORSFIELD, T. W. History, etc. of the county of Sussex. Lewes, 1835. 2v. 4 *2460.20 History, etc. of Lewes. Nat. hist, by G. Man- tell. Lewes, 1824-27. 2v. 4" *2472.13 HORSFOiiD, E. N. Permeability of metals to mer- cury, n.p. n.d. 8" *Pph.v.l93 Report on the phrenological classification of J. S. Grimes. Albany, 1840. 8* ... *M.Pph.v.35 Service pipes for water. Cambridge, 1849. pp.48. 8. [Boston water documents, v. 6] . *6357. 20 Solidification of the coral reefs of Florida, and source of lime in the growth of corals. Boston, 1853. 8 *Pph.v.200 Uiitersuchungen Uber Glycocoll und einige seiner Zersetzungsproducte. Giessen, 1840. 8 *Pph.v.l04 HORSFORD, M. G. Indian legends, and other poems. New York, 1855. 12 2398.21 HORSLEY, S. Controversy with Dr. Priestley on our Lord's divinity, with appendix by H. Horsley. 3d ed. Dundee, 1812. 8. ... 3462.7 Shelf. No. HORTA, M. le chevalier de. Catalogue dc la collec- tion de mddailles de. See Akcrman, J. Y. 2223.3 HORTE, A. D. da. Acripanda, trag. [Tcatro ita- lianoantico,v.9] 2770.1 HORTICULTURAL papers. Ste Knight, T. A. . E.211.12 HORTICULTURE. See Gardening. HOBTICULTUIUST, The, and journal of rural art and rural taste. Vols. iv-vi. Rochester and Philadelphia, 1854-56. 3v. 1.8 *5874.1 HORTON, Shropshire, Enrj. History of. Garbet, H 2502.8 HORTUS Britannicus. See Loudon, J. C 3830.8 HORTUS Elgiuensis. Catalogue of plants. Ho- sack, D 3855.12 HORTUS Herrcnhusanus. See Wendland, J. C. . 3840.7 HORTUS lignosus Londinensis. See Loudon, J. C. 3830.9 HOSACK, A. E. Beneficial effects of ether. New York, 1847. 8 *M.Pph.v.42 Case of the late J. K. Rodgers, M. D. New York, 1851. 8" *M.Pph.v.50 HOSACK, D. Address at the interment of Dr. J. Tillary. New York, 1818. 8 *Pph.v.22 Address before tho mod. soc. of the county ofN. Y. New York, 1824. 8 . . *M.Pph.v.ll,13 Address before the New York historical so- ciety. New York, 1820. 8" *Pph.v.50 Biographical memoir of Hugh Williamson. New York, 1820. 8 ... *Pph.v.22, *M.Pph.v.66 Catalogue of plants in the Elgin botanic gar- den. 2d ed. New York, 1811. 8 3855.12 Causes of suspended animation from drown- ing, with the means of restoring life. New York, 1792. 8 *M.Pph.v.4 Discourse at the opening of Rutgers medical college. Nov. 6, 1826 *M.Pph.v.l6 Essays on various subjects of medical science. New York, 1824. 2v. 8 3728.2 Establishment and progress of the Elgin bo- tanic garden. New York, 1811. if. . *M.Pph.v.l Inaugural dissertation on cholera morbus. New York, 1791. 8 *M.Pph.v.48 Introd. discourse to a course of lectures on the theory and practice of physic, and a tribute to the memory of Dr. B. Rush. N. York, 1813. 8" *3I.Pph.v.3,65 Introductory lecture, delivered in the college of physicians and surgeons, Nov. 7, 1825. New York, 1825. 8 *M.Pph.v.l6 Laws governing the communication of con- tagious diseases. New York, 1815. 4 ... 3790.57 Lecture on medical education. New York, 1801. 8 *M.Pph.y.l Memoir of De Witt Clinton. N. Y. 1829. 4 . 2340.5 Observations on croup or hives. New York, 1811. 8 *M.Pph.v.60 Observations on the establishment of the col- lege of physicians and surgeons in the city of New York, [etc]. New York, 1811. 8.*M.Pph.v.l Observations on febrile contagion, [etc]. New York, 1820. 8" *3I.Pph.v.lOO Observations on the medical character. New York, 1826. 8 *M.Pph.v.l6, 120 Observations on the pcripneumonia typhodes. New York, 1813. 8 *M.Pph.v.3 Observations on the surgery of the ancients. New York, 1813. 8" *M.Pph.v.24 Observations on the use of the Ballston min- eral waters. [No title-page.] [1810.] 8 e .*3I.Pph.v.3 Remarks on the treatment of the typhoid state of fever. New York, 1815. 8" . . *M.Pph.v.3 System of practical nosology. N. Y. 1818. 8. 3782.3 Theory and practice of physic. Ed. by H. W. Ducachet. Philadelphia, 1S3S. 8 3791.7 Tribute to the memory of the late Caspar Wistar. New York, 1818. 8 ... .*M.Pph.v.8 Opinion de, sur la contagion, ou la non-con- tagion de la fievre jaune. Chervin, N. *M.Pph.v.22 and Francis, J. W. American medical and philosophical register. [2d ed. v.l.] New York, 1814. 4v. 8" *3727.1 HOSEA 397 Shelf. No. HOSEA, Commentary on. Calvin, J 5504.3 Rcmigii antisiodorensis coinmeutarius in Os- eam prophctam. [Mai. Scrip, vet. nova coll. v.G. p.2] 3000.1 See also : Bible. HOSIDIUS Geta. See Lemaire. Poet. Lat. min. v.140. 2912.1 HOSKING, W. Theory and architecture of bridges. Weale, J 4014.2 Tredgold, T., and Young, T. Treatises on ar- chitecture, building, masonry, joinery, and carpentry. [Encyc. metrop.] New York, 1852. 4 . *4101.24 HOSMER, T. Elegy on. See Barlow, J 2409.12 HOSPITALS. Gualandi, D. Spedali d'ltalia dcsti- nati alia reclusione, e cura dc' pazzi .... 3800.38 Heriot, G. Account of Heriot's hospital . . 2453.21 History of. [Dugdale. Monasticon Anglic.] 2520.4 Gazette des hopitaux. See Lancette franj. 3700. 2 Osborne, S. G. Scutari and its hospitals . . 3722.1 Parkinson, J. Hospital pupil 3809.27 HOSTIUS. Hostii vita et carminum reliquiae. See Weichcrt, J. A 2912.6 HOTCHKIN, J. H. Settlement of western New York, and progress of the presbytcrian church. New York, 1848. 8 3544.6 HOTHOUSE manual. See Sweet, R 3852.11 HOTMAN, A. De veteri ritu nuptiarum ; De spon- salibus et jure matrimoniorum. [Grsevius. Thesaurus antiq. Rom. v.8] 2950.1 HOTMAN, F. De magistratibus Romanorum ; De senatu et senatusconsulto ; De formulig antiquis. [Graevius. Thes. antiq. Rom. v.2.] 2950.1 HOTTENTOTS. Kolben, P. Account of the . . . 3058.3 Span-man, A. Country of the H., in 1772-70. 3056.2 HOTTINGER, J. J. Histoire do la confederation suisse. See Miiller, J. v 2818.2 HOUARD, D. Dictionnaire de la coutume de Nor- mandie. Rouen, 1780-82. 4v. 4 *3632.2 Traite sur les coutumes anglo-normandes. Nouv. ed. Rouen et Paris, 1776. 4v. 4. . *3611.6 HOUDART de Lamotte, A. Ines de Castro. [The- atre des auteurs du second ordre. Trage- dies, v.3] 2640.19 Ines di Castro, tragedia. [Teatro moderno applaudito, v.27] 2768.1 HOUDIN, M. G. Funeral oration on the death of Washington. Albany, 1800. 8 *Pph.v.l2 HOUEL, J. Plaidoyer pour le sicur F. Maillct du Boulay. Rouen, 1827. pp.43. 8 *4103.5 HOUGH, F. B. History of St. Lawrence and Franklin counties, N. Y. Albany, 1853. 8. 2371.15 Meteorological observations. See Kcw York. 6360.4 HOUGH, H. G. Method of supplying the diver with air. Hartford, 1813. 8* *Pph.v.l93 HOUGH, J. History of Christianity in India. London, 1S39. 2v. 8 3534.6 Letters on the Ncilgherries, South India. London, 1829. 8" ... - 3043.7 HOUGHTON, G. F. Outline of the controversy of the New Hampshire grants, with a life of Col. S. Warner. Burlington, 1S49. 8 . *Pph.v.l80 HOUNSLOW, Chapclry of. Aungier, G. J 2195.17 HOURS of life. See Whitman, S. H 2398.44 HOUSATONIC Indians. Historical memoirs re- lating to the Housatunnuk. Hopkins, S. 2306.9,21 HOUSATONIC railroad company. Report of the directors. New York, 1844. 8 .... *Pph.v.234 HOUSE telegraph case. See Smith, F. O. J. . . . 3962.5 HOUSEHOLD, The, of Sir Thomas More. 3d ed. London, n.d. 8" 2458.27 HOUSMAX, J. Description of Cumberland, West- moreland, Lancashire, and a part of the west riding of Yorkshire. Carlisle, 1800. 8.*2493.21 HOUSSAYE, A. Galcrie de portraits du xvine siecle. 5e ed. le ct 2e ser. Paris, 1854. 2vi 12 2670.8 Contents. Vol. I. Dufresny, Fontcnelle, I. 'abbe Prevost, Piron, Voltaire, Florian, Le chevalier de La Clos, Rlvarol, Diderot, Grimm, Crebillon le Gai, Loui XV., Mademoiselle de Camargo, Sophie Ar- Shelf. No. HOUSSAYE, A. continued. nould, Monsieur et madame Favart, Lea poetes de madamc de Pompadour, Marie- Antoinette. II. Mari- vaux, Le marquis de Sainte-Aulaire, Crebillon le Tragique, La jeunesse de Jean-Jacques, llou'lard de la Motte, Buffon, Vade, D'Alembeit, Colic, Andre Che- nier, Chamfort, Watteau, Gretry, Madame de Pom- padour, Boufflers, Une deesse d'opera, Montcrif, Troia pages de la Tie de Dancourt, Dliele, Une pro- menade au palais-royal. HOUSSAYE, J. G. Monographic du the. Paris, 1843. 8 3845.9 HOUSSEAU, E. See Bouquet. Recueil, v.ll . . . 2610.1 HOUTON de La Billiardiere. See La Billiardierc, J. J. HOVEY, C. M. Fruits of America. [Col. plates.] Boston, 1852-50. 2v. 1.8 3842.1 Magazine of horticulture, botany, etc. Bos- ton, 1830-58. 24v. 8 *5877.12 How, N. Narrative of [his] captivity by the In- dians. Boston, 1748. pp.23. 16" 2366.25 How. T. Y. Address before the auxiliary N. Y. Bible and common prayer-book society. New York, 1817. 8 *Pph.v.20 HOWARD, B. C. Decision of the supreme court of the U. S. in the case of Dred Scott. New York, 1857. 8 3684.3 Reports of decisions in the supreme courts of the U. S. [Curtis. Reports of decisions, etc. v. 14-21] 3702.1 HOWARD, C. Trois ambassades du comtc de Car- lisle. See Miege, G 3069.35 HOWARD, D. Synopsis of the improvements and advantages of L. Cobb's scries of school books. Nashville, 1836. 8 *Pph.v.lOO HOWARD, F. Spirit of the plays of Shakspcare, in a series of outline plates. London, 1833. 5v. 8 2595.5 Contents. Vol. I. Tempest: Two pent, of Verona; Twelfth night; Measure for measure; Much ado, ctc.i Midsummer-night's dream. II. Merchant of Venice; As you like it; All's well, etc.; Taming of the shrew; Winter's tale; Love's labour's lost III. King John; Richard II.; Henry IV.; Merry wives of Windsor; Henry V.; Henry VI.; Richard III.; Henry VIII. IV. Comedy of errors; Troilusand Cressida; Timon of Athens; Coriolanus; J. Ciesar; Anthony and Cleo- patra ; Cymbeline ; Pericles. V. Macbeth ; King Lear; Romeo and Juliet; Hamlet; Othello; Titus Andronicus. HOWARD, G. W. F. earl of Carlisle. Sanitary re- form: speech in the house of commons. London, 1847. 8 3767.29 HOWARD, H. earl of Surrey. Poems and life. [Chalmers. English poets] v.2 of 2592.7 and Wyatt, Sir T. Works, ed. by G. F. Nott. London, 1815-16. 2v. 4 *2591.12 Contents. Vol.1. Memoirs of Howard; Dissertation on English poetry before the ICth century; Songs and sonnets; Paraphrase of part of the book of Ecclesias- tes; Paraphrase of some of the Psalms of Dnvid; Second book of Virgil's JEncid; Fourth book of Vir- gil's .iKneid; Letters; Notes; Memoirs of Henry Howard, earl of Northampton; Appendix. II. Me- moirs of Sir T. Wyatt; Essay on Wyatt's poems; Songs and sonnets of Sir T. Wyatt, the elder; Odes; Poems; The seven penitential Psalms; Sonnets, ron- deaux and odes; Letters to his BOH; Oration to his judges; Letters and official correspondence; Ap- pendix to life and poems. HOWARD, John. Treatise on spherical geometry. Newcastle upon Tyne, 1798. 8" ... . **E.214.19 HOWARD, John C. Discourse delivered before the humane HOC. Boston, 1804. S' . *M.Pph.v.64 HOWARD, L. Climate of London deduced from observations. [1807-30.] 2d ed. enl. Lon- don, 1833. 3v. 8 3964.8 HOWE, E. Oration, Worcester, 4th July, 1808. Worcester, 1808. 8 *Pph.v.63 HOWE, G. Eulogy on the Rev. Joshua Bates. Boston, 1855. pp.40. 8 3442.4 HOWE, H. Memoirs of eminent American me- chanics. New York, 1847. 12. pi 2346.20 Report on the educational policy of the state of New York. Canandaigua, 1849. 8.*Pph.v.l69 HOWE HUGHES Shelf. No. HOWE, Jemima, Captivity and deliverance of. See Gray, B 2366.19 HOWE, John, Life and character of. See Rogers, H. 2447.8 HOWE, Mrs. Julia W. Passion flowers. Boston, 1854. 16 2405.23 HOWE, S. G. Historicfil sketch of the Greek rev- olution. New York, 1828. 8 **E. 117.4 Report on idiocy. Boston, 1848. 8 *C348.10 HOWELL, J. Familiar letters, llth ed. London, 1754. 8 2548.1 HOWELL, T. B. State trials. See Cobbett, W. . 3693.1 HOWES, E. Chronicle of England. See Stow, J. 2420.9 HOWITT, W. Rural and domestic life of Germa- ny. London, 1842. 8 2863.5 - Same. Philadelphia, 1813. 8 .... *Pph.v.233 HOWLAND, G. G. & S. Conduct in relation to the frigates Liberator and Hope. See Bayard, W 2371.23 HOWLAND, H. J. Worcester as it is. Worcester, 1856. 4 2356.18 HOWLETT, J. H. Instructions in reading the lit- urgy. London, 1826. 8 3437.1 HOWBHIP, J. Complaints that affect the secretion and excretion of the urine. Lond. 1823. 8.*3740.44 Discrimination of surgical disease. London, 1840. 8 3782.2 Diseases of the lower intestines and anus. 3ded. London, 1824. 8 *3760.20 Indigestion, as connected with bilious and nervous affections. London, 1825. 8 ... 3760.21 Observations in surgery and morbid anat- omy. London, 1816. 8 3742.11 HOYT, J. Life and opinions of. See Mackenzie, W. L 2344.5 HOYT, K. A chaunt of life, and other poems. N. York, 1844. pp.32. 8 ... 2399.5 HUART, L. Student at Paris, transl. from the French by E. C. Finn. N. Y. 1844. 18.*Pph.v.231 HUAETE de San Juan, J. Examen de ingenios para las cicncias. Aumentado por I. Mar- tinez y Fernandez. Madrid, 1845. sm.8 . 3598.9 HUB, I. Die deutschekomischeundhumoristische Dichtung Beit Beginn des XVI Jahrhun- derts bis auf unsere Zeit. Niirnberg, 1855. 2v. 8 2894.2 HUBBARD, B. Sermon occasioned by the death of. See Whitlock, H 3458.44 HUBBARD, E. Sermon occasioned by the death of Hon. Azor Orne. Salem, 1790. 8 .... *3455.53 HUBBARD, H. Ixion, and other poems. Boston, 1852. 8 2398.36 HUBBARD, J. G. The currency and the country. London, 1843. 8" 3646.21 HUBBARD, W. General history of New England, to 1680. Cambridge. 1815. 8 2321.12 Happiness of a people : an election sermon, May3, 1676. Boston, 1676. 4 *3458.17 Narrative of the discovery and first planting of Mass. See Young, A 2352.4 HUBBELL, L. Oration [in] Albany, July 4, 1835. Albany, 1835. 8 *Pph.v.93 HUBBOFF, Armenian x>rince. Catalogue of the kings of Armenia. See Miscell. transl. from oriental languages 3012.30 HUBENER, J. W. P. Muscologia Germanica. Leipzig, 1833. 8 3847.7 HUBER, B. Aperju statistique de Pile de Cuba. Paris, 1826. 8 2313.19 HUBER, C. U. J. De carditide, in obsidione cas- telli Delfzijl. Groningae, 1819. 8 . *M.Pph.v.ll2 HUBER, Marie. State of souls separated from their bodies: punishments of the wicked not end- less. Transl. from the Fr. 1st Am. fr. 2d London ed. with notes by N. Stacy. Coop- erstown, 1817. 12 *3453.30 HUBERT and Ellen, and other poems. See Sar- gent, L. M 2398.2 HUBNER, J. J. Gattungsbenennungen curopai- scher Schmetterlinge. Augsburg, 1822. pp.83. 8 3899.1 Shelf. No. HUBNER, O. Customs' tariffs of all nations. Transl. and augm. by C. N. Newdegate. London, 1855. 4 3081.4 HUCBALD, or Hubald, Ubald, or Uchubald. Opera omnia quE extant. [Mignc. Patrol, v. 132]. 3460.11 Contents. Ilagiographica; Epistola do 8. Thcodc- ricoi Hymnus de 8. Thcoderico; Vita 8. Kictrudii abbatissa: Marcianensis ; Passio S. Quirici ct Julittao martyrum; Vita 8. Aldegundis virginis; Vita 8. Lebwini presbyteri et confessoris; Ltc S. Jonato, con- fessore; Miscellanea; Opuscula de inusica; De har- monica institutione; Musica cnchiriadis; Scholia de nrte rausica; Monachi cgloga de laudibus Calvitii; Epistola mctrica ad Carol um Calvum imperatorem; Epitaphium Milonis monachi 8. Amandi Elnoneneii llucbaldi magistri. Musica enchiriadis ; De tonis et psalmis mo- dulandis. [Gerbert von Hornau. Script, eccles. de musica sacra, v.l] 4041.7 HUCKELL, J. Avon, a poem. Stratford upon Avon, 1811. pp.59. 12" *2504.10 HUDDESFORD, W. Lives of John Leland, Thomas Hearue, and Anthony a Wood. Oxford, 1772. 2v. 8 2455.3 HUDIBRAS. See Butler, S 2059.13 HUDSON, A. Inquiry into the sources and mode of action of the poison of fever. [Mcdico- chirurgical rev. Decennial ser. v. 14, 15] . . 5748.1 HUDSON, C. Ilcply to Balfour's essays touching retribution. Woodstock, Vt. 1829. 24 . . 3453.41 HUDSON, D. History of Jemima Wilkinson. Ge- neva, N. Y. 18-21. 12 3548.21 HUDSON, II. Descriptio novi ad aquilonem tran- situs, supra terras Americanas in Chinam atque Japonem ducturi. [Bry. Coll. pereg. etc. Ser. 2,p.lO] v.4of 2306.26 HUDSON river, Obstructions at the head of the navigation of the. Genet, E. C Pph.v.47 HUDSON river railroad company. Statement showing the importance of the proposed railroad. New York, 1846. 8 *Pph.v.l54 Third annual report of the directors to the stockholders. New York, 1850. 8 . . *Pph.v.l81 HUDSON, Ohio. Western reserve college. Cata- logue, 1844-1851, 2. Hudson, 1844-51. 8 . *Pph.v.l44, 152, 163, 169, *M.Pph.v.43, 45,50, 53 - Catalogus eorum qui aliquovis gradu ex- ornati fuerunt. n. p. 1845. 8 *Pph.v.l52 - Medical department. Catalogue, 1844, 52- 53, 1854-5. Cleveland, 1844-55. 8.*M.Pph.39, 52, 54 HUDSON'S bay. Coats, W. Geography of . . . 2264.11 Ellis, II. Voyage to 2367.2 Kobson, J. Six years residence in 2367.3 HUE, F. Dernieres annees de Louis XVI. 2e ed. Paris, 1823. 8 2646.6 UUET, P. D. Memoirs, by himself, transl. with notes by J. Aikin. London, 1810. 2v. 8" . 3556.7 Pirronismo confutato: opposto al libro del preteso Huet. See Muratori, L. A 3608.19 HUG, J. L. Introduction to the N. T. Transl. from 3d Germ. ed. by D. Fosdick, Jr., with notes by M. Stuart. Andover, 1836. 8 . 3423.4 HUGHES, George W. Report on the Tioga coal and iron mines. Albany, 1829. 8 ... *Pph.v.84 HUGHES, Griffith. Natural history of Barbados. London, 1750. f *2310.1 HUGHES, H. Treatise on hydrophobia, from the MS. of an eminent physician. Montreal, 1837. 8 *M.Pph.v.31 HUGHES, H. M. Introduction to the practice of auscultation. Philadelphia, 1846. 12 ... 3795.31 HUGHES, John, b. 1677, d. 1720. Correspondence, with notes, by J. Duncombe. 2d ed. Lon- don, 1773. 3v. sm. 8 2548.2 Poems and life. [Chalmers. Eng. poets] ". v.lOof 2592.7 Poems. [Johnson. English poets, v. 22] . . 25S9.3 HUGHES, John. abp. of N. Y. b. 1798. The church and the world: a lecture. N.Y. 1850. 8.*Pph.v.l80 Letter on the moral causes that have produced the evil spirit of the times. N.Y. 1844. 8.*Pph.v.l36 HUGHES 399 HULME Shelf. No. HUGHES, John, abp. o/JV. T. continued. Lecture on the mixture of civil and ecclesias- tical power in the middle ages. New York, 1843. 8 *Pph.v.l37 HUGHES, T. Papers on foundations. [Wcale. Theory, practice, etc. of bridges] 4014.2 HUGHES, Thomas S. Travels in Sicily, Greece, and Albania. London, 1820. 2v. 4 ... 3071.8 HUGI, F. J. Die Gletscher u. d. crratischen Blocke. Solothurn, 1843. 8 3802.20 HUGO, St. abbot of Cluny. Vita, auctorc Hildebcr- to Cenomanensi episcopo ; Epistolae ; Com- monitorium; Imprecatio; Donationes pias. [Migne. Patrologire v. 159] v. 2 of 3400. 35 HUGO V. abbot of Cluny. Statuta. [Migne. Patro- loguev.209] v.2 of 3470.30 HUGO, abbot of Flavigny. Chronicon [a Christo nato]. [Migne. Patrologiae v.154] .... 3400.31 HUGO, abp. of Lyons. Epistola? xxvii. [Bouquet. Recueil, v.14] 2620.1 Epistoloe et privilcgia. [Migne. Patrologiae v.157] 3400.34 HUGO, abp. of Rouen. Dialogi sou questiones the- ologicae ; In hexaerneron ; Vita S. Adjutoris. [Martcne ct Durand. Thesaurus novus, etc.v.5] -2250.2 Dialogorum seu quxstionum theologicarum liber ; Tractatus in hcxa:meron ; Contra has- reticos sui tcmporis, sive do ecclcsia ct ejus ministris. [Mignc. Patrologia: v. 192]. v.2 of 3470.15 Epistolse xix. [Bouquet, llecueil, v.15] . 2020.1 HUGO, abp. of Sens. Epistolae xv. [Bouquet. Recueil, v.15] 2020.1 HUGO, bp. of Grenoble. Exccrpta; Epistolae et diplomata. [Migne. Patrologiae v.100] . 3460.40 HUGO, bp. of Langres. Tractatus do corpore et sanguine Christi, contra Bercngarium. [Migne. Patrologiae v.142] 3400.21 HUGO, bp.of Lincoln. Vita, ab Alexandro, ut vide- tur, monacho Cantuar. ; Litteras constitu- tionum in visitatione ; Diplomata. [Migne. Patrologias v.153] v.2 of 3400. 30 HUGO, bp. of Nevers. Epistola. [Migne. Patro- logiae v.143] 3400.22 HUGO, bp. of Oporto. Historia ecclesia? Compos- tellanae. [Migne. Patrologiae v. 170]. v. 3 of 3400.41 HUGO Eterianus. Liber de anima corpore jam cx- uta ; Libri tres de haaresibus Grxcortim. [Migne. Patrologise v.202] 3470.24 HUGO Farsitus, or Parsitus. Libellus de miracu- lis B. Mari'ae virginis in urbe Suessionensi. [Migne. Patrologiae v.179] 3470.6 HUGO Metcllus. Epistolae. [Migne. Patrologiae v.188] 3470.12 HUGO de Clceriis. Commentarius de majoratu et sencscalcia Francia?. [Migne. Patrologiae v.103] 3400.38 HUGO de Folieto. Libri quatuor de claustro ani- mae ; Liber de medicina auimie. [Migne. Patrologiaj v.170] v.2 of 3470.4 HUGO de Sancto Victore. Opera omnia ex rass. in bibl. Victorina. Ed. nova, accurante J. P. Migne. Lutetian Parisiorum, 1854. 3v. 8. [Migne. Patrologia? v. 175-7] 3470.4 Contents. Opera cxcgetica : De scripturis ct scriptoribus sacris prscnotatiunculas ; Adnotationes elucidatoriae in Pcntateuchon, in librum Judi- cum, in Ubros Regum ; la Salomoiiis Ecclesias- tcn homUiaj xix. ; Adnotatiunctila3 elucidatoriao, in ThrenosJeremiovn Joelemproph.; Expositiomoralis in Abdiam; DC quinque Bcptcnis; Explicatio iiican- ticum beatse Marias; Qurestiones et decisiones in cpistolas D. Pauli; Posteriorum exccrptionum libri XIII. ; Allegorise in Novura Testaracntura ; Com- mentaria in Iwerarchiam ccelestem S. Diouysii Areo- pagita:. II. Dogmatiea : Institutioncs in decalojum Icgis Dominica:; De sacramentis legis naturalis et scriptas ; Surama sentcntiarum ; Do sacramentis Christiana; fidei; De area Noe morali; De area Noe mysticai De vanitatemundi; Eruditionis didascalicae libri vii. ; De potestate et voluntate Dei ; De IV Tdluntatibus in Christo; De sapientia animaj Christi; De B. Mariffi virginitate ; De modo dicendi et medi- Shelf. No. HUGO de Sancto Victore, continued. tandi; Opuscula mystica: Expositio in rejrulnm S. Augnstini; De institutionc novitiorum ; De arrha anir.ia;: De laude charitatis; De modo oranili; De nmore sponsi ad sponsam; Demeditando; De fruc- tibus carnis ct spiritus; Epistolaj; Appendix ad IIu- gonis opera dogmatica. III. Appendix ad opera dog- matica: De bcstiis et aliis rebus libri quatuor; De anima ; Priorum cxcerptionum libri dccem ; De unione corporis et animaj ; Apologia de verbo incar- nato ; De verbo incarnato collationes trcs ;' De fllia Jephtc; Speculum de mysteriis ecclesise; De ca;re- moniis ecclcsiasticis; De canone mystici libaminis; MisccUanea; Scrmones centum. Do modo dicendi et meditandi. [Martene and Durand. Thes. nov. ancc. v.5] 2250.7 HUGO, of Cliamfleuri, bp. of Soissons. Epistolae XL Vii. [Bouquet. Recueil, v.10] .... 2020. 1 Epistolae. [Migne. Patrologi33 v.190] . . . 3470.18 HUGO, of Poitiers. Histoire dn monastere de Vuzclai. [Guizot. Coll. des mem. hist, de France, v.7] 2018.2 Historia Vizeliacensis monasterii. [Migne. Patrologiae v. 194] v.2 of 3470.16 HUGO, of Ribemont. Epistola, An anima primi hominis facta fuerit ex nihilo et quomodo contrahatur peccatum. [Migne. Patrolo- g-ia; v.100] 3400.40 HUGO, of Saints Marie. Chronique 949-1 108. [Gui- zot. Coll. mem. hist, de Fr. v.7] 2018.2 Historia ecclesiastica ; Historia Fraucorum Senonensis ; Fraginenta historiae Fossaten- sis ; Actus moderuorum regiim Francorum; De regia potestate ct sacerdotal! diguitate ; Vita sancti sacerdotis. [Migne. Patrolo- giaj v.103] 3400.33 Miracles de Saiut-Bcnoit. Sec Adrcvald. . . 2030.8 HUGO Reutlingensis. Flores musice omnis catus Grcgoriani. Argentine, 1488. 4 *4017.14 HUGO, G. Jus civile antejustinianeum. Berolini, 1815. 2v. 8 *3G12.4 Contents. Vol. I. TJlpiannm, Paulnm, Cajum, Pap'mianum, Modestinum, auctorem rcgulanim, co- dices Gregorianum et Ilcrmogcnianum, Theodosiaui vero libros decem priorcs contincns. II. Codicis Theodosiani libros sex postcriorcs, novellas con- stitutioncs impcratorum Justiniano anteriorum, Mosaicarum ct Romanarum legum collationem, consultationcm vetcris cujusdam jurisconsult!, legcm Komanam Burgundionum, frajmenta juris consulto- rum ac constitutioncs impcratorum e fiiiium regun- dorum auctoribus collecta, dcnique indicem titulorum dupliccm contincns. HUGO, V. M^. fitudc sur Mirabcau. See Mirabeau, H. G. R 4669,4 and Cremicux, I. C. La peine de mort. Paris, 1851. pp.4S. S 3575.3 HUGUENOTS. Browning, W. S. History of the. 3528.1 Horribles cruautcs des, en France, 15G2-:'<7. [Lafuist. Arch. cur. hist. Fr. Ser.l.v.G]. 2017.1 Marsh, A. History of the 3528.9 HULBERT, C. History of the county of Salop. Near Shrewsbury, 1837. 4 *2492.9 HULL, A. G. Nature of hernia, with remarks on the instruments hitherto used for its con- finement. New York, 1823. 8" ... *M.Pph.v.l09 - Same. 3d ed. N. Y. 1S2G. 8 . *M.Pph.v.l5, 17 HULL, Capt. Isaac, Proceedings of the court of enquiry into the official conduct of. See United States. Navy department 2343.14 HULL, John, 6. 1024, d. 1083. Diaries of. [Amer. antiq. soc. Transactions, v.3] 2311.1 HULL, John, M. D. Phlegmatia doleus, etc. Man- chester, 1800. 8 3798.7 HULL, L. Address before the mod. soc. of the stateof N. Y. Albany, ia39. 8. . . *M.Pph.v.32 HULL, W. Campaign of the north-west army, 1812, with revolutionary services of the author. Boston, 1824. & *Pph.v.54 HULLMAXX, C. D. Anfiinge der griechischcn Ge- schichte. Konigsberg, 1814. 8 3078.1 Griech. Denkwiirdigkeiten. Bonn. 1840. 8" . 2960.11 HULME, N. On the puerperal fever. Lond. 1772. 8*3776.17 HULSIUS 400 HUME Shelf. No. HULSIUS, L. Bibliographical essay on the collec- tion of voyages and travels, edited and pub- lished by II. See Asher, A 2177.4 HULTHEM, C. van. Bibliothcca Ilulthcmiana. Gand, 1830-7. Cv. 8 *2137.1 HULTON, W. A. Documents relating to the priory of Penwortham, [with introduction] 1853. 6m. 4. [Chetham soc. v.30] *2415.8 HUMAN depravity. See Sewall, E. G Pph.v.219 HUMAYUX, the Moghul emperor, Private memoirs of. See Jouher 3012.4 HUMBERT or Hubert. Liber adveraus Graccorum calumnias; Responsio in libellum contra Latinos editum a Niceta ; Libri tres advcr- sus Simoniacos. [Migne. Patrologiae v. 143] 3400.22 Advcrsus Simoniacos. [Martcne et Durand. Thesaurus novus, etc. v. 5] 2250.2 HUMBLE, W. Dictionary of geology and miner- alogy. 2d cd. London, 1843. 8* *3882.12 HUMBOLDT, C. W. F. v. Bricfe an cine Freundin. Gte Aufl. Leipzig, 1853. 2v. 8 2894.4 Ueber die cantabrischc odcr baskische Spra- chc. Berlin, 1817. pp.93. 8% [Adelung. Mithridates, v.4] *2956.18 HUMBOLDT, F. H. A. v. Cosmos, a physical de- scription of tie universe, transl. under the superint. of Col. E. Sabine. 7th ed. [of vs. 1, 2.] London, 1849-52. 3v. 12 3877.25 Do distributione geographica plautarum. Lu- tetias Parisiorum, 1817. 8 3833.4 Essai politique sur 1'islc do Cuba. Paris, 1820. 2v. 8" 2313.12 Fragmentc einer Geologic und Klimatologie Asiens. Berlin, 1832. 8 3804.9 Fragmeus de geologic ct dc climatologie asia- tiqucs. Paris, 1831. 2v. 8 ....... 3804.8 Institutions and monuments of the ancient inhabitants of America, transl. by H. M. Williams. London, 1814. 2v. 8 ..... 2304.3 Lignes isothermes. Paris, 1817. 8 .... 3904. 13 Political essay on New Spain, transl. by J. Black. 3d cd. London, 1822. 4v. 8" ... 2314.5 Superposition of rocks. London, 1823. 8 . 3SC4.7 Tableaux dc la nature, tr. par F. Hoefer. Paris, 1850-51. 2v.in 1. 8 3815.2 Vcrsuche iibcr die gcrcizte Muskel-und Ner- venfaser. Posen und Berlin, 1797. 2v. 8. 3880.14 Cinchona forests of South America. See Lam- bert, A. B 3850.7 Configuration de 1'Espagne et son climat. See Laborde, A. L. J. de 3103.1 and Bonpland, A. Travels to the equinoctial regions of the new continent, 1799-1804, transl. by II. 31. Williams. London, 1814- 27. Ov. in 5. 8 *23G4.4 - Voyage aux regions <5quinoxiales da nouveau continent 1799-1804. Paris, 1807- 35. 10 v. 4" and ISv. f ". Namely: - Relation historique, 1814-25. 3v. 4 . . *3S10.S - Atlas pittoresque : Vue des Cordillieres, et monumens des peuples indigenes de 1'Amerique. f *3S10.4 - Atlas gtiographique ct physique ; Examen critique dc 1'histoire de la geographic du nouveau continent, et des progres de 1'as- tronomie nautique aux quinzieme et sei- zieme siecles. f *3810.3 - Atlas gcographique et physique des re- gions <5quinoxiales du nouveau continent, fond<5 sur des observations astronomiques, des mesures trigonometriques et des nivel- lemens barome triques par Humboldt. f . *3810. 1 - Rccucil d'observations de zoologie et d'anatomie comparee, faites dans 1'ocean atlantiquc, dans I'interieur du nouveau con- tinent et dans la mer du sud pendant les an- nees 1799-1803. 2v. 4" *3810.7 - Essai politique sur le royaume de la Nou- velle-Espagne, par Humboldt. 2v. 4". .*3820.15 Shelf. No. HUMBOLDT, F. H. A. v. and Boupland, A. continued. - Atlas geographique ct physique du roy- aume de la Nouvclle-Espagnc, fondd sur dcs observations astronomiques, des mesures trigonometriqucs ct dcs nivellcmens baro- metriqucs. f *3810.2 - Recucil d'obscrvations astronomiques, d'operations trigonometriques ct dc mesu- res barometriqucs, fuitcs pendant le cours d'un voyage aux regions equinoxialcs du nouveau continent, depuis 1799 jusqu'cn 1803, par Alexandre de Humboldt, redi- gees ct calculecs, d'apres les tables les plus exactes, par Jabbo Oltmanns : ouvragc au- quel on a joint des recherchcs historiqucs sur la position de plusieurs points impor- tans pour les navigatcurs et pour les geo- graphcs. 2v. 4 *3920,4 - Essai sur la geographic des plantes, ac- compagne d'un tableau physique des rdgiona equinoxialcs, fonde sur des mesures cxecu- tees, depuis le dixieme dcgrd de latitude boreale jusqu'au dixieme dcgre de latitude australe, pendant les annces, 1799-1803. 4.*3820.14 - Plantes Equinoxialcs, recueillics au 3Ie- xique, dans 1'ile de Cuba, dans les pro- vinces de Caracas, de Cumana et de Barcc- lone, aux Andes de la Nouvelle-Greuadc, de Quito, et du Perou, et sur les bords du Rio- Negro, de 1'Orenoquc, et de la riviere des Amazones. 2v. f *3820.1 - Monographic des Melastomacees, com- prcnant toutes les plautcs de cct ordrc re- cueillics jusqu' a ce jour, ctnotammcnt au Mcxiquc, dans 1' ilc de Cuba, dans les pro- vinces de Caracas, de Cumaua ct de Barce- lonc, aux Andes de la Nouvclle-Grenade, de Quito ct du Pe>ou, et sur les bords du Rio-Xegro, dc 1'Orenoque et de la riviere des Amazones. Mclastomcs, Rhexies. 2v. f .*3S20.2, 3 - Nova genera et species plantarum quas in peregrinatiouc orbis novi collcgorunt, de- scripserunt, partim adumbraverunt Amat. Bonpland ct Alex, de Humboldt. Ex sche- dis autographis Amati Bonplandi in ordi- nem digcssit C. S. Kunth. 7v. f . . . . *3310.6 - Mimoses ct autrcs plantes legumincnses du nouveau continent, rccueillies par 31 II. de Humboldt ct Bonpland, decrites et pu- bliees par Charles-Sigismond Kuuth, avec figures coloriees. f *3S20.4 - Distribution methodiquc de la famille des Graminees, par Charles-Sigismond Kunth : ouvrage accompagno de deux cents vingt planches representant autant d'especes nou- velles ou pen connues, dessinecs par ma- dame Eulalie Delilc. 2v. f *3S10.5 Sammlung von Briefen gewcchselt zwischen J. F. Pfaff und. See Pfaff, J. F 2847.6 HU3IE, A. Learned societies and printing clubs, with a supplement by A. I. Evans. Lon- don, 1853. 12 2203.6 HUME, D. Essays and treatises. New ed. Lon- don, 1784. 2v. 8 2557.4 Contents. Vol. I. Essays, moral, political, and lite- rary. II. Enquiry concerning human understand- ing; Dissertation on the passions; Enquiry concern- ing the principles of morals; Natural history of religion. Histoire de 1'Angleterre, trad. parMme. B[e- lot] et M. Prevost. Amsterdam et Londres, 1705-08. Or. 4' *2513.1 Philosophical works. Boston, 1854. 4v. 8. 3601.3 Contents. Vo}. I. Life, by himself; Controversy be- tween Hume and Rousseau; Scotticisms; Treatise of human nature ; Of the understanding. II. Of the passions ; Of morals ; Dialogues concerning natural religion. III. Essays, moral, political, and literary. IV. Inquiry concerning human understanding; In- quiry concerning the principles of morals ; Natural history of religion; Additional essays. HUME 401 HUNTER Shelf. No. HUME, D. continued. Private correspondence, 1761-76. [French andEng.] London, 1820. 4 *2541.1 Examination of his statement relative to the character of the English government. See Brodie, G 2516.7 Examination of the principles advanced by Hume on miracles. See Campbell, G. . . . 3435.11 Observations on the philosophical essays of. [Leland. Deistical writers, v.2] 3435.16 Ueber den Glauben, ein Gesprach. [Jacobi. Wcrke, v.2] 2893.2 Life, written by himself, [and two essays.] London, 1777. 16 *2458.30 Life and correspondence. See Burton, J. H. 2454.9 HUME, G. L. Analysis of the water from the ebbing and flowing stream discovered by boring in the harbor of Bridlington, A. D. 1811. London, 1816. 8 *Pph.v.308 HUME, P. Narrative of the events which occurred in the enterprize of the earl of Argyle, in 1085. See Kose, G 2410.7 HUMPHREY, H. Death of pres. Harrison : a dis- course, April 8, 1841. Amherst, 1841. 8.*Pph.v.266 Indian rights and our duties : an address. Boston, 1831. 12 *Pph.v.218 HUMPHREYS, A. A., and Warren, G. K. Exam- ination of the reports of explorations for railroad routes from the Mississippi to the Pacific. Washington, 1855. 8 [3 maps] . 2363.6 HUMPHREYS, Daniel. Appeal to the Bible on the controversy, What is genuine Christianity ? Portsmouth, N. H. 1797. sm.8 2329.19 Plain attempt to hold up to view the ancient gospel. Portsmouth, 1800. sm.8 2329.19 HUMPHREYS, David, D. D. Historical account of the society for the propagation of the gos- pel in foreign parts. London, 1730. 8 . . 3534.16 HUMPHREYS, Col. David, LL.D., b. 1753, d. 1818. Miscellaneous works. New York, 1790. 12. 2406.14 Content. Address to the armies of the U. S., a poem; Poem on the happiness of America; Epitaphs, epistles, and poems on various occasions; The widow of Malabar, a tragedy ; Prol. and epilogue to the transl. of Athalia, a tragedy ; Ode on the glory of Co- lumbia, by Dr. Timothy Dwight ; Life of Maj. Gen. Israel Putnam; Oration on the polit. situation of the U.S. - Same. New York, 1804. 8 2406.13 Contents. Address to the armies of the United States, a poem; Happiness of America, poem ; Fu- ture glory of the United States, poem ; Remarks on the war between the U. S. and Tripoli ; Necessity of maintaining a navy ; Industry of the U. S., poem ; Love of country, poem; Death of Gen. Washington; [Occasional pieces;] Life of Putnam; Political situa- tion of the II. S. in 1789; Dissertation on the Merino breed of sheep ; Means of improving the public de- fence; Five letters from Gen. Washington to Col. Humphreys. Reflections on his life of Israel Putnam. See Fellows, J 2347.11 HUMPHREYS, II. N. Ancient coins and medals. 2d ed. London, 1851. 4 *2223.1 Art of illumination. London, 1849. pp.64 and illustrations. 12 *2115.2 Coinage of the British empire. Lond. 1854. 8.2532.1,2 Hluminated books of the middle ages. Lon- don, 1849. f *2110.2 Origin and progress of the art of writing. London, 1853. 1.8 *2120.8 Ten centuries of art. London, 1852. 4. . . *4071.10 and Westwood, J. O. British butterflies and their transformations. London, 1841. 4. *3891.5 - British moths and their transformations. London, 1843-45. 2v. 4 *3891.4 HUMPHRY Clinker : novel, by T. Smollett. [Bal- lautyne. Novelist's libr. 2] 2573.1 HUN, T. Introductory lecture before the Albany medical college, 1839. Alb. 1839. 8. *M.Pph.v.34 Medical systems, medical science and empiri- cism, a lecture. Albany, 1849. 8 . *M.Pph.v.44 Shelf. No. HUNEFELD, F. L. Der Chemismus in der thieri- schen Organisation. Leipzig, 1840. 8 . . 3887.9 HUNGARY. Beudant, F. S. Voyage en Hongrie. 2861.6 Boissard, J. J. Pannoniae historia chronolo- gica 2311.16 Bright, K. Travels through lower H. . . . 2801.5 Chowanetz, J. Geschichte Ungarns bis zuni TodeFranzI 2827.3 Fessler, I. A. Die Geschichten der Uugern. 2827.1 Frivaldszky, E. Monographia serpentum Hungarias 3875.7 Gorgei, A. Leben und Wirken in Ungarn . 2853.1 Gourcy, C. de. Voyage agricole en Hongrie. 2273.13 Henningsen, C. F. Past and future of. . . 2827.4 Palma, F. K. Notitia rerum Hungaricarum. 2827.2 Question austro-hongroise 2827.6 Richter, W. Wanderungen in Ungarn . . . 2S64.4 Schwandtner, J. G. Scriptores rerum Hun- garicarum 2810. 2 Teleki, L. L'intervention russe 2827.6 Waldstein, F. A. G. Descriptiones et icones plantarum rariorum Hungarioe 3840.2 HUNS, Histoire generate des. Guignes, J. de . . 3023.5 HUNT, F. Merchant's magazine, and commercial review, v.1-16, 18-22, 30-32, 34-40. N. York, 1840-59. 31v. 8 *3194.1 Statistics of the United States almanac for 1844. SeeDownes, J 2383.3 HUNT, G. J. The late war, written in the ancient historical style. 3d ed. N. Y. 1819. 12. 2329.20 HUNT, H. K. Glances and glimpses. Boston, 1850. 12" 2347.1 HUNT, John, Sermon at the funeral of. See Hooker, J 3455.31 HUNT, James H. Leigh. The Liberal : verse and prose from the south. London, 1822-23. 2v. 8 2550.5 HUNTER, II. Sacred biography. 2d Amer. ed. Walpole, N. H. 1803. 7v. in 4. 8" 3428.2 Sermons, and other pieces, [with] a sketch of his life. London, 1804. 2v. 8 3441.24 HUNTER, John. Works, edited by J. F. Palmer, [with] life by D. Ottley. London, 1837. 4v. 8. Iv. 4. pi *3712.9 Contents. Vol. I. Life of J. Hunter, by D. Ott- ley; Appendix; Surgical lectures, with notes by J. F. Palmer. II. Natural history and diseases of the hu- man teeth, with notes by T. Bell; Treatise on the venereal disease, with notes by G. G. Babington. HI. Treatise on the blood, inflammation, and gun- shot wounds; Observations on the inflammation of the internal coats of veins; On introsuscepiion; Art account of Mr. Hunter's method of performing the operation for the cure of popliteal aneurism, by Sir E. Home from materials furnished by Mr. Hunter) Additional cases to illustrate the preceding, by Sir B. Home ; Case of paralysis of the muscles of degluti- tion cured by an artificial mode of conveying food and medicines into the stomach; Observations on tho loose cartilages found in joints, by Sir E. Home from materials furnished by Mr. Hunter ; Observations on certain horny excrescences of the human body, by Sir E. Home. IV. Observations on certain purtu of the animal economy by John Hunter, with notes by Richard Owen. - Same. Philadelphia, 1841. 4v. 8 ... 3712.8 On the blood, inflammation, and gun-shot wounds, [with] life by E. Home. Philadel- phia, 1796. 2v. 8 3803.29 On venereal disease, introd. and comment, by J. Adams. London, 1810. 8 *3770.34 Aberncthy, J. Rationality of Hunter's theory of life 3765.2 - View of Hunter's physiology 3886.7 Adams, J. Memoirs of 2455.9 Cluttcrbuck, II. Remarks on the opinions of H. respecting the venereal disease . . M . Pph. v.70 HUNTER, Joseph. Collections concerning the church at Scrooby : the founders of New Plymouth. London, 1854. 8 2321.7,8 English monastic libraries. London, 1831. sm.4 : *2125.4 Hallamshire glossary. London, 1829. 12. 2586.10, 11 HUNTER 402 HUTCIIINSON Shelf. No. HUNTER, Joseph, continued. Illustrations of the life, studies, and writings of Shakespeare. London, 1845. 2v. 8 . . . 2597.2 - Same. Analyses. 1811. pp.23. 8 . . . 2595.4 Eeply to the animadversions of Dyce on il- lustr. of Shakespeare. Lond.1853. pp.23. 8. 2597.30 Scene, origin, date, etc. of Shakespeare's Tempest. London, 1839. 8 *2597.21 South-Yorkshire. History and topography of the deanery of Doncaster. London, 1828- 31. 2v. f *2500.13 HUNTER, R. M. T. Observations on the history of Virginia, a discourse. Richmond, 1855. pp. 48. 12 2374.10 HUNTER, W. Anatomy of the human gravid uterus in figures. [Lat. and Eng.] Bir- mingham, 1774. Atlas f. pi. 34 *37K.l - Same. London, 1851. f *3750.4 Lectures on the gravid uterus. 1779. 4. MS.*3770.18 Medical commentaries. Part 1. Containing an answer to Monro. London, 1762. 4. . *3791.2 - Same. 2d ed. London, 1777. 4 . . *Pph.v.32G HUNTING. Du Fouilloux, J. Lavenerie .... 4001.3 Scrope, W. Art of deer-stalking 4001 .4 HUNTINGDONSHIRE. See Post-office directory . 2484.13 Visitation of, under authority of William. Camden. [Camden soc. 43] 2410.43 See also : Godmanchester. HUNTINGFORD, G. I. A call for union with the established church. 2d ed. Lond. 1808. 8. 3547.1 HUNTINGTON, D. Memories, counsels, and reflec- tions. Cambridge, 1857. 8 2333.5 HUNTINGTON, Enoch. Discourse occasioned by the death of Hon. Jabez Hamlin. Middle- town, 1791. 12 *3458.43 HUNTINGTON, Ezra A. Funeral discourse on D. P. Page. Albany, 1848. 8 *Pph.v.l60 The house of God, and the law of the house : a sermon. Albany, 1845. 8" *Pph.v.l49 HUNTINGTON, F. D. Address before the Mass, charitable mechanic association. Boston, 1856. 8 v.Sof 2354.25 Discourse preached the first Sunday in the year. Boston, 1845. 8" *Pph.v.2C9 Duties of the rich to the poor : a sermon in behalf of the Warren-street chapel. Bos- ton, 1845. 8 *Pph.v.209 Sermon preached at the 50th anniversary of the Boston female asylum, with the annual report. Boston, 1850. 8 *Pph.v.305 Sermon at the ordin. of. See Putnam, G. *Pph. v.209 HUNTINGTON, J. Calvinism improved; or, the salvation of all men. New Lond. 1790. 8. *3453.3 Plea before the ecclesiastical council at Stock- bridge in the cause of Mrs. Fisk. Boston, 1782. 8 *Pph.v.331 Vanity and mischief of presuming on things beyond our measure : a sermon. Norwich, 1774. sm.4 *3457.33 HUNTT, H. Visit to the Red sulphur spring, Vir- ginia, with an introduction by [T. H. Per- kins.] Boston, 1839. 8" 2374.7 HUOT, J. J. N. Manuel de geographie physique. Paris, 1839. sm.12 [Manuel Roret.] . . . 3809.15 Dictionnaire de geographie physique. [Ency- clopedie methodique, v.99-103] *A. 157.1 HUKAULT, P. Memoires. [Michaud. Ser. l,v.lO.] 2011.1 _ - Same. [Petitot. Ser.l, v.36] 2025.1 HURAULT, P., son. Memoires. [Michaud. Ser. 1, v.10] 2611.1 - Same. [Petitot. Ser. 1, v.30] 2625.1 HURD, J. R. A national bank, or no bank. New York, 1842. 8 *Pph.v.l23 HURD, R. 6p. Works. London, 1811. 8v. 8 . . *3491.4 Contents. Vol. I. Critical works ; Horatii Flacci epistolffi, etc. with commentary and notes. II. Criti- cal dissertations on poetry and its kinds. Ill, IV. Moral and political dialogues; Constitution of the English government; Letters on chivalry and ro- mance. V -VHI. Theological works : Twelve ser- mons on the study of the prophecies ; Sermons, 1765- 76 ; Charges ; Controversial tracts. Shelf. No. HURD, R. ftp. continued. Introduction to the study of the prophecies concerning the Christian church, and in particular the church of papal Rome. 2d ed. London, 1772. 8 3428.3 Moral and political dialogues with letters on chivalry and romance. 3d ed. London, 1765. 3v. 12 2558.29 Contents. Vol. I. Dialogue on insincerity in the commerce of the world ; On retirement ; On the age of Q, Elizabeth. II. Same continued; On the con- stitution of the English government. III. Dialogue on the uses of foreign travel; Letters on chivalry and romance. Warburton, W. Tracts by a Warburtonian . 2556.3 BUREAUX. Histoires des falsifications dcs sub- stances alimentaires et mddicamenteuses. Paris, 1855. 8' 3973.7 HURRICANES, Motions of. Cunningham, P. . . 3952.35 HURTADO, L. de. Palmerin of England [transl.] by R. Southey, from the Portuguese fof ] F. de Moraes. London, 1807. 4v. sm.12". 2549.26 HURTADO de Mendoza, D. See Mcndoza. D. II. de. HURWITZ, H. Introductory lecture in the uni- versity of London, Nov. 11, 1828. 2d ed. London, 1829. 8 *Pph.v.78 HUSBAND, The, in Utah. See Ward, A. N. . . . 2407.9 HUSBANDRY. Account of American H., 1775 . . . 3993.11 Buel, J. American H 3993.17 Harte, W. Essays on 3993.12 Osbeck, P. Account of Chinese II. .. v.Sof 3040. 5 Tusser, T. A hundreth goodpointes of. v.3 of 2155.2 - Five hundred points of good H 2000.4 See also : Agriculture, Drainage, Farming, Fruits, Gardening, Manures, Rural economy. HUSCHKE, E. Traite de splanehnologie et des organes des sens, trad, de 1'Allem. par A. J. L. Jourdan. Paris, 1845. 8". [Encyclope- dic anatomique. Tome 5] *3734.8 HUSCHKE, J. G. Analecta critica in anthologiam Graecam. Jena; et Lipsiae, 1800. 8 .... 2954.16 HUSKISSON, W. Depreciation of our currency. Newed. London, 1819. 8 3640.13 Speeches, with a biographical memoir. Lon- don, 1831. 3v. 8 2502.9 HUSSEIN All, Mir. History of Hydur Naik, tr. by W. Miles. London, 1842. 8. [Oriental transl. fund] *3012.15 Reign of Tipu Sultan, transl. from the Per- sian by W. Miles. London, 1844. 8. [Ori- ental transl. fund.] *3012.16 HUSSITES. Lenfant, J. Histoire de la guerre des. 3512.1 HUTCHESON, F. Inquiry into the original of our ideas of beauty and virtue. London, 1725. 8 *Pph.v.31 - Same. From 4th ed., with corrections and additions. Glasgow, 1772. 10 3587.23 H's Sittenlehre der Vernunft, aus dem Engl. iibersetzt. [Lessing. Wcrke, v.5] .... 2894.8 HUTCHINS, John. History of the county of Dor- set. London, 1774. 2v. f *2450.9 HUTCHINS, John N. Almanack and ephemeris for 1805. New York, 1805. 12 *Pph.v.210 HUTCHINS, Joseph. Abstract of English gram- mar. 3d ed. Philadelphia, 1810. 12 ... 7049.37 HUTCHINS, T. Topographical description of Vir- ginia, Pennsylvania, Maryland, and North Carolina, [with] P. Kennedy's journal up the Illinois river. Boston, 1787. pp. 30. 12".**E .110.82 HUTCHINSON, F. Historical essay concerning witchcraft. 2d ed. London, 1720. 8 ... 3009.2 HUTCHINSON, John, b. 1074, d. 1737. Philosophical and theological works. Lond. 1749. 13v. 8. *3507.7 Contents. Vol. I. Essay toward a natural history of the Bible; Moses's principia: Pt. 1. Of the invisi- ble parts of matter, of motion, of visible forms, and of their dissolution and reformation. II. Moses's principia: Pt. 2. Of the circulation of the heavens; Of the cause of the motion and course of the earth, moon, etc.; Of the religion, philosophy, and emblemi of the heathens before Moses writ, and of the Jew* after. III. Moses's . . . sine principle, represented by HUTCHINSON 403 HUTTON Shelf. No. HUTCHINSOX, John, continued. names, by words, by types, by emblems. IV. New account of the confusion of tongues, and of the infi- nite benefits design'd and accruing thereby to the suc- ceeding races of men; The names and the attributes of the Trinity of the Gentiles. V. Treatise of power essential and mechanical; Wherein the original and that part of religion which is now natural, is stated. VI., XI. Glory or gravity essential and mechanical; "Wherein the objects and articles of the Christian faith are exhibited, hieroglyphically. VII. The cov- enant in the cherubim: so the Hebrew writings per- fect, shewing the evidence for the Scriptures. VIH. Religion of Satan, or Antichrist, delineated. VIII., IX. Use of reason recovered, by the data in Chris- tianity. X. Attempt to explain the occonomy of the human frame. XII. State of nature or instincts ; Treatise on mining. Defence of H.'s tenets in philosophy and divinity. See Bate, J 3507.6 HUTCIIIXSOX, Jolm, M. D. Spiromcter, stetho- scope, and scale balance. London, 1852. 8. 3795.25 HUTCIIIXSOX, L. Memoires. Paris, 1827. 2v. 8. [Guizot. Mem. relatif a la revolution cl' Anglcterrc, v.10, 11] 2518.7 Principles of the Christian religion. Lon- don, 1817. 8 3452.15 HUTCIIIXSOX, R. Works, ed. by J. Bruce. Cam- bridge, 1842. 8 [Parker soc.J 3493.17 Contents. Biographical notice ; Epistle to arch- bishop Cranmer; The image of God; Three sermons on the Lord's supper; Two sermons on oppression, affliction and patience. HUTCIIIXSOX, Hon. Thomas, 6. 1675, d. 1739. Fu- neral discourse on. See Mather, S 3456.55 HUTCHixsox, Gov. Thomas, b. 1711, d. 1780. His- tory of the colony of Massachusetts Bay, 1628-1774. Boston, 1764-1828. 3v. 8 . . . . 2352.13 - Same. 1628-91. Boston, 1764. 8" . . . . 2352.14 - Same. 1628-1750. 3d ed. Boston, 1795. 2v. 8 2352.9 Papers relative to the history of Massachu- setts Bay. Boston, 1769. 8 2352.12 Bibliographical essay on governor Hutchin- son's historical publications. See Dcane, C. 2124.4 HUTCHINSOX, William, F.A.S. of Barnard castle. History of the county of Cumberland. Car- lisle, 1794. 2v. 4 *2471.2 History of the county of Durham. Newcas- tle, 1785-94. 3v. 4" *2471.5 HUTCIIIXSOX, William, M. D. Infanticide in rela- tion to jurisprudence. London, 1820. 8 . 3788.3 HUTTEX, U. v. Siimmtliche Werke, hrsg. von Miinch. Berlin u. Leipzig, 1821-27. 6v. 8. 2905.1 Contents. Vol. I. Einleitung; Cannina juvenilia; In Wedcgum Loctz, ctfilium ejus Uenningum.Quore- larumlib. 2. De arte versificatoria carmen bcroicum; CrotiRubianiadUlrich.Uuttcnumepistola; Ad Caes. Maximilianum in Venetos exhortatorium ; Epistola adPhachum; Nemo, edit. 1; Vir bonus ; AdCocsarem Maximilianum, epigrammatum lib. 1 j De piscatura Vcnetorum, heroicum; Marcus, hcroicum; Quodab ilia antiquitus Germanorum claritudiiie noudum dcgencrarint nostratcs, heroicum ; Pro araCoritiana, qua? est Romas, epigrammata ; Ad Crotum Rubia- nuin de statu Romano epigrammata; ; In tempora Julii satyra; In laudem reverendissimi Albert!, arch. Mogunt. panegyricus ; Beilfgen : Biographisch-lite- rarischc Notizcn. II. In Ulrichum Wurtenbergen- sem invectivarum liber ; Nachtrag wichtiger Akten- stiicke zu diescm Handel ; Ad Lconem X. carmen in prognosticon ad annum JIDXVI ; Epistola Ital- ia) ad Maximilianum Cffisarcm ; Rcspons. ad Italiam Maximilian! Cacs. autore Eobano Ilesso; Ad Nicol. Gerbelium ct ad Erasmum Roterodamum epistolee; Nemo reviviscens ; Ad Richardum Crocum cpistolsa duo; Opuscula durante pugna inter Capnionem ct Colonienscs conscripta; Ad J. Reuchlinum; B. Pirk- heimeri ad Uuttcnum; Hutteni ad Erasmum Rotero- damum, ct ad Bil. Pirkheimerum, cpistolao ; Ad cardinalem Hadrianum pro Capnione intercessio ; Joannis Reuchlini cncomion ; In sceleratissimam Pepericorni vitam exclamatio; In libellum Laurcntii Vallae de cSicta et ementita Constantini donatione prafatio; Ad Hcrmannum comitem de Nuenar epis- tola ; Pasquillus exul ; Fasquillus Marranus exul ; Ad principes Germanos, ut bellum Turcis inferant exhortatoria; Ad Germanos suos exhortatorium ; Ad Shelf. No. HUTTEX, U. v. continued. Julium Pflugk; Ad liberos omnes et verc Gcrmunos; Ad Ja:ob. Bannisium epistola;; Orationes dua;; His- torische Bcilagen. III. Misaulus, dialogus; Ad Bil- ibald. Pirkheimerum epistola; Pirkheimeri ad Hutte- Dum ct Hutteni ad Pirkheimerum epistola;; Febris, dialogus; Carmina quasdam leviuscula, etc.; Varia, partim super interfectione Joann. de Huttcn partim de rebus contra Ulricum Wiirtemberg. ; Ad Eduar- dum Leum, ad Erasmum Roterod., Erasmi Roterod. ad Hutten. epistola?; Ad Eobanum Hessum ct Petre- jum Aperbacchum epistola, altera ad Eobannm Hes- sum; Ad Paulum Ricium epistola; De Gunjaci med- icinaet morboGallico; T. Livius Patavinus, duobus libris auctus, cum L. Flori epitome, cum prscfatione ad Albertum archiepiscopum ; Ad Philippum Mel- anchthonemep. duo; Ad Sebastianum de Rotenhan epist.; Dialog!; De unitate ccclesias conservanda.ctc. liber, cum prafat. ad Ferdinandum archiduccm ; De schismate extinguendo, etc., cum prffifationc ad libe- rosin Germaniaomnes; Fragmeutum epistola! Leonis X. ad Albertum archiep., et Alberti ad Lconem x. rcsponsio ; Ad Martinum Lutherum epistola ; Ad Carolum imperatorem adversus intentatam sibi a Ro- manis'iis vim ct injuriam conqucstio ; Ad Albertum archiep., Sebastianum de Rotenhan, Fridericum Sax- on uui ducem, omnes omnisordinis in Gcrmania.ct ad Lutherum, epistola:; Historische Beilagen. IV. Bul- Ia decimi Leonis etc. cum prafatione glossisque UU-. de Ilutten ; Ad Erasmum Rot. epistola; In incen- dium Luthcranum exclamatio ; Bil. Pirkheimeri ad Huttenum epist.; Dialog! : A. Bulla vel bullicida. B. Monitor primus. C. Monitor secundus. D.Pracdones; In Hieronymum Aleandrum et Marinum Caraccio- lum oratores Leonis X. invectivaa singular; In cardi- nales, cpiscopos et sacerdotes, Lutherum WormctioB oppngnantes, invcctiva; Ad Bil. Pirkheimerum et ad imperatorem Csesarem Carolum epistola: ; Ad prse- positum qucmdam, ad Gcorg. Spalatinum, etad Jod- ocum Jonam cpistolac ; Ad Mart. Lutherum epistohu II.; Hermann! Buschii ad Uuttcnum epistola ; Eo- bani Hessi ad Huttenum exhortatorium; Ulr. Hutte- ni rcsponsorium ; Ad Philippum de Furstcnberg epistola ; Farrago scriptorum, quoa Ulr. Hutteni et D. Erasmi Rot. iufclix trago;dia progiguit; Beilagen, in Bczug auf den Streit dcs Erasmus mit Ul. von Hutten; Ulr. ab Huttcn opera posthunia; C. Sullustii et Q. Curtii (lores select!; Arminius, dialogus; His- torische Bcilagen. V. Verteutscht Klag an Ucrzog Friedrich von Sachsen ; Klagschrift an alle Stand tcutschcr Nation; Tcutsch requiem Oder Klag fiber den lutherischcn Brand zu Mainz; Auferwecker der teutschen Nation, Oder Klag und Vormahnung ge- gen den Gewalt des Bapstes ; Eine treue Warnung, wie die Biipst allwegen wider die Teutschen Kaiser gewesst; Dasa die Kaiser allwegen Gewalt gehabt, die Biipst auf-und abzusetzcn; Vergleicbung der Biipst Satzungen gegen der Lchr Christi Jcsu; Gespriich- biichlein; Vorred zu der Schrift, Concilia, wie man die halten soil ; Conrad Ziirtlins Ermalinung, dass cm jeder be! demalten christlichcn Glaubenbleiben soil; Ein neu Lied ; Beklagung der Freistiitte tcutscher Nation; Vormahnung an cine gcmeine Stadt Worms; Brief an die Reichsstadt Frankfurt; Entschuldigung wider ctlicher unwahrhaftiger Ausgebcn von ilim; Gesprachbiichlein neu Karsthans ; Anhang; Ilisto- rische Beilagen; Churfiirst Friedrich der Wcisevon Sachsen; Franz von Sickingen ; Peter Meyer. VI. Epistoloi obscurorum virorum aliaque o:vi decimi scxti monimenta rarissima : Hogstratus ovans ; Dia- log! Vii.; Epistola de magistria nostris Lovanicnsi- bus; Julius exclusus, dialogus; Oratio ad Christum opt max. ; Epistola do non npostolicis quorundam moribus; Fhilalethis dialogus; Oratio de virtute cla- viuract bulla Lcouis X; Oratio pro Hutteuo et Lu- thero ; Kliigliche Klug von wegen Dr. Luthcrs und U. von Huttcn. Spongia adversus adspergines Hutteni. [Erasmus. Opera, v.10] 2920.3 HUTTOX, C. Course of mathematics for the use of the royal military academy. 10th ed. by O. Gregory. London, 1831. 3v. 8 .... 3915.8 Contents. Vol.1. Arithmetic; Logarithms; Alge- bra ; Geometry ; Tobies. II. Plane trigonometry ; Heights and distances ; Surveying; Conic sections; Statics; Dynamics; Hydrostatics; Hydraulics; Pneu- matics; Natural philosophy; Fluxions; Practical ex- ercises on forces ; Motions of bodies in fluids. III. Conic sections ; Isoperimetry ; Analytical trigonom- etry ; Spherical trigonometry ; Trig, surveying ; Curves; Gunnery; Promiscuous exercises. - Same. 4th ed. London, 1803-4. 2v. 8. **E. 198. 2ft - Same. Key by D. Dowling. Lond. 1818. 8. 3915.9 HUTTON 404 HYDROPHOBIA Shelf. No. HUTTON, C. continued. Diarian miscellany. London, 1775. 5v. 12. 3939.8 Elements of conic sections. Lond. 1787. 8. 3925.21 Mathematical and philosophical dictionary. London, 1795-90. 2v. 4 **E.202.5 - Same. New cd. London, 1815. 2v. 4. 3931.1 Mathematical tables. 3ded. Lond. 1801. 8.**E.151.11 - Same. Ed. by O. Gregory. 12th ed. Lon- don, 1855. 1.8 3934.2 Miscellanea mathcmatica. London, 1775. 12. 3939.9 Principles of bridges. 2d ed. Lond. 1801. 8. 4014.8 Tables of the products and powers of num- bers. London, 1781. f. . . *3910.2, **E. 150.0, 9 Tracts on mathematical and philosophical subjects. London, 1812. 3v. 8. 3915.10, **E. 197.1 Treatise on mensuration. Newcastle upon Tyne, 1770. 8 **E. 196.6 HUTTON, II. Follie's anatomic, or satyres and epigrams. Ed. by E. F. Rimbault. Lon- don, 1842. 12. [Percy soc. v.C] *2537.8 HUTTON, M. abp. of York. Correspondence, with letters of his son and grandson. London, 1813. 8. [Surtees society, 17] *2417.17 HUTTON, William, bookseller at Birmingham, b. 1723, d. 1815. History of Derby. 2d ed. London, 1817. 8 *2494.2 Remarks upon North Wales. Birmingham, 1803. 8 *2473.10 Trip to Coatham in Yorkshire. Lond. 1810. 8. 2505.20 HUTTON, Wm. F. O. 8. Fossil flora of Great Britain. See Lindley, J 3855.1 HuxnAM, J. Essay on fevers, small pox, pleuri- sies, [etc.] 2d ed. London, 1750. 8 ... 3797.28 - Same. 3d ed. London, 1757. 8" .... 3797.24 Malignant sore throat. Lond. 1757. pp.70. 8. 3780.4 Observations upon antimony. Lond. 1756. 8. 3786.4 HUYGENS, C. Opuscula posthuma. Amstelodami, 1728. 4 **E.192.7 Contents. Dissertatio de coronis ct parhcliis j Tractatus de motu, ct vi ceiitrifuga ; Descriptio au- tomati planctarii. Opera rcliqua. T.I. Amstelodami, 1728. 4.**E. 192. 7 Contents. Tractatus de lumine ; Dissertatio de causa gravitatis; Georaetricademonstratio theorema- tum Ilugenianorum circa logisticam, sou logarithmi- cara lineam; Addita epistola geometrica ad P. Tho- mam Cevam, auctore Guidone Grando, Cremonensi. Opera varia. Lugduni Batavorum, 1724. 2v. in 1. 4 **E. 192.6 Contents. Vol.1. Hugeniivita; Opera mechanica. II. Opera geometriea; Astronomica; Miscellanea. Demonstrations of H.'s theorems concerning the centrifugal force and circular motion. See Kcill, J E. 161. 10 HUZAILIS, Poems of the. See Abu Said, etc. . . 3021.19 HOZARD, J. B. Animaux domestiques. See Cha- bert, P 4002.6 HYDE, E., earl of Clarendon. History of the re- bellion and civil wars in England. Tracts, letters, etc. 2d ed. 1717. Oxford, 1731-32. 3v. in 7. 1.8" 2515.1 Memoircs. Paris, 1827. 4v. 8. [Guizot. Mem. rel. alardvol. d'Angleterre, v.12-15] . . . *2518.8 State papers collected by the earl of Claren- don. Oxford, 1767-86. 3v. f *2410.4 Life of Edward, earl of Clarendon, by him- self. Oxford, 1759. 3v. 8 2457.7 Lewis, T. Friends and contemporaries of. 2441.3 Lister, T. H. Life and administration of . . 2457.8 - Answer to the misrepresentations on the life of Pph.v.107 Oldmixon, J. Clarendon and Whitlock com- pared 2419.2 - Remarks on the history of the grand re- bellion 2419.1 HYDE, H., earl of Clarendon. Journal des annes 1087-90. Paris, 1827. 8. [Guizot. Mem. rel. alarevol. d'Angleterre, v.lO] *2518.9 and L. Correspondence and diary of the earls of Clarendon and Rochester, 1087-90. ed. by S. W. Singer. Lond. 1828. 2v. 4. *2451.2 Shelf. No. HYDE, James F. C. Chinese sugar-cane. Boston, 1857. 12 4003.22 HYDE, John, jr. Mormonism : its leaders and de- signs. New York, 1857. 12 3489.25 HYDE, T. Veterum Persarum religionis historia, Zoroastris vita, atque magorum liber Sad- der. Ed. 2a. Oxonii, 1700. 4 *3480.4 HYDER Ali. See Hydur Naik. HYDRARGYRIA, Observations on. Alley, G. . . . 3791.2 HYDRAULIC construction and engineering. Ar- mengaud, J. E. Traite' des moteurs hy- drauliques 4023.4 Beaudemoulin, L.A . Fondation par immer- sion des ouvrages hydrauliques 3941.11 Beaufoy, M. Hydraulic experiments. . . E. 140. 12 Belidor, B. F. de. Architecture hydraulique. 3941.4 Cavalieri San-Bertolo, N. Architettura sta- tica cd idraulica 3941.5 Cessart, L. A. de. Description des trauvaux hydrauliques 3941.3 Dwyer, J. Principles and practice of hydrau- lic engineering 3942.8 Emy, A. R. Des travaux hydrauliques mari- times 3910.7 Fossombroni, V. Memorie idraulico-storiche sopra la val di Chiana 3942.4 Francis, J.B. Lowell hydraulic experiments. 3940.4 Matthews, W. Water- works of London . . 3942.6 Prony, G. C. F. M. R. de. Nouvelle archi- tecture hydraulique 3940.6 Tartini, F. Momorie sul boniflcamento dclle Maremme toscane 3942.2 Tredgold, T. Tracts on 3944.2 See also : Aqueducts, Canals, Drainage, Sewers. HYDRAULICS. Alembert, J. le R. d'. DC 1' cqui- libre ct mouvement des fluides E. 195. 19 Amici, V. Idraulica-teorica 3945.1 Aubuisson de Voisins, J. F. d'. Treatise on. 3944.3 - Mouvement de 1'cau dans les tuyaux . . 3943.17 - Traite d'hydraulique 3944.4 Bernoulli, D. Hydrodynamica 3944.1 Boileau, P. P. Traite de la mesure des caux courantes 3941.13 Downing, S. Elements of practical H. . . . 3944.8 Dubuat Nancay, L. G. Principes d' 3944.25 Dupuit, A. J. E. J. De la conduite des eaux. 3941.10 Fontana, C. Trattato dell'a'cque correnti. . 3940.8 Frisi, P. Treatise on rivers and torrents . . 3941.9 Genet, E. C. Upward forces of fluids . . Pph.v.OO Masetti, G. B. Element! d' idraulica .... 3943.19 Mengotti, F. Idraulica fisica e sperimentale 3945.15 Moseley, H. Treatise on hydrodynamics . . 3944.23 Neville, J. Hydraulic tables 3944.7 Poncelet, J. V. Experiences hydrauliques . 3941.14 Prony, G. C. F. M. R. de. Sur la theorie des eaux courantes 3941.7 - Lejaugeage des caux courantes 3941.15 Raccolta d' autori italiani che trattano del moto dell' acque 3942.1 Venturoli, G. Element! d' idraulica .... 3943.18 See also : Aqueducts, Canals, Drainage, Sewers. HYDKOCELE. Method of curing H. by injection. Pott.P 3755.16 HYDROCEPHALUS. Boott, F. De hydrocephalo acuto M.Pph.v.91 Yeats, G. D. Symptoms which lead to the disease termed water in the brain 3740.52 See also : Brain. HYDROGRAPHY. See Tables, and also the names of governments which have conducted hydro- graphical surveys, particularly France, Great Britain, United States. HYDROPATHY. Francke, H. New theory of dis- ease 3808.27 See also : Water cure. HYDROPHOBIA. Feuchtwanger, L. Hydrophobia, its symptoms, causes, etc M.Pph.v.35 Gillman, J. Dissertation on the bite of a rabid animal M.Pph.v.Sl HYDROPHOBIA 405 ICELAND Shelf. No. HYDROPHOBIA, continued. Hughes, H. Treatise on M.Pph.v.31 Mease, J. Arguments on the disease of. M.Pph.v.ll Reid, R. Hydrophobia M.Pph.v.87 Thacher, J. Observations on 3807.0 "Ward, M. Nature, causes, and cure of. M.Pph.v.77 Wynne, R. Treatment of a case of . . M.Pph.v.63 HYDROSTATICS. Avanzini, G. Delia resistenza de'fluidi 3913. 16 Gauss, C. F. Principia generalia theorise fluidorum figura in statu sequilibrii . . . E. 186. 23 Lardner, D. Treatise on 3945.13 Leslie, J. Elements of 3944.22 Moseley, H. Treatise on 3944.23 Vince, S. Principles of E.187.7 Williams, S. F. Elements of 3945.11 HYDUR Naik, otherwise styled Hydur All Klian, nawaub of the Karnatic. History of. See Hussein All 3012.15 HYGIENE. Alcott, W. A. Moral reformer . . . 3707.1 Annales d'hygiene 3715.2 Bccquerel, L. A. Traite elementaire d' H. . 3707.7 Congres d'hygiene publique, 1831 3767.10 Cornaro, L. Discorsi intorno alia vita so- bria 3709.37 Coster, J. Conseils a mon ami sur les moy- ens de conserver sa sante 3709.38 Cutter, C. Treatise on 7029.7 Dunglison, R. Elements of 3707.18 Fodcre, F. E. Traite de police de sante. . . 3788.9 Levy, M. Traite d'hygiene 3767.26 Marie dc Saint-Ursin, P. J. Manuel popu- laircde sante 3700.1 Meding, H. Topographic medicale de Paris. 3769.27 Monfalcon, J. B. Salubrite dans les grandes villes 3706.4 Reveille-Parise, J. H. De la vieillesse hy- gienique 3700.14 - Physiologic et hygiene des hommes livres aux travaux de 1'esprit 3762.13 Sinclair, Sir J. Principes d' 3763.16 Tissot, S. A. Avis au pcuple sur sa santd . 3769.24 Tourtelle, E. Elemens d' 3760.22 Vandermonde, C. A. Dictionnaire de sante. 3734.15 See aho: Bathing, Climate, Diet, Digestion, Dis- ease, Drink, Food, Health, Longevity, Moisture, Nutrition. Regimen, Seasons, Ventilation. See also : The names of governments whose docu- ments respect this subject, as, Belgium, France, Great Britain, Massachusetts, etc. HYGINUS, pope. Epistolae. [Migne. Patrologia Grffica, v.5] 3490.3 HYGINUS, C.J. Fabulse ; Astronomica. See Stave- ren, A. v 2911.4 HYGINUS Gromaticus. De castris Romanis. [Grze- vius. Thes. antiq. Rom. v.10] 2950.1 - Same. See Vegetius Renatus, F 2945.6 HYGROMETRICAL tables. Glaisher, J 3934.3 HYMENOPTERA. Hymenopterorum ichneumoui- bus affinium inonographiae. Nees von Es- enbeck, C. G 3897.18 Seealso: Ants, Ichneumonidae, Piczata, Shields. HYMNOLOGIUM. Eine Sammlung der besten Lie- der und Lobgesange aus alien Jahrhunder- ten der Kirche, mit beigefiigten Melodieen. Berlin, 1859. 8" 4058.8 HYMNOLOGY. Antiphonarium Romanum . . . . 4058.13 Ballou, H. 2d. Psalms and hymns for uni- versalist societies 3449.18 - Universalist hymn book 3449.26 Barnard, C. F. Chapel hymn book 3449.25 Barnard, J. New version of the Psalms . . 3449.16 Bartrum, J. P. Psalms newly paraphrased . 3449.19 Becker, C. F. Choralsammlungen aus dem 10 18 Jahrhundcrt 2170.24 Bclknap, J. Hymns and psalms . . . .3449.20,22,31 Bickerstcth, E. Christian psalmody .... 3449.11 Brady, N. Psalms and hymns 3449.30 Brooks, C. Selection of hymns 3447.21 Bulflnch, S. G. The harp and the cross . . . 3449.6 Shelf. No. HYMXOLOGY, continued. Collection of psalms and hymns for public worship. [Bcntlcy's] E. 219. 18, 34 Collection of psalms and hymns for public worship 3449.14- Cotta, G. B. Dio sonctti ed inni 3449.13 Daniel, H. A. Thesaurus hymnol. : cantico- rum circa MD. usitatarum collectio . . . . 34-18.1 Davies, G. C. Psalms and hymns 3449.1 Emerson, W. Selection of psalms and hymns 3449.15 Farr, E. Devotional poetry of the reign of Elizabeth 3499.8 Greenwood, F. W. P. Psalms and hymns . . 3449.9 Katholisches Gebct-und Gesang-Buch. . . . 4058.9 Latin hymns of the Anglo-Saxon church . . 2417.22 Laurentius, F. Mirantisches Flotlein, oder gcistliche Schafferey 4058.11 Nouveau recueil de cantiques 3448.5 Psalms, etc. N. Eng. psalm book, rev. by Prince 3449.23 Psalter in English verse 3449.10 Rossetti, G. Iddio e 1'uomo : salterio . . . 3447.42 Salmi di vespro dclla domenica. Dehn. Pract. Musik-Werke, v.19 4051.14 Sandys, G. Paraphrase upon the Psalmes . 3449.23 Schauer, J. K. Geschichte der biblisch-kirch- lichen Dicht-und Tonkunst u. ihrer Werke. 2170.12 Schefer, L. Laienbrevier 3449.12 Streeter, S. and R. New hymn book for uni- versalist societies 3449.21 Wackernagel, K. E. P. Das deutsche Kir- chenlied 3447.1 Watts, I. Psalms and hymns 3449.30 - Horse lyricae 3449.24 Wesley, C. Hymns on select passages . . . 3449.17 Wither, G. Hymns and songs of the church. 3449.7 HYOID bone. Zungenbein der Wirbelthiere. Rathke, H 3902.5 HYPERIDES. See Baiter and Sauppe. Oratores Attici 2903.1 HYPOCHONDRIA. Dubois, E. F. Histoire philo- sophique de 1'hypochondrie 3800.34 Falret, J. P. Traitement de 1'hypochondrie 3800.40 Mandeville, B. Hypochondriack disease . . 3770.25 Reid, J. Essays on hypochondriasis .... 3800.36 Woodforde, J. On hypochondriasis .... 3779.25 See also : Melancholy. HYSTERIA. Dubois, E. F. Histoire philosophique de Physterie 3S00.34 Mandeville, B. Treatise on hysterick disease. 3770.25 Tate, G. Treatise on 3770.32 Woodforde, J. On hysteria 3779.25 HYTA, G. P. de. See Hita. IBBETSON, J. H. Specimens in eccentric turning. 3ded. London, n.d. 8 4016.2 IBN-ED-DIN, El-Eghwaati, Hadji. Journey into the interior of Northern Africa. See Mis- cellaneous translations from orient, lang. [Oriental trans, fund.] 3012.30 IBN Batuta, Abu Abd Allah Mohammed. Trav- els, transl. from the Arabic by Rev. S. Lee. London, 1829. 4. [Oriental transl. fund.] *3022.4 IBN Haukal. Oriental geography, transl. by Sir W. Ouseley. London, 1800. 4 3023.9 IBN Khallikan Ahmed ben Mohammed ben Ibra- him ben Abu Bekcr. Biographical diction- ary transl. from the Arabic by Mac Guckin de Slane. Paris, 1843-45. 3v. 4. [Oriental transl. fund.] *3022.1 ICELAND. Faber, F. Naturgeschichte der Fische Islands 3900.19 Gaimard, P. Voyage en Islande 2805.1 Mackenzie, Sir G. S. Travels in 2861.1 Marmicr, X. Lettres sur 1'Islande 2805.12 Nyerup, R. Litteraturlexikon for Islaud.v.2 of 2151.1 Sartorius von Waltershausen, W. Ucber die vulkanischen Gesteine in Island 3868.5 Scripta historica Islandorum. See Copenha- gen. Societas regia antiq. sept 2826.10 ICELAND 406 IMITATION Shelf. No. ICELAND, continued. Troil, U.v. Letters on. [Pinkerton. Voyages, v.l] 2200.13 ICELANDIC lang-uag-c. Haldorsen, B. Lexicon Islandico-Latino-Dauicum 2884.7 Jonas, It. Rudimcnta grammatics Islandicae. [Hickes. Ling. vet. sept. thes. v.2] .... 2940.5 ICELANDIC literature. Catalogue manuscriptorum praecipue Islandicas originis, qui nunc in bib. Bod. adservantur. See Oxford. Bod- leian library 2130.9 Ssemund. Les chants de S61 2902.7 ICHNEUMONID.E. Gravcnhorst, J. L. C. Ichneu- monologia Europaea 3897.19 - Monita quaedam de Bpeciebus nigris ich- neumonum 3897.4 - Monographia ichneumonum pedestrium . 3898.4 ICHTHYOLOGY. Agassiz, L. J. R. Poissons d'eau douce de 1'Europe centrale 3900.21 Aldrovandi, U. Depiscibuslibriquinque . . 3870.6 Bischoff, T. L. "W. Lepidosircn paradoxa . . 5860.14 Bloch, M. E. Auslandische Fische 3900.17 Buffon, G. L. L. de. Hist. nat. des poissons 3823.2 Cuvicr, G. L. C. Histoire nat. des poissons 3906.1 Klein, J. T. Historic piscium naturalis pro- movendae missus 3900.18 Lacepede, B. G. de. Hist. nat. des poissons. 3827.3 Rosenthal, F. Ichthyotomiscbe Tafeln . . . 3870.31 Schinz, H. R. Naturgeschichte und Abbil- dungcn der Fische 5870.8 Stannius, F. H. Symbols ad anatomiam pis- cium 3906.4 Walbaum, J. J. Ichthyologia enodata . . . 3900.20 See also : Fish-breeding, Gills, Salmon, Palaeon- tology, Plagiostoma. See also, the names of the following countries, etc., viz: Brazil, Ceylon, Ganges, Germany, Great Britain, Iceland, Massachusetts, New York, Nile, Katisbon, Scandinavia. ICOLMKILL, Description of the antiquities in. Pph.v.329 ICONOCLASTS. L'histoire de 1'heresie des icono- clastes. Maimbourg, L. v.3 3512.5 ICONOLOGIA. See Pistrucci, F 4060.14 IDALIUS. Epistolae duae. [Migne. Patrologias v.96] 4350.22 IDATIUS. Chronicon ; Descriptio consulum ex quo primum ordinati sunt. [Migne. Patro- logio3Y.51] 3440.22 IDEALISM. Galluppi, B. Idealismo transcenden- tale e razionalismo assoluto 3609.25 Idcalismus und Rcalismus. [ Jacobi. Werke, v.2] 2893.2 IDELEK, L. Ilandbuch der Chronologic. Berlin, 1825-26. 2v. 8 2231.3 IDENTITIES ascertained: or Ware's opinion on sameness of infection in venereal gonorrhea and ophthalmia: with examination of lep- rosy and lues. London, 1808. 8". . *M.Pph.v.ll8 IDIOCY. Abbott, J. Handbook of 3800.46 Brown, B. Treatment of idiots 3800.32 Howe, S. G. Report on 6348.10 See also : Cretins. IDOMENEUS Lampsacenus. See Fragments hist. Grace, v.2 3002.11 IFFLAND, A. W. Theatralische Werke in einer Auswahl. Leipzig, 1844. lOv. 16 *2897.7 Contents. Vol. I. Die Jiiger, einliindl. Sittenge- miilde ; Reue vcrsohnt, Schauspiel. II. Die Eeise nach der Stadt, Lustspiel; Herbsttag, Lustspiel. III. Der Mann von Wort, Schauspiel; Dicnstpflicht, Schau- spiel. IV. Scheinverdienst, Schauspiel; Der Spieler, Schauspiel; Der Komet, cine Posse. V. Verbrcchen aus Ehrsucht, Familiengemiilde ; Leichter Sinn, Lust- spiel; Die Hagcstolzen, Lustspiel. VI. Die Aussteuer, Schauspiel ; Das Erbtheil des Vaters, Schauspiel. VII. Die Hohen, Schauspiel ; Frauenstand, Lust- spiel. VIII. Die Advokaten, Schauspiel; Erinnerung, Schauspiel ; Albert von Thurneisen, Trauerspiel. IX. Bewusstsein, Schauspiel; Der Vormund, Schau- epiel ; Vaterfreudc, Vorspiel. X. Elise von Valberg, Schauspiel ; llausfrieden, Lustspiel ; Die Miindel, Schauspiel; Nachrichten von Ifflauds Leben. Shelf. No. IGNATIUS of Antioch. Epistolse, cum genuinae turn dubiae et supposititiae. Prajmissa diss. auct. Deuzinger. Lutetiae Parisiorum. 1857. 8. [Migne. Patrologia Grseca, v.5] .... 3490.3 Die drci iichten und die vier uniichtcn IJricfe. Text mit Anmerk. von C. C. J. Bunsen. Hamburg, 1847. 4 3513.2 Bunsen, C. J. Ignatius von Antiochien und seine Zeit 3513.1 Chauncy, C. Account of epistles ascribed to. 3457.40 Extraits. [Guillon. Bib. desperes, v.l] . . 3499.30 IGNORANCE, Evils of popular. Foster, J. . . . 3593.17 IIINE, W. Researches into the Roman constitu- tion. London, 1853. 8 3564.2 ILARII, F. See Bernabo Silorata. Prose c poesie di Italian! viventi, v.3, 6 4768.16 ILDEFONSUS. Opera omnia, ad praestantissimas editiones recognita, accurante Migne. Lu- tetiae Parisiorum, 1851. 8. [Migne. Pa- trologias v.96] 3450.22 Contents. Notitiahistorica; Vita; Monitum; De vir- ginitate perpetua sancto; Jlarioc advcrsus trcs infidel- es; Annotationumdccognitionebaptismi; Do itinere dcserti, quo pergitur post baptismum ; Epistolae ; De viris illustribus ; Opera dubia ; De partu virginis; Sermones; Libcllus de corona virgiuis ; Continuatio chronicorum B. Isidori; Epigrammata. ILE inconnu, ou memoires du chevalier Des Gastines : conte. Grivel, G 4679.5 ILGNER, C. F. Kurze allgemeine Theorie, Wissen- schaft oder Aesthetik der Musik. Danzig, 1840. pp.43. 8. [Dehn. Mus. pamph.] .*4057.12 ILLICINI, B. Singularissimo caso di piu ma- gnanimita. [Novelle di autori scnesi, v.2] 2788.6 Rare instance of magnanimity. [Roscoe. Ita- lian novelists, v.2] 2772.18 ILLIGEII, J. C. W. Prodromus systematis mamrna- liumetavium. Berolini, 1811. 8 3884.13 ILLINGWORTH, C. Topographical account of the parish of Scampton, county of Lincoln. London, 1810. pp.65. 4 *2492.12 ILLINOIS in 1837 ; a sketch of the country, [with a map.] Philadelphia, 1837. 8 2388.6 ILLINOIS. Brown, H. History of 2373.7 Gravier, J. Relation de ce qui s'est passe dans la mission de 1'immaculee conception au pays des Illinois 2311.22 ILLINOIS central railroad company. 1,500,000 acres of land, in tracts to suit purchasers. Bos- ton, 1857. pp. 80. 8 2373.3 ILLINOIS. State agricultural society. Transac- tions. Vol. I. 1853-4. Springfield, 1855. 8 *638S.l ILLUMINATION. Humphreys, H. N. Art of. . . 2115.2 - Illuminated books of the middle ages . . 2110.2 ILLUSTRATED London news, vols.1-32. May, 1842 June, 1858. Lond. 1842-58. 32v. in 24 f. *5 140.1 ILLUSTRIRTER Kalender. 1850, 52-58. Leipzig, 1850-58. 8v. 4 *3180.2 ILLYRICUM. Appianus de bcllis Illyricis ; Pfiac- zevich expositio geograpliica. [Schwandt- ner. Script, rer. Hungaric. v.3] 2810.2 IMAGE worship. De historia SS. imaginum pro vero earum usu contra abusus. Molanus,J. 3511.2 See also : Iconoclasts. IMAGINARY conversations of literary men and statesmen. See Landor, W. S 2556.12 IMAGINATION. Akenside, M. Pleasures of I. . 2566.6 Beattie, J. Dissertations on 2591.7 Haygarth, J. I. as a cause and as a cure of disease M.Pph.v.59 Muratori, L. A. Forza dclla fantasia umana. 3608.20 IMBERT, B. Le jaloux sans amour. [Theatre des auteura du second ordre. Comedies en vers, v.13] 2640.19 IMITATION of Christ, by Thomas a Kempis. Tr. by J.Payne. New York, 1851. 12 .... 3445.13 Le livre de 1'intcrnelle consolacion. le ver- sion fr. de Limitation de Jesus Christ. Nouv. ed. par Moland et Hcricault. Paris, 1856. 16 3444.30 IMITATION 407 INDIANS Shelf. No. IMITATION of Christ, continued. Corneillc, P. Limitation de Jesus Christ, paraphrasee en vers 3444.3 Malou, J. B. Recherches sur le veritable au- teur du livre de 1 'imitation 2195.2 Napione, G. F. G. Dissertazione cpistolare intorno all' autor del libro, De imitatione Christi 2318.8 IMLAY, G., and Filson, J. Description of the wes- tern territory of North America, to which [is] added, The settlement of Kentucky. 2d ed. London, 1793. 8 2373.10 IMMERMANN, C. L. Schriften. Leipzig, n.d. lOv. 16 *2897.5 Contents. Vol. I. Gedichtc. IL Reisejournal ; Friihlings-Capriccio, Gcdichte; Blickin'a Tyrol; Ahr und Lohn. III. Merlin, dramat. Gedicht; Andreas HoferderLandwirth von Passeyer, Traucrspiel. IV. Alexia Die Bojarcn, Schauspiel; Das Gericlit von St. Petersburg, Tragodie ; Eudoxia, Epilog ; Die Ver- schollue. V.-VIII. Miinchhausen, cine Geschichte in Arabesken. IX. Tristan und Isolde, ein Gedieht in Roraauzen. X. Dramen und Draraaturgisches : Ucberden rasenden Ajax des Sophocles; Die Prin- zen von Syracus, romantischcs Lustspiel ; Die Nach- barn, dramatische Idylle; Ein Morgenscherz, Lust- spiel; Ghiamonda, dramatisches Gedicht. IMMIGRATION. Bromwell, W. J. History of, into the United States 2327.2 Chickering, J. I. into the United States . . 2352.7 IMMORTAL life : a sermon. Parker, T 3443.22 IMPARTIAL enquiry iuto the conduct of Gov. Lewis and of a portion of the legislature in relation to the Merchants' bank. N. Y. 1806. 8".*Pph.v.25 IMPARTIAL statement respecting the decision of the late committee of canvassers. New York, 1792. 8 *Pph.v.32 - Same. Appendix *Pph.v.l75 IMPERIAL epistle from Kien Long, emperor of China, to Geo. III. 1794. Phila. 1800. 8.*Pph.v.l6 IMPERIO vcndicato : poema. Caraccio, A. . . . 2791.14 IMPOTENCE. Traite de 1'impuissance ct de la ste- rilite'. Roubaud, F 3772.20 IMPRISONMENT for debt. De la contrainte par corps, en matierc civil, etc. Troplong, R. T. 3G37.9 IMPROVEMENT of the degraded. Moycns de ren- dres mcilleure3 lea classes dangereuses. Fregier, H. A 3570.77 IMPROVISATION. Trattato su la commedia dell' arte. Valentini, F 2771.3 IMPUTATION. Justification by imputed righteous- ness. Murray, J 3456.7 INCHBALD, E. Every one has his fault: a comedy in five acts. London, n. d. 12 .... *Pph.v.208 INCHIQUIN'S letters. See Ingersoll, C. J. . . . 2328. 1C INCIDENTS of the apostolic age in Britain. Lon- don, 1844. sm. 8 3529.4 INDECISION : a tale of the far West. Mitchell, J- K 2409.4 INDEPENDENT chronicle. Vol. xi. Jan. 4 Dec. 29, 1808. Boston, 1808. f 8020.4 INDENTURE of agreement 4th July, 1760, between Lord Baltimore and T. and R. Penn., set- tling the boundaries of Md., Pcnn., andDel. Philadelphia, 1851. pp.31. f *2310.8 INDEPENDENT Tartary. Lasscn, C. Indoskythi- schen Ku'nigc iu Baktricn, u. s. w 3044.3 INDEPENDENT whig, or a defence of primitive Christianity. Gordon, T 3529,20 INDEPENDENTS. Hanbury, B. Memorials relat- ing to the 3525.5 Walker, C. History of independence . . . 3526. 12 See also: Brownists, Dissenters, Puritans. INDEX expurgatorius and index librorum pro- hibitorum. See Roman catholic church. INDEX to heirs at law, etc. See Chambers, R. . . 2430.7 INDIA trader's assistant. Lond. 1775. pp.50. 8".**E.214.8 INDIA. Adam, W. Slavery in British 1 3573.28 Ancient accounts of 3044.18 Annesley,J. Diseases of 3797.8 Bailly, J. S. Histoire de 1'astronomie in- dicnne 3931.4 Shelf. No. INDIA, continued. Baker, T. E. Art of preserving health in . . 3707.5 Bernier, F. Travels iu the Mogul empire . . 3043.10 Blanshard, H. Appeal on behalf of the native population of. v.20[New series] of 3318.1 Bohleu, P. v. Das alte Indien 3044.7 Buchanan, C. Expediency of an ecclesiasti- cal establishment in India Pph.v.14 Buchanan, F. Journey through Mysore, Ca- nara, and Malabar 3042.3 Buckingham, J. S. Future government of . 3555.9 Campbell, D. Overland journey to .... E.227.7 Craufurd, Q. Researches concerning .... 3043.0 Cunningham, A. Buddhist monuments of central 1 3044.11 Delessert, A. Souvenirs d'un voyage ... 3814. 1 Donovan, E. Insects of 3391.2 Fergusson, J. Rock-cut temples of 3020.0 Forbes, J. Letters during a residence iu . . 3011.2 Forster, J. R. Zoologia Indica 3890.5 Fuller, A. Apology for missions to . . . . Pph.v.l Gholam Hussein Khan. Mahomedan power in I. iu the last century 3012.20 Gildemeister, J. Dissertatio de rebus Indiae. 3044.8 Goez, B. Travels from Lahor to China. [Piukerton. Voyages, v.7] 2200.13 Hamilton, Capt. A. Account of the East In- dies. [Pinkerton. Voyages, v.8] 2200.13 Heeren, A. H. L. Politics and trade of ... 3042. 14 History, extent, etc. of British I. [Martin. British colonies] 2421.3 Hough, J. Christianity in 3531.0 Jacquemout, V. Voyage dans 1'Inde .... 3040.2 Jaucigny, A. D. de, and Raymond, X. Hist- oire ct description de 1'Inde 2206.25 Johnson, J. Climate of 3797.13 Macpherson, D. European commerce with . 3041.8 Malcolm, J. Political history of, 1784-1810 . 3013.1 - Memoir on central 1 3013.4 Memoires sur les contrecs occidentales . . . 3011.10 Mill, J. History of British 1 3043.2 Napier, E. Scenes and sports in foreign lands 3048.1 Pearson, II. Christianity in 3500.3 Robertson, W. Knowledge the ancients liiul of 3(^44.15,10 Roe, T. Voyage to, 1014-18. [Pinkerton. Voyages, v.8] 2200.13 Royle, J. F. Fibrous plants of 4010.0 Saunders, W. Hepatitis of 3709.30 Sears, R. Pictorial history of E. 225.1 Shore, J. On communicating to the natives of I. a knowledge of Christianity . . . Pph.v.14 Thornton, E. Gazetteer of 3035.1 Vallc, P. delle. Viaggipcrl'1 3042.9 Vincent, W. Commerce and navigation of the ancients iu the Indian ocean 2990.15 Wallace, R.G. Memoirs of 3014.2 Warren, E. dc. L'Inde anglaise 3044.19 . See also : Ceylon, East Indies, Himalas, Hindustan, Indies, Infanticide, Mahrattas, Neilgherries, Ncpaul, Oriental, Paiskwa, Sanscrit literature. INDIAN archipelago. Crawfurd, J. Hist, of the. 3040.0 - Descriptive dictionary of the 3035.2 Gibson, W. M. Glance at the 3010.7 Marryat, F. S. Borneo and I. A 3041.11 INDIAN charity school at Lebanon, Conn. Narra- tive of the. Wheclock, E 2300.11,20 INDIAN children, Education of. Sergeant, J. . 315:;. r.:; INDIAN converts. Mayhew, E 2366.23 INDIAN legends and other poems. Horsford,M.G. 2398.21 INDIAN missions, History of. McCoy, I. ... 3534.7 INDIANA. First, second report of the board of agriculture. Indianapolis, 1852-3. 2v. 8. 0386.1,2 INDIANS of America. Adair, J. History of the . 2300.22 Barton, B. S. Origin of the Pph.v.73 Boudinot, E. Attempt to discover the ten tribes of Israel 2300.10 Bradford, A. W. Origin and history of the. 2366.0 Catlin, G. Manners, customs, etc. of the . 2300.24 INDIANS 408 INFUSORIA Shelf. No. INDIANS of America, continued. Chirk, A. Project for the civilization of the. Pph.v.24 Coates, B II. Origin of the Pph. v. 95 Evarts, J. Present crisis in the condition of the Pph.v.148 Garcia, G. Origen de los Indies 2360.27 Humboldt, F. IT. A. v. Institutions of the ancient inhabitants of America 2304. 3 Jarvis, S. F. Religion of the Pph.v.27 Lafitau, J. F. Moaurs des sauvages amuri- quains 2360.25 Lefroy, J. H. Probable number of the native population of British America Pph.v.200 Long, J. Customs, and languages of the. 2300.23 Loskiel, G. II. Mission of the united breth- ren among the 3534.13,14 Ludewig, II. E. Literature of the aboriginal languages 2152.7,8 McCulloh, J. H. Researches relative to the aborigines of America 2366.4 Mather, C. Propagation of gospel among the. 3538.3 Schoolcraft, H. R. Aboriginal names and geographical terminology of New York. Pph. v. 144 - Characteristics of the red race of Amer. 2366.7 - History, condition, etc. of the C. 150.1 - Literature of the Indian languages . Pph.v.183 - Thirty years with the 1 2306.2 Sketches of aboriginal life. See American tableaux 2366.15 Sprague, P. Removal of the I Pph.v.80 Storr, II. R. Speeches on removal of the. Pph.v.80 Tyson, J. R. Discourse on the Pph.v.97 West, J. Excursions among the 2302.8 Worslcy, I. American I., the descendants of Israel 2366.13 See aho : Aunaqms, Florida, Guiana, Housatun- nuk, Iroquois, Kentucky, New England, Poconchi, Seminolc, Six nations, United States, Virginia. INDICTMENTS, See Book of 3634.6 INDIES. Raynal, T. G. Settlements and trade of Europeans in the 2312.3 Wytflict, C. Histoire universclle des Indes occidentales et orientalcs 2310.12 See also: East Indies, India, West Indies. INDICATIONS of the Creator. Whewell, W. . . 3436.12 INDIGESTION. Arnott, J. Pathology and treat- ment of 3760.22 Daubcnton, L. J. M. Observations on. M.Pph.v.109 Halsted, O. Method of curing dyspepsia . 3760.29 Hitchcock, E. Dyspepsy forestalled, etc. . 3769.2 Holland, G- C. Cure of 3794.8,36 Howship, J . Practical remarks upon .... 3760.21 Johnson, J. Essay on 3760.23,33 Philip, A. P. W. Treatise on 3760.12,13 Woodforde, J. Treatise on dyspepsia .... 3779.25 SceaJso: Digestion, Gastric juice. INDUCTION and its results in medical science. Fer- guson, R 3775.26 INDUCTIVE sciences. Whewell, W. History of the. 3933.4 - Philosophy of the 3603.2 INDUS, Journey to the source of the Oxus, by the route of the. Wood, J 3045.1 INDUSTRIAL exhibition, London, 1851. Industrial arts of the 10th century. Wyatt, M. D. . 4050.13 See also : Great Britain, London. INDUSTRIAL exhibition at tho Crystal palace in New York, 1853-4. Greeley, H 4035.8 Silliman, B. jr. World of science, art, and industry 4020.1 See also : New York. INDUSTRIAL exhibition, Paris, 1855. Catalogue offlciel des produits de 1'industrie de toutes les nations. See France. Ministry of agri- culture, etc 4035.7 INDUSTRIAL progress, Monthly journal of. Sul- livan, W. K 3568.1 INDUSTRY. Association for the exhibition of the industry of all nations 2329.13 Shelf. No. INDUSTRY, continued. Hansard, T. C. Battle for native 1 3C51.4 Industrie nationale. See Paris. Societe' d'en- couragemcnt, etc 3380.2 Jobard, J. B. A. M. Bulletin du musee de 1'industrie 3303.1 McCullagh, W. T. Industrial history of free nations 3652.5 See also: Arts, Inventions, Patents, Useful Arts. See also : the names of countries where industry is formally encouraged, as, France, Massachusetts, Rhode Island. INDUSTRY and frugality as the means to make us a rich people : and linen manufacture recom- mended. Boston, 1753. pp. 15. 8 .... 2408.34 INFANT baptism. Cuyler, C. C., and Reed, J. Whose children are entitled to baptism ? Pph . v . 36 Sidenham, C. Exercitation on 3459.30 INFANT schools. Russell, W. Address on . Pph. v. 208 Wilson, W. System of 3593.3 INFANTICIDE. Beck, J. B. Dissertation on ... M. Pph. v. 6,66, 111 Hutchinson, W. Dissertation on 3788.3 Lecier, A. Considerations sur 1'infanticide . 3788.7 INFANTICIDE in India. See Great Britain. Ses- sional papers. INFANTRY. Lacroix I. A. de. Field exercises and manoeuvres 3954.6 Smirke, R. Review of a battalion of .... 3953.5 See also : Drill, Fire-arms, Militia. INFANTS. Bergeret, L. F. E. Maladies dc 1'en- fance 3777.23 Billard, C. M. Diseases of 3777.7 Bouchut, E. Maladies des nouveaux-nes . . 37; 7. 14 Brachet, J. L. Convulsions dans 1'enfance . 3777. 'JO Butler, W. Infantile remittent fever . M.Pph.v.94 Darwall, J. Management of 3777.26 Gooch, R. Diseases of 3771). See also: Children. INFATUATION: a poem. Benjamin,? Pph. v. 234 IHPESSURA, S. Diarium Romanae urbis, ab anno 1294 usque ad postremos anuos seculi XV. [Muratori. Rerum Ital. script, v.3. pt.2] . 2710.1 INFIDELITY. Addison,J. Discourses against . . 3430.22 Boudinot, E. The age of reason an age of . 3435.25 Home, G. Letters on 3436.26 Letter on the causes of existing 1 3456.10' Nelson, D. Cause and cure of 3436.8 Ripley, G. " Latest form of I." examined . 340:.'. 2 See also : Atheism, Deism, Free thinking, Panthe- ism. INFINITE series. Babbage, C. Some new meth- ods of investigating 3921.12 INFLAMMATION. Bell, B. Chirurg. treatment of. 3807.9 Bretonneau, P. Inflammations speciales du tissu muqueux 3798.10 Broussais, F. J. V. Histoire des phlegmasies. 3798.2 - History of 3798.1 Burns, J. Dissertations on 3798.4 Hastings, C. Nature of 379S.9 Hull, J. Essay on phlegmatia dolcns . . . 3798.7 Hunter, J. Treatise on 3803.29 James, J. H. Nature and treatment of ... 3798.8 Louis, P. C. A. Bloodletting in 3803.16 Parent-Duchatelet, A. J. B. I. de 1'arach- noide, cerebrale et spinale 3801.9 Thomson, J. Lectures on 3798.5,6 Tommasini, G. Considerations sur 1' . . . . 3797.19 Travers, B. Physiology of 3798.11 INFLUENZA. Grant, W. Observations on I. at London, in 1775, 1782 M.Pph.v.63 Thompson, T. Annals of 3724.6 INFORMS sin forma, El : eutreme"s. [Spanish in- terludes] 3095.18 INFUSORIA. Ehrenberg, C. G. Die Infusions- thierchen als vollkommene Organismen . 3880.1 Osservazioni e sperienze intorno agli anima- lucci delle infusioni. [Spallanzani. Opere, V.6] 3817.3 See also : Microscope. INGALLS 409 INNOCENT Shelf. No. INGALLS, "W. Malignant fever and vomito priesto. Boston, 1847. 8 3797.31 INGEGNERI, A. Poesie. See Poeti antichi del dialctto vencziano 4769a.7 INGEGNERI, G. Fisonomia naturale. Padoua, 1027. pp. 64. 4 3590.9 INGELEND, T. The interlude of the disobedient child, ed. by J. O. Halliwell. London, 1848. pp.00, p. 8. [Percy soc. publ. v.22] . . . *2537.24 INGERSOLL, Charles J. Discourse delivered be- fore the society for the commemoration of the landing of Tv"m. Penn. Philadelphia, 1825. pp.36. 8 **E.224.10,*Pph.V.56 Improvement of government. Philadelphia, 1824. 8 *Pph.v.56 Inchiquin's letters in the United States. New York, 1810. 8 2328.16,*Pph.v.9 See also: Dwight, Timothy, and Paulding, J. K. Influence of America on the mind : oration. Philadelphia, 1823. 8 *Pph.v.56 Report on currency and corporations. [No title-page.] 8 *Pph.v.lOO Rights and wrongs, power and policy of the U. S. of America. Philadelphia, 1808. 8. 2323.13 INGERSOLL, Charles 31. Conversations on Eng- lish grammar. 5th cd. Phil. 1825. 12. . 7049.39 INGERSOLL family. See Goodwin, N 2332.8 INGESTRE, viscount. See Chetwynd, C. J. INGHIRAMI, F. Galleria omerica. Fiesole, 1829- 36. 3v. 8" 2997.10 Letterc di ctrusea erudizione. Fiesole, 1828. 8" 2750.11 Monumcnti etruschi o di ctrusco nome. Ba- dia Fiesolana. 1821-26. lOv. 4 *2750.7 Nuova collezionc di opuscoli c notizie di scienze.lett. ed arti. Fiesole, 1820-21. 2v. 8. 2767.5 Contents. Vol. I. Introduzione ; Bcrlinghicri, C. D. DifFerenza tra'l sublime ed il bello; Inghirami, F. Estratto d'una lettera intorno alia riunione della trian- golazionc di Lombardia con quella di Toscana ; Me- moria eulle supposte influcnze lunar! ; Noti/ie intor- no alle lezioni clementari di archeologia csposte nell" universita di Perugia da G. B. Vermiglioli; Notizia del pub. istituto fiorentiuo ; Linari, P. S. Memoria Bull' ecclissc del sole, settembre 7, IS-ll; Vcrmiglioli, G. B. Estratto d'un opuscolo del dott G. Labus sopra un' ara antica scopcrta in Ilaimburgo ; Farma- cis'.i. Estratto di ricerche chimico-mcdiche del dott. G. Taddci, sopra un nuovo antidoto pel sublimato corrosive; Repetti, E. Cenni sopra 1'AIpe apuana, ed i marmi di Carrara, con la mappa di questo tcrrito- rio; Lanzi, L. Illustrazione di due vasi rittili cd altri monument! r'.trovati in Pcsto; Niccolas, F. Lettera sopra le rovine di Pesto; Inghirami, F. Sopra le antl- chita trovate nci sepolcri di Pcsto ; Farao, M. Es- tratto d' una lettera sopra le illustrazioni di due vnsi inturpretati dal Lanzi ; Anonimo. Notizie storicho della Badiadi Fiesole; lugliirami, F. Notizie iutorno alia storia della chiesa dalla promulgazionfi del Van- gelo fino all' anno 1818 del dott. G. Prczziner; Notizio e saggio di diverse poesie di Luigi Clasio ; Notizie dell' opera sull' origine delle fcste venczianc, scritta dalln signora G. R. Michiel; Notizie del Giornale del genio che si stampa in Fircuze ; Notizie sul saggio delle poesie di P. F. Giambullari ; N ti/.ie della de- gcrizionc dell' palazzo Pitti, compilata da F.IngUirami ; Notizia del trattato sull' cducazione, del dott. L. Leo- ni; Uepetti, E. Aneddoto sulla vita di Dante Alighi- eri ; Buoudclmonti, G. Orazionc funerale in lode dell' imp. Carlo VI.; Ariosto, L. Egloga ; Follini, V. Dis- corso sull' opera delle conformita di S. Francesco con Gesu Cristo; Inghirami, F. Anneddoto sulla spicga- zionc d'un monumento antico del musco nazioualo unghcrese; Notizie delle iucisioni delle operc del cav. Appiani; Estratto coil osservazioni di una lettera di R, Politi sulla situazione, c forma della porta del tem- pio di Giove in Agrigento ; Notizie di csposizionc, e prcmj nclla accad. di belle arti di Firenze; Notizio d'una comitiva scientifica ; Gabinetto scientiflco o lettcrario in Firenze ; Notizia della morte del prof. Malanima; Ritrovamcnto d'un sepolcreto; Program- mi du' premj proposti da" societa de' Gcorgoflli; Noti- zie, e morte del prof. MorcclH ; Libri nuovi. II. In- trod.j Repetti, E. Alpo apuana e mnrmi di Car- rara ; Cenni storici di Lunic di Carrara; Relazionc dell' opera sulla coufedcrazione renana ; Disscrtazi- one geologica, cstratto ; Crescimonc, B. Riflessioni risiologiche sul 1' uomo e sugli animali ; Inghirami, Shelf. No. INGHIRAMI, F. continued. G. R'lflessioni sulla dimostrazione degli infinitesimi e del binomio di Newton ; Opere periodiche toscano del 1821 ; Antologia ; R. galleria di Firenze illustrata; Antinori, G. 1'oesia del Parnaso degli Italian! vivcuti; Annunzio di libri pnbbl. in Toscana ; Estratto di manifest! ; Repetti, E. Compendio storico di Massa ; Varchi, B. Errori di Paolo Giovio nelle storie ; Gon- nella, K. Gli augurj di Europa alia maesta di Gior- gio IV ; Estratto di manifest! ; Saggi di note explica- tive di alcuni geroglifiei egiziani; Polidori, L. E. Es- tratto del libro intitolato De pontificibus Mcdicis ; Ros- mini, C. Istoria di ililano ; Zannoni. Inscriptiouum liber alter; Atti dell' accademialucchesc; Varchi, B. Sonctti ; Libri nuovi ; Tipo-calcografia fiesolana; Lazzcrini, P. Su'.lc lenti ottiche per gli occhiali ; Pro- grammi deile belle arti del ISiJ ; Avviso litografico ; Ritrovamento di mouete antiche ; Progetto di uno stabilimento d' ottiea. Pitture di vasi etruschi. 2a ed. Firenze, 1S52 -50. 4v. 4 *2750.G Storia della Toscana i-xi. Biografia xn- xiv. Bibliografia xv-xvi. e tavole. Po- ligrafia Fiesolana, 1841-43. 10v. 12. Iv. 4. *2729.l INGHIIIAMI, G. Riflessioni eulle dimostrazioni del principio dogli iulinitesimi e del binomio di Xewtou, ecc. [Inghirami. Nuova col- leziouc di opusculi, ecc. v.2] 2707.5 Sulla vita c sulle operc di. See Antonelli, G. 2745.2 INGLEBOROUGII, Tour to the caves in the envi- rons of 2404.3 INGLEBY, C. M. The Shakespeare fabrications, or the Ms. notes of the Perkins folio. Lon- don, 1859. 12 2598.20 INGLEBY, .1. T. Facts and cases in obstetric med- icine. London, n.d. 8 3773.16 iNGLEi-'iiii.n, -T. N. Narrative, concern, loss of II. M. ship Contain-. London, 1783. pp.3<. 8. 2443.8 INGLESBY, J. Letter to Mr. W. Parkinson, to which is added a dialogue between two brothers. New York, 1803. 8 *Pph.v.249 INGLIS, II. D. Channel islands, Jersey, etc. Lo.i- don,1834. 2v. 12 2497.26 Solitary walks through many lauds. 2;1 cd. London, 1S29. 2v. 12 2273.8 INGLIS, J. Examination of some remarks in tho reply of I. to Playfair. See Brown, T. . Pph.v.39 INGRAUAM, J. W. Manual for the use of visitors to the fulls of Niagara. Buffalo, 1804. pp.72. 18 2389.15 INGRAM, J. Anglo Saxon literature and Alfred's geography of Europe. Oxford, 1S07. 4 3 . *-J:Xl.:*. _ Memorials of Oxford. Oxford, 1837. 3v. 8.*2490.18 INHALATION. Efficacy of various medicines ad- ministered by I. in pulmonary consump- tion. Scudamorc, Sir C 3794.5 INJECTIONS dans lour applications a I'anatomie. Robin, C 3920.41 INK. Champour, M. de. Nouveau manucl complet de la fabrication dea encrcs 2113.22 Savage, V\". Preparation of printing ink . . 211::. 5 INLAND navigation, History of. Phillips, J. . . 2,'GO.G INMAN, W. S. Report ou ventilation, wanning, and sound. London, 16>(5. 8 4105.2 INNOCENT I., pope. Epistola: et decreta. [Mignc. Patrologia? v.20] 3410.14 Epistola? diverse. [Migne. Patrologias v.56]. v.:; of 3140.25 Epistolse decretales. [Migne. Patrologise v.84] v.4of 3450.10 INNOCENT II., pope. Epistolaj LXIX. [Bouquet. Rccueil, v.15] 2020.1 Epistola: ct privilegia. [Migne. Patrologias V.179J 3470.6 INNOCENT III., pope. Opera omnia, accurantc J. P. Migne. Lntetia; Parisiorum, 1805. 4v. 8. [Miguc. Patrologia? v.214-17] .... 3470.35 Content*. Vol. I-III. Prologomena; Gesta ; Re- gesta pontificatus 1W8-1213. III. Excerpta de rebus Gallicis : Kcgistrum super ncgotio Romani imperii ; Appendix ad Rcgesta : Prima collectio dccn-talimn Innoccntii III. ex tribus primis regcstorum ejus libris composita a Uaincrio diacono ct monacho Pomposi- ano. IV. Supplemcntum nd Regesta ; Sermones i INNOCENT 410 INTELLECT Slielf. No. INNOCENT, III. pope, continued. Opuscula : Dialogus inter Deum et peccatorem ; De contemptu mundi ; Libellus de clecmosyna ; Enco- mium cliaritatis ; De charitate ; De sacrificio missao ; Dubiorum appendix : Commentariura in septem Psalmos poeiiitentiales ; Regula ordinis S. Spiritus de Saxia ; Tabula cpistolarum Inuoeeutu III secun- dum littcram initialcm digcsta. Epistolae. [Bouquet. Kccucil.] . . . v.lOof 2C10.1 INNOCENT VI., pope. Registrant epistolarum anni 1301. [Martcne. Thesaurus, etc. v.2] . . 2250.2 INNOCENTI, La strage dcgl'. Marino, G 2809.20 INNS of court and chancery, Antiquities of the. Herbert, W 3033.3 INOCULATION. Adams, J. Analogy between the small-pox and cow-pox 3809.29 Boylston, Z. Account of the small-pox in New England 3809.19 Dimsdale, T. Observations on .... M.Pph.v.02 Oliver, B. L. Letters on the kinc-pox. M.Pph.v. 101 Sutton, D. Suttonian system of ... M.Pph.v. 62 Vaccine pock institution. Report on the cow- pock M.Pph.v. 101 Water-house, B. I. in America .... M.Pph.v.59 Woodvillc, W. I. of the small-pox 3790.44 See also : Cow-pox, Vaccination, Small-pox. INOCULATION for yellow fever. Histoire de 1'ino- culation preservative de la fievrc jaune . 3790.20 INQUIRY into the difference of style in ancient glass-paintings. Oxford, 1847. 2v. 8 . . 4000.1 INQUIRY into the natural rights of man, as regards the exercise of expatriation. New York, 1813. 8" *Pph.v.29 INQUIRY into the right to change the ecclesiastical constitution of the congregational churches of Mass., also, Dr. Morse's report in the general assoc. Boston, 1810. pp.79. 8" . **E.219.1 INQUIRY into the tendency of the separation of convicts to produce disease and derange- ment. Phila. 1849. 8 3575.8 INQUISITION at Goa, in India. Dellon, C 3517.20 INQUISITION, Letters on the Spanish I. Maistre, J. M. de 3517.11 INSANITY. Remarks on the conclusions of the joint committee of the legislature of Mass. on insanity. Boston, 1849. 8 . . . . *M.Pph.v.44 American journal of 5773.1 Annales mcdico-psychologiques. Documents relatifs a 1'alienation mentaie 5700.1 Arnold, T. Observations on 3800.37 Beck, T. R. Dissertation on M.Pph.v. Ill Bucknill, J. C. Asylum journal of mental science 3800.20 Conolly, J. Treatment of the insane .... 3800.33 Cooper, T. Digest of laws relating to ... 3787.7 Cutbush, E. Dissertation on M.Pph.v. 10 As/uyaXAos, 'I. Ilept AVO-O-IJJ Siarpi/lri .... 3800.42 Esquirol, E. Treatise on 3800.28 Gualandi, D. Sopra il stabilimento d'Aversa. 3800.38 Hallaran, W. S. On the cure of . . . M.Pph.v. 80 Haslam, J. Management of insane persons. M.Pph.v. Ill - Medical jurisprudence as it relates to . . 3787.13 - Observations on madness 3800.35 Inquiry into the tendency of the separation of convicts to produce derangement . . . . 3575.8 Madhouses in England 3800.12 Mittermaier,. K. J. A. De principio imputa- tionis alicnationum mentis injure crimiuali recto constitucndo E.110.2 Pinel, P. Traite medico-philos. sur la manic. 3800.41 Prichard, J. C. Treatise on 3800.29 Ray, I. Medical jurisprudence of 3800.30 Reid, J. Essays on 3800.30 Returns relative to Bethlehem hospital . . . 3800.24 Rush, B. Diseases of the mind 3800.39 Spurzheim, J. G. Deranged manifestations of the mind 3800.20,27 - Observations on 3800.27 Sweetser, W. Mental hygiene 3800.25,45 Wigan, A. L. New view of 3002.5 Blielf. No. INSANITY, continued. Winslow, F. Journal of psychological medi- cine 3778.1 See also: Hospitals, Hypochondria, Idiocy. See also, the names of those countries whose gov- ernments have included insanity among the subject* of their publications, particularly. Great Britain, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island. INSCRIPTIONS. Boeckh, A. Corpus inscript. Graec. 2900.1 Contrucci, P. Iscrizioni 2746.1 Gori, A. F. Inscriptionum antiquarum Grae- carum ct Romanarum in Etruria 2751.1 Orelli,J.C. Inscr. Lat. collectio 2950.14 Kenrick, J. Roman sepulcral 1 2950.30 Muratori, L. A. Thes. vet. inscriptionum . . 2910.1 Orioli, F. Discorso sulla epigrafia italiana . 2743.7 Paravia, P. A. Delia epigrafia volgare . . . 2740.4 Rambelli, G. F. Epigrafi italiauc inedite . . 2740.3 Raspis, L. Epigrafl italiane 2740.2 Rose, H. J. Inscript. Graecae vetustissimae . 2900.7 See also : Cuneiform, Epitaphs, Hieroglyphics. . INSECTS. Agassiz, L. J. R. Classification of I. from embryological data. [Smithsonian contributions, v.2, art.O] ' 3340.1 Patterson, R. Natural history of the I. men- tioned in Shakespeare 2598.10 See also : Entomology. INSOLVENT law. Answer to objections to the amendment of the insolvent law. n.p. n.d. 8 *Pph.v.28 INSPIRATION. Essay concerning, by G. Benson. [Watson. Theol. tracts, v. 4] 3454.2 INSPIRATION of the Old Testament. Wiggles- worth, E 3458.10 INSTINCT. Paine, M. Discourse on 3008.5 Reimarus, H. S. Thierische Kunsttriebe . . 3909.7 - Triebe der Thiere 3907.1 See also : Brutes. INSTITUTE. Note: The publications of learned bodies known as institutes, will be found under the name of the places where they are located. INSTITUTES of free masonry. Liverpool, 1788. 12*. 3507.21 INSTRUCTOR clericalis [The first part the fifth and last part.] [London,] 1713-21. Ov. 8. 3034.11 INSTRUMENTAL music in divine worship vindi- cated : a reply to the Rev. D. Isaac's pamphlet entitled, Vocal melody. Leeds, 1828. 8. [Dehn. Mus. pamph.] *4057.12 INSTRUMENTATION, On modern. Berlioz, H. . . 4042.2 INSURANCE. Angell, J. K. Law of fire and life I. 3001.6 Arnould, J. Law of marine 1 3001.7 Babbagc, C. View of the various institutions for the assurance of lives 'E.171.5 Baily, F. Doctrine of assurances 3923.13 Bignold, T. Principles of fire and life I. . E. 110.54 Burn, J.I. Law of marine I E. 199. 24 Duer.J. Law and practice of marine I. . . . 3001.4 Emerigon, B. M. Traite dcs assurances . . 3661.1 - Treatise on 3001.5 Experience of the Mutual life insurance co. of New York. See New York 3920.9 Karsteu, W. J. G. Theorie von Wittwencas- sen E.171.16 Knapp, M. L. Science of life 1 3923.7 Magcns, N. Essay on insurances 3001.3 Meyer, J. Utility and application of . . . E. 171. 10 Milne, J. Assurances on lives 3923.12 Phillips, W. Law Of 3001.8 Pocock, L. Nature of assurances upon lives. 3923.27 What is life insurance ? See New Haven . . 3923.29 Williams, C. Assurance for the lower classes 3570.61 See also: Annuities, Reversionary payments. INTELLECT. Huarte de San Juan, J. Examen de ingenios para las ciencias 3598.9 Mackay, R. W. Progress of the 3587.1 Sweetser, W. Influence of, on health, etc. . 3800.25 See. aZso: Imagination, Insanity, Instinct, Mind, Mental philosophy. Metaphysics, Philosophy, Psy- chology, Reason, Taste, Understanding. INTELLECTUAL 411 IRELAND Shelf. No. INTELLECTUAL liberty, A discourse [on]. Pot- ter, H Pph.v.101 INTELLECTUAL science. Abercrombic, J. Inqui- ries concerning 1 the intellectual powers . . 3609.21 Destutt de Tracy. Elemens d'ideologie . . 3600. 3 Gioj.i,M. Ideologia 3604.20 Leibnitz, G. G. Essais sur 1'entendement . 2907.7 Matter, A. J. De 1'affaiblissement des idees . 3587.5 Muratori, L. A. Forze dell' intendimento. 3608.19 See also : Mental philosophy, Mind. INTELLECTUAL system of the universe. Cud- worth, K 3435.6 INTELLETTO G amore : racconto. Celcsia, E. . . 4776.16 INTEMPERANCE. Austin, J. T. Address delivered for the suppression of E.224.9 Curry, J. Apparent death from intoxication. 380S.1 Fairfield county temperance association. Ad- dress onl Pph.v.10 Grindrod, K. B. Nature, causes, effects, and cure of 3576.9 Hartley, K. 31. Intemperance in cities . . . 3570.25 Jenks, W- Sermon for the suppression of Pph.v.267 Palfrey, J. G. Discourses on 3570.28 Ware, J. Address, etc Pph.v.255 Woodward, S. B. Asylums for inebriates. M.Pph.v.129 See also : Alcoholic drinks, Temperance. INTERCEPTED letter of an archbishop to Mr. R. Oastler. Wakefield, 1834. 8 *Pph.v.310 INTEREST. Ansell, C. Doctrine of 3570.44 Rowlctt, J. Tables of discount, or 3932.1 INTERESTING memoirs: [a novel.] 5th ed. Bos- ton, 1802. 2 v. in 1. imp. 12 2409.21 INTERIANO, G. Vita de Zychi, altrimcnti Circassi. [Ramusio. Navig. ct viaggi, v.2] 2260.2 INTERLUDE of the four elements, ed. by J. O. Hal- liwell. London, 1848. pp.55. p.8. [Percy BOC. publ. v.22] *2537.24 INTERLUDE, The, of the trial of treasure, cd. by J. O. Halliwcll. London, 1850. pp.48. p.8. [Percy soc. publ. v. 28] *2537.23 INTERLUDE of John Bon and Mast Person on transubstantiation. See Luke 2537.30 INTERLUDE of the disobedient child. Ingelcnd, T. 2537.24 INTERMEDIATE state between death and the res- urrection. [Blackburn. Works, v.3] . . . 3473.7 INTERMENT in cities. Facts showing the fatal effects of interments in populous cities. New York, 1822. 8' *M.Pph.v.ll Dangers of. Pascalis, F M.Pph.v.18 INTERMITTENT fevers. Cole, W. Febrium inter- mittentium symptomata 3809.2 Fordyce, G. Irregular I. F 3796.18 - Regular tertian I. F 3796.16 Lind, J. Appendix concerning 3797.15 Somers, E. S. Treatment of M.Pph.v.94 INTERNAL diseases, Nature and treatment of. Philip, A. P. W 3765.18 INTERNAL improvements of the West. Dear- born, II. A. S 2373.2 See also : Canals, Public works, Railroads. INTERNATIONAL literary exchanges. Proceedings of a meeting of citizens of Albany for pro- moting a plan proposed by Mr. A. Vattc- marc. Albany, 1849. 8 *Pph.v.l74 Pieces sur le systeme d'echange international. See Paris 7020.16 Report upon. See Boston E. 110.44 Vattemare, A. Address on Pph.v.133 - Report on the subject of Pph.v.170 INTERNATIONAL law. See Law of nations. INTESTINALIA. See Eutozoa. INTESTINES. Billard, C. R. C. De la membrane muqueuse gastro-intestinale 3760.28 Cole, W. De intestinorum motu pcristaltico 3809.2 Glisson, F. Tractatus de intestinis 3759.21 Haven, S. F. Intestinal obstruction .... 3760.14 Howship J. Diseases of the lower I. ... 3760.20 Shelf. No. INTESTINES, continued. Kicser,D. G. Ursprung des Darmkanals . . 3745.31 See nlso: Dysentery, Entoroa, Indigestion, Stom- ach, Viscera. INVENTIONS. Amati, G. Invenzioni fattc nelle lettere, nelle arte e nelle scienzc 2192.2 Archives des I. nouvclles, faitcs dans les sciences, les arts et les manufactures . . . 3277.2 Armengaud, C. Guicle-manuel de 1'inventeur. 4033.7 Marini, D. M. De Florentinis inventis . . . 4024.34 Muirhead, J. P. Mechanical I. of James Watt. 4015.7 Newton, W. Repertory of . 4026.7 Noel, F. J. Nouveau dictionnaire des . . . 4035.2 Rambelli,G.F. Invenzioni escoperteitaliane. 2192.1 Repertory of patent 1 5919.1 Schubarth, E. L. Published I. of all nations. 3981.1 White, J. New century of 4013.2 See also: Arts, Discoveries, Industrial exhibition, Industry, Patents. INVENTORIES of Jarrow and Monk Wearmouth. Durham, 1854. 8. [Surtecs society, 29] . *2417.28 INVERTEBRATA. Gould, A. A. Invertebrata of Massachusetts E. 211. 15 Hcrold, J. M. D. Bildungsgcschichte dcr wirbellosen Thiere 5S70.3 Lamarck, J. B. P. A. de. Histoire naturcllc des animaux sans vertebres 3874.13,14 Nordmann, A. v. Naturgeschichte der wir- bellosen Thiere 3874.3 Schweigger, A. F. Naturgesehichte der skel- ettlosen ungcgliederten Thiere 3880.9 See also : Articulata, Mollusca, Radiata, Zoophytes. INVISIBLE world discovered. Hall,J 3446.36 INWOOD, H. W. The erechtheiou at Athens, etc. London, 1831. f" *3070.7 IODINE. Lugol, J. G. A. Emploi de 1'iode dans les maladies scrofuleuses 3795.23,24 - Sur 1'emploi des bains iodures 3795.22 Magenclie, F. Preparation and uses of. M.Pph.v. 125 Manson, A. Researches on the effects of . . 3786.2 Scudamorc, C. Inhalation of I. in tubercular phthisis 3794.11,20 ION Chins. See Fragmcnta hist. Grnec. v. 2 . . 3002.11 IONIAN islands, Visit to the. Giffard, E 3078.7 IONIC trophy monument at Xanthus. Fellows, C. 3071.13 IOWA. Geological survey of I. by D. D. Owen . C.150.2 See also: Kcokuk. IPECACUANA. Efficacy of I. in indigestion. Dau- bcnton, L. J M.Pph.v. 109 IPHICRATES. See Baiter and Sauppe. Oratorcs Attici 2963.1 IPOIGENIA: a tragedy. See Dennis, J 2575.6 IPIIIGENIA in Aulide : tragedia. See Euripides . 2988.1 IPHIGENIA in Aulis. See Algarotti, Racine, Ro- trou, Schiller. IPHIGENIA in Tauris, by Euripides, transl. by G. West. See Pindar 2999.21 IPSEN, A. Christian August, Prinz zn Schleswig- Holstcin, nachmals Kronprinz von Schwe- den. Kiel, 1852. 8 *2842.16 Die alien Landtagc der Herzogthiimer Schles- wig-Holstein von 1588-1675. Kiel, 1852. 8. *2826.3 IPSWICH, England. History and description of. Clarke, G. R 2503.7 IPSWICH, Mass. History of. Felt, J. B 2356.5 IRELAND, J. Hogarth illustrated, [and] supple- ment. 2ded. London, 1793-08. 3v. 8. . *4001.24 IRELAND, S. Investigation of Mr. Malonc's claim to the character of scholar, or critic. Lon- don, n.d. 8 2597.8 Papers and legal instruments of Shakspeare, including Lear, and a fragment of Hamlet. London, 1796. f *2590.10 - Same. London, 1796. 8 2597.8 Vindication respecting the publication of the supposed Shakspeare MS. London, 1796. pp.48. 8 2597.35 IRELAND, W. H. Authentic account of the Shaks- perian MSS. London, 1796. pp.43. 8" . . 2597.28 IRELAND 412 ISIIEUWOOD Shelf. No. IRELAND, W. II. continued. Confessions, containing 1 particulars of his fab- rication of the Shakspcare MSS. London, 1805. 8 259S.5 Vortigcrn : an historical play. London, 1832. pp.53. 8 2597.31 IRELAND. Beaumont, G. dc. L'Irlande sociale, politiquc ct religieuse 2470.2 Bcthara, W. Irish antiquarian researches . 2470.5 Black, A. and C. Picturesque tourist of . . 2480.21 Bunting, E. Ancient music of . . . .v.!4of 3188.1 Burko, J. Extinct baronetcies of 2433.4 Burke, J. B. Knightage of 2430.13 - Landed gentry of 2432.4 Firth, W. Case of I. set at rest Pph.v.73 Foster, T. C. Condition of the people of .. 247C.3 Galibert, L. Histoire ct description d'Irlande. 2200.5 Gilbart, J. "W. History of banking in . . . . 3C4G.15 Greville. Policy of England towards . . . . 2470.20 Hamilton, W. Northern coast of. [Pinker- ton. Voyages, v.3] 2200.13 Head, F. B. Fortnight in 2470.1 Hillary, Sir W. Sketch of I. in 1824 . . . Pph.v.73 Kane, R. Industrial resources of 2470.22 Keating, J. History of 2420.1 Ledwich, E. Antiquities of 2473.2 Leland, T. History of 2474.1 Martin, R. M. I. before and after the union. 2470.7 Mason, W. S. Parochial survey of 2470.4 Nerva, or papers on Irish affairs Ppli.v.2G O'Connell, D. Memoir on I. native and Sax- on, 1172-1000 Pph.v.129 Parliamentary gazetteer of 2481.2 Remarks on some of the evils of Pph.v.73 Scward, "Win. W. Topographia Hibcrnica . 2472.7 Shaw, II. Irish state-trials, 1844 2470.0 Stafford, T. Historic of the late warres. [1033.] 2540.2 Thorn, A. Irish almanac and directory, for 1858 2480.3 Thompson, W. Natural history of 3825.3 Wakefield, E. Account, statistical and polit- ical, of 2421.4 "Ware, Sir J. History and antiquities of . . . 2540.10 White, J. Indigenous grasses of 3992.5 Young, A. Tour in, 1770-79 2404.7 See also: Carrickfergus, Cork, Dublin, Great Brit- ain, Irish, Londonderry, Percy society, Waterford. IRELAND. Presbyterian synod of I. distinguished by the name of scceders, Report of the. 1821. n. d., n. p. 8 *Pph.v.53 St. Contra haercses libri quinque, [Gr. et Lat.]. Praemittuntur tres dissertationes K. Masueti, accurante J. P. Mignc. Lu- tetiae Parisiorum, 1857. S" [Migne. Patro- logia Grasca, v. 7] 3490.5 Extraits. See Guillen, M.N. S. Bibliotheque des peres, v. 1 3499.30, 3508.2 IRENICO, F. Apologo per la festa del S. Natale. [Coll. d'opusc. scient. e lett. v. 14] .... 5278.2 IRIARTE, T. do. Fabulas literarias. Nucva-York, 1820. 18 3095.8 - Same. Y otras catorce dc Fcdro. Nueva ed. Paris, 1851. 10 3095.17 Lecciones instructivas sobre la historia y geografia. Nueva cd. Paris, 1852. 10 . . 3095.4 IRISH in the western hemisphere, Early settle- ments of the. Beamish, N. L 2317.2 IRISH academy. See Dublin. IRISH catholics, Historical memoirs of the. But- ler, C 3517.1 IRISH character, Sketches of. Hall, A. M. . . . 2501.8 IRISH members of the society of Jesus. Oliver, G. 3530.5 IRISH quarterly review. V. 8 and 9. Dublin, 1858- 59. 2v. 8 *5237.1 IRISH settlers of Pennsylvania. See Tribute to, etc. 2372.2 iRisn-English spelling-book. Conncllan, T. . E. 208.17 IRON crown of Italy. De corona ferrea qua imper- atorcs in Insubribus coronari solent com- mentarius. [Muratori. Op.min. v. 11, p. 3] 2710.3 Bellani, A. La corona ferrea 2732.3 Shtlt No. IRON manufacture, Abridged specifications of patents relating to. See Great Britain. Commissioners of patents. Barlow, P. Strength of cast and malleable I. 4014.15 - Experiments on the properties of mallea- ble iron 4018.5 Duleau, A. Resistance du fcr forge . .... 4012.10 Flachat, E. Traite" de la fabrication du for . 4012.8 Hall, J. The iron question 4018.2 Hasscnfratz, J. II. La eidorotechnie . . . . 4021.1 Lesley, J. P. Iron manufacturer's guide . . 3805.20 Trcdgold, Th. Strength of cast 1 4018.3,4 Turnbull, W. Strength, flexure and stiffness of cast 1 4018.1 Valerius, B. Fabrication du fer 4012.12 - Fabrication de la fonte 4012.11,12 IRON manufacture. See Founding, Metallurgy, Steel. IRON mask. Dclort, J. Histoirc de Phomme au masque defer 2047.18 Ellis, G. J. W. A. True history of the . . . 2047.19 IRON ships. Airy, G. B. Compass in . ..... 3951.7 Scoresby, W. Compass in 3952.13 IKON trade of the U.S., Hist, of the. French, B.F. 3051.8 IRON work, Designs for. Pugin,A. W 4101.11 IRONSIDE, G. E. Observations on Bishop Ho- bart's charge. Washington, 1820. 8 . . . 3403.11 IROQUOIS. La Rochefoucault, F. A. F. de. Trav- els through the country of the, [1795-97]. 2300.31 Morgan, L. H. League of the 2306.3 IRRIGATION in Lombardy and Piedmont. Smith, K. B 39.M.3 IRVING, D. Memoirs of the life and writings of George Buchanan. Edinburgh, 1807. 8 . . 2454.6 Memorial of Anne M. A. Irving. Edinburgh, 1813. 8 *Pph.v.34 IRVING, E. For the oracles of God, four orations. For judgment to come, an argument. New York, 1825. 8 3443.3 Trial of Rev. E. Irving, a cento of criticism. 10th cd. London, 1825. 8 *Pph.v.56 IRVING, J. T. Discourse on the advantages of classical learning, with a sketch of W. S. Johnson. New York, 1830. 8 *Pph.v.80 IRVING, P. Inaugural dissertation on the influ- enza. New York, 1794. 8 .... *M.Pph.v.41,49 IRVING, W. Conquete dc Grenade, trad, par J. Co- hen. Lourain, 1830. 2v. 8 2403.9 Life of George Washington. New York, 1855 -67- 6v. 4 *2340.18 - Same. New York, 1850^57. 4v. 12 . . . 2341.11 New York review, containing strictures on a sentimental philosopher. N. Y. 1809. 8.*Pph.v.3 Vita e viaggi di Colombo, trad. Firenze, 1829 -30. 4v. 24 2319.2 ISAAC, abbot ofL'Etoile. Sermones ; Epistolade anima; Epistolade offlcio missac. [Migne. Patrologiae v.194] v.2of3470.16 ISAAC, bp. ofLangres. Canones. [Migne. Patro- logias v.124] v.2of 3460.6 ISAAC Syrus. Collazione [o disprczzo del mon- do], per cura del P. B. Sorio. Roma, 1845. 4. 3471.2 IS-iECS. Oratio de hcrcditate Clconymi, invent, et interp. A. Maio. [Gr. et Lat.] Mediolani, 1815. pp. 67. 8 *2946.4 The speeches of I. concerning the laws of suc- cession to property at Athens, with notes and a commentary. [Jones. Works, v. 9]. 2004.8 Orationes. [Didot. Bib. Gr. Oratorcs Attici]. 2992.15 See Baiter and Sauppe. Oratores Attici . . 2963.1 See Bekker, I. Oratores Attici, v.3 2965.1 See Reiske, J. J. Oratorum Graecorum, etc. v-7 2967.2 ISAIAH. Calvin, J. Commentary on 5494.7 Walter, N. Discourses on the 55th chapter of. 3448.8 See also: Bible. ISHERWOOD, B. F. Description of timber bridges on the Utica and Syracuse railroad. [ Weale. Theory, practice, etc., of bridges] 4014.2 ISIAC 413 ITALY Shelf. No. IsiAC table. Mensa Isiaca qua Bacrorura apud .aSgyptios ratio et simulacra exhibcntur. Pignorius, L 3488.1 ISIDOEUS, bp. ofBadajos. Cbronicon. [A. D. 010- 754.] [Migne. Patrologias v.9G] 3450.22 ISIDORUS Characcnus. Mansiones Parthicae. [Di- dot. Geographi Graeci ininores] 3002.12 ISIDORUS Hispalensis. Opera omuia, Eomae ex- cusa, recens. F. Arevalo, nova nunc cd. do- nata, accur. J. P. Migne. Parisiis, 1850. 8v. in 4. 8". [Patrologia; v.81-84] 3450.10 Contents. Vol. I.-II. Isidoriana. III.-IV. Vita S. Isidori, auctore forte Luca i Etj-mologiarum libri xx. ; Appendices, etc. V.-VII. Differentiarum sive de proprietate sermonum libri duo; De ortu et obitu patrum; Procemia in libros Veteria ac Novi Testa- mcnti ; Liber Numerorura in sanctis Scripturis oc- currentium ; De Vetcri et Novo Testamento quaes- tioncs; Qusestiones in Vctus Tcstamcntum. VIII. Excerpta canonum; Concilia; Epistola? decretalcs ; Disscrtatio in vcrara et genuiuam collectionem can* onum ccclesia? Hispanic. Liturgia Mozarabica. Nora ct accuratiori ed., accurante J. P. Migne. Parisiis, 1850. 8". [Migne. Patrologia: v.85-80] 3450.17 Contents. Vol. I. Praefatio In Missale mixtum ; Missale mixtum dictum Mozarabca. II. Dcscriptio officii per totum circulum anni; Psalterium; Cantica; Hymni Mozarabici ; Horae canonicx ; Commune) Sanctoralc. De vitiis orationis fugiendia ; De tropis ; De schematibus. [Autori del benparlarc, p.2]. 3590.10 Etymologiarum libri viginti. [Lindcmann. Corpus grammaticorum, v.3] 2912.10 Sententiae de musica. f Gerbcrt von Hornau. Scriptores ccclcs. de musica sacra, v.l] . . 4041.7 See Guillon, M. N. S. Bibliotheque des peres. v.33 of 3499.30 v.24 of 3508.2 ISIDORUS Mcrcator, or Peccator. Dccretalium collcctio, ad prclum nunc revocata, accu- rante J. P. Migne. Lutetiae Parisiorum, 1853. 8. [Migiie. Patrologia: v. 130] . . . 3460.9 Note. On n'a jamais pu avoir (incline notice sur ce prctendu Isidonis Peccator. On ne connait que sa collection dcs Decrctales; ct comme cette collection est originaircment et fondamcntalement cellc de S. Isidore dc Seville, il 11' est pas raisonnable de suppc- ser un Isidore different de ce saint et savant erutiuc. Querard. ISIDORUS Pelusianus. See Guillon, M. N. S. Bi- bliotheque dcs percs. v.27 of 3499.30, v.lOof 3508.2 ISIGONUS. Fragmcnta. [Westermann. Scriptores mirabilium Graeci] 2903.18 Isis und Osiris, Plutarch iiber. [In Greek.] See Plutarchus 3007.4 ISLA, J. F. de. Ilistoria del fainoso predicador fray Gerundio de Campazas. Madrid, 1822. 5v. 24 *3095.12 ISLAND bride, The. See Colman, J. F 2399.31 ISLE of France. Observations on, by C. L. J. de Guigncs. [Pinkcrton. Voyages, v.ll] . . . 2200.13 Voyage a Pile de France. [Saint-Pierre. (Euvres, v.1,2] 2077.6 ISLE of Man. See Man. ISLE of Pines. See Neville, H 2549.11 ISLE of Wight. See Wight. ISLEWORTII, Parish of. Aungier, G. J 2495.17 ISLINGTON, Walks through. Cromwell, T. . . . 2495.10 History of the parish of St. Mary. Nelson, J. 2472.9 ISMAEL ibn AH. See Abu-1-Feda. Iso, monk of St. Gall. Libri duo de miraculis S. Othmari; Formulae. [Migne. Patrologiae v.121] 3460.4 ISOCRATES. Orationes ct cpistohe, cum Latina interprctationcII.Wolfli. Genevas, 1051. 8. 2999.11 Panegyricus. Ed. F. A. G. Spohn. Lipsise, 1817. 8" 2996.5 Aringa detta la sociale ossia intorno alia pace; Aringa a nome d' Archidamo ; Aringa detta per 1'eredita di Trasiloco ; fiagionamento critico sopra Isocrate ; Squarcio dell' areo- pagitica ; Perorazione dell' aringa per quei diPlatea. [Cesarotti. Opere, v.20,21] . . . 2796.1 Shelf. No. ISOCRATES, continued. Orationes. Didot. Bib. Gr. Oratorcs Attici. 2002.15 See Baiter and Sauppc. Oratores Attici . . . 2903.1 SeeBekkcr, I. Oratores Attici, v.2 2905.1 ISODORCS. See. Mai. Script, vet. nova coll. v.3. 3000.1 ISOTHERMAL lines. Lignes isothermcs, ct de la distribution de la chalcur Bur le globe. Humboldt, F. H. A. v 39C4.13 ISBAEL. Boudinot, E. Star in the west, or the lost tribes of 2306.10 Worslcy, I. View of the American Indians, shewing them to be the descendants of the ten tribes of 2300.13 See also : Jews. ISTER. See Fragmenta hist. Grac. v.l 3002.11 ISTORIA del padre Nicola: romanzo. See Gio- vio, G 4708.14 ISTORICI dellc cose venezianc. Venezia, 1718-22. lOv. 4 *2721.1 Contents. Vol. I. Le istorie vencziane latina- mente scritte da Marcantonio Coccio Sabellico, og- giuntavi la vita dell'autore, [daApostolo Zeno.] II. Le istorie veneziane latinamentc scritte da Pictro car- dinale Bembo, azgiuutavi la vita dell' autore [da Gi- ovanni della CasaJ. HI.-IV. Istorie vencziane vol- garmcnte scritte da Paolo Paruta, aggiuntavi la vita dell' autore [da Apostolo Zeno]. V.-VII. Istorie veneziane latinamcnte scritte dal senatore Andrea Morosini, aggiuntavi la vita dell' autore [da Nicolao Crasso]. VIII.-IX. Istoria della rcpubblica vencU di Batista Nani, aggiuntavi la vita dell' autore, [scritta da P. C. Zeno]. X. Istoria della repubblica veneta di Michele Foscariui, aggiuntavi [la vita dell' autore scritta da P. C. Zeno]. ISUMBRAS, a metrical romance. [Camden soc. 30] 2410.30 - Same. See Halliwell, J. 2537.32 ISWARA Krishna and Gaurapada. Sankhya Ka- rikii, transl. by H. T. Colebrookc, also, B ha- sh ya, transl. by II. II. Wilson. Oxford, 1837. 4. [Oriental transl. fund. 47] . . . . *3011.8 ITALIADE, L', poema. See Eicci, A. M 2794.20 ITALY. Antiquities, coinage, etc. Argelati, F. E. S. M. de. De monetis Italia:. 2731.1 Bardetti, S. De' primi abitatori dell' Italia . 2730.4 Bcllanl, A. La corona ferrea del regno d'. 2732.3 Biauchi-Giovini, A. Sulle origine italiche di A. Mazzoldi 2730.11 Dodwcll, E. Pelasgic remains in 3070.4 Donaldson, J. W. Ethnography of ancient I. 2955.2 Gcnnarelli, A. La moneta primitiva c i mo- nument! dell' Italia antica 2730.3 Guarnacci, M. Italiche origini 2720.5 Manni, D. M. Sigilli antichi dc' secoli bassi. 2740.7 Manzi, G. Spettacoli, feste e lusso degli Ita- liani ncl sccolo xiv 2740.8 Mazzoldi, A. Dellc origini italiche e della diffusione dell' incivilimcnto italiano . . . 4779.12 Micali, G. Storia dcgli antichi popoli ital. . . 2730.9 Muratori, L. A. Antiquitates Italicae medii vi 2720.7 - Dissertazioni sopra le antichita italiane . 2710.3 Zanetti, G. A. Baccolta delle monete e zec- ched'Italia 2721.3 Zuccagni-Orlandini, A. Kaccolta del monu- ment! italiani antichi 27. K.I, J.I See also: Abruzzi, Etruria, Herculaneum, Pom- peii, Borne. Biography. Benedetti.F. Vite d'illustri Italian! .... 2743.10 Canonici-Fachini, G. Prospetto biograflco delle donne italiane rinomatc in letteratura. 2162.7 Dizionario biographico italiano 2734.1 Elogj italiani [di varii autori] 2743.15 Fabroni, A. Elogj d'illustri Italiani, ecc. . 2743.4 Lami, G. Memorabilia Italorum eruditione prsestantium 2749.15 Litta, B. Famiglie celebri d' Italia 2740.1 Lomonaco, F. Vite de' famosi capitani d' Italia 2788.11 Mamiani, G. Elogi e biografie d'illustri Ita- liani 2742.11 ITALY 414 ITALY Shelf. No. ITALY, continued. Missirini, M. Elogi di quaranta uomini illus- tri italiani 2745.5 Piudemontc, T. Elogi di lettcrati Italiani . 2743. 1C Tipaldo, E. do. Italiani illustri nelle scienze, Icttcrc cd arti del sccolo XVIII 2742.12 Vitc d'illustri Italiani 2743.9 See also: Fcrrara, Florence, Lunigiana, Parma, Piacenza, Roman states, Rome, Sienna, Tuscany, Unibria, Venice. Description, geography, travels. Itineraire d' Italic, ou la description dcs voyages aux priucipalcs villea. 9e ed. Mi- lan, 1817. 8 2734.10 Albert!, L. Dcscrittionc di tutta Italia . . . 2730.0 Audot, L. E. L'ltalia 2701.6 Bagctti, J. P. Vucs dcs champs dc bataille de Napoleon en Italic 27. A.I Baretti. G. Manners and customs of . . . . 2704.12 Bianchi, M. Gcografia politica dell' Italia . 2734.2 Boyle, J. Letters from I. in 1754-55 .... 2700.4 Brosses, C. de. L'ltalie il y a cent ana . . . 2704.10 Burnet, G. Letters concerning the state of . 2704.18 Cantii, I. L'ltalia percorsa e dcscritta . . . 2700.6 Cramer, J. A. Description of ancient I. . . 2730.4 Dizionario geografico, ec., italiano 2734.1 Drimimond, A. Travels through 2270.1 Ducas, T. Travels in, 1514 2705.4 Du Paty, C. M. J. B. M. Lettres sur 1'Italie. 2700.9 Gandini, F. Dcscrizione geograflca dell' Italia 2705.1 Guide des voyagcurs en Italic 2734.12 Hazlitt, W. Journey through 2000.25 Hillard, G. S. Six months in 2700.2 Jameson, A. Diary of an cnnuyee 2704.17 Keysler, J. Travels in. [Knox. New coll. of voyages, v.4, 5] 2203.1 Mittcrmaier, C. J. A. Italienische Zustande . 2705.5 Moore, J. Society and manners in 2704.14 Petit Radel, P. Voyage dans les principalea villes del'Italie 2764.13 Procaccini Ricci, V. Viaggi ai vulcani spent! d'ltalia 3868.7 Hie-hard, J. Description historique et critique de 1' Italic 2706.5 Kumohr, C. D. F. v. Drey Reiscn nach Italien '. 4064.23 Spallanzani, L. Travels in, 1788. [Pinkcrton. Voyages, v.5] 2200.13 Spon, J. Voyage d'ltalie, fait 1075-0 .... 2760.8 Valery, A. C. Voyages en Italic 2705.6 Vasi, M. Itineraire de Rome a Naples . . . 2734.13 Voyage d'cxploration sur le littoral de 1'Ita- lic. See France. Ministere de 1'agricul- turc 7010.10 Williams, II. "W. Travels in 2704.7 Wilson, W. R. Records of a route through. 2273.4 Woyda, C. Briefe aus Italien. [1800] .... 4048.8 Zuccagni-Orlandini, A. Corografia dell' Ita- lia e delle sue isole 2712.1 See also : Elba, Florence, Genoa, Malta, Naples, Home, Sardinia, Sicily, Tuscany, Venice. Fine arts. Antiquitea de la Grande Grece. [Piranesi. Opere, v.27-29] D.l.T-U. Beyle, H. Histoire de la peinturc en Italic . 4064.7 Buruey, C. Present state of music in . . . . 4042.16 Cicognara, L. Storia dclla scultura in Italia. 4073.6 Clochar, P. Palais, maisons ct vucs d'ltalie. 4100.12 Cumberland, G. Catalogue of It. prints . . . 4081.11 Descamps, J. B. Vie des peintres italiens . 4086.1 Evans, G. W. D. Classic and connoisseur in. 2764.2 Forsyth, J. Antiquities, arts, and letters in. 2704.1 Gruner, L. Decorations do palais et d'eglises. D.3.N Jameson, A. Memoirs of early painters . 4080.7 Lanzi, L. History of painting in 1 4066.19 - Storia pittorica dell' Italia 4062.4 Perotti, G. A. Stato della musica in Italia . 4055.8 Petra, V. Musica italiana odierna 4055.9 Shelf. No. ITALY, continued. Ranalli, F. Storia delle belle arti in I. . . . 4072.10 Rosini, G. Storia della pittura Italiana . . . 4or,L ( .rj Viardot, L. Musdcs d'ltalie 40S0.22 Waring, J. B. Architectural art In I. ... 4050.2 Woods, J. Letters from I. by an architect . 4090.20 Wyatt, M. D. Italian court at the crystal palace 4089.25 See also: Bologna, Fcrrara, Florence, Genoa, Iler- culancnm, Mantua, Naples, Perugia, Pompeii, Borne, Venice, History, politics, etc. Avvenimenti del 1849 [in Italia.] [Fifteen tracts.] v.p. v.d. 8 4745.4 Contents. La dcmocrazia in Francia CGennajo 1849] del sig. Guizot ; Doveri del clero nelle attuali circostanze politiche ; Alcune note intorno ngli UY- venimcnti di quali si parla nell' allocuzione pon- tificia del 20 Aprile 1849 fatte da persona presente; La demagogia italiana cd il papa re [di Carlo Maria Curci] i Dclla eovraniti temporalc del papa per 1* abate F. Dnpanloup; Articoli estratti dai giornali il Courricr de la Girondc e la Espana sulla soluziono degli nfl'nri di Roma; Articoli estratti dell' Armonia dclla religione colla civilta ; II cattolicismo e la dc- magogia italiana; La democrazia cattolicae la rcpub- blicaromana (Luglio, 1949) [di F. Rcgnani]; Discorso pronunciato dal Bignor di Falloux ncll" assemblea legislative di Francia; Discorso del conte di Monta- lembert eulla questione romana 19 ottobrc, 1849; Dis- corso del signer Thuriot de la Rosiere sugli affari d' Italia; Gloria postuma dclla rcpubblica romana ; H papapuo' e deve csso conservare il potere politico? opuscolo di I. P. Schmit; Poche cose sulla sovranita e governo temporale del papa. Adriani, G. B. Istoria de' suoi tempi, [1530-73]. 2717.7 Angeloni, L. Dell' Italia uscente il settem- bre del 1818 2717.9 Annoni, C. Osservazioni critiche sulla storia d' Italia del L. Bossi 2719.7 Antolini, F. Dei re d'ltalia 2713.7 Artaud de Montor, A. F. de. Histoire et de- scription d'ltalie 2260.26 Azeglio, M. d'. Programma per 1'opinionc. 2719.10 Balbo, C. Storia d'ltalia sotto ai barbari . . 2719.6 Baudi di Vesmc, C. Propricta in Italia dalla caduta dell' imperio romano 3561.16 Borghi, G. Sulle storie italiane 2713.8 Bossi, L. Istoria d'ltalia 2718.1 Botta, C. G. G. Histoire des peuples d'ltalie. 4749 a. 1 Storia dei popoli italiaui 2718.3 - Storia d' Italia continuata da quella del Guicciardini sino al 1789 2717.5 - Storia d' Italia dal 1789 al 1814 2717.6 Capriata, P. G. Historia dell' Italia, [1613-50], 2719.1 Clauscwitz, C. T. Die Feldzuge von 1799 in Italien 4649.7 Coppi, A. Annali d' Italia dal 1750 al 1845 . . 2716.4 Cronaca italiana dal 1814 al 1850 2713.1 Denina, C. G. M. Delle rivoluzioni d' Italia. 2713.5 - Istoria dell' Italia occidentale 2715.10 Duruy, V. Italie ancienne 2266.27 Emiliani-Giudici, P. Storia politica dei mu- nicipj italiani 2714.3,5 Garzctti, G. B. Condizione eotto gli impe- ratori 2759.5 Ghirardacci, C. Historia di vari success! d' Italia 2711.1 Giobcrti, V. Primato morale e civile degli Italiani 2771.10,11 Gioja, M. Quale dei govern! liberi meglio convenga alia felicita dell' Italia 3560. 16 Gualtcrio, F. A. Gli ultimi rivolgimenti ita- liani 2715.7 Guicciardini, F. Storia d' Italia 2717.4 La Farina, G. Storia d' Italia dal 1815 al 1850. 2715.2 Laugier, C. de B. de. Fasti e vicende degl' Italiani, dal 1801 al 1815 4749a.5 Leo, H. Storia degli stati italiani 2713.2 Lyman, T. Political state of 2764.3 M'Crie, T. Reformation in v.3 of 3499.29 Manso, J. K. F. Geschichte des ost-gothi- schen Reieb.es in Italien 2717.2 ITALY 415 ITALY Shelf. No. ITALY, continued. Mazziui, A. L. Italie dans ses rapports avec la liberte 2704.8 Moisc, F. Storia dci dominii stranieri in Italia 2713.4 Molini, G. Docuraenti di storia italiana . . 2714.2 Montanelli, G. Memorie sull' Italia, 1814-50. 2719.5 Morbio, C. Storia dci municipj italiani . . . 2714.4 Muratori, L. A. Annali d' Italia, sino all' anno 1750 2710.4 - Kerum Italicarum scriptores 2710.1 Otticri, F. M. Istoria delle guerre in Italia per la successione delle Spagne, 1600-1725 . 2295.1 Pcpe, G. Italia negli anni 1847, 48 e 49 ... 2715.4 - Memoires sur les principaux evenements de 1' Italie moderne 2053.9 - Memorie intorno ai recenti casi d' I. . . 2715.3 Pisani, G. lutoruo alia costituente italiana considerata come mezzo di conseguimento della nostra indipendenza 4746.18 Kanieri, A. Delia storia d' Italia, dal quinto alnono secolo 2717.1 Reumont, A. v. Della diplomazia italiana, dal secolo xni al xvi 2719.4 Eicotti, E. Compendio di storia patria . . . 2719.2 - Storia delle compagnie di vcntura in I. . 2719.9 Rossi, P. de. Memorie storiche d' Italia du- raute il pontificate di Clemcnte VII . . . 2719.3 Schb'nhals, C. v. Erinncrungen eines oster- reichischen Veteranen, aus dem italieni- schen Kriege, 1848-49 4745.5 Scrristori, L. Statistica dell' Italia 2732.4 Sismondi, J. C. L. S. de. Histoire des repu- bliques italiennes 2716.1,2 - La renaissance dc la liberte en Italie . . 2718.4 Storia delle rivoluzioni italiane, 1821-48 . . . 2715.6 Storia della guerra, 1848-19 4745.3 Tamassia, G. Storia dei Goti e dei Longo- bardi in 1 2715.8 Tartini, G. M. Rcrum Italicarum scriptorcs [1000-1600] 2720.2 Tesauro,E. Del rcgno d' Italia sotto i barbari. 2719.11 Ughcllo, F. Italia sacra, sive dc cpiscopis Italise, etc 3580.1 Ulloa, G. Guerre dcl'independanceitalienne. 4745.6 Vannucci, A. Storia d' Italia flno all' inva- sionc dei Longobardi 2713.6 See also: Ancona, Bologna, Carrara, Chieri, Fcr- rara, Florence, Genoa, I.ombardy, Mantua, Milan, Naples, Orvleto, Ravenna, Rome, Sardinia, Tuscany, Venice, Volaterra. Language .- 1. Grammar and rhetoric. Amenta, N. Delia lingua nobile d' Italia . . 2785.5 Bachi, P. Grammar of the Ital. language. E.207.13 Bartoli, D. Ortografia italiana 2780.21 Becelli, G. C. So oggidi' scrivendo si debba nsare la lingua italiana del buon secolo . . 2785.14 Bembo, P. Delia volgar lingua 2786.23 Borrclli, P. Principii della scienza etimolog. 2784.10 Buommattei, B. Avvcrtimeuti gramaticali . 2707.4 - Delia lingua toscana 2785.15 Casarotti, I. Trattato sopra la natura e 1'uso dci dittonghi italiani 2786.28 Cerutti, A. New Italian grammar. . . . E.209.4 Ccaari, A. Antidoto contro le novita in opera di lingua italiana 2785.20 Compagnoni, G. Teorica de' vcrbi italiani. 2780.15, 10 Corticclli, S. Regole della lingua toscana. 2786.12, 13 Delatre, L. Teorica de' verbi italiani .... 4770.37 AfiyaAAuj, I. TpaniiaTiKii Tris IraXocqj y\u. pp.41. 8 . . . . 3859.16 Miscellanea Austriaca ad botanicam, chem. et hist. nat. spectantia, cum fig. col. Vindo- bonze, 1778-81. 2v. in 1. 8m.4 3825.4 Selectarum stirpium Americanarum historia: plantae in Martinica, Jamaica, etc. Vindo- bonse, 1703. f *5860.19 JACQUINOT, C. H. Zoologie ct botanique. [Du- mont d'Urville. Voyage au pole sud.] . . 2271.1 JAEGER, B. Analytical table of a course of lec- tures on zoology, including comparative anatomy. Princeton, 1835. 8.*Pph.v.95,*M.Pph.v.33 JAEGER, W. F. De holothuriis : dissertatio inaug. Turici, [1833.] 4* 3871.8 JAFFE, L. M. DC ornithorhyncho paradoxo. Be- rolini, [1823.] pp.14. 4 3903.3 JAGO, R. Poems and life. [Chalmers. English poets] v. 17 of 2592.7 JAHANGUEIR. Memoirs by himself, transl. from a Persian MS. by D. Price. London, 1829. 4% [Oriental trans, fund.] *3012.5 JAHN, J.,and others. Importance and best method of studying the original languages of the Bible. Andover, 1821. 8 *Pph.v.271 JAHN, J. C. Archiv fur Philologic und Piidago- gik. Leipzig, 1831-53. 19v. 8 *3247.2 Jahrbiicher fur Philologie und Padagogik. Leipzig, 1826-31. 14v. 8 *3217.1 Neue Jahrbiicher fur Philologie und Piidago- gik. Leipzig, 1831-58. 78v. 8 *3217.2 Shelf. No. JAHN, O. W. A. Mozart. [Biogr.] Leipzig, 1856 -58. 3v. 8 4046.4 JAHNSEXYKES, W. Memoir of the northern king- dom written A. D. 1872. Quebeck, 1'JOl [1801 ?] 8 *Pph.v.3 JAHRBUCHER der Geschichte und Politik. Be- grundet von K. II. L. Piilitz. Leipzig, 1828 -49. 44v. 8 *2247.1 JAHRBUCHER der Literatur. Jan. 1818 Dec. 1849. Wien, 1818-49. 128 v. in 64. 8 *3216.1 JAHRBUCHER fur Philologie und Padagogik. See Jahn, J. C. JAIN religion and philosophy, Two works illus- trative of the. See Bhadra Bahu 3011.13 JAL, A. Archeologie navale. Paris, 1840. 2v. 8. *3952.4 Glossaire nautique. Polygl. Paris, 1848. 4". *3932.2 JALAL-ADDIN al Siiiti. History of the temple of Jerusalem, transl. by J. Reynolds. London, 1836. 8. [Oriental transl. fund, 43] ... *3021.4 JAMAICA. Acts of assembly, 1681-1737. London, 1738. f *7100.2 Journals of the assembly, 1663-1807. [Lon- don] 1803-1811. llv. f" *7100.1 Movement for enforcement of the slave-trade treaties. London, 1850. 8 3572.10 Beckford, W. Descriptive account of the island 2313.8 Dallas, R. C. Brief history of 2313.8 Jacquin, N. J. Plantze in insula Jamaica . . 5860.19 JAMBLICIIUS Syrus. Drama [Rhodanis et Sino- nidos.} [Erotici script. Didot. Bib. Gr.] 3002.10 Babylonica. [Fragmenta dramatis ejusdem.] [Mai. Script, vet. nova coll. v. 2] 3000.1 JAMBULUS. Navigatione nell' Indie. [Ramusio. Navig. et viaggi, v.l] 2260.2 JAMES. Calvin, J. Commentary on the epistle of. 5504.14 JAMES I. of England. "Works, published by J. [Mountague] bp. of Winton. London, 1616. f .. *2600.5 Contents. Epistle dedicatorie; Preface to the read- er ; Epistle to the whole church ; Paraphrase upon the Revelation of the apostle St. John; Meditations; IJicmonologie, in forme of a dialogue, divided into three books ; BatriAiKOi/ daipov, or his majesties instructions to his dearest sonne, Henry the prince; The trew law of free monarchies; A covnter-blart to tobacco ; A discourse of the powder-treason ; Apologie for the oath of allegiance; To all Christian monarches, free princes, and states; Tortvs lyes con- futed; Declaration against Vorstius; Defence of the right of kings; Speech in parliament [bis] ; Speech at White-hall [bis]; Speech in the starre-chamber. Letters of. [Camden society, No. 46] .... 2416.46 Harris, \V. Life of 2444.13 Nichols, J. Progresses and festivities of . . 2451.3 JAMES II. of England. Memoires de Jacques II. Paris, 1827. 4v. 8. [Guizot. Mems. rel. a la rev. d'Angleterre, v.22-25] *2518.12 Bromley, G. Letters written by 2444.11 Carrel, N. A. Histoire de la contre-revolu- tion en Anglcterre 2518.15 Clarke, J. S. Life from memoirs writ of his own hand 2410.8 Fox, C. J. Early part of the reign of . . . . 2410.6 Heywood, S. Vindication of Mr. Fox's his- tory of the reign of 2410.16 Macpherson, J. Extracts from the life of, as written by himself 2410.10 Moneys received and paid for secret service, 1679-88. [Camden society, No. 52] 2416.52 Reresby, Sir J. Anecdotes, and secret his- tory of 2440.20 Rose, G. Observations on the work of C. J. Fox, [relating to] 2410.7 and William III. Songs illustrative of the struggle between. See Croker, T. C. [Per- cy society, v.l] 2537.3 JAMES, duke of Monmouth. Life and rebellion of. See Roberts, G 2444.18 JAMES V. of Scotland. Two old Scottish poems. See Callander, J 2537.1 JAMES VI. of Scotland. See James I. of England. JAMES 419 JAVA Shelf. No. JAMES, B. Management of the teeth. Boston, 1814. 12 3805.31 J,VMES, H. Nature of evil. New York, 1855. 12 3453.14 What constitutes the state ? a lecture. New York, 1845. 8 *Pph.v.l52 JAMES, John. History of the worsted manufac- ture in England. London, 1S57. 8 .... 4016.8 JAMES, John A. Church member's guide, ed. by J. O. Choules. New ed., with essay by H. Winslow. Boston, 1848. 12 3440.18 [Vindication of the drama, against the plagia- risms of. 2d ed. Birmingham, 1824. pp.93. 8] *Pph.v.7 JAMES, J. H. Observations on the different spe- cies of inflammation. London, 1821. 8. . *3798.8 JAMES, M. Wales, and other poems, with an in- trod. by A. Potter. New York, 1839. 12 . 2408.14 JAMES, Richard. Iter Lancastrcnse : poem, 1036. Ed. with notes and memoir by T. Corser. 1845. am. 4. [Chetham soc. v. 7] *2415.1 JAMES, Robert. Dissertation on fevers, and in- flammatory distempers, [with] a vindication of the fever powders [etc.]. 8th ed. London, 1778. 8" *M.Pph.v.94 JAMES, William, of Albany. Last will and testa- ment. [No title-page.] 8 *Pph.v.l04 JAMES, William, of Halifax, d. 1827. Merits of na- val actions between Gr. Britain and the U. States. Halifax, N. S. 1816. 8 2327.13 JAMESON, A. Beauties of the court of Charles II. 3d ed. London, 1851. roy. 8 *2440.12 Characteristics of women. 3d ed. London, 1835. 3v. 12" 3574.7 Companion to private galleries in London. London, 1844. 12 4089.3 Diary of an ennuyee. London, 1826. p.8 . 2704.17 Handbook to the courts of modern sculpture. London, 1854. 10. [Crystal palace libr. 12]. 4089.31 Handbook to the public galleries in and near London. London, 1842. 2v. 12 4089.4 Legends of the Madonna, as represented in the fine arts. London, 1852. 8 4060.3 Legends of the monastic orders as represent- ed in the fine arts. London, 1850. 8 ... 4060.2 Loves of the poets. London, 1829. 2v. p. 8". 2558.10 Memoirs of the early Italian painters. Lon- don, 1845. 2v. in 1. 24 4080.7 Memoirs of female sovereigns. 2d ed. Lon- don, 1834. 2v. 12 2444.12 Sacred and legendary art. Lond. 1848. 2v. 8. 4006.4 Sisters of charity, catholic and protestant. London, 1855. 8 3574.27 - Same. And the communion of labor. Bos- ton, 1857. 16" 3574.26 Visits and sketches, at home and abroad. 3d cd. London, 1839. 2v. 12 2273.9 JAMESON, T. Changes of the human body. Lon- don, 1811. 8 3767.24 JAMIESOX, A. Engineer and machinist's assist- ant. Scott, D 4030.1 JAMIESON, J. Dictionary of the Scottish language, [and] supplement. Edinburgh, 1808. 4v. 4. *2582.1 JAMSILLA, N. de. Historia de rebus gestis Fre- derici II. imper. ej usque filiorum Conradi et Manfredi, Apuliaj et Sicilire regum, 1210- 1253. [Muratori. Rerum Ital. script. v.S]. *2710.1 JANCIGNY, A. P. D. B. de. Japon, Indo-Chine, Ava, Siam, Annam, Ceylan. Paris, 1850. 8. [L'Univcrs] *2276.1 and Raymond, X. Inde. Paris, 1845. 8. [L' Univers] 2266.25 J ANEW AY, Jacob J. Hist, discourse for the semi- centenary sabbath of the presbyterian church in N. Brunswick. N. Br. 1840. 8*.*Pph.v.ll7 JANEWAY, James. Token for children, with addi- tions. Boston, 1771. 12 3446.15 JANIX, J. Histoire de la litterature dramatique [de France]. Paris, 1853-54. 4v. 12. . .2070.10 JAHOWKA, T. B. Clavis ad thesaurum magnae ar- tis musicae, etc. etc. Vetero-Pragae, 1701. 12. 4059.27 Shelf. No. I JANSON, B. Practical grammar of the Dutch lan- guage. 3d ed. London, 1803. 12 ... **E.207.11 Pocket dictionary, Dutch-English, and Eng- lish-Dutch. New ed. Amsterdam, 1795. 12' **E. 208.3 j JAXSOX, C. W. Stranger in America, with biogr. of public characters. London, 1807. 4 . 2300.11,30 JANSSEX, J. W. Animadversiones super morbis incurabilibus specimen inaugurale. Got- tingie, [1700]. 4 *M.Pph.v.l04 JAXSSEX, N. A. "Wahre Grundregeln des Grego- rianischen oder Choralgesauges, ucber- setzt u. bearbeitet von J. C. B. Smeddinck. Mainz, 1840. 8 *4055.18 JAXSZ, B. Rclatio navigationis, qvam v naves, anno 1593, Amstelredamo solventes, frctuni Magollanicum in Moluccanas insulas trans- mittendi instituto susceperunt. [Bry. Coll. pcTCgrinationum, etc. Ser. 1, v. 3] .... 2360.26 JAXUARIUS Nepotianus. Epitoma Valcrii Maximi. [Mai. Script, vet. nova coll. v.S] .... 3000.1 JAXY Muhammad Asiiad. Akhlak-i-jalaly : or practical philosophy of the Muhammedan people. Tr. by W. F. Thompson. London, 1839. 8. [Oriental trans, fund.] *3012.12 JAPAN. Annales des empercurs du Japon. See Nipon 3011.25 Bartoli, D. II Giapone. Istoria dellacom- pagnia di Gesii. [Opere, v. 17-25] 3537.1 Caron, F. Account of. [Pinkerton. Voy- ages^. 7] 2200.13 Charlevoix, P. F. X. de. Histoire du Japon. 3019.8 Fraissinet, E. Le Japon, hist, ct descript. . . 3019.7 Golownin, W. Captivity in J. 1811-13. . . 3017.10 Jancigny, A. P. D. B. de. Histoire et descrip- tion de Japon 2270.1 Kaempfer, E. History of 3040.1 - Same. [Pinkerton. Voyages, v. 7] . . . 2200.13 Manners and customs of the Japanese . . . . 3017.11 Rundall, T. Memorials of Japon in the 10th and 17th centuries 2264.7 Siebold, P. F. v. Mariner's guide to .... 3010.20 Titsingh, I. Illustrations of 3010.0 - La dynastic rcgnaute du Japon 3019.0 JAPHET, Remains of. Enquiries into the affinity of European languages. See Parsons, J. . 2951.1 JAQUES, J. Junius and his works, with sketches by Junius. London, 1813. 12 2555.8 JARDIXE, D. Life of lord Somers. ^eeLondon. Soc.diff. of useful knowl. Lives E. 212.8 JARDINE, Sir W., Selby, P. J., and Johnston, G. Magazine of zoology and botany. Edin- burgh, 1837-38. 2v. 8 3837.4 See Annals of natural history 3816.2 JAURATT, D. Life, written by himself. Balti- more, 1806. 10 3550.15 Thoughts on some subjects in divinity. Bal- timore, 1800. pp.84. 10 3550.15 JARVES, J. J. Why and what am I ? Part i. Edu- cation of the emotions. Boston, 1857. 12. 2406.21 JARVIS, A. Sermon occasioned by the death of. See Bronson, T 3458.33 JARVIS, S. F. Chronological introduction to the history of the church. New York, 1845. 8. 3513.3 Discourse on the religion of the Indian tribes. New York, 1820. 8 *Pph.v.27 Narrative of events connected with the accept- ance and resignation of the rectorship of St. Paul's church, Boston. Boston, n.d. S.*Pph.v.248 No union with Rome : address to the protest- ant episcopal church. Hartford, 1843. 8.*Pph.v.l32 [Testimony, letters, and depositions on the great divorce case. New York, 1839. 8J.*Pph.v.l55 JARVIS, W. C. Speech in favor of religious free- dom. Boston, 1823. 8 *Pph.v.259 JAUDOX, D. Union grammar. 4th ed. Philadel- phia, 1828. 24 7059.8 JAVA. Ancient deities of. See Description . . Pph.v.75 Junghuhn, F. Java, zijne gedaante, enz. . 3041.16 Raffles, T. S. History of 3041.14 JAVA 420 JENKINS Shelf. No. JAVA, continued. Stavorinus, J. S. Account of. [Pinkerton. Voyages, v.ll.] 2260.13 JAY, A. Aignan, E. Minerve francaise ....'. 2600.2 i Arnault, A. V. Biographic nouvelle des con- temporains 2244.1 Lafayette, M. M. P. de. Notices hist, des Mmes Lafayette, Tencin, et Fontaines . . 20CS.1 JAY, John, 6. 1745, d. 1829. Features of Mr. Jay's treaty : also, a view of the commerce of the U. S. Philadelphia, 1795. 8 *Pph.v.32 Examination of the treaty between the U. S. andG. B. See Higginson, S Pph.v.32 JAY, John, b. 1817. Caste and slavery in the Amer- ican church. New York, 1843. 8" ... *Pph.v.l43 Facts connected with the presentment of bishop Onderdonk : reply to parts of the bishop's statement. New York, 1845. 8.*Pph.v.l43 [Jay's pamphlet reviewed : answer to a reply to parts of the bishop's statement. By a looker-on. New York, 1845. 8] . . .*Pph.v.l43 JAY, P. A. Oration before the Washington be- nevolent society. New York, 1810. 8 . *Pph.v.5 JAY, Rev. William, b. 1709, d. 1854. Anxiety di- rected : sermon before the home missionary society, 1820. Bath, n.d. 8 *Pph.v.01 Remarks on the character and narrative of Rev. J. Clark. Boston, 1821. 8 . . . . *Pph.v.33 Sermons. 1st Am. from 2d Lond. ed. Boston, 1805. 8 3443.9 JAY, William, judge, b. 1789, d. 1858. Causes and consequences of the Mexican war. 3d ed. Boston, 1849. 12 2328.21 Letter to bishop Hobart in reply to the pamphlet addressed by him to the author. New York, 1823. 8 *Pph.v.44 Letter to bishop Hobart, occasioned by strict- ures on Bible societies contained in his late charge to the convention of New York. New York, 1823. 8 *Pph.v.44 and Nott, S. jr. Prize essays on the insti- tution of the Sabbath. Albany, 1827. 8". *Pph.v.67 JAYADEVA, Gitagovinda, or songs of. [Jones. Works, v.4] 2004.3 JEAN de Bretagne. Le libvre du bon Jehan. See Cuvelier v.2 of 2020.2 JEAN de Troyes. Histoire de Louys XL, roy de France, etc. [Michaud. Coll. mem. hist. Fr. Ser. l,v.4] 2011.1 JEAN or Jehan de Wavrin. See Wavrin, J. de. JEAN Paul. See Richter, J. P. F. JEANNIN,P. Negotiations. [Michaud. Coll. mem. hist. Fr. Ser. 2, v.4] 2011.1 - Same. [Petitot. Coll. mem. hist. Fr. Ser. 2, v. 11-10] 2035.1 JEBB, John, M. D., b. 1736, d. 1780. Works, with life by J. Disney. London, 1787. 3v. 8 . 3473.3 Contents. Vol. I. Life of the authors Theologi- cal lectures at Cambridge, and a new harmony; Let- ters on subscription to the liturgy and thirty-nine articles; Letter to Sir W. Meredith on the same sub- jects. II. Sermons; Theological propositions, miscel- laneous observations, and maxims ; Thesis habita Cantabrigian ; Reasons for a late resignation, and letter to the bishop of Norwich ; Answer to a letter concern- ing religious addresses to Jesus Christ ; Plan of society for promoting knowledge of the Scriptures ; Remarks on the present mode of education at Cam- bridge and proposal for improvement i Proposal for public examinations at Cambridge; Address to the senate of Cambridge ; Cases of paralysis and cata- lepsy; Address to the freeholders of Middlesex; Let- ter to Sir R. Bernard) Letters to the volunteers of Ireland ; Thoughts on the construction of prisons, and hints for improvement. III. Miscellaneous pa- pers; Every man his own priest, Academical papers; Political papers ; Index. JEBB, Rev. John. Choral service of the united church of England and Ireland. London, 1843. 8 3447.5 JEBB, Joshua. Report on the discipline and con- struction of Portland prison. London, 1850. 8 3571.22 Shelf. No. JEFFERSON, T. Writings, ed. by H. A. Washing- ton. Washington, 1853. 9v. 8 *2403.1 Contents. Vol. I. Autobiography and correspond- ence. II.-VII. Correspondence. VIL-VIII. Offi- cial papers. VIII. Notes on Virginia; Biographical sketches. IX. Manual of parliamentary practice ; The anas; Miscellaneous papers. Message respecting the execution of the act appropriating $2,000,000 for extraordinary expenses, Jan. 1809. Washington, 1809. 8.*Pph.v.l2 Notes on Virginia. 8th Am. ed. Boston, 1801. 8 2374.18 - Same. Boston, 1829. 10 2374.27 Proceedings of the government of the U. S. in maintaining the public right to the beach of the Mississippi, adjacent to New Orleans. New York, 1812. 8 *Pph.v. 17,238 Soundness of the policy of protecting domes- tic manufactures. See Hamilton, A. . Pph.v.120 [Address on the character of Jefferson, by Americanus. 2ded. Worcester, 1802. 8].*Pph.v.02 [Examination of the president's reply to the New Haven remonstrance, with an appen- dix. New York, 1801. 8] *Pph.v.l50 [Letter to the president of the U. S. touching prosecutions, under his patronage, before the circuit court of Conn. New Haven, 1808. 8"] *Pph.v.l9 [Pretensions of J. to the presidency exam- ined, and the charges against John Adams refuted, n.p. 1796. 8] *Pph.v.l50 Biddle, N. Eulogium on Pph.v.69 Bishop, A. Oration on the election of J. to the presidency Pph.v.42 Danvers, J. T. Picture of a republican mag- istrate Pph.v.3 Jones, J. S. Defence of the revolutionary history of North Carolina against the asper- sions of 2375.10 Lee, H. Observations on J's writings re- specting Gen. Henry Lee 2327.4 Mitchill, S. L. Character and services of . Pph.v.07 Tillinghast, J. L. Eulogy on Pph.v.236 Van Ness, W. P. Croswell's libel on . . . Pph.v.2 and Adams, J. Discourses in commemora- tion of the lives and services of. See Cush- ing, C., Duer, W. A., Everett, E., Knapp, S. L., Webster, D Pph.v.60 JEFFERSON college. See Canonsburg, Pa. JEFFERSON co. institute. See Watertown, N. Y. JEFFERSON medical college. See Philadelphia. JEFFERYS, T. Description of the Spanish West Indies. London, 1702. 4 *2310.27 History of the French dominions in America. Parti., II. London, 1700. f *2310.3 Voyages from Asia to America for completing the discoveries of the North-west coast. London, 1701. 4 *2370.7 JEFFREYS, G. Life of judge Jeffreys. See Wool- rych, H.W 2446.8 JEFFREYS, J. Reply to a pamphlet by D. C. Hol- land, entitled Plagiarisms of Julius Jef- freys, F. R. S. n. p. 1844. 8'. . . . *M.Pph.v.40 JEFFRIES, John. Two aerial voyages with M. Blanchard, 1784-5. London, 1786. pp.60. 4. 3963.1 JEHAN de Paris, Roman de 2609.29 JEHANGIIIRE. See Jahangueir. JELENSPERGER, D. Die Harmonic im Anfange des 19tcn Jahrhundcrts. Aus dem Fr. iiber- tragen von A. F. Haser. Leipzig, 1833. 4. *4041.10 JELF, W. E. Greek grammar. See Kuhner, R. . 2984.2 JELINEK, C. Construction selbstregistrirender meteorologischer Apparate. [Wien, 1850.] pp.42. 8". [Vienna. Akad. Sitzungsberichte] v.5of*3310.3 JENKINS, C. J. Address to the graduating class of the medical college of Georgia, n.p. 1842. 8 *M.Pph.v.3S JENKINS, D. Works upon the liberty of the sub- ject. London, 1048. 24 3569.36 JENKINS 421 JEWS Shelf. No. JENKINS, E. vs. Van Rensselaer, S. Assault and battery. Rep. of trials. Albany, 1808. 8 . *Pph.v.5 JENKINS, J. Address before the grand lodge of Mass. 2d. ed. Boston, 1830. 8 .... *Pph.v.291 JENKINS, Sir L. Some topics from the works of. See Curtis, G. T 3020.12 JENKINS, W. Two letters to Mary Jones. Ban- gor, N. Wales, 1830. 8 *Pph.v.308 JENKINSON, A. Travels to Bucharia. [Pinkerton. Voyages, v.9] *22G0.13 JENKINSON, C., earl of Liverpool. On the coins of the realm. 2d ed. London, 1840. 8 . . 3G4G.9 JENKS, B. Prayers and devotion for families. Brattleborough, 1814. 12 3447.24 JENKS, J. W. Kural poetry of the English lan- guage. Boston, 1850. 8 2591.3 JENKS, S. H. Address at Nantucket, before Ur- banity lodge of freemasons, 5822. Nan- tucket, 1822. 8" *Pph.v.291 JENKS, W. Sermon before the Mass. soc. for sup- pression of intemperance. Bost. 1821. S.*Pph.v.2G7 JENNER, E. Notice biographique sur. See Val- entin, L M.Pph.v.108 JENNINGS, D. Scripture testimony examined and confirmed. London, 1755. pp.82. 12 . . . 3439.31 JENNINGS, James. Dialects in the West of Eng- land, particularly Somersetshire. London, 1S25. 10 **E. 209. 14, 2586. 30 JENNINGS, Rev. John. Of preaching Christ. See Young minister's companion 3437.5 JENSON, N. Tipografia di. ,S'ee Sardini, G. . . . 2110.15 JENSSEN-TUSCII, G. F. v. Zur Rogierungsge- schichte Friedrich vi. Konigs von Dane- mark. Nach den danischen Vorlagen von H. P. Giessing. Kiel, 1851-52. 2v. 8 . . *2824.1 JENYNS, S. Works, with sketches of his life and family by C. N. Cole. London, 1790. 4v. 12'. 2549.2 Contents. Vol. I. The art of dancing, a poem; Essay on virtue [in verse] ; Fine gentleman; Fine lady; Horace imitated [1 epist. 2d bk.]; Same, Ode 16, bk. II. j Belphegor, from Machiavclli. II. Trans- lation of J. II. Browne's Do immortalitate animx; Papers from the World; Reasonsforanational militia; Causes of the high price of provisions; Taxation of America; Parliamentary reform; Coalition of parties; National debt. III. Inquiry into the nature and ori- gin of evil ; Chain of being ; Cruelty to animals ; Praeexistcnt state; Nature of time; Analogy between things material and intellectual; Rational Christian- ity; Civil liberty. IV. Internal evidence of the Chris- tian religion; Observations on parts of the New Tes- tament. - Same. Dublin, 1790-91. 2v. 8 3473.2 Poems and life. [Chalmers. English poets] V.17of 2592.7 JEPHSON, R. Roman portraits : a poem. London, 1794. 4 2571.2 JEREMIAH. Calvin, J. Commentary on .... 5494.8 See also : Bible. JEROME. See Hieronymus. JERSEY. Berry, W. Particulars concerning the island of 2472.3 Plees, W. Account of the island of 2497.5 See also : Channel islands, Hampshire. JERUSALEM, Assizes de. [Mignc. Patrologiae v.155] 3460.32 Histoire des Francs qui ont pris J., 1095-1099. [Guizot. Coll. mem. hist. Fr.v.20, 21] . . 2618.2 History of the temple at. See Jalal-addin . 3021.4 Maundrell's journey to. [Pinkerton. Voy- ages, v. 10] 2260.13 Poujoulat, J. J. F. Histoire de 2296.4 JERUSALEM delivered. See Tasso, T. JERUSALEM, and other poems. Park, R 2405.22 JERVIS, J. B. Description of the Croton. aque- duct. New York, 1842. 8 *Pph. v. 233 JESSE, bp. of Amiens. Epistola de baptismo. [Migne. Patrologiae v.105] 3450.29 JESSE, J. H. Literary and historical memorials of London. London, 1847. 2v. 8 . . . . 2495.3 London and its celebrities. London, 1850. 2v. 8 2495.2 Shelf. No. JESSE, W. The life of George Brummell. Phila- delphia, 1844. 8 *Pph.v.l39 JESUITS. Alernbert, J. L. R. d'. Destruction des J^suites en France 3536.11 Cretincau-Joly, J. Histoire religieuse, poli- tique et litteraire de la compagnie de Jesus. 3536. 1 Gioberti, V. II gesuita modcrno 3536.3 Missions in Paraguay. [Knox. New coll. of voyages, v.2] 2263.1 O'Callaghan, E. B. Jesuit discoveries in Can- ada, etc Pph.v.160 Oliver, G. Biography of the Scotch, Eng- lish, and Irish members of the society of Jesus 3536.5 Relations des Jesuites dans la nouvclle France. See Canada 3534.1 Steinmetz, A. History of the 3536.4 Taylor, I. Jesuitism in its rudiments . . . 3557.11 JESUS Christ. See Christ. JEW, The : a comedy. See Cumberland, R. . . . 2575.22 JEWEL, G. Observations on leucorrhoea, fluor al- bus, or weakness. London, 1832. 8 ... *3740.35 JEWEL, J. Works, ed. by R. W. Jelf. Oxford, 1848. 8v. 8 *3494.3 Contents. ~Vol.I. Editor's preface ; List of authors used to verify the references; Sermon at Paul's cross; Letters between John, bishop of Sarum and Dr. Cole; Reply of the bishop of Sarum to Dr. Cole ; Reply unto M. Harding's answer, by pemsing whereof the reader may see the unstable grounds of the Roman religion. II., III. Reply continued. IV. Apologia ccclcsiae Anglicanse ; Defence of the apology of the church of England. V., VI. Defence continued. VTI. Exposition upon the two epistles of St. Paul to the Thessalonians ; View of a seditious bull; Treatise of the Holy Scriptures ; Certain sermons. VIII. Treatise on the sacraments ; Epistola Juelli ad D. Scipionem ; Epistolas ad divcrsos ; In rhetorics vituperium; Concio ad clerum; The same in Eng- lish; De usura; Certain frivolous objections against the government of the church of England ; Lady Bacon's translation of the apology; Index. Works. Ed. by J. Ayre. Cambridge, 1845- 50. 4v. roy.8. [Parker soc.] 3503.20 Contents. Vol. I. Sermon pi-cached at Paul's cross; Correspondence with Dr. Cole; I., II. Reply to Harding's answer; Exposition upon the two epistles to the Thessalonians; Sermons; A treatise of the sac- raments. III. Apologia ccclesiffi Anglicana? ; An apology of the church of England ; Defence of the apology. IV. Memoir; List of authors and editions; Epistle to Scipio [Latin and Eng.] ; View of a sedi- tious bull; Treatise on the holy scriptures; Letters, and miscellaneous pieces. Life ; Apology; Exposition upon the epistles to the Thessalonians ; Treatise of the Scrip- tures j Treatise of the sacraments ; Ser- mons ; Extracts. [Fathers of the English church, v.7] 3477.20 JEWETT, Charles. Speeches, poems, and writings on subjects connected with temperance. Boston, 1849. 12" 3576.7 JEWETT, Charles C. Construction of catalogues of libraries and their publication by means of separate stereotyped titles. 2ded. Wash- ington, 1853. 8 *2124.9 Notices of public libraries in the United States. Washington, 1851. 8 *2125.1 Catalogue of the library of Brown university. See Providence, R. I *2135.2 JEWETT, I. A. Memorial of S. Appleton, of Ips- wich, Mass. Boston, 1850. 8 2331.1 Passages in foreign travel. Boston, 1838. 2v. 12 2273.6,7 JEWITT, A. History of Buxton, and guide to the Peak. London, 1811. 8 2494.1 JEWS. Basnage de Beauval, J. Histoire des Juifs, depuis Jesus-Christ, jusqu'a present. 2296.7 Berruyer, 1. J. Histoire du pcuple de Dicu, depuis son origine jusqu'a la uaissance du Messie 2210.9 Beugnot, A. Lcs Juifs d'occidcnt 2296.5 Depping, G. B. Les Juifs dans le moyen age. 2296.6 Grant, A. The Nestorians, or the lost tribes. 3045. 15 JEWS 422 JOANNES Shelf. No. JEWS, continued. Hcrzfeld, L. Gcschichte dcs Volkes Jisracl. 2296.8 Josephus, F. Jewish antiquities and Jewish war 2300. 8 Leeser, I. The J. and the Mosaic law. . . . 3480.15 Lowman, M. Kitual of the Hebrew worship. 3423.13 Nikelsburger, J. Defence of the Jewish re- ligion 3489.18 Palfrey, J. G. Lectures on Jewish antiqui- ties E. 218. 20 Tappan, D. Lectures on Jewish antiquities. 3423.12 Turner, 8. H. Biographical notices of Jew- ish rabbies 3489.16 Voice to the. See Seals 3489.19 Wcsscling, P. Diatribe de Judaeorum archon- tibus 2956.19 Willard, S. National conversion of the . . 3457.27 Wines, E. C. Laws of the Ancient Hebrews. 3423.2 Wolff, J. Researches and missionary labors among the 3534. 10 See also : nebrew, Israel, Jerusalem, Palestine. JOAN, Bianchi-Giovini, A. Esame critico degli atti e documcnti relativi alia favola della papessa Giovanna 3552.13 Ciampi, S. Sull' opinione di Boccaccio intorno alia cosi detta papessa Giovanna 3552.12 JOAN of Arc. Memoires concernant. [Midland. Coll. mem. hist. France. Ser. 1, v.3] . . . 2611.1 Proces de Jeanne d'Arc. [Lebcr. Coll. diss. hist. France, v. 17] 2018.1 Pieces relatives a 1'histoire de Jeanne d'Arc. [Petitot. Coll. mem. hist. Fr. Ser. 1, v. 8]. 2015.1 Quicherat, J. Proces condamuation de Jeanne d'Arc 2626.4 JOANNES, abbot ofJSiclaro, in Spain. Chronicon. [Migne. Patrologisev.72] 3450.12 JOANNES, abbot of Fecamp. Libellus de scripturis et verbis patrum collectus ; Libellus de di- vina contemplatione ; Epistolae. [Migne. Patrologias v.147] 3460.25 JOANNES, abbot of Monte Cassino, Chronicon pos- tremorum comitum Capuae. [Muratori. Rcrum Ital. script, v.2] 2710.1 JOANNES, abbot of St. Arnulf, at Metz. Vita S. Glodesindis abbatissae Metensis ; Historia translationis S. Glodesindis ; Vita Joannis abbatis Gorziensis. [Migne. Patrol, v.137]. 3460.16 JOANNES, abp. of Constantinople. Epistola ad Con- stantinum papam. [Migne. Patrol, v. 89]. 3450.20 JOANNES, abp. of Rouen. Liber de officiis ecclesi- asticis. [Migne. Patrologia? v.147] . . . . 3460.25 JOANNES, bp. of Aries. Epistolae ad virgines mo- nasterii sanctae Maria;. [Migne. Patrolo- giae v. 72] 3450.12 JOANNES, bp. of Nicopolis. Epistola ad Hormis- dam papam. [Migne. Patrol, v. 63] . v.l of 3450.5 JOANNES, bp. ofSabina. Querimonia contra Far- fcnses monachos in synodo. [Migne. Pa- trologiae v. 143] 3460.22 JOANNES, canon of St. Victor, Paris. Vita Cle- meutis v. et Joannes xxu. pontiflcum Ro- manorum. [Muratori. Rerum Ital. script. v.3, p.2] 2710.1 JOANNES, Carthusian monk. Epistolae quinque. [Migne. Patrologizev.153] v.2 of 3460. 30 JOANNES, deacon at Rome, 5th century. Epistola ad Senarium. [Migne. Patrologiae v.59] . 3450.1 JOANNES, deacon at Rome, Qth century. Vita S. Gregorii M. [Migne. Patrol, v.75] . v.l of 3450.14 Liber de ecclcsia Lateranensi. [Migne. Pa- trologiae v. 78] v. 4 of 3450.14 JOANNES, deacon at Venice. Chronicon Venetum ; Chronicon Gradense. [Migne. Patrologiae v.139] 3460.18 JOANNES, deacon of St. Jamtarius, at Naples. See Muratori, L. A. Rerum Ital. script . . . . 2710.1 Contents. Vol. I. pt. 2. Chronicon episcoporum Neapolitans ecclesiae, usque ad 872 ; Martyrium S. Procopu episcopi Tauromenitani. II. p. 2. Vita S. Athanasii episcopi Neapolitan!. Shelf. No. JOANNES, monli. See Mai. Script, vet. nova coll. v.l, p. 3, v.7, p.l 3000.1 JOANNES, monk of Beze. Chronicon Besuense. [Migne. Patrologiae v. 162] v.2 of 3460. 37 JOANNES, monk of St. Lawrence, at Liiige. Visio status animarum postmortem, etc. [Migne. Patrologiae v. 180] 3470.7 JOANNES, monk of St. Omen, at Rouen. Sermones quatuor. [Migne. Patrologias v.!62]v. 2 of 3460.37 JOANNES, monk of St. Vlncenzo, at Voltorno. Chronicon Vulturnense, 703-1071. [Mura- tori. Rerum Ital. script, v.l, p.2] 2710.1 JOANNES, monk of Treves ? Epistola ad Adelber- onem. [Migne. Patrologiae v.100] .... 3460.40 JOANNES Alexandrinus. TOVIKO. irapayyc^itara, [and Aelius Herodianus] Ilrpj c-x^aran/. Edidit, G. Dindorfius. Lipsix, 1825. 8 2985.13 JOANNES Algrinus. Commentarium in Cantica canticorum. [Migne. Patrologiae v.200] . 3470.28 JOANNES Anagnostes. De extremo Thessaloni- censi cxcidio narratio. [Phrantzes. Cor- pus script, hist. Byz. v.36] 2968.1 JOANNES Antiochenus. See Fragmenta hist. Graec. v.4 3002.11 JOANNES Antiochenus Malala. See Malala, J. JOANNES Cacsaricnsis. See Mai. Scriptorum vet- erum nova collectio, v.7 3000.1 JOANNES Camcniata. De excidio Thessalonicensi [A.D. 904.] [Thcciphanes. Corpus script, hist. Byz. v.33] 2968.1 JOANNES Cananus. Narratio de bello Constanti- nopolitano, [A.D. 1422.] [Phrantzes. Cor- pus script, hist. Byz. v.30] 2968.1 JOANNES Cautacuzenus. See Cantacuzenus, I. JOANNES Cassianus. See Cassianus, J. JOANNES Chrysostomus. See Chrysostomus, J. JOANNES Cirita. Vita et epistolae; Regula ordi- nis militaris Avisii. [Migne. Patrol, v. 188]. 3470.12 JOANNES Constantiensis. In librum de computo ccclesiastico praefatio. [Migne. Patrolo- giae v.163] 3460.38 JOANNES Cornubiensis. Apologia de verbo in- carnato ; Collationes seu disputationes trcs de eodcm : Libellus de canone mystici li- baminis, ejusquc ordinibus. [Migne. Pa- trologiae v. 177] v.3 of 3470.4 Eulogium ad Alexandrum in, papam, quod Christus sit aliquis homo. [Migne. Patro- logiae v.199] 3470.21 Eulogium ad Alexandrum papam m. etc. [Martene et Durand. Thesaurus nov. v.5]. 2250.2 JOANNES Damascenus, or more probably, John of St. Saba. Vitse SS. Barlaam et Josaphat. [Migne. Patrologiae v. 73] ..... v.l of 3450.13 JOANNES Dominicus. Thcoticon, seu de vita B. Mariae virginis. [Lami. Deliciae erudi- torum, v.12] 4747.1 JOANNES Epiphaniensis. See Fragmenta hist. Graec. v.4 3002.11 JOANNES Ferrariensis. Excerpta ex annalibus principum Estensium. [Muratori. Rerum Ital. script.] v.20of 2710.1 JOANNES Iperius, or of Tpres. Chronicon Sythi- ense S. Bertini. [Martene et Durand. The- saurus novus, etc. v.3] 2250.2 JOANNES Italus, prior ofCluny. Vita S. Odonis, abbatis Cluniacensis n.; Prologus in librum suurn de miraculis. [Migne. Patrol, v. 133]. 3460.12 JOANNES Legatius. Chronicon coenobii S. Gode- hardi, in Hildesheim. [Leibnitz. Script, rerum Brunsvic. v.2] 2810.3 JOANNES Marsicanus, bp. of Tusculum. Concio ad populum Romanum ; Epistola ad Richar- dum cpiscopum. [Migne. Patrologiae v.160]. 3360.36 JOANNES Michaelensis. Regula Templariorum. [Migne. Patrologiae v . 166] 3460.40 JOANNES Moschus, oriental monk. De vitis pa- trum liber decimus, sive pratum spirituale. [Migne. Patrologiae v. 74] v.2 of 3450.13 JOANNES Scotus Erigeaa. See Scot us, J. JOANNES 423 JOHNSON Shelf. No. JOANNES Scythopolitanus. See Mai. Script, vet. nova coll. v. 7 3000.1 JOANNES Smera Polovceius. Notitia historica ; Epistola ad AVlaclimirum Russorum rcgem. [Migne. Patrologiae v.151] 3460.29 JOANNES "\Virzburgensis. Descriptioterrae sanctae. [Migne. Patrologiae v. 155] 3460.32 JOANNES de Belmois, or, of Belles-Mains, abp. of Lyons. Epistola; ct diplomata. [Migne. Patrologia; v.209] v. 2 of 3470. 30 JOANNES de Berardo. Chronicon Casauriense SOG-11S2. [Muratori. Rerum Ital. script. v.2,p.2] 2710.1 JOANNES de Cermenate. Historiade situ, origine, et cultoribus Ambrosianae urbis,ac dc Me- diolanensium gcstis ab anno 1307 ad annum 1313. [Muratori. Opcre min. v.ll, p.l] . . 2710.2 JOANNES de Garlandia. Carmina. [Migne. Pa- trologiae v.150] 3460.28 JOANNES de Polda. Chronicon ecclesiaj Hamelen- sis. [Leibnitz. Script, return Brunsvic.v.2]. 2810.3 JOANNES. See John. JOB. I morali di san Gregorio Magno. See Gre- gorius Magnus 3421.11 Jobi testamenttim, Graece. [Mai. Script, vet. nova coll. v. 7] 3000.1 JOBARD, J. 15. A. M. Bulletin du musee de 1'in- dustric. Bruxelles, 1841-48. 14v. 1.8 . . *3303.1 JOCELIN de Brakelonda. Chronica do rebus gestis Samsonis, abbatis monasteril St. Edmundl, cur. J. G. Rekewode. Londini, 1S40. em. 4. [Camden soc. 13] *2410.13 JOCHER, C. J. Gelehrten-Lexicon [mit Fortsetz. und Ergiinz. v. Adolung u. Rotcrmund. Leip. Dclmcnh. u. Bremen, 1750-1819.] 10v.4.*2140.13 JOCKEY club, or a brief sketch of the manners of the age, in 3 parts. From 10th London ed. New York, 1793. 8 *Pph.v.303 JOEL. Calvin, J. Commentary on .... v.2 of 5504.3 See also : Bible. JOEL, the chronoloyer. Chronographia compendi- aria. Recogiiovit I. Bekkerus. Bonnsc,1836. 8. [Corpus script, hist. Bfz. v. 29] .... *2968.1 JOHN, St. Calvin, J. Commentary on the gospel according to J 5504.5 - Commentary on the epistles of 5504.14 See also : Bible. JOHN, king of England. Beriugton, J. History of the reign of 2410.13 Prynnc, "W. History of 2.320.1 JOHN II. pope. Epistolaj. [Migne. Patrol, v. 06] 3450.7 JOHN III. pope. Epistolas ct decrcta. [Migne. Patrologiae v.72] 3450.12 JOHN IV. pope. Apologia ad Constantinum imp. pro Honorio papa. [Migne. Patrologias V.129] v. 3 of 3460.8 Epistolae. [Migne. Patrologiae v. 80] . . . . 3450.15 JOHN VI. nope. Causa Wilfridiana ; Antonii Pagi observationes ; Monumenta contemporanca. [Migne. Patrologiae v.89] 3450.20 JOHN VII. pope. Epistola;. [Migne. Patrol, v.89] 3450.20 JOHN VIII. pope. Epistolae et decrcta. [Migne. Patrologiae v. 120] v.2 of 3460. 7 Epistolae duo. [Muratori. Rerum Ital. script. v.3, p. 2] 2710.1 JOHN IX. pope. Epistolae; Canon de electione papa; ; Praelocutio in concilio Ravennate. [Migne. Patrologiae v. 131] 3460.10 JOHN X. pope. Epistolae et privilegia. [Migne. Patrologiae v. 132] 3460.11 JOHN XI. pope. Epistolae et privilegia. [Migne. Patrologiae v. 132] 3400.11 JOHN XII. pope. Epistolae et privilegia. [Migne. Patrologiae v. 133] 3460.12 JOHN XIII. pope. Epistolse et decreta. [Migne. Patrologiae v. 135] 3460.14 JOHN XIV. pope. Epistolae ad Alonem. [Migne. Patrologiae v. 137] 3400.16 JOHN XV. pope. Epistolae et privilegia. [Migne. Patrologiae v. 137] 3460.16 Shelf. No. JOHN XVIII.pope. Epistola et diplomata. [Migne. Patrologias v.139] 3400.18 JOHN XIX. pope. Epistola; et diplomata. [Migne. Patrologias v. 141] 3400.20 JOHN XXII. pope. Processus varii in Ludovicum Bavarum imp. ct cjus r.sscclas. [Martene et Durand. Thesaurus novus, v.2] .... 2250.2 JOHN of Gaunt, duke of Lancaster. Collins, A. History of 2444.14 Godwin, "W. Memoirs of 2541.5 JOHN of Oxnead. Chronica, cd. by Sir H. Ellis. London, 1859, 8". [Rolls chronicles] . . .*2414.H JOHN of Salisbury. Opera omnia, juxta cd. Oxon. quam exegit J. A. Giles. Lutetiae Parisi- orum, 1855. 8. [Migne. Patrologiae v. 199] 3470,21 Contents. Epistolae ; Polycraticus ; Metalogicus ; De septem septenis; Entheticus de dogmatc philoso- phorurn; Carmen de membris conspirautibus ; Vita 8. Ansclmi archiepiscopi Cantuariensis ; Vita S. Thomas archiepiscopi Cautuariensis. Epistolae cvi. [Bouquet. Recueil] . v.16 of 2610.1 JOHN. See Joannes. JOHN Hopkins. Notions on political economy. See Marcct, J 3043.20 JOHN Noakes and Mary Styles. See Clark, C. . . 25SG.4 JOHNS, J. Address before the societies of the college of N. J. Princeton, 1840. 8. . *Pph.v.l21 JOHNSON, Alexander B. Address before the Utica lyccum, Feb. 5, 1824. Utica, 1824. b . . *Pph.v.47 Address to the Utica lyceum, Feb. 17, 1825. Utica, 1825. 8 . : *Pph.v.57 Address to the Utica forum. Utica, 1821. 8 *Pph.v.57 Discourse on language. Utica, 1832. 8 . *Pph.v.S6 Oration commemorative of Am. independence, July 5, 1824. Utica, 1824. b" *Pph.v.47 JOHNSON, Anthony. Historical account of the several English translations of the Bible. [Watson. Theological tracts, v. 3] .... 3154.2 JOHNSON, C. \V. Life of Sir Edward Coke. Lon- don, 1837. 2v. 8 2440.7 JOHNSON, E. Exercises for private devotion. Boston, 1&37. sm.l2 3447.27 Reflections in retirement. Boston, 1834. 18. 3440.19 JOHNSON, Edward J. Necessity for ascertaining the deviations of the compass. London, 1847. 4 3951.2 JOHNSON, Evan M. Church union : a discourse. Brooklyn, 1840. 8 *Pph.v.l52 Difference between the church and dissent. : a discourse. New York, 1847. 8. . . *Pph.v.l56 JOHNSON, F. Speech on J. Q. Adams' administra- tion, n.p. n.d. 8" *Pph.v.ll6 JOHNSON, G. W. Memoirs of John Selden. Lon- don, 1835. 8 2446.5 JOHNSON, H. J. Sketch of the life, and some ac- count of the writings of the late Dr. J. Johnson. London, 1840. 8 *M.Pph.v.41 JOHNSON, James, b. 1777, d. 1845. Change of air : medicinal influence of travelling. London, 1831. 8 3797.11 Derangements of the liver, internal organs, and nervous system. 2d Am. from 3d Lond. ed. Philadelphia, 1820. 8 *37G0.38 Influence of civic life, sedentary habits, etc. on human health and happiness. 2d Am. ed. Philadelphia, 1820. 8 *M.Pph.v.l3 Influence of tropical climates. London, 1815. 8 3797.13 - Same. 3d Phila. ed. from 6th Lond. ed. Philadelphia, 1831. 12" 3760.33 - Same. 10th ed. London, 1840. 8 .... 3760.23 JOHNSON, John. Typographia, or the printer's instructor. London, 1824. 2v. 24 . . . . *2115.11 JOHNSON, M. J. Catalogue of 000 fixed stars in the southern hemisphere. London, 1835. pp.82. 4 **E.1S5.6 JOHNSON, Richard. Crown garland of golden roses. Ed. by "W. Chappell. London, 1842. pp.84. p.8. [Percy soc. publ. v. 6] .... *2537.8 JOHNSON 424 JOLY Shelf. No. JOHNSON, Richard, continued. History of Tom a Lincoln, the red roso knight. London, 1827-28. 12". [Thorns. Prose romances, v. 2] v. 2 of 2538*12 Pleasant conceits of old ITobson, the merry Londoner. Ed. by J. O. Halliwell. Lon- don, 1843. pp.40, p. 8". [Percy soc. publ. v.9] *2537.11 JOHNSON, Richard M. Speech on a proposition to abolish imprisonment for debt. Boston, 3823. 8 *Pph.v.240 JOHNSON, S. Art of writing letters. 2d ed. Lon- don, 1700. sm. 12 7069.13 JOHNSON, Samuel, D. D., of Guilford, Conn., 6. 1690, d. 1772. Life. See Chandler, T. B. . 2347.14 JOHNSON, Samuel, LL. D.,b. 1707, d. 1784. "Works, with an essay by Murphy. New ed. [by A. Chalmers.] London, 1800. llv. 12 .... *2589.2 Contents. Vol. I. Essay on the life and genius of Johnson ; London, a poem ; The vanity of human wishes j Prologue ; Irene, a tragedy ; Miscellaneous! poems ; Poemata. II. Philological tracts ; Observa- tions on Shakspeare; Political essays; -Miscellaneous 1 essays, in. Dissertation upon the Gr. comedy, transl. from Brumoy ; Conclusion to Brumoy'a Gr. theatre; Dedications; Pref. to Payne's tables of int.; Adventurer ; History of Kassclas. IV.- VI. Thq Rambler. VII. The Idler. VIII. Miscellaneous essays ; Political tracts ; Journey to the Wcsteni islands of Scotland. IX.-XI. Lives of the poets. Dictionary of the English language. London, 1755. 2v. f I *.2590.1 - Same. 6th cd. London, 1785. 2v. 4.**E.201.7 - Same. Verbatim from the author's last folio ed. London, 1852. imp. 8 *2580.5 - Same. With additions by II. J. Todd. London, 1818. 4v. 4 *2580.1 - Same. 2d cd. London, 1827. 3v. 4. . *2581.1 - Same. Abridged from Todd's corrected 4th ed. by A. Chalmers. London, 1820. 8 **E.205.4 - Same. With Walker's key, etc. Boston, 1828. 8 **E. 204.4 - Same. By S. Johnson and J. Walker, cd. by R. S. Jameson. London, 1827. 8" . . . 2584.18 - Same. 7th ed. London, 1853. 8 . . . . 2585.15 The Rambler. New ed. London, 1822. 3v. 16" **E.229.4 Taxation no tyranny. 3d ed. London, 1775. pp.91. 12 *2324.48 Works of the English poets, with prefaces, biographical and critical. London, 1779-81. C8v. 10 *2589.3 Contents. Vol. I.-II. Cowley. III.-V. Milton. VI.-VII. Butler. VIII. Weller. IX. Denham, Spratt. X. Koscommon, Yalden. XI. Otway, Duke, Dorset. XII. Halifax, Stepney, Walsh. XIII.-XIX. Dryden. XX. Garth, King. XXI. J. Philips, Smith, Pomfrct. XXH. Hughes. XXIII. Addison. XXIV. Blackmore. XXV. Buckingham, Lansdowne. XXVI. Bowe, Tickell. XXVII.-XXVIII. Rowe. XXIX. Congreve, Fenton. XXX.-XXXI. Prior. XXXII.-XXXVIII. Pope. XXXIX.-XL Swift. XLI.-XLII. Gay. XLIU. Broome, Pitt. XLIV. Parneil, A. Philips. XLV. Savage. XL VI. Watts. XL VII. Somervile. XL VIII. Thompson. XLIX. Hammond. L.-LII. Young. LIII. Dyer. LIV. Shenstone. LV. Akenside. LVI. Lyttelton. LVIL- LVHI. Index. LIX.-LXVIII. Prefaces. Kasselas, with a memoir of the author. [Bal- lantyue. Novelist's libr. v. 5] 2573.1 Sermon for the funeral of his wife 3443.10 Remarks on J.'s life of Milton. See Black- burne.F 2458.31 Review of Dr. J.'s edition of Shakespeare. See Kenrick, W 2597.37 Life by himself, from his birth to his llth year, [with] letters by Miss Hill Boothby. London, 1805. 10* 2458.18 Life. See Boswell, J E. 225. 18 Life. See Hawkins, J 2454.15 JOHNSON, Walter. Essay on the diseases of young women. London, 1849. 12" *3776.19 Shelf. No. JOHNSON, Walter R. Combination of a practical with a liberal course of education. [No title- page. Phila.] 8 *Pph.v.282 Experiments on American and foreign build- ing stones. New Haven, 1850. 8". . . *Pph.v.l93 Memoir of Lewis D. von Schweinitz, with a sketch of his scientific labours. Phila- delphia, 1835. 8 . *Pph.v.95 Report on American coals applicable to steam navigation. Washington, 1844. 8 .... 3651.9 JOHNSON, William. Life and correspondence of General Greene. Charleston, 1822. 2v. 4. 2340.4 Nuga3 georgic : an essay. Charleston, S. C. 1815. pp.40. 4 *2320.22 JOHNSON, Wm. S. Character of. See Irving, J. T Pph.v.80 JOHNSTON, A. K. Dictionary of geography. Lon- don, 1852. 8 2284.1 Physical atlas of natural phenomena. New and enlarged ed. P^dinburgh, 1850. atl. f .*3820.12 Contents. Geology and orography, byj. P. Nich- ol, R. I. Murchison, E. Forbes, II. 1). Rogers, and the editor; Hydrography, by II. D. Rogers, J. S. Russell, and the editor; Meteorology and magnetism, by Sir D. Brewster, Col. Sabine, and the editor; Botany, by A. Hcnfrey ; Natural history, or a geographical distri- bution of animals, by G. R. Waterhouse, E. Forbes, and the editor ; Ethnology and statistics, by G. Kombst and the editor. Atlas of the United States of North America, etc. See Rogers, H. D 2380.6 JOHNSTON, G. History of British sponges and lithophytes. Edinburgh, 1&12. 8 3871.17 JOHNSTON, J. S. Speech on the bill to regulate the commercial intercourse between the United States and the British colonies. Washington, 1827. 8 *Pph.v.73, 116 JOHNSTON, W. General biography. See Aikin, J. 2540.28 JOHNSTONE, C. Chrysal : or the adventures of a guinea. London, 1775. 4v. 16 2577.1 - Same. fBallantyne. Novelist's library, v.4] . . ." 2573.1 JOHNSTONE, James, b. 1730, d. 1802. Medical es- says and observations. Evesham, 1795. 8 *3728.3 JOHNSTONE, John, M. D., b. 1708, d. 1836. Essay on mineral poisons. Evesham, 1795. 8 . 3728.3 Memoirs of the life and writings of Dr. S. Parr. [Parr. Works, v. 1] 2604.1 JOILNSTONE, John, land surveyor. Mode of drain- ing practised by Mr. Elkington. New ed. London, 1841. 8 3942.7 JOINERY. See Hosking, W 4101.24 Nicholson, P. Complete system of lines for the use of workmen 4012.15 JOINTS. Brodie, B. C. Diseases of the . . . .3745.12-15 Cooper, Sir A. Dislocations and fractures of the 3745.18,19 JOINVILLE, J. de. Histoire de Saint-Louis. Paris, 1701. f *2G90.2 - Same. [Bouquet. Recueil] . . . . v.20 of 2610.1 - Same. [Michaud. Coll. mem. hist. Fr. Ser. 1, v.l] 2611.1 - Same. [Pctitot. Coll. mem. hist. Fr. Ser. 1,V.2] 2615.1 Ludwig ix. [Schiller. Hist. Mem. Ite Abth. v.4] 2613.1 Memoirs, containing a part of the life of Louis IX, and dissertations by Du Cange, La Bas- tie, Falconet, etc. Tr. by T. Johnes. Ha- fod, 1807. 2v. 4 *2641.2 JonrviLLE, F. F. P. L. M. d'Orleans, prince de. Remarks on the state of the naval forces of France, with an appendix and notes. New ed. Boston, 1844. 8' *Pph.v.332 JOLLIFFE, T. R. Letters from Palestine [and] Egypt. 2d ed. London, 1820. 8" 3045.8 JOLY, Gy. Memoires concernant le cardinal de Retz, 1018-55. [Petitot. Coll. mem. hist. Fr. Ser. 2, v. 47] 2645.1 - Same. [Michaud. Coll. mem. hist. Fr. Ser. 3, v. 2] 2611.1 JOLY 425 JONES Shelf. No. JOLT, G. M&noires concernant le cardinal de Betz, etc. [Michaud. Coll. mem. hist. Fr. Ser. 3, v. 2] 2011.1 - Same. [Petitot. Coll. mem. hist. Fr. Ser. 2, v. 47] 2645.1 - Same. See Gondi, J. F. P. . . . v.5,Gof 2650.1 JOLY, V. La Belglque monumentale, etc. See Moke, H. G 2862.1 JOMAKD, E. F. Etudes sur 1'Arabie, suiv. du voy- age de Mohammed-Aly dans le Fazoql. Paris, 1830. 8" 3045.14 JOMELLI, N. See Dehn, S. W. Practische Mu- sik-Werke 4051.14 Contents. Vol. XIX. Hosannah filio David, 4 voci con organo. XX. Miserere a 4 voci. XXI. Re- quiem, Lux seterna, 4 voci. XXVII. Veni Creator spiritus, 4 voci con stromenti. XXVIII. Missa pro defunctis, Requiem icternam, 4 voci con stromenti. JOMINI, H. bar. de. Histoire critique et militaire des guerres de la revolution. Nouv. ed. Paris, 1820-24. 4y. 8, and atlas f . . . 4059.1 Histoire critique et militaire des guerres de Fredciric II., avcc des principes de 1'art de guerre. 3e ed. Paris, 1818. 3v. 8 .... 2824.5 JONAH. Calvin, J. Commentary on . . . .v. 3 of 5504.3 See also : Bible. JONAS, abbot of Elnone. Vita S. Columbani ab- batis, S. Eustasii abbatis Luxoviensis, S. Attalse abbatis Bobicnsis secundi, S. Bcr- tulfl abbatis Bobiensis tertii, S. Burgundo- fara? abbatissae Eboriacensis primse ; Liber miraculorum S. Joannis abbatis Reomaen- sis. [Migne. Patrologiaj v.87] 3450.18 JONAS, bp. of Orleans. Libri tres de institutione laicali ; Epistola ad Pippinum de institutione regia; Libri tres de cultu imaginum ; Histo- ria translationis S. Hucberti [sive Huberti]. Migne. Patrologise v.lOG] 3450.30 JONAS, R. Grammaticae Islandicae rudimenta, [et] dictionariolum. Oxoniac, 1703. f. [Ilickes. Ling. vet. sept. thes. v. 2] *2940.5 JONATHAN Wild, a novel by H. Fielding. [Bal- lantyne. Novelist's library, v.l] 2573.1 JONES, Alexander. Cymry of '70, or Welshmen of the revolution. New York, 1855. 8 . . 2324. G Historical sketch of the electric telegraph. New York, 1852. 8 3902. 10 JONES, Alfred. Proper names of the Old Testa- ment. London, [1850.] 4 3433.2 JONES, Calvin. Description of Wier's cave in Au- gusta county, Va. Albany, 1815. 8". . *Pph.v.l73 JONES, Cave. [Resolutions at a meeting of the epis- copalians at mechanic hall. Letters from J. Jay to C. Jones. New York, 1812. 8]. . *Pph.v.l5 JONES, Charles. Examination into the origin of the difference of colour in the human fam- ily. Philadelphia, 1812. 12 *Pph.v.229 JONES, E. Index to records called Originalia. London, 1793-95. 2v. f *7090.2 JONES, Henry. Letters on masonry. Boston, 1829. 12 *Pph.v.299 JONES, Henry B. Animal chemistry in its appli- cation to stomach and renal disease. Lon- don, 1850. 8 3700.26 On gravel, calculus, and gout : applic. of Lie- big's physiology. London, 1842. 8 .... 3806.2 JONES, Hugh. Present state of Virginia, 1724. London, 1724. 8 2374.19 JONES, I. and others. Designs, published by I. Ware. n.d. n.p. 1.8 4102.27 JONES, Jeremiah. Method of settling the canoni- cal authority of the New Testament. Ox- ford, 1798. 3v. 8 3424.8 JONES, John. Reply to the New trial of the wit- nesses, and Not Paul, but Jesus. London, 1&H - 8 3485.11 JONES, John F. D. On the process employed by nature in suppressing hemorrhage. Lon- don, 1810. 8 3803.20 Shelf. No, JONES, John R. Address delivered at a town meeting of anti-masonic citizens, Oct. 5th, 1830. Philadelphia, 1830. 8" *I'i>h.v.291 JONES, John T. Sieges in Spain, 1811-14. 2d ed. London, 1827. 2v. 8 3101.4 JONES, Joseph. Researches concerning North American vertebrata. [Smithsonian con- tributions, v.8, art. 5] 3340.1 JONES, Joseph S. Defence of the revolutionary history of N. Carolina. Boston, 1834. 12. 2375.10 Memorials of North Carolina. New York, 1838. 8 2375.6 JONES, O. Alhambra court in the crystal palace. London, 1854. 10. [Crystal pal. libr. 5] . . 4089.37 Apology for the colouring of the Greek court in the crystal palace. London, 1854. pp. 56. 16. [Crystal pal. libr. 13] 4039.30 Plans, elevations, sections, and details of the Alhambra, with a notice of the kings of Granada, by P. de Gayangos. London, 181,!. 2v. f *4100.26 and Bonomi, J. Description of the Egyptian court in the crystal palace. London, 1854. pp.71. 10. [Crystal pal. libr. 2] 4089.40 JONES, P. Annals and recollections of Oneida county. Rome, 1851. 8" 2371.17 JONES, Richard. Essay on the distribution of wealth. P.I. Rent. London, 1844. 12 . 3653.13 JONES, Richard R. Memoir of R. R. Jones, of Aberdaron, North Wales. London, is-.'-,'. 8 2455.2 JONES, S. Biographical dictionary. 5th ed. Lon- don, 1805. sm.l2 2259.3 JONES, Theophilus. History of the county of Brecknock. Brecknock, 1805-9. 2v. in 3. 4 *24G1.5 JONES, Thomas. Catalogue of tracts for and against popery, [published in the reign of James II.] With Peck's list. [Manches- ter], 1859. p.l. 8m. 4". [Chethamsoc. v.4S].*2415.17 JONES, Thomas R. Outline of the organisation of the animal kingdom, and manual of com- parative anatomy. 2d ed. London, 1855. 8. 3887.15 JONES, T. W. Manual of ophthalmic medicine and surgery. London. 1847. 10 3804.24 JONES, Sir W. Works, with life by Lord Teign- mouth. London, 1807. 13v. 8 *2G04.3 Contents. Vol. I., II. Memoirs and correspond- ence ; Prefatory discourse to an essay on the history of the Turks; Design of " Britain discovered." III. Discourse delivered at a meeting of the Asiatic soci- ety in Calcutta, 1734, by Sir John Shore ; First- eleventh anniversary discourse before the Asiatic so- ciety 17*4-94 i On the orthography of Asiatic words ; The gods of Greece, Italy, and India. IV. Chrono- logy of the Hindus ; Antiquity of the Indian zodiac; Gitagovinda, or songs of Jayadeva ; Remarks on the island Johanna ; On the Indian game of chess ; Tales and fables by Nizami. V. Spikenard of the ancients ; Botanical observations on Indian plants and fruits ; Grammar of the Persian language ; His- tory of the Persian language. VI. De poesi Asiatica, commentarii ; Tcstamentum morale ; Limon, seu miscellaneorum liber. VII. Six charges to grand juries at Calcutta ; Institutes of Hindoo law. VIII. Mahommedan law of succession to the property of intestates ; Mahommcdan law of inheritance ; Essay on the law of bailments ; Legal mode of suppressing riots ; Principles of government ; Character of Lord Ashburton. IX. Speeches of Istcus concerning the law of succession to property in Athens ; Fragments of ISJEUS ; Notes ; Commentary on Isffius ; Sacon- talii, or the fatal ring. X. Moallakat, or seven Arab- ian poems suspended on the temple at Mecca ; Po- ems, chiefly translations from the Asiatic languages ; Examcn de la traduction des livres attribues a Zoro- astre. XI. L'histoire de Nader Chah. XII. Traite Bur la poe'sie orientale ; Introduction to the history of Nader Shah. XIII. IlitopadOsa of Vislmusarman; The enchanted fruit, an antediluvian tale ; Hymn to Camdeo ; Two hymns to Pracriti ; Extracts from the Ramayan and Vedas. Essay on the law of bailments. 2d ed. With introd. remarks and notes by J. Balmanno. Philadelphia, 1804. 8 3636.18 JONES 426 JOUBEIIT Shelf. No. JONES, Sir W. continued. Ucbcr die Musik dcr Indicr, aus dcm Eng- lischcu iibcrsctzt, mit Anmerkungen von T. H. v. Dalberg. Erfurt, 1802. 4 .... *4052.41 Poems and life. [Chalmers. Eng.poets]-v.l8of 2592.7 JONES family. See Goodwin, N 2332.8 JONGELINUS de Lambartinis, C. Palatinorum ct judicum curiae rcgia; Hungarian catalogus. [Schwandtuer. Script, rcr. Hungaric. v.2] . 2810.2 JONGH, L. J. dc. L'huilc dc foic de morue envi- sagee sous tous les rapports comme moyen th(-rapeutique. Paris, 1853. 8 3794.37 JONSIUS, J. De seriptoribvs historic philosophi- cae, cvra I. C. Dornii cvm prsef. B. G. Struvii. Jenae, 1710. sm.4 *2191.3 JONSON, B. Works, with notes and memoir by W. Gifford. London, 1810. 9v. 8 .... *2007.4 Contents. Vol. I. Memoirs of Jonson; Every man in his humour. II. Every man out of his hu- mour ; Cynthia's revels ; The poetaster. III. Seja- nus j The fox ; The silent woman. IV. The alche- mist ; Catiline ; Bartholomew fair. V. The devil is an ass ; The staple of news ; The new inn. VI. The magnetic lady ; A tale of a tub ; The sad shepherd ; The case is altered ; Entertainments ; King James's coronation ; Panegyric of James ; The satyr ; The pcnates ; Kings of Great Britain and Denmark at Theobald's ; King James and queen Anne at Theo- bald's. VII. Masques at court. VIII. Masques, etc.; Epigrams; Underwoods. IX. Underwoods, translations, etc.; Discoveries ; English grammar ; Jonsonua virbius. Every man in his humour. [Waldron. Lit- erary museum] 2557.14 Poems and life. [Chalmers. Eng. pocts].v.5of 2592.7 Fletcher, J., and Middleton, T. The widow. [Dodsley. Old plays, v. 12] 2588.1 Marston, J. , and Chapman, G. Eastward hoe ! [Dodsley. Old plays, v.4] 2588.1 JONSTON, J. De fcstis Graecorum schcdiasma. [Gronovius. Thes. Graec. antiq. v.7] . . . 2960.2 JORDAN, T. London's resurrection to joy ; The triumphs of London; Representations in parts. [Fairholt. Percy soc. v. 10] .... 2537.12 JORDAN, Expedition to explore the river. See United States 3081.4 JORDANES. See Jornandes. JOKDANO, M. Epistola de senco monumento Ca- tanae reperto. [Opuscoli di autori Sicilian!, v-7] 4764.1 JOEDANUS. Excerpta ex chronico 950-1320. [Mu- ratori. Antiq. Ital. v.ll] 2720.7 JOKDANUS, bp. of Limoges. Epistola ad Bcnedic- tum VIII, papam; Diplomata; Acta con- cilii Lemovicensis. [Migne. Patrologiae v.141,142] 3460.20,21 JORDANUS. See Jourdain de Severac. JORNANDES. Historia de Getarum, sive Gotho- rum origine et rebus gcstis. [Muratori. Eerum. Ital. script, v.l] 2710.1 JORDENS, C. H. Lexikon deutscher Dichter u. Prosaisten. Leipzig, 1800-11. 6v. 8 . . . *2156.1 JORDENS, J. H. Entomologie und Helminthologie des menschl. Kb'rpers. Hof, 1801-2. 2v. inl- 4 3892.2 JOET, de. Des aides-chevals de Normandie, ap- peles aides coutumiers. [Leber. Coll. diss. hist. France, v.12] 2018.1 JORTIN, J. Works. London, 1810. llv. 8 . . . *3498.1 Contents. Vol. I. Discourses concerning the truth of the Christian religion ; Remarks on ecclesiastical history. II., HI. Remarks on ecclesiastical history. IV.- VI. Life of Erasmus. VII.-X. Sermons on dif- ferent subjects i Charges, etc. XI. Six dissertations : On the doctrines of divine assistance and human lib- erty ; Controversies concerning predestination and grace; Duty of judging candidly, etc.; The love of praise and reputation, etc.; Character of Balaam ; State of the dead. Tracts, philological, critical, and miscella- neous. London, 1790. 2v. 8 3498.2 Contents. Vol. I. Advertisement ; Miscellanies, viz : Lusus poctici ; Remarks on Spenser ; Remarks Shelf. No. JORTIN, J. continued. on Milton ; Sermon ; Remarks on Tillotson ; Scrip- tural illustrations ; Strictures on the articles, sub- scriptions, etc.; Cursory observations ; Anecdotes ; Translations. II. Letters ; Critical remarks on Greek authors ; On Latin authors ; On modern au- thors ; Maxims and reflections. Memoirs of. See Disney, J 3555.8 JOSCELIN. Epistola?. [Migne. Patrologiae v. 190]. 3470.18 JOSEPH, en ncuf chants. See Bitaubu, P. J. . . . 2078.5 JOSEPH ben Joshua ben Heir. Chronicles, trausl. by C. II. F. Bialloblotzky. London, 1835- 30. 2v. 8. [Oriental transl. fund, 37] . . *3021.5 JOSEPH Andrews : a novel by H. Fielding. [Bal- lantyne. Novelist's library, v.l] 2573.1 JOSEPH Clemens, elector of Cologne, Dcr spa- nische Erbfolgekrieg und. See Ennen, L. . 2819.1 JOSEPHINE, M. J. It. T. de la Pagerie. Lettres a Napoleon et a sa fille. See Napoleon I. . . 2043.2 Memoires historiques et secrets de 1'impera- trice. See Le Normand, M. A 2042.7 JOSEPHUS, F. Opera. Gr. et Lat. Kecogn. G. Dindorflus. Parisiis, 1845-47. 2v. 1.8*. [Didot. Biblioth. Gr.] *2992.16 Contents. Vol. I. Antiquitates Judaicae ; Joseph! vita. II. De bello Judaico ; Contra Apionem ; De Maccabseis. Works, transl. by Whiston. London, 1818. 4v. 8 2296.3 Contents. Vol. I.-ITI. Antiquities of the Jews. HI. Life of Josephus. III., IV. Jewish war. IV. Against Apiou ; Three dissertations. - Same. Revised by S. Burder. Boston, 1823. 2v. 4 *2300.8 Contents. Vol. L, II. Antiquities of the Jews ; Wars of the Jews. - Same. Baltimore, 1830. 8 2296.2 Contents. Life of Josephus ; Preface ; Antiquities of the Jews; Wars of the Jews; Against Apion; Con- cerning Hades ; Dissertations ; Testimonies of Jose- plius concerning Jesus Christ, John the Baptist, and James the Just vindicated ; God's command to Abra- ham ; Tacitus' account of the origin of the Jewish nation. - Same. Transl. by Whiston, from London ed. oflS27. Philadelphia, 1835. 2v. 8. . 2296.1 JOSEPHUS, disciple of Alcuin. Carmen et versus. [Mignc. Fatrologia v.99] 3450.24 JOSEPHUS, chancellor ofAquitaine. Historia traus- latiouis corporum SS. Ragnoberti et Ze- nonis. [Migne. Patrologiae v.100] .... 3450.30 JOSEPHUS Rhacendyta. 'S.vvui^tg pijro/jixr/j [Walz, C. Rhetores Gra?ci, v.3] 2905.2 JOSHUA. Calvin, J. Commentary on 5494.5 See also: Bible. JOSLEN, bp. of Soissons. Expositio symbol! et orationis Dominicae. [Migne. Patrologiae v.180] 3470.10 JOSLIN, B. F. Discourse on the privileges and duties of man as a progressive being. Schenectady, 1833. 8 *Pph.v.88 Meteorological observations and essays. Al- bany, 1836. 8 *Pph.v.90 JOSQUIN Deprez. Stabat mater, a 5 voci. [Dehn. Practische Musik-Werke, v.27] 4051.14 JOSSEAU, J. B. Credit foncier en France. Paris, 1853. 8 3637.7 JOSSELYN, J. New England's rarities. London, 1672. 18 *2329.29 JOTSALD. Vita S. Odilonis abbatis Cluniacensis ; Planctus de transitu D. Odilonis abbatis Clun. [Migne. Patrologiae v.142] .... 3460.21 JOUANNIN, J. M., and Van Gaver, J. Turquie. Paris, 1840. 8. [L'Univers] *2270.14 JOUBERT, A. Monographic des vins. See Ca- reme, A. 4000.3 JOUBEUT, F. E. Manuel de 1'amateur d'estampes. Paris, 1821. 3v. 8 4087.11 JOUBERT, J. Pensees, essais, et maximes, suivis de lettres. Paris, 1842. 2v. b" 3472.6 JOUBERT, L. De gymnasiis et balneis antiquo- rum. [Sallengre. Thes. antiq. Rom. v.l]. 2950.2 .TOUFFROY 427 JULIANUS Shelf. No. JOUFFROY, T. S. T. Introduction to ethics, transl. byW.H. Channing-. Boston, 1840. 2v. 12. 3585.16 Pliilosopliical miscellanies. See Cousin, V. 3C06.10 JOUHER. Tczkereh al Vakiat, or memoirs of the emp. Humayun, transl. from the Persian by Maj. C. Stewart. London, 1832. 4. [Orien- tal transl. fund, 22] ............ *3012.4 JOURDAIN, Anselme L. B. B. b. 1734, d. 1816. Sur la formation des dents. Paris, 1706. 12 . 3805.35 JOURDAIN de Severac. 3Iirabilia descripta [in Asia.] [Paris. Societe de geographic. Re- cueil, v.4] ................. 2260.11 JOURDAN, Antoine J. L. 1785-1848. Dictionnaire des termes dans les sciences naturelles. Paris, 1834. 2v. 8 ............ 3834.3 Observations on syphilis, transl. from the French by R. La Roche. [Philadelphia] n.d. 8 ................ *M.Pph.v.l3 Pharmacopee universelle. 2e (3d. Paris, 1840. 2v. 8 ................... 3785.11 JOURDAN, G. A. Memoires sur les journces de scptembre. 1792. /S'eeJourgniac Saint-Heard, F. de . . ................. 4645.14 JOURDIER, A. La pisciculture et la production des sangsues, avec une introd. par Coste. Paris, 1850. 16 .............. 3906.7 JOURGNIAC Saint-Meard, F. de, and others. Me"- moires sur les journees de sept. 1792. Paris, 1823. 8. [Berville et Barrierc. Mem. rt-1. a la rev. franc. 26] ............. *4645.14 JOURNAL britannique. Maty, M ......... 5159a.l JOURNAL dc la guerre du Micissippi contre lea Chicachas, en 1739-40. Nouvelle-York, 1859. sm.4 .................... 2311.28 JOURNAL de 1'ecolc polytechnique. See Paris. Ecole polytechnique. JOURNAL de 1'ecole societaire. La reTorme indus- tricllc, ou le phalanstere. le serie. Paris, 1832-34. 2v. in 1. 4" ............ *5141.2 See also : Phalange, La. JOURNAL de la librairie. Bibliographic de la France. Paris, 1810-55. 49v. 8 ..... *2107.1 JOURNAL de mddecine et de chirurgie pratiques. 2e. ser. v. 24-29. Paris, 1854-58. 6v. 8. *5799.1 JOURNAL des debats, septembre, Ib53 juiu, 1858. Paris, 183:5-58. llv. f .......... *7380.1 JOURNAL des progres des sciences et institutions medieales. Ire ser. 1-18, 2e ser. 1, 2. Paris, 1827-30. 20v. 8 .............. *3747.1 JOURNAL des savans, 1605-1791, 18 16-1S5S. Paris, 16S1-1S58. 104v. 4 ............. *3313.2 JOURNAL des savans, Table des matiercs dans le. 1065-1750. Paris, 1753-434. lOv. 4" ..... *3313.1 JOURNAL d'un bourgeois de Paris sous le regne de Francois ler 1515-30, publ. par L. La- laune. Paris, 1854. 8. [Societe de 1'histoire dc France] ................ *2620.6 JOURNAL d'tm deporte non juge. See Barbe-Mar- bois, F. de ................. 4669.1 JOURNAL et annales des mines. 1795-1858, v.1-38. v. 1-00, v. 68-74. Paris. Ill v. in 117. 8. *3347.2 Tables, 1795-1851. Paris, 1813-52. 5v. in 4. 8. *3347.1 JOURNAL historique ct litteraire. Liege, 1834-57. JOURNAL of agriculture. See Skinner, J. S. JOURNAL of an embassy to ncgociate a marriage between Henry VI. and a daughter of the count of Armagnac, 1442, with notes by N. H. Nicolas. London, 1828. 8 ...... 2418.7 JOURNAL of philosophy and arts. See Boston . 3202.3 JOURNAL of proceedings of the congress held at Phila. Sept. 5, 1774. London, 1775. pp.66. 12 ..................... *2324.50 JOURNAL of the chemical soc. See London. JOURNAL of the Franklin institute. See Franklin institute. JOURNAL of the geological soc. See London. JOURNAL of the royal agricultural society. See London. Shelf. No. JOURNALISM. Hatin, E. Histoire du journal en France 2176.7 Prutz, R. E. Geschichte des deutschen Jour- nalismus 2176.5 See also : Periodicals. JOCTEL. Dernier voyage de la Sale dans le golfe de Mexique, redige par M. de Michel. Paris, 1713. 12 **E. 227. 11, 2369.2. Last voyage, performed by M. de la Sale, to find out the mouth of the Mississippi. Lon- don, 1714. 8 *2369.1 JOUY, V. J. E. Guillaume le franc parlour. 4c et Ce ed. Paris, 1817. 2v. 12 4079.6 L'ermite de la chaussee d'Antin. Paris, 1823. 3v. 8 2663.7 Biographic nouvelle des contemporains. See Arnault, A. P. and others . . . 2244.1 Minerve frangaisc. See Aignan, fi 2660.2 JOYCE, Rev. James. Love to God, the perfection of Christian morals. London, 1822. 8. . 3444.14 JOYCE, Rev. Jeremiah. Systematic education. See Shepherd, W A. 148.2 JUAN de Aprieta, y chasco de la carta: entremes. [Spanish interludes] 3095.18 JUAN y Santacilia, G., and Ulloa, A. de. Voyage to South America, transl. from the Spanish. London, 1758. 2v. 8 *2365.5 Voyage to South America. [Knox. New coll. of voyages, v.l] 2203.1 JUARROS, D. History of Guatemala, transl. by J. Baily. London, 1823. 8 2314.15 JUBA Mauritanus. See Fragm. hist. Graec. v.3 . 3002.11 JUBINAL, M. L. A. La armeria real de Madrid. Paris, 1839. f *2220.4 JUCHEREAU de St. Dcnys, A. de. Histoire de 1'empire ottoman, 1792-1844. Paris, 1844. 4v. 8 3082.4 JUDAS. See Fragmenta hist. Graec. v.3 3002.11 JUDAS Maccabseus. A sacred drama, set to music by [G. F.] Handel. Winchester, [n.d.] 4 2375.9 JUDGMENT of whole kingdoms and nations, con- cerning the rights of kings and of the peo- ple, [ascribed to] lord Soinmers. 12th ed. Newport, R. I. 1774. 8" 3562.28 JUDGMENT and mercy for afflicted souls. Quarles, F 3444.28 JUDICIARY system, Speech in the senate of New York on the. Verplanck, G. C Pph.v.105 JUDSON, Rev. Adoniram. Life. See Wayland, F. E. 228.1 JUDSON, Andrew T. Comments on the trial of Dr. Siah Fuller. [No title-page], pp.10. 8 3084.11 JUDSON, L. C. Sages and heroes of the American revolution. Stcr. ed. Phila. 1852. 8 ... 2325.2 JUDSON family. See Goodwin, N 2332.8 JUGLER, J. F. Supplementa ct emendationes ad bibliothecam litterariam Struvio-Jugleria- nam. Jenae, 1785. 8 v.4of*2177.2 JULIA de Fontenelle, J. S. E. Rapport sur 1'eta- blisscment gymnastiquc et orthopedique de M. le colonel Amoros. Paris, [1835]. &.*Pph.v.l5i JULIA de Roubigne: a novel by U. Mackenzie. [Ballantyne. Novelist's library, v. 5] . . . 2573.1 JULIAN year. Risolutioni d'alcuni dubij, mossi sopra la correttione fatta dell' anno di Giu- lio Cesare. Zarlino, G 4051.5 JCLIANUS, F. C., emperor. Epistolae, Gr. ct Lat. Ed. L. H. Heyler. Moguntiae, 1828. 8 . . . 2996.10 Epistolze quatuor. [Muratori. Opere min. v.12] 2710.2 Constance ct Julien. See Broglie, A. de . . 3515.10 Vita. [Mignc. Patrologiae v.18] 3440.12 Julien 1'apostat, ou voyage dans 1'autre monde. [Gamier. Voyages imaginaires,v.24] 2666.1 JULIA> T US, bp. ofEclanum. De vita, auctore Joanne Garnerio ; Operum recensio, auctore Schce- ncmanno ; Libellus fidei, missus ad sedem apostolicarn ; Opera alia quae supersunt. [Migne. Patrologize v.21,48] 3440.15,20 JULIAXUS 428 JUSTINIANUS Shelf. No. JULIANUS, lp. of Toledo. Vita; Prognosticafuturi srcculi ; De tribus capitulis liber apologcti- cus ; De comprobatione setatis scxtae libri trcs ; Contrapositorum sive contrariorum in Hpccicm utriusquc Testamcnti locorum libri duo ; Commcntarius in Nahum proph- etam ; Orationcs ; Historia rcbellionis Paull adversus Wambam Gotliorum rcgem; Op- era supposita. [Migne. Patrologise v. 90]. 3450.22 JULIANUS, canon of Cividale. Fragmenta chronic! Forojulicnsis, 1270-1304. [Muratori. Re- rum Ital. script.] v.24of 2720.1 JULIANUS Laodiccnsis. /S'eeMai. Script, vet. nova coll v.2of 3000.1 JULIANUS Pomcrius. De vita contcmplativa libri tres. [Migne. Patrologiae v.59] 3450.1 See Guillon, M. N. S. Bibliothequc des peres V. 32 of 3499. 30, v.23of 3508.2 JULIEKS. Geschichte der jiilichschen Geschlech- ter. See Falmc, A 2830.1 JULIUS, N. II. Nord-Amerikas sittlichc Zustiinde. Leipzig, 1839. 2v. 8 2317.4 JULIUS I., pope. Monumcnta genuina ; Scripta suspcctae fldei. fMigne. Patrologiae v.8] 3440.6 In epistolam sub Julii I. nomine editam dis- quisitio. [Muratori. Opcre min. v.12] . 2710.2 See Guillon, M. N. S. Bibliotheque des peres . v. Oof 3499.30, v.5of 3508.2 See Mai. Script, vet. nova coll v.7 3000.1 JULIUS Africanus. Cesti. [Meursius. Opera, v.7] 2210.2 Cestcs, Lcs, traduits pour la premiere fois, d' unmanuscritgrec. [Guischardt. Mem.v.3]. 3954.10 Epistolae; Chronicon. [Routh. Reliquiae sa- cra, v.2] 3513.9 JULIUS Exsuperantius. DC Marii, Lepidi ac Ser- toriibclliscivilibus. [Lemairc. Bib. class. Lat. v.82] 2914.2 - Same. See Sallustius, C. C 2947.20 JULIUS Firmicus Maternus. See Firmicus Mater- nus, J. JULIUS Obscquens. See Obsequens, J. JULIUS Paris. Epitoma librorum decem Valerii Maximi. [Mai. Script, vet. nova coll. v. 3] 3000.1 JULLIAN, P. L. P. de. Souvenirs do ma vie depuis 1774 jusqu'en 1814. Paris, 1815. 8 4000.17 JULLIEX,A. Manuel du sommclier. Gee'd. Paris, 1845. sm.l2. [Manuel Roret.] 4003.28 Topographic de tous les vignoblcs connus. 3c ed. Paris, 1S32. 8 4003.20 JULLIEN, C. E., and Valerio, O. Manuel du chau- dronnier. Paris, 1840. Bm.l2 4019.12 JULLIEX, M. A. Essai sur 1'cmploi du terns. 4e ed. Paris, 1829. 8 3578.1 JUNGERMAXXI.-E. Ekart, T. P. Synopsis Jun- gcrmanniarum in Germania viciuisquc ter- ris hucusque cognitarum '3851.4 Hooker, W. J. British J 3840.5 JUNGHUIIN, F. Java, zijne gedaantc, zijn planten- tooi, etc. 's Grarenliage, 1853-54. 4v. 1.8. pl.f" *3041.10 JUNGMANX, J. Slownjk cesko-nemecky' [Biih- misch-deutsches Worterbuch mit Unter- stiitzung des bohmischen Museums]. Praze, 1835-39. 5v. 4 *2880.2 JUNG-STILLING, J. H. Autobiography, transl. by S.Jackson. Kew York, 1844. 8 . . . . Pph.v.139 Theory of pneumatology, transl. by S. Jack- son. 1st Am. ed. by G. Bush. New York, 1851. 12 3009.10 JUNILIUS. Libri duo de partibus divinae legis. [Migne. Patrologiae v.GS] 3450.9 JUNIUS or Jonghe, A. van. De anno et mensibus. [Grsevius. Thesaurus antiq. Rom. v.8]. . 2950.1 JUNIUS, F. Etymologicum Anglicanum. Ed. E. Lye. Praemittuntur vita auctoris et gram- matica Anglo-Saxonica. Oxonii, 1743. f . *2590.5 JUNIUS: including letters by the same writer under other signatures. Philadelphia, 1813. 2v. 8 2555.7 Shelf. No. JUNIUS, continued. Letter to a brigadier general, to which is added, a refutation. Ed. by N. W. Simons. London, 1841. em. 10 2555.9 Junius proved to be Burke. London, 1820. pp.04. 8' 2555.2 Blakeway, J. B. Attempt to ascertain the author of the letters published under the signature of 2555.5 Britton, J. Authorship of the letters of . . 2.J.V5.1 Coventry, G. Enquiry regarding 2555.3 Cramp, W. J. and his works compared wit Ii the character and writings of P. D. Stanhope. 255.5. 6 Jaques, J. History of J. and his works. . . 2555.8 Watcrhouse, B. Essay on J. and his letters. 2555.4 JUNKIN, G. Integrity of our national union, rs. abolitionism. Cincinnati, 1843. 8 ... *Pph.v.l38 J0NOT, L. P., duchesse d'Abrantes. Ambassadc en Espagne et en Portugal, 1808-11. Bruxelles, 1838. 2v. 18 4069.2 M6moires, ou souvenirs hist, sur Napoleon, etc. 2eed. Paris, 1835. 12v. 8 . . ... *2C59.1 JUNT.E. See Giunti. JUPITER, the planet. Tables dcliptiques des satel- lites de. Dclambre, J. B. J E. 183. 10 JUPITEK Olympius. Cockerell, C. R. Temple of J. O. at Agrigentum 27. H. 2 Quatremere de Quincy, A. C. Le Jupiter olympien 4070.3 JURA salinois. Recherches geologiques sur Ic. Marcou, J 3860.37 JttRGENS, C. Luther's Leben. 1483-1517. Leip- zig, 1846-47. 3v. 8 2844.2 JURIS civilis antejustinianei reliquiae ineditac, cu- rante A. Maio. Romae, 1823. 8 2925.17 Additional contents. Q. Aurclii Symiuachi novcm orationum partcs cum adnotationibus; C. Julii Victo- ria ars rhetorica; L. Cxcilii Minutiani Apulcii grain- niatici tie orthographia trium librorum t'ragmenta. JURISPRUDENCE. Bibliothecajuridica 2185.1 Dalloz, A. Dictionnaire gcnerale de J. . . . Sittl.l Dupin, A. M. J. J. Opuscules de J :.' Mill.J. Essay on 3563.4 Muratori, L. A. Dei difetti della giurispru- denza 3020.26 Saggio sulla giurisprudenza universale. [Duni. Opere, v.3] 3622.1 See aim : Law. JURY, History of trial by. Forsyth, "W 3626.2 JUSSIEU, A. H. L. de. Botanique. 8e ed. Paris, 1858. 12 3853.10 Botanique. [Cuvier. Diet, des sc. nat. 2-0.] . 3818.1 JUSSIEU, L. P. de. Simon do Nantua ou le mar- chand forain: [conte.] Nouv. e'd. Bru- xelles, 1837. 18 4079a.2 JUSTE, T. Charles-Quint et Marguerite d'Au- triche. Bruxelles et Leipzig, 1858. 8 . . 2842.26 Griindung der constit. Monarchic in Belgien. Brussel, 1850. 2v. in 1. 8 2813.9 Histoire de Belgique. Seed. Bruxelles, n.d. 2v. 1.8 2812.2 Histoire des Pays-Bas sous Philippe n. Bruxelles, 1855. 2v. 1.8 2815.2 Les Pays-Bas sous Charles-Quint. Vie de Marie de Hongrie. Bruxelles, 1855. 1.8 . 2842.2 La Belgique monumentale, etc. See Moke, H. G 2862.1 JUSTELLUS. See Routh. Reliquiae sacrae, v.4 . . 3513.9 JUSTICE and necessity of taxing the American col- onies demonstrated. London, 1706. 8.*Pph.v.241 JUSTICE, Concerning political. Godwin, W. . . 3563.6 JUSTIFICATION. Appleton, N. Difference between legal and evangelical J 3458.15 Chauncy, C. Twelve sermons on 3457.8 Cotton, J. Conference with the elders of New England on 3459.32 Hammond, \V. Doctrine of J. by faith . . . 3452.10 Murray, J. J. by imputed righteousness . . 3456.7 JUSTINIANUS I. emperor. Corpus juris civilis Justinianei. See Corpus juris, etc 3620.3 429 KARAMSIN Shelf. No. JUSTINIANUS, I. emperor, continued. Decretum; Epistola ad Cosmam episc. Mop- suestise ; Liber advcrsus Origenem ; Epis- tola adversus Theodori impia dogmata. [Migne. Patrologiae v.69] v.l of 3450. 10 Epistola ad Joannem papam II. ; Epistola ad Agapetum papam I. [Migne. Patrologiae v.CG] 3450.7 Libcllus contra monophysitas. [Mai. Script. vet. nova coll. v.7] 3000.1 Novellas ad relig-ionem pertinentes ; Leges selects. [Migne. Patrologiae v. 72] . . . . 3450.12 Ortolan, J. L. E. Explication historique des instituts de 1'empereur Justinien 3612.6 JUSTLNIANCS II. emperor. Jussio divina ad Joan- nem papam V. [Migne. Patrologiae v.9G] 3450.22 JUSTINUS. Historise Philippics, curante A. Gro- novio. Ed. 2a. Lugduni Batar. 1700. 2v. 8. 2925.18 - Same. Illust. N. E. Lemaire. Parisiis, 1823. 8". [Lemaire. Bibl. class. Lat. v.32]. *2916.4 JUSTINUS I. emperor. Epistolae ad Hormisdam papam. [Migne. Patrologiae v.03] . v.l of 3450.5 JUSTINUS, Martyr. Opera quae exstant omnia, [Gr. et Lat.] Accur. et recog. J. P. Migne. Lutetise Parisiorum, 1857. 8*. [Migne. Pa- trologia Graeca, v.G] 3490.4 Contents. Oratio odGrsecos; Cohortatio ad Grae- cos; De monarchia; Apologia prima pro Christianis ; Apologia secunda; Dialogus cum Tryphone Judaeo. See Guillon, M.N.S. Bibliotheque des peres v.l of 3499.30, 3508.2 JUSTUS. Epistola ad Sergium papam ; Explicatio in canticum Salomonis. [Migne. Patrolo- giae v.07] 3450.8 JUSTUS Tibcriensis. See Fragm. liist. Grace, v.3 . 3002.11 JUVENALIS, D. J. Sexdccim satiraj. [Ed.] N. E. Lemaire. Paris, 1823. 2v. 8. [Lemaire. Biblioth. class. Lat. 33, 34] *2916.5 Satirse cum commentariis C. F. Heinrichii. Bonnae, 1839. 2v. in 1. 8 2925.20 Satirarum libri v. Ilecens. A. Haeckermann. Lipsiae, 1851. sm.8 2929.9 Satires transl. into English verse, by W. Gif- ford. London, 1802. 4 *2920.12 Satire scelte ridotte in versi italiani ed illu- strate da M. Ccsarotti. Parigi, 1805. 8. [Cesarotti. Opere, v.19] 2798.1 Satire. [Parnaso dei poeti classic! d'ogni nazione, v.41] 2769. 1 Satires, transl. by J. Dryden. [Chalmers. English poets] v.!9of 2592.7 See Elton, C. A. Specimens of the classic poets v.3of 2963.14 Traduzione della satira in. [col testo latino.] [Mctastasio. Opere, v.12] 2775.1 Yolpi, G. A. Commentarius in x satyram. . 2953.20 and Persius Flaccus, A. Satirae. Interp. ao notis illust. L. Pratcus, in usum Delphini. Ed. prima Am. Philadelphia!, 1814. 8 . . 2925.21 JUVENCUS, C. V. A. Opera poetica : Historia ec- clesiastica; Liber in Genesin; Carmen de laudibus Domini. [Migne. Patrologiasv.19]. 3440.13 JUVENILE delinquents. Des jeunes detenus en France. Bucquet, P 7020.4 JUVENILE depravity. Beggs,T. Inquiry into the extent and causes of 3575.22 Worsley, H. Prize essay on 3575.28 .See also : Ragged schools, Social science. JUVENTIXUS, A. O. See Lemaire, N. E. Poet. Lat. min. v.140 v.7 of 2912.1 See Wernsdorf, J. C. Poet. Lat. min. v.6 . . 2912.4 KABUL. Lasscn, C. Zur Geschichte der griechi- schen und indoskythischen Konige in . . . 3044.3 Moorcroft, W. Travels in 3043.15 Wood, J. Journey to the source of the Oxus, by the route of 3045.1 See also: Afghanistan. KADE, D. Opuscula. SeeLinck, J. H 5870.1 Shelf. No. K.EMPFER, E. Amoenitatum exoticamm politico- physico-medicarum fasciculi v, quibus con- tinentur observ. et descrip. rer. Persicarum et ulterioris Asiae. Lemgoviae, 1712. 4. . 3042.15 History of Japan and description of Siam, transl. by J. G. Sehcuchzer. London, 1727. 2v. f *3040.1 History of Japan. [Pinkerton. Voyages, v.7] 2260.13 KAFFA, Inquiry into M. d'Abbadie's journey to. Beke, C. T E.110.59 KAFIR war. Cathcart, G 2445.9 KAii-GE-GA-GAii-Binvii. See Copway, G. KALEWALA, das National-Epos der Finncn ins Deutsche ubcrtragen von A. Schiefner. Helsingfors, 1852. 8 2903.1 KA'LIDA'SA. Kumara Sambhava, Sanskr. et Lat. Ed. A. F. Stenzler. Berlin, 1838. 4. [Orien- tal transl. fund, 49] *3011.4 [Kumara Sambhava, or] Birth of the war god, a poem. Transl. by Griffith. London, 1S53. 8. [Oriental transl. fund.] *3011.5 Raghuvansa, carmen, Sanskr. et Lat. Ed. A. F. Stenzler. London, 1832. 4. [Orien- tal transl. fund.] *3011.7 Sakoontala, or the lost ring-. 3d ed. Transl. by M. Williams. Hertford, 1856. 8 ... 3024.4 - Same. Jones. Works, v.9 . 2604.3 KALILA and Dimna, fables. See Bidpai 3024.2 KALM, P. Travels into North America, transl. by J. R. Forster. London, 1770-71. 3v. 8 . 2301.14 - Same. [Piukertou. Voyages, v.13] . . . 2260.13 KALPA Sutra, The, illustrative of the Jain religion and philosophy. See Bhadra Bahu .... 3011.13 K.VMES, Lord. See Home, H. KAMIXSKY, C. G. De vestimentis ut causls mor- borum. Berolini, 1817. 8 *M.Pph.v.ll3 KAMPTZ, C. A. Ch. H. v. Deutsche constit. Na- tional-Versammlung 1 vor der Kritik des Staatsrechts. Berlin, 1849. 8 3564.11 KAMTCIIATKA, Description du. Kracheniunikow, E v.3 of 3060.1 KAMTZ, L. F. Lehrbuch der Meteorologie. Leip- zig, 1832-36. 3v. 8 3964.11 Allgcm. Encyclopiidie. See Ersch, J. S. . A. 179.1 KANAWHA county, Va. Memorial of citizens to the legislature on inequality of representa- tion. [No title-page.] 1841. 8 .... *Pph.v.279 KANDLER, F. 8. Ueber das Leben und die Werke des G. Pierluigi da Palestrina, nach den Mcmorie des Abb. G. Baini. Nachgclas- eencs Wcrk, herausgcgcben von R. G. Kiesewetter. Leipzig, 1834. 8 4045.5 KANE, E. K. Magnetical observations in the Arctic seas. [Smithsonian contributions, v.10] 3340.1 Eulogy on. See Shields, G.W 2317.9 KANE, It. Elements of chemistry. Dublin, 1842. 8 3972.1 Industrial resources of Ireland. 2d ed. Dub- lin, 1*45. p. 8 2476.22 KANT, E. Metaphysical works, transl. with life by J. Richardson. London, 1830. 8" ... 3602.4 Contents. Logic j Prolegomena to future meta- physics; Enquiry into the proofs for the existence of God and into the Theodicy. Critick of pure reason, transl. by F. Hay- wood. 2d. ed. London, 1848. 8 3602.3 Einige ungedruckte Briefe. See Stiiudliu, C. F 3455.9 La fllosofla di Kant esposta cd csamiuata. See Soave, F 3608.14 KAJTZAS emigrants. Lays of the emigrants, as sung by the second party for Kanzas, on their departure from Boston, 1854. Boston, 1854. 10 *Pph.v.200 KAPPOOISM. Practices of a Capua or devil priest. SeeYakkun 3011.12 KARAMSIN, N. M. Histoire de Russie, trad, par St. Thomas et Jauffret. Paris, 1S19-26. llv. 8 *3063.3 KARIGAL 430 KEMP Shelf. No. KARIGAL, H. I. Sermon preached at the syna- gogue in Newport, R. I., May 28, 1773, being the anniversary of giving the law at Mount Sinai. Newport, R. I. 1773. 8 *3455.48 KARR,,I. B.A. Les guepes. Paris, 1830-46. 21v. 32" *2650.26 Voyage autour de mon jardin. Bruxelles, 1844-45. 2v. 18 4679.12 KARSTEN, W. J. G. Theorie von Wittwencassen ohne Gcbrauch algebraischer Reehnungen. Halle, 1784. 8 **E.171.16 KisiNER, A. G. Geschichte dor Mathcmatik. Gottingen, 1790-1800. 4v. 8 3935.13 Schcinwissenschaftliche Werke. Berlin, 1841. 4v.in 1. 10 2907.3 Contents. Sinngedichte ; Epigramme und andere Gedichte in fremden Sprachcn ; Parodieen ; Kleine prosaischc Aufsatze, Erzahlungen ; Anokdoten i Be- merkungen; Einfalle; Oden und I/icdcr; Fabeln und Erzahlungcn ; Elegicen ; Lchrgcdichte ; Vermischte Gedichte; Kleine prosaische Aufsatzo, Erzahlungen; Anekdoten; Bcmerkun<*cn; Einfalle; Grossere pro- saische Aufsatze und Abhandlungen ; Grossere pro- Baische Aufsatze und Abhandlungen, Fortsetzung; Grossere Aufsatze, wclehe Kiistnernicht in die ver- mischten Schriften aufgenommen hat; Briefe $ Kleine prosaische Aul'siitze; Gclcgcntliche Bemer- kungen; Einzelne Gedunkcn; Einlalle ; Einigevon den in der kiinigl. deutschcn Gescllschait zu Gottin- gen gehaltenen Vorlcsungcn ; Nachlese vou Epi- grammen ; Biograpliie Ues Vcrfassera. Briefe gewechselt zwischen J. F. Pfaff und. See Pfaff, J.F 2847.6 KATHLEEN: a ballad. Edwards, J Pph.v.323 KATHOLISCHES Gcbet und Gesang-Buch. 2teAufl. Kiiln, 1844. 12 4058.9 KAUP, J. J. Ossemens fossiles au museum de Darmstadt. Darmsdadt, 1832-35. 2v. 4. Atlas, obi. 4 3861.30 KAUSCII, J. J. Psychologischer Abhandlung iiber den Einfluss der Tone und insbesondere der Musik auf die Seele. Breslau, 1782. 8.*4055.32 KAUSLER, F. v. Kriegsgeschichte aller Volker. Ulm, 1825-30. 5v. sm.8". Atlas, f . . . . *2213.2 KAY, J. P. Condition of the working-classes in Manchester. 2d ed. London, 1832. 8 . . 3570.61 KAYE, J. W. Life and correspondence of Charles, lord Metcalfe. London, 1854. 2v. 8 ... 2448.3 KAYSER, C. G. BUcher-Lexicon, [1750-1852] und Sachregister. Leipzig, 1834-54. 13v. 4.*2150.15,16 KAYSER, W. C. Historia critica tragicorum Grae- corum. Gottingae, 1845. 8 2952.4 KEACH, B. Travels of true godliness. [Sommers. Bap. libr. v.3] *3454.1 KEAN, L. Sermon on the freeness and sufficiency of divine grace, etc. N. York, 1822. 8. *Pph.v.l35 KEATE, G. Account of the Pelew islands. New ed. Basil, 1789. 8 3047.12 KEATING, J. General history of Ireland, transl. from the Irish. London, 1723. f . . . . *2420.1 KEATING, W. H. Considerations upon the art of mining. Philadelphia, 1821. 8 .... *Pph.v.3o KEBLE, J. Lyra innocentium : thoughts in verse on Christian children. 5th ed. Oxford, 1854. 32 3449.27 KECK, J. Introductorium musicae. [Gerbert von. Hornau. Script, eccl.de musica sacra, v.3]. 4041.7 KEEFER, T. C. Canals of Canada, their prospects, etc : prize essay. Toronto, 1850. 8. .*Pph.v.l94 KEELER, J. The South-sea islanders, with a sketch of Morrell's voyage. New York, 1831. 12 *Pph.v.218 KEENE, JV. H. Annals of. Hale, S 2338.8 KEFERSTEIN, C. Teutschland geogn. geolog. dar- gestellt. Weimar, 1821-31. 7v. 8" .... *3866.1 KEIGHTLEY, T. Account of the life, opinions, and writings of John Milton. London, 1855. 8 2542.11 KEILL, J. Introductio ad veram physicam, seu lectioncs physicae. Accedunt theor. Hu- geniorum de motu demonstrationes. Ed. 3a. Oxford, 1715. 8 **E.161.11 Shelf. No. KEILL, J. continued. Introduction to natural philosophy: demon- strations of Huygens's theorems concern- ing motion, transl. from the Lat. Lon- don, 1720. 8 **E.161.10 Introduction to the true astronomy. 2d ed. London, 1730. 8 **E.189.15 KEIR, J. Life and writings of T. Day. London, 1791. 8 2455.12 KEISER, II. Neun bisher ungedruckte Composi- tionen. [Lindner. Die erste stchende deut- cheOper.] 4043.10 KEITH, A. Preface to the second edition of Mr. firewater's letter to the editor of the Quar- terly review. [No title-page.] 8. . .*Pph.v.l52i KEITH, G. Travels from New Hampshire to Car- atuck. London, 170G. sm.4 2324.35 Remarks on a sermon preached by. See Mather, 1 3547.24 KEITH, J. Sermon on the death of. See Mather, C. 3459.35 KEITH, Sir R. M. Memoirs and correspondence, with a memoir of Q. Caroline of Denmark, ed. by Mrs. G. Smith. London, 1849. 2v. 12 2448.19 KEITH, T. Introduction to the theory and prac- tice of plane and spherical trigonometry. London, 1801. 8 **E.190.14 KEITH, Sir W. History of the British plantations in America. P.I. Virginia. Lond. 1738. 4.*2374. 10 KELBURN, S. Divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ, asserted. Philadelphia, 1795. 8 3402.10 KELHAM, R. Dictionary of the Norman or old French language, to which are added the laws of William the conqueror. London, n.d. 8" 3633.8 Domesday book illustrated. Lond. 1788. 8. 2532.13 KELLER, E. F. Drangsale des nassauischeu Volkes in den Zeiten des dreissigjiihr. Krieges. Gotha, 1854. 8 2836.7 KELLER, F. A. E. Canal de Nicaragua : notice Bur la navigation transatlantiquc. Paris, 1859. 8 2314.24 KELLER, J. W. Die acht Psalmen-Tone des gre- gorianischen Choral-Gesanges. Aachen, 1856. 4 *4052.53 KELLEY, H. J. The American instructor for com- mon schools. Boston, 1825. 12 7059.16 - Same. Second book, lessons in orthog- raphy, etc. 2ded. Boston, 1826. 12 . . . 7059.17 KELLNER, D. Unterrioht im General-Bass. Sie- bente mit 14 Melodien von C. P. E. Bach vcrmehrte Auflage. Hamburg, 1787. obi. 4. *4057.6 KELLOGG, D. O. City of Troy [N.Y.], its com- merce, [etc.] Troy, 1847. 18 2371.22 KELLY, H. School for wives. [Cumberland. Brit- ish drama, v.7] E.229.7 KELLY, J. Sermon, at the funeral of Dr. Wm. Cogswell, of Atkinson, N. H., Jan. 3, 1831. Boston, [1831?] 8 *Pph.v.265 KELLY, M. Musical biography. London, 1814. 2v. 8 *4046.32 KELLY, P. Elements of book-keeping, from 2d London ed. Philadelphia, 1803. 8 .... 7058.5 Practical introduction to spherics and nauti- cal astronomy. London, 1790. 8 . . .**E.171.21 - Same. 2d ed. London, 1801. 8. . .**E.171.20 Universal cambist: treatise on exchanges, coins, etc. 2d ed. London, 1835. 2v. 4*. *3681.3 KESIBLE, John M. Codex diplomaticus aevi Sax- onici. Londini, 1839-48. 6v. 8". [English hist, soc.] *2413.7 State papers and correspondence illustr. of the state of Europe from the revolution to the accession of the house of Hanover. London, 1857. 8 2304.3 KEMBLE, John P. Macbeth and king Richard in: essay in answer to remarks on charac- ters of Shakespeare. London, 1817. 12.. 259S.7 KEMP, T. L. Agricultural physiology. Edin- burgh, 1850. 12 4002.21 KEMP 431 KERNER Shelf. No. KEMP, W. Kemp's nine dales wonder, -with an introduction and notes by Rev. A. Dyce. London, 1840. sm.4. [Camden soc. 11] . *2416.11 KEMPIS, T. a. See Imitation of Christ 3445.13 Life. [Butler. Works, v.3] 3502.1 KEMPLAY, C. Comets: their constitutions and phases. London, 1859. 8 3924.14 KEN, T. Life, by a layman. 2d ed. London, 1854. 8 2447.7 KENDALL, E. A. Travels through the northern parts of the United States, 1807-8. New York, 1809. 3v. 8 2361.13 KENDRICK, A. C. Greek Ollcndorf, a progressive Greek grammar. New York, 1857. 12" . . 7099.1 KENILAVORTH castle. Gascoignc, G. Princely pleasures at, in 1575 2520.32 Lancham, R. Pageants of 2520.32 KENNEDY, A. Practical cotton spinner. 2d ed. London, 1852. 12 4019.6 KENNEDY, C. R. Classical education reformed. London, 1837. 8 *Pph.v.l01 KENNEDY, D. Discourse on the occasion of the inauguration of the Rev. W. H. Campbell, as professor of biblical literature at New Brunswick. Albany, 1851. 8 *Pph.v.l92 Sermon on occasion of the death of Rev. W. J. Pohlman. Albany, 1849. 8* *Pph.v.l92 KENNEDY, E. Obstetric auscultation, with an app. by J. Smith, andnotes by I. E. Taylor. New York, 1843. 8 . 3776.20 KENNEDY, James. Antiquities and curiosities of Wilton house. Salisbury, 1709. 4 .... *4071.3 KENNEDY, James, M.D., of Glasgow. On the man- agement of children. Glasgow, 1825. 12. 3777.24 KENNEDY, James, Enyl. judge, Havana. Modern poets and pot-try of Spain. Lond. 1852. 8. 3093.2 KENNEDY, John P. Address before the American institute. New York, ia33. 8 *Pph.v.89 KENNEDY, L. Letter to M. Van Buren in answer to the late attack upon the navy. [No title- page.] 12 *Pph.v.225 KENNEDY, P. Journal up the Illinois river. See Hutchins, T E. 110. 82 KENNEDY, W. Rise, progress, and prospects of Texas. 2d cd. London, 1841. 2v. 8 ... 2370.2 KENNET, B. Antiquities of Rome. 13th ed. Lon- don, 170)3. 8 *2950.25 KENNET, W. Bibliotheca: Americana: primordia. London, 1713. sm.4 *2152.10 History of England. 2d ed. Lond. 1719. 3v. f. *2410.3 Contents. Vol. I. History of Britain to William the conqueror, by Mr. J. Milton; From the conquest to the cud of king Edward III. by S. Daniel; Reigns of Richard II., Henry IV., V., VI. all new writ in Mr. Daniel's method ; Reign of Edward IV. by J. Ilabington; Lives of Edward V. and Richard III. by Sir T. Moore, translated from the Latin original! Life of Richard III. by Q. Buck; Life of Henry VII. by Francis, Lord Bacon. II. History of Henry Vm., written by Edward, lord Herbert of Cherbury; Life of Edward VI. by Sir J. Hay ward ; Life of queen Mary, written in Latin, by F. Godwin, lord bishop of Hereford, newly translated into English by Mr. J. II.; History of queen Elizabeth, written by W. Cambden, newly done into English; Annals of James I. by the said Mr. Cambden; History of James I. by A. Wil- son. III. Lives of Charles I., Charles II., Jame II, William and queen Mary. Enquiry into the credit and veracity of his history, etc. See North, R 2411.5 KENNGOTT, G. A. Uebersicht dcr Resultate mi- neralogischcr Forschungcn, 1844-52. Wien, 1852-54. 3v. 4 *3864.1 KENNICOTT, B. State of the collation of the He- brew manuscripts of the Old Testament. 1701. u.p.,n.d. 8 *Pph.v.50 Tree of life : oblations of Cain and Abel. Ox- ford, 1747. 8 3419.1 KENNON, B. Trial of B. Kcnnon, [for defamation of D. Porter.] Washington, 1824. 8 . . *Pph.v.54 KENRICK, F. P. Primacy of the apostolic see vindicated. 4th ed. Baltimore, 1855. 8 . 3463.2 Shelf. No. KENRICK, J. Roman sepulchral inscriptions. London, 1858. pp.70. 12 *2950.30 KENRICK, William, LL. D., d. 1779. New rhetor- ical dictionary of the English language. London, 1773. 4 *2582.2 Review of Johnson's edition of Shakespeare. London, 17C5. 8 2597.37 KENRICK, William, Newton, Mass. American silk grower's guide. 2ded. Boston, 1839. 12. 4019.5 KENSINGTON, Eng., History and antiquities of. Faulkner, T 2495.18 KENT, G. Characteristics and claims of the age in which we live: an oration. Concord, 1832. 8 *Pph.v.l46 KENT, Hon. J. Address before the law associa- tion of the city of New York. New York, 1836. 8 *Pph.v.97 Address before the Phi Beta Kappa society at New Haven. New Haven, 1831. 8. . . *Pph.v.83 Anniversary discourse before the New York historical society. N. Y. 1829. 8 .... *Pph.v.76 Introductory lecture to a course of law lec- tures. New York, 1794. 8 *Pph.v.llO KENT, W. Address before the Phi Beta Kappa so- ciety of Union college, Schenectady. New York, 1841. 8 *Pph.v.l23 KENT family. See Goodwin, N 2332.8 KENT, Eng. Gilpin, W. Coast of 40(50.12 Greenwood, C. Epitome of county history . 2191.3 Hasted, E. History and survey of 2480.1 Henshall, S. History of 2472.10 Post-office directory of 2484.18 See also: Canterbury, Dover, Favcrsham, Folk- stone, Gravesend, Knole, Margate, Rochester, Tun- bridge Wells. KENTISH, E. Essay on warm and vapour baths. 2ded. London, 1809. 8 *M.Pph.v.78 KENTUCKY. Imlay, G. Discovery, settlement, and present state of 2373.10 Ralincsque, C. S. Ancient history of . . . . 2373.6 KEOKUK, Iowa. City of K. in 1853. Clemens, O. 2373.4 KEPLER, J. Epitome astronomiae Coperuicana;. Lentils et Francofurti, 1618-22. 7v. in 2. 8. 3929.21 Dioptrice. See Gassendi, P E. 189. 10 Disscrtatio in nuncium sidcrium ; Xarratio de Jovis satcllitibus ; Periochae ex introduc- tione in Martem; Spicilcgium ex trutina- tore Galilaei. [Galilei. Opcre, v.5] . . . 3913.1 Life, by J. E. D. Bcthune. [London. Soc. diff. of useful knowledge. Lives] E.212.8 KEPPEL, G. T., earl of Albemarle. Memoirs of the marquis of Roekingham and his con- temporaries. London, 1852. 2v. 8" . . . . 2446.18 KER, C. II. B. Life of Sir C. Wren. [London. So- ciety for diff. of useful knowl. Lives] . E.212.8 KER, John, of Kersland. Memoirs and secret ne- gotiations. London, 1726. 3 pts. in 2v. 8". 2529.4 KER, John B. Archaeology of popular phrases and nursery rhymes. Lond. ls:jr. 2v. 10. 2586.28 KER, W. Remarks on the government of Ger- many, Denmark, Sweden, etc., more partic- ularly the united provinces. Lond. 1727. 8. 2529.4 KERALIO, L. F. G. de. Art militaire. See Ency- clopedic methodique A. 159. 7 KERCHEVAL, S. History of the valley of Vir- ginia. Winchester, 1833. 12 2374.23 KERGUELEN-TREJIAREC, Y. J. de. Voyage to the north. [Pinkcrton. Voyages, v.l] . . . . 2260.13 KERHALLET, C. P. do., and Vincendon-Dumoulin, C. A. Manuel de la navigation ii la cote oc- cidentale d'Afrique. Paris, 1857-58. 3v. 8. 3v. 4 *3051.30 KERIGAN, T. Young navigator's guide. Lon- don, 1821. 8. pi **E. 180.12 KERNER, A. J. Dichtungen. 3te Aufl. Stuttgart und Tubingen, 1841. 2v. 10 2897.1 Contents. Vol. I. Lyrische Dichtungen. H. Die Keiseschatten ; Die Ileimatlosen ; Ein arztlichcs Spiel ; Der Barenhauter im Salzbade, ein Schatten- splel. KERIl 432 KING Shelf. No. KERR, G. Medical sketches, on the use of helle- bore and colchicum, etc. Lond. 1818. *M.Pph.v.77 Observations on the Harveian doctrine of the circulation of the blood. London, 1816. 12 *M.Pph.v.l2G KERR, T. Cultivation of the sugar cane, and manufacture of sugar. London, 1851. 12. 4003.23 KERRY pastoral, in imitation of the first ec- logue of Virgil, ed. by T. C. Croker. Lon- don, 1843. p. 8. [Percy soc. publ. v.7] . . *2537.9 KERVYN de Lettenhove, J. M. B. C. Froissart. Etude litte'raire sur Iel4e siecle. Bruxelles, 1857. 2v. 12 4077.15 Hist, dc Flandre. Bruxelles, 1847-55. 6v. 1.8. 2813.1 KESSLER, A. Trial for poisoning his wife. See Cooper, T 3787.7 KETCHUM, II. Eulogy on Daniel Webster before the faculty and students of Yale college, Jan. 18, 1853. New Haven, 1853. 8 . . *Pph.v.203 KETTELL, S. Letters of Columbus, originally published in the Boston Bulletin, to which are added two letters from Col. Orne to D. Green. Boston, 1829. 8 *Pph.v.78 KEW, Plants cultivated in the royal botanic gar- den at. Aiton, W.T 3855.4 KEY, F. S. Poems, with a letter by chief justice Taney. New York, 1857. 12 2398.40 KEY to the science of electrical psychology, by a professor. [Albany,] 1849. 8 . . . . *M.Pph.v.45 KEYES, F. J. A life-poem, and other poems. Bos- ton, 1855. 12 2407.0 KEYSEULING, A. de. Paleontologie de la Russie d'Europe. See Murchison, II. 1 3801.4 KEYSLER, J. G. Travels through Germany, Hun- gary, Bohemia, Switzerland, Italy, and Lor- rain. [Knox. New coll. of voy. v.4, 5] . 2203.1 KIIALIL, Ibn-Ish'ak'. Precis de jurisprudence musulmanc selon le rite malekitc. [France. Exploration de 1'Algcrie. Sciences hist, etgeogr. v. 10-15] 3054.2 KIIORASAN, Journey into. Fraser, J. B 3041.13 KIDD, J. Adaptation of nature to the physical condition of man. Lond. 1830. 8. [Bridge- water treatise] 3485.7 KIDD, T. Sermons designed for villages and fam- ilies. [2d ed. of v.l] London, 1815. 2v. 8 3441.13 KIDD, W. Kidd's own journal for natural his- tory, popular science, and things in general. London, 1852-54. 5v. 8 3825.2 KIDDER, D. P. Sketches in Brazil. London, 1845. 2v. 12 2315.8 KIDDER, F., and Gould, A. A. History of New Ipswich, [N. H.] Boston, 1852. 8 . . . . 2338.1 KIDDER family. See Whitmorc, W. H 2333.13 KIDDINGTON, co. of Oxford, Eng. History and antiquities of. Wurtou, T 2491.4 KIDNEY, J. S. Catawba river, and other poems. New York, 1847. 12 2399.23 KIDNEY. Barker, T. H. Cystic entozoa in the . 3700.25 Christison, R. Granular degeneration of the. 3745.23 Miller, J. Pathology of the K. in scarlatina. 3740.50 Parsons, U. Eneuresis irritata 3717.5 Kees,G. O. Diseases of the 3740.53 See also : Gravel, Urinary organs. KIEL. Kiel or Stadtbuch von 1204-89. Hrsg. von J. F. Lucht. Kiel, 1842. 4 *2823.4 KIEPERT, II. Four maps illustrating Palestine. See Robinson, E 3423.0 KIESER, D. G. Der Ursprung des Darmkanals. Gottingen, 1810. pp. 31. 4 3745.31 Beitriige zur vergleichende Zoologie. See Oken, L 3885. 7 KIESEWETTER, R. G. Catalog der Sammlung al- ter Musik. [Wien,] 1847. 4 *2170.26 Die Musik der Araber, mit einem Vorworte von Hammer-Purgstall. Leipzig, 1842. 4. *4052.3 Galerie der alten Contrapunctisten. "VYien, 1847. pp.28. 4 *4052.18 Shelf. No. KIESEWETTER, R. G. continued. Gcschichte der europaisch-abendlandischen, oder unsrcr heutigen Musik. Leipzig, 1K11. 4" *4052.19 Guido von Arczzo. Sein Lelx-n uncl Wirkcn, ncbst cinem Anhange iiber die dcm heiligen Bernhard zugcschricbenen musikalischen Tractate. Leipzig, 1840. 4 *4052.20 Schicksale und Besehaffcnhcit des wcltlichen Gesanges vom friihcn Mittelalter. Leipzig, 1841. 4 *4052.17 Uebcr die Musik der neueren Griechcn, ncbst freien Gedanken iiber altegyptische und alt- griechische Musik. Leipzig, 1838. pp. 04. 4.*4052.16 Ueber die Octave des Pythagoras. Wien, 1848. 8 *4052.32 and Fetis, F. J. Verhandelingen over de vraag: welke verdiensten hebben zich de Ncdcrlanders vooral in de 14e, 15e en lOe eeuw in hot vak der toonkunst verworven. Amsterdam, 1829. 4" *4052.7 KiLBOur.xi:, P. K. Biographical history of the co. of Litchfield, Conn. New York, 1851. 8. 2345.7 Name and family of Kilbourn. New Haven, 1850. 8 2332.5 KILLEGREW, T. The parson's wedding. [Dods- ley. Old plays, v.ll] 2588.1 KILLIGKEW, W. Midnight and daily thoughts : [poems.] London, 1094. pp.92. 8. ... 2558.25 KIMBALL, J. H. Emancipation in the West In- dies. Thome, J. A 3573.24 KIMMENS, H. The latter day glory, or the man of Bin made manifest. New York, 1804. 12.*Pph.v.210 KINDERHOOK academy. Catalogue, 1841,44. Kin- derhook, 1841,44. 8 *Pph.v.l21, 144 KING, C. Memoir of the Croton aqueduct. New York, 1843. 4 3941.0 KING, D. Quackery unmasked. Boston, 1858. 12. 3607.25 KING, James. Voyage to the Pacific ocean. 17;o- 80. [Cook. Three voyages, v.7] 2205.1 KING, John. Extra-uterine foetation and retro- version of the gravid uterus. 1818. 8.*M.Pph.v.l09 KING, John A. Address at the annual meeting of the New York state agricultural society. Albany, 1850. 8 *Pph.v.l82 KING, Peter, lord chancellor, b. 1009, d. 1734. His- tory of the apostles' creed. 1st Am. ed. Elizabethtown, N. J. 1804. 12 *3452.25 KING, Peter, lord chancellor, b. 1775, d. 1833. Thoughts on bank restrictions. 2ded. Lon- don, 1804. 8 3G40.8 KING, Preston. Wilmot proviso. Bill and expla- nation of P. K. Washington, 1847. 8*Pph.v.l55 KING, R. [Considerations in favor of the appoint- ment of R. King to the senate of the U. S. n.d. n.p. 8] *Pph.v.70 KING, Thomas B. California, the wonder of the age. New York, 1850. 8 *Pph.v.l80 KING, Thomas S. The death of Mr. Webster : a sermon. 2d ed. Boston, 1852. 8 ... *Pph.v.262 The railroad jubilee: two discourses. Boston, 1851. 8 *Pph.v.272 KING, William, abp. of Dublin, b. 1050, d. 1729. De originemali. London, 1702. 8 *3450.18 On the origin of evil. 2d ed. by E. Law. Lon- don, 1732. 2v. 8 3450.17 Discourse. See Whately, R 3494.1 KING, William, LL. D., b. 1603, d. 1712. Original works now first collected. London, 1700. 3r. 8 2549.3 Contents. Vol. I. Memoirs ; Reflections upon Mr. Varillas's history of heresy; Animadversions on a pretended account of Denmark, as it was in the year 1G92; Introductory letter to Mr. Molcsworth; Dia- logues of the dead, relating to the controversy con- cerning the epistles of Phalaris; A journey to Lon- don, in the year 1GSJS; Remarks on the Tale of a tub; The battle royal, a ballad i Adversaria, or occasional remarks on men, manners, and books. II. The trans- actioneer, with some of his philosophical fancies, in two dialogues; Useful transactions in philosophy and KING 433 KITAIBEL Shelf. No. KING, William, LL. D. continued. other sorts of learning, in three parts; Vindication of the Rev. Dr. Sacheverell; Mr. Bisset'g recantation ; Answer to a second scandalous book, that Mr. Bisset is now writing; Two letters from honest Tom Boggy to the Rev. Mr. Goddard, canon of Windsor; Ru- fmus; or, an historical essay on the favourite minis- try; An essay on civil government; Life of William, earl of Flanders; Analogy between physicians, cooks, and playwrights. III. Useful miscellanies; Preface; The tragi-comedy of Joan of Hedington ; Some ac- count of Horace's behaviour during hia stay at Trin- ity college in Cambridge, with nn ode to entreat his departure thence, together with a copy of his medal, taken out of Trinity college buttery, by a well wisher to that society; Answer to Clemens Alcxandrinus's sermon upon Quis dives salvctur; Letters to Dr. Lis- ter and others ; Art of cookery, an imitation of Hor- ace's art of poetry; Art of love, in imitation of Ovid De arte amandi, with preface, containing the life of Ovid; Poems; The furmctary; Mully of Mountown; Orpheus and Eurydice; Rufinus, or the favourite; Britain's palladium and miscellany poems ; A letter to a friend; Pindaric ode to the memory of Dr. W. King; Crapulia,or the regions of the Cropsicks, a fragment in the manner of Rabelais; Four dedica- tions; Additional observations; Index to the notes; Addenda. Poems. [Johnson. English poets] . v.20 of 2589. 3 Contents. The art of cookery; Art of love; The furmetary; Mully of Mountown; Orpheus and Eu- rydice; Rufinus; Britain's palladium; On lord Bol- ingbroke's return from France; Miscellany poems. Poems and life. [Chalmers. English poets] v.Oof 2592. 7 KING, William, LL. D., b. 16S5, d. 1763. Anecdotes of his own times. Boston, 1819. 12 . . . 2542.23 KING, Lord William, earlofLovclace,b. 1815. Life of John Locke, with extracts from his cor- respondence, etc. New ed. with add. Lon- don, 1830. 2v. 8 2-157.0 KING, William K. Addresses on the death of. See United States 2343.12 KINGDOM of Christ delineated. Whately, R. . . 3404.13 KING'S bench. Burrow, J. Reports of cases in, 1750-72 309C.1 Latch, J. Reports of eases in the court of, 1028-36 . . ' 3090.9 Salkeld, W. Reports of cases, 1CSS-1712 . . 3070.9 Saunders, E. Reports of cases in the court of, 1G78-S4 3094.9 KING'S chapel burial-ground, Boston, Mass. In- scriptions in. Bridgman, T 2334.10 KING'S college, London. See London. KING'S-EVIL, Ceremonies for the healing of the. [Waldron. Literary museum.] 2557.14 KING'S mountain, Celebration of the battle of. See American revolution 2324.7 KINGS, Natural power of. Filmer, K 3503.14 Rights, power and prerogative of. See Judg- ment of whole kingdoms, etc 3502.28 See also : Monarchy. KINGSLEY, C. Message of the church to labouring men: a sermon. 4th ed. London, 1S51. 8. *3458.1 KINGSLEY, J. L. Eulogy on A. M. Fisher. New Haven, 1822. pp.23. 8* **E.110.09 KINKEL, G. Geschichtc der bildenden Kiinste, u. s. w. Erste Lief. Bonn, 1845. 8" .... 4095.5 KINNAIUD, C. lord. Letter to the earl of Liver- pool, [respecting his removal from France.] 4th ed. London, 1810. 8" *Pph.v.l5 KINNEIR, J. M. Journey through Asia Minor, Armenia, and Koordistan, 1813-14. London, 1818. 8 3045.5 KINNEY, E. C. Felicita : a metrical romance. N.Y. 1855. 12 2398.20 KINNIS, J. Observations on tubercular elephan- tiasis in Madeira and Ceylon, and on leprosy of the joints. [Edinburgh, 1842.] 8 . *M.Pph.v.3S KINSMAN, II. W. Oration in commemoration of the sixtieth anniversary of Amer. indepen- dence. Boston, 1830. 8 *l'ph.v.200 Kir, W. I. A few days at Nashotah. Albany, 1849. 8 *Pph.v.l75 Shelf. No. KIP, W. I. continued. Manifestation of the truth: a sermon. Al- bany, 1840. 8 *Fph.v.ll7 Our national sins : a sermon. Albany, 1840. 8 *Pph.v.l21 Answer to " The Christmas holidays in Rome." See Schneller, J. A Pph.v.150 KIPPIS, A. Life of Capt. James Cook. London, 1788. 4 *2440.7 Life of Bishop Butler. See Butler, J 343:1.1-J Life of Shaftesbury. See Martyn, B 2440.10 KIRBY, J. Treatment of severe forms of hemor- rholdal excrescence. London, 1817. 8.*M.Pph.v.G7 KIRBY, W. Catalogue of his library. Ipswich, 1850. 8 . . *Pph.v.250 Power, etc. of God in creation of animals. London, 1S35. 2v. 8 348T..S Insecta. [Richardson. Fauna Boreali- Amer.]. 3892.3 and Spcnce, W. Introduction to entomology. [2d ed. v. 1.] London, 1810-20. 4v. 8 . 3895.2 KIRCHENGESANG, tcutsch vnd lateinisch. n. p. 1570. f *4052.42 KIRCHER, A. Musei Kirkeriani in Rom. soc. Je- an coll. aerea, notis illustr. Roma, 1703-05. 2v. f *27.G.l Mvsvrgia vniversalis sive ars magna consoni et dissoni. Romae, 1050. 2v. f *4040.11 Phonurgia nova, sive conjugium mechauico- physicum artis et natune. Campidona:, 1073. f *4040.12 KIRK, E. N. Address at the anniversary of the society for the relief of orphan and destitute children. Albany, 1831. 8 *Pph.v.81 Discourse occasioned by the trial and execu- tion of J. W. Webster. Boston, 1850. 8.*Pph.v.lS3 Great men are God's gift : discourse on the death of the Hon. Daniel Webster. Boston, 1>52. 8 *Pph.v.2C2 Memorial of Rev. John Chester, D. D. Al- bany, 1829. 8 *Pph.v.77 Oration, July 4, 1830. Albany, 1830. 8.*Pph.v.95 Oration before the academy of sacred music, 1841. New York, 1841. 8 *Pph.v.l21 Plea for the poor: a sermon. Boston, 1843. 32" 3440.40 The unrivalled glory of the cross : dedication sermon. Boston, 1844. 8 *Pph.v.l35 Valedictory sermon at Albany, 1837. Albany, 1S37. 8 *Pph.v.99 KIRKES, W. S. Handbook of physiology. 3d ed. London, 185(5. p.8 3703.10 Recent advances in the physiology of motion, the senses, generation, and development. See Miiller, J. v 3702.6 KIKKIIAM, S. English grammar, in familiar lec- tures. 14th ed. New York, 1829. 12" . . 7049.25 - Same. 105th ed. Baltimore, 1830. 12 . 7049.% KIRKLAND, J. T. Discourse delivered the Lord's day after the interment of Hon. G. Cabot. Boston, 1823. 8 *Pph.244,252 Discourse occasioned by the death of Wash- ington, Dec. 29, 1799. 2d ed. Boston, 1800. 8 *Pph.v.23G KIRKPATRICK, W. Account of Nepaul, the sub- stance of observations in 1793. .London, 1811. 4 3011.4 KIRNBERGER, J. P. Der allczcit fertigc Polonoi- sen-und Menucttencomponist. Berlin, 1757. 4 *4057.'-> Gedanken iibcr die verschiedcncn Lehrarten der Komposition als Vorbercitung zur Fu- genkenntniss. Leipzig, [1782?] pp.31. 4 . *4055.23 Psalmus cxxii., G toni, 4 voc. [Delm. Prac- tischc Musik-Werke, v. 24] 4051.14 KISSAM, B. P. Dissertation on the functions of the uterus. New York, 1810. 8. . . *M.Pph.v.5 KISSAM, R. S. Dissertation on iritis. New York, 1830. 8 *M.Pph.v.22 KITAIBEL, P. Descriptiones ct iconcs plantarum rariorum Hungarise. Waldstein, P. A. . . 3840.2 KITCIIINER 434 KNIGGE Shelf. No. KITCHINER, W. Economy of the eyes : observa- tions on opera glasses, etc. Boston, 1824. 18 3804.25 KITE, C. Recovery of the apparently dead, to which is prefixed Dr. Lettsom's address. London, 1788. 8 3808.2 KITTO, J. Cyclopaedia of Biblical literature. 10th ed. New York, 1852. 2v. 8 *3481.3 KITTKEDGE, J. Address at the annual meeting of the American temperance society in Bos- ton, 1829. [No title-page.] 8" *Pph.v.77 KITTKEDGE, M. B. S. Sermon on the death of. Burnham, A Pph.v.265 KLAPROTH, J. H. v. Catalogue de la bibliotheque de M. Klaproth. Paris, 1839. 8 *2137.11 Chrestomathie Mandchou. Paris, 1828. 8 . 3034.3 Lettre sur 1'invention de la boussole. Paris, 1834. 8 3952.6 Tableau historique du Caucase. Paris et Leip- zig, 1827. 8 3075.3 Tableaux historiques de 1'Asie, avec atlas in folio. Paris, 1820. 4 *2284.7 Apercu de 1'histoire mythologique du Japon. /SeeNipon 3011.25 KLEIN, Jacob T. Descriptiones tvbvlorvm mari- norvm. Gedani ct Lipsiae, 1773. 4 . . . . 3872.1 Dispositio echinodermatvm. Lipsiae, 1778. 4 *3871.13 Historiae avium prodromus. Accessit historia muris Alpini, etc. Lubecae, 1750. 4 ... *3904.3 Historian piscium naturalis promovendae mis- sus 1-5. Gedani, 1740-49. 4 *3900.18 Quadrupedum dispositio brevisque historia naturalis. Lipsiae, 1751. 4 *3882.7 Stemmata avium. Lipsiae, 1759. pp.48. 40 pi. 4 *3902.2 Summa dubiorum circa classes quadrupedum, et amphibiorum in Linnaei systemate. n.p. 1743. pp.50. 4 *3881.5 Tentamen herpetologiae. Leidae et Gottingae, 1755. 4 *3871.30 Tentamen methodi ostracologicae sive dispo- sitio nat. cochlidum et concharum. Lugduni Batavorum, 1753. 4 *3872.6 KLEIN, Johann J. Lehrbuch der theoretischen Musik. Offenbach a. M. [1800] *4052.52 KLEIN, L. G. Interpres clinicus, sive de morbo- rumindole. Amstelodami, 1709. sm.8 . . 3793.13 KLEINE, J. G. Theatre amusant et morale. Braunschweig, 1780. 3v.ini. 8 4079.7 KLEMM, F. G. Cultur-Geschichte der Menschheit. Leipzig, 1843-52. lOv. 8. *2263.9 Contents. Vol. I. Die Einleitung und die Urzu- standc der Menschheit. II. Die Jager-und Fischer- volker der passiven Menschheit. IIL Die Hirtcu- volker der passiven Menschheit. IV. Die Urzu- stande der Berg-und TVustenvolker der activen Menschheit und deren Verbrcitung uber die Erde. V. Die Staatcn von Anahuac und das altc Aegypten. VI. China und Japan. VII. Das Morgenland. VIII. Das alte Europa. IX. Das christliche Westeuropa. X. Das christliche Osteuropa. Handbuch der germanischen Alterthums- kunde. Dresden, 1830. 8 *2832.5 KLERK, J. de. Les gestes des dues de Brabant, pub. par J. F. Willems. Bruxelles, 1839-43. 2v. 4. [Belgium. Chroniques beiges in6- dites] *2811.3 KLIMIUS, N. Voyage de, par L. de Holberg. [Gar- nier. Voyages imaginaires, v.19] 2600.1 KLIMRATH, H. Travaux sur 1'histoire du droit francais, recueillis par Warnkoenig. Paris, 1843. 2v. 8 3037.8 KLIPSTEIN, A.v. Beitriige zur geologischen Kennt- niss der ostlichen Alpen. Giessen, 1843. 4 3801.2 KLIPSTEIN, L. F. Grammar of the Anglo-Saxon language. New York, 1848. 12 2587.9 KLODEN, C. F. Die Versteinerungen der Mark Brandenburg. Berlin, 1834. 8 3807.3 KLOPP, O. Geschichte Ostfrieslands von 1570- 1751. Hannover, 1856. 8 2836.6 Shelf. No. KLOPSTOCK, F. G. Sammtliche Werke. Leipzig, 1844. lOv.inS. 10 2887.2 Contents. Vol. I. Nachrichten von Klopstocks Lebenj Inhaltsanzeigen zum Messius; Der Messias. II. Messias; Oden. III. Oden ; Der Tod Adams, cin Trauerspiel ; Hermanns Schlacht, ein Bardlet fur die Schaubiihnc; David, einTrauerspiel; Hermanns Tod, ein Bardiet fur die Schaubiihne. IV. Salomo, ein Trauerspiel ; Hermann und die Furstcn, ein Bardiet fur die Schaubiihne ; Die deutsehe Gelehrtenrepu- blik, ihre Einrichtung, ihre Gesetze, Gcschichte de letzten Landtags. V. Sprachwissenschaftliche Schrif- ten : Grammatischc Gespriiche ; Fragmente iiber die deutsehe Sprache; Vermischte Schriften. The Messiah. 3d ed. London, 1778. 2v. 12. 2896.4 La morte di Adamo, tragedia. [Teatro mod- erno applaudito, v.45] 2708.1 and Margaret. Memoires,transl. by [Miss E. Smith.] Bath, 1808. 8 2847.14 KLOSS, G. Geschichte der Freimaurerei in Frank- reich. [1725-1830.] Darmstadt, 1852-53. 2v. 8 3507.6 KLOTZ, G. Archiv fiir Philologie und Padagogik. Jahn, J. C 3237.2 KLUG, J. C. F. Entomologische Monographieen. Berlin, 1824. 8 3897.16 Monographia siricum Germanise. Berolini, 1803. sm.4 3897.2 KLUPFEL, C. Wegweiser durch die Litteratur der Deutschen. See Schwab, G 2151.4 KNAPP, Jacob. Conduct pursued by the Rev. J. Knapp in relation to the death and funeral of his father-in-law. Hamilton, 1846. 8.*Pph.v.l56 Tracts in relation to. See Burchard, C. . Pph.v.152 KNAPP, Jerome W. Reports of cases before the privy council. London, 1831-36. 3v. 8 . 3094.7 KNAPP, M. L. Science of life insurance. 2d ed. Philadelphia, 1853. 8 3923.7 KNAPP, S. L. Address in commemoration of the death of Adams and Jefferson. Boston, 1826. 8 *Pph.v.60 American biography, or sketches of distin- guished Americans. New York, 1850. 12". [Treasury of knowledge, v.3] *2284.1 Biographical sketches of eminent lawyers, statesmen, and men of letters. Boston, 1821. 8 2345.4 Discourse on the life and character of De Witt Clinton. Washington, 1828. 8 . . *. . *Pph.v.72 Female biography. Philadelphia, 1836. 12. 2340.19 Life of lord Timothy Dexter, including a Pickle for the knowing ones. Newbury- port, 1848. 12 2348.19 Life of Thomas Eddy, [also, mem. of Roscoe, Schuyler, etc.] New York, 1834. p. 8 . . 3575.30 Life of Daniel Webster. Boston, 1831. 12.**E.228.5 Travels in North America, consisting of an account of Boston and its vicinity, by All Bey. Boston, 1818. 12 2353.9 KNARESBROUGH, Cheshire. History of the castle, town, and forest of. Hargrove, E 2499.21 KNECHT, J. H. Allgemeiner musikalischer Kate- chismus. Neueste Ausg. Wien, n. d. 8. *4055.38 Elementarwerk der Harmonic. 2te Ausg. MUnchen, 1814. 3v.in2. 4 *4052.27 KNEE. Ford, E. On white swellings of the . . 3745.22 Russell, J. Morbid affections of the .... 3755.19 KNESCIIKE, E. H. Deutsche Grafen-Hauser der Gegenwart. Leipzig, 1852-54. 3v. 8 . . . 2832.4 KNESEBECK, E. v. dem. Gesch. der churhanno- verschen Truppen in Gibraltar, Minorca und Ostindien. Hannover, 1845. 8 .... 2837.2 KNICKERBOCKER, The, or New York monthly magazine, v.l, 2, 9, 14, 17-22, 43-45, 48, 50. New York, 1833-57. 15v. 8 *5154.1 KNIGGE, A. F. F. L. v. Benjamin Noldmann's Aufkliirung in Abyssinien. Gottingen, 1791. 2v. 10 2896.3 Schriften. Hannover, 1804-22. lOv. 10 . . *2S96.2 Contents. Vol. I.-III. Kurze Biographic des Frey- herrn Knigge: Ueber den Uingang mit Menschen, durchgesehen und vermehrt von F. P. Wilmsen. KNIGGE 435 KNOX Shelf. No. KNIGGE, A. F. F. L. v. continued. IV. Geschiclite des Amtsraths Gutmann, von ihm selbst geschrieben. V. Das Zauberschloss odcr Ge- schichte des Grafen Tunger. VI.-VI1I. Geschichte des armen Herrn von Mildenburg. IX. Die Reise nach Braunschweig, ein comischer Roman. X. Briefe auf eincr Reise aus Lothriugen nach Nieder- eachscn geschrieben. Ueber den Umgang mit Menschen. 12te Ausg. Hannover, 1844. 12 3C08.8 KNIGHT, C. The old printer and the modern press. London, 1854. 16" *2115.4 Postscript to the 6th volume of the pictorial edition of the works of Shakspere. n.p. n.d. pp.14. 8" *2595.4 William Shakspere : a biography. London, 1842. 18 2592.4 Remarks on K.'s edition of Shakespeare. See Dyce, A 2597.1 KNIGHT, Henry C. Letters from the south and west. Boston, 1824. 8 2370.8 KNIGHT, Henry G. Architectural tour in Nor- mandy. London, 1S3G. 12 *4105.21 KNIGHT, J. Eulogium on Nathan Smith. New Haven, 1829. 8 *M.Pph.v.20 Lecture introductory to the course of instruc- tion in the medical institution of Yale col- lege. New Haven, 1838. 8" *M.Pph.v.32 Propagation of communicable diseases : lec- ture. New Haven, 1849. 8 *M.Pph.v.45 KNIGHT, N. R, and others. Address to the peo- ple of the U. S. [on the suffrage troubles in K. I.] Providence, 1844. 12 *Pph.v.229 KNIGHT, K. P. Principles of taste. 2d ed. Lon- don, 1805. 8 3607.4 KNIGHT, S. Life of Dr. John Colct, ^yith an ap- pendix [of] original papers. London, 1724. 8 3555.18 Life of Erasmus, more particularly in Eng- land. Cambridge, 1726. 8 2840.5 KNIGHT, T. A. Physiological and horticultural papers, to which is prefixed a sketch of his life. London, 1841. 8 **E.211.12 KNIGHTHOOD. Do institutione militum, quos cav- alicri appellamus. [Muratori. Aiitiq. Ital. v.ll] 2720.7 See also : Chivalry, Heraldry, Malta (Knights of.) KNIGHTS Templars, The. Addison, C. G 2234.3 Bosio, J. Historia della militia di san Gio- vanni Gierosolimitano 2210.5 Michelet, J. Proces des templiers 2640.4 KNOLE, co. of Kent, Historical and topographical sketch of. Bridgman, J 2496.4 KNOLLES, R. Historic of the Turkes and lives of the Othoman kings. 3d ed. [London] 1020- 21. f *3080.4 - Same. 4th ed. [London]. 1031. f . . . 3080.3 KNOKR, G. "W". Delicise naturae sclectaj. [Fr. et Ger.] in das Franzcisische iibersctzt von M. Verdicr de la Blaquiere. NUrnberg, 1766- 67. 2v. f *3820.9 Sammlung von Schnecken und Muscheln. NUrnberg, 1757-72. 6v. sm.4 *3872.8 KNOWLEDGE. Barlace, J. G. Progress of K. in . England 2551.1 Craik, G. L. Pursuit of K. under difficulties. 2252.1 Douglas, J. Advancement of society in . . 3500.25 Marsh, G. P. Human K 3004.2 Maunder, S. Treasury of 2585.23 Rymer, T. Essay concerning critical and curious learning 2959.7 Wotton, W. Ancient and modern learning . 2959. 1 KNOWLES, James. Pronouncing and explanatory English dictionary. London, 1835. 1.8 . . 2583.5 KNOWLES, James S. The idol demolished by its own priest: answer to cardinal Wiseman. London, 1852. 16 3464.23 KNOX, H. Discourses on the truth of revealed religion, and other subjects. London, 1768. 2v- 8' *3457.52 Shelf. No. KNOX, H. continued. Transitory and evanescent nature of all sub- lunary things: two discourses. Glasgow, 1782. 8 *Pph.v.34 KNOX, John, 6. 1505, d. 1572. Life. See M'Crie, T. 3554.8 KNOX, John, bookseller, d. 1790. Tour through the highlands of Scotland, and the Hebride isles. London, 1787. 8 2474.5 New collection of voyages and travels. Lon- don, 1707. 7v. 8 *2263.1 Contents. Vol. I. Introduction ; First fourth voy- age of Columbus; Discoveries from the death of Co- lumbus to the expedition of Cortes ; Conquest of Mexico by Cortes ; Discovery of Golden Castile ; Conquest of Peru by Pizarro ; Voyage to South America by G. Juan and A. de Ulloa ; Trade be- tween Spain and the West Indies; Particulars relat- ing to Peru. II. J. NieuholTs voyage to Brasil ; Modern state of Brasil; Settlements of the Jesuits in Paraguay : L. Wafer's journey over the isthmus of Darieu; Brief account of North America from major Rogers and others ; Account of colonel Bouquet's expedition against the Ohio Indians, 17W ; Reflec- tions on the war with the savages of North America; Account of the American islands ; Proclamation for regulating the cessions made to us by the last treaty of peace; Conclusion to the discoveries, voyages and descriptions relating to America; First voyage to the East Indies by V. de Gama ; First voyage to the East Indies on account of the English East India Co. under command of Capt. J. Lancaster; Voyage to the Cape de Verde islands by Capt. G. Roberts ; P. Kol- ben's voyage to the Cape of Good Hope; J. Nieuhoff a voyage to the East Indies, containing an account of the Dutch settlements ; Mr. Grose's voyage to the East Indies. III. Voyage of F. Drake around the globe ; Voyage round the world by W. Dampier ; Voyage of W. Rogers and S. Courtney round the world, including the account of finding A. Selkirk on the island of Juan Fernandez; Voyage round the world by G. Anson. IV. Travels through the north- ern parts of Europe; Travels of M. Maupertuis and his associates ; Natural history of Norway, by E. Pontoppidon; Account of the kingdom of Sweden; Present state of Denmark from the writings of lord Molesworth ; Account of Poland, from the writings of B. Connor; Short account of the Ukrain, and of the Cossacks, from the writings of Mr. Bcauplan and others ; Description of the seven United provinces of the low countries ; Travels through Germany, Hungary, Bohemia, Switzerland, Italy, and Lorrain, by G. Keyslcr. V. Continuation of Keysler's travels; Travels through France by S. Stephens ; Travels through Spain and Portugal, collected from remarks of Rev. Mr. Clarke, also narrative of the sufferings of I. Martin in the inquisition at Granada; Accounts of Russia, with anecdotes of Peter I., from observations of Mr. Hanway ; Accounts of Prussia, with anec- dotes of Frederic II. from Sir. Hanway. VI. Voyages and travels of J. Thcvenot, from Italy to Constanti- nople; Mr. Wood's journey to Palmyra; Mr. Wood's account of the ruins of Balbec; Description of Judea, from the writings of Maundrell, Shaw, and others; Travels of Dr. Pococke through Egypt, with extract* from Mr. Norden; Dr. Shaw's travels through Bar- bary; Journey to Mequincz, by Mr. Windus; Trav- els into the inland parts of Africa, by F. Moore ; Travels of Sir J. Chardin, through Mingrelia and Georgia into Persia; Account of Indostan, with ob- servation of T. Hoe, Mr. Holwell.and other writers; Journey from St. Petersburg to Pckin, by J. Bell. VII. Account of the country and constitution of Great Britain ; Description of the city of London; Account of the kingdom and laws of Scotland; Short view of the naval transactions of Britain ; List of the royal navy, irCi KNOX, Capt. John. Journal of the campaigns in North America, 1757-60. Lond. 1709. 2v. 4.*2310.19 KNOX, John P. History of the protestant re- formed Dutch church in Nassau. Albany, 1841. 8 *Pph.v.l21 KNOX, V. Works, with a biographical preface. London, 1824. 7v. 8 3474.2 Contents. Vol. I.-II. Essays, moral and literary. II.-IIL Winter evenings. IV. Liberal education; Tract on the degradation of grammar schools. V. Personal nobility; Spirit of despotism; Antipolemus. VI. Sermons. VII. Christian philosophy; Consid- erations on the Lord's supper. Christian philosophy, or the evidence of re- vealed religion. Dublin, 17%. 12 .... 3436.18 KNOX 436 KOTZEJ5UE Shelf. No. KNOX, V. continued. Elegant extracts from the best English au- thors. New ed. by J. G. Percival. JJoston, [1826?] 6v. 8. 2550.1 Essays, moral and literary. 12th ed. Lon- don, 1791. 2v. 12 2553.27 KNOX, \V. Claim of the colonies to an exemption from internal taxes, examined. London, 1705. 8 *Pph.v.241 Controversy between Great Britain and her colonies reviewed. London, 1709. 8 ... 2323.0 KOBBE, P. L. C. v. Geschichte dcs Herzogthums Lauenburg. Altona, 1836. 2v. 10 . ... 2836.18 Schleswig-Holsteinische Geschichte, 1094- 1808. Altona, 1834. 8 2820.5 KOBBE, T. C. A. v., and Cornelius, W. Wander- ungen an der Nord-u. Ostsce. Leipzig, n.d. 2v. in 1. 8. [Das malerische und roman- tische Dcutschland, v.10] *2802.13 KOBIEUZYKIUS, S. De luxu Romanorum commcn- tarius. [Graevius. Thes.antiq. Horn. v.8]. 2950.1 KOCH, C. L. Uebersicht des Arachnidensystems. Nurnberg, 1837-50. 5v.ini. 8 3876.3 Die Arachniden. See Hahn, C. W 3870.2 KOCH, C. W., and Schoell, M. S. F. Histoirc des traites de paix. Paris, 1817-18. 15r. 8 . *3688.2 Contents. Vol. I.-XI. Premiere partic : Traiteg entrelcs puissances dii midi ct 1'occidcnt dc 1'Europe, depuia la paix de Westphalic, en 1648, jusqu'aux traites de Vicnne ct de Paris, en 1815. XII.-XV. Seconde partie : Traites cntre les puissances du Nord, dcpuis la paix de Stettin de 1570 jusqu' aux traites de Kiel, d'Hanovre et de Berlin, en 1814. KOCH, II. C. Anleitung zur Composition. Leip- zig, 1782-93. 3v. sm.8 *4059.10 Journal der Tonkunst. Erstes Stiick. Er- furt, 1795. 16 *4059.11 KOCH, M. Chronologischc Geschichte Ocstcr- reichs von der Urzeit bis zum Todc Karl s vi. Innsbruck, 1840. 4 *2810.7 KOCIIER, C. Die Tonkunst in der Kirche. Stutt- gart, 1823. 8 *4049.19 KOECKER, L. Essay on the devastation of the gums and the alveolar processes. [No title- page.] 8 *M.Pph.v.9 Treatment of denuded nerves of the teeth. [No title-page.] 8 *M.Pph.v.9 KOENIG, S. II.? Vocabulaircs de plusieurs con- trdes d'Afrique. [Paris. Societe' de geo- graphic. Recueil, v.4] 2200.11 KOENIGSWARTER, L. J. Do 1'organisation de la famille en France. Paris, 1851. 8 .... 2037.9 KOEPPEN, A. L. World in the middle ages : an hist, geography, accomp. by maps from the atlas of Spruncr. New York, 1854. imp. 4. 2300.2 KOEPPEN, C. F. Literarische Einleitung in die nordischc Mythologie. Berlin, 1837. 8 . . 3488.6 KoiiL,J. G. DerKhein. Leipzig, 1851. 2v. 16. 2868.1 KOHLERS, J. D. Historisclnjr Munz-Belustigung 1729-50. Register. Nurnberg, 1733-88. 23v. 4. *2221.1 KOK, J. Byvoegzels op hot vaderlandsch woord- enboek. Amsterdam, 1797-99. 3v. 8 . . 2835.2 Vaderlandsch woordenboek. Amsterdam, 1785-96. 35v. 8 *2835.1 KOLAN nattanawa : a Cingalese poem descriptive [of manners]. See Yakkun 3011.12 KOLBEN, P. Present state of the Cape of Good Hope, done into English by G. Medley. London, 1731. 2v. 8 3058.3 Voyage to the Cape of Good Hope. [Knox. New coll. of voy. v.2] 2203.1 KOLFF, D. H. Voyages through the Moluccan archipelago and along the southern coast of New Guinea, 1825-26, translated by G. W. Earl. London, 1840. 8 3047.1 KOLLIKER, A. Entwickclungsgeschichte der Cephalopoden. ZUrich, 1844. 4 *3873.1 Manual of human histology, transl. by G. Busk and T. Huxley. London, 1853-54 2v. 4. [Sydenham soc.] *3714.13 Shelf, No. KOLLOCK, H. Christ must increase: a sermon before the general assembly. Philadelphia, 1803. 8 *Pph.v.l5 KoNiG.siiERG, Die Griindung der Universitiit zu. Toppen, M 2840.4 KONIGSMAUK, M. A. countess. Denkwiirdigkeitcn. See Cramer, F. M. G 2842.15 KOOPS, M. Substances used to convey ideas. 2d ed. printed on paper from straw. Lon- don, 1801. 12 4019.1 KOORDISTAN, Journey through. Kinnear, J. M. 3045.5 KOPP, H. Annalen der Chcmie und Pharmacie. See Brandcs, R 3288.2 Jahresbericht dcr reinen pharmaceutischen und tcchnischcn Chcmie, Physik, Mineral- ogie und Geologic. See Liebig, J. F. v. . . 3985.1 KOPP, J. E. Geschichte der cidgcnossischen Biinde. Leipzig, 1845-47. 2v. 8 2810.4 KORAN, The. See Mohammed .'ii-'i.r, KORDOFAN, Travels in. Pallmc, 1 3052.5 KOKFF, M. Accession of Nicholas I. 3d imp. London, 1857. 8 3065.1 KORN, F. [pseud. Nork.] Etymol.-symb.-myth. Real-WiJrterbuch. Stuttgart, 1843-45. 4v. 8. *3433.l Dcr Fcstkalender. [Scheible. Das Kloster, v.7] 2S89.1 Die Sitten u. Gebriiuche der Deutschcn und ihrcr Nachbarvolker. [Scheible. Das Kloster, v.12] 2889.1 Mythologie der Volkssagen und Volksmiihr- chen. [Scheible. Das Kloster, v. 9] . . . 2889. 1 KO'KNKR, Carl T. Sammtliche Werke, herausg. von Streckfuss. 6te Ausg. Berlin, 1855. 4v. in 2. 10 2897.6 Contents. Vol. I. Vorwort; Charaktcristik und Biographic dcs Dichtersj Ley cr und Schwcrt; Nach- trag aus des Dichtcrs Nachlasse ; Vcrmischte Ge- dichtc; NachtragjUngcdrucktes; Jugendscherzc. H. Toni, Drama; Die Suhne, Trauerspiel; Zriny, Trau- erspicl; lledwig, Drama. III. Rosamunde, Trauer- epiel ; Joseph Hcyderich, oder dcutsche Trcuc, Drama; Die Braut, Lustspicl ; Der grttne Domino, Lustspicl ; Der Nachtwachtcr, Posse ; Der Vetter aus Bremen, cin Spiel in Versen; Die Gouvernante, Posse. IV. Dos Fischermadchcn, oder, Hoss und Liebc, lyrischcs Drama ; Der vierziihrige Posten, Singspiel ; Die Berg-Knappen, romantische Oper ; Alfred dcr Grosse, Opcr; Der Kampf mit dem Dra- chen, Singspiel ; Erziihlungen : Hans lleilings Fel- seii ; Woldemar; Die Harfe; Die Reise nach Schan- dau; Mundliche Erzahlungcn, schriftlich bearbeitet Ton Caroline Pichler : 1. Die Tauben. 2. Die Rosen; Briefc ; Zugabe : Gedichtc deutscher Dichter auf Theodor und Emma KOrner; Gedichte englischer Dichter ; EngUsche Uebcrsetzungcn Korner'scher Gedichte. Life, with selections from his poems, etc. See Korner, C. G 2847.15 KU'RNER, Christian G. Life of C. T. Korner, with selections from his poems, tales, and dramas. Transl. from the German by G. F.Richardson. 2d ed. Lond. 1845. 2v. 8. 2847.15 KO'RTE, W. Albrecht Thaer, sein Leben und Wirken. Leipzig, 1839. 8 2847.8 Das Leben L. N. M. Carnots, [nebst] Poesien. Leipzig, 1820. 16 2659.8 Leben und Studien F. A. Wolf's des Philolo- gen. Essen, 1833. 2v. 8 2840.6 KOSCHE, C. T., and Leonhardi, F. G. Karakter, Sitten und Religion aller bekanntcn Volker. Leipzig, 1789-91. 4v.in3. 8 ....... *2263.8 Contents. Vol. I. Die Amerikaner. II. Die Asia- ter. III. Die Afrikaner. IV. Die Europaer. KOSCIUSZKO, T. Nach seinem offentl. u. hausl. Leben geschildert. See Falkenstein, C. . . 2845.7 KOSSUTH et Bern. Paris, 1853. 16 2827.5 KOTTENKAMP, F. History of chivalry and an- cient armour, transl. by Rev. A. Lowy. London, 1857. Iong4 2230.11 KOTZEBUE, A. F. F. v. Leben nach seinen Schrif- ten. Leipzig, 1820. 10 2848.23 KOTZEBUE, O. v. Entdeckungs-Reise in die Siid- See. Weimar, 1821. 3v. in 1. 4 *2260.9 KOTZEBUE 437 KtfTZING Shelf. No. KOTZERUE, O. v. continued. Zoologischer Atlas von Kotzcbuc's zweitcr Reise urn die Welt. Sec Eschscholtz, J. F.*5SG0.11 KOVIMA river, Expedition to. Sauer, M 3001.3 KRABBEXDAM:, J. Catharina Rembrands, of het beleg van Alkmaar in 1573. Amsterdam, 1835. 8 2813.10 KRACHENINNIKOW, fi. La description du Kamt- chatka. Paris, 1768. 4. [Chappe d'Auter- oche. Voyage en Siberie, v.3] *30G0.1 KRAFFT, P. C., and Thiollet, F. Choix des plus jolies maisons de Paris ct de ses environs. Paris, 1849. f *4100.4 KRAFT, J. E. Litteraturlexicon for Danemark, Norge, og Island. See Nyerup, R 2151.1 KRAMER, W. Maladies de 1'oreille, trad, par P. Meniere. Paris, 1848. 8 3805.24 KRAMP, C. Analyse des refractions astrono- miques et terrestres. Strasbourg, 1799. 4.**E.102.3 Arithmetique universelle. Cologne, 1S08. 8.**E.190.5 KRATZENSTEIX, C. G. Tentamen resolvendi prob- lema, Qualis sit natura sonorum litterarum vocalium, [etc.] Petropoli, 1781. 4. [St.Pe- tersburgh. Acta acad. par. 2, 1778] .... *3240.2 KRAUSE, A. Vita? et fragmenta veterum histori- corum Romanorum. Bcrolini, 1823. 8 . . 2012.0 KRAUSHAAR, O. Accordliche Gegensatz und die BegrUndung der Scala. Cassel, [1852]. 8. 4055.43 Construction der gleichschwebenden Tem- peratur,u.s.w. Cassel, 1&38. 12" 4040.32 KREGLIANOVICII, G. Orazio, tragedia. [Tcatro moderno applaudito, v.51] 27C8.1 KREIL, C. Entwurf eines meteorologischcn Beo- bachtungs-Systems f iir die ostcrreichische Monarchic. Wien, 1850. 8 39G4.3 KRETZSCIIMER, F. J. C. A. Idecn zu ciuer Thc- orie der Musik. Stralsund, 1833. pp.87. 4. pl.*4055.30 KREYSSIG, F. Justus Moser, geschildert von F. K. Berlin, 1857. 10 2847.13 KEIEBEL, J. v. Darstellung der Weltkunde in eynchronistisch-histor., und histor.-cosmo- graphiscben Tafeln. Wien, 1822. Atl. f. 22.M.1 KRIEGER, J. Die Entriithsclung der sogenannten platonischen Zabl. Tirnau, 1847. 8 ... 4052.34 KRIEGSGESCHICHTLICHE und kriegswissen- schaftliche Monographicn aus der neuer Zeit, seit 1702. Leipzig, 1817-10. 3v. 8 . 2305.0 KRISHNA. Baghavata puraua, ou 1'histoire pod- tique de Krichna 3010.3 Last days of K. and tbe sons of Pandu. See Miscel. transl. from oriental languages . . 3012.30 KRONINGSSVARD, C. G. Diplomatarium Dalekar- licum: supplem. Stockholm, 1853. 4 . . 2823.2 KRUDENER, Mine, de, nee Barbe- Julie de Wieting- hoff. Vie. SeeEynard, C 2852.1 KRUG, W. T. Encyklopiidisches Lexicon in Bczug auf die neucste Litcratur und Gcschichte der Philosophic. Leipzig, 1838. 2v. 8 ... 3582.1 Handworterbuch der philosophischen Wis- senschaften [und] Supplement. 2te Aufl. Leipzig, 1832-38. Cv. 8 3582.1 KROGER, C. W. Uebcr das Leben des Thukydides. Berlin, [1832]. pp. 84. 4" 3004.8 KRUGER, Johann F. Geschichte der Urwelt. Qued- linburg u. Lpz., 1822, 23. 2v. 8 3877.13 KRttGER, Johann G. Geschichte der Erde in den alleriiltesten Zeitcn. Ualle, 1740. 8 ... 3877.12 KRUSENSTERN, A. J. v. Voyage round the world 1803-0, transl. from the German by R. B. Hoppner. London, 1813. 2v.ini. 4 . . . *2200.5 KUCHENMEISTER, F. Parasites of the human body, tr. by Lankester. London, 1857. 2v. 8 *3724.0 KUGLER, F. T. Handbuch der Gcschichte der Malerei. Berlin, 1847. 2v. 8 4064.3 KUHL, H. Buffoni et Daubentoni flgurarum avium nomina. Groningae, 1820. pp.28. 4 ... *3882.6 and Hasselt, Dr. Van. Bcitrage zur Zoologie und vergleichenden Anatomic. Frankfurt a. M. 1820. 2v. in 1. 4 *38S5.G Shelf. No. S, C. G. Medicorum Graecorum opera. Lip- siae, 1821-33. 2Cv. in 28. 8 *29GG.l Contents. Vol. I.-XX. Galeni opera. XXI.-XX1II. Hippocratis opera. XXIV. Arctei opera. XXV.- XXVL Dioscoridis opera. KUHNAU, J. De musikalische Quacksalber. Dres- den, 1700. sra.l2 4059.40 KUIIXER, R. Ausfiihrl. Gramruatik der griechi- schcn Sprache. Hannover, ia34-35. 2v. 8. 2984.3 Ciceronis in philosophiam ejusque partcs me- rita. Hamburgi, 1825. 8 2928.23 Grammar of the Greek language, by W. E. Jclf. 2d ed. Oxford, 1851. 2v. 8 .... 2984.2 KUIJPER, G. Letterkundige Leercursus. Te Bre- da, 1844. 12 2880.0 KUITHAN, J. W. Pindars Siegcshymnen Urko- modien. Dortmund, 1808. 8 2004.25 KULTZING, O. Narratio de fundatioue ct transla- tione monasterii Sanctse-vallis in civitate Lunebergensi. [Leibnitz. Script, rerum Brunsvic. v. 2] 2810.3 KUXCKEL von Lowenstern, J. Art de la verrerie. Neri, A 4024.35 KUXSTMANX, F. Die Entdeckung Amerikas, mit Atlas. Munchcn, 1859. 4 *2310.11 Spruncr, K. v., and Thomas, G. M. Atlas zur Entdcckungs-Geschichte Amerikas. Miiu- chen, 1850. f *23.M.l KCNTH, C. S. Distribution methodique do la fa- mille des graminees. Paris, 1835. 2v. f. [HumboldtandBonpland. Voyage. Partie 6e. Botanique] *3810.5 Enumcratio plantarum [et supplementum.] Stuttgartias et Tub. 1833-50. Cv. 8 .... *3853.6 Contents. Vol. I. Agrostographia synoptica sivo cnumeratio graminearum. II. Cyperographia eynop- tica sive cnumeratio cypcracearum. III. Euume- ratio aroideanim, typhinearum,pandoncarura,fluTi- alium, juncaginearum, alismacearum, butomcarura, palmarum, juncaccarum, philydrearum, restiacea- rum, ccntrolepidearum ct criocaulearura. IV. Enu- meratio xyridearum, mayacearum, commelynearum, pontederiaccarum, melanthaccarum, uvularicaram, liliacearum ct asphodelearum. V. Enumcratio aspar- ngincarum, emilacinearum, lapageriearum, roxbur- gliiacearum, herrericarum, ophiopogoncarum, aspid- istrearum, dioscorinearum, taccaccarum ct amarylli- dcarum; Supplementum tomi primi. Handbuch der Botanik. Berlin, 1831. 8 . . 3852.21 KUNZEN, F. L. A., and Reichardt, J. F. Studien fiir Tonkiinstler u. Musikfrcuudc : hist.-krit. Zeitschriffc fur 1792. Berlin, 1703. 4 ... *4052.51 KURTZ, J. H. Bibel und Astronomic. 2te Aufl. Berlin, 1840. 8 3485.10 KURTZGEFASSTES musikalisclies Lexicon. Chem- nitz, 1737. 8 4036.5 KURZ, H. Geschichte der deutschen Literatur. Leipzig, 1853-50. 2v. 1.8 *2892.3 Handbuch der deutschen Prosa von Gottschcd bis auf die neueste Zeit. Zurich, 1853. 3v. in 1. 1.8 *2S92.2 Handbuch der poctischen Nationalliteratur der Deutschen. Von Haller bis auf die neueste Zeit. ZUrich, 1840-42. 3v.ini. 1.8. *2892.1 KURZE Anweisung fiir Schullehrer und Cantoren zur zwcckmassigcn Betreibung des Gesang- Unterrichtes. Koblenz, 1828. 8. [Dehn. Mus. pamphlets] *4057.12 KURZE Methode wie im Militair die Liturgie- Siinger organisu-t und in der Musik untcr- richtet werden konnen. Berlin, 1829. 8. [Dehn. Mus. pamphlets] *4057.12 KCSTER, L. De verbis Grsecorum commenta- tiones. Wollc, C 2985.14 KUTOBGA, S. Emige Worte gegen die Theorie d. stufenweisen Entstehung. Bonn, 1839. pp.25. 8 3879.1 KOTZING, F. T. Phycologia Germanica. Nord- hausen, 1845. 8 3859.3 Phycologia generalis, Oder Anatomic, u.s.w. der Tange. Leipzig, 1843. 4 *3851.10 Tabula; phycol. Nordhausen, 1845-00. Cv. 8. 3859.1 KYD 438 LA CTTAUSSfcK Shelf. No. KYD, S. Treatise on bills of exchange and pro- missory notes. 1st Am. ed. Boston, 1798. 12 3674.15 - Same. 2d Am. from the 3d London, ed. Albany, 1800. 12 **E.199.15 KYD, T. The Spanish tragedy, or Hieronimo is mad again. [Dodsley. Old plays, v. 3] . . 2588.1 - Same. [Hawkins. English drama, v.2] 2588.9 KYMIIY, Literature of the. Stephens, T 2587.2 KYTELER, A. Proceedings against K. for sorcery in 1324. [Camden soc. No. 24] 2416.24 LABADIE. Les aventures de Pomponius, ou 1'histoire de notre terns. Nouv. ed. Rome, 1728. 12 2649.14 LABARKAQUE, A. G. Method of using the chlo- ride of soda, transl. by J. Porter. 2d cd. Northampton, 1833. 8 *M.Pph.v.24 Use of chlorides of soda and lime, tr. by J. Porter. 2d ed. New Haven, 1831. 8.*M.Pph.v.24 LA BASTIE, J. B. de. Dissertations on the life of St. Louis. See Joinville, J. de 2641.2 De diis antiquorum ; De diis quibusdam igno- tis Gallicis ; De originibus Cularonensibus, sive Gratianopolitanis ; Epistola, in qua monumenta antiqua municipii Augusti Al- lobrogum exhibentur ; Sur une inscription de 1'empereur Albin. [Muratori. Thesau- rus vet. inscriptionum, v.l] 2910.1 LABAT, J. B. Nouvellc relation de 1'Afrique oc- cidentale. Paris, 1728. 5v. 12 3059.3 Nouveau voyage aux isles de 1'Amerique. Paris, 1722. 6v. 12 *2369.3 - Same. Paris, 1724. 2v. 4' *23G0.17 Voyage du chevalier Des Marchais en Gui- ne'e et k Cayenne, 1725-27. Amsterdam, 1731. 4v. sm.!2 *2369.7 LABAT, L. Mirza-Labat-Khan. Cholera-morbus Asiatique. Paris, 1832. 8 *M.Pph.v.36 LABAUME, E. Relation de la campagne de Russie en 1812. 6e ed. Paris, 1820. 8 4659.5 LABAUME, J. Les Etats-Unis depuis 1812. See Regnault, 2266.6 LA BEAUMELLE, V. L. A. de. Memoires de Mme. de Maintenon. See Maintenon, F. d'A. de. 2659.4 LABIA, A. M. Poesie satiriche. [Collezione delle migl. opere in dial, venez. v.10] 4769 a. 6 LABILLARDIERE, J. J. Houton de. Voyage a la recherche de La Perouse. Paris, 1800-11. 2v. 4. Atlas f *2270.4 Voyage in search of La Perouse, 1791-93. 2d ed. London, 1802. 2v. 8 2265.5 LABINDO. See Fantoni, G. LA BOETIE, E. de. La servitude volontaire, ou le contr' un. [Montaigne. CEuvres, v.4] . . 4678.27 Etude sur sa vie et ses ouvrages. See Feu- gere, L. J 2672.2 LABOR and love : a tale of English life. Boston, 1853. 16 2576.20 LABOR. Blanc, L. Droit au travail 3569.9 Droit au travail au Luxembourg, etc 3569.18 Dunoycr, C. De la liberte du travail .... 3565.7 Hodgson, A. Letter on free and slave L. . E.219.5 Thiers, L. A. de. Droit au travail 3566.19 See also : Laboring classes. LABORATORY, The. See Smith, G 4018.35 LABORDE, A. L. J. cte de. Itineraire descriptif de PEspagne. Paris, 1803. 5v. 8. Atlas 4. *3103.3 - Same. 1827-30. 6v. 8. Atlas 4 . . . . *3103.1 Monumens de la France. Paris, 1816-36. 2v. f . 26. A.I View of Spain, comprising an itinerary of each province, and a general statistical ac- count. London, 1809. 5v. 8 3103.2 and others. Voyage de PEspagne. Paris, 1806-20. 2v. in 4. f 3100.1 LABORDE, L. E. S. P. J. cte de, and Linant, M. A. Voyage de 1'Arabie Petree. Paris, 1830. f .*3020.3 LABORING classes. Duppa, B. F. Causes of the condition of the 3570.61 Eden,F. M. History of the, in England . . 3571.18 Shelf. No. LABORING classes, continued. Fix, T. Observations sur I'e'tat des classes ouvrieres 3500.17 Le Play, F. Ouvriers europe"ens 3680.1 Levasseur, E. Histoire des classes ouvrieres en France 2637.8 McCulloch, J. R. Circumstances which de- termine the condition of the 3048.18,26 Report on the sanitary condition of the labor- ing population 3767.22 Sargant, W. L. Economy of the 3566.16 Wade, J. History of the working classes . 3566.27 See also : Labor. LABOULAYE, C. P. Lefebvre. Encyclopedic tech- nologique. 2e <5d. Paris, 1853-54. 2v. 8. *4031.3 Contents. Vol.1. A.-F. H. G.-Z. LABOULAYE, E. R. Lefebvre. Etudes sur la pro- priete littciraire en France et en Angleterrc, suivics des trois discours par Sir T. N. Tal- fourd, tr. par P. Laboulaye. Paris, 1858. 8. 3666.23 Histoire politique des Etats-Unis. 1620-1789. Vol.1. Colonies. Paris, 1855. 8 2327.14 LABRADOR, Residence on the coast of. Cart- wright, G 2360.1 LA BRUYERE, J. de. Characters : or the manners of the age, with the characters of Theo- phrastus. New ed. Dublin, 1776. 12 . . 2678.6 Les caracteres de Theophraste, avec les moeurs de ce siecle. Nouv. ed. par Destailleur. Paris, 1854. 2v. 16 2669.19 and La Rochefoucauld, F. de. Les caracteres, precedes d'une notice par Suard [aussi ma- ximes,]etc. Paris, 1853. 8 2692.3 LABUS, G. Museo della reale accademia di Man- to va. Mantova, 1833-37. 3v. 8 4073.5 LABYKINTIIE d'amour, par G. Boccaccio. [Gar- nier. Voyages imaginaires, v. 31] 2666.1 LA CAILLE, N. L. de. Traite d'optique. Bouguer, p 3920.23 LA CAMBRE, G. De la fabrication des bieres, et de la distillation des grains, etc. Nouv. ed. Bruxeltes, 1850. 2v. 1.8 4013.7 LA CECILIA, G. Masaniello o la rivoluzione di Napoli nel 1047. Livorno, 1847-48. 3v. in 1. 16 4749.1 LACEPEDE, B. G. E. de. Histoire g6ne>ale de 1'Europe. Paris, 1826. 18v. 8 *2306.3 Histoire naturelle des cetacees. See Buffon, G.L. L.de 3823.3 Histoire naturelle des quadrupedes ovipares [et] poissons : suite de Buffon. Paris, 1819. 5v. 8 *3827.3 Histoire naturelle des quadrupedes ovipares et des serpents. Paris, 1799. 4v. sm.!2. 5869.2 Histoire naturelle des quadrupedes ovipares. See Buffon, G. L. L. de 3813.2 Histoire naturelle des poissons. Paris, 1799- 1804. 14v. sm.l2 *5869.3 - Same. See Buffon, G. L. L. de 3823.2 LACEY, W. B. Utility of apprentices' libraries: a sermon. Albany, 1822. 8 *Pph.v.33 LACHAPELLE, M. L. D. Pratique des accouche- mens. Paris, 1821-25. 8 3773.19 LA CHATRE, C. de. Voyage du due de Guise en Italic, son retour, la prinse de Callais et de Thionville, 1556-57. [Michaud. Coll. mem. hist. Fr. Ser. 1, v.8] 2611.1 - Same. [Petitot. Coll. mem. hist. France. S ; Breve response aux calomnics d'un certain prctcndu An- glois, par du Plessis-Mornay ; Bataille de Contra.", Mcffaictes des reistrcs qui ont cste dcpuis leur partemcnt d'Allemaigne jusqu'au 9 dec. 15S7 ; Mort du prince de Conde, 1588; Histoire de la Ligue, par Nicolos Poulain, 1'i-iS; llistoire de ce quicst advenu en Paris, mai, 158S, Particularites qui se passerent a Paris, mai, 1.588; Journie des barricades de Paris, mai, 1588; Registres dc l'hostel-de-villc de Paris, 15S8j L'esmotion advcnue d Paris; Lettre au roy par le duo de G uise ; Les propos que le roy a tcnus a Chartreg. XII. Degats et desordres qui se font au pays du M:iync par les trouppes du due d'Espcrnon; Instruc- tion a M. de Guise par 1'archevesque de Lyon, 15SS; Exploits d'armes faicts par le roy de Navarre, sur ceux dc la Liguc, en Bas-Poitoui Conspiration de ceux d'Angoulesme contre M. d'Espernon ct sea suites; Descouverture des deniers sales; Le martyre dcs deux frercs, messieurs le cardinal ct le due de Ciuysci Mort de messieurs leg due et cardinal de Guyse, par Miron, medecin de Henry III.; Mort du due ct du cardinal de Guyse; Lettre du cardinal de Joyeuse au roy Henry in au sujct dc la mort des Guysc; Information par Michon et Courtin, des mas- sacres commis a Blois; Arrest contre les meurtriera de messieurs de Guyse; Memoires secrets d'uu poli- tique do Paris; Adrcrtissemeut de cc qui e'est passu a Thoulouse dcpuis le massacre dcs princes catho- liques, fuv. 15SK; Declaration sur 1'occasion de la prise d'armes pur cux iiiicte le 24 fev. tJS'J ; Lo scrment de la Sainctc-Union pour la conservation de la religion catholique; Conseil salutaire d'un bon Fran- Sois aux Parisicns, juin 1580 ; Advis de la taculto de thiologie de Paris ; Mort de Henry de Valois; Certificat de plusieurs seigneurs de qualitu qui as.is- terent le roy a sa mort; Lettro dc La Gucslo sur la mort du roy; I/estrange et subitte mort de Henry dc Valois; Discours dca dcrnicrs propos qu'a teuus Henry de Valois a Jean d'Espernon; Lc martyre du frere Jacques Clement; La vio de Henry de Valois; Lcs sorcellerica de Henry de Valois. XIII. Le prise des armes, Janvier, 1580; Lettre du roy de Navarre aux seigneurs dusenat de Berne; Arrest de la cour de parlemeut; Siege de Paris, par Pierre Corneio; Mise- res de la ville de Pads; Siege de Paris; Delivrance du due de Guise; Asscmblee secrettc de plusicura bourgeois de Paris, 1591; Mort du president 13ris- son; Arrest des vingt-suc assassinateurs; Abjuration d'Uenry iv. ; Conversion du prince Henry iv a la religion catholique ; Proces criminel fait d Pierre Bur- riere, accuse de 1'horrible parricide cutrcpris contre le roy, aout, 1503 ; Procedure coutro Jchan Chastel pour lu iiarricide pur luy attentu sur la personne du roy Henry iv.; Execution de Jehan Chastel; Sacre et courounement du roy Henry iv.; Pompes ct cere- monies al'uctc Eolemncl auquel le roi jura la paix. XIV. Religion catholique en France, par M. Lczeau; Vie du mareschul de Biroii; Trahison contre leroy LAFAIST 442 LAFAIST Shelf. No. LAFAIST, L. continued. Henry iv., dcscouverte en 1'an 1604 ; Naissance de messieurs les cnfans de France, par Louyse Bour- geois, sagc-fcmme ; Rccueil de ce qui BO passe en 1'assemblee du commerce a Paris, fait par Lafiemaa; La vie de M. Villeroy, par P. Matthieu; Amours de llenri iv.; llistoire dcs annees 1005-1008; Commerce de France, par Is. de Laffemas; Ecclesiastiques ct re- ligicux de France. XV. La mort de Henri iv., par P. Matthieu, 1610; Proces de Bavaillac ; Mort d'Hen- ri-le-Grand, par Pierre du Jardin ; Le veritable ma- nifesto sur la mort d'Henri-le-Grand, par la demoiselle d'Escoman ; Funerailles de Henri i v. ; Vie et trespas du due de May enne ; Pauvres qu'on nppelle enfer- mcz ; Statuts pour les hospitaux dcs pauvres enfermez, 1011; Voyage des Frangois en Suede; Testament et mort de Philippes de Mornay ; L'ordre ct ccremonie observee en la procession de saincte Gencviefve ; Testament de M. de Vair, garde-dcs-sceaux; Memoires portans plusieurs avertisscmens prescntez au roy, par le capitaine Foucques ; Voyage du sieur de Poutrin- court en la Nouvelle-Franee; Capitulations cntre le roy de France et 1'empereur des Turcs ; La vie et mort de Achilles de Ilarlay. Ser. 2. Vol. I. Relation de tout ce qui s'est passee aux Etats-generaux,1014; L'esmotion aNismcs, 1613; L'obedience faite a le papc Paul v., de la part du roy Louis xiii., par M. le chevalier de Vendosme. llis- toire journaliere du voyage du roy,aout 1C15 Janvier, 161G; Histoire de ce qui s'cst passe entre les Franffais et Portugais en 1'ile de Maragnan ; La troisieme guerre civile, 161G ; Pourtrait du roy Louis xni., par M. de Btllemaurc; Advis au roy des moyens de bannirle luxe du royaume, etc. II. Histoire tragique du mar- quis d'Ancre et de sa femmc; Recit de ce qui s'est passe au Louvre dcpuis le 24 avril jusqu'au depart de la royne; L'incendie ct cmbrazemcnt du palais de Paris; Lettres-patantes du roy, portant permission d'establir deschuiscs a bras; Ordonnance contre les flllcs desbauchces, etc.; Sentences pour le rabais dea loyers des maisons ; Sommation a M. le duo d'Esper- non, ensuite de la declaration du roy; Articles accor- dez a M. le due d'Espernou; Plain tes de la mere du roy au roy son flls; L'audience donnee par lo roy a la royne sa mere ; Amiable reconciliation de roy avec la royne ; Le contadin provenjal ; La voix publique au roy ; Desroute des capitaines Blanquet, Gaillard, pirates, etc. ; Ceremonies observccs a la protestation de foy du due de 1'Esdiguieres ; Relations de ce qui 8'cst passe au voyage du roy, 1620; A r oynge du roi, 10J1; Histoire de ce qui s'cst passe, 1G22; La piete royale, par J. B. Matthieu; Articles accordez entre le roy de France ct le roy de la Grand-Bretaignc, pour le com- merce; Lachasse au vicl Grognartdel'antiquite; La reformation de ce royaume; Registres etcroniqucs de rhostel-de-villo de Paris. III. Relation sur le fait et expedition de la Valtcline ; Siege de la Rochelle, 1U28; Contagion de Lyon ; M tears et humours de M. Serviu; Reglement pour les sahiires des gens d'eglise; Police gent-rale du royaume de France ; Memoires d'un favory do S. A. R. le due d'Orleans ; Recit de ce qui s'cst passe en la maladie du roy, a Lyon, par R. P. Souffrant ; Paix cntro lo roy tres chrestieu et le roy de Marroque ; Voyage a Canada pour la prise de possession du fort de Quebec par les Frangois ; Let- tre du pere Charles L'Allemant au pere Ilierosme If AUcmant, con Irere; Mort du mareschal do Marillac, 1032; Discours de ce qui s'cst passee entre les habi- tans de la ville de Metz et les pcuplcs circonvoisins. IV. Memoires do Henry, dernier due de Montmo- rency ; Voyage du sieur Sanson Nappolon a Constan- tinople, etc., pour le traicte de paix; Vie du pere Josef; Diguitez ct offices du royaume de France; La revolte de Rouen. V. Journal du cardinal de Riche- lieu, 1630-44 ; Noms de ceux qui ont este csloignez, emprisonuez, etc., durant le ministers du cardinal de Richelieu ; Execution du comte de Chalais ; Esta- blissement de 1'academie de Richelieu; Recit de ce qui s'est passe depuis que le sieur de Sixinct-Preuil futarreste jusquesasamort; Testament do larcine mere du roy; Procedures observees au fait de la pos- session des Ursulines de Loudun ct au proces de Grandier, par R. P. Tranquille ; Factum pour inais- tre Urbaiu G.andicr; Jugement par commissaircs deputez contre Urbain Grandier ; Lettre du sieur Grandier, accuse de magic, nu roi; Relation de ce qui s'est passe a la mort du cure do Louduu, 1634; Procez de MM. Cinq- Mars et de Thou; Mort de M M. Cinq-Mars et de Thou, a Lyon, 1642; Le trespas, ct testament du cardinal de Richelieu ; Journal du roy Louis xni., par J. Uerouard ; Mort de Louis xni., par Dubois, 1'un des valets de chamhre de sa majcstc. VI. Histoire de Taiicrede de Rohan, par le pere Griffet; Viedu mareschal Gassion; Finances, 1610-1644; DCS comptes de dcpenses pourle ballet du roy; L'academie fransoise depuis son vtablisscment Shcli: No. LAFAIST, L. continued. jusqu" a 1052; Remonstrance du chevalier Gerbier touchant les Monts-de-Piete ; L'establissement des Monts-dc-Piete ; Consultations char i tables pour lea malades, par T. Renaudot ; Articles accordt-s Jacques Guyon ct Guillaume Bouteroue, entrepren- eurs du canal dc Loire en Seine; Establissement dca grands-jours a Poitiers ; Embcllisscmcns de la ville de Paris; Extraits du Mcrcure franjois pour les an- nees 1643-1014; Revolte des Croquans dc Rouerguet Registres de rhotcl-de-ville de Paris ; Estat de la France en Van 1648 et 1649. VIL Recit de cc qui s'est passe dans le parlcment, 1647-1748; Registres de I'h6tel-de-villc, 1648,1619; Extraits du Courrier fran- ois de cc qui s'cst passe depuis la mort dc Louis xni jusqu' a 1'annce 1640; Lettre, contcnant la vie et nicenrs du cardinal Mazarin; Entrctien du roy ct do sa mere sur les affaires du temps, 1649; Billet scuiu par le chevalier de Lav-alette, tendunt a faire sous- lever les Parisiens contre le parlement; Second billet, seme dans Paris par le chevalier de Lavalette. VIQ. llistoire du prince de Conde; Combat du faubourg Saint-Anthoine, juillet 1652 ; Mort du marquis de Monaldeschi, 1057; Mariage du roy, 160); Memoirea de Louis xiv., cents par lui-mcmc ; Portraits de la cour. IX. Vie de J. B. Colbert, ministrc et secre- taire d'etat; Onlonnance pour supprimer des rcgis- trcs ce qui a rapport aux annees 1040 a 1623; Nomina- tion de deux cschevins; Preparatift pour un bal a la ville oil le roy doit venir ; Arrestation dcs princes, Janvier, 1050; Exemptions de taxes des ouvricrs logea dans le Louvre, 1650; Voyage du roy dans la Nor- maudie; Troubles a 1'occasion du parlement de Bor- deaux ct de la captivite dcs princes ; l)on du roy, de 1800 livres, a messieurs de la ville pour 1'achapt d'ar- mes ; Permission de mettre des potcaux aux avenues de la rue dc la cordonnerie, pour procurer du repos a un malade ; Permission aux huissiers dc porter la robe et tocque noires ; Lettre pour 1'cstablisscmcnt des pauvres au faubourg Saint-Anthoinc ; Maison de In Providence; Memoires sur les affaires les plus impor- tantcs ct les plus prcsstes de 1'etat ; Secours ct soulage- ment des pauvres; Siege dc 1'hostcl-dc-ville, 4 juillet, 1652; Demission du prevot des mart-hands, Anthoine Lefebre ; Election de Brousscl ; Construction do moulins; Seditieux du 4 juillet coudamncs a t-tre pendus cu place de Greve; Mesures contre lea troupes cam pees autour de Paris; Expose de la situa- tion do Paris ; Nouvcllcs mcsurea contre les troupes quisont autour de Paris; Situation dc la ville do Paris; Levee de 150,000 livres sur les Parisiens qui doitttre employee a 1'extcution des arrcts contre Mazarin; Tentative d'union de la ville de Paris avcc lea autres villes du royaume ; Rctablissement d'iiu- pots; PrOlevement dcs tuxes imposees a la popula- tion parisienne ; Installation du due dc Beaufort comme gouverneur de Paris; Pouvoirs octroyes par le due d'Orleans au due do Beaufort; Injunctions a certains mcmbres du bureau de la ville d'aller rejoin- dre le roy a Ponthoise; Conduite du due d'Orleans a regard des mesures dirigees par le roy contre le bu- reau de la ville; Concession a M. Beaufort en raison des services qu'il a rendus a la ville de Paris ; Negoti- ations, tcndaut a la paix ; Declaration coacernaut 1'amnistie donnee par le roy ; Lettre, par le corps de ville, a la reyne ; Voy. du sieur Pietre a Compiegne; Rcsponce du roy, tendant au restablisscment des cours souveraines, etc.; Emotion dans la rue Saint- Honore, reaction contre la Fronde dans le peuple ct memo au sein de l'hostel-dc-ville. X. Conduite pre- . sente de lacour de France, 1665; L'entrcprise d'Alger; Voyages Cuts a Thunis par le sieur de IJricard; L'ex- peditiou de Gigery, et la retraite des troupes fran- joises; Vie do Franjois Eudes; Feste de Versailles du 18 juillet, 10S8; Dcrnieres paroles du marechal de Fabert, le 17 raai 100J; Me de M. Moliere, par Le Gallois de Grimarest ; Ambassade du chevalier de Chaumout a la cour du roy de Siam. XI. Fonda- tions et etablissemens sous le regue do Louis-le- Grand; Uistoirede 1'hotel royal des iuvalides; Nou- velle eglise de 1'hotel royal dcs invalides ; Critique agreable de Paris; Entrcprises du marq. dc Guiseard, pour le recouvrement de sa patrie ; Repouse du marq. de Guiseard a uuo lettre par M. Chamillard; Fanatisme de nostre temps, 1692 ; Lettres de Fle- chier ; Lettres de Flechier sur les affaires politiques; Lettre pastorale et maudement. XII. Factum pour la marquise de Briuvillicrs, accusee, contre dame Marie-Therese Mangot, accusatrice, ct monsieur le procureur general; Arrest contre la marq. de Brin- villiers, 16 juillet 1070 ; Procez contre la dame de Brinvilliers, executee le 17 juillet lOT ; Factum du procez fait a La Chaussee, pour dcs empoi- sonnemens dessieurs d'Aubray ; Chateau de Marly; Machine de Marly ; Des baisers d'etiquettes don- nes a propos de la reception de 1'aiubassadrice de LAFAIST 443 LA HAEPE Shelf. No. LAFAIST, L. continued. Uollancle ; La soiree dc la premiere nuit quo M. le due ct Mme. la duchesse do Bourgogne ont passe ensemble; Detail do la France, 1CU5; Journal do Ver- dun, 1715; PrCsens de la villo a Mile. Cose a cause de son mariage ; Actes dea cspeces aportees pour la lotte- rie en favour dudit hopital; Le buste du roy pose dans la grande salle; Scmonce par lea Carmcs pour la procession du jour de Saint-Louis ; Procession du jour de Saint-Louis ; Mort du due de Glocester ; Ecritoire d'argcnt pour M. Le Nain; Testament du roy d'Espagne; Presens fails par la ville a Philippe V. sur sou depart pour 1'Espagne ; Memoire de 1'uni- versite au sujet de la preseanco sur le corps de la ville dans lea ceremonies publiques ; Victoire et prise de Luzzara; Bataille de Fricdlingucn ; Prise de Brisach; Bataille et victoire d'Ulm; Mort dc Louis xiv, 1715; Le due d'Orleans regent du royaume. LA FARE, C. A. de. Memoires ct reflexions sur les principaux evenements du regne du Louis xiv. [Michaud. Coll. mem. hist. France. Ser. 3] v.8 of 2011.1 - Same, 1073-93. [Petitot. Coll. mem. hist. France, Ser. 2] v.G5 of 2C15.1 LA FARINA, G. Storia d' Italia narrata al popolo ituliano. Fircuzc, ISKKK. 7v. in 8. 8. *2715.1 Storia d' Italia dal 1815 al 1850. Torino, 1851. Gv. 8" *2715.2 Studi storici nove [e rischiarazioni e docu- menti] sul secolo xin. 2a ed. Bastia, 1857. 2v. 1.8 2307.2 LA FAYE, or Lafaist, B. Dictionnaire et syno- nymesdclalanguefransaise. Paris, 1858. 4. 2682.4 LAFAYETTE, M. M. P. du la V. de. CEuvre8 com- pletes de 31mes. La Fayctte, de Tencin, et de Fontaines. Paris, 1825. 5v. 8 .... 2005.1 Contents. Vol. I. Notice sur la vie et les ouvrages de Mme. de La Fayette; De 1'origine dcs ronums; Zayde, histoire espagnole. II. La princcssc de Clcvcs; Lacomtesse dcTcndc; Laprincessc de Montpcnsicr; Memoires de la cour de France, pour lea annccs 1088 et 89. III. Memoires de la cour de France, pour les annces 1C83 et 89, sec. partie ; Histoire de madamo Ilemiette d'Anglcterre premiere femme dc Philippe de France due d'Orleans ; Lettres sur la mort de madame Ilenrictte; Lettres de Mme. de La Fayctte a Mine, de Scvigne; Portrait de la marquise de Scvigne, par Mme. de La Fayette; Ilistoire de la comtcssc de Savoie; Ilistoire d'Amenophis, prince de Libyc. IV. Notice sur madame de Tencin ; Memoires du comte de Commingc ; Le siege de Calais (nouvelle histo- riquc)- V. Epitre dedicatoire ; Lea malheurs de 1'amour; Anecdotes de la cour ctdu regne d'Edouard II., roi d'Anglcterre; Lcttres u M. de Kichelieu; Ex- trait d'une lettre d SI. de Fontcuelle. Memoires de Ilollande, hist, en forme de ro- man,publ.par A. T. Barbier. 4eed. 1850. 18. 4679 a. 9 Ilistoire dc madame Ilenriette d' Angletcrrc. [Michaud. Coll. mem. hist. Fr. Ser. 3J. v.8 of 2011.1 - Same. [Petitot. Coll. mem. hist. France. Ser. 2] v.04 of 2015.1 Memoires de la cour de France pour les an- neea 10SS-S9. [Petitot. Coll. mem. hist. France. Ser.2] v.G4, C5of 2015.1 LAFAYETTE, M. P. J . H. Y. G. de M. de. Memoires, correspondance ct manuscrits. Paris, 1836- 38. Cv. 8 2054.1 Adams, J. Q. Life and character of . . . Pph.v.20G Everett, E. Eulogy on Pph.v.237 Frothingham, N. L. Sermon on the death of. 3455.01 Levasseur, A. L. en Amerique 1824 et 25 . . 2303.15 Outline of events in the life of Pph.v.248 Sarrans, B. L. ct la revolution de 1830 . . . 2054.2 LAFERRIEIIE, L. F. J. Histoire des principes pen- dant la revolution franjaise. 2e <5d. Paris, 1851-52. 10 3503.15 Histoire du droit franjais. Paris, 1852-53. 4v. 8" 3027.2 LAFFECTEUK. See Boy vcau-Laffecteur. L'AFFiciiAKD, T. Lc voyage interrompu. [Gar- nier. Voyages imaginaires, v. 30] 2000.1 LAFITAU, J. F Histoire des Portugais dans le nouveau monde. Paris, 1733. 2v. 4 ... 3019.3 Moeurs de sauvages ameriquains. Paris, 1724. 2v. 4 2360.25 Shelf. No. LAFOXT, J. de. Le naufrage, ou la pompe funebre de Crispin ; Les trois freres rivaux. [Thea- tre des auteurs du second ordre. Comedies en vers, v.5] 2040.19 LA FOXTAIXE, J. de. (Euvres. Nouv. ed., revue, et accompagnee de notes par C. A. Wal- ckenaer. Paris, 1827. v. 1-3,5,0. 5v. 8. . 2694.5 Contents. Vol. I., H. Avant-propoa ; Notice sur La Fontaine; Eloge de La Fontaine; Essai sur la fable ct sur les fabulistes avant La Fontaine ; Pre- faces; La vie d' Esope le Phrygien; Fables. III. Pre- faces; Contes. V. Les amours de Psyche et de Cupi- don ; Adonis, poe'me ; La captivite de Saint-Malo, poe'me; Le quinquina, poi'mc; Fragments dusonge de Vaux. VI. Elegies; Odes; Epitres; Poesies di ver- ses ; Ballades et rondeaux ; Sonnets ; Madrigaux ; Dixains; Sixains; Chansons; Epitaphes; Vers pour des portraits; Epigramrnes; Traductions en vers d'a- pres differents poetes anciens ; Opuscules en prose; Epitres dedicatolres; Lettres a sa femme; Lettres a divers. Fables, illustre'es par J. J. Grandvillc. Nouv. ed. Paris, 1838. 2v. 8 2704.1 Le Florentiu. [Theatre des auteurs du second ordre. Comedies en vers, v. 2] 2040.19 Voyage de Paris en Limousin. [Garnier. Voyages imaginaires, v.23] 2000.1 LAFOSSE, A. dc. Munlius Capitolinus. [Theatre des auteurs du second ordre. Tragedies, v.2] 2040.19 LA GALLA, J. C. De phaenomenis in orbe lunas. [Galilei. Opere, r.3j 3913.1 LAGARDE, A. de Mcssence de. L'enthousiaste, ou 1'avez-vous vue ? dialogue sur 1'arrivee de Mine, de Stael a Vicnne, suivi dc me- langes de litterature. Paris, 1810. 8 ... *4G6G.l Contents. L'enthousiaste ; La tulipe 1 1 la rose ; Un motamou ami; Le romaii d'une nuit ; Lea tourte- relles; L'indiscrction punie ; Le Vicnnois au Prater; Fragment de Dimitri Donskoy, trad, du llusse. LAOARDE, C. F. Chauveau. See Chauveau-La- garde. LAGARDE, Le baron de. See Escalin des Aimars, A. LAGET do Podio. Nouvelle juridiction des consuls de France a I'etranger. 2e ed. Marseille, 18-14. 2v. 8 3015.11 LAGIDES, Anuales des. Champollion-Figeac, J. J. 3053.10 LAGNEAU, L. V. Traite des maladies syphili- tiques. Cc ed. Paris, 1828. 2v. 8 .... *3770.38 LA GOURNEBIE, E. dc. Home chretienne. Paris, 1843. 2v. in 1. 8 2730.14 LAGRANGE, J. L. de. De la resolution dcs equa- tions numeriques de tous les degres. Paris, , [1798.] 4 **E. 193.16 Lecons sur le calcul dcs fonctions. Nouv. ed. Paris, 1800. 8 **E. 190.19 Mechanique analytique. Paris, 1788. 4. . **E.1G1.7 - Same. Kouv. ed. augm. Paris, 1811-15. 2v.ini. 4 **E.193.3 Supplement au Ic5ons sur le calcul dcs fonc- tkms. Paris, 1808. 4" v. 7 of 3372.1 Theorio dca fonctions analyt., contcuant les principes du calcul diff. Paris, [1797.] 4. **E. 194.11 - Same. Nouv. c'd. Paris, 1813. 4 . .**E.191.17 Additions to Eulcr's algebra. iS'eeEuler, L. E. 198.4 LAGRANGE de Chancel, J. de. Amasis. [Theatre dcs auteurs du second ordre. Tragedies, v.2] 2040.19 LA GRANGE de Chessieux, G. A. F. S. de. La conduite des Fraiigois justifiee a 1'egard dc la Nouvelle Ecosse. Utrecht, 1750. 12 . 2329.31 LAGUETTE, C. de. Memoires. Nouv. ed. par Moreau. Paris, 1850. 10 2009.20 LA HARPE, J. F. dc. (Euvres. Paris, 1820-21. 14v. in 10. 8 2092.1 Contents. Vol. I. Avertissement du libraire; No- tice stir la vie et les ouvrages de La Ilarpe; Pieces justificativcs; Avertissement de 1'autenr pour 1'edi- tioii de I77S; Preface ; Lettre a M. de Voltaire; Be- ponse de M. de Voltaire; Le comte de Warwick, trngedie en cinqactea et en vers; Timoleon, trag. en cinqactesct en vers; Reflexions utilcs; Melaiiie, ou la religieuse, drame ; Menzicoft; ou les exiles, trage- LA HARPE 444 LA MALLE Shelf. No. LA HAEPE, J. P. de, continued. die; Precis historique sur le prince Menzicoff, favori du czar Pierre premier. II. Reflexions sur le drame; Refutation du livre intitule Essui sur 1'art drama- tique; Barnevcldt, drame; Les Barmecides, tragedie en ver9; Les muses rivales, ou I'apotheose de Vol- taire, piece dramatique en un acte et cnvera libres; Moliere a la nouvellc salle, ou lea audiences do Tha- lie, comedie en un acte ct en vcrs libres; Jeanne de Naples, tragedic en vers i Philoctete, tragedie, tra- duitcdu Grecde Sophocle, en trois actes cten vers; Coriolan, tragedie en vers; Lettre aux redacteurs du Mercurect reponsc; Reflexions sur larcponse; Vir- ginie, tragedie; Lettre de 1'auteur aux journalistesde Paris ; Extraits des ouvrages dramatiques de La Ilarpe qui n'ont point ete imprimcs: Gustavc, trag.; Ph:iramond, trag.; Brames, trag.; Pol yxenc, trag.; La vengeance d'AcliiUe, trag. lyr.; Aboulcasem, drame lyr. III. Poemes: Le triomphc do la religion, ou, le roi martyr, pot'me epiquc; Tangti et Felime, poeme en quatre chants; Lcs talents des femmes, poe'me; Poesies diverses. IV. Eloges de Charles v., de Henri iv.,de Fenelon, de Racine, de La Fontaine, de Catinat; Precis historique sur Voltaire ; Eloge du meme; Extrait du Mercure de France; Precis his- torique sur d'Alembert ; Eloge de Lekain. V. DCS malhcursde la guerre, et des avantages de la paix; Combien le genie des grands ecrivains innue sur 1'espritde leur siecle; Idecssur Moliere; Discours do reception; Du mot amour dans ses diflerentes accep- tions; Traduction d' une lettre de Brutus a Ciceron; Lettre de Brutus a Atticussur le ra2me sujct ; De notre langue comparee aux langues grecque ct ro- maine et la litterature ancienne et modcrne; De Dfe- mosthene; Sur lamusique theutrale; Dialogue cntre Alcxandre et un solitaire du Caucase; Le Camuldule; De Shakcspear ; Adresse dea autcurs dramatiques a I'asscmblue nationalc; Supplement; Laliberte de la prcsse defenduc par La Ilarpe contre Chenier; Oui ou non; Acte de garantie pour la libertc Individ uelle etc.; Le salut public, ou la verite dite a la convcutiou par un homme librc; Reponse, par Baudin; Rcponse alareponsede Baudin; Le fanatisme dans la langue revolutionnaire, ou la persecution suscitee par lea barbares du dix-huitiemo siecle, contre la religion chretienneet ses niinistres ; Sur le tutoiement; Dis- cours prononce a 1'ouverture du Lycee. VI.- VII. Lcs douze Cesars, traduits du Latin de Suetone, aveo des notes ct dcs reflexions. VI. Discours prelimi- naire; Lcs douze Cesars, de Suetone, [Latin ct Fran- fiais en regard.]; Jules Cesar; Octav.: Ca;sar Augus- tus; Tibere; Cajus Caligula. VII. Claude ; Neronj Galba; Othon j Vitellius ; Vcspasicn; Titus; Doini- tien; Pieces relatives a la traduction de douze Cesars. VIII. Notice sur le Camoens ; La Lusiade de L. Camoens, poe'me heroi'que en dix chants, traduit du Portugais, avcc des notes et la vie de 1'auteur; Jerusa- lem delivree, les huit premiers chants ; Traduction libre ct abregce des icr., ne., vne. ct xe. livres de la Pharsalc; Epilogue aux manes de Lucain. IX. Dis- cours preliminaire; Le psautier frangais. X.-XIII. Correspondance litteraire. XIV.-XV. Litterature et critique. XVI. Preface ; Fragments de 1'apologie de la religion. Lycee ou cours de litterature. Paris, 1829. 14v. 8 *2070.28 Philosophie du ISe siecle. Paris, 1829. 2v. 8 3006.2 Le comte de Warwick ; Philoctete ; Coriolan. [Theatre des auteurs du second ordre. Tra- gedies, v. 7] 2640.19 LA HIKE, P. de. Tables astronomiques. See Pa- ris. Academic royale dcs sciences .... 32C1.2 LAHoDE,psezd. See La Mothe. LAHONTAN, J. N. Voyages dans 1'Amdrique sep- tentrionale. 2e cd. Amsterdam, 1728. 3v. in 2. 12 2309.4 Nouveaux voyages, dans 1'Amerique septen- trionale. La Haye, 1703. 2v. 12" 2369.6 Travels in Canada, 1G83. [Pinkerton. Voy- agcs,v.l3] 2260.13 LAILI and Majniin : a Persian poem. See Nazami. 3012.8 LAINE, J. H. J. II. Plaidoycrs. See Annales du barreau francais. Barrcau moderne, v.ll . 3708.1 LAING, M. History of Scotland, [1003-170'J,] with a dissertation on the murder of Darnley. 3ded. London, 1819. 4v. 8 2475.1 Objections to the authenticity of Ossian's poems, considered and refuted. See Gra- ham, P 2574.2 Shelf. No. LAING, S. Social and political state of the Euro- pean people in 1848 and l&i'J. Lond. 1850. 8. 2274.10 Tour in Sweden in 1&38. London, 1839. 8 . 2805.8 LAINNE, A. F. Repertoire du droit commercial. See Patorni, F. M 3296.1 and others. Memorial du commerce. Paris, 1837-58. 22v. 8 *3926.2 LAIRD, F. C. Northumberland, Nottinghamshire. [Braylcy. Beauties of England and Wales, v.12, pt.l] 2466.1 Warwickshire, Worcestershire, Wiltshire, Westmoreland. [Bray ley. Beauties of Eng- land and Wales, v. 15] 2466.1 LAIRESSE, G. v. Le grand livre des peintrcs, tr. du hollandois sur le 2e ed. [par Janscn.] Paris, 1787. 2v. 4 4061.18 LAISNE, G. Considerations sur les erosions et perforations spontanees de 1'estomac. See Lecieux, A 3788.7 LAKE, E. Diary 1077-78. [Camden soc. No. 39J . 2416.39 LAKE, E. H. Key to truth, or remarks on biblical phrases. Boston, [1855.] 12 3429.8 LAKE Eric, The battle of. Cooper, J. F. . . . Pph.v.226 LAKE fevers and other diseases of the Genesee country. Ludlow, E. G M.Pph.v.HO LAKEY, J. Superiority of men of the northern hemisphere. Delafield.J 2310.13 LALAMANTIUS. See Lallemant, J. LALANDE, J. J. le F. de. Abrege d'astronomie. 2e ed. Paris, 1795. 8 **E.187.10 Astronomic. 3e ed. Paris, 1792. 3v. 4. 3922. 2, **E. 183.1 Bibliographic astronomique, avec 1'histoire de Pastronomie depuis 1781-1802. Paris, 1803. 4 **E. 186.4 Tables astronomiques, pour servir a la 3e ed. de 1'astrouomie. Paris, 1792. 4 .... *E. 183.2 Dictionnaire des mathematiques, quant a la partie astronomique. See Encyclopedic methodiquc A. 156. 5 Histoire des mathematiques. See Montucla, J. F E. 192.1 Tables de logarithmes. See Keyuaud, A. A. L E. 199.32 LALANNE, M. L. C. Curiosites bibliographiques. Paris, 1845. 16 *2123.7 Curiosites litteraires. Paris, 1845. 16 ... 2200.5 Curiosites des traditions des moeurs et des le- gendes. Paris, 1847. 12 3489.28 Sur le feu gregeois et sur 1'introduction de la poudre a canon. 2e ed. Paris, 1845. pp.96. 4 3953.1 LALLEJIAND, C. F. Maladies des organcs genito- urinaires. Paris, 1825. 8" *3740.40 Eecherches sur 1'encephale et ses depen- dances. Paris, 1830. 2v. 8 *3801.6 Symptoms and treatment of spermatorrhoea, transl. and ed. by H. J. McDougall. 2d Am. ed. Philadelphia, 1853. 8 *3770.28 LALLEMANT, J. De anno llomano. [Gravius. Thesaurus autiq. Horn, v.8] 2950.1 De tempore, de anno Macedonuin, seu Grae- corum ct do anno Attico. [Gronovius. Thesaurus Graec. antiq.v. 9] 2960.2 LALLEMENT, G. Choix de rapports, opinions et discours prononces a la tribune uationale depuis 1789 jusqu' a ce jour. Paris, 1818-25. 23v. 8 *2614.1 LALLI, G. B. Virgilio : Eneide travestita. Firenze, 1822. 3v. in 1. 8 2944.5 Eneide travestita. [Parnasoitaliano,v.l8, 19]. 2769.1 LAMA, G. de. Vita del G. B. Bodoui e catalogo delle sue edizioni. Parma, 1810. 2v. 4 . *2114.19 LAMA, P. de. Osservazioiii sulla descrizione del teatro farncse del Sig. Blanchon ; Descri- zione del teatro farnese di Parma. [Opuscoli letterarii,v.l,2] 2792.2 LAMA. Embassy to the court of the Tcshoo Lama. Turner, S 3041.6 LA MALLE. See Dureau de La Malic. LA MARCHE 445 LAMENNAIS Shelf. No. LA MARCHE, O. de. Mdmoires, augmentes d'un cstat do la maison du duo Charles de Bour- gongne, die le Hardy. [Michaud. Coll. mem. hist. Fr. Ser. 1, v.3] 2611.1 - Same. [Petitot. Coll. mem. hist. Fr. Ser. 1, v.9,10] 2615.1 LA MAKCK, A. M. R. do. Corrcspondance. See Mirabeau, G. H. R 2654.10 LAMARCK, J. B. P. A. do Monnet de. Histoire naturelle des animaux sans vertebres, augm. de notes par MM. G. P. Deshayes et H. Milne Edwards. 2e ed Paris, 1835-45. llv. 8 *3S74.14 Contents. Vol. L Introduction; Infusoirea. n. nistoire des polypes. III. Radiaires, vers, inscctes. IV. Histoire des insectes. V. Arachnides, cruslacOs, annelides, cirrhipedes. VI.-XL Histoire des mol- lusques; Table generalc. Philosophic zoologique. Paris, 1800. 2v. 8. 3890.17 Recherches sur les causes des principaux faits physiques. Paris, 1704. 2v. 8 3975.13 Recherches sur 1'organisation des corps vi- vans. Paris, [1802.] 8 3765.13 Systeme des animaux sans vertebres. Paris, 1801. 8 3874.13 Botanique. [Encyclopedic methodique] . . A. 155. 7 Hclmiuthologie. See Bruguiere, J. G. . . . 3871.20 Histoire naturelle des vers. See Bruguiere, J. G 3871.21 - Same. [Encyclopedic mi-thodique] . . A. 167. 2 and Candolle, A. P. de. Flore franjaise. 3e ed. Paris, 1805-15. 3v. in 6. 8 3857.1 LA MARCK, R. de, seigneur de Fleurange. His- toire des choses memorablea advenues du regne de Louis xn et Francois I en France, Italic, Allemagne, etc. [Michaud. Coll. mem. hist. France. Ser. 1, v.5] 2611.1 LA MARE, N. de. Traite de la police. [2e ed. v.l, 2.] On y a joint une description hist, et topogr. de Paris et 8 plans. Paris, 1719-38. 4v. f *3700.1 De I'etablisjsement des postes en France. [Lc- ber. Coll. diss. hist. Fr. v.ll] 2618.1 LAMARQUE, M. Memoircs et souvenirs. Paris, 1835-36. 3v. 8 2654.11 LAMARTINE, M. L. A. Prat de. CEuvres. Paris, 1849-50. 14v. 8 2704.7 Contents. Voyage en Orient, 4v. Tribune de M. de Lamartinc, ou etudes oratoires ou politiques, 2v. Lamortdc Socrate; Le dernier chant du pelerinago d'llarold; Politique rationnellc; Uiscours familiers. IT. Jocelyn, episode; Journal trouve chez un cure de campagne, 2 v. Harmonies poetiques et reli- gieuses avec comraentaires, 2v. Nouvellcs meditation* poetiques avec commentaires, 2v. Recueillements poetiques, Iv. Chute d'un ange. Paris, 1847. 8 2704.5 Harmonies, poetiques ct rcligicuses. Bru- xclles, 1838. 18 4679.13 Histoire de la restauration. Paris, 1851-52. 8v. 8 2704.4 - Same. Bruxelles, 1851-53. 8v. 16 . . . 4053.17 History of the restoration. London, 1851-53. 4v. p. 8 4653.16 Histoire de la revolution de 1848. Paris, 1849. 2v. 8 4652.3 Histoire des Girondins. Paris, 1848. 8v. 8. 2704.3 Raphael, pages de la vingtieme annee. 2e ed. Paris, 1849. 8 2704.2 Tailleur de picrres de Saint- Point : r<5cit vil- lagcois. Paris, 1851. 8 2704.6 Trois mois au pouvoir. Paris, 1848. 12 . . 4052.20 LAMB, C. Tales from Shakspeare. London, 1840. 8 *Pph.v.315 LAMB, E. B. Studies of ancient domestic archi- tecture. London, 1846. f *4100.20 LAMB, J. jr. Dissertation on apoplexy. Phila- delphia, 1794. 8 *M.Pph.v.lO,49 LAMBECK, P. Prodromus historia? literariae, cur. J. A. Fabricio. Lipsiae et Francof. 1710. f. *2200.1 Shelf. No. LAMBEL. Applications du principe des vitesses virtuelles a la poussee des terres et des voutes. Metz, 1822. 4 **E.161.4 LAMBERT. Statuta. [Migne. Patrologiae v.153] v.2of 3460.30 LAMBERT, bp. of Arras. Epistolse LXVII. [Bou- quet. Reeueil] v.15 of 2610.1 Gesta Atrebatensium ; Epistolse, et aliorum ad ipsum ; Privilegia. [Migne. PatrologiaB V.102] 3460.37 LAMBERT of Aschafferiburg. Annales. [Migne. Patrologiaj v.141] 3460.20 LAMBERT of Her sf eld. Anuales. [Migne. Patro- logia; v.146] 3400.24 LAMBERT of Pouthiere. Epistola ad Albericum abbatem. [Migne. Patrologiae v.106] . . 3450.30 LAMBERT of St. Omer's. Liber Floridus ; Noti- tia et excerpta. [Migne. Patrologiae v. 163]. 3460.38 LAMBERT, A. B. Genus cinchona, comprising descriptions of all the officinal Peruvian barks. London, 1821. 4" *3850.7 Contents. Humboldt's account of the cinchona forests of South America; Lambert's memoir on the different species of quinquina; Hippolito Ruiz on various medicinal plants of South America; Account of the spikenard of the ancients. LAMBERT, Jean H. System of the world, transl. from the French by J. Jacque. London, 1800. 12 **E.189.21 LAMBERT, John. Trial of Messrs. Lambert and Perry, [and] of W. Cobbett, for libelling George in. 1st Am. ed. N. Y. 1810. 8.*Pph.v.5 LAMBERT, T. S. Anatomy, physiology, and pa- thology; hygiene and therapeutics. Ne\v York, 1851. 12 3728.6 LAMBERT, W. Calculations to ascertain the longi- tude of the capitol in Washington. Wash- ington, 1817. 4 **E. 160.4 Report on the subject of the longitude of the capitol of the U. S E. 110.52 LAMBERTAZZI, I, e i Geremei, o le fazioni di Bologna nel secolo XIII. Sacchi, D. . . . 2773.5 LAMBERTI, A. Poesie. [Collezione dclle migl. operc in dial, venez. v.1-3] 4769 a. 6 LAMBERTI, L. Poesie e prose. Milano, 1822. 16. 4700.19 Contents. Poesie diverse; Poesie di greci scrittori; Prose diverse ; Discorso sulle belle Icttere ; Lettere agli autori di un giudizio sopra alcuue opere ituliaiie; Articoli del poligrafo. LAMBERTI, M. See Corazzini, F. Miscellanea, etc. 4777.6 LAMBERTO, Malatesta, racconto. Rovani, G. . . 4775.8 LAMBETH, History and antiquities of. Allen, T. 2503.9 LAMBTOX, J. G., earl of Durham. Report [on the affairs of British America.] Montreal, 1839. 8 2310.18 - Same. And dispatches. London, 1839. 4 *Pph.v.l07 Political career of. See Reid, J 2458. 13 LAMBTON collieries association, Rules and regu- lations of the. Durham, 1834. pp.8. 8 . . 3570.61 LAME-FLEURY, J. Histoire du moyen age, ra- contee aux cnfans. 5e d. Bruxelles, 1849. 8 2308.11 LAMEKIS, ou les voyages d'un Egypticu dans la terre interieure, par le chev. de Mouhy. [Garnier. Voyages imaginaires, v.'-'0, 21] . 2666.1 LAMENNAIS, H. F. R. de. (Euvres completes. Paris, 1830,37. 12v. 8 *2670.1 Contents. Vol. I. -IV. Introduction; Essai sur rindiffirencc en matierc de religion. V. Defense de 1'essai sur I'lndiffcrence en matiire de religion. VI. Reflexions sur 1'etat de I'egHse en France pendant le dix-huitieme siecle, et sur sa situation actuelle; Me- langes reiigieux ct philosophiques; Pensees di verses. VII. De la religion considerte dans ees rapports avec 1'ordre politique et civil. VIII. Melanges reiigieux et philosophiques. IX. Des progres de la revolution et de la guerre centre 1'eglise; Pieces justiflcatives ; Deux lettres a monseigneur 1'archeveque de Paris. X. Preface; Quelques reflexions sur les proces da Constitution et du Courrier en 1S25; Lettres au redac- teur du Memorial eatholique [en reponse a la Revue LAMENNAIS 446 LAXCEA Shelf. No. LAMENNATS, H. F. R. de, continued. protestantc] ; Sur une attaque dirigee centre M. 1'abbe de Lamennais et le Memorial catholique; Traditions des sauvagcs de I'Amerique scptcntrionale; Lettre au rcdacteur de la Quotidicnne; Sur une exposition des sentimcns des catholiques beiges et sur deux mande- mens cpiscopaux ; Articles publics dans le journal 1'Avenir. XI. Paroles d'un croyant, 1833; De 1'abso- lutisme et de la liberte ; Histoire des anciens peuples italiens; AlaPologne; Les morts; Preface du petit traite de la servitude volontairc de la Boetie, 1548; De la servitude volontaire ou le contr'un. XII. Affaires de Rome; Des maux de 1'eglise et de la societe et des moycns d'y remedier; Epilogue; Affaires de Borne (suite); Pieces justiflcatives. (Euvres posthumes, publ. par E. D. Forgues : La divine comedie de Dante [en Frangais et en Italien, ct] introd. sur la vie, et les oeuvres de Dante. Paris, 1855. 3v. 8 2676.3 Affaires de Rome. Bruxellcs, 1837. 18 . . . 3518.11 De 1'absolutisme et de la liberte. Bruxelles, 1836. pp.71. Bm.24 3569.40 Esquisse d'une philosophic. Paris, 1840-46. 4v. 8 2076.2 - Same. Paris, 1840. 3v. 8 3603.11 Words of a believer. New York, 1834. 18" . 3446.25 False opinion! dell' abate L. iiitorno il crite- rio dclla verita. [Costa. Opere, v.l] . . . 2790.10 Guillon, M. N. S. Refutation complete des ouvrages de 1'abbe L 3517.10 Notes sur le deuxieme volume de 1'indiffe- rence en matiere de religion. [Maine de Biran. GEuvres, v.2] 3605.10 Blaizc, A. Essai biographique sur 2666.11 LAMENTATIONS. Calvin, J. Commentaries oil the. 5494.8 See also : Bible. LA MESANGERE, P. de. Dictionnaire desproverbes francais. 3e ed. Paris, 1823. 8 2684.13 LAMETHERIE,J.C. de. Logons de geologic. Paris, 1816. 3v. 8 3864.16 Theorie de la terre. 2e ed. Paris, 1797. 5v. 8. 3864.6 LAHI, G. Dcliciae ervditorvm, sev vetervm opvs- cvlorvm collectanea. Florentiae, 1736-69. 18v. 16 *4747.1 Contents, Vol. I. De Michaele Glyca ej usque scriptisdissertatio; Michaelis Glycoa epistolse parsl. II. Prologusgaleatus; Leonis Urbevetani chronicon pontificum. III. Leonis Urbevetani chronicon im- peratorum. IV. Nicctae Ileraclecusis enarratio iu cpistolam I. ad Corinthios. V. Michaelis Glyea; tpis- tolsa pars 2. VI.- VIII. I>. Bonincontrii historic SicuUe. IX. Maximi Margunii, Dionysii Cateliaui, Antonii Eparchi, Arsenii Monembasiensis cpistolce. X., XL, XIII., XVI., XVIII. Charitonis ct Ilipjjo- phili hodoeporica, XII. Dialogus fratris Paul! Florentini de origine ordinis servorum: F. D. Joan- nis operis quod Theoticon inscribitur libri duo ; T. Maffei in Cosmi Medicei detractorcs libellus; P. Red- diti exhortatio ad Petrum Mediccum; Acta apocry- pha 8. Romuli. XIV. Catalogus Gracus codicum MSS. [cum interprctatione Latina] Zenonis Pistori- ensis j Pietosa fonte, poe'ma di Zenonc da Pistoia in morte de F. Petrarca, composta 1374. X V. Gabriclis Severi ct aliorum Graecorum reccntiorum epistolx. XVI. Francisci Carrariensis poematiou; Instrumenta antiquactepistolae; Acta 8. Genesii Mini! martyris Italice versa et illustrata. XVII. Delia famiglia, dcl- la persona, degl' impieghi, e delle opcre di messer Bosone da Gubbio, trattato di F. M. Roffaelli. XVIII. Vita della B. Oriuga Cristiana. Lezioni di antichita toscane, e spezialmente della citta di Firenze. Firenze, 1766. 2v. 4. 2730.7 Memorabilia Jtalorvm ervditione praestan- tivm. Florentiae, 1742-48. 3v. 16 .... 2749.15 See also : Novelle letterarie di Firenze. LAMINDO Pritanio. Pseud. See Muratori, L. A. LAMOIGNON, G. de, Vie de. /SeeGaillard,G. H. . 4666.6 See also : Malesherbes. LA MOLETTE, P. du Contant de. See Du Contant de la Molctte, P. LA MONNOYE, B. de. Observations sur les juge- mens des savans [d'A. Baillet.] See Menage, G 2191.2 LAMOUICIEEE, C. L. L. Juchault de, Portrait his- torique de. Castille, C.H 2659.10 Shelf. No. LA MOTIIE, dit La Hode. La vie dc Philippe d'Or- leans. Londres, 1736. 2v. Bm.8 2649.2 LAMOTHE, L. Nouvelles etudes sur la legislation charitable. Paris, 1850. 8 3570.76 LA MOTIIE-LE-VAYER, F. de L'ombre de Ho- mere, ode. [Cesarotti. Opere, v.O] . . . . 2798.1 Liberty and servitude. See Evelyn, J. . . . 2601.2 LA MOTTA, J. de. Investigation of the properties and effects of the spiraea trilbliata, or Indian physic. Philadelphia, 1810. 8" . . . . *M.Pph.v.4 LA MOTTE-FOUQUE, F. H. C. v. Lebensgeschichte, aufges. durch inn selbst. Halle, 1840. 8. 2847.5 Undine, a miniature romance, transl. by Rev. T. Tracy, n.p. n.d. 8 *Pph.v.315 LAMOUROUX, J. V. F. Histoire naturelle des zoophytes, ou animaux rayonnes. See En- cyclopedic methodique A. 167. 3 LAMPADIUS, W. A. Felix Mendelssohn-Barthol- dy. Ein Denkmal f iir seine Freunde. Leip- zig, 1848. 16 4049.10 LAMPLIGHTER, The. See Cummins, M. S. . . . 2408.2 LAMPREDI, G. M. Diritto pubblico universale, volgarizzato dal dott. D. Sacclii. 2a ed. riv. ecorr. Milano, 1828. 4v. 10 3616.14 Del governo civile, degli antichi Toscani e delle cause dclla lor decadcnza. Lucca, 1760. pp.87. 4 *2750.14 Saggio sopra la filosofia degli antichi Etrus- chi. Firenze, 1756. pp.83. 4 *2750.14 LAMPREDI, U. Lettere inedite. See Castreca- Brunnetti, E 2747.3 LAMPUIDIO Antonio. Pseud. See Muratori, L. A. LAMPS. Veterum lucernse sepulcrales collectae ex cavernis et specubus subterrancis urbis Romae. Bartoli, P. S 2950.4 LAMSON, A. Discourse at the funeral of the Kev. J. White, 1852. Boston, 1852. 8 ... *Pph.v.272 Doctrine of two natures in Christ. Boston, 1828. 12 *Pph.v.255 LANARK, Scotland, History of. Davidson, W. . 2475.13 LANCASHIRE. Baines, E. sen. History of Lan- caster 2491.5 Bamford, S. Dialect of South L 2580.31 Gregson, M. History and antiquities of Lancaster 2460.3 Ducatus Lancastriae pars prima-quarta. See Great Britain. Record Commission. . . . 7000.10 Housman, J. Topographical description of . 2493.21 Leigh, C. Natural history of 3900.2 Ormerod, G. Miscellanea palatina 2493.11 Post-office directory of 2483.2 Remains, literary and historical, connected with. See Chetham soc 2415.1-17 West, T. Guide to the lakes in . 2493.22 See also : Evesham,Furness,I,iverpool,Manchester, Warrington, Whalley. LANCASHIRE dialect. Tim Bobbin's Lancashire dialect and poems. Collier, J E.209.7 LANCASTER, Sir J. Voyage to the East Indies. [Knox. New collection of voy. v.2] . . . 2263.1 LANCASTER, Joseph. Chief events and transac- tions in the life of J. L. written by himself. New Haven, 1833. 8 *Pph.v.8S Improvements in education. 3d ed. London, 1805. 8 3596.3 [Extracts from a report of J. L.'s progress from the year 1798, with report of the fi- nance committee for 1810, address of the committee, etc.] New York, 1811? 12 . *Pph.v.205 [Report of singular results in J. L.'s new dis- coveries in education.] n.p. n.d. 8 . . *Pph.v.89 LANCASTER, duke of. See John of Gaunt. LANCASTER, Eng. See Lancashire. LANCASTER, Mass. 200th anniversary of the set- tlement of. Willard, J 2356.10 See also : Leominster. LAXCEA, J. De aetate B. Gregorii Agrigentinorum episcopi dissertatio. [Opuscoli di autori siciliani, v.-l] 4764.1 LANCELOT 447 LANGUAGE Shelf. No. LANCELOT, A. Justification do la concluite de Philippe de Valois, dans le proces de Ro- bert d'Artois. [Leber. Coll. diss. hist. France, v.17] 2618.1 LANCELOT, C. New method of learning the Greek tongue. Transl. and imp. by T. Nugent. New ed. London, 1808. 8 2964.5 New method of learning the Latin tongue. Transl. and imp. by T. Nugent. New ed. London, 1816. 2v. 8 2933.3 LANCET, The. 1821 59. Two volumes annually. Ed. by T. Wakley. London, 1824-59. 30v. 4. 41v. 8 *5743.1 LANCETTE franjaisc, gazette des h6pitaux. 1 Jan. 1842 31 Mars 1842. 2!) Nov. 1845 28 Fev.1840. 185359. [Paris,] 1842-59. 8v. f.*3760.1,2 LANCETTI, V. Pseudonimia, ovvero tavole alfa- betiche de' nomi fluti o supposti. Milano, 1830. 8" *2144.3 LAND titles in Massachusetts, History of. Sulli- van,J 3672.2 LANDAIS, N. Dictionnaire general et gramma- tical des dictiounaires francais. Nouv. od. rev. et cor. par Chesurolles et Barre. Paris, 1855. 2v. 4 *2681.2 Complement du grand dictionnaire des die- tionnaircs fran;ais, n-d. par une societe de savants sous la direct, de MM. Chesurolles et Barre. Paris, 1854. 4" *2681.3 Grammaire generate des grammaires fran- 9ai,scs. 5e ed. Paris, 1845. 4 *2683.2 LANDEN, J. Animadversions on Dr. Stewart's computation of the sun's distance from the earth. London, 1701. pp.14. 4' . . . . **E. 193.22 Discourse concerning the residual analysis. London, 175S. 4 **E.193.22 Mathematical lucubrations. Lond. 1754. 4. **E.193.22 Mathematical memoirs, with tables of theo- rems for the calculation of fluents. London, 1780-89. 2v.ini. 4 **E.191.13 Observations on converging series, with ap- pendix. London, 1781. pp.87. 4 . . . **E.193.22 The residual analysis. London, 1764. 4- **E.1 See also : Bronchitis. LARYXX. Green, H. Polypi of the 3795. S Gross, S. D. Foreign bodies in the air-pas- sages 3795.7 Henle, F. G. J. Vergleichend-anatomische Beschreibung des Kehlkopfa 3871.2 Porter , W. H. Surgical pathology of . . . . 3755.12 LA SAGRA, R. de. Cinco meses en los Estados Uni- dos, de la America del norte. Paris, 1830. 8. 2302.13 Cinq niois aux Etats-Unis, 1835. Trad, de 1'Espagnol par R. Bai'ssas. Bruxelles, 1837. 10 2309.10 Historia cconomico-politica de la isla de Cuba. Habaua, 1831. 4 2310.20 LA SALE, A. Les quinze joyes de mariage. 2e ed. Paris, 1857. 10" 2009.22 LA SALLE 450 LATIN Shelf. No. LA SALLE, A. E. G. Histoire et description de Sicile. See Artaud de Montor, A. F. . . . 2266.26 LA SALLE, R. de. Voyage pour decouvrir 1'cm- bouchure du fleuve de Missisipy. See Ca- velier, SI 2311.23 Journal du dernier voyage de. SeeJoutel. . 2369.2 Last voyage to the gulph of Mexico. See Joutel 2369.1 LASCA. Pseud. See Grazzini, A. F. LASCARIS Gtiarini, G. B. Juris naturae et gentium principia et offlcia. Romae, 1778-79. 2v. 4. 3614.1 LAS CASAS, B. La decouverte des Indes occiden- tales. Paris, 1701. 12 2319.5 Karratio rcgionura Indicarum per Hispanos quosdam vastatarum verissima. Franco- furti, 1598. sm.4 *2311.16 LAS CASES, M. J. E. D. Atlas historique geneal. chronol. et geographique de A. Lesage. Paris, 1825-26. f *22.L.3 Genealogical, historical, chronological atlas. 3d Am. edition. Philadelphia, 1821. f . . *2280.1 Memorial de Ste. Helene, oil se trouve ce qu'a dit et fait Napoleon. Kouv. <$d. Paris, 1840. 9v. 12 2642.12 Refutation de la relation du Capt. Mait- land, etc. re'digee sur les documens de. See Barthe, F 2642.4 LASCELLE8, H. Speech at the British coffee- house, June 17, 1807. London, 1807. 8. *Pph.v.306 LASCELLES, W. S., and Naylor, Rev. Dr. Speech to the electors of the borough of Wakefleld, with questions and answers. Wakcfield, 1834. 8 *Pph.v.306 LA SEINE, P. Homeri nepenthes, seu de abolendo luctu. [Gronovius. Thes. Graee. antiq. v.ll] 2960.2 LASEENA de Santander, C. A. Historical essay on the origin of printing. Newcastle, 1819. imp. 8 *2120.9 LASH, The, or truths in rhyme. By Eustacius Swammerdam. n.p. 1840. 8 *Pph.v.ll7 LA SOR et Texier, Le cte de. Traite de photogra- phic. Nouv. ed. Paris, 1857. 12 4024.9 LASPEE, H. de. Calisthenics, or bodily culture. London, n.d. 8 3591.6 LASSAIGXE, J. L. Dictionnaire des reactifs chi- miques. Paris, 1839. 8 3983.9 Histoire de digestion. See Leuret, F. . . . 3763.12 LASSALA, E. Componimenti poetici. [Raccolta di opuscoli scientific!, ecc. v.4] 5274.1 LASSEN, C. Zur Geschichte der griecliischen und indoskythischen Konige in Baktrien u.s.w. Bonn, 1838. 8 3044.3 LASSUS, J. B. L., Duval, A., and Didron. Cath&- drale de Chartres. Paris, 1842 suiv. f. [France. Coll. de doc. ined. 107] *2700.14 LASSUS, Orlando. See Lattre, R. de. LAST enemy, The, conquered. Burgess, G. . . 3455.12 LASTESIO, N., or Laste, N. dalle. Narrazione in- torno L. ; Opere a stampa del L. ; Apollo Vaticanus. [Morelli. Operette, v.3] . . . 4774.1 Lettere. [Raccolta di prose e lettere nel se- colo 18, V.2] 2767.2 LASTEYIUE du Saillant, C. P. de. Des objets qui doivent entrer dans la formation d'un cabi- net economique, et de leur classification. n.p. n.d. pp.40. 4 **E.211.2 LATCH, J. Cases in the king's bench during the i, 11, and in years of Charles I., transl. by F. X. Martin. Newbern, [N. C.] 1793. sm.8. 3696.9 LATE occurrences in North America, and policy of Great Britain. London, 1766. pp. 41. 8.*2325.11 LATERAN. La patriarchale basilica Lateranense. Valentini, A 4050.7 LA TERRIERS, P. Political and historical account of Lower Canada. London, 1830. 8 . . . 2311.12 LATHAM, John. Facts and opinions concerning diabetes. London, 1811. 8 *3740.47 LATHAM, John H. Construction of wrought iron bridges. Cambridge, 1858. 8 4014.9 Shelf. No. LATHAM, P. M. Lectures on diseases of the heart. [1st vol. 2d ed.] London, 1846. 2v. 12 . 3803.8 LATHAM, R. G. Elementary English grammar. Rev. ed. Cambridge, 1852. 12 7049.26 Inaugural lecture at university college, Lon- don, Oct. 14, 1839. London, 1840. 8 . *Pph.v.l21 and Forbes, E. Nat. hist, of the crystal pal- ace described : ethnology by Dr. Latham, botany and zoology, by E. Forbes. London, 1854. pp. 92. 16 4089.28 LATHBURY, T. History of the nonjurors. Lon- don, 1845. 8 3525.8 LATHOM family, Genealogical memoirs of the. See Ormerod, G 2493.11 LATHROP, John, D D. Discourse, delivered in Hollis street church, at the interment of Rev. S. West. Boston, 1808. 8 .... *Pph.v.267 Discourse delivered on the Lord's day, 17 May, 1812. n. p. 1812. 8 *Pph.v.240 LATHROP, John H. Address on the antimasonic excitement. Albany, 1830. 8 *Pph.v.82 LATHROP, Joseph. Sermons. Worcester, 1793. 8. *3448.7 LATIMER, II. Works, ed. by G. E. Corrie. Cam- bridge, 1844-45. 2v. 8. [Parker soc. 16] . 3493.18 Contents. Sermons and miscellaneous remains. Sermons. [Fathers of the English church, v.2] 3477.20 LATIN hymns of the Anglo-Saxon church, [ed. by J. Stevenson.] Durham, 1851. 8". [Sur- tees soc. 23] 2417.22 LATIN language. Grammar, lexicography, etc. Adam, A. Latin grammar 7089.4-7 Adler, G. J. Latin grammar 7089.2 Ainsworth, R. English and Latin dictionary. 7058.4 Andrews, E. A. First lessons in Latin . . . 7089.19 - Latin grammar 2933.5 Arnold, T. K. First Latin book . . . . .7089.11,12 - Gradus ad Parnassum 2932.5 - Latin prose composition 7089.8 Biglow, W. Introd. to the making of Latin. 7089.10 Bradley, C. Exercises in Latin prosody . . 7099.11 Carson, A. R. Rules for the relative, qui, quae, quod 7089.18 Champollion, A. Paleographie des classiques latins 2120.18 Coles, E. Latin-English and English-Latin dictionary E. 205. 16 Dana, J. First book of Latin exercises . . . 7089.16 Dictionnaire universel frangois et latin de Trevoux A. 180.1 Doederlein, L. Lateinische Synonyme nnd Etymologieen 2934.2 Donaldson, J. W. Introduction to the philo- logical study of the Latin language .... 2955.2 Du Cange, C. du F. Glossarium ad scriptores mediae et infimae Latinitatis 2940.1 Entick, J. Latin-English dictionary . . . E.208.8 Foglietta, U. De linguae Latinae usu et praes- tantia 2934.8 Forcellini, E. Totius Latinitatis lexicon . . 2931.1 Gesner.J. M. Linguae Romanae thesaurus . . 2930.1 Gould, B. A. Latin grammar 7089.4 Gradus ad Parnassum 2986.6 Jacobs, C. F. W. Latin reader 7089.14 Lancelot, C. Port-Royal Latin grammar . . 2933.3 Leverett, F. P. Lexicon of the Latin lan- guage E. 203.8 - New Latin tutor 7089.9 Lexicon Anglo-Latinum. [Camden Society, no. 25, 54] 2416.25 Madvig, J. N. Latin grammar 2933.2 Maigne d'Arnis, W. H. Lexicon manuale ad scriptores mediae et infimae Latinitatis . . 2931.3 Mair, J. Introduction to Latin syntax . . . 7089.3 - Latin and English dictionary E.208.2 Manuzio, A. Epitome orthographic .... 2934.9 Nizzoli, M. Lexicon Ciceronianum 2910.11 Noltcn, J. F. Lexicon Latinae linguae . . . 2932.7 Ramshorn, J. G. L. Lateinische Grammatik. 2933.4 - Lateinische Synonymik 2933.1 LATIN 451 LAUDERDALE Shelf. No. LATIN language, continued. Rudiments of Latin syntax and prosody . E.224.8 Scheller, 1. J. G. Prsecepta stili bene Latini. 2934.1 Schoppe, K. Institutiones grammaticae Latinae. 2933.6 Sears, B. Prussian method of teaching the . 7089.36 Sharpe, L. Quantities of proper names in the Latin classic poets 2934.6 Spclman, H. Glossarium archiaologicum con- tinens Latino-barbara vocabula 2930.2 Torsellino,O. Departiculis Latinse orationis. 2933.7 Valla, L. De linguae Latinae elegantia . . . 2934.7 Valpy, F. E. J. Dictionary of the 2932.6 Varro, M. T. De lingua Latina 2945.4 Weld, A. H. Latin lessons and reader . . . 7089.13 "VVhipple, F. H. Rules for pronunciation. Pph.v.217 Yonge, C. D. Gradus ad Parnassum .... 2986.7 See also: Classical, Philology. LATIN literature. Collections and history. Bartolommeo, F. Ammaestramenti degli an- tichi Latini 2789.5 Bergeron, P. Litterature romaine 2953.1 Burmann, P. Anthologia veterum Latino- rum epigrammatum et poematum 2911.3 Cardella, G. M. Compendio della storia della bella letteratura latina 2770.22 Charpentier, J. P. Les dcrivains latins de 1'empire 2952.10 Dunlop, J. History of Roman literature . . 2953.2 Fabricius, J. A. Bibliotheca Latina .... 2954.14 Funck, J. N. De adolescentia Latinae linguae. 2953.9 - De origine et pueritia Latinse linguae . . 2953.7 -De imminenti sencctute Latina; linguae . 2953.5 -De inert! ac decrepita Latinae linguae se- nectute 2953.8 Lemaire, N. E. Bibliotheca classica Latina, sivc collectio auctorum class. Lat 2917.4 Lindemann, F. Corpus grammaticorum Lat- inorum veterum 2912.10 Meyer, H. Oratorum Romanorum fragmenta. 2912.5 Montalant-Bougleux. Poesie latine sous Louis XIV 2934.17 Nisard, M. D. Etudes sur les poetes latins dc la decadence 2953.4 Poetae Latini minores. [Lemaire. Bib. class. Lat. v. 134-140] 2912.1 Poeti latini nelle loro piu celebrl traduzioni italiane 2911.2 Schoell, SI. S. F. Histoire abrdgee de la lit- tcrature romaine 2953.3 Staveren, A. van. Auctores mythographi La- tiui 2911.4 Vannucci, A. Studi iutorno alia letteratura lutina 2953.21 Volpi,G. De natura ct rationc satyrae Latinae. 2953.20 Wcichert, J. A. PoUtavum Latinorum vita: et carminum reliquiae 2912. C Wells, W. Excerpta quaedam e scriptoribus Latiuis probatioribus 2912.7 Wernsdorf, J. C. Poetae minores Latini . . 2912.4 See also : Classical, Philology. LATINI, B. II tesoretto e il favoletto. Illustr. dall' ab. G. B. Zaunoni. Firenze, 1824. 8. 2792.7 11 tcsoro, volgarizzato da B. Gamboni. Vene- zia, ia39. 2v. 12 4777.22 Sopra il Tesoro di. See Sorio, B 2803.8 LATITUDE. Gauss, C. F. Bestimmung des Brei- tenunterschiedes zwischen den Sternwarten von Gottingen und Altona E. 186. 23 Margetts, G. Horary tables for shewing L. 3910.1 Schumacher, H. C. HUlfstafeln zu Breiten- bestimmungen E. 188. 18 Truxton, T. Remarks, instructions, and ex- amples relating to E.182.9 LA TOUCIIE, G. dc. See Guymond de La louche. LATOUR, A. de. Petits chefs d'oouvre historiques. Paris, 1854. 2v. 12 4667.3 Contents. Vol. I. La conspiration de Walstein, par Sarrazin; Conspiration dc Fiesque, par le cardinal de Retz; Campagncs de Rocroy et de Fribourg, par Henri de Besses Revolution de Russic en 1762, par Shelf. No. LATOUE, A. de, continued. Rulhieres; Precis de 1'hist. des Maures en Espagne, par Florian. II. Conjiiration des Espagnols centre Venise, par 1'abbc de Saint-Real ; Revolutions de Por- tugal; Revolutions de Suede, par 1'abbe Vertot. LATOUK, A. L. War in West Florida and Loui- siana, 1814-15, with an atlas. Philadelphia, 1816. 2v. 8" 2376.7 LA TOUR D'AuvERGNE, F. il. de., due de Bouillon. Memoires de la vie dc. See Langlade, J. de. 2649. 13 LA TOUR D'AUVERGXE, H. de., due de Bouillon. Memoires. [Michaud. Coll. mem. hist. Fr. Ser. 1, v.ll] 2611.1 - Same. [Petitot. Coll. mem. hist. Fr. Ser. 1] v.35of 2615.1 Langlade, J. de. Particularitez de la vie et des mceurs de 2649.13 Memoires iibersetzt. [Schiller. Hist. Mem. UteAbth. v.7, 8] 2613.1 LA TOUR LANDRY, G. de. Le livre pour 1'ensei- gnement de ses fllles, publ. par A. de Mon- taiglon. Paris, 1854. 16 2669.23 LATOURETTE, M. A. L. C. de, and Rozier, F. De- monstrations ele'mentaires de botanique. Lyon, 1787. 3v. 8 3854.4 LATREILLE, E. de. Manuel de photographic. Nouv. ed. Paris, 1856. sm. 12. [Mauuel- Roret.] 4024.10 LATREILLE, P. A. Cours d'entomologie, accom- pagne d'un atlas. Paris, 1831. 2v. 8 . . 3884.23 Families naturelles du regne animal. Paris, 1825. 8 3880.11 Histoire naturelle des fourmis, et mcmoircs sur les abeilles et autres insectes. Paris, 1802. 8 3874.15 Histoire naturelle des salamandrcs dc France. Paris, 1800. 8 3875.9 Dictionnaire entomologique. See Encyclope"- die mdthodique A. 157.4 LA TRKMOUILLE, H. C. de. Memoires [autob.J du prince de Tarente. Liege, 1767. 12 .... 2649.8 LA TRKMOUILLE, L. de. Panegyric du chevalier sans reproche. [Michaud. Coll. mem. hist. Fr. Ser. 1, v.4] 2611.1 - Same. [Petitot. Coll. me"m. hist. France. Ser. 1, v.14] 2615.1 LATROBE, B. II. Anniversary oration before the society of artists of the U. S., 8th May, 1811. pp.32. 8 v.ll of 3202.1 Information respecting American copper mines. [No title-page.] 12mo *Pph.v.207 LATROBE, C. J. Rambler in North America. 1832 -33. 2ded. London, 1836. 2v. 12 . ... 2362.16 LATROBE, J. H. B. African colonization : an ad- dress, May 25, 1853. Bait. 1853. pp.26. 8. 3572.7 Colonization and abolition : an address, May 13, 185-'. Baltimore, 1852. pp. 46. 8 ... 3572.7 History of Mason and Dixon's line. Phila- delphia, 1855. pp. 52. 8 2328.1 Memoir of Benj. Banncker. Baltimore, 1845. 8 3572.5 LATTRE, R. de, or Lassus, O. de. See Dehn. Prac- tische ilusik-Wcrke 4051.4 Contents. Vol. IX. Motetti 2 vocum, No. 1-24; 3 vocum, 25-35; 4 vocum, 36-61; 5 vocura, 62; G vocum, 63-67 ; 8 vocum, 68; 9 vocum, 69; 10 vocura, 70 ; J2 vocum, 71, 72. XXIV. 1'J Motcttcn a4 voci. XXVI. Psalmi pcenitentiales vii., S. W. Dehn cdid., 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 voci. Dehn, S. W. Biographische Notiz iiber . . . 4045.4 Delmotte, II. F. Notice biographique . . . 4045.3 Mathieu, A. Notice . 4045.2 L'AUBESPINE, S. de. Lettres, etc. relatives au regne de Francois II 2650.24 LAUD, W. Life and times of. See Lawson, J. P. . 3555.6 LAUDER, T. D. Highland rambles and long le- gends to shorten the way. Edinburgh, 1853. 2v. 12 2576.4 Legendary tales of the highlands. London, 1841. 3v. 12 2576.3 LAUDERDALE, earl of. See Maitland, J. LAUDONNlfiRE 452 LAW Shelf. No. LAUDONNIERE, K. de. L'histoire notable dc la Floridc, mise en lumierc par Basanier. Pa- ris, 1853. 10 2319.9 Brevis narratio eorvm qvae in Florida Amer- cae provicia Gfillis accidcrunt. [Bry. Coll. peregrin. Ser. 1, T.I] 2300.26 LAUENBURG, Gcschichte des Herzogthums. Kobbe, P. L. C. v 2830.18 Staats-Eecht des Herzogthums. Schlegel, J. P. W 2820.4 LAUGIER, C. do Bcllecour de. Fasti e vicende dcgl' Italian! dal 1801 al 1815. Firenzc, 1838. 137. 1C" 4749a.5 LAUN, F. pseud. See Sehulz, F. A. LAUREA Tullius. See Lemaire. Poet. Lat. min. v.137] 2912.1 LAURENUERG, J. Enarratio Gracciae antiquae. [Gronovius. Thes. Graec. antiq. T.4] . . . 2960.2 LACKENCE, J. Z. Diagnosis of surgical cancer. London, 1855. pp.77. 8" 3755.4 See Lawrence. LAURENT, A. Chemical method, notation, etc. transl. by W. Odling. London, 1855. 12. [Cavendish soc.] *3974.3 LAURENT, F. Histoire du droit des gens. Gand, 1850. 3v. 8 3614.5 LAURENTIAN library. La libreria mediceo-lauren- ziana. Kossi,G. 1 4100.9 LAURENTIUS. Sermo in vigiliis S. Benedict!. [Migne. Patrologiae T.133] 3460.12 LAUEENTIUS, bp. of Novara. Homiliae duse ; Li- ber de muliere Chananaea. [Migne. Patro- logiae T.66] 3450.7 LAURENTIUS, monJi of Liege. Gesta episcoporum Virdunensium et abbatum S. Vitoni. [Migne. Patrologias v.204] 3470.26 LAURENTIUS, F. Mirantisches Flo'tlein oder geist- liche Schafferey. 3te Aufl. Franckfurt, 1711. 8 *4058.11 LAUKENTIUS, G. Commcntarius in Hcrmogenis tractatum de ideis, etc. [Autori del ben parlare, p. 3, v.3,5] 3590.10 LAUKENTIUS Lydus, J. Joannes Lydus, ex recog- nitione I. Bekkeri. Bonnae, 1837. 8. [Cor- pus script, hist. Byz. T.31] *2968.1 Contents. Hasii commcntarius et prsefatio de os- tentis; De mcnsibusj De magistratibus; De ogtentisi Hasii animadversionea in librum de ostcntis. De magistratibus reipublicae Komauae. Gr. et Lat. Ed. J. D. Fuss. Praef. C. B. Hase. Parisiis, 1812. 8 2996.1 De mensibus, Gr. et Lat. Ed. G. Rother, etc. Lipsiae, 1827. 8 2996.2 Fragmenta. [Lemaire, v. 122] 2913.4 LAUKER, J. F. De amphistomo conico. Gryph- iae, [1830.] pp.20. 4" 3874.1 LAURETUM sive carmina in laudem Laurentii Me- dicis. Ed. altera. Florentiae, 1820. 4 . . . 2741.12 LAURIE, T. Sermons. Edinburgh, 1811. 8 . . 3441.15 LAUKUS cassia of Linnaeus. See Wight, K. . M.Pph.T.35 LAUSITZ [Ober.] Conspectus fungorum in Lu- satiae superioris agro Niskicnsi crescentium See Albertini, J. B. v 3856.2 LAUTIER, G. A. Praktisch-theoretisches System des Grundbasses der Musik und Philoso- phic. Berlin, 1827. 8 *4057.5 LACTVERGNE, H. De 1'agonie et de la mort. Paris, 1842. 2v. 8 3765.12 Les forcats, sous le rapport physiologique, moral et intellectuel. Paris, 1841. 8 . . 3575.29 LAVAGNA, F. Esperienze sul sangue menstruo j Sul inclinazioue dell' utero gravido. See Opuscoli scientifici, v.1,2 3911.5 LAVALLKE, J.,andGueroult, A. Espagne. Paris, 1844. 8. [L'Univers] 2266.18 Lacroix, F., and Gregory, G. C., etc. Es- pagne jusqu' a 1847, lies Baleares, Sard- aigne, Corse. Paris, 1850. 8. [L'Univers] 2266.19 LAVALLEE, T. Histoire de la maison royale de Saint-Cyr. Paris, 1853. gr.8 4641.3 Shelf. No. LAVALLEE, T. continued. Histoire des Frangais. lOe dd. Paris, 1854. 4v. 12 2028.3 LAVALLETTE, M. C. de. Memoires et souvenirs. Paris, 1831. 2v. 8 2653.5 Memoirs, written by himself. London, 1831. 2v. 8 2053.4 LA VARENXE, C. de. Les rouges peints par eux- mSmes. Paris, 1850. 12 4652.27 LAVAS, Structure of. Lyell, C 3861.31 LAVATER, J. C. Essays on physiognomy, transl. by H. Hunter. Lond. 1789-98. 3v. in 5. 4. *3600. 1 LAVEAUX, J. C. T. de. Dictionnaire des difficul- tds de la langue francaise. 3e cd. Paris, 1847. 8 2683.3 Nouveau dictionnaire de la langue fran;aise. 2e ed. Paris, 1842-43. 2v. 4 *2680.6 L'AVERDY, C. C. F. Proces de Jeanne d'Arc; Reflexions sur la conduite qu'atenu Charles vn a 1'egard de Jeanne d'Arc, au siege de Compiegne. [Leber. Coll. diss. hist. Fr. T.17] 2618.1 LAVERGNE, L. G. L. Guilhaud de. Economic ru- rale de 1'Angleterre, de 1'Ecosse et de 1'Irlande. 2e ed. Paris, 1855. 12 .... 4002.22 LAVEZUOLA, A. See Carcano, G. Poeti satirici italiani, T.4 2809.3 LAVILLE, J. C. de. Continuation dea causes cele- bres. tfee PitaTal. 3709.1 LA VILLEMAKQUE, T. Hersartde. Barzas-Breiz. Chants populaires de laBretagne. Paris, 1839. 2r. 8 2670.27 LAVOISIER, A. L. Elements of chemistry tr. by K. Kerr. 5th ed. Edinburgh, 1802. 2T. 8 . 3972.9 Essays, physical and chemical. V. I. Transl. by T. Henry. London, 1776. 8 3972.8 Guyton de Morveau, L. B. Methodc de no- menclature chimique 3973.10 - Table of chemical nomenclature proposed by 3971.4 LAW, John. Money and trade considered. Glas- gow, 1750. 16 3648.25 Histoire de. See Thiers, L. A 4667.13 LAW, Jonathan. Oratio funebris. See Stiles, E. . 3456.52 LAW, W. Call to a devout and holy life. 17th ed. Boston, 1818. 12 3446.1 LAW of Java, The: a play. See Colman, G.,the younger Pph.T.215 LAW. Bibliography. Assemani, G. S. Bibliotheca juris orientalis canonici et civilis 3611.1 Butterworth, J. General catalogue of law books 2185.6 Catalogue of books on foreign law. See Lon- don. Soc. Lincoln's Inn 2185.11 Catalogue of law books 2185.8 Clarke, J. Law books of the united kingdom. 2185.4 Dupin, A. M. J. J. Bibliotheque choisie a 1'usage des etudiants en droit 2185.5 - Bibliotheque choisie des livres de droit . 2185.2 Engelmann, W. Bibliothecajuridica .... 2185.1 Worrall, J. List of law books 2185.9 Comprehensive and miscellaneous works. Aguesseau, H. F. d'. (Euvres completes . . 3628.3 American law-magazine 3660.1 Bentham, J. Works 3624.1 Dumoulin, C. Jus Gallicum, Ilomanum, can- onicum 3690.2 Duni, E. Opere complete 3622.1 Felice, F. B. de. Code de 1'humanite .... 3623.1 Fritot, A. Principes dlementaires du droit . 3617.1 Hayward, J. New England and New York law register for 1835 6339.17 Hoffman, D. Course of legal study 3625.13 Lerminier, E. Introduction a 1'histoire du droit 3617.4 - Philosophic du droit 3638.12 Mittermaier, C. A. J. Zeitschriftfiir Rechts- wissenschaft 5297.1 LAW 453 LAW Shelf. N LAW, continued. Morgan, J. Essays 3030. Pickering, J. Alleged uncertainty of the . E. 110.1 Pothicr, K. J. (Euvres 3617. Powell, W. Law list, England and Wales, 1850 2485.1 Romagnosi, G D. Opcrc 3022. Story, J. On the conflict of laws 3025. Vicat, B. P. Vocabularium juris utriusque . 3033. See also : Digests, Jurisprudence, Beports, Trials. Law of nature and of nations. Azuni, D. A. Droit maritime de 1'Europe . 3016. Buondelmonti, G. Dirittodellaguerragiusta. 3615.1 Burlamachi, J. J. Principii del diritto na- turale 3610.1 - Principes du droit de la nature, et des gens 3615. H - Principles of natural and politic L. 3614.11, 12, II Chitty, J. Practical treatise on the law of nations 3614.9 Cussy, F. de. Dictionnaire du diplomate et du consul 3034.9 Dumont, J. Corps universel diplomatique du droit des gens 3610.1 Felice, F. B. de. Logons de droit de la na- ture et des gens 3614.16 Gagern, H. C. E. v. Critik des Volkerrechts. 3015.8 Gerard de Rayneval, J. M. Institutions du droit de la nature 3615.15 Grotius, II. De jure belli et pacis 3015.5 - Eights of war and peace 3615.10 Lampredi, G. M. Diritto di natura e delle gcnti 3010.14 Lascaris-Guarini, G. B. Juris naturae et gen- tium, principia 3614.1 Laurent, F. Histoire du droit des gens . . . 3614.5 Lawrence, W. B. British claim to exercise a maritime police 3615.1 Manning, W. O- Commentaries on the law of nations 3614.8 Martens, C. v. Causes celebres du droit des gens 3614.6 - Nouvelles causes celebres 3614.7 Morris, G. Answer to war in disguise . . . 3615.3 Moscr, F. C. v. Staats-und Volker-Recht . 3016.13 Ortolan, T. Regies Internationales 3615.0 Pinheiro-Ferreira, S. Principes du droit pub- lic 3610.12 Poison, A. Principles of the law of nations. 3616.10 Pritchard, W. T. Digest of all reported cases on international law 3020.6 Puffendorf, S. Law of nature and nations . 3610.2 Reddic, J. Inquiries in international law . 3615.4 Rutherforth, T. Institutes of natural law . 3615.20 Stephen, J. War in disguise 3615.3 Thomas, J. A. International law 3616.8 Vattel, E. v. Droit des gens 3615.13 - Law of nations 3614.15,17 Ward, R. Foundation and history of the law of nations in Europe 3614.10 - Rights and duties of belligerent and neu- tral powers 3015.18 Wheaton, H. Elements of international law. 36,14.2,3, 4 Wicquefort, A. L'ambassadeur et ses fonc- tions 3611.7 Zambelli, A. Laguerra 3953.14 See also : Consuls, Diplomacy, Maritime law, Ne- gotiations, Neutrality, Privateers, Treaties, Visita- tion. Civil or Roman. Bucher, C. P. F. Darstellung des justiniani- schen Privatrechts 3612.5 Butler, C. Historical account of 3638.2 Codex Theodosianus 3620.*4 Codices Gregorianus, Hermogenianus, Theo- dosianus 3611.2 Corpus juris civilis Justinianei 3620.3 Corpus juris Romani antejuBtinianei 3611.3 Shelf. No. LAW, continued. Dirkscn, H. E. Zwolf-Tafel-Fragmente . . 3612.3 Domat, J. Les lois eiviles dans leur ordre naturel 3680. 3 Funck, J. N. Leges XII tabularum resti- tutze et illustratae 2953.5 Gliick, C. F. v. Erlauterung dor Paudecten. 3018.1 Heineccius, J. G. Elementa juris civilis . . 3012.13 Hugo, G. Jus civile antejustiniancum . . . 3012.4 Juris civilis antcjustinianei rcliquia; 2925.17 Mackeldcy, F. Manuel de droit romaiu . . . 3012.15 Manuzio, P. De legibus 3612.14 Mortreuil, J. A. B. Histoire du droit byzan- tin dans Pcmpire d'Orient 3012.8 Ortolan, J. J. E. Histoire de la legislation romaine 3612.7 - Explication historique dea instituts de Justinien 3612.6 Otto, E. Thesaurus juris Romani opuscula . 3700.2 Poncclet, F. F. Motifs et discours sur le code civil 3610.6 Savigny, F. C. r. Geschichte des roniischen Rcchts 3612.10 Terrasson, A. Histoire dc la jurisprudence romaiue 3630.2 Valeriaui, L. Leggi delle dodici tavolc esa- minate 3612.2 Laws of modern nations. China. Ta Tsing Leu Lee. Penal code, transl. by Staunton. See China 3621.18 Colombia. Cuerpo de leyes por sus congrcsos 1821-2? 3610.14 England. Coke, E. Laws of England . . . 3625.5 - Dalrymple, J. History of feudal prop- erty in Great Britain 3709.2 - Fortescue, J. De laudibus legum Angliae. 3709.3 - Herbert, W. History of English law . 3633.3 - Houard, M. Coutumes anglo-normaudes. 3611.6 - Kelham, R. Laws of William the con- queror 3633.8 - Leo, II. Rectitudines singularum per- sonarum. [Anglo-Sax.] 3612.9 - Parkes, J. History of the English court of chancery 3625.12 - Termcs de la ley. Lawes of this realme expounded 3634.20 - Wooddeson, R. View of the laws of England 3625.11 See also: Charter, Great Britain, Kent, Magna charta. France. Bulletin des lois 3619.1 - Code civil des Fraugais. See France . . 3637.20 - Dalloz, V. A. D. Jurisprudence generate du royaume 3670.12 - Demolombe, J. Cours de code Napoleon. 3638.4 - Duranton,A. Cours de droit frangais . . 3627.1 - Eyraud, d'. Administration de la justice, en France 3627.3 - Gand, N. Code des etrangers 3637.4 - Guichard, A.C. Jurisprudence municipale 3671.6 - Klimrath, II. Travaux sur 1'histoire du droit francaia . . 3037.8 - Laferriere, M. F. Histoire de droit fran- cais 3627.2 - Laget do Podio. Nouvelle juridiction des consuls de France 3615.11 - Michclet, J. Origine du droit francais . 3638.13 - Mollot, P. E. Regies de la profession d'avocat 3634.10 - Pardessus, J. M. Loi salique 3611.4 - Raynouard, F. Histoire du droit muni- cipale en France 3037.3 - Renard, fi. Lois municipales 3637.6 - Rogron, J. A. Codes fransais cxpliques. 3610.3 - Royer-Collard, P. P. Les codes francais. 3610.7 - Wcstoby, W. A. S. Legal guide for resi- dents in F 2034.8 See also: Beauvoisis, Normandy, Salic law. Germany. Eichhorn, C. F. Deutsche Staats- und Rechtsgeschichte 3616.9 LAW 454 LEAKE Shelf. No. LAW, Germany, continued. - Zocpfl, II. Deutsche llechtsgeschichte . 3610.10 Hayti. Les six codes d'Haiti 3709.4 Italy. Apologia dcllc leggi di giurisdizione in Toscana 3463.30 - Napoleon I. Codice di Napoleone il grande pel rcgno d' Italia 3610.8 Scotland. Bell, G. J. Commentaries on the laws of S 3621.1 Spain. Eockwell, J. A. Spanish and Mexi- can law in relation to mines and real estate. 3672.1 United States. Hilliard, F. Elements of American L 3625.7 - Walker, J. Introduction to American L. 3625.3 See also : United States, and the names of the sev- eral states. LAW, canon. See Canon law. LAW, criminal. See Criminal law, Death penalty, Indictments, Punishments, Transportation. LAW, ecclesiastical. Illustration of the law of church-rate. Hale, W. H 3690.3 LAW, maritime. See Maritime law. LAW, mercantile. See Mercantile law. LAW, naval. See Admiralty, Privateers. LAW of evidence and medical jurisprudence. See Evidence. LAW of courts, pleadings, practice. See Admir- alty, Chancery, Conveyancer, Coroners, Declarations, Entries, Equity, Executions, Indictments, Inns of courts, Instructor clericalis, Jury, Nisi prius, Notaries, Plead- ings, Police, Sheriffs, Writs. LAW of personal property and personal rights. See Bailment, Bankrupts, Commercial law, Copyright, Corporations, Insurance, Liter- ary property, Manufactures, Maritime law, Patents, Penal law, Railways, Succession, Wills, Women. LAW of real property. See Buildings, Convey- ancer, Flats, Heirs at law, Insurance, Land- lords, Land titles, Mortgage, Purchasers, Railroad laws, Real estate, Real property, Rent, Sales, Succession, Tenant, Tides, Vendors, Wills. LAWES, E. The act for promoting the public health, with notes. London, 1849. 12 . . *7064.17 LAWLESS, V. 'B.,lord Cloncurry. Design of a law for promoting the pacification of Ireland, and the improvement of the Irish territory and population. Dublin, 1834. pp.34. 8 . 3570.60 Personal recollections, with correspondence. Dublin, 1849. 8 2454.5 LAWRANCE, J. O' B., and Coates, B. H. Experi- ments to determine the absorbing power of the veins and lymphatics, n.p. n.d. 8.*M.Pph.v.27 LAWRENCE, A. Memoir of. See Prescott, W. H. 2340.9 LAWRENCE, E. A. Discourse on D. Webster, Mar- blehead, Oct. 31, 1852. Boston, 1852. 8.*Pph.v.263 LAWRENCE, John, b. 1609. Genealogy of the fam- ily of J.L. of Watertown. Boston, 1857. 8". *2331.5 Memoir of the family of J. L. of Watertown, 1630. [Boston,] 1847. 8 *2331.4 LAWRENCE, Rev. John, rector of Telvertost, 1717. Clergyman's recreation, shewing the art of gardening. 5th ed. London, 1717. 8. . . *3992.26 Fruit-garden kalendar, to which is added an appendix [on] the barometer. London, 1718. 8 *3992.26 Gentleman's recreation: or second part of the art of gardening. 2d ed. Lond. 1717. 8.*3992.26 LAWRENCE, John, esq. Memoir of Sir T. C. Bun- bury. Ipswich, 1821. 8" *Pph.v.250 LAWRENCE, R. F. New Hampshire churches, con- gregational and presbyterian. Claremont, N.H. 1856. 8 3544.10 LAWRENCE, T. Cabinet of gems, with memorials by P. G. Patmore. London, 1837. pp.30. 4.*4060.13 LAWRENCE, W. Diseases of the eye, with numer- ous additions by I. Hays. New ed. Phila- delphia, 1854. 8 3804.4 - Sheie No. LAWRENCE, W. continued. Hunterian oration. London, 1846. pp.68. 8. 3721.15 Introduction to comparative anatomy 'and physiology. London, 1816. 8 3886.7 Lectures on comparative anatomy, physiol- ogy, etc. 9th ed. London, 1848. p. 8" . . 3886.18 Treatise on ruptures, from 6th London ed. Philadelphia, 1843. 8" 3755.5 Venereal diseases of the eye. Lond. 1830. 8. *3804.7 LAWRENCE, W. B. Address before the American academy of fine arts. New York, 1825. pp.44. 8 s *Pph.v.58 Colonization and subsequent history of New Jersey: a discourse. Somerville, 1843. 8.*Pph.v.l67 Representative institutions : a discourse be- fore the New York hist. soc. 1832. New York, 1832. 8 *Pph.v.86 Two lectures on political economy. New York, ia32. 8 *Pph.v.86 Visitation and search : an historical sketch, etc. Boston, 1858. 8 2322.3 LAWRENCE academy. See Groton, Mass. LAAVRENCE family. See Whitmore, W. H. . . . 2333.13 LAWEIE, A. History of freemasonry, with addi- tions by C. W. Moore. Boston, 1829. 16 . 3569.37 LAWS. Cicero, M. T. Delegibus 2928.10 Destutt de Tracy, A. L. C. Commentaire sur 1'espritdes lois 3563.20 - Commentary and review of the spirit of. 3563.21 Matter, J. De 1'influence des mo3urs sur les lois et des lois sur les mceurs 3617.3 Montesquieu, C. de S. de. Spirit of . . .3503.18,19 LAWSON, James. Giordano, a tragedy. New York, 1832. 8 2405.2 LAWSON, John P. Bible cyclopaedia, with essays by Dr. Fleming and G. Scott. Edinburgh and London, n.d. 3v. 1.8 *3481.2 Life and times of Wm. Laud, abp. of Canter- bury. London, 1829. 2v. 8 3555.6 LAWSON, T. Army meteorological register, 1843- 54. Washington, 1S55. 4 *C. 140.2 LAWSON.W.J. History of banking. Lond. 1850. 8. 3646.6 LAWYER'S fortune, The : a comedy. Grimston, W. 2575.5 LAWYERS. Knapp, S. L. Biographical sketches of eminent L 2345.4 Livingston, J. Eminent American L. . . . 3634.1 Willard, J. Eminent L. in Massachusetts . 3634.2 LAYARD, A. H. Nineveh court in the crystal pal- ace. London, 1854. pp.80. 16 4089.36 LAYCOCK, J., and son. Catalogue of books now selling. [London,] 1828. 8 *2139.7 LAZARE, F. and L. Dictionnaire des rues de Paris, et de ses monumens. Paris, 1844. 4. *2631.4 LAZARI, V. Zccche e monete degli Abruzzi nei bassi tempi. Venezia, 1858. 8 2731.2 LAZARILLO de Tormes. See Mendoza, D. H. de. 3105 . 17, 18 LAZIUS, W. Grseciae antiquae variis numismatibus illustrate. [Gronovius. Thes. Graec. antiq. V.6] 2960.2 Rei contra Turcas gestae, anno 1556, descrip- tio. [Schwandtner. Script, rerum Hun- garic. v.l] 2810.2 LAZZERELLI, G. F. Lacicceide legittima, [poesie.] Ed. 5a. Londra, 1772. 16 4767.11 LAZZERINI, P. Riflessioni sopra le lenti per gli occhiali. [Inghirami. Nuova coll. di opus- cull, etc. v. 2] 2767.5 LEAD diseases. Clutterbuck, H. New method of treating *M.Pph.v.57 Harrison, J. B. Contamination of water by the poison of lead 3809.7 Tanquerel des Planches, L. Lead diseases and lead pipe 3807.1 LEAD mines of Missouri, View of the. School- craft, H. R 2373.9 LBAHEY, E. Narrative of the conversion of the writer from Romanism to the Christian re- ligion, [etc.] Philadelphia, 1846. 12 . *Pph.v.230 LEAKE, J. Chronic diseases peculiar to women. 3ded. London, 1777. 8 *3776.21 LEAKE 455 LEBER Shelf. No. LEAKE, J. continued, Observations on the child-bed fever. See Churchill, F 3714.3 LEAKE, S. M-. Historical account of English mon- ey from the conquest. 2ded. Lond. 1745. 8. 2532.6 LEAKE, W. M. Disputed questions of ancient ge- ography. London, 1857. 8 2280.2 Journal of a tour in Asia Minor. Lond. 1824. 8. 3075.7 Outline of the Greek revolution. London, 1820. p. 8" 3078.2 Topography of Athens. London, 1821. 8 . 3075.8 Travels in northern Greece. Lond. 1835. 4v. 8. 3075.6 LEAMINGTON Spa, Historical account of 2502.7 Mineral waters of. Scudamore, C. . . . M.Pph.v.74 LEANDER. Kegula ; llornilia in laudem ecclesiae. [Migne. Patrologias v.72] 3450.12 LEARN to die. Sutton, C 3440.44 LEARN to live. Sutton, C 3440.45 LEARNING. See Erudition, Knowledge. LEATHAM, W. Letters on the currency. London, 1840. 8 *Pph.v.306 LEAVITT, J. Cheap postage. Remarks and statis- tics. Boston, 1848. pp.72. 8 3G52.3 LE BAS, P. Allemagne. Paris, ia38. 2v. 8. [L'Univers] 2200.4 Etatsde la confederation germanique. Paris, 1842. 8. [L'Univers] 2206.14 France. Annales historiques. Paris, 1840- 43. 2v. 8. [L'Univers] 2200.22 France. Dictionnaire encyclopedique. Paris, 1840-45. 12v. 8. [L'Univers] 2644.2 Suede et Norwdge. Paris, 1841. 8. [L'Uni- vers] 2270.10 LE BASTIER, J. Theorie de 1'equilibre econo- miquc 3566.10 LEBEAU. Nouveau code des prises. Paris, 1798- 1800. 3v. 4 *3020.5 LEBEAU, C. Histoire du Bas empire. Nouv. ed. augm. d'apres les historiens orientaux par M. dc St. Martin, et continuee par M. Bros- set. Paris, 1824-30. 21v. 8 *3074.1 LEBEAU, J. Parabole de 1'cfon prodigue, en pa- tois de Nahrte Ouvergna. Paris, 1823. pp. 7. 8. [ Journal asiatique, v. 3] *3317.1 LEBEAU, S. Code des bris, naufrages, etc. Nouv. dd. Paris, 1844. 8 3602.25 LEBER, F. Praelectiones anatomicae. Ed. nova, cui accesserunt observationes, cur. J. Wil- son. Edinburgi, 1700. 8 3752.3 LEBER, J. M. C. [Salgues, J. B., and Cohen, J.] Collection des dissertations relatives a 1'his- toire de France. Paris, 1838. 20v. 8 . . . *2G18.1 Contents. Vol. I. Premiere partie. Origines, pre- liminaircs dc 1'histoirc de France : Preface; Observa- tions de 1'edileur; Analyse de 1'ouvrage intitule De 1'origine des Fransais ct de leur empire, par Audiairr: Critique Bingulicre des vieilles traditions sur les ori- gines cclliques; Expose de 1'opinion Buivanl laquclle les Francs eeraicnt descendus dcs Troyens, par Ma- lingre ; Dissertation dans laquelle on tachc de demeler la veritable originc des Franjais, par un parallclc de leura mceurs avcc celles des Germains, par Vertot ; Essai sur 1'origine des Franjais, par Leibnitz ; Opi- nion de Freret sur 1'origine des Franjais; Dissertation Bur 1'origine des Franjais, oil Ton examine s'ils des- cendent des Tcctosoges, anciens Gaulois etablis dans la Germanic, par Vaissette ; Observations sur le nora de Merovingiens, par Freret; Memoirc sur les Mero- vingiens, par Gibert ; L'origine des Francs, par Ri- bauld de Rochefort; Expose de 1'opinion ancienne sur 1'origine du nom de Francois, par Malingre ; Re- marques sur 1'origine des Francs ct 1'ctymologie de Icurnoni, par Gibert; Critique de 1'opinion de Gi- bcrt sur 1'etymologie du mot Franjais, par L. Bottu ; Opinion de Freret sur 1'etymologie du nom de Fran- ffais ; Dissertation sur le nom dcs Franffais, par Bul- let; Etymologies des noms des rois de France, dcpuia Mnrcomir, par Dreux du Radier ; De 1'cpoque de la monarchie f ransaise, par Vertot; Resume du systeme de 1'abbe Du Bos sur 1'elablissemeut des Francs dans laGaule; Sur 1'origine de la monarchie franoaise, et la pretendue deposition de Clulderic, par Daniel ; Analyse de la dissertation de D. Liron, en n'ponse a la preface historique du pere Daniel; Du premier roi de France, par Griffet; Sur la veritable epoquo de I'ctablissemeut fixe des Franca dans les Ganles ; Shelf. No. LEBER, J. M. C. continued. Sur la verite ou la faussete de 1'expulsion de Childerie, de 1'elevation d'Egidius en sa place, et de son reta- blissemcnt sur le trone, Sur 1'espece ct 1'etendue de 1'autorite d'Egidius et de Sbgrius, son fils dans le Sois- Bonnais, etc., Sur le lieu ou s'est donnee la fameuse bataille de Soissons, par Biet. II. Suite du meraoire precedent ; Examen de differens scntimens sur 1' fepoque de 1'etablissement fixe des Francs dans les Gaules, par Gibert ; Opinion de Freret surl'epoque de I'etablisscinent des Francs dans laGaule; Sur le tombeau de Childerie ler, par Ribauld de Rochefort. Deuxieme partie. Geographic. Observations ; De- scription de la Gaule, a 1'epoque oil les Francs s'y sont etablis, par d'Anville; Dissertation dans laquelle on recherche depuis quel temps le nom de France a fete en usage pour designer une portion dcs Gaules, 1'etendue de cette portion, etc., par Lebeuf; Sur 1' etendue du royaume de France dans la premiere race, parde Fonccmague ; Examen de la question Quelles provinces, cites ou places furent ajoutees suceessive- ment au royaume dc Soissons, et en quelles annees, par Fenel ; Sur les limites de 1'empire de Charle- magne, par P. L. Lieble ; Tableau geographique, de l'empire franffais, a la mort de Louis-lc-Debonnaire, par 1'abbe Belley; Des limites d'une partie du roy- aume, du cote de l'empire avant 1'an 1301, par Le- vesque de la Ravaliere; Sur les noms Francia et Franci, et les litres Reges Francorum ct Reges Francia:, par Bouamy; Sur I'ordre politique des Gaules, qui occasionna le changemcnt de nom de plusieurs villes, par Belley; Remarques sur 1'etymo- logie des noms franjais des provinces, villes, etc. III. Troisieme partie. Culte. Sur la nature ct les dogmes de la religion gauloise, par de Chiniac de la Bastide; Sur le temps de 1'etablissemcntde la religion chritleune dans les Gaules, par J. Longueval ; Ana- lyse de la dissertation de dom Liron sur 1'etablisse- ment de la religion chretienne dans les Gaules ; Sur 1'etat dcs eveques en France sous la premiere race de DOS rois, par Bullet; Sur les libertes de 1'eglise galli- cnne, par Floury, etc.; De 1'inquisition en France, et de la bulle in Cocna Domini; De la pragmatique sanction et du concordat dc Francois ler ; Sur I'etnt des Juifs en France, depuis 1'origine de la monarchie jusqu'au siecle dernier ; Dc la police rcligicuse en France, par La Marrc. IV. Quatrieme partie. Or- ganisation socialc. Sur les textes de la loi salique, par 1'editeur; De la loi salique, premiere des Fran- ffois, et fondamentale de France, par C. Malingre; Du mot de Sale, et par occasion dcs lois et terres saliques, par Du Cange ; Sur 1'origiuc des lois snliques, et si c'est precisiment en vertu de 1'article LXII, paragraphe (!, quc les filles dc nos rois sont exclues de la succes- sion a la couronne, par Vertot ; Dissertation dans la- quelle on examine si le royaume de France, depuis 1'etablissemcnt de la monarchie, a etc un elat hercdi- taire ou un etat electif, par le memc; Deux memoires pour ttablir quo le royaume de France a ete succes- sif hereditairc dans la premiere race, par De Fonce- magne; Sur le partage du royaume de France dans la premiere race, par le mcrne; Memoire, dans Icquel on examine si les fillcs ont ete exclues dc la succes- sion au royaume, en vertu, d'unc disposition de la loi salique, par le memo; Sur le droit qu'avaient les cn- fans dcs rois de succeder a la couronne de leur pere, par Lebeuf; Sur la maniere dont uos premiers rois prenaient possession de la souveraine puissance, par Bullet; Sur le sacrc dc nos rois de la premiere race, par lememc; Sur les regenccs en France, par de Brequigny; Sur les causes principales qui ont con- tribue a detruire les deux premieres races dc nos rois, par Dumont; Deux traictes de la souvcrainete du roi et de son royaume; Preuvcs de la preeminence de nos rois, par Bullet ; Du titre de tres-chretien, par Griffet; Sur le titre de tres-chreticn que portent nos rois, par Bullet; Des litres de Consul ct Auguste don- nes a Clovis, par Griffet; Des litres de Majeste, Sire, et aulres qualifications royalcs, par Piganiol dc la Force; Memoire au sujctde 1'abbaye de Saint-Mar- tin de Tours qui a les rois de France pour abbes per- petuels ; Sur les abbea seculiers, par Sauval ; Sur 1'origine ct la signification de la formulc, far la grace de Dieu, par Bonamy. V. Hisloire de 1'ancicn gou- vernement dc la France, par le comte de Boulainvil- liers; Examen critique d'unc opinion de Boulainvil- licrs, par De Foncemagnc ; Dissertation pour servir a 1'histoire des premiers temps de la monarchie f'rnn- Saise, par Damiens de Gomicourt ; L'existence du liers-elat sous les deux premieres races, par Gauticr do Sibcrt; Traite de 1'origine du gouvernement fran- gais, par Gamier; De I'etat des persounes en France sous la premiere et la seconde race de nos rois, par de Gourcy ; Sur les ecrits relatifs aux etats-generaux, par 1'editeur. VI. Des litres de Dues, Comtes, ct Marquis, par Daniel; Observations supplementaires sur cc su- LEBEIt 456 LEBKlt Shelf. No. LEBER, J. M. C. continued. jet, par Gauticr dc Sibert; Sur le litre de Marcliis, par Calmet; De 1'origine et le caractere des barons, par 1'editeur; Sur le titre de Dauphin, par Bullet; Da surnoin des cnfans dc nos rois, par Piganiol de la Force; De 1'origine des noms de M. le prince, M. le due, Mouscigneur, Mademoiselle, Madame, Mon- sieur, etc., par Duelos; Des batards dc la maison de France, par Duelos; L 'origine des grands-officiers de la couronue, en general, par Piganiol dc la Force; Sur ics maires du palais, par Damicns de Gomicourt; Surles fonctions et 1'origine du comte palatin, par Sabbathier ; Sur la dignile de conuelable, par Dami- ens de Gomicourt; Supplement sur la suppression du non notable, par le meme; Dignite de marechal de France, par Daniel; De la dignite d'amiral de Frances par le meme; Du chancellor de France, par Piga- niol de la Force; Venalite des charges dc judicature et de finance, par 1'Hopital de Bellesbat, etc.; Sur I" origine dc la pairie, par 1'editeur; Sur 1'insti tution des pairs de France, par Bullet; Sur 1'ordre dea anciens pairs laiques; Sur la pairie, par le president Uenault; Des assemblies ou parlemens sous la premiere race, par Daniel; DCS parlemens erigcs en cours de justice, par Piganiol de la Force; Additions sur les parle- mens, par 1'editeur; Sur le mortier des presidcns, par Bullet; Sur les cours qui exerar le cardinal de Riche- lieu ; Les parallcles de la noblesse, par le sieur de Catherinol; Remarques sur une medaille de Fran- gois I, et sur la salamandre qui'il avail adoptee pour devise; Traite des rois de France avec les arche- vesques de Rouen, par lesquels ils les obligent de vc- nir unc fois 1'an a leur cour, etc. ; Traite dc Richard, Cceur-de-lion, avec 1'archevesque dc Rouen d'es- change des villes d'Andely, aux comtes de Dieppe et Bouteillcs, etc.; Traitu de 1'origine des anciens assasins-porte-couteaux, avec quelques cxemples de leurs atteutats et homicides es personnes d'aucuna rois, princes ct seigneurs de la chrestiente, par Lebey- de-Balilly. Shelf. No. LEBER, J. M. C. Sur 1'apprdciation de la fortune prive au moycn age. Seed. Paris, 1847. 8. 3041.10 LEBERT, H. Physiologic pathologiquc, ou re- cherches sur 1'inflammation, la tuberculisa- tion, [etc.]. Paris, 1845. 2v.8. Atlas 4. 3703.17 Traite pratique des maladies scrofuleuses et tuberculeuses. Paris, 1849. 8 3795.13 LEBEUF, J. Trait6 historique ct pratique sur le chant ecclesiastique. Paris, 1741. 8 ... *4059.5 See Leber, J. M. C. Coll. diss. hist. Fr. . . 2018.1 Contents. Vol. II. Dissertation dans laquellc on recherche depuis quel temps le nom de France a ete en usage pour designer unc portion des Gaules; L'etendue de celte portion ainsi denommee, etc. IV. Sur le droit qu' avaient les enfans des rois de eucce- der a la couronnc de leur pere. VII. Remarques sur les dons annuels fails anciennement aux rois de France de la seconde race. XV. Sur 1'etal des sci- ences de 1031-1:114; Notice des differentes secies de philosophes. XX. Remarques sur quelques pieces curieuses au sujel d'un ancien Missorium, elc. LEBEY-DE-BATILLY, D. Trait6 de 1'orlgine des assasins-porte-coutcaux, avec quelques ex- emples de leurs attentats et homicides es personnes d'aucuns rois, princes et sei- gneurs de la chrestient^. [Leber. Coll. diss. hist. France, v. 20] 2018.1 LEBLANC, H. Defense de la basse de viole contre les entreprises du violon, ct les pretentious du violoncel. Amsterdam, 1740. 12 ... *4059.39 LEBLOND. Ueber den Eitter Gluck und seine Werke, aus dem Franzosischen von J. G. Siegmeier. 2te Ausg. Berlin, 1837. 12. .*4040.1G LEBRIXA, A. de. Dictionarium Latino-Hispani- cum, et Hispanico-Latinum. Antverpiae, 1570. 4 *3033.6 LEBROCQUY, P. Analogies linguistiques : du Flamand dans ses rapports avec les autres idiomes d'origine teutonique. Bruxelles, 1845. 8 2883.3 LEBEUN. Manuel du cartonnier. Paris, 1845. sm.12". [Manuel Roret] 4019.19 Manuel du mouleur. Paris, 1850. em. 12. [Manuel Roret] 4019.13 LE BKUN, P. Explication des prieres et des ce- remonies de la messe. Nouv. ed. Paris, 1777-78. 8v.in4. sm.8 3448.6 LEBRUN, P. D. E. CEuvres choisies. See Mal- lierbe, F. de 4078.19 Contents. Odes, epitres, epigrammes, poesies di- verses. LE BRTJYN, or Le Brun, C. Voyages. Rouen, 1725. 5v. 4" *2270.16 LE CAT, C. N. Sur 1'evacuation periodique du sexe. Amsterdam, 17G5. 8 *3770.22 LECCHI, A. See Raccolta del moto dell' acque . 3942.1 Contents. Vol. VI. Piano della separazione, iual- veazionc, e sbocco de' tre torrenti di Tradate, del Gardaluso, c del Bozzente. XIV. Trattato de' ca- nali navigablli. LE CHATEHER, L. Experiments on locomotive engines. See Gouin 4011.8 LECHEVALIER, J. B. Voyage de la Propontide et duPont Euxin. Paris, 1800. 8 3083.5 Voyage de la Troade en 1785-80. 3e ed. Pa- ris, 1802. 3v. 8 307C.4 Bryant, J. Observations on a treatise on the plain of Troy by 2991.16 Rennel, J. Observations on the topography of the plain of Troy by 2991.13 LECIEUX, A. Renard, Laisne, G. and Rieux, J. J. G. Medecine legale. Paris, 1819. p. 8 . *?,:^.7 Contents. Considerations sur 1'infanticidc, sur la maniere de proceder a 1'ouverture des cadavres, sur les erosions et perforations spontanees de 1'cstomae, et sur I'ccchymose, la suggilation, la contusion, la meurtrissure. LE CLERC, D. History of physick, made English by Drake and Baden. London, 1099. 12. 37:35.14 LE CLERC, J. Bibliotheque ancienue ct moderne. Amsterdam, 1714-30. 29v. sm.!2 *2189.2 Bibliotheque choisie. Amsterdam, 1703-18. 28v. sm.12" *2199.2 LE CLERC 459 LE GALLOIS Shelf. No. LE CLERC, J. continued. Bibliotheque univcrsclle et historique de 1'annee 1080-93. Amsterdam, 1080-1718. 20v. sm.l2 2179.2 Histoire dcs Provinees-Unics des Pays-Bas. Amsterdam, 17U3-28. 3v. f *2810.1 Nc'gociations secretes touchant la paix de Minister ct d'Osnabrug. La Hayc, 1725-26. 4v. f *3C20.1 Choice of our religious opinions. [Sparks. Tracts on theology, v.G] 3460.26 Do verbis Grsecorum mediis. See Noble, C. . 2985.14 LE CLERC, J. V. Das journaux chez les Remains. Paris, 1838. 8" 2950.24 Catalogue des MSS. des bibliothcques des de- partcments. See France. Ministry of in- struction. Doc. ined. 2e sdr 2050.3 LECLERC, L. Monogr. des vins. SeeCareme,A. 400G.3 LE CLERC de Septchenes. Religion of the ancient Greeks, illustrated by their mythology. London, 1788. 8 3488.8 LEDE, C. van. De la colonisation du Brdsil. Bru- xelles, 1840. 1.8" G390a.7 LEDAIN, A. Cri de guerre ! ou la France devant PEurope. Paris, 1849. pp.47. 8 4652.9 Le socialisms et la republique. Paris, 1849. pp.52. 8" 3500.14 LEDERMOLLER, M. F. Beobachtungen derer Saamenthiergens, etc. Niirnberg, 1750. pp. 28. sm.4 3879.3 Mikroscopische Gcmiiths-und Augen-Ergot- zung. Nurnberg, 1760-70. 2r. 4 *3883.8 Vertheidigung derer Saamenthiergcn, etc. Nurnberg, 1758. sm.4 3879.2 LEOKU-ROLLIX, A. A. See Breynat, J 3569.17 LEDWICII, E. Antiquities of Ireland. 2d ed. Dublin, 1804. 4 *2473.2 LEDWIX. Constitutio de placito generali. [Migne. Patrologiajv.141] 3460.20 LEDYARD, J. Aventures d'un jeune Anglois. [Gamier. Voyages imaginaires, v. 10] . . . 2000.1 LEE, A. Vindication of the action of the court of bishops, convened at Camden, N. J. Sept. 1853. Philadelphia, 1854. 8 *Pph.v.200 LEE, Gen. Charles. Proceedings of a general court martial at Brunswick, N. J. for the trial of Maj.-gcu. Lee, 1778. Cooperstown, N. Y. 1823. 8 *Pph.v.50 LEE, Charles A. Address to the graduates of Geneva medical college, Jan. 20, 1847. New York, 1847. 8 *M.Pph.v.42 LEE, E. B. Florence, the parish orphan, and a sketch of the village. Boston, 1852. 16 . 2408.18 LEE, Henry, b. 1787. Observations on the writ- ings of T. Jefferson, with reference to the attack they contain on the memory of the late Gen. Henry Lee. N.York, 1832. 8 . *Pph.v.87 - Same. With introd. and notes by C. C. Lee. 2d ed. Philadelphia, 1839. 8" ... 2327.4 LEE, J. II. Origin and progress of the American party in politics. Philadelphia, 1855. 12 . 2328.24 LEE, N. Thcodosius, or the force of love, a trag- edy : with the mu sic betwixt the acts. Lon- don, 1080. pp.03. sm.4 2575. 11 LEE, Mrs. R. Memoirs of baron Cuvier. Lon- don, 1833. 8 2055.3 LEE, R. II. Observations leading to a fair exam- ination of the system of government pro- posed by the late convention, n.p. 1787. pp.40. 8 *6350.10 LEE, Robert. Clinical midwifery, 545 cases. 1st Am. ed. Philadelphia, 1849. 12 3773.21 Reports of ovarian and uterine diseases. Lon- don, 1853. 10" *3776.23 LEE, S. Prolegomena in tcxtuum, archetyporum vcrsionumque antiquarum crisin literalem. See Bible. Polyglotts 3420.3 LEE, Wcyman. Essay to ascertain the value of leases and annuities for years and lives. London, 1738. 8" **E.171.12 Shelf. No. LEE, William, consul at Bordeaux. Les Etats- Unis et 1'Angleterre. Bordeaux, 1814. 8. 2328.19 LEE, William, Ueut. U. S. army. Trial of Col. T. II. dishing before a court martial at Baton Rouge. Philadelphia, 1812. 8 *Pph.v.35 LEECH, J. Pictures of life and character from Punch. Lond. 1857. 2dser. 96 plates, obi. 4. *3152.2 LEECHES. Horn, G. Treatise on M.Pph.v.59 Jourdicr, A. Production des sangsues . . . 3900.7 Moquin-Tandon, A. Monographic de la fa- mille des hirudinees 3874.6 LEEDS, W. H. Present state of architectural study. See Barry, C 4100.18 Outlines and characteristics of style. [Weale. Quarterly papers, v. 2] 4091.6 LEEDS, Eny. Thoresby, R. Ducatus Leodiensis. 2490.3 Wardell, J. History of the borough of . . . 2505.16 Whitaker, T. D. History of 2490.1 LEEMAXS, C. Lettre a Salvoliui sur les monu- mens egyptiens. Leide, 1838. 8 3034.10 LEEJIS, K. Account of Danish Lapland. [Pink- erton. Voyages, v.l] 2260.13 LEERMEESTER, der zcden vertoond in Horatius zinnebeelden, lierzangen, enz. Sesde Druk. Amsterdam, 1781. 12 **E.227.14 LEES, F. R. Teetotalism harmonized with the scriptures, with introductory remarks, by the author of Anti-Bacchus. 2d ed. Lon- don, 1843. 12 *Pph.v.226 Total abstinence discussed at Rotherham. See Bromley, J Pph.v.226 and Kcnedy, C. J. Prize essays to reconcile Deuteronomy xiv. 25, 20, with the principle of total abstinence from all intoxicating drinks. Aberdeen, 1842. 12 *Pph.v.226 LEESER, I. Claims of the Jews to an equality of rights. Phila. 5(501. 1841. pp.99. 8 . . 3489.15 Discourses argumentative and devotional on the subject of the Jewish religion. Phila- delphia, 5397-5001, [1830-41.] 3v. in 2. 6". 3489.15 The Jews and the Mosaic law. Philadelphia, 0594, [1833]. 8 3489.15 LEFEB v RE-STE-MAKIE, G. De la race bovine date de Durham. Paris, 1849. 8 4002.3 LE FEVRE, A. M. La Nouvelle Athenes, Paris, contenant 1'origine des belles lettrcs etc. a Paris, ct la bibliographic. Paris, 1759. 12. 2034.11 LEFEVRE, G. The nerves, ia health and disease. London, 1844. 12" 3802.15 Popular hints for preservation from colds, coughs, and consumption. 1st Am. from 2d Loud. ed. New York, 1844. 8 . . . . *Pph.v.228 LEFEVRE, J., dit Toison d'or. Mc'moires. [Bu- chon. Coll. chron. nat. fr. v. 32, 33] . . . 2017.2 LEFEVRE, J. Annales de Hainaut. See Guyse, J. de 2822.1 LEFEVRE, T. Vitae poctarum Graecorum. [Gro- iiovius. Thes. Graec. antiq. v.10] 2960.2 LEFORT, J. Chimie des couleurs pour la peinture. Paris, 1^55. 12 4007.34 LEFORT, P. Opinion sur la contagion de la flevre jaunc, publiee, avec notes, par J. Sedillot. n.p. 11. d. 8 *M.Pph.v.28 LEFRANC DE POJIPIGXAX, J. J. Didon, tragcdie. [Theatre des auteurs du second ordre. Tragedies, v.3] 2640.19 LE FRANCOIS, L. Methode pour apprendre la geo- graphic, dite de Crozat. Lyon. Nouv. ed. 1823. 12 2289.5 LEFROY, J. H. Probable number of the native Indian population of British America. To- ronto,^ d. 8 *Pph.200 and Richardson. Sir John. Magnetical and meteorological observations at Lake Atha- basca and Fort Simpson and at Fort Con- fidence. London, 1855. imp.8 **E. 186.7 LEPROY, T. E. P. See Nicholl, H. I. LE GALLOIS, J. J. C. Experiments on the princi- ple of life, transl. by N. C. and J. G. Nan- crede. Philadelphia, 1813. 8 3765.11 LE GALLOIS 460 LEIBNITZ Shelf. No. LE GALLOIS, J. J. C. continued. Keport of the institute of France on the ex- periments of. See Philip, A. P. W 3765.18 LEGENDRE, A. M. Elements de geometric. 8e <5d. Paris, 1809. 8 **E.196.15 Elements of geometry, transl. Cambridge, 1819. 8 3926.15 - Same. Newed. Bost. 1831. 8. **E. 196.1, 3925.3 Essai sur la theorie des nombres. Paris, 1798. 4 **E.193.6 - Same. 2e eel. Paris, 1808. 4 .... **E. 193.4 Exercices de calcul integral. Paris, 1811-17. 3v.in4. 4 **E.194.9 Nouvelles methodcs pour la determination des orbites des cometes, avec un supplement. Paris, 1800. 4" **E.186.10 Traite des fonctions elliptiques et des inte- grales euleriennes. Paris, 1825-28. 3v. 4.**E.191.19 Methode pour la determination d'un arc du meridicn. See Delambre, J. B. J E.183.8 LEGENDS. Collezione di Icggcnde inedite scritte nel buon secolo dclla lingua toscana . . . . 3557.16 Jameson, A. Legendary art 4066.4 - L. of the Madonna 4006.3 - L. of the monastic orders 4066.2 LEGER, J. Histoire des dglises des vallees de Piemont. Leyde, 1069. f *3540.7 LEGGE, W., earl of Dartmouth. Notes to Burnet's history of his own time. See Burnet, G. . . 2517.5 LEGGETT, W. Political writings, arranged by T. Sedgwick, jr. New York, 1840. 2v. 12 . 2407.7 Tales and sketches, by a country school-mas- ter. New York, 1829. 12 ., 2409.30 LEGHORN. Accademia italiana di scienze, lettere cd arti. Atti. Livorno, 1810. 2v. 4 ... *5272.6 Guigou, P. Topographic de Livourne . . . 2765.8 LEGISLATION. Barbacovi, F. V. Discorsi della scienza della legislazione 3568.8 Comte, F. C. L. Traite de legislation .... 3560.7 Cushing, L. S. Law and practice of legisla- tive assemblies in the U. S 3561.8 Dalloz, A. Dictionnaire generate de legisla- tion 3031.1 Felice, F. B. de. La legislation universelle. 3623.1 Filangicri, G. La scienza della legislazione. 3560.5 Pastoret, C. de. Histoire de la legislation . 3560.8 See also: Constitutional law, Government, Law, Political science, Statutes. LE GLAY, A. J. G. Negociations entre la France et 1'Autriche, 1500-1530. Paris, 1845. 2v. 4. [France. Coll. de docs. ined. Ire ser. v. 75, 7(5] *2650.23 LEGRAND, Jacques G., and Landon, C. P. Paris ct ses ddiflces. Paris, 1806-9. 2v. 8 ... 4103.3 LEGRAND, Joachim. Fifteen dissertations on sub- jects relating to Abyssinia. See Lobo, J. . 3055.16 LEGRAND, M. A. La famille extravagante ; L'a- veugle clairvoyant ; Le roi de Cocagne. [Theatre des auteurs du second ordre. Comedies en vers, v.4] 2640.19 Le galant coureur , ou 1'ouvrage d'un moment ; La nouveaut^. [Theatre des auteurs du se- cond ordre. Comedies en prose, v. 9] . . . 2640.19 LEGRAND D'AUSSY, P. J. B. Fabliaux du xne et du xme siecle. Seed. Paris, 1829. 5v. 8. *2686.1 Histoire de la vie privee des Franjais. Paris, 1782. 3v. 8" 2637.6 LEGRENZI, G. Completorium a 5, 1662. [Dehn. Practische Musik-Werke, v.5] 4051.14 LE GUEN, L. Verdict in the case of L. Le Guen and others. New York, 1797. 8" .... *Pph.v.32 LE HALLE, A. de. Chronique metrique. [Bu- chon. Coll. chron. nat. franc, v.7] .... 2617.2 LEHIGH coal and navigation company. Keport of the board of managers to the stockholders, 1837,47. Philadelphia, 1837, 1847. 8 . *Pph.v.l64 LEHMANN, C. G. Physiological chemistry, transl. by G. E. Day. London, 1853-54. 2v. 8. [Cavendish soc.] *3974.5 Shelf. No. LEHMANN, J. T. Anleitung die Orgel rein und richtig zu stimmen. Leipzig, n.d. pp.31. 8. [Dehn. Mus. paraph.] *4057.12 LEHMANN, M. C. G. De antennis insectorum [diss. acad.]. Londini, 1799. pp.48. 8. . 3899.17 LEHMUS, D. C. L. Grundbegriffe und Lehren der htiheren Analysis und Curvenlehrc. Ber- lin, 1819. 8 **E.176.13 LehrbuchderangewandtenMathematik. Ber- lin, 1818-22. 3v. 8 **E.176.12 Lehrbuch dcr Korperberechnungen, der Geo- statik, Ilydrostatik, Geoinechanik, und Hy- draulik. Berlin, 1822. 8 **E. 176.15 Sammlung von Beispielen, Aufgaben und Lehrsiitzen aus der Arithmetik, Algebra, Geometric, und ebenen Trigonometric. Ber- lin, 1820. 8 **E.176.14 Uebungs-Aufgaben zur Lchre vom Grossten und Kleinsten. Berlin, 1823. 8 . . . . **E.176.17 LEIBNITZ, G. W. CEuvres. Nouv. <5d. precedee d'une introduction par A. Jacques. Paris, 1846. 2v. 12 2907.7 Contents. Vol. I. Nouveaux cssais sur 1'enteude- ment; Opuscules divers. II. Essai de theodicee; Menadologie; Lettres entre Leibnitz et Clarke. Protogaea sive de prima facie tclluris, etc., ed. a C. L. Scheidio. Goettingae, 1749. pp. 86. 4 3877.1 Scriptores rervm Brvnsvicensivm. Hanove- rae, 1707-11. 3v. f" *2810.3 Contents. Vol. I. Excerpta veterum scriptorum de populis ad Albim ct Visurgim; Lex Saxonum; Lex Angliorum et Werinorum; Altfridi vita 8. Lud- gerii Excerptura ex litaniis rythmicis, vitam S. Lud- geri continentibusi ChartulariumWerthinense ; Poutse Saxonia annalcs Carol! Magni; Vita S. Ida;; Transla- tio S. Pusinna?; Legenda de martyribus interfectis in Hamburgh et in Ebbckestorp reconditis; Fragment- urn x martyrum in Ebbekestorp quiescentium pas- sionej Supplementum hiatus annalium Fuldensium; Vita Mathildis. regina; Germania:; Summacapitum, ex quibus constant tres libri Widukindi Corbejensis; Var. lect. ex Widukindi codice arch, elect. Dresden- sis; Ilistoria? Witichindi collatio cum MS. cod. bibli- othcca) Casinensis; Litani:e binae in Corbeja Saxonia? usurpatae; Incerti auct. carmen paneg. in laudcm Bcrengarii Augusti ; Translatio reliquiarum corpo- ris S. Kpiphanii ex Italia in llildcsheim; De funda- tione quarundam Saxoniae ecclcsiarum a teinporihus Caroli M. ad Ottonem M.; Vita S. Adelheidis impera- tricis, auctore Odilone: Vita D.Brunonis Colon, archi- episc. a Ruotgcro scripta ; Testamentum Brunonis cum eju> epitaphio; Testimonium de Domno Bru- none ex vita Gerhardi abbatis Bronicnsis; Narratio de translatione S. Evergisli ; Vita Theoderici I. ex stirpe Witikindea, scripta a Sigeberto Levita S. Vin- ccntii; De.venerabilibus Palatiuis Rheiii, Ehrent'rido sou Ezone et Mathilde, eorumque filia B. Richcza, regina Polonia;, narratio a monacho Brunwillerensi; Ditmarus restitutus, sive Ditmari episcopi Mersebur- gensis gesta Saxonum, libris vin comprehensa, [qui- bus Caesarum Brunsvicensium historia contiue.ur]; Vita Ditmari ex codice MS. cujusdam chronici antistitum Merseburgcnsium; Vita Ucnrici S. imp. ab Adelboldo conscripta ; Vita S. Bernwardi Am Hildesh. cpiscopi, auctore Tangmaro j Narratio de canonisatione ct translatione S. Bcrnwardi ; Com- pendium vitas S. Bemwarcli; Vita S. Godehardi epis- copi Hildenshemensis ; Historia canonisationis S. Godehardi ct translations cj us corporis; Vita Mein- werci episc. Patcrbrunnensis ; Vita B. Ilcimeradi, presbytcri et confessoris, auctore Egberto; Actapon- tificum Romanorum gente Saxonum, Grcgorii v et dementis n ; Guilielmi Appuli historicum poema de rebus Normannorum in Sicilia, Appulia et Calabria gestis, usque ad mortem Robert! Guiscardi ducis; Donnizone Vita Mathildis celeberrirna? priucipis Itaihe, carmine scripta ; Vita Mathildis oratione Eoluta comprehensa; De S. Autore et translatioreliq. ejus in regionem Brunsvicensem ; Reiuehuscnsia abbatis opusculum de familia Winzenburgensi et Reinhardi episcopi Halberstadensis ; Impcratorum ab Henrico Aucupe ad Henricum v res pnEclare gesta; ; Annalt-s Hildeuesheinenses ab anno incarnat. Domini, 714-1138 ; Chrouicon episcoporum Hilde- shemensium; Excerpta ex necrologio Ilildesh. eccle- sias veteri; Indiculi confraternitarum ct episcop. Hil- dcnesh. ecclesise ; Nomina archiepisc. et episc. qui primum in Ilildesh. eccles. cathed. canonic! fuerunt; LEIBXITZ 461 LEIBNITZ Shelf. No. LEIBNITZ, G. "W. continued. Excerpta ex libro donationum ecclesia? Hildeshemen- sis; Fragmentum dereliquiisquibusdamcccl.caihed. Hi'.deshemensis; Catalogus episc. Hildenesh. sumtus de chronico E?gehardi Vragiensis abhatis; Versus antiqui dc venerabili Vicelino episcopo Aldenburg- ensi; Compendium vitae et translationis venerabilia Vicelini; ChrouiconWeingartensisraonachide Guel- fls principibua ; Ejusdem chronicon a Christo nato usque ad an. 1197; Arbor geneal. prafixacod. mem- bran. MSTO. hist, de Guelfis principibus ; L. Sund- heimii, ex oppido Ravensburg, canonici Viennensis familia Welphorum; Othonis Moreno; ct Acerbi, Oth- onis F. rerum Laudensium temp. Federici Acno- barbi historia ; Chronicon Stederburgense, cui in- serta est Gerhardi praepositi de Uenrici Lconis pos- tremis rebus gestis narratio ; Excerpta ex nar- ratione de Godescalei visionibus; Excerpta ex Ro- gcrio Hovedeno de rebus gestis Henrici Leonis Sax- oniEe ducis et filii ejus Ottonis IV imp.; Gervasii Tilberiensis, otia imperialia ad Ottonem IV. imp.; Varia? lectiones et emendationes Ditmari, seriua annotate. II. Vita S. Conradi ex Guelfis, cpiscopi Constantiensis; Chronicon vetus ducum Brunsvic. ct Luncburg.; Fragmentum genealogia? ducum Brunsv. et Luneb.; Genealogia ducum Brunsvic. illorum, quL Eimbeck, Osterrot, Hamelen ct Duderstad cum atti- nentiia possederunt, Engelhusio auct.; Narratio Althahensis de quorundam ducum Bavaria? genea- logia et incrementis ; Ger. Maurisii historic dissidi- orum marchionis Estensis cum Ecelino de Romano; Sententia arbitralis Johannis regis Francias super controversia honoris et appellatione ad duellum inter Ottonem ducem in Brunswich et Henricum ducem Lancastriae, 1352 ; Excerpta de gestis Ottonis Taren- tini, ducis Brunsvic. ex Theodorico, de Nyem et Gobelino persona; Excerpta chronolog. de ducibus Brunsv. et de reliquiis ecclesia? colleg. S. Blasii, 1312; Compilatio chron. a temp. Caroli Magni ad an. 1410; Chronicon Riddagcshusanum ad annum usque 1508 continuatum ; Dua? diversae continuationes chronici Engelhusiani, 1424-33; Telomonii Ornatomontani de- scriptio belli inter llenricos jun. etsen. duces Brunsv. etLuneburg. civitatcmque Brunsvicensem circa an. 1492 gesti ; Excerpta ex monasterii S. Michaelis Hil- dens. nccrologio; Chronicon ccclesia? Halberstadeu- sis, 7S1-120D; Historia Albert! II, episcopi Halberstad- ensis, nati ex ducibus Brunsv. 1324-1349; Catalogus episcop. nildesheim. 822-1520; Praecepta Ludovici I et Henrici sancti impp. super terminatione et cir- cumscriptione finium ccclesias Ilildensernensis, 1013; Hcrmanni de Lerbecke chronicon episc. Minden- sium, 780-1480; Chronicon episcoporum Verdensium, 78J-1473; Vita S. Swiberti dicti episcopi Verdcnsis, falso attributa Markelmo presbytero ; Ludgeri I, episcopi monastericnsis relatio de canon. S. Swi- berti eupposititia, 803; Excerpta ex opere Johannis Rhode, archiepisc. Bremensis, quod a nonnullis chronicon appellatur, et inscribitur, Registrum bono- rum et jurium ecclesiae Bremensis ; Chronicon Sax- onum Quedlinb., 364-102'); Annalea antiqui Corbel Saxonica? subinde continuati, 815-1471 ; Roswithaj carmen de primordiis et fundatoribus ccenobii Gan- deshemensis ; Henrici Bodonis ohronici Gandcshe- mensis supplementum, 814-1531; Selectaex chronico ClusinoIIenrici Bodonis,1124-1541 ; DiplomataGandh- ershcimcnsia, aut ex iis excerpta, 877-12.36 ; Narra- tio de fundatione et restauratione monasterii S. Jli- chaelis in Luneburch; Ott. Kultzingi narratio de fundatione et translatione monasterii sui in Lune- borch, 1314-1383; Chronicon cocnobii S. Michaelis in Hildesheim, ordinis S. Benedicti, 1001-1706 ; Job. Le- ga'ii chronicon cocnobii S. Godehardi in Ilildesheim, U36; Narratio de origine monasterii montis S. Maria? prope Helmstede ; Narratio de origine monasterii Marias fontis; Ilenricide Bernten chronicon monas- terii Marienrode; Narratiuncula dc fundatione cceno- bii S. Crucis aptid Brunsvic.; Excerpta ex ordinario ecclesiaj S. Matthaii in Brunsvic. 13-14.'0; M. Job. Buschii liber relbrraationis monasteriorum quorun- dam Saxonia?; Monachi Hamerslebiensis narratio de basilica Goslariensi, ejusque praepositis; Johannis de Polda chronicon eccles. Hamelensis suppletum, 712-1384; Excerpta historiarum memorabilium Cae- earii Heisterbacensis monachi ordinis Cistertiensis loca, quae agunt de rebus Ottonis IV et contempora- neis; Uisputatio carmine conscripta inter Uomam et papam de Ottonis IV dcstitutione ; Chronicon par- vum eeclesiae SS. Simonis et Judae Goslariensis, cum recensione reliquiarum, 912-1106; Uelmoldi et Arnoldi chronica Slavorum, collata cura chronico Corner! manuscripto et subinde emendata ; Loca in Hermanni Corner! chronico inedito ex Helmoldo vel Arnoldo citata, quae tameu apud eosdem quales extant vel plane non, vel alitcr leguntur, 871-1211; Emend. et Buppl. otiorum imperialium Gervasii Tilberiensig Shelf. No. LEIBNITZ, G. W. continued. tomo primo cditorum ; Chronica episcoporum Hild- eusheimensium, necnon abbatum monasterii S. Mi- chaelis, cum supplements ex binis catalogis episcc- porura Hildes. 814-1573; Johannia Buschii, canonici regular!?, libri 4 de reformatione monasteriorum com- plurium per Saxoniam et vicinas regiones, ubi sup- plenturet emendantur jam supra edita; Designatio monasteriorum ordinis S. Benedict!, congregationia Bursfeldensis per Germaniam, virorum duntaxat ; Theodoriei Engelhusii nova chronica ad an. 1433. III. Chronicon principum Brunsvicensium rhyth- micum antiquum sermone vernaculo antiquo, turn Saxouica, turn excditione Gobleri alia dialecto scrip- turn, tempore Heurici mirabilis et Albert! it, ejus fratris; Apogrnphum tabula; vernacular, in basilica S. Blasii Brunsv. suspense; Eberhardi presbyteri de fundatione et incrementis Gandeshemensis ecclesia? versus Saxonici antiqui scripti circa annum 1216; Chronicon Luneburgicum vernac. Saxon, dialecto ab initio ducatus Luneburgici ad an. 1421; Excerpta chronici Hermanni Korneri abanno 1371 ad urberu Luneburgicam pertinentia.cum continuatione ad ann. 14GU, dialecto Saxonica ; Alia continuatio Hermanni Korneri ab anno 1435 ad annum 1438, dialecto Sax- onica; Fragmentum chrouici Bardevicensis, dia- lecto Saxonica ; Narratio vetus de ducis Magui, vulsd Torquati, fatis, lingua Saxonica vernacula; Notitia quiedam rei nummariae Luneburgicae nb an. 1325 ad an. 1525 ; Henricus Lange de origine con- troversia? prrelatorum Luneburgicae circa medium seculi xv, dialecto Saxonica ; Oda Saxonica brevis et carmen Saxonicum prolixius, quibus bellum Hildeshemense an. 1519 et sequentium a contcmpo- raneis describitur ; Fragmentum chronici Hildeshe- mensis, vernaculo Saxonum sermone scripti ; Jo- hannis Stadwegii Poppendicensis chronicon vernac- ulum,omi=sa sunt anteriora usque ad Pipinum regem, procedit usque ad an. 1441; Chronicon Brunsvicen- sium picturatum, dialecto Saxonica consciipt. autore C mrado Bothone, cive Brunsvicensi.cum appcndice ad an. 1489; Chron. breve principum Romanorum, qui Goslariae aut in vicinia egerunt, ct ecclesias privilegiis ornaverunt, dialecto Saxon. 812-1:'JJ; Cat- alcgus vernaculus reliquiarum ecclcsia? collcgiatas Goslariensis, vulgd das Miinster, dictac; Antiquissimse leges municipales civitatia Brunsvicensis quao tem- pore Ottonis I contectau videntur; Ordinarius sena- tus Brunsvicensis, jussu ipsius conscriptus an. 1408, qui continet formam reipublica?, quemadmodum eo tempore in urbeadministrabaturj Leges antiquoa mu- nicipales Ccllcnses, 1301; Leges antiqua: civitntis im- perialis Goslariensis; Leges mctallicae montis Ram- melii prope Goslariam, quales in usu erant circa medium seculi xv; Chronica S. .lEgidii in Brunsvie. alias notus liber sub titulo Compilatio chronologies ad an. 1474; Syllabus abbatum Werthinensiiim, et Uelmstadiensium, auctore fratre Henningo llagen; Umngi monachi Werthinensis in laudem Wcrthina carmen; Wcrneri Roleviukii de antiquorum Saxon- um situ et moribus libri tres; Additiones ct emenda- tionea ad vitam beatao Mathildis regina; Germanias, qua? extat tomo i; Emendationes et supplementum chronici Weingartensis monachi jam tomo i, iliati Guelfis princibus; Excerpta de Guelfis ex viti Arcn- peck presbyteri Frisingensis, chronica Bajoariorura incdita 1019-1180 ; Brevis narratio belli, quod Mag- nus junior dux ejusque fllii cum Luneburgcnsibus gesserunt, a cive, ut apparet, Brunsvicensi, Saxonico idiomate conscripta 1355; Excerpta ex collectaueU pocticis Theodoriei Blockii, Brunsvico-Hildesemen- 818, medici, ciica flnem eeculi XV florcntis; Chrono- logia abbatum Ilsineburgensium, monasterii ad Her- cynios monies diocescosllalberstadiensis; De origine et abbatibus monasterii Luccensis in territorio Hano- verano; De abbatibuB S. Michaelis Luneburgensis ; Henrici Bodonis syntagma de ecdesia Gandesiana ex manuscripto cmendatum, etc.; Arnulphi archi-epis- copi Mediolanensis gesta Mediolanensium; Excerpta ex necrologio monasterii Werdinensia ; Excerptum ex chronico opere Andrea? Danduli, ducis Vcnetia- rum ; Lacuna chronici Magdeburgensis editi, ex manuscripto suppleta; Legum Wisbiensium ab Ilen- rico Leone confirmatarum praefatio; Excerpta ex chronico manuscripto ecclesiao Goslariensis dialecto Saxonica; Leges antiqua? civitatis Luneburgensis de haereditatibus; Excerpta neciologii Fuldensis anti- quisslmi. Essai sur Porigine des Fransais. [Leber. Coll. diss. hist. France, v.l] 2618.1 Otto lettere del Leibnizio. [Archivio stor. ital. Nuova ser. v. 4. p. 2] 5255.2 and Bernoulli!, J. Commercium philos. et mathematicum. Lausannae, 1745. 2v.in 1. 4. 3912.3 LEICESTERSHIRE 462 LEMAIEE Shelf. Ko. LEICESTERSHIRE. Nichols, J. History and anti- quities of the county of 2470.8 Post-office directory 2484.10 LEIDRAD. Liber de sacramento baptism!; Epis- tolte. [Migne. Patrologiae v.99] 3450.24 LEIDY, J. See Smithsonian contributions .... 3340.1 Contents. Vol. V. art. 2, 3. Flora and fauna with- in living animals; Memoir upon the extinct species of American ox. VI. art. 7. Ancient fauna of Ne- braska. VII. art. 5. Memoir on the extinct sloth- tribe of North America. LEIGH, C. Natural history of Lancashire, Chesh- ire, and the Peak. Oxford, 1700. f . . . *3900.2 LEIGH, S. New picture of London. New ed. London, 1824-25. 18 *2487.5 Pocket road-book of England and Wales. 3d ed. London, 1831. 8 *2487.4 LEIGIITON, J. M. History of the county of Fife. Glasgow, 1840. 3v. 4 *2471.11 LEIGHTON, W. A. British species of angiocarpous lichens. London, 1851. 8. [Ray soc. 15].*3824.10 LEIPSIC. Commentarii societatis philologies Lip- siensis. Ed. curavit C. D. Beckius. Lip- siso, 1801-4. 4v.ini. 8 2954.15 Volkerschlacht bei Leipzig. Sporschil, J. . 4643.5 LEIPZIGKU gelehrtes Tagebuch. Eck, J. G. . . . 4058.2 LEKAIN, II. L. Memoires. [Barriere. Mem. rel. a 1'hist. de France, v.6] . . . . , 4667.2 LEKEN spicghcl, Der. See Boendale, J. ..... 2873.1 LE KEUX, J. and H. Architectural antiquities of Normandy. See Britton, J 4101.4 LE LABOREUR, J. Histoire geudalogique de la maison des Bvdes. Paris, 3656. f . . . . *4C40.3 Histoire du marechal de Guebriant. Paris, 1056. f *4640.3 LELAND, John., Eng. antiquary, d. 1552. De rebus Britannicis collectanea, cum T. Hearnii no- tis. Ed. alt. Londini, 1774. Cv. 8 .... *2418.6 Itinerary. 2ded. Oxford, 1744-45. 9v.in5. 8. *2477.1 Life. See Huddesford, W 2455.3 LELAND, John, D. D., b. 1691, d. 1706. View of the principal dcistical writers in England. 2ded. London, 1755. 2v. 8 3435.16 LELAND, T. Life of Philip of Macedon. 2d ed. London, 1761. f *3071.2 History of Ireland. Dublin, 1773. 3v. 4". *2474.1 LELEWEL, J. Geographic du moyen age. Bru- xellcs, 1852. 4v. in 3. 8. Atlas obi. 4 . 2285.1 LE LONG, J. Bibliotheque historique de la France. Nouv. e'd. par Fevret de Fontette. Paris, 1768-78. 5v. f *21G0.1 and Boerner, C. F. Bibliotheca sacra, conti- nuataab A. G. Masch. Halae, 1778-90. 4v. 4". *2180.5 Contents. Vol. I. De editionibus textus originalis. II. De versionibus orientalibus librorum saororum; De versionibus Gracis. III.-IV. De versiouibus Latinis; Index chronologic us. LELYVELD, F. v. Beriehten over het storten van Olie, [enz.] in Zee. Leyden, 1775. 8" . . *Pph.v.l8 LE MAIKE, J. Navigation australe, 1015-17. [Con- stantin. Recueil des voyages, v.4] . . . . 2277.12 LEMAIRE, L. A. F. See Cauchois-Lemaire. LEMAIRE, N. E. Bibliotheca classica Latina. Par- isiis, 1819-38. 142 vols. 8. Namely: Vol. I.-IV. Caesaris, C. J., quse extant opera oinnia, cum notis N. L. Achaintre et N. E. Lemaire. 4v *2917.1 - V. Catulli, C. V., opera omnia, ex edi- tione F. G. Doeringii cui adnotationes adje- cit J. Naudet *2917.2 - VI., VII. Ciceronis, M. T., opera rhe- torica et oratoria. Rcceusuit, et notis Ernes- tii exornavit et suas addidit J. W. Rinn. 2v. *2917.3 - VI1I.-XI1I. Ciceronis, M. T., orationes omnes, curante N. E. Lemaire. Ov *2917.4 - XIV.-XIX. Ciceronis, M. T., opera philo- sophica ad ed. J. V. Leclerc recensita cum notis, curante M. N. Bouillet. Gv *2917.5 - XX.-XXII. Ciceronis, M. T.,epistolarum omnium libri ad ed. J. V. Leclerc recensiti cum notis, curante N. E. Lemaire. 3v. . . *2917.6 Shelf. No. LEMAIRE, N. E. continued. - XXIII. Ciceronis, M.T.,fragmenta ad ed. J. V. Leclerc rec. cum notis cur. Lemaire . *2917.7 - XXIV. Ciceronis, M. T.,quinque indices, ex ed. J. V. Leclerc recog. Lemaire .... *2917.8 - XXV., XXVI. Claudiani, C., omnia op- era. Recensuit N. L. Artaud. 2v *2917.9 - XXVII. Cornelii Nepotis opera, curante J. B. F. Descuret. Notas addidit J. V. Le- clerc *2910.1 - XXVIII. Flori, L. A., epitome rcrum Romanarum, item Lucii Ampclii liber me- morialis, quibus selectas notas subjunxit N. E. Lemaire *2910.2 - XXIX., XXXI. Horatii Flacci, Q., omnia opera, curante N. E. Lemaire. 3v *2916.3 - XXXII. Justini historiarum Philippica- rnm ex Trogo Pompcio libri xi,i v. Textum Wetzelianum, [etc.] illustravit N. E. Le- maire *2916.4 - XXXI1I.-XXXIV. Juvenalis.D. J., sex- decim satire cum notis Rupertianis quibus subjunxit add. N. E. Lemaire. 2v *2916.5 - XXXV. Persii Flacci, A., sex satirae, item Lucilii fragmenta, satira Sulpicise, curante A. Perreau *2916.6 - XXXVI.-XXXVIII. Lucani, M. A., Phar- salia, cum adnotationibus quibus suas addi- dit P. A. Lt-maire. 3v *2916.7 - XXXIX.-XLI. Martialis, M. V., epigram- mata. Illustraverunt quinque Parisiensis academijB professores. 3v *2916.8 - XLII.-LI. Ovidii Nasonis, P., omnia ope- ra, ex recensione Heinsio-Burmanniana [etc.] cum notis, quibus suas add. .) . A. Amar, et novas add. N. E. Lemaire. Metamorpho- seon libri xv Graece versi a Maximo Planude et nunc primum editi a J. F. Boissonade. lOv *2910.9 - LIT., LIII. Phaedri fabularum .^Esopia- rum libri quinque quales publicavit J. G. S. Schwabe. Accedunt Romuli fabularum JEsopiarum libri quatuor quibus novas Phaedri fabellas subjunxit J. B. Gail. 2v.*2916.10 - LIV.-LVII. Plauti, M. A., comcediae, curante J. Naudet. 4v *2915.1 - LV1II.-LXVIII Plinii Secundi, C., his- toriae naturalis libri xxxvn cum selectis commentariis J. Uarduini, etc. cur. Alexan- dre, Ansart, Grandsagne, Desfontaines, De- lafosse. Indices cur. Delaforest. llv. . . . *2915.2 - LXIX., LXX. Plinii Caecilii Secundi, C., epistolarum libri decem et panegyricus cum adnotationibus ed. Schaeferianae quibus suas addidit N. E. Lemaire. 2v *2915.3 - LXXI. Propertii, S. A., elcgiarum libri quatuor, quibus accedunt imitat. et index. *2915.4 - LXXII.-LXXIV. Curtii Rufi, Q., de re- bus gestis Alexandri Magni libri supcr- Btites, cum supplementis J. Freinshemii quibus notas addidit N. E. Lemaire. 3v. . *2915.5 - LXXV.-LXXX. Quintilianus, M. F., de institutione oratoria, cum intcgris com- mentariis G. L. Spalding, quibus notas adje- cit J. J. Dussault. M. F. Quintiliani decla- mationes, item Calpurnii Flacci ex recen- sionc Burmanniana. Gv *2915.6 - LXXXI. Quintilianus, M. F., et Flaccus, C., de quorum operibus judicia testimonia- que omnia, item annalcs Quintilianeos ed. rec. Lemaire *2914.1 - LXXXII. Sallustii, C. C., omnia opera, item Julius Exsuperantius, curante J. L. Bernouf. *2914.2 - LXXXIII.-LXXXVII. Senecae, L. A., opera philosophica, selectis turn J. Lipsii, Gronovii, aliorumque comm.tum suis illus- travit notis M. N. Bouillet. 5v *2914.3 - LXXXVIII. Senecae, L. A., opera decla- matoria. Comm. illustravit Bouillet. . . *2914.4 LEMAIRE 463 LEXET Shelf. No. LEMAIRE, N. E. continued. - LXXXIX.-XC1. Seneca, L. A., opera tra- gica, novis comm. illustravit studiosa pro- fessortnnsocictasinacademiaParisiensi. 3v. *2914.5 - XCII., XCIII. Silius Italicus, C. Puni- corum libri septemdecim, curantc X. E. Le- maire. 2v *2914.G - XCIV.-XCVII. Statii, P. P., quae oxstant omnia opera, cum sclectis Marklandi alio- rumque uotis, quibus suas addidcrunt J. A. Amar ct N. E.Lcmairc. 4v *2914.7 - XCVIII.-XCIX. Suctonii Tranquilli, C., quae exstant omnia opera, Baumgartenii- Crusii commentario, excursibus Ernestii il- lustravit C. B. Ilase. 2v *2914.8 - C.-CIV. Tacitus, C., qualem postrcmo publicavit J. J. Oberlin, cui addit. sub- junxit J. Xaudct. 5v *2914.9 - CV.-CVI. Tereutii Afri, P., comcediae, quas illustravit N. E. Lemaire. 2v . . . . *2914.10 - CVII. Tibulli, A., qua; supersunt omnia opera instruxit P. A. de Golbcry *2913.1 - CVIII.-CXIX. Livii Patavini, T., quae exstant omnia opera, item supplernenta J. Frcinshemii, curaiite X. E. Lemaire. 12v . *2913.2 - CXX.-CXXI. Valerii Flacci Setini Balbi, C., Argouautica. Edidit N. E. Lemaire. 2v. *2913.3 - CXXII.-CXX1V. Valerius Maxiinusct Ju- lius Obsequens, cum supplements Conradi LycosthenisquoslocuplctavitC.B. Ilasc. 3r. *2913.4 CXXV. Vellcii Paterculi, C., omuia opera, qualem publicavit D. Huhnkenius, cui Krau- sii excursus subjunxit N. E. Lemaire . . . *2913.5 - CXXVI.-CXXXIII. Virgilius Maro, P., qualem tertio publicavit C. G. Ileyne, cui Servium pariter integrum et Cerdam ct var. notas cum suis subjunxit N. E. Lemaire. Sv. *2913.0 - CXXXI\ 7 .-CXL. Poctae Latini minores, ex recensione Wernsdorfiana. 7v *2912. 1 Contents. Vol. I. Gratii Falisci cynegcticon; M. Aurclii Olympii Nemesiani cynegeticon, a.ccedunt selecta quaidam Martialis, Ausonii, Paulini carmina; M. V. Martialis de dama ct canibus fragmcnta ; J. Caii Brilanni de canibus Brit. ; II. Fracastorii Alcon sivc de curacanum venaticorum; Martialis liber IX., epigr. LV.; Ausonii cpistolae in ad Hesperium; Pau- lini Nolani carmen ; UalieuticaOvidii,cumfragrnento Ponticon C. J. Solini, et fragrn. Phagcsiorum Q. En- mi, accedit Ausonii Mosclla cjusdemque uliud car- men deostrcis; Olyrapii Nemcsiani carmen de laud- ibusllerculis; T. Calpurnii Siculi ecloga? xi, accc- dunt Sever! Sancii carmen bucolicum Vcspse et Bcdo) eclogiB; A. Septimii Sereni Moretum ; D. Magni Ausonii Cupido cruci adfixus; C. Cassii Par- mensis Orpheus; Publilii Optatiani Porphyriiidyllia figurata. II. Satirica, eleglaca, lyrica, ct alia qux- dam carmina: Valerius Cato; T. Pctronius Ar- biter ; Turnus ; Sulpicia ; Eucht'ria ; Cl. Marius Victor; Incertus; P. Virgilius Maro; C. Pedo Albi- novanus ; Asiniua Corn. Callus; .lEmiHus Magnus Arborius ; Sulp. Lupercus Servastus Junior ; Peuta- diua ; Firmianus Lactantius ; Incertus ; Vestritius Spurinna ; P. Papinius Statins ; Caeliua Firmianus Symposius ; Rufinus; Palladius; Ausonius ; Penta- dius; Focas; Incertus; L. Annxus Florus. III. Lu- cilius Junior; Cornelius Sevcrus; C. Petlo Albinova- nus ; T. Petronius Arbiter; T. Cassias Taurinus; Reposianus ; Licentius ; Saleius Bassus ; Patricius; Llomeristce Latini antiquiores; Pindarus Thebanus; D. Magn. Ausonius Burdigalcnsis; Inccrti auctorcs variorum carminum. IV. Rutilius Xumatiaims ; Ilildebcrtus Cenomanensis ; Priscianus ; Incertus, fortisse Sedulius prcsbyterus; Ausonius; L. Annceus Seneca; Laurea Tullius; Q. Aurelius Symmachus; P. Tor. Varro Atacinus ; Incerti multi. V. Geo- graphica : Rufl Fcsti Avieni descriptio orbis terras; Oramaritima; Carmina minora; Astrouomica: Arati phenomena ct prognostica, interprete Avieno; Cice- ronis ct aliorum (-pigrammata astronomica. VI. De re astronomica Ciccronis ct Germanici carmina ex Arato transUta; M. Manilii astronomicon libri v ex rccen- Bione J. Scaligcri. VII. Albua Ovidius Juvcntinus; Ausonius ; Cailius Symposium ; Florus ; Ilosidius Gela; Jalius Speratus; L. Junius Modcratus Colum- ella; Maximianus Etruscus ; Ofilius Sergianus; Pal- ladius Rutilius Taurus jEmilianus ; Petronius j Vo- mauus; Incerti multi. Shel No. LEMAIRE, N. E. continued. - CXLI.-CXLII. Lucretii Cari, T., de re- rum natura libri sex, cum sclectis optimo- rurn interpretum adnotationibus, quibus suas adjecit P. A. Lemaire. 2v *2912.2 LE MAISTKE, A. Plaidoycrs. [Annales du bar- reau frang. Barreau ancien, v.2, p.ljv.l of 3708.1 LEMAITRE DE CLAVILLE, C. T. N. Du vrai merite de 1'homme. Amsterdam, 1701. 2v. 12 . 3380.9 LE MAOUT, E. Le5ons elementaires de botanique. Paris, 1844. 2v. 8 3852.12 Lejardin des plantes. See Bernard, P. . . . 3831.5 LEMASSON, A. Les limites de la France. Paris. 1853. 12 4052.24 LEMENE, F. de. Narciso, favola boschereccia. [Parnaso italiano] v.33 of 2709.2 LEMERCIEK, A. Church history of Geneva ; also, political account of that republick. Boston, 1732. sm.8 3528.19 Geographical and political account of Geneva. Boston, 1732. 12" 2834.12 Treatise against detraction. Bost. 1733. sin. S" 3579.3 L'EMERY, N. Kouveau recueil des plus beaux se- crets de medecinc. Nouv. cd. Paris, 1737. 3r. 12 3799.24 LE MESURIKR, II. The word-maker, an analysis of the structure of speech. London, 1655. 8. 2950. 14 LEJIIEP.RK, A. M. See Theatre des autcurs du second ordre. Tragedies 2040.19 Contents. Vol. IV. Ilypermnestre. V. La veuve du Malabar, ou 1'empire des coutumes. See Teatro moderno applaudito 2708.1 Contents. Vol. XXIII. La vedova del Malabar, tra.; XXXII. Ipcrmestra. trag. LEMON, G. W. English etymology, or a deriva- tive dictionary of the English language. London, 17S3. 4 *2580.3 LEMON, 11. Calendar of state papers : domestic se- ries, Edw. vi, Mary, Eliz. 1517-SO. Load. 1850. 8 *7062.2 LEMON. Beschreibung der cdlen Citroneu- Friichte. Yolkarner, J. C 3800. 4 LE MoN'Nii:i:, L. G. Observations d'histoiro na- turellc faites dans lea provinces travcrsecs par la muridienne de 1'observatoire royal de Paris. /S'ee Paris. Academic royale des Bciences 3271.3 LEMONNIEK, P. C. Figure of the earth. See Mau- pertius, P. L. M. de E.189.3 LEMOXTEY, P. E. Histoirc de la rogcnce et de la minority de Louis xv. Paris, l,v)2. 2v. 8 2047.15 LE MOYXE DE MOR<;UES, J. Bivvis narratio eorum quas in Florida Americas proviucia Gallis acciderunt, etc. [Ury. Coll. pcrcgiu. Ser. 1, par. 2] " v.lof 2300.26 LEMPRIERE,J. Universal biography. New York, 1810. 2r. 8 2251.4 - Same. With selections from Watkius, and American biog., by E. Lord. New York, 1SJ5. 2V. 8 **E. 204.13 LEMPRIERE, W. Tour to Morocco. [Piukcrton. Coll. of voyages, v. 15] 2200.13 LE MULLIER, II. Histoire de la presidency [184S- 51.] Paris, 1852. 12 4052.30 LE NAIX DE TILLEMONT, L. S. Histoire ecck-sias- tique des six premiers siecles. Paris, 1093- 1712. IGv. 4 *3510.2 Ilistoire des empereurs durant les six pre- miers siecles. v.1-4. 2e (id. 5-0. le ed. Paris, 1700-38. Ov. 4 *2752.3 Vie de Saint-Louis, publiee par J. de Gaulle. Paris, 1817-51. Ov. 8. [Socictc do 1'hist. de France] *2010.10 LENAU, X. pseud. See Nicmbsch von Strchlenau. LENCLOS, N. de, et sacour. See Colombcy, E. . 4007.12 LEXET, P. Memoircs concernant 1'histoire du prince de Conde, 1021-59. Par. 1-3. [Michaud. Coll. mem. hist. Fr. Ser. 3, v.2] 2011.1 - Same. [Petitot. Coll. mciin. hist. France. Ser. 2] v.53, 54of 2615.1 LENFANT 464 LEOMINSTER Shelf. No. LENFANT, J. Histoire du concile de Constance. Amsterdam, 1714. 2v. 4 3512.3 Ilistoire du concile de I'isc. Amsterdam, 172-1. 2v. in 1. 4 3512.2 Ilistoire de la guerre des Hussites et du con- cile de Basle. Amsterd. 1731. 2v. in 1. 4. 3512.1 Introduction to the reading of the Holy Scrip- tures. [Watson. Theological tracts, v. 3]. 3454.2 LENGLET DU FRESNOY, N. Mdmoires de la re- gcnce. Nouv. ed. Amsterd, 1740. 5v. 12'. 2649.21 Mothode pour etudier 1'histoirc. Nouv. 6d., avcc supplement. Paris, 1735-10. Ov. 4. *2210.8 Eccueil sur les apparitions, etc. T. 1, p. 1, 2. T. 2, p. 1, 2. Avignon, 1751. 4v. 12 ... 3600.20 Observations sur 1'invraisemblance du ma- riage de la pucelle [d'Orleans.] [Leber. Coll. diss. hist. Fr. v. 17] 2618.1 LENNEP, J. D. van. Etymologicum linguae Grae- c:e. Ed. altcra C. F. Nagcl. Trajecti ad Ilhenum, 1808. 8 2985.5 LENNI Lenape, or Delaware Indians, Grammar of the language of the. Zeisberger, D. . . . E. 202.6 LENOBLE, E. Voyage de Falaise. [Gamier. Voy- ages imaginaires, v.29] 2600.1 LENOIK, Albert. Architecture monastique. Paris, 1852. 4. [France. Coll. de doc. ined. 108. 3eser. Archeol.] *2050.10 Statistique monumentalc de Paris. Paris, 1851. 3v. atl. f. [France. Coll. de doc. ined. 114-110. 3e se>. Archeol.] *2GB.C.E. LENOIR, Alexandre. Musee dcs monumens fran- Sais. Paris, 1800-21. 8v. 8 *40S6.4 LENOIK. Jean, Intrigues and adventures of. See Democrat 3569.28 LE NORMAND, M. A. Memoires de 1'imperatrice Josephine. 2e (5d. Paris, 1827. 3v. 8. . 2642.7 LE NORMAND, S. Manuel du relieur. Nouv. ed. Paris, 1853. sm.l2. [Manuel Koret] . . . 2113.21 LENT. Conduite pour passer saintcment le ca- reme. Avrillon, J. B. E 3445.35 LENZ, W. v. Beethoven, cine Kunststudie. Cas- sel, 1855. 2v. 12 4040.9 LENZI,L. Lettere. [Dati. Prose florentinc, v. 14]. 2787.1 LENZONI, C. Lettere. [Dati. Prose flor. v.14] 2787.1 LEO, bp. of Atlna. Opuscula. [Migne. Patrolo- giaev.143] 3100.22 LEO, bp. of Bourges. Epistola. [Migne. Patro- logiae V.53J 3440.24 LEO, l>p of Sens. Epistola ad Childcbertum Fran- corum regem. [Migne. Patrologiae v.OS] . 3450.9 LEO VI. emperor. Oratio cncomiastica de Joanne Chrysostomo. See Chrysostomus, J. v.l of 3500.13 Tactica, sive de re militari, Gr. et Lat. [Meur- sius. Opera, v.G] 2210.2 LEO I. Magnus, pope. Opera omnia, post Ques- nelli reccnsionem, curantibus fratribus Bal- leriniis, manum autem ult. adhibente J. P. Migne. Parisiis, 1840. 3v. 8". [Migne. Patrologiffi v.54-50] 3440.25 Contents. Vol. I. Sermones et epistolae. II. Li- ber sacramcutorum Romanic ecclesia ; Allocutio archidiaconi ad episcopum pro recouciliatione pce- nitentium; Epistola ad Demctriadem; Quesnelli dis- sertationcs in S. Leonia Magni opera. III. Balleri- niorum disquisitiones do antiquis collectionibus et collectoribus canonum ; Codex canonum ecclesiasti- corum; Prisca canonum editioLatina; Antiquissima canonum Nicainorum interpretatio Latiua; Vetus in- terprctatio Latina canonum Nicmnorum, Sardicen- sium ct Chalcedonensium ; Documenta juris cano- nici vcteris; Quesnelli dissertationes.iu eodicem cano- num ecclesiasticorum ; S. Leonis Magni sermoiies iuediti. Epistolae decretales. [Migne. Patrologiae v.S4] v.4 of 3450.16 L'histoire du pontificat de Leon le Grand. See Maimbourg, L 3512.15 See Guillon, M. N. S. Bibliotheque des peres. v.33 of 3499.30. v.23 of 3508.2 LEO II. pope. Epistolae. [Migne. Patrologise V.90] 3450.22 Shelf. No. LEO III. pope. Epistolae ad Carolum Magnum im- peratorcm; Epistolae et privilcgia. [Migne. Patrologiae v.9S] v.2 of 3450.23 LEO IV. pope. Epistolae et decreta. [Mignc. Pa- trologiae v.l 15] 3450.33 Epistolae et privilegium. [Mignc. Patrologiae v.129] v..'!of 3460.8 LEO VI. pope. Epistola ad episcopos Dalmatian [Migne. Patrologiae v.132] 3400.11 LEO VII. pope. Epistolae et privilegia. [Migne. Patrologiae v.132] 3460.11 LEO VIII. pope. Privilegia et constitutiones. [Migne. Patrologiae v.134] 3460.13 LEO IX. pope. Vita, auctore Wiberto aequall ; Li- bcllus de conflictu vitiorum atque virtutum ; Oratio ad Adclbertum comitem ; Notitia de coenobio S. Apri ; Diplomata data cum adhuc episcopua Tullcnsis ageret ; Epistolae et de- creta pontiflcia. [Migne. Patrologiaj v.143] 3460.22 Epistolae, decreta ct privilegia. [Mignc. Pa- trologiae v.l Id] 3460.23 LEO X. pope. Audin, J. M. v. Histoire de Leon x. 3552. 11 Fabroni, A. Vita 3552.1 Roscoe, W. Life and pontificate of 3552.8 Sadoleto, G. Epistolae Leonis x nomine scriptae 3476.3 LEO XII. pope. Histoire du pape L. 12 3 7079.20 LE RAY de Chaumont, J. Address before the Jefferson co. agric. soc. n.p. 1829. 8 . *Pph.v.S4 LE RAY dc Chaumont, V. Address before the Jefferson co. agric. soc. N.Y. 1*00. 8. *Pph.v.llG LEKCHEXFELD, G. F. v. GeschichteBaycrus unter Maximilian Joseph I. Berlin, 1854. 8. . 2S30.2 LEREBOUKS, 31. A. A. Avis aux meres qui vcu- lent nourrir leurs enfans. 3c ed. Paris, 1775. 24 3779.29 LEREBOITRS, N. P., and Secretan. Traite de pho- tographic. 5e ed. Paris, 1840. 8 .... 4024.2 LERJIIXIER, J. L. E. De 1'influence de la philoso- phic du xvmc siecle sur la legislation ct la sociabilite du xixc. Paris, 1833. 8. . 3C05.14 Histoire des legislatcurs et dcs constitutions de la Grecc. Paris, 1852. 2v. 8 3072.8 Introduction a 1'histoirc du droit. 2e ed. Paris. 18J5. 8 3017.4 Litteraturc rcvolutionuairc. Bruxelles, 1850. 18" 2070.19 Philosophic du clroit. Seed. Paris, 1853. 12. 3 LEROUX, P. See Brcynat, J 3509. 17 LEROUX de Lincy, A. J. V. Recucil de chants historiqucs fraucais. le ct 2e ser. Paris, 1841-42. 2v. sm.S" 2070.18 Histoire de 1'hOtel de villc de Paris. See Calliat, V 20. D.I and Doul : t d'Arcq. Registres de la villc dc Paris pendant la Fronde. Paris, l^Ki-ls 3v. 8. [Soeiete dc 1'liistoire de France] . *2G3C.2 LEROUX dcs Hautcsrayes, 31. A. A. Memoircs sur la Cochin Chine, sur le Tong-Kiug, et sur les premieres cutrepriscs coutrc les Chinois. [Maillac. Hist, dc Chine, v. 12] 3013.1 LEROY, C. F. A. Traite dc sterOotomie. Paris, 1844. Iv. 4. textc, Iv. f.pl 4020.9 LEROY, P. J. J. B. O. Epoqucs de 1'histoire de France cu rapport avcc le theatre frangais. Paris, 1813. b 2070.15 LE EOY, P. L. Narrative of four Russian sailors cast upon the island of East Spitzbergen. [Pinkerton. Voyages, v.l] 2200.13 LE ROY, A". Y. Proceedings of a convention of delegates opposed to free masonry. Roch- ester, 1828. 12 *Pph.v.2S9 LEKOY de St.-Arnaud. Lettrcs du marechal de Saint-Arnaud. Paris, 1855. 2v. 8 . . . . 2052.9 LEROY de Saint- Valery. Plaidoycrs. [Annales du barreau fran9. Barreau mod. v.4.] v. 11 of 3708.1 LEROY, Bayard, ami company, in relation to frig- ates Liberator and Hope. See Bayard, W. 2371.23 LERSCH, L. Sprachphilosophie der Alton. Bonn, 1838,40,41. 3v.ini. 8 2985.9 LERY, J. de. Histoire d'un voyage fait cu la tcrre du Brdsil. La Rochcllc, 1578. 12 2309.5 Navigatio in Brasiliam America;. [Bry. Coll. percgrinationum. Ser. 1, v.l] 2300.20 LESAGE, A. Supposed author of Atlas historique, etc. See Las Cases, M. J. E. D. de . . . . 22. L. 3 LESAGE, A. R. CEuvres. T. 2-12. Paris, 1828. llv. 8 *2G90.2 Contents. Vol. H-III. Gil Bias de Santillane. IV. Aventures du chevalier de Beauchfine. V. Guz- LESAGE 466 LESS1NG Shelf. No. LESAGE, A. It. continued. man d'Alfarachc. VI. Le bachelier do Salamanquo, ou raemoires ct aventurcs de Don Chtrubin de la Honda. VII. Estevanille Gonzalez. VIII., IX. Bo- land 1'amoureux. IX., X. Nouvelles aventures de Don Quichotte. XI. Le traitre puni, comedie; Don Felix dc Mcndoce, comtdie de Lope de Vega Carpio; Lo point d' honneur, comtdie ; Don Cusar Ursin, comedie; Crispin rival de son maitre, comedies Tur- caret, comedie. XII. La Tontine, comedie. Les amants jaloux, comedie ; Une journee des parques, songe; La valise trouvec; Melange amusant de Bail- lies d'esprit et de traits historiques des plus frappante. Note. Guzman d'Alfarache, though included in this edition of the works of Lesagc, is known to be the work of Mateo Aleman, a Spanish author. Ilistoire dc Gil Bias. Ed. ornee de figures. Paris, an 3e [1795.] 4v. 8 2002.13 Observador nocturno, El, 6 cl diablo cojuelo, a imitation do Guevara, trad, al Castellano. Sevilla, 1S24. 2v. 24 3095.13 Gil Bias ; Devil on two sticks ; Vanillo Gon- zalcs. [Ballantyne. Novelist's libr. v.4] . 2573.1 Turcaret ; Crispin rival de son maitre. [The- atre des auteurs du second ordre. Co- medies en prose, v.7] 2040.19 LE SAGE, P. C. Mcmoires cxtraits de la biblio- theque imperiale des ponts et chaussees. 2eed. Paris, 1810. 2v. 4 *4011.3 LESBOXAX. See Bckker, I. Oratores Attici, v.5. 29G5.1 See Kciske, J. J. Oratorum Grsecorum, v.8 . 2907.2 LESBKOS, J. A. Experiences hydrauliqucs. Pon- celet, J. V 3041.14 LESCALLIER, D. Fragment sur la geologic de la Guadeloupe. [Paris, 1808.] pp.15. 4 . . *2320.22 LESCUKEL, J. de. Chansons, ballades etrondeaux, publ. par A. de Montaiglon. Paris, 1655. PP-C8. 16 2009.24 LESDIGUIEUES, F. de Bonne de. Geschichte. [Schiller. Mem. 2te Abth. v.7-9] 2013.1 LESINA, Compagnia della. See Famosissima . . 2799.1 LESKE, N. G. Museum Leskeanum. Disposuit et descripsit D. L. G. Karsten. Lipsiae, 1789. 2v. In 3. 8 3839.5 LESLEY, J. P. Iron manufacturers' guide to the furnaces [etc.] of the U. S. with discussions of iron. New York, 1859. 8 3S05.20 LESLIE, Charles. Theological works. Oxford, 1832. 7v. 8 *3473.0 Contents. Vol. I. Life of the author; Epistle ded- icatory; Short and easy method with the deists; Let- ter to a gentleman converted from deism; Short and easy method with the Jews; Vindication of the short method with the deists; Letter about Sommonocc dom; Truth of Christianity demonstrated; Of private judgment and authority in matters of faith; Disserta- tion concerning ecclesiastical history ; Sermon against marriages in different eommunions; Letter against alterations in the liturgy; Letter about the new sep- aration. II. Prefaces ; The Socinian controversy; Epistle to the Morocco ambassador [Six dialogues]; Answer to the remarks on the first dialogue ; Reply to the vindication of remarks on the first dialogue; Answer to the examination of the last dialogue; Sup- plement in answer to Mr. Clendon ; The charge of Socinianism against Dr. Tillotson considered ; Re- flections upon the second of Dr. Burnet's four dis- courses; Supplement upon occasion of a history of religion. III. The case stated between the churches of Rome and England; Appendix to the case stated; The bishop of Meaux's letter; Answer to the bishop of Meaux; The case of the regale and of the Pontifi- cate stated; Appendix and supplement to the case of the regale stated. IV. The snake in the grass; Satan disrobed from his disguise of light ; The gleanings. V. Defence of the snake in the grass ; Papers which relate to the foregoing discourse ; Present state of Quakerism in England. VI. Reply to a book, enti- tled Anguis flagellatus, or a switch for the snake ; Appendix ; The wolf stript of his shepherd's cloth- ing ; Appendix. VII. Discourse on water baptism ; Qualifications requisite to administer the sacraments; Primitive heresy revised, in the faith and practice of the people called quakers; Friendly expostulation with Mr. Pcnn, upon account of his primitive Chris- tianity; Some seasonable reflections upon the quak- ers' solemn protestation against George Keith's pro- Shell; No. LESLIE, Charles, continued. ccedings at Turner's hall, Apr. 29, 1G97; Essay con- cerning the divine right of tithes; Form of prayer and thanksgiving upon the offering of our tithe to the priest; The history of sin and heresy. Short and easie method with the deists. 8th ed. London, 1723 3430.32 - Same. Andover, 1820. pp.47. 18 ... 3430.21 LESLIE, Charles K. Memoirs of J. Constable. 2d ed. London, 1845. 4 4005.11 LESLIE, J. Elements of natural philosophy : me- chanics and hydrostatics. Edinb. 1823. 8. 3944.22 Nature and propagation of heat. London, 1804. 8 3903.3 Philosophy of arithmetic. Edinb. 1817. 8. 3924.9 Relations of air to heat and moisture. Ed- inburgh, 1813. 8 39G3.4 Facts relative to the election of a mathemat- ical professor. See Stewart, D Pph.v.39 LESPINASSE, J. E. Lettres, 1773-70, suivies dc 2 chap, dans le genre du Voyage sentimental. Paris, 1809. 2v. 8 2005.4 Nouvelles lettres, etc. Paris, 1820. 8 ... 2G05.5 LESSEPS, J. B. B. de. Journal du voyage de Kamtschatka jusqu' a son arrivee en France, 1788. Paris, 1790. 2r. 8 2205.9 LKSSEU, W. Topographic des Herzogthums Schleswig. Kiel, 1853. 2v.ini. 8 . . . . 2S34.1 LESSEES, F. C. Insecto-thcologia. Frankfurt. u. Leipzig, 1738. sm.S" 3899.14 Testaceo-theologia. 2te Aufl. Frankfurt u. Leipzig, 1770. 8 3877.20 LESSING, G. E. Gcsammelte Werke. Neuc Ausg. Leipzig, 1S41. lOv. 10 2897.10 Contents. Vol. I. Sinngedichte; Lieder; Oden; Fa- belnuud Erziihlungen; Fabeln, drei Biicher; Frag- mcntc; Die Juden, Lustspiel; Der Frcigeist, Lustsp.; Dr. Faust; Werther der Besserc. II. Miss Sara Samp- son, Traucrspiel; Philotas, Trauerspielj Minna von Barnhclm, Oder das Soldatcngliick, Lustspiel; Emilia Galotti, Trauerspiel. III. Nathan der AVeise, cin dra- matischesGedicht. IV. Briefe aus dem zweiten Theile der Schriften, 17*5; Ein Vade Mccum fur den lierrn 8. G. Langc, Pastor in Laublingen; Rcttungcn dea Horaz; Abhandlungen fiber die Fabel; Vorredczum crsteu-vierten Theile der Schriften; Vorrcde zu den vcrmischten Schriften des lierrn Christlob Mylius; Vorbcrichtzu den preussischen Kriegsliedem in den Feldziigen 1756 und 1757, von ciucm Grenadier; Vor- rede zu Friedrichs von Logau Siungedichten ; Vor- redeii zu Diderot's Theater. V. Aus den Briefcn die ncueste Litcratur betreffend; Sophocles; \Vie die Al- ien den Tod geMldet; Antiquarische Briefe. VI. Laokoon, Oder iiber die Griinzen der Malerei und Poesie; Zcrstreute Anmerkungen iiber das Epigramm und einige der vornehmsten Epigrammatistcn. VH.-VUI. llamburgische Dramaturgie. VIII. Ue- ber Meuscls Apollodor; Vom Alter der Oelmalerci aus dem Theophilus Presbyter. IX. Zur Geschichte und Literatur, aus den Schatzen der herzogl. Biblio- thekzu Wolfenbiittel; Theologische Strcitschriften ; Ernst und Falk, Gespriiche fur Freimaurer; Noch niihere Berichtigung des Mahrchens von tausend Ducaten, oder Judas Ischarioth dem Zweiten ; Die Erziehung des Mcnschengeschlechts. X. Briefe von Lessing ; Einige Worte iiber Gotthold Ephraim Les- sing und seine Schriilen. Sammtliche Schriften. Hrsg. v. K. Lachmann u. Weudelin von Maltzahn. Leipzig, Ibo.j- 57. 12v. in 13. 8 *2S94.8 Contents. Vol. I. Sinngedichte; Anhang, aus den Schriften 1753 ; Epigrammata; Lieder; Anhang: t. Aua den Kleinigkeiten, 1751, und aus den Schriften, 1753; 2. Aus den Kleinigkeiten, 1751; 3. Aus den Er- munterungen, 1747 ; 4. Aus dem Naturforschcr, 1747, 1748; Odeu; Fabeln und Erziihlungen; Aus den Er- munterungen zum Vergniigeu des Gemuth's, 1747; Fabeln, drei Biicher, 1753; Fabeln aus dem erstcn Theile der Schriften, 1753 ; Fragmente ; Poctische Anmerkungen zu den poetischeu Einwiirfen cines Freundes; Gedichte, so man uach seinem Tode unter seinca Papieren gefundeu, davon einige schou in dem gottiugischen Musenalmanache gestanden; Der junge Gelehrte, Lustspiel ; Die Juden, Lustspiel; Der Misogyn, Lustspiel ; Der Freygeist, Lustspiel ; Der Schatz, Lustspiel ; Minna von Barnhelm, Oder das Soldatengliick, Lustspiel. II. Miss Sara Sampson, Trauerspiel ; Philotas, Trauerspiel ; Emilia Galotti, LESSING 467 LETTERS Shelf. No LESSINO, G. E. continued. Traucrspicl ; Nathan der "Wcisc, dramatisches Ge- dicht ; Damon, oder die wahro Frcundsdmf't, Lust- spiel ; Die alte Jungfcr, Lustspicl; Theatralischer Nachlass. III. Aus dem Naturforscher, 1747 ; I3ci- triige zur Ilistoric und Aufnahme des Theaters, 1750 j Die Gefangneu des Plautus; Rolliu's rOmische Ilis- toric; Aus der berlinischen privilegirten Zeitung v. Jahre 1751; Das Neueste aus dem Rciche des Witzcs, 1751 ; J. Huart's Priifung der Kupfe zu den Wissen- 6chaften,1752; Schriften; Aus der bcrlinischen Zeitung von den Jahren 1752 u. 1753; Bin Vade Mecum fur den Herrn Sam. Gotth. Lange, 1754. IV. Schriften, dritter und vierter Theil, 1751 ; Theatralisehe Biblio- thek : Erstcs Stuck, 1754 ; Vicrtes Stiick, 1758 ; Aus derberliniseheu privilegirten Zeitung von Jahre 1754. V. Popeein Metaphysiker, 1755; Aus der berlinischen privilegirten Zeitung vom Jahre, 1758; F. llutchcsou's Sitteulchre der Vernunft, aus dem Knglischen uber- setzt, 1756; Des Herrn J. Thomson siimmtliche Trau- crspiele, aus dem Englischen ubersetzt, mil einer Vorrcde von G. E. Lcssing, 1756; Eine ernsthafte Er- munterung an olio Christen zu cinem frommcn und hciligen Leben, von W. Law, aus dem Englischen ubersetzt, 1758; Ilerrn S. Richardson's Sittenlehre fur die Jugend, 1757 ; Aus der Bibliotlick der schonen \Vissenschaften und der freyen Kiinste, 1757, 17,58 ; Preussischc Kriegsliedcr in den Feldzugen,17SG und 1757, von cincm Grenadier, 1758; Friedrichs von Lo- gau Sinngedichte, zwolf B tidier, herausgegeben von C. W. Rammler u. G. Lessiug, 1759 ; Sinngedichte ; Worterbuch ; Fabcln, drey Biicher, nebst Abhaud- lugen, 1751); Abliandlungen. VI. Bricl'e, die ncucste Litteratur betreftcnd, crster Theil bis siebenter Theil, 1759, vierzelmter Theil, 1702, drey urid zwauzig- ster Theil, 17G5 ; Gotthold Ephraim Lessings Leben des Sophokles, 17GJ; Das Theater des Herrn Diderot, aus dem Franzosischcu, 1701), Vorrede des Uebersct- zers zurcrsten und zweiten Ausgabc; Gotthold Eph- raim Lessings Laokoon, Oder iiber die Grenzen der Mahlcrey und Pocsie. VII. Ilamburgische Drama- turgic, 17U7-17G3 ; Ueber Meusels Apollodor, 17G8. VIII. Brief'e, antiquarischen Inhalts, 17C8-17C9 ; Briefe fiber die Tanzkuust und iiber die Ballete, von Ilerru Noverre, aus dem Franzosischen ubersetzt, 17C9 ; Wie die Alien den Tod gcbildet, eine Untcr- suchung, 17U9 ; Berffngarius Turonensis, eine An- kundigung cines wichtigen Werkes desselben, wo- von in der herzoglichen Bibliotlick zu Wolfeubiittel ciu Manuscript befindlich, welches bisher viillig uncr- kanut gebliehen, 1770 ; Ankiindigung von Reiske's Demosthenes, 1770 ; Gedichte von Andreas Scultetus, 1771,aus zwei Bricfen an den Hrn.Prof.Zachariii; Pre- digt iiber zweyTextcj Vermischte Schriften, erster Theil, 1771; Ucber die sogenannte Agrippine, unter den Alterthiimern zu Dresden, 1771. IX. Zur Ge- Bchichte und Litteratur, aus den Schiitzen der her- zoglichen Bibliothek zu Wolfenbiittel, 1773, 1774 ; Vom Alter der Oelmalerey aus dem Tlieophilus Presbyter, 1774. X. Philosophische Aufslitze von Karl Wilhelm Jerusalem, 1770 ; Zur Geschichte und Litteratur, aus den Schiitzeii der herzoglichcu Bi- bliothek zu Wolfenbiittel, rierter Beytrag, 1777 ; Ue- ber den Bcweis des Geistes und der Kraft, 1777 ; Das Testament Johannis, 1777 ; Eiue Duplik, 1778; Eine Parabel, nebst ciner klcincn Bitte, und cinem even- tualcn Absagtingschrcibcn an den Herrn Pastor Go- ze, 1778; Axiomata, wenn ca deren in dergleichen Dingen giebt, wider den Ilerrn Pastor Goeze, 1778 ; Anti-Goeze, d. i. Nothgedrungener Beytriige zu den frcywilligen Beytrilgen des Herrn Goctze, 1778 ; Von dem zwecke Jesu und seiner Jiingcr, noch ein Fragment des wolfenbiittclschen Ungcnanntcn, 1778 ; Niithige Antwort auf eine schr uunuthigc Frage des Ilerrn Hauptpastor Goeze, 1778 ; [Ankiindigung des Nathan 1778]; Der nijthigen Antwort, erste Fol- ge, 1778 ; Ernst und Falk, Gespraehe fur Freymau- rer, 177S; Noch nahere Berichtiguug des Mahrchens von 1000 Dukaten, Oder Judas Ischarioth dem Zwey- ten, 1779 ; Ernst und Falk, Gespraehe fur Frcymau- rer, Fortsctzung, 1780; Die Erziehung des Menschen- geschlechts, 1780; Zur Geschichte und Litteratur, aua den Schiitzen der herzoglichen Bibliothek zu Wol- fenbiittel, liinfter bis sechster Beytrag, 1781. XL 1 Abth. 2 Abth. Literarischer Nachlass [vermischte Schriften.] XII. Briefe. Dramcn und dramat. Fragmente. Erliiut. v. A. Nodnagcl. Darmstadt, 1812. 10 .... 2897.9 Literatur in Deutschland von 1750 bis Ende 1851. Cassel, 1852. pp. 34. 10" 2894.9 LESSLIE, G. Controversy between Thaycr and Lesslie. See Thayer, J 3463.11 LESSON, A. Botanique. SeeDumont d'Urvillc, J. Voyage de PAstrolabe v.lOof 2261.1 Shelf. No. LESSONS on the old Testament. Boston, 1852. 18. 3417.39 LESSONS on the parables of the Saviour. Boston, 1S4G ' 18 3447.37 LESSONS upon religious duties and Christian mor- als. Boston, 1852. 12 3447.40 LESSONS to a young prince by an old statesman. 6th ed. London, 1791. 12 *Pph.v.41 LESTER, C. E. Biographical sketches of the artists of America. New York, 1846. 8 . . . *Pph.v.l52 LESTOILE, P. de. See L'Etoile, P. de. LETALD. Vita S. Juliani Cenomanensis ; Liber miraculorum S. Maximini. [Migne. Patro- logisev.137] 3460.16 LE TELLIEK, C. C. Exercices d'analyse gram- maticale et d'analyse logique. 14e ed. Paris, 1833. 16 7079.32 Grammaire franjoise. 4e 6d. Paris, 182G. 16. 7079.24 LETI, G. Vita di Sisto v, pontefice romano. Am- steldamo, 1721. 3v. 12 3558.5 L'EroiLE, P. de. Journal de Henri in. Nouv. ed. La Haye, 1744. 5v. sm.8 2648.3 Journal du regne de Henri iv. La Haye, 1741. 4v. sin. 8 2648.4 Mcmoircs ct journal. [Michaud. Coll. mem. hist.Fr. Ser.2, v.l] 2611.1 - Same. [Petitot. Coll. mem. hist. France, Ser. 1] . . . v.45-49of 2615.1 LETEONNE, J. A. Egypte pendant la domina- tion des Grecs et des Komains. Paris, 1823. 8. 3053.15 Fragments inedits d'anciens poetes grecs. Paris, 1838. pp.34. 8. [Didot. Bib. grccque]. *2992.3 Inscription de Rosette. Paris, 1841. 8 . . 3002.11 Representations zodiacalcs de Dendera et d'Esue. Paris, 1845. 4 *3921.9 Statue vocale de Mcrnnon. Paris, 1833. 4. *3051.18 LETTER addressed to the Hon. James Madison. America, 1808. 8 *Pph.v.3 LETTER from a porter in the city to the lords and commons of Gr. Br. Lond. 1757. 8. pp.30. 2311.15 LETTER from an American on the restraining pro- clamation, containing strictures on lord Sheffield's pamphlet on commerce. Lon- don, 1784. 8 2324.49, LETTER on the president's message, on the open- ing of the 2d session of the 22d congress, Dec. 4th, 1832. New York, 1833. 16". .*Pph.v.218 LETTER on the subject of dancing, by Clericus. Albany, 1847. 8 *Pph.v.l61 LETTER to Clericus in reply to his on the subject of dancing. Albany, 1S48. 8" *Pph.v.l61 LETTER to a member of parliament considering the power of the British legislature in case of the colonists. London, 1765. 8 . . *Pph.v.241 LETTER to the Hon. J. Q. Adams, occasioned by his letter to Mr. Otis. America, 1808. 8 *Pph.v.3 LETTER to the vice chancellor of the university, on the present state of theology. Oxford, 1856. 8 3456.10 LETTER writing. Esempii di quelle scritture piu di frcqueute in societa. See Guida ad, ecc. 4768.1 Johnson, S. Art of writing letters 7069.13 Kuevo formulario de escrivir cartas miss. . E.229.9 Roberts, W. History of 2176.2 LETTERE descrittive di celebri Italian!. Gamba, B. 2747.24 LETTERE di principi, o a principi. Venctia, 1577- 81. 3v. 4 *2240.5 LETTERE di santi c beati Fiorcntini. Biscioni, A. 3439.0 LETTERE di vari illustri Italian! del sccolo xvm. exix. Reggio, 1841^3. lOv. 16 ... . *4749a.4 LETTERE inedite d'illustri Italian! che fiorirono dal principio del secolo xvm, flno ai nos- tri tempi, con note. Milano, 1835. 8 . . 2747.6 .ETTERE inedite di [varii scrittori.] See Cas- treca-Brunctti, E 2747.3 ETTERE sopra 1'apologia dclla Volgare elo- quenza di Dante. Firenze, 1821. 8" .... 2802.22 .ETTERS concerning taste. London, 1755. 8" . . 3607.0 JETTERS from Hofwyl, on the educational insti- tutions of De Fcllenbcrg, with C. W. Woodbridge's sketches. London, 1842. 12. 3596.20 LETTERS 468 LEWIS Shelf. No. LETTERS of Shahcoolcn, a Hindu philosopher in Phila. to El Hassan. Boston, 1802. 12.. 2407 ..15 LETTERS on the present state and probable results of theological speculations in Connecticut. By an Edwnrdean. n.p. 1832. 8" . . . *Pph.v.87 LETTERS from the mountains. See Grant, A. . . 254.9.9 See also : Correspondence. LETTRES des conservateurs de la bibliotheque royale. See Paris. LETTRES cdiliantes et curicuses ecritcs des mis- sions etrangercs. Nouv. ed. Paris, 1780-83. 2Gv. 12mo *3539.2 Contents. Vol. I.-V. Memoires du Levant. VI.- IX. Memoires d'AmCriquc. X.-XV. Memoires des Indes. XVI.-XXIV. Memoires de la Chine. XXV.- XXVI. Memoires des Indes et de la Chine. LETTRES ediflantes, Nouvelles, des missions de la Chine et des Indes orientales. Paris, 1818- 23. 8v. 12 *3539.1 LETTRES d'un Franjois a un Hollandois, au sujet dcs differends survenus entre la France et la Grande-Bretagne touchant leurs posses- sions respectives dans 1'Amerique Septen- trionale. n.p. 1755. 12 2329.31 LETTRES sur la situation de la France. Paris, 1820. pp. 72. 8. [Aignan. Minerve fran- caise, v.9] *2G60.2 LEUCADIO Doblado. See White, B. LEUCKART, F. S. De animalium quorundam ver- tebratorum habitu. Heidelbergse, 1832. pp. 22. 4 *3885.4 Ueber die Bearbeitung der Naturgeschichte besonders der Zoologie. Heidelberg, 1826. pp.51, sm. 8 3833.8 Vcrbrcitung der Reste einer vorweltlichen organischen Schopfung. Freiburg, 1835. PP- 82. 4 *3861.21 De Zoophytis coralliis, speciatim de genere fungia : [diss. acad.] Friburgi Brisig. 1841. PP- CO. 4 *3871.12 Zwischenkieferbein dcs Menschen : ein Bei- trag zur Entwickclungs-Geschichte des Mcaschen. Stuttgart, 1840. 4 *3800.17 Allgem. Einleitung in die Naturgeschichte. [Bischoff. Naturgeseh. der drei Reiche]. 3815.1 LEUCKART, R. Ueber den Polymorphismus der Individuen. Giessen, 1851. 4 *3885.3 LEUCO, N. See Poet. com. Grsec. fragm 3002.14 LEUCORRHCEA, Observations on. Jewel, G. . . 3740.45 See also : Fluor albus. LEURET, F., and Gratiolct, P. Anatomic compa- red du systeme nerveux, accomp. d'un atlas. Paris, 1839-57. 2v. 8 3887.19 LEURET, F., and Lassaigne, J. L. Recherches physiologiques et chimiques pour scrvir a Phistoire de la digestion. Paris, 1825. 8". 3763.12 LEUTIIOLF. See Ludolf, J. LE VAILLANT, F. Voyage dans l'inte"rieur de 1'Afrique. Paris, 1798. 2v. 8 3058.1 Voyage, Second, dans I'intdrieur dc 1'Afrique. 1783-85. Paris, [1795.] 3v. 8 3058.2 LEVANT. Blount, H. Voyage to the. 1634. [Pink- erton. Voyages, v.10] 2260.13 Charriere, E. Negotiations de la France dans le 2650.21 Depping, G. B. Histoire du commerce entre le Levant et 1'Europe 3652.6 Hasselquist, F. Voyages and travels in the . 3083.4 Shaw, T. Observations relating to the . . . 3055.6 Tournefort, J. P. de. Relation d'un voyage du. 3081.7 See also : Asia Minor, Palestine, Syria. LEVASSEUR, A. Lafayette en Amdrique, 1824-25. Paris, 1829. 2v. 8 2363.15 LEVASSEUR, E. Histoire des classes ouvrieres en France. Paris, 1859. 2v. 8 2637.8 LEVATI, A. Dizionario biografico cronologico : donne illustri. Milano, 1821-22. 3v. 8 . 2242.4 Viaggi di Fr. Petrarca in Francia, Germania ed Italia. Milano, 1820. 5v. 8 2803.6 Shelf. No. LEVATI, A. continued. See Fcrrario, G. II costume di tutti popoli . ^262.1 Contents. Vol. V. H costume de' Fcnicj, de' Sirj, dcgli Arab!. XXI. 11 costume dci Romani. XXV. II costume dcllc isole Britanniche. XXX. II costume dci Elvezj o Svizzeri. LE VAYER DE BOUTIGNI, R. Romance of Tarsis and Zelie, done into English by C. Williams. London, 1685. f *2690.11 LEVELLING. Prony, G..C. F. M. R. de. Nouvelle me'thode de nivellement 3920.10 Simms, F. W. Principles and practice of . . 4015.11 LEVERETT, C. E. Memoir, biographical and ge- nealogical, of Sir John Leverctt, and of the family. Boston, 1850. 8 2331.9 LEVERETT, F. P. Lexicon of the Latin language, compiled chiefly from Facciolati and Forcel- lini, Scheller and Luencmann. Boston, 1836. 8 **E.203.8 New Latin tutor. Ster. ed. Boston, 1831. 12. "Oo'J.'J LEVERETT, Sir John, b. 1016, d. 1678-9. Memoir, biographical and genealogical, of. See Lev- erctt, C. E 2331.9 LEVERETT, John, president of Harvard college, b. 1662, d. 1724. Sermons on the death of. See Appleton, N., Coleman, B., Wadsworth, B. 3459.45 LEVERETT, T., Genealogical memoir of. See ShurtlefF, N. B 2333.14 LEVESQUE, P. C. Etudes de Phistoire ancienne, [etc.] Paris, 1811. 5v. 8 2292.3 Histoire de Kussie. 4e <5d. publ. par Malte Brun et Depping. Paris, 1812. 8v. 8". At- las, 4 *3063.1 Beaux arts. See Encyclopedic methodique, v. 43, 44 A. 169. 4 Dictionnaire de peinturc, sculpture et gra- vure. See Watelet, C. II 4082.6 LEVESQUE DE BITRIGXY, J. Memoire sur le re- tour de Louis le Jcune de son croisade. [Lcbcr. Coll. diss. hist. France, v. IS] . . . 2618.1 L'EVESQUE DE LA RAVALLIERE, P. A. History of the assassins of Syria. See Joinville . 2641.2 See Lcber, J. M. C. Coll. diss. hist. Fr. . . . 2618.1 Contents. Vol. II. Les limites de 1'cmpire frauoais avant 1'an 1301. XIV. Sur 1'origine dc la langue francaise. LEVI, L. Annals of British legislation, being a summary of bills, statutes, etc. London, 1856-60. 6v. 1.8 *2522.1 LKVINZ, C. Reports of cases in the court of king's bench, and common pleas, transl. by Salkeld and others. In three parts. 2d ed. Lon- don, 1722. 2v. f *3670.3 LEVISON, J. L. Mental culture. London, 1833. 12. 3593.21 LEVITICUS, Commentary on. See Bible. LEVIZAC, J. P. V. L. Grammar of the French tongue. 2d Am. ed. rev. by A. C. Houe'l. New York, 1823. 12" 7079.11 - Same. [No title-page.] 12 7079.17 LEVKET, A. Art des accouchemens. See'd. Paris, 1706. 8 *3773.24 Essai sur les abus des regies et contre les prejuges qui s'opposent aux progres de I'art des accouchemens. Paris, 170G. 8 .... *3773.25 Les causes de plusieurs accouchemens labo- rieux. 3e ed. Paris, 1762. 8 *3773.26 Suite des observations sur les causes de plusieurs accouchemens laborieux. Paris, 1751. 8 *3773.26 LEVY, M. Traite d'hygiene publique et privue. 2ee"d. Paris, 1850. 2v. 8 "3767.26 LEWES, C. L. Memoirs, containing anecdotes of the English and Scottish stages. London, 1805. 4v. 16 2458.29 LEWES, Eng. History and antiquities. Hors- field.T.W 2472.13 LEWIN, C. Musaei naturalium academiae Upsalien- Bispar. xxv. Upsalia;, 1804. 8. . . *M.Pph.v.25 LEWIS, A. History of Lynn, including Nahaut. 2d ed. Boston, 1844. 8 2356.3 LEWIS 469 LIBERTY Shelf. No. LEWIS, Edward. The patriot king-, displayed ia the life of Henry VIII. London, 1709. 12. 2419.8 LEWIS, Eliza G. Poems. Brooklyn, 1850. 12 . 2399.21 LEWIS, Enoch. Vindication of the society of friends : a reply to a review of Cox. Phil- adelphia, 1834. 8 *Pph.v.93 LEWIS, Estelle A. Child of the sea, and other poems. New York, 1848. 12 2398.23 LEWIS, G. C. Influence of authority in matters of opinion. London, 1849. 8 3603.3 Government of dependencies. Lond. 1841. 8. 3502.0 LEWIS, John, b. 1C75, d. 1746. History of the abbey and church of Favor sham, [etc.] [London,] 1727. 4 *2462.15 History of translations of the Bible into Eng- lish. 3ded. London, 1818. 8" *2181.4 Life of Dr. John Fisher, bishop of Rochester, with introd. by T. H. Turner. London, 1855. 2v. 8 3555.5 LEWIS, John, of Virginia, 1828. Tables of com- parative etymology and analogous forma- tions. The Greek by G. Long, the German by G. Blaetterman. Phila. 1823. 4 . . . . *2951.2 LEWIS, Matthew G. Romantic tales. London, 1857. 10 2576.24 LEWIS, Morgan. Expediency and means of es- tablishing a university in New York. New York, 1830. 8 *Pph.v.79 Enquiry into the conduct of Gov. L. in rela- tion to N. Y. merchants. See Impartial. Pph.v.25 LEWIS, Taylcr. Discourse on naturalism, as op- posed to the scriptural doctrine of the di- vine imperium. Schenectady, 1850. 8.*Pph.v.l80 Discourse on the true idea of the state as a religious institution. Andover, 1843. 8. *Pph.v.l37 Faith the life of science : address before the Phi Beta Kappa society of Union college. Albany, 1838. 8 *Pph.v.l02 Natural religion the remains of primitive revelation : a discourse. N. Y. 1839. 8. *Pph.v.l80 Six days of creation. 2d ed. Schenectady, 1855. 12 3419.3 LEWIS, Theresa. Friends and contemporaries of Clarendon. London, 1852. 3v. 8 .... *2441.3 LEWIS, William. Edinburgh new dispensatory. 2ded. Edinburgh, 1790. 8 3785.16 - Same. 3d Am. ed. Boston, 1790. 8" . . 3785.15 History of materia medica, with additions by Aiken. 4th ed. London, 1791. 2v. 8. . 3784.12 LEWIS, William L. TheThebaidof Statius,transl. etc. [Chalmers. Eug. poets] . . . v.20 of 2592.7 LEXINGTON, Ky. Transylvania university, Cata- logue of, 1802-26. [Lexington.] pp.16. 8.**E.224.5 Transylvania university, mcd. department. Catalogue of medical graduates, by T. D. Mitchell. 1819-37. 8. [Transylvaniajourn. of medicine, Vol.xi. pp. 201-234] . . *M.Pph.v.32 - Catalogue of, 1838-41, 1846-47. Lexing- ton, Ky. 1838-47. 8 *M.Pph.v.31,35,43 LEXINGTON, Mass. History of the battle of. See Frothingham, R. jr 2353.1 LEXINGTON, with other fugitive poems. See Wet- more, P. M 2405.3 LEYBOURN, T. Mathematical questions proposed in the ladies' diary. Lond. 1817. 4v. 8". **E. 197.4 New series of the mathematical repository. London, 1806-30. 5v. 8" **E.197.7 LEYCESTER, Sir P. Historical antiquities. [Book 1.] In general of Great Britain and Ireland. [B.2.] Cheshire. London, 1073. f . . . .*2400.12 LEYDEN, Dr. J. Poetical remains, with life by J.Morton. London, 1819. 8 2608.10 LEYDEN. Werken uitgcgeven door de vereenig- ing ter bevordering der Oude Nederlandsche letterkunde. lOv. 8". Namely: - Der leken spieghel, leerdicht van den jare 1330, door Jan Boendale, gezegd Jan de Clerc. 3v 2873.1 - Roman van Walewein, door Pennine en Pieter Vostaert. 2v 2873.2 Shelf. No. LEYDEN, Werken, etc. continued. - Roman van Karel den Grooten en zijue XII pairs 2873.3 - Leven van Sint Franciscus, door Jacob van Maerlant 2873.4 - Der Minnen Loop, door Dire Potter. 2v. 2873.5 - Dboec vanden Houte, door Jacob van Maerlant 2873.6 Museum anatomicum academic Lugduno- Batavae. Sandifort, E 3750.1 LEZARDIERE, M. C. P. R. de. Theories dcs lois politiques de la monarchic frangaise. Nouv. ed. Paris, 1844. 4v. 8 2637.2 LEZAY de Marmizia, C. A. de. Lettres de Julie et d'Ovidc, suivies de 1'artd'aimcr d'Ovidc, traductiou nouvelle. Paris, 1822. 18 . *4079a.l4 L'UERITIER, L. F. Memoircs de Brissot. See Brissot de Warville, J. P 2054.6 L'HERITIER de Brutelle, C. L. Stirpes novae aut minus cognitse. Parisiis, 1784. f .... *37.L.l L'HERMITE, J. Navigatio Hollandorum per vni- versum orbem, duce I. Ermita. [Bry. Coll. peregrinationum. Ser. 1, v.o] 2360.26 Voyages aux Indes Orientalcs par le detroit de Magellan, 1623-26. [Constantin. Re- cueil des voyages, v. 4] 2277.12 L'HOMOND, C. F. De viris illustribus urbis Ro- mae. Ed. pr. Nov. Ebor. [cura] J. Hardic. New York, 1817. sm. 12 7089.21 Epitome historian sacrae. Ed. pr. Am. Phil- adelphia, 1S10. 24 3119.26 - Same. Ed. sec. Am. Phila. 1812. 24 . 7080.20 Elements of French grammar, transl. by H. W. Longfellow. Portland, 1830. 12 . . . 7079.13 - Same. 5th cd. Boston, 1840. 12 .... 7079.5 L'HOSPITAL, M. dc. CEuvres completes, prccedees d'un essai par P. J. S. Dufey. Paris, 18 .'1- 25. 3v. 8 2067.5 Contents. Vol.1. Essai sur la vie ct les ouvragcs de Michel L'llospital ; Harangues. II. Suite des harangues; Mumoircs ; MOmoircs d'etat ; Lcttrca di- versesj Testament. III. Tocmata. (Euvrcs ineditcs. Notes par P. J. S. Dufey. Paris, 1825. 2v. 8' 2667.6 Contents. Vol. I.-II. Traitu de la reformation de la justice. II. Memoires; Essai sur la legislation du IGe siecle. LIIUYD, E. ArchaeologiaBritannica. Vol.i. Gloss- ography. Oxford, 1707. f *2590.4 LIBANIIIS Sophista. Epistola;, Gr. et Lat. ed J. C. Wolfius. AmstclzEdami, 1738. f . . . *2990.1 Dcclamatio sub persona Meuelai pro concione Trojanorum Helenam rcpetcutis. [Eras- mus. Opera, v.l] *2920.3 LIBELS, Candid considerations on Pph.v.317 Upon the law of libel. Otis, H. G. . . . Pph.v.21i LIBER albus. See Great Britain. Rolls chron. 2414.13 LIBER niger domus rcgum Anglix 2511.3 LIBER primus, or a first book of Latin exercises. Dana, J 7089.16 LIBER vitae ecclesix Dunelmcnsis. [Ed. J. Raine.] London, 1841. 8. [Surtees soc. 13] *2417.13 LIBERAL, The : verse and prose from the south. Hunt.J. H. L 2556.5 LIBERAL preacher : a monthly publication of ser- mons by living ministers. Vols. i.-iv. New series. Boston, 1831-34. 4v. in 2. **E. 218.8, 3441.10 LIBERATOR, The. W- L. Garrison, editor. V.i- XXVI. Boston, 1831-56. 17v. f *7970.1 LIBERATUS. Breviarium causa; Ncstorianorum et Eutychianorum. [Migue. Patrol, v. 68] 3450.9 LIBERIANA, Basilica. Valentini, A 4050.9 LiBERius,pope. Epistolse, dicta et gesta. [Mignc. Patrologias v.8] 3440.6 LIBERTY, the superscription of every coin issued by the U.S. n. p. 1839. 12 *Pph.v.225 LIBERTY: a poem by Rusticus. Philadelphia, 1768. pp.27. 4 *2400.5 LIBERTY 470 LIEBIG Shelf. No. LM;I:RTY. Blcdsoo, A. T. Essay on 3573.22 Eliot, S. Passages from the history of . . . 2408.7 Jenkins, D. Statutes concerning 3509.30 La Mcnnais, F. 11. de. Do Pabsolutismo et do In libcrtu 3509.40 Price, It. Nature and value of civil L. . . . 2324.28 Rogers, D. Poem on Pph.v.7 See also : Democracy, Free, Republicanism. LIBERTY asserted: a tragedy. Dennis, J. . . . 2575.2 LIBRARIES. Bailly, J. L. A. Notices sur les bi- bliotheques anciennes ct modernes .... 2121.5 Edwards, E. Memoirs of 2121.4 - Farnham, L. Glance at private L 2125.2,3 Lacey, W. B. Utility of apprentices' L. . Pph.v.33 Livermore, G. Remarks on public L. . . . 2125.5 Papworth, J. W. Establishment, formation, etc. of 2120.13 Pctit-Radel, L. C. F. Rccherches sur les bi- bliotheques ancicnncs et modernes .... 2125.8 Sothcby, S. L. List of the original catalogues of L. which have been sold at auction . . . 2455.2 Note. For the history, etc. of particular libra- ries, sec the names of the places where they are lo- cated, or of their possessors. National and state li- braries will be found under the names of the govern- ments to which they belong. Library economy. - Budik, P. A. Vorbereitungsstudien f iir den angchenden Bibliothekar 2122.10 Ebcrt, F.A. Die Bildung des Bibliothekars . 2122.11 Hesse, L. A. C. Bibliotheconomie 2122.14 Ludewig, II. Zur Bibliothekonomie .... 2122.4 - Middlcton, C. Bibliothecae Cantabrigiensis ordinandae methodus 2122.1 Molbech, C. Ueber Bibliothekswissenschaft. 2122.9 Paris. Lettres des conservatcurs de la bibli- otheque royale 2122.3 Pciguot, E. G. Sur 1'etablissement d'une bibliothequc 2123.3 Plans for gentlemen's L 2122.12 Preusker, C. Ueber iiflentliche, Vereins-und Privat-Bibliotheken 2122. C Santa, L. dclla. Delia costruzione, e del re- golamento di una pubblica universale bibli- oteca 2122.2 Schrettinger, M. Handbuch der Bibliothek- AVissenschaft 2122, 8, 10 Seizinger, J. G. Bibliothekstechnik .... 2122.5 Shurtleff, N. B. Decimal system for the ar- rangement and administration of 2120.12 See also : Bibliography, Books, Catalogues, Classi- fication, Diplomatics, Printing. LIBRARY of Anglo-catholic theology. Rules, subscribers, and books published, 1841-44. [London, 1844.] 8 *Pph.v.l44 LIBRARY of old authors, published by J. R. Smith. London, 1850-58. 19v. 10. Namely : Aubrey, J. Miscellanies 2009.21 Crashaw, R. Complete works 2009.24 Drummond, W. Poetical works 2009. 15 Lilly, J. Dramatic works. 2v 25S8.12 Marston, W. Dramatic works. 3v 2009. 10 Overbury, T. Miscellaneous works .... 2009.22 Quarlcs, F. Enchiridion, containing institu- tions 2009.19 Selden, J. Table-talk 2009.20 Southwell, R. Poetical works 2009.23 Webster, J. Dramatic works. 2v 2009.17 Wither, G. Hallelujah, or Britain's second remembrancer 2009.18 - Hymns and songs of the church .... 3449.7 Wright, T. Vision and creed of Piers Ploughman. 2v 2539.1 LIBRARY of practical medicine. Namely . Abernethy, J. Local diseases and aneurisms. 3741.2 Ashwell, S. Diseases peculiar to women . . 3770.37 Boylston prize dissertations on exploring the condition of the external organs. By Oliver W. Holmes, Robert W. Haxall, and Luther V. Bell 3717.2 Shelf. No. LIBRARY of practical medicine, continued. Brodie, B. C. Diseases of the joints .... 3745.14 Evanson, R. T., and Maunscll, II. Manage- ment and diseases of children 3777.18 Green, J. Diseases of the skin 3790.47 Pearson, J. Principles of surgery 3741.2 LIBRARY of reference. See Treasury of knowl- edge 2284.4 LIBRARY of the fine arts. No. 1-21. London, 1831- 32. 4v. 8' 4072.2 LIBRI, G. de. Sopra 11 Bonctto di Martelli, die comiucia, O celeste, c tcrreno almo tesoro. [Dati. Prose florcntine. Lczioui, v.10] . . 2787.1 LIBRI-CARRUCCI della Sommaja, G. B. I. T. Ilis- toire des sciences matheiuatiques en Italic. Paris, 1838. 4v. 8" 3933.1 Memoires de mathematiqucs. Berlin, 1835. 4 **E. 192.2 Aualisi della mcmoria sulla relazione che esiste tra le acque dell' Arno e quclle della Chiana del conte Fossombroni. [Raccolta del moto dell' acque, v.17] 3942.1 LIBRI symbolic! ecclesise catholicae, opera ct studio F. G. Strcitwolf, et R. E. Klener. Gottingae, 1&38. 2v. 8 3404.16 LICENTIUS. Carmen ad Augustinum. [Lemaire. Poet. Lat.min.v. 130] v.3 of 2912.1 - Same. [Wernsdorf. Poet. Lat. min. v.4]. 2912.4 LICHENS. Acharius, E. Lichenographise Suecicae prodromus 3858.17 - Methodus lichenum 3858.15 - Synopsis methodica lichenum 3858.18 Fries, E. Lichenographia Europaea rcformata. 3868.10 Hoffmann, G. F. Dcscriptio plantarum e classe cryptogamica 3850.2 Leighton, W. A. British species of angiocar- pous L 3824.10 Tuckerman, E. Lichcnes of New England, British America, etc 3857.5 LICHFIELD, History of the cath. church of . v.3 of 4101.0 LICIIXOWSKY, E. M. Kaiser Fricdrich in, und Bcin Sohn, Maximilian, 1477-93. Wicn, 1844. 8 2842.5 LICHTENSTKIN, M. H. C. Travels in S. Africa, 1803-0, transl. by Anne Plumptre. London, 1812-15. 2v. 4 *3051.5 Darstellung neucr oder wcnig bekanuter Saugethiere. Berlin, 1827-34. Text Iv. u. Atlas, Iv. f *5860.6 LICHTENSTEIN, U. v. [Vrouwen dienest und Vrouwen buoch.] Mit Anmerkungen von T. v. Karajan. Hrsg. von C. Lachmann. Berlin, 1841. 8 2900.3 LICHTEXTHAL, P. Dizionario e bibliografla della musica. Milano, 1820. 4v. in 2. 8 .... *2170.22 LICINIANUS. Epistolae duae. [Migne. Patrologias v.72] 3450.12 LIEBER, F. Essay on subjects of penal law, and solitary confinement at labor. Philadel- phia, 1838. r.8 3575.2 Manual of political ethics. 2d ed. [p.i.] Bos- ton, ia39-47. 2v. 8 3002.3 Plan of education for Girard college, with a report. Philadelphia, 1834. 8 3592.21 Reminiscences of Niebuhr, the historian. Philadelphia, 1835. 10 2840.14 On the vocal sounds of Laura Bridgeman. [Smithsonian contributions, v.2, art.2] . . 3340.1 LIEBERK.UHN, W. E. F. De diurnis Romanorum actis: [diss. acad.] Vimariae, 1840. pp. 18. 4*.*2950.10 Vindiciae librorum injuria suspectorum. Lip- Biffi, 1844. 8 2954.4 LIEBIG, J. Animal chemistry, in its application to physiology and pathology. Ed. by W. Gregory. London, 1842. 8 3703.13 - Same. New York, 1842. 4. [From the New world] *Pph.v.327 Chemistry in its application to agriculture and physiology. New York, 1842. 4. [From the New world] *Pph.v.327 LIEBIG 471 LINCOLN Shelf. No. LIEBIG, J. continued. Familiar letters on chemistry, and its rela- tion to commerce, physiology, and agricul- ture. Ed. by J. Gardner. Philadelphia, 1843. 8 *Pph.v.l45 Traite de chimic organique, trad, par C. Ger- hardt. Paris, 1840-14. 3v. 8 3975.8 Vcrhiiltniss der Thier-Chemie. zur Thier- Physiologie. Heidelberg, 1844. pp.54. 8. 3887.11 Annalcn dcr Chemio und Pharmacie. See Brandos, R *3288.1 and Kopp, H. Annual report of the progress of chemistry, and the allied sciences. Ed. by Hoffmann, and DC la Hue. London, 1849-53. 4v. 8 3970.1 - Jahresbericht liber Chemie, Pliysik, Min- cralogie u. Geologic. Register fur 1847- 50. Giessen, 1849-58. lOv. 8 *39S5.1 LIEBKNECIIT, J. G. Hassiaj subterranean speci- men. Giessse, 1730. sin. 4 3809.1 LIBBLE, P. L. Memoire sur les limites dc 1'cmpirc de Charlemagne. [Leber. Coll. diss. hist. France, v.2] 2018. 1 LlEGK. Recueil des arretes [etc.] de 1'ecole pre- paratoirc, de 1'ecole special c des mines, etc., annexees a 1'universite do Liugc. Liege, 1839. 8 *Pph.v.2S2 Becdelievrc-IIamel, A. G. dc. Biographic lic'gcoise 2843.1 Gcrlache, E. C. de. Histoiro de L. dcpuis Cesar jusqu' a Maximilian de Baviere . . . 2813.4 Hcnaux, F. Histoirc du pays de 2813.3 LIETBERT, abbot of St. Ruff. Epistokc. [Migne. Patrologiac v.157] 3400.34 LIETBERT, bp. of Cambrai. Vita, auctorc Ro- dulpho, abbatc S. Trudonis; Charta. [Migne. Patrologix v.140] 3400.24 LIFE. Abernethy, J. Rationality of Hunter's theory of 3705.2 Bichat, M. F. X. Rccherchcs physiologiques sur la vie 3704.3,4 - Researches upon 3705.5 Edwards, W. F. Influence of physical agents on 3705.8 Flourcns, M. J.P. De la vie et 1'intelligcnce. 3709.19 Goodwyn, E. Connexion of L. with respira- tion M.Pph.v.118 Green, J. H. Vital dynamics 3705.10 Lamarck, J. B. Sur 1'organisation des corps vivans 3705.13 MattcuccijC Phenomencs des corps vivants. 3705.14 - Phenomena of living beings 3887.12 Paine, M. Philosophy of vitality 3702.11 Philip, A. P. W. Laws of the vital func- tions 3705.17,18 Prichard, J. C. Doctrine of a vital principle reviewed 3705.20 Yates, W. Science of 3705.15 See also: Death, Longevity, Organic life, Vitality. LIFE forfeited by Adam, Three questions concern- ing. Thorn, D 3453.35 LIFE insurance. See Insurance. LIFE memories. Rand, E. S 2408.10 LIGAN: tales and sketches. Duane, \V 2408.30 LIGHT. Hardy, R. W. II. Properties of .... 3920.28 Hcrschcl, J. F. W. Light r.'Jjl.^ Iluygcns, C. Tractatus de lumine .... E.192.7 Okcn, L. Theorie des Lichts 3920.24 Powell, B. Undulatory theory applied to the dispersion of 3920.27 Priestley, J. Discoveries relating to .... 3920.21 Pringlc, J. Vcrschillcndczoorteu dcr Lugt. Pph.v.10 See also : Aberration, Colors, Diffraction, Optics, Refraction, Shadows, Vision. LIGHT and shade, or, the young artist. Drury, A. II 2570.21 LIGHTFOOT, J. Whole works, edited by Rev. J. Pitman. London, 1822-25. 13v. 8 . . . . *3504.1 Contents. Vol. I. The prefaces of former editions; Indexes; Battle with a wasp's nest. II. Rules for a Shelf, No. LIGHTFOOT, J. continued. student of the Scriptures; Harmony of the Old Tes- tament ; Observations on Genesis; Gleanings from Exodus; Dccreatione ; Itincra Israelitarum ; Expo- sitio Hosea; ; Promissionca Divinoe, etc. III. Har- mony of the New Testament; Fall of Jerusalem ; De ccena ultima; Apocalypseos auctor; De spiritu pro- phetta; ; De academia Jafncnsi. IV. Miscellanies ; Harmony of the four evangelists. V. IJarmony con- tinued ; Explanation of difficult places of Holy Scriptures; Exercitia academica, VI. Exposition of three articles of the apostles' creed ; Sennons. VII. Sermons, and sermon notes. VIII. Commentary on the Acts ; Fragmenta historic Romano? et Christi- ana:; Exercitations on Acts. IX. The temple ser- vice ; The prophet of the temple. X. Chorographic works; Seven Latin tracts. XI. Horse Hebraicaa et Talmudicae: Exercitations oil Matthew and Mark. XII. Horse Hcbraicaj et Talmudica; : Exercit. on Luke, John, Romans, 1 Corinthians. XIII. Journal of the assembly of divines, Jan. 1G43 Dec. 1G14 ; Let- ters to and from Dr. Lightfoot. LIGHT-HOUSES. Description of French light- houses. See Great Britain. Admiralty. E.UO.G of the British islands. See Great Britain. Admiralty E. 110.5 See also: Bell-rock, Eddystonc, Minot's ledge, Skcrryvorc. LIGHTNING. Forbes, R. B. Shipwreck by ... 3902.7 Harris, W. S. Protection from 3902.22 LIGNE, C. J. dc, prince. Letters and reflections, tr. by D. Boileau. Philadelphia, 1609. 2v. inl. 12 2852.15 Mumoircs ct melanges historiques et litte- raires. Paris, 1827-29. 5v. 8 *2G52.8 LIGON, 11. History of the island of Barbadocs. London, 1073. f *23GO.C LILAVATI, arithmetic from the Sanscrit of Blias- cora E. 191. 11 LILLIE, J. Reply to prof. Stuart and president Nott, on the wine question. Philadelphia, 1848. 8" *Pph.v.l~0 LILLY, or Lyly, J. Dramatic works, with notes and life by F. W. Fairholt. London, ls.^. 2v. 10. [Library of old authors] *2588.12 Contents. Vol. I. John Lilly and his works ; En- dimiou, the man in the moouc ; Campaspc ; Sapho and Phao ; Gallathea ; Notes. II. Mydas ; Mother Bombie; The woman in the moonc; Love's mctamor- phoois; Notes. See Old English plays 2007.1 Contents. Vol. I. A pleasant conceited comedy called Mother Bombie; Midas, a comedy. II. En- dymion; or the man in the moon, a comedy. Alexander and Campaspc. [Dodsky. Old plays, v.2] 2588.1 LIMA, N. Y. Gencsce Wesleyan seminary, Cat- alogue of, 1840. Lockport, 1S40. b . . *Ppli.v.lG3 LIMBOUKG, Histoire du. Ernst, 31. S. P 2812.6 LIMNEUS stagualis. Dissertatio sistens limnei stagnalis anatomcn. Stiebcl, S. F 3872.15 LIMOUSIN. Voyage de Paris en Limousin par J. dcLa Fontaine. [Gamier. Voyages ima- ginaires, v.28] 2000.1 LIJIVEKANI, G. P. Istoria dclla Corsica. Roma, 1779-80. 2v. 4" *2700.12 LlNANT de Bellefonds, M. A. Linant Hey. Voyage dc 1'Arabie-Petree. See Labordc, L. E. S. P. J. de 3020.3 LINARI, P. S. Memoria sull'ecclissc del sole, set- tcmbrc 7, 1820. [Inghirami. Nuova colle- zione di opusculi, v. 1] 2707.5 LINCEI, Memorie dell' accademia de'. See Odes- Ciilchi, B -'5272.4 LINCK, J. H. De stcllis mariuis. lllvstr. C. G. Fischer. Accedvnt E. Lvidii, de Reavmvr et D. Kade opuscula. Lipsiae, 1733. f . . *5S70.1 LINCOLN, B. Hints on medical education in New England, with an appendix, [etc.] Bur- lington, 1833. 8 3 *M.Pph.v.24 LINCOLN, C. Trial of Rogers for the murder of. See Bigelow, G. T 3084.13 LINCOLN, D. W. Oration at AVorcester, July 4, 1SU5. Worcester, 1805. 8 *Pph.v.G3 LINCOLN 472 LINSCIIOTEN Shelf. No. LINCOLN, E. Oration at Worcester, July 4, 1812. Worcester, 1812. 8 *Pph.v.64 LINCOLN, L. Oration at Brookficld, July 4th, 1*07. Worcester, n.cl. 8" *Pph.v.G2 LINCOLN, W. History of Worcester, Mass. Wor- cester, 1837. 8 2350.20 LINCOLN'S inn, Society of. See London. LINCOLNSHIRE. Allen, T. History of the coun- ty of Lincoln 2-191.0 History of 2409.15 Post-office directory 2483.3 Kebellion in. [Camden soc. 39] 2410.39 Traditions of 2493.7 See also: Boston, Stanford. LIND, James. Diseases incidental to Europeans in hot climates. Oth cd. London, 1808. 8. 3797.15 LINDEMANN, F. Corpus grammaticorum Latino- rum. Lipsise, 1831-40. 4v. in 3. 4 . . . . *2912.10 Contents. Vol. I. Donatum, Probum, Eutychium, Arusianum Mcssium, Maximum Victorinum, Aspe- rum, Phocam continens. II. Pauli Diaconi cxccrpta et Sex. Pompeii Fcsti fragmcnta continens. III. Isidori Uispuleiisis ctymologiarum libros xx conti- nens. IV. Flavium Sosipatrum, Charisium, et Dio- mcdcm continens. LINDEN, P. L. vander. Agriones Bononienses descriptae ; Aeshnae Bononienses descriptae. (See Opuscoli scientific!, v. 4 3911.6 LINDENAU, B. A. v. Investigatio nova orbitze a Mercurio circa solem descriptae. Gothae, 1813. 4" **E.182.IO Tabular Martis. Eisenbcrg, 1811. 4. . . **E.l.xMO Tabulae Veneris. Goth, 1810. 4 . . . . **E.182.10 and Bohncnberger, J. G. F. v. Zeitschriftfiir Astronomic. Tubingen, 1816-18. 6v. 8 . **E.189.14 LINDENBEHG, J. B. W. Species hepaticarum et monographia hepaticarum. Bonnae, 1839- 44. 2v. in 1. 4 *3851.5 Synopsis hepaticarum Europaearum. Bonnie, 1829. 4 *3851.0 and Gottsche, C. M. Species hepaticarum. Bonnae, 1840. pp.78. 4 *3851.5 LINDINUS. De aetate. See Wernsdorf, J. C. Poet. Lat. min. v.3 2912.4 LINDLEY, J. Flora medica. London, 1838. 8 . . 3780.6 Introd. lecture delivered in the univers. of London, Apr. 30, 1829. Lond. 1829. 8. *M.Pph.v.21 Natural system of botany, or view of the or- ganization, natural affinities, etc. of the veg- etable kingdom. 2d ed. London, 1830. 8. 3852.0 Nixus plantaruin. Londini, 1833. 8 . . *Pph.v.l9G Eosarum monographia, or a botanical history of roses. Londini, 1820. 8" 3854.2 Theory of horticulture, or gardening on phy- siological principles. London, 1840. 8. . 3852.14 Vegetable kingdom, or the structure, classi- fication, and uses of plants. Lond. 1840. 8. 3830.3 and Hutton, W. Fossil flora of Great Brit- ain. London, 1831-37. 3v. 8 3855.1 LINDLEY, T. Voyage to Brazil. Lond. 1805. 8. 2305.1 LINDNER, E. O. Die erste stehcnde deutsche Oper, mit ncun bisher ungedrucktcn Composition- en von K. Kciser, u. s. w. Berlin, 1855. Iv. 8. Iv. 4 *4043.10 LINDSAY, D. See Lyndsay, D. LINDSAY, Lord. See Crawford, A. W. LINDSAY, W. S. Navigation and mercantile ma- rine laws considered. London, 1852. 8 . 3602.14 LINDSEY, T. Historical view of the Unitarian doc- trine and worship. London, 1783. 8 . . . 3402.11 Sermons, with appropriate prayers. London, 1810. 2v. 8 3443.8 Memoirs. See Belsham, T 3462.0 LINDSLY, P. Plea for the theological seminary at Princeton. Trenton, 1821. 8 *Pph.v.27 LINEN manufacture. See Industry and frugality. 2408.34 LINGARD, J. History and antiquities of the Anglo- Saxon church. London, 1845. 2v. 8 . . 3523.2 History of England. New ed. enl. London, 1837-51. 13v. 10 *2429.2 Shelf. No. LINGUE.T, S. N. H. Plaidoyers. [Annales du barrcau francais. Barreau ancien, v.G] . . 3708.1 Storiauniversalecontinuata. ,SVe JIardion, J. 2219.1 and Dusaulx, J. Memoircs sur la Bastill sur le 14 juillct. 2e <'d. Paris, is'.':.'. [Bcrvillc et Barrierc. Mem. rcl. a la re vol. fran?. GJ *4G45.3 LINK, H. F. Anatomia plantarum. Berlin, 1843- 47. SHfteinlv. 4 *3S51.7 Propyliien der Naturkundc. Berlin, 1830-39. 2v. 8 3819.6 llcise durch Frankreich, Sparien und Portu- gal. Kiel, 1801-4. 3v. 8 2660.31 LINN, J. B. Letter to Dr. Priestley in answer to Socrates and Jesus compared. Philadel- phia, 1803. 8 *Pph.v.5i Letter to Priestley in answer to his defence of Socrates and Jesus compared. Philadel- phia, 1803. 8 3475.11 Powers of genius : a poem. Phila. 1801. 10. 2409.3 Serious considerations on the election of a president. New York, 1800. 8 ... . *Pph.v.l50 Valerian : a narrative poem. Phila. 1805. 4. 2398.1 LINN, L. F. Report on the cultivation of tropical plants in the U. S. [Wash'n. 1838. 8].*Pph.v.l5i LINN, W. Blessings of America: sermon, 4th July, 1791. [New York, 1791.] 8 .... *Pph.v.32 Discourse delivered 26 Nov. 1795, on the re- moval of an epidemic. N. York, 1795. 8. *Pph.v.47 Remarks on Dr. Morc's address to the mem- bers of the protestant episcopal church in New York. New York, 1793. 8 .... *Pph.v.32 Sermon to prove that baptism is not regen- eration. New York, 1793. 8 *Pph.v.l3 LINNE, C. v. b. 1707, d. 1798. Anioenitatcs academ- icae seu dissertationes variae. Ed. 3a, 2a. Erlangae, 1785-90. lOv. 8 *3848.2 Entomologia fauna: Sueeicae descriptionibus aucta. Lugduni, 1789. 4v. 8 3888.10 Fauna Suecica. Lugduni Batavorum, 1740. 8. 3909.2 - Same. Ed. alt. Stockholmia?, 1701. 8 . 3909.3 Hortus Cliffortianus. Amstelaedami, 1737. f. *3840.10 Museum Adolphi Frcderici regis. Tomi secun- di prodromus. Holmiae, 1704. 8 3839.2 Museum Ludovicae Ulricas rcginae. Holmiae, 1704. 8 3839.2 Species plantarum. Ed. 4a. Bcrolini, 1797. Gv. in 11. 8 *3849.3 System of nature, transl. from Gmelin, etc. with a life by W. Turton. London, 1806. 7v. 8 *3815.3 Contents. Vol. I. Mammalia, Birds, Amphibia, Fishes. II. and V. Insects. III. Vegetable kingdom. VI. Worms. VU. Mineral kingdom ; Life; Diction- ary, etc. Systema, genera, species plantarum. Ed. cri- tica. Ed. H. E. Richter. [Index. Compo- suit et ed. Petermann.] Lipsia;, 1840. 4" . *3831.2 Systema vcgetabilium. Ed. nova a J. J. Roemer et J. A. Schultes. Stuttgardtix, . 1817-30. 7r. in 8. 8 *3:j.5 - Same. Ed. 16a, curante C. Sprengcl. Gottingae, 1825-28. 5v. in 0. 8 3849.2 Tour in Lapland. Ed. by J. E. Smith. Lon- don, 1811. 2v. 8 2805. 2 Celebration at Flushing, [N. Y.] of the birth- day of Linnaeus, 1824. n.p. 1824. 8" . *Pph.v.50 Fee, A. L. A. Vie 3830.10 Stover, D. J. H. Life 38:31.7 - Leben, nebst Biogr. seines Sohnes C.v. L. 3839.8 LINOTTE, L. See Opuscoli scientific!. Contents. Vol. II. Sul nuovo metodo di calco- lare una superficie qualunque misuraudone esterna- mente il solo perimetro con la catena, ed applicozione alia solidita dei solidi. III. Sull' origine di alcune curve che si usano nclla costruzione dei bastimcnti da guerra, e loro applicazione agli archi dei ponti e delle volte negli edifizj. LINSCIIOTEN, J. H. van. Le grand roytier de mer. Traduit de Flameng. Amsterdam, 1619. f *22G0.3 LINSCHOTEN 473 LITERARY Shelf. No. LINSCHOTEN, J. H. van, continued. Histoire do la navigation aux Indes Orien- tales, avec annotations de B. Paludanus. 2e ed. Amsterdam, 1019. f *22G0.3 Xuviifatio in Oricntem. [Bry. Coll. peregrin. Ser. 2, v.l, 2] 2300.20 LIXTOTT, W. Pathology of the human teeth. London, 1841. 10 3805.33 LINUS. Carmiua. See Gnomici Grseci 2979.3 See Brunck, R. F. P 2968.5, 6 LINWOOD, W. Lexicon to ^Eschylus. London, 1843. 8 2978.11 LipNTi, V. Discorso intorno al sepolcro di S. Ro- salia. [Opuscoli di autori siciliani,v.2] . . 4704.1 LIOT, W. B. Panama, Nicaragua and Tehuante- pec. London, 1849. pp. 03. 8 2314.20 LIOUVILLE, J. Journal de mathematiques. V. 1- 20 in lOv. 2e se"r. v. 1-3. Paris, 1830-58. 13v. 4" *33C2.2 LIPEXIUS, M. Strenarum historia, a prima origine ad nostra usque tempora. [Graevius. The- saurus antiq. Rom. v. 12] 2950.1 LIPPI, L. II malmantile racquistato di Perlone Zipoli [Lippi], colle note di Puccio Lamoni [Paolo Minucci] Firenze, 1731. 2v. 4 . . *2791.10 - Same. [Pamaso italiano, v.37] 2709.2 LIPPIXCOTT, S- J. Poems by Grace Greenwood. Boston, 1851. 8 2399.10 LIPPIUS, J. Synopsis musicae novae omnino versa atque methodicae universae, etc., etc. Argen- torati, 1012. sm.8 *4059.15 LIPSCOMB, G. History and antiquities of the coun- ty of Buckingham. London, 1847. 4v. 4. *24C1.9 LIPSIUS, J. Opera omnia. Antverpioe, 1010-30. 8v. 4 *2920.13 Contents. Vol. I. J. Lipsii fama postuma; Vita Lipsii, MiriEO concinnata ; Oratio in Lipsii funere habitaa G. Corselio; Lipsii principatus litterarius a G. Rivio scriptus; Opera omnia qua; ad criticam proprie spectant: Variarumlectionumlibritres; Antiquarum lectionum libri quinque; Epistolicarura qua;stionum libri quinque; Electorum libri duo, in quibus, prater censuras, varii prisci ritus; Ad Vulcrium Maximum breves nota;; Anirnadversioncs in tragcedias qua: L. Annseo Seneca; tribuuntur; Judicium de consolatione Ciceronis ; Satyra MenippaDa, Somnium ; DC recta prouuntiationc Latinx lingua; dialogus. II. Epis!ola- rum centuria; quinque miscellaneae ; Oratio de ca- lumnia. in. Epistolarum centuria singularis ad Ita- los ct Hispanos ; Epistolarum centuria singularis ad Germanos ct Gallos ; Epistolarum ceuturia; tres ad Bclgas; Epistolica institutio, cxcerpta e dictantis ore; Adjunctum cst Demetrii Phalerii libellus de cpistolia. IV. De militia Romana libri quiuque : Commenta- rius ad Polybium ; 1'oliorceticon eive de machinis, tormcntis, telis, libri quinque. V. Admiranda, sive demagnitudine Romana, libri quattuor; Satumalium sermon um libri duo, qui de gladiatoribus; De amphi- theatre liber, in quo forma ipsa loci expressa, et ratio spectandii De amphitheatris quas extra Romam libel- lus; De Vesta et vestalibus syntagma i DC bibliothe- cis syntagma. VI. De cruce libri trcs, ad sacrain profanamque historiam utiles; Diva Virgo Ualleusis: benciiciaejusct miraculaflde atque ordiiie dcscripta; Diva Sichemiensis, sive Aspricollis : nova ejus bene- flcia et admiranda ; Rejectiuncula Sannionis cujus- dam liatavi ; Louanij, sive opidi et academiaj ejus dcscriptio. VII. Politicorum, sive civilis doctrina? libri sex, qui ad principatum maxime spectant ; De una religione adversus dialogistam liber ; Monita et cxcmpla politica, libri duo, qui virtutes et vitia prin- cipum spectant ; Leges regioe et leges decemvirales ; Disscrtatiuncula apud sereinssimos Belgarum prin- cipes; Commentarius in C. Plinii secumli panepyri- cum Trajano dictum. VIII. De coustantia libri duo, qui alloquium prajcipue continent in publicis malis; Manuductionis ad stoicam philosophiam libri tres, etc.; Physiologiae stoicorum libri tres L. Annxo Sen- ecaj, aliisque scriptoribus illustrandis. Opera omnia. Antverpiae, 10:)7. 4v. f . . *2920.1 Contents. Vol.1. Lipsii fama post.; Vita; Oratio in funere ; Lipsii principatus litterarius; Lipsiom- nema; Lipsii defensio post. ; De vcra Lipsii religione catholica dialog.; Variarum lectionura libri tresj Antiquarum Icctionum libri quinque in quibus varia scriptorum loca, Plauti prtccipuc, illustrantur; Epis- tolicarum quaistionum libri quinque in quis ad varies scriptures, plera:que ad T. Livium, nota); Electorum Shelf. No. LIPSIUS, J. continued. libri duo; Ad Valerium Maximum nota;; Aniroad- versiones in tragocdias qua; L.Anna;o Seneca; tribu- untur; Judicium de consolatione Ciceronis ; Satyra Menippxa; Lusus in nostri a;vi criticos; De recta pronuntiatione Latino; lingua;. II. Epistola;. III. De militia Romana : Poliorceticon libri quinque ; De magnitudine Romana; Satumalium sermonum libri duo, qui de gladiatoribus ; De amphitheatre liber ; De amphitheatris qua; extra Romam libellus ; De Vesta et vestalibus; De bibliothecis; De cruce; Diva virgo Hallensis ; Diva Sichemiensis ; Rejectiuncula Sannionis cujusdam Batavi; Lovanium. IV. Polit- icorum sive civilis doctrinae libri sex ; De una relig- ione ; Mouitaet exempla politica; Leges regia;, etc ; Dissertatiuncula apud principes ; Commentarivs in C. Plinii Secundi panegyricum Trajano dictum ; De constantia libri duo; Manuductionis ad stoicam phi- losophiam lib. trcs ; Physiologias stoicorum libri tres; Index. De Vesta ct vestalibus syntagma; De amphi- theatre liber. [Grasvius. Thesaurus antiq. Rom. v. 5, 9] 2950.1 LIRON, J. Dissertatio in Victorem Vitensem, cum nova ipsius vita. [Migne. Patrologia; v.5S]. 3440.27 See Leber, J. M. C. Coll. diss. hist. Fr. . . . 2018.1 Contents. Vol. III. Analyse de la dissertation, sur ritablissemeut de la religion chretieiinc dans lea Gaules. VII. De la confusion des Frant'ais ct dcs Gaulcs avant Philippe-Auguste, relativemeut au tri- but. LIROTI, I. M. Sopra a' primi vescovi caprulcnsi, o di Caorle. [Raccolta di opuscoli scieuti- fici, etc. v.25] 5274.1 LISCII, G. C. F. Chr. Ludw. Liscow's Leben. Schweriu, 1845. pp. &3. 8 L's !...'.> Liscow, C. L. Leben. See Lisch, G. C. F. . . . 2815.9 LISFUANC, J. Maladies de 1'uterus. [Ed.] par II. Pauly. Paris, 1830. f *37rc..2t Rotrecisscmens de 1'uretrc. Trad, du Lat. par Vi .-i-uiiM't Kicurd. Paris, 1.--J1. ^ 3 . . . . *3740.48 LISIIER, G. B. The sin against the Holy Ghost, illust. in a discourse. Albany, IN.','. .*Pph.v.34 LISIARD. Historia Ilierosolymitaua. [Migne. Patrologia; v.174] 3470.3 LlSSONl, A. Frasologia italiaua, e la parte piii im- portantc della 2da ed. dclla grammatica del eig. Fcrdinaudo Belli somi. 2a ed. Milano, 1835-39. 3v. 8 2783.3 LIST, F. Economic politique, trad, par II. Kichc- lot. Paris, 1S51. 8 3042.G Speech delivered at the Philadelphia manu- facturer's dinner. [Philadelphia,] n.d. 8'.*Pph.v.84 LiSTENiu.s, N. Musica dcnuo recoguita, multis- que novis rcgulis et excmplis adaucta, etc. Jf orinbergaj, n.d. sm.S *4059.3G LiSTEP., M. Journey to Paris, 1C9S. [Piiikerton. Voyages, v. 4] 2200.13 LISTEK, T. II. Answer to the misrepresentations on the life of Clarendon in the quarterly re- view. [No. 124.] London, 1839. 8' . . *Pph.v.l07 Life and administration of Edward, first earl of Clarendon. London, 1837-38. 3v. 8. . 2457.8 LlSTOX, 11. Operations of surgery, with add. by T. D. Mutter. Philadelphia, 1840. 8" ... 3752.5 LISZT, F. Briei'e Ubcr F. Liszt's Aufenthalt iu Ungarn. Berlin, 1&43. pp.02. 8 *4040.23 Lohengrin et Tannhiiuser de R. Wagner. Leipzig, 1851. 8 *4042.10 Richard Wagner's Lohengrin und Tanuhau- ser, aus dem Franziisischen. Mit Musik- Beilagcn. Koln, 1852. 8 *4040.27 Ueber Liszt's Graner Festmesse, u. s. iv. See Zelluer, L. A 405'.'. 4S LITAIS de Gaux. Grammaire nationale. See Be- scherelle, aine etjeune 2083.1 LlTCHFiELD, Co. of, Conn. Centennial celebration, 1851. Hartford, 1S51. 8 2330.4 Kilbourn, P. K. Biographical history of .. LITERARY character, The. See D'Israeli, I. ... 2200.3 LITERARY convention. Journal of a convention of literary and scientific gentlemen. See Delalield, J 2203.4 LITEEAEY 474 LITTBOW Shelf. No. LITERARY fund, Address for the anniversary fes- tival of the, May 10, 1843. Lond. 8.*Pph.v.l35, 152 LITERARY gazette. See Norton's literary gazette. LITERARY gazette and journal of belles lettres, science, and art. No. 1-1823, 1929-2136. New series. No. 1-79, London, 1817-59. 42v. 4.*5140a.l LITERARY history. Bibliotheca historiae littera- riic selecta. Struve, B. G 2177.2 LITERARY hours. See Drake, N 255G.9 LITERARY ladies, Letters for. Edgeworth, M. . 2576.2 LITERARY magazine and American register for 1803-7. [By C. B. Brown.] Philadelphia, 1803-7. 7v. 8 *5156.2 LITERARY memoirs of Germany and the North. London, 1759. 2v. in 1. 4 *2871.2 LITERARY men, Bianchini, G. Dell' ipocrisia degli uomini lettcrati : [dissertazione] . . 2771.13 Brougham, H. Lives of men of letters . . . 2251.7 Buckminster, J. S. Dangers and duties of men of letters 2406.10 Manno, G. De' vizj de' letterati 2206.6 Niceron, J. P. Nachrichten berUhmter Ge- lehrten 2178.1 Pindemonte, I. Elogi di letterati 2743.2 Revcille'-Parise, J. H. Sur le physique, etc. des gens de lettres 3762.13 llobbins,C. Disorders of 3766.15 Tittmann, F. W. Ueber die Bestimmung des Gelehrten 2206.2 LITERARY miscellany : essays with occasional re- views. Vol. I. II. Cambridge, 1805-6. 2v. inl. 8" *3192.5, **E.226.3 LITERARY museum, The. See Waldron, F. G. . . 2557.14 LITERARY property. Bignon, L. P. E. de. Let- tre sur la contrefagon etrangere 4658.1 Breulier, A. Du droit de perpetuite de la pro- priete intellectuelle 3621.14 Maugham, R. Treatise on the laws of . . . 3666.27 Muquardt, C. Das literarische Eigenthums- recht 2114.7 See also : Copyright. LITERARY and educational year-book for 1859. London, 1859. 8 *2154.2 LITERATURE. Andres, G. Dell' origine, pro- grcssi e stato attuale d'ogni letteratura . . 2200.2 Balbo, C. Lettere di 4767.5 Bcloe, W. Anecdotes of 2194.3 Collet, S. Relics of 2553.2 Dacier, B. J. Progres de la litterature . . . 2190.3 De la Roche, M. Memoirs of 2191.6 Denina, C. Vicende della letteratura .... 2206.7 D'Israeli, I. Curiosities of 2194.1 Eiehhorn, J. G. Geschichte der Litteratur . 2193.6 Girardin, St. M. Essais de litterature . . . 2670.37 Halsted, C. A. Obligations of L. to the mothers of England 3574.8 Hazlitt, W. Essays on 2558.30 La Ilarpe, J. F. de. Cours de litterature . . 2670.28 Lalannc, L. Curiosites litterairea 2206.5 Lambeck, P. Prodromus historiae literariae. 2200.1 La Place, M. de. Pieces pour servir a 1'his- toire et a la litterature 2689.10 Lombroso, G. II commercio c la letteratura. 3560.17 Lower, M. A. Contributions to 2558.4 Martin, L. A. Etudea des livres qui peuvent servir a 1'hist. litteraire du genre humain. 2123.8 Mathias, T. J. Pursuits of: a satirical poem.2566.7, 8 Nichols, J. Literary anecdotes of the eight- eenth century 2554.2 - Literary history of the eighteenth century. 2554.1 Nisard, D. Etudes d'histoire litteraire . . . 4077.12 Pinkerton, J. Letters of 2191.4 Stael-Holstcin, A. L. G. de. Influence of L. upon society 3569.8 Villcmain, A. Etudes de litterature 4677.7 - Tableau de la litterature du moyen age . 4677.5 - Tableau de la litterature au xvm siecle . 4677.6 See also : Anecdotes, Belles lettres, Burlesque, Comic literature, Criticism, Drama, Education, Lan- guage, Novels, Oratory, Poetry, Rhetoric, Romances. Shelf. N LITHGOW, W. Travels and voyages through Eu- rope, Asia, and Africa [1609], etc. 12th ed. Leith, 1814. 8 2273. LITHOGRAPHY. Engelmann, G. Traite de litho- graphic 4001.1 L. made easy. See Every man his own printer. 2120.1 Senefclder, A. Complete course of 4063. LITHOTOMY. Bell, C. Illustrations of 3740. Coulson, W. Lithotomy 3740.4 See also : Calculus, Grarel. LITHOTRITIE, ou broiement de la pierre dans la vessie. See Civiale, J 3740.3 LITHUANIA. Codex diplomaticus Lithuaniae. See Raczynski, E. v 3064. LITTA, P. Famiglie celcbri d' Italia. Milano, 1819. lOv. f *2740. Contents. Vol. I. Acciaioli di Firenze ; Accolti di Arezzo; Acquavivadi Napoli; Adornodi Geneva; Aldobrandini di Firenze; Alidosio d' Iraola; Alighieri di Firenze; Altemps di Roma; Alviano, D', d' Orvieto; Appiani di Pisa ; Archinto di Milanos Arcimbaldi di Milano; Ariosto di Bologna; Bentivoglio di Bologna; Bevilacquadi Verona. II. Birago di Milano j Bojardo di Reggio; Bonacolsi di Mantova; Boucompagni di Bo- logna ; Bonclli di Roma ; Borroraeo di San Miniato; Buonarrotidi Firenze: Buondelmonte di Firenze;Cal- cagnini di Ferrara; Camino, Da, di Trevigi; Candiano di Venezia; Cantelmi di Napoli ; Carraresi detti Pap- pafavadi Padova; Carpegna, Conti di, ncl Montefel- troj Casali di Cortona; Castiglioni di Milano; Caval- cabddi Cremona; Cavanigliadi Napoli; Cesarini di Roma; Cesi di Roma. III. Colonnadi Roma; Con- cini di Arczzo; Contrari di Ferrari; Corraro di Vene- zia; Corrcggio, Da; Eceliui della Marca di Trevigi; Erizzo di Venezia; Este, March, d'; Facchinetti di Bologna; Faggiuola, Della, nel Montefeltro ; Ferrero di Biella; Fogliani di Reggio; Foscari di Venezia; Fregoso di Geneva. IV. Gaddj di Firenze; Gallio diC'omo; Gam bacortadi Pisa; Ghiliuid' Alessandria; Giovio di Como; Giustiniani di Venezia; Gonzaga di Mantova; Gozzadini di Bologna; Grassi di Bo- logna ; Giucciardini di Firenze ; Lando di Ve- nezia; Lannoy di Napoli; Lodovisi di Bologna; Macchiavelli di Firenze; Madruzzo di Trenta. V. Malaspini ; Marescotti di Bologna ; Martelli di Fi- renze ; Massimo di Roma ; Mauruzi di Tolentino; Medici di Firenze; Monferrato, March, di; Monte, Del, di Montcsansavino; Monte Sa. Maria nell' Um- bria, Marches! del. VI. Montefeltro, Conti del; Navagero di Venezia; Normanni redi Sicilia; Orseolo di Venezia; Orsinidi Roma; Ottobonidi Venezia; Pal- laviciuo. VII. Paleologo, Marches! di Monferrato ; Pazzi di Firenze; Peretti di Montalto; Pico della Mi- randola; Piccolomini gia Todcschini di Siena; Pio di Carpi; Pusterla, Della, di Milano; Rangoni di Mo- dcna; Rossi di Parma; Roverella di Ferrara; Sanvi- tale di Parma. VIII. Savoja, Duchi di. IX. Scali- gcri di Verona ; Sforza, Attendolo, di Romagna ; Simouettadi Calabria; Sinibaldi di Pistoja; Stampa di Milano; Strozzi di Firenze; Svevia re di Napoli; Tiepolodi Venezia; Torelli di Ferrara. X. Torriani di Valsassina; Tomabuoni di Firenze; Trinci di Fo- ligno; Trivulzio di Milano; Valori di Firenze; Va- rano di Camerino; Verme, Del, di Verona; Vettori di Firenze; Villani di Firenze; Visconti di Milano; Visconti gia Aicardi di Milano ; Vitelli di citta di Castello. Necrologie. [Arch. stor. ital. App. v.9] . . 5255.1 LITTELL, E LittelPs living age. [1st series] , 36v. 2d series, 19v. 3d series, v.2, 3, 5-7. Boston, 1844-59. 60v. 8 *3161.S Museum of foreign literature, science, and art. v.23, July 1833, v.28, June 1&36. New series, v. 1, July 1836, v. 6, Dec. ia38. Phil- adelphia, 1833-38. 12v. 8 *5143J LITTLE, W. J. On club-foot. London, 1839. 8. 3755. C LITTLE Belt, Letters in relation to the affair of the. Monroe, J 2324.62 LITTLE Falls, HerHmer co. N. Y. Catalogue of the academy. Little Falls, 1846. 8 . . . . *Pph.v.l63 LITTROW, J. J. v. Analytischc Geometric. Wien, 1823. 8 **E. 196.21 Atlas des gestirnten Himmels. 2te Aufl. hrsg. von K. von Littrow. Stuttgart, 1854. 8 a . 3924.2 Die Wunder des Himmels. 4te Aufl. Stutt- gart, 1854. 8 3924.1 Theoretischc und practische Astronomic. Wien, 1821. 2v. 8 **E.1S7.4 LITURGICAL 475 LLOYD Shelf. No. LITURGICAL system of the Anglican communion. Jebb, J 3447.5 LITUROIKS. Autiphonairc et graduel do Paris . . 3447.18 Antiphonarium Romanum 4058.13 Book of common prayer. iVeeEng., Church of. 3447.6 Gcrbert von Hornan, M. Vetus liturgia Al- cmaniiica 3451.2 Isidorus Hispalensis. Liturgia Mozarabica. [Migne. Patrologirc v.85] . 3450.17 Le Brim, R. P. P. Dissertation sur les . . . 3448.0 Liturgia Romana vctus tria sacramcntaria complectens, Leonianum, Gelasianum, et antiquum Gregorian um. [Muratori. Opere min. v.13] 2710.2 L. set forth in the reign of queen Elizabeth. See England, Church of 3493.19 Miiskell, W. Monumenta ritualia ccclesiaj Anglicanse 3447.4 Roman catholic church. Oificium defuncto- i-uni 3447.23 - Lc processional romain 3447.17 - Rituale Romanum 3447.3 The two liturgies. A.D. 1519, and A.D. 1552. See England, Church of 3493.20 HTUKGY, The, in no danger: a letter. New York, 1843. 8 *Pph.v.l37 LITURGY. Hewins, J. SI. Hints concerning the. 4049.1 Hewlett, J. II. Instructions in reading the. 3437.1 See also: Devotion, Hymnology, Lord's prayer, Mass, Prayers, Rituals. LIUTPRAND, or Luitprand, lip. of Cremona. His- toria gestorum rcgum et imperatorum, sivo antapodosis ; De rebus gcstis Ottonis Mag- ni imperatoris ; Relatio de legatione Con- etantiuopolitana ; Chronicon ; Adversaria. [Migne. Patrologiae v.l. ,!;] 3400.15 Historia, ejusque legatio ad Nicephorum Pho- cam. [Muratori. Kcrum Ital. script, v. 2]. 2710.1 - Same. [Corpus script, hist. Byz. v.5] . . 2909.1 LIUTPRAND, Pseudo-Liutpraud. Chronicon ; Ad- versaria. [Migne. Patrologiaj v.130] . . . 3400.15 LIUTPRAND, king of Lombardy. Leges. [Mura- tori. Rerum Ital. script, v.l, p. 2] .... 2710.1 LIVER. Budd, G. Diseases of the 3700.40 Cooke, C. T. Efficacy of white mustard seed in affections of the 3789.28 Douglass, L. Function of the M.Pph.v.C Faithhorn, J. Observ. on liver complaint. 3700.39 Glisson, F. Anatomia hepatis 3759.9 Hes, J. II. de. Dissertatio de functione hepatis duplici M.Pph.v.103 Johnson, J. Derangements of the 3700.38 Saunders, "W. Hepatitis of India 3709.30 Stearns, J. Functions and diseases of the. M.Pph.r.89 LIVERMORE, G. Remarks on public libraries. Cambridge, 1850. pp.40. 8 *2125.5 LIVERMORE, Samuel. Law relative to principals, agents, [etc.] Boston, 1811. 8 3C05.10 LIVERMORE, Solomon K. Oration at Temple, N. H.July 4, 1809. Amhcrst.X. II. ISO 1 .). b.*Pph.v.G2 LIVERPOOL, Personal inquiries into the state and condition of the poor in. Liverpool, Ls27. pp.23. 8 3570.60 Report of the sewerage and other works under the sanitary act. Liverpool, 1848. 8. 7004.15 Baines, T. Liverpool in 1859 2472.20 Deuham, H. M. Sailing directions from port Lynas to 2472.17 History of 2472.15 Lubbock, J. W. Discussion of tide observa- tions made at 3921.18 Smithers, H. Commerce, statistics, and in- stitutions of 2472.14 Stranger in 2480.22 LIVERPOOL district provident visiting society. Manual, with remarks by Rev. A. Camp- bell. Liverpool, 1834. 8 *3570.01 Third annual report. 1832-33. Liverpool, 1833. pp.40. 8 *3570.G1 Shelf. No. LIVERPOOL domestic mission society. Report presented at the 13th annual meeting. Lon- don, 1S50. 12 3570.73 LIVERPOOL permanent night asylum for the houseless poor, Description of the, with its arrangements. [No title-page.] pp.8 12. 3570.00 LIVERPOOL, Earl of. See Jenkinson, C. LIVERY companies. History of the twelve great livery companies of London. Herbert, W. 2533.10 LIVING age. SeeLittell, E 3101.2 LIVINGSTON, Edward. Answer to Mr. Jefferson's justification in the case of the New Orleans batture. [No title-page.] 8 *Pph.v.l7 System of penal law in Louisiana. See Lou- isiana 3010.5 LIVINGSTON, Edward P. Address before the so- cieties of Columbia college. New York, 1831. 8 *Pph.v.S6 LIVINGSTON, John. Biogr. sketches of eminent American lawyers. Pt.l. New York, 1852. 8 3034.1 LIVINGSTON, Rev. John H. Sermon occasioned by the death of. Cuyler, C. C Pph.v.57 De Witt, J. Funeral discourse on .... Pph.v.57 Gunn. A. Memoirs of 3514.27 LIVINGSTON, M. Trial for libel. See Sampson, W. Pph.v.3 LIVINGSTON, R. R. and Fulton, R. vs. Van Ingcn, J. et al. Court of errors. New York, 1812. Opinions of the judges of the supreme court. Albany, 1812. 8 *Pph.v.9 LIVINGSTON, W. Funeral eulogium on Rev. Aaron Burr. Boston, 1753. pp.23. 8 *3457.35 LIVINGSTON and "Wells. History of the great express robbery. Rochester, New York. ISIS. 8 *Pph.v.l01 LIVINGSTONE, D. Missionary travels and re- searches in South Africa. Lond. 1857. 8. 3056.1 LIVINUS. Vita; Epistola. [Migne. Patrologise T.87] 3450.18 LlViUS Patavinus, T. Historiarum libri qui super- sunt omnes, cum notis [var.], curante A. Drakenborch. Ace. supplem. a Freinshemio concinnata. Am stelajdarni, 1738-40. 7v. 4. *2923.1 Historiarum quod exstat. J. Gronoviusnotas adjecit. Ed. nova. Basileas, 1740. 3v. 8. 2924.18 Historiarum libri qui supersunt. Ed. 4a cib J. T. Kreyssigio. Lipsiaj, 1823-27. 5v. 8. 2924.1 - Same. Item supplementa Frcinshemii, curante N. E. Lemaire. Parisiis, 1822-25. 12v. 8. [Lemaire. Biblioth. class. Lat. 108-119] *2913.2 Ab urbe condita libri, recog. W. Weissenborn. Lipsise, 1851-55. 6v. in 5. 10 2929.10 Selections from the first five books, with the 21st and 22d entire. With notes by J. L. Lincoln. New York, 1847. 12 7089.30 Ad T. Livium notae. [Lipsius. Opera, v.l] . 2920.1 Discorsi sopra la prima deca di T. Livio. [Machiavelli. Opere, v. 4, 5] 2805.1 Passavanti, T. Concioni tratte dalle istorie di T. Livio 4777.5 Scholia in T. Livii historian!. [Sigonio. Opera, v.3] 2790.3 LIVONIA. Bcschreibung dcr Vogcl Livlands. Meyer, B 3905.10 LIVRE dcs recompenses en chinois eten francais, etc., traduit par S. Julien. Paris, 1835. 8. [Oriental transl. fund, 39] *3014.1 LIVKES de jostice et de plot, publ. par Rapetti. Paris, 1850. 4. [France. Ministry pub. inst. Coll. de docs. ined. 54. Ire ser.] . . 2040.10 LLAGUNO y Amirola, E. Noticias de los arqui- tectos y arquitectura de Espana, con notas por D. J. A. Cean-Bermudez. Madrid, 1829. 4v. 8 4093.13 LLORENTfi, J. A. Portrait politiquc des papcs. Paris, 1822. 2v. 8 3517.4 LLOYD, D. State worthies of England [1520-1088.] New cd. by C. Whitworth. London, 1700. 2v. 8 2443.13 LLOYD 476 LOCOMOTION Shelf. No. LLOYD, E. Mathematical geography. [No title- page.] pp.32. 8. [Soc. f or diff. of useful knowledge] E.212.3 LLOYD, G. Economy of the public health. Lon- don, 1848. 8 3707.28 LLOYD, Hannibal E. Hamburgh, or transactions during the first six months of the year 1813. Philadelphia, 1814. 8 *Pph.v.37 LLOYD, Humphrey. Elements of optics. Dublin, 1840. 8 3920.33 On light and vision. London, 1831. 8 . **E.214.11 LLOYD, II. J. Physical geography. [No title- page.] pp.04. 8. [London. Soc. diff. useful knowledge] **E. 212.3 LLOYD, Richard. Christian theology. 2d ed. Lon- don, 1804. 8 3452.4 LLOYD, Kobert. Poems and life. [Chalmers. English poets] v.15 of 2592.7 LLOYD, T. Congressional register, or debates, etc. of the first house of representatives of the U.S. New York, 1789. 3v. 8 . . . *C.159.13 Proceedings of the presbytery of Phila. in the case of S. Wentz. Phila. 1820. 12 . . *Pph.v.209 Trial of A. Addison, on impeachment before the senate of Penn. Lancaster, 1803. 8. . 3084.18 Trials of W. S. Smith and S.G. Ogden for mis- demeanours. Circ. court, N. Y. New York, 1807. 8 3084.12 andCaines,G. Trial of T. O. Selfridgeforkill- ing Charles Austin, 1800. [Supr. court of Mass.] Boston, 1800. 8 3084.15 LOAN funds, Advantages of. Trench, F. [In a vol. lettered Poverty, etc.] 3570.01 LOANGO, Histoire de. [Proyart. (Euvrcs, v.17] . 2073.3 History of, by L. 15. Proyart. [Pinkerton. Voyages, v.10] 2200.13 Lop.fi, G. Cuba et les grandes puissances occi- deutalcs de 1'Europc. Paris, 1850. 8 ... 2313.5 LOBE, J. C. Fliegeude Blatter fur Musik. Leip- zig, 1855-57. 2v. 8 4042.9 Musikalischc Briefe. Leipzig, 1852. 2v. in 1. 12 4049.45 LOBO, J. Voyage to Abyssinia, with disserta- tions by M. Le Grand. Transl. etc. by S. Johnson. London, 1789. 8 3055.10 Voyage to Abyssinia. [Pinkerton. Voy. v.15]. 2200.13 LOBSTEIN, J. F. D. Observations d'accouche- mens. [No title-page.] n.d. 8" . . *M.Pph.v.l07 Observations d'anatomic comparee sur le phoque a ventre blanc. [No title-page.] n.d. 8 *M.Pph.v.H2 Sur la critique de ses observations d'accouchc- mens. [No title-page.] n.d. 8".. . M.Pph v.107 Use of phosphorus in diseases. Philadel- phia, 1825. 8 3780.1 LOBSTER. See Astacus. LocitNEH, G. W. C. Geschichte des Mittelalters. Niirnbcrg, 1839-40. 2v. 8 2292.7 LOCKE, Jane E. The recalled, in voices of the past and poems of the ideal. Boston, 1854. 8 2398.34 LOCKE, John. Works. New ed. London, 1823. lOv. 8 *3002.1 Contents. Vol. I. Life of the author. I.-1II. Of human understanding. III. Elements of natural philosophy ; New method of a commonplace-book. IV. Letter to the bishop of Worcester, concerning some passages relating to Mr. Locke's essay; Reply to the bp. of Worcester's answer to his letter; An an- swer to remarks upon the essay; Reply to bp. of Worcester's answer to his second letter. V. Conse- quences of lowering the interest ; Observations on a printed paper, For keeping silver money in Eng- land ; Further considerations concerning raising the value of money ; Two treatises of government (against Filmcr.) VI. Four letters concerning tol- eration. VII. Reasonableness of Christianity; Vin- dication of the [samej; Second vindication. VIII. Essay for the understanding of St. Paul's epistles; Paraphrase and notes on St. Paul's epistle to Gala- tians, Corinthians, Romans, Ephesians. IX. Thoughts concerning education; Examination of P. Male- branche's opinion of seeing all things iu God ; Dis- Shclf. No. LOCKE, John, continued. course of miracles ; Memoirs relating to Anthony, first earl of Shai'tesbury; Letters between Mr. Locke and several of his friends. X. Same continued; Char- acter of Locke by Peter Coste ; Fundamental consti- tutions of Carolina ; Letter, giving account of de- bates and resolutions in the House of lords, 11175, concerning a bill to prevent dangers from persons disaffected to the government; Remarks on some of Mr. Norris's books wherein he asserts Malebranche'8 opinion of seeing all things in God ; Letter to the secretary of the royal society; Letters; Observations on the culture of vines and olives; llistory of navi- gation to 1704; Catalogue and character of most books of voyages and travels. Abridgment of the essay concerning human understanding. From the Edinburgh ed. Boston, 1822. 12 3009.15 Essay on civil government. Boston, 1773. 8 *Pph.v.331 Letter concerning toleration. 3d ed. Bos- ton, 1743. 8 *Pph.v.331 Letters of. See Forster, T 2542.3 Paraphrase and notes on the epistles to the Galatiaus, Corinthians, Romans, and Ephe- sians. Newed. London, 1812. 8 .... 3414.11 Some thoughts concerning education. 13th ed. London, 1709. 12 3599.6 Reasonableness of Christianity. [Watson. Theological tracts, v.4] 3454.2 Selections. [Sparks. Tracts in thcol. v.O] . 3409.26 King, W. Life, with extracts from his cor- respondence, etc 2457.6 LOCKE, John, M. D. On terrestrial magnetism. [Smithsonian contributions, v. 3, art.l] . 3340.1 LOCKE, John G. Record of the descendants of William Locke, of Woburn. Boston, 1 1.8 *2331.2 LOCKE, W., Record of the descendants of. See Locke, J. G 2331.2 LOCKED jaw. See Tetanus. LOCKHART, G. Lockhart papers. Memoirs upon the affairs of Scotland, 1707-45. London, 1817. 2v. 4 *2511.4 Contents. Vol. I. Memoirs concerning the affairs of Scotland, from queen Anne's accession to the throne to the commencement of the union, in May, 1707; Letters and speeches, etc.; Commentaries con- taining an account of affairs from the union to the death of queen Anne, in August, 1714 ; Speeches, letters, etc. II. A register of letters twixt the king and George Lockhart, containing also a short account of public affairs from 171U-_'8; Journals and memoir* of the young pretender's expedition in 1745; Jour- nal! and memoirs of P ... C . . . expedition into Scotland, etc., 174.J-Ki, by a Highland officer in his army; Account of events at Inverness and Culloden; Letters ; Account of the young pretender's escape ; The young pretender in France. LOCKJIART, J. G. Ballantyne-humbug handled in a letter to Sir Adam Fergusson. Edinburgh, 1839. 12 *Pph.v.:^4 Life of Sir Walter Scott. Boston and Phila- delphia, 1837-38. 7v. 12" **E.>.2 Peter's letters to his kinsfolk. 2d ed. Edin- burgh, 1819. 3v. 8" 2557.8 Refutation of calumnies in the life of Scott. See Ballantyne, J Pph.v.223 LOCKROY, pseiul. See Simon, J. P. LOCKWOOD, James. Duty to preach Christ : ser- mon at the ordination of Mr. E. May. New Haven, 1750. 8 *3458.32 LOCKWOOD, John D. Memoir of. See Lockwood. P. 3550.17 LOCKWOOD, P. Memoir of J. D. Lockwood. 2d ed. New York, n.d. 10. [Amer. tract, soc.] 3556.17 LOCO-FOCO party, History of the. Byrdsall, F. . 2329.9 LOCOMOTION, Abridged specifications of patents relating to aids in. See Great Britain. Com- missioners of patents. Chabrier, J. Essai sur le vol des insectes, et sur les mouvements progressifs des aui- maux vertebres 3892.9 Spafford, H. G. Construction of wheel car- riages Pph.v.9 LOCOMOTIVE 477 LOMBARDI Shelf. No LOCOMOTIVE engines. Gouin. Experiments on. 4011. Pambour, F. M. G. de. Traite des machines locomotives 4015.1 Sellers, G. E. Improvement in 4011.1 See also : Engineering, Railroads, Steam-engine. LODDIGES, C., and sons. Botanical cabinet. Lon- don, 1817-33. 20v. sm.4. Colored plates . *3848. LODER, J. C. Observations scroti per sphacelum destructi et reproductionis ope restituti partic. n. Jenas, 1785. 4 *M.Pph.v.lor LODGE, E. Illustrations of British history, in the reigns of Henry vni James I. 2d ed., with add. London, 1838. 3v. 8 2437.2 Portraits of illustrious personages of G. Brit- ain, with memoirs. Lond. 1835. 12v. 1.8.*2451.11 - Same. Portraits alone. [London, 1823- 32.] 4" *2451.10 LODGE, T. The wounds of civil war. [Dodsley. Old plays, v.8] 2588.1 LODGING-HOUSES of London. London, 1846. 8. 3707.29 LODOLI, C. The doctor and his ass ; Democritus and his scholar. [Roscoe. Italian nov- elists, v.4] 2772.18 LODOVICO Sforza il Moro. Lettera all' imperatore Massimiliano. [Arch. stor. ital. App. v.3]. 5245.2 LODOVICO da Norcia. Delle metafore. [Autori del ben parlarc. Pte. 2] 3590.10 LOEBELL, J. W. Gregor von Tours und seine Zeit. Leipzig, 1839. 12 3557.17 Weltgeschichte in Umrissen und Ausfithrun- gcn. [Bd. I.] Leipzig, 184G. 8 2225.1 LOEHR, J. J. Uobcr die Schciblcr 'schc Erfindung iiber-haupt und dessen Pianoforte-und Or- gel-Stimmung insbesondere. Crefeld, 1830. 12 4049.33 LOEVIUS, Laevius or Laelius. Loevii vita ct car- minum reliquiae. Weichert, J. A. .". . . . 2912.0 LOEWE, L. Dictionary of the Circassian language, in two parts, English-Circassian-Turkish, and Circassian-English-Turkish. London, 1> S 54. 8 v.6of*2940.7 LOFTUS, AV. K. Travels in Chaldjea and Susiana. London, 1857. 8 3042.13 LOGAN, James, 6. 1674. In laudcs Pennsilvanize poema, 1729. [Proud. Hist, of Penn. v.2] 2372.11 LOGAN, James. Journey through Canada, the United States, and the West Indies. Edin- burgh, 1838. 12 2311.17 The Scottish Gael or Celtic manners among the Highlanders. London, 1831. 2v. 8 . 2474.2 LOGAN, Rev. John. Poems and life. [Chalmers. English poets] v.18 of 2592.7 LOGAN, Ca.pt. John. Treatise of honour, military and civil. See Guillim, J 2430.3 LOGAN, W. E. Geological survey of Canada 1853- 56. See Canada 3860.36 LOGANIAN library. See Philadelphia. LOGARITHMS. Babbage, C. Table of 3934.5 Borda, C. Table des logarithmes .... E. 193. 18 Callet, J. F. Tables portatives de 3934.4 Dodson, J. Anti-logarithmic canon . . . E.151.2 Douwcs, B. J. Logarithmen E. 181. 13 Gardiner, W. Tables de logarithmes . . . E.151.3 Maseres, F. Scriptores logarithmic! . . . E.151.5 Shortrede, R. Logarithmic tables 3934.1 Tables of. See London. Soc. for the diff. of useful knowledge 3939.19 Taylor, M. Tables of 3910.4 Vega, G. v. Logarithmisch-trigonometri- schcs Handbuch E. 151.0 - Thesaurus complctus logarithmorum . E.170.8 See also : Mathematical tables. LOGIC. Barthelemy Saint-llilaire, J. DC la lo- gique d' Aristote 3604.11 Boole, G. Mathematical theories of .... 3915.1 Costa, P. Del modo di comporre le idee . . 3007.14 De Morgan, A. First notions of .... Pph.v.107 Gcnovesi, A. Gli element! dell' arte logico- 3007.15 .. . Shelf. No. LOGIC, continued. Hedge, L. Elements of 3007.19 H'll, J. Logicaj artis rudimenta 3007.18 M. J, J. S. System of 3007.20 Wall, C. L. for initiatory instruction . . . 3007.17 See also: Authority, Certainty, Evidence, Moral evidence, Probability, Thinking. LOGIER, J. B. Exposition of [his] musical sys- tem, with strictures on Chiroplast. Lon- don, 1818. 8 *Pph.v.370 LOHER, F. Aussichten fur gebildete Deutsche in Nordamerika. Berlin, 1853. pp.54. 8 . . 2329.18 Geschichte und Zustande der Deutschen in Amerika. Cincinnati and Leipzig, 1847. 8. 2317.3 LOHLEIN, G. S. Clavier-Schule. Band n. Leip- zig und ZUllichau, 1781. obi. 4 *405G.ll LOHMANN, E. F. S. Sammtliche Erzahlungen. Ausg. letzter Hand. Leipzig, 1844. 18v. in'-*- 10 2899.2 Contents. Vol. I. Vorwort der Verfasserin von Godwie Castle ; Friederike Lohmann, die Jiingere, biographische Skizze von Friedrich Kind; Dem An- denkcn der verewigten Friederike Lohmann, drci Gedichte von Georg During, Adelaide und Moth. Miiller: Des Muller's Tochter; Luitgard von Meissen; Die Schlegler ; Die Schwalben ; Die Entscheidung bei Ilochkirch ; Durch den Nebel dringt ein Stern ; Das Gliick. II. Anna Musen, aus dcm Tagebucho ihrcs Bruders; Dorothea Cappel; Leonardo da Sessa; Die Leibeigenen ; Die Griifln Puttlitz ; Clemenze L'Hopital; Der Pilger. III. Heinrich von Schwein- furtli, Markgraf im Nordgau; Der Gefangene; Tam- iua ; Die Nachc im Gebirge ; Madehensinu und Schicksal; Anna von Sachseu j Mathilde von Asse- burg, Volkssajre. IV. Die Thalmuhle ; GrafLau- zun ; Die Wanderung naeh Paris; Der Dom zu Mag- deburg, Volkssage ; Die Belagerung von Leipzig, in dun Jahren 15Ki-jr j llugo von Pajeus ; Die heilige Elisabeth ; Sebaldus. V. Die Wiesenburg ; Die Kirche zu alien Engeln ; Die Nonnc ; Rose und Lilie; Jugendgeschiclite ciner alien Frau; Der King. VL Die Ausgewanderteu ; Die Braut; Die 1'athen ; Der Trauerritter ; Base Scliliek aus Glogau ; Die Eiche am See ; Schloss Kriebstcin ; Egbert. VII. Der Du-hter; Das Bild der Madonna; Anna's Ju- geudjahre ; Die Erbschaft; Der Komet ; Thekla von der Aue. VIII. Die Perlen ; Theodor ; Sophicn's Erinnerungeu; Die Aehnliclikeit ; Das Landmiid- chen; Diegoldene Ilochzeit; Mohrenschcibcn; Der Wuhrsager. IX. Die Kreunde ; Die Wuusche ; Die Kctte; Julie und Clementine ; Stephanie ; SU-ckcn- pferde ; Der Oheim. LOIDIS and Elmete. See Whitaker, T. D 2490.1 LOISEAU, J. S. Plaidoyers, [Annales du barreau francais. Barreau moderne, v.(i] 3708.1 LOISEL. De 1'origine du bonnet vert des banque- routiers. [Leber. Coll. diss. hist. Fr. v.8]. 2018.1 LOISELEUK-DESLONGCIIAMPS, J. L. A. Nouvcau Duhamel. See Du Hamel du Monccau . . 3800.1 LOISNE, C. M. de. See Menche de Loisne, C. LOLLARD doctrines, Apology for. [Camden soc. 2 J 2410.20 Fasciculi zizaniorum magistri J. Wyclif. See Nctter of Walden, T 2414.10 LOLLIO, A. Orazioni. [Raccolta di compos, v.l] 27(17.4 Orazioni. [Dati. Prose florentine, v.2, 3,4, 0]. 2787.1 LOMAX, J. Notes of an American lyre. Rich- mond, 1813. pp.70. 12 2399.43 LOMAZZO, G. P. Pittura, scultura ed architettura. Roma, 1844. 3v. 8 3 4072.3 Idea del tempio della pittura. See Carrer, L. 4004.24 Poesic varie, ecc. [Collezione delle migliori opere in dialetto milanese, v.l] 4709 a. 5 LOMBARD, P. Opera omnia: Op. cxegctica exed. Paris, 1530, et 1541, Sentcnt. ed. Antucrp. 1757, cur J. Aleaume. Accurante J. P. Mignc. Lutetiac Parisiorum, 1854-55. 2v. 8. [Migne. Patrologize v.191-2] 3470.15 Contents. Vol. I. Commcntaria in Psiilrnos. I.-II. Commcntaria in cpistolas Paul! ; Senteutiarum libri quatuor. .OMRARDI, A. Storia dclla letteratura italiana nel secolo xvm. Venezia, 1832. Ov. 16 . *2770.21 , G. Saggio dell' istoria pittorica d'lng- hilterra. Firenze, 1843. 8" 4004.5 LOMBARDY 478 LONDON Shelf. No. LOMBAKDY. Azeglio, M. d'. Lutti di Lombardia. 2729.5 Buva, J. B. E. Rclazionc delle operazioni inilitari in Lombardia ncl 1848 4745.23 Smith, It. B. Irrigation in 3'J42.5 Sulla dominazione del Longobardi in Italia. [Archivio stor. ital. App. v.l] 5245.2 Tamassia, G. Storia del regno dei Longo- bardi in Italia 2715.8 Tosti, L. Storia della lega lombarda . . . . 2700.16 LOMBROSO, G. II commercio e la letteratura. Milano, 1842. 8" 3560.17 LOMENIE, L. L. dc. Beaumarchais and his times, transl. by H. S. Edwards. N. Y. 1857. 12. 2670.9 LOMENIE de Brienne, II. A. de. Memoires conte- nant Ics <5v6nemens du regne de Louis xin et Louis xiv. [Michaud. Coll. mdm. hist. France. Ser. 3] v.3of 2611.1 - Same. [Petitot. Coll. mcmoires rel. a rhistoire de France. Ser. 2, v. 35, 36]. . . . 2635.1 LOMENIE de Brienne, L. H. de. Mcmoires inedits. 2e ed. Paris, 1828. 2v. 8 2654.3 LOMONACO, F. Opere. Lugano, 1831-37. 9v. 12. 2788.11 Contents. Vol. I.-III. Vite de' famosi capitani d'ltalia. I. Ruggiero 1, redi Sieilia; Federigo 1, ira- peradore e re; Ezzelino da Romano; Can Francesco dalla Seala; Uguiccione da Fagiuola; Castruccio Cas- tracani ; Arrigo Dandolo doge di Venezia. II. Carlo Zeno; Francesco Gonzaga signore di Mantova; Albe- rico da Barbiano cognominato magno e liberatore d'ltalia; Jacopo Attcndolo cognominato Sforza; Brac- cio da Mon tone; Francesco Bussonc soprannominnto il contc Carmagnola. III. Introducione ; Francesco Sforza duca di Milano ; Niecolo Fortebraccio sopran- nominato Piccinino; Bartolommeo Coleone ; Lodo- vico Sforza soprannominato il Moro, duca di Milano; Cristoforo Colombo; Elogio di Kaimondo Montecuc- coli scritto da Agostino Paradisi 1'anno 1775. IV. Uis- corsi letterarj e tilosoftci aggiuntavi lu risposta adnna critica anonima. V. Analisi della sensibilita e delle sue diverse moditicazioni considerate relativemente alia morale cd alia politica. VI. Discorso augurale e rap- porto fatto al cittadino Carnot ministro della guerra, ecc. VII., VIII. Vitc degli cccellenti Italian!: 1, Dante Alighieri; Francesco Petrarca; Giovanni Boc- caccio; Lorenzo de' Medici; Giovanni Gioviano Pon- tano ; Angelo 1'oliziano; Niccolo Machiavelli; Fran- cesco Guicciardini ; Lodovico Ariosto ; Francesco Maurolico. 2. Niccold Tartaglia ; Bernardino Tele- Bio; Giordano Bruno; Torquato Tasso; Paolo Sarpi; Galileo Galilei ; Tommaso Campanella ; Ilaimondo Montecuccoli; Giandomcnico Cassiiii; Gianvincen- zio Gravina ; Giambattista Vico ; Cesarc Beccaria; Gaetano Filangieri. IX. Delia virtii militare e delle sue vicende presso le antiche e modern e nazioni. LONDON. City. Catalogue of the library of the corporation. London, 1839. 8 *2133.10 Loudina illustrata : graphic and historic me- morials. London, 1819-25. 2v. 4 .... *2460.4 Observations on the buildings, improve- ments, and extension of the metropolis of late years. London, 1825. 8 *Pph.v.73 Aiton, W. Hortus Kewensis 3S55.4 Arnold, R. Customs of 2480.2 Austin, W. Letters from London. . . . E.117.5 Bayley, J. Antiquities of the tower of . . . 2491.7 Clarke, C. Survey of the churches in. ... 4090.2 Colquhoun, P. Trade of the port of 2495.21 Cruden, R. P. History of the port of. . . . 2462.17 Curtis, W. Flora Londinensis 3840.1 Entick, J. History and survey of 2495.5 Grant, J. Great metropolis 2486.12 Herbert, W. Antiquities of the inns of court and chancery 3633.3 - History of the twelve great livery compa- nies 2533.10 Howard, L. Climate of 3964.8 Jameson, A. Handbook to the public gal- leries of 40S9.4 - Private galleries in 4089.3 Jesse, J. H. Literary and historical memo- rials of 2495.3 - London and its celebrities 2495.2 Leigh, S. New picture of 2487.5 Shelf. No. LONDON, City, continued. Loudon, J. C. Ligneous plants in the neigh- borhood of 3830.9 Low, S. Charities of 24K>. 15 Malcolm, J. P. Description of 2472.11 Matthews, W. Water works of 3942.6 Murray, J. The drainage and sewerage of . 3910.1 Nichols, J. B. Guildhall of 2495.4 Partington, C. F. History and views of . . 24'.i.-).l Post-office directory 2483.4 Pugin, A. W. Public buildings of 4092.9 Report on the supply of water to. See Great Britain. Board of health 7064.2 Schlesinger, M. Saunterings in and about . 2495. IL Stowe, J. Survey of the city of 2490.? Willan, R. Diseases in L., 1796-1800 .... 3799.25 Wilson, W. Antiquity of dissenting church- es in 3525.4 Woodward, J. Ancient and present state of. v.4of2477.1 Words and phrases used in. See Vulgar tongue 2586.39 Benevolent associations and institutions. Asylum for the deaf and dumb. Illustrated vocabulary by T. J. Watson. Lond. 1857. 4.*3591.5 Infirmary, for curing diseases in the eye. [Re- port, [occasioned by statements in a letter by Sir W. Adams.] London, 1818. S.*M.Pph.v.61 Medical benevolent society. Laws and regu- lations. [London, 1822.] 8 .... *M.Pph.v.l5 Metropolitan working classes' association for improving the public health. [8 tracts.] London, 1847. 12 *3769.21 Refuge for the destitute. Annual report for the year 1832. London, 1833. pp.70. 8 . *3570.60 School for the benefit of children of indigent poor, Account of. London, 1839. 8. . *Pph.v.ll7- Society of friends of foreigners in distress. Report for 1842. London, 1842. 12 ... .3570.67 Society for relief of sufferings occasioned by the late war on the continent. Distresses in Germany. Burlington, N. J., 1815. 8. *Pph.v.l6 Society for the suppression of juvenile va- grancy. [Rules and regulations, and re- port, 1833.] London, 1835. 8 *3570.60 - Report of the Hackneywick school sub- committee. London, 1833. pp.12. 8.. . *3570.60 Ecclesiastical organizations. Church pastoral-aid society. Proceedings at the annual meeting, 1839, 40, 43. [London,] n.d. 4" *Pph.v.l09, 115, 135 London missionary society. Reports from 171)5 to 1814. [Vol. I.] London, n.d. 8 . *5175.4 - Report of the directors to the twenty- fourth general meeting. [No title-page.] n.p. n.d. 12 *Pph.v.212 - Four sermons at the 12th general meet- ing, 1806, also the report of directors, etc. London, 1806. 8" *Pph.v.l3 London society of deputies from three de- nominations of dissenters. [Presb. Ind. Bap.] Corporation and test acts [consid- ered.] [London,] n.d. 8 *Pph.v.69 Society for distrib. of tracts in defence of the church of England. Churchman armed against the errors of the times. London, 1814. 3v. 8 3547.3 Contents. Vol. I. On the constitution of the church of Christ, on the ministerial commission, and on the unity to be preserved in the church; Ec- clesiastical establishments and tests. II. Church of England; Popery. III. Toleration. Society for missions to Africa and the east. Sermon by Rev. L. Richmond, report of committee, etc. London, 1809. 8. . . *Pph.v.l4 - Sermon by Rev. Claudius Buchanan, re- port of committee, etc. London, 1810. S.*Pph.v.l4 Society for the propagation of the gospel in foreign parts, Considerations on the conduct of the. Apthorp, E 3544.91 LONDON 479 LONDON Shelf. No. LONDON. Society, etc. - Mayhow, .T. Observations on 3544.19 - Humphreys, D. Account of 3534.16 Exhibition of 1851. Crystal palace library. 17v. 12. Namely . - Alhambra court, See Joiies, 4089.37 - Apology for the colouring- of the Greek court in the crystal palace. See Jones, O. 4089.30 - Byzantine and Romanesque court. See Wyatt, M. D 4089.35 - Egyptian court. See Jones, 4089.40 - Geology and inhabitants of the ancient world. See Owen, R 4089.27 - Greek court. See Scharf, G 4089.39 - Guide to the palace and parks. See Phil- lips, S 4089.41 - Industrial directory. London, 1854 . . . 4089.20 - Italian court. See Wyatt, 31. D 4089.25 - Mediaeval court. See Wyatt, 31. D. . . 40S9.34 - Natural history department. See Latham, R. G 4089.28 - Nineveh court. See Layard, A. H. . . . 4089.30 - Pompeian court. See Scharf, G 4089.32 - Portrait gallery. See Phillips, S 4089.29 - Renaissance court. See Wyatt, 31. D. . 4089.33 - Roman court. See Scharf, G 4089.38 - Sculpture, Handbook to the courts of modern. See Jameson, A 4089.31 Descriptive and illustrated catalogue. Lon- don, 1851. 4v. imp. 8 *4030.3 Exposition of 1851. See Babbagc, C. . . . E. 213.0 Reports by the juries. London, 1802. 8" . . 4030.2 Literary and scientific institutions. Art-union. Eighth annual report, with list of subscribers. London, 1844. 8 4072.11 Athenaeum. Catalogue of the library. Lon- don, 1845. 8 *2132.3 - Supplement to the catalogue of the li- brary. London, 1851. 4 *2132.4 - Rules and regulations, list of members, and donations to the libr. London, 1S47. ~T.*2125.12 British archaeological association. Catalogue of the members. London, 1844. 8. .*I'ph.v.lC3 British museum. Antiquities. - Description of Anglo-Gallic coins. Lon- don, 1820. pp.91. 3pl. 4 *2220.11 - Description of ancient marbles. Part 1-10. London, 1812-15. Gv. 4 *4070.15 - Descript. of ancient terracottas. [Towne- ley coll.] London, 1810. pp.39. 40pl. 4V4070.11, 10 - Catalogue of Greek and Etruscan vases. Vol.1. London, 1851. 8 *4070.0 - Guide to the departments of natural his- tory and antiquities. London, 1659. 8. . *4070.7 - Nummi vctercs in inuseo R. P. Knight asscrvati, ab ipso ordine geographico de- scripti. Londiui, 1830. 4 *2220.10 Manuscripts. - Catalogue of manuscripts. New series. Vol. 1. P. i. Arundel MSS. n. Burncy MSS. ill. Index. London, 1S34-40. f . *2130.19 - Catalogue of additions to the MSS. in 1S30 -15. London, 1S43-59. 2v. 8 *2131.5 - Catalogue of the MSS. of F. Hargrave. London, 1818. 4 *2130.12 - Catalogue of the manuscript maps, charts, and plans, and of the topographical draw- ings. London, 1844. 2v. 8 *2131.G - Catalogue of maps, prints, drawings, etc. attached to the library of George ill. Vol. 1. 11. London, 1829. 2v. 8 *2133.9 - Catalogue of 3IS3. music. Lond. 1842. 8. *2131.7 - Catalogus codicum manuscriptorum ori- cntalium qui in museo Britannico asservau- tur. Pars 1-3. Londini, 1838-47. 3v.ini. f. *2130.18 Contents. Part I. Codices Syriaci ct Carshunici. II. Codices Arabic!. HI. Codices jEthiopici. - Description of the Greek papyri. Part i. London, 1839. pp.84. 4 *2130.20 Shelf. No. LONDON. British museum, continued. - Guide to the autograph letters, manu- scripts, charters, and seals exhibited in the department of MSS. [London,] 1859. pp. 41. 12 *2131.10 - Guide to the drawings and prints exhib- ited in the king's library. London, 1859. pp.32. 12 *2131.10 - Inscriptions in the cuneiform character from Assyrian monuments, discovered by A. II. Layard. London, 1851. 9Sleaves. f.*2130.16 - Select papyri in the Hieratic character, with prefatory remarks. Lond. 1844. f. 10Spl.*2130.17 - Catalogue of the Cottonian manuscripts. See Great Britain. Record Commission . . *7070.5 - Catalogue of the Harleian manuscripts. See Great Britain. Record Commission . . *7070.4 - Catalogue of the Lansdowne MSS. See Great Britain. Record Commission . . . *7070.C Printed books. - Bibliotheca Grenvilliana. Part n. By J. T. Payne and H. Foss. Lond. 1848. 8. *2133.8 - Catalogue of printed books. V.I. Lon- don, 1841. f *2130.15 - Guide to the printed books exhibited in the Grenville library and king's library. London, 1853. pp.31. 12 *2131.10 - Librorum impressorum catalogus. Lon- dini, 1813- 19. 7v. in 8. 8 *2131.2 - List of additions to the printed books, 1830-38 v.4 of 2131.3 - List of the books of reference in the read- ing-room. London, 1859. 8 *2131.8 Specimens of natural history. 1. Vertebrata and mollusca. - Catalogue of mammalia. Part 1-3. Lon- don, 1850-52. 3v. in 1. 10 *5909.1 Contentn. Part I. Cetacea. II. Seals. HI. Un- gulata furcipcda. - List of specimens of mammalia. London, 1843. 10 *5909.2 - Catalogue of the mammalia and birds of Now Guinea, by J. E. Gray and G. R. Gray. London, 1851). pp.03. 8 *3907.9 - Catalogue of the genera and subgcncra of birds in tiie museum. Lond. 1855. 10 . . *5909.3 - Catalogue of the birds of the tropical islands of the Pacific ocean, by G. R. Gray. London, 1K>.L pp. 72. 8" *3907.9 - List of the specimens of birds, by G. R. Gray. Part ni.-iv. London, 1855-59. 3v. in 1. 10" *5909.3 Contents. Part III. Sect. 1. Ramphastidaj. Sect. 2. Psittacidaj. IV. Columba;. - Catalogue of batrachia salientia, by Dr. A. Giiuthcr. London, 1858. 8 *3875.14 - Catalogue of shield reptiles. Part I. Tcstudiuata. By J. E. Gray. London, 1855. pp.7'.). 42 pi. 4 *3S70.35 - Catalogue of colnbrine snakes, by Dr. A. Gunther. London, 1858. 10 *5899.1 - Catalogue of the specimens of snakes. London, 1849. 10" *5899.1 - Catalogue of the acauthopterygian fishes. By Dr. A. Gunther. Vol. I. London, 1859. 8" *3907.7 - Catalogue of apodal fish, by Dr. Kaup. London, 1850. 8 *3907.8 - Catalogue of marine polyzoa. Part i. n. Cheilostomata. Lond. 1852-54. 2v. in 1. 10. *5879.5 - Catalogue of Mazatlan shells, coll. by F. Reigen, described by P. P. Carpenter. London, 1857. 10 *5879.7 - Guide to the systematic distribution of mollusca. Part I. by J. E. Gray. London, 1857. 8" *3872.14 - Catalogue of phaneropneumona, or ter- restrial operculated mollusca. London, 1852. 16" *5879.6 LONDON 480 LONDON Shelf. No. LONDON. Institutions. British museum, cont. 2. Insects. - Catalogue of coleopterous insects. Parts 1, 7-0. London, 1851-50. 3v. in 1. 1C" . . *5899.2 Contents. Part I. CucujiUiD, etc. VII. Longicor- niai. VIII. Longicornian. by A. White. IX, Cas- sididae, by C. II. Boheman. - Catalogue of the coleopterous insects of Madeira, by T. V. Wollaston. London, 1857. 8 *3896.12 - Nomenclature of coleopterous insects. Parts 3, 4, 6. Lond. 1848-52. 3v. in 1. 10. *5899.4 Contents. Part IIL Buprestidaa. IV. Cleridaj. VL Passalida;. - Catalogue of hispidse, by J. S. Baly. Part I. London, 1858. 8 *3896.13 - List of specimens of dipterous insects, [by F. Walker.] Parts 1-7. London, 1848- 55. 3v. 10 *5899.3 - List of hemipterous insects, Parts 1,2, [by W. S. Dallas.] London, 1851,52. 10. *5899.5 - List of homoptcrous insects. Parts 1-4, and supplement by F. Walker. London, 1850-58. 3v. 10 *5899.C - Catalogue of British hymenoptcra, by F. Smith. Part 1, Apidas, bees [of Great Britain.] London, 1855. 12 *5899.7 - Catalogue of fossorial hymenoptera, for- micidsD, and vespidse, by F. Smith. Lon- don, 1858. 10 5899.10 - Catalogue of hymenopterous insects, by F. Smith. Parts 1-7. London, 1853-59. 3v. 10. *5899.8 Contents. Partl.-II. Andrcnidaj and apidoe. III. Mutillido) and pompilida;. IV. Sphegido;, larridae, and erabronidau. V. Vespida?. VI. Formicidae. VII. Dorylidaj and thynuidic. - List of specimens of hymenopterous in- sects. [By F. Walker.] Parts 1, 2. Chal- cidites. London, 1840-48. 2v.ini. 10.. *5S99.9 - Catalogue of lepidopterous insects. Part 1. Papiliouidse. London, 1852. pp.84. Mcol.pl. 4 *3891.10 - List of lepidopterous insects, by G. E. Gray. Parts 1-2. Appendix. London, 1847-50. 3v.ini. 1C" *5899.12 - List of lepidopterous insects, by F. Walk- er. Parts 1-20. London, 1854-59. lOv. 10.*5S99.11 Contents. Part I. -VII. Lepidoptera heterocera. VIII. Spliingido;. IX.-XV. Noctuidaj. XVI. Del- toidca. XVII.-XIX. Pyralidcs. XX. Geometrites. - Catalogue of neuropterous insects, [by F. Walker.] Parts 1-4. London, 1852-53. 10. *5899. 13 Contents. Part I. Phryganides perelides. H. Sialida; nemopterides. III. Termitida; ephemeri- daj. IV. Odouata. - Catalogue of neuropterous insects, by Dr. H. Hagcn. Part 1. Termitina. London, 1858. pp.34. 10 *5899.13 - Catalogue of orthopterous insects. Part 1. Phasmida3, by J. O. Wcstwood. Lon- don, 1859. 4 *3S91.9 Additions to the collections. - List of donations and bequests, 1828-30. London, 1830-31. 4 *2130.13, 14 - List of additions to the collections in 18:)l-35. London, 1833-39. 3v. 8 *2131.3 - List of additions. Natural history, an- tiquities, and prints, 1830-39. London, 1843. 8 *2131.4 - Synopsis of the contents of the British museum. 20th ed. London, 1832. 8 ... *2125.0 Chemical society. Quarterly journal. V.l-9, 11,12. London, 1849-57. llv. 8 *3960.2 College of preceptors. Calendar, [with the inaugural address, by Rev. R. Wilson.] Lon- don, 1847. 8 *Pph.v.l62 Dilettanti society. Unedited antiquities of Attica. London, 1817. f *3070.3 Entomological society. Transactions. V.l-5. New series, v. 1-4. London, 1830-58. 9v. 8. *3888.1 Shelf. No. LONDON. Institutions, contitnn >J. Geological society. Ojiartcrlyjournal. V.l-9, 11,14. London, 1845-58. 13v. 8 *38G8.1 - Transactions. V.l-5. 2d series, v.1-7. London, 1811-45. 12v. 4 *5871.1 Highbury college. Report of the committee, 1827,28,30,33. London, 1827-33. 8 . . *Pph.v.l23 Horticultural society. Catalogue of fruits. 3ded. London, 1842. 8 *3832.8 Institute of British architects. Transactions. V.I, p. 1,2. London, 1830-42. 4 *4101.26 Institution of civil engineers. Catalogue of the library. London, 1851. 8 *2132.0 - Minutes of proceedings. V.l-17, Part 1. London, 1*37-50. ICv. 8 *4028.1 - Transactions. Vol. 1-3. [v.l, 2ded.] Lon- don, 1838-42. 3v. 4 *4022.7 King's college. Calendar for 1858-59. Lon- don, 1858. 10 2485.19 Linnaean society. Transactions. Vol. 1-15, and 18, part 1-4. London, 1791-1841. lOv. 4. *5801.1 London institution. Catalogue of the libra- ry systematically classed. [London,] 1835- 52. 4v. 8 *2132.2 London library society. Catalogue by J. D. Cochrane. 2d. ed. enlarged. London, 1847, 52. 2r.ini. 8 *2132.10 London medical society of observation. What to observe in medical cases. Philadelphia, 1853. 12 *3782.13 London medical and chirurgical society. Transactions. Lond. 1809-35. 19v. in 22. b. *374G.l Medical society. List of the members, 1791. London, 1791. 8 *M.Pph.v.49 Meteorological society. Laws and regula- tions. London, 1838. 10 *Pph.v.225 - Proceedings during 1838-39. London, n. d. 8 *Pph.v.l25 Microscopical society. Journal. Transac- tions. New series. Vol. n-iv, Vii. Lon- don, 1854-50,59. 3v. 8 *5878.1 Numismatic society. Institutes. London, 1838. pp.20. 8 *2-.'-.'-;.J - List, June 1844. London, 1844. pp.10. 8. *22\!3. 4 - Proceedings, 1830-44. London, 1837-44. 2v. 8 *2223.4 Philological society. Proceedings for 1842-53. London, 1840-54. Cv. 8 *2940.7 - Transactions, 1854-50. London, [1854-50.] 3v. 8 *2940.8 Photographic society. Journal, No. 1-39. Ed. by A. Uenfrey. Lond. 1854-50. 2r. 8. *4024.1 Koyal agricultural society of England. Jour- nal. London, 1840-59. 20r. 8 *399G.l Royal academy of arts. See Strange, R. . . *4072.1f> Royal Asiatic society of Gr. Britain and Irel. Transactions. London, 1827-35. 3v. 4 . *3400.3 Royal astronomical society. Memoirs. Vol. 1-23. London, 1822-54. 23v. 4 *3341.1 - Memoirs. Vol. 1-4, 0-20. London, 1822-58. 2Gv.inl7. 4" **E. 128.1 - Monthly notices. Vol. 8, Nor. 1847 to vol. 14, June, 1854. London, 1848-54. 7v. 8. *3341.2 - Regulations. London, 1820. 8 . . .**E.189.13 Royal college of physicians. Translation of the pharmacopoeia Londinensis, 1815. Lon- don, 1815. 8 *3785.14 - Pharmacopoeia, 1851. Transl. by R. Phil- lips. London, 1851. 8 *3785.8 Picture of the college of physicians. Lon- don, 1817. 8 *3735.4 Royal gallery. Catalogue of the exhibition. New ed. London, 1840. 8 *Pph.v.ll5 Royal geographical society. Catalogue of the library. London, 1852. 8 **E. 209.28 - Journal. Vol. 1-28. Lond. 1832-58. 2Sv. 8. *220M ' - Same. Vol. 1-13, 15-20, 22-27. London, 1832-57. 25v. in 23. 8 **E. 147.1 - Same. Index to the first ten volumes. London, 1844. b *22G7.2 LONDON 481 LONDON Shelf. No. LONDON. Royal geograph. soc. continued. - Same. Index to the second ten volumes, by G. S. Brent. London, 1853. 8.*^Gr.3,**E. 148.28 - Koy;il geographical society and its labors. London, 1840. pp.32. 8 **E.110.G4 j Eoyal institution of Great Britain. Journal of science and the arts. V. i-iv. New York, 1817-18. 4v. 8 3970.2 Eoyal society of literature of the United king- dom. Transactions. V. i-in. London, 1829 -30. 3v. 4 *2940.20 - Same. 2d series. London, 1843-53. 4v. 8. 2937.4 Eoyal society of London. Catalogue of the library. [Part I. printed books.] London, 1825. 4 *32G0.7 - Diplomata et statuta. Londini, 1819-23. 4 **E.171, 25 - Transactions, 1005-1857, and Index to Vol. 1-70, and 111-120. London, 1007-1857. 147v. 4 *3210.1 - Philosophical transactions, 1801-41. In- dex to Vol. 71-110. Lond. 1801-41. 44v. 4.**E.102.2 - Same. 1005-1800. Abridged with notes and biogr. illustrations, by C. Hutton, G. Shaw, K. Pearson. Lond. 1809. 18v. 4**E.152.1 - Proceedings. Pt. I-III, 1830-33. Nos. 1-14. [London.] 8" *Pph.v.l01 - Report on the Teneriffe astronomical ex- periment of 1850. London, 1858. 4" .... *3920.37 - Statutes. [With list of officers and fel- lows.] 1831. pp.21. 4 **E. 153.1 - Birch, T. History of the 3200.5 - Thomson, T. History of the, 1005-1800. 3200.0 - Weld, C. R. History of the, 1005-1847 . 3200.4 Society of antiquaries. Archseologia or mis- cellaneous tracts relating to antiquity. Lon- don, 1770-1857. 39v. 4" *3311.1 - Collection of ordinances, etc. for the royal household. London, 1790. 4 2511.3 - Liber quotidianus contrarotulatoris gar- deroba, 1299-1300. London, 1787. 4 ... *2511.2 - Magni rotuli scaccaril Normanniae sub rcgibus Anglian, opera T. Staplcton. Lon- don, 1840-44. 2v. roy.8" *7071.2 Society of arts, manufactures, and commerce. Papers on chemistry, mineralogy, etc. 1810- 43. 8 3972.2 - Papers on the polite and fine arts. [Lon- don,] 1810-43. 8 4072.7 Society for the diffusion of useful knowledge. Address of the committee and catalogue of works. [London, 1843.] 8 *Pph.v.l33 - Biographical dictionary. Aa.-Azz. Lon- don, 1842-44. 7v. 8 2251.2 - British almanac for 1828-54, 57. London, 1828-57. 2Sv. 10" *2489.1 - Companion to the [British] almanac, 1828 -54,57. London, 1S2S-57. 28v. 10 .... *24S9.1 - History of the American revolution. [No title-page.] pp. 0-1. 8 **E.212.3 - Lives of eminent persons. London, IK;:;. 8" **E. 212.8 Contents. Galileo, by J. E. D. Bethune; J. Kepler, byJ. E. D. Bethune; Sir I. Newton, by J. B. Biot, tr. by II. Elphinstone; Mahomet, by J. A. Roebuck] T.Wolsey, by Mrs. A. T. Thomson ; Sir E. Coke, by E. P.Burke; Lord Somcrs, by D. Jardine;W. Caxton, by Stcphcnson; 11. Blake, by J. Gorton; Adam Smith, by W. Draper: C. Niebuhr, by Mts. S. Austin ; Sir C. Wren, by II. B. Kcr; Michael Angelo, by T. Roscoc. - Natural philosophy, Vol. I. London, 1829. 8 **E.212.2 - On probability. [No title-page.] pp.05. 8 **E.212.4 - Penny magazine. [First series] 9v., New series 5v. London, 1832-45. 14v. roy.S". *3201.1 - Report of mechanics institutions. Lon- don, 1841. 12 *2130.18 - Study and difficulties of mathematics. [No title-page.] pp. 93. 8 **E.212.3 - Tables of logarithms. London, 1839. 10. 3939.19 Shelf No. LONDON. Society for diffusion, etc. continued. - Working-man's companion : the results of machinery. London, 1831. 24 4019.31 Society for the encouragement of arts, manu- factures, and commerce. Transactions. Lon- don, 1800-45. 55v. 8 **E. 129.1 Society for promoting Christian knowledge. Caoutchouc and guttapercha. London, 1S02. 10 4019.32 Society of Lincoln's Inn. Catalogue of books on foreign law founded on the collection presented by C. P. Cooper. Vol. I. [France.] London, 1849. 8 *2130.30 - Specimen of a catalogue of the books on foreign law presented by C. P. Cooper. [Spain.] London, 1847. pp.80, roy.8" . . *2185.11 Statistical society of London. Journal. Vol. 1-10, [1838-53], with Iv. iudex,also v.18, 1855. London, 1839-55. 18v. 8 *2288.1 Sydeuham society. [Translations and re- publications.] London, 1844-55. 35v. 8. Iv. f . Samelij -. - Academic royale do chirurgie de Paris. Surg. diseases of the head and neck. 1848. *3714.1 - Aretsus. Works, tr. by F. Adams. 1854. *3714.2 - Churchill, F. Essays on the puerperal fever. Selected. 1849 *3714.3 - Dupuytren, G. Injuries and diseases of bones. 1847 *3714.4 - - Lesions of the vascular system. 1854. *3714.5 - Erichsen, J. E. Observations on aneu- rism. 1854 *3714.G - Fcuchtersleben, E.v. Medical psychology. 1847 *3714.7 - Harvey, W. Works, tr. by R. Willis. 1817. *3714.8 - Hasse, C. E. Diseases of the organs of circulation and respiration. 1815 *3714.9 - Hecker, J. F. C. Epidemics of the middle ages. 1844 *3714.10 - Hewson, W. Works, edited by G. Gulli- ver. 1840 *3714.11 - Hippocrates. Genuine works, translated by F. Adams. 1847. 2v *3714.12 - Hunter, W. Anatomy of the human gravid uterus, pl.f . 1851 *3730.4 - Kolliker, A. Manual of human histology. 1853-54. 2v *3714.13 - Kuchenmcistcr, F. Parasites of the hu- man body. 1857 *3724.9 - Louis, P. C. A. Researches on phthisis. 1844 *3714.14 - Oesterlen, J. F. Medical logic. 1857. . *3714.15 - Paulus yEgiueta, with commentary by F. Adams. 1844-17. 3v *3714.10 - Rhazes. Small pox and measles. 1847 . *3714.17 - Rokitausky, C. Manual of pathological anatomy. 1848-54. 4v *3724.1 - Rombcrg, M. II. Nervous diseases of man. 1853. 2v *3714.18 - Schwann, T. Accordance in the struc- ture of animals and plants. 1847 *3724.2 - Siebold, C. T. v. Tape and cystic worms. 1857 v.2of *3724.10 - Simon, J.F. Animal chemistry. 1845-40. 2v *3724.3 - Sydenham, T. Opera omnia. Edidit G. A. Grecnhill. 1840 *3724.5 - Works, translated by R. G.Latham. 1848- 50. 2v *3724.4 - Thompson, T. Annals of influenza in Great Britain. 1510-1827. 1852 *3724.C - Unzer, J. A. Principles of physiology. 1851 *3724.7 - Velpeau, A. A. L. M. Diseases of the breast *3724.8 - Wedl, C. Rudiments of pathological his- tology. 1855 *3724.9 - Report of the 1st, 3d. 4th, Oth, 7th gen- eral meeting, with the laws, list of officers, etc. London, 1843-49. 8. *M.Pph.v. 39,41,43, 44,46 LONDON 482 LONGUEVILLE Shelf. No. LONDON. Institutions, continued. University of London. Calendar for 1858. London, 1858. p. 8 2485.8 - Regulations on examinations for degrees in arts. [No title-page.] 8 *Pph.v.ll8 - Regulations on examinations for degrees in laws. [No title-page.] 8 *Pph.v.ll8 - Regulations on examinations for degrees in medicine, 1839. n.p. n.d. 8 . . *M.Pph.v.35 - University college. Faculty of arts and laws. Distribution of prizes and certifi- cates, 1845-40, with the examination papers, and list of graduates. London, 1840. 8.*Pph.v.l62 - Faculty of medicine. Distribution of prizes and certificates, 1845-40. London, 1846. 8 *M.Pph.v.43 - Flaherty scholarships. Regulations as to examinations. [No title-page.] 8 . . *Pph.v.l02 - Proceedings at the annual general meet- ing, 1840. London, 1840. 8 *Pph.v.lG2 - Regulations for granting certificates for degrees. [No title-page.] 8 *Pph.v.lC2 Zoological society. Transactions. London, 1835-53. 4v. 4 *58G1.2 LONDON catalogue of books corrected to Sept. 1799. London, 1709. 8 *2153.1 - Same. 1800-22. London, 1822. 8 ... *2153.2 - Same. 1800-27. London, 1827. 8" ... *2153.3 - Same. 1810-55. London, 1851-55. 2v. 8. *2153.4 - Same. Classified index. Lond. 1S53. 8.v.3 of *2153.4 - Same. [Alphabetical] index, by S. Low, 1837-57. London, 1858. 8" ..... v.4of*2153.4 LONDON clay, Fossil fruits and seeds of the. Bow- erbaiik, J. S 3801.17 LONDON encyclopaedia, or universal dictionary of science, art, literature, and practical me- chanics. [Ed. by T. Curtis.] London, 1829. 22v. 8 *A. 121.1 LONDON evening mail. See Evening mail. LONDON illustrated news. See Illustrated London news 5140.1 LONDON journal of arts, etc. See Newton, W. . . 4026.7 LONDON magazine. Vol. 1-10. New series, v. 1, 2. London, 1820-25. 12v. 8" *3104.2 LONDON magazine of entertainment and instruc- tion. See Sharpe 3102.1 LONDON morning chronicle. See Morning chron- icle 7510.1 LONDON new price current. [Vol. XVIII.-XLVI.] 1830-57. 2Sv. 4 *7G10.1 LONDON practice of midwifery. 2d ed. London, 1808. 12 *3779.12 LONDON times. 1835-44, 1850-53. London, 1835- 53. 32v. f *7410.1 LONDON, Edinburgh, and Dublin philosophical magazine and journal of science. Vol. VII. -XVIII. London, 1854-59. 12v. 8 .... *338G.l LONDONDERRY, N. II. History of. See Parker, E. L 2338.9 LONDONDERRY, County of, Ireland. Memoir ex- planatory of the chart and survey of. Samp- son, G. V 2472.12 LONG, G. Introd. lecture delivered in the univer- sity of London. London, 1828. pp.32. 8.**E.224.5 LONG, J. Travels of an Indian interpreter and trader. London, 1791. 4 *2360.23 LONG Island. Prime, N. S. History, from its first settlement to 1845 2371.20 Wood, S. Settlement of the several towns on. 2371.19 LONG Island railroad company. Report of the board of directors, n.p. 1843. pp.8. 8. *Pph.v.235 LONGACRE, J. B., and Herring, J. National por- trait gallery of distinguished Americans. Vol. IV. Philadelphia, 1840. 4 *2340.7, 8 LONGCIIAMPS. See Renggcr, J. R. Dictatorial- Regierung von Dr. Francia [in Paraguay] . 2315.9 LONGEPIERRE, II. B. de Rcqucleyne de. Medee. [Brumoy. Theatre des Grecs, v.G] .... 29G5.4 - Same. [Theatre des auteurs du second ordre. Tragedies, v.l] 2640.19 Shelf. No. LONGET, F. A., and Matteucci, C. Le courant . [Walz. Rhetores Graeci, v.9]. 2905.2 LONGITUDE. Annuaire du bureau des longitudes. See France. Ministry of marine 3919.1 Baily, F. New method of determining L. by the culmination of the moon and stars. E.186.2 Giraudi. Nouvelle methode dans le calcul des longitudes E. 189. 13 Heartte, I. T. Tables of E.1S9.2 Jaci, A. M. L'orizonte dclla longitudine. E. 110. 79 Mackay, A. Theory and practice of finding the E. 188.1 Margetts, G. L. tables 3910.1 Thomson, D. Tables for ascertaining the. E. 186. 13 Tiarks, J. L. On Dalby's method of finding the differences of E.186.2 See also: Meridian. LONGITUDE of Dorpat. Breiten Gradmessung. Struve, F. G. W E.182.7 LONGITUDE of Madeira, Astronomical observa- tions to ascertain the. Tiarks, J. L. . . E.1S6.2 LONGITUDE of Palermo and Naples. Rclazione del tentativi fatti per determinare la diffe- renza dclle lougitudini di Palermo ct di Na- poli. Cacciatori, N E. 171. 23 LONGITUDE of Valentia in Ireland. Airy, G. B. 3920.6 LONGITUDE of Washington, D.C. Lambert, W. E.1GG.4 LONGO, A. Elogio di Polibio. [Coll. d 1 opusc. scient. e lett. v.3] 5278.2 LONGO, F. Successo della guerra con Sclim sul- tano, [1569-73.] [Arch. stor. ital. App. v.4]. 5245.2 LONGUERUE, L. D. de. De la donation du Dau- phine, avec la chronologic des princes qui ont porte le nom de dauphin. [Lcber. Coll. diss. hist. Fr. v.18] 2018.1 De annis Childerici I.; Annales aban. Christo G2S ad annum 754. [Bouquet. Rceueil, v.3]. 2010.1 LONGUEVAL, J. Dissertation sur le temps de 1'etalilissement de la religion chretienne. [Leber. Coll. diss. hist. Fr. v.3] 2018.1 LONGUEVILLE, Mme. A. G. de Bourbon-Conde de. Etude sur. See Cousin, V 2058.3 Lajeunesse de. See Cousin, V 4060.2 La vie de. See Villefore, J. F. Bourgoin de. 2049.10 LONGUS 483 LOTTI Shelf. No. LONGUS. Amori di Dafni o Cloe, trad, dal A. Caro. Parigi, 1800. 10" 2990.10 Pastoralia, [do Daplmidc ct Chloc], Gr. et Lat. rec. G. H. Schiifcr. Lipsize, 1803. 10 . . 2999.15 - Same. See Erotici scriptores 3002.10 Les pastorales de. [Courier. (Euvres, v.2] . 2603. 6 Amori pastoral! di Dafui e Cloe. [Gozzi. Opere, v.7] 2797.1 LONGWORTII, D. New York register and city di- rectory. New York, 1801. 12 *2389.G LONSDALE, E. F. On lateral curvature of the spine. London, 1847. 8" 3801.25 LOOE, Co. of Cornwall. Topographical and histor- ical sketches of. Bond, T 2493.20 LOOMIS, E. Inaugural address, August 21, 1838. New York, 1838. 8 *Pph.v.l07 Variation and dip of the magnetic needle in. the U. S. [No title-page.] [Sillimau. Am. jour, of science and arts, v. 39] Pph.v.119 LOOSEY, C. F. Gesetze fur Erflndungs Privile- gien. Wien, n.d. 8 3COG.8 LOPE de Vega. See Vega. y LOPEZ, T. Navigatione verso Le Indie Orientali. [Ramusio. Raccolta dcMc navig. ecc. v.l] 2260.2 LORAIN, P. Essai historique sur 1'abbaye de Cluny. Dijon, 1839. 8 *3521.14 LORD, B. Jubilee, an half century discourse at Norwich. New London, 1708. pp.5G. 16.*3455.22 Sermon preached at the funeral of Rev. Hez- ckiah Lord. Providence, 1703. pp.20. 8 . *3455.42 LORD, C. F. J. Health of towns and villages. London, 1847. 8 *37C7.30 LORD, D. N. Review of Prof. Park's discourse on the theology of the intellect and of the feelings. New York, 1850. 8 3 *Pph.v.l83 LORD, Henry. Discovery of the Banians. [Pin- kerton. Voyages, v.8] 2200.13 LORD, Hczekiah. Sermon preached at the funeral of. See Lord, B 3455.42 LORD, J. L., and Henry C. Defence of Dr. C. T. Jackson's claims to the discovery of ether- ization. Boston, 1848. 8 *M.Pph.v.44 LORD, N. Sermon, at the funeral of the Rev. D. Peabody. Hanover, N. II. [ia39.] 8 . *Pph.v.265 LORD fa'.nily. See Goodwin, N 2332.8 LORD mayor's pageants, History of the. See Fair- holt, F. \V 2537.12 LORD'S prayer. Volgarizzamento dell' esposi- zione del paternostro. Bencivenni, Z. . . 3421.3 LORD'S supper. Bossi, G. Del ceuacolo di Leo- nardo da Vinci 4060.9 Chauncy, C. Five sermons on the 3455.45 Cudworth, R. True notion of the 3435.6 Grove, H. Nature and design of the .... 3446.58 Guillon.A. La cenacle de Leonard de Vinci. 4005.10 Rillessione sopra la bolla iu coena Domini . 3445.20 Short treatise on the. [Calvin. Tracts, v.2]. 5494.1 Verri, C. Osservazioni sul volume intitolato Del ccnacolo di Leonardo da Vinci .... 4005.8 LORDAT, J. Traite dcs hemorragies. Paris, 1808. 8" 3803.27 LORENZ, F. Life of Alcuin, transl. from the Ger- man by J. M. Sice. London, 1837. 10 . . 2458.17 LORENZI, B. Lettere inedite. Milano, 1827. 10. 2747.23 Prose e versi. Milauo, 1826. 16 4768.8 Delia coltivazione de' monti. [Raccolta di poemetti didascalici, ecc. v.9] 4779.8 Laudazione in niorte di M. A. Pindemonte; Lcttcre. [Raccolta di prose e lettere nel secolo xvm, v.l, 3] 2767.2 Pandolflni, A. De' pregi dell' agricoltura . . 4708.13 LORENZO, G. See Gronovius, J. Thesaurus Grajcarum antiquitatum 2960.2 Contentg. Vol. VI. De rebuspublicis, suffragiis, conciliis, uccusationibus et tormentis vetcrum. VII. Vuria sacra gentilium. VIII. De sponsalibus et nup- tiis antiquorum; De adulteriis ct meretricibus ; De natalitiis ; De praeconibus, citharocdis, fistulis, ac tin- tinnabulis; De agyrtis, histrionibus, acclamationibus etosculis. IX. De prandio et coma veterum; De conviviis, hospital! tate, tesserii et strenis; Do re ves- Shelf. No. LORENZO, G. continued. tiaria; De annis, mensibns, diebus, horis, etc. X. De professoribus, oratoribus nomenclatoribus et lit- teris. XI. De varietate navium j De funeribus an- tiquorum. LORENZO de' Medici. See Medici. LORENZO di Pisa, or Laurentius. Libri septem de bello Balearico, 1115: [heroico carmine.] [Migne. Patrologise v.103] 3400.38 - Same. [Ughello. Italia sacra, v.3] . . . 3580.1 LORGNA, A. M. Discorso intorno al riparare dalle inondazioni dell' Adige la citta di Verona. [Raccolta del moto dell' acque, v.12] . . . 3942.1 LORI, A. See Berni, F. Opere burlesche, v.2 . . 4709.6 LORING, Israel. Sermon occasioned by the death of Rev. R. Breck. Boston, 1731. pp.27. 8.*3457. 29 LORING, Joseph. Minutes and proceedings of a court martial before which major Joseph Loring was arraigned. Boston, 1813. 8 . 6359.27 LORIOT, M. Essay on cement and artificial stone. 2d ed. London, 1775. pp.55. 8 4093.10 LORNER, M. Wonderful disclosure ! narrative of one of the passengers of the steam-ship President. New York, 1845. 8 . . . . *Pph.v.l47 LORNSEN, U. J. Die Unions-Verfassung Dane- marks u. Schleswig-Holsteins. Jena, 1841. 18 2826.1 LORRAINE, Travels in, by J. G. Kcysler. [Knox. New collection of voyages, v. 4,5] .... 2263.1 LOERIS, G. de., and Mcung, J. de. Le roman de la rose. Nouv. 6d. Paris, 1814. 4v. 8. . *2686.6 Contents. Vol. I. Avertissement ; Preface de Lenglet du Frcsnoy; Preface de Clement Marot; Vie de Jean Clopinel, dit dc Meung, par Andre Thevet ; Dissertation sur le Roman de la rose, par M.Lantinde Daraerey i Analyse du Roman de la rose par le meme; Table des matiercs. I.-1II. Le roman de la rose; La trcsor de maistrc J. de Meung ou les sept arti- cles de la foi. IV. Lc testament de maistre J. de Moiing; Les remonstrances ou la complainte de nature a 1'alchymiste errant, par J. de Mcung ; La response de 1'alchymiste a nature; Testament attribue a Arnauld de Villeneufve ; Petit traicte d'alchymic, intitule le Bommaire philosophique de Nicolas Flamel: La fontaine des amoureux de science, composue par J. de la Fontaine, 1'an 1415; Ballade du secret des philosophies ; De 1'utilite des glossaires, par M. Lantiii deDamerey; Glossaire ou explication des mots hors d'usage qui se trouvent dans le Roman de la rose et autres poesies de J. de Meung; Table des auteurs et des ouvrages cites. Los, J. de. Chronicon rerum gestarum, 1455-1514, ed. P. F. X. de Ram. Bruxelles, 1846. 8. [Belgium. Coll. de chron. beiges inddites]. *2811.4 LOSKIEL, G. II. Mission of the united brethren among the Indians in N. A., transl. from the German by C. I. Latrobe. London, 1794. 3v.ini. 8 3534.13,14 LOSSING, B. J. Field-book of the revolution. New York, 1851. 8 2320.23 Lossius, L. Erotemata musicse practicse. Nori- bergae, 1503. sm.S" *4059.34 LOTHARIUS I. emperor of Germany. Capitularia. [Migne. Patrologias v.97] v.l of 3450. 23 Leges. [Muratori. Rerum Ital. script, v.l, Pt.2] 2710.1 LOTHARIUS, king of Lorraine. Epistolas tres. [Migne. Patrologiae v.121] 3400.4 LOTHROP, I. Oliver, P. Speech after death of . 2348.7 Sever, N. Speech on the death of ...... 2348.7 LOTHROP, S. K. Proceedings of a council in the case of Rev. J. Pierpont. Boston, 1841. 8. 3544.8 Sermon before the ancient and honorable ar- tillery company, at the close of a second century. Boston, 1&J8. 8" *Pph.v.237 Sermon in the Brattle-square church, on the Sunday succeeding the death of Daniel Web- ster. Boston, 1852. 8 *Pph.v.263 LOTICHIUS, J. P. Theatrum Europseum. See Abelin, J. P 2290.1 LOTTI, A. SeeDehn. Practische Musik-Werke . 4051.14 Contents. Vol. VII. Magnificat ; Messa a 4 voci i Miserere; Motetto a 4 voci. VIII. Kyrie e gloria a LOTTI 484 LOUIS LOTTI, A. continued. tre cori con stromenti. XIX. In una siepe, 5 voci con basso conlinuo; 1'iange 1'amante, 4 voci con orguno. XXI. Dixit Dominus a 5 voci con stromenti ; Messa a 3 voci da capclla; Sanctus Dominus, a 4 vocL XXV. Ductti, terzetti e madrigali a 2, 3, 4, 5, voci. LOTTI, L. La liberazion d' Vienna; Rimedi per la s6nn da lezr a la banzola. [Collezione di comp. in idioma bologiicsc, v.2] 4779 a. 4 LOUANDKE, C. Litterature francaise contempo- raine. See Querard, J. M 2163.1 LOUDON, John C. Arboretum et fruticetum Brit- annicum. 2d ed. London, 1814. 4v. 8 . 3845.4 Country residences. London, 1806. 2v. 4" . *4102.26 Derby arboretum. London, 1840. pp.07. 8. 3830.10 Encyclopaedia of agriculture. 5th ed. Lon- don, 1844. 8 39S2.4 Encyclopaedia of cottage, farm, and villa architecture and furniture. New ed. Lon- don, 1840. 8" 4093.1 Encyclopaedia of gardening. New ed. Lon- don, 1850. 8 3834.7 Encyclopaedia of trees and shrubs of Britain. London, 1842. 8 3834.8 Hortus Britannicus, catalogue of plants in Britain. New ed. London, [1832.] 8 . . 3830.7 - Same. New ed. London, 1850. 8" ... 3830.8 Hortus lignosus Londinensis, or ligneous plants of London. London, 1838. 8 ... 3830.9 Magazine of natural history. See Annals . . 3810.1 LOUDON, Mrs. J. C. Encyclopaedia of plants. Ncwed. London, 1855. 8 3834.9 Louis, P. C. A. Phthisis, transl. with notes and additions by C. Cowan. Revised by H. I. Bowditch. Boston, 1830. 8 *3794.1 Recherches sur la maladie connue sous les noms gastro-enterite, flevre putride, ty- pho'ide, etc. Paris, 1829. 2v. 8 *3797.22 - Same. 2d e"d. Paris, 1841. 2v. 8 . . . *3796.19 Researches upon gastro-enterite or typhoid fever, transl. by H. I. Bowditch. Boston, 1830. 2v. 8 *3796.1 Recherches sur la phthisic prdcdddes du rap- port fait par MM. Bourdois, Royer-Col- lard et Chomel. Paris, 1825. 8 *3794.19 Researches on phthisis, transl. by W. H. Walshe. 2d ed. London, 1844. 8. [Syden- ham soc.] *3714.14 Researches on the yellow fever of Gibraltar of 1828, transl. by G. C. Shattuck, jr. Bos- ton, 1839. 8 *3797.2 Effects of blood-letting in inflammatory dis- eases [etc.,] transl. by C. G. Putnam, with [add.] by J. Jackson. Boston, 1830. 8. .*3803.16 Examen dc 1'examen de M. Broussais, rel. a la phthisie. Paris, 1S34. 8 *3794.21 Remarks relative to Dr. Paine's commenta- ries upon the writings of. See Bowditch, H.I 3721.9 Louis I. of France, emperor. Annales du roi Louis le Debonnaire 741-829. [Guizot. Coll. mem. hist. France, v.3] 2618.2 Capitularia. [Migne. Patrologiae v.97.] v.l of 3450.23 Diplomata. [Migne. Patrologiae V.9S.J v.2 of 3450.23 Vita, incerto auctore ; Diplomata ecclesiastica L. Pii, nee non flliorum ejus usque ad divi- sioncm imperii anno 840 ; Epistoke. [Migne. Patrologiae v.104] 3450.28 Epistolae, cum epistolis ad ipsum scriptis. [Bouquet. Recueil, v.O] 2610.1 Leges. [Muratori. Rerum Ital. script, v.l, pt.2] 2710.1 Vita, auctore Thegano, Trevirensi chorepi- scopo. [Migne. Patrologiae v.100] . . . . 3450.30 Louis II. of France, emperor. Leges. [Muratori. Rerum Ital. script, v.l, pt.2] 2710.1 Louis III. of France. Epinikion rhythmo Teut. Ludovico regi acclamatum cum Nortman- nos, 833, vicisset. [Schilter. Thesaur. an- tiq. Teuton, v.2] 2810.4 Shelf. No. Louis VI. king of France. Epistolae xn. [Bou- quet. Recueil, v. 15] 2020.1 Vie dc, par Suger 1108-37. [Guizot. Coll. mem. hist. Fr. v.8J 2618.2 Vita, auctore Sugerio, abbate B. Dionysii. [Migne. Patrologiae V.18GJ 3470.10 Louis VII. king of France. Epistolae. [Bouquet. Recueil, v. 10] 2020.1 Histoire de la croisade de, 1148. [Guizot. Coll. mt"m. hist. France] v.24 of 2018.2 Mem. sur le retour de Louis le Jeune de sa croisade. [Lebcr. Coll. diss. hist. Fr. v. 18]. 2018.1 Vie de Louis le Jeune 1125-65. [Guizot Coll. nujm. hist. France, v.8] 2618.2 Louis VIII. of France. Faites et gestes dc Louis VIII. par N. de Bray, 1224-20; Vie de, 1223- 1220. [Guizot. Coll. mem. hist. Fr. v.llj. 2618.2 Louis IX. St., king of France. ArrCtsrendus sous le regne de. See Bcugnot, A.A. [Les Olim.] 2640.7 Epistola ad subditos suos in regno Frauciae constitutes, de captione et liberatione sua. [Migne. Patrologiae v.155] 3460.32 Histoire de; Lettres sur les croisadcs de. [Michaud. Coll. mem. hist. Fr. Ser. 1, v.lj. 2611.1 Beugnot, A. A. Essai sur les institutions de. 3502.21 Joinville, J. de. Histoire de Saint-Louis . . 2090.2 - History of Saint Louis 2041.2 Villeneuve-Trans, L. F. de. Histoire de Saint-Louis 2047.3 Louis XI. king of France. Basin, T. Histoire du regne de 2020.3 Comines, P. de. Histoire du roi 2029.1 Histoire de Louys xi, 1460-83. [Michaud. Coll. mem. hist. Fr. Ser. 1. v.4] 2611.1 Jean de Troyes. La chronique scandaleuse da tres chrestien roy Louys de Valois. [Petitot. Coll. mem. hist. Fr. Ser. 1, v. 13]. 2615.1 Secretes intrigues du regne de. [Lafaist. Arch. hist. Fr. v.l. Ser. 1] 2617.1 Louis XII. king of France. Histoire des choscs memorablcs au regne de, par Robert de la Mark. [Michaud. Coll. mem. hist. Fr. Sc-r. 1, v.5] 2611.1 Roedcrer, P. L. Me'moires pour servir a une nouvelle histoire de 2647.4,5 Tableau du regne de. [Petitot. Coll. mem. hist. France. Ser. 1, V.15J 2615.1 Louis XIII. king of France. Anquetil, L. P. L 'intrigue du cabinet sous 2647.10 See Michaud. Coll. mem. hist. France . . . 2611.1 Contents. Ser 1, v. XI. Choses qui se sont pass&es a la mort de. Ser. 2, v. VI. Choses les plus remarqua- bles sous le regne de. Ser. 2, v. VIL-IX. Merooires sur le regne de, par Richelieu. Ser. 3, v. III. Evene- meuts remarquables du regne de, par Briennc. Regierung Ludwigs xm, 1610-22. [Schiller. Mem. II. Abth. v.15] 2613.1 Roederer, A. M. Intrigues de la cour de France sous 4602.7 Valdory, G. de. Anecdotes du regne de . . 2049.12 Louis XIV. king of France. CEuvres. Paris, 1806. 6v. 8 2674.2 Contents. Vol. I., II. Memoires historiques et politiques. III., IV. Memoires et pieces miLitaires. V., VI. Lettres particulieres ; Opuscules lit teraires ; Pieces historiques. Anecdotes pour servir a 1'histoire du regne de. See Galerie 2049.9 Lettres, recueillies par M. Rose. Paris, 1756. 2v. in 1. 16 2049.17 Anquetil, L. P. Louis xiv, sa cour et le regent 2647.11 Bussi-Rabutin, R. Geschichte von Ludwig XIV. [Schiller. Mem. II. Abth. v.21] . . 2013.1 Capeflgue, J. B. H. R. Le regne de 2056.6 Conseil privd de Louis le Grand ... ... 4059a.9 Dangeau, P. de Courcillon. Anecdotes sur. 2656.5 Depping, G. B. Correspondance administra- tive sous le regne de 2620.6 - Grimblot, P. Letters of 2444.8 LOUIS 485 LOW Shelf. No. Louis, XIV. king of France, continued. Lomenic, L. II. tie. Memoircs de L. H. Lo- ineuic secretaire d'etat sous 2054.3 Marana, G. P. Dialogue de Genes et d' Algers villes foudroyecs par 4(359 a. 8 Maurice, A. Memoircs pour scrvir a 1'histoire de. [Michaud. Coll. mem. hist. France. Ser. 3.] v.lOof 2011.1 Mignet, F. A. A. Negotiations relatives a la succession d'Espagne sous 2650.22 Orleans, E. C. de Baviere. Memoires sur la cour de 2047.13 Ossude, P. L. Lamemoire de L. xivjustifiee. 2047.12 Portraits de la cour de. [Lafaist. Arch. hist. France. Ser. 2, v. 8] 2017.1 Priucipaux evenements du regne de, par La Fare. [Michaud. Coll. mem. hist. Fr. Ser. 3.] v.Sof 2011.1 Richelieu, L. F. A. D. de. Histoire des cours dc 2057.4 Koederer, A. M. Intrigues de la cour de France sous 4002.7 Saint-Simon, L. de Rouvroy, due de. Me- moircs sur le siecle de 2040.7 Sautreau-de-Marsy, C. S. Nouveau siecle de. 2007.1 Soulavie, J. L. G. Pieces inedites sur le regne de 2647.14 Turennc, H. de la T. d'A. Vte. de. Memoires pour servir d'eclaircisseinens a unc partie de 1'histoire du regne de 4040.2 Vault, F. E. de. Memoires relatifs a la suc- cession d'Espagne sous 2040.18 Voltaire, F. M. A. de. Siecle de. .. y. 20 of 2085.18 Louis XV. king of France. Anecdotes pour servir a 1'histoire du regnc de. See Galerie . . . 2049.9 Barbicr, E. J. F. Journal historiquc ct anec- dotique du regne de 2630.1 Labadic. Recueil de pieces conccrnant la mi- norite de 2049. 14 Lemontey, P. E. Ilistoire de la regence et de la minorite de 2047.15 Memoires pour servir a 1'histoire de. [Mi- chaud. Coll. mem. hist. Fr. Ser. 3.] v.lOof 2011.1 Memoires secrets sur le regne de. [Barriere. Mem. rel. a 1'hist. France, v.2] 4067.2 Mouffle d'Angerville. Vie privee de . . . . 2049.3 Richelieu, L. F. A. D. de. Histoirc du regne. 2657.4 Roederer, A. M. Intrigues dc la cour de France sous 4602.7 Siecle de. [Voltaire. (Euvrcs.J . . . v.21 of 2685.18 Soulavie, J. L. G. Pieces inoditea sur le regne de 2047.14 Louis XVI. king of France. JJertrand de Mole- villc, A. F. Private memoirs relating to the last year of 2040.1 Campan, J. L. II. G. Souvenirs sur le regne de. [Barriere. Mem. rcl. a 1'hist. France, v.10] 4007.2 Capeflguc, B. H. R. Son administration et ses relations diplomatiques avcc 1'Europe . 20-10.4 Clery, J. B. C. H. Journal de la captivitede. 2640.2 Choiscul-Stainville, C. A. G. due de. Rela- tion du depart de, le 20 juin 1791 4045.9 Droz, F. X. J. Histoire du regne dc . . . . 2046.5 Falloux, F. A. P. dc. Louis XVI 2041.3 Hue, F. Dernieres annees du regne et de la vie de 2040.0 Rusconi, C. Luigi xvi. scene della rivolu- zionc di Francia 4775.10 Soulavie, J. L. G. Mdmoires du regne de . . 2046.3 - Pieces inedites sur le regne de 2047.14 Louis XVIII. king of France. Correspondance. Bruxcllcs, 1830. 12 2646.16 Relation d'un voyage a Bruxclles et a Cob- lentz, [1791.] Paris, 1823. 18 2659.11 Memoircs d'une femme de qualite sur .... 2058.9 LOUIS Philippe, king of France. Montalivet, C, B. de. Louis Philippe et sa liste civile . . 4008.11 Sarrans, B. Louis Philippe et la contre-rev- olution de 1830 4652.13 Shelf. No. Louis, dauphin of France, b. 1729, d. 1705. Grif- fet, H. Memoires pour servir a 1'histoirc de. 2049.4 Proyart, 1'abbe L. B. Vie de 26-19.5 Louis Bonaparte, king of Holland. Documcns hist, sur le gouvcrnement de la Hollande. Paris, 1820. 3v. 8 2815.10 Reponse a Sir W. Scott sur son histoire de Napoleon. Florence, 1831. 8 2642.3 See also : Raynal, T. G. F. Louis de Bourbon, prince de Condi. Memoires de, 1559-64. [Michaud. Coll. mem. hist. France. Ser. 1, v.G] 2011.1 LOUISBOUKG. Gibson, J. Siege of 1745 2353.15 Prince, T. Sermon on the taking of .... 2324.55 Shirley, W. Journal of the siege of .... 23:24. ?2 LOUISE da Savoie, Journal de. [Michaud. Coll. mem. hist. France. Ser. l,v.5] 2011.1 - Same. [Petitot. Coll. mem. hist. France. Ser. 1.V.16] 2015.1 LOUISIANA. Additions and amendments to the civil code. New Orleans, 1823. sm.f . . *3621.17 Civil code. New Orleans, 1825. imp. 8 . . . 3610.4 System of penal law, by E. Livingston. Phil- adelphia, 1833. 8 3610.5 Barbe-Marbois, F. de. Ilistoire de la . . . . 2327.17 Brackenridge, H. M. Views of 2376.16 Butcl-Dumont, G. M. Memoires historiques sur la E. 229.0 Coxe, D. Description of Carolaua, by the French called L 2370.10,11 Le Page du Pratz. Ilistoire de la 2379.1 - History of 2376.34 Marey.R.B. Exploration of the Red river of. 2376.15 Pike, Z. M. Expedition through the western part of 361.9 Vergcnnes, C. G. de. Memoirc sur la . . . . 2370.5 LOUISIANA state medical society. Report on the meteorology and hygiene of the state of Louisiana, n.p. n.d. 8" *M.Pph.v.52 LOUISVILLE, Ky. Sketches of L. and its environs. M'Murtrie.II 2373.8 LOUISVILLE med. inst. Catalogue. 1839-40, 1844, 45. Louisville, 1839-15. 8 . . *M.Pph.v.35,38,41 Some account of the origin and present con- dition of, with remarks on a late rejected report. Louisville, 1842. 8" *M.Pph.v.38 LOUISVILLE university. Medical department. Catalogue of the session of 1848-49, and cir- cular. Louisville, Ky. 1849. 8 . . . *M.Pph.v.45 LOUNGEU'S common-place book. 3d ed. London, 1805. 3v. 8" 2557.11 LOUKDOUEIX, J. II. L. dc. Dc la rcstauraliou de la societe francaiso. Seed. Paris, is:! 1. 8. 4653.13 LOUVET de Couvray, J. B. Memoircs. Paris, l-^:!. 8. [Bervillc ct Barriere. Mem. rel a la revol. franc. 30] *4045.17 Memoircs. [Barriere. Mem. hist. France. 18e aiecle,v.l2] 4007.2 LOUVRE, Guide through the. Villot, F 40v.i.'jl LOVE. Ficino, M. Sopra lo amore 3009.1 LOVE and artifice : amour between lord Mauritio and Emelia, 2d ed. Lond. 1734. pp.47. 8. *2559.2 LOVE to God, A treatise on. Joyce, J 3444. 14 LOVELL, James. Oratio in funerc Ilenrici Flyntii. Boston, 1700. 12" *2348.10 LOVELL, John. Funeral oration occasioned by the death of Peter Faneuil. Bost. 1743. 4 . *3455.56 LOVELL, John, M. D. Meteorological register for 1822-25, from observations at military posts Of the U. S. Washington, 1820. fe . . . *Pph.y.61 LOVES of the poets. See Jameson, A 2558.10 LOVETT, J. New-year's reflections, for January 1, 1808. Lansingburgh, n.d. 12 ... *Pph.v.205 LOVIBOND, E. Poema and life. [Chalmers. English poets] v.lOof 2592.7 Low, D. Breeds of the domestic animals of the British islands. London, 1842. 2v. f . . *3890.2 Domesticated animals of the British islands. London, 1845. 8 3903.27 LOW 486 LUBBOCK Shelf. No. LOW, G. Fauna Orcadensis : or natural history of Orkney and Shetland. Edinburgh, 1813. 4.*3822.10 Low, II. Sarawak, its inhabitants and produc- tions. London, 1848. 8 3040.8 Low, J. Sermon preached at the funeral of. See Forbes, E 3455.51 Low, S., jr. Charities of London. London, 1850. p.8 2485.15 LOWE, Miss. Zarcefa, a tale, and other poems. London, 1844. 10" 2308.47 LOWELL, A. C. Elements of astronomy. Bos- ton, 1850. 12 **E.110.3G Geometry and the science of form. Ster. ed. rev. Boston, 1840. 12 7019.34, 35 LOWELL, Charles. Report of a trial before the supreme judicial court of Maine. C. Lowell vs. J. Faxon and M. Hawks. Portland, 18-5. 8 *M.Pph.v.lll.l21 LOWELL, Charles, D. D. Trinitarian controversy : a discourse at the ordination of D. M. Stearns. Boston, 1828. 8 *Pph.v.208 Union of sentiment among Christians not es- sential to peace: a sermon. Boston, 1829. 8" *Pph.v.2C8 LOWELL, John. Eulogy on J. Bowdoin, LL. D. Boston, 1791. pp. 24. 4. [Memoirs of Am.acad.v.2] *a370.7 Mr. Madison's war. 3d ed. Boston, 1812. 8". 2327.7 Kemarks on a pamphlet by the professors and tutors of Harvard university. Boston, 1824. 8 *Pph. v. 107, **E. 224.0 Further remarks on the memorial of the offi- cers of Harvard college. Boston, 1824. pp. 30. 8 **E.224.6 LOWELL, John A. Reply to a pamphlet circulated by E. Brooks. Boston, 1848. 8 *2354.5 Answer to J. A. Lowell's pamphlet in reply to Brooks. See Brooks, E 2354.4 LOWELL. Catalogue of the city school library. Lowell, 1858. 8 3 *213C.ll Directory for 1855, by G. Adams. Lowell, 1855. 12 2389.2 Directory for 1858, by Adams, Sampson, and company. Lowell, 1858. 12 2389.3 Rules and regulations of the public schools, adopted May, 1839. Lowell, 1839. 12 . *Pph.v.283 Miles, II. A. L. as it was and as it is . . . . 2357.8 Middlesex mechanic association. Catalogue of the library Lowell, 1853. 8 *2130.9 - Reports of the first, [second] exhibition, September, 1851, 1857. Lowell, 1852, 1857. 2v. in 1. 8 6350 a.23 LOWELL hydraulic experiments. See Francis, J. B. 3940.4 LOWER, M. A. Contributions to literature. Lon- don, 1854. 12 2558.4 English surnames, an essay on family no- menclature. 3d ed. London, 1849. 2v. 12. 2430.5 LOWER, R. Tractatus do corde, item de motti et colore sanguinis ct chyli in cum transitu. Londini, 1009. sm.8 *3803.10 - Same. Accedit dissert, de origine catarr- hi. Ed. 7a. Lugduni Batavorum, 1740. 8. 3803.9 LOWMAN, M. Ritual of the Hebrew worship. New ed. London, 1810. 8 3423.13 LOWNDES, J. J. Historical sketch of the law of copyright, with remarks on Talfourd's bill. 2d ed. London, 1842. 8 3600.25 LOWNDES, W. T. Bibliographer's manual of Eng- lish literature. London, 1834. 4v. 8 . . *2153.5 LOWNES, C. Account of the gaol and penitentiary of Philadelphia. See Bradford, W 3575.27 LOWTH, R. Introduction to English grammar. New ed. London, 1707. 12 7049.52 - Same. New ed. corr. London, 1795. 12. 7049.51 - Same. 2d Camb. ed. Cambridge, [N. E.] 1838. 12 7049.53 Letter to the author of the Divine legation of Moses demonstrated. 4th ed. London, 1766. 8 *3454.7 Life of William of Wykeham. Lond. 1758. 8. 2448.17 Shelf. No. Lowrn, R. continued. Sacred poetry of the Hebrews, transl. by G. Gregory. New ed. with notes by C. E. Stowe. Andover, 1829. 8* 3423.3 Sermons and other remains, with a memoir, by Rev. P. Hall. London, 1834. 8 .... 3441.23 Contents. Memoir; Sermons; Law of simony ; Confutation of bishop liarc's System of Ilebrew metre; Poems. Letter occasioned by Lowth's letter to bishop Warburton. See Brown, J 3454.7 New transl. of Isaiah See Bible 3419.11 LOYAL garland, The. A collection of songs of the seventeenth century. Ed. by J. O. Halli well. London, 1850. pp. 88. p. 8. [Percy . BOC. v.29] *2537.29 LOYAU, E. d'Amboise. Vie dc S. Francois de Sales. Paris, 1833. 8 3557.2 LOYOLA, I. de. Delia vita c dell' Istituto di S. Ignazio. [Bartoli. Opere, v. 13-10] . . . 3537.1 and Jesuitism. See Taylor, 1 3557.11 LOYSEAU DE MAULEON, A. J. Plaidoycrs. [An- nalcs du barreau franyais. Barreau ancicn, T.4] 3708.1 LOZANO, J. Bastitania y contestania del reyno de Murcia. Murcia, 1794. sin. 4 3102.8 LUBBOCK, J. W. Account of the Traite sur le flux et reflux dc la mcr, of D. Bernoulli, and a treatise on the attraction of ellipsoids. London, 1830. 8 **E.197.3 Applications of Abel's theorem. [No title- page.] pp.10. 8" *3925.16 Calculation of annuities, and questions in the theory of chances, [with folded tables.] 1828. pp. 14. 4* *3921.16 Cask-gaging. London, 1834. pp. 10. 8. [London and Edin. phil. mag.] *3925.27 Classification of human knowledge. London, 1838. 8 *Pph.v.l03 - Same. 2d ed. London, 1839. pp.42 and app.22. 8 *2122.7 Comparison of tables of annuities, [with folded tables.] [No title-page.] 1829. pp. 21. 4 *3921.16 Comparison of eclipses and occultations. London, 1835. pp.40. 8 3922.9 Currency. London, 1840. pp.43. 8 .... 364C.16 Determination of the distance of a comet from the earth, and of its orbit. London, 132. pp.76. 8 **E. 110.46 - Same. New ed. London, 1835. pp 54. 8. 3922.7 Heat of vapours, and on astronomical refrac- tions. London, 1840. pp.54. 8 3922.10 Note on the orbit of the comet of Halley. 1831. [No title-page.] pp.8. 4. [Memoirs of the Royal astronomical soc.] *3921.19 On the meteorological observations of the Roy. soc. 1827-30. 1831. pp.8. 4. [London. Phil, trans.] *3961.5 Notation. [No title-page.] 1829. pp.10. 4. [Trans, of the Royal astron. soc. ,v.4] . . *3921.15 On the pendulum. London, 1830. pp.8. 4. [Phil, trans. 1830] *3921.17 Perturbations of planets moving in eccentric and inclined orbits. [No title-page.] pp.6. 8. [Lond. Edin. and Dub. phil. mag. 1847.] *3922.6 Researches in physical astronomy. London, 1831-32. [Phil, transactions, 1830-31] . . . *3921.20 Shooting-stars. London, 1849. pp.12 and 2 plates. 8" 3922.8 Terms of the fourth order. London, 1835. pp.25. 4. [Phil, trans. Part I. 1835] . . *3921.14 Theory of the moon and perturbations of the planets. London, 1833-50. 8 .. 3924.8, **E. 197.3 - Same. New ed. London, 1834. 8 . . **E. 188.5 Tides. London, 1837. pp.44. 4. [Phil, trans. 1833] 3921.18 Tide observations at Liverpool. London, 1835. pp.25. 4. [London. Phil, trans. Part 11. 1835] 3921.18 LUCA 487 LUDLOW Shelf. No. LUCA, or DC Luca, G. A. Sermoni. [Raccolta di poesie satiriche] 2808.5 Sermoni. [Carcano. Raccolta dci poeti sa- tirici italiaui, v.4] 2809.3 LUCAXU3, M. A. Pharsalia cum notis selectis, quibus adnotationcm suam, [etc.] addidit C. F. Wcbcr. Lipsiffi, 1821-01. 3v. 8. . 2922.12 Pharsalia, ed. P. A. Lcmaire. Parisiis, 1830- 32. 3v. 8. [Lemaire. Biblioth. class. Lat. v. 30-38] *291G.7 Pharsalia, Englished with continuation by T. May. 3d ed. London, 1035. 10 2929.15 - Same. Trans, into English verse by N. Rowe. London, 1779. 2v. 10. [Johnson. English poets] v.27,28of*25S9.3 - Same. [Chalmers. English pocts].v. 20 of 2592.7 Farsaglia. [Parnaso dci poeti class, d'ogni naz.] v.39of 2759.1 Pharsale. [Marmontel. (Euvres, v.13, 14.] 2099.1 Pharsale, liv. 1,2, 7, 10. [La llarpe. (Euvres, 8] 2092. 1 See Elton, C. A. Specimens of the classic poets, v. 3 2903.14 LUCAS, A. Les clubs ct les elubistes. Paris, 1851. 12 4052.29 LUCAS, H. Ilistoire naturclle des animaux arti- cules. See France. Exploration del'Alge- rie. Zoologie 3050.3-C LUCAS, P. Voyage en 1714 dans la Turquie, 1'Asie, Egypte, etc. Amsterdam, 1720. 12 ... *2277.11 Note. Querard attributes this work to the Abbe Banicr. LUCCA. Memorie c document! per servire all' is- toria del principato lucchese 2711.4 Atti dclla reale accademia lucchese di scicnze, lettere ed arti. Lucca, 1821-07. lOv. 8. *32S4.1 LUCCHESI-PALLI, I. Dissertazionc sulle vcrc c dritte idee dell' onore. [Opuscoli di autori Sicilian!, v. 17] 4704.1 LUCCHESIXI, C. Delia illustrazione della lingua italiana. Lucca, 1820. 2v. 8 2785.18 Della storia lettcraria del ducato lucchese. See Memorie per servire all' istoria di Lucca, v.9, 10 2711.4 See Collcc. d'opuscoli scient. e lett 5278.2 Contents. Vol. IV. Fcste dclla Grecia, estratto. XIV. Dcgl' indizi che gli storici profani e la mitolo- gia somministrano per niostrare che il culto d'un solo l)io e' anteriore al politeismo. LUCHET, A. Recit de 1'inauguration de la statue do Gutemberg par la villc de Strasbourg. Paris, 1840. 10 **E.209.24 LUCIA, F. di. Relazione istorica della traslazione di S. Filomena verg. c martire. 4a ed. Na- poli, 1831. 8 3403.28 LUCIAXUS Autiochenus, St. See Routh. Reli- quiae sacroc, v.4 3513.9 LUCIANUS Hierosolymitanus. Epistola de rcvela- tione corporis Stephuni, martyris primi.ct aliorum. [Mignc. Patrologia? v.4 1]. v. 7 of 3440.18 LUCIAXUS Samosatensis. Opera Gr. ct Lat. Stu- diis soc. Bipont. Biponti, 1789-93. lOv. 8. *2995.2 Opera, Gr. ct Lat. Ed. J. T. Lehmann. LipRise, 1822-31. 9v. 8" *2995.1 Opera, ex rcc. G. Dindorfii, Gr. ct Lat. Pa- risiis, 1840. 1.8. [Didot. Bibl. Gr.] . . . *2992.17 Select dialogues, transl. into Latin by E. Murphy. Philadelphia, 1804. 12" 2999.17 Triumphs of the gout, transl. by G. West. London, 1779. 10. [Johnson. English poets, v.50] *25S9.3 - Same. See. Pindar 2999.21 II podagroso. [Coll. opusc. scient. elctt. v.l]. 5278.2 Dell' cloquenza; Delia loquacita. [Autori del benparlarc, p.l, v.l] 3590.10 Dialog! aliquot. [Erasmus. Opcre, v.l] . . 2920.3 Dialogo attrib. a Luciano intorno alia mortc di Demostenc. [Ccsarotti. Opere, v.23] . 2798.1 L'histoire veritable dc Lucicn, traduite ct con- tinuee par Perrot d'Ablancourt. [Gamier. Voyages imaginaires, v.13] 2000.1 Shelf. No. LUCIANUS Samosatensis, continued. L'Ocipo, versione ined. dell' ab. Ant. Maria Salvini. [Coll. d'opuscoli scient. e lett. v. 7]. 5278.2 Somnium, seu Gallus. [Neander. Opus au- reum et scholasticum] 2991.17 Lucicn, J. J. P. Marmora Macarensia. [Rac- colta di opusculi scientiflci, ecc. v.21-23] . 5274.1 Lucim, E. Memorie storiche dell' Ariecia. Roma, 1790. 4" *2700.8 LUCIFER, bp. of Cagliari. Liber, de non conveni- endo cum haereticis ; Liber de regibus apos- taticis ; Pro S. Athanasio libri duo ; Liber de non parcendo in Dcum delinquentibus ; Moriendum esse pro Filio Dei. [Migne. Patrologiae v.13] 3440.16 LUCILIUS, C. Fragmenta. See Persius Flaccus. 2910.0 Satyrarum quas supersunt reliquiae. See Cen- sorinus 2927.20 LUCILIUS Junior. _. 1748, d. IS?;). Oration on early education, delivered May 1, 17S.'!, at the opening- of the Phillips Exeter academy. Exeter, 1783. pp.28. sm.4 3 2408.38 Sermon at the interment of the Rev. John Elsworth. Hartford, 1792. pp.32. 8 . . *3457.25 Sermon on the death of Benjamin Pomeroy. Hartford, 1702. pp.24. 8 *3457.25 McCLUitE, David. System of education for Girard college. Philadelphia, 1&34. 8 *Pph.v.97 MACCOLINI, G. Guglielmo Tempioni, storia del secolo xvi cavata dalle faentine cronache. Firenze, 1843. 2v. in 1. 10 4775.35 McCoiiMAC, H. Appeal in behalf of the poor. Belfast, 1831. pp.27. 8 3570.00 Words of wisdom to the working- classes, and laws of the first Armagh co-operative so- ciety. Armagh, 1830.. pp.20. 8 3570.00 M'COUN, H. T. Address before the Queen's county agricultural society, Oct. 13, 1842. New York, 1843. 8 *Pph.v.l38,149 M'Cor, A. Funeral oration on the death of Dan- iel Webster. Ballston Spa. Nov. 8, 1852. Boston, 1853. 8 *Pph.v.l93,2G3 M'CoY, F. Contributions to British palasontology. Cambridge, 1854. 8 3877.3 M'Cov, I. History of Baptist Indian missions. Washington, 1840. 8 3534.7 McCREADY, B. W. Lecture introductory to the course on materia medica and pharmacy, X. Y. coll. of pharm. N. Y. 1850. 8.*M.Pph.v.51 McCREADY, F. Art of English grammar, in verse. Philadelphia, 1820. 12 7049.27 McCiiEKHY, H. Disputatio medica iuauguralis de pneumonia. Edinburgi, 1807. 8" . . *M.Pph.v.l2 M'ClUE, T. Works. New cd. Ed. by his son, T. M'Crie. Edinburgh, 1855-57. 4v. p. 8 . . 3499.29 Contends. Vol. I. Life of John Knox. II. Life of Andrew Melville. III. Reformation in Italy; Re- formation in Spain. IV. Review of Tales of my landlord; On the unity of the church; Sermons. Difference between the profession of the re- formed church of Scotland, as adopted by seceders and by the general associate synod. Edinburgh, 1807. 8 *Pph.v.52 History of the reformation in Italy, including the Grisons. Edinburgh, 1827. 8 3528.4 Life of A. Melville. Edinb. 1819. 2v. 8" . 3554.7 Life of J. Knox. 2d ed. Edinb. 1813. 2v. 8. 3554.8 Vindication of the Scottish covenanters. Philadelphia, 1843. 12 3524.13 M'CRIE, T., son. Memoirs of Sir A. Agnew. Lon- don, 1850. 8 2447.5 MACCULLAGH, W. T. Industrial history of free nations. London, 1840. 2v. 8. [Vol. I. The Greeks.Vol.il. The Dutch.] 3052.5 MACCULLOCII, John, M. D., F. L. S. On the art of making wine. 4th ed. enl. and imp. London, 1829. 12 4003.25 M'CULLOCH, John. History of the United States. 4th ed. Philadelphia, 1813. 12 2329.22 McCuLLOCH, John R. Account of the British empire. 4th ed. London, 1854. 2v. 8 . . 2512.2 Dictionary, geographical, statistical, and his- torical. New ed. with supplement. Lon- don, 1851. 2v. 8 *2284.2 Dictionary of commerce. New ed. with sup- plement. London, 1854. 8 *3683.3 Essay on the rate of wages. Edinburgh, 1820. 24 3048.20 - Same. Including : Influence of combina- tions. 2ded. London, 1854. 10 3048.18 Literature of political economy. London, 1845. 8 *2172.3 Policy and probable consequence of the repeal of the corn laws. London, 1841. pp.38. 8. 3051.18 Principles of political economy. 4th cd. Lon- don, 1819. 8 3043.7 Principles, practice, and history of commerce. [No title-page.] 8 **E.212.4 Shelf. No. McCuLLOCH, John R. continued. Succession to property vacant by death. Lon- don, 1848. 8 3030.16 Taxation and the funding-system. 2d ed. London, 1852. 8 3053.4 MACCULLOCH, R. Sermons on interesting sub- jects. Edinburgh, 1803. 12 *3459.5 M'COLLOCii, T. Nature and uses of a liberal edu- cation illustrated : a lecture. Halifax, 1819. pp.24. 8 *Pph.v.48 McCuLLOH, J. H. Researches on America, rela- tive to the aborigines. Baltimore, 1810. 8. 2300.16 - Same. Baltimore, 1817. 8 2300.4 MCCULLOH, R. S. Letter to the Hon. T. Corwin, in reply to a report of the director of the mint upon charges preferred against J. C. Booth. Washington, 1852. 8 *Pph.v.l95 Report of his operations in refining Califor- nia gold by his zinc method. Washington, 1852. 8 *Pph.v.l95 Reports of scientific investigations in rela- tion to sugar and hydrometers. Washing- ton, 1848. 8 *Pph.v.l73 MACDIAKMID, J. Lives of British statesmen. 2d ed. London, 1820. 2v. 8 2443.5 M'DONALD, A. Dissertatio inauguralis quajdam de veneno serpentum complectens. Edin- burgi, 1800. 8 *M.Pph.v.l2 M'DONALD, J. Ebenezer : or Jehovah the helper of America, a sermon. Albany, 1814. 8. *Pph.v.l3 Jehovah-Shalom, or the peace-sending Jeho- vah : a thanksgiving sermon for peace. Al- bany, 1815. 8 *Pph.v.29 New translation of Isaiah, chapter 18, with a universal summons to the battle of Arma- geddon. Albany, 1814. 8 *Pph.v.21 Sermon on the death of Alexander Hamilton. Albany, 1804. 8 *Pph.v.25 MACDOXELL,, P. Essay on the tragedy of Ham- let. London, 1843. 8 2595.4 MACDONNEL, D. E. Dictionary of select and pop- ular quotations. 3d Am. ed. Philadelphia, 1818. 12 **E.207.12 M'DOWELL, J. Address before the alumni as- sociation of the college of New Jersey. Princeton, 1833. 8 *Pph.v.l07 M'DOWELL, W. A. Answer to a review of il' Dow- ell's treatise on consumption, n.p. n.d. 8. *M.Pph.v.40 Reply to Dr. Yandell's rejoinder in a con- troversy relative to cure of consumption. Louisville, Ky., 1S44. 8 *M.Pph.v.40 MCDUFFIE, G. Speech on the removal of the deposites. n.p. 1833. 8 *Pph.v.90 MCELLIGOTT. The "Analysis" analyzed, or dif- ference between McElligott's manual and Town's analysis. New York, 1847. 8. *Pph.v.l61 MAC FARLANE, C. Constantinople in 1828. Lon- don, 1829. 4 3081.2 Pictorial history of England. See Craik, G. L 2422.1 M'FiNGAL: a poem. See Trumbull, J 2405.8 M'GEE, T. D'Arcy. Catholic history of North America, to which is added the relations of Ireland and America. Boston, 1855. 12. 2318.19 MACGILL, S. Considerations addressed to a young clergyman. [Young minister's comp.] . . 3437.5 MACGILLIVRAY, W. History of British birds. London, 1837-52. 5v. 8 *3905.4 MACGOWAX, D. J. Claims of the missionary en- terprise on the medical profession. New York, 1842. 8 *M.Pph.v.38 MACGREGOR, J. Commercial statistics : a digest of the resources, commercial legislation, [etc.] of all nations. Lond. 1847-50. 5v. 8. *3052.1 Contents. Vol. I. Austria ; Belgium ; Denmark; France; Zoll-Verein ; Holland ; Italian states ; Gi- braltar ; Malta, etc. II. Ottoman empire ; Greece ; African states ; Russian empire ; Sweden and Nor- way ; Spain and Portugal. 111. America ; Spanish American republics ; Central and South America j MACGREGOB 492 McKEAN Shelf. No. MACGREGOR, J, continued. Spanish republics of South America. IV. Ilayti and foreign West Indies ; Brazils ; Oriental commerce. V. Chinese empire ; British colonies, etc. in Africa, Asia, and Australia; America and the West Indies. Germany, her resources, government, etc. London, 1848. 1.8 2862.2 My note-book. London, 1835. 3v. 12 ... 2803.14 Progress of America from the discovery to 1846. London, 1847. 2v. 1.8 2310.28 MACHAULT, G. de. Notice de poesies francaises et latinos du quatorzieme siecle, aveo une indication du genre de musique qui s'y trouve, par 1'abbe Lebeuf. [Lcber. Coll. diss. hist. France, v.10] . 2618.1 MACHIAVELLI, N. Opere. Italia, 1826. lOv. in 5. 8" *2805.1 Contents. Vol. I. Prefazione ; Vita j Testamento 1, 2 ; Privilegio ; Dedica ; Proemio dell' autore ; Istorie fiorentine. II. Istoric fiorentine ; Frammenti istorici; Naturadi uomini fiorentini; Discorso al ma- gistrate dei dieci ; Del modo di trattare i popoli della Valdichiana; Del duca Valentino; Vita di Castruceio Castracani. II.-III. Discorsi sopra le deche di Tito Livio. III. Discorsi. ecc. ; II principe ; Arte della guerra; Due provvisioni per istituire milizie nazionali nella repubblica florentina ; Consulto del 11.; Re- lazione di una visita per fortificare Firenze; Sentenze diverse; Discorso sulla riforma ; Sommario delle cose di Lucca; Ritratti delle cose della Francia; Delia na- turade' Frances! ; Kitratti delle cose dell' Alamagna ; Rapporto della Magna; Discorso dell' Alamagna; Is- truz. a Raffaello Girolami. IV. Dialogo sulla lingua; Novella di Belfagor ; Descrizione della peste di Fi- renze dell' anno 1527 ; Capitoli per una bizzarra compagnia ; Allocuzione ad un magistrate ; Discorso morale; Commedie : Mandragola; Clizia; Commedia in prosa senza titolo; Audria di Tcrcnzio tradottaj Commedia in versi scnza titolo ; Poesie : Decennali ; Asino d'oro ; Dell' occasione ; Delia fortuna ; Della ingratitudine ; Dell' ambizione ; Capitolo pastorale ; Serenata; Canti carnascialeschi ; Legazioni e commis- sion! di Machiavelli : Al sign, di Piombino, a Catc- rina Sforza, contro i Pisani, alia corte di Francia, a Fistoja, al duca Valentino, a Arezzo, a Siena, alia corte di Koma, seconda alia corte di Francia. V. Le- gazioni : A G. Baglioni, al marchese di Mantova, a Siena, alia corte di Roma, all' imperatore, ecc., a Pisa, a Venezia; Lettere familiar!; La inciite di un iiui no di .stato. Le istorie florentine, da G. B. Niccolini. 3a cd. Firenze, 1851. 12 4749.4 II principe e discorsi sopra la prima deca di Tito Livio. Firenze, 1848. 12 3568.4 Opere minori. Firenze, 1852. 12 4707. 7 Contents. Operette istoriche c politiche; Opcrette letterarie in prosa; Operette letterarie in versi; Ope- rette attribuite a N. Machiavelli. Scritti inediti risguardanti la storia e la mi- lizia. Firenze, 1857. 12 4776.18 Contents. Ribellione della Valdichiana e di Arez- zo; Spedizione eontro Pisa del 1499; Spedizione dopo la lega con Francia; Spedizione contro Pisa, del 1504, 1505 ; Spedizione dopo la rotta dell' Alviano, 1505 ; Negozi e provvedimenti vari 1499-1506 ; JMilizia na- tionalc, ordinanza della fanteria, 150G-1512, ordinanza della cavalleria, 1511-1512. Belfagor arcidiavolo e mandate da Plutone prender mogliere. See Novclle 2788.5 Belphegor, or the marriage of the devil. [Koscoe. Italian novelists, v.2j 2772.18 Orazioni storiche. See Scelta 4770.10 Artaud de Montor, A. F. Machiavel, son genie et ses erreurs 2805.2 Baldelli, G. B. Elogio 2805.7 MACHIN, L. The dumb knight. [Dodsley. Old plays, v.4] 2588.1 MACHINERY. Armengaud, J. E. Publication in- dustrielle dcs machines outils et appareils. 4023.1 Babbagc, C. On the economy of E. 110. 33 Barlow, P. Encyclopaedia of 4031.1 Buchanan, R. Practical essays on 4012.22 Clegg, S. Architecture of 4012.21 Coulomb, C. A. de. Thdorie des machines simples 3931.5 Shelf. No. MACHINERY, continued. Dcmpsey, G. D. Machinery of the nine- teenth century 4012.3 Langsdorff, C. C. v. System der Maschinen- Kunde 4030.4 Lanz and Betancourt, D. T. Sur la composi- tion des machines 4020.6 Kennie, G. Practical examples of 4014.17 Results of. See London. Soc. for the diff. of useful knowledge 4019.31 Tate, T. Elements of mechanism 4019.28 Warr, G. F. Construction of 3944.13 See also : Engineering, Equilibrium, Locomotive, Mechanics, Mill-work, Motion, Steam-engine. MACHINIST'S assistant. Scott, D 4030.1 MACHIUELLI, O. See Bernabo Silorata, P. Prose e poesie di Italian! viventi, v.3 4708.16 MACHON. See Poet. com. Graec. fragm 3002.14 MACHYN, H. Diary of Henry Machyn, ed. by J. G. Nichols. London, 1848. sm.4. [Camden society, 42] *2416.42 M'ILVAINB, C. P. Answer to the Rev. H. U. Onderdonk. Philadelphia, 1827. 8 . . *Pph.v.70 Argument for the apostolical succession. Al- bany, 1843. 12 *Pph.v.227 Chief danger of the church in these times, a charge to the clergy of the diocese of Ohio. New York, 1843. 8 *Pph.v.l32 [Remarks on a pamphlet entitled, Rev. Mr. Mcllvaine, in answer to Rev. H. U. Onder- donk, by an episcopalian of Md. Balti- more, 1829. 8] *Pph.v.77 MACILWAIN, G. Nature and treatment of tu- mours. London, 1845. 8 3755.8 Observations on the constitutional origin of the various forms of porrigo. London, 1833. 8 *M.Pph.v.40 M'lNTYHE, A. Letter to D. D. Tompkins. Al- bany, 1820. 8 *Pph.v.24 MACK, E. Character and importance of agricul- ture, and the means directed to its improve- ment : an address. Ithaca, 1844. 8. .*Pph.v.l45 MAC KAILE, H. Last publick sermon preached by Mr. M. at Edinburgh, Sept. 1002, to which is added, a relation of his Buffering and death, with his last speech, 1000. Edin- burgh, 1749. pp.60. 18 *3457.51 MACKAY, A. Complete navigator. London, 1804. 8 **E. 181.1 - Same. To which is added a system of calculations for finding the longitude at sea, by lunar observations. By P. Delamar. Philadelphia, 1807. 8 **E.180.11 The theory and practice of finding the longi- tude at sea or land. 2d ed. Aberdeen, 1801. 2v. 8 **E. 188.1 - Same. 3d ed. London, 1809. 8. . . **E.1S0.6 MACKAY, C. Songs and ballads relative to the London prentices and trades. 15th-17th centuries. London, 1841. p. 8. [Percy BOC. publ. v.l] *2537.3 McKAY, M. Trial for the murder of his wife. See Gould, M. T. C *M.Pph.v.ll MACKAY, Robert. History of the house and clan ofMackay. Edinburgh, 1829. 4" 2433.1 MACKAY, Robert W. Progress of the intellect, as exemplified in the religious development of the Greeks and Hebrews. London, 1850. 2v. 8 3602.6 MACKAY, Robert "W. S. Canada directory, 1851. Montreal, 1851. 8 *2388.3 McKEAN, J. Memoir of Rev. Dr. J. Eliot. [Mass. hist. soc. coll. 2d ser. v.l] 2351.1 Sermon at the ordination of Rev. N. L. Froth- ingham. Boston, 1815. 8 *Pph.v.267 Sermon on the decease of J. Warren, M. D. Boston, 1815. 8 . . . c *M.Pph.v.05 Sermon on the death of. See Frothingham, N. L 3455.61 MACKELDEY 493 JIACOMB Shelf.No. MACKELDEY, F. Manuel de droit remain, conte- naut la theorie des institutes, trad, par J. Beving. 2e .*Pph.v.l02 NX, Herman. Annals of Dedham, 1035-1847. Dedham, Mass. 1847. 8 2356.14 MANN, Horace. Answer to the Rejoinder of twenty-nine Boston schoolmasters. Bos- ton, 1845. 8 *Pph.v.l48 Common school journal, for 1&39-47. Boston, 1839-47. 9v. 8 3594.1 Shelf. No. 3IANN, Horace, continued. Lecture on education. Boston, 1840. 12.*Pph.v.227 Oration delivered July 4, 1842, before the authorities of Boston. Boston, 1842. S.*Pph.v.201 Reply to the Remarks of thirty-one Boston schoolmasters. Boston, 1844. 8 . . *Pph.v.l41 Sequel to the so-callccl correspondence be- tween the Rev. 31. H. Smith and H. Mann. Boston, 1847. 8 *Pph.v.l01 Thoughts for a young man : a lecture. Bos- ton, 1850. 12 *Pph.v.232 Correspondence between II. 3Iaun and 31. II. Smith. See Smith, M. II Pph.v.101 - Reply to sequel of. See Smith, 31. H. Pph.v. 101 and Chase, P. E. Arithmetic for advanced pupils. Philadelphia, 1850. 12 7019.5 3IANN, J. Dissertation upon the cholera infan- tum. Boston, 1804. 8 *M. Pph.v. 1,04 Medical sketches of the campaigns of 1812-14, also, appendix on dysentery, etc. Dedham, 1810. 8" 3722.11 Letter on bilious epidemic fever. See Yatcs, C. C M. Pph.v. 3,4 3IANN, R. J. Philosophy of reproduction. Lon- don, 1855. 10 3879.25 MANNA, E. della. Victoria Cremonensium in na- vali bello sub Nicolao Piciuino, ct Fran- cisco de Cotignola contra Vcnctos in Pado, 1431. [Muratori. Rerum Ital. script, v. 25]. 2720.1 3IANNELLI, A. Chronichctta. See 3Ianni, M. . 4749 a. 3 MANNELLI, Raimondo d'Amaretto. Lettera in- torno alia battaglia navalc tra Fiorcntini c Vcncziani confcderati e i Genovcsi, 1431. [Archivio stor. ital. Appcndice, v.lj. . . 5215.2 MANNERS, J. 31. 3Inemonic tables. Baltimore, 1820. pp.30. 12 * Pph.v. 20 MANNERS and customs of ye Euglyshe, drawn from ye quickc by R. Doyle ; and 3Ir. Pips his diary, by P. Leigh. London, [1S49?] obl.4 2574.1 MANNERS and customs of the Japanese. From Dutch travels, especially the narrative of VonSiebold. New ed. London, 1852. 12. 3017.11 MANNERS and customs. Ferrario, G. Costume antico e moderno di tuttiipopoli 2202.1 Godwin, W. Reflections on 2553.3 Klemm.F. G. Cultur-Geschichteder3Icnseh- heit 2203.9 Kosche, C. T. Sittcn aller bckannten Vol- kcr unsers Erdbodcns 2203.5 Matter, J. Influence des mceurs sur les lois. 3017.3 See also: Customs. MANNERS and minor morals. Bean, J. Advice to a new married couple . 3440.29 Bennet, J. Letters to a young lady .... 341!5.33 Cobbctt, W. Advice to young men .... 3574.30 Daughter's own book 344:5.32 Eliot, W. G. Lectures to young men . . . . 3445.18 Sigourncy, L. H. Letters to young ladies. 2403.18 Wilkcs, W. Advice to a young lady .... 3574.30 MANNEUT, C. Geographic dcr Gricchen und Ho- mer. 2te Aufl. Nurnberg, Leipzig u. Land- shut, 1799-1825. lOv. in 14. 8 *2289. 1 Contents. Vol. I. Allgcmeine Einleitung ; Ilispa- nien. II. Das transalpinische Gallicn ; Britannia. III. Germania, RhEEtia, Noricum, Pannonia. IV. Der Norden der Erde von der Weielisel bis nacb. China. V. Indicn, und die persische Monarchic bis zum Euphrat. VI. Arabien, Puliistina, Phonicicn, Syrien, Cypern, Kleinasien. VII. Thracicn, Illy rien, Macedonien, Thessalien, Epirus. VIII. Das nordliche Griechenland ; Der Peloponnesus ; Die Inselu des Archipclagus. IX. Italia nebst den In- seln, Sicilia, Sardinia, Corsica. X. Ostkiistevon Afrika, Aetliiopia, Aegyptus; Marmarika, Kyrene die Syrten, Karthago, Numidia, Mauritania, die Westkiiste von Afrika, das innere von Afrika, dio westlichen luseln. MANNHEIM. DC latitudine epeculae Manhemien- sis. Schumacher, H. C E.18t>.2 MANNl 502 MANUSCRIPTS Shelf. No. MANNI, D. M. Cronichette antiche di varj scrit- tori. Milano, 1844. 10 4749 a. 3 Contents. Notizic intorno ngli scrittori di queste Cronichette; Cronichtttad'Amarctto Mannclli ; An- nali di Simonc della Tosa; Cronich. d' incerto, 1301 ; Tumulto de' Ciompi, scritto da Gino Capponi. De Florcntinis inventis. Ferarise, 1731. 4". 4024.34 Delia disciplina del canto ccclcsiastico antico. Fircnzc, 1753. pp.24. 4 *4050.10 Degli ocohiali, trattato istorico. Firenze, 1738. sm.4 3920.29 Istoria del decamerone di Gio. Boccaccio. Fi- renze, 17-12. 4 2772.11 Lezioni di lingua toscana. Firenze, 1737. 10. 2780.18 - Same. 4a cd. Milano, 1824. 16 .... 2780.22 Osscrvazioni istoriche sopra i sigilli antichi de' secoli bassi. Firenze, 1739-80. 30v. in 15. 8" *2740.7 Le vcglie piacevoli ovvero notizie de' piii biz- zarri e giocondi uomini toscani. 2a ed. fior. Fircnzc, 1815-10. 8v.in4. 10 4700.12 Commentario della vita del capitano Giovanni Aguto, Inglese. [Tartini. Her. Ital. script. v.2] 2720.2 Ginevra degli Amieri. [Roscoe. Italian novelists, v.4] 2772.18 MANNING, F. The generous choice : a comedy. London, 1700. pp.48. 4 2575.23 MANNING, J. Memoir. See Goddard, W. G. . . 2387.2 MANNING, O., and Bray, W. History and anti- quities of Surrey. London, 1804-14. 3v. f. *2-190.0 MANNING, W. O. Commentaries on the law of nations. London, 1839. 8 3014.8 MANNO, G. De' vizj de 1 letterati. 2a ed. Milano, 1830. 10" 2200.0 Fortuna dclle parole ; Vizi de' letterati. Fi- renze. 1855. sm.S" 2789.4 Storia di Sardegna. 3a ed. Milano, 1835. 2v. sm.8 2728.19 See Bernabo Silorata, P. Prose e pocsie di Italiani viventi, v.G 4708.10 MANNORY, L. See Annalcs du barrcau francais. Barreau ancien, v.2, par. 2 370S.1 MANOEUVRES, Method of performing the eighteen. Russell, J 3954.7 MANOSCRITTO del vicecurato. Racconto. Car- cano, G 4775.5 MANIUQUE, J. Coplas, transl. by IT. W. Long- fellow, with an essay on the moral poetry of Spain. Boston, 1833. 12. [Spanish and English] 3093.7 MANSFIELD, E. D. Cincinnati in 1820. See Drake, B 2373.12 MANSFIELD, Jacob. Oration, at Western, July 4th, 1812. Worcester, 1812. 8" *Pph.v.04 MANSFIELD, Jared. Mathematical and physical essays. New Haven, n.d. 8 **E. 197.5 MANSFIELD, J. B. History of New England. See Coolidgc, A. J 320.31 MANSFIELD, earl of. See Murray, J. MANSFOUD, J. G. Influence of situation on pul- monary consumption, and on the duration of life. London, 1818. 8 *M.Pph.v.58 MANSHIF, II. History of Great Yarmouth, ed. by C. J. Palmer. Great Yarmouth, 1851. 4" . *2503.23 MANSO, J. C. F. Geschichte d. ost-gothischen Reiches in Italien. Breslau, 1824. 8 ... 2717.2 Sparta. Geschichte und Verfassung. Leip- zig, 1800-5. 3v. 8 2900.10 MANSON, A. Medical researches on the effects of iodine. London, 1825. 8 3780.2 MANSUETUS, bp. of Milan. Epistola. [Migne. Patrologiaev.87] 3450.18 MANTELL, G. A. Fossils of the South Downs, or illustrations of the geology of Sussex. London, 1822. 4 3801.1 Illustrations of the geology of Sussex. Lon- don, 1827. 1.8 3801.1 Geology of the south-east of England. Lon- don, 1833. 8 3862.14 Shell. No. MANTELL, G. A. continued. Medals of creation. 2d ed. Lond. 1851. 12. 3809.8 Braylcy, E. W. Geology of Surrey 2.>02.2 Horsflcld, T. W. Natural history of Lewes. 2172.13 MANTINEO, J. Fccdus Persei ct Minerva;, melos musicum. [Opusc. diautori siciliani, v.15]. 4704.1 MANTUA. Equicola, M. Istoria di Mantova . . 2727.13 Soresina, B. Epitome dclla storia di Man- tova 2740.3 Reale accadcmia di scicnze, belle letterc cd arti. Memorie. Mantova, 1795. gr.4* . . *5272.2 - Museo della realc accad. di. Labus, G. . . 4073.5 MANTZ, P. Mt-moires iniidits des mcmbres de Pacademie royale, etc. Dussieux, M. L. . 4086.2 MANUAL of commercial correspondence, English and French. New York, 1850. 12" .... 3683.6 MANUAL of masonry and anti-masonry. Louis- ville, 1833. 12 3507.23 MANUAL of phrenology. London, 1820. 24 . . . 3000.34 MANUALE storico dell' arte greca. Firenze, 1840. 12 4077.34 MANUCCI. See Manuzio. MANUFACTURES. Armengaud, C. Guide-mannel de 1'inventeur et du fabricant *4033.7 Babbage, C. Economy of machinery and M. E. 110. 33 - Principles of. See Barlow, P A. 175.1 Barlow, P. Encyclopaedia of 4031.1 Baudrimont, A. Dictionnaire de 1'industrie manufacturiere 4034.1 Chitty, J. Treatise on the laws of 3071.1 Hamilton, A. Soundness of the policy of pro- tecting domestic M *Pph.v.l20 Macpherson, D. Annals of 3641.1 Montbrion. Dictionnaire universel des . . . 3082.1 See Repertory of arts 5919.3 See Society for the encouragement of arts . E. 129.1 Statistiquedel'industrie manufacturiere. See France. Minis, de 1'agric. et du comm. . . 7010.7 Tables of American M. 1810. See United States C.110.7 Ure, A. Philosophy of 4034.14 See also: Arts, Calico printing, Cotton, Fibrous plants, Glass, Industrial exhibitions, Industry, Iron, Metallurgy, Porcelain, Tottery, Steel, Trades, Wool, Worsted. CgfFor manufactures of various nations and places, see their names. MANURES, Abridgment of specifications relating to. See Great Britain : Commiss. of patents. Bobierre, A. Considerations theoriques et pratiques sur 1' action des engrais 3993.8 Bommer, G. New method which teaches how to make vegetable M Pph.v.126, 130 Reynolds, J. Preparation and application of. See Massachusetts soc. for prom, agric. . . 3994.3 Schmit, J. P. Moyens dc recueillir ct d'uti- liser les engrais 3993.5 Sprengel, C. Die Lehrc vom Diingcr . . . . 3993.15 MANUSCRIPTS. Capponi, G. Catalogo dei mano- scritti posseduti dal marchcse G. Capponi. 2137.3 Catalogo dei manoscritti storici della colle- zione di M. Foscarini. [Archivio storico italiano, v.5] 5245.2 Catalogue des manuscrits des bibliotheques publiques des departements. See France. Ministry of instruction 2050.3 Catalogue of the M. in the Cottonian library. See Great Britain. Record commission . . 7070.5 Catalogue of the Harleian M. See Great Britain. Record commission 7070.4 Catalogue of the Lansdowne M. See Great Britain. Record commission 7070.6 Catalogus codicum manuscriptorum biblio- thecse Bodlcianse. See Oxford. Bodleian library 2130.7 Catalogus codicum manuscriptorum bore- alium. See Oxford. Bodleian library . . 2130.9 Catalogus codicum orientalium qui in museo Britannico asservantur. See London. Brit- ish museum 2130.18 MANUSCRIPTS 503 MARCHESE Shelf. No. MANUSCRIPTS, continued. - Manuscriptorum orientalium bibliothecas Bodleiante coclicum catalogus. See Oxford. Bodleian library 2130.5 Manuscripts in the British museum. See London. British museum 2130.19 Notitia manuscriptorum E. D. Clarke. See Oxford. Bodleian library 2130.8 Notices et extraits des M. de la bibliotheque du roi. See Paris. Institut de France. Acad. roy. des inscript 2190.1 See also : Hieroglyphics, Inscriptions, Papyri. MANUZI. Annales de I'imprimerie des Aide ou histoire de trois Manuce. See Renouard, A. A 2112. G Serie dell' cdizioni Aldine 2114.12 MANUZIO, A., il giovine. Eleganze con la copia della lingua toscana e latina. Roma, 1820. 8 2785.10 Epitome orthographiae. Taurini, 1730. 12 . 2934.9 Le azioni di Castruccio Castracani degli An- telminelli. 3a cd. Lucca, 1843. 8" .... 2744.7 De toga Romanorum ; De tunica Romano- rum: De tibiis vcterum. [Graevius. The- saurus antiq. Rom. v.O] 2950.1 De caelatura et picturavetcrum. [Gronovius. Thesaurus Graec. antiq. v. 9] 2900.2 Dissertatiuucula de Roatina urbe, agroque, Sabinaque gente ; De aquis in urbem Ro- mam olim iufluentibus ; DC ratione inter- calandi ; De aceumbendi et comedendi ra- tione ; De convivio tempestivo, sen intem- pestivo ; De auspiciis ; De trabea ; De sub- selliis; De signo et statua ; De parma, clypeo, scuto, pelta, ancile ; De primipilo ; De drachmis ; Detertiis. [Sallengre. Thes. antiq. Rom. v.l] 2950.2 MANUZIO, A., ilvecchlo. Vita. See Bonucci, A. . 2749.6 MANUZIO, P. Antiquitatum Romanarum liber de legibus. Vcnctiis, 1559. 10 3012.14 Lettere copiate sugli autografl esistcnti nella biblioteca ambrosiana. [Pubbl. da A. A. Renouard]. Parigi, 1834. 8 2747.8 Lettere volgari. Venctia, 1500. 8 2747.22 See Grsevius, J. G. Thesaurus antiq. Rom. . 2950.1 Contents. Vol. I. DC civitate Romana ; De cora- itiis Romanorum. H. De legibus Koiuanisi Deseu- atu Romano. MANUZZI, G. Vocabolario della lingua italiana. Firenze, 1833-40. 2v. in 4. 4 *2780.4 Sulle voci e locuzioni italiani dcrivate dalla lingua provcnzale: risposta al Manuzzi. See Nannucci, V 2785.11 MANY thoughts on many things. Southgate, H. 25S1.5 MANZI, G. Spettacoli, feste, ed il lusso degl' Ita- liani ncl secolo xiv. Roma, 1818. 8 ... 2740.8 MANZINI, G. B. Observations upon the fall of Scjanus. See Matthieu, P 2049.18 MANZINI, N. B. L. Histoire de 1'inoculation prd- scrvative dc la fievrc jaune. Paris, 1858. 8. 3790.20 MANZONI, A. I promcssi sposi, e colonna infame. Milauo, 1840. 1.8. Illustr *2772.2 Sulla morale cattolica. Roma, 1820. 12 . . 3403.29 - Same. Prato, 1841. 24 3403.34 Voci e maniere di dire mutate da Manzoni nell ultima ristampa de' promessi sposi, no- tatc da G. B. D. Milano, 1842. 8 2772.4 Dubbi iutorno gl' inni sacri di. See Salva- gnoli, G 2809.10 MAPES, W. De nugis curialium distinctiones. London, 1850. sm.4. [Camden soc. No.L.] *2410.50 Latin poems, coll. and ed. by T. II. "Wright. Lond. 1841. sm.4. [Camden soc. No. xvi.J *2410. 10 MAPPINIUS. Epistolae duae. [Migne. Patrolo- &i v -08] 3450.9 MAPPING, Handbook for. Wilme, B. P 4081.0 MARA Bar Serapion, Remains of. SeeCureton, W. 3021.3 MARANA, G. P. Dialogue de Genes et d'Algers, villcs foudroyees par Louis-le-Grand. 'Am- sterdam, 1085. 24 4059 a .g Shelf. Mo. MARANA, continued. L'espion [Turc] dans les cours des princes Chretiens. Cologne, 1710-43. 7v. 12 . . 2308.12 Letters by a Turkish spy at Paris. Var. ed. London, 1753, 1718, 174S. 8v. 12 4748.2 MARANGONE, B. Vetus chronicon Pisenum. [Ar- cliivio stor. ital. v.G, p. 3] 5245.2 Croniche della citta di Pisa. [Tartini. Rc- rum Ital. script, v.l] 2720.2 MARASMUS, Observations on the nature and treat- ment of. Ayre, J 3809.33 MARAT, J. P. L'ami du peuple. Paris, 1789-93. ISv. 12 *4040.15 MARBLE [as a building material] in the middle ages. Street, G. E 4095.4 MARBLEIIEAD, Directions for sailing into the harbour of. Bowditch, N E. 110. 27 MARBLES. Ancient M. in the British museum. See London. British museum 4070.15 Marmora Oxoniensia. See Oxford. Univer- sity 3070.0 MARBODUS, bp. ofRennes. Epistolae, opuscula.et diplomata. [Mignc. Patrologiae v.171] . 3400.42 MARBOIS. See Barbe-Marbois. MARC-AURELE, ou histoire philosophique de I'cm- percur Marc-Antonin. See Ripault, L. M. 2750.1 MARCEL, C. Language as a means of mental cul- ture and international communication. Lon- don, 1S53. 2v. 10" 3593.20 MARCEL, J. J. Algeric, etats tripolitains, etc. See Rozet, C. A 2260.3 MARCEL, J. J., Ryme, A., and others. Egypte dcpuis la conquute des Arabes. Paris, 1848. 8. [L'Univers] *2266.17 MARCELLINUS. Scholia ad Ilermogcnis status. [Walz. Rhetores Graeci, v.4] 2965.2 De Thucydidis vita ct orationis forma, cum scholiis Graecis. See Thucydides 3002.8 MARCELLINUS, count of Illyricum. Chronicon. [Migne. Patrologiaj v.51] 3440.22 MAKCELLINUS, pope. See Migne, J. P. Patrolo- giae 3440.5 Contents. Vol. VI. EpUtoUe due. VII. Notitia. MARCELLO, B. Estro poetico armonico. Para- frasi sopraliprimicsccondi 25 salmi, poesia di G. A. Giustiniani, musica di B. Marcello. Venczia, 1803. 8v. in 4. f *4040.5 See Dehn, S. W. Practische Musik-Wcrkc. 4051.14 Contents. Vol. VI. Mcssa, Requiem ctcrnam. VII. Duetto, Porto negli occhi un marc. MARCELLUS Sidctcs. Medicina ex piscibus. See Poetae bucolici et didactici 3002.15 MARCET, J. Conversations on political economy. Imp. by J. L. Blake. Boston, 1828. 12. . 7029.24 Conversations on vegetable physiology. Lon- don, 1829. 2v. 12" 3852.20 - Same. 7th Am. cd. Philadelphia, 1837. 12. 7029.12 John Hopkius's notions on political economy. Boston, 1833. 12 3043.26 MARCH, A. Expediency of establishing a medical college and hospital in the city of Albany. Albany, 1830. 8 *M.Pph.v.21 Wounds of the abdomen and larynx : paper read before the med. soc. of the state of New York. Albany, 1854. 8 . . . .*M.Pph.v.54 MARCHANGY, L. A. F. de. La Gaule poetique. Paris, 1824-25. Cv. 8" *2637.5 MARCHESE, A. Polissena, trag. [Teatro ital. v.l]. 2778.1 MARCHESE, V. Scritti vari. Firenze, 1855. 12'. 4707.6 Contents. Sunto storico del convento di san Marco di Firenze ; Del papa Angelico e il veltro allegorico ; Prefazioue alle letterc di Savonarola; Delia vita e delle opere di Ira Benedetto fiorentino ; Cenni storici del bcato Lorenzo da Ripafratta; Prei'aziom; Commen- tarie, ecc. ecc. Mcmoriedei piii insigni pittori, scultori, ecc. domcnicuni. Firenze, 1845-10. 2v. 8 . . 4087.2 Lettere inedite di fra Gerolamo Savonarola edocumenti concernenti lo stesso. [Archi- vio etor. ital. App., v.8] 5255.1 MARCHETTI 504 MARIE Shelf. No. MARCHETTI. F. -Risposta apologetica nolla quale si confuta il saggio dc'l' istoria del secolo 17 da G. B. C. Nclli. Lucca, 1702. 4 ... 2715.5 MARCHETTI, G. Rime e prose. 3a ed. Bologna, 1841. 2v.ini. sm.l2 4778.29 See Bernnbo Silorata, P. Prose e poesie di Italiani vivcnti, v.l, 3, 5 4708.16 MARCHETTI, or Marchcto di Padua. Lucidarium music* planse, et pomerium musicae. [Ger- bert voii Uornau. Script, cedes, de musica sacra, v. 3] 4041.7 MARCHI, F. dc'. Architettura militare illustrata da L. Marini. Roma, 1S10. 4v. in 2. f . *3930.1 Memoria intorno alia vita cd alle opere di. See Vcnturi, G. B 2741. C MARCIIISIO. Annalcs Gcnucnses, ab anno 1220. [Muratori. Rerumltal. script. v.GJ . . . . 2710.1 MARCHMOXT, Earls of. Selection from their pa- pers, illustrative of events from 16S5-1750. London, 1S31. 3v. 8 2516.0 MARCIANUS, emperor. Epistolse ; Constitutioncs. [Migne. Patrologiae v.54, 50] . . . v.l, 3 of 3440.25 MARCIANUS Capella. See Capella. MARCIANUS Heraclcensis. Peripli. [Geographi Graeci minorcs] 3002.12 MARCKER, T. Das Burggrafthum Meissen. Leip- zig, 1S42. 8 2836.1 MARCO Botzaris, o 1'amor della patria : cantica. Giuria, P 4767.26 MARCO Polo. See Polo, M. MARCO da Nizza, Fra. [Ramusio. Raccolta delle navigatioui et viaggi, v.3] 2200.2,2270.9 MARCOU, J. Geological map of the U. S. and the British provinces. Boston, 1853. 2v. and map. 8 3862.4 Rechcrches g057.l Coverdale, M. The letters of the 3553.14 Fox, J. Acts and monuments of the .... 3550.0 Mall, T. History of the 3554.9 Martyrologium Romanian. See Roman catho- lic church 3540.4 MARUCCHI, F. La Marchia, commedia. [Teatro moderno applaudito, v.7] 2708.1 MARULUS, M. Regum Dalmatian ct Croatiae gesta. [Schwandtner. Script, rcrum Iluugaric. v.3] 2810.2 MARVELL, A. "Works, with a life by E. Thomp- son. London, 1776. 3v. 4 2001.5 Contents. Vol. I. Letters to the corporation of Hull i Familiar epistles ; On the growth of popery and arbitrary government in England. II. The re- hearsal transposed ; Seasonable question and an use- ful answer. III. Mr. Srairke, or the divine in mode; Touching general councils; Poems; Carmina miscel- lanea; Life of Andre w Marvell; Addenda. MARVIN, W. Law of wreck and salvage. Bos- ton, 1858. 8 3001.9 MARX, A. B. Berliner allgemeine musikalische Zeitung. M Jhrgg. Berlin, 1824-27. 4v. 4". *4053.8 Die Kunst des Gesanges. Berlin, 1820. 4 . *4042.22 Die Lehre von der musikalischen Komposi- tion. 2te Ausg. Leipzig, 1841-47. 4v. 8 . *4042.23 Die Musik des 19ten Jahrhunderts. Leip- zig, 1855. 8 *4042.15 The school of musical composition. From the 4th German ed. by A. Wehrhan. Vol. 1. London, 1852. gr.8 *4042.6 Shelf. No. MARX, A. B. continued. Universal school of music. From the 5th Ger- man ed. by A. II. Wehrhan. Loncl. 1S53. 8. *4042.7 MARY, mother of Christ. Rechcrches sur la per- sonne dc Marie. See Peignot, E. G 3475.3 MARY of Walsingham, St., Pilgrimage to. See Erasmus, D 3463.27 MARY, queen of Scots. Chalmers, G. Life of. . 2444.0 Detectio Mariae reginas Scotorum. [Buchan- an. Opere, v.l] 2600.1 Mignet, F. A. A. Histoirc dc Marie Stuart . 2475. '. Schiller, J. C. F. v. Mary Stuart, a tragedy. 2,>-'.Mi MARY, J. French syntax. [Bost. 1784]. 12 . . **E.207.7 New French and English grammar. Boston, 1784. 12 **E.207.7 MARYLAND. Abridgement of the acts of assem- bly of the province, with precedents in law, etc. [No title-page.] 8 *0375.3 History and statistics, according to the cen- sus of 1S50. Prepared by J. C. G. Kennedy. Washington, 1S52. f *2370.2 Laws made in 1797-98. Annapolis, n.d. 2v. in 1. f *0370.5 Message from the governor in relation to the boundary lines of Md., Penn., and Del. Washington, 1850. pp.87. 8 *E. 110.10 Proceedings of the convention of the prov- ince in 1774-76. Baltimore, 1836. 8 . . . . *0375.i Report of commissioners appointed to re- vise the rules of practice in the courts. Frederick, 1854. 8 *6375.2 Davis, G. Toleration in the province of . . 23;.">.ll Hutchins, T. Topographical description of. E. 110. 82 Indenture of agreement, settling the limits and boundaries of. 1700 2310.8 McShcrry, J. History of 2374.12 Relation by the Jesuit fathers, White, etc. [Force. Tracts, v.4] 2323.3 See also : Annapolis, Baltimore. MARZETTI, G. See Bcrnabo Silorata. Prose e pocsiedi Italiani vivcuti, v.4, 7, 9 4708.10 MASACCI, T. Iscrizione in ossequio di papa Pio VII. [Opuscoli letterarii, v.3] 2792.2 MASANIELLO o la revoluzione di Napoli nel 1647. La Cecilia, G 4749.1 MASCARON, J. Oraison funebre de Tureunc. See Flechicr, E 4079a.lG MASCHERONI, L. Adnotationes ad calculum in- tcgr. Euleri. Ticini, 1790-92. 2p. in Iv. 4. 3925.5 La falsa cloquenza del pulpito. [Carcano. Poeti satiric! italiaui, v.4] 2809.3 - Same. See Raccolta di pocsic satiriche . 2808.5 MASERES, F. Account of proceedings of the province of Quebeck. London, 1775. 8 .. 2311.6 Additional papers concerning Quebec. Lon- don, 1770. 8 2311.7 Doctrine of permutations and combinations by Bernoulli! and Wallis. Lond. 1795. 8. 3923.5 Principles of the doctrine of life-annuities. London, 1783. 4 3923.1 Scriptores logarithmici , or a collection of tracts on logarithms. Lond. 1791. 2v. 4 . **E. 151.5 Tracts on the resolution of affected algebrai- cal equations. London, 1800. 8 3930. 1 MASETTI, A. Delia pclle d'oca. [Raccolta di opuscoli scient. ccc. v.ll] 5274.1 MASETTI, G. B. Note cd aggiunte agli elementi di meccanica e d'idraulica del prof. G. Ven- turoli. Bologna, 1827. 2v. 8 3943.19 See Opuscoli scientific! 3911.5 Contents. Vol. I. Problema agrimcnsorio sulla rettificazione del confiiii. II. Risoluzionc di alcnni problem! di voltimctria. III. Ricerche analitichc di alcune formole atte a determiuare de' muri, che sos- tengono la spinta dclle tcrre. IV. Appcndice alia mcmoria sulla npinta delle terro; Sul peudolo idrome- trico. See Raccolta del mo to dell' acque 3942.1 Contents.- Vol. XII. Opuscoli idraulici. XV. Trat- tato delle ruote idrauliche e dei mulini da grano e da pestare. MASINI 510 MASSACHUSETTS Shelf. No. MASINI. C. Poesie giocose. 2a ed. bolognese. Bologna, n.d. 2v. in 1. 24 4778.39 MASINI, V. II Zolfo, pocma con annot. scientif., cd erudite. Ccscna, 1753. 4 4773.4 MASK ELL, \V. Monumenta ritualia ecclesiae An- glicanas. London, 1810-47. 3v. 8" .... 3447.4 MASKELYNE, N. Tables to be used with the nau- tical ephcmcris for finding the latitude and longitude at sea. London, 1802. 8 ... **E. 151.9 MASKS. Maschcrc italiane. Valcntini, F 2771.3 MASON, B. Reply to Francis Herr's pamphlet, entitled a short explication of the written word of God. Philadelphia, 1790. 8 . *Pph.y.l48 MASON, Charles. Discourse on the death of Dan- iel Webster. Boston, 1852. 8 *Pph.v.2C3 MASON, Cyrus. Growth and prospects of the university of the city of New York. New York, 1847. 8 *Pph.v.l60 MASON, G. Supplement to Johnson's English dictionary. New York, 1803. 6 . . . .**E.204.12 MASON, II. M. Selectoe e patribus. Novi-Eboraci, 1817. 12 3499.1 MASON, John, b. 1705, d. 17G3. Self-knowledge, [with] life of the author. Exeter, 1820. 18. 3446.50 Student and pastor. See Young minister's companion 3437.5 MASON, J. A. Climate and meteorology of Madei- ra. Ed. by J. S. Knowles, with add. by G. Peacock, and J. Driver. London, 1850. 8". 3057.1 MASON, John Mitchell, D. D. Catalogue of the li- brary of J. M. M. New York, 1830. 8 . *Pph.v.80 Christian mourning, a sermon on the death of Mrs. I. Graham. New York, 1814. 8 . *Pph.v.9 Evangelical ministry exemplified in the apos- tle Paul. New York, 1822. 8' *Pph.v.30 Oration commemorative of A. Hamilton. New York, 1801. 8' *Pph.v.O Speech relative to the resignation of his charge in New York. N. Y. 1810. 8" . . *Pph.v.5 Voice of warning to Christians on the ensu- ing election of a president. New York, 1800. 8" *Pph.v.l50 [Appeal from the denunciations of Rev. Dr. Mason against rational Christians. New York, 1822] 3402.27 Memoirs, with portions of his correspon- dence. See Van Vechten, J 2343.5 Discourse on the death of. See Snodgrass, W. D Pph.v.80 MASON, lion, John Monck. Comments on the last [Heed's] edition of Shakespeare's plays. London, 1785. 8" 2597.17 Comments on Beaumont and Fletcher, with observ. on Shakespeare. London, 1798. 8. 2597.7 MASON, L. Musical letters from abroad. New York, 1854. 12 4049.3 MASON, M. Account of the late aeronautical ex- pedition from London to Weilburg. New York, 1837. 8" *Pph.v.222 MASON, II. S. Letter to the bishop of North Car- olina on the subject of his lato pastoral on the Salisbury convention. New York, 1850. 12 *Pph.v.232 MASON, Rev. William. Works. Lond. 1811. 4v. 8. 2G08.9 Contents. Vol. I. Musoeus, odes, etc. ; The Eng- lish garden ; Religio cleric! ; Hymns, etc. II. Elfrida, tragedy; Caractacus, tragedy; Sappho ; Argentilo et Curan, a legendary drama, oa the old English model; Pigmalion, a lyrical scene, translated from J. J. Rous- seau. III. Du Fresnoy's art of painting, translated into Enslish verse, with notes by Sir J. Reynolds ; Drydcu's preface to his translation of Du Fresnoy ; Chronological list of painters to 1 J83 ; Essays [four] historical and critical on English church music. IV. Sermanj on various subjects ; Eisay on the meaning of the word Angel, asuscdbySt. Paul ; Examination of tUc prophecy in Matthew 24th. Poems and life. [Chalmers. Eng. poets], v.18 of 2592.7 Correspondence of. See Walpole, H 2452.5 Memoirs of life and writings of Mr. Gray. See Gray, T 2591.6 Shelf. No. MASON, William P. Report of the case of the Jeune Eugenie, in the U. S. circuit court. Dec. 1821. Boston, 1822. 8 ... . *Pph.v.35,252 Reports of cases in the U. S. circuit court. [1816-30.] 2d ed. Boston, 1830-51. 5v. 8 . 3704.7 MASON, William S. Parochial survey of Ireland. Dublin, 1814-19. 3v. 8 2470.4 MASON and Dixon's line, History of. Latrobe, J. U. B 2328.1 MASONIC miscellany, The, and Ladies' literary magazine. Lexington, Ky. 1822-23. 2v. 8. 35G7.2 MASONIC penalties. Castleton, Vt. n.d. 8 . *Pph.v.293 MASONRY. Treatise on by T. Tredgold. See Hos- king, W 4101.24 Nicholson, P. Practical builder 4090.17 Sse also : Brick, Cement, Mortar. MASONRY, Free. See Free-masonry. MASS. Cooper, T. Apology of private M. . . . 3499.6 Le Brun, R. P. P. Explication dc la messe . 3448.6 MASSACHUSETTENSIS andNovanglus. See Adams, J., and Se wall, J 2325.5, E.223.8 MASSACHUSETTS, or the first planters of New Eng- land. Boston, 1G93. pp.50. 18 2324.78 MASSACHUSETTS. Colony and province of Massa- chusetts bay. Acts and laws. [1092-1720]. Boston, n.d. f " . . . *6340.6 - Same. [1092-1730]. Boston, 1720-31. f. *6340.7 - Same. [1092-1750]. Boston, 1742-[50].f *0340.1 - Same. [1092-1701]. Boston, 1759-01. f. *G340.2 Charter granted by William and Mary. Bos- ton, 1742. pp.12. f *6340.1 Charter and general laws, [1034-1779.] Col- lected by N. Dane, W. Prescott, and J. Sto- ry. Boston, 1814. 8 6340.2 Compact, with the charter and laws of the colony of New Plymouth, charter of the council at Plymouth, articles of confede- ration of the United colonies of New Eng- land. Boston, 1830. roy.8" 6340 a.l Journal of the house of representatives. 1748, 50, 62, 03, 65, 69-72. Boston, 1748-72. 9v. f.*6340.12 Records of the colony of New Plymouth in New England. Eel. by N. B. Shurtleff. 1628-S9. Boston, 1855-57. 8v. in G. 4 . . *2350.1 Contents. Vol. I. Cou rt orders, 1C33-40. II. 1G11- 61. HI. IGil-fil. IV. KiGl-C8. V.-VI. 1 :G8-91. VII. Judicial acts, lj3G-9_.'. VIII. Miscellaneous. - Same. Vol. ix. Ed. by D. Pulsifcr. Bos- ton, 1850. 4" *2350.1 Contents. Acts of the commissioners of the United colonies of New England. Vol. I. 1013-51. Records of the Massachusetts bay. [Ed. by N. B. Shurtleff.] 1G2S-8G. Boston, 1853-54. 5v. in G. 4" *2350.2 Speeches of the governors, from 1705-75, and the answers of the House, with other pa- pers. Boston, 1818. 8 6350.8 Temporary acts and laws. [1730-52]. Boston, 1742-52. f *C340.5 - Same. [1730-55.] Boston, 1755. sm.f . *a340.4 - Same. [1735-74.] Boston, 173G-[~4-] f . **6340.8 Bradford, A. History, from 1704 to July, 1775. E.223.2 Cushing, A. Letters on the first charter of. E.230.4 Hutchinson, T. History of, 1028-1774. . 2352.9, 13, 14 - Papers rcl. to the hist, of, [1029-1089] . 2352.12 Minot, G. R. History of the province of Mas- sachusetts bay. 1748-05 2352.10 Scottow, J. Planting of Mass, colony . . . 2358.32 Shipley, J. Speech on altering the charter of Massachusetts bay 2324.24 Thornton, J. W. Massachusetts company. Charter of the first colony 2321.1 Winthrop, J. Occurrences in settlement of. 2321.11 Young, A. Chronicles of the first planters. 2352.4 Revolutionary period. Acts and laws, 1775-80. Watertown, Boston, 1775-80. f 6340.8 Journal of the house of representatives, July, 1775 May, 1776. June, 1777 April, 1778. [Watertown?] 1776-78. 4v. f *6340.13 MASSACHUSETTS 511 MASSACHUSETTS Shelf. No. MASSACHUSETTS, continued. Journals of each provincial congress in 1774 and 1775, and of the committee of safety, with an appendix. Boston, 1833. 8.G350.2, **E.222.2 Journal of convention for framing- a constitu- tion, 1779-80. Boston, 1832. 8 6350.9 History, July, 1775 to 1789. Bradford, A.**E.223.21 Commonwealth. Acts, laws, resolves, and statutes. Act to amend some of the proceedings of the courts, passed in 1851 : with notes and an appendix, by J. Hall. Boston, 1851. 8. . 3706.4 General laws, from [1780] to 1827. Boston, 1823-27. 3v. 8" 0340 a.5 Laws, from Nov. 1780 to Feb. 1807. Boston, 1801-7. 3v. 8 6349.1 Laws, 1793-1805. Vol. u.-iv. Boston, 1793- 1805. 3v. f .' .*6340.10 Laws, passed 1802-5. Boston, n.d. f . . *G340.11 Laws, passed 1806-8. Boston, 1808. 8 ... *6349.2 Laws, from Feb. 1807 to Dec. 1816. Boston, 1817. 8 *6340a.4 Laws, passed 1809-38. Vol. v.-ix. xi.-xiv. Boston, 1812-39. 8v. 8" *6349.3 Laws, May 1814 Feb. 1818. [Boston.] 8.*0340a.7 Militia laws of the U. S. and of Mass., with notes, etc. by W. II. Sumner. 2d ed. Bos- ton, 1829. pp.91. 12 6359.30 - Same. By H. A. S. Dearborn. Boston, 1830. 12 6359.32 - Same. Boston, 1840. 12 6359.31 Perpetual laws, 1780-89. Boston, 1789. f . *6340.9 Private and special statutes, 182218. Vol. Vl.-VIIl. Boston, 1837-48. 3v. 8 6340 a. 8 Report of the penal code of M. Bost. 1844. 8. 6359.23 Report of the commissioners on the revision of the statutes. Boston, 1858. 8 ... .6340 a. 10 Revised statutes, published under the super- intendence of T. Metcalf and H. Mann. Boston, 183d. 1.8" *3092.1 - Same. Supplements. Laws [1836-44]. Boston, 1844. roy.8 *6340a.9 - Same. Supplements. Vol. i.-n. No. 1-6. Boston, 1854-58. 2v. 1.8 *3C92.2 Resolves of the general court, 1783-88. Bos- ton, n.p. n.d. f *6350.1 Resolves of the general court [1796-1800]. Boston, 179JM800. f *6340.3 Resolves of the general court, [and] acts and resolves, 1810-51, 1853, 54, 59. Boston, 1810- 59. lOv. 8 *6349.4 Commonwealth. Agriculture. Report, first fourth, on the agriculture of M. By H. Colman. Boston, 18JS-41. 2v. 8. 6348.1 Contorts. 1st. County of Essex, 1&37. 2d. County of Berkshire, 1SW. 3d. Wntat and silk, 1840. 4th. Counties of Franklin and Middlesex. Report, first fourth, of the board of agricul- ture. Boston, 1851-50. 8 6348.4, 6 Returns of agricultural societies for 184516, by J. G. Palfrey. Boston, 1846-47. 2v. 8. 6348.2 Returns of agricultural societies, 1853-55. By C. L. Flint. Boston, 1854-6. 8 ... 6348.5,0,8 Transactions of the agricultural societies for 1847-52. By W. B. Calhoun and A Walker. Boston, 1848-53. 6v. 8 6348.3 Commonwealth. Constitution. Constitution agreed on by delegates of the people, 1779-80. 1st Wor. ed. Worcester, 1787. 16 6359.28 Constitution of Mass, and of the U. States. Boston, 1807. pp.94. 16 6359.29 Debates, resolutions, and other proceedings of the convention, Jan. 9th to Feb. 7th, 1788, for ratifying the federal constitution. Boston, 1788. 8 v.2 of 6350.10 - Same. Boston, 1808. 12 v.lof6350.10 - Same. Boston, 1850. 12 6350.11 Debates in the convention chosen to revise the constitution, 1820-21. Boston, 1853. 8. 0350.13 Shelf. No. MASSACHUSETTS, continued. Debates and proceedings in the state conven- tion to revise the constitution, 1853. Bos- ton, 1853. 3v. 8" 6350.14, E. 222.1 Discussions on the constitution proposed to the people of Mass, by the convention of 1853. Boston, 1854. 8 6350.16 Contents. The letters of Pliocion, by G. T. Curtis j Letters of Silas Standfast, by G. S. Ilillard ; Address of Samuel Hoar at Fitchburg ; Address of Marcus Mortjn at Taunton ; Address of C. F. Adams at Quincy; Remarks of J. G. Palf.ey. Documents printed by order of the constitu- tional convention, 1853. Boston, 1853. 8. 6345.11 Journal of convention to revise the constitu- tion, 1820-21. Boston, 1821. 8 0350.12 Journal of the constitutional convention, 1853. Boston, 1853. 8 6350.15 Commonwealth. Jurisprudence. Cushing, L. S. Reports, supreme Ct, 1848-53. 3705.2 Establishment of chancery jurisdiction in . . 3625.10 Gray, H. jr. Reports, supreme Ct., 1854-55 . 3705.1 Metcalf,!'. Reports, supreme Ct., 1840-47 . 305)2.5 Pickering, O. Reports, supreme Ct., 1822-39 3(591.1 Sullivan, J. History of land titles in .... 3072.2 White, D. A. Courts of probate in . . . .E. 110.45 White, W. C. Digest of the laws of .... 3700.5 Williams, E. Reports, supreme Ct., 1801-22 . 3706.1 Commonwealth. Legislative series. Documents submitted by the secretary, 1846- 57. Boston, 1846-57. 12v. 8 *6346.8 Contents. Reports and abstracts, namely: Tndxts- try, 184.), 55; Registration (4-14), 1845-5.5; Agricultural societies. 1S45-51: Banks, 1845-5<>: Insurance Cos., 1845-51; Foreign Ins. Cos., 185:5-55; Poor, 1845-5T>t Jail-. ings institutions, 1XW-5G; Joint stock Cos.,lS.-,_'-.Vi; Criminal cases, 1853-56; Votis on Const, amendments, and voters, 1855; Census, 1855. Journal of the house of representatives, Jan. 6 March 12, 1808. Boston, 1808. 8 ... *6348.20 Legislative documents. House of representa- tives, 1832, 33, 36-57. Bost. 1832-57. 26v. 8. *6347.1 Legislative documents. Senate, 1833, 36-57. Boston, 18*3-57. 25v. 8 *C347.1 Commonwealth. Miscellaneous documents. Abstract exhibiting the condition of banks, 1838-57. Boston, 1838-57. In 2v. 8 ... 6348.17 Address of the house of representatives to the people of Massachusetts [on de-daring war against England], n.p. n.d. 8 . . *l'ph.v.64 Catalogue of the state library. Bost. 1858. 8. *2133.4 Census, 1 June, 1855. [With remarks by Dr. N. B. Shurtleff.] Boston, 1857. 8" .... 0348.15 Contested elections in the house of represen- tatives, 17801834. Boston, 1834. 8 ... 6359.25 Controverted elections in the house of repre- sentatives, 17801852. Boston, 1853. 8 . 0359.24 Description and historical sketch of the Mas- sachusetts state prison, with the rules and orders. Charlestown, 1810. 8 .... *Pph.v.273 Information relating to certain branches of industry for 1855. Boston, 1850. 8 ... 6348.7 Investigation into free masonry, by a com- mittee of the legislature. Bost. 1834. 8. *Pph.v.290 Investigation into the fifteen gallon law. Boston, 1&39. 8 3576.1 Patriotic proceedings of the legislature, Jan. 20 March 4, 1809. Boston, 1809. 8 . . *Pph.v.238 Public documents, containing proceedings of the Hartford convention, sundry papers relating to amendments of the constitution, etc. n.p. 1815. 8 **E. 110.41 Report of the committee of the senate, com- prising the president's message, the act declaring war, etc. Boston, 1812. 8. . *Pph.v.64 Report (1st 17th) relating to registry and returns of births, marriages, and deaths for 1843-58. Bost. 1843-59. InSv. 8 0348.13 Not*. The 8th report (1849) wanting in this let. MASSACHUSETTS 512 MASSACHUSETTS Shelf. No. MASSACHUSETTS, continued. Report (lst-15tli, 20th) of the board of educa- tion [and] of the secretary of the board. Boston, 1838-57. 4v. 8 C359.22 Report (10th) on common schools. [En- larged edition.] Boston, 1849. 8 .... 6346.18 Report of a plan for the promotion of health, by the commissioners appointed by the leg- islature. Boston, 1850. 8 6346.19 Report in rel. to routes for a railway from Boston to Providence. Boston, 1828. 8.*Pph.v.332 Reports of the railroad corporations, 1846, 49, 50,51. Boston, 1847-52. 8 ... . *Pph.v.276,277 Report upon idiocy, by S. G. Howe. Boston, 1848. 8 6348.10 Report on insanity and idiocy. Boston, 1855. 8 6348.12, **E. 222.5 Report on legalizing the study of anatomy. Boston, 1831. 8 6348.21 Rules and orders in the house of representa- tives, 1852, 54. Boston, 1852, 54. 16 . .6359.33,35 Rules and orders of the senate for 1854. Bos- ton, 1854. pp.63. 16" 6359.36 Rules and orders to be observed in the con- vention of delegates, 1853. Boston, 1853. 10. 6359.34 State papers on nullification. Bost. 1834. 8. 6359.26 Statistical tables of the industry of M. for the year ending April, 1837, by J. P. Bigelow. Boston, 18:18. 8 63-18.11 Statistics of the condition and products of cer- tain branches of industry, 1845. Prepared by J. G. Palfrey. Boston, 1846. 8 .... 6346.5 Commonwealth. Natural history. Catalogues of the animals and plants of Mass. [by E. Hitchcock.] Amherst, 1835. 8 . .*3832.10 Final report on the geology of Massachusetts, by E. Hitchcock. Amherst, 1841. 2v. 8 pl.4. *3861.3 Reports on the fishes, reptiles, and birds of Massachusetts, [by D. H. Storer and W. B. O. Peabody.] Boston, 1839. 8 **E.211.18 Report on the herbaceous plants of Massachu- setts, [by C. Dewey.] Cambridge, 1840. 8 *Pph.v.l65, **E.211.16 Report on the insects of Massachusetts, inju- rious to vegetation, [by T. W. Harris.] Cambridge, 1841. 8 **E.211.17, *6348.18 Report on the invertebrata of Massachusetts, [by A. A. Gould.] Cambridge, 1841. 8.**E.211.15 Report on the quadrupeds of Massachusetts, [by E. Emmons.] Cambridge, 1840. pp.86. 8 . . . . *Pph.v.l05, **E.211.16 Report on the sandstone of the Connecticut valley, by Edward Hitchcock. Boston, 1858. 4 *3860.13 Report on the trees and shrubs of Massachu- setts, by G. B. Emerson. Boston, 1846. 8. *3845.8 General history, description, etc. Barry, J. 8. History of 2352.3 Bartlett, J. Progress of medical science in M. [1810.] Pph.v.64 Bradford, A. History of M. from 1620 to 1820. 2352.5 Chickering, J. View of the population of M. from 1765-1840 2352.7 Dickinson, R. Geographical and statistical view of 2352.8 Felt, J. B. Hist, account of the currency of . 2352.1,2 Hayward, J. A gazetteer of 2383.4 Miuot, G. R. History of the insurrections in 1786 2352.11, 15 Twisleton, E. Religious working of common schools in 3514.15 Willard, J. Notices of eminent lawyers in . 3634.2 See also, names of the following towns; Attleboro, Barnstablc, Harrington, Beverly, Boston, Bridge- water, Cambridge, Charlestown, Dauvcrs, Dedham, Dorchester, Dunstable, Duxbury, Ipswich, Lancas- ter, Leominster, Lowell, Lynn, Medford, Nahant, Natick, Newbury, Northampton, Norton, Pawtucket, Petersham, Pittsfield, Plymouth, Rehoboth, Rowley, Salem, Seekonk, Swansey, Worcester. Shelf. No. MASSACHUSETTS anti-slavery society. Fourth ninth annual report. Boston, 1836-il. 8. 5175.1 MASSACHUSETTS charitable mechanic association. First eighth exhibition, with addresses, 1&37-56. Boston, 1&37-56. 8v. 8 *2354.25 MASSACHUSETTS federalist. See Columbian cen- tincl. MASSACHUSETTS gazette and Boston post-boy and advertiser. Jan. 8, 1770 May 25, 1772. Boston, 1770-72. f *8070.2 MASSACHUSETTS general hospital. Act to incor- porate certain persons by the name of the Massachusetts general hospital. 1816? 8. [No title-page] *M.Pph.v.l28 Account of the medical school in Boston, and of the hospital. Boston, 1824. 8 . . *M.Pph.v.ll Address of the trustees to the public. Bos- ton, 1814,16 8 *M.Pph.v.l28 Address of the trustees to the subscribers and the public. Boston, 1822. 8 . . . . *Pph.v.240 Annual report of the trustees, 1827, 28, 33, 34, 36-41,42. Boston, 1827-42. 8 . . . *M.Pph.v.l29 By-laws, with rules and regulations for the government of the asylum for the insane in Charlestown, etc. Boston, 1821. 8.*M.Pph.v.l28 By-laws, with rules and regulations for the McLean asylum. Boston, 1830. 8. *M.Pph.v.l29 Civil, religious, and masonic services, at the laying of the corner stone, 1818. n.p. 1818. 8 *M.Pph.v.l28 History of the. Bowditch, N. I. . 3722.2, E.222.4 Rules and regulations for the government of the insane, additional to those adopted July 5,1821. Boston, 1822. 8 *M.Pph.v.l28 MASSACHUSETTS historical society. Catalogue of the library. Boston, 1859-60. 2v. 8 ... *2136.23 Collections, 1st 3d series. Boston, 1806-49. 30v. 8 *2351.1 Proceedings, 1855-60. Boston, 1859-60. 2v. 8. *2351.2 MASSACHUSETTS horticultural society. Proceed- ings. Boston, 1847. 8 3992.1 Transactions. Boston, 1847-52. 8 *3992.1 Contents. Historical sketch of the Mass. hort. soc. by H. A. S. Dearborn, 1850 ; Proceedings, list of members, catalogue of books. MASSACHUSETTS humane society. History, with a list of premiums. Boston, 1845. 8" ... 3570.43 MASSACHUSETTS manual, The, or political and historical register for 1814-15. Burdick, W. 2349.2 MASSACHUSETTS medical society. Acts of incor- poration, etc. Boston, 1S22. 8 ... *M.Pph.v.ll2 - Same. With by-laws and orders. Boston, 1816. 8 *M.Pph.v.69 Acts for regulating the practice of physick and surgery. Boston, 1819. 8 . . . *M.Pph.v.69 Dissertations by H. W. Childs, R. Thaxter, J. H. Flint M.Pph.v.122 Fellows of the society alphabetically ar- ranged, n.p. 1848. 8 *M.Pph.v.50 Medical communications. Art. 1-10. Boston, 1809. 8 [No title-page] *M.Pph.v.9 Namely : Mann on puerperal lymphatic swelling j Jackson on the influenza at Boston, in 1807 ; Bowen on the kinc-pox and small-pox; Spalding's case of epilepsy! Holbrooke's case of ovarian schirrhus; His- tory of spotted fever in Medfield ; History of malig- nant cerebral fever at Geneva, (Switz.) ; Spalding's case of spasm cured by electricity; Warren's cases of organic diseases of the heart. Pharmacopoeia. Boston, 1808. 12 . . *3786.14, 16, 17 Report on communication from the medical societies of Vt. and N. H. on the improve- ment of the character of the medical pro- fession. 8 *Pph.v.246 Report on spasmodic cholera, by J. Jackson. Boston, 1832. 8 3805.6 Report on vaccination, n.p. 1808. 8. . *Pph.v.04 Report respecting spotted or petechial fever. n.p. n.d. 8 *M.Pph.v.8 MASSACHUSETTS peace society. Twelfth annual report, 1828. [No separate title-page] . *Pph.v.23G MASSACHUSETTS 513 MATHEMATICAL Shelf. No. MASSACHUSETTS quarterly review. Boston, 1848- 50. 3v. 8 *3203.2 MASSACHUSETTS register and TJ. S. calendar, for 1801-47. Boston, 1801-47. 45v. sm.!2. . *2349.1 MASSACHUSETTS register. See Fleet, T. and J. . 2359.3 MASSACHUSETTS soc. for promoting agriculture. Papers on agriculture. Mass, agricultural repository and journal. Boston, 1801-32. lOjr. in 9. 8 *3994.2 Transactions. N. ser. Vol. I. Bost. 1858. 8. *3994.3 Contents. History, cultivation, composition, and feeding properties of mangold wurzel, by John Ty- ran ; On horseshoeing, by William Miles ; Prize essay on fairs, by Allen W. Dodge ; Prize essay on the preparation and application of manures, by Joseph Reynolds ; Prize essay on agricultural educa- tion, by Wilson Flagg. MASSACHUSETTS society for the suppression of intemperance, or Massachusetts temperance society. Constitution, with annual report for 1818, etc. Boston, 1818. 8 *Pph.v.238 Letter respecting the formation of a city tem- perance soc. Boston, 1&31. pp.26. 12. v.l of 3570.71 When will the day come ? Boston, n.d. 12. 3576.6 Contents. Extracts from the records of the Mass. BOCS. for the suppression of intemperance ; Pr. War- ren's journal j Dr. Carpenter on the use and abuse of alcoholic liquors ; Bishop Potter's address on the drinking usages of society. MASSACHUSETTS spy, or The Worcester gazette, cd. by Isaiah Thomas. Feb. 3, 1785 March 30, 1786. Nov. 6, 1788 Oct. 1, 1789. Jan. 5, 1803 Dec. 26, 1804. Worcester, 1785-1804. 2v. f *8070.4 MASSACHUSETTS state record for 1847 and 1851. Capen, N 2358.1 MASSACHUSETTS teachers' association. The Mas- sachusetts teacher. Vol. VH.-XII. Boston, 1854-59. 6V. 8 *5286.1 MASSE, A. J. Le parfait notaire. 5e e'd. Paris, 1825. 3v. 4" *3632.1 MASSELIN, J. Journal des etats gdneraux de France, 1484, publ. par A. Bcrnier. [Lat. et Fr.] Paris, 1835. 4. [France. Coll. de docs. ined. 45. Ire ser.] *2640.13 MASSENBACH, C. v. Iliickerinnerung'en an grosse Miinner. Amsterdam, 1808. 2v. in 1. 8 . 2842.23 Mcmoircn zur Gcschichte des prcussischen Staats unter Friedrich Wilhelm n, und Friedrich Wilhelm in. Amsterdam, 1809. 3v. 8 2824.7 MASSERAS, E. Phare de New York, journal fran- sais hebdomadaire. N. Y. 1851-52. 3v. 4. *3130.4 MASSIAS, N. Influence de 1'ecriture sur la pens<5e, etc. Paris, 1828. 8 2114.8 MASSIE, T. Enquiry into the properties of the polygala senega, n.p. n.d. 8 . . .*M.Pph.v.27 MASSIEU, G. II caffe. [Raccolta di poemetti di- dascalici, etc. v.ll] 4779.8 MASSILLON, J. B. (Euvres. Paris, 1810. 13v. 8. *3495.2 Contents. Vol. I. Sermons pour 1'avent. IL-V. Sermons pour le cardme. VI. Petit careme. VII. Mysteres. VIII. Oraisons funebres ct professions re- ligicuses. IX. I'ancgyriques. X., XI. Conferences ct discoura synodaux sur les principaux devoirs des ecclesiastiques, instructions ct mandemcnts. XII. Paraphrase morale de plusieurs psaumes en forme de priere. XIII. Morceaux choisies. Morceaux choisies. Paris, 1812. 18 ... .4679a.l7 Petit carGme. Ed. ster. Paris, 1813. 18 . . 3447.45 Petit careme, sermons et morceaux choisies. Paris, 1853. 12 4678.22 Sermons, to which is prefixed the life of the author. Transl. by W. Dickson. Brooklyn, 1803. 2v. 8 3443.13 Oraison funeb. de Louis xiv. See Flechier, E. 4679 a.16 MASSINGER, P. Believe as you list: a tragedy. Ed. by T. C. Croker. London, 1849. p. 8. [Percy soc. publ. v.27] *2537.27 MASSMANN, H. F. Auslegung des evangelii Jo- hannis in gothischer Sprache. MUnchen, 1834. 4" 3412.1 Shelf. No. MASSMANN, H. F. continued. Die Baseler Todtentanze. [Scheible. Der Schatzgraber, v.5] 2889.2 Literatur der Todtentanze. Leipzig, 1840. 8 *4062.6 MASSON, C. Nonveau traite des regies pour la composition de la musique. 4e ed. Amster- dam, n.d. 8 *4049.23 MASSON, F. Stapeliae novae. London, 1796. f. pp.24, pi. 41 *3860.10 MASSON-DE-MORVILLIERS, N. Geographic rno- derne. See Encyclopedic methodique . . A. 168. 8 MASSUCCO, C. Discorsi sacri ed clogi. 2a ed. Milano, 1832. 12 4779.3 MASSUCIO salernitano. See Masuccio, G. MASTERS, R. History of Corpus Christi college, Cambridge. Cambridge, 1753. 4 *2203.3 MASTING. Fincham, J. On masting ships . . . 3952.3 Forfait, A. L. Traitd elementaire de la ma- ture des vaisseaux 3951.11 MASTODON gigauteus. Warren, J. C 3900.7 MASTROFINI, 31. Dizionario critico de' verbi ita- liani. 2a cd. Milano, 1830. 2v. 16 .... *2784.20 Le usure, libri tre. Roma, 1831. 8 3650.4 [ Analisi dei libri su le usure dell' ab. Mastro- flni. Napoli, 1&35. 8.] 3656.5 Saggio di poesia didascalica. [Opuscoli lette- rarii, v.3] 2792.2 MASUCCIO, G. Novelle. [Novelliero italiano, v.2] 2772.19 Novels. [Roscoe. Italian novelists, v.l] . 2772.18 MASUDI, Al. See Abu-1-Hasan Ali Ibn al-IIusain. MATARAZZO, or Maturanzio, F. Cronaca di Pe- rugia. [Archivio stor. ital. v.16, p. 2] . . 5245.2 Mcmoria per servire alia vita di M. [Coll. d' opusc. scient. e lett. v.7] 5278.2 MATCHAM, G. Hundred of Downton ; Hundred of Frustficld. [Hoarc. Wiltshire, v.3, 5] 2500.3 MATCHES. Manuel pour la fabrication dcs allu- mettes chimiqucs. Rousscl, T 4019.24 MATELIEF, C. Voyages aux Indcs orientales, 1605-8. [Constantiu. Recueil dcs voy. v.3]. 2277.12 MATERIA medica. Ainslie, W. 3Iedicines cm- ployed by the Hindoos 3784.10 Bigelow, J. Treatise on 37M.4 Boott, F. Lectures on M.Pph.v.91 Cullcn, W. Treatise of 37M.1 Dorsey, J. S. Lectures on the . . . . M.Pph.v.l2(5 Edwards, II. M. Manual of 3784.5 Lewis, W. Experimental history of . . . . 3784.12 Murray, J. Elements of 3784.7 - System of 3784.8 Murray, J. A. Apparatus medicaminum . . 3784.18 Neligan, J. M. Medicines, their uses, and administration 3784.2 Paris, J. A. Pharmacologia, [or] inquiry into the operations of medicinal bodies .... 3784.3 Practical synopsis of the materia medica . . 3784.16 Richard, A. Elements d'histoire naturelle medicale. 3780.7 Royle, J. F. Materia medica 3784.1 Smith, E. Medical pocket-book 3786.18 Spurgin, J. Lectures on 3784.9 Swediaur, F. Pharmacologia 3786.22 - Pharmacopoeia 3780.23 Trousseau, A. Prescriber's handbook . . . 3786.32 See also: Antimony, Chlorine, Conium, Iodine, Medical botany, Mercury, Pharmacopoeia, Phar- macy, Phosphorus, Prussia acid, Purgatives, Tar water. See also : Brazil, United States. MATERIALISM, Thoughts on. Fearon, H. B. . . 3435.7 MATERIALS. Tatc, T. Strength of 4014.10 Warr, G. F. Strength of 3944.13 See also : Brick, Iron, Marble, Timber. MATERNUS, Julius Firmicus. See Firmicus Ma- ternus, J. MATHEMATICAL analysis. Vilant, N E. 213. 12 MATHEMATICAL diary, The. Adrain, R. . . . E. 199. 18 MATHEMATICAL dictionary. Barlow, P 3931.6 Hutton, C E.202.5, 39314 MATHEMATICAL 514 MATHER Shelf. No. MATHEMATICAL essays. Hellins, J E. 161. 15 Mansfield, J E.197.5 Spence, W E. 191. 10 MATHEMATICAL instruments. Adams, G. Gen- eral description of E. 196. 10 Elementary treatise, etc. on 7019.10 Simms, F. \V. Treatise on the principal . . 3934.6 MATHEMATICAL journal, ed. by W. Thomson. See Cambridge and Dublin 3934.14 MATHEMATicAL~lucubrations. Landen, J. . . E. 193. 22 MATHEMATICAL memoirs. Landen, J E. 191. 13 MATHEMATICAL monthly, ed. by J. D. Kunkle. Vol.1. Cambridge, 1858. 4 5913.1 MATHEMATICAL museum. See Analyst. The . E. 213. 16 MATHEMATICAL papers. Bo wditch, N. . 2320.22, E. 210.6 MATHEMATICAL problems and examples from the senate-house examination papers. Cam- bridg-e, 1837. 8 3925.9 MATHEMATICAL questions. Leybourn, T.. . . E.197.4 MATHEMATICAL reasoning 1 , Influence of signs in. Babbage, C 3911.4 MATHEMATICAL repository. Dodson, J. . . . E. 199. 22 New series of. Leybourn, T E.197.7 MATHEMATICAL science, Progress of, since the revival of letters. Playfair, J E.218.14 MATHEMATICAL tables. See Tables. MATHEMATICAL tracts. Airy, G. B 3922.13 Button, C 3915.10 MATHEMATICIAN'S guide. "Ward, J E. 198.21 MATHEMATICS. Alcmbert, J. le II. d'. Opuscules mathe'matiques E. 195. 15 Archimedes. Opera E. 213. 19 - CEuvres 3912.1 Bernouilli, Jac. Opera 3911.7 Bernouilli, Job.. Opera omnia 3912.4 Biot, J. B. Traite analytique des courbes et des surfaces du second degr E. 194. 14 Bordoni, A. Sopra gli esami scolastici . . . 3923.30 Boscovich, R. J. Nouveaux ouvrages . . . 3919.2 Bossut, C. Histoire des mathe'matiques . . 3935.12 - General history of 'E. 198. 23 Budan, F. D. Resolution des equations nu- me'riques d'un degre quelconque .... E. 193. 17 Carnot, L. N. M. de. Theor. des transvers. E.151.7 Cauchy, A. L. Exercises de mathem. . . E. 193.1 Condorcet, J. A. N. C de. Probleme des trois corps 3925.6,7 Cotes , R. Opuscula mathematica . ... E. 186. 16 Dublin problems. 1816-22 E.19G.9 Emerson, W. Miscellanies 3912.9 Euler, L. Meth. inveniendi lineas curvas. E. 191. 20 Francoeur, L. B. Cours complet de mathe- matiques pures 3915.13 Galilei, G. Opere 3913.1 Gatruche,P. Mathematics totiusinstitutio. E. 199. 27 Gauss, C. F. Methodus nova integralium valores per approximationem inveniendi. E. 186. 23 - Thcorematis fundamentals in doctrina de residuis quadraticis demonstrationes . . E. 186. 23 - Theoria combinationis observationum cr- roribus minimis obnoxias E. 186. 23 Gergonne, J. D. Annales de mathem. . . E.175.2 Great Britain. Ordnance department. Ele- mentary course for the military academy . 3912.5 Halliwell, J. O. Mathematica rara .... E.213.8 Hutton, C. Course of 3915.8 - Miscellanea mathematica 3939.9 Huygens, C. Opuscula E. 192. 6, 7 Jacobi, C. G. J. Fundamenta nova theoriae functionum ellipticarum E. 161. 16 Kastner, A. G. Geschichte der Mathematik. 3935.13 Lacroix, S. F. Essais sur 1'enseignement des mathematiques E. 196. 23 Lagrange, J. L. de. Resolution des equations numcSriques E. 193. 16 Laplace, P. S. CEuvres E. 184.1 Lehmus, D. C. L. Grundbegriffe der hoheren Analysis und Curvenlehre E. 176. 13 - Lehrbuch der angewandten Mathematik E.176.12 - Maxima et minima . . E. 176. 17 Shelf. No. MATHEMATICS, Lehmus, D. C. L. continued. - Sammlung von Beispielen, u. s. w. . . E. 170. 14 - Leibnitz, G. W. v. Commercium mathem. . 3912.3 Leybourn, T. Mathematical questions . . E.197.4 Libri-Carrucci, G. B. I. T. Histoire des sci- ences mathematiques en Italic 3933.1 - Memoires dc mathe'matiques E.192.2 Liouville, J. Journal de mathdmatiques . . 3362.2 Montucla, J. E. Histoire des mathema- tiques E. 192.1 Muller, J. Elements of E. 198. 22 Newton, Sir I. Opera 3911.1 Ozanam, J. Recreations mathematiques . E. 197. 13 - Recreations in 3915.11 Playfair, J. Works 3915.5 Reynaud, A. A. L. Problemes et developpe- ments E. 198. 24 Schooten, F. v. Libri quinque exercitationum. 3015.17 Simpson, T. Essays on subjects in . . E. 193. 20, 21 - Exercises for young proficients in . . E. 197. 11 Study and difficulties of. See London. Soc. usef. knowl E. 212.3 Thibaut, B. F. T. Grundriss der reinen Mathematik 3915.16 Tytler, J. Extraction of the roots of in- tegers E.191.2 Vega, G. v. Vorlesungen Uber die 3939.3 Wallis, J. Opera mathematica 3910.5 Waring, E. Miscellanea analytica .... E.191.9 Webber, S. Mathematics 3915.12 Wolff, C. Anfangs-Griinde aller mathema- tischen Wissenschaften E. 199. 25 See also: Algebra, Analysis, Annuities, Arithme- tic, Astronomy, Calculus, Chance, Circle, Combina- tion, Conic sections, Curves, Engineering, Fluxions, Functions, Geometry, Gauging, Infinite series, Lev- elling, Logarithms, Mechanics, Navigation, Num- bers, Optics, Physics, Probabilities, Quadrature of the circle, Shadows, Spherics, Surveying, Trigonometry. MATHEK, C. Address to those who unnecessari- ly frequent the tavern. Bost. 1726. sm.8 . *3457.20 Bonifacius. An essay upon the good that is to be devised by those who desire to an- swer the great end of life, and to do good while they live. Boston, 1710. 12 .... *3446.59 - Same. New ed. by G. Burder. London, 1824. 18 3446.55 Christodulus, with commemoration of Mr. Thomas Walter. Boston, 1725. pp.33. 12 *3459.43 Desiderius: in commemoration of Mr. J. Keith. Boston, 1719. pp.34. 18 *3459.35 Directions for a candidate of the ministry. Boston, 1726. 16 *3437.21 Hor-Hagidgad, an essay occasioned by the decease of Mr. W. Waldron. Boston, 1727. pp.28. 8 *3458.91 India Christiana, a discourse to the commis- sioners for the propagation of the gospel among the American Indians. Boston, 1721. sm. 16 *3538.3 Just commemorations : the death of good men considered. Boston, n.d. pp.58. 16 . *3456.35 Magnalia Christi Americana: or the ecclesi- astical history of New England. 1st Am. ed. Hartford, 1820. 2v. 8 3544.12 Parentator. Remarkables in the life of In- crease Mather. Boston, 1724. srn.S . . *2348,16, 31 Resurrection of Jesus demonstrated. Bos- ton, 1712. 8 *3458.68 The soul upon the wing, a sermon. Boston, 1722. pp.24. sm.8 *3457.18 Answer to C. Mather's calumnies and abuses of the Quakers, in his church history of New England. See Whiting, J 3542.12 Colmau, B. Sermon after the death of . . . 3155.24 Gee, J. Sermon after the death of 3458.93 Mather, S. Sermon after the decease of . . 3458.88 - Life of 2348.14 Prince,!'. Sermon on the death of .. v.l of 3458.69 MATIIEH 515 MATUIUN Shelf. No. MATHEI:, I. Heaven's alarm to the world, a ser- mon, '.id imp. Boston, His-.!. pp.:;s. sni.S . *3458.GG Latter sign discoursed of. [Huston, 1GS2.] pp.32. 1;l. 1C." 2408.10 Keinarks on a sermon preached by George Keith, Boston, 17o-_>. pp. :',H. 18". . . . . *3547.24 Seasonable testimony to good order in the churches. Barton, 1720. pp. '-'I. 18 . . . *3547.24 Truths about conversion, \vilh a preface by Dr. Owen. I'd ed. Boston, 1721. ls . . . *3459.31 Colnian, I!. Funeral sermon on 3450.40 Mather, C. Memoirs of 2348.10,31 MATHKI:, I>. Church government and clinrch cov- enant discussed, iu an answer to thirty-two questions. London, li'. i:>. sin. 4 *3540.21 Journal. [Young. First, planters of Mass. J . 2352.4 Journal of II. M., 1 (.:;;>. His life and death. [Dorchester antiquarian and hist, society. roll. No. 3] 2347.8 31 ATIII;I;, S. Funeral discourse after the decease of Itev. \V. \Velsted and Mr. Kllis Gray. Boston, ir.Vi. pp.. '11. 12 *3455.30 Funeral discourse,' upon her majesty Wilhel- inina Dorothea Carolina, preached Mar. 'J3, i;:;r,8. Boston, i:;;s. pp.:;:;. ,s" *3454.9 Funeral discourse upon the death of Hon. T. Hntchinson. Boston, K l<>. pp.32. 8 . *:M50.55 Life of Cotton Mather. Boston, !;,".). sm. 8. *2343. 14 Sermon after the decease of the |;ev. Cotton Mather. Boston, 17-IS. pp.2C>. 8" . . . . *3458.88 M.vrm:i;, \V. \\'. Diluvial deposits. Lithographed. n. p. 1835. 8 *Pph.v.327 Geological survey of the state [of N.York]. Questions proposed to observers. [No title- e.] 8 *Pph.v.97 Geology of the first district of New York. Albany, 1843. 4 6803.4 Sketch of the geology and mineralogy of N. London and \Vindham counties in Conn. Norwich, ls:il. 6 *Pph.V.104 MATIIEU family. See Goodwin, N 2332.8 MATIIEUOX, L. Goya: [Vied'unpeintrecspagnol dc ce nom.] Paris, 1858. 10 4065.24 MATIIKSOX, J. Visit to the American churches. Koed,A 3544.13 MATHEWS, J. M. Speech on the lawfulness of marrying a deceased wife's sister. New York, 1843. 8 *Fph.v.l33 MATHIAS, T. J. Canzoni e prose toscane. Lon- dra, 180*. 1(V 2809.14 Imperial epistle from Kien Long, emperor of China, to George in, 1794. Philadelphia, ISIMI. s *Pph.v.lG Pursuits of literature, a satirical poem. 7th ed. London, 1793. 8 2560.7 - Same. [From the 7th cd.] Philadelphia, 1800. 8 **E.117.9 - Same. 8th cd. ' Dublin, 17'.>S. 8 .... 2500.8 - Same, lilthed. London, 1S12. 4 ... 2501.1 Shade of Alexander I'opeon the hanks of the Thames, a satirical poem. Philadelphia, 1800. pp.59. 8 *Pph.v.lO Writings and character of Gray. London, 1818. 12 2558.17 MATHIKU, A. C. G. llolaud dc Lattrc. Mons, is 10. 1.8 *4045.2 MATHIKU, C. Florc gentfralo dc Belgique. Bru- xelles, 1853. 2v. 8 *3850.1 MATiiiicu, P. Sec Matthieu, P. MATIHOT, G. Klectrotyping operations of the I . S. coast survey. \. Haven, 1853. 8. *Pph.v.l93 MATILUA, con/i'x.;/' 'J'uxcmii/. Chartula. [Mignc. ratrologia- v.U-| V.2of3450.23 Memorie. See Fiorentini, F. M 2744.15 Shelf. No. MATILDA, cninifcxx o/' Tttx<-tnt>/, continual. Vita carmine scripta a Donizoiie ; \i\-.\ altera orationc soluta ah auctorc anonymo scripta. [Mignc. I'atrologi.-c v.148] 3400.20 MATIU M ( i N i A i . ])rcceptor, from the most celebrated writers. 3d ed. [London] n.d 3574.28 MATTEI, S. Laudato Doraiuum a due cori con stromenti; Salmc, Domine ad adjtiv. 4 voci con. org. [Dehn. Practische Musik-Wcrkc, v.12,24] 4051.14 MATTER, A. J. Dc 1'affaiblisscmcnt dcs idues et des etudes morales. Paris, 1841. 8 .... 3587.5 Essal historique sur 1'ecole d'Alcxandrie. Paris, IN.'O. 2v. 8 *2192.G Influence dcs musurs sur les lois et des lois sur les moDurs. 2e (5d. Paris, 1843. 8 . . 3017.3 Histoiro critique du gnostieismc. 'Je ed. Strasbourg and Paris, 18-13. 2v. 8 . . . . 3510.8 Histoire dcs doctrines morales ct politiqucs dc8 trois dernicrs siecles. Paris ct Ge- neve, 1830-37. 3v. 8 3005.15 Histoire du Christianismc et do la socicte chreticnue. 2c (5d. Paris, n.d. 4v. 8" . . 3515.8 Manuel des ccoles. Paris, 1836. sni.l.'. [Maniu'l Uorct] 3598.23 MATTKUCCI, C. Phenomfenes e'lectro-physiolo- giques dcs animauxfsuivis] d'etudes sur la torpille par 1'. Savi. Paris, 1844. 8 .... 3902.24 Phenomcnes physiques dcs corps vivauts. Paris, l,s!7. ir 3705.14 Physical phenomena of living beings, transl. byPereira. Philadelphia, IMS. 12. . . . 3887.12 MATTII.EUS Camariota. ETITO/^/ cis ra rr/j ^ro- ptKtis irpoyviivaspara ; ETTITO/IIJ rni finropiKiis. [Walz. Khctores Grceci, v.1,0] 2905.2 MATTIIEIS, G. dc. Lcttcro su la febbrc petccchi- alo ; Lcttcra scconda sulla febbre pctccchi- ale, e sulla iiuova dottrinamcdica. [Opus coli scientific!, v.l, 2] 3911.5 MATTHEW, St. Calvin, J. Commentary on the gospel of 5504.4 See /). Biblr. MATTHKW, curdinul of AUnuio. Epistolas et di- plomata. [Migne. Patrologia- v. l."::| . . . 3470.2 MATTHKW, <>/' }',-nilt'mi<'. In lihrum Tohia- para phrasis mi'trica ; Carmina varia. |M, Patrologiic v.'JOj] 3470.27 MATTHEW Paris. Historic major [Anglhe], Ac- ces. duorum Oll'arum Merciornm reguni ct viginti trium aliliat nm S. Alhiui vita-, [etc.] Ed. W.Wats. London, 1084. f *2540.11 See also : Roger of Wendo ver. MATTHEWS, W. Hydranlia, an accountof the wa- ter works of London, and the contrivances for supplying other great cities. London, 1886. s ".'.H-j.Ci MATTUIA, A. II. (;rec>k grammar, transl. by 1',. \'. Blomlield. 5th ed. enl. by .1. Kenrick. Lon- don, IN",'.', -'v. 8 2984.4 Vermischte Schriften. Alteuburg, 1833. 8. 2 l .'."il.5 MATTHIAS and his imposture's. Stone, W. I/. . . :;i--'.i.':r MATTIHASOX, J. II. [>ed('ord and its environs. Bedford, 1831. 8 *2493.8 MATTIIIEU, P. Heroyk life and dc])loriihh> death of Henry iv. Trausl. by E. Grimcston. London, Kir. 1 . im..14 Cabanis, P. J. G. CEuvres completes .... 3713.6 - Certainty of M.Pph.v.13 Celsus, A. C. Demedicina 3723.8,9 Cheync, G. Principles and theory of philo- sophical medicine 3767.13 Cocchi, A. Opere 3717.10 Colbatch, J. Chirurgical and medical tracts. 3759.1 Consult! medici di varii autori 3749.12 Duncan, A. Annals of, 1796-1804 37.39.2 - Medical commentaries 3728.1 Fenncr, E. D. Southern medical reports . . 3712.1 Ferguson, R. Induction and its results in . 3775.26 Fcrgusson, W. llccol. of a professional life. 3721.11 Fcrriar, J. Medical histories and reflections. 3717.9 Fothcrgill, J. Works 3721.1 Freind, J. Opera omnia medica 3710.3 Gallup, J. A. Institutes of M 3721.20 Good, J. M. Studyof 3713.1,2 Hall, M. Medical essays 3721.14 - Observations and suggestions in . . . . 3721.23 Hippocrates. Opera *3723.7 - CEuvres mcdicales 3723.4, 5 Hoffmann, F. Medicinse rationalis systema- ticae, tomus i-iv 3712.6 Holland, II. Medical notes and reflections. 3722.8, 9 Hooker, W. Lessons from the history of medical delusions 3721.12 Hosack, D. Essays on various subjects of . 3728.2 Hunter, J. Complete works 3712.8,9 Hunter, W. Medical commentaries . . . : 3791.2 Jackson, S. Principles of 3712.3 Johnstone, J. Medical essays and observ. . 3728.3 Kerr, G. Medical sketches M.Pph.v.79 Kuhn, C. G. Mcdicorum Grsecorum opera . 2966.1 Malpighi, M. Opera posthuma 3723.1 Mann, J. Medical sketches of the campaigns of 1812-14 3722.11 Mead, R. Medical works 3718.9 Millingen, J. G. Curiosities of medical ex- perience 3712.4 Morichini, D. Scritti 3723.3 Morrison, J. Medicine no mystery 3721.17 Muchry, A. State of medicine in France, Eng- land, and Germany 3721.7 Paine, M. Institutes of M 3722.3 - Medical commentaries 3762.11 Paracelsus, P. A. T. Opera medica 3710.4 Pare, A. CEuvres completes 3721.18 Pitcairn, A. Works 3718.8 Richerand, A. Erreurs populaires relatives a la medecine 3721.21 Riviere, L. Opera medica universa 3710.5 Rush,B. Medical inquiries and observations. 3713.4, 5 Senncrt, D. Opera 3710.2 Smith, N. Medical memoirs 3722.10 Sprengel, C. Institutiones medicse 3723.10 Swieten, G. van. De praxi medica rational! addiscenda et proponenda 3711.2 Sydenham, T. Works 3718.7 Thomson, S. Med. discov. of S. Thomson. . 3735.16 - Medicinische Erfindungen 3735.18 Vandeburgh, C. F. Mariner's medical guide. 3783.3 Watcrhouse, B. Theory and practice of . Pph.v.330 Whytt, R. Works 3721.2 See also: Anatomy, Hospitals, Hygiene, Materia medica, Medical botany, chemistry, etc., Medical jurisprudence, Midwifery, Pathology, Pharmacy, Physiology, Police, Surgery, Therapeutics. Shelf. No. MEDICINISCHES Correspondenz-Blatt bayerischer Aerzte. No 1-5. Erlangen, 1842. 8.*M.Pph.v.40 MEDICO-CHIRURGICAL review. Analytical scries, v.1-24; Decennial series, 1-21; New series, 1-6; British and foreign. 1-23. London, 1821- 58. 74v. 8 ' *5748.1 MEDING, II. Bibliotheque du Paris medical. Paris, 1855. 12 *2186.6 Paris medical : vade-mecum des medecins etrangers. Paris, 1852-3. 2v. sm.l2 . . . 3780.33 Topographic med. de Paris. Paris, 1852. 12. 3769.27 MEDITATIONS, treating of a natural man's happi- ness, and of the means to attain unto it. Antoninus, M. A 2979.22 MEDITATIONS in America. Wallace, W. R. . . . 2398.30 MEDITAZIONE sopral' albero dclla croce. Firenze, 1819. 8 3444.8 MEDITERRANEAN sea. Earth, H. Wanderungen durch die Kiistenliinder des Mittelmeercs . 3054.1 Blaquiere, E. Letters from the 2274.9 Grube, A. E. Actinieu, Echinodermen und WLirmer des Mittelmeeres 3871.7 Smyth, W. H. TheM.,a memoir, physical, historical, and nautical 2704.4 Wilde, W. R. Voyage along the shores of the 2274.4 MEDIUS Larissaeus. See Geier, R. Alexandri M. hist, script 2903.10 MEDUS.E. Eschscholtz, J. F. System der Acale- phen 3871.9 Forbes, E. Monograph of the British naked- eyed medusas 3870.15 Giide, H. M. Beitrage zur Anatomie und Physiologic dcr M 3871.18 MEECH, L. W. Relative intensity of the heat and light of the sun, upon different latitudes of the earth. [Smithsonian contrib. v. 9, art. 2]. 3340.1 MEEK, A. B. The red eagle, a poem of the south. New York, 1855. 12 2398.10 MEEK Gholam Hussein Khan. See Gholam Hus- sein Khan. MEEK Hussein All Khan. See Hussein All. MEESTERE, G. de. Historia episcopatus Iprensis. Brugis, 1851. 4'. [Bruges. Societe d' emu- lation de la Flandre] *2821.10 MEETING, The, of gallants at an ordinarie, or the walkcs in Powles. Ed. by J. O. Halliwcll. London, 1841. pp.40. 8. [Percy soc. v.5] *2537.7 MEGASTIIENES. See Fragm. hist. Grrcc. v.2 . . 3002.11 MEGINFRED, Vita bcati Emmcrammi. [Mignc. Putrologiae v.141] 3460.20 MEHL, C. F. E. Commentatio de morbis hominis dcxtri et sinistri. Gottinga:, 1818. 4.*M.Pph.v.l03 MET, G. Lettere. [Dati. Prose fiorcntiue, v. 15]. *27S7.1 MEIBOMIUS, J. H. Das Geisseln. [Scheiblc. Der Schatzgriiber, v.4] 2889.2 De cervisiis vcterum. [Gronovius. Thesaurus Grace, antiq. v.9] 2900.2 MEIBOMIUS, M. Antiqvae mvsicae avctorcs scp- tem. Grasce et Latino. Amstclodauii, 1052. 2v. in 1. 4 *4055.6 Contents. Vol. I. Aristoxeni harmonicorum elc- mcntorum libri in.; Euclidis iutroductio harmonica; Nicoranchi Gcraseni Pythagorici harmonices manu- ale ; Alypii introductio musica ; Gaudcntii philoso- phi introductio harmonica ; Bacchii senioris intro- ductio urtis musicse. II. Aristidis Quiutiliani dc musica libri in; Martiani Capellaa de musica liber ix. De fabrica triremium. [Grsevius. Thesaurus autiq. Rom. v.12] 2950.1 MEIDINGER, C. v.Icones piscium Austria? indige- norum. Decuria i.-v. Vienna, 1785-94. f. *3780.3 MEIDINGER, H. Dictionnaire des langues teuto- gothiqucs. Frankfort a. M. 1833. 8 . . . . *2955.3 MEIDINGER, J. V. Dictionnaire portatif frangois- nlleinand et allemand-frauyois.' Frank- fort a. M. 1797-98. 2v. in 1. 8 *2S84.9 Nieuwe beocfendc hoogduitsche spraakkunst. Te Zutphen, 1813. 8 **E.207.2 MEIER, J. C. J. B. Basedow's Leben. Hamburg, 1791-92. 2v. 10 2848.22 MEIER 522 MEMOIRES Shelf. No. MEIER, M. H. E. Commcntatio epigraphies! [i-n.] Incst index Atticorum archoutum epony- morum qui post Ol. cxxi, 2, eum magis- tratum obtinuorunt. Halis, 1852-54. 4 . . *29GO.C Allgcmeine Encyclopiidie. See Ersch, J. S. A. 179.1 MEIGEN, J. W. Abbildung europiiischen zwei- fliig. Insekten. 1 Hft. Hamm, 1830. pp.4. pi. 10. 8 3897.10 Sy stematischc Beschreibung der europiiischen Schmetterlinge. Aachen u. Leipzig, 1827- 32. 3v. sm.4 3894.0 MEIGS, C. D. Certain diseases of young children. Philadelphia, 1850. 8 3777.1 Diseases of the neck of the uterus. Philadel- phia, 1854. 8 *3775.13 Memoir of Samuel George Morton, M. D. Philadelphia, 1851. 8 *M.Pph.v.52 Oratioa before the Philadelphia medical so- ciety, Feb. 18, 1829. Phila. 1829. 8 . *M.Pph.v.28 Philadelphia practice of midwifery. 2d ed. Philadelphia, 1842. 8 *3772.5 Spasmodic cholera. Philadelphia, 1849. pp. 08. 8 3805.8 MEILLAN, N. Memoires. Paris, 1823. 8. [Ber- ville et Barriere. Mem. rcl. a la rev. franj.] 4645.19 MELNEKE, J. A. F. A. Quaestionum sccnicarum specimen I.-IH : [diss. acad.] Bcrolini, 1820-30. 3v. 4 *2952.16 MEINEUS, C. Gcschichte der hohen Schulen. Gottingen, 1802-5. 4v. sm.8 3598.10 Geschichte der Wissenschaften in Griechen- land undRom. Lemgo, 1781-82. 2v. 8. 2952.15 Gcschichte des Verfalls der Sitten, der Wis- senschaft, und Sprache der Romer. Wien. 1791. 8 2953.6 Vergleichung des altern und neuern Russ- landcs. Leipzig, 1798. 2v. em. 8 3068.1 MEISNEK, C. F. Plantarum vascularium genera. Lipsise, 1836-43. 2 p. in 1 v. f *3840.8 MEISSEN. Miircker, T. Das Burggrafthum M. . 2836.1 Ritter, J. D. Meisnische Geschichte bis auf Hciurich den Erlauchten 2830.15 MEISSNEK, A. G. Bruchstiicke zur Biographic J. G. Naumann's. Prag. 1803. 2v. 16 ... 4048.10 MEJOR, El, do los meiores : libro de comedias nue- vas. Alcala, 1051. 8 3104.4 Contents. E cayn de Cataluiia ; El pr'mcipe per- scguido ; La det'ensa de la fe y priucipe prodigioso ; 1.1 garrote maa bien dado ; El galan sin daraa ; El prluado perseguido; Malima sera otro dia; Los crape- Eos que se ofrecen ; La guarda de si mismo ; La tragedia mas lastimosa de amor ; El cauallero de Ol- mcdo ; De los siete infantes de Lara. MELA, P. De situ orbis, curante A. Gronovio, ed. altera. Lugduni Batav. 1748. 8 ... 2921.16 MELAMPODES. See Bekker, I. Anec. Gr. v.2 . . 2908.4 MELAMPUS. Ex palpitationibus divinatio ; De nsevis oleaceis. See Franz, J. G. F 2903.12 MELANCHOLY. Burton, R. Anatomy of .... 2561.10 Haslam, J. Observations on madness and M. 3800.35 See also : Hypochondria. MELANCHTHON, P. Biographic de. See Miche- let, J 2844.3 Observations upon the handwriting of. See Sotheby, S. L 2110.6 MELANGES d' histoire et de litterature. Argonne, N. B. d' 4677.16 MELANGES tires d'une grande bibliotheque. Paulmy, R. de Voyer d'Argenson de . . . 2198.1 MELANOPUS. See Baiter and Sauppe. Oratores Attici 2903.1 MELCOMBE Regis. History and antiquities of. See Ellis, G. A 2494.22 MELAIA: a poem. Cook, E 2405.29 MELCHIADES, pope. Epistola et decreta; Epis- tola Melchiadi falso adscripta. [Migiie. Pa- trologise v.6, 7, 8] 3440.5,6 MELCIIIOKI, G. B. Vocabolario bresciano-italia- no. [Vol.2, con appendice del 1820.] Brescia, 1817. 2v. 8 *2784.1 Shelf. No. MELEAGER Gadarenus. Eplgrammata. Ed. F. Graese. Lipsise, 1811. 8 2994.1 See Elton, C. A. Specimens of the classic poets, v.l 2963.14 MELI, G. Poesie ridotte in Italiano da G. Rosini. Pisa, 1821, 23. Parte 1,2 in Iv. 10. . . . 2809.17 Poesie siciliane. 5aed. Palermo, 1839. 4. 4773.1 See Opuscoli di autori siciliani 4764.1 Contents. Vol. XH. Degli effetti del velenod'un ragnatello. XX. Eraclitu, clegia. MELION, Lai de [en vers du xme siecle]. See Renaut 2086.2 MELIORA, or better times to come. See Chetwynd, C. J 3569.4 MELISH, J. Geographical description of the Uni- ted States, etc. Philadelphia, 1816. 8 . . 2388.8 MELITO. Fragmenta. [Migne. Patrologia Grae- ca, v.5] 3490.3 Remains. See Cureton, W 3021.3 See Guillon, M. N. S. Bibliotheque des peres, v.l Of 3508.2, v.l of 3499.30 See Routh, M. J. Reliquiae sacrae, v.l . . . 3513.9 MELIUS, J. P. Additiones ad Castillum dc ali- mcutis, cum rotae Romanae dccisionibus. Lugduni, 1727. f [Castillo Sotomayor. Quotid. controv., v.9] *3690.1 MELLEN, George W. F. Unconstitutionally of slavery. Boston, 1841. 12 3573.25 MELLEN, Grenville. The age of print : a poem. Boston, 1830. 8 *Pph.v.81 MELMOTH, C. The sublime and beautiful of scrip- ture, [with Dwight on the eloquence, etc. of the Bible.] New York, 1795. 24 ... 3419.25 MELMOTH, William, 6. 1660, d. 1743. Importance of a religious life. New ed. with memoir, etc., by C. P. Cooper. London, 1849. 8. 3444.2 MELMOTH, William, b. 1710, d. 1799. Letters on several subjects by Sir T. Fitzosborne. 10th ed. London, 1795. 8 **E.225.17 MELORIA, La battaglia della, storia del secolo XIII. Mini, C 4775.9 MELUN, A. de. De 1'intervention de la societe pour prevenir et soulager la misere. Paris, 1849. pp.08. 8 3566.13 - Same. 2eed. Paris, 1849. 32 3570.74 MELUSINE, roman. See Arras, J. d' 2609.2 Dissertation sur le roman. [Leber. Coll. diss. hist. France, v. 18] 2618.1 MELVILL, J. Autobiography and diary, with a continuation. Ed. by R. Pitcairn. Edin- burgh, 1842. [Wodrow society] 2447.6 MELVILL, T. Address before the Berkshire soci- ety for the promotion of agriculture, [etc.] Pittsfield, 1815. 8 *Pph.v.l2 MELVILLE, A. Life of. See M'Crie, T 3554.7 MELVILLE, lord viscount. See Dundas, H. MEMBRANES. Bichat, M. F. X. Traite des . . . 3765.6 - Treatise on 3745.3 See also: Histology. MEMES, J. S. Memoirs of A. Canova, and an his- torical view of modern sculpture. Edin- burgh, 1825. 8 4074.6 MEMNON. Historiarum excerpta, Gr. cum vers. Lat. L. Rhodomanni. Ed. J. C. Orellius. Accedunt fragmenta Nymphidis, Promathi- dis, Callistrati, et Chionis. Lipsiae, 1816. 8. 2994.3 See Fragm. hist. Grsec. v.3 3002.11 MEMNON, La statue vocale de. Letronne, J. A. 3051.18 MEMOIRES concernant 1'histoire, les sciences, etc. des Chinois. Paris, 17761814. 16v. 4 . *3013.2 Note. Composes par les PP. Amiot, Bourgeois, Cibot, Ko ; publics par 1'abbe Batteux et par de Bre- quigny. Contents.- Vol.1. Antiquite des Chinois ; Sur les characteres chlnois ; Monument de la conquete des Eleuths ; Transmigration des Tourgouths des bords de la mer Caspienne dans 1'empire de la Chine; Ta- Hio, ou La grande science ; Tchong-Yong, ou Juste- milieu. II. L'antiquite des Cliinois, prouvee par les monuineus ; Sur un ecrit, intitule Ilecherchcs sur les Egyptiens et les Chinois j Sur les vers a sole gauvages; MEMOIRES 523 MENDELSOHN Shelf. No. MEMOIRES concernant 1'histoire, etc. continued- Sat les cotonnicrs; Sur Ic bambrm ; Le jardin do See- Ma-Kouang, pot'me. III. Portraits des Chinois cele- bres ; Sur la reduction des JMiao-tsGc, 1775 ; Serres chinoises ; Notices do quelques plantcs do la Chine ; Cer6monic du labouragc. IV. Doctrine des Chinois eur la piete iiliale ; Sur rinteret de 1'argent en Chine; De la petite verole; Notice du livre chiuois Si- Yuen ; Notice du Cong-Feu des bonzes Tao-Sue ; Observa- tions dc physique ct d'histoire naturelle de 1'empercur Kang-IIi ; Compositions etrecettes chinoises; Notice du Chc-lliang, du Mo-Kou-Sin, du Lin-Tchi, et du Pc-Tsai. V. Idee genurale de la Chine; Vies ou por- traits des celubres Chinois ; Notices sur differcns ob- jects. VI. De la musiquc des Chinois ; Essai sur les pierressonorcs; Observations sur divers objets. VII. Sur 1'art militaire des Chinois; Les treize articles sur 1'art militaire, ouvrage compose par Sun-Tse ; Les six articles, ouvrage compose sur les memoires d'Ou-Tse; Les cinq articles du Se-Ma-Fa; Extrait du livre inti- tule Lou-Tao ; Instruction sur 1'cxercice militaire, avce planches. VIII. Vies ou portraits des cOlebrcs Chinois ; Essai sur 1'ecriture des Chinois ; Sur la langue des Chinois ; Notice sur les objets de com- merce d importer en Chine ; Du tribunal des ouv- ragcs publics ; Houneurs rendus en Chine aux Euro- peensj Sur le retour de I'empereur Kien-Long, qu'on avoit cru mort; Sur les jardins des Chinois; Art mil- itaire. IX. Observations sur le voyage de Sonnerat a la Chine ; Extraits des divcrscs lettres de M. Amiot ; Instructions sublimes et familieres de Chieng-T/u- Quogcn-Hoang-Ti ; Sur 1* langue et les characteres des Chinois; Sur 1'etendue de la ville de Nanquin ct la population de Chine ; Sur les services rendus par Akoni, etc.; Inondation de la ville de Yen-Tcheou- Fou,en 1742. X. Vies ou portraits des celebres Chinois ; Pensces, maximcs, etproverbes; Table des matieres. XI. Chronirjues mtteorologiques ; Des betes d laine en Chine ; Preparation du petit indigo ; Sur 1'usago de la viande en Chine ; Sur les plantes, les flours et les arbrcs de Chine ; Sur differens objets d'astrono- mie, de botanique, do chymie, etc. ; Observations as- tronomiques ; Le pecher, etc. ; Sur la quintessence mincrale de M. de La Oaraye ; Sur le cinabre, le vif-argcnt, etc; Sur uu sel appelle Kien; Sur la chaux noire ; Sur une rnatiere qui approche du verre, etc. ; Sur le vitriol, le sel ammoniac, etc.; Sur le charbou de terre, le borax, etc. ; Sur un papier dore sans or ; Sur le bambou, etc. ; Sur les arts en Chine ; Sur le valeur du tat'l d'argent ; Sur les ehevaux ; Sur la pivoine, etc. XII. Vie de Confucius, par SI. Amiot ; Extrait d'une lettre de M. Amiot. XIII. Vie dea principaux d'entro les disciples de Confucius, par M. Amiot; Grammaire tartarc-mantchou, par le memo; Abrege chronologique de 1'histoire de 1'empirc chi- nois; Essai sur la longue vie des homines dans 1'an- tiquite, par feu HI. Cibot ; Notices sur les abeilles et la ciie, par le memo ; Sur les pierres de Yu, sur les toilcs vernissees, sur riiiroudelie, sur le cerf, sur la cigalc, parle meine; Extraits des lettres; Truduction dc quelques pieces do poesie chinoise, par M. Cibot ; Extraits des lettres. XIV. Introduction d la connois- sanca des peuples chinois ; Rccuoil dcs suppliques, lettres decreancc.ete. XIV.-XV. Paraliele des mocurs et usages des Chinois, avcc les moours ct usages de- crits dans le livre d'Esther, par M. Cibot; Extraits dcs lettres de M. Amiot : Uistoirc chinoise dc la grande dy- nastie Tang. XVL Traite de la chronologic chinoise. - Same [suite]. Chronologic chinoise com- posee par le pere Gaubil, ct public par M. Silvestre de Sacy. Paris, 1814. 4 .... 3C23.2 M&MOIRES d'une contcmporaine, ou souvenirs sur les personnages de la republique, etc. [par Mmc. de St. Elme.] 3e ed. Paris, 1828. 8v.8. 2659.2 MEMOIRES d'une femme de qualite sur Louis xvm, sa cour et son regne [par Damas-Hinard, Malitourne, et Villemarest]. Paris, 1829. 6v. 8 2658.10 MEMOIRES relatifs a 1'histoire de France pendant le 18e siecle, 1715-95. Barriere, F 4067. 2 MEMOIRES sur les contrees occidentales, traduits du Sanscrit en chinois, par Hiouen-Thsang, et du chinois en francais,par M.Stanislas Julien. Paris, 1S57-5S. 2v. 8 3011.10 MEMOIRES sur le consulat, 1799 a 1804. Paris, 1827. 8 4647.5 MEMOIRES sur les prisons. Paris, 1823. 2v. 8. [Berville et Barriere. Mem. rel. a la rev. franc. 28, 29] *4045.10 Content*. Vol. I. Les memoires d'un detenu, par RJoufte; L'humanite meconnue, par J. Paris de I'Ep- Shel No. MEMOIRES sur les prisons, continued. inard ; L'incarceration de Beaumarchais ; Le tab- leau historique de la prison de Saint-Lazare, avec une notice sur la vie de Riouffe, des notes et des eclaircissemeus historiques. II. Ceux qui conccr- uent les prisons de Port-Libre, du Luxembourg, de la rue de Sevres, etc., suivis du voyage des cent trente- deux Nantais, ct d'une relation des maux souffcrts par les prctres depories dans la rade de 1'ile d'Aix, avec des notes et des eclaircissemeus historiques. MEMOIRES sur La Vendee, d'un ancien administra- teur militaire et de Mme de Sapinaud. Par- is, 1823. 8". [Berville et Barriere. Mem. rel. a la revol. francaise, 31] *4645.18 MEMOIRES. See Collection des memoires. MEMOIRS of a Malayan family, transl. by W. Mars- den. London, 1&30. pp.84. 8. [Oriental transl. fund.] *3011.14 MEMOIRS of Pliilomathes, a Scotch clergyman. [1798]. [No title-page.] 8 *Pph.v.51 MEMOIRS of the war between the English and French in North America, from 1744 to the treaty at Aix-la-Chapelle. 3d ed. Boston, 1753. pp.80. 8 *2324.67 MEMOIRS of learned societies. See Transactions. MEMORABILIA of Perth ; and Duff's death of Gow- rie. Perth, 1800. 8 2474.11 MEMORIAL du commerce et de 1'industrie. See Lainne, A. F 3290.2 MEMORIE del calcio florentino. [Discorso di Giov. de' Bardi, cd altre mem.] Firenze, 1083. 4. 4001.6 MEMORIE di religionc, di morale, e di letteratura. Seriei.-ni. Modena, 1822-55. 54v. 8" . . *5148.1 MEMOHIE istoriche di uomini illustri della Tos- cana. Livorno, lT.">r-5$. 2v. 4 *2742.10 MEMORIE istoriografiche del regno della Morea. Venetia, 1683. sm.8* 3079.2 MEMORIE e document! per servire all' istoria del principato lucchese. T. 1-5, 7-10 [v.6 not yet published.] Lucca, 1813-44. 12v. 4". . *2711.4 Contents. Vol. I.-III. Dissertazioni sopra la sto- ria lucchese dell' accademico A. N. Cianclli; Dissur- tazioni sopra la legislazione lucchese dell' accadem- ico Biagio Gigliotti. IV., V. Dissertazioni sopra la istoria ecelesiastica lucehese dell' academico Domen- ico Bcrtini. VII. Dei sinodi della diocesi di Lucca, dissertazioni di Paolino Dinelli. VIII. Dissertazioni sullo stato dell' architettura, pittura, e arti figurative in relievo in Lucca ne' bassi tempi dell" accademico Tommaso Trenta; Nuove mura di Lucca da A. N. Cianelli. IX. ,X. Della storia letteraria del ducato lucchese libri sette di Cesare Lucchesini. MEMORY. Ars rcminisccndi. Porta, G. B. . . . 3604.4 See also: Mnemonics. MENAGE, G. Anti-Baillet, ou critique des Juge- mens des savaus. Paris, 1730. 4 *2191.2 Dictionnaire etymol. de la lauguc franjoise. Nouv. ed. Paris, 1750. 2v. f *A.170.3 Historia mulierum philosopharum. Amstel- odami, 1092. pp.65. 10 2259.2 MKNANDER Atheniensis. Fragmenta. See Aris- tophanes 2992.3 Fragmens. See Aristophanes 2977.14 Fragmens. [Brumoy. Theatre des Grecs. 2e ed. v.10] 2965.4 Frammenti. [Parnaso del poeti class, d'ognl naz. v.13] 2769.1 See Poet. com. Graec. fragm 3002.14 Sententiae singulares. See ^Esopus 2978.14 and Philemon. Reliquiae, ed. A. Meineke. Berolini, 1823. 8 2991.5 MENANDER Laodicensis. See Walz, C. Khetores Graeci,v.9 2905.2 MENANDER Protector. Excerpta. See Dexippus, P. H. Corpus script, hist. Byz. v.14. . . 2909.1 See Fragm. hist. Grsec. v. 4 3002.11 See Mai, A. Scriptorum veterum,v.2 . . . . 3000.1 MENCHE DE LOISNE, C. Influence de la littera- ture franfaise de 1830 a 1850 sur 1 'esprit pub- lic et les moeurs. Paris, 1852. 8 2070.14 MENCIUS, trad, en Francais. See Pauthier, G. . . 3024.5 MENDELSOHN, M. Memoirs of. See Samuels, M. 2845.5 MENDELSSOHN 524 MENTAL Shelf. No. MENDELSSOHN Bartholdy, F. [Ein Denkmal fiir seine Freunde.] See Lampadius, W. A. . 4019.10 MENDOZA, A. di. Lcttera all' imperatore del dis- coprimento della terra forma dclla Nuoua Spagna verso Tramontana. [Ramusio. Rac- colta delle navigation! ct viaggi, v.3] . . . 2260.2 MENDOZA, A. H. de. Obras liricas, y comicas. 2a ed. Madrid, n.d. 4 3104.3 Contents. Querer por solo querer, coraedia ; No ay amor donde ay agravio, comedia; 1 trato rauda costumbre, comedia; Los cmpeiJos del mcntir, come- dia; Mas merece quicn mas ama, comedia; Cada loco con su tema, comedia. MENDOZA, D. Hurtado dc. Aventures et eapie- gleries de Lazarille de Tormes, [tr. de 1'Es- pagnol par 1'abbe de Charnes.] Nouv. (5d. Paris, 1817. 2v. 18 3105.17 Life and adventures of Lazarillo Gonsales de Tormes. Tr. from the Spanish. 19th ed. London, 1777. 12 3105.18 MENDOZA, J. G. de. History of China. Ed. by G. T. Staunton, with introd. by It. H. Major. London, 1S53, 51. 2v. 8". [I-Iakluyt soc.] *22C4.13 MENDOZA Y Rios, J. do. A complete collection of tables for navigation and nautical astrono- my. London, 1805. 4 **E.185.4 Recherchcs sur les solutions des principaux problemes de 1'astronomie nautique. Lon- dres, 1707. pp.82. 4 **E.171.18 Tables for facilitating the calculations of nau- tical astronomy. London, 1801. 4 . .. . **E.185.3 Tratado de navegacion. Madrid, 1787. 2v. in 1. 4 **E. 181.7 MENECRATES Elaita. See Fragm. hist. Graec. v.2. 3002.11 MENEGIIELLI, A. Opere. Padova, 1830-31. 6v. 8 2795.7 Contents. Elogj di V. Alfieri, Paolo Panita, An- drea Navagero, Giammaria Ortes, Gian Vincenzo Gravina, Paolo Segneri, F. M. D. Ghirardelli; Vita di Cesarotli. II. Elo?j di P. Gaudenzi, G. L. Fossati, B. Bevilacqua, A. Dona tra Filarcte; Cenni intorno alia vita cc. di F. Gritti; Vitadi T. Livio; Del Eos- mini ; Del Canora ; Biografia del barone Girolamo Trevisan; Notizie del Vincenzio Giaconi. III. Dis- corsi sopra il canzoniere di Francesco Petrarca; Sag- Bio sopra la filosofla dc'.la Grecia e del Lazio; Disser- tazioni. IV. Saggio sopra la storia dell' eloquenza; Sopra una lettera al Pctrarcaj Esame di un passo di Foscolo intorno nl Metastasio; Dclla mutua gloria dei principi e delle lettere ; Dei inutui soccorsi della gcometria e dclla eloquenza; Influenza della legisla- zionc nell' eloquenza, cc. ; Influenza delle scienze sulla sicurezza delle nazioni; Della nomosofia venc- ziana. V. Dei diritti dcgl' Italian! alia stima delle nazioni ; Delia eccellenza degl' istituti di pubblica educazione ; Della influenza delle lettere nelle sci- enze, lettere, e morale; Dei pregi c della grandezza delle scienze politico-legali; Quadro slntetico delle Bcienze politico-legali; Prospetto sintetico della sci- enzadel commercio; Dclla necessita di stringere in amico nodo Ic scienze e le lettere; Orazione per le solenne esequie dei benelattori della pia casa di recov- ero e d'industria in Padova; Discorso inaugurale per la crezione di una lapide sacra alia memoria del padre G. B. da S. Martino di Lupari Cappuccino; Dei piaceii dello studio. VI. Saggio sopra il sistema metrico; Esame di un passo del sig. Bailly ; Saggio sopra gli errori dei moderni nel valutare le monete degli antiche ; Lettere ; L'ltalia i tempi di Carlo Magno e di Lattario abbisogno di maestri stranieri per far rivivere le scienze e le lettere? Del cauonicato del Petrarca; Sulpresuntoritrattodi madonna Laura; Sopra due lettere attribuite al Fetrarca; Del Vannetti; Sopra una miniaturadi Jacopo Tumicelli; Sopra un dipinto del cav. Pietro Paoletti: Sopra una tavola di Felice Schiavoni ; Sopra una sacra famiglia di Lat- tanzio Querena ; Sopra un nuovo dipinto del cav. Pietro Paoletti ; In morte di monsignore Antonio Cicuto; La partenza dei promessi sposi; In morte dell* abate Gio. B. Gallicciolli. MENEGHELLI, P. A. Bianca de' Rossi : tragedia. [Teatro moderno applaudito, v.22] .... 2768.1 MENEGIIINI, G. Lezioni orali di geografla fisica pubbl. dal conte L. Serristori. Pisa, 1851- 52. 2v. 8 3964.17 On the animal nature of the diatomere. See Henfrey, A 3824.5 Shel No. MENESAECHMUS. See Baiter and Sauppe. Orato- res Attici 2963.1 MENESTRIER, C.,d. 1039. Symbolica Dianae Ephe- siae statua exposita. [Gronovius. Thes. Graec. antiq. v.7] 2960.2 MENESTRIER, C. F.,6. 1031, d. 1705. See Leber. Coll. diss. hist. France 2018.1 Contents. Vol. VIII. Dissertation sur 1'origine de 1'usape de se faire porter la queue. XII. De la cheva- lerie ancienne et modernc, avec la manierc d'en faire les preuvcs pour tous les ordres de chevalerie. XIIL Des entrees solennellcs ct receptions des princes dans les villes, avec des remarques sur la pratique et 1'usage des decorations. MENEVAL, C. F. de. Napole"on et Marie-Louise. LaHaye, 1843. 3v. 18 4068.13 MENGIN, F. Hist, de 1'Egypte sous le gouverne- ment de Mohammed- Aly, enrichie de notes par M. Langles. Paris, 1823. 2v. 8 ... 3052.6 MENGOTTI, F. II colbertismo. Nuovaed. con ag- giunta de 1'istoria dell' arte della seta in Toscana. Firenze, 1819. 8 3842.13 - Same. [Economist! class, ital.] . v.43 of 3044.1 Idraulica flsica e sperimentale. 5a ed. Mila- no, 1828. 2v. 10 3945.15 - Same. Bologna, 1823. 4. [Raccolta, del moto dell'acque, v.ll] 3942.1 Del commercio de' Romani dalla prima guer- ra punica a Costantino. [Economisti class. ital.] v.43 of 3044.1 MENGS, A. R. Opere. Bassano, 1783. 2v. 8 . 4062.5 Contents. Vol. I. Memorie concernenti la vita di Antonio Raffaello Mengs ; Riflessioni su la bellezza e sul gusto della pittura di Mcngs ; Osservazioni di G. Niccola de Azara; Iliflessioni di A. R. Mcngs sopra i tre gran pittori Rafacllo, Correggio, e Tiziano, c sopra gli antichi ; Frammento di un discorso sopra i mezzi per far tiorire le belle arti in Spagna, Lcttera a Mon- sieur Falconet scultore francese a Pietroburgo. II. Lettera a Monsignor Fabroni provveditore gcnerale dell' universita di Pisa ; Frammento di una sccouda risposta di Mcngs a Monsignor Fabroni su la Niobe ; Lettera a Don Antonio Ponz; Descrizione de' princi- pal! quadri di Madrid ; Lettera ad un amico sopra il principio, progresso, c decadenza dell' arti del diseg- no; Memorie concernenti la vita e le opere di Ant. Allcgri, denominate II Correggio; Ragionamento su 1'accademia delle belle arti di Madrid; Lezioni prati- chc di pittura. MENKE, C. T. Synopsis methodica molluscorum. Pyrmonti, 1828. pp.91. 8 3884.12 MENKE, T. Orbis antiqui descriptio. 2a ed. Go- tha,1855. obi. 8 2284.8 MENODOTUS Perinthius. See Fragm. hist. Graic. v.3 3002.11 MENONVILLE, N. J. T. de. See Thierry de Me- nonville, N. J. MENSCH, F. A. v. Manuel pratique du consulat. Leipzig, 1843. 8 3016.3 MENSTRUATION. Dekigallas, J. Aiar//?i; n-ipi C/JL- Hfivuv Kal xX&jpcoo-iajj 3776.14 Le Cat, C. N. Sur 1'evacuation periodique du sexe 3776.22 Tilt, E. J. Diseases of 31. in connection with sterility 3776.33 Toel, L. Dissertatio sistens emmenologiam practicam M.Pph.104 MENSURATION. Bonnycastle, J. Introd. to. E. 199. 20 Brahmegupta. Mensuration E. 191. 11 Hutton, C. Treatise on E.190.6 Rickard, \V. Compendium of 3925.20 See aUo : Gauging. MENTAL dynamics. Green, J. H 3765.10 MENTAL improvement. Wakefield, P 7029.9 MENTAL pathology, Journal of. Winslow, F. . 3778.1 MENTAL phenomena, as connected with the phil- osophy of divine revelation. Fisher, W. L. 3608.18 MENTAL philosophy. Brown, T. Philosophy of the human mind 3601.5,6 Cousin, V. Du vrai, du beau, et du bien . . 3605.5, 6 Elements of mental philosophy 3002.7 Hartley, D. Theory of the human mind . . 3002.11 Payne, G. Elements of mental science . . . 3587. 17 MENTAL 525 MERLE Shelf. No. MENTAL philosophy, continued. Reid, T. Intellectual and active powers of man 3003.10 Stewart, D. Philosophy of the human mind. 3603.17 See also : Dreams, Imagination, Insanitj', Intellect, Logic, Memory, Metaphysics, Mind, Phrenology, Psychology, Reason, Somnambulism. MENTAL physiology, Chapters on. Holland, H. 3603.5 MENTAL science, Asylum journal of. Bucknill, J. C 3800.20 MENTAL soundness, Essay on the conditions of. Mayo, T 3800.48 MENTELLE, E. Geographic ancienne. See Ency- clopedic methodique A. 168. 7 MENU. Institutes of Hindu law, transl. with pre- face by Sir W. Jones. London, 1793. 8 . 3610.15 Les lois de Manou. See Pauthier, G 3010.8 MENZEL, C. A. Geschichte der Jahre 1815-37. Berlin, 1838. 8 2305.7 MENZEL, W. German literature, transl. by C. C. Felton. Boston, 1840. 3v. 12" 2886.7 Geschichte der Deutschen. SteAusg. Stutt- gart u. Augsb. 1855-56. 5v. sm.8" 2819.3 MENZINI, B. Opere [con vita da G. Paolucci.] Firenze, 1731, 32. 4v. 8 2795.8 Contents. Vol.1. Poesie liriche toscane. II. Varie poesie toscane ; Dell' etopedia ovvero instituzione morale ; Del terrestre paradiso ; Dell' arte poetica i Elegie ; Le Lamentazioni di Gercmia. III. Le prose volgari ; Lezioni ; Discorsi ; Declamazioni ; Misan- tropo ; Accademia tusculana; Delia costruzione ir- regolare della lingua toscana ; Lettere. IV. Ora- tiones; Apologeticus; De literatorum hominum usu ; Dialogus de inani glorias) studio; Epistola;; Carmina ; Vita scritta dull' ab. G. Paolucci da Spello. Satire, con annot. di A. M. Salvini. Londra, 1820. 32' 4778.37 Satire. [Parnaso italiano] v.40 of 2709.2 Arte poetica. [Raccolta di poemetti didasca- lici, etc. v.O] 4779.8 Rime inedite. See Allori, A 2794.4 See Carcano, G. Poeti satirici italiani, v.3 . 2809.3 - and Cesari, A. Costruzione irregolare della lingua italiana. Le grazie, dialogo del P. A. Cesari. Parma, 1842. 10 2786.25 MEO patacca, II, ovcro Roma in feste nei trionfi di Vienna [poema giocoso]. See Berneri, G. . 4768.2 MERCANTILE instructor, or merchant's assistant. See Fliigel, J. G E. 109.1 MERCANTILE jurisprudence. Bell, G. J. Princi- ples of 3621.1 MERCANTILE law. Hare, J. I. C. Decisions of American courts with reference to 3095.6 Parsons, T. Elements of 3671.3 Smith, J. W. Compendium of 3671.2 Titles on promises and obligations, sale, pur- chase and exchange 3610.16 See also : Agency, Bankers, Bankruptcy, Bills, Car- riers, Commercial law. Commission, Contracts, In- surance, Merchant ships, Partnership, Personal property, Sales, Trade, Vendors. MERCANTILE and maritime guide. See Willmore, G 3083.4 MERCANTILE profession. Hillard, G. S. Dangers and duties of the 2321.9 MERCATOR, M. Opera omnia, sive monumenta ad Pelagianam Nestorianamque hasresim per- tinentia. Ed. noviss. Parisiis, 1846. 8. [Migne. Patrologia; v.48] 3440.20 Contents. Commonitorium super nomine Coelestil ; Liber subnotationum in verba Juliani; Translations variorum opusculorura qua; Grace scripta sunt in causam Pelagianorum ; Appendices ; Translationea variorum opusculorum Nestorii, etc i Appendix. MEECATOR map. Explanation of the Mercator map of the heavens. Croswell, W. . . E. 110.49 MERCENARIO da Monteverde, storia del secolo XIV. See Trevisani, C 4775.7 MERCER, Gen. H., Oration on the reinterment of. Reed, W. B Pph.v.135 MERCHANDISE. See Dictionary of merchandise. 3682.6 Shelf. No. MERCHANT tailors' school, History of. See Ack- ermann, R 2540.1 MERCHANTS' assistant. See Blunt, J 3081.8 MERCHANT'S magazine. See Hunt, F 3194.1 MERCHANT'S manual. See Fisher, G. The in- structor E. 199. 16 See Robinson, J 3682.3 MERCIER, L. S. The point of honor [aplay],tr. byC. Kemble. [No title-page.] pp.62. 8. 2575.16 Songcs et visions philosophiques. [Gamier. Voyages imaginaires, v. 32] 2660.1 See Teatro moderno applaudito 2768.1 Contents. Vol. XII. Le tombe di Verona, dram- ma. XVI. I/abitante della Guadaluppa, commedia. XXV. II disertore, dramma. XXIX. Jenneval, ov- vero il Barnevelt francese, dramma. XL1I. Olindo e Sofronia, dramma. LIU. Natalia, commedia. MERCURE francois, ou suitte de 1'histoire [de Cayet] par J. et E. Richer et T. Renaudot. Paris, 1011-47. 25v. in 45. sm.8 . . . .*4649a.l MKRCURIALE, G. De morbis muliebribus. Ed. per M. Columbum. 4a ed. Venetiis, apud Juntas, 1001. 4 *3775.1 De morbis puerorum, opera J. Chrosczieyoio- skij. Venetiis, apud Juntas, 1601. 4 ... *3775.1 De potionibus ac eduliis antiquorum mantissa. [Gronovius. Thes. Grzec. antiq. v.9] . . . 2960.2 MER-CUR-IUS, or the word-maker. Le Mesurier, H. 2950.14 MERCURY, theplanet. Lindenau, B. A. v. Inves- tigatio nova orbitae a Mercurio circa solem descriptae E. 182. 10 Relation du monde de Mercure. [Gamier. Voyages imaginaires, v. 16] 2666.1 MERCURY, the metal. Bicker, G. Dissertatio de recto mercurii sublimati corrosivi in morbis usu M.Pph.v.104 Curry, J. Applicability of M. to liver com- plaints M.Pph.v.63 Douglass, J. Essay on M.Pph.v.28 Francis, J. W. Medical history, curative ac- tion, and abuse of JI.Pph.v.60 Saunders, W. Prevalent use in England . 3709.30 See also : Ilydrargyria. MEREDITH, W. Punishment of death : speech in the house of commons, May 13, 1777. 5th ed. London, 1831-32. 8 *Pph.v.86 MEREWETHEK, H. A., and Stephens, A. J. His- tory of boroughs and municipal corpora- tions of the United kingdom. London, 1835. 3v. 8 2514.1 MERGEY, J. de. Memoires, 1556-89. [Michaud. Coll. mem. hist. France, ser. 1, v. 9] . . . . 2011.1 Memoires. [Petitot. Coll. mem. hist. France, scr. 1] v. 34 of 2015.1 MERIAN, M. S. Dissertation sur les insectcs do Surinam. La Haye, 1726. f *38.A.l Histoire des insectes de 1'Europc, tr. par J. Marret. Amsterdam, 1730. f *38.A.l MERIDIAN, for the U. S., Memorial relating to a first M. See United States 2320.22 MERIDIAN. See Longitude. MERILHOU, J. Plaidoyers. [Annales du barreau francais. Barreau modernc, v. 7] . . v.15 of 3708.1 MERIMKE, P. Etudes sur 1'histoire romaine. [Guerre sociale ; Conjuration de Catilina.] Paris, 1844. 2v. 8 2755.7 Peintures de 1'eglise de Saint-Savin. Paris, 1845. f. [France. Coll. de docs. ined. 106. 3e ser.] 26.H.1 MERIVALE, C. History of the Romans under the empire. London, 1850-50. 5v. 8 2755.4 MERIVALE, H. Lectures on colonization and colo- nies. London, 1841,2. 2v. in 1. 8 . . . . 3562.8 MERIVALE, J. H. Collections from the Greek anthology by Bland and others. New ed. London, 1833. 12 2963.15 MERLE, M. de. Memoires. [Michaud. Coll. mem. hist. France, ser. 1, v.ll] v.38 of 2615.1 - Same. [Petitot. Coll. mem. hist. France, ser. 1, v.38] 2625.1 MERLE 526 MKTASTASIO Shelf. No. MERLE d'Aubign<5, J. H. The protector [Crom- well], a vindication. Edinburgh, 1847. 8. 2444.4 History of the great reformation reviewed. See Spalding, M. J 3518.3 MERLET, P. F. French grammar. Part i.-iv. n.p. 1828-20. 12 7079.3 MEELIN, La comtesse de. La Havane. Paris, 1844. 3v. 8 2313.7 MERLIN Coccajo. See Folengo, T. MERMILLIOD, G. J. Plaidoyers. [Annales du bar- reaufransais. Barreau moderne, v.10] v.lSof 3708.1 MEROBAUDES. F. Carmen de Christo. [Migne. Patrologiae v.61] 3450.3 - and Corippus,F. C. [Reliquiae.] Recognovit I. Bekkerus, [cum notis Mazzuchellii,alior- umque]. Bonnae, 1830. 8. [Corpus script, hist. Byz.] v.28of *2969.1 Contents. Flavii Merobaudis carminum panegy- ricique reliquiae, editse a B. G. Niebuhrio ; Flavii Cresconii Corippi Johannidos seu de bellis Libycis libri scptem ; De laudibus Justini August! Minoris libri quattuor. MERGE, Voyage a. Cailliaud, F 3055.13 MEROLLA, G. Voyage to Congo. [Pinkerton. Voy- ages, v. 16] 2260.13 MEROPE, La : tragedia. See Maffei, S 4768.4 MEROVINGIAN kings of France. See Leber, J. M. C. Coll. diss. hist. France 2618.1 Contents. Vol.1. Memoires sur les Merovingiens par Gibert; Observations sur le nom de Merovingiena par Freret. P^tigny, F. J. de. Etudes sur 1'histoire m<5ro- vingienne 4662.4 MERREM, B. Versuch eines Systems der Amphi- bien. Marburg, 1820. 8 3873.12 MERRET, C. Art de la verrerie. SeeNeri, A. . 4024.35 MERRICK, M. M. Catalogue of the library of Rev. M. M. Merrick. [London], 1783. 8 .... *2137.7 MERRICK, Pliny. Letter on speculative free ma- sonry. Worcester, 1829. 8 *Pph.v.293 - Same. 2d ed. Worcester, 1830. 8 . . *Pph.v.l52 MERRICK, S. V. Gas works of Europe. See Phil- adelphia gas works 3975.6,7 MERRIMAN, S. On retroversion of the womb, and on extra-uterine gestation. London, 1810. pp.80. 8 *M.Pph.v.ll9 MERRY, R. Poems of Delia Crusca. See British album 2559.17 Poems. See Florence miscellany 2556.10 MERRYWKATHER, F. S. Bibliomania in the mid- dle ages. London, 1849. 16 2123.5 MERSENNE, M. Harmonicorum libri xn. Ed. aucta. Lutetiae Parisiorum, 1648. f . . . *4040.7 MERSEY, Navigation of the. Denham, H. M. . . 2472.17 MERSSEMAN, J. de. Hommes remarquables de la Flandre occidentale. See Carton, C. . . 2843.3 MERULA, G. Historiarum Mediolani decas secun- da. [Muratori. Rerum Ital. script.] . v.25of 2710.1 MERVILLE, M. G. de. See Guyot de Merville, M. MERY, C. de. Histoire generate des proverbes, adages, sentences, apophthcgmes. Paris, 1828-29. 3v. 8 *2176.12 MESCHINO, II. See Guerino detto il Meschino. MESEMBRYANTHEMUM. Monographia generis mesembryanthemi. See Salm-Reiflerschcid- Dyck,J.von 3900.12 MKSMER and Swedenborg. Bush, G 3452.22 MESMERISM, Journal of. See Zoist 3768.1 Lang, W. Hist., phenomena, and practice of. 3809.25 Martineau, H. Letters on 3769.22 See also: Animal magnetism. MESOMEDES. Hymnen. See Dionysius JEneus . 4052.25 MESOPOTAMIA. Fletcher, J. P. Travels in . . . 3049.1 - Hoefer, J. C. F. Histoire et description de Mesopotamia 2266.10 MESSAGES des sciences et des arts de la Belgique, 1833-56, avec tables, 1823-30,33-53. Gand. 1833-56. 25v. 8 *3319.1 MESSENIENNES, chants populaires, et poesies di- verses. Delavigne. J. F. C 4678.7 Shelf. No. MESSENIUS, J. Scondia illustrata, aucta a .1. Pe- ringskiold. Stockholmiae, 1700-5. 15v.ini. f. *2820.2 Contents. Chronologia de rebus Scondia!, hoc cat, Suecios, Daniae, Norvceise, atque una Islandix, Oronlandiseque, tarn ecclestasticia quam politicis, a mundi cataclysmo, usque ad annum MDCXII geatis; Historia sanctorum et presulum Scondirc j De re- bus Vencdarum Borealium (sc. Finnonum, Livon- um et Curlandorum) ad Scondiam pertinentium ; Apologia historia; Suecanae ab orbia diluvio ad MCDXLVIII j Censura de historia Scondias, per alioa scripta olim, et nuper autores, horum prodena, et explodens, plus quam sexcentos errores ; His sinccrus regum Scondicorum catalogus et chronographorum elenchus, accesscrunt ; Epitome Scondiaa illustrate, aive chronologia quocdam brevis de rebus gestis Sue- cioaj, Oanice et Norvegiae tarn ecclesiasticis, quam politicis. ex xiv tomis aliundeque compilata, et a diluvio inchoata, sed anno Christ! MDCXVI termi- nata; Index. MESSIAH, The. Klopstock, F. G 2896.4 MESSLER, A. Importance of cherishing domestic feeling in our church : a sermon. N. York, 1845. 8 *Pph.v.l92 METAGENES. See Poet. com. Graec. fragm. . . 3002.14 METALLURGY. Lehrbuch der Metallurgie. Schee- rer, T 3865.9 See also : Electro-metallurgy, Foundry, Iron, Met- als, Mines, Moulder, Ores. METAL-WORK and its artistic design. Wyatt, M. D. 4050. 14 METALS. Musxum metallicum. Aldrovandi, U. 3870.11 See also : Gold, Iron, Mercury, Metallurgy, Mines, Ores, Silver. METAMORPHOSIS Anglorum. Boxhorn, M. Z. . 2419.9 METAPHYSICS. Cousin, V. De la metaphysique d'Aristote 3604.12 Descartes, R. Meditations metaphysiques . 3586.6 Ferrier, J. F. Institutes of 3608.7 Hamilton, Sir W. Lectures on 3603.6 Kant, I. Metaphysical works 3602.4 Malebranche, N. Entretiens sur la metaphy- sique 3609.10 - Meditations metaphysiques 3609.6 Mamiani, T. Dialoghi di scienza prima . . 3004.6 Michelet, C. L. Examen de 1'ouvrage d'Aris- tote 3605.7 Oken, L. Fortsetzung des Sinnensystems . 3604.3 Schelling, F. W. J. v. Bruno, oder iiber das gottliche und natiirliche Princip der Dinge. 3455.11 Stewart, D. Dissertation on the progress of metaphysical philosophy E.218.14 See also: Intellect, Logic, Mental philosophy, Mind, Ontology, Philosophy, Psychology, Reason, Spirit. METASTASIO, P. Opere. Firenze, 1780-82. 14v." sm.8 *2775.4 Contents. Vol. I. Artaserse ; Adriano in Siria j Demetrio. II. Olimpiade ; Issipile ; Ezio. III. Di- done abbandonata ; La clemenza di Tito ; Siroe. IV. Catone in Utica ; Demofoonte ; Alessandro. V. Achillein Sciro; Ciroriconosciuto; Temistocle. VI. Zenobia; Ipermestra; Antigono. VII. Semiramide ; L'eroe cinese; Attilio Regolo. VIII. Nitteti ; Gius- tino; II sogno di Scipione; II natal di Giove. IX. H re pastore ; L'asilo d'amore ; La pace fra la virtu, e la bellczza; L'isola disabitata; LcCinesi; Ilveroomag- gio; L'amor prigioniero; II Ciclope; II parnaso accu- eato, e difeso. X. II trionfo di Clelia ; Romolo, ed Ersilia; Partenope ; Alcide ul bivio ; Egeria. XI. II tempio dell' eternita ; II Parnaso confuso ; II trionfo d'amore; Astreaplacata; Lacontesa de' Xumi; L'En- dimione; L'origine delle leggi; II ratio d'Europa; Le grazie vendicate ; II palladio conservato; I voti pub- blici i La pubblica felicita ; II sogno. XII. GH orti esperidi ; L'angelica, serenata ; Epitalamj ; La Gala- tea ; II convito degli Dei : La morte di Catone ; La strada della gloria; Ladanza; Canzonette ; Sonetti. XIII. Gioas re di Giuda ; Betulia liberata ; S. Elena al Calvario; Giuseppe riconosciuto; La morte d'Abel; La passione di Gesii Cristo ; Per la festivita del S3. natale ; Isacco, flgura del Redentore; Ode per il S3. natale. XIV. Cantate; Dissertazione; Distribuzione dell" edizione ; Tavola delle arie. Opere. Firenze, 1819. 16v. 8 *2775.1 Contents. Vol.1. Vita di Pietro Metastasio ; Di- doue abbandonata; Siroe; Catone in Utica; Variant! della Didone ; Intermezzo primo e secondo della DI- METASTASIO 527 METRODORUS JETASTASIO, P. continued. done i Variant! del Catone. II. Ezio ; Alessandro nell' Indie ; Semiramide; Variant! dell' Alessaudro; Varianti della Semiramide. III. Artaserse; Adriano in Siria; Demetrio; Issipile ; Varianti dell' Adriano. IV. Olimpiade; Demofoonte ; La clemenza di Tito; Achille in Sciro. V. Ciro ricouosciuto ; Tcmistoclei Zenobia; Attilio Rcgolo. VI. Antigono ; Ipernies- tra; II re pastorc; L'eroe cinese; Nittctt. VII. II tri- onfo di Clclia; Romolo ed Ersilia; II Ruggiero ossia 1'eroica gratitudine ; Siface; Giustino. VIII. Per la festivita del santo natale; La passioned! GesiiCristOi Sant' Elena al Calvario ; La morte d'Abele ; Giu- seppe riconosciuto i Betulia liberata ; Gioas re di Giuda ; Isacco, figura del Rcdeutorc; La Galatea; L'Endimione ; Gli orti Esperidi. IX. L'Angclica, serenata; La contesa de' Numi: II tempio dell' cter- nita; L'asilo d'amore; II sogno di Scipione; II Palla- dio conservato; Le grazie vendicatc ; Le Cinesi ; II parnaso accusato c difeso; La pace fra la virtu e la bellezza; Astrea placata; II natal di Glove; L'amor prigioniero; II vero cmaggio; La danza; Augurio di felicita; La rispettosa tenerezza; La virtuosa emula- zione. X. L'isola disabitata; Tributo di rispetto e d'amore; La gara; II sogno; La ritrosia disarmata ; Alcide al bivio; L'ape; L'Ateuaide, ovvero gli affetti generosi; Egeria; II parnaso eoni'uso; La corona; La pace fra le trc dee j II trionfo d'amore ; Partenope. XI. La cioccolata e il tabaceo ; Cantate xn ; Can- tate; Complimento ; Componimenti sacri; Epita- lamj in; Teti e Peleo. II ratto d'Europa; II convito degli dc-i; Ivoti pubblici; La pubblica felicita. XII. Elegia; La morte di Catone ; L'origine dellc leggi; Lastrada della gloria; La dcliziosa imper. resideu- za di Schonbrunn; Traduzione di uu epigramma greco; Traduzione della satira ill di Giovenale; Satira IT del. libro II di Quinto Orazio Flacco; Invito a cena d'Orazio a Torquato ; Risposta ad Orazio ; Arte poetica, epistola di Q. Orazio Flacco a' Pisoni; Note di Metastasio all' arte poetica di Q. Orazio Flacco; Dis- sertazione di R. de' Calsabigi sopra Mctastatio. XIII. Estratto dell' arte poetica d 1 Aristotile; Osservazioui sul tcatro greco; Tragedie di Escbilo; Simili di Sofocle ; Simili di Euripide; Commedie di Aristofane. XIV., XV. Lettere. XVI. Lcttere; Sentenze e massime ; Descrizioni e simiiitudini; Biglietti; Testamento di Gianvincenzo Gravina; Testamento dell' abate Pie- tro Metastasio ; Codicillo ; Lcttera del sig. consigl. Martinez al sig. avv. Cammillo Volta ; Indice gen- erale. Opere dramatichc. Milano, 1823. 14v. 12. [Teatro sccltoitaliaao, v. 13-20] *4779a.6 Contents. Vol. I. Artaserse; Adriano; Auguriodi felicita. II. Demetrio; Olirapiade; II natal di Giove; L'isola disabitata. III. Issipile; Ezio; II vero oraag- gio ; L'amor prigioniero ; II Ciclope ; La ritrosia dis- armata; La pace fra la virtu e la bellezza. IV. Didone abbandonata; La clemenza di Tito; Le grazie veudi- cate; II sogno ; La coutesa de' Numi. V. Siroe ; Ca- tone in Utica ; II palladio conservato ; II parnaso ac- cusato e difeso- VI. Demofoonte ; Alcssandro nell' Indie; Astrea placata ; Alcide al bivio. VII. Achille in Sciro ; Ciro ricouosciuto ; Egeria; II Parnaso con- fuso ; II trionfo d'amore. VIII. Temistocle ; Zeno- bia; Partenope. IX. Ipermestra; Antigouo; L'Endi- mione ; L' Angelica. X. Semiramide ; II re pastore j L'Atenaide; L'asilo d'amore; La danza. XI. Attilio Regolo; Nitteti ; La corona ; Gli orti Esperidi. XII. Romolo ed Ersilia; II Kuggiero; II sogno di Scipionej L'Ape ; La gara ; Tributo di rispetto e d'amore ; La rispettosa tenerezza ; La pace fra le tre dee. XIII. L'eroe cinese ; II trionfo di Clclia ; Le Cinesi ; II tempio dell' eternita; La Galatea. XIV. Per la festi- vita del S. natale ; La passionc di G. Cristo ; Sant' Elena al Calvario ; La morte d'Abele ; Giuseppe ri- conosciuto ; Betulia liberata ; Gioas re di Giuda s Isacco, figura del Redentore. Drammi scelti. [Parnaso italiano, v.47] . . *2769.2 La Nice ridotta ad ottave rusticali. See Poe- sie di ecccl. autori toscani per far ridere le brigate , 4776.24 Lettere. [Kaccolta di prose e lettere nel se- colo 18, v.2] 2767.2 Memoirs. Ed. by C. Burney. London, 1796. 3v. 8 2775.2 Vita, aggiuntevi le massime e sentenze es- tratte dalle sue opere. Firenze, 1799. 4v. inl. 1G 2775.5 METCALF, S. L. New theory of terrestrial mag- netism. New York, 1833. 8" 3962.9 Shelf. No. METCALF, T. Address to the Phi Beta Kappa soc. of Brown university. Bost. 1833. 8. *Pph.v.S7 Reports of cases in the supreme court of Mass. [1840-47.] Boston, 1854-58. 13v. 8. *3G92.5 Perkins, J. C., and Curtis, G. T. Digest of decisions of the courts of common law and admiralty. Supplement by J. P. Putnam, and table by G. P. Sanger. Boston, 1854-56. 6v. 1.8 *3701.4 METCALF family. See Goodwin, N 2332.8 METCALFE, C.,lord. Life and correspondence. See Kaye, J. VV 2448.3 METEORS. Lubbock, J. W. Shooting stars . . . 31)22.8 Shepard, C. U. American meteorites. . .Pph.v.193 METEOROLOGICAL essays. Daniell, J. F 3900.3 METEOROLOGICAL observations. Beck, T. R. Ab- stract of returns of Pph.v.72 Dalton, J. M. observations 3904.4 Lefroy, J. H. M. observations E. 186.7 Lubbock, J. W. Discussion of 3901.5 See also : Great Britain (Admiralty), New York, United States. METEOROLOGY. Cacciatore, N. De redigendis meteorologicis observationibus .... E. 171.23 Claridge, J. Rules to judge of the weather. 3'. H. 14 Daniell, J. F. Elements of 39G4.9 Forry, S. Climatic features of the United States Pph. v.327 Ganot, A. Traite elementaire de meteorolo- gie 3905.7 Kiimtz, L. F. Lehrbuch dor Meteorologie . 3904.11 Kreil, C. Eutwurf eines Beobachtungs-Sys- tems 3904.3 Observations horaires faites a Bruxelles . E. 110.70 Peignot, E. G. Sur les hivers les plus ri- goureux 3904.15 Pouillet,C. S. M. Elements deniL-teorologie. 3904.18 Prout, W. M. considered with reference to natural theology 3485.2 Quetelet, L. A. J. Sur les variations de la temperature terrestre E.211.7 Ramond de Carbounieres, L. F. E. Sur la formule baromutrique de la mecanique ce- leste E. 211.9 See also: Air, Atmosphere, Barometer, Climate, Electricity, Hurricanes, Isothermal lines, Prognos- tics, Storms, Tornado, Wind. METHODE pour apprendre a lire par le systeme phonetique. Paris, 1853. 8 2112.11 METHODE pour reduire les distances luuaires,avec des tables lunaires. Genes. 1822. 8 .. **E. 189.12 METHODISM displayed, or the doctrines of the church. New York, 1793. 8 *Pph.v.32 METHODISM. Enquiry into the validity of Meth- odist episcopacy. Wilmington, 1807. 8. *Pph.v.29 METHODIST episcopal church, U. S. A. Minutes of conferences from 1773 to 1794. Phila., 1795. sm.l2 3548.2 Minutes taken at the several annual confer- ences for 1809. New York, 1809. 12. . *Pph.v.232 Minutes taken at the several annual confer- ences for 1823. New York, 1823. 8 . . *Pph.v.l75 Minutes of the annual conferences for 1843-4 1. New York, 1844. 8 *Pph.v.l39 History of. Bangs, N 3548.1 METHODIST quarterly review. N. York, 1854-59. v. 30-41. Ov. 8 *5300.1 METHODIUS. De vitando schismate tractatus. [Mai. Script, vet. nova coll. v. 3. p.l] . . 3000.1 METHODIUS, bp. of Tyre. See Guillon, M. N. S. Biblioth. des peres . . v.6 of 3499.30, v.5 of 3508.2 De libero arbitrio, Graece et Latine. [Meur- sius. Opera omnia, v.8] -2210.2 METRICAL romances. Ellis, G. Specimens of English metrical romances 2538.11 Ritson, J. English metrical romances .... ~!5:>S.S METRODORUS. See Brunck, R. F. P. Gnomici poe- taeGraeci 2908.5,6 METRODORUS Scepsius. See Fragmenta histori- corum Grsecorum, v.3 3002.11 METROPHANES 528 MEYER Shelf. No. METROPHANES, C. See Gerbert von Hornau, M. Scriptores eccles. do musica sacra, v.3 . . . 4011.7 METZ. Annalcs de, 832-903. [Guizot. Coll. mem. hist. France, v. 4] 2018. 2 Si '^e do, par Charles v, ecrit par un soldat. [Lafaist, L. Arch. hist. France, sar. 1, v.3]. 2617.1 Siuge de, par Charles v, <5crit par B. de Sa- ligiiac de Fenelon. [Michaud. Coll. mem. hist. France, ser. l,v.S] 2G11.1 - Same. [Petitot. Coll. mem. hist. France, ser. 1, v.3-!] 2025.1 MEUNG, or Clopiiicl, J. do. See Lorris, G. de. MEUNIUK, V. Jesus-Christ devant les conseils de guerre. See Considerant, V. P 3563.20 MEUESIUS, J., b. 1579, d. 1639. Opera omnia. J. Lamius recenscbat et scholiis illustrabat. Florentia:, 1741-03. 12v. f *2210.2 Contents. Vol. I. Dedicatio; Prtefatio pp. cxviii; De furuma Athcnarum; Atlienarum Atticarum librini; Do populis AtticiE ; Cccropia, sive de arce Athena- rum; Ccramicus geminus; De regibus Atheniensium, libri in; Pirajeus; De archontibus Atheniensium lib. IV! Theseus, sive deej us vita; Pisistratus, sivede ejus v.ta. II. Themis Attica, sive delegibus Athen.; Solon, give de cj us vita ; Areopagus, sive de senatu Areopagi ; Eleusiuia; Bibliotheca Attica: ^Eschylo, Sophocle, et Euripide in ea compreheusis ; Atticarum lectiouum libri IV; Panathenaia. III. De regno Laconico; Miscel- lanea Laeonica ; Creta, Cyprus, Rhodus ; Grecia furiata ; De ludis Grascorum ; Bibliotheca Graca. IV. Denarius Pythagoricus ; Theophrastus, sive de illiuslibris; Glossarium Gra;co-barbarum; Lectiones Theophrastea!. V. De luxu RomanorumV Bionyshis, sivede auctoiibus istius nominis et corura seriptis; De Hcraclide, aliisque ejus nominis; De gloria; Or- chestra, sive de saltatiouibus veterum; De puerpe;io; De funere ; Exercitationes criticae, in quibus cune Plau'.ina? ; Animadversion um miscellarum lib. iv ; Auctarium pliilologicum, in quo carmen funebre et epithalamium, etc. ; Ad Theocritum spicilegium et notsejLycophronis Alexandra poema, Meursius illus- travit, asc. J. Scaligeri versio Lat. VI. Notre ad Cato- nemdeagricultura; Animadversiones adi'hasdri fab- ulas; Arnobianus criticusetMinutianushypocriticus, cum appendice; Notas ad Macrobium de Saturnaliis; Notae in Chalcidium ; llelladii chrestomathia cum interpret. Lat. et notis ; Aristoxenus, Nicomachus, Alypius, auetores musices, Gr.-Lat. cum notis; Leo- nis imperatoris taclica, Gr. Lat. cum notis; Constan- tiuus Porphyrogen. de administrando imperio, tac- tica, de thematibus, et novella? constitutiones, Gr. et Lat. VII. Antigoni collectanea Grece et Lat. cum iiotis, etc.; Phlegon de rebus mirabilibus Grece et Lat. cum notis ; Apollonii historia coiumcntilia, Gr. et Lat. etc. ; Hesychius de viris illustribus, Gr. et Lat. etc.; Ejusdem res Constantinopoleos ; Bessarionis epist. ad pedagogum Gr. et Lat.; Constantini Ma- nassis annales, Grace et Latine; Codini excerpta de antiq. Constantinopolitanis, Grace et Latine ; The- odori Metochitaa hist. Komaua Gr. et Lat.; Phi- lostrati Sophista? epistolse, Gr. Lat. etc.; Adnota- tiones in Callimachum et Apuleium ; Julii Afri- can! cesti, Grace, cum notis ; llerodis Attici inscrip- tio Graca. VIII. Procopii Gazaei in libros Kegum et Paralipomenon scholia; Eusebii expositio in Can- ticumcant.; Polychronius in Canticum canticorum; Glyca; (M.) epistola, Gr. Lat.; Psellus (M.) in Cauti- cum cant. Gr. Lat; Palladii historia Lausiaca, Gr. Lat.; St. Cyrilli, in transflgurationem sermo, Gr. Lat.; S. Anastasii sermones duo, Gr. Lat.; St. Andreaa sermo, Gr. Lat.; Methodius de libero arbitrio, Gr. et Lat. ; Timotheus de differentia eorum qui acce- dunt ad nostram fidem, Gr. Lat. ; tlilarionis oratio dia- lectica, Gr. Lat. ; Theophylacti epistola;, Gr. Lat. IX. Uistoria Danica; Stephani historia Dauica; JEl- nothus de vita St. Canuti; Anon.de passione S. Car- oli, com. Flandrio! ; Observationes et responsio in historian! Dauicam. X. Rerum Belgicarum libri ; Gulielmus Auriacus sive de rebus, toto Belgio, tarn ab eo, quam eius tempore, gestis ; Athenaa Batavas; Pocmata; Meditationes in Psalmos cxvi et cxix; J. Meursii fllii, arboretum sacrum. XI. J. Meursii etali- orum ad eum epistola;. XII. Index generalis rerum. De luxu Romanorum. [Grasvius. Thesaurus antiq. Rom. v.8] 2950.1 See Gronovius, J. Thesaurus Graec. antiq. . 2960.2 Contents. Vol. IV. De populis ct pagis Attica;; De pracipuis Athcnarum antiquitatibus; De Atlienarum arce; De Ceramic! Atheniensium utriusque antiqui- tatibus; De regibus Atheniensium ; De archontibus Atheu. V. Foituna Attica, sive de Athen. origiue, etc.; Atticarum lectionum lib. iv; Piraeus; Themis Shelf. No. MEURSIUS, J. continued. Attica; Solon, sive de ejus vita, etc.; Areopagus; De regno Laconico; Miscellanea Laeonica. VII. Pana- thena:a; Eleusinia; Groscia feriata ; De ludis Grac- oruin. VIII. DC saltatiouibus veterum; De puerpe- rio, syntagma. IX. Denarius Pythagoricus, sive de numerorum qualitate ac nominibus, secundum Py- thagoricos. X. ./Eschylus, Sophocles, Euripides, sive de tragocdiis corum; Theseus, sive decjusvita, etc.; Dionysius, sive de auctoiibus istius nominis, corum- quescriptis; De Heraclide, aliisque ejus nominis, et eorum operibus; Theophrastus, sive de illius libris, qui injuria temporis interciderunt; Lcctioncs Theo- phrastea; ; Bibliotheca Graeca ; Bibliotheca Attica. XI. De funere, in quo Grasci et Romani ritus. Epistola dc obitu Joan. Meursii. Vorstius, A. [Gronovius. Thes. Graec. antiq. x] . . 2960.2 MEURSIUS, Job., films, 6.1613, d. 1653. De tibiis. [Gronovius. Thesaur. Grose, antiq. v. vinj. 2960.2 Arboretum sacrum. [Meursius. Opera, v. x]. 2210.2 MEUSE. Description du canal de jonction de la M. auRhin. Hageau, A 3941.2 MEUSEL, J. G. Lexikon der vom J. 1750 bis 1800 verstorb. Schriftsteller. Leipzig, 1802-16. 15v. sm. 8 *2156.2 Litteratur der Statistik. Lcipz. 1790-93. 2v. 8.*2185. 10 and others. Das gelchrte Teutschland. 5te Ausg. Lemgo, 1790-1834. 24v. sm.8 . . . 2158.3 MEXICAN history and archaeology, Observations on. [Smithsonian contrib. v. 9, art. 4] . . . 3340.1 MEXICAN war. Gallatin, A. Peace with M. Pph.v.161 Parker, T. Sermon on the 3443.1 Wetinore, P. M. Observations on the . . Pph.v.101 MEXICANO. El album Mexicano, periodico de li- teratura,artcs y bellas letras. Cumplido, I. 2390.15 MEXICO. Beaufoy, M. The present condition of 2314.8 Brasseur de Bourbourg, 1'abbe. Histoire des nations civilisees du Mexique, duraut les sieeles anterieurs a Christophe Colomb. . . 2315.20 Calderon de la Barca, F. E. Life in 2314.13 Clavigero, F. S. History of 2310.20 Cortes, H. Despatches during the conquest of 2314.1 Diaz del Castillo, B. Conquest of .... E. 225. 12 Heller, C. B. Reisen in Mexiko, 1845-48 . . 2304.9 Humboldt, F. H. A. v. Essai politique sur le royaume de la Nouvelle-Espagne .... 2310.2 - Political essay on New Spain 2314.5 Larenaudiere, P. de. Histoire et description de Mexique 2276.2 Las Casas, B. Narratio regionum Indicarum per Hispanos quosdam vastatarum .... 2311.16 Mill.K. History of 2314.7 Miihlenpfordt, E. Schilderung der Republik Mejico 2314.4 Niles, J. M. History of 2314.10 Pike, Z. M. Tour through the interior of. 2301.9 Ranking, J. Conquest, in the 13th century . 2314.2 Ruxton, G. F. Adventures in 2314.12 Soils, A. de. Conquest of M. by Spaniards. 2314.11 Tezozomoc, A. Histoire du Mexique . . . . 2314.9 MEYEN, F. J. F. Geography of plants, transl. by M.Johnston. London, 1846. 8. [Ray so- ciety, 6] *3824.11 MEYER, B. Vogel Liv-und Esthlands. Nurii- berg, 1815. 8 3905.10 and Wolf, J. Taschenbuch der deutschen Vo- gelkunde. Frankfurt a. M. 1810. 2v. 8". 3905.11 MEYER, C. E. Hermann v. Palaeologica. Frank- furt a. M. 1832. 8 3882.13 Index palffiontologicus. [Bischoff. Natur- geschichte der drei Reiche, v.15] 3815.1 and Plieninger, T. Palaontologie Wiirttem- bergs. Stuttgart, 1844. 1.4' *3890.7 MEYER, Friedrich J. L. Fragmente aus Paris, [1790.] Hamburg, 1797-98. 2v. 16 . ... 4656.17 MEYER, Friedrich L. W. F. L. Schroder. Bei- trag zur liunde des Menschen und den Kunstlers. Hamburg, 1819. 2v. 8 ... 2847.9 MEYER, G. M. G. F. Handel, eine biographische Charakteriatik. Berlin, 1857. 12 *4049.17 MEYER 529 MICHAUD Shelf. N< MEYER, Hcinrich. Oratorum Romanorum frag- mcnta ab Appio indc Caeco et M. Porcio Ca- tone usque ad Q. Aurelium Symmachum. Turici, 1832. 8 2912. MEYER, Hcndrik. Poetische Eerstelingcn. Am- steldam, 1802. 8 **E.225.1 MEYER, J. Das grosse Conversations-Lexicon. Hildburghauseu, 1840-55. 59v. 8. und Ab- bildungen. Vols. 2, 3 *A.130. Contents. 1 Abth. Vol. I. A. Alex. IL Alex Ango. III. Ango Aria. IV. 1st pt. Aris Astr; 2d pt. Astr Baden i 3d pt. Baden Beau ; 4th pt. Beau Bona. V. Bona Brou. VI. Brou Bzur. VII. 1st pt. C. Char ; 2d pt. Char Cono ; 3d pt. Cono Dcgo; 4th pt. Degra Eise. VIII. Eise Erla. IX. Erla Form. X. Ferm Fran. XI. Fran Geba. XII. Geba-Glas. XIII. Glas Gros. XIV. Gros Harn. XV. Harn Uiift. XVI. Huge Joha. XVII. Joha-Klap. XVIII. Klap Krai. XIX. pt. 1. Krai- Leon ; pt 2, Leon Lzou. XX. M. Meil. XXI. Meil Mont. XXII. Mont Nanu. XXIII. Nay Nye. XXIV. O. Ouwe. 2 Abth. Vol. I. O. Ouw. II. Ouy-Peli. III. Peli-Pist. IV. Pist Pugn. V. Pugn Robe. VI. Kobe Sand. VII. Sand Schr. VIII. Schr-Sidn. IX. Sidn Stae. X. Stae Szyr. XI. T.-Tosk. XII. Tosk-Unga. XIII. TJnga- Vico. XIV. 1st pt. Vice Wien ; 2. Wien Wolf. XV. Wolf-Zzab; Supplement. Vol. I. A. Bent. II. Bent Dhor. III. Diab Inge. IV. Inge Preu. V. Pric Vita. VI. Vitr Zuy. Abildungen. V. II. Ber-B. III. E.-G. MEYER, Johann H. Geschichte der bildenden Kiinstc bei den Griechen und Romern. Hrsg. von F. W. Riener. Dresden, 1836. 3v. 8. iv. 4. pi 4075.1 MEYER, John. Utility of insurances on lives and life annuities, with tables. New York, 1811. PP-Stf- 8 **E.171.10 MEYERE, J.^ de. Rerum Flandricarum tomi x. Brugis, 1843. [Bruges. Societe d'emula- tion de la Flandre.] *2821.17 MEYRICK, S. R. Antient armour, particularly in Great Britain. 2d ed. Lond. 1842. 3v. f. *2230.1 MEZERAY, F. E. de. Abr~] 4051.14 MICHAELIS, J. D. Introduction to the New Tes- tament. Transl. by H. Marsh. Cambridge 1793-1801. 4v. 8 . . 3423.14 Deutsche Uebersetzung des alien Testaments. See Bible 3426.9 MiCHAiLOWSKY-Danilewsky, A. I. Feklzu"-' in Frankreich, 1814. Ins Deutsch uebersetzt von C. von Kotzebue. Riga u. Leipzig, 1837-38. 2v.ini. 3005.9 Geschichte des vaterlandischen Krieges in 1812. Riga u. Leipzig, 1840. 4v. in1>. 8. 3005.10 MICHAUD, J. P. Bibliotheque des croisades. Paris, 1821). 4v. 8 Contents. Vol. I. Chroniques de France. II. Chron- iques d'ltalie et d'Angleterre. III. Chroniques d'Al- 2293.3 MICHAUD, J. F. continued. lemagnc ct du nord de 1'Europe; Chroniques diverses j Chroniques grccques, turques et armeniennes. iv! Chroniques arabes, traduites ct mises en ordre par M. Reinaud. Histoire des croisades, [nouv. et 7e e'ds.] aug- mentee par J. L. A. Huillard-Breholle's. Paris, 1849-54. 4v. 8 2293.1 and Poujoulat. Correspondance d'Orient, 1830-31. Paris, 1833-35. 7v. 8 *3045.13 - Nouvelle collection des memoires pour servir a 1'histoire de France, depuis le xiiie siecle jusqu' a la fin du xviiie. 3e ser. Pa- ris, 1851. 32v. 1.8" *2011.1 Contents. Ire serie. Vol. I. Memoires de Geoffroy deVille-hardouin, dela conqueste de Constantinople, 1198-1207 ; Continuation de I'histoire de VUle-har- douiu d'apres lea rat-moires de Henri de Valencien- nes; Memoircs du sire de Joinville, histoire de Saint- Louis, faite en 1309 i Indications analytiqucs pour le regncde Saint-Louis; Lettrede Jean Pierre Sarrasins, chambellan du roi de France a Nicolas Arrode, sur la premiere croisade de Saint-Louis; Extraits des histo- riens arabes relatifa aux deux croisades de Saint- Louis ; Anciens memoires du xive siecle sur Bcr- trand DuGuesclin: Pieces relatives aDu Guesclin,ou a son histoire ; Le livre des fais et bonnes meurs du sage roy Charles v, par Cristine de Pizan, damoiselle. II. Le livre des fais et bonnes meurs du sage roy Charles v; Indication analytique des documents pour les differents regnes depuis Saint-Louis jusqu'a Charles v, inclusivement; Le livre des faicts du bon messire Jean le Maingre, dit Boucicaut, marechal de France et gouverneurde Gennes; Histoire de Charles vi, roy de France, et des choses memorables adve- nues durant quarante-deux annees de son regne depuis 1380 jusqu'a 1422, par Jean Juvenal des Ursins, archeveque de Reims; Memoires de Pierre de Fenin; Journal d'un bourgeois de Paris sous le regne de Charles vi. III. Notice sur Jeanne d'Arc, surnom- mee la Pucelle d'Orleans ; Memoires concernant la Pucelle d'Orleans ; Indication analytique des docu- ments pour servir a I'histoire de Jeanne d'Arc ; His- toire d'Artus in, due de Bretaigne, comte de Riche- niont et connestable de France, conteuant ses memo- rabies faicts depuis 1'an 1413 jusques a 1'an 1457, raise en lumiere, par Th. Godefroy; Memoires relatils a Florcnt, sired'Illiers; Journal d'uu bourgeois de Paris sous le regne de Charles vn; Memoires de messire Olivier de La Marchc, augmentes d'un estat particu- lier de la maison du due Charles le Hardy, compose du mesme auteur, 1'an 1474 ; Memoires de Jacques Du Clercq. IV. Notice sur Philippe de Comi- nes et sur ses memoires ; Memoires de Philippe de Comines, 1461-1438 ; Histoire de Louys unzies- mc, voy de France, ct les choses memorables adve- nues de son regne, depuis 1'an 1460 jusques a 1483, autrement dicte la chronique scandaleuse, escrite par uu greffier de 1'hostel de ville de Paris (Jean de Troyes); Indication analytique des documents rela- tifs au regue de Louis XI ; Memoires de Guillaume de Villeneuve 1494-1496 ; Panegyric du chevallier sans reproche Louis de La Tremoille, par Jean Bou- chet, procureur de Poictiers; Tres joycuse, plaisaute et recreative histoire du bon chevalier (Bayard) sans paour et sans reprouche. V. Histoire des choses memorables advenues du rcigne de Louis xn et Francois i, en France, Italic, Allemagne ct es Pays- Bas, depuis 1'an 1499 jusques en 1'an 1521, raise par cscript par Robert de la Mark, seigneur de Fleurange et dc Sedan, mareschal de France; Journal de Louise de Savoyc; Memoires de messirc Martin du Bcllay, contenant le discours de plusicurs choses advenues au royaume de France, depuis 1'an 1513, jusques au tres- pas du roy Francois I, ausquel 1'hauteur a insure trois livres, et quelques fragments des Ogdoades de messire Guillaume du Bellay, seigneur de Langey, son frere, 1512-1547; Indication analytique des documents pour les regnes de Charles vin, Louis xn, ct Francois i. VI. Merooires de Francois de Lorraine, due d'Au- male ct de Guise, concernant les affaires de France ct les uC'gociations avec I'Ecosse, 1'Italie et 1' Allemagne, pendant les aunues 1547 a 15t>j; Memoires de Louis de Bourbon, prince de Conde, contenant ce qui s'est passe de plus memorable en France pendant les an- nees 1559 a 15G1; Memoires inedits d'Antoine du Pu- get, sieur de Saint-Marc, concernant les troubles de religion dans le raid! de la France, depuis 1'annee 1501 jusqu'a 1597. VII. Commentaires de messire Blaise de Montluc, mareschal de France, 1521-1574; Commentaires des dernieres guerres en la Gaule Belgique entre Henry second du nom, tres-chrestien roy de France, ct Charles ciuquiesiue, empereur, et MICHAUD 530 MICHAUD MICHAUD, J. F. continued. Philippes son fils, roy d'Espaigne, dedies au magna- nimc ct victoricux prince, le due de Nivcrnois, et pair de France, par Francois de Kabutin, gentil- homme de sa compaignie, 1551-1558. VIIL Notice sur Jean de Saulx ; Memoires et vie de Gaspard de Suulx, seigneur de Tavanncs j Memoircs de Guil- laume de Saulx, de Tavanncs ; Advis et conseils du marechal de Tavanncs, donnez au roy sur lea affaires de son temps ; Le siege de Metz par 1'empereur Charles v, en Pan 1552, par Bertrand de Salignac; Discours de Gaspar de Colligny, seigneur de Chastil- lon, admiral de France, oil sont sommairement conte- iities les cboscs qui ee sout passees durant le siege de Sainct-Quentin ; Memoire du voyage de M. le due de Guise en Italic, son rctour, la prinse de Callais et de Thiouville, 1556 ct 1557, par de La Chastre; Memoires de messire Guillaume de Rochechouart, seigneur de Jars, Breviande et La Faye, premier maistre d'hostel du roi Charles IX, et chevalier de son ordre, 1514-1565; Memoires d'Achille Gamon, avocat et consul d'An- nonai, 1560-1586; Memoires de Jean Philippi, 1560- 15!i(). IX. Memoires de la vie de Franjois de Sce- peaux, sire de Vieilleville ct comte de Durestal, mareschalde France, 1527-1571; Memoires de Michel de Castelnau, 1559-1569; Memoires du sieur Jean de Mcrgey, gentilhomme champenois, 1554-1589 ; Me- moires du sieur Franjois de La Noue, 1562-1570. X. Memoires du sieur Franjoys de Boyvin, chevalier, baron du Villars, conseiller ct maistre d'hostel ordi- naire des roynes Elizabeth et Loise, et bailli de Gez, sur les guerres demeslees tant en Piedmont qu'au Montferrat et duche de Milan, etc. ; Memoires de Marguerite de Valois, reine de France et de Navarre; Memoire justificatif pour Henri de Bourbon ; Me- moires de messire Philippe liurault, comte de Che- verny, chancelier de France; Memoires de Philippe Iluruult, abbe de Pontlevoy, evesque de Chartres, etc. XI. Memoires de Henri de La Tour d' Auvergne, vicomte de Turcnne, depuis due de Bouillon, adres- ses d sou fils le prince de Sedan; Memoires du due d'Angoulfimc, pour servir a 1'histoire des regnes de Henri in et de Henri iv; Memoires d'estat, par M. de Villeroy, conseiller d'etat et secretaire des com- mandemens des rois Charles IX, Henri in, Henri iv ct de Louysxm; Memoires de Jacques-Auguste de Thou depuis 1553 jusqu'en 1601 ; Memoires de Jean Choisnin, ou discours au vray de tout ce qui s'est faict et passe pour Pentiere negociation de 1'elec- tion du roi de Pologne; Harangues de Jean de Mont- luc a la noblesse de Pologne ; Relation faite par maitre Jacques Gillot, conseiller d'eglise a la grand" chambrc du parlcment de Paris, de ce qui se passa audit parlcment, scant aux Augustins, touchaut la regence de la reine Marie dc Medicis, mere du roi Louis xin, les 14 et 15 mai 1010 ; Memoires de Mathieu Merle, baron de Salavas; Memoires de Saint- Auban ; Comment et en quel temps la reine accoucha de M. le Dauphin, a present Louis xm, par Louise Bourgeois, dite Bonrsier, sage-femme de la reyne; Memoire fidele des choses qui se sont passees a la mort de Louis xin, fait par Dubois, 1'un des valets de chambre de sa majeste, le 14 mai 1643; Memoire de Michel de Marillac, garde des sceaux ; Memoires de messire Claude Groulart, premier president du parlcment de Normandie, ou voyages par lui faits en cour. XII. Premiere partie. Chronologie novenaire, contenant 1'histoire de la guerre sous le regne de Henri iv, et les choses les plus memorables ad venues par tout le monde depuis le commencement de son regne, 1'an 1589, jusques a la paix faicte a Vcrvins en 1598, par Pierre Victor Cayet, docteur en la sacree faculte de theologie ; Deuxieme partie. Chronologie septenaire. 2e Serie. Vol. I. Premiere partie. Me- moircs et journal de Pierre PEstoile; Registre-journal de Henri in, roy de France et de Polongne, 1574 a 1589; Pieces diverses. Deuxieme partie. Registre jour- nal de Henri iv et de Louis xm, public d'apres le manuscrit autographe de PEstoile, en partie ined., par Champollion-Figeae et Aime Champollion flls. II. Memoires des sages et royales economies d'estat, domestiques, politiques et militaires de Henry le Grand, et des servitudes utiles, obeissances convcna- bles, et administrations loyales de Maximilian de Bethune, due de Sully. III. Memoires des sages et royales economies; Remarques sur les memoires des sages et royalles coconomies d'estat, domestiques, politiques et militaires, par Marbault, secretaire de Duplessis-Moruay. IV. Les negociations du presi- dent Jeannin. V. Memoires de messire Francois Duval, marquis de Fontenay-Mareuil ; Memoires concernant les affaires de France, sous la regence de Marie de Medicis, contenant un detail exact des intrigues de la cour, des desordres et guerres dans le royaume, et de tout ce qui s'y est passe de remarqua- MICHAUD, J. F. continued. Shelf. No.. ble depuis 1010, avcc un journal des conferences de Loudun, par P. Phelypeaux de Pontchartrain; Relation exacte de tout ce qui s'est passe a la mort du marechal d'Ancre ; Memoires da due de Rohan Bur les choses advenues en France depuis la mort de Henri le Grand jusques a 1629 ; Memoires sur la guerre de la Valteline. VI. Memoircs du mare- chal de Bassompierre; Memoires du marechal d'Es- trees, contenant les choses les plus remarquablcs arrivees sous la regence de Marie de Medicis et le regne de Louis xm; Memoires du sieur dePontis, qui a scrvi dans les armees 5G ans, sous les rois Henri iv, Louis xm, et Louis xiv, contenant plusicurs circoustances remarquables des guerres, de la cour, et du gouvernement de ces princes. VH., VIIL Memoires du cardinal de Richelieu sur le regne de Louis xm depuis 1610 jusqu'a 1638. IX. Memoires du cardinal dc Richelieu ; Succincte narration des grandes actions du roi ; Testament du cardinal de Richelieu ; Memoires d'Arnauld d'Andilly ; Me- moircs de Pabbe Arnauld, contenant quelques anec- dotes de la cour dc France, depuis 16'34 jusqu'a 1675; Memoires de Gaston, due d'Orleans, contenant ce qui s'est passe en France de plus considerable depuis Pan 1698 jusqu'en 1'annee 1636 ; Memoires de la duchesse de Nemours, conteuant ce qui s'est passe de plus particulier en France pendant la guerre de Paris jusqu'a la prison du cardinal de Retz en 1652, avec les differents caracteres des personnes de la cour. X. Memoires de madame de Motteville ; Memoires du pere Berthod. 3e Serie. Vol. L Me- moires du cardinal de Retz, publics pour la pre- miere Ibis sur le mauuscrit autographe, avec leur complement jusqu'en 1679, d'apres les documents oricfmaux, par MM. Champollion Figeac et Aime Champollion fils. II. Memoires de Guy Joly ; Me- moires concernant le cardinal de Retz, extraits d'une histoire manuscrite de Peglise de Paris, composee par Claude Joly, chanoine de cette tglise ; Memoires de Pierre Lcuct, procureur general au parlement de Dijon, concernant I'histoire du prince de Conde depuis sa naissance, en 1627, jusqu'au traite des Py- renees, en 1639. III. Memoires du comte de Brienne, ministre ct secretaire d'etat, contenant les evC-ne- mcns les plus remarquables du regne de Louis xm, et ceux du regne de Louis xiv jusqu'a la mort du cardinal Mazarin ; Memoires de Claude de Bour- deille, comte de Montresor; Relation faite par M. de Fontrailles des choses particulieres de la cour arrivees pendant la favour de M. de Cinq-Mars, grand ccuyer, avec sa mort et ccllc dc M. de Thou; Memoires du comte de La Chatre, contenant la fin du regne de Louis xm et le commencement de celui de Louis xiv; Observations de M. le comte de Brienne sur les memoires de M. de La Chatre ; Extrait des memoires de Henri de Campion ; Memoires du marechal vi- comte de Turenne, contenant I'histoire de sa vie depuis Pannee 1643 jusqu'eu 1659; Memoires du due d'Yorck sur les evenements arrives en France pen- dant les annues 1652 a 1659. IV. Memoires de mad- emoiselle de Montpensier, fille de Gaston d'Or- leans; Memoires de Valentin Conrart, premier secre- taire perpetuel de Pacademie franffaise. V. Me- moires de Frauffois de Paule de Clermont, marquis de Montglat, contenant I'histoire de la guerre entre la France et la maisou d'Autriche, depuis la declaration de la guerre en 1635 jusques a la paix des Pyrenees en 1660; Memoires de La Rochefoucauld; Memoires de Jean Herault de' Gourville, conseiller d'etat, concer- nant les affaires auxquelles il a etc employe par la cour, depuis 1642 jusqu'en 1698. VI. Memoires de Omer Talon, avocat general en la courdc parlement de Paris, continues par Denis Talon, sou fils; Me- moires pour servir a I'histoire de Louis xiv, par Pabbe de Choisy. VII. Memoires du due de Guise; Memoires du marechal de Gramont; Relation du passage du Rhin par le cte de Guiche; Memoires des divers emplois etc. du marechal Du Plcssis; Memoires de M. de * * *, pour servir a I'histoire du xvue siecle. VIII. Memoires de P. dc La Porte, premier valet de chambre de Louis xiv, contenant plusieurs particu- larites des regnes de Louis xin ct de Louis xiv; Memoires de ce qui s'est passe dans la chrctiente depuis le commencement de la guerre, en 1678, jus- qu'a la paix conclue en 1679, par le chevalier Tem- ple ; Histoire de madame Hcnriette d'Angleterre, premiere femme de Philippe de France, due d'Or- leans, par madame de La Fayettc ; Memoires de la cour de France pendant les annces 16SS et l(Jt>9, par lamenie; Memoires ct reflexions sur les principaux evenements du regne de Louis xiv, et sur le carac- tere de ceux qui y ont eu la principale part, par le marquis de La Fare; Memoires du marechal de Ber- wick, ecrits par lui-meme, avec une suite ubregce, MICHAUD 531 MIDDLETON Shelf. No. MICHATJD J. F. continued. depuis 1716 jusqu'asa raort, en 1"34, precedes (Tune ebauche d'elogc historique, par le president lie Mon- tesquieu, et de son portrait par milord Bolingbroke; Souvenirs de madame de Caylus; Memoires du mar- quis de Torcy, pour servir a 1'histoire des negocia- tions depuis le traite de Riswick jusqu'a la paix d'Utrecht. IX. Mtmoires du marechal cle Villars, ccrits par lui-meme; Mt-moiresdu comte de Forbin, chef d'escadre; Memoires de Duguay-Trouin, lieu- tenant general des armies navalcs de France. X. Memoires politiques et inilitaires pour servir a 1'his- toire de Louis xiv et de Louis xv, composes sur les pieces originales recueillies par Adricn Maurice, due de Noailles, marechal de France ct miuistre d'etat, parl'abbu Miilot; Memoires secrets sur lesregnesde Louis xiv ct de Louis xv par Duclos, de 1' Academic franjaise; Memoires de madame de Staal, ecrits par elle-meme. MICHAUX, A., the father. Flora Boreali-Ameri- cana. Parisiis, 1803. 2v. 8 3842.7 Histoire des chenes dc 1'Amerique. Paris, 1801. f *3360.11 MICHAUX, F. A., the son. North American sylva, transl. [by Hillbouse.] "With notes by J. J. Smith. Philadelphia, 1850. 3v. 8 .... 3842.2 Travels to the westward of the Alleghany mountains, transl. by B. Lambert. Lon- don, 1805. 8 2361.6 MICHEL, F. Histoire des dues de Normandie et des rois d'Angleterre, d'apres deux MSS. suivie du Tournoi de Ham, par Sarrazin. Paris, 1840. 8. [SocietedePhist.de France]. *2616.7 Wayland Smith. See Depping, G. B 2230.12 See Monmcrque, L. J. N 2671.13 MICHEL-ANGELO. See Buonarroti. MICHELET, C. L. Examen de 1'ouvrage d'Aria- tote intitule metaphysique. Paris, 1836. 8. 3605.7 MICHELET, J. Du pretre, dc la femme, de la fa- mille. 2e ed. Paris, 1845. 12 4677.4 Histoire de France, [375-1483.] [Vols. 1, 2. 2ded.] Paris, 1835-44. Ov. 8 2624.5 Histoire de France au xvie siecle. Paris, 1855-50. 3v. 8. Namely: - Vol. I. llenaissance, 1484-1515 4602. 9 - II. ReTorme, 1508-47 4uiVj.io - III. Guerres de religion, 1547-72 .... 4662.8 Histoire de la revolution fran9aise. Paris, 1847-53. 7v. 8 4647.1 Histoire romaine : republique. Bruxelles, 1840. 3v. 18 2759.7 Introduction a 1'histoire universelle. 3e ed. Paris, 1843. 8 2211.5 Memoires de Luther, ecrits par lui-meme, sui- vis des biographies de Wicleff, Huss, Eras- me, Melanchton, Hutten, etc. Paris, 1837. 2v. 8" 2844.3 Origines du droit francais. Bruxelles, 1840. 2v. 10 3638.13 Proces des templiers. Paris, 1841-51. 2v. 4. [France. Coll. de docs. indd. 89, 90. Ireser.] *2640.4 MICHELINI, F. Trattato della direzione de' flumi. [Haccolta del moto dell' acque, v.4] . . . . 3942.1 MICHELL, W. Difficult cases of parturition: use of ergot. London, 1828. 8 *3775.14 MICHIELS, A. Etudes sur 1'Allemagne. 2e ed. Bruxelles, 1845. 2v. S- 2863.1 Histoire de la peinture flamande et hollan- daise. Bruxelles, 1845-48. 4v. 8 .... 4062.13 MICHIGAN. Report in relation to the improve- ment of state salt-springs. [Detroit, 1839.] 8 *Pph.v.l54 Report of the superintendent of public in- struction, 1839-40. [No title-page.] 8. *Pph.v.l41 System of public instruction, by F. W. Shear- man. Lansing, 1852. 8 *6387.1 Transactions of the state agricultural society for 1853-56. Vol. v.-vm. Lansing. 1854- 57. 4v. 8 *6387.2 MICHIGAN central railroad company : Conspiracy against the property of, by Fitch and others ; Trial of the conspirators. See Report, etc. 3684.14 Shelf. No. MICHIGAN university. See Ann Arbor. MICKLE, W. 3. Poems and life. [Chalmers. Eng. poets] v.!7of 2592.7 Translation of the Lusiad of Camoens. [Chal- mers. Eng. poets] v.21of 2592.7 MICKLEHAM church, Architecture and age of. Robinson, P. F 2470.2 MICROCOSMOGRAPHY, or, a piece of the world dis- covered. Earle, J 3587.18 MICROSCOPE. Baker, H. Employment for the . 3920.42 - Microscope made easy 3920.43 Beale, L. The microscope and its application to clinical medicine 3920.44 Burucker, W. Universal-Mikroskop . v.2 of 3883.8 Grunow, J. and W. and Co. Catalogue of ach- romatic microscopes 3920.26 Quekett, J. Treatise on the use of the . . . 3920.40 Robin, C. Du M. et des injections, etc. . . . 3920.41 MICROSCOPICAL examination of soundings made by the U. S. coast survey; Miscroscopical ob- servations made in S. Carolina, Georgia, and Florida. [Smithsonian contrib. Vol. H. art. 3, 8] 3340.1 MICROSCOPICAL organisms, New species and lo- calities of. [Smithsonian contrib. Vol. VII. art. 3] 3340.1 MICROSCOPICAL researches into the accordance in the structure and growth of animals and plants. Schwann, T 3724.2 MIDDEXDORP, H. A. .Dissertatio inauguralis de aphthis neonatorum. Groninga:, [1810.] 8 *M.Pph.v.l06 MIDDLE ages. Battini, C. Apologia del secoli barbari 2236.3 CibrariOjL. Della economia politica del medio evo 3648.4 Du Sommerard, A. Les arts au moyen age . 4071.15 Heckcr, J. F. C. Epidemics of the 3714.10 Koeppen, A. L. The world in the 2300.2 Lame-Fleury, J. Histoire du moyen age, racontee aux eufans 2308.11 Lelewel, J. Geographic du moyen age . . . 2285.1 Lochner, G. W. K. Geschichte des Mittelal- tcrs 2292.7 See also : Crusades. MIDDLEBURY, Vt. Middlebury college and Ver- mont academy of mediciue. Catalogue, 1821, 23-20. Castleton and Poultney, 1821-26. 8. *M.Pph.v.9,ll,15,22,33 See also : Castleton, Vt. MIDDLEMORE, R. Diseases of the eye and its ap- pendages. London, 1835. 2v. 8 3804.6 MIDDLESEX, County of, Conn. Statistical account of. Field, D. D 2336.2 MIDDLESEX, County of, Eng. Bowack, J. Anti- quities of 2491.12 Post office directory of 2484.18 See also : Brentford, Ealing, Edmonton, Fulham, Hampsteail, Ilighgatc, Islington, London, Totten- ham, Uxbridgc, Westminster. MIDDLESEX, County of. A/ass. Auxiliary society for the education of pious youth. Address. Cambridge, 1819. 8 v.lof*5175.3 - Annual report of the directors, 1830, 31. Boston, Charlestown, 1830, 31. 8 . . v.2 of *5175.3 Bible society. Constitution. Concord, 1820. 8 v.2of*5175.3 - 1st, Oth, 10th, 19th report. Cambridge, 1816-34. 8. [Am. Bib. soc. reports, 1821-35]. 3420.5 MIDDLESEX mechanic association. See Lowell. MIDDLETON, Christopher. Reply to A. Dobbs on Captain Middleton's vindication. London, 1744. 8 2529.2 MIDDLETON, Conyers. Bibliotheca Cantabrigien- sis ordinandae methodus. Cantabrigian, 1723. pp.24. 4 *2122.1 Conformity between popery and paganism. 5th ed. London, 1742. 8 3463.20 Origin of printing in England. Cambridge, 1735. pp.29, sm.4" *2111.6 MIDDLETON 532 MIGLIOHE Shelf. No. MIDDLETON, Conyers; continued. Miscellaneous works. 2d ed. London, 1755. 5v. 8 3507.5 Contents. Vol. I. Preface ; Introductory discourse ; Postscript; A free inquiry into the miraculous powers which are supposed to have subsisted in the Christian church from the earliest ages, through several succes- sive centuries; Letters to Warburton; Three Letters j Letter to Mr. Venn. II. Remarks on two pamphlets; Vindication of the Free inquiry ; Preface to an in- tended answer to all objections made against the Free inquiry ; Reflections on the dispute of Peter and Paul; Reflections on the variations found in the four evangelists ; Essay on the gift of tongues j Remarks on the story of St. John and Cerinthus; Essay on the allegorical interpretation of the creation and fall of man. III. Letter to Dr. Waterland on his vindica- tion of scripture, and defence of (he letter; Remarks on a reply to the defence; Remarks on some observa- tions, addressed to the author of the letter to Dr. Waterland ; Remarks on Dr. Bcntley's Proposals ; Some farther remarks. IV. Oratio de novo physiolo- gic explicandae munere ; De Latinarum litterarum pronunciatione dissertatio ; Bibliotheca? Cantabri- giensis ordinanda? methodus ; De medicorum apud veteres Romanes degentium conditione dissertatio ; Treatise on the Roman senate ; Preface to trans- lations of Cicero's epistles. V. .Letter from Rome, shewing an exact conformity between popery and paganism, with a prefatory discourse, and a post- script ; Examination of the Bishop of London's dis- courses concerning the use and intent of prophecy ; Dissertation concerning the origin of printing in Eng- land ; Index. Observations upon Dr. Middleton's free in- quiry into the time when miracles ceased. See Whiston, W v.2of 3556.9 MIDDLETON, H. Voyage to Bantam and the Ma- luco Islands. Ed. by Bolton Corney. Lon- don, 1855. 8. [Hakluyt society] *2264.16 MIDDLETON, P. Historical inquiry into the an- cient and present state of medicine. New York, 1769. 8 *M.Pph.r.l2 MIDDLETON, T. See Dodsley. Old plays .... 2588.1 Contents. Vol. V. A mad world, my masters. XI. The mayor of Quinborough. A trick to catch the old one ; Women beware women, a tragedy. [Old English plays, v.5]. 2607.1 and Dekkar, T. The roaring girl, or Moll Cut-Purse. [Dodsley. Old plays, v. 6] . . . 2588.1 Fletcher, P., and Jonson, B. The widow. [Dodsley. Old plays, v. 12] 2588.1 and Rowley, W. The changeling, a tragedy ; The Spanish gipsy, a comedy; More dis- semblers besides women, a comedy. [Old English plays, v.4] 2607.1 MIDDLETOWN, Conn. Epidemic typhus in 1823. Miner, T M.Pph.v.120 MIDNIGHT and daily thoughts j poems. Kille- grew, Wm 2558.25 MIDSUMMER day's dream, A. Atherstone, E. . 2399.37 MIDSUMMER night's dream, Introduction to the. Halliwell, J. 2597.24 MIDWIFERY. Astruc, J. Art of 3774.1 Bard, S. Theory and practice of 3779.8 Barlow, J. Essays on 3774.5 Baudelocque, J. L. L'art des accouchemens. 3774.6 Blundell, J. Lectures on 3774.7,8 Boivin, M. A. V. G. L'art des accouche- mens 3774.9 Burns, J. Principles of 3774.10,11 - Observations on abortion 3779.28 Burton, J. New system of 3774.13 Capuron,J. Cours d' accouchemens . . . 3774.14,15 Caquets de 1'accouchee 2069.7 Cazeaux, P. Midwifery, including the dis- eases of pregnancy 3774.16 - Traite" de Part des accouchements .... 3774.22 Chailly, N. C. H. Traits' de 1'art des accouche- ments . . . 3774.12 - Treatise on 3774.17 Chapman, E. Treatise on improvement of . 3774.18 Churchill, F. Theory and practice of . . 3774.19,20 Clarke, J. Management of labor 3774.21 Shelf. No. MIDWIFERY, continued. Clay, C. British record of obstetric medicine and surgery 3774.23 Cock, T. F. Manual of obstetrics 3774.24 Collins, K. Practical treatise on 3773.1,2 Conquest, J. T. Outlines of 3773.3 Daventer, H. a. Art of M. improve 1 .... 3773.5 Davis, D. D. Elements of operative M. . . . 3771.20 Denman, T. Aphorisms on preternatural la- bours 3779.31 - Introduction to the practice of 3773.7,8 - Obstetrical remembrancer 3779.30 - Obstetrician's vademecum 3779.1 Dewees, W. P. System of 3773.11 - Essays on 3773.10 Foster, E. Principles and practice of . . . . 3773.13 Frye, C. B. Swelling of the lower extrem- ities incident to lying-in M.Pph.v.119 Gardien, C. M. Traite d'accouchemens . . . 3775.25 Gooch, R. Compendium of 3779.9 Granville, A. B. Midwifery at the Westmins- ter dispensary M.Pph.v.124 Hamilton, A. Treatise of 3773.14 Hamilton, J. Observations on 3773.15 Ingleby, J. T. Facts in obstetric medicine . 3773.16 Lachapclle, M. L. D. Pratique des accouche- mens 3773.19 Lee,K. Clinical M., 545 cases 3773.21 Levrct, A. L'art des accouchemens 3773.24 - Essai sur les abus des regies des accouche- nit'iis 3773.25 - Causes de plusieurs accouchemens labo- rieux 3773.26 London practice of 3779.12 Mackenzie, C. M. Lectures on . . . . M.Pph.v.108 Maunsell, H. Dublin practice of 3772.3 Mauquest de Lamotte, G. Traite complet des accouchemens 3772.1 Mauriceau, F. Diseases of women in child- bed . . 3776.26 Meigs, C. D. Philadelphia practice of ... 3772.5 Nihell, E. Treatise on 3772.9 Osborn, W. Practice of 3772.11 Osiander, J. F. Ueber die franzosische Ge- burtshUlfe 3776.28 Peu, P. La pratique des accouchemcns . . 3772.12 Plenck, J. J. Elementa artis obstetriciae . . 3772.14 Portal, P. Compleat practice of midwives . 3772.15 Power, J. Treatise on 3772.16 Pugh, B. Treatise of 3772.15 Ramsbotham, J. Observations in 3772.20 Remarks on the employment of females. M.Pph.v.109 Rigby, E. Memoranda for practitioners in . 3779.32 - System of 3772.22 Roberton, J. Practical M 3770.10 Ryan, M. Manual of 3772.24 Seneaux, J. F. De 1'application du forceps dans les accouchemens . 3772.25 Simpson, J. Y. Obstetric memoirs and con- tributions 3772.27 Smcllie, W. Theory and practice of . . . . 3771.4 Smith, W. T. Parturition and obstetrics . . 3771.5 Stein, G. W. L'art d'accoucher 3771.0 Stone, S. Complete practice of 3779.11 Syllabus of lectures on 3771.7,10 Tucker, D. H. Principles and practice of . . 3771.11 Vclpeau, A.L.M. Del'art des accouchemens. 3771.13 Ware,J. Employment of females in . M.Pph.v.102 Warrington, J. Obstetric catechism .... 3771.14 White, C. Management of lying-in women. 3776.36 - Swelling of the lower extremities in lying- in women 3776.35 See also : Foetus, Forceps, Parturition, Pregnancy, Puerperal fever, Uterus. HIEGE, G. Relation de trois ambassades de Mgr. le comte de Carlisle. Nouv. 6d. par A. Ga- litzin. Paris, 1857. 16" 3069.35 MIELLE, J. F. See Fortia d'Urban, A. J. F. X. MIGLIORE, G. Sopra una inscrizion lapidaria. [Raccolta di opuscoli scientific!, v.l] . . . 5274.1 MIGNE 533 MIGNE Shelf. No. MIGXK, J. P. Encyclopedic theologique, ou serie de dictionnaires sur la science religieuse. v. 1-4, 9-12, 15-17, 40, 41, 43, 44. Paris, 1845- 51. 15v. imp. 8". Namely -. Vol. I-I V. Dictionnaire historique, archdolo- gique, philologique, chronologique, geogra- phiquc et litteral de la Bible, par le R. P. Augustin Calmet. 4e ed. par 1'abbe A. F. James *3430.1 IX-X. Cours alphabetique et meihodique de droit canon mis en rapport avec le droit ecclesiastique, par 1'abbe Andre *3430.2 XI-XII. Dictionnaire dcs heresies, des er- reurs, et dcs schismes, par M. 1'abbe J. J. Claris *3430.6 X V-XVII. Dictionnaire alphabctico-method- ique des ceremonies et des rites sacres, le tout d'apres la liturgie romaine, redigc par 1'abbe Boissonnet *3430.3 XL-XLI. Dictionnaire hagiographique, ou vies dcs saints et des bienheureux, des di- vers ages de 1'eglise, par 1'abbe Petin . . . *3430.4 XLI1I-XLIV. Dictionnaire des pelerinages anciens et modernes, et des lieux de devo- tion les plus celebres de 1'univers, par Louis de Sivry,et 31. Champagnac *3430.5 Patrologia? cursus completus, ab aevo apos- tolico ad Innocentii in tempora. Series prima-secunda. [Scriptores Latini.] v.l- 217. Parisiis, 1844-55. 217 in 213v. Imp. 8. 3440.1 Note. The following contents include the names of all authors specified upon the several title-pages of these volumes. Fragments of many writers of minor importance are, however, contained in this great col- lection. These, also, are to be found under the names of their authors, in the catalogue at large, with refer- ences to the volumes of the Patrologias cursus, in which they are printed. Contents. First Series. Vol. I., II. Tertullianus. III. Minucius Felix, Cornelius, Lucius, Stephanas papa, Passio Perpetuas et Fclicitatis martyrum, Novatianus, Pontius. IV. Cyprianus. V. Arno- bius, Sixtus, Dionysius, Felix, Eutychianus, Caius [papse], Dionysius Alexandrinus, Commodianus, Magncs, Antonius, Victorinus. VI. Laetantius, Marcellinus, Marcellus, Eusebius, Melchiadcs, Cel- sus, Rheticius, Anon, carmen de laudibus Domini. VII. Lactantius, Fortunatus. VIII. Constantinl [Magni] decrcta, conciones, epistolse, Eusebii Pam- phili libri iv, de vita Constantini, Victorinua Afer, Eumenius, Sylvester, Marcus, Julius fpapae] Na- zarius, Osius, Candidus, Liberius [papa], Potamius. IX., X. Hilarius Pictaviensis. XI. Zcno, Optutus. XII. Eusebius Vercellensis, Firmicus, Matcrnus, Philastrius. XIII. Lucifer, Felix, Damasus, Siri- ciua [papce,] Faustinus, Marcellinus, Thcodosius imp., Pacatus, Vigilius Trident., Pacianus, Julius Ililarianus, Dionysius Filocalus, Polemeus Sylvius. XIV.-XVII. Ambrosius. XVIII. Murtinus Tu- roncnsis, Tichonius, Hilarius diaconus, Novatus catholicus, Symmachus, Maximus grammaticus, Mamertinus, Publius Victor, Ulfllas Gotliorum episcopus. XIX. Quart! saeculi poctx Christian!, viz. Juvencus, Optatianus, Scdulius, Severus rhetor, Faltonia Proba, Ausonius. XX. Quinti srcculi scrip- tores minores, nempe: Phccbadius; Anastasius; Faus- tus, Sulpicius Severus, Secundinus, Chromatius, Victricius, Pammachius, Oceanus, Innocentius i, Zosimus, Paulinus, Boniiacius I. papa, Severus Majoricensis, Gaudentius Brixianus, Aurelius Car- thaginensis, Bachiarius, Zacctucus, Evagrius. XXI. Kuflnus, Pelagius, Coclestius, Julianus, Anianus. XXU.-XXX. llieronymus. XXXI. Dexter, Orosius, Lcporius. XXXn.-XLVI. Augustinus. XLVII. Supplementum ad opera Augustini, opuscula, dis- quisitiones, etc. XL VIII. Marius Mercator. XLIX. Cassianus. L. Cassianus, nccnon nonnulli scrip- tores minores, nempe: Vigilius diaconus, Fastidius, Possidius, Ccelestinus i, Xystus in, Vincentius Lirinensis, Euchcrius, Ililarius Arclatensis, Antoni- nus Honoratus, Paschasinus, Turribius. LI. Pros- per Aquitanus, Idacius, Marcellinus comes. LII. Petrus Chrysologus, Valcrianus, Nicetas. LIII. Sal- vinnus, Arnobius junior, Mamertus Claudianus, Patrieius, Capreolus, Urnnius, Eustathius, Salo- nius, Philippus presbyter, Leo Bituricensis. LIV.- LVI. Leo i, Magnus, papa, et ejus commcntatores. 3 vols. LVU. Maxinius Taurineusis. LVIII. llilu- rus, papa, Simplieius, papa, Ruricius, Victor Viten- Shelf. No. MIGNE, J. P. continued. sis, Lupus, Euphronius, Sidonius Apollinaris, Per- petuus, Cerealis, Eugenius Carthaginensis, Faustus Rhcgiensis, Felix in, papa, Gennadius. LIX. Gcla- sius, Avitus, Joannes diaconus, Faustinus, Julianus Pomerius, Aurelius Prudentius. LX. Aurelius Pru- dentius, Dracontius. LXI. Paulinus Nolanus, Marius Victor, Mcrobaudcs, Orientius, Auspicius, Paulinus Petricordiensis, AmcDnus, Secundinus, Drepanius Florus. LXII. Paschasius diaconus, Symmachus, papa, Pctrus diaconus, Vigilius Tapsensis, Rusticus Hclpidius, Eugyppius. LXIII. Ennodius, Hormisdas, Trifolius, Elpis uxor Boctii, Boetius. LXIV. Boetius, in contin. LXV. Fulgentius; Prosper ex Manichaeo conversus, Montanus, Bonifacius II. papa, Eleuthe- rius, Felix iv, pa|>a, Remigius. LXVI. Benedietus, Agapetus, Sylverius, Joannes n, papa, Laurentius. LXVII. Dionysius Exiguus, Facundus, Fulgentius Ferrandus, Viventiolus, Justus Urgellensis, Troja- nus, Pontianus, Csesarius, Rusticus. LXVIII. Pri- mosius, Junilius, Mappiuius, Arator, Nicetius, Victor Capuanus, Agnellus, Aurelianus, Leo Senonensis, Victor Tunoneusis, Liberatus. LXIX. Vigilius papa, Gildas sapiens, Pelagius papa, Cassiodorus. LXX. Cussiodorus, continued. LXXI. Gregorius Turonen- sis, Fredegarius. LXXII. Pelagius papa n, Marti- nus Bracareusis, Domnolus, Radegundis, Benedietus papa i, Licinianus, Veranus, Joannes papa in, Au- narius, Sedatus, Aregius, Gcrmanus, Cogitosus, Ma- rius, Luculentius, Leaiider, Florianus, Antoninus, etc. LXXIIL, LXXIV. Vitas Patrum, sive histo- rias eremiticae libri decem. LXXV.-LXXIX. Gre- gorius i, magnus, papa, 5 vols. Second series. LXXX. Scriptores qui in vii soeculi prima parte floruerunt, nempe: Eutropius, Tarra, Dinothus, Dynamius, Au- gustinus Anglorutn apostolus, Bonifacius papa iv, Bulgaranus, Paulus Emcritanus, Gondcmarus rex, Marcus Cassinensis, Waliarnarius, [orWarnahariusJ, Columbanus, Alphanus, Ailcranus, Etlielbcrtus rex, Dcusdedit, Siscbuthus, Bcrtichramnus, Protadius, Bonifacius v, Sonnatius, Clotarius II, Ilonorius I, Dagobcrtus I, Hadoindus, Sulpicius, Autbcrtus, Jo- annes iv, .Maximus Ca;saraugustanu8, Victor Cartha- gincnsis, Braulio, Taio. LXXXI.-LXXXIV. Isi- dorus, nispalensis episcopus. [In vol. 8, Epistolaa dccrctales.] LXXXV., LXXXVI. Liturgia Mo/ara- bica, secundum rcgulam Isidori, Missale mixtum, Bre- viarium Gothicum. LXXXVII. Scriptorcs, qui in VII sa:culi sccunda parte floruerunt, nempe: Gallus abbas, Theodorua papa I, Maurus, Martinus papa I, Gallus episcopus, Paulus episcopus, Rauraoius, Felix episcopus, Palladius, Constantius, Abbo, De.siderius cpiscopus, Donatus, Landericus, Sigebcrtus rex, Livi- nus, Eugenius cpiscopus, Valerius, Anncinundus, Verus, Eligius, Audoenus, Clodoveus rex, Marculfus, Cummianus, Vitalianus, Jonas, Fructuosus, Chrodo- bertus, Faro, Adeodatus, Donus, Agatho, Damianus, Amandus, Mansuetus, Clotarius rex, Childericus rex, l):i ,'nbertus in rex, Theodoricus rex. LXXXA'III. Venantius Fortunatus, Defensor, Evantius, Arcul- fu-i, Adamnanus, Crisconius, necnon tres auctores incerti. LXXXIX. Scriptores octnvi sacculi, nempe: Scrgius papa, Joannes papa vi, Joannes papa vii, Aldhelmus, Constantiuus papa, Felix episcopus, Ceolfridus, Benedietus Crispus, Egbertus, Gregoriug papa n, Villibrordus, Gregorius papa in, Bonifacius Moguntinus, Zocharias, Stcphanus papa n, Pirmi- niiis, Cyprianus monachus, C'hrodegangus, I'aulus papal, Alanus, Atubrosius Cadurcensis, Stcphanus papa III, Sturmius, Ambrosius Autpert. XC.-XCV. Venerabilis Beda, Paulus Winfridi diaconus. XCVI. Cyricius, Hildefonsus, Leodcgarius, Leo papa n, Bcncdictus n, Joannes papa v, Julianus, Idalius, Felix cpiscopus, Lullus, Elipandns, Felix cpiscopus, lletcrius, Beatus, Angclramnus, Raehio, \Vicbodus, Adrianus i, papa, IfktonM I'acensis, Marcus episco- pus, Petrus arehidiacoiuis, Catulfus, Constans, Gar- ncrius, Abedoc, Ethelvolfus, necnon anouymi scrip- tores. XCVII., XCVIII. Carolus Magnus, imperator. XCIX. Paulinus patriarchs, 1'uuta Saxo, Simpertus, Ludgerus, Josephus, Fardulfus, Dagulfus, Aiif-'ilbcr- tus, Lcidradus, Amalarius, Theodonis, Ascaricus, Tusaredus. C., CI. Alcninus. CII. Smaragdus, Magnus, Leo in papa, Stephanus iv, Paschalis I, Remigius episcopus. CIII. Scdulius Scotus, Bene- dictus abbas. CIV. Agobardus, Eginhardus, Clau- dius Taurinensis, Lndovicus I. CV. Liber diurnus Romanorum pontificum, Thcodulfus, Eigil, Bcrnow- imus, Dungalus Reclusus, Adalhardus, Ermoldus Nigellus, Eugenius n. papa, Valentinus, Halitgarius, Jeremias, Anscgisus, Fredcgisus, Haiminius, Ililde- ricus, Hatto, Jesse, Aldricus, Symphosius Amalarius. CVI. Hilduinus, Maxeutius, Candidus, Dodana, Jo- nas, Ardo, Benedietus diaconus, Hildemarus et Lam- bertus, Theganus, Agnellus, qui et Andreas, Gre- MIGNE 534 MIGNE Shelf. No. MIGNE, J. P. continued. gorius IT. papa, Frotharhis, Eldefonsus, Josephus, Scrgius ii, Freculphus, Columbanus, Christumus Druthmarns, Aurelianus. CVII.-CXII. Kabanus Maurus. CXI1I., CXIV. Walafridus Strabus. CXV. Ahyto, Audradus, Aldricns, Angclomus, Leo IT. papa, Benedictus in. papa, Eulogius, Prudcntius. CXVI.-CXVIII. Ebbo, llartraannus, Ermauricus, Erchambertus, Nithardus, Amulo, Ilaymo, Anscha- rius. CXIX. Florus diac., Lupus Servatus, Rodolphus, Waltcrius, llothadus, Nicolaus i. papa. CXXII. Pas- chasius Radbertus. CXXI. Ratramnu8, Gotteschal- cus, Lotharius rex, Guntharius, Thcudoinus, I'aulus Alvarus, Bernardus monachus Francus, Wandalber- tus, yEnuas, Herardus, Iso, Grimaldus, Milo, Remi- gius cpiscopus, Wulfadus, Adventius. CXXII. Jo- annes Scotus Erigena, Adrianus n. papa. CXXIII. Ado, Xlsuardus. CXXIV. Usuardus, Carolus Calvus Francorum rex, Adrevaldus, Hincmarus Laudunen- sis, Isaacus, Ado Bellovacensis, Hericus. CXXV. Hincmarus Rhemensis. CXXVI. Hincmarus, Jo- annes Tin, Marinus I, Adrianus in, pontifices Ko- mani, Bertarius, Harmotus, Rembertus, Aimoinus, Ratpertus. CXXVII., CXXVJII. Anastasius biblio- thecarius. CXXIX. Anastasius, Erchembertus, An- gilbertus, Bcrengaudus, Stephanus T, Formosus, Stephanua vi, Romanus, Grimlaicus, \Volfardus, Anamodus. CXXX. Isidorus Mercator, Marcus Va- lerius Probus, JEvi Carolini carmina. CXXXL Fulco, Riculfus, Mansio, Martinianus, Joannes ix papa, Benedictus IT, Reniigius monachus, Scrgius in papa, Notkcrus Balbulus, Ilatto, Anastasius III papa. CXXXII. Regino, Hucbaldus, Joannes x. ct xi, lca, Monumenta diplomatica, litur- gica, monastica. CXXXIX. Silvester 11, Joannes JC.TIII, Sergius IV, Benedictus vin. pontiflces Rom., Arnulfus, ,-KHrirns, Thietmarus, Notgerus, Henri- cus, Bruno, Arnoldus [episcopi,] Abbo, Albertus, Herigerus, Constantinus, Gospertus Cabbates,] Ai- monus, Tietpaldus, Benedictus, Rorico, Purchar- dus, Joannes, Bridfertus monachi. CXL. Ilcnricus imperator, Thaugmarus, Alpertus, Burchardus, Ad- elboldus, Romualdus. CXLI. Adcmarus. Bernar- dus, Fulbcrtus, Guido Aretinus, Joannes xix, Bene- dictus IX [papa;,] Robertus Francorum rex, Emma Anglian regina, Guillelmus Aquitani;c dux, Guil- lelmus abbas, Dudo, Gauslinus, Adalbcro, Megin- fredus, Arnoldus, Aribo, Ebalus, Godehardus, Cath- wallonus, Froumundus, Eberhardus, Peringerus, Ellingerus, Udalricus, Godeschalkus, Lcdwiuus.Oth- clboldus, Poppo, Heribertus, Angelrannus, Papias, Kotbertus, Garcias, Dominicus. CXLII. Bruno Iler- bipolensis, Odilo abbas Clun., Berno abbas, Gregorius vi, Clemens n, [papoe] Oliva, Rodulfus monachus, Seifridus, Vaso, Odorannus, Wippo, Helgaudus, Ge- rardus, llugo, Halinardus, Jordanus, Guido Rem. archicp., Anselmus. CXLIII. Hermannus contrac- tus, Humbertus cardinalis, Odo monachus, Leo IX, Victor n, Stephanus IX, Nicolaus II, pontifices Rom., Berengarius, Theuzo, Anselmus Leodicnsis, Drogo, Gozechinus, Joannes Sabinensis, Adelmannus, Hugo, BOYO, Frollandus, Widricus, Franco, Maurilius, Ra- imbaldus, Gervasius, Leodegarius, Stephanus cardi- nalis, Leo Atinensis, Avesgotus, Arialdus llerlera- baldus, Anno. CXLIV.-CXLV. Petrus Damianus. CXLVI. Othlonus, Adamus Brcmensis, Joannes Gualbertus, Gundecharus, Lambertus, Petrus Mallea- censis, llugo, Alexander 11. papa, Deoduinus, Liet- bertus, Rogerius, Guido. CXL VII. Joannes Abrin- censis, Arnulfus Mediolanensis, Theodericus, Ber- tholdus, Joannes Fiscamnensis, Bruno Magdebur- gensis, Tomellus, Renallus, Marianus, Landulphus, Geraldus, Folcardus, Eusebius, Bruno, Gebuinus, Gualtorius, Alphanus, Guaiferius. CXL VIII. Gre- Shelf. No. MIGNE, J. P. continued. gorius vii, nildebrandus papa. CXLIX. Gcstaponti- flcum Camerac., Victor in, Anselmus Lucensis, AVil- lelmus I, Anglor. rex, Guitmundus, Anastasius mon- achus, Bartholomaeus abbas, Durandus, Osbernus, Udalricus, Godcf'ridus, Bernardus, Guillclmus Apul- us.Willclmus monachus, Gaufredus Mala terra, Ebrar- dus, Samuel Marochianus. CL. Lanfrancus, Bonizo, Guillelmus, Willhclmus, Uerimannus, Theodericus, Guido, Aribo, Ilcnricus, Robertus, Gerardus, Raynal- diis, Cotto, Fulco, Rogcrius, Gillebcrtus, Durandus, Hemmingus, Radbodus, Agano, Odalricus, Bernar- dus, Fulcoius, Coustantinus, Deusdedit, Willclmus, Joannes, Rufinus. CLI. Urban us n papa, Sa?culi xi, auctorcs anni incerti, Scripta ddcairura, Monumenta liturgica, diplomatica; Appendices. CLII..CLIIL Bruno Carthusiensium institutor, Bruno, in contin- uatione; Prascipui Carthusienscs, nempe: Guigo let n, Bernardus, Joannes, Stephanus, Hugo Lincolni- ensis, Statuta antiqua ordinis Carthusian!, Lamber- tus. CLIV. HugoFlaviniacensis.Wolphelmus, Ekke- hardus, Gesta epiecoporum Trevirensium, Chronicon Andaginensis anonymi. CLV. Godefridus Bul- lonius, Goscelinus, Lupus Protospatarius, Bruno, Bernardus Toletanus, Manegaldus, Paulus monach., Kadulphus Ardcns, Thomas Eboracensis, Ricardus abbas, Albericus, Sulcardus, Amatus, Poppo Mctcn- eis episcopus, Anselmus Mediolanensis. CLVI. Gui- bcrtus. CLVII. GofFridus, Thiofridus, Pibo, Sua- vius, Folcardus, Adelgorius, Theodoricus, Hugo Lug- dunensis, Wernerus, Petrus Alphonsus ex Judaso Christianus, Galterus Lietbertus, Robertus ordinis Cisterciensis fundator, Mathildis comitissa. CLVIII. Anselmus Cantuar. archiep. CLIX. Anselmus, in continuatione ; Eadmcrus, Gundulfus, Pliiiippus Franc. rex, Hugo Cluniacensis, Walramus, Gilbertus Lunicensis, Gislcbertus Crispinus. CLX. Sigeber- tus monachus, Bcrcngosus, Joannes Marsicanus, Odo Cameracensis, Walterus Cabilonensis, Radulfus Tor- tarius. CLXI. Ivo. CLXII. Ivo, in continuatione; Petrus Chrysolanus, Richardus cardinalis, Lamber- tus Atrebatensis, Galo, Godefridus Ambianensis, Anselmus Scholasticus, Robertus, Scherus, Joannes monachus, Joannes diaconus, Franciscus Camciius, Reimbaldus. CLXIII. Paschalis n, Gelasius n, Calixtus ii, pontiticcs Roman!, Conon, Radulfus Re- mensis, Radulfus Cantuar., Guillelmus, Theogcrus, Ernulfus, Marbodus, Placidus, Arnaldus abbas, Pon- tius, Gregorius, presbyter Rom., Petrus de Honcstis, Hugo de St. Maria, Laureutius Veronensis, Thco- baldus, Lambertus, Hugo de Cleriis, Joannes Con- stant. CLXIV. Bruno Astcnsis. CLXV. Bruno, Oddo Astensis. CLXVI. Cosmas Pragensis, Albe- ricus, Franco, Hugode Ribodimonte, Pontius Cluni- acensis, Petrus Lconis, Gregorius legatus, Baldricus, Joannes Michaelensis, Gualterus, Uonorius n ponti- fcx Rom., Viviamis, Gausselmus, G. Abbas, Dom- nizo, Abbaudus, Bruno Argentinensis, Fridericus Coloniensis, Richardus Pratellensis, Joannes monach. Stephanus Cisterciensis, Drogo, Hugo Gratianop. CLXVII.-CLXIX. Rupertus Tuitiensis. CLXX. Rupertus, in continuatione ; Hermannus. Udascalcus, Norbertus, Munio, Hugo, Gerardus. CLXXI. Uilde- bertus Turonensis, Marbodus Redonensis. CLXXIL Honorius, Stephanus, Gerardus, Odo Remensis, Ad- albertus, Rainaldus Remensis, Oldegarius, Gaui'ri- dus Tironiensis. CLXXUI. Leo Marsicanus, Petrus diaconus, Rodulphus S. Trudonis, Falco, Mattlizeus cardiualis, Otto Bambergensis, Landulfus, Gualterus Clun. monach., Gilo Tusculanus, Gaufridus, Ste- phanus. CLXXIV. Godefridus, Admontensis, Ha- riulfus, Lisiardus. CLXXV.-CLXXVII. Hugo de Sancto Victore. CLXXVIII. Petrus Abtelardus, Hilarius et Berengarius Abxlardi discip. CLXXIX. Willelmus Malmtsburiensis, Innocentius n, Cccles- tinus n, Lucius n pont. Rom., Anacletus antipapa, Benedictus can., Hugo Farsitus, Frowinus, Arnulfus. CXXX. Eugenius in pont. Rom., Hermannus, Joannes Leodiensis, Teulfus, Guillelmus abbas S. Theod., Algerus, llenricus Salterieusis.Ulgerius, Oge- rius, Arnulfus de Bocriis. CLXXXI. Herveus, Hil- debrandus junior, Aimo, Guido Cariloci abbas, Heri- bertus, Bartholomaeus Catalaun. ep., Bernardus Carthus. pr., Rainardus abb. Cisterc. Hugo Mastico- nensis, Petrns DiTensis. CLXXXH.-CLXXX^'. Bernardus abbas Claras- Vallensis. CLXXXVI. Zacharias ep., Robertus Pullus card., Sugerius, Wil- lelmus Sandyon. monachus, Joslcnus. CLXXXVH. Gratianus, decretorum collectio. CLXXXVHI. Or- dericus Vitalis, Guerricus, Atto, Theobaldus, Ame- deus, Anastasius iv, Adrianus IT pontifices Rom. Anselmus Havelb., Gislebertus, Hugo Metellus, Odo abbas Morimund., Fastredus, Joannes Cirita, Gaufri- dus abbas Claravall., Gilbertus de Hoil. CLXXX1X. Petrus Venerabilis abbas Clun., Wibaldus, Ernaldus. MIGXE 535 MILITARY Shelf. No. MIGNE, J. P. continued. CXC. Thomas Becket, Gilbertns Foliot, Herbertua de Boscham, Alanus. CXCI., CXCII. Petrus Lombar- dug, Bandinus, Hugo Ambianensis. CXCI1I. Garne- rius, Gerhohus. CXCIV. Gerhohus, Arno, Rilindis et Erradis abbatissas], Joannes diaconus, Hugo Pictav., Isaac, Alchcrus, Petrus Clarsevall. CXCV. ^Elredus, Wolbero, Eckbertus, St. Elizabeth, Odo de Deogilo, Henricus Huntingd., Bertrandus tempi, magister. CXCVI. Richardus a St. Victore, Gilduinus, Achar- dus, Ervisius, Guarinus [abbates St. Victoris], Odo prior S. Victoris, Godef'ridus St. Victoris, Adamus St. Victoris, Joscelinus, Henricus Saltzb, Henricus Ue- mcnsis, Hugo de Folieto, Hugo de Campo-Florido, Nicolaus Claraevall. CXCVII. Hildegardis abbatissa. CXCVIII. Adamus Scotus, Godcfridus Viterbieusis, Petrus Comestor. CXCIX. Joannes Saresberiensis, Joannes Cornubiensis, Guichardus, Petrus St. Chry- sogoni, Rogerus Aureliancnsis, Gualterus Parisiensis. CC. Alexander in pont Rom. CCI. Arnulfus l.exov. episc., Guillelmus Tyrensis, Lucius in pont. Rom., Alanus Antissioil. episc., Petrus Clara? v., Aimer- icus. CCII. Petrus Cellensis, Urbanusin, Gregorius viil pontificcs Romani Gilbertus Foliot., Rober- tus de Torinneio, Joannes Bolethus, Hugo Eterianus. CCIII. Philippus de Harveng. CCIV. Clemens in papa, Rcinerus, Henricus de Castro Marsiaco, Baldu- inus Cant, archiep., Bonacursus, Bcrnardus abbas Fontis Calidi, Ileuricus Septimell., Laborans, Lau- rentius de Leodio, Stephanus de Mureto, Stephanus de Liciaco, Petrus Bernard! Grandim. prior., Guillel- mus de Trahinaco, Guillelmus Dandina, Gerardua Itherii, Ermengaudus. CCV. Petrus Cantor, Gar- nerius Lingoncnsis episc., Gaufridus subprior Canon- icorum regularium, Mauricius, Odo Tullensis cpis- copus, Alexander Gemmeticensis, Geraldus G'adur- ccnsis, Matthaius Vinducincnsis. CCVI. Ccclestiuus in papa, Thomas Cistcrciensis, Joannes Algrinua. CCVII. Petrus Bleseusis. CCVIII. Martinus Legi- onensis. CCIX. Martiuus, in continuationc, Guallc- rus de Castellione, Wilhdmus St. Thomsc, Wilhcl- mus de Campania, Joannes de Belmcis, Hugo abbas Cluniac., Balduinus Flandr. comes, Elias de Coxida, Thomas de Radolio. CCX. Alanus de Insulis ecu Magnus, dietus "doctor universalis." CCXI. Absalon, Stephanus Tornaccnsis, Adamus Persen. abbas, Pe- trus Pictaviensis, Guibertus Gernblaccnsis abbas. CCXII. Petrus dc Riga, j-Egidius, Odo de Soliaco, Guntherus,Helinandu9. CCXIII. Sicardus, Petrus Sarnensis, Anonymi Bcnedictiui. CCX1V.-CCXVII. Inuocentius in pontifex Roman us. MIGNE, J. P. Patrologiae cursus completus. Se- ries Grseca : a S. Barnaba ad Photium. v.l -7, 17, 19, 23-20. Lutetiae Parisiorum, 1857. 13v. imp. 8 3400.1 Namely: Vol. L Clemens Romanus. II. Clemens Romanus, Barnabas, Matthias, Bartholomxus, apos- toll, Anacletus papa, Hennas, Anony nius auctor testa- ment! xn patriarcharuin, Anonymus auctor epistola ad Uiognetum, ClerL Achaia; cpistola de S. Andrea. III.-IV. Dionysius Arcopagita. V. Ignatius, Poly- carpus, Evaristus, Alexander I, Sixtus I, Telesphorus, Hyginus, Pius I, Anicetus I, Soter, Eleutherus, papal, Melito Sardinensis, Papias Ilierapolitanus, Quadra- tus, Aristides apologista, Agrippa Custor, Aristo, Apollinaris, Hegesippus, Pantxnus, Rhodon, Maxi- mus Ilierosol., Polycrates, Theophilus Cxsareae, Seraplon, Apollonius, Archxus, Victor i papa, Plu- res anonymi. VI. Justinus Martyr, Tatiauus, Athen- agoras, Theophilus Antioch., Hermias. VII. Ire- nseus. XVII. Origencs. XIX., XXIII., XXIV. Eusebius Pamphilus. XXV., XXVI. Athanasius. MIGNET, F. A. A. Histoire de Marie Stuart. Bruxcllcs, 1851. 2v. 8m. 8 2475.9 Histoire de la revolution francaise. 1789-1814. 7e ed. Bruxelles, 1838. 2v. 18 4056.18 Memoires historiques. 3e ed. Paris, 1854. 12 4007.4 Contents. La Germanie au huitieme et au neu- vieme siecle, sa conversion au christianisme, et son introduction dans la sociute civilisue de 1'Europe occi- dentale ; Essai sur la formation territoriale et politique dc la France, depuis la fin du onzieme siecle jusqu'a la tin du quinziume i Etablisscmcnt dc la reforme religieuse et constitution du calvinisme a Genivei Introduction a 1'histoire de la succession d'Espagne et tableau des negociations relatives a cette succession sous Louis xiv. Negociations rel. a la succession d'Espagne sous Louis xiv. Paris, 1835-42. 4v. 4. [France. Coll.de does. ined. 71-74. Ire ser.]. *2650.22 Shelf. No. MIGNET, F. A. A. continued. Portraits et notices historiques et litteraires. 2e ed. Paris, 1852. 2v. 8 2044.3 Contents. Vol. I. Sieyes ; Roederer ; Livingston; Le prince de Talleyrand; Broussais; Merlin; Des- tuttde Tracy; Daunou ; Discours academiques. II. Simeon; Sismondi; Comte; Ancillon; Bignou; Rossi; Droz; Cabanis; Vie de Franklin. MIKAX, J. C. Delectus florae ct faunae Brasilien- sis. Vindobonae, 1820. f *38.G.2 MILAN. Milano e il suo territorio. Milano, 1844. 2v. 1.8 *2701.4 I. R. istituto del regno lombardo-veneto di scienze, Icttere ed arti. Memorie, 1812-38. Milano, 1819-38. 5v. 4 *5240.1 I. R. istituto lombardo di scienze, lettere ed arti. Memorie, v.l, 2,4-0. Milano, 1843- 50. 5v. 4 *5240.2 Societa patriotica di Milano. Atti. Milano, 1783-93. 3v. 4 *5273.8 Arg-elati, F. E. S. M. de. Bibliotheca script- orum Mediolaucnsium 2100.5 Bianchi-Giovini, A. La republica di Milano dall' anno 1447 al 1450 . . 2727.7 Borroni, B. II forasticrc in Milano 2734.11 Campiglio, G. Storia di Milano 2739.12 Cattaneo, C. Insurrezione di Milano nel 1818. 4745.20 - L'insurrection de Milan en 1S4S 4745.2 Collezione delle migliori opere in dialetto milanese 4709 a. 7 Cronache milancsi. [Archivio stor. ital. v.3]. 5^'45.2 Delia peste di Milano del 1030. [Arch. stor. ital. App.v.l] 5-245.2 Rosmini, C. de'. Istoria di Milano 2700.2 Ycrri, P. Storia di Milano 273'J.2 MILDEW, Cause of, in corn. Banks, Sir J. M.Ppb.v.03 MILES, E. and L. Iloyal naval service of England. London, 1844. 8 3952.2 MILES, H. A. Lowell, as it was, and as it is. 2d ed. Lowell, 1847. 18 2357.8 Tbe gospel narratives. Sth thousand. Bos- ton, 1854. 12 3436.10 MILES, W. On horseshoeing. See Mass. soc. for promoting agriculture 3994.3 MILITARY architecture. Caumont, A. de. Archi- tecture militairc 4095.3 Marchi, F. dc'. Architettura militare . . . . 3930.1 See also: Arches, Bridges, Buttresses, Culverts, Engineering, Piers, Tunnelling, Vaults. MILITARY art and science. Aide-memoire to the military sciences 3932.5 Arjjcuti, F. II militare in guerra 3954.11 Arte militare di varii autori 3954.12 Ayala, M. d'. Bibliogralia militare italiana . 2172.18 Burn, 11. Military technical dictionary . . . 3934.22 Cooper, S. Instructions for militia and vol- unteers 3954.5 Eugene of Savoy. Militarische Korrespou- denz 2842.4 Feuguiere, A. dcP.de. Maximes sur la guerre. 2648.6 Forrest. R. Military engineering 3953.4 Grassi, G. Dizionario militare italiano . . . 3932.6 Guischardt, C. G. Miimoires critiques et his- toriques sur plusieurs points d'antiquites militaires 3954.10 Jomini, II. de. Rccueil des principes de Part de la guerre 2824.5 Lydius, J. Syntagma sacrum de re militari . 31M1.17 Maltby, I. Elements of war 3954.8 Onosander. De imperatoris institutione . . 2990.2 - Le general d'armee 2990.2 Rawson, J. Compendium of military duty . 3953.12 Thiers, A. L. Remplacement militaire . . . 3500.19 Vauban, S. L. de. Traitc de la defense . . . 3954.2 - Traite des sieges et de 1'attaquc des places. 3954.1 Vauchelle, A. J. Cours d'administration mil- itaire 3953.15 Vegetius Rcnatus, F. Dc re militari .... 2945.6 Sec also : Armor, Army, Artillery, Drill, Engineer- ing, Fire-arms, Gunnery, Infantry, Riflemen. MILITARY 536 MILMAN Shelf. No. MILITARY magazine. See United service journal. 3140.4 MILITARY orders. Histoire des ordres militaires. Basnage de Beauval, J 2234.1 MILIZIA, F. Opere risguardanti le belle arti. T. i.-ix. Bologna, 1820, 27. 9v. 8 *4072.15 Contents. Vol. I. Opuscoli diversi; Vita dell' au- tore; Analisi delle sue opere; IM teatro; Dcll'artedi vedere nelle belle arti del disegno ; Roma delle belle arti del disegno. II.-III. Dizionario delle belle arti del disegno, edizione corretta ed arricchita di moltis- eimi vocaboli. IV., V. Alemorie degli architetti anti- chi e modern!. VI.- VIII. Principii di architettura civile, edizione arricchita di note cd aggiuute impor- tantissime, pt. 1-3. IX. Saggio di architettura civile e lettcre risguardanti le belle arti; Trc orazioni Bullo belle arti di Francescomaria Zanotti. - Lettcre. [Raccolta di prose e letterenel seco- lo xvin, v.3] 2707.2 MiLKANWATHA.The songof. See Song 2309.17 MILL, James. Elements of political economy. London, 1821. 8 3013.14 Essays on government, etc., from the Encyc. Brit. London, n. d. 8 3503.4 Contents. Government; Jurisprudence; Liberty of the press; Prisons and prison discipline; Colonies; Law of nations; Education. - H i story of Briti sh India, 1527-1833, with notes aud continuation by H. H. Wilson. 4th ed. London, 1848. 9v. 8 *3013.2 MILL, John S. Principles of political economy. Boston, 1848. 2v. 1.8" 3643.1 System of logic. New York, 1840. 8 ... 3007.20 MILL, N. History of Mexico. London, 1824. 8. 2314.7 MILL-WOUK. Buchanan, R. Practical essays on. 4012.22 Smeaton, J. Power of wind and water to turn mills 4012.25 See also: Engineering, Machinery, Mechanics, "Wheels. MILLAR, J. Historical view of the English gov- ernment. 4th cd. London, 1818. 4v. 8 . 2514.3 Origin of the distinction of ranks. 3d ed. London, 1779. 8 3565.22 MILLAR, U. History of medicine. Parti. Edin- burgh, 1811. 8 3735.10 MILLAUD, P. Les fastes criminels de 1840. Paris, 1841. 2v. 8 3084.17 Contents. Vol. I. Les proces d'Elijjabide et du prince Napoleon Louis Bonaparte. II. Proces de madamc Lafarge. MILLEDOLER, P. Address before the alumni of Columbia college, May 7, 1828. New Bruns- wick, 1828. 8 *Pph.v.74 Address to the graduates of Rutgers college, July 20, 1831. New York, 1831. 8 ... *Pph.v.83 Sermon preached Aug. 8, 1810, at the ordina- tion of Gardiner Spring. New York, 1810. 8 *Pph.v.4 MILLENNIUM of the apocalypse. Bush, G. . . . 3455.13 MILLER, Henry. Treatise on human parturition. Louisville, 1849. 8 *3772.6 MILLER, Hugh. Foot-prints of the Creator ; Me- moir by Agassiz. From the 3d London ed. Boston, 1850. 12 3485.17 Life and times of. Brown, T. N 2548.20 MILLER, James. Pathology of the kidney in scarlatina. London, 1850. 8 3740.50 Practice of surgery. 2ded. Edinb. 1852. 8". 3752.12 - Same. 3d Am. ed., with additions by F. W. Sargent. Philadelphia, 1853. 8 . . . 3752.11 MILLER, James W. Poems and sketches. Bos- ton, 1830. 12 2405.16 MILLER, Jesse. Twelfth-fourteenth report of the superintendent of common schools. See Pennsylvania Pph.v.151, 102 MILLER, John. Memoirs of Gen. Miller, in the service of Peru. London, 1828. 2v. 8. . 2445.7 MILLER, Rev. John. Description of the province and city of New York in 1095. [London], 1843. 8 2371.11 MILLER, M. S. Speech on the army bills in the H. of R. of the U. S. 1814. Georgetown, 1814. 8 *Pph.v.l6 Shelf. No. MILLER, P. General system of gardening and botany. [Ed.] by G. Don. London, 1831- 38. 4v. 4 *3881.1 Gardener's and botanist's dictionary, [with] add. by T. Martyn. London, 1807. 5v. f. *3830.1 MILLER, Samuel. Brief retrospect of the 18th cen- tury. Part first. New York, 1803. 2v. 8. 2302.2 Discourse before the literary and philosophi- cal society of New Jersey. Princeton, 1825. 8 *Pph.v.56 Discovery of New York, by Hudson : dis- course before the N. Y. hist. soc. New York, 1810. 8 *Pph.v.5 Memoir of the Rev. Charles Nisbet. New York, 1840. 12 2344.15 Memoirs of the Rev. John Rodgers. New York, 1813. p. 8 3544.28 Presbyterian! sm the truly primitive and apos- tolical constitution of the church of Christ. Philadelphia, 1840. 12 *Pph.v.227 Sermon at the installation of Rev. W. B. Sprague. Albany, 1829. 8' *Pph.v.78 Sermon occasioned by the death of George Washington. New York, 1800. 8. . . *Pph.v.l81 Utility of creeds and confessions : a lecture. Princeton, 1824. 8 *Pph.v.58 Boardman, H. A. Discourse commemorative of Pph.v.180 Sprague, W. B. Disc, commem. of . . . Pph.v.180 MILLER, Silvanus. Address in behalf of the New York institution for the instruction of the deaf and dumb. JSiew York, 1819. 8". . *Pph.v.47 Letter to De Witt Clinton, on the fossil bones of the mammoth, discovered in New York. New York, 1815. 8 *Pph.v.200 MILLEVOYE, C. H. (Euvres. Notice biogr. par de Pongerville. Paris, ia33. 2v. 8 ... 2003.8 MILLIGAN, Dr. Description of South Carolina in 1703. Carroll, B. R v. 2 of 2375.1 MILLIN, A. L. Magazin encyclopedique, annee 1795-1810. Paris, 1795-1810. 122v. 8 . . . *3246.1 - Same. Table generate dcs matieres. Paris, 1819. 4v. 8 *3276.2 Les Martinales, ou dissertation sur 1'pie de la Saint-Martin, a 1'occasion d'une mcdaille curieuse. [Lcber. Coll. diss. hist. Fr. v.20]. 2618.1 MILLINERY. See Flowers, artificial. MILLINGEN, J. G. Curiosities of medical experi- ence. 2d ed. London, 1839. 8 3712.4 MILLINGTON, J. Principles of mechanical philos- ophy. 2ded. London, 1830. 8 3944.11 MILLO, L. Ginevra di Scozia : tragedia. [Teatro moderno applaudito, v.2] 2768.1 MILLON, E. Elements de chimie. Paris, 1845-48. 2v. 8 3973.6 and Reiset, J. Annuaire de chimie. Paris, 1845-51. 7v. 8 3986.1 MILLOT, C. F. X. Elemens d'histoire generale. Nouv. ed. Paris, 1821. llv. 12 2239.2 Elements of general history. Tr. from the French. 2dAm.ed. Salem, 1796. 5v. 8.**E.226.5 Memoires politiques et militaires pour servir a 1'histoire de Louis xiv et xv. [Michaud. Coll. mem. hist. France, ser. 3, v. 10] . . . 2011.1 MILLS, E. Oration in Sutton, July 4th, 1809. Sut- tou, [Mass.] 1809. 8 *Pph.v.63 MILLS, R. Statistics of South Carolina. Charles- ton, 1826. 8 2375.2 MILLS, T. Morbid anatomy of the brain, in typhus or brain fever. 2d.ed. Dublin, 1818. 12.*M.Pph.v.l26 Morbid appearances in disorders of the trachea, lungs, and heart. Dublin, 1829. 8. 3803.2 MILLS family. See Vinton, J. A 2332.3 MILMAN, F. Animadversiones de natura hydro- pis cj usque curatione. Lond. 1779. 8.*M.Pph.v.57 MILMAN, H. H. History of Christianity, to the abolition of paganism. Lond. 1840. 3v. 8. 3515.4 - Same. Paris, 1840. 2v. 8 3515.6 History of Latin Christianity, to Nicolas v. London, 1854. 3v. 8 3515.5 MILNE 537 MIMNERMUS Shelf. No. MILNE, D. Essay on comets. Edinb. 1828. 4. 3921.21 MILNE, J. Valuation of annuities and assurances ; Tables of mortality, and probabilities of life. London, 1815. 2v. 8 3923.12 MILNER, John. History of Winchester. 2d. ed. Winchester, 1809. 2v. 4 2502.13 MILNER, Joseph, and Haweis, T. History of the church, from the apostles to [1800.] Lon- don, 1847. 4v. 12 3518.2 Continuation of Milner's hist, of the church. See Stebbing, H 3514.7 MILNOR, Rev. James. Charitable judgment of the opinion and conduct of others recommend- ed. New York, 1855. 8 *Pph.v.l4G Oration on masonry, delivered June 24, 1811. [No title-page.] pp.41. 8 v.12 of *3202.1 Sermon occasioned by the death of De Witt Clinton. New York, 1828. 8 *Pph.v.72 MILNS, AV. The well-bred scholar, or essays on improving the taste. 2d ed. N. Y. 1797. 12". 2959. C MILO. Vita metrica S. Amandi ; Sermo de trans- latione S. Amandi ; Sermo de elevatione corporis ipsius ; Carmina. [Migne. Patro- logiae v.121] 3400.4 3IiLTiADES,pope. See Melchiades. MILTON, J. Complete works, with life by T. Birch. London, 1738. 2v. f *2601.1 Contents. Vol. L Reformation in England ; Of prelatical episcopacy ; Reason of church-government urged against prelacy ; Animadversions upon the Re- monstrant's defence against Smectymnuus ; Apology for Smectymuuus; Of education, to master Samuel Hartlib ; Areopagitica, a speech to parliament for lib- erty of unlicensed printing j Doctrine and discipline of divorce ; Tetrachordon : an exposition of four chief places in scripture which treat of nullities in marriage ; Judgment of Martin Bucer concerning divorce; Reply to a nameless answer against the doc- trine and discipline of divorce; The tenure of kings and magistrates ; Observations on the articles of peace between king Charles first, and the Irish rebels anil papists; Eikonoclastcs : answer to a book iutitled Eikon basilike; Defence of the people of England, in answer to Salmasius's defence of the king; Treatise of civil power in ecclesiastical causes ; Likeliest means to remove hirelings out of the church; Brief delineation of a free commonwealth, Letter to Gen. Monk; On a sermon entitled The fear of God and the king; Accedence commenced grammar. II. History of Britain until the Norman conquest; True religion, heresy, toleration, and means to be used against po- pery ; Brief history of Moscovia and countries lying eastward of Russia; Translation of letters patent for election of John in, king of Poland; Letters of state, written in the name of Cromwell, parliament, etc.; J. Miltoni opera omnia Latina; Defensio pro populo Anglicano ; Defensio secunda pro eodem ; Defensio pro se contra authorem libelli famosi, cui titulus, Regii sanguinis clamor ad ccelum adversus parricidas Anglicanos, et J. Philippi responsio ad apologiam tenebrionis pro rege ct populo Angl. infantissimam; Litera: senatus, Oliverii, Richardique protectorum, nomine scripts ; Artis logic* plenior institutio; Epis- tolarum familiarum liber unus ; Scriptum ex con- Bensu ct sententia concilii dom. protectoris Anglite, etc., editum in quo hujus reipublicx causa contra Hispanos justa esse demonstratur, Works, with life by J. Mitford. Lond. 1851. Sv. 8 *2603.4 Contents. Vol. I. Life of Milton, with addenda and appendix; Samson agonistcs; Comus, a mask; Lycidas ; 11 penseroso ; L'allegro ; Arcades ; Misc. poems; Sonnets; Psalms; Elegiarum liber; Sylva- rum liber. II. Paradise lost; Paradise regained. III. Of reformation in England; Of prelatical episcopacy; Reason of church-government; Animadversions upon the remonstrant's defence against Smectymnuus ; Apology against the Confutation of the animadver- sions upon the remonstrant, etc.; EiVoj/o/tA. l.v.ll] 2611.1 MONTMORENCI, Henry 11, due de. Mdmoires. [Lafaist. Arch. hist. France. Se>. 2, v.4]. 2617.1 MONTOLIEU, P. I. de Bottens de. Caroline de Lichtfield, ou me'moires d'une famille prus- sienne. Bruxelles, 1830. 2v. 18 ... .4679a.20 MONTPELIER congregational assoc. Proceedings in reply to H. Jones, in relation to free ma- sonry. Danville, Vt. 1&30. 12 .... *Pph.v.298 MONTPBNSIER, A. M. L. de. Memoires. [Mi- chaud. Coll. mem. hist. France. Ser. 3, v.4]. 2611.1 - Same. [Petitot. Coll. mem. hist. France. Ser. 2, v.40-43] 2635.1 MONTPENSIER, L. A. P. d' Orleans de. Memoires. Paris, 1824. 8. [Berville et Barriere. Mem. rel. a la rev. franc. 33] *4645.20 Memoires. [Barriere. Mem. rel. a 1' hist. de France, v.9] 4667.2 MONTREAL. Rcp6rt of the city surveyor, 1842-44, 1846-49. Montreal, 1843-49. 8 *7033.5 Appleton, N. Sermon on the surrender of . 3455.16 McGill college. Annual announcement of the med. faculty, 1851-52. Montreal. 8 . *M.Pph.v.51 - Statutes, rules, and ordinances, made and established by the principal and governors. Montreal, 1832. 8 *M.Pph.v.23 Natural history society. Constitution and by-laws. Montreal, 1828. 8 *Pph.v.72 - Instructions for preserving objects of nat- ural history. [Montreal, 1823.] 8. . . *Pph.v.72 - Report, lst-7th, 2Cth. Montreal, 1828-34. 8 *Pph.v. 200, 216,217 MONTREAL pocket almanack and general register for 1842. Montreal, [1842.] 64 ... . *Pph.v.228 MONTRESOR, C. de Bourdeille de. Memoires, 1632-37. [Petitot. Coll. mem. hist. France. Ser 2, v.54] 2645.1 MONTRONE, G. See Bernabo Silorata, P. Prose e poesie di Italian! viventi, v.l, 9 4768.16 MONTROSE, J. Graham, marquis of. Memoirs. See Napier, M 2445.10 MONTS-DE-PIETE, Exposition sur I'e'tablissement des. [Lafaist. Arch. hist. Fr. Ser. 2, v.6.]. 2617.1 See also: Paris. MONTUCLA, J. E., and Lalande, J. J. le F. de. His- toire des mathematiques, achev< et public par J. de La Lande. Nouv. ed. Paris, [ 1799- 1802.] 4v. 4 **E. 192. 1,3911. 6 MONTYON, A. J. B. R. Auget de. Les prix de yertu. Pub. par F. Lock et J. Couly d'Ara- gon. Paris, 1858. 2v. 12" 2639.10 MONTYON et Franklin. See Societe'. MONUMENTA Franciscana. Ed. by J. S. Brewer. London, 1858. 8. [Great Britain. Kolls chronicles.] 2414.8 MONUMENTS. Clarkson, D. A. New designs for. 4070. 10 Faulkner, T. Designs for tombs 4071.6 Maliphant, G. Designs for sepulchral M. . 4071.5 Normand aine, L. Monuments fune>aires . 4070.6 Trendall, E. W. Monuments, cenotaphs, etc., with details and working drawings .... 4071.7 See also: Sepulchral monuments . MONVEL, J. M. B. de. Clementina e Dorvigni, dramma ; Biagio e Barbaretta, farsa. [Tea- tro moderno applaudito, v.3, 59] 2768.1 MON/A, La signora di. Storia del secolo xvn. tfeeRosini, G 2773.6 MOODY, Joseph. Joseph embalmed : an attempt to preserve the memory of Rev. J. Moody. [No title-page.] pp.8. 18 *3459.37 MOODY, Joshua. Discourse concerning the benefit of communion with God in his house. Bos- ton, 1746. pp.88. 18" *3459.36 MOON 547 MORDENTE Shelf. No. MOON, J. New construction of drains. London, 1832. pp.7. 8" 4012.1 Moox. Balfour, F. Influence of, in fevers. M.Pph.v. 117 Bennett, W. T. Lyon's improved method for lunar observations E.224.8 Burckhardt, J. C. Tables de la lune . . . E.18C.9 Carlini, F. Perfectionnement des tables lu- naires E. 189. 12 Damoiseau, M. C. Tables de la lune . . . E.151.4 - Gumpach, J. v. Inquiry into the moon's ro- tation 3924.5 Hansen, P. A. Tables de la lune E.160.3 Homer, J. C. Memoire sur la reduction des distances lunaircs E. 189. 12 Lubbock, J.W. Theory of the 3924.8 Plana, J. Theorie du mouvem. de la lune. E.185.7 Reduction of the observations of the 31., 1750 -1830. See Great Britain. Admiralty . . E.140.8 Taylor, J. Lunar tables E. 180. 18 Thomson, D. Lunar tables E.18G.13 Ward, E. C. Lunar tables E.16G.6 Zach, F. Tables de la lune E. 189. 13 MOOK, E. Suffolk words and phrases. London, 1S23. 12 2586.21 MOORCROFT, W., and Trebeck, G Travels in the Himalayan provinces of Hindustan, in the Panjab, etc. 1S19-23. Prepared by H. H. Wilson. London, 1841. 2v. 8 3043.15 MOORE, B. Charge to the convention of the pro- testantepis. church, N.Y. N.Y. 1803. 8. *Pph.v.40 MOORE, C. C. Address before the alumni of Co- lumbia college. New York, 1825. 6" . . *Pph.v.58 Sketch of our political condition. New York, 1813. 8 *Pph.Y.9 MOORE, Edmund F. Reports of cases determined by the privy council, 1836-54. London, n.d. 8v. 8" 3694.8 MOORE, Edward. Poems and life. [Chalmers. English poets.] v.!4of 2592.7 The gamester. [Cumberland. British drama, v.6] E.229.7 MOORE, Hugh. Dictionary of quotations, princi- pally from the Latin and French, with translations. New York, 1850. 12". [Treas- ury of knowledge, v.2] 2284.7 MOORE, Humphrey. Disc. Jan. 12, 1815, the day for national fasting. Amherst, 1815. 8 . *Pph.v.254 Oration, Mar. 9, 1815, occasioned by the treaty of peace. Amherst, 1815. 8 *Pph.v.254 MOORE, H. N. Life and services of Gen. Anthony Wayne. Philadelphia, [1845.] 12 .... 2348.24 MOORE, Jacob B. Memoirs of American gover- nors. Vol. i. New York, 1846. 8 .... 2345.12 MOORE, Col. James. Account of his expedition against the Spaniards and Indians, 1704. See Carroll, B. R v.2 of 2375.1 MOORE, James, AT. D. History of the small-pox. London, 1815. 8 3790.45 History and practice of vaccination. London, 1817. 8 3790.45 MOORE, James, esq., F. A. S. List of the princi- pal castles and monasteries of Great Brit- ain. London, 1798. 8 2485.3 MOORE, John, M. D. Causes and progress of the French revolution. Lond. 1795. 2v. 8. 4656.13 Essay on consumptions. Boston, n.d. 8.*Pph.v. 329 Journal durant une sejour en France. Aout- Dec. 1792. Trad, par La Grange. Phila- delphia, 1794. 2v. 8 4656.14 Journal during a residence in France, 1792. Boston, 1794. 2v. 12 4656.15 - Same. New ed. London, 1794. 2v. 8 . 4656.12 View of society and manners in Italy. Bos- ton, 1792. 8 2764.14 Zeluco. Various views of human nature. 2d ed. corrected. London, 1789. 2v. 8 ... 2573.3 MOORE, John H. The new practical navigator. London, 1800. 8. pi **E.181.8 - Same. 1st Amer. from 13th Eng. ed. Newburyport, 1800. 8. pi **E.180.10 Shelf. No. MOORE, John H. continued. The seaman's complete daily assistant. 3d ed. London, 1785. 8 **E. 180.27 - Same. 5th ed. London, 1796. 8. . . **E.181.10 Trial for pirating a chart. London, n.d. pp.4. 8 **E.110.68 MOORE, Rev. Joseph. Treatise on Christian bap- tism. Norfolk, 1804. 16 *Pph.v.232 MOORE, Joseph, M. D. Essay on the cause and cure of a species of uterine haemorrhage. Dublin, 1792. 8 *M.Pph.v.33 MOORE, N. F. Historical sketch of Columbia col- lege. New York, 1846. 12 2387.9 MOORE, R. Ventilation of mines. Glasgow, 1859. 8 3873.15 MOORE, S. W. Life and character of John Watts, with an address. New York, 1831. 8.*M.Pph.v.23 Medical virtues of the white oxide of bis- muth. New York, 1810. 8 . . . . *M.Pph.v.2,60 MOORE, Thomas. M. P. or the blue- stocking: a comic opera, in 3 acts. N.Y. 1812. 16. *Pph.v.208 MOORE, Rev. Thomas. History of Devonshire. London, 1829. 4" *2471.3 MOORE rental, The. Ed. by Thomas Heywood. 1847. sm.4. [Chetham soc. v.12] *2415.8 MOORMAN*, J. J. Directory for the use of the white sulphur waters ; with remarks on their medical properties. Philadelphia, 1839. 8 *I'ph.v.22S Water from the white sulphur springs. [No title-page.] 8 *M.Pph.v.35 MOORS' charity school, Sketches of. See Hano- ver, N. H 3592.22 MOORS. Florian, J. P. Claris de. Precis histo- rique sur les Maures en Espagnc 4679.17 Fonseca, D. Del giusto scacciamento de Moreschi da Spagna 3092.2 Hahn, J. C. Geschichte der Mauren in Span- ien 3102.9 See also: Mauritania, Moharaedan. MOQUIN Tandon, A. Monographic des hirudi- nees. Nouv. ed. Paris, 1846. Iv. 8. Texte. Iv. lar.8 Atlas 3874.6 MORAES, F. de. Palmerin of England. See Hur- tado, L. de 2549.26 MORAL constitution of man, Adaptation of exter- nal nature to the. Chalmers, T 3485.6 MORAL dialogues. Hurd, R. D 2558.29 MORAL evidence, Study of. Gambier, J. E. . . . 3602.2 MORAL philosophy, and moral science. See Ethics. MORAL and religious tracts. [Boston, 1848.] 12.**E. 219.25 MORALES, C. Motetto, Lameutabatur Jacob, a 5 voci. [Dehn. PractischeMusik-Werkc, v.~]. 4051.14 MORALS. See Apologues, Ethics, Fables. MORAXDO, F. R. La Teonoc, tragedia. [Teatro italiauo del secolo 18, v.6] 2778.1 MORANO, B. de. Chronicon Mutinense, 1306-1342. [Muratori. Rerum Ital. script, v. 11] . . . 2710.1 MORANT, P. History and antiquities of the county of Essex. London, 1768. 2v. f . *2460.1 History and antiquities of Colchester. Lon- don, 1768. f *2460.1 MORAVIANS. See United brethren. MORAY, History of the province of. Shaw, L. . 2472.18 MORBIO, C. Storie del municipj italiani illustrate con document! inediti. Milano, 1840-46. 2a ed. 6v. 8 *2714.4 MORDANT, F. Prose. Ed. accres. Firenze, 1854. 12. 4767.24 Contents. Degli uomini illustri della citta di Ra- venna ; Elogi ; Novelle etoriche ; Necrologia ; Let- tere ; Iscrizioni. Ravegnani illustri. 2aed. Ravenna, 1837. 8. 2742.5 See Bernabo Silorata, P. Prose e poesie di Italiani viventi, v.3-8 4768.16 MORDAUNT, Charles, earl of Peterborough. Con- duct in Spain. See Freind, J 2519.5 MORDENTS, J. E. Complete grammar of the Spanish language. 3ded. Lond. 1813. 12.**E.207.19 Exercises in the Spanish language. London, 1811. 12 **E.207.18 MORE 548 MORGAN Shelf. No. MOEB, Hannah. Works. London, 1853. llv. 16. 2578.13 Contents. Vol. I. Stories for persons in the mid- dle ranks, etc., with a mem. and notes. II. Talcs for the common people; Thoughts on the manners of the great; An estimate of the religion of the fashionable world, etc. III. Strictures on the modern system of female education. IV. Hints towards forming the character of a. young princess. V. Tragedies, poems, etc. VI. Poems, sacred dramas, essays, etc. VII. Coelebs in search of a wife. VIII. Practical piety. IX. Christian morals. X. An essay on the character and practical writings of Saint Paul, and the spirit of prayer. XI. Moral sketches; Tracts written during tlie riots of 1817; Miscellaneous poetical works, bal- lads, etc., with a general index. Arminc and Elvira, a legendary tale. Bos- ton, 1784. pp.32. 8 **E. 110.77 - Practical piety. Boston, 1811. 18 3446.31 Search after happiness ; and Armine and El- vira. Philadelphia, 1774. 12 2558.18 Spirit of prayer. Boston, 1826. 12 3445.2 Life and correspondence. Roberts, W. . . . 2448.15 MORE, Henry. Enchiridion ethicum. Londini, 1711. 12" 3587.22 Philosophical poems. Cambridge, Eng. 1647. 12" *2569.16 MORE, Sir T. Lives of king Edward V and Rich- ard in. [Kennet. History of Eng. v.l] . 2410.3 Household of 2458.27 An answer to Sir Thomas More's dialogue, the supper of the Lord, after the mean- ing of John VI and 1 Cor. xi. Tyndale, W. 3503.9 MOREA. See Greece. MOREAU, C. Bibliographic des Mazarinades. Paris, 1850-51. 3v. 8. [Societe" de 1'hist- oire de France] *2626.13 Choix dc Mazarinades. Paris, 1853. 2v. 8". [Societe de 1'histoire de France] *2626.14 MOREAU, Jean V. Justification of Moreau from a charge of conspiracy by [Bonnet, Bellart, and Perignon]. Norfolk, 1804. 8 . . *Pph.v.l2 Eloge funebre de. Neuville, G. H Pph.v.l and Bonaparte [Napoleon I]. Comparison of their political and military lives. To which is added Moreau 's speech on his trial at Paris. Albany, 1806. 12 *Pph.v.213 MOREAU-CiiRisTOPHE, L. M. Du droit a 1'oisivete et de 1'organisation du travail servile dans les republiques grccques et romaine. Paris, 1849. 8" 2950.20 MOREAU DE JONNES, A. Elements de statistique. 2e ed. aug. Paris, 1856. 16 3648.6 Statistique des peuples de 1'antiquite. Paris, 1851. 2v. 8 2292.1 Sur 1'esclavage colonial et sur les moyens de le supprimer. Paris, 1842. 8 3572.21 MOREAU de la Sarthe, J. L. Dictionnaire de med- ecine. See Encyclopedic methodique . . A. 156. 6 MOREAU de Maupertuis. See Maupertuis. MOREAU de Villefranche, S. La prinse et deliv- rance du roy Francois I, 1524-30. [Lafaist. Arch. cur. hist. France. Ser. 1, v. 2] ... 2617.1 MOREHEAD, J. T. Report of the committee on re- trenchment. Washington, 1844. 8 . . *Pph.v.l83 MORELL, J. D. Analysis of sentences. 6th ed. London, n. d. 12 2586.25 Philosophy of religion. London, 1849. 8. 3452.11 MORELLET, A. Memoires sur le 18e siecle et sur la revolution. Eloge de Morellet par Lemon- tey. Paris, 1821. 2v. 8 4644.4 MORELLI, Guglielmo. De veterum philosophorum origine, successione, aetate et doctrina. [Gronovius. Thes. Grsec. antiq. v.10] . . . 2960.2 MORELLI, Giovanni di Jacopo. Ricordi fatti in Firenze, 1385-1437. [Delizie degli eruditi Toscani, v.19] 2767.1 MORELLI, Jacopo. Operette, con opuscoli di anti- chi scrittori [pubblicati per cura di B. Gamba]. Venezia, 1820. 3v. 8 4774.1 Contents. Vol. I. Dlssertazione storica della pub- blica libreria di 8. Marco in Venezia ; Delle solennita e pompe nuziali gia nsate presso -li Veneziani ; Della Shelf. No. MORELLI, J. continued. cultura della poesia presso li Veneziani ; Lcttera ra- risaima di Cristoforo Colombo riprodotta ed illustrata. II. Dissertazione intoruo ad alcuni viaggiatori eruditi Veneziani poco noti; Estratto dell' opera Anccdota Graea editaa J. B. d'Ansse de Villoison ; Lettere ital- iane pubblicate a stampa in varie occasion!; Epistolaa eeptem varite cruditionis, edits Patavii. 1818; Alias epistolse nunc additre; Vite di Anton Francesco Far- Betti, cavaliere, e di Maffeo Niccolo Farsetti, arcives- covo di Ravenna; Relazione di uu' operetta rarissima di Claudio Tolomei de corruptis verbis juris civilis, impressa in Siena, verso I'annololG; Delle rime ine- dite di Antonio Maria de' Pazzi, dissertazione, rime e stnnzc ; Monument! del principle della stampa in Venezia, III. Narrazione intorno all' abate Lastesio; Opere a stampa del Lastesio ; Lastesii [Natalis] Apollo Vaticanus; Lettere familiar! ora per la prima volta pubblicate; Quattro lettere inedite del cardi- nale Pietro Bembo ; Lettera di mess. Bernardino Tomitano al magnifico mess. Francesco Longo. Lettera sopra due antiche iscrizioni spettanti alia citta di Salona. [Raccolta di opuscoli scientifici, ecc, v.16] 5274.1 MORELLI, L. Croniche di. [Delizie degli eruditi Toscani, v.19] 2767.1 MOREKA, O. Historia rerum Laudensium. [Mu- ratori. Rerum Ital. script, v. 6] 2710.1 MOREXI, D. Annali della tipografia florentina di L. Torrentino. 2aed. Firenze, 1819. 8. 2114.13 Bibliografia della Toscana. Firenze, 1805. 2v. 4 *2160.17 Pompe funebri nell' imp. e reale basilica di San Lorenzo. Firenze, 1827. 8 2743.12 Memoria intorno al risorgimento delle belle arti in Toscana e ai ristoratori delle mede- sime. [Coll. d'opusc. scient. e lett. v.15] . 5278.2 Catalogo cronologico delle opere proprie, ed'altrui pubblicate da. See Filelfo, G. M. 2800.13 MORERI, L. Le grand dictionnaire historique. Nouv. e"d. par Drouet. Paris, 1759. lOv. f. *2240.1 Historical and geographical dictionary. See Collier, J 2250.4 MORESTELLI, P. See Graevius. Thesaurus antiq. Rom. v. 8, 12 2950.1 Contents. Vol. VIII. Philomusua, sive de triplici anno Romanorum ; Alypius, sive de priscorum Ro- manorum feriis liber. XII. Pompa fcralis, sive jus- ta funcbria veterum. MORECiL. Manuel des agents consulaires. Ed. aug. Paris, 1853. 8 3616.2 MORFIT, C. Recent improvements in the chemi-- cal arts. See Smithsonian institution . E. 110. 21 and Muckle, A. Chemical and pharmaceutic manipulations. Philadelphia, 1849. 8 . . 3784.13 MORGAGNI, G. B. The seats and causes of dis- eases investigated by anatomy. Tr. by B. Alexander. London, 17f>9. 3v. 4 . . . . 3791.1 MORGAN, A. Address delivered to the general court of the equitable society. [London, 1839.] pp.18. 8 **E. 110.72 Tables showing the total number of persons assured in the equitable society from 1762- 1829. London, 1834. pp.29. f **E.150.4 MORGAN, G. Report on public instruction in Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, 1836. 8 . *Pph.v.97 MORGAN, John, gent. Phoenix Britannicus: a collection of scarce and curious tracts. Vol. I. London, 1732. 4 *2510.6 MORGAN, John, M. D. Institution of medical schools in America. Phila. 1765. 8.*M.Pph.v.7 MORGAN, John, esq.,of the Inner temple. Essays. London, 1789. 3v. 8" 3636.2 MORGAN, John G. Catalogue of the students at- tending the course of lectures on anatomy. Auburn, 1854. 12 *M.Pph.v.25 MORGAN, John M. The Christian commonwealth. London, 1849. pp.89, f *3550.8 MORGAN, L. H. League of the Iroquois. Roches- ter, 1851. 8 2366.3 MORGAN, S. O. Woman and her master. Lon- don, n. d. 2v. 12 3574.24 MOKGAN 549 MORRIS Shelf. No. MOKGAN, S. O. continued. Una risposta a lady Morgan risguardante al- cime accuse da lei date alle donne italiane nella sua opera L'ltalie. See Canonici-Fa- chiui, G 2162.7 MORGAN, T. General biography. See Aikin, J. 2540.28 MORGAN, William, esq., F. R. S. Of the society for equitable assurances on lives. London, 1833. 8 3923.8 MORGAN, Capt. Win. Illustrations of masonry. Boston, 1S29. 8 *rph.v.297 - Same. 2d ed., with an account of the kid- napping of the author. N. York, 1S26. 8.*Pph.v.69 - Same. [No title-page.] 18 *Pph.v.217 Report on that part of the governor's message relating to the abduction. Alb. 1829. 8.*Pph.v.76 Trial of Lackey, Evcrston, Coe, [and others] for kidnapping William Morgan. N. York, 1827. 8 *Pph.v.291 Armstrong, L. Sermon on the abduction of. Pph.v.289 Giddins, E. Treatment, in Fort Niagara. Pph.v.299 Eeport on the abduction of. SeeNewYork. Pph.v.289 Southwick, S. Outrages on Pph.v.293 MORGANTE maggiore : canto. Pulei, L 2807.18 MORGHEN, R. Catalogo delle opcre intagliate del cav. M. Palmerinl, N 4003.8 MORHOF, D. G. Polyhistor, in tres tomos, litera- riurn, philosophicum, et practicum, divisus. Opus posthumum illustratum a J. Mollero. Lubecse, 1708. 2v. 4 *2195.20 MORI, A. de'. Novelle. Milano, 1814. 16'. [Rac- colta de' novellieri italiani, v.12] *2788.4 Novelle. [Novelliero italiano, v.4] . . . . 2772.19 Novels. [Roscoe. Italian novelists, v.3] . 2772.18 MORICE, P. H.,and Taillandier, C. Histoire de Bretagne. Guingamp, 1835-37. 20v. 8 . *46C5.1 MORICHINI, D. P. Scritti editi ed inediti. Roma, 1852. 2v. 8 3723.3 Contents. Vol. I. Mcmorie storiche del cav. D. Morichini; Ammollimento delle ossa nella rachilide; Causa della rachitide; Sopra alcune sostanze che pas- sano tndecomposte nelle urine; Tisi polmonare, ecc.i IJi alcuni denti fossilidi elefauti; Dello smalto di un dente fossile di elefonti, e deidentiumanij Parere so- pra la questione, se la formaziono di una salina artifi- ciale nella spiaggia di Corneto possa rendere insalubre 1'aria di quclla citta, e dei oontorni ; Apologia delle sa- line; Sopra 1'acqua di Nocera; Sopra le due acidule adoperate in Roma; Sopra le acque tcrmali di Civita- Vecchia; Sopra la gommadi ulivo; Sull' estrazione del jodo, ecc.; Sperienze sopra la bile. II. Sopra la forza magnetizzante del lembo estremo del raggio violetto, ecc; Sopra la fabbrica di vetriolo verde di Viterbo, detto in commercio vetriolo romano; Dell' ariamal- sana della campagna romana; Sul lavoro di M. Ivart riguardante ragricoltura della carapagna romana ; Sulla combustione de' Riscoli ; Selva di Cistcrna ; Selve di Terracina; Sulla fabbricazione della potassa; Sul taglio de' boschi nelle montagne bolognesi, ecc.; Relazione sulle risaie di Ronciglione e di Nepi; Re- lazionesulle risaie di Canino, ecc.; Sulla istanza del comune di Marsciano nell' Umbria per 1'uccisioni delle rondini ; Proposta di un regolarnento di polizia sanitaria per la citta di Roma; Sopra i luoglii da desti- uarsi per la formazione dei cimeterii i'uori di Roma; Sopra i candelottai e saponai, e sopra la liquefazione delsevoin oarniccio; Sopra le vaccinazioni eseguite negli stati ponteficii dal giugno 1823 al giugno 1824; Sopra il gaz infiammabile del Tevere, lettera al sig. Brocchi; Sopra lo stato delle tintorie in Roma in riguardo alle tinte fine esolide; Sul modo di riani- mare il commercio delle lane e fabbricazione dei panni; Sopra 1'uso medico dell' olio di Croton-Tilli; Necrologia del p. B. Gandolfl e del p. C. G. Gis- mondi; Oratio inauguralis habita in archigymnasio romano 25 Nov. 1802. MORIER, J. Plates illustrating two journlea through Persia to Constantinople, 1810-16. London, 1812-18. 4 *3042.16 MORIGI, A. Abhandlung iiber den fugirten Con- trapunct. Herausgegeben von B. Asioli. Leipzig, n. d. 8 *1055.21 MORIGIA, B. Chronicon Modoiitiense. [Muratori. Rerumltal. script, v.12] 2710.1 MORIK.E, E. Gedichte. 2te Aufl. Stuttgart u. Tiib. 1848. 8m.8 2896.9 Shelf. No. MORIN, A. J. Aide-memoire de mecanique pra- tique. Paris, 1858. 8 3932.7 Notice sur divers appareils dynamometriques. 2e ed. Paris, 1841. 8. pi 4015.17 Notions geometriques sur les mouvements. 2e ed. Paris, 1857. 8 4015.18 Sur le tirage des voitures. Paris, 1842. 4 . *4012.18 MORIN, H. De 1'origine de 1'usage des souhaits en favour de ceux qui eternuent. [Leber. Coll. diss. hist. France, v. 8] 2018.1 MORIN, J. Manuel du bottler et du cordonnier. Paris, 1831. sm.l2r [Manuel Roret.] . . 4019.20 MORIN, J. B. Dictionnaire des mots frangois de- rives du grec. 2e ed. Paris, 1809. 2v. 8. 2684.11 MORISON, James, the hygeist. Biographical sketch, [by himself.] [No title-page.] 8 . . *M.Pph.v.43 MORISON, Rev. James, of Norham. Secession tes- timony consistent with liberty of con- science. Paisley, 1774. 8 *Pph.v.51 MORISON, J. H. Life of Hon. J. Smith. Boston, 1845. 12 *2343.20 MORITZ, C. P. Travels in England, 1782. [Pin- kerton. Voyages, v. 2] 2260.13 MORLEY, H. Memoirs of Bartholomew fair. London, 1859. 8 2520.24 MORLINI, G. Novellas, fabulze, comcedia. 3a ed. Lutetise Parisiorum, 1855. 16 4777.31 MORLOT, A. v. Erlauterungen zur geologischen Uebersichtskarte der nordostlichen Alpen. Wien, 1S47. 8 3804.14 MORMONISM. Hyde,J. Its leaders and designs . 3489.25 Ward, A. N. Sights and scenes among the Mormons 2407.9 Ward, M. Female life among the Mormons. 2407.10 MORMONS, The, or latter-day saints, with memoirs of J. Smith. 3d ed. London, 1852. 12 . . 3489.20 MORNAY, Duplessis. See. Duplessis-Mornay. MORNING chronicle, 1794-1831, 1850-53. London, 1794-1853. 52v. f *7510.1 MOROCCO. See France. Exploration sclent, de 1'Algerie. Sciences hist, et geogr 3054.2 Contents. Vol. VI. Expeditions ct C'tablissements des Portugais dans 1'empire du Maroc. VIII. De- scription geographique de renipire de Slaroc. Lempriere, W. Tour to. [Pinkerton. Voy- ages^. 15] 2200.13 MORONI, G. Dizionario di erudizione storico-eccle- siastica da S. Pietro sino ai nostri giorni. Vol. 1-85. Venezia, 1840-57. 85v.in43. 8. *3541.1 MOROSINI, A. Istorie veneziane. [Istorici delle cose veneziane, v. 5-7] 2721.1 MOROSSI, F. A. Elogio di G. Tartiui. [Elogj italiani, v. 8] 2743.15 MORPHINE. Preparation and uses of. Magendie, F M.Pph.v.125 MORPHOLOGY. Rathke, II. Zur Morphologic . 3881.6 Schiitz, W. von. Zur intcllectuellen und sub- stantiellcn Morphologic 3004.13 See also : Comparative anatomy. MORRELL, B. Voyage to the Pacific ocean. See Keelcr, J Pph.v.218 MORRELL, R. Dissertation on animal heat. New York, 1810. 8" *M.Pph.v.2 MORRI, G. L'architetto nelle strade. Faenza, 1794. 8 4105.20 Riflessioni istoriche e fisiche sul naviglio di Faenza. Memoria pel naviglio di Faenza. [Raccolta del moto dell' acque, v. 16] . . . 3942.1 MORRICE, M. Social religion exemplified in the city of Caerludd. 3ded. London, 1759. 8. 3444.18 MORRIS, A. Prize essay: Canada and her re- sources. 2d ed. [With maps.] Montreal, 1855. 8 2311.11 MORRIS, C. On scarlet fever. Phila.1851. 8. . 3777.13 MORRIS, George P. Songs and ballads, n.p. n.d. 8. [New mirror] *Pph.v.l42 MORRIS, Gouverneur. Answer to War in dis- guise. New York, 1SOO. pp.76. 8 .... 3615.3 Discourse before the New York historical so- ciety, 6 Dec. 1812. New York, 1813. 8 . *Pph.v.4 MORRIS 550 MOSCOW Shelf. No. MORRIS, Gouverneur, continued. Oration, in celebration of the deliverance of Europe from despotism. New York, 1814. 8 *Pph.v.l Oration, in honor of George Clinton. New York, 1812. 8 *Pph.v.4 Report of commissioners for the improve- ment of internal navigation of New York. Albany, 1812. 8 *Pph.v.9 and Fulton, R. Proposed canal from lake Erie to Hudson river. [New York, 1814. No title-page.] 8 . . .' *Pph.v.l MOKRIS, J., and Watson, E. Addresses before the Otsego county agricultural society. Coop- erstown, 1817. 8 *Pph.v.l9 MORRIS, R. V. Defence of the conduct of commo- dore Morris, during his command in the Mediterranean. New York, 1801. 8 . . *Pph.v.lO MORRIS' reserve, History of. Turner, 2371.5 MORRISON, C. Design and advantages of the fre- quent observance of the Lord's supper. Sligo, 1804. 8 *Pph.v.256 MORRISON, J. Medicine no mystery. London, 1820. 12 3721.17 MORRISON, R. Memoirs, by his widow, with no- tices of his Avorks by S. Kidd. London, 1839. 2v. 8" 3556.1 MORRITT, J. B. S. Vindication of Homer, in an- swer to Bryant. York, 1798. 4 2991.12,14 Observations upon the vindication of Homer. See Bryant, J 2991.15 MORRONA, A. da. Pisa illustrata nolle arti del di- segno. 2aed. Livorno, 1812. 3v. 12. . . 4064.21 MORRONE, J. M. Vocabulary of the Cochin Chi- nese language. See Du Ponceau, P. S. . . 3034.1 MORSE, E. B. Oration, July 4th, 1804, at West- borough, Mass. Worcester, 1804. 8 . . *Pph.v.63 MORSE, J. American gazetteer. Boston, 1797. 8 *2388.9, **E.205.12 - Same. 2d ed. Boston, 1804. 8". 2286.4, **E. 205. 11 American universal geography. 5th ed. Bos- ton, 1805. 2v. 8 2286.3 - Appeal to the public on the revolution in Harvard college, occasioned by complaints of Miss H. Adams against the author. Charlestown, 1814. 8 2387.5 Discourse in grateful celebration of the aboli- tion of the slave trade. Boston, 1808. 8.*Pph.v.249 Geography made easy, an abridgement of the American universal geography. 15th ed. Boston, 1812. 12 7039.3 Report to the secretary of war, on Indian af- fairs, 1820. New Haven, 1822. 8 2366.8 Sermon before the ancient and honorable ar- tillery company. Charlestown, 1803. 8.*Pph.v.249 Sermon before the convention of congrega- tional ministers, 1812. Boston, 1812. 8.*Pph.v.l3 Signs of the times, a [missionary] sermon. Charlestown, 1810. 8" *Pph.v.l3 True reasons on which the election of a Hol- lis professor of divinity in Harvard college was opposed at the board of overseers. Charlestown, 1805. 8 *Pph.v.256 Controversy between M. and Miss Adams. Boston, 1814. 8 Pph.v.12 Freeman, J. Remarks on the American uni- versal geography Pph.v.301 and Parish, E. Compendious history of New England. London, 1808. 8 2329.15 - New gazetteer of the eastern continent. Charlestown, 1802. 8 2286.5 MORSE, Samuel F. B. Fine arts, a reply to the North American review. N.Y. 1828. 8.*Pph.v.72 MORSE, Sidney E. Geographical view of Greece, and a sketch of the revolution. [No title- page.] 12 *Pph.v.215 MORTALITY. Bills of M. 1G57-1758. See Collection. 3561.5 Construction of tables of. Milne, J 3923.12 See also : Belgium, Deaths, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Longevity, New Orleans, New York, Scotland. Shelf. No. MORTARA, A. E. Saggio di osservazioni sul vo- cabolario dclla Crusca dall' ab. P. Zanotti e sopra quelle fatte dal dottore G. Ghcrardini. Mantova, 1840. 8 2784.9 MORTARS, Practical treatise on. Vicat, L. J. . . 4093.8 See also : Cement. MORTGAGE. Guichard, A. C. Legislation hy- pothecaire 3620.7 Troplong, R. T. Le droit du gage et de 1'an- tichrese 3637.9 MORTIMER, J. La richesse dcs otats, ou Pagricul- ture complete. Paris, 1789. 4v. 12 .... 4008.27 MORTIMER, P. Der Choral-Gesang zur Zeit der Reformation. [Mit Notenheft.] Berlin, 1821. 4 *4056.13 System der acht Kirchen-Tonarten, nach P. Mortimer entworfen von G. A. Dreschke. Berlin, 1834. 8 *4056.20 MORTIMER, W. W. History of the hundred of Wirral, with a sketch of Chester. London, 1847. 4 *2502.14 MORTON, James. Life and poetical remains of Leyden. See Leyden, J 2608.10 MORTON, John. Natural history of Northampton- shire. London, 1712. f *24<50.6 MORTON, N. New England's memorial, 6th edi- tion ; Bradford's Plymouth, and Dialogue; Prince's chronology; Winslow's visits, [etc.] Boston, 1855. 8 2321.3 MORTON, Perez. Oration on the reinterment of Joseph Warren. 2d. ed. Boston, 1776. 8 . *2324.8 MORTON, Peter. Geometry, plane, solid, and spherical. London, 1830. 8. [London.So- ciety of useful knowledge] **E. 212.1 MORTON, R. Exercitationes de morbis universal- ibus acutis. Londini, 1692. sm.S" .... *3797.27 MORTON, S. G. Catalogue of skulls of man and the inferior animals. Phila. 1840. 8. *M.Pph.v.37 Memoir of William Maclure. Philadelphia, 1841. pp.37. 8 2344.4 Observations on the size of the brain in va- rious races and families of man. [Philadel- phia, 1849.] 8. [No title-page.] . . .*M.Pph.v.46 Pulmonary consumption. Phila. 1834. 8. . 3794.7 Memoir of. Meigs, C. D M.Pph.v.52 Types of mankind. See Nott, J. C 2234.9 MORTON, Thomas. New English Canaan, written upon ten years' knowledge of the country, 1632. [Force. Tracts, v.2] 2323.3 MORTON, T., F. R. S., and Cadge, W. Surgical anatomy. London, 1850. 8 3752.13 MORTREUIL, J. A. B. Histoire du droit byzantiu, depuis Justinicn jusqu' en 1453. Paris, 1843- 40. 3v. 8 3612.8 MORVEAU. See Guyton de Morveau. MOSAIC. Zobi, A. Stabilimento de' lavori in pietredure 4063.5 MOSAIC law. Leeser, I. The Jews and the . . . 3489.15 Priestley, J. Comparison of the institutions of Moses with those of the Hindoos . . . 3435.12 See also : Hebrews, Jews. MOSASAURUS, and allied genera. See Smithsonian contributions, v.2, art. 5 3340.1 MOSCHOPULUS, M. In duos priores Iliados libros scholia, p.l.j rec. L. Bachmannus. Rosto- chii, 1835. pp.52. 4 *2991.10 Opuscula grammatica. Lipsiae, 1822. pp.86. 8. 2985.11 MOSCHUS. SeeBion 2979.17 See Gaisford, T. Poetse min. Grseci, v.4 . . . 2968.2 See Poetae bucolici 3002.15 See Theocritus 3005.10, 2979.2 Gl' idillj, tradotti dal G. M. Pagnini. See Po- etigreci . . 2963.2 See Parnaso dei poeti classic! d'ogninaz. v. 14. 2769.1 See Elton, C. A. Specimens of the classic poets, v.l 2963.14 Translations from, by F. Fawkes. [Chalmers. English poets] v.20of 2592.7 Moscow. Societe imperiale des naturalistes. Bul- letin. Tome xxix, p.1,2. Mosc. 1856. 2v. 8". *3837.7 MOSELEY 551 MOUHY Shelf. No. MOSELEY, B. On tropical diseases ; on military operations ; and on the climate of the West Indies. 4th ed. London, 1803. 8" .... 3/97.12 MOSELEY, II. On hydrostatics and hydrodynam- ics. Cambridge, 1830. 8 3044.23 Treatise on mechanics applied to the arts. 2d ed. London, 1830. 8 3914.30 Theory of the arch, etc. See Weale, J. . . . 4014.2 MOSELEY, W. M. Essay on archery. Worcester, 1792. 8 4001.11 MOSELLE. Biographic de toutes les personnes nees dans ce departement qui se sont fait remarquer. Begin, E. A 2&44.1 MOSER, F. C. v. Beytriige zu dem Staats-und Volcker-Recht. Franckfurt a. M. 1704-72. 4v. 10 3016.13 Kleine Schriften zur Erliiuterung des Staats- und Viilker-Rechts. Franckfurt a. M. 1751- 05. 12v. sin. 8" *2906.5 Contents. Vol. I. Von der Staats-Galanterie ; Von dem Gehalt der Gesandten ; Von den Gevattcrschaf- ten grosser lierren; Von dem Titul, Vatcr, Mutter und Sohn; Von dem Canzley-Decoro. II-IILUe- ber den gegenwartigen Zustand der Reichs-Ritter- schaft; Acten-miissige Geschichte der Excellenz- Titulatur. III. Die Gesandten nach ihren Rochten und Pflichten ; Nachrichten von dem A. 1G83, zu Leipzig gchaltenen letztcn ober-sachsischen Crays- Convent; Nachrichten von altcn Cauzley-und Ge- richts-Formular-Buchcrn ; Begriffdcssen, was bey und nach Eroffnung der Friedenstractaten zwischen ihro kayscrlichen Majestat, dem Reich und dessen hohcu Alliirten, verhandelt worden. IV. Bericht, von dem Streit der Reichs Erb-Aemter mil den kay- serlichcn Hof-Aemtern, wegeu der Lchen-Gelder und Amts-Verrichtungen, wie auch von denen wc- gen Belehnung und Incumbenz der Erb-Aemter vor- gci'allencn Verhandlungen, vom Jahrl35G bis 1715; Der Courier, nach seinen Rechten uud Pflichten; Vcrmischtc practische Anmcrkungen. V. Abhand- luug von der Contra-Siguatur ; Von Staats-Prophc- ceyungen; Von Canzley-Fehlern; Auserleseno Titu- latnr-Aumerkungcn ; Von dem Prasentato ; Von dem Ursprung des besonderu Sitz-und Stimmrechts des franckischen Reichs-Grafen-Collegii auf Reichs- TUgcn. VI. Von dem Protocollo Oder Diario reruin exhibitarum; Der Titul Majestat, crliiutert; Anmer- kungen von dcncn dem Dohm-Capitul zu Constanz, sede vacante, zustehendcn Crays-Ausschreibam- tlichen Gerechtsamcn ; Der Titul Gnadc ; An- mcrkungen von dem Scnio der auf schwiibischcn Crays-Tiigcn alternirenden griiflichen Hauser j Ab- handlung von dem Recht cincs Suuveraius und frcyen Staats, den andern wegcu seiner Ilandlungcu zur Rede zu stellen ; Die Rechte der Gesandten, In Anschung der militarischcn Ehren-Bezeugungcn. VII. Abhandlung von der Zoll-uud Accis-Freyheit der Gesandten; Der Titul: Uoheit, Altessc, Altcsse serenissime, celsitudo, etc.; Versuch eincs Staats- Rechts des in corpore betrachteten schwubischen Creyses ; Ilistorischer Beytrag zu Erorterung der Frage von der Gerichtsbarkeit des Kaysers iiber mit- telbare Reiclis-Unterthanen, in pcrsiinlichcn Ver- brechen. VIII. Bericht und Gutachtcn von der schwabischen Creys-Kriegs-Vcrfassung, samt beyge- liigten rectificiiten Matricular-Tabellen ; Abhand- lung von Ausschaffung der Gesandten, und was der- sclbcn anhangig, nach den Grundsiitzcn des euro paischeu Volker, und tcutschen Staats-Rechts. IX. Schluss der Ausschaffung der Gesandten; Von der Subrepartition der Millionen-Verwilligung beym Reich ; Actenmiissiger Bericht von dem Prcesenta- tions-Recht zu den Reichs-Cammer-Gcrichts Beysit- zer-Stellens Rechtliches Gutachten, die Feststellung des Principii cognoscendi in der griiflich-IIatzfeldis- chen Successions-Streitigkeit betr. ; Abhandlung von dem Seegel-Streichen und Schiffs-Gruss. X. Die Gerichtsbarkeit der Reichs-Stadte iibcr die darinnen sich auflialtende Reichsritterschafll. Canzlcyen und denen Untergebenebctreffend; Irthiimeren in deneu Reichs-Gesctzen ; Untersuchung der Rcchtmassig- keit des Reverses, welchen die den 13 September 1759, in koniglich-preussische Kriegsgefaugenschaft zu Leipzig gerathcne frankische und ober-rhcinische Crays-Officiers von eich gestellet Uaben; Von den Gcbrcchen des schwabischen Crays-Dircctorii; Fort- setzung der Abhandlung vom Schiffs-Gruss-und See- gel-Streichen; Bericht von den activ-und passiv-Le- hen des llauses llohenlohe; Entwurf eines Solmsis- chen Staats-Rechts. XI. Anmerkungen aus dem teutachen Staats-Recht ; J. C. Kreydenmanus Be- Shelf. No. MOSER, F. C. v. continued. dcncken iiber den Zustand, Gebrechen, innere Ver- fassung, der Reichs-Ritterschaft iiberhaupt, und der schwabischen insbesonderelG4i ; Ordnung der Graf Ulrichs von Wiirtemberg, 1180 ; Beschreibung der Vennahlungs-Feyeriichkeiteu Herzog Johann Fried- richszuWiirtemberg, mitderchurfiirstlichen Princes- sin Barbara Sophia von Brandenburg, vom Jahr 1509; Beschreibung der Vermahluugs-Solennitaten Prin- zessin Even Christinen zu Wiirtemberg, mit Marggra- fen Johann Georgcu zu Brandenburg in Jagerndorf, annolClO. XII. Fortsetzung und Schluss der Abhand- lung vom Schiffs-Gruss und Seegclstreichen; Bericht von dem Beytrag der Juden zu Reichs-und Crays- Steuren, iusbesondcre in Franckfurt und Friedberg; Des Hrn. Prof, von Selchow zu Gottingen Bcurthei- lung des in dem zehnten Band diescr kleinen Schriff- ten befindlichen Bedenckens von der Gerichtsbar- keit der Reichs-Stadte, iiber die darinn sich auf- haltcnde Ritter-Canzleyen, nebst Anmerkungen ; Haupt-Register fiber die zwolf Theile der kleinen Schriften. MOSER, Johann J. Nord-America nach den Frie- densschliissen von 1783. Leipzig, 1784-85. 3r. 8 2364.13 Mb'SEK, Justus, geschildert. See Kreyssig, F. . 2847.13 MOSES, M. Commercial directory and a digest of the U. S. laws relating to commerce. Js'ew York, 1830. 8 3633.1 MOSHEIM, J. L. v. Ecclesiastical history, ancient and modern, translated by A. Maclaiue. Charlestown, 1810-11. Cv. 8 *3515.3 Moss, A. P. Dissertatio medica inauguralis de apoplexia. Edinburgi, 1807. 8" . . . *M.Pph.v.2 Moss, J. W. Manual of classical bibliography. 2ded. London, 1837. 2v. 8 *2174.1 MOSSES. Bridcl-Brideri, S. E. v. Bryologia uni- versa 3859.5 - Mcthodus nova muscorum 3S1^.S - Muscologia recentiorum 3845.1,2 Dillenius, J. J. Historia muscorum .... 3S41.2 Hedwig, J. Species muscorum frondosorum. 3841.7 Hooker, W. J. Musci exotici 3847.1 Schimper, W. P. Bryologia Europaea . . . 3841.4 See also : Germany, Great Britain. MOSTO, A. Cada. See Cadamosto, A. MOTIIERBY, G. New medical dictionary. 2d ed. London, 17S5. f *3730.1 MOTHERS. Lercbours, M. A. A. Avis aux meres qui veuleut nourrir leurs enfans 3779.29 MOTHS. Humphreys, II. X. British moths and their transformations 3891.4 MOTION. Borelli, G. A. De motu animalium . . 37C5.7 Boyle, E. Effects of E. 109. 21 Carnot, L. X. M. Principes fondamentaux du mouvcment 3944.31 Morin, A. Xotions geometriques sur les mouvements 4015.18 MOTLEY, J. L. Rise of the Dutch republic. Xew York, 1850. 3v. 8 *2815.3 MOTT, V. Address introductory to a course of lectures. New York, 1S50. 8 . . . . *3I.Pph.v.47 Biographical memoir of Wright Post. New York, 1829. 8" *M.Pph.v.20 Inaugural address, before the N. Y. academy of medicine. Prefixed, an address by J. W. Francis. New York, 1S49. 8" . . . .*M.Pph.v.45 Remarks on a pamphlet entitled Reflections on securing the arteria inuominata by V. Mott, with reply. N. Y. n.d. 8. . *M.Pph.v.l5 MOTTE, M. I. Sermon at the installation of. See Channing, W. E Pph.v.21G, 248, 268 MOTTEVILLE, F. B. de. Memoircs. [Michaud. Coll. mem. hist. France. Ser. 2, v.10] . . . 2011.1 - Same. [Petitot. Coll. mem. hist. France. Ser. 2, v. 30-40] 2035.1 MOUFFLE d'Angerville. Vie privee de Louis xv. Londrcs, 1781-88. 4v. 12 2049.3 MOUHY, C. dc Ficux de. Lamekis, on les voyages extraordinaircs d'un Eyypticn dans la terre intericure, avcc la decouverte de Pile des Sylphides. [Gamier. Voyages imaginaires, v.20, 21] 2066.1 MOULDER 552 MULLER Shelf. No. MOULDER. Lcbrun. Nouveau manucl complet du inoulcur 4019.13 MOULTON. J. W. View of the city of Now Orange, [now New York,] as it was in 1073. New York, 1825. 8 *Pph.v.56 MOULTON, W. Sea journal from New London to Stateu Land, 1799-1804. Utica, 1804. 8. *Pph.v.lO MOUNIER, J. J. Causes qui ont empCche les Fran- ?ois de devenir libres. Geneve, 1792. 2v. 8. 3500.19 DC 1'influence attribute aux philosophes, aux francs-macons et aux illumines sur la revo- lution de France. Paris, 1822. 8 4656.7 MOUNT Auburn cemetery. See Catalogue of the proprietors 2354.9 - Handbook of 2353.17 Notes upon 2389.14 MOUNT Hope cemetery, with the exercises at the consecration. Boston, 1852. 8 .... *Pph.v.272 MOUNT Vcrnon, a poem. See Searson, J 2399.8 MOUNTATNE, W. Description of the lines drawn on Gunter's scale, as improved by Robcrt- son. London, 1788. pp.91. 8 **E.110.57 MOUNTAINS. L'attraction des montagnes. Zach, F E. 213. 18,20 MOUNTGOMRY, R. Designed establishment of a new colony to the south of Carolina. [Force. Tracts, v.l] 2323.3 MOURIEZ, P. Histoire de Mdhemet-Ali, vice-roi d'Egypte. Paris, 1857-58. 5v. in 4. 8 . . 3052.4 MOURLON, P. Codes frangais. See Royer-Collard, P. P 3610.7 MOURNER, The. Grosvenor, B 3446.4 MOUSKES, P. Chronique rimde, publiee par le baron de Reiffenberg. Bruxelles, 1836-45. 2v. [Belgium. Coll. de chroniques beiges inedites] 2811.5 Chronique me'trique do la conquetc de Con- stantinople, par les Francs. [Buchon. Coll. dcs chroniques nat. franc, v.3] 2617.2 MOUSLIER> See Moissy, A. G. Mouslier de. MOUTONNET de Clairfons, J. J. Lcs iles for- tune'es, ou les aventures de Bathylle et de Cleobule. [Gamier. Voyages imaginaires, V.10] 2666.1 MOXA, as a therapeutic agent. Larrey, D. J. M.Pph.v.90 MOYLE, W. Works. London, 1720. 2r. 8 . . 3472.9 Contents. Vol. I. Essay upon the constitution of the Roman government ; Charge to the grand jury ; Letters to Dr. Wm. Musgravc ; Dissertation upon the age of the Philopatris j Letters. II. Remarks upoa some passages in Pridcaux's connection; Letters con- cerning the thundering legion. MOYSES. Carmen de laudibus Bergomi. [Mura- tori. Rerum Ital. script, v. 5] 2710.1 MOYSES, D. Affairs of Scotland, with Gowry's conspiracy, 1577-1603. Edinburgh, 1755. 12. 2475.15 MOZARABIC ritual. See Isidorus Hispalensis . .3450.17 MOZART, L. Griindliche Violinschule. 2te Aufl. Augsburg, 1770. 4. pi *4046.2 MOZART, TV". A. Thematisches Verzeichniss der- jenigen Originalhandschriften von W. A. Mozart welche Hofrath Andre" besitzt. Of- fenbach a. M. 1841. 8. pi *4045.1 Misericordias Domini. 4 voci con strom. [Dehn. Practische Musik-Werke, v.26] . 4051.14 Ergebnisse der Forschungen iiber die Ech- theit der Mozartschen Requiem 4046.5 Fuchs, A. In Sachen Mozart's 4049.34 Jahn, O. Biographic 4046.4 Nissen, G. N. v. Biographic 4046.3 - Oulibicheff, A. Biographic 4046.6 Schizzi, F. Elogio storico di 4046.1 Stadler, M. Vcrthcidigung der Echtheit des Mozartischen Requiem 4046.22 MOZIN, Vabbe. Dictionnaire franjais-allemand, et allemand-fr. 3e ed. par Peschier. Stuttgart ct Tub. 1850-51. 4v. 1.8 *2682.1 MUCEDINEES d'Europe. Corda, A. C. J 3840.6 MUCKLE, A. Chemical and pharmaceutic manipu- lations. SeeMorfit, C 3784.13 Shelf. No. MUDIE, R. Hampshire : its past and present con- dition, etc. Winchester, n.d. [1838.] 3v. 8 2504.13 MUDFORD, W. Campaign in the Netherlands in 1815, and battle of Waterloo. Lond. 1817. 4.*2540.20 MUEHRY, A. Comparative state of medicine in France, England, and Germany. Transl. by E. G. Davis. Philadelphia, 1838. 8 ... 3721.7 MUGGENDORF, Hohlen urn. Rosenmiillcr, J. C. . 38.G.3 MUGELLANO, A. C. Elogio di P. A. Micheli. [Elogj italiani, v.3] 2743.15 MUHLENBERG, II. Catalogue of the plants of North America. 2d ed. Phila. 1818. 8. *Pph.v.54 MUHLENPFORDT, E. Schilderung der Republik Mcjico. Hannover, 1844. 2v. 8 2314.4 MUIRHEAD, J. P. Mechanical inventions of J. Watt, [with] memoir. Lond. 1854. 3v. 8. 4015.7 MULBERRY-TREE, Manual of the. Cobb, J. H. . 4019.3 MULCHINOCK, W. P. Ballads and songs. New York, 1851. 8 2398.27 MULDER, G. J. Physiologische Chemie. Braun- schweig, 1844-51. 2v. 8 3975.12 MULLENHOF, C. Sagen, Miirchen, und Lieder der Herzogthumer Schleswig Holstein und Lau- enberg. Kiel, 1845. 8 2902.11 MULLER, Albert A. Address on laying the corner stone of the masonic hall, Tuscaloosa. Tus- caloosa, 1831. 8 *Pph.v.291 MULLEn, Alexander. Der Erzbischof von Koln in Opposition mit dem prcussischen Staatsoberhaupte. Karlsruhe, 1838. 8 . . 3463.7 MULLER, C. O. Ancient art and its remains. New ed. transl. by J. Leitch. London, 1852. 8. 4072.9 Geschiehten hellenischer Stiimme und Stiidte. 2te Ausg. von F. W. Schneidewin. Bres- lau, 1844. 3v. 8" 3073.10 History and antiquities of the Doric race. Translated by H. Tufnell and G. C. Lewis. Oxford, 1830. 2v. 8' 2960.9 Introduction to a scientific system of my- thology. Tr. by J. Leitch. Lond. 1844. 8. 3488.5 Kleine deutscho Sehriften iiber Religion, u. s. w. des Altcrthums, herausg. von E. Miil- ler. Brcslau, 1847-48. 2v. 8 2904.10 MULLER, E. G. L. De scarificationc ct cucurbitu- lis. Bcrolini, 1817. 8 *M.Pph.v.ll3 MULLER, F. von. Characteristics of Goethe. See Austin, S 2907.2 MULLER, Johann v., 6. 1752, d. 1809. Sammtliehe Werke. Hrsg. v. J. G. MUller. Stuttgart u. Tubingen, 1831-35. 40v. 16 *2899.1 Contents. Vol. I.- VI. Vier und zwauzig Biieher allgemeiner Geschichten besonders der europaischen Menschheit. VII.-XXII. Die Gcschichte ochwei- zerischen Eidgenossenschaft. XXIII. Zur Literatur und Geschichte der Schweiz. XXIV. Schriften zur Geschichte des teutschen Filrstenbundes. XXV. Kleine historische Schriften. XXVI.-XXVIL His- torische Kritik. XXVIII. Nachlese kleiner historis- cher Schriflen. XX1X.-XXXIII. Biographische Denkwiirdigkeiten. XXXIV.-XXXVI. Briefe an Carl Victor von Bonstetten, geschrieben vom Jahre 1773-1809. XXXVII.-XL. Briefe an Herrn Charles Bonnet, und Studien; Briefe an Freunde. Vierundzwanzig Bucher allgemeiner Ge- sehichten. Stuttgart u. Tubingen, 1852. 4v. 16 2239.3 Universal history. Boston, 1831, 32. 4v. 12. 2339.1 Biographie. n.p.n.d. 8. [No title-page] . . 2845.6 Glutz-Blozheim, R., and others. Der Ge- schichte schweizerischer Eidgenossen- schaft. neue Aufl. Leipzig u. Zurich, 1816- 53. 15v. in 10. 8 *2818.1 - Histoire de la confederation suisse, trad. de 1'allemand et continuee par MM. Monnard et Vulliemin. Paris, 1837-51. 18v. 8 . . 2818.2 MULLER, Johannes, b. 1801. Archiv fur Anato- mic, Physiologic, u. s. w. Berlin, 1834-59. 20v. 8 *3748.1 Compensation der phys. Krafte am mcnschl. Stimmorgan. Berlin, 1839. pp.59. 4 pi. 8. 3765.16 MULLER 553 MURATOKI Shelf. No. MULLER, Johannes, continued. De glandularum seceruentiumstructurapeni- tiori. Lipsiae, 1830. f *3740.18 De respiratione foetus. Lipsise, 1823. 8 . . *3776.27 Elements of physiology. Transl. with notes by W. Baly. 2d ed. London, 1840-42. 2v. 8" *37C2.6 - Same. Supplement. Recent advances in the physiology of motion, etc. by W. Baly and W. S. Kirkes. London, 1848. 8 ... *3762.6 Handbuch der Physiologic des Menschen. 4te Aufl. Coblenz, 1840-44. 2v. 8 3702.7 Physiologic des Gesichtssinnes. Leipzig, 1826. 8 3762.9 and Henle, J. Beschreibung der Plagiosto- men. Berlin, 1841. f *5S70.2 and Troschcl, F. H. System der Astcriden. Braunschweig, 1842. 4 *3871.6 MULLER, Johann G. Briefe liber das Studium der Wissenschaften, besonders Geschichte. 2te Aufl. Zurich, 1817. 8 2206.1 MULLER, Prof. John. Elements of mathematics. 3ded. London, 1705. 8 **E.198.22 HOLLER, J. N. Ehren-Kranze. Ein biograph- isches Lesebuch. Stuttgart, 1848. 8 ... 2843.5 MULLER, 31. German classics from the 4th to the 19th century. London, 1858. 12 2886.10 MULLER, O. F. Vermium terrestrium et fluvia- tilium historia. Havniae et Lipsiae, 1773-74. 2v. in 1. 4" *3871.15 Von Wiirmern dcs siissen und salzigen Was- sers. Kopenhagen, 1771. sm.4 3874.4 Zoologize Danicae prodrom. Havniae, 1776. 8. 3909.5 MULTEDO, G. de. Annales Genuenses, ab anno 1204. [Muratori. Rerum Ital. script. v.6J. 2710.1 MUMMY. Warren, J. C. Description of an Egyp- tian mummy 3765.26 MUNCH, E. H. J. v. Maria von Burgund nebst dem Leben [von] Margarethe von York. Leipzig, 1832. 2v. 16 2852.18 MUNFORD, G. Analysis of the domesday book of the county of Norfolk. Loud. 1858. 8". 2503.26 MUNICH. Konigliche bayerische Akademie clcr Wissenschaften. Abhandlungen. Miin- chen, 1763-70. lOv. 8m.4 *3214.1 - Neue historische Abhandlungen. MUn- chen, 1779-98. 5v. 4 *3214.2 - Neue philosophische Abhandluugen. Munchen, [1778]-97. 7v. 4 *3234.2 - Abhandlungen der historischen Classe. MUnchen, 1833-55. 7v. in 8. 4 *3274.1 - Abhandlungen der mathematisch-physi- kalischen Classe. Munchen, 1832-52. 7v. 4. *32G4.1 - Abhandlungen der philosophisch-philo- logischen Classe. Munchen, 1835-58. 8v. 4. *3254.1 - Denkschriften fiir die Jahre 1808-24. MUnchen, 1809-25. 9v. 4. pi *3214.4 - Gegenstiinde der schiinen Wissenschaften. Munchen, 1781. Iv. 8 *3234.4 - Gelehrte Anzeigen. Munchen, 1835-58. 47v. in 22. 4" *3224.3 Royal library. Catalogus codicum manu- Bcriptorum. T. VII. Monachii, 1858. 8 . . *2190.12 MUNICIPAL corporations, History of. Mereweth- er, H. A 2514.1 See also: Boroughs, Towns. MUNIN. Chimie experimentale et theorique. Paris, 1845. 2v. 8 3976.4 MUNIO Mindoniensis. Historia Compostellana. [Migne. Patrologiae v.170] v. 3 of 3400.41 MUNK,S. Palestine. Paris, 1845. 8. [L'Univers.J 2276.4 MUNKO, A. Tentamen medicum inaugurale de phthisi pulmonali. Ediub. 1797. 8 . *M.Pph.v.l2 MUNSELL, J. Albany directory and register. Al- bany, 1854. 12 2389.5 Outline of the history of printing, and sketches of early printers. Albany, 1839. 8. . *Pph.v.l08 MUNSTER, S. Cosmographia; uuiuersalis libri vi. Basileae, 1554. f , *2270.2 MUNSTER, La paix de. See Leclerc, J 3620.1 Shelf. No. MUNTANER, R. Chronique, trad, du Catalan par J. A. Buchon. Paris, 1828. 2v. 8. [Bu- chon. Chron. nation, fr. v. 5-6] *2617.2 MUNTER, F. Keilformige liischriften zu Perse- polis. Kopenhagen, 1802. 8 3034.13 MCQUARDT, C. Das literarische Eigenthumsrecht, u. s. w. Briissel, 1851. pp.80. 8 .... 2114.7 MCKAT, A. America and the Americans. New York, 1849. 12 2363.20 MUKAT, H. J. de Castelnau de. Voyage de cam- pagne. [Garnier. Voyages imag. v.29] . 2666.1 Les lutins du chateau de Kernosy. [Gar- nier. Voyages imaginaires, v.35] 2666.1 MURATORI, G. F. S. Vita del proposto Lodovico Antonio Muratori. Napoli, 1758. 4 ... 2741.13 MURATORI, L. A. Annali d'ltalia dal principio dell' era volgare sino all' anno 1750. Colle prefazioni di G. Catalan!. Monaco, 1761-04. 12v. 4 *2710.4 Antiquitates Italicae medii aevi. Arrctii, 1773-80. 17v. 4 *2720.7 Contents. Vol. I. Prsefatio; De exteris gentibus qua? post declinationeru R. I. Italiam afflixerunt; Anonymi Barensis monaclii chronicon de rebus in hac provincia gcstis ; Andreas presbyteri Itali scrip- toria seculi noni, chronicon breve ; De regno Italia;, ejusque fiuibus ; De Impp. Rornm. ac regum Itt. clcctiouc; De officiis domus regiae ; De ducibus, ac principibus antiquis Italia; ; Chroniei Amalphitani fragmenta ; De marchionibus Italia; ; De comitibua palatii; De comitibus, et vicecomitibus. II. De missis regiis, seu judicious extraordinariis ; De miuoribug justitise ministris ; De allodiis, vassis, vassallis, bene- ficiis, feudia, castcllanis, etc. ; De notariis ; De homin- ibus liberis, et ariruannis ; De servis ac hominibua dc masnada ; De raanumissionibus servorum, et de libcrtis.aldiis, ac aldianis. III. De fomeratoribus, Ju- dasis, societatibus mil i turn pradonum, leprosis, etc.; De fisco, et camera regum, episcoporum, ducum atque marchionum Ital. regni; De republics, parte publica, et ministris reipublicaj antiquiatemporibus; Excerpta historica ex commentariis .Mstis Bcnevenuti de Imola incomoed. Duntis. IV. De tributis, vcctigalibus, aliisque oncribus publicis mcdii ,-i-vi; Deactibus mu- lierum; De Italia: statu, habitatorum afflucntia, ag- rorura cultu, mutatione civitatnm, etc. ; De legibus Italicorum, et statutorum origine; De moribus Itali- corum; De artibus Italicorum post inclinationem Ro- mani imperil. V. De textrina et vostibus seculorum rudium; DC militia seculorum rudium; De moneta, sivc jure condendi nummos. VI. Ue diversis pecunite generibus, qua; apud veteres in usu t'uere; De spccta- culis,et ludis publicis mcdii icvi ; De mercatibus, et mercatura ; De placitis ctmallis; DC origine lingua) Italicae ; De origine, sive ctymologia Italicarum vo- cum. VII. De diplomatis et chartis antiquis dubiis aut falsis ; De sigillis medii a- vi ; De emphyteusibus, precariis, etlaicorum dccimis; Hist Rom. fragments. VIII. De hospitalibus peregrinorum, intirmoniin, inlantiuin expusitorum, etc. ; De judiciis Dei, sive experimeutis ad scruUindum homiuum crimcn;De duclto, ejusque origiue ac usu; De rhytlimica vet- erumpoesi; De iiominibtis et agnominibus antiquo- rum ; DC cognominum origiue ; De literarum statu, neglectu et cultura in Italia post barbaros in earn invectos. IX. De literarum fortuna in Italia post annum Christi MC.et de acadcmiarum sive gymnasi- orum ercctione; Excerpt, e chartis archivi Pisani; Ilis- toria belli Forojulicnsis ; De nssumpta a civitatibus Italicis reipublicic forma, atque origine libertatis in iis ; De civitatum Italicarum magistratibus; Uculus pastoralis. X. DC ampliticata civitatum Italicarum domiuationc ct poteutia; De socictate Lombardorum, Bervanda; libertatis caussa ; DC civitatum Italicarum fcederibus ac pacibus; DC liberlate, iinintinitatibus, ac privilegiis civitatum, ac principum; Statuta civi- tatis Pistoriensis. XI. De origine, et progressu in Italia Gibcllinaj et Guclphaj factionum ; De rcgi- minc, ac divisione nobilium et plobis in rivitatibus liberis Italia;; De institutionc militum, quos cavalieri appellamus, et de insipniis, qua; nunc arme vocan- tur; De principibus, aut tyrannis Italia;; De rcprcsa- liis; De rcligione Christianorum per Italiam post ann. Christ, epochs 400; De ritibus Ambrosiana; ccclesias; Beroldi ordo et ceremonia; ccel. Amb.; Breve chroui- con return Laugobardorum, et Augustorum Francici generis ; Excerpta ex chronieo Jordan! ab anno cure. DCCCCL usque ad MCCCXX. XII. Chronicon Sublacense, sive catalogus abbatum monasterii Subla- censis; Richard! Cluniacensis monaclii chronicon ab imp. Carol! Mag. ad ann. 1162 ; Chronicon Fata- MURATORI 554 MURATORI Shelf. No. MURATORI, L. A. continued. viiiiim ab arm. Chr. MCLXXIV usque ad MCCCXCIX; Instrumcntum pacis inter Guelfoa ct Guibellinos ; De Christianorum veneratione erga sanctos post de- clinationem R. Imp.; De superstitionurn semine in obscuris Italia; saiculis; Quoenam haerescs saeculisru- dibus Italiam divexerint ; De cardinalium iustitutione ; Decanonicis. XIII. De advocatis ecclesiarum, ctvice- dominis; Devariostatu dioceseon episcopalium; De monasteriorum erectione, et monachorum institu- tione; De monasteriismonialium; De modis, quibus olim ecclesiae, episcopi monasteria, etc. terrenis opi- bus auctee sunt. XIV. De redemtione peccatorum, et de indulgentiarum origine; De censibus, ac redit- ibus olim ad ccclesiam Romanam spectantibus; De cleri, ct ecclesiarum immunitatibus, privilegiis, ac oncribus ; De monasteriis in beneficium concessis. XV. De episcoporum, abbatum, aliorumque ecclesi- asticorum potentia; De causia imminutae olim cc- clesiasticorum potentia; ; De paraciis et plebibus. XVI. De piis laicorum confraternitatibus, earumque origine, flagellantibus, et sacris missionibus; Aquila- naruin rerum scriptores aliquot rudes, e tencbris erepti ; Di Boetio di Raiualdo di Poppleto, aquil- ano, volgarmente Buccio Itanallo, poonrn rozzo ; Antonio di Boetio volgarmente Antonio di Buccio, (Idle cose dell' Aquila ; Antonio di Boetio della venuta del Re Carlo di Durazzo nel regno etc. Cronaca di Niccolo di Borbona delle cose dell' Aquila; Crouaca scritta da Francesco d'Angeluccio di Ba- zano. XVII. Catalogus pontificum Aquilanorum ab anno 1254-1472 ; Di Niccold Ciminello di Bazzano, sopra 1'assedio dell' Aquila, poema storico; Alipran- dina, sive chronicon Mantuanum ; Poema Bona- mentis Aliprandi ; Series diplomatum, aliorumque documcntorum, in totius operis voluminibus cxis- tentium ; Index generalis. Dei difetti della glurisprudenza. 2a ed. Vene- zia, 1743. 10 3626.26 Della forza della fantasia umana. 5a ed. Par- ma, 1770. 16 3608.20 Delle forze dell' mtendimento umano. Vene- zia, 1745. 10" 3608.19 Delia pubblica felicita, oggetto de' buoni priu- cipi. Napoli, 1701. 10 3569.7 Della regolata divozione de' Cristiani. Mi- lano, 1830. 10 3447.35 De' pregi dell' eloquenza popolare. Venezia, 1772. pp.07. 16" 3590.18 Dissertazioni sopra le antichita italiane. Op. postuma data in luce dal prop. G. F. S. Mu- ratori. Nuova cd. dall' ab. G. Cenni. Mo- naco, 1705-66. 3v. 4 *2710.3 Lettere inedite ed elogi,raccolte dalA.Lazzari. Venezia, 17*3. 2v. in 1. 8 2747.14 Lettere inedite. Firenze, 1854. 12 2747.15 Novus thesaurus veterum inscriptionum. Mediolani, 1739-42. 4v. f *2910.1 Contents. Vol. I. Prsefatio ; Josephi Bimardi dis- Bertationes, dialriba et epistolao; De diis antiquorum ; Templa, cedes, arse, donasacra, kalendaria; Pontiflces, sacerdotes, aliique sacrorum ministri; Augusti, Cae- eares, ac reges ; Consules ; Opera, et loca publica, et pri- vata; Collegia varia. II. Senatus-consulta, etc. 5 Spec- tacula, ludi, etc.; Magistratus, ac dignitatesmajores; s Militares; Offlcia domus Aug.; Artes, et off. min.; Liberti et servi, etc. ; Geographica; Municip. et colon. Affectus parentum, etc. III. Affectus liberor, etc. ; Affectus conjugum; Fratrum ; Affectus libertorum ; Affectus servorum; Singulares, minutiores ; Dubia. IV. Inscriptiones Christianas; Append, inscript. quas post susceptam editioncm L. A. Muratorius cxcepit; Inscriptio Sigea; Descriptio urbis Roma;; Indices. Opere minori. Arezzo, 1767-73. ISv.in 19. 4. *2710.2 Contents. Vol. I. Vita di Muratori da suo nipote. II. Della pubblica felicita oggctto de' buoni principi; Del governo della peste, politico, medico, ed eccle- siastico; Relazione della peste di Marsiglia, con al- cuni osservazioni ; Varie regole usate in occasione di pestilenze, e principalmente per le spurgazioni ; Spur- gazione gcnerale tradotta dalla relazione istorica in Francese della peste. III. Dissertazioue sopra una is- crizione ritrovata nella citta di Spello; Lettera intorno ad una iscrizione spettante la citta di Frejus; Spo- sizione dell' insigne tavola di bronzo spettante ai fan- cm! li di Trajano; Dissertazioni sopra i servi, e liberti antichi ; Altra sopra 1'asciasepolcrale; Lettera sopra 1'obelisco di campo Marzo, con traduzione latina; Iv- dicium, sive placitum habitum Ravcnnaa in monas- terio Classcusi, etc.; Forma sacrament! Gbibellinorum Shelf. No. MUKATORI, L. A. continued. Florentinorum. IV. De paradiso regnique caelestis gloria non exspectata corporum resurrcctione justis a Deo conlata, adversus Tomae Burneti librum de sfc'-tu mortuorum; Appendix S. Cajcilii Cypriani opuscu- lum de mortalitate; Lettera scritta a nome di una Inglese cattolica ad uno Inglesc protcstante. V. An- tonii Lampridii de euperstitione vitanda; Ferdinand! Valdcsii cpistolae, sive appendix ad librum A. Lam- pridii de supcrstitione vitanda. VI. De naevis in re- ligionem iacurrentibus, sive apologia epistolae a sanc- tissimo D. N. Bcnedicto xiv, P. M. ad episcopum Augustanum scriptas ; Delia regolata divozione de' Cristiani, trattato di Lamindo Pritanio; Sposizione dell' orazione Domenicale; Affetti divoti verso Dio, cavati per la maggior parte dai aalmi, ecc. VIL Delle forze dell' intendimento umano, o sia il Pirro- nismo conf'utato; Delia forza della fantasia umana. VIII. Delle riflessioni sopra il buon gusto nelle scienze e nelle arti di Lamindo Pritanio; Intro- duzione alle paci private di LoJovico A. Muratori; S'aggiungono un ragionamento di Sp. Speroni in- torno al duello, e un trattato della pace di Gio. Bat- tista Pigna, IX. Della pcrfetta pocsia Italiana, spie- gata e dimostrata con varie osservazioni da L. A. Muratori, con le annotazioni critiche dell' abate A. M. Satviani. X. Par. i. De ingeniorum moderatione in religionis negotio, ubi qute jura, quae frena fu- tura sint homini Christiano in inquirenda, et tra- denda veritate ostenditur, et sanctus Augustinus vin- dicatura multiplici censura Joannis Phereponi; Ac- cesscrunt ipsiug cpistola, qua cditio prima Parisi- ensis interpolata notatur, et nota?, quibus aliquot in locis hocce opus illustratur. Par. n. Osservazioni crit- iche di Monsig. G. Fontanini sopra il libro intitolato : Lamindi Pritanii de ingeniorum moderatione, etc., e risposta fatta loro; Motivi di credere tuttaviaascoso.e non iscoperto in Pavia il sagro corpo di S. Agosti- no in risposta alle scritture pubblicate nell" anno 1728; Vita di Lodovico Castelveltro; Primo esame del libro dell' eloquenza; Esame fatto dal marchese Scip- ione Maffei del libro dell' eloquenza italiana ; Holla di Benedetto xiv, nella quale si da il metodo da tenersi, e le regole da osservarsi dalle congregazioni della universale iuquisizione di Roma per resame, e proibizione de' libri. XI. Par. i. S. Paulini No- lani natales, sive pocmata quatuor cum notis, etc.; Appendix de antiquo jure metropolitan Mediolanen- sis in episcopum Ticinensem ; Prolegomena in Ba- chiarium, et notaa in opusculum, cui titulus Ba- chiarii fides; De quatuor Vmporum jejuniis, dis- quisitio ad illustrationem Bachiarii vcrborum, ut tribus temporibus anni, etc. ; Joannis de Cermenate historia. Par. n. S. Maximi Taurinatis episcopi ser- mones; Magistri Manegaldi contra Wolfelmum Colo- niensem opusculum; Tertulliani libellus deoratione, cum notis; Fragmentum vetustissimum, in quo Man- ichaaorum bffiresis damnatur, et disquisitio ; Oratio ^nea5 Silvii pro auctoritate Rom. Pon. contra Aus- triales; Oratio ^neae Silvii de compactatis Bohem- orum, prascedit clucidatio; Gezonis abbatis Dertho- nensis liber de corpore et sanguine Christi; 8. Hil- deberti Cenomanensis episcopi epistolre v ct sermo- nesn; Stephanardi de vicomercato ordinis praedi- catorum poema de gestis sub Othone. Par. in. Pa- triarcharum Aquilejensium vitae ; Anonymi liber de kalendario ; Forma vetusla manumissionis ; In- dex SS. martyrum, quorum corpora Romae quies- cebant; Disquisitio de reliquiis, sanctuariis, oleis mi- raculorum virtute imbutis, etc.; Chronicon regum Italia; a Rodulpho ad Couradum primum; Aliud sim- ile; Vetustissimi versus; Expositio fid. cath. Fortu- nati; Disquisitio de symbol! yuicumque; Guinifortl Barzizii oratio; Anonymi oratio in nuptiis Jo. Au- gustini vicecomitis; Disquisitio de Guiniforto Bar- zizio; Commentarius de corona ferrea ; EpistolaJo. Burchardo. XII. De Grajcao linguae usu, et praestan- tia; De primis Christianorum eccles.; De sacrarum basilicarum apud Christianos origine ac appcllatione; Anecdota Graeca, qua; ex MSS. codd. primum eruit, Latio donavit, notis auxit L. A. M. XIII. Liturgia Romana vetus tria sacramentaria complectens, sili- cet, Leonianum, Gelasianum, et antiquum Gregori- anum, accedunt missale Gothicum, missale Fran- corum, duo Gallicaua, ct duo omnium vetustissimi Romana; ecclesia; rituales libri. Kerum Italicarum scriptores. 500-1500 A. D. Mediolani, 1723-61. 25v. in 28. f *2710.1 Contents. Vol. I., p. 1. Historia miscella, Eutropii historiam Roman, complectens; Landulphi addit. ad historiam miscellam ; Jornandis historia Gothorurn; Jornandes de regnor. et temporum successione ; Pro- copii Caesar, hist, de bello Gothico; Excerptaex Aga- thim historia; Paul! Waruefridi gesta Langobar- MURATORI 555 MURATORI Shelf. No. MURATOKI, L. A. continued. dorum. p. 2. Leges Langobardica; ; Fragra. historiae Langobard. Paulo Diac. attrib. ; De fundat. moiuu-t. Xouantulani; Opusculade civitate Mediolani: Ordo autiq. cpiscop. Mcdiolanens.; Excerpta lust, ex vc- tustissimo kalendario ; Historian Saracenico-Siculoa varia monumenta ; Chroniccm episcop. Neapolit. a Joanne Diac.; Chronicon Vulturnense a Joanne monacho ; Spicilcgium Ravcnnatia Ilistoria;. H. p. 1. Agnelli vitas pontificum Ravennatum ; Bulla Paschalis papa; i.; Ilistoria principum Langobardo- rum ; Kpit. chronic. Casinensium ; Anon, carmen paneg.de Barcngario Aug.; Synodus Ticinensis pro ek'ct. Widonis in regem Italia;; Liutprandi historia et legatio ad Nicephorum imperat.; Annales regum Francorum ad 900. II. p. 2. Nigelli abbat. gesta Ludov. Pii; Annales Lambeciani; Fragmentura con- cilii Romani, 863 ; Acta concilii Ticinensis, 876 ; Anonym! Salcrn. paralipornena, 7CO-OCO; Chronicon Farfense, 631-1104 a Gregorio monacho ; Opuscula tria: Carmen de laudibus Mediolani, Rhythmus ia obitum Caroli Mag., Mutinensis urbis dcscriptio; Chronicon monast. Novaliciensis; Chronicon Casau- riensc, 8J6-1132, a Joanne Bcrardi; Kalcndaria duo pervetusta; Vita S. Athanasii, episc. Neap, a Joanne diac. et Petro subdiae.; Variantes lect. ad hist Liut- prandi; Verona; rythmica descriptio; Emendationes paralip. anon. Salern. III. Anastasii Biblioth. vitaa pontificum Roman. ; Vita; pontificum, ex var. auct. a Leone IX usque ad Sixtum iv. IV. Arnulphl Mod. historia sui temporis; Landulphi Senioris historia; ; J. P. Puricelli dissert, de permiss. S. Ambrosii clero suo scmcl nuberc; Catalogus orchiepise. Mediol.; Chronica duo regum Italia; ; Chronica monasterii Cas- ineusis a Leone Cardinal! et Petro Diac. V. Chron- ologi antiqui IV: Herempcrtus Langobardus, Lupua Pri.tospata, Anonymus Casincnsis, Falco Bene- vcntanus ; Chronicon anonymi Casinensis ; Chron- icon civis Bareusis; Camilli Pereg. hist. Langobard. lib. 2; Uuilelmi Appuli de rebus Normann. in Sicilia; Chronicon Northmannicum, 10U-85 ; Radulplii Ca- dom. gcsta Tancredi in cxp. nierosol.; Vita Math- ildis comitissa; a Donizonc; Anon, de bello Comensi, 1118-27; Landulphi jun. hist. Mcdiolaucnsis 1G95- 1107 ; Carmen de laudibus mag. Moysis Bcrgom.; Gaufrecli Malat. historia Sicula; Alexaudri abb. de rebus gesta Rogerii Sicilias regis. VI. Petri Diac. dc viris illust. Casineusibus ; Acta transl. corp. S. Geminiani episc. Mutin. ; Chronica Pisana ; Vitas abbatum Cavcnsium; Caflari, etc. annales Genuen- ses, 1100-1293 j Ilistoria libcrationis Mcssanra a Sar- rac. jugo; Ottonis Fris. episc. gesta Friderici I imp.; Ottonisde S. Blasio Chronicon, ad 1209 cont.; Bur- chardi cpistola de victoria Frider. I, et excid. Mediol.; Obsidio Ancona:, 1172, auctore Mag. Buoncompagnoi Historia rerum Laudenshim Ottonis et Acerbi Mo- renx ; Radulplii Mediolanens. gesta Friderici I in Italia. VII. Chronicon Romualdi episc. Salcrn. j Hug. Falcandi hist, rcrum gest. in Sicilia; Godcfri- di Viterb. memoria seculorum ; Sicardi episc. Cre- mon. chronicou ad 1213 ; Chronicon Cremonensc, 109G-12"3 ; Bernard! Thcsaur. liber do acq. terra sanctaj ab 1095 ad 1230 ; Chronicon Fossa; NOVSB ad 1217; Chronicon Atinensis ccclesiic ; Chronicon Ca- vensc ; Exc. ex martyrol. et nccrol. Casincnsi; Ri- cardi de S. Germ. Chronicon, 1189-1243; M. Spinclli dicrium Neap. 1247-11:08. VIII. Gcrardi Maurisii gcsta Eccelini de Romano, 1183-1237 ; Ant. Godi Chronicon, 1194-1230 ; Nicol. Smeregi Chronicon, ad- jccto supplem. 1200-1312; Riciardi com. S. Bonifaci! vita ; Laurentii de Mon. Ezerinus in ; Rolandini Patav.de factis inmarchia Tarvis. ; Chronica parva Fcrraricns. ; Nicolai de Jamsilla gesta Friderici n, imp. ejusque filior. 121Q-1-G5; Chronicon Veronense, 1117-1375 auctore Parisio de Cereta ; Chronicon de rebus gestis in Lombardia, etc. 1207-1270 ; Anon, historia Sicula, ad 12S2; Malaspinm res Sicula;, 1250- 76 ; R. Malespini historia I'lorcntina, 1.81-1280 ; Sy- nodus provinc. Mediolanens. 1287 ; Memorialc po- testatum Regiensium, 1154-1290. IX. Jac. a Vara- gine, Chronicon Genucnsc, ad 1297; Stcphanardi po- ema de gestis Mediolanen. sub Othone; Ricobaldi Fcrrar. pomarium Ravennatis ccclesia;; Chronicon Romanorum imperatorum a Carolo Mag. usque ad Othonem I v a Ricobaldo Ferrar., ut fcrtur, scriptum, a M. M.Bojardo in Ital. ling, conversum; Ilistoria Dulcini hpsresiarcha; Novar. 1304-7 ; Dini Compagni chronicou Florentinum, 1280-1312; Synodua prov. Pergami, 1311; Chronicon F. Pippini, ab 1170 nd 1314; Chronicon Parmense, 1033-1309 ; Rclatio de itinere Italico Uenrici vn, imper. auctore Nicolao episc. Botront. ; Fcrreti hist, rerum Ital. 1250-1318 ; Ferreti pocma de Scaligerorum origine; Joan, de Cenncnate Ilistoria Mediol. 1307-1313. X. De Italia medii a;vi dissertatio chorograph.i Albertini Mussati historia Shelf. No. MURATORI, L. A. continued. Henrici VII, imperat.; Albertini Muss.de gcstis Ital. postmortem Henrici vn; Anon, chron. Sicilia; 1320- 28 ; N. Specialis Ilistoria Sicula, 1282-1337. XI. Anon, comment, de laudibus Papia;; Annales veteres Mutinenses, 1131-1336; Chronicon Mutinense, 1306- 1342 auctore Bonifacio de Morano; Chrouica Astensia auctoribus Ogerio Alfcrio et Guil. Ventura ct Secund. Ventura; Fr. Raynerii poema de proeliis Tusciae ; Annales Pistorienses, 1300-1348; Gualv. Flamma) his- toria Mediol. ad ann. 1371; PtolomauLucensis lust. ecclesiast. ad 1312 ; PtolomsEi breves annales, 1061- 1303 ; Vita Castruccii Lucensis ducis, 1301-1328 auct. Nicolao Tegrimo. XII. And. Danduli chron. Vcne- tum ad 1388 ; Fragmcnta annalium Roman. Monal- dcsci; Dom. de Gravina, Chronicon Apul. 1333-1350; Fr. Jo. de Cornazanis, hist. Parmensis, 1301-1035 ; Cortusiorum historia de novitatibus Padute, 1256- 1364; Gualv. Flcmmaa gesta Azonis, Luchini ct Jo- ann. vicecom. Med. 1328-1342 ; Chronicon Modoe- ticnse ad 1349 auct. Boniucontro Morigia. XIII. Jo. Villani historia Florentina ad 1348; Earth, de Neo- castro historia Sicula, 1250-1294; Matt Palmcrii vita, etc. Nic. Acciajoli, 1310-66; Conforti fragmcnta hist. Vicentina;, 1371-1377. XIV. Matt, ct Phil. Villani hist Florcnt. 1348-1364; Jac. Malvecii chron. Brixi- aiium, ad 13.32; Antonii Astesani carmen de vita sua, etc.; Annales Catenates, 1162-1302. XV. And. Dei chron. Senense; Nerii DonatianualesSenenscs,1352- 1381 ; Anon, chron. Estense, 1101-1354; Jo. de Bazano chron. Mutinense, 1002-1363 ; Anon, ephem. Urbeve- tana;,1312-13'T; Dan. Chinatii bcllum inter. Venet. et Genuenses, 1378; Gorelli poema de reb. gest. Aretinis, 1310-1384 ; Anon, chronicon Ariminense, 1188-1CS5 ; Anon, monumenta Pisana, 1089-1389. XVI. Vita; epis- coporum, etc., Aquilejensium ; Petri Pauli Vergerii vita; Carrariensium principum, ad 1355; Anon, bre- viarium Italicae hist.; Pet. Azarii gesta principum Novar. 1250-1362; Jo. de Mussis chronicon Placen- tinum, 222-1402; Anon, anuales Mediolauenscs, 1230- 11"-'; Castclli de Cast, chronicon Bcrgomense, 1378- 1407 ; Ordo funeris Jo. Gal. vicecom. ducia Mediol. 140 J ct oratio a Fctro de Cas toilet to; Spec. hist. Sozo- meni, 1362-1410. XVII. And. de Gataris, chronicon Patuvinum, 1311-1400; Geo. Stella; annales Genuen- BCS, 1298-1435; Chronicon Ripalta;, 1195-1405. XVIII. Chronicon Rcgiensc, 1272-1388 auctoribus Sagacio ct Petro de Gazata; Matt, de GrifTonibus mcmor. rcrum Bononicnsium, 1199-1428; Fr. B. dclla Pugliola, his- toria misccll. Bonouiensium, 1104-1394; Jo. Scr. Caiu- bii chronicon Luccnse, 1400-1409; Jac. de Delayto, annales Estenscs, 1393-1409 ; Gini Capponis monu- menta de rebus Florentinis, 1378-1456. XIX. Fr. And. Billii historia Mcdiolancnsis, 1402-1431 ; M. Palmcrii dc bello contra Pisanos, 1406 ; Jac. Zcni vita Car. Zeni, patritii Veneti, 1334-1418 ; Anon, an- nal. Sencnses, 1385-1422 ; J. A. Campani vita Brachii Perusini. 1.368-1424; Lcod. Cribelli de vita, etc. SfortiaB ducis, etc.; Chronicon Tarvisinum, 1368-1428 auctore And. de Rcdusiis dc Qtiero; Chronieon Foroliviense, 1397-1433 auctore fr. llieronymo Foroliv.; Leonard! Aretini rer. gest sui temporis comment. 1378-144U; Anon. hist. Florentina, 1406-1438; Jan. Manetti chron. Pistoricnse ad 1446. XX. Jo. Bandini hist Sencnsis, 1402-22; Porcelli comment Jacobi Picinini,1452; Pog- gii hist Florentina; Exc. ex annal. princip. Esten- sium, 140D-54, a Joanne Ferrar. ; B. Platina; vita Nerii Capponi ; N. Naldi, vita J:m. Manetti, 13UU-145U; B. Platiuo) hist. Mantua;, ad 1464; Ant. dc Ripalta anua- les Placentini, 1401-1463; Pet Candidi vita Philippi McdioU ducis 3tii; Candidi vita Fr. Sforzas, Mcd. ducis 4ti. 1401-1463 ; Candidi oratio in funerc Nic. Picinini. XXI. Laur. Bonincontri! Miniateuses annales, IMii ( 1458; Jo. Simonctta; hist- Francisci i, Mediol. ducis, 1421-1466; Christ, a Soldo, annales Brixiani, 1437-1468; Gucr. Berni chronicon Eugubinum, 1450-1472; Anon. dhuia Neapolit. 1266-1478 ; Jo. Garzonii de dignit. urbis Bononia; ; Fr. Ad. de Montaldo dc laudibus famil. dc Auria; Pet. Cyrnsci comment, de bello Fer- rariensi, 1482-1484. XXII. Tristani Caraccioli opus- cula historica ; Anon, annales Forolivienses, 1275- 1473 ; Anon, diarium Parmense, 1477-1482 ; Marini Sanuti vite ducum Venetorum, 421-1493. XXIII. Ant Hyvani comment, de bello Volaterrano, 1472 ; Leod. Cribelli de cxped. pap. Pii n, in Turcas ; Jac. Volaterrani diarium Romanum, 1472-1484; Augustini Sen. dcscrip. adventus Friderici in imp.; De Raimo annales Neapolitans;, 1197-1486 ; Ant. Galli opuscula de rebus populi Genuensis; Ben. de S. Georgii histo- ria Montisfcrrati ad 1490 ; Alleg. dc Allegrettis, cphc- merides Senenses, 1450-1496 ; Fr. II. de Bursellis, an- nales Bononienses, 1418-14U7; A. Naugerii historia \'e- neta, ad 1498. XXIV. Marini Sanuti de bello Gallico comment. 1494-1500; Diarium Ferrariense, 1404-1502; Pet. Cyruajus de rebus Corsicis, ad 1506; Barl. Senare- MURATORI 556 MURRAY Shelf. No. MURATORI, L. A. continued. gse comment, de rebus Gennensibus, 1488-1514; Ap- pendix Uopusculorum: De Constantio Chloro, Con- stantino Mag., et aliis imperat. cxcerpta; Fragmenta histories Pisanas, 1191-1337, auct. anon., ace. alia Lati- nis lit. consig. 1270-80 a Guidone de Corvaria; Polyhis- toria fVatris BartholomociFcrrar.; Annales urbis Are- tina;, 1102-1343; Chronicon Neritinum, 1090-1368, auc- tore Stephano monaco, contin. ad 1412, nee non de- Bcriptio belli 1484, a Angelo Tafuroj Chronicon Sub- laccnse, 595-13UO; Diarium Romanum, 1404-1417, auct. Antonio Petri; Antonii Nerlii Chronicon monast Mantuani, 1017-1418; Fragmentum Sicula? historic, 1287-1434 ; Miscellanea historica Pauli fil. Laelii Petroui Rom., 1433-1440 ; Michaelis Savonarola? commentario- lus de laudibus Patavii, 1440 ; Fragmenta chronic! Forojuliensis, auct. Juliano canonico Cividatenei, cum aUdit. ab IL'52 ad l."G4. XXV. Porcelli com- ment, rcr. gest. a Jac. Picinino, 1453 ; Geo. Mer- ulae hist. Mcdiolan. decas 2da. ; Vespasiani vitaa Eugenii iv, ct Kicolai v, pont. Rom. ; L. B. Albert! comment, de conjuratione Porcaria ; Fr. Ant. do Au- gustinis hist, obsidionis Plumbini, 1448 ; Orationes tres de ducibus Mediol.: Fr. Aleardi in laud. Franc. Sfbrtia?, Ilicron. Cribclli in laud. Blanco) Maria? Sfor- tia?, Joannis Montani in morte Philippi Marias Medi- olancn. ducis; E. della Manna, victoria Cremonen- eitim, 1131; Oralio ab Augustino Rubco de Aragonia in laud. Joannis Galeatii Sfortiaj Mediol. ducis; L. Griphii pocmade conflictu Brachii Perusini; lliur. Tartarottus dc auctoribus ab And. Dandulo laudatis in chronico Veneto; Catalog! et indices. Note. For continuation, see Tartini, G. M. Letterc. [Baccolta di prose e Icttere nel se- colo XVIII, v.2] 2767.2 Relazioui, a Rinaldo d'Este duca di Hodena ; Sull' inaugurarncnto di una statua ia Mode- na. [Arch. stor. ital. App. v.3, 9] 5245.2 Kcrum Ital. scriptores contin. See Tartini, G. M 2720.2 Barotti, G. A., and Maffci, S. Esame sopra 1' cloqucnza italiana di G. Fontanini. Rover- edo, 1739. 4 *2160.10 MURCIIISON, It. I. Siluria. History of the oldest rocks containing organic remains. London, 1854. 8 3862.8 Silurian system. London, 1839. 4 . . . .**E.140.10 Verncuil, E. de, and Keyserling, A. Geology of Russia. London, 1845. 2v. 4 *3861.4 MURCIA, Bastitania y contcstania de. Lozano,J. 3102.6 MURDER. Crying and execrable sin of murther. Reynolds, J 3580.5 MURDOCH, James E. , and Russell,W. Orthophony, or vocal culture in elocution. With an ap- pendix by G. J. Webb. Boston, 1845. 8 . 7059.46 MURET, M. A. Opera. T. I. Orationes. Verona, 1727. sm.S" 2689.2 Opera [selecta, ed. J. Chicotio]. Patavii, 1740 -41. 3v. 8" 2689.1 Contents. Vol. I. Prafatio ; Vita Mureti ; Ora- tiones. II. Epistolos, [Mureti] quse extant in J. Tho- masii cditiouibus, additis praeterea nunnullis. III. Carmina [MuretiJ qua? extant in J. Tliomasii edi- tionibus; Adduntur nonnulla, typis antea nunquam expressa ; Pocinata varia; Publii Syr! inimi aucti et correct! c codice manuscripto Frisingensi ; Opus- cula varia. MURIS, J. de, or Johann von der Mauer. Tracta- tus de musica. [Gerbert von llornau. Scriptorcs eccles. de musica sacra, v.3] . . 4041.7 MURNER, T. See Schcible, J. Das Kloster . . . 2889. 1 Contents. Vol. I. Schelmenzunft. IV, VHI, X. Sehriften, und sein Leben. MURPHY, A. "Works. London, 1786. 7v. 8 . . *2575.26 Contents. Vol. I. The orphan of China, a trag- edy ; Zcnobia, a tragedy ; The Grecian daughter, a tragedy ; Alzuma, a tragedy. II. The apprentice ; The upholsterer ; The old maid ; The citizen ; No one's enemy but his own ; Three weeks after mar- riage. III. The way to keep him; All in the wrong ; The desert island. IV. Know your own mind; The school for guardians ; The choice ; News from Par- nassus, a prelude. V.-VI. Gray 's-Inn journal. VII. Poetical epistle to Dr. Johnson ; The expostulation, a satire; Prologues, epilogues, etc.; The game of chess, a poem, transl. from the Scacchia of Vida; Templum Shelf. No. MURPHY, A. continued. famx, from the Temple of fame of Pope; Pope's ode on solitude, tranal. into Latin; Busy, curious, thirsty fly, in Latin ; Gray's church-yard elegy, in Latin ; The rival sisters, a tragedy ; Prologue, occasioned by the death of Mr. Henderson; Postscript. See Cumberland, R. British drama E.229.7 Contents. Vol. II. The way to keep him. VH. All in the wrong. IX. The Grecian daughter. MURPHY, E. W. Lectures on parturition. New York, 1846. 8 *3772.8 MURPHY, J. Travels in Portugal in 1789 and 1790. London, 1795. 4 *3091.1 MURPHY, P. Weather almanac for 1838. London, [1838]. 8 *Pph.v.223 MURPHY, R. Electricity, heat, and molecular ac- tions. Cambridge, 1833. 8 3902.14 MURR, C. G. von. De papyris Herculanensibus. Argentorati, 1804. pp.59. 8 *2190.6 MURRAY, H. Historical account of discoveries in N. America. London, 1829. 2v. 8 .... 2265.4 Historical account of discoveries in Africa, including the substance of Dr. Leyden's work. 2d ed. Edinburgh, 1818. 2v. 8 . . 2265.3 Historical account of travels and discoveries in Asia. Edinburgh, 1820. 3v. 8 .... 2265.2 MURRAY, James, M. D., of London. Influence of heat and humidity. London, 1829. 8 . . . 3794.3 MURRAY, James. French finance and financiers under Louis XV. London, 1858. 8 . . . . 4663.10 MURRAY, Rev. John, 6. at Alton, Eny., 1741, d. 1815. Letters and sketches of sermons. Boston, 1812-13. 3v. 8 3444.5 MURRAY, Rev. John, b. at Antrim, Ireland, 1M. 1 , d. 1793. Appeal to the impartial public in behalf of the oppressed. Portsmouth, N. H. 1768. pp.37. 8 *3455.44 Justification by imputed righteousness : three sermons. Newburyport, 1789. 8 *3456.7 The original sin imputed : three sermons. Newburyport, 1791. 8 *3457.6 MURRAY, John, of Edinburgh, M. D. Elements of materia medica and pharmacy. Philadel- phia, 1808. 2v. in 1. 8 3784.7 System of chemistry. 3d ed. Edinburgh, 1812. 4r. 8 3971.15 System of materia medica and pharmacy, with notes by N. Chapman. N. Y. 1821. 2v. 8. 3784.8 MURRAY, John, of London, F. S. A., F. L. S. Ac- count of a new shower bath, also an appara- tus for restoring suspended animation. 2d ed. London, 1&31. 8 *M.Pph.v.29 Manuel de 1'electriciteatmospherique. Trad. de 1' Anglais. Paris, 1831. sm.!2. [Man- uel Roret] 3965.14 MURRAY, John, M. Inst., C. E. Project for the drainage of London. London, 1852. f . *3940.1 MURRAY, John, publisher. Handbook for travel- lers in Wiltshire, Dorsetshire, and Somer- setshire. London, 1S50. 12 2486.14 Official handbook of church and state. See Redgrave, S 2485.14 and Longman and co. Publication of school books by government. London, 1851. 8".*Pph.v.l93 MURRAY, John A. Apparatus medicaminum. Ed. alt. cur L. C. Althof. Goettingae, 1784-96. 7v. in 6. 8 *37S4.18 MURRAY, John W. B. Essay on neuralgia. New York, 1816. 8 *M.Pph.v.5 Eulogy on the late Edward Post, esq. New York, 1816. 8 *M.Pph.v.5 MURRAY, L. English grammar. Hallowell, 1816. 12" 7049.38 - Same. Simplified, with questions, by Rev. John Blair. Philadelphia, 1*31. 12 . . . 7049.45 - Same. Improved by E. Pond. Ster. ed. Worcester, 1831. 12" 7049.41 - Same. 5th ed. Worcester, 1833. 12 . . 7049.33 - Same. Abridged by I. Alger. Boston, 1840. 16 7049.54 MURRAY 557 MUSIC Shelf. No. MUBRAY, L. continued. English reader. From 10th Eng. ed. Boston, 1815. 12 7059.30 - Same. Newburyport, 1815. 12 7059.29 English spelling book. New York, 1823. 18. 7059.10 Exercises adapted to Murray's grammar. Philadelphia, 1S33. 12 7049.47 - Same. A counterpart to the English teacher, by I. Alger. Boston, 1824. 18. . 7059.6 English teacher : a new arrangement of Mur- ray's exercises, by I. Alger. Boston, 1824. 12 7049.16 MURRAY, N. American principles on national prosperity: a thanksgiving sermon. New York, 1854. 8 *Pph.v.203 Decline of popery and its causes : an address. New York, 1851. 8 *Pph.v.l92 Sermon preached Nor. 30, 1837, being the day of public thanksgiving and prayer. Eliza- bethtown, 1838. 8 *Pph.v.l92 MURRAY, K. D. Cities and wilds of Andalucia. London, 1849. 2v. p.8 3103.9 MURRAY, William, earl of Mansfield. Life. See Holliday,J 2440.17 MUSJEUS Grammaticus. De Herone et Leandro carmen. [Gr. et Lat.] Ed. novam cur. G. H. Schafer. Lipsiae, 1825. 8 2994.8 De Herone et Leandro. See Hesiodus .... 2992.13 Loves of Hero and Leander. Transl. by Fawkes. [Chalmers. Eng. poets] . v.20 of 2592.7 Hero and Leander. [Elton. Specimens of the classic poets, v. 3] 2963.14 Le avventurc d'Ero e Leandro. [Parnaso dei pocti class, d'ogninaz. v. 10] 27C9.1 MusXus, J. C. A. Volksmahrchen der Deutschen. Prachtausgabe. Leipzig, 1845. 8 2902.1 MUSCLES, Anatomical treatise on. Cowper, "W. 3750.7 See also : Histology. MUSCULAR motion. Lectures by A. Stuart, 1738. See London. Royal Society 3210.1 MUSES looking-glasse, a play. Randolph, T. . . 2559.23 MUSEUM. Lenoir, A. Musee des monumens fran- cais 4086.4 MUSEUM Borbonicum. S'eeNaples 4071.16 MUSEUM Carlsonianum. Sparrmann, A 5870.4 MUSEUM criticum. No. I -vm. Cambridge, 1826. 2v. 8 2954.2 MUSEUM etrusque. See Bonaparte, L 2750.4 MUSEUM Kircherianum. See Kircher, A 27. G.I MUSEUM Mantuauum. Labus, G. Museo della reale accadcmia di Mantova 4073.5 MUSEUM Mazzuchcllianum. See Gaetani, P. A. . 2240.2 MUSEUM Odescalchum. See Bartoli, P. S 4070.12 MUSEUM Richtcrianum contincns fossilia animalia, vegctabilia, marina. Hebenstreit, J. E. . . 5860.21 MUSEUM Tessinianum. See Tessin, C. G. v. . . . 6860.22 MUSEUMS. Lasteyrie du Saillant, C. P. de. Des objcts qui doivent entrcr dans un cabinet economique, et de leur classification. . E.211.2 Pap worth, J. W. Establishment, etc. of .. 2120.13 Viardot, L. Muse"es de France, d'ltalie, d'Es- pagne, d'Allemagne, d'Angleterre, de Bel- gique, de Hollande, de Russie 4089.19-23 MUSGRAVE, Sir P. Life. See Burton, G 2448.16 MUSHROOMS. Descourtilz, M. E. Des champig- nons comestibles, suspects et vendneux . . 3851.20 Roques, J . Histoire des champignons comes- tibles et vencSneux 3851.2 See also : France, Natural history of. Music. Bibliography. Becker, C. F. Darstellung der musikalischen Literatur 2170.24 - Tonwcrke des xvi und xvil Jahrhund. 2170.25 - Lieder und Weisen vergangener Jahrh. 4049.37 Catalogue of the MS. music in the British museum. See London 2131.7 Cherubini, M. L. C. Z. S. Notice des manu- serits de la musique 4045.6 Coussemaker, C. E. II. de. Notice sur les col- lections mus. de la bibliotheque de Cambrai. 4057. 16 Shelf. No. Music. Bibliography, continued. Fetis, F. J. Bibliogr. generate de la M. . . 4040.21 Forkel, J. N. Allgemeine Litteratur der M. 2170.23 Ilandbuch der musikalischen Litteratur. . . 2170.21 Kiescwetter, R. G. Catalog der Sammlung alter Musik 2170.26 - Galerie der alten Contrapunctisten . . . 4052.18 Lichtenthal, P. Bibliografia della musica . . 2170.22 Stassoff, W. L'abbe Santini et sa collection musicale a Rome 4046.21 Taeglichsbeck, J. F. Mus. Schiitze der St. Katharinenkirche zu Brandenburg .... 4052.46 Biography. Fe'tis, F. J. Biogr. universelle des musiciens. 4040.21 Gerber, E. L. Historisch-biographisches Lexicon der Tonkttnstler 4040.22,24 Hoffman, C. J. A. Tonkunstler Schlesiens . 4055.16 Kelly, M. Musical biography 4046.32 See also: Bach, J. S.j Beethoven, L. v.; Chladui, E.; Furlanctio, B.; Gabrieli, J.; Gluck, C. W. v.; Guido d'Arezzo ; Handel, G. F.; Haydn, J.; Lattre, Roland dc ; Mozart, W. A. ; Niigcli, H. G. ; Nauraann, J. G.; Palcstrina, G. P. da.; Piccinni, N.; Purccll.H.j Schumann, R.; Spontini, G.; Vogler, G. J.; Werck- meistcr, A.; Zarlino, G. Dictionaries. Brossard, S. de. Dictionnaire de musique . 4040.29 Framery, N. E. Dictionnaire de musique . . 4042.28 Gassner, F. S. Univ. Lexicon der Tonkunst. 40-12.26 Gathy, A. Musikalisches Convers. Lexicon . 4040.26 Gianelli, P. Dizionario della musica .... 4010.30 Kurtzgefasstes musicalisches Lexicon. . . . 4036.5 Pilkington, II. W. Musical dictionary . . . 4049.2 Rousseau, J. J. Dictionnaire de musique. . 4036.7 Schilling, G. Universal-Lexicon der Toiik. 4040.23 Walther, J. G. Musikalisches Lexicon . . . 4040.27 Wolf, G. F. Kurzgefasstes mus. Lexicon . 4040.28 History. Bontempi, G. A. A. Historia musica . . . . 4041.1 Burney, C. General history of 4041.6 Busby, T. General history of 4042.13 Forkel, J. N. Allgemeine Geschichte der Musik 4041.9 Hawkins, J. General history of 4042.4 Kiesewetter, R. G. Geschichte unsrcr heuti- gen Musik 4052.19 La Fage, J. A. de. Histoire de la musique . 4057.10 Martini, G. B. Storia della musica 4041.8 Oulibichoff, A. Uebersicht dor allgcmcinen Geschichte der Musik 4046.6 Schaucr, J. K. Geschichte der biblisch-kirch- lichcu Dicht-und Toukunst 2170.12 Scheibe, J. A. Abhandlung vom Ursprunge u. Alter der Musik 4059.2 Stoepel, F. Geschichte der modernen Musik. 405;!. 50 See also: France, Germany, Greece, Italy, New England, Prussia. Journals. Allgemeine musikalische Zcitung 4054.1 Ciicilia : Zeitschrift fur die musikal. Welt . . 4ors.i Dwight, J. S. Journal of 5170.1 Forkel, J. N. Musikalischer Almanach fur Deutschland, 1789 4059.14 Koch, H. C. Journal der Tonkunst .... 4059.11 Marx, A. B. Berliner allgemeine musikal- ische Zeitung 4053.8 Reichardt, J. F. Geist des musikalischen Kunstmagazines 4048.7 - Musikalischer Almanach, 1796 4059.43 Zeitschrift fur Musik 4043.1 Miscellaneous and comprehensive works. Ideen und Betrachtungen iiber die Eigens- chaften der Musik. Hannover, 1839. 8 . . *4049.18 Aaron, P. Compendiolo di molti dubbi, se- greti, ecc 4047.4 - Della natura et cognitione de tutti gli tuoni di canto flgurato 4041.16 - Lucidario in musica 4047.2 - Toscanello in musica 4041.16 MUSIC 558 MUSIC Shelf. No. Music. Miscellaneous, etc. continued. Adlung, J. Anleitung zu der musikalischen Gelahrtheit 4059.8 Adorno, J. N. Monographic ou nouvclle no- tation musicale 4041.2 - Agricola, M. Musica figuralis Dcudsch . . 4059.33 Albrccht, J. L. Grilndliche Einleitung in die Anfangslehren der Tonkunst 4055.27 Albrechtsberger, J. G. Collected writings on M 4042.3 Alte Zions-IIarpfe, Die. See Bible 4058.5 Altenburg, J. E. Versuch einer Anleitung zur heroisch-musikalischen Trompeter und Pauker-Kunst, etc 4056.9 Angclo da Piccitono. Fior angelico di M. . 4047.11 Applicazione del mutuo insegnamcnto alia M. 4055.45 Aristoxenus. Harmonica elementa 4052.33 Arnold, I. F. K. Der angehende Musikdi- rektor 4059.29 Artusi, G. M. L'. Delle imperfettioni della moderna musica 4052.32 - Asioli, B. Osservazioni sul temperamento proprio degl' istromenti stablli 4057.12 - Principj elementari di musica 4057.12 Avison, C. Essay on musical expression . . 4049.8 Bach, C. P. E. Versuch liber die wahre Art das Clavier zu spielen 4046.10 Bartholin, C. De tibiis veterum et earum antiquo usu 4059.41 Bartoli, D. Del suouo de' tremore armonici e dell' udito 3943.22 Beer, J. Musicalischc Discurse 4049.42 Beethoven, L. van. Missa solennis 4010.7 - Sammtliche Compositionen 4040.0 - Thematisches Verzeichnisa sammtlicher Werke von B 4044.12 Bellermann, H. DieMensuralnotenundTakt- zeichen des xv u. xvi Jahrunderts . . . . 4052.23 Bellermann, J. F. Anonym! scriptio de M. . 4052.8 - Fragmentum Graecae scriptionis de musica. 4052.45 - Tonleitern u. Musiknoten d. Griechen . . 4041.11 Bemerkungen liber die zu Berlin, 1787-88 ge- gebene oflentliche Musiken 4049.54 Berardi, A. Document! armonici 4047.7 - Miscellanea musicale 4047.6 - Staffctta armonica 4055.28 Beringer, M. Der freyen lieblichen Singkunst ler, 2er Thiel 4047.22 - Exempel Biichlein fur die Tyrones . . . 4047.22 Berlin, J. D. Anleitung zur Tonometrie, etc. 4049.39 Bianchini, F. De tribus generibus instru- mentorum musicae veterum 4052.26 Birnbach, H. Der vollkommene Componist. 4052.54 Biicklin, F. F. Fragmente zur hohern Musik. 4057.12 Boethius, A. M.T. S. Musica 4051.11 Bojesen, E. F. De harmonica scientia Grae- corum 4052.39 - De problematis Aristotelis ad harmoni- cam pertinentibus 4052.38 Bonaventura de Brixia. Regulamusice plane. 4059.30 Bononcini, G. M. Musico prattico 4052.36 Bontempi, G. A. A. Harmonica, secondo la dottrina de' Greci 4051.8 Bridi, G. A. II tcmpietto dell' armonla . . . 4046.25 Bronner, G. Musicalisch Choral -Buch . . . 4059.1 Burney.C. Ueber die Musik der Alten . . . 4042.20 Campion, F. de. Traite d'accompagnement. 4049.25 Carcano, A. Consid. sulla musica antica . . 4052.35 Cinciarino.P. Introduttorio di M. piana . . 4055.44 Cochlaeus, J. Tetrachordum musices . . . . 4047.12 Colle, F. M. Quanta parte avesse la musica nell' educazione de' Greci 4052.13 Compendium musices 4059.38 Crivellati, C. Discorsi musical! 4059.18 Crotch, W. Elements of composition . . . 4042.1 Criiger, J. Synopsis musica 4047.18 Dehn, S. W. Practische Musik-Werke hervor- ragender Componisten des 10 18 Jalirh. . 4051.14 - Theoretisch-praktische Harmonielehre . 4057.4 Dentice, L. Duo dialoghi della musica . . . 4059.3 Shelf. No. Music. Miscellaneous, etc. continued. Dilherm, J. M. Evangel. Schlussreimen . . 4059.44 Doni, G. B. De pracstantia musicae veteris . 405:i.37 Dressier, E. C. Gcdanken, die bessere Auf- nnhmr der Musik in Dcutschland betrcfiend. 4057. 10 Drewis, F. G. Thcorie der Tonkunst und Composition 4055.46 Du Contant de la Molette, P. Sopra la mu- sica degli Ebrci 4049.16 Einladungs-Bliitter zu den Konzert Leistun- gen in der Touhalle zu Altona 4049.28 Euler, L. Tentamen novae thcoriae musicae . 40.v,'.4:j Faber, H. Compendiolum musicae 4059.35 - Introductio ad musicam practicam . . . . 4017.15 Faber, J. Musica libris quatuor demonstrata. 4047.23 Fetis, F. J. Handbuch f iir Freunde und Lieb- haber dieser Kunst 4049.38 Forkel, J. N. (Jber die Theorie der Musik . 4055.29 Fuhrmann, M. H. Musikalischcr Trichter . 4059.20 Fux, J. J. Manuductio ad compositionem musicae regularem 4040.13 Gaffori, F. Practica musice 4051.13 - Theorica musice 4051.13 - Deharmoniamusicoruminstrumcntorum. 4051.12 Galilei, V. Dialogo della musica 4041.15 Gasparini, F. L'armonico pratico al cimbalo, spinctta, ed organo 4056.2 Gerbcrt von Hornau, M. Scriptores eccle- siastic! de musica sacra 4041.7 Gianelli, P. Grammatica ragionata della M. 4055.48 Glantzer, F. W. liber Tonwellen 4049.55 Glarcanus, H. L. Dodecachordon 4041.18 - Musicae epitome 4059.37 Gliiser, K. Theorie der Tonsetzkunst mit- telst eines musikalischcn Compasses . . . 4055.24 Gumpclzheimer, A. Compendium musicae Latino-Germanicum 4047.20 Hagen, T. Civilisation, und Musik 4049.35 - Musikalische Novellen 4048.1 Hand, F. ^sthetikder Tonkunst 4049.9 Hauseu,J.N. De mus. in corpus humanum vi. 4052.49 Hauptmann, M. Die Natur der Uarmonik und der Metrik 4055.10 Hentschcl, E. Streitfragen liber Musik . . 4055.40 Heyden, S. Musicae stichiosin 4059.28 Hitzenauer, C. Ratio componendi symphonias concentusve musicos 4049.57 Hymnologium : cine Sammlung der besten Lieder und Lobgesange 4058.8 Ilgner, C. F. Allgemeine Theorie, u. s. w. . 4057.12 Instrumental music in divine worship . . . 4057.12 Janowka, T. B. Clavis ad thesaurum mag- nae artis musicae 4059.27 Kausch, J. J. iiber den Einfluss der Musik aufdieSeele 4055.32 Kircher, A. Musurgia universalis 4040.11 Kirnberger, J. P. Ueber die verschiedenen Lehrarten in der Composition, u. s. w . . . 4055.23 - Polonoisen und Menuetten-Componist. . 4057.9 Klein, J. J. Lelirbuch der theoretischen M. 4052.52 Knecht, J. H. Musikalischer Katechismus . 4055.38 Koch, H. C. Anleitung zur Composition . . 4059.10 Kraushaar.O. Construction der gleichschwe- benden Temperatur 4049.32 - Der accordliche Gegensatz und der Be- griindung der Scala 4055.43 Kretzschmer, F. J. C. A. Theorie der Musik. 4055.36 Kuhnau, J. Der musikalische Quacksalber . 4059.40 Kunzen, F. L. A. Studieu fur Tonkiinstler u. Musikfreunde 4052.51 Kurze Methode wie im Militair die Liturgie- Sanger organisirt werden konnen 4057.12 Leblanc, H. Defense de la basse de viole contre les entreprises du violin 4059.39 Lippius, J. Synopsis musicae 4059.15 Listenius, N. Musica denuo recognita . . . 4059.36 Lobe, J. C. Fliegende Blatter fur Musik . . 4042.9 - Musikalische Briefe 4049.45 Lossius, L. Erotemata musicae practicse . . 4059.34 Luther, M. Gedanken iiber die Musik. . . . 4049.29 MUSIC 559 MUSSEY Shelf. No. Music. Luther, M. continued. - Vollstiindige Kirchen-und Haus-Music . 4058.12 Mainzer, J. Treatise on musical grammar . 4042.8 - Singing- for the million 4042.12 Mancini, G. B. Sul canto figurato .' 4055.4 Marcelli, G. A. Musica sopra li primi et se- condi 25 salmi 4040.5 Marx, A. B. Lehre von der Komposition . . 4042.23 - School of composition 4042.6 - Die MusikdesneunzehntenJahrhunderts. 4042.15 - Universal school of 4042.7 Mason, L. Musical letters from abroad . . . 4049.3 Masson, C. Regies pour la composition . . 4049.23 Mersenne, M. Harmonicorum libri xn . . . 4040.7 Misse familiares 4059.6 Misse solenniores 4059.6 Mozart, L. Griindliche Violinschule .... 404C.2 Musique des Chinois par M. Amiot. [Mems. cone, les Chinois, v.O] 3013.2 Nachtgall, O. Musurgia seu praxis music's. 4059.17 Natorp, B. C. L. Ueber den Gesang in den Kirchcn der Protestanten 4049.13 Nicolai, G. Arabesken far Musikfreunde . 4048.2 - Der Musikfeind 4049.36 North, R. Memoirs of musick 4042.5 Novello, V. Life and sacred music of Purcell. 4040.1 Ornitoparchus, A. Musice actiue micrologus. 4047.16 Penna, L. Li primi albori musicali 4047.5 Philodemus. Von der Musik 4052.28 Pizzati, G. Scicnza de' suoni 4041.13 Praetorius, M. Syntagma musicum 4047.19 Preindl, J. Wicner-Tonschule 4055.13 Printz, W. C. Phrynia Mitilenaeus, oder sa- tyrischer Componist 4055.14 - Compendium, signatories et modulatorias voealis musicae 4049.56 Prose comunes totius anni 4059.6 Raymond, G. M. Bases physico-mathdma- tiquesde 1'art musical 4049.14 Reichardt, J. F. Briefe die Musik betreffend. 4059.13 - UeberdiePflichtendesRipienViolinisten. 4049.52 Riccati, G. Dellecorde, ovvcro fibre elastiche. 3943.24 Richtcr, F. X. Traitd d'harmonie, et de com- position 4041.14 Richtcr, T. W. Die Grundverhiiltnisse der M. 4055.3 Rimbault, E. F. Cathedral music from man- uscript collections 4040.2 Rohleder, J. Erleic.htcrung des Klavierspiel. 4049.12 Rolle, C. C. Zur Aufnahine und weitern Ausbrcitung tier Musik 4049.51 Roncourt, J. B. Essai stir la theorie du chant. 4055.30 Sabbatini, L. A. La vera idea delle musical! numeriche segnaturc 4043.9 Sacchi, D. G. Delia natura c perfezionc dclla antica musica 4049.40 Salinas, F. Libri septem de musica 4051.9 Scheibe, J. A. Ueber die Composition . . . 4055.5 Scheibler, II. Der physikalische und musik- alischc Tonmesser 4055.33 - Musikal. und physikal. Tonmessung . . 4055.41 Schicht, J. G. Grundregelu der Harmonic . 4040.16 Schubart, C. F. D. ./Esthetik der Tonkunst . 4055.11 Schuy, C. Elementar Musikschule . .... 4059.22 Scudo, P. Critique et litteraturc musicales. 4049.6 - L'art ancien ct 1'art moderne 4049.7 Sorge, G. A. Answcichungs-Tabellcn . . . 4040.14 - Ausmessung und Abtheilung des Mono- chords 4049.49 Spataro, G. Tractate di musica 4052.21 Speer, D. Unterrichtd. musikalischen Kunst. 4059.19 Spicss, M. Tractatus musicus compositorio- practicus 4040.18 Statuten des Conservatoriums der Musik zu Berlin. See Berlin 4049.15 Sundelin, A. Die Instrumeutirung fur das Orchester 4055.7 Tartiui, G. Trattato di musica 4055.1 Tevo, Z. 11 musico testore 4055.2 Thornascik. Erziehende Volksgesangbild- ungs-Ordnung 4055.42 Shelf. No. Music, continued. Tieck, L. Musikalische Leiden und Freuden. 4049. 46 Tigrini, O. 11 compendio della musica . . . 4047.8 Til,S. v. Dicht-Sing-und Spiel-Kuust . . . . 4052.40 Togliano, L. Musica theorica 4052.24 Topfer, J. G. Die Scheibler'sche Stimm-Me- thode, u. s. w 4056.19 Utilissime musicales regule 4049.27 Vanneo, S. Recanetum de musica aurea . . 4052.2 Vicentino, N. L'antica musica 4051.7 Vincenzi, G. Quinto de floridi virtuosi d'lta- lia 4055.26 Virdung, S. Musica 4047.24 Vogler, G. J. Choral-System 405(1. 21 - Kuhrpfalzische Tonschule 4059.7 - Tonwissenschaft 4059.7 Wahrheiten die Musik betreffend 4049.43 Weber, G. Allgemeine Musiklehre 4049.30 - Versuch einer geordneten Theorie der Tonsetzkunst, u. s.w 4055.12 Werckmeister, A. Hypomnemata musica . 4055.4? - Musicalische paradoxal Discourse . . . 4055.39 Werner, F. A. Ueber die wechselseitigen Anforderungen zwischen Eltern, Lehrer und Schiller Behufs des Musikunterrichts. 40.">r. 1 _ Wollick, N. Opus aureum mu sice 4047.17 Woltze, C. L. H. Versuch eiuer rationellen ' Construction des moderner Tonsystem . . 4049.44 Zacconi, L. Prattica di musica 4052.1 Zanluca, II. I lieti amanti 4055.2(1 Zarlino, G. Dimostrationi harmoniche . . . 4051.6 - Istitutioni harmoniche 4051.6 Zellner, L. A. Ueber Franz Liszt's Graner Festmesse 4052.48 Zimmer, R. Gedanken beim Erscheinen des dritten Bandes der Bach-Gcsellschaft . . . 4046.12 See also: Ambrosian chant. Bass, Canto fermo, Church music. Composers, Composition, Counter- point, Dancing, Flute, Fugue, Gregorian chant, Har- mony, Instrumentation, Lute, Madrigals, Opera, Or- gan, Piano-forte, Singing, Song, Sound, Stringed instruments. Also, The names of cities and states whose condition in respect to music has been de- scribed, viz : Amsterdam, Arabia, Edinburgh, Flor- ence, Germany, Greece, Uindostan, Holland, Ireland, Italy, Naples, New England, Russia, United States, Vienna. MUSICAL magazine and review. See Quarterly. 4044.1 MUSICAL performances in commemoration of Han- del, 1 784. Burney, C 4041.3 MUSICES choralis medulla. Accessit procession- ale ad normara missalis ac ritualis. n.p. n.d. am. 12 *4049.58 MUSICUS curiosus, oder Battalus, der vorwitzige Musikant. Freyburg, NUM. sm.h" .... *4059.12 MUSICUS magnanimus oder Panealus, der gross- miithige Musicant. Freyburg, 1(191. sm.8.*4059. 12 MUSICUS vexatus, oder der wohlgeplagte, doch nicht verzagte, soudern jederzeit lustige Musicus instrumcutalis. Freybcrg, 1090. sm.S" *4059.12 MUSIKALISCHE Charlatanerien. Berlin und Leip- zig, 1792. 8' *4049.26 MUSITANO, C. De morbis inulierum. Coloniae Allobrogum, 1709. 4 3775.16 MUSONIUS Rufus. C. De luxu Graecorum, ab Stephano Nigro congestum. [Gronovius. Thes. Graec. antiq. v.8] 2960.2 MUSSATO, A. De gestia Henrici vn ; De gestis Italicorum post mortem Henrici vii. [>Iu- ratori. Rerum Ital. script, v. 10] 2710.1 MUSSCHEXBROKK, P. van. Compeudium physicae experimentalis. 2a ed. Lugduni Batavo- rum, 1779. 8 **E.161.9 Elementa physicae. Ed. 5a, opera A. Genuen- sis. Bassani. 1781. 2v. 8 3965.6 MUSSET-PATHAY, V. D. de. Recherchea histo- riques sur le card, de Retz. Paris, 1807. 8 2656.2 MUSSEY, R. D. Address on ardent spirit. Han- over, 1828. pp.24. 8 **E.224.10 MUSSEY 560 NAPIER Shelf. No. MOSSEY, R. D. continued. Address to the medical class at Dartmouth college. Hanover, 1818. pp.24. 8 . .**E.224.12 Experiments and observations on cutaneous absorption. Phila. 1800. pp.10. 8.*M.Pph.v.64, 118 and Lindsly, H. Temperance prize essays. Washington, 1835. 12" **E. 219.33 MUSSI, G. de'. Chronicon Placentinum, 222-1402. [Muratori. Rerum Ital. script.] . . v.!6of 2710.1 MUSTON, A. Israel of the Alps : a history of the persecutions of the Waldenses. 2ded. Lon- don, 1853. 12 3528.17 MUTINELLI, F. Del commercio [e] del costume del Veneziani. Venezia, 1835. 8 2722.10 M0Tio,G. Opinioni. [Autori del ben parlare. pt.l, v.l] 3590.10 MUTINY of the Bounty. Bligh, W 2270.13 MUTTER, T. D. Cases of autoplastie. Philadel- phia, 1838. 8 *M.Pph.v.30 Lecture, introductory to a course on the prin- ciples and practice of surgery in Jeff. med. coll. Nor. 1, 1847. Phila. 1847. 8 . . *M.Pph.v.44 Muzio, G. La varchina. See Varchi, B 2785.6 MUZZARELLI, M. C. E. See Bernabo Silorata, P. Prose e poesie di Ital. viventi, v.1-3, 6, 8 . . 4708.16 Muzzi, L. See Bernab6 Silorata, P. Prose e poesie di Italian! viventi, v.4 4708.10 Muzzi, S. Annali della citta di Bologna dalla sua origine al 1790. Bologna, 1840-40. 8v. 8. *2728.1 MYCETOPHILA. Observations. Stannius,F. H. 3897.5 MYGATT family. Goodwin, N 2332.8 MYERS, F. Lectures on great men. Pref. by T. H. Tarlton. 2d ed. London, 1856. 12 . . 2548.18 MYLIUS, G. F. Mcmorabilium Saxonias subter- raneae, p.i.-n. Leipzig, 1709-18. 8m. 4 . . *3809.6 MYLIUS, J. C. Bibliothcca anonymorrm et psevd- onymorvm. Hamburg!, 1740. 2v. in 1. 8. *2144.4 MY mother's gold ring. Sargent, M Pph.v.219 MYNEIIIKUR von Herrick Heimelman, the dan- cing master : poetic tale. New York, 1824. 8 *Pph.v.49 MYRSILLUS. Fragmenta. [Wcstermann. Script. mirabilium Graci] 2903.18 MYRTILUS. See Poetarum com. Grsec. fragm. . . 3002.14 MYSORE, Journey through. Buchanan, F. ... 3042.3 - Same. [Pinkerton. Voyages, v.8] . . . 2260.13 MYSTERIES. Hone, \V. Ancient M. described, especially English miracle plays 2575.24 Towueley mysteries, The 2417.3 MYSTERIES of Udolpho, by Mrs. A. Radcliffe. [Bal- lantyne. Novelists' library, v.10] 2573.1 MYSTERIOUS mother, The. Walpole, H 2575.20 MYTHOLOGY. Bottiger, C. A. Museum der Kunst- Mythologie 3488.13 Bryant, J. Analysis of antient M 3488.4 Buttmann, P. C. Abhandlungen ueber die Sagen des Alterthums 3489.1 Gale, T. Opuscula mythologica 2903.11 Koeppen, C. F. Literarische Einleitung in die nordische Mythologie 3488.6 Korn, F. Mythologisches-Real-Worterbuch. 3433.1 Le Clerc de Septchenes. Religion of the an- cient Greeks, as illustrated by their M. . . 3488.8 MUller, C. O. Introd. to a scientific system of. 3488.5 Niccolini, G. B. Lezioni di mitologia .... 3489.8 Pluche, A. N. de. Histoire du ciel 3489.0 Ross, A. Mystagogus poeticus 3489.7 Smith, W. Diet, of Greek and Roman M. . 2930.7 Staveren, A. van. Mythographi Latin! . . 2911.4 Volcker, C. H. W. Die Mythologie des Japet- ischen Geschlechtes 3489.5 Voss, J. H. Mythologische Briefe 3489.2 - Antisymbolik 3489.3 Vulpius, C. A. Handworterbuch der M. . . 3489.4 See also : Greece, Italy, Scandinavia. NACHBAR, C. J. Der Gregorianische Kirchenge- sang. Schwiebus, 1852. 8 *4049.31 HACHTGALL, O. Musurgia, seu praxis musicae certa ratio. Argentorati, 1536. obi. 4 . . . *4059.17 Shelf. No. NADAL, A. CEuvres melees. Paris, 1738. 3v. 12. 2689.11 Contents. Vol. I. Scs dissertations acadcmiques, avec plusieurs pieces de litterature ct dc critique. II. Plusieurs pieces fugitives et ses dissertations sur les tragedies fle Racine. III. Saul, tragt-diu tirec de 1'ecriture suinte ; Ilirode, tragedie tiree de I'ccriture eiii nte; Antiochus, ou les Machabees, tragtdie; M- riamne, tragedie; Usarphis, ou Moyse, tragedie. NADIR Shah, emperor of Persia, History of. Fra- ser, J 3044.17 NAGELE, F. C. The obliquely contracted female pelvis. Transl. by J. Christie, with notes by Danyau. Manchester, 1848. 8" *3775.17 NAGELE, H. F. J. Obstetric auscultation. Transl. by C. West. London, 1839. 18 3779.27 NAGELI, H. G. Neujahrsstuck der Musik-Gesell- schaft in Zurich. (Biographic von N.) Zu- rich, 1838. pp.17. sm.4 *4042.11 NAGLER, G. C. Neues allgemeines Kunstler- Lexicon. MUnchen, 1835-52. 22v. 8 . . . *4083.1 NAIIANT. Homer, J. L. N. and other places on the north shore 2356.21 Lewis, A. History of Lynn including N. . . 2356.3 NAIIUM. Commentaries on. See Calvin, J. . v.3 of 5504.3 See also : Bible. NAIGEOX, J. A. Me'moires sur la vie et les ouv- rages de D. Diderot. Paris, 1821. 8 ... 2694.4 Philosophic ancienne et moderne. See Ency- clopedic me thodique A. 109. 4 NAIMA. Turkish empire, 1591-1659. Transl. from the Turkish by C. Fraser. London, 1832. Vol.1. 4. [Oriental transl. fund, 20] . ,*3021.16 NAIRNE, C. M. Atheism and pantheism : a lec- ture before the young men's association. Albany, 1848. 8 *Pph.v.lOO, 194 NALDI, N. Vita Jannotii Manetti, 1396-1459. [Mu- ratori. Rerum Ital. script, v.20] 2720.1 NALSON, J. Affairs of state from 1639 to the mur- ther of Charles I. London, 1682-83. 2v. f. *2540.9 NAMES. De cognominum origine, dissertatio. [Muratori. Antiq. Ital. v.8] 2720.7 Dyer, G. Restoration of the ancient modes of bestowing names 25S4.9 Ferrari, C. E. Vocabolario de' nomi propri. 2784.8 Salvcrte, E. Sur les noms d'hommes, de peuples, et dc lieux T-.... 2234.5 See also: Surnames. NAMUR, J. P. Histoire et bibliographic de 1'acad- emie roy. de Belgique. 2e ed. Bruxelles, 1852. 1.8 2203.2 NAMUR, Monuments pour servir a 1'histoire de. See Reiffenberg, F. A. F. T. de 2811.6 NANI, G. B. Dell' historia veneta, 1613-71. See Istorici delle cose veneziane, v.8, 9 . . . . 2721.1 NANNINI, F. Vocabolario ferrarese-italiano. Fer- rara, 1805. 8" *2784.3 NANNUCCI, V. Intorno al pronome Lei, ad illus- trazione di un luogo del Petrarca. Corfu, 1841. pp.51. 8 2785.10 Intorno alle voci usate da Dante secondo i commentator! in grazia della rima. Corfu, 1840. pp.76. 8 *2785.11 Manuale della letteratura del primo secolo della lingua italiana. Firenze, 1845. 3v. 4. *2771.9 Prospetto generale di tutti i verbi anomali e diffettivi. Firenze, 1853. 8 2785.8 Risposta al G. Manuzzi sulle voci e locuzioni italiane, derivate dalla lingua provenzale. Corfu, 1841. pp.87. 8 *2785.11 Teorica dei nomi della lingua italiana. To- mo I. Firenze, 1847. 8 2785.9 Voci e locuzioni italiane derivate dalla lingua provenzale. Firenze, 1840. 8 *2785.11 NANTES, Edict of. Lettere dell' ab. G. Bandini, 1598-99, relative alia publicazione dell' edit- to di Nantes. [Arch. stor. ital. App. v.2]. 5245.2 NAPIER, E. Scenes and sports in foreign lands. London, 1840. 2v. 12 3048. 1 Wild sports in Europe, Asia, and Africa. London, 1844. 2v. 12 30*8.2 NAPIER 561 NARDI Shelf. No. NAPIER, M. Memoirs of the marquis of Mont- rose. Edinburgh, 1850. 2v. 8 2445.10 NAPIONE, G. F. Galeani. Delia patria di Cristo- foro Colombo, ristampata con giunte. Fi- rcnze, 1808. 8 2318.8 Dell' uso e dci pregi dclla lingua italiana. Milano, 1824. 2v. 32 2780.32 - Same. 2a cd. Milano, ia30. 2v. 10 . . 2780.31 Del vicendcvole vantaggio che la religione reca alle belle arti, e le belle art! recano alia religione. [Coll. d'opusc. scient. e lett. v.8] 5278.2 Estratto dclle osservazioni intorno ad alcune antiche moncte. [Coll. d' opuscoli seient. e lett. v. 17] 5278.2 Elogio di G. Botero. [Elogj italiani, v.9] . 2743.15 NAPLES, The city. Napoli c i luoghi celebri delle sue vicinanze. N.ipoli, 1845. 2v. 8 2701.1 Real museo borbonico. Nap. 1824-56. 15v. 4.*4071. 1C Reale accadcmia dclle scienzedi Napoli. Atti. [la serie]. Napoli, 1819-51. Cv. in 7. 4. . *5271.1 - Mcmorie. [Nuova serie]. v.l, 2. Na- poli, 1850-57. 2v. 4 *5271.2 Stabilimenti per 1'interno rcgolamento del real conservatorio di musica de S. Sebasti- ano in Napoli. Napoli, 1809. 8 *4057.13 Quaranta, B. Guide general du musee royal Bourbon 4089.1 Renzi, S. de. Statistica medica della citta di Napoli 3721.24 Vasi, M. Description ge'ne'rale des monu- ments de 2734.13 NAPLES, The kingdom. Antiquitds de la Grande Grece. [Piranesi. Opere, v. 27-29] D, l.T, U Bianchini, L. Finanze del regno di Napoli . 2724.5 Collctta, P. Storia del reame di Napoli, 1734-1825 2723.14 Costanzo, A. di. Istoria del regno di Napoli. 2739.13 Craven, R. K. Southern provinces of ... 27C1.2 Cuoco, V. Rivoluzione di Napoli, 1799 . . . 2724.7 Dominici,B.de. Vite dei pittori, scultori, ed architetti napoletani 4087.7 Giannonc, P. Histoire civile du royaumc de. 2723.1 Giustiniani, L. Dizionario geografico del regno di Napoli 2734.5 - Saggio storico-critico sulla tipografla del regno di Napoli 2114.18 Hervey-Saint-Dcnys, L. d'. Un roi, (Ferdi- nand II, dcs deux Siciles) 4745.22 Napoli-Signorelli,P. Coltura nolle due Sicilie. 2770.15 Orloff, G. Memoires sur le royaume de . . 2724.4 Palermo, F. Storia, 1522-1007 .... v.9 of 5212.2 Saint-Priest, A. do. Histoiredelaconquetede. 2724.3 Voyage de Charles vm, pour la conquete dc. [Lafaist. Arch. hist. Fr. Ser. I, v.l] . 2017.1 NAPLETON, J. Qualifications of a minister in the church of England. Oxford, 1795. 8 . . . 3437.3 NAPOLEON I. Codice pel regno d'ltalia. Ed. flor. Firenze, 1800. sm.4 *3C10.8 Correspondance inedite et confidentielle. Paris, 1809-20. 7v. 8 *2643.4 Lettrcs a Josephine et lettres de Josephine a Napoleon. Londres, 1833. 2v. 8 .... 2643.2 Memoires ecrits a Ste. Helene sous sa dictee. 2e ed. Paris, 1830. 9v. 8 *2043.7 Abell, E. B. Recollections of, at St. Helena. 2042.10 Bagctti, J. P. Vues des champs de bataille de Napoleon en Italic 27. A.I Barthe, F. Refutation de la relation du capt. Maitland touchant 1'cmbarquenient de . . 2642.4 Baussct, L. F. J. de. Memoires pour 1'his- toirede 4008.18 Bourrienne, L. A. F. de. Memoires sur . . 2652.2 Channing, W. E. Remarks on the life and character of 3473.1 Chateaubriand, R. F. A. De Buonaparte, des Bourbons, etc Pph.v.12 Code of. See France 3010.9 Constant, W. Memoires sur la vie privee de. 2055.9 Shelf. No. NAPOLEON I, continued. Copies of letters from the army in Egypt . . 2043.3 Coston, Le baron de. Biographic des pre- mieres annees de 2043.1 Couronne poetique de 2089.8 Fain, A. J. F. Histoire de 1'empereur . . .2643.8,9 Fleury de Chaboulon, P. A. E. de. Vie privee, retour et regne de N. en 1815 4057.3 Gourgaud, G. de. Memoires pour servir a 1'histoire de France sous 2043.6 Junot, L. P. Souvenirs historiques sur . . . 2059. 1 Las Cases, M. J. E. D. de. Memorial de Ste. Helene 2042.12 Louis, king of Holland. Reponse a Sir W. Scott, sur son histoire de 2642.3 Meneval, C. F. de. Souvenirs de 4068.13 Montholon-Semonville, C. T. de. Histoire de la captivite de Ste. Helene 4668.17 - Memoires pour servir a 1'histoire de Franco sous 2643.5 Norvins, J. M. de M. de. Histoire de . . . 2012.1 Observations on the expedition to the East . 3053.17 Ott, C. Geschichte dcr letzten Kampfe . . . 2642.2 Proces centre Georges, Pichcgru, ct autres prevenus de conspiration contre 2653.10 Saint-Hilaire, E. M.de. Conspirations contre le gouvernement de 4643.0 - Histoire populaire de 4641.4 Savary, A. J. M. R. Memoires pour servir a 1'histoire de 1'empereur 2053.1 Scott, W. Life of 2042.11 Segur, P. P. cte de. Histoire de N. et de la grande armde, en 1812 4651.6 Storia di N. dal suo ritorno di Russia . . 4059 a. 10 Thibaudeau, A. C. Le consulat et 1'cmpire . 4647.2 Visconti, E. Q. Tombeau de N. dans le dome des Invalides 4103.8 "Whately, R. Historic doubts relative to. Pph.v.87 NAPOLEON II. [Biographic du] due de Reich- stadt. See Montbcl, G. I. de 2042.8 NAPOLEON III. (Euvres, publ. par C. E. Tem- blaire. Paris, 1848. 2v. in 1. 8 2073.2 Contents. Vol. I. Vie politique dc Louis-Napo- leon; Reveries politiques ; Considerations politiquca et militaires sur la Suisse ; Idccs napoleoniennes ; Pieces ii 1'appui. II. Fragments historiques ; Pieces a 1'appui s Analyse des questions des sucres ; Etat compare de la culture des colonies; Nombrc defab- riqucs ct culture do la betterave en 1&10; Sucres; Tableau A.; Mouvemcnt de la navigation avec ies quatre colonies d sucre ct navigation generate ; Tab- leau B. ; Valeur du commerce dc la France avec dog quatre colonies d sucrc: Tableau C. ; Extinction du paupcrismc ; Quelquea mots sur Joseph-Napoleon Bonaparte. OEuvres. Paris, 1854-56. 4v. 8 2673.1 Contents. Vol. I. L'idee napoleonienne; Des idees napoleonienncs ; Fragmens historiques 1C88 ct 1830 j Reponse a M. de Lamartine ; Reveries politiques; Melanges. II. Melanges, suite; Extinction du pau- perisme ; Tableaux iustificatifs; Analyse de la ques- tion des nacres; Projet de loi sur le recrutcment de 1'armec ; Considerations politiques et militaires sur la Suisse; Quelques mots Bur Joseph-Napoleon Bon- aparte; Le canal de Nicaragua. III. Discours, pro- clamations, messages, lettres, 1348-35. IV. Du passe et de I'avenir de I'artillerie. Fragmens historiques, 1G8S-1830. 2e ed. [Paris,] 1841. 8 4052.5 Idecs napoleonicnnes. Bruxellcs, 1839. 18. 4679 a. 6 La revision de la constitution. Paris, [1852]. pp.47. 8 4052.10 Les proces du prince, 1810. Millaud, P. . . 3084.17 NAPO-LEON Torre, ou le solitaire de 1'ilc de Pal- marola. Quantin, J 4079.4 NAPOLI-SIGNORELLI, P. Viccnde della coltura nolle due Sicilie. Napoli, 1784-85. 4v. 10. 2770.15 Storia critica de' teatri antichi c moderni. Na- poli, 1787-90. Ov. 8 2770.7 NARDI, J. Istorie dclla citta di Firenze, 1375-1537. Per cura di L. Arbib. Firenze, 1842. 2v. 8. 2726.2 Vita d' Antonio Giacomini Tebalducci Males- pini. Fiorenza, 1597. 4 *2745.3 Lettere. [Dati. Prose florentine, v. 15] . . 2787.1 NARDINl 562 NATURAL Shelf. No. NARDINI, F. Roma antica, con note ed osserva- zioni di A. Nibby, c con disegni di A. de Ro- mania. 4a ed. romana. Roma, 1818-20. 4v. 8 2736.3 Contents. Vol. IV. Discorso di Ottavlo Falconieri Intorno alia piramido di C. Cestio ; Lettera del me- dcsimo al signer Carlo Dati; Memorie di varie anti- chita trovate in divcrsi luoghi della citta di Roma ecrilte da Flaminio Vacca nell 1 anno 1594; Dcllc vie dcgli antichi, disscrtazione di A. Nibby. Roma vctus, libri Vin a J. Tollio. [Grae- vius. Thes. antiq. Rom. v.4] 2950.1 NARDUCCI, T. II paragone de' canali. [Raccolta del moto dell' acquc, v.4] 3942.1 NAEES, E. Heraldic anomalies. London, 1823. 2v. 8 2233.2 - Same. 2d ed. London, 1824. 2v. 12 . 2233.3 Memoirs of William Cecil, lord Burghley. London, 1828-31. 3v. 4 *2440.11 Remarks on the Unitarian version of the New Testament. 2ded. London, 1814. 8. . . 3462.13 NARES, R. Elements of orthoepy. Lond. 1784. 8. 2584.5 Glossary of the works of English authors, particularly Shakespeare. London, 1822. 4. *2592.1 NARRAGANSETT, Early history of. Potter, E. R. jr 2336.9 NARRATIVE of a new American imprisonment of two prcsbytcrian ministers. [Force. Tracts, v.4] 2323.3 NARRATIVE of the Indian and civil wars in Virgi- nia, 1675 and 1676. [Force. Tracts, v.l] . 2323.3 NARRATIVE of the proceedings against dame Alice Kyteler, prosecuted for sorcery, 1324. Ed. by Thomas Wright. London, 1843. sm.4. [Camden soc. no. 24] *2416.24 NARRATIVE of the revival of religion in Oneida co. 1826. Utica, N. Y. 1826. 8 *Pph.v.69 NARRATIVE of the suppression by Col. Burr of the history of the administration of J. Adams, by J. Wood. Added, a biography of Jeffer- son, Hamilton, [etc.] New York, 1802. 8.*Pph.v.ll NARRATIVES illustrative of the contests in Ireland in 1641 and 1090. Ed. by T. C. Croker. London, 1841. sm. 4. [Camden soc. no. 14] *2416.14 NARRIEN, J. Origin and progress of astronomy. London, [1833.] 8 3922.4 NASH, Thomas. Christ's tears over Jerusalem. From the ed. of 1613. London, 1815. 4. [Brydges'Archaica,v.l] *2591.14 Summer's last will and testament. [Dodsley. Old plays, v.9] 2588.1 NASH, Trcadway R. Collections for the history of Worcestershire, [and] supplement. 2d ed. London, 1709. 2v. f *2500.7 NASHUA and Lowell railroad co. Report of the committee of investigation, May 29, 1850 [and] counter report. Boston, 1851. 8.*Pph.v.278 NASMYTH, A. Development, structure, and dis- eases of the teeth. London, 1849. 8 . . . 3805.30 NASSAU. Keller, E. F. Drangsale des nassauis- cbenVolkes, in den Zeiten des dreissigjiih- rigenKrieges 2836.7 NASSAU La Leek, L. T. van. Briev aan Linguet. Utrecht, 1779. 8 *Pph.T.18 NATALE, T. Delle pene dalle leggi minacciate. [Opuscoli di autori Sicilian!, v. 13] .... 4764.1 NATICK, Mass., History of. Biglow, W 2356.8 NATIONAL association for the promotion of social science. Transactions, inaugural addresses, and speeches, 1857. London, 1858. 8 . . . 3566.1 NATIONAL character. Chenevix, R. Essay upon. 3501.14 Craffts,W. Influence of moral causes on . E.224.12 NATIONAL convention of the friends of public edu- cation. Proceedings. Phila. 1849-50. 8" . 3594.11 NATIONAL era. Vol. n-vn. April 6, 1848 Dec. 29,1853. Washington, 1848-53. 6v.in3. f . *7970.2 NATIONAL intelligencer. [Tri-weekly and semi- weekly.] Jan. 2, 1838 Jan. 8, 1850. Wash- ington, 1838-50. 13v. f *8000.4 Shelf. No. NATIONAL medical convention. Proceedings in New York in 1846, and in Philadelphia in 1847. Philadelphia, 1847. 8 . *M.Pph.v.42, 3746.3 Pharmacopccia of the United States of Amer- ica. Philadelphia, 1831. 8 3785.7 - Same. Philadelphia, 1851. 8" 3785.6 NATIONAL miscellany, The, a magazine of general literature. London, 1853-55. 4v. 8" ... 3192.2 NATIONAL police gazette. Sept. 11, 1847 Sept. 1, 1849; Sept. 7, 1850 Aug. 25, 1855. New York, 1847-55. 4v. f *8060.1 NATIONAL portrait gallery of distinguished Amer- icans. Longacre, J. B., etc 2340.7,8 NATIONAL review. Vols. 6-10. London, 1858-00. 6v. 8 *5238.1 NATORP, B. C. L. Ueber den Gesang in den Kir- chen du Protestanten. Essen, 1817. 8. .*4049.13 NATUERLYKE historic van dc Couchenille. [Dutch and French.] Amsterdam, 1729. 8 . *M.Pph.v.8 NATURAL history. Adanson, M. Cours d'histoire naturelle .3838.4 Agassiz, L. J. R. Essay on classification . . 3882.10 Aldrovandi, U. Opera -3870.1-11 Annalcs du museum. See Paris 3811.2 Annali di storia naturale 3878.1 Annals and magazine of 3816.2 Barrington, A. Elements of natural science. 7029.6 Batsch, A. J. G. K. Umriss der gesammten Naturgeschichte 3833.7 Blumenbach, J. F. Abbildungen naturhist. Gegenstiinde 3886.9 - Beytriige zur Naturgeschichte 3819.1 Bonnet, C. (Euvres d'histoire naturelle . . 3822.1 Buflfon, G. L. L. de. Histoire naturelle . . . 3813.1 - Matieres generales d'histoire naturelle . 5879.2 - CEuvres completes 3827.1 Bullock, W. Preserving objects of ... Pph.v.217 Camper, P. CEuvres d'histoire naturelle . . 3880.12 Cuvier.F. Dictionnaire des sciences nat. . . 3818.1 Cuvier, G. L. C. F. D. Progres des sciences nat. 3827. 2 Davila, P. F. Catalogue des curiosites . . . 3839.6 Descrizioni di cose natural! 3839.9 Dudcvant, L. H. Tableau analytique des trois regnes de la nature 3834.5 Dumeril, A. M. C. Elemens des sciences nat. 3838.3 Engelmann, W. Bibliothcca historico-nat. . 2173.2 Erman, A. G. Verzeichniss von Thieren und Pflanzen, u. s. w 5860.3 For skill, P. Icones rerum naturalium. . . . 3825.1 Fourcroy, A. F. Elemens d'histoire naturelle. 3976.7 Gothe, J. W. v. CEuvres d'histoire naturelle. 3825.5 Guibourt, N. J. B. G. Histoire naturelle des drogues simples, ou cours d'hist. nat. . . . 3834.15 Haidinger, W. Naturw. Abhandlungen . . 3850.8 Hebenstreit, J. E. Museum Richterianum . 5800.21 Humboldt, F. H. A. v. Cosmos : a sketch of the universe 3877.25 - Tableaux de la nature 3S15.2 - Travels to the equinoctial regions of the new continent 2364.4 _ Voyage aux regions equinoxiales du nou- veau continent 3810.1-8 Instructions for preserving objects of . . . Pph.v.72 Johnston, A. Iv. Physical atlas 3820.12 Jourdan, A. J. L. Dictionnaire des termes usites dans les sciences naturelles 3834.3 Kidd, W. Journal for inter-communications. 3825.2 Knorr, G. W. Delicise naturae selects . . . 3820.9 Kutorga, S. Gegen die Theorie der stufen- weisen Entstehung der organischeu Wesen aufdcrErde 3879.1 Latham, R. G. Natural history department of the crystal palace 4089.28 Ledermiiller, M. F. Mikroskopische Ge- miiths-und Augen-Ergotzung 3883.8 Leske, N. G. Museum Leskeanum 3839.5 Leuckart, F. S. Andeutungen uber den Gang der Naturgeschichte 3833.8 Link, H. F. Propylaen der Naturkunde . . 3819.6 Lanne, C. v. Amoenitates academicae .... 3848.2 NATURAL 563 NAVAL Shelf. No. NATURAL history. Linne, C. v. continued. - Museum Lud. Ulricas et Adolph Frid. reg. 3839.2 - System of nature 3815.3 Maniere do rocucillir, etc. les objets d'histoire naturellc. See France. Minist. marine . . 2320.22 Martini, F. H. W. Allgemeine Geschichte der Natur 3838.2 Meinoires du Museum. See Paris 3811.1 Molina, G. I. Memorie di storia naturale . . 3819.7 Nemnich, P. A. Polyglotten-Lexicon der . 3832.3 Nieremberg, J. E. Historia naturae maxime percgrinae 3900.3 Oersted, IT. C. Naturwissenschaft und die Geistesbildung 3879.5 Oken, L. Allgemeine Naturgeschichte . . . 3814.6 - Lehrbuoh dor Naturgeschichte 3814.5 - Naturgescldchte fiir Schulcn 3832.4 - Ucber den Worth der Naturgeschichte . 3832.7 Orbigny, C. F. d'. Dictionnaire univcrsel d'histoire naturellc 3835.1 Partington, C. F. British cyclopedia of . . . 3S34.1 Plinius Secundus, C. Historia naturalis . . 2915.2 - Ilistoire naturelle 2930.1 Pluche, A. N. do. Spectacle de la nature . . 3819.3 Proceedings of the society of natural history. See Boston 3834.10 Publications of the Ray society. See Ray soc. 3824.1-5 Reports of the Am. association of naturalists. See Association 3863.3 Richard, A. Elements d'histoire naturelle medicalc 3780.7 Sencbicr, J. Essai sur Part d'obscrvcr . . . 3835.5 Smellie, W. Philosophy of 3831.6* Spallanzani, L. Opere 3817.3 Steffcns, H. Naturgeschichte der Erde . . . 3868.6 Transactions of the Linnean soc. See London. 5861.1 Valmont-Bomare, J. C. Dictionuaire d'his- toire naturelle 3839.10 Wicgmann, A. F. A. Archiv fLir Naturge- schichtc 5819.1 See also : Bible, Botany, Chemistry, Comparative anatomy, Conchology, Cosmography, Embryology, Geology, Meteorology, Mineralogy, Monstrosity, Na- ture, Paleontology, Philosophy, Physical geography, Zoology. Also, the names of the following countries, etc. Adriatic, Alps. America, Antilles, Austria, Barba- dos, Brazil, Canada, Cape of Good Ilope, Chester, Chili, Corfu, Cornwall, Denmark, Derbyshire, Flor- ida, Germany, India, Ireland, Italy, Lancashire, Lewes, New Guinea, New York, Northamptonshire, North Carolina, Norway, Oxfordshire, Paris, Phila- delphia, Stafford Co., United States. NATURAL philosophy. Adams, G. Lectures on. 3965.4 Blair, D. Grammar of 7029.4 Bryan, M. Lectures on 3902.1 Comstock, J. L. System of 7029.2 Enfleld, W. Institutes of 3902.2 Euler, L. Lettres sur divers sujets de philos. 39GC.5 - Letters on different subjects in ..... 39a3.11 Ewing,J. System of E. 214. 16 Gray, A. Elements of 7029.1 Haiiy, R. J. Treatise on 3963.12 Herschcl, J. F. W. Preliminary discourse on the study of E. 110.84 Keill, J. Introduction to E. 101. 10 See London. Scn.forthediff. ofusef. knowl. E.212.2 Olmsted, D. Compendium of 3963.5 Ozanam, J. Recreations in 3915.11 Parker, R. G. Natural and experimental P. 7029.3 Playfair, J. Outlines of. E.212.9 Priestley, J. Experiments and observ. in. 3903.9 Rcnwick, J. Outlines of E. 214. 13 Young, T. Lectures on E.161.2 See also: Acoustics, Astronomy, Attraction, Ba- rometer, Electricity, Gravitation, Heat, Light, Mag- netism, Mechanics, Meteorology, Optics, Physics, Pneumatics, Sound. NATURE. Beauricu, G. G. de. L'eleve de la nature. 4678.5 Bucke, C. Beauties, harmonies, and sublimi- ties of 3817.2 Good, J. M. Book of E.217.4 Newman, E. System of 3832.5 Shelf. No. NATURE, continued. Oersted, II. C. Geist in der Natur 3879.6 Saint-Pierre, J.H. B. de. Etudes dc la nature. 5S79.3 Trimmer, S. Iiitrod. to the knowledge of . 3410.13 See also : Natural history, Philosophy, Physical sciences, Science, Transactions. NATUURKUNDIGE Vcrhandelingen of Verzaamel- ing van Stukken de Natuurkunde, etc. Am- sterdam, 1707. 8 *M.Pph.v.3 NAUCRATES. See Baiter and Sauppe. Oratores Attici ' 2963.1 NAUDET, J. See Bouquet, M. Rccueil des histo- riens des Gaules, ct de la France, v.19, 20 . 2020.1 NAUENBURG, G. Ideen, zu einer Reform der christ- lichen Kirchenmusik. Halle, 1845. 8. . . *4050.18 NATJMACIIIUS. See Brunck, R. F. Gnomici poctse Grzeci 2968.5, 6 See Gnomici Grasci 2979.3 NAUMAXN, C. F. Anfangsgriinde der Krystallo- graphie. 2te Aufl. Leipzig, 1S54. 8 ... 3S35.7 Elemente der Mineralogie. 4te Aufl. Leipzig, 1853. 8 3865.1 Lehrbuch der Krystallographie. Leipz. 1830. 2v. 8" 3865.6 NAUMANN,J. A. Naturgesch. derVogel Deutsch- lauds. Leipzig, 1820-44. 12v. 8 *3904.2 NAUMAXN, J. G.,Bruchstiicke zur Biographic von. Meissner, A. G 4048.10 NAUMAXX, R. Serapeum. Zeitschrift fur Bibli- othekwissenschaft, u. s. w. lr-17r, 20r Jhrg. Leipzig, 1S40-59. ISv. 8 *2146.1 NAUXTON, R. Court of queen Elizabeth, with additions byJ. Caulficld. Lond. 1814. 4. *2451.5 NAUSICRATES. SeePoet.com. Grajc. fragm. . . 3002.14 NAUTICAL almanac. See France, Great Britain. NAUTICAL experiments. Beaufoy, M E. 140. 12 NAUTICAL magazine, The, and naval chronicle. Vols. 23-28. London, 1854-59. Cv. 8 . . . *5408.1 NAUTICAL tables. Norie, J. W E. 180.21 NAVA Tatva, a work illustrative of the Jain reli- gion and philosophy. See Bhadra Balm . 3011.13 NAVAGEIIO, A. Historia Vcncta, ad annum 1498. [Muratori. Rerum Ital. script. v.i] . . . 2720.1 NAVAL academy. Regulations of the U. S. naval academy. See United States C. 153. 12 NAVAL actions between Great Britain and the U. S., Inquiry into the merits of. James, W. 2327.13 NAVAL architecture. Chapman, F. H. V. Treatise on ship-building 3951.10 Euler, L. Theory of the construction and properties of vessels E. 180. 23 Fishbournc, E. G. Lectures on 3933.9 Griffiths, J. W. Treatise on 3951.3 Viul-de-Clairbois, H. S. Elements of. . . . 3952.11 White, T. Theory and practice of ship-b'ld'g. 3952.9 See also: Boats, Dry docks, Iron, Marine architec- ture, Masting, Rigging, Hope-maker, Screw propeller, Steam engine, Timber. NAVAL art and science. Abridged specifications relating to marine propulsion without sails. SeeGt. Britain. Commissioners of patents. Bechi, S. Nautica antica 3952.18 Bocchi, A. Nautica degli antichi 3952.19 Bonnefoux, P. M. I. Manoeuvres de mer . . 3953.10 Dahlgren, J. A. Naval percussion locks and primers 3952.15 Jal, A. Archdologie navale 3952.4 - Glossaire nautique 3932.2 Parker, J. R. Semaphoric signal book . . . 3952.22 Valin, R. J. Commentaire sur 1'ordonnance de la marine du mois d'Aout, 1681 3951.21 Verdicr. Nouveau manuel complet de marine. 3954.13 See also : Boat armament, Compass, Gunnery, Har- bors, Navigation, Sailing directions. NAVAL biography. Campbell, J. Lives of Brit- ish admirals 2450.11 Charnock, J. Biographia navalis, 1000-1790 . 2442.7 Marshall, J. Royal naval biography .... 2450.12 Richer, A. Vies des plus celebres marins . 4009.9, 10 NAVAL chronicle. See Nautical magazine .... 6408. 1 NAVAL 564 NEEDHAM Shelf. No. NAVAL French and English dictionary. Burn, R. 3034.22 NAVAL gazetteer. Malbam, J 2285.6 NAVAL magazine. See United service journal . . 3140.4 NAVAL officer's manual. Glascock, W. R. . . . 3934.21 NAVAL service. Epitome descriptive of the royal naval service. Miles, E 3952.2 NAVAL tactics, Manual of. Ward, J. H 3952.21 NAVIER, C. L. M. H. Resume" des lejons d'ana- lyse. Notes par Liouville. 2e ed. Paris, 1850. 2v. 8 3925.15 Sur los ponts suspcndus. Paris, 1830. 4. Atlas obi. 4 *4011.4 NAVIGATION. Atkinson, J. Epitome of the art of. 3952.36 Baron, G. Principles of common navig. . E. 199. 28 Barrow, J. Complete system of E. 180.29 Blunt, E. M. American coast pilot . . . . E. 180.13 Bougucr, P. Trait6 de navigation . . . . E. 181. 18 . Bowditeh, N. Practical navigator 3952.5 Chierlin, L. A. Anviisning uti de niidvandi- gaste stycken af navig. wctcnskapen . . E. 181. 14 Clarke, H. Rules for computing the apparent time at sea E. 181. 11 Colson, N. Mariner's new calendar . . . E. 180. 31 Furlong, L. American coast pilot . . . . E. 180. 22 Garnett, J. Nautical chart for problems in. E.181.9 Heather, W. North sea pilot E. 110.56 Mackay, A. Theory and practice of . . . E. 180. 11 Maophcrson, D. Annals of 3041.1 Malham, J. N. made easy E. 180.30 Maury, M. F. Treatise on E. 181.2 Mendoza y Rios, J. de. Tratado de naveg. E.181.7 Moore, J. H. Epitome on E. 181.8 - Seaman's daily assistant E. 181. 10 Norie.J. W. Epitome of practical N. E. 180. 18, 19 P:itoun,A. Treatise of practical N. . . . E. 181. 17 Riddle, E. Treatise on E. 181. 3, 4 Robertson, J. Elements of E. 180. 28 Vries, K. de. Onderwy singe in de Navig. E. 181. 13 Wilson, H. Treatise of E. 181. 15 Wrottcsley, J. History of E. 212.4 Waterston, W. Cyclopaedia of 3682.4 See also: Astronomy, Canals, Chronometers, Com- pass, Inland navigation, Latitude, Lighthouses, Lon- gitude, Naval architecture, Pilotage, Rivers, Sailing directions, Seamanship, Shipmasters, Tides. NAVIGATION laws, Anatomy of the. Ricardo, J. L 3656.2 NAVIGATION laws considered. Lindsay, W. S. . 3602.14 NAVIGATION of rivers. Brooks, W. A. Treatise on the improvement of 3953.8 Calvcr, E. K. Improvement of tidal rivers. 3945.4 Minard, C- J. Construction des ouvrages qui (Stablissent la navigation deg rivieres . . . 3951.6 Stevenson, D. Improvement of tidal rivers. 3945.3 White, J. Improvement of 3952.10 NAVY department of the United States, Rules of. See United States C. 153.17 NAVY register of the United States for 1854, 1850, 1859. See United States C. 153.10, 11 NAZA'MI. Laili and Majnun, a poem, transl. from the Persian by J. Atkinson. London, 1830. 8". [Oriental transl. fund] *3012.8 NAZAEIUS. Panogyricus Constantino Augusto dictus. [Migne. Patrologiaev.8] 3440.6 NEAL, D. History of New England, to 1700. London, 1720. 2v. 8 2321.17 History of the puritans, from the reformation to 10S8. New ed. rev. by J. Toulmin, D. D. Portsmouth and Boston, 1810-17. 5v. 8 . *3526.1 NEAL, J. Authorship, a tale by a New Englander over sea. Boston, 1S30. 12 2409.29 Battle of Niagara, with other poems. 2d ed. Baltimore, 1819. 18 2399.50 One word more : intended for the reasoning and thoughtful among unbelievers. Bos- ton, 1854. 12" 3436.31 Rachel Dyer : a North American story. Port- land, 1828. 12 2409.45 NEAL, T. A. Ncal record: descendants of John Neale of Salem. Boston, 1856. pp.30. 8. 2333.8 Shelf. No- NEALE, J. P. Westminster abbey. See Brayley, E. W 2501.10 NEAMET Ullah. History of the Afghans, transl. by B. Dorn. London, 1836. 4. [Oriental transl. fund] *3012.1 NEANDER, M. Opus aurcum et scholasticum. Lipsiae, 1577. 4" *2991.17 Contents. Pythagoras carmina aurea; Phocylidaj pocma admonitorium ; Theognidis Mcgarensia poi'ta Siculi gnomologia ; Unomologici libri duo ; Apoph- thegmatum libri duoj Nili episcopi et martyris prae- cepta de pietate et moribus; Coluthi Lycopolitae The- basi Helenas raptus; Tryphiodori poutiE ^Egyptii do Trojaa excidio; Cointi Smyrnsei popularis Ilomeri, de Trojaa excidio lib. duo; Ejusdem reditus Gra:co- rum liber unus; Vaticinium Ncrei Marini, de Trojaa excidio, GnrcU et Latinis hcxamotris cxpositum a Laurentio Rodomanno; Poema historicum de Mith- ridate Ponti rcge, Grcecis hcroicis versibus cxpositum et Latin e redditum, ab codcm autore ; Ilistoria poetica de Arione citharacdo sou lyrico suas solatia celcber- rimo, cxposita Dorice versibus heroicis, ct in linguam Latinam convcrsa ab eoclem ; Luciani Samosateni Eomnium seu Callus, dialogus jucundissimus, Grace et Latind, cum cotnmentariolo in locos obscuriores et difficiliorcs. NEANTHIS. SeeFragm. hist. Graec. v.3 3002.11 NEARCHUS Cretensis. Nauigatione, tradotta d'Ar- riano. [Ramusio. Viaggi, v.l] 2260.2 See Geier, R. Alexandri M. hist, script. . . 2903.10 NEATH, South Wales. Gnoll college. Principles of collegiate education. London, 1857. pp. 87. 12" 3592.8 NEBRASKA, Ancient fauna of. [Smithsonian con- tributions, etc. v. 6, art. 6] &340.1 NEBRASKA question, The : a sermon. Parker, T. 3443.1 NEBRASKA territory, Report of a geological sur- vey oi a portion of. Owen, D. D C. 150.2 NEBRISSENSIS. See Lebrixa, A. de 3033.6 NECESSITY. Essays on liberty and N. West, S. 3003.19 NECK, Surgical anatomy of the. Burns, A. . . 3745.10, 11 NECK, J. C. van. Voyage aux Indes orientales, 1000. [Constantin. Voyages, v.l, 2] . . . 2277.12 NECKER, J. CEuvres completes, publ. par le bar. deStael. Paris, 1820-21. 15v. 8 *3560.10 Contents. Vol. I. Notice sur M. Necker, par A. do Staol Ilolstein, son petit-fils; Sur la legislation et le commerce des grains. II. Compte rendu au roi, Jan. 1781; Memoire public par M. Necker, Avril 1787; Appendice; Nouveaux eclaircissemcns sur le compte rendu au roi en 1781, publics en Sept. 1788; Appendice. III. Premier ministere de M. Necker; Premiere par- tic: Credit public, etat du tresor royal; Seconde par- tie: Reformes d'ordre et d'economie; Troisieme par- tie: Dispositions generates d'administration. IV.-V. De 1'administration des finances de la France. VL Sur 1'administration de Necker, par lui meme; Sec- ond ministere de M. Necker. VII. Troisieme minis- tere de M. Necker. VIM. Du pouvoir cxucutif dans les grands etats. IX.-X. De la revolution franeoise. X. Reflexions philosophiques sur 1'egalite. XI. Der- nieres vucs de politique et de finance ; Reflexions presentees a la nation frangoise, sur le proces de Louis xvi. ; Table chronologique des actes du premier ministere de M. Necker. XII. De 1'importancc des opinions religicuses. XITL-XIV. Cours de morale religieuse. XV. Melanges : filoge de Jean-Baptiste Colbert, discours qui a remporte le prix de 1'acade- mie franjfoise ; Rcponse au memoire de M. 1'abbe Morellet, sur la compagnie des Indes; Manuscrits de Necker, publies par sa fille en 1801; Esquisses de pensecs; Suites funestes d'unescule iaute; Nouvelle. De la revolution franc. Paris, 1797. 2v. 8. 4655.15 Dernieres vucs de politique et de finance, n. p. 1802. 8 3563.10 Du pouvoir executif dans les grands etats. [Paris], 1792. 2v. 8 3562.26 Vie privec de. [Stael-Holstein. CEuvres, v.17]. 2005.6 NECKER DE SAUSSURE, A. A. L'education pro- gressive. Paris, 1828, 32. 2v. 8 3593.14 NECKER DE SAUSSUEE, L. A. Voyage to the He- brides. London, 1822. 8 *Pph.v.47 NECROMANCY. See Demonology, Spirits. NEDDERMEYER, F. H. Statistik und Topographic der Stadt Hamburg. Hamburg, 1847. 8 . 7193.1 NBEDHAM, J. R. The pleasures of poverty : a poem. 3d ed. New York, 1837. 8. . *Pph.v.ll6 NEEDHAM 565 NERVOUS Shelf. No. NEEDHAM, M. The excellencie of a free state. London, 1767. 8 *3562.12 NEEL, L. B. Voyage de Paris a Saiut-Cloud. [Gamier. Voyages imaginaires, v.30] . . 2066. 1 NEES VON ESKNBECK, C. G. v. Flora Brasilien- sis cyperographia. Vindob. 1842. f . v.l of *3820.5 Genera et species asterearum. Norimbergse, 1833. 8 3859.13 Hymenopterorum ichneumonibus afflnium monographic. Stuttgartias, 1834. 2v. in 1. 8 3897.18 NEES VON ESENBECK, T. F. L., and Henry, A. Das System der Pilze. Bonn, 1837. 8 . . 3852.4 and others. Plantse officinales. Diisseldorf, 1828. 2v. f *3780.4 NEGOCIATIONS. Birch, T. Negociations between the courts of England, France, and Brussels, from the year 1592 to 1617 2302.3 Charriere, E. Negociations de la France dans le Levant 2650.21 Le Clerc, J. Negociations secretes touchant la paix dc Munster et d'Osnabrug 3620.1 Le Glay, A. J. G. Negociations entre la France et 1'Autriche, 1500-30 2650.23 Mignet, F. A. A. Negociations relatives a la succession d'Espagne sous Louis xiv . . . 2650.22 Paris, L. Negociations relatives au regne de Francois II 2650.24 See also : Diplomacy, Law of nations, Treaties. NEGRI, C. Le gratie d'amore [balli]. Milano, 1002. f *4051.3 - Same. Milano, 1004. f *4051.2 NEGRI, F. Vita di Apost. Zeno. Venezia, 1816. 8. 2745.8 NEGRI or Negro, G. Vita, epistolse, et orationes. [Sadoleto, G. Epist. appendix] 3476.5 NEGRO, Tribute for the. Armistead, W 3573.12 See also: Slavery. NEGROES, Moral and intellectual faculties of. Gregoire, H 3572.5 NEILGHEUUIES, Climate, inhabitants, produc- tions, etc. of the. Hough, J 3043.7 NELIGAN, J. M. Atlas of cutaneous diseases. Philadelphia, 1850. 4 3790.58 Diseases of the skin. Philadelphia, 1852. 12. 3790.50 Medicines, their uses and administration, with notes by D. M. Reese. 3d ed. New York, 1851. 1.8" 3784.2 NELLI, G. B. C. de. Saggio di storia letteraria florentina del secolo xvn. Lucca, 1759. 4". 2770.1 Vita e commcrcio letterario di Galileo Galilei. Losanna [Firenze], 1793. 2v. 4 *2741.19 Eisposta nclla quale si confuta il saggio dell' istoria del sec. xvn. See Marchetti, F. . . 2715.5 NELLI, Giustiniano. Due amorose novelle. [No- velledi autori senesi, v.2] 2788.6 NELLI, P. Satire. [Carcano. Poeti satirici ita- liani, v.l] 2809.3 NELSON, D. Cause and cure of infidelity. 2d ster. cd. New York, n.d. 12 3436.8 NELSON, H., lord. Dispatches and letters, with notes by Sir N. H. Nicolas. London, 1845- 46. 7v. 8 2523.5 Letters to lady Hamilton. London, 1814. 2v. 8 2448.1 Life. Clarke, J. S 2440.4 Memoirs of. Pettigrew, T. 1 2445.2 NELSON, J. History, topography, and antiquities of the parish of St. Mary, Islington. Lon- don, 1811. 4 *2472.9 NELSON, R. Festivals and fasts of the church of England. London, 1845. 8 3444.11 NEMESIANUS, M. A. O. Cynegcticon. [Lemaire. Poctae Latim minorcs, v.l] 2912.1 - Same. [Wcrnsdorf. Poet. Lat. min., v.l] 2912.4 Cynegctics. [Elton. Specimens of the clas- sic poets, v.3] 2963.14 La bucolica. [Parnaso del poeti classic! d'ognl nazione, v.36] 2769.1 NEMI. Memorie storiche. Lucidi.E , 276o!s Shelf. No. NEMNICH, P. A. Polyglotten-Lexicon der Natur- geschichte. Hamburg, [1793-95.] 8 Lief, in 4v. 4 3832.3 Waaren Lexicon in zwcilf Sprachen. Ham- burg, 1797. 8 **E. 208.1 NEMOURS, M. d'Orleans-Longueville de. Me- moires. See Gondi, J. F. P v.O of 2056.1 - Same. [Michaud. Coll. mem. hist. France. Se"r.2,v.9] 2011.1 - Same. [Petitot. Coll. mem. hist. France. Sdr. 2, v.34] 2035.1 NENNIUS. Historia Britton m. Ed. with an Eug- lish version, by Rev. W. Gunn. London, 1819. 8 2412.9 - Same. Recensuit J. Stevenson. Londini, ia38. 8. [Eng. hist, society, 3] 2413.4 NEOCASTRO or Castelnuovo, B. da. Historia Sic- ula, 1250-94. [Muratori. Rerumltal.] v.!3of 2720.1 NEOCORUS, I,., pseud. See Kuster, L. De museo Alexandrine. [Gronovius. Thes. Graec. antiq. v.8] 2960.2 NEPAUL. Dubeux, L. Histoire et description de Nepal 2270.13 Kirkpatrick, W. Account of the kingdom of. 3041 .4 NEPOS. See Cornelius Nepos. NEPTUNE. Gould, B. A. jr. Report on the discov- ery of Pph.v.180 Nichol, J. P. The planet N 39^4.11 Researches relative to the planet. [Smith- sonian contributions, v.2, art. 1] 3340.1 NERI, A. L' arte vetraria, ristampata sull' ediz. citata dalla Crusca. Milano, 1817. 16. . . 4025.6 Merret, C., and Kunckel, J. Art de la verre- rie, auqucl on a ajoute Le sol sine veste d'Orschall, etc. Trad, de 1'Allemand, par [d'Holbach.] Paris, 1752. 4 4024.35 Contents. Ft. L Les vn livres de Neri, avcc leg notes de Merret II. Kecucil ties experiences de Kunckel ; Sol sine veste, par J. C. d'Orschall, ou trente experiences pour tircr la couleur pourpre de 1'or ; Helioscopium videndi sine veste solem chymi- cum, une critique sur 1'ouvrage d'Orschall, par un anonymej ; Sol non sine veste, ou I'iurincibilitu de 1'or, par C. Grummet ; De la vitrification des vC'gttaux, un cxtrait du Flora Snturnizans de J. F. llenckel : Sur la maniere dont le saffre ou la couleur blcue tiree du cobalt se fallen Saxe, par M. Zimracrmann ; Se- cret des vraies porcelaines de la Chine et de Saxe, trad, de 1'allemand [d'un auteur anony me]. NERI, I. La presa di Saminiato : poema giocoso. Livorno, 1821. 2v. in 1. 24 4778.36 - Same. [Poesiepcr far ridere, v.l, 2] . . 2809.2 NEEI, P. See Economisti class, ital 3044.1 Contents. Vol. VI.- VII. Osservazioni sopra il prezzo legate delle moncte. XL1X. Sopra la inateria frumentaria, discorso. NERI di Donato. Annales Senenses, 1352-81. [Mu- ratori. Rerum Ital. script, v. 15] 2720.1 NERLI, A. Chronicon monasterii Mautuaui, 1017- 1418. [Muratori. Uerum Ital. script, v. 24]. 2720.1 NERO Ca;sar, or monarchic depraved. Bolton, E. 2752.2 NERVA, or a collection of papers published in the Montreal herald [on Irish affairs]. Mon- treal, 1814. 8 *Pph.v.26 NERVOUS diseases. Brodic, B. C. Local nervous affections 3802.10 Holland, G. C. Practical views on 380;;. G Romberg, M. II. Manual of the 3714.18 Swan, J. Morbid local affections of the nerves M.Pph.v.85 Tweedie, A. Dissertations on 3802.2 See also: Hydrophobia, Hypochondria, Hysteria, Insanity, Melancholy, Neuralgia. NERVOUS system. Bell, C. Nervous system of the human body 3740.3 Bieglcr, A. P. Anat. and physiol. of the. M.Pph.35 Dunbar, J. R. W. Structure, functions, and diseases of the M.Pph.v.27 Flourens, M. J. P. Les fonctions du systeme nerveux 3886.6 Gall, F. J. Anatomic du sy stemc nerveux . 3750.11 Georget, E. J. Physiologic du systeme nerv. 3802.16 NERVOUS 566 NEW BRUNSWICK Shelf. No. NERVOUS system, continued. Griffin, W. and D. Functional affections of the nerves 3802.5 Hall, M. Synopsis of the diastaltic N. S. .. 3802.1 - Nervoua system and its diseases .... 3802.9 Holland, G. C. Philos. of animated nature, or laws of the 3802.7 Johnson, J. Derangements of the 3700.38 Lefevre, G. Nerves and their influence . . . 3802.15 Leuret, F. Anatomic comparee du systeme nerveux 3887.19 Serre, E. R. A. Anat. comparee du cerveau. 3887.10 Swan, J. Demonstration of the nerves . . 37. J.I Todd, R.B. Affections of the 3799.29 Warren, J. C. N. S. in man and animals . . 3880.5 See also : Brain, Spine. NERVOUS temperament, View of the. Trotter, T. 3802.17 NESI, L. Dizionario ortologico pratico della lin- gua italiana. Pavia, 1825. 8 *2783.5 NESTORIANS. Grant, A. The Nestorians, or the lost tribes 3045.15 Leontii libri septem adversus Ncstorianos. [Mai. Script, vet. nova coll. v.9] 3000.1 Monumenta et scripta ad Nestorianam hsere- sim pertinentia. [Mignc. Patrologise v.48]. 3440.20 NESTORIUS. Tres epistolae ad Coelestinum papam ; Tractatus contra hoeresim Pelagii sen Coe- lestii; Sermoncs de incarnatione Domini nostri Jcsu Christ! ; Epistola ad Cyrillum; Excerpta ex variis Nestorii tractatibus; Nestorii blasphemiarum [sic nuncupatarum] capitula xil. [Migne. Patrologiae v.48] . 3440.20 Epistolae ad Coelestinum papam. [Migne. Patrologiae v. 50] v. 2 of 3440. 21 NETHERLANDS. Geography, travels, etc. DescriptionoftheUnitedProvinc.es. [Knox. New coll. of voyages, v. 4] 2263.1 Hasty sketch of a tour through the Austrian N. in 1785 2863.11 Nieuwe atlas van hot tegcnswoordig toneel des oorlogs in de Nederlanden E. 214. 12 Ray, J. Travels through the Low Countries. 2263.2 History, biography, etc. Aa, A. J. van der. Biographisch woordenboek der Nederlanden 2843.4 Bitaube,P. J. Fondation des Provinces-Unies. 2852.7 Bosworth, J. Origin of the Dutch 2815.1 Brandt, G. Reformation in the Low Coun- tries . . 3550.2 Butler, C. Brief history of the 2846.2 Des Roches, J. Histoire ancienne des Pays- Bas autrichiens 2810.9 Du Clercq, J. Memoires [relatifs ii 1'histoire des Pays-Bas] 2822.2 Gachard, L. P. Corresp. de Philippe n, sur les affaires des Pays-Bas 2841.1 Gerlache, E. C. de. Histoire du royaume des Pays-Bas 2815.4 Guiche, A. de. Memoires concernant les Provinces-Unies 2824.14 Juste, T. Les Pays-Bas sous Charles V. . . 2842.2 - Revolution des Pays-Bas sous Philippe II. 2815.2 Kok, J. Vaderlandsch Woordenboek . . . 2835.1,2 Le Clerc, J. Histoire des Provinces-Unies. 2810.1 Leo, H. Zwiilf Biicher niederlandischer Geschichten 2815.8 Motley, J. L. Rise of the Dutch republic . 2815.3 Mudford, W. Campaign in the, 1815 .... 2540.20 Schayes, A. G. B. Les Pays-Bas avant et durant la domination romaine 2815.9 Ullmann, C. Reformers before the reforma- tion in the . . . 3514.10 Vynckt, L. J. J. van der. Troubles des* Pays- Bas, sous Philippe n 2815.6,7 Literature and the fine arts. Bowring, J. Specimens of the Dutch poets . 2886.11 Burney, C. State of music in 4042.17 Goetghebuer, P. J. Choix des monumens du royaume des Pays-Bas 28.M.1 Shelf. No. NETHERLANDS, continued. Kiesewctter, II. G. Die Verdienste der Nin- derliinder um die Tonkunst 4052.7 Siegenbcck, M. Hist, litteraire des Pays-Bas. 2884.14 Wolf, J. W. Niederlandische Sagen .... 2902.6 See also: Holland. NETTER of Walden, T. Fasciculi zizaniorum ma- gistri Johannis Wyclif cum tritico. Ed. by W. W. Shirley. London, 1858. 8*. [Great Britain. Rolls chronicles] *2414.10 NETTLETON, A. Letters on the new measures in conducting revivals. See Beecher, L. . . Pph.v.72 NEUBURGER, H. Encyklopadie der Buchdrucker- kunst. Leipzig, 1844. 8 *2114.2 NEUER Nekrolog der Deutschen. Jhrg. 1, 1823 Jhrg. 30, 1852. Ilmenau und Weimar, 1824- 54. 60v. 10 2859.5 - Same. Register, 1823-52. Weimar, 1836- 56. 3v. 16 2859.1,3 NEUES deutsch-franzosisches Post-und Reisebuch. Vienne, 1815. 12 2834.13 NEUMAN, H. Marine pocket dictionary of the Ital., Span., Portug., and Germ., with an English-French and French-English index. London, 1799. 12 3934.23 NEUMANN, W. Die Componisten dcr neueren Zeit. Cassel, 1854-50. 39v. in 9. 32 . . . *4086.12 NEURALGIA. Downing, C. T. Forms, pathology, and treatment of 3802.3 Murray, J. W. B. Essay on M.Pph.v.5 NEUSIEDLER, M. Teutsch Lautenbuch. Strass- burg, 1574. f *4040.15 NEUTRAL French, The. Williams, C. R 2408.3 NEUTRAL trade, New doctrine of England con- cerning. Morris, G 3615.3 NEUTRALITY. Hautefeuille, L. B. Droits et de- voirs des nations ncutrcs 3615.5 Ward, II. Principles of armed N 3615.18 NEUVILLE, A. Relation sur le cholt-ra-morbus observe ;v Paris, dans le mois d' Avril, 1832, [etc.] Paris, 1832. 8 *M.Pph.v.36 NEUVILLE, G. H. Eloge funebre de Moreau. New York, 1814. 8 *Pph.v.l NEVILE, T. Imitations of Horace, Juvenal, and Persius. [2ded. of v.l]. Cambridge, 17G4- 69. 2v. 16 2929.3 NEVILLE, H. Isle of pines, or a discovery of a 4th island, in Terra Australis incognita. London, 1668. Reprinted 1768. pp.19. 12.*2549.11 Parliament of ladies. Lond. 1647. Reprinted 1708. pp.23. 12 *2549.11 Plato rcdivivus ; or a dialogue concerning government. 4th ed. London, 1763. 12 . 3509.3 NEVILLE, J. Hydraulic tables, coefficients, andfor- mulae. London, 1853. 8" 3944.7 NEW and complete history of Essex, by a gentle- man. Chclmsford, 1769-72. 6v. 8 . . . . 2504.1 Sbte. This history is often called Mailman's, from having been prepared under the patronage of Peter Muilmun, Esq. NEW and general biographical dictionary. New ed. Vol. 1-8, 10-12. London, 1784. llv. 8. *2251.3 NEW Bath guide, or memoirs of the B-r-d family, in a series of poetical epistles. 3d ed. Lon- don, 1766. 8" *Pph.v.311 NEW Bedford. Catalogue of the free public li- brary. New Bedford, 1838. 8" *2136.10 Proceedings on laying the corner-stone of the library edifice. New Bedford, 1856. 8" . . *2134.9 New Bedford directory. Crapo, H. H. . . . 23S9.8 NEW Brunswick, Br. Amer. Buckingham, J. S. Travels in 2362.4 Gesner, A. N. B. with notes for emigrants. 2303.11 Regnault, E. Histoire et description de Nouveau Brunswick 2266.6 NEW Brunswick, N. J- Charter of Queen's col- lege in New Jersey. N. B. 1850. 8' . . *Pph.v.l82 Rutgers college. Addresses at the inaugura- tion of Hon. T. Frelinghuysen, 1850. New Brunswick, 1850. 8 , . .*Pph.v.l83 NEW BRUNSWICK 567 NEW HAVEN Shelf. No. NEW Brunswick, N~. J. Rutgers college, cont. - Addresses at the inauguration of Hon. A. B. Hasbrouck. New York, 1840. 8 . . *Pph.v.H7 - Catalogue of the officers and alumni, 1840. New Brunswick, 1840. 8" *Pph.v.ll7, 21 - Catalogue of the trustees, officers, and students, 1830, 31, 34, 35, 41^7, 53, 54. New Brunswick, 1800-54. 8 . *Pph.v. 82, 91, 93, 129,135, 144, 148, 103, 182, 198. - History of, by a trustee. N.Y.1833. 8. *Pph.v.87 - Statutes, March, 1828. N. B. 1828. 8 . *Pph.v.74 - Same. Brunswick, N. J. 1830. 8. . *Pph.v.87 - Philosophical society. Constitution and by-laws, n.p. n.d *Pph.v.91 Theological seminary of the reformed Dutch church. Catalogue of the officers and stu- dents, 1839-40. N. Y. n.d. 8 *Pph.V.129 - Catalogue of the officers, alumni, and stu- dents. New Brunswick, 1849. 8 . . . *Pph.v.l70 NEW chronological table from the earliest period. London, 1782. pp.71. 10 **E. 224.8 NEW collection of voyages, discoveries, and trav- els. Knox,J *2263.1 NEW crisis, The. By an old whig. New York, 1810. 8 *Pph.v.5 NEW display of the beauties of England. 3d ed. London, 1776. 2v. 8 2407. 3 NEW England. An abstract of the lawes of New England, as they are now established. Lon- don, 1041. pp.15, sm.4" *2324.74 Adams, H. Abridgment of the history of . 2328.27 - Summary history of 2321.13 Bishop, G. New England judged : Sufferings of the quakers, 1050-05 3542.12 Bradford, A. N. E. chronology, 1497-1820 . . 2329.21 - Distinguished men in 2345.9 Byfleld, N. Revolution in, justified, 1089 . . 2329.14 Chauncy, C. State of religion in 3544.18 Church, T. Passages relating to Philip's war. 2360.22 Coolidge, A. J. History and description of . 2320.31 Dummer, J. Defence of the charters . . . . 2325.11 Eliot, J. Biographical dictionary of .... 2345.0 Elliott, C.W. History of 2321.4 Farmer, J. Genealogical register of the first settlers of 2335.2 Foxcroft, T. Rise and primitive state of . . 3458.75 Gill, O. Remarks on R. Calef 's book against the government of 2358.31 Gookin, D. Historical collections of the In- dians in 2300.17 Harris, T. W. Insects injurious to vegeta- tion in 3897.14 Hay ward, J. N. E. gazetteer E. 205. 15 Higginson, F. N. E.'s plantation. [Force. Tracts, v.l] 2323.3 Hood, G. History of music in 4049.5 Hubbard, W. General history of 2321.12 Jossclyn, J. N. E. rarities discovered . . . 2329.29 Lunt, G. Three eras of 2328.20 Mather, C. Ecclesiastical history of, 1020-98. 3544. 12 Mather, I. Providences in the history of . . 2408.10 Morse, J. Compendious history of 2329.15 Morton, N. New England's memorial . . . 2321.3 Morton, T. New English Canaan. [Force. Tracts, v.2] 2323.3 Neal, D. History of 2321.17 Palfrey, J. G. History during the Stuart dynasty 2321.2 Present state of, 1075 2329.28 Prince, T. Chronological history of .... 2321.14 Savage, J. Genealogical dictionary of ... 2331.12 Smith, J. History of, 1010. [Pinkerton. Voyages, v.13] 2200.13 Tuckerman, E. Synopsis of the lichenes of . 3857.5 Whittier, J.G. Supernaturalism of 2409.42 Winthrop, J. History of, from 1030-49 . . . 2321.10 Wise, J. Government of N, E. churches . . 3547.21 See also : Mayflower, New Haven, Plymouth, and the names of states included within the limits of New England. Shelf. No. NEW England anti-slavery society. 1st, 3d re- port of the managers. Boston, 1833-35. 8". *5175.1 jfote. After this date the name of the society was changed to Massachusetts anti-slavery society. NEW England business directory, by G. Adams. Boston, 1850. 8 2381.1 NEW England galaxy and masonic magazine. By J. T. Buckingham. Vols. I-VIII. Boston, 1817-25. 4v. f" *7800.1 NEW England historical and genealogical regis- ter. Vols. l-n, Vili-xin. Boston, 1847-59. 8v. 8 *2335-l NEW England journal of medicine and surgery. Vol. I-XVI. Boston, 1812-27. IGv. 8 . . . *3717.1 - Same. Vol.i-ni. Boston, 1812-14. 8.**E.117.10 NEW England life assurance company. Exposi- tion of the objects of the institution. Bos- ton, 1844. 12 *Pph.v.234 NEW England magazine. Buckingham, J. T. . . 3182.1 NEW England patriot: a comparison of the Wash- in theoriam Newtoniauam ; Liber tertius. prop. 25, prob. 6-prop. 42, prob. 22. Same. Commentariis illustrata, cura Le Seur et Jacquier. Ed nova. Glasguae, 1833. 2v. 8" 3925.1 Contents. Vol. I. Auctoris praefatio, 16SG ; Auc- toria prsefatio in ed. aecundam, 1713 ; Editoris [R. Cotes] prsef. in cd. sec. ; Auct. prsef. in ed. tert. ; In I. Newtoni opus hocce math.-physicum Edm. Halley poema ; Principiorum libri 1-2. II. Liber tertius ; Traite sur le flux et reflux de la mer, par Mr. Daniel Bernoulli'! ; De causa physica fluxus ct refluxus maris a D. D. Mac-Laurin mathematicarum prot'es- sore; Inquisitio physica in causam fluxus et refluxus maris a D. D. Eulcr. Principes mathcmatiques de la philosophic naturelle, [trad.] par Mme. du Chastellet. Paris, 1759. 2v. 4 **E. 192.5 Newton's principia. Rigaud, S. P. Essay on the publication of 3915.3 - Sylvester, J. I. Supplement to Sect. 1 of Newton's Principia E. 110.62 - Wright, J. M. F. Commentary on ... 3925.2 Chronologic dc N. [Freret. CEuv. v.7-10] . 222U.2 Correspondence of. Rigaud, S. J 3915.2 Historical account of two corruptions of Scripture. [Sparks. Tracts, v. 2] 3469.26 Biot, J. B. Life, transl. by H. Elphinstone. [See London. Soc. diff. usef. knowl. Lives of eminent persons] E.212.8 Brewster, D. Life E. 230.8 Maclaurin, C. Account of Newton's philo- sophical discoveries 3915.4, E.188.8 and Cotes, R. Correspondence, with an ap- pendix containing papers of Newton. By J. Edleston. London, 1850. 8 3926.26 NEWTON, John. Works. 2ded. Lond. 1816. 6v. 8. *3492.3 Contents. Vol.1. Autobiography; Forty-one let- ters on religious subjects, by Omicron and Vigil ; Cardiphonia, or, the utterance of the heart in a real correspondence. II. Cardiphonia, continued : Six discourses ; Twenty sermons. III. A review of ec- clesiastical history ; Olncy hymns. IV. Messiah : fifty expository sermons on the scries of scriptural passages, which foi-m the subject of the celebrated oratorio of Handel. V. Tracts : Apologia, four let- ters to an independent minister, etc. ; Plan of acade- mical preparation for the ministry, etc. ; A monument, etc. i Sermons ; Letters, etc. VI. Letters, intended as a sequel to Cardiphonia ; Miscellaneous papers. NEWTON 574 NICHOLS Shelf. No. NEWTON, Thomas, D.D., bishop, b. 1704, d. 1782. Dissertations on the prophecies which have been remarkably fulfilled. Edinburgh, 1802. 3v. 12 3436.6 NEWTON, Rev. Thomas, M. A. A short treatise on the conic sections. Camb. 1794. 8. pl.**E.171.15 NEWTON, W. Display of heraldry. London, 1846. 8 2434.2 London journal of arts, and repertory of patent inventions. Vols. 44,45. [Conjoined series.] London, 1854. 2v. 8 4026.7 - Same. New series. V.l-9. Lond. 1855-59. 9v. 8 *4026.8 NEWTON. [System of] stenography. [No title- page.] 8 *Pph.v.l03 NEY, M. Memoires [par M. Gamot]. Publ. par eafamille. Paris, 1833. 2v. 8 2653.2 NGAMI, Lake. Andersson, C. J 3051.25 NIAGARA. Ingraham, J. W. Manual for the use of visitors to 2389.15 Parsons, H. A. Book of the falls 2389.16 NIAGARA, a poem. Bulkley, C. H. A 2399.18 NIAGARA, The battle of. [Poem.] Neal, J. . . . 2399.50 NIBBY, A. Analisi dc' dintorni di Roma. 2a ed. Koma, 1848-49. 4v. 8 2736.2 Roma noil' anno 1838. Antica parte, 1, 2. Moderna parte, 1, 2. Roma, 1838-41. 4v. 8. 2736.1 NIBELUNGE Lict, Der, mit Worterbuche, u. s. w. von Dr. H. Nabert. Hannover, 1855. 8" . 2903.3 NIBELUNGE Noth, Der, und die Klage. Her- ausgegeben von C. Lachmann. 3te Ausg. Berlin, 1851. 8 2903.2 NIBELUNGEN Klage, Der, in neuhochdeutschen Rcimcn. Berlin, n.d. 72pp. 8 2903.4 NIBELUNGEN Noth, Anmcrkungen zu der. Ha- gen, F. H. von der 2903.5 NIBELUNGENLIED. Urschrift, Einleit, u. Wort- buch, von A. Zcune. Berlin, 1815. 16 . . 2903.28 NIBELUNGENLIED iibersetzt von Dr. K. Simrock. lOte Ann. Stuttgart u. Augsburg, 1856. 8. 2903.6 NICAGORAS Athen. See Fragm.hist. Graec. v.3. 3002.11 NICANDER Colophonius. Alexipharmaca, cum, schol. et Eutecnii paraphrasi Gr. et Lat. Ed. J. G. Schneider. Halae, 1792. 8* ... 2994.11 Theriaca cum scholiis, metaphrasi Gr. et Lat., etc. Ed. J. G. Schneider. Lipsise, 1S16. 8. 2994.10 Antidotes to venomous bites. [Elton. Speci- mens of the classic poets, v.l] 2963.14 Carmina omnia. See Poetse bucolici et didact. 3002.15 Scholia et Eutechnii paraphrases in Nican- drum. See Scholia 3002.16 NICANDER Nucius. See Nucius, N. NICANOR Alexandr. See Fragm. hist. Graec. v.3. 3002.11 NICARAGUA. Histoire de N. par Oviedo y Valdes. [Ternaux-Compans. Mem. pour servir a la decouverte de 1'Ameriquc, v.2] 2316.1 NICARAGUA, Canal de. Keller, F. A. E 2314.24 Considerations upon a communication be- tween the Atlantic and Pacific. Liot, W. B. 2314.20 NICCOLAI, A. Orazione in lode di S. Ignazio di Lojola. [Raccolta di prose e lettere nel se- colo xvm, v.l] 2767.2 NICCOLAS, F. Lettera sopra le rovine di Pesto. [Inghirami. Coll. nuova di opusculi, v.l] 2767.5 NICCOLINI, G. B. Opere : edizione ordinata e ri- vista dall' autore. 3a impress. Firenze, 1852. 3v. 12" 4776.11 Contents. Vol. I. Awertimento dell' editore ; Dis- corso Bull' Agamennone d'Eschilo, e aulla tragcdia greca e la nostra ; Polisscnaj Ino e Tcmisto ; Edipo ; I sette a Tebe ; Letters all' autore del dialogo intorno alle tragedie d'Eschilo tradotte da Felice Belloti ; Aga- mennone ; Medea ; Matilde ; Nabucco. II. Antonio Foscarini ; Giovanni da Procida ; Lotlovico Sforza; Rosmondad'Inghilterra; Beatrice Cenci; Poesie varie. III. Opere critiche e biographiche e di belle arti. Lezioni di mitologia, ad uso degli artisti. Fi- renze, 1855. 2v. em. 8 3489.8 Mario e i Cimbri, tragedia, pubblicata per cura di C. Gargiolli. Firenze, 1858. pp.81. 8. 2777.5 Polissena. [Teatro scelto italiano,, v.27] . . 4779A.6 Shelf. No. NICCOLO de' Lap!. SeeTurotti, F 4749.10 NICCOL6 di Borbona. Cronaca delle cose dell' Aquila, 1303-1424. [Muratori. Antiq. Ital. v.10] 2720.7 NICCOLO di Botrinto. Relazione del viaggio d'Ar- rigo VII in Italia. [Arch. stor. Ital. App. v.4] 5345.2 NICCOLS, R. Winter night's vision ; England's Eliza. [Mirror for magistrates, v.3] . . . 2603.8 NlCEPHORUS, patriarch of Constantinople. Bre- viarium rerum post Mauricium gestarum, recog. I. Bekkcrus. Bonnae, 1837. 8. [Cor- pus script, hist. Byz. v.32] *2968.1 Chronographia brevis. Syncellus,G 2909. 1, Chronologia, interprete Anastasio. [Migne. Patrologiae v. 129] v.3 of 3460.8 NlCEPHORUS Basilaca. Tlpoyv/tvaanaTa. [Walz. Rhetores Graeci,v.l] 2965.2 NICEPHORUS Blemmydes. See Mai, A. Script. vet. nova coll. v.2 3000.1 NICEPHORUS Bryennius. Commentarii. Recog. A. Meineke. Bonnse, 1836. 8. [Corpus script, hist. Byz. v. 26] *2969.1 NICEPHORUS Gregoras. Historia Byzantina, Grae- ce et Latine. Cura L. Schopeni [et] I. Bek- keri. Bonnae, 1829-55. 3v. 8". [Corpus script, hist. Byz. v.6-8] *2969.1 NICEPHORUS Phocas. De velitatione bellica [ad- duntur novellae]. See Leo Dim-onus . v.5 of 2969.1 NlCERON, J.P. Nachrichten beriihmter Gelehr- ten. Hrsg. von S. J. Baumgarten. Halle, 1749-77. 24v. 8 *2178.1 NICETAS, bp. of Aquileia. De ratione fldei ; De spiritus sancti potcntia; De diversis ap- pellationibus Dom. nos. J. Christo con- venientibus; Explanatio symboli. [Mai. Script, vet. nova coll. v. 7] 3000.1 - Same. [Migne. Patrologiae v.52] . . . 3440.23 NICETAS, bp. of Troves. De psalmodi bono. [Ger- bert von Hornau. Scriptores eccles. de mu- sica sacra, v.l] 4041.7 Opuscula. [Migne. Patrologiae v.68] . . . 3450.9 NICETAS Acominatus Choniates. Historia ex re- cens. I. Bekkeri. Bonnaj, 1835. 8. [Cor- pus script, hist. Byz. v. 23] *2969.1 Discours sur les monuments detruits ou muti- les par les croises en 1204. [Buchon. Coll. des chroniques nationalcs fran$. v.3] . . . 2617.2 NICETAS Eugenianus. See Erotici scriptores . . 3002.10 andConstantinus Manasses. Fragmenta. Ed. J. F. Boissonade. Lugduni Batav. 1819. 2v. 16 2999.20 NICETAS Heracleensis. Enarratio in epistolam i. ad Corinthios. [Lami. Deliciae erudit. v.4]. 4747.1 NICETAS Pectoratus. Libellus contra Latinos. [Migne. Patrologiae v . 143] 3460.22 NICHOL, J. P. The planet Neptune : an exposition and history. Edinburgh, 1848. 8. pi. . . 3924.11 NICHOLAS I. Gibson, A. Private life 3069.3 Korff, M. Accession of 3005.1 NICHOLL, H. I., and others. Cases relating to rail- ways and canals, 1835-52. By H. I. Nicholl, T. Hare, J. M. Carrow, L. Oliver, E. Beavan, and T. E. P. Lefroy. Fr. the Lond. ed., by C. Smith and S. W. Bates. Boston, 1854. 6v. 8 3695.1 NlCHOLLS, N. Correspondence with. See Gray, T. 2458.20 NICHOLS, I. Sermon at the ordination of Rev. Thomas Tracy. Portland, 1824. pp.30. 8". **E.224.12 NICHOLS, John. Anecdotes of William Bowyer, and his friends. London, 1782. 4" .... *2541.4 History, etc., of the county of Leicester. Lon- don, 1795-1811. 4v. in 7. f ' *2470.8 Illustrations of the literary history of the 18th century. Additions by J. B. Nichols. Vol. 1-6,8. London, 1817-58. 7v. 8 *2554.1 Literary anecdotes of the 18th century. Lon- don, 1812-15. 9v. 8 *2554.2 Progresses, etc., of king James I. London, 1828. 4v. 4 * *2451.3 NICHOLS 575 NIEBUHR Shelf. No. NICHOLS, John B. Account of the Guildhall of London. London, 1819. 8 2495.4 NICHOLS, John G. Collectanea topographica et genealogica. London, 1834-43. Sv. 8. . *24S5.1 Examples of encaustic tiles. Lond. 1845. 4.*4101.20 The topographer and genealogist. London, 1840,53,58. 3v. 8 2486.1 Annals of Lacock abbey. See Bowles, W. L. 2506.1 Hundred of Alderbury. [Hoare. Modem Wiltshire, v.5] 2500.3 NICHOLS, B. See Niccols, E. NICHOLSON, A. Catalogue of [his] library. [-No title-page.] 8 *Pph.v.250 NICHOLSON, P. Carpenter's new guide, rev. by N. K. Davis, [with] designs for roofs, by S. Sloan. 16th ed. Phila. 1854. 4 *4020.8 Practical builder, revised by T. Tredgold. London, n.d. 3v. 4" *4090.17 Contents. Vol. I. Geometry, carpentry, joinery, and cabinet making. II. Masonry, bricklaying, plastering, slating, painting, glazing, and plumbing. III. Five orders of architecture, to which arc added treatises on projection, perspective, fractious, decimal arithmetic, etc. Practical carpentry, revised by T. Tredgold. London, 1854. 4 *4012.15 NICHOLSON, W. Introduction to natural philoso- phy. Ncwed. Phila. 1795. 2v. 8 .. **E. 214.22 Journal of natural philosophy, chemistry, etc. Vol. 1-5. 4. V. 1-36. 8. London, 1797- 1813. 41v *3910.6,7 NICKLIN, P. H. Eeport to the trustees of the uni- versity of Pennsylvania concerning the uni- versities of Oxford and Cambridge, in Eng- land. Philadelphia, 1834. 8" *Pph.v.99 NICOCHARES. See Poet. com. Graec. fragm. . . . 3002.14 NICOLAI, C. F. Eecherches historiques sur 1'usage des cheveux postiches et des perruques. Paris, n.d. 8 2236.9 NICOLAI, G. Arabesken f Ur Musikfreunde. Leip- zig, 1835. 2v. 16 *4048.2 Contents. Vol. I. Novellen: Der Musikfeind. II. Das Musikfest zu Ephyra, ein Sehwank; Musikal- ischc Gedichte ; Johannes der Taufer, oratorium ; Misccllen. Der Musikfeind, ein Nachtstiick. 2te Aufl. Leipzig, 18:38. 10 *4049.36 NICOLAI, J. De ritu antique et hodicrno Bacchan- aliorum commentatio. [Gronovius. Thes. Grsec. antiq. v.7] 2960.2 NICOLAS, Sir N. H. Battle of Agincourt, and the expedition of Henry v into France, 1415. 2d ed. London, 1832. 8 2412.3 Letter on the proceedings of the commission for the public records. London, 1S32. 8 . *7072.3 Life of W. Davison, secretary of state to queen Elizabeth. London, 1823. 8 .... 2446.9 Notitiahistorica : tables, calendars, etc. Lon- don, 1824. 12" 2231.4 Observations on the state of historical litera- ture, and on the society of antiquaries, with remarks on the proceedings of the record commission. London, 1830. 8" *7072.4 Eefutation of Mr. Palgravc's remarks in re- ply to observations on the state of histori- cal literature. London, 1831. 8" *7072.3 Eemains of lady Jane Grey, with memoir. London, 1825. p. 8 2444.17 Synopsis of the peerage of England. London, 1825. 2v. 12 2434.4 - Same. Eeviscd and continued by W. Courthopc. London, 1857. 8 2433.5 NICOLAS, of Aragon. Vitae nonnullorum pontifi- cum Eomanorum. [Muratori. Eerumltal. script, v. 3] 2710.1 NICOLAS, of Bray. Faits et gestes de Louis vm, poiime historique. [Guizot. Coll. mem. hist. Fr. v.ll] 2618.2 Gesta Ludovici vm, Francorum regis. [Bou- quet. Eecueil] V.17of 2620.1 Shelf. No. NICOLAS, of Clairvaux. Epistolae et sermones. [Migne. Patrologiae v.193] 3470.18 Sermo in festo beati Stephani protomartyris ; Sermo in festo S. Andreae ; Sermo in festo S. NieolaiMyrensi. [ Migne., Patrol, v. 184]. v.3 of 3470.9 NICOLAS, op. of Butrinto. Eelatio de itinere Ital- ico Henrici vn, MCCCX -MCCCXIII. [Mu- ratori. Eerum Ital. script, v. 9] 2710.1 NICOLAUS. See Poet. com. Graec. fragm 3002.14 NICOLAUS, patriarch of Constantinople. De vita monastica. [Mai. Script, vet. nova coll. v.9] 3000.1 NICOLAUS I., pope. Epistolae et decreta ad ed. Mansi expressa, accurante J. P. Migne. Lutetiae Parisiorum, 1852. 8. [Migne. Patrologiae v.l 19] 35S6.4 Privilegium, bullaa, et epistola. [Migne. Pa- trologiae v. 129] v. 3 of 3460.8 NICOLAUS II., pope. Epistolae et diplomata. [Migne. Patrologise v.143] 3460.22 NICOLAUS Damasceuus. De moribus Grzecorum, aliarumque gentium. [Gronovius. Thes. Graec. antiq. v.6] 2900.2 See Fragm. hist. Graec. v. 3 3002.11 See Westermann, A. Scriptores mirabilium Grasci 2903.18 NICOLAUS Myraeanus. n/>oyu/*j'ao>iara. [Walz. Ehetores Graeci, v.l] 2905.2 NICOLE, P. Essais de morale. Paris, 1730-43. 14v. in 15. 12 *35S0.4 Instructions the'ologiques et morales. Paris, 1716-23. 7v. 12 35S0.2 L'esprit de M. Nicole, ou instructions sur la v6rite dc la religion. Paris, 1705. 12. . . 3586.3 Traite de la priere. Nouv. ed. Paris, 1740. 2v. 12 . . *3580.1 Pensees, et traite de la paix avcc les homines. See Pascal, B 3445.23 NICOLINI, G. La noltivazione dei cedri. [llaccol- tadipoemctti didascalici, v.4] 4779.8 NICOLSON, J., and Burn, 11. History of West- morland and Cumberland. London, 1777. 2v. 4 *2471.1 NICOLSON, or Nicholson, W. English, Scotch, and Irish historical libraries. Lond. 1770. 4.*2150.17 NICOMACHUS. See Fragm. hist. Grsec. v. 3 . . . 3002.11 NiCOMACHUS, comic poet. See Poetarum com- icorum Graec. fragments 3002.14 NICOMACHUS Gerasenus, Greece et Latine, cum notis. Harmoniccs manvale. [Meursius. Opera omuia, v.O] 2210.2 Harmoniccs mauuale. See Meibomius, M. . 4055.6 NICON. See Poet. com. Graec. fragm 3002.14 NICOPHON. See Poet. com. Graec. fragm 3002.14 NICOSTRATUS. See Poet. com. Graec. fragm. . . 3002.14 NICOSTRATUS Trapezuntius. See Fragmenta his- toricorum Graec. v.3 3002.11 NIDERSTKDT, B. Melita vetus et nova. [Gro- novius. Thes. Grace, antiq. v.O] 2960.2 NIEBUHR, B. G. Carsten Niebuhr's Leben. Kiel, 1817. pp.88. 8 2846.7 Gcschichte des Zeitalters der Eevolution. Hamburg, 1845. 2v. 8 2302.7 Kleinc historische und philologische Schrift- en. Bonn, 1828, 43. 2v. 8 ... I .... 2904.11 Bomische Geschichte. 2te Ausg. Berlin, 1-J7-32. 3v. 8 2758.1 Lcttre au rudacteur de la biblioteca italiana. Boma, 1820. pp.11. 8. [Efemeridi di Bo- ma, nuovaser. v.l] *5263.1 Eeminiscences of an intercourse with N. in Borne. Lieber, F 2846.14 NIEBUHR, C. Bcschreibungvon Arabien. Kopen- hagcn, 17:2. 4 *3042.7 Eeisebeschreibuug nach Arabien, u. 8. w. Kopenhagen, 1774-78. 2v. 4" *3042.6 Travels in Arabia. [Pinkerton. Voy.v.10]. 2200.13 Leben. See Niebuhr, B. G. 2846.7 Life, by Mrs. S. Austin. See London.Soc. dif- fusion of useful knowledge E.212.8 NIEDTEN 576 NOEHDEN Shelf. No. NIEDTEN, P. C. Wundcrbarc Kuren durch Mu- sik. [Schciblc. Dcr Schatzgriibcr, v.2] . 2889.2 NIELLO. Engraving 1 of a gold niello found in Norfolk. [No title-page] *Pph.v.250 NIEMBSCH von Strehlenau, N. Gedichte. Stutt- gart u. Augsburg, 1836. 2v. 8 2894.3 NIEMEYER, A. H. Grundsiitze der Erziehung. 9te Ausg. Halle, 1834, 35. 3v. 8 .... 3597.3 NIEREMBERG, J. E. Hist. nat. Antverpise, 1635. f . 3900.3 NlERSEslV. Klaietsi, patriarch of 'Armenia. Tra- ces, viginti quatuor linguis cditae. [Ed. Auchcr.] Venctiis, 1823. p. 12 **E. 207.32 Theoriani disputatio cum Nerscte patriarcha Armeniorum ; Tres Nersetis cpistolae. [Mai. Script, vet. nova coll. v.O] 3000.1 NIEUHOFF, H. Ambassade dca Hollandois a la Chine. [Thevenot. Voyages, v.2] .... 2300.1 See Pinkcrton, J. Voyages 2200.13 Contents. Vol. VII. Travels in China. XIV. Voyages to Brazil. NIEUPOORT, AV. II. Rituum apud Romanos ex- plicatio. Ed. nova. Berolini, 1751. 8 . . *2950.29 NIEUWE atlas van hct tegenswoordig Toneel des Oorlogs,in Duitschland,de Nederlanden, e. z.v. Dordrecht, 1794. 8 **E.214.12 NIFO, A. DC auguriis. [Graevius. Thes. antiq. Rom. v.5] 2950.1 NIGER. Bekc, C. Communication eupposee entre leN. ctleNil 3055.9 Mac William, J. O. Medical history of the expedition to the 3798.12 NIGHT thoughts. See Young, E 2549.31 NIGHTINGALE, F. The heroine of Scutari, apoem. Campbell, E.R 2399.12 NIGHTINGALE, J. See Braylcy, E. \V. Beauties of England and Wales 2460.1 Content*. Vol. X. History of Westminster, Lon- don, and Middlesex. XIII., p.l, 2. Beauties of Shrop- shire, Somersetshire, and Staffordshire. NlHELL, E. Treatise on midwifery. Lond. 1760. 8. *3772.9 NIKELSBURGER, J. Defence of the Jewish reli- gion [against] the Rev. C. F. Frey. Liver- pool, 1814. 8 3489.18 NILE. Bekc, C. Communication suppose'e entre le, Niger et le Nil 3055.9 Bruce, J. Travels to discover the sources of. 3055.12 Ruppell, W. P. E. S. Bcschreibung mehrerer neuer Fische, im Nil 3900.14 NILES, H. Nilcs' weekly register, v.1-75. Index to v. 1-12. Baltimore, 1811-49. 8and4 . *3141.1,2 Principles and acts of the revolution in Amer- ica. Baltimore, 1822. 8" 2323.1 NILES, J. M. History of South America and Mex- ico, with a view of Texas, by L. T. Pease. Hartford, 1837. 2v. in 1. 8 2314.10 NILES family. See Vinton, J. A 2332.3 NILSSON, II. Historia molluscorum Sveciae. Lun- dae, 1822. 8 3872.17 Prodromus ichthyologiae Scandinavicae. Lun- dae, ia32. sm.8 3906.5 NlLUS. Praecepta de pietate et moribus. Gr. et Lat. [Neander. Opus aureum ct scholast.]. 2991.17 NINEVEH. Botta, P. E. Monument de Ninive . 3020.2 Fletcher, J. P. Two years' residence at . . . 3049.1 NINEVEH court, Crystal palace. Layard, A. H. . 4089.30 NIPHUS. See Nifo. NIPON o Dai Itsi Ran, ou annales des empereurs du .Tapon, trad, par I. Titsingh. Pre'cede" d'un aperQU de 1'histoire mythol. du Japon, par J. Klaproth. Paris, 1834. 4. [Oriental transl. fund.] *3011.25 NISARD, C. Camera lucida ; Portraits contempo- rains. Paris, 1845. 8 2663.11 NISARD, J. M. N. D. Etudes de critique et d'his- toire litteraire. Bruxelles, 1839. 18 ... 4077.12 Etudes sur les poetes latins de la decadence. Paris, 1&34. 2v. 8 2953.4 Histoire de hi litterature fran^aise. Paris, 1844-49. 3v. 8" 2670.12 - Same. Bruxelles, 1846-50. 4v. 18. .. 4677.11 Shelf. No. NISBET, C. Memoir. See Miller, S L'.;il.l5 NISBET, W. Dictionary of chemistry. London, IMI.J. 12" 3983.10 NISI-PRIUS, Digest of the law of actions and trials at. Espinassc, 1 3625.2 NlSSEN, G. N. v. Biographic W. A. Mozart's, mit einem Vorworte vom Dr. Feuerstein. Leip- zig, 1828. 2v. in 1. 8 4044.3 NITCIIIE, J., Sermon on death of. White, II. v.5 of 3420.5 NITHARD. De dissentionibus filiorum Ludovici Pii. [Migne. Patrologiae v.116] . . v.l of 3460.1 - Same. Lib. I. [Bouquet. Rccucil, v.6,7]. 2610.1 Histoire des dissensions des flls de Louis le Ddbonnaire. [Guizot. Coll. mem. hist. Fr. V.3] 2618.2 NITHSDALE and Galloway song, Remains of. Cro- mek, R. H 2586.2 NITRE, Explosivcness of. [Smithsonian contri- butions, v.2, art. 7] 3340.1 NlTZSCH, C. L. System der Pterylographie, vcrf. von H. Burmeister. Halle, 1840. 4 ... *3902.3 NITZSCH, G. W. Erklarende Anmerk. zu Ho- mer's Odyssee. Hannover, 1826-40. 3v. 8. 2997.9 De historia Homeri. Hannoverae, 1830-37. 2v. in 1. sm.4 2997.8 Memoria C. H. Pfaffii. See Pfaff, C. H 2847.7 NIZZA, M. da. Relationc del viaggio fatto per terra aCevola. [Ramusio. Navig. v.3] .... 2260.2 NlZZOLl, M. Lexicon Ciceronianum. Exrecens. Alex. Scoti. Accedunt phrases, etc.,et com. S. Doleti. Patavii, 1734. f *2910.11 NOAD, H. M. Lectures on chemistry. London, 1843. 8 3971.14 NOAH, M. M. Address on the opening of the me- chanic institution. New York. 1822. 8 . *Pph.v.37 Discourse on the evidences of the American Indians being the descendants of the lost tribes of Israel. New York, 1837. 8" . *Pph.v.l02 Discourse on the restoration of the Jews. New York, 1845. 8 *Pph.v.l94 Trial of, for libel on Sylvanus Miller. See Clarke, L. H Pph.v.45 NOAILLES, A. M. de. Memoires pour servir a 1'histoire de Louis xiv, et de Louis xv, com- posts par 1'abbe Millot. [Michaud. Coll. mdm. hist. Fr. Ser. 3, v. 10] 2611.1 - Same. [Petitot. Coll. mem. hist. France. Ser. 2, v.71-74] 2645.1 NOAILLES, P. de. Histoire de Mme. de Mainte- non. Bruxelles, 1849. 4v. 16 4069.7 NOAKE, J. Notes and queries for Worcestershire. London, 1856. p. 8 2499.22 NOBILI, L. Memorie ed osservazioni [elettr. mag- net, ecc.] Firenze, 1834. 2v. in 1. 8 . . . . 3962.15 NOBILITY of England, Catalogue of. Dale, R. . . 2430.11 NOBLE, L. L. The lady Angeline, a lay of the Ap- alachians ; The hours, etc. N. Y. 1856. 12. 2399.29 The life and works of Thomas Cole. 3d ed. New York, 1856. 8 4065.19 NOBLE, M. History of the college of arms. Lon- don, 1805. 4" *2432.1 Memoirs of the house of Medici. London, 1797. 8 2744.9 Memoirs of the protectoral house of Crom- well. 3ded. London, 1787. 2v. 8" . . . . 2444.1 Continuation of Granger's biographical his- tory of England. See Granger, J 2442.4 NOBLE, S. Appeal in behalf of the views of the eternal world, etc., held by those who be- lieve that a new church is signified by the New Jerusalem. 2d ed. N. Y. 1851. 12 . 3453.5 NOBLEMEN and gentlemen's seats in Scotland. See Directory 2486.7 NODIER, C. E. Souvenirs de la revolution, et de 1'empire. Nouv. ed. avec notes et augmen- tations. Paris, 1850. 2v. 12* 4656.5 NOEIIDE-N, G. H. Exercises for writing German. 2d cd. London, 1820. 12 **E.207.15 Grammar of the German language. 3d ed. London, 1818. 12 2884.11, **E. 207.14 NOEL 577 NORTH Shelf. No. NOEL, F. J., and Carpentier, L. J. M. Dictionnaire des origines, inventions, etc. 2eed. Paris, 1833. 4v. in 2. 8 4035.2 and Chapsul, C. P. Grammaire francaise. 15e ed. Bruxclles, 1831. 12 2083.8 - Same. Avec exercices. Philadelphia, 1855. 12" 7079.12 NOEL, J. de. La cathedrale do Cologne, trad, par N. B. Sautelet. Cologne, 1835. 12 .... 4105.23 NOEL dcs Vergers. See Desvergers. NOETUS. SeeRouth, M. J. Reliquiae sacrse, v.4. 3513.9 NiiGGERATH, J., and Burkart, J. Der Bauder Erd- rinde. Bonn, 1838. pp.47, and map. f . *3860.31 NOIROT, C. Origine des masques, mommeries, charivari, etc. [Leber. Coll. diss. hist. Fr. v.9] 2618.1 NOLAN, F. On the theoretical music of the Greeks. n.p. 1828. 4 *4052.4 NOLDMANN'S, B., Geschichte der Aufkliirung in Abyssinien. See Knigge, A. F. F. L. v. . 2896.3 NOLLEKENS, and his times. Smith, J. T 4074.8 NOLTEN, J. F. Lexicon Latinse linguae antibar- barum. Lipsiae et Helmst. 1744. 8 .... 2932.7 NOMI, F. II catorcio di Anghiari. Poema eroi- comico, con le noti di C. Testi. Firenze, 1830. 2v.ini. 24 2809.13 NONANTOLA, Storia della badia di S. Silvcstro di. Tiraboschi, G 3590.5 NON-CONFORMISTS. Calamy, E. Account of min- isters ejected by the act of uniformity . . .3525.12 - Non -conformist's memorial 3525.1 Mather, I. Letter from non-conforming min- isters touching the reasons of their prac- tice 3457.20 See also : Puritans. NON-CONFORMITY. Defence of moderate non-con- formity. Calamy, E 3525.14 NONIUS Marcellus. Decompcndiosadoctrina;[and] Fabius Planciades Fulgcutius. Expositio Bermonum antiquorum. Ed. F. D. Gerlach et C. L. Roth. Basilise, 1842. 8 2921.18 NONJUEORS, History of the. Lathbury, T. . . 3525.8 NONNOSUS. Exccrpta ex Nonnosi historia. See Dcxippus, P. H v.Hof 29G9.1 See Fragmenta hist. Graac. v.4 3002.11 NONNUS. Dionysiacorum libri XLVIII. Ed. F. Graefe. Lipsia:, 1819,20. 2v. 8" 2994.13 Les Dionysiaqucs, poijme en 48 chants. Gr. et francais, par le comtc de Marccllus. Paris, 1856. 1.8. [Didot. Biblioth. gr., 35] . . . *2992.18 See Elton, C. A. Specimens of the classic poets, v.3 29C3.14 NON-RESISTANCE to the higher powers. May- hew, .T 3454.10 NOORT, O. van der. Voyage autour du mondc, lf>'.i>S-1004. [Constantin. Recueil des voy- ages, v.2] 2277.12 See Bry, T. de. Coll. pereg. v.3, p.9 2300.20 NOOTKA island. Histoire et description de Pile dc Nootka. Regnault, E 2200.6 NORBERT. Vita, auctore Daniele Papebrochio, o soc. Jesu ; Scrmones ; Chartae. [Migne. Patrologiae v.170] v.3 of 3460. 41 NORCHIATI, G. Letterc. [Dati. Prose fioren- tine, v.14] 2787.1 NORDEN, F. L. Voyage d'Egypte et de Nubie. Copenhague, 1755. 2v. f *3020.8 NORDEN, J. Description of the county of Essex. Ed. by Sir II. Ellis. London, 1840. sm.4. [Camden soc. No. 9] *2416.9 Progress of piety. Cambridge, 1847. 12. [Parker soc. No. 20] *3499.7 NORDLINGEN, Schlacht bei, 1034. Sea Wong, J. F. 2813. 15 NORDMANN, A. von. Mikrographische Bcitriige zur Naturgeschichte der wirbellosen Thicre. Berlin, 1832. 2v. in 1. 4 .... *3874.3 NORES, P. Guerra di Paolo iv, sommo pontificc, contro gli Spagnuoli. Firenze, 1847. 8. [Arch. stor. ital. v.12] *6245.2 Shelf. No. NORFOLK, Eng. Blomefield, F. Topographical history of 24G0 .5 Cotman, J. S. Sepulchral brasses in .... 4070.9 Forby, 1J. Vulgar tongue of 2585.16 Gilpin, W. Observations on 4000.11 Munford, G. Domesday book of 2503.26 Post office directory of 2484.14 See also: Lynn, Thetford, Yarmouth. NORFOLK co., Mass. Agricultural society. Trans- actions for 1849, 51. [Boston.] 2v. 8 . . 034S.9 Bible society. First annual report. Boston, 1829. 8 v. 7 of 3420. 5 District medical society. By-laws, with a list of members, 1851. Boston, 1851. 10. *M.Pph.v.43 NORFOLK, Va. Ordinances of the borough of. Norfolk, 1829. 8 0372.3 Armstrong, G. D. Yellow fever in 2374.25 Forrest, \V. S. Historical and descriptive sketches of 2074.5 NORFOLK island. Maconochic, A 3575.18 NORIE, J. W. Epitome of practical navigation. London, 1805. 8. pi **E.180.19 - Same, llth ed. London, 1835. 8. pi. **E.1S0.18 Explanation and use of the planispha:rium coeleste. London, 1802. pp.10. 8. . . **E. 110.08 Nautical tables. London, 1803. 8 . . . . **E. 180.21 - Same. 3d ed. London, 1815. 8. pi. .**E.180.15 NORIS, H., of Verona. De duobus nummis Dio- cletiani et Licinii, dissertatio duplex; De votis decennalibus impcratorum ac Ctcs- arum. [Sallcngre. Thes. antiq. Rom. v.l] 2950.2 Animadversiones in S. Augustini opera ; Vin- diciae Augustinianae adversus Pclagianos, etc. [Mignc. Patrologia; v.47] 3440.19 NORK, F.,pseudon. See Korn, F. NORMAN conquest, Chronicle of the. Waco, R. . 2418.2 NORMAN language, Dictionary of the. Kelham.R. 3033.8 NORMAND, C. New parallel of the orders of archi- tecture. Tr. by A. Pugin. London, 182!). f.*4100.15 NORMAND, L. M. Monuments funuraircs. Paris, 1847. 2v. f *4070.G Paris moderne ou choix do maisons. Paris, 1837-4!). 3v. 4 *4090.G NORMANDY. Britton, J. Architectural antiqui- ties of 4101.6 Chronica Ncustrise, ab anno 1414 ad 1422. See Henry V 2413.15 Cotinan.J. S. Architectural antiquities of . 2700.1 Coutume reformee du pai's et duchc' de Nor- mandie 3070.1 Depping, G. B. Histoire de la Normandie . 4004. 11 Houard, D. Dictionnairo de la coutume de Normandie 3032.2 Knight, II. G. Architectural tour in .... 4105.21 Palgrave, F. History of 2418.1 NORMANS. Chronicon breve Nortmannicum ; Li- bri octo historic Northmanuorum ; Histo- ria Sicula. [Mignc. Patrologias v.140] . . 3400.27 Depping, G. B. Histoire des expeditions maritimes des Normands 4004.10 Estancelin, L. Voyages et decouvertes des Normands 2264.30 Histoire dcs Normands, jusqu'cn 1137. [Gui- zot. Coll. mem. hist. Fr. v.29] 2C18.2 Thierry, A. Conquete de 1'Angleterre, par les Normands 2419.3 NORRIDGEWOCK, Me., History of. Hanson, J. W. 2339.8 NOKRIS, H. H. Letter to the earl of Liverpool, [on] his speech at the Isle of Thanct Bible society meeting, Oct. 17, 1821. Am. ed. n.p. 1822. 8" *Pph.V.71 NORRIS papers. Ed. by T. Hey wood. 1840. sm.4. [Chetham soc. v.9] *2415.6 NORTH, Sir D. Life of. See North, R 2446.19 NORTH, E. Treatise ou spotted fever. New York, 1811. 12 3797.30 NORTH, F. Life of. See North, R 24-10.10 NORTH, J. Life of. See North, R 2446.19 NORTH 578 NORWAY Shelf. No. NORTH, R. Examcn: or, an enquiry into the credit aud voracity of [Rennet's] complete history. London, 1740. 4 *2411.5 Lives of Ld. Francis North, Sir Dudley North, and Dr. John North. New ed. London, 1836. 3v. 8 *2446.19 Memoirs of musick. Ed. with notes, by E. F. Rimbault. London, 1840. sm.4 .... *4042.5 NORTH American medico-chirurgical review : bi- monthly. v.1,2. Philadelphia, [1857.] 2v. 8. 5729.1 NOKTH American review. Boston, 1815-00. 90v. 8. *3113.2 - Same. Vols. 1-12, 14-46, 1st no. Boston, 1815-38. 45v. in 41. 8 **E. 114.2 - Same. General index from 1815 to Oct. 1827. Boston, 1829. 8" *3113.1, **E. 114.1 Kote. Mr. William Tudor commenced the N. A. review in May, 1815, and edited it for two years. Tho subsequent editors, with their periods, are the follow- ing : Jarcd Sparks, May, 1817 March, 1818 ; Edward T. Channing, May, 1818-Oct. 1819; Edward Everett, Jan. 1S20 Oct. 1823 ; Jared Sparks, Jan. 1824 April, 18SO; Alexander H. Everett, July, 1830-Oct. 1835 ; John G. Palfrey, Jan. 1836 Jan. 1843; Francis Bowen. 1843-53; Andrew P. Peabody, 1853 NORTH British review. Vols. 20-31. Edinburgh, 1853-59. 12v. 8" *5299.1 NORTH Briton. See Wilkes, J 2540.7 NORTH cape, Travels to, in 1798, 1799. Acerbi, G. 2861.7 NORTH Carolina. Laws. [1715-90.] Edenton, 1791. f *C370.4 Report on cotton and woollen manufactories. Raleigh, 1828. 8 6374.22 Revised statutes, passed 1836-37. Raleigh, 1837. 2v. 8 C374.1 Bartram, W. Travels through 2361.11 Brickell, J. Natural history of 2375.19 Byrd, W. History of the dividing line be- twixt N. C.aud Va 2374.1 Hutching, T. Topogr. description of . . 'E. 110.82 Jones, J. S. Defence of the revolutionary history of 2375.10 - Memorials of 2375.0 Williamson, II. History of 2375.7 NORTH country words, Gloss, of. Brockett, J.T. E. 209.9 NORTH pole, Voyage of discovery towards the. Beechey, F. W 2273.1 Voyage towards the. Phipps, C. J 2260.10 NORTH sea pilot. Heather, W E. 110.50 NORTHAMPTON, Mass. Address in commemora- tion of the settlement of. Allen, W. . . . 2356.24 Historical sketch of. Williams, S 2356.25 NORTHAMPTON convention of medical delegates. Proceedings, 1827. Boston, 1827. 8. *M.Pph.v.l7 NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, Eng. Baker, A. E. Glos- sary of words and phrases used in . . . . 2586.15 Baker, G. History of 2490.4 Bridges, J. History and antiquities of ... 2490.5 Morton, J. Natural history, with antiquities. 2400.6 Post office directory of 2484.13 Sternberg, T. Dialect and folk-lore of ... 2586.27 NORTHCOTE, J. Conversations, by W. Hazlitt. London, 1830. 12 4065.21 NORTH-EAST passage. Dissertation concerning, by J. I. Pontanus. [Pinkerton. Voy. v.10]. 2260.13 NORTH-EASTERN boundary, Rep. on. See Maine. 0339.4 Right of the U. S. to the. Gallatin, A. . . . 2326.8 NORTHERN garlands. Ritson, J 2538.1 NORTHERN ocean, Journey from Hudson's bay to the. Hearne, S 2360.5 NORTHERN railroad company. Report in the mat- ter of the application for relief, made 1854. Albany, 1854. 8 *Pph.v.200 NORTHERN tour, A, being a guide to Saratoga, etc. Philadelphia, 1825. 10 2389.13 NORTHERN traveller to the springs, etc. 5th ed. New York, 1834. 18 2389.12 NORTIIIXGTON, earl of. See Henley, R. NORTHMEN, Discovery of America by the. Bea- mish, N. L 2317.2 NORTHMEN in New England. Elliott, C. W. . . 2321.4 Shelf. No. NORTHUMBERLAND. Hodgson, J. History of. 2001.2 Holmes, J. H. H. Coal mines of 3805.5 Post office directory of 2482.3 Publications relative to the condition of. See Surtees soc. Wallis, J- Natural history and antiquities of. 2501.3 See alto: NewcasUe-upon-Tyne. NORTHUMBERLAND equatorial and dome, Account of. Airy, G. B v.lSof E. 150.1 NORTH-WEST coast. Three years hi Washington territory. Swan, J. G 2361.21 Voyages for completing the discoveries of the. Jefferys, T 2370.7 NORTH-WEST passage. Ellis, H. Voyage for discovering a 2367.2 Frobisher, M. Voyages to discover the. [Pin- kerton. Voyages, v. 12] 2200.13 Hearne, S. Journey for discovery of a . . . 2360.5 O'Reilly, B. N. W. passage illustrated ... 2801.3 Parry, W. E. Voy. for the disc, of, 1819-20. 2300.1'-', 13 - Second voyage for discovery of, 1821-23 . 2360.13 Ross, J. Second voyage in search of a . . . 2270.10 NORTON, A. Address delivered at the interment of Prof. Frisbie. Cambridge, 1822. 8 . *Pph.v.244 Inaugural discourse before the uuiv. in Cam- bridge. Cambridge, 1819. 8.**E.224.5, *Pph.v.244 Internal evidences of the genuineness of the gospels. Boston, 1855. 8" *3435.4 Reasons for not believing the doctrines of triuitarians. Cambridge, 1833. 12 .... 3402.16 - Same. 2d ed. Boston, 1850. 12 .... 3402.15 Remarks on a report of a committee of the overseers proposing certain changes relat- ing to the instruction and discipline of Har- vard university. Camb. 1824. pp.12. 8 . **E.224.6 Speech before the overseers of Harvard col- lege, in behalf of the resident instructors. Boston, 1825. 8 *Pph.v.245. **E. 224.6 Life and character of Prof. Frisbie. See Fris- bie, L 2403.6 [Remarks on Mr. Norton's Statement of rea- sons.] Boston, 1834. 8 *Pph.v.l66 NORTON, C. B. Norton's literary gazette and pub- lisher's circular. [Two] series. May, 1851- Aug. 1855. N. Y. ISol-So. 2v. f. 2v. 4 . *2150.1 Abte. For continuation to the Literary gazette, see American publisher's circular. Norton's literary register: or annual book- list for 1850. New York, 1856. 8" *2152.14 NORTON, Jacob. Remarks on an address from the Bcrean society of universalists in Boston, etc. Boston, 1809. 8 *Pph.v.249 NORTON, Rev. John, of Boston, Mass., b. 1600, d. 1063. Life and death of John Cotton. Lon- don, 1058. pp.51. 8m.4 *3458.96 The orthodox evangelist. Lond. 1054. sm.4 . *3457.14 NORTON, John, of Deerfield. The redeemed cap- tive. Being a narrative of captivity. Bos- ton, 1748. pp.40. 12 2360.24 NORTON, John P. Address at the annual meeting of the New York agricultural society. Al- bany, 1848. 8 *Pph.v.lOO Elements of scientific agriculture. Albany, 1850. 8" *Pph.v.l81 NORTON, Mass., History of. Clark, G. F 2357.9 NORVINS, J. Marquet de Montbreton de. His- toire de Napoleon. 3e ed. Paris, 1829. 4v. 8 2042.1 Portefeuille de 1813, ou tableau politique et militaire. Paris, 1825. 2v. 8" 2042.5 Biographic nouvelle des contemporains. See Arnault, A. V 2244.1 NORWAY. Blom, G. P. Das Konigr. Norwegen. 2865.3 Buch, L. v. Reise durch Norwegen 2865.11 - Travels through, 1806-8 2861.4 Catteau-Calleville, J. P. G. Revolutions de Norvege 2829.2 Coxe, W. Travels in. [Pinkerton. Voy- ages, v.O] 2260.13 NORWAY 579 NOVA Shelf. No. NORWAY, continued. Ehrcnmalm, A. Travels in Nordland. [Pin- kcrtoa. Voyages, v.l] 2260.13 Forbes, J. D. N. and its glaciers in 1851 . . 28G1.8 Le Bas, P. Hist, ct description de Norvegc. 2276.10 Miillcr, O. F. Animalium Norvegiae indige- narum charactcrcs 3909.5 Nyerup, II. Litteratur lexicon for Norge . . 2151.1 Oeder, G. C. v. Abbildungen der Pflanzen in Norwegcn 3850.1 Pontoppidan, E. Norges naturlige Historic. 3819.8 Thorkcliii, G. J. Historia, antiquitates, jura rcgni Norvegici 2829.11 Topographisk Journal for Norge E.115.5 NORWICH, Eng., Abbeys of the diocese of. Tay- lor, K 2470.1 NORWICH, Vt. Military academy. Catalogue of officers and cadets, with prospectus and reg- ulations, 1823. Windsor, Vt. n.d. 8 . *Ppli.V.45 - Journal of an excursion, made by the corps of cadets, under Capt. A. Partridge. Windsor, Vt. ls<24. 12" *Pph.v.213 NOSE, Restoration of the. Dieffenbacli, J. F. . . 3805.23 NOSOLOGY. Cullen, W. Methodical system of. 3782.11,12 - Synopsis nosologiae methodicas 3782.7 - Systematic arrangement of diseases . . . 3782.0 Good,J. M. Physiological system of . . . . 3782.4 Hosack, D. System of practical N 3782.3 Pincl, P. Nosographie philosophique . . . 3782.10 liiclierand, A. Nosographie chirurgicale . . 3755.18 See also : Diagnosis. NOSTREDAME, J. de. Vite de' piii celebri pocti provenzali. [Crescimbcni. Istoria della volgar poesie, v.2] 2771.7 NOTA, A. Commedie. Ed. 2da. Torino, 1818. 4v. 8 2777.10 Contents. Vol. I. Iprimi passi al mal costumes n progettista ; L'ammalato per immaginazione. II. U nuovo ricco ; II filosofo celibe ; II bcncfattore, c 1'or- fana. III. La duchessa de la Vallicrc ; L'ospite fran- cese ; La donna ambiziosa, IV. L'atrabiliare i La lusingbiera; I litiganti. Commedie. Edizione lla accresciuta e cor- retta dall' autore. Firenze, 1827-28. 7v. 16". 4768.5 Contents. Vol. I. I primi passi al mal costume ; n progettista; Lc risoluzioni in amorc. II. L'ammalato per immaginazione ; II nuovo ricco j La vedova in solitudine. III. II filosofo celibe; II benefattore, e 1'or- fana; Alessina ossia costanza rara. IV. La duchessa do la ValUerc ; L'ospite fraucesc ; U bibliomane. V. La donna ambiziosa ; L'atrabiliarc ; La pace domes- tica. VI. La lusinghicra ; I litiganti ; I dilettanti comici; L'amor timido. VII. Lafiera; L'oppressore, c 1'opprcsso ; La novella eposa. NOTARIES. Commercial and notarial precedents. Montefiore, J 3633.6 La science des notaires. Masse, A. J 3632.1 NOTATION. Lubbock, J. W 3921.15 NOTES and queries : a medium of inter- communi- cation for literary men. Vols. 1-12. 2d series, 1-4, 6-8. London, 1850-59. 19v. em. 4" *3159.1 - Same. General index to series first. Lon- don, 1856. 4 3159.2 NOTES of cases. Cases selected from vol. i.-vii. 1841-50. [Boston, 1853]. 8. [English ad- miralty reports, v. 5] 3694.3 NOTES on Mount Auburn cemetery, by an officer of the institution, intended as a guide book. Boston, [1849.] 12 2389.14 NOTGER. See Notker. NOTICES of E. Florida, with an account of the Seminole Indians. Charleston, 1822. 12. . 2376.14 NOTKER, Notgcr, or Notheger, B., d. 912. Demu- sica. [Gerbert von Hornau. Scriptores eecl. de musica sacra, v.l] 4041.7 Hymnisacri. [Mignc. Patrologiae v.87] . . 3450.18 De interpretibus divinarum scripturaruin ; Liber sequentiarum ; Martyrologium ; Epis- tola ; Formulae ; De musica. [Migne. Pa- trologiae v. 131] 3460.10 Shelf: No. NOTKER, bp. of Liege, d. 1008. Vita sancti Hada- lini ; Vita saucti Remacli. [Migne. Patro- logiiev.139] 3460.18 NOTKER Labeo, d. 1022. Psalterium Davidicum e Latino in Theotiscain linguam versum, et paraphrasi illustratum. [Schilter. Thes. antiq. Teuton, v.l] 2810.4 NOTO, A. Chrouologia Sicula. [Opuscoli di au- tori siciliaui, v.6] 4764.1 NOTKE-DAME de Noyon. Monographic de 1'eglise. Vitet, L 2650.17 NOTKE-DAME de Paris. Memoire sur les bas-re- liefs de 1'eglise de. See Fauris de Saint- Vincens, A. J. A 4103.4 NOTRE-DAME de la Potcrie, Ilistoire de . .... 2821.15 NOTRE-DAME de Rouen, Description Iiistorique de 1'eglise metropolitaine de. Gilbert, A. P. M. 4103.5 NOTT, E. Address to the candidates for the bac- calaureate iii Union college, 1805-11. Alba- ny, 1805-11. 8 *Pph.v.2,4 Addresses to the candidates for the Bacca- laureate, at commencements in Union col- lege, [1S05-14]. Schenectady, 1814. 12 . *Pph.v.20C Analysis of hexameter. [No title-page.] 8. *Pph.v.9 Discourse occasioned by the death of A. Ham- ilton. 3ded. Salem, 1804. pp.40. 8 . **E. 110.42 - Same. 3d cd. Albany, 1SOO. 8. . *Pph.v.x!,2G6 Discourse, before the ladies' society for the relief of distressed women and children. Albany, [1804]. 8 *Pph.v.2 Lectures on temperance: with an introduc- tion by T. Lewis. Ed. by A. McCoy. New York, 1S57. 12 3576.8 Sermon before the general assembly of the presbytcrian church. Phila. 1800. 8 . . *Pph.v.2 Syllabus of a course of lectures on chemistry. Part i. Schenectady, ls,',j. 8 *Pph.v.61 Tribute to the memory of M. L. Spraguc, wife of W. B. Spraguc. Alb. 18.37. 8. *Ppn.v.222 Celebration of the 50th anniversary of his presidency of Union college. See Schenec- tady 2343.19 NOTT, J. C. Biblical and physical history of man. New York, 1849. 8 2235.2 and Gliddon, G. R. Types of mankind, [with] selections from S. G. Morton, L. Agassiz, etc. Philadelphia, 1854. 8 2234.9 NOTT, Rev. Samuel, D.D., of Franklin, b. 1754, d. ls">2. Sixtieth anniversary sermon at Frank- lin. Norwich, 1842. pp. 10. 8. *345S.3 NOTT, Rev. Samuel, jr., of Warcham, b. 1788. Sla- very and the remedy. 4th ed. Bost. 1856. 8. 3572.15 Essay on the institution of the Sabbath. See Jay, W Pph.v.67 NOTT family. See Goodwin, N 2332.8 NOTTI romaue al foro, al colosseo, al palazzo de' Ccsari. Malpica, C 2950.16 NOTTI romane al sepolcro de' Scipioni. Verri, A. 2809.6 NOTTINGHAM castle, History of. Hicklin, J. . . 249'J.IG NOTTINGHAMSHIRE. Bailey, T. Annals of. . . 2492.1 Post office directory 2484.16 Thoroton, R. Antiquities of 2400.7 See also: Southwell. NOUGAREDE de Fayet, A. Lettres sur I'Angle- terre et sur la France, 1845. Paris, 1846-47. 4v. 8 2464.11 NO0GARET, P. J. B. Londres, la cour et les pro- vinces d'Angleterre, d'Ecosse, et d'Irlande. Paris, 1816. 2v. 8 2435.2 NOUGUIER, L. DCS lettres de change et des effcts de commerce. Paris, 1839. 2v. 8 .... 3674.7 NOUVEAU dictionnaire allemand-frangois et fran9- allem. 3e e\l. Strasbourg, 1782. 2v. 8.**E. 204.3 NotTVEAu dictionnaire d'amour. Paris, 1825. 32.*2689.17 NOUVEAU recueil de cantiques, a 1'usage du dio- cese de Quebec. Quebec, 1819. 8 3448.5 NOVA, A. Delle censure di A. Rosmini-Serbati contro ladottrina religiosa di G. D. lloina- gnosi. Milano, 1842. imp.8" 2790.7 NOVA 580 NUNNELEY Shelf. No. NOVA Britannia offering excellent fruites by plant- ing in Virginia, 1G09. [Force. Tracts, v.l]. 2323.3 NOVA Scotia. Journal and proceedings of her majesty's legisl. council. Ualifax, 1858. 4. *7032.1 Statutes passed 3d session of the general as- sembly, 21st Victor. 1858. Halifax, [1858.] 8. *7032.2 Buckingham, J. S. Travels in 2302.4 Bawson, J. W. Agriculture in 7032.3 Haliburton, T. C. Historical and statistical account of 2311.13 Jackson, C. T. Geology of E.211.8 La Grange do Chcssieux, G. A. F. S. de. La conduite des Frangois a 1'egard de la Nou- vcllcEcosse 2329.31 Robertson, J. Mission of the secess. church. 3534.18 Voyage du sicur de Poutrincourt en la Nou- velle-France. [Lafaist. Archiv. cur. hist. France. Ser.l, v.15] 2617.1 See also : Acadia, Neutral French. NOVAKS, G. de. Dissertazioni introd. alle vite de' pontefici. 2acd. Roma, 1822. 2v. 8 . . 3558.1 Storia de' sommi pontefici. 3aed. Roma, 1821, 22. 15v. in 17. 8 *3558.2 NOVANGLUS and Massachusctteusis. Adams, J. 2325.5 NOVATIANUS. Liber de Trinitate; De cibis Ju- daicis ; Epistola ad S. Cyprianum. [Migne. Patrologiae v.3] 3440.2 NOVATUS. Sententia de humilitatc, et obcdientia, ct de calcanda superbia. [Migne. Patro- logiajv.18] 3440.12 NOVELAS cscolhidas de divcrsos autores. Rio de Janeiro, 1820. 2v. 24 3095.10 Contents. Vol. I. Historia de Roberto ! Sapho no saltode Leucate; Sofronimo c Themiraj Fatimae Zendar; Uistoria de Janny Lille; Uistoria de Erailiaj Pedro. II. Iddaliua de Tokcnbourg; Isaura; Carlota; A vcntura notavel; O casamcnto de Alfredo i Leoca- dia ; Zaira; Julictae Claudiua. NOVELIST'S library. See Ballantyne 2573.1 NOVELLA del Grasso Lcgnajuolo. Firenze, 1820. 4" *2772.6 NOVELLA di Torillo del Diuo del Garbo ; La no- vella stessa di Franco Sacchetti, e altre due, col supplimcnto di Vincenzio Follini. Fi- renze, 1827. 8 2772.8 NOVELLE di alcuni autori fiorentini. Milano, 1815. 16. [Raccolta de' novellieri italiani, v.13]. *2788.5 Contents. Novella anticadcl Grasso Legnajuolo ; LuigiPulci ; NiccoloMachiavelli; Luigi Alamanni ; Agnolo Firenzuola; Anton Franzesco Doni; Salvuc- cio Salvucci ; .Lorenzo Magalotti; Moua. Giovanni Bortari. NOVELLE di autori sencsi. Milano, 1815. 2v. 16. [Raccolta dc' novellieri italiani, v.14, 15] . *2788.6 Contents. Vol. I. Novelle di Gentile Sermini ; Pictro Fortini. II. Novelle di Bernardo llicini ; Giustiniano Nelli ; Scipione Bargagli i Alessandro Sozzini ; Alessandro 11. Bandiera. NOVELLE Ictterarie, [di] Firenze, pubblicate [da G. Lami]. Firenze, 1740-70. 30v. 4" . . . *5246.1 NOVELLIERI italiani. See Borromeo, A. M. . . . 2171.3 NOVELLIEKO italiano. [Raccolta da Girolamo Za- netti.] Venezia, 1754. 4v. 8 2772.19 Contents. Vol. I. Belle novelle antiche ; Novelle di M. Giovanni Boccaccio i Franco Sacchetti. II. Giovanni Fiorentino ; Massuccio Salernitano ; Saba- dino degli Aricuti ; Agnolo Firenzuola ; Luigi da Porto i Francesco Maria Molza ; Giovanni Brevio ; Girolamo Parabosco; Marco Cademosto da Lodi. III. Di Giambatista Giraldi ; Antonio Francesco Graz- zini dctto il Lasca ; Antonio Mariconda ; Ortensio Lando; Gio. Francesco Straparola; Mattco Bandello; Francesco Sansoviuo. IV. Di Lcvanzio da Guidic- cioloj SebastianoErizzo; Niccolo Gramicci; Ascanio Mori da Ceno ; Celio Malespini ; Scipione Bargagli ; Anuibale Campeggi ; Incerto autore. ffote. La novella d'ineerto, intitolata novella di Banieri raercatante, cc., e scritta dal raccoglitore Za- netti, il quale disse d'averla tratta da un originale di G. le Gallois, trovatore francese del sec. xm. Gamba. NOVELLO, V. Biographical sketch, [with] sacred music of Henry Purcell. London, n.d. pp.44. f *4040.1 Shelf. No. NOVELS. Gamba, B. Novelle italiani in prosa, bibliografla 2162.0 - Novelle per far ridcre le brigate 4; ;. ";.:;? - Novelle per far piagnercle brigate. . . . 4775. '.',7 Scelta di novelle antiche 2773.2 Soave, F. Novelle morali per uso de' fan- ciulli 4775.31 Topffer, R. Nouvelles genevoiaes 2002.3 See also : Romances, Tales. NOVERRE, J. G. Briefe uber die Tanzkunst und iiber die Ballete. [Ubersctzt aus d. Fran- zos.J [Lessing. Sammtliche Schriften, v.SJ. 2894.8 NOVION. The French nation defended against the pulpit slander of David Osgood. Bos- ton, 1795. 8 *Pph.v.62 NOWELL, A. A catechism in Latin, transl. by T. Norton. Ed. by G. E. Corrie. Cambridge, 1853. 8. [Parker society] 3493.21 NOTES, G. R. Theological essays from various authors. Boston, 1856. 12 3452.16 NOZZOLINI, T. Lettera. [Galilei. Opere, v. 12]. 3913.1 NUBIA. Burckhardt, J. L. Travels in 3051.7 Ghampolliou, J. F. Lcttres ecrites de Nubie. 3053.9 - Monuments de la Nubie 3050.3 Cherubini, S. Hist, et description de Nubie. 2276.9 Gau, F. C. Denkmaler von Nubien 3050.14 Norden, F. L. Voyage de Nubie 3020.8 Riippell, E. Reisen in Nubien 3053.20 Nucius, Nicander. Second book of travels. Ed. by J. A. Cramer. London, 1841. sm.4. [Camden society, No. 17] *2416.17 NCCK, A. Adenographia curiosa, et uteri foeminei anatome nova. LugduniBatav. 1691. sm.8". *3779.26 NUEVA coleccion de piezas en prosa y en versos, devarios autores cspanoles, tales son Solis, Cervantes, Quevedo, etc. 2d ed. Lyon, 1819. 2v.ini. 16 **E. 229.11 NCEVO estilo y formulario de escrivir cartas mis- sivas. Barcelona, 1763. 8 **E. 229.9 NUG/E antiquso. Harington, Sir J 2557.7 NUGENT, T. The grand tour through the Nether- lands, Germany, Italy, and France. 3d ed. cor. and imp. London, 1778. 4v. 12 . . 2274.12 NUGENT, Lord. See Grenville, G. N. T. NULLIFICATION, State papers on. See Massachu- setts 6359.26 NULTY, E. Elements of geometry, theoretical and practical. Philadelphia, 1836. 8 . **E.198.19 NUMA Pompilius [Conte]. See Florian, J. P. C.de. 2650.34 NUMBERS. Barlow, P. Investigation of the the- ory of E. 197.2 NUMBERS, Commentary on the book of. See Bible. NUMERATION. Die quinare und vigesimale Zahl- methode. Pott, A. F 2956.12 NUMIDIA. Histoire et description de Numidie, par Louis Lacroix. SeeAvezac, M. A. P.d'. 2266.2 NUMISMATIC chronicle. Akerman, J. Y 2223.3 NUMISMATIC journal. Akerman, J. Y 2223.5 NUMISMATIC manual. Akerman, J. Y 2223.2 NUMISMATIC society. See London. NUMISMATICAL manual, Amer. Dickeson, M. W. 2330.5 NUMISMATICS. Akerman, J. Y. Introduction to the study of coins 2222.11 Davids, R. W. Coins and medals belonging to the New York state library Pph.v.199 Eckhel, J. H. Doctrina numorum veterum . 2222.1 - Manuale doctrinse numorum veterum . . 2222.10 Gaetani, P. A. Numismata virorum doctrina praestantium. [Museum Mazzuchellianum]. 2240.2 Humphreys, H. N. Ancient coins and medals. ,'-'-'". . 1 Kohler,J. D. Munz-Belustigung 2221.1 Mionnet, T. E. Atlas de geographic numis- matique 2222.4 See also: Coins, Medals, Money, Tokens ; also, the names of the following countries, etc. i Abruzzi, Great Britain, Greece, Italy, Massachusetts, Rome. NUNEZ, A. See Ramusio, G. B. Navigation! et viaggi, v.3 2200.2 NUNNELEY, T. Nature, causes, and treatment of erysipelas. Philadelphia, 1844. 8 .... *3790.54 NUXZIATA 581 ODIERNA Shelf. No. NUXZIATA, La. Racconto campagnuolo. Carcano, G 4775.5 NUOVA collezione di opuscoli e notizie di scienze, lettere, ed arti. Inghirami, F 2767.5 NUOVA raccolta di lettere sulla pittura, scultura, cd architettura, scritte da' piu eelebri per- sonaggi dei secolo xv a xix con note ed il- lustrazioni di M. Gualandi. Bologna, 1844- 50. 3v. 10 4077.36 NUOVE tavole barometriche e logaritmiche. Ge- nova, 1818. pp.50. 8' **E.189.9 Nuovo dizionario storieo, ovvero biografiaclassica universale, compil. di una societa di dotti Frances!, pubbl. nel 1830. Primavers. itali- ana. Torino, 1831-36. 5v. in 10. 8 .... *2242.3 'NURNBERG. Niirnbergische Hesperides. See Volkamer, J.C 3860.4 NL'RNBERGER chronik. See Schedel, H 2210.1 NURSERY rhymes of England, The. Halliwell, J. O. [Percy soc. v.4] 2537.6 NUTRITION, Theory of. Sunderland, La Roy . . 3769.1 NUTTALL, T. North American sylva; Forest trees not described by Michaux. Fhila. 1842. 3v. 8 3842.3 Ornithology of the United States and Can- ada: Landbirds,waterbirds. Boston. [2d ed. of vol. I.] 1834, 1840. 2v. 12 3905.12 Nux vomica, Preparation and uses of. Magendie, F M.Pph.v.125 NYERUP, R., and Kraft, J. E. Litteraturlexikon for Danmark, Norge, og Island. Kiobenhavn, 1820. 2v. 4 *2151.1 NYMPHIS Heracleota. See Fragmenta historico- rum Graecorum, v.3 3002.11 NYMPHODORUS Syracusanus. See Fragmenta his- toricorum Grascorum, v.2 3002.11 See Westcrmann, A. Script, mirab. Graeci . 2963.18 NYMPIIOMANIA, Dissertation concerning. Bien- ville, D. T. de M.Pph.v.109 NYSTEN, P. H. Dictionnaire de me'decine, etc. lOe ed. par Littre et Robin. Paris, 1855. 1.8 3733.1 Recherches de physiologic et de chimiepatho- logiques. Paris, 1811. 8 3762.8 OAKELEY, F. Letter to the lord bishop of Lon- don, on a subject connected with the recent proceedings at Oxford. Lond. 1845. 8.*Pph.v.l46 OAKES, W. Scenery of the White mountains, with 16 pi. from drawings of I. Sprague. Bos- ton [1848.]. Iv. f *2380.5 OASES. Cailliaud, F. Voyage a Syouah et dans cinq autres oasis 3055.13 Voyage a 1'oasis de Thebes, 1815-18 .... D.4.Q OATHS. Dejure jurando, dissertatio philologica. Lydius.J 3421.17 OBADIAII, Commentaries on. Calvin, J. . . v. 2 of 5504. 3 See also: Bible. OBELISCO vaticano, Descrizione del trasporto dell'. Zabaglia, N 4050.10 OBERTO. Annales Genucnses,ab anno 1164. [Mu- ratori. Rerum Ital. script, v.6] 2710.1 OBITUARY. See Annual biography 2441.1 O'BRIEN, J. T. Charge to the clergy of the uni- ted dioceses of Ossory, Ferns, and Leigh- lin. Philadelphia, 1643. 8 *Pph.v.l36 OBSEQUEXS, J. De prodigiis, curante J. Kappio. Curiae Regnitianze, 1772. sm.8 *2929.8 Prodigiorum libellus. [Lemaire. Bib. class. Lat. v.124] v.3 of 2913.4 OBSERVADOR, El, nocturno, 6 el diablo cojuelo. Lesage, A. R 3095.13 OBSERVATIONS on a pamphlet entitled Considera- tions upon the society or order of the Cin- cinnati. Philadelphia, 1783. pp.28. 8 ... 2326.11 OBSERVATIONS on the dropsy in the brain, n.p. n-d- 8 *M.Pph.v.48 OBSERVATIONS on the effect of returning to cash payments, etc. Edinburgh, 1823. 8 ... 3646.24 Shelf. No. OBSERVATIONS on the expedition of Buonaparte to the East ; Sketch of Egypt, etc. London, 1798. pp.89. 12 3053.17 OBSERVATIONS on the new constitution, and on the federal and state conventions. Boston, 1788. 8 *Pph.v.32 OBSERVATIONS on the pulse. [Notitle-p.] S.*M.Pph.v.56 OBSERVATIONS on the regiam majestatem. 2d ed. London, 1825. 8 *Pph.v.73 OBSERVATIONS on several acts of parliament. [Boston], 1769. 4 *2329.G OBSERVATIONS horaires faites au dernier solstice d'hiver [1837,] a Bruxelles, Louvain, Alost, etLondres.pp.il. n.p. 8 **E.110.70 OBSERVATORY, Inquiry into the propriety of es- tablishing a national. Courtenay, J. . . E.224.8 OBSTETRICS. See Auscultation, Midwifery. O'CALLAGHAN, E. B. History of New Nether- land, or New York under the Dutch. New York, 1846. 8 2371.3 Jesuit relations of discoveries in Canada, and the northern and western states. 163^-7:.'. New York, 1847. 8" *Pph.v.l60,193 OCCLEVE, T. See Hoccleve, T. OCCULTATIONS visible in the United States during 1851^53. [Smithsonian contrib. v.2, 3, 6] .. 3340.1 OCCUM, S., Character of. SeeBuell, S 2360.11 OCEANA. See Harrington, J 3561.1 Trial of a student in the kingdom of . . . Pph.v.242 OCEANICA. Catalogue of books relating to the language and literature of the Oceanic islands. See New York. Astor library . . 2132.7 Dumont d'Urville, J. S. C. Voyage au pole sud et dans 1'Oceanie 2271.1 Rienzi, G. L. D. de. Oceanic, ou cinquieme partic du monde 2276.3 OCELLUS Lucanus. De universi natura. See Gale, T. Opusculamyth., phys. ct ctliica . . . . 2963.11 OCHSENHEIMER, F. Die Schmetterlingc von Eu- ropa [forttsetz v. F. Treitschke.] Leipzig, 1S07-35. lOv. in 8. 8 *3894.5 O'CONNELL, D. Memoir on Ireland native and Saxon. [No title-page.] 1843. Vol.1. 8. *Pph.v.l29 Elogio funebre di. Ventura, G 2458.28 Oration on the death of. Seward, W.H. . Pph.v.Kil OCTAVE des Pythagoras. See Kiesewetter, R. G. 4052.32 OCTAVIANUS. The romance of the emperor Octa- viau. [Percy, soc. v.14] 2537.16 OCTAVIANCS Magnus, ein satyrischcs Gedicht, in 4 Gesiingen. Gelbcke, T. A 4049.24 ODALRIC, bp. of Iiheims,Jl. 963. Sententia contra fures sacrileges. [Migne. Patrologias v.133] 3460.12 ODALRIC, fl. 1100. Testamentum. [Migne. Pa- trologiae v.150] 3460.28 ODD fellows. Proceedings of the grand lodge of Mass. 1823-47. Vol. I. Boston, 1847. 8 . 3567.31 ODDI, G. Sopra alcune curve dipcudeiiti dalle sezioni coniche. [Opuscoli scientific!, v.2]. 3911.5 ODDO. See Odo. ODDY, J. J. European commerce. London, 1805. 4" *3651.3 ODELEBEN, E. O. I. v. Campaign in Saxony in 1813. Transl. by A. J. Kempe. London, 1820. 2v. 8 2824.3 ODERICO, or Olderico da Udinc. Due viaggi. [Ra- musio. Navig. et viaggi, v.2] 2260.2 ODESCALCHI, B. Memorie istorico-critiche dell' accademia de' Lincei e del principe Fcdcrico Cesi fondatore. Roma, 1800. 4 *5272.4 ODESCALCHI, P. Ritrovamento delle spoglie mor- tali di Uaffaello Sanzio, conaggiunte. Roma, 1833. 8 v.oSof *5376.1 See Bernabo Silorata, P. Prose e poesic di Italiaui vivcnti, v.7 4768.16 ODESCALCHUM, Musasum. See Bartoli, P. S. . . 4070.12 ODIER, L. Manuel de medecine pratique. 2e ed. Paris, 1811. 8 3792.18 ODIERNA, G.B. L'equita della natura. [Opuscoli di autori siciliani, v.2] 4764.1 ODILO 582 OFFEU Shelf. No. ODILO, St., abbot of Cluny. Elogium hlstoricum auctorc Mabillonio ; Vita, auctore Jotsaldo ; Odilonis epistolae 5 DC vita bcati Maioli ; Hymui iu vigilia Maioli; Epitaphium Adal- hcidae imperatricis ; Liber miraculorum ; Serrnones ; Appendix. [Migne. Patrolo- gia;v.l42] 3460.21 Vita, auctore Pietro Damiano. [Migne. Pa- trologisev.lM] 3460.23 Sermones de nativitate B. Mariae, et de sancta cruce. [Marteneand Durand. Thesaurus novus, etc. v.5J 2250.2 Vita S. Adelheidis impcratrieis. [Leibnitz. Script, rerum Brunsvic. v.l] 2810.3 ODILO, monk of St. Medard, at Soissons. Epistola ad Ingrannum; De translatione S. Sebas- tian! et S. Gregorii; De translatione SS. Tiburtii, Marcellini, etc.; Sermones tres. [Migne. Patrologiae v.132] 3460.11 ODIOKNE, J. C. Opinions on speculative masonry. Boston, 1830. 12 3567.12 ODO. Ernestus, seu carmen de varia Ernesti Ba- varia? ducis for tuna. [Martene and Durand. Thesaurus novus, v.3] 2250.2 ODO, abbot of Cluny. Opera omnia, juxta ed. Mar- ricr, accurante Migne. Lutetiae Parisiorum, 1853. 8. [Migne. Patrologiae v.133] . . . 3460.12 Contents. Elogium historicum, auctore Mabillo- nio ; Vita, a Joanne raonacbo ; Vita altera ; Morales in Job; DeB. Martino; Ilynuii quatuor; Collationuin libri tres ; De vita S. Gerald! ; Sermones quinque ; Opuscula de musica ; Appendix. Sermo in festo S. Martini. [Martene and Du- rand. Thes. novus anec. v.5] 2250.2 See Gerbert von Hornau, M. Scriptores ec- cles. de musica sacra, v.l 4041.7 Vita S. Gregorii Turonensis. [Migne. Pa- trologiae v. 71] 3450.11 ODO, abbot of Muremond. Sermones. [Migne. Patrologiae v.188] 3470.12 ODO, or Oddo, abbot of St. liemy, Reims. Epistola; et charta. [Migne. Patrologiae v.172] . . 3470.1 ODO, abp. of Canterbury. Epistola in vitam Wil- fredi archiepiscopi Eboracensis ; Constitu- tiones; Epistola synodalis. [Migne. Pa- trologiac v.133] 3460.12 ODO, bp. of Beauvais. Sermo in S. Luciunum ; Canones; Institutio de rebus ecclesiae S. Petri congregationi dcstinatis. [Migne. Patrologiae v. 124] v.2 of 3460.6 ODO, bp. of Cambray. Scripta quae supcrsuiit. [Migne. Patrologiae v. 100] 3460.36 Contents. Expositio in canonem mUsx ; De pec- cato original! ; Disputatio do adveutu Christ! ; De blasphemia in Spiritum Sanctum ; De canonibus evangeliorum ; Homilia duplex de villico iniquitatis ; Diplomata ; Appendix ad B. Odonem. Homilia de villico iniquitatis. [Martene and Durand. Thes. novus anec. v.5] 2250.2 ODO, bp. of Toul. Statuta synodalia. [Migne. Patrologiae v.205] 3470.27 ODO, deacon of Audi. Epistola ad Garciarn. [Migne. Patrologiae v.137] 3460.16 ODO, monk of St. Maur des fosses. Vita Domini Burchardi comitis. [Migne. Patrol, v. 143]. 3460.22 Vie de Bouchard comte de Mclun, 987-1031. [Guizot. Coll. mem. hist. Fr. v.7] 2618.2 ODO, prior of St. Victor's, at Paris. Epistolae. [Migne. Patrologiae v. 196] 3470.18 ODO, ofAsti. Expositio in Psalmos. [Migne. Pa- trologiae v.105] v.2 of 3460.39 ODO, of Deuil, abbot of S. Denis. Libelli septem de Ludovici Vii Francorum regis profec- tione in Orientem. [Migne. Patrologiaa v.185] v.4of3470.9 Histoire de la croisade de Louis Vii, 1148. [Guizot. Coll. mem. hist. Fr.] . . .v.24of 2618.2 ODO, of Sully, bp. of Paris. Synodicae constitu- tiones ; Statuta ct donationes piae. [Migne. Patrologiae v.212] 3470.33 Shelf: No. ODORANN. Fragmenta quae supcrsunt. [Migne. Patrologiae v. 142] 3460.21 Contents. Chronicon s Historia translations 88. Saviniaiii, Potcntiani et sociorum ; Opuscula xm ; Hymnus in S. Sarinianum sociosque ejus; Epitaphia Scnoncnsia. ODORICI, F. See Archivio stor. ital. Nuova ser. v.2, pt. l,v.3, p. 2] 5245.2 OEDKK, G. C. v., and others. Flora Danica. Hav- niae, 1706-1849. 14v. f *3850.1 OEHLENSCHLAGER, A. G. Werke. Breslau, 1839. 21v. 16 *2898.3 Contents. Vol. I.-II. Selbstbiographic. HI. Dra- matische Dichtungen : Baldur der Gute, cine nor- disch-mythologische Tragodie ; Ilelge, ein Gcdicht; Romanzen und TragSdie. IV. Starkodder, Tragiidie; Hagbarth und Signe, Tragodie. V. Palnatoke, Trau- erspicl; Hakon Jarl, Traucrspicl. VI. Olaf der ilcilige, Tragodie; Die Waringer in Konstantiuopel, Traucr- piel. VIL Axel und Wai burg, Tragodie; Erich und Abel, TrauerspieL VIII. Correggio, Trauerspiel; Hu- go von Rheinbcrg, Tragodie- IX. Sokratcs, Tragodie; Der Ilirtenknabe, dramat. Idylle. X.-XI. Aladdin, Oder die Wunderlampe, dramat. Gcdicht. XII. Die Fischerstochter, Theater. XIII. Die Drillingbru- der von Damask, Theater. XIV. Der kleine Schau- epieler oder Schroders Jugendlebcn, Lustspiel ; Lud- lam's Uiihle, dramatisches Mahrchen. XV.-XVin. Die Inseln im Sudmccrc, Roman. XIX. Konig Ilroar, cine altnordische Erzahlung. XX. Novcl- len und Mahrchen : Reichmuth von Adocht ; Das Gemalde ; Die Monchbriider ; Der Ercmit ; Die Gliicksritter; Die Strafe nach dem Tode ; Aly uud Gulhyndy, ein orientalisches Mahrchen ; Waulun- dur, ein nordisches Mahrchen. XXI. Gcdichte. Tragodier. Kiiibenhavn, 1853. 8 2894.1 Contents* Baldur hin Gode; Langbardcrne; Stccr- kodder ; Hagbarth og Signe ; Amleth ; Fostbriid- renc ; Palnatoke ; Hakon Jarl ; Olaf den Hellige ; Laudutfundet og forsvundet; Knud den store; Kiar- tan og Gudrun ; Va;ringerne i Miklagard ; Axel og Valborg ; Erik og Abel ; Erik Clipping ; Dronning Margareta ; Dina ; Tordenskiold ; Karl den store ; Hugo von Rhcinberg ; Den lille Hyrdedreng ; Cor- reggio ; Sokrates. Legend of Wayland Smith. See Depphig, G.B 2236.12 MeineLebens-Erinnerungen. Leipzig, 1850. 4v. 8 2846.10 OELSNER, C. E. Life of Sieyes, transl. from the French. London, 1795. 8 *Pph.v.04 OERSTED, H. C. DerGeistinder Natur. Deutsch von K. L. Kannegiesser. Biogr. Skizze von P. L. Moller. 2te Aufl. Leipzig, 1850. 8. 3879.6 Die Naturwissenschaft u. d. Geistesbildung. Deutsch von K. L. Kannegiesser. Leipzig, 1850. 8 3879.5 Leben : zwei Denkschriften von Hauch und Forchhammer, aus dem Dan. von Sebald. Spandau, 1853. 8 2848.20 OESTERLEN, J. F. Medical logic, tr. and ed. by G. Whitley. London, 1855. 8. [Sydenham soc.] *3714.15 OETTIXGER, E. M. Bibliographic biographique universelle. [2eed.] Bruxelles, 1854. 2v. 4. *2140.11 Bibliothek des Schachspiels. Leipzig, 1844. pp.49. 8 *2172.4 OETTINGER, L. Forschungen in dem Gebiete der ho'hern Analysis mit den Resultaten und ihrer Anwendung. Heidelberg, 1831. 4 . **E. 194.1 OEXMELIN, A. O. Histoire des aventuriers fli- bustiers dans les Indes. Nouv. ed. Tre- VOUX, 1775. 4v. 12 2319.3 2fote. V. 1, 2 are a translation through the Spanish of the work originally written in Dutch, entitled Historic der Boccaniers of Veybuters van America, by Joan Esquemeling. V. 3 contains Le journal du voyage fait a le mer Sud par Ravenau de Lussan. V. 4 ia a translation of Johnson's history of the pirates. Aster catalogue. OEYNHAUSEN, C. v., Dechen, H. v., and La Roche, H. v. Geognostische, Umrisse der Rhein- lander. Essen, 1825. 2v. 8 3868.4 OFFER, J. The hundred of Branch and Dole. [Hoare. Modern Wiltshire] 2500.3 OFFOR 583 OLDENBURG Shelf. No. OFFOR, G. Life of William Tyndale. See Bible. New Testament, English 3414.16 OFILIUS Sergiauus. Elegia de pulice. [Lemaire. Poet. lat. min. v.7] 2912.1 - Same. [Wernsdorf. Poet. lat. min. v.6, p.2] 2012.4 OGBORNE, E. History of Essex, [county of, in England]. London, 1814. 4 *2471.9 OGDEX, E. D. Tariff of the United States. Uan. 1840 30 June, 1842. New York, 1840. 8.*C.153.13 OGDEX, S. G. Trial for misdemeanor. See Lloyd, T 3684.12 OGEK. Sermones xv, de sermone Domini in ulti- ma coma ad discipulos habito. [Migne. Pa- trologiae v.184] v.3of3470.9 OGEEIO Alfleri. Chronica Astensia. [Muratori. Rerum Ital. script, v.ll] 2710.1 OGILBY, J. D. Address before the Philoclcan so- ciety of Rutgers college, 1832. New Bruns- wick, 1833. 8 *Pph.v.94 Church discipline, as instrumental to Chris- tian unity : a sermon. N. Y. 1843. 8 . *Pph.v.l37 OGILVIE, J. Poems on several subjects. London, 17(59. 2v. 8 2566.1 Contents. Vol. I. Essay on the lyric poetry of the ancients ; The day of judgment ; Odes ; Miscella- neous poems, n. Providence, an allegorical poem ; Solitude, or the elysium of the poets, a poem ; Par- adise, a poem ; An ^Eolian ode. OGLE, A. J. Remarks on the civil and diplomatic appropriation bill, House of Reps. April 14, 1840. [No title-page.] 8 *Pph.v.ll5 OGLETHORPE, J. On his expedition to St. Augus- tine. [Carroll. Hist. coll. of S. Car. v. 2]. 2375.1 OHIO. Annual report of the commissioner of sta- tistics for 1857, 59. Columbus, 1858-59. 2v. 8. 6385. 1,2 Reports of the board of agriculture for ISO. 1 !, 55,50. Chilicothe, Columbus, 1854-57. 3v. 8". 6385.3 Description of ancient works in. [Smithso- nian contributions, etc. y. 3, art. 7] .... 3340.1 See also: Cincinnati. OHIO life insurance and trust company. Charter and by-laws. Cincinnati, 1838. 8 ... *Pph.v.281 First -fourth annual report, 1835-38. Colum- bus and Cincinnati, ia35-3S. 8" .... *Pph.v.281 Order of reference, and first, second report of special master commissioner. Cincinnati, 1830-37. 8 *Pph.v.281 OHIO medical and surgical journal. Vols. 3,4. Columbus, 1851-52. 2v. 8 *5737.l OHIO river, Charts of the. Cumings, S 2388.7 OHSSON, I. Mouradja d'. Tableau de 1'empire othoman. Vols. l-4,p.l,2. Paris, 1788-91. 5v. 8 3084.2 O.TIBWAY conquest, a tale. Copway, G 2405.18 O'KEEFFE, J. Dramatic works. London, 1798. 4v. 8 2575.25 Contents. Vol . I. Life's vagaries, or the neglected son; The castle of Andalusia ; The grenadier; Tony Immpkin in town ; The poor soldier ; Modern an- tiques, or the merry mourners ; Sprigs of laurel. II. Wild oats, or the strolling gentlemen ; The Wicklow mountains ; Fontainebleau, or our way in France j The little hunchback, or a frolic in Bagdad ; The basket maker; The blacksmith of Antwerp; The pos- itive man. 111. The toy, or the lie of the day ; The czar Peter ; The London hermit, or rambles in Dor- setshire ; The Irish mimic, or blunders at Brighton ; Tantara-Rara, rogues all ; The birth day, or the prince of Arragon ; The beggar on horseback. IV. The world in a village; The Highland reel; Alfred, or the magic banner ; The farmer ; The man-milliner ; The pris- oner at large ; Love in a camp, or Patrick in Prus- sia ; The doldrum, or 1803. OKEN, L. Abriss des Systems der Biologic. Got- tingen, 1S05. 10 3879.27 Allgcmcine Naturgeschichte fur alle Stande. Stuttgart, 1833-43. 7v. in 14. 8. Abbild. . *3814.6,7 Contents. Vol. I. Mincralogio und Geognosie, bc- arbcitet von F. A. Walclmer. II.- V. Botanik. VI.- XIII. Thierrcich. XL Viigel. XII.-XIII. Saiige- Shelf. No. OKEN, L. continued. Uebcr die Bedeutung der Schadelknochcn. Jena, 1807. pp.18. 4 *3885.2 Elements of physio-philosophy. Tr. by A. Tulk. London, 1847. 8. [Ray society] .*3824.12 Erste Ideen zur Theorie der Finsterniss, des Lichts, der Farben, und der Wa'rme. Jena, 1808. pp.46. 4 *3920.24 Grundzeichnung des natiirlichen Systems der Erze. Jena, 1809. pp.40. 4 *3SG2.5 Lehrbucb. der Naturgeschichte. Leipzig, 1813-26. 3v. in 6. 8 3814.5 Naturgeschichte fur Schulen. Lpz. 1821. 8. 3832.4 Ueber das Universum, als Fortsetzung des Sinnensystems. Jena, 1808. pp.46. 4 . . *3604.3 Ueber den Werth der Naturgeschichte. Jena, 1809. pp.18. 4" *3832.7 Die Zeugung. Bamberg* 1805. 8 38SC.15 and Kieser, D. G. Beitrage zur vergleich. Zoologie, Anatomie und Physiologic. Bain- berg und WUrzb. 1806-7. 2v. in 1. 4 ... *3885.7 OKES, T. V. Spina bifida, with remarks on Aber- nethy's method of treatment. Cambridge, 1810. 8" *M.Pph.v.ll9 OLAUS Magnus. See Magnus, O. OLBERS, H. W. M. Dissertatio inauguralis phys- iologica de oculi mutationibus internis. Gottingae, n.d. 8 *M.Pph.v.l04 Die Methode die Bahn dues Cometen zu berechnen. Weimar, 1797. 8 **E. 188.15 OLCOTT, T. W. Address before the Albany phre- nological society, 1840. Alb. 1840. 8" . *Pph.v.ll7 OLD age. Bernard, T. Comforts of 2509.21 Carlisle, A. Disorders of 3767.10 Cicero, M. T. Desenectute 29v>s.ir> - Essay on 2928.27 Parker, T. Sermon on 3443.2 Scudder, J. Diseasesof M.Pph.v.4,66 See also : Longevity. OLDCASTELL, Sir Johan, lord Cobham, Brcfe chronycle conccrnynge. See Kale, J. . . . 2447.1 OLD English baron, by C. Reeve. [Ballantyne. Novelist's library, v. 5] 2573.1 OLD English plays. London, 1814, 15. 6v. 8. . *2607.l Content*. Vol. I. The tragical history of Dr. Faus- tu?, by Christopher Marlowe; Lust's dominion, or the lascivious queen, by Christopher Marlowe, a tragedy; A pleasant conceited comedy, called Mother Bombie, by John Lyly ; Midas, a comedy, by John Lyly. IL Endymion, or the man in the moon, by John Lyly, a comedy; History of Antonio and Mcllinda, by John Mnrston ; What you will, a comedy, by John Mars- ton ; Parasitaster, or the fawn, a comedy, by John Marston. III. The wonder of a kingdom, a comedy, by Thomas Dekker ; The pleasant comedy of Old Fortunatus, by Thomas Dekker; Bussy D'Ambois, a tragedy, by George Chapmaji ; Monsieur D'Olive, a comedy, by George Chapman. IV. May day, a com- edy, by George Chapman ; The Spanish gipsy, a comedy, by T. Middleton and W. Rowley ; The changeling, a tragedy, by T. Middletou and W. Row- ley; More dissemblers besides women, a comedy, by T. Middleton. V. Women beware women, a trag- edy, by T. Middleton : A trick to catch the old one, a comedy, by T. Middleton ; A new wonder, a woman never vext, a comedy, by W. Rowley ; Appius and Virginia, a tragedy, by J. Webster. VI. The Thra- cian wonder, a comical history, by J. Webster and W. Kowley ; The English traveller, a tragi-comedy, by Thomas Hcywood ; Royal king and loyal subject, a tragi-comedy, by Thomas Hey wood; A challenge for beauty, a tragi-coraedy, by Thomas Hcywood. OLD farm gate, The : stories and poems. Coe, R. 2399.47 OLD Redstone, or historical sketches of western presbyterianism. Smith, J 3544.7 OLD religion demonstrated. Goodman, J. . . . 3446.34 OLD South church, Boston, History of the. Wis- ner, B. B 2354.7 OLDEGARIUS. Epistoke et charta. [Migne. Pa- trologisev.172] 3470.1 OLDELLI, G. A. Dizionario degli uomini illustri del canton Ticino [e continuazione]. Lu- gano, 1807-11. 2v.ini. 4 *2160.18 OLDENBUKG. Chronicon monasterii Aldenb. . . 2821.5 OLDFIELD 584 ONDERDONK Shelf. No. OLDFIELD, II. G., and Dyson, R. R. History of the parish of Tottenham high cross. Lon- don, 1790. 12 2499.19 OLDFIELD, T. II. B. History of the boroughs of Great Britain. London, 1792. 3v. 8 . . . 2514.5 OLDHAM.J. Works, with remains. Lond. 1686. 8. *2578.3 OLDJIIXON, J. British empire in America. Lon- don, 1708. 2v. 8 2317.9 Clarendon and Whitloek compar'd. London, 1727. 12 *2410.2 Critical history of England, [with] notice of Echard, and objections to Burnet. 2d ed. [with] a review of Dr. Z. Gray's Defence, etc. London, 1726-30. 2v. 12 *2419.1 History of Carolina, [extracted from the Brit- ish empire in America.] [Carroll. Hist. coll. of S.Carolina, v. 2] 2375.1 OLDS, G. S. Facts relative to [his] appointment [as] professor of chemistry in Middlebury college. Greenfield, [1818]. 8 *Pph.v.47 OLDYS, F. Life of Thomas Pain, with a defence of his writings. 2d ed. London, 1791. 8. 2342.18 OLDYS, W. The British librarian, a review of scarce and valuable books. Lond. 1738. 8.*2155.10 OLEAR[conteenproseeten vers]. Paris, 1840. 8. 2002.5 OLEARIUS, A. Bcschreibung der muscowitischen und persischenReyse. Schleszwig, 1050. f. *3001.1 Voyages en Moscovie, Tartarie, et Perse, traduits par De Wicquefort. Nouv. ed. Amsterdam, 1727. f *3020.9 OLECKANON, Observations on the fracture of the. Sheldon, J M.Ppb.v.56 OLEY, B. Life of G. Herbert Y.I of 2000.5 OLIVA. Sermo in iiatali S. Narcissi ; De conver- sione B. Afrac; Epistolae; Vicensis cccle- siae consecratio. [Migne. Patrol, v. 142] . 3400.21 OLIVA, P. A. Histoire du Perou, tr. par H. Ter- naux-Compans. Paris, 1857. 10 2319.10 OLIVE branch, The. Carey, M 3043.28 - The new olive branch. Carey, M 3053.1 OLIVER, A. Essay on comets. Salem, 1772. 8. **E.224.8, *Pph.v.273,330 - Same. See Winthrop, J. . . .3929.25, E.ls'J.19 OLIVER, B. L,, and Currie, W. Letters on the kinepox. Philadelphia, 1802. 8. . *M.Pph.v.l01 OLIVER, lion. Daniel, of Boston, b. 1004, d. 1732. Sermon [on] the death of. See Prince, T. . 3458.02 OLIVER, Daniel, oflioston, b. 1703, d. 1727. Sermon on the death of. [Prince. Sermons, v.l] . 3458.09 OLIVER, Daniel, esq., of Aliddleborough, Mass., b. 1738, d. 1708. Funeral sermon on. See Conant, S 3455.33 OLIVER, Prof. Daniel. First lines of physiology. Boston, 1835. 8 3702.10 [Inaugural address] delivered in the chapel of Dartmouth college. Concord, 1825. 8 . *M.Pph.v.89 OLIVER, JI/rs.E. Sermon on the death of. [Prince. Sermons, v.l] 3458.69 OLIVER, George, of Exeter. Biography of the Scotch, English, and Irish members of the society of Jesus. London, 1845. 8. ... 3536.5 Ecclesiastical antiquities in Devon. Exeter, 1840-42. 3v. in 1. 8 2494.8 Historic collections relating to monasteries in Devon. Exeter, 1820. 8. [Extracted from the Monasticon dioecesis Exoniensis]. *2494.13 Monasticon dkecesis Exoniensis. Exeter, 1846. f *2520.3 OLIVER, George, vicar of Clee. History and an- tiquities of Bcverley, in the county of York. Beverley, 1820. 4 *2402.1 OLIVER, H. K. Construction and use of mathe- matical instruments. Boston, 1830. 12. . 7019.10 OLIVER, L. Cases relating to railways and canals. Nicholl, H. 1 3095.1 OLIVER, Peter, chief justice of Mass. bay. Scrip- ture lexicon. New cd. Oxford, 1810. 8 . 3433.8 Speech delivered in the court house at Ply- mouth, after the death of Isaac Lothrop. Boston, 1750. pp.12. sm.4 *2348.7 Shelf. No. OLIVER, Peter. Puritan commonwealth reviewed. See Thornton, J. W 2321.18 OLIVER Oldschool, pseud. See Dennie, J. OLIVERI, C. Ino e Temisto, tragedia. [Teatro moderno applaudito, v.17] 2708.1 OLIVI, G. Zoologia Adriatica. Bassano, 1792. 4. *3903.2 OLIVIER, G. A. Voyage dans 1'empire othoman et la Perse. Paris, 1800-7. 6v. 8, atlas 4. *30S4.1 Dictionnaire de 1'histoire naturclle des in- sectes. See Encyclopedic methodique. v.4 of A.157.4 OLLENDORFF, H. G. Method of learning a lan- guage in six months. Frankf.aM.1843. 12. 7079.47 OLLIVIER, C. P. Traitd de la moelle epiniere. 2e <5d. Paris, 1827. 2v. 8 3801.24 OLMSTED, D. Compendium of natural philoso- phy. New Haven, 1833. 8 3963.5 Memoir of J. Treadwell. Bost.1843. 8 . *Pph.v.l29 Oration before the Connecticut Alpha of the Phi Beta Kappa. New Haven, 1827. 8. *Pph.v.69 On the recent secular period of the aurora borealis. [Smithsonian contrib. v. 8, art. 3.] 3340.1 OLSHAUSEN, H., Ebrard, J. H. A., and Wiesinger, L. A. Commentary on the New Testament. 1st American ed. rev. by A. C. Kendrick. [With] the genuineness of the N.T.,transl. by D. Fosdick, jr. N. Y. 1857-58. Ov. 8. *3424.1 OLSIIAUSEN, T. Das Mississippi-Thai und [des- sen] einzelne Staaten geogr. und statist. beschrieben. Kiel, 1853-55. 3v. in 2. 8. 2364.10 OLTOLINA, C. A. Sestine. [Collezione delle mig- liori opere in dialetto milan. v.9] 4769a.5 OLYMPIODORUS Thebaeus. Excerpta. See Dex- ippus, P. H T.14of 2909.1 See Fragmenta hist. Grsec. v.4 3002.11 OLYMPUS. See Fragm. hist. Graec. v.3 3002.11 OMALICS d'Halloy, J. J. d'. Introduction a la ge- ologic, et Clemens de geologic. [Avec atlas.] Seed. Bruxelles, 1838. 2v. 8. Atlas, obi. 4.*3861.18 OMENTUM, Use of the. Rush, J. . . . *M.Pph.v.04, 118 OMXIAXA. See Southey, R 2559.18 ONAGRA. Memoire sur la famille dea onagraires. Candolle, A. P. de 3842.11 ONDERDONK, B. T. The church, the faith, tradi- tion: a sermon. New York, 1844. 8" . *Pph.v.l37 Pastoral letter to the clergy and people of his spiritual charge. Reprint. Albany, 1844. [No title-page.] 8 *Pph.v.l37 Sermon at the funeral of Rt. Rev. J. H. Ho- bart. New York, 1830. 8 *Pph.v.83 [Appeal from the sentence of the bishop of New York, in behalf of his diocese.] New York, 1845. 8 *Pph.v.l43 [Bishop and court at the bar of public opin- ion. ByLaicus.] New York, 1845. 8.*Pph.v.l43 [Is the diocese of N. Y. vacant ?] [No title- page.] 8 *Pph.v.l01 [Letter to bishop O., by Washington Plebs, esq., followed by an epistle to Rev. S. H. Tyng.] New York, 1843. 8 .*Pph.v.l32 [No church without a bishop. Examination of bp. Onderdonk by a high churchman.] Boston, 1845. 8" *Pph.v.l43 [Report of the committee appointed to con- sider the sentence upon bp. O.] N. Y. 8.*Pph.v.l43 [Review of the proceedings at the sixty-first annual convention.] New York, 1840. 8.*Pph.v.l52 [Review of the trial of bp. Onderdonk, from the Buffalo commercial advertiser. Buffalo, 1845.] 8 *Pph.v.l43 [Richmond in ruins : or, a wit by folly van- quished, being the laugh of a layman.] New York, 1845. 8 *Pph.v.l43 [Richmond's pamphlets reviewed: or the priest of Cedar grove called to order. By a South Carolinian.] New York, 1845. 8.*Pph.v.l43 [Statement of facts and circumstances con- nected with the recent trial.] New York, 1845. 8 *Pph.T.143 [Verdict sustained at the bar of public opin- ion. By a spectator.] N. Y. 1845. 8 . *Pph.v.l43 ONDEKDONK 585 OPUSCOLI Shelf. No. ONDERDONK, B. T. continued. Jay, J. Facts connected with the present- ment of Pph.v.143 SIcade, W. Reply to bp. O's statement . Pph.v.143 Meads, O. What ought the diocese to do ? Pph.v.143 Richmond, J. C. Conspiracy against the late bishop unravelled Pph.v.143 - Defeace of the ladies against the bishop ofMaryland Pph.v.143 - Reply to the statement of bp. O. . . Pph.v.143 Trapier, P. Facts which led to the present- ment of Pph.v.143 Trial of. See Protestant-episcopal church . 3540.4 ONDERDONK, H. U. Dissertation on stone in the bladder. New York, 1810. 8 ... . *M.Pph.v.2 Sermon at the funeral solemnities in honor of [W. II. Harrison], the late president of the United States. Philadelphia, 1841. 8 . *Pph.v.l21 [Decision of the bishops who united in the consecration of n. U. Onderdonk.] Phila- delphia, 1827. 8 *Pph.v.69 ONDEKDONK, J. Inaugural address delivered be- fore the medical society of the county of New York. New York, 1825. 8 . . *M.Pph.v.l3 ONEIDA county, N. T. Annals and recollections of. Jones, P 2371.17 ONE6TA, or characteristics of the red race of America. Schoolcraft, H. R 2366.7 ONESICRITUS Astypalseensis. See Geier, R. Alex- andri M. hist, script 2963.10 ONESIMUS. See Fragm. hist. Graec. v.3 3002.11 ONGARO, A. Alceo, favola di pescatori. [Par- naso italiano, v.24] 2769.2 ONOMACRITUS. See Elton, C. A. Specimens of the classic poets, v.l 2963.14 ONONDAGA, Historical sketches. Clark, J. V. H 2371.18 ONOSANDER. Strategicus, cum vers. Gallica de Zur Lauben. Cura N. Schwebelio. Norim- bergse, 1757-02. f *2990.2 ONTOLOGY. Dell' ontologia e del metodo. Ma- miani, T 3609.27 OPELIUS, C. See Scheffer, J. OPERA. Algarotti, F. Saggio sopra 1'opera in musica. [Opere, v.l] 2789.3 - Versuche iiber die musical isclie Opera . . 4059.9 Fink, G. W. \Vcsen und Geschichte der Oper 4056.12 Lindner, E. O. Die erstc stehende deutsche Oper 4043.10 OPERATIONSPLAN dcr Preussich-sachsischen Ar- mee im Jahr 1806. Weimar, 1807. 8 ... 2824.13 OPHELION. See Poet. com. Graec. fragm *3002.14 OPHTHALMIC surgery. See Eye. OPIE, J. Lectures on painting. London, 1832. pp.64. 8 V.4 of *4072.2 OPINIONS of a layman on the method of treating the marriage of a deceased wife's sister. New York, 1827. 8 *Pph.v.68 OPIUM. Crumpe, S. Nature and properties of. 3786.3 Whytt, R. Experiments on living and dying animals, with M.Pph.v.48 Wilson, D. Morbid effects of O. upon the human body M.Pph.v.27 OPIUM eater, Confessions of an. De Quincey, T. 2548.22 OPIUM trade in India and China. Allen, N. . . . 3651.7 OPIUM trade with China, Iniquities of the. Thel- wall, A. S 3578.3 OPPEL, M. Die Ordnungen, Familien, und Gat- tungen der Rcptilien. Munchen, 1811. sm. 4 3875.6 OPPIANUS. De venatione, de piscatione, cum para- phrasi Gr. de aucupio. Gr. et Lat. Cur. J. G. Schneider. Argentorati, 1776. 8" ... 2994.16 Quae supersunt. See Poetae bucoliei et di- dactici 3002.15 See Elton, C. A. Specimens of the classic poets, v.3 2963.14 Scholia in Oppianum 3002.16 OPTATIAJTUS. See Porphyrius, P. Optatianus. Shelf. No. OPTATUS, St. Praefatio Dupinii ; Historia Donatis- tarum ; Geographia sacra Africa? ; Optatus de schismate Donatistarum ; Praefationes et adnotationes Balduini; Albaspinsei obser- vationes. [Migne. Patrologiae v.ll] . . . 3440.8 See Guillon, M. N. S. Bibliotheque des peres. v.6 of 3499.30, v.5 of 3508.2 OPTICS. Beer, A. Einleituug in die hohere Optik. 3920.34 Biot, J. B. Mouvements des molecules de la lumiere autour de leur centre de gravite. E. 191. 18 Bouguer, P. Gradation do la lumiere . . . . 3020.23 Cauchy, A. L. Sur la theorie de la lumiere. E.166.2 Coddington, H. Elementary treatise on . E . 170 7 Dove, H. W. Optische Studien 3920.35 Farrar, J. Experimental treatise on . . E. 211. 22 Lloyd, H. Elements of 3920.33 - Treatise on light and vision E. 214. 11 Malus, E. L. Theor. do la double refraction. E.192.4 Potter, R. Elementary treatise on 3920.30 Powell, B. Elementary treatise on 3920.31 Reflections, refractions, inflections, and col- ors of light. [Newton. Opera, v. 4] . . . 3911.1 Smith, R. Cours complet d'optique 3920.22 Wood, J. Elements of E. 176.0 See also : Aberration. Colors, Light, Microscope, Refraction, Spectacles, Telescope, Vision. OPUSCOLI di autori Sicilian!. Catania and Pal- ermo, 1758-78. 20v. in 10. 4 *4764.l Contents. Vol. I. Friderici de Carretto: Opuscu- lum de expulsione Ugonis de Moncadai Opusculum de bcllo Africano; Discorso sopra la Fata Morgana di Messina, del pad. Dom. Giardina, colle note del Big. Andrea Gallo : Due lettere sopra un antico sarcof'ago in marrao, e sopra 1'aseia sepolcrale, del p. Salvad. M. di Blasi; Diomi Amenanii jEtnci pastoris de mannoreo anaglypho epistola ; Notizie della famiglia Venti- miglia passata da Palermo nella citta di Benevento, dal dot. Domenico Schiavo; Idillio in lode di S. Gaetano Tiene, da Nicola Paterno. II. L'eqniti della natura, discorso di Giambattista Odierna da Bagusa; De ecclesiastical historian in theologia auc- toritate, atque usu, praefatio Fr. Alexandri de Bur- gos ; Discorso acadcmico del Vincenzo Lionti ; Ragionamento del Salradorc Felice Stagno eopra 11 nascimento dell' isola di Vulcano ; Augustini Giufl'rida ad Joscphum Ferdinandum filium vario- larura disquisitio ; Discorso intorno la necessita di formare una storia ecclesiaslica Pcragina del P. D. Gianvaugelista di Blasi ; Discorso sul buon uso della ragione fatto da S. Tomaso d' Aquino a bene- flzio della teologia del sac. dot. Fr. Car! ; Dissertazione istorica sopra del titolo di Re di Gcrusaleramc del p. d. M. del Giudice ; Dissertazione istorica del ducato di Atene, e di Neopatria uuito alia corona ui Sicilia del signer Fr. Serio ; Sistema astronomico per gli abitanti de' piancti, canzone del P. D. Salvadore Maria di Blasi. III.-[VI.J H diritto della succcs- sione rcale nel regno di Sicilia del aw. G. Sarri; Ni- colai Tcdeschi diatriba de numismatum originc ; Spie- gazione di un idolo di marmo fattadal sign. A. Gallo; Dissertazione sopra due idoli marmorei fattada Giu- seppe Allegranza; Lcttera di Roraualdo Benedetto sulla famiglia del Carretto j Delle acque acidole di Paterno da Giuseppe di Gregorio ; Sonetti del sign. Giuseppe Ant. de Espinosa. IV. De setate B. Grc- gorii, dissertatio Johannis Lanccn ; Di la vinuta di lu re Japicu in Catania, notizia di Atanasiu di Aci (scritta 1'anno 1287) ; Antiche fabbriche nel littorale di Sicilia dal sac. dot. D. Schiavo; Rosario Bisso de jurisprudentia polemica ad jus naturale revocauda ; Omelia del pontefice S. Leone, tradotta da Cesare Gaetani. V. Rosar. Bisso jurisprudentia polemica ex Jacobi Cujacii consultationibus; Sopra la variazi- one de'venti dclsig. Salvad. Paparcuri. VI. Josephus de Gregorio, Synopsis historica de acad. medic. Pan- hormitana ; Sull' antica zccca di Scicli da Antonio Carioti; Memorie della vita letteraria, e de' viaggi di Pietro Ranzano, da Valentino Barcellona; Gae- tani, sovra uu antico idoletto di creta ; Salvadore M. di Blasi, della necessita de' studj in un monastcro di solitudinc ; Andreas Gallo observatio lunaris eelip- 6is 1701; Andrese Noli chronologia Sicula. VII. Della professione, e culto di S. Nicasio martire da Vin- cenzo Venuti; Della cattolica religione ncl rcgnodi Sicilia nel dominio de' Saracini, di Antonino Mongi- tore; Domenico Schiavo: Notizie di Antonio Panor- mita ; Jos. de Gregorio : Epistola de notatu dignis regalis Fanh. mcdicorum acadcmia;; Topografla dell* isola di tlstica da Andrea Pigonati; Epistola jEneaa Jordan! de te&eo monumento ; O. De la Torre: OPUSCOLI 586 OPUSCOLI Shelf. No. OPUSCOLI di autori Sicilian!, continued. Orazione per 1'esalt. al trono del Ferdinando ive, e capitolo di A. de la Torre. VHI., [X., XL, XIII., XV., XVIII.] Francesco Maria Emanuele e Gastani, marches.; di Villabianca: Notizie storiche degli an- tichiuffizj di Sicilia; Andrea Gallo: Sopra un antico calice d'osso; Ragion. di D. Schiavo per la crczione della pubblica libreriadi Palermo; Ideadi Una rac- colta delle antichita di Sicilia da Gabriele Lancillotto Castello i Diomo Amenanio, De' testacei montani della Sicilia, con un saggio della opinione di Anton Lazzaro Moro; Descrizione della Sicilia cavata da un libro arabico di Scherif Elidris, corrcdata da Fran- cesco Tardiaj Joseph Jacobus ex marchionibua Tes- taferrata de insula Melitensi ecloga singularis. IX. P. Ranzani opusc. de auctore et primordiis Panhormi ; Vincenzo Gaglio girgentino : D'un villaggio con- cesso a' vescovi di Girgenti ; Domenico Schiavo : Di varj punti di storia letteraria di Sicilia ; Francesco Pasqualino : Trattato delle api. IX. [X., XIV., XX.] Salvadore Maria di Blasi: Notizie di libri di prime etampe. IX. Viti Xavcrii carmen in funere Joseph! Lucchesii. X. Delia credenza, e culto de' demonj presso i gentili, ragionamento del sign. A. Gallo ; L'eta dell' oro, di Bernardo Bonajuto. XL Dis- corso per 1'apcrtura della nuova libreria del monas- tero di S. Martino di Palermo, recitato da Gian Evan- gelista di Blasi ; Gio. Francesco Buonamici : Delle glossopietre di Malta, c del Gozzo. XI. [ XVO Corre- zioni edaggiuntedi Gabriele Lancillotto Castello alia Sicilia numismatica di Filippo Paruta pubblicata da Sigberto Avcrcampio; Dissertazione eopra un' iscri- zione agrigeutina de' tempi di mezzo, dell' aw. Vine. Gaglio; Piano del codice diploinatico del commcrcio di Sicilia di Vincenzo Emmanuele Sergio; Canzone diGiachiuo Monroyper 1'apertura della nuova libre- ria del monastero di San Martino della Scale. XII. Rclazione della nuova librcriadel Gregoriano monas- tero di S. Martino delle Scale e dell' accadcmia fatta per 1'apertura di cssa, del bibliotecario S. M. di Blasi; Discorsodi Francesco Emmanuele Cangiamila, della vita degli aunegati; Giovanni Meli: Degli cflfetti del veleno d'un ragnatello ; Joannis Francisci Vitalig de laudibus imperia;, epigramma. XIII. Giuseppe Vinci: Lettera nelle quale si recano due antichi docu- ment! per le diocesi dell' archimandrita, e dell' arci- vescovo di Messina ; Tommaso Natale : Delle pene dalle leggi minacciate; Lettera di Vincenzo Gaglio girgentino per servir di risposta alle notizie de' lette- rati, Num. VII, di Andrea Rapetti; Tre inni di Giano Vitale. XIV. Giovanni Carbonajo: Dell' cstrazione del feto vivente; Ignazio Paternd, sopra un piombo del concilio di Basilea; Vincenzio Gaglior Sopra un antico sarcofago di marmo; Cesare Gaetani : Para- frasi del Salmo xcvu. XV. Salvadore Maria di Blasi: Breve ragguaglio del inuseo del monastero di 8. Martino ; Giuseppe Caflsi : Relazione degli efietti d'un fiero turbine nella terra della Favara in Sicilia 1772; Ignazio Cartella: De' pregi della citta di Taor- mina ; Girolamo Pistorio : De' monument! cgizi della citta di Catania; Girolamo Settimo: Delia sov- ranita de' re di Sicilia ; Foedus Persei et Minerva?, melos musicum concinendum, Josepho Mantineo authore. XVI. Piombi antichi mercantili disserta- zione accademica da Cesare Gaetani! Viti Coco: De veteri Catinaa ritu circa missara et eucharistiam ; Sul- lo scritto di Carbonajo int. all' estraz. del feto vivente, di Pepi ; Gianbatista Bisso : Sull' anno della morte di Santa Rosa dl Viterbo; Spiegazione del tari d'oro, moneta di Sicilia, da Domenico Schiavo, dirizzata al Gian Rinaldo Carli; Delle zecchc, e delle moncte dclregnodi Sicilia, di Gabriele Lancillotto; Michael Drayton : Sonetto LIV, tradotto da Michele Cal- cagni. XVII. Vincenzio Gaglio girgentino: Della Sicilia sotto la repubblica e sotto gP imperadori di Roma; Roeario Bisso; De jurisprudentiffi, ct dialec- tics arnica conjunctione ; Ignazio Lucchese-Palli de Villa Rosata: Delle vere, e dritte idee dell' onore ; Salvadore Maria de Blasi : Denonnullis inscriptioni- bus Martiniani musei; Raffaele Drago: Parafrasidel popule meus. XVIII. Ragionamento di Vincenzo Malerba sopra la tortura; Dissertazione istorico-crit- ica sulla morte di S. Tommaso d'Aquino di Carlo Santacolomba ; Discorso istorico-critico intorno all* origine della citta di Taormina di Lorenzo Gcta Cara- ciolli ; Ignazio Paterno Castello : Del suone delle campane all' elevazione dell' ostia ; Pub. Scbast. Bagolini: Copa. XIX. Francesco de Blasi: Delia cguulita, e disugguaglianza degli uoniini ; Vincenzo Gaglio : Lettera di V. Gaglio al Sig. Pepi e risposta di V. A. I.ombardo alle rifless. di Pepi sull' estra- zione del feto vivente ; Andrea Gallo : Dell' antico tea- tro di Tavormina; Cesare Gaetani: Osservazioni sovra un antico cameo ; Xaverii Guardi : Idyllium in obitu Francisci Tardioe. XX, Dell' inegualita naturale fra Shelf. No. OPCSCOLI dl autori siciliani, continued. gli uomini, del signorPepi; Notizie di tre mezzi-rili- regidi marmo bianco; Cesare Gaetani: Della camera evinale di Sicilia; Giovanni Meli: Eraclitu, clcgia. OPUSCOLI inediti o rari di classic! o approvati scrittori. Race, della soc. poligraflca ita- liana. Tomoprimo. Firenze, 1844. 12". . 4777.7 OPUSCOLI letterarii. Bologna, 1818-20. 3v. 4 . . *2792.2 Contents. Vol. I. Bianconi: Sopra alcune medaglie urbiche ; Brani: Delia Magna Grecia, e della scuola italica; Dello stato politico della repubblica cartagi- nese ; Orioli: Su due toscani monumenti d'ordine dorico; Sull' origine de' numeri estruschi, e romani, e sulP infissione solenne del chiodo annale in Roma, cd in Etruria; Su Voltumna, divinita principale degli Etruschi; Sopra una nuova formola sepolcrale de' medesimi ; Sopra il loro anno magno ; Alcune loro opinioni cosmogoniche; L' origine, e la durata del loro Impero; Schiassi: Sopra una cista mistica; De patera cospiana; Fava: Ricerche sullo stato delle belle arti al tempo di Omero ; Lama: Descrizione del tcatro farnese di Parma ; Tognetti : Discorso sui progress! della musica in Bologna; Strocchi: De vita, ct scriptis G. Garatonii ; Angelelli : Sopra un passo dell' Anti- gone di Sofocle ; Sopra alcuni passi dell' Elettra di Sofoclc; Garatoni : Excursus in Verrinas ; Pezzana: Lettera circa le cose dettedal Sig. A. L. Millin intorno la citta di Parma ; Saliua: Delle leggi Elia, e Fusia ; Bajetti: Discorso in lode della pocsia; Ruggia: De vi poeseos in saeram prsesertim eloquentiam ; Zanotti (F. M.): Lettere; Costa e Marchetti: Saggio di nuova traduzione d'Anacreonte; Zanotti, Giampietro: Son- etti. II. Bruni: Ricerche intorno alia lingua de' Pe- lasghi tirreni ; Cardinal!: Iscrizioni antiche inedite, con annotazioni ; Orioli: Delle iscrizioni sepolcrali ctrusche, e del tentativi che possono farsi per ispie- garle; Alia mcmoriasu due sepolcri d'Orcla del prof. Del-Rosso; Del-Rosso: Rilievi architettonici sopra i disegni di due monumenti sepolcrali dell' antica Or- cla; Vermiglioli: Di una singolare bassorilicvo plas- tico con testa di Medusa ; Lettera; Bianconi (Carlo) : Saggio di traduzione ed illustrazione di Vitruvio ; Fava Ghiailieri: Di alcune emendazioni, delle quali abbisogna la storia antica delle belle arti ; De Lama: Osservazioni sulla descrizione del teatro farnese del Sig. Blanchou ; Mezzofanti : Discorso in lode del padre Emanuele Aponte ; Schiassi: De laudibus Se- bastiani Cantcrzani; Strocchi: Elogio delcav. Ennio QuirinoVisconti; Tognetti: Elogio del capitano Fran- cesco de' Marchi, architetto militare ; Angelelli: Let- tera sopra alcuni passi dell' Ajace di Sofocle ; Cave- doni : Observationcs in Pindarum ; Domenico Fabri : Lettere famigliari ; Montefani-Caprara (Lodovico): Descrizione di Monte Biancano ; Rosselini : Osserva- zioni critiche sopra i due discorsi del conte consigliere Barbacovi.l'uno della pluralita de' euffragii nei giudizii civili, 1'altro delle decisioni delle cause dubbie j Mar- chetti: Canzone per Ennio Quirino Visconti; Ruggia: Mose esposto al Nilo, azione drammatica ; Tognetti: Lettera e versi intorno quegli scrittori italiani che slnccppano nella imitazione degli antichi. III. Bruni: Degli Etruschi e della loro favella ; Del rcstauramento delta lingua in Italia dopo la distruzione dell' impero d'occidente; Cardinal!: Iscrizioni antiche inedite; Fe- ruzzi: Inscriptiones; Masacci:Iscrizionc; Orioli: De* popoli Raseni od Etrusci ; Fava Ghisilieri : Sulle emendazioni alia storia delle belle arti ; Benigni: Sulla vera cpoca della prima edizione della gramma- tica di Sulpizio Verulano, eseguita in Perugia ; Brig- henti: Elogio di Matteo Babini ; GrilH Rossi: Delle lodi di Ferdinando Antonio Ghedini, poeta lirico bo- lognese ; Pornpilio Pozzctii: La vita di Francesco Guicciardini ; Tognetti : Cenno biografico del padre D. Pornpilio Pozzetti ; Vermiglioli: Elogio d'Ignazio Danti Perugino ; Domenico Fabri: Continuazione delle lettere famigliari ; Marsigli: Dissertazione pro- blematica se la geometria, cd il suo metodo applicato a tutti i rami dell' umano sapere abbia giovato, o pre- giudicato ai pvogressi delle scienzc ; Colombo: Trat- tatelli dalla lingua malabarica tradotti nell' italiana; Benedetti Forestieri: Volgarizzamento delle clegie prima, e terza del primo libro di Tibullo; Mastroflni: Saggio di poesia didascalica ; Peruzzi: Saggio di una nuova traduzione di tre poeti, Catullo, Tibullo, e Pro- perzio ; Tognetti: Prefazione ed alcune poesie, ivi raecolte, di academic"! felsinei ; Schiassi : De historia Mirandulana a Pompilio Pozzetti illustrata; De Vlys- sis Aldrovandi in studio antiquitatis prestantia. OPUSCOLI scelti sulle scienze, e sulle arti, tratti dagli atti delle accademie. Amoretti, C. . 3914.1 OPUSCOLI scientific!. Bologna, 1817-23. 4v. 4 . *3911.5 Contents. VoL I. Poggioli: Mcmoria della influ- enza che ha il raggio magnetico sulla vegetazione OPUSCOLI 587 ORBE Shelf: No. OPUSCOLI scientific!, continued. delle piantc; Orioli: Lettera sullo stesso argoraento; Giuseppe Venturoli: Sul pendolo id.-ometrir i; Sull" asta ritromctrica ! Sull' aricte idraulico ; Mugistrini; Riflcssioni sopra I'integrabilita delle cquazioni fon- daincnUli dell' idrodinamica ; Comphneuto di una regula di Giovanni Bernoulli perlarettificazione dell* ellisse; Pantogratb scenugrafico; Masetti: Problems agriraensorio sulla rettiticazione dei couflni. Coli: Analisi di una pietra in npparcnza tufacea; Contri: Rificssioni intorno all' uso dei concimi; Bcrtoloni: Observations botanicac; Poggioli: Sulla vastita. delle coguizioni botaniche di Federici Cesi ; Pianciani: Delle ossa fossili di M.ioguano nel territorio di Vi- terbo; Ranzani: Descrizione di un animale che ap- partiene ad un nuovo genere della classe degli anel- lidi ; Descrizione di una nuova specie del genere arcuicola di Lamark ; Descrizione di una nuova spocie del genere thalassema; Osservazioni su i bala- nidi; Savi: Osservazioni perservirc alia storia di una specie di iulus; Carlo Mondini : De arteriarum tuni- cis; Folchi: Sull' obliterazione del polmone; Rodati: In obnorrae sceleton fumiucum auimadversiones ; Gandulii: Sulla dcntizioue del susscrofa Lin.; La- Tagna giuuiore: Espcrienze sul sangue meustruo ; Orioli: Lettere critiche sul mesmerismo altrimenti magnetismo animate; Matteo Venturoli: Sulle raetag- ta-i ; TcruT-in'mi: Mcmoria dclla flgura, ampiezza, altczza, situazionc, ed asse dclla cavita deila pclvi; Atli : Utilita delle macchinc neila riduzione delle ossa lussate; Tommasini: Discorso della nccessita di unire in mcdicina la filosofla alia osservazione ; Delle f'cbhri contagiose e delle cpidemiche costituzioni ; Su la febbre petecchiale c la nuova dottrina me- dica ; De Mattlieis: Luttera al prof. Tommasini su la febbre petecchiale; Bclb: Lettera sopra analogo argoraento; Gozzi: Sopra 1'usodialeuni riraedj auri- ficiuclle melattie vencrec; Gandolfi: Cenni di con- fronto tra le malattie dell' uomo e dei bruti. II. Ori- oli: Osservazioni, ricerche, pensieri, su varii flsici argomenti ; Giuseppe Venturoli: Sull' elettdcita afr- mosferica; Oddi: Sopra alcune curve dipcudciiti dalle sezioni conichc; Bcrtini: Sulla livcllazinue barcme- trica ; Linotte: Sul nuovo raetodo di calcolare una superflcie qualunque misuraudone esternaraente il solo perimctro con la catena, ed npplicazione alia suliclita dei solid! ; Magistrini: Tentativo intorno ad un nuovo metodo di supplire all' azionc del vento neila navigazione ; Sulla divisions degli strumcnti circolari; Masetti: Risoluzione di alcuni problem! di Toltimetria; Poletti: Avvertenze circa 1'uso dell' asta ritrometrica; Ferrarini: Sopra i metodi di preparare alcuni rimedj aurifici ; Do* Brignoli: Dissertazione intornoallaclorite, o terra verde di Verona; Itunzani: Osservazioni sopra uu fossilc chiamato Sepite da Al- drovandi; Bcrtoloni: Rariorum Italia3 plantarum, de- cas quarta; Di alcune alghe dei mari d'ltnlia ; Kaddi: Novarum, vel rariorum ex cryptogamia tirpiura in agro Florcntino collectarum decades dua;; Rauzani: Osscrvazioni su i balanidi; Descrizione di un pesce, che apparticnc ad un nuovo genere dclla famiglia dei tcnioidi di Cuvicr; Osservazioni sul limulo polifcmo; Tomtnasini : Dclla dignita dclla mcdicina in Italia; Medici: Espcrienze intorno alia tessitura organica dclla ossa ; Rodati: Animadversiones in proepura- tiones osseas musei pathologic! univ. Bononiensis \ Mondini: Osscrvazioni sul nero pigmento dell' occhio. Fermiuelli: Riflessionisull' ufficio attribuito dal Santi al punto soemeringiano ; Comelli: Relazione dclle esperienze comparative fatte col tartaro stibiato, e coll'acquado lauro ceraso nei conigli ; Gozzi: Fine delle annotazioni sopra 1'uso di alcuni rimedj aurifici; Lavagna giuniore: Sull' inclinaziono dell' utero gra- vido; Folchi: Sulla petecchiale, che ha regnato in Roma nell' anno 1817; De Mattheis: Lettera seconda, sulla febre petecchiale.e sulla nuova dottrina mcdica; Tommasini :Riposta alia lettera suddetta; Gandolfi : Su i temperamenti degli animali domestici. IIL Amici: Sopra le camere lucide; Coli: Ricerche ana- litiche sulle ossa di bue cd esperieuze sulla fosfores- cenza delle mcdesime ; Boldi: Usi della geomctria elemcntare cstesi alle curve discontinue ; Masetti: Ricerca ed unalisi di quattro curve algebraiche dipen- dcntidallaparabolac dal circolo; Linotte: Sull'origine di alcune curve che si usauo neila costruzione dei bas- timenti da gnerra, e loro applicazione ngli archi dei ponti e delle volte ncgli edifizj; Magistrini: Nuova forma e nuovi usi dell'ariete idraulico; Masetti: Ri- cerche analitiche di alcune formole atte a dctermi- nare le dimension! de' muri, che sostengono la spiuta delle terre; Magistriui: Discorso in lode di Luigi La- grange; Bertoloni: Sopra due specie nuove di piante italianc; Piaute del Brasilc descritte; Raddi: Synop- sis fllicum Brasiliensium; Bertoloni: Sopra 1'erbario, ed una lettera del Cesalpino; Contri: Sperienze ed Shelf. No, OPUSCOLI scientific!, continued. Osservazioni intorno all* uso dclla macchina propoata dal sig. Christian per preparare la cauapa seuza ma- cerazione ; Ranzani: Considerazioni sul genere ele- done di Leach, e sul modo di dcterminarne le specie; Considerazioni sui molluschi cefalopedi che si tro- vano dentro le conchiglie denominate Argonaut! ; Savj: Osservazioni sulP iulus fcetidissimus ; Alessau- drim: SuH'inviluppi del feto dclla phoca bicolor; Medici: Considerazioni intorno alia tessitura organica delle ossa; Mondiui: Osscrvazioni intorno agl' invi- luppl del feto umano, e di alcuni feti di altri mammi- feri; Medici: Commentario intorno alia vita; Emil- iani: Osscrvazioni intorno le natural! cd indecliiiabili progression"! od aumenti delle malattie ; Rodati: In praeparationes myo-pathologicas musci Bononiensis nuimadversiones; Emiliani: Storia d'un tifo petecchi- ale; Storia mcdica d'un caso raro d'idrofobia; Folchi: Riflessioni sulla diagnosi della carditide e pericardi- tide; Tommasini: Storia d'una gravissima entente; Questione fisiologico-legale intorno alia vitabilita di un feto settimestre estratto colla operazione cesarea ; Atti : Del modo di trattare le fistole sali- vali ; Matteo Venturoli : Della riproduzione delle parli del corpo umano; Termanini: Della situazione del feto nell' utero. IV. Masetti: Proprieta geometri- che, e meccaniche di alcune curve trascendcnti ; Magistrini: Nuove ricerche sulln teorica, c sulle pra- tiche npplicazioni della percossa idrauhca; Masetti: Appendice alia memoria sulla spinta dclle terre; Sul pendolo idrometrico i Santagata: Sull' importanza dclla chimiea; Raimondi: Sulla sal ubrita dell' aria di Comacchio; Bacchelli: Dclle due principal'! malattio del riso.il earolo, ed il eecchereccio ; Prandi: Descri- zione di uno nuovo seminatore ; Targioni : Di alcuni prodotti natural! del territorio di Colle in Valdessa, di S. Gimignano, e di Volterra ; Molina : Osserv. sulla nsica costituzione, esu i prodotti mineral! dclla mou- tagna bologncse; Raddi: Di alcune specie di pcro indiano [psidium Lin.] ; Bertoloni: Exccrpta de re herbaria ; Lucubrationes de re herbaria ; Ranzani: Sulla dentatura di una focaaventro bianco; Osser- razioni intorno ad una jena; Vander Linden: Agri- ones Bononieusea descripta; ; ./Eshnoe Bononicnsca descripta;; Cerioli: Elogio etorico di Gaspare Asellio; Mondini: Cenni intornoal versamento dclla bile ncll* intcstino duodcno; RoJati: In prxparationcs splan- chno-pathologicas musci Bononieusis animadver- siones; Synopsis affectionum organicarum in musei pathologic! pracparationibus adhuc descriptis palam seofferentium; Medici: Continuazione del commen- tario intorno alia vita; Della utilita, e della bellczza dello studio della fisiologia; Emiliani: Tesi sull in- fiammazionc ; Rime: Sul pcrfezionamentn del pro- cesso operative per 1'estirpax.ione dei testicoli scirrosi; Tommasini: Prospetto del risultamenti oiteuuti neila clinica mcdica dclla universitadi Bologna nel corso di un triennio; Sul metodo di curare, sull' inscgna- mento medico-clinico, e sopra alcuui utabilimenti di pubblica benencenza in Inghiltcrra. ORACLES. Clavier, . Oracles des anciens. v.3 of 3076. :j Dale, A. van. De oraculis veterum ethni- corum dissertationes duae 3488.2 Oracula sibyllina. See Sibyllina 2963.5,0 OR.EUS, II. Theatrum Europjeum. See Abelin, J.P 2290.1 OKANGE. Beschreibung der edlen Pomerantzen- Friichte. Volkamer, J. C 3860.4 ORATOR, ad Marcum Brutum. Cicero, M. F. . . 2928.8, 14 ORATORES Attici. Cum transl. reflcta a C. Mul- lero. Vol. I. Parisiis, 1S47. 1.8. [Didot. Bibliotlieque grccque] *2992.15 Contents. Antiphon, Andocides, Lysias, Isocra- tes, Isajus, Lycurgus, ^3schincs, Dinarchus, De- mades, declamationcs Gorgiaa et aliorum Graece ; Accedunt scholia, Ulpiaui commentarii in Dcmos- tlieuem, et index. ORATORES Attici. See Baiter and Sauppe .... 2963.1 Bekker, 1 2965.1 ORATORY. Adams, J. Q. Lectures on 3007.5 Basi, C. Trattato dell' arte oratoria .... 3590.21 Cicero, M. T. De oratore 2928.4 - Opera oratoria 2917.3 Quintilianus, M. F. De institutione oratoria. 2935.1 See also : Elocution, Eloquence, Enunciation, Rhet- oric. ORBE cattolico a Pio ix esulante da Koma, 1848-50. Napoli, 1850. 2v. in 1. 4" *3552.3 ORBIGNY 588 ORIENTAL Shelf. No. ORBIGNY, A. d'. Voyage dans 1'Ame'rique meri- dionale, 1827-33. Paris, 1835-47. lOv. 4. *2370.1 Contents. Vol. I.-1II. Historique. in. Geogra- phic j Geologic; Paleontologie. IV. Homme nmcri- cain; Mammiferes; Oiseaux. V. Reptiles; Poissonsi Mollusqucs ; Zoophytes ; Foraminiiercs. VI. Crus- taces; Insectes. VII. Cry ptogaraie ; Palraiers. VIII. Atlas historiquo, geographique, geologique, palton- tologique, ct botaniquc. IX. Atlas zoologique.-mam- mifercs, oiseaux, reptiles, poissons, mollusques, poly- piers, foraminiftres, Crustacea, et insectcs ; Cartes gcologiques \ Carte d'une partie de la republique Argentine, comprenant les provinces de Corrienteg ctdes Missions; Deux cartes generates de la repub- lique de Bolivia. OEBIGNY, C. F. d'. Dictionnaire nniversel d'his- toire naturcllo, dirigci par d'Orbigny. Avec atlas. Paris, 1841-40. 16v. 1.8 *3835.1 ORCAGNA, A. See Corazzini, F. Miscellanea, etc. 4777.6 ORCHESTRATION, Treatise upon. Berlioz, H. . 4042.2 ORD, G. Sketch of the life of Alexander Wilson. Philadelphia, 1828. 8 3835.10 ORDERICUS Vitalis. Historia ecclesiastica, accu- rante J. P. Migne. LutetiseParisiorum, 1855. 1.8. [Migne. Patrologiaj v.188] 3470.12 Historiae ecclesiasticae libri tredecim, emeu- davit A. Le Prevost. Parisiis, 1838-55. 5v. 8. [Sociute de 1'histoire de France] . . . *2616.3 Histoire de la Normandie jusqu'en 1 141. [ Gui- zot. Coll. m&n. hist. France, v.25-28] . . 2618.2 ORDERS in council. Baring, A. Causes and con- sequences of the 2529.3 Brougham, H. Speech against the .... Pph.v.3 Monroe, J. Letters in relation to the . . . . ^4. 02 ORDINES cancellariae, 1028-97, [with] rules of the court of exchequer. London, 1698. 12. . 3634.18 OREGON. Fremont, J.C. Exploring expedition. 2378.5 Greenhow, R. History of 2378.1,2 Regnault, E. Histoire et description de . . 2266. G Twiss, T. Oregon question examined . . . 2328.15 O'REILLY, B. Greenland and the north-west pas- sage illustrated in a voyage, 1817. London, 1818. 4 *2861.3 OBELLI, J. C. Inscriptionum Latinarum collectio. Turici, 1828. 2v. 1.8" 2950.14 ORES. Oken, L. Grundzeichnung des natiirlichen Systems dcr Erze 3862.5 OEESIESIS, or Oresius, or Orsiesius. Doctrina de institutionc mouachorum. [Migne. Patro- logiasv.103] 3450.27 ORFILA, M. J. B. Elements de chimie. 8e ed. Paris, 1851. 2v. 8 3973.8 Lejons de medecine legate. Paris, 1823. 2v. in 3. 8 3788.6 Lesons de toxicologie. Paris, 1858. 8 ... 3788.10 Secours a douner aux personnes empoi- sonees. 4e ed. Paris, 1830. 12 3808.4 Treatment of persons who have taken poison, and those in a state of apparent death. Trans!, by B. H. Black. London, 1818. 12. 3789.3 - Same. 2d ed. London, 1820. 8 .... 3789.4 - Same. Transl. by J. G.Stevenson. Bos- ton, 1826. 8 3789.1 Traite de medecine legale, contenant le trait< des exhumations juridiques. 4eed. Paris, 1848. 3v. in 4, and atlas, 8 3788.1 Traite de toxicologie. 5e ed. Paris, 1852. 2v. 8 3788.2 Treatise on poisons, transl. by J. Walker. Vols. l,2,pt.l. London, 1817. 2v. 8 . . 3787.2 - Same. [With appendix.] 2d ed. Lon- don, 1816-21. 8 3787.11 ORGAN. Adlung, J. Musica mechanica organ- oedi 4056.5 Antony, J. Darstellung der Entstehung und Vervollkommnung der Orgel, etc 4049.47 Baake, F. Beschreibung der grossen Orgel der Marienkirche zu Wismar, u.s.w. . . . 4056.4 Diruta, G. Sopra il vero modo di sonar or- gani 4040.19 Heuru, J. van. De Orgelmaaker 4056.6 Shelf. No. ORGAN, continued. Lehmann, J. T. Anleitung die Orgel, rein und richtig zu stimmen 4057.12 Monniotte, J. F. Kurzgefasste Geschichte der Orgel 4056.3 Schcibler, H. Anleitung die Orgel, correct gleichschwebend zu stimmen 4057.12 Werckmeister, A. Erweiterte und verbes- serte Orgelprobe 4049.47 - Organum Gruningense 4055.47 Wilke, F. WichtigkeitundUnentbehrlichkeit der Orgel-Mixturen 4057.12 ORGANIC! chemistry. Doveri, L. Chimica organ. 3975.9 Liebig, J. v. Traite dc chimie organique . . 3975.8 Millon, E. Elements de chimie organique . 3973.6 Raspail, F. V. Chimie organique 3887.8 Thomson, T. Chemistry of organic bodies . 3972.4 Wolff, E. T. Quellen-Literatur der theoret- isch-organischen Chemie 2173.3 ORGANIC life. Darwin, E. Zoonomia, or laws of 3722.21,22 Treviranus, G. R. Erscheinungen und Ge- setze des organischen Lebens 3885.9 ORIELE, o lettere di due amanti. Sacchi, D. . . . 2773.22 ORIENTAL affairs. Revue de 1'orient. See Paris. Socidte orientale 3016.1 ORIENTAL astronomy. Histoire de 1'astronomie orientale. Bailly, J. S 3931.4 ORIENTAL bibliography. Ainslie, W. Oriental books connected with general science . . . 3784.10 Fraser, J. Catalogue of Persic, Arabic, and Sanskcrrit MSS 3044.17 Marsden, W. Catalogue of dictionaries, vo- cabularies, grammars, etc 2190.10 New York. Astor library. Catalogue of books relating to the languages of Asia. 2132.7 ORIENTAL biography. Biographical dictionary. Ibn Khallikan 3022.1 ORIENTAL collections for 1797-98. Ouselcy, W. . 3023.10 ORIENTAL customs. Burder, S 3422.11 ORIENTAL discovery. Entdeckungen und Ero- berungen der Portugiesen im Orient, 1415- 1539. Barros, J. de 3091.6 ORIENTAL entomology. Westwood,J. 3892.1 ORIENTAL gardening. Chambers, Sir W 3991.1 ORIENTAL geography. Ibn Haukal 3023.9 ORIENTAL languages. See Philology, compara- tive, Semitic. ORIENTAL literature. See Collection orientale, London Asiatic society, Oriental transla- tion fund, Paris, societe asiatique. ORIENTAL memoirs selected from letters written in India. Forbes, J 3041.2 ORIENTAL philanthropist: a tale. Sherburne, H. 2408.4 ORIENTAL religions. Les livres sacres de 1'orient. Pauthier, G 3010.8 ORIENTAL translation fund. Publications. 42v. 4, and 45v. 8. London. Namely . Adventures of Hatim Tal : a romance from the Persian. 1830. 4 *3012.3 Alflyya, ou, la quintessence de la grammaire arabe : ouvrage de Djemal-eddin Moham- med, connu sous le nom d'Ebn-Malec, pub- lie en original, avec un commentaire, par le baron Silvestre de Sacy. 1833. 8 *3034.5 Algebra of Mohammed ben Musa. Arabic and English. 1831. 8 *3022.9 Al-Utbi. Historical memoirs of the amir Sa- baktagin, and of the sultan Mahmiid of Ghazna, transl. from the Persian by J. Rey- nolds. 1858. 8 *3011.15 Annales des empereurs du Japon, trad, par M. I. Titsingh, sur 1'original japonais-chi- nois. 1834. 4" *3011.25 Apergu general des trois royaumes, redigee par Rinsifee, traduit de japonais-chinois, par M. Klaproth (San Kokf Tsou Ran To Sets). 1832. roy.8androy.4 *3011.6 Apostolical constitutions, The, in Coptic. Translation by H. Tattam. 1848. 8 . . . . *3021.6 ORIENTAL 589 ORIENTAL Shelf. No. ORIENTAL translation fund, continued. - Aventures, Les, de Kamrup, par Tahcin-Ud- din, traduites cle 1'Hindoustani par M. Gar- cm de Tassy. l&M. 8" *3011.11 Birth, Tho, of the war-god : a poem by Kali- dasa, from the Sanskrit. 1853. 8 *3011.5 Chronicles of Eabbi Joseph ben Joshua ben Sleir, the Sphardi, from the Hebrew. 1835. 2v. 8 *3021.5 Chronique d'Abou-Djafar Mohammed Ta- bari, traduite sur le Persane. V.I. 1836. 4. *3022.3 Critical essay on various MS. works, Arabic and Persian from a Persian MS. 1832. 8.*3012.13 Customs and manners of the women of Per- sia, from the Persian, by J. Atkinson. 1832. 8 *3012.21 Dabistan, The, or, school of manners, trans- lated from the Persian. 1843. 3v. 8. . .*3012.11 Description of the Burmese empire, by father Sangermano, from native docs. 1833. 4 . *3011.2G Early kings of Persia, from Kaiomars to Alex- ander, from the Persian of Mirkhond. 1832. 8 *3012.10 El-Masiidi's historical encyclopaedia, from the Arabic by Dr. Sprenger. Vol.1. 1841. roy.8. *3022.7 Essay on the architecture of the Hindus, by Earn Raz, judge at Bangalore. 1834. 4 . *3011.3 Ethiopic didascalia, The, or apostolical con- stitutions of the Abyssinian church, in Ethiopic, with a translation. 1834. 4 . . *3021.2 Fortunate union, The, a Chinese romance, translated by J. F. Davis. 1829. 2v. 8 . . *3014.2 Geographical works of Sadik Isfahan!, etc., from the Persian. 1832. 8 *3012.13 Haji Khalfae lexicon bibliographicum et en- cyclopaedicum. 1835-52. 6v. roy.4 .... *3021.20 Han Koong Tsew, or the sorrows of Han : a Chinese tragedy. 1829. 4 *3011.24 Harivansa, ou, histoire de la famille de Hari, ouvrage formant un appendice de Mahab- harata, trad, sur 1'original Sanscrit, par S. A. Langlois. 1834-5. 2v. roy.4" .... *3011.1 Histoire de la litterature hindoui et hindous- tani, par M. Garcin de Tassy. 1839-47. 2v. 8 *3032.3 Contents. Vol. L Biographie et bibliographie. IL Extents et analyses. Histoire des sultans Mamlouks de 1'Egypte, ecrite en Arabe par Taki-eddin-ahmcd-Ma- krizi, traduite en Frangais, par M. Quatre- mere. 1842. 2v. 4 *3022.6 History of the Afghans, translated from the Persian of Neamet Ullah. 1836. 8 . . . . *3012.1 History of Gujarat, from the Persian of Ali Mohammed Khan. 1835. roy.8 *3012.G History of Hydur Naik, styled Nawaub Hy- der Ali, etc., written by Meer Hussein Ali Khan Kirmani, transl. from the Persian by Col. Miles. 1842. 8" *3012.15 History of the Mohammedan dynasties in Spain, fr. the Arabic of Al-Makkari, transl. by Pascual cle Gayangos. 1840-43. 2v. 4. *3022.2 History of the reign of Tipii Sultan, being a continuation of the Ncshani Hyduri, by Mir Hussein Ali Khan Kirmani. 1844. 8. . .*3012.16 History of the temple at Jerusalem, from the Arabic of the imam Jalal-Addin al Siuti, transl., with notes, etc. by the Rev. J. Rey- nolds. 1830. roy.8 *3021.4 History of Vartan, and of the battle of the Armenians, by Elisseus. 1830. 4 *3021.1 History of the war in Bosnia, 1737-39, from the Turkish. 1830. 8" *3021.15 HoeY-lan-ki, ou 1'histoire du ccrcle de craie, drame, traduit du Chinois. 1833. 8 ... *3014.3 Ibn Khallikan's biographical dictionary, tr. from the Arabic by the baron Mae Guckin de Slane. Vol. i-n, in, pt. 1. 1843-45. 4. *3022.1 Jouher, Tezkereh al Vakiat, or private me- moirs of the emperor Humayun. 1832. 4. *3012.4 Shelf. No. ORIENTAL translation fund, continued. Kalpa Sutra, The, and Nava Tatva: two works illustrative of the Jain religion and philosophy, translated from the Magadhi of BhadraBahu. 1848. 8" *3011.13 Kumara Sambhava, Kalidasae carmen, Sans- krite et Lat. ed. A. F. Stenzler, 1838. 4 . . *3011.4 Laili and Majnun, a poem, from the Persian of Nazami. 1836. roy.S" *3012.8 Life of Haflz Ool-Moolk, by his son Mahomed Must'ujab Khan Bahadoor. 1831. 8" . . . *3012.19 Life of sheikh Mohammed Ali Hazin, by him- self, Eng. and Persian. 1830-31. 2v. 8.*3012.17, 18 Livre, Le, des recompenses et des peines, traduit du Chinois par S. Julien. 1835. 8 *3014.1 Makamat, or rhetorical anecdotes of al-Ha- riri of Basra, transl. from the Arabic, with notes, by Theodore Preston. 1850. roy.8. *3022.8 Maritime wars of the Turks, from the Turk- ish of Haji Khalifeh. Parti. 1831. 4 . . *3021.17 Memoires sur les contrees occidentales, tra- duits du Sanscrit en Chinois, par Hiouen- Thsang, et du Chinois en Frau;ais, par S. Julien, 1857-58. 8 *3011.16 Memoirs of the emperor Jahangueir, written by himself. 1829. 4 *3012.5 Memoirs of a Malayan family, written by themselves. ISiO. 8 *3011.14 Miscellaneous translations. 1831, 34. 2v, 8.*3012.30 Contents. Vol. I. Notes of a journey into the in- terior of Northern Africa, from the Arabic; Extracts from the Sakaa Thevan Saasteram, or book of fate, from the Tamul ; Last days of Krishna and the sons of Pandu, from the Mahabharata; The Vedala Cadai, Tamul version of ancient tales in the San- scrit ; Indian cookery, translated from the Persian language. II. Genealogical catalogue of the kings of Armenia, from the Armenian ; Siege of Chai- tur, by the emperor Akbar, from the Persian of Abul Fazl ; Motives which led Mustafa Pasha to march upon Constantinople, from the Turkish; Rit- ual of the Budd'hist priesthood, from the Pali: Ex- tract from a Persian work on horticulture, translated by Baboo Radhakant Deb; Account of the festival at Ranch Gul, after the defeat of Bajazet, by Tkuur himself. Mulfuzat Timury, or autobiography of the emperor Timur. 1830. 4 *3012.2 Naima's annals of the Turkish empire, from the Turkish. Vol. I. 1832. 4 *3021.1G Notices of several Persian poetical works, compiled and translated by the late Sir Gore Ouseley, bart. 1846. roy.8 *3012.7 Poems, The, of the Huzailis, collected by As- sukkari, edited in the Arabic, and transl. with notes, by J. G. L. Kosegarten. Vol. I. Arabic text. Parti. 1854. roy. 4 . . . .*3021.19 Practical philosophy of the Muhammadans, exhibited in its professed connexion with the European : a translation of the Akhlak- I- Jalaly, the most esteemed ethical work of Middle Asia, from the Persian of fakir Jany Muhammad Asaad. 1839. 8 ... .*3012.12 Raghuvansa, Kalidasae carmen, Sanskrite et Latine. 1832. 4" *3011.7 Rigveda-Sanhita, Sanskrite et Latine, edidit Fred. Aug. Rosen. 1838. 4 *3011.9 Sankhya Karika: memorial verses on the Sankhya philosophy, from the Sanskrit, by H. T. Colebrooke. Also the Bhiishya, by H. H. Wilson. 1837. 4 *3011.8 Shah Nameh, The, from the Persian of Fir- dausi, by James Atkinson. 1832. 8 ... *3012.9 Siyar-ul-Mutakhcrin, Mahommedan power in India, from the Persian of Mir Gholam Husscin-Khau, transl. by Haji Mustafa and revised by Gen. Briggs. Vol. I. 1832. 8.*3012.20 Specimens of the popular poetry of Persia, as found in the adventures and improvisa- tions of Kurroglou, the bandit-minstrel. Collected by A. Ghodzko. 1842. 8. . . .3012.14 ORIENTAL ORNITHOLOGY Shelf. No. ORIENTAL translation fund, continued. Spicilcgium Syriacum : containing' remains of Bardcsan, Meliton, Ambrose, and Mara bar Serapion. Ed. and transl. by the Rev. Win. Cureton. 1855. roy. 8 *3021.13 Tohfut-ul-Mujahideen : first settlement of the Mahommedans in Malabar ; from the Arabic of Zeen-ud-deen, the sheikh. 1833. 8. . *3022.10 Translation of the Sanhita of the Sama Veda, from the Sanskrit. 1842. roy. 8 *3011.10 Translations from the Chinese and Armenian, by C. T. Neumann. 1831. 8 *3014.4 Contents. Catechism of the Shamans, from the Chinese; History of the Chinese pirates, from 1807- , 1810, from the Chinese ; Vahram's chronicle of the Armenian kingdom of Cilicia, from the Armenian. Travels of Evliya Efendi, iu Europe, Asia, and Africa, in the 17th century, from the Turkish. 1831, 1840, 1850. 3v. 4 *3021.18 Travels of Ibn Batuta. 1820. 4 *3022.4 Travels of Macarius, patriarch of Antioch, by Paul of Aleppo, from the Arabic. 183G. 2v. 4 *3022.5 Vishnu Puraria: a system of Hindu mythol- ogy, from the Sanskrit, with notes. 1840. roy. 4 *3011.2 Yakkun Nattannawa, etc. Cingalese demon- ology. 1829. 8 *3011.12 ORIENTIUS, or Orentius, St. Commonitorium. [Migne. Patrologiae, v. 61] 3450.3 - Same. [Martene. Thesaurus novus,v. 5.] 2250.2 ORIGENES. Opera omnia[Gr. et Lat.], ex variis edit, opera et studio Delarue. Accurante J. P. Migne. Vol. vn. Lutetiae Parisiorum, 1857. 8. [Migne. Patrologia Graeca.v. 17]. 3490.15 Contents. Supplementum ad cxegctica; Anonymi in Job common tarius; Apolog. Pamphilipro Origenes Rufini liber de adulteratione Kbrorum Origcnis ; Petri Daniclis Huetii Origenianas Excerptum ex Georgii Bulli defensioue fidei Nicomae. Homiliae xiv in Jcremiam, atque totidem in Ezechielem, Latine conversae, interprete Hieronymo ; Homiliae xxxix in evangelium Lucae. [Migne. Patrologiae v. 25, 20]. v. 5-7 of 3440.16 Scripta qusedam in linguam Latinam versa, interprete Erasmo. [Erasmus. Opera, v.8] 2920.3 See Guillon, M. N. S. Bib. des peres, v.2 . . 3499.30 OBIGIN and progress of despotism, introduction to Montesquieu. Amsterdam, 1764. 16 . . *35G9.2 ORIGINAL sin, Doctrine of. Hammond, W. . . . 3452.10 Payne, G 3456.20 Edwards, J. Doctrine of, defended 3457.5 ORIGINE delle fonti. Poema. Ariel, C 4773.9 ORIGINI italiche, Delle, di Mario Guarnacci, esame critico con una apologetica risposta, ed una lettera del Sign. G. C. Amaduzzi. Venezia, 1773. 4 *2730.10 ORINOCO, El, ilustrado, y defendido. Gumilla, J. 2305.20 ORIOLI, F. Dei sepolcrali edifizi dell' Etruria media. Fiesole, 1826. 4" *2750.5 Iscrizioni di autori diversi con un discorso sulla epigrafia italiana. Bologna, 1826. 1.8. 2743.7 Dei sette re di Roma e del cominciamento del consolato. Firenze, 1839. 18" 2759.6 See Opuscoli Ictterarii 2792.2 Contents. Vol. I. Su due toscani monument! d'or- dine dorico; Sull' origine de' numeri etruschi, e ro- maui, e sull' inflssione soleune del chiodo annale in Roma, ed in Etruria; Su Voltumna divinita princi- pale degli Etruschi ; Sopra una nuova formola sepol- crale de' medesimi; Sopra il loro anno magno; Al- cuue loro opiuioni cosmogoniche ; L'origine, e la durata del loro impero. II. Delle iserizioni sepol- crali etrusche, e dei tentativi che possono farsi per ispiegarle ; Alia memoria su due sepoleri d'Orcla del prof. Del-Rosso. III. De' popoli Raseiii ed Etrusci. See Opuscoli scientific! 3911.5 Contents. Vol. I. Lettera sullo raggio magnetico. II. Osservazioni, ricerche, pensieri EU varii tisici argomenti. Shell. No. ORKNEY islands. Barry, G. History of .... 24'J2.4 Brand, J. The Orkneys. [Pinkerton. Voy- ages, v. 3] 2200.13 Low, G. Natural history of 3822.10 Torfaus,T. Orcades, seurerum Orcadensium historiae libri tres 2820.1 ORLANDO furioso. See Ariosto, L. ORLANDO innamorato. Boiardo, M. M 2805.20 ORLANDO savio. Poema. Bagnoli, P 4769.5 ORLEANS, C. d'. Poesies. Paris, 1809. 12 ... 2689.9 ORLEANS. E. C. de Baviere. Memoires sur la cour deLouisxiv,etdelaregence. Paris, 1823. 8. 2647.13 ORLEANS, P. J. d'. Two Tartar conquerors of China ; Wilson's Pereira's journey. Tr. and ed. by the earl of Ellesmere, etc. Lon- don, 1854. 8. [Hakluyt society] . . . . .*2264.14 ORLEANS, The maid of: a poem. Schiller, J. C. F. 2889.5 ORLICII, L. von. Reise in Ostindien. 2e Aufl. Leipzig, 1845. 2v. 16 3048.4 ORLOFF, G. Mdmoires sur le royaume de Naples. 2e ed. par Duval. Paris, 1825. 5v. 8 ... 2724.4 ORMEROD, G. Calendars of names entered in the heraldic visitations of Lancaster. 1851. pp.26. sm.4. [Chetham soc. vol. 24} . . *2415.10 Epistolary relics of Lancashire and Cheshire antiquaries. 1850. pp.15. sm.4. [Chet- ham soc. v. 24] *2415.10 History of the county and city of Chester. London, 1819. 3v. f *2450.4 Memoir on British and Roman remains, illus- trative of Venta Silurum. London, 1852. pp.31. 4 *2520.35 Miscellanea palatina, illustrative of Cheshire and Lancashire families, [etc.] n. p. 1851. 8. 2493.11 Strigulensia, a memoir on ancient remains [near] the Wye and the Severn. London, 1841. pp.31. 4 *2520.35 Tracts relating to military proceeding's in Lancashire during the great civil war. 1844. em.4. [Chetham soc. v.2] *2415.2 ORMULUM, The. Saxon homilies, now first edited by R. M. White. Oxford, 1852. 2v. 8. . 2587.18 ORNAMENT. Gibbs, J. Designs for Gothic orna- ments and furniture 4090.19 Pocock, W. F. Modern finishings for rooms. 4102.24 Pugin, A. W. Designs for iron and brass work 4101.11 - Floriated ornament 4101.1 - Glossary of ecclesiastical ornament . . . 4090.4 Shaw, H. Encyclopaedia of 4101.21 Tatham, C. H. Grecian and Roman architec- tural ornament 4100.24 ORNAMENTAL design, Studies of. Richardson, C. J 4050.1 ORNAMENTAL timber gables. Pugin, A 4101.2 ORNAMENTS, Gothic. Pugin, A 4091.1 ORNE, A., Sermon on the death of. See Hub- bard, E 3455.53 ORNITHOLOGY. Aldrovandi, U. Ornithologiae libri duodecim 3870.4 Buffon, G. L. L. de. Histoire naturelle des oiseaux 3813.3 Illiger, J. C. W. Prodromus systematis avium 3884.13 Klein, J. T. Historise avium prodromus . . 3904.3 - Stcmmata avium 3902.2 Kuhl, H. Avium coloratarum nomiua sys- tematica 3882.6 Langguth, C. A. De mumiis avium, in laby- rintho apud Sacaram repertis 3904.5 Pompper, II. Vogel nach ihrcr geograph- ischen Verbreitung 5860.13 Savi, P. Ornitologia toscana 3904.7 Schinz, H. R. Naturgebchichte der Vogel- Gattungen 5870.6 Sundevall, C. J. Ornithologiskt System . . 3905.9 See also: Bird's eggs; Canary birds. See also: The names of the following countries whose ornithology has been written : Africa, America, Brazil, Canada, Esthonia, Europe, Germany, Great Britain, Massachusetts, New York, Orient. ORNITHORHYNCHUS 591 OSSERVAZIONI Shelf. No. ORNITIIORHYNCHUS. De ornithorhyncho para- doxo disscrtatio aeademica. Jafle, L. M. . 3903.3 ORNITOPARCHUS, [or Vogelsang 1 ,] A. Musicc active micrologus. Lipsise, 1519. 4 . . . . *4047. 10 OKOSIUS, P. Historiarum libri septem ; Apolo- geticus contra Pelagium de arbitrii liber- tate ; Consultatio sive commonitoriura de errore Priscillianistarum ct Origenistarum. [Migne. Patrologias v.31] 3440.17 English translation of king Alfred's Anglo- Saxon version of Orosius. [Alfred the Great. Works, v. 2] 2603.11 ORPHAN house in Georgia, Account of the. "White- field, G 2348.28 OEPHEUS. Argonautica, interp. J. G. Schneider. Jenae, 1803. 8 2994.18 Orphica, cuin notis H. Stephani [et al.]. Re- censvit G. Hermannus. Lipsiae, 1805. 8. 2994.19 Contents. Hambergi praefatio ; Gcsncri prolegom- ena ; Tyrwliitti projfatio ad litliica ; Argonautica ; Hymni ; Lithica ; Fragraenta ; Cribelli versio Argo- nauticorum; Sealigeri versio hymuorum; Gcsncrus de Phaenicum navigationibus extra colutnnas Ilcrcu- lis ; De auate scriptoria Argonauticorum ; De eectis poetarum epicorum, etc. ORPHIC hymns. (See Book of the 2455.2 ORR, R. S. Statistics of the royal infirmary of Glasgow. 3d ser. Compiled from the rec- ords of the institution for 1840. [No title- page.] 8 *70G4.13 OKREBY family, Genealogical memoirs of. Or- merod, G 2193.11 ORRERY, Earl of. See Boyle, J. ORSCHALL, J. C. Sol sine veste. SeeNeri, A. . 4024.35 ORSI, Giovanua G. Considerazioni sopra la mani- era di ben pensarc, giapubbl. dal p. D. Bou- hours. S' aggiungono tutte le scritture di questa letteraria contesa, colla vita e colle rime del march. Orsi. Modena, 1735. 2v. 4. *3590.7 ORSI, Giuseppe A. Delia origine del dominio temporale de' romani pontefici. 2a ed. Roma, 1754. 12 *3517.12 - Same. 3a ed. Koma, 1788. 8" 3517.7 Storia ecclesiastica [to 005 A.D.]. Venezia, 1822-20. 42 v. 10 *3519.1 ORSIESICS. See Oresiesis. ORSILAGO. SeeBerni, F. Opere burlesche, v.3 . 4709.6 ORSINO, G. Eclazioiie alia repubblica di Venezia. [Arch. stor. ital. App.v.O] 5245.2 ORTEGA, C. G. de. Catalogue of botanical books offered for sale. London, 1833. 8. . *M.Pph.v.25 ORTELL, or Ocrtcl, A. Deorumdearumque capita, ex antiquis numisinatibus collecta. [Gro- novius. Thcs. Grace, antiq. v. 7] 2960.2 ORTES, G. M. See Economist! class, ital 3044.1 Contents. - Vol. XXVIII.-XXX. Libri sei della economia nazionale, colic lettere xv. XXXI. Rifles- sioni sulla popolazionc delle nazioni per rapporto all' economia nazionale; Delle sciciizc utili e delle dilet- tevoli per rapporto alia felicitaumana; Caleolo sopra il valore delle opinioni e sopra i piaceri e i dolori della vita umana. XXXII. Errori popolari intorno all' economia nazionale. XXXIII. Lettere sulla religione e il governo de' popoli. XXXIV. Dei fidecommessi a famiglie e a chiese, e luoghi pii. XLIX. Tre lettera sulla economia nazionale. ORTHODOX evangelist, The. Norton, J 3457.14 ORTHOEPY. See Pronunciation. ORTHOP^EDIA: or the art of correcting deformi- ties in children. Andry, N 3759.10 Manual of orthopedic surgery. Bigelow, H. J 3745.4 ORTOGKAFIA do la lengua castellana. 7a imp. Madrid, 1792. 12. pi **E. 207.27 ORTOLAN, J. J. E. Explication historique des instituts de Justinien. 5e cd. Paris, 1851. 2v. 8 3012.0 Histoire do la legislation romaine. 4e ed. Paris, 1855. 8 3012.7 ORTOLAN, T. Regies Internationales, ct diplo- matic de la mer. 2eed. Paris, 1853. 2v. 8. 3015.6 Shelf. No. ORTON, J. The Christian's triumph over death : a sermon occasioned by the death of Dod- dridge. London, 1752. 8 *Pph.v.205 Letters to a young clergyman. Boston, 1794. 8 3137.19 ORVIETO, Avvenimenti d', dall' anno 1333 all' anno 1400. Montemarte, F 2727.2 OSANN, F. G. Analccta critica pocsis Romanorum scaenicffi reliquiaa illustrantia. Berolini, 1816. 8 2954.7 Auctarium lexicorum Graecorum, praescrtim .thesauri ab II. Stephano conditi. Darm- stadii, 1824. 4" *2982.2 OSBECK, P. Voyage to China and the East Indies, with a voyage to Suratte by Olof Toreen, and an account of the Chinese husbandry by C. G. Eckeberg. Tr. by J. It. Forster. London, 1771. 2v. 8 3040.5 OSBERN. Epistolae ad Anselmum. [Migne. Patro- logiae v.159] 3460.35 Vita S. Dunstani archiepiscopi Cantuariensis. [Migne. Patrol ogisev. 137] 3460.16 Vita S. Elphegi archiepiscopi Cantuariensis. [Migiie. Patrologiaev.HOJ 3460.27 Vita S. Odonis, archiepiscopi Cantuariensis. [Migne. Patrologiae v.133] 3400.12 OSBORN, D. Oration delivered Feb. 22, 1820, at the request of the military of Albany. Al- bany, 1820. 8" *Pph.v.53 OSBORN, W. Practice of midwifery. London, 1795. 8" *3772.11 OSBORN, W. C. Not guilty, or, the evils arising from the present mode of arraigning pris- oners. London, 1847. 8 *Pph.v.250 OSBORNE, F. Works, in four tracts. 8th ed. Lon- don, 1082. 12 2559.4 Cuntents. Advice to a son ; Political reflections on the government of the Turks ; Memoirs of queen Elizabeth and king James ; Miscellany of essays. OSBORNE, L. Arthur Carryl, a novel, [in verse,] and other poems. New York, 1851. 8 . . 2398.8 Confessions of a poet. Philadelphia, 1835. 2v. in 1. 12 2409.28 The vision of llubeta, an epic story of Man- hattan. Boston, 1838. 8 2398.5 OSBORNK, S. G. Scutari and its hospitals. Lon- don, 1S55. pp.54. 4 *3722.l OSBURN, W. Ancient Egypt, her testimony to the truth of the Bible. London, 1846. 8 3053.12 OSGOOD, C. Causes, treatment, and cure of fever and ague, [etc.] 4th cd. New York, 1842. 8 *M.Pph.v.39 OSGOOD, Daniel. Cautions for shunning yellow fever. Boston, 1821. pp.72. 8 3797.6 Yellow fever of the West Indies. New York, 1820. 8 3797.0, *M.Pph.v.lOO OSGOOD, David. Discourse before the legislature of Mass., May 31, 1809. Boston, 1809. 8.*Pph.v.62 Sermons. Boston, 1824. 8 3441.3 Sermon at the funeral of. Holmes, A. . . E. 224. 12 OSIANDER, F. B. Entwickelungskrankheitcn in den Bliithenjahren des weiblichen Ge- schlechts. Ir Th. Gottingen, 1817. 8 . . *3776.28 OSIANDER, J. A. Do asylis gentilium. [Grono- vius. Thes. Graec. antiq. v.6] 2900.2 OSIANDER, J F. Ueber die franzosische Geburts- hiilfe. Hannover, 1813. 8 *3776.28 Ositrs. Scntentiae in concilio Sardicensi ; Epistola ad Constantium Augustum. [Migne. Pa- trologise v.8] 3440.0 See Guillon, M. N. S. Bibliotheque des peros. v. Oof 3499.30, v. 5 of 3508. 2 OSNABRUG, Negociations secretes touchantlapaix de. LeClerc, J 3020.1 OSSAT, A. d'. Lcttrcs. Nouv. <5d. avec des notes de A. de la Iloussaie. Amsterdam, 1714. 5v. 12 2048.7 OSSERVAZIONI letterarie, continuaz. al giornal de' letterati d' Italia. Verona, 1737-40. 6v. 12. 5248.1 OSSIAN 592 OTTO Shelf. No. OssiAN. Poesie. Pisa, 1801. 4v. sm.8. [Cesa- rotti. Opcre] v.2-5 of *2798.1 Contents. Vol. I. Discorso preliminarc ; Ragio- namcuto intorno i Caledonj ; Ragionamcnto storico- critico intorno le controversie Bull' autcnticita del poemi
  • 27-53 3538.1 Annales de mathematiques. Nismes, 1810-31. See Gergonne, J. D E.175.2 Annales des ponts et chausse'es. Paris, 1831- 58 3310.1 Auuales des sciences naturelles. Paris, 1853- 58 5804.1 Annales des sciences physiques. Bruxelles, 1819-21. See Bory de St. Vincent, J. B. M. G. 3905.2 Anuales mtidico-psychologiques. Paris, 1853- 53 5700.1 Annali di storia naturalc. Bologna, 1829-54 . 3878.1 -Annali universal! di statistica. Milano, 1824- 49 3287.2 Annals and magazine of natural history. Lon- don, 1838-59 3816.2 Annals of electricity, magnetism, and chem- istry. See Sturgeon, W 3905.1 Annals of phrenology. Boston, 1833-35 . . . 3600.22 Shelf. No. PERIODICALS, continued. Annee, L', scientifique et industrielle. See Figuier. G. L 3934.10 Annuaire de chimie. Paris, 1845-51. See Mil- Ion, E. . . . 3986.1 Annuaire des deux mondcs. Paris, 1851-5S . 3193.3 Annuaire historique. Paris, 1819-50 .... 2268.1 Annual register, The, or a review of history, politics, etc. London, 1758-1859 2218.58 Annual report of the progress of chemistry. London, 1849-53. See Liebig, J 3976.1 Anti-Jacobin review and magazine. London, 1798-1805 3170.2 Antologia, giornale di scienze. Firenze, 1821-32 5244.1 Antologia romana. Roma, 1775-93 5264.1 Anzeiger der Bibliothek-wissenschaft. See Pctzholdt, J 2127.1 Ape italiano dellc belle arti. Roma, 1835-39. 4080. 5 Archiv der Gesellschaft fiir iiltere deutsche Geschichtkunde, 1820-58. See Hanover, Ger- many 3409.1 Archiv fiir Anatomic, u. s. w. Berlin, 1834-5!). SeeMiiller,J 3748.1 Archiv fur das Studium der ncucren Sprachen, 1>|:5-5S. See Herrig, L 3358.1 Archiv fiir Naturgeschichte, 1835-58. See Wicgmann, A. F. A 5819.1 Archiv fiir Philologie und Piidagogik, 183 1-53. See Jalm, J. C 3237.2 Archives des decouvertes et des inventions. Paris, 1809-41 3277.2 Artizan, The. London, 1854-59 5170.2 Art-journal. The. London, 1854-58 5100.1 Asiatic journal. London, 1810-15 3318.1 Assistant, The, of the ministry at large, semi- monthly. Roxbury, 1850-52 8050.2 Astrouomische Nachrichten. Altona, 1823- 5'.). See Schumacher, H. C 3351.2 Astronomisches Jahrbuch. Berlin, 1817-34. See Bode, J. E E.179.2 Asylum journal of mental science. London, 185:5-58. See Bucknill, J. C 3800.20 Athenaeum, The. London, 1832-59 3111.1 Athencum, The. Boston, 1817-33 5145.1 Atlantic monthly. Boston, 1857-58 5314.1 Banker's magazine. London, 1858 5345.1 Banker's magazine, and statistical register. Boston, 1850-59 5340.1 Bay state democrat. Boston, 1840-13 .... 8060.2 Bayerische Annalcn. Miinchen, is'V-'-'W . . . 3224.2 Bentley's miscellany. London, 1851-58 . . . 5298.1 Berliner allgemciue musicalische Zeituug. Berlin, 1824-27. See Marx, A. B 4053.8 Biblical repertory and Princeton review. Philadelphia, I8M-68 5412.1 Biblical repository. Andovcr, 1831-11 . . . 3407.1 Bibliophile beige. Bruxelles, is 15-5.5 . . . . 2157.1 Bibliotheca sacra. Andovcr, !<>!-;>> .... 5411.1 Bibliothequedes sciences. A la Iluye, 1754-Oii. 5149.1 Bibliotheque universelle de Geneve, l.NVI-.")*. 5219.1 Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine, 1817-59 . 3140.1 Blatter fiir litcrarischc Unterhaltung. Leip- zig, 1854-58 5311.1 Boston chronicle, 1707-68 3201.2 Boston commercial gazette, 1800-27 8010.1 Boston courier, daily, 1824-58 7710.1 Boston daily advertiser, 1849-58 7880.1 Boston daily advocate, 1832-34 7900.2 Boston daily bee, 1856 8000.10 Boston daily evening transcript, 1830-57 . . . 7810.1 Boston daily evening traveller, 1815-57 . . . 7910.3 Boston daily herald, 1837 '8000.3 Boston daily mail, 184 1-53 7950.1 Boston daily post, 1852-53 77*0.1 Boston daily times, 1830-41 8000.9 Boston intelligencer, 1816-17 : 8060.8 Boston journal of philosophy and the arts, l,v,'3-26 E. 225. 14, 3203.3 Boston lyceum, ed. by F. S. Hill, 1827 . . . . 3202.2 PERIODICALS 616 PERIODICALS Shelf. No PERIODICALS, continued. Boston medical and surgical journal, 1828-59. 5740. Boiton medical intelligenoer, 1823-08 .... 3721.4 Boston news-letter and city record, 1820-27. See Bowen, A 3193.1 Boston patriot, 1809-11 8000. C Boston press, 1830-34 r'. Boston recorder, 1820-24 8050..' Boston shipping list, 1843-57 7070.1 Boston weekly magazine, 1802^5 8090.1 Boston weekly messenger, 1811-43 7800.1 Boston weekly report of public sales and ar- rivals, 1819-20. See Dcgrand, P. P. F. . . 7C00.1 Botanical magazine. London, 1793-1844. See Curtis, W 3844.1 Botanical miscellany. London, 1830-33. See Hooker, W.. 1 3842.5 Botanical register. London, 1815-47. See Ed- wards, S 3843.1 British quarterly review. London, 1845-59 . 31G3.1 Brownson's quarterly review. Bost. 1844-54. 6217.1 Builder, The. London, 1843-53 3110.2 Bulletin du bibliophile. Paris, 1850-^58. See Techener, J 2147.1 Bulletin du musee dc 1'industrie. Bruxclles, 1841-48. See Jobard, J. B. A. M 3303.1 Bulletin general dc therapeutique, par Mi- qucl. Paris, 1SI2-.YJ 3295.1 Bullctino dcllc scicnze mediche, 1829-54. See Bologna 5749.1 Ciicilia, cine Zeitschrift fur die musikalische Welt. Mainz, LS^'1-32 4058.1 Cambridge and Dublin mathematical journal, 1M.--5J 3934.14 Chess monthly. New York, 1853 5289.1 Child's paper, The. New York, 1853-54. See American tract society 8090.2 Christian disciple and theological review. Boston, 1813-23 E. 217.1, 3140.2 Christian examiner. Boston, 1824-59 .... 3140.3 Christian monitor. Boston, 1800-11 . . . E. 219. 20 Christian observer. London, 1802-58 .... 3147.1 Christian register. Boston, 1820-34 8050.4 Christian review. Boston and Baltimore, 1830-58 3468.1 Christian spectator. New Haven, 1827-31 . 5102.1 Church review and ecclesiastical register. New Haven, 1854-59 5171.2 Civil engineer and architect's journal. Lon- don, 1838-58 3200.1 Classical journal. London, 1810-29 2958.1 Classical museum, The, a journal of philo- logy, etc. London, 1844-50 2957.2 Collegian, The. Cambridge, 1830 3183.4 Columbian ccntinel. Boston, 1788-1832 . . . 7980.1 Columbian magazine. Philadelphia, 1787-88. 5150.3 Commissioners of patents journal. London, 1854-59 Congressional globe, The, 1834-58. See Uni- ted States C. 121.1 Connaissance des temps. Paris, 1758-1834. See France. Ministry of marine E. 158.1 Constitutionalist and weekly magazine. Ex- eter, N. H. 1812-13 8070.5 Courrier des Etats-Unis. New York, 1851-58. 3130.3 Cronica, La. New York, 1851-54 7400.3 De Bow's review. New Orleans, 1840-59 . . 5101.2 Democratic press. Philadelphia, 1814-15 . . 8020.5 Democratic review. New York, 1832-52 . . . 3154.2 Diario de la marina. Habana, 1851-54 . . . 7400.1 Dublin quarterly journal of medical science, 1851-5S 5718.1 Dublin review. London, 1830-58 3180.1 Dublin university magazine, 1833-58 3188. 1 Eclectic magazine. New York, 1854-59 . . . 5220.1 Eclectic review. London, 1858 5295.1 Economist, The. London, 1843-58 3110.1 Edinburgh journal, 1833-43. See Chambers, W.andR 5313.1, 3130.1 Edinburgh medical journal, 1856-59 3747.3 Shelf. No. PERIODICALS, continued. K linburgh mod. ami surgical journal, ISO.-,-!. 1 ;. .0717.1 10 linburgh new philosophical journal, I Edinburgh review, lso-.'-.Y.) 3112.2 lOfemeridi letterarie di Itoma, 1772-1823 ... Emerson's magazine and Putnam's monthly. New York, 1853 5285.1 Engineer's magazine. Glasgow, 1848-50. See Practical mechanics 4022.1 Etruria, studi di filologia, etc. Firenze, 1851-52 5140.1 Evening gazette and general advertiser. Bos- ton, 1815-10 8060.7 Evening mail. London, 1845-57 7480.1 Examiner, The. London, 1851-59 7181.1 Faro industrial de la Habana, 1850-51 .... 7400.2 Federal orrery, ed. by T. Paine. Boston, 1795-95 8070.3 Foreign quarterly review. London, 1827-40. 3106.2 Foreign review and continental miscellany. London, 1828-30 3192.1 Fraser's magazine. London, 1830-58 .... 3187.1 General repository and review. Cambridge, 1812-13 E. 220. 2, 3184.2 Gentleman's magazine. London, 1731-59 . . 3115.1 Giornalc arcadico. Roma, 1819-55 5300.1 Giornale de' letterati d' Italia. Venezia, 1710-21 5209.2 Giornale de' letterati di Pisa, 1771-1839 . . . 5248.2 Giornale ecclesiastico di Roma, 1785-98 . . . 5141.1 Giornale, Nuovo, de' letterati d' Italia. Mo- dena, 1773-00 5247.1 Godey's magazine and lady's book. Phila- delphia, 1848-58. See Godey, L. A 5325.1 Gottingische Zcitungen, 1739-52 3218.1 Graham's illustrated magazine. Philadelphia, IV. V-.o 5320.1 Harvard lyceum. Cambridge, 1810-11 . . . Hcraldo, El. Madrid, 1850-51 7400.2 Hogg's instructor. Edinburgh, 1854-5(5 . . . 5305.12 Horticulturist, The. Rochester, 1854-50 . . .or 1.1 Illustrated London news, 1842-58 5140.1 Illustrirtcr Kalcnder. Leipzig, 1850-58 . . . 3180.8 Independent chronicle. Boston, 1808 .... 8020.4 Irish quarterly review. Dublin, 1858-59 . . 5237.1 Jahres-Bericht iiber die Fortschritte der Chemie. Tubingen, 1822-50. See Berzelius. 3949.1 Jahres-Bericht iiber die Chemie. Giessen, 1849-58. See Liebig, J 3985.1 JahrbUcher fur Philologieu.Padagogik. Tu- bingen, 1820-31. See Jahn, J. C 3217.1 Journal asiatique. Paris, 1822-59 3317.1 Journal britannique. La Haye, 1750-55. See Maty, M 5159a.l Journal de 1'ecole societaire. Paris, 1832-34. 5141.2 Journal de la librairie. Paris, 1810-55 .... 2107.1 Journal de mathematiques. Paris, 1836-58. See Liouville, J a362.2 Journal de medecine et de chirurgie. Paris, 1854-58 5799.1 Journal des debats. Paris, 1853-58 7380.1 Journal des progres des sciences et institu- tions medicalcs. Paris, 1827-30 3747.1 Journal des savans. Paris, 1065-1858 .... 3313.12 Journal et annales des mines. Paris, 1795- 1858 1347.2 Journal fur die Baukunst. Berlin, 1829-51. See Crelle, A. L 4094.1 Journal historique et litteraire. Liege, 1834- 57 3286.1 Journal of botany. London, 1834-42. See Hooker, W.J 3837.2 Journal of music. Boston, 1852-57. See Dwight, J. S 40J0.1 Journal of natural philosophy, chemistry, etc. London, 1797-1813. See Nicholson, W. .. 3910.0,7 Journal of popular literature, science, etc. London, 1854-59. See Chambers, W. and R. 5313.1 Journal of psychological medicine. London, 1848-59. See Winslow, F 3778.1 PERIODICALS 617 PERIODICALS Shelf. No. PERIODICALS, continued. Journal of the chemical society of London, 1849-57. See London 3966.2 Journal of the Franklin institute. Philadel- phia, 1826-58. See Franklin institute . . . 4017.1 Journal of the photographic society. Lon- don, 1854-56. See London 4024.1 Kidd's own journal. London, 1852-54 . . . . 3825.2 Knickerbocker, The. New York, 1833-57 .. 5154.1 Lancet, The. London, 1824-59 5743.1 Lancctte francaise. Paris, 1842-59 3760.1,2 Liberal preacher. Boston, 1831-34. E.218.8, 3441.10 Liberator, The. Boston, 1831-56 7970.1 Library of the fine arts. London, 1831-32 . . 4072.2 Literary gazette and journal of belles-lettres. London, 1817-59 5140 a. 1 Literary magazine and American register. Philadelphia, 1803-7 5156.2 Literary miscellany. Camb. 1805-6 . E.226.3, 3192.5 Littell's living age. Boston, 1844-59 .... 3161.2 Liverpool health of towns' advocate. Lon- don, 1845-47. See Sutherland, J 3767.27 London journal of arts, and repertory of pa- tent inventions, 1851-59. See Newton, \V. 4026.7,8 London journal of botany, 1842-48. See Hook- er, \V. J 3837.3 London magazine, 1820-25 3164.2 London new price current, 1830-57 7610.1 London times, 1835-53 7410.1 London, Edinburgh, and Dublin philosoph- ical magazine, 1854-5!) 3386.1 Magazin encyclopedique, par Millin. Paris, 1795-1816. See Millin, A. L 3246.1 Magazine of horticulture and botany. Bos- ton, 1836-58. See Hovey, C. M 3842.1 Magazine of natural history, by London. London, 1829-40 3816.1 Magazine of zoology and botany. Edinburgh, 1837-38. See Jardine, Sir W 3837.4 Masonic miscellany. Lexington, Ky. 1822-23. 3507.2 Massachusetts federalist. See Columbian cen- tinel 8000.2 Massachusetts gazette and Boston post-boy and advertiser, 1770-72 8070.2 Massachusetts quarterly review. Boston, 1848-50 3203.2 Massachusetts spy, or the "Worcester gazette, 1785-1804 8070.4 Massachusetts teacher. Boston,. 1854-59 . . 5286.1 Mathematical monthly. Cambridge, 1858 . . 5913.1 Mathematical repository. London, 1748-53. SeeDodson, J E. 199. 22 Mathematical repository. New series. Lon- don, 1806-30. See Lcybourn, T E.197.7 Mechanics' magazine. London, 1823-59 . . . 5915.1 Medical examiner. Philadelphia, 1834, 36 . . 5717.1 Medical times and gazette. London, 1854-59. 5711.1 Medical and physical journal. London, 1799- 1819. See Bradley, T 3737.1 Medical and surgical register. New York, 1818. See Watts, J 3755.10 Medico-chirurgical review. London, 1821-58. 5748.1 Memorial du commerce. Paris, 1837-58. See Lainne, A. F 3296.2 Memoric direligione,di morale, ecc. Modena, 1822-55 5148.1 Merchant's magazine. New York, 1840-59. See Hunt, F 3194.1 Messager des sciences et des arts de la Bel- gique. Gand, 1833-50 3319.1 Methodist quarterly review. N. Y. 1854-59 . 5306.1 Mining magazine. New York, 1854-58 . . . 3867.1 Missionary herald. Boston, 1822-57. See American board of commissioners for for- eign missions 5167.1 Missionary magazine. Boston, 1817-56. See American Baptist missionary union .... 5166.1 Monatliche Correspondenz. Gotha, 1800-13. SeeZach, F. v E. 159.1 Moniteur universel. Paris, 1789-1858 .... 7210.5 Shelf. No. PERIODICALS, continued. Moniteur universel publi(5k Gand, 1815 . v.l of 7210.4 Monthly anthology and Boston review, 1804- 11 3192.6 Monthly chronicle. Boston, 1840-12 .... 3202.4 Monthly journal of agriculture. New York, lsi.3-47. See Skinner, J. S 3993.4 Monthly journal of progress. Dublin, 1854-55. 3568.1 Monthly magazine, and American review. New York, 1800 5156. 1 Monthly miscellany of religion and letters. Boston, 1839-40 3202.5 Monthly religious magazine. Boston, 1854-59. 5397.1 Monthly review. London, 1749-1837 .... 3169.1 Morning chronicle. London, 1794-1853 . . . 7510.1 Museum of foreign literature. Philadelphia, 1833-38. See Littell, E 5143.1 v National era. Washington, 1848-53 7970.2 " _ National intelligencer. Washington, 1838-50. 8000.4 National miscellany. London, 1853-55 . . . 3192.2 National police gazette. New York, 1847-55. 8000. 1 National review. London, 1858-60 523S.1 Nautical magazine. London. 1854-59 .... 5408.1 Nekrolog der Deutschen. Gotha, 1791-1806. See Schlichtegroll, A. H. F 2849.1 Neuer Nekrolog der Deutschen. Weimar, 1824-54 2859.5 New England galaxy and masonic magazine. Boston, 1817-25 7800.1 New England historical and genealogical reg- ister. Boston, 1847-59 2335.1 New England journal of medicine and sur- gery. Boston, 1812-27 3717.1 New England magazine. Boston, 1831-35. See Buckingham, J. T 3182.1 New England quarterly magazine. Boston, 1802 3203.3 New Englander, The. New Haven, 1854-59 . 5230.1 New Jerusalem magazine. Boston, 1851-.V.) . Mo.").! New monthly magazine. London, 1821-60 . 5317.1 New Orleans medical and surgical journal, 1855-59 5738.1 New Orleans price current, 1837-57 7640.1 New quarterly review. London, 1852-54 . . 3183.1 New review. Lond. 1782-86. See Maty, P. H. 3184.1 New York American, 1823-25 8020.2 New York journal of medicine, 1850-59 . . . 5719.1 New York journal of pharmacy, 1854 .... O.MU.l New York price current, 1837-57. See Ship- ping and commercial list 7650.1 New York review, 1837-42 3200.8 New York review, and athenaeum magazine, 1825-26 3200.7 Niles' weekly register. Baltimore, 1811-49 See Niles, H 3141.12 North American medico-chirurgical review. Philadelphia, 1*57 5729.1 North American review. Boston, 1815-38 . . 3113.2 North British review. Edinburgh, 1853-59 . 5291). 1 Norton's literary gazette. New York, 1851-55. See Norton, C. B 2150.1 Notes and queries. London, 1850-59 .... 3159.1 Ohio medical and surgical journal. Colum- bus, 1851-52 5737.1 Panoplist, and missionary magazine. Boston, 1805-15 5235.1 Penny magazine, 1832-45. See London. So- ciety for the diffusion of useful knowledge. 3201.1 Phalange, La, journal [et revue] dc 1'ecole sociale. Paris, 1830-40 5141.3,4 PharcdcNew York, 1851-52. SeeMasseraSjE. 3130.4 Pharmaceutical journal. London, 1842-59 . . 5715.1 Philadelphia journal of the medical and phys- ical sciences, 1820-27 3718.1 Polytechniscb.es Journal. Stuttgart, 1820-56. See Dingier, J. G 3917.1 Portfolio, The, by Oliver Oldschool, esq. Philadelphia, 1800-13. See Dennie, J. . . . 3202.1 Practical mechanic and engineer's magazine. Glasgow and London, 1842-50 4022.1 PERIODICALS 618 PERRY Shelf. No. PERIODICALS, continued. Prisoner's friend. Boston, 1848-54. See Spear, C 5165.1 Publisher's circular. London, 1838-56 . . . 2154.1 Punch, or the London Charivari, 1841-57 . 3152.3 Putnam's monthly magazine. Kew York, 1850-57 5285.1 Quarterly journal of microscopical science. London, 1854-59 5878.1 Quarterly musical review. London, 1818-28. 4044.1 Quarterly papers on engineering. London, 1844-49. See Weale, J 4021.7 Quarterly register and journal. Andover, 1829-31. See American education society . 5178.2 Quarterly review. London, 1809-59 3114.1 Raccoglitore, II. Milano, 1819-34 6147.1 Ranking's half yearly abstract of the medical sciences. Philadelphia, 1845-59. Sec Ran- king, W. H 5808.1 Repertoire du droit commercial. Paris, 1833- 35. See Patorni, F. M 3296.1 Rcpertorium der deutschen Literatur. Leip- zig, 1834-42. See Gersdorf, E. G 32C7.1 Repertorium der technischen Literatur. Ber- lin, 1823-53. See Schubarth, E. L 3981.1 Repertory of arts. London, 1794-1859 . . . 5919.1-3 Retrospect of practical medicine and surgery. New York, 1854-53. See Braithwaite, W. 5716.1 Retrospective review. London, 1820-28 . . . 3184.3 Revue coloniale. Paris, 1848-59 5144.1 Revue des deux mondes. Paris, 1829-60 . . 3315.1 Revue encyclopedique. Paris, 1819-31 . . . 3369.2 Revue franQaise. Paris, 1828 2060.1 Revuemwlicalefrangaiseetetrangere. Paris, 1853-59 3738.1 Revue penitentiare. Paris, 1843-47 5363.1 Rhode Island educational magazine. Provi- dence, 1854. See Potter, E. It 6535.18 Saggiatore, II, giornale romano. Roma, 1844- 40. See Gennarelli, A 5146.10 Salem gazette, 1798-1837 8040.1 Salem register, 1800-1810 8070.1 Sartain's union magazine. Philadelphia, 1849- 50. SeeSartain, J 5231.1 Saturday review. London, 1859 5310.1 Select journal of foreign periodical literature. Boston, 1833-34 3149.1 Sharpe's London magazine, 1846-59 3162.1 Something, ed. by Nemo Nobody. Boston, 1809-10 3183.6 Southern literary messenger. Richmond, 1834-59 3190.15 Southern review. Charleston, 1828-32 . . . . 5172.1 Spectator, The. London, 1847-58 6110.1 Spirit of the fair, 1858. See Boston young men's Christian association 3180.6 Standard, The. London, 1837-45 7590.1 Tait's Edinburgh magazine, 1854-59 5322.1 Titan, or Hogg's instructor. Lond. 1856-59. 5375.1 Unitarian advocate. Boston, 1828-32 . . . E. 219. 11 Unitarian miscellany. Baltimore, 1821-24. 3402.26, E. 217.5 United service journal, and naval and milita- ry magazine. London, 1829-59 3140.4 United States commercial and statistical reg- ister. Phila. 1839-42. See Hazard, S. . . . 3201.3 United States review and literary gazette. Boston, 1824-27 3183.2 Universalist quarterly review. Bost. 1854-59. 5288.1 Veterinarian. London, 1858-59 5798.1 "Westminster review. London, 1824-59 . . . 3146.1 Youth's companion. Boston, 1827-68 .... 8090.5 Zeitschrift fiir Astronomic. Tubingen, 1816- 18. See Lindenau, B. A. v E. 189.14 Zeitschrift fiir Musik. Leipzig, 1853-59 . . . 4043.1 Zoist, The. London, 1844-50 3768.1 See also: Almanac, Transactions. PERION, J. DC magistratibus Grsecorum et Ro- manorum. [Gronovius. Thes. Graec. antiq. v.O] 2960.2 Shelf. No. PERIOSTEUM, Inflammation of the. Parsons, U. . 3717.5 PERIP.NEUMONIA typhodes, Observations on the. Hosack, D ..... .. ......... M.Pph.v.3 PERIZONIUS, J. [vernac. Voorbroek, J.] Origines Babylonica et jEgyptiacse, cum praef. C. A. Dukeri. 2d ed. Traj. ad Rhen. 1706. 6m. 8. *2299.2 PERKINS, E. Harp of the willows. Boston, 1859. 18 ..................... 2409.4 PERKINS, Jacob. Compressibility of water. [Phi- losoph. transact.] Lond. 1820. pp.8. 4. pl.**E.186.2 PERKINS, John. Nature and cause of the tails of comets. Boston, 1772. 8 ....... *Pph.v.330 PERKINS, Jonathan C. Digest of decisions of U. S. courts of common law and admiralty. See Metcalf, T .............. v.lof 3701.4 PERKINS, N. Sermon at the interment of Rev. N. Strong. Hartford, 1817. 8 ...... *Pph.v.20 PERKINS, S. Historical sketches of the United States, 1815-30. New York, 1830. 12. . . 2329.16 PERLET, C. F. Expose dc la conduite de Perlet, relativement a 1'auguste famille des Bour- bons, et refutation des calomnics de Fauche- Borel. Paris, 1816. pp.59. 8 ...... 4C53.15 PERLEY, I. Eulogy on Daniel Webster, pro- nounced before the executive and legisla- tive departments of New Hampshire, Dec. 22, 1852. Concord, 1852. 8 ...... *Pph.y.263 PERLONE Zipoli [anagr~\. See Lippi, Lorenzo. PERMIAN system. Die Vcrsteinerungen des Roth- liegenden in Sachsen. Geinitz, H. B. . . . 3860.23 PERMUTATIONS, On the doctrine of. Maseres, F. 3923.5 PERON, F. Voyage aux terres australes, 1800-4. Atlas par Lesueur et Petit. Paris, 1807-16. 3v. 4 ................... *2270.7 - Same. 2e ed. par Freycinet. Paris, 1824. 4v. 8. Atlas 4 ............. *S261.5 Voyage for the discovery of southern lands. [Pinkerton. Voyages, v. 11] ....... 2260.13 PEROTTI, G. A. Disscrtazione [di determinarc lo stato attuale della musica in Italia]. Ven- ezia, 1811. 8 ............... *4055.8 PERPETUUS. Testamentum. [Migne. Patrolo- gias v.58] ................. 3440.27 PERRAULT, C. CEuvres choisies, avec memoires par Collin de Plancy. Paris, 1826. 8 ... 2062.6 Contents. Avertissemcnt ; Memoires de C. Per- rault; Contes en prose; Contcsen versj Fables, trad- uites de Facrne; (Euvrcs direrses. Lettres sur les contes de fees, attribue's a. See Walckenaer, C. A ............ 2666.10 PERRENOT, A. See Granvelle, A. P., card. de. FERRET, L. Catacombes de Rome. Paris, 1851- 65. 6v. in 5. f ............. *D.3.N-Q Contents. Vol. I -III. Architecture, peintureg murales. IV. Lampes, vases, pierres precieuses gravees, instruments, objets divers, fragments de vases en verre dore. V. Inscriptions, figures, et sym- boles graves sur pierre. VI. Description des plan- ches. , C. One hundred fables, [with] a key. By A. Bolmar. Philadelphia, 1831. 12 . . 7079.37 PERRIX, J. Grammar of the French tongue. llthed. rev. New York, 1804. 12 .... 7079.18 PERROT, A. M. Collection historique des ordres de chevalerie. Paris, 1820. 4 ...... *2230.7 - Same. Supplement par L. T. Fayolle. Paris, 1846. 4 ............... *2230.7 Manuel du graveur. Nouv. e"d. Paris, 1844. sm. 12. [Manuel Roret] ......... 4063.17 PERROT d'Ablancourt, N. Histoire de Lucien, trad, et continuee. See Lucianus Samosa- tensis ................ v.!3of26C6.1 PERRY, J. Discourse occasioned by the death of the Hon. Roger Wolcott. Hartford, [1767]. pp.28, em. 4 ............... *3456.50 Sermon occasioned by the death of the Rev. Nathanael Hooker. Hartford, 1770. sm.4. *3457.39 PERRY, O. H. Documents relating to the differ- ences between Perry and J. D. Elliott. Washington, 1821. Boston, 1834. 8" . . *Pph.v.91 PERRY 619 PERTICARI Shelf. No PERKY, William. Royal standard English dic- tionary, -itli Am. oil. Worcester, 1796. 12. **E.208.14 Synonymous, etymological, and pronouncing English dictionary. London, 1805. 8 . . 2583.0, **E. 204.1 PERKY, William 8. Historical sketch of the church missionary association of eastern Massachu- setts. Boston, 1859. 8 3534.4 PERSECUTIONS. Belouino, P. Histoire generate des 3510.2 Fox, J. Complete history of 3550.11 See also : Martyrs. PERSECUTORS. Morti del persecutori della chiesa. Cesari, A 3439.3 PERSEPOLIS, Ueber die keilformigen Inschriften zu. Miinter, Friedrich 3034.1 PERSEVERANCE.. Christian perseverance: a ser- mon. Whitaker, D. K Pph.v.208 PERSIA. Chardin, J. Travels in. [Pinkerton. Voyages, v.9] 2200.13 - Voyages en Perse 3049.11 Dubeux, L. Histoire et description de la Perse 2270.5 Epitome of the ancient history of 3049.10 Flandin, E. X. Voyage en Perse 3020.1 Forstcr, J. G. A. Travels in. [Pinkerton. Voyages, v. 9] 2200.13 Francklin, W. Tour in the south of. [Pin- kerton. Voyages, v.9] 2200.13 Freygaug, W. and F. v. Journey into . . . 3045.0 Historical account of revolutions, 1722-25 . . 2374.19 Hyde, T. Veterum Persarum historia reli- gionis 3480.4 Ives, E. Reize naar Oost-Indiii en Persiu. E. 171. 27 Kaempfer, E. Observationes ct descriptiones Persicarum rerum 3042.15 Malcolm, J. History of 3041.1 Olearius, A. Beschreibung der pcrsichen . Ecyse 3001.1 - Voyages fails en Perse 3020.9 Olivier, G. A. Voyage dans la Perse .... 3084.1 Keligious wars between the Armenians and Persians. See Elisseus 3021.1 Silvcstre de Sacy, A. I. Memoires sur di- verses antiquites de la Perse 3023.6 Tavernicr, J. B. Six voyages through . . . 3040.4 Vallc, P. delle. Travels in. [Pinkerton. Voyages, v.9] 2200.13 PERSIAN language, Grammar of the. [Jones. Works, v.5] 2004.3 - Handjcri, A. Dictioimaire persan 3031.2 - Rousseau, S. Vocabulary of the 3034.0 PERSIAN literature, Translations from. AH Mo- hammed Khan. History of Gujarat, transl. by J. Bird 3012.0 Chodzko, A. Specimens of popular Persian poetry 3012.14 Customs and manners of the women of Per- sia. Transl. by J. Atkinson 3012.21 Dabistan, or school of manners. Transl. by D. Shea and A. Troyer . 3012.11 Ferishtah, Mahummud Casim. History of Hiudostan, transl. by A. Dow 3043.8 Firdausi, Abul Kasim. Livre dcs rois. [Pers. et fr.] Trad, par J. Mohl 3010.2 - Shah Nameh, transl. by J. Atkinson . . 3012.9 Gholani Hussein. Siyar-ul-Mutakherin, Ma- homedan power in India. Ed. by J. Briggs. 3012.20 HatlmTai. Adventures, transl. by D. Forbes. 3012.3 Hussein Ali. History of Hydur Naik, transl. by W. Miles 3012.15 - Reign of Tipii Sultan, transl. by W. Miles . 3012.16 Jahangueir. Autobiography, transl. by D. Trice 3012.5 Jany Muhammad Asaad. Akhlak-i-Jalaly, or practical philosophy, trausl. by W. F. Thompson 3012.12 Jouher. Tezkereh al Vakiat, or memoirs of Humayun. Transl. by C. Stewart .... 3012.4 Shelf. No. PERSIAN literature, continued. - Mirkhoud. History of the early kings of Persia, transl. by D. Shea 3012.10 Mohammed Ali Hazin. Autobiography. [Pers. and Eng.] 3012.17,18 Mohammed Moost'ujab. Life of Hafiz Ool- Moolk, transl. by C. Elliott 3012.19 Naz:imi. Laili and Majm'm, transl. by J. Atkinson 3012.8 Ncamet Ullah. History of the Afghans, transl. by B. Dorn 3012.1 Ouscley, W. Persian miscellanies 3032.4 Raschiil Eldin. Histoire des Mongols de la Perse. [Pers. et fr.] par M. Quatrcmere . 3010.1 Sadik Isfahan!. Geographical works, with a critical essay 3012.13 Timur. Mulfuzat Timury, or autobiography, transl. by C. Stewart 3012.2 PERSIAN poets, Biographical notices of. Ousc- ley, Sir G. . . 3012.7 PERSICO, G. B. Descrizione di Verona e della sua provincia. Verona, 1820-21. 2v. 8 . . . . 2704.9 PERSICO, I. da. I canarini. [Raccolta di poemetti didascalici, ecc. v.ll] 4779.8 PERSIMMON tree, Chemical and medical proper- ties of the. Woodhousc, J M.Pph.v.2 PERSIUS Flaccus, A. Satiras sex, item Lucilii frag- menta, Satira Sulpicia;, cur. A. Perreau. Parisiis, 1830. 8. [Lemairc. Biblioth class. Lat. 35] *2910.6 Satirsc. Translatione Gcrmaiiica, edidit H. Ducntzcr. Treveris, 1844. pp.80. 8. . . 293S.1 Satirae. See Juvenalis, D. J 2925.21 See Elton, C. A. Specimens of the classic poets, v. 2 2903.14 Poems, transl. by J. Drydcn. [Chalmers. English poets] v.!9of2592.7 PERSON, C. C. Elements de physique. Paris, 1830-37. 2v. 8 3903.19 PERSOON, C. H. Commentatio dc fungis clavae- formibus. Lipsia;, 1797. 8 *3858.8 Mycologia Europaca, sou fungorum enumera- tio. Erlanga;, 1822-28. 3v. 8 *3S58.2 Observationes mycologies;, sen descriptiones fungorum. 2 pts. in 1 v. Lipsiae, 1790-99. 8 *3S58.0 Synopsis mcthodica fungorum. Pars i ct ap- pendix. Gottingffi, 1801-8. 10 3858.9 Synopsis plantarum. Parisiis et Tubingas, 1805-7. 2v. 10 *3840.13 Tentamcn dispositionis mcthodica; fungorum. Lipsia?, 1797. pp.70. 8" *3S58.5 PERSOZ, J. F. Chimie moleculaire. Paris, 1839. & 3973.9 Traite theorique et pratique de 1' impression des tissus. Paris, 1840. 4v. 8. pi. 4 . *4016.9 PERSPECTIVE. Adhemar, J. Traite de perspec- tive ii 1'usage dcs artistes 3926.18 Monge, G. Theorie de la perspective . . . 3920.13 Varley, J. Practical treatise on 4081.15 See also : Drawing, Proportion. PERSPIRATION, Dissertation on. Agnew,J. M.Pph.v.28 Insensible perspiration of the human body. Cruikshank, W M.Pph.v.56 PERTH, earl of. See Drummond, J. PERTH, History of. Marshall, T. H 2474.9 Memorabilia of 2474.11 PERTI, G. A. See Dehn. Practische Musik- Werke 4051.14 Contents. Vol. VII. Madrigale a 5 voci nella pas- sione di Gesu Christo, O d'immenso rigore. XIX. Cruciflxus levato d'una messa, 3 voci. PERTHES, C. T. Memoirs of Frederick Pcrthes. Edinburgh, 185!>. 2v. 8 2845.3 PERTURBATIONS of planets moving in eccentric and inclined orbits. Lubbock, J. W. . . . 3922.6 PERTICARI, G. Opere. Milano, 18.H. 2v. 10. 4778.10 Contents. Vol. I. Elogio dell' nutore; Degli scrit- tori del trecento, c de' loro imitatori ; Dell' amor patrio di Dante AUghieri, e del suo libro intorno il FERTICARI 620 TKTKK.S Shelf. No. PERTICARI, G. continual. volgarc clo|uio; Delia difcsa di Dante. II. Intorno lit inortc di 1'andolfo Collenuccio; Delia vita di Gui- dobalilo i, duca d'Urbino, soritta da Bernardino Bahli; Sopra Tucidide tradotte dal Manzi; Appen- dice; Lettere varie. Opere. Bologna, 1838-30. 2v. 8 2792.15 Contents. Vol. I. Biografia di Giulio Perticari Bcritta da G. I. Montanari; Elogio del Perticari di Paolo Costa; Introduzione oi trattati di lingua ituli- ana del Perticari di L. C. Ferruzzii Degli scrittori del trecento c de' loro imitatori; Dell' apologia di Dante cogli argomenti de' capi della parte scconda di L. C. Kerruzzi. II. Dionigi d'Alicarnasso ; Saggi diversi ; Lettere ; Poesie ; Ag?iunte cd cmcndazioni all' cdizione; Composition! in morte del Perticari. [Prose scelto.] Parma, 1848. 16 4778.4 Contents. Degli scrittori del trecento c de' loro im- itatori; DclP amor patrio di Dante Alighicri; Intorno la morte di Pandolfo Collenuccio; Lettere familiar!, e dellenozzedi Costanzo Sl'orza con Isabella d'Aragona. PEETUSATI, F. Poesie. [Collezione dclle migliori opcre scritte in dialctto milanese, v.10] . . 4769 a.5 PERU. Bctagh, W. Account of. [Pinker-ton. Voy- ages, v.H] 2200.13 Bouguer, P. Voyage to. [Piukerton. Voy- ages, v.H] 2200.13 Desjardins, E. Perou avant la conquete cspagnole 2315.13 Frezier, A. F. Voyage aux cotes de Perou . 23G5.9 Lacroix, F. Histoirc et description do Perou. 2270.2 Oliva, A. Ilistoire du Perou 2319.10 Pocppig, E. F. lleise in Peru 2370.6 Proctor, It. Narrative of a residence in . . . 2365.2 Pruvonena, P. Hist, dc la independenza del. 2315.12 Relutione cl'vu capitano spagnuolo della con- qvistadel. [llamusio. Viaggi,v.3] .... 2200.2 Kivero, M. E. de. Antigliedados peruanas . 2370.8 Tschudi, J. J. v. Fauna Poruana 3890.9 Vega, G. de la. Guerrcs civiles des Espag- nols dans les Indes 2316.5 - Itoyal commentaries of . . 2310.7 Zarate, A. dc. Histoire de la diicouverteet de la oonquete dc Perou 2316.4 PERUGIA. Crouache e storic inedite della cltta di. [Arcbivio storicoital. v. 10] 6245.2 Mariotti, A. Memoric della cittii di 2727.5 - Mcmorie storichc de' Perugiui auditorl della sacra rota romaua 2742.2 Pascoli, L. Pittori, scultori, ed architetti pe- rugiiii 4081.13 Vcrmiglioli, G. B. Bibliografia storico-pe- rugina 2170.4 - Biografia degli scrittori perugini 2170.3 PERUVIAN barks. Description of all the officinal Peruvian barks. Lambert, A. B 3850.7 PERUZZI, A. Storia d'Ancona, all' anno 1532. Pcsaro, 1835. 2v. 8 2727.4 Saggio di una nuova traduzione de' tre poeti : Catullo, Tibullo, Propcrzio. [Opuscoli let- ' terarii, v.3] 2792.2 See Bernabo Silorata, P. Prose e poesie di Italian! vivcuti, v.O 4768.16 PESARO. Pitture in majolica fatte in Pesaro. Passeri, G 4066.15 PESTALOZZA, A. Sunto apologetico del sistema idcologico del liosmini. Ed. 2a. erugia, 1815. 8 2790.9 PESTALOZZI, J. II. Siimmtliclie Schriften. Stutt- gart u. Tubingen, 1819-20. 15v. 8 .... 2896.5 Contents. Vol. I.-IV. Vorrede ; Leonhard und Gertrud, cin Bucb. fur das Volk. V. Wie Gertrud ihre Kinder lehrt, eiu Versuch den Wilttern Anlei- tung zu geben, ihre Kinder selbst zu unterrichten.in Briel'cn. VI. An die Unschuld, den Ernst und den Eclclmuth rneincs Vaterlands, ein Wort ciner fiber Zeit und Stunde crhabenen Ahnung, mit Muth und Dcmuth seiner Mitwelt dargeli'gt und mit Glauben uud Iloffnung seiner Nachwelt hinterlusscn von einem Greisen, der alles Strcih seiner Tage mi'ule, nocli ein Siihnopfer auf den Altar dcr Menschheit, auf den Altar aller Kinder Gottcs legen mochtc, ehe er dahin scheidet. VII. Meine Nachtbrschungen fiber den Gang der Natur in der Entwiklung des Shelf. No. PESTALOZZI, J. n. continued. MenschengeschlechU ; Ueber Gcsetzgehung und Kindcnnord. VIII. Uebcr Gesetzvulmii^ und Kin- dermord CForUetzung.]; Ucber die Idee der Elemen- tarbildung. IX. Vennischtc Schriftcn piiilagogi*- chen Inhalts; Ansichteu fiber Industrie, Erziehung, und Pulitik, mit Uiickaicht auf unscrn die-fUlIigen Zustand vor und nach dcr Revolution ; Uede an mcin Hans. X. Figurcn zu mcinem A. B. C. Bueh Oder zu den Anfangsgrfindcn rneincs Dcnkens. XI. Ansichten und Erfahrungcn, die Idee der Elemcn- tarbildung betreffend, in Verbindung mit Aufcat/en und Bruchstuckcn, die den Gang und die Ge- schichte meincr Lebensbestrcbungcn erheitern, ein Wort fiber den Zuetand meiner piUagozischen Bc(- trcbungen und fiber (lie Organisation rneiner Anstalt im Jahr 1SJ) ; Einige mciner Rcden an raein llaus, in den Jahrcn 1808-12. XII. Chrisloph und Else. XIII. Schwanengesang. XIV.-XV. Praktische Elc- mentarubungcn ; Zahl-und Formlehre ; Form und Grossenlchre. Manuel des meres. Geneve, 1821. 12". . . . 3593.25 and his plan of education. Biber, E 2847.2 PESTII. Suspension bridge across the Danube. Clark, W. T 4014.6 PESTILENTIAL diseases. Maladies pcstilentiellcs. Chomcl, A. F 3796.13 PETANTZI, F. Disscrtatio de itineribus aggrcdi- endi Turcam. [Scbwandtner. Script, re- rum Hungaric. v.l] 2810.2 PETAU, D., or Petavius. Kalendarium vctus Ko- manum, cum ortu occasuque stcllarum. [Graevius. Thes. antiq. Rom. v.8] .... 2950.1 PETAU, P., or Petavius. Antiquarian supellectilis portiuncula; Vcterum nummorum yvi'ifn- nita. [Sallengrc. Tlics. anticj. Koin. v.'Jj . 2950.2 PETER, St., the apostle. Calvin, J. Commentary on the epistles of 55(M.13 Discourses on the first epistle of. See Bible. 34.M.2 PETER, archdeacon. Quxstiones in Daniclcm pro- phetam. [Migne. Patrologia; v.9!j]. . . . 3450.22 PETER, St., bp. of Alexandria. Acta sincera in- terp. Anastasio biblioth. [Migne. Putro- logiaev.129] v.3of.34fi0.8 See Kouth, M. J. Reliquiae sacrse, v. 4. . . . 3ol3.9 PETER, deacon. De incaruatione et gratia D. N. Jesu Christi, liber. [Migne. Patrol, v.62]. 3450.4 PETER, librarian. Historia Francorum abbrevi- ata. [Migne. Patrologiae v.151] 3400.29 PETER, Alpbonsus. See Alphonsus, P. PETER Pindar. See Walcott, J. PETER Plymley. See Smyth, S. PETER Porcupine. See Cobbctt, W. PETER of Sarna. See Pierre des Vaux de Cernai. PETER the great. Lcben Peter's des Grossen. See Halcm, G. A. v 3006.1 See also : Petrus, Pierre, Pictro. PETER, R. Applications of chemistry to medi- ciue. [Lexington, Ky. 1834.] 8. [Xo ti- tle-page] . *M.Pph.v.29 Chemical examination of the urinary calculi in the museum of the medical department of Transylvania university. Lexington, 1846'. 8 *.M.Pph.v.43 Influence of caloric on the living animal body. [No title-page.] 8 *M.Pph.v.33 Review of Caldwcll's pamphlet ent. Physi- ology vindicated by a critique on Liebig's animal chemistry. Cincin. 1843. 8. *M.Pph.v.39 Summary of meteorological observations, made 1836, in Lexington, Ky. [No title- page.] 8 *Pph.v.97 Summary of meteorological observations, made July Sept. 1837, in Lexington, Ky. [No title-page.] 8 *Pph.v.lOO PETERBORO, earl of. See Mordaunt, C. PETERBOROUGH. Chronicon Petroburgcnse. [Camden society, No. 47] 2416.47 PETERS, H. Historical and critical account of Hugh Peters. London, 1731. pp.72. 8 . 2447.4 Felt, J. B. Memoir or defence of ^lir.:i Harris, W. Account of iil^.ll Peters, S. History of Pph.v.9 PETERS 621 PETITOT Shelf. No. PETERS, J. R. Descriptive catalogue of the Chi- nese museum. Boston, 1845. 8. ... *Pph.v.235 PETERS, K. Discourse on agriculture. Philadel- phia, 1810. 8 *Pph.v.lG PETERS, Samuel. History of Hugh Peters, with an appendix. Xe\v York, 1807. 8 . . . . *Pph.v.9 PETERS, Samuel A. A general history of Con- necticut. London, 1781. 8 *2330.5 PETER'S letters to his kinsfolk. Lockhart, J. G. 2557.8 PETERSHAM, jl/ss. Address delivered iii com- memoration of the one hundredth anniver- sary of. Willson, E. B 235C.17 PETIIERAM, J. Historical sketch of Anglo Saxon literature in England. London, 1840. 8" . 2587.5 PETIET, J. Fabrication du fer. See Flachat, E. . 4012.8 PETIGNY, F. J. Etudes sur 1'histoirc, les lois et les institutions do I'epoque merovingienne. Paris, 1S4:>44. 3v. in 1. 8 4C62.4 PETIGRU, J. L. Oration before the societies of Oglethorpc university. Milledgeville, 1841. 8 *Pph.v.l23 PETIN, P. M. Dictionnaire hagiographique, ou vies des saints et des bienheureux. See Migne, J. P 3430.4 PETIT, C. Sur les effcts des eaux minerales de Vichy. Paris, 1851. 8 *M.Pph.v.47 PETIT, le pere. La vie de M. le due de Montau- sier. Paris, 1729. sm.8 2048.8 PETIT, S. Eclogae chronologies de anno et peri- odo veterum Komanorum. [Grsevius. The- saurus antiq. Kom. v.S] 2950.1 De anno Attico. [Gronovius. Thesaurus Grjec. antiq. v.9] 2960.2 PETIT-DIDIKR, M. llemarques sur la bibliotheque de M. Du Pin. Paris, 1091-90. 3v. 8'. . . *3559.6 PETIT-UAUEL, L. C. F. Rccherches sur les bib- liotheques, jusqu' a la fondation de la bib- liotheque mazarine. Paris, 1819. 8 .... 2125.8 PETIT-UADEL, P. Voyage dans les principales villes de 1'Italie. Paris, 1815. 3v. 8 . . . 2764.13 Chirurgie. See Encyclopedic methodique . A. 158. 4 PETITOT, C. B. Memoires relatifs a 1'histoire de France. Ire Ser. Paris, 1819-26. 52v. 8. *2615.1 Contents. Vol. I. Discotira preliminaire ; Notice sur Geoffroy de Ville-Hardouin, destinee a servir de complement a ses memoircs; De la conquete de Con- stantinople, ll'JS-lL'O? ; Decadence de 1'empire latin. II. Notice sur Joinville; Tableau du regne de Saint Louis i llistoire de Sa'mt-Loys, par Joinville ; Vari- ctes. III. Extraits des manuscrits arabcs, ctdisserta- tions de Du Cange. IV. Notice sur les memoircs de Guesclin; Precis des guerres entre la France et 1'An- gleterre, depuis 1076 jusqu' a 1380, servant d'introduc- tion aux memoires de Du Guesclin ; Anciens me- moires sur Du Guescliu. V. Anciens memoires sur Du Gucjclin [suite]: Observations relatives aux nie- moires sur Du Guesclin! Pieces justificatives; Notice sur lavieet Icsouvrages de Christine de Pisan; Le Livrc des fails du sage roy Charles v. VI. Le livre des fuits de Charles V [suite]; Observations sur 1'hist. de Charles v ; Avertissement sur 1'histoire de Bou- cicaut ct sur les memoires de Fetiin ; Tableau du regnede Charles vi; Le livre des faicts du marechal de Boudcaut. VII. Le livre des faicts de Bouci- caut [suite]; Memoire de Pierre de Fenin, 1407-1422. VIII. Tableau du regne de Charles vn; Memoires eoncernant la pucille d'Orleans ; Supplement des niemoires sur Jeanne d'Arc; Pieces relatives a 1'his- toire de Jeanne d'Arc ; Fragmens relatifs a Jeanne d'Arc; llistoire d'Artus in, due de Bretaigne, con- tenant ses memorablcs faicts depuis 1'an 1413 jusqucg a 1'an 1157, inise en lumiere par Theodore Godcfroy ; Memoires relatifs a Florent, sire d'llliers. IX. Notice sur Olivier de La Marehe ; Precis de 1'origine, des progres et do la decadence de la seconde maison de Bourgogne depuis Philippe le Ilardi jusqu' a Marie; Preface et introduction de messire Olivier de La Marehe. X. Memoires d'Olivier dc La Marehe [suite]; L'estat de la maison du due Charles de liourgongne, diet le Hardy. XL Notice sur Jacques Du Clercq; Memoires sur Jacques Du Clercq; Notice sur Phi- lippe de Comincs.ct sur ses niemoires; Introduction; Pieces justificatives de 1'introduction; Memoires de Philippe de Comines. XII. Memoires de Comines, suite. XIII. Memoires de Philippe de Comines, fin; Lea chroniques du tres-chrestien et tres-victoricux Louis de Valois, feu roi de France, xie du nom, par Shelf. No. PETITOT, C. B. continued. Jean de Troycs, 1460 a 1483. XIV. Leg chroniques de Jean de Troyes, suite ; Avertissement sur les niemoires de Villeneuve, et sur ceux de La Treniou- ille; Tableau du regne de Charles vin; Notice sur Guillaiime de Villeneuve, et sur ses niemoires; Me- moires de Guillaume de Villeneuve; Notice sur Jean Bouchct ; Epistrc contenaut 1'intention de 1'acteur du chevalier sans reproche; Le panegyric du cheva- lier sans reproche. XV. Avertissemtnt sur les me- moires de Bayard, et sur ceux de Fieuranges; Tab- leau du regnc de Louis xii ; Notice sur les memoires de Bayard; Prologue de 1'acteur; Tres-joyeusc, plai- sante et recreative hystoire du bon chevalier sans paour ct sans reprouche. XVI. Hystoire du bon chevalier sans paour et sans reprouche; Notice sur Fleurange, et sur ses memoires; Histoire des choscs memorables advenues du regne de Louis xn, et Francois I ; Notice sur Louise de Savoie ; Journal de Louise de Savoye. XVII. Notice sur Guillaume du Bellay, seigneur de Langey, Jean, cardinal du Bel- lay, ct Martin du Bellay; Introduction aux me- moircs de du Bellay; Epitre dedicatoire au roy ; Preface de 1'autheur; Prologue des Ogdoades de messire Guillaume du Bellay; Memoires de Ma in du Bellay. XVIII.-XIX. Memoires de Martin du Bellay, fin. XX. Introduction aux memoires sur les regnes dc Henri n, de Franffois n, de Charles ix, de Henri in, et de Henri IV; Notice sur Montluc ct sur ses commentaires; Epitre a la noblesse de Gascogne; Commentaircs de messire Blaisc de Montluc, mare- chal de France. XXI.-XXII. Commentaircs de messire Blaise Montluc, fin. XXIII. Notice sur Gaspard de Tavannes; Notice sur le vicomte de Ta- vanncs; Observations bibliographiques; Memoircs de Gaspard de Suulx, seigneur de Tavannes. XXIV.- XXV. Memoires de Gaspard de Saulx, fin. XXVI. Notice sur VieiltevUle; Memoircs de la vie du mare- chal de Vicilleville. XXVII. Memoires de Vieille- ville, suite. XXVIII. Memoircs de Vieilleville, fin; Memoires dc Francois dc Boy vin, baron Duvillars, 1550 a 1.559. XXIX.-XXX. Memoires de Duvillars, fin. XXXI. Notice sur Rabutin et sur ses commen- taires: Epistre au magnanime prince messire Fran- Sois de Clevcs; Poeme de 1'auteur; Commciitaircs de Francois de Rabutin. XXXII. Commentaires de Francois de Ralmtin ; Notice sur Fenelon et sur ees memoires ; Le siege de Metz ; Notice sur Col- ligny et sur ses niemoires ; Discours de Gaspard de Colligny sur le siege de Sainct-Quentin ; Me- moire du voyage du due de Guise en Italic, 1556- 57, pardcLa Chastre; Notice sur La Chastrect surses memoires; Memoire de Guillaume de Rochechouart. XXXIII. Memoires de Michel de Castelnau, seig- neur de Mauvissiere ct de Concressnut; Notice sur Castelnau et sur ses memoires. XXXIV. Memoires du sieur Jean de Mergey, gentil-homme champe- nois ; Notice sur Jean de Mergey ct sur ses me- moires; Memoire du sieur Franjois dc La None ; Notice sur La Noue ct ses memoires; Memoires d'Achille Gamon, avocat ct consul d'Annonai ; Me- moircs dc Jean Philippi ; Notice sur les memoires d'Achille de Gamon ct de Jean Philippi. XXXV. Memoircs dc Henry dc La Tour d'Auvcrgne, vicomte de Turenne; Notice sur le due de Bouillon et sur ses memoires; Memoires des choses advenues en France es gucrrcs civiles, depuis 15UO j usque 15!) J, par Guil- laume de Saulx, seigneur de Tavannes ; Notice sur Guillaume de Tavannes ct sur ses memoires. XXXVI. Memoires de Philippe Uurault, conite de Cheverny ; Notice sur Chcverny et sur ses memoires; Memoires de Philippe Uurault, abbu de Poutlevoy, evcsquc de Chartres; Notice sur Philippe Huraultet sur ses memoircs. XXXVII. Memoircs de Marguerite de Vatois, rcinc de France ct de Navarre; Notice sur Marguerite de Valois ct sur ses memoires; Memoires de Jacques-Auguste de Thou, depuis 1553 jusqu'en 1GOI ; Notice sur de Thou et sur ses memoires. XXXVIII. Memoires de Jean Choisnin; Notice sur Choisnin et sur ses memoires; Memoircs de Mathien Merle, baron de Salavas ; Notice sur le capitaine Merle et sur ses memoires; Notice sur Palma Cayet; Chronologic novenaire, contenant 1'histoire de la guerre sous le regne de Henri iv, par Pierre-Victor Cayet; Introduction. XXX1X.-XLII. Chronologic novenaire de Palma Cayet, suite. XLIII. Memoires de Jacques Pape, seigneur de Saint- Auban; Notice sur Saint-Auban et sur ses memoires. XLIV. Me- moires d'cstat, de Villeroy, 1584-1501 ; Notice sur Villeroy et sur ses niemoires ; Memoires du due d'Angoulesme; Notice sur le due d'Angouleme ct sur ses memoires. XLV. Notice sur P. de 1'Estoile et sur scs ouvragcs ; Memoircs pour servir a 1'histoire de France, 151.V1574 ; Journal de Henri in, 1574-1589; Proces-verbal de Nicolas Paulin, qui contient 1'nis- PETITOT 622 PETRARCA Shelf. No. PETITOT, C. B. continued. toire de la Liguc, 1585-1588; Relation de la mort des due ct cardinal de Guise, par Mirou, medecin de Henri in. XLVI.-XLVHI. Memoires de Pierre de 1'Kstoile, Journal de Henri iv, 1589-1010. XLIX. Registrcs-journaux de P. de 1'Estoile sur le regne de Louis xni, 1610-11; Comment et en quel temps la reine accoucha de LouU xni; Notice sur Jacques Gillotet sur sa relation ; Relation de Jacques Gillot, 1610 ; Notice sur Claude Groulard et sur scs me- moires ; Memoires de Claude Groulard, 1588-1604 > Extrait des registres du parlement de Rouen ; Notice sur Michel de Marillac; Mtmoires de MariHac. L.- LI. Notice sur le marquis de Fontenay-Mareuil et sur ses memoires ; Memoires de Fontenay-Mareuil. 1609-1047. LH. Table generate et analytique des memoires. - Same. Sdr. 2e. Paris, 1820-29. 78v. 8. *2025.2 Contents. Vol. I.-IX. Discours preliminaire ; In- troduction aux (Economies royales, 1553-1504 ; Me- moires dcs sages et royales (Economies d'estat, domes- tiques, politiques et militaircs de Henri le Grand, par Sully, 1571-1011. X. Notice sur Richelieu et sur ses memoires; Testament de son eminentissime Armand Jean du Plessis, cardinal due de Richelieu ; Me- moires du cardinal de Richelieu, 1G10-1616. XI. Memoires du cardinal de Richelieu, 1017-1'J; Pieces justiftcatives ; Succincte narration des grandes ac- tions du roi Louis xni; Negociations du president Jeannin. XII.-XV. Negociations du president Jean- nin, suite. XVI. Negociations du president Jcaunin, fln ; Memoires du marechal d'Estrees, 1610-17, Me- moires de Phelypeaux de Pontchartrain, 1010-11. XVII. Memoires de Phelypeaux de Pontchartrain, 1(112-20. XVIII. Memoires du due dc Rohan, 1010- 29. XIX. Memoires du due de Rohan sur la guerre de la Valteliue; Memoires de Bassompierre, 1579-1612. XX.-XXI. Memoires de Ilassompierre, 1013-1640. XXII.-XXX. Memoires du cardinal de Richelieu, HilO a 1038. XXXI. Memoires de Gaston, due d'Or- leans, 1008 a 1038; Memoires du sieur de Ponlis, 1599- 1027. XXXII. Memoires du sieur de Pontis, 1027-^52. XXXIII. Notice sur Port-Royal; Memoires de mes- sire Arnauld d'Andilly ; Notice Bur Arnauld d'An- dilly. XXXIV. Memoires d'Arnauld d'Andilly, suite ; Memoires de 1'abbe Arnauld, 1634-75 ; Notice sur 1'abbe Arnauld; Lettre de madame de Brissac a 1'abbe Arnauld sur ses memoires; Notice sur la duch- csse de Nemours ct Bur ses memoires; Memoires de la duchesse de Nemours, 1048-53. XXXV. Introduction aux memoires relatifs a la Fronde, 1043-53; Memoires ducomtede Brienne, 1014-1628; Notice sur le comte de Brienne et sur ses memoires ; A son excellence monseigneur Ern.-Christophle Kielpinsky. XXX VL Memoires du comte de Brienne, 1629-01; Memoires de madame de Motteville ; Notice sur madame de Motteville ; Portrait de la reine Anne d'Autriche. XXXVII.-XXXIX. Memoires de madame de Motte- ville, 1043-1059. XL. Memoires de madame de Motte- ville. 1059-1006; Testament de la reine; Memoires de mademoiselle de Montpensier, 1027-46 ; Notice sur mademoiselle de Montpensier. XLI.-XLIII. Me- moires de mademoiselle de Montpensier, 1647-1686. XLIV. Notice sur le cardinal de Retz, ct sur ses memoires ; Memoires du cardinal de Retz, 1648-49. XLV.-XLVI. Memoires du cardinal de Retz, 1049- 1055 ; Proces-verbal de la conference de Rucl ; Le courrier burlesque de la guerre de Paris; Sermon de Saint-Louis, roi de France; La conjuration du comte de Fiesque ; Avis au cardinal Mazarin. XLVII. Memoires de Guy Joly, 1043-1005; Notice sur Guy Joly et sur ses memoires; Memoires de Claude Joly, concernant le cardinal de Retz, 1048-1055; Notice sur Claude Joly ct sur ses memoires. XLVIII. Me- moires de Valentin Conrart, premier secretaire per- petuel de 1'academie franoaise, 1652 ; Memoires du P. Berthod, 1652-55; Notice sur le P. Berthod et sur ses memoires. XLIX.-L. Notice sur le marquis de Montglat; Avertissement du P. Bougeant; Memoires de Montglat, 1010-55. LI. Memoires de Montglat, 1650-08; Memoires de La Chatre, 1638-43; Notice sur La Chatre et sur ses memoires; Lettre de La Chatre a M. de Brienne ; Extrait des memoires de Ilenri Campion ; Notice sur La Rochefoucauld et sur ses memoires ; Portrait du due de La Rochefoucauld, fait par lui-meme; Portrait dc La Rochefoucauld, par le cardinal de Retz; Extrait du Siecle de Louis xiv, par Voltaire; Memoires de La Rochefoucauld, 1030- 1019. LII. Memoires de La Rochefoucauld, 1049- 52 ; Memoires de Gourville, 1649-97 ; Notice sur Gourville et sur ses memoires. LIII. Notice sur Pierre Lcnet ct Bur scs memoires ; Memoires de Pierre Lenet, 1649-50. LIV. Memoires de Pierre Lenet, 1650 ; Memoirea dc Montresor, 1632-37 ; No- Shelf. No PETITOT, C. B. continued. tice sur Montresor et snr ses memoires; Relation de Fontrailles; Notice sur Fontrailles ct sur sa relation. LV. Memoires du due de Guise, 1647-48 ; Notice sur le due de Guise et sur ses memoires. LVI. Mc- moircs du due de Guise, 1048 ; Memoires du mare- chal de Gramont, 1004-59 ; Notice sur le mare- chal de Gramont et sur scs memoires. LVIL Memoires du marechal de Gramont, 1058-77 ; Me- moires du marechal Du Plessis, 1G.'7-71; Notice sur le marechal Du Plessis. LVIII. Memoires de M. de * * * 1643-73 ; Avertissement sur les memoires de M. de * * * LIX. Memoires dc M. de 1674-90; Memoires de P. de la Porte, 1624-65 ; Notice sur P. de La Porte ct snr ses memoires. LX.-LXII. Me- moires d'Omer Talon, 1031-53 ; Notice sur Omcr ct Denis Talon et sur leurs memoires. LXIII. Me- moires d'Omer Talon; Piccesjustiflcatives; Memoires de 1'abbe dc Choisy. LXIV. Mems. duchev. Temple, 1673-79; Notice sur le chev. Temple ; Ilistoire de madame llenriette d'Angleterre, par madame dc La Fayette: Notice sur madame de La Fayette. LXV. Memoires de la cour de France pour les annees 1638 et 1689, par madame de La Fayette, fln ; Memoires du marquis de La Fare, 1073-93 ; Notice sur le marquis de La Fare ct ses memoires ; Portrait du marechal de Berwick; Memoires du marechal de Berwick, 1085- 1703 ; Ebauehe historique du marechal de Berwick. LXVI. Memoires du marechal de Berwick, 1704-17"4, fin ; Notice sur madame de Caylus et sur ses me- moires; Preface de 1'edition de Jean Robert; Souve- nirs de madame de Caj-lus. LXVII. Memoires du marquis de Torcy; Notice sur le marquis dc Torcy et sur ses memoires, 1697-1710. LXV1II. Memoires du marquis de Torcy 1710-13; Notice sur le marechal de Villars et sur ses memoires; Memoires du mare- chal de Villars, 1672-1700. LXIX.-LXX. Memoireg du marechal de Villars, 1701-1730, suite. LXXI. Memoires du mareehal de Villars, 1731-83, fin; No- tice sur les memoires dc Noailles; Pieces relatives a la notice ; Discours preliminaire des memoires du due de Noailles, 1082-10!*. LXXII.-LXXIII. Me- moires du due de Noailles, 1700-40, suite. LXXIV. Memoires du due de Noailles, 1746-1755, fin; Pieces detachees ; Notice sur le comte dc Forbin et sur Duguay-Trouin; Memoires du comte de Forbin, 1075- 1089. LXXXV. Memoires de Forbin 1600-1710, fin ; Memoires de Duguay-Trouin, 1689-1712. LXXVI. Notice sur Duclos et sur ses ouvrages ; Memoires secrets de Duclos, 1701-22. LXXVI1. Memoires secrets de Duclos, 1722-26, fin ; Ilistoire des causes de la guerre de 1750; Notice sur madame de Stual ct sur ses ouvrages ; Memoires de madame de Staal. LXXVIII. Table generalc ct analytique. PETITTI di Roreto, C. I. Mendicita, beneflcenza, c carceri. Torino, 1837. 2v. 8 3570.78 PETBA, V. Sulle condizioni dell' odierna musica italiana. Napoli, 1851. 8 *4055.9 PETRALOGY: a treatise on rocks. Pinkerton, J. 3SG5.11 PETKAKCA, F. Opera omnia. Basileae, 1551. iv. in 2. f *2r90.5 Note. The colophon of v. 4 has the date 15S1. Contents. Vol. I. Dc oiigine, vita, conversatione et studiorum suorum successu ipsiusmct autoris epistola: Franciscus Petrarcha posteritati S.; Vita Francisci Petrarcha? v. c. per Hieronymum Squarza- fichum Alexandrinum ad Petrum Contarenum Ven- etum patricium scripta ; De remediis utriusque for- tune ; De vita solitaria; De ocio religiosorum ; De vera sapientia ; De contemptu mundi, sive secrcto- rum; Psalmi pcenitentiales vn ; De republica optime administranda, liber; De officio et virtutibus impcra- toriis ; Rerum memorandarum liber iv ; Vitarum virorum illustrium epitome; Lobardi Sirichii supple- mentumepitomatis; Benevenuti de Rambaldis, Au- gustulis liber; De pacificanda Italia exhortatio; Ad veteres Romanae reipublicas defensores, oratio ; De libertate capessenda, hortatio; De obedientia ac fide uxoria mythologia; De avaritia vitanda, oratio; Itine- rarium Syriacum. II. Epistolarum de rebus famili- aribus lib. vm; Epistolarum ad quosdam ex veteri- bus illustriores, lib.; Epistolarum, sine titulo, liber; Epistolarum de rebus scnilibus, libri xvi ; Epistola- rum variarum liber; De suiipsius ct multorum igno- rantia, liber ; Galli anojymi invectiva ; Apologia contra Gallum; Invcctivarum contra mcdicum quon- dam, lib. iv ; Notha qua? falso autori tribuuntur. HI. Epistola) de sumenda atque recepta laurea, ad amicos; Laureae ct civitatis Romano: donatas privile- gium ; Bucolicorum asgloga? ; Africa, sive de bello Punico, lib. ix; Epistolarum libri m ; Testamcn- tum authoris. IV. Sonetti et canzoni ; Trioinphi ; Sonetti et canzoni di diversi dotti. PETRARCA 623 PHARMACOPOEIA Shelf. No. PETRARCA, F. continued. Lcrime. Venezia, Zatta, 1784. 2v. 10. [Par- naso italiano, v.1,2] *27C9.2 Contents. Vcl. I. Sonctti; Canzoni; Ballate; Scs- tine. II. Sonetti : Canzoni; Ballata ; Scstina ; Cap- itoli comprcsi uc' trionfl; Giunta. - Same. Firenze. Ciardctti, 1821. 2v. roy.8". 2803.3 Contents. Vol.1. Prcfazione; Memorie tlclla vita di F. P. ch'egli stcsso ne lascio scritto nelle opcre sue latine; Sonctti, e canzoni in vita di madonna .Laura; Dichiarazioni del ritratti, cc. ne' due volumi, ec. II. Sonetti e canzoni in mortc di madonna Laura ; Trionfl in vita cd in raorte de ma'Joiina Laura ; Sonetti e canzoui sopra varj argomenti ; Biblioteca petrarchesca : Quadro cronologico delle edizioni del canzoniere; Descrizione bibliografica. - Same. Colic note [di varii], raccolte da L. Carrer. Padova, 1837. 2v. 8 2803.1 II secreto, e le rime, con pref. di P. Emiliani- Giudici. Firenze, 1847. 12 2803.15 Rime. See Emiliani-Giudici, P 2791.11 Six sonnets de Petrarque. [Marot. CEuvrcs, v.3] 2708.3 Balolclli-Boni, G. B. Del Petrarca e dclle sue operc 2803.5 Bianchini,G. M. Tre lezioni sopra 2802.2 Dobson, S. Life of Petrarch 2803.7 Fernow, C. L. Petrarca dargestellt, nebst dem Leben des Dichters 2803.16 Foscolo, N. U. Essays on Petrarch .... 2803.9 Levati, A. Viaggi di P. in Francia, in Ger- mania, ed in Italia 2803.6 Rossetti, G. Sulla segreta influenza dello spirito antipapale nelle opcre di Petrarca . 3517.3 Sade, J. F. P. A. de. Mcmoircs sur F. Petrarque 2803.2 Villani, F. Vita Petrarchae 2800.14 PETRETTIXI, G. Papiri greco-egizj, ec., del I. R. museo di Corte. Vienna, 18^0. pp.75. 4. *2190.7 PETRIE, G. Ecclesiastical architecture of Ire- land, anterior to the Anglo-Gorman inva- sion. Dublin, 1845. 4. [Dublin. Royal Irish acad. Trans, v. 20] *3290.6 PETEONI,P. Miscellanea historica, 1433-40. [Mu- ratori. Rcrum Ital. script, v.24] 2720.1 PETROXIUS Arbiter, T. Satyricon qua; supersunt. Cur. P. Burmanno. Ed. alt. Amstelasdaml, 1743. 2v. 4 2921.17 See Lemairc, N. E. Poet. Lat. miu. v.2, 3, 7. 2912.1 See Wcrnsdorf, J. C. Poet. Lat. min. v. 3,4 . 2912.4 The satyr of, made English by Mr. Bur- naby. London, 1694. 10 *2938.4 PETRUS. See Peter. PETRUS Patricius. Fragmenta. See Fragm. hist. Grsec. v.4 3002.11 Excerpta ex historia. [Corpus script, hist. Byz. V.14J 2909.1 IIcpi jroXn-((r>/s firiamfK' [Mai. Script, vet. nova coll. v.2] 3000.1 PETTIGRKW, T. J. Memoirs of lord viscount Nelson. 2d ed. London, 1849. 2v. 8 . . 2445.2 PETTY, W. Political arithmetick ; Extent and value of lands, etc. London, 1091. 8. . . *3G48.21 Essay in political arithmetic. See Collection of bills of mortality 3501.5 PETZIIOLDT, A. Lectures to farmers on agricul- tural chemistry. [Skinner, J. S. Monthly journal of agriculture, v. 3] 3993.4 PETZHOLDT, J. Anzeiger der Bibliothek-Wissen- schaft, 1840-53. Dresden, u. 8. w. 1841-53. 9v. 8 *2127.1 Handbuch deutscher Bibliotheken. Halle, IN>:S. 8 *2125.10 PEU, P. La pratique des accouchemens. Paris, 1091. 8" *3772.12 PEUCIIET,J. Assemblee nationale. See Encyclo- pedic methodique A. 109. 3 Situation actuelle des colonies Europeennes dans les deux Intles, clepuis 1783 jusqu'en 1821. [Raynal. Etablissemens des Euro- peans, etc. v. 11, 12] 2303.3 Shelf. No. PEYROX, A. Papiri greco-cgizi di Zoide, dell' I. R. musco di Vienna. Torino, 1S28. pp. 43. 4 *2190.5 Papyri Graeci Tauriuensis musei JEjyptii. 2 pts. in 1 v. Taurini, 1826-27. 4 *2190.4 PEYRONNET, C. I. de. Ilistoire des Francs. [486- 752.] Bruxelles, 1835. 3v. 12 4659a.4 PEZZAXA, A. Catalogo do' libri impress! in Par- ma, dall' anno 1472 al 1500. Parma, 1816. pp.57. 4 *2170.5 Osservazioni concernenti alia lingua italiana ed a' suoi vocabolarj. Parma, 1823. 8 . . 2785.4 Circa le cose dettc dal sig. A. L. Millin intorno la citta di Parma. [Opuscoli letterarii, v.l]. 2792.2 Memorie dcgli scrittori e letterati parmigiani. See Affo, 1 2742.4 PEZZATI, F. Diario dellaribellione d'Arezzo, 1502. [Archiv. stor. Ital. v.l] 5245.2 PEZZOLI, L. See Carcano, G. Poeti satirici itali- ani, v.4 2809.3 PFAFF, C. H. Lebenserinnerungen. Mit Nitz- Bchii memoria u. Briefen, u. s. w. Kiel, 1854. fe 2847.7 PFAFF, J. F., and others. Sammlung von Briefen gewechselt zwischen J. F. Pfaff und Hcr- zog Carl v. "\Viirteinberg, u. s. w. Leipzig, 1853. 8" 2847.6 PFEIFFER, L. G. C. Monographia heliceorum viventium. Lipsiae, 184S-53. 3v. 8 ... 3872.12 PFIACZKVICH, J. Illyrici expositio geographica. [Schwandter. Script, rer. Hungaric. v. 3] . 2S10.2 PFINZING, M. Der Theuerdank nach der Aus- gabe von 1519. Stuttgart, 1840. 10. [Schei- ble. Kloster, v.4] *2889.1 PFIZER, G. Geschichte Alexanders des Grossen fiir die Jugend. Stuttgart, 1840. 8 ... 3078.4 PII.EAX. See Baiter and Sai-.ope. Oratores Attici. 2963.1 PIL-EDRUS. Fabularum libri v. Curanto P. Uur- manno. Ed. 4a. Lugduni Batav. 1778. 8. 2938.6 Fabulse expurgatoe. Bostonia?, 1827. 12 . . 7089.34 Catorce fabulas. See Iriate, T. dc 3005.17 See Elton, C. A. Specimens of the classic poets, v.2 2903.14 Animadversiones ad Phsedri fabulas. [Meur- sius. Opera, v.O] 2210.2 and Romulus. Fabulsc, publ. J. G. S. Schwabe. Accedunt Ilomuli fabulje. [Ed.] J. B. Gail. Parisiis, is-.'d. 2v. b . . . . 2916.10 PHAER.T. See Mirror for magistrates. Pt. in. v.2 of 2603.8 PHALANGE, La. Journal de 1'ecole sociale. Par- is, 1836-40. 3v. in 2. 4 *5141.3 PHALANGE, I. a. Jtcvue de la science morale. 14- 19annee. Ire ser. Paris, 184.5 19. lOv. in 5. 8 *5141.4 See also: Journal de 1'ecole societaire. PHALARIS. Epistolae. Commentario illustravit J. D. a Lcnnep. Notas praefixit Valckeua;r. Groninga;, 1777. 4" 3001.1 Bentley, R. Dissert, de Phalaridis epistolis. 3001.1 - Dissertation upon the epistles of P. . . 2608.1 Dialogues relative to the controversy on the epistles of. [King. Works, v.l] 2549.3 PHAXIAS, or Phaenias, Eresius. See Fragm. hist. Graec. v.2 3002.11 PHANOCLES. Reliquiae. See Philetas 2993.12 PIIANODEMUS. See Fragm. hist. Grsec. v.l . . . 3002.11 PHANTASIA and other poems. Hall, J 2399.4 PHANTASMIOX. A story. Coleridge, S. H. . . . 2576.27 PIIARE dc New York, Le. Masseras, E 3130.4 PHARMACEUTICAL chemistry. Liebig and Kopp. Jahresbericht der pharmaceut. Chemie . . 3985.1 PHARMACEUTICAL journal and transactions. Ed- ited by Jacob Bell. Vol. 1-15, 17, 18. Lon- don, 1841-50, 59. 17v. 8 *5715.1 PHARMACOPOEIA. Bate, G. Pharmacopoeia Ba- teana 3785.19 Boerhaave, H. Materia medica, or druggist's guide 3786.19 Christison, R. Dispensatory, or commentary on the pharmacopoeias 3785.2 PHARMACOPOEIA 624 PHILADELPHIA Shelf. No. PHARMACOPOEIA, continued. Gray, 8. F. Supplement to the pharmaco- poeia 3785.5 Jourdain, A. J. L. Pharmacopee univcrselle. 3785.11 Lewis, W. Edinburgh new dispensatory . 3785.15, 16 Magendic, F. Formulary for several new remedies 3780.9, 13, 15 Mayne, J. Dispensatory and therapeutical remembrancer 3785.20 Pharmacopoeia of the Massachusetts medical society. See Massachusetts 3780.14,16,17 Pharmacopoeia collegii regalis mcdicorum Londinensis, 1815. See London. College of physicians 3785.14 Pharmacopoeia of the United States. See Na- tional medical convention 3785.6,7 Quincy, J. English dispensatory pharmaco- poeia 3785.18 Swediaur, F. Pharmacoposia medici practici universalis 3786.23 Thacher, J. American new dispensatory . . 3785.10 - Thomson, A. T. Conspectus of the P. of the London, Edinburgh., and Dublin colleges. 3786.24 Wylie, Sir J. Pharmacopoeia castrensis Ru- thenica 3785.1 See also : Materia mcdica, Medical botany, Phar- macy. PHARMACY. Brande, W. T. Manual of 3784.6 Brandos, R. Annalen der Pharmacie .... 3288.2 Chevallier, A. Alterations et falsifications des substances medicamenteuses 3731.3 Geiger, P. L. Pharmaceutische Zoologie . . 3784. 15 Guibourt, N. J. B. G. Histoire naturelle des drogues 3834.15 Magendic, F. Formulary for the preparation of medicines 3786.13 Morflt, C. Pharmaceutic manipulations . . 3784.13 Murray, J. System of 3784.7,8 Sanders, II. L. Manuale medicum 3789.26 Schlechtcndal, D. F. L. v. Gewachse dcr Pharmacopoea Borussica 3781.2 . Swediaur, F. Pharmacologia 3786.22 Theobald, J. Materia pharmaceutica .... 3780.21 Virey, J. J. Traite complet de pharmacie. 3784.14 See also: Adulteration, Drugs, Materia medica, Medical botany, Medical chemistry, Pharmacopoeia. PHARONNIDA, an heroic poem. Chamberlayne,W. ^2609.10 PHARSALIA. See Lucanus, M. A 2916.7 PIIAVOUINUS, or Favorinus. Glossse sacra; Grsece. See Suidas 3427.2 PHELPS, S. S. Speech in the senate ou the tariff, Feb. 16 and 10, 1844. Washington, 1844. 8.*Pph.v.l80 PHELPS and Gorham's purchase, History of the pioneer settlement of. Turner, 2371.5 PHENICIA. Hoefer, J. C. F. ffistoire et descrip- tion de Phenicie 2266.10 Kosenmiiller, E. F. C. Biblical geography of. 3419.18 PHERKCRATES. See Poet. com. Graec. fragm. . . 3002.14 PHERECYDES. See Fragm. hist. Grsec. v.l. . . . 3002.11 PHILADELPHIA as it is. The stranger's guide. Philadelphia, 1845. 18 2389.20 PHILADELPHIA. Chapin, E. H. The recent riots in P. 1844. A discourse Pph.v.234 Lee, J. H. History of the riots in May and July, 1844 2328.24 Wilson, T. Picture of, 1824, 1811 2372.9 Municipal government. Digest of city ordinances and acts relating thereto. By C. S. Miller. Philadelphia, 1828. 8 6378.20 - Same. Philadelphia, 1841. 8 6378.21 Devises, bequests, and grants to the corpora- tion. Philadelphia, 1832. 8 6378.22 Minutes of the common council, 1704-76. Phil- adelphia, 1847. 8 6378.23 Proceedings of the committee to alleviate the sufferings of the afflicted with malig- nant fever, 1792. Phila. 1848. 8. . *M.Pph.v.l31 Shelf. No. PHILADELPHIA, continued. Public schools. By-laws of the directors of the 1st section, 1st district of Pennsylvania. Also rules for primary schools. Phila- delphia, 1839. 8 *Pph.Y.103 - Report of the committee appointed to ex- amine the condition of the public schools in the first school district of Pennsyl- vania. Harrisburg, 1838. 8 *Pph.v.l02 - Report 20th-25th , 27th-30th of the control- lers of the public schools of the city and county. Philadelphia, 1838-48. 8 .... . *Pph.v.l02, 107, 117, 119, 127, 139, 151, 150, 102, 169 Report of the committee on legacies and trusts. Philadelphia, 1838. 8 *Pph.v.l02 Report relative to the malignant disease of the summer and autumn of 1820. Philadel- phia, 1821. 8 *M.Pph.v.25 Report of the sanitary committee of the board of health, on the Asiatic cholera. Philadelphia, 1848. 8 *M.Pph.v.45 Reports of the trustees of the Philadelphia gas works. [With prior reports, and ordi- nances.] Philadelphia, 1857. 8 3975.7 Report of the watering committee relative to Fair Mount water works, 1823. 2ded. Phila- delphia, 1827. 8 *Pph.v.248 Report of the watering committee. Phila- delphia, 1S39. 8 *Pph.v.l03 - Same. For the year 1852. Phila. 1853. 8. 0378.24 ^Benevolent associations. Emigrant's friend society. American citizen and emigrant adviser. Phila. 1850. 8. *Pph.v.l83 Girard college for orphans. Fifth annual re- port of the building committee. With a report by T. U. Walter. Phila. 1838. 8.*Pph.v.lOO - Final report of the building committee. Addresses by Biddle and Chandler, [etc.] Philadelphia, 1848. 8 *Pph.v.l67 - Plan for education at. Lieber, F. . . . 3592.21 - System of education for. M'Clure, D. Pph.v.97 House of refuge. Design and advantages of the house of refuge. Phila. 1850. 8. *Pph.v.l81 - Report, 7th, llth, 12th, 14th, 16th. Phila- delphia, 1835-44. fc . . *Pph.v.95, 107, 117, 126, 135 Magdalen asylum. Report of managers for 18:55,38,39. Phila. 1830-40. 8.*Pph.v.221, 223, 225 National convention of the friends of public education. Proceedings. Philadelphia, Oc- tober 17-19, 1849. Phila. 1849. 8. *Pph.v.l75, 182 Orphan society. 25th-27th annual report. Philadelphia, 1840-4^. 8 *Pph.v.l27 Pennsylvania hospital. Catalogue of the medical library. Philadelphia, 1803. 8.*M.Pph.v.7 - Same. By E. Fischer. Phila. 1857. 8". *2135.1 Pennsylvania hospital for the insane. Re- ports for the years 1846-50. By Thomas S. Kirkbride. Philadelphia, 1851. 8 3800.21 - Rules and regulations for those employed. 2d ed. Philadelphia, 1850. 12 3800.47 St. Andrew's society. Charter. Philadelphia, 1809. 12 *Pph.Y.213 Society for the establishment and support of charity schools. Report of the board of managers, 1840-43, 49. Philadelphia, 1840- 50 . . *Pph.v.l08, 119, 125, 129, 182 Union benevolent association. Quarterly re- ports of the executive board and ladies' branch. Philadelphia, 1837. 8 *Pph.v.99 Business corporations. Girard life insurance, annuity and trust com- pany. Charter, with by-laws, etc. Phila- delphia, 1830. 8" *Pph.Y.281 Pennsylvania company for insurances on lives, etc. Address on the beneficial objects of that institution. Phila. 1814. 8 . . . . *Pph.v.lO P. and Reading rail road company. Report of the president and managers to the stock- holders, Jan. 13, 1851. Phila. 1851. 8" . *Pph.Y.278 PHILADELPHIA 625 PHILIP Shelf. No. PHILADELPHIA, continued. Schuylkill navigation company. Report of the president and managers to the stock- holders, 1841, 47-19. Philadelphia, 1841-19. 8 *Pph.v.l50, 104, 173 Ecclesiastical organizations. First society of Unitarian Christians. Char- ter, by-laws, and list of publications. Phil- adelphia, 1814. 12 *Pph.v.212 St. Mary's church. Address to Roman cath- olics on sundry abuses in church discipline. New York, 1821. 8 *Pph.v.28 Third presbyterian church. Ecclesiastical proceedings relative to, and to the Rev. E. S. Ely, etc. Philadelphia, 1814. 12 . . *Pph.v.20G Literary and scientific institutions. Academy of medicine. Origin of the yellow fever in Philadelphia and Kensington, 1797. Philadelphia, 1708. 8 *M.Pph.v.2S Academy of natural sciences. Journal. May, 1817 March, 1831. Philadelphia, 1817-30. . 12v. in 0. 8 *3S17.1 - Notice, with an appendix. 3d ed. Phila- delphia, 1830. 6 *Pph.v.95 American philosophical society. Report, 1st, 2d, on meteorology, by J. P. Espy. n.p. n.d. 8" *Pph.v.l09 - Transactions. Vols. i-vi, p.2. New se- ries, vols. i-in, 1709-1830. Phila. 1771-1830. 9v. 4 *3370.4, 5 - Same. 2d ed. Vols. i-vi. New series, vola. l-vin, X. Phila. 1789-1853. 15v. 4. . . **E.145.2 Apprentices' library company. Annual re- port. Philadelphia, 1S42. 8" . . . *Pph.v.l27, 129 Art union. Transactions for the year 1811). Philadelphia, 1849. 8 *Pph.v.l81 College of medicine. Annual announcement, 1847-48. Philadelphia, 1847. 8 . . . *M.Pph.v.43 College of physicians. Charter, ordinances, and by-laws. Philadelphia, 1834. 8 . *M.Pph.v.33 - Facts relative to the origin of the pesti- lential fever, 1793-93. Phila. 1798. 8. *M.Pph.v.92 - Additional facts [on] pestilential fever. Philadelphia, 1800. 8 *M.Pph.v.92 - History of epidemic cholera, by J. Bell and D. F. Condie. Philadelphia, l>s32. 1.8. 3805. 5 - Quarterly summary of transactions, 1841- 42. [No title-page,] 8 *M.Pph.v.37 Franklin institute of the state of Pennsylva- nia. General report on the explosions of steam-boilers. Philadelphia, 1830. 8 . *Pph.v.l39 - Journal of the Franklin institute. See Franklin institute. Friend's library. Catalogue of books. Phila- delphia, 1853. 8 *2130.21 Jefferson medical college. Catalogue of stu- dents, 1S28-31, 1834-35, 1830-37, 1839-40, 1845- 50. Phila. 1834-19. 8 *M.Pph.v.21, 29, 31,33,35,41, 43-45 Library company. Catalogue of the books added 1835-50, with index to the whole. Philadelphia, 1850. 8 *2133.3 - Loganian library. Catalogue of books. Philadelphia, 1795. 8 *2135.4 - - Same. Philadelphia, 1828-29. Vol. i, p.2, vol. II. 8 *2135.4 Medical society. Charter of incorporation and by-laws. Phila. 1813. 8" ... . *M.Pph.v.39 - First report on quack medicines. Phila. 1828. 8. [From Medical and surgical journal, 1828] *M.Pph.v.l7, 121 Pennsylvania college. Medical department. Annual announcement of lectures, 1840-41, 1852-53, with catalogue of graduates. Phila. 1840-52. 8 *M.Pph.v.35, 51 Society for promoting agriculture. Address to the citizens of Pennsylvania, on the en- couragement of agriculture. Philadelphia, 1818. 8 *Pph.v.24 Shelf. No. PHILADELPHIA, continued. University of Pennsylvania. Catalogue of the anatomical museum, with a report by W. E. Horner. 2d ed. Philadelphia, 1832. 8' *M.Pph.v.23 - Catalogue of the officers and students, 1831-30, 1839-41, 1844-49. Phila, 1831-41, 1845-49. 8. . *M.Pph.v.23, 29, 32, 35, 40, 41, 43,45 - Catalogue of the medical graduates, 1837- 38, 1845-47. 1S3S-47. 8 ... *M.Pph.v.32, 40, 43 - - Same. With an historical sketch of the origin, etc. of the medical department. Phila. 1830. 8 *M.Pph.v.32 - General catalogue of the medical gradu- ates of the university of Pennsylvania, etc., with an historical sketch of the origin and progress of the medical department. 3d. ed Phila. 1845. 8 *M.Pph.v.40 - Report on the medical department, 1847- 48. Phila. 1847-48. 8 *3I.Pph.v.43, 44 PHILADELPHIA journal of the medical and phys- ical sciences, v. 1-14. Phila. 1820-27. 14v. 8. *3718.1 PHILADELPHIA souvenir : a collection of fugitive pieces 2399.45 PHILASTKIUS. Liber de haeresibus. [Migiie. P.i- trologiaj v.12] 3440.9 PHILE, or Philes, M. De animalium proprietatc ; Expositio de elephante ; De plantis ; De verrne serica. See Poet, bucol. et didact. . 3002.15 PIIILEAS. See Routh, M. J. Reliquiae Sacrte, v.4. 3513.9 PHILEMON. Fragmenta. See Aristophanes . . 2992.3 Fragmcns. [Aristophanes, v.4] 2977.14 Fragmens. [Brumoy. Theatre des Grecs, v.10] 2905.4 Reliquiae. See Mciiander 2991.5 See Poetarum comic. Graec. fragmenta . . . 3002.14 PHILEMON, Epistle to. Commentary on the. Cal- viu, J 5504.12 PHILEPSIUS. See Baiter and Sauppe. Oratorea Attici 2903.1 PHILET.EIIUS. See Poetarum comicorum Craeco- rum fragmenta 3002.14 PHILETAS, Hcrmcsiauax, and Phanoclcs. Reli- quiae 111. N. Bachius. Halis Sax. 1829. 8. 2993.12 PHILHES, G. II beucflco occulto : dramma. [Tea- tro modcrno applaudito, v.21] 2708.1 PIHLINU.S Agrigeutinus. See Fragraenta Iiistori- corum Grace, v.3 3002.11 PHILINUS Atlieniensis. See Baiter and Sauppo. Oratorea Attici 2903.1 PHILIP. Expositio interlinearis in Job. [Miguc. Patrologiae v.23] 3440.24 PHILIP of Macedon. History of the life and reign of. See Lcland, T 3071.2 PHILIP II, Iciiif/ of Spain. Campaua, C. Vita del Filippo II 3092.1 Gachard, L. P. Corrcspoudancc de, Bur les affaires des Pays-Has 2811.1 Juste, T. Revolution des Pays-Bas, sous . . 2815.2 Prescott, W. II. Reign of 3101.7 Rcifl'euberg, F. A. F. T. de. Correspond- ance avec Marguerite d'Autriche 2841.2 Vandcrvynckt, J. J. Troubles des Pays-Bas, sous 2815.7 PHILIP, landgrave of Hesse. Geschichte Phil- ipps des Grossmiithigen, Landgrafen von Hcssen. See Duller, E 2842.7 PHILIP, A. P. W. Laws of the vital function, with the report of the institute of France on the experiments of Le Gallois. 2d ed. London, 1818. 8 3705.18 - Same. 4th ed. London, 1839. 8 . . . . 3705.17 Nature of sleep and death. London, 1834. 8. 3705.19 On symptomatic fevers. 4th ed. London, 1820. 8 3790.12 Treatise on indigestion and its consequences. 2d ed. Phila. 1822. 8 3700.12 - Same. 4th cd. New York, 1824. 8 . . 3700.13 PHILIP, R. Life and times of Rev. G. Whitefield. London, 1837. 8 3554.4 PHILIPPA 626 PHILOLOGY Shelf. No. PHILIPPA, the Catanian, marchioness d'Ancre, History of. See Matthieu, P 2649.18 PHILIPPART, J. Northern campaigns, 1812, 1313. London, 1813. 2v. 8 3005.5 PHILIPPE I, king of France. Epistolse ct diplo- mata. [Migue. Patrologia3 v.159] . v. 2 of 3400.35 PHILIPPE II, king of France. Capefigue, J. B. H. R. Histoire de Philippe-Auguste 2047.2 Vies de Philippe-Auguste, par Rigord et Guil- laume le Breton. [Guizot. Coll. mem. hist. France, v.ll] 2018.2 PHILIPPE IV, or Philippe le Bel, king of France. Ceremonies dea gages de bataille. Paris, 1830. pp.88. 8. [Crapelct. Coll.] . . . *2071.8 PHILIPPE VI, or Philippe de Valois, king of France. Histoire de la querelle de, et d'Ed- ouard in. See Gaillard, G. H 2029.3, 5 PHILIPPE d'Orleans. Capefigue, J. B. H. R. Phil- ippe d'Orleans, rdgent de France, 1715-23 . 2647.10 La vie de. See La Mothe dit La Hode .... 2649.2 PHILIPPE de bonne esperance, or Philip Haveng. Opera omnia juxta ed. 1021. Accurante J. P. Migne. Lutetian Parisiorum, 1855. 8. [Migne. Patrologise v.203] 3470.25 Contents. Epistola? ; Commentarius in Cantica ; Moralitates in Cantica; De somnio Nabuchodonosor; De salute primi hominis; De damnatione Salomonis; De institutionc clericorum; Vita S. Augustini; Vita 8. Amandi ; Passio S3. Cyrici et Julitoe ; Passio S. Salvii martyris; Vita;: S. Foillani martyris, S. Gis- leni confessoris, S. Landclini confessoris, B. Oda3 virginis, S. Waldetrudis; Passio S. Agnetis; Carmina varia, PHILIPPI, J. Me"moires, 1500-90. [Michaud. Coll. me'm. hist. France, Ser. 1, v.8] 2011.1 - Same. [Petitot. Coll. mem. hist. Fr. Ser. 1. v.34] 2025.1 PHILIPPI, R. A. Enumeratio molluscorum Sici- liae. Berolini, 1830. 4 *3873.2 PHILIPPIDE [ou les actions de Philippe-Auguste, poeme]. See Guillaume-le-Breton .... 2821.14 PHILIPPIANS. Calvin, J. Commentary on the epistle to the 5504.11 PHILIPPIDES. See Poet. com. Graec. fragm. . . . 3002.14 PHILIPPINE islands. Dampier, W. Account of. [Pinkerton. Voyages, v.ll] 2260.13 Guignes, C. L. J. Observations on. [Pin- kerton. Voyages, v.ll] 2200.13 Haenke, T. Descriptiones et icones plantarum quas ininsulis Philippinis collcgit Haenke . 3840.11 PHILIPS, A. Pastorals, epistles, odes, and other poems. [Johnson. English poets] . v. 44 of 2589.3 Poems and life. [Chalmers. English poets]. v. 13 of 2592. 7 PHILIPS, Mrs. C. Poems. To which is added Corneille's Poinpey and Horace. London, 1009. sm.f *2561.9 PHILIPS, John, b. 1076, d. 1708. Poems, with a new account of his life and writings. Lon- don, 1776. 18 *25G9.14 Contents. Splendid shilling; Blenheim; Ode to St. John, Latin and English; Cyder. Poems. London, 1779. 10. [Johnson. Eng- lish poets] v.21 of *2589.3 Consents. The splendid shilling; Blenheim; Ode to Henry St. John; Cyder, a poem in two books. Poems and life. [Chalmers. Eng. poets]. v. 8 of 2592.7 II sidro trad, dall' inglese dal conte Maga- lotti. [Raccolta di poemetti didascalici, v. 12] 4779.8 PHILISCUS, of Miletus. See Baiter and Sauppe. Oratores Attici 2963.1 PHILISCUS, of Athens. See Poet. com. Grsec. fragmenta 3002.14 PHILISTUS. See Fragm. hist. Graec. v.l 3002.11 PHILLIMORE, R. Memoirs of George, lord Lyt- telton. London, 1845. 2v. 8 2446.4 PHILLIP, A. Voyage to Botany Bay. London, 1789. 4 *3042.1 Shelf. No. PHILLIPS, E. Theatrum poetarum Anglicano- rum. Characters of English poets, [1278- 1003,] enlarged by additions to every arti- cle [by Sir E. Brydges]. Canterbury, 1800. g" *2155.8 Life. See Godwin, W 2541.2 PHILLIPS, H. History of cultivated vegetables. 2d ed. London, 1822. 2v. 8 3852.8 Pomarium Britannicum. London, 1821. 8 . 4003.2 PHILLIPS, John, nephew of Milton. Life. See Godwin, W 2541.2 PHILLIPS, John, surveyor. History of inland navigation. New ed. London, 1795. 4 . . *2200.6 PHILLIPS, John, F. R. S. Geology of Yorkshire. 2d ed. London, 1835. 4 *3861.11 Report on the ventilation of mines. London, 1850. pp.64. f *4020.2 Geology of the district of the English lakes. See Black, A. and C 2486.20 PHILLIPS, Rev. Samuel, of Andover, b. 1090, d. 1771. Living water to be had for asking : a discourse delivered at Boston, June 3d, 1750. Boston, 1750. pp.28. 8 *3458.12 PHILLIPS, Samuel, LL. D., b. 1752, d. 1802. Me- moir of. Taylor, J. L 2343.9 PHILLIPS, Samuel. Guide to the crystal palace and park. London, 1854. 16 4089.41 Portrait gallery of the crystal palace. Lon- don, 1854. 16 4089.29 PHILLIPS, Willard. Manual of political econo- my, with particular reference to the U. S. Boston, 1828. 8 3043.19 Propositions concerning protection and free trade. Boston, 1850. 12" 3057.4 Treatise on the law of insurance. Boston, 1823. 8" **E.211.13 - Same. 4th ed. Boston, 1854. 2v. 8 . 3001.8 PHILLIPS, William. Geology of England and Wales. See Conybeare, W. D 3804.11 PHILLIPS, W. W., and others. Address to the ministers, elders, and members of the pres- byterian church, in the U. S. [on the case of A. Barnes, etc.] New York, 1836. 8.*Pph.y.98 PHILO Atheniensis. See Baiter and Sauppe. Ora- tores Attici 2903.1 PHILO Byblius. See Fragm. hist. Graec. v.3 . . . 3002.11 PHILO Byzantius. De septcm orbis spcctaculis. [Gronovius. Thesaurus Graec. antiq. v.8j 2960.2 PHILO Ileracleota. Fragmenta. [Westermann. Script, mirabilium Grasci] 2903.18 PHILO Judaeus. De cophini fcsto et de colendis parentibus. Ed. A. Maio. Mediol. 1818. 8. 3008.10 PHILOCHORUS. See Fragmenta historicorum Grascorum, v.l 3002.11 PHILOCRATES. See Baiter and Sauppe. Ora- tores Attici 2963.1 PHILODEMUS. Von der Musik. Aus dem Grcich- ischen einer herkulanischen Papyrus-Rolle iibersetzt von C. G. Ton Murr. Berlin, 1806. 4. pi *4052.28 PHILOLOGY. Calogiera, A. M. Raccolta d' opus- coli filologici 5249.1 Cascales, F. Cartas philologicas 3093.9 Geissler, C. A. Handbuch der philologischen Literatur der Deutschen 2174.7 Jahn, J. C. Archiv fur Philologie 3237.2 - JahrbUcher fiir Philologie 3217.1 Jortin, J. Philological tracts 3498.2 Lersch, L. Die Sprachphilosophie der Alten. 2985.9 Peignot, E. G. Amusemens philologiques . 2684.4 Studj di fllologia. See Etruria, L' 5146.1 Classical. Bibliotheca critica 2954.11,12,13 Bottiger, C. A. Opuscula 2951.3 Cambridge classical researches. See Museum criticum 2954.2 Classical journal, by A. J. Valpy 2958.1 Classical museum, a journal of philology . 2957.2 Commentarii societatis philologicae Lipsien- sis. SeeLeipsic 2954.15 PHILOLOGY 627 PIIILOSTRATUS Shelf. No. PHILOLOGY, conti, Donaldson, J. W. The new Cratylus . . . . 2955.1 - Yarroniauus 2955.2 Fabrlclus, J. A. Bibliothcca Latina .... 2954.14 Griifonhan, A. Gcschichte der klassischen Philologie 2!'51.15 Heync, C. G. Opuscula acaclcmica 2954.8 Licberkiihn, W. E. F. Vindicize librorum in- juria suspectorimi 2954.4 Matthia, A. H. Vermischte Schriften ... Xiebuhr, B. G. Kleinc philolog. Schrifton . 2904.11 Osaun, F. G. Analccta critica pocsis Romau- orum scaenicze rcliquias illustrantia .... 2954.7 Person, R. Adversaria: notae et emenda- tiones in poetas Graecos 2954.0 Ruhnken, D. Orationes, dissertationes, et cpistolae 2954.9 Transactions of the royal society of litera- ture. See London 2957.4 Villoison, J. B. G. d' A. de. Epistolse Vinari- enses, in quibus multa Graecorura script- orum loca cmendantur 2954.1 "Wesscling, P. Obscrv. variarum libri duo . 2950.19 Wyttenbach, D. Opuscula varii argumcnti . 2954.10 Comparative. Adclung-, F. v. Uebcrsicht allcr bekannten Sprachen und ihrcr Dialekte 2950.9 Adclung-, J. C. Mithridates, odcr allgcmcinc Sprachenkunde 2950.18 Barnes, W. Philological grammar, from a comparison of more than sixty languages. 2956.3 Bopp, F. Comparative grammar 2950.:") - Verglcichende Grammatik 2950.4 - Vocalismus, oder sprachvergleichcnde Kritiken iiber J. Grimm's dcutsche Gram- matik und GrafFs althochdeutschcn Sprachschatz 2950.0 Court de Gobelin, A. Monde primitif com- pare avee lo monde modcrne 2210.7 Diefenbach, L. Lexicon comparativum lin- guarum Indogermanicarum 2955.4 Eichhoff, F. G. Parallcle des langues de P Europe ct de 1'Inde 2951.5 Le Mcsurier, H. Mer-cur-ius, or the word- maker 2950.14 Lewis, J. Tables of comparative etymology. 2951.2 Minshcu, J. Guide into tongues 2940.3 Pallas, P. S. Linguarum totius orbis vocab- ularia comparativa 2951.4 Parabola de seminatorc in LXXII Europseas linguas versa. See Bible 2950.13 Parsons, J. Remains of Japhet 2951.1 Pictet, A. Afflnite des langues ccltiques avec le Sanscrit 2950.21 Pott, A. F. Etymologische Forschungen auf dem Gebiete dcr Indo-Germanischen Spra- chen 2950.10, 17 Rapp, M. Grammatik des indisch-europais- chen Sprachstammes 2955.5 Renan, J. E. Systeme compare des langues semitiques 2956.23 Schele de Vcre. Outlines of comparative P. 2950.20 Steinthal, H. Sprachwissenschaftliche Ab- haudlungen 2956.10 Vater, J. S. Litteratur der Grammatiken, Lcxika, u. s. w 2174.10 Weigel, F. O. Philologie 2182.1 Welsford, II. Mithridates minor 2950.8 See also: Language, and the names of various regions and nations. PHILONIDES. See Poet. com. Graec. fragmenta . 3002.14 PHILOSOPHER. Souvestre, E. Un philosophe sous les toits 2689.3 PHILOSOPHEUS. Delort, J. Detention des philo- sophes, etc 2055.7 Diogenes Laertius. De vitis, dogmatis, etc., clarissimorum philosophorum 29;-:'.l Hamilton, E. Modern philosophers : a novel. 2;>r0.1 Jousius, J. De scriptoribus historiae philo- , lib. iv 2191.3 Shelf. No. PHILOSOPHICAL dictionary. Voltaire, F. M. A. de E. 209. 11 PHILOSOPHICAL essays. Watts, 1 5008.9 PHILOSOPHICAL instruments, Treatise on new. Bx-ewster. D E. 214. 15 PHILOSOPHICAL journal. See Edinburgh . . . . 3940.1 PHILOSOPHICAL magazine, London and Edinb. . 3050.1 PHILOSOPHICAL subjects, Tracts on. Hutton, C. 3915.10 PHILOSOPHY. Azai's, P. H. Cours de philosophic generate 3608.1 Azzolino, P. Filosofla italiana ai tempi di Dante 2802.4 Boethius, A.M. T. S. Consolation of . . . . 2927.5 - Consolazione della fllosofia 2927.17 - De consolatione philosophise 2927.4 Chalybiius, II. M. Ilistorische Entwickeluug dcr speculativen Philosophic 3004.8 Cicero, M. T. Opera philosophies 2927.20 Cousin, V. Fragments philosophiques . . . 3005.2 - Histoire do la philosophic 3005.1 - Philosophical miscellanies 3000.10 Damiron, J. P. Cours de philosophic . . . . 3005.13 - Philosophic en France, xvue et xixe siecle 3005.11, 12 Galluppi, P. Element! di filosofia . . . .3004.10,17 - Storia della filosofia 3009.23 - Sulle vicende della filosofia 3009.22 Gcrando, J. M. dc. Systemes de philosophic. 300S.6 Giobcrti, V. Studio della filosofia 3004.5 - Introduction ii 1'etude de la philosophic. 3004.7 Krug, W. T. Allgcmcines Handwortcrbuch dcr philosophischen Wissenschaften . . . 3582.1 La Harpc, J. F. de. Philosophic du ISe siecle 3000.2 Lamennais, H. F. R. de. Esquisse d'une phi- losophic 2076.2 Laromiguiere, P. Lc9Ons de philosophic . . 3005.16 Leibnitz, G. W. v. Commercium philosoph. 3912.3 Lerminier, J. L. E. Influence de la philoso- phic du ISe siecle 3005.14 Maistre, J. de. Examen de la philosophic de Bacon 3608.4 Mamiaui della Rovcrc, T. Filosofia antica italiana 3009.24 Miraband, J. 15. de. Systeme de la nature . 3000.0 Ozanam, A. F. Philosophic catholiquc au 13e siecle 2802.15 Portalis, J. E. M. DC 1'usage et de 1'abus de 1'esprit philosophique pendant le 18e siecle. 3009.9 Rittcr, U. History of ancient P 300.;. 1 Ilucellai.O. Dialoghi filosofici 2792.10 Saissct, E. E. Philosophic et religion au xixe siecle 3435.21 Seneca, L. A. Opera philosophies 2914.3 Sigwart, II. C. W. v. Gesehichte der P. . . 3604.10 Soave, F. Filosoiia di Kant esposta . . . . 3008.14 Stanley,! 1 . History of 3601.1 Stewart, D. Dissertations on metaphysical, ethical, and political philosophy . . . . E.218.H Tcnncmann, W. G. Gesehichte der Philos. . IJ,>-'..' Tommaseo, X. Studii filosofici 3604.21 Vico, G. Priucipj di scienza nuova 356S.6 Willett, J. Philosophy for the producing classes 3009.28 See also : Ethics, Mental philosophy. Metaphysics, Ontology, Phrenology, Physics, Platonic philosophy. Psychology. PHILOSTEPIIANUS. See Poet. com. Graec. fragm. 3002.14 PHILOSTEPIIAXI-S Cyrcnseus. See Fragm. hist. Gra;c. v.3 3002.11 See Westermann, A. Scriptores mirabilium Graeci 2963.18 PHILOSTUATI and Callistratus. Opera, recogn. A. Westermann. Eunapii vita; sophistarum. Ed. J. F. Boissonade. Himcrii declama- tiones. Ed. Diibner. Parisiis, 1849. 1.8. [Didot. Bibliothequc grecquc] *3002.13 PHILOSTKATUS Sophista. De pictura. [Grono- vius. Thes. Grose, antiq. v.9] 2960.2 - Epistohe. [Meursius. Opera, v. 7] 2210.2 PHILPOT 628 PHYSICS Shelf. No. PHILPOT, J. Examinations and writings, cd. by R. Eden. Cambridge, 1842. 8. [Parker society] 3493.24 Life ; Epistles ; Letter on infant baptism. [Fathers of the English church, v.4] . . . 3477.20 PHILPOTTS, H. Letter to the archbishop of Can- terbury. New York, 1850. 8 *Pph.r.l80 PHILYLLIUS. See Poet. com. Grasc. fragm. . . . 3002.14 PHIPPS, C. J., lord Mulgrace. Voyage towards the north pole, 1773. London, 1774. 4. . 2200.16 - Same. [Pinkerton. Voyages, v.l] . . . 2200.13 PHLEGMATIA dolens. Casper, J. L. Diss. inaug. do phlegmatia M.Pph.v.100, 112 Hall, J. Essay on 3708.7 PHLEGON Tralliauus. Opuscula, Greece ct Latine. Ed. 2a F. J. Bastii. Halae, 1822. sm.8 . . 2993.13 De rebus mirabilibus. [Meursius. Opera, v.7]. 2210.2 De rebus mirabilibus ; De longsevis ; De Olym- piis. [Gronovius. Thes. Grffic.antiq.v.S, 9]. 2900. See Fragm. hist. Graec. v.3 3002. .n -See Westermann, A. Scriptores mirabilium Graci 2963.18 PHOCAS. See Foca. FIIOCION. See Antes, F., Hamilton, A. PHOCYLIDES. See Bruuck, II. F. Gnomici poetze Grajci 2968.5,6 See Gnomici Graeci 2979.3 Poemata. See Neander, M 2991.17 PHCEBADIUS. Contra Arianos, liber ; De fide or- thodoxa; Libellus fidei. [Migne. Patro- logise v.20] 3440.14 PIKEBAMMON. SeeWn\x,C. lllictoresGrseci,v.8. 2965.2 PHOENICIDES. See Poet. com. Griec. fragm. . . 3002.14 PHCKXIX Britannicus. Coll. of tracts. Morgan, J. 2510.6 PHONOGRAPHY. Methode pour apprendre a lire par le systeme phonetique 2112.11 Wilson, J. Phonography simplified . . Pph.v.229 PHONOTYPY. Printing and writing reform. [Xo title-page.] 8 *Pph.v.l03 Ellis, A. J. Plea for Pph.v.151 PHOKMIO. See Baiter and Sauppe. Oratores Attici 29G3.1 PHOSPHORUS. Lobstein, J. F. D. Use of P. in diseases 3786.1 PHOTIUS. Sanctissimaj Dei genitricis ecclesiaj de- scriptio. [Corpus script, hist. Byz. v.46]. 2968.1 QuiEstiones ad Amphilochium ; Specimen commentarii in Lucam; Responsa canonica. [Mai. Scriptorum vet. nova coll. v.l] . . 3000.1 Amphilochia anecclota. [Mai. Scriptorum vetcrumnova coll. v.9] 3000.1 PHOTOGRAPHY. Belloc, A. Traite theorique ct pratique de la photographic sur collodion . 4024.6 Boulongue, A. Photographic et gravure heliographique 4024.7 Delamottc, P. H. Oxymel process of . . . . 4024.8 Journal of the photographic soc. See London. 4024.1 La Sor et Texicr, Comte de. Traite com- plet et pratique de photographic 4024.9 Latrcille, E. de. Manuel simplifie de photo- graphic 4024.10 Lercbours, N. P. Traite de photographic . . 4024.2 PHRANZA, or Phranzes. [Chronicon. 1259-1477.] Ex recensione Bekkeri. Bonnse, 1838. 8. [Corpus Script, hist. Byz. v. 30] 2908.1 PHRENOLOGICAL journal. See American .... 3190.1 PHRENOLOGY, Annals of 3000.22 Combe, G. System of 3000.16 Dean, A. Lectures on 3000.32 Epitome of 3600.33 Gall, F. J. The brain, and each of its parts . 3600.31 - La possibiiite de reconnoitre plusicurs dispositions dc Phomme et des animaux par la configuration dc leurs tOtcs 3750.11 Mackenzie, G. S. Illustrations of 3000.19 Manual of 3600.34 Sewall, T. Phrenology examined 3600.17 Spurzheim, J. G. Phrenology E.215.4 - P. in connection with physiognomy . E. 211. 14 See also: Brain, Skull. Shelf. No. PHRENO-PHILOSOPHY of mesmerism. Grimes, J. S 3600.35 PHRYNICHUS. See Poet. com. Graec. fragm. . . . 3002.14 PIIRYNIS Mitilenseus,oder eatyrischerComponist. Printz, AY. C 4055.14 PHTHISIS. See Consumption. PHURNUTUS, or Cornutus, L. A. De natura deo- rum. [Gale. Opuecula] 2903.11 PHYCOLOGY. See Alga;. PHYLARCHUS. See Fragm. hist. Graec. v.l . . . 3002.11 PHYSIC, Practice of. See Pathology. PHYSICAL education. Arteta, A. Educacion fisica de los nifios E.219.7 Ballexserd, J. Education physique des en- fans 3777.15 Bouchut, E. Education physique des jeunes enfants 3777.14 Channing, W. Remarks on E. 224.8 Laspee, II. de. Calisthenics, a contribution to 3591.6 See also : Gymnastics. PHYSICAL forces, Correlation of. Grove, W. R. . 3963.7 Ueber die AVeehsehvirkung der Naturkriifte. Helmholtz, II 3905.3 PHYSICAL geography. Cartee, C. S. School atlas of 2260.10 De Luc, J. A. Sur 1'histoire de la terre et de 1'homme 3869.5 Dove, H. W. Distribution of heat over the globe 3960.1 Humboldt, F. H. A. v. De distributione geo- graohica plantarum 3833.4 Huot, J. J. N. Manuel de geographic phy- sique 3809.15 Johnston, A. K. Atlas of natural phenomena. 3820.12 Meneghini, G. Lezioni orali di gcograiiu fisica 3964.17* Meyen, F. J. F. Geography of plants . . . yrJ4.ll " Phys. geogr. of the United States. [Smith- sonian contributions, v. 2, art. 4] 3340.1 See also: Atmosphere, Climate, Earth, Geology, Meteorology, Physics, Tides, Waves. PHYSICAL sciences. Bcrzelius, J. J. Sur les pro- gres des sciences physiques 3975.4 Bory de Saint Vincent, J. B. M. G. Annales generates des sciences physiques 3965.2 Figuier, G. L. Principales decouvertes scien- tifiques modernes 3965.8 Goodrich, S. G. Glance at the physical sci- ences 3935.14 Playfair, J. Progress of physical science . E. 218. 14 Somerville. M. Connection of the 3965.9 See also : Chemistry, Mathematics, Natural history, Nature, Physics, Science, Transactions. PHTSICK, P. S. [Review of Dr. Homer's necrolog- ical notice of Dr P.] Phila. 1838. 8 . *M.Pph.v.33 PHYSICIANS. Pariset, E. Ilistoire des membres dc 1'academie dc medccine 3735.15,19 Thacher, J. American medical biography . 3735.3 Williams, S. AV. American medical biogra- phy 3735.2 PHYSICS. Annales de chimie et de physique . . 3959.2 Archambault, P. J. Precis elementaire de physique 3965.10 Arnott, N. Elements of 3964.20 Barlow, P. Philosophical dictionary . . E. 202. 13 Becqucrel, A. C. Traite de physique .... 3903.15 Biot, J. B. Traite de physique 3963.18 Boscovich, R. J. Theoria philosophise natu- ralis E.214.2 Desagulicrs, J. T. Experimental natural phi- losophy E.1G1.S Despretz, C. M. Traite elementaire dc phy- sique . 3963.17 Euler, L. Lettres sur divers sujcts de phy- sique 3966.5 Fischer, E. G. Physique mccanique . . . E. 176. 22 Gale, T. Opuscula physica 2963.11 Ganot, A. Traite elemcntaire de physique . 3965.7 Gehler,J. S. T. Physikalisches AVorterbuch. 3984.1 PHYSICS 629 PICARD Shelf. No. PHYSICS, continued. Haiiy, K. J. Traite elcmcntaire de phy- sique 3903.13,14 Kcill, J. Introductio ad vcram physicam. E. 101. 11 Lamarck, J. B. P. A. de Monuet de. Sur les causes des principanx faits physiques . . . 3975.13 Lavoisier, A. L. Physical essays 3972.8 Liebig, J. Jahresbericht der Physik .... 3985.1 Musschcnbrock, P. v. Compendium phy- sica: experimentalis E.1G1.9 - Elementaphysicseconscriptainususacad- cmicos 3905.6 Newton, I. Account of N.'s philosophical discoveries E.188.8 - Opera 3911.1 - Philosophise naturalis principia mathe- matica 3925.1 - Principcs mathematiques de la philoso- phic naturelle E.192.5 Nicholson, W. Introduction to natural phi- losophy E. 214. 22 - Journal of natural philosophy 3910. G Ozauam, J. Recreations physiques . . . E. 197. 13 Peclet, J. C. E. Traite elemcntaire de phys- ique 3963.16 Person, C. C. Elements de physique . . . . 3903.19 Plana, G. Mouvement d'un pendule dans un milieu resistant E.186.8 Playfair, J. Works 3915.5 Poggendorff, J. C. Journal der Physik . . 3918.3 Poisson, S. D. Mouvement d'un corps solide E. 101. 3, 5 Pouillct, C. S. M. Elements de physique ex- perimcntale 3904.18 Schelliug, F. W. J. v. Entwurf eines Sys- tems der Naturphilosophie 3819.4 Sturgeon, W. Researches in electricity, etc. 3901.3 Tagliui, C. Sopra vari argouienti di fisica . 3014.2 Taylor, R. Scientific memoirs 3904.19 Voct, D. De natura rerum 3912.10 Whcwell, W. General P. with reference to natural theology 3929.19 See also: Acoustics, Astronomy, Earthquakes, Electricity, Galvanism, Gravitation, Ileat, Inductive science's, Magnetism, Mechanics, Meteorology, Natu- ral philosophy, Optics, Physical geography, Transac- tions. PHYSIOGNOMY. Franz, J. G. F. Scriptores vetercs physiognomonias 2903.12 Gall, F. J. New theory of 30C0.20 Ingegneri, G. Fisonomia naturale . . . . .'3590.9 Lavater, J. C. Essays on 3000.1 Polemon. Fisonomia 3590.9 Porta, G. B. della. Fisonomia dell' huomo . .3590.9 Rcdlield, J. W. Comparative P 3000.18 PHYSIOLOGICAL chemistry. Dumas, J. B. Chimie physiologique 3703.3 Funke, O. Atlas of chemistry 3974.4 Iliincfcld, F. L. Der Chemismus in der thier- ischeu Organisation 3887. 9 Jones, H. B. Animal chemistry 3700.20 Lchmann, C. G. Physiological chemistry . . .'!'.>r4./> Liebig, J. Verhiiltuiss zur Thicr-Chemie . 3887.11 Mulder, G. J. Physiologischc Chemie . . . 3975.12 Simon, J. F. Chemistry with reference to physiology 3724.3 PHYSIOLOGICAL commentaries. Paine, M. . . . 3702.11 PHYSIOLOGICAL papers. See Knight, T. A. . E. 211. 12 PHYSIOLOGICAL researches. Brodie, B. C. . . . 3704.10 PHYSIOLOGY. Abcrnethy, J. View of Hunter's P. 3886.7 Adelon, N. P. Physiologic de 1'hommc . . 3704. 1 Bartcls, E. D. Eutwurf ciuer allgcmeinen Biologic 37C5.3 Baumglirtncr, C. II. Bcitnigezur Physiologic. 3704.2 Bell, J. P. of the human body 3754.2,3 IHumenbach, J. F. Institutioncs physiolog. 3704.5 Blundell, J. Physiological researches . . . 3704.0 Bostock, J. Elementary system of 3764.8,9 Boussingault, J. B. J. D. Memoires de phys- iologic 3992.4 Shelf. No. PHYSIOLOGY, continued. Broussais, A. M. C. Application de la physio- logie a la morale, etc 3000.21 Burdach, C. F. Die Physiologic als Erfah- rungswisscnschaft 3704.13 Carpenter, W. B. Principles of 3880.3 Chevalier, T. General structure of the hu- man body 3767.11 Combe, G. Constitution of man 3709.34 Cutter, C. Treatise on 7029.7 Davy, J. Physiological researches 3703.2 Dunglison, R. Human P 3703.5 Dumas, C. L. Principes de physiologic . . 3703.4 Edwards, H. M. Outlines of 3753.:} Fyfe, A. System of 3753.7 Govc, M. S. Lectures on 3759.12 Hallcr, A. v. Elementa physiologies corporis humani 3701.20 - First lines of 3703.0,7 Haywarcl, G. Outlines of human P 3703.8 Holland, G. C. Physiology of the foetus, liver, and spleen 3703.9 Jameson,!'. Changes of the human body . 3707.24 Kirkcs, W. S. Handbookof 3703.10 Lane, J. F. W. Physiology for schools . . . 3763.11 Lawrence, W. Lectures on 38S0.18 Liebig, J. Animal chemistry in its applica- tion to 3703.13 Magcndic, F. Summary of 3702.2-1 Meckcl.J. F. Abhandlungen der P 38S0.17 Miiller, J. Archiv fur Physiologic 3748.1 - Elements of P G702.0 - Handbuch der Physiologic 3702.7 Nysten, P. II. Rechcrchcs de physiologic . 370-.'. H Okcn, L. Abriss des Systems der Biologic . 3879.27 Oliver, D. First lines of 3702.10 Richcraud, A. Elemens de physiologic . . 3702.15 - Elements of 3702.14 Rcichenbach, C. v. Der sensitive Mcnsch . 3705.21 Roget, P. M. Outlines of 3702. Hi - P. with reference to natural theology . . 3702.17 Rudolphi, C. A. Grundriss der Physiologic. 3762.18 Smith, T. S. Animal physiology E.212.5 Todd, R. B. Physiology of man 3701.1 Treviranus, G. II. Beobachtmigen aus der P. 3883.2 - Philosophic der lebcudcn IS'atur 3880.13 -Valentin, G. G. Physiologic des Menschen. 3701.2- - Text book of P 3701.3 Virey, J. J. Physiologic dans ses rapports avec philosophic 3701.4 Wilkinson, J. J. G. The human body . . . 3705.25 See also : Anatomy, Blood, Comparative anatomy, Gastric juice. Life, Medicine, Mesmerism, Pathology, Sleep; also the several parts of the body. PIACEXZA. Poggiali, C. Storia letteraria di . . 2742.3 Rossi, A. D. Storia di 2739.9 PIANCIANI, G. B. Delia ossa fossili di Mago- gnano nel tcrritorio di Vitcrbo. [Opuscoli scientific!, v.l] 3911.5 PIANO-FOUTE. Fritzcn, B. Anweisung, wic man Claviere, etc. stimmen konne 4050.8 Gollmick, C. Lcitfaden im Clavierspiclcn . 4050.7 Lb'Iilcin, G. S. Clavicr-Schulc 4050.11 Wolfs, G. F. Untcrricht im Klavierspielcn . 4C50.10 PIANTO, H, dclla vcrgine, e la meditazionc della passionc, opuscoli attributi a S. Bernardo. Fircuze, 1837. 8 3417.1 PIATTI, G. Storia do' romani pontefici e de' con- cilj. Napoli, 1705-08. 12v. in 6. 4 .... *3552.5 PIAZZA, A. H cassicre: dramma. [Teatro mod- crno applaudito, v.20] 276S.1 PIAZZI, M. Pratica per cspurgare le case, c robe infctte, e sospcttc di contagio. [Muratori. Opcrc min. v.2] 2710.2 PiBO. Diplomata ; Epistola. [Mignc. Patro- logiaj v.157] 3460.34 PlCAKl), L. B. (Kiivros. Paris, 1821. lOv. S . *2G77.4 ('iiiitfnts. Vol. I. Encore des MCneehmcs ; Les visitandincs ; Lc contour, ou les deux postcs ; ],e cousin de tout le moude; Les coiijectuies; Les aims PICARD 630 PIERCE Shelf. No. PiCARD, L. B. continued. de college, ou 1'homme oisif et 1'artisan; Mediocre et rampant. II. Le voyage interrompu ; Les come- diens umbulants; L'entruc dans lemonde; Les voi- sins; Lc collateral, ou la diligence dctToigny. III. Lea troismaris; La petite ville; Duhautcours, ou le con- trat d'union; Leg provinciaux a Paris. IV. Le mari ambiticux; Le vieuxcomedien; Monsieur Musard; I/cs tracasseries; L'acte denaissance; Les suscepti- bles. V. La noce sans mariage; Les filles amarier; Les marionnettcs; La manie de brilier; Les ricochets. VI. Les capitulations de conscience ; Les oisifs ; L'nlcade dc Molorido; Un lendemain de fortunes La vieille tante ; Le cafe du printemps. VII. M. de Boulanville ; Les deux Pliilibert ; Le capitaine Bcl- ronde; Une matinee de Henri iv ; Vanglas. VIII. L,a maison en loterie ; L'intrigant maladroit ; La fete de Corneillc; La Saint-Jean; Les charlatans; Les comperes. IX., X. Les aventures d'Eugene de Sen- nevillect de Guillaumc Delormc. II parente di tutti : farsa. [Teatro moderno applaudito, v.21] 2708.1 PICCI, G. Guida allo studio dclle belle lettere. 4a ed. Milano, 1855. sm.8 3590.20 PICCINNI, N., Notice sur la vie et sur les ouvrages de. Ginguene, P. L 4040.18 PICCIOLA. See Saintine, X. B 4079.1 PICCOI.OMINI, E. S. See Pius II, pope I'ICCOLOMINI, The. See Schiller, J. C. F. v. Pph.v.315 PiCCOPE, G. J. Lancashire and Cheshire wills and inventories. 1857. sm.4. [Chetham society, v.33] 2415.8 PiCENE territory. Vecchietti, F. Biblioteca pice- na. o sia notizie istoriche delle opere e degli scrittori piceni 2100.19 PICHEGRU, C. Proces centre P. prcvenu de con- spiration contre Napoleon 2053.10 PlCHOT, A. Voyage en Angleterre et en Ecosse. Paris, 1825. 3v. 8" 2478.1 PlCKELL, J. Early life of Washington, in con- nection with the Potomac co. New York, 1850. 8 2341.2 PlCKEN, A. Traditionary stories of old families. London, 1837. 2v. 12 2570.17 Contents. Vol. I. The Forbeses and the Gordons; Lady Barbara of Carloghic, and the Johnstons of Fairly; The three maids of Loudou. II. The Ilays, and the fight of Loncarty ; The priors of Lawford; Macdonald of Glenco, etc. PICKERING, J. Alleged uncertainty of the law. Boston, 1834. pp.28. 8 **E.110.18 Catalogue of [his] library. Boston, 1840. 8. *2137.4 Eulogy on Nathaniel Bowditch. Boston, 1838. 8 **E. 214.0 Greek and English lexicon. 2d ed. Boston, 1829. 8 **E.204.5 Vocabulary, or collection of words and phrases peculiar to the United States. Cam- bridge, 1815. pp.98. 4 **E.202.7 - Same. Boston, 1816. 8 **E.204.2 Letter to, on the subject of his vocabulary. See Webster, N E.202.8 Eulogy on, by D. A. White. [Bost. Amer- ican academy. Memoirs. New ser. v.3] . 3370.7 PICKERING, O. Reports of cases in the supreme judicial court of Mass. [1823-39.] With notes by E. Pickering and J. C. Perkins. 2d and 3d eds. Boston, 1851-58. 24v. 8. *3G91.1 Digest of P.'s reports, v. n.-vn. See Bige- low, L 3701.3 PICKERING, T. Danger of an unnecessary and ruinous war. 2d ed. Boston, 1808. 8. 2324.41, *Pph. v.3, 03 Narrative of the outrage committed on him at Wyoming. [Saiem, 1819.] pp.38. 8**E.110.40 Political essays ; letters to the people of the United States. Canandaigua, 1812. 18. . 2408.12 Review of correspondence between J. Adams and W. Cunningham, 1803-12. Salem, 1824. 8 2327.10, *Pph.v.4G Speech on the bill to authorize a loan of twenty-five millions of dollars. George- town, 1814. 8 *Pph.v.ll7 Shelf. N. PICKERING, T. continued. Speech on Hillhouse's resolution to repeal the embargo. 1808. [No title-page.] 8". *Pph.v. Remarks upon his letter to the governor of Mass. See Adams, J. Q 2327.] PICKERING, W. Christian classics. London, 1848-52. 13v. 32. Namely. Goodman, J. Old religion demonstrated . . 3440. c Hall, J. Great mystery of godliness; In- visible world 3440.' - Meditations and vows 3440. : Hill, R. Pathway to piety. 2v 3440. J Patrick, S. Advice to a friend 3140..; - Discourse concerning prayer 3446.' - Heart's ease, or a remedy against trouble. 3440. -I Penitent pilgrim Saltmarsh, J. Sparkles of glory 3410.4 Sutton, C. Disco vivere : learn to live . . . 3446.4 - Disce mori : learn to die 3446.4 - Meditations upon the sacrament .... 3440.4 PICKET, A. Analytical school grammar of the English language. 2d ed. New York, 1824. 12 7049.5 PICKETT, W. V. New system of architecture. London, 1845. 8" 4092.1 PICTET, A. De I'affinite' des langucs celtiques avec le Sanscrit. Paris, 1837. 8" 2956. S PICTET, B. Theologia Christiana, ex puris SS. fontibus hausta. Pars prima. Ed. ult. Lugduni Batav. 1734. 18 *3452.3 PICTET, F. J. Traite de paleontologie. 2e ed. Paris, 1853-57. 4v. 8. Atlas, 4 *3SOG. PiCTON, Sir T. Memoirs of. See Robinson, H. B. 2445. PICTS, Annals of the. Ritson, J 2475.1 PICTURE of the royal college of physicians of London. London, 1817. 8 3735. PICTURE-GALLERIES. See Galleries. PICTURES. Molanus, J. De historia SS. pictura- rum et imaginurn 3511. Pruuetti, M. A. Per distinguere i quadri originali dalle copie 4004.2 See also : Galleries, Museums, Painting. PICTURESQUE beauty. Gilpin, W. Cambridge, Norfolk, etc relative to 4006.1 - Coasts of Hampshire, etc. relative to . 4006.1 - Essay on 4006. - Forest scenery and woodland views . . . 4002.1 - Lakes of Cumberland, etc. relative to . . 4006. - New Forest relative to 4006. - On the Highlands relative to 4006. - Remarks on forest scenery 4060. - Western parts of England relative to . . 40G0.1 - The Wye and South Wales relative to . 4000.1 See also: Landscape painting. PIEDMONT. Allix, P. Ancient churches of . . 3528. Guerre des Albigeois. [Guizot. Coll. mem. hist. France, v.15] 2018.: Guillaume de Tudele. Croisade centre les Albigeois 2040.: Leger, J. Histoire generate des Vaudoises . 3540.: Pierre des Vaux de Cernai. Hist. Albigens. 3470.3- Santarosa, S. di. Rivoluzione piem. del 1821. 2739.- Scarabelli, L. Paralipomeni di storia pie- montese v. 2 of 5245.i Sclopis, F. Storia della antica legislazione del Picmonte 2734.' Smith, R. B. Agricultural canals of .... 3942J See also : Albigenses, Waldenses. PlEKCE, E. L. Treatise on American railroad law. New York, 1857. 8 3675.J PIERCE, F. Review of the administration of. Cooley, J. E Pph.v.2K PIERCE, G. F. Address to the graduating class of the medical college of Georgia, 1S44. Augusta, 1844. 8 *M.Pph.v.3S PIERCE, I. U. Discourse at the funeral of Mrs. S. Willoughby. Albany, 1839. 8. . . *Pph.v.l03 PIEECE, W. L. The year : a poem. New York, 1813. 12 2409.18 PIERER 631 PIETRO Shelf. No. PIERER, IT. A. Universal-Lcxikon. 2te Aufl. Sup- plcmentc. Altenburg, 1840-54. 40v. 8 . *A. 123.1 Contents. Vol. I. A.-Amirola. II. Amis-Assy- rius. III. Ast-Battetic. IV. Batt.rsea-Blokade. V. Elombcrg-Eaigen. VI. Buil-Choctavrs. VII. Choeziin-Czwittinger. VIII. D.-Doit. IX. Dok-En- tcnzunge. X. Enter-Fliivogel. XI. Flug-Gefechls- Ichrc. XII. Gefegc-Grcy. XIII. Griiisowetz-IIeb- ridcn. XIV. Ilebron-IIyutahy. XV. I.-Karkor. XVI. Karl-Kri'mungsmiinzen. XVII. Kropclin- Linnonx. XVIII. Linoclcra-Maroniten. XIX. Ma- ronncger-JIorfliug. XX. Morgii-Niemand. XXI. Nicmann-Ozzck. XXII. P.-Pfrimm. XXIII. Pfropf- Preussisch-Roth. XXIV. Prcussisch-russischcr Kricg-Rcluitionsrecht. XXV. Rema-Russisische- Uornmusik. XXVI. Russische Kirche-Schamvie- len. XXVII. Schan-Schwcdt. XXVIII. Schwcfcl- Skirrcn. XXIX. Skirrhus-Stchutschin. XXX. Stcamboats-Tauroa. XXXI. Taurobolion-Tromm. XXXII. Trommel- Vergrusserungs-worter. XXXIII. Vcrgriindcn-Westcrgau. XXXIV. Westerhaub- chcn-Zzubin und Nachtrog. Supplcmcnte : Vol. I. Aa-Deutschkatholiken. II. Deutschl-Gyzen. III. Uiacke-Leppich. IV. Lepsius-Phenyl. V. Pkenyl- Sicboldia. VL Siegelm-Zzgadit. Nachtrag. PIERI, M. Poesie, con un cstratto dell' arte po- ctica di F. M. Zanotti; Elegie di Propcrzio rccate in terza rima. Firenze, 1828. 2v. sm.l2 4778.9 Risorgimento della Grccia dal 1740 al 1824. Torino, 1855. sm.8 D 3079.5 PIERIUS. See Eouth, M. J. Reliquiae sacrze, v.3. 3513.9 PIERO, P. Cronica. [Tartini. Rer. Ital. script. v.2] 2720.2 PIERPONT, J. American first-class book, revised and improved cd. Philadelphia, 1855. 12. 7059.39 Discourse before the ancient and honorable artillery company of Massachusetts, i Boston, 1828. 12 *Pph.v.21G, 268 Discourse in Hollis-strcct church, occasioned by the death of Horace Hollcy. Boston, 1827. 8 *Pph.v. 74, 208,272 Introduction to the national reader. Boston, 1831. 12 7059.35 National reader. [Boston, 1827.] 12 .... 7059.33 National humiliation: a fast-day sermon. Boston, 1840. 8 *Pph.v.2G9 New heavens and a new earth : a discourse. Boston, 1837. 8 *Pph.v.257, 272 The portrait, a poem delivered at Ncwbury- port. Boston, 1812. 8 *Pph.v.C The reformer and the conservative: a dis- course. Boston, 1840. 8 *Pph.v.2G9 "What think ye of Christ? a sermon. Cam- bridge, 1823. 8 *Pph.v.2C8 Case of proprietors of Hollis-street meeting- house, with proceedings of council. See Lotlirop, S. K 3544.8 PIERRE, abbot of Clairvaux. Epistolse xix. [Mi- gne. PatrologltB v.201] 3470.23 PiERRE, dbp. of Bourgcs. Epistolae xvi. [Bou- quet. Recueil, v.15] 2C20.1 PIERRE, bp. of Meaux. .Epistolae. [Migne. Pa- trologia: v.199] 3470.21 Epistolae xiii. [Bouquet. Recueil, v. 10] . . 2020. 1 PIERRE, monk of Maillezais. Libri duo de coeno- bio Mallcaccnsis insulae. [Migne. Patro- logias v.H'j] 3400.24 PIERRE de Bernard, prior of Grandmont. Epis- tolse. [Migne. Patrologiffi v.204] .... 3470.20 PIERRE do Blois, archil, of Hath. Opera omnia, juxta editioncs Paris, ct Oxon., accurante J. P. Migne. Lutetian Parisiorum, 1855. [Migne. Patrologiaj v.207] 3470.29 Contents. Epistolaa ; Sermones; DC transfigura- tione Domini ; Do conver.-ione S. Paul! ; Compen- dium in Job ; De amicitia Chris;iana ct de charitato Dei et proximi ; Passio Reginald! principis Autio- chcni ; Dialogus inter regcm Ilcnricum ri ct abba- tern Bsnxvallensem ; De duodecim utilitatibus tiib- ulatioms ; Tractatus O/ialca Built ; De Ilierosolymi- tana peregrinatione ; Instructio fldci catholica? ; De confrssionc sacramentaii ; De pccnitentia a sacerdote injungenda i De institutione episcopi ; luvcetiva in Shelf. No. PIERRE de Blois, continued. dcpravatorcm operum Blesensis ; Fragmentum de silentio servando; Libellus de arte dictandi ; Poemata; Appendix. Epistolae XII. [Bouquet. Recueil, v. 19] . . 2C20.1 PIERRE de Cellos, bp. of Chartres. Opera omnia, accurante J. P. Migne. Lutetiae Parisio- rum, 1855. 8. [Migne. Patrologiae v.202]. 3470.24 Contents. Epistola;; Sermones; Opuscula: Liber de panibus ; M.isaici tubernaculi mystica ct moralis expositio ; De eonscientia ; De disciplina claustrali ; Adhortatio ad claustrales. Epistolae xxv. [Bouquet. Recueil, v.10] . 2020.1 PIERRE de Dive, monk. Gesta septcm abbatum Beccensium. [Migne. Patrologiae v. 181]. 3470.8 PIERRE de Leon. See Anacletus. PIERRE de Poitiers. Panegyricus [metricus] Pe- tro venerabili dictus. [Migne. Patrolo- giae v.189] 3470.13 Sententiarum libri quinque. [Migne. Pa- trologiev.211] 3470.32 PIERRE de Riga, canon of Itheims. Fragments ex libro cui titulus Aurora. [Migne. Pa- trologiae v.212] 3470.33 PIERRE do Roya, monk of Clairvaux. Epistola ad C. Noviomensem. [Migne. Patrologiae v.182] v.l of 3470.9 PIERRE des Vaux de Cernai. Historia Albigcnsium et sacri belli in cos anno 120D suseepti duce Simone de Monteforti. [Migne. Pa- trologiae v.213] 3470.34 - Same. [Bouquet. Reeueil, v.19] .... 2020.1 PIERRE le chantrc. Verbum abbreviatum e tenc- bris cruit G. Galopinus, accurante J. P. Migne. Lutetiae Parisiorum, 1855. 8. [Migne. Patrologiae v.205] 3470.27 PIERRE le mangeur, dean of St. Peter's, in Troyea. Historia scholastica [sive librorum Vcteris ct Novi Testamenti historicorum brevia- rium]; Sermones. [Migne. Patrol, v.198]. 3470.20 PIERRE le venerable, abbot of Cluny. Opera om- nia, accurante J. P. Migne. Lutctiae Paris- iorum, 1854. 4. [Migne. Patrologiaj v.189] 3470.13 Contents. Epistolarum libri sex; Supplementum; Diplomata Petri venerabilis ; Epistola ad Petrum de Joanne; Tractatus adversus Judosos, adversus sectam Saracenorum, adversus Petrobrusianos ; De mira- culls ; Serraonea ; Carmina ; Statuta Cluniaccusia ; Dispositio rei familiaris Cluniacensis. Correspondance avec Saint Bernard. See Lorain, P 3521.14 Epistola; xxxiv. [Bouquet. Recueil, v. 15]. 2010.1 Sermones. [Martcnc. Thes. nov. ancc. v.5]. 2250.2 See Guillon, M. N. S. Bibliotheque des peres. v.34 of 3499.30, v.25 of 3508.2 PIERRE Lombard. See Lombard, P. PIERRE Tudebode. Historia de Hierosolymitano itinere. [Miguc. Patrologiae v. 155] . . . 3400.32 PIERRE. See Peter, Pctrus, Pietro. PIERRES. See Bernis, F. J. de Picrres. PIERS, Construction of. Bland, W 4093.7 PIERS ploughman, edited by T. Wright, with notes and glossary. 2d ed. London, 1850. 2v. 10 2539.1 PIETERS, C. Annales de 1'imprimerie Elscviri- enne. Gand, 1851. 8 *2112.4 PIETRO, deacon of Naples. Acta translationis cor- poris S. Athanasii Neapolitan!. [Muratori. Rerum Ital. script, v.2, p. 2] 2710.1 PIETRO, monk and librarian of Monte Cassino. See Mai, A. Script, vet. nova coll 3000.1 Contents. Vol. VI. De ortu ct obitu justorum coenobii Casinensis. VII. Epistola ad Chonradum imperatorem secundum; Epistola ad Ricbizam im- peratricera. Chronica monastcrii Casinensis ; De viris il- lustribus Casinensis coenobii ; De ortu ct obitu justorum coenobii Casinensis; Dclocis saiictis ; Disciplina Casinensis; Epistolae tres ; Rythmus de novissimis dicbus. [Migne. Patrologiae v. 173] 3470.2 PIETRO 632 PINDEMOXTE Shelf. No. PIETRO, continued. DC viris illustribus Casinensibus. [Mura- tori. Kcrum Ital. script. v.O] 2710.1 PIETRO Cirnco. De rebus Corsicis. [Muratori. Kerum Italicarum script, v. 24] 2720.1 PIETRO da Ravenna, or Petrus de Honestis. Li- bri tres de regula clcricorum. [Migne. Pa- trologias v.103] 3460.38 PIETRO Dumiano. See Damianus, P. PIETRO Grossolano, or Crysolao, abp. of Milan. Oratio de Spiritu Sancto ad imperat. Alcx- ium. [Migne. Patrologiae v. 102] .. v. 2 of 3400.37 PIETRO Martire. See Martire d'Anghiera, P. PIETRO Pisano. Vita Paschalis n, papae. [Migne. Patrolog-isev.103] 3460.38 PIETRO. See Peter, Petrus, Pierre. PIETY. Hill, R. Pathway to 3440.37 More, H. Practical piety 3440.31 Nordcn, J. Progress of 3499.7 Pike, J. G. Persuasives to early piety . . . 3446.20 PIEZATA. Fabricius, J. C. Systema piezatorum. 3899.11 PIG, The. See Youatt, W 4002.10 PIGAFETTA, A. Viaggio attorno il inondo. [Ra- musio. Navigation! et viaggi, v.l] .... 2260.2 Voyage round the world. [Pinkcrton. Voy- ages, v. 11] 2260.13 PIGAFETTA, P. Regnum Congo. [Bry. Coll. pc- reg. Scr. 2,v.l] 2300.20 PIGANIOL de la Force, J. A. See Leber, J. M. C. Coll. diss. hist. France 2618. 1 Contents. Vol. IV. DCS litres de Majeste, Sire, ct autrcs qualifications royales. VI. De 1'origine ties grands-officiers de lacouronne, en general; Da sur- nom de nos rois ; Du chancellor de la France ; De parlemens eriges en cours de justice. VII. Notice supplemcnlaire sur la garde dcs rois de France ; Notice Bur les apanages dea princes dc la niaison royule de France. PiGAULT Le Brun, G. C. A. L'Orfano: dramma. [Tcatro modcrno applaudito, v.14] 2768.1 PlGHius, S. V. Annalcs Romanorum illustr. op- era A. Schotti. Antvcrpiae, 1015. 3v. f. 2750.2 Fasti magistratuum Romanorum, ab urbe con- dita ad tempora divi V. August!. [Graevius. Thes. antiq. Rom. v.ll] 2950.1 Themis dca, sou de lego divina, ubi multa de horis. [Gronovius. Thes. Graec. antiq. v.9]. 2000.2 PlGNA, G. B. Trattato della pace. [Muratori. Opere min. v.S] 2710.2 PIGNOLOS, L. Annales Gcnuenses, 1204. f 3Iura- tori. Rerum Ital. script. v.O] 2710.1 PiGNORlA, L. Mensa isiaca de magna Dcum ma- tre, nee non Tomasini Manus aenea. Am- stclodami, 1069. sm.4 3488.1 Magnae dcQm matris Idaeae et Attidis initia. [Gronovius. Thes. Graec. antiq. v. 7] . . . 2900.2 PIGNOTTI, L. Poesie. Firenze, 1823. 4v. in 2. 8. 2795.1 Contents. Vol. I. Notizie istorichc di L. Pignotti ; Prefazione dell" autore i Favole. II. Favole cso- piane; Novelle; Poesie di vario metro. III. L'ombra di Pope; Fclicita dell' Austria c della Toscana; Hob- crto Manners ; La tomba di Shakespeare ; La trec- cio donata, canto l-iv. IV. La treccia donata, cauto V.-X.; Imitazionidi satire di Giovenale e d' Orazio. Pocsic. Firenze, 1833. 24 4708.19 Storia della Toscana. Firenze, 1821. lOv. in 5. 8 2725.1 PIGOXATI, A. Topografia dell' isola di Ustica. [Opuscoli di autori Sicilian!, v. 7] 4764.1 PIKE, A. Prose sketches and poems. Boston, 1834. 12 2409.27 PIKE, J. G. Guide for young disciples. New York, n.d. 10 3446.27 Persuasives to early piety. N.York, n.d. 12. 3440.20 PIKE, N. Arithmetic. 2d ed. by E. Adams. Wor- cester, 1797. 8 3930.20 - Same. 3d cd. by N. Lord. Boston, 1808. 8 **E. 199.3 - Same. 7th ed. by N. Lord. Bost. 1S09. 12. 7019.15 - Same. 5th cd. by C. Dcwey. Troy, N. Y. IS.'),'. 8" 7058.7 Shelf. No. PIKE, S. Compendious Hebrew lexicon. Cam- bridge, 1802. 8 3432.5 - Same. [And] grammar. New ed. Glas- gow, 1802. 8 3432.6 PIKE, Z. M. Expeditions through Louisiana and New Spain, 1*05-7. Philadelphia, 1810. 8. 2301.9 PILEXEIO ~EritiHCO, pseud. See Pagnini, S. PILGRIMAGE. Migne, J. P. Dictionnaire des pel- erinages 3430.5 PILGRIMS, Tribute to the. Hawes, J 3544.30 PILKINGTOX, II. W. Musical dictionary. Bos- ton, 1812. 12 *4049.2 PILKINGTOX, James, bishop of Durham, b. 1520, d. 1575. Works, ed. by J. Scholefleld. Cambridge, 1842. 8. [Parker society] . . 3493.25 Contents. Biographical notice; Commentary on the prophets Ilaggai and Obadiah ; Exposition upon certain chapters of Nehcmiah ; Burning of St. Paul's church, the addition and confutation; Questions and answers ; Miscellaneous pieces. PILKIXGTOX, James. View of Derbyshire, with its antiquities. Derby, 1789. 2v. 8 . . . . *2494.4 PILKIXGTOX, M. Dictionary of painters. New ed. London, 1840. 8 *4082.3 PILLA, L. Trattato di geologia. Pisa, 1847-51. 2v. 8 3863.10 PILLANS, J. Objects and methods of education, and the utility of classical instruction. Ed- inburgh, 1836. 8 *Pph.v.97 PILLAR of salt to season a corrupt age. Gay, E. 3457.44 PILMORE, J. Blessings of peace : a sermon on the 4th July, 1794. New York, 1794. 8.*Pph.v.37 PILOTAGE. Furlong, L. American coast pilot. E. 181. 12 Savericn, A. Manoeuvre des vaisseaux. . E. ISO. 33 PILPAY. See Bidpai. PIXDAR, J. Odes of Jonathan Pindar, esq. See Probationary odes E. 209.27 PINDAR, Peter, pseud. See Wolcott, J. PIXDAIIUS. Carmina, iterum curavit C. G. Heyne. Nova ed. Lipsiae, 1817. 3v. 8 2994.22 - Same. Curante J. F. Boissonade. Paris- iis, 1825. 32. [Boissonade. Poetae Gracci, v.14] *2979.10 - Same. Recens. A. Boeckhius. Ed. 2a. Lipsiae, n.d. 8 2999.22 - Same. Ex recens. Boeckhii ill. Dissenius. Ed. alt. cur. F. G. Schneidewin. Gothae, 1843-47. 2v. 8 2994.23 - Same. Relegit F. G. Schneidewin. Ed. alt. Lipsix, 1855. 10 2999.23 Odes, with other pieces, and a dissertation on the Olyinpick games, by G. West. [2d cd. V.2.] London, 1753. 2v. 12 2999.21 Contents. Vol. I. Odes of Pindar ; Iphigenia in Tauris, from the Greek of Euripides; Triumphs of the gout, from the Greek of Lucian ; Translations from tlic Argonauticks of Apollonius Rhodius : Ily mn of Cleauthcs. II. Dissertation on the Olympick games ; Menexenua, a dialogue of Plato. Odes, Olympick, Pythian, Nemean, and Isth- mian, transl. by G. West. London, 1789. 10. [Johnson. Eng. poets, v.50] .... *2589.3 Translations from. Philips, A. . . . v. 44 of 2589.3 See Elton, C. A. Specimens of the classic poets, v.l 2903.14 Kuithan, J. W. Siegcshymnen, Urkomiidien. 2994.25 See Lemaire, N. E. Poet. Lat. min. v.S . . . 2912.1 Odi tradotte da Giuseppe Borghi. See Pocti greci 2903.2 See Parnaso del poeti classici, v.15 2769. 1 Tafel, T. L. F. Dilucidationum Pindaricarum volumina duo 2994.26 PINDEMOXTE, G. Compommenti teatrali con un discorso sul teatro italiano. Milano, 1827. 2v. 16 2777.13 Contents. Vol. I. Notizie intorno alia vita di G. Pindemonte; Tragedic; Mastino primo dallaScala; I baccanali; I colon! di Candia; Agrippina; II salto di Leucade; Gincvradi Scozia. II. Rappresentazioni: Elena c Gcrarilo ; Dnnna Caritea regina di Spagna; L. Quiuzio Cincinnato : Cianippo, tragedia ; Dis- corso sul teatro italiauo. PINDEMONTE 633 PIXKERTON Shelf. No. PINDEMONTE, G. continued. See Teatro modcrrio applauclito 2768.1 Contents. Vol. XVIII. Orso Ipato. XXXVL Elena e Gerardo, azionc patetica. XXXIX. Donna Caritea. XLII. .Mastino primo della scala. XL VIII. II salto di Leucade. UII. Agrippina. I baccanali. [Teatro scelto italiano, v.30] . 4779a.6 PIXDEMOXTE, I. Elogi di letterati. Verona, 1825- 20. 2v. 8 2743.2 - Same. 2a ed. Milano, 1829. 2v. 16. . 2743.16 Contents. Vol. I. Elogio del marchese Scipione Maffei, di Leonardo Targa. II. Elogio del marchese Giovambatista Spolvcrini, di Giuseppe Torelli, Lod- ovico Salvi, Antonio Tirabosco, Filippo Rosa Mo- rando, Girolamo Pompei, Gaspare Gozzi, Giovam- batista da S. Martino; Intorno alia vita ed agli scritti d'lppolito Pindemonte, articolo del prof. Mario Fieri. Le prose e poesie campestri [e] Dissert, su i giardini inglesi, cc. Milano, 1827. 10 . . . 4768.9 Scrmoni [in versi],acui si aggiunge il Colpo di Martello del campanile di S. Marco in Venczia. Milano, ls.'G. 10 4707.21 Arminio. [Teatro scelto italiano, v.27] . . 4779a.O Elogio del marchese G. Spolvcrini, F. K. Mo- rando, S. Maffei. [Elogj italiaui, v.l, 0, 12]. 2743.15 La fata morgana. [Kaccolta di poemetti di- dascalici, ec. v.ll] 4779.8 Lcttere inedite. See Castreca-Brunctti, E. . 2747.3 Sermoni. See Raccolta di poesie italianc . . 4778.40 Odissea di Omero tradotta. See Poeti greci. 2903.2 PINEL, P. Nosographie philosophiquc. Paris, 1793. 2v. 8 3782.10 Traite medico-philosophiquc, sur 1' alienation mentalo. Paris, 1801. 8" 3800.41 PIXELLI, 15. Storia romana dalla sua originc alia vcnuta di G. C. rappresentata in 111) tavole. Bologna, 1839-49. 3v. obl.f *27.E.2, F.I PINELLI, M. Bibliotheca a J. Morellio descripta. Venetiis, 1787. Ov. 8 *2138.1 PINETUM, The, a synopsis of all coniferous plants at present known. Gordon, G 3845.7 PixiiEiiio-Fi:i:ui-:iiiA, S. Principes du droit pub- lic. Paris, 1834. 3v. 12 3616.12 PINK.EUTON, J. General collection of the best voyages and travels. Lond. 1808-14. 17v. 4.*22G0.13 Contents. Vol. I. Willoughby, Sir II., Northern Russia, 1553; Voyages of the Dutch to northern Eu- rope, 1594-96 ; Pontanus, J. I., North-east passage ; Regnard, J. F., Journey to Lapland, 1GS1; Mauper- tuis, P. L. Moreau de, Journey to the polar circle, ]7',ii: Outhier, R., Journal of a voyage to the north, 1736-37; Ehrenmalra, A., Travels into western Nord- land, etc. 1741 i Leems, K., Account of Danish Lap- land ; Allison, T., Voyage from Archangel, K/.I7 ; Samoiedia and the Samoicilcs, a new account; Jour- nal of seven seamen at Spitzbcrgen, 1634-35; Account of forty-two persons who perished by shipwreck near Spitzbcrgen, 1G1G; Phipps, C., Journal of a voyage to the North pole, 1773; Le Roy, P. L.. Narrative of four Russian sailors cast upon the island of East Spitz- bergen, 1743 ; Bacstrom, J., Voyage to Spitzbcrgrn, 17SU; Trail, U. v., Letters on Iceland, 177_'; Kergue- len-Tremarcc, Y. J. dc, Voyage to tlic north, 1767-68; Clifford, G., earl of Cumberland, Voyage to the Azores, 1589 ; Raleigh, \V., Engagement near the Azores, 15'Jl ; Chaste, De, Voyage to Tercera, l.V>3. II. Gonzales, M., Voyage to England and Scotland, 17:0; Shaw, Rev. S., Tour to the west of England, 1788; Bray, W., Tour into Derbyshire; Ferber, J. J., Oryctography of Derbyshire; Moritz, C. P., Travels through several parts of England, 1782; Skrine, II., Tour through Wales, 1795 ; Malkin, B. H., Tour through Wales; Hassell, J., Tour to the Isle of Wight, 17UO ; Heath, R., Account of the islands of Scilly, 1744; Robertson, D., Tour through the Isle of Man, 17;il. III. Pennant, T., Tour in Scotland, 17GO; Sec- ond tour in Scotland, 1772 ; Garnctt, T., Account of the Drosacks; Martin, M., Description of the Western inlands; Voyage to St. Kilda, 1697; Mackenzie, G., Account of llirta and Rona; Brand, J., Description. of the Orkneys and Shetland ; Young A., Tour in Ireland, 177(1 ; Hamilton, Rev. W., Letters on the northern coast of Ireland, 1784. IV. Lister M., Jour- ney to Paris, 1U98; Young, A., Travels in France, 1787-89 ; Saussure, II. B. de, Attempts to reach the summit of Mont Blanc : Ilamond, L., Journey to the summit of Mont Perdu. V. Spallanzani, L., Travels in Italy; Dolomieu, D. de, Earthquakes in Shelf. No. PINKERTON, J. continued. Calabria, 1783; Bourgoing, J. F. de, Travels in Spain; Coxe, W., Travels in Switzerland, 1770. VI. Ries- beck, Travels through Germany, 173U ; Coxe, W., Travels in Denmark and Norway; Coxe. W., Travels in Russia; Fortia de Piles, A. T. J. A. M. M. de, Travels in Sweden. VII. Benjamin de Tudelc, Travels from Spain to China, 1160-73 ; Rubruquis, W. de, Travels into Tartary and China, 1253; Polo, M., Voyages and travels, 13th century ; Travels of two Mahometans through India and China, 9th cen- tury ; Nieuhoff, H., Travels in China, 1517 ; Bell, J., Travels in Asia, 1716; llamel, H., Travels in Korea, 1653 ; Description of Tibet ; Goez, B., Travels from Labor to China, 160:2; Travels through Tibet, by sev- eral missionaries, 16GO; Caron, F., Account of Japan; Diary on the coast of Japan, 1C73; Kaempfcr, E., His- tory of Japan. VIII. Roe, T., Voyage to India ; Bernier, F., Voyage to the E. Indies; Tavcrnicr, B. J. B., Extract from voyages concerning Diamond mines ; Hamilton, Capt. A., Account of the East Indies, 1638-1723; Lord, II., Discovery of the Banians and Persees ; Buchanan, F., Journey through My- sore, Cauara, and Malabar. IX. Vulle, P. delle, Travels in Persia, 1614; Chardin, J., Travels in Per- sia, 1671 ; Harris, J., Collection, Description of Per- sia; l-'rancklin, W., Tour from Bengal to Persia, 178G- 87; Forster, J. G. A., Travels in the northern parts of Persia, 1783 ; Accounts of Independent Tartary ; Jenkinson, A., Travels to Buchavia, 1557; Balbi, G., Voyage to Pegu, 1570; Fitch, R., Voyage to Ormus and the East Indies, 1583-91; Symcs, M., Embassy to Ava, 17!>5 ; Turpin, F. R., History of Siam ; Baron, 8., Description of Tonqucen ; Richard, J. 1'alibe, History of Tonquin ; Borri, C., Account of Cochin China, X. Niebuhr, C., Travels in Arabia, 1762; Blount, II., Voyage to the Levant, 1G-J4 ; Dandini, G., Voyage to Mount Libanus; Maundrel!, II., Jour- ney from Aleppo to Jerusalem, 1697; Journey from Cairo to Mount Sinai, 1722; Pocockc, R., Travels in the East, 1737-38; XI. Dumpier, W., Account of the Philippines ; Guigncs, C. L. J. dc, Philippine is- lands and the Isle of France ; Beeckmau, !)., Voy- age to Borneo, 1713 : Stavorinus, J. S., Account of Java and Balavia, Celebes, Amboyna, etc.; Pigafctta, A., Vo3 r age round the world, 1519-22, and Extracts from treatise on navigation; Brosses, C. de, Observa- tions on Australasia; Pelsart, F., Voyage to Austrn- i, 16-8 ; Tasman, A. J., Voyage for the discovery of southern countries, 1642 ; Dampier, W., Account of New Holland; Cook, J., Abstract of 1st voyage, 1768-71; Abstract of 2d voyage, 1772-75 ; Abstract of last voyage, 1776-80; Peron, F., Voyage for the dis- covery of southern lands, 1800. XII. Colombo, F., Life of C. Colon, and discovery of the West Indies ; Discoveries made by the English in America from the reign of llenry VII to the close of that of queen Elizabeth ; Frobishcr, M., 1st voyage in s arch of a north-west passage to China, made in 1576, 2d voyage, 1577, 3d voyage, 157.S ; Discovery of and voyages to Virginia ; Carlhier, J., Discovery of the island of New France, 1534. XIII. Smith J., History of Virginia, New England, and the Summer isles, 1584-1624; Lahontan, J. N., Travels in Canada, li>> J; Memoirs of North America; Kalm, P., Travels in North America, 1748 ; Burnaby, A., Travels through the middle settlements of North America, 17:,9-60 ; Thierry dc Menonville, N. J., Travels to Guaxaca in Mexico, 1777. XIV. Betagh, W., Ac- count of Peru, 17J"; Ovalle, P., Historical relation of Chili; La Condainine, C. M. de, Travel-, in South America, 1743 ; Bougucr, P., Voyage to Peru, 1<35 i Ulloa, J. J. and A., Voj age to South America: Nieu- hoff, U., Voyages and travels into Brazil, 164 M9. XV. Lobo, J., Voyage to Abyssinia, 16.'2 ; Poncet, C. J., Journey to Abyssinia, 1G08; Browne, E., Jour- ney to Dar-fur, 17!)3; Pococke, R., Travels in Egypt; Addison, L., Account of West Barbary; Windhuss, J., Journey to Mequiuez, 1721; Shaw, T., Travels in Barbary, 1727 ; Lempriere, W., Tour to Morocco, 1789; Abd Allatif, Relation respecting Egypt. XVI. Thunberg, C. P., Account of the Cape of Good Hope, 1772 ; Angelo, M. and Carli, D. de, Voyage to Congo, 1666-67; Merolla, G., Voyage to Congo, 1'i-iJ; Battel, A., The strange adventures of, iu Angola, 1589; Bosnian, W., Description of the coast of Guinea; Proyart, L., History of Loango, Kakongo.aml other kingdoms in Afiica; Adanson, M., Voyage to Sene- gal, the island of Gone, and the river Gambia, 171!); Santos, J. dos, History of eastern Ethiopia; Kochon, A. M., Voyage to Madagascar; Glas, G., History of the Canary islands ; Park, M., Travels in Africa, XVII. Retrospect of the origin and progress of dis- covery, by sea and land, in ancient, modern, and most recent times ; Critical catalogue of books of voyages and travels; General index. P1NKERTON 634 PISTOCCHI Shelf. No. PINKERTON, J. continued. History of Scotland, from the accession of the house of Stuart to that of Mary. London, 1797. 2v. 4 *2421.6 Letters of literature, by Robert Heron. Lon- don, 1785. 8 2191.4 Literary correspondence. Lond. 1830. 2v. 8". 2453.11 Petralogy, a treatise on rocks. London, 1811. 2v. 8 3865.11 Critique upon Kitson's Scotish songs. See Kitson, J 2559.1 PINKS EY, W. Account of his life, writing-s, and speeches. See Wheaton, H 2342.15 Sermon occasioned by the death of. See Sparks, J Pph.v.260 PINKSTER ode for 1803. Albany, 1803. 12 . . *Pph.v.205 PINTO, F. M. Aventures d'un corsaire portugais. [Gamier. Voyages imaginaires, v.10] . . 2060.1 PINYTUS Cretensis. See Routh, M. J. Reliquiae sacrae, v.l 3513.9 PIOBERT, G. Traite d'artillerie theorique et pra- tique. Partie elemeutaire et pratique. Par- is, 1847. 8 3953.17 - Same. Partie theorique et experimentale. 3e ed. Paris, 1852. 8. pi 3953.18 PIOGEY, J. Du morcellement du sol en France. Paris, 1857. 8 4663.9 PIORET, P. A. De la percussion mediate. Paris, 1828. 8 3795.20 PIOVANO arlotto, capricci mensuali di una brigata di begliumori. Anno I. Vol. I. Firenze, 1858. 8 4773.2 PIOZZI, H. L. British synonymy. London, 1794. 2v. 8 2584.10 Love letters to W. A. Conway, written when she was eighty. London, 1843. 8 .... 2542.6 Poems. See Florence miscellany 2556.10 PIPER, F. Von der Harmonic der Spharen. Ber- lin, 1850. 8 4057.14 PIPER, K. U. Operative surgery illustrated. 1900 engravings. Boston, 1852. 12 .... *3741.3 PIPING, F. Chronicon, 1176-1314. [Muratori. Rerum Ital. script, v. 9] 2710.1 PIPITZ, F. E. Mirabeau cine Lebensgeschichte. Leipzig, 1850. 2v. 8 2654.8 PIPPO Spano. See Scolari, F. PIRANESI, G. B. and F. Opere d'architettura, prospettiva, antichita. Paris, 1835-39. 29v. in 21. Atlas, f *D.l Contents. Vol. I-IV. Le antichita romane, viz.: 1. Gli avanzi degli antichi ediflzj di Roma. 40 pi.; 2, 3. Gli avanzi de' monument! sepolcrali in Roma, e hell' Agro romano. 03,54 pi.; 4. I ponti antichi di Boma che in oggi sono in cssere. 57 pi.; Gli avanzi de' teatri, de' portici, c di altri monument! di Roma. IV. Monument! dcgli Scipioni. pp. 10, 6 pi. V. Rac- colta de' tempj antichi: Prima parte: I tempj di Vesta, e di Sibilla, in Tivoli. pp. 7 text. 13 pi.; Tempio dell' Onore e della Virtu fuori di porta Capena, pp. 4 text, 8 pi.; Secondapartc, cue conticne il celebre Pan- toon, 2!) pi. VI. Delia magniflcenza ed architettura de' Roman!, pp.38, 38 pi.; [Supplemcnto.] Osserva- zioni sopra La lettre dc M. Mariette aux auteurs de la Gazette litteraire de 1'Europe, 4 nov. 1704. pp. 39-51; Essais de differentes frises ou peintures qui se trou- vent pros de Corneto, etc. pi. 0. VII. Prima parte di architetture c prospettive ; {Also] Career! d'inveu- zione di G. B. Pirancsi. pi. 27 ; Alcune vedute di arch! trionfali, ed altri monument! inalzati da" Ro- maiii, parte de' quali si vcggono in Roma, e parte per 1'Italia. Parte seconda, Antichita Romane fuori di citta. pi. 32 ; Trofei d'Augusto Ottaviano, per la vit- toria ad Actium < conquista dell' Egitto. 13 pi. .VHL Lapidcs capitolini sive fasti consulares triumpha- lesque Romanorum ab urbe condita usque ad Tibe- rium Ccesarem. pp. 53, 4 pi. : Le rovine del castello dell" acqua Giulia situato in Roma, colla dichiarazi- one di uno de'celebri pass! del comentariofrontiniano e sposizione della maniera con cui gli antichi Romani distribuivano le acque per uso della citta. 11 pp. pL 19; Antichita di Cora descritte ed incise, pp. 5, pi. 10. IX. Campus Martius antiquac urbis. pp. 20, 49 pi. X. Antichita d'Albano e di Castel Gandolfo. pp.8, -J pi.; Dcscrizione e disegno dell' emissario del lago Albano. pp. 7, 9 pi.; Di due spelouche ornate dagli antichi alia riva del lago Albano. pp. 4, 12 pi. XI-XII. Vasi, Shelf. No. PIKANESI, G. B. and F. continued. candelabri, cippi, sarcofagi, tripodi, lucerne, ed. orna- ment! antichi. 112 pi. XIII. Trofco o sia magnifica colonna coclide di marmo, ove si veggono gcolpitc le due guerre dacichc fatte da Trajano, eretto al medes- imo imperadorCjdoppo i suoi trionfl; Trofeo o sia mag- nifica colonna coclidc, eretto al cmperadorc Marco Aurelio Antonino per le due vittorie da lui riportate dalle guerre germaniche; Diflerentes vues de quel- ques restes de trois grands edifices qu! subsistent encore dans le milieu de 1'ancienne ville de Pesto autrement Posidonia qui est situce dans la Lucanie. 21 pi. XIV-XV. Vedute di Roma. 137 pi. XVI. Choix dcs meilleures statues antiques. 41 pi.; Teatro di Ercolano. 1 p. text, 9 pi. XVII. Diverse raaniere d'adornare i cammini cd ogni altra parte degli edifizj desunte dall' architettura egizia, etrusca, e greca, con un ragionamento apologetico in difesa dell'archi- tettura egizia, e toscana, pp. 7, 66 pL; Diverse ornati delle pareti, volte, e pavimenti di musaico, esistenti nellecammere della casa di campagnia di Pompeia, 12 pi.; Raccolta di alcuni disegni del Barber! da Cento detto il Guercino, iucisi in rame. 45 pi.; Re- cueil d'estampea d'apres les dessins de Guercino, qui n'ont pas encore ete gravees, par A. Bartsch. 40 pi. XVIII. Schola Italica picturas sive selectee quaedam summorum e schola Italica pictonim tabula; sere incisas. 40 pi. XIX. Peintures de la sala Boraia, au Vatican, de 1'invention de Raphael, et de la villa J.anti', a Rome, de 1'invention de Jules Romain 26 pi.; Peintures du cabinet de Jules n,de la Farne- einc, par Raphael, ct des Bacchantes d'Hcrculanum, recueillics par les Piranesi, et dessinees, par T. Pi- roli. 23 pi.; Peintures de la ville Altoviti, a Rome, inventecs par Michelange, pcintcs par Giorgio Va- sari, et gravees par Th. Piroli. XX. Antiquites de la Grande Grece, aujourd'hui royaume de Naples ; Antiquites de Pompeia. 72 pi. XXI. Antiquites de la Grande Grece, contenant les usages civils, mili- taires et religieux, le plan general du museum de Portici, dans lequel sont indiquecs les armoires qui renferment les objets trouves dans les fouiilcs de Pompeia, d'Ucrculanum et de la Stabia, un second plan contenant les peintures a I'resque.trouvCcs dans les memes fouilles, avec descriptions, et recherchea sur la beaute de cet art. 31 pi. PIRATES. See Buccaneers. PIRATES' glen : apoem. Ames, N 2399.48 PlRON, A. Gustave-Wasa. [Theatre des auteurs du second ordre. Tragedies, v. 3] 2640.19 Gustavo Wasa ; tragedia. [Teatro moderno applaudito, v.30] 2768.1 La metromanie, ou le poe'te. [Theatre des auteurs du second ordre. Comedies en vers. v. 10] 2640.19 Voyage de Beaune. [Gamier. Voyages imaginaires, v.28] 2660.1 PIRONA, G. A. Florae Forojuliensis syllabus. Utini, 1855. 8 3856.3 PIRRIE, W. Principles and practice of surgery. London, 1852. 8 3741.5 - Same. Ed. by J. Ncill. Phila. 1852. 8. 3741.4 PISA. Dell' assalto data a Pisa dei Fiorentini nel 1500. [Archivio stor. ital. v.4, p. 2] . . . 5245.2 Fabroni, A. Historiae academiae Pisanae . . 5272.5 Fanucci, G. B. Dissertazioni sulle cose pisane. 2722.5 - Storia dei tre celebri popoli marit. dell' Ital 2722.4 Lenfant, J. Concilc de Pise 3512.2 Morrona, A. da. Pisa illustrata nelle arti del disegno 4004.21 Roncioni, R. Delle istorie pisane. [Archivio stor. ital. v.6, p. l.-ii] 5245.2 Rosini, G. Pitture del Campo Santo di . . 4067.35 Giornale de' letterati di 5248.2 PISANDER. Fragmenta. See Hesiodus 2992. 13 PISANI, G. Intorno alia costituentc italiana. Livorno, 1849. 12 4746.18 PISIDA, or Pisides, G. Expeditio Persica, bellum Avaricum, Heraclias fmetrice]. Recog. I. Bekkerus. Bonnae, 1830. 8. [Corpus script. hist. Byz. v.32] 2908.1 PISON, K. De cognoscendis etcurandismorbis. Francofurti, 1580. f *3710.0 PISTOCCHI, F. A. Psalmus, Lauda Jerusalem, quinque voci. [Dehn. Practische Musik- Werke, v.ll] 4051.14 635 PLANA Shelf. No. TISTOIA. Concilio diocesano di Pistoja. Atti e decreti. Fircnzc, 1788. 4. pi *3521.2 - Istruzione gcnerale sulle verita Cristiaue, in forma di catechismo. Venezia, 1782. 3v. sm.8 3529.6 - Ricci, S. de'. Scritti nclla controversia del sinodo 3529.7 See liaccolta di opuscoli interessanti a la re- ligions 3454.8 PISTOLESI, E. Vita del sommo ponteflce Pio VII. Roma, 1824-30. 4v. 8 3558.4 PISTOLICSI, G. B. Prospctto di verbi toscani tauto rcgolari che irrcgolari. Roma, 1701. 4 *27S5.1 PISTOKIO, Girolamo. De' monument! egizj della citto. di Catania. [Opuscoli di autori sicili- ani,v.!5] 4704.1 PISTOEIUS, Joh. Gencalogia regum Hungarias. [Schwandtncr. Script, rer. Hungaric. v.l]. 2810.2 PISTEUCCI, F. Iconologia ovvero immagini di tutte le cose principali a cui 1'umano talento ha finto uncorpo, collatraduzione francesedi S. Marccau. Milano, 1819-21. 2v. 4 .... *4060.14 PITAVAL. F. Gayot de. Causes celebrcs et intt-r- essantes. Nouv. eel. Paris, 1739. 20 v. 10. *3709.1 - Same. Continuation, par J. C. de La- vine. Paris, 1700-70. 4v. 12 3709.1 Dcr neue Pitaval : Criminalgeschichte aller Liinder. See Hitzig-, J. E 3099.2 PITCAIKX, A. Works : principles of physic. Lon- don, 1715. 12 *3718.8 Contents. Oration proving physic free from the tyranny of sect ; Distempers of the eye ; Circulation of the blood thro' the minutest vessels; Causes of cir- culation ; Motion of the stomach in digestion j 1'ro- blem concerning inventors ; Circulation in born ani- mals and cmbryons ; Cure of fevers by evacuation ; Effects of acidsand alkalies in the cure of distempers; "Women's monthly courses; Encrease of the quantity of the blood ; Lues venerea ; Small-pox ; Gout ; Scurvy ; Division of distempers. PITCAIRN'S island, Voyage to. Shillibeer, J. . . 2273.2 PITHOLAUS. See Baiter and Sauppe. Oratores Attici 2903.1 PITISCUS, S. Lexicon antiquitatum Romanarum. Leovardiae, 1713. 2v. f *2950.3 PIT KIN, T. History of the United States, 1703-97. New Haven, 1828. 2v. 8 2320.4 Statistical view of the commerce of the United States. Hartford, 1810. 8 . . **E. 223. 10, 2327. 9 Same. [New and enlarged edition.] New Haven, 1S35. 8" 2327.8 PITKIN, W., gov. of Conn. Sermon occasioned by the death of. See Williams, E 3450.41 PITMAN, I. The writing and printing reform. [London, 1847.] 8 *Pph.v.l<53 PITMAN, J. Address to the alumni of Brown uni- versity. Providence, 1843. pp. 04. 8 . . . *2387.2 Oration at Salem, July 4, 1812. Salem, lt>12. 8 H'ph.v.04 PITONI, G. O. Magnificat a 4 concertato ; Mi- Albina cum octo vocibus ; Dies irae, voci. [Delm. Prsictischc Musik-Werkc, v.12] . . 4051.14 PITT, C. Poems and life. [Chalmers. English poets] v.12 of 2592.7 Virgil's jEneid and Vida's art of poetry. [Chalmers. English poets] v. 19 of 2592. 7 Poems and translations. [Johnson. English poets, v.43] 2589.3 PITT, William, earl of Chatham. Correspondence. Ed. by W. B. Taylor, and J. II. Priugle. London, 1838-40. 4v. 8 2440.15 Letters to his nephew, Thomas Pitt, esq. New York, 1804. 12 *Pph.v.205 Almon, J. Anecdotes of the life of 24-10.14 Thackeray, F. History of 2440.13 "Watcrhouse, B. Sketch of the life and char- acter of 25o5.4 PITT, lit. Hon. William. Speeches. London, 1800. 4v. 8 2572.2 Life and times of. Gifford, J 2450.1 Shelf. No. PITTI, B. Cronica con annotazioni. Firenze, 1720. 4 *2725.8 PITTI, J. Istoria fiorentina, con document!. Fi- renze, 1842. 8". [Archiv. stor. ital. v.l] . 5245.2 Vita di Antonio Giacomiui ; Apologia de Cappucci. f Archiv. stor. ital. v.4, p. 2] . 5245.2 PITTSBURGH, History of. Craig, N. B 2372.6 PITTSFIELD, J\fass. Berkshire jubilee, Aug. 22, 2:5, 1844. Albany, 1845. 8 *Pph.v.l42 Berkshire gymnasium. Catalogue [of instruc- tors and students]. 1830. 8 *Pph.v.79 Berkshire medical institution. Catalogue of the trustees, faculty, and students, [etc.] since its incorporation, in 1823. Pittsfleld, 1833. 8 *M.Pph.v.37 - Catalogue, [etc.] 1829-31, 34, 30, 38-10. Pittsfleld, 1829-40. 8 *3I.Pph.v. 29, 32-35 Commercial and classical boarding school. Catalogue [of teachers and pupils]. 1841-12. New York, [1841-42.] 8 *Pph.v.228 Pittsiield gymnasium. First annual cata- logue of the instructors and pupils, 1840. Pittsfleld, 1840. 8 *Pph.v.lG3 Young ladies' institute. Annual catalogue, 1st, 5th, 7th, 9th, of the instructors and pupils. Pittsfleld. 1842-50. 8.*Pph.v. 133, 103, 109,183 History of. Field, D. D 2350.15 Pius 1, pope. Epistolce. [Migne. Patrologia Grasca, v.5] 3490.3 Pius II, pope. Storia di due amauti di E. S. Piceo- lomini, col testo latino e la trad, libera di A. Braccio. Capolago, 1832. 8 2772.7 De morte Eugcnii iv, creationeque ct corona- tione Nicolai v, oratio. [Muratori. lie- rum Ital. script, v.3, p. 2] 2710.1 Oratio pro auctoritate Komaui pontificis ; Oratio altera de compactatis Bohemorum. [Muratori. Operc min. v.ll,p.2] .... 2710.2 Plus VII, pope. Rclazione del viaggio di Pio vil, a Geuovanell' anno 1815. Pacca, B 2744.4 Vita del sommo ponteflce Pio vn. See Pis- tolesi, E 3558.4 Pius IX, pope. A Pio ix, ponteflce massimo esu- lante da Roma. See Orbe, L', cattolico . . 3552.3 Viaggio al Chili del canouico Don G. M. Mas- tai oggi sommo ponteflce Pio papa ix . . . 2744.14 PIZZATI, G. La scicnza dc' suoni, c delP arinoiiia. Venezia, 1782. 4 *4041.13 PLACCIUS, V. Theatrum anonymorum etpseud- onymorum. Cura 31. Dreyeri. [Acccdunt J. Deckherri conjccturie. etc.] Hamburg!, 170S. f *2140.1 PLACE,!' 1 . Principle of population. Lond. 1822. 8*. 3045.5 PLACIDI:, J. Histoire d'Hayti, tcrite sur dcs documens communiquees par Sir J. Bars- kctt. Paris, 1820. 8" 2313.18 PLACIDIA Galla, empress. Epistola ad Theodo- sium; Epistoia ad Pulcheriam Augustam. [Migne. Patrologia; v. 54] v.l of 3440.25 PLACIDUS. Liber dc hoiiore ecclcsias. [Jligue. Patrologiae v.163] 3400.38 PLAGIARISM, or, a hint at the case. By a layman. Albany, 1817. 8 *Pph.v.l7 PLAGIOSTOMA. Miiller, J. Systematische Be- schreibung der Plagiostomen 5870. 2 PLAIN song. Mine, A. Plain-chant ecclesiastiquc, remain et francais 4049.20 PLAN for friendly intercourse between the prcs- byterian church, the general synod of the reformed Dutch church, and the synod of the associated reformed church, 1800. [No title-page.] 8 *Pph.v.42 PLAN du Carpin, J. de. See Carpin. J. de Plan du. PLANA, G. Memoire sur le mouvement d'un pen- dule dans un milieu resistant. Turin, 1835. 4 **E. 186.8 Reflexions sur la theorie de 1'equilibre et du mouvement des fluidcs. Genes, 1821. 8 . **E. 189.12 Theorie du mouvement de la lune. Turin, 1832. 3v. 8 **E.185.7 PLANAUI.E 636 PLAUTUS Shelf. No. PLANARLE. Schulze, F. F. De planariarum vi- vcndi ratione ct structura pcnitiori .... 3897.12 PLANCHE, J. B. G. Portraits litteraires. 3e ed. Paris, 1853. 2v. 12 2670.6 Contents. Vol. I. Andre Chenier; Benjamin Con- stant i Lamartine ; Victor Hugo ; Alfred de Vigny ; L'abl'e Prevost ; Sainte-Beuve ; Prosper Merimee ; Jules Sandeau; Ponsard; CasimirDelavigne; Eugene Scribe. II. F. Guizot; G. Sand; Eugene Sue; Cha- teaubriand ; Auguste Barbier ; De la critique fran- Jaise ; De la langue franjaise. Nouveaux portraits litteraires. Paris, 1854. 2v. 12" 2070.7 Contents. Vol. I. Beranger ; A. de Lamartine ; Victor Uugo; Sainte-Beuve. II. Petrarque; Giuseppe Giusti ; E. L. Buhver : Guizot ; Michelet ; George Sand ; Augier ; Ponsard ; Scribe ; Mademoiselle Rachel ; l.e Promethce enchaiue d'Eschyle ; La poesie et la critique en 18i2. PLANCHE, J. 11. The pursuivant of arms. New ed. London, n.d. 8 2232.6 PLANCK, G. J. Geschichte der Christlich-kirch- lichen Gesellschafts-Verfassung. Hanno- ver, 1S03-9. 5v. in 6. 8 3518.6 Geschichte des protestantischen Lehrbegriffs. Leipzig, 1781-1800. 6v. in 5. 8 3518.1 PLANETARY motion, Tables for determining the value of the coefficients in the perturbative function of. [Smithsonian contributions, v.9. App.] 3340.1 PLANETS, Perturbations of the. Lubbock, J. W. 3924.8 PLANS for gentlemen's libraries. London, n.d. pp.54. 12 *2122.12 PLANTAGANKT, B. Description of New Albion in North Virginia. [Force. Tracts, v.2] . . 2323.3 PLANTATION and farm instruction, regulation, record, inventory, and account book, liich- mond, 1852. 4 3982.1 PLANTAVIT de la Pause. See Margou, G. P. PLANTER, The : or thirteen years in the south. Philadelphia, 1853. 12 3573.14 PLANTS. Grew, N. Anatomy of 3851.1 Loudon, Mrs. J. C. Encyclopaedia of . . . . 3834. 9 Meyen, F. J. F. Geography of 3824.11 Schwann, T. Accordance in the structure and growth of animals and 3724.2 See also: Botany. PLANUDES Maximus. 2xA' a et s Triv'Eppo-yevoTs Tx t "l v - ITc/Ji rcoi> aAurwy avTiOtatuv. [AValz. Ixhetores Graeci,v.5] 2965.2 P. Ovidii Nasonis metamorphoseon lib. xv, Graece versi. [Lemaire. Bibl. class. Lat. v.4(>] 2916.9 PLATEN, A. v. Gesammelte Werke. Stuttgart und TUbingen, 1847. 5v. 8 2894.6 Content. Vol. I. Biographic; Lieder und Ro- manzen ; Balladen ; Vermischte uud Gelegenheits- gedichte. II. Gaselen; Soncttc; Oden; Eklogen und Idyllen ; Kestgesange ; Epigramme ; Uebersctzung- en. III. Die ncuen Propheten, ein Nachspiel ; Mathilde von Valois, Drama; Der glaserne Pantoffel, Comodie ; Berengar, Comodie : Der Schatz des Rhampsinit, ein Lustspiel ; Der Thurm mit sicben Pfurten, ein Lustspiel ; Treue urn Treue, ciuSchau- spiel. IV. Die verhangnissvolle Gabel, Lustspiel ; Der romantische Oedipus, Lustspiel ; Die Liga von Cambrai, gcschichtliches Drama ; Parabase ; Der grundlose Brunnen, Fragment ; Die grossen Kaiser, Fragment ; Die Abassiden, ein Gedicht in ncun Ge- siingen ; Rosensohn, Miirchen. V. Das Theater als eiu Nalionalinstitut ; Ueber verschiedene Gcgen- stiinde der Dichtkunst uud Sprachc ; Geschichten des KOnigreichs Neapel ; Ursprung der Carrarescn und ihrer Llerrschaft in Padua ; Lebensregeln. Poetiseher und littcparischcr Nachlass. Neue Ausg. Leipzig, 1853. 2v. 10 2896.8 Contents. Vol. I. Vorwort des Herausgebers ; Nachgelassene Lieder und Gediehte ; Marats Tod, eine dramatisehe Skizze ; Platens Selbstbiographie j Vorwort zu den vermischten Sehriften, und zu den lyrischcn Blattern; Platens Brieic, erste Epoche. II. Platens Briefe, zweite Epoehe. PLATNEE, E. Zur Kenntniss des attischen Rechts, etc. Marburg, 1820. 8" . 3612.11 Shelf. No. PLATO, comic poet. See Poet. com. Grace, fragin. 3002.14 PLATO, the philosopher. Opera omnia. Kecogn. Baiterus, Orellius, Winckelmann, etc. Tu- rici, 1S39. 4 *3001.2 - Same Ex rccens. Hirschigii et Sclmci- deri, Gr. et Lat. Parisiis, 1840-50. 2v. l.S. fDidot. Biblioth. grecque] *3002.1 Contents. Vol. I. Pracfatio; Index cmendationum; Dialog!: Euthyphro; ApologiaSocratis; Crito; I'hae- do ; Thcages ; AmatoreB ; Thetetetus ; Sophista ; Euthydcmus; Protagoras; Ilippias minor; Cratylus ; Gorillas ; lo ; Philebus ; Meno ; Alcibiades primus ; Alcibiadt s secundus : Charmides ; Laclies ; Lysis i Ilipparchus ; Menexenus ; Politicus ; Minos ; I'ar- meuidcs ; Convivium ; Phacdrus ; Ilippias major. II. Civitas, liber I-JE ; Timteus ; Critias ; Leges, liber l-xn ; Epinomis ; Epistolte i-xm ; Dialog! subditivi : Axiochus; De justo ; Demodocus ; Sisy- phus ; Eryxias ; Dennitiones. CEuvres, traduites par V. Cousin. Paris, 1826-52. 13v. 8 *3008.2 Contents. Vol.1. Euthyphron ; Apologic de So- crate i Criton ; Phedon. II. Thcetete, on de la science ; Philebe, ou du plaisir. III. Protagoras, ou les sophistes ; Gorgias, ou dc la rhetoriquc. IV. Ly- sis, ou de 1'amitie ; Ilippias, ou du beau; Menexene, ou 1'oraison funebre ; Ion, ou de 1'Iliade ; Le second Ilippias, ou du imnsonge ; Euthydcme, on le dis- puteur. V. Le premier Alcibiade, ou de la nature humaine; Le second Alcibiade, oude lapriere; Ilip- parque, ou de 1'amour du gain ; Lcs rivaux, ou de la philosophic ; Theages, ou de la vraie instruction ; Charmide, ou de la sagesse ; Laches, ou du courage. VI. Phedre, ou de la beautu ; Mcnon, ou de la ver- tu; Lc banquet, ou de 1'amour. VII.- VIII. Lcs lois. IX. -X. La republique. XI. Cratyle, ou dc la pro- priOtedcs noms; Le sophiste, oude 1'etrc; Le poli- tique, ou de la royautc. XII. Parmenide, ou sur les idees; Timee,ou de la nature; Critias, ou I'Atlantide; Tiniee de Locrcs: De 1'amc du monde et de la nature. XIII. Epinomis, oule philosophc; Minos; Clitophon; Lettrcs ; Dialogues non authentiques, savoir: Axi- ochus, ousur la mort; Du juste; Delavertu: Demo- docus ; Sisyphe ; Eryxias, ou de la richesse ; Defi- nitions ; Pieces des vers ; Testament. Dialogi select!, cura L. F. Heindorfli. Bero- lini, 1802-10. 4v. 8 3008.3 Contents. Vol. I. Lysis; Channides ; Ilippias major; Phsedrus. II. Gorgias ; Thetctetus ; Accedit auctarium animadversionum Philippi Buttmanni. III. Cratjlus ; Parmenides ; Euthydemus. IV. Fhaedo ; Sophistes ; Protagoras. Gorgias, with notes by T. D. Woolsey. Xew ed. Boston, 1850. 12' 3008.4 Apologia di Socrate, tradotta da Lodovico Flangini. [Cesarotti. Operc, V.20J . . . 2798.1 Corazzini, F. L'Eutifrone, e il convito volg. da A. 31. Salvini 4777.6 Cuoco, V. Platone in Italia 2773.20 Ficino, M. Sopra lo amore o ver' convito di Platone 3009.1 Mcnexeuus sive epitaphius, aut oratio fune- bris. [Casa. Opere, v.4] 2796.3 - Same. Transl. by G. West. See Pindarus. 2999.21 Molza, T. II carmide, trad, del greco .... 2799.3 Schleiermacher, F. E. D. Introduction to the dialogues 3008.1 Timaeus. Lexicon vocum Platonicarum . . 2982.5 PLATONIC number. Krieger, J. Die Entrathse- lungdcr sogenannten platonischen Zalil . 4052.34 PLATONIC philosophy. Hermann, C. F. Gesch- ichte und System der platonischen Phil. . 3604.9 PLATTS, J. Dictionary of English synonymes. London, 1825. 12 25SC.26 PLAUTUS, T. M. Comffidice. Ed. Gronovius, cum praef. J. A. Ernesti. Lipsiae, 1760. 2v. 8. 2938.9 Contents. Plays alphabetically arranged. - Same. Cur. J. Naudct. Parisiis, 1800-32. 4v. 8. [Lemaire. Bibl. class. Lat. 54-57]. *2915.1 Contents. Vol. I. Amphitruo ; Les Sosics de Ro- trou; Asinnria; Aulularia; Bacchides; Captivi ; Lcs captifs de Rotrou; Casina. II. Cistellaria; Curculio; Epidicus ; Manaechmi ; Mercator ; M^iles gloriosus ; Mostellaria; Persa; Les Mencchmcs de Rntrou. III. Pcenulus ; Pseudolus , Rucleus; Stichus ; Trinumus; Truculentus; Fragments) Querolus, sive Aulularia j Testimonia, vita, etc. PLAUTUS 637 PLUTARCHUS Shelf. No. PLAUTUS, T. M. continued. - Same. Ex recens. et cum app. crit. F. Kitschelii. Elberfeldre, 1810-51. 2v. 8 . 2938.8 Contents. Vol. I. Trinvmmvs ; Miles, gloriosvs ; Bacchides. II. Stichvs; Psevdvlvs; Jleiiajchmi ; JIos- tellaria. Fragmenta inedita item ad P. Terentium com- mentationesetpicturse ineditae iuventorc A. Maio. Mediolani, 1815. pp.07. 8 .... 2946.4 L'Aulularia, etc. [Parnaso dei poeti classic! d'ogni nazione,v.21] 2709.1 Osann, F. Fragmenta nuper reperta .... 2951.7 Eicci, A. M. Calligrafia Plautina 2939.10 Eitschel, F. Parergon Plautinorum .... 2938.10 PLAYFAIR, J. Works, with a memoir. Edin- burgh, 1822. 4v. 8 3915.5 Contents. Vol.1. Biography; Illustrations of the Huttoniun theory; Progress of mathematical mid physical science, since the revival of letters. III. Arithmetic of impossible quantities; Causes which affect the accuracy of barometrical measurements ; On the astronomy of the Brahmins ; Origin and in- vestigation of porisms ; Trigonometry of the Brah- mins ; Figure of the earth; i-olids of greatest attrac- tion; Progress of heat in spherical bodies ; Litholog- ical survey of Schehallien. IV. Biogr. accounts of the late M. Stewart, J. Ilutton, and J. Kobison ; Reviews of various mathematical treatises. Outlines of natural philosophy. Edinburgh, 18H-10. 2v. 8 **E.212.9 Progress of mathematical and physical sci- ence. [Boston, 1817.] 8 **E.218.14 PLAYFAIK, L. Explosions in collieries 4020.2 PLAYFAIK, W. Political portraits. London, 1813- 14. 2v. 8 2443.4 PLAYHOUSE, Companion to the. Baker, D. E. . 2175.0 PLAYS. Doclsley.lt. Select collection of old P. 2588.1 Old English P. See Old English 2607.1 See also : Drama. PLEADER, The: a collection of declarations . . 3034.12 Head, C. American pleader's assistant . . . 3034.4 Story, J. Pleadings in civil actions subse- quent to the declaration 3025.10 PLEASURES of human life. Boston, 1807. 12. . :.'.">.">*. 20 PLEASURES of the imagination. Akcnside, M. . 2500.0 PLEES, \V. Account of the island of Jersey. Southampton, 1819. 8" 2497.5 PLENCK, J.J. Elementa artis obstetrician Vien- na, 1781. 8 *3772.14 PLEURA, Physical signs of diseases of the. Wil- liams, C. J. B 3795. 1 PLIEXINGMR, T. Paliiontologie Wurttemberg's. See Meyer, C. E. H. v. 3890. 7 PLIXIUS Sccundus, C. Naturalis hist, cum intcrp. et notis J. llarduini, etc. rec. J. S. F. Fran- zius. Lipsioe, 1778-91. lOv. 8 *2930.2 - Same. Biponti, 1783. 5v. 8 *2937.2 - Same. Ed. J. Sillig. Ilamb. et Goths, 1851-55. Gv. 8 2937.1 - Same. Cur. C. Alexandrc [et al]. Paris- iis, 1827-32. llv. 8. [Lcmaire. Bibl. class. Lat. 58-08] *2915.2 Contents. Vol. I. p. i. Cosmologia, curante C. Alexandrc. II. p. n. Geographia, curaute F. Ansart. I1I.-1V. p. in. Zoologia, Gcorgii Cuvier notis et ex- cursibus illustrata, curante Ajasson de Grandsagne. V.-VI. p. iv. Res herbaria, curante L. Deslbntaiues. VIII. p. v. Maturia mcdica ex animalibus, curante Ajassou de Gramlsagnc. IX. p. vi. Miueralogia, curante DUafossc. X.-XI. Indices. Histoire naturelle, trad, nouvelle par Ajas- son de Grandsagne, annotee, etc. [Lat. et Fr.] Paris, ls>9-i3. 20v. 8 *293C.l Naturalis historic, libri 34-30. See Sillig, J. C. 4084.4 PLINIUS Cacilius Sccundus, C. Epistolae et pan- egyricus, rec. Gierig. Lipsiaj, 1800. 8 . . 2937.15 - Same. Adnotat. addidit N. E. Lemaire. 1'arisiis, !,--.'.>. ;>v. 8. [Lcmaire. Bibl. class. Lat. 09, 70] *2915.3 Panegirico a Trajano, tradotto in italiano. [Allleri. Opercvv.2] 2775.6 PLOT, K. Natural history of Oxfordshire. 2d ed. Oxford, 1705. f *2501.4 Shelf. No. PLOT and no plot: a comedy. Dennis, J 2575.13 PLOTHO, C. von. Der Krieg in Frankreich und Deutschland, 1S13, 14. Berlin, 1817. 3v. 8. 4019.5 Der Krieg des verbiindeten Europa gegen Frankreich in 1815. Berlin, 1818. 8 ... 4019.6 Die Kosaken, Geschichte dcrselben. Berlin, 1811. pp.87. 10 3009.2 Tagcbuch des Krieges zwischen Eussland und Preussen einerseits und Frankreich andrerseits, 1800-7. Berlin, 1811. 8 ... 2824.11 PLOTINUS. Enneades cum Ficini interp. accedunt Porphyrii et Procli instit. et Prisciani solu- tiones. Ed. Diibner. Parisiis, 1855. 1.8". [Didot. Bibliotheque grecque] *3002.2 PLOUGH, The, the loom and the anvil. Vol. vi. -x. p. 2. New York, 1851-57. 5v. 8 ... *5287.1 PLOTVDEN, E. Quaeries, now first rendered into English. London, 1701. pp. OS. f . . . . *3G70.2 Reports, containing divers cases adjudged in the reigns of Edward VI queen Eliza- beth. London, 1701. f " *3C70.2 PLUCIIE, A. X. dc. Histoire du ciel, ou 1'origine do 1'idolatric. Nouv. ed. Paris, 1757. 2v. 12 3489.6 Le spectacle de la nature. Nouv. ud. Paris, 1700,1701-70. 8v. in 9. 12 3819.3 PLUM BE, S. Practical essay on porrigo. London, 1821. 8 *3790.52 PLUMER, W. Lyrica sacra, or war-songs and bal- lads from the Old Testament. Boston, 110. pp. 08. 8 2399.25 PLUMPTON correspondence, ed. by T. Stapleton. London, 1*19. sin. 4". [Camdcn soc. ivj . *2116.4 PLUQUET, F. A. A. Examen du fatalisme. Paris, 1757. 3v. 12 3159.23 PLUTARCH, The British. See Wrangham, F. . . 2142. 5 PLUTARCHUS. Quze supersunt omnia, Gr. et Lat. Castigavit et auuotationibus instruxit J. J. Eeiske. Lipsise, 1774-82. 12 v. s *3007.1 . \o\. I.-V. Vita? parallels. VI.-X. Opera moralia et philosophica : 1. De liberis cdu- candis ; Quomodo adolcsci'im poetas uudire dvbcat; De auditionc ; Quomodo possit adulator ab umico internosci ; Quomodo quis suos in virtute paranda scntire possit prufcctus ; De capienda ex hostihus utilitatc; De amicorum multitudinc; De fortuna; De virtute et vilio ; Consolatio ad Apollouium ; De san- itate tuenda ; Coniugialia pracepta; Scpti'in sapicn- tum convivium; De superstitione ; Apopbthegmata ; Apophtlicgmata Laconica; lustituta I.aconica. '2. De mulierum virtutibus ; Qua;stiones Romana? ; Qua;s- tioucs Gnccx; Parallela liistoriarum Gnccarum cum Romanis ; De fortuna Romanorum ; De Alexandri Magni.sivefoituna, sive virtute; DC gloria. Athenieu- sium ; De Iside ct Osiride ; De Ei, inscripto foribus tcmpli Dclphici ; Cur nunc Pythia non reddat ora- cula carmine ; Cur oracula desierint ; Virtutem do- ceri posse; De virtute moral! ; De ira cohibenda ; De auiiui trauquillitatu ; DC Iraterno amore ; De amore prolis ; An vitiositas adiiifulicitutcm sufficiat ; Ani- miue an corporis affeetiones sint pcjores. 3. Degar- rulitate ; De curiositatc ; De cupiditatc divitiarum : De vitioso pudore; De iuvidia etodio; DC sui laude ; De pcra numinis vindicta; De fato; De SoeratisgeniOj De exsilio ; Consolatio ad uxorcm suam ; Symposia- con, idest, convivialium disputatiunuin libri novem. 4. Eroticus, hoc cst amaturius liber; Amatoria; n:ir- rationcs ; Maximo cum principibus viris philosopho csse disputandum ; Adprincipem ineruditum ; An eeni sit gerenda respublica ; Prascepta gerendse rei- publicao ; De vitando sere alieno ; Oratorum vital ; Comparatio Aristophanis ct Menandri; De Ilerodotl maliguitatc; De placitis philosophorum; Qua;stioncs naturales j De facie in orbe lunaB ; De primo frigido ; Aqua? ct ignis compa:atio. 5. Terrcslriane, an aqua- tilia, animaliasintcallidiora; Gryllus, t.ive brutaani- malia rationc uti ; De esu carnium ; Platonicaj qua:s- tiones; De anima; procreationc; De stoicorum repug- nanliis ; De cumuiuuibus iiotitiis adversus stoicos ; Nou suavitcr quidem vivi posse secundum Epicuri decrcta ; Adversus Colotem ; An recte dictum Bit latentur esse viveudum; De musicu; DC fluviis; Frag- menta. X.-XII. Indices. Opera, cxccptis vitis, rcliqua. Gr. et. Lat. Ed. 1>. Wytteubach. Lipsite, 1790-1831. 5v. 8. *3007.5 Scripta moralia. Gr. et Lat. Parisiis, 1841. 2v. 1.8. [Didot. Biblioth. grecque] . . . *3002.4 PLUTARCHUS 638 POET! Shelf. No. PLUTARCHUS, continued. Ex Plutarcho versa. [Erasmus. Opera, v.4]. 2920.3 Fragmenta et spuria. Ed. F. Diibner. Par- isiis, 1855. 1.8. [Didot. Bibliotli. grecquej. *3002.5 Vitse, rccognovit Th. L)oebner. Gr. et Lat. Purisiis, 1840-47. 2v. 1.8. [Didot. Bibliotli. grecque] *3002.3 Hommes illustrcs, trad, par M.Dacier. Nouv. ] 2006.1 PORTRAITS of illustrious personages of Great Britain. Lodge, E 2451.10,11 PORTSMOUTH, Va. Relief association. Report, with a sketch of the fever. Richmond, 1856. 8 2374.4 PORTUGAL. Barros, J. de. Entdeckungen und Erobcrungcn der Portugiesen im Orient, 1415-1539 3091.6 Busk, M.M. History of E.212.7 Correspondence relative to. See Great Britain. Parliament 7073.1 Denis, J. F. Histoire et description. . . . 2270.7 Fortia d' Urban, A. J. F. X. de. Histoire gcn- e>alede 3091.4,5 Hoolc, J. Portuguese empire in Asia. [Chal- mers. English poets] v.21of2592.7 Junot.L. P. Uiic ambassade en, 1808-11 .. 4009.2 Lafitau, J. F. Decouvertes et conquestes des Portugais dans le nouveau monde .... 3001.3 Landmann, G. Observations on 3000.1 Link, H. F. Rcise durch 2000.31 Murphy, J. Travels in 3091.1 Naval papers relative to. See Great Britain. Parliament 7073.1 Pacca, B. Notizie sul Portogallo 2744.5 Revolutions de. [Latour. Petits chefs d'ceuvre hist, v.2] 4007.3 Twiss, R. Travels through P. in 1772-73 . . 3100.9 PORTUGUESE language. Vieyra, A. Dictionary of the Portuguese and Eng. languages . E.202.2 - New Portuguese grammar E.207.6 PORTUGUESE literature. Fouseca, J. da. Prosas selectas dos auctores portuguezes .... 3095.22 Theatre comico portuguez K.229.8 PORTUS 646 POTTER Shelf. No. PORTC3, M. Dictionarium lonicum Grseco-Lati- num. Ed. nova. Oxonii, 1817. 8 .... 2982.6 - Same. See Herodotus 29S7.1 PORZIO, C. Orazioni storiche. See Scelta .... 4779.10 POSIDIPPUS Cassandrensis. See Poet. com. Graec. fragm 3002.14 POSIDIPPUS Siculus. SeeBrunck,R. F.P. Gnomici poetjeGrscci 2968.5,6 POSIDONIUS Olbiopolita. See Fragm. hist. Grsec. v .3 3002.11 POSIDONIUS Rhodius. See Fragm. hist. Graec. v.3. 3002.11 POSSIDIUS, or Possidonius. Vita S. Aurelii Augus- tini. [Migne. Patrologiae v.32] 3440.18 Indiculus librorum, tractatuum, et episto- larumS. Augustini. [Migne. Patrol, v.40]. 3440.21 POST, E. Eulogy on. Murray, J.W.B. . . M.Pph.v.5 POST, J. Inaugural dissertation to disprove the existence of muscular fibres in the vessels. New York, 1793. 8 M.Pph.v.49 POST, W. Biograph. memoir. See Mott, V. M.Pph.v.20 Elogium on. See Smith, J. A M.Pph.v.20 POST-MOKTEM examination. See Autopsy. POST-OFFICE directory of Berkshire, Northamp- tonshire, Oxfordshire, Bedfordshire, Buck- inghamshire, and Huntingdonshire. Lon- don, 1854. 1.8 *2484.13 POST-OFFICE directory of Birmingham. London, 1S53. 1.8 *2484.11 POST-OFFICE directory of Birmingham, with War- wickshire, Worcestershire, and Stafford- shire. London, 1854. 1.8 *2484.12 POST-OFFICE directory of Cambridge, Norfolk, and Suffolk. London, [1853.] 1.8 *2484.14 POST-OFFICE directory of Cheshire. London, 1857. 1.8 *2484.15 POST-OFFICE directory of Derbyshire, Leicester- shire, Nottinghamshire, and Rutlandshire. London, 1855. 1.8" *2484.16 POST-OFFICE directory of Devonshire and Corn- wall. London, 1850. 1.8 *2484.17 POST-OFFICE directory of Essex, Herts, Kent, Middlesex, Surrey, and Sussex. London, 1855. 1.8 *2484.18 POST-OFFICE directory of Gloucestershire, with Bath, Bristol, Herefordshire, and Shrop- shire. London, 1850. 1.8 *2484.10 POST-OFFICE directory of Hampshire, Wiltshire, and Dorsetshire. London, 1855. 1.8 . . *2483.1 POST-OFFICE directory of Lancashire. London, 1853. 1.8 *24S3.2 POST-OFFICE directory of Lincolnshire. London, n.d. 1.8 *2483.3 POST-OFFICE directory of Sheffield, with the neighbouring towns. London, 1854. 1.8 . *2482.2 POST-OFFICE directory of Westmoreland, Cum- berland, Northumberland, and Durham. London, 1858. 1.8 *2482.3 POST-OFFICE directory of Yorkshire. London, 1857. 1.8 *2482.4 POST-OFFICE London directory, 1858. London, n.d. 1.8 *2483.4 POSTAGE. Cheap postage. Leavitt, J 3652.3 See also : Great Britain. Sessional papers. POSTANS, T. Observations on Sindh and its in- habitants. London, 1843. 8 3044.12 POSTE, B. Britannic researches, or rectifications of ancient history. London, 1853. 8 . . . 2520.12 POSTEL, G. Tractatus de republica, sou de magis- tratibus Atheniensium. [Gronovius. Thes. Graec. antiq. v.5] 2960.2 POSTLETIIWAYT, M. Progress of French trade and navigation. London, 1750. pp.86. 8.*2311.15 POSTDMIUS Albinus, A. See Fragm. hist. Graec. v.3 3002.11 POTASIIUS, bp. of Lisbon. Tractatus de Lazaro j De martyrio Isaiae; Epistola ad Athana- sium. [Migne. Patrologise v.8] 3440.6 POTASIO Mytilenaeus. See Fragmenta histori- coruin Graecorum, v.3 3002.11 Shelf. No. POTHIER. R. J. (Euvres. Nouv. 6d. par M. Siffrein. Paris, 1821-24. 18v. ff *3617.2 Contents. Vol. I.-II. Avi ; Table; Oratio; Eloge historiquc de M. Pothier, par M. Le Trosnc ; Traite dca obligations ; Observation generate sur le pre- cedent traite, et sur les suivants. IlL Traite du con- trat de vente ; Traite dcs retraits. IV. Traites du central de constituiion de rente, change, louage ; Supplement au traite du louage. V. Traites des con- trats de bail a rente, de sodetc, des cheptels, de bicn- faisance, du prt a usage ct du pret de consomption ct des matieres qui y ont rapport [savoir] de 1'usure, da quasi-contrat promutuum, dc 1'obligatiou qui nait du promutuum, de I'action appelte condictio indcbitu VI. Traites des contrats de dep6t, de mandat, [appen- dice,] dc nantissement, d'assurance, de pret, du jeu. VII. Traites du contrat de manage et de la puissance du mari. VIII. Traite de la communaute. IX. Traites du douaire et des donations. X. Traites du droit de domaine, dc propriete, de la possession, de la prescription qui rusulte de la possession. XL Traite dcs fiefs. XII. Traites dcs cens, des chara- parts, de la garde-noble et bourgeoise, du prtciput legal dcs nobles, de 1'hypotheque, des subst.tutions, et des successions. XIII. Traites dcs proprcs, dei donations testamentaires, dcs donations entre-vils, des personnes et des choscs. XIV. Traites de la pro- cedure civile ct criminclle. XV.-XVII. Introduc- tion gontrale aux coutumes; Coutumes du ducke, bailliage ct prevote d'Orleans, et ressort d'Iceux. XVIII. Table generale des matieres ; Table de con- cordance cntrc les articles du code civil ct les passa- ges de Pothier qui se rapportent a chacun de ccs arti- cles, par Pinel-Grandchamp et Marie-SU-Georges. Maritime contracts of letting to hire, transl. with notes, etc. by C. Cushing. Boston, 1821. 8" **E. 180. 24, 3665.9 POTH1NUS. Ecclcsiarum Viennensis ct Lugduucn- sis epistola de martyrio S. Pothini episcopi et aliorum plurimorum. [Migne. Patrologia Grajca,v.5] 3490.3 POTT, A. F. Etymologische Forschungen auf dem Gebiete der Indo-germanischen Sprachen. Lemgo, 1833, 30. 2v. 8 2956.16,17 Zahlmethode bei Volkern aller Welttheile. Halle, 1847. 8 2956.12 POTT, P. Chirurgical works. New ed. by J. Earle. London, 1790. 3v. 8 *3755.15 Contents. Vol. I. Short account of the life of the author; Observations on the nature and consequen- ces of those injuries to which the head is liable from external violence ; Observations on that disorder of the corner of the eye commonly called fistula lachrymalis ; Remarks on fractures and dislocations. II. Treatise on ruptures ; Treatise on the hydro- cele, or watery rupture, and other diseases of the testicle, its coats and vessels. III. Account of the method of obtaining a perfect or radical cure of the hydrocele, by means of a seton; Radical cure of the hydrocele, by means of an injection ; Treatise on the fistula in ano; Observations on hsDmorrhoidal excres- cences; Observations relative to the cataract, the pol- ypus of the nose, the cancer of the scrotum, the different kind of ruptures, and the mortification of the toes and feet; Remarks on the necessity and pro- priety of amputation in certain cases ; Remarks on that kind of palsy of the lower limbs which is fre- quently found to accompany a curvature of the spine, with the method of cure; Account of tumours which rendered the bones soft - Same. London, 1808. 3v. 8 3755.16 POTTER, Alonzo. Appeal in behalf of missions : a sermon. Boston, 1829. 8 *Pph.v.75 POTTER, Asa. Registration of Rhode Island, 1852, 53. See Rhode Island C. 202. 12 POTTER, D. Der minnen Loep, uitgeg. door P. Leendertz. Leiden, 1845-46. 2v. 8. [Ley- den. Verecnig. ter Bevord. der Oude Neder- landsche Letterkunde] *2873.5 POTTER, E. R. Early history of Narragansett. Providence, 1835. 8. [R. I. hist. soc. coll. v.3] 2336.9 Report on the public schools of Rhode Is- land. Providence, 1852. 8 *Pph.v.l94 Rhode Island educational magazine. Provi- dence, 1852-54. 2v. 8 6335.13 POTTER, H. Discourse on the death of W. H. Harrison. Albany, 1841. 8 *Pph.v.l21 POTTEK 647 POZZI Shelf. No. POTTER, H. continued. Duties of justice : a sermon. Albany, 1850. 8 *Pph.T.180 Importance of liberal tastes [etc.] : lecture be- fore the Young men's association of Troy. Troy, N.Y. 1837. 8 *Pph.r.l01 Intellectual liberty: a discourse. Albany, 1837. 8 *Pph.v.l01 Introductory sermon [after his institution as rector]. Albany, 1833. 8 *Pph.y.89 Religious tendencies of the age and the con- sequent duty of the Christian minister: a sermon. Albany, 1844. 8 *Pph.v.l44 Remarks in favor of free churches : an ad- dress. Albany, 1845. 8 *Pph.v.l46 Rules for fasting. Troy, 184G. 12 ... *Pph.v.229 Sermon occasioned by the death of Hon. A. Spencer. Albany, 18-19. 8 *Pph.v.l92 Sermon on occasion of the death of president Taylor. Albany, 1850. 8 *Pph.v.l81, 192 Stability of the church, as seen in her history and in her principles. Albany, 1843. 8.*Pph.v.l32 Submission to government, the Christian's duty : a sermon. New York, 184S. 8 . *Pph.v.l70 POTTER, I. R. Life and adventures of I. R. Pot- ter, a soldier of the American revolution. Providence, 1824. 12 2348.17 POTTER, James. Poem on the death of W. Barns. Hartford, 1709. pp.15. sm.4 *2409.8 POTTEK, John. Antiquities of Greece. London, 1740. 2v. 8 *2900.1G Archa;ologia Gra?ca. [Gronovius. Thes. Graec. antiq. v.12] 2960.2 POTTER, X. On contagion, especially as it respects yellow fever. Baltimore, 1818. 8 . *M.Pph.v.l8 POTTER, R. Treatise on mechanics. 2d ed. rev. London, 1848. 8 3944.17 Treatise on optics. 2d ed. London, 1851. 2 pts. iu Iv. 8 3920.30 POTTERY. Brongniart, A. Traite des arts cera- miques 4025.2 Marryat, J. History of 4025.1 See alto : Delft-ware, Porcelain, Vases. POTTS, G., and Wainwright, J. M. No church without a bishop : controversy. [With es- says and remarks.] New York, 1844. 8".*Pph.v.l39 POTTS, T. Discovery of witches in Lancaster, from the ed. of 1013. Introduction and notes by J. Crossley, 1745. [1815.] sm.4. [Chetham society, v. 6] *2415.3 POUCHET, F. A. Thdorie positive de Povulation spontanee et de la fecondation des mammi- fores. Paris, 1847. Iv. 8. textc, Iv. 4. pi. *3880.20 PODGEXS, M. C. J. Archeologie francaisc, voca- bulaire de mots anciens. Paris, 1821-25. 2v. in 1- 8 2684.12 POUGET, L. Principesde droit maritime. Paris, 1858. 2v. 8 3002.18 POUGHICEEPSIE collegiate school. Biennial cata- logue for 1S37-39. Poughkeepsic, 1839. 8.*Pph.v. 104 POUILLET, C. S. M. Elements de physique ex- perimentale et de meteorologie. 7c ed. Par- is, 1850. 3v. 8 3904.18 POUJOULAT, J. B. J. F. Histoire de Jerusalem. Paris, 1811,42. 2v. 8 2296.4 Correspoudance d'orient, 1830-31. See Mi- chaud, J. F 3045.13 IX, N. Proces-vcrbal,quicontient 1'histoire do la ligue, 1585-88. [Lafaist. Arch. hist. Fr. S^r. l.v.ll] 2617.1 POULLAIN de St.-Foix, G. F. CEuvres complettes. Paris, 1778. Ov. 8 2067.4 Contents. Vol. I. loge historique de M. de Saint- Foix ; L'oracle i Deucalion ct Pirrha ; Le Silphe ; 1/isle sauvage; Julie, ou 1'heureuse Opreuve; figerie; I.ettre de M. de Fontenclle ; Le double duguisement; Zuloide i Arlequin au serrail ; Le rival suppose ; La colonie ; Extrait du Mcrcurc de France ; Lcttrc de M. de Saint-Foix i Prologue ; La cabale. II. Lea graces ; Divertissement ; Alceste, divertissement t Les veuves turques; Les parfaits amans, ou lea mt-ta- POULLAIN de St.-Foix, G. F. continued. morphoses ; Les hommes, comedic-ballet ; Lc der- viche; Le financier; Extraits de quelques comedies: Extrait de Pandore ; Extrait de la veuve a la mode ; Extrait du contraste de 1'amour et 1'hymen ; Extrait des trois esclaves; IX-nouement de la tragedie d' Iphi- genie de Racine ; Lettre d M. de Saint-Aubin ; Let- tres turques ; Lettres d-' Nedim Coggia. III.-V. Es- sais historiques sur Paris. VI. Uistoire de 1'ordre Uu S. Esprit. L'oracle. [Theatre des auteurs du second or- dre. Come-dies en prose, v. 12] 26M0.19 L'oracolo, farsa ; Le vedove turche, farsa; Gli uomini, farsa. [Teatro moderno applau- dito, v.8, 11, 10] 2768.1 POULSOX, G. History of Beverley, in the county of York. London, 1829. 2v. 8 2505.12 History of Holderncss, in the East riding of York. Hull, 1840-41. 2v. 4 *2472.0 POULTRY, Ornamental and domestic. Dixon, E. S 4002.23 POUND, J. D. Echo of truth to the voice of slan- der, or J. B. Gough's early history. New York, 1845. 8" *Pph.T.143 POUQUEV1LLE, F. C. H. L. Grecc. Paris, 1835. 8". [L'Univers] 2200.21 Regeneration de la Grece, 1740-1824. Paris, 1824. 4v. 8 3077.1 Voyage de la Grece. 2e e"d. Paris, 1820, 27. Ov. 8" 3075.9 POUTET, J. J. E. Traitu des huiles ; Traite des savons. See Encyclopedic methodique . . A. 169. 2 POVEDA, G. de. Del scpolcro di Giovanni Boc- caccio, csame storico. Colic, 1827. 8 . . . 2772.13 POVERTY. Bartoli.D. La povcrta contenta . . 4779.13 Meluu, A. de. Intervention de la socidte pour prevenir et soulager la misere .... 3570.74 Origin of pauperism 3570.75 Proudhon, P. J. Philosophic de la misere . 3505.18 Villcneuve-Bargcmont, A. de. La nature et les causes du pauptirisme, etc 3570.79 See also : Annuity societies, Charitable institutions, Frii ndly societies, Insurance, Laboring classes, Loan funds. See also: The names of the following places and countries where benevolent and charitable institu- tions exist: Albany, Belgium, Boston, Brighton, England, France, Liverpool, London, Manchester, Massachusetts, New York, Paris. POVERTY, Pleasures of: a poem. Southwick, S.*Pph.v.43 POWELL, B. Experimental and mathematical optics. Oxford, 1833. 8 3920.31 Of the undulatory theory of light. London, 1811. 8 ' 3920.27 POWELL, T. The count de Foix, a talc of the olden time. [Inverse.] London, 1812. 8. . *Pph.v.243 POWELL, W. Law list, 1853. London, 1850. 12. 2485.12 POWER, J. Treatise on midwifery. London, 1819. 8 X3772.16 POWER, T. Oration, July 4, 1840. Bost. 1840. 8.*Pph.v.201 POWERS, G. Construction, management, etc. of the New York state prison at Auburn. Auburn, 1820. 8 *Pph.v.69 Letter in answer to Hon. E. Livingston, in relation to the Auburn state prison. Alba- ny, 1829. 8 *Pph.v.l81 POWERS, Tables of products and. Hutton, C. . . 3910.2 POWNALL, T. Administration of the colonies. 3d ed. London, 1700. 8 *2323.5 Antiquities of the provincia Romana of Gaul. London, 1788. 4 *2G31.2 Memoir on the corn trade. See Young, A. . 3053.10 POZZETTI, P. La vita di Francesco Guicciardini. [Opuscoli letterarii, v.3] 2792.2 See Coll. d'opuscoli scient. et lett 5278.2 Contents. Vol. IV. Lezione sopra diplomazia. VII. Congetture intorno uu capitolo delle Nutti atti- che de Aulo Gellio. XIV. Sopra alcuni passi della vita di Lorenzo de' Medici fcrittn dal Dot. Roscoe. XVI. Delia vita e degli studi di Stefano Longanesi. Pozzi, G. d'Ippolito. Poesle [coi manoscritti in- edite]. Bologna, 1704. 2v. 8 *47C6.1 PRACTICAL 648 PRENTICE Shelf. No. PRACTICAL mechanic and engineer's magazine. v.1-4. 2d ser. v.l, 2. Practical mechanic's journal, v.1-8. Glasgow and London, 1842- 53. 14v. 4 *4022.1 PRACTICAL synopsis of the materia alimentaria and materia medica. London, 1797-1807. 2v. 8 3784.16 PRADT, D. D. de. (Euvres politiques. Paris, 1828. llv. 8 *35G0.2 Contents. Vol. I.-II. L'Europe et I'Amerique de- puis le congres d'Aix-la-Chapelle. IIL L'Europe apres le congres d'Aix-la-Chapelle. IV. L'Europe par rapport a la Grece, et a la reformation dc la Tur- quie. V. Vrai systeme de 1'Europe relativement & 1'Amerique et a la (irece. VI. Intervention armee pour la pacification de la Grece; Systeme permanent de 1'Europe a 1'egard de la Russie. VII. Parallele de la puissance anglaise et russe, suivi d'un apersu sur la Grece ; De la Belgique depuis 1789 j usiju'en 1794. VIII. Progres du gouvernemcnt representatif en France; Lettresaunelecteur de Paris ; Preliminairea de la session de 1827. IX. Du jesuitisme ancien ct moderne. X. Extraitde 1'introduction al'histoire de Charles quint. XI. Concordat de 1'Amerique avec Rome. Affaire de la loi des elections. Paris, 1820. 8. 35C4.16 Ambassade dans le grand duche de Varsovie en 1812. Paris, 1815. 8 3004.10 De la Belgique, depuis 1789 jusqu'en 1794. Paris, 1820. 8 2813.14 Comparison between the powers of England and Russia, as they stand in relation to Europe at large. London, 1825. 8" ... *Pph.v.73 Congres de Carlsbad, seoonde partie. Paris, 1820. 8 2813.14 Congress of Vienna. Philadelphia, 1810. 8. 2816.3 La Grece dans ses rapports avec 1'Europe. Paris, 1822. 8 2313.15 Independance de I'Amerique espagnole. Pa- ris, 1822. 8 2313.15 Memoires sur la revolution d'Espagne. Seed. Paris, 1816. 8 3102.4 Petit catechisme a 1'usage des Franjais sur les affaires de leur pays. 2e dd. Paris, 1820. 8 4052.12 Proees complet. Paris, 1820. 8" 3504.17 Sur la restauration en 1814. Paris, 1816. 8. 4053.15 Trois derniers mois de I'Amerique meridion- ale. 2e ed. Paris, 1817. 8 2315.7 Vrai systeme de 1'Europe relativement a I'Amerique et a la Grce. Londres, 1825. 8" *Pph.v.73 PR^NESTINUS, J. P. A. See Palestrina, G. P. L. PRJSTORIUS, M. Syntagma musicum. Witte- bsrgce, 1015-20. 3v in 1. 4 *4047.19 PRAIRIE DOM. Rambles in Texas. New York, 1S45. 12 2376.12 PRANDI, P. Dcscrizione di un nuovo seminatore. [Opuscoli scientiflci, v.4] 3911.5 PRASLIN. See Duplessis-Praslin. PRATI, G. Opere. Firenze, 1851-52. 4v. sin. 8. 4766.6 Contents. Vol. I. Edmeuegarda; Cant! lirici; Canti per il popolo; Ballate; Memorie c lacrime. II. Nuovi cauti ; Passeggiate solitarie ; Lettere a Maria. III. Storia e fantasia. IV. Canti politici. PRATILLI, F. M. Delia via Appia. Napoli, 1745. f . pi *2720.3 PRATISUOLI, B. Sopra il discorso delle monete di Gasparo Scaruffl. [Economisti class, ital. v.2] 3644.1 PRATO, Giovanni A. Storia di Milano. [Arch. stor. ital. v.3] 5245.2 PRATO, Girolamo da. Sopra 1'epitafflo di Paciflco, arcidiacono di Verona. [Raccolta di opusc. scient. v.10, 14,23,24] 5274.1 PRATT, John H. Mathematical principles of me- chanical philosophy. Cambridge, 1830. 8. 3944.10 PRATT, John T. History of savings banks iu England, Wales, Ireland, and Scotland. London, 1842. 8 3571.20 PRAXAGORAS Atheniensis. See Fragmenta his- toricorum Grcorum,v.4 3002.11 Shelf. No. PRATER. Bennet, B. The Christian oratory, or devotion displayed 3448.9, 10 Clarke, J. F. Christian doctrine of 3115.21 Furness, W. H. Domestic worship 3447.13 Goodrich, C. A. Bible history of 3445.6 Henry, M. Method for 3447.47 More, H. Spirit of 3445.2 Nicole, P. Traite de la priere 358G.1 Patrick, S. Discourse concerning 3440.39 Watts, I. Guide to 3447.46 PRAYERS which may be used in the lodges of the I. O. of O. F. Boston, 1847. pp.34. S . . 3447.7 PRAYERS. Becon, T. P. and other pieces . . . . 3503.18 Brooks, C. Family prayer-book 3447.21 Bull, H. Christian P. and holy meditations. 3499.4 Gordon, A. Collection of 3447.22 Jenks, B. P. and devotion for families . . . 3447.24 Katholiscb.es Gebet-und Gesang-Buch . . . 4058.9 Nierses IV. Preces, viginti quatuor linguis editze E. 207. 32 Palmer, J. Fifty-six forms of prayer . . . . 3447.14 Palmer, S. Family prayers 3447.20 Private P. put forth during the reign of Eliz- abeth. See England, Church of 3503.1 Religious exercises for families 3447.19 Sacred exercises for places of education . . . 3447.26 Sacred Latin in schools. See Collectanea . . 3447.12 See also : Devotion, Liturgy, Lord's prayer, Rituals. PREACHER. Liberal P. : a monthly publication of sermons 3441.10 PREACHER'S assistant. Cooke, J 2182.4 PREACHING. See Homiletics. PRECEDENTS in the house of representatives. See United States C. 159.1 Hatsell, J. In the house of commons . . . 7042.1 PRECHTL, J. J. Technologische Encyklopadie. Stuttgart, 1830-55. 20v. 8. 4v. obi. 4 . . *4036.1 Contents. Vol. I. Abd Ban. II. Bei Bou. III. Bra Dam. IV. Dam-Ede. V. Eis Fin. VI. Feu Gla. VII. Gla Hut. VIII. Ilyg-Kuf. IX. Kup Met X. Muh-Pap. XI. Par-Ric. XII. Roh Schl. XIII. Schm Schr. XIV. Schr SeiL XV. Sen-Sta. XVI. Sta-Ste. XVII, XVIII. Ster- eotype Tretrad. XIX. Tuc Ver. XX. Wag Zuc. PRECIEUSES, Dictionnaire des. Somaize, A. B. de. 2679.3 PRECIOUS metals. Jacob, W. Production and consumption of 3046.7 Senior, N. W. Transmission of the 3646.20 See aim: Gold, Silver. PRECIOUS stones. Mawe, J. Treatise on. . . . 3865.15 See also : Diamonds, Gems. PRECOCITY. See Baillet, A. Jugemens des sa- vans, v.O 2191.1 PRECURSOR, The, devoted to teaching the doc- trines of the New Jerusalem church. Vol. i.-ni. Cincin. [1830-42]. 3v.in2. roy.8" . 3544.26 PREDIERI, L. A. Kyrie, a 5 voci concertati con stromenti. [Dehn. Practische Musik- Werke, v.12] 4051.14 PREGNANCY. Clarke, J. Management of . . . . 3rr4.21 Lyall, R. Duration of 3787.3 Montgomery, W. F. Signs and symptoms of. 3775.15 Pasta, A. Pertes de sang 3776.2 White, C. Treatise on the management of . 3771.15 PREINDL, J. Wiener-Tonschule. Herausg. von I. v. Seyfried. Wien, n.d. 2v. in 1. 8 . . *4055.13 PRELLER, L. Die Regionen der Stadt Rom. Jena, 1840. 8 2736.9 PRENDERGAST, G. L. Concordance to the poet- ical works of Milton. Madras, 1857. 4. . *2571.7 PRENNER, G. Credo redemptor meus, 6 voci, 1500. [Dehn. Practische Musik-Wcrke, v. 12] . . 4051.14 PRENTICE, John. Sermon preached on the death of the Rev. R. Breck. Boston, 1731. 8. . 3457.29 PRENTICE, Joseph. Sermon in Athens, [N. Y.] on the Sunday following the interment of the Hon. S. Dexter, of Boston. Hudson, 1816. 8 *Pph.v.70 PRENTICE 649 PREVOST Shelf. No. PRENTICE, T. A sermon preached at Charles- town, July 18, 1745, on a thanksgiving for the reduction of cape Breton. Bost.1745. 8.*3457.53 PRENTICE, or Prentiss family. See Binney, C. J. F. 2332.7 PRESA,La, di Saminiato: poemagiocoso. Neri, I. 4778.30 PRESBYTERIAN church in the United States. Acts and proceedings of the general assembly, 1790-91. Philadelphia, 1791. 8 ... .*Pph.v.329 Act and testimony of the minority of the gen- eral assembly and others, May 27, 1834. Philadelphia, 1835. 8 *Pph.v.93 Annual report, 10th, of the board of foreign missions. New York, 1853. 8 .... *Pph.v.l9G Extracts from the minutes of the general as- sembly, 1815, 17, 19-20. Phila. 1815-20. 8.*Pph.v.57 Narrative of the state of religion. [Philadel- phia, 1822.] [No title-page.] 8 .... *Pph.v.37 Plan of a theological seminary adopted by the general assembly. Phila. 1811. 8" . . . *Pph.v.l3 - Same. Art. 1-8. 2d ed. Elizabethtown, 1810. 8 *Pph.v.21 Report of the committee [for] raising funds for the theological seminary, with a circular letter of the general assembly. Philadel- phia, 1810. 8" *Pph.v.l5 Review of the proceedings of the general as- sembly, 1837. [From the Princeton Bibli- cal repertory, July, 1837.] [No title-page.] 6 *Pph.v.lOO Davidson, R. History of the presbyterian church in Kentucky 3544.14 Hotchkin, J. H. Rise, progress, and present state of, in western New York 3544.0 Smith, J. Historical sketches of western presbyterianism 3544.7 See also : Associate presbyterian church. Associate reformed church. Associate synod of N. A. PRESBYTERIAN ordination, Validity of, main- tained. Chauncy, C 3457.8 Answer to a pamphlet entitled Divine right of P. O. argued. See Eleutherius enervatus. 3547.23 PRESBYTERIANISM, the apostolic constitution of the church. Miller, S Pph.v.227 PRESBYTERY of relief. Terms of communion of the Scots methodists. 2d ed. Edinburgh, 1778. 12 *Pph.V.212 PRESCOTT, E. G. Oration before the citizens of Boston, [July 4, 1&33.] Boston, 1833. 8.*Pph.v.2GO PRESCOTT, J. Answers to the articles of impeach- ment against the judge of probate for Mid- dlesex. Boston, 1821. pp.32. 8 . . . . **E.110.30 PRESCOTT, O. Dissertation on the natural history and medicinal effects of the secale cornu- tum, or ergot. Boston, 1813. 8 ... *M.Pph.v.4 PRESCOTT, W. II. The club-room. No. i-iv. [Ed- ited by W. H. P.] Boston, 1820. 8' .... *3183.5 Biographical and critical miscellanies. New York, 1852. 8 2401.2 History of the reign of Ferdinand and Isa- bella. Boston, 1838. 3v. 8' **E. 115.3 [Review of the history of Ferdinand and Isa- bella. See Reviews] 2407.4 Memoir of the Hon. Abbott Lawrence. Bos- ton, 1856. 4 *2340.9 Reign of Philip n, king of Spain. Boston, 1855-58. 3v. 8 3101.7 PRESCRIBING, Art and theory of. Paris, J. A. . 3784.3 PRESENT state of New England with respect to the Indian war, 1675. Composed by a mer- chant of Boston. Boston, 1833. pp.73. 18. 2329.28 PRESENT state of North America. Boston, 1755. pp.64. 12" 2324.58 PRESERVES. Careme, A. Le conservateur . . . 4000.3 PRESL. C. B. Tentamen pteridographia;. Pragae, 1830. 8 3847.13 PRESS, The. Erskinc, T. Declaration of the friends of the liberty of Pph.v.3 Peignot.E.G. Essaisurlalibertedelapressc. 2113.12 Ponzio, C. Diritti dei governi rappresenta- tivi verso la stampa 3502.25 Shelf. No. PRESTON, John. Statistical report of the county of Albany, for 1820. 2d ed. Albany, 1824. 8 *Pph.v.l75 PRESTON, John S., Address of. See Celebration of the battle of King's mountain 2324.7 PRESTON, T. Cambises, king of Persia: comedy. [Hawkins. English drama, v.l] 2588.9 PRESTON, William, M. It. I. A. [Poetical] epistle to Robert Anderson. Edinb. 1803. 8 . *Pph.v.21 PRESTON, William. Illustrations of masonry. 1st Am. ed. by G. Richards. Portsmouth, N. H. 1804. 12 3567.10 PRETI, L. Lettere. [Raccolta di prose e lettere nel secolo xvni, v.3] 2707.2 PEEUSKER, C. B. Bausteine. Forderungsmittel allgemeinerVolksbildung. 2teAusg. Leip- zig, 1835. 3v. in 1. 8 3597.2 UebcrofTentliche,Vereins, und Privat-Biblio- theken. Leipzig, 1839-40. 2v. in 1. 8 . . *2122.6 PRETJSS, E. W. Astronomische Beobachtungen. Herausgegeben von W. Struvc. Dorpat, 1830. pp.40. 4 **E.186.21 PRECSS, J. D. E. Friedrich dcr Grosse mit seinen Vcrwandten, u. s. w. Berlin, 1838. 8. . . 2842.24 PREVILLE, P. L. D. Memoircs. [Barri6re. Mem. relatifs a 1'histoire de France, v.G] .... 4007.2 PREVOST d'Exiles, A. F. CEuvres choisies. Paris, 1810-10,23. 39v. 8 *20G8.1 Contents. Vol. I.-IIL Essai sur la vie et les ouv- rages de 1'abbe Prevost ; Memoires d'aventures d'un hommc de qualite, suivis de Manon L'Escaut. IV.- VII. Histoire de 51. Cleveland, fils nature 1 de Crom- well ecrite par lui-meme et traduitc de I'anplais. VIII.-X. Le doyen de Killerine. XI. llistoire d une Grecquemoderne. XII. Campagncs philosophiques, ou memoires de M. de Montcal, contcnont la guerre d'li lande. XIII. Histoire de la jeunessc du commnn- dcur de * * * ou memoires pour servir a 1 histoire de JIalte. XIV. llistoire de Marguerite d'Anjou. XV. Voyages du capitaine Robert Lade ct de sa famillc. XVI. llistoire de Guillaume le conquerant. XVII.- XVIII. Pamela, ou la vertu recompensee, roman ecrit par S. Richardson, trad, de 1'anglais. XIX.- XXIV. llistoire de Miss Clarissc Iljrlowe, par S. Richardson, traduite de 1'anglais. XXV. -XX VIII. llistoire du chevalier Grandison, par S. Richardson, trad, de 1'anglais. XXIX. Le monde moral, ou memoires pour servir d l'histoire du cccur humain. XXX.-XXXII. Memoires pour servir a l'histoire de la vertu; Mem. d'une jeune dume, ct mem. de Miss Sidney Bidulph. XXXIII. Memoircs d'uu honnete homme. XXXIV. Alraoran et Ilamct. XXXV. Aventures ct anecdotes. XXXVI.-XXXIX. llis- toire de Ciceron, par Middleton, trad. etc. par Prevost Histoire gtfneralc des voyages. [T. 1-15 par 1'abbe Prevost, T. 16 Table redigee par Chompre, T. 17 Suite, T. 18-20 continuation par les abbes de Leyre, Querlon, et Surgy.] Paris, [T. 17 Amsterdam,] 1746-89. 20v. 4. *2250.3 Contents. Vol.1. Premiers voyages des Portugais aux Indes orientalcs: Vosco dc Gama, 14'.)7-Wl, 1502- 1000; A. Cabral, 1 500-1501 ; J. de Neuva, 1 501; Pachcco, 150J-G; F. d'Almcyde, 1507-U; Albuquerque, 1510-15; Soarez, 1515-18; Sequcira, 1521-29; Cuuna, l/MO-US; So- nrcz,15SMO; Solyman Baeha,153,-:-39; Castro, 1510-4C; Premiers voyages des Anglois en Cuince et aux Indes crientales: Windham, 1552-53; J.Lok, 1554-55; W. Towtson, 1555-01 ; W. Kutter, 15G2 ; Baker, UC3 ; Carlct, 150); G. Fenner, 15CG; T. Stephens, 1570; Fes- ter, 1585 ; Whiddon, 158G ; F. Drake, 1CS7 ; Bird et Newton, 1588 ; Cumberland, 1589-'JO ; R. Grecnwill, 1501; R. Flykc, 15M; Linschoteu, 15SO-'J1; J. Lancas- ter, 15'Jl-a"; Raynolds, 1501 ; J. liurrough, 15U2; Cum- berland, 1503; B. Wood, 15l'G ; Davis, 1503-1UJO ; J. Lancaster, 1G31-3 ; n. Middleton, 1C01-C ; E. Scot, 1GOJ-5; E. Michelburne, 1G05-C; W. Keeling, 1GH7-10; D. Middleton, 1007-8 ; A. Sharpcy, ICOS-O ; Rowles, 1003 ; D. Middleton, ICICJ-H. II. Premiers voyages des Anglois aux ludej orientalcs, cntrepris par une compa^nie de marchands : II. Middleton, 1010-12; N. Dounton, 1G1O-1.5; A. Uippon, KJ11-12; P. \V. Flo- ris, 1G11-15 ; S. Castleton, 1 ;1J-H ; J. Saris, 1GOG-I3 ; Cocks, 1G13-1S; W. Adams, 1503-1GOU; Yoyag. en difl'er- cntcs parties de 1'Afrique ct dans les Isles adjacentes: T. Nicols, 15JO; Scory, ICO); Edens. 1715; Alcaforado, 1421 ; Cada Mosto, 1454-5U; P. dc Cintra, 14K; G. Rob- erts, 1721-24; Voyages au long dc la cote occidentale d'Afrique, depuis le Cap Blanco jusqu'a Sierra- PREVOST 650 PR1CKETT PREVOST d'Exiles, A. F. continued. Shelf. No. Leona: C. Janncquin, 1037; A. Brne, 1697-1722. III. [Continuation] : R. Jobson, 1620-21 ; B. Stibbs, 1723- 24 ; F. Moore, 1730-35; J. B. Salomon, 1731-35; P. V. Brocck, 1005; Le Maire, 1682; Villaultde Bellcfond, 1660 ; J. Barbot, 1078 ; Atkins, 1721 ; Voyages en Gui- nee, a Benin, ct sur toute la cote, depuis Sierra-Le- ona jusqu'au Cap do Lope- Consalvo : Villault, 1066- 67 ; T. Philipps, 1093-94 ; Loyer, 1701-3 ; J. Atkins, 1721-23 ; Des-Marchais, 1724-25 ; W. Smith, 1726-27 ; B. Lamb, 1724 ; W. Snelgrave, 1727-29 ; Description de la Guinee, contenant la geographic et 1'histoire na- turelle ct civile du pays. IV. Suite: La description dcs cotes, depuis Rio da Volta jusqu'au Cap Lope- Consalvo; Voyages dans la Guinee, et au royaume de Benin, jusqu'au royaume de Congo: Battel, 1589; M. Angelo, 1GC6-S7 ; Carli, 1667 ; J. Mcrolla, 1682-88 ; J. Barbot, 10S8-1700 ; Description des royaumes de Loango, de Congo, ct d' Angola, de Bcnguela, et des pays voisins. V. Description des royaumes de Congo, d' Angola, de Benguela, et des pays voisins ; Description dcs pays qui bordcnt la cote orientale d'Afrique, depuis le Cap de Bonne-Esptrance jusqu* au Capde Guardafu: Kolbcn, 1713; A. Hamilton, 1720( Voyages dans 1'empire de la Chine : Nicuhof, 1655- 66 ; Montanus, 10J2-65 ; Van-Rechteren, 1622 ; Nava- rottc, 1058-69; Le Comte, 1687-88; Fontaney, 1088; Bouvet, 1093 ; Gemelli Careri, 1005-97 ; E. Isbrand Ides, 1GD3 ; L. Langc, 1717 ; A. Gaubil, 1722 ; Mczza- Barba, 1720. VI. Description de la Chine, conte- nant la geographic, et 1'histoire civile et naturelle du pays ; Description de la Coree, de la Tartarie orientale, ct du Tibet. VII. Description de la Tar- taric, le Tibet, la Bukkaric, ct de la Chine : J. de Plana Carpini,1246; Rubruquis, 1253-54 ; Marco-Polo, 1272; A. Jenkinson, 1558-59; R. Johnson, 1559; B. Goez, 1602-4 ; Grucber, 1001 ; II. Disideri, 1715 ; H. de la Penna, 1741; Gerbillon, 1CSS-97. VIII. Voyages dans la Tartarie, le Tibet, la Bukkarie, et a la Chine; Ger- billon, 1097-98 ; Voyages dcs Hollandois aux Indes orientates : Iloutman, 1595-97 ; Van Nee, 1598 ; War- wick, 1599 ; P. van Caerden, 1599-1G01 ; J. van Nek, 1600-3; E. vander Hagen, 1599-16'JO ; W. Harmansen, 1601; C. do Ween, 1002 ; F. Pyrard, 1001-10; G. Spil- berg, 1001-3 : Warwyck, 1602-4 ; Ilagen, 1004-5 ; C. Matelief, 1005-8 ; P. van Caerden, 1007-8 ; P. W. Verhoevcn, 1008-10 ; G. I. Bontckoe, 1G18-L'5 ; P. van den Broeck, 1014-20 ; R. Knox, 1653-79 ; Voy- ages dcs Francois aux Indes orientales : Rcn- nef'ort, 1605-00 ; Mondevergue, 1607-71 ; La Haye, 1070-75. IX. Voycges de Carre et de L'Estra aux Indes orientales, 1GG8-72; J. Orvington, 1600-93 ; Flo- ris, 1011-14 ; A. de Rhodes, 1010-48 ; G. Tachard, 1685-88 ; De Chaumont, 1685 ; Fontenay, 1080 ; F. M. Pinto ; Dellon, 1070-72 ; Methold, 1022 ; Tavernier, 1652 ; N. Graaf, 1069 ; Luillier, 17^2. X. Voyages dans 1'Indoustan : T. Rhoe, 1615-17 ; J. A. de Man- del80,1638-39 ; Bernicr, 1004 ; Tavernier, 1605-60 ; O. de Noort, 1599-1600; Kaempfer, 1090-91. XI. Voyages aux Indcs orientales : Drake, 1578-79 ; P. do Sarmi- ento; T. Candish, 1586-87; O. de Noort, 1598; Scbald de Wcert, 1598-1600 ; G. Spilberg, 1614-17; J. L'Her- mite, 1J23-24 ; Schapenham, 1625; J. Narborouzh, 1669-71 ; Froger, 1695-97 ; W. Rogers, 1708-11 ; Wood, 1711 ; Frezier, 1712-14 ; G. Anson, 1740-44 ; Voyagea aux Torres Australes ou Antarctiques : F. Pclsart, 1630 ; Tasman, 1642-43; Dampier, 16*4-89; G. Careri, 1695-88. XII. Premiers vo'iages, decouvertes, etablisse- ments dcs Europfcens en Amerique: C. Colomb, 1492- 1510 ; B. Colomb, 1502-10 ; A. d'Ojeda, 1510 ; N. Bal- boa, 1510-13 ; Ponce de Leon, 1512 ; n. de Cordoue, 1517; Grijalva, 1518; F. Cortcz, 1518-21. XIII. Suite: B. de Las Casas, 1520-21 ; J. Verazzani, 1524 ; J. Car- tier, 1534-40; Roberval,1542; Pizarre, 1526-41; Amal- gro, 1535 ; Vasco de Castro, 1541-42 ; Nunez de Vela, 1543-40 ; P. de La Gasca, 1546-50 ; Voi'ages au Perou : F. Corrcal, 1692-95 ; Frezier, 1713 ; La Condamine, 1735-42 ; La Velen ct La Rosa, 1743. XIV. Continu- ation : Orsua, 1560 ; Ferrier, 1600 ; Villalobos, 1621 ; Bonito Macul, 1626 ; Carvallo, 1033 ; Brito et Tolede, 1035; P. Texeirs, 1037-38; Acunaet Artieda, 1639-40 ; La Condamine, 1743-44 ; 8. Cabot, 1520-27 ; P. de Mendoze, 1535-30 ; A. de Cabrera, 1538 ; P. Quiroga, 1740 ; J. de Lery, 1.556-58; W. Raleigh, 1595; L. Keg- mis, 1593 ; Ribaut, 1562-C5 ; Laudoniere, 1564 ; De Gourgues, 1567 ; Amidor ct Barlow, 1585 ; Greenwill, 1586-87 ; Raleigh, 1587; J. White, 1588; Gosnold, 1602; J. Smith, 1606-9 ; Le P. de Charlevoix, 1722 ; Ogle- thorpe, 1733-39; De La Roche, 1598; Champlain, IGOt; Marquette, 1073; La Salle, 1076-80; D'lberville, 1699- 1700 ; Saint Denis, XV. Continuation : Les Cabots, 1497 ; Frobisher, 1576-78 ; J. Davis, 1587; Barensz, 1594-95; Heemskerke, 1596, 97; Hudson, 1607-10; But- ton, 1612 ; Gibbons, 1614 ; Blyethet Baffin, 1015-16; Fox, 1631 i James, 1631 ; J. Munk, 1619 ; D'Aguilar, Shelf. No. xilcs, A. F. continued. 1602-3; De Fonte, 1640; J. Wood, 1676; Beerings, 1725- 41 ; Spanberg, 1741 ; Tchiricow, 1741; Barlow, 1719 j Scroggs, 1722 ; Middleton, 1737 ; Ellis, 1740-7 ; Reg- nard, 1681 ; Maupertuis, 1736-37 ; Volagcg et Ctablisse- mcns aux Antilles. XVI. Table alphabetique del matieres redigee par Chompre. XV1L Suite, conte- nant les restitutions ct leg additions de 1'edition de Hollandc pour eervir dc supplement d I'&dit. de Paris. XVIII. Histoire do L'Islandc; Description de 1'Isle de J. Maycn, ou de la Trinite ; DC la Nouvelle Zem- ble; Voyage dans la Siberic: Gmclin, 1733-43; Voy- ages tentus par les Russes pour passer par le Leca dans la mer glacialc, et par le Nord-est au Kamls- chatka ; Relation nouvelle de la Samojedie ct des Samojedes ; Notice particuliere dcs Ostiacks, autre peuple de la Siberie ; Voyage fait en 1740 a Bercfow en Siberie, par M. de Lisle. XIX. Ilistoire du Green- land ; Ilistoire du Kamtsehatka ; Voyages et decou- vertes le long dcs cOtes de la mer glaciale et sur 1' ocean oriental, tant vers le Japon, que vcrs 1'Ame- riquc, par M. Muller; Voyage en Siberie, de M. 1'abbe Chappe ; Description historique de la Loponie sue- doise, par 51. Pierre Ilxgstncm. XX. Voyage fait autour du monde, 1764-66, par Byron; Derniers voya- ges dans les mere du sud : Carteret, 1760-69; 8. Wal- lis, 1760-68; Bougainville, 1767-69; J. Cook, 1769-71. PHEVOT, JE,. De magistratibus populi Roman! commentarius. [Sallengre. Novus thesau- rus antiq. Rom. v.3] 2950.2 PREZIOSA di Sanluri, ossia i montanari sardi : Ro- manzo storico. See Varese 4775.34 PREZZIXER, G. Storia del pubblico studio e dclle socicta scicntiliche e letterarie di Firenze. Firenze, 1810. 2v. 8 2770.4 PRICE, James. Account of experiments on mer- cury, silver, and gold, at Guildford, 1782. Oxford, 1782. 8 *Pph.v.92 PKICE, John. Historical account of the city of Hereford. Hereford, 1796. 8 *2504.15 Historical and topographical account of Leominster. Ludlow, 1795. 8 *2504.16 PKICE, John, D. D. Mem. sur la restauration des Stuart. Paris, 1827. 8. [Guizot. Mem. v.4]. *2518.3 PRICE, P. P. On the diagnosis and prognosis of diseases. Part I. Internal phlegmonous inflammation. 3ded. Lond. 1794. 8 *M.Pph.v.9 PRICE, R. Importance of the American revolu- tion. Boston, 1784. 8 *2324.76 Nature of civil liberty, and the justice and policy of the war with America. Boston, 1770. pp.71. 8 *2324.29 - Same. 2d ed. London, 1776. 8 ... . *2324.19 - Same, llth ed. London, 1776. 8 ... *2324.30 - Same. [With] additional observations ; also observations on public loans, the na- tional debt, etc. London, 1777 *2324.28 On reversionary payments. 7th ed. by W. Morgan. London, 1812. 2v. 8 . 3923. 10, **E. 171. 6 Review of the principal questions in morals. 3d. ed. London, 1787. 8" *3585.12 PRICES, Hints on 3003.3 Pagnini, G. F. Sopra il giusto pregio delle cose. [Econom. class, ital. v.9] 3644.1 Tooke, T. History of 3041.7 PRICES of forty articles of merchandise for forty years. [Folded sheet.] [Boston, 1834].*Pph.v.234 PRICES current. See Boston, London, New Or- leans, New York. PRICHARD, J. C. Eastern origin of the Celtic na- tions. Ed. by R. G. Latham. Lond. 1857. 8. 2956.7 Ethnographical maps. 2d ed. Lond. 1851. f . *2234.7 Physical history of mankind. London, 1841- 51. 5v. 8. [v.l, 2. 4th ed. v.3, 4. 3d ed.] *3SS7.7 Contents. Vol. I. Origin and dispersion of organ- ized beings ; Are the various races of men of one or of several species ? II. Physical ethnography of the African races. III. History of the European nations. IV. History of the Asiatic nations. V. History of the Oceanic and American nations. Review of the doctrine of a vital principle. London, 1829. 8 3705.20 Treatise on insanity. Philadelphia, 1837. 8. 3800.29 PRICKETT, F. History of Highgate, Middlesex. London, 1842. 8 2505.7 PRIDEAUX 651 PRINCETON Shelf. No. PRIDEAUX, H. La vie tie Mahomet. Amsterdam, 1098. 10 *34S9.14 PRIEST, J. Narrative of Pyc and the highway- man, with a history of the old men of the mountain, etc. Albany, 1S3G. 8 .... *Ppll.v.98 Narrative of the capture of David Ogden among the Indians in the revolution. Lan- siugburgh, 1841. 8 *Pph.v.l47 PRIEST, W. Travels in the United States, 1793-97. London, 1802. 8 2301.15 PRIESTLEY, J. Comparison of the institutions of Moses with those of the Hindoos, with remarks on Dupuis. Northumb. 1799. 8. 3435.12 Description of a set of charts of biography. New cd. Philadelphia, ISO!. 8 .... *Pph.v.29 Disquisitions relating to matter and spirit, etc. 2ded. Birmingham, 1782. 8 *3002.12 Doctrine of philosophical necessity illus- trated ; an appendix to disquisitions relat- ing to matter and spirit. 2d cd. Birming- ham, 1782. 8 v.2of *3602.12 Early opinions concerning Jesus Christ. Bir- mingham, 1780. 4v. 8 *34G2.8 English grammar ; Lectures on language, etc. Notes by J. T. Kutt. London, 1840. 8 2582.6 History and state of electricity. 2d ed. Lon- don, 1709. 4 *39C2.4 Lectures on history and general policy, etc. Notes by J. T. Kutt. London, 1810. 8.. 2211.1 Letter to J. B. Linn, in defence of Socrates and Jesus compared. Northumberland, ISO:?. 8 *Pph.v.52 Letter, 2d, to J. B. Linn, in reply to his de- fence of the divinity of Christ and atone- ment. Northumberland, 1S03. 8. . *Pph.v. 13,52 Letters to Edmund Burke, occasioned by his reflections on the revolution in France. Birmingham, 1791. 12 *Pph.v.41 On air and other branches of natural philoso- phy. London, 17'JO. 3v. 8 3903.9 Socrates and Jesus compared. Philadelphia, 1S03. 8 *Pph.v.52 Vision, light, and colours. Lond. 1772. 4 . *3920.21 Memoirs to 1795, by himself, with continua- tion by his sou. London, 1800. 8 2417.12 Bclsham, T. Discourse on the death of. [\VithJvhHlicationofcertainpassagcs . . 3402.18 Cuvier, G. L. C. F. D. Hist, eulogium on . Pph.v.29 Essay on the metaphysical theory of. [Stew- art. Works, IV] 3001.4 Horsley, S. Controversy with 3402.7 Linn, J. B. Answer to Socrates and Jesus compared Pph.v.52 - Letter to P. in answer to his defence of Socrates and Jesus compared 347.5.11 Webster, N. Ten letters to 2400.20 PRIESTLEY, T. Life of our Saviour Jesus Christ. London, 17U3. 4 *3421.8 PRIMACY of the apostolic see vindicated. Ken- rick, F. P 3403.2 PRIJIASIUS. Commentaria in epistolas B. Pauli ; Commentaria in Apocalypsim. [Mjgne. Patrologiae v.G8] 3450.9 PRIME, B. Y. Columbia's glory : a poem on the American revolution. N. York, 1791. 8.*Ppli.v.32 PRIME, N. S. History of Long Island. New York, 1845. 12 2371.20 PRINCE, B., and Hazlctou, G. Court for impeach- ments and errors. Case on the part of the appellant. New York, 1822. 8 *Pph.v.45 PRINCE, John, vicr of Berry Pomeroy. Worthies of Devon. Exeter, 1701. f *2450.G PEINCE, John, of Salem, b. 1751, d. 1830. Discourse before the Bible society in Salem. Salem, 1810. 8 **E.224.12 Sermon on the death of Rev. T. Barnard. Sa- lem, 1814. 8 **E.219.4 Discourse at the funeral of. See Uphaui, C. W E.218.4 Shelf. No. PRINCE, T. Chronological history of New Eng- land. Vol.1. Boston, 1730. srn.S . . *2329. 25,2(> - Same. New ed. Boston, 1825. 8 . . . . 2321.14 Civil rulers raised up by God to feed his peo- ple : a sermon, July 25, 1728. Boston, 1728. 8 v.3of*3458.09 Earthquakes the works of God, and tokens of his just displeasure. Boston, 1755. 8. v.3 of*3458.69 Extraordinary events the doings of God : a sermon [on the] taking of Louisbourg. Bos- ton, 1745. 8 *3457.53 - Same. Reprinted. London, 1740. 12 . 2324.55 Funeral sermon on the Rev. Nathanacl Wil- liams. Boston, 1738. 8 v. 1 of *3458.69 Improvement of the doctrine of earthquakes. Added, an account of the earthquake in Boston, Nov. 18, [1755.] Boston, 1755. 10. v.3 of *3458.G9 Sermon after the decease of Samuel Prince. Boston, 1728. 8. [Incomplete] . . . v.l of*3458.09 Sermon after the funeral of the Hon. Josiuh Willard. Boston, 1750. 8 v.2 of *3458.09 Sermon, Aug. 24, 1749, the clay of thanksgiv- ing for reviving rains. Boston, 1749. 8.*Pph. v.330 Sermon delivered May 27th, 1730, the anni- versary for the election of his majesty's council. Boston, 1730. 8 v.3 of*3458.09 Sermon delivered Aug. 14, 1740, the day of thanksgiving [for] the victory near Cullo- den. Boston, 1740. 8 v.3 of *345S.09 Sermon on the death of king George and the accession of George II. Bost. 1727. 8. v.l of *345S.G9 Sermon occasion'd by the death of Frederick, prince of Wales. Boston, 1751. 8 . v.2 of *345S.G9 Sermon occasioned by the death of the Hon. Mary Belcher. Boston, 17.SG. 4 *3455.52 Sermon occasion'd by the death of Mr. Ed- ward Brorniield. Boston, 175;!. s" . . v.2 of*3458.09 Sermon occasion'd by the death of the Hon. Thomas Cushing. Boston, 1740. 8 . v.2 of*3458.09 Sermon occasion'd by the death of Hon. Dan- iel Oliver. Boston, 1732. 8 *3458.26 Sermon occasioned by the death of young Mr. D. Oliver, 1727. Boston, 1732. 8 *3458.26 Sermon occasion'd by the decease of Mrs. Hannah Fayerweather. Boston, 1755. 8. v.2of*3458.09 Sermon occasioned by the decease of the llcv. Cotton Mather. Boston, 1728. 8 . . v.l of *3458.C9 Sermon, Nov. 27, 1740, being the anniversary thanksgiving in Massachusetts bay. Bos- ton, 1740. 8 v.3 of *3458.09 Sermon upon the death of Mrs. Elizabeth Oli- ver. Boston, 1735. 8 v.l of*3458.09 Sermon upon the death of the Hon. S. Sewall. Boston, 1730. 8 v.l of *3458.C9 Mayhcw, E. Account of those English min- isters who have successively presided over the Indian work 2300.23 Sewall, J. Sermon after the funeral of ... 3455. 34 Winthrop, J. Answer to Rev. Mr. Prince on earthquakes 3429.0 PRINCE. Borromeo F. La gratia de' principi . . 3501.17 Doria, P. M. Educazione del prineipe . . . 3538.7 Languet, II. Puissance legitime du 3509.23 Machiavelli, N. II prineipe 35GS.4 PRINCE Arthur: an hcroick poem. Blackmorc, R. 2591.10 PRINCE do la paix, Memoires du. Godoy, M. . . 3105.21 PRINCE of Parthia : a tragedy. Godfrey, T. . . . 2405.11 PRINCELY pleasures at Keuilworth, 1575. Gas- coigne, G 2520.32 PRINCES. Lcttere di principi 2240.5 PRINCETON, -V. J. College of New Jersey. Ad- dress of the trustees to the inhabitants of the U. S. Philadelphia, 1802. 8 .... *Pph.v.l3 - Catalogue of the officers and students, 1822, 25, 32-34, 3s-4:'>, 45, 47, 48, 53-54. Prince- ton, 1822-54. 8". *Pph.v.88, 91, 95, 108, 117, 121, 129, 133, 144, 163, 182, 200 PRINCETON 652 PRIOR Shelf. No. PRINCETON, N. J. continued. - Catalogus [corum qui laurea donati sunt 1748-1315]. Tridenti, 1815. 8 *Pph.v.l3 - Catalog-us collegii Nco-Cassariensis, 1818, 21, 24, 33, 35, 39. Tridenti, 1818-39. 8". *Pph.v.22, 30, 88, 95, 99, 121 - Laws. Trenton, 1813. 8 *Pph.v.55 - Same. Revised, amended, and adopted by the trustees. Trenton, 1819. 8 .... *Pph.v.30 - Same. Princeton, 1832. 8 *Pph.v.91 - American whig 1 society. Catalogue. Princeton, 1840. 8 *Pph.v.l21 - Cliosophic society. Catalogue. Princeton, 1845. 8 *Pph.v.l82 Edgehill seminary. [Account of the semi- nary. Princeton, 1833.] 8 *Pph.v.91 Nassau-hall Bible society. Proceedings at the eleventh aunual meeting. Trenton, 1823. 8 *Pph.v.44 Theological seminary of the presbyterian church. Catalogue of those who have been educated at the theol. seminary in Prince- ton, N. J. Trenton, [1818]. 8 *Pph.v.55 - Catalogue of officers and students, 1818, 45-40. Trenton and Princeton, N. J. [1818, 45]. 8 *Pph.v.49,148 - History, together with constitution, by- laws, etc. Princeton, 1838. 8 *Pph.v.l38 - Plea for Princeton theological seminary. Lindsly, P Pph.v.27 PRINCETON review. See Biblical repertory, etc. 5412.1 PRINCETON, Catastrophe of the: a discourse. Chapin, E.H Pph.v.234 PRINCIPAL and agent. Livermore, S. Law rela- tive to 3005.10 Paley, W. Law of 3604.5 PRINCIPIA mathematica philosophise naturalis. Newton,! 3925.1 PRINCIPIA Saxonica : or an introduction to Anglo- Saxon reading, with a glossary by L. Lang- ley. London, 1844. pp.78. 12 2587.11 PRINCIPLES which govern the value of paper cur- rency. Edinburgh, 1823. 8 3040.24 PRINGLE, Sir J. Observations on the diseases of the army. New ed. London, 1810. 8" . . 3S07.7 Redevoering over de verschillende zoorten derLugt. Franeker, 1770. 8 *Pph.v.lO PRIUS, J. H. Tentamen inaugurate circa quaesti- onem, an detur analogia inter electricitatem ct magnetismum ? Lugduni Batavorum, 1778. 4 *Pph.v.32G PRINT collector, The. London, 1844. sm.4 . . . *40G3.9 PRINTER. Old P. and modern press. Knight, C. 2115.4 PRINTING. Ames, J. History of P. in England, Scotland, and Ireland 2120.15 Audiffredi, G. B. Catalogus editionum Ro- manarum saeculi xv 2170.0 - Specimen editionum Italiearum saeculi xv 2170.7 Bandini, A. M. De Florcntina typographia Juntarum 2114.5 Berard, A. S. L. Essai bibliographique sur les editions des Elzevirs 2114.10 Bernard, A. J. De 1'origine et des debuts de 1'imprimerie en Europe 2113.15 Boni, M. Monument! della tipografia gene- vese, pavese, e bresciana 2170.9 Cotton, H. Typographical gazetteer .... 2113.3 Crapelet, G. A. Essai sur la typographic . . 2112.10 Dearborn, N. Text-book for letters 2115.10 Denis, J. M. C. Wiens Buchdruckerge- Bchioht 2120.17 Dickinson, S. N. Help to printers and pub- lishers E. 214.20 Dupont, P. Notice historique sur 1'imprime- rie 2120.5 Falkenstein, C. Geschichte dcr Buchdruck- erkunst 2110.11 Federici, F. Annali della tipografia Volpi- Cominiana 2114.17 Shelf. No. PRINTING, continued. Fineschi, P. V. Illustrazione della storia tipografica fiorentina 2114.15 Fischer von Waldheim, G. Erflndungsge- schichte der Buchdruckerkunst 2114.9 Fossi, F. Catalogus saeculo xv impressorum qui in bibliotheca Magliabechiana Florentiae adservantur 2100.7 Fournier, P. S. Manuel typographique ... 2115.5 Giustiniani, L. Saggio storico-critico sulla tipografia di Napoli 2114.18 Greswcll, W. P. Annals of Parisian typog- raphy 2112.3 - Early Parisian Greek press 2112.5 Gussago, G. J. Tipografia bresciana .... 2120.6 Hain, L. Repertorium bibliographicum, in ' quo libri omnes usque ad annum MD typis expressi enumerantur 2141.2 Hansard, T.C. Hist, and practice of the art of. 2114.4 - Origin and progress of 2111.5 Johnson, J. Printers' instructor 2115.11 Laserna de Santander, C. A. Origin of . . . 2120.9 Middleton, C. Origin of P. in England . . . 2111.6 Munsell, J. Outline of the history of . . Pph.v.108 Neubiirger, H. Encyklopiidie dcr Buchdruck- erkunst 2114.2 Panzer, G. W. Annales typographic! . . . .2141.1 Pellegrini, D. M. Origine della stampa in Ve- nezia 2114.14 Pezzana, A. Catalogo de' libri impressi in Parma, 1472-1500 2170.5 Pieters, C. Imprimcrie elsevirienne .... 2112.4 Renouard, A. Imprimerie des Aide .... 2112.0 Rogers, J. K. Specimens from the Boston type foundry 2120.11 Ronaldson, J. Specimen of printing type. Pph.v.16 Rossi, G. B. de'. Annales Hebraeo-typogra- phici, 1501-1540 2110.14 Sardini, G. Tipografia di N. Jenson .... 2110.15 Saxius, J. A. Historia literario-typographica Mediolanensis v.l of 2100.5 Savage, W. Dictionary of the art of . . . . 2113.1 - Hints on decorative printing 2120.3 Schaab, C. A. Erfindung der Buchdrucker- kunst 2114.3 Serie dell' edizione aldine 2114.12 Stark, A. Printing, its antecedents, origin, history, and results 2115.0 Tassis, S. A. Guide du correcteur et du com- positeur 2113.20 Thomas, I. History of printing in America. 2113.2 Thorowgood and Co. Specimen of printing types 2111.7 Tiinperley, C. H. Dictionary of 2111.4 Vermiglioli, G. B. Tipografia perugina del primo secolo 2114.16 Vries, A. de. Histoire de 1'invcntion de 1'im- primerie 2112.1 - Arguments des Allemands 2112.2 Willctt, R. Origin of 2120.2 Zambrini, F. Catalogo di opere volgari a stampa dei secoli xiu e xiv 2162.2 See also: Bibliography, Block-books, Books, En- graving, Ink, Lithography, Paper and paper making, Press, Stereotype, Types. See also : Bodoni, G. B., Elzevirs. PRINTING clubs of the United Kingdom, History of. Hume, A 2203.6 PRINTZ, W. C. Compend. musicas signatoriae et modulatoriae vocalis. Dresden, 1089. sm.8.*4049.56 Phrynis Mitilinaeus, oder satyrischer Com- ponist, u.s.w. Dresden, 1G90. 3v. in 1. 4. pl.*4055.14 PRIOR, J. Life of Oliver Goldsmith. New York, 1837. 8 *Pph.v.223 PRIOR, M. Poetical works, with notes. London, 1779. 2v. 8 *2568.4 Poems. London, 1779. 2v. 16. [Johnson. English poets, v.30, 31] *25S9.3 Poems and life. [Chalmers. English poets.] v.lOof 2592.7 PRIOR 653 PROGRESS Shelf. No. PRIOR, T. Narrative of the success of tar water iu distempers. Boston, 1749. pp.80. 8 . 3799.12 PRIORY of Colcling-ham. [Ed. by J. Raine.] Lon- don, 1841. 8 [Surtecs society, 12] . . . . *2417.12 PRIORY of Finchale in the co. of Durham. Lon- don, 1857. 8. [Surtees society, 6] .... *2417.6 PRIOU, M. Reflexions sur le cholera-morbus de 1' Asie, Nantes, en 1832. Nantes, 1833. S.*M.Pph.v.36 PRISCIANESE, F. Lettere. [Dati. Prose fioren- tine, v.15] 2787.1 PRISCIANUS Casariensis. Opera minora. Ed. F. Lindemannus. Lugduni Batav. 1818. 8 . 2938.14 Contents. De duodecim versibus vEneidos princi- palibus ad pueros; De acoentibus ; De figuris nurae- rorum quos autiquissimi habent codices, et de num- misvcl pouderibus; DeTerentiimetris; Depraeexer- citomentis rhetoricis. Exccrptio de arte grammatica, a Rabano Mauro. [Migne. Patrologias v. 117] . v. 5. of 3450.31 Laudes imperatoris Anastasii. [Corpus script, hist. Byz. v. 14] 2969.1 Perlegesis Latina, eDionysio ; Carmen de pou- deribus et mensuris ; Epitome phaenome- non sive de sideribus. [Lemaire. Poet. Lat. min. v.4] 2912.1 - Same. [Wcrnsdorf. Poet. Lat. min. v.5,p.l]. 2912.4 De nummis et pondcribus. [Graevius. Thes. antiq. Rom. v. 11] 2950.1 De praeexercitamcntis rhetoricae ex Hermo- geue. [Autori del ben parlare, p. 4, v.5] . 3590.10 PRISCIANUS philosophus. Solutioncs eorum de quibus dubitavit Chosroes Persarum rex. See Plotinus 3002.2 PKISCUS Panites. Exccrpta ex [ejusdem] historia, [Corpus script, hist. Byz. v. 14] 2969.1 See Fragmcnta hist. Graec. v.4 3002.11 PRISON discipline. Account of the state prison in New York city Pph.v.33 Adshead, J. Present gaol system depraving to the prisoner and a positive evil to the community 3575.10 Combe, G. On the practice of 3575.9 Gray, F. C. Prison discipline in America . . 3575.7 Ilaines, C. G. Report on the penitentiary sys- tem in the United States Pph.y.37 Jebb, J. Report on the discipline and con- struction of Portland prison 3571.22 Mill, J. Essays on 3503.4 Mittermaier, C. J. A. Gefangnissreform . . 3505.11 Pctitti di Roreto, C. I. Saggio sul buon governo dclle career! 3570.78 Rapport sur 1'etat des prisons Pph.v.73 Reports of the Boston prison discipline soci- ety. See Boston 3575.1 Revue penitentiare 5363.1 Vindication of the separate system against the North American review Pph.v.108 See also : Crime and punishment, Penitentiaries. PRISONER'S friend: a monthly. Spear, C. . . . 5165.1 PRISONS, Construction des. See France. Minis- try of the interior 4100.2 Etablisscrncnts de repression. See France. Ministry of agriculture 7010.9 Statistique des prisons et des etablissements penitentiaires pour 1852-54. See France. Ministry of the interior 7011.12 PRITCHARD, A. English patents, during the first forty-five years of the present century. Lon- don, 1847. 12" 4034.18 PRITCHARD, W. T. Digest of cases of admiralty of England. London, 1847. 8 3620.6 PIUTZEL, G. A. Thesaurus literaturae botanicae. I.ipsijE, 1851. 4" *2170.15 PRIVATEERS. Lebeau. Code des prises 3020.5 Martens, G. F. v. Essai concernant les prises. 3015.12 See Law of nations. PRIVY council. Knapp, J.W. Reports of cases argued and determined before the 3694.7 Moore, E. F. Reports of cases heard by . . 3694.8 PRIZES. See Law of nations, Privateers. Shelf. No. PROBABILITIES. Boole, G. Mathem. theory of . 3915.1 Condorcet, M. J. A. N. C. de. Application de Panalyse a la probability des decisions ren- dues a. la pluralite des voix 3923.4 Cournot, A. A. Exposition de la theorie des probabilites 3923.11 Gauss, C. F. Methode des moindres carres . 3925.13 Gouraud, C. Histoire du calcul des probab. 3923.6 Lacroix, S. F. Traite elementaire du calcul des probabilites E. 195. 12 La Place, P. S- de. Application des proba- bilites a la philosophic naturelle E.171.3 - Essai philosophique sur les probabilites. 3923.25 - Theorie analytique des probabilites . . E.171.2 On probability. See London. Society for the diffusion of useful knowledge E.212.4 Poisson, S. D. Recherches sur la probability des jugements 3923.2 Quetelet, A. Sur la theorie des probabilites. 3923.3 See also : Chance. PROBATIONARY odes of Jonathan Pindar, esq. Philadelphia, 1796. sm.8 **E. 209.27 PROBUS, M. A. V. Opusculum de notis antiquis. [Migne. Patrologisev.130] 3160.9 Institutiones grammatical. [Lindemann. Corpus grammaticorum, v.l] 2912.10 PROCACCINI Ricci, V. Yiaggi ai vulcani spenti d' Italia. Firenze, 1814-21. 4v. 8 3808.7 PROCEEDINGS of the continental congress, Sept. 1774. London, 1774. pp.82. 8 *2324.18 PROCEEDINGS of delegates of the moral societies in the state of New York, Jan. 12, 1820, and Jan. 17, 1821. Albany, 1820, 21. 8. . *Pph.v.24, 25 PROCES contre Georges, Pichegru et autrcs, prci- venus de conspiration contre [Napoleon]. Paris, 1804. 8v. 8 *2G53.10 PROCESSIONAL romain, a 1'usage du diocese de Quebec. Quebec, 1801. 12 3447.17 PROCESSIONALE Cistercience. Parisiis, 1717. 8. *4058.7 PROCESSO originale degli Untori nella peste del 1630. Milano, 1839. 8 3684.8 PROCIIASKA,G. Dissertation on the functions of the nervous system. See Unzer, J. A. . . 3724.7 PROCIDA, G. da, Notizia di alcuni documenti spet- tanti a. [Archivio stor. ital. App. v. 5] . 5245.2 PROCLUS, abp. of Constantinople. Epistola ad Ar- mcnios de fide. [Migne. Patrologise v.67] 3450.8 Homilia de Deipara. [Migne. Patrol, v. 48]. 3440.20 See Guillon, M. N. S. Bibliotheque des peres v.27 of 3499.30, v. 19 of 3509.1 PROCLUS Diadochus Lycius. Hymns. [Greek and English.] n.p. n.d. 8 *Pph.v.38 Carmina. See Callimachus 2979.6 Chrcstomathia grammatica. See Hephaestion. 2988.17 Institutio theologica. See Plotinus 3002.2 PROConus, of Ccesarea. Procopius, ex recensione G. Dindorfii. Bonnae, 1833-38. 3v. 8. [Cor- pus script, hist. Byz. v. 18-20] *2909.1 Contents. V. I. II. De bellis Pcrsico, Vandalico, et Gothico. HI. Anccdota, ct de tedificiis. De bello Gothico libri IV. [Muratori. Rerum Ital. script, v.l] 2710.2 PROCOPIUS, of Gaza. In libros Regum et Parali- pomenon, scholia. [Meursius. Opera, v.S]. 2210.2 Panegyricus in imperatorem Anastasium. [Corpus script, hist. Byz. v.14] 2909.1 PROCTOR, R. Journey across the Andes, and resi- dence in Peru. London, 1825. 8 2305.2 PROCTOR, T. Gorgeous gallery of gallant inven- tions, 1578. London, 1814. 4' . . . . v.l of 2591.13 PRODIGIES. Obsequens, J. De prodigiis .... 2929.8 PRODUCTS of numbers to 1000, by 100. Hutton, C. 3910.2 PROGRESS. Bancroft, G. Necessity, reality and promise of the P. of the human race . Pph. v.203 Baroli, P. Ilprogresso considerate nei suoi rapporti scientific! e sociali 4779.4 Marsh, L. Apocatastasis, or progress back- wards 3456.1 Seaman, E. C. Progress of nations 3564.18 Sullivan, W. K. Monthly journal of . . . . 3568.1 PROGRESSIVE PROTESTANT Shelf. No. PROGRESSIVE democracy in religion, or rejoinder of Clericus to Scrutator [on dancing]. Sche- nectady, 1848. 8 *Pph.v.lCl PROGRESSIVE readers. See Town., S 7059.41,42 PROGRESSIVE speaker and common school reader. Boston, 1858. 12 7050.43 PROJECTILES. Poisson, S. D. Mouvement des. 3953.2 Scoffern, J. Projectile weapons of war . . 3953.20 Specifications relating to. See Great Britain. Commissioners of patents. PROJECTION for erecting a bank of credit in Bos- ton, N. E. founded on land security. [Bos- ton,] 1714. pp.22. 10 *2324.77 PROJECTS. Defoe, D. Essay upon 3048.2 PKOKESCII, A. Denkwiirdigkeiten des Fiirsten C. zu Schwarzenberg. Wicn, 1823. 8 ... 2845.8 PROMATHIDAS Heracleota. See Fragmenta liis- toricorum Graecorum,v.3 3002.11 PROMESSI sposi, I. See Manzoni, A 2772.2 PROMISSORY notes. Baylcy, J. Summary of the law of 3674.9 Byles, J. B. Treatise of the law of 3G74.4 Chitty, J. Promissory notes 3074.1 Kyd, S. Treatise on 3074.15 Story, J. Law of 3074.2 PRONUNCIATION. Carr, T.S. P. of proper names. 2584.15 Nares, R. Elements of orthoepy 2584.5 Walker, J. Pronunciation of Greek, Latin, and Scripture proper names 2584.12-14 PHONY, G. C. F. 31. Riche de. L'equilibre et le mouvement des corps. Paris, 1801. 4. [Journal de 1'ecole poly technique, v.3] . . *3372.1 Mucauique philosophique. Paris, 1800. 4* [Journal de 1'ecole polytechnique, v.3] . . *3372.1 Memoire sur le jaugeage des eaux courantes. Paris, 1802. 4 *3941.15 Nouvclle architecture hydraulique. Paris, 1790,90. 2v. 4 *3940.0 Nouvelle mcSthode de nivellement trigonome- trique. Paris, 1822. 4. pi *3920.10 Sur la theorie des eaux courantes. Paris, 1804. 4 *3941.7 Sul sistema idraulico dell' Italia. [Raccolta del moto dell' acque, v.17] 3942.1 Tables pour la cubature des bois. See Ency- clopedic methodique A. 108.6 PROPERTIUS, S. A. Elegiarum libri 4. Illustr. G. A. B. Hcrtzberg. Halis, 1843-45. 3v. 8. 2938.18 Elegiarum libri 4. Imitationes, index, etc. Parisiis, 1832. 8. [Lemaire. Biblioth. class. Lat. 71] *2915.4 See Catullus, C. V 2949.23 See Elton, C. A. Specimens of the classic poets, v.2 2903.14 Elegie recate in terza rima. [Picri. Poesie, 2]. 4778.9 Elegie sceltc, volgarizzatc dal march. An- tonio Cavalli. See Poeti latini 2911.2 Elegie. [Parnaso dei poeti class, d'ogni na- zionc, v.25, 27] 2769.1 PROPERTY. De la distinction des biens. [Demo- lombe. Cours de code Napoleon, v.9-10] . 3638.4 Grant, J. Origin of 3501.2 Guichard, A. C. Exposition raisonnee des lois concernant les biens 3071.6 Thiers, L. A. De la propriete 3506.29 See also: Auctioneers, Bailments, Conveyancer, Insurance, Mortgage, Real estate, Succession, Wills. PROPHECY. Demonstrations of the divinity of the scriptures in the fulfilment of prophecies . 3441.4 Faber, G. S. General view of the prophecies. 3436.2 Hurd, R. Study of the prophecies 3428.3 Newton, T. Dissertations on the fulfilled prophecies 3436.6 Sherlock,'!. Use and intent of 3436.5 Smith, J. Discourse on. [Watson. Theol. tracts, v. 4] 3454.2 Stuart, M. Interpretation of 3436.4 Towers, J. Illustrations of 3436.1 See also : Anti-Christ, Bible. PROPORTION. Emerson, W. Doctrine of. . . . 3926.22 SSI.elf. No. PROSE. COmunes prose totius anni nouissimc emendate. [Parisiis, 10^0.] 4 *40.5'..r, PROSPER, St., of Aquitaine. Opera omnia. Par- isiis, 1S10. 4. [Migne. Patrologiae v. 51]. 3440.22 Contents. Epistola! ; Carmen de ingratis ; Epi- grammata ; Regponaiones ad capitula Gallorum t Kesponsiones ad capitula objection inn Vinceutiana- rum ; Liber contra collatorcm [sciY. Cassianum] ; Expositio Psalmorum a C usque ad CL; Liber scn- tentiarum ex Ausustino delibatarum ; Chronicon ; Confcssio; Poema ad uxorcm ; Carmen de Providen- tia ; Libri de vocatione pcntium ; Liber de praedic- tionibus et promissionibus Dei. Epistola ad Rufinum de gratia et libero arbi- trio ; Liber contra collatorcm ; Respon- Biones ad capitula ealumniautium Gallo- rum jResponsioncs ad capitula objectionum Vincentianarum ; Responsiones ad excerpta qua de Genuensi civitate sunt missa ; In ob- trectatorem epigramma. [Migne. Patro- logiaev.44,45] v. 10 of 3440.18 Chronicon. [Migne. Patrologiaev.27]. v.Sof 3440.16 Chronicon integrum, ab Adamo ad Romam captam a Genserico Wandale. [Graevius. Thes. antiq. Rom. v. 11] 2950.1 Fidei catholics professio. [Migne. Patrolo- giasv.65] 3450.0 See Guillon, M. N. S. Bibliotheque des peres. v. 32 of 3490. 30, v. 23 of 3508.2 See Wernsdorf, J. C. Poet. Lat. min. v.3 . . 2912.4 PROSTATE gland. Coulson,W. Diseases of the. 3740. -10 Gross, S. D. Diseases, injuries, and malfor- mations of the 3740.39 PROSTITUTION. Acton, W. P. considered in its moral, social, and sanitary aspects .... 3574.2 Pareiit-Duchatelet, A. J. B. Prostitution dans la ville de Paris 3574.5 Sanger, W. W. History of 3574.1 Wardlaw, R. Lectures on 3574.6 PROTADIUS. Liturgia. [Migne. Patrol. v.SO] . 3450.15 PROTECTION and free trade. Phillips, W. Prop- ositions concerning 3657.4 PROTECTIVE system. Chevalier, M. Examen du systeme commercial protecteur 3642.7 See also : Corn laws, Restrictive system. PROTERIUS. Epistola ad Leonem I papam. [Migne. Patrologise v.54] v.l of 3440.25 PROTESTANT cause advocated. In reply to a letter to the freeholders of the county of York. London and Wakefield, 1826. 8 . . . .*Pph.v.306 PROTESTANT episcopal church in New York. Proceedings of the annual convention, Oct. 1812. New York, 1812. 8 *Pph.v.9 Proceedings of the court convened for the trial of Right Rev. B. T. Onderdonk. New York, 1845. 8 3546.4, *Pph.v. 143 Spencer, J. C. Report of the convention held Sept. 1845 Pph.v.149 West, R. A. Proceedings at the 61st annual convention Pph.v.149 See also : Ondcrdonk, B. T. PROTESTANT episcopal church in Pennsylvania. Journal of the 55th convention. Philadel- phia, 1839. 8 *Pph.v.l07 PROTESTANT episcopal church in South Carolina, History of. Dalcho, F 3546.5 PROTESTANT episcopal church in Virginia, Histo- ry of. Hawks, F. L 3540.1 PROTESTANT episcopal church, U. S. A. The Christian liturgy and book of common prayer. Also a collection of psalms and hymns. Boston, 1847. 12 **E.219.17 Prayer book in the language of the six na- tions. Compiled by Rev. S. Davis. New York, 1837. 12 3447.16 Proceedings of the general convention held in Philadelphia, 1844. Phila. 1844. 8 . *Pph.v.l42 Hale, B. Illustrations of the service .... 3540.26 Sparks, J Letters on the ministry, ritual, and doctrine of the 3547.5 See also : England, Church of. PROTESTANT 655 PRUDENTIUS Shelf. No. PROTESTANT episcopal Sunday school union. An- nual report, 4th, I'Jth, of the executive com- mittee. New York, 1830. 8 . . . . *Pph.v.83, 170 PROTESTANTISM. Cobbett, W. History of the reformation in England and Ireland . . Pph.v.212 IIaa Novella. See Novelle 2788.5 Shelf. No. PULICE, C. See Police, C. PULLUS. See Robert Pullus. PULMONARY diseases. See Consumption. PULMONIC complaints treated by the vapour bath. Kentish, E M.Pph.v.7S PULPIT eloquence. See Homiletics. PULPIT sketches, or the dreams of a pew-holder. Albany, 1845. 8 *Pph.v.l44 PULPITS. Dollman, F. T. Examples of antieut P. in England 4090.5 PULSE. Bordeu, A. de. Inquiries concerning the varieties of the 3803.25 Observations on the M.Pph.v.oii PUNCH, or the London charivari, v.1-28, 30, 31, 33. London, 1841-57. 31v. in 18. 4 *3152.3 Pictures of life and character. Leech, J. . . 3152.2 PUNCTUATION, Treatise on English. Wilson, J. 2115.1 PUNDT, I. Disputatio medica inauguralis de assa- fostida; Praemittuntur alexiteria et alexi- pharmaca contra diabolum. Gottingae,ii.cl. 4 *M.Pph.v.l04 PUNGILEONI, L. Memoria di Donato o Donnino Bramante. Roma, 1830. 8" 4095.23 PUNGILIXGUA, II. Cavalca, D 4778.11 PUNIC war. Punicorum libri xvn. Silius Itali- cus, C 2914.0 PUNISHMENT. Bossangc, A. DCS peines capitales 3575.17 Torrigiani, C. Tre dissertazioni sul diritto di punire 3550.9 Whatcly, R. Thoughts on secondary P. . . 3575.14 See also: Crime and Punishment. PUNISHMENT, Future. Stuart, 31 3453.18 Thorn, D. Questions concerning eterual pun- ishment 3l.v:.:;,j Tyler, E.R. Lectures on F. P 3153.29 See also : Hell, Retribution. PUOTI. B. Prose. Napoli, 1S43. 8 4773.7 Prose scelte per cura del Pr. G. 1. Montanari ; Notizie biogr. scritte dal Sr. B. Fabricatore. Parma, 1SS09 [sic.] 10 *47<>7.v!0 Regole clementari della lingua ital. Nuovaed. livorncse sulladodiccsima napolctaua urrie- chita di aggiunte. Livorno, 1S15. ls . . . 4770.44 See Bernab6 Silorata, P. Prose e poesie di Italian! viventi.v.G 47i>s.lG PUPIENI, A. S., pseud. See. Costantini, G. A. PURiNA, Bhagavata. See Collection oricutiilo. PURAxA, Vishnu. See Vishnu Purana. PUKBECK, Rev. Mr. Present state of the Turk- ish empire. London, [1008.] 10 *3085.3 PURCELL, II. Life and sacred music of. See No- vello, V 4040.1 PURCELL, J. Treatise of the cholick. London, 1714. sm.S" 3809.17 PURCHARD. Carmen de gestis Witigowouis abba- tis. [Migne. Patrologiac v.13'J] 3400.18 PURE literature society. Occasional papers. The perilous nature of the periodical press, etc. London, [var. pi. and yrs.] 8 *3575.2G PURGATIVE medicines, Observations on the utility, etc. of. Hamilton, J 3722.13 PURICELLI, G. P. Dissertatio utrum S. Ambro- sius clero suo Mediolancnsi permiscrit ut virgin! nubere semcl posset. [Migue. Pa- trologiae v.147] 3400.25 - Same. [Muratori. Rerum Ital. script. v.4] 2710.1 PURITAN commonwealth, Oliver's, reviewed. Thornton, J.W 2321.18 PURITANS. Brook, B. Lives of the 3553.8 Dyer, D. Discourse on the characteristics of the Pph.v.209 Marsden, J. B. History of the early .... 3525.7 Neal, D. History of the 3520.1 See also: Brownists, Congregationalista, Dissent- ers, Independents, Non-conioi mists, Non-jurors. PURKINJE, J. E. Symboloe ad ovi avium historiam ante incubationcm. Lipsiae, 1830. pp.24. 2 pi. 4 *3901.4 PURLEY 658 QUANTZ Shelf. No. PURLEY, Diversions of. See Tooke, J. H. . . E.205.8 PURNELL, W. Connexion of life with respiration In new-born animals. Philacl. 1811. 8.*M.Pph.v.27 PURPLE, S. S. Corpus lutcuni : its value as evi- dence of conception, and its relation to legal medicine. New York, 1840. 8.. . . *M.Pph.v.42 Observ. on some of the remedial properties of Simaba cedron, etc. K. Y. 1854. 8. *M.Pph.v.54 PURPLE island, or the isle of man. Fletcher, P. 2004.4 PURPURINUS a Faventia, or Porporino di Faenza. Ad kalendarium Komanum Amiterni cffos- sum commentaria. [Sallengre. Thes. antiq. Bom. v.3] 2950.2 PURRY, J. P. Description of the province of South Carolina. [Force. Tracts, v.2] 2323.3 PURSII, F. Flora Americae septentrionalis. 2d ed. London, 1816. 2v. 8 3853.3 PURSUITS of literature : a satirical poem. Ma- thias, T. J 2501. 1 PURSUIVANT of arms. Planche, J. R 2232.0 PURVIANCE, R. Events in Baltimore during the revolutionary war. Baltimore, 1849. 12. 2329.10 PUSCH, G. G. Geognostische Beschreibung von Polen, [mit Atlas]. Stuttgart und Tiibin- gen, 1833-30. 2v. 8. Atlas, f " *38G2.23 PUSEY, E. B. Councils of the church, from A. D. 51 to 381. Oxford, 1857. 8 3512.17 The holy eucharist, a comfort to the penitent : a sermon. New York, 1843. 8 . . . . *Pph.v.l32 Letter to the bishop of Oxford, on the ten- dency to Romanism in the English church. From the 2d Oxford cd. N.Y. 1839. 8. v.2 of 3547. 10 - Same. New York, 1843. 8" *Pph.v.l32 Catalog! codicum manuscriptorum orienta- lium, pars secunda. See Oxford. Bodleian library 2130.5 [Dr. Pusey answered: exposition of the doc- trines and fallacies in his sermon on the eucharist. By a graduate of Columbia col- lege.] New York, 1843. 8 *Pph.v.l32 PUSEYISM no popery. Boston, 1843. 8" . . . *Pph.v.lK PUSEYISM and episcopacy. By a protestant churchman. [No title-page.] 8 . . . .*Pph.v.l37 PUSEYISM. Paper lantern for Puseyitcs, by "Will o' the wisp. 2dcd. London, 1S43. 12.*Pph.v.l32 Garbett, J. Dr. Pusey and the university of Oxford Pph.v.138 M'llvaine. Chief clanger of the church . Pph.v.132 Weaver, R. Complete view of Pph.v.137 PUTEANUS. See Putten, E. van dor. PUTNAM, George. Discourse at the installation of D. Fosdick. Boston, 1840. 8. *Pph.v. 209,273 Sermon at the ordination of F. D. Hunting- ton. Boston, 1812. 8 *Pph.v.2G9 PUTNAM, George P. American facts, rel. to the government, [etc.]. Lond. 1845. 12" .... 2329.3 Putnam's monthly magazine of American lit- erature. Vols.vn-ix. N.Y. 1850-57. 3v. 8. *5285.2 PUTNAM, Israel, Enquiry into the conduct of. Pph.v.247 Reflections on Humphrey's life of. See Fel- lows, J 2347.11 PUTNAM, James O. Speech on the bill providing for the vesting of the title of church prop- erty in lay trustees. Albany, 1855. 8" . *Pph.v.203 PUTNAM, John P. Annual digest of decisions of courts of common law, equity, and admi- ralty in the United States and England, 1847-54. Boston, 1855. 8v. 1.8 . V.7-14 of *3701.4 PUTNAM family. See Vinton, J. A. PUTNAM county, AT. T., History of. Blake, W. J. 2371.21 PUTRID fever, Researches upon. Louis, P. C. A. 3790.1 PUTTE, F. van de. Biographic des hommcs re- marquables de la Flandre occidentale. See Carton, C 2843.3 PUTTEN, E. van der, or Du Puy. See Grsevius, J. G. Thes. antiq. Rom 2950.1 Contents. Vol. V. De jurejurando antiquorum schcdiasma, in quo de puteali Libonis. VIII. De bisscxto liber ; De nundinis Romania liber. XII. Kcliquiao convivii priscl. Shelf. No. PUTTEN, E. continued. Olympiades. [Gronovius. Thes. Grace, antiq. v.9] 2900.2 Pecuniae Romanae ratio facillimo ad nostram calculo rcvocata. [Sallengre. Novus thes. antiq. Rom. v.3] 2950.2 PUTTENIIAM, Webster or George. Arte of English poesie. [London, 15S9.] Reprinted 1811. 4. *2591.1 PUTTER, J. S. Political constitution of the Ger- manic empire. Transl. with notes, etc. by J. Dornford. London, 1790. 3v. 8 ... *2810.2 PUYBONNIEUX, J. B. Mutisme et surditc. Paris, 1840. 8 3591.14 PYE, H. J. Comments on the commentators on Shakespear, with observations on his ge- nius and writings. London, 1807. 8". . .*2597.15 PYNE, S. The church's law and the church's lib- erty. New York, 1843. 8 *Pph.v.l37 PYRENEES. Essai sur la constitution goognos- tique des Pyrenees. Charpentier, J. de . . 3802.25 PYRODYNAMICS. Principes de pyrodynamique. Dubuat Nancay, L. G 3914.25 PYRRHUS Epirota. See Fragm. hist. Graec. v.2 . 3002.11 PYTHAGORAS. See Brunck, R. F. Gnomici poetae Gracl 2968.5, See Gale, T. Opuscula myth. phys. et ethica. 2903. 1 1 See Gnomici Graeci 2979.3 See Neander, SI 2991.17 Ueber die Octave des. See Kiesewctter, R. G. 4052. 32 PYTHEAS. See Baiter and Sauppe. Oratores At- tici 2903.1 QUACKENBOS, G. P. School history of the United States. New York, 1858. 12 2328.25 QUACK medicines, Report on. See Philadelphia medical society M.Pph.v.117 QUACKERY unmasked. King, D 3807.25 QUADRATURE of the circle. Tagen, J. N. Quad- ratura circuli tandem mvcnta et mathc- matice demonstrata E.I 10. 74 QUADRATUS. Fragmentum ex cjus apologia pro Christianis. [Migne. Patrologia Graeca, v.5] 3490.3 - Same. [Routh. Reliquiae sacrae, v.l] . . 3513.9 QUADRIO, F. S. Delia storia c della ragionc d'ognl poesia. Bologna e Milano, 1739-52. 4v. in 7. 4 *219C.l Contents. Vol. I. Cose a ciascuna comuni. II. Tutto cid, che alia narrativa o mclica B'appartiene. III. Melici componimcnti, e mctri in particolarc. IV. Cose alia drammatica pertinent!. V. Libri secondo e terzo, trattauti della drammatica. VI. Cose all* epica appartincnti. VII. Indice universale, con al- cune correzioni ed aggiunte premesse da esso autore al medcsimo indice. QUADRUPEDS. Aldrovandi, U. De quadrupedibus. 3870.2 Buffon, G. L. L. dc. Ilistoire naturelle des quadrupedes oviparcs 3813.2 Klein, J. T. Quadrupedum dispositio bre visque historia naturalis 3SS2.7 - Summa dubiorum circa classes quadru- pedum in C. Linnaei systematc natures . . 3881.5 Lacdpede, B. G. E. de. Histoire naturelle des quadrupedes ovipares 3827.3 See aZso: America (North), Animals, Mammalia, Massachusetts. QUAIN, J. Human anatomy, ed. by R. Quain and W. Sharpey. 1st Am. fr. 5th Lond. cd. by J. Leidy. Philadelphia, 1849. 2v. 8 .... 3741.14 and Wilson, W. J. E. Anatomical plates illustrating the arteries, with add. by J. Pancoast. Philadelphia, 1841. 4 *3740.20 QUAIN, R. Anatomy of the arteries. London, 1844. 8. Plates. f 3741.7 QUAKERS. See Friends. QUANDT, J. G. v. Entwurf zu eiuer Geschichte dcr Kupferstecherkunst. Leipzig, 1820. 10. 4C03.13 QUANTIN, J. Napo-Leon Torre, ou le solitaire de Pile de Palmarola. Paris, 1822. 2v. 10. 4G79.4 QUANTZ, J. J. Anweisung die Flote traversierc zu spielen. 3e Aufl. Breslau, 1789. 4. . *405G.l QUARANTA 659 QUINCY Shelf. No. QUARANTA, B. Guide du musee royal Bourbon. Naples, 1844. 8 4089.1 QUAUITCII, B. Catalogue of valuable books. Lon- don, 1859. 8 *2139.5 QUARLES, F. Boanerges and Barnabas ; Judg- ment and mercy for afflicted souls. Ed. by Kev. F. H. Brett. London, 1855. 12 . 3444.28 Enchiridion. London, 1850. 10 2009.19 The school of the heart. With the learning of the heart, and hieroglyphics of the life of man. London, 1859. 8 2009.9 QUAULL, Philippe, Aventures merveilleuses de. [Gamier. Voyages imaginaires, v. 4] . . . 2000.1 QUARTERLY journal of microscopical science, 1854- 50, 59. Vol.II-IV, VII. Lond. 1854-59. 4v. 8 *5878.1 QUARTERLY musical magazine and review. Lon- don, 1818-28. lOv. 8" *4044.1 QUARTERLY register. See American education society 5178.2 QUARTERLY review [and] General index to v.1-79. Vol. 1-91, 03-9D, 101-100. London, 1809-59. 104v. 8 *3114.1 Note. The index to r. 1-19 forms v. 20 ; Index to V. 21-.7J forms v. 40; Index to v. 41-51) forms v. 00; In- dex to v. 01-79 forms v. 80. QUARTERLY review. See New quarterly review. QUARTERMAX, J. Ilcply to the speech of the Rev. F. L. Hawks before the general convention of the P. E. church. Flushing, 1841. 8 . *Pph.v.l43 QUATREMERE de Quincy, A. C. Canova et ses ouvragcs. Paris, 1S'!4. 1.8 4074.13 De 1'architecture egyptienne. Paris, 1803. 4. pi *4093.15 Histoire de Michel Ange Bonarroti. Paris, 1835. 8. pi *40G5.2 Histoirc do Raphael. 3e ed. Paris, 1835. 8. 4005.1 Imitation dans les beaux-arts. Paris, Stras- bourg, et Londres, 1823. 8" 4070.1 Le Jupiter olympien, ou Part de la sculpture antique. Paris, 1814. f *4070.3 Architecture. See Encyclopedic me'thodique. A. 159. 4 QUEBEC. Cavendish, II. Debates on the bill relating to the government of 2311.4 Cooper, S. Sermon on the reduction of . . . 2324.36 Eliot, A. Thanksgiving sermon for the reduction of 3454.12 Henry, J. J. Campaign against, in 1775 . . . 2311.27 Knox, J. The two sieges of, 1758 2310.19 Maseres, F. Account of proceedings to ob- tain a house of assembly, in 1775 2311.0,7 Mayhew, J. Discourses on the reduction of. 3457.11 QUEBEC medical society. Laws. Quebec, 1&30. 8 *M.Pph.V.22 QUEBEC. Society for the encouragement of the arts and sciences in Canada. Rules and orders. Quebec, 1827. 8 *Pph.v.09 QUEEN Charlotte's island. Reguault, E. Histoire ct description de Pile de la reine Charlotte. 2200.0 QUEENSTOWN, A narrative of the affair at. Van Rensselaer, S 2328.20 QUEKETT, J. Lectures on histology ; elementary tissues. London, 1852. 8 3832.2 Use of the microscope. 2d ed. Lond. 1852. 8. 3920.40 QUEMONT, A. Lejons dc Broussais sur les phleg- masies gastriqucs. See Caignou, E. de . . 3798.3 'QUENOUILLES, Evangiles des 2009.14 QUENSTEDT, F. A. Das Flcizgebirge Wiirtembergs. Tubingen, 1843. 8 3864.10 QUENSTEDT, J. A. De sepultura vetcrum. [Gro- novius. Thes. Grsec. antiq. v.ll] 2900.2 QUERARD, J. M. La France litterairc. Paris, 1827-39. lOv. 8 *21G3.1 - Same. Corrections ; Additions ; Auteurs pseudonymes et anonymes devoiles. Paris, 1854-57. 8 *2163.1 Les auteurs deguises de la litterature francaise au xixe sieelc. Paris, I Vita di Carlo Broschi ; J. D. Coleti : De silu Stri- donis ; G. B. Minzoni : Intoruo ai canali, porti, e lagune ; I. Aftb : Memorie di Alberto e di Obizzo Sanvitali ; Ippolito Pindcmonte: Sopra due celebri passi di Virgilio e Dante; J. MorelU : Lettera sopra due autiche ucrizioni spcttanti alia citta di Salona; BACCOLTA 663 RACINE Shelf. No. RACCOLTA, continued. F. Albert! : Notizie riguardanti Bevagna [also in vols. X and xi]; G. Baruffaldi : De veteri sigillo An- tonii; G. J. l)ionisi: De' due vescovi simultanei di Ve- rona, sec. vi, etc. IX. B. Tomitano: Lettera; G. Tar- tarotti: Sopra G. Duns Scoto; L. Doglioni : Lettera intorno a Cintio di Ccneda; Trovare 1'espreasioni real! delle radici dell' equazioni quadratiche ; Terza ris- posta di G. B. Minzoni sul proposito della lapida di Voghenza; V. Ricci: Ragionauiento intorno alia col- lezione delle venete leggi eriminali; A. M. Bandiui : Sull' antichissima Bibbia; G. Gregori: Riflessioni so- pra 1'antico porto, e fiume della ciita di Aquileia ; G. L. Traversari : Sui simulacri primieri delle divinita pagane; C. Rosmini: Due lettere. X. Lettera di un Ferraresc ad un suo concittadino; L. C. Volta: Saggio storico-critico sulla tipografla mantovana; G. Riccati: Lettera ; A. -M. Bandini : Illustrazione di due evan- geliarj greci del secoloxi; M. Zaguri ; Lettera; So- pra 1'antico fiume Timavo ; L. Rizzetti : La costruz- ione del miglior teatro i G. Gregori : OsservazionI Btoriche local! intorno le riflessioni sopra il commercio antico, ed attuale stato d'Aquilcja. XL J. J. P. Lu- cich : Marmora Macarcnsia ; M. Rieberer : De dara- natione Berengarii: A. M. Bandini : Ragionamento aopra un opera di Ugolino da Montecatini delle ac- que termuli della Toscana; G. B. Rossi: Meraorie di Luigi Campagnari ; I-ettcra sovra 1'iscrizioue pem- moniana dell 1 altare di S. Martino di Civklale ; L. Rizzetti : Risposta alle accuse fatte al teatro da lui proposto; G. Gravisi: Xotizie intorno Ottonello Vida giustinopolitano ; G. Gregori: Lettera responsiva in- torno al flume Tiraavo; P. M. Renazzi : DC sorti- legio et magia. XII. C. Rosmini : Lettera sopra al- cuni dubbj intorno alt' Alessandro.dramma per mu- sica di Gastonc dalla Torre di Rezzonico ; Giov. Tri- este: Notizicspcttanti alia vita ed alle opere di Poggio Bracciolini ; L. Doglioni : Lettera intorno Daniole Tomitano antiquario, c intorno al B. Bernardino della stessa famiglia ; F. Albert! : Ragguaglio del museo aperto nel 178"; J. J. P. Lucieh : Ad marmora Maca- rensia brcvis add'uio ; G. Tartarotti : Dialogo della lingua latina; V. Penzi : De Fr. Alberto Pasehalco de Utino. XIII. I. M. Liruti: Sopra i prim! vescovi Caprulensi,o di Caorle; G. B.Uccelli: Sopra le osser- vazioni mcdico-pratichc sulla malattia chiamata pel- lagra del sig. D. Solcr. RACCOLTA di poemetti didascalici. Milano, 1821- 23. 12v. 10 *4779.8 Contents. Vol. I. Bernardino Bald! : La nautica ; Giovanni Ruccllai: Lc api; Alcssandro Pope: Saggio eulla critica, trad, di G. V. Benini ; Luigi Tansillo : n podere ; Giuseppe Bcrchoux : La gastronomic. II. Giambattista Spolvcrini : La coltivazionc del riso; Orazio : L'arte poctica, traduzione di Tominaso Gar- gallo ; Domenico Simone Algarcse : Le piante ; Salo- mone Fiorcntino: La spiritualita c I'immortalitadclT anima. III. Giacopo t'racastoro : Delia sifilide; Lo- ren/o Barotti: La tisica; Gastone della Torre di Rez- zonico : II sistcma de' cieli ; Francesco Carboni : La Banita de' letteniti ; Cesare Arici : La pastorizia. IV. Girolamo Barufaldi: Del canapaio; Lorenzo Tornicri: La caccia della lepre ; Giuseppe Nicolini : La colti- vazione dei cedri ; Vincenzo Marcnco : Delia natura poetica ; Antonio Pelizzari : La vigna. V. Esiodo : Operc e giornate; Gaspare Cazzola: L'oro; Gaspare Gozzi : Del vetro ; Tommaao Ravasini : Della colti- vazionc de' fichi, trad, dal latino da G. Brignoli ; Gi- ambattista Robert! : Le perle. VI. Virgilio : La Georgica, tradotta dal Lorenzo Tornicri ; Benedetto Menziui : Arte poutica ; Federico n : L'art de la guerre. VII. Zaccaria Betti : Baco da seta ; Giu- seppe Harbieri : La sala di fisica sperimentalc ; Gi- roUmo Ruggia : La cultura del cuore, della mente, e delcorpo; N. Boileau : L'art poetique. VIII. Lui- gi Alamanui : La coltivazione i Marco Girolamo Vida : La scaccheide ; Cesare Arici: II eorallo : Vin- cenzo Marcnco: II terremoto. IX. Bartolomeo Lo- renzi : Della coltivazione de' monti ; Cesare Arici : La coltivazione degli ulivi; Bernardino Baldi: Ccleo o 1'orto. X. M. Akenside: Piaceri dell 1 imagina- zione, tras. dal. Angelo Mazza ; Antonio Tirabosco: L'Uccellagione; Girolamo Fracastoro: Alcone, recato in versi italiani dal Pier-Alessandro Paravia ; Luigi Tansillo : Delia balia i Arato solese : I I'enomeni, trad, di Antonio Maria Salvini ; I prognostic!. XI. Andrea Rubbi : La coltura della vainiglia, trad, di Filippo Scolari ; Augusta Catcrina Piccolomini Pc- tra : Avvcrtimenti a Ugone BUO figlio ; Scbastiano Pagello: II roccolo ; Ippolito Pindcmonte : La fata Morgana ; Giuseppe Cnlpani ; II gusto ; G. B. Ro- berti: Lefragole; Guglielmo Massieu: II caffe' [trad, dal latino] ; Ignazio da Persico : I canarini. XII. La educazione dei fringuelli, versioue dal latino del Shelf. No. RACCOLTA, continued. professore Dianin ; Carlo Tedaldi-Fores : I cavalli ; 11 sidro.tr. dall' inglcse di Giovanni Philips, dal conic Lorenzo Magalotti; lacopo Andrea Vittorelli : La maecheroneide ; Lorenzo Cirico : La coltivazione de) grano turco. RACCOLTA di poesie italiane del sec. xvm e xix. Firenze, 1834. 32" ............. 4778.40 Contents. V. Monti ; I. Pindemonte ; G. Parini ; G. Pompei; C. Arici. RACCOLTA di poesie satiriche scritte nel secolo xvm. [percuradi G. Gherardini.] Milano, 1827. 8 .................. 2808.5 Contents. Giambattista Fagiuoli ; Pier Jacopo Martello; Giannantonio de-Luca ; Giuseppe Barctti ; Giancarlo Passeroni ; Onofrio Minzoni ; Lorenzo Mascheroni; Giuseppe Zauoja; Giuseppe Bossi. RACCOLTA di prose e lettere scritte nel sec. xvm. [per cura di F. Ambrosoli e B. Gamba.] Milano, 1820-30. 3v. 8 .......... 2767.2 Contents. Vol. I. Elogio di Giuliano Cassiani, da Luigi Ceretti; Elogio di Uaimondo Montccuccoli, da Agostino Paradisi ; Laudazionc in morte di Marc' Antonio Pindemoutc, da B. Lorcnzi ; Paolo Frisi : Elogio di Bonaventura Cavalier!, di Donate Silva, di Galileo Galilei, d'lsaceo Newton ; Memorie in- torno a Paolo Frisi scritto da Pielro Verri : Klogio di Carlo Innoccnzio Frugoni, da Pellegrino Salaudri ; Oraz. in lode di S. Ignazio di Lojola.da Alton MI Xicco- lai ; Elogio di Anton-Maria Lorgna, da Luigi I'ali ani. II. Lett.da Anton Maria Salvini, Francesco Biauchl- ni, Apostolo Zcno, Lodovico Antonio Muratori, Scipi- one Maffei, Eustachio Manfredi, Giampietro Zanotti, Paolo Gagliardi, Fernand'Antonio Ghedini, Alessan- dro Fabri, Francesco Maria Zanotti, Carlo Innoccnzio Frugoui, Antonio Cocchi, Michchmgclo Giacomelli ; Pietro Mctustasio, Pier Antonio del Borgh.-ito, Xa- tale Lastesio. III. Lettere da Gasparo 1'atriaruhi, Domenico Fabri, Paolo Paciaudi, Antonio Genovesi, Francesco Algarotti, Gasparo Gozzi, Giuseppe Ba- rctti, Antonio Golini, Framv Lui;.-nio (in Giambuttista Roberti, Giuseppe Genuari, FruiK Milizia, Giuseppe Parini, Btdchiot Ccsarotti, Luigi Lanzi, Bartolomeo l.orenzi. Agostino I'aradisi, Luigi Cerretti, Lodovico Preti, Luigi Caciauemiei Palcaui, Clementino Vanuetti. RACCOLTA di prose e poesie inedite di varj autori viveiiti. Fircuze, 1842. 8 ........ 2794.10 RACCOLTA di prose c poesie. See Tagliazucchi,G. 27ii7.4 RACEXDYTA, J., or Uhacendyta. See Josepliua 2235.7 2235.3 3888.11 2409.45 2710.1 3795.19 *2703.3 RACES of men. Desmoulins, A. Races humaines du nord-est dc 1'Europe, etc ........ Duprat, P. Races aneicuues et modcrncs de 1'Afrique ................. Smyth, T. Unity of the human races . . . . RACHEL Dyer: a story. Ncal, J ......... RACIIIS, king of the Lombards. Leges. [Mura- tori. Uerum Ital. script, v.l, p. 2] .... RACIBOHSKI, A. Auscultation and percussion. Trausl. by M. Post. New York, 1'J. 8. RACINE, .T. (Euvres completes. 5e ed. par Ainic- Martin. Paris, 1844. Gv. 8 ....... Contents. Vol. I. Avertisscment ; Preface; Me- moires sur la vie ct les ouvrazes de Jean Racine, par Louis Racine; La Thebaidc, ou lea freres ennemis, tragO-lie ; Traduction des passages d'Euripide, de Seneque et de Stace, imites par Racine ; Alexandra le grand, tragedie; Andromaquc, tragi-die ; ^"ariante de la troisieme scene de 1'acte 5 d'Andromaque ; Traduction d'un fragment d'Euripide, imite par Ra- cine. II. Preface; Les plaidcurg, comedie; Britanui- cus, tragedie ; Traduction d'une scene de Seneque; Berenice, tragedie; Bajazet, tragedie; Mithridate, tragedie ; Traduction d'un morceau dc Salluste, im- ite par Ricine. III. Iphigenie en Aulide, tragedie ; Phedre, tragedie ; Fragments de Seneque, imites par Racine ; Esther, tragedie, tiree de I'tcriturc saintc ; Athalie, tragudie, tiree de 1'ecriture sainte ; Passage d'Euripide, imite par Racine; Plan du premier acte d'Iphigenie en Tauride ; Dictionnaire critique des locutions et dcs alliances de mots introduces dans la langue franraise par Jean Racine. IV. Poesies divcrses: Le paysage, ou promenade du Port- royal dcs Champs; Odes; Idylle sur la paix; Hymnes et cantiques spiritucls; Epigrammcs, etc.; Lettre de Racine a I'auteurdes heresies imuginaires ct des deux visionnairesCNicole]; Reponse parM. Dubois et Bar- bier d'Aucourt; Seconde lettre de Racine, en replique RACINE 664 RAGIIUVANSA Shelf. No. RACINE, J. continued. mix deux reponses prccedentes; Abregc dc ITiistoirc du Port-royal; Fragments sur Port-royal; Fragments liistoriques. V. Precis historique des campagnes do Louis xiv, depuis 1072 jusqu'en 1078; Relation de ce qui s'est pass''-, au siege do Namur ; Le banquet de Platon ; Fragments du premier livre de la pofctique d'Aristote ; Fragments de traductions par Jean Ra- cine ; Etudes de Racine sur les dix premiers livrcs de 1'Odyssee : Etudes et remarqucs de Racine sur les Olympiques de Pindare. VI. Discours academi- ques ; Lettres de Racine, ecrites dans sa jeunesse; Correspondance entre Racineet LaFontaine; Corres- pondance entre Racineet Boileau; Lettres de Racine a sou fils ; Lettres de Racine u diverses personnes; Pieces diverses ; Lettres addressees a Jean Racine; Lettres d'Antoine Aruauld. CEuvres [divcrses] avec des comment, par M. Luneau de Boisjermain. Paris et Londres, 1768. 7v. 8 *2709.1 Contents. Vol. I. Vie de Racine: Discours prc- liminaire; La Theba'ide, ou lesfreres ennemis, trage- die; Alexundre le grand, trageilie. II. Andromaque, tragedie; Les plaideurs, comcdie; Britannicus, trag- edie. III. Berenice, tragedie ; Bajazet, tragedie ; Mithridate. tragedie IV. Iphigenie en Aulide, trag- edie; Phedre, tragedie; Iphigenie en Tauride, plan du premier acte. V. Esther, tragedie; Athalie, trage- die; (Euvres diverses en vers et en prose. VI. Let- tres sur les imaginaires ; Abrege de 1'histoire de Port-royal; Discours; Fragments; (Euvres diverses. VII. Lettres. La ThebaTde, ou les freres ennemis. [Bru- moy. Theatre des Grecs. 2e ed. v.O] . . 29(55.4 See Teatro moderno applaudito 2708. 1 Content.- Vol. XXVII. Fedra, tragedia, XXXVII. Ifigenia, tragedia. Lettres a Boileau. [ Boileau- Despre'aux. CEu- vres completes, v. 3] 2677.5 RACINE, L. Momoires sur la vie et les ouvrages de Jean Racine. [Racine. CEuvres, v.l] . 2703.3 RACK,E. Essays, letters, and poems. Bath, 1781. 8. 2550.4 RACZYNSKI, E. v. Codex diplomaticus Lithu- anian. Vratislavise, 1845. 4 *3064.1 Malerische Reise in einigen Provinzen des osmanischen Reichs. Aus d. Polnischen iibers. von F. H. von der Hagen. Breslau, 1824. f.pL *3070.11 RADBEHT, Paschasius. Opera omnia. Accurante J. P. Migne. Lutetioe Parisiorum, 1852. 8. [Migne. Patrologiae v . 120] 3460.3 Contents Expositio in Matthzeum, in Psalraum xuv, in Lainentationes Jeremia; ; Liber de corpore et sanguine Domini ; Epistola ad Frudegardum ; De partu virginis; De fide, spe ct charitate; De passione S. Rufini ct Valerii ; De vita S. Adalhardi ; Epita- phium Arsenii, seu vita Walas. Opusculum de partu virginis. [Migne. Pa- trologiae v.9G] 3450.22 See Guillon, M. N. S. Bibliotheque des peres. v.33of 349D.30, v.24 of 3508.2 RADBERT, or Ratpert. Carmina. [Migne. Patro- logiae v. 87] 3450.18 Liber de casibus monasterii S. Galli; Poem- atavaria. [Migne. Patrologias v.126] . v.2of 3460.7 RADBOD, or Ratbod, of Dole. Epistola ad Adelsta- num regem. [Migne. Patrologiae v. 132] . 3460.11 RADBOD II, bp. of Tournay. Vita S. Medardi, No- viomeusis et Tornacensis episcopi ; Vita S. Godebertae virginis ; Sermo ; Epistola ; Chartse. [Migne. Patrologiae v.150] . . . 3460.28 RADBOD, bp. of Utrecht. Vita, auctore anonymo subasquali ; Opuscula. [Migne. Patrologije v-132] 3460.11 RADCLIFFE, A. Sicilian romance ; Romance of the forest ; Mysteries of Udolpho ; The Ital- ian, or the confessional of the black peni- tents ; Castles of Athlin and Dunbayne. [Ballantyne. Novelist's library, v. 10] . . 2573.1 RADDI, G. See Opuscoli scientific! 3911.5 Contents. Vol. II. Novarum, vel rariorum ex cryptogamia stirpium in agro Florentine collectarum decades duae. III. Synopsis fllicum Brasiliensium. IV. Di alcuue specie di pero indiauo [psidium Liu]. Shelf. No. RADEGUNDIS, St. Vita et testamentum. [Migne. Patrologiaev.72] 3450.12 RADEWICH. Continuatio Ottonis Frisingensis de gestis Friderici I, imperatoris. [Muratori. Rerum Ital. script. v.O] 2710.1 RADIATA. See Echinodermata, Entozoa, Infuso- ria, Medusae, Polypi, Zoophytes. RAE, J. New principles of political economy, ex- posing the fallacies of free trade. Boston, 1834. 8' 3643.4 KAEPSAET, J. J. CEuvres completes. Mons, Gand, etc. 1838-40. 6r. g.8 *2810.14 Contents. Vol.1. Memoirc sur 1'origine des Bei- ges, prcsente a 1'institut de Ilollandc, augmente de notes posthumes; Recherches sur des inaugurations; Sur les droits de premiere nuit, Markettc, etc. ; Sur I'origine de la fabrique des toiles de lin; Sur 1'origine des visiles de la nouvelle annee et des ctreunes ; Orig'meducarnaval; Defense de C. Martcl; Ancienne ville de Limes ; Sur la pierre scpulcrale de St. Flor- bert; Description des rnedailles et jetons. II. Histoire de I'origine, de 1'organisation et des pouvoirs dcg etats generaux ct provinciaux des Gaules, particu- lierementdes Pays-Bas, depuis les Germains.jusq'au xvie siecle. III.-V. Analyse historique et critique de I'origine ct des projres des droits civils, politiques et rcligieux des Beiges et Gaulois sous les periodeg gauloise, romaine, franque, feodale et coutumiere, precedee d'uu precis critique de la topographic de 1'ancienne Belgique. VI. Journal des seances de la commission qui a etc chargee, par le roi, en 1815, de redigcr un projet de constitution pour le royaume des Pay-Bas, par Jean Joseph Raepsaet. RAFFAELLI, F. M. Trattato della famiglia, della persona, degl' impieghi, e delle opere di messer Bosoue da Gubbio. [Lami. Delicias eruditorum, v.17] 4747.1 RAFFAELLO Sanzio d'Urbino. Lettera a papa Leone x [sugli antichi monumenti di Ro- ma]. Roma, 1830. pp.46. 8 *4005.6 Bellori, G. P. Descrizione delle immagiui di- pinte da R., colla vita di R. scritta dal Vasari 4039.16 Harford, J. S. Memoirs of 4005.5 Odescalchi, P. Istoria del ritrovamento delle spoglie mortal! di R 5269.2 Passavant, J. D. Rafael von Urbino .... 4005.4 Peintures de la saja Borgia, au Vatican, de P invention de Raphael ; Du cabinet de Jules II, de la Farnesine, par Raphael. [Piranesi. Opere, v. 19] D.l.R Quatremere de Quincy, A. C. Histoire de la vie et des ouvrages de Raphael 4005.1 Riflessioni sopra il gran pittore. [Mengs. Opere.v.l] 4002.5 RAPFEI, S. Dissertazioni. Supplemento all' opere di Winckelmann. Roma, 1821. f . *4070.8 Contents. Ricerche sopra un Apolline della villa del cardinale Alessandro Albani; Saggio di osserva- zioni sopra un bassorilievo della villa del card. Albani ; Sopra un singolar combattimcnto espresso in basso- rilievo esistente nella villa del card. Albani; Filottete addolorato altro bassorilievo; Osservazione sopra un altro bassorilievo; H nido, canzone didascalica sopra un antico nido di marmo; Osservazioni sopra alcuni monumenti esistenti nella villa del card. Albani. RAFFLES, Thomas. Lectures on practical religion. Liverpool, 1820. 16 3445.27 RAFFLES, Thomas S. History of Java. London, 1817. 2v. 4 *3041.14 RAFINESQUE-SCHMALZ, C. S. Ancient history of Kentucky, with monuments of North Am- erica. Frankfort, 1824. pp. 39. 8 .... 2373.6 Circular address on botany and zoology. Philadelphia, 1810. 32 *Pph.v.207 Continuation of a monograph of the bivalve shells of the Ohio, etc. Phila. 1831. [No title-page. 8] *Pph.v.86 RAGGED schools : their principles and modes of operation. London, 1850. 12 3570.73 RAGGI, O. Sopra i trionfl degli antichi Romani. Roma, 1836. pp.28. sm.4 *2950.11 RAGHUVANSA. Kalidasas carmen, Sanskrite et Latine. See Kalidasa 3011.7 . RAGIONAMENTI 665 RAMSAY Shelf: No. RAGIONAMENTI dei riti della Romana chiesa. Lucca, 1840. 2v.ini. 12 3517.14 RAGUET, C. The principles of free trade. 2d ed. Philadelphia, 1840. 8 3643.21 RAHEL. See Varnhagen von Ensc. RAIGECOURT, le comte de. Memoires sur 1'affaire dc Varennes. See Bouille, F. C. A. de . . 4645.5 RAIKES, H. Life of Sir Jahleel Brenton. Lon- don, 1846. 8 2445.1 RAILROAD journal. See American. RAILROAD jubilee. Celebration commemorative of the opening' of communication between Boston and Canada. See Boston 2354.3 RAILROADS. Borden, S. Formula: adapted to the operations of locating and constructing. E. 214. 20 Brees, S. C. Railway practice 4011.14 Clark, D. K. Railway machinery 4010.21 Dcmpsey, G. D. Practical railway engineer. 4011.15 Gregg, W. P. Railroad laws and charters of the United States 3675.2 Jac'-cson, W. Lecture on Pph.v.259 Nicholl, H. I. Cases relating to railways . 3(595.1 Perdonnet, A. Traite elemcntaire des chemins de fer 4015.4 Pierce, E. L. American railroad law . . . . 3575.5 Ritchie, R. Rise and progress of railways . 4015.25 Robinson. Railway time and fare tables . . 2487.6 Sellers, G. E. Improvements in 4011.10 Sibley, C. K. Tables for estimating the earth- work 4020.4 Smith, C. Cases relating to the law of Am- erican railways 3695.2 Smyth, R. C. Railway between the Atlantic and the Pacific 4015.14 Stephenson, R. Atmospheric railway system. 4011.9 Stevens, J. Documents on railways and steam-carriages Pph.v.4 Tredgold, T. Practical treatise on 4015.9 Wood, N. Practical treatise on 4015.3 See also: Bridges, Culverts, Curves, Locomotives, Tunnelling. Also : Baltimore, Belgium, Boston, Flanders, Great Britain, Massachusetts, Nashua, New York, Philadel- phia, Portland, Western It R. RAIMBALD. Diplomata. [Migne. Patrol, v. 143]. 3460.22 RAIMO, L. de. Ilistoria rcrum in regno Neapoli- tano gestarum, 1197-1480. [Muratori. Re- rum Ital. script, v. 23] 2710.1 RAIMOND Arnalli. Epistola. [Migne. Patrologise v.151] 3460.29 RAIMONDI, P. Sulla salubrita dell' aria di Co- macchio. [Opuscoli scicntifici, v.4] . . . . 3911.5 RAIN, Atmospheric changes which produce. Hop- kins, T 3964.6 RAINALD I, alp. of Rheims. Epistolse. [Migne. Patrologiajv.150] 3460.28 RAINALD II, alp. of Rheims. Epistola: et diplo- mata. [Migne. Patrologite v.172] .... 3470.1 RAINARD. Instituta capituli generalis ordinis Cis- tcrciensis. [Migne. Patrologia? v.lSl] . . 3470.8 RAINBOW, E. Sermon at the funeral of Anne Clifford, countess of Pembroke, 1076. Car- lisle, 1809. pp.64. 8 *2443.16 RAINE, J. Historian Dunclmcnsis scriptorcs tres, G. de Coldingham, R. dc Graystanes, et W. de Chambre. London, 1839. 8. [Surtees society] *2417.9 RAINE, J., jr. Wills and inventories of the arch- deaconry of Richmond. Durham, 1853. 8. [Surtees society] *2417.25 RAINES, F. R. Derby household books [1561-90]. lbj:S. sm.4. [Chetham society, v. 31] . . *2415.12 Fragment illustrative of Dugdale's visitation of Lancashire. 1851. pp.8. sm.4. [Chet- ham society, v. 24] *2415.10 RAINIEH Sachon. De pauperibus de Lugduno. [Murtene. Thcs. nov. ancc. v.5] 2250.2 RAINSFORD, M. Historical account of the black empire of Hayti. [London,] 1805. 4" ... *2310.23 RALE, S. See Rasles, S. Shelf. No. RALEIGH, or Ralegh, SirW. Works, and lives by Oldys and Birch. Oxford, 1829. 8v. 8.*2590.13 Contents. Vol. I. The lives. II.- VII. History of the world. VIII. Maxims of state ; The cabinet- council, or the chief arts of empire; The prerogative of parliaments ; On a match between the lady Eliz- abeth and the prince of Piedmont ; On a marriage between prince Henry and a daughter of Savoy; Dis- course of war in general ; Discourse touching a war with Spain ; Discourse of the invention of ships, anchors, compass, etc. ; Observations on the navy and eea service ; Observations touching trade and com- merce, etc. ; Discovery of Guiana ; Apology ; Reign of William the first : On the seat of government ; Causes of the magnificency and opulency of cities ; The sceptic; Instructions to his son and to posterity ; Treatise of the soul; Discourse of tenures which were before the conquest ; Letters ; A relation of Cadiz action ; Spanish alarum ; Orders to commanders ; Advice of a loving son to his aged father ; Poems ; Appendix. Discovery of Guiana. Ed. by Sir R. H. Schom- burgk. London. 1848. 8. [Hakluyt soc.] . *2264.3 Historic of the world. London, 1000. f . . *2300.0 Poems. See Hannah, J 2ol9.1S Report of engagement near the Azores. [Pinkerton. Voyages, v.l] 2260.13 Ncwes of Sir Walter Rauleigh. [Force. Tracts, v. 3] 2223.3 RALPH, J. History of England, during the reign of William, with an introductory review of the reigns of the royal brothers Charles and James. London, 1744-40. 2v. f " . . *2510.2 RALPH. SeeRnoul, Rodolph. RALPIITON: or the young Carolinian of 1770. See Brisbane, A. U 2409.32 RAMADGE, F. II. Consumption curable. 1st Am. ed. New York, 1839. 1.8 3794.2 RAMAYANA, Extract from the. [Jones. Works, v.13] 2004.3 RAMBALDO Benvenuto da I mo la. See Benvcnuto da Imola. RAMBELLI, G. F. Collczione d'epigrafi italiane inedite. Lugo, 1829. pp.97, b' 2746.3 Intorno invenzioni e scopcrte italiauc. Mo- dena,1844. 2v. 8 *2192.1 See Bernabo Silorata, P. Prose e poesic di Italian! viventi, v.l . . . 4708.16 RAMBLER, The. See Johnson, S E.L'JD.I RAMBLER in N. America, ia32-:53. Latrobe, C. J. 230,'. 16 RAMBLES and reveries. Tuckerman, II. T. . . . 2409.33 RAMDOIIR, C. A. Vcrdauungswerkzeugc der In- Bekten. Halle, 1811. 4 *3892.8 RAMDOIIR, F. W. B. v. Ueber Mahlerci und Bildhauerarbeit in Rom. Leipzig, 17S7. 3v. 8 4064.11 RAMMELL, T. W. Reports on sewerage, supply of water, etc. [Great Britain. Board of health] v.5 of 7064.1 RAMMOIIUN Roy. Precepts of Jesus, extracted from the N. T. To which arc added, 1st, 2d, and final appeals in reply to Dr. Marshman. Boston, ISiS. 8 *3414.8 RAMOND do Carbonnieres, L. F. E. Memoire sur la formule barometrique do la mecuniquc celeste. Clermont-Ferrand, 1811. 4 . . **E. 211.9 Journey to the summit of Mt. Perdu. [Pink- erton. Voyages, v.4] 2260.13 RA3IPOLDI. Enciclopedia dei fanciulli. Kuova ed. Livorno, 1853. 10 *A.148.5 RAM Raz. Architecture of the Hindus. London, 1834. 4". [Oriental translation fund] . . . *3011.3 RAMSAY, Allan, b. 1085, d. 1758. Poems. New ed. with glossary and life. Lond. 1800. 2v. 8. 2008.7 Contents. Vol. I. Life ; Remarks on the genius and writings of Kamsay ; Verses addressed to Ilamsay j Serious poems ; Elegiac ; Comic ; Satiric ; Epijram- matical. II. Pastoral; Lyric; Epistolary; Fables and tales. The evergreen : Scots poems, wrote before 1000. Edinburgh, 1724. 2v. sm.10 . . . 2569.3 Tea-table miscellany : Scots sangs. 9th ed. London, 1733. 3v.ini. 16 2569.17 RAMSAY 666 HAND Shelf. No RAMSAY, Allan, son of the preceding, b. 1709, d. 1784. The investigator: four tracts. Lon- don, 1702-03. 8 2557.13 Contents. On ridicule : Elizabeth Canning ; Nat- uralization ; Taste. RAMSAY, D. Eulogium upon Benjamin Rush. Philadelphia, 1813. 8 2342.19 History of the American revolution. Dub- lin, 1795. 2v. 8 . . '. **E.223.12 History of the revolution of South Carolina. Trenton, 17S5. 2v. 8 *2325.10 RAMSAY, II. A. To the medical profession. [Ap- peal against Dr. F. M. Robertson. No title-page.] n.p. 1851. 12 *M.Pph.v.49 RAMSAY, James, vicar of Teston, in Kent. Treat- ment and conversion of African slaves in the British sugar colonies. Dubl. 1784. 12". 3573.35 RAMSAY, James, of Glasgow. The relief scheme considered. [Glasgow,] 1778. 8 .... *Pph.v.51 Review of Hutchinson's defence of the re- lief secession. Glasgow, 1779. 8 ... *Pph.v.51 RAMSAY, W. Trial of Maurice Margarot, for se- ditious practices, at Edinburgh, 1794. New York, n.d. 8 *Pph.v.303 RAMSBOTHAM, J. Observations in midwifery. London, 1821-32. 2v. 8 *3772.20 RAMSEY, J. G. M. Annals of Tennessee. Charles- ton, 1853. 8 2377.1 RAMSIIORN, J. G. L. Lateinische Grammatik. 2e Ausg. Leipzig, 1830. 2v. in 1. 8 2933.4 Lateinische Synonymik. Leipz. 1831-33. 2v. 8. 2933. 1 RAMUB, or La Ramec, P. Liber de militia C. J. Caesaris. [Gracvius. Thes. antiq. Rom.v.10]. 2950.1 Sur la reformation de 1'universit^ de Paris. [Lafaist. Arch. cur. hist. Fr. Scir.-l, v.5j. 2017.1 RAMUSIO, G. B. Navigation! ct viaggi. Vcnctia (Giunti), v.l, 15G3. v.2, 15&3. v.3, 1505. 3v. f. *22G0.2 Contents. Vol. I. Descrittioue dell" Africa, per Giouan Lioni africano; Navigatione di messer Alvige da Cadamosto [prcceduta da un discorso del Ramu- sio]; Navig. del capit. P. di Sintra scritta per il medes. Cadamosto ; Navigatione di Hannone nell' Africa, trad, dal Ramiuio ; Discorso del Ramusio sopra la navig. di Hannonc; Navigatione da Lisbona all' isola di San Thome, scritta per un pilotto portoghese; Dis- corso del Ramusio sulle navigation! de' Portoghcsi all* Indie orientali ; Navigatione di Vasco di Gama fatta nell' anno U'JT, scritta per vu gcntilhuomo fioren- tino; Navigation! del capitano Pedro Alvarez, da Lisbona a Calicut scritta per vn piloto portoghese j Lettere due di Amerigo Vcspvcci fiorentino al magnifi- co Pictro Soderini, di due sue viaggi, esommario delle dette sue navig. ; Navigatione verso le Indie orientali scritta per Thome Lopez ; Viaggio fatto nell' India per Giovanni da Empoli ; Itinerario di Lodovico Bar- thema bolognese [preceduto da un discorso del Ra- musio] ; Navigatione di lambolo mercatante anti- chissimo, trad, per il Ramusio dai libri di Diocloro siculo [cui succede un discorso del Ramusio sulla stcssa navig.] ; Lettere di Andrea Corsali fiorentino (precedute da un discorso del Ramusio] ; Viaggio nella Ethiopia fatto per Don Francesco Alvarez [prec. da un discorso del Ramusio] ; Obbedienza al papa Clemcnte vn, in nome del Prete Janni, per il prcfato Don Fr. Alvarez ; Discorso di Gio. Batt. Ramvsio sopra il crescer del fivme Nilo ; Risposta sopra il dctto cresc. del Nilo di M. Ilieron. Fracastoro ; La navigatione di Nearcho capitano di Alessandro Mag- no, la quale scrisse Arriano greco di Nicomedia [preceduta da un discorso del Ramusio] ; Viaggio di vn comito venetiano alia citta del Diu nella India ; La navigatione del Mar Rosso, scritta per Arriano [prec. da un disc, del Ramusio] ; Libro di Odoardo Barbosa portoghese [prec. da un discorso del Ramu- sio] ; Sommario di tvtti li regni, citta ct popoli dell* Indie orientali, tradotta dalla lingua portoghese ; Vi- aggio di Nicolb di Conti, venetiano, seritto per messer Poggio fiorentino [prec. da un disc, del Ramusio]; Vi- aggio di Ilieronimo da San Stefano genovese ; Epis- tola di Massimiliano transilvano sopra il viaggio fatto da gli Spagnuoli attorno il mondo [prec. da un disc, del Ramusio] ; Viaggio attorno il mondo fatto e de- scritto per M. Antonio Pigafetta vieentino, tradotto di lingua franccsa; Navigatione di un Portoghese compagno di Odoardo Barbosa, 1519 ; Discorso di M. Gio. Battista Rhamvsio sopra li viaggi delle spetierie ; Relatione di Ivan Gaetan pilotto castigliano del dis- coprimento dell' isole Molucche ; Informatione dell' Shelf. RAMUSIO, G. B. continued. Isola novamcnte scopcrta chiamata Giapan ; Capitoli stratti della historia del signer Giovan de Barros. IL Viaggi di messer Marco Polo gentilhuomo venetiano [con prefazione di Ramusio ed espositionc sopra le prime parole di Marco Polo] ; Historia del signer Hayton Armeno [prec. da un discorso del Ramusio] ; Narratione della vita ct fatti del signor Vssvncassano, fatta per Giouan Maria Angiolello; Viaggio d'un mer- cante che fu nella Persia ; Viaggio di M. losafa Barbaro alia Tana, e nella Persia; Viaggio di M. Ambrosio Contarini nella Persia ; Lettera d'Albcrto Campense intorno alle cose di Moscovia; Paolo Giovio delle cose della Moscovia a lui referte ; Commentari dclla Mus- covia di Sigismondo Libero barone in Ucrberstain ; Lettera d' Arriano della sva navigatione d'intomo al Mar Maggiore: Giorgio Interiano, genovese, della vita de'Zychi; Partedel trattato d'Ippocrate dell' aere.dell' acqua, ec. nella quale si ragiona de gli Scithi; Viaggio del mag. Piero Qvirino ; Naufragio del sopradetto P. Quirino dcscritto per Christoforo Fioravantc e Nicolb di Michiel ; Navigatione di Sebastiano Cabota ; C mcntarii del viaggio in Persia, ct delle gverrc persiane di M. Catcrino Zeno, il cavalliere ; Dello scoprimento dell' isola Frislauda, Eslanda, Engrovelanda, Estoli- landa et learia fatto per due fratelli Zeni, Nicolb U caualicre, e Antonio; Due viaggi in Tartaria, peralcu- ni frati dell' ordine minorc, e di S. Domenico; Viaggi del beato frate Odorico da Udine ; Descrittione della Sarmatia evropca del cavalliere Alessandro Gvagnino Veronese, tradotta dal Latino da Bartolommc Dionisi da i'auo, nella quale si discrivcno Polonia, Litvania, Prvssia, Livonia, Moscovia, e i Tartar! ; Mattheo di Micheovo, Descrittione delle due Sarmatie. IIL Dis- corso di G. B. Ramusio ; Sommario dell' Indie occiden- tali del 8. Don Pietro Martire ; Sommario dell" Indie occidental! del S. Gonzalo Fernando d'Ovicdo; Gene- rale et natvrale historia dell' Indie di G. Fern. d'Ovi- edo, in libri -0 ; Di Fernando Cortese relaiioni seconda, terza c quarta della Nuova Spagna ; Lettere due di Pietro d'Alvarado a Fernando Cortcse del discoprimento nella Nuova Spagna ; Relatione fatta per Diego Godoy dclla Nuova Spagna ; Relatione d'alcvne cose dclla Nuoua Spagna c della gran citta di Temistitan Messico, fatto per vn geutil'huomo del signor Fernando Cortese [con una carta del gran tcmpio, cd una dei laghi] ; Relatione che fece Alvoro Nunez detto Capo di vacca, delle Indie, e della Nuova Gallitia [dall 1 anno 1527 al 153G] ; Relatione di Nvnno de Gasman delle imprese per acquistare la Maggior Spagna ; Navigatione di Francesco Ulloa al marc dctto Venneio ; Francesco Vasquez di Coronado, Sommario di due sue lettere, del viaggio fatto da 1'ra Marco da Nizza alle sette citta di Cevola ; Lettera di Don Antonio di Mcndozza, del discoprimento della Terra forma dclla Nuova Spagna verso Trarnontana ; Relatione di fra Marco da Nizza, del viaggio a Cevola, reguo delle sette citta ; Relatione di Francesco Vas- quez di Coronado, del viaggio alle dette sette citta ; Navigatione di Fernando Alarchon per scoprire il regno delle sette citta ; Discorso di G. B. Ramusio sulla conquista del Peru ; Relatione d'un capitano spagnvolo della conqvista del Peril ; La conqvista del Peril et provincia del Cusco, scritta da Francesco di Xerez ; Relatione d'un secretario di Francesco Pizarro sulla conquista del Peru [con una carta di Cusco]; Kavigatione del grandissimo fiume Marag- non, scritta per il signer G. F. d'Ovicdo; Discorso di G. B. Ramusio sopra Lauorador, los Bacchalaos, e Nuoua Francia; Relatione di Giovanni daVerrazzano, della terra per lui scoperta, scritta in Dieppa a di 8 Luglio, 15-4 ; Discorso d'un gran cupitano di mare franccse, sopra le navigation! fatte alia Nuova Fran- cia [4 carte: La Nuova Francia, Brasil, La Frica, Su- matra]; la e 2a relatione di Jacques Carthier della Nuova Francia [con una carta di Ilochelaga]. [Prefixed to v.l are 3 maps, of Africa, of the East Indies, and of the great archipelago, all having the west at the right hand.] - Same. Venetia [Giunti], v.l, 1588. v.2, 1583. v.3, 1550. 3v. f *2270.9 Contents. Same as the preceding. De Nili incremento. [Fracastoro. Carmina, v.l] 2791.9 RANALLI, F. Storia delle belle arti in Italia. Fi- renze, 1845. 8. [Biblioteca dell' Ital. v.4].*4072.10 See Bernabo Silorata, P. Prose e poesie di Italian! viventi, v.l, 2, 7-9 4708.10 JAND, A. The new divinity tried ; examination of a sermon by Rev. C. G. Finncy, on making a new heart. [No title-page.] Bost. 1832. 8.*Pph.v.84 RAND 667 RATIIBAXD Shelf. No. RAND, E. S., jr. Life memories, and other poems. Boston, 1850. 12 2408.10 RANDEL, J. Description of a direct route for the Eric canal, at its eastern termination. Al- bany, 1S22. 8 *Pph.v.37 RANDOLPH, E. Impartial statement of the con- . troversy respecting- the decision of the late committee of canvassers, containing 1 the opinion of E. Randolph, etc. New York, 170-'. 8 *Pph.v.81 Vindication of Mr. Randolph's resignation. Philadelphia, 179.5. 8 '. . . *Pph.v.32 RANDOLPH, Jacob, M. n. Memoir on the life and character of P. S. Physick. Philadelphia, 18.39. 8 *M.Pph.v.34 RANDOLPH, John, of Roanoke. Speech on the non- importation resolution of Mr. Gregg. Al- bany, 1SOO. 8 *Pph.v.5 Speech, second, on the non-importation reso- lution of Mr. Gregg. [No title-page.] 8.*Pph.v.l Speech on retrenchment and reform. Wash- ington, 1823. 8 *Pph.v.71 - Same. 2d cd. Washington, 1828. S.*Pph.v.llG Biography. See Sawyer, L l'ph.v.10.5 Life. See Garland, II. A 2343.21 RANDOLPH, T. ""Poems, with the Muses looking glasse, Amyntas, and the Jealous lovers. 3d ed. London, 1040-43. em. 8 *2559.23 The Muse's looking-glass. [Dodslcy. Old plays, v.9J 2588.1 RANDWICK, Gloucestershire, Eng., Distressed weavers at. See Facts, etc 3570.00 RANFFT, M. Lcbcn Moritzens von Sachsen. Leipzig, 1751. 10 *2852.17 RANGAU,Der, seine Grafen,u. iiltcre Rechts-Orts- und Landesgeschichte. Haas, H 2830.5 RANGEK, W. Reports on sewerage, supply of water, etc. SeeGr. Britain. Board of health. 7004.1 RANIERI, A. Delia storia d'ltalia dal v al ix" secolo. Brussellc, 1841. 8 2717.1 RANKE, L. Scrvia and the Servian revolution, transl. by Mrs. A. Kerr. London, 1847. 8. 3005.2 RANKIN,M.H. Philosophy of Shakspcre. Lon- don, 1841. 12 2598.17 RANKING, J. Conquest of Peru, Mexico, etc., by the Mongols, in the 13th century. Lon- don, 1827. 8 2314.2 RANKING, W. H., and Radcliffe, C. B. Half-yearly abstract of the medical sciences. No. 1, 2, 5, 18, 19, 22, 24-30. Philadelphia, 18-15-59. 13v. 8 *5808.1 RANKS, Origin of the distinction of. Millar, J. . 35(15.22 RANKS of the people. Hcywood, S 3505.14 RANZANI, C. Element! di zoologia. Bologna, 1819-20. 13v. 8 *3890.19 See Opuscoli scientific! 3911.5 Contents. Vol.1. Dcscrizione di un animnlc che apparticuc ad un nuovo generc della classc dcgli un- ellidi ; Dcscrizione di una ntiova specie del gcncre arenicoladi Lamark; Descrizionedi una nuova specie del geuerc thalcsscma : Ossevarzioni su i balunidi. II. Osservazioni sopra un fossile chiamato scpite da Aldrovandi ; Osservazioni su i balanidi ; Dcscrizione di uu pesce, die appartienc ad uu nuovo generc dclla famigliadcitenioidi di Cuvicr; Osservazionisullimulo polifV'mo. III. Considcrazioni sul gcnere cledone di Leach, e sul modo di dcterminarne le specie; Consid- erazioni sui molluschi cefalopcdi che si trovano den- tro le conchiglie denominate Argonauti. IV. Sulla dentatura di una foca a venire bianco; Osserrazioni intorno ad una jena. RANZANO, P. De auctore, primordiis, et pro- gressu fclicis urbis Panormi. [Opuscoli di autori siciliani, v.9] 4764.1 Epitome rcrum Ungaricarum. [Schwandt- ner. Saript. rer. Ilungaric. v.l] 2S10.2 RAOUL, or Ralph, abp. of Canterbury. Epistola ad Calixtum H. [Migne. Patrologias v.103] . 3400.38 RAOUL, bp. of Douryes. Capitula. [Migne. Patro- logiae v. 119] 3400.2 RAOUL Ardent. Homiliie. [Migne. Patrologiae V.155] 3400.32 Shelf. No. RAOUL Glaber. See Glaber, R. RAOUL-ROCHETTE, D. See Rochette, D. R. RAOUL Tortairc. Miracula S. Benedict!. [Migne. Patrologiae v. 100] 3400.30 Miracles de Saint Benoit. See Adrcvald. 2030.8 RAOUL de Caen. Faits et gestes du prince Tau- crecle, pendant 1'expddition de Jerusalem, 109:>-1105. [Guizot. Coll. mem. hist. France, v.23] 2018.2 Gesta Tancredi in expeditione Hierosolymi- tana. [Martene. Thesaurus novusanec. v.3]. 2250.2 - Same. [Migne. Patrologiae v. 155] . . . 3400.32 - Same. [Muratori. Rerum Ital. script. v.5] 2710.1 RAOUL-LIC-VERD, abp. of Rheims. Epistolas ct diplomata. [Migne. Patrologiaj v.103] . 3400.33 RAOUL, or Rodolphe III, king of Burgundy. Dip- lomata. [Migne. Patrologise v.151] . . . 3400.29 RAOUL, Sire, or Rodolfo. De rebus gestis Fri- dcrici I in Italia commeutarius. [Muratori. Rerum Ital. script. v.G] 2710. 1 RAPHAEL : pages dc la viugtieme annee, roman. See Lamartine, M. L. A. P. de 2704.2 RAPHAEL d'Urbino. See Raflacllo Sanzio. RAPIER, G. C. Constitutionalist's scheme for amending the [reform] bill. Newcastle, 1832. 8 *Pph.v.310 RAPIN Thoyras, P. de. History of England, trausl. by N. Tindal. 3d cd. London, 1743- 47. 5v. f* *2410.1 RAPP, M. Grammatik des indisch-europai'schcn Sprachstammcs. Band I. Stuttgart u. TU- bigen, 1852. 8 2955.5 RAPP, W. v. Anatomische Untersuchungcn Uber die Edentaten. Tii bin gen, 1852. 4 ... . *3S71.31 DieCetaceen. Stuttgart u. Tubingen, 1837. 8. 3907.5J RAPPINI, G. Relazionc, e voto sopra il disscc- camento dclle paludi pontine. [Raccolta del moto dell' acque, v.7] C942.1 RAPPORT sur 1'etat actuel des prisons dans les de- partements du Calvados, de 1'Eure, de la Mauche, ct de la Seine-Inferieure, et sur la maison de correction de Gaillon. Londres, is.'o. 8 *Pph.v.73 RAPPORTS de 1'asile des aveugles de Lausanne, 1850-5:!. Lausanne, 1853, 54. 8 3591.17 KASCliiD-Ei.DiN, or Fadl-allah-Kaschid. Histoire des Mongols do la Perse, trad, par Quatrc- merc. [Persian and French.] v.l. f 8 . Paris, 1830. [Collection orientalc] .... *3010.1 RASLES, or Rale, S. Dictionary of the Abnaki language in N. A. Mem. and notes by J. Pickering, n.p. n.d. [Mem. of the Amcr. acad. New scries, v.l] 3370.7 RASORI, G., Delia vita di. See Chiappa, G. del . 2745.1 RASPAIL, F. V. Nouveau systeme dc chimie or- ganique. Paris, 1803. 8 3887.8 RASPI, L. Raccolta, nuova, di epigrafl italiane. Roma, 1828. 4" *2740.2 RASSELAS: a tale, by S. Johnson. [Ballantyne. Novelist's library, v.5] 2573.1 RASSMANN, C. F. Lexicon deutscher pseudony- mer Schriftsteller mit einer Vorrede von J. W. S. Lindner. Leipzig, 1&30. 8 ... 2158.2 RASTALL, W. D. History of Southwell, in the county of Nottingham. London, 1787. 4. 2501.7 RASTELL, J. The pastime of people, or chron- icles of divers people, especially of Eng- land, [1529.] London, 1811. 4 ...... *2521.3 RASTELL, W. A collection of entrees, etc. [Lon- don], 159$. f *3070.7 RASTHELLI, M. Memorie per servire alia vita di Leopoldo II, imp. dc' Romani. Italia, 1792. 8 2744.24 RASTRICK, J. An account of the nonconformity of the vicar of Kirkton. London, 1705. pp.52. 8 v.3 of *3525.14 RATBOD. See Radbod. RATHBAND, W. Confutation of the Brownists. London, 1044. pp.71 and XX. sm.4 .... *3456.27 RATHERIUS 668 RAY Shelf. No. RATIIERIUS, bp. of Verona. Opera omnia juxta ed. 1765 curantibus P. ct II. Balleriniis. Ace. J. P. Migne. Lutetia? Parisiorum, 1853. 4. [Mignc. Patrologias v.130] 3460.15 Contents. Mcditationeg cordis ; Vita sancti Ur- mari ; Conclusio dcliberativa Leodici ncta ; Phrene- sis; Confessio; Exhortatio ct prcccs i DC translatione corporis sancti Metronis ; Decrctum de clericis ab invasoreordinatis; De propriolapsu; Qualitatis con- jcctura ! Decretum ; Synodica ud presbj teros ; De nuptu ejusdam illicito s Privilegium Ottonis I i Judi- catum de clericis ibi rebcllibus ; Discordia inter ipsiuii Rutherium et clericos ; Apologeticus ; Testa- mcntum; Epistoke ; Sermoncs j Appendix. Ratherius von Verona und das zehnte Jahr- hundcrt. See Vogel, A 3557.4 RATHKE, M. H. Beitragc zur Geschichte der Thierwelt. Danzig, 1820-27. 2v. sm.4 . *3880.7 Beitriigc zur vergleichcnden Anatomic und Physiologic. Danzig, 1842. 4" *3884.7 Bildung und Entwickclung des Flusskreb- ses. Leipzig, 182D. f *5860.9 Bildungs-und Entwickclungs-Geschichte des Mensehen und der Tbicre. Leipzig, 1832-1(3. 2v. 4 *3881.7 Kicmenapparat und Zungcnbein der Wirbel- thicre. Riga und Dorpat, 1832. 4" .... *3902.5 DC salamandrarum corporibus adiposis, ova- riis, et oviductibus. Bcrolini, 1818. pp.21. 4. *3875.2 Zur Morphologic. Reisebemcrkungen aus Taurien. Riga und Leipzig, 1837. 4 . . . *3881.6 RATIONALISM. Galluppi, P. Razionalismo asso- luto c 1'idealismo transcendentale 3009.25 Stiiudlin, C. F. v. Geschichte des Rationalis- mus 3155.9 RATISBON. Schiiffer, J. C. Armpolypen iu den slisscn Wassern um R 3873.10 - Piscium Ratisbonensium pcntas 390G.2 RATPUT. See Radbut. RATRAMN, or Bertram, or Intram. De proedestina- tione Dei, ad Carolum Calvum libri duo ; De co quod Christus ex virgine natus est ; De corpore ct sanguine Domini ; Disscrtatio in librum do corpore et sanguine Domini, auctore J. Boilcau ; Contra Graecorum op- posita libri quatuor ; Epistolade cynoceph- alis. [Mignc. Patrologiae v.121] 3460.4 RATTLESNAKE, Fascinating faculty of the. Bar- ton, B. S 3875.11 RATZEBURU, J. T. C. Lcs hylophthires ct leurs ennemis, transl. par le comte dc Corbcron. Nouv. ed. Paris, 1847. 10" v. 2 of 3888.12 RAUCII, F. A. Psychology, including anthropo- logy. 3ded. New York, 1844. 12 . ... 5608.18 RAUMER, C. G. v. Das Gcbirge Nieder-Schlesiens, mit Karten. Berlin, 1819. 8 3862.26 Geognostische Fragmente. Niirnb. 1811. 8. 3802.27 RAUBIER, F. L. G. v. Beitrage zur neueren Ges- chichte. Leipzig, 1830-39. 5v. 12 .... 2299.3 Contents. Vol.1. Die Kunigiuncn Elizabeth und Maria Stuart. II. Konig Friederich II und seine Zeit, 1740-0:). III.-V. Europavom Ende dcs sieben- jahrigcn bis zura Ende des amerikanischen Krieges, 1703-83. Briefe aus Frankfurt und Paris, 1818-49. Leip- zig, 1849. 2v. 12 2299.5 Brioi'e aus Paris. Leipzig, 1831. 2v. 12 . . 2299.4 Bricfe Ubcr gesellschaftliche Fragen der Ge- gcuwart. Leipzig, 1850. pp.71. 12 ... 3509.26 England im Jahre 1835. Leipzig, ia30. 2v. 12. 2479.1 Geschichte Europas seit dem Ende des f Unf- zchtenJahrhunderts. Lcipz. 1832-50. 8v. 8. 2307.1 Historisches Taschcnbuch, 1830-57. Leipzig, 1830-57. 28v. 12 *2309.1 Political history of England during the 16th- 18th centuries, [transl. by II. E. Lloyd.] London, 1837. 2v. 8 2514.2 Vermischte Schriften. Leipz. 1852-54. 3v. 8. 2904.2 Contents. Vol. I. Rcden; Staatswissenschaftliche Aufsiltze; Erziihlungen; Gcschichtliche Scenen. II. Geschichtliche und kritische Aufsiitzc. III. Becen- Biorien; Theater und Musikj Spreu. Shelf. No. RAUMER, F. L. G. v. continued. Vorlcsungcn iiber die altc Geschichte. 2te Aufl. Leipzig, 1847. 8 2292.2 RAUMER, R. v. Die Einwirkung des Christrn- thums auf die althochdeutsche Sprache. Stuttgart, 1845. 8 3515.9 RAURACUS. Epistola. [Migne. Patrologise v.87]. 34-50. 18 RAUWOLF, L. Journey into the East. See Ray, J. 2203.2 RAVAGNAN, G. Elogio di Giuseppe Zarlinos. Ve- nezia, 1819. 12 *4049.41 RAVASINI, T. Delia coltivazione de' flchi. [Rac- coltadi pocmetti didascalici, v.5] 4779.8 RAVENNA. Mordani,F. VitediRavegnaniillustri. 2742.5 Rossi, G. Historiarum Ravcnnatum lib. dec. 2711.2 Sprcti, D. De amplitudine, evcrsione, et res- tauratione urbis llavcnnse 2760.5 RAVENSTONE, P. Funding system and its effects. London, 1824. 8 *3040.24 RAVERTA : dialogo d'amore. Betussi,G 4779.25 RAVEZ. SeeAnnalesdubarreaufrancais. Barreau niDil'Tnc, v. 11 3708.1 RAVOISIE, A. Beaux-arts, architecture, et sculp- ture de 1'Algorie. See France. Exploration de 1'Algerie 3054.2 RAWLE, W. Address before the Philadelphia so- ciety for promoting agriculture. Phila- delphia, 1819. 8 *Pph.v.24 RAWtEY, W. Life of Francis Bacon, baron of Verulam,etc. London, 1070. pp.17. f . . *2591.9 RAWLINGS, A. Eulogy on Daniel Webster before the students of the Albany medical college. Albany, 1852. 8 . . *Pph.v.l93.263 RAWLINSON, II. C. Assyrian liistory from cunei- form inscriptions, n.p. n.d. 8 3034.12 Cuneiform inscriptions of Babylonia and As- syria. London, 1850. 8 3034.12 Early history of Babylonia. Lond. 1851. 8. 3034.12 Persian cuneiform inscription at Behistun. London, 1846. 8 3034.11 Assyrian history from the inscriptions of Nineveh 3034.14 RAWLINSON, R. Reports on sewerage, supply of water, etc. See Great Britain. Board of health 7064.1 RAWLS, H., and Co. Catalogue of philosophical apparatus. Albany, 1839. 8 *Pph.v.l09 RAWSON, J. Compendium of military duty, col- lated from count Saxe, Stubcn, etc. 1st ed. Dover, N. II. 1793. 8" 3953.12 RAWSON, R. The screw propeller. London, 1851. pp.72. 8 3952.1 RAWSON, S. S. The Rawson family. Memoir of Edward Rawson and his descendants. Bos- ton, 1849. 8 *2333.15 RAY, I. Medical jurisprudence of insanity. 3ded. Boston, 1853. 8 3800.30 RAT, J. Collection of curious travels and voy- ages. 2d ed. London, 1738 v.2of*2263.2 Contents. Dr. Leonhart Rauwolf's journey into the eastern countries, transl. by Nicholas Staphorst ; Travels into Greece, Asia Minor, etc. from the obser- vations of Belon, Prosper Alpinus,Dr. Huntingdon, Mr. Vernon, Sir George Wheeler, Dr. Smith, .Mr. Greaves, and others ; Three catalogues of such trees, shrubs, and herbs, as grow in the Levant. Correspondence. Etl. by E. Lankester. Lon- don, 1848. 8. [Ray society, 12] *3824.14 English proverbs. 5th ed. By J. Belfour. London, 1813. 8 s *2584.8 English words not generally used, etc. Lon- don, 1074. 10 *25S6.38 Memorials, by Derham, Sir J. E. Smith, Cu- vier, and Dupetit Thouars. Ed. by E. Lan- kester. London, 1845. 8. [Kay society.] *3824. 13 Select remains, with his life by Derham ; pub- lished by G. Scott. London, 1760. 8. . .*3830.12 Three physico-theological discourses. 4th ed. London, 1732. 8 *3419.2 Contents. Primitive chaos; General deluge ; Dis- solution of the world. RAY 669 RECORD Shelf. No. RAY, J. continued. Travels through the Low Countries, Ger- many, Italy, and France, etc. 2d ed. Lon- don, 1738. 2v. 8 v.l of *2263.2 Wisdom of God in the works of creation. llth cd. Glasgow, 1744. 12 *34S5.22 RAY, R. Two lectures on classical literature. N. York, 1820. 8 *Pph.V.GO RAY society publications. 3v. f , and ISv. 8. A'amely . Agassiz, L. J. R. Bibliographia zoologiae et- geologiae. 1848-54. 4v *3824.1 Alder, J., and Hancock, A. Monograph of the British nudibranchiate mollusca, with figures of all the species. 1845-55 *3870.14 Baird, W. Natural history of the British en- tomostraca. 1850 *3824.2 Burmcister, H. Organization of trilobites. 184G 3870.13 Busk, G. Reports on zoology for 1843-44, translated from the German. 1847 .... *3S24.9 Darwin, C. Monograph on the sub-class cir- ripedia. 1851-54. 2v *3824.3, 4 Forbes, E. Monograph on the British naked- eyed medusae. 1S4S *3870.15 Henfrcy, A. Botanical and physiological memoirs. 1853 *3824.5 - Reports and papers on botany. 1849 . . *3S24.7 Lankester, E. Correspondence of John Ray. 1848 *3S24.14 - Memorials of John Ray. 1840 *3S24.13 Leighton, W. A. British species of angio- carpous lichens. 1851 *3824.10 Mcyen, F. J. F. Outlines of the geography of plants. 1840 *3S24.11 Okcn, L. Elements of physio-philosophy. 1847 *3S2K12 Reports and papers on botany. 1840 .... *3824.8 Reports on the progress of zoology and bot- any, 1841-42. 1845 *3824.C Steenstrup. Alternation of generations. 1845. *3824.15 RAYER, P. F. O. Diseases of the skin, with 400 illustrations, from 2d ed. with notes by J. Bell. Philadelphia, 1845. 4 *3790.24 KAYMOND, D. Elements of political economy. 2ded. Baltimore, 1823. 2v. 8" 3643.5 RAYMOND, E. Uistoire des peregrinations de Mo- liere dans le Langucdoc, d'apres des docu- ments inudits, 1042-58. Paris, 1858. 10. . 4607.14 RAYMOND, G. M. Essai sur la determination des bases physico-mathematiques de 1'art mu- sical. Paris, 1813. 8 *4049.14 RAYMOND, J. G. Life of Thomas Dermody. Lon- don, 1800. 2v. p. 8 2548.21 RAYMOND, X. Afghanistan. SeeDubeux, L. . . 2270.13 RAYMOND family. See Whitmore, W. H 2333.13 RAYMOND hill: a poem. Baldwin, J. D. .... 2407.17 RAYNAL, T. G. F. Etublissemcnts du commerce des Europecns dans les deux Indcs. Gen- eve, 1783. lOv. 8. Atlas, 4 *2303.2 - Same. Nouv. ed. Paris, 1820-21. 12v. 8. Atlas, 4 *2303.3 Settlements of the Europeans in the East and West Indies. London, 1788. 8v. 8" ... 2312.3 Histoire du parlcmcnt anglais. [Falsely as- cribed to Louis Bonaparte.] Paris, 1820. 8. 2514.10 RAYNALD, O. See Rinaldi, O. RAYNAUO, T. DC pileo, cseterisque capitis tegmin- ibus, tarn sacris. quam profanis. [Graevius. Thcs. autiq. Rom. v.O] 2950.1 RAYNEK, J. Cod-liver oil : its uses, administra- tion, etc. London and N. Y. 1849. 8.*M.Pph.v.45 RAYNEVAL. See Gerard de Rayneval, J. M. RAYNOLDS, F. Sermon preached at Hollis, N. H., 1804. Amherst, 1804. 8 *Pph.v.256 RAYNOUARD, F. J. M. Histoire du droit munici- pal en France. Paris, 1829. 2v. 8 .... 3037.3 RE, F. Dizionario ragionato di librid'agricoltura, veterinaria, e di altri rami d 1 economia cam- pestre. laed. Venezia, 1808-9. 4v. 16 . *2172.10 Shelf. No. RE, F. continued. H giardiniere avviato nell' escrcizio dclla sua professione. Milano, 1*08. 2v. sm.8 . . 3993.13 L' ortolauo dirozzato. Milano, 1811. 2v. 8. 3992.25 Manuale del giardiniere florista, arricchito di moltissime aggiuntc. Milano, 1854. 10 . . 4003.27 Nuovi elementi di agricoltura. 2a ed. Mi- lano, 1818-20. 4v. sm.S" 3993.14 Saggio di bibliografia gcorgica. Venezia, 1802. 8 *2172.7 RE, Z. La vita di Cola di Rienzo, conun comento sulla canzone del Petrarca: Spirito gentil. Firenzc, 1854. 12 2749.10 READ, C. American pleader's assistant. Phila- delphia, 1800. 8 3034.4 READ, H. F. Dramatic poems. Boston, 1848. 8. 2405.1 READ, J. Appeal to the medical profession on the utility of the improved patent syringe. London, [1824]. 8 *M.Pph.v.l5 Vindication of Read's patent syringe. Lon- don, n.d. 8 *M.Pph.v.l20 READINC;, Lcrlc^Uire, Eng. Coates, C. History and antiquities of 2501.5 READING, Hints respecting. See Westerly, R. I. Pawcatuck library association 2136.17 REAL advantages, especially in the colonies, of conforming to the church of England, n.p. 17ti2. 12 *3458.77 REAL estate. Sec Buildings, Conveyancer, Flats, Heirs at law, Landlord, Land titles, Mort- gage, Property, Purchasers, Rent, Sales, Succession, Tenants, Tide waters, Vendors, Wharf property. REAL property, Law of vendors and purchasers of. Ililliard, F 3673.1 REALI di Francia, con la bellissima istoria di Bu- ovo di Antona, [pubblicatc da B. Gamba]. Nuovaed. Venezia, 1821. 8 2773.10 REAPING machines, Specifications of patents for. See Gt. Britain. Commissioners of patents. REASON. Allen, . R. the only true oracle. . 3485.13 Kant, E. Critick of pure R 3002.3 REASONABLENESS of regular singing, or singing by note. Boston, 1720. pp.22. 16 . . . . *3459.40 REASONING, Lessons on. Whatcly, R 3608.13 REASONS against a new bridge from Charlcstown to Boston. Boston, 1825. 8 *Pph.v.:;:;2 REASONS against the repeal of the usury laws. London, 1825. 8 3646.24 REASONS in favour of the erasure of the law which forbids a man to marry his deceased wife's sister. By Clericus. New York, 1*27. 8 .*Pph.T.68 REBAULD de La Chapelle, or Ribauld de Roche- fort, J. See Leber, J. M. C. Coll. diss. hist. France 2618.1 Contents. Vol. I. Dissertation sur 1'origine des Francs. VII. Sur la milice des aucicns Francs; Dons gratuita dc la noblesse franjaise sous la premiere race. REBOUL, J. Poesies, [et] Le dernier jour, poeme. Paris, 1842. 2v. in 1. 16 2689.4 Poesies nouvelles. Paris, 1846. 10 L' RECALLED voices of the past. Locke, J. E. . . 2398.34 RECENT attempt to defeat the constitutional pro- visions in favour of religious freedom, in reference to Hanover-street church. Bos- ton, 1828. 8 *Pph.v.268 RECHTEREN, S. van. Voyage aux Indes orient- ales, 1628-33. [Constantin. Recueil des voy- ages, v. 5] 2277.12 RECHTLICHE und faktische Darstellung in Beant- wortung der vom 31 Dec. 18o8, bekunnt gcmachten Darstellung und Dcnkschrift. 2te Abth. Regcnsburg, 1839. 8 3463.4 RECK, von, and Bolzius. Voyage to Georgia. [Force. Tracts, v.4] 2323.3 RECOLLECTIONS of a chaperon. Brand, B. . . . 2576.26 RECORD commission, Publications of the. See Great Britain 7040.1 RECREATIVE 670 REED Shelf. No. RECREATIVE arts. Comte, L. C. E. A. Nouveau manucl complct des sorciers 4001.28 Foutcnclle, or Julia do Fontenelle, J. S. E. Nouveau manuel dc physique amusante . 4001.25 Oppianus. De venatione, piscatione, et au- cupio 2004.16 Smith, 11. Festivals, games, and amusements. 4001.24 See also : Angling, Archery, Calisthenics, Cards, Chess, Dancing, Hunting, Magic, Rural sports, Sports. RECTUM. Ashton, T. J. Diseases of the . . . . 3790.34 Bushe, G. Diseases of the 3790.30 Copeland, T. Diseases of the 3790.32 Curling-, T. B. Diseases of the 3790.33 Dupuytren, G. Diseases of the 3714.5 White, W. Strictures of the M.Pph.v.90 RECUPERATI, P. See Dati, C. Proso fiorentine, v.O. 2787.1 RED book. Webster, W. and A 2485.20 RED eagle, The : a poem. Meek, A. B 2398.10 RED jacket, or Sa-go-ye-wat-ha, Life and times of. Stone, W. L 2366.1 RED river, Examination of the elevated country between the Red river and Missouri. Feather stonhaugh, G. W 3862.16 Exploration of. Marcy, 11. B 2376.15 RED river colony, British America, Journal during a residence at. West, J 2362.8 RED sulphur spring of Virginia. Huntt, H. . . 2374.7 REDCLIFFE church, Bristol, Architectural essay relating to the. Britton, J 4102.3 REDDIE, J. Historical view of the law of marl- time commerce. Edinburgh, 1841. 8* . . . 3G62.12 Inquiries in international law. 2d ed. Edin- burgh, 1851. 8 3615.4 REDDING, C. History and description of modern wines. 3d ed. London, 1851. p. 8" .... 4003.33 REDDITI, P. Exhortatio ad Pctrum Medicem, in magnanimi sui parentis imitatiouem. [Lami. Delicioe eruditorum, v.12]. 4747.1 REDE, L. T. Art of money getting. Boston, 1832. 18" 3648.23 REDEMPTION, History of. Edwards, J 3428.7 See also: Salvation. REDEMPTION of man. Sykes, A. A 3456.12 REDEN, F. W. O. L. v. Das Konigreich Hanno- ver. Hannover, 1839. 2v. 8 2837.3 Die Staaten in Stromgebiet des La Plata, in ihrer Bedeutung fur Europa. Darmstadt, 1852. 8 2364.12 REDFIELD, J. W. Comparative physiognomy. New York, 1853. 8 3600. 18 REDFIELD, W. C. Account of two visits to the mountains in Essex county, N. Y. in 1836 and 1837. [No title-page.] 8. [Silliman. Journal of science, v.33] *Pph.v.lOO Courses of hurricanes, with notices of the tyfoons of the China sea, and other storms. [No title-page.] 8. ['Silliman. Journal of science, v.35] *Pph.v.l04 Gales and hurricanes of the western Atlantic. [No title-page. 1835.] 8. [United States naval magazine] *Pph.v.96 Observations on the storm of Dec. 15, 1839. [No title-page.] 8. [Trans. Amer. phil. soc. 1841] *Pph.v.l25 On the prevailing storms of the Atlantic coast, n.p. n.d. 8. [Silliman. Journal of science, v.20] *Pph.v.84 On three hurricanes of the American seas, and their relations to the Northers. [New Haven, 1840.] 8. [Silliman. Journal of science, 2d series, v.l, 1846] *Pph.v.l54 Remarks on Mr. E spy's theory of centripetal storms. [New York, 1839. No title-page.] 8. [Journal of the Franklin institute.] *Pph.v.l09 Reply to Mr. Espy, on the whirlwind charac- ter of certain storms. [No title-page.] 8. [Journal of the Franklin institute] . . . *Pph.v.98 Shelf. No. REDFIELD, W. C. continued. Reply to Dr. Hare's objections to the whirl- wind theory of storms. [New York, 1842. No title-page.] 8. [Silliman. Journal of science, v. 42] *Pph.v.l25 Reply to Dr. Hare's further objections rr-lat- ing to whirlwind storms. New York, 1842. [No title-page.] 8. [Silliman. Journal of science, v.43] *Pph.r.l27 Tornado which visited New Brunswick, N. J., June 19, 1835. New York, 1841. [No title- page.] 8. [London, Edinburgh, and Dub- lin philosophical magazine] *l'ph.v.l25 REDFOKD, G. Holy Scripture verified. London, 1853. 12". [Congregational lectures] . . . 3485.19 and Riches, T. H. History of Uxbridgc [Eng- land]. Uxbridge, 1818. 8 2505.5 REDGRAVE, S. Official handbook of church and state. New and rev. ed. London, 1855. 12 2485.14 REDI, F. Opere. [ Vita di Redi,dall' abate S. Sal- vini.] Milano, 1809-11. 9v. 8 *2800.18 Contents. Vol. I. Vita; Bacco in Toscana, diti- rambo; Annotazioni. II. Sonetti; Giunta di varie poesie ; Etimologie italianc ; Lettera intorno all' in- vcnziune dcgli occhiali. III. Esperienzc intorno alia generazione degl' insetli ; Osservazioni intorno agli animali viventi che si trovano negli animali viventi ; Osservazioni intorno a' pcllicelli del corpo uraano, altre volte pubblicate eotto '1 nome del dottor Gio- vancosimo Bonomo. IV. Esperienzc intorno a di- verse cose natural!, c particolarraente a quclle che cl son portate dull' Indie ; Osservazioni intorno alle vipere, ccc. ; Osservazioni intorno a quclle gocciole e fili di vgtro, che rotte in qualsisia part , tutte quante si stritolano; Esperienzc intorno aquell'acqua, che si dice, che stagna Bubito tutti quanti i flussi del sangue che sgorgano da qualsisia partc del corpo ; Esperienzc intorno a' sail fattizj ; Lettere. Y.-V1U. Lettere. IX. Consult! medici. Lettere familiari. Reggio, 1827. 16" .... 4748.3 Poesie toscane. Fircnzc, 1822. 8 2800.17 Contentn. Elogio i Bacco in Toscana i Arianna malata; Sonetti; Giunta di varie poesie; Madrigale ; Altra giunta ; Sonetti di Redi e di altri ; Ode. Poesie toscane. Firenze, 1824. 16 4779 a. 2 Contents. Vita, scrittada Salvino Salvini; Elogio; Bacco in Toscana ; Ariauna malata ; Sonetti. Bacco in Toscana. [Parnaso italiano, v.40] . 2769.2 Lettere. See Borghini, M. S 2794.17 Rime inedite. See Allori, A 2794.4 Voci, maniere di dire, ecc., per la maggior parte del R. See Pasta, A 2782.1 REDMAYNE, R. Vita Henrici v. [Cole. Memo- rials of Henry v] 2414.11 REDUSIO de Quero, A. Chronicon Tarvisinum, 1308-1428. [Muratori. Rerum Ital. script.] v.19 of 2710.1 REECE, R. Practical observations on the rhatany root. London, 1808. 8" *M.Pph.v.l REED, A., and Matheson, J. Visit to the Amer- ican churches. London, 1835. 2v. 12*. . 3344.13 REED, James. Poem. See Bridgewater, Mass. celebration 2:550.6 REED, John. Short apology for infants. [On infant baptism.] Poughkecpsic, 1816.. 8 ... *Pph.v.36 REED, S. Growth of the mind. Boston, 1820. 8 *Pph.v.247 - Same. Boston, 1838. 12 3008.17 - Same. 4th ed. Boston, 1841. 12 . ... 3008.16 REED, T. C. Christian consolation: a sermon oc- casioned by the death of Mrs. S. M. Potter. Schenectady, 1839. 8" *Pph.v.l07 Discourse on the character of the late Ches- ter Averill. Schenectady, 1837. 8 ... *Pph.v.99 REED, W. B. Address before the historical society of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, 184S. 8.*Pph.v.l60 The infancy of the union : a discourse before the New York historical society. Phila- delphia, 1840. 8 *Pph.v.l35 Oration on the reinterment of general Hugh Mercer. Philadelphia, 1840. 8 ... .*Pph.r.l35 REE3 671 REGNARD Shelf. No. REES, A. Cyclopaedia, or universal dictionary. 1st Amer. ed. Philadelphia, n.d. 47v. -1. *A. 145.1, **E. 121.1 Contents. Vol. I. A Alz. II. Ama Ark. III. Arl-Bar. IV. Bar-Bla. V. Bla Bun. VI. Bun Cap. VII. Cap-Cha. VIII. Cha Cla. IX. Cla Con. X. Con Cra. XI. Cra Dog. XH. Deg Due. XIII. Due Epi. XIV. Epi Fen. XV. Fen-Fre. XVI. Fre-Gib. XVII. Gib-Gyp. XVIII. Gyp Hoo. XIX. Hoo Ins. XX. Ins Kzi. XXI. L. Lin. XXII. Lin Mag. XXm. Mag Mbo. XXIV. Mi-a Mon. XXV. Slon New. XXVI. New Oxf. XXVII. Oxf-Per. XXVIII. Per Pla. XXIX. Pla Pro. XXX. Pro Ref. XXXI. Ref Ros. XXXII. Ros-Sat. XXXIII. Sat She. XXXIV. She-Spa. XXXV. Spa-Stu. XXXVI. Stu Tes. XXXVII. Tea Tro. XXXVUI. Tro Vit. XXXIX. Vit Wat. XL. Wat- Yam. XLI. Yam Zyt. Plates: XLII. Agriculture; Astronom- ical instiuments. XLIII. Basso relievo; Horology. XLIV. Hydraulics; Naval architecture. XLV. Nav- igation; Writing by cipher. XL VI. Natural history. XL VII. Ancient and modern atlas. REES, E. Sketches of the horrors of war, selected from Labaume [etc.]. London, 1818. 8.*I'ph.v.254 REES, G. Observations on diseases of the uterus. London, [1805.] 8 *3I.Pph.v.l24 REES, G. O. Analysis of the blood and urine. Philadelphia, 1S48. 8 3803.30 Diseases of the kidney, connected with mor- bus Brightii. London, 1850. 8" 3740.53 REES, T. South Wales. [Brayley. Beauties of England and Wales] v. 18 of 2400. 1 REESE, D. 31. Introductory lecture at the opening of the Albany medical college, in the ana- tomical theatre, Jan. 2, 183U. Albany, IN :;.>. 8 *M.Pph.v.32 Introductory lecture before the Albany med- ical college, Oct. 1st, 1830. Albany, 1839. 6 *M.Pph.Y.33 Review of the first annual report of the American anti-slavery society. New York, 183-1. 8 *Pph.v.91 REEVE, C. Old English baron, with a memoir of the author. [Ballantyne. Novelist's lib. v. 5.] 2573.1 REEVE, L. Couchologist's nomenclator. See Cat- low, A 3882.9 REEVES family. See Whitmore, W. H 2333.13 REFLECTIONS on the character and public services of Andrew Jackson, with reference to his qualifications for the presidency. N. York, 1828. 8 *Pph.v.70 REFLECTIONS on the proclamation of July, 1783, relative to the trade between the U. S. and the W. I. islands, n.p. n.d. pp.41. 8". . *2324.51 REFLECTIONS upon a letter [Shaftesbury's] con- cerning enthusiasm. London, 1709. 8. *Pph.v.31 REFLECTIONS upon the present state of the cur- rency in the United States. Boston, 1837. pp.34. 8 **E. 110.8 REFORMATION. Gelzer, H. Sketch of the . . . 3554.1 Robinson, II. Letters relative to the English R., 1537-53 3503.22 - Zurich letters, 1558-1002 3493.15 Rossctti,G. Sullo spirito antipapale che pro- dusse la riforma 3517.3 Spalding, M. J. D'Aubigne's R. examined . 3518.3 Villers, C. Esprit et influence de la refor- mation 3403.10 - Spirit and influence of the 34C3.9 Waddington, G. History of the R. on the continent 3516.4 See also: Albigenses, Huguenots, Protestantism, Waldenses. Also the names of protestant nations in Europe. REFORMATION of criminals. Vilianxiin, J. J.P. Memoirc sur les moyens de corriger lea mali'aiteurs 3575.6 REFORMED protestant Dutch church, History of. Dumarcst, D. D 3544 20 REFORMED protestant Dutch church in North America. Board of education. Address to the churches. [1828.] 8. [No title-page.] *Pph.v.74 Shelf. No. REFORMED protestant, etc. continued. Board of domestic missions. Annual report, 5th, 19th, with an appendix. New York, 1851. 8" *Pph.v. 74,196 General synod. Acts and proceedings, 1812, 1-1-28, 35, 41, 43-18. Albany, etc. 1812-48. 8. *Pph.v.4, 9, 13, 15, 20, 47, 53, 59, 74, 108, 125, 133, 138, 140, 150, 163, 166 Missionary society. Report of a committee appointed by the board of managers, n.p. 1831. 8 *Pph.v.84 REFORMED Virginian silk-worm. [Force. Tracts, v.3] 2323.3 REFORMERS before the reformation. Ullmann, C. 3514.10 REFRACTION. Lubbock, J. W. Astronomical re- fractions 3922.10 Margetts, G. Longitude tables for correct- ing the effect of 3910.1 REFRACTION tables. Bessel, F. W E.210.8 REGENERATION. Barbauld, A. L. Discourse on being born again Pph.v.255 Doddridgc, P. Practical discourses on ... 3459.47 Rand, A. Examination of a sermon by C. G. Fiuncy, on Pph.v.84 REGENSBURG. See Ratisbon. REGICIDES. Stiles, E. History of the judges of king Charles I 2329.23 REGIMEN. Cheync, G. Essay on 3707.13 Robertson, W. II. Treatise on 37ii0.13 Willich, A. F. 31. Lectures on 3700.20 See also : Bathing, Diet, Drmk, Food. REGINALD. De admiraudis beati Cuthbcrti virtu- tibus. London, 1835. 8". [Surtees soc.] . *2417.1 De vita et miraculis S. Godrici, heremitae de Finchale. London, 1847. 8. [Surtees soc.J *2417. 19 REGINO, abbot of Prum. Chrouicou ; De cccle- siasticis discipliuis et religione Christiana; Stephani Baluzii notae ad librum Regiuonis, de ecclcsiasticis discipliuis ; Appendix ; De harmonica iustitutioue. [3Iiguc. Patrolo- giae v.132] 3460.11 De harmonica institutionc.- [Gerbcrt von Hornau. Scriptores cedes, dc musica sacra, v.lj 4041.7 REGISTER of all officers of the United States ; civil, military, and naval. See United States C. 153. 2,3,5, 6 REGISTRAR-GENERAL'S reports of births, deaths, and marriages in England. See Great Brit- ain. Civil departments 3339.1 REGISTRES des baptesmes ct sepultures qui se sont fails au fort Duquesue, 1753-50. New York, 1859. sm.4 2311.29 REGISTRUM Wiltuuense, Saxonicum, et Latinum, 8'J'.!-1W5. Illust. Ingram, Turner, Fosbroke, Phillipps, Iloare. Londiui, 1827. pp.50, f. *2500.5 RBGNANI, F. La democrazia cattolica c la repub- blica romaua. Roma, [1850.] 12 4745.4 REGNARD, J. F. CEuvres. Paris, 1819. 4v. 8 . *270t).3 Contents. Vol. I. Notice sur Itcgnard; Catalogue des comedies de Kcgnard ; Lo serenade ; Le bal ; Le joueur ; Le distrait ; Attcndez-moi sous 1'orine. U. Democrite ; Le retour imprevu ; Les folieg amourc'uscs ; Lc manage de la folie, divertissement ; Les menechmes, ou les jumeaux : Epitre a M. Despreaux ; Prologue. HI. Le legataire univer- scl; Le critique du Itgatairu; Les souhaits; Lea ven- dunges ; Sapor, tragidie ; Le curnaval de Venise, ballet ; Orfeo ncll' inferno, opera ; Le bal, divertisse- ment ; Poesies diverses. IV. La Proveneale, ojuvre posthume ; Voyages de Normandie, de Chaumont, de Flandre et de Uollande, du Dautmarck, de la Suede, dc Laponie, de Pologne, d'Alleinagne. Theatre, suivide ses voyages. Paris, 1851. 12. 4078.28 Contents. Theatre: Le bal; Le joueur ; Le distrait; Le retour imprevu; Les folios amo ircuses; Lcs muu- echmes ; Le ligataire universel ; Democrite ; Frag- ment; Poesies diverses : Epitrcs ; Stances; Sonnet 5 Chanson; CEuvres en prose: LaProvenffale; Voyages en Laponie, en Flandrc et en Uollande, en Daumark et en Suede. Journey to Lapland. [Pinkerton. Voyages, v.l] 2260.13 REGNAULT 672 REISKE Shelf. No. REGNAULT, E. Mysteres diplomatiqucs auxbords du Danube. Paris, 1858. 8 3005.12 Labaumc, J., Lacroix, F., and Denys, J. F. Antilles ; Suite des Etats-Unis ; Possessions anglaiscs dans 1'Amerique du nord ; Lea Californies. Paris, 1849. 8. [L'Univcrs.] *2266.6 REGNAULT, H. V. Cours elementaire dc chimie. 4eed. Paris, 1853. 4v. 12 3976.10 Elementary treatise on crystallography. Lon- don, 18:18. pp.70. 8 3805.8 REGNIER, M. CEuvres completes, [avec] La satire en France par Viollet Le Due. Paris, 1853. 10 2069.28 REGOLE e osservazioni di varj autori intorno alia lingua toscana. Firenze, 1725. 2-1 .... *2786.30 REHOBOTH, Mass., History of. Bliss, L. jr . . . 2356.4 REICHARDT, J. F. Briefe die Musik bctreffend. Frankfurt, 1774-70. 2v.ini. 10" *4059.13 GeistdesmusikalischenKunstmagazins. Ber- lin, 1701. 12 *4048.7 Liebe nur begliickt. Ein deutsches Singe- schauspiel. Berlin, 1781. 12 *4048.7 Musikalischer Almauach. Berlin, 1796. sm. 24 *4059.43 Ueber die Pflichtcn dcs Ripien Violinisten. Berlin und Leipzig, 1776. 8 *4049.52 Vertraute Briefe aus Paris, 1802-3. 2e Aufl. Hamburg, 1805. 3v. 10 *4048.6 Vertraute Briefe geschrieben auf einer Reise nach Wien u. den osterreichischen Staa- ten, [1808-9]. Amsterdam, 1810. 2v. 10. *4048.5 Studien fur Tonkiinstler und Musikfreuude. See Kunzen, F. L. A 4052.51 REICHEL, C. T. F. De usu epiglottidis. Berolini, 1810. pp.26. 8" *M.Pph.v.ll3 REICHENBACII, C. v. Der sensitive Mensch. Stuttgart und Tubingen, 1854-55. 2v. 8 . 3765.21 REICHERT, C. B. Beitriige zur Kcnntniss des Zustandes der heutigen Entwickelungs- Geschichte. Berlin, 1843. 8" 3884.2 Entwickclungsgeschichte des Kopfes der nackten Amphibien. Konigsbcrg, 18:58. 4".*3870.34 Entwickelungsleben im Wirbelthier-Rcich. Berlin, 1840. 4 *3870.33 REICIILIN-MELDEGG, C. A. F. v. H. E. G. Pau- lus und seine Zeit. Stuttgart, 1853. 2v. 8 2846.3 Die deutschen Volksbiicher von J. Faust, und Christoph Wagner. [Scheible. Der Schatzgriiber, v.6,7, 8] 2889.2 REICHSTADT, Le due de. See Napoleon u . . . . 2042.8 REID, A. Dictionary of tbe English language. llth ed. Edinburgh, 1850. 12 2584.25 REID, John, M. D. Essays on insanity, hypo- chondriasis, etc. London, 181C. 8 .... 3800.36 REID, John, bookseller at Glasgow. Political ca- reer of the earl of Durham, [ J. G. Lamb- ton.] Glasgow, 1835. 12 2458.13 REID, R. Hydrochloruret of lime, a remedy in certain stages of fever and dysentery. Dub- lin, 1827. 8 *M.Pph.v.l9 Nature and treatment of hydrophobia. Dub- lin, 1817. 8 *M.Pph.v.S7 REID, Thomas, 6. 1710, d. 1795. Works, with life by D. Stewart. Charlestown, 1813-15. 4v. 8 3001.8,**E.215.2 Contents. Vol. I. Account of Aristotle's logic ; Inquiry into the human mind. II.-I1I. Essays oil the intellectual puwers. 1II.-IV. Active powers of the mind. Intellectual and active powers. Philadel- phia, 1793. 2v. 8 3603.10 REID, Thomas. Treatise on clock and watch- making. 5th ed. Glasgow, 1854. 8" .... 4023.2 REID, W. Attempt to develop the law of storms. London, 18:58. 8" 3964.1 REIFFENBERG, F. A. F. T. v. Correspondance de Marguerite d'Autriche, avec Philippe n, suivie des interrogatoires du comte d'Eg- mont. Bruxelles, 1842. 1.8 *2841.2 Shelf. No. REIFFENBERG, F. A. F. T. v. continued. Monuments pour 1'histoire de Namur, de Hainaut, et de Luxembourg. Vols. I, iv.- VIII. Bruxelles, iMl-ls. i;v. 4. [Belgium. Collection de chroniques beiges inedites] . *2811.6 Histoire des troubles des Pays-Bas. See Vynckt, L. J. J. van d?r 2815.6 Notice biographique. See Heuschling, X. . 2845.1 REIMARUS, II. S. Die besondern Artcn der thier- ischen Kunsttriebe. Hamburg, 1773. sm.8. *3909.7 Ueber die Triebe der Thiere. 4e Ausg. Ham- burg, 1798. 8 *3907.1 REIMBALD. Epistola ad omnes fideles. [Bouquet. Rccueil] v. 15 of 2610.1 Epistolae. [Migne. Patrologioe v.102]. v.2 of 3400.37 REIJIES, P. dc. The romance of Blonde of Ox- ford and Jehan of Dammartin. Ed. by M. Leroux de Lincy. [Lond.] 1858. 4. [Cam- den soc. 71] *2426.15 REIMNITZ, F. W. Leitfaden zu einem wisscnsch. Unterrichte in der deutschen Grammatik u. Literatur. 2e Ausg. Cottbus, 1844. 8 . 2884.8 REIMS, or Rhcims, Archives de la ville de. Va- rin, P 2610.3 REINEK, or Rayner. De Claris scriptoribus mo- nasterii sui ; Commentatio in novem ante- natalitias antiphonas ab O ordientes ; Spec- ulum poenitentiae seu vita S. Pclagioe ; Pal- marium virginale, seu vitaet passio S. Maria Virginia Cappadocis ; De conflictu duorum ducum ct animarum ; De adventu reliqui- arum S. Laurentii martyris ; Triumphale Bulonicum; Vita Euracli Leodiensis epis- copi ; Vita Reginardi Leodiensis episcopi ; De casu fulminis super ecclesiam monas- tcrii sui ; Libellus gratiarum actionis ad B. Laurent him ; De incendio ecclesiae S. Lam- bert i Leodiensis ; Lacrymae ; De profectu mortis ; Vita S. Wolbodonis Leodiensis episcopi. [Migne. Patrologiae v.204] . . . 3470.26 REINIIAUD. Opusculum de familia Winzenbur- gensi et Reinhardi episcopi Halbcrstadensis. [Leibnitz. Script, rer. Brunsvic, v.l] . . . 2810.3 REINHAKD, F. V. Biographic. See Pulitz, C. H. L. 2847.10 REINOHL, W. v. Die gute alte Zeit geschildert. [Scheible. Das Kloster, v.O] 2889.1 REISCII, G. Margarita philosophica. Friburgi, 1503. 4 *4047.10 - Same. Argentorati, 1508. 4 *4047.9 REISET, J. Annuaire de chimie. See Millon, E. 3086.1 JUBISKE, J. J. Apparatus critici ad Dcmosthcnem. Lipsiae, 1774-75. 3v. 8. [Oratores Graeci, v.9-11] *2967.2 Contents. Vol. I. Hieronymi Wolfii et Johannis Taylori ad oratorem annotationes. II. "Wolfii, et partiiu Taylori quoque annotationes ad orationcs cas, quo3 voluraen secundum editionis Lipsiensig im- plent: turn propriaa quoque J. J. Rciske annotationes ad Demosthenem, ab coque collects rarietates lec- tionis. III. J. J. Reiske reliquse ad Demosthenem annotationes ab eoquc collcctse, varietates lectionU. Indices operum Demosthenis. Lipsiae, 1775. 8. [Oratores Graeci, v.12] *2967.2 Lebensbeschreibung, von ihm selbst. Leip- zig, 1783. sm.8 2846.13 Oratorum Graecorum quae supersunt. Lipshc, 1770-73. 8v. 8" *2967.2 Contents. Vol. I, n. Demosthenes, cum scholiis et var. lect. III.^Eschines, cum scholiis, notis et var. lect. IV. Var., lect., adnot., et ind. ad uschinem ; C. F. Matthaei, de ..-Eschine oratore ; Dinarchi oratt. in ; Lycurgi oratio cum adnot. ; Hauptmanni dissert, de Demade ; Andocidis oratioues iv, cum adnot. et epi- logis; Zosirni Ascalonitae et anonymi vitas Demosthe- nis. V.-VI. Lysiae orationes et fragmenta, ejus vita a diversis auct. conscriptae, et bcholia, var. lect. inter- pret. Lat.,et ind. VII. Isaei orationes x cum adnot multorum, interpr. Lot., et ind. ; Antiphontis reli- quiae cum adnot. ; Petri Van Spaau dissert, hist., et iud. VIII. Lesuonactis, Ilerodis Attici, Antisthe- nis, Alcidamantis, Gorgiae Leontini reliquite ; D. Ruhnkenii historia critica oratorum Graecorum ; Reiskii supplem. aiinot. ad illos sophistaa ; Excerp- REISKE 673 REMI REISKE, J. J. continued. turn e scholasticis ad Hermogenem ; Interpret. Lat. Antiphontis et Andocidis; Dionysii Hal. judicium de Dinarchocum Sylburgii et Keiskii notis; Re'skiicuraB posteriores ad Dinarchi, Lycurgi et Andocidis reli- quias; Index Gnecitatis Andocideac; lud. Gr. Dinnr- chete; Index Gr. Lycurgeaj ; G. Hauptmannt prolu- sionea de Andocide ; Taylori adnot. ad. D'marchum et Andocidem ; Ejusd. proleg. ad Demosthcnem ; Hier. Wolfli de vita sua comm. ; Beiskii prasfatio ad Gregorii, Corinthii expoaitionem libri Herraogenia Trepi jiMoo'iv ScivoTnTas ', Gregorii liber nunc pri- mum e codd. mss. cum Reiskii adnot. REISSEISEN, F. D. Ueber den Bau der Lungen. Latine expressit Hecker. Berlin, 1822. pp.28. C pi. f "3740.21 REITKMEIER, J. F. Geschiehte des Bergbaues bey denAlten. Gotting-en, 1785. 16 3869.12 RELATION, A, of the island of England. Transl. by C. A. Sneyd. London, 1817. sin. 4. [Camdcn society, No. 37] "2416.37 RELATION of the proceedings at Charter-house, upon occasion of K. James n, his present- ing a papist to be admitted. 2d ed. London, 1719. pp.13. 8 v.2 of 3419.7 RELATION dcs troubles de Gand sous Charles Quint. Bruxelles, 1840. 4. [Belgium. Col- lection de chroniques beiges ineditcs] . . . *2811.7 RELATION d'un voyage du pole arctique au pole antarctique, par le centre du monde. [Gar- nier. Voyages imaginaires, v.19] 2666.1 RELATION du monde de Mercure. [Gamier. Voyages imaginaircs, v. 10] 2666.1 RELAZIONI di viaggiatori [da L. Carrer]. Vcnezia, 1841. 2v. 10 2277.13 Contents. Vol. I. II milione di Marco Polo ; Viag- gio di Niccolo di Conti. II. Lettere e relazioni di Amerigo Vespucci ; G. da Empoli ; Andrea Corsali ; Filippo Sassetti ; Francesco Carletti ; Antonio Piga- fetta. RELICS, Advantages which Christendom might derive from an inventory of. [Calvin. Tracts, v.l] 5494.1 RELIGION. Arrowsmith, J. Tactica sacra, sive de milite spiritual!, pugnante, vincente, et triumphante 3444.12 Butler, J. Analogy of religion 3430.34 Channing, W. E. 11. a social principle . . Pph.v.2G8 Column, II. What is religion ? 3440.8 Constant-Rebecque, II. B. de. De la religion. 3438.2 Doddridge, P. Rise and progress of R. in the soul 3445.30 Evelyn, J. History of 3435.17 Experimental religion. See American Unita- rian association Pph.v.255 Fellowes, R. R. without cant 3444.17 Fuller, T. The holy and profane state. . . 3444.4 Gentleman's religion, etc 3409.2;! Genovesi, A. Meditazioni filosofiche su la religione 3447.41 Gerdil, H. S. Caracteres de la vraie religion. 3447.43 Morell, J.D. Philosophy of 3452.11 Morrice, M. Social R. exemplified 3444.18 Nicole, P. Sur les veritesde la religion . . . 3580.3 Pascal, B. Pensecs sur la religion 2089.13 Pike, J. G. Guide for young disciples . . . 3446.27 Raffles,! 1 . Lectures on practical R 3445.27 Saisset, E. Sur la religion au xixe siecle . . 3435.21 Sergeant, J. Delusion in the affairs of . . . 2300.11 Way land, F. Dependence of science upon. E.218.9 Whitecross, J. Doctrines and duties of . . 3440.24 Wollaston, W. E. R. of nature 3480.6 See also: Charity, Christianity, Conversion, Devo- tion, Love to God, Piety, Revivals, Theology. Note. For the evidences of revealed religion, see Evidences. RELIGION vengee: poeme. Bernis, F. J. de Pierres 2703.2 RELIGION and superstition, Conversations on. See Quoddy hermit E. 209.21 Shelf. No. RELIGIONS. Benedict, D. History of all .... 3533.5 Dupuis, C. F. Origine de tous les cultes . . 3488.9 See also : Christianity, Judaism, Mohammedan- ism, Mythology, Pagan religions. RELIGIOUS affections, Treatise on. Edwards, J. 3440.54 RELIGIOUS controversy, Pica against. Frothing- ham, N. L E.224.6 RELIGIOUS duties and Christian morals, Lessons upon 3447.40 RELIGIOUS exercises for families. Boston, 1821. 12 3447.19 Contents. Extracts on the duty of prayer ; Ad- vantages of reading religious books ; Flavel's token for mourners ; Flnvel's husbandry and navigation spiritualized; Sketch of the Rev. John Cowper; Earl of Rochester ; Address to the spectator of the execu- tion of the pirates in Boston ; Abridgment of the book of Job ; Paraphrase on the book of Job, by T. Scott. RELIGIOUS institutions, Discourses on. Colman, H Pph.v.233 RELIGIOUS knowledge, Encyclopedia of. Brown, J- N 3481.1 RELIGIOUS liberty. Adams, A. Two discourses on. 3458.14 Whitman, B. Two letters on Pph.v.258 RELIGIOUS life, Importance of a. Melmoth, W. 3444.2 RELIGIOUS principles, Formation of. Hamilton, E. 3599.12 RELIGIOUS system of professed Christians. Wil- berforce, W 3446.28 RELTON, II. E. Sketches of churches, with de- scriptions. London, 1843. 4 *4101.14 REMARKS on the Asiatic policy of England and Russia. London, 1825. 8 *Pph.v.73 REMARKS on the bankrupt law ; to which are added the proposed amendments of Hop- kiuson and Webster. New York, 1819. 8.*Pph.v.34 REMARKS on the banks and currency of the New England states. Boston, ly,V>. pp.40. 8. 3040.1 REMARKS on the censures of the United States government, contained in a book entitled Europe. Boston, 1^22. 8 *Pph.v.244 REMARKS on the embargo law, by Civis. New York, 1808. 8" *Pph.v.ll REMARKS on employment of females in midwifery. Boston, 1820. 8 *M.Pph.v.l09 REMARKS on the French memorials concerning the limits of Acadia. London, 175;>. 8". . 2311.15 REMARKS on a paragraph in the Christian's mag- azine, Sept. 1810. n.p. pp.12. 12. . . **E.224.12 REMARKS on a poem called The scourge of fash- ion. New York, 1801. 12" *Pph.v.232 REMARKS on the report of the committee of the medical society of the city and county of New York on the epidemic fever of 1820. 1820. 8" *M.Pph.v.8 REMARKS on some of the evils of Ireland, and ' their removal. London, 1825. 8 .... *Pph.v.73 REMBERT. Vita S. Anscharii, Hamburgcnsis cpis- copi; Vita S. Remberti, auctorc anonymo, ejus scquali. [Migne. Patrol, v.120]. v.2 of 3460.7 REMBRANDT, P., and his works. Buruet, J. . . 4000.10 REMEMBRANCER, The, a collection of papers rel. to the dispute between Gt. Britain and Am- erica, 1701-75. London. Ahnon, 1777. 8". *2323.7 REMEMBRANCER, The: Journal of the congress held at Phila. 1775-70. London, 1778. 8 . . *2323.8 REMEMBRANCER, The, or impartial repository of public events. London, 1775-82. 15v. 8. *2323.9 See also: American remembrancer. REMI, or Remigius, abp. of Rheims. Epistolae quatuor ; Testamentum. [Migne. Patro- logia v.05] 3450.6 REMI, or Remigius, bp. of Coire. Canoncs pro sua dimcesi. [Migne. Patrologiae v.102]. 3450.26 REMI, or Remigius, bp. of Lyons. Liber de tribus epistolis [ncmpe Hiucmari, Parduli, lia- bani]; Libcllus de general! per Adam dam- natioue ; Libcllus de tenenda scripturae ve- ritate. [Migne. Patrologiae v.121] .... 3400.4 REMI, or Remigius, of Auxerre. Commentatio in Oseam. [Mai. Scrip, vet. nov. coll. v.6, p.2.] 3000.1 REMI 674 BEPOBTEB8 Shelf. No. KEMI, or Remigius, of Auxerre, continued. Exigetica ; Commontarius in Geuesin ; Enar- rationes in Psalmos ; Miscellanea ; Tracta- tus do deilicatione ecclesiae ; Homilise XII ; De musica; Appendix; Epistolze duss. [Migne. Patrologia: v.131] 3400.10 Musica. [Gerbert von Hornau. Script, eecles. de musica sacra, v.l] 4041.7 REMITTING fever, Observations on. Willard, M. M.Pph.v.2 REMNANTS of feudal splendor and monastic times [in Great Britain]. London, 1817. 2v. 10. *2499.30 REMUSAT, C. F. M. de. Abelard, sa vie, sa philos- ophic, et sa theologie. Nouv. 5 REPORTERS, Rights of. Hatch, J. L 3084.10 REPORTS 675 RESOLVES Shelf. No. REPORTS on the progress of zoology and botany, 1841-42, by C. L. Bonaparte, Wagner, and others. Edinburgh, 181.3. 8. [Kay society.] *3S21.<> REPORTS on zoology for 1813, 44. Transl. by Busk, Talk, and Holiday. London, 1847. 8. [Ray society] .................. *3S24.9 REPORTS and papers on botany. Ed. by A. Heu- frey. London, 1849. 8. [Kay society] . *3S24.7 Contents. Mohl on the structure of the palm-stem; Na^cli on vegetable cells ; Niigeli on the utricular structures in the contents of cells ; Link's report on physiological botany for 1844, 45 ; Grisobach's report on geographical botany forKH; Griscbarli's report on geographical and systematic botany for 1&15. REPORTS and papers on botany. Ed. by A. Hen- frey. London, 1S4G. 8. [Ray society.] . *3824.S Contents. On the morphology of the conifera, by Dr. Zuccariui, tr. by George Busk; On botanical geography, by professor Grisebach, tr. by W. B. Macdonald and G. Busk ; On vegetable cells, by Carl Nageli, tr. by A. Ilenfrey ; lieport on botany, by II. F. Link, tr. by J. Hudson. REPORTS. Acton, T. H. Cases in the English admiralty, 1M>:MO ............. Bee, T. Cases ridjudgod in the district court of South Carolina, 1793-1 SOS ........ Burrow, J. Cases in the king's bench, 1750-72. Curtis, B. R. Decisions in the U. S. supreme court, 1790-1804 .............. Gushing, L. S. Cases in the supreme court of .Massachusetts, is 48-53 .......... Dodson, J. Cases in the English admiralty, lsil--.!2 ................... Durnford, C. Cases in the king's bench, Edwards, T. Cases in the English admiralty, 1NIS-12 ................... Farrar, T. Dartmouth college vs. W. H. W >odward, 1819 .............. Frcnah, B. B. Bain telegraph case, 1850 . . Gallisou, J. Cases in the circuit court of the United States, 1812-15 ........... Gilpin, II- D. Cases in the district court of the U. S. for the eastern district of Pcnn. 1828-33 ................... Gray, II. Cases in the supreme court of Mas- sachusetts, 1854-55 ............. Haggard, J. Cases in the English admiralty, ls'.'2-.:2, :.S ................. Hare, J. I. C. American leading cases . . . Hobart, II. R. of the lord chief justice of common picas. Temp. Eliz. .lac. I .... Howard, B. C. Decision of the supreme court of the U. S. in the case of Dred Scott, 1857. Knupp, J. W. Cases before the privy council. Latch, J. Cases in tha king's bench, 1025-27. Lcviuz, 0. Cases in the king's bench, and common picas. Ch. II, Ja. II, Win. and M. Mason, W. 1 J . Cases in the circuit court of the U. S. 1st circuit, 1810-30 ........ Metcalf, T. Cases in the supreme court of Massachusetts, 1840-47 ........... Moore, E. F. Cases heard by the privy coun- cil, 1830-54 ................. Notes of cases in the English admiralty, 18H-50 ................... Pickering, O. Cases in the supreme court of Massachusetts, 1822-39 .......... Plowden, E. Cases in exchequer, king's bench, and common pleas. Edw. VI. and Eliz .................... Robb, J. B. Patent cases in the courts of the United States, 1789-1850 .......... Robinson, C. Cases in the English admiralty, I;'.I--INIS .................. Robinson, \V. Cases in the English admi- ralty, ls:!S-50 ............... Salkeld, W. Cases in the king's bench, chancery, common picas, and exchequer. Temp. Wm. and M. 10 Anne ...... 3094.3 3707.1 30'JO.l 3702.1 3705.2 3091. 4 3G9G.8 3C94.2 3681.0 3902.0 3701.3 3704.1 3705.1 3C94.5 3095.0 3070.4 30s 1.3 30;1.7 3090.9 3070.3 3704.7 3092.5 3094.8 3094.3 3091.1 3070.2 3693.7 3094.1 3694.6 3070.9 Shelf. No. REPORTS, continued. Saunders, E. Pleadings in the king's bench. Charles II 3094.9 Smith, F. O. J. Telegraph case 3902.5 Smith, J. W. Selection of leading cases . . 3095.5 Stewart, J. Cases in the court of vice-admi- ralty at Halifax, 1803-13 3020.7 Story, W. W. Cases argued in the circuit court of the U. S. for the 1st circuit, 1839-15. 3704.5 Sumner, C. Cases in the circuit court of the United States, 1829-39 . 3704.4 Vcntris, P. Select cases in the king's bench, Ch. II ; Select cases in com. pleas, Ch. n, Jas. ii ; Cases in exchequer and in chancery. 3670.5 Ware, A. Cases in the district court of the U. S. for the district of Maine, 1822-39 . . . 3704.0 Williams, E. Cases in the supreme court of Massachusetts, 1804-22 3700.1 Woodbury, C. L. Cases in the circuit court of the U. S. for the 1st circuit, 1815-17 . . . 370-1.2 Woodman, II. Criminal cases in the munici- pal court of Boston, 1823-42 3084.1 See aUo: Digest. REPOSIANUS. See Lemaire. Poet. Lat. min. v.3. 2912.1 Se.e Wernsdorf, J. C. Poet. Lat. min. v.4 . . 2i>12.4 REPRESENTATION in a state, True theory of. Har- ris, G 3502.2 REPTILES. Fitziugcr, L. I. Neue Classification dor Reptilieu 3882.2 Graveuhorst, J. L. C. Reptilia musei zoolo- gici Vratislavieusis 5800.10 Klein, J. T. Teiitann-ii hcrpetologiae . . . . 3S71.30 Oppel, M. Die Orduuugen, Fainilien, und Gattungen dcr Rcptilicn 3875.0 Schiuz, H. R. Naturgeschichte und Abbil- dungen der Reptilicn 5870.7 See also: Coluber natrix, Lcpidosiren, Rattle- snake, Salamander, Serpents, Testudinata, Viper. See also : The names of countries where the Indige- nous reptiles have been described, as Brazil, Great Biitain, Massachusetts. REPUBLICANISM. Austin, B. Constitutional R. in opposition to fallacious federalism . . . 2406.7 JGerger, L. La confession d'un republicain de la veillc 3509.11 Carnc, L. dc. llistoirc du gouvernement rep- rcsentatif 46G3.1 Cavalcanti, B. Trattati sopra gli ottimi reg- gimeuti delle repubbliche 3500.18 Cheuu, A. Lcs chevaliers de la republique rouge en 1851 3509.12 Saiute Croix, G. E. J. G. de. Des anciens gouvcrnemeus federatifs 3563.12 See also : Democracy, Free state. Representation. REPUBLICS, llise and fall of the ancient. Mon- tagu, E. W 2900.14,15 RERESHV, ,J. Memoirs and travels: secret his- tory of the courts of Charles n and James II. London, 1813. 8 *2410.20 Memoires. Paris, 1827. 8. [Guizot. Coll. (I;-;, moms, rel. ii la revol. d'Angleterrc, v.21] *2518.11 liEREsiiV, T. Miscellany of thoughts and reflec- tions, in verse aud prose. London, 1721. 4. *255?.l RESIDENCES. Arnot, D. II. Gothic architecture applied to modern R 4101.23 London, J. C. Treatise on country R. . . . 4102.20 Papworth, J. B. Rural R 4102.10 Robinson, P. F. Ornamental cottages and villas 4090.9 Soane, J. Designs for private buildings . . 4100.11 Wiii'ginton, W. Model town dwellings for the lower classes 4091.3 See also : Cottages, Domestic buildings. RESIGNATION : a poem. Young, E 2405.32 RESLEI:, J. P. De indicant ilms et coutra-indican- tibus emcticorum. Grouiugaj, [1818.] 8". *M.Pph.v.l05 RESOLVES, divine, moral, and political. Fellt- uam, 25j-.> RESPIRATION 676 REWARDS Shelf. No. RESPIRATION. Bree, R. Disordered respiration. 3795.17 Cock, T. Dissertation on M.Pph.v.04 Hale, E. Production of animal heat by. M.Pph.v.00,07 Purnell, W. Connexion of life with U. in new-born animals M.Pph.v.27 See also : Asphyxia. RESPIRATORY organs. Fouquet,J. J. De organi resp. in animalium seiie evolutione. M.Pph.v.113 Williams, C. J. B. Diseases of the 3795.3 See also : Lungs. RESPONSIBILITY, Limitations of human. Way- land, F 3587.20 RESPUBLICA sive status regni Scotiae et Hibernise. Lugduni Batavorum, 1027. 32 *2419.10 RESTAUT, P. Priucipes de la grammaire fran- coise. Nouv. ed. Lyon, 1801. 12 ... **E. 207.20 RESTRICTIVE system, Lectures on the. Dew, T. R. 3057.2 RESURRECTION. Ditton, H. Discourse on the R. of Jesus Christ 3450.10 Mather, C. Demonstration of the R. of Jesus. 3458. C8 Sherlock, T. R. of Jesus : Trial of the wit- nesses 3450.3 Thorn, D. R. of the dead 3453.35 West, G. History and evidence of the R. of Jesus Christ. [Watson. Thcol. tracts, v. 5]. 3454.2 RESUSCITATION. Means of R. in drowning and hanging. Ives, A. W M.Pph.v.3 RETINA, Morbid sensibility of the. Dix, J. H. . . 3804.22 RETRIBUTION. Ballou, H. Doctrine of future R. 3453.40 Balfour, W. Reply to Mr. Sabine's lectures. Pph.v.234 Hudson, C. Reply to Balfour's essays touch- ing E 3453.41 See also : Punishment. RETROSPECT of medicine and surgery. Braith- waite, W 5710.1 RETROSPECTIVE review and iiistorical magazine, v.1-14. 2d ser. v.l and 2. London, 1820-28. 10v. 8 *3184.3 RETURN of departed spirits into the bodies of Shakers. Philadelphia, 1843. 18 ... *Pph.v.228 RETZ, card. de. See Gondi, J. F. P. REUCIILIN und seine Zeit. See Mayerhoff, E. T. 2840.11 REUME, A. de. Rechercb.es historiques, genealo- giques et bibliographiques sur les Elsevier. Bruxelles, 1847. p.8 *2113.14 REUMONT, A. v. Delia campagna di Roma. Fi- renze, 1842. 8 2705.2 Die Jugend Caterina's de' Medici. Berlin, JS 54 - 1(i 2744.25 Diplomazia italiana dal sec. xm al xvi. Fi- renze, 1857. sm.8 2719.4 Tavole cronologiche e sincrone della storia fiorentina. Firenze, 1841. 4 *2732.7 See Archivio storico italiauo 5245.2 Contents. Nuova ser. Vol. I. Dei soci esteri dclla nccademia della Crusca. App. Vol. II, IV, VII, VIII. Di alcuni lavori spettanti alia storia d'ltalia ultima- mtnte pubblicati in Gcrmania. Ill, V, VII, VIII. Lavori spettanti alia stoiia politica, ecclcsiastiea e letteraria d'ltalia pubblicati in Germania, V. Lavori trattanti dtlle belle arti in Italia. IX. II cardinals \Volsey e la santa sede. REUSS, J. D. Conspectus societatis regias scien- tiarum Gottingensis a primordiis. Got- tingae, 1808. 4. [Giittingen. Commenta- tiones, v.lG] *3294.3 Repertorium commentationum. Gottin^-ae, 1801-21. lOv. in 7. 8 Contents. Vol. I. Qistoria naturalis: generalis et zoologia, botanica et mineralogia. II. Cheinia et res metallica ; Physica. III. Astronomia ; GEco- nomia. IV. Malhesis ; Mechanica ; llydrostatica ; HyUraulica ; Hydrotechnia ; Aerostatica ; Pneu- matica ; Technologia j Architecture civilis ; Sci- entia navalis i Scienlia militaris ; Historia ; Sub- sidia hUtorica ; Geographia j Chronoloaia ; Monii- imnla vetcrura populorum ; Inscriptiones ; Numi et res numaria ; Ars diplomatica ; Ueraldica; Uisto- ria universalia ; Uisioria geni-ris humani ; Historia mythica; Uistoria specialis: Asiae, Africa;, America, Europae ; tiistoria ecclesiastica ; Uistoria litteraria; Shelf. No. REUSS, J. D. continued. Philologia ; Linguae ; Scriptores Grseci ; Scriptores Latin! ; Litterae elegantiores ; Poesis ; Ithctorica ; Ars autiqua ; Pictura i Musica. V. Scientia et ar medica et clururgica : Propaedeutic* ; Anatomia et physiologia ; Ilygieine ; Pathulogia seu nosologia generalis ; Semeiotica ; Scientia ct ars roe'lica tt chirurgica : Materia medica ; Pharmacia. VI, VII. Scientia et ars medica et clururgica: Thcrapia gcn- eralis et speciulis i Operationes chirurgica! ; Mcdi- cina forensis, legalis et politica; Scientia etars med- ica et chirurgica : Ars obstetricia; Ars veterinaria. Repertorium commentationum. Ars medica et chirurgica. A. C. Gottinga;, 1817. sm.4. *2180.7 REVEILLE-PARISE, J. H. Physiologic et hygiene des homines livres aux travaux de 1'esprit. Seed. Paris, 1839. 2v. 8 3702.13 Traite de la vieillesse hygienique, medicaleet philosophique. Paris, 1853. 8 3700.14 REVELATION. Chalmers, T. Ciiristian R. and the modern astronomy 3441.25 Knox, H. Truth of revealed religion . . . 3457.52 Leonard, W. Discourse on divine R 3429.7 West, G. Defence of the Christian R. . . E.219.9 See also : Bible, Evidences. REVELATION of St. John. See Bible. REVELATIONS d'une fcmme dc qualite, sur les an- ne"es 1830-31. Paris, 1831. 2v. 8 2058.9 REVENUES of all nations. Fenn, C 3084.24 REVERE, J. Discourse introductory to the course of lectures on the theory and practice of physic, in Jefferson coll. Phila. 1832. 8.*M.Pph.v.23 Lecture at Jefferson medical college, 1834. Philadelphia, 1834. 8 *M.Pph.v.25 REVERSIONARY payments, Observ. on. Price, R. 31)23.10 REVETT, N. Antiquities of Athens. See Stuart, J. 3070.2 REVIEW of a treatise on the uulawfulness of mar- rying a brother's wife, etc. Hartford, 1S14. 8 *Pph.v.240 REVIEWERS, The, reviewed, or British falsehoods detected by American truths. New York, 1815. 12" *Pph.v.20G REVIEWS. See Periodicals. REVIEWS of a part of Prescott's history of Fer- dinand and Isabella, and of Campbell's lec- tures on poetry. Boston, 1841. 12. . . . 2407.4 REVIVALS of religion. Cotton, C. History and character of American revivals 3544.29 Edwards, J. Some thoughts concerning the present revivals iu Now England 3457.10 Tracy, J. The great awakening 3544.5 Whitman, B. Letter on Pph.v.217 REVOLUTIONARY relics, or Clinton correspond- ence, 1777-53. New York, 1842. pp.20. 3. 2325.1 REVOLUTIONS. Balbo, C. Discorso sulle rivoluz. 4707. 5 Volney, C. F. Meditation sur les revolutions des empires 3504.15 REVUE coloniale. 2e ser. v.1-16. Nouvelles an- nules de la marine et revue colouiale, v.21, 22. Paris, 1848-59. ISv. in 10. 8 *5144.1 REVUE des deux mondes. Paris, 1829-00. 132v. S. *3315.1 - Same. Tables des travaux, 1831-57. Paris, 1857. pp.5G. 8' v.lof*3315.1 REVUE encyclopedique, publ. par les soins de M. A. Jullien. Paris, 1819-31. 5:>v. 8. ... *33G9.2 - Same. Table decennale de 1819-29. Paris, 1831. 2v. 8 *3309.1 REVUE frangaise. No. i-vi. Paris, 1828. Ov. in 2. 8 *2000.1 REVUE medicate, franjaise et e'trangfere. Anne'e 34e-40e. Paris, 1853-59. 14 v. 3 *3738.1 REVUE penitentiaire et des institutions preven- tives. Sous la direction de M. Moreau-Chris- tophe. Paris, 1343-47. 4v. 8 *5303.1 REVUE de 1'orient. See Paris. Sociate orientate. 301C.1 REWA, or licuay, P. de. De coronae regni Uuu^a- riae virtute, victoria, et fortuna ; De mo- narchia et sacra corona regni Hungariae. [Schwandtner. Script, rer. Hungaris. v.2j. 2810.2 REWARDS and punishments, Revealed doctrine of. Hamilton, R. W 3453.20 KEY 677 RHOADES Shelf. No. REY, W- L'Amdrique protestante, notes et obser- vations d'un voyagcur. Paris, 1857. 2v. 12. 2301.16 REYBAUO, M. R. L. Etudes sur les reformateurs contemporains, ou socialistcs moderncs. 2e ed. Paris, 1841-43. 2v. 8 3505.19 Contents. Vol. I. Saint-Simon ; Charles Fourier ; Robert Owen. II. La societu ct le socialisme, les com- munistcs, les chartistcs, les utilitaires, les humani- taires. - Same. Oe ed. Paris, 1S49. 2v. 12" ... 3559.8 REYBURX, T. Examination of the testimony ap- pended to the Remarks of Dr. T. J. White. St. Louis, [1843]. 8 *M.Pph.v.43 EEYCIIEKSDORFF, G. Chorographia Transiluaniae et Moldauize. [Schwandtner. Script, rerum Hungaric. v.l] 2810.2 REYNAKD. Reinhart Fuchs, von Jacob Grimm. Berlin, 1&34. 8 2902.5 Reinaert de Vos, van J. F. Willems. 2e Druck. Gent, 1850. 8 2902.4 Roman du Renart, public par D. M. Meon. Paris, 1820. 4v. 8 2086.4 - Same. Supplement, publi< par P. Cha- baille. Paris, 1835. 8 2686.5 Reynard the fox, History of, with a history of the romance. [Percy society, v.12] .... 2537.14 REYNAUD, A. A. L. Trigonometric rcctiligne et spherique. Suivie dcs tables de logarithmes dcsnombres etdes lignes trigonometriques, de J. de Lalande. 3e e"d. Paris, 1818. 24. **E.199.32 and Duhamcl, J. M. C. Problemes et devcl- oppcuiens sur diverscs parties des mathe- matiques. Paris, 1823. 8. pi **E.198.24 REYNEII family, Memoranda relating to the. See Whitmore, W. H 2333.9 REYNOLD-CHAUVANCY, C. de. Telegraphic nauti- que. 2e ed. Paris, [1850.] 8. pi 3952.20 REYNOLDS, E. Address at the dedication of the Massachusetts eye and ear infirmary, July 3, 1850. Boston, 1850. 8" *Pph.v.272 Condition, prospects, and duties of the med- ical profession. [No title-page.] 8 . *M.Pph.v.37 REYNOLDS, F. Life : a comedy. 2d ed. London, 1S01. 8 *Pph.v.29 REYNOLDS, John. God's revenge against mur- thcr. London, 1053. f *3580.5 REYNOLDS, Joseph. On manures. See Mass. soc. for promoting agriculture 3994.3 REYNOLDS, Sir Joshua. Discourses to the stu- dents of the royal academy. London, 1831. 8 v.2 of 4072.2 - Same. Illustrated by notes, etc. by J. Burnet. London, 1842. 4 *4001.9 REYNOLDS, J. N. Address on the subject of a sur- veying and exploring expedition to the Pa- cific ocean and south seas. N. Y. 1830. 8. **E. 225.0 and Dickerson, M. Exploring expedition. Correspondence of" Citizen " and " Friend to the navy." [No title-page.] 8. . . *Pph.v.l01 REYNOLDS, R. Verses by J. Montgomery and W. Roscoa to the memory of R. Reynolds, with a sketch of his life by Rev. Mr. Thorpe. N. York, 1817. 8 *Pph.v.l9 REZZONICO della Torre, C. G. di. Opere raccolte dal professore Francesco Mocchetti. Como, 1815-30. lOv. 8 *2792.14 Contents. Vol. I. Prefazione del professore Ignazio MartiRnoni ; Della vita e degli ecritti del C. G. conte della Torre, memorie del Giambatista Giovio : Dis- corsi accademici suite belle arti; Del disegno; Del col- orito ; Elogio di G. Scutellari ; Lettera sul gruppo di Adone o di Venero di Canova ; Caratteri de' pHtori piii cclebru II. Versisciolti; roemctti. III. Focsie linche; Alessandroc Timoteo. dramma j Foesie varie; Inni. IV. Giornale del viaggio d' Inghilterra negli annil~sr-S3; Frammenti sulla citta di Londra. V. Viaggio della Sisilia e di Malta negli anni 1793- 1.'.4. VI. Contin. ; Disscrtazionc sovra ulcune lu- cerne antiche del musco d' Ercolano j Antiehita di Palermo, esuo emblema ; Cenni sovra il bue cor- uupeta. VTL Giornale del viaggio di Napoli, 1789-0. Shelf. No. REZZONICO, continued. VIII. Lettera sui monument! indici del museo bor- giano illustrati dal padre Paolino di San Bartolomeo ; Dissertazioue su' misteri di Dacco, e sulla cista mis- tica ; Dissertazione sul passagjio d'Annibale per le Alpi ; Rjgionamento sulla volgar poesia dalla fine del passato secolo fiuo a' nostri giorni ; Riflessioni sulle pitture di Raffac-llo nelle camore di Vaticano; Rifles- sioni eopra alcune pitture di Correggio. IX. Ragio- nameuto sulla filosoSa del secolo xvm e frammcnti di viaggi. X. Corrispondcnza epistolare. RH^ETIAN Alps, Travels through the. Beaumont, A 27. N. 2 RHATANY root, Practical observations on the. Reece, R M.Pph.v.l RHAZES. See Abu Beer Mohammed Ibn Zacariya ar-Riizi. RHELMS. Histoire de 1'eglise de R. depuis sa fon- dation jusqu'en 949 par Flodoard. [Guizot. Coll. mom. hist. France, v.5] 2018.2 Variu, P. Archives de la ville dc 2010.3 RIIEMES and Doway, [or] diffusion of the Scrip- tures in English by Roman catholics. Cot- ton, H 2181.0 RHETORIC. Adams, J. Q. Lectures on R. and oratory 2400.4 Autori del ben parlare 0590. 10 Blair, II. Lectures on 3007.7 ' - Lectures abridged 7009.0,9,10,12 - Istituzione di rettorica 3590.23 Campbell, G. Philosophy of 3307.1 Cicero, M. T. Opera rhetorica 2917.3 Corticelli, S. Discorsi cento della toscaua cloqucnza 3590.0 Guidotto da Bologna, F. II fioredircttorica.:M90.15,;^ Montanari, G. I Brevi precetti dell' arte rettorica 3590.19 Orsi, G. G. Sopra la manicra di ben pcnsarc. 3590.7 Parker, R. G. Aids to English composition. 7039.2 Pieci, G. Guida al comporro 35D0.20 Quintilianus, M. F. De institutione oratoria. 2935.1 Walker, J. Rhetorical grammar 3007.8 See also : Belles-lettres, Criticism, Elocution, Elo- quence, Language, Oratory, Style, Sublime, Taste, Words. RHEUMATISM. Baeta, H. X. Treatment of acute rheumatism M.Pph.v.03 Becker, J. C. Expositio diseriminum inter arthritidcm et rheumatismum . . . M.Pph.v.104 Fuller, II. W. Rheumatic gout 3803.1 Gittermann, J. G. De rhcumat. calido. M.Pph.v.113 Scudamore, C. Nature and cure of 3803.4,5 Snow, II. De rheumatismo acuto . . . M.Pph.v.12 Warren, E. Prize dissertation on 3717.0 RiiiANtrs. See Brunck, R. F. P. Gnomici poetae Graeci 2903.5,6 See Elton, C. A. Specimens of the classic poets, v.l 2903.14 See Gnomici Graaci 2979.3 RIHND, W. History of the vegetable kingdom. London, 1857. 8 3830.2 RHINE. Bertola de' Giorgi, A. Viaggio sul Reno 2803.16 Forster, J. G. A. Voyage philosophique et pittoresque sur les rives du Rhiii 2803.4 Ftissli, W. Zurich und die wichtigsten Stiidte am Rhein 4064.22 Hageau, A. Canal de jonction de la Meusc au Rhln 3941.2 Kohl, J. G. Der Rhein 2808.1 Oeynhausen, C. v. Geognostische Umrisse dcr Rheinliinder 3808.4 Schrcibcr, J. G. Guide du voyageur sur les bords du Rhin 2834. 9 Simrock, K. J. Das malerische und roman- tische Rheinland 2802.12 RHINELANDEU, J. R. Catalogue of anatomical preparations. New York, 1833. 8 . . *M.Pph.v.24 RHOADES, S. Address introductory to the course in the anatomical rooms of Geneva medical college, 1841. Geneva, 1841. 8. . . *M.Pph.v.37 RHODE 678 Shelf. No. RHODE, J. G. Die hcilige Sage und Rcligionssys- tora tier alien Baktrer, Medcr, und Perscr. Frankfurt am Main, 18:20. 8 .3-188.12 Religiose Bildung, Mythologie, und Philoso- phic der Hindus. Leipzig, 1827. 2v. 8 . . 3041. G RHODE Island. Charter granted by Charles n, 100:3. Providence, 1812. 8 *Pph.v.233 Index to the acts and resolves of the general assembly, from 1758 to 1850. Ed. by J. 11. Bartlett. Providence, 1850. 8 6335.4 Public laws as revised and finally enacted, 1822. Providence, 1822. 8 C335.1 - Same. As revised and finally enacted, 1844. Providence, 1844. 8 0335.2 Report of committee appointed to inquire into the situation of the Farmer's exchange bank in Glocester, 1809. 8 *Pph.v.23S Report of the committee of the House on in- creasing the banking capital. Prov. 1820. 8. 0335.15 Report on the charges against free masonry and masons. [Providence,] 1832. 8 ... 0335.20 Report by \V. Sprague, jr., on masonry. Prov- idence, 1832. 8 *Pph.v.291 Report on the geological and agricultural survey of the state, 1839, by C. T.Jackson. Providence, 1840. 8 0335.10 Report and documents relating to public schools, for 1848, by H. Barnard. Provi- dence, 1849. Vol. in. 8 3594.3 - Same. By E. R. Potter, 1850-54. Prov- idence, 1855. 8 0335.11,12 Report on the poor and insane, by T. R. Haz- ard. Providence, 1851. 8 6335.19 Report, 1st, relative to the registry of births, marriages, and deaths, 1853, [prepared by T. H. Webb.] Providence, 1854. 8 ... .0335.10,17 - Same. Fifth report, 1857, [prepared by C. W. Parsons.] Providence, 1858. 8 . . . . 6335.18 Revised statutes. Providence, 1857. 8 ... G335.3 Callcuder, J. Historical discourse on the affairs of 2330.12 Goddard, W. G. Address on occasion of the adoption of the constitution, 1843 . . . Pph.v.133 Hallett, B. F. Legislative investigation into masonry Pph.v.28G Richmond, J. W. R. I. repudiation 2330.10 RHODE Island anti-masonic state convention. Pro- ceedings, Sept. 14, 1831. Providence, 1831. 8 *Pph.v.297,29S RHODE Island controversy. Facts, with some views upon the rights of both parties. Bos- ton, 1812. 8 *Pph.v.l9G RHODE Island educational magazine. Potter, E. R. 6335.18 RIIODE Island historical society. Collections, v. in. [Potter's history of Narragansett.] Providence, 1835. 8 . 2330.9 RHODE Island institute of instruction. Journal for 1845-10, 48. Vol. I, in. Ed. by H. Bar- nard. Providence, 1840,48. 2v. 8 . . . .3594.3,4 RHODE Island medical society. Act of incorpora- tion, with by-laws, [etc.] Providence, 1841. 8 *M.Pph.v.39 - Same. With list of members. Provi- dence, 1854. 8 *M.Pph.v.53 RHODE Island register, by George Adams. Provi- dence, [1853.] 12 2389.1 RHODE Island society for the encouragement of domestic industry. Transactions for 1850- 52. Providence, 1851-53. 8 4016.15 - Same. For 1855. Providence, 1850. 8. 6335.14 RHODES. De Rhodi illius insulae et urbis rebus. [Mcursius. Opera, v.3] 2210.2 Siege of : a play. D'Aveaant,W 2575.7 RIIODOMANN, L. Nercus marinus de Troja: ex- cidio. [Ncandcr. Opus aureumct scholast.]. 2991.17 RHODOX. Fragmenta. [Migne. Patrologia Graeca, v.5] 3490.3 - Same. [Routh. Reliquiae sacrae, v.l] . . 3513.9 RHYTHM. Elementa doctrinse metricac. Her- mann, G 2980.8 RICCI Shelf. No. See Rebauld de La Cha- RIBAULD de Rochefort. pelle. RIBBE, J. C. Das Schaf und die Wolle. Prag, 1825. 8 3051.21 RICAUD, J. P. Le nogoce d' Amsterdam. Amster- dam, 1722. 4 *36S3.1 RICAKDI, F., or Carlo di Oneglia. Abregoe de la vraie methode de lire et comprcndre 1'IIe- brcu. Genes, [n.d.] pp.23. 12 ... .**E.219.15 Bethomi, ossia la pritna distruzione di Gerusa- lemmc, dramma ricavato dal testo ebrco. Genova, 1819. pp.60. 12 **E.219.15 Les hieroglyphes domestiques, phonetiques. Turin, 1824. pp.10. 12 **E.2!'J.15 Replique au livre, La fronde de David, ou 1'an- ciennet<5 dcs apices, et la nouveaute des points massoretiques. Genes, 1824. 12.**E.219.15 Spiegazione dclla statua egizia diOzial, chia- mata falsamente Osimandia. Genova, 1824. pp.31. 12 **E.219.15 Triomphe sur les impies sous le gouvernc- ment des Go et 7e rois d'Egypte au Oe siecle apres le deluge. Sculpte sur 1'obelisque Barberinus. [Latin and French.] Genes, 1821. 12 **E.219.15 Sec also : Ecclcsiastcs and Psalms under Bible. RICAKDO, D. Works, with notice of the author by J. R. HcCulloch. 2d ed. London, 1852. 8 3005.1 Contents. Life and writings of Mr. Ricardo; Prin- ciples of political economy and taxation ; The high price of bullion a proof of the depreciation of bank notes ; Reply ta Sir. Bosanquet's practical observa- tions on the report of the bullion committee ; Essay on the influence of a low price of corn on the profits of stock, with remarks on Mr. Malthus's two last publications. Rent, and Importation of corn ; Pro- posals for an economical and secure currency, with obs. on the bank of England, etc.; Protection to agri- culture ; Plan for the establishment of a national bank ; Essay on the funding system, written for the 6th edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica; Obser- vations on parliamentary reform; Speech on the plan, of voting by ballot. KICAKDO, J. L. Anatomy of the navigation laws. London, 1847. 8 3050.2 RlCASOLi, B. Lettere. [Dati. Prose fiorentine, V.17] 2787.1 RICCARDI Vcrnaccia, F. Galleria riccardiana di- pinta da Luca Giordano incisa da Lasinio figlio. Firenze, 1822. f " *40G0.10 RICCAHDO di Sangermano. Chronicon rerum per orbem gestarum, 1189-1243. [iluratori. Re- rum Ital. script, v.7] 2710.1 - Same. [Ughello. Italia sac. v.3] . . . . 3580.1 RICCATI, G. Delle corde, ovvero fibre clastichc : schcdiasmi fisico-matematici. Bologna, 1707. 4. pi *3943.21 See Raccolta ferrarcse di opuscoli scientific!, ccc 5274.1 Contents. Vol. I. Delmoto di corpi solid! ne'mez- zi fluidi. III. Dei due gcncri di resistenze. V, VI, VIII, X. Del moto d'un corpo discendentc lungo un lato retto d'un triangolo, che puo camminare liber- anicnte sopra un piano parallelo, o inclinato all' oriz- zonte. X. Lettera al G. B. Bortolani prof, di cem- balo e di contrappunto. RICCI, Amico. Arti e artisti della marca di An- cona. Maccrata, 1834. 2v. 8 4087.6 See Bernab6 Silorata, P. Prose e poesie di Italian! viventi, v.2 4708.10 RICCI, Angelo M., b. 1777, d. 1850. L'ltaliade : poema. Livorno, 1819. 8 2794.26 See Bernabo Silorata, P. Prose e poesie di Italiani vivcnti, v.l, 4,6,8,9 4768.10 RiCCl, Angiol M. Calligrafia plautina, e teren- ziana. Venezia, 1739. 10 *2939.1G Disscrtationcs Ilomericaj. Cur. F. G. Born. Lipsia;, 1784. 8 *2997.G RiCCl, L. Riforma degli istituti pii dclla cittii di Modena. [Economist! class. Ital.] . v.48 of 3644.1 EICCI 679 EICHAEDSON Shelf. No. BICCI, S. de'. [Scritti varj di R. e di altri nella con- troversia del sinodo Pistojese.] 4v. 8 . . 3529.7 Contents. Vol. I. La voce della grcggia a mon- Eignor Scipione do' Ricci. Sondrio, 178'J ; Seconda let- tcra sull'iilea fulsa, scisinatica, erronca, creticn, ecc., formata dal sinudo di Pistoja. Hala, 171)0 ; [Prima] lettera dove vengouo oonfutati gli errori del sinodo di Pistoja, 1789 ; C'onsiderazioni sul nuovo sinodo di Pistoja e Prato. II. Lettera eritologica di D. Giulio Se- nile sopra il sinodo di Pistoja. In Barletta, 1781) ; Let- tera del primiceriodi Mondorbopoli a Scipione de' Ric- ci. In Mondorpoli, 1738; Ricerche ecclesiastiche sulT osservanza della quaresima. III. Ordo divini officii recitaudi. Pistorii, 1780 ; Annotazioni paciflche di un parroeo cattolico a Scip. de* Ricei' ed. 4a. Lettera di Gelasio Irone a mons. Scipione de' Ricci. Da' torch! di Filadelfta, 1788; Lettera di un arcivescovo a Scipi- one de' Ricci. In Assisi, 1781 ; Lettera pastorale di Scipione de' Ricci al clero e popolo di Prato. IV. Omilia di mons. vescovo di Pistoja c Prato sulla con- fermazione. Firenze, 1788 ; Risposta all'autore delle nnnolazioni pacifiche. Fircnze, 1788: Lettera pas- torale di M. Ssipione de' Ricci per la couvocazione del sinodo; Ordine dclle cerimonie per la consccra- zione delle chiesc, 2a ed. Fireuze, 1788; Lettera pas- torale di M. Scipione de' Ricci sulle onnotazioni pa- ciflche, 2a cd. Firenze, 1788. EICCI, V. Eagionamento intorno alia collezione dcllc Vencte leggi criminal!. [Ilaccolta di opuscoli scientific!, ecc. v.18] 5274.1 RICCIARDETTO: cauti 30. See Forteguerra, N. . 271)1.24 RICCIARDO di Sanbonifacio. Vita, magnam rcrum inter ipsum, ct Eccelinos gestarum partcm complecteus. [Muratori. Rerum. Ital. script, v.8] 2710.1 RICCIAUDO. See Ricardo. RICCOBALDO ferraresc. Historia universalis, 700- 1297 ; Chronicon Romanorum iinperatorura aCarolo Magno usque ad Ottoncmiv. [Mu- ratori. Rerum. Ital. script, v.9] 2710.1 RlCCOKONi, A. Judicium de libro Ciceronis nom- ine edito, de consolatione. [Sigouio. Opera, v.O] 2790.3 EiCE. La coltivazione del riso : poema. Spol- verini, G. B 4003.17 RICE family, Genealogical history of. Ward, A. II. 2'.',:',^.^ RICH, B. The honestie of this age, with notes by 1'. Cunningham. London, 1814. pp. xxiv and 78. p.S. [Percy soc. publ. v.ll] . . *25:J7.13 RICH, C. J. Memoirs ou the ruins of Babylon. 3ded. London, 1818. 8 3042.12 Second memoir on Babylon, suggested by the remarks of Maj. Kennel. London, 1818. pp. 58. 8 3042.12 RICH, E. Cyclopaedia of biography. London, JS51. 8 2251.5 RICH, M., countess of Warwick. Autobiography, with notes by T. C. Croker. London, 1818. pp.02, p. 8. [Percy soc. publ. v.22] . . . *2537.24 RICH, O. Bibliotheca Americana nova, or cata- logue of books relating to America, [1700- 1844]. Supplement. London, 1835-40. 3v. 8 *2152.4 Catalogue of books relating to America, [1500- 1000]. London, 1832. 8". . . *Pph.v.80, *2152.5,0 RICHARD I, of England. Berington, J. History of the reign of 2410.13 Richard of Devizes. Chronicon dc rebus ges- tis Ricardi primi rcgis Angliae 2413.5 RICHARD 11, of England. Alliterative poem on the deposition of. [Camden society, No. 3] . . 2416.3 Chronicque de la trai'son et mort de Richart deuxroy d'Engletcrre 2413.12 Tate, N. History of : a tragedy 2575.11 RICHARD III, of England: a poem. Turner, 8. . 254U.29 KICHAIID, abbot offleury. Cousuetudincs et jura cccleshe de rcgula. [Migne. Patrol, v.130]. 3400.15 RICIIAKD, alip. ofXarbonnc. Narratio vexationum, etc.; Kpistolae ct diplomata. [Miguo. Pa- trologiaj v.102] v.2 of 3400.37 RICHARD, monkofCluny. Chronicon ab imperio Caroli Ma^ni, sive ;ib anno Cliristi 800 usque ad annum 1102. [Muratori. Autiq. Ital. v.12]. 2720.7 Shelf. No. RICHARD, prior of St. Victor. Opera omnia, ace. J. P. Migne. Lutetire Parisiorum, 1855. 1.8". [Migne. Patrologiaj v.190] 3470.18 Contents. Exegetica : De prxparatione animi ad conteraplationem, liber dictus Benjamin Minor ; De gratia contemplationis, sen Benjamin Major ; Alle- goric tabernaculi focderis ; Tractatus de meditundis phiiis quas circa fincm mundi cvenicnt ; Expositio difficultatum suborientiuni in expositione taberna- culi ftederis; Declarationesnonnullarumdiificultatum Scriptura? ; Mystica) adnotationes in Psaluios ; Ex- positio cantici Habacuc ; Expositio in Cantica canti- coruin, Quomodo Christus poniturin signum popu- lorum ; In visioncm Ezechielis ; De Emmanuele ; Explicatio aliquorum passuum difficilium apostoli ; In apocalypsin Joannis ; Theologica : De trinitate ; De tribus appropriatis personis in trinitate; De verbo incornato ; Quomodo Spiritus sanctus est amor Pa- trisetFilii; De superexcellenti baptismo Christ!; De missione Spiritus sancti; De compuratione Christi ad florcm ct Maria; ad virgam ; Dcsacrificio David pro- phctx; DC differentia sacrificii Abrahae a sacriticio B. Maritc virginis ; DC gemino Pasehate ; Scrmo in die Fascha!; De exterminatione mali ct promotione boni; De statu intcrioris hominis ; DC potestate ligandi et solrcndi ; DC judieiaria potentate in tinali et univcr- B.ili judicio; De spiritu blasphumia: ; DC gradibus charitatis ; De quatuor gradibus violenta; ch:iritatis ; Epistolu 1 ct miscellanea: Epistola;; De eruditione in- tcrioris hominis ; Tractatus cxceptionum. RICHARD dc Dumellis. Epistola. [Migne. Pa- trologiae v.159] v.2 of 3400.35 Fragmentum commentarii in Genesin. [Migne. Patrologia; v.155] 34C0.32 RICIIAKD de Furucllis. Prologus in Lcviticuni ad Aiisclmum. [3Iigne. Patrologiae v.100] . . 3400.40 RICHARD, of Cirencester. Description of Britain ; with the original treatise De situ Britannia:. London, lso'.. 8 2418.8 RICHAII I >, of Deri ;<:<. Chronicon dc rebus gestis Kicurdi I, cur. .1. Stevenson. Londini, 1838. 8. [English historical society, 5] 2413.5 See also : Ricardo, Ricciardo. RICHARD, A. De la conformation du chcval. Paris, ii.d. 3903.25 Elements d'histoire naturelle me'dicale. 4c cd. Paris, 1849. 3v. 8 3780.7 Botanique du voyage dc 1'Astrolabe. Part I. See Dumont d'Urvillc, J. S. C 2201.1 RICHARD, II. Proceedings of the general peace congress, at Frankfort, 1850. London, 1851. pp. 77. 8 3577.3 RICHARD, J. Description de 1'Italic. Dijon, 1700. Ov. 12 2700.5 RICHARD, J.,i'o66d. History of Touquiu. [Piiik- erton. Voyages, v.9] 22C0.13 RICHARD, L. C. De musaceis. Vratislaviae, 1831. pp.32. 4. *38G0.9 RICHARD, 11. Parallelc du cardinal de Richelieu et du cardinal Mazarin. Paris, 1710. 12 . *2049.7 Le veritable pfere Joseph. [Histoirc anecdote de Richelieu, etrepouse.] Nouv. ed. [Paris,] 1750. 2v. sin. 8 *2048.9 RICHARUEUIE. See Boucher de la Richarderie. RICHARDS, G. Discourse at the funeral of the Kev. William M. Rogers. Boston, 1851. pp.37. 8 3458.83 Discourse occasioned by the death of Daniel Webster, Oct. 31, 1852. Boston, 1852. 8.*Pph.v.2G3 RICHARDS, James. Address at the funeral of Mrs. Sarah Gumming. New York, 1812. 8 . . *Pph.v.4 Report: plan for disciplining baptized chil- dren. New York, 1812. 8 *Pph.v.6 RICHARDS, John. Eulogy on W. II. Harrison. Windsor, 1841. 8 *Pph.v.2C6 RICHARDS, W. History of Lynn, [Eng.] Lynn, 1812. 2v. 8 *2503.25 RICHARDSON, B. W. Cause of the coagulation of the blood. Cooper prize essay, 1850. Lon- don, 1858. 8 3803.15 RICHARDSON, Charles. New dictionary of the English language, illustrated by quotations. London, 1844. 2v. 4 *2580.4 RICHARDSON 680 RICKARD Shelf. No. RICHARDSON, Charles, continued. [Address to the public from the American publisher of Richardson's English diction- ary. New York. No title-page.] 8 . . *rph.v.09 RICHARDSON, Charles ,T. Architectural remains of the reigns of Elizabeth and James I. London, 1840. Vol. I. f *4050.4 Description of the warming and ventilating 1 apparatus at the residence of C. Babbage. London, 1839. pp.10. 8 *4105.4 Treatise on warming and ventilation. Lon- don, 1839. 8 *4105.4 Studies of ornamental design. London, 1851. Atlas, f *4050.1 RICIIAKDSON, Sir John. Magnetical and meteor- ological observations at Fort Confidence. See Lefroy, J. II E.186.7 Svvainson, W., and Kirby, W. Fauna Bureali- Americana. Part i-n. London, 1829-31. 2v. 4 *3902.1 - Same. [Part IV, insecta.] Norwich, 1837. 4 *3S92.3 RICHARDSON, Maj. John. Eight years in Canada. Montreal, 1847. 8" 2409.44 RICHARDSON, Joseph. Address at the installation of Mt. Zion R. arch-chapter in Stoughton, Mass., 1821. Boston, 1821. 8 *Pph.v.291 RICHARDSON, M. A. Borderer's table book. Lon- don, 1846. 8v.in4. 1.8. *2482.1 RICHARDSON, S. See Ballantyne, James and John. Novelist's library v. Oof 2573.1 Contents. Vol. VI. Pamela, or virtue rewarded. VII. Clarissa llarlowe. VIII. Sir Charles Grand- ison. See Prevost d'Exiles, A. F. CEuvres .... 2608.1 Contents. Vol. XVII.-XVIII. Pamela, ou la vertu recompensee. XIX.-XXLV. Ilistoire de Miss CUr risse llarlowe. XXV .-XXVIII. Histoire du cheva- lier Grandisson. RICHARDSON, William, prof, at Glasgow, d. 1814. Essays on some of Shakespeare's charac- ters, [and] on [his] faults. 5th ed. London, 1797. 8 *2597.10 Essay on the dramatic character of Sir John Falstaff. London, 1777. 8 *259G.9 Mythology of Ossian's poems. See Graham, P. 2574.2 RICHARDSON, William, D. D. Essay on florin grass. London, 1814. 8 3992.5 RICHARDSON, William, of the royal observatory, Greenwich. Catalogue of 7:585 stars, chiefly in the southern hemisphere. London, 1835. 4. pi **E. 144.9, **E. 185.0 RICHARDSON family. See Vinton, J. A 2332.3 RICHELIEU, A. J. du Plessis, cardinal. Lettres, instructions, etc. publ. par Avenel. Vol. I, 1G03-24. Ill, 1028-30. Paris, 1853, 58. 2v. 4. [France. Coll. de does. ined. 87] . . . *2040.9 Maximes d'etat ou testament politique. Par- is, 1704. 2 ptes. in Iv. 8 3502.27 Note. I>e Testament politique de Richelieu est traite par Jamet Ic jeune d'ouvrage d'imagination du speculatifl'aul llay, marquis du Chastelet. Querard. Journal, 1030-44. [Lafaist. Archives curieuses de 1'histoire de France. Ser. 2, v.5] .... 2617.1 Leben, Ministerschaft, und Staatsmaximen des Cardinals. [Schiller. Mem. n. Abth. v.10, 17] 2613.1 Mems. sur le regne de Louis xin. [Michaud. Coll. mem. hist. France. Ser. 2, v. 7,8, 9]. 2611.1 - Same. [Petitot. Coll. mem. hist. France. Ser. 2,v.lO, 11, 22-30] 2G35.1 Richard, R. L'histoire anecdote du . . . . 2048.9 - P.irallele du card. R. et du card. Mazarin. 2049.7 Valdory, G. de. Anecdotes du ministere du. 2049.12 RICHELIEU, L. F. A. du Plessis de. Memoires. 2e ed. Paris, 1793. 9v. 8 *2057.4 Vie privee, contenant ses amours. Paris, 1791. 3v. 8 *2057.5 Note. Redigee par Faur, ancien secretaire du due de Fronsac. Querard. Shelf. No. RICHER, monk of St. Remy at Rheims. Histoire de son temps, par J. Guadet. [Lat. et Fr.] Paris, 1845. 2v. 8. [ Societe de 1'histoire de France] *2016.9 - Same. Historiarum libri quatuor. [Mi- gne. Patrologiae v.138] 3460.17 RICHER, A. Vies des plus celebres marina. Avignon, 1810, 17. 13v. 24. Namely: Barberousse 4009.9 Jean-Bart 4009.10 Captaine Cassard et Captaine Paulin 4009.11 Andre Doria 4009.12 Rene du Guay-Trouln 4009.13 Du Quesne 4009.14 Jean d'Estr^es et Victor d'Estrees 4009.15 Comte de Forbin 4009.16 Ruiter. 2v 4;W'J.17 Tourville. 2v 40:19.18 Corneille Tromp 4609.19 RICHERAND, A. B. L. C. M. Account of a resection of the ribs and the pleura. Transl. by T. Wilson. Philadelphia, 1818. 8 ... *M.Pph.v.9 Elemens de physiologic. 3e ed. Paris, 1804. 2v. 8 3762.15 Elements of physiology, from the 5th London edition, translated by De Lys, with notes by Chapman and Godman. Philadelphia, 1823. 8 3702.14 Erreurs populaires relatives a la medecine. 2eed. Paris, 1812. 8 3721.21 Nosographie chirurgicale. 3c ed. Paris, 1812. 4v. 8 3755.18 - Same. 4e ed. Paris, 1815. 4v. 8 ... 3783.8 RICHES, T. H. History of the ancient town and borough of Uxbridge. See Redford, G. . 2505.5 RICHES, The race lor. Arnot, W 3578.2 RICHMOND, James. Concise opinion of published arguments on the penalty of death. Hud- son, 1847. 8 *Pph.v.l63 RICHMOND, James C. Conspiracy against the late bishop of New York unravelled by one of the conspirators. New York, 1845. 8. *Pph.v.l43 Defence of the ladies, and others, against the bishop of Maryland, and his aids. New York, 1845. 8 *Pph.v.l43 Reply to the statement of the late bishop of New York. New York, 1845. 8 ... *Pph.v.l43 Richmond in ruins ; or a wit by folly van- quished. See Onderdonk, B. T Pph.v.143 Richmond's pamphlets reviewed. See Onder- donk, B. T Pph.v.143 RICHMOND, John W. Rhode Island repudiation, or the revolutionary debt of R. I. 2d ed. Providence, 1855. 8 2336.10 RICHMOND, L. Beauties. Selections from his writings. New York, 1837. 32 3440.48 Sermon before the society for missions, etc. Pph.v.14 RICHMOND, Va., Discourse occasioned by the burning of the theatre in. Alexander, A. Pph.v.4 Richmond in by-gone days. Richmond, Va. 1850. 12 2374.26 RICHMONDSHIRE, History of. Whitaker, T. D. 2490.9 RICHTER, E. F. Lehrbuch der Fuge. Leipzig, 1859. 8 4055.20 RICHTER, F. X. Traite d'harmonie et de compo- sition, revu, corrige et augmente, par Ch. Kalkbrenner. Paris, 1803. 4" *4041.14 RICHTER, Johann C. Museum Richterianum. See Hebenstreit,J. E 5860.21 RICHTER, Jean Paul Friedr. Briefwechsel mit Christian Otto. Berlin, 1829-33. 4v. 16* . 2849.6 Wahrheit aus Jean Paul's Leben. Breslau, 1820-33. 8v. 16 *2849.7 Leben und Charakteristik von. During, H. 2849.8 RICHTER, T. W. Die Gruudverhaltnissc der Mu- sik. Leipzig, 185:3-54. 2v. in 1. 4" .... *4055.3 RICHTER, W. Wanderungen in Ungarn. Berlin, 1844. 8 2S64.4 RICKARD, W. The miner's manual of arithmetic and surveying. London, 1859. 8 3925.20 RICKMAN 681 RIMBAULT Shelf. No. RICKJIAN, T. Architecture in England, from the conquest to the reformation. 5th eel. Lon- don, 1848. 8 4093.4 Architectural observations. See Cotman,J. S. 4050.12 EICOTTI, E. Compcndio di storia patria, ed. ap- provata. Torino, 1857. 12 2719.2 Delia vita e degli scritti del conte Cesare Balbo. Firenze, 1850. 12" 2749.11 Storia delle compagnie di ventura in Italia. Torino, 1815. 4v. 10 2719.9 EICKAFT, J. Survey of England's champions since these uncivill wars began. London, 1647. 8 *2519.1 RICULF, lp. of Soissons. Statuta. [Migne. Patro- logizev.131] 3460.10 KIDDLE, E. Treatise on navigation and nautical astronomy. London, 1824. 8 **E.181.4 - Same. 2d ed. London, 1831. 8 . . . .**E.181.3 RIDGELY, D. Annals of Annapolis, with incidents in the history of Md. Baltimore, 1841. 12. 2374.21 RIDLEY, L. Life ; Commentary upon Ephesians ; Exposition upon Philippiaus ; Extract from an exposition of St. Jude. [Fathers of the English church, v.2] 3477.20 RIDLEY, N. Works, ed. by II. Christmas. Cam- bridge, 1841. 8. [Parker society] .... 3503.3 Contents. Biographical notice; Brief declaration of the Lord's supper, or a treatise ngainst transub- stantiation ; A piteous lamentation of the miserable estate of the church in England; Treatise on the wor- ship of images ; Conferences between Ridley and Latimer ; Conference between Ridley and Bourne ; A determination concerning the sacrament; Judicium de cpistolis decrctalibus ; Disputation at Oxford ; Last examination before the queen's commissioners ; Smaller treatises ; Letters ; Appendices. Life and martyrdom, from Fox's martyrol- ogy ; Farewell ; Conferences with Latimer; Treatise lamenting the state of England ; Treatise on the Lord's supper ; Letters. [Fathers of the English church, v.4] . . . 3477.20 RIDOLFI, C. Lc marayiglie dell' arte, ovvcro le vitc degli illustri pittori Veniti. 2acd. Pa- do va, 1835-37. 2v. 8 4087.9 RIDOLFI, L. Letterc. [Dati. ProseFiorent. v. 15]. 2787.1 RIEBEREU, M. De confutatione et damnatione Bercngarii. [Raccolta ferrarese di opuscoli scientiflci, v.21] 5274.1 RIEDESEL, F. C. L. de. Letters relating to the war of American independence, trausl. by J. von Wallcnstein. New York, 1827. 12. . 2329.7 RIENZI, Cola di, or Rienzo, Niccolo Gabrini. Vita Nicolai Laurentii [sive di Cola di Ricnzo] tribuui Romanoruni. [Muratori. Antiq. Ital.v.7] 2720.7 Vita. See Re, Z 2749.10 RIENZI, G. L. Domeny dc. Oceanic, ou Malaisic, Miwonesic, Polynesie, Milanesie. Paris, 1830-37. 3v. 8. [L'Univers] *2270.3 RiEPEL, J. Anfangsgriinde zur musikalischcn Setzkunst. Cap. I-V. Regensburg, 1754- 68. f *4040.S Bassschltissel, d. i. Anleitung fiir Anf Linger u. Liebhaber der Setzkunst, herausgegeben. von J. K. Schubarth. ilegensburg, 1786. pp.S4. f" *4040.8 RIES, Das, wie cs war, und wie es ist. Hist.-stat. Zoitschrift. "VVeng, J. F *. . . 2864.9 RIESBECK, C. von. Travels through Germany. Transl. by Rev. Mr. Maty. Dublin, 1787. 2v. 8 2863.9 Travels through Germany, 1780. [Pinker- ton Voyages, v.O] 2260.13 RIESENGEBIUGE, Wandcruugen durch das. See Herlossohn, G. C 2802.9 RIEUX, J. J. Considerations sur 1'ecehymose, la suggilation, la contusion, la meurtrissure. See Lecieux, A 3788.7 RIFFAULT, J. R. D., and Vergnaud,A.R. Manuel du peintre en batimens, etc. Nouv. ed. Paris, n.d. sm.l2. [Manuel Roret] . . . 4019.17 Shelf. No. RIFLEMAN'S manual. Busk, H 3953.13 RIFLESSIONI sopra 1'Arte magica annichilata [op- era di S. Maffei]. Venezia, 1755. 4 . . . . *3472.12 RIFLESSIONI sopra la bolla in cosna Domini. Ve- nezia, 1769. 8 *3445.20 RlGAUD, Stephen Jordan. Correspondence of scientific men of the 17th century. Ox- ford, 1841. 2v. 8 3915.2 RIGAUD, Stephen Peter. Historical essay on Newton's principia. Oxford, 1838. 8 . . 3915.3 RIGACLT, N. De rebus Gallioe libri tres. [Thou. Histoire, v.O] 2300.4 Observationes de populis fundis. [Grsevius. Thes. antiq. Rom. v.2] 2950.1 RIGBY, E. Memoranda for practitioners in mid- wifery. 1st Am. ed. with additions by S. C. Foster. New York, 1840. 32 *3779.32 System of midwifery. 2d Am. cd. Phila- delphia, 1851. 8 *3772.2'2 Uterine hemorrhage which precedes delivery. 5th ed. London, 1811. 8 *3774.21 - Same. Oth ed. Norwich, 1822. 8 .... *3770.29 RIGGING, The art of. Biddlecombe, G 31)5:3.11 RIDOLFI, L. Vita, composta du Vespasiano Bis- ticci. [Arch. stor. ital. v.4, p.i] 5215.2 RIGGS, S. R. Grammar and dictionary of the Da- kota language. [Smithsonian contrib. v.4]. 3340.1 RIGHT of the colony of Connecticut to hold the lands within their charter, lying west of the province of N. Y. Uartford, 177:!. 8. *233G.7 RIGHTS and jurisdiction of the county palatine of Chester, with introductory notice by J. B. Yatcs. n.p. 1854. pp.37. sm.4. [Chet- ham miscellanies, v.2] *2415.10 RIGHTEOUSNESS. Dunbar, S. R. by the law sub- versive of Christianity 3458.7 Foxcroft, T. The saints' confession, in dis- paragement of their own R 345S.9 See also : Justification. RIGHTS and remedies, Conflict of laws in regard to. Story, J 3025.1 RlGORD. Gesta Philippi August!. [Bouquet. Uecucil, v.17] 2020.1 Vie dc Philippe Auguste. [Guizot. Coll. nn-m. hist. France, v.ll] 2018.2 RIGOT, F. J. J. Anatomic des animaux domes- tiques. Paris, 1840-48. 3v. 8 3887.17 RIGVEDA-SANHITA. Liber i. Sanskrite ct Latino. Ed. F. A. Rosen. London, 1838. 4. [Ori- ental translation fund, 48] *3011.9 RIG Veda, or link Beid. See Oupnek' hut . . . . 3U23.11 RILEY, J. Loss of the brig Commerce on the coast of Africa, with an account of Tombuc- too and Wassanah. London, 1817. 4. . .*3051.13 - Same. Chillicothc, 1S20. 12 3U5U.1 IULEY, W. W. Sequel to Rilcy's narrative. Co- lumbus, 1851. 8" 3055.2 RILINDIS, or Regiliudis. Notitia et fragmenta metrica. [Migne. Patrologiaj v.l'Ji]. v.2 of 3170.10 RILLIET, A. Calviu and Servetus. From the French, with additions by W. K. Tweedie. Edinburgh, 1840. 8 3550.22 RIMA, T. G. Sul perfczionamento del proccsso operativo per 1'estirpazionc del testicoli scirrosi. [Opuscoli sciontilici, v.4] . . . . 3911.5 RIMARIO italiano. See Antolini, F 2"!. 5 See Rosasco, G 2771.1 RIJIBAUI.T, E. F. Ancient poetical tracts of the sixteenth century. London, 1812. pp.'.L'. p. 8. [Percy society publications, v.O] . . *2537.8 Bibliotheca madrigaliana. London, 1847. pp.88. 8 *2155.7 Cathedral music from MSS. Loud. n.d. roy.4. *4040.2 Little book of songs and ballads, gathered from ancient musick books. Lond. 1851. 8. 253S.14 Old ballads illustrating the great frost of 1083-84, and the fair on the Thames. Lon- don, 1844. pp.GS. p.8. [Percy soc.publ. v.9].*2537. 11 Who was Jack Wilson, the singer of Shake- speare's stage ? London, 1840. pp.10. 8. *2595.4 HIME 682 RIVAROL Shelf. No. RIME piacevoli. [Di Nelli, Bentivoglio, Angelucci, Garzoni, Casoni, e Groto, cieco d' Ad.ria.] Viconza, 1003. 24 *47G9a.l5 RIME c prose del buon sceolo dclla lingua, [rac- colte da T. Bini.] Lucca, 1852. 8 .... 2704.21 RlNALDi, O. Annales ecclesiastic!, A. D. 1198-1505. SeeBaronius,C 3510.1 RINALDO appassionato : [poema] nuovamente ris- tampato. Colle, 1829. 24 47G9a.ll RINALDO ardito: canto. See Ariosto, L 2804.1 RINALDO and Armida : tragedy. See Dennis, J. . 2575.15 RINGELBERGIUS, J. F. Treatise de ratione studii, transl. by G. B. Earp. London, 1830. 10. 3590.11 RINNE, J. C. F. Die Lchre vom deutsclien Stile. Stuttgart, 1840-47. 3v. 8 2884.3 RINSIFEK de Scndai. San Kokf Tsou Ran To Sets, ou apereu des trois royaumcs, trad, du Ja- ponais-chinois, par Klaproth ; [Plates, etc.] Paris, 1832. 2v. 8 and 4. [Oriental transl. fund] *3011.0 RINUCCINI, A. Orazione in morte di Pirro del Bone. [Dati. Prose florentine, v.3] . . . 2787.1 RINUCCINI, O. Drammi musicali. Livorno, 1802. 8 2777.9 Contents. La Dafne; L'Euridice; L'Arianna, trag- cdia. Anacreontica I ; II Rinaldo con Armida. See Corazzini, F. Miscellanea, etc 4777.6 La Dafne, dramma musicale; L'Euridice, dramma tragico. [Parnaso ital.] . v.17, 35 of 2709.2 La Dafne. [Teatro italiano antico, v.S] . . . 2776.1 ElO, Antonio del. Ruins near Palcnquc, followed by an investigation into the history of the Americans, by P. F. Cabrera. London, 1822. 4 *2310.14 Rio, A. F. De la poesie chretienne. 2e partie. Peinture. Paris, 1S3G. 8" 4066.18 Essai sur 1'esprit humain dans I'antiquite'. Paris, 1829-30. 2v. 8" 2952.3 RIOUFFE, H. Memoires d'un detenu pour servir a 1'histoire de la tyrannic de Robespierre. [Barriere. Mum. rel. a 1'hist. de Fr. v.9]. 4667.2 - Same. See Memoires sur les prisons, v.l of 4045.10 RIPALTA, A. de. Continuatio annalium Placenti- norum Antouii de Ripalta. [Muratori. R3 chansons etc.; Portrait du due d'Orleans ; Vie pclit- ique lie M. de La F.; Pcnsees. Memoircs. Paris, 1821. 8. [Berville and Barriere. Moms. rcl. ii la rev. francaise, 41]. *4655.1 KIVEKO, 31. E. dc, and Tscbudi, J. J. v. Antig- iicdades peruanas. Vicna, 1851. Iv. 4. pi. f e *2370.S RIVERS. Brooks, W. A. Improvement of the navigation of 3053.8 Calver, E. K. Improvement of tidal rivers. 31)45. 4 Frisi, P. On rivers and torrents 3941.9 Plutarchus. De fluviis 3007.2 Vibius Sequester. DC flumiuibus, fontibus, lacubus quorum apucl poetas mentio fit. . . 2945.12 White, J. Improvement of the navigation of. 3952.10 HIVES, W. C. Speech on his resolutions calling upon the treasury department for informa- tion respecting its fiscal arrangements with the bank of the U. S. Wash. 1830. 8 . *Pph.v.l04 KiVET de La Grange, A. Refutation du systemc de La Ilavaliere sur les origines de la lan- gue frangaise. [Leber. Coll. diss. hist. Fr. v.14] 2618.1 RIVIERE, L. Opera medica univcrsa, adornata a J. D. Horstio, denuo recusa. Francofurti, 1074. f *3710.5 Contents. Institutionum medicarum libri quinquc; Praxeos medico: libri septcmdecim ; Observationum medicarum ct curationum insignium centurias qua- tuor, cum observationibus rarioribus, ab aliis com- municiuis. RIVINGTOX, C. and J. Supplement to [their] cat- alogue of books, in various languages, and iu every department of literature. London, 1825. 8 *2139.7 RIVOLUZIONE romana, La, al giudizio dcgli im- parziali. Firenze, 1850. 8" 3510.1 RIZZETTI, L. La costruzione del iniglior teatro. [Raccolta di opuscoli scientific!, v.20] . . . 5274.1 ROAD-BOOK of England and Wales. Leigh, S. . 2487.4 ROADS. Edgcworth, R. L. Construction of . . 4015.13 McAdarn, J. L. Remarks on the present sys- tem of road making 4015.12 Morin, A. J. Experiences sur le tirage dcs voitures 4012.18 Morri, G. L'architetto nelle strade 4105.20 ROBB, J. B. Collection of patent cases decided in courts of U. S. Boston, 1854. 2v. b . . . 3095.7 ROBBERDS, J. W. Memoir of the life and writ- ings of William Taylor, of Norwich. Lon- don, 1843. 2v. 8 2455.8 ROBBIA, L. dclla. See Archivio storico italiano . 5245.2 Contents. Vol. I. Rceitazione del caso di P. P. Boscoli c di Agostino Capponi, 1513. IV, p. 1. Vita di Bartolommeo da Valore. ROBBINS, Chandler, D.D., of Plymouth, b. 1738, d. 1799. Address at Plymouth, 24th Jan. 1793, to celebrate the victories of the French republic. Boston, 1793. pp.20. sm.4 . . *2324.73 ROBBES'S, Chandler, M.D. Disorders of literary men. Boston, 1825. 12" 3766.15 BOBBINS, Chandler, D.D., of Boston. Discourse in commemoration of Rev. W. P. Lunt. Also the last sermon preached by Mr. Lunt. Boston, 1857. 8 *2343.10 History of the second church, or Old North, in Boston. Boston, 1852. 8 2354.2 Our pastor's offering, a compilation from the writings of the pastors of the church, for the ladies' fair. Boston, 1845. 10 .... 3446.3 Sermon at the installation of Rev. A. M. Bridge, in Bernardston. Bost. 1840. b.*Pph.v.269 ROBECK, J. De morte voluutaria philosophoruni et bonorum virorum, rec. J. N. Funccius. Rintelii, 1736. 4 *3579.2 Shelf. No. ROBERT, abbot of Moltme. Commentarius prae- vius ad vitam S. Robcrti [Bolland.] ; Vita S. Robcrti, auctore anouymo; Epistolse. [Mignc. Patrologia: v. 157] 3400.34 ROBERT, bp. of Mft~. Diplomata ct epistolaj. [Migne. Patrologise v.132] 3460.11 ROBERT, monk of St. liemi, at Rlieims. Ilistoria Hierosolymitana. [Miguc. Patrologia; v.155] 3460.32 Histoire de la premiere eroisadc, 10D5-99. [Guizot. Coll. mem. hist. France, v. 23] . . 2618.2 ROBERT, of Arbrisscl. Vita, auctore Baldrico episcopo Dolensi ; Vita altera, auctore An- drea ; Ecgulae sanctimonialium Fontis Ebraldi [Fontevrault] ; Prsecepta recto vi- vendi ; Diplomata ; Diversorum donationes. [Migne. Patrologire v.162] v.2of3460.37 ROBERT, of Gloucester. Life and martyrdom of Thomas Becket, archbishop of Canterbury. Ed. by W. II. Black. London, 1845. p. 8. [Percy society, v. 19] *2537.21 Chronicle. See Ilearne, T 2112.5 ROBERT, of Torigni, abbot of Mont St. Michel. Historiae Northmaunorum liber octavus. [Migne. Patrologiae v.149. col. 879] .... 3460.27 Crouica, vcl auctarium chronic! Sigeberti Gemblaccnsis. [Migne. Patrologiae v. 100], 3460.36 Epistola; Tractatua de immutatione ordinis monachorum. [Migne. Patrologia; v.202]. 3470.24 ROBERT, of Titmbalena, abbot of St. Vigo. Com- mcntaria in Cautica canticorum ; Epistola ad monachos S. Michnclis de Monte. [Mi- gne. Patrologia; v.150] 3460.28 ROBERT Paululus, of Amiens. Libri in de caere- moniis, sacramcntis ct ofEciis ecclesiasticis. [Migne. Patrologia; v.177] v .3 of 3-170.4 ROBERT Pullus, or Pullanus. Libri octo sententi- arum dc sancta triuitatc. [Migne. Patro- logise v.180] 3470.10 ROBERT d'Artois III, count. Justification de la conduite de Philippe de Valois dans le proces de ; Observations sur le proces de. [Lcbcr. Coll. diss. hist. France, v.17] . . . 2018.1 ROBERT, king of France. Carmen ad Robcrtum rcgem ; Notae in carmen ad cuudem regem ; Vita a Ilelgaudo ; Epistolse ; llymui ; Diplo- mata. [Migne. Patrologise v.141] .... 3460.20 ROBERT I, king of Scotland, The Bruce, or the history of. Barbour, J 2586.17 ROBERT le diable, Le roman de. See Roman . . 2;'>ri.H ROBERT mon oucle, Coutes de. Bres, J. P. . .4679 a. 23 ROBERT, C. Philosophic de Part. Paris, lb'3;i. b. 4072.5 ROBERT, E. Geologic, mineralogie, ct nietallurgio des voyages en Scandinavie, etc. Atlas. Paris, n.d. 2v. in 1. b. Atl. f . [Gaimard. Comm. scieutif. du nord] 3862.7 ROBEUT, F. Geographic moderne. See Encyclo- pedic methodique A. 163. 8 ROBERT, L. J. M. Rapport sur les travaux do la societe acad. de uu-dccinc dc Marseille, l-., F. S. A. History of the parish of Edmonton, in Middlesex. London, 1819. 8 2505.0 History of the parish of Tottenham, in Mid- dlesex [with the tournament of Totten- ham]. 2d ed. London, 1840. 2v. 8 ... 2505.8 ROBINSON, William, D. C. L. Reports of cases in admiralty, 1838-50. Edited by G. Minot. Boston, 1853. 3v. in 2. 8. [English adm. reports, v.8, 9] v.3 of *3694.5 ROBINSON'S railway time and fare tables in Great Britain. London, 1842. 18 2487. G ROBINSON Crusoe. See Defoe, D 4079.9 ROBISON, J. Mechanical philosophy, with notes by D. Brewster. London, 1822. 4v. 8 . 3945.6 Outlines of a course of lectures on mechani- cal philosophy. Edinburgh, 1797. 8. . *Pph.v.53 Proofs of a conspiracy against all the relig- ions and governments of Europe, by free- masons, [etc.] New York, 1798. 8 . . . . *3567.7 ROBORTELLO, F. De vita et victu populi llomani. Vol. I. Bononiae, 1559. 4 *2950.9 See Graevius, J. G. Thes. antiq. Rom. . . . 2950.1 Contents. Vol. III. De provinciis Romanorum ct earum distributiono atque adm'mistrationc; De judi- ciis, ct omni consuetudinc causas agendi apud Re manos; De magistratibus imp. ; De gradibus hono- rum ct magistratuum Kom. VIII. De mensium ap- pellalione ex nominibus imperatorum. X. Do legio- nibus Romanorum! De commodis, pnemis, et donis militaribusi De pccnis militum, ct ignominiis. XII. Laconic!, scu sudationis quoe adhuc visitur in rulna balnearum Pisanai urbis, explicatio. ROBSON, J. Residence in Hudson's bay, 1733-47. London, 1752. 8 2307.3 ROCABERTI, H. B. de. Comedia de la gloria d' amor. SeeCambouliu.F. R 3093.10 ROCCA, Albert J. M. dc. Memoires sur la guerre des Fran^ais en Espagnc. [No title-page.] Paris, [1818.] 8 3102.5 ROCCA, or Roccha, Angelo. De campanis com- mentarius. [Sallengre. Novus thes. antiq. Rom. v.2] 2950.2 ROCCHI, F. See Bernabb Silorata. P. Prose e poesie di Italian! viventi, v.2 4708.10 Rocco, A. Esercitazioni. See Galilei. Opere, v.2 3913.1 Rocco, E. See Vocabolario universale italiano. ROCHDALE, co. of Lancaster. History of co-opera- tion in. Holyoake, G. J 3506.32 ROCHECHOUART, G. de. Memoires, 1514-65. [Mi- chaud. Coll. mem. hist. Fr. Ser. 1, v.8] . 2011.1 - Same. [Petitot. Coll. mem. hist. France. Ser. 1, v.32] 2015.1 ROCHEFORT, C. de. Relation de 1' isle de Tabago, on de la Nouvelle Oualcre. Paris, 1060. 12. *2319.7 Histoire des iles Antilles, attribuee a C. de R. See Poincy, L. de 2313.4 ROCHELLE. See La Rochelle. ROCHESTER, earl of. See Wilmot, J. ROCHESTER, lord. See Hyde, L. ROCHESTER, Eng. History and antiquities. Denne, S 2496.2 ROCHESTER, N. Y. Revised charter of the city. Rochester, 1850. 8 6369.13 University. Second catalogue of the officers and students. Rochester, 1851. 8 . . . *Pph.v.l98 Sbelf. No. ROCHESTER, N". T. University, continued. - Report on the plan of instruction to be pursued in the collegiate department. Roch- ester, 1850. 8" *Pph.v.l98 ROCHESTER: a poem. See Wilder, J. N 2405.4 ROCHETTE, D. R. Histoire critique de 1'etablisse- ment des colonies grecques. Paris, 1815. 4v. 8 3073.8 Histoire de la revolution helvetique, 1797- 1803. Paris, 1823. 8 2828.2 Peintures antiques inedites. Paris, 1836. 4". *40G1.4 ROCIION, A. M. de. Voyage to Madagascar. [Pinkerton. Voyages, v.16] 2260.13 ROCHON de Chabannes, M. A. J. See Theatre des auteurs du second ordre. Comedies envers. 2640.19 Contents. Vol. XI. Heureusement ; L,e jaloux. XIII. La manic des arts, ou la matinee d la mode ; Lea araatis gJnureux [imitation de Minna de Barnhclm, drame de LessingO Irene e Federico [o Gli amanti generosi]: commedia. [Teatro moderno applaudito, v.40] 2768.1 ROCHOUX, J. A. Rcchcrches sur 1'apoplexie. Paris, 1814. 8 3807.13 ROCK-CUT temples of India. Fergusson, J. . . . 3020.6 ROCKINGHAM, marquis of. See Wentworth, C. W. 2440.18 ROCKS. Humboldt, F. H. A. v. Superposition of 3804.7 Pinkerton, J. Treatise on 3865.11 See also: Geology, Mineralogy. ROCKWELL, J. A. Spanish and Mexican law in n hitiou to mines and real estate, in force in Cal., Tex., etc. when annexed to the U. S. Vol. I. New York, 1851. 1.8 3672.1 ROCKAVOOD, E. L. Record of the descendants of Timothy Rockwood. Boston, 1853. 12. . 2334.1 ROCKY mountains. Fremont, J. C. Exploring expedition to the 2378.5 Ruxton, G. F. Adventures in the 2314.12 ROCROY. Relation des campagnes de, par Henri de Besse. [Latour. Petits chefs d'oeuvre historiques, v.l] 4667.3 ROD ATI, A. or L. See Opuscoli scientific! . . . . 3911.5 Contents. Vol. I. In abnorme sccleton fcemineum animadversiones. II. Animadversiones in prajpara- tiones osseas musei pathologic! universitatis Bononi- ensis. III. In prajparationes myo-pathologicas musei Bononiensis animadversiones. IV. In prxparationea Bplanchno-pathologicas musei Bononiensis animad- versiones ; Synopsis affectionum organicarum in musei pathologic! prajparationibus adhuc descriptis palam se offerentiurn. EODD, T. Catalogue of books, voyages, and trav- els relating to America. London, 1843. 8". 2371.11,*Pph.v.274 RODERICK Random: a novel, by T. Smollett. [Ballantyne. Novelist's library, v.2] . . . 2573.1 RODGERS, John. Sermon on the death of Rev. J. Witherspoon. New York, 1795. 8 . . . *Pph.v.32 Memoirs. See Miller, S 3541.^ RODGEKS, John R. B. Anniversary addresses for the years 1813-15, before the medical society of the state of N.Y. SeeNew York . M.Pph.v.3,4 RODMAN, J. Journal of a sentimental philoso- pher ; Discourse upon eloquence. New York, 1809. 8" *Pph.v.3 Oration before the Tammany society, 5th July, 1813. New York, 1813. 8" *Pph.v.6 RODOLFO, bp. of Gubbio. Vita, auctore Petro Damiano. [Migne. Patrologiae v. 144 j.v.l of 3460.23 RODOLPII, abbot of St. Trudo. Gesta abbatum Trudonensium ; Epistolae ; Acta translati- onis S. Gereonis. [Migne. Patrol, v.173]. 3470.2 Vita S. Lictberti, Cameracensis episcopi. [Migne. Patrologiae v.140] 3460.24 RODOLPII, monk ofCluny. Vita Petri Venerabilis. [Migne. Patrologiae v.189] 3470.13 RODOLPU, monk of Fulda. Vita Rabani Mauri. [Migne. Patrologiae v.107] v.l of 3450.31 RODOLPII I, emperor of Germany. Epistolarum libri tres. [Migne. Patrologiae v.98]. v.2 of 3450.23 ROE 686 ROKITAXSKY Shelf. No. ROE, Sir T. Memoires avpros dc Mogol. [The- vcnot. Voyages, v. 1] 2300.1 Voyage to India, 1014-18. [Pinkerton. Voy- ages, v.8] 2200.13 Voyage to East-India. See Valle, P. della. 3041.7 ROEBUCK, J. A. Existing difficulties in the gov- ernment of the Canadas. London, 183G. 8 *Pph.v.l46 Life of Mahomet. [London. Society diff. of useful knowledge. Lives] E.212.8 ROEDEREK, A. M. Intrigues politiques et ga- lantes de la cour de France sous Charles ix Louis xv, mises en comedies. Paris, 1832. 8 4062.7 Contents. Le depart de Henri de Valois pour la Pologne, en 1573, comedie historiquc; Bassompierre, ou le courtisan dans 1'embarras, comudie historique ; Lea aiguillettea d'Anne d'Autriche, comedie histo- rique; Une matinee de Louis xiv, eomedie historique; Mademoiselle Delaunay a la bastille, comedie his- torique ; Les mocurs du bon temps, ou a bon chat, bon rat, proverbe historique. ROEDEKER, P. L. de. Histoire de la societe polie en France. Paris, 1835. 8 2670.32 Memoires pour servir a une nourelle histoire de Louis xn. Paris, 1819. 8 2047.5 - [Same.] Et Fran$ois icr suivis d'app. comprenant une discussion entre Daru et 1' auteur, concernant la rdunion de la Bretagne a la France. Paris, 1825-33. 3v. 8" .... 2047.4 ROELKER, B. The constitutions of France, with remarks relating to their origin and the Orleans dynasty. Boston, 1848. 12 ... 3504.10 ROEMER, F. A. Die Versteincrungen des Nord- dcutschen Kreidegebirges. Hannover, 1841. 4 *38G1.27 ROEMER, M. J. Familiarum naturalium rcgni vegetabilis synopses. Vimariae, 1840, 47. 4v. 8 *3833.0 Contents. Vol. I. Ilesperides. II. Peponiferas. III. Rosiflorae. IV. Ensatae. ROGER, of Croyland. Vita S. Thomse [Becket] Cautuarieusis archiepiscopi. [Migne. Pa- trologiae v.190] 3470.14 ROGER, of Hungary. Miscrabile carmen, super destructione Hungariae per Tartaros. [Schwandtner. Script, rer. llungaric. v.l]. 2810.2 ROGER, of Orleans. Rcvclatio ad monachos S. Audoeni Rothornagi de invcntione Evurtii pontiflcis. [Migne. Patrologiae v.190] . . 3470.21 ROGER, of Pontiniac. Vita S. Thomas [Becket] Cantuariciisis arcliicpiscopi. [Migne. Pa- trologise v.190] 3470.14 ROGER, of IVendover. Chronlca, sive flores his- toriarum, et appendix. Ed. H. O. Coxe. Londini, 1841-14. 5v. 8. [English histor- ical society] *2413.8 See also : Ruggieri. ROGER, H. Treatise on auscultation. See Earth, M 3795.20 ROGER, P. P. Domestic economy : 500 receipts. 3d ed. Boston, 1843. 12 4000.0 ROGERS, Abncr, Trial of, for the murder of C. Lin- coln, jr. See Bigclow, G. T 3084.13 ROGERS, Artemas, and Chase, H. B. Trial of D. D. Farmer for the murder of Anna Ayer, 1821. Concord, 1821. 8 *M.Pph.V.121 ROGERS, Daniel. Poem on liberty and equality. Albany, 1804. 8 *Pph.v.7 Report of the trial of J. Quay vs. the Eagle fire company of N. Y. N. Y. 1817. S.*Pph.v.3 ROGERS, David. Facts stated for the purpose of vindicating the conduct of the author in re- lation to Dr. S. Thompson; also, a lecture. Rochester, IS'29. 8 *M.Pph.v.21 ROGERS, E. P. Daniel Webster : a discourse, Nov. 28,1852. Augusta, Geo. 1853. 8 . . . . *Pph.v.203 ROGERS, G. Voyage to the Cape de Verde isl- ands. [Knox. New collection of voyages, v.2] 2203.1 Shelf. No. ROGERS, Henry. Life of John Howe. London, 1830. 8 2447.8 ROGERS, Henry B. Remarks on the present pro- ject for supplying the iniiabitants of Boston with water. Boston, 1815. pp.39. t>. [Bos- ton. Water docs. 1815. New scr. v.2] . . *C357.20 ROGERS, Henry D. Geology of New Jersey, a final report. Philadelphia, 1840. 8 . . *Pph.v.lG5 and Johnston, A. K. Atlas of the United States, Canada, etc. London, 1857. f . . *2380.0 ROGERS, Henry J. Telegraph case. See French, B. B 390'.'. ROGERS, John, the martyr. Life and martyrdom. [Fathers of the English church, v.4] . . . 3477.20 ROGERS, Rev. John, of Ipswich, Muss. Funeral discourse occasioned by the death of the Hon. J. Appleton. Boston, 1739. 8 ... *3457.40 Funeral sermon on. See Wigglesworth, S. . 3455.43 ROGERS, John K. Specimen sheets from the Bos- ton type foundry. Boston, 1850. 4 . . . . *2120.10 - Same. Supplementary specimen. Bos- ton, 1857. 4" *2120.11 ROGERS, N. Sermon after the funeral of the Hon. J. Appleton. Boston, 1739. 8 *3457.40 ROGERS, P. K. Properties of the Liriodendron tu- lipifera, or poplar-tree. Phila. 1802. 8. *M.Pph.v.27 ROGERS, R. Concise account of North America. London, 1705. 8 *2317.8 Reminiscences of the French war, containing Rogers' expeditions. To which is added the life of Stark. Concord, N. H. 1831. 12. 2318.10 and others. Account of the British colonies in North America. [Knox. New collection of voyages, v.2] 2203.1 ROGERS, S. Jacqueline: a tale [in verse]. New ed. London, 1814. 10' *Pph.v.222 ROGERS, T. The catholic doctrine of the church of England, ed. by J. J. S. Pcrowne. Cam- bridge, 1854. 8. [Parker society] .... 3503.4 ROGERS, Rev. William M. Discourse at the fun- eral of. Richards, G 3458.83 ROGERS, Woodes. Voyage round the world and finding A. Selkirk. [Knox. New collection of voyages, v. 3] 2203.1 ROGET, P. M. Animal and vegetable physiology considered with reference to natural the- ology. 3d ed. London, 1840. 2v. 8. [Bridge- water treatise] 3485.8 Electricity, galvanism, magnetism, and elec- tro-magnetism. New ed. London, 1858. 8 3903.6 Outlines of physiology, with app. on phre- nology. 1st Amer. ed. Phila. 1839. 8. . 3702.10 Thesaurus of English words and phrases. 2d ed. rev. London, 1853. 8 *2584.4 Objections to phrenology answered by G. and A. Combe. See Gall, F. J 3801.5 ROGRON, J. A. Code de commerce expliqne. 8e ed. Paris, 1850. 12 3084.26 Les codes frangais expliques. 4e ed. Paris, 1856. 2v. 4 *3610.3 ROHAN, H. de. Histoire de Henry, due de Rohan [pub. par A. Fauvelet du Toe]. Paris, 1000. 12 *2649.20 Memoires sur les choses advenues en Frauce depuis la mort de Henri le Grand jusques a lapaix de juin 1029. [Michaud. Coll. mem. hist. France. Ser. 2, v. 5] 2011.1 - Same. [Petitot. Coll. mem. hist. France. Ser. 2, v.18, 19] 2035.1 ROHAN, T. de. Histoire de, par Griffet. [Lafaist. Arch. hist. France. Ser. 2, v.6] 2617.1 ROHLEDER, J. Erleichterung des Klavierspie- lens, etc. Konigsberg, 1792. 4. pi *4049.12 Roi, Le, desmontagnes : romaii. About, E. F. V. 2002.16 ROISSELET de Sauclieres, Jils. L'histoire de cal- vinisme en France. Paris, 1844. 8 .... 3528.7 ROKITANSKY, C. Pathological anatomy, [transl. by Swaine, Sieveking, Moore, and Day]. London, 1854. 4v. 8. [Sydenham society.] *3724.1 ROLAND 687 RO3IAIXE Shelf. No. BOLAXD d'Erceville, B. G. Beflexions sur 1'inflti- cnce et la part quc les feinmes ont cues, dans toutes Ics revolutions, ainsi que dans Ics sciences et Ics arts. [Lcber. Coll. diss. hist. France, v.ll] 2G18.1 ROLAND de la Platiere, J. 31. Dictionnaire des manufactures, dcs arts, ct des metiers. See Encyclopedic methodiquc A. 150. 3 ROLAND de la Platiere, M. J. Philipon. Memoires. 3e e"d. Paris, 1827. 2v. 8. [Berville and Barriere. Mem. rcl. a la rev. franc. 1,2] . . *4G45.1 Memoires particulars, suivis des notices his- toriques sur la revolution, et des derniera ccrits et dernieres pcnsees. See Barriere, J. F v.8of4CG7.2 ROLAND 1'amoureux, nourelle, traduite par Le Sage. See Boiardo, II. 31 4705.4 ROLAND furicux : roman traduite de 1'Arioste. [Tressan. CEuvr. chois. v.4-0] 2C88.1 ROLANDINO paduano. De factis in marchia Tar- visina, 1180-1200. [Muratori. Rerum Ital. script. v.S] 2710.1 ROLFINCIUS, G. Ordo et methodus cognoscendi febres. Cur. S. Krebs. Jena:, 1058. sm.4.*3797.29 EOLL of Battle Abbey. See Battle Abbey. EOLLE, C. C. Xcue Wahrnehmungen zur Atif- nahme und wcitern Ausbreitungder JIusik. Berlin, 1784. 8 *4049.51 EOLLI, P. De' poetici componimenti lib. 1-3. Nizza, 17S2. 3v.ini. am. 12 *47G0.17 Contents. Vol. I. Memorie del la vita di Paolo Rolli ; Bucolica di P. Virgilio Marone ; Ode d'Ana- crconte Teio ; Elegic. II. Ode di serio stile ; Ode d'argomenti amorcvoli; Endccasillabi; Sonetti; Can- tate ; Canzoncttc ; Le Meribonianc ; Epigrammi. III. Le Tudcrtine; Ode; Endecasillabi nuziali; !:- loga drammatica ; L'croe pastore, melodrama sacro ; Teti e Peleo, melodrama. EOLLIN, C. Ancient history. Transl. from the French. From the last London ed. New York, 1824. 8v. 12 **E.227.3 - Same. With life of the author, by R. Lyuam. From 15th London ed. Hartford, 183<>-37. 8v. 12 2230.5 Histoire ancicnne. Xouv. ed. Paris, 1741-48. 13v. in 14. 12 *2299. 1 - Same. Abregec par 31. 1'abbe Tailhiu. Xouv. ed. Paris, 17S-'. 5v. 10 *2239.C JIaniere d'enseiguer et dVtudier les belles- lettres. Paris, 1740. 2v. 4 *2200.3 3Iethod of teaching; and studying- the belles- lettres. Gth cd. Edinburgh, 17(W. 3v. 12.**E.227.10 ROLLO, J., and Cruikshauk, W. Diabetes melli- tus and lues vcnerea. 2d ed. London, INJ.J. ts *3770.31 ROLLS of parliament, etc. See Great Britain. Record commission. ROLT, 11. The conduct of the powers of Europe engaged in the general war, 1739-43. 2d ed. London, 1754. 4v. 8 *2302.9 ROMAGNOLI, E. Cenni storico-artistici di Siena e suoi suburbii. Con discorso sulla vita dell' autore. Siena, 1840. 8 4070.4 ROMAGXOLI, 31. See Bernabo Silorata, P. Prose e poesie di Italian! viveuti, v.4 4708.10 ROMAUNOSI, G. D. Opere, riord. da A. de Giorgi. Milano, 1841-48. 8v. in 10. 1.8 *.3G22.2 Contents. Vol. I. P. 1. Scritti filosoflci: Cenni sulla vita di Koinagnosi scritti da Ales, de Giorgi ; La logica pei giovauetti dell 1 abbatc Antonio Genovcsi con vcdute fondamcntali ; Che cosa e la mente sana? Delia suprema eeonomia dell" umano sapcre; Esposi- zione storieo-critiea del Kantismo, ec. ; Question! sulle npparenze fisiehe ; Liberia morale, creazione ; Dot- trinu logica del Galluppi ; Educazione inentale; Pro- gressi e sviluppi della lilosofia, cc., note ; Dell' uso delta dottrinadella razione nell'ainmmistrare I'econ- omiadell' incivilimento. P. 2. Ricerche sulla validita dei eiuilicii del pubblieo a discernei-e il vcro dal falso; Dello inscgnamcntu primitivo delle matematiche ; "> fllosoflco sull' algebra elementare,considcra- zioni ed cscmpii risguardanti I'insegnamento primi- tivo di essa di Alex, de Giorgi j Opuscoli filosoflci Shelf. No. ROMAGNOSI, G. D. continued. inediti. II. P. 1. Scritti storico-filosofici e letterarj: Su 1'incivilimento : Dell' indole e dei faitori dell' in- civilimento cm esempio del suo risorgimento in Italia; Ve lute eminent! per amministrare 1'economia; Opuscoli storico-filosofici, letterarj, ec.: Cenni su i limit! c su la direzione degli studj storici ; Osserva- zioni dell' editore ; Osservazioui su la scienza nuova di Vico; Su le ricerche intorno la scienza simbolica; Sopra i fondamenti della politica lejislazione ; Dell* engine della civile giurisprudenza, della legisla- z'tjnc civile, cc.; Dei cangiameu'.i, ec., dell* impero Romano ; Su la storia degli antichi popoli italiani; Catulogo di scelte antichita etrusche; Museo etrusco chiusino; Su '1 viaggio di Potocki ad Astrukan ; Viag- gio di un Livorncse al Canada. Viaggio nel pacsedi Barca; Viaggio in Egitto, nel paese di Vone: Dei sig. Laborde, Kotzebue ; Leggi di ilanu; Limaismo; So- pra le antichita del Messico; Astronomia antica; Di alcuni stabilimenti in Egitto, cc. P. 2. P^nsicri di- vers! inediti : Passagio delle scicnze nelle diverse parti del globo, cc.; Elogio storico di M. Gioja; Arti- coli intorno alia vita del card. Alberoni; Ricerehe storiche su 1'India antica, di G. Robertson, con note, ec.; L'antica morale filosofiaquauto alia pcr- ipatetica dal Zanotti, alia stoica e pitagoriea da varj ; Manuale di Epittcto con la tavola di Ccbetc; Pensieri di altri Pitagorici. III. P. 1. Scritti sul diritto lil.is >- fico : Lettcre, sul 1'ordinamento della scienza della cosapubb.; Introduzione allo studio del diritto pub- lico univereale. Tratt I. Nozioni direttrici appar- tcncnti all* ordine morale, cd a* suoi effetti sopra la liberta; Trait II. Considerazioni sui E mdamcnti p ir- ticolaridcir ordine morale propriodelgencre umano; Opcrc minor! ed opuscoli sul diritto filosoBco ; Degli enti moral!. P. 2. Diritto naturale politico; Della vita degli stati ; Institution! di civile filosofia ossia di giurisprudenza teorica. IV. Scritti sul diritto pen- ale. P. 1. Genes! del diritto penale ; Opuscoli sul diritto penale ; Scritti scclti di purecchi antori sulla genesi del diritto penale ; Progetto del codiee di pro- ccdura penale pel cessato regno d'Halia: Ultimo c piii nccessarie nggiunte e riforme. P. 2. Scritte, relativi al progetto del codiee, cc. ; Osservazioni del gran pin- dice Luosi ; Idee londamentali sopra le leggi dell' ordine morale ; Difesa della genesi, ee. V. Cundutta e ragionc civile delle acque. P. 1. Delia com! tta delle ndiue secondo lo veechie. intcrmedie e vigenti 1 lazioni dei divers! paesi d* Italia; Dottrina teoriea: Par. I. Della ragione attributiva, n. direttiva, in. tute- lare; Appendice. P. 2. Delia ragione civile delle aeque ncllarurale eeonomia: Par. I. acquisizionc della ragi- oneprediale: ii.csercizio; Rcpertorio degli oggetti piii important 4 ! contenuti nel trattato; I'avole. VI. Eeono- mia politica e statistica: P. 1. Dottrina economics in generate; Della cmulazione prediale e della direzione della possidenzaelabilc ; Della iugerenzcaitiHciali e dirctte come stimuli all' industria; Dei rcati che uuo- cono alle Industrie, alia circolazione delle ricchezze, cd al cambio delle produzioni; Del sistema proibitivo e dcllc larifFc di protezione ; Emulazione mercantile ; Liberta commercialc ; Articoli divers!. P. 2. Ques- tion! sopra 1'ordiuamcnto delle statistiche ; Appen- dice, altri articoli sopra gli sk'ssi du'Lvtti. VII. Scritti eu'l diritto filusofico-positivo: P. 1. Lezioni inedite Bti'l diritto civile; Esposizionc della controversia su la riduzione delle donazioni autcriori al codiee Napo- leonc. P. 2. Su le f>rme dei test imeiiti ; Allegazioni sceltc in cause celebri ; Saggio filosofleo-politico sopra I'isirnzionc publica legale; Scritti relativi ulla catedra di olta Icgislazionc civ. e crim.; Principj fundamen- tal! del diiitto amministrativo; Annotazioni; Appen- dice. [Progetto di regolamento degli studj politico- legal! pel regno d'ltalia.] VIII. P. 1. Scienz i delle costituzioni. P 2. Supplement!, indici, saggio sulle leggi natural! dell' ordine morale di Giorgi. Dell' indole e del fattori dell' incivilimcnto. Milano, 1839. 10 4778. 7 Delle censure dell' abate A. Rosmini-Serbati contro la dottrina religiosa di. See Xova, A. 2790.7 Saggio sulla dottrina religiosa di. [Rosmini- Serbati. Opere, v.8] 2790.0 ROMAIC language. Dekigallas, J. rpa///is yXucrans 3034.21 Sophocles, E. A. Romaic grammar 2984.10 ROMAINE, B. Facts disproving importation and personal contagion in yellow fever. Xcw York, 1823. 8 *3I.Pph.v.lO EOMAIXE, W. The life of faith. New ed. Lon- don, 1813. 18 3440.22 The triumph of faith. New ed. London, 1813. 12 3440.23 ROMAIXE 688 ROMANI Shelf. No ROMAINE, W. continued. Sermon preached upon the death of Rev. J. Hervey. 4th ed. Boston, 1759. 8 ... . *3455.34 Twelve discourses upon Solomon's song 1 . 2d cd. London, 1759. 8 *3456.14 ROMAN, Lc, de Jchan do Paris, publ. par E. Ma- bille. Paris, 1855. 10 2009.29 ROMAN, Le, de Robert le Diable en vers du xuie siecle. Publie par G. S. Trebutlen. Paris, 1837. 4 : *2071.14 ROMAN du Saint-Graal. Publie par F. Michel. Bordeaux, 1841. 12 2GS6.7 ROMAN van Karel den Grooten en zijne xii pairs. Uitgeg. door W. J. A. Jonckbloet. Leiden, 1844. 8. [Leydcn. Verceniging ter Bevor. der Ncderlandschc Letterkunde] *2873.3 ROMAN alphabet, Application of the, to the lan- guages of India. Williams, M 2956.22 ROMAN catholic church. Ceremoniale electionis Gregorii xv. Romae, 1724. 4 *3514.1 Index avctorvm, et librorum, qui ab officio eanctac Rom. et vuiucrsalis inquisitionis caueri ab omnibus ct singulis in uniuersa Christiana rcpublica mandantur, etc. Romae, 1559. 8 *21S5.7 - Same. Romie, 1819. p. 8" *2183.4 - Same. Romae, 1835. 8 *2183.6 - Same. McchliuiEc, 1843. 12 *21S3.3 - Same. Mechlinae, 1855. 12 *2183.5 Index librorum prohibitorum, cum regulis confectis per patres a Tridentina synodo dc- lectos. [Sarpi. Opere, v.4] 3491.2 Index of prohibited books. By Rev. J. Mend- ham. London, 1840. 12" 3403.24 Martyrologium Romanum. A. Politus com- mentariis suis post C. ISaroiiium illustravit. Florcntiae, 1751. f *3540.4 - Same. Ed. noviss. aBcnedicto xiv aucta et castigata. Venctiis, 1770. 4 *3550.12 Offlcium delunctorum cum suo cantu, et missa pro defunctis. Dublinii, 1809. 12 3447.23 Pontiflcalc Romanvm. Romae, 1083. f . . . *3540.5 Rituale Romanum Pauli v jussu editum ct a Bencdicto xiv auctum. Romae, 1847. 8 . 3447.3 Apology for the catholics of Great Britain and Ireland 3517.15 Baluffi, G. La chiesa romana riconosciuta per la vera chiesa di Gesii Cristo 3517.8 Barber, D. Catholic worship and piety ex- plained and recommended 3403.11 Baruffaldi, G. Ad rituale Romanum com- mentaria 3447.2 Benson, G. Essay on the man of sin. [Wat- son. Theol. tracts, v.5] 3454.2 Butler, C. Book of the 3517.5 Castillo Sotomayor, J. del. S. Romanae rotae decisiones v.ll of 3690.1 Cheever, G. B. Mixture of civil and eccle- siastical power Pph.v.227 Ciocci, R. Iniquities at Rome in the 19th century Pph.v.229 Chillingworth, W. Answer to Charity main- tained by Catholics. [Works, I, n] . . . . 3494.4 Derby, E. H. The catholic. Letters to a young kinsman 3403.22 J Elliott, C. Delineation of Rom. Catholicism. 3403.1 Gurney, D. Papal system compared with the New Testament Pph.y.132 Ironside, G. E. Observations on bp. Hobart's charge, entitled Corruptions of the church of Rome 3403.11 La Mennais, II. F. R. de. Affaires de Rome. 3518.11 Libri symbolic! ecelcsiae catholicaj 3404.16 Maimbourg, L. Etablissement et preroga- tives de 1'eglise de Rome 3512.13 - L'histoire du grand schisme d'oceident . 3512.9 Manzoni, A. Osservazioni sulla morale cat- tolica 3403.29, 34 Middleton, C. Conformity between popery and paganism 3463.20 Shelf. No. ROMAN catholic church, continued. Moehler, J. A. Differences between catholics and protestants 3464.1,2 Montalembcrt, C. F. de. DCS interets catho- liques au xixmc siecle 3463.8 Orbe cattolico, a Pio ix esulante da Roma . . 3552.3 Ragionamenti sulle origini e significazioni del riti della romana chiesa 3517.14 Remusat, C. F. M. dc. Lutte du pouvoir spi- ritucl avcc le pouvoir temporel au onzieme siecle 3557.8 Rosmini, A. Delle cinque piaghe della santa chiesa 3447.30 Sampson, W. Catholic question in America. 3463.3 Schmalhofer, M. BUcherkunde der katho- lisch-theologischen Literatur 2183.2 Scudamore, W. E. England and Rome . . . 3464.15 Stillingfleet, E. Idolatry in the 3463.31 Thayer, J. Controversy between Thayer and Leslie 3463.11 White, J. B. Evidence against Catholicism. 3463.23 Wordsworth, C. The church of Rome in the 3d century 3513.7 Zell, W. Acta Antihermesiana 3464.8 See also : Canonization, Cardinals, Celibacy, Coun- cils, Iloly week, Image worship. Inquisition, Jesuits, Mass, Monastic orders, Papacy, Pope, Primacy. ROMAN father, The : a tragedy. Whitehead, W. 2575.18 ROMAN law. See Law, Unman. ROMAN portraits: a poem. Jephson, R 2571.2 ROMAN states. Statistica della popolazione dcllo stato pontificio dell' anno 1853. Roma, 1857. 4 *2731.4 . Avvenimenti del 1849 in Italia 4745.4 Azeglio, M. d'. Degli ultimi casi di Romagna. 2739.11 Duppa, R. Subversion of the papal govern- ment, 1798 3521.10 Farini, L. C. Lo stato romano, 1815-50 . . . 3517.13 - Roman state, from 1815-50 3517.2 Gabussi, G. Mcmorie per servire alia storia della rivoluzione romana 4745.1 Hercolani, A. Biografle di uomini illustri romagnuoli 2742.9 Rivoluzione, La, al giudizio imparziale . . . 3516.1 Sommario storico degli avvenimenti chc oc- corsero negli stati della santa sede nell' an- no 1848 4745.21 ROMANCE, The, of the emperor Octavian. Ed. by J. O. Halliwell. London, 1844. pp.95. p.&. [Percy society, V.14J *2537.16 ROMANCE, The, of Syr Tryamoure. Ed. by J. O. Halliwell. London, 1846. pp.03. p.8. [Per- cy society, v.10] *2537.18 ROMANCE of the forest, by Ann Radcliffe. [Bal- lantyne. Novelist's library, v. 10] 2573.1 ROMANCE, Letters on. See Hurd, R 2558.29 ROMANCES. Bibliografla dei romanzi e poemi ro- nianzeschi d'ltalia. [Ferrario. Romanzi di cavalleria, v.4] 2171.1 Bibliotheque universelle des romans .... 2159.1 Early English metrical R. [Camden society, No. IS, 30] 2416.18 Ellis, G. Specimens of English metrical R. 2538.11 Gamier, C. G. T. Romans cabalistiques . . 2600.1 Henrion, F. Romanzi di cavalleria e magia dci secoli xv c xvi 2172.2 Ritson, J. English metrical R 2538.8 Thorns, W. J. Early prose R 2538.12 Weber, H. Metrical R. of the 13th-15th cen- turies 2538.13 ROMANELLI, L. Memorie. See Guerrazzi, F. D. 4746.2 ROMANI, F. See Bernabo Silorata, P. Prose e poesie di Italian! viventi, v.l, 7, 9 4768.16 ROMANI, G. [Opere sulla lingua italiana.] Milano, 1825-27. 8v. 8 *2785.12 Contents. Vol. I. Teorica de' sinonimi italiani. II.-1V. Dizionario gencrale de' sinonimi italiani. V. Osservazioni sopra varie voci del vocabolario della Crusca. VI.- VII. Teorica della lingua italiana. VIII. Opuscoli scelti sulla lingua italuuia. ROMANS 689 HOME Shelf. No. ROMANS, Epistle to the, Commentary upon the. Calvin, J 5504.7 See also : Bible. ROMAXUS, pope. Epistols duae. [Migne. Patro- logia; v.129] v.3 of 3460.8 ROMAYNE, N. Address delivered in the college of surgeons and physicians in New York. New York, 1808. 8 *M.Pph.v.55 ROMBERG, E. Compte rendu des travaux du congres de la propriety litteraire et artis- tique. Bruxelles et Leipzig, 1859. 2v. 8. 3660.21 ROMBKUG, M. H. Nervous diseases of man, transl. and cd. by E. H. Sieveking. London, 1S53. 2v. 8". [Sydenham society] *3714.18 ROME. Istituto di corrispoudenza archeologica di Roma. Annali. Roma, 1829-53. 25v. 8 *5256.3 - Repertorio univcrsale [indici] delle opere dejl' istituto, dall' anno 18.34-43. Roma, 1848. 8 *5256.2 - Bullettino. Roma, 1829-53. 25v. 8 . . *5276.1 - Memorie. Roma, 1829. 8 *525G.l - Monument! inediti. Rome et Paris, 1829- 53. 5v. f. Atlas *27.H.3. I.I, J.2 Antiquities. Adam, A. Roman antiquities 2950.18 Ademollo, A. Gli spettacoli dell' antica Roma. 2950.13 Akcrman, J. Y. Catalogue of unedited Ro- man coins 2930.5 Bartoli, P. S. Veterum lucernae sepulcralcs. 2950.4 Beaufort, L. de. Ancien gouvernement de la republique romaiue 2950.32 Becker, W. A. De Romae veteris muris atque portis 2736.10 - Manners and customs of the Romans . . 2950.27 Beger, L. Numismatum Romanorum series. 2970.1 Bcllori, G. P. Picturae antiquoe cryptarum Ro- mauarum 29. E.I Bergicr, N. Histoire des grands chemins de Pempire remain 2950.8 Boettiger, C. A. Matinee d'une dame ro- mainc a sa toilette 2950.21 Burgess, R. Account of the circcnsian games. 2736.12 Cameron, C. Baths of the Romans 29 Canccllieri, F. Le sette cose fatal! di Roma antica 2950.28 Coleti, G. D. Notae et siglse quas in nummis et lapidibus apud Romanes obtincbaut. [Raccoltadi opusc. scient. v.7-13] 5274.1 Dezobry, L. C. Rome au siecle d'Auguste . 2950.22 Eiseudecher, W. Blirgcrrecht imaltcn Rom. 2950.23 Fabretti, R. De aquis et aquaeductibus vet- eris Romae 2950.12 Fuss, J. D. Roman antiquities 2950.19 Graevius, J. G. Thesaurus antiquitatum Ro- manarum 2950.1 Kennett, B. Antiquities of R 2950.25 Kcnrick, J. Roman sepulchral inscriptions. 2950.30 Laurcntius Lydus, J. De magistratibus rei- publicas Romanic 2996.1 Le Clerc, J. V. Des journaux chez les Rom. 2950.24 Liebcrkiihn, W. E. F. De diurnis Roman- orum actis 2950.10 Lumisden, A. Remarks on the antiq. of R. 2?.'y.l Malpica, C. Le notti romane al foro, etc. . 2950.16 Malvezzi, F. I riti nuziali degli antichi Ro- man! 2950.5 Meyer, J. H. Geschichte der bildenden Kiinste be! den Romern 4075.1 Moreau-Christophe, L. M. Organisation du travail servile clans la republique romainc. 2950.20 Nieupoort, W. II. Rituumqui olim apud Ro- mauos obtinuerunt explicatio 2950.29 Orelli, J. C. Inscriptionum Latinarum selec- tarum collectio 2950.14 Palladio, A. Le terme dei Romani 40S0.3 Pirancsi, G. B. Le autichita romane . . D.l.A-M Pitiscus, 8. Lexicon antiquitat. Roinanarum. 2950.3 Raggi, O. Sopra i trionli degli antichi Rom. 2950.11 Robortello, F. De vita et victu populi Rom. 2950.9 Shelf. No. ROME. Antiquities, continued. Rosinus, J. Antiquitatum Romanarum cor- pus absolutissimum 2950.15 Rossi, G. G. Colonna Trajana 29. E. 2 Rossini, L. Gli arch! trionfali onorarii e fu- nebri degli antichi Romani D.3.F - Le antichita dei contorni di Roma .... D.3.B Sallcngre, A. H. v. Thesaurus autiquitatum Romanarum 2950.2 Seharf, G. Roman court in the crystal palace. 4089.38 Shortt, W. T. P. R. antiquities of Exeter . 2494.11 Small, A. Roman antiquities in Fife .... 2474.8 Sticglitz, C. L. Baukunst der Romer . . . . 4096.8 Taylor, G. L. Architectural antiquities of R. 27. B.I Verri, P. Lenotti romane al sepolrro do' Scip- ioni 2809.6 Viola, S. Antichi monument! scritti tiburtini. 2950.17 Visconti, E. Q. Portraits des empcreurs, rois et homines illustres 29. G.I Description, topography, etc. Anonym! itinerarium per urbcm [Romam] circa octavum Christ! saeculum. [Migne. Patrologiae v.127] v.lof3460.8 Aringhi, P. Roma subterranca, sive de sacris Romae coemeteriis 2750.1 Becker, W. A. Zur romischen Topographic. 2730.8 Beyle, H. Promenades dans Rome 4749.3 Brun, F. S. C. Romisches Lcben 2764.19 Burgess, R. Topography, etc. of Rome . . 2736.6 Cookesley, W. G. Map of ancient Rome . . 2730.11 Ficoroui, F. de'. Vestigia e rarita di Roma. 2732.2 Gell, W. Topography of Rome 2736.5 La Gournerie, E. de. Rome chretienne . . . 2736.14 Lunadoro, G. Itelazione dclla cortc di Roma. 3518.10 Maguire, J. F. Rome, its ruler and its in- stitutions 2704.16 Nardini, F. Romaanticn 2;:;;.:: Nibby, A. Carta de' dintorui di Roma . . . L'.~ - Roma nell' anno ISiS 2730.1 Percier, C. Choix des plus celebres maisons dc plaisance de Rome 4050.5 - Palais, maisons, ct autres e'difices mo- dcrnes dessiucsu Itome 4100.13 Perrct, L. Catacombcs fie Rome D.3.N-P Piranesi, G. B. Vedute di Roma D.l.N Prcllcr, L. Die Rcgionen der Stadt Rom. . 2730.9 Ramdohr, F. W. B. v. Ueber Mahlerei in R. 4<>.:;. II Tatham, C. II. Examples of Roman architec- tural ornaments 4100.24 Tosi, F. M. Monument! sepolcrali e sacri scolpiti in Roma nei sccoli xv c xvi . . . 27. D.I Uggcri. A. Delia basilica di S. Paolo . . . . 4101.9 Valentin!, A. Le basilichelatcrana,liberiana, vaticana 4050.7,9,11 Vasi, M. Rome ancicnne et moderne . . . . 2736.13 History, biography, etc. Adams, J. History of Rome 2757.1 Appianus. Romanarum historiarum quae su- persunt 2977.1 Aurelius Victor, S. Historia Romana . . . . 2910.12 Bankes, II. Civil and constitutional hist. of. 2755.1 Broglie, A. de. L'eglise et 1'empire remain au 4e Biecle 3515.10 Buonaparte, J. Sul sacco di Roma dell' anno 1527 2719.8 Borgiiesi, B. Nuovi frammenti dei fasti con- solari capitoliui 2751.4 Caesar, C. J. De bello civil! 2927.8 Chateaubriand, R. F. A. de. Chute de 1'em- pire remain 4667.5 Clinton, H. F. Chronology of Rome and Constantinople 2751.3 ROME 690 ROHET Shelf. No. ROME. History, biography, etc. continued. Crevier, J. B. L. Histoire des empereurs ro- mnins 2755.6 Dio Cassius. Historiarum Romanarurn quae supersunt 2973.5 Dionysius Halicarnasscnsis. Archaeologiae Romanae synopsis 2972.7 Drumann, C. W. [Geschichte] Roms, Oder Pompcjus, Caesar, Cicero 2755.8 Eehard, L. Roman history 2759.1 Eliot, S. Liberty of Rome . 2755.3 Florus, L. A. Epitome rerum Romanarum . ^916. 2 Goldsmith, O. Abrege de 1'histoire romaine. 2759.4 - Roman history to the destruction of the western empire 2757.3 Hooke, N. Roman history to the ruin of the commonwealth 2757.2 Ihne,W. History of the Roman constitution. 2755.2 Krause, A. Fragmenta historicorum Rom. 2912.9 Le Nain de Tillemont, L. S. Histoire des em- pereurs 2752.3 L'Homond, C. F. De viris illustrious urbis Romae 7089.21 Meincrs, C. Geschichte des Verfalls der Sit- teu, u. s. w. der Romer 2953.6 Merimee, P. Etudes sur 1'histoire romaine. 2755.7 Merivale, C. History of the Romans under the empire 2755.4 Michelet, J. Histoire romaine: republique. 2759.7 Montesquieu, C. de Secondat. Grandeur et decadence des Remains 2640.20 Niebuhr, B. G. Romischc Geschichte . . . . 2758.1 Orioli.F. Dei sette re di Roma 2759.6 Paterculus, C. Velleius. Ilistoriae Romanae . 2913.5 Pighius, S. V. Annales Romanorum .... 2750.2 Pinelli, B. Storia rom. in 110 tavole . . 27. E. 2, F.I Smith, W. Dictionary of Roman biography. 2930.7 Suetonius Tranquillus, C. Duodecim Caesares. 2914.8 Tacitus, C. C. Annales 2947.6 ROMEO and Juliet. Porto, L. da. Romeo de' Mon- tecchi ama la Giulietta de' Cappclletti, e de' lor pietosi casi v. 2 of 2772. 19 - Giulietta e Romeo : novella storica . . . 2773.4 ROMEYN, H. M. Report of the trial of Kathan Foster, for the murder of his wife. Kings- ton, n.d. 8 *M.Pph.v.ll ROMEYN, James. The crisis, and its claims upon the church of God : a sermon. New York, [1842.] 8 *Pph.v.l27 ROMEYN, John B. Catalogue of the library of Rev. J. B. Romeyn. N. York, 1825. 8. *Pph.v.55 Danger and duty of young people : a sermon. New York, 1810. 8 *Pph.v.2 Duty and reward of honoring God : a ser- mon delivered 22d Dec. 1821. New York, 1822. 8 *Pph.v.47 Introductory sermon delivered the first Sab- bath after being installed pastor. Albany, 1808. 8 *Pph.v.2 Sermon delivered by appointment of the com- mittee of missions of the general assembly of the presbytcrian church, May 23, 1808. Philadelphia, 1808. 8 *Pph.v.2 Sermon delivered May, 1811, at the opening of the general assembly of the presbyterian church. New York, 1811. 8 *Pph.v.4 Sermon for the benefit of the New York marine missionary society. New York, 1819. 8 *Pph.v.23 Sermon : the good Samaritan. New York, 1810. 8 *Pph.v.2 Two sermons delivered in Albany on the day recommended for fasting, Sept. 8, 1808. Al- bany, 1808. 12" *3458.2, *Pph.T.2 Discourse on the death of. See Rowan, S. N.*Pph. v.57 ROMEYX, T. Our country and her claims : an ad- dress before the societies of Rutgers col- lege. New Brunswick, 1847. 8 . . . . *Pph.v.l60 ROMILLY, S. Memoirs, by himself, with corre- spondence. 2d ed. London, 1840. 3v. 8. *2456.7 Shelf. No. ROMMEL, D. C. v. Geschichte von Hessen. Mar- burg, 1820-43. 8v. 8 2825.3 ROMNEY, earl of. See Sidney, H. ROMNEY, J. Memoirs of the life and works of George Romney. London, 1830. 4 . . . . *4061.10 ROMOALDO. Vita, auctore Pietro Damiano. [Migne. Patrologise v.144] 3460.23 Fragmentum. [Migue. Patrologiae v.140] . . 3460.19 ROMOALDO II, abp. of Salerno. Chronicon. [Mura- tori. Rerum Ital. script, v.7] 2710.1 ROMOLO, St. Acta apocrypha sancti Romuli. [Lami. Deliciae cruditorum, v. 12] .... 4747.1 ROMULUS. Fabularum Jisopiarum libri quatuor. [Lemaire. Bibl. class. Lat. v.53] . . v.2 of 2916.10 RONALDSON, J. Specimen of printing type. Phila- delphia, 1816. 8 *Pph.v.l6 RONCAGLIA, C. Statistica generate degli stati es- tensi. Modena, 1849-50. 2v. 4" *2731.3 RONCIONI, R. Dellc istorie pisane libri xvi. Fi- renze, 1844-45. 4v. 8". [Archivio storico italiano, v.6] *5245.2 RONDELET, J. L'art de batir. lOe ed. Supple"- ment. Paris, 1848-53. 6v. 4. Atlas, f . *4091.4 RONDINELLI, G. Relazione sopra lo stato antico e moderno della citta di Arezzo. Arezzo, 1755. 8 *2727.11 Orazione delle lodi della reina di Francia, Cat- orina di Medici. [Dati. Prose fiorentine, v.l. Orazioni] 2787.1 RONGE, J. John Ronge, the holy coat of Treves, and the German catholic church. New York, 1845. 12 3463.33 RONSABIJ, P. de. CEuvres completes. Nouv. wl. par P. Blanchemain. Paris, 1857. 2v. 10. 2069.30 Content*. Vol. I. Amours ; Les vers d'Euryme- don et de Calliree ; Sonnets pour Astree, pour lie- lene; Amours; Pieces retranchees. II. Odes. Vie, par C. Binct. [Lafaist. Arch. hist. France. Ser. 1, v.10] 2617.1 ROOD lofts, Treatise on. Pugin, A. W 4102.9 ROOFS. Brandon, R. Open timber roofs of the middle ages 4090.10 Dempsey, G. D. Construction of iron roofs. 4010. 13 Trendall, E. W. Examples for roofs . . . . 4101.19 ROOKE, O. The channel islands. Loud. 185G. 12 C . 2497.27 ROOKBACH, O. A. Bibliotheca Americana : cata- logue of American publications, 1820-52. N. York, 1852. 8 *2152.1 - Same. Supplement. Oct. 1852, to May, 1855. New York, 1855. 8 v.2 of *2152.1 - Same. Addenda. May, 1855 March, 1858. New York, 1858. 8 *2152.3 - Same. Supplement [to ed. of 1849.] Books published in 1850. New York, 1800. 8 . . *212.2 ROOSE, T. G. A. Taschenbuch fur gerichtliche Aerzte bei Leicheuoffuungen. 5te Auil. vom K. Himly. Frankfurt a. M. 1819. 12. 3749.11 ROOT, H. K. People's medical lighthouse. 8th ed. New York, 1854. 8 3793.1 ROOT, M. A. Theory and practice of penmanship. Philadelphia, n.d. 8 *Pph.v.231 ROPEJIAKEU. Boitard, P. Nouveau manuel du cordier 4019.22 ROPER, R. Dissertatio inauguralis, de morbis qui- bus viri summo ingenio prsediti patent. Edinburgi, 1832. 8 *M. Pph.v.36 ROQUEFORT Flamericourt, J. B. B. de. Diction- naire etymologique de la laugue fran9oise. Paris, 1829. 2v. 8 2683.5 De la poesie francoise dans les xne et xme siecles. Paris, 1815. 8 2670.35 Glossaire de la langue romane [avec] supple- ment. Paris, 1808. 3v. 8 2685.2 Memoires de Napoleon. See Constant, W. . 2055.9 ROQUES, J. Histoire des champignons. Paris, 1832. 4 *3851.2 RORET, A. Manuels-Roret. Paris, 1830-^56. 55v. 18. Iv. 8. Atlas 4. Namely . Arsenne, L. C. Manuel du peintre et du sculpteur. 2v 4067.38 RORET 691 EOSENTHAL Shelf. No. RORET, A. continued. Artois, V. d'. Manuel clu fabricant de gants. 4019.25 Bailly, C. F. Manuel du jardinicr. 2v. . . 4003.29 Bornouilli, C. Oours do mecanique pratique. 3945.17 Biston, V. Manuel du cliarpcnticr 4019.15 Blaue, J. F. Manuel pour 1'exploitation des mines. 2v 3809.16 Blasis, C. Manuel de la danse 4001.25 Boitard, P. Manuel du cordier 4019.22 - and Ratzeburg-, J. T. C. Manuel du de- structeur des animaux nuisiblcs 3888.12 Boycr. Manuel du porcelaiuier. 2v. . . . 4025.7 Brewster, Sir D. Manuel dc magic naturelle. 4001.27 Cclnart, F. E. Canard. Manuel d'economie domestique 4006.23 - Manuel des habitans dc la campagne . . 4003.31 - Manuel du fleuriste artificiel 4019.20 Champour, M. dc, and Malpcyre, F. Manuel de la fabrication des encres 2113.22 Chaussier, II. Manuel des contre-poisons . 3788. 11 Comte, L. C. E. A. Manuel des sorciers . . 4001.28 Culture du chassclas de Fontainebleau . . 4003.30 Desormcaux, P. Manuel du fabricant d'ob- jets en caoutchouc, en gutta percha, et en gomme factice 4019.23 Dupuis-Delcourt, J. F. Manuel d'ae'rosta- tion 3965.13 Duval, II. Manuel du cuisinier ct de la cuisi- niere 4006. 20 - and others. Manuel du limonadicr . . . 4006.21 Fontcnelle, J. de. Manuel dc physique amu- sante . . . 4001.20 Hesse, L. A. C. Bibliotheconomie 2122.14 Huot, J.J. N. Manuel de geographic phys. 3S;i9.15 Jullien, A. Manuel du sommclicr 4003.28 Jullien, C. E., and Valerio, O. Manuel du chaudronnier 4019.12 Latreille, E. de. Manuel de photographic. 4024.10 Lebrun. Manuel du cartonnier 4019.19 - Manuel du moulcur 4019.13 Le Normand, S. Manuel du relieur 2113.21 Magnier, M. D. Eclairage an gaz 3978.0 Malepeyre, C. F. Fabrication des colles . . 4019.18 Matter, A. J. Manuel des ecoles 3598.23 Mine, A. Plain-chant ecclesiastique romain et francais 4049.20 Morin, J. Manuel du bottler etdu cordonnier. 4019.20 Murray, J. Manuel de 1'electricite atmospli. 39J5. 14 Pariset, Mme. Manuel de la maitresse de maison 4000.22 Pautet, J. F. J. Manuel d'economie politique. 3047.0 Pedroni, P. M. Falsifications des drog-ues . 3834.16 Pcrrot, A. M. Manuel du gruveur 4003.17 RilTiuilt, J. Manuel du peintre en batiments 4019.17 Roussel, T. Manuel pour la fabrication des allumettes chimiqucs 4019.24 Selmi, F. Manuel dc dorure et d'argxmture. 4019.14 Serres, P. M. T. dc. Manuel dc paleoutologic. 2v. 24. Iv. 8 pi 3888.13,14 Smee, A. Manuel d'electricite medicate . . . 3789.23 Toussaint, C. J. Manuel complet de la coupe des pierres. Iv. 24. Iv. 4" 4019.16 Vandael. Manuel du tailleur 4019.21 Verdicr. Manuel de marine. 2v 3954.13 Walker, C. V. Manuel dc la telegraphic elec- trique 3965.12 RORICO, French historian. Moissiacensis apud Ca- durcos monachus Gesta Franeorum. [Mi- gne. Patrologiae v. 139] 3460.18 RORICO, bp. ofLaon. Constitutio. [Migne. Patro- logiae v. 133] 3460.12 ROSA, S. Satire e vita, con note di A. M. Salvini. Firenze, 1833. 8" 2807.11 Satire. [Parnaso italiano] v.40 of 2769.2 See Carcano, G. Poeti satirici italiani, v.2 . 2809.3 ROSAIO dollavita.trattato morale attribuito aMat- teo de' Corsini e composto nel 1373. Fi- renze, 1845. 12 3444.27 ROSAMORANDO, F. II Meclo : tragedia. [Teatro italiano del secolo 18, v.4] 2778. 1 Shelf. No. ROSASCO, G. Delia lingua toscana. Dialoghi sette. Milano, 1S24. 2v. 10 2786.29 Rimario. 2a ed. Padova, 1819. 4" *2771.1 Lettere. [Coll. d'opuscoli scient. elett. v.22.] 5278.2 ROSASPIXA, F. La pinacoteca di Bologna. Fi- renze, 1853. f *4000.3 ROSCOE, H. Digest of the law of evidence. 3d ed. with add. London, 1834. 12 3030.3 ROSCOE, T. Italian novelists, translated with notes, etc. London, 1825. 4v. 16 .... 2772.18 Contents. Vol. I. Preface; Novelle antiche; Novels of Boccaccio; Sacchetti; Ser Giovanni Fioren- tino ; Mussuccio Salernitano. II. Novels of Saba- dino degli Arienti; Luigi da Porto; Giovanni Brevio; Girolamo Parabosco ; Marco Cademosto da Lodi ; Giovnmbattista Giraldi Cinthio ; Anton-Francesco Grazzini ; Niccolo Machiavelli ; Ortensio Lando ; Bernardo Illiciui; Alessandro Sozzini; Giovan-Fran- cesco Straparola. III. Novels of Matteo Bandello ; Gentile Sermini; Agnolo Firenzuola; Pietro Fortini; Francesco Sansovino ; Anton-Francesco Doni ; Se- bastiauo Erizzo ; Niccolo Granucci; Ascanio Mori da Ceno ; Ceilo Malespini ; Salvuccio Salvucci ; An tore ignoto. IV. XovcU of Maiolino Bisaccioni; Michele Colombo : Scipione Bargagli ; Anonymous authors ; Giovanni Bottari ; Albergati Capacelli ; Francesco Soave ; Gianfrancesco Altanesi ; Count Lorenzo Magalotti ; Carlo Lodoli ; Domenico M:iria Manni ; Autore ignoto; Girolamo Padovani; Luigi Sanvitule; Count Carlo Gozzi ; Luigi Bramicri ; Bobustiano Gironi. Life of Michael Angelo Buonarroti. [London. Soo. for diffusion of useful kuowl. Lives.] **E. 212.8 ROSCOE, W. Life of Lorenzo de' Medici, the mag- nificent. 2ded. London, 179.5. 4" .... *2741.9 Life of Leo the tenth. 4th ed. revised by his son, T. Roscoe. London, 1810. 2v. 8 . . 3552.8 Library. See Aspinall, J 2124.7 ROSCOMMOX, earl of. See Dillon, W. ROSE. Manuel d'autopsie cadaverique, tr. sur la dern. ed. par C. C. II. Marc. Paris, l.SK ,-,'. 3788.4 ROSE, G. Observations on the historical work of C. J. Fox, with narrative of the enterprise of the earl of Argyle, by P. Hume. London, . 4 *2410.7 Vindication of Fox's history of James II, in reply to. See Hcywood, S 2410.16 ROSE, II. J. Inscriptions Grsecae vetustissimae. Cantabrigise, 1825. 8 2960.7 ROSE, J. S. Consumption curable. Philadelphia, isll. 12 3794.32 ROSE, Le roman de la. See Lorris, G. de .... 2086.0 RiiSEL van Rosenhof, A. J. De Natuurlyke His- toric der Insecten. Met Aanm. door C. F. C. Kleemanu. Haarlem en Amst. [1704-68.] 4v. in s. 4 *3891.6 Insecten Bclustigung. NUruberg, 1740-61. 4v. 4 *3897.17 ROSELMNI, I. Elemcnta lingua; Egyptiacae vulgo Copticae. Roma, 1837. 4 *3032.1 ROSELLIXI, M. F. Amerigo : canti venti. Fireuzc, 1813. 2v. in 1. 21 4778.28 ROSELLY do Lorgucs, A. F. F. V. Christophe Co- loinb, d'apres des documents authentiqucs. Paris, 1850. 2v. 8 2318.4 RosEXicn.vxz, J. C. F. Psychologic. Konigsberg, is 13. 8 3604.14 ROSENMULLER, E. F. C. Biblical geography of Asia Minor, Phoenicia, and Arabia, transl. by Rev. X. Morren. Edinburgh, 1841. 16. 3419.18 Biblical geography of Central Asia, transl. by X. Morren. Edinburgh, 1&36-37. 2v. 16 . 3419.17 ROSENMULLER, Johann. Vierstimmige Mcsse. [Dehn. Practische Musik-Werke, v.ll] . . 4051.14 ROSENMULLER, Johann C. Abbildungen und Be- schreib. merkwurdig-er Holen um Mug- gendorf. Is lift. Erlangen, 1796. pp.20. f.*38.G-3 De ossibus fossilibus animalis cujusdara, etc. [Diss. acad.] Lipsiae, 1794. pp.34. 4 ... *3861.22 ROSENSTEIX, I. G. Treatise upon homoeopathic. Albany, 1836. 8 *M.Pph.v.30 ROSENTHAL, F. Ichthyotomische Tafeln. Ber- lin, 1812-26. 2T. 4 *3870.31 ROSES 692 ROSSI Shelf. No. ROSES. Lindley, J. Monograpliia rosarum . . . 3854.2 ROSETTA stone. Lelronne, J. A. Inscription grecque de Rosette v.l of 3002.11 Silvcstre de Sacy, A. J. Inscription egyp- tienne trouvee a. Rosette 3053.13 ROSETTI, G. See Bernabo Silorata, P. Prose e poesie di Italian! viventi, v.9 4708.16 ROSINI. G. Descrizione dello pitture del Campo Santo in Pisa. Pisa, 1837. 10 4007.35 II conte Ugolino della Gherardesca e i Ghi- bellini di Pisa. [Romanzo storico.] Mi- lano, 1843. 3v. 8 2773.8 La signora di Monza : storia del secolo xvn. Pisa, 1820. 3v. 8 2773.0 Luisa Strozzi : storia del secolo xvi. Pisa, 1832-33. 4v. 8 2773.7 Nuove lettere sulla lingua italiana. Pisa, 1820. 8 2785.13 Per 1'inaugurazione solenne della statua del Galileo, orazione. Pisa, 1839. pp.36. 8. . 2741.16 Prose eversi. Milano, 1820. 10 4709 a. 8 Contents. Della necessita di serivere nclla propria lingua; Saggio an le azioni e su le opere di Francesco Guicciardiui; Sulla lingua italiana; Lettere ; Poesiej Saggio su la vita e su le opere di A. Canova. Saggio di commedie. Pisa, 1835. 2v. in 1. 8. 2777.3 Contents. Vol. I. Gil Bias di Santillano ; II para- sito impuriente e i gcmelli Casanova ; L'avaro di Moliere. II. Torquato Tasso ; Le conseguenze im- previste d'un duello; I nipoti e la zia. Saggio sulla vita e sulle opere di Antonio Ca- nova. Pisa, 1825. 8 4074.3 Storia della pittura italiana [con] tavolo. Pisa, 1838-17. 7v. 8. 3v. f *4002.3 See Bernabo Silorata, P. Prose e poesie di Italian! viventi, v.8 4708.16 ROSINUS, or Rossfeld, J. Antiquitatum Romana- rum corpus. Ed. postrema, T. Dempstero auct. Geneva;, 1558. gr.8 *2950.15 ROSMINI, C. de'. Istoria di Milano. Milano, 1820. 4v. lar.4 *2760.2 Dell' istoria di Milano, raggiiaglio. [Inghi- rami,Coll. nuova, di opusculi, ecc. v.2] . . 2707.5 Estratto della vita di Francesco Filelfo da Tolentino. [Coll. d'opuscoli scient. et let- ter. v.8, 9] 5278.2 See Raccolta di opuscoli scientific! 5274.1 Contents. Vol. XVIII. Due lettere. XXIII. Lct- tera intorno all' Alessandro, dramma per musica dell' G. dalla Torre di Rezzonico. ROSMINI-SERBATI, A. Opere. Napoli, 1842-49. 16v. 4 *2790.6 Contents. Vol. I. Filosofia della politica ; La so- cieta ed il suo flne, libri iv. 1I.-IV. Ideologia e logica : Nuovo saggio sull' origine delle idee. V. V. Ideologia e logica : II rinnovamento della nlosofia in Italia proposto dal C. T. Mamiani. VI.-VIIL Prose ecclesiastiche : Catechetica : Del modo di cate- chizzarc gl'idioti libro di S. Aur. Agostino volgariz- zato; Lettera sopra il cristiano insegnamento: Kegole della dottrina cristiana; Catechisino disposto secondo 1'ordine delle idee ; Catechesi dette dalP arciprete di San Marco di Rovereto. VII. Ascetica ; Manuale dell' esercitatore ; Exercitia quasdam spiritualia; Storia dell' amore. VIII. Apologetica ; Della spe- ranza, saggio sopra alcuni errori di Ugo Foscolo s Breve esposizione della filosofia di Melchiorre Gioja ; Saggio sulla dottrina religiosa di G. D. Roraagnosi ; Frammenti di una storia della cmpieta: B. Constant, iSan-Simoniani; Lettere. IX.-XIV. Opere diiilos- ofia morale : Principj della scienza morale. X. An- tropologia in servizio della scienza morale. XI. Trattato della coscienza morale. XII. Opuscoli mo- rali : Dottrina del peceato originale in difesa del trattato della coscienza contro il flnto Eusebio Cris- tiano ; Le nozioni di peceato e di colpa illustrate ; Sulla definizioue della leg^e morale ; Sulla teoria dell' essereidealerisposta al R. P. Gius. Luigi Dmow- ski. X1II.-XIV. Filosona del diritto. XV. Teodi- cea, libri tre della divina provvidenza. XVI. Uelle cinque plaghe della sauta chiesa ; La costituzione eecondo la giustizia sociale. Delle cinque piaghe della santa chiesa. Bas- tia, 1849. 16" 3447.30 Shelf: No. ROSMINI-SERBATI, A. continued. Delle censure dell' abate Rosmini contro la dottrina di G. D. Romagnosi. See Nova, A 2790.7 Sunto apologetico del sistema idcologico del. See Pcstnloz/a, A 2790.9 ROSS, A. Mystagogus poeticus or the muses in- terpreter. London, 1047. 16 *3489.7 Ross, James C. Account of objects in natural history seen during the second voyage in search of a north-west passage. See Ross, J 2300.8 Ross, Sir John. Memoirs of admiral De Sau- marez. London, 1838. 2v. 8 2445.12 Second voyage in search of a north-west pas- sage, 1829-33, [with] appendix including ihe reports of J. C. Ross, and the discovery of the magnetic pole. London, 1835. 2v. 4. *2300.8 ROSS, L. Klcinasien und Deutschland. Halle, 1850. 8 3071.14 Reisen des Kiinigs Otto und dor Koniginn Amalia in Griechenland. Halle, 1848. 2v.in 1. 8 3077.2 Ross, M. View of the county palatine of Dur- ham. See Mackenzie, E 2471.4 ROSSETTI, G. Iddio e 1'uomo. [Salterio.] Na- poli, 1849. 16 3447.42 II veggente in solitudinc, poema polimetro. Italia, 1810. 10 . . . 4777.23 Sullo spirito antipapale che produsse la ri- forma. London, 1832. 8" 3517.3 Versi. Napoli, 1849. 10 4;;r.^5 Rossi, A. D. Ristretto di storia patria ad uso de' Piaccntini. Piacenza, !--'.-:;:. 5v. 10 . . 2739.9 Rossi, B. de'. Cicalata in lode del vino. [Dati. Prose florentine, v. 13] 27>7.1 Rossi, F. II costume degli Ungheresi. [Ferra- rio. Costumi, v.7] 2202.1 Rossi, Geronimo, [t Lot. Rubeus, or de Rubeis.] Historiarum Ravennatum libri decem. Ed. alt. Venetiis, 1539. 4" *2711.2 Rossi, Giovanni, 1848. Florilegio Visconteo. See Viseonti, E. Q 2750.9 ROSSI, Giovanni Battista, 1783. Memorie di Luigi Campagnari. [Raccolta di opuscoli scienti- fic!, v.21] 5274.1 Rossi, Giovanni Bernardo de, b. 1742, d. 1831. Annalcs Hebraeo-typographici sec. xv. Par- ma, 1795. 4 *2110.13 Annales Hebraeo-typographici ab an. MDI ad MDXL. Parma, 1799. 4 *2110.14 Della lingua propria di Cristo, ecc. Parma, 1772. 8 3427.10 Rossi, Giovanni Gherardo de, b. 1754, d. 1827. Commetlie. Prato, 1820. 4v. 10 2777.11 Contents. Vol. I. II secondo giorno del mitrimo- nio; II cortigiano onesto, ovvero, i cambiamvuii d'un giorno ; II calzolajo inglesc in 1! >inu ; La famk-lia dell* uomo indolente. II. Le sorclle rivali ; L'as- tratto gcloso; 11 maestro di cappclla; La coin media in villeggiatura. III. II podcsta di Biscnzo ; La prima sera dell' opera ; Le conseguenze d'una imprudunte risoluzionc; II presuntuoso. IV. Le lagriuie della vedo va ; L'officio della pus ta ; II so verchiatore ; La bottega del caffe net iestino. Favole. Roma, 1788. 10 4709.4 Nuove favole. Roma, 1801. 8" 2794. 10 Lettere inedite. See Castreca-Brunetti, E. . 2747.3 Rossi, Giovanni Giacomo. Colonna Traiana in Roma, scolpita con 1'historie della gverra dacica, e vittoria contro Decebalo, intag- liata da P. S. Bartoli, con 1'espositione latina d'A. Ciacone, accrcs. da G. P. Bel- lori. Roma, [1090?] obl.f *29.E.2 Rossi, Giuseppe I. La libreria mediceo-lauren- ziana. Firenze, 1739. f *4100.9 Rossi, Isabella. Prose e poesie. Firenze, 1841. 2v. in 1. 16 4779.18 Contents. Vol. I. Le donne toscane famose per cittadiue virtu, discorso ; La madre fiorentina, rac- conto storico ; La madre bolognese i Cronaca popo- lare ; Ossa e pensieri ; La madre e il grauatiere, rac- EOSSI 693 ROUSSEAU Shelf. No. Rossi, Isabella, continued. conto storico ; Mamlella principessa di Bisignano ; Due fanciulli ; II muto ; Per la riciiicsta
  • . pi. 73. Atlas, f *D.3.F. I monument! piu interessanti di Roma dal x* secolo sino al xvin". Roma, [1818] 55 pi. Atlas, f *D.3.G. Le portc antiche e moderne del recinto di Roma. 35 tavole. Roma, 1829. Atlas, f . *D.3.D. Scenografia degl' interni delle piu belle chicse e basilichc autiche di Roma. [30 rami.] Roma, 1843. f *D.3.G. Scenografia di Roma moderna. 20 vedute. Roma, 1850. Atlas, f *D.3.H. I sette colli di Roma antica e moderna. Ro- ma, 1828-29. pi. 29. Atlas, f *D.3.C. Viaggio pittoresco da Roma a Napoli. 80 rami. Roma. Atlas, f *D.3.n. ROSSMASSLKR, E. A. Systcmatische Uebersicht des Thierreichs. 2te And. Dresden and Leipzig, 1835. Iv. 8. Iv. Atlas, f . . *3890.3, 14 Vcrsteinerungen des Braunkohlensandstcius von Altsattcl. Dresden and Leipzig-, 1840. pp.42, und 12 tafeln. 4 *3861.H Rosso, A. del. Cicalata sopra i bcccaflchi. [Dati. Prose fiorentine, v. 13] 2787.1 ROST, V. C. F. GriechischeGrammatik. Cte Ausg. Gottiugen, 1841. 8 2984.7 Greek grammar, transl. with an appendix on versification. London, 182U. 8 2984. C ROSTAN, L. Ramollissement du cerveau. 2e (',1. Paris, 1823. 8 3801.14 ROSTEM und Suhrab. Heldengeschichte. See Riiekcrt, F 2897.3 ROSWITIIA, or Hrotsuitha, or Rosvitis. Comoediae sex; Historia nativitatis laudahilisquc con- versutionis iutactae Dei genitrk-is ; Historia ascensionis Domini; Pussio S. Gangolfi; 1'assio saucti Pelagii; Lapsus et conversio Theopkili ; De conversione Proterii ; De passione S. Dionysii martyris ; Passio S. Agnetis Virginia ct martyris ; Carmiua de primordiis cojnobii Gandersheimensis et de gestis Oddonis I imperatoris ; Appendix, [iligne. Patrologiae v.137] 3460.10 Carmen de primordiis et fundatoribus crenobii Gaudeshemensis. [Leibnitz. Script, rcrum Brunsvic. v.2] 2810.3 ROTA, B. Egloghe pescatorie xiv. [Parnaso ita- liano, v.25] 2709. 2 ROTIIAD. Libellus proclamationis. [Migne. Pa- trologise v.119] 3400.2 ROTH A K. Leges. [iluratori. Rerum. Ital. script. v.l, p. II] 2710.1 ROTIIMAN, E.W. History of astronomy. 8. [Lon- don. Soc. for diffusion of useful kno\vl.].**E. 212.4 ROTEOO. Epistolae xxv. [Bouquet. Recueil, v.lfl] 2020.1 ROTKOU, J. de. OEuvres. Paris,- 1820. 5v. 8. . 2075.1 Contents. Vol. I. Notice sur la vie de Jean Ro- trou ; L'hypocondriaque, on le mort amoureux, tragi-comedie ; La bague de 1'oubli, eomedic ; Cleag- enor et Doristee, tragi-coui. ; La Diaue, com. ; Les Shelf. No. ROTKOU, J. de, continued. occasions perdues, tragi-com.; L'heurense Constance, tragi-com. ; Les meuechmes, com. II. llercule mou- rant, trapr. ; La Celimene, com.; L'heurcux na.uf'ra;re, tragi-com. ; La Celiane, tragi-com. ; La belle Alplirede, com. ; La pelerine amoureuse, tragi-com. ; Le l-"i!an- dre, com. III. Agesilan de Colchos, tragi-com. ; I/innocente infidelite, tragi-com. ; Clorinde, com. ; Amelie, trasi-com. ; Les Sosies, com. ; Les deux pucelles, tragi-com. ; Laure persecutee ; tragi-com. IV. Antigone, trag. ; Les captifs, ou les esclaves, com. ; Crisante, trag. ; Iphiginie en Aulide, tragi- com. i Clarice, ou 1'amour constant, com. ; Belisaire, tragi-com.; COlie, ou levice-roi de Naples, traii-com.; La sceur, com.; Variantes de la tragedie de Crisante. V. Saint-Genest, comedie palenne, representant le mart) re d'Adiien, trag.; Don Bernard de Cabrere, tragi-com. ; Venceslas, trag. ; Venctslas, trag. de Kotrou, avec les corrections t'aitcs en I'.Jtt, par Jlar- montel; Cosroes, trag.; Florimonde, com.; Don Lope de Cardone, tragi-com.; L'illustre Amazone, trag. Hercule mourant ; Antigone. [Brumoy. Th(5- atre des Grecs. 2e ed. v.4, 6] 2905. 4 Venceslas: tragi-com6die. See Campistron, J. G. de 2089.15 Venceslas. [Theatre des auteura du second ordre. Tragediea, v.l] 2040.19 ROTTECK, C. v. Allgemeine Geschicate. Braun- schweig, 1848. 12v. in 8. 10 *2229.3 RoUBAun, F. Traitd de Pimpuissance et de la sterilite chcz 1'homme et chez la femme. Paris, ISw. 2v. 8 *:jr:-J.'Ji', RO0COUUT, J. 15. Essai sur la thc'orie du Chant. Bruxcllos, 1S21. 8 *4055.30 ROUEX. P. I. Corps des lois commereiales, con- tiniu'! par Vincent. Paris, IN','.). 2v. 8. . 3071.8 ROUEN, Description historique de IV-glise de No- tre-Damedc. Gilbert, A. P. 31 4103.5 Siege of R. in 1591. [Camden society, No. 39]. 2410.39 Kor.Mir.R, M.A.dc. $<< Robert, M. A. dc Roumier. Rous, J. Diary. Ed. by M. A. E. Green. [Lon- don,] 1850. 4. [Camden society, > T o. 64] . *2420.8 ROUSSF.AU, .lean B. (Euvres. Nouv. c-d. Paris, 1820. 5v. 8" 2075.3 'rnts. Vol. I. Avertissement ; Essai histo- rique sur la personne et les ecrits de J. B. Rousseau ; Ode sur la mort clr J. B. Rousseau, par Le Franc de IVmpiijiian; I'rC-iac-i-: 1'oCsios lyriques; Odes; Can- tales. II. Epitres; Allegories; Epigrammes; 1'. diverses. III. Le flatteur, comcclie ; Preface; Lo cnpiicieux, ou les apparcnccs trompeuses, comtdic ; 1'Kface ; Les aieux chimtriqucs, ou la comtessa dc Critognac, comudic ; Preface ; I>'hypocondre, come- die; La dupe dcsoi-meine. IV. .Muri;:inne, tragedie de Tristan 1'IIcrmitc, relouchee par J. B. Rousseau ; Le cate, comedie ; La eeinture magique, comedie ; Jason, ou la toison-d'or, opi-ra ; Jnson, trapedie ; Vi-nus ct Adonis, opura ; Venus et Adonis, tragudic ; Poesies en musiiiue ; La mandragore, comedie ; Let- tre dc J. U. Rousseau a I'abbe d'Olivet. V. Avi nient ; Ciirrrspiindanei', 1711-41 ; Table aualytique des kttres de J. B. Rousseau. Odes ; Cantates ; Epitres ; Epigrammes. See Malhcrbe, F. de 4<;,S.1'. ROUSSEAU, Jean J. (Euvres completes. Paris, .-14. 22v. S" *2703.4 ..frntt.Vol. I.-II. Pliilosophie ; Discours. III.- IV. Emile. V. Politique : Contrat social : Sur le gouverncmcnt de la Pologne. VI. Lettres i crit^'s de la montagne, precedees de la lettre a M. de Beau- mont. VII. Lettres sur la botanique, suivies d'une introduction a 1'etude de cctte science, ct de frag- ments pour un dictionnaire des tenncs d'usage en botanique ; Lettrcs elOmentciires sur la botanique, par M. Martyn. A'lII.-IX. LittC-raturc: La nouvelle IK-loise, ou lettres de deux amauts, cto. X. Melan- ges, ou litterature variee. XI. Eerits sur la musique. XII.-XIII. Dictionnaire de musique. XIV.-XVI. Memoiresetcorrespondance; Les confessions. XVII. Memoircs et correspon dance ; Dialogues. XVIII.- XXII. Correspondance. Dictionnaire dc musique. Geneve, 1781-82. 2v. 10. Iv. 4 *4036.7 Emile, ou de 1'education. Paris, 1823. 3v. 8. 3598.14 Letters on the elements of botany. Transl. by T. Martyn. 3d ed. Lond. 1788-91. 2v. SV3S.V.'. r, - Same. Gth ed. London, 1802. 8 .... 3852.19 Rousseau et les Genevois. See Gaberel, J. 4007.10 ROUSSEAU 694 RUBBI Shelf. No. ROUSSEAU, S. Vocabulary of the Persian lan- guage. London, 1802. 8 3034.6 ROUSSEL, P. Systeme physique et moral de la femme, [etc.] 7e ed. Paris. 1820. 8" ... *3776.30 ROUSSEL, T. Manuel pour la fabrication des allu- mettes chimiques, etc. Paris, 1848. sm.!2. [Manucl-Roret] 4019.24 ROUSSET do Missy, J. Memoires sur le rang et la prescancc cntre les souverains, etc. [Wicque- fort. L'ambassadeur, v.2] 3611.7 Supplement au corps universel diplomatique. See Dumont, J 3610.1 ROUSSELOT de Surgy, J. P. Continuation de 1'his- toire des voyages. See Prevost, A. F. . . 2250.3 Essai historique sur les finances. See Ency- clopedic methodique A. 168. 5 ROUTH, M. J. Reliquiae sacra: : sive auctorum II et in sseculi quae supersunt. Ed. alt. Ox- onii, 1846-48. 5v. 8 *3513.9 Contents. Vol. I. Prsefatio; Papias; Seniores apud Irenauim: Quadratus et S. Aristides; Agrippa Castor; Aristu Pellasus ; Melilo ; S. Claudius Apollinai is ; B. B. Dionysius Corinthius et Pinytus ; Hegesippus i Martyres Lugdunenscs; EcclesiaB Viennensis ct Lug- duncnsis epistola; S. Pan tee n us; Anonymus presby- ter ; Incertus auctor de canone SS. Scripturarum ; Rhodo; S. Serapio; Apolionius. II. Concilium CSB- sariense; Polycrates; Concilium Lugdunense; Maxi- mus ; Caius ; S. Alexander ; Auctor adversus Cata- phrygas ; Julii African! epistola ad Originem et Aristidcm ; African! chronicon. III. Ambrosius ; S. Cornelius; Concilia Carthnginiensia: S. Dionysii Al- exandrini epistola canonica; 8. Gregorii Neocaesarien- sis epistola canonica ; Concilium Antiochenum con- tra Pauliim Samosatenum ; Dionysius Romanus ; Theojiiiostus ; Pierius ; Theonas ; S. Victorinus ; S. Pamphilus martyr ; Ilymnus vespertinus. IV. S. 1-ucianus martyr ; S. Petrus Alcxandrinus ; S. Phileas ; Concilii Ancyrani canones ; Concilii Neo- csEsaricnsis canones ; Justelli ct Bevercgii annotatt. ; Concilium contra Noctum; Asclepiades; Appendix 1, in qua continentur concilia, EHberitanum, Roma- num, Arclatense i, gesta purgationis Felicis, gestaque apud Zenophilum ; Appendix 2, S. Pamphili marty- ris pro Origcne apologia, operisque Dionysii Alex, de natura reliquiae, et Diony siana excerpta in catena Nicctas in Jobum reperta ; Nomina editiouesque auctorum ; Index propriorum nominum. rerum memorabilium, phrasiumque. V. Appendix 3, 8. Archclai cum Manete dispututio ; S. Augustini rcs- ponsa ad episcoporum Carthaginiensium suft'ragia ; Anonym! scriptoris de rebaptismate liber ; Ecclesim Aquileiensis symbolum ; Testimonia ante-nicaena pro auctoritate S. Scriptural ; Index. Roux, P. J. Quarante annees de pratique chirur- gicale. Paris, 1854-55. 2v. 8 3741.8 Roux Lavergne, P. C. Histoire parlementaire de la revolution franchise. See Buchcz, P. J. B. 4644.1 Roux de Rochelle, J. B. G. Etats Unis d'Amer- ique. Paris, 1837. 8. [L'Univers] . . . .*2266.20 Villes anseatiques. Paris, 1844. 8. [L'Uni- vers] *2276.15 ROVANI, G. Lamberto Malatesta [racconto]. Mi- lano, 1843. 2v. 16 4775.8 ROVERELLI, L. E. See Teatro moderno applaud- ito 2768.1 Contents. Vol. XXX. E facil 1'inganno, farsa. XXXIV. La dama benefica, commedia. ROVETTA, G. Salve regina, 5 voci. [Dehn. Prac- tische Musik-Werke, v.19] 4051.14 ROVIGO, ducde. See Savary, A. J. M. R. ROWAN, S. N. Discourse on the death of John B. Romeyn. New York, 1825. 8 .... *Pph.v.57 Tribute to the memory of Alexander McLeod, D. D. New York, 1833. 8 *Pph.v.S8 ROWAN, T. Hydrocephalic state of fever. Phila- delphia, 1802. 8 *M.Pph.v.28 ROWBOTHAM, J. Grammar of the French lan- guage, with^ add. by F. M. J. Surault. 2d ed. Boston, 1832. 12 7079.2 - Same. 3d ed. Hallowell, Me. 1841. 12 . 7079.8 ROWE, Mrs. E. Devout exercises of the heart, re- vised by I. Watts. London, 1738. 8 . . . 3445.1 Friendship in death, to which are added Thoughts on death. London, 1728. 8. . 2374.19 Shelf. No. ROWE, J. Introduction to the doctrine of flux- ions. 3d ed. London, 1767. 8. pi. . . **E.195.14 ROWE, N. Poems and life. [Chalmers. English poets] v.9of2592.7 Poems. [Johnson. English poets] . . v.26 of 258'J.3 Tamerlane : a play. [Cumberland. British drama, v.3] E.229.7 Translation of Lucan's Pharsalia. [Chalmers. English poets] v.20of2502.7 - Same. Johnson. Eng. poets] . v.27, 28 of 25S9.3 ROWLANDS, S. The four knaves, a series of satir- ical tracts. Ed. by E. F. Rimbault. Lon- don, 1843. p.8. [Percy soc. publ. v.9] . . .*2537.11 ROWLETT, J. Tables of discount, or interest. Philadelphia, 1802. 4 *3932.1 ROWLEY, T., Poems supposed to have been writ- ten at Bristol by. See Chatterton. T. . .2608.14,15 Observations upon the poems of See Bry- ant, J 2608.12 ROWLEY, W. A search for money, from the cd. of 1609. London, 1840. pp.50. p.8. [Per- cy soc. publ. v.2] *2537.4 A match at midnight. [Dodsley. Old plays, v.7] 2588.1 Fortune by land and sea. [Heywood. Dra- matic works, v.l] 2605.7 See Old English plays 2607.1 Contents. Vol. IV. The Spanish gipsy, a comedy by Middlcton and R.: The changeling, a tragedy by Hidilleton and R. V. A new wonder, a woman never vext, a comedy. VI. The Thracian wonder, a comical history by J. Webster and R. ROWLEY, Mass. History of. Gage, T 2357.2 ROXBURY, Mass. Municipal register. Roxbury, 1856. 8 6350a.20 Receipts and expenditures for 1856. Roxbury, 1856. 8 6350a.21 Directory for 1850, by George Adams. Rox- bury, 1850. 16 2389.27 Directory No. VI, by Adams, Sampson, and Co. 1858. 16 2389.26 ROXBUKGHE ballads. Collier, J. P 2537.2 ROY, J. History of Canada. Montreal, 1850. 12. 2311. 26 ROYAL treasury of England, or an account of all taxes from the conquest. London, 1725. 12.*2512.13 ROYAL and noble authors of England, Catalogue of the. See Walpole, H 2155.5 ROYALL, A. The black book. Washington, 1828- 29. 3v. 12 2329.11 Letters from Alabama. Washington, 1830. 8. 2374.13 Southern tour, or 2d series of the black book. Vol.1. Washington, 1830. 8 2374.14 ROYALL family. See Whitmore, W. H 2333.13 ROYALTY. Saint-Priest, A. de. Histoire de la royaute, considered dans ses origines . . . 3562.17 ROYER-COLLARD, P. P., and Mourlon, F. Codes fran5ais avec la conference des articles. Nouv. ed. Paris, 1856. 1.8 3610.7 ROYLE, J. F. Culture and commerce of cotton in India. London, 1851. 8 3651.11 Fibrous plants of India fitted for cord, cloth, and paper. London, 1855. 8 4016.6 Materia medica and therapeutics. Ed. by J. Carson. Philadelphia, 1847. 8" 3784.1 ROYSTON, W. Rise and progress of the medical art in the British empire. Lond. 1808. 8. *M.Pph.v.63 ROZET, C. A. Traite elementaire de geologic. Paris, 1835-37. 2v. 8. [Atlas missing] . 3863.11 Carette, A. E. H., Hoefer, J. C. F., and Frank, L'Algerie, Etats tripolitains, Tunis. Paris, 1850. 8. [L'Univers] *2266.3 RUBBI, A. Elogio di P. Metastasio ; B. Castigli- one ; G. Galilei ; L. da Vinci ; F. Ginanni ; F. Petrarca. [Elogj ital. v.l, 4,5,8,10, 11]. 2743.15 See Raccolta di opuscoli scientific!, etc. . . . 5274.1 Contents. Vol. IV. Elogio del B. Castiglione. VI. La vainiglia. XI. Dissertazione cronologico-storieo- critica sopra il sepolcro d'Isacio esarca di Ravenna. La coltura della vainiglia. [Raccolta di po- emetti didascalici, etc. v.ll] 4779.8 RUBENS 695 RUNKLE Shelf. No. RCBENS, A. De re vestiaria veterum, prsecipue de lato olavo ; De gemma Tibcriana et Au- gustea, de urbibus neocoris diatribe. [Grte- vius. Thes. antiq. Rom. v.C, 11] 2950.1 RUBEJfS, P. P. Lettrcs inedites, publ. par E. Ga- chet. Bruxelles, 1810. 8 4005.9 Papers illustrative of the life of. See Sams- bury, W. N 4065.14 RUBENS de Aragonia, A. Oratio habita in laudem Joannis Galeatii Sfortise. [Muratori. Rerum Ital. script.] v.25 of 2720.1 RUBI, T. R. Poesias andaluzas. 3a ed. Paris, 1853. 10 3095.3 RUBRUK, W. de, Travels of. [Pinkerton. Voy- ages, v.7] 2200. 13 Voyage en Orient v.4 of 2200.11 RUCELLAI, C. Rime inedite. See Allori, A. . . 2794.4 Lettere. [Dati. Prose liorentine, v.14, 15] . 2787.1 RUCELLAI, G. Leapi: poema. [Parnasoital. v.23]. 2769. 2 - Same. [Raccolta di poemetti didascalici, etc. v.l] 4779.8 L'Oreste: tragedia. [Mafici. Teatro ital. v.l]. 2770.8 - Same. [Teatro italiauo autico, v.2] . . . 2776.1 La Rosmunda: tragedia. [Teatro italiano antico, v.l] 2776.1 RUCELLAI, L. Cicalata, delle lodi dell'ipocondria. [Dati. Prose florentine, v.12] 2787.1 - Same. See Raccolta di prose, v.2 . . . 2767.4 RUCELLAI, or Ricasoli-Ilucellai, O. Degli officii per la societa umana. Dialogho iilosofico inedito. Firenze, 1848. & 3560.11 Dialoghi fllosoflci, [colla prefazione di D. Mo- reui.] Firenze, n.d. 4 *2792.10 Saggio di lettere e di testimonianze in lode dell' aecad. dclla Crvsca. Firenze, 1826. 8". 2747.9 See Dati, C. Prose fiorentine 2787.1 Content?. Vol. XII. Cicalata della lingua Jonadat- ticn. XIII. In lode del cacio; In lode dell' uccello. Buonaventuri, and others. Prose e rime in- edite. Firenze, 1822. 8" 2792.11 RUCELLAI, P. Lezione della giustizia. [Dati. Prose florentine, v.7] 2787.1 R0CKERT, F. Die Weisheit des Brahmanen. Bin Lehrgedicht in Bruchstucken. 3te Autt. Leipzig, 1851. 12' 2897.2 Rostem und Suhrab. [Heldengesch.] 2te Aufl. Stuttgart, 184(i. l(i 2897.3 RUDDER, S. New history of Gloucestershire. Cirencester, 1779. f 2470.5 History of the ancient town of Cirencester. 3d ed. Cirencester, 1814. 8 2504.7 RUDDIMAN, T. Life. See Chalmers, G 2454.7 RUDE veins of a poetic conformation. The heav- ens. New York, 1845. 12 2405.15 RUDIMENTS, The, of Latin syntax and prosody. Salem, 1783. pp.51. 8 **E.224.8 RUDING, R. Annals of the coinage of Great Brit- ain and its dependencies. 3d ed. London, 1840. 3v. 4 *2531.3 RUDOLPH. See Rodolph. RUDOLPHI, C. A. Entozoorum sive vermium in- testinalium historia naturalis. Amstelse- dami, 1808-10. 2v. in 3 3874.12 Entozoorum synopsis. Berolini, 1819. 8. . 3874.11 Grundriss der Physiologic. Berlin, 1821-28. 2v.in3. 8 3702.18 RUFFHEAD, O. Life of Alexander Pope. London, 17(i9. 8 *2454.8 RCFFUS. See Sextus Rufus. RUFIMANUS, J. De figuris sententiarum, et elo- cutionis. [Autori del ben parlare, p. 2/. . 3590.10 RUFINUS. Libri duo de bono pacis. [Migne. Pa- trologise v.150] 3460.28 RUFINUS Autiochenus. De metris oratorum ct compositione. [Autori del ben parlare, p. 4. W2] 3590.10 RUFINUS Tyrannius. Opera omnia illustrata stu- dio ac labore D. Vallarsii recensuit J. P. Migne. Parisiis, 1849. 8". [Migne. Patro- logia; v.21] 3440.15 Shelf. No. RUFINUS Tyrannius, continued. Contents. Vita, auctore JR. L. de La Barre; DC bcn- edictionibus patriurcharum libri duo ; Commentarius in .symbolum apostulorum ; Historia monachorum ; Historic eccleMustic,-E libri duo ; Apologia; in S. Ilie- ronymum libri duo ; Apologia altera ad Anastasium papam ; Opera Rufino ascripta ; Commcntarius in LXXV. psalmos ; Coraraentarius in Osee, Joel, et Amos; Vita S. Eugenice; Libelli duo de fide. See Guillon, M. N. S. Bibliotheque des peres. v.27 of 3499.30, v.20 of 3508.2 Fides. [Migne. Patrologise v.48] 3440.20 RUFINUS, or Pscudo-Ruflnus. Pasiphaes fabula. [Lemaire. Poet. Lat. min. v.2] 2912.1 - Same. AVernsdorf. Poet. Lat. min. v.3]. 2912.4 RUFUS Periuthius. TEXJ"; priropiKii. [Walz. Rhc- tores Graeci, v.3] 29G5.2 RUGBY school. Ackcrmann, R. History of. . . 2510.1 Goulbourn, E. 31. Book of 3592.1 RUGGIA, G. De vi poeseos in sacram prsesertim eloqucntiam; Mose esposto al Nilo, azioue drammatica. [Opuscoli letterarii, v.l, 2] . 2792.2 RUGGIERI beneventano. De diversis praescrip- tionibus ; De pracscriptionibus dialogus. [Migne. Patrologiae v.140] 34C0.24 RUGGLES, S. B. Duty of Columbia college to the community. New York, 1854. 8 . . . *Pph.v.200 Vindication of the canal policy of New York of 1838. New York, [1849.] 8 *Pph.v.l95 RUHNKEN, D. Orationcs, dissertationes, et epis- tolae. Bruuswigne, 1S28. 2v. 8 2954.9 Vita. See Wyttcnbach, D 2S40.8 Runs, C. F. Geschichte Schwedens. Halle, 1S05- 14. 5v. 8" 2829.1 RULNAGIA, M. S;u>co di Piacenza del 1417. [Ar- chivio stor. ital. App. v.5] 5245.2 RUIZ, H. Dissertations on various medicinal plants of So. America. See Lambert, A. B. 3850.7 RULHLERE, C. C. dc. CEuvres. Paris, 1819. 2v. 8. 2;u'J.2 Contents. Vol. I. Eclaircissements sur les causes de la revocation de 1'idit de Xautcs ; T:ible nnalyti- que et raisonnf-e, r:ligec par P. R. Auguis. II. Dis- cours; Anecdotes; Poesies. CEuvres posthumes. Paris, 1819. 4v. 8 . . 2709.3 Contents. Vol. I.-IV. Histoire de 1'anarchic de Pologne. IV. Anecdotes sur la revolution de Russie, en 1'annvc 1702. Histoire de 1'anarchic de Pologne. Paris, 1819. 4v. 8 3064.11 Histoire de la revolution de Russie en 17o_'. [Latour. Petits chefs d'ocuvrehistoriq. v.l]. 4607.3 RUM. Indictment and tryal of Sir Richard Rum. 3ded. 17->4. pp.24. 18 *3456.37 RUMFOBD, count of. See Thompson, B. RO.MKER,C. UeberdieOertcrspliarischerDreiecke. Hamburg, 1834. pp.7. 4 **E. 110.3 RUMOUR, C. D. F. v. Drey Reisen nach Italien. Leipzig, 1832. 16 4064.23 RUNDALL, T. Memorials of the empire of Japon in the IGth and 17th centuries. London, IsoO. 8. [Hakluyt society] *2264.7 Voyages to the north-west in search of a pas- sage to Cathay and India, 1490-1031. Lon- don, 1849. 8. [Hakluyt society] *2264.5 RUNDE, W. H. Brachelytrorum species agri Ha- lensis. Halae, 18.'!5. pp.34. 8 3899.5 RUNGE, J. G. Dissertatio inaug. de voce ej usque orgaiiis. Lugd. Bat. 1753. 4 ... . *M.I'ph.v.l04 RUNGE, P. O. Hinterlassene Schrifteu. Ham- burg, 1840-41. 2v. in 1. 8 4004.6 Contents. Vol. I. Gedanken und Erbrterungen fiber die Kunst und das Lcben: Bestinimuns, 1801- 3; Kunst, 1303-7 ; Farbenlehre, 1800-10; Practik und Lebcn 1804-10 ; Entwiirfe zu Bildern ; Phan- tasien und Mahrcben. II. Auswahl von Bricieu ; Nachrichten von dem Lebens-und Bildungsgange des Muhlers Philipp Otto Runge, von dem lleraus- geber; Kritikcn und Bericbte. RUNKLE, J. D. Tables for determining the value of the coefficients in the perturbative func- tion of planetary motion. [Smithsonian contributions, v.9. Appendix] 3340.1 RUOTGER 696 KUSSELL Shelf. No. RUOTGER. VitaD. Brunonis Coloniensis archi- episcopi. [Leibnitz. Script, rerum Bruns- vic. v.l] 2810.3 - Same. [Mignc. Patrologia; v.134] . . . 3460.13 KUPEKT, abbot of Duyts. Opera omnia, juxta ed. Vcnctam luini 1748. Aecurante J. P. Migne. Lutetiae Parisiorum, 1854. 4v. 8. [Migne. Patrologia v. 167-170] 3460.41 Contents. Vol. I. Commenlariorum de operibus S. Trinitalis libri xi.li i Liber Commentariorum in Gcnesim, Exodum, Leviticum, in Numeros, in Deu- tcroiioinium, in Jusue, Jud. Reguin, lib. in Isaiam, in Jeremiam, in Ezeehielem, in DanicUm, in IV evangelistas ; De operibus Spiritus sancti. II. Com- mentaria in duodecim proplictas ininores, in Cantica, in Job, in librum Ecclesiastcs ; De gloria et honoro Filii hominis. III. De glorificatione trinitatis et pro- cessione sancti Spiritus ; Commcntaria in Evange- lium S. Joannis, in Apocalypsin ; De victoria verb! Dei. IV. De divinis officiis, libri xn; De inccndio oppidi Tuitii ; De meditatione mortis ; Vita S. llere- berli ; Passio B. Eliphii martyris ; De voluntate Dei ; De omnipotentia Dei ; In quaedam capitula rcgulaa 8. Benedict! ; Altcrcatio monachi et clerici, quod licent monacho prjcdicare ; De codera epistola ad Evcrardnm ahhatcm ; De la;sione virginitatis ; An- nulus sive dialogus inter Christianum ct Judaeum ; De vita vere apostolica ; Epistola qua ratione mona- chorum ordo pracellit ordinem clcricorum ; Chroni- con S. Laurentii Leodiensis ; Epistola Mengoz ca- nonici ad Iliipcrtum ; Dissertatio chronologico-his- torica de vita et scriptis Rupcrti. RUPERT, prince. Memoirs of. Warburton, E. . 2444.7 RUPP, I. D. History of religious denominations in the United States. Phila. 1844. 8" . . . 3544.1 RUPPELL, W. P. E. S. Beschrcibungen neuer Fische, im Nil entdockt. Fortsetzung. Frankfurt a. II. 1829-32. pp. 12+14 und 6 Taf. 4" *3900.14 Beschreibung 24 Artcn kurzschwiinzigen Krabben. Frankfurt a. M. 1830. pp.28. 4.*3861.29 Neue Wirbolthicre von Abyssinien. Frank- furt a. M. 1835-40. f *3890.0 Keisen in Nubien, Kordofan, und dem petr. Arabien, mit Atlas. Frankfurt a. M. 1829. Iv. 8. Atlas, f *3053.20 Versteinerungcn aus dcr Kalkschieferforma- tion von Solenhofen. Frankfurt a. M. 1829. PP-12. 4 *3861.28 Vogel Nord-Ost-Afrikas. Frankfurt a. M. 1845. 8 3904.4 RUPTURES. See Hernia. HUKAL eclogues. Egloghe boscherecce, del secolo xv-xvi. [Paruaso italiauo, v.10] 2769.2 RURAL economy. Boussingault, J. B. J. D. Econ- omic rurale 4002.11 Celiiart, F. E. Canard. Manuel des habitans de la campagnc 4003.31 Colman, H. European agriculture and . . 3993.1,2 Engelmann, W. Bibliothek der Forst-und Jagd-Wissenschaft 2186.3 - Bibliothcca occonomica 2186.3 Lavergne, L. G. L. G. de. Economic rurale de 1'Angleterre, de 1'Ecosse et de 1'Irlande. 4002.22 Re, F. Dizionario ragionato di libri d'agricol- tura, vcterinaria, e di altri rami d'economia campestre 2172.10 Seances dc la societe protectrice des animaux. See Paris 4002.18 Stcuart, H. On transplanting large trees . . 4003.6, 7 See also : Agriculture, Bees, Cheese, Cottages, Do- mestic animals, Domestic cconomj-, Grape, liorae, Hothouse, Residences, Stable, Veterinary art. See a/so: France, Great Britain, Yorkshire, etc. RURAL life and scenery, Poems descriptive of. Clare, J 2549.23 RURAL muse, The: poems. Clare, J 2549.20 RURAL sports, Encyclopaedia of. Elaine, D. P.. 3983.1 RURICIUS. Epistolarum libri duo. [Migne. Pa- trologiae v.58] 3440.27 RUSCELLI, G. See Bcrni, F. Opere burlesche, v.2. 4769.6 Discorso a monsig. L. Dolce, intorno all' osser- vationi della lingua volgare. [Autori del ben parlare, p. 1, v. 3] 3590.10 Shelf. No. RUSCONI, C. Luigi xvi. Scene dclla rivoluzione di Francia. Milano, 1840-47. 3v. 12 . . 4775.10 RUSES, Lcs, des fllous et escrocs devoilees. 5e < <1. Paris, 1820. 2v. 18 4679 a. 5 RUSH, B. Account of the sugar maple-tree of the United States. Philadelphia, 1702. 8. [Trans. Am. phil. soc. v. 3] *Pph.v.329 Duties of a physician, and methods of improv- ing medicine. Philadelphia, 1789. 8 . *Pph.v.330 Eulogium to perpetuate the memory of David Rittenhouse. Philadelphia, 170:;. 8 . *Pph.v.l38 Eulogium in honor of the late Dr. W. Cullen. Philadelphia, 1790. 8 *Pph.v.329 Injustice and impolicy of punishing murder by death. Philadelphia, inc.'. 8. . . *Pph.v.329 Inquiry into the effects of public punishments. New York, 1816. 12 *Pph.v.207 Lectures on the theory and practice of medi- cine. [In MS.] 3v. 4 *3713.3 Life and character of C. Ludwick. Added, an account of [the Phil, society for charity schools.] Philadelphia, 1831. pp.01. 10 . 2348.23 Medical inquiries and observations. 2d ed. rev. and enl. Philadelphia, 1805. 4v. 8 . *3713.4 - Same. 3d ed. Philadelphia, 1809. 4v. 8 *3713.5 Medical inquiries upon diseases of the mind. Philadelphia, 1812. 8 . . 3800.39 Poem on the death of Rush. Phila. 1813. 6.*Pph.v.-:9 Tribute to. Hosack, D M.Pph.3,05 Eulogium upon. Ramsay, D 2312.19 Rusn, J. Inquiry into the use of the omentum. Philadelphia, 1809. 8 *M.Pph.v.G4, 118 RUSH, II. Residence at the court of London. London, 1833. 8 2464.8 - Same. 2d ed. revised and enlarged. Phila- delphia, INW. 8 2464.10 - Same. Second series. Lond. 1845. 2v. 8. 2464.9 Letter on free-masonry, to the citizens of York county. Boston, 1831. 8 ... . *Pph.v.295 Adams, J. Q., and Wirt, W. Letters, [to the anti-masonic committee for York co.] Sti-r. cd. Boston, 1831. 8 *Pph.v.2S6 RUSIIWORTH, J. Historical collections, 1618-48. London, 1682-1701. 8v. f *2420.G RUSKI\,J. The stones of Venice. London, 1851- 53. 3v. roy.8 *4092.7 Oxford museum. See Acland, H. W 4095.24 RUSPOLI, F. See Berni, F. Operc burlesche, v.3 . 47C>'.).6 See Poesie per lar ridere. Rac. L'a. v.l. . . 2809.2 See Poesie di eccellenti autori toscani per far ridere le brigatc 4776.24 RUSSEGGER, J. Reisen in Europa, Asien, und Afrika, mit Atlas. Stuttgart, 1841-49. 4v. 8. Atlas, f *22G1.4 RUSSELL, D. Letters to illustrate the gospel. Cthed. Edinburgh, 184C. 12 3445.16 RUSSELL, F., earl of Bedford. Life, by G. Whet- stone. [Park. Heliconia, v.2] 2591.13 RUSSELL, Sir Francis. Report of the virtues of. See Whetstone, G. [Park. Heliconia, v.2]. 2591.13 RUSSELL, G. R. Address before the Mass, char- itable mechanic assoc. Bost. 1853. 8. v.7of2354.25 The merchant : an oration before the R. I. Phi Beta Kappa. Boston, 1849. 8 *Pph.v.305 RUSSELL, James. Morbid affections of the knee- joint. Edinburgh, 1802. 8 3755.19 Observations on the testicles. Ediu. 1833. 12 *3740.54 RUSSELL, John, printer. Address presented to the members of the Faustus association. Boston, 1808. 8 *Pph.v.64 RUSSELL, John, esq. Tour in Germany and the Austrian empire, 1820-22. Repr. fr. 2d Edin. ed. Boston, 1825. 8 28G3.6 RUSSELL, John, lieut. of the Nottingham stuff. Instructions for the drill. 1st Am. ed. Philadelphia, 1814. 12 3954.7 RUSSELL, John, 4th duke of Bedford. Correspond- ence, [1742-70,] with introduction by Lord J. Russell. London, 1S42-4C. 3v. 8 ... 2453.6 RUSSELL 697 RYCAUT Shelf. No. RUSSELL, lord John. Essay on the history of the English constitution. 2d ed. Lond. 1823. 8. 2514.15 Essays and sketches of life and character. 2d ed. London, 1821. 8 2558.5 Life of William, lord Russell. 3d ed. London, 1820. 2v. 8 244S.2 KUSSELL, Jonathan. Oration on the anniversary of American independence, 1800. Provi- dence, 1800. 8 *Pph.v.42 - Same. 3d ed. Worcester, 1803. 8. . *Pph.v.63 RUSSELL, R. De usu aquae marinse in morbis glandularum dissertatio. Oxon. 1750. 8 . *3807.12 RUSSELL, T. Eulogy on. Warren, J 2348.9 RUSSELL, William. Address on infant schools. Boston, 1829. 8 *Pph.v.268 American elocutionist. 2ded. Bost. 1845. 12. 7069.3 Lessons in enunciation. Boston, 1830. 12. . 7059.25 RUSSELL, lord William, Life of. See Russell, lordJ 2448.2 RUSSIA. Description, travels, etc. Bell, J. Travels from St. Petersburg to Asia. 3002.1 Chopin, J.P. Histoireet description deRussie. 2270.8 Cobclen, R. Russia and the eastern question. 3008.2 Coxc, W. Travels into 3062. 8 Custine, A. La Russie en 1839 3002.6 Demidoff, A. de. Voyage dans la Russie m6- ridionale 30C1.4 Dolgorouky, P. Principal families in .... 3009.6 - Sur les principales families de la Russie . 30G3.4 Eustaphieve, A. Resources of 3009.1 ricischmann, C. L. Les Etats-Unis et la Russie 2325.14 Gerebtzoff, N. de. Hist, de la civilisation en. 3002.5 Gurowski, A. de. Russians it is 30.io.ll Haxthausen, A. v. Etudes de la Russie. . . 3052.4 - Studien Uber Russland 3032.7 Herberstein, S. v. Notes upon 2264.10 Hinrichs, J. C. Entstehung, Fortgang, u.s.w. der russischen Jagd-Musik 4052.44 Lepechin, I. Rcise durch verschiedene Pro- vinzen des russischen Reiches 3002.2 Lettera d' Alberto Campense intorno le cose di Moscovia. [Kamusio. Viaggi, v.2] . . . 2260.2 Meiners, C. Vergleieliung des altern und neucrn Russlandes 3068.1 Murchison, R. I. Geology of Russia in Europe and the Ural mountains 3861.4 Olearius, A. Beschreibung der muscowitischen Rcyse 3061.1 - Voyages faits en Moscovie 3020.9 Pallas, P. S. Voyages en differentes provinces de 1'empire de Russie 3001.5 - Zoographia Rosso-Asiatica 3902.7 Sauer, M. Expedition to the northern parts of. 3061.3 Tourqueneff, N. Russie et les Russes. . . . 3009.4 Viardot, L. Les musees de Russie 4089.19 Whitworth, C. Account of Russia in 1710. [Dodsley. Fugitive pieces, v.2] 2549.27 History. Boutourlin. Campagne de Russie en 1812 . . 3061.6 Cathcart, G. War in Russia and Germany, 1812-13 :!OG5.4 Chambray, G. Expedition de Russie . . . 3005.6 Clausewitz, C. v. Campaign of 1812 in . . . 3005.3 Esneaux, J. Histoire de Russie 3003.2 Karamsin, N. M. Histoire de Russie. . . 3063.3 Labaume, E. Campagne de Russie en 1812 . 4059.5 Levesque, P. C. Histoire de Russie 3003.1 Michailowsky-Danilewsky, A. I. Geschichte des vaterliindischen Krieges im Jahre 1812. 3005.10 Philippart, J. Northern campaigns, 1812-13 . 3005.5 Rullriere, C. C. de. Revolution de U. en 1702. 3064.11 Sclmitzler, J. H. Russie sous les empereurs Alexandre et Nicolas 3009.36 See also : Cossacks, Moscow, St. Petersburg)], Se- bastopol. RUSSIAN America. Regnault, E. Possessions russes en Amerique 2206.6 RUSSIAN army, Character, in 1800-7. Wilson, R. 3001.2 Shelf. No. RUSSIAN empire, View of the. Tooke, W. . . . 3065.7,8 RUSSIAN language. Shdanov, P. New dictionary, English and Russian E. 209. 22 Vocabulary in six languages E. 209. 23 RUSSIAN literature, History of. Otto, F 3034.23 RUSSWURM, C. Nordische Sagen. Leipzig, 1842. 12 2902.16 RUST, Cause of, in corn. Banks, Sir J. . . M.Pph.v.63 RUSTIC adornments for homes of taste. Hibberd, S. 4001.18 RUSTICUS, deacon. Disputatio contra acephalos. [Migne. Patrologiae v.G7] 3450.8 RUSTICUS Helpidius. Carmina. [Migne. Patro- logiae v.02] 3450.4 RUTEBEUF. (Euvres completes. Paris, 1839. 2v. 8. 2687.1 Contents. Vol. I. La povrctei ; Le mariage ; La complainte ; La paiz ; La griesche d'yver ; La griesche d'este ; La rnort Rustebeuf ; La complainte an roi de Navarre ; La complainte dou conte de Poi- tiers ; La complainte ou conte Iluede de Nevers; Gcfroy de Sargines ; Guillaume de Saint-Amour ; La complainte de G. de Saint-Amour ; Anseau de 1'Isle ; La complainte d'outre-mer; La complainte de Constantinoble; La nouvcle complainte d'ou!rc-raer; Ladesputizons doucroisie et dou descroizie; Li diz de la voie de Tunes ; Li diz de Puille ; La chansons de Puille ; De la descorde de 1'universite et des Jaco- bins ; Li diz de Puniversitei de Paris ; Les ordres de Paris; Les Jacobins; La chansons des ordres; Li diz des Cordeliers; Des Beguines; Des regies; Keiiart le Bestourne; DuPharisian; De Brichemer ; Lidizdea rib:mx de Greive ; La desputoison de Challot et du barbier; De 1'estatdu monde; Les plaies du monde; De la vie dou monde; De sainte cglise; Li diz de 1'er- bcrie ; DC frere Denise ; Testament de 1'ane ; Le pet au vilain ; Le dit d' Aristotle; Chariot le Juif ; De la damme qui fist les troia tours cntour le moustier; Du sccrcstaiu ct de la famine a chevalier; Notes et eelair- cisscments. II. L'ave-Maria ; Une chauson de Nos- tre-Dame ; Les i.\. joies Nostre-Dame ; Uu dist de Nostre-Dame ; La voie de Paradis ; La bataille des vices contre lea vertus ; La lections d'ypocrisie et d'umilitri ; Lc miracle de Theophile ; La vie salute Elysabel; Notes ct tclaircissemeuts ; Table. RUTHEP.FOORD, S. Joshua redivivus : 352 letters. 13th ed. Edinburgh, 1809. 12 3445.5 RUTIIEUKOKD, W. Arithmetic, algebra, and cal- culus. [Great Britain. Ordnance depart- ment course of mathematics] 3912.5 RUTHERKOKTH, T. Institutes of natural law. 2dcd. Cambridge, 1779. 8 *3615.20 RUTHVEX, J., earl of Cowrie. Account of the death of, by A. Duff. See Memorabilia of Perth 2474.11 Life. See Scott, J 2445.17 RUTILIUS Numatianus, C. See Elton, C. A. Speci- mens of the classic poets, v. 3 2903.14 See Lemaire, N. E. Poet. Lat. min. v.4 . .. L"J12.1 See Wernsdorf, J. C. Poet. Lat. min.v.5, p.l. 2912.4 RUTILIUS Rufus, P. See Fragm. hist. Grace, v.3. 3002.11 RUTLAND county bar, Vt., Statistics of the. Wil- liams, C.L Pph.v.161 RUTLAND papers. Selected by W. Jordan. Lond. 1842. sm. 4. [Camden society, No. 21] . . *2416.21 RUTLANDSHIRE, History of. Blore, T 2500.1 See Post-ofDce directory 2484.16 RUTTER, J. Delineations of Somerset. London, 1829. f *2492.15 RUXTON, G. F. Adventures in Mexico and the Rocky mountains. New York, 1848. 12 . 2314.12 RUYTER, M. van. Brandt, G. Vic 2840.1 - Leven en Bedryf 2840.2 Vie. [Richer. Vies des plus celebres marins]. 4669.17 RYAN, J. Elementary treatise on algebra, [with] key. An appendix by R. Adrain. N. York, 1*24-25. 8 **E. 198. 17,18 Elementary treatise on arithmetic. N. York, 1827. 12" **E.199.12 Mathematical diary. No. xin. New York, 1832. 12 *Pph.v.219 Mathematical diary. See Adrain, R. . . E. 199. 18 RYAN, M. Manual of midwifery. 2d ed. Lond. 1829. 12 *3772.24 RYCAUT, P. History of the Turks. 1678-99. [No title-page.] f *3080.1 KYE 698 SAGREDO Shelf. No. RYE, England. History and antiquities of. Hol- loway, W 2503.15 Sketch of. Stockdale, F. W. L 2503.19 KYE house plot. True account of the horrid con- spiracy against the king 2420.12 RYERSOX, E. System of public instruction. See Canada 7033.6 RYLAND, K. H. History of Waterford, with account of the south of Ireland. London, 1824. 8 2470.9 RYME, A. Egypte sous la domination franeaise. See Marcel, J. J 2200.17 RYMER, T. Essay concerning critical and curious learning. London, 1698. pp.77. 12 . . . . *2959.7 Foedcra, etc. inter reges Anglise, et alios quosvis. Ed.3a. Hagae Com. 1739-45. lOv. f. *2510.1 SAA Meneses, J. R. de. Panegyric on Oliver Crom- well [attributed to Milton]. See Peck, F. 2440. 19 SABADLNO degli Arienti, J. Novels. [Roscoe. Italian novelists, v. 2] 2772.18 SAB^EAN researches : lectures on hieroglyphics. Landsccr, J 2240. 13 SABAKTAGiN, The Amir. Historical memoirs of. See Abu-1-Nasr-Muhammad 3011.15 SABATIER d'Orleans, J. C. Lois de la revulsion, etudiees sous le rapport physiologique et therapeutique. Paris, 1832. 8" ... *M.Pph.v.24 SABATIER, R. B. Delamedecincoperatoire. N. e"d. par Sanson et Begin. Paris, ia32. 4v. 8 . 3741 . 10 Traitecompletd'anatomie. Paris, 1798. 4v. 18. *3749.9 SABBATH. Bolles, J. Answer to a book by M. Byles, entitled The Christian Sabbath . . 3458.79 Byles, M. Christian Sabbatli explained and vindicated 3458.79 Cornell, W. M. Sabbath made for man . . . 3459.16 Graham, J. The Sabbath: a poem; also Sabbath walks 3459.15 Jay, W. Prize essays on the institution of the Pph.v.67 See also: Sunday schools. SABBATH scene, A. Whittier, J. G 2399.39 SABBATHIEK, F. Dictionnaire pour 1'intelligence des auteurs classiques. Paris, 1766-1815. 37v. 8 *2249.1 Dissert, sur les fonctions et 1'origine du comte palatin. [Leber. Coll. diss. hist. Fr. v.6]. 2018.1 SABBATINI, L. A. La vera idea delle musical! nu- meriche segnature. Venezia, 1799. 4 . . *4043.9 SABELLICO, M. A. Istorie venete. [Istorici delle cose veneziani, v.l] 2721.1 SABINE, E. Experiments to determine the figure of the earth by the pendulum. London, 1825. 4" *3921.8 and Lloyd, H. Report on the magnetic iso- clinal and isodynamic lines in the British islands. London, 1S39. 8. pi **E. 214.21 SABINE, J. Glory of the latter house : sermon at the dedication of the presbyterian church. Boston, 1828. 8" *Pph.v.272 Reply to Sabine's lectures on the import of Sheol, etc. See Balfour, W Pph.v.234 SABINE, ou matinee d'une dame romaine. Botti- ger, C. A 2950.21 SABINUS, G. Leben. See Tiippen, M 2846.4 SABLE, M. de Souvre de. Etudes sur les femmes illustres, et la societe du 17e eiecle. See Cousin, V 2658.1 SABRIN.E corolla regise scholae Salopiensis. Lon- dini, 1S50. 8 2934.15 SACCENTI, G. S. Rime. Firenze, 1845. 2v. 24. 4778.38 SACCHETTI, F. La battaglia delle belle donne di Firenze colle vecchie ; Sopra le foggie ; In ripreusione agli Italian!. See Fontani, G. . 2794.8 Novclle. Milano, 1815. 3v. 10. [Raccolta de' novellieriitaliani,v. 20-22] 2788.9 Novella di Torello del Dino del Garbo . . . 2772.8 Novelle. [Novelliero italiano, v.l] 2772.19 Novels. [Roscoe. Italian novelists, v.l] . . 2772.18 See Corazzini, F. Miscellanea, etc 4777.6 Shelf. No. SACCHI, B. See Muratori, L. A. Rerum Ital. script 2710.1 Contents. Vol. Ill, p. n. Vita Calixti in ponti- flcis. XX. Historiae urbis Mantuaj ad annum 1U14 ; Vita Nerii Capponii. SACCHI, D. I Lambertazzi e i Gercmei, o le fazi- oni di Bologna nel secolo xm. Milano, 1830. 8 2773.5 Oriele, o Icttere di due amanti. Genova, 1851. 16 2773.22 SACCHI, G. Delia natura dclla antica musica de' Greci, ecc. Milano, 1778. 12 *4049.40 Vita del Carlo Broschi. [Raccolta di opus- coli scientilici, ecc. v. 15] 5274.1 SACHEVERELL, H. Tryal before the house of peers. London, 1710. 8 *3684.20 Vindication of. [King. Works, v.2] .... 2549.3 SACHS, H. Biography in the form of romance. See Furchau, A. F 2844.4 SACHS, P. J. Gammarorum sive cancrorum con- sidcratio. Fraucofurti et Lipsiae, 1605. 1G.*3899.10 SACK, F. W. Die Slindtiuth zu Aufkiirung der Naturgcschichte. Breslau, 17S2. 10 . . . 3809.11 SACKVILLE, C., earl of Dorset. Poems and life. [Chalmers. English poets] v.8of2592.7 Poems. [Johnson. English poets, v. 11] . . 2589.3 SACKVILLE, T., lord Buckhurst. Ferrex and Por- rex. [Dodsley. Old plays, v.l] 2588.1 See Mirror for magistrates, v.2, p. 3 2003.8 SACKVILLE, viscount. See Germain, G. SACKVILLE family, Genealogy of. Bridgman, J. 2490.4 SACONTALA, or the fatal ring. Transl. of an Indian poem by Kaliuasa. [Jones. AVorks, v.9] . 2004.3 - Same. Tr. by M.Williams. See Kalidasa. 3024.4 SACRAMENTS, Best method of concord on the. [Calvin. Tracts, v.2] 5494.1 Nature of the. Halley, R 3540.22 See also: Baptism, Lord's supper. SACRED exercises for places of education. 1st American edition. Boston, 1810. 18 ... 3447.26 SACRED and legendary art. Jameson, A 4060.4 SACY. See Silvestre de Sacy. SAD-DER. Magorum liber Zoroastris praecepta et canoncs continens. Hyde, T 3480.4 SADE, J. F. P. A. de. CEuvres choisies de F. Petrarque, trad, en Frangois avec des me- moires sur sa vie. Amsterdam, 1764. 3v. 4. *2803.2 SADEUR, J. Aventures de. [Gamier. Voyages imaginaires,v.24] 2660.1 SADIE. Isfahani. Geographical works. London, 1832. 8. [Oriental translation fund] . . *3012.13 SADLER, M. T. Memoirs of life and writings. London, 1842. 8 2454.4 SADLER, Sir R. State papers, etc. Ed. by A. Clifford, with memoirs, etc. by W. Scott, Esq. Edinburgh, 1809. 2v. 4 *2410.11 SADOLETO, G. Epistolae proprio nomine script*. Romse, 1760-64. 3v. 12 *3476.4 Epistolae [pontificias]. Accessit A. Florebelli vita Sadoleti. lionise, 1759. 12 *3470.3 Epistolarum appendix. Hier. Xigri ct Pauli Sadoleti vitae. Romse, 1707. 12 *3476.5 Letter to the senate and people of Geneva. [Calvin. Tracts, v.l] 5494.1 SADOLETO, P. Epistolae et vita 3470.5 S.EMUND, Sigfusson. Les chants de sol, avec tr. et comm. par F. G. Bergmann. Strasbourg, 185S. 8 2902.7 SAFFI, A. See Bernabo Silorata, P. Prose e poe- sie di Italian! viventi, v. 7 4768.16 SAFFORD, W. H. Life of H. Blennerhassett. Cin- cinnati, 1853. 12 2347.3 SAFFORD family. See Vinton, J. A 2332.3 SAGAS. Russwurm, C. Nordische Sagen . . . . 2902.10 SAGITTARIUS [in German Schiitze], C. De januis veterum. [Grsevius. Thes.antiq. Rom. v.O.] 2950.1 SAGRA. See La Sagra, R. de. SAGREDO, A. Dell' archivio pubblico e della scuola di paleografia. [Arch. stor. ital. Nuova ser. v.2, p. 2] 5245.2 SAILING 699 SAIXT-JUST Shelf. No. SAII.IXG directions to accompany the wind and current charts. 3Iaury, 31. F 3951.8,0 SAILOR'S physician. Parsons, U 3782.1 See also : Mariner's medical guide. SAissBf KY, W. N. Papers illustrative of the life of Sir Peter Paul Kubcus. With an appen- dix. London, l,S3i). b 40G5.14 ST. Albiin, abbey of, History of. Newcome, P. . 2:192. 10 SAIXT-ALLAIS, N. Yiton do. See Art de veri- fier les dates 2214.1 SAINT-AMANT, 31. A. Girard de. (Knvres com- pletes, nouv. ed. par C. L. Livet. Paris, IJVM. 2v. 10 2009.31 ST. Andrews, Scotland, History of. Lyon, C. J. 3524.2 SAINT-ARXAUD, J. A. See Leroy de Saint-Ar- uaud, J. A 2052.9 ST. Asaph, Wales, Survey of. Willis, B 2473.0 SAINT-ACRAN, scir/new de. See Pape, J. SAINT Aubiu des Bois, in Brittany. Extrait abrege d.-s vieux mc'moriaux do 1'abbaye de . . . 2GC9.13 ST. Augustine, Florida, Sketches of. Se\vall,IMv. 2370.13 SAI.NT-AULAIRE, J. Bcaupoil de. Histoire de la Fronde. Nouv. eel. Paris, 1S43. 2v. gr.,N. *4041.5 SAINT Bartholomew's day. ifassacre de la Saint Barthelemi. [Lebcr. Coll. diss. hist. Fr. v.18] 2018.1 ST. Botolpli's church, Boston, Eng., Descriptive and historical account of 2493.1 SAINT Brandan: a legend of the sea. Ed. by T. Wright. London, 1844. pp.71. p. 8. [Per- cy soc. publ. v. 14] *2537.10 SAINT Vyr,near Versailles, Histoire de la maison royalede. Lavallec, T 4041.3 SAINT David, South-Wales, History and antiquities of the parish of. Manby, G. W 2473.5 ST. Doming-o. Charlevoix, P. F. X. de. Histoire de St.-Domingue 2310.29 Edwards, B. Survey of the French colony in. 2310.17 Guillermin, G. Journal de la revolution de Saint-Domingue Pph.v.12 Jacquin, N. J. Plantae in insula Domingo . 5800. 1'J Lacroix, F. J. P. de. Histoire de la revolu- tion de Saint-Domingue 2313.13 Maleufant, le colonel. Lacoloniedc Saint-Do- mingue 2313.14 Raiusl'ord, 31. Principal transactions of the revolution of 2310.23 See a/no: llayti. SAINT-EDME, [Edme Theodore Bourg, ktiownas]. Causes celebrcs. lrc-3e ser. Paris, 1834, 35. 13v. 8 *3G98.1 ST. Edmund's Bury, History of the abbey of. Yates, 11 2401.10 SAINT-ELM !:, E. van Aylde Jonghe. See Me- inoires d'uuc contemporaiue. viiKMONi), C. de St. Denis. CEuvres meslees. 2e ed. Londres, 170'J. 3v. 4" . *2G91.1 Contents. Vol. I. Vic de Saint-Evremond par M. des Maizeaux ; Les acadcmicicns, comcdie : Uutraite de M. le due de LongueviUe ; Lettres et stances a Mrue. * * * et aux autrcs; Jugemcnt sur les sciences ; Jugemcnt sur Cesar ct sur Alexandre ; Reflexions sur les divers genies du peuple romain dans les divers terns de la rcpubliijue ; Sur la complaisance quc les femmesouten leur beaute ; Jugemcnt surSencque, 1'lutarque, et Petrone ; La matrone d'Ephese ; Con- versation ; Sir Politick Would-be, comedie. II. Le prophete irlandois, nouvelle; Lettres; Sur la tragcdie de Racine, intitnlec Alexandre le grand; Sur Sal- luste et Tacite; Lettres; Entretien avec une religieuse mal satisfaite de sa condition ; Lettres ; La vcrtu trop rigide ; Conversation ; Lettres ; De la lecture et du choix des livres ; De la conversation, ete. ; Lettres, etc.; Sur les historiens fran'jois; Surnos traducteurs ; Surnos tragedies, comedies; De la eomedie italienne; De la comedie angloise ; Sur les opera ; Les opera, comedie ; Surl'amitie; Lettres ; Idylle, en musique ; Sur le motdc vaste ; Lettres ; Defence de quelques pieces de Corneille ; Epitres; Pensecs ; Lettres; Sur le gout et discernetncnt des Francois. III. Lettres; Oraison fuucbre de Mine la duchesse Mazarin ; Par- odie d'aue seine de 1'opera de Roland ; Lettres. Shelf No. SAINT-EVREMOND, C. de St. Denis, continued. stances, etc. ; Sur la religion ; Sur la mort de Charles II ; Sur les poe'mes aneiens ; Sur le gouvernement de Jacques II; Stances; Dialogues; Sur la morale d'Epi- cure ; Lettres ; Les noces d'Isabelle ; Lettres ; Eloge dc Turenne ; Lettres : Sur le passage de la Boyne ; A Mr. Hampden, etc. ; Sur quelques auteurs tran- onotheism ; y iv. Authority in matters of religion. V. Frag- ments or minutes of essays. Letters on the study and use of history. New ed. Paris, 1808. 8" 2211.3 Portrait du marechal de Berwick. [Miehaud. Coll. mem. hist. France. Ser. 3, v.8J . . . 2011.1 Memoirs of life and ministerial conduct. London, 1752. 8 2542.1 Memoirs of. See Cooke, G. \Y 2440.13 ST. JOHN, James A. Egypt and 3Iohammcd Ali. London, 1831. 2v. 8 3052.3 Manners and customs of ancient Greece. Lon- don, 1842. 3v. 8 2900.25 ST. JOHN de Creve Cccnr, J. II. Lettres d'un cul- tivateur amerioaiii, trad, de 1'auglois. Paris, 17S7. 3v. 8 2303.12 Letters from an American farmer. London, 1782. 8 2303.9 SAIXT-JTUEN, C. de. Les courriers de la fronde, en vers burlesque's, auuotes par 31. C. Mo- reau. Vol. I. Paris, 1>57. 1C" 200'. >. 32 SAINT JII.ST, A. L. L. de. (Euvres. Paris, 1834. 8. 3500.4 ST. KILDA 700 SAINTE-BEUVE Shelf. No. ST. Kilda, Voyage to, by M. Martin, [Pinkerton. Voyages, v. 3] 2260.13 SAINT-LAMBERT, C. J. F. Les saisons [avecautres pieces en prose et en versj. Nouv. ed. Paris, 1785. 12 **E.110.37 SAINT-LAUREXT, C. Dictionnaire encyclopedique usuel. 4e ed. Paris, 1853. 1.8 *A. 124.4 ST. Lawrence county, N. T., History of. Hough, F. B 2371.15 SAINT Louis, Mo., History and commercial statis- tics of, 1854. See Missouri republican . . . 2373.1 St. Louis university. Medical department. Annual announcement for 1849-50. St. Louis, 1849. 8 *M.Pph.v.46 University of the state of Missouri. Medical department. Catalogue and circular. Ses- sion of 1848-49. St. Louis, 1849. 8" . *M.Pph.v.45 Washington university. Inauguration, April 23,1857. Boston, 1S57. 8 **E. 225. 7, 2387.8 Contents. Addresses by W. G. Eliot, J. D. Low, John Uow, S. Treat, T. M. Post, Edward Everett. SAINT-MARC Girardin. See Girardin, S. M. SAINT-MARTIN, L. C. de. L'homme de desir. Lyon, 1790. 10" *3447.28 ST. Mary, Islington, History of the parish of. Nel- son, J 2472.9 ST. Mary Ovcry, Southwark, Annals of the church of. Taylor, W 2492.11 SAINT-MI'SARD, F. de J. See Jourgniac, Saint- Mearcl, F. de. SAINTE Palaye, L. de. See La Curne de Sainte Palaye. ST. Paul's, London, History of the school of. Ackermann, R 2540.1 ST. Paul's cathedral, London, History of. Dug- dale, W 2520.5 ST. Peter, Westminster, History and antiquities of the abbey church of. Brayley, E. W. . . . 2501.10 ST. Petersburg. Georgel, J. F. Voyage a Saint- Peter sbourg en 1799-1800 2054.14 Maistre, J. de. Soirees de Saint-Petersbourg. 3455.3 Academic des sciences de St. Petersbourg. Commentarii 172(>-46. Petropoli, 1728-51. 14v. in 7. 4 *3220.1 - - Same. Petropoli, 1728-51. 14v. 4" . **E. 120.1 - Commentarii novi, 1747-75. Petropoli, 1750-76. 20v. in 21. 4 *3220.2 - - Same. Petropoli, 1750-70. 20v. in 21. 4" **E. 120.1 - Acta, 1777-82. Petropoli, 1778-86. llv. 4.*:5240.2 - - Same. Petropoli, 1778-85. 12v. 4.**E.146.1 - Acta nova, 1783-1802. Petropoli, 1787-1806. 15v. 4 *3240.3 - - Same. Petropoli, 1787-1806. 15v. 4.**E.14G.l - Actes, Kecueil des, 1828-48. St. Peters- bourg, 1829-49. 21v. in 6. 4 *3300.1 - Gekronte Preisschriften. St. Petersburg, 1808. 4 **E.137.4 - Memoires qui out remporte les prix pro- poses. St. Petersbourg, 1777-91. 4. . . **E.137.3 - Memoires, 1803-22. St. Petersbourg, 1809 -30. llv. 4 . . *3250.2 - - Same. St. Peter sb. 1809-30. llv. 4.**E. 127.1 - Memoires, 6e serie. Sciences math. phys. et naturelles. Tome 1-9- St. Petersbourg, 1831-55. 14v. 4 *3260.2 - - Same. T. 1, 2. St. Petersbourg, 1831- 33. 2v. 4 **E. 137.1 - Memoires, 6e ser. Sciences politiques, histoire, et philologie. St. Petersbourg, 1832-55. 8v. 4 *3270.1 - - Same. T. I. St. Petersbourg, 1832. 4. **E. 137.1 - Memoires pars divers savans etrangers. St. Petersbourg, 1831-54. 7v. 4 *3290.3 - - Same. T. I. St. Petersbourg, 1831. 4 **E.137.2 - Bulletin scientiflque. St. Petersbourg, 1836-42. lOv. in 5. 4 *3280.1 - Bulletin de la classe historico-philolo- gique. St. Petersbourg, 1844-57. 14\r.in7. 4. *3290.1 i Shelf. No. ST. PETERSBURG, continued. - Bulletin de la classe physico-mathema- tiquc. Tome 1-0, 9-10. St. Petersbourg, 1843-58. 14v. in 7. 4 *3270.2 - Comptc rendu 1849-55. St. Petersbourg, 1850-56. 2v. 8 *3300.2 SAINT-PIERRE, J. H. B. de. CEuvres completes, par Aime-Martin. Paris, 1818. 12v. 8 . . *2677.6 Contents. Vol. I.-II. Epitreauroi; Essai sur la vie et les ouvrapes de B.dc Saint Pierre, par L. A. Martin ; Voyage al'ile de France ; Conseils a un jeune colon i Entretiens sur les nrbrcs, les lleurs ct les fruits ; Explication de quelques termcs de marine ; Obser- vations sur la Hollandc, sur la Prusse, sur la Pologne, et sur la Russie. III.- VII. Etudes de la nature ; Paul et Virginie ; Lachaumierc indienne; Lecafede Surate; I/e voyag en SilC-sie ; Elope historique et philoso- phiquc de mon ami [Favori, chien de 1'auteur] ; Yoy- age dc Codrus; Le vieux paysan polonais; L Arcadie; Fragments de 1'Amazone ; De la nature de la morale. VIII.-X. Harmouies de la nature. XI. Vceux d'un solitaire ; Fragment sur la theorie de 1'univers; Me- moire stir les marees. XII. Essai sur J. J. Rousseau ; Discours sur cette question : Comment ['education des famines pourrait contribuer a reudre les homines meilleurs; Dialogues philosophiques: Lamortde Soc- rate; Empsael ; La pierre d' Abraham, ou peicriuage a Sainte- Anne d'Auray ; Dialogue sur la critique et lesjournaux ; Memoire sur la ntcessite de joindre une menagerie au jardin des plantes de Paris; Lettre nux auteurs de la decade philosophique. Botanical harmony delineated. Translated by Henry Hunter. 1st Amer. ed. Worcester, 1797. 8 3853.9 Etudes de la nature. Nouv. ed. par Aim6 Martin. Etude litteraire sur Paul et Vir- ginie par P. L. Lemontey. Paris, 1825. 7v. em. 12 5879. 3 SAINT Pierre de Maestricht, Histoire de la mon- tagne de. See Faujas de Saint-Fond, B. . . 3800. SAINT-PREST, or Saint Pret, J. Y. de. Histoire des traites de paix dcpuis la paix de Vervins, et traite de Westphalie. Amsterdam, 1725. 2v. f *3020.2 SAINT-PRIEST, A. de Guignard, cte de. Etudes di- plomatiquesetlitteraircs. Paris, n. d. 2v. 8. 4003.5 Histoire de la conquete dc Naples par Charles d'Anjou. Nouv. ed. Paris, [1849.] 4 v. 8 . 2724.3 Histoire de la royaute. Paris, 1842. 2v. 8. 3502.17 SAINT-REAL, C. Vischard de. Conjuration des Espagnols contre Venise. [Latour. Petits chefs d'oeuvre historiques, v.2] 4007.3 SAINT-SAVIN, near Poitiers, Notice sur les pein- tures de 1'eglise de. See Merimee, P. . . . 26 H.I SAINT Saviour's church and parish, London, Ac- count of. Taylor, W 2492.11 SAINT-SIMON, C. H. de. Etudes sur les reforma- teurs contemporains. See Reybaud, L. . . 3505.19 SAINT-SIMON, L. de Rouvroy, due de. Memoires complets et authentiques sur le siecle de Louis xiv, et la regence, coll. par M. Cheruel et precedes d'une notice par 31. Sainte- Beuve. Paris, 1850-58. 20v. 8 *2646.7 Extraits des memoires de. [Barriere. Mem. relatifs a 1'histoire de France, v.l] ... 4667.2 Biographic und Denkwiirdigkeiten. [Schiller. Hist. Mem. v. 24-29] 2613.1 SAINT Stephen's chapel at Westminster, Account of. Topham, J 2495.14 SAINTE-BEUVE,C. A. Causeries du Lundi. 2deed. Paris, 1852. llv. 12 *2070.1 Note. For the contents of these volumes, see Bos- sange: Ma bibliotheque franjaise. Port-royal. Paris, 1840-48. 3v. 8 3528.5 Portraits contemporains. Nouv. ed. Paris, 1855. 3v. 12 2070.3 Contents. Vol. I. Chateaubriand; Beranger; Se- nancour ; La Mennais ; Lamartine ; Victor Hugo ; Ballanche; A. de Vigny; Alfred de Musset ; Bulzac ; Villemain; Mesdames Desbordes-Valmore, A. Tastu, etc.; De la litterature industrielle ; Dix ans apres en litterature. II. Xavier de Maistre ; Eugene Sue ; Scribe ; Lebrun ; Comte Mole ; Topffer : Merimee ; De Barante ; Thiers ; Fauriel ; Vinet ; Nisard ; SAINTE-BEUVE 701 SALISBURY Shelf. No. SAINTE-BETTVE, C. A. continued. Jasmin, etc. IIL Daunou ; Desaugierg ; Parny ; Casimir Delavigne ; Leopard! ; Louise Labe ; Fle- chicr: Gresset, M.; Mignct, etc.; Homere; Apollonius de Rhodes; Muleagre, etc. Portraits de femmes. Nouv. dd. Paris, 1856. 12 2670.4 Contents. Mme.de Sevigne; Mme. de Stafc'1; Mme. deDuras; Mme. deSouza; SIme.de La Fayette; Mme. de La Rochefoucauld ; Mme. de Longueville ; Mme. Roland ; Mme. des lloulieres ; Mme. de Krudner ; Mme. Guizot ; Mme. de Charriere ; Mme. de Remu- sat ; Mme. de Pontivy; Christel ; Maria. Portraits litteraires. Ed. rev. et corr. Paris, 1844. 2v. 12 2670.2 Contents. Vol. I. Boileau: La fontaine de Boileau, epitre; P. Corneille: LaFontaine; Hacine;J. B. Rous- seau ; Le Brun ; M. Regnier ct A. Chenier : George Farcy ; Diderot ; L'abbe Prevost ; Andrieux ; Jouf- froy ; Ampere ; Du genie critique et de Bayle ; La Bruyere ; Millevoyc ; Des soirees litteraires; Appen- dice surLa Fontaine; Appendicesur Racine; Charles Nodier. II. Moliere ; Dclille ; Bernardin de Saint- Pierre ; La Fayette ; Fontanes ; Joubert ; Leonard ; A. Bertrand ; Le comte de Segur ; J. de Maistre ; G. Naude. - Same. Brnxelles, 1845. 18 4679 a. 3 Contents. Boileau; Mme. de Sevigne: Pierre Cor- neille ; La Fontaine ; Racine ; J. B. Rousseau ; Le Brun ; M. Regnier ; A. Chi'mier. SAINTE-CP.OIX, G. E. J. Guilhcm de C. L. de. De l'('-tat et du sort des colonies des auciens peuplos. Philadelphia, 1770. 8 2235.6 Des anciens gouvcrnemens federatifs, et de la legislation de Crete. Paris, 1804. 8. . 3503.12 Examen des anciens historiens d'Alexandre- le-Grand. 2e ed. Paris, 1810. 4 .... *3071.10 Sur les mysteres du paganisme. 2e e'd. par Silvestre de Sacy. Paris, 1817. 2v. 8". . 3488.11 SAiNTK-C'r.oix, P. de. Lettrcs, anecdotes, etc. [Lafaist. Arch. hist. France. Ser. l,v.6] . 2017.1 SAINTE-3IARTIIE, S. and L. de. Sur 1'origine dcs flours delis. [Leber. Coll.diss. hist. France, v.13] 2018.1 SAINTE-PREUVE, J. P. M. Biographic universelle des contemporains. See Kabbe, A 2254.2 SAINTIXE, [X. Boniface, known as.} Picciola, pre- cdde de recherches sur 1'emploi du temps dans les prisons d'etat. Nouv. ed. par P. L. Jacob. New York, 1853. 12 4679.i SAINTS. Attribute der Heiligen 3557.6 Biscioni, A. M. Lettere cli santi Fiorentini 3444.9 Butler, A. Lives of the principal saints . .. 3557.1 Cavalca, D. Vite do' santi jiaclri 3439.5 Hogan, W. Intercession of Pph.v.25 Index nominum omnium sanctorum. [3Iigne. Patrologiae v.124] v. 2 of 3460. 6 Migne, J. P. Dictionnaire hagiographique, ou vies des saints 3430.4 SAISSET, E. E. Essais sur la philosophic et la religion au xixe siecle. Paris, 1845. 12 . 3435.21 SAISSY, J. A. Diseases of the internal ear, transl. with a supplement by N. R. Smith. Balti- more, 1829. 8 3805.22 SALABERRY, C. M. d'Yrumberry, cte de. His- toire de 1'empire ottoman. 2e ed. Paris et Londres, 1817. 4v. 8 3084.4 SALADIN, or Salah-Eddin, Nasr Jussuf. Denkwiir- digkeiten von Saladin von Bohadin. [Schil- ler. Hist. Mem. v. 3] 2613.1 SALAMANDER. De salamandrarum corporibus adi- posis, ovariis, et oviductibus, eorumque evolutione. Rathke, 31. II 3875.2 Histoirenaturelledes salamandres de France. Latreille, P. A 3875.9 SALANDRI, P. Rime. Nizza, 1783. 24 4706.22 Elogio di Carlo Innoceuzio Frugoni. [Rac- colta di prose e lettere nel secolo xvin, v.l] 2767.2 SALAZAR, F. L. Ae,pseudon. See Isla, J. F. de. SALE, G. 31. Bianca: tragedia. [Teatro italiano del secolo xvin, v.5] 2778.1 Shelf. No. SALEIUS Bassus. Carmen ad Calpurnium Pisonem. See Lemaire, N. E. Poet. Lat. min. v.3 . 2912.1 - Same. See Wernsdorf. Poet. Lat. min. p.l, v.4 2912.4 SALEM, 3/oss. Regulations for the public schools, adopted 3Iay, 1836. Salem, IN:W. 12 . *Pph.v.283 Report on the practicability and expediency of establishing manufactures in Salem. Salem, 1826. pp.31. 8 **E. 110.25 Rules and regulations for the almshouse es- tablishment. Salem, 1&38. 8" , 6359.21 Bowditch, N. Directions for sailing into the harbour of E. 110.27 Correspondence between the First church and the Tabernacle church in E.218.3 Story, J. Discourse commemorating the settlement of Pph.v.76 Worcester, S. 31. Discourse on the first centen- nial anniversary of the Tabernacle church. 2356.9 Various institutions. Athenaeum. Catalogue of books, with by- laws and regulations. Salem, 1811. 8. **E.224.19 - Same. [With introd. and catalogue of pamphlets.] Salem, 1842. 8 **E.224.17 - Same. Prefixed, a brief historical account, with charter and by-laws. Boston, 1858. 8 **E.224.16, *2136.2 Bible society: the fifth report. Salem, 1810. pp.12. 8 **E.224.12 East India marine society. [Catalogue of the museum. Salem, 1821.] 8 **E.110.28 - Same. Enlarged. [Salem, 1831.] 8 . **E.224.18 Essex historical society. [Petition for incor- poration. Salem, 1821.] pp.8. 8 . . . **E.110.14 SALEM directory. Salem, 1837. imp. 12 . . . **E.230.11 SALEM gazette. Vol. xn.-xxxvi. New series, Vol. I.-XV. Jan. 2, 1798 Dec. 29, 1837. Sa- lem, 1793-1837. 38v. f *8040.1 SALEM register. Vol.i.-x. June 23, 1800 Dec. 29, 1810. Salem, 1800-10. lOv. f . . . . *8070.1 SALEM, y. Y. Washington academy. Plan of the theolog. seminary. Salem, N.Y. 18)0. 8.*Pph.v.53 Washington co. Bible society. Ninth annual report. Salem, N. Y. 1821. 8 *Pph.v.5-3 SALES of personal property, Treatise on the law of. Hilliard, F 3673.2 SALFI, F. Resume de 1'histoire de la litterature italienue. Paris, 1826. 2v. 18 4770.46 L'histoire litturairc d'ltalic continues. See Ginguene, P. L 2770.3 Vie politique et litteraire de. See Renzi, A. 2745.9 SALFORD borough royal museum and library. Reports l.st-oth [and] catalogue, with rules and regulations. 3Iauchester, 1850-53. 8.*2137.12 See also : Manchester and Salford. SALGDES, J. B. Des errcurs ct des prejuges re- pandus dans les divcrses classes de la Bociete. 3e ed. Paris, 1818-30. 4v. 8 . . 3609.8 Muinoires pour servir a 1'histoire de France, sous le gouverncmcnt de Napoleon Buona- parte. Paris, 1816-26. 9v. 8 *4657.1 Collection dcs dissertations relatives a 1'his- toire de France. See Leber, J. 31. C. . . . 2618.1 SALIC law. Antiquissimae legis Salicae textus vetustior. [Schilter. Thes. antiq. Teuton. v.2] 2810.4 Pardessus, J. M. Loi salique 3611.4 SALIERI, A. See Dehn, H. W. Practische Musik- Werke 4051.14 Contents. Vol. XIX. Se Ionian ben mio ; Nell' aftanno nel pcriglio a 3vocl. XXI. Nell' afunno e nel periglio a 4 voci. SALINA, L. Delle leggi Elia c Fusia. See Opus- coli letterarii, v.l 2792.2 SALINAS, F. De musica, libri septem, etc. Sal- manticae, 1577. f *4051.9 SALISBURY, J. H. Account of some investigations connected with the composition of the tomato, the egg-plant, etc. 8 *Pph.v.l73 Analysis of the apple. Albany, 1850. 8.*M,Pph.v.46 SALISBURY 702 SALTOXSTALL Shelf. No. SALISBURY, ,T. H. continued. Analysis of rhubarb. Albany, 1850. 8.*M.Pph.v.4G Examination of five varieties of cabbage. [Xo title-page.] 8 *Pph.v.l73 History and chemical investigation of maize. Albany. 1849. 8 *Pph.v.l79 SALISBUUY, Encf. History of modern Wiltshire. Hoare, R. C 2500.4 SALIVET, L. G. I. Manuel du tourneur. Atlas. 2e ed. Paris, 1810. 3v. 4 *4013.6 SALKELD, W. Reports of cases in the court of king's bench, with cases in chancery, com- mon pleas, and exchequer. W. and M. to 10 Anne. 3d ed. Lond. 1731-32. 2v. in 1. f. *3G70.9 - Same. 4th ed. with add. by K. D'Anvers. London, 1742. 2v. in 1. f *3G70.10 SALLENGKE, A. H. Novus thesaurus antiqui- tatum Romanarum. Hagae Com. 1716-24. 3v. f *2950.2 Contents. Vol. I. Minutoli, 3., Dissert, de urbis Roma; origine et fundatione, incrementis et casu, topographia ; De Romanorum domibus, templis, se- pulchrisetsediflciisjudicialibus; Faunus, L.: Deanti- quitatibus urbis Roma;; Suaresius,J. M.,dcforamini- bus lapidum in priscis aediflciis diatriba; Alciatus, A., de magistratibus civilibusque et militaribus officiis dissert. ; Jouberti, L., dc gymnasiis et gencribua exercitationum apnd antiques liber; De balneis antiquorum ; Noris, II., de duobua nummis Diocle- tian! ct l.icinii dissert, duplex ; De votis decennalibus imperatorum ac Caosarum ; Poggii Flor., dc fortunaa varietate urbis Romao, ct de ruina cjusdem descriptio; Contelorius, F. : Dc pracfccto urbis ; Rcinesii, T., Liccti, F., et Holstenii, L., marmoris Patavini inscripti ob- scuri interPretatio; Rebatu, F. de: Delincatio Diana Arelatensis; Chiflctius, J.J. : Geminia? matris sacrorura titulussepulchraliscxplicatus; Chiflctius, U. T.: Dis- sert, de Oihonibus acrcis; Chiflctius, C. : De antiquo numismate: Grenii, G., de rusticatione Romanorum commentariolus ; De villarum antiq. apud eosdem struetura; Manutius, A. : Dissertatiunculacpistol.de Reatina urbe, agroque, Subinaquc gente; De oquis in Romam olim influentibus ; De ratione intercalandi ; De accumbendi et comcdendi ratione ; De convivio tempcstivo BCU intcmpcstivo; De auspiciis; De trabca; De subsclliis ; De si^no ct statua ; Dc parma, clypeo, scuto, pelta, ancile; De primipilo ; De drachmis ; De sestcitiis ; Jovii, P., de Romania piscibus libcllus ; Donius, J. B.: De restituendasalubritatengri Roman!; Guirani, G., explieatio duorura vetustorum numis- matum Ncmausensium ex fere ; Crasser!, J., anli- quitates Nemausenses;Eybenius: De ordinecqucstri veterum Romanorum ; Servilius, J. : De mirandis antiquorum opcribus, opibus, etc. ; Hannckcnii, P. L., de cura domcstica Romanorum dissertationes iv. II. Cirino, A. : De urbe Roma ej usque rege Romulo liber singularis ; SalmasiusC.: Dc secretariis; Ferra- rius, O. : De pantomimis ct mimis ; Calliachius, N. : De ludis scenicis mimorum et pantomimorum ; As- torn, 3. A., epistola de Deo Brotonte ; Comment, in antiquum Alcmanis poetic Laconis monumentum allatum e Gracia ; Crusius, J. A. : De nocte ct noc- turnis offidis apud vcteres comment. ; Bertii, P., De aggeribus ct pontibus hactenus ad mare cxstructis digcstum novum ; Marsilli, L. F., Epistola de ponte sub impcrio Trajan! supra Danubium exstructo ; Pt/tavii, P., Antiquaria? suppellectilis portiuncula 5 Veterum nummorum xv(opio>ia; I3retus, C.: De or- dine antiquo judiciorum civilium apud Romanes ; Magius, II. : De tintinnabulis cum notis Franc. Sweertii, f.; De equuleo, cum notis Gothof. Junger- manni; Roccha, F. A. : Decampanis commentarius ; Bossius, II. : De toga Romana commentarius; De sen- atorum lato clavo obscrvationes nova? antique in syn- tagmata xix tributes; Isiacus, sive dc sistro opusc. j Janotatius sive de strena. III. Cuperi, G., de ele- phantis in nummis obviis exercitationes duae; Guth- erius, J. : De officiis domus Augustas publicaa et pri- vataa ; Salomon, 11. F. : De judiciis et po2nis Roman- orum et de officiis vitse civilis Romanorum; Lanzoiii, P., de coroms ct unguentis in antiquorum conviviis exercitatio ab Italica in Latinam liuguam traducta, et notulis aucta ab Ilieron. Baruffiildo ; Baruffaldi. H., de armis convivalibus sehediasma, et de praficis ad illustrationcm urnae sepulchralis Fl. Quartilla? prae- fica; dissertatio ; Lanzoni, P., de luctu mortuali veterum adversaria ; Molin, L. J. : De clavibus ve- terum dissertatio ; Incerti scriptoria intcrpretatio inscription um et epitaphiorum qua; antiquarifE, quao nrbs est BaDtica in llispauia, reperiuntur; Turre,P. A: Explieatio inacriptionis Taurobolii Lugduuensu ; 6 heir. No. SALLENGKE, A. H. continued. Purpurini a Favcntiu, P. D. : Ad kalendarium Bo- manum Amitcrni fffussum minuculacomincntaria ; Aulisii, D., de gymnasii cnnetructione ct inatisolci architecture opuscula duo ; De colo Muycrano; Mcncstrier, C.I-'.: De colo Mayerano epistola; Vol- aterrani, R.. dc magistratibug et soccrdotiis Rr>man- orum commentarius, cum notis Pet. Scriverii; Guli- elmi,J, de mairistratibiis roipublicas R unanse, dum in libcrtate tirb fuit, libellus ; Vauchopii Scoti, G., de mauistratibus vetcris pcpuli Roinani tra'-tutus ; Frzcvotii, ^E., de ma^istraiibus populi Roman! commentarius; Bcbelii, II., de sacerdotiis et inuzis- tratibus Romanorum libellus ; Fabri, P., de magis- tratibus Romanorum commentarius ; Puteani, E. t Pecuniar Rumanaj ratio ad nostrum calculo revocata ; Conringii, II., de studiis libcralibus urbis Roinae et Constantinopolis disscrtatio ; Cellar!!, C. : De studiis Romanorum littemriis in urbe et provinciis dissertatio. SALLIER, C. Ilistoire abregee du proces qui s' eleva, au commencement du xive siecle, entre le roi de France et le roi d' Angletcrre, et du jugement rendu ii ce sujet. [Leber. Coll. digs. hist. France, v.17] 2G18.1 SALLO, D. de. See Journal des savans,v.8 . . . 3313.1 SALLUSTIUS. On the gods and the world, n.p. n.d. 8 *Pph.v.38 De diis et mundo. [Gale. Opuscula, mytho- logica, physica, et etliica] 2903.11 SALLDSTIUS, C. C. Opera quae supersunt. Ed. F. Kritzius. Lipsia;, 1828-34. 2v. 8 2949.2 Belli Catilinarii et Jugurthini historiae. Illust. P. Wilson. Ed. 2a. Novi-Eboraci, 1817. 12 7089.35 De coniuratione Catilinas. Erklart und Uber- setzt von C. G. Herzog. Leipzig, 1828. 8. 2949.1 Delia gucrra di Catilina ; Delia gucrra di Giu- gurta tradotta in iral. [Alfieri. Opere, v.2]. 2775.6 [Opera] quaeexstant, nee non Exsvperantiva dc bellis civilibvs, ac Porcivs Latro in Cati- linam. Recens. etc.. G. Cortivs. Lipsiae, 17^4. 4 *2947.20 and Julius Exsuperantius. [Opera omnia.] Curante J. L. Burnouf. Parisiis, 1821. 8. [Lcmaire. Biblioth. class. Lat. v.8-'] . . . *2914.2 SALM-REIFFEUSCHEID-DYCK, J. v. Cacteae in horto Dyekensi, 1S44. Parisiis, 1845. 8 . . 3840.8 Monographia genertim aloes et mesembryan- themi. Diisseldorff, 1830. Ov. 4 *3900.12 SALMASIUS, C. See Saumaise, C. SALMON, N. History and antiquities of Essex. London, 1740. f *2400.2 SALMON, P. Lea demandes de Charles vi, avec les reponses de Salmon. Paris, 1833. 8. [Cra- pelet. Collection] *2G71.2 Chronique. [Buchon. Coll. chron. Fr. v.25]. 2G27.1 SALMON*, T. Modern universal gazetteer. Lon- don, 1796. 12 *22S9.7 SALMON, The. Embryologie des salmones, par C. Vogt. [Agassiz. Poissons d'cau douce] . 3900.21 Growth of the. Yarrell, W 3870.28 SALMONIA, or the days of fly-fishing. [Davy. Works, v.9] 3972.11 SALOMO, E. See Gerbert von Hornau, M. Script. eccles. de musica sacra, v.3 4041.7 SALOMON, or Solomon, bp. of Constantia. Versus. [Migne. Fatrologiae v.1.32] 3460.11 SALOMON, II. F. De judiciis et poenis Roman- orum ; De officiis vitse civilis Romanorum commentaria. [Sallengre. Thes. antiq. Rom. v.3] 2950.2 SALONIUS. Expositio mystica in parabolas Salo- monis. [Mignc. Patrologiie v.53] .... 3440.24 SALOP, History of the county of. Hulbert, C. . . 2492.9 See also : Shropshire. SALT, H. Voyage to Abyssinia in 1809-10. Lon- don, 1814. roy.4" *3051.1 Life and correspondence of. See Halls, J. J. 2454. 14 SALT, Essay on. Van Reusselaer, J Pph.v.45 SALTMAKSII, J. Sparkles of glory, or beams of the morning star. London, 1847. 24 ... 3440.42 SALTONSTALL, G. Discourse occasioned by the death of. See Adams, E 345J.44 SALUSTE 703 SAMPSON Shelf. No. S.VLUSTE, G. do. Du Bartas, his diuine weekes and vrorkcs. Transl. by J. Sylvester. London, lt',21. f *2690.10 Contents. First week, or birth of the world : The chaos: The elements; The sea anil earth; The heav- ens, svn, moon, etc.; The fishes andfovles; The beasts and man ; The Sabbath ; Second weuke dis- posed into seaven days : Adam ; No-ih ; Abraham ; D.ivid ; Zedechias ; Messias ; Th eternall Sabbath ; Vrnnia, or the heauenly muse ; The trivmph of faith; Tctras'.icha, or the qvadrjins of Gvy de t'avr, lord of Pibrac, translated ; Sonnets vpon the late miracvlovs peace in France ; Dialogve vpon the trovbles past ; Ode of the love and beavties of As- trsea ; Epigrams and cpitaphes ; Profit of imprison- ment, Paradox written in French by Odet de la Noue, lord of Teligni, translated; Index; History of Ivdith, a pocme penned in French by G. Salvst, lord of Bartas, Englished by Tho. Ilvdson ; Little Bartas, or briefe meditations, on the power, providence, grcatncs, and goodnes of God ; Micro-cosmo-gra- phia, or the map of man, from Latin saphiks of Mr. Henry Smith, translated by losvah Sylvester; Maid- en's blvsh, or Joseph, from the Latin of Fracasto- rius ; The parliament of vcrtvcs royall, [called] Pa- naretvs ; Second session of the parliament of vcrtucs reall; lob trivmphant; Bethvlian's rcscve, translated; Hymn of alms, or the begger's bell ; Memorials of mortalitie, by Piere Mathiev, translated ; St. Lewis, the king, or a lamp of grace, translated ; Tropheis of Henrie the Great, by Piere Mathiev, translated; Bat- tail of Yvry, by Dn Bartas ; Simile non est idem, or all's not gold that glisters ; New Iliervsalem, from St. Avgvstine; Avto-machia, from the Latin of Mr. George Goodwin ; Tobacco battered ; Lacrymte lacrymarvm ; Miscellaneous ; Spectacles ; Mottoes ; The wood man's bear ; Epitlialamion; Aholy prepa- ration to a ioifull resurrection. SALUZZO Roero, D. Poesie. Pisa, 1802-19. 3v. in 1. 10 47COa.4 See Bernubo Silorata, P. Prose e poesie di Italian! viveuti, v.'J 4708.10 SALV, V. Nuevo dicciouario de la lengua castel- lana que comprende la ultima cdicion Inte- gra, del publicado por laacademia Espafiola. 5a cdicion con un suplem. Paris, LS57. 4. *3033.1 SALVADOR, J. Examen critique des doctrines de, sur Jesus Christ. See Guillou, M. N. S. 3475.4 SALVAGE, Law of wreck and. Marvin, W. . . . 3001. 'J SALVAGXOLI, G. Intoruo gl' inui sacri di A. Man- zoni, dubbi. Roma, 1829. In' 2809.10 SALVAGXOLI, V. Discorso sul monumento a Vit- torio Alfleri in. Firenze. Fireuze, 1857. pp. 7,'. l.S 2774.5 SALVAXDY, N. A., comte. Don Alouso ou 1'Es- pagne, histoire contemporaiue. Oe ed. Paris, l57. 2v. 8 2002.4 Pologne avaut et sous le roi Jean Sobieski. Paris, 1829. 3v. 10 3004.21 - Same. Nouv. od. Paris, 1S.J5. 2v. 8 . 3004.0 Seize mois, ou la revolution, Paris, 1830, Ly- on, 1:J1. Bruxcllos, 1.S52. 2v. 10 4C59a.C SALVATI, J. Croniche Horeutiue. [Dclizie dcgli eruditi Toscani, v.18] 2707.1 SALVATION. Doctrine of salvation by grace through faith. Doddridge, P 3459.47 Salvation of all men strictly examined. Ed- wards, J 3453.19 See also : Justification, Universalism. SALVERTE, A. J. E. B. Essai historique et phi- losophique sur les noms d'hommes, depeu- ples ct de lieux. Paris, 1824. 2v. 8 ... 2234.5 SALVETTI, P. See Berni, F. Opere burleschc, v.3. 470'J.O SALVIAXUS. Opera oinnia. Parisiis, 1847. 8. [Miguc. Patrologia) v.53] 3440.24 Contents. De gubernatione Dei libri octo ; Episto- kenovom; Adversus avaritiaui libri quatuor. See Guillon, M. N. S. Bibliotheque des PLTCS v.32 of 3499.30, v.23 of 350S.2 SALVIATI, L. Opere. Milano, 1809-10. 5v. 8 . 2793.18 Contents. Vol. I. Elogio ; Lcttera di Alessandro Cani'^iani ; Dedicatoria ; Dialogo d'amicizia ; Dtlla natura, e del prlucipio della speranza ; D'alcuni effctti della speranza. e di quelli d'alcune altrc pas- sioni ; Delia felicita ; lutoruo alia parole d'alcuue Shelf. No. SALVIATI, L. continued. sonette del Petrarca ; La spina, comm. ; II granchio, comm. II.-IV. Avvertiineuti della lingua sopra'l Decamerone. V. Orazioni. See Autori del ben parlare 3590.10 Contents. Parte la, Tomo I. Opinion!. IV, V. Degli avvertimenti della lingua, sopra il Uecame- rone. Lcttere. [Dati. Prose fiorentine, v.17] . . . 27s7.l Lettere. See Zambrini, F 2747.4 Onde avvenne, die Roma, non avendo rnai pro- vato a viver libera, pote mcttersi in libertii, ed avendola perduta non pote mai raequis- tarla. See Samvnarco, 3553.9 - Same. See Savonarola, G 35GS.11 SALVIXI, A. M. Discorsi aceademici. Bologna, 1*21-22. llv. 10 *47G0.10 Prose sacre con aggiunta di prose inedite. Firenze, 1819. 8" 3444.10 Prose toscaue. Firenze, 1715. sm.4 . . . .*2807.13 See Coll. d'opuscoli scient. c lett 5278.2 Contents. Vol. II. Tito Manlio. IV. Sonetti XIV sopra il Pater noster. VII. L'Ocipo di Luci- ano, versionc inedita. See Dati, C. Prose fiorentinc 2787.1 Contents. Vol. XIII. Cicaluta in lode della cie- alata, della cicala, du' iichi. XIV, XV. Lettere. Discorso. [Raccolta di prose e poesie, v.2] . 2707.4 Lettere. [Ilaceolta di prose e lettere uel se- colo xvm, v.2] 2707.2 Prose c rime inedite. See Filicaia, V. da . . 2si>7.5 llimc inedite. See Allori, A 2794.4 SALVIXI. S. Componimcuti poetici toscaui. Fi- reuze, 1750. 8 *2S07.12 Fasti consolari dell' accademia fiorcutina. Firenze, 1717. 4 *5252.10 Lezione inedita, Che la lingua toscanae piii obbligata al Pctraiva che a Dante. [Coll. d'opuscoli scient. e lett. v.3J 5278.2 SALVO, C. de. Travels in isuO from Italy to Eng- land. Troy, N. Y. 1> i>. 12' 2273.16 SALVUCVI, S. Novelle dei quatro duchi, ccc. See Novclle di autori lioreutiui 2788.5 - Same. Translated, [lioseoe. Italian nov- elists, v.3] 2772.18 SALZMAXX, C. G. Gymnastics for youth, transl. from the German. Philadelphia, 1SU2. 8. 4001.16 SlMA Veda. Sam Beid. See Oupuek' hat .... 3023.11 Translation of the Saiihita of the. See Sau- hita 3011.10 SA.MAXI !;<;<>, F. M. Fabulas en verso castcllauo. Paris, l,vj:j. l(i 3095.16 SAMLAXD, K7.15 Poems and life. [Chalmers. Eng. poets], v. 11 of 2592. 7 Poems, including the Wanderer. [Johnson. English poets, v. 45] 2580.3 SAVAGE, W. Dictionary of the art of printing. London, 1841. 8' *2113.1 Hints on decorative printing. Lond. 1822. 4. *2120.3 On the preparation of printing ink. London, 1832. 8 *2113.5 SAVANNAH. .Report of a committee of the pew- holders of the independent presbyterian church, [by J. M. Berricn and others. No title-page. Savannah, 1810.] 8 .... *Pph.v.l35 SAVARON, J. Do la souveraincte' du roi ct de son royaumo. [Lcber. Coll. diss. hist. Fr. v.4]. 2618.1 SAVARY, A. J. 31. R., duo de Itoviyo. Memoircs, paur scrvir a 1'liistoire de Napoleon. Paris, 1828. 8v. 8 *2G53.1 Note. Quernrd attributes this work to MM. Ad&l- phe Bosaangc, Saint Germain, etc. SAVARY, C. Letters on Egypt. 3d ed. London, 1790. 2v. 8 *3053.5 Lcttrcs sur la Grecc. Paris, 1788. 8" .... *3070.5 SAVARY des Brulons, J. Universal dictionary of trade and commerce, transl. with large add. by M. Postlethwayt. Lond. 1751-55. 2v. f. *3C80.2 SAVELLI, G. O. Vir nemoris : carme clelle cose di Corsica. [Arch. stor. ital. v.ll] .... 5245.2 SAVERIEN, A. Nouvello thaorie de la manojuvre des vaisseaux. Paris, 1745. 8". pi. . . . **E.180.33 SAVI, G. Trattato dcgli albcri della Toscana. [Coll. d'opuscoli scicnt. c lett. v.14] . . . . 5278.2 SAVI, P. Ornitologia toscana. Pisa, 1827-31. 4v. 8. *3904.7 Sur le systeme nerveux ct sur 1'organe clec- trique do la torpille. See Matteucci, C. . . 3902.24 Osscrvazioni per servire alia storia di una specie de iulus ; Osscrvazioni sull' iulus foetidissimus. [Opuscoli scientiflci, v.l, 3]. 3911.5 SAVIGNY, F. C. v. Geschiehte des rtimischen Kechts im Mittelaltcr. 2te Ausg. Heidel- berg, 1834-51. 7v. 8" *3G12.10 SAVIGNY, II. Naufrage de la fregate la Meduse. Sef Correard, A 3055.11 SAVILE correspondence. Ed. by Wm. D. Cooper. [London], 1858. 4. [Camden soc. No. 74] . *2420.17 SAVILE, G., marquis of Halifax. Poems. Lon- don, 1779. pp.38. 10. [Johnson. Eng- lish poets] v.ll of *2589.3 SAVINGS bauks. See Banks. SAVIOLI, L. V. Amori : poesie. Bassano, 1810. 16. 4706.9 Annali bolognesi. Bassano, 1784-95. 3v. in 0. 4. *27G0.3 SAVIOUR, Times of the. Martineau, H E. 219. 39 See also: Christ. SAVONAROLA, G. Erweckliche Schriften, iiber- tragcn von G. llapp. Stuttgart, 1839. 10. 3441.12 Poesie pubbl. per cura di Audin de Kians. Fircnze, 1847. 8 *2807.14 Predichc. Firenze, 1845. 8 3441.11 Reggimento degli stati con gli avvertimcnti civilicli F. Guicciardini ; L' Apologia di Lor. de' Medici ; Mutazioni de' regni di O. Sam- marco ; Discorso di Lio. Salviati. Milano, 1848. 10 3508.11 Trattato circa il reggimento e governo della citta di Firenze. Oa ed. Fircnze, 1847. 8. *2S07.14 II reggimouto c governo della citta di Firenze. See Trattati politic! di varii autori 3568.12 See Archivio storico italiano 5255.1 Contents. App. Vol. VII. Cedrus Libani, ossia la vitadifraGirolamo, poemetto. VIII. Lettere inedite. Nuova eerie, Vol. III. Lettera sulla guerra coinbat- tuta nelFriuli, 1510-38. Shelf. No. SAVONAROLA, G. continued. Burlamacchi, P. La vita,con alcuni scritti. 3550.18, 19 Harford, J. S. Memoirs 4005.5 Madden, R. R. Life and martyrdom of . . . 3555.2 SAVONAROLA, M. Commentariolus do laudibus Patavii. [Muratori. Rerum Ital. script.]. v. 24 of 2710.1 SAVOT, L. De nummis antiquis. [Graevius. The- saurus antiq. Romauarum, v.ll] 2950.1 SAWYER, L. Autobiography. N. Y. 1844. 8. *Pph.v.l39 Biography of J. Randolph, with a selection from his speeches. New York, 1844. S.*Pph.v.l35 SAXE, J. G. Progress : a satirical poem. New York, 1840. 8 *Pph.v.l56 SAXIFRAGE ARUM enumcratio. Haworth, A. II. . 3859.18 SAXIUS, J. A. See Sassi, G. A. SAXON chronicle, Ancient history exemplified in a dissection of the 2419.7 Botho, C. Chronica der Sachsen 2810.0 SAXONY. Bo'ttiger, C. W. Geschiehte des Kur- staates und Konigrcichcs Sachsen 2824.12 Geinitz, II. B. Die Vcrsteineruugen des Zechstciugebirges in Sachsen 3800.23 Mylius, G. F. Mcmorabilitim Saxoniaa sub- terraneae pars prima 3809.6 Odeleben, E. O. I. v. Campaign in S. in 1813 2824.3 Witzleben, A. F. v. Wanderungen durch die siichsische Schweitz 2302.4 SAXTON, C. New system of stenography. Bos- ton, 1842. 18 *2115.8 SAY, J. B. CEuvres diverses. Notice sur 1'auteur, ct notes par C. Comte, E. Daire, et H. Say. Paris, 1848. 8 3042.2 Contents. Cattchismed' economic politique; Frag- ments et opuscules iuedits ; Corrcsp:>mlnncc gC-uer- ale; Olbie, ou cssai sur Ics moycns d'umuliurer les mccurs d'une nation; Petit volume, contcnaut qucl- ques aperjus des hoinmes et de la tociete; Melanges de morale ct de litterature. Cours complet dYconomie politique. 3e ed. Vol.1. Paris, 1852. 8 3042.3 Traite d'ccouoinie politique. 4e ed. Paris, 1819. 2v. 8 3042.18 Treatise on political economy. Transl. fr. the French by C. R. Prinsep. London, 1821. 2v. 8 3043.12 - Same. Added, notes by C. C. Biddle. Boston, 1821. 2v. 8 **E. 215.6 SATOUS, A. Etudes sur les ecrivains franjais de la re-formation. Paris, 1841. 2v. 8 . . . . 2070.30 Contents. Vol. I. Farel; Calvin ; Viret; Theodore de Beze. II. Ilo'mun; R. ct II. Estienuc; LaNoue; Murnay; D'Aubiguc; Conclusion. Histoire de la littdraturc francaise a 1'etran- gcr. Paris, 1853. 2v. 8 2070.29 SCALA, L. Lettere. [Dati. Prose fiorentine.v. 14]. 2787.1 SCALE for measures. Report on the new stan- dard scale of the astronomical society. Baily, F E. 161. 18 SCALE-BALANCE. Use in discriminating diseases. Hutchinson.J. . 3795.25 SCALIGERO, or Scaliger, Giulio C. De subtilitate. Francofurti, 1582. sm.8 *39C5 5 Poctices libri vn, [ct in lib. Hippocratis de iusomniis comment.]. Lyon, 1501. f . . *2930.3 De comoedia et tragoedia ; De versibus comicis. [Gronovius. Thesaurus Grsec. antiq. v. 8] . 2900.2 SCALIGEUO, or Scaliger, Giuseppe G. Opus de emendatione tcmporum. Genevae, 1029. f ". *2210.4 DC veteri anno Romanorum. [Grasvius. The- saurus antiq. Rom. v.8] 2950.1 De re nummaria antiquorum. [Gronovius. Thes. Grace, antiq. v. 9] '. . 2900.2 SCAMOZZi, V. Architcttura universale, con anno- taz. da B. Orsini. Perugia, 1803. 3v. in 1. 8 4093.16 SCAMPTON, Co. of Lincoln, Account of the parish of. Illingworth, C 2492.12 SOANDERBEG, Histoire de. Paganel, C 30S5.5 SCANDINAVIA 708 SCIIEFFER Shelf. No. SCANDINAVIA. Fries, E. Summa vegetabilium Scandinavia; 3859.14 Magnus, O. Ilistoria dcllc genti c della natura dcllc cose settentrionuli 2820.3 Messcnius, J. Scondia illustrata 2820.2 Nilsson, S. Prodi-emus ichthyologise Scan- dinavicas 3000.5 Robert, E. Voyage en Scandinavic 3802.7 Scripta liistorica Islumlorum do rebus gestis borcalium. .See Copenhagen. Soc.antiq. sept. 2826.10 Strinnholm, A. M. Wikingszugc Staatsver- fassung und Sitten dcr altcn Skandinavier. 2S26.9 SCANDINAVIAN languages. Bosworth,J. Origin of. 2583.2 Nycrup, R. Litteraturlexikon for Danmark, Norgc, og Island 2151.1 SCANDINAVIAN literature. Hagcn, F. H. v. der. Nordische Heldenromane 2903.25 Librorum scptentrionalium, qui in Anglise bibliothecis extant catalogus. [Hickes. Ling. sept. thes. v.3J 2940.5 Russwurm, C. Nordische Sagen 2902.10 Tcgner, E. Frithjof Saga 2903.20 SCANNABUE, A., pseud. See Baretti, G. SCARABELLI, L. Paralipomeni cli storia piemonte, 1285-1017. Fircnzc, 1747. 8. [Archivio storico italiano, v. 13] *5245.2 SCARLATINA. Brown, 1. 13. Nature and treatment of 3799.27 Miller, J. Pathology of the kidney in . . . . 3740.50 Morris, C. Lectures on scarlet fever . . . . 3777.13 Withering, \V. Scarlet fever and sore throat M.Pph.v.72 SCARLATTI, A. See Dchn. Practische Musik- Werke 4051.14 Contents. Vol. VII. Madrigale a 5 vocl. Cor mio deh nun lunguire. XI. Messa d quattro voci, ctl or- gauo. SCARPA, A. Aneurism, transl. from the Italian by J. II. Wishart. Eaiuburgh, 1808. 8 . 3803.17 Diseases of the eyes, tr. from the It. with notes, by J. 15riggs. 2ded. London, 1818. 8". 3804.8 SCARRON, P. (Euvres. Nouv. ed. Paris, 1780. 7v. 8. *2C73.4 Contents. Vol. I. Avia dcs libraircs ; pitrc dedi- catoi.e a 1'auteur ; Lcttre do B.ilzac a Costar, sur lea ffiuvrea de Scarron ; Discours sur le style burlesque en general, ct sur cclui dc Scarron en particulicr i llistoirc dc Scarron ct de sea ouvragcs ; Factura de Searron, avec la suite ; Portrait de Suarron, fait par liii-mcme; Testament, codkille ct cpitaphc; Portrait! Epitre; Epitre dedicatuire ; Lc ttres ; l.a. Mazarinade; La Baronadc. II. Epitre au coadjuteur; Lc romau comiqne. III. Roman comique [un.]; Nouvelleg tragi-comiques. IV. Virgilu travcsti, livre luvin. V. Suite du \ irgile travcsti, par Morcau de Cra-ci ct P. Brussel 5 Le Typhon, ou la giganlornachie, poemo burlesque. VI. Lc marquis ridicule; I/tcol- ier de Salumanque; L'huiitier ridicule; Jodclctduel- liste; Jodcler, ou le maitrc-valet; Dom Japhet d'Ar- menie; La 1'ausse apparence ; Le prince corsaire. A" II. Potsies diverges ; Ilcqnetcs et placets ; Epitres ; Satires ; Elegies ct epithalarucs ; Odes ct stances ; Poesies fugitives ; Ballets, chansons, sonnets, ron- deaux, etc. Le roman comique. Nouv. (5d. par V. Four- nel. Vol. I. Paris, 1857. 10 2609.33 Jodelet ou le maitre valet ; Don Japhet d' Armenic. [Theatre des auteurs du second orclre. Comedies en vers,v.lj 2040.19 SCAHSELLI, F. Eneancl Lazio : tragedia. [Teatro italiano del secolo 18, v. 3] 2778.1 Lettere. [Fabri. Lettere familiari di Bolog- nesi, v.2] 2747.11 SCARUFFI, G. Discorso sopra le monete, e della vera proporzione tra Poro c 1'argento. [Economist! class, ital. v.2] 3644.1 SCELTA di novclle antiche, [cd diretta dal prof. M. A. Pareuti.] Modena, 1826. 8 .... 2773.2 SCELTA cli orazioni estratte dagli storici italiani. Milano, 1843. 10 4779.10 Contents. Dino Compagni ; Nicold Machiavelli ; Pierf'ranccsco Uiambullari; Francesco Guicciardinij Camillo Porzio; Bernardino Baldi ; Cardinale Benti- roglio; Daniello Bartoli ; Carlo Botta. Shelt No. SCELTA di sonetti e canzoni del piu eccellenti rima- tori d'ogni secolo [fatta da A. Gobbi.] Venezia, 1739. 5v. 12 *4705.7 SCEPEAUX, F. de. See Vcillevillc, F. de Scepeaux. SCEVOLA, L. Erode. [T catro scelto ital. V.LJ] . 4779 a.O SCHAAIJ, C. A. Geschichte der Erfludung der Buchdruckcrkunst. 2tc Ausg. Mainz, 1 3v. 8 *2114.3 SCHADE, C. B. New grammar of the German language. London and Leipzig, 1805. 12.**E. 207.25 SCHADEN, E. A. v. Ueber akadcmischcs Lcbcn und Studium. Marburg u. Leipz. 1845. 8. 3593.12 SCHADOW, J. G. Kunst-Werke und Kunst-An- sichten. Berlin, 1849. 8" 4004.4 SCHAFAUIK, P. J. Slawische Alterthiimer. Deutsch von Mosig v. Aehrcnfeld. Hrsg. von H. Wuttke. Leipzig, 1843-44. 2v. 8 . 2832.3 SCHAFFEU, J. C. Apva pisciformis, insccta aquatica. 2a. ed. Ratisbona?, 1757. pp.24. sm.4" *3897.7 Die Armpolypen in den siissen Wassern um Regensburg. Regensburg, 1754. pp.84. sm.4 *3873.10 Die Blumenpolypen der siissen Wasscr. 2teAufl. Regensburg, 1704. pp. 50. sm.4. *3871.16 Der Eulenzwittcr,nebst dcr Baumraupe. Re- gensburg, 1701. pp.30. 8m.4 *3897.1 Die griinen Armpolypen. Regensburg, 1755. pp.94, em. 4" *3873.11 Neucntdeckte Theile der Raupcn und Zwey- faltern, u. s. w. Regensberg, 1754. pp.54. sm.4 *38C8.5 Piscivm Bavarico-Ratisbonensivm pentas. Ratisbonae, 1701. pp.82. sm.4 *3900.2 Nomenclatur liber Sehiiflcr's Abbildungen regensburgischer Insckten. See Panzer, G. Vf. F 3883.1 SCHARF, G. Greek court in the crystal palace. London, 1854. 10 4089.39 Pompcian court in the crystal palace. Lon- don, 18.">4. pp. 73. 10 4089.32 Roman court in the crystal palace. Lon- don, 1854. pp.80. 10 4089.38 SCIIARTAU, II. Lebcn und Lehrc. Leipzig, 1843. 12 2848.25 SCHAUTLICII, J. C. Leitfaden bei dcm ersten Untcrricht im Gcsange. Potsdam, 1830. pp.43. 8. [Dehn. Musical pamphlets] . 4057.12 SCHATZ, G. Charaktere dcr vornehmsten Dich- ter. See Sulzcr, J. G 2191.5 ScnATZOKABER, Der, in den literarischen und bildlichen Scltenhciten, Souderbarkeitcn, u. s. w. See Scheible, J 28S9.2 SCHAUEU, J. C. Geschichte der biblisch-kirch- lichen Dicht-und Tonkunst und ihrer Werke. Jena, 1850. 8 2170.12 SCHAUM, H. 11. Analecta cntomologica. Ilalis Sax. 1S41. pp.49. 8 3897.9 Monographia soydmaenorum insectorum ge- neris : Diss. inaug. Ilalis, 1841. pp.32. 8 . 3897.11 SCHAYES, A. G. B. Lcs Pays-Bas avant et durant la domination romaine. Bruxelles, 1837-^i8. 2v. 8 2815.9 Pointed style of architecture in Belgium. [Weale. Quarterly papers, v.l, 2.] . . . . 4091.0 SCHEDEL, Uartmaun. [Niirnbergcr Chronik. Deutsch von Georg Alt.] Nurnberg, 1493. f ". *2210. 1 JVbte. Without title-page; beginning "Register des buchsder Croniken, u. s. w."and ending thus : " Volbracht am xxiii. tag dcs monats Dccembris nach der gepurt Crist) vnseen haylands MCCCCXCIII. iar." SCHEDEL, Henri E. Maladies de la peau. See Cazenave, A 3790.53 SCHEERER,T. Lehrbuch der Metallurgie. Brauns- chweig, 1848. 8 3805.9 SCHEFER, L. Laienbrevier. lie Aufl. Berlin, 1850. 10 3449.12 SCHEFFER, J. History of Lapland. Oxford, 1074. sm.f . *2661.2 SCHEFFER 709 SCHEXECTADY Shelf. No. SCHEFFER, J. continued. See Graevius. Thesaurus antiq. Rom. . . . 2950.1 Contents. Vol. VIII. Agrippa liberator, BCU dis- ecrtatio dc novis tabulis. XII. De antiquorum tor- quibus; De fabrica trireraium Meibomiana. De varietate navium. [Gronovius. Thesau- rus Graec. antiq. v. 11] 2960.2 SCHEIBE, J. A. Abhandlungvom Ursprungc und Alter dor Musik, insonclerheit dcr Vocal- musik. Altona und Flcnsburg-, 1754. 8" . *4059.2 Ueber die musikalische Composition. Leip- zig, 1773. 4 *4055.5 SCHEIBLE, J. Das Kloster, weltlich und geist- lich. Stuttgart, 1815-49. 12v. 16 .... *2889.1 Contents. Vol. I. Volksprediger, Moralisten und froramer Unsinn ; Sebastian Brandt's Narrenschiff, mit dealer's von Kaisersberg Predigten dariiber, und Thomas Murner's Schelmenzunft, vollstandig nach den alten Drucken und ihren bildlichen Darstellun- gcn. II. Doctor Johann Faust : Faust und seine Yo:'gauger, Theopliilus, Gerbert, Virgil, u. s. w., zur Geschichte, Sage und Literatur ; G. R. Widman's llauptwerk ttber Faust, vollstaudig und wortgetrcu; Faust's llolleuzwang ; Jcsuitarum libellus, oder der gewa'.tige Meergeist ; Miracul-Kunst-und Wunder- buch ; S-chliissel zum Hullenzwang, Wortgetreuer Abdruck der crsten Auflage des ersten Buches iiber Faust, von l.*S7, (bisher in Zweif'ul gezojen, nun aufgefunden). III. Christoph Wagner, Faust's Famu- lus ; Don Juan Tenorio von Scvilla ; DicSchwarz- ktinsiler verschiedencrNationen unddie BcschwOrer von lliille und llimmcl urn Reichthum, Macht, Wcisheit, und des Lcibes Lust, auch zweiter Band Ton Doctor Johann Faust. IV. Dcr Theuerdank nach der Ausgabe von 1319 ; Thomas Murner's Schiiftcn und sein Lebcn, ncbst dcssen Narrenbe- echwurung uml der Spottschrift : Ob dcr Kdnig von England ein Liisuer sey oder der Luther. V. Die Sage vom Faust bis zum Erscheineu dcs ersten Volksbuchcs, mit Litcratur und Vcrgleichung aller folgcnden ; I aust auf tier Yolksbiihne, in den I'up- pen-oder Marioncttenspicicn; Zauber-Eibliothekdc JIagiers:IIollcnzwaug; Drei-und vierfaeher Ilullon- zwang ; Dcr grosse .Meergeist ; Wunderbueh ; Der Bchwarze Rabc; Gcister-C'ommando; Praxis magica; Schiitzcheber, u. s. w., auch dritter Band von Doctor Johann Faust. VI. Die gute alte Zeit geschildert in liistorischen Bcitriigcn zurniilicru Kenntniss dcr Sit- tcn, Gebriiuche und Dcnkart, vorncnilich des Mittcl- Btandca, in den letzten funf Jahihunderlen, nach gros- eentheits alten und scltenen Druckschriftcn, Manu- Bcripton, Flugbliittein, u. s. w.; Er.ster Band: Zur Gcschiclitf hauptsiichlich des Stadtk'bens, der Klci- dcrtrachtcn. iles Uauswcsens, der Kindfrspiele.Tanz- freudcn,Gukier,Bankette,Fraucnhauser, magischen Mittel, KircbrnfcsU 1 , Pilgerfahrten, U.S. w.,aus \Vilh. von Reiniihl'a liaudschrif.lichen und artistischen Saminlmifrcn. VII. Der Fcatkalender, enthaltcnd: Die Sinndeutcder Mouatszciclicn, die Entstehungs- und Uinlnldungsgeschichte von Naturfesten in Kirchenfcotc; Schi.dcrung der an densclben vorkora- menden Gcbriiuche, und Dcutung ihrcr Sinnbiidcr; Charakteris'.ik der an den 'Mi Tngcn dcs Schalljahrs verehrtcn Blutzcugcn und Glaubcnsheldcn mit Wort und Schwert; DeutungviclcrWundercrziihlungen,u. c. w., von F. Nork, [pseud, fur Koru.] VIII. Johann Fiseliart's Geschichtklilterung uud aller Praktik Giossmuttcr j Thomas Mumcr's Giiuchmatt, ncbst mehreren Satyrcn wider ihn; Concilium und Reich- stag von Utz Eckstein, Novella, u. s. w. IX. My- tliologie der Volkssagen utid Volksmiihrchen, cine Darstcllung ihrer gcnetischen Entwicklung, mit vorzugswciser Beriicksichtigung jtner durch Dcu- tungs-Versuche von Naturerscheinungen, Lokal- eigenthumlichkeiten, Orts-und Pcrtonennamen, Wahrzcichen von Stiidten, Wappenbildern, u. g. w., crzeugtcn Sagcnbildungen, von F. Nork, Cpseud. fiir Horn]. X. Johann Fiseliart's Flolihatz, Wci- bertratz, Ehezuchtbiichlcin, Podagrammisch Trost- biichlein. sammt zchen klcinercn Sohriften ; Thomas Murner's vom LutherUchen Narren, Kirch- endicb-und Kctzerkalonder, und sieben Satyrea wider ihn: Karsthaus, Murnarus Leviathan, u. s. w. XI. Die Geschichte vom Faust in Reimen, nach dem c'mzigcn bukanntcn Exemplar von 1JS7 in der Kihiigl. Eibliothek zu Kop^nhagcn; Die deutscli u Volksbiichcr von Faust und Wagner und die Ilis- toricn von den Zauberern Baco, Zyto, Bruder Rausch, und vklcn Andern, auch vierter Band voa Doctor Johann Faust. XII. Die Sitten und Ge- brauche der Deutschen und ihrer Nachoarvolker, mit Bezugnahme auf die aus den kirchlichen, aberglau- Shelf. No. SCHEIBLE, J. continued. bischen, u. s. w., und Rechtsgebr'auchen hervorge- gangenen Jlythen und Volkssagen, von F. Noik, [pseud, fiir Kom]. Der Schatzgriiber des deutschen Mittelalters. Stuttgart, 184C-48. 8v. 10. Atlas, 4 ... *2889.2 Contents. Vol.1. Die Sage vom Faust, von II. Diintzer. II. Lie lleilung durch Sihliige von Paulliai und durch Musik von Niedten ; Cohausen vom Anhauchen der Miidchen. III. Dreck-Apotheke von C. F. Paullini. IV. Dreck-Apotheke von C. F. Paullini ; Das Gcisseln von J. II. Meibom. V. Die Baselcr, u. s. w., Todteutiinze von II. F. Mass- mann. VI.-VIII. Die deutschen Volksbiichcr von Faust und Wagner, durch K.A.v.Reichlin-Meldcgg. SCHEIBLER, H. Anleitung die Orgcl vcrmittelst der Stosse, und des Metronoms, correct gleichschwebend zu stimmen. n.p. n.d. 8. [Dehn. Musical pamphlets] 4057.12 Der physikalische und musikalische Ton- messer. Essen, 1834. 8. pi 4035.33 Schriften iiber musikalische und physikal- ische Tonmessung. Crefeld, 1838. 8 . . . 4055.41 Die Scheibler'sche Stimm-Methode. See Top- fer, J. G 405G.19 SCHELDT expedition, Papers relating to the, 1810. See Great Britain 7073.1 SCHELE, K. H. DC sacramcntis ; De custodia cas- trorum; De stipcndio militari; De stipendio equestri ; De stipcndio ductorum ; De die stipendii ; De frumento et vcste ; De tri- buto et acrario ; De praeda ; De victu mili- tum ; De itinere j De agmine Polybiauo ; De agmine Vcspasiani ; DC cohortibus le- gionis antiquaj. [Grzevius. Thesaurus an- tiq. Kom. v. 10] 2950.1 SCHELE do Verc, M. Outlines of comparative phi- lology, and a history of the art of writing. New York, 1803. 12 2950.20 SCHELESTRATE, E. De antiquis Romanorum pon- tifleum catalogis, etc. dissertatio. [Mtira- tori. Kerumltal. script, v. 3] 2710.1 SCHELLER, I. J. G. Prsccepta stili benc Latini. Ed. alt. Lipsiae, 1784. 2v. 8 *2934.1 Lexicon compiled from. See Lcverett, F. 1*. E.203.8 SCHELLIXC;, F. \\ T . J. v. liruno, Oder das gottliche u. naturlichc Prineip dcr Dinge. 2te Aufl. Berlin, 184L'. 10 3455.11 Naturphilosophic : Einlcitung; Entwurf einos Systems, 1799; Darlegung, u. s. w. 1806. Tubingen, 1793-1800. 3v. in 1. 8 3819.4 SCHENECTADY, ^Y. Y. Kcmonstranco by the in- habitants of S. against the change of the route of the Eric canal proposed by the common council. Schenectady, 183T>. 8 . *Pph.v.94 Kcport of a committee of citizens on the state of our national affairs. [No title-page.] 8 *Pph.v.24 Institute. Catalogue of the teachers and pu- pils, 1847-18. Schenectady, 1847. 8 . . *Pph.v.l63 Union college. Catalogue of the officers and students, 1822, 31-13, 45-48, 53. Schenectady, 1822-54. 8" . . *Pph.v.l5, 93, 95. 97, 100, 103, 10S, 117, 129, 135, 148, 152, 103, 170, 200 - Catalogue, General, from 1795 to 1854. Schenectady, 1851. 8 *Pph.v.200 - Catalogus eorum qui aliquovis gradu cx- ornati fuerunt, 1813, 19, 25, 34, 43. Schencc- tadize, 1813-43. 8 *Pph.v.l3, 93, 197 - Donations to the library, apparatus, and museum, 1842-44. Schenectady, 1842-14. 8. *Pph.v.l29, 135, 1G.3 - Address of students [on the charge of disturbing a place of worship]. Schenec- tady, 1825. 8 *Pph.y.55 - Evidence relative to the controversy be- tween the regents of the university and tlie trustees of Union college. Schenectady, 1823. 8 *Pph.v.45 - Fiftieth anniversary of Dr. Nott's presi- dency. Schenectady, 1851. 8 2343.19 SCHENECTADY 710 SCHILLER Shelf. No. SCIIENECTADY, N. Y. Union college, continued. - First semi-centennial anniversary. Al- bany, 1815. 8 *Pph.v.l49 - In chancery. Archibald McTntyre, John B. Yatcs, [and others,] vs. the trustees of Union college, [etc.] [No title-page.] 8.*Pph.v.l97 - In chancery. Answer of the trustees to the bill of complaint of Archibald Mcln- tyrc, .1. B. Yates, [and others.] [No title- page.] 8 *Pph.v.l97 - Laws. Schenectady, 1821. 8 .... *Pph.v.45 - - Same. Supplement. Alb. 1805. 8.*Ppb..v.84 - Proceedings of the graduates in organiz- ing their association, with constitution and address. Schenectady, 1820. &".... *Pph.v.Cl - Reply of the trustees to the charges brought before the assembly by the Hon. J. W. Beckman. Albany, 1853. 8. . . *Pph.v.l97 - Report of the trustees in the year 1814, to the legislature. 1814. 8. [No title-page]. *Pph.v.l - Report of trustees in relation to the pend- ing controversy with Yates and Mclntyre. n.p. n.d. 8 *Pph.v.l97 - Kcport of the committee [of the assem- bly of N. Y. on] the memorial of the trus- tees of Union college, 1814. [Albany.] 8.*Pph.v.l - Keport [on] the affairs of Union college, 1853. Albany, 1853. 8 **E. 110.23 - O-K-E-socicty. Catalogus societatis fra- trum, 1844. [Schenectady.] 12 .... *Pph.v.229 - Phi Beta Kappa society. Catalogue of the fraternity. Schenectady, 1827-33. 8.*Pph.v.74,80,89 - Philomathcan society. Catalogue of the members, 1820, 47. Schenectady, 1820, 47. 12 *Pph.v.209, 107 _ _ First semi-centennial anniversary, July 25,1818. Albany, 1849. 8" *Pph.v.l09 See also : Floriad, The. SCHERR, J. Geschichte deutscher Cultur und Sitte. Leipzig, 1852. 8 2886.3 SCHERTI.IN von Burtcnbach, S., und seine an die Stadt Augsburg gcschriebenen Bricfe. Mit- gcth. von Th. Herberger. Augsburg, 1852. 8 2847.1 SCIIEUCIIZER, J. J. Helveticus, sive itinera per Helvetia; Alpinas regiones. Nov. ed. Lugd. Batavorum, 1723. 4v.ini. sm.4 *2864.1 SCIIEUTZ, G. and E. Specimens of tables, calcu- lated, stereomouldcd, and printed by ma- chinery. London, 1857. 8 **E.106.11 On the Swedish tabulating machine by. See Babbage, C E. 106. 11 SCHIASSI,F. See Opuscoli letterarii 2792.2 Contents. Vol. I. Sopra una cista tnistica ; De patera cospiana. II. De laudibus Sebastiani. IH. De historia Mirandulana a Pompilio Pozzetti illus- tnita ; De Vlyssis Aldrovandi in studio untiquitatis prxstantia. SCHIAVO, D. See Opuscoli cli autori Sicilian! . . 4764.1 Contents. Vol. I. Notizie della famiglia Venti- miglia passatada Palermo nella cittadi Benevento. IV. Breve rclazione di tutte le anticbe fabbriche rimastc ncl littorale di Sicilia. VII. Lettera ad tin nmico per dfigli notiziu di Antonio Panormita. VIII. Ilugionamento per li erezione della pu bblica libreria di Palermo. IX. Lettera intorno a varj punti della Btoria Ictteraria, diplomatica, e liturgica di Sicilia. XVI. Spiegazione di tari d'oro moneta di Sicilia. SCHICHT, J. G. Grundregeln dcr Harmonic. Leip- zig, [1812]. 4 *4040.16 SCHIKANEDER, E. J. S'immtliche theatralische Werke. Band 1. AVien und Leipz. 1792. 10.*4059.10 Contents. Harms Dollinger, oder das heimliche Blutsericht, Schauspiel; Uer Bucentaurus, Oder die Vermalilung mit dem Meere zu Venedig, Schau- spiel ; Die Postknechte, oder die Uochzeit ohne Braut, Lustspiel. SCHILLER, J. C. F. v. Sammtliche Werke. Stutt- gart und Tubingen, 1847. 12v. 10 .... *2908.4 Contents. Vol. L Nachrichten von Schillers Le- bn; Charlotte von Schiller; Gcdichte der ersten und Shelf. No. SCHILLER, J. C. F. v. continued. zweitcn Pcriode ; Metrische UeberBetznnpren ; Ge- dichte der drittcn I'criode. II. Die Haulier, Schau- Bpiel ; Die Vcrechworunj; des Ficsco zu Genua, ein rcpublicanisches Trauerspiel; Kabale und Lieac, cin biirgcilic'.ics Trauerspiel; Der Menschcnfcind, Frag- ment. III. Metrische Ucbersetzungcn: Ip'ii cnie in Aulis, ucbcrsi'tzt aus dem Euripides ; Scenen aui den Phonicierinnen des Euripides ; Don Carlos, Infant von Spauicn, ein dramatischc* Gedicht. IV. Wallcnstcin, ein dramatisches Gedicht; Erstcr Theil: Wallensteins Lancr; Die Piccolomini; Zweiter Theil: Wallensteins Tod. V. Maria Stuart ; Die Jungirau TOD Orleans; Die Braut von Messina, oder die f'eind- lichen Briider. VI. Wilhelm Tell ; Die lluldigung der Kiinstc ; Macbeth, ein Trauerspiel von bhaks- peare ; Turandot, Prinzessin von China, cin tragl- komischcs Miihrchcn nach Gozzi. VII. Phiidra, Trauerspiel von Uacinc ; Der Parasit oder die Kunst, eein Gliick zu machcn, cin Lustspiel nach dem Franziidischcn ; Der Neffe als Onkcl, Lustspiel in drei Aufaugen, aus dem Franzosischen des Picard ; Nachlass : (1) Demetrius ; er Pierre de Bour- deille de Brantome ; Biographische Nachrichten fortgcsetzt. XII. Ileinrichs iv, 'I hronhesteigung un:l Rcgierungsplati, I'/.il, zur Einleitung in d e Me- moires iibor seine leren sechszehn Jahre ; Bran- tome's bi ig -apliische Nachrichten von grjssen Man- ncrn Frankn ichs, Colonels, Generaux von der franzo- eichen Infantcric. XIII. Biogrnpliisclie Ucbersicht zu r die Mordant des Pierre Barriers und des Jean Chatel, auch iiber die Verbannun und \Viederherstellung dt-r Jcs .iten unter Ileinrich iv; Tngcbuch uberdie Friedens-juterhandlungcn zu Vervins, 1JUS, ncbst den didurch fcsU-esctztcn Fricdciisartikcln; Ueber die htzton ICriegsrustungen un-J deu Tod des Koiiigs licinrichs iv von Peter Ilieronymus Gentile Kiccio; Gerichtliches Veriahren gegen Franz llavaillav. mit verschiedenen Bcurtheilungen. XV. Ucbersicht der Regicrung Ludwigs des xm unter Conciui d'Ancrj und Albert de Luynes, ir,10-l(i2.' j Dcnk- wiirdigkeiten des Grafen von Puntehartrain. XVI.- XVII. Leben und Alinistcrscliaft des 'Cardinals Richelieu ; Richelieu's Staatsmaximen : Denkwiir- digkciten des Grafen von Brienne : Denkwiirdig- kcitcn des verstorhcnen Ilcrzogs vou Orleans, Gas- ton von Frankrcich. XV1II.-XX. Der Geist der Fronde, lfH4-lCjJ ; Ucnkwurligkeitcn des Cardinal's von Itetz; Lecourrier burlesque de la guerre de 1'aris, envoye a monseigncur le prince de Condc, pour divertir eon altesse durant sa p:ison. XXf. Der Guist der Fronde. IBLSchluss] ; Geschichte Lud- wig-i dcs xiv, von Ilerrn von Rabiitin Grafen von Bilssy ; Dcnkwurdigkeiten des Herrn von Torcy, zur Geschichte der Fiiedensunterhandlungen vom Ryswycker Traktat bis zu dem Utrechtcr Fricden. XXII. -XXIII. Universalhistorische Bemcrkungen tiber Anfang und Eudc dcs spauisclicn Succcssions- kiicgs ; Denkwiirdigkdttn des Herrn von Torcy ; Dcnkwurdigkeiten und Bctrachtungcn iibcr die wichtiffsten Beg benheitcn unter Ludwig xiv, von dem Marquis de La Fare. XXIV. Biographische Notizen iiber Ludwig due de St. Simon ; Geheime Memoiren des Ilerzojs Louis de St. Simon uberdie Regierung Ludwigs dcs xiv; 1 Bcylage. Anekdoten von Ludwig dctn xiv u. seincm llofe, aus den Bricfcn der zweiten G.'mahlin Ilerzogs Philipp deg I. von Orleans, Charlotte Elisabeth, geb. Prinzessin von der Pfalz; 2 Beylage. Des Grafen Philipp von Sintzcndorf Relation vun dem Zustande dcs Kiini- greicln Frankrcich besonders dessen Hof-Camcral- und Kricgsstaatbetreffend, ncbst einein Auhang uber das damalise franziisische Ilof-cercmoniel gegen Ge- sandte. XXV. -XXIX. J. Baptiste Colberts Verdienste urn die Staatr-vcrwaltung Ludwiga des XIV: Denk- wurdigkeiten des 1 lerzogs Louis de St. S:nin ; Beilage ilher das gesammte konigliche Ilaus von Frankreich wiihrcnd der Regentschaft des Ilerzogs von Orleans, von dessen Mutter, Charlotte Elisabcih, gcb. Prin- zessin von der Pfalz; Vermischte Uof-und Staatsan- ecdoten aus den Zeiten Ludwigs dea xiv, uud des Re.;entL'n, von des letztercn Mutter. DenkwUrdijkeiten. Geordnet von A. Dicz- mann. Leipzig, 1854. 10 2849.3 Maid of Orleans, and other poems. [Transl.] by W. Peter. Cambridge, 1843. 12 ... , 2889.5 OUCH. XSU. SCHILLER, J. F. C. v. continued. Mary Stuart, a tragedy, [transl.] by "W. Peter. New ed. with other poems. Phila. 1840. 12". 2SS9.6 Piccolomini, and the death of Wallenstein. Transl. by S. T. Coleridge, n. p. n. d. b.*Pph.v.315 William Tell, and other poems. [Transl.] by W. Peter. New ed. Philadelphia, 1840. 12. 28S9.7 Select minor poems. See Gothe, J. W. v. . 28U4.7 Life, and lectures on the dramas of. [Follen. Works, v.4] 3479.1 Vic. See Marmicr, X 2908.5 SCHILLING, G. Encyclopedic der gesammten mu- sikalischen Wissenschaften, [und] Supple- ment. Stuttgart, 1835-42. 7v. 8 *4040.23 Contents. Vol. I. A Bq. II. Br F. III. Foe Ir. IV. Irr Mor. V. Mor Rics. VI. Ries Zyk. SCHILTER, J. Thesaurus antiquitatum Tevtoni- carum. [Xotas addidit G. Scherzius, pra:f. J. Frickius.] Ulmae, [i^>y_28.] 3v. f . . *2810.4 Contents. Vol. I. Monumenta ecclesiastica Chris- tiana veterum Francorum et Alemannoruni vcrnac- nla : Otl'ridi opus cvangelicum Francicis rythmis, cum vers. Lat na; Notkcri Psalterium c Latino in Theotiscam veterem linguam versum ct jiaraphrasi illustratum ; \VilleramiCanticumcanticofum.Fran- cice ct Latine: Keronia interpretatio regula; S. Bene- dict!, Theotisca, nune primum erutaper B. Franck- ium ; Pocta; anonymi Tcutunici rythmus de S. An- none, a M. O;>itL> primum editus, ate. vcis. Lat. et nota;. II. Lex Sulica novo ct gemtno conspsctu cum notis j Jus proviuciale Aleinaiinicum ; Sirickeri rythmus antiquus Gcrmanicus de Carol! Magni expedi.ione llispanica ; Anonymi fragmci turn ver- 6ib!is Ge.manieis de bello Caroli Mag. contra Sara- cenos ; Ludovici regis victoria in Nortmaunos, 8S5, rhythm. Teuton.: Paramcscs antiqua; Gcrmaniea Tyrolisregis ScotorumadUlium.etc. ; Tatiani har- monia cvangelica, translata in liiiguam Theotiscam e Lat. vcrs. V. Capuani. III. Glossarium Teutoni- cuin ad scriptorcs lingua? Francicx ct Alcuiaimice vctcris : Prefationcm prxmisit J. Frickius. ScniMPKR, W. P. Bryologia Europaj.a. Stutt- gartia;, 18oa-55, Ov. 4 *3S41.4 SCHINDLICK, A. Biographic von Ludwig van Beethoven. Miinstcr, 1845. p.S' *404fl 8 SCHINZ, II. It. Naturgeschichtc und Abbildungen derFische. Schall'hausen, 1833. 2v. 4? . *5870.8 Naturgeschichte und Abbildungen der Rep- tilien. Schaffhausen, 183^5. 4 *5870.7 Naturgeschichte und Abbildungen der SUu- gcthierc. 2e Aufl. Zurich, 1827. 2v. 4 . *5870.5 Naturgeschichte und Abbildungen dcr Vogcl- gattungen. Zurich, 1830. 2v. 4" *5870.6 SCIIIRACII, C. v. Geschichte unscrcr Zeit. Jhrg. 1829-30. Hamburg, 1831. 2v. sm.S" . . . 2305.5 SCHIZZI, F. Elogio storico di W. A. Mozart. Cremona, 1817. pp.40. sm.4 4040.1 SCHKUIIR, C. Botanisches Handbuch. NcueAusg. Leipzig, 1804-8. JOv. 8 *3849.1 Kryptogam.Gewachse. Wittenb. 180D. 2v. 4.*3S51.18 SCHLECIITENDAL, D. F. L. v. Gcwlichse [dcr Phar- macopoca Borussica], hcrausg. von F. Guim- pel. Berlin, 1830-37. 3v. 4" *37S1.2 SCHLEDER, J. G. Thcatrum Europaeum. See Ab- clin, J. P 2290.1 SCHLEGEL, F. W. v. Discorso intorno i trc tragici greci. See Poeti greci 2903.2 SCHLEGEL, Johann C. T. Collectio opvscvlorvm ad mcdioinam forensem spcctantivm. Lip- sise, 1785-91. Ov. in 3. sm.8" *3789.5 SCHLEGEL, Johann, F. W. Staats-Recht dcs Kiinigrcichs Diinemark und der Ilerzogth- iimer Schlcswig, Holstein, und Lauenburg. Ucbers. v. Sarauw. Vol. I. Schlcsw. 1829. 8. 2820.4 SCHLEIDEN, M. J. Contributions to Pliytogenesis. [Schwann. Microscopical researches] . . . 3724.2 SciiLEiEn.MAciiER, F. E. D. Sammtlichc Werke. Abth. I. Vols. 1-5, 7, 8, 11-13. Abth. II. Vols. 1-10. Abth. in. Vols. 1-5, 7-9. Ber- lin, 1835-53. 29 v. 8 *34C5.1 Contents. Abth. I. Zur Theologie: Vol. I. Kurze Darstellung des theologischen Stadiums zum Behuf einleitender Vorlesungen entworfen ; Ueber die Ro- SCHLEIERMACHER 712 SOTTCDLL Shelf. No. SCHLEIF.RMACHER, F. E. D. continued. ligion, Reden an die Geb'ldeten untor ihren Verach- tcrn; Die Weihnahchtsfcier, ein Gespraeh. II. Ueber die Sclirif'ten dcs Lukns. ein krit ; scher Versueh : Vorrede, Linlcitung, Betraehtuug des trsteu Liiii'hes Oder dcs Kvuiv.'cUums; Ucb r den sogenannten crstcu Brief des Paulos an den Timothvos; Uc-ber Kolosser I, 15-11); Ue!>er die Zeujnissi; dcs I'apias von unsern beiden crsten Evangelien ; Ueber die Lehrc von der Erwahluny, besonders in Beziehung aut' ilerrn Dr. BretschneiiJcr's Aphorismen ; Ueber den Gcgensatz zwischcn den sabellianischcu und der athanasianis- chen Vorstelluns von der Trinitat ; Ueber seine Glaubenslchre [Zwei Sendschrciben]. 1II.-IV. Der christliche Glaubc nach den Gruiidsiitzendcr evan- gelischen Kirche im Zusammcnhanire dargostcllt. V. Kleine theoloMsche Abliandlungen. VII. Lite- rarischer Nachlass : Ilerraeneutik und Kritik mit besonderer Beziehunj; auf das Ncue Testament, ans Schleiermachers handschril'tlicheni Nachlasse und nach zeschricbcnoii Vorlesungen hernusgegcben von Dr. Friedrich Liicke. V11I. Einleitung ins Neue Testament, mit eincr Vorrede von Ur. Fried- rich I.ucke, hcrausgeeebcn von G. Wolde. XI. Ge- schichte aer christlichen Kirche, herausgegcben von. E. Bonncll. XII. Die christliche Sitte nach den Grundsatzen der evangelischcn Kirche im Zusam- menhangc dargestellt, herausgcgeben von L. Jonas. Xlll. Die praktische Theologie nach den GrundsS- zen der evangelisehen Kirclie im Zusammcnhange dargcstellt, herausgegcben von Jacob t'rerichs. A'jth. II. Predigten : Vol. I.-lV. i'rcdigten. V.-VI. Lite- ral ischcr Nachlass : 1'redigtcn, herausgejrcbcn von Friedrich Z.il>cl. VI1.-X. 1'rcdigtcn in den Juhren 1781MSIU, hcrausgegobcn von Ad. Sydow. AWh. in. Zur Philosophic: Vol. 1.-11. Philosophischcund ver- misclite Scnnlten. III. Literal iscner Jv'achlass: Re- den und AUhandlungen, der KonigL. Akadeiuie der Wissenschallcn vorgetragen von ^chleiermacher, he- rausgegebcn von L,. Jonas. IV. P. i. Gcschichtc der Piiilosophie, herausgcgebcn von U. Hitter. P. n. Dialcktik, hcrausgcgeDcn vou L. Jonas. V. Ent- wurf eines Systems der Sittcnlehrc, hcrausgcacben von Alux. Scliweizer. VII. Voilesungen iibcr die Acsihetik, herausgegeb:n von Dr. Carl Lommatzsch. VIII. Die L.ehre vom Staat, herausgegeben von C. A. Brandis. IX. Erziehungslehre, herausgegebeu von C. Platz. Introduction to the dialogues of Plato. Transl. by W. Dobson. Camb. 1S3G. 8".. 3008.1 SCHLESINGKI:, M. Saunterings in and about Lon- don. Ed.byO. Wenckstcrn. Lond. 1853. 1^. 2495.11 SCHLESWIG-HOLSTEIN. IpsOH, A. Die lllti'U Landta^c der Herzogthumor, 1588-1075 . . 2826.3 Kobbc, 1'. L. C. v. Schlesvvig-Holstciniscue Gesehicute, 1004-1808 282G.5 Lesser, W. Topographic des Herzogthums. 2S34.1 Lornsen, U. J. Die Unions-Verfassung Schleswig-Holsteins uud Diinemarks . . 2826.1 MUllenhof, C. Sagen, Miirchcn, und Liedcr der Ilerzogthiimer 2902.11 Baumcr, C. G. v. Das Gebirge Nieder-Schle- sicns 3862.26 Schlegcl, J. F. W. Staats-Recht der Her- zogthiimcr 2826.4 SCHLEUSXER, .1. F. Lexicon Gr.-Lat. in Novvrn Testament. 4aed. Lipsiae, 1819. 2v.in4. 8. 3483.2 - Same. 5a cd. Glasgux, 1817. 2v. 8 . . 34S2.2 Lexicon in LXX et rcliquos interp. Vet Tes- tamenti. Ed. altcra. Glasguse, 1822. 3v. 8. 3482.1 - Same. Lipsiae, 1820-21. 5v. 8 3483.1 SCHLICIITEGROLL, A. H. F. Nekrolog der Deut- schen, 1790-1800. Supplementband f ur 171)0- 03. Neue Folge. Gotha, 1791-1803. 28v. 10. *2849.1 SCHLOSSEit, F. C. History of the ISth century, with reference to cultivation, transl. with notes, by D. Davison. Lond. 1843-52. 8v. 8. *2301.2 SCHLOTHEIM, E. F. v. Die Pctrei'actenkunde, mit Kupfertafeln. Gotha, 1820-23. Iv. 8. Iv. 4 *3SG0.2S,35 Merkwiirdige Versteinerungen. Atlas. Gotha, 1S32. pp.40. 8andlv.4. . '. *3861.7 SCHLoZER, A. L. v. Brief weclisel racist statisti- schen, historischen und polit. Inhalts. Got- tingen, 1775-82. lOv. in 5. 8 *2308.2 Staats-Anzeigen. Gottingen, 1782-93. ISv. sm.8" *5179.1 Shelf. No. SCHMALHOFER, M. Biicherkundc der Katholisch- theolog. Litcratur. Augsburg, 1837. 8 . . *2183.2 SCIIMAL/, K. De Entozoorumsystemate ncrvoso. Lipsise, 1827. pp.30. 8 3874.10 SCHMARDA, L. C. Vcrbreitung der Thiere. Wien, 1853. 3v. in 1. 8 3882.11 SciiMEissiiR, J. G. System of mineralogy. Lon- don, 1795. 2v.ini. 8 *38C5.13 SCHMEIZEL, M. Do insignibus regni et de ritu inaugurandi regom Hungarias. [Schwandt- ner. Script, rerum Hungaric. v.2] .... 2810.2 SCIIMERLING, P. C. Ossemcns tbssiles de la prov- ince de Liege, avec atlas cu fol. obi. Liege, 1833-34. 2r.ini. 4 *3S62.1 SCHMID, A. Christoph Willibald Rittcr von Gluck. Dessen Lcben und tonkunstleri- echesWirken. Leipzig, 1854. 8 . 4046.15 SCHMIDEL, U. Histoire d'un voyage curieux. [Ternaux-Compans. Voyages, etc. pour servir a 1'histoirc de la decouvcrtc de 1'Am- (Srique] v. 4 of 2316.1 SCHMIDT, E. De verbis Grascorum comm. See Wolle, C 2985.14 SCHMIDT, F. Schwedcn unter Karl xiv Johann. Heidelberg, 1842. sm.8 2829.10 SCHMIDT, W. A. Die griechischen Papymsurkun- dcn der K. Bibliothek zu Berlin. Berlin, 1842. 8 *2113.7,8 SCIIMIT, J. P. Des moyens do rccucillir et d'util- iscr les engrais. Liege, 1850. 8 3993.5 II papa puo' c dcve esso conservarc il potere politico? Parigi, 1643. pp.32. 8" *4745.4 SCHXEIDAWIXD, F. J. A. Prinz Wilhelm von Preussen in den Kriegen seiner Zeit. Ber- lin, 1853. 8 2842.6 SCHNEIDER, J. G. Amphibiorvm physiologiae Spec. I. Sp. n, Species stcllionvm sevgccko- nvm. Traiccti ad Viadrvm, 1790-92. 8m.4.*3873.13 Naturgeschichte der Schildkriiten. Leipzig, !;>:!. 8 *3875.8 SCHNEIDER, W. T. Monographia generis raphi- dia; Linnasi. Wratislaviae, 1843. pp.90. 4. *3S92.5 Monographia generis Chrysopae, Leach. Vra- tislaviae, 1851. 8* 3894.4 SCHNELLER, J. A. Answer to " the Christmas holidays in Rome, "by TV". I. Kip. Albany, 1845. 8" *Pph.v.l56 Discourse on the occasion of organizing a Catholic total abstinence association. Al- bany, 1843. 8 *Pph.V.133 SCHNITZLER, J. H. La Russie sous les empereura Alexandre ct Nicolas. Bruxelles, 1847. 4r. 18 3069.36 Statistique de la France comparee aux grandes puissances. Paris, 1840. 4v. 8 2G33.1 SCHNIZLEIN, A. Iconographia familiarum natur- alium regni vegetabilis. Fasc. i-xi. Bonn. 1843. 4 *3890.20 SCHCELCIIER, V. Colonies etrangeres et Haiti, re- sultatsde 1'emancipation. Paris, 1843. 2v. 8. 3572.26 Des colonies francaiscs ; Abolition dc i'escla- vage. Paris, 1842. 8 3572.19 Histoire de 1'esclavage pendant les deux der- nieres annees. Paris, 1847. 2v. 8 .... 3572.18 Life of Handel [transl. by J. Lowe]. Lon- don, 1857. 8" 4046.30 La verite aux ouvriers ct cultivateurs de la Martinique. Paris, 1849. 8 3572.20 SCHCELL, M. S. F. Cours d'histoire des etats eu- ropeens. Paris and Berlin, 1830-34. 47v. in 24. 8 *2304.1 Histoire abregce de la litterature romaine. Paris, 1815. 4v. 8 2953.3 Histoire de la litterature grccque profane. 2e ed. Paris, 1823-25. 8v. 8 *2952.7 Eecueil des pieces h dctrompcr les Francais sur les cvencrnensque se sont passes depuis quelques annees. Paris, 1814-16. 9v. 8 . *4658.4 Histoire abregee des traites de paix. See Koch, C. W 3688.2 SCHCENEMANN 713 SCHUBARTH Shelf. No. SCHCENEMAXX,C.T. G. Geographia Homeri. Got- tingas. n.d. 4 *2997.15 SCHCENHERR, C. J. Curculionidum dispositio mcthoclica. Lipsiae, 1826. 8 3898.1,3 Genera et species curculionidum. T.I. p.1,2. T. II. p.1,2. T. IV. p.l. Parisiis, 1833-37. 5v. 8. 3898.2 SCHOLAR, Vocation of the. Fichte, J. G 3608.3 SCHOLIA in Theocritum, auctiora redd. F. Diibner, in Nicandruin et Oppianum, annot. instruxit U. Cats Bussemaker. Parisiis, 1849. 1.8. [Didot. Bibliotheque greeque] *3002.16 SCHoMANX, G. F. Dissertation on the assemblies of the Athenians. Cambridge, 1838. 8. . 2960.8 SCHOMBURGK, R. H. Map of Barbados, based upon Mayo's survey, 1721, and corr. to 1846. London, 1847. 4 *2310.24 SCHoXHAi.s, C. v- Erinnerungen eines b'sterreich- ischen Veteranen aus dem italienischen Kriege, 1848, 49. Stuttgart und Tubingen, 1852. 2v. in 1. 8 4745.5 SCHOOCK, SI. Achaja vetus, ejus situs, antiquit., respublica, reges, bella, etc. [Gronovius. Thes. Graec. antiq. v.5] 2960.2 SCHOOL for orators, or a peep at the forum : a farce. New York, 1810. 16 *Pph.v.208 SCHOOL of abuse. Gosson, S 2575.8 SCHOOL of the heart. Quarles, F 2609.9 SCHOOL architecture. See Architecture. SCHOOL-HOUSES, Essay on the construction of. Alcott, W. A 4102.30 SCHOOL-KEEPING, Lectures on. Hall, S. R. Pph.v.218 SCHOOLCRAFT, H. R. Aboriginal names and geo- graphical terminology of the state of N. Y. Part i. Valley of the Hudson. New York, 1845. 8 *Pph.V.144 Address before the Chippewa county temper- ance society. Detroit, 1832. 8 *Pph.v.87 Address before the new confederacy of the Iroquois ; also, a poem by W. H. C. Hos- mer. Rochester, 1840. 8 *Pph.v.l93 Adventures in the Ozark mountains. Phila- delphia, 1853. 8 2361.3 Expedition to the sources of the Mississippi river in 1820. Philadelphia, 1855. 8 . . . . 2361.2 Expedition to Itasca lake, the source of the Mississippi, in 1832. New York, 1834. 8 . 2361.4 Indian tribes of the United States, prepared under the direction of the bureau of Indian affairs. Illustr. by Capt. Eastman. Phila- delphia, 1851-55. 5v. 4 *C. 150.1 Literature of the Indian languages. [No title- page.] 8" *Pph.v.l83 Memoir on the geological position of a fossil tree, discovered on the secondary rocks of the river Des Plaines. Albany, 1822. 8. *Pph.v.30 Oneota, or the red race of America. New York and London, 1845. 8 2366.7 Rise of the West, or a prospect of the Missis- sippi valley : a poem. New York, 1841. pp.20. 12" 2399.27 Thirty years with the Indian tribes, 1812-42. Philadelphia, 1851. 8" 2366.2 Transallegania, or the groans of Missouri : a poem. New York, 1820. 12" *Pph.v.210 View of the lead mines of Missouri, and pro- ductions, etc. of Mo. and Arkansas. New York, 1819. 8 2373.9 SCHOOLS. Ackermann, R. History of Winchester, Eton, Westminster, St. Paul's, Merchant taylors, Harrow, Rugby, and Christ's hos- pital 2540.1 Matter, A. J. Nouveau manuel des ^coles primaires, moyennes, et normales 3598.23 Meiuers, C. Entstehung und Entwickelung der hohen Schulen 3598. 10 Seances des ecoles normales 3595.8,9 See also: Albany, Boston, Canada, Charlestown, Connecticut, Holland, Lowell, Massachusetts, Mich- igan, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Phil- adelphia, Rhode Island, Salem, Virginia, Infant chools, Ragged school). Shelf. No. SCHOOLS of industry. Proposal for the establish- ment of village schools of industry. Lon- don, 1831. pp.15. 8 3570.60 SCHOONMAKER, M. Speech on the slave question, and the position of parties. Washington, 1852. 8 *Pph.v.200 SCHOOTEN, F. v. Exercitationvm mathematica- rum libri v. Lugd. Batav. 1056-57. 5v. in 1. 8m. 4 *3915.17 Contents. Vol.1. Propositionum arithmeticarum et geometricarum centuria. II. De constructione problematum Bimplicium geometricarum, seu qu eolvi possunt, ducendo tan turn rectas Hneas. III. Apollonii Pergai loca plana restituta. IV. De or- ganica conicarum sectionum in piano descriptioue, tractatus. V. Sectiones triginta miscellanere. Commercium epistolicum, de quastiouibus quibus Jam mathematicis. [Wallis. Opera, V.2] 3910.5 SCHOPEXHAUER, A. Ueber das Sehn und die Far- ben. 2te Aufl. Leipzig, 1S54. pp. 80. 8. 3920.36 SCHOPENHAUER, J. Johann van Eyck und seine Nachfolger. Leipzig, 1830. 2v. in 1. 16 . 4065.23 SCHOPPE, C. Grammatica philosophica accessione instruxit Herzog. August* Vindel. 1712. sm. 8" 2933.6 SCHOTTGEN, C. Geschichte Conrads des Grossen, Marggrafen zu Meissen. Dresden u. Leip- zig, 1745. 10 2852.16 SCHOUTEN, W. C. Descriptio admiranda itineris, 1015-17. [Bry. Coll. pereg. Ser. 1, v.4] . 2360.26 Navigation australe, 1015-17. [Constantin. Itecueil des voyages, v.4J 2277.12 SCHRADER, H. A., and Wendland, J. C. Sertvm Haunovcranvm. Gottingas und Hannoverae, 1795-98. f *3840.7 SCHRAMICE, G. T. Description of the New York Croton aqueduct. Eng., Ger., and French. New York and Berlin, 1840. pp.62. 4, and 20 pi *3940.3 SCHREBER, J. C. D. v. Beschreibung der Graser. Leipzig, 1769-1800. 2v. in 1. f ' *3860.7 Die Saugthiere, fortg. von A. Goldfuss [und] Supplemente. 6 Abth. Erlangen, 1778-1855. 9v. 4 *3902.8 SCHREIBER, H. A. Nouveau guide des voyageurs a Bade. Tr. de 1'allem. par Simon Giinzer. Carlsruhe et Bade, 1832. 10 2834.11 SCHBEIBER, J. G. Guide sur les bords du Rhin. Rcvu par Richard. Paris, 1828-20. 10 . . 2834.9 SCHBETTINGER, M. Handbuch der Bibliothek- Wisseuschaft. Wicu, 1834. 8 *2122.8 Lehrbuch der Bibliothek-Wissenschaft. Miiu- chcn, 1829. 2v. sm.8 *2122.10 SCHBEVEL, C. Lexicon manuale Graeco-Latinum et Latino-Graecum, studio atque opera J. Hill, J. Eutick, nee non G. Bowyer auctum. lOa ed. Loudini, 179J. 8 *29S3.2 - Same. Ed. pr. Am. Philadcl. 1808. 8. *7058.6 - Same. Ed. 2a Am. New York, 1814. 8. 2983.3 SCHBOEDER, J. F. Discourse delivered on the day of general thanksgiving. New York, l^.'j. 8 *Pph.v.60 The great man in Israel : a discourse on the character of the Rt. Rev. J. H. Hobart. New York, 1830. 8 *Pph.V.83 Plea for the industrious poor and strangers in sickness : an address. New York, 1830. 8" *M.Pph.Y.22 SCHRODER, F. L. Leben. See Meyer, F. L. W. . 2847.9 SCHROTTER, A. Bericht iiber cine wissenschaft- liche Reise. [Wien, 1850.] pp.77. 8. v.5 of 3310. 3 SCHUBART, C. F. D. Ideen zu einer Asthetik der Tonkunst. Herausgegeben von L. Schubart. Wien, 1806. 8 4055.11 SCHtJBART, G. Enarratio parergica metamor- phoseos Ovidianas de diluvio Deucalionis. [Gronovius. Thesaurus Graec. antiq. v. 10]. 2960.2 SCHUBARTH, E. L. Handbuch der technischen Chemie. 4e Ausg. mit Kupfertafeln. Ber- lin, 1851. 3v. 8. Atlas, obl.4 *3975.11 SCHUBARTH 714 SCHWANDTNER Shelf. No. SCHUBARTH, E. L. continued. Repertorium dcr techuischen Literatur, 1823-53, umfassend. Berlin, 1850. 8 ... 3981.1 Kepertorium. Subject-matter index to the published inventions of all nations. 1823 to 1853. London, 185G. pp.34. 8" 3981.1 SCHUBERT, F. T. Populiire Astronomic. St. Pe- tersburg, 1804-10. 3v. 8 **E.187.9 Traite d'astronomie theorique. St. Petera- bourg, 1822. 3v. 4" **E.185.10 SCHCBEKT, G. H. v. Symbolik dea Traumes. Dritte Aufl. Hit Anhange des J. F. Oberlin, u. s. w. Leipzig, 1840. 8" 3009.1 SCHUCIIABDT, F. H. Annotata quaedam de spina ventosa. Marburgi, [1817]. 8. . . *M.Pph.v.lOO SCHUHMANN, K. Biographic. See Wasielewski, J. W. v 4040.17 SCHULTIIEISS, C. Zusatze zu Vogeli's Konstanzer Sturm. See Vogeli, G 2828.11 SCHULTZ, C. H. De eutero-mcsentcritide conta- giosa Biponti 1830 grassata. Monachii, 1831. pp.54. 8 3799.6 SCHULZ, C. Leiti'aden bey der Gesanglehre nach der Elementarmethode. Neue Aufl. Leip- zig, 181C. pp.Cl. 4 *4057.12 SCHULZ, F. A. Memoiren von Friedrich Laun, [pseud, for F. A. S.] Bunzlau, 1837. Sv.in 1. 10" 2848.24 SCHULZ, J. A. P. Licder im Volkston, bey dem Clavierc zu singen. 2e Aufl. Berlin, 1785-90. 3v. in 1. obi. 4 *4042.27 SCHULZE, E. C. F. Sammtliche poetische Werke. Leipzig, 1855. 5v. 10 2898.2 Contents. Vol. I.-II. Ciicilie, ein romantischeg Gedicht in zwanzig Gcsiingcn. III. Poetisches Tage- buch ; Rcisc durch das Weserthal, soncite ; Psyche, ein gricchisehcs Miirclicn in sieben Biichern. IV. Elegien j Episteln ; Vcrmischte Gedichte ; Die be- zauberte Rose, ein roraantischca Gedicht in drei Gesiingen. V. Ernst Schulze, nach semen Tage- buchern und Briefeu.etc. geschildert von Hermann Marggraff. SCHULZE, F. F. De planariarum Vivendi ratione et structura. [Diss. acad.J Berolini, [1836.] pp.41. sm.8 3897.12 SCHUMACHER, C. F. Systeme des habitations dea vers testaces. Copenhague, 1817. 4 ... *3872.5 SCHUMACHER, H. C. Astronomische Hiilfstafeln fur 1820-29. Copenhagen, 1820-29. lOv. 8. *3929.2 - Same. Fur 1821-26. Copenhagen, [1821- 26.] 8 **E. 188.19 Astronomische Nachrichten. Altona, 1823-59. 51v. 4 *3351.2 - Same. Altona, 1823-36. 13 v. 4 . . . .**E.174.3 - Same. General-Register der Bande I.- xxxx, von J. A. Jahn. Hamburg, 1851-56. 2v. 4 *3351.1 Distances of Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Sat- urn from the moon's center, with their places for every day in the years 1822-27, [and] tables for latitude by the polar star for 1823-27. Copenhagen, 1821-25. 8. . **E.188.17 - Same. 1833. [and] of Mercury and Geor- gian. London, 1831. 8 **E. 110.4 De latitudine specula Manhemiensis. Hav- nise,lS16. pp.55. 4. pi **E.186.2 Hiilfstafeln zu Zeit-und Breitenbestimmun- gen. Copenhagen, 1820. 8 **E.188.18 Sammlung von Hiilfstafeln. Copenhagen, 1822-25. 2v.ini. 8 **E.188.18 Tabeller over Distancerne mellem Maanen og Venus, Mars, Jupiter og Saturn for 1822, tilligemed Tabeller til at beregne Brede ved observationer af Polar-Stjernen for 1821-22. Kjobenhavn, 1820. pp.45. 8 . **E. 188.17 Ueber den Apparat zur Messung der Basis bei Braack, 1820. Altona, 1821. pp.13. 4. **E.186.2 SCHURMAN, A. M. v. Opusculaprosaica et metrica. Lugd. Batav. 1648. sm.8 *2898.5 SCHUTZ, C. G. Lexicon Ciceronianum. Lipsire, 1817-20. ST. in 6. 16 2919.3 Shelf. No. SCHUTZ, F. C. J. Christian Gottf. Schiitz. Dar- stellung seines Lebens, u. e. w. Halle, 1834-35. 2v. 8" 2846.12 SCHUTZ, or Sagittarius, H. Motetto fur C Singst. mit Bass cont. Die Himmel erziihlen ; Mo- tetto fur 4 Singst. mit Bass cont. Wer will uns scheiden. [Dehn. Practische Musik- Werke, v.10] 4051.14 SCHUTZ, W. v. Zur intellectucllen und eubstan- tiellen Morphologic. Leipzig, 1821-23. 3v. in 1. 8 3604.13 SCHUY, C. Elementar Musikschule. Bonn, 1847. obi. 16 4059.22 SCIIUYLER, P. Revenue of the stateof New York. Albany, 1790. 8 *Pph.v.4 SCHWAB, G. Die deutsche Prosa von Mosheim bis auf unsere Tage. Stuttgart, 1843. 2v. 12. 2892.18 Wanderungen -durch Schwaben. Leipzig, n.d. 8. [Das malerische und romantische Deutschland] 2862.5 and Klupfel, C. Wegweiser durch die Litte- ratur der Deutschen. Leipzig, 1846. 8 . *2151.4 - Same. 2e Aufl. Leipzig, 1847. 8 . . . . *2151.3 SCHWAEGRICHKX, F. Species muscorum frondo- sorum. Pars I. Berolini, 1830. 8. [Lin- ne. Species plantarum, v.5] *3849.3 SCHWALB, C. G. E. De serra orbicular!. Berolini, 1819. 4 *3I.Pph.v.l03 SCHWAXDTNER, J. G. Scriptorea rervm Hvngar- icarvm. Viudobonse, 1746-48. 3v. f . . . *2810.2 Contents. Vol. I. Anon.: Belas regis notarii, Hia- toria de VII prirais ducibus Uungarisc ; Thurocz, J. de : Chronica Hung, inserta simul chronica Joan 1119 archidiaconi de Kikullew; Rogerii Hungari historia super destructione regni Hungarizc per Tartaros i Ranzani, P., epitome rerum Ungaricarum ; Chart- vitii vita S. Stcphani, primi Hung, regis ; Vita S. Emerici a Laurentio Surio, cdita ; Callimachus, P. : De rebus a Vladislao, gcstis ; Regis Vngarins Mat- thizc, nuptiae, et coronatio regina:; Galeoti JIarzii commentarius de Matthias O'orviui dictis ct lartis; Soiterus, M. : De bello Pannonico, contra Soly- mannum Turcarum tyrnnnum pcsto; Siclla, J. M. : De Turcarum in rcsno Hung. 1541-44 successibus ; Lazii, W., rci contra Turcas gestx, 133li, dcscriptio ; Ilerold, B. J.: Rerum contra Turcas, Ijy'i, historiola; Bizarus, P. : Bcllum Pannonicum sub Maxim, n, et Solimanno gestum ; Historia arcis Sigcthi cxpugnati a Turcis, per Samuelem Budinam ; Jacobini, J., enarratio rerumaTransiluaniaeprincipcSigismundo gestarum 15M ; Pistorii, J., gencalogia regum Ilun- garis ; Reychersdorff, G. a : Chorographia Tran- siluanix, ct chorograpliia Moldauitc ; Broniovii, M., descriptio Tartaria;; Wernherus, G.: DC admirandis Hung, aquts; Stella, J. M.: Descriptio ct munitiones Altemburgi Ilung. arcis dotalis ; Pfftancii, F., dis- sertatio de itineribus nggrediendi Turcam ; l>ansil- vanicaMiiscriptioncsctannalesdctemplis Ijtutsch. et Coronensi cxscripti A. J. Bongarsio. II. Zredna, J. de : Epistolas, 1445-51 ; Tubero, L. : Commentari- orum de rebus, 1490-1522, in Pannonia ct finitimis regionibus gestis ; Zermegh, J. : Rerum gestarum inter Fcrdinandum et Johannem, regcs Hung, com- mentarius ; Rewa, P. de. : De coronas reg. Hung, virtute, victoria, fortuna, commentarius ; Schmcizel, M.: Deinsignibus regni, ctde rituinaugiirandirerrem Hung.; Solemnitos inaugurationis D. Caroli vi. Rom. imp. August!, celcbrata Pisonii, 1712; Descriptio ritu- um et solemnitatum coronationis Maria; Theresise, 1741; Rewa, P. do : De monarchia reg. Hung. ; Jon- gelinus de Lambertinis, C. : Palatinoruin et judicum curiie regiaj rcg. Hung, cataiogus. III. Lutius.J. : De regno Dalmatiae et Croatia;; Diocleatis: Regnum Slavorum ; Marulus, M. : Regum Dalmatia; et Cro- atia; gesta ; Thomas archid. Spalatensis: Historia Sa- lonitanorum pontiflcum, atque Spalatensium ; JUichte Madii de Barbazanis, historia de gestis Rom. im- peratorum ct summorum poutificum ; Sumina his- toriarum tabula a Cutheis de gestis clrium Spala- tinorum ; Series archiepiscoporum Salouitanaj et Spalatensis ecclesiiB ; Anon.: De obsidione ladrensi; Memoriale Paulli de Paullo ; Palladius Fuscus, Patav.: De situ orae Illyrici ; Marulus, M. : Animad- versio in eos qui B. Hieronymum Italum csse con- tendunt ; Appianus Alexandrinus : De bellis Illyri- cis ; Series chrouologiea episeoporum ciuicatis Ar- bensis ; Illyricum ex Jacobi Pfiaczevich expositione geographica; Consultatio litteraria epistolica, de iUus- trando locupletandoque Joan. Lutio. SCHWANN 715 SCOTLAND Shelf. No. SCHWANN, T. Accordance in the structure of an- imals and plants, transl. by H. Smith. Lon- don, 1847. 8. [Sydcnhatn society] .... *3724.2 Mikroskopische Untersuchungen ucbcr die UchereinstimmungcnmderStruktur, [etc.], der Thiere und Pilanzen. Berlin, 1839. 8. 3832.6 SCHWAEZ, F. H. C. Erziehungslehre. 2te Aufl. Leipzig, 1829. 3v. in 4. 8 *3597.4 SCHWAP.Z, J. Descriptive geography of Pales- tine, transl. by I. Looser. Philadelphia, 1850. 8 3422.8 SCHWAnzENrjEi:G,DeukwUrdigkeitenausderuLe- ben des Fcldmarschalls Fiirsten Carl zu. Prokcsch, A 2845.8 SCHWEIGEI:, F. L. A. Handbuch der classischen Bibliographic. Leipzig, 1830-34. 2v. in 3. 8. *2174.5 SCIIWEIGGER, A. F. Naturg. d. skelettlosen un- gegliederten Thiere. Leipzig, 1820. 8 . . 38S0.9 ScilWEiGii.u'SER, J. Animadvcrsiones in Athe- n;ei deipnosophistas. Argentorati, 1801-7. 9v. 8 *2975.2 Lexicon Hcrodoteum. Argentorati et Par- isiis, 1824. Pars 1-2 in Iv. 8 2987.2 SCHWEINIZ, L. D. v. Conspectus fungorura. See Albertini, J. B. v 3856.2 ScirwiNCic, G. Mappa coslcstis, sivc tabulae quin- quo, etc. Lipsioe, isn. Stab, in Iv. f * . . *3930.5 SCHWYZ, Geschichte des Kantons. Fassbiud, T. 2828.7 Sci.vr.RA fiorcntino,;?seM(7. See Strozzi Pictro. SCIATICA, Pathology, symptoms, and treatment of. Fuller, II. W 3806.1 SCIENCE. Agrippa, 11. C. Vanity and uncer- tainty of 2898.7 Amorctti, C. Opuscoli scclti sulle scicnze . 3914.1 Babbage, C. Decline of science in England. 3915.7 Besscl, F. W. Populiire Vorlesungen iibcr wbaenschaftliche Gegenstando 3915.15 Brando, W. T. Dictionary of 4031.4 Brougham, H. Objects, pleasures, etc. of . 3915.14 Messagcr des sciences do la Bclgique .... 3319.1 Moll, G. Alleged decline of science in Eng- land E. 110.48, Pph.v.101 Miillcr, J. G. Studium der Wissenschaftcn . 2200.1 Opuscoli scientific! 3911.5 Thomson, II. D. Annual and epitome of the progress of 3939.20 Woodward, A. L. B. System of universal S. 2120.1 Wright, T. Popular treatises on science written during the middle ages 3933.6 See also: Classiacation, Inductive sciences, Math- ematics. Matter, Natural history, Physical sciences, Transactions. SCIENTIFIC knowledge, Guide to. Brewer, E. C. 7029.28 SCIENTIFIC memoirs, selected from the transac- tions of foreign academics. Taylor, II. . . 3904.19 SCIENTIFIC men of the 17th century, Correspond- ence of. Rigaud, S. J 3915.2 SCIENZIATI italiani. Atti della prima ottava ri- unionc, [con] Diario del nono congresso. 1839-47. lOv. 4 *5242.1 SCILLA, A. La vana spoculazione disingannata dal seuso. Circa i corpi marini petrificati. Na- poli, 1670. 4. pi *3873.14 SCILLY, Account of the islands of. Heath, It. . 2497.25 SCIOPPIUS. See Schoppc, C. SCIPIO, P. C. Sea Fragm. hist. Grtec. v.3 .... 3002.11 SCIPIOS. Picture sepulcri Nasonum. Bellori,G. P. 29. E.I SCLAVONIA. See Slavouia. SCLOPIS, F. Storia della antica legislazione del Piomontc. Torino, 1833. 8 2734.3 Dellc scritturc politiche e militari composte dai principi di Savoia. [ Archivio stor. ital. nuova serie, v.2] 5245.2 SCOFFERN, J. The manufacture of sugar, chemi- cally considered. London, 1849. 8 . . . . 3651.19 Projectile weapons of war and explosive com- pounds. 3d ed. London, 1858. 8 .... 3954.3 - Same. 4th cd. London, 1859. 8 .... 3953.20 SCOFIELD, S. Inaugural dissertation on the ori- gin of cow-pock. Xew York, 1803. 8. *M. Pph.v.101 Shelf. No. SCOLARI, Filippo, detto Pippo Spano, b. 1369, d. 1426. Vita composta da Jacopo Poggio. [Archivio stor. ital. v.4. p.l] 5245.2 SCOLARI, Filippo. I versi latini di G. del Virgilio e di Dante recatLin versi italiani. Venezia, 1845. 8 2802.19 La coltura della vainiglia, poemetto latino del P. A. Rubbi recato in versi italiaui. [Uac- colta di poemetti didascalici, etc. v.ll] . . . 4779.8 SCORESBY, W. The compass in iron ships. Lon- don, [1854.] pp.71. 8 3952.13 Magnetical investigations. London, 1S44-5-. 2v. 8 .' 3962.16 SCOTLAND. Collection of the principal acts and statutes made by the parliaments in favour of the true religion, 1560-1640, [etc.] Edin- burgh, 1749. 8 *Pph.v.211 Conversation on the causes of our present distress, by a Forfarshire justice of peace. Dundee, 1817. 12 *Pph.v.212 Description, travels, etc. Anderson, J. Present state of the western coasts of 2474.4 Black, A. and C. Picturesque tourist of . . 2486.18 Boue, A. Essai geologique sur 1'Ecosse . . 3864.5 Cardonncl, A. de. Picturesque antiquities of. 2474.9 Carlisle, N. Topographical dictionary of . . 2480.3 Gary, J. Principal roads in 2486.10 Condition of the southern counties of. See Surtecs society 2417.1-29 Dibdin, T. F. Bibliographical tour in ... 2464.1 Directory to noblemen and gentlemen's seats. 24S0.7 Forsyth, H. Beauties of 2407.2 Garnett, T. Observations on a tour through. 2472.5 Gilpin, W. Highlands of Scotland relative to picturesque beauty 4060.8 Gourcy, C. de. Voyage agricole en Ecosse . 3093.8 Grevillo, 11. K. Scottish cryptogamic flora. 3851.14 Grose, F. Antiquities of 2173.1 Hooker, W. J. Flora Scotica 3855.10 Knox, J. Tour through the highlands of . . 2474.5 Lavergne, L. G. L. G. de. Sur Teconomie ru- rale de 1'Ecossc 4002.22 Official map of railways in. Sec Great Britain. 24>6.S Patcrsoii, D. Roads of 2487.2 Pennant, T. Tours in, 1709. [Pinkcrton. Voy- ages, v.3] 2200.13 Pichot, A. Voyage historique et littciraire en Ecosse 2478.1 Views of ruined castles and religious houses. 2463.1 Warner, 11. Tour through the borders of . . 2404.2 History, biography, etc. Acts of the lords of council in civil causes, 1478-95. See Great Britain. Record comm. 7080.4 Balfour, J. Annalcs of 2475.7 Bannatyne, R. Journal, 1570-73 2475.8 Bell, G. J. Commentaries on the laws of . . 3021.1 Boethius, IT. Buik of the croniclis of . . . 2414.1 Burke, J. Royal families of 2432.2 Burke, J. B. Extinct baronetcies of .... 2433.4 Chalmers, G. Account of North Britain . . 2421.5 Chambers, R. Biographical dictionary of eminent Scotsmen 2442.1 Churchyard,'!. Chips concerning 2475.10 Cook, G. Reformation in 3524.4 Dalrymplc, D. Annals of 2474.12 Dcbrett, J. Peerage of v.2 of 2434.12 Documents and records illustrating the his- tory of. [Great Britain. Record comm.] . 7071.15 Galibert, L. Histoirc ct description d'Ecosse. 2206.5 Heron, R. General history of 24?5.4 Laiug, M. History of, 1603-1709 ...... 2475.1 Lockhart, G. Lockhart papers, containing memoirs, 1702-23 2511.4 Macpherson, J. Rebellion in, 1745 2519,30 Moyses, D. Affairs of Scotland, 1577-1003 . 2475.15 Nicolson, W. Historical library 2150.17 Oliver, G. Scotch members of the society of Jesus 3530.5 SCOTLAND 716 SCOTT Shelf. No. SCOTLAND, continued. Pinkcrton, .1. History of 2421.6 Registrum magni sigilli rcgum Scotorum. [Great Britain. Record comm.] 7000.5 Ritson, J. Annals of the Caledonians, Picts, and Scots 2475.11 Robertson, W. History of 2301.4,5 Rotuli Scotise. [Great Britain. Rec. comm.] 7050.5 Sinclair, J. Statistical account of . . . . Pph.v.242 Stark, J. Vital statistics 7004.13 Status rcgni Scotia?. See. Respublica .... 2419.10 Stuart, G History of, 1542-87 2475.2 Tales of a grandfather. [Scott. Miscellaneous prose works, v. 22-28] 2577.5 Thorpe, M. J. State papers relating to . . . 7062.1 See also: Aberdeen, Celtic, Covenanters, Edin- burgh, Fife, Glasgow, Great Britain, Hebrides, High- lands, Lanark, Moray, Orkney Islands, Perth, St. An- drews, Shetland Islands, Stirling. Language and literature. Barbour, J. The Bruce, or the history of Robert I, in Scottish verse 2586.17 Callandcr, J. Ancient Scottish poems . . . 2537.1 Chalmers, G. Poetic remains of some of the Scottish kings 2538.10 Cromek, R. II. Scottish songs, ancient and modern 2538.15 Dixon, J. H. Scottish traditional versions of ancient ballads. [Percy society, v. 17] . 2537.19 Jamieson, J. Etymological dictionary of the Scottish language 2582.1 Macneill, II. Scotland's skaith, or the his- tory o' Will and Jean 2608.6 Ramsay, A. Scots poems, wrote before 1600. 2569.3 Ritson, J. Selection of Scottish poetry from earliest times 2538.4 - Scottish songs 2538.2 Religious organizations. Associate presbytery. Answer to reasons of dissent given in to the said presbytery, at Stirling, 1742, [etc.] by Rev. T. Nairn. Bel- fast, 1751. 12 *Pph.v.211 Associate synod. Overture concerning the sacramental test. Edinburgh, 1790. 8 . *Pph.v.51 - Procedure concerning some ministers, [the Erskines and others,] who have sepa- rated from them. Edinburgh, 1748. 12.*Pph.v.211 - Warrantableness of the sentence concern- ing the religious clause of some burgess- oaths, proved. Edinburgh, 1747. 12 . *Pph.v.214 Church of. Narrative of the procedure of the judicatories with relation to Erskine and other seceders. Edinb. 1739. 12" . *Pph.v.214 - View of the constitution of. [Hill. The- ological institutes] 3452.3 - History of the. Spottiswoode, J 3524.3 - History of the. Stephen, T 3524.1 United associate synod. Address occasioned by the late union of seceders. 2d edition. Glasgow, 1820. 8 *Pph.v.53 Society for propagating the gospel at home. Account of the proceedings from January, 1801, to May, 1803. Edinburgh, 1803. 8.*Pph.v.256 SCOTT, C. Hated thoughts and dumb reviewers. [Montreal, 1840.] 8 .. *Pph.v.lOS SCOTT, David, and Jamieson, A. Engineer and machinist's assistant. Glasgow, 1847. roy.4. 4030.1 SCOTT, Dred, Decision of the supreme court in the case of. Howard, B. C 3684.3 Examination of the decision of the U. S. su- preme court in the Dred Scott case. Ben- ton, T. H 3684.7 SCOTT, James. Life of John [Ruthven], earl of Gowrie. Edinburgh, 1818. 8 2445.17 SCOTT, John, of Amwell, b. 1730, d. 1783. Poems and life. [Chalmers. English poets].v. 17 of 2592.7 SCOTT, Rev. John, vicar of North Ferriby. Effect of baptism, in answer to Dr. Mant; Appen- dix. New York, 1817. 12 3545.6 Shell'. No. SCOTT, Rev. John, continued. Internal evidences of Christianity. 2d ed. Cambridge, 1804. 12 3430.25 SCOTT, John, esq. War inconsistent with the doc- trine and example of Christ. 3d ed. Lon- don, 1818. 8" *Pph.v.254 SCOTT, Jonathan. Discourse at the funeral of Rev. S. Foxcroft. Charlestown, 1808. 8. .*Pph.v.256 SCOTT, Jonathan M. The sorceress, or Salem delivered : a poem. New York, 1817. 24. 2399.56 SCOTT, M. Y. The deaf and dumb: a poem. New York, 1819. 8* *Pph.v.47 SCOTT, T. Vox popvli, or newes from Spayne, 1620. sm.4 *2512.H SCOTT, Sir Walter. Letters to R. Polwhele, D. Gilbert, F. Douce, etc. 2d ed. London, 1833. 12 2559.1 Life of Napoleon Buonaparte, with a view of the French revolution. Edinburgh, 1827. 9v. 12 *2642.H Miscellaneous prose works. Edinburgh, 1848, 49. 28v. 12 *2577.5 Contents. Vol. I. Life of Dryden. II. Life of Swift. IIL-IV. Biogr. memoirs: 3. S.Richardson; H.Field- ing ; T. Smollett ; K. Cumberland ; O. Goldsmith ; 8. Johnson ; L. Sterne ; H. Walpole ; Clara Reeve ; Mrs. A. Radcliffe ; A. R. Le Sage ; C. Johnstone ; B. Bage. 4. H. Mackenzie ; C. Smith ; Sir K. Sadler j J. Leyden, M.D. ; Miss A. Seward ; D. De Foe ; Charles, duke of Buccleuch and Queeusberry j John, lord Somervillc; King Geo. in ; Lord Byron; Duke of York. V. Paul's letters to his kinsfolk, etc.; Ab- stract of the Eyrbiggia-Saga. VI. Essayson chivalry, romance, and the dnirr.a. VII. Border and provin- cial antiquities. VIII.-XVI. Life of Napoleon, with a preliminary view of the French revolution. XVII.- XXI. Periodical criticism. XXII.-XXVJJI. Talei of a grandfather. Waverley novels. Bost. 1820-29. 22v. 8.pl.**E. 116.1 Contents. Vol. I. Waverley. II. Guy Manner- ing. III. The antiquary. IV. Rob Roy. V. Black dwarf; Old mortality. VI. The heart of Mid- Lothian. VII. Bride of Lammermoor ; Legend of Montrose. VIII. Ivanhoe. IX. The monastery. X. The abbot. XI. Kenilworth. XII. The pirate. XIII. The fortunes of Nigel. XIV. Peveril of the peak. XV. Quentin Durward. XVI. St. Ronan'g well. XVII. Redgauntlet. XVIII. Talcs of the crusaders. XIX. Woodstock. XX. Chronicles of the Canongate. XXL Tales of a grandfather. XXII. Chronicles of the Canongate; St. Valentine's day. - Same. Edinburgh, 1829-33. 47v. 16. [28th vol. missing] *2579.1 Contents. Vol. I.-II. Waverley, or 't is CO years since. IH.-IV. Guy Mannering, or the astrologer. V.-VI. The antiquary. VII.- VIII. Rob Roy. IX. Black dwarf. IX.-XI. Old mortality. XI.-XIII. Heart of Mid-Lothian. XIII.-XIV. Bride of Lam- mermoor. XV. Legend of Montrose. XVI.-XVII. Ivanhoe: a romance. XVIII.-XIX. Monastery. XX.-XXI. The abbot : sequel to the monastery. XXII.-XXHI. Kenilworth. XXIV.-XXV. The pirate. XXVI.-XXVII. Fortunes of Nigel. XXIX.- XXX. Peveril of the peak. XXXI.-XXXII. Quen- tin Durward. XXXIII.-XXXIV. St. Ronan's well. XXXV.-XXXVI. Redgauntlet XXXVII. The betrothed. XXXVIII. The talisman. XXXIX.- XL. Woodstock : a tale of 1651. XLI. Highland widow; Two drovers; My aunt Margaret's mirror ; Tapestried chamber ; Laird's Jock. XLIL-XLEH. Fair maid of Perth, or St. Valentine's day. XLI V.- XLV. Anneof Geierstein, or the maiden of the mist. XLVI.-XLVII. Count Robert of Paris. XLYH.- XLVIII. Castle dangerous. XLVHI. Surgeon's daughter ; Glossary. Adolphus, J. L. Remarks on the series of nov- els called Waverley 2573.2 Reponse a S. sur son histoire de Napoleon. See Louis Bonaparte, king of Holland . . . 2642.3 I romanzi di Walter Scott. [Dissertazione.] See Varese 4775.34 Vindication of the Scottish covenanters in reply to. See M'Crie, T Pph.v.226 Life. See Lockhart, J. G E.223.2 Life. [Chambers. Edinburgh journal, v.l] . 3130.1 Tribute to the memory of. See McVickar^J. Pph.v.S? SCOTT 717 SCRIBE Shelf. No. SCOTT, "Walter, pres. of Airedale college. Exist- ence of evil spirits proved. London, 1853. 12. [Congregational lectures] *34S9.21 SCOTT, William. Beauties of eminent writers. Vol. I, Oth ed. Vol. II, 5th ed. Edinburgh, 1804. 2v. in 1. 8 7059.31 SCOTT, W. A. Discourse on the character, life, genius, and death of Daniel Webster. [At] New Orleans. [No title-page.] 8. . . *Pph.v.2<54 Trade and letters : three discourses before the mercantile library association of San Fran- cisco. New York, 1850. 12 3648.19 SCOTTISH ale-brewer, Roberts, W. H 4013.8 SCOTTISH covenanters, Vindication of the. M'Crie, T 3524.13 SCOTTISH field, [poem on the battle of Flodden,] ed. by J. JRobson. 1855. pp.28, em. 4. [Chetham society, v. 37] *2415.10 SCOTTOXI, G. Disscrtazione sopra il quesito : Se favorir dcbbasi maggiormente 1'estrazione delle materic prime, ovvero quclla dello manifatture. [Economist! class, ital.v. 38]. 3644.1 SCOTTOW, J. Narrative of the planting of the Massachusetts colony, 1628. Bost. 1694. 12.*2358.32 SCOTUS, J. Duns. Opera quae eupersunt omnia. Ed. H. J. Floss. Apud J. P. Migne. Parisiorum, 1853. 8. [Migne. Patrologize v.122] 3460.5 Contents. Expositiones super ierarchiam cselestem S. Dionysii ; Expositiones super ierarchiara ecclesi- asticam S. Dionysii; Expositiones seu glossae in mys- ticam theologian! S. Dionysii ; Homilia in prologum 8. evangelii secundum Joannera ; Commentarius in 8. evangelium secundum Joannem, fragmenta 3 ; Liber de praedestinatione ; Ue divisioue natura: ; Li- ber de cgressu et regressu aniinoj ad Deura, frag- mentum ; Versio operura S. Dionysii Areopagitse : De easiest! ierarchia ; De ecclesiastica icrarchia ; De divinis nominibus ; DC mystica theologia ; S. Dio- nysii epistolse ; Versio ambiguorum S. Maximi; Ver- BUS; Comnientarii in Joannem, fragmenta 4. SCOUTTETTKN, H. J. Cholera morbus, history and treatment, transl. by A. S. Doane. Boston, 1832. 8 3805.3 SCOVILL, A. L.and Co. Family receipt book. No. I. New York, 1852. 12 *M.Pph.v.49,51 SCREW propeller, The. Rawson, R 3952.1 SCEIBE,A. E. CEuvres completes. Nouv.ed.com- prenant tous les ouvrages de M. Scribe seul ou en societe. Illustree. Paris, 1854. 17v.in9. gr.8" ; *~' 01 -2 Contents. Vol. I. Discours de reception a I'acade- miefraneaise; Le parrain (Par Scribe, en societe avec MM. Poirsou et Melesvillc); Valerie (Avec M. Meles- ville); Lesindependants; Le mariage d'argent ; Lcs inconsolables ; La passion secrete ; La grand'mere, ou les troia amours ; Kodolphe, ou frere et s. 12 3504.18 SEAMAN, V. Account of the death and character of Edward Miller. New York, 1813. 8.*Pph.v.244 Account of the epidemic yellow fever in X ew York, 1795. New York, 1790. 8 . . . *M.Pph.v.9 Inaugural dissertation on opium. Philadel- phia, 1792. 8 *M.Pph.v.49 - Eemcdies employed in the clinical practice of the surgical department of the New York hospital. New York, 1811. 12 .... *Pph.v.210 SEAMAN'S complete assistant. Moore, J. II. E. ISO. 27 SEAMANSHIP, System of. Dobson, T E. ISO. 26 SEAMEN. Abbott, C. Law rcl. to merchant S. . . 3002.1 Blanc, G. Health of 3709.30 Curtis, G. T. Rights and duties of merchant S. 3662.2 See also : Mariner. SEANCES des ecoles normales. Nour. ed. Paris, 1800-1. lOv. 8 3595.8, **E.215.8 Same. Debats. Paris, 1800-1. 3v. 8. 3595. 9, **E.215.7 SEARCH, Right of. See Visitation. SEARCH after happiness : a poem. More, H. . . 2558.18 SEARLE, or Serle, A. Horae solitariae, or essays on the titles of Christ, [and] the Holy Spirit, [etc.] 3d ed. London, 1804. 2v. 8 . . . 3402.12 SEARLE, J. Country sketch book. Lond. 1851. 12". 2558.32 SEAKLE, T. Companion for the seasons of ma- ternal solicitude. New York, 1S34. 12" . . 3445.3 SEARS, B. Ciceronian ; or, the Prussian method of teaching the elements of the Latin lan- guage. Boston, 1844. 12 7089.36 SEARS, R. Pictorial history of China and India. New York, 1851. 8 **E. 225.1 SEARSON, J. Mount Vernon : a poem. Philadel- phia, [1799]. p.8 2399.8 SEASONS. Les saisons: poiirne. Saint Lambert, C. F E. 110.37 SEBASTIANI, F. A. Viaggio a Tivoli. Fuligno, 1828. 2v. in 1. 8 2765.3 SEBASTOPOL inquiry. See Whom shall we hang ? 2512.8 SECCHI, A. On electrical rhcometry. [Smithso- nian contributions, etc. v. 3, art. 2] 3340.1 SECCOMB family. See Whitmorc, W. H. SECK.ER, T. "Works. Life by B. Porteus. New ed. London, 1825. Gv. 8 3501.2 Contents. Vol. I. Life by Beilby Porteus. I.- V. Sermons. VI. Lectures ; Sermon on confirmation ; Answer to Dr. Mayhew'a observations on the charter and conduct of the society for the propagation of the gospel in lurtign parts ; Letter to H. Walpole con- cerning bishops in America. Sermons. London, 1770. 4v. 8 *3442.7 Eight charges. [Watson. Theological tracts, v.G] 3454.2 SECOND letter on the suppression of public discus- sion in India, and the banishment, without trial, of two British editors from that coun- try. London, 1824. 8 *Pph.v.73 SECOND AT. See Montesquieu. SECOUSSE, D. F. De la revolte dite des Maillo- tins. [Leber. Coll. diss. hist. France, v. 19]. 2618.1 SECRET societies. Delaage, H. Doctrines des so- cietes secretes 3567.13 See also : Masonry, Odd-fellows. SECRTAN. Traite de photographic. See Lere- bours, N. P. . 4024.2 SECTS. Adams, H. Compendium of the various S. 3533.3 Baird, R. Religion in America 3544.9 Evans, J. History of all Christian S 3533.4 Gregoire, H. Histoire des sectes religieuses. 3533.2 Rupp, J. D. Denominations of the U. States. 3544.1 See also: Heresies, Schism. Shelf. No. SECDNDINUS. Hymnus in laudem S. Patricii, ad- huc viventis. [Migne. Patrologioe v.Ol] . 3450.3 SEDAINE, M. J. La gageure imprevuc. [Theatre des auteurs du second ordre. Comedies en prose, v. 13] 2040.19 Le philosophe sans le savoir. [Theatre des auteurs du second ordre. Drames, v.l] . . 2040.19 SEDATUS. Homilia de Epiphania. [Mip'ne. Pa- trologize v.72] '. . . . . 3450.12 SEDGWICK, A. Discourse on the studies of the university. 3dcd. Cambridge, 1834. 8.*Pph.v.l21 SEDGWICIC, C. M. Letters from abroad. London, 1841. 2v. 12" 2273.10 - Same. New York, 1845. 2v. 12 . ... 2273.11 SEDGWICIC, H. D. Refutation of reasons by the arbitrators, for their award in the case of the Greek frigates. N. Y. 1820. 8' . *Pph.v.GC,247 Vindication of H. D. S. against charges made by J. Platt,in the case of the Greek frigates. 2d ed. New York, 1820. 8 *Pph.V.G6 SEDGWICIC, R. Oration before the Washington benevolent society, 1811. N.York, 1811. fe.*Pph.v.4 Examination of the controversy concerning the Greek frigates. See Duer, J Pph.v.C6 SEDGWICK, T. Public and private economy. Part first. New York, 183;i. 12 3048. 1 SEDGWICK family. See Goodwin, N 2332.8 SEDILLOT, C. E. Traite de medecine operatoire. 2e ed. Paris, 1853-55. 2v. 12 3749.8 SEDILLOT, J. La fievre jaune, la peste, et le ty- phus non contagieux. Paris, 1820. 8.*M.Pph.v.28 SEDULIUS, C. Carmen, elegia, hymnus. [Migne. Patrologisev.19] 3440.13 Epigramma de tabula orbis terrarum. [Le- maire. Poet. Lat. min. v.4] 2912.1 SEDULIUS Scotus. Collectanea in omncs B. Pauli epistolas ; Explanatiunculade breviariorum et capitulorum cauonumque differentia ; Liber de rectoribus Christianis ; Explana- tiones in prasfationes sancti Hicronymi ad Evangclia. [Migne. Patrologias v. 103] . . 3450.27 Explanatiuncula dc breviariorum ct capitulo- rum canonumque differentia. [Mai. Script. vet. nova coll. v.9J 3000.1 SEEKONK, Mass., History of. Bliss, L 2356.4 SEEMANN, B. Botany of the voyage of H. M. S. Herald, 1845-51. London, 1852-57. 4. . . *3S51.19 Voyage of H. M. S. Herald, 1845-51, round the globe. London, 1853. 2v. 8 2274.6 SEGA, G. Componimcnti poetici. Filadclfia, 1829. pp.44. 8 4774.5 What is true civilization? Boston, 1830. 12. 3566.24 SEGAR. How Richard, duke of Glocestcr, mur- dered his brother's children, and was de- prived of life and kingdome by Henry, carle of Richmond. [Mirror for magistrates, v. 2]. 2603.8 SEGATO, G. Elogio di. See Pellegrini, G. . . . 2745.4 SEGNERI, P. Opere. Fircnze, 1829-33. 34v. in 20. 8" *3471.1 Contents. Vol. I.-I V. Vita ; Quarcsimale. V. Pre- diche al palnzzo apostolico. VI.-VII. Pancgirici. VIII.-X. L'incredulo senza scusa. XI. Coneordia tra la fatica c la quiete. XII. Risposta sopra i qui- etisti ; I sette principj su cui si fonda la nuova ora- zione di quiete i Fascetto di varj dubbj. XIII. Senti- menti nell' orazione, opera Incdita. XIV.-XXUI. H Ciistiano istruito nella sua legge, ra^ionamentl moral!. XXIV.-XXV. II parroco istruito. XXV. II confessore istruito. XXVI. II pcnitente is ruito ; Interrogators sopra la confossione: Preghieri divote ; H divoto di Maria vergine. XXVII.-XXXIV. La manna dell* anima, ovvero esercizio facile, e frut- tuoso pertuttii giorni del;' anno. XXXIV. Aggiunta d'alcune meditazioni per le feste mobili. Quaresimale. Milano, 1827. 2v. 10 .... 4777.21 SEGNI, A. SeeDati, C. Prose fiorentine .... 2787.1 Contents. Vol. IV. Delle lodi del card. G. C. di Medici. V. Del peccato. XVI. Lcttere. SEGNI, B. Storie fiorentine dall' anno 1527 al 1555. In Augusta, 1723. f *2760.7 SEGNI, P. Orazione per la morte di Jacopo Maz- zoni. [Dati. Prose fiorentine, v.l] . . . . 2787.1 SEGRAIS 720 Shelf. No. SEGRAIS, J. R. dc. Relation do Pisle imaginaire et histoire de la princessc de Paphlagonie. [Gamier. Voyages imaginaires, v. 26] . . 2666.1 SEGUR, A. J. P. de. II partito piii savio : farsa. [Teatro moclcrno applaudito, v.23] .... 2768.1 Le retour du mari. [Tlic'-atre des auteurs du second ordre. Comedies en vers, v. 17]. 2640.19 SEGUR, L. P. de. 6neinens du regne de F. Guillaume II, roi de Prusse. 3e ed. Paris, 1803. 3v 8. 2307.5 SEGUR, P. P. de. Histoire de Charles vin. Paris, 1835. 2v. 8 2647.6 Histoire de Napoldon et de la grande armee. lOeed. Paris, 1834. 2v. 8 *4651.6 - Same. llee"d. Bruxelles, 1837. 2v. 16. 4668.12 SEHER. Libri duo dc primordiis Calmosiaccnsis monasterii. [Migne. Patrol, v. 162] . v.2of 3460.37 - Same. [Martene. Thes. novus *nec. v.3]. 2250.2 SEIDL, J. G. Wanderungen durch Tyrol und Stcyermark. Leipzig, n.d. 2v. in 1. 8". [Malerische u. romant. Deutschland, v.7]. 2862.10 SEIFRID. Epistolae. [Migne. Patrologiae v.142]. 3460.21 SEINE. Departement de la S. Budget, 1'exercise 1839-42. Paris, 1839-42. 4 *7011.1,2 - Comptes de 1'cxercise, 1838. Paris, 1840. 4 *7011.1 - Conseil gendral. Session de 1840-44 Paris, 1840-44. 5v. 8" *7014.1 - - Seances des 3, 5, 7, 11, 13-17 Nov. 1845. Paris, 1846. 8 *7014.2 - - Proces vcrbaux. Sess. 1846-51. Paris, 1847-52. 6v. 8 *7014.3 - Pave de Paris. [6 pieces.] 4 *7020.17 - Pieces sur le systeme d'echange Interna- tionale. 4 *7020.16 - Rapport du jury d'admission des pro- duits de 1'industrie, par Hericart de Thury. Paris, 1819. 8 7015.1 - Rapport sur la marche du chole'ra dans Paris, etc. 1832. Paris, 1834. 4 *3791.3 - Rapport sur 1'emplacement des hallos centrales de Paris. Paris, 1851. 4' .... *7020.19 - Renherches statistiques sur la ville de Paris, et le departement de la Seine. Paris, 1820-44. 5v. 4 *7013.1 SEINE-INFERIEURE, Description geologique du de- partement de la. Passy, A 3861.13 SEIXAS, J. Manual Hebrew grammar. Andover, 1833. pp.54. 8 3432.4 SEIZINGER, J. G. Bibliothekstechnik. Leipzig, 1855. 8" *2122.5 SEJANUS, ^E., History of. See Matthieu, P. . . 2649.18 SELBY, P. J. History of British forest trees. London, 1842. 8 3845.6 Illustrations of British ornithology. Edin- burgh, 1833. 2v. 8". Atlas, f *3905.5 - Same. Atlas, [colored] plates. London, 1841. 2v. f *38.L.M. Magazine of zoology and botany. See Jar- dine, W. . . 3837.4 SELDEN, J. Opera omnia. Collect etc. D. Wil- kins. Londini, 1726. 3v. in 6. f *2600.2 Contents. Vol. I. Dedicatio, praefatio, et vita Sel- deni ; De anno civili veteris ecclesise, seu reipublicae Judaicae, dissertatio; De jure natural! etgentiumjux- tadisciplmam Ebraeorum. n. De synedriis et praefec- turis juridicis veterum Ebraeorum; Indices. III. Da Shelf. No. SELDEN, J. continued. gnccessionibus in bonft defunctnrum ; De snccesVion- ibus in pontiflcatum Ebroeorum ; De diis Syris ; Eutychii ecclesiae suse origlnes ; Uxor Ebraica. IV. Analccta Anglo-Britannica : Janus Anglorum ; Di- aertatio ad Flctam ; Judiciurn dc dcccm scriptoribus Anglicanis: Mare clausum; Vindicios ejusdem; Mar- mora Arundelliana ; Notce in Eadmcrum i Epistolte et pocmata. V. England's epinomis ; Original of duels ; Titles of honor. VI. History of tythes, with answers to Sempill, Tilseley, and a letter to Buck- ingham i Of the passage touching the number (W6 | Of Calvin's judgment on the revelations! Of the birth- day of our Saviour ; Of his purpose in writing the history of the tythes; Of the Jews sometimes living in England i Discourse of the office of lord chan- cellor i Privilege of the baronage of England i Judi- cature in parliament ; Of the original of ecclesiasti- cal jurisdiction of testaments ; Letter to Mr. A. Vin- cent i Arguments concerning the baronies of Grey and Ruthen; Notes on the Polyolbion, etc.; Speeches in the House of lords and commons ; Table talk. The duello, or single combat. Reprinted. London, n.d. pp.78. 8 3579.1 Table talk, with a biographical preface and notes by S. W. Singer. 2d ed. London, 1856. p. 8 2609.20 Titles of honor. 3d ed. Lond. 1672. sm.f ". *2230.3 Uxor Ebraica ; De successionibus In bona defunctorum, [et] in pontificatum. Ed. nova. Francofurti ad Oderam, 1673. am. 4 *3426.15 Life. Aikin, J 2455.4 Memoirs. Johnson, G. W 2446.5 SELECT journal of foreign periodical literature. Jan. 1833 Oct. 1834. Boston, ia33-34. 4v. 8 *3149.1,**E.225.15 SELECT.E e profanis scriptoribus historiae. Phila- delphia, 1809. 12 7089.15 SELECTION of patriotic addresses to [John Ad- ams], president of the U. S., with [his] answers. Boston, 1798. 12 *2348.5 SELENA, ou la famille samane'enne. See Gleizes, J. A E.213.11 SELEUCUS Alexandrinus. See Fragmenta histori- corum Graecorum, v.3 3002.11 SELF-CULTURE, Address upon. Channing, W. E Pph.v.223 SELF-EDUCATION, or the means of moral pro- gress. Gerando, J. M. de 3593.5 SELF-JUSTIFICATION, Essay on the noble science of. Edgeworth, M 2576.2 SELF-KNOWLEDGE, Treatise on. Mason, J. . . . 3446.50 SELFRIDGE, T. O. Statement of the controversy between Selfridge and Austin. Charles- town, 1807. pp.52. 8" 2348.8, *Pph.v.63 - Same. 2d ed. Charlestown, 1807. 8 . *Pph.v.8 Trial of. See Lloyd, T 3684.15 SELKIRK, A. Discovery of S. on Juan Fernandez by Capt. W. Rogers. [Knox. Coll. of voyages, v.3] 2263.1 SELKIRK, J. Public discussion between J. Bar- ker and W. Cook. London, 1845. 12 . . . 3462.19 SELLERS, G. E. Improvements in locomotive engines and railways. Cincinnati, 1849. pp.20. 4 *4011.10 SELMI, F. Manuel de dorure et d'argenture. Paris, 1845. 801.12. [Manucl-Roret] . . . 4019.14 SELVAGGI, G. Trattato di armonia ordinato con nuovo metodo. Napoli, 1823. 8* 4055.34 SELVATICO, P. E. Sulla architettura c sulla scul- tura in Venezia. Venezia, 1847. 8 .... 4073.3 SELYS-LONGCHAMPS, M. E. de. Faune beige. Ire ptie. Liege, 1842. 8 3907.3 SEMAPHORIC signal book. Parker, J. R 3952.22 SEMIFONTE, Storia della guerra di. Certaldo, P. da 2725.12 SEMIFONTE conquistata e distrutta da' Fiorentinl nell' anno 1202. Mini, G 2794.9 SEMOLI, F. Osservazioni sulla proposta del cav. V. Monti di alcune correzioni al vocabola- rio della Crusca. Firenze, 1821-26. 5p. in IT. 8 2784.15 SENAREGA 721 SERIOUS Shelf. No. SEXAREGA, B. DC rebus Gcnuensibus commen- taria, 1488-1514. [Muratori. llerum Ital. script.] v.24of 2710.1 SENEAUX, J. F. Sur 1'inutilite de 1'application du forceps dans les aceouchemens. Montpel- licr, 1807. 8 3772.25 SENEBIER, J. Essai sur 1'art d'observer et de faire experiences. 2e ed. Geneve, 1802. 3v. 8 3835.5 Memoire sur la vie et les ecrits de H. B. de Saussure. Geneve, 1801. 8 2655.0 La physiologic vegetale. See Encyclopedic methodique A. 108. 6 SENECA, L. A. Opera declamatoria. Illustr. M. N. Bouillet. Parisiis, 1831. 8. [Lemaire. Biblioth. class. Lat. 88] *2914.4 Opera philosophica. Illustr. M. N. Bouillet. Tarisiis, 1827-30. 5v. 8. [Lemaire. Bib- lioth. class. Lat. 83-87] *2914.3 Opera tragica. Illustr. J. Pierrot etc. Pa- risiis, 1829-32. 3v. 8. [Lemaire. Bibli- oth. class. Lat. 89-91] *2914.5 Opera, rccens. etc. C. R. Fickert. Lipsise, 1842-45. 3v. 8" *2948.1 Contents. Vol. I. Ad Lucilium cpistularum mo- ralium libri xx. II. Ad Aebutiura Liberalcra de bcncficiis Hbri VII ; Ad Neronem Caesarem de c'e- mentia libri n ; Ad Novatum de ira libri in. III. Dialog! ix ad Lucilium naturalium quaestionum libri vii ; Ludusde morte Claudii. Tragocdiae. Ed. J. F. Gronovius. Amstelo- dami, 1002. 8 *2948.2 See Brumoy, P. Le theatre des Grecs . . . 2905.3 Contents. Vol. I. CEdipe. IV. Hercule au Mont Octa ; La Thebaide ; Medee ; La Troade. V. Her- cule furious. Carmina. [Lemaire. Poetas minores, v.3] . 2912.1 Traductions de. [Boufflers. (Euvres, v.l] . . 2077.1 Troade. Sc. 2a del atto 3, trad, da A. Lcruti. See Parnaso de' poeti d' ogni nazione, v.40. 2709.1 Animadversiones in tragoedias. [Lipsius. Op- era, v.l] 2920.13 SENECA co., Ohio, History of. Butterfleld, C. W. 2373.11 SENECii, A. Bauderon de. (Euvres choisies. Nouv. ed. par E. Chasles et P. A. Cap. Mono- graphic dc la famille Bauderon de Senescey par E. Chasles. Paris, 1855. 10 2079.1 Contents. Notice ; fipitres ; Contes; Satires; Dia- logues ; Pieces diverses. CEuvres posthumes, publ. par Chasles et Cap. Paris, 1855. 10 2679.2 Contents. fipitres ; Contes; Dialogues; Satires. SENEFELUER, A. Complete course of lithogra- phy. London, 1819. 4 *4003.2 SENEGAL. Histoire naturelle du Senegal. Adan- son, M 3872.2 Adanson's voyage to. [Pinkerton. Voyages, v.10] 2200.13 SENEGAMBIA. Histoire et description de Sene- gambic. Tardicu, A 2270.9 SENFTLEB, A. De alea veterum. [Gronovius. Thesaurus Gra;c. antiq. v.7] 2900.2 SENGER, F. N. v. Dissertatio inauguralis medico- chemica de principiis ac viribus substantia- rum animalium medicatarum. Viennae, 1783. 8 *M.Pph.v.2 SENIOR, N. W. Lectures on population, and cor- respondence with Malthus. Lond. 1829. 8. 3045.9 Lectures on the precious metals,and on wealth. 2d ed. London, 1830. pp.90. 8 3040.20 Hints on Senior's lectures on wages, etc. . . 3053.3 SENNAAR, Expedition to. English, G. B 3055.3 SENXECHOT, L. E. See Esneaux, J. SENNEUT, D. Opervm tomvs primvs, secvndvs. Ed. nouiss. Lvgdvni, 1053. 2v. in 1. f . *3710.2 Contents. Vol. I. Epitome sciential naturalis; Hy- pomnemata physicu; Deconsensu et dissensuchymi- corum cum Galunicis : De origiuc imimarum in brutis. II. Institutionum mcdicinae libri quinque ; De febribus libri quatuor Fasciculus medicamen- toruni contra pestem. Shelf. No. SENTIMENTAL journey, by L. Sterne. [Ballan- tyne. Novelist's library, v. 5] 2573.1 SENTIMENTAL philosopher, Fragment of a journey of a. Rodman, J Pph.v.3 Strictures on a pamphlet entitled Journal of a. Irving, W Pph.v.3 SEPT-FONTAINES, L. M. Blanquart de. Arbres et nrbustes. See Encyclopedic methodique . A. 108.0 SEPTUAGINT. See Bible. SEPULCHRAL brasses in Norfolk and Suffolk. Cotman, J. S 4070.9 SEPULCHRAL monuments. Grifl, L. Sepolcro disoterrato uclla vigna del conte Lozauo Argoli 2950.0 Maliphant, G. Designs for 4071.5 Orioli, F. Dei sepolcrali ediflzi doll' Etruria media 2750.5 See also: Epitaphs, Monuments. SEPULCHRAL slabs and crosses. Cutts, E. L. . . 4074.12 SEPULTURE, Extramural. See Great Britain. Sessional papers. SERAMPORE mission, History of the. Marshman, J. C 2447.16 SERANE, P. Anecdotes romaincs ct francaises. Paris, 1797. 8 *Pph.v.7 SERAPEUM. SeeNaumann, R 214G.1 SERAPION. Fragmenta. [Migne. Patrologia Grseca, v.5] 3490.3 - Same. [Routh. Reliquite sacras, v.l] . . 3513.9 SERAPIS. Observations on the temple of S. at Pozzuoli. Babbagc.C E. 214.4, 7 SERASSI, P. A. Vita di Torquato Tasso. 2a ed. Bergamo, 1800? 2v.ini. 4 *2741.15 SERENO, B. Delia guerra di Cipro e dclla Icga contro il Turco. Monte Cassino, 1845. imp. 8. 2722.2 SERENUS, A. Septimius. See Lemaire, N. E. Poet. Lat. min. v.l 2912.1 See Wernsdorf, J. C. Poet. Lat. min. v.2 .. 2912.4 SERGEANT, Rev. John, b. 1710, d. 1749. Letter to Dr. Column ; Proposal for the education of Indian children, and reply. Boston, 1M:;. pp.10. 12 *2300.11 Causes and danger of delusions in religion. Boston, 1/43. pp. 30. 8 *2300.11 SERGEANT, John, LL. D., b. 1779, d. 1852. Address before the alumni association of Nassau hall. Princeton, 1833. 8 *Pph.v.91 Discourse before the trustees, faculty, and students of Rutgers college, 1829. New Brunswick, 1829. 8 *Pph.v.78 Speech on the Missouri question. 8. [No title-page] *Pph.v.ll7 SERGEANT, T. Constitutional law of the United States. Philadelphia, 1S22. 8" 3021.15 SERGIO, V. E. Piano del codice diplomatioo del commercio di Sicilia. [Opuscoli di autori Sicilian!, v.ll] 4704.1 SERGIUS I, pope. Epistola ad Ccolfridum. [Mig- ne. Patrologia? v.89] 3150.20 SERGIUS II, pope. Notitia historica, e Mansi ool- lectione ; Epistola. [Migne. Patrologia? v.100] 3450.30 Epistola ad Anscharium Hamburgensem epis- copum. [Migne. Patrologiaj v. 120] . v.3 of 3400.8 SERGIUS III, pope. Epistolce et privilcgia. [Mig- ne. Patrologiae v.131] 3400.10 SERGIUS IV, pope. Epistola) et diplomata. [Mig- ne. Patrologia: v. 139] 3400.18 SERIE dell' edizioni aldinc. 3a ed. Firenze, (Mo- lini,) 1803. sm.8 *2114.12 SERIE di scritture, concernenti il regolamento del- le acque di Bologna, Ferrara, e Romagna. [Raccolta d'autori che trattano del moto dell' acquc, v.9J 3942.1 SERIO, F. Disscrtazione istorica del ducato di Atcnc e di Neopatria uuito alia corona di Sicilia. [Opuscoli di autori siciliani, v.2] . 4704.1 SERIOUS considerations on the present state of the affairs of the northern colonies. N. York, 1754. pp.24. 8 *2324.G9 SERIOUS 722 SERPENT Shelf. No. SERIOUS examination [into personal religion], transl. from the Spanish, by J. Porter. Northampton, 1820. 8 *Pph.v.79 SERMINI, G. Novclle dodici. [Novelle di autori senesi, v.l] 2788.6 Gallio and Cardina, or patriotism and love ; Kival houses of Monforte and Belvaso. [Roscoe. Italian novelists, v. 3] 2772.18 SERMON, A, [deprecating the war of 1812-15]. n.p. n.d. pp.16. 8 **E.224.12 SERMON, A, in verse. Psalm xlii : 6, 7. N. York, 1810. 8 *Pph.v.34 SERMONS on the doctrines and duties of Christian- ity. . 29th ed. Bath, 1815. 12 *3459.6 SERMONS upon temperance and exercise. Phila- delphia, 1772. 8 *Pph.v.22G SERMONS. Collections. Abbot, A. Sermons 3441.26 - Sermons to mariners 3459.10 Abernethy, J. Discourses on the being and natural perfections of God 3442.10 Adams, N. Christ a friend: 15 discourses . 3441.9 Atterbury, F. Sermons on several subjects. 3442.3, 11 Bacon, T. Sermons to masters and servants. 3459.27 Barbieri, G. Orazioni quaresimali, ecc. . . . 3443.25 Bates, J. Lectures on Christian character . 3442.4 Bedell, G. T. Sermons 3441.5 Bentley, R. Sermons 2608.2 Bigclow, A. Occasional sermons 3441.28 Blacow, R. Four sermons 3443.7 Blair, H. Sermons 3442.5, 6, 3459.33 Boston, T. Discourses on divinity 3459.7 Bugg, G. The country pastor : 15 sermons . 3450.30 Bullinger, H. Fifty sermons, in decades . . 3493.8 Calvin, J. Four sermons 5504.11 Cappe, N. Discoursesondevotionalsubjects.3443.il Chalmers, T. Christian revelation viewed in connection with the modern astronomy . . 3441.25 - Sermons preached in the Tron 3441.27 Channing, W. 'E. Discourses 3443.21 Chauncy, C. Twelve sermons on justification. 3457.8 Clarke, J. Discourses to young persons . . 3457.17 Colman, B. Twenty sacramental discourses. 3457.9 Colman, H. Sermons E. 218.0 Cooke, J. Preacher's assistant, containing texts of S. published since the restoration. 2182.4 Cotton, J. Mercy mixed with justice, laid open in several sermons , . 3458.27 - Way of life, in foure treatises 3457.13 Dehon, T. S. on public means of grace, etc. . 3442.1 Delany, P. Discourses upon doctrines and duties . . 3443.16 Doddridge, P. Sermons on the religious edu- cation of children 3459.28 Duch(5, J. Discourses on various subjects . 3457.23 Eliot, A. Twenty sermons 3457.2 Enfteld, W. Biographical sermons 3459.14 Fisher, N. Sermons in St. Peter's church . 3443.15 Fordyce, J. Sermons to young women . . . 3459.13 Foster, J. Sermons 3442.9 Freeman, J. Eighteen sermons E. 219. 27 - Sermons on particular occasions .... 3441.17 Frothingham, N. L. Occasional sermons . . 3455.61 Gordon, A. Sermons on the festivals and fasts of the church of England 3441.16 Griffin, E. D. Sermons 3441.7 Hales, J. Golden remains 3443.27 Hanscom, W. C. Sermons 3459.1 Hunter, H. Sermons, and other pieces . . . 3441.24 Jay, W. Sermons .. 3443.9 Kidd, T. Sermons for villages and families. 3441.13 Knox. H. Disc, on revealed religion, etc. . 3457.52 Lamed, S. [Sermons] 3443.20 Laurie, T. Sermons 3441.15 Liberal preacher : a monthly publication . . 3441.10 Lindsey, T. Sermons, with prayers 3443.8 Lowth, R. Sermons, and remains 3441.23 Luther, M. Most celebrated sermons . . . 3459.12 Macculloch, R. S. on interesting subjects . 3459.5 Martyn, H. Sermons 3459.11 Shelf. No. Massillon, J. B. Sermons, transl. by W. Dickson 3443.13 Mather, I. Truths about conversion .... 3459.31 May hew, J. Christian sobriety : 8 sermons . .'U07.1 - Discourses on the earthquakes in 175-3 . . 3107.12 - Sermons on the divine goodness 3457.11 - Seven sermons in 174S 3457.21 Montagu, H. Twelve sermons preached in Exeter Hall 3443.23 Murray, J. Justification : three sermons . . 3453.7 - Original sin imputed: three sermons. . 3457.6 Osgood, D. Sermons 3441.3 Palfrey, J. G. Sermons on some duties of private life 3441.2 Parker, N. Sermons 3141.22 Parker, T. Sermons 344:;. 1,2 Payson, E. Sermons 3441.18 Pemberton, E. Sermons and discourses. . 3457.10 Prince, T. Sermons 3458.20,09 Romainc, W. Sermons on Solomon's song . 345ii.l4 Saurin, J. Sermons choisis 3459.8 Savonarola, G. Prediche 3441.11 Seabury, S. Discourses 3457.24 Seeker, T. Sermons on several subjects . . 3442.7 Segneri, P. Quarcsimale 4777.21 Sheldon, D. N. Sin and redemption .... 3455.7 Shepard, T. Parable of the ten virgins opened 3441.1 Sherlock, T. Discourses at the Temple church 3442.8 Sidenham, C. Mystery of godliness .... 3459.30 Smith, S. Sermons 3443.4 Smith, S. S. Sermons 3457.22 South, R. Sermons on various occasions . . 3442.2 Spurgeon, C. H. Sermons 3443.17 Stanford, J. The domestic chaplain 3444.6 Stearns, S. H. Select discourses 3441.6 Stillman, S. Sermons on doctrinal and prac- tical subjects 3443.6 Tappan, D. Sermons on important subjects. 3443.5 Taylor, J. Sermons 3443.10 "Wainwright, J. M. Sermons upon religious education , and filial duty 3441.19 Ware, II. Discourses on the offices and char- acter of Jesus Christ 3475.10 Watson, R. Sermons on public occasions . 3443.14 Wayland, F. Occasional discourses .... 3443.18 White, J. Sermons 3430.33 Whitefield, G. Discourses upon practical sub- jects 3459.2 - Eighteen sermons 3451). 3 Wilson, W. C. Sermons 3459.4 Winslow, B. D. Sermons 3441.8 Wolfe, C. Remains 3443.12 Woodward, H. Sermons on various sub- jects 3441.20 Worcester, S. Sermons on various sub- jects . . 3441.21 Wrangham, F. Sermons founded upon Dod- dridge's Rise and progress 3441.14 See also : Clergymen, Homilctice, Preacher. Also : For sermons included in the collected works of authors, see particularly, the following names: Barrow, I., Baxter, J., Bcda, Berkeley, G., Black- burne, F., Bossuet, J. B., Bourdaloue, L., Bradford, J., Bull, G., Bunyan, J., Butler, J., Charming, W. E., Chillingworth, W., Chrysostomus, Clarkson, D., Cotton, N., Donne, J., England, J., Fenclon, F. de S. de L., Flavel, J., Flechier, E., Francois de Sales, St., Hales, J., Herder, J. G. v., llurd, R., Hutchinson, R., Jcbb, J., Jewel, J., Jortin.J., Knox, v., Lardner, N., Latimer, H., Leslie, C , Lightfoot, J., Luther, M., M'Crie, T., Mason, W., Massillon, J. B., Alede, J., Newton, J., Paley, W., Parr, S., Porteus, B., Sandys, E., Schleiermacher, F. E. D., Seeker, T., Segneri, P., South, R., Swift, J., Taylor, J., Tillotson, J., Ussher, J., Warburton, W., Watts, I., Wesley, J., Woods. L.; also many of the authors in Migne's Patrolojias Ciir- sus. Besides the above collections of sermons, a large number of single sermons will be found under the names of their authors throughout this index. SEROUX d'Agincourt, J. B. L. G. Histoire de Part par les monumens. Paris, 1823. Ov. f . *40S0.1 SERPENT symbol in America. Squier, E. G. . . . 2318.1 SERPENTS 723 SEWALL Shelf. No. SERPENTS. Aldrovandi, U. Serpentum historian libri duo 3870.5 Buflfon, G. L. L. de. Histoire naturelle dcs serpans 3813.2 FrivaUszky, E. Scrpontum Hungarian mono- graphia 3875. 7 LacJpiidc-, 15. G.E.do. Histoire naturelle des. 5839.2 SERRA, A. Cause clie possono far abboadare li regni d'oro e d'argento dove non sono min- iora. [Economist! class, ital. v.l] 3044.1 SERRA, G. Storiadella antica Liguria, e di Geneva. Torino, 1834. 4v. 8 *2727.3 SERRES, E. K. A. Anatomic comparee du cerveau, dans les quatre classes des animaux verte- b;-es. Paris, 1824-2.!. 2v. 8 3 . pi. 4 ... *3887.10 Rapport relatif a 1' emploi de 1'iode dans les maladies scrofuleuses. See Lugol, J. G. A. 3795.23 SERRES, O. do. Theatre d'agriculture. Nouv. ed. Paris, 1801-5. 2v. 4" *3991.3 SERRES, P. M. T. ds. Giiognosie des terrains tcr- tiniros. Montpcllier, 1829. 8.pl 3804.15 Manuel de pak-ontologie. Paris, 1843. 2v. 18. Plates, 8". [Manuel Roret] .... 3838.13,14 SSREISTORI, A. Legazioni a Carlo V, c in corte di Roma, eon append, e con note di G. Canes- trim. Publ. da L. Serristori. Firenze, 1S53. 8 2725.0 SERRISTORI, L. Statistica dell' Italia. 2a cd. Fi- renzc, 1842. 4 *2732.4 SERTORIUS, or the Roman patriot: a tragedy. Brown, D. P 2398.4 SERVANTS. Guide to service Pph.v.225 History of a corporation of servants discov- ered in South America Pph.v.242 SERVETUS, M. Calvin and S. See Rilliet, A. . . 3550.22 SERVI, 1 J . Do odoribus. [Gronovius. Thesaurus Grace, antiq. v.O] 2960.2 SERVIA and the Servian revolution, History of. Ranke, L 3005.2 SERVIAN" poetry. Bowring,J 2839.1 SERVIEZ, J. Roergas de. Mogli dci dodici Cesari. Trad. sulla2aed. di Parigi. Bologna, 1820-21. 2v. 24 2749.14 SERVILIUS, or Knaap, J. DC mirandis antiquorum operibus, opibus, etc. libri trcs. [Sallengre. Thesaurus antiq. Rom. v.l] 2950.2 SERVlLLE,or Audinet-Serville, J. G. Dictionnaire entomologique. See Encyclopedic inetho- diquc A. 157. 4 SERVIN, L., Sur les mocurs ct humeurs de. [La- faist. Arch. hist. France. Se'r. 2, v.3J . . 2017.1 SESLEU, L. Lettcra intorno ad un nuovo gcncre di piante terrestri. See Donati, V 3871.22 SESTINI, B. Pocsie. Biografia, da A. Vannucci. Firenze, 1855. 1C" 4778.20 SESTINI, D. Osservazioni intoruo la Valachia, c Moldavia. Napoli, 1788. 8 30S5.1 - Same. Milano, 1853. 10 3C85.G SETCHEL, J. F. Catalogue of books and pamph- lets for 1828, on sale. London, [1828.] 8. *2139.7 SETTANO, Q. See Carcano, G. Poeti satiric! ita- liani, v.2 2809.3 SETTIMO, G. Delia sovranita de' re di Sicilia, cce. [Opuscoli di autori Sicilian!, v.15] 4704.1 SETTLE, West-riding of Yorkshire, Tour to the caves in the environs of 2404.3 SEVEN sages, The, in English verse. Ed. by T. Wright. London, 1845. p. 8. [Percy soc. publ. v.10] *2537.18 SEVEN years' war. See Germany, Prussia. SEVERIANUS, J. Syntomata sive prseeepta artia rhetorics. [Autori del ben parlare, p. iv, v.O] 3590.10 SEVERtNUS. Doctriua. [Migne. Patrologiae v.74] v.2 of 3450.13 SEVERN river, Ancient remains near the. Or- merod, G 3520.35 SEVEUUS, patriarch of Antioch. Fragmenta Graece, et S. Antonii laudes Latino. Accedunt ho- milia. [Mai. Script, vet. nova coll. v. 9] . 3000.1 Shelf. No. SEVERUS, C. Fragmentum de morte Ciceronis, etc. [Lemaire. Poet. Lat. min. v.3] . . 2912.1 - Same. [Wernsdorf. Poet. Lat. min. v.4, p.l] ^ . . . . 2912.4 L'Etna,traduzionediOnofrioGargiulli. [Par- naso de' poeti classic! d'ogni nazione, v.35]. 2709. 1 Poem on Etna, transl. by Jabez Hughes. [Elton. Specimens of the classic poets, v.2] 2903.14 Xote. The poem translated into Italian by Gargi- ulli, and into English by Hughes, aud attributed by them to Severus, on the authority, perhaps, of Joseph Sceligcr, is the same which, in accordance with, the opinion of Wernsdorf, we have referred to under the name of Lucilius Junior. SEVERUS, G. Epistolae. [Lami. Deliciae erudi- torum, v.15] 4747.1 SEVERUS, L. Septimius. See Fragmenta histori- corum Groscoruin, v.3 3002.11 SEVERUS Mnjoricensis. Epistola de Judais. [Migne. Patrologiae v.20] 3440.14 SEVERUS Minoricensis. ICpistola ad oinnem ecclc- siam de virtutibus ad Judaeorum conver- slonem in Minoricensi insula factis in prae- sentia reliquiarum sancti Stephani. [Migne. Patrologia3v.41] v.10 of 3440.18 SEVERUS Rhetor. Aujyij^ara; H0#votia(. [Walz. Rhetores Graeci,v.l] 2955.2 SEVERUS, Sanctus. Carmen bucolicum de virtute sign! crucis Domini. [Mignc. Patrologia? v.19] 3440.13 Carmen bucolicum. [Lemaire. Poet. Lat. min. v.l] 2912.1 See Wernsdorf, J. C. Poet. Lat. min. v.2 .. 2912.4 SEVERUS Sulpicius, of Aquitaine. Chronicoruru libri duo ; De vita B. Martini liber unus ; Epistolae tres ; Dialog!. [Migne. Patrolo- giae v.20] 3440.14 See Guillon, M. N. S. Bibliotheque des peres. v.28 of 3499.30, v.20 of 3508.2 SEVIGN&, M. de Rabutin-Chantal de. Lettres de Mine, de S., de sa famille, et de ses amis. P.iris, 1818. lOv. 8 *20C5.2 Lettres inudites de. See Coulanges,P. E. dc. 205S.13 Meraoires touehant la vie et les ecrits de. See Wak-kenaer, C. A. de 2059.5 SEWALL, E. Q. Human depravity. 4th ed. Bos- ton, 1827. 12 *Pph.v.219 SEWALL, Jonathan. Xovanglus and Massachu- scttensis. See Adams, J 2325.5 yote. The articles signed Massachusettensis,long attributed to Jonathan Sewall, are now understood to have been written by Daniel Leonard of Taun'.on. SEWALL, Joseph. The lamb slain, worthy to be praised, as the most powerful, rich, wise, and strong: a sermon. Thursday lecture. Boston, 1715. b *3157.53 Sermon preach'd after the funeral of the Rev. Alexander Gumming. Boston. 1703. 8 . . *3450.56 Sermon preached after the funeral of Rev. Thomas Prince. Boston, 175S. 8 *3455.34 Sermon preach'd upon the death of Rev. Benjamin Wadsworth. Boston, 1737. 8 . *3457.30 Sermon preached after the death of the Hon. Josiah Willard. Boston, 175G. &".... *3455.42 Funeral sermon on. See Chauncy, C 3457.45 SEWALL, R. K. Sketches of St. Augustine. 2d ed. Philadelphia, 1849. 12 2370.13 SEWALL, Samuel. The new heaven. 2d ed. Bos- ton, 1727. pp.04. 8m. 4 *3157.27 Sermon on the death of. [Prince. Sermons, v.l] 345S.09 SEWALL, Stephen. Oratio funcbris in obitum D. Edvardi Holyoke. n.p. n.d. pp.S. 12. . 2348.26 Discourse occasioned by the death of. See Mayhew, J 3457.21 SEWALL, T. Documents in relation to Dr. Sew- all's drawings on the human stomach. Al- bany, 1843. [No title-page.] 10 .... *Pph.v.l30 Examination .of phrenology. Washington, 1837. pp.70. 8 3600.17 SEWALL 724 SHAKESPEARE Shelf. No. SEWALL, T. continued. Eulogy on Dr. Godman. Washington, 1830. 8" *M.Pph.v.22 - Same. New York, 1832. 8 ... . *M.Pph.v.23 Lecture delivered at the opening- of the med- ical department of the Columbian college. Washington. 1825. 8 ... . *M.Pph.v.l3,S9,122 Pathology of drunkenness. Albany, 1841. 4. *Pph.v.328 SEWARD, A. Letters written between the years 1784 and 1807. Edinburgh, 1811. Ov. 12. . *2548.17 Life of Dr. Darwin. London, 1804. 8" ... 2455.10 SEWARD, William H. Destiny of America: a speech at the dedication of Capital university, at Columbus, Ohio, 1853. Albany, 1S53. 8.*Pph.v.200 Discourse on education, delivered at West- field. Albany, 1837. 8 *Pph.v.99 Elements of empire in America. New York, 1844. 8 *Pph.v.l42 Oration on the death of J. Q. Adams, deliv- ered before the legislature of New York. Albany, 1848. 8 *Pph.v.l68 Oration on the death of D. O'Connell. Au- burn, 1847. 8 *Pph.v.lCl Speech on the resolutions concerning the re- moval of the government deposites. Al- bany, 1834. 8 *Pph.v.90 Supreme court of United States. J.VanZandt, ad sectum W. Jones. Argument for the de- fendant. Albany, 1847. 8 *Pph.v.l56 General introduction to the natural history of New York. See New York 58C3.1 and Cass, L. Speeches on slavery, delivered in the senate. New York, 1800. 8. . . *Pph.v.l80 SEWARD, William W. Topographia Hibernica, or the topogr. of Ireland. Dublin, 1795. 4". *2472.7 SEWEL, William, b. 1050, d. 1720. History of the Christian people called Quakers [1513-1717], [with] a memoir of the author. New York, 1844. 2v. 8 3542.2 SEWELL, Rev. William. Christian politics. Ox- ford, 1848. 12 3509.5 Inaugural lecture, May 25th, 1836. Oxford, 1837. 8 *Pph.v.l01 SEWERAGE. See Great Britain, Liverpool, Lon- don. SEWERS. See Dempsey, G. D 4011.6 SEWING. See Great Britain. Commissioners of patents. SEXAGENARIAN, The, or recollections of a liter- ary life. Beloe, W 2542.4 SEXES, Letters on the equality of the. Grimke', S. M 3574.35 SEXTUS Quintus. Sententise a Ruffino in Latinum vcrsae. [Gale. Opuscula mythologica] . . 2903.11 SEXTUS Rufus, or iiuffus, historian. Leges mil- itares. See Vegetius Renatus, F 2945.6 SEXTUS Rufus, or Ruffus, topographer. De rcgi- onibus urbis. [Gravius. Thes. antiq. Rom. v.3] 2950.1 SETBERT, A. Attempt to disprove the doctrine of the putrefaction of the blood of living ani- mals. Philadelphia, 1793. 8 ... . *M.Pph.v.lO Statistical annals of the United States from 1789-1818. Philadelphia, 1818. 4 *2320.2G SEYEK, S. Charters and letters patent of Bristol. Bristol, 1812. 4 *2402.3 Memoirs historical and topographical of Bris- tol. London. 1821-23. 2v. 4 *2402.2 SEYMOUR, E. H. Remarks upon the plays of Shakspeare. London, 1805. 2v. 8 . . . . 2595.3 SFORZA, F. Geschichte von. See Steger, F. . . 2744.10 SGANZIN, J. M. Cours de construction. 4e ed. par M. Reibell. Paris, 1839. 3v. 4. Atl.f . *4012.7 Course of civil engineering, transl. from 3d French cd. Boston, 1827. 8 4012.26 SGRICCI, T. See Bernabo Silorata, P. Prose e poesie di Italian! viventi, v.O 4708.16 SHADOWS. Adhemar, J. Traite des ombres . . 3926.17 Monge, G. Theorie des ombres 3920.13 Shelf. No. SIIADWELL, T. Epsom- Wells : a comedy. Lon- don, 1704. pp.89. sm.4 *257 5.23 The virtuoso : a comedy. Lond- 1704. sm.4.*25;5.^5 SIIAFTESBURY, earl of. See Cooper, A. A. SnAn Niimeh, The. See Firdausi 3012.9 SHAKERS, United society of believers commonly called shakers. Declaration [of] reasons for refusing to aid the cause of war. Al- bany, 1815. 8 *Pph.v.9 Rights of conscience in relation to military requisitions, n.p. n.d. 8 *Pph.v.l3 Testimony of Christ's second appearing. 4th ed. [Canterbury, Vt.] n.d. 8 3542.25 View of the society. Albany, 1823. 12 . . . 3548.20 Dyer, M. M. Portraiture of shakerism . . . 3548.21 SHAKESPEARE, W. Comedies, histories, and trag- edies. [Ed. by E. Capcll.] London, [1707 ?] lOr. 8 *2598.30 Contents. Vol. I. Introduction ; Tempest ; Two gentlemen of Verona; Merry wives of Windsor. II. Measure for measure ; Comedy of errors : Much ado about nothing; Love's labour's lost. III. Midsum- mer night's dream ; Merchant of Venice ; A* you like it ; Taming of the shrew. IV. All's well, that ends well ; Twelfth-night, or what you will ; Winter's tale; Macbeth. V.King John-, Richard II; Ilenry IV. VI. Henry V; Henry VI. VII. Rkhard in; Henry vi 11; Coriolanus. VIII. Julius Cassar ; Antony and Cleopatra ; Timon of Athens ; Titus Andronicua. IX. Troilus and Cressidu; Cyrabeline ; Kins Lear. X. Romeo and Juliet ; Hamlet ; Othello. Plays, with notes by S. Johnson. London, 1708. 8v. 8 *2594.1 Contents. Vol.1. Prefaces by Johnson, Ueminge and Condell, Pope, Theobald, Hanmer, and War- burton ; Dedication by Heminge and Condell ; Life by Nicolas Rowe ; Will; Elegiac poem by Ben Johnson; Temp: st; Midsummer-night's dream; Two gentlemen of Verona ; Measure for measure ; Mir- chuntof Venice. II. As you like it; Love's labour's lost; Winter's tale; Twelfih night, or what you will; Merry wives of Windsor. III. Taming of the shrew; Comedy of errors ; Much ado about nothing ; All's well, that ends well : King John. IV. Richard li ; King Henry iv; K. Henry v; K. Henry vi, part 1. V. K. Henry VI, parts '2, 3 ; K. Richard in ; K. Henry vm. VI. King Lear ; Timon of Athens ; Titus Andronicus ; Macbeth ; Caius Marcius Corio- lanus. VII. Julius Casar ; Antony and Cleopatra ; Cymbeline ; Troilus and Cressida. VIII. Romeo and Juliet; Hamlet, prince of Denmark; Othello, the moor of Venice ; Appendices. Plays and poems, with notes by S. Johnson. To which are added a glossary, and the life of the author. 1st Am. ed. Philadel- phia, 1795-96. 8r. 12 **E.229a.l Contents. Vol. I. Preface to the American edi- tion; The life of Sliakspeare ; A glossary ; Tempest ; Two gentlemen of Verona; Merry wives of Windsor; Measure for measure ; Comedy of errors. H. Much ado about nothing; Love's labour's lost; Midsummer- night's dream ; Merchant of Venice ; As you like it. HI. Taming of the shrew ; All's well that ends well ; Twelfth night, or what you will; Winter's tale; Macbeth. IV. King John ; Richard n ; Henry iv, parti ; Henry iv, part 2 ; Henry V. V. Henry vi, parts 1-3 ; Richard III. VI. King Henry vm ; Coriolanus ; Julius Caesar ; Anthony and Cleopatra. VII. Tiraon of Athens; Troilus and Cressida; Titus Andronicus; Cymbeline; King Lear. VIII. Romeo and Juliet; Hamlet; Othello; Poems: Venus and Adonis; Tarquin and Lucrece; Sonnets; Passionate pilgrim ; Lover's complaint. Plays. Notes by S. Johnson and G. Steevens. Rev. and aug. by I. Reed. Phila. 1809. 17v. 8" *2595.7 Contents. Vol.1. Advertisements; Prefaces, and Howe's lite of Shakspeare ; An essay on the learning of Shakspeare, an 1 poems on Shakspeare. II. Tem- pest; Two gentlemen of Verona; Midsummer nighi's dream. III. Merry wives of Windsor ; Twelfth night; Measure forineasure. IV. Love's labour's lost; Much ado about nothing ; Merchant of Venice. V. As you like it ; All's well that ends well. VI. Tarn- ins of the shrew; Winter's tale ; Comedy of err >rs. VH. Macbeth ; King John. VIH. K. Richard n; K. Henry iv, part 1. IX. King Henry iv, part 2; K. Henry r. X. K. Henry vi. XI. K. Richard SHAKESPEARE 725 SHAKESPEARE Shelf. No. SHAKESPEARE, W. continued. in ; K. Henry viu. XII. Troilus and Cressida ; Romeo and Juliet. XIII. Coriolanus ; Antony and Cleopatra. XIV. Julius Crcsar ; King Lear. XV. Hamlet ; Titnon of Athens. XVI. Cymbeline; Othello; XVII. Titus Andronicus ; Pericles; Glos- sarial index. - Plays, [with] notes by S. Johnson and G. Steevens. Rev. and aug. by I. Reed. 6th ed. London, 1813. 21v. 8 *2593.2 Contents, Vol. I. Advertisements, prefaces, etc. II. Farmer's essay on the learning of Shakspeare ; Colman's remarks on it, etc. III. Malone's histori- cal account of the English stage, etc. IV. Tempest; Two gentlemen of Verona ; Midsummer night's dream. V. Merry wives of Windsor; Twelfth night. VI. Much ado about nothing; Measure for measure. VH. Love's labour's lost ; Merchant of Venice. Vin. As you like it ; All's well that ends well. IX. Taming of the shrew; Winter's tale. X. Macbeth ; King John. XI. Richard II; Henry IV, part 1. XII. Henry iv, part 2 j Henry v. XIII. Henry vi, part 1 ; Henry vi, part 2. XIV. Henry VI, part 3; Richard ill ; Dissertation, etc. XV. King Henry vni ; Troilus and Cressida. XVI. Coriolanus; Ju- lius Caesar. XVII. Antony and Cleopatra ; King Lear. XVIII. Hamlet ; Cymbeline. XIX. Timon of Athens; Othello. XX. Romeo and Juliet ; Com- edy of errors. XXI. Titus Andronicus ; Pericles, prince of Tyre; Appendix; Glossarial index. Works. [Edited] by J. Payne Collier. Lon- don, 181^-53. 9v. 8 *2592.6 Content. Vol. I. History of the stage ; Life of Shakespeare, etc.; Glossarial index; Tempest; Two gentlemen of Verona ; Merry wives of Windsor, n. Measure for measure ; Comedy of errors ; Much ado about nothing ; Love's labour's lost ; Midsummer- night's dream; Merchant of Venice. III. As you like it; Taming of the shrew ; All's well that ends well ; Twelfth-night, or what you will ; Winter's tale. IV. King John ; King Richard n ; King Henry iv, parts 1-2; King Henry v. V. King Henry vi, parts 1-3: King Richard in; King Henry VIM. VI. Troilus and Cressida ; Coriolanus ; Titus Andronicus ; Romeo and Juliet; Timon of Athens. VII. Julius Cajsar; Macbeth; Hamlet; King Lear; Othello. VIII. An- tony and Cleopatra; Cymbeline; Pericles; Poems: Venus and Adonis; Lucrecc; Sonnets; Lover's com- plaint ; The passionate pilgrim. IX. Supplemen- tary. Works. Pictorial edition, by Charles Knight. n.d. 7v. 1.8" *2592.5 Contents. Vol. I. Comedies : Two gentlemen of Verona; Love's labour's lost ; Merry wives of Wind- sor ; Comedy of errors ; Taming of the shrew; -Mid- summer-night's dream ; Merchant of Venice. II. All's well that ends well ; Much ado about nothing ; Twelfth night, or what yon will; Postscript 10 Twelfth night; As you like it ; Measure for measure; A win- ter's tale; Tempest. III. Tragedies: Romeo and Ju- liet; llamlct; Cymhelinc; Othello; Timon of Athens; King Lear. IV. Macbeth; Troilus and Cressida; Cori- olanus; Julius Csesar; Antony and Cleopatra ; Sup- plementary notice to the three Roman plays; Poems : Venui and Adonis ; The rape of Lucrcce ; Sonnets ; Lover's complaint; Passionate pilgrim, etc.; Verses among the additional poems to Chester's love's martyr; Supplementary notice to the poems. V. Histories : King John; K. Richard 11; K. Henry iv, parts 1, 2 ; K. Henry v. VI. Essay on the three parts of K. IK-nry vi and K. Richard in ; K. Henry vi, parts 1, 2 ; Contention of the houses of York and Lancaster, parti; K. Henry vi, parts ; Conten- tion, etc., part 2; K.Richard in ; K. Henry viu. VII. DoubtfiJ plays : Titus Andronicus ; Pericles ; Two noble kinsmen ; Plays ascribed to Shakspere : Locrine ; Sir John Oldcastle, part 1; Life and death of Thomas, lord Cromwell; London prodigal; Puri- tan; Yorkshire tragedy ; Notice on the authorship of a Yorkshire tragedy; Arden of Feversham; Rcigu of K. Edward in; Gcorgc-a-Greene ; Fair Em ; Muce- dorus ; Birth of Merlin ; Merry devil of Edmonton ; Appendix : Dedication, address, and commendatory verses, prefixed to editions of Vi-J3and 1UJ2 ; History of opinion on the writings of Shakspere ; Shakspere in Germany; Index. Traductions, ou lea imitations de Hamlet, Ro- meo et Juliette, Lear, Macbeth, Jean Sans- tcrre, ou la mort d' Arthur, ct d'Othello. [Duels. (Euvres.v.l, 2] 2706.5 Poems and life. [Chalmers. Eng. poets], v.5 of 2592.7 Shelf. No. SHAKESPEARE, W. continued. Index to the remarkable passages and words made use of by Shakspeare. 2d ed. by S. Ayscough. London, 17. 8 **E. 117.1 Shakespeare not an impostor. London, 1857. 10 2598.19 Shakespearian dictionary. By T. Dolby. Lon- don, 1832. p.12" **E.227.4 Badham, C. Criticism applied to 25'J8.2 Bathurst, C. Differences in Shakespeare's versification at different periods 259S.11 Birch, AV. J. Philosophy and religion of . . 2598.9 Bucknill, J. C. Psychology of 2596.12 Chedworth,J. Obscure passages in the plays. 2590.2 Collier, J. P. Farther particulars regarding. 2597.33 - Reasons for a new edition 2595.4 - Shakespeare's library : a collection of ro- mances, etc 2597.5 Courtenay, T. P. Commentaries on the his- torical plays of 2597.19 Douce, F. Illustrations of 25'J6.1 Drake, N. Shaksperiana 2597.3 Dycc, A. Remarks on Collier's and Knight's editions of 2597.1 - Remarks on emendations in Collier's copy of the folio of 1632 2596.6 - Strictures on Collier's edition of. ... 2590.13 Edwards, T. Canons of criticism, a supple- ment to Warburton's Shakespcar 2596.3 Farmer, R. Learning of 2597.34 Fc'nnell, J. H. Shakespeare repository. . ^.<:>U1 Fletcher, G. Studies of 25'.'>. 1 Graves, H. M. Genius of 259.i.4 Grey, Z. Notes on 2596.10,11 Griffith, E. Morality of Shakespeare's drama. 2597.14 Halliwell, J.O. Catalogue of the early edi- tions of the plays 2595.4 Heath, B. Alterations of the text considered. 2597.1(5 Howard, F. Spirit of S. in outline plates . . 2595.5 Hunter, J. Reply to the animadversions of Dyce on illustrations of 2597.30 Jackson, Z. Illustrations of 700 passages . . 2596.4 Kenrick, W. Review of Dr. Johnson's S. . 2597.37 Malonc, E. Letter on the edition of 1790 [Malonc's] 2455.2 Mason, J. M. Comments upon [Reed's] ed. of. 2597. 17 Patterson, R. Natural history of insects mentioned in 2598.10 Pye,II.J. Comments on the commentators ou. 2597.15 Rankin, M. II. Philosophy of Shakspere extracted from his plays 2598.17 Richardson, W. Characters and faults of . . 2597.10 Ritsou, J. Remarks on [Steeveu's] edition of. 2597.12 Seymour, E. H. Remarks upon the plays of. 2595.3 Singer, S. W. Text of Shakespeare vindica- ted from interpolations of Collier 2597.11 Smith, W. II. Bacon and Shakespeare . . . 2598.15 - Was Lord Bacon the author of Shake- speare's plays? 2597.32 Thompson. Illustrations of Pph.v.^W Thorns, W. Folk-lore of 2595.4 Tyrwhitt, T. Observ. and conjectures on . . 25'.)."i.4 Ulrici, H. Shakspeare's dramatic art . . . 2597.13 Upton, J. Critical observations on 2597.18 Waldron, F. G. Shakespearean miscellany . 25'.).:). 2 Walker, W. S. Shakespeare's versification . 259S.16 Whately, T. Remarks on some of the char- acters of 2596.9 Individual plays. As you like it. Specimen of a commentary on. Whiter, W 2596.5 Cymbeline. Remarks on the emendation, "Who smothers her with painting." Halli- well, J.O 2597.26 Hamlet, and As you like it. Specimen of an edition by T. Caldecott. London, 1832. 8. 2593.1 - Tragicall historic of Hamlet, prince of Denmarke. [A lithographic fac-simile of the 1st ed. made at the expense of the duke of Devonshire, 1858.] London, 1603. sm.4 .. *A. SHAKESPEARE 726 SHEEP Shelf. No. SHAKESPEARE, W. continued. - Essay on Hamlet. Macdonell, P. ... 2595.4 King Henry IV. Character of Falstaff. Halliwell, J. O 2598.13,14 - Essay on Sir John Falstaff. Richard- son, W 2596.9 Jules Cesar: tragedie. [Voltaire. OEuv. v.7]. 2685.18 Macbeth, with notes by Harry Kowc. 2d ed. York, 1799. 8 2597.20 Macbeth and king Richard HI, in answer to Remarks on some of the characters in. Kemblc, J. P 2598.7 Midsummer night's dream, Introduction to. Halliwell, J. 2597.24 Pericles. Anglo Saxon version of Apollonius of Tyre. Thorpe, B 2587.6 Tempest, Disquisition on the. Hunter, J. . 2597.21 Vortigern, a supposed newly discovered drama of. Ireland, W. H 2597.31 See also : Romeo and Juliet. Manuscripts, Chalmers, G. Apology for the believers in the Shakspeare-papers 2596.7 Halliwell, J. O. Observations on MS. emen- dations of the text of 2597.25 - Account of the only known MS. of the plays 2595.4 Ingleby, C. M. The Shakespeare fabrications. 259;!. 20 Ireland, S. Papers and instruments under the hand and seal of 2597.8 - Vindication of his conduct respecting the Shakspeare MSS 2597.35 Ireland, W. H. Particulars of Ireland's fab- rication of 2598.5 Malouc, E. Authenticity of papers attributed to 2597.9 Wyatt, M. Review of the opinions of J. Boaden relative to the Shakespeare MSS. 2597.36 Life, genius, etc. Will, with observations by J. O. Halliwell. London, 1851. pp.10. 4" *2590.12 Boaden, J. Authenticity of the various pic- tures of 2597.6 - On the sonnets of 2597.27 Brown, C. A. Shakspear's character drawn from his works 2598.3 Craft, Z. Proposed monument to 2595.4 Drake, N. Shakespeare and his times .... 2592.2, 3 Fairholt, F. W. Home of S. illustrated 2598.8,12 Halliwell, J. O. Life 2597.4 Hunter, J. Life, studies, and writings of . . 2595.4 Knight, C. Shakspere : a biography .... 2592.4 Laudor, W. S. Examination touching deer stealing 2598.6 Madden, F. On an autograph of Shakspere, and the orthography of his name 2597.23 Montagu, E. Essay on the writings and genius of 2595.1 Skottowc, A. Life of 2595.6 Wivell, A. Monumental bust of ...... 2597.22 SHANNOX, I. N. Divine providence in Ameri- can history and politics: a discourse. New Brunswick, 1852. 8 *Pph.v.l94 SHAKP, Sir C. History of Hartlepool. Dublin, 1810. 8 *249i.2G SHARP, D. Recognition of friends in heaven : a discourse. Boston, n.d. 8 *Pph.v.234 Sermon preached at the funeral of TV". Eustis, late governor of Massachusetts, Feb. llth, 1825. Boston, 1825. 8 *Pph.v.240 SHARP, G. Plan for laying out towns and town- ships in the East Indies, America, etc. 1/91. pp.24. 8 *2324.39 Memoirs of. See Hoare. P 2440.10 SHARP, Samuel. Treatise on the operations of surgery. 5th ed. London, 1747. 8 . . . .*3741.13 - Same. 9th cd. London, 1769. 8 . . . . *3741.12 Answer to the " Letters from. Italy " of. See Baretti, J 2764.12 Shelf. No. SHARP, Solomon P. Trial of Beauchamp on an in- dictment for the murder of. Sue Dana, .1. G. 3684.19 SHARP, W. New method of treating fractured legs. London, 1707. 8 *M.Pph.v.l08 SHARPE, E; Seven periods of English architec- ture. London, 1851. 8 4102.16 SHARPE, L. Nomcnclator poeticus, or the quan- tities of Latin names. London, 1836. 12 . 2034.0 SHARPE, S. Historical notice of the monuments of Egypt. [Crystal palace lib.] See Jones, O. 4039.40 SHARPE, T. B. Sharpe's London magazine, v.1-15. New series, 1-5, 7-10, 13, 15. 1810-59. 2Gv. 1.8 *3162.1 SHATTUCK, G. C. Three dissertations on Boylston prize questions for the years 1806 and 1807. Boston, 1808. 4" *3717.8 Uncertainty of the healing art. [Boston, 1828.J 8. [No title-page] *Pph.v.239 SHATTUCK, L. Letter in relation to the introduc- tion of water into the city of Boston. Bos- ton, 1845. pp.40. 8 v.3of *6357.20 Memorials of the descendants of William Shattuck. Boston, 1855. 8 2332.6 SHAW, C. Topographical and historical descrip- tion of Boston. Boston, 1817. 12 .... 2353.11 SHAW, D. Elegy on the death of Col. D. Shaw, and his sister Mrs. P. Soutliworth. Hano- ver, [N. H.] 1815. 8 *Pph.v.20 SHAW, Henry, F.S.A., architect. Details of Eliza- bethan architecture. London, 1839. pp.53, pi. 60. 4" *4090.1G Encyclopaedia of ornament. London, 1842. 4 *4101.21 Handbook of mediaeval alphabets and devices. London, 1850. imp. 8" *2110.12 SHAW, Henry, printer and stationer. Report of the Irish state trials, 1844. Dublin. 8 . . *2476.6 SHAW, John. Manual of anatomy. 3d ed. Lon- don, 1822. 2v. 16 3759.8 SHAW, Joseph. The gospel call : a discourse. Philadelphia, 1824. 8 *Pph.v.47 The oracles of God, committed to the church for universal diffusion : a sermon. Albany, 1820. 8 *Pph.v.23 SHAW, L. History of the province of Moray. Edinburgh, 1775. 4 *2472.18 SHAW, Samuel. Journals, with life, by Josiah Quincy. Boston, 1847. 8 2342.8 SHAW, Stebbing. History and antiquities of Staf- fordshire. London, 1798-1801. 2v. in 1. f . *2490.10 Tour to the west of England. [Pinkerton. Voyages, v.2] 2200.13 SHAW, T. Travels to Barbary and the Levant. 3d ed. Edinburgh, 1808. 2v. 8 3055.6 Travels in Barbary. [Pinkerton. Voyages, v.15] 2200.13 Travels through Barbary. [Knox. New col- lection of voyages, v.O] 2263.1 SHDANOV, P. Grammar of the English language, [for Russians]. New ed. St. Petersburg, 1801. 8 **E.209.25 New dictionary, English and Russian. Saint Petersburg, 17S4. 8 **E. 209.22 SHEA, John A. Poems, collected by his sou. New York, 1840. p. 12 2398.28 SHEA, John G. Discovery and exploration of the Mississippi valley. New York, 1853. 8 . 2328.5 SHEARMAN, W. Disputatio medica inauguralis do pneumonia. Edinburgi, 1807. 8 . . *M.Pph.v.l2 SHEBBEARE, J. Letters on the English nation, by B. Angeloni, a Jesuit. London, 1755. 2v. 8 2404.13 SHECUT, J. L. E. W. Essay on the yellow fever of 1817. Charleston, 1817. 8 .... *M.Pph.v.93 SHED family. See Whitmore, W. H 2333.13 SHEDD, W. G. T. Method and influence of theo- logical studies : discourse at the university of Vermont. Burlington, 1845. pp.52. 8. 3450.4 SHEEP. Bischoff, J. Natural and commercial history of 3651.13 SHEEP 727 SHERWIN Shelf. No. SHEEP, continued. Dandolo,V. Del governo delle pecore spag- nuolo c italiane e dci vantaggi che ne deri- vano 4002.12 Ribbe, J. C. Das Schaf und die Wolle . . . .".'.;.-> 1.21 Southcy, T. Colonial sheep 3051.15 Youatt, W. Sheep, and shepherd's manual . 4002.9 SHEFFIKLD, J., duke of Buckingham. Works. 3ded. London, 1740. 2v. 8 *2555.18 Contents. Vol.1. Tempi? of death; Ode on love; Songs and verses ; Tragedy of Julius Caesar ; Death of Marcus Brutus, tragedy. II. Memoirs of Juhn, duke of Buckingham ; Memoirs in the reign of Charles nj Chaructei of a tory; Character of Charles II s Character of the earl of Arlington ; Some ac- count of the revolution ; Letter to Dr. Tillotson ; Earl of Mulgrave's speech for the bill touching free and impartial proceedings iu parliament ; Speech in th house of peers; On the s:atute of treasons ; Feast of the Gods; Dialogue between Augustus Cassar and cardinal Kichelieu ; Dialogue between Mahomet and the duke of Guise ; On Julius Csesar ; The story of Herod and Marc Antony ; Observations on the first book of Tully's letters to Atticus ; Letter of Epicu- rus to Mcncceus ; Essays ; Letter to the D of Sh ; Letter to Mr. P on the late dispute about Homer ; Character of John Sheffield, duke of Buck- inghamshire ; Account of the pedigree of the Shef- field family ; List will and testament of John, duke of Buckinghamshire. Memoires, sous le regne de Charles n ct la revolution de 1683. Paris, 1824. pp.38. 8. [Guizot. Coll. des mtims. rel. a la revol. d'Angleterrc, v.21] *2518.11 Poems and life. [Chalmers. English poets] v. 10 of 2592.7 Poems. [Johnson. English poets] . v.25 of 2589.3 SHEFFIELD, lord. See Ilolroyd, J. B. SHEFFIELD, Dialect of. Bywatcr, A 2580.37 SHEFFIELD. See Post office directory 2482.2 SHELDON, D. N. Sin and redemption : a series of sermons. 2d ed. Boston, 1853. 12 ... *3455.7 SHELDON, J. Fracture of the patella or knee-pan, and of the olecranon. London, 1789. 8. *M.Pph.v.50 SHELDRAKE, T. Essay on the various causes and effects of the distorted spine, [etc.]. London, n.d. 8 *M.Pph.v.48 Treatise on diseased spine. London, 181". 8 *M.Pph.v.Cl SHELLS. See Conohology, Molluaca, etc. SHELLS and shell-guns. Dahlgren, J. A 3952.7 See also : Shrapnel shell. SHELTON. F. W. The Trollopiad, or travelling gentleman in America : a satire. New York, 1837. 12 2398.17 SHEMITIC languages. Benfey, T. Verhaltniss dor agyptischcn Spracho zum scmitischen Sprachstamm 2950.11 Renan, J. E. Histoire generate et systeme compare des langues semitiques 2950.23 SHENSTONK, W. Works in verse and prose. London, 1704-09. 3v. 8" *2008.5 Contents. Vol. I. Elegies on several occasions; Odes, songs, ballads, etc. ; Levities, or pieces of hu- mor ; Moral pieces. II. Essays on men, manners, and things ; Description of the Leasowes, the seat of Slienstone, by B. Dodsley; Verses to Mr. Sheustoue. IU. Letters. Poems and life. [Chalmers. English poets]. V.13of2592.7 Poems. [Johnson. English poets] . v.54 of 2589.3 SHEOL, Scriptural import of the word. See Bal- four, W Pph.v.234 SHEPARD, C. U. Report on American meteorites. New Haven, 1848. 8 *Pph.v.l93 SHEPARD, D. Oration before the Colchester edu- cational association. [1843.] 8. [No title- page] *Pph.v.l35 SHEPAUD, T. Parable of the ten virgins. 2 parts. London, 1000. sm.f *3441.1 Sound believer; a treatise of conversion. Lon- don, 1652. em. 8 *3446.f> Shelf. No. SHEPARD, T. continued. The sincere convert. Added, The saint's jewel, and Ihe soul's invitation to Christ. London, 1072. sm.S" *3459.26 Memoir of himself. [Young. First planters of Massachusetts J 2352.4 SHEPARD, W. A. Rejoinder to the second sec- tion of the "reply" of Hon H. Maun. See Boston. Public schools Pph.v.148 SHEPHERD, A. Tables for correcting the appar- ent distance of the moon and a star from the effects of refraction and parallax. Cam- bridge, 1772. 4 **E.1S2.5 SHEPHERD, F. Report to the Boston association for purchasing mineral property in Missouri and Illinois. [No title-page.] 8 . . . *Pph.v.279 SHEPHERD, W., Joyce, J., and Carpenter, L. Sys- tematic education. 3d ed. Lond. 1822. 2v. 8.*A.ltS.2 SHEPHERD'S calendar. See Clare, J 2549.22 SHEPPARD, J. H. Address delivered before Lin- coln lodge, Wiscassct. Boston, 1831. 8.*Pph.v.233 SHERBUKXK, A. Memoirs of a pensioner of the navy of the revolution, written by himself. 2ded. Providence, 1831. 12 2347.13 SHERBURNE, Sir E. Salmacis, Lyrian and Syl- via, etc. Poems and transl. Lond. 1051. 10.*2549.15 Contents. Salmacis, by Girolamo Preti ; Meta- morphosis of Lyrian and Sylvia, by St. Ainant; For- saken Lydia, by Giaiub. Mariuo; Rape of Ilollen, by Coluthus, etc. Poems and life. [Chalmers. Eng. poets], v. 6 of 2592.7 SHERBURNE, II. The oriental philanthropist, or true republican [a romance]. Portsmouth, N. H. 1800. 12 2408.4 SHERIDAN, T. General dictionary of the English language. Prelixed, a rhetorical grammar. London, 17SO. 4 *2582.4 - Same. Prefixed, a prosodial grammar. 3ded. London, 1790. 2v. 8 -**E.202.14: - Same. Prefixed, a prosodial grammar. 4th ed. Dublin, 1790. 8 *25S4.23 - Same. Corrected and improved by N. Salmon. London, 1800. sq.!2 . . . . **E.20S.10 - Same. Improved by S. Jones. New cd. London, 1830. sq.!2 **E.20S.15 Life of Jonathan Swift. London, 178L 8" . *244S.7 SHERIFF, Laws relating to office of. Backus, J.. 3334.3 Omce and duties of. See Compleat sheriff. . 3031.14 SHERLOCK, T. Discourses preached at the Tem- ple church. London, 1754-58. 4v. 8" ... *3442.8 Sermon on occasion of the rebellion in Scot- land, 1745. London, 1746. 12 ... v.2of*3550.9 Trial of the witnesses of the resurrection of Jesus, fr. the 12th Lond. ed. Bost. ISO:). 8. *3455.3 Use and intent of prophecy. [No title-page.] 8 3430.5 SHERLOCK, W. Discourse concerning death. Lon- don, 1794. 12 *3445.29 SHERMAN, Rev. James. Memoir of Mrs. Martha Sherman. Abridged by the Amer. tract society. New York, n.d. 10 3550.16 SHERMAN, John. Description of Trenton falls. 12. [No title-page] *l'ph.v.213 SHERMAN, Rev. John, S. T.P.,pres. Historia col- legii Jesu Cantabrigiensis. Ed. J. O. Hal- liwell. Londini, 1840. 8 **E.213.4 SHERMAN, John N. General account of Miran- da's expedition, including the trial and execution of ten of his officers. New York, 1808. 8 *Pph.V.29 SHERRILL, H. Review of the diseases of Dutchcss county, from 1809 to 1825, [etc.]. New York, 1820. 8 *M.Pph.v.lG SHERWIN, II. Mathematical tables. 4th ed. by W.Gardiner. London, 1701. 8. pi.. . **E.151.12 SHERWIN, T. Common school algebra. 3d ed. Boston, 1853. 12 7019.23 Key to the elementary treatise on algebra. Boston, 1842. pp. 50. 12 7019.25 - Same. Boston, 1846. 12 7019.24 SHERWOOD 728 SICAED Shelf. No. SHERWOOD, R. The workmen, and their work in God's building: a sermon. New York, 1845. 8" *Pph.v.l49 SHETLAND. Brand, J. Description of. [Pinker- ton. Voyages, v.3j 22G0.13 Low, G. Natural history of 3822.10 SHEW, .J. Water cure and health almanac for 1847. New York, 1840. 6 *M.Pph.v.43 Water cure manual. New York, 1854. 12 . 3808.24 SHIELDS, C. W. Funeral eulogy on Dr. E. K. Kane. Philadelphia, 1857. pp.34. 12 . . 2347.9 SHILLABER, B. P. Rhymes with reason and with- out. Boston, 1853. 8 2398.20 SHILLIBEER, J. The Britain's voyage to Pitcairn's island. Taunton, 1817. 8 2273.2 SHIP building 1 . See Naval architecture. SHIP fever, On. Clark, II. G M.Pph.v.47 SHILLITOE, T., Sketch of the life and labors of. [Tract association of friends, v.2] 3542.18 SHIPLEY, J., bp. of St. Asaphs. Speech on alter- ing the charters of Massachusetts bay. 4th ed. London, 1774. pp. 30. 8 2324.24 SHIPMAN, A. B. Introductory lecture to a course on surgery in the Indiana medical college. La Porte, [Ind.] 1848. 8 *M.Pph.v.43 Report of facts relating to a case of compound fracture, and prosecution for mal-practice. Cortlandville, 1841. 8 *M.Pph.v.37 SHIPMASTER'S assistant, relative to the mercan- tile and maritime laws and customs. Oth ed. London, 1795. 8 *3934.20 See also : Blunt, J., and Steel, D. SHIPPING and commercial list, and New York prica current, 1838-57. 2Uv. f *7G50.1 SHIRLEY, J. Dramatic works and poems. Ed. by Gifford and Dyce. Loud. 1833. 6v. 8. *2605.2 Contents. Vol. I. Account of Shirley and his writings ; Commendatory verses on Shirley ; Love tricks, or the school of complement ; The maid's re- venges The brothers; The witty fair one: The wed- ding. II. The grateful servant; The tvaitor; Love's cruelty ; Lovo in a mute ; The bird in a cage ; Hyde park. III. The ball ; The young admiral ; The gamester j The example ; The opportunity ; The coronation. IV. The lady of pleasure ; The royal master ; The duke's mistress ; The doubtful heir ; St. Patrick for Ireland ; The constant maid ; The humorous courtier. V. The gentleman of Ven- icei The politician ; The imposture ; The cardinal ; The sisters : The court secret. VI. Ilonoria and Mammon; Chabot, admiral of France; The Arcadia; The triumph of peace ; A contention for honour and riches ; The triumph of beauty ; Cupid and death; The contention of Ajax and Ulysses, etc.; Poems. SHIRLEY, W. Letter to the duke of Newcastle, with a journal of the siege of Louisbourg. Boston, [1743?] pp.31. 8" *2324.72 SHIRREKS, A. Poems, chiefly in the Scottish dia- lect. Edinburgh, 1790. 8" *2608.6 Contents. Jamie and Bess, or the laird in dis- guise, a Scots pastoral comedy, in imitation of the gentle shepherd; Elegies; .Miscellanies; Songs; Epis- tles. SHOBERL,F. Persecutions of popery. NewYork, 1844. 8 *Pph.v.l42 Sussex, or original delineations of that coun- ty. London, 1818. 8 2503.20 Suffolk, Surrey, Sussex. [Brayley. Beau- ties of England, v. 14] 2466.1 SHOEMAKER, A. Almanac for 1801. See Long- worth, D 2389.6 SHOE-MAKING. See Boot-making. SHORE, Sir J., lord Ttignnwuth. Practicability of communicating knowledge of Christianity to the natives of India. Lond. 1808. 8 . *Pph.v.l4 SHORT, T. V. History of the church of England to 1088. Oth eel. London, 1855. 8 .... 3529.19 SHORT account of Algiers, with a view of the rup- ture [with] the U. S. Phila. 1794. pp. 40. 8. *3055.8 - Same. 2d ed. Philadelphia, 1794. 8" . . *2324.32 SHORT-HAND. See Stenography. Shelf. No. SHORT history of standing armies in England, [by DeFoe?] [No title-page.] pp.40. sm.4 . *2512.15 SHORT introduction to English grammar. New ed. London, 1791. 12 **E. 207.22 SHORT view of the inconveniences of war. Lon- don, 1790. 8 *Pph.v.251 SIIOKTREDE, R. Logarithmic tables to seven places of decimals. Edinburgh, 1849. 1.8. 3934.1 SHORTT, W. T. P. Roman and other antiquities of Exeter. Exeter, n.d. 8 2494.11 SHRAPNEL shell. See Bormann, maj. gen 31)52.17 SHREWSBURY, Eng., History of. SeOwen, II. . 2492.13 SHREWSBURY, N. J. Polytechnic institute. Con- stitution and by-laws. N. Y. 1829. 8 . *Pph.v.78 SHRIGLEY, N. True relation of Virginia and Ma- ryland in 1009. [Force. Tracts, v. 3]. . . . 2323.3 SHROPSHIRE. Audelay,.!. Specimen of the Shrop- shire dialect in the fifteenth century . . . 2537.16 Eyton, R. W. Antiquities of 2492.14 Hulbert, C. History and description of . . . 2492.9 Post-office directory of 2484.10 See also : Wem. SHUCKFORD, S. Creation and fall of man. [4th vol. of Connections.] London, 1753. 8 . *2292.5 Sacred and prophane history of the world connected. 2d and 3d eds. London, 1740-43. 3 vols. 8 *2292.4 SHURTLEFF, N. B. Brief notice of William Shurt- leff, of Marshfield. Boston, 1850. pp.19. 12. *2334.8 Decimal system for the arrangement and administr. of libraries. Bost. 1850. pp.80. 4.*2120.12 Genealogical memoir of the family of elder Thomas Leverett. Boston, 1850. pp.20. 8.*2333. 14 Memorial of the inauguration of the statue of Franklin. Boston, 1857. 8 . . . 2354.11, **E. 224.1 Passengers of the Mayflower in 1020. Bos- ton, 1849. pp.24. sm.4 *2321.5 Perpetual calendar for old and new style. Boston, 1848. 20 leaves. 8 *2231.6 - Same. 2d cd. Boston, 1851. pp. 48. 4. *2220.8 Thunder and lightning ; and deaths at Marsh- field, 1058 and 1000. Bost. 1850. pp.55. 12.*2324.52 See Massachusetts. Records of N. Plymouth. 2350.1 - Records of the Massachusetts bay . . . 2350.2 - Registration reports, 1852-55 6348.13 - Remarks on the census of 1855 6348.15 and Cushman, H. W. Proceedings at the Cushman celebration, at Plymouth, Aug. 15, 16,1855. Boston, 1855. pp.76. 8 *2331.6 SlAM. Bowring, Sir J. Kingdom and people of. 3040.9 Chaumont. Ambassade a la cour de. [Lafaist. Arch. cur. hist. France. Ser. 2, v.10] . . . 2617.1 Choisy, F. F. de. Journal du voyage de . . 2277.8 Finlayson, G. Mission to Siam, 1821-22 . . . 3046.4 Jancigny, A. P. D. B. de. Histoire de . . . 2276.1 KoDinpfer, E. Description of 3040.1 Roberts E. Embassy to the court of . . . . 3046.1 Turpin, F. R. Histoire civile et naturelle de. 3049.8 - History of. [Pinkerton. Voyages, v. 9]. 2260.13 SIAMESE twins. Account of the Siamese twin brothers. [No title-page.] 8 . . . . *M.Pph.v.33 SIBERIA. Chappe d'Auteroche, J. Voyage en. 3060.1 Gmelin, J. G. Reise durch Sibirien 3067.1 Travels, by Bell of Antermony, in 1716-22. [Pinkerton. Voyages, v. 7] 2260.13 SIBILIATO, C. Dell' influenza della poesia sul bene della societa. See Villa, A. F 3590.24 SlBLEY, C. R., and Rutherford, W. Tables for the earthwork of railways. London, 1847. 4. *4020.4 SlBLEY, J. L. History of Union, county of Lin- coln, Maine. Boston, 1851. 12 2339.7 SYBILLA. Librill-14. [Mai. Script, vet. v.3, p.2]. 3000.1 SIBYLLINA oracula, cum Castalionis versione. Cur. C. Alexandrc. V.I. Parisiis, 1841. 8. 2963.6 SIBYLLINA oracula, versione Germanica, etc. il- lustr. J. H. Friedlieb. Lipsiae, 1852. 8 . . 2983.5 SlCARD, bp. of Cremona. Mitrale ; Chronicon. fMigne. Patrologiae v.213] 3470.34 Chronicon, a nativitate Christi usque ad 1213. [Muratori. Rerum Ital. script, v.7] .... 2710.1 SICARD 729 S1GONIO Shelf. No. SICAKD, R. A. Cuccurron. Theorie dcs signcs. Paris, 1814. 2v 3591.16 Memoires sur les journc'es de Scpteinbre, 1792. See Jourgniac Saint-Meard, F. de . 4015.1-1 SICCAMA, S. T. DC judicio ceutumvirali ; Com- mentariusin fastos kalendares Romanorum. [Graevius. Thesaurus antiq. Rom. v.2, 8]. 2950.1 SICCAUDI, L. See Bcmab5 Silorata. Prose e poesie di Italian! viventi, v.9 4708. 1C SICHEL, J. Spectacles, their uses and abuses. Transl. by H. W. Williams. Boston, 1850. 8 3804.2 SICILIAN literature. Componimenti poetici Sici- lian! 4764.2 Meli, G. Poesie siciliane 4773. 1 Napoli-Signorelli, P. Vicende della coltura nelle due Sicilie 2770.15 Opuscoli di autori siciliani 4704.1 See also : Palermo. SICILY. Amari, M. La guerra del vespro sicili- ano 2739.3 Brydone, P. Tour through 2764.5 Cesare, G. di. La Sicilia dal 1296 al 1313 . . 4777.34 Codex diplomaticus Siciliae 2720.4 Didier, C. Question sicilienne 2723.15 Hittorff, J. J. Architecture antique de la Sicile 27.G.2 - Architecture moderne de la Sicile . . . . 27. D. 2 Hoffmann, F. Geognostische Beobachtungen, inSicilien 3808. 3 Hughes, T. S. Travels in 3071.8 Lanza, P. Storia di Sicilia dal 1532-1789 . . 2724.6 La Salle, A. E. G. Histoire et description de Sicile 2260.20 Martorana, C. Notizie storiche del Saraccni siciliani 2739.8 Musulmani in Sicilia. [Archiv. stor. ital. Nuova ser. v.3, p. 2. App. v.4] 5245.2 Ostervald, J. F. d'. Voyage pittoresque en Sicile 27. C.I Paucrazj, G. M. Antichita siciliane .... 2730.1 Philippi, R. A. Enumeratio molluscorum Sicilias 3873.2 Sartorius von Walter shausen, W. Uber die vulkanischen Gesteine in Sicilien 3808.5 See also : Agrigentum, Syracuse. SICK man's friend, prayers, etc. Fry, J 3447.15 SID-AHMED-OULID-BOU-MEZRAG, Itiueraires et renseignements. [France. Exploration de 1'Algerie. Sciences hist, et geog. v.9] . . 3054.2 SIDENHAM, C. Greatnesse of the mystery of god- llnesse, with Hypocrisie discovered. Lon- don, 1057. 18" *3459.30 Infant baptism, and singing of psalms. Lon- don, 1057. 18 3459.30 SIDEWALKS. Construction de trottoirs. See Seine. 7020. 17 SIDMOUTH, viscount. See Addington, H. SIDNEY, A. Discourses on government. Added, life of the author. N. Y. 1805. 3v. 8 . . 3501.13 Letters. See Forster, T 2542.3 Memoirs. Meadley, G. W 2440.20 SIDNEY, E. Life of Rev. Rowland Hill. London, 1834. 8 2447.2 SIDNEY, Sir Henry, and others. Letters and me- morials of state. Ed. by A. Collins. Lon- don, 1746. 2v. f *2420.3 SIDNEY, Henry, earl ofRomney, d. 1704. Diary of the times of Charles n. With notes by R. W. Blencowe. London, 1843. 2v. 8 . . . 2517.10 SIDNEY, , Sir P. Brook's life of. See Greville, F. 2453.1 and Languet, H. Correspondence, transl. with notes, and a memoir of Sidney, by S. A. Pears. London, 1845. 8 2453.2 SIDNEY, S. Three colonies of Australia. Lon- don, 1852. 8 3047.2 SIDONIA. Ztige aus dem Familienleben der Her- zogin Sidonie. Langenn, F. A. v 2842.19 SIDONIUS, C. S. Apollinaris. Epistolae et carmina. [Migne. Patrologiae v.58] 3440.27 Shelf. No. SlEBOLD, C. T.v. Tape and cystic worms. Transl. by T. H. Huxley. London, 1857. pp.87. 8". [Sydenham society] v.2of *3724.10 SIEBOLD, P. F. v. Elucidations to the discoveries of M. G. Vries, 1643. A mariner's guide to Japan. Transl. by F. M. Cowan. Amster- dam, 1859. 8" 3010.20 See Manners and customs of the Japanese. 3017.11 SIEGENBEEK, M. Precis de 1'histoire litteraire des Pays-Bas, trad, par Lebrocquy. Gand, 1827. 12 2884.14 SIEGE. JEneas Tact. De toleranda obsidione . . 2978.16 Vauban, S. L. de. Traite des sieves 3954.1 SIENNA. Accademia delle scienze di Siena detta de' Fisiocritici. Atti, T. 1-10. Siena, 1701- 1841. lOv. 4 *5262.1 Angelis, L. de. Biogr. degli scrittori sanesi. 2742.1 Bellarmati, M. A. Istorie sanesi 2727.6 Mini, C. Gli ultimi anui della repubblica di Siena, racconto storico, dal 1552 al 1558 . . 2773.21 Romagnoli, E. Siena e suoi suburbii .... 4076.4 SIERRA Leoue company. Report by the court of directors to the general court of proprietors, 1794-95. Philadelphia, 1795. 12 .... *Pph.v.213 SIERRA Nevada, Gebirgssystem der. Hausmann, J. F. L 3801.15 SIETE partidas, Las. Titles on promises, obliga- tions, sale, and exchange. Transl. by L. Moreau, and H. Carleton. [Spanish and English.] New Orleans, 1818. 8 3610.16 SIEYES, E. J. Life. See Oclsner, C. E. . . . Pph.v.64 SIUEBKRT, king of the Franks. Epistolae et diplo- mata. [Migne. Patrologiae v.87] 3450.18 SIGEBERT, monk of Qemblours. Opera omnia, ac- curante J. P. Migne. Lutetiae Parisiorum, 1854. 8". [Migne. Patrologiae v.100] . . 3460.30 Contents. Chronica cum omnibus auctariis; Liber de BCriptoribus ecclesiasticis ; Gcsta nbbutum Gem- blacensium : Vita Wicberti ; Vita Deoderici cpiscopi Metensis; Vita S. Sigeberti regis; Vita cjusdcra, brc- vior ; Vita S. Moclorii ; Vita S. Theotardi ; S. Lam- bert! rita duplex ; Sermo desancta Lucia ; DC differ- entia quatuor temporum ; Epistola ad Leodicnscs ; De presbyteris conjugatis ; Responsio ad epistolam Hildebrandi ; Fragmentum rythini de S. Lucia ; Fragmentum de S. Lullo. Vita Theodorici I, Metensis episcopi. [Leib- nitz. Script, rcrum Brunsvic. v.l] 2810.3 SIGEFRID. Epistolae ad Gregorium vii. [Migne. Patrologiae v. 148] 3100.20 Epistolae ad Alexandrum n, papam. [Migne. Patrologiae v. 140] 3400.24 SIGEHARD. Libellus de miraculis S. Maximini. [Migne. Patrologise v.133] 3400.12 SIGHT. Kitchiner, W. Preservation of the . . E. 230.0 Stevenson, J. Weakness of M.Pph.v.79 Treviranus, G. R. Gesichtswerkzeugen des Menschen und der Thiere 5800.8 See also : Vision. SIGLOARD. Rythmus de morte Fulconis episcopi Rhemensis. [Migne. Patrologiae v.129]. v.3 of 3400.8 SIGMA Phi society. Catalogue [ 1827-40. N. Y., Mass.,Vt.] 1846. 8. [No title-page] . . *Pph.v.l62 SIGNORELLI, P. See Napoli-Signorelli, P. SIGNS. Babbage, C. Influence of signs in mathe- matical reasoning 3911.4 Gerando, J. M. de. Des signes et de I'art de penser 3000.4 Sicard, R. A. C. Theorie des signes. . . . 3591.16 SIGNS of the times: a sermon. Morse, J. . . Pph.v.13 SIGOLI, S. Viaggio al Monte Sinai, con lezioni e note di L. Fiacchi e di F. Poggi. Fircnze, 1829. 8" 3045.2 - Same. 2a cd. Milano, 1841. 10 3045.25 SlGONlO, C. Opera omnia; Vita a L. A. Murato- rio. P. Argelatus collegit, etc. Mediolani, 1732-37. Ov. f *2790.3 Contents. Vol. I. Fasti consulares, ac triumph! acti a Romulo rcge usque ad Tiberium Cacs. ; Sigonii in fastoa ct triumphos, id est in universara Romanam historian! commentarius, Joseph! Marias S tain pa aduotationibus Ulustratua, atq.ue ab August! obitu SIGONIO 730 SILVESTER Shelf. No. SIGONIO, C. continued. nd imperium Diocletian! ct Maximiani, unde occi- dentalis imperil libros idem Sigouius exorditur, pro- ductus ; Sigonii historiarum de occidental! imperio libri XX, cum notis Januarii Salinas. II. Historia- rum de regno Italiaa libri viginti, in hac nova edi- tione a multis rnendis expurgati, et a clarissimo viro Josepho Antonio Saxio notis illustrati, addita ad calcem dissertatione marchionis Joseph Malaspinse, de Alerami Marchionis Montisferrati stirpe, ct fabu- loso cj usdem conjugio cum aliqua Ottonum Caesamm filia, etc. III. Historiarum Bononieusium libri sex, cum notis clarissimi viri Alexandri Advocati Macchi- avelli Bononicnsis, addito ejusdem adnotatoris sup- plcmento ; Cardinalis S. Xisti, postca pont. max. Gregorii xni. appellati, cardinalis Sirleti, et Araal- thei in historiam Bononiensem ccnsurae, cum ejus- dem Sigonii responsis, ac correctionibus ; De episco- pis Bononiensibus libri quinque, cum notis Carol! Constant!! Rabbii Bononicnsis, et ejusdem contiuua- tione, additis suo loco nonuullorum antistitum vitia ; Vitas Ludovici Morbioli et Parisii i Scholia, quibus Titi Livii Patavini historia;, et earum epitomai, par- tial emendantur, partim ctiam explanantur ; Ad Livianam chronologiam Sigouii scholia, et Jos. Ma- ria) Stampa, in caudem chronologiam, et in eadera scholia adnotationes; Livianorum scholiorum aliquot defensiones adversus Glareanum et Robortcllum ; DC vita, et rebus gestis P. Scipionis JEmiliani liber, adjcctis in fine, unde historia sumpta sit, locis, cum praovia dissertatione Philippi Argelati Bononicnsis j De vita, et rebus gestia Andrea! Doriae, libri duo ; Documenta: Pacta conventa a Carolo V. imp. 1528, ex arch, reipub. Genuensis, Animadv. ad historiam conjurationis Fliscorum spectantes, etc., anonymo auctore. IV. Jo. Andreas Astezati Brixieusis epis- tola Italico sermone conscripta, addita ad commune lectorum commodum Latina ejusdem traductione ; Palaestinas parallelism us alphabeticus ; De republica Hebrasorum libri septem cum notis abbatis Laurentii Maffei ; B. Sulpicii Sever! sacra historia; libri duo, in eosdem Sigonii commentariug, acceduntJohannis Vorstii variorum illustrium virorurn animadversi- ones, et notae ; Historia? ecclesiastics libri xiv, cum prolegomenis Horatii Blanci. V. De repub. Athe- nicnsium libri quatuor, cum adnotatiouibus anony- mi ; De antiquo jure civium Romanorum ; Epistola ad Pium quartum ; De temporibus Athenicnsium Lacedajmoniorumque ; Auctarium chronologicum ; De antiquo jure civium Romanorum libri n; De antiquo jure Italise libri in ; De antiquo jure provin- ciarum libri in ; De judiciis libri in, cum udnota- tionibus J. Georgii Grami, et Latini Latinii jam edi- tis, nunc vero a J. C. Joanne Maderno uovis com- mentariis illustrati, cum binis praefationibus J. C. Ludovici Voigt. VI. Emendationum adversus Franciscum Robortellum libri n ; Disputationes Pataviua? adversus Franciseum Robortellum libri 11; De binis comitiis, et lege curiata, posterior cum Nico- lao Gruchio disputatio ; De nominibus Romanorum liber ; De dialogo liber ; Orationes variaj, ncmpe pro eloquentia IV ; De Latino; lingua? usu retineudo I ; De laudibus historiaa I ; De laudibus studiorum humanitatis I ; Oratio habitaingymnasio Patavino; De ingenio excolendo, et de laudibus Bononiac, oratio habita Bononias ; Aristotelis de arte rhetorica libri tres; Fragmenta Ciceronis ; M. T. Cicerouis consola- tio, vel de luctu minuendo, cui praef. Antonii Ric- coboni judicium de eadem, nccnon Scharni de vero auctore consolationis Ciceronianae dissertatio ; Ora- tiones II nocnon accusatorpro Ciceronis libro de con- solatioue; De rei Romanae scriptoribus; Vita Onuph- rii Zarabbini; Opuscula II de donatione Constantini M. et de scholia Bononiensibus, uecnon epistolae; Continuatio ad historiam Bouon. ab 1*58 ad 1775; Anonym! censuras in varia C. Sigonii opera, cum re- sponsionibus, quibus praem. opusculum Aug. Valerii de utilitate capienda ex historiis Sigonii ; Julii Signii ad Carolum Sigonium de M. T. Ciceronis consola- tione, vel de luctu minuendo epigramma, necnon epi- cedium in funere Carol! Sigonii, auctore anonymo ; Index rerum, et nominum. De republ. Atheniensium ; De Athcniensium temporibus ; Lacedaemoniorum tempora. [Gronovius. Thes. Grose, antiq. v.5] . . . 29C0.2 See Graevius, J. G. Thesaurus antiquitatum Romanorum 2950.1 Contents. Vol. I. De antiquo jure civium Roma- norum ; Reprehensiones i De binis comitiis et lege curiata, posterior cum N. Gruchio disputatio: Dispu- tationum rcfutatio ; De lege curiata magistratuum ct imperatorum, et eorum jure. II. De antiquo jure Italias ; De antiquo jure provinciarum ; De judiciis i De uominibus Romanorum. Shelf. No. SIGOURNEY, L. H. Letters to young ladies. 2d ed. Hartford, 1835. 18 2409.18 - Same. 16th ed. New York, 1852. 12. . 2107.14 Western home, and other poems. Philadel- phia, 1854. 12 2405.21 SIGWART, H. C. W. v. Gcschiehte der Philoso- phic. Stuttgart u. Tubingen, 1844. 3v. 8. 3604.10 SILENUS Calactinus. See Fragm. hist. Grjec. v.3. 3002.11 SILESIA. Adams, J. Q. Letters on 2803.2 Hoffmann, C. J. A. Die Tonkiinstler Sehle- siens 4055.16 Raumer, C. G. v. Das Gebirge Nieder-Sclile- siens 3862.26 Wuttke, H. Die Entwicklung der offentlich- en Verhaltnisse Schlesiena 2830. 14 SILIUS Italicus, C. Punicorum libri 17. Ed. G. A. Ruperti, [cum] praef. C. G. Heyne. Gottin- gae, 1795-98. 2v. 8 2948.8 - Same. Cur. N. E. Lemaire. Parisiis, 1823. 2v. 8. [Lemaire. Biblioth. class. Lat. 92, 93] *2914.G See Elton, C. A. Specimens of the classic poets, v.3 2903.14 SILJESTROM, P. A. Educational institutions of the United States. Transl. by F. Rowan. London, 1853. 12 2383.1 SILK. Cobb, J. H. Culture of 4019.8 D'Homergue, J. Silk culturist's manual . . 4019.4 Kcnriek,\V. Silk grower's guide 4019.5 SILKWORM. Charrel, J. Traite des magnaneries. 3U51.5 Dandolo, V. Dell' arte di governare i bachi da seta 4003.18 Malpighi, M. Dissertatio cpistolica de bom- byce 38%. 1 Reformed Virginian silkworm. [Force. Tracts, v.3] 2323.3 SlLLlG, C. J. Dictionary of the artists of antiq- uity, etc. Transl. by H. "W. Williams. Lon- don, 1830. 8 4084.4 SlLLlMAN, Benjamin, b. 1779. Introductory lec- ture in the laboratory of Yale college, 1828. New Haven, 1828. 8 *Pph.v.77 Journal of travels in England, Holland, and Scotland, 1805, 0. 3d ed. New Haven, 1820. 3v. 12 2273.14 [Remarks on professor Sillunan's Elements of chemistry.] N. Y. 1830. 8. **E.224.8, *Pph.v.81 and others. American journal of science and arts. Vol. 1-50. 2d series, v.1-28. New Ha- ven, 1819-59. 78v. 8 *5164.1 - Same. Vol. 1-49. 2d series, v.1-22. New Haven, 1818-56. 71v. 8 **E. 157.1 SILLUIAN, Benjamin, jr., and Goodrich, C. R. Science, art, and industry illustrated in the N. York exhibition, 1853-54. N. Y. 1854. 4. *4020.1 SILORATA, P. B. See Bernabo Silorata, P. SILURIAN system. From the Edinburgh review. Edinburgh, 1841. 8 **E.117.8 History of the oldest rocks containing or- ganic remains. Murchison, R. 1 3802.8 SILVERSMITHS, Designs for. Pugin, A. W. . . . 4071.2 SILVERING. Nouveau manuel complet d'argen- ture. Selmi, F 4019.14 SiLVERiUS,pope. Epistolae. [Migne. Patrol. v.OG]. 3450.7 SILVESTER, St., pope. Epistolae ; Capitulum ; De- cretum. [Migne. Patrologiae v.S] .... 3440.6 SILVESTER II, pope. De disciplinis mathematicis : Libellus de numerorum divisione ; De geom- etria ; Epistola ad Adelbodum ; De sphaerae constructione ; Libellus de rationali et ra- tione uti ; De rebus ecclesiasticis : Sermo de informatione episcoporum ; De corpore et sanguine Domini; Selecta e concil. Ba- Bol., Remens., Mosom., etc. ; Epistolaa et diplomata : Epistolaj ante summum pontifi- catum scriptae ; Epistolae et decreta pontifl- cia ; Spuria aut aliena : Acta concilii Remen- sis ad S. Basolum ; Leonis legati epistola ad Hugonem et .Robertuni reges. [Migne. Patrologiae v.139] 3460.18 SILVESTER 731 SIMPSON Shelf. No. SILVESTER II, pope, continued. See Guillen, M. N. S. Bibliothequo des peres. v.34 of 3499.30, v.24 of 3508.2 Gerberto, o sia Silvestro II papa ed il suo seeolo. Hock, C. F 3552.14 SILVESTHE, J. B. Alphabet album. Paris, 1843. f *2110.3 Paleographie universellc. Paris, 1839-41. 4v. f *2110.1 SILVESTRE de Sacy, A. I. Antiquites de la Perse, suiv. de 1'liistoire des Sassanides, traduite de Mirkhond. Paris, 1703. 4" *3023.6 [Catalogue de la] Bibliotheque de. [Notice sur la vie et les ouvragcs de M. de Sacy par M. Daunou.] Paris, 1842-47. 3v. 8 ... *2137.6 Lettre au sujet de I'iuscription a Rosette. Paris, 1802. pp.47. 8 3053.13 SILVESTRI, G. Corrczioni cd emendazioni di mol- ti luoghi di antichi poeti italiani. [Raccolta di opuscoli scieatifici, etc. v.4J 5274.1 SIMEON. See Syraeon. SIMI.-E. Icones cercbri simiarum. Tiedemann, F. 58G0.5 SIMMS, F. TV. Levelling; with Law's and Traut- wine's curves. 4th ed. London, 1850. 8. 4015.11 Practical tunnelling. London, 1S44. 4 ... *4012.4 Principal mathematical instruments em- ployed in surveying, levelling, and astron- omy. London, 1834. 8 **E. 213.3 - Same. 2d cd. London, 1830. 8 .... 3934.6 Public works of Great Britain. London, 1838. Atlas, f 4010.10 SIMMS, J. R. American spy, a tale of the revolu- tion. Albany, 184G. 8 *Pph.v.l93 SIMMS, W. G. Cassique of Accabee, a tale of Ash- ley river ; with other pieces. New York, 1849. 8" 2399.38 Egeria, or voices of thought and counsel for the woods and wayside. Philadelphia, 1853. 12 2407.10 Pro-slavery argument. See Harper, "W. . . 3573.17 SIMON, John. General pathology; principles for the treatment of disease. London, 1850. 12 3792.19 SIMON, John F. Animal chemistry, with refer- ence to man. Transl. by G. E. Day. Lon- don, 1S45-4G. 2v. 8 3724.3 SIMON, R. Critique de la bibliotheque de Du Pin. Paris, 1730. 4v. 8" *3559.7 Histoire critique des comrnentateurs du Nouv. Testament. Rotterdam. 1693. 4 . *3422.5 Histoire critique du texte du Nouv. Tes- tament. Rotterdam, 1689. 4 *3422.3 Histoire critique des versions du N. Testa- ment. Rotterdam, 1090. 4 *3422.4 Histoire critique du Vicux Testament. Nouv. ed. Rotterdam, 1085. 4 *3422.2 Reponse aux sentimens de quclqucs thcolo- giens de Hollande, sur 1'hist. crit. du V. T. Rotterdam, 1080. 4 *3422.6 SIMON de Nantua, ou le marchand forain. Jus- sieu, L. P. de 4079 a. 2 SIMONDE de Sismondi, J. C. L. Constitutions des peuples libres. Paris, 1835. 8" 3502.20 Crusades against the Albigenses. Philadel- phia, 1843. 12 ..... 3523.15 Etudes sur 1'cconomie politique. Paris, 1837- 38. 2v. 8 3042.10 Histoire des Francais, continuee par A. Rende. Paris, 1821-44. 31v. 8 *2022.1 - Same. Precis. Paris, 1839. 2v. 8" . . . 4002.11 Histoire dcs republiques italienncs du moyen age. Nouv. ed. Paris, 182G. IGv. 8" . . . *271G.l - Same. Paris, 1840. lOv. 8 *2710.2 Histoire de la libcrte en Italic. Paris, 1832. 2v. 8 2718.4 Litterature du midi de 1' Europe: 2e ed. Paris, 1819. 4v. 8 *2105.1 - Same. 3e e~d. Paris, 1829. 4v. 8 ... *2193.3 Nouveaux principcs d'economie politique. 2e 6d. Paris, 1827. 2v. 8 3042.15 Shelf. No. SIMONDK de Sismondi, J. C. L. continued. Political economy, with life by Mignet. Tr. London, 1847. 8" 3043.13 Review of the progress of religious opinions. Boston, 1827. 8 *Pph.v.74 SIMONDS, J. C. Comparison of the weekly bills of mortality of New Orleans and Boston, for 1851. Charleston, 1852. 8. [No title- page] *M.Pph.v.52 SIMONOS, T. C. History of South Boston. Bos- ton, 1857. 12 2353.10 SIMONE dclla Tosa: annali. See Manni, D. M. . 4749a.3 SIMONK da Cascina, Fra. Cronica del convento di S. Caterina in Pisa, continuata. [Archivio stor. ital. v.G, p. 4] 5245.2 SIMONELLI, M. VictimsePaschalia4voci. [Dehn. Practische Musik-Werke, v.ll] 4051.14 SIMONETTA, G. Historia de rebus gestis Fran- cisci I, Sfortiae, 1421-60. [Muratori. Re- rum Ital. script.] v. 21 of 2710.1 SIMONETTA, S. Poesie. [Collezione, ecc. v.4] . 4709 a. 5 SIMONIDES,O/ Ceos, a historian. See Fragm. hist. Graec. v.2 3002.11 SIMONIDES, of Ceos, a lyric poet. Carminum re- liquiae. Ed. F. G. Schneidewin. Brunsvigae, 1835. 8 3000.1 See Elton, C. A. Specimens of the classic poets, v.l 2903.14 See Gnomici Graeci 2979.3 See Lyrici Grzeci 2979.11 Fragmenta. [Gaisford. Poet. min. Graec. v.3] 2908.2 SIMONNK, T. New method for the Spanish lan- guage. See Velasquez, M 7099.26 - Key to Ollendorff's new method of learn- ing to read Spanish 7099.27 SIMONS, T. Y. Annual address to the graduates of the medical college of South Carolina, 1830. Charleston, 1830. 8 *M.Pph.v.22 Report on the history and causes of the strangers' or yellow fever of Charleston. Charleston, 1839. 8 *M.Pph.v.34 SIMONY, F. Die Alterthumcr vom Hallstiittcr Salz- berg und dessen Umgebung. Wien, 1851. obi. 4. [Vienna. Akadcmie der Wissen- schaften, 1850, v.4] 3340.3 SlMPERT. Regularia statuta monasterii Murba- censis ; Epistola encyclica. [Migne. Pa- trologia; v.99] 3450.24 SIMPLE cobler of Aggawam in America. Ward, N 2407.11 SiJiPLiCiua. Commeutarius in Epictcti enchiri- dion. See Epictetus 2972.13 SIMPLICIUS, pope. Epistolse. [Migne. Patrolo- giae V.58J 3440.27 SIMPLON, Lettrcs sur la route de Geneve a Milan, par le. See Mallet, G 2734.15 SIMPSON, A. The Sandwich islands. London, 1843. 8 3040.13 SIMPSON, G. Journey round the world, during the years 1841-12. London, 1847. 2v. s '. 2201.3 SIMPSON, J. Y. Anaesthesia, or chloroform in surgery. Philadelphia, 1849. 1.8 .... 3772.28 Homoeopathy, its tenets and tendencies. 3d ed. Edinburgh, 1853. 8 3807.23 Obstetric memoirs, edited by Priestley and Storer. Edinburgh, 1855-50. 2v. 8 ... 3772.27 SIMPSON, S. The author's jewel, consisting of essays. Philadelphia, 1823. 24 2558.31 SIMPSON, T. Doctrine of annuities and rever- sions. 2ded. London, 1775. 8 . . . . **E.197.12 Doctrine and application of fluxions. Ed. by W.Davis. London, n.d. 8 3925.10 - Same. 2d ed. London, 1776. 2v. 8 . **E.197.10 Elements of geometry. 5th ed. London, 1800. 8 **E.197.8 Elemcns de geometric, trad, de 1' Anglais. Nouv. ed. Paris, 1771. 8 3920.24 Essays on several subjects in mathematicks. London, 1740. 4 **E. 193. 20,21 SIMPSON 732 SKERRYVORE Shelf. No. SIMPSON, T. continued. Mathematical dissertations. London, 1743. 4 **E.193.21 Miscellaneous tracts on subjects in mechan- ics, astronomy, and mathematics. London, 1757. 4. pi **E.193.21 Nature and laws of chance. New ed. Lon- don, 1792. 8 **E.197.12 Plane and spherical trigonometry with the application of logarithms. 5th ed. Lon- don, 1799. pp.79. 8 **E.197.8 Select exercises in mathematics. New ed. [with] an account of the author, by C. Hutton. London, 1792. 8 **E.197.11 Treatise of algebra. 7th ed. London, 1800. 8 **E.197.9 SIMKOCK, C. J. Das malerischc und romantische Rheinland. Leipzig, n.d. 8. [Das male- rische u. romantische Deutschland, v.9]. 2862.12 SIMS, R. Index to the pedigrees and arms in the heralds' visitations, etc. in the Br. museum. London, 1849. 8 2434.3 Manual for the genealogist, topographer, etc., descriptions of public records, registers, wills, county and family histories, heraldic collections, etc. London, 1850. 8" .... 2484.6 SINAI. Maundrell, J. Journey to Mount Sinai. [Pinkerton. Voyages, v.10] 2260.13 Robinson, E. Biblical researches in Mount S. 3122.7 Sigoli, 8. Viaggio al moute Sinai .... 3045.2,25 SINCLAIR, II. Letter on the principles of the Christian faith. 2d ed. n.p. [1817.] 8. [No title-page.] *Pph.v.309 SINCLAIR, Sir John. Code of health and longev- ity. Edinburgh, 1807. 4v. 8 3700.20 Correspondence during fifty years. London, 1831. 2v. 8 2453.7 History of the public revenue of the British empire. Dublin, 17S5. 8 2512.10 Principes d'hygieue, extraits du codede sante parL. Odier. Geneve, 1810. 8 3700.16 Specimen of the statistical account of Scot- land. Edinburgh, 1791. 8 *Pph.v.242 SINCLAIR, Rev. John. Memoirs of life and works of Sir J. Sinclair. Edinburgh, 1837. 2v. 12 2448.20 SINDH, Observations on. Postans, T 3044. 12 SINGER, G. J. Electricity and electro-chemistry. London, 1814. 8 3902.20 SINOER, S. W. Shakespeare vindicated from inter- polations by Collier. London, 1853. 8. . 2597.11 SINGING. Avvertimenti di musica vocale .... 4057.12 Carissimi, G. G. Ars cantandi 4049.48 Freylinghausen, J. A. Geistrelche Gesang- Buch 4059.4 Heyden, S. De arte canendi, etc 4047.13 Hiller, J. A. Anweisung zum musikalisch- richtigen Gesange 4055.15 - Kurze und erleichterte Anweisung zum Singen 4055.17 Janssen, N. A. Grundregeln des Gregorian- ischen oder Choralgesanges 4055.18 Kiesewetter, R. G. Schicksale und Beschaf- fenheit des weltlichen Gesanges 4052.17 Kurze Anweisung fiir Schullehrer und Can- toren zur zweckmiissigen Betreibung des Gesang-Unterrichtes 4057.12 Lebeuf, J. Traite historique et pratique sur le chant ecclesiastique 4059.5 Mainzer, J. Singing for the million .... 4042. 12 Marx, A. B. Die Kunst des Gesanges . . . 4042.22 Minoja, A. Ueber den Gesang 4057.12 Reasonableness of singing by note 3459.40 Schiirtlich, J. C. Leitfaden, bei dem Unter- richtim Gesange 4057.12 Schulz, C. Leitfaden bey der Gesanglehre . 4057.12 Thacher, P. Singing of psalms 3459.42 Walter, T. Sermon for promoting 3455.17 Weimar, G. P. Uebungs Exempel 4055.31 SINGLKTON, Arthur, pseud. See Knight, H. C. Shelf. No. SING Sing. Mount Pleasant academy. Annual catalogue for the year preceding January 1, 1837. Mount Pleasant, 1837. 8 ... . *Pph.v.99 SIR Charles Grandison : a novel, by S. Richard- son. [Ballantyne. Novelist's library, v. 8]. 2573.1 SIB Courtly Nice : a comedy. Crown, J 2575.21 SIR Henry Appleton: [a tale.] Heygate, W. E. . 2570.25 Sia Launcelot Greaves: a novel, by T. Smollett. [Ballantyne. Novelist's library, v. 3] . . . 2573.1 SlKET, A. Dictionnaire des peintres de toutes les ecoles. Bruxelles, 1848. gr.8 4081.1 SIRICIUS, pope. Epistolae et decreta. [Migne. Patrologiae Y.13] 3440.10 Epistolae et decreta. [Migne. Patrologiae v.50] v.3of3440.25 Epistolae decretales. [Migne. Patrologiae V.84] v. 8 of 3450. 16 SIRICID.E. MonograpMa siricum Germaniae. Klug, J. C.F 3897.2 SIRMOND, J. Historia praedestinatiana. f Migne. Patrologiae v. 53] 3440.24 SISEBUTII, king of the Goths. Epistolae ; Vita et passio S. Desiderii. [Migne. Patrol, v. 80]. 3450.15 SISMONDI, J. C. L. Simonde de. See Simonde de Sismondi, J. C. L. SISTEMA musical de la lengua castellana, [parte 1,2]. Barcelona, 1832. 12 3095.9 SITGREAVES, L. Expedition down the Zuni and Colorado. Washington, 1853. 8" 2378.6 SlVRY, L. de. Dictionnaire des pelerinages. See Migne, J. P 3430.5 Six mois de la vie d'un jeune homme. Viollet Leduc, A 2079.7 Six months in a convent [by Miss Reed], Answer to. See St. George, M. E E. 110.7 Six nations. Colden, C. History of the Indian nations of Canada 2300.14 Cusick, D. Ancient history of the . . . Pph.v.216 SIXTUS I, pope. Epistolas et decreta. [Migne. Patrologia Graeca, v.5] 3490.3 SIXTUS II, pope. Epistolae dubiae. [Migne. Pa- trologiae v.5] 3440.4 SIXTUS III, pope. Epistolae et decreta. [Migne. Patrologiae v.50] v.2 of 3440.21 SIXTUS V,pope. Efemeridi del pontificate di Sis- to V, pope. [Archivio stor. Ital. App. v.l]. 5245.2 Lcti, G. VitadiSistov 3558.5 Tempesti, C. Storia di Sisto quinto .... 3552.6 SKEEL, T. Discourse on the nature, properties, and conversion of the soul. Beimington, 1811. 12 *Pph.v.232 SKELTON, John. Poetical works, with notes and [life], by Alex. Dyce. Lond. 1843. 2v. 8. 2608.8 Contents. Vol. I. Skelton and his writings; Mis- cellaneous; The bowge of courte; Phyllyp Sparowe; The tunuyng of Elynour Rummyng ; Poems against Garnesche ; Miscellaneous ; Ware the hauke ; Epi- thaphe; Against the Scottes; Miscellaneous; Areply- cacion agaynst certayne yong ecolers ahiured of late, etc.; Magnyfycence, a goodly interlude and amery; ColynCloute; A ryght delectable tratyse vpouagood- ly garlande or chapelet of laurell, etc.; Miscellaneous. II. Speke, parrot; Why come ye nat to courte; Howe the douty duke of Albany ran awayej Notes. Poems, with life. [Chalmers. English poets] v.2 of 2592. 7 How king Edward the fourth, through his surfeiting and vntemperate life, sodaynly died in the middest of his prosperity. [Mir- ror for magistrates, v.2] 2003.8 SKELTON, Joseph. Engraved illustrations of the antiquities of Oxfordshire, with historical notices. Oxford, 182.3. 4 *2490.S Oxonia antiqua restaurata. Oxford, 1823. 2v. 1.4 *24G0.8 Pietas Oxoniensis, or records of Oxford founders. Oxford, 1828. 4" *2490.7 SKELTON, T. Sermon at the ordination of. See Stearns, S Pph.v.249 SKERRYVORE lighthouse, Account of. Steven- eon, A 4090.12 SKETCH 733 SLAVERY Shelf. No. SKETCH of Connecticut forty years since. Hart- ford, 1824. 12 2409.35 SKETCH of the geographical rout of a great rail- way between the Atlantic and Mississippi. 2d ed. New York, 1830. 8 *Pph.v.79 SKETCH of the olden time, or General Lee's farewell dinner at New York. By an anti- quary. New York, 1829. 8 *Pph.v.77 SKETCHES of the character of the New Yorkpress. New York, 1844. 8 *Pph.v.l35 SKETCHES of the west, comprising an early his- tory of Wisconsin. Milwaukie, 1847. 8 . 2373.5 SKET, F. C. Operative surgery. Philadelphia, 1851. 1.8 3741.15 SKIN. Bateman, T. Cutaneous diseases . . . v 3790.51 Cazenave, A. Diseases of the 3790.55 - Maladies de la pcau 3790.53 Gibert, C. M. Special diseases of the . . . . 3790.48 Green, J. Diseases of the 3790.47 Neligan, J. M. Atlas of cutaneous diseases. 3790.58 - Diseases of the 3790.50 Rayer, P. F. O. Diseases of the 3790.24 Worcester, N. Diseases of the 3790.50 See also : Chicken-pox, Erysipelas, Hydrargyria, Porrigo. SKINNER, J. S. Address before the Massachu- setts charitable mechanic association. Bos- ton, 1850. 8 v. Oof 2354. 25 Monthly journal of agriculture. New York, 1845-47. 4v. 8 . / 3993.4 SKINNER, O. A. Death of Daniel Webster : a ser- mon. Boston, 1852. 8 *Pph.v.264 SKINNER, R. C. Treatise on the human teeth. New York, 1801. 8 *M.Pph.v.lO SKINNER, Thomas. History of the composing the affairs of England. See Bate, G 2519.3 SKINNER, Thomas H. Progress, the law of the missionary work: a sermon preached in Rochester. Boston, 1843. 8 *Pph.v.l35 SKIRBECK, Lincolnshire, Account of the hun- dred of. Thompson, P 2493.2 SKODA, J. Treatise on auscultation and percus- sion. Transl. fr. 4th ed. by W. O. Mark- ham. London, 1853. 12 3795.28 SKOTTOWE, A. Life of Shakspeare ; originality of his plots, and essays on ancient theatres. London, 1824. 2v. 8 2595. C SKRINE, II. Tour through Wales, 1795. [Piu- kcrton. Voyages, v. 2] 2200.13 SKULL. Capitis ossei structura et significatio. Spix, J. B 38.1.1 SLADE, W. Essays on masonic penalties. Cas- tleton, Vt. [1830.] 8 *Pph.v.293 Memorial to the legislature of Vermont for the repeal of acts incorporating the grand lodge. 1830. 8. [No title-page] . *Pph.v. 298, 299 SLANG words, Dictionary of 2580.40 SLATER, S. Memoir of. See White, G. S 2343.8 SLATER, W. Draught of the primitive church. 1st Am. ed. Columbus, O. 1&33. 12 . . . 3518.4 SLAUGHTER, P. Virginian history of African col- onization. Richmond, 1855. sm.4 .... 3572.2 SLAUGHTER-HOUSES, Treatise on public. Gran- tham, R. B 7004.14 SLAVE representation. By Boreas. 1812. 8. [No title-page] *Pph.v.6 SLAVE trade. Baudinel, J. Account of the . . . 3572.1 Buxton, T. F. African slave trade and its remedy 3572.16 Carey, H. C. Domestic and foreign 3573.19 Clarkson, T. Rise, progress, andabolition of. 3573.32 Montgomery, J. Poems on abolition of. . 2591.15 Movement for the suppression of the. See Jamaica 3572.10 Swan, J. Dissuasion to Great Britain and the colonies from the 3573.29 Wilberforce, W. Abolition of the 3572.8 See also : Great Britain, sessional papers t Visita- tion and search. Shelf. No. SLAVERY among the Puritans : a letter to Rev. M. Stuart. Boston, 1850. 8 *Pph.v.l83 SLAVERY. Origin and progress of British colo- nial slavery. [London, 1833.] 8. [No title- page] *Pph.V.91 Truths, etc. [Testimony in the house of commons. No title-page.] 8 *Pph.v.28 Slavery in the south ; a review of Hammond, Harper, and Fuller. 1845. pp.24, n.p. 8 *3572.5 Abolition de 1'esclavage dans les colonies an- glaises 3572.9 Acts of the assembly of Penn. for the grad- ual abolition of. See Pennsylvania society, etc 6350.10 Adam,W. Slavery in British India 3573.28 Adams, N. South-side view of slavery . . . 3573.27 Biot, E. De 1'abolition de 1'esclavage ancien en Occident 3572.24 Bledsoe, A. T. Essay on liberty and .... 3573.22 Bowditch, W. I. S. and the constitution . . 3572.3 Calhoun, J. C. Speeches on Pph.v.180 Cartwright, S. A. Canaan identified with the negro race 3572.5 Channlng, W. E. Remarks on Pph.v.224 Clarkson, T. Essay on 3572.13 - Condition of slaves in the British colo- nies Pph.v.55 Clay, H. Speeches on Pph.v.180, 182 Compte rendu sur le regime des esclaves. See France. Ministry of marine 3571.4 Dew, T. R. Essay on 3572.14 Dewey, O. Discourse on Pph.v.2C9 Etude de 1'emancipation dans les colonies anglaises depuis 1'annee 1833,jusqu'en 1842. See France. Ministry of marine 7010.1 Expose 1 des resultats du patronage des es- claves. See France. Ministry of marine . 3571.5 Fletcher, J. Studies on 357 J.I Freeman, O. S. Letters on 3573.21 Fuller, R. Domestic slavery considered as a scriptural institution 3573.36 Garrison, W. L. Writings and speeches . . 3573.18 Gasparin, A. E. de. Esclavage et traite . . . 3572.22 Hall, M. Twofold S. of the United States . 3573.33 Hammond, J. H. Letters on 3572.5 Harper, W. Pro-slavery argument 3573.17 Helps, A. Events which led to negro slavery. 3573.16 Higgiuson, F. J. Remarks on 3573.2(5 Hildreth, R. Despotism in America .... 3573.30 Junkin, G. Argument from the Bible against abolitionism Pph.v.l3S Latrobe, J. H. B. Abolition and coloniza- tion 3572.7 M'Leod, A. Negro slavery unjustifiable . Pph.v.40 Macqueen, J. The colonial controversy . . 3572.23 Marsh, G. P. Remarks on slavery in the ter- ritories Pph.r.180 Mellen, G. W. F. Unconstitutionally of . . 3573.25 Moreau de Jonnes, A. Esclavage colonial . 3572.21 Nott, S. Slavery and the remedy 3572.15 Parker, T. Letter touching the matter of . 3573.15 Ramsay, J. Slaves in British sugar colonies. 3573.35 Rapport sur Pesclavage. See France. Minis- try of marine 3571.2 Schoelcher, V. Abolition immediate de Pes- clavage 3572.19 - Esclavage pendant les deux dernieres an- ne"es 3572.18 - La ve"rite" aux ouvriers de la Martinique . 3572.20 - Resultats de 1'emancipation anglaise . . 3572.26 Seward, W. H. Speech on Pph.v.180 Stearns, E. J. Answer to the allegations of Uncle Tom's cabin against 2407.8 Steele, J. Mitigation of 3572.12 Stringfellow, T. Scriptural and statistical views in favor of 3573.20 Tallmadge, J. Speech on Pph.v.175 Thome, J. A. Emancipation in the West Indies 3573.24 Thompson, G. Discussion on Pph.v.98 SLAVERY 734 SMITH Shelf. No. SLAVERY, continued. Wallon, H. A. Histoire de 1'esclavagc dans 1'antiquite 3572.17 See also: Africa, Colonization, Liberator, National era, Negroes, Political science, West Indies. Also the names of places where anti-slavery societies or con- ventions have been held. SLAVIC nations, Language and literature of the. Robinson, T. A. L. v. J 3034.24 SLAVONIA. Slawische Alterthiimer. Schafarik, p. J 2832.3 SLEECKX. Nouveau dictionnaire fransais-flamand. Bruxelles, 1852. 8 2882.4 SLEEP, Inquiry into the nature of. Philip, A. P. W 3765.19 See also : Dreams. SLEIGH, W. W. Remarks on the projected re- union of Lower and Upper Canada. Mon- treal, 1822. 8" *Pph.v.61 SLOANE-EVANS, W. S. Grammar of British her- aldry. 2d ed. London, 1854. 8 2232.3 SLOTH. Memoir of the extinct sloth tribe of North America. [Smithsoniancontributions,v.7]. 3340.1 See also : Ursiform sloth. SMALL, A. Roman antiquities in Fife. Edin- burgh, 1823. 8 2474.8 SMALL-POX. Letter to Dr. Zabdicl Boylston, oc- casioned by a late dissertation concerning inoculation. Boston, 1730. pp.14. 12". . 3809.19 Bell, L. V. Attempt to investigate, etc. . . 3790.40 Bicker, L. Redencn van de Ini'nting der Kinderpokjes M.Pph.v.3 Boylston, Z. Account of the small-pox in- oculated in New England 3809.19 Cooper, "W. Reply to objections against tak- ing it by inoculation 3809. 19 Douglass, W. Inoculation of the 3809.19 Fisher, J. D. Description of the 3790.25,20 Freind, J. Epistles concerning the 3797.20 Mead, R. Discourse on 3799.31 Moore, J. History of the 3790.45 Treatise on small-pox, by Rhazes. See Abu Beer Mohammed Ibn Zacariya Ar-Razi . . 3714.17 Waterhouse, B. Prospect of exterminating the M.Pph.v.59 Williams, N. Method of practice in the . . . 3809.18 Woodville, W. Inoculation of small-pox in Great Britain 3790.44 See also : Cow-pox, Inoculation, Vaccination, Vari- oloid. SMARAGDUS. Opera omnia, ex rariis edd. Accu- rante J. P. Migne. Lutetiae Parisiorum, 1851. 8. [Migne. Patrologioe v.102] . . 3450.20 Contents. Collectiones in cpistolas ct evangelia ; Summarium in epistolas et evangelia Smaragdo addi- tum; Commeutaria in regulain sancti Benedicti; Via regia ; Acta collationis Romania a Smaragdo de- scripta ; Appendix : Chartae Ludoviei Pii et Lotharii filii ejus pro monastcrio sancti Micliailis ; Epistola Carol! Magni ad Leonera papam, de processione epiritus sancti, quam cdidit Smaragdus abbas. SMAURITO, pseud. See Dati, C. R. SMART, B. H. Pronouncing dictionary of the Eng- lish language. Walker remodelled. Lon- don, 1830. 8 2584.19 SMART, C. Poems and life. [Chalmers. Eng. poets] v. 16 of 2592. 7 SMEATON, J. Building of the Edystone light- house with stone. [Also] lighthouse at Spurn point. 2d ed. London, 1813. f . . *4100.1 Natural powers of wind and water to turn mills, etc. London, 1794. 8 *4012.25 Reports, as civil engineer. 2d ed. London, 1837. 2v.ini. 4 *4022.5 SMEE, A. Manuel d'electricitd medicale. Paris, 1850. sin. 12". [Manuel Roret] 3789.23 SMELLIE, William, M. D., d. 1703. Abridgment of the practice of midwifery. New ed. Boston, [17S6]. 8 *3776.31 Anatomical tables, and abridgment of mid- wifery. London, 1754. 39 pi. f " *3750.3 Shelf. No. SMELLIE, William, M. D. continued. Theory and practice of midwifery. 3d cd. of Vol. i. London, 1754-04. 3v. 8 *3771.4 SMELLIE, William, F. It. S., b. 17 JO, d. 17! '5. Phil- osophy of natural history. Introduction by J. Ware. 3d cd. Boston, 182'J. 8 . . 3831.6 - Same. Ster. ed. Boston, 1838. 12 ... 7029.5 SMEKEGOS, N. Chronicon Gerardi Maurisii. [Mu- ratori. Rerum Ital. script, v. 8] 2710.1 SMET, J. J. de. Corpus chronicorum Flandriac. Bruxelles, 1837. 3v. 4. [Belgium. Col- lection de chroniques beiges inedites] . . . *2821.1 SMILES, 8. Life of George Stephenson. London, 1857. 8 2457.1 SMIRKE, E. On the hall of the middle temple. [Weale Quarterly papers on arch. v. 2] . . 4091.0 SMIRKE, R. Review of a battalion of infantry. 1st Am. fr. 4th Lond. ed. N.York, 1810. 8. 3953.5 SMITH, Adam. Works, with life by Dugald Stew- art. London, 1811, 12. 5v. 8 3655.3 Contents. Vol. I. Theory of moral sentiment*. II.-IV. Nature and causes of the wealth of nations. V. Considerations concerning the first formation of languages, and the different genius of original nnd compounded languages ; Principles which lead and direct philosophical enquiries, illustrated hy the hist, of astronomy, of the ancient physics, logics, and meta- physics! Of the nature of that imitation which takes place in what are called the imitative arts ; Of the affinity between certain English and Italian verses ; Of the external senses ; Account of the life and wri- tings of Adam Smith. Nature, and causes of the wealth of nations. New ed. Philadelphia, 1790. 3v. 12 . . . 3648.7 - Same. With a life of the author, and Garnier's view of the doctrine of Smith. Edinburgh, 1817. 3v. 8" 3643.20 Theory of moral sentiments. From the 1 1th Eng. ed. Boston, 1817. 2v. Inl- 8 . . . . 3585.1 Life, by W. Draper. See London. Society for the diffusion of useful knowledge . . E.212.8 SMITH, Andrew. Zoology of South Africa. Lon- don, 1849. 3v. 4" *3870. 18-20 Contents. Vol. I. Aves. II. Mammalia, Pisces, Invertebrata. III. Reptilia. SMITH, Barbara L. Summary of laws concerning women. 2d ed. rev. with add. Lond. 1850. pp.12. 12 3634.7 SMITH, Benjamin F. Address and resolutions adopted by a meeting of workingmen and others, Oct. 22, 1830. [Albany, 1830.] 8.*Pph.v.84 SMITH, Charles. Ancient and present state of the county and city of Cork. 2d ed. Dublin, 1774. 2v. 8 *2476.10 SMITH, Lieut. Col. Charles Hamilton. Natural his- tory of the human species. Ed. by S. Knee- land. Boston, 1851. 12 3887.1 SMITH, Charles H., sculptor. Lithology, or obser- vations on stone used for building. [Weale. Quarterly papers on architecture, v.4] . . 4091.6 SMITH, Charles J. Historical and literary curios- ities. London, 1840. 4 *2110.10 SMITH, Charlotte. Montalbert: a novel. London, 1795. 3v. 12 *2576. 18 SMITH, Chauncey,and Bates, S. W. Cases relating to the law of railways in the United States. Boston, 1854-56. 2v. 8 3695.2 SMITH, Edmund. Poems and life. [Chalmers. English poets] v.9 of 2592.7 Poems. [Johnson. English poets] . . v.21 of 2589.3 Contents. Phaedra and Hippolytus, a tragedy; In memory of J. Philips, etc. ; Latin poems. SMITH, Eli. Researches in Palestine. See Robin- son, E 3423.6 SMITH, Elias. Medical pocket-book. Boston, 1822. 12" *3786.18 SMITH, Elizabeth. Fragments, in prose and verse; Life by H. M. Bowdler. Lond. 1809. 2v. 8. 2608.11 - Same. Burlington, N. J. 1811. 12 ... 2549.16 SMITH, F. O. J., vs. H. Downing, et als. Circuit court of the U. S., Mass, district, May, 1850. In equity [telegraph case]. N. Y. 1850. 8. 3962.5 SMITH SMITH Shelf. No. SMITH, Gamaliel E. Report of the trial of Jacob Cocliranc on charges of adultery. Kenne- bunk, 1819. 8 *Pph.v.253 SMITH, lice. George. Trial of the author by the authorities of the M. E. church, in 1830. Sandy-Hill, 1843. 12 *Pph.v.229 SMITH, George. The laboratory, or school of arts. Oth eel. London, 1799. 2v. 8 4018.35 SMITH, Gerrit. Address of the state convention on the approaching 1 presidential election. Albany, 1828. 8 *Pph.v.l50 Argument in the discussion of the question, Are the Christians of a community the church? Albany, 1847. 8 *Pph.v.lCO Speech made in the capitol of the state of N. York, March 11, 1850. Albany, 1850. 8.*Pph.v.lSO . Speeches in congress. N. Y. 1855. 12 ... 2406.19 SMITH, Henry II. Treatise on the practice of sur- gery. Philadelphia, 1850. 8 3741.10 SMITH, Horace. Festivals, games, and amuse- ments. London, 1831. 10 4001.24 and J. Horace in London. 4th ed. London, 1815. 24 2399.51 SMITH, Hugh, and Anthon, H. Facts in relation to the recent ordination in St. Stephen's church. New York, 1843. 8 *Pph.v.l32 SMITH, Ira. A political poem, in hexameter Latin verse, with a liberal English version, etc. Sandisfield, Mass. 1841. sq.10 *Pph.v.228 SMITH, James, llcports on sewerage, supply of water, etc. See Gt. Britain. Bd. of health. 7004. 1 SMITH, Sir James E. Flora Britannica. Londiui, 1800-4. 3v. 8 3855.3 Physiological and systematical botany. With notes by J. Bigclow. 1st American from 2d English edition. Boston, 1814. 8" .... 3852.3 Plantarum icones hactenus ineditas. Londini, 1789. f *3820.0 Tour on the continent, 1780-87. London, 1793. 3v. 8 *2274.2 Memoir and correspondence. Ed. by lady Smith. London, 1832. 2v. 8 2454.1 English flora. London, 1828-44. Ov. 8 . . 3855.2 SMITH, Hon. Jeremiah. Life. See Morison, J. H. 2343.20 SMITH, Jerome V. C. Oration before the inhabi- tants of South Boston, July 4, 1835. Bos- ton, 1835. 8" 2253.5, *Pph.V. 260 SMITH, John, b. 1018, d. 1052. Discourse on proph- ecy. [Watson. Theological tracts, v.4] . 3454.2 SMITH, Capt. John, d. 1631. Travels [and] Gen- ers^l historic of Virginia. Kichmond, 1819. 2v. 8 2374.15 Descriptio Novas Aiiglia. [Bry. Coll. pereg. Ser. 1, v.4] 2300.20 Description of New England, 1014. [Force. Tracts, v.2] 2323.3 New England's trials. [Force. Tracts, v.2] . 2323.3 History of Virginia, New England, and the Summer isles. [Pinkerton. Voyages, v.13]. 2200.13 SMITH, John, LL.B. Memoirs of wool, woolens, etc. 2d ed. London, 1705. 2v. 4 .... *3651.1 SMITH, John, dealer in pictures. Catalogue rai- sonne of the works of Dutch, Flemish, and French painters. London, 1829-42. 9v. 1.8 *40S4.C SMITH, John A. On the sense of touch : a dis- course, Nov. 0, 1837. N. Y. 1837. 8. *M.Pph.v.31 Eulogium on the late Wright Post. New York, 1828. 8 *M.Pph.v.20 SMITH, .John G. Principles of forensic medicine. London, 1821. 8 3787.9 SMITH, John J., and Watson, J. F. American his- torical and literary curiosities. 5th ed. New York, 1852. 4 *2330.1 SMITH, John Pyc. Holy Scriptures and geological science. 5th ed. London, 1855. 12. [Con- gregational lectures] *3485.20 SMITH, John R. List of works illustrating the provincial dialects of England. London, 1839. pp.24. 12" 2586.0 Shelf. No. SMITH, John T. Antiquities of Westminster. London, 1807. 4 *2500.12 Nollekens and his times. London, 1S2S. 2v. 8" 4074.8 SMITH, John W. Compendium of mercantile law. 3d ed. by J. P. Holcombe and W. Y. Ghol- son. New York, 1855. 8 *3G71.2 Law of contracts. With notes by J. C. Sy- mons. 3d American ed. by W. H. Kawle. Philadelphia, 1853. 8 3005.4 Selection of leading cases. 5th Am. ed by J. I. C. Hare and H. B. Wallace. Philadel- phia, 1855. 2v. 8 *3G95.5 SMITH, Joseph. Old Redstone, or sketches of western presbyterianism. Philadelphia, 1854. 8 3.314.7 SMITH, Joseph, the Mormon prophet, Memoirs of. See Mormons 3489.20 SMITH, Joseph M. Discourse on the influence of diseases on the intellectual and moral pow- ers, Oct. 30, 1848. N. Y. 1818. 8. . *M.Pph.v.45 Discourse on the public duties of medical men. New York, 1840. 8 *M.Pph.r.42 SMITH, Joshua T. Local self-government and centralization. London, 1851. 12 .... 3503.13 SMITH, Josiah. Sermon delivered after the fune- ral of Rev. N. Bassett. Boston, 1739. 12 . *3450.47 SMITH, J. Third anniversary oration of the Philadelphia philological society, 1812. Philadelphia, 1S12. 12 *Pph.v.207 SMITH, J. H. National oration by J. H. Smith, and temperance oration by I. Edwards, delivered July 4, 1844. Albany, 1844. 8.*Pph.v.l38 SMITH, Margaret. Journal of Massachusetts bay, 1678-79. See Whittier, J. G 2409.31 SMITH, Matthew llale. The Bible, the rod, and religion, in common schools : a sermon ; Review by W. B. Fowle ; Correspondence with H. Mann. Boston, 1847. 8 ... *Pph.v.l01 Horace Mann and M. II. Smith. [Boston, 1847.] 8. [No title-page] *Pph.v.lGl Reply to the sequel of Hon. H. Mann. Bos- ton, 1847. 8 *Pph.v.l61 SMITH, Mortimer J. Trial of M. J. Smith on an indictment for libel on Miss Emma Wil- liams. Albany, 1847. 8 *Pph.v.l59 SMITH, Nathan. Practical essay on typhous fever. New York, 1824. 8 *M.Pph.v.l3 Medical and surgical memoirs. Ed. with ad- denda by N. II. Smith. Baltimore, 1831. 8". 3722.10 Address on the death of. .See Allen, 'W. M.Pph.v.21 Eulogium on. See Knight, J M.Pph.v.20 SMITH, N. lluggles. Oration, July 4, 1808, before the citizens of Roxbury. Bost. 1808. 6.*l > ph.v.G3 SMITH, Hon. Robert. Address to the people of the United States. [Baltimore, 1811.] 8.*Pph.v.l SMITH, Robert, b. 1089, d. 1708. Cours complet d' optique, trad, de 1'anglois, par L. P. P[eze- nas]. Avignon, 1707. 2v. 4 *3920.22 Harmonics, or the philosophy of musical sounds. 2d cd. London, 1759. 8 *4042.14 SMITH, Capt. R. B. Italian irrigation : a report on the canals of Piedmont and Lombardy. 2d ed. Edinburgh and London, 1855. 2v. 8. Atlas, f *3942.5 SMITH, Roswell C. First book in geography. 7th ed. New York, 1848. sq.24 7039.5 English grammar, on the productive system. 2ded. Philadelphia, 1837. 12 7049.46 Geography, on the productive system. Phila- delphia, 1835. 18 7039.9 SMITH, Samuel H., M. D. Discourse before the class of Starling medical college. Colum- bus, 1850. 8" *M.Pph.v.47 SMITH, Samuel S. Causes of variety of complex- ion and figure in the human species. Phila- delphia, 1787. 8 *2235.5 - Same. 2d ed. New-Brunswick, 1810. 8. 2235.4 Evidences of the Christian religion. Phila- delphia, 1809. 12 3436.16 SMITH 736 SOCIAL Shelf. No. SMITH, Samuel S. continued. The love of praise : a sermon. New-Bruns- wick, 1810. 8 *Pph.v.4 Nature, subjects, and benefits of baptism. Philadelphia, 1808. pp.50. 8 3441.4 Sermons, [with] a memoir of his life and writing's. Philadelphia, 1821. 2v. 8 ... *3457.22 SMITH, Sarah L. P. Poems. Providence, 1829. 12. 2398.38 SMITH, Mrs. Seba. The western captive, or the times of Tecumseh. New York, 1842. 4. [The New World] *Pph.v.327 SMITH, Sydney. Elementary sketches of moral philosophy. New ed. London, 1854. 10. 3587.21 Fragment on the Irish Roman catholic church. London, 1845. 8 *Pph.v.l46 Letter on the ecclesiastical commission. 7th ed. London, 1837. 8 *Pph.v.l01 Letters on the catholics, by Peter Plymley. 21st ed. London, 1838. 12 3463.21 Sermons. London, 1809. 2v. 8 3443.4 Memoir. See Holland, S 2451.2 SMITH, Sir Thomas, b. 1514, d. 1577. De recta lin- gvae Graecae pronvntiatione. Lvtetiae, 1508. sm.4 *2980.1 De recta lingvae Anglicas scriptione dlalogus. Lvtetiae, 1508. pp.44. sm.4 *29S6.1 DC repvblica Anglorvm. Lvgduni Butav. 1030. 32 *2419.10 SMITH, licv. Thomas, of Falmouth, Me. Extracts from [his] journals. With an appendix by S. Freeman. Portland, 1821. 8 2329.30 SMITH, Dr. Thomas S. Animal physiology. 8". [London. Soc. for diffus. of usef. knowl.]. **E.212.5 Philosophy of health. 3d ed. London, 1847. 2v. 18 3709.35 Treatise on fever. London, 1830. 8" 3790.7 Use of the dead to the living. Albany, 18J7. 8 *M.Pph.v.lO SMITH, Hon. William, 6. 1728, d. 1793. History of New York, from the discovery to 1732. 2d ed. Philadelphia, 1792. 8 *2371.13 - Same. With continuation to the year 1814. Albany, 1814. 8 2371.9 - Same. From its discovery to 1702. New York, 1829. 2v. 8 2371.24 SMITH, William, LL. D. Dictionary of Greek and Koman geography. Boston, 1854. 2v. 8. 2983. Dictionary of Greek and Koman biography and mythology. London, 1849. 3v. 8 . . 2930.7 History of Greece, with notes and continua- tion by C. C. Felton. Boston, 1855. 8 ... 3072.3 New classical dictionary. London, 1850. 8. 2932.1 SMITH, William G. Inaugural dissertation on opium, embracing its history, etc. [New York], iai2. 8 *M.Pph.v.23 SMITH, William H., esq. Bacon and Shakespeare. London, 1857. 10 2598.15 Was Lord Bacon the author of Shakespeare's plays? London, 1856. pp.15. 12 *2597.32 SMITH, William H., Canadian. Canada; past, present, and future. Toronto, n.d. 2v. 8. 2311.3 SMITH, Col. William Steuben. Trial for mis- demeanor [expedition under Miranda against Caraccas]. See Lloyd, T 3684.12 SMITH, William Tyler. Parturition and obstetrics. Philadelphia, 1849. 12 *3771.5 SMITH, William W. Speller and definer's manual. New York, 1855. 12 7059.22 SMITH, Worthington. Discourse at the interment of Hon. B. Swift. St. Albans, Vt. 1848. 8.*Pph.T.180 Popular instruction and its relation to the higher institutions of learning. St. Albans, Vt. 1840. 8 *Pph.v.l83 SMITH family. See Goodwin, N 2332.8 SMITHERS, H. Liverpool, its commerce, statis- tics, etc., with a history of the cotton trade. Liverpool, 1825. 4 *2472.14 SMITHERS, W. C. The classical student's manual. 3d ed. London, 1844. 8 2932.2 SMITHSONIAN institution. See Washington. Shelf. No. SMOKE, Prevention of. Williams, C. W 3971.3 SMOKE nuisance, Essay on the. Williams, C. W. 3971.18 SMOLLETT, T. Works, with memoirs of his life, [and] a view of the commencement and pro- gress of romance, by J. Moore. London, 1797. 8v. 8 *2576.5 Contents. Vol. I. View of the commencement and progress of romance ; Life of Smollett ; The regicide, a tragedy ; The reprisal, or the tan of Old England, a comedy ; Advice and reproof, two satires; Poems and odes. II. Adventures of Roder- ick Random. Ill, IV. Adventures of Peregrine Pickle, in which are included memoirs of a lady of quality. V. Adventure* of Ferdinand Count Fa- thom. VT. Adventure* of Sir Launcclot Greaves ; History and adventures of an atom. VII. Expedi- tion of Humphry Clinker, viii- Travels through France and Italy, [1763]. See Ballantync, James and John. Novelist's library 2573.1 Contents. Vol. II. Roderick Random ; Pere- grine Pickle ; Humphry Clinker. III. Ferdinand Count Fathom; Sir Launcclot Greaves; Translation of Don Quixote, with a life of Cervantes. Poems and life. [Chalmers. Eng. poets]. T. 15 of 2592. 7 SMYTH, C. P. Teneriffe, an astronomer's experi- ment. London, 1858. 12 3057.4 Astronomical observations. -See Great Brit- ain. Admiralty E. 160.1 SMTTII, John. Select poems. Toronto, 1841. sq.16 *Pph.v.228 SMYTH, John F. D. Tour in the United States. London, 1784. 2v. 8" 2362.7 SMYTH, Kichard. Obituary catalogue of such per- sons as he knew, 1027-74. Ed. by Sir H. Ellis. London, 1849. sm.4. [Camden society, No. 44] *2416.44 SMYTH, Robert C. Railway from the Atlantic to the Pacific [in British America]. London, 1849. pp.75. 8 4015.14 SMYTH, T. Unity of the human races, with a re- view of the theory of Agassiz. Edinburgh, 1851. p.8, and pi 3888.11 SMYTH, William. Lectures on the French revolu- tion. Cambridge and London, 1848. 3v. 8. 4648.4 SMYTH, William H. Cycle of celestial objects. London, 1844. 2v. 8 3922.5 The Mediterranean ; a memoir, physical, his- torical, and nautical. London, 1854. 8 . . 2704.4 SMYTIIIES, J. K. Essay on the theory of attrac- tion. London, 1850. pp.28 4 **E. 211.3 SNAILS. Knorr, G. W. Vorstellung einer allge- meinen Sammlungvon Schneckcn .... 3872.8 Pfeiffer, L. G. C. Monographia hcliceorum viventium 3872.12 SNELL,W. De re nummaria. [Gronovius. The- saurus Graec. antiq. v. 9] 2900.2 SNODGRASS, W. D. Discourse occasioned by the death of J. M. Mason. N. Y. 1830. 8 . *Pph.v.80 SNOW, C. H. History of Boston. Bost. 1825. 8 . 2353.7, 8 SNOW, Henry. Disscrtatio inauguralis do rheuma- tismoacuto. Edinburgi, 1807. 8. .*M.Pph.v.l2 SNOW, Herman. Spirit-intercourse; incidents of personal experience. Boston, 1853. 16. . 3609.13 SOAMES, H. Elizabethan religious history. Lon- don, 1839. 8 3522.4 History of the reformation of the church of England. London, 1826-28. 4v. 8 . . . . 3522.5 SOANE, J. Designs for public and private build- ings. London, 1828. f *4100.11 SOAVE, F. Grammatica ragionata della lingua italiana. Milano, 1826. 12 2786.17 La filosofia di Kant esposta ed esaminata. Ed. prima veneta. Venezia, 1804. 12 . . 3608. 14 Novelle moral! ad uso de' fanciulli. 2a ed. Milano, 1830. 10 4775.31 Novels. [Roscoe. Italian novelists, v. 4] . . 2772.18 SOBIESKI, J., Pologne sous. See Salvandy, N. A. 3064.6 SOCIAL science. Andreucci, O. Gli orfanotrofi . 3570.69 Azais, P. H. Des compensations dans les des- tinees humames 2662.15 SOCIAL 737 SOLLY Shelf. No. SOCIAL science, continued. Bianchiui, L. Del ben vivere sociale .... 3561.7 Bonnal. Abolition du proletariat 3509. 15 Buckingham, J. S. Coming era of reform . 3505.9 - National evils and remedies 3500.15 Buisson, E. L'homnie,lafamille, et la societe. 3566.31 Calvcrt, G. II. Introduction to 3560.23 Carey, H. C. Principles of 3565.10 Fregicr, H. A. Des classes dangereuses de la population dans les grandes villes . . . 3570.77 Gagern, H. C. E. v. Resultate der Sittenge- scMchte 3569.27 Giandolini, A. Istoriacriticadella vita civile. 3550.10 Greg, W. R. Essays on 3503.3 Holyoake, G. J. Self-help by the people . . 3500.32 Knigge, A. F. F. L. v. Ueber den Umgang rait Menschen 3608.8 Le Bastier, J. Theorie de 1'equilibre econo- mique 3566.10 Montagu, A. de. Etudes sociales d'apres la revelation 4679.15 Moutyon, A. J. B. K. Auget de. Les prix de vertu 2639.10 Moreau-Christophe, L. M. Du droit a 1'oisi- vcte, et de 1'organisation du travail servile dans les republiques grecque et romaine . 2950.20 Morgan, J. M. The Christian common- wealth 3550.8 Petitti di Koreto, C. I. Mendicita, beneficen- za, e carceri 3570.78 Quetelet, L. A. J. Du systeme sociale et des lois qui le regissent 3566.9 Quincy, J. Remarks on some of the provis- ions of the laws of Massachusetts affecting poverty, vice, and crime E.219.2 Kaumer, F. L. G. v. Gesellschaftliche Fragen der Gegenwart 3569.26 Kevue de la science sociale. See Phalange. 5141.3 Spcucor, II. Social statics, or the conditions of human happiness 3561.12 Transactions, etc. of the national association for the promotion of 3560.1 Vaughau, 11. Age of great cities 3565.23 Wade, J. History of the middle and working classes 3566.27 See also : Aristocracy, Association, Charitable in- stitutions, Charity, Ethics, Family, Friendly societies, Juvenile depravity. Labor, Laboring classes, Ministry, Peace, Peasants, Penal laws, Political science, Poor, Poor laws, Poverty, Prison discipline, Prostitution, Ragged schools, Slavery, Society, Temperance, Wo- man. SOCIALISM. Ballou, A. Practical Christian S. . 3505.3 Breynat, J. Les socialistes depuis Fevrier . 3509.17 Considerant, V. P. Le socialismc devant le vieux monde 3500.20 Godwin, P. Doctrines of Fourier 3506.18 Ledain, A. Le socialismc et la republique . 3506.14 Reybaud, M. It. L. Etudes sur les socialistes modcrnes 3565.19 SOCIETIES. Annuairc des society's savantes de la France et de I'etranger. [France. Minis- try of instruction] 2203.1 Hume, A. Learned societies and printing clubs of the United kingdom 2203.6 SOCIETY. Chetwynd, C. J. Meliora, or state and prospects of 3569.4 Daunou, P. C. F. Essai sur les garanties individuelles qui reclame 1'etat actuel de la societe 3566.28 Douglas, J. Advancement of society in knowl- edge and religion 3506.25 Ferguson, A. History of civil society . . . 3505.24 Owen, R. New view of 3505.4 Southey, R. Progress and prospects of . . . 3565.20 StaUl-IIolstein, A. L. G. de. N Influence of lit- erature upon Vaughan, R. Society viewed in its relation to intelligence, etc See also: Civilization, Family, Government, Ranks. Shelf. No. SOCIETY for the promotion of Christian knowl- edge, piety, and charity. Religious tracts, Nos. 1-0. Bost. 1812-16. 3v. 12.3445.40, **E.219.21 SOCIETY for propagating the gospel among the Indians. Report, 67th, of the select com- mittee. Boston, 1856. 8" 3534.3 SOCIETY for the propagation of the gospel in for- eign parts. Apthorp, E. Considerations on the 3544.19 Humphreys, D. Account of 3534.16 Mayhew, J. Observations on the 3456.53 SOCRATES. Bentley, R. De Socratis epistolis . 3001.1 - Dissertation upon the epistles of .... 2959.1 Charpeutier, F. La vie de 3009.3 Choses mernorables de Socrate. Xenophon. 3009.3 Memoirs of. Xeuophon . 3003.3 Priestley ,J. Socrates and Jesus compared. Pph.v.52 SOCKATKS, of Rhodes, historian. See Fragmenta historicorum Grsecorum, v.3 3002.11 SCEMMEJUUXG, D. W. De oculorum sectionc hori- zontal! comment. Gottiugae, 1818. pp. 78. f.*3800.19 SCEJIMEKRIXG, S. T. v. Icones embryonum hu- manorum. Francofurti a. M. 1799. pp.10, f '. *37.K.2 Traite d'osteologie et de syndesmologie, suivi d'un traite de la mecauique des or- gaucs de la locomotion par G. et E. Weber, trad, de 1'allem. par A. J. L. Jourdan. Paris, 1843. Iv. 8, and Iv. 4. pi. [Ency- clopedic anatomique, v.2] *3734.5 Lcben. See Wagner, R 2847.4 SOGKAFI, A. S. Olivo e Pasquale, comm.; Le con- venieuze teatrali. [Raccolta di commedie, ecc, v.2] 2777.7 See Teatro moderno applaudito 2768.1 Contents. Vol. I. Olivo e Pasquale, commedia. XXXI. Le convenienze teatrali, farsa. XLII. II marito di quattro nioy;li, farsa. XLVI. Verier, com- media. JLII. Le nozzc in latino, farsa. LI II. L'arnor plutouico, farsa. LVI1L Jarico in Loiidra, comme- dia. SOILS. Sprengel, C. Die Bodenkunde Oder die Lehre vom Boden 3993.16 SOLD AX i, J. See Carcano, G. Poeti satirici ital- iaui, v.l 2809.3 Orazioui. [Dati. Prose fiorentiuc, v.l, 4] . 2787.1 Satire. [Parnaso italiano, v.40] 2709.2 SOLDIXI, F. M. De anima brutorum. Florentiae, i;;r>. 8 *3S87.14 SOLDO, Cristoforo da. Annales Bri.xiani 1437-08. [Muratori. Rerum Ital. script, v. 21] . . . 2720.1 SOLEINXE. Bibliotheque dramatiquc. Catalogue redigepar[Lacroix]. Paris, 1813-15. 3v. 8. *2175.1 SOLENHOFEN, Vcrstcincrungen aus der K;ilk- schieferformation von. Riippell, W. P. E. S. 3801.28 SOLERA, M. Essai sur les valours. [Economist! class, ital. v. 40j 3044.1 SOLESE, A. I fenomcni. [Raccolta di poemetti didascalici, v.10] 4779.8 SOLGER, C. W. F. Nachgelassene Schriften. Hrsg. v. L. Ticck und F. v. Raumer. Leipzig, 182(i. 2v. 8 2900.1 SOLINUS, C. J. See Lemaire, K. E. Poet. Lat. min. v.l 2912.1 See Wernsdorf, J. C. Poet. Lat. miu. v.l . 2912.4 SOUS; A. de. Conquest of Mexico by the Span- iards, transl. by T. Townsend, revised by N.Hooke. 3ded. London, 1753. 2v. 8.*2314.11 SOLITARY confinement. Inquiry into the alleged tendency of the separation of convicts . . . 3575.8 Licbcr, F. Solitary confinement at labor as contradistinguished to solitary confinement at night and joint labor by day 3575.2 SOLITARY walks through many lands. Inglis, H. D. 2273.8 SOLITUDE. Story, J. Power of S. : a poem . E. 228. 14 Zimmermann, J.G. v. Uebcr dieEinsamkeit. E.229.3 SOLLY, E. Policy of repealing Mr. Peel's bill. London, 1823. 8 *3646.24 SOLLY, S. The human brain, with the typical forms of brain in the animal kingdom. 2d ed. London, 1847. 8 3801.8 SOLOMON 738 SONNATIUS Shelf. No. SOLOMON, A. De quibusdam cerebri tumoribus. Edinburgi, 1810. 8 3801.15 SOLOMON, S. Guide to health. COth ed. n.d. 12. 3709.25 SOLON. Carmina, cd. N. Bachius. Bonnae, 1825. 8. 3000.20 See Brunck, K. F. Gnomici poetae Graeci . . 2908.5, 6 See Gaisford, T. Poetae minores Graeci, v.3. 2908.2 See Gnomici Grseci 2979.3 SOLTAU, F. L. v. Deutsche hist. Volkslieder. 2tes Hundert. Herausg. von Hildebrand. Leipzig, 1856. 8 2902.12 Ein hundert deutsche hist. Volkslieder 2te Ausg. Leipzig, 1845. 8 2902.13 SOLVYNS, F. B. Les Hindous, leurs meeurs, cou- tumes et ceremonies. Paris, 1808-12. 4v. f. *3020.7 SOMAIZK, A. Beaudeau de. Dictionnaire des pre- cieuses. Nouv. ed. par C. L. Livet. Paris, 1840. 2v. 16 2C79.3 SOMERS, E. S. Treatment of dysentery, and fevers among troops in the field. London, 1816. 8 *M.Pph.v.94 SOMERS, J., lord. Tracts, chiefly such as relate to the history of [the United] kingdoms. 2d ed. by W. Scott, esq. London, 1809-15. 13v. 4 *2411.2 Contents. Vol. I. Reign of Elizabeth, and prior. II.-III. Reign of James I. IV.- V. Charles I. VX- VII. Commonwealth. VII.-VIII. Charles n. IX. James n. IX.-XH. William in. XH. Anne; George i. Note. Each volume has an internal division, as into ecclesiastical, civil, military, miscellaneous. Security of Englishmen's lives ; or the duty of grand juries. London, 1706. 8 . . *Pph. v.241 Account of. SeeMaddock, n 2440.16 Life, by D. Jardine. See London. Society for the diff. of useful knowledge. Lives . . E.212.8 SOMERS mutiny. Proceedings of the court of in- quiry appointed to inquire into the intended mutiny on board the U. S. brig Somers. New York, 1843. p. 8 *Pph.v.l29 SOMERSET, H. , earl ofGlamorgan, afterwards marq. of Worcester. Transactions in 1045-40. See Birch, T 2476.21 SOMERSETSHIRE. Collinson, J. Ilistoryof. . . 2501.6 Greenwood, C. and J. S. delineated .... 2503.1 Jennings, J. Dialect of 2586.30 Murray, J. Handbook for travellers in . . . 2486.14 Rutter, J. Delineations of 2402.15 See also : Bristol, Carhampton, Taunton. SOMERVILLE, James, \\th, lord. Memorie of the Somervilles. Edinburgh, 1815. 2v. 8" . . 2443.9 SOMERVILLE, Rev. James, Remarks on an article in the Edinburgh review in which the doc- trine of Hume on miracles is maintained. Edinburgh, 1815. 8 *Pph.v.20 SOMERVILLE, M. Connection of the physical sci- ences. Philadelphia, 1834. 12 3965.9 SOMERVILLE, T. Political transactions and par- ties, from the restoration of Charles II to the death of king William. Lond. 1792. 4. *2521.4 SOMERVILLE, or Somervile, William. Poems. London, 1779. 16. [Johnson. English poets] v.47 of *2589.3 Poems and life. [Chalmers. Eng. poets], v. 11 of 2592.7 SOMERVILLE, William C. Letters on the French revolution. Baltimore, 1822. 8 4656.10 SOMETHING, edited by Nemo Nobody, esq. No. 1-19. Boston, 1809-10. 8 3183.6 SOMMARIO degli avveni'mcnti di 1848-49 in Roma. Roma, 1850. 2v. sm.S" 4745.21 SOMMERS, C. G. Baptist library. Prattsville, N.Y. 1843. 3v. 8" *3454.1 Contents. Vol. I. General view of baptism, by Thomas Westlake ; Scripture manual of the ordi- nance of baptism, by Samuel Wilson; Scraps; Vindi- cation of the baptists, by Abraham Booth ; Biogra- phies of distinguished baptists ; History of the bap- tists in New England, 1602-1804, by Isaac Backus ; Watery war, a poem ; Scripture guide to baptism, by K. Pengilly; Conversations on communion, by J. G. Fuller ; Psdobaptism examined, in two parts, by Shelf. No. SOMMERS, C. G. continued. Abraham Bootli ; Examination of Dr. Dwight's dis- courses on baptism, by F. L. Cox. II. Life and death of John Buayan ; Practical uses of Christian baptism, by A. Fuller; The backslider, by A. Fullor; Discouragements and supports of a Christian minis- ter, by Robert Uall ; To the Rev. E. Carey on hii designation as missionary to India, by R. Hall; Mod- ern infidelity, by R. Hall ; Expository discourses on Genesis, by A.Fuller ; Holy war, made by Shaddai upon Diabolus, by John Bunyan ; Review of Fos- ter's essays, by B. Hall ; Gospel worthy of all accep- tation, by A. Fuller; Close communion, dialogue, by Gustavus F. Davis, m. Decision of character, by John Foster ; Infant baptism and communion, by Dr. Chapin ; Travels of true godliness, by Benjamin Kcach ; Help to Zion's travellers, by Robert Hall ; Death of legal hope, by A. Booth ; Come and wel- come to Jesus Christ, by J. Bunyan ; Dr. Griffin's letter on communion ; Prof. Ripley's review of Grif- fin's letter ; Memoir of Robert Hall, by O. Gregory; Strictures on Sandemanianism, by A. Fuller ; Me- moirs of S. Pearce, with extracts from letters, by A, Fuller; Covenant of circumcision no just plea for infant baptism, by W. T. Brantly ; Discourse at the organization of the Bible society, by A. L. Covell; Terms of communion, by S. II. Cone. SOMNAMBULISM. Bclden, L. W. Account of Jane C. Rider, of Springfield M.Pph.v.25 Dclaage, H. Mysteres du magnetisme . . . 3509.13 Gauthier, A. Histoire du somnambulisme . 3488.7 SONG of Milkanwatha, and other poems. Transl. from the Feejee, by M. A. Henderson. 2d ed. Cincinnati, 1850. 12 2399.17 SONG of the sexton, addressed to his shovel, after the dedication of the Albany cemetery, by Old Mortality. [No title-page.] 8 . . *Pph.v.l44 SONG-WRITING, Essays on. Aikin, J 2536.3 SONGS of England, [Ireland,] and Scotland. Lon- don, 1835. 2v. p.8 **E. 229.1 SONGS. Aikin, J. Collection of English .... 2536.3 -p- Becker, C. F. Lieder und Wcisen vergange- ner Jahrhunderte 4049.37 Berangcr, P. J. de. Chansons 2603.14 Carrer, L. Lirici italiani del sccolo 16 ... 2809.4 Collection of English and Scotch songs . . . 2509.0 Cromek, R. H. Ancient and modern Scottish songs 2538.15 - Remains of Nithsdale and Galloway . . 2580.2 Erlach,F.C.v. Die Volkslieder derDcutschen 2902.9 Gammer Gurton's garland 2538.4 Gorres, J. J. v. Altteutsche Volks-und Mei- stcrlieder 2902.10 Grazzini, A. F. Canti carnascialeschi in Fi- renze dal tempo di L. de' Medici 2787.6 Hagen, F. H. v. der. Minnesinger 2902.2 Hewitt, M. E. Songs of our laud 2398.16 La Villemarque^ T. H. de. Chants populaires de la Bretagne 2070.27 Leroux de Lincy, A. J. V. Chants histo- riques francais 2670.18 Lescurel, J. de. Chansons, ballades, et ron- deaux 2669.24 MUllenhof, C. Lieder von Schleswig Holstein und Lauenburg 2902.11 Ramsay, A. Collection of Scots sangs . . . . 2509.17 Rimbault, E. F. S. from ancient music books. 2538.14 Ritson, J. Ancient songs 2538.3 - Collection of English songs 2538.9 - Scotish songs 2538.2 Robinson, T. A. L. v. J. Characteristik der Volkslieder germanischer Nationen .... 2902.8 Sargent, E. Songs of the sea 2408.17 Schulz, J. A. P. Lieder im Volkston, bey demClaviere zu singen 4042.27 Soltau, F. L. v. Deutsche historische Volks- lieder 2902.12,13 Taylor, E. Lays of German troubadours . . 2902.14 Tommaseo, N. Canti popolari toscani, corsi, illirici, greet 2787.8 Wolf,F. Geschichte der rythmischen Formen der Volkslieder, u. s. w. im Mittelalter . . 2173.8 See also: Ballads, Camden society, Percy society. SONNATIUS. Statuta. [Migne. Patrologiae v.SO] . 3450.15 SONNERAT 739 SOUTH Shelf. No. SONNERAT, P. Voyages aux Indes orientates et a la Chino, 1774-S1. Isouv. ed. par Sonnini. Paris, 1803. 2v. 4 *3041.15 Voyage a la Nouvelle Guinee. Paris, 1770. 4.*3S24.18 SONNET. Storiadel sonetto italiano 2771. 14 SONNINI, C. N. S. do Manoncour. Travels in Egypt. Tr. by H. Hunter. London, 1799. 3v. 8" . *3053.4 Voyage dans la haute ct basse Egypte. Paris, [1800.] 3v. 8 3052.7 SOPATKK. See Walz, C. Rhetores Grseci .... 2905.2 Contents. Vol. IV, V. Scholia ad Hermogenis status. VIII. Tractatio caussarum. SOPHILUS. See Poetarum com. Graec. fragm. . . 3002.14 SOPHOCLES. Tragcediae septem, ac dcporditarum fraginenta. Accedit lexicon Sophocleum. Ed. C. G. A. Erfurdt. Lipsize, 1802-25. 7v. 8. *3005.2 Contents. Vol. I. Trachinis. II. Electra. III. Philoctetes. IV. Antisoua. V. CEdipus rex. VI. Cliax. VII. CEdipus Col. [Tragcediae] curante J. F. Boissonade. Parisiis, 1824. 2v. 3'-!. [Boissonade. Poetarum Grae- corum,v.9,10] *2979.7 Contents. Vol. I. Ajax; Electra; Trach.; Philoct II. CEdip.rex; CEdip. Col.; Antigona, Fragm. Tragoedise septem et perditarum fragmenta. [Cura] E. A. I. Ahrens. Parisiis, 1842. 1.8. 2992.1 Perditarum fabularum fragmenta. [Wagner. Poet. trag. Graec. fragm. v.l] 2907.1 Tragedies, [translated] by T. Francklin. Lon- don, 1758-59. 2v. 4 *3001.3 Contents. Vol. I. Ajax; Electra; Philoctetes. II. An- tigone; Trachinia?; CEdipus tyrannus; tEdipus CoL. Tragedie, trad. F. Bellotti. Poeti greci . . . 2903.2 Antigone, griechischunddeutsch. Hrsg. von A. Bcickh. Berlin, 1843. 8 3005.1 See Brumoy, P. Theatre des Grecs. 2e ed . 2905.4 Contents. Vol. III. Ajax furicux; Elcctre; OEdipe. IV. CEdipe a Colone; Philoctete; Les Trachiniennes. V. Antigone. II Filottete, trad, in italiana. Alfleri, V. . v.3 of 2775.0 Philoctete, traduite en franais. [La Harpe. (Euvres, v.2] 2092.1 Edipo re,trad. da Orsatto Giustiniano. [Maffei. Teatro italiano, v.l] 2770.8 - Same. [Parnaso dc' poet, class, etc. v. 11]. 2709.1 SOPHOCLES, orator. See Baiter and Sauppe. Ora- tores Attici 2903.1 SOPHOCLES, E. A. Catalogue of Greek verbs. Hartford, 1844. 12 2984.15 Greek exercises. Ster. ed. Hartf. [1841]. 12. 7099.5 - Same. 3d ed. Hartford, 1848. 12 ... 7099.8 History of the Greek alphabet. Cambridge, 1848. 12 2985 12 Greek lessons for beginners. Hartf. 1843. 24. 7099.14 Romaic grammar, accompanied by a chresto- mathy, with a vocabulary. Hartf. 1842. 12. 2984.10 SOKBIEUE, S. dc. Relation d'un voyage en Angle- terre. Cologne, 1000. 24 *2409.21 SORCERESS, The, or Salem delivered. Scott, J. M. 2399.50 SORE-THROAT, Dissertation on the malignant, ul- cerous sore throat, lluxham, J 3780.4 SOREN, J. Narrative of Mr. J. S. piratically cap- tured, etc. London, 1800. pp.54. 8 ... 2344.8 SOKESINA, B. Epitome dclla storia di Mantova. Mantova, 1828. pp.45, f *2740.3 SOEOE, G. A. Anweisung zur Rational-Rechnung, u. d. damit verkniipfften Ausmessung und Abtheilung des Monochords. Lobenstein, 1749. 8 *4049.49 Ausweichungs-Tabellcn, in \velchen auf vier- fache Art gezeiget wird wie cine iede Ton- art in ihrc Neben-Tonarten ausweichen kon- ne. Niirnberg, n.d. pp.9. f *4040.14 SoRio, B. Estratto dalla rivista ginnasiale. Mi- lano, 1855. pp.88. 8 2803.8 Contents. H canzoniere, ecc. del Petrarca nella edizione del professore Antonio Marsand j Sulla necessita della vera fllologia critica italiana ; Lettera intorno alle parde Ariostcsche ; Sopra il Tesoro di Bru- netto Latini ; Sopra tre luoghi dclla Divina comedia. SOSIBIUS Laco. See Fragmenta hist. Graec. v.2 . 3002.11 Shelf. No. SOSICRATES. See Poetarum com. Grsec. fragm.. 3002.14 SOSILUS. See Fragmenta hist. Grsec. v.3 30iJ2.ll SOSIPATER. See Poetarum com. Grsec. fragm. . . 3002.14 SOTADES. See Poetarum com. Graec. fragm. . . . 3002.14 SoTER,pope. Epistolae et decreta. [Migne. Pa- trologise Graeca, v.5] 3490.3 SOTHEBY, S., and son. List of catalogues of libra- ries sold by Leigh and Sotheby, 1744-1818. London, 1818. pp.28. 8 *2455.2 SOTHEBY, S. L. On the handwriting of Melanch- thon and Luther. London, 1839. 1.4 . . . *2110.G Memoranda relating to the block-books pre- served in the bibliotheque imperiale. Lon- don, 1859. 4 *2120.19 Principia typographica. The block-books of the fifteenth century. Lond. 1858. 3v. 4 . *2110.7 SOTHEBY, W. Constance de Castile : a poem. London, 1810. 4 *2571.1 SOTION. Fragmenta. [Westermann. Scriptores mirabiliuin Graeci] 2903.18 SOTO, U. de. Discovery and conquest of Terra Florida 2204.9 - Same. [Force. Tracts, v.4] 2323.3 SOUL and instinct, Discourse on the. Paine, M. . 3008.5 SOULAVIE, J. L. Giraud. Memoires du regne de Louis xvi. Paris, 1801. Gv. 8" *2G40.3 Pieces inedites sur les regncs de Louis xiv, Louis xv, et Louis xvi. Paris, 1809. 2v. 8. 2047.14 SOULIE, E. Memoires inedits des membres de 1' academic royale, etc. See Dussicux, L. . 4080.2 SOULS. State of souls separated from their bodies. ,%eIIubcr,M 3453.30 SOULT, N. J. do Dieu, Extracts from the journal of. Newburyport, 1817. 12 **E.228.9 Memoires : Guerres de la revolution. Paris, 1854. 3v. 8. Atlas, f *2053.3 SOUND. Chladni, E. F. F. Ueber die Theorie desKlanges 3943.23 Herschcl, J. F. W. Sound 3921.21 See ateo : Acoustics. SOUPIRS, Les, de la France esclave qui aspire apres la liberte". n.p. 1089. 4 *4GG0.20 SOUQUET, J. B. Metrologie franjaise. Toulouse, 1840. 4 *3G81.5 SOCRDIS, H. d'Escoublcau de. Correspondancc, et ordres, etc. de Louis xm et Richelieu. Paris, 1839. 3v. 4. [France. Coll. de docs. iuedits. Ser. 1, v. 35-37] 2020.5 SOUTER, D. Palamedes, sive de tabula lusoria, alea, et variis ludis, libri in. [Gronovius. Thesaurus Graec. antiq. v.7] 2900.2 SOUTH, J. Observations of the apparent distances and positions of 380 double and triple stars. See Herschel.J. F. W E. 185.5 SOUTH, R. Sermons. N. ed. Oxford, 1842. 5v. 8". *3442.2 SOUTH and west, Letters from the. Knight, H. C. 2370.8 SOUTH CAROLINA. Bartram, W. Travels through. 2301. 11 Bee, T. Reports of cases in the district court of 3707.1 Carroll, B. R. Historical collections of . . . 2375.1 Chalmers, L. Weather and diseases of . . . 3799.3 Dalcho, F. Protestant episcopal church in . 3510.5 Elliott, S. Botany of 3852.9 Gibbcs, R. W. History of the American rev- olution, chiefly in 2375.3 Hewatt, A. Historical account of the col- ony of 2375.8, 13 Mills, R. Statistics of 2375.2 Furry, J. P. Description of the province of. [Force. Tracts, v.2] 2323.3 Ramsay, D. History of the revolution of. 2325.10 Yonge, F. Proceedings of the people of, in 1719. [Force. Tracts, v.2] 2323.3 SOUTH CAROLINA. Medical college of the state. Catalogue, 1839-40, 1845, 40. Charleston, 1840-40. 8 *M.Pph.v. 35,43 Report of the agricultural survey of S. C. for 1843. Columbia, 1843. 8 6374.21 State agricultural society. Proceedings, 1839- 45, 47. Columbia, 1846, 47. 8 6371.20 SOUTH 740 SPAIN Shelf. No. SOUTH Hanover college and Indiana theological seminary. Catalogue of the corporation, faculty, and students. Cincin. 1833. 8".*Pph.v.l29 SOUTH pole. Botanique du voyage au pole sud. SeeDumont d'Urville, J. S. C 2271.1 See also : Antarctic regions. SOUTH sea. Bligh, W. Voyage to the 2270.13 Burney, J. Discoveries in the 2200.1,3 Cockburn, J. Journey to the 2304.0 Flinders, M. Voyage to Terra Australis . . 2270.8 Frezier, A. F. Voyage to the 2301.1 - Relation du voyage de la mer du sud, etc. 1712-14 2305.9 Havvkesworth, J. Relation des voyages pour faire des decouvcrtes 2265.11 - Voyages to the southern hemisphere . . 2270.0 Hawkins, K. Voyage in the year 1593 . . 2204.2 Kotzcbuc, O. v. Entdeckungs-Reisc in die Sud-See 2200.9 Tasman, A. J. Voyage for the discovery of southern countries. [Pinkerton. Voy. v.ll]. 2200.13 SOUTH sea islanders, The. Keeler, J Pph.v.218 SOUTHARD, S. L. Address before the societies of the college of New Jersey, 1837. 2d edition. Princeton, 1838. 8" *Pph.v.l46 Address delivered before the alumni associa- tion of Nassau hall. Princeton, 1832. 8.*Pph.v.87 Address before the Newark mechanics' asso- ciation. Newark, 1830. 8 *Pph.v.80 Eulogium upon the Hon. Charles Ewing. Trenton, 1832. 8 *Pph.v.91 SOUTHERN, T. Plays, with life. London, 1774. 3v. 12 *2568.9 Contents. Vol. I. Loyal brother, or the Per- sian prince, n tragedy, 1G82; Disappointment, or the mother in fashion, a play, Iti84 ; Sir Antony Love, or the rambling lady, a comedy, 1G01. II. The wives* excuse, or cuckolds make themselves, a comedy, 1092; Maid's last prayer, or any, rather than fail, a comedy, 1CU.'J ; Fatal marriage, or the innocent adultery, a play, 1694 ; Oroonoko, a tragedy, 1U99. III. Fate of Capua, a tragedy, 1700 ; Spartan dame, a tragedy ; Money the mistress, a play. Oroonoko. [Cumberland. British drama, v.3] E. 229.7 SOUTHERN book. Davis, \V. B 2370.9 SOUTHERN life insurance and trust company. Charter. New York, 1838. 8 *Pph.v.281 SOUTHERN literary messenger, devoted to litera- ture and the fine arts, v.1-21. New ser. v.l, 2,4,0,8. Richmond, 1834-59. 25 v. roy.S.*3190.15 SOUTHERN review. Vols. I-VIH. Charleston, 1828-32. 8v. 8 *5172.1 SOUTHEY, K. Book of the church. 2d ed. Lon- don, 1824. 2v. 8 3523.3 Colloquies on the progress and prospects of society. London, 1829. 2v. 8" 3565.20 History of Brazil. London, 1810-19. 3v. 4 *2310.22 History of the peninsular war. New edition. London, 1828-37. Cv. 8 3101.5 Omniana. London, 1812. 2v. 12 2559.18 Specimens of the later English poets. Lon- don, 1807. 3v. 10 2568.1 Vindiciae ecclesiae Anglicana:. Letters to C. Butler. London, 1820. 8 3523.4 Letter to John Murray, in reply to a letter from Lord Nugent, touching an article in the Quarterly review. London, 1833. 8. *Pph.v.91 SOUTHET, T. Colonial sheep and wools. Lon- don, 1851. 8 3651.15 SOUTHGATE, Henry. Many thoughts on many- things. [Quotations.] London, 1858. 4 . 2581.5 SOUTHGATE, Horatio. Letter in reply to a pam- phlet from the missionaries of the Ameri- can board of commissioners for foreign missions at Constantinople. New York, 1845. 8 *Pph.v.l43 [Letter from the missionaries at Constanti- nople in reply to charges by H. S.] Bos- ton, 1844. 8 *Pph.v.l43 Shelf. No. SOUTHWELL, R. Poetical works, ed. by \V. IS. Turnbull. London, 1850. 10. [Library of old authors] 2009.23 Triumphs over death, from the cd. of 1598. London, 1814. pp.24. 4. [Brydges. Ar- chaica, v.l] *2591.14 SOUTHWELL, Nottingham Co., Town and church of. Rastall, W. D 2501.7 SOUTHWICK, S. Address at the opening of the new theatre, [in verse]. Albany, [1813]. 8 *Pph.v.9 Address at the opening of the apprentices' library. Albany, 1821. 8 'Pph.y.25 Address on intemperance. Albany, 1832. 8.*Pph.v.84 Address, [anti-masonic]. Union Village, 1829. 12 *Pph.v.298 Brief essay towards an apology for a play actor. By Euripides. 1825. 8 *Pph.v.55 Oration on the 4th of July, 1828. Albany, 1828. 12 *Pph.v.216 Oration delivered in presence of seceding free masons, July 4, 1823. Albany, 1828. 8.*Pph.v.299 Pleasures of poverty: [a poem]. Albany, 1823. 8 *Pph.v.43 Speech at the opening of the New York anti- masonic state convention, Feb. 19, Albany, 1829. 8 *Pph.v.293 Warning against free-masonry. Albany, 1827. 8 *Pph.v.72 and Spencer, A. Case for Southwick. [X<> title-page.] 8 *Pph.v.l SOUVESTRE, E. Les derniers Bretons. Nour. &1. Paris, 1854. 2v. 12* 4665.9 Un philosophe sous les toils. 8e 6d. Paris, 1855. 12 2689.3 SOUZA, A. F. de. Eugene de Rothelin. Brux- elles, 1828. 2v. in 1. 24 4669.21 Mademoiselle dc Tournon. Bruxellcs, 1827. 2v. in 1. 24' 4009.23 SOWERBT, G.B. Conchological illustrations. Lon- don, 1841. 8 3872.16 SOWERBY, J. Mineral conchology of Great Brit- ain. London, 1812-29. 6v. 8 3872.10 SOZZOMENO pistoiese. Specimen historian, ab anno Christi, 1362-1410. [Muratori. Rerum Ital. script.] v. 16 of 2710.1 Excerpta ex historia, 1001-1294. [Tartini. Rerum Ital. script, v.l] 2720.2 SOZZINI, A. Diario delle cose avvenute in Siena, 1550-55. Firenze, 1842. 8. [Archivio stor. ital. v.2] *5245.2 Note : Appended are La cacciata della guardia spag- nuola da Siena, d'incerto autore, 15^2; Racconti delle principal! fazioni dclla guerra di Siena, gcritti da Gi- rolamo Roffia,1551; Notizie della vittoria riportata dagl' imperial! presso Marciano, scritte da uu auoni- ino, 1 J01. Novelle. [Novelle di autori senesi, v.2] . . 2788.0 Novels. [Roscoe. Italian novelists, v.2] . . 2772.18 SPA, Belgium, Description de. SeeAix-la-Chapolle. 2834.18 SPACKMAN, W. F. Statistical tables of Great Britain, to 1842. London, [1842] . 10 . . . 2435.1 SPAFFORD, H. G. Observations on wheel car- riages, and how they may be improved. Albany, 1815. 8 *Pph.v.9 Gazetteer of the state of New York. Al- bany, 1813. 8 2388.10 SPAIN. Calendario manual y guia de forasteros en Madrid, para 1825. [Madrid], n.d. 3'>.*3095.20 Estado militareu Espaua, 1825. [Madrid], n.d. 32 *3095.20 Art and artists. Cumberland, R. Anecdotes of painters in . . 4089.14 Jones, O. Alhambra court in the crystal palace 4089.37 Quilliet, F. Dictionnaire des peintres espag- noles 4086.3 Viardot, L. Notices sur les principaux pein- tres de 1'Espagne 4081.9 - Les musees d'Espagne 4089.20 SPAIN 741 SPALLANZANI Shelf. No. SPAIN. Art and artists, continued. Waring-, T. B. Examples of architectural art in 4050.2 Description, travels, etc. Bout-going, J. F. de. Travels in 3103.0 Custine, A. de. L'Espagne sous Ferdinand vn 3105.20 Didier, C. Une annee en Espagne 3104.6 Laborde, A. L. J. de. Itineraire descriptif de PEspagne 3103.1,3 - View of S., an itinerary of each province. 3103.2 - Voyage pittoresque et historique de 1'Es- Pagne 3100.1 Link, H. F. Reise durch Spanien 2000.31 Swinburne, H. Travels through S. in 1775-76. 3103.5 Townsend,.!. Journey through S. in 1780-87. 3103.4 Twiss, R. Travels through S. in 1772-73 . . 3100.9 White, J. B. Letters from 3103.7 See also : Andalucia, Madrid. History. Ahmed Ibn Mohammed Al-Makkari. Mo- hammedan dynasties in 3022.2 Bassompierre, F. de. Ambassade en Es- P a ae 2049.22 Blaquiere, E. Review of the Spanish revo- lution 3102.1 Busk, M. M. History of E.212.7 Cayet, P. V. P. Histoire de la paix entre lea rois de France et d'Espagne 2039.2 Cevallos, P. Practices which led to the usur- pation of the crown of, by Buonaparte . Pph.v.l Chateaubriand, R. F. A. de. Guerre d'Es- pagne 2702.4 Correspondence rcl. to. See Great Brit. . v.5of 7073.1 Coxe, W. Memoirs of the kings of, 1700-88 . 3101.2 Discussion with, 1802-4. See Great Brit, v.l of 7073 !l Dunlop, J. Reigns of Philip iv and Charles II, 1621-1700 3101al Ebcrt, A. Quellenforschungen aus der Ge- schichte Spaniens 3090 3 Ennen, L. Der spanische Erbfolgekrieg . . 2S19.1 Foy, M. S. Guerre de la peninsule 310l!e Gentz, F. Darstellung des VerhJiltnisses zwischen England und Spanien 3102.7 Gouvion-Saint Cyr, L. de. Armee frangaise de Catalogue, 1808-9 4C49.3 Jones, J. T. Sieges by the army under Wel- lington, 1811-14 3101.4 Junot, L. P. Souvenirs d'une ambassadc en Espagnc, 1808-11 4609.2 Lavallcc, J. Histoire ct description de 1'Es- pagne 2206.18 M'Crie, T. Reformation in Spain 3499.29 Mariana, J. de. Historia general de Espafia. 3102! 10 Mayerne-Turquet, L. de. Gencrall historic of *l>aine 3100.2 Mignet, F. A. A. Negociatious relatives a la succession d'Espagne sous Louis xiv. . . 2650.22 Pradt, D. D. de. Memoires sur la revolution d'Espagne 3m .4 Rocca, A. J. M. de. Guerre des Franyais en Espagne 3102.5 Scott, T. Vox populi, or newes from Spayue. 2512.14 Southoy, R. History of the peninsular war. 3101.5 Stanhope, A. Spain under Charles n. . 3102*8 Stanhope, P. II. History of the war of the succession in 3101 3 Suchet, L. G. Memoires, sur ses campanes en Espagne 2653 6 - Toreno, J. M. Q. de L. de. Levantamiento y revolucion de Espaiia 3102.2 - Soulevement de la guerre et de la revolu- tion d'Espagne 3JO<> 3 Vacani, C. Campagne, e degli ass'edj degii Italian! in Ispagua, 1808-13 3100.3 Vault, F. E. de. Memoires militaires relatifs a la succession d'Espagne 2640.18 See also : Moors, Spaniards. SPAIN, continued. Language. Baretti, J. Spanish and English dictionary. E. 202.4 Diccionario de la lingua castellana. See Ma- drid E.201.1 Lebrixa, A. de. Dictionarium Hispanico-La- Mordente, J. E. Exercises in the Spanish language E.207.18 - Grammar of the Spanish language . . E. 207. 19 Ortografia de la lengua castellana .... E. 207. 27 Salva, V. Nuevo diccionario de la lengua castellana 3033.1 Sistema musical de la lengua castellana . . . 3095.9 Velazquez, M. OllendorfPs new method of learning the Spanish language 7099.26 Literature. Anaya, A. Essay on Spanish literature . . . 3105.1 Baret, E. Espagne et Provence, litterature du midi de 1'Europe 3093.17 Bouterwek, F. History of Spanish literature. 3105.2 Bo wring, J. Ancient poetry and romances of. 3093.8 Cambouliu, F. R. Histoire de la litterature catalane 3093.16 Kennedy, J. Modern poets and poetry of . 3093.2 Maturin, E. Lyrics of 2398.29 Nueva coleccion de piezas de varios autores espanoles E. 229. 11 Ticknor, G. History of Spanish literature . 3094.1 - Historia de la literatura espanola .... 3094.2 - Geschichte der schonen Literatur in Spanien 3094.3 - History and criticism of Spanish lit. Pph.v.244 See also: Andalucia, Provenjal. SPALATRO, Ruins of the palace of Diocletian at. Adam, R 29. F.I Historia pontificum Spalatensium ; Tabula de gestis civium Spalatinorum ; Ser. archiepis- coporum Spalatensis ecclesiae. [Schwandt- ner. Script, rerum Hungaric. etc. v.3J . . 2810.2 SPALDING, J. R. Address delivered on the occa- sion of the semi-centennial finniversary of the university of Vermont. See Burlington. 2387.1 SPALDING, L. Address delivered at Fairfield, 7 December, 1813. New York, 1814. S.*M.Pph.v.3,64 Reflections on fever. N. Y. 1817. 8. *M.Pph.v.8,93 SPALDING, M. J. D'Aubigne's history of the reformation, reviewed. Baltimore, 1844. 12*. 3518.3 SPALDING, S. Philosophy of Christian morals. London, 1843. 8 3585.7 SPALLANZANI, L. Opere. Milano, 1825-26. 6v. 8. *3817!s Contents.- Vol. I.-III. Viaggi alle due Sicilie c in al- cune parti dell' Appcnnino. III. Sopra diversianimali Che servono di appcndicc ai V'iaggi, cc. ; Sopra diverse specie di rondini; Sopra 1'ucccllo notturno da diver- si naturalisti chiamato strix scops; Sopra le anguille. IV. Prodroino di un' opera da imprimersi sopra le riproduzioni animal! ; Dell'azionc del cuore ne' vasi sanguigni, nuovc osscrvazioni ; De' Icnomeni della cir- colazione, dissertation! quattro. V. Memorie sulla respirazione ; Lettere sopra il sospetto di un nuovo senso nei pipistrelli ; Saggio di osservazioni micro- Bcopiche concernenti il sistema della generaztone dei sigg. Needham e Buffon. VI. Osservazioni e sperienze intorno agli animalucci delle infusion! ; Lettere due disscrtatjrie scritte dull' illustre sig. Bon- net all' autore relative al suggetto degli auimali infu- sorj ; Osservazioni e sperieuze intorno a! vermicelli spormatici dell' uomo e degli animal! ; Osservazioni e sperienze intorno agli animal! e ai vegetabili chiusi ncH'aria; Osscrvazioni e sperienze intorno ad alcuni prodigiosi animal! chc e in balia dell' osservatore il farli tornare da mortc a vita; Osservazioni e sperienze intorno all' origine delle piantine delle muffe; Lettcra inedita. Natural history of animals and vegetables. New ed. London, 1789. 2v. 8 3817.4 Rapports do Pair avec les e'tres organises, par J. Seuebier. Geneve, 1807. 3v. 8 .... 3819.11 Lettere e risposte. See Lettere di vari il- lustri Italian! 4749a.4 Travels in Italy, 1788. [Pinkerton. Voyages, V - 5 J 2260.13 SPANHEIM 742 SPELMAN Shelf. No. SPANHEIM, E. De nummo Smyrnseorum, seu de Vesta et prytanibus Graecorum diatriba; Orbis Komanus. [Grsevius. Thes. antiq. Rom. v.5, 11] 2950.1 SPANIARDS. Guerra di Paolo iv sommo ponte- flce contro gli Spagnuoli. [Archivio stor. ital. v.12] 5245.2 Tassoni, A. Filippiche contra gli Spagnuoli . 4778.22 SPANIARDS in America. Benzoni, G. Rerum ab Hispanis in India occidental! hacteuus ges- tarum, libri tres 2312.10 Las Casas, B. de. Crudelitates Hispanorum in Incliis patratae 2311.16 Vega, Garcias-Laso de la. Histoiredes guer- res civiles des Espagnols dans Ics Indes . 2316.5 SPANISH interludes. [Entremeses.] Madrid, 1812. 18 3095.18 Contents. Cttndil y Garabato ; La guitarra ; Los gurruminos ; El poeta ; La universidad de amor ; El enfermo descomido; 1 alcalde quimico; Los apodos; Don Calceta ; El cspejo ; Juan de Aprieta, y chasco de la carta ; Del hambriento ; Elinforme sin forma; Lasgurruminas; Los pages golosos. SPANISH revolution: a poem. Bryant, W. C. . 2409.15 SPANKIE, R. Speech in support of a bill to make further regulations for the registry of ships built in India. London, [1814]. 4 . . *Pph.v.326 SPARE minutes. Warwick, A 2558.34 SPARKLES of glory, or some beams of the morn- ing star. Saltmarsh, J 3446.42 SPARKS, J. Comparative moral tendency of trin- itarian and Unitarian doctrines. Boston, 1823. 8 3462.5 [Correspondence on publication of] Washing- ton's papers. [No title-page.] 1827. 8 . *Pph.v.69 Diplomatic correspondence of the American revolution. Boston, 1829-30. 12v. 8 . . *2322.1 Essays and tracts in theology, from various authors. Boston, 1823. 6v. 12 *34G9.26 Contents. Vol. I. Turretin, J. A., Fundamentals in religion ; Abauzit, F., Essays on various subjects ; Blackburnc, F., Confessions of faith ; Hoadly, B., Essays on various subjects. II. Whitby, D., Last thoughts ; Hare, F., Difficulties attending the study of scripture ; Newton, Sir I., Two corruptions of scripture ; Butler, C., The text of the three heavenly Witnesses. III. Robinson, R., Essays on various subjects; Cogan, T., Letters on total depravity. IV. Fonn, W., Sandy foundation shaken; Creeds in lan- guage of scripture : Sykes, A. A., Innocence of in- voluntary error ; Benson, G., Belief of things above reason ; Emlyn, T., Rashness in censuring humble inquiry into script, acct. of Jesus Christ ; Barbauld, A. L., Public worship ; The devotional taste. V. Hales, J., Essays on various subjects ; Foster, J., Es- says. VI. Taylor, J., Essays ; Locke, J., Essays ; Clayton, R., Speech before the Irish house of lords ; Walts, I., Causes of uncharitableness ; Le Clerc, J., Choice of religions opinions. Letter to lord Mahon, in answer to his let- ter to the editor of Washington's writings. Boston, 1852. pp.48. 8 . . . . *2402.2, *Pph.v.200 Life of Benjamin Franklin. Boston, 1856. 8. 2342.10 Ministry, ritual, and doctrines of the episco- pal church. Baltimore, 1820. 8 3547.5 Remarks on a Reprint of letters from Wash- ington to Jos. Reed. Bost. 1853. pp.43. 8 . *2402.2 Reply to strictures of lord Maho a and others, on the mode of editing the writings of Washington. Camb. 1852. pp.35. 8 . **E.223.20 - Same. Also, a review of lord Mahon's American revolution. Lond. 1852. pp.89. 8. *2402.2 Sermon occasioned by the death of W. Pink- ney. 2d ed. Baltimore, 1822. 8 ... *Pph.v.266 Life of George Washington. See Washing- ton, G 2402.1 SPARRJIAXN, A. Museum Carlsonianum. Aves. Fasc. I-IV. in 2v. Holmiae, 1780-89. 4 . . *5870.4 Voyage to the Cape of Good Hope and round the world, 1772-76. Dublin, 1785. 2v. 8. *3056.2 SPARTA. Cragius, N. De republics, Lacedaemo- niorum. [Gronovius. Thes. Graee. antiq. v.5] 2960.2 Shelf. No. SPARTA, continued. Manso, J.C. F. Versuch zur Aufklarung der Geschichte und Vcrfassung dieses Staates. 2960.10 Meursius,J. De regno Laconico; Miscellanea Laconica. [Gronovius. Thes. Graec. antiq. v.5] 2960.2 Sigonio, C. Lacedaemoniorum tempora. [Gronovius. Thes. Graec. antiq. v.5] . . . 2960.2 SPATARO, G. Tractato di mvsica, etc. Vinegia, 1531. f *4052.21 SPEAR, C. Names and titles of the Lord Jesus Christ, llth ed. Boston, 1842. 12" . ... 3475.9 The prisoner's friend, a monthly magazine. Vol. i.-vi. Boston, 1848-54. 6v. 8 . . . *5165.1 SPECIALS, N. Hi storia Sicula, 1282-1337. [Mura- tori. Rerum Ital. script, v. 10] 2710.1 SPECIMENS of Cornish provincial dialect. Lon- don, 1846. 8" 2586.5 SPECKTER, E. Briefe eines deutschen Kiinstlcrs aus Italien. Leipzig, 1846. 2v.ini. 10. 4089.12 SPECTACLES, help to vision. Sichel,J. Spectacles, their uses and abuses 3804.2 Manni, D. M. Degli occhiali da naso inven- tati da S. Armati 3920.29 SPECTACLES, public exhibitions. Ademollo, A. Gli spettacoli dell' antica Roma 2950.13 Borromeo, San C. De spectaculis non exhi- bendis in festis diebus 3517.17 Manzi, G. Discorso sopra gli spettacoli degl' Italian! nel secolo xiv 2740.8 See also : Triumphs. SPECTATOR, The. See Addison, J E.111.6 Spettatore italiano. Ferri di S. Costante, G. 2787.3 Spettatore poetico 4764.4 SPECTATOR, The, a weekly journal of news, pol- itics, literature, and science. Vol. 20-25. London, 1847-58. 7v. f *5120.1 SPBCTRIAN.V, ou recueil d'histoires de spectres, etc. Paris, 1817. 18 3489.29 SPEDALIERI, N. * Analisi dell' esame critico del signor Nicola Freret sulle prove del cri.sti- anesimo. Assisi, 1791. 2v. in 1. 4 .... *3434.2 Confutazione dell' esame del cristianesimo fatto dal signor E. Gibbon. Roma, 1784. 2v. in 1. 4" *3434.1 De' diritti dell' uomo. Assisi, 1791. 4" ... *3434.3 SPEECHES in congress, on the embargo. [Xo title-page.] 8 *Pph.v.3 SPEED, J. History of Great Britaine under the conquests of ye Romans, Saxons, Danes, and Normans. London, 1611. l.f .... *2510.3 - Same. 3d ed. London, 1032. f . . . . *2520.2 Theatre of the empire of Great Britain. New ed. London, 1676. f *2280.2 SPEER, D. Unterricht der musikalischen Kunst. Ulm, 1687. sm.8 *4059.19 SPEER, T. C. General views, relating to the stomach. London, 1818. 8 *M.Pph.v.83 SPELLING. Cummings, J. A. Pronouncing spell- ing-book 7059.20 Emerson, B. D. National spelling-book . 7059.19 Fowle.W. B. Guide to English spelling . . 7059.13 Gallaudet, T. H. Practical spelling-book . . 7059.21 Murray, L. Spelling-book 7059.10 Sanders, C. W. Spelling-book 7059.18 Smith, W. W. Speller's manual 7059.22 Webster, N. Reformed mode of, with Dr. Franklin's arguments 2585.2 Wiggins, R. United States spelling-book. 7059.15 SPELMAN, Sir H. English works, with the life of the author, by [E. Gibson]. Lond. 1723. f. *2600.3 Contents. Life ; Churches not to be violated, and Apology ; Larger treatise concerning tythes ; De scpultura ; Villare Anglicum, or a view of the towns of England ; Posthumous works relating to laws and antiquities; Feuds and tenures by knight- service; Ancient government of England: Of parlia- ments ; Original of the four terms of the year ; Apol- ogy for archbishop Abbot, by an unknown hand ; An- swer to the foregoing apology; Original of testaments and wills ; Icenia, eive Norfolcim descriptio topogra- SPELMAN 743 SPIRITUAL Shelf. No. SPELMAN, Sir H. continued. phica ; Coraitca raarescalli Angliae ; De milite disser- tatio; Historia foniilia: dp Sharnburn ; Dialogue con- cerning the coin of the kingdom; Places or dwellings of the archbishops and bishops of this realm ; Of the admiral-jurisdiction, and the officers thereof ; Of anticnt deeds and charters; Index. Glossariumarchaiologicum. Londini,16S7. f. *2930.2 SPELMAN, Sir J. Life of JElfrcd, eel. by T. Hearne. Oxford, 1709. 8 *2444.19 SPENCE, D. De sanguinis exutero gravidarum et puerperarura prater naturam profluviis. Edinburgh 1707. 8 *M.Pph.v.l2 ' SPENCE, Rev. J. Anecdotes of books and men, from the conversation of Pope and others. London, 1820. 8 *2194.2 Parallel between [Magliabechi and Robert Hill]. 2d ed. London, 1759. 12 *2542.22 Crito, or a dialogue upon beauty ; Parallel between Magliabcchi and E. Hill. [Dods- ley. Fugitive pieces, v.1,2] 2549.27 SPENCK, William, of Greenock. b. 1777, d. 1815. Mathematical essays. Ed. by J. F. W. Her- schcl. With a biographical sketch. Lon- don, 1819. 4 **E.191.10 SPENCE, William, csq., F.L.S., M.E.S. Introduc- tion to entomology. See Kirby, W. . . . 3895.2 SPENCE, William, cirll engineer. Patentable in- vention and scientific evidence. London, 1851. 8 3006.26 SPENCER, A. Court of errors, N. Y. 1812. Case on the part of the plaintiff. [No title-page.] *Pph.v-l See also : Sonthwick, S. Discourse commemorative of. See Sprague, W. B Pph.v.192 Sermon occasioned by the death of. See Pot- ter, H Pph.v.192 SPENCER, E. Germany and the Germans in 1S34- 35. 2ded. London, 1836. 2v. 8" 2863.3 SPENCEK. H. Social statics. London, 1S51. 8. 3501.12 SPENCER, J. C. Address at the annual exhibition of the New York state agricultural soc. at Buffalo, Sept. 7, 1848. Albany, 1848. 8.*Pph.v.l70 Argument in defence of Rev. E. Nott in answer to charges against him by L. Van- derheyden, [etc.]. Albany, 1853. 8". *Pph.v.l97 Correspondence between S. and a committee of the friends of the general administration. New York, 1842. 8" *Pph.v.l49 Report of the diocesan convention of the P. episcopal church, 1845. Albany, 1845. 8.*Pph.v.l49 [Review of a pamphlet by the Hon. J. C. S. entitled Report of the. diocesan convention, Sept. 1845.] New York, 1846. 8 . . . *Pph.v.l49 Review of the testimony on the trial of gen- eral G Talcott, 1851. Alb. 1851. 8.3GS4.9, *Pph.v.l94 Speech in the senate [of New York] on pri- vate banking. Albany, 1825. 8 .... *Pph.v.54 SPENCER, T. Address to the graduates of the medical institution of Geneva college, 1840. Geneva, 1840. 8 *M.Pph.v.39 Essay on Asiatic cholera, and an attempt to found the treatment on the pathology of the disease. Albany, 1833. 8 . . . . *M.Pph.v.24 Introductory lecture to the course of instruc- tion in the medical institution of Geneva college. Geneva, 1842. 8 *M.Pph.v.39 Pecuniary and moral obligations between the board of professors of the medical institu- tion and the board of trustees of Geneva col- lege. Albany, 1844. 8 *M.Pph.v.39 Vital chemistry ; Lectures on animal heat. Geneva, N. Y. 1845. 8" *M.Pph.v.40 SPENCER family. See Goodwin, N 2332.8 SPENGLER, L. Sur les thermos d' Ems. Trad, par H. Kaula. Strasbourg, 1855. 12 3799.7 SPENSER. E. Poems and life. [Chalmers. Eng. poets] v.3 of 2592.7 Contents. The shepheard's calender ; Faerie queene ; Muiopotmos, or the fate of the butterflie ; Shelf. No. SPENSER, E. continued. The ruines of time ; Teares of the muses ; Virgil's gnat; Prosopopoia, or Mother Ilubberd's tale; Ruiues of R'jme ; Daphnaida ; Colin Clout's come home again; Astrophcl; Clorinda; Sonnets; Ilymnes. Dispersed poems of. [Waldron. Literary museum] 2557.14 Observations on the fairy queen. See War- ton, T 2553.4 SPERATUS, J. See Lemaire, N. E. Poetse Latini minorcs, v.7 2912.1 See Wernsdorf, J. C. Poetae Lat. min. v.O. 2912.4 SPERLING, O. De crcpidis veterum. [Gronovius. Thcs. Graec. antiq. v.9] 2900.2 SPERM whale, Natural history of the. Beale, T. Pph.v.2uO SPERMATORRHCEA, Causes, symptoms, and treat- ment of. Lallcmand, C. F 3770.28 SPERMATOZOA. Ledenniillcr, M. F. Vcrsuch zu einer griindlichen Vertheidigung der Saam- enthiergen 3879.2 Physikalische Beobachtungen des Saam- enthiergens 3879.3 SPERONI degli Alvarotti, S. Dialoghi, di nuouo ricorretti. Venetia, 1590. 4" 2793.4 Orationi, novamente posteinluce. Venetia, 1590. 4 2793.4 Delia cura famigliare. [Delia educazione dell' uomo, etc.] 3508.13 Canace : tragedia. [Teatro ital. antico, v.4]. 2776.1 SPETTATOHE, Lo, poetico : cpigrammi. Firenze, 1826. 8" 4704.4 SPH.ERU3 Bosporanus. See Fragm. hist. Grasc. v.3. 3002. 11 SPHERICS. Cresswell, D. Treatise on . . . . E. 213. 17 Gudermann, C. Grundriss der analytischen Sphiirik 3925.28 Sec also: Trigonometry, spherical. SPIERS, A., and Surenne, G. French and English [and English and French] pronouncing dic- tionary. New York, 1855. 8 2080.7 SPIESS, M. Tractatus musicus compositorio-prac- ticus. Augspurg, 1740. f *4040.18 SPILBERG, G. Navigationes ex Seelandiain Indiam Orientalem. [Bry. Coll. pereg. Ser.l, v.4]. 2360.20 Voyage aux Indes Oricntales, 1001-4, 1014-16. [Constantin. Recu-eil des voyages, v.2, 4]. 2277.12 SPILSBURY, G. G. Disscrtatio inauguralis de phthisipulmonali. Edinburgi, 1807. 8.*M.Pph.v.l2 SPINAL caries, or angular curvature. Brown, B.. 3801.30 SPINAL column, Diseases of the. Davis, N.S. M.Pph.v.35 SPINAL cord. Abercrombie. J. Diseases of the. 3801.4 Griffin, W. and D. Affections of the .... 3802.5 Todd, R. B. Anatomy of the 3801.19 SPINE. Bell, C. Injuries of the 3740.2 Brown, B. Disease of the cervical vertebras. 3802.4 Copeland, T. Symptoms and treatment of diseased spine M.Pph.v.68 Lonsdale, E. F. Lateral curvature of the . . 3801.25 Okes, T. V. Account of spina bifida. M.Pph.v.119 Ollivier, C. P. Traite de la moelle epiniere . 3801.24 Portal, A. Rachitisme, ou des courbures de la colonne vertebrate 3801.23 Sheldrake, T. Treatise on diseased . . M.Pph.v.Ol Tamplin, R. W. Lateral curvature of the . . 3801.26 SPINELLI, G. B. Carrara. Delia educazione pri- vata. la ed. parmense. Parma, 1S44. 10. 3598.21 SPINELLO, M. Diarium rcrum gestarum in rcgno Ncapolitano, 1247-68. [Muratori. Rerum Ital. script, v.7] 2710.1 SPINETO, the marquis. Elements of hieroglyph- ics, and Egpytian antiquities. London, 1845. 8 3034.8 SPIRIT, Disquisitions relating to. Priestley, J. . 3002.12 SPIRIT of the East. Urquhart, D 3045.24 SPIRIT of laws. See Montesquieu, C. de Secondat.3503. 17-19 SPIRITS, Treatise on. Beaumont, J 3609.3 Existence of evil spirits. Scott, W 3489.21 See also: Apparitions, Demonology, Necromancy, Spiritualism. SPIRITUAL culture, or thoughts for parents and teachers. Boston, 1841. 18 3446.51 SPIRITUALISM 744 SPRAGUE Shelf. No. SPIRITUALISM. Almignana. Du somnambulisme, clos tables tournnutcs, ct clcs mediums . . 3709.18 Beechcr,C. Spiritual manifestations reviewed. 3009.5 Hewitt, S. C. Messages from the superior state 3489.30 Return of departed spirits Pph.v.228 Snow, II. Spirit-intercourse 3009.13 Suuderland, L. R. Spiritual philosopher . . 3000.15 SPIRO.METER. Use of S. in discriminating diseases. Ilutchinson, J 3795.25 SPITZBERGEN. Bacstrom, J. Voyage to, 1780. [Pinkerton. Voyages, v.l] 2200.13 Journal of seven seamen left at, 1034-35. [Piukcrton. Voyages, v.l] 2200.13 Le Roy, P. L. Account of four sailors cast upon the island of. [Pinkerton. Voyages, v.l] 2200.13 Martens, F. Spitzbergische Reise-Beschrei- bung 2805.10 White, A. Collection of documents on ... 2204.17 SPITZNEK, F. Elements of Greek prosody. Lon- don, 1831. 8 2980.2 SPIX, J. B. v. Avium species novae, in itinere per Brasiliam coll. etc. 1817-20. Monachii, 1824-40. 2v. 1.4" 3900.6 Cephalogenesis sive capitis ossei structura, etc. Monachii, 1815. pp.30, pl.9. l.f. . *38.I.l Selecta genera et species piscium in itinere per Brasiliam coll. Monachii, 1829. 4" . . *3900.5 Species novae ranarum in Brasilia, etc. 3Io- nachii, 1824. pp.29, pi. 22. 4" *5800.15 Species novae testudinum in Brasilia. Mo- nachii, 1824. pp.24, pi. 17. 4 *3870.16 Testacea fluviatilia in Brasilia. Descr. J. A. Wagner. Ed. Paula do Schrank, et C. F. P. de Martlus. Lipsiac, [1827]. pp. 3(5. pi. 29. 4 *3870.12 and Martius, C. F. P. v. Reise in Brasilien, 1817-20, mit Atlas. MUnchen, 1823-31. 3v. 4". Iv. f *2370.5 SPOHN, F. A. G. De agro Trojano in carminibus Homericis descriptio. Lipsiae, 1S14. pp. 30. 8 2997.13 SPOLVERINI, G. B. La coltivazione del riso : [po- ema]. 2acd. Verona, 1703. 4 *4003.17 - Same. [Parnaso italiano, V.48J .... 2709.2 - Same. [Ruccolta di pocmetti didascalici, v.2] 4779.8 SPON, J. DC 1'origine des etrennes. [Leber. Coll. diss. hist. France, v. 10] 2018.1 Ignotorum atque obscurorum quorundam de- orum arae ; Do origine strcuarum. [Grono- vius. Thes. Graec. antiq. v.7, 9] 2900.2 and Wheler, G. Journey into Greece. Lon- don, 1082. f *3071.1 - Voyage d'ltalie, de Dalmatic, de Grece et du Levant. Amsterdam, 1079. 2v. 24 . *2700.8 SPONGES, History of British. Johnston, G.. . . 3871.17 SPONTANEOUS generation. Theorie positive de 1'ovulation spoutanee. Pouchct, F. A. . . 3880.20 SPONTINI, G. Spontini in Dcutschland. Leipzig, 1830. 8 4040.20 SPOONER, J. A. Sermon at the funeral of Rev. P. Dyer. Troy, 1844. 8 *Pph.v.l46 SPORSCIIIL, J. Der dreissigjahrige Krieg. Braunschweig, 1845. 2v. 10 2819.5 Frciheitskriege der Deutschen, 1813-15. Ote Aufl. Braunschweig, 1845-40. 9v. iu 4. 10. *2819.4 Karl der Grosse, sein Reich und sein Haus. Braunschweig, 1840. 8 2842.12 Volkerschlacht bei Leipzig. Braunschweig, 1841. 8 4643.5 SPORTS. Book of sports for 1843 4001.1 Rastcll, J. The pastime of the people . . . 2521.3 Strutt, J. Sports and pastimes of England . 2520.7 Valvasonc, E. di. La caccia 2794.25 See also : Recreative arts. SPOTORNO, G. B. Codice diplomatico Colombo- americano. Genova, 1823. 4" **E.221.9 Memoir of Columbus. See Colombo 2318.2,3 Shelf No. SPOTTED fever. Hale, E. History of spotted fever at Gardiner, Me., 1814 3797.7 Miner, T. S. F. of New England, 1823 . M.Pph.v.13 North, E. Treatise on 3797.30 Strong, N. Dissertation on M.Pph.v.64 Wilson, J. Inquiry into the nature and treat- ment of M.Pph.v.96 SPOTTISWOODE, J. History of the church of Scotland, A.D. 203-[1024]; with biographical sketch and notes by M. Russell. Edin- burgh, 1851. 3v. 8 3524.3 SPKAGUE, C. Curiosity: a poem, at Cambridge, before the Phi Beta Kappa society. Boston, 1829. pp.30. 8 .... **E.224.10, *Pph.v.78, 239 Ode at the centennial celebration of the set- tlement of Boston. Bost.1830. 8.*Pph.v. 81,237, 257 Oration on the fourth of July, before the city council and inhabitants of Boston. Boston, 1825. 8 *Pph.v.58 SPRAGUE, D. G. Eulogy in the chapel of Brown university, on I. Fuller. Prov. 1819. 8. *Pph.v.254 SPRAGUE, H. Genealogy of the Spragues in Hing- ham. Hingham, 1828. 8 2334.9 SPRAGUE, J. E. Oration at Salem, July 4, 1810. n.p. 1810. 8 *Pph.v.62 SPKAGUE, P. Speech in the senate upon the sub- ject of the removal of the Indians. Wash- ington, 1830. 8 *Pph.v.80 SPRAGUE, William B. Address at the funeral of Mrs. Jane Wyckoff. Albany, 1848. 8 . *Pph.v.lOO Address at the opening of the Brooklyn fe- male academy. Albany, 1840. 8 . . . *Pph.v.l52 Address before the Hermean society of Ge- neva college. Albany, 1840. & . . . .*Pph.v.l52 Address before the literary societies of the Wesleyan university, Middletown, Ct. Al- bany, 1S48. 8 *Pph.v.l92 Address before the society of Phi Beta Kappa in Yalecollege. New Haven, 1843. 8 . *Pph.v.l33 Address before the united literary societies of Hamilton college. Albany, 1849. 8". *Pph.v.l75 Address before the young men's association of Albany, Feb. 22. Albany, 1847. 8 . *Pph.v.l56 Address before the young men's association for mutual improvement. Alb. 1838. 8. *Pph.v.l03 Causes of an unsuccessful ministry: two ser- mons. Albany, 1829. 8 *Pph.v.78 Character to which young men should aspire, to meet the demands of the age : a sermon. 8. [American pulpit, v.2, No. 3] . . . *Pph.v.l52 Danger of being over-wise : a sermon. Al- bany, 1835. 8" *Pph.v.93 Discourse at Castleton, at the opening of the Vt. classical seminary. Albany, 1830. &.*Pph.v.80 Discourse before the Phi Beta Kappa society of Bowdoiu college, 1850. Alb. 1850. 8. *Pph.v.l83 Discourse before the Mills society of inquiry, and the theological society of ATilliams col- lege. Albany, 1845. 8 *Pph.v.l49 Discourse before the Philomathesian society in Middlebury college. Alb. 1844. S . *Pph.v.l38 Discourse before the theological society of Union college. Albany, 1840. 8 ... *Pph.v.l52 Discourse by request of the executive com- mittee of the board of foreign missions. New York, 1852. 8 *Pph.v.l92 Discourse commemorative of the Rev. T. Chalmers. Albany, 1S47. 8 *Pph.v.lGO Discourse commemorative of Rev. S. Miller, D.D. Albany, 1850. 8 *Pph.v.l80 Discourse commemorative of the late Hoii. Ambrose Spencer. Albany, 1849. 8 . *Pph.v.l92 Discourse in, aid of the Albany apprentices' library. Albany, 1833. 8" *Pph.v.S9 Discourse in consequence of the death of Hon. Timothy S. Williams. Alb. 1849. 8 . *Pph.v.l75 Discourse occasioned by the death of the Hon. Silas Wright. Albany, 1847. 8 . . . . *Pph.v.l60 Discourse on true magnanimity. Albany, 1844. 8 *Pph.v.l35 SPRAGUE 745 SQUINTING Shelf. No. SPEAGTTE, William B. continued. The God of the Christian and the God of the infidel: a sermon. New York, 1832. 8 . *Pph.v.89 Oration before the Phi Beta Kappa society of Harvard university, 1851. Alb. 1851. 8. *Pph.v.l92 Oration commemorative of the late general Lafayette. Albany, 1834. 8" *Pph.v.91 Religion and rank : a sermon, [commemora- tive] of Hon. S. Van Rensselaer. Albany, 1839. 8 *Pph.V.103 Religious ultraism : a sermon at the installa- tion of Rev. J. H. Hunter, in West Spring- field, Mass. Albany, 1835. 8 *Pph.v.94 -r- Reply to Prof. Stuart's letter, relative to his late sermon on the exclusion of wine from the Lord's supper. Albany, 1835. 8 . *Pph.v.94 Sermon after the death of Daniel Campbell. Albany, 1851. 8 *Pph.v.l92 Sermon after the intelligence that Hon. J. Cilley had been murdered in a duel with Hon. W. J. Graves. Albany, 1838. 8". *Pph.v. 101,200 Sermon after the interment of Mrs. R. Savage, April 23, 1837. Albany, 1837. 8 .... *Pph.v.97 Sermon at the funeral of the Rev. Joshua Bates, D.D. Albany, 1854. 8 3442.4 Sermon at the funeral of the Rev. H. Mair, D.D. Albany, 1854. 8 *Pph.v.203 Sermon at the installation of Rev. M. N. Mc- Laren, Rochester. Albany, 1845. 8 . *Pph.v.l49 Sermon at the ordination of A. A. Wood. Albany, 1&39. 8 *Pph.v.l03 Sermon at West Springfield, on the resigna- tion of the author's pastoral charge. Bos- ton, 1829. 8 *Pph.v.78 Sermon commemorative of the character of Mrs. Christina Lee. Albany, 1854. 8 . *Pph.v.203 Sermon delivered in connection with the an- niversary of the foreign evangelical society. New York, 1843. 8 *Pph.v.l33 Sermon delivered in connection with the an- niversary of the American society for meliorating the condition of the Jews. New York, 1847. 8 *Pph.v.lCO Sermon in consequence of the death of Rev. Edward D. Allen. Albany, 1843. 8 . *Pph.v.l29 Sermon the Sabbath succeeding the death of Mr. J. Bulkley. Albany, 1833. 8 ... *Pph.v.89 Sermon occasioned by the death of W. H. Harrison. Albany, 1841. 8 *Pph.v.l21 Sermon on occasion of the ordination of the Rev. T. H. Hawkes, in West Springfield. Albany, 1855. 8 *Pph.v.203 Sermon on the danger of political strife. Al- bany, 1844. 8 *Pph.v.l44 Sermon on the fourth of July, 1830. Albany, 1830. 8 *Pph.v.80 Sermon on the completion of a quarter of a century of the author's ministry. Albany, 1854. 8 *Pph.v.203 Sketches of the history of the 2d presbyterian church, Albany, during thirty years : a ser- mon. Albany, 1840. 8 *Pph.T.152 Tower of Babel : a sermon. Albany, ia37. 8 *Pph.v.97 SPRAT, T. Poems. London, 1779. 10. [Johnson. English poets, v. 9] *25S9.3 Poems and life. [Chalmers. Eng. poets], v.9 of 2592.7 SPRATT, G. Medical botany. See Woodville, W. 3851.8 SPRENGEL, Carl. Die Bodenkunde. Leipzig, 1837. 8 3993.10 Die Lchre vom Diinger. Leipzig, 1839. 8. . 3993.15 SPRENGEL, Curtius. Histoire de la medecine, tr. par A. J. L. Jourdain. Paris, 1815-20. 9v. 8 *3735.13 Institutiones medicae. Amstelodami et Lip- sise, 1809-19. Ov. 8 *3723.10 SPRETI, D. De amplitudine, etc., urbis Ravenna? libri tres, a Camillo Spreti in Italicum idiorna versi. n. p. 1793-90. 2v. in 3. 4. . *27G0.5 Shelf. No. SPRING, G. Death and heaven : a sermon preached at the interment of the Rev. E. D. Griffin. New York, 1838. 8 *Pph.v.l01 Dissertation on the rule of faith. New York, 1844. 8 *Pph.v.l37 Oration before the alumni of Yale college in the city of New York in commemoration of Timothy Dwight. New York, 1817. 8.*Pph.v.l8 The Saviour's presence with his ministers : a discourse. New York, 1844. 8 . . . . *Pph.v.l38 Tribute to New England ; a sermon before the N. E. society. New York, 1821. 8 ... *Pph.v.2G SPRING, S. Sermon at the inauguration of Rev. E. D. Griffin, as professor in the theol. institution in Andover. Boston, 1810. 8. 3441.4 The sixth commandment, [etc.] : a discourse in consequence of the late duel. Newbury- port, 1804. 8 *Pph.v.l5 Remarks on his dialogue on the nature of duty. See Tappan, D 3585.19 SPRING. Comparative forwardness of spring in the United States. Bigelow, J 2320.22 SPRINGER, A. H. Geschichte des Revolutions- zeitalters, [1789-1848.] Prag, 1849. 8 . . . 2302.4 SPROAT, A. D. Endeavor towards a universal alphabet. Chillicothe, 1857. 8 *2112.8 SPROAT, J. Sermon occasioned by the death of. See Green, A Pph.v.13 SPRUNER, C. v. Entdeckungsgeschichte Auicri- kas. See Kuustmann, F 23. M.I Maps from the historical atlas of. See. Koep- pcn, A. L 2300.2 SPRY, W., and Shuckard, W. E. British coleop- tcra delineated. London, 1840. 8 3896.3 SPURGEON, C. II. Sermons, first series. With introduction and sketch by E. L. Magoon. New York, 1857. 12 3443.17 SPURGIX, J. Six lectures on materia medica. London, 1853. 8 3784.9 SPURN point, mouth of the Number, Account of the lighthouse on. Smeaton, J 4100.1 SPURINNA,V. Odse. [Lemaire. Poet. Lat.min.v.L']. 2912.1 - Same. [Wernsdorf. Poet. Lat. min. v.3]. 2912.4 SPURZHEIM, J. G. Anatomy of the brain. Transl. by R. Willis. London, 1820. 8 3801.3 Examination of objections made in Britain against the doctrines of Gall and Spurz- heirn. Edinburgh, 1817. 8 *M.Pph.v.llO Observations on insanity. London, 1817. 8. 3800.20 - Same. 1st Am. ed. with appendix by A. Brigham. Boston, 1833. 8 3800.27 Phrenology, or the doctrine of mental phe- nomena. Boston, 1832. 2v. in 1. 8. pi. **E.215.4 Phrenology in connection with the study of physiognomy. Biography by N. Capon. 1st Am. cd. Boston, 1833. 8. pi **E.211.14 View of the elementary principles of educa- tion. Boston, 1832. 12 **E.219.13 Anatomic ct physiologic du systemc nerveux en general. See Gall, F. J 3750.11 Funeral oration at the burial of. Follcn, C Pph.v.87, 257 Reflections on the physiognomy and phrenol- ogy of. See Abcrnethy, J 3722.23 SQUARCIAFICO, G. Vita Francisci Petrarcha:. [Petrarca. Opera, v.l] 2790.5 SQUIER, E. G. Antiquities of the state of New York. Buffalo, 1851. 8" 2371.10 Condition of the laboring population of Amer- ica and their true interests : an address. [No title-page.] 8 *Pph.v.l31 Notes to a report on the Honduras inter- oceanic railway. New York, 1854. pp. 32. 8. 2314.22 Serpent symbol and the worship of nature in America. New York, 1851. 8 2318.1 See Smithsonian contributions, etc 3340.1 Contents. Vol. I. Ancient monuments of the Mis- sissippi valley. II. Aboriginal monuments of New York. SQUINTING, Treatise on strabismus. Dix, J, H. . 3804.22 STAAL 746 STANHOPE Shelf. No. STAAL, M. J. C. Delaunay tie. Memoires. [Bar- riere. Mem. rel. ii 1'hist. de France, v.l] . 4667.2 - Same. [Michaud. Coll. mem. hist. France. Ser. 3] v. 10 of 2611.1 - Same. [Petitot. Coll. mem. hist. France. Ser. 2] v. 77 of 2615.1 STABILI, F., called Cecco d'Ascoli. L'acerba: [poema.] Venczia, 1820. 16 4779.23 STABLE directory, The gentleman's. Taplin, W. 4002.5 STACK, M. British historical intelligencer. West- minster, 1829. 8 *2153.11 STACKHOUSB, T. New history of the Holy Bible. Edinburgh, 1765-07. 6v. 8 *3428.6 STADEN, H. Memorabilis historia provincise Bra- silia}. [Bry. Coll. pereg. Ser. 1, v.l] . . 2300.26 Histoire d'un pays situd dans le nouveau monde, nomm<5 Am6rique. [Ternaux-Com- pans. Voyages et memoires pour servir a 1'histoire de laddcouv. de l'Amerique].v.5 of 2316.1 STABLER, M. Vertheidigung der Echtheit des Mozartischen Kequiem,mit zwei Nachtrage. Wien, 1826-27. 8" 4046.22 STADTWEG, J. Chronicon icliomate Saxonum ver- naculo scriptum. [Leibnitz. Script, rerum Brunsvic. v.3] 2810.3 STAEL-HOLSTEIN, Anne L. G. Neckerde. CEuvres completes. Notice, etc. par Mme. Necker de Saussure. Paris, 1820-21. 17v. 8" .... *2665.6 Contents. Vol. I. Notice sur le caractere et les (crits de madame de Stael, par madume Necker de Saussure i Lettres sur les ecritset le caractere de J. J. Rousseau. II. Reflexions BUI le proces de la reine; Reflexions sur la paix, adressecs a M. Pitt et aux Fran- fiais; Reflexions sur la paix interieure, 1795; Essais BUT lea fictions ; Mirza, ou lettre d'un voyageur ; Adelaide et Theodore ; Histoire de Pauline ; Zulma. HI. De 1'influence des passions sur le bonheur des individus et des nations ; Reflexions sur le suicide. IV. De la Utterature, considereo dana sea rapports avcc les institutions sociales. V.-VII. Delphine. VII. Ancien denouement de Delphine. VIII, IX. Corinnc, ou 1'Italie. X, XI. Del'Allemagne. XII.- XIV. Considerations Bur la revolution franffoise. XV. Dix annees d'exil. XVI. Agar dans le desert, scene lyrique; Gencvieve de Brabant.drame en prose; La Sunamite, drame en prose ; Le capitaine Kernadec, comedie en prose ; La signora Fantastic!, proverbe dramatique; Le mannequin, proverbe dramatique; Sapho, drame en prose. XVII. Vie privee de M. Necker ; Jane Gray, tragedie ; Sophie, ou les senti- ments secrets ; ElogedcM. de Guibert; Melanges. Appeal against the continental system. Lon- don, 1813. 8 *Pph.v.310 - Same. Boston, 1813. 8 *Pph.v.l Considerations sur la revolution francaise. Publ. par le due de Broglie et le baron de Stael. Paris, 1843. 12 4656.6 Influence of literature upon society. From 2d Lond. ed. Boston, 1813. 2v. 12 3569.8 Ten years' exile. Transl. from the French. New York, 1821. 8 **E.228.13 Lettres sur les ouvrages de. See Allart, H. . 4666.1 Dialogue en vers sur 1'arrivee de, a Vienne. See Lagarde, A. de M. de 4666.1 STAfiL-HoLSTEiN, Auguste L. de. (Euvres diver- ses. Paris, 1829. 3v. 8 2675.4 Contents. Vol. I. Notice sur M. le baron Auguste de Stael, par la duchesse de Broglie sa sccur ; De la responsabilite des ministres, et du projet de loi BUT le mode de proceder dans les deux chambres en cas d'accusation d'un ministre ; Du rcnouvellement in- tegral de la chambre des deputes ; Du nombre et de 1'age des deputes ; Avertissement de 1'editeur des teuvres completes de Mme. la baronne de Stael ; Pre- face de 1'editeur des Dix annees d'exil, ouvrage qui fait partie des oeuvres inedites de madame de Stael, publiees apres sa mort ; De 1'arrete du conseil d'etat du canton dc Vaud centre les Chretiens evangeliques designes dans cet arrte sous le nom de momiers ; ArTCle; Circulaire; Des persecutions religieuses dans le canton de Vaud ; Rapport verbal fait par M. de Stael a 1'assemblee generate annuelle de la societe de la morale chretienne, le 13 avril, 1826, au nom du comite pour 1'abolition de latraite ; Documcns rela- tifs a la traite des noirs ; Lettre a monsieur le presi- dent de la sociCte de la morale chretienne ; Preface Shelf. No. STAEL-HOLSTEIN, Auguste L. de, continued. de la traduction du reci^ de la pertc du batiment le Kent. II. Notice snr M. Necker, par A. **E. 119.1 De guardian of de britsche Zedenmeester. Uit hot Engels vertaalt door P. le Clercq. Rotterdam, 1730-31. 3v. 10 **E. 119.4 The guardian. New ed. London, 1823. 3v. 12 7 **E.229.2 De Snapper of de britsche Tuchtmeester. Uit het Engelsch vertaalt door P. le Clerc. Amsterdam, 1733-52. 4v. 16 **E. 119.2 The conscious lovers. [Cumberland. Brit- ish drama, v.l] E.229.7 and others. De britsche Rhapsodist of Men- gelschriften. Amsterdam, 1780. 3v. 10. **E.118.3 STEELE, Robert. Tour through part of the At- lantic, or recollections from Madeira, the Azores, and Newfoundland. London, 1810. 8 2317.7 STEELL, T. E. Dissertation on the use of the digitalis purpurea in the cure of certain diseases. New York, 1811. 8 .... *M.Pph.v.2 STEENSMA, C. Dissertatio inauguralis, de typho, imprimis qui Groningae grassari incepit an- no 1816. Groningae, 1818. 8 ... . *M.Pph.v.l05 STEENSTRUP, J. J. S. On the alternation of gen- erations. Transl. by G. Busk. London, 1845. 8. [Ray society] *3824.15 STEEVENS, G. Remarks on the last edition of Sliakspeare. See Ritson, J 2597.12 STEFANAUDO da Vicomercato. Stephanardi po- ema de gcstis in civitate Mediolani sub Othone. [Muratori. Opere min. v.9] . . . 2710.2 STEFANI, M. di Coppo. Istoria fiorentina. [De- lizie degli cruditi toscani, v.7-17] 2707.1 STEFANO di Nerito. Chronicon Neritinum, sive brevis historia monastcrii Neritini 1090-1308. [Muratori. Rcrum Ital. script, v.24] . . . 2720.1 STEFFANI, A. Canzone a 2 voci, Dolce labro ama- bil bocca ; Canzone a 2 voci, Inquieto mio core ; Canzone a 2 voci, Che volete o crude pene. [Delm. Practischc Musik-Werke,v.7]. 4051.14 STEFFENS, II. Zur innern Naturgeschichte der Erde. Ir Th. Freyberg, 1801. 8" 3868.0 STEGER, F. Geschichte Franz Sforza's und der italienischen condottieri. Leipzig, 1853. sm.8 2744.16 STEIN, A. Letter in relation to the improvement of the navigation of the Mississippi. Phila- delphia, 1841. 8 pi *Pph.v.l23 STEIN, G. \V. Beschryving eener Borst of Zog- Pomp. Utrecht, 1775. 8 *M.Pph.v.3 L'art d'accouchcr, transl. par P. F. Briot. 2 pties. Paris, 1804. 8 3771.6 STEINMETZ, A. History of the Jesuits. London, 1848. 3v. 8 3536.4 STEINTHAL, H. Sprachwissenschaftliche Abhand- lungen. Berlin, 1847-56. 5v.ini. 8 . . . 2956.10 Shelf. No. STEIERMARK, "Wanderungen durch. Seidl, J. G. 2802.10 Briefe aus, [1800]. Woyda, C 4048.8 STELLA, Giorgio. Annales Genuenses, 1298-1409. [Muratori. Rerum Ital. script, v.17] . . . 2720.1 STELLA, Giovanni. Continuatio annalium Genu- ensium Georgia? Stellas. [Muratori. Rer- um Ital. script, v. 17] 2720.1 STELLA, J. M. De Turcarum in regno Hungarian, anno 15-13-44 successibus ; Descriptio et mu- nitiones Altemburgi Hungarici. [Schwandt- ner. Script, rer. Hungaric. v.l] ... 2810.2 STELLINI, J. Saggio dell' origine e progresso de' costumi, volgarizzato da L. Valeriani. Fi- renze, 1S4G. pp.90. 8" 2236.2 Lettcre stclliniane. See Mabil, L 3587.4 STELLIO. Amphibiorum physiologia historiam et species generis stellionum sistens. Schnei- der, J. G 3873.13 STENDHAL, pseud. See Beyle, H. STENOGRAPHY. See Newton Pph.v.103 Saxton, C. New system of 2115.8 Towndrow, T. Complete guide to 2115.12 "Weston, J. Stenography compleated . . . 2112.7 STEPHANESCHI, J. C. de, card. Vita S. Cosles- tini v, papae, opus metricum. [Muratori. Rerum ital. script, v.3] 271C.1 STEPHANIUS, J. S. Historia Danica. [Meursius. Opera, v.9] 2210.2 STEPHANUS Atheniensis, comic poet. See Poe- tarum com. Graecum fragmenta 3002.14 STEPHANUS Byzantinus. Gentiliaper epitomen, Gr. Lat. Ed. A. Berkclius. Var. lect. ab. J.Gronovio. Lugd. Batav. 1694. f . . . *29S0.2 De Dodone fragmentum quo tota veterum doctrina et fabulatio de perantiquo oraculo isto continentur. [Gronovius. Thesaurus Gra3C. antiq.v.7] 2960.2 STEPHANUS, H. Thesaurus linguae Graecae [cum appendicibus]. Parisiis, 1572. 5v. f . . *4980.1 Thesaurus linguae Graecoe, post edit. Angl. novis add. auctum edid. C. B. Hase, G. et L. Dindorfius, T. Fix, etc. Parisiis, 1831-00 etseq. 8v. f *4990.1 Dicaearchi sympractor, vel de Groecorum mo- ribus, praesertimque Atheniensium. [Gro- novius. Thes. Graec. antiq. v. 11] 2900.2 Life. See Greswell, W. P 2112.5 See also : Estienne, H. STEPHANUS, J. De jurisdictione veterum Grie- corum. [Gronovius. Thes. Graee. antiq. T- 6] 2960.2 STEPHANUS, R. Life. See Greswell, W. P. . . . 2112.5 STEPHEN, abp. of Vienna. Epistola ad Alberi- cum Ostiensem episcopum. [Bouquet. Re- cueil] v. 15 of 2610.1 STEPHEN, bp. of Liege. Vita S. Lamberti, epis- copi Trajecti ad Mosam. [Mignc. Patro- logiae v.132] 3460.11 STEPHEN, bp. of Tournay. Scripta quae supersuut. Accurante J. P. Migne. Lutetian Parisio- rum, 1855. 8. [Migne. Patrologia? v. 211]. 3470.32 Contents. Epistolse, ex edilione Claudii du Moli- net ; Supplemcntum ; Fragments ex sermonibus Stcphani ; Ejusdem summas de decreiis procemium. EpislolsexL. [Bouquet. Recueil] . . v.19 of 2C10.1 STEPHEN, bp. of Paris. Epistolae, et variorum ad ipsum ; Diplomata et donationcs. [Migne. Patrologiaev.173] 3470.2 STEPHEN, cardinal. Canones concilii Turonen- sis ; Epistola ad Joannem Dolensem epis- copum; Diploma, f Migne. Patrol, v. 143]. 3460.22 STEPHEN, of Bauge, bp. of Autun. Tractatus de eacramento altaris ; Chartae. [Mignc. Pa- trologia; v.l 72] 3470.1 STEPHEN, of Chalmeto. Epistola de perseveraiitia ordinis. [Migne. Patrologiae v.!5;i].v. 2 of 3460.30 STEPHEN, of Muret, St. Vita, auctorc Gcrardo ; S. Stephani dicta et facta; Liber senteatia- rum seu rationum ; Regula S. Stephani. [Migne. Patrologise v.204] 3470.20 STEPHEN 750 STEVENS Shelf. No. STEPHEN, St., king of Hungary. Vita, auctore Carthuito cpiscopo ; Monita ad fllium ; Le- ges et privilegium. [Migne. Patrologiae v.151] 3460 29 STEPHEN [Harding], St. Censura de aliquot lo- cis Bibliorum ; Charta charitatis ; Usus an- tiquiorcs ordinis Cisterciensis. [Migne. Patrologiae v. 106] 3460.40 STEPHEN, king of England. Gesta Stephani, re- gisAnglorum olim abA. Duchesne edita, denuo recens. R. C. Sewell. Londini, 1846. 8. [Eng. hist, soc.] 2413.11 STEPHEN I, pope. Epistolae et decreta. [Migne. Patrologiae v.3] 3440.2 STEPHEN II, pope. Epistolae. [Migne. Patro- logiae v.89] 3450.20 Epistolse ad Pippinum, et Carolum et Carolo- mannum. [Migne. Patrologias v.98].v.2 of 3450.23 Epistolae. [Muratori. Kerum Ital. script. v.3, p. 2] 2710.1 STEPHEN III, pope. Epistolae. [Migne. Patro- logiae V.89] 3450.20 Epistolae quinque ad Carolum et Caroloman- num. [Migne. Patrologiae v. 98] . . v. 2 of 3450.23 Epistolae. [Muratori. Kerum Ital. script. v.3,p.2] 2710.1 STEPHEN IV, pope. Notitia historica. [Migne. Patrologise v.102] 3450.26 Bulla. [Migne. Patrologiae v.120] ... v.3 of 3460.8 STEPHEN V,pope. Epistolae, diplomata, et privi- legia. [Migne. Patrologiae v. 129] . v.3 of 3460.8 STEPHEN VI, pope. Epistolse et privilegia. [Migne. Patrologiae v. 129] v.3 of 3460. 8 STEPHEN VII, pope. Epistolae et privilcgia. [Migne. Patrologioe v.132] 3460.11 STEPHEN VIII, pope. Epistolae et privilegia. [Migne. Patrologiae v.132] 3460.11 STEPHEN X, pope. Epistolae et privilegia. [Migne. Patrologiae v.143] 3460.22 STEPHEN, James, esq., master in chancery. Dan- gers of the country. Phila. 1807. 8 . . *Pph.v.3 Observations on the speech of Hon. J. Ran- dolph, on non-importation. New York, 1806. 8 *Pph.v.lO War in disguise, or the frauds of the neutral flags. New York, 1800. 8 . . . 3615.3, *Pph.v. 17 Answer to War in disguise. See Morris, G. . 3615.3 STEPHEN, Sir James, K.C.B., LL.D., b. 1790. Es- says in ecclesiastical biography. 2d ed. London, 1850. 2v. 8 3553.5 - Same. 3d ed. London, 1853. 2v. 8 . . 3553.4 Lectures on the history of France. 2d ed. London, 1852. 8 2612.3 STEPHEN, T. History of the church of Scotland. London, 1848. 4v. 8 3524.1 STEPHENS, Alexander. Wars of the French revo- lution. Philadelphia, 1804. 2v. 8" .... 4654.2 STEPHENS, Archibald, J. History of boroughs and municipal corporations. See Mere- wether, H. A 2514.1 STEPHENS, H. Book of the farm, with illustra- tions. Notes by J. S. Skinner. New York, 1846. 8". [Skinner. Journal of agriculture, v.4] 3993.4 STEPHENS, James F. British coleoptera, or bee- tles. London, 1839. p. 8 3896.9 Catalogue of British insects. Lond. 1829. 8. 3884.17 Illustrations of British entomology. Haus- tellata. London, 1828. 4v. 8" 3894.2 - Same. Mandibulata, [and] supplement. London, 1828-40. 8v. 8 3894.1 STEPHENS, John. Advantages which man derives from woman, exemplified in a sermon. New York, 1815. 8 *Pph.v.29 STEPHENS, S. Travels through France. [Knox. New collection of voyages, v. 5] 2263.1 STEPHENS, T. Literature of the Kymry; History of the language and literature of Wales. Llandovery, 1849. 8 2587.2 STEPHENSON, G. Life. See Smiles, G 2457.1 Shelf. No. STEPHENSON, J. Medical zoology and miner- alogy. London, 1838. 8 3781.4 and Churchill, J. M. Medical botany. Lon- don, 1831. 4v. in 2. 8" 3780.5 STEPHENSON, R. Report on the atmospheric railway. Lond. 1844. pp.44 and 2<> pi. 4. *4011.9 STEPHENSON. Life of Caxton. See London. So- ciety for the diffusion of useful knowledge. Lives **E.212.8 STEPNEY, G. Poems and life. [Chalmers. Eng- lish poets] v.8of2592.7 Poems. [Johnson. English poets] . . v. 12 of 2589.3 STERILITY. Roubaud, F. Traitd de sterilitc chez 1'homme et chez la femme 3772.26 Tilt, E. J. Diseases of menstruation, in con- nexion with 3776.33 STERLING, J. Poetical works. 1st Am. ed. Philadelphia, 1842. 12 2567.13 STERNBERG, C. M. v. Flora der Vorwelt. Re- gensburg und Prag, 1825-38. f *3850.5 STERNBERG, T. Dialect and folk-lore of North- amptonshire. London, 1851. 16 2586.27 STERNE, L. Tristram Shandy; Sentimental jour- ney through France and Italy. [Ballantyne. Novelist's library, v. 5] 2573.1 Voyage sentimental en France. [Gamier. Voyages imaginaires, v.28] 2666.1 Illustrations of. See Ferriar, J 2558.21 STEREOTYPING. Account of Wm. Ged's progress in the art of block-printing. See Ged, W. 2113.13 STESICHORCS. See Lyrici Graeci 2979.11 See Gaisford, T. Poetae minores Graeci, v.3. 2968.2 STESIMBROTUS Thasius. See Fragmenta histori- conim Graecorum, v.2 3002.11 STETHOSCOPE. Bowditch, H. I. Young stetho- scopist, or aid to auscultation .3795.32, E. 209.26 Cotton, R. P. Phthisis and the stethoscope. 3795.33 Forbes, J. Stethoscope in diseases of the chest. 3795.16 Hutchinson, J. Stethoscope in discriminat- ing diseases 3795.25 Stokes, W. Use of the 3795.30 STETSON, S. Six sermons, on Fuller's reasons for believing that future punishment will be endless. Plymouth, 1823. 8 *Pph.v.240 STETSON family, Genealogical sketch of the. See Barry, J. S 2333.19 STEUART, Sir H. Planter's guide : essay on the removal of large trees. Edinburgh, 1828. 8" 4003.6 - Same. 3d ed. with memoir of the author, and his last additions. Edinburgh, 1848. 8. 3982.5 STEUART, Sir J. Works, political, metaphysical, and chronological. London, 1805. 6v. 8. *3655.8 Contents. Vol. I.-IV. Principles of political occon- omy, being an essay on the science of domestic pol- icy in free nations, in which are particularly consid- ered population, agriculture, trade, industry, money, taxes. V. The principles of money applied to the present state of the coin of Bengal ; Letter from Mr. Francis, and answer; Principles of money, applied to the German coin ; Observations on the new bill for . altering the laws which regulate the qualifications of freeholders! Interest of Lanark; Policy of grain, with a view to preventing scarcity; Plan for uniformity of weights and measures. VI. On Dr. Seattle's essay on truth; Critical remarks on the System of nature by M. de Mirabaud; Motive of obedience to God ; Apol- ogie du sentiment du chev. Newton sur 1'ancienne chronologic des Grecs; Answers to M. des Vignolles' dissertation upon Newton's chronology ; Anecdotes of the life of Steuart. Principles of political ceconomy. London, 1767. 2v. 4 *3641.2 STEUDEL, E. G. Nomenclator botanicus. Ed. 2a. Stuttgartiae et Tubingae, 1841. 1.8 3831.1 STEVEN, W. A brief view of the Dutch ecclesi- astical establishment. 3d ed. Edinburgh, 1839. 8 *Pph.V.129 STEVENS, A. H. Address to the class of graduates of the college o physicians and surgeons of the university of the state of New York. New York, 1847. 8 *M.Pph.v.42 STEVENS 751 STOKER Shelf. No. STEVENS, A. H. continued. Clinical lecture on the primary treatment of injuries, delivered at the New York hos- pital. New York, 1837. 8 *M.Pph.v.31 Plea of humanity in behalf of medical edu- cation : annual address before N. Y. state medical society. Albany, 1849. 8 . *M.Pph.v.44 - Same. 4th ed. New York, 1849. 8. *M.Pph.v.45 See Watts, J. Medical and surgical register. 3755.10 STEVENS, B. Sermon occasioned by the death of A. Pepperrell, 1751. Boston, 1752. 8 ... 3458.71 - - Sermon occasioned by the death of Sir W. ' Pepperrell. Boston, 1759. sm.4 *2344.0 STEVENS, I. I. Report of exploration for the Pacific railroad, near the 47th and 49th par- allels, from St. Paul to Puget sound. [No imprint. 1854 -55. J 8. [With maps.] 2363.3 STEVENS, J. Advantages of rail-ways over canal navigation. New York, 1812. 8 .... *Pph.v.4 STEVENS, T. Address at an anti-masonic celebra- tion, Pittsburg, July 4th, 1835. [No title- page.] 8 *Pph.v.2S9, 290 Speech in favor of the bill to establish a school of arts in Philadelphia. Harrisburg, 1838. 8 *Pph.v.l02 STEVENS, "William. Healthy and diseased prop- erties of blood. London, 1832. 8 .... 3803.14 STEVENS, Rev. William B. History of Georgia to 1798. Vol.1. New York, 1847. 8 . . . 2375.12 STEVENSON, A. Account of Skerryvore light- house, with notes on illumination. Edin- burgh, 1848. 4 *4090.12 STEVENSON, D. Canal and river engineering, from 8th ed. of Encyc. Brit. Edinburgh, 1858. 8. 3942.9 Civil engineering of North America. Lon- don, 1838. 8 4015.5 Improvement of tidal rivers. London, 1849. pp.49, pl.4. 8 *3945.3 STEVENSON, John. Morbid sensibility of the eye. London, 1810. 8 *M.Pph.v.79 STEVENSON, Jonathan G., Sermon after the death of. Frothingham, N. L 3455.01 STEVENSON, R. Account of the Bell Rock light- house. Edinburgh, 1824. 4 *4090.13 Account of Hutcheson bridge, Glasgow. See Weale, J 4014.2 STEWART, Dugald. Works. Cambridge, [Mass.] 1829. 7v. 8 *3601.4 Contents. Vol. I.-III. Philosophy of the human mind. III. Outlines of moral philosophy. IV. Phi- losophical essays. V. Philosophy of the active and moral powers of man. VI. Progress of metaphysi- cal, ethical, and political philosophy, since the revi- val of letters. VII. Life and writings of Adam Smith; Life and writings of William Robertson ; Life and writings of Thomas Keid; Tracts respecting the elec- tion of Mr. Leslie. General view of the progress of metaphysi- cal, ethical, and political philosophy. [Bos- ton, 1817.] 8 **E.218.14 Philosophy of the human mind. Boston, 1814. 2v. 8 3603.17 Statement of facts relative to the election of a mathematical professor in the university of Edinburgh. Edinburgh, 1805. 8 . . *Pph.v.39 STEWART, Duncan. Treatise on uterine haemorr- hage. London, 1816. 8 *3774.21 STEWART, F. C. Anniversary discourse before the New York academy of medicine. New York, 1853. 8 *M.Pph.v.52 STEWART, James, esq. Reports of cases in the vice admiralty at Halifax. Lond. 1814. 8. 3620.7 STEWART, James, M. D. On diseases of children. 2ded. New York, 1844. 8 3777.9 STEWART, R., lord Castlereagh. Memoirs and cor- respondence, in three series. London, 1850- 53. 12v. 8 2452-1 STICOTTI, A. F. Dictionnaire des gens du monde. 3e dd. Paris, 1821. 16 4679-14 STIEBEL, S. F. [Diss. Acad.] Sistens limnei stag- nalis anatomen. Gottingae, 1815. pp.52. 4.*3872.15 Shelf. No. STIEGLITZ, C. L. Archseologie der Baukunst der Griechen u. Romer. Weimar, 1801. 2v. in 3. 8 4096.8 STILES, E. Discourse on saving knowledge, de- livered at the instalment of Samuel Hop- kins. Newport, 1770. 1?. *2408.36 Funeral sermon at the interment of Mr. Chauncey Whittelsey. N. Haven, 1787. 12.*3458.63 History of the three judges of Charles i, who fled to America. Hartford, 1794. 12 ... *2329.23 Oratio funebris pro exequiis celcbrandis Jon- athan Law. Novi-Londini, 1751. sm.4 . *3456.52 Oratio inauguralis habita in saccllo collegii Yalcnsis. Hartfordia:, 1778. 12 *2408.36 Sermon at the ordination of Henry Channing. New London, 1787. 8 *3458.62 The United States elevated to glory and hon- or : election sermon. New Haven, 1783. 8.*2324.45 - Same. 2d ed. corr. Worcester, 1785. S".*34o5.15 Rem. on [his] election sermon. Bowden, J. 3547.11 Sermon at the interment of. Dana, J. . Pph.v.2G5 Life of. Holmes, A 2343.16 STILL, J. Gammer Gurton's needle. [Dodsley. Old plays, v.2] 2588.1 STILLE, A. Medical education in the United States : an address. Phila. 1846. 8 . *M.Pph.v.42 STILLING. See Jung-Stilling, J. H. STILLINGFLEET, E. Answer to treatises occa- sioned by a book concerning the idolatry of Rome. First part. London, 1673. sm.8 . *3463.31 STILLMAN, S. Select sermons, [with] a biograph- ical sketch. Boston, 1808. 8" 3443.6 STILWELL, S. M. System of credit for a republic, and the plan of a bank for the state of New York. Albany, 1838. 8 *Pph.v.lOO STIMPSON, W. Marine invertebrata of Grand Ma- nan. [Smithsonian contributions, v.fl] . . 3340.1 STIMSON, E. Treatise on the epidemic cholera in Upper Canada, 1832-34. Dundas, 1835. 8.*M.Pph.v.29 STIRLING, P. J. The philosophy of trade. Edin- burgh, 1846. 8 3641.9 STIRLING, earl of. See Alexander, W. STIRLING, Scotland, History of 2475.12 STOBAEUS, J. Geistliche Lieder fiir fiinf Stimmen. [Dehn. Practische Musik-Werke, v.ll] . 4051.14 STOCK, J. E. Medical collections on the effects of cold as a remedy. London, 1805. 8 . *M.Pph.v.74 STOCKDALE, F. W. L. Sketch of Hastings, Win- chelsea, and Rye. London, n.d. 8" . . . 2503.19 STOCKDALE, P. Lectures on eminent English poets. London, 1807. 2v. 8 2554.3 STOCKLER, or Gargad-Stockler F. de Borja. Com- pendio da theorica dos limitcs, ou intro- duccaS das fluxScs. Lisboa, 1794. 8 . **E.189.18 STOCKTON, R. Speech on a bill to authorise the president to call upon the states and terri- tories for the defence of the frontiers. Georgetown, 1814. 8 *Pph.v.ll7 STOCKTON upon Tees, History of. Brewster, J. 2492.16 STODDARD, D. Sermon on the death of. Col- man, B 3455.21 STODDARD, J. Sermon on the death of. Ed- wards, J 3455.25 and Williams, J. Journal of a diplomatic visit to Canada in 1713. [N. E. hist, and gen. rcg. 1851, pp. 21-44.] 8 2324.10 STODDARD, Simeon, murdered near London, 1706. Funeral sermon on. Willard, S 3456.36 STODDARD, Hon. Simeon, 6. 1650, d. 1730. Funeral sermon on. Colman, B 3458.94 STODDARD, Solomon, D.D., b. 1643, d. 1729. Fun- eral sermon on. Colman, B 3458.90 STODDARD, Solomon, prof. Latin Grammar. See Andrews, E. A 7089.1 STOEPEL, F. Grundziige der Geschichte der mod- eruen Musik. Nebst einem Vorwort von Gottfried Weber. Berlin, 1821. 4 . . . . *4052.50 STOKER, W. Treatise on fever, with observations on the practice for its cure in the hospital in Dublin. London, 1815. 8 .... *M.Pph.v.97 STOKES 752 STOWE Shelf. No. STOKES, W. Diseases of the chest, lung, and windpipe. 2d ed. with introduction and notes. Philadelphia, 1844. 8 3795.4 Introduction to the use of the stethoscope. Edinburgh, 1825. 12 3705.30 STOLZEL, G. II. Messc a 4 voci. [Dehn. Prac- tische Musik-Werke, v.13] 4051.14 STOMACH. Abercrombie, J. Diseases of the . 3700.10, 11 Billard, C. It. C. De la membrane muqueuse gustro-intestinale 3700.28 Dunglison, It. Diseases of the stomach and bowels of children 3777.11 Eyre, J. The stomach and its difficulties . . 3700.30 Glisson, F. Tractatus de ventriculo .... 3759.21 Jones, H. B. Animal chemistry applied to stomach disease 3700.26 Sewall, T. Documents, in relation to Dr. Sew- all's drawings on the human stomach . Pph.v.130 Speer, T. C. The S., its functions, etc. M.Pph.v.83 See also : Cholera, Cholick, Dysentery, Gastric juice, Indigestion. STONE, A. L. Sermon on the Sunday succeeding the death of D. Webster. Bost. 1853. 8.*Pph.v.264 STONE, Edwin 31. History of Beverly, [Mass.] Boston, 1843. 12 2357.1 STONE, Elizabeth. God's acre, or notices relating to churchyards. London, 1858. 18 . ... 2534.1 STONE, J. Vf. Festival of the sons of New Ilamp- shire. Boston, 1850. 8 2338.2,3 Trial of J. W. Webster for the murder of Dr. G. Parkman, before the Supreme Court of Massachusetts. Boston, 1850. 8 3684.4 STONE, S. Complete practice of midwifery. Lon- don, 1737. sm.8 *3779.11 STONE, W. L. Letters to J. Q. Adams, on ma- sonry and anti-masonry. New York, 1832. 8 3565.1 Life and times of Bed Jacket. New York, 1841. 8 2300.1 Matthias and his impostures. New York, 1835. 10 3489.27 STONE family. See Goodwin, N 2332.8 STONE, Artificial. L' art de composer des pierres factices. See Fleurct 4090.23 STONE in the bladder, Dissertation on. Onder- donk, H. U M.Pph.v 2 See also: Calculus, Gravel, Lithotomy, Urinary deposits. STONE-CUTTING. AdhdmarJ. Coupe des pierres. 4010.26 Douliot, J. P. Traite de coupe des pierres . 4103.1 Toussaint, C. J. Nouveau manuel de la coupe des picrres 4019.10 STONEHENGE. Herbert, A. Argument to dis- prove the antiquity of 2520.22 Stukeley, W. S. restored to the Brit, druids. 2460.10 STONEY, U. B. A residence in Tasmania. Lon- don, 1855. 8 3047.5 STOKCK, A. Libellus quo demonstratur, cicutam esse remedium valde utile in multis morbis. Ed. altera. Vindobonse, 1701. 8 . *M.Pph.v.ll7 STOKER, D. H. Statistics of the Boston lying-in hospital. Philadelphia, 1850. 8 . . *M.Pph.V.47 Reports on the ichthyology and herpetology of Massachusetts. See Massachusetts. E. 211. 18 STOKER, T. Life and death of Thomas Wolsey, cardinall, 1599. London, 1815. 4. [Park. Heliconia, v.2] 2591.13 STORIA degli anni 1813-15. Continuazione alia storia di Napoleone. Firenze, 1826. 8v. 32 4659a.lO STORIA del sonetto italiano. Prato, 1839. 12" . 2771.14 STORIA delle guerre d'ltalia dal ISMarzo 1848 al28 Agosto 1849. Roma, 1851. S 4745.3 STORIA delle rivoluzioui italiane dal 1821 al 1848, con document!. Torino, 1849. 2v. 8 . . . 2715.6 STORIE e ritratti di uomini utili bcnefattori della umanita. Bologna, 1835. 2v. 8 2242.2 STORK, W. Description of East Florida, with a journal kept by J. Bartram, botanist. 3d ed. London, 1769. pp.86. 4 *2360.7 Shelf. No. STORMS. Rcdfield, W. C. Whirlwind character of certain storms Pph.v.98 Reid, W. Attempt to develop the law of .. 3964.1 See also : Tornado. STORE, F. All the words of this life : a sermon. London, 1846. 8 *Pph.v.250 STORK, G. C. Historical sense of the New Testa- ment. Boston, 1817. pp.92. 12* 3419.12 STOKRS, H. R. Speech in the house of represen- tatives on the removal of the Indians west of the Mississippi. Utica, 1830. 8. . . *Pph.v.80 STORKS family. Sec Goodwin, N 2332.8 STORY, I. Eulogy on Gen. Washington, deliv- ered [at] Sterling, Feb. 22, 1800. Worces- ter, 1800. 8 *Pph.v.266 STORY, J. Address on the dedication of the ceme- tery at Mount Auburn. Boston, l&H. 8.*Pph.v.84 Commentaries on the constitution of the Uni- ted States. Boston, 1833. 3v. 8 2401.5 Conflict of laws. 4th ed. Boston, 1852. 8. 3025.1 Discourse before the Phi Beta Kappa society. Boston, 1826. 8 *Pph.v.66 Discourse in commemoration of the first set- tlement of Salem. Boston, 1828. 8 . . *Pph.V.76 Discourse upon the life, character, and ser- vices of Hon. John Marshall, LL.D. Bos- ton, 1835. 8 *Pph.v.257,265 Discourse pronounced upon the inauguration of the author as Dane professor of law. Boston, 1829. 8 **E.224.10,*Pph.v.78 Law of agency. 4th ed. Boston, 1851. 8 . 3664.4 Law of bills of exchange. 3d ed. Boston, 1853. 8" 3674.3 Law of partnership. 4th ed. Boston, 1855. 8". 3063.3 Law of promissory notes, guarantees of notes, and checks. 4th ed. Boston, 1850. 8 . . 3C74.2 Pleadings in civil actions subsequent to the declaration. Salem, 1805. 8 3025.4 Power of solitude : a poem. New ed. [fol- lowed by fugitive poems.] Salem, 1M>4. 8. pi **E. 228.14 STORY, W. W. Nature and art : a poem. Bos- ton, 1844. 8 *Pph.v.l38 Reports of cases in the first circuit court of the United States [ 1839-45 J. Boston, 1851- 55. 3v. 8 *3704.5 STOSCII, F. Tractatus de epistolis apostolorum idiographis. Guelpherbyti, 1751. em. 8 .*2985.14 STOUGHTON, W., and others. The revolution in New England justified from the aspersions [of] John Palmer. [Force. Tracts, v.4] . 2323.3 STOUT, A. B. Thesis on the cataract, with some remarks on the eye. N. Y. 1837. 8 . *M.Pph.v.29 STOVER, D. J. H. Leben des Ritters C. von Linne. Nebst Merkwiirdigkeiten seines Solmcs, C. v. L. Hamburg, 1792. 2v. 10 *3839.8 Life of Linnaeus. Added, a sketch of his son. Translated from the German, by J. Trapp. London, 1794. 4 *3S31.7 STOW, B. The Bible for the world: a discourse before the Am. and foreign Bible society at its 9th anniversary. [No title-page.] 8.*Pph.v.272 STOW, John. Chronicle of England, continued to 1631, by E. Howes. [Black-letter.] London, 1632. f *2420.9 Survey of London and Westminster. Ed. by J. Strype. London, 1720. 2v. f *2490.2 - Same. New ed. by W. J. Thorns. Lon- don, 1842. 8 2472.16 STOW, Joshua, vs. Converse, S. Report of the case of J. Stow vs. S. Converse, for a libel. New Haven, 1822. 8 *Pph.v.35 STOWE, C. E. On elementary public instruction in Europe. Harrisburg, 1838. 8 . . . *Pph.v.l41 STOWE, H. B. La cabana del tio Tom. Trad, al castellano. Paris, 1852. 12" 2408.9 STOWE, Buckinghamshire, Catalogue of the li- brary. London, 1849. 8" 2137.9 Description of the house and gardens of the marquis of Buckingham. London, 1797. 8. *2493.9 STOWELL 753 STROZZI Shelf. No. STOWELL, W. H. On the work of the Spirit. 2d ed. London, 1854. 12 [Cong, lectures] . *3455.10 STRABISMUS, Treatise on. Dix, .T. H 3804.23 STEABO. Kerum geographicarum libri xvn, rec. I. Casaubonus. Adjuncta est G. Xylandri Latina versio. Lutetioc Par. 1G20. f . . . *2990.3 Geographic, traduite du Grec en Francais [par La Porte du Theil etCoray]. Paris, 1805-19. 5v. 4 *3001.4 See Fragmenta historicorum Graec. v.3 . . . 3002.11 STKABO Walafrid. Opera omnia ex edit. Dua- censi, etc. Accurante J. P. Migne. Lute- tiae Parisiorum, 1852. 8. [Migne. Patro- logisev.113, 114] 3450.32 Contents. Vol. I. Glossa ordinaria, in lib. Gen., Exod., Levit, Num., Deut., Josue, Judic , Ruth, Sam., Paralip., Esdras, Tobias, Judith, Esther, Job, Psalm., Prov., Eccles., Isaia;. II. Glossa ordinaria, in lib. Jerem., Matth., Marci., Luc., Joan., Act., Rom., Cor.,- Galat., Ephes., Philipp., Coloss., Thess., Tim. I, n, Philcm., llcbr., Jac., Pet. I, II, Epiet. Joan. I, II, in, Apoc. Joan. ; Expositio in viginti primoa Psalmos ; Epitome commentariorum Rabani in Le- viticum ; Expositio in quatuor Evangelia ; De eccle- siasticarum rerum exordiis et incrcmentis ; De sub- versioue Jerusalem tractatus ; Vita? SS. Galli, Othmari, Blaitmaici, Mamma; ; Carmina. STBACHAN, J. Letter to Rev. T. Chalmers on the life and character of [bishop] Hobart. New York, 1832. 8 *Pph.v.86 STRACHEY, E. Bija Ganita, or the algebra of the Hindus. [London, 1812 or 13.] 4 ... . **E.191.12 STRACHEV, W. Historic of travaile into Virginia. Ed. by R. H. Major. London, 1849. 8. [Hakluyt society] *2264.4 Lawes for the colony in Virginia Britannia. [Force. Tracts, v.3] 2323.3 STRADELLA, A. Duetto, Nel seren de' tuoi con- tenti. [Dehn. PractischeMusik-Werke,v.7]. 4051.14 STRAFFORD, earl of. See Wentworth, T. STRAFFORELLO, G. II nuovo Monte-Cristo. Fi- renze, 1850. 12 4778.23 STRAIN, A. Paul's adieu to the elders of Ephe- sus: a sermon. Albany, 1839. 8 . . . *Pph.v.l08 STRANG, J. Confession of the murder of J. Whip- pie. Albany, 1827. 8 *Pph.v.G9 STRANGE, Sir Robert, engraver, b. 1721, d. 1792. Inquiry into the rise of the royal academy of arts. London. 1775. sm.8 *4072.1<5 Memoirs of. See Dcnnistouu, J 2458.3 STRANGE, Hon. Robert, b. 1796, d. 1854. Address before the societies of Rutgers college. New Brunswick, 1840. 8 *Pph.v.ll7 STRANGER, The, in Liverpool. 5th ed. Liverpool, 1816. 12 2486.22 STRANGER'S guide to Edinburgh. 6th ed. Edin- burgh, 1817. 12 2486.11 STRANSKY, P. Staat von Bohmen. Uebers. v. I. Cornova. Prag, 1792-1803. 7v. 16 . . 2839.3 STRAP AROLA, G. F. Les facutieuses nuits : trad. par Louveau et Larivcy. Paris, 1857. 2v. 16. 2679.4 Ambrogetto Valsabbia, of Como, bequeaths his soul, and those of his notary and confes- sor, to the great Satan. [Roscoe. Italian novelists, v.2] 2772.18 Novelle. [Novelliero italiano, v.3] 2772.19 STRASBOURG. L'inauguration de la statue de Gu- temberg. See Luchet, A E. 209.24 STRASCINO da Siena. See Bcrni, F. Opere bur- leschc,v.2, 3 4769.6 STRATFORD-UPON-AVON, History and antiquities of. Wheler.R. B 2504.10 STRATOCLES. See Baiter and Sauppe. Oratores Attici 2963.1 STRATO Atheniensis. See Poetarum comicorum Graecorum fragmenta 3002.14 STUATO Lampsacenus. See Fragmenta histori- corum Graecorum, v.2 3002.11 STRATTIS. See Poetarum com. Graec. fragm. . . 3002.14 STKATTON, T. Aurea? sententias : select senten- ces from eminent divines, [etc.] London, 1768. 16 *3440.17 Shelf. No. STRAUS-DURCKHEIM, H. E. Traite' d'anatomie comparative. Paris, 1843. 2v. in 1. 8 . . 3887.18 STRAUSS, D. F. Die christliche Glaubenslehre. Tiibingen und Stuttgart, 1840-41. 2v. 8 . 3452.8 Voices of the church, in reply to. See Beard, J. R 3475.5 Examen critique des doctrines du Dr. S., sur Jesus Christ. See Guillon, M. N. S. . . . 3475.4 Het Leven van Jezus, critisch verdedigd tegen. See Greuve, F. C. de 3475.6 STREAMS from Helicon. Pennecuik, A 2559.16 STREBEE, J. L. De flguris. [Autori del ben par- lare, p. 2] 3590.10 STREET, A. B. Drawings and tintings : [poems.] New York, 1844. 8 *Pph.v.l3(5 Our state : a poem. New York, 1S49. 8 . *Pph.v.l75 Poems ; complete ed. New York, 1847. 12 . 2405.30 STREET, G. E. Brick and marble in the mid. ages ; a tour in the north of Italy. Lond. 1855. 8. 4095.4 STREET, T. G. Vindication of the duke of Bed- ford's attack upon Mr. Burke's pension. 3d ed. London, 1796. 8 *Pph.v.251 STREETER, S. and R. Hymn book for universai- ist societies. 5th cd. Boston, 1832. 18 . . 3449.21 STREINN, R. De gcntibus et familiis Romanorum. [Grasvius. Thes. antiq. Rom. v.7] . . . . 2950.1 STREIT, F. W. Atlas von Europa. See Fischer, "W. 2286.11 STRICKLAND, W. P. History of the American Bible society, with introduction by Rev. N. L. Rice. New York, 1849. 8 3514.4 STRICTURE of the urethra. Syme, J 3740.55 STRICTURES upon the executive departments of the government of the United States. U. S. A. 1792. 8 *Pph.V.32 STRINATI, N. degli. Cronichetta. See Certaldo, P. da 2725.12 STRINGED instruments. Delle corde, ovvero fibre clastiche. Riccati, G 3943.24 STRINGER, S. View of proceedings in the legisla- ture respecting the incorporation of the new state bank. Albany, 1803. 8. . . *Pph.v.ll6 STRINGFELLOW, T. Scriptural and statistical views in favor of slavery. 4th ed. Rich- mond, Va. 1856. 12 3573.20 STRINNIIOLM, A. M. Wikingsziige, Staatsverfas- sung u. Sitten der alten Skandinavier. Aus dcm Schwedischen von Dr. C. F. Frisch. Hamburg, 1839-41. 2v. 8 2826.9 STROBEL, A. W. Geschichte des Elsasses, fortge- setzt von Dr. L. H. Engelhardt. 2te Ausg. Strassburg, 1851. 6v. 8 *2S16.1 STROCCHI, D. See Bernabo Silorata, P. Prose c pocsie di Italian) viventi, v.2, 4, 8 4768.16 De vita, ct scriptis G. Garatonii ; Elogio del cav. Ennio Quirino Visconti. [Opuscoli let- tcrarii, v.l, 2] 2792.2 STRONG, C. Speeches to the senate and house, with their answers ; and other papers, 1800- 1807. Newburyport, 1808. 12. . **E. 228. 4, 2407.13 Biography. See Bradford, A Pph.v.23S STRONG, Nathan, D. D., b. 174S, d. 1810. Doctrine of eternal misery reconcilcable with the benevolence of God. Hartford, 179(3. 8. *3453.4 Sermon at the interment of. See Perkins, N. Pph.v.20 STRONG, Nathan, Jr., M. D. Dissertation on the spotted fever. Hartford, 1810. 8" . . *M.Pph.v.C4 STRONGYLUS auricularis. Dissertatio de evolu- tione strongyli auricularis. Bagge, H. . . 3874.2 STROZZI, A. Dellc lode di S. Filippo Neri. [Dati. Prose fiorentine, v.5] 2787.1 STROZZI, Carlo. Lettere. [Dati. Prose fioren- tine, v. 15] 2787.1 STBOZZI, Chirico. Lettere. [Dati. Prose fioren- tine, v.14] 2787.1 STROZZI, Fabbrizio. Lettere. [Dati. Prose fio- rentine, v.14, 15] 2787.1 STROZZI, Filippo. La vie, mort, et tombeau de Philippe de Strozzi. [Lafaist. Arch. hist. France. Ser. 1, v.9] 2617.1 Vita. See Strozzi, L 2741.14 STROZZI 754 SUARD Shelf. No. STROZZI, G. B. Madrigali. [Fontani. Rime di diversi buoni aiitori] . . . . 2794.8 STROZZI, L. Vita di Filippo Strozzi, il vecchio. Per cura del can. G. Bini c di P. Bigazzi. Firenze, 1851. imp.8 2741.14 STKOZZI, P., or Sciarra Florentine. Stanzc sopra larabbiadi Macone. Firenze, 1822. pp.28. 8. 2794.29 Stanze del Sciarra Fiorentino. [Poesie per far ridere le brigate] 4776.24 STROZZI, R. Lettere. [Dati. Prose fiorentine, v.14] 2787.1 STROZZI, T. V. Orazione ad Innocenzo vin. [Rac- colta di opuscoli scientiflci, etc. v.l] . . . 5274.1 STRUTT, J. Biographical dictionary of engravers. Prefixed, an essay on engraving. London, 1785-86. 2v. 4 *4081.10 Dress and habits of the people of England, from the establishment of the Saxons. New ed. with notes by J. R. Planchd. London, 1842. 2v. 4 *2530.2 Regal and ecclesiastical antiquities of Eng- land. New cd. by J. R. Planche. London, 1842. 4 *2530.3 Sports and pastimes of the people of England. 2d cd. London, 1810. 4 *4001.2 - Same. New ed. with index by TV. Hone. London, 1845. 1.8" 2520.7 STRUVE, B. G. Bibliotheca historica, aucta a Bu- dero et Meuselio. Lipsiae, 1782-1804. 22 pts. in 19v. 8 *2177.1 Bibliotheca historiae litterariae. [Ed.] J. F. Jugler. Jenae, 1754-85. 4v. 8 *2177.2 STRUVE, F. G. TV. v. Beschreibung des zu Dorpat befindlichen grossen Refractors von Fraun- hofer. Dorpat, 1825. f **E. 210.2 Breitengradmessung in den Ostseeprovinzen Russlands bearbeitet 1821-31, mit Beihiilfe des B. W. v. Wrangell, u. a. Dorpat, 1831. 2v. 4" **E.182.7 Catalogus novus stellarum duplicium et mul- tiplicium. Dorpati, 1827. f **E.182.1,2 Etoiles doubles. Mesures micrometriques obtcnues de 1824 a 1837. St.-Petersbourg, [1837]. pp.52. 8 **E.110.15 Stellarum duplicium et multiplicium men- surae micrometricae. Pctropoli, 1&37. f.**E. 210.1 STRYKER, James. American quarterly register and magazine. Philadelphia, 1848-51. 5v. 8" *5178.4 STEYPE, J. Annals of the reformation in the church of England, [1558-1607]. New ed, Oxford, 1824. 4v. in 7. 8" *3522.2 Ecclesiastical memorials of the church of Eng. [1513-58.] Oxford, 1822. 3v. in 6. 8. 3522.3 STRZELECKI, P. E. de. Description of New South Wales and Van Diemcn's land. London, 1845. 8 3047.6 Gold and silver : a supplement to the descrip- tion of N. S. Wales. London, 1856. pp.33. 8 3047.7 STUART, Alexander. Croonean lectures on mus- cular motion, 1738. [London. Royal society. Philosophical transactions, v. 40] 3210.1 STUART, Andrew. Letters to lord Mansfield. Lon- don, 1773. 8 *2453.14 STUART, C. B. Naval dry docks of the United States. 3d ed. New York, 1855. 4 . . . . *3951.1 STUART, G. History of Scotland, from the refor- mation till the death of queen Mary [1542- 87]. Dublin, 1782. 2v. 8 *2475.2 - Same. [With] observations concerning 1 the constitution. 2d ed. London, 1783-84. 2v. 8 *2475.3 View of society in Europe, or the history of law, etc. Dublin, 1778. 8 *3565.21 STUART, James, 6. 1713, d. 1778, and Revett, N. Antiqvities of Athens, with supplement [by others]. London, 1762-1830. 5v. f . . *3070.2 STUART, James. Three years in North America [1828-31]. 3ded. Edinburgh, 1833. 2 v. 8". 2363.13 Shelf. No. STUART, M. Commentary on the apocalypse. Andover, 1845. 2v. 8 3424.3 Conscience and the constitution, with re- marks on the speech of Webster on slavery. Boston, 1850. 8 *Pph.v.l81 Discourses on the atonement. Andover, 1824. 8 *Pph.v.271 Exegetical essays on words relating to future punishment. Andover, 1830. 12" 3453.18 Essay upon the wines and strong drinks of the ancient Hebrews, etc. Reprinted from the Amer. ed. with a preface by J. P. Smith. London, 1831. 8 *Pph.v.94 Hebrew grammar. Andover, 1821. 8 .... 3432.2 Hints on the interpretation of prophecy. Andover, 1842. 12 3436.4 Letters to the Rev. W. E. Channing, contain- ing remarks on his sermon recently preach- ed at Baltimore. Andover, 1819. 8. . *Pph.v.81 Letters to S. Miller, on the eternal generation of the Son of God. Andover, 1822. 8" . *Fph.v.271 Scriptural view of the wine question: a letter toDr.Nott. New York, 1848. 8 . . . .*Pph.v.l61 [Letter to prof. Stuart in answer to his letters to W. E. Channing.] Boston, 1819. 8" . . 3462.27 Letters to Stuart on religious liberty. See Whitman, B 3402.27, Pph.v. 258 Reply to [Pond's] review of W.'s letters to Stuart. See Whitman, B 3462.27 Review of Belsham's American unitarianism. [From the Panoplist] *Pph.v.l2 STUBBES, H. Vindication of Sir Henry Vane from the lyes of Mr. Richard Baxter. London, 1659. pp.21. sm.4 *2458.10 STUBBS, A. Letter in ref. to charge of false repre- sentations preferred by four laymen against theirbishop. NewBrunswick, 1852. 8. *Pph.v.l9G . STUDENT'S guide to designing, measuring, and valuing artificers' works. Ed. by Dobson and Garbett. 2d ed. London, 1852-53. 8. 4093.9 STUDY. Forti, F. Lettera sulla direzione degli studj 3593.4 Ringclbergius, J. F. Treatise de ratione studii, transl. by G. B. Earp 3599. H STUKELF.Y, W. Abury, a temple of the druids, described. London, 1743. sm.f" *2460.10 Stonchenge, a temple restored to the druids. London, 1740. sni.f" *2460.10 STURGE, J. Visit to the United States in 1841. London, 1842. 8 2361.7 STURGEON, W. Annals of electricity, magnetism, and chemistry. London, 1837-42. lOv. 8 . *3965.1 Scientific researches in electricity, [etc]. Bury, 1850. 4 *3961.3 STURM, J. Catalog meiner Insecten-Sammlung. Niirnberg, 1826. 8 3884.21 Dcutschlands Fauna. 2e Abthl. Die Vogel. Niirnberg, 1829. 16 3909.8 Deutschland's Fauna. 3e Abthl. Amphibien. Niirnberg, 1828. 16 3875.30 Deutschland's Fauna. 5e Abthl. Kafer. Niirn- bcrg, 1805-53. lOv. 16" 3899.13 - Same. Niirnberg, 1805-27. 7v. 16 ... 3899.15 Deutschland's Fauna. 6e Abthl. Wiirmer. Niirnberg, 1803-29. 16" 3874.30 Deutschland's Flora, fortgesetzt von J. W. Sturm. Niirnberg, 1798-1849. 25v. 16. .*3840.15 STURMIUS, abbot of Fulda. Ordo offlcii in domo S. Benedict! ante pascha ; Antique consue- tudines monasteriorum ordinisS. Benedicti. [Mignc. Patrologia; v.89] 3450.20 STURZ, F. W. Lexicon Xenophonteum. Lipsias, 1801. 4v. 8 3003.4 STUTTERING, Radical cure of. Diefienbach, J. F. 3S07.5 STYLE. Felton,H. Dissertation on forming a just. 2959.4 Pallavicino, S. Delle stile e del dialogo . . . 3590.17 STYLES, J. Life of David Brainerd. 1st Amer. ed. Boston, 1812. 12" 3556.12 SUARD, E. Madame de Maintenon, peinte par elle-meme. 3e ed. Paris, 1828. 2v. 8 . . 2659.3 SUAEEZ 755 SULLIVAN Shelf. No SUAREZ, .1. M. De foraminibus lapidum,in priscis aerliflciis, diatriba. [Sallengre. Novus the- saurus antiq. Kora. y.l] 2950.2 SUAVIUS. Statuta pro S. Scvcri villa. [Migne. Patrologire v.157] 3460.34 SUBASIANO, G. dcllo Aromatarii. See Autori del ben parlare 3590.10 Contents. Part I. Vol. I. Opinion!. VI. Tratta- tcllo dclle cliffercnze dclla lingua italiana. Part II. Trattutollo intorno alia parola, Barbaro; Discorsoin- torno al barbarismo; Annotation!. Part IV. Vol. IL Selccta. Note. O. degli Aromatarii di Assist nssunsc il finto nomc di Subasiano, dal monte Subasio che giace a pie di quelia citta. Gamba. SUBLIME. De sublimitate commentarius. Lon- ginus, D 2996.18,19 SUCCESSION to property. Bunsen, C. C. J. De jure hereditario Athenieusium 3612.1 Castillo Sotomayor, J. del. Quotidianarum controvcrsiarum juris, tomus secund.-sext. 3690.1 McCulloch, J. R. Succession to property vacant by death 3636.16 Selden, J. De successionibus ad leges Ebraeo- rum in bona defunctorum 3426.15 Traitci des successions. [Pothier. QEuvres, v.12] 3617.2 See also: Heirs at law. SUCCULENTS. Supplementum plantarum succu- lentarum. Ha worth, A. H 3859.17 SUCHET, L. G., due de Albufera. Mcmoircs sur les campagnes en Espagne, 1808-14. Paris, 18-iS. 2v. 8. Atlas, f 2653.0 Note. Qutirard obscrres respecting these me- nioirs: Riidiges d'apres ECS notes par le baron Saint Cyr Nugues, chef d'etat major du marechal. SUCKLING, A. History and antiquities of the county of Suffolk, [Eng.] London, 1846-48. 2v. 4 *2502.1 Memorials of antiquities, etc. of the county of Essex, [Eug.] London, 1845. 4' . . . . *2471.10 Architecture in and about St. Omer. [Wealc. Quarterly papers, v.l] 4091.6 SUCKLING, G. Historical account of the Virgin islands in the W. Indies. London, 1780. 8. 2313.16 SUCKLING, Sir J. Works, containing poems, let- ters, and plays. Dublin, 1760. & *2578.2 Contents. An account of religion, a discourse; Aglaura [a play] ; The goblins, a comedy j Bren- noralt, a tragedy ; Sad one, a tragedy. Poems and life. [Chalmers. English poets]. v .Oof 2592. 7 The goblius. [Dodsley. Old plays, v.10] . . 2588.1 SUDEE, T. It. L. A. Histoire de la souverainet6, institutions et des doctrines politiques com- parecs. Antiquite. Paris, 1854. 8 .... 3561.11 SUB, E. Sur 1'etat de la marine en France, sous le ministere du cardinal de Richelieu. See Sourdis, H. d'Escoubleau de 2620.5 SUE, P. Dictionnaire portatif de chirurgie, ou tome in du dictionnaire de saute. See Van- dermonde, C. A 3734.15 SUETONIUS Tranquillus, C. Opera cum I. Casau- boni commentario. Ed. F. A. Wolfius. In- sunt reliquiae monum. Ancyrani et fastorum Praenestinorum. Lipsiae, 1802. 4v. 8 . . 2948.18 Contents. Vol. I. Duodecim Csesares; C. J. Cte- sar; C. Octavianus; Tiberius; Caligula, n. Clau- dius; Nero ; Galba; Otho ; Vitellius; Vespasianus ; Titus; Domitianus ; Ernestii excursus ; Monumen- tum Ancyranum ex recognitioneE. Chishulli; I. Ca- sauboni in Ancyr. mon. animadversiones. in. De illustribus grammaticis ; De Claris rhctoribus ; Vitse Terentii, Horatii, Lucani, Plinii, Juvenalis, Persii j Fragmenta; I. Casauboni, in Suetonii libros animad- versiones. IV. Casauboni animadversiones ; Fasto- rum Prrcnestinorum reliquia; collects: et illustrate a F. Foggiuio; Animadversiones in reliquias fast. Pra- nest. ; Indices. Duodecim Caesares et minora qua3 supersunt opera. Illustr. C. B. Hase. Parisiis, 1828. 2v. 8. [Lemaire. Biblioth. class. Lat. 98, 99]. *2914.8 Shelf. No. SUETONIUS Tranquillus, continued. Duodecim Caesares, avec une transl. fr. [La Harpe. CBuvres, v.0,7] 2692.1 Lives of the twelve Cassars, transl. by A. Thomson. London, 17%. 8 2948.17 SUFFOLK, Eng. Cotman, J. g. Sepulchral brasses in 4070.9 Forby, R. Vulgar tongue of 2586.16 Gilpin, W. Observations on the county of 4000.11 Moor, E. Suffolk words and phrases .... 2586.21 Post-office directory of 2484.14 Suckling, A. History and antiquities of the county of 2502.1 SeeaUo: Hardwick, Hawstead, Ipswich, St. Ed- munds' Bury, Soutliwold, Thingoe hundred. SUFFOLK co., Mass. Suffolk surnames. Bowditch, N. I 2331.11 SUGAR. Church, E. Notice on the beet sugar . 4003.24 McCulloh, R. S. Scientific investigations in relation to sugar and hydrometers . . . Pph.v.173 Scoffern, J. Manufacture of 3051.19 SUGAR-CANE. Hyde, J. F. C. Chinese sugar-cane. 4003.22 Kerr, T. Cultivation of 4003.23 SUGAR-CANE, The : a poem. Grainger, J 2571.6 SUGAR maple-tree, Account of the. Rush, B. Pph.v.32!) SUGAR planter's manual, The. Evans, W. J. . . 4003.21 SUGAR taxes : shall they be continued or repealed? Columbus, 1854. 8 *Pph.v.200 SUGDEN, E. B., lord St. Leonards. Letter to J. Williams, esq. on abuses of the court of chancery. London, 1825. 8 *Pph.v.73 SUGER, abbot of St. Denys, at Paris. Opuscula et epistolae. Lutetiae Parisiorum, 1854. 8. [Migne. Patrologioe v.180] 3470.10 Contents. De rebus in admin istratione suagestis ; DC consecratione ccclesise a so jcditicatae ; Vita Lu- dovici regis; Epistolaj; Constitutiones. Epistolae CXXVIII. [Bouquet. Rccueil, V.15J. 2620.1 Vie de Louis leGros, 1108-37. [Guizot. Coll. mem. hist. France, v.8] 2618.2 SUICIDE. Falret, J. P. Du suicide 3800.40 Robeck, J. De morte voluntaria philosoph- orum et bonorum virorum 3579.2 SUIDAS. Lexicon Graece et Latine. Ed. G. Bern- hardy. Halis et Brunsvigae, 1852,53. 2v. in 4. 4 *2982.1 Emendationcs in Suidam. Toup, J 3005.6 Vita D. Joannis Chrysostomi. See Chrysos- tomus, J 3500.13 and Phavorinus. Glossae sacrae Graece. II- lust. J. C. G. Ernesti. Lipsia;, 1780. 8. . *3427.2 SULCARD. Libellus de fundationc abbatiaj West- monasteriensis. [Migne. Patrologiae v.155]. 3400.32 SULIOTES. Der Suliotcnkrieg. See LUdemann, G.W. v 3079.4 SULIVAN, R. J. Philosophical rhapsodies of Akbur of Betlis on certain Asiatic nations, etc. London, 1784,85. 3v. S 3044.1 SULLIVAN, James. History of land titles in Mas- sachusetts. Boston, 1801. 8 3007.1 History of the dist. of Maine. Bost. 1795. 8. *2339.6 Life, with selections from his writings. Amory, T. C 2342.13 Sermon after the funeral of. Buckminster, J- S Pph.v.63, 266 SULLIVAN, John L. Answer to the letter and mis- statements of C. D. Colden as advocate of the monopoly of steam. 2d ed. Troy, 1823. 8 *Pph.v.37 Explanation of the nature of certain grants for the use of steam-boats on Connecticut river. [New York?] 1818. 8 *Pph.v.l9 Exposition of the views of. See Colden, C. D Pph.v.37 SULLIVAN, R. Address before the patrons of the Massachusetts general hospital, 1819. Bos- ton, 1819. 8 *M.Pph.v.l28 SULLIVAN, W. Address to the members of the bar of Suffolk, Mass., 1824. Boston, 1825. 8 *Pph.v.81 SULLIVAN 756 SURGERY Shelf. No. SULLIVAN, W. continued. Discourse before the Boston mercantile asso- ciation. Boston, 18:!2. 8" *Pph.v.272 Discourse before the Pilgrim society, at Ply- mouth, 1829. Boston, 1830. 8" *Pph.v.75 Familiar letters on public characters, 1783- 1815. Boston, 1834. 8 **E.223.13 Oration delivered before the Washington benevolent society of Massachusetts, [on] the anniversary. 2d ed. Bost. 1812. 8.*Pph.v.240 Political class-book ; with an appendix upon studies for practical men, by G. B. Emerson. Boston, 1831. 12 **E.118.2 SULLY, M. de Buthune, due de. See Bethune, M. de. SULPICIA, or Sulpitia. Satira. [Lemaire. Bib. class. Lat. v.35] 2916.7 See Lemaire, N. E. Poet. Lat. min. v.2 . . . 2912.1 See Wernsdorf, J. C. Poet. Lat. min. v.3 . . 2912.4 Poems of, transl. by J. Grainger. [Chalmers. English poets] v.20of2592.7 Poems, transl. by J. Grainger. See Tibullus, A 2949.15 See Elton, C. A. Specimens of the classic poets, v.3 2063.14 SCLPICIUS. Epistola; tres. [Migne. Patrologias v.80] 3450.15 SULPICIUS Lupercus Servastus. De cupiditate; Devetustate. [Lemaire. Poet. Lat.min.v.2]. 2912.1 See Wernsdorf, J. C. Poetae Lat. min. v.3 . 2912.4 SULPICIUS, or Sulpitius Severus. See Severus Sulpicius. SULZER, J. G. Allgemeine Theorie der Schonen Kiinste. NcueAufl. Leipzig, 1792-99. 5v. 8. 4082.4 Charaktere der vornehmstcn Dichtcr aller Nationen. Leipzig, 1792-1800. 8v. 8" . . *2191.5 SUMATRA, Sailing directions for the pepper ports on the west coast of. Gillis, J. D E. 110. 80 History of. Marsden, W 3041.9 SUMMARY notice concerning Bible societies in general, and those of France in particular. Northampton, 1827. 8 *Pph.v.79 SUMNER, Charles. Reports of cases in the United States circuit court, 1st circuit [1829-39]. 2d ed. Boston, 1848-49,51. 3v. 8 3704.4 The scholar, the jurist, the artist, the philan- thropist: an address. Boston, 1846. S.*Pph.v.l56 The true grandeur of nations : an oration de- livered July 4th, 1845. Boston, 1845. 8.*Pph.v.260 SUMNER, Charles P. Eulogy on George Wash- ington, at Milton. Dedham, 1800. 8. . *Pph.v.03 Letter on speculative masonry. Boston, 1829. 8 *Pph.v.293 SUMNER, I. Sermon after the interment of. See Holmes, A Pph.v.266 SUN, Parallax and distance of. Winthrop, J. Pph.v.330 SUNDAY, Thoughts on the most Christian use of the. Parker, T 3443.2 See also : Sabbath. SUNDAY school, The : a poem. Tappan, W. B. . 2398.39 SUNDAY school addresses. Gray, F. T 3445.38 SUNDAY school catechist, The. Trimmer, S. . . 3445.34 SUNDELIN, A. Die Instrumentirung f iir das Or- chester. Berlin, 1828. 4 *4055.7 SUNDERLAND, L. R. Spiritual philosopher. Vol. I. No. 1-24. Boston, 1850. 4" *3600.15 Theory of nutrition. Boston, 1855. 12 . . . 3769.1 SUNDEVALL, C. J. Ornithologiskt System. [Ve- tensk. Ac. Handl. Stockholm, 1830. pp. 43- 130]. 8" . 3905.9 SUPERIORITY of the men of the northern hemi- sphere over those of the southern, by J. Lakey. Delafleld, J 2310.13 SUPERNATURALISM. Staudlin, C. F. Geschichte des Supernaturalismus 3455.9 Whittier, J. G. The S. of New England . . 2409.42 SUPERSTITION, Natural hist. of. Trenchard,J. Pph.v.31 SUPERSTITIONS, Collection of popular. Grose, F. 2530.4 SUPIEI, B. Scomburga: dramma. [Teatro mo- derno applaudito, v.59] 2768.1 SUPPURATION, Dissertations on. Ware,J. M.Pph.v.102 Shelf. No. SURAT. Voyage to Suratte, by Olof Toreen. See Osbeck, P 3046.5 SURAULT, F. M. J. New French exercises. Bos- ton, ia35. 12 7079.36 [Grammatical dissertation on the Italian lan- guage, by F. M. J. Surault. Review. No title-page.] 8 *Pph.v.94 SURENNE, G. French and English, and English and French pronouncing dictionary. See Spiers, A 2680.7 SURETTE, L. A. Sketch of masonry. See Concord. 3567.27 SURETYSHIP, Commentaries on the law of. Burge, W 3676.1 SURGERY. Aberncthy, J. Surgical works . . . 3722.23 - Surgical essays 3745.1 Averill, C. Treatise on operative surgery . 3744.8 Ballingall, G. Outlines of military surgery . 3744.7 Barlow, J. Essays on 3774.5 Bell, B. System of 3744.17 Bell, C. Great operations of 3740.6 - System of operative surgery 3744.18,19 Bell, J. Principles of 3744.21 Bertrandi, J. A. M. Operations de chirurgie. 3754.4 Bigelow, H. J. Lectures on 3745.8 Bourgery, J. M. Traite de petite chirurgie. 3754. 10 Burt, J. G. M. Illustrations of surgical anat- omy 3740.8 Colbatch,J. Collection of chirurgical tracts. 3759.1 Colics, A. Theory and practice of 3759.5 Cooper, A. P. Manual of 3759.7 - Principles and practice of 3743.2,3 - Surgical essays 3743.4,5 Cooper, S. Theory and practice of 3743.7,8 Davies, J. Selections in 3755.22 Desault, P. J. Surgical works 3743.14 Discorsi di chirurgia 3749.13 Dorsey, J. S. Elements of 3743.15 Dupuytren, G. Le9ons de clinique chirurgi- cale 3753.1 Engelmann, W. Bibliotheca medico-chirur- gica 2186.2 Erichsen,J. Science and art of 3753.4,5 Gibson. W. Institutes and practice of . . . 3753.10 Guerin,A. Elements de chirurgie operatoire. 3749.7 Hiillcr, A. v. Bibliotheca chirurgica .... 2186.25 Hay ward, G. Surgical reports 375!). 4 Heister, L. System of .' 3742.8 Hennen, J. Principles of military surgery . 3742.4 Hey, W. Practical observations in 3742.5 Hosack, D. Surgery of the ancients . . M.Pph.v.24 Howship, J. Discrimination of surgical dis- ease 3782.2 - Observations in 3742.11 Hunter, J. Principles of. [Works, v.l] . . 3712.8 Larrey, D. J. Memoires de chirurgie mili- taire 3752.1 - Military surgery 3752.2 - Surgical essays 3755.2 Liston, R. Operations of 3752.5 Maclise, J. Surgical anatomy 3740.10 Malgaigne, J. F. Operative surgery .... 3759.18 Miller, J. Practice of 3752.11,12 Morton, T. Surgical anatomy of the human body 3752.13 Paget,J. Surgical pathology 3741.1 Pancoast, J. Treatise on operative surgery. 3740.19 Pearson, J. Principles of 3741.2 Percy, P. F. Pyrotechnic chirurgicale . . . 3759.11 Piper, R. U. Operative surgery illustrated . 3741.3 Pirrie, W. Principles and practice of . . . .3741.4,5 Pott, P. Chirurgical works 3755.15 Roux, P. J. Pratique chirurgicale 3741.8 Sabatier, R. B. De la medecine operatoire. 3741.10 Sedillot, C. E. Traite de medecine operatoire. 3749.8 Sharpe, S. Operations of 3744.12,13 Skey, F. C. Operative surgery 3741.15 Smith, H. H. Practice of 3741.16 Smith, N. Surgical memoirs Sue, P. Dictiomiaire portatif de chirurgie . 3734.15 Syme, J. Principles of 3741.17 SURGERY 757 BUTTON Shelf. No. SURGERY, continued. Velpcau, A. A. L. M. Elements of operative surgery 3751.1 - Surgical anatomy 3751.2 Vesali, A. Opera oliirurgica 3750.6 Young, S. Reform of the practice of adhe- sion of wounds 3791.2 See also: Abdomen, Anaesthesia, Anatomy, Bron- chotomy, Calculus, Cancer, Chloroform, Dentistry, Diagnosis, Etherization, Fractures, Gravel, Hernia, Hospitals, Joints, Lithotomy, Locked jaw, Medicine, Midwifery, Orthopedia, Ovariotomy, Pathology, Rup- tures, Tumour. Also, the names of parts of the body. SURGICAL diseases. Boyer, A. Maladies chi- rurgicales 3749.1 Delpech,J. Maladies reputees chirurgicales. 3745.21 SURGICAL journals. Braithwaite, W. Retrospect of surgery 5716.1 Journal cle chirurgie pratique 5799.1 Lancet, The, a journal of British and foreign surgery 5743.1 Lancette frangaise 3760.1,2 New England journal of 3717.1 See also : Medicine. SURINAM. Benoit, P. J. Voyage a Surinam . . 2380.1 Merian, M. S. Insectes do Surinam .... 38. A.I Stedman, J. G. Expedition against the re- volted negroes of Surinam, 1772-77 .... 2310.21 SURIUS, L. Vita S. Emerici, Stephani Hungariae regis filii. [Schwandtner. Script, rer. Hun- garic. v.l] 2810.2 SURNAMES. Bowditch, N. I. Suffolk S. .. 2331.11, 2333.3 Dixon, B. H. Surnames 2331.7,8 Lower, M. A. English surnames 2430.5 See also : Names. SURREY. Brayley, E. TV. History of 2502.2 Manning, O. History of 2490.6 Post-office directory of 2484.18 See also : Croydon, Lambeth. SURREY, earl of. See Howard, H. SURTEES, R. History of the county of Durham. London, 1816-40. 4v. f *2450.8 Memoir of. See Taylor, G 2417.23 SURTEES society. Publications [illustrative of the condition of that part of England and Scotland included in the ancient kingdom of Northumberland]. London and Dur- ham, 1835-56. 35v. 8. Namely i Acts of the high commission court within the diocese of Durham *2417.32 Anglo-Saxon and early English psalter. 2v.*2417.16 Bishop Hatficld's survey of the possessions of the see of Durham *2417.30 Boldon buke, a survey of the possessions of the see of Durham, by order of bishop Pudsey *2417.24 Catalog! veteres librorum ecclesiae cathe- dralis Dunelmensis, abbey of Hulne, etc. . *2417.7 Charters of endowment, inventories, and ac- count rolls of the priory of Fine-hale . . . *2417.6 Chronicle [metrical] of the war between the English and the Scots, 1173, 74, by Jordan Fantosme *2417.11 Correspondence, inventories, account rolls, of the priory of Coldingham *2417.12 Correspondence of Dr. Matthew Hutton, archbishop of York, [and of others]. . . . *2417.17 Correspondence of Robert Bowes, ambassa- dor of Queen Elizabeth to Scotland . . . *2417.14 Depositions [respecting the rebellion of 15(59], and other ecclesiastical proceedings from the courts of Durham, extending from 1311 to the reign of Elizabeth *2417.20 Description of all the ancient monuments, rites, and customes belonginge [to] the church of Durham *2417.15 Durham household book, or the accounts of the bursar of the monastery of Durham, 1530-34 *2417.18 Shelf. No, SURTEES society, continued. Fabric rolls of York minster *2417.33 Historiae Dunelmensis scriptores tres, Gau- fridus de Coldingham, Robertus de Gray- stanes, et Willielmus de Chambre *2417.9 Injunctions and other ecclesiastical proceed- ings of Richard Barnes, bishop of Durham, 1575-87 *2417.21 Inventories and account rolls of the Bene- dictine houses or cells of Jarrow and Monk- Wearmouth *2417.28 Latin hymns of the Anglo-Saxon church, with an interlinear Anglo-Saxon gloss. . . *2417.22 Libellus de vita et miraculis S. Godrici, here- mitae de Finchale, auctore Reginaldo . . . *2417.19 Liber vitas ecclesiae Dunelmensis, nee non duo obituaria ejusdem ecclesiae *2417.13 Lindisfarne and Rushworth gospels .... *2417.27 Memoir of Robert Surtees, by George Tay- lor *2417.23 Miscellanea biographica : Oswinus, rex Nor- thumbriae; Cuthbertus, episc. Lindisfar- nensis ; Eata cpisc. Haugustaldensis, etc. *2417.8 Obituary roll of William Ebchester and John Burnby, priors of Durham, from the year 1233 *2417.29 Pontifical of Egbert, archbishop of York,A.D. 732-706 *2417.26 Reginald! monachi Dunelmensis libellus de admirandis beati Cuthberti virtutibus . . *:>417.1 Rituale ecclesiae Dunelmensis *2417.10 Rural economy in Yorkshire in 1641 ; farm- ing books of Henry Best *2417.31 Sanctuarium Dunelmense et sanctuarium Be- verlacense *2417.5 Testamenta Eboracensia, or wills registered at York illustrative of the history of Y. 2v. *2417.4 Towneley mysteries *2417.3 Wills and inventories from the registry of Richmond *2417.2n Wills and inventories illustrative of the his- tory, etc. of the northern counties of Eng- land *2417.2 SURVEYING. Clendinin, J. Surveyor's assist- ant E. 213. 24 Flint, A. Treatise on E.196.5 Gibson, R. Land surveying 3926.19 Puissant, L. Traite de geodesic E. 193. 12 Williams, I. B. Practical geodesy 3920.20 See also : Levelling. SUSARION. See Poetarum com. Graec. fragm. . . 3002. 14 SUSIANA, Travels and researches in. Loftus, W. K 3042.13 SUSSEX. Cooper, W. D. Provincialisms in . . . 2586.19 Dallaway, J. History of the western divi- sion of 2460.11 Gilpin, W. Coast of 4066.12 Horsfield, T. W. History, antiquities, and topography of 2460.20 Mantell, G. A. Illustrations of the geology of 3861.1 Parry, J. D. Historical account of the coast of 2503.13 Post-office directory of 2484.18 Shoberl, F. Topography, historical and de- scriptive 2503.20 See also : Battle abbey, Chichester, Hastings, Lewes, Rye, Winchester. SUSSEX, duke of. See Augustus Frederick. SUTHERLAND, J. Liverpool health of towns' ad- vocate, Sept. 1845 July, 1847. London, 1S47. 8 3767.27 SUTTON, C. Disce mori : learn to die. London, 1848. 24 3446.44 Disce vivere : learn to live. Lond. 1848. 24". 3446.45 Godly meditations on the Lord's supper. London, 1849. 24 3446.43 SUTTON, D. Suttonian system of inoculation. London, 1796. 8 *M.Pph.v.62 BUTTON 758 SWIFT Shelf. No. SUTTON, T. Abhandlung liber das Delirium tre- mens, iibersetzt von Dr. P. Heineken. Bre- men, 1820. 8 '. . .*M.Pph.v.l07 SWABIA. Wanderungen durch Schwaben. Schwab, G 2862.5 SWAIM, W. Remarks upon a publication con- cerning 1 Swaim's panacea. Philadelphia, 1828. 8 *M.Pph.v.l9 SWAINSON, W. Taxidermy, with the biography of zoologists. London, 1840. 12 3882.14 Fauna Boreali-Americana. See Richardson, J. 3902.1 SWALLOW, G. C. Annual reports, 1st, 2d, of the geological survey of Missouri. Jefferson city, 1855. 8 3861.19 SWAMMERDAMM, J. Historia insectorum gene- ralis. Ed. nova. Lug. Batav. 1733. em.4. *3898.6 - Same. Rewritten and enlarged. Vers. Lat. scripsit H. D. Gaubius. Vitam auctoris descripsit Boerhaave. Leydae, 1737-38. 3v. f. 3890.8 SWAN, James. Dissuasion from the slave-trade. Boston, 1773. pp.41. 12 3573.29 SWAN, James G. The north-west coast, or Wash- ington territory. New York, 1857. 12. . 2361.21 SWAN, Joseph. The brain in relation to the mind. London, 1854. 8 3801.10 Demonstration of the nerves. Lond. 1830. f.*37. J.I Treatment of morbid local affections of nerves. London, 1820. 8 *M.Pph.v.85 SWAN, W. D. District school reader. Boston, 1845. 12 7059.37 Instructive reader. Philadelphia, 1848. 12. 7059.38 SWAN family. See Whitmore, W. H 2333.13 SWANSEY, Mass., Sketch of the history of. Bliss, L. 2.356.4 SWARTZ, C. F. Memoirs. See Pearson, H. . . . 3556.3 SWEDEN. Description, history, etc. Acerbi, G. Travels through S. in 1798-99 . . 2861.7 Coxe, W. Travels into Sweden 3062.8 Fortia de Piles, A. T. J. M. M. de. Travels in S. in 1790-92. [Pinkerton. Voyages, v. 6]. 2260.13 Hildebrand, B. E. Diplomatarium Suecanum. 2823.1 Laing, S. Tour in S. in 1838 2865.8 Le Bas, P. Histoire et description de Suede. 2276.10 Luudblad, J. F. a. Schwedischer Plutarch . 2829.3 Magnus, J. De regibus Sueonum 2820.4 Rubs, C. F. Geschichte Schwedens .... 2829.1 Schmidt, F. Schwed. unter Karl xiv Johann. 2829.10 Vertot d'Auboeuf, R. A. de. Revolutions de Suede 2829.13 Whitelocke, B. Journal of the Swedish em- ir, 1653-54 2517.2 Language and literature. Gierlow, J. Elements of the Swedish lan- guage 2884.12 Granberg, P. A. English and Swedish dic- tionary E.208.11 Marmier, X. Litt^rature en Suede 2886.5 Natural history. Acharius, E. Lichenographiae Suecicae pro- dromus 3858.17 Linne, C. v. Fauna Suecica 3909.2,3 Nilsson, H. Historia molluscorum Suecios. 3872.17 Paykull, G. v. Monographia staphylinorum SueciEe 3899.8 Wahlenberg, G. Flora Upsaliensis 3857.8 - Flora Suecica 3857.7 Warmholtz, C. G. Bibliothecahistorica Sueo- gothica 2158.1 See also : Scandinavia. SWEDKNBORG, E. v. Angelic wisdom concern- ing the divine providence. 3d Amer. ed. Boston, 1844. 12 3455.8 Catalogue of [his] theological works. Man- chester, 1816. 8 *Pph.v.252 Compendium of theological and spiritual writings. Boston, 1856. 1.8 3452.1 Doctrine of the New Jerusalem. 2d Ainer. ed. Cambridge, 1820. 8 *Pph.T.254 Sapientia angelica de divina providentia. Ed. Tafel. Tubingae, 1855. 8 3455.2 Shelf. No. SWEDENBORG, E. v. continued. Testimonies respecting Swedenborg's inter- course with the spiritual world. [No title- page.] 8 *Pph.v.l83 Remarks on S.'s economy of the animal king- dom. See Wilkinson, J. J. G 3451.4 Mesmcr and Swedcnborg 3452.22 SWEDENBORGIANISM. See New Jerusalem. SWEDIAUR, F. X. Pharmacologia ecu materia mcdica. Ed. altora. Purisiis, 1803. 24 . 3786.22 Pharmacopoeia mcdici practici universalis. Parisiis, 1803. 24" 3786.23 Trait6 des maladies syphilitiques. 4e (5d. Paris, 1801. 2v. 8 *3770.36 Venereal complaints. 3d ed. [with] a phar- macopoeia syphilitica. Edinburgh, 1787 ? 8.*3770.32 SWEET, R. British flower garden. London, 1823- 38. 7v. 8 *3853.2 Flora Australasica, or plants of New Holland and the South sea islands. London, 1827- 28. 8 3851.15 Geraniaceae. The natural order of gerania illustrated. London, 1820-30. 5v. 1.8 . . *3845.3 Hortus Britannicus. 3d ed. by G. Don. Lon- don, n.d. 8 3830.6 Hothouse and greenhouse manual. 6th ed. London, 1839. 8 3852.11 SWEET, S. N. Address on the subject of educa- tion. Albany, 1834. 8 *Pph.v.90 SWEETSER, W. Mental hygiene, or influence of the intellect and passions on health and life. New York, 1843. 12 3800.45 - Same. From Am. ed. Edinb. 1850. 1.8. 3800.25 Treatise on consumption. Boston, 1836. 8. 3794.4 Treatise on digestion and dyspepsia. Boston, 1837. 12 3760.32 SWETT, J. A. Diseases of the chest. New York, 1852. 8 3795.2 SWETT, S. History of Bunker hill battle. 3d ed. Boston, 1827. 8 2323.11 Who was the commander at Bunker hill? with remarks on Frothingham's history of the battle. Boston, 1850. 8 *Pph.v.l95 Reflections on the sketch of Bunker hill bat- tle. See Fellows, J 2347.11 Remarks upon Swell's sketch of the battle of Bunker hill Pph.r.247 SWETT family. See Thornton, J. W 2331.3 SWIETEN, G. van. Commentaria in Boerhaave aphorismos. Supplementumcontinens Glad- bachii indicum. Ed. 2a, 4a. Lugd. Batav. 1749-76. 6v. 4 *3711.1 - Same. Accedit G. E. Hambergeri prae- fatio. Hildburghusae, 1754-73. 5v. 4 . . *3711.2 SWIFT, B. Discourse at the interment of. See Smith, W Pph.v.180 SWIFT, D. Life, writings, and character of Jona- than Swift. London, 1755. 8 *2448.9 SWIFT, John. Funeral discourse on the death of the Rev. R. Brock. Boston, 1731. 8 ... *3457.29 SWIFT, Jonathan. Works, with life and notes by J. Hawkesworth and D. Swift. London, 1765-66. 18v. 16 *2568.10 Contents. Vol. I. Life of Swift ; Tale of a tub ; Battle of the books ; Mechanical operation of the Spirit. II. Gulliver's travels. III. Contests and dissen- sions in Athens and Borne ; Sentiments of a church- of-England man; Against abolishing Christianity; Advancement of religion ; Letter concerning the sacramental test ; Faculties of the mind ; Predictions for 1708; Bickerstaff detected ; Vindication of Bick- erstaff; Merlin's prophecy; Meditation on a broom- stick ; Proposal for improving the English tongue ; State of affairs in 1714; Thoughts. IV. Letter to a young clergyman ; Fates of clergymen ; Modern ed- ucation ; Letter to a young lady ; Wonderful wonder of wonders ; Wonder of all wonders ; Modest pro- posal for preventing the children of poor people from being a burden ; Martinus Scriblerus : The art of sinking in poetry; Virgiiius restauratus ; Origin of sciences, by Mr. Pope and Dr. rarnell; Annus mira- bilis; Stradling vs. Styles; Key to the lock, proving that the Rape of the lock is dangerous to government SWIFT 759 SWIFT Shelf. No. SWIFT, Jonathan, continued. and religion ; Memoirs of P. P.; Thoughts. V. History of John Bull ; Art of political lying ; Rea- sons against examining drugs ; Petition against cutoptrical victuallers ; It cannot rain, but it pours ; Frenzy of J. Dennis; Poisoning of E. Curll; Circum- cision of E. Curll ; God's revenge against punning ; Prophecy of the Mohocks ; Country post ; Narrative of what passed in London. VI, VII. Miscellanies in verse. VIII. Examiner ; Advice to the October club. IX. Public spirit of the whigs; Conduct of the allies [1712]; Remarks on the barrier treaty ; Preface to Burnet's introduction to the third volume of the history of the reformation, etc. ; Against enlarging the power of bishops in letting leases; Presbyterians' plea of merit examined; Advantages of repealing the test considered; Against settling the tithe of hemp by a modus. X. Proposal for the universal use of Irish manufactures; Drapier's letters ; Wood's execution; State of Ireland in 1727; Answer to a memorial of the inhabitants of Ireland: Vindication of lord Carteret; Considerations on two bills relating to the clergy; Proposal for an act to pay the debts of Ireland with- out taxing; Abuses in Dublin. XI. Dying words of E. Elliston ; Intelligencer ; Tatler ; Proposal for badges to beggars; Polite conversation in three dia- logues; Four sermons. XII. Rules concerning ser- vants ; Correspondence, etc. XIII. Sermons ; Re- marks on The rights of the Christian church; Crafts- man ; Memoirs of J. Creichton ; Hints towards con- versation ; Character of Thomas, earl of Wharton. XIV. Monument to Swift; Letters ; Poems. XV. Change in the queen's ministry, 1710 ; Behaviour of the queen's last ministry ; Sermon upon the martyr- dom of Charles i ; Difficulty of self-knowledge; Ac- count of Japan; Letter to the Craftsman; Absurdities in England; Remarks on Burnet's history ; Abstract of the history of England ; Letter to a member of parliament; Maxims controlled in Ireland; Letter on M'Culla's project about halfpence ; Doing good, a sermon, etc. XVI. Miscellanies ; Correspondence. XVII. Correspondence ; Poems. XVIII. Poems i Miscellanies in prose ; Index. Works, with notes and a life by Sir W. Scott. 2d ed. Edinburgh, 1824. 19v. 8 *2606.1 Contents. Vol. I. Memoirs, by Sir W. Scott. II.- III. Journal to Stella ; Tracts, political and historical, prior to George I, viz. : Memoirs relating to the change in the ministry; Discourse of the disseutions be- tween the nobles and commons in Athens and Rome; The examiner. IV.- V. Tracts, historical, etc. during the reign of queen Anne, viz. : A short character of Thomas Earl of Wharton; Remarks on a letter to the seven lords appointed to examine Greg ; Mr. Prior's journey to Paris ; Advice to the October club j Letter to a whig lord ; Letter from the pretender i Letter from Wharton to the bishop of St. Asaph; Remarks OD Flectwood ; Vindication of Erasmus Lewis, esq. ; Preface to the bishop of Sarum's intro- duction ; Importance of the Guardian considered; Public spirit of the whigs ; Letter from Dr. Tripe to Nestor Ironside ; Conduct of the allies ; Remarks on the banier treaty between England and Holland. V. Four last years of queen Anne ; Thoughts upon the present state of affairs ; Considerations on the death of the queen; Behaviour of the queen's last ministry; Guiscard's examination; Speaker's speech, etc.; Pat- ent for creating Harley a peer j Comment on Dr. Hare's sermon ; VinJication of the duke of Marl- borough ; Relation of the intended riot ; New way of selling places at court ; St. Alban's ghost ; Character of Richard Steele, esq. VI. History of John Bull ; Present state of wit ; Art of political lying ; Inquiry into the reasons of the joy on the report of the queen's death; List of tracts composed by Swift ; Tracts relative to Ireland : A tripos ; Letter to a member of parliament ; Proposal for the use of Irish manufactures ; Essay on English bubbles; Subscribers to the bank ; Letter concerning the bank; Swearer's bank; Letter to the king at arms; Last speech of Ebenezer Elliston ; Right of prece- dence between physicians and civilians ; The dra- pier's letters ; Tom Punsibi's dream ; Seasonable advice to the grand jury ; Letters to the Right Hon. ; Presentment of the grand jury; Directions to the printer. VII. Drapier's letters; Woods revived; Letters to Wm. Woods; Execution of Woods: Maxims controulcd in Ireland ; Blunders of Quilca ; Short view of the state of Ireland ; Story of the injured lady; Observations, etc.; Letter concerning the Dub- lin weavers; Barbarous denominations in Ireland; Irish eloquence; Irish and English blunders; Answer to a paper, etc.; Answer to a memorial, etc.; Letters on the improvement of Ireland; Miserable state of Shelf. No. SWIFT, Jonathan, continued. Ireland ; Reasons for repealing the test act ; Two let- ters to Dublin journal ; The parallel ; Use of Irish coal ; Letters upon coals ; Project upon half-pence ; Proposal that the ladies wear Irish manufactures ; Modest proposal to the public; Substance of a speech; Advertisement; Vindication of Lord Carteret ; The craftsman ; Proposal for paying the national debt ; Examination of certain abuses ; Humble petition ; Advice to the freemen of Dublin ; Choice of a re- corder ; Improvement of quadrille ; Advertisement ; Character of an Irish squire ; Giving badges to the poor ; Maintaining the poor ; Proposal for giving badges to beggars ; Sermons. VIII. Sermons ; Thoughts on religion ; Tracts in defence of Christian- ity: Argument against abolishing Christianity; Pro- ject for the advancement of religion ; Remarks upon a book entitled Rights of the Christian church ; Col- lin's discourse on frecthinking; Thoughts on free- thinking ; Letter to a young clergyman ; Essay on the fates of clergymen ; Universal hatred against the clergy ; Tracts in support of the church establishment : Sentiments of a church of England man; Arguments against the power of bishops ; Representation of the clergy of Dublin; Bill for clerical residence ; Consid- erations on two bills ; Reasons against settling the tithe of hemp by a modus ; Tracts on the test act : Letter on the sacramental test ; Attempts of the dissenters for a repeal of the test ; Presbyterians' plea of merit ; Advantages proposed by repealing the test ; Queries relating to the sacramental test ; Observations on Hcylin's history ; Roman cath- olic reasons for repealing ; Essays, etc. : Predic- tions for 1708; Answer to Bickcrstaff; Account of Partridge's death ; Bickerstaff detected ; Vindica- tion of Bickerstaff; Merlin's prophecy. IX. The tatler ; The spectator ; Guardian ; Intelligencer ; Prefaces ; Meditation upon a broomstick ; Tritical essay on the faculties of the mind ; Proposal for improving the English tongue ; Essay on modern education; Essay on conversation; Advice to a young poet ; Letter to a young married lady ; Resolutions when I come to be old ; Thoughts on various sub- jects ; Treatise on good breeding ; Mean figures ; Public absurdities ; Education of ladies ; Characters of Aristotle and Herodotus: Characters: Character of Mrs. Johnson; Bon mots of Stella: Prayers for Stella; Evening prayer ; Letter to Diotrephes ; Character of Dr. Sheridan; History of the second Solomon: Hos- pital for incurables ; Introduction to polite conversa- tion, with illustrative dialogues. X. Tale of tub ; History of Martin ; Battle of the books ; Mechanical operation of the Spirit ; Abstract of the history of England ; Pilkington to Bowyer ; Letter to the earl of Orerry; Poems. XI. Gulliver's travels; Directions to servants. XII. Memoirs of Capt. J. Creichton; Letter to the writer of the occasional paper; Account of Japan; Answer of Pulteney to Walpole; Notes on Addison's freeholder; Remarks on Clarendon's his- tory; Remarks on Burnet's history; Characters of the court of queen Anne; Remarks on Gibbs' psalms; Political poetry. XIII. Miscellanies, by Pope, Ar- buthnot, Gay, etc., collected by Swift and Pope : Martinus Scriblerus, Virgilius restauratusj Origin of sciences ; Annus mirabilis; Scriblerus' reports; Treatise proving the dangerous tendency of the Rape of the lock; Memoirs of P. P.: Reasons against ex- amining drugs; Humble petition of cooks, etc.; It cannot rain but it pours; Frenzy of Dennis; Poison- ing of Curll ; Circumcision of Curll ; Thoughts ; Country post; God's revenge on punning; Miscel- lanies in verse by Pope, Arbuthnot, Gay, etc.; Prose miscellanies. XIV. Miscellaneous poems ; Verses during Carteret's administration of Ireland; Poems to Vanessa and Stella. XV. Riddles ; Tri- fles passing between Swift and Sheridan ; Poems at Market-hill; Epistolary correspondence ; Letters during lord Oxford's administration. XVI.-XIX. Epistolary correspondence ; Appendix to the orig- inal correspondence; Letters between Swift and Miss Vanhomrigh. Poems. London, 1779. 2r. 10". [Johnson. English poets] v.39, -10 of *2589.3 Poemsandlife. [Chalmers. Eng. poets], v.ll of 2592.7 Gulliver's travels, with a memoir of the au- thor. [Ballantyne. Novelist's library, v. 9]. 2573.1 Voyages du capitaine Lemuel Gulliver, tra- duits par 1'abbd Desfontaines. [Garnier. Voyages imaginaires, v. 14] 2666.1 Barrett, J. Earlier part of the life of . . . . 2448.0 Boyle, J. Remarks on the life and writings of. 2448.8 Sheridan, T. Life of 2448.7 Swift, D. Essay upon the life and writings of. 2448.9 SWINBURNE 760 SYRACUSE Shelf. No. SWINBURNE, H. Travels through Spain in 1775- 70. 2d cd. [with] journey from Bayonne to Marseilles. London, 1787. 2v. 8 .... 310.3.5 SWINDKN, H. History of Great Yarmouth in the county of Norfolk. Norwich, 1772. 4" . . *2503.22 SWINDEN. J. H. van. Grondbeginsels der Meet- kunde. Amsterdam, 1790. 8 **E.190.11 SWINE, Breeds, management, .feeding, and medi- cal treatment of. Youatt, W 4002.10 SWINFIICLD, R. de. Household expenses. Ed. by Rev. J. Webb. 1854. sm.4 . [Camden so- ciety, No. 59,01] *2426.3,5 SWITZERLAND. Description, travels, etc. Bakewell, R. Residence in S. 1820-22 .... 2804.8 Beaumont, A. Travels thr. the Rhaetian Alps. 27. N. 2 Coxe, W. Travels in, 1770. [Pink. Voy. v.5]. 2200.13 Ebel, J. G. Manuel du voyageur en Suisse . 2834.2,3 Golbery, M. P. A. de. Histoire et description de la Suisse 2270.11 Keyslcr, J. G. Travels through. [Knox. New collection of voyages, v. 4, 5] 2203.1 Topffer, R. Voyages en zigzag 2002.1,2 - Nouveaux voyages en zigzag 2002.2 Woyda, C. Briefe aus der Schweiz, [1800] . 4048.8 History, politics, etc. Cherbuliez, A. E. De la democratic en Suisse. 2828.4 Clausewitz, C. v. Die Feldziige von 1799 in der Schweiz 4049.7 Cre'tineau-Joly, J. Histoire du Sonderbund . 2828.5 Feierabend, M.A. Geschichte der cidgenos- sisclien Freischiessen 2830.11 Fiicsslin, J. C. Schwcizer. Eidgenossschaft. 2828.10 Gaillard, L. de. Lettres politiques sur la Suisse 2828.3 Gelzer, H. Die drei letzten Jahrhunderte der Schweizergeschichte 2828.9 Kopp, J. E. Gcschichte der eidgenossischen Biinde 2810.4 Mallet du Pan, J. Destruction of the Hel- vetic, union 2828.14,15 MUller, J. v. Geschichten schweizeriseher Eidgenossenschaft 2818.1 - Histoire de la confederation suisse . . . 2818.2 Rochette, D. R. Histoire de la revolution hclvetique, 1797-1803 2828.2 Zschokke, J. H. D. Hist, de la nation suisse. 2828.13 - Histoire de la revolution suisse 2828.12 Natural history. Agassiz, L. J. R. Echinodermes fossiles de la Suisse 3870.25 De Luc, J. A. Geological travels in .... 3802.22 Morlot, A. v. Geologische Uebersichtskarte der nordostlichen Alpen 3864.14 Scheuchzer, J. J. Itjnera per Helvetia Alpi- nas regiones 2864.1 See also : Alps, Berne, Geneva. SYDENIIAM, J. History of the town and county of Poole. Poole, 1839. 8 *2494.20 SYDENHAM,T. Opera omnia, edidit G.A.Greenhill. Ed. altera. Londini, 1846. 8. [Syd. soc.]. *3724.5 Contents. Obscrvationes medico! circa morborum acutorum historiam et curationem; KpistoUc de mor- bis epidcmicis ab anno 1675 ad annum 1(180; De luis vmrrcie histm in et curatione; Dissertatio de observa- tion ibus nuperis circa curationem variolarum conflu- entium, necnon de affectione hysterica ; Tractatua de podagra et hydrope; Schedula monitoria de novas febris ingressu ; Processus integri in morbisfere om- nibus eurandis ; Nee non de phthisi. Works, from the original Latin. 10th ed. by J. Pechey. London, 1734. 8 *3718.7 - Same. With notes by B. Rush. Philadel- phia, 1809. 8" 3718.6 - Same. From the ed. of Greenhill, with a life, transl. by R. G. Latham. London, 1848-50. 2v. 8 3724.4 Contents. History and cure of acute diseases ; Epidemic diseases ; Venereal disease ; Epistolary dis- sertation to Dr. Cole; Treatise on gout and dropsy ; Schedula monitoria ; Processus integri. Shelf. No. SYDENHAM society. See London. SYDNEY. See Sidney. SYKES, A. A. Innocency of error asserted. 3d ed. London, 1729. pp.39. 8 3454.7 Innocency of involuntary error asserted. [Sparks. Tracts in theology, v.4] .... 3409.26 Vindication of the innocency of error, etc. London, 1720. pp.39. 8 3454.7 Scripture doct. of redemption. Lond. 1750. 8. 3450.12 SYLLABUS of lectures on midwifery at Guy's hos- pital. London, 1799. pp.86. 8 *3771.10 - Same. London, 1808. 8 *3771.7 SYLVESTER, B. Sermon on the death of. See Throop, W 3455.55 SYLVESTER, J. I. Supplement to Newton's first section. Cambridge, 1830. pp.10. 8 . **E. 110.62 SYLVESTER, M. Elisha's cry after Elijah's God, with reference to the decease of R. Baxter. London, 1090. pp.18. f *3550.7 SYLVESTER. See Silvester. SYLVIUS, B. Excidium Morini. Brugis, 1847. pp.27. 4. [Bruges. Societ^ d'emulation de la Flandre] 2821.19 SYMBOLISM, or doctrinal differences between catholics and protestants. Moehler, J. A. 3464.1, 2 SYME, J. Principles of surgery. 3d ed. Edin- burgh, 1S42. 8 3741.17 Stricture of the urethra and fistula in perineo. Edinburgh, 1849. pp.72. 8 *3740.55 SYMEON Metaphrastes. Annales a Leone Armenio ad Nicephorum Phocam. [Corpus script. hist. Byz. v.33] 2908.1 SYMES, M. Embassy to Ava. [Pinkerton, v.9].2200.13 SYMMACiius,po/je. Epistolae et decreta. [Migne. Patrologise v.C2] 3450.4 SYMMACHUS, Q. A. Epistolarum libri decem. [Migne. Patrologiae v.18] 3440.12 Octo orationum fragmenta. See Fronto, M. C. 2926.10 Novem orationum partes cum adnotationi- bus. See Juris civilis reliquiae 2925.17 See Lemaire, N. E. Poet. Lat. min. v.4 . . 2912.1 SYMMES family. See Whitmore, W. H 2333.13 SYMONDS, R. Diary of the marches of the royal army during the civil war. Ed. by Charles E. Long. [London,] 1859. 4. [Camden society, No. 76] *2426.20 SYMONS, J. C. Art and artisans at home and abroad. Edinburgh, 1839. 12 3658.1 SYMPTOMATOLOGY, or the art of detecting dis- eases. Buchan, A. P M.Pph.v.125 SYNCELLUS, G. Georgius Syncellus ex recens. G. Dindorfii. Bonnae, 1829. 2v. 8. [Cor- pus script, hist. Byz. v.12,13] *2969.1 SYNCOPE anginosa, Symptoms and causes of. Parry, C. H 3807.11 SYNESIUS. See Guillon, M. N. S. Bibliotheque des peres v. 12 of 3499.30, v. 9 of 3509.2 See Lyrici Graeci. [Boissonade. Poetarum Grascorum sylloge] 2979.11 SYNONYMS, English. See Eng. lexicography, etc. SYON monastery. History and antiquities of. Aungier, G. J 2495.17 SYPHILIS. Abernethy, J. Surgical observations on diseases resembling syphilis 3745.1 Bacot, J. Observations on 3770.29 Cazenave, P. L. A. Traite des syphilides . 3770.26 Durkee, S. Treatise on 3770.27 Jourdan, A. J. L. Observations on . . 3I.Pph.v.l3 Lagneau, L. V. Maladies syphilitiques . . . 3770.38 Swediaur, F. X. Maladies syphilitiques . . 3770.36 Whitsed, J. On diseases resembling S. M.Pph.v. 70 SYPNIEWSKI, D. O. The wrongs of my country. London, 1842. pp.&3. 16 3064.20 SYRACUSE, L. Borbone, count of. Alcune opere scolpite. Napoli, 1859. 4 *4070.13 Notizia dei vasi dipinti rinvenuti a Cuma, posseduti dal conte di Siracusa. Napoli, 1856. f *4070.14 SYRACUSE. Dell' antica Siracusa. See Bonanni e Colonna, G 2960.26 SYRIA 761 TAGLIAZUCCHI Shelf. No SYRIA. Belgiojoso, C. T. de. Souvenirs de voy- ages de Syrie 3045.16 Browne, W. G. Travels in, 1792-98 3051.14 Dapper, O. Beschryving van Syrie 3040. J Pocoeke, R. Travels in. [Pinkerton. Voy- ages, v.10] 2260.13 Vaillant, J. F. Historia regum Syriae . . . . 3070.9 Volney, C. F. C. de. Voyage en Syrie . . . . 3045.21 Yanoski, J. Syrie ancieune et moderne . . . 2276.12 SYRIAXUS. Scholia ad Hermogenis status ; Pro- legomena ad ideas. [ Walz. Rhetores Grasci, v-4-7] 2965. SYSTEM of chemistry ; extracted from [Rees'J en- cyclopaedia. Philadelphia, 1791. 4 .... 3971.6 SZEKLECKI, W. A. Dictionnaire abrege de thera- peutique. Paris, 1837. 2v. 8 3734.13 TABARAUD, M. M. Supplement aux histoires de Bossuet et de Fenelon. Paris, 1822. 8" . . 3496.4 TABARI. See Abu Djafar Mohammed. TABARRINI, M. Degli studj e delle vicende della reale accademia dei georgofili. Catalogo dei soci, e indici degli atti, compil. da L. de' marches! Ridolfi. Firenze, 1856. 8 ... 5247.2 TABLE talk. Seldeu, J 2609.20 TABLES for finding the latitude of a ship at sea, etc. London, 1769. pp.77. 8 **E.151.15 TABLES of interest, n.p. n.d. f **E.1S0.7, TABLES to facilitate the computation of federal money. Trenton, n.d. 18 *Pph.v.232 TABLES. Arbutlmot,J. Tables of antient coins, weights, and measures 2230.10 Babbage, C. On the tabulating machine of Scheutz E. 166. 11 Barlow, P. Tables of squares, cubes, etc. . . 3954.7 Bernouilli. J. Sexcentenary table of pro- portion E. 161.1 Brown, T. Tables to expedite the measure- ment of all kinds of sawed timber . . . .E. 161. 17 Claxton, T. Tables for facilitating arithmet- ical calculations E. 110. 51 Dunn, S. Linear tables described E. 110. 66 Hirsch,M. Collection of integral formulae . E. 195. 10 Hutton, C. Mathematical tables 3934.2 Neville, J. Hydraulic tables 3944.7 Norie, J. W. Nautical tables E. 180. 15 Shepherd, A. T. for refraction and parallax . E . 182.5 Sherwin, H. Mathematical tables E. 151. 12 Sibley, C. K. T. for the earthwork of railways. 4020.4 Tavole [matematiche] E. 110. 60 Taylor, J. Luni-solar and horary tables . .E. 186. 17 Taylor, M. Sexagesimal tables of proportion, equation, etc E. 161.1 Thomson, D. Lunar and horary tables .E. 186. 13, 15 Vade mecum for America: latitude, longi- tude, interest, etc 2318.12 See also : Astronomical tables, Barometer, In- terest, Latitude, Logarithms, Longitude, Mars, Moon, Venus. TACITUS, C. C. Opera, ed. J. A. Ernesti. Lipsiae, 1772. 2v. 8 *2947.4 Contents. Vol. I. Annales. II. Historiarum libri V; De moribus Germanise j Agricola; vita ; De ora- toribus dialogus. - Same. Illustr. J. J. Oberlin, add. subj. J. Naudet. Parisiis, 1819-20. 5v. 8. [Le- maire. Biblioth. class. Lat. 100-104.] . . . *2914.9 Contents. Vol. I. Ernest! praefatio, 1772 ; Vita per J. Lipsium scripta ; Annalmm liber I-VI. II. An- nalium liber xi-xvi. III. U'ustoriarum libri v. IV. De moribus Germanise ; J. Agricola; vita ; De orato- ribus, sive de caussis corruptse eloquentiae dialogus. V. Excursus Broteriiac Pichonis, J. Lipsii, Ernesti, et variorum ; Exempla imitationis e tragcediis vario- rum poetarum Gallicorum collecta ; Notice des edi- tions et traductions, par M. Hardier; Indices. - Same. Emendavit, etc. L. Doederlein. Halis, 1841-47. 2v. 8 2947.2 Contents. Vol. I. Annales. n. Narratio de Tacitt vita scriptisque ; Historia ; Germania j Agricola ; De oratoribus. Shelf. No. TACITUS, C. C. continued. Works, with political discourses by T. Gor- don. 4th ed. London, 1770. 5v. 12. . .*2949.11 Contents. Vol. I.-II. The annals. in.-IV. The history. IV. A treatise of the situation, customs, and people of Germany ; Life of Agricola, with an account of the situation, climate, and people of Bri- tain. IV.- V. Discourses upon Tacitus. - Same. [Translated] by A. Murphy, with an essay on the life and genius of Tacitus. London, 1793. 4v. 4 *2942.3 Contents. Vol. I.-TI. Annals. HI. History. IV. Situation, manners, and people of Germany ; Life of Agricola ; Dialogue concerning oratory. Morceaux choisies de Tacite, [avec le texte latin, en regard]. [Alembert. CEuvres, v.12,13] 2697.1 Annali ; Storie ; La Germania ; Vita di Giulio Agricola; Delia perduta eloquenza. See Davanzati, B , , 2799.8 Annales, [ed.] G. A. Ruperti. Gottingae, 1804. 2v - 8 2947.6 Boccalini,T. Osservazione politiche soprai sei libri degli annali di Cornelio Tacito . . 2792.5 Cavriaua, F. Discorsi sopra i primi cinque libri di Cornelio Tacito 2947.3 Germania, with ethnological dissertations by R.G.Latham. London, 1851. 8 2947.1 Vita Agricolae. Erkliirt von F. C. Wex. Braunschweig, 1852. pp.89. 8 2949.10 Ammirato, S. Discorsi sopra Tacito. . . . 2947.7 Bottichcr, W. Das Christliche im 3475.8 - Lexicon Taciteum 2947.5 TACTICS. See Military art and science. TADDEI, R. See Bernabo Silorata, P. Prose e poesie di Italian! viventi, v.l 4768.16 TADLNI, A. See Raccolta del rnoto dell' acque . 3942.1 Contents. Vol. XII. Del movimento e della mi- eura delle acquecorrenti. XVII. Di varie cose alia idraulica scienza appartenenti. TAEGLICHSBECK, J.F. Die musikalischen Schatze der St. Ivatharinenkirche zu Brandenburg a. d. Uavel. Brandenburg, 1857. pp.50. 4 . *4052.46 TAFEL, T. L. F. Dilucidationum Pindaricarum vol.prius. Berolini, 1824-27. 2v. 8 ... 2994.26 TAFFIX, P. De veterum Romanorum anno secu- lari. [Graevius. Thes. antiq. Rom. v.8] . 2950.1 TAFT, A. Oration on the life and public services of D. Webster, 1852. Cincin. 1853. 8.*Pph.v.264 TAFT, J. Treatise on operative dentistry. Phil- adelphia, 1859. 8 3805.27 TAFURO, A. Descriptio belli a Vcnetis anno SICDLXXXIV inlati provinciae Hydruiitiua;. [Muratori. Rerum Ital. script. v.l>4] . . . 2720.1 TAGEN, J. N. Quadratura circuli tandem inventa et mathematice demonstrata. Cassoviae, 1832. pp.75. 8 **E.110.74 TAGGART, C. Poems. 3d ed. New York, 1848. 12. 2398.25 TAGLIAZUCCHI, G. Raccolta di prose a uso delle regie scuole. Ed. 3a. Torino, 1753. 2v. 8 *2767.4 Contents. Vol. I. Della maniera d'ammaestrare la gioventu nclle umane luttcre; Descrizioue della pes- tilenza in Firenze, 1)48, di Giovanni Boccaci io j Novclle del Boccaccio ; Due trattati di M. Giovanni della Casa : Galateo ; Degli ufficj ; Quattro orazioni di G. della Casa ; Dieci orazioni di Alberto Loillo i Orazione di Bartolommco Cavalcanti; Due orazioni di Benedetto Buommattei ; Orazione di Alessandro Minerbetti ; Orazione di Luigi Alamanni ; Orazione in favore di Lucio Catilina; Due orazioni di Claudio Tolomei ; Orazione del cardinal Comraendoue i Orazione di M. Tullio Cicerone in difesa di Q. Liga- rio, volgarizzata da M. Cornelio Frangipanc. II. Ora- zione di Bernardo Davanzati ; Delle lodi dell' ipo- condria da Rucellai ; Cicalata del dottor Lorenzo Bellini; Lezione dell'ordiue dell' uni verso di Pier Francesco Giambullari; Lezione di Torquato Tasso, sopra il sonctto LIX di G. della Casa; Uiscorso dell' abate Vincenzo Gravina sopra 1' Endimione dell' ab. Alessandro Guidi; Discorso dell' abate Anton Maria Salvini, sopra la lingua toscana ; Discorso terzo del medesimo ; Due giudizi di Ludovico Castelvetro proposti per csempio dello stile critieo : Considera- zione di Giulio C'amillo Delminio ; Qual sia la cor- TAGLIAZDCCHI 762 TAPPAN Shelf. No. TAGLIAZUCCIII, G. continued. rczione di Girolamo Ruscello delle novcllc del Boc- caccio ; Prcfazione dello Smurrito [Carlo Dati] alle prose fiorcntinc ; Escmpli per is crivcr lettere in divcrsi generi i Avvertimcnti gramaticali per la lingua kuliuna, di Benedetto Buommattei. TAGLINI, C. Lettera filosofica al marchese G. Ric- cardi. Firenze, 1720. 4 3913.12 Lettere scientifiche sopra vari argomenti di flsica. Firenze, 1747. sm.4 3914.2 TAHCiN-UnniN. Les aventures de Kamrup, trad. de l'Hindoustani,par J.H. Garcin De Tassy. Paris, 1834. 8. [Oriental transl. fund] . . *3011.11 TAILFER, P., and others. Narrative of the colony of Georgia. [Force. Tracts, v.l] .... 2323.3 TAILLANDIER, C. Histoire de Bretagne. /SteeMor- ice, P. H 4665. 1 TAILOR, 11. The hog hath lost his pearl. [Dods- ley. Old plays, v.6] 2588.1 TAILORING. Vandael. Manuel the'orique et pra- tique du tailleur 4019.21 Walker, W. E. The tailor's philosophy . . 4014.18 TAIO, bp. of^Saragossa. Epistola ad Eugenium Toletanum cpiscopum j Sententiarum libri quinque. [Migue. Patrologiae v.80] . . . 3450.15 TAIT, C. Catalogue of books on sale. London, 1826. 8 *2139.7 TAIT, W. Observations on the health of the Ed- inburgh police. [No title-page.] 8 .... 7064.13 TAIT'S Edinburgh magazine. Vol. 21-24, 26. Ed- inburgh, 1854-59. 5v. 1.8 *5322.1 TALBOT, C. Letters to Mrs. Elizabeth Carter. See Carter, E 2544.1 TALBOT, E. A. Fire years' residence in the Can- adas. London, 1824. 2v. 8 2363.10 TALBOYS, D. A. Catalogue of books on sale. Ox- ford, 1831. 8 *Pph.v.89 TALCOTT, G. Review of testimony at the trial of. Spencer, J. C 3684.9 TALENTONI, G. Sopra il principio, la narrazione, e 1'epilogo del canzoniere del Petrarca. [Dati. Prose florentine, v.10. Lezioni] . . 2787.1 TALES. Brand, B. T. of the peerage and peasantry. 2576.22 Bres, J. P. Contes de Robert mon oncle . . 4679 a. 23 Garnier, C. G. T. Voyages imaginaircs . . . 2666.1 Guizot, E. C. P. de Mculan. Tales for young persons 4679.16 Hitopadesa. Contes traduits du Sanscrit . . 3025.33 Laudcr, T. D. Legendary tales of the high- lands 2576.3 Lcggett,W. Tales by a country school-master. 2409.30 Lewis, M. G. Komantic tales 2576.24 Lohmann,E. F. S. Sammtliche Erzahlungen. 2899.2 Marmontel, J. F. Contes moraux . . . .4679.10,11 Nouveaux contes moraux 2699.2 Miillenhof, C. Miirchenvon Schleswig Hoi- stein und Lauenburg 2902.11 Musiius, J. C. A. Volksmahrchen der Deut- schen 2902.1 Scott, Sir W. Tales of the crusaders. [Wav- erlcy novels, v.37, 38] 2579.1 - Tales of my landlord. [Waverley novels, v.9-11] 2579.1 Wolf, J. W. Niederliindische Sagen .... 2906.6 See also : Legends, Novels, Romances. TALFOURD, T. N. Trois discours prononces au parlement anglais sur la propriete litteraire. See Laboulaye, E. R. Lefebvre 3666.23 Remarks on T.'s bill for law of copyright. See Lowndes, J. J 3666.25 TALLEMANT, P. Voyages de 1'isle d'amour a Li- cidas. [Garnier. Voyages imag.] . . v.26 of 2666.1 TALLEMANT des Reaux, G. Les historiettes, pour servir a 1'hist. du xvue siecle. Bruxelles, 1834-35. 6v. 16 4659a.3 - Same. 3e cd. par MM. de Monmerque et P. Paris. Paris, 1854-58. 7v. 8 4666.7 TALLEYRAND, H. dc, prince de Chalais. Recit veritable de 1'execution du comte de Cha- lais. [Lafaist. Arch. hist. Fr. Ser.2, v.5]. 2617.1 Shelf. No. TALLEYRAND-PERTGORD, C. M. de. Commercial relations of the United States with England. Boston, 1809. 8 *Pph.v.4 M^moires. See Villemarest, C. M. de ... 4609.5 Official correspondence between the Amer- ican envoys and T. on the disputes with France, 1798 2324.60 TALLMADGE, J. Address at the close of the 22d annual fair of the American institute. New York, 1849. 8 *Pph.v.l82 Address in the chapel of the university of the city of New York on occasion of the dedication. New York, 1837. 8 .... *Pph.v.97 Speech in the house of representatives of the United States, on slavery. Boston, 1849. 8 *Pph.v.l75 Speech on the subject of a caucus to nominate a president. Albany, 1824. 8 *Pph.v.47 Speech on giving the choice of presidential electors to the people. Alb. n.d. 8. *Fph.v.l96 TALON, O. Memoires, 1630-53. [Michaud. Coll. mem. hist. France. Ser. 3, v.C] 2611.1 - Same. [Petitot. Coll. mem. hist. France. Se>. 2] v.60-63 of 2615.1 TAMASSIA, G. Storia dei Goti e dei Longobardi in Italia. Bergamo, 1825, 26. 3v. in 1. 8. 2715.8 TAMMANY, Indian chief, Lifeof. Mitchill, S. L. Ppb.v.29 TAMPLIN, R. W. Lateral curvature of the spine. London, 1852. pp.44, and plates. 8 ... 3801.26 TANA, A. Fedima : tragedia. [Teatro moderno applaudito, v.12] 2768.1 TANAUI, A. See Bernabd Silorata, P. Prose e poesie di Italian! vivcnti, v.l, 2 4768.16 TANCRED. Gesta Tancredi in expeditione Jero- Bolymitana, auctore Radulfo Cadomensi. [Martene and Durand. Thesaurus nov. v.3]. 2250.2 - Same. [Migne. Patrologiae v.155] . . . 3460.32 Faits et gestes de Tancrede, pendant 1'expcS- dition de Jerusalem, 1096-1105. [Guizot. Coll. m<5m. hist. France, v.23] 2618.2 TANDON. See Moquin Tandon, A. TANEY, R. B. Speech at the festival given him by the Jackson republicans of Frederick Co., Md. Albany, 1834. 8 *Pph.v.92 TANGMAR, Vita S. Bernwardi xm Hildesheimen- sis episcopi. [Leibnitz. Script, rerum Brunsvic. v.l] 2810.3 TANNER, T. H. Manual of clinical medicine. Philadelphia, 1855. 12 3786.25 TANQUEREL des Planches, L. Lead diseases, from the French, by S. L. Dana. Lowell, 1848. 8. 3807.1 TANSILLO, L. II vendemmiatore [poema]. Ediz. compl. Leida, 1796. 24 *4777.33 Lagrime di S. Pietro [con agguinte di di- versi]. Lagrime. Venetia, 1589. 16. . . *2S09.19 Note. The aggiunte are these: Dialogo spirituale del sig. Torquato Tasso; Lagrime di S. Maria Mad- dalcnn, del sig. Erasmo dcgli sig. di Valuassone; Eccclenze di Maria vergine, di Oratio Goargvante; Capitolo al crocifisso de Angelo Grillo. II podere : poema. [Parnaso italiano, v.23] . 2769.2 II podere ; Delia balia. [Raccolta di poemetti didascalici, ecc. v.l, 10] 4779.8 TANZI, C. A. Poesie. [Coll. delle migliori opere scritte in dial. mil. v.4] 4769 a. 5 TAPE worm. Tape and cystic worms. Siebold, C. T. v v.2of3724.10 TAPLIN, W. Gentleman's stable directory, or modern farriery. Vol. 1, 13th ed. Vol. 2, 4th ed. London, 1796. 2v. 8 *4002.5 TAPPAN, D. Character and best exercises of un- regenerate sinners set in a scriptural light : a discourse. Newburyport, 1782. 8 ... *3455.46 Lectures on Jewish antiquities. Boston, 1807. 8 3423.12 Letters to Rev. S. Spring, containing remarks on his dialogue on the nature of duty. Newburyport, 1785. 8 *3585.19 Sermon at the ordination of Timothy Dickin- son, Holliston, 1789. Boston, 1789. S* . . *3456.64 TAPPAN 763 TASSO Shelf. No. TAPPAN, D. continued. Sermon preached May 30, being the day of general election. Boston, 1792. 8 .... *3454.11 Sermons on important subjects, [with] biog- raphy and funeral sermon by Dr. Holmes. I'.oston, 1807. 8 3443.5 TAPPAN, L. Letter to a Unitarian clergyman. 4th edition. Boston, 1828. 12 *Pph.v.215 TAPPAN, W. B. The Sunday school, and other poems. Boston, 1848. 12 2398.39 TAR. Effects of the vapour of boiling tar in con- sumption. Crichton, A 3794. G TAU water, Success of, as a medicine. Prior, T. 3799.12 See also : Berkely, G. TARANTINI, L. See Bcrnabb Silorata, P. Prose e poesie di Italian! viventi, v.G 47G8.16 TARBELL, J. A. The pocket homceopathist. Bos- ton, 1851. pp.G7. 10 3789.31 TARDIEU, Ambroise Auguste. Treatise on epi- demic cholera, translated by S. L. Bigelow. Boston, 1849. 12 3805.14 TARDIEU, Amedee E., Cherubini, S., and Desver- gers, N. Senegambie et Guinee, Nubie, Abyssinic. Paris, 1847. 8. [L'Univers]. 2276.9 TARDIEU, E. Choix d'ediflces publics en France. See Gourlier, P. C 4050.8 TAUDY, Vabbe.. Explanatory, pronouncing diction- ary of the French language. Revised by M. Campbell. New Brunswick, 1808. 12.**E.208.4 TARENTAISE, Observations during a residence in the. Bakewell, K 2864.8 TARGET, G. J. B. See Annales du barreau fran- cois. Barreau ancien, v.3 3708.1 TARGIONI-TOZZETTI, G. Viaggi fatti in diverse parti della Toscana. 2a ed. con giunte. Fi- renzc, 1708-79. 12v. 8" *27G6.1 TARGIONI-TOZZETTI, O. Dizionario botanico ital- iano. 2a ed. Firenze, 1825. 2v. 8 . . . . 3833.3 Di alcuni prodotti natural! del territorio di Colle in Valdessa, di S. Gimiguano, e di Volterra. [Opuscoli scientiflci, v.4] .... 3911.5 TARIFF. See United States. Treasury department. TARIFFS of all nations. Hiibner, 3G81.4 TARLETON, B. History of the campaigns of 1780 and 1781. London, 1787. 4 *2320.17 TARRA. Epistola ad Recaredum regem. [Migne. Patrologiae v.80] 3450.15 TARSIA, G. di. Lerime. Nizza, 1782. 16" . ... *4770.6 TARSIS, J. de. Obras, rccogidas por D. H. de los Valles. Madrid, 1634. 8 *3104.2 Contents. De la gloria de Niquea, y descripcion de Aranjuez, coraedia ; Fabulas ; Faeton, Apolo y Dafne; LaFenix; Europa; Kedoudillas. TARSIS and Zelie: romance. See Le Vayer de Boutigni, R 2690.11 TARTAR emetic, Sedative and febrifuge powers of. Balfour, W M.Pph.v.77 TARTAROTTI, G. Rime scelte. Annotazioni del Vannetti e stanze del Tomei. Roveretano, 1785. 16 *4776.20 De auctoribus ab Andrea Dandulo laudatis in chronico Veneto. [Muratori. Rerum Ital. script.] v.25 of 2710.1 See Raccolta di opuscoli scientiflci, ecc. . . . 5274.1 Contents. Vol. XIV. Osservazioni sopra la Sofo- nisba di Trissino. XVIII. Lettera sopra G. Duns Scoto, ece., in difesa di quanto di lui c detto nel poema. XXIV. Dialogo della lingua latina. TARTARY. Accounts of Independent Tartary. [Pinkerton. Voyages, v. 9] 2260.13 Dubeux, L. Hist, et description de Tartarie. 2276.13 Du Halde, J. B. Description de 1'empire de la Tartarie chinoise 3023.4 Guignes, J. de. Histoire dcs Tar tares . . . 3023.5 Klaproth,J. H. v. Chrestomathie mandchou. 3034.3 Olearius, A. Voyages fuits en Tartarie . . . 3020.9 Orleans, P. J. d'. Journeys into 2264.14 Rubruk, W. Travels, 12.33. [Piukerton. Voy- ages, v.7] 2260.13 Tott, F. de. Memoires sur les Tartares . . . 3084.3 Shelf. No. TARTINI, F. Boniflcamento delle maremme tos- cane. Firenze, 1838. 8. Tavole, f . . . 3942.2 TARTINI, Giuseppe. Trattato di musica secondo la scienzadell' armonia. Padova, 1754. 4. *4055.1 TARTINI, Giuseppe M. Rerum Italiearum scrip- tores ab an. 1000 ad 1GOO. [Continuation of Muratori.] Florentia:, 1748-70. 2v. f . . *2720.2 Contents. Vol. I. Excerpta ex historia Sozomeni Pistoriensis ab anno 1001 ad annum 121)4; Excerpta ex Matthan Palmerii Florentini libro de temporibus l'_"J4- 1448; Matthiao Palmerii Pisani opus de tcmporibus auis, ab an. 1449 ad annum 148:2 ; S. Gregorii papa; vn epistohe aliquot historical; Croniche della citta di Pisa dall' anno della sua cdiflcazione al 1400 del dottorc Ber- nardo Marangone pisano ; Fragmenta Fulginatis his- toriaj ab anno 1108 usque ad 1440, auctoribus Bona- ventura Beuevenuti, ac Petruccio de Unctis Fnlgina- tensibus ; Istoria della citta di Chitm in Toscano dall anno 936 al 1595, di Messer Jacomo Gori da Sena- longa. II. Cronica diPaolino di Piero florentino dall' anno 1080 al 1305 ; Cronica di Piero di Giovanni Min- erbetti dall' anno 1085 al 1409; Commentario della vi- ta del i'amoso capitano Giovanni Aguto, Inglcse, gen- eral condottiere d'armi de' Fiorentini, scritto dal slg. Domenico Maria Manni ; Robert! TJrsi liber de obsi- dione Tiphernatura anno 1474; Ricordi di Firenze dell' anno 1459; Bernardus Oricellarius de urbe Roma, sou Latin us commentarius eiusdem in Pub. Vic- torem, ac Sext. Rufum de regionibus urbis, Adcedit ipsius Pub. Victoris, ac Sex. Rufi textus. TASCHEREAU, J. A. Histoire de la vie et des ouv- rages do Molierc. 2e ed. Paris, 1828. 8. 2655.4 Histoire do la vie et des ouvrages de P. Cor- ueille. Paris, 1829. 8 2655.5 - Same. 2e cd. Paris, 1855. 16" 2679.5 Revue retrospective, ou archives secretes du dernier gouvernmcnt, 1830-48. Par. 1848. 4. *4G41.2 TASMAN, A. J. Voyage for the discovery of south- ern countries. [Pinkerton. Voyages, v. 11]. 2260.13 TASMANIA, History, extent, etc. of. [Martin. British colonies, v.3] 2421.3 Stoney, H. B. Residence and tour in .... 3047.5 See also : Van Diemen's Land. TASSANI. L'Alfiere : commedia. [Teatro moder- no applaudito, v.55] 2768.1 TASSIN, R. P. Traite de diplomatique. See Tous- tain, C 2110.16 TASSIS, S. A. Guide du correcteur et du compos- iteur. 5e ed. Paris, 1859. 12 *2113.20 TASSO, B. Gliamori. Vinegia, 1555. 16" . ... 2809.12 L' Amadigi, colla vita dell' autorc, ec. [ed. cu- rata da P. A. Serassi.] Bergamo, 1755. 4v. sm.l2 *4769a.l6 Lettere, libri in. Venctia, 1557. 1C" . . . . *2747.25 Lettere, con la vita dell' autore da A. F. Scg- hezzi, e con illustrazioni di P. A. Serassi. 8aed. Padova, 1733-51. 3v. 10 *2747.17 Canzoni et sonetti scelti. [Parnaso italiauo, v.30] 2769.2 TASSO, T. Opere, colle controversie sulla Geru- salemme, illustrate dal prof. G. Rosini. Pisa, 1821-32. 33v. 8 *2804.2 Contents. Vol. I. II Rinaldo. II. Aminta, favola boschereccia ; Amore fuggitivo ; Egloga ; II rogo di Corinna; II re Torrismondo, tragedia; Tragedia non fin ita. III.- VI. Rime, di nuovo corrette ed illustrate. VII.-1X. Dialoghi con gli argomenti del cavaliere Alessandro Mortara ; 7. Dell' arte ; II padre di famig- lia; II messaggiero; II Gonzaga, ovvero del piacere ouesto ; II Nifo, ovvero del piacere ; II cavaliere ainante e la gentildonna amata ; H Ficino, ovvero dell'arte; La cavalletta, ovvero della poesia toscana. 8. I bagni, ovvero della pieta; II Forno, ovvero della nobilta ; Delia dignita ; II Malpiglio, ovvero della corte ; II Malpiglio secondo, ovvero del fuggir la moltitudine ; La Molza, ovvero dell' amore j n Catanco, ovvero delle conclusion! ; II Romeo, ov- vero del giuoco. 9. II Gonzaga secondo, ovvero del giuoco ; II Beltramo, ovvero della cortcsia ; n Rangone, ovvero della pace; II Ghirliuzone, ovvero I'epitaffioj Ilforestiero napoletano, ovvero della gelo- Bia; II Giauluca, ovvero delle mascliere; II Mintur- no, ovvero della bellezza; II Costantino, ovvero della clcraenza ; II Porzio, ovvero delle virtu ; II Catanco, owero dcgl' idoli ; II Manso, ovvero dell' amicmu ; II coute, ov veio dell' iinprese. X. Prose varie : Apolo- TASSO 764 TATEM Shelf. No. TASSO, T. continued. gia in difcsa della Gerusalemmc; Lettcradi Bastiano de' Rossi nella qualc si ra^'iona di Tasso, del dialo^o dell'opicn pocsiu di C. Pcllegrino, della risposta fat- tapli ilogli ace. della Crusca, cc.; Risposta di Tasso all' aocad. della Crusca in uifesa del suo dialogo del piacer onesto; Parere di F. Patrizi in difcsa di Lodo- vico Ariosto; Discorso sopra il parere di F. Pat-ieio in difcsa di L. Ariosto; Trimerone, risposta aT. Tasso da F. Patrizi; Risposte d' Orazio Ariosto ad alcuni hioshi del dialogo dell' cpica poesia del sig. C. Pelle- grino; Delle differcnzc poctichc, per risposta al tag. O. Ariosto; II Mcssaggiero; Giunte al dialogo il Gon- zaga secondo. XI, XII. Discorsi : 11. Sopra tre can- zoni di G. B. Pigna inlitolote Ic tre sorelle; Orazione nell' aprirsi dell' accad. ferrarese ; Lezione sopra il sonetto di M. della Casa: Quests vita mortal, ec.; Opposizioni d' incerto al sonetto: Spino, leggiadre, ec.; Risposta; Delia fortuna; Orazione in lode della casa de' Medici; Orazione nella uiortc del card. Lu- igi d' Estc; Sopra due question! amoroso ; II segre- tario ; Dell 1 ufficio del siniscalco ; Del marilarsi ; Dcll'amore frail padree il figliuolo; Del giuramento falso; Delia virtu croica, e della carita; Della virtu femminilc c donnesca ; Delia gelosia; Orazione in morte di Barbara d'Austria; Orazione nellamorte del Santino; Sopra vari accident! della sua vita; Risposta di Roma a Plutarco ; Intnrno alia sedizione nata nel rcgno di Francia 1585. 12. Del poema eroico; Dell* arte poetica, c in particolare sopra il poema eroico; Del guidi/.io Bovrala Gerusaleramc; Estratti della poetica del Castelvctro; Lettcra politico al sis. G. Giordan!. XIII, XIV. Lettere. XV. Lettcre poetiche, particolar- tnente iu materiadclla Gcrusalcmme lib. XVI, XVII. Lettere incditc. XVIII.-XXIII. Controversie sulla Gernsalcmmeliberata: 18. Avvcrtimcnto; II Caraffa, ovvero dell' cpica poesin, diulogo di C. Pellegrino, coll'agsiunta delta Crusca, del Pellegrino, e dell' In- farinato secondo; Coneidcrazioni di Carlo Fioretti da Vernio intornoaun discorso di M. Giulio Ottonelli da Fanano sopra ad alcune dispute dietro alia Geru- salemme ; Lcttcrc incdite o disperse. 19. Discorso del sig. Orazio Lombardelli intorno ai contrast! che el fanno sopra la Gerusalernmc ; L' Infarinato primo, ovvero risposta all' apologia di Tasso, colle repliche del Guastaviui, e le risposte del Pescctti al Guastavini. 20. Dialogo di Niccold degli Oddi in difesa di C. Pel- legrini; II Rossi, ovvero del parere sopra alcune ob- biczioni fatte dagl' Infarinato ir.torno alia Gerusa- lemme, dialogo di Malatesta Porta ; Lettere che riguardano le controversic sulla Gerusalemme. 21. La bilancia critica di Mario Zito, in cui bilanciati alcuni luoght, notati come difettuosi, nella Gerusalemme, trovansi di piusto peso. 21, 22. Comparazione di Omero, Virgilio e Torquato, discorsi dieci di Paolo Beui. 22. Risposta di Giulio Guastavini ad alcune opposizion.1 fatte alia proposizione e invocazione usata dal Tasso nella Gerusalcmme. 23. II Far- netico savio, ovvero il Tasso, dialogo del sig. Alesaandro Guarini ; Appendice di cose riguar- danti il Tasso o le sue operc ; Considerazioni del Galileo sulla Gerusalemme. XXIV.-XXVI. La Gerusalemme liberata con illustrazioni. XXVII. II mondo create. XXVIII.-XXIX. La Gerusa- lemme conquistata. XXX. Postille alia divina commedia di Dante Alighieri; Intrighi d'amore, corn- media. XXXI. Rimario dflla Gerusalemme liber- ata. XXXII. Rime incdite o disperse : Elogio di Torquato Tasso, scritto da M. Angelo Fabbroni; Ora- zione in lode di Tasso da Lorenzo Giacomini Tebal- ducci Malespini. XXXIII. Saggio sugli nmori di Torquato Tasso e sullc cause della euaprigionia; Vita di Torquato Tasso scritta da Giarnbatista Manso ; Indice. Operenonpiv stampate. Pubbl.daM. A. Fop- pa. Roma, 1060. 3v. iu 2. sm.4 .... *2S04.4 Contents. Vol. I. Risposta di Koma a Plvtarco; n Ficino, overo dell' arte, dialogo; II Portio, overo delle virtv', dialogo; II Mintorno, overo della bellczza, dia- logo ; II Cataneo, overo delle conclvsioni, diulogo; II Malpiglio secondo, overo del fvggir la moltiivdine, dialogo; II Costantino, overo della clemenza, dialogo; Oratione in lode della serenissima casa de' Medici ; Lettera politica; Indice. II. Del givditio sovra la sva Giervsalemme; Poesie varie; Canzoni; Sonetti; Mad- rigali ; Capitoli. L'Aminta e 1'amor fuggitivo ; II pastor fido di B. Guarini. Firenze, 1824. 8 2805.15 Aminta : favola di pastori. [Parnaso ital- iano, v.24] 2769.2 Aminta: favola boschereccia. [Teatro scelto italiano, v.l] . 1779a.6 Shelf. No. TASSO, T. continued. La Gicrosalcmme libberata votata a llcngna nosta [NapoletanaJ, da G. Fasano. Napole, 16S9. f "2790.4 La Gerusalcmme liberata. Parigi, 1768. 2v. 16 **E.228.17 - Same. Napoli, 1802. 2v.ini. 16 ... 2809.11 - Same. Milano, 1823. 2v. in 1. 8 .... 280*. 3 - Same. [Parnaso italiano, v. 28, 29] . . . 2709.2 - Same. [Emiliani-Giudici. Quatro poeti italiani] 2791.11 Godfrey of Bovlogne, or the recouerie of Jerv- salcm, done into English by E. Fairefax. London, 1624. f *2791.8 Jerusalem delivered, transl. by J. Hoole. Ncwburyport, 1810. 2v. 8 **E.111.2 - Same. Transl. by J. Hoole. [Chalmers. English poets] v. 21 of 2592.7 La Gerusalemme ddlivree, les huit pre- miers chants. [La Harpe. CEuvres, v.8]. 2092.1 Considerazioni alia Gerusalemme liberata. [Galileo. Opere, v.15, bis] 3913 1 Canzoni e sonetti scelte. [Parnaso ital. v.30]. 2769.2 II re Torrismondo : tragedia. [Maffei. Teatro italiano, v.2] 2770.8 - Same. [Teatro italiano antico, v.7] . . . 2776.1 Discorso di T. sopra varii accident! della sua vita. See Carrer, L 4747.2 Black, J. Life 2741.7 Capponi, G. Sulla causa finora ignota delle sventure di 2805.16 Fabroni, A. Elogio 2743.3 Giacomazzi, S. Dialoghi sopra gli amori, la prigionia, le malattie ed il genio di . . . . 2805.21 Intorno alia vita et alle opere di. [Emiliani- Giudici. Quatro poeti italiani] 2791.11 Serassi, P. A. Vita 2741.15 TASSONI, A. Annotazioni sopra il vocabolario degli accadcmici della Crusca, ed altre opere del Tassoni. Venezia, 1098. f " *2780.1 JV'ote. Le annotazioni al vocabolario della Crusca, ono opera di Giulio Ottouelli. Lancttti. Le Filippiche contro gli Spagnuoli [ed. altre operette di T.] Firenze, 1855. 10 .... 4778.22 La secchia rapita [vita da K. Gironi]. Firenze, 1840. 8 2805.12 - Same. [Parnaso italiano, v. 34] 2769.2 - Same. Trad, in idioma bolognese da F. M. Longhi. [Collczionc di componimcnti scelti, ecc. v.3] 4779a.4 Pensieri diversi. Venetia, 1676. 8" *2805.13 Manifesto intorno le relazioni tra esso e i prin- cipi di Savoia. [Arch. stor. ital. App. v.7]. 5255.1 TASSY, J. H. S.V. Garciu de. See Garcin de Tas- sy, J. H. S. V. TASTE. Alison, A. Nature and principles of . . 4071.12 Cesarotti, M. Filosofia del gusto 3609.26 Knight, R. P. Principles of 3607.4 Letters concerning 3007.6 Milns, \V. Means of improving the 2959.6 See also: ^Esthetics, Beauty. TASWELL, W. Autobiography of. [Camden so- ciety, No. 55] v.2 of 2410.39 TATE, G. Treatise on hysteria. Phila. 1831. 8. 3776.32 TATE, J. Christian rule of equity enforced and applied: a sermon. York, 1825. 8 . . *Pph.v.309 TATE, N. History of king Kichard n. London, 1081. pp.55. Bm.4" *2575.11 New version of the psalms of David. See Brady, N E. 219.32 TATE, T. Elements of mechanism. 3d ed. Lon- don, 1855. 16 4019.28 On the strength of materials. Lond. 1850. 8'. 4014.16 TATE, W. Elements of commercial arithmetic. New ed. London, 1857. 12 3936.22 - Same. And introduction to commerce and finance. London, 1819. 2v. in 1. 8 ... 3682. 5 TATEM, H. Reply to the summons of the R. I. royal arch chapter. [No title-page.] 8. *Pph.V.286, 295 TATHAM 765 TAYLOR Shelf. No. TATHAM, C. H. Etchings of Grecian and Roman architectural ornament. London, 1826. f . *4100.24 TATHAM, J. The royal oake, 1060. [Percy so- ciety, v. 10] 2537.12 TATIANUS. Oratio ad Graeeos; Hermias. Irrisio gentiliura philosophorum. Ed. W. Worth. Oxford, 1700. 8 3499.2 Oratio adveraus Graeeos. [Migne. Patrolo- gia Grseca, v.6] 3490.4 Harmonia evangelica, in ling. Theotiscam translata. [Schilter. Thesaurus antiq. Teuton, v. 2] 2810.4 See Guillon, M. N. S. Bib. des peres, v.l . . 3499.30 TATLER. De snapper of de britsche Tuchmeester. Steele, Sir R E.119.2 TATTEUSALL, G. Sporting architecture. London, n.d. 4 *4102.23 Laws relating to buildings. See Chambers, T. 3634.5 TAUNTON, Enff., co. of Somerset^ History of the town of. Toulmin, J 2502.3 TAUNTON, Mass., Ministry of. Emery, S. H. . . 2345.10 TAUKIDA. Physikalisch-topographisches Ge- mahlde von Taurien. Pallas, P. S 3819.2 TADRINUS, T. C. Votum Fortunae Praenestinae. [Lemaire. Poet. Lat. min. v.3] 2912.1 - Same. Wernsdorf. Poet. Lat. min. v. 4]. 2912.4 TAVANNES, Gaspard de Saulx de. Memoires. [Michaud. Coll. mem. hist. Fr. Ser. l,v.8]. 2611.1 - Same. [Petitot. Coll. mem. hist. France. Ser. 1, v. 23-25] 2615.1 TAVANNES, Guillaume de Saulx de. Memoires, et guerres civiles, 1560 a 1596. [Petitot. Coll. mem. hist. France. Ser. 1] v.35 of 2615.1 TAVERNA, G. Nuova scelta di operette diverse composte per ammaestramento de' giova- netti. Venezia, 1855. 24 4769 a. 17 TA VERNIER, J. B. Six voyages through Turkey, into Persia and the East Indies. Made English by J. P[hillips]. London, 1677, 78. f *3040.4 Extract from voyages of. [Pinkerton. Voy- ages, v. 8] 2260.13 TAVOLE [matematiche]. [No title-page.] pp.162 -224. 8 **E. 110.60 TAXATION. Babbage, C. Thoughts on the prin- ciples of 365.3.6 Johnson, S. Taxation no tyranny 2324.48 Jones, R. Sources of 3653.13 McCulloch, J.R. Principles and influence of. 3653.4 Report on local taxation. See Great Britain. Poor law commissioners 7063.23 TAXES on knowledge. From the Westminster review, No. xxix. London, 1&31. 8. . *Pph.v.87 TAXIDERMY. Swainson, W 3882.14 TAYLER, John J. Moral education of the people: a discourse. London, 1833. 8 *3570.61 Religious life of England; or the church, pu- ritanism, and free inquiry. Lond. 1845. 12. 3525.10 TAYLOR, B. C. The school of the prophets : a sermon. New York, 1839. 8 *Pph.v.l07 TAYLOR, C. Scripture illustrated by means of natural science. London, 1803. 4 . v.5of*3431.1 Fragments, intended as an appendix to Cal- met. SeeCalmet, A 3432.1 TAYLOR, E. Lays of the Minnesingers. London, 1825. p. 8 2902.14 TAYLOR, George. Memoir of Robert Surtees. New ed. by J. Raine. Durham, [1852.] 8. [Surtees society] 2417.23 TAYLOR, G. L., and Cresy, E. Architectural anti- quities of Rome. London, 1821, 22. 2v. f.*27.B.l TAYLOR, H. Eve of the conquest, and other po- ems. London, 1847. 18 2609.25 The statesman. London, 1836. 12 3509.24 TAYLOR, Isaac. Home education. 2d Am. from 2dLond. ed. New York, 1838. 16 .... 3593.15 Loyola and Jesuitism in its rudiments. New York, 1851. 12 3557.11 Transmission of ancient books to modern times. London, 1827. 8 2113.4 Shelf. No. TAYLOR, Rev. James B., of Richmond, Va. Lives of Virginia baptist ministers. 2ded. Rich- mond, 1838. 12" 3545.5 TAYLOR, James Bayard. Xiraena ; or the battle of the Sierra Morena, and other poems. Phil- adelphia, 1844. pp. 84. 12" 2399.41 TAYLOR, James Brainerd, A new tribute to the memory of J. B. Taylor. New York, 1838. 12 2347.6 TAYLOR, Janet. Lunar tables. London, 1834. 8". **E.186.14 - Same. [2ded.] London, [1835.] 8 . **E.186.18 Luni-solar and horary tables, with their ap- plication in nautical astronomy. London, 1833. 8 **E.186.17 TAYLOR, Jeremy. Whole works, with life by Reginald Heber. Revised by Rev. C. P. Eden. London, 1850-55. lOv. 8 *3494.5 Contents. Vol. I. Clerus Domini, or the office ministerial ; Discourse of friendship ; Rules and advices to the clergy, etc.; Life; Funeral sermon, by bp. Rust ; Indexes. II. Life of Christ, new ed. In three parts. III. The rule and exercises of holy living and dying. IV. Sermons tor all the Sundays in the year. V. Episcopacy asserted; Apology for set forms of liturgy ; Reverence due to the altar ; Liberty of prophesying ; Confirmation. VI. Real presence of Christ in the sacrament ; Dis- suasive from popery, etc.; Five letters to persons tempted to change their religion. VII. Unum neces- sarium, or the doctrine and practice of repentance ; Deus justificatus.ora vindication of God in respect of original sin ; Letters to Warner and Jeanes ; Golden grove, or a manual of daily prayers; Festival hymns. VIII. Worthy communicant ; Supplement to the sermons for the whole year ; Sermon at the funeral of Sir G. Dalstone ; Collection of offices IX, X. Ductor Dubitantium, or the rule of con- science, edited by the Rev. Alexander Taylor, M. A Rule and exercises of holy living. 1st Am. from 27th Lond. ed. Phila. 1810. 12" . . 3445.32 Selection from the works of. [Sparks. Tracts on theology, v.6] 3469.26 TAYLOR, John, D.D., of Norwich, b. 1094, d. 1761. Scheme of scripture divinity. [Watson. Theological tracts, v.l] 3454.2 Key to the apostolic writings. [Watson. Theological tracts, v.3] 3454.2 TAYLOR, John, LL.D.,preb. of Westminster. Ser- mons on different subjects, pub. by S. Hayea, [with] a sermon by S. Johnson, LL. D. Walpole, N. H. 1806. 8 3443.10 TAYLOR, John, M.D., of Bombay. Dissertatio physica inauguralis, de hominum varicta- tibus. Edinburgi, 1806. 8 *M.Pph.v.2 TAYLOR, John, of Caroline, Fa. New views of the constitution of the United States. Washington, 1823. 8" 2406.28 TAYLOR, John, esq. Monsieur Tonson. Lon- don, 1&30. 12 *Pph.v.217 TAYLOR, John L. Memoir of Samuel Phillips. Boston, 1856. 8 2343.9 TAYLOR, John O. Lecture on education ; con- sisting of extracts from the most popular authors, n.p. n.d. 10 *Pph.v.221 TAYLOR, John W. Address before the Saratoga county Bible society. Ballston Spa, 1835. 12 *Pph.v.220 TAYLOR, Joseph. Oratio funebris in obitum Ed- vardi Wigglesworth. [Boston, 1705.] 8 .*3455.16 TAYLOR, M. Sexagesimal table, exhibiting the result of any proportion where the terms do not exceed sixty minutea, [etc.] Lon- don, 1780. 4 **E. 161.1 Tables of logarithms, with preface, etc. by N.Maskelyne. London, 1792. 1.4. 3910.4, **E. 151.1 TAYLOR, Richard, of Nonoich. Index monasticus ; or the abbeys, etc. of the diocese of Nor- wich. London, 1821. f " *2470.1 TAYLOR, Richard, F.L.S., etc. Scientific memoirs. Vols. 1-5, and 2d ser. Nat. phil. ed. by Tyn- dall and Francis. Nat. hist, by Henfrey and Huxley, 1853. London, 1837-53. 7v. 8.*3964.19 TAYLOR 766 TEATRO Shelf. Mo. TAYLOR, Richard C. Notice of a [geological] model of the Schuylkill coalfield, n.p. [1841.] 8 *Pph.T.127 Report on the surveys undertaken with a view to establish a railroad from Blossburg to Lawrenceville. Phila. 1833. 8" ... *Pph.T.88 TAYLOR, T. Dissertation on the Elcusinian and Bacchic mysteries. Amsterdam, [1790?]. 8. 2597.12 TAYLOR, Willett. Inaugural dissertation on the scarlatina anginosa. N. Y. 1793. 8 . *M.Pph.V.49 TAYLOR, William, of Norwich, b. 1705, d. 1836. English synonyms. London, 1850. 10 . . 2585.26 Survey of German poetry. London, 1828-30. 3v. 8- 2880 - 2 Life and writings of. See Robberds, J. W. . 2455.8 TAYLOR, William, of London. Annals of St. Mary Overy ; an account of St. Saviour's church and parish. London, 1833. 4 *2492.11 TAYLOR, William C. Life and times of Sir Robert Peel. London, n.d. 3v. 8 2456.9 Manual of ancient history, revised by C. S. Hcury. New York, 1845. 8 2291.1 TAYLOR, Z. Appeal to the whole country for an union of parties in favor of Gen. Taylor's administration. 1850. pp.60. 8" 2328.3 [The third book of Chronicles, a political jeu d'esprit on the campaign of 1848.] [Al- bany?] n.d. 8 *Pph.v.l63 Hopkins, J. II. Address on the death of. Pph.v.183 Potter, H. Sermon on the death of . . . Pph.v.192 TAZEWELL county, Virginia, History of. Bick- ley.G. W. L 2374.17 TEA. Iloussaye, J. G. Monographic du the . . 3845.9 TEACHER, The. Abbott, J 35W.1/J TEATRO italiauo. Maffei, S 2770.8 TEATBO ituliauo antico. Milano, 1808-12. lOv. 8. *2776.1 Contents. Vol. I. Ragionamento sopra 1'origine e progresso del teatro italiano dalla decadcnza doll' impcro roraano flno al secolo XVI, coll' csame delle tragedie c commcdie in questo volume; La Sofonisbo, tragedia di Gio. GiorgioTrissino ; La Rosmunda, trag. di Gio. Rucellai; La Calandria, commedia in prosa, di Bernardo Divizio da Bibbicua; La Cassariu, conim. di Lodovico Ariosto. II. Ragionamento sopra 1'imita- zione ; L'Oreste, trag. di Giovanni Rucellai ; L' Anti- gone, trag. di Luigi Alamanni; Isuppositi, com mud. di Lodovico Ariosto. HI. Ragionamento sopra le mntazioni fattc da Lodovico Martelli uclla storia, da cui hatratto 1'argomento della trag. ; La Tullia, trag. di Lodovico Martelli ; II Negromante, comm. di Lodo- vico Arioato ; La Lena, comm. di Lodovico Ariosto. IV. Ragionamento delle trag. e comm. segucnti ; La Cunace, trag. di M. Sperone Speroni dcgli Alvarotti i Orbecchc, trag. di M. Gio. Battista Giraldi Cintio ; La Flora, comm. di Luigi Alamauni. V. Ragiona- mento i Arrcnopia, trag. di M. Gio. Battista Giraldi Cintio ; Marianna, trag. di Lodovico Dolce. VI. Giocasta, trag. di Lodovico Dolce ; II Marescalco, comm. di Pietro Aretino ; La Cortigiana, comm. del medesimo. VII. II re Torrismondo, trag. del signer Torquato Tasso ; Lo ipocrito, comm. di Pietro Are- tino. VIII. Edippo, trag. di Gio. Andrea dell' An- guillara ; La talanta, comm. di Pietro Aretino i La Dafnc, d'Ottavio Rinuccini. IX. Ragionamcnto in- torno alle trag. e comm. contenute nel vol. vui e ix; Acripauda,trag. di Antonio Decio da Horte; Angelica in Ebuda, trag. [per musical di Gabriello Chiabrera; H fllosofo, comm. di Pietro Aretino. X. Drammir nsti- cali scelti ed illustrati con note dal dott. Giulio Ferario: La Catrina, atto scenico rusticale di Frances- co Berni ; II mogliazzo frammcsso, di M. Fran- cesco Berni; La Tancia, comra. rusticale di Michel- Agnolo Buonarroti ; Assetta, comm. rust, di Fran- cesco Marian! ; Capotondo, comm. rust, di Silvcstro Cartajo ; CoUellino, comm. rust, di Niceolo Cam- pani i Canzone per Maggiodi Francesco Baldovini; Catalogo ragionato di commcdie rustical! nuovamenta compiiato i Le nozze di Maca, comm. rust, di F. Mariani. TEATRO italiano del secolo xvin. [Tragedie.] Firenzc, 1784. 6v. sm.S" *2778.1 Contents. Vol. I. Didone, di Giampietro Cavaz- zoni Zanotti ; Achille, di Alfonso Montanari ; Polis- sena, di Annibale Marchese i Jezabcle, di Goriui Corio. II. Meropc, di Scipione Maffei ; Virginia, di SaverioPansuti; Eudosia, di Francesco Crispi; Dione sinicusano, di Giovanni Grauelli. IIL Sedecia, di Shelf. No. TEATRO italiano, etc. continued. Giovanni Granelli; Giunio Brnto, di Antonio Conti; Lacongiuradi Marco Bruto, di Sebaatiano dcgli An- toni; Enea nel Lazio, di Flamminio Searsulli. IV. H Giulio Sabino, di Guliclmo Bevilacqua i II Mvdo, di Filippo Rosamorando ; Ipermestrn, di Gir" Pompci; Gli Epitidi.di Agostino Paradisi. V. Attilio Regolo, di Durante Duranti; Bianca, di Giammtria Sale; Idomenco, di Luigi Willi ; Ugolino, conte de* Gherardtschi, di anonimo. VI. Ulisac, di noniino ; La Teonoc, di Filippo Rosa Morando i Meropc, dl Pomponio Torclli. TEATRO moderno applaudito, e giornale dci teatri dl Venezia. Venczia, 1796-1801. 61v. 10. *2768.1 Content*. Vol. I. Aristodemo, trag. dell' abete V. Monti i Olivo e Pasquale, comm. ined. dell' avvocato A. 8. Sografl ; Eugenia, dramma del signor di Beau- tnarchais, trad, dall' abate L. Pieroni ; Lc convulsion!, farsa del marchese F. Albergati-Capacclli. II. Ines di Castro, trag. del signor noudart de La Mothe, trad, dal marchese F. Albergati-Capacelli ; L'avventuricre not- turno, comm. ined. del signor C. Federici ; Ginevra di Scozia, rappresentazionc teatrale ined. del signor L. Millo; Nina, ossia la pazza per amore, farsa del sicnor M. D. V.,trad. dal signor P. Andolfuti. III. Zclinda, trag. del conte O. Calini ; Lc lagrime d'una vedova, comm. ined. del signor C. Federici ; Clementina e Dorvigni, dramma del signor di Monvel, trad, dal marchese F. Albergati-Capacclli ; L'Inglesc, ossia il pazzo ragioncvolc, farsa del signor J. Patrat, trad, inc- dita dell' abate P. Bordoni. IV. Amlcto, trag. del signor Ducis, trad, da F. Gritti: 11 mendico dell' anno MDCCXLi.comra. ined. del signor C. Federici ; Fcd- erico II, re di Prussia, dramma di don L. F. Cornelia, trad, dal siznor P. .Ajidolfati i I pericoli d'una lal-a amicizia, farsa di madama di Beaunoir, trad. ined. del signor A. Piazza. V. Merope, trag. del marchese 8. Maffei ; Faustina, comm. del dottor P. Napoli-Sig- norelli i Carlo III a Bender, dramma inedito dt-1 signor C. Federici; Lafiera dcllc fate, farsa, trad, dal don Francesc. VI. VaUci, ossia 1'eroe scozzee,trag. di don A. Perabd; Ilciarlatore maldicente. comm. del march. F.AlbcrgaU-Capacelli ; Bentlei cValcur, dram, ined. del signer G. B. Giovanelli; La musicomania, farsa di pocta auonimo francese, trad. ined. per uso del teatro italiano. VII. Polibete, trag. iucd. del car. C. Alberghctti-Forciroli j La Marcia, comm. dell* abate F. Marucchi ; L'amore irritato dalla difficolta, dramma del cavaliere O. Grcppi; II gazzcttiere, farsa del march. F. Albergati-Capacelli. VIH Argenide, trag. ined. da F. Balbi ; I prcgiudizj dei paesi pic- coli, ossia lo scultoro cd il cieco, comm. del signor C. Federici; Teresa vedova, dramma del cavaliere G. Greppi i L'oracolo, farsa del signor di Saint-Foix, trad. ined. dell' abate M. Cesarotti. IX. Rossana, trag. del contc F. O. Magnocavallo ; I comici in sconcerto, comm. del conte T. Tommasini Soardi ; Teresa e Wilk, dramma del cav. G. Greppi ; II secreto, farsa del citt. Hoffmann, trad. ined. del sig. Antonio Piazza. X. Tieste, trag. ined. del sig. N. U. Foscolo; I falsi galan- tuomini, comm. del sig. C. Federici; Don Gusmano, tragicomm. ined. del sig. G. Foppa; 11 sounambulo, farsa, trad, del march. F. Albergati-Capacelli. XI. Da- rio, trag. ined. del cav. C. Alberghetti-Forciroli; L'ot- timista, ossia 1'uomo contcnto di tutto, comm. del sig. Collin Harleville, trad. ined. del march. F. Albergati- Capacelli ; Rosalia, ovvero 1'amor coniugale, dramma dell' abate Andrea Willi; Le vedove turche, farsa del nignor di Saint-Foix, trad. ined. del signor D. Brcs- ciani. XII. Fcdima, trag. ined. del conte Agostino Tana; L'accademia di musica, comm. del march. F. Albergati-Capacelli; Le torabe di Verona, dramma del signor Mercier, trad, del signor Giuseppe Ra- mirez ; La vera bravura, farsa dei citt. Duval e Picard, trad. ined. del citt. Gio. Battista Armani. XIII. Bruto primo, trag. del coute Vittorio Alfieri ; La civetta punita, comra. del signor de La Nove, trad. ined. dei citt F. Albergati-Capacelli ed Ales- sandro Pepoli ; Fanni a Londra, dramma ined. dell' abate Pietro Chiari ; 11 capriccioso, farsa del citt. F. Albergati-Capacelli. XIV. Merope, trag. del signor di Voltaire, trad, dal citt. F. Gritti ; II prigioniero, comm. del citt. F. Albergati-Capacclli ; L'orfano, dramma del citt Pigault-Le-Brun, trad. ined. del citt. D. Bresciani ; Marianna, ossia la buona madre, farsa del citt. Marsollier, trad. ined. del citt. Domenico Bresciani. XV. Edipo. trag. ined. del cav. C. Alber- ghetti-Forciroli i La locandiera, comm. dell' avv. C. Goldoni ; Isaura e Gernanzio, ovvero I rifugiati re- ligionarj, dramma del citt. Dumaniant, trad. ined. del citt. Girolamo Savorgnan ; llmatriinonioimprovviso, farsa del citt. F. Albergati-Capacelli. XVI. Bruto se- condo, trag. del conte Vittoriy Alfieri; L'abitante della Guadaluppa, comm. del citt Mercier, trad, da Elisa- betta Camiuer-Turra; Guglieuuo e Carolina, dramma TEATEO 767 TEATEO Shelf. No. TEATRO moderno, etc. continued. trad, i ned. del citt. F. Albergnti-Capacelli ; Gli nomini, farsa del citt. Saint-Foix, trad. ined. del citt. Domen- ico Bresciani. XVII. Ino o Temisto, trag. di Cesare Olivcri ; La curiosa, comin. di raadama di Genlis, traduzione di Elisa'oetta Caminer-Turra; Elisabetta, dramma del citt. Favieres, traduzione inedita del citt. Girolamo Savorgnan ; L'originale, farsa del citt. Hoff- mann, traduzione inedita del citt. Fabio Gritti. XVIII. Orso Ipato, tragedia del citt. Giovanni Pin- demonte i Medioerita c bassezza, ossia i mczzi di far fortuna, comm. traduzione ined. del citt. Pio ; Ro- dolfo, dramma del citt F. Albergati-Capacelli ; II cieco che vede chiaro, farsa, traduzione inedita del citt. Francesco Arrisi. XIX. Rotrude, trag. di A. Pepoli; Pasquale, comm. trad. ined. del citt. F. Albergati- Capacelli ; II metafisico. ossia 1'amore c 1'amicizia alia prova, dramma del conte C. Gozzi ; La scommcssa, farsa inedita. XX. Olimpia, trag. del signer di Vol- taire, trad, del signor L. Capitanaehi ; I raggiratori, comm. del signor Dumaniant, trad, inedita del citt. F. Albergati-Capacelli; Le vortigini del secolo, dram- ma inedito del signor F. Avclloni ; La scuola dei pro- curatori, farsa di monsieur Poisson, trad. dalFrancese da mad. N. N. XXI. Radamisto e Zenobia, tragedia del signor di Crebillon, trad, da C. I. Frugoni ; Le favole di Esopo, ossia, Esopo in citta, comm. ined. con prolcgo ; II benefico occulto, dramma del signer G. Philhes, trad. ined. del signor M. A. P.; II parente di tutti, farsa del signor L. B. Picard, trad. ined. di G. Piazza. XXII. Bianca de' Rossi, trag. del signor P. A. Mcneghelli; II morto risuscitato, ossia, Teredo uni- versale, comm. trad. ined. ; Beverlci, dramma del Big. Saurin, trad, dallasign. E. C'aminer-Turra; Senza la gattai topi ballano, farsa. XXIII. La vedova del Malabar, tragedia del signor Lemiere, trad, da F. Al- bergati-Capacelli ; II morto vivo, comm. trad. ined. del citt. F. Albergati-Capacelli; La cantatrice in Lon- dra, dramma del signor L. G. Borgucci-Verani ; La giovine Indiana, farsa di Chamfort, trad, ined, del signer A. P. XXIV. Merope, trag. del conte V. Al- fleri; II burbcro di buon cuore.comm. di C. Goldoni, trad, dal Francese, fatta dall' autore medesimo; I due amici, ovvero il negoziante di Lione, dramma di Beaumarchais, trad, da E. Caminer-Turra ; Leone e Giulietta, farsa del nobile signor Pietro Zaguri. XXV. H corrado, trag. di F. O. Magnocavallo ; II sordo o la locanda piena, comm. del signor Desforges, trad, da E. Caminer-Turra ; II disertore, dramma del signor Mercier, trad, da E. Caminer-Turra; I due Savoiardi, farsa del signor Marsollier, trad, da G. Brunati. XXVI. Cerauno e Berenice, trag. di 51. Gucrra ; La notte dclle avventure, comm. del signor Dumaniant, trad. ined. ; II cassierc, dramma di A. Piazza ; L'in- ganno fortunato, ossia, I'ancmicadegli uomini, farsa, trad, dal Francese. XX VII. La Fedra, trag. del signor Racine, trad, d.i F. Albergati-Capacelli ; II barbicre di Siviglia, ossia, la cautela inutile, comm. di Beau- marchais, trad, del F. Balbi ; Tom Jones a Lon- dra, dramma del signor Desforges, trad. ined. di G. Piazza; Amoro le insegna tutte, ossia, il finto In- glcsc, farsa di M. Sauriu, trad, di S. Scatizzi. XXVIII. BiancaeGuiscardo, trag. di monsieur Saurin; Gucrra aperta, ovvero astuzia contro astnzia, comm. del sig- nor Dumaniant, trad, da P. Andolfati ; Merinval, dramma del signer D'Arnaud, trad, da E. Caminer- Turra; II mercante da Smirnc, farsa, trad. ined. di F. Gritti do' Conti di Mel. XXIX. II Cid, tragedia di P. Cornelio, trad, da G. Greatti ; I castelli in aria, commedia del signor Collin D'Arleville, trad. ined. di G. Piazza; Jenneval, ovvero il Barnevelt francese, dramma del signor Mercier, trad, da E. Caminer- Turra ; II Sicillano, ossia, 1'amor pittore, farsa con balli e canti di Moliere, trad, dal signor G. Zanetti. XXX. Gustavo Wasa, trag. di Alessio Piron, trad, dal nobile F. Giitti i II fllosofo maritato, comm. del sig. Destouches ; 11 fabbricatore inglese, dramma del Big. Fcnouillot di Falbaire, trad, da E. Caminer-Tur- ra; E facil inganno, farsa ined. del dott. L. Roverelli. XXXI. Atreo e Ticste, trag. del signor Crebillon, trad, da G. U. Pagani-Cesa; II pregiudizioalla moda, comm. del sig. DC La Chaussee; Emilia, dramma di F. Albergati-Capacelli; Leconvenienze teatrali, farsa del sig. A. S. Sografl. XXXII. Ipermestra, trag. di M. Le Mierre; II conte di Waltron, comm. del Big. Mailer, trad, dal Tedeseo; Laminiera di Schneeberg, dramma di G. D. Zanchi; II partito piii savio, far-a di Segur ilgiovine, trad, di F. Gritti. XXXIII. La Semi- ramide, trag. del sig. di Voltaire, trad, dall' abate M. Cesarotti ; L' Alcalde di Zalamea, comru. di don P. Calderon delta Barca, trad, dal sig. P. Audol- fati ; Melanide, dramma del Big. de La Chaussee ; U pi ineipe Spazzacammino, farsa trad, dal Francese. XXXIV. Alessio Comneno, o sia i Veneziani in Costantinopoli, trag. del L. A. Balbi ; La dama Shelf. No. TEATRO moderno, etc. continued. benefica, comm. ined. del dottor L. Roverelli j Romilda, ovvero la fedelta conjugate, dramma ined. di G. Foppa ; Li tre matrimonj, farsa del signor Des- touches, trad, dal Francese. XXXV. Gabriella di Vergy, trag. del signor di Belloy, trad, da E. Cami- ner-Turra; La Scozzese, comm. di C. Goldoni ; La vana seduzione, dramma ined. del signer G. Fiorio ; Lo spirito di contraddizioue, farsa, trad, dal signor Gualzetti. XXXVI. Elena e Gerardo, azione patet- ica, fatto nazionale tratto delle novelle del Bandello; U gelososecreto, comm. del conte di R * * * ; 11 cu- gino di Lisbona, dramma trad, dal Tedeseo ; U finto Fornaro, farsa ined. di A. Zanchi. XXXVII. Ifl- genia, trag. di Racine, trad, da P. Bordoni ; Avviso a" maritati, comm. di C. Federici ; L'orfano inglese, dramma di monsieur Saurin, trad, di N. N. ; La in- certezza materna, farsa, trad. ined. di F. Gritti. XXXVIII. Zelmira, trag. libera trad, dal Francese di A. Zanchi ; II Moro di corpo bianco, comm. del conte C. Gozzi ; Celinda e Daliso, dramma ined. di O. D. C.; II cieco di Bcthnal-Grecn, farsa di Dods- ley, trad, da E. Caminer-Turra. XXXIX. Donna Caritea, trag. ined.; II pittore naturalista, comm. del barone O. Ghemingher, trad, dal Tedeseo; Sindam e Beltram, dramma del signor Avelloni ; Lo speziale burlato, farsa, trad, dal Francese. XL. Camilla, trag. ined. di A. L. U. ; Irene e Federico, comm. tratta dal Tedeseo da M. Rochon de Chabannes; II figlio natu- rale, o sia la prova della virtu, dramma del signor Diderot ; La Tarantola, farsa. XLI. Demctrio, trag. del coute A. Varano di Camerino; II padre di famig- lia, comm. del signor Diderot, trad, del signer Mich- ele Bocchini; Ladislao, fisedia di A. Pepoli ; Gli orig- inal!, farsa di M. Fagan, trad. ined. di A. R. F. A. P. A. XLII. Mastino primo dalla Scala, trag. iued.; L'impcusato accidente, comm. del signor Domenico Bassi ; Olindo e Sofronia, dramma del sLnor Mer- cier, trad, da E. Caminer-Turra; II marito di quattro mogli, farsa inccl. di A. S. Sografl. XLIII. Arato, trag. ined.; Giulio Villenwelt assassino, comm. del signor F. A. Avclloni ; La principessa fllosofa, dram- ma del conte C. Gozzi ; La viltoria, farsa ined. XLIV. Alzira, trag. di Voltaire, trad, dal conte ab. M. Frauzoia ; II misantropo, comin. di Moliere, trad, dall' ab. P. Bordoni ; Clarice, dramma di I. A. P. tradotto da E. Caminer-Turra ; Le donne di Roc- cavcrde, farsa. XLV. La morte d'Adamo, trag. del signor Klopstock, trad, dal conte G. Gozzi ; La fa- miglia proscritta, comm. ined. del conte G. M. Paso- liui ; n finto medico notturno, dramma di F. Casari ; II cieco, farsa ined. del Pietro Vettor Corner ; Lo sposalizio di Giannina, farsa del D. F. L. XL VI. Galeotto Manfredi principn di Faenza, trag. di V. Monti; Verier, comm. ined. del signor A. S. Sografi ; U saggio ministro di corte, dramma ined. del. signor N. N. ; L'Abboccamento, farsa del signor VigC-c, trad. ined. di S. B. XLVII. Must il.> e Z.inghirc, trag. del signor de Chamfort, tradottada Vincenzo Jaco- bacci ; La Zingana, comm. di Bernardo Garcia ; Sci- pione in Africa, dramma ined. di A. M. Cuccctti; Le consulto ridicole, farsa. XLVI1I. II salto di Leu- cade, trag. ined. ; L'incostanza punita, comm. del Bignor Greppi ; L'amor filiale, dramma del signor Fenonillot di Falbaire, trad, da E. Caminer-Turra; Le false ineostanze, farsa del signor Moissy, trad. ined. di Fabio Gritti. XUX. Zaira, trag. di Voltaire, tnid. dal signor G. B. Richer! ; Federico e Carlotta, comm. ined. trad, dal Tedeseo; Zelimo e Zulmira, dramma ined. di G. B. Zinelli ; La bottcga del chin- ca^liere, farsa del signor Dcdslcy, tradotta da E. Caminer-Turra. L. Zorami, trag. ined.; II cappello parlante, comm. del signor Camillo Federici ; Li due fratelli militari, dramma ined.; Laiiotte, farsa di F. Albergati-Capacelli. LI. Orazio, trag. ined. del conte G. Kreglianovich ; L'amore ridicolo, comm.; II sud- dito fedele, dramma ined. del signor G. Foppa ; U ripiego, farsa inedita di N. N. LII. Orazio, trag. di P. Cornelio, trad, dall' ab. P. Bordoni ; La moglie tradita, comm. ined. ; Eugenio, dramma ined. ; Le nozze in Latino, farsa ined. del signer A. S. Sografi. LIII. Aggrippina, trag. ined.; Natalia, comm. del signor Mercier trad, da E. Caminer-Turra; La madre colpevolc, dramma del signor G. de Gamcra; L'amor platonico, farsa ined. del signor A. S. Sografi. L1V. L'Augc, trag. dal signor F. Trenta ; I contrattcmpi nottmni, comm. ined. di autore anonimo ; II tradi- mento notturno, dramma ined. del P. Vettor Corner; I difetti supposti, farsa di monsieur Sarcy, trad, dal Francese. LV. Gli cpitidi, trag. del signor Agostino Paradtsi ; L'Alfiere, comm. ined. del signor Tassani; L'abatcdeL'Epee, dramma di G.N. Bouilly, trad, dal Francese da G. Bernardoni ; II conte Villano, farsa del signor D. F. L. LVI. L'Elena grcca, trag. ined. di L. G. Vinelli ; Raoul di Vitri, comm. del TEATRO 768 TEMPERANCE Shelf. No TEATRO moderno, etc. continued. signer C. Federici ; Pirro c Polissena, dramma ined. di A. M. Cuccctti; 11 figlio riconosccnte, farsa del sig- nor Enri ], tr.id.dal Tcdesco dalla eignora E. Cami- ncr- I'urra. LVI1. Antigone, tra?. del contc V. Ali- en; I ciarlatani per mestiere, comm. di F. Albergati- Capacclli ; Giannotto e C'olino, dramma ined. ; I matrimonj per consiglio, farsa di vendetta. LVIIL Ariarato, trag. di A. Carli ; Juried in Londra, comm. ined. del signer A. S. Sografi; La vergine del sole, dramma dell' ab. A. Willi ; II raro esempio, farsa ined. LJX. Mchemet II. trag. ined. del Francesco Balbi ; L'impegno della vera amieizia, comm. del signor D. Bassi; Scomburga, dramma ined. di B. Su- piei ; Biagio c Barbaretta, farsa del signor Monvel, trad. ined. di G. Piazza. LX. Costantino U grande, trag. ined. del signor Giotti ; Awiso nlle maritate, comm. del signer C. Federiei; I scpolti vivi, dramma inecl. di N. N. ; La scrata di mo la, farsa del signer Poinsinet, trad. ined. di G. L. Frattorini. LXL In- dice. TEATRO scelto italiano antico e moderno. Mi- lano, 1822-24. 33v. 32 *4779 a. 6 Contents. Vol. I. Tasso, T., Aminta, favnla bos- chereccia. II. Guarini, B., II pastor fldo. III. Maf- fei, S., La Merope ; Martello, P. J., Femia. IV.-X. Alfleri, V., Tragedie : 4. Filippo ; Polinice. 5. An- tigone ; Virginia; Agamennonc. 6. Oreste ; Ros- mundii ; Ottavia. 7. Tituolfone ; Merope ; Maria Stunrda. 8. La oonpiura do'Pazzi; Don Garzia; Saul, y. AgiJo; Sofonisba; Bruto primo. 10. Mirra; Bruto sccondo ; Alceste. XI.- XII. Monti, V., Tragedic : 11. Aristodcmo. 12. C:ijo Gracco ; Galeotto Man- fredi. X1II.-XXVI. Mctastasio, P., Opore drama- tielie: 13. Artascrse; Adrinno; Auguriodi felicita. 14. Demetrio ; Olinipiadc ; II natal di Giove ; L'Isola dUabituta. 15. Isiipile ; Ezio ; n vero omaggio ; L'Amor prigioniero ; II Ciclope ; ]>a ritrosia disar- mata ; La pace I'm la virtu e la bcllezza. 10. Didone abbaudonata; Laclumcnzadi Tito; Le grazic vcndi- catc ; II sogno ; La contesa de' Numi. 1". Siroe ; Catonein Utica; II Palladio conservato ; II Parnaso accusato e difoso. 13. Demofuonte ; Alessaudro nell* Indie; Astrea placati; AlciJe al bivio. 19. Achillc in Sciro; Ciroriconosciuto; Egeria; II Parnaso c mfuso; II tnonfo d'amore. 20. Tcmistocle ; Zcnobia ; Par- tenope. 21. Ipermcstra ; Antigono ; L'Endimione i L' Angelica. 22. Scmiramide ; II re pastore ; L'Ato- naide ; L'asilo d'aiimrc : La dauza. -\. Attilio Re- golo; Nitteti ; La corona ; Gli orii Espcridi. 24. Ro- molo ed Irsilia ; II Ruggiero ; II sogno di Scipione ; L'apc ; La g.ira ; Tributo di rispetto c d'amore ; La rispettosa tencrezza; La pace fra le tre d^e. 2.1. L'eroe cincse; lltrionfodi Clelia; Le Cinesi; II tempio dell 1 eternita , La Galatea. 2G. Por la festivita del S. Nutale ; La passione di Gesii Cristo; Sant' Elena al Calvario; La morted'Abcle; Giuseppe riconosciuto; Betulia libarata; Gioag le di Giuda ; Isacco, figara del RaJentore. XXVII. Pindeuonte, I., Arminio ; NiccoHui, G. B., Polisscna. XXVIII. Varano, A., Giovanni di Giscala ; Conti, A., Giulio Cosare. XXIX. Bettinelli, S., Serse ; Scevola, L., Erode. XXX. Piudemoute.G., I baccanali; Valle, C. della, Medea. XXXI. Granelli, G., Sedecia ; Dione. XXXII. Zeno, A., Andromaca ; Nitocri ; Ezechia ; Daniello. XXXIII. Casti, G., Melodrammi giocosi ; La grotta di Trofonio ; II re Teodoro in Veuezia; Pi iraa la musica c poi le parole. TEBALDUCCI, L. G. See Malespini, L. G. T. TECHEXEK, J. Bulletin du bibliophile. Ser. 2-14. Paris, 1&30-59. 24v. 8 *2147.1 TECHJfOLOGY. JJigelow, J. Elemeutsof . . . .E. 214.1 Crabb, G. Universal techn. dictionary . . 4032.1 Delaunay, C. Bibliotheque polytechnique . 3945.9 Engelmann, W. Bibliotheca mechanico-tcch- nologica 2172.5 Francoeur, L. B. Dictionnaire technologique. 4035.1 - Elements de technologie 4034.2 Laboulaye, C. P. Lefebvre. Encyclop^die technologique 4031.3,4 Polytechnische Blicher-kunde 2172.9 Prechtl,J. J. Technologische Encyklopadie. 4036.1 Sehubarth, E. L. Repertorium der teehnis- chen Literatur 3981.1 See also : Mechanic arts, Trades, Useful arts. TEDALDI-FORES, C. I cavalli. [Raccolta di poem- etti didascalici, v.12] 4779.8 TEDESCIII, N. De numismatum origine. [Opus- colidiautori siciliani, v.3] 4764.1 Shelf. No. TEESDALE, Glossary of provincial words used in 2586.12 TEETH. Brockway, J. Causes of the decay of M.Pph.v.23 Clark, A. Directions for preserving the . . 3803.^9 Fox, J. Natural history and diseases of the. 3800.15 Hitchcock, D. K. Preservation of the . . . 3805.34 James, B. Management of the 3805.31 Jourdain, A. L. B. B. Essai sur la forma- tion des dents 3805.35 Koecker, L. Treatment of denuded nerves of the M.Pph.v.9 Leuckart, F. S. Zwischenkieferbein dcs Menschen 3800.17 Lintott, W. Structure, etc. of the 3805.33 Nasmyth, A. Development, structure, and diseases of the 3805.30 Owen, K. Comparative anatomy of the . . 3885. 1 Skinner, R. C. Treatise on the . . . .M.Pph.v.10 Sec also : Dentistry, Gumi. TEFFT, B. F. Daniel Webster ; his life and char- acter. Rochester, 1852. 8 *Pph.v.264 TEGNER, E. The Frithi of Saga : a Scandinavian romance. London, 1855. 18 2903.26 TEGRIMO, N. VitaCastruccii Antelminelli, Lucen- sis ducis. [Muratori. Rcrum Ital. script. v.ll] 2710.1 TEHUANTEPEC. Liot, \V. B. Considerations upon communication between the Atlantic and Pacific at the isthmus of 2314.20 Williams, J. J. Isthmus of 2314.23 TEIGNMOUTH, lord. See Shore, Sir J. TELECLIDES. See Poetarum com. Graec. fragm. 3002.14 TELEGRAPH. Blavier, E. E. Cours de telegraphic elcctrique 3965.11 Davis, D. Book of the telegraph 3902.29 French, B. B. Case in equity. French vs. Rogers 3962.6 Jones, A. Sketch of the electric telegraph . 3902.10 Moigno, F. N. M. Traite de telegraphic elec- trique 3962.33 Keynold-Chauvancy, C. de. Telegraphic nautique 3952.20 Smith, F. O. J. Electric telegraph 39G2.5 Walker, C. V. Nouveau manuel de la tele- graphic electrique 3965.12 TELEKI, L. De 1' intervention russc, 2me feuille. Paris, 1819. pp.44. 8" 2827.6 TELEM.YCHUS. Aventures de Telemaque. Fond- Ion, F. S. dcLaM 4679a.22 TELEM.VXN, G. P. Nachricht von dem Intervallen- Systemvon. See Sorge, G. A 4049.49 TELEPIIUS Pergamenus. Fragm. hist. Graec. v.3. 3002.11 TELESCOPES erected by the earl of Rosse. Woods, T 3929.1 TELESPHORUS, pope. Epistola. [Migne. Patro- logia Graeca, v.5] 3490.3 TELFORD, T. Life of Telford, by himself. Ed. byJ. Rickman. Lond. 1838. 4. Atlas, f.*4011. 12 TELL, William. Florian, J. P. C. de. Guillaume Tell, ou la Suisse libre 2650.30 Schiller, J. C. F. v. William Tell, [translated] by William Peter 2889.7 TELOMONIUS Ornatomontanus. Descriptio belli inter Henricos juniorem et eeniorem duces Brunsv. et Luneburg. [Leibnitz. Script. rerum Brunsvic. v.2J 2310. 3 TEMANZA, T. Degli scamilli impari di Vitruvio. [Raccolta cli opuseoli scientific!, ecc. v.3]. 5274.1 TEMPERANCE. Essay on temperance by Gen. S. New York, 1S3S5. 8 *Pph.v.95 TEMPERANCE text-book. Sd ed. Philadelphia, 1837. 18 ' 3576.29 TEMPERANCE. Baird, R. Histoire des eocietes de temperance des Etats-Unis 3576.12 Breckinridge, W. L. Bible doctrine of . Pph.v.226 Bromley, J. Consistency of teetotalism with Scripture Pph.v.226 Buckingham, J. S. History and progress of. 3576.2 Channing, W. E. Address on 3576.5 TEMPERANCE 769 TERNAUX-COMPANS Shelf. No. TEMPERANCE, continued. Dclavan, E. C. Correspondence with W. B. Sprague Pph.v.97 De Witt, W. R. Discussion on the order of the sons of temperance Pph.v.26 Edwards, J. Temperance manual 3570.27 Five lessons for young men 3570.20 Grindrod, R. B. Bacchus 3576.9 Hitchcock, E. Essay on E.224.9 Hopkins, S. M. Principles of right reasoning 1 applied to Pph.v.97 Investigation of the fifteen gallon law . . . 3570.1 Jewett, C. Speeches, poems, etc. on .... 357C.7 Mussey, R. D. Prize essays on E. 219. 33 Nott, E. Lectures on 357G.8 Parsons, B. Anti-Bacchus Pph.v.123 Stuart, M. Scriptural view of the wine-ques- tioii Pph.v.lGl Waterhouse, B. Use of ardent spirits . M.Pph.v. 59 When will the day come? See Massachu- setts temperance society . . 3570.0 Tatcs, J. Effects of intoxicating liquors . Pph.v.48 See also : Alcoholic drinks, American temperance society, Intemperance, Bum. TEMPESTI, C. Vita e geste di Sisto quinto, sommo pontefice. Roma, 1754. 2v. 4 *3552.G TEMPLARS. See Knights templars. TEMPLE, G. Grenville Nugent. Description of the house and gardens of the marquis of Buck- ingham. SeeStowe 2493.9 TEMPLE, II. J. Secretaryship of lord Palmerston. See Macknight, T 2524.2 TEMPLE, J. H. Early ecclesiastical history of Whately. Northampton, 1819. pp.40. 8. 3544.11 TEMPLE, R. Grenville, earl Temple. Correspond- ence of. See Grenville papers 2524.3 TEMPLE, SirW. Works, with life. London, 1814. 4v. 8 *2604.2 Contends. Vol. I. Life; Essay on the original and nature of government ; Observations upon the United provinces of the Netherlands ; Letters by Temple and other ministers, containing an account of transactions from 1065-72. II. Sequel of the auth- or's letters, to supply the loss of the first part of his memoirs ; Survey of the empire, Sweden, Den- mark, Spain, Ilolland, France, and Flanders, 1671 ; Letter to the duke of Ormond, Oct. 1673 ; Memoirs of what passed from 1872-79 ; Memoirs from 1G79 to his retirement from public business. III. Ad- vancement of trade in Ireland ; Essay of popular discontents; Introduction to the history of England ; Essays : Gardening ; Cure of the gout by moxa ; Health and long life ; Heroic virtue ; Poetry ; Ancient and modern learning ; To the countess of Essex on excesses of grief; Different conditions of life and fortune ; Heads of an essay on conversation; Poems and translations. IV. Letters to the king, the prince of Orange , etc. ; Index. Memoires, 1073-79. [Michaud. Coll. mem. hist. France. Ser. 3, v.8] 2611.1 Same. [Pctitot. Coll. me'm. hist. France. Ser. 2] v.04 of 2615.1 Memoirs. See Courtenay, T. P 2446.11 TEMPLES, Ancient and modern. Bardwell, W. . 4092.11 TENANT'S law, concerning landlords, etc. 9th ed. [London,] 1720. 12 3634.19 TENCH, W. Account of the settlement at Port Jackson in New South Wales. London, 1793. 4 3040.11 Letters written in France, 1794-95. London, 1796. 8 4656.11 TENCIN, C. A. G. de. CEuvres completes. See La- fayette, M. M. P. de laV.de 2G05.1 TENEUIFFE. Smyth, C. P. An astronomer's ex- periment 3057.4 Wilde, W. R. Voyage to 2274.4 TENEKIFFK astronomical experiment, Report on the. See London. Royal society 3920.37 TENNANT, W. Anster fair, with other poems. 4th ed. London, 1821. 18 2549.30 TENNEMANN, W. G. Grundriss der Geschichte der Philosophic. 5te Ausg. Leipzig, 1829. 8. 3582.2 Shelf. No. TENNENT, G., Sermon occasioned by the death of. Finley, S 3455.26 TENNENT, J. E. Treatise on copyright of designs, with notices of the state of calico printing. London, 1841. 12 3666.28 TENNENT, W. M., Address delivered at the fu- neral of. Green, A Pph.v.4 TENNESSEE, Annals of. Ramsey, J. G. M. . . . 2377.1 TENORIO von Sevilla, Don Juan. [Scheible. Das Kloster, v.3] 2889.1 TENTERDEN, lord. See Abbott, C. TENTORI, C. Document! diplomatic! della cadu- tadiVenezia. Firenze, 1800. 2v. 4 ... *2722.1 TERALDUS. Epistola ad Guidonem. [Migne. Pa- trologiae v.138] 3460.17 TERCEIRA. Chaste's voyage to Tcrcera. [Pink- erton. Voyages, v.l] 2260.13 TERENTIUS Afer, P. Comcediae sex, interp. et notis illustravit N. Camvs. Londini, 1709. 8. . . 2946.6 - Same. Curavit A. H. Westerhovius. Ha- gae Comitum, 1720. 2v. 4 *2943.1 Contends. Vol. I. Andria ; Eunuchus ; Heauton- timorumenos; Adelphi. II. Hecyra; Phormio; Eu- graphii commentarius in fabulas Lindcnbruchii ob- servationes; Addenda ad comm. ; Indices. - Same. Interpr. et notis illustr. N. Camus. Londini, 1758. 8 *2946.1 - Same. [Ed.] I. C. Zevnivs. Lipsiae, 1774. 2v. 8 2946.5 Contents. Vol. I. Andria ; Evnvchvs ; Heavtonti- morvmenos. II. Adelphi; Hecyra; Phorraio. - Same. Illustr. J. Juvencius. Parisiis,1805. 12 2946.7 - Same. [Ed.] N. E. Lemaire. Parisiis,1827- 28. 2v. 8. [Lemaire. Biblioth. class. Lat. 105, 106] *2914.10 Note: In this and the following edition the plays are arranged as in the table last given. - Same. Ed. G. Stallbaum. Lipsiae, 1831. 6v. in 2. 8 2946.1 L' Affaunatore. [Parnaso de' poeti classici d' ogninazione, v.21] 2769.1 L' Andria ; L'Eunuco ; L'Aspreggia se stesso ; Gli Adelfi ; Formione ; L'Ecira, trad, iu ital. See Alticri, V v.3 of 2775.6 Machiavclli, N. L'Andria tradotta in tos- cano v.7 of 2805.1 Ricci,A. M. Calligrafia Terenziana .... 2939.16 Hitachi, F. Parergon Terentianorum . . . . 2938.10 TERESA. Letters of Saint Teresa, transl. by Rev. J. Dalton. Vol.1. London, 1853. 8 . . . 3445.15 TERMANINI, G. See Opuscoli scientific! 3911.5 Contents. Vol. I. Mcmoria della flgura, ampiezza, altezza, situazione, ed assc della cavita della pelvi. III. Della situazione del fcto nell' utcro. TERMES, Les, de la ley, or difficult words of the lawes expounded. [New ed.] Lond. 1G41. 8.*3G34.20 TERMEYER, R. M. de. Espcrienze, e riflessioni sulla torpedine. [Raccolta di opuscoli gci- entifici, ecc. v.4] 5274.1 TERNAUX-COMPANS, H. Bibliothcquc americaine, jusqu' a 1'an 1700. Paris, 1837. 8 .... *2152.11 Bibliotheque asiatique ct africainc, jusqu'en 1700. Paris, 1841. 8 *2151.5 Voyages, relations, et memoires, pour servir a 1'histoire de la decouverte de l'Am<5rique. Paris, 1837-40. ISp.inllv. 8 *231C.l Contents. Vol. I. Federmann, N., Narration du pre- mier voyage, 1557 ; Magallianes de Gandavo, P. dc, Histoire de la province de Sancta-Cruz, 1576. II. Ov- iedo y ValdC-s, G. F. de, Hist, du Nicaragua. III. Zu- rita, A. de. Rapport sur les differentcs classes de chefs de la Nouvelle-Espagnc, inedit. IV. Schmidel.U., His- toire veritable d'un voyage curieux, 1599 ; Cabeffa de Vaca, A. N., Commentaires du gouverneur du Bio de la Plata. V. Staden, II., Histoire d'un pays situe dans le nouveau monde, iiomme Amerique, 1557; Xtres, F. de, Relation veridique de la con- que'te du Perou, et de la province de Cuzeo, nomme Nouvelle-Castille, 1547. VI. Castancda do Nagera, P. de., Relation du voyage de Cibola, 1540, ined. ; Recueil de pieces relatives a la conquete du Mexique. VII. Cabefia do Vaca, A. N., Relations et TERNAUX-COMPANS 770 THACHER Shelf. No. TERNAUX-COMPANS, H. continued. naufrages, 155,5 ; Ixtlilxochitl, F. d'Alva, Crnautes horribles dcs conqucrants -12 ; Asganii Sassonii, pp. 17-23 ; De imperio Ommiadarum, etc., pp. 23-48. THIBAUD de Marly. Vers sur la mort. Paris, n.d. pp.58. 8. [Crapelet collection] . . *2671.12 THIBAUDEAU, A. C. Le consulat et 1'empire, ou histoire de la France, 1790-1815. Paris, 1834, 35. lOv. 8 *4647.2 Histoire des etats generaux et des institu- tions representatives en France, jusqu'a 17S9. Paris, 1843. 2v. 8 2033.3 Memoires sur la convention ct le directoire. Paris, 1824. 2v. 8. [Bervillc and Barriere. Mem. rel. a la rdv. francaise, 39,40] .... *4G45.25 - Same. 2e ed. Paris, 1827. 2v. 8" ... 40i7.7 THIBAUT, B. F. T. Grundriss der reinen Math- ematik. Gottingen, 1831. 8 3915.16 THIBERT de la Scurre, F. Anatomic pathologique. Premiere partie. Paris, 1839. 8 .... 3741.18 THIBET. Goez, B. Travels from Labor to China, KVS2. [Pinkerton. Voyages, v.7] 2260.13 Turner, S. Embassy to 3041.6 THIEBAULT, D. Frederie-le-Grand, ou mes souve- nirs de vingt ans de sejour a Berlin. 4e cd. publ. par son fils le baron Thiubault. Paris, 1820. 5v. 8 *2852.8 THIENEMAXX, F. A. L. Einhundcrt Tafeln col- orirter Abbildungen von Vogeleiern. [Dres- den], 1856. 4 *3901.3 and Brehm, L. Vogel Europa's mit Abbil- dung der Eier. Leipzig, 1825-38. 4 ... *3902.4 TniEERi, abbot of St. Hubert. Epistola ad Leo- dienses. [Migne. Patrologiaj v.154] . . . 3400.31 THIEKRI, monk of S. Oiien, Rouen. Fragmenta vitae mctricae S. Audoeni. [Migne. Patrolo- giaev.150] 3400.28 THIEKIIV, A. L. D. Histoire d'Attila et de ses suc- cesseurs. Paris, 1856. 2v. 8 2817.2 THIERRY, J. N. A. CEuvres completes. Paris, 1851-53. 5v. 8 *4662.2 Contents. Vol. I.-II. Histoirc de la conquete de 1'Angleterre par les Normands, de ses causes et de ses suites jusqu'a nos jours, en Angleterrc, enEcosse, en Irlande et sur le continent. III. Lettres sur 1'histoire de France ; Dix ans d'etudes historiques. IV. Re- cits des temps merovingiens precedes de considera- tions sur I'histoire de France. V. Essai sur 1'liis- toire de la formation et des progres du ticrs-etat euivl de deux fragments de cette histoire ; Premier fragment : Tableau de 1'ancienne France muuici- pale ; Second fragment : Monographie de la consti- tution communale d' Amiens. Dix ans d'etudes bist. 9e dd. Paris, 1850. 8 . 4002.17 Histoire de la conquete de 1'Angleterre par les Normands. Paris, 1825. 3v. 8 .... 2419.3 Narratives of the Merovingian era. Transl. from the last Paris cd. London, n.d. 8. 4662.1 Recucil des monuments du tiers-etat. Amiens. Paris, 1850-53. 2v. 4. [France. Coll. de doc. inedits. Ire ser. 41, 42] *2620.7 THIERRY 776 THOMPSON Shelf. No. THIERRY dc Menonvillc, N. J. Travels to Guax- ae, in Mexico. [I'hikerton. Voy. v.13] . 2260.13 THIEKS, L. A. Discours ; Droit an travail ; Papier- monnaic; Kemplaccmcnt militairc. Paris, 1848. 8" 3506.19 Histoire de Law. Paris, 1858. 12 4607.13 Histoire du consulat ct de 1'empire. Paris, 1M5-50. 13v. 8 *4647.4 Histoirc dc la revolution francaise. 12c dd. Paris, 1845. lOv. 8 *4646.3 History of the French revolution, transl. by F. Slioberl. 3d Amer. ed. Philadelphia, 1844. 4v. in 2. 8 4648.3 Dc la propriety, fid. popul. Paris, 1848. 12. 3560.29 THIERSCH, F. W. Greek grammar, transl. by D. K. Sandfonl. Edinburgh, 1830. 8 .... 2984.9 Gricchische Grammatik. 3te Ausg. Leipzig, 1826. 8 2984.8 TIIIETMAU. Chronicon. [Migne.Patrolog-iaer.139]. 3460.18 TuiETi'Ai.n. Epistola. [Migne.Patrologia3V.139]. 3460.18 Tmmi-HONE, Injuries of the. Bell, C 3740.2 THINGOE hundred. Suffolk, History and anti- quities of. Gage.J 2501.8 THINKING. Gerando, J. M. de. L'art de penser. 3606.4 Orsi, G. G. Considerazioni sopra lamanicra di ben pensare 3590.7 THIOFKID, or Theofroi. Vita ; Flores epitaphii Banctorum ; Sermones duo. [Migne. Patro- logiae v.157] 3460.34 TIIIRLWALL, C. History of Greece. New York, 1845. 2v. 8 3072.2 - Same. [Newed.] Lond. [1839-47]. 8v. 16". [Lardner. Cabinet cyclopaedia] *3079.1 THIRTY-NINE articles, The. Gorle, J. Examina- tion questions on Browne's exposition of. 3452.26 Rogers, T. Exposition of 3503.4 Wix, S. Scripture illustrations of 3452.14 THIRTY years' war. See Germany. TiiOLUCiv, F. A. D. Dissertation : Calvin as an In- terpreter of the Holy Scriptures. [Calvin. Commentaries on Joshua] 5494.5 THOM, A. [Irish] almanac and official directory for 1858. Dublin, 1858. 8 2486.3 THOM, D. Dialogues on universal salvation. Lon- don, 1838. 8 3453.1 Divine inversion, or the character of God op- posed to the character of man. London, 1842. 8" 3456.2 Exhibitions of man's enmity to God. Lon- don, 1845. 8 3456.5 Three questions answered, concerning The life forfeited by Adam, The resurrection of the dead, and eternal punishment. 3d ed. London, 184'.). 16 3453.35 THOMAS, archdeacon of Spalatro. Historia Salo- nitanorum pontificum atque Spalatensium. [Schwamltner. Script, rerum Hungaric.v.3]. 2810.2 THOMAS, bp. of York. Epistolae ad Lanfrancum. [Migne. Patrologiae v.150] 3460.32 Epitaphium Guillclmi regis. [Migne. Patro- logiaev.149] 3460.28 THOMAS, Cistercian monk. Commentarium in Can- tica canticorum. [Migne. Patrol, v.206] . 3470.28 THOMAS a Docket. See Becket, T. a. THOMAS a Keinpis, or Thomas Hammerlein, of Kempen. See Kempis, T. ii. THOMAS de Eccleston. De adventu fratrum mino- rum in Angliam. See Monumenta Francis- cana 2414.8 THOMAS de Rartolio. Vita Petri abbatis Claraeval- lis. [Migne. Patrologiae v.209] ... . v.2 of 3470.30 THOMAS, of Elraham. Historia monasterii S. Au- gustini Cantuariensis. Ed. by C. Hardwick. London, 1858. 8. [Great Britain. Rolls chronicles] *2414.7 De Henrico V. [Cole. Memorialsof Henry V]. 2414.11 THOMAS, of Reading, or the six worthie yeomen of the west. The sixth time corrected by T. D[eloney]. London, 1632. Reprinted, Ed- inburgh, n. d. 4 *2603.10 Shelf. No. THOMAS Aquinas, St. See Guillon, M. N. S. Bil>- liotheque dcs peres . . v.:U of 31W.30, v.'ij of 3509.1 THOMAS Miigister. Oratio dc regis officiis ; Ora- tio alia de subditorum crga regem officiis. [Mai. Script, vet. nova coll. v.3] 3000.1 THOMAS, A. L. CEuvres completes. Notice par Garat. Paris, 1822. 6v. 1.8 *2701.1 Contents. Vol. I, II. Essai sur lea Stages. H. Elogcs : Marc-Aurele, LOU'IR le dauphin, Maurice de Baxe. III. Eloges : Duguay-Trouin, Due de Sully, d'Aguesseau, Descartes ; Lcttrc de Voltaire 4 1'autcur de 1'eloge de Descartes ; A la mcmoire de Mme. Geoffrin ; Anecdotes sur le caractcre de Mmc. Geoffrin ; Relation de la captivite du grand Frederic dans les prisons de Custrin, et du supplice du jcunc Katt, son favor!. IV. Essai sur le caractcre, lea mccurs, ct 1'esprit des femmes, dans leg different* sieclcs ; Memoirc sur les causes des tremblcments da terre ; Discours prononce a 1'academie franffaise ; Reponse; Discours a la reception de I'archcvequc de Toulouse i Traiti de lalangue pot-tique ; Reflexions philosophiquea ct litteraires sur le poeme de la reli- gion naturcllc; Sur la mere jalonge, comedic de Bar- tlie; Reflexions sur la mere jalouse ; Sur leg contes orientaux de mademoiselle Monnct. V. Jumonville, poeme en quatre chants ; Le czar Pierre ler, poeme en quatre chants ; Fragments et variantes ; Odes I Traduction de la satire xe de Juvenal, sur les vccux dea homines. VI. Epltres ; Poesies diverges ; In- scriptions ; Correspondance. Essay on the character of women, transl. by Mrs. Kindcrsley. With two original essays. London, 1781. 24' 3574.34 THOMAS, D. Address before the Aurora horticul- tural society. Auburn, [1845]. 8. . . *Pph.v.l49 THOMAS, F. S. Ancient exchequer of England, the treasury, etc. London, 1848. 8 . . . . 2511.18 THOMAS, F. W. The beechen tree : a tale in rhyme. New York, 1844. pp.95. 12" 2398.18 THOMAS, Gabriel. Historical and geographical account of the province and country of Pennsylvania, and of Wcst-Xew-Jersey. London, KVJS. [ Hi-printed, X. Y. 1848.] 8.*2372.7, 8 THOMAS, George, Military memoirs of. See Francklin.W 3042.2 THOMAS, George M. Entdeckungs-Geschichte Amerikas. See Kunstmann, F 23. M.I THOMAS, Isaiah. History of printing in America, with an account of newspapers. Worces- ter, 1810. 2v. 8 *2113.2 THOMAS, John. Chronic affections of the diges- tive organs, etc. Remarks on mineral baths, waters, etc. Cheltenham, 1820. 8 . *M.Pph.v.83 THOMAS, John A. International law. Argument for the settlement of claims between the United States and Great Britain. London, 1854. pp.36. 8 3616.8 THOMAS, P. E. Histoire des ateliers nationaux. Paris, 1848. 12 4652.28 THOMAS, Robert. Modern practice of physic. 2d American edition. New York, 1813. 8. . 3792.13 - Same. 3d ed. London, 1809. 8 3792.12 THOMAS, Robert B. The farmer's almanack for 1840. Boston, 1839. pp.48. 12 2389.8 THOMAS, T. F. Harvest time : a sermon. Ips- wich, 1847. 8 *Pph.y.250 THOMAS, W. Survey of the cathedral church of Worcester. London, 1737. 4" *2502.15 THOMAS du Fosse', P. Memoires du sieur de Pon- tis. [Michaud. Coll. mem. hist. France. Ser. 2, v.6] 2611.1 - Same. [Petitot. Coll. mem. hist. France. Ser. 2] v.31, 32 of 2615.1 THOMASCIK. Grundziige einer allgemein er- ziehenden Volksgesangbildungs-Ordnung. Berlin, 1849. 8 4055.42 THOMASIUUS, J. P. See Tommasini, J. P. TIIOMASIUS, F. See Tommasi, F. THOME, J. A., and Kimball, J. H. Emancipation in the W. I. : a tour in 1837. N. Y. 1838. 12. 3573.24 THOMPSON, Abraham G. Remarks relative to the auction business, duties, etc., and the New York and Albany railroad. N.Y.1844. 12.*Pph. v.231 THOMPSON 777 THORESBY Shelf. No THOMPSON, Alexander, Address at the funeral of. See Ferris, I Pph.v.22^ THOMPSON, Beilby. Letter to B. Thompson, on the navy estimates. By Hercator. London, 1834. 8 *Pph.v.31 THOMPSON, Benjamin, count of Rumford. Con- struction of kitchen fire-places. [No title- page.] pp.94. 8 4006.1 Essays political, economical, and philosoph- ical. 1st American from 3d London edition. Boston, 1798. 2v in 3. 8 *3967.1 Contents. Vol. I. Public establishment for the poor in Bavaria ; Fundamental principles of estab- lishments for the poor ; Of food, and feeding the poor ; Of chimney fire-places ; Account of the mili- tary academy at Munich, and several public institu- tions in Bavaria; Means to improve the breed of horses and horned cattle in Bavaria; Measures forput- ting an end to usury; Appendices. H. Of the man- agement of fire and economy of fuel. III. Of the propagation of heat in fluids ; Of the propagation of heat in various substances ; Inquiry into the source of heat excited by friction. - Same. 1st American, from 3d London edition. Boston, 1798-99. 2v. 8 . . . **E.212.10 - Same. 5th ed. London, 1800. 2v. 8. . 3903.10 THOMPSON, D. P. Address before the Vermont historical society. Burlington, 1850. 8.*Pph.v.l92 THOMPSON, E. P. Passions of animals. London, 1851. 8 3887.13 THOMPSON, George, and Breckinridge, E. J. Dis- cussion on Amer. slavery. Bost. 1836. 8.*Pph.v. THOMPSON, George A. Official visit to Guatemala. London, 1829. 12 2314.14 THOMPSON, J. W. Discourse at his ordination in Natick. See Young, A Pph.v.257 THOMPSON, P. Collections for an account of Bos- ton and the hundred of Skirbeck, county of Lincoln, [Eng.] London, 1820. 8 .... 2493.2 History and antiquities of Boston, [Eng.] Boston, 1856. 1.4 *2450.3 THOMPSON, Theophilus. Annals of influenza in Great Britain, 1510-1827. London, 1852. 8. [Sydenham society] 3724.6 Lectures on pulmonary consumption. Lon- don, 1854. 8" 3794.9 THOMPSON, Thomas P. Article on the instrument of exchange. Republished from the West- minster review. London, 1830. 8. . . *Pph.v.87 Catechism on the corn laws. 6th ed. Lon- don, 1829. 8 *Pph.v.87 The true theory of rent, in opposition to Ri- cardo. 9th cd. London, 1832. 8 .... *Pph.v.87 THOMPSON, William, 6. about 1700. Poems and life. [Chalmers. English poets] . . v.15 of 2592.7 THOMPSON, William, esq. Natural history of Ire- land. London, 1849-56. 4v. 8 3825.3 THOMPSON, Z. Natural history of Vermont : an address. Burlington, 1850. 8" *Pph.v.l94 THOMPSON. Illustrations of Shakspeare, in 230 engravings. Philadelphia, 1830. 8 . . *Pph.v.233 THOMS, William J. Collection of early prose ro- mances. London, 1827-28. 3v. 12 .... 2538.12 Contents. Vol. I. LyfeofKobertthe deuyll; Thom- as of Reading; History of frier Bacon ; Historic of frier Rush. II. Lyfe of Virgilius ; Robin Hood ; History of George a Green ; History of Tom a Lincolne. IH. Histjry of Uelyas ; History of Dr. John Faustus ; Second report of Dr. John Faustus. Folk-lore of Shakspeare. [Cut from the Ath- enaeum] 2595.4 THOMSON, Allen. Syllabus of lectures on physi- ology. Edinburgh, 1835. 8 *M.Pph.v.36 THOMSON, Anthony T. Conspectus of the phar- macopoeias of London, Edinburgh, and Dub- lin. London, 1810. 18 3786.24 Preparation and medicinal employment of the ioduret and hydriodate of iron. London, 1834. 8 *M.Pph.v.29 THOMSON, Mrs. Anthony T. Life of cardinal Wol- sey. See London. Society for the diffusion of useful knowledge. Lives E.212.8 _ Shelf. No. THOMSON, D. Lunar and horary tables, for ascer- taining the longitude. 6th ed. London, 1831. 8 **E.186.13 - Same. 8th ed. London, 1833. 8 . .**E.186.15 THOMSON, James, 6. 1700, d. 1748. Works. Lon- don, 1762. 4v. 12 2569.18 Contents. Vol. I. Spring ; Summer ; Autumn ; Winter; Hymn. II. Poem sacred to the memory of Sir Isaac Newton ; Britannia, a poem; Antient and modern Italy compared, being 1st part of Liberty, a poem; Greece, 2d part ; Rome, 3d part ; Britain, 4th part; The prospect, Stli part; Poem to the memory of lord Talbot ; The castle of indolence, an allegorical poem; Minor poems. III. Sophonisbn, a tragedy; Agamemnon, a tragedy; Alfred, a masque, by Mr. Thomson and Mr. Mallet. IV. Edward and Eleo- nora, a tragedy; Tancred and Sigismunda, a tragedy ; Coriolanus, a tragedy. Poems. London, 1779. 2v. 16. [Johnson. English poets] v. 48, 49 of 2589.3 Contents. Vol. I. Seasons; Castle of indolence. II. Britannia; Liberty: Part 1, Italy; 2, Greece; 3, Rome; 4, Britain; 5, The prospect; A poem in mem- ory of Sir Isaac Newton ; Occasional poems. Poems and life. [Chalmers. English poets.] v. 12 of 2592.7 Poem to the memory of William Congreve, with notes by P. Cunningham. Lond. 1843. pp.32, p. 8. [Percy soc. publ. v.9] . . . *2537.11 Life and writings of. See Erskine, D. S. . . 2457.10 Traduzione del 1'inno che termina i suoi poemi delle stagioni. [Calsabigi, v.2] . . 2794.28 Tancred and Sigismunda, trag. [Cumber- land. British drama, v.5] E.229.7 THOMSON, John, prof, of med., Edin. Remarks on the memorial of the town council of Edinburgh, respecting the professorship of medicine, etc. [Edinburgh. No title- Page.] 8 *M.Pph.v.3G Lectures on inflammation. Ediub. 1813. 8. 3793. 6 - Same. Philadelphia, 1817. 8 3798.5 THOMSON, John, botanic phyxician. Vindication of the Thomsonian system of the practice of medicine on botanical principles. Al- bany, 1825. 8 *3I.Pph.v.20 THOMSON, Richard. The book of life, a biblio- graphical melody. Lond. 1820. pp.3. 8. 2124.1 Essay on the magna charta of king John. London, 1829. 8" 2514.9 THOMSON, Robert D. British annual of science for 1&37-39. London, 1837-39. 3v. 24 . . 3939.20 THOMSON, S. Life and medical discoveries, writ- ten by himself. 2d ed. Boston, 1S25. 12. 3735.16 - Same. [With supplement.] 3d ed. Bos- ton, 1832. 12 3735. 17 Leben und mcdicinische Erfindungcn. He deutsche Ausg. Lancaster, Ohio, 1828. 12. 3735.18 New theory of medical practice. See Robin- son, J 3789.24,25 THOMSON, T. Chemistry of organic bodies. Vege- tables. London, 1838. 8 . 3972.4 Chemistry of inorganic bodies. 7th ed. Lon- don, 1831. 2v. 8 3972.5 Heat and electricity. 2d ed. Lond. 1840. 8. 390i>.l9 History of the royal society to [1800]. Lon- don, 1812. 4 *3260.6 System of chemistry. 2d ed. Edinburgh, 1804. 4v. 8 3972.6 [Remarks on the Edinburgh review of Dr. T.'s chemistry. No title-page.] 8. . . *Pph.v.26 THOPIA, S. Cauti nel sccolo xv; Poema alba- nese volto in Italiano per G. de Rada. Na- poli, 1843. 8 3075.15 THOKBURN, G. Sketches from the note-book of Laurie Todd. New York, 1847. 8 . . *Pph.v.l60 THORESBY, R. Diary [ 1677-1724.] Publ. by Rev. J. Hunter. London, 1&50. 2v. 8 .... 2457.5 Ducatus Leodiensis ; [and] Musaeum Thores- byanum. 2d ed. by Whitaker. Leeds, 1816. 2v. in 1. f *2490.3 Letters of eminent men [1679-1723]. Lon- don, 1832. 2v. 8 2457.4 TIIORKELIN 778 TIBULLUS Slielf. No. TUOKKELIN, G. J. Analecta quibus historia, etc. refill Norvcgici illustrantur. Hafuise ct Lipsize, 1778. 8 2829.11 THORNDIKE, O. De tarda concoctione. Edin- burgi, 1820. 8 *M.Pph.v.80 THORNTON, E. Gazetteer of India. London, 1854. 4v. 8 *3035.1 THORNTON, II. Nature and effects of the paper credit of Great Britain. Phila. 1807. 8. 3646.11 THORNTON, John. The love of Christ the source of philanthropy: discourse occasioned by the death of J. T. Providence, 1794. 8.*I'ph.v.265 THORNTON, John W. Accuracy of the title-page of Young's chronicles of Mass. Bay. Bos- ton, 1840. 8. [Manuscript title prefixed to cuttings from the Boston courier] .. . . **2321.6 Ancient Pemaquid : an historical review. Portland, 1857. 8 **2339.5 First records of Anglo-American coloniza- tion. Boston, 1859. pp.12. 8 *2321.19 Landing at Cape Anne. Boston, 1854. 1.8. 2321.1 Lives of Isaac Heath, John Bowles, and John Eliot, jr. n.p. 1850. 16 2347.5 Mementos of the Swctt family. Eoxbury, 1851. pp.20. 8" *2331.3 Peter Oliver's " Puritan commonwealth " re- viewed. Boston, 1857. pp.79. 8 "2321.18 THORNTON, R. J. Companion to Dr. Thornton's lectures on botany. London, n.d. 12. *Pph.v.207 THORNTON, Thomas, M.R.A.S. History of China. London, 1844. 8 3017.6 THORNTON, Thomas, esq. Present state of Tur- key. 2d ed. London, 1809. 2v. 8 . . . . 3082.1 THORNTON, W. T. Over-population and its rem- edy. London, 1840. 8 3645.10 THORNTON romances. Halliwell, J. O. .'.... 2537.32 TIIOHOTON, R. Antiquities of Nottinghamshire. London, 1677. f *2460.7 THOROWGOOD and Co. Specimen of printing types. London, 1843. 8 *2111.7 THORPE, B. Analecta Anglo-Saxonica : selection from authors of various ages. New cd. London, 1846. 8 2587.7 THORPE, M. J. Calendar of the state papers re- lating to Scotland, 1509-1003, under the di- rection of the master of the rolls. London, 1858. 2v. 8" 7062.1 THOU, J. A. de. Histoire universelle, 1543-1007. Londres, 1734. 16v. 4 *2300.7 Historiarum sui temporis, tomi i-vn. Lon- dini, 1733. 7v. f *2300.4 Memoircs. [Michaud. Coll. mem. hist. France. Ser. 1, v.ll] 2611.1 - Same. [Petitot. Coll. mem. hist. France. Ser 1, v.37] 2625.1 THOUAU, P. La sposa. Scelta di prose e poesie, intorno al matrimonio. Fireuze, 1850. 10". 4777.24 THOUGHT, Laws of. Boole, G 3915.1 THOUGHTS for the new year. Rector's offering for 1850, to the parishioners of Grace church, Jamaica, L. I. Jamaica, 1850. 8 ... *Pph.v.305 THOUGHTS on breeding sheep. Sittingbourne, 1847. pp.12. 8 v.l of 3651.13 THOUGHTS on instinctive impulses. Philadel- phia, 1810. 8 *Pph.v.30 THOUGHTS on the present state of the fine arts in Great Britain. Lond. 1833. pp.29. 8. v.4 of *4072.2 THOUIN, A. Agriculture. See Encyclopedic methodique A. 159.1 THRASYLLUS Mendesius. See Fragmenta histori- corum Gracorum, v.3 3002. ll TIIRASYMACHUS. See Baiter and Sauppe. Ora- tores Attici 2963.1 THREE early English metrical romances. Ed. by J. Robsou. London, 1842. sm.4. [Cam- den society, No. 18] *2416.18 THROAT. See Croup, Glottis, Larynx, Trachea. THROOP, K. T. Message to the senate and assem- bly of the state of New York. [Albany, 1831.] 8 *Pph.v.82 Shelf. No. THROOP, W. Sermon at the funeral of Brinley Sylvester. Boston, 1753. sm.4' *3455.55 THUANUS, J. A. See Thou, J. A. de. THUCYDIIJES. DC bello Peloponnesiaco libri octo. Gr. et Lat. Studiis societ. Bipont. Biponti, 1788. 6v. 8 *3004.7 - Same. Ex recens. I. Bekkeri. Acccdunt scholia Grseca, etc. Berolini, 1821. 3v. 8 . 3004.6 - Same. Hilpertohusse, 1831. 8 3004.10 - Same. Gr. et Lat. cum nova trans. F. Haasii. Parisiis, 1840. 1.8. [Didot. Biblioth. grecque] *3002.8 - Same. With notes by Dr. T. Arnold. Indexes by R. P. G. Tiddeman. 3d ed. Ox- ford, 1847-54. 4v. in 3. 8 3004.5 - Same. Histoire grecque accomp. de la version latine, par J. B. Gail. Paris, 1807. lOv. in 5. 4 *3001.5 Peloponnesian warre, interpreted by F. Hobbes. London, 1648. f *2990.4 Leben des Thukydides. Kriiger, C. W. . . . 3004.8 THUGENIDES. See Poet. com. Grxc. fragmenta . 3002.14 TIIUNBERG, C. P. Prodromus plantarum Capcn- siura. Upsalia;, 1794-1800. 2 pts. in Iv. 8.*3859.15 Resauti Europa, Africa, Asia, 17/0-79. Upsala, 1788-93. 4v. 6m.8 *2277.7 Account of the Cape of Good Hope. [Pink- erton. Voyages, v.16] 2200.13 THUNDER storms, Nature of. Harris, W. S. . . 3902.22 THUKINGIA. Bemerkungen auf eincr Reise aus Thiiringen nach Wien, 1805-0. Bcrtuch, C. 4048.9 THUBIOT-DE-LA-ROSIERE. Discorso sugli affari d'ltalia allo camerc di Francia. Roma, n.d. pp.14. 8 4745.4 THUBLOE.J. Collection of state papers. London, 1742. 7v. f *2420.4 TilURdcz, J. de. Chronica Hungarorum usque ad annum Christi, 1404. [Schwandtner. Script, rcrum Huugaric. v.l] 2810.2 THURSTON, D. History of Winthrop, [Me.], 1764- 1855. Portland, l,sV>. I" 2339.9 THURY. See Hericart de Thury. THYMUS gland, Anatomy of the. Cooper, A. P. . 3740.12 TIIYSIUS, A. De republic* Atheniensium et Ro- manorum. [Gronovius. Thes. Graec. antiq. v.5] 2900.2 TIARKS, J. L. Astronomical observations to as- certain the longitude of the island of Ma- deira. London, IN.:-..', pp. 1.3. 4 **E. 186.2 On Mr. Dalby's method of finding the differ- ence of longitude. London, 1828. pp.8. 8.**E. 186.2 TIBBETS, E. Answer to the vindicatory address and appeal of Lieut. "Weaver. New York, iv.'l. 8" *Pph.v.46 TIBBETS, G. Finances of the canal fund of the state of New York and their application. Albany, 1829. 8 *Pph.v.78 TIBBINS, prof. Dictionary of English and French. See Fleming, C 2680.2 TIBERIUS sophista. II pi TUV -napa A^oerOfiri axnfarwv. [Walz. Rhetores Graeci, v.8]. 3968.2 TIBET. See Thibet. TIBULLUS, A. Carmina. Ed. C. F. Wunderlich. Gottingae, 1808. 16 2949.16 - Same. Ed. 4a. Notis, etc. E. C. F. Wvn- derlichii. 2 pts. in Iv. Lipsiae, 1817. 8 . 2946.12 - Same. [Ed.] P. A. de Golbery. Parisiis, 1826. 8. [Lemaire. Biblioth. class. Lat. V.107] *2913.1 - Same. See Catullus, V 2949.23 Elegies; and poems of Sulpicia, with the orig- inal text and notes by J. Grainger. Lon- don, 1759. 2v. 12 2949.15 - Same. [Chalmers. English poets], v.20 of 2592.7 See Elton, C. A. Specimens of the classic poets, v.2 2963.14 Albio Tibullo volgarizzato dal march. Luigi Biondi. See Poeti latini 2911.2 Tibullo, tradotta da Agostino Peruzzi. [Par- naso de 1 poeti classic! d'ogni nazione, v.20]. 2799.1 TIBURGA 779 TIMJ3US Shelf. No. TIBURGA Oldofredi. Scene storiche del secolo XIII. Sac Ferrari, C 4779.11 TICHOXII.'.S. Liber de septem regulis. [Migne. Patrolo<;-i;e v. IS] 3440.12 TICINO. Diziouario degli uomini illustri del can- ton Ticino. Olclclli, G. A 2160.18 TICKELL, T. Poems, 177'J. 10. [Johnson. Eng- lish poets] v.20 of 2589.3 Poems and life. [Chalmers. Eng. poets]. v. 11 of 2592.7 TICK.XOR, G. Syllabus of lectures on the history and criticism of Spanish literature. Cam- bridge, 1823. 8 *Pph.V.244 History of Spanish literature. New York, 1849. 3v. 8 **E. 115.2 - Same. London, 1849. 3v. 8 **3094.1 Historia dc la literatura espanola, traducida par d. Pascual de Gayangos y d. Enrique dc Vedia. Madrid, 1851-57. 4v. 8 .... **3094.2 Geschichte dcr schoncn Literatur in Span- ieu. Deutsch mit Zusiitzen von N. H. Ju- lius. Leipzig, 1852. 2v. 8" **3094.3 Principal events in the life of Lafayette. N. A. Review, [No. 40]. Boston, 1825. 8. *Pph.v.24S Remarks on changes lately proposed or adopt- ed in Harvard university. Boston, 1825. 8 v.2of **E.224.G, *Pph.V.56,248 - Same. 2d ed. [Boston], 1825. pp.48. 8. v.l of **E. 224. 6 Memoir of N. A. Haven. See Haven, N. A. E.225.3 TICKNOR, L. Obituary notice of Luther Ticknor. [No title-page.] 8'. [New York journal of medicine for May, 1840] *M.Pph.v.45 TlCOZZi, S. Dizionario degli arcbitetti, scultori, pittori d'ogni eta e nazione. Milano, 1830-33. 4v. s *40S1.16 Vite dei pittori Vecellj di Cadore. Milano, 1817. 8 4087.5 TIDE observations made at Liverpool, Discussion of. Lubbock, J. W 3921.18 TIDE waters, Right of property in. Angell, J. K. 3002.10 See also : Wharf property. TIDES. Lubbock, J. W. On the 3921.18 - Account of Bernoulli's flux et reflux de lamer 3945.5, E.197.3 "Who well, W. Essay towards a map of co tidal lines E. 191.5 - Researches on the E. 171. 28 TIECK, L. Schriften. Berlin, 1828-46. 20v. 16. *290S.l Contents. Vol. I. Vorbericht ; Kaiser Octavianus, ein Lustspiel mit Prolog. II. Lcben und Tod der heiligen Genoveva, cin Trauerspiel ; Der Abschied, ein Trauerspiel ; Leben und Tod des kleinen Rotli- kappchcns, eine Tragodie. III. Fortunat, cin Miihr- chen, mit Prolog. IV-V. Phantasus: 4. Der blonde Eckbcrt; Der getreue Eckart und der Tanueuhiiu- ser; DerRunenberg;Liebeszauber; Liebesgeschichte der schonen Magelone und des Grafuu Peter von Provence i Die Elfen: Der Pokal. 5. Dcr Blaubart, eia Mahrchen; Der gnstiefelte Kater, cin Kinder- mahrchcn ; Die verkehrte Welt, cin kistorisches Schauspiel; Leben und Thatcn des kleinen Thomaa, genannt Daurnchen, ein Mahrchen. VI-VII. William Lovell, mit Vorbericht. VIII. Erziihlun- gen: Abdallah; Die Briider; Almansur, cin Idyll; Dasgriinc Band. IX. Arabesken: Dcukwiirdigc Ge- schichtschronik der Schildbiirgcr; Die sieben Weiber des Blaubart ; Leben des beriihmten Kaisers Abra- ham Tonclli, eine Autobiographic ; Das jiingstc Ge- richt, eine Vision. X. Prinz Zerbino, oder die Reise nacli dcm guten Geschmack, gewissermassen, eine Fortsetzung des gestiefelten Katers. XI. Vorbericht: Karl von Berneck, Trauerspiel; Das Ungeheuer und der verzauberte Wald, ein musikalisches Mahrchen ; Alia Moddin, ein Schauspiel. XII. Herr von Fuchs, cin Lustspiel nach dem Volpone des Ben Junscm ; Epicoene, oder das stille Fraucnzimmer, ein Lustspiel von Ben Jonson; Die Theegesellschaft, ein Lustspiel. XIII. Mahrchen : Die Heymonskinder j Melusina ; Dramatisehe Gedichtc : Ein Prolog ; Der Autor, ein Fastnachtsspiel ; Fragments : Masclone ; Prolog ; Aus dem alten Ilcldengedieht vom Konig Rother; Dcr erste Akt des Donauweibcs. XIV. Erza- hlungcn und Novcllen : Schicksal ; Die mannliche Mutter; Die Rechtsgelehrten ; Die Versohuung; Dcr Freradc, Die Freunde; Peter Lebrccht, 1 Thcil; Der Geheimnissvolle, Novelle. XV. Erzahlungen: Peter Shelf. No. TIECK, L. continued. Lebrecht, [2 Thcil] ; Die beiden merkwiirdigsten Tage aus Siegmund's Leben; Ulrich, der Empfind- Bame ; Fermer, der Geniale ; Der Naturfrcund ; Die gelehrte Gesellschaf't; Dcr Psycholog; Der Roman in Briefcn ; Ein Tagcbuch. XVI. Franz Sternbald's Wanderungen, cine altdeutsche Gcschiehte. XVII- XX. Novcllen : 17. Die Gemiilde; Die Vcrlobung; DieReiseudcn; Jlusikalische Leiden uud Freuden. 18. Das Fcst zu Kenelworth ; Dlchterlcben.in zwei Theilen. 19. Gliick giebt Verstand ; Dcr funfzehnte November ; Tod des Dichters. 20. Der Jahrmarkt; Der Hexen-Sabbath. Dramaturgische Blatter. Breslau and Leip- zig, 1820-52. 3v. 10 2908.3 Kritische Schriften. Leipzig, 1848-52. 4v. 12". 2908.2 Musikalische Leiden und Freuden. Dresden, 1824. 12 4049.40 TIEDEMAXN, F. Anatomie des Fischherzens. Lauclshut, 1809. pp.41, and 4 pi. 4 .... *3906.3 Anatomie der rohren-Holothurie. Landshut, 1816. f *5860.2 Icones cerebri simiarum et quorundam mam- malium rariorum. Heidelbcrgae, 1821. pp. 55, and 5 tables, f *5S60.5 Uber das biirenartige Faulthier. Heidelberg, 1820. pp.11. 4 *3902.6 Zoologie. Landshut und Heidelberg, 1808-14. 3v. 8 3908.1 TIEMANN, A. De visu aphorismi. Berolini, [1817]. pp.44. 8 *M.Pph.v.ll3 TlEPOLO, G. A. D. Discorsi sulla storia veneta, cioe rettiflcazioni nella storia di Venezia dl sig. Daru. Ucliue, 1828. 2v. 16 ... 2739.7 Observations, sur 1'hist. de Venise et refu- tation. See Daru, P. A. K. B. de . . . v.9 of 2722.9 TiERRA del Fuego. Description de la Terre-du- Feu, par Frdderic Lacroix. See Famin, C. 2206.11 TiGHE, H. Psyche, with other poems. Philadel- phia, 1812. 16 2509.5 TIGRIXI, O. H compendio della mvsica nel qvale brevemente si tratta dell' arte del contra- punto. Venetia, 1588. 4 *4047.8 TIGRIS, Survey of the river. Chesuey, F. R. . . 3042.5 TIL, S. v. Dicht-Sing-und Spiel-Kunst, sowohl der Alten als besonders der Hebreer. 2te Ausg. Frauckfurt und Leipzig, 1719. 4 . *4052.40 TILGHMAX, W. Address before the Philadelphia society for promoting agriculture. Phila- delphia, 1820. 8 *Pph.v.2(5 Eulogium on. See Binney, H Pph.v.09 Eulogium in commemoration of. See Dn Ponceau, P. S Pph.v.69 TILLARV, J., Address at the interment of. See Hosack, D Pph.v.22 TILLEMOXT. See Le Nain de Tillemont. TILLINGIIAST, J. L. Eulogy upon J. Adams and T.Jefferson. Providence, 1826. 8 . . *Pph.v.230 TILLOCII, A., Taylor, R., firewater, D., and oth- ers. Philosophical magazine, v. 1-08. New ser. 1-11. London, Ediub. and Dublin Phil. Mag. 1-28. London, 1798-1846. 107v. 8". *335G.l TILLOTSON, J. Works. Life by Thomas Birch. London, 1820. lOv. 8 *3501.3 Contents. Vol. I. Life ; Sermons. II.-X. Ser- mons. X. Prayers; Rule of faith; Index. Life. See Birch, T 3.Vi5.14 Life. See Hare, F 3555.15 TILT, E. J. Diseases of menstruation in connex- ion with sterility. New York, 1851. 12 . *3776.33 Preservation of the health of women. Lon- don, 1851. 16 *3779.10 TILTON, James. Dissertatio medica [de hydrope]. Philadelphia, 1771. 8 *M.Pph.v.20 Economical observations on military hospi- tals, and the prevention and cure of diseases incident to an army. Wilmington, 1813. 12 *Pph.v.205 Tm Bobbin's Lancashire dialect. See Collier, J. . E.209.7 TIM Bobbin's Tummus and Meary. Seefiamford,S. 2;>t5t>.ol TIM-EUS Locrus. De anima inundi, et natura. [Gale. Opuscula myth. phys. et ethica] . . 2903.11 TIMJEUS 780 TOMEI Shelf. No. TiM^EUS Sophista. Lexicon vocum Platonicarum. Illust. I), Ruhnkcnius. Lugduni Batavo- rum, 1754. 8 2982.5 Lexicon Platonicum. See Moeris 2986.22 TIM.KU.S Tauromcnita. See Fragm. hist. Graec. v.l. 3002.11 TOIAGENKS. See Fragmenta historicorum Grae- corum,v.3 3002.11 TIMARCHUS. See Baiter and Sauppe. Oratores Attici 2963.1 TIMBKH. Barlow, P. Strength of 4014.15 Chapman, W. Preservation of 3952.12 TIME. Essai sur 1'emploi du terns. Jullien,M. A. 3578.1 TIMES, The Boston. See Boston daily times. TI.M i:s, Tlie London. See London. TIMOCLKS. See Poetarum com. Graec. fragm. . . 3002.14 See Bruraoy, P. Theatre des Grecs, v. 10 . . 2905.4 TIMON, pseud. See Cormcnin, L. M. de la H. de. TIMONIDES Lcucadius. See Fragm. hist. Grsec. v.2. 3002.11 TIMOSTRATUS. See Poetarum com. Grose, fragm. 3002.14 TIMOTHEUS Atheuicnsis. See Poetarum comico- rum Grrecorum fragmenta 3002.14 TIMOTHEUS Constantinopolitanus. De differentia eorum qui accedunt ad nostrum fidcm. [Mcursius. Opera, v.8] 2210.2 TIMOTHY, Commentary on the epistles to. See Calvin, J 5504.12 TIMPERLEY, C. H. Dictionary of printers and printing. London, 1839. 1.8 *2111.4 The printers' manual. London, 1838. 1.8 . *2111.4 TIMIJR. Autobiographical memoirs, transl. from the Persian of Abu Talib Hussyny, by C. Stewart. Lond. 1830. 4. [Oriental trans- lation fund] *3012.2 TINDAL, W. Hist, of Evesham. Evesham, 1794. 4.*2462.14 TIPALDO, E. de. Biografla degli Italian! illustri del secolo xvill. Venezia, 1834-45. lOv. 8.*2742.12 TiPtr sultun, History of the reign of. See Hussein Ali 3012.16 TIPUCITUS. Conspectus universus. [Mai. Script. vet. nova coll. v. 7] 3000.1 TIRABOSCHI, G. Biblioteca modenese. Modena, 1781-80. 6v. 4 2161.1 Storia della letteratura italiana. la ed. veneta. Venezia, 1795,90. IGv. 8 *2770.8 Storia della badia di S. Silvcstro di Nonan- tola. Modena, 1784,85. 2v. f *3590.6 TIRABOSCO, A. Elogio. [Pindemonte. Elogi,v.2]. 2743.16 L'Uccellagione. [Raccoltadipoemettididas- calici, etc. v.10] 4779.8 TISSOT, S. A. Avis au peuple sur sa santd. Dern. ed. orig. Paris, 1802. 2v. 12 3769.24 Advice with respect to health. 9th ed. Ed- inburgh, 1778. 12 *3709.23 TITAN : a monthly magazine. Conjoined series. Continuation of Hogg's instructor, v.23, 24,20,27,29. Edinburgh, 1850-59. 5v. 8. *5375.1 TITIAN. See Tiziano de' VecelH. TITLES of honor. Selden, J 2230.3 Des titres de dues, comtes et marquis, par le p. Daniel. [Leber. Coll. diss. hist. Fr. v.OJ. 2618.1 TITLEY, J. M. De alvi purgantium natura et usu. Edinburgi, 1810. 8 *M.Pph.v.ll5 TITSINGH, I. Illustrations of Japan. Transl. by F. Shoberl. London, 1822. 4 *3010.6 Memoires sur la dynastic regnante du Japon, avec des notes par A. Rcmusat. Paris, 1820. 8 3019.0 TITTJIANN, F. W. Die Bestimmung des Gelehr- ten. Berlin, 1833. 8 2206.2 Geschichte Heinriehs des Erlauchten. Dres- den und Leipzig, 1845-40. 2v.ini. 8. . . 2842.11 TITUS, Commentary on the epistle to. See Cal- vin, J 5504.12 TIVERTON, county of Devon. Dunsford, M. Me- moirs of the town and parish of 2502.4 Harding, W. History of 2494.9 TIVOLI, Viaggio a, fatto nel 1825. Sebastiani, F. A. 2705.3 TIZIANO de' Vecelli. Majer, A. Vita scritta da Ticozzi 4064.1 - Della eccellenza delle opcre di 4064.2 Shelf. No. TOBACCO, Medical properties and injurious effects of. McAllister, A M.Pph.v.23 TOBAGO. Ilelation de 1'isle dc Tabago. Roche- fort, C. de 2319.7 TOBIN, J. Memoirs, with a selection from his unpublished writings, by Miss Bcnger. London, 1820. 8 2542.21 Content!. Memoirs; Analysis of La gitanilla de Madrid ; The tragedy, a fragment ; The Indians, a play ; Your's or mine, a comic opera; The fisherman, an opera. Tocci, P. F. Rime inedite. See Allori, A. ... 2794.4 TOCHMAN, G. Lecture on the social, political, and literary condition of Poland. Baltimore, 1844. 8 *Pph.v.l52 TOCQUEVILLE, A. C. H. Clerel de. De la d<5mo- cratie en Amerique. 12e et 5e 6d. Paris, 1848. 4v. 8 2327.16 - Same. Paris, 1850. 2v. 12 2309.8 Society in France before the revolution. Tr. by Reeve. London, 1850. 8 4650.1 Systeme penitentiare aux Etats-Unis. See Beaumont, G. de 3575.23 [Review of democracy in America. From the London review, 1835.] N. Y. 1836. 8 . *Pph.v.222 TODD, H. J. Life of archbishop Cranmer. Lon- don, 1831. 2v. in 1. 8" 3555.3 Additions to Johnson's English dictionary . 2580.1 TODD, John. Hints to undergraduates: an oration at Union college. Boston, 1840. 8. . *Pph.v.l56 TODD, Jonathan. Two sermons occasioned by the death of the Hev. N. Chauncy. New Lon- don, 1750. 10 *3456.39 TODD, R. B. Anatomy of the brain, spinal cord, and ganglions. London, 1S45. 12 .... 3801.19 Paralysis, disease of the brain, and other af- fections of the nervous system. London, 1854. 12" 3799.29 and Bowman, W. Physiological anatomy and physiology of man. Phila. 1850. 8. . 3761.1 TODDINGTON, Gloucestershire, Graphic illustra- tions, with historical and descriptive ac- counts of. Britton, J 2501.9 TODERINI, G. B. Letteratura turchesca. Vene- zia, 1787. 2v. 8 *3034.22 TODI, J. da. In che modo 1'uomo pub tosto per- venire alia cognizione della verita, e perfct- tamentc la pace ncll' anima possederc. [Belcari. Prose, v.3] 4776.23 TOEL, L. Dissertatio iuauguralis sistcns emmeno- logiarapracticam. Gttingae,1777. 4".*M.Pph.v.l04 TOGNETTI, F. SeeOpuscoli letterarii 2792.2 Contents. Vol. I. Discorso gu i progress! della mu- sica in Bologna. II. Elogio del capitano Francesco de' Marclii architetto militare; Lettera e versi intorno quegli scrittori Italian! che a' iuccppano nella imita/.i- one dcgli antichi. III. Cenno biograflco del padre D. Pompilio Porzetti; Prefazione ed alcune poesie, ivi raccolte di accademici felsinei. TOILET of Flora, for the use of the ladies. New ed. London, 1784. 12 *4019.2 TOKENS. Akerman, J. Y. Tradesmen's tokens . 2532.12 Burn, J. H. Catalogue of the London tra- ders, tavern, and coffee-house tokens . . 2532.10, 11 TOLAND, J. Account of his life and writings. London, 1722. 8 *2458.5 Miscellaneous works. Life by M. Des Maiz- eaux. London, 1747. 2v. 8 *2505.17 TOLEDO, P. di. Vita. [Archivio stor. ital. v.9]. 5245.2 TOLERATION, Letter concerning. Locke, J. . Pph.v.331 TOLHAUSEN, A. Patent laws of various countries. London, 1857. pp.31. 12 3666.29 TOLOMEI, C. Lettere. Napoli, 1853-54. 2v. in 1. 12 2748.11 II Cesano : dialogo. [ Autori del ben parlare, p.l, v.l] 3590.10 Orazione. [Raccolta di compos, diversi, v.l]. 2707.4 TOLOMMEO dei Fiadoni. Historia ecclesiastica, a nativitate Christi, ail an. MCCCXII. [Mura- tori. Rerum Ital. script, v. 11] 2710.1 TOMEI, D. Stanze. See Tartarotti, G 4770.20 TOM 781 TORONTO Shelf. No. TOM Jones, History of, by Fielding. [Ballan- tyne. Novelist's library, v.l] 2573.1 TOM a Lincolne, the red rose knight, History of, by Richard Johnson. [Thorns. Early ro- mances, v.2] 2538.12 TOMELLUS. Historia Hasnoniensis monasterii. [Martene. Thes. nov. anec. v.3] 2250.2 - Same. [Migne. Patrologias v.147] . . . 3400.25 TOMES, J. Lectures on dental physiology and surgery. London, 1848. 8 3805.28 System of dental surgery. Phila. 1859. 8 . 3805.26 TOMITANO, B. Lettera. [Raccolta di opuscoli scientiflci, etc. v.17] 5274.1 TOMKIS, or Tomkins, J. Albumazar. [Dodsley. Oldplays,v.7] 2588.1 TOSILIKSOK, R. Attempt to rescue the Scriptures from ridicule by a new translation. Lon- don, 1805. 8 3414.12 TOMMASEO, N. Antonio Rosmini, [biografia critica]. Torino, 1855. 8- 2790.8 Bellezza e civilta, o delle arti del bello sensi- bile. Firenze, 1857. 10 3608.21 Canti popolari toscani, corsi, illirici, greci. Venezia, 1841-42. 4v. 8 *2787.8 Dizionario estetico. Milano, 1852,53. 2v. 4. *3581.8 Dizionario dei sinonimi della Ihigua italiana. 3a ed. Milano, 1854, 55. 2v. 8 2783.2 Nuova proposta di correzioni e di giunte al dizionario italiano. Venezia, 1841. 8 . . . *2781.6 Pensieri morali. Modena, 1845. 10 .... 3587.14 Relations des ambassadeurs venitiens sur les affaires de France au xvie siccle. Paris, 1838. 2v. 4. [France. Coll. de docs, ined. 91,92] *2640.5 Roma e il mondo. Capolago e Torino,1851. 16. 3517.22 Studii filosofici. Venezia, 1840. 2v. 8 ... 3C04'.21 II supplizio d'un Italiano in Corfu. Firenze, 1855. 12 4749.7 SeeArchivio storico italiano 5245.2 Contents. Vol. XI. Proemio alle lettere di Pas- qualc cle' Paoli. Nuova serie, Vol. I. Sopra gli studj storici, considerazioni. II. Delia civilta italiana nelle isole ionic, e di Niccolo Delviniotti. TOMMASI, F. Continuatio historise Senensis J. Bandini de Bartholomaeis. [Muratori. Re- rum. Ital. script, v.20] 2720.1 TOMMASI, G. Sommario della storia di Lucca 1004-1700. PercuradiC.Minutoli. Firenze, 1847. 8. [Archivio stor. ital. v.10] .... *5245.2 TOMMASINI, G. Considerations sur 1'inflamma- tion et la fievre continued. Paris, 1821. 8. 3797.19 See Opuscoli scientiflci 3911.5 Contents. Vol. I. Discorso della necessita di unire in medicinala filosofui alia osservazione; Delle feb- brl contagiose e delle epideraiche costituzioni; Su la febbre petecchiale e la nuova dottrina mcdica. II. Della dignita della medicina in Italia; Risposta alia lettera suddetta. III. Storia d' una gravis- eima cnterite; (iuestione fisiologico-lcgale intorno alia vitabilita di un feto settimestre cstratto colla ope- razione cesarea. IV. Prospetto dei risultamenti ot- tenuti nella clinica medica della universita di Bolog- na nel corso di un triennio; Sul inctodo di curare, Bull' insegnamento medico-clinico, e sopra alcuni stabilimenti di pubblica beneficenza in Inghilterra. TOMMASINI, J. P. De donariis ac tabellis votivis. [Graevius. Thes. antiq. Rom. v.12] . . . 2950.1 De tesseris hospitalitatis ; Manus aeneae Ce- cropii votum referentis dilucidatio. [Grono- vius. Thes. Graec. antiq. v.9, 10] 2960.2 TOMMASINI Soardi, T. I comici in sconcerto : commedia. [Teatro mod. applaudito, v.9], 2768.1 TOMPKIXS, D. D. Message relative to the invasion of the western frontier. [Albany, 1814. No title-page.] 8 *Pph.v.l Message, with the report of the commission- ers of fortifications. Albany, 1814. [No title-page.] 8 *Pph.v.l Message [in relation to the defence of New York]. Albany, 1812. 8 *Pph.v.9 Proceedings on a suit brought by the United States against. See Stansbury, A. J. . . Pph.v.35 Shelf. No. TONICS, Effects of. Crawford, A M.Pph.v.84 TONQUIX, Description of, by Baron and Richard. [Pinkerton. Voyages, v.9] 2260.13 TONSILS. De tabe glandular!. Russell, R. . . . 3807.12 TOOK.E, J. Home. Diversions of Purley. 1st Am. from 2d Lond. ed. Philadelphia, 1806. 2v. inl. 8 **E.205.8 Letter to John Dunning [on certain English particles]. London, 1778. 12" *Pph.v.219 Proceedings in an action for debt between C. J. Fox and J. H. Tooke. London, 1792. 8.*Pph.v.8 TOOKE, T. Inquiry into the currency principle. London, 1844. 8 3646.19 History of prices and of the circulation, 1793- 1856 j Sketch of the corn trade, etc. Lon- don, 1838-57. 6v. 8 3641.7 TOOKE, W. Russian empire during the reign of Catharine II. London, 1799. 3v. 8 . . . . 3065.8 - Same. 2d ed. London, 1800. 3v. 8". . 3065.7 TOOLS and machines, Practical examples of. Ren- nie, G 4014.17 TOONE, W. Glossary of obsolete and uncommon words, etc. London, 1832. 12 2586.20 - Same. 2d ed. London, 1834. 12. . . **E.209.10 TOPFER, J. G. DieScheibler'scheStimm-Methocle, leichtfasslicherklart,etc. Erfurt, 1842. 8. 4056.19 TOPFFER, R. Nouvelles genevoises. 3e ed. illus- tree. Paris, 1851. 8 2662.3 Nouveaux voyages en zigzag, autour du Mont Blanc, etc. Paris, 1854. g.8 2662.2 Premiers voyages en zigzag, dans les cantons suisses, etc. 4e ed. Paris, 1855. gr.8 . . 2662.1 TOPHAM, E. Life of John Elwes. 2d ed. Lon- don, 1790. 8 *Pph.v.73 TOPHAM, J. Chapel of St. Stephen at Westmin- ster. London, 1834. 8 2495.14 TOPOGRAPHISK Journal for Norge. Christiania, 1808. 8v. 8 **E.115.5 TOPPEN, 31. Die Griindung der Universitat zu Konigsberg u. das Leben Georg Sabinus. Konigsberg, 1844. 8 2846.4 TORCY, marq. de. See Colbert, J. B. TOKELLI, G. Opere varie in verso e in prosa. Per cura di A. Torri. Pisa, 1833-34. 2v. 8 . . 2795.9 Contents. Vol. I. Elogio di G. Torelli, scritto da I. Pindemonte; Poesie original!, e versione poetiche di Torelli ; Anacreontica ; Sonctti ; Elegiu di T. Gray, trad, in versi italiani ; Li due prinii canti dell' Eneide di Virgilio, trad.; II pseudolo, comm. di M. Accio Plauto, trad, i Poemetto di Catullo intorno alle nozze di Pcleo e di Teti, ecc. ; Alcuni idillj di Tcocrito, Mosco e Bione.colT inno di Clean tea Giove, trad, dal Greco. II. Della deuominazione del cor- rente anno, volgarmente detto 17U) ; All' autore delle lettere virgiliane ; Lettera sopra Dante contro Vol- taire ; Lettera intorno a due passi del Purgatorio di Dante; Pastille alia Divina comm.; Lettere ; Prose latine. TORELLI, L. Lettere. [Dati. Prose florentine,v.l7]. 2787.1 TORELLI, P. LaMerope: tragedia. [Maffei. Tea- tro italiano, v.l] 2776.8 - Same. [Teatroital.de! sec. 18, v.6] . . 2778.1 TORELLO del maestro Dino del Garbo. See Novella. 2772.8 TORENO, J. M. Queypo de Llano Ruiz de. Rcvo- lucion de Espana. Nueva ed. con su vida. Paris, 1851. 3v. 8 3102.2 Revolution d' Espagne. Paris,1836-38. 5v. 8. 3102.3 TORFAUS, T. Orcades, seu rerum Orcadensium historiae libri 3. Havnise, 1097. f .... *2820.1 TORFS, P. De hydrope ascite. Lugduni Bata- vorum, 1819. 8" *M.Pph.v.l08 TORNADO near New Harmony, Ind., Account of a. [Smithsonian contributions, v.7] 3340.1 See also : Storms, Thunder-storms. TORNIEL, A. Annales sacri ab orbe condito ad eumdem Christi passione redemtum. Lu- cae, 1756-57. 4v. f *3540.2 TORNIERI, L. La caccia delle lepre. [Raccolta di poemetti didascalici, v.4] 4779.8 TORONTO, Observations made at the magnetical and meteorological observatory at. [Great Britain. Ordnance department] 3961.1 TORRACCHIONE 782 TOWNSEXD Shelf. No. TORRACCHIONE, II, desolato : poema eroi comlco. Corsini, B 4778.34 TOKKE, A. della. Orazione per 1'esaltazione al trono del Ferdinando Borbone. [Opuscoli di autori siciliani. v.7] 4764.1 TORRE, F. della. Explicatio inscriptionis Tauro- bolii Lugdunensis. [Sallengre. Nor. thes. antiq. Rom. v.3] 2950.2 TORRE, Gastone della. II sistema de' cieli. [Rac- colta di poemetti didascalici, ecc. v.3] . . . 4779.8 TORRE, Gian R. della. Congiura di Giulio Cesare Vacchero. [Arch. stor. ital. App. v.3] . . 5245.2 TORREXS, R. On the production of wealth. Lon- don, 1821. 8 3653.9 TORRENTINO, L., Annali della tipografla fioren- tina. See Moreni, D 2114.13 - Same. [Coll. d'opusc. sclent, et lett. v.14]. 5278.2 TORKEY, J. Flora of the state of New York. Al- bany, 1843. 2v. 4" *5863.2 Plantae Fremontianae ; On the batis maritima of Linnaeus ; On the Darlingtonia Califor- nica. [Smithsonian contributions, v.6] . . 3340.1 TORREY, W. Discourse concerning futurities or things to come. Pref. by Rev. Mr. Prince. Boston, 1757. 8 *3458.80 TORRICELLI, E. Scritture sopra la boniflcazione della Chiana. [Raccolta del moto dell' ac- que, v.3] 3942.1 TORRICELLI, F. See Bernabo Silorata, P. Prose e poesie di Italian! viventi, v.2 4768.16 TORRIGIANI, C. Tre dissertazioni sul diritto di punire. Firenze, 1841. f *3550.9 TORRIGIO, F. M. Notae ad vetustissimam Ursi Togati, ludi pilae vitreae inventoris, inscrip- tionem. [Graevius. Thes.antiq. Rom. v.12.] 2950.1 TORSELLINO, O. De particulis Latinse orationis. Ed.J. C. Scharz. Ed.alt. Lipsiae,1719. sm.8. *2933.7 TORYISM, An antidote against. Whitaker, N. . . E.224.9 TOSCANELLO in musica. Aaron, P 4041.16 TOSELLI. See -Mazzoni-Toselli. Tosi, F. M. Monumenti sacri e sepolcrali in Ro- ma nei sec. xvexvi. Roma,1853. 4v.ini. f.*27.D.l TOSTI, L. Storia del concilio di Costanza. Na- poli, 1853. 2v. 1.8 *3511.5 Storia della badia di Monte Cassino. Napoli, 1842-43. 3v. roy.8 *3521.12 Storia della lega lombarda. Monte Cassino, 1848. roy.8 *2760.16 Storia della scisma greco. Firenze, 1856. 2v. 16 3517.10 Storia di Abelardo e del suoi tempi. Napoli, 1851. roy.8 3553.17 Storia di Bonifazio vni. Monte Cassino, 1840. 2v. roy.8 3552.4 TOTT, F. de. Memoires sur les Turca et les Tar- tares. Amsterdam, 17S5. 4 parts in 2v. 8. 3084.3 TOTTENHAM, Eng., History of the parish of. Old- field, H. G 2499 19 History and antiquities of the parish of. Rob- inson, W 2505.8 TOUCHSTONE of sincerity. Flavel,J 3446.54,56 TOULMIN, J. Historical view of the dissenters. Bath, 1814. 8" 3525.3 History of Taunton, in Somerset, [Eng.] London, 1791. 4 *2502.3 TOULONGEON, F. E. de. Histoire de France de- puis 1789. Paris, 1801-10. 7v. 8 *4658.3 TOUP, J. Emendationes in Suidam et Hesychium. Oxonii, 1790. , 4v. 8 3005.6 TOUR to the caves of the West-riding of York- shire. [By J. H.] 2d ed. London, 1781. 8 *2464.3 TOUREIL, J. de. Prefazione storica all' opere di Demostene. [Cesarotti. Opere, v. 23] . . 2798.1 TOURGUENEFF, N. La Russie et les Eusses. Bruxelles, 1847. 3v. 12 30C9.4 TOURNAY, Extraits des registres des consaux de. Gachard, L. P 2813.11 TOURNEFORT, J. Pitton de. Voyage du Levant. Amsterdam, 1718. 2v.ini. 4 *3081.7 Shelf. No. TOURNEMINE, R. J. Lettre sur les e'trennes. [Leber. Coll. diss. hist. France, v. 10] . . 2618.1 TOURNEUR, C. The revenger's tragedy. [Dods- ley. Old plays, v. 4] 2588.1 TOURTELLE, Ei. Elemens d'hygiene. 2e ed. Paris, 1802. 2v. 8 3766.22 TOURVILLE, A. H. de Contcntin de. Memoires. See Margon, G. P. de la P 2648.11 Vie. [Richer. Vies des plus celebres ma- rins] 4669.18 TOUSSAINT, C. J. Manuel complet de la coupe des pierres. Nouv. 3(552.4 Savary dos Brulons, J. Dictionary of ... 3080.2 Scott, W. A. Journeyings of trade round the world 3(H.19 Stirling, P. J. Philosophy of 3041.9 See also : Baltimore, Boston, Canada, Commerce, Corn trade, Great Britain, etc. TRADES. Partington, C. F. Book of 4033.5 Thackrah, C. T. Effects of trades on health and longevity 3766.18 See also : Mechanic arts, Useful arts. TRADITIONARY stories of old families. Picken,A. 2576.17 TRADITIONS of Lincolnshire, 1st series. Boston in the olden times. Boston, [Eng. 1841.] 8. 2493.7 TRADITIONS 784 TRANSACTIONS Shelf. No. TRADITIONS, Curiosites des. Lalanne, M. L. C. . 3489.28 TRAGEDY. See Drama. TRAICK, W. II. J. H.andbook of mechanics' Insti- tutions. London, 1850. 8 *2136.19 TRAILL, W. Elements of algebra. 4th ed. Ed- inburgh, 171)0. 8 **E.188.9 TRAJANUS, M. Ulpius. Ciacconius, A. Historia vtrivsque belli Dacici a Trajano gesti ex simvlachris in colvmna Romae collecta . . 2300.3 Rossi, G. G. Colonna Traiana 29.E.2 Sposizionc dell' insigne tavola di bronzo di Trajano Augusto. [Muratori. Opere min. v.3] 2710.2 Trofeo o sia magniftca colonna, ove si veg- gono scolpite le due guerre daciche fatte da Trajano. [Piranesi. Opere, v. 13] . . . D.l.M TRANCHEPAIX, St. A. de. Relation du voyage des premieres Ursulines a la Nouvellc Orleans. Nouvelle York, 1859. sm.4" *2311.20 TRANSACTIONS and publications of learned and scientific associations. American art union, 1846-49 . . . Pph.v. 1(50, 175, 181 American association for the advancement of science, 1849-59 3935.1 American medical association, 1848-54 .... 3740.2 Association of American geologists and natu- ralists. Reports, 1840-42 3863.3 Berlin. Konigliche Academie der Wissen- schaften. Abhandlungen, 1804-57 X322.2 - - Ilistoire, 1745-09 3312.2 - - Miscellanea Bcrolinensia, 1710-43 . . . 3312.1 - - Monatsberichte, 1830-59 3334.2 Bologna. Accademia dei Gelati. Memorie [ecc.] 1671,72,1828,31 5202.10-12 - Istitutodellescienze. Commentarii, 1748- 91,1828,31 5241.1,6 - - Memorie, 1850-50 5201.1 _ _ _ Novi commentarii, 1834-49 5251.1 - Istituto nazionale ital. Memorie, 1800-13. 5261.4 - Societamedico-chirurg. Bulletino, 1829-54. 6749.1 Boston. American academy of arts and sci- ences. Memoirs, 1780-1855 3370.7 - Society of natural history. Proceedings, 1841-51 3834.10 British association for the advancement of science. Reports, 1831-55 3916.1 Bruges. Societe d'e'mulation de la Flandre occidentale. Annales, 1839-44 2814.1 Brussels. Academie royale de Bruxelles. Annuaire, 1835-55 3399.1 _ _ _ Bulletins, 1832-54 3385.1 _ _ Memoires,etnouveaux memoires, 1777- 88,1820-54 3381.1,2 _ _ Memoires couronnds, 1818-54 3391.2 - - Memoires couronnes et memoires des savants etrangers, 1840-53 3401.2 Calcutta. Asiatic society in Bengal. Asiatic researches, 1799-1832 3400.2 - Medical and physical society, 1825-1827 . 3747.2 Cambridge, Eng. University. Astronomi- cal observations, 1834-57 E. 150.1 Cambridge, Mass. Astronomical observatory of Harvard college. Annals, 1856, 57 . . . E.144.6 Camden society. Publications. 5eeCamden. 2416.1 Cape of Good Hope. Royal observatory. Astronomical observations, 1834. See Great Britain. Admiralty E.160.2 - - Magnetical observations, 1841-50. See Great Britain. Ordnance v.l of 3961.1 Cavendish society. Publications. See Cav- endish 3974.1-7 Chethamsoc. Publications. See Chetham. 2415.1-17 Connecticut medical society, Proceedings in convention, 1834-42, 44-49,51-54 . . . M. Pph.v. 25 Copenhagen. Kongelige nordiske Oldskrift- Selskab. Antiquarisk Tidsskrift, 1840-48 . 2832.2 - - Memoires, 1840-49 5274.10 - - Reports, 1849-51 Pph.v. 193 Cortona. Accademia etrusca. Saggi di dis- sertazioni. Roma, 1742-91 5252.17 Shelf. No. TRANSACTIONS and publications, etc. continued. Dublin. Royal Irish academy. Transactions, 1787-1848 3290.6 - - Proceedings, 1830-53 3300.6 Edinburgh. Highland society of Scotland. Dictionary of the Gaelic language .... 2580.2 - - Report on the poems of Ossian . . . 2074.3 - Royal college of physicians. Reports . 7004.13 Royal observatory. Astronomical obser- vations, 1839-54. See Great Britain. Admi- ralty E.1C0.1 - Royal society, 1788-1853 3360.1 English historical society. Publications. See English 2413.1-18 Florence. Accademia del Cimento. Saggi di natural! esperienze, 1841 5272.1 - Accademia imperialc e reale della Crusca. Atti, 1819-29 5272.15 - Accademia de' georgoflli di Firenze. Atti, 1791-1857 5257.1,2 - Associazione agraria di Grosseto. Gior- nale, 1848-50 3278.17 - Museo imperiale di Firenze. Annali, 1808-10 3911.9 - Societa colombaria fiorentina. Memorie, 1747, 52, 1803 5272.7 Ghent. Societd royale d'agriculture et de botanique de Gand. Annales, etc 3851.12 Gottingen. Konigliche Gescllsch. der Wis- senschaften. Abhandlungen, 1838-57 . . . 3304.2 - - Commentarii, 1751-77 3924.1,2 - - Commcntationes, 1799-1837 3294.3,4 - - Gelchrte Anzeigcn, 1753-1858 3219.2 Greenwich. Royal observatory. Astronom- ical observations, 1831-56. See Great Brit- ain. Admiralty E. 120.1 - - Reduction of the observations of the moon, 1750-1830 E. 140.8 - - Reduction of the observations of the planets, 1750-1830 E. 140.9 - - Magnetic and meteorological observa- tions, 1840-47. See Great Britain. Admiralty.E. 100.4 Hakluyt society. Publications. SeeHakluyt. 2264.1 Hanover. Archiv der Gesellschaft fur iiltere deutscne Geschichtkunde, 1820-68 3409.1 Leghorn. Accademia italiaua di scienze, let- tere, ed arti. Atti, 1810 5272.6 Leipsic. Commentarii societatis philologicae, 1801-4 2954.15 Leyden. Vereeniging ter bevordering der oude Nederlandsche letterkunde. Werken. 2873. 1-6 London. Art-union. Eighth annual report. 4072.11 - Chemical society. Quarterly jour. 1849-59. 3906.2 - Dilettanti society. Antiquities of Attica. 3070.3 - Entomological society, 1834-58 3888.1 - Geological society. Quarterly journal, 1845-58 3868.1 - - Transactions, 1811-45 5871.1 - Horticultural society. Catalogue of fruits. 3832.8 - Institute of British architects, 1835-42. . 4101.26 - Institution of civil engineers. Minutes of proceedings, ia37-5G 4028.1 - - Transactions, 1838-42 4022.7 - Linnaean society, 1788-1840 5861.1 - Medical and chirurgical society, 1809-35. 3740.1 - Meteorological society. Proceedings, 1838, 39 Pph.v. 225 - Microscopical society, 1854-56, 59 .... 5878.1 - Numismatic society, 1836-44 2223.4 - Philological society, 1854-56 2940.8 - - Proceedings, 1842-53 2940.7 - Photographic society. Journal, 1854-56. 4024.1 - Royal agricultural society. Journal, 1840- 59 3996.1 - Royal Asiatic society, 1827-35 3400.3 - Royal astronomical society. Memoirs, 1827-58 E. 128.1 - - Monthly notices, 1847-54 3341.2 - Royal college of physicians. Pharmaco- poeia 3785.8 TRANSACTIONS 785 TRANSACTIONS Shelf. No. TRANSACTIONS, etc. London, continued. - Eoyal geographical society. Journal, 1832-58 2267.1 - Royal institution of Great Britain. Jour- nal of science and the arts, 1S1G-18 .... 3976.2 - - Same. 1840-52 2957.4 - Royal society, 1065-1857 3210.1 - - Same. 16C5-1800. Abridged E. 152.1 - Royal society of literature of the United kingdom, 1825-39 2940.20 - Society for the diffusion of useful knowl- edge. Publications. See London. - Society for the encouragement of arts, etc. 1783-1844 E. 129.1 - Society of antiquaries. Publications . . 3311.1 - Society of arts, manufactures, and com- merce. Papers on chemistry, etc. 1810-43 . 3972.2 - - Papers on the polite and fine arts, 1810-43 4072.7 - Statistical society. Journal, 1838-55 . . 2288.1 - Sydenham society. Publ. . .3714.1-18,3724.1-10 - Zoological society, 1835-53 5861.2 Louisiana state medical society. Report on the meteorology and hygiene of La. M.Pph.v.52 Lucca. Atti della reale accademia lucchese di scienzc, lettere ed arti, 1821-67 3284.1 Madrid. Real academia espafiola. Diccionario de la lingua castellana E. 201.1 Maine historical society. Collections, T.I, 2,6 2339.1 Manchester, Eng. Statistical society. Evi- dence before the factory commissioners . . 3570.00 Mantua. Reale accademia di scienze, belle lettere, ed arti. Meinbrie, 1795 5272.2 Massachusetts. Historical society. Collec- tions, 1792-49 2351.1 - - Proceedings, 1855-00 2351.1 - Horticultural society, 1847-52 3992.1 - Medical society. Medical communica- tions, 1809 M.Pph.v.9 - - Reports . . 3805.0, Pph.v.64, M.Pph.v. 8,246 - Society for promoting agriculture. Pa- pers, repository, and journal, 1801-32 . . . 3994.2 - - Transactions. New series, v. 1,1858. 3994.3 Michigan. State agricultural society, 1853-56. 6387.2 Milan. Istituto del regno lombardo-veneto di scienze, lettere, cd arti. Memorie, 1812-38. 5240. 1 - Istituto lombardo di scienze, lettere, ed arti. Memorie, 1843-1856 5240.2 - Societa patriotica di Milano. Atti, 1783-93. 5273.8 Modena. Societa italiana delle scienze. Me- morie di matemat. c di fisica, 1782-1855 . . 5243.1 Montreal. Natural history society. Re- ports, 1828-54 Pph.v.200, 216, 217 Moscow. Societe imperiale des naturalistes. Bulletin, v. 29. 1856 3837.7 Munich. Konigliche bayerische Akademie dcr Wissenschaften. Abhandlungen, 1763- 76 3214.1 - - Neue historische Abhandlungen, 1779- 93 3214.2 - - Neue philosophische Abhandlungen, 1778-97 3234.2 - - Abhandlungen der historischen Classe, 1833-55 3274.15 - - Abhandlungen der mathematisch-phy- sikalischen Classe, 1832-52 3264.1 - - Abhandlungen der philosophisch-phi- lologischcn Classe, 1835-58 3254.1 - - Denkschriften fur die Jahre 1808-24. 3214.4 - - Gegenstande der schonen Wissen- schaften, 1781 3234.3 - - Gelehrte Anzcigen, 1835-58 3224.3 Naples. Reale accademia delle scienze. Atti, 1819-51 5271.1 - - Memorie, 1856-57 5271.2 National [British] association for the promo- tion of social science, 1857 3566.1 New Hampshire state agricultural society, 1850-44, 56 6338.2-5 Shelf. No. TRANSACTIONS, etc. continued. New York. American ethnological society, 1844-48 2235.18 - Apollo association for the promotion of the fine arts, 1842 Pph.v.129 - Historical society. Collections for 1809 . 2371.12 - - Report on a national name Pph.v.145 - Literary and philosophical soc. 1815-25. . E. 128. 15 - Medical soc. Reports on nostrums. M.Pph.v. 17 - Medical society of the city and county. Reports, 1816, 20, 31 M.Pph.v. 5, 8, 23 - University. Medical and surgical society. Proceedings, 1807-18 . . . . M.Pph.v.l, 3-5, 8, 24 New York state agricultural society, 1841-50. 3995.1 New York state medical society. 1832-51 . . 3737.2, 3 Norfolk Co., Mass. Agricultural soc. 1849, 51. 6348.9 Oriental translation fund. Publications. See Oriental. Palermo. Accademia delle scienze e belle lettere. Statuti, 1832 E. 228. 15 - Reale osservatorio. Calendario, 1&36 . .E. 199. 30 Paris. Academic ccltique. Memoires, 1807-10. 5275.3 - Academic francaise. Dictionnaire. 6c ed. 2680.4, 5 - - Same. Avec complement 2681.1 - - Recueil des discours, 1803-49 3252.2 - Academic de litterature et beaux arts. Memoires, 1797-1804 3292.1 - Academic des inscriptions et belles let- tres. Histoire, memoires, 1701-93 3291.4 - - - Same. 1803-43 3292.2 - - Memoires par divers savants, 1844-54 . 3302.2 - - Notices, etc., des MSS. de la biblio- theque du roi 2190.1 - Academic des sciences. Histoire et me- moires, 1666-1790 3211.2,3 - - Memoires, 1816-54, 59 3242. 1 - - Memoires de mathematique et de phy- sique, 1750-86 3271.13 - - Memoires de la classe des sciences mathematiques et physiques, 1797-1818 . . 3222.2 - - Memoires des sciences mathematiques et physiques, par savans etrangers, 1805-11. 3232.2 - - Memoires, etc. etc. par divers savants, 1827-52 3262.1 - - Seances hebdomadaires. Comptes ren- dus, 1835-59 3213.1 - - [Publications diverses] . . 3201.2-5,3271.1-10 - Academic des sciences morales et poli- tiqucs. Memoires, 1797-1804, l:37-55 . . . 3202.12 - - Memoires par savans etrangers, 1841-47. 3262.2 - - Seances ct travaux, 1842-60 3215.1 - Academic royale de medecine. Memoires, 1828-58 5741.1 - - Bulletin, 1836-59 5710.35 - Ecole polytechnique. Journal, 1795-1853. 3372.1 - Ecole royale des chartes. Bibliotheque, 1839-59 2272.1 - Museum d'histoire naturelle. Annales . 3811 .2 - - Memoires 3811.1 - Societe asiatique. Journal, 1822-59 . . . 3517.1 Societ6 d'encourageinent pour 1'industrie natiouale. Bulletin, 1802-59 3380.2 - Societe entomologique de France. An- nales, 1832 3889.2 - Societe de geographic. Bulletin, 1822-59. 2269.1 - - Recueil de voyages et de memoires, 1824-40 2200.11 - Societe d'histoire de France. See Paris. 2610.1 - Societe geologique de France. Bulletin, 1843-56 3867.6 Memoires, 1844-56 3850.9 - Societe Montyou et Franklin. Histoire des hommes utiles 2255.1 - Societe oricntale. Bulletin, ISl.'MO . . . 3016.1 - Societe" philotechnique. Compte rendu des travaux, 18:38 Ppu.v.168 - Societe pour 1 'instruction elementaire. Bulletin, 1837-42 7015.14, 15 - Societe royale des antiquaires de France. Memoires et dissertations, 1817-55 5275.1 TRANSACTIONS 786 TRAVELS Shelf. No. TRANSACTIONS, etc. Paris, continued. - Socieie zoologique d'acclimatation. Bulle- tin, 1854-58 . 3987.1 Parker society. Publications. See Parker society 3493.5, 3499.4 Pennsylvania. State agricultural society, 1854. 0378.3 Percy society. Publications. See Percy soc. 2537.3 Philadelphia, Academy of natural sciences. Journal, 1817-31 3817.1 - American philosophical soc. 1769-1830 . . 3370.4, 5 - - Same. 1789-1853 E.145.2 - Art-union, 1849 Pph.v.181 - Franklin institute of the state of Penn- sylvania. Journal. See Franklin institute. 4017.1 Ray society. Publications. See Ray society. 3824.1 Rhode Island historical society. Collections. 2336.9 Rhode Island society for the encouragement of domestic industry, 1850-52 4010.15 - - Same, 1855 6335.14 Rome. Istituto di corrispondenza archeolog- ica di Roma. Annali, 1829-53 5256.3 - - Bulletino, 1829-53 5276.1 - - Memoric, 1829 5256.1 _ _ Monument! inediti 27H.3.1.1.J.2 St. Helena. Royal magnetical observatory. Observations, 1840-43 3961.1 St. Petersburg. Academic des sciences. Acta, 1777-82 3240.2 - - Acta nova, 1783-1802 3240.3 _ _ Bulletin de la classe historico-philo- logique, 1844-57 3290.1 _ _ Bulletin de la classe physico-mathe'- matique, 1843-58 3270.2 - - Bulletin scientiflque, 1836-42 3280.1 - - Commentarii, 172(i-46 3220.1 - - Commentarii novi, 1747-75 3220.2 - - Compte rendu, 1849-55 3300.2 - - Gekronte Preisschriften E.137.4 - - Memoires, 1803-22 3250.2 _ _ Meinoires des sciences mathdmatiques physiques et naturelles, 1831-55 3260.2 _ _ Memoires des sciences politiques, his- toire et philologie, 1832-55 3270.1 - - Memoires par savans etrangers, 1831-54. 3290.3 - - Memoires qui ont remporte les prix, 1777-91 E.137.3 - - Recueil des actes, 1828-48 3300.1 Scienziati italiani. Atti, 1839-47 5242.1 Sienna. Accademia delle scienze. Atti, 1761- 1841 5202.1 South Carolina state agricultural society, 1839-45,47 0374.20 Surtees society. Publications 2417.1-33 Toronto. Royal magnetical obs. 1840-55. See Great Britain. Ordnance department, v. 3 of 3961.1 Turin. Rcale accademia delle scienze di To- rino. Miscellanea philosophico-mathemat- ica, 1759-73 E. 154.1 - - Memoires des sciences, 1784-1800 . . . E. 154.1 - - Memoires: Litterature et beaux arts, 1803-13 E. 154.1 - - Memoires: Sciences physiques etmath- ematiques, 1804-13 E. 154.1 - - Memorie della reale accad. 1815-33 . . E. 164.1 Venice. Istituto di scienze, lettere, ed arti. Atti, Nov. 1855 Ott. 1850 3283.1 Vienna. Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde. In- struction fiir das zu Wien gestiftete Con- servatoriuin 4049.11 - - Statuten 4057.17 - Kaiserliche Akademie der Wissenschaf- ten in Wien. Mathematisch-Naturwissen- schaftliche Classe. Denkschriften, 1850-59. 3310.1 _ _ _ _ Sitzungsberichte, 1847-59 3310.3 - - Philosophisch-historische Klasse. Denkschriften, 1850-57 3320.1 _ _ _ _ Sitzungsberichte, 1848-59 3340.3 - Kaiscrlich geologische Reichsanstalt. Abhandlungen, 1852-56 3860.29 - - Jahrbuch, 1850-58 3803.1 Shelf. No. TRANSACTIONS, etc. Vienna, continued. - - Katalog der Bibliothek des Hof-mine- ralien-Cabinetes 2170.19 Washington. National institution for the promotion of science. Proceedings, etc. 1840-41 Pph.v.117, 119, 142,282 - Smithsonian institution. Contributions to knowledge, 1848-58 3340.1 - - Report on recent improvements in the chemical arts, 1852 E. 110. 21 Wernerian natural history society. Memoirs, 1808-37 3866.2 Worcester, Mass. American antiquarian BOC. Transactions and collections, 1850-57 . . . 2311.1 TRANSATLANTIC sketches. Alexander, J. E. . . 2363.18 TRANSLATION, Principles of. Tytler,A. F. . . . 3607.3 TRANSPLANTING of trees, etc., Essay on the. Steuart, H 4003.7 TRANSPORTATION, Remarks on. Whately, R. . 3575.12 TRANSUBSTANTIATION, Answer to Cardinal Wise- man's lectures on. Knowles, J. S 3464.23 Interlude of John Bon and Mast Person. See Luke 2537.30 TRANSYLVANIA. Boissard, J. J. Pannonia his- toria chronologica 2311.16 Tubero, L. De rebus in Pannonia gestis, 1490-1522. [Schwandtner. Script, rer. Hun- garic. v.2] 2810.2 TRAPIER, P. Narrative of facts which led to the presentment of the Right Rev. Benj. T. On- derdonk. New York, 1845. 8 Pph.v.143 TRAPNELL, Rev. J. Trial, with a review of the verdict, [etc.] Baltimore, 1847. 8 . . Pph.v.100 TRASEOMACO, or Atromo Traseomaco, or Trasi- maco, pseud, equivalent to Zaccaria, F. A. TRATTATI politic! di varii autori. Venezia, 1839. 12 3568.12 Contents. Luigi Carrer, Ai lettori ; Girolamo Sa- vonarola, II regimento e governo della citta di Firenze; liattista Gunrini, Della politica liberta ; Ottavio Sainraarco, Delle mutazioni de' rcgni. TRAVANET, S. de. Physiologic de la terre. Bour- ges, 1844. 8 3993.10 TRAVELLER'S guide through France and Ger- many. Amsterdam, n.d. 12 2034.10 TRAVELLER'S handbook. Manuel du voyageur. Genlis, E. F. D. de St. A. B E.207.8 TRAVELLERS. Viaggiatori veneziani. Zurla, P. 2240.7 TRAVELS. Abu Taleb Khan. Travels in Asia, Africa, and Europe, 1799-1803 2274.3 Blaquiere, E. Letters from the Mediterra- nean 2274.9 Benjamin of Tudela. Itinerary 2274.7 Coryat, T. Crudities hastily gobbled up in France, Italy, etc 2274.1 Dewey, O. Old world and new 2273.12 Gourcy, C. de. Voyage agricole L'jr.J.13 Heine, H. Reisebilder 2273.15 Inglis, H. D. Solitary walks through many lands 2273.8 Jameson, A. Visits and sketches, at home and abroad 2273.9 Jewett, 1. A. Passages in foreign travel . . 2273.6, 7 Lithgow, W. Travels for nineteen years . . 2273.2 Polo, M. H milione 2240.8 - Viaggi 2240.11 - Travels in the 13th century 2240.10 Relazioni di viaggiatori 2277.13 Salvo, C. de. Travels from Italy to Eng- land 2273.16 Sedgwick, C. M. Letters from abroad. .2273.10,11 Silliman, B. Travels, 1805-6 Smith, J. Travels 2374.15 Stanhope, H. Travels 2.74.S Viaggi fatti da Vinetia, alia Tana, in Persia, etc 2277.10 See also : Hakluy t society, Manners and customs, Voyages. Also : The names of continent* and countries into which travels have been made. TRAVERS 787 TREVES Shelf. No. TRAVERS,B. Constitutional irritation. New York, ISdO. 8 3807.4 Physiology of inflammation. Lond. 1841. 12. 3798.11 Surgical essays. See Cooper, A. P 3743.4,5 TUAVERSARI, G. L. Sui simulacri primieri clelle divinita pagane. [Itaccoltafcrrarcse di op- uscoli scientific!, v.9] 5274.1 TBEADWELL, D. Keport on the subject of supply- ing- [Boston] with water. Boston, 1825. pp.32. 8 v.l of 0357. 20, **B. 224.11 TREASURY of knowledge. New edition. New York, 1850. 3v. 12" *2284.4 Contents. Vol. I. Universal gazetteer, [with] epit- ome of history, and classical dictionary. II. Com- pendious English grammar and dictionary. III. Common place book of research and curiosity. TREAT, J. Vindication against the calumny in Brown's report of the battle of Chippeway. Philadelphia, 1815. pp.02. 8 2343.11 TREAT family, See Goodwin, N 2332.8 TREATIES. Barbcyrac, J. Histoire des anciens traitez 3010.1 Chalmers, G. Treaties between Great Bri- tain and other powers 3688. 4 Furneaux. Treaties with reference to the protection of a neutral flag 3088.3 General collection of treatys, 1048-1730 . . . 3688.5 Hauterive, A. M. B. L. d'. Traites de com- merce, etc. de la France 3088.1 Hertslet, L. Treaties of commerce between Great Britain and foreign powers 3087.1 Koch, C. W. Histoire abregfe des traitds de paix 3088.2 Martens, G. F. v. Recueil des principaux traites, 1701-07 3687.2 Eymer, T. Foedera, etc. inter reges Angliae et alios 2510.1 Saint-Prest, J. Y. de. Histoire des traites de paix 3620.2 See also : Diplomacy, Law of nations, Negotiations. TREBECK, G. Travels in the Himalayan provinces. See Moorcroft, W 3043.15 TREBISOND. Chronique de Trebisonde, composee en Grec par Michel Panarete. [Lebeau. Histoire du Bas Empire, v. 20] 3074.1 TREDGOLD, T. Elementary principles of carpen- try. Appendix by P. Barlow. 4th edition. London, 1853. 4 *4012.10 Principles and practice, and explanation of the steam engine. London, 1850-53. 3v. in 4. 4 *4011.7 Contents. Vol. I. Rules and regulations for the practical management of a locomotive engine, by J. Sewell, pp. 73, pi. 13 ; Express carriage engine, by J. Samuel, pp. 2, pi. 3 ; On the dimensions of the loco- motive engine boiler in relation to its evaporative power, by 11. Armstrong, pp. 12 ; Description of the outsidc-cylindcr tank engine, constructed by Sharp Bros, and Co., by II. B. Barlow, pp. 40, pi. 5 ; On the consumption of fuel and the evaporation of water in locomotive and other steam engines, by E. Woods, pp. 44, pi. 2 ; Description of the patent locomotive steam engine made by Messrs. R. Stephenson and Co., pp. 08, pi. 4 ; Specification for the passenger engines on the Caledonian railway, pp. 12, pi. 6 ; Descrip- tion and specification of the passenger engine Wre- kin, pp. 8, pi. 4; Description of the first-class express engine made by R. and W. Hawthorn, pp. 1C, pi. 4 ; Description and specification of Crampton's patent locomotive engine Liverpool, pp. 4. II. Nature and properties of steam, pp. 342 ; Principles and practice of steam navigation, pp. 42 j History of the steam en- gine, pp. 52 ; Memoir of her majesty's steamship the Medea, by Capt. T. Baldock, pp. 20; Form of steam journal, by Capt. T. Baldock, pp. 8. III. Pumping engine erected at the new dry dock, N. Y., pp, 4, pL 7; General theory of the steam engine, by W. 8. B. Woolhouse, pp. 32, pi. 35 ; Explanation of plates, pp.44; On marine boilers, by J. Dinnen, pp. 52, pi. 80 ; Description of the turbine water-wheel, at Low- ell, Mass., by J. B. Francis, pp. 4, pi. 4; On the screw propulsion in her majesty's navy, pp. 8, and folded table; The disc engine as a marine engine to drive the screw-propeller, by G. Rcnnie, pp. 8; Propulsion of vessels by the paddle-wheel, by G. Rennie, pp. Shelf. No. TREDGOLD, T. continued. 80; Propulsion of steamers, by Mr. Ewbank of N. Y., pp. 51-68, pi. 12; Steam corn-mills erected at Smyrna, pp. 8, pi. T; On the propulsion of vessels by the screw, by R. Bodmcr, pp. 16; Glossary of terms, with French and Spanish translations, pp. 32. IV. 83 plates intended to illustrate vol. n. Principles of warming and ventilating. 3d ed. London, 1830. 8 4105.3 Railroads and carriages. 2ded. Lond. 1835. 8. 4015.9 Strength of cast iron. London, 1822. 8 . . 4018.4 - Same. 4th ed. with notes by E. Hodgkin- son. London, 1842. 8 4018.3 Tracts on hydraulics. 2d ed. Lond. 1837. 8. 3944.2 Contents. Smeaton's experimental papers on the power of water and wind to turn mills ; Veuturi's experiments on the motion of fluids ; Dr. Young's summary of practical hydraulics, chiefly from the German of Eytelwein. Treatise on architecture. See Hosking, W. . 4101.24 TREE of life, Dissertation on the. Kennicott, B. 3419.1 TREES. Aldrovandi, U. Dendrologiai naturalis libri duo 3870.10 Du Hamel du Monceau, H. L. La physique des arbres 3S42.9 - Traite des arbres et arbustes 3800.1 Loudon, J. C. Derby arboretum 3830.10 - Encyclopaedia of trees 3834.8 Steuart, H. Transplanting of large trees . . 3982.5 See also: Forest trees, Fruit trees, Great Britain, United States. TRELAWNY papers. See Camden society, No. 55 . 2410.39 TREITSCHKE, F., Schmctterlinge von Europa. See Ochsenhcimer, F v. 8 of 3894. 5 TRELIER, E. De jurejurando liber. [Grsevius. Thcs. antiq. Rom. v.5] 2950.1 TREMONT house, Description of the 4090.3 TRENCH, F. Remarks on loan funds. 2d ed. London, 1833. pp. 43. 8 *3570.61 TRENCIIARD, J. Natural history of superstition. n.p. 1709. 8 *Pph.v.31 TRENDALL, E. W. Designs for cottages and villas, in 30 plates. London, [1831]. 4 *4101.25 Examples for roofs, etc. [30 plates.] Lon- don, 1851. 4 *4101.19 Monuments, cenotaphs, etc. [30 plates.] Lon- don, n.d. 4 *4071.7 TRENT. Bungener, L. F. Histoire du concile de Trente 3518.5 Canons and decrees of the council of. [Cal- vin. Tracts, v. 3] 5494.1 Istoria del concilio tridentino. [Sarpi. Op- ere, v.l, 2] 3491.2 Le Plat, J. Monumentorum ad historiam concilii Tridentini potissimum illustrandam spectantium amplissima collectio 3511.1 Pallavicino, S. Istoria del concilio di Trento. 3511.3 Sarpi, P. Histoire du concile de Trente . . . 3511.4 TRENTA, F. L'Auge: tragedia. [Teatromoderno applaudito, v.54] 2768.1 TRENTA, T. Dissertazioni sullo stato dell' archi- tettura, pittura, ecc. in Lucca. [Memorie per servire all' istoria del principato luc- chese,v.8J 2711.4 TRENTON. New Jersey Howard society. Second annual report. Trenton, 1834. 8 . . . . *Pph.v.91 TRENTON falls, Description of. Sherman, J. . Pph.v.213 TRESORnational, [de Bclgique]. le-2e serie. Bru- xelles, 1842-44. 4v. 8" *2813.8 TRESSAN dc la Vergne, L. E. de. CEuvres choisies. Paris, 1787-88. 6v. 8 *2688.1 Contents. Vol. I -HI. Traduction libre d'Ama- adis de Gaule. IH. Extrait de Roland 1'amoureux de Matheo-Maria Boyardo. IV -VI. Roland fu- rieux, poeme herolque de 1'Arioste. TREVELYAN papers. Collier, J. P. [Camden society, No. 08] 2426.12 TBEVES. Gesta Trevirorum, edd. "Wyttenbach et Mttller. See Gesta 3521.9 - Same. Edente G. Waitz. [Migne. Patro- logiajv.154] 3460.31 Ronge, J. Holy coat of 3463.33 TREVIRANUS 788 TRINITARIAN Shelf. No. TREVIRANUS, G. R. Anat. et Physiol. dcr Smnes- werkzeuge dcs Menschen und dor Thiere. Is Hft. Gesichtswcrk. Bremen, 1828. f . 5860.8 Beobachtungcn aus der Zootomic und Physi- ologic. Bremen, 1839. 4 3883.2 Biologic, Oder Philosophic der Icbenden Na- tur. GiJttingen, 1802-22. v.l-C. 8 . . . . 3886.13 Erscheinungcn und Gesetze dca organischen J.rbens. Bremen, 1831-33. 2v. 8 .... 3885.9 TREVISANI, C. La congiura di Pandolfo Pucci. Firenze, 1852. 12" 4749.2 Mcrcenario da Montcvcrde. Stor. ital. del sccolo XIV. Fircnze, 1850. 12 4775.7 TREVISO. Istoriadi Trivigi. Bonifaccio, G. . . 2711.5 TREVOR, E. Rules and regulations for the hulks Surprise and Essex. Cork, 1832. pp.36. 8. 3570.00 TREVOUX, Dictionnaire de. See Dictionnaire . .A. 180.1 TREW, C. J. Plantse selectze. Dccur. i-x. Norim- bergte 1750-73. [Colored plates.] f . . . *3820.8 - Same. Supplementum pub. B. C. Vogel. [Norimb.] 1700. pp.14. 10col.pl. f . . . 3820.8 TRIAL of a student at the college of Clutha, in the kingdom of Oceana. Glasgow, 1768. 8 . *Pph.v.242 TRIAL of the British soldiers for the murder of Attucks, Maverick, Gray, [and others]. Boston, 1824. 12 2326.14 TRIAL of Lieut. Abbot by the general court mar- tial. See Waldo, F. \V Pph.v.35 TRIAL of James Anthony for the murder of J. Green. See Anthony, J Pph.v.45 TRIAL of Rev. E. K. Avery. See Hallett, B. F. . 3084.5 TRIAL of Com. J. Barron and others, of the ship Chesapeake, 1808. See United States. Na- vy department 2343.15 TRIAL of J. O. Beauchamp for the murder of Col. Sharp. See Dana, J. G 3684.19 TRIAL of S. and J. Boorn for the murder of R. Colvin. SeeBoornjS Pph.v.45 TRIAL of J. T. Buckingham for libel on J. N. Maffitt. See Buckingham, J. T Pph.v.240 TRIAL of Col. Aaron Burr on an indictment for treason, 1807. See Carpenter, T 2344.14 TRIAL of D. D. Farmer for the murder of Anna Ayer. See Rogers, A M.Pph.v.121 TRIAL of Abel Fitch and others for conspiracy. [Michigan central R. R.] See Report . . . 3684.14 TRIAL of Nathan Foster for the murder of his wife. See Romeyn, H. M M.Pph.v.ll TRIAL of Dr. S. Fuller reviewed. See Judson, A. T. 3684.11 TRIAL of Amos Furnald for the murder of Alfred Furnald. SeeEla.R M.Pph.v.121 TRIAL of J. Gould for libel on T. Weed. See Gould, J Pph.v.291 TRIAL of an action against the marquis of Head- fort for crim. con. See Report Pph.v. 2 TRIAL of Capt. Isaac Hull. See United States. Navy department 2343.14 TRIAL of J. Lackey, I. Everston, [and others], for kidnapping W. Morgan. /See Morgan, W. Pph.v.291 TRIAL of B. T. Ouderdonk Pph.v. 143, 3546.4 TRIAL of Lambert, Perry, and Cobbett for libel- ling George in. See Lambert, J Pph.v. 5 TRIAL of Medad M'Kay for the murder of his wife. See Gould, M. T. C M.Pph.v.ll TRIAL of Abner Rogers, jr. for the murder of C. Lincoln, jr. See Bigelow, G. T 3684.13 TRIAL of T. O. Selfridge for killing C. Austin. See Lloyd, T 3684.15 TRIAL of W. S. Smith and S. G. Ogden for misde- meanours. See Lloyd, T 3684.12 TRIAL of Gen. Talcott, 1851, reviewed. See Spen- cer, J. C 3684.9 TRIAL of Miss M. A. Tocker for libel on R. Gur- ney. See Cobbett, W Pph.v. 218 TRIAL of Rev. J. Trapnell for refusing to permit the bishop to celebrate the Lord's supper in his church. See Trapnell, J Pph.v. 160 TRIAL of Mark Tucker for slander of Rev. H. Gumming Pph.v. 22 TRIAL of J.W.Webster. See Stone, J. W. . . . 3684.4 ShclC No. TRIAL of L. Weeks for murder of G. Bands. See Coleman, W Pph.v.40 TRIALS. Hitzig, J. E. Der neue Pitaval .... 3690.2 Millaud, I'. Les fastes crimincls de 1840 . . 3684.17 Pitaval, F. G. de. Causes co'lebres et interes- santcs 3709.1 Processo degli untori nella peste del 1630 . . 3684.8 Saint-Edmc, B. Causes cclebrcs 3698.1 Woodman, H. Reports of criminal cases in the municipal court of Boston, 1823-12 . . . 3684.1 See also : State trials. TRIANGLES. Uebcr die Oerter spharischer Drei- ecke. Riimkcr, C E. 110.3 TRIBUTE to the Irish and Scotch settlers of Penn- sylvania. Chambersburg, 1856. 8 .... 2372.2 TBICHET Dufresne, R. Epistola de Charondae ef- flgie in nummo Cataniensi expressa. [Gro- novius. Thes. Grsec. antiq. v.10] 2960.2 TRIESTE, G. Notizie alia vita ed alle operc di Poggio Bracciolini. [Raccolta ferrarese dl opuscoli scientific!, v.23] 5274.1 TRIESTE, P. Sopra 1'agro di Asolo nc' bassi tem- pi. [ Raccolta ferr.di opuscoli scient. v. 14]. 5274.1 TRIESTE. Tergestina, bei Triest Icbcnde Gattun- gen, Octopus, etc. Gravenhorst, J. L. C. . 3872.11 TRIFOLIUS. Epistola ad Faustum senatorem. [Migne. Patrologiae v.63] v.lof3450.5 TRIGLAND, J. Conjectanca ad quaedam obscura fragmenti de Dodone loca. [Gronovius. Thes. Graec. antiq. v. 7] 2960.2 TRIGONOMETRICAL survey, Method of conducting a. Fromc, R. E 3925.22 TRIGONOBIETRT. Bonnycastle, J. Plane and spherical trigonometry E. 196. 13 Cacciatore, N. Trigonometria sferica . . . . E.213.9 Cagnoli,A. Trigonometric rectiligne et sphe"- rique 3920.11 Caswell, J. Plain and spherical trigonom. . E. 191.1 De Morgan, A. Spherical trigonometry . . E.212.3 Euclides. Plain and spherical trigonometry. E. 188. 7 Farrar, J. Application of E. 166.7 Flint, A. System of E. 196.5 Grunert, J. A. Spharoidische Trig. . . .E. 191. 14, 15 Hassler, F. R. Analytical trigonometry . . E. 189.1 Hestermann, J. L. Trigonomctriae sphaericae leges et formulae E. 191. 16 Hopkins, W. Elements of E.212.3 Keith, T. Plane and spherical trigonometry.E.1%. 14 Lacroix, S. F. Trigonometric rectiligne et spherique E. 196.22 - Plane and spherical trigonometry . . . 3925.4, 23 Martin, B. Plane and spherical trigonom. . E. 196. 29 Mauduit, A. R. Spherical trigonometry . . E. 196. 28 Peirce, B. Plane trigonometry E. 197. 15 - Spherical trigonometry E. 213. 25 Reynaud, A. A. L. Trigonometric rectiligne et spherique E. 199.32 Simpson, T. Plane and spherical T E. 197.8 Woodhouse, R. Plane and spherical T. . . E. 196.12 See also : Triangles. TRILOBITES. Burmeister, H. Organization of, deduced from their living affinities .... 3870.13 Green, J. Description of two new species of Pph.v. 97 TRIMMER, S. Attempt to familiarize the church catechism. 1st Am. from 3d Lond. ed. New York, 1807. 12" 3452.27 Essay on Christian education. Lond. 1812. 8. 3594.7 Guardian of education. London, 1802-6. 5v. 8 3594.6 Introduction to the knowledge of nature and reading the holy Scriptures. 4th cd. Lon- don, 1786. 12 3446.13 (Economy of charity : an address concerning Sunday schools. London, 1787. 12 ... 3445.26 Sunday school catechist. London, 1788. 12. 3445.34 TRINCI, C. Trattati di agricoltura. 1851. 16' . . 3992.23 TRINITARIAN and Unitarian doctrines compared, in respect to moral tendency. Sparks, J. . 3462.5 TRINITARIANISM 789 TROYA Shelf. No. TRINITARIANISM. Disney, J. Dialogue between a Scripturian and an Athanasian 3370.4 Forrest, J. Origin and progress of trinita- rian theology 3402.21 Norton, A. Reasons for not believing the doctrines of triuitarians 3462.15,16 Stuart, M. Eternal generation of the Son of God Pph.v.271 See also : Christ, Holy Spirit, Unitarianism. TRIPOLI. Histoire et descriptions des etats tripo- litains. Rozet, C. A 2266.3 TRISSINO, G. G. Tutte le opere. Verona, 1729. 2v. 4 *2791.4 Contents. Vol. I. Vita del Trissino j Prefazione di S. Maffei; Italia liberata dai Gotti; Sofonisba, trag.; I simillimi, comm.i Rime; Altre rime, con 1'aggiunta di alcuni sonetti da altri poeti scritti al Trissino; En- comium Maximilian! Csesaris ; Pharmaceutria, de morte Batti ; Epigrammata duo. II. Le sci divi- Bioiii della poetica ; Dante della volgare eloquenza, col testo latino a colonna ; Epistola dclle lettere nuovamente agginnte ne la lingua italiana ; Dubbj grammatical! ; II castellano, dialogo ; La gram- matichetta ; I ritratti ; Epistola della vita che dee tenere una donna vedova ; Orazione al doge Gritti ; Grammatices introductionia liber primus ; Risposta di Lodovico Martelli all' epistola delle lettere nuova- mente aggiunte; II polito di AdrianoFranzi da Siena; Bagionamento di Angelo Firenzuola; Dialogo di Ni- cold Liburnio ; Vincentii Oreadini Perusini opuscu- lum in quo agit utrum adjectio novaruni literarum Ital. lingua? aliquam utilitatem pepererit. L'ltalia liberata da' Goti. Riveduta da S. Antonini. Parigi, 1729. 3v. 8 2794.18 See Autori del ben parlare 3590.10 Contents. Part I. Vol. I. II castellano, dialogo. III. Epistola delle lettere nuovamente aggiunte nella lingua italiana. La Sofonisba, trag. [Maffei. Teatro ital- iano, v.l] 2776.8 - Same. [Parnaso italiano] v. 17 of 2769. 2 - Same. [Teatro italiano antico, v.l] . . 2776.1 TRISTRAM Shandy : a novel by L. Sterne. Ballan- tyne. Novelist's library, v.5] 2573.1 TRISTREM, Sir. Tristan und Isolde, u. s. w. See Gottfried von Strassburg. TRIVET, N. Annales sex regum Anglias 1106- 1307. Recensuit T. Hog. Londini, 1845. 8. [English historical society] *2413.9 TROGNON, A. Fragment sur 1'histoire de France. [Guizot. Coll. me"m. hist. France, v.l] . . 2618.2 TROGUS Pompeius. Historia. See Justinus . . 2916.4 TKOIL, U. v. Letters on Iceland. [Pinkerton. Voyages, v.l] 2260.13 TROILUS. II pokey often a rrjs pqro/HKr/f. [ Walz. Rhet- ores Graeci, v.6] 2965.2 TRO.TA di Napoli. See Troya. TROJANUS. Epistola. [Migne. Patrologiaev.67]. 3450.8 TROLLOPE, E. Illustrations of ancient art, from Pompeii and Ilcrculaneum. Lond. 1854. 4. *4071.9 TROLLOPE, F. Domestic manners of the Ameri- cans. 4th ed. New York, 1832 2362.10 [American criticisms on Domestic manners oftheAmcr.] 2d cd. Lond. 1833. pp.68. 8. 2406.9 TROLLOPIAD, The, or travelling gentlemen in America. Shelton, F. W 2398.17 TROMBELLI, G. G. Arte di conosccre 1'eta de' codici latini e Italian!, la ed. romana. Ac- cresc. d'una lettera di G. T. Serbati, etc. Roma, 1838. 4 *2190.8 TROMLITZ, A., pseud. See Witzleben, C. A. F. v. TnoMP, C. van. Vie. [Richer. Vies des plus cele- bresmarins] 4669.19 TRONSON Du Coudray, G. A. See Annales du barreau franjais. Barreau ancien, v.6, p. 2. 3708.1 TROPICAL diseases, Treatise on. Moseley, B. . . 3797.12 TROPLONG, R. T. Le droit civil expliqu^ suivant 1'ordre des articles du code, depuis ct y compris le titre de la vente. Paris, 1847. 2v. 8 3637.9 Contents. Vol. L De la contraiutc par corps en matiere civile et de commerce. II. Du nautissement, du gage et de I'auticlirese. Shelf. No. TROSACHS. Account of the Drosacks by T. Gar- nett. [Pinkerton. Voyages, v. 3] .... 2260.13 Tour to the. See History of Stirling . . . . 2475.12 TROSCHEL, F. H. System der asteriden. See Miiller, J 3871.6 TROTTER, J. B. Memoirs of the latter years of C. J. Fox. Boston, 1812. 8" 2542.2 TROTTER, T. View of the nervous temperament. Troy, N. Y. 1808. 12 3802.17 TROUBADOURS. Essai d'un glossaire occitanien a 1'intelligence des poesies des troubadours. 2685.3 Galvani, G. Osservazioni sulla poesia de' trovatori 2787.9 Parnasse occitanien, ou poe'sies originales des troubadours 2085.4 See also: Provencial literature. TROUBAT, F. J. Law of partnership in the United States. Philadelphia, 1853. 8 3663.4 TROUIX. See Duguay-Trouin, R. TROUP, R. Letter on the canal policy of the state of New York. Albany, 1822. 8 .... *Pph.v.35 Remarks on the Trinity church bill, before the council of revision. Reprinted New York, 1846. 8 *Pph.v.l55 Vindication of the claim of Elkanah Watson to the merit of projecting the Lake Erie canal policy. Geneva, 1821. 8 *Pph.v.26 [Answer to a clandestine address to the elec- tors of the state of New York, signed by Robert Troup and others. By Epaminon- das. No title-page.] 8 *Pph.v.l94 TROUSSEAU, A., and Belloc, H. Treatise on laryngeal phthisis, and diseases of the voice. Transl. by J. A. Warder. Phila- delphia, 1841. 8 3755.22 and Reveil. Prescriber's handbook. Ed. by J. B. Nevins. London, 1852. 16 3786.32 TROY. Bryant, J. Observations upon a treatise, entitled A description of the plain of T. 2991.16 Lechevalier, J. B. Voyage de la Troade, dans les amides 1785 et 1786 3076.4 Morritt, J. B. S. Vindication of Homer, etc. 2991.14 Rennell, J. Topography of the plain of . . 2991.13 Spohn, F. A. G. De agro Trojano in car- minibus Homericis descripto 2997.13 Wood, R. Comparative view of the ancient and present state of 2991.11 - Comparazione dello stato attuale della Troade collo stato del tempo d'Omcro. [Cesarotti. Opere, v. 10, p. 1] 2798.1 TROT, N. Y. Commerce, manufactures, and re- sources of. Kellogg, D. 2371.22 Academy. Catalogue of the officers and stu- dents, 1849-50. Troy, N.Y. 1850. 8 . . *Pph.v.l83 Female seminary. Catalogue of the mem- bers, 1827-28. [No title-page.] 8 ... *Pph.v.74 First presbyterian church, Origin and pro- gress of the divisions. Also, strictures upon the new doctrines of Finuey and Beman. Troy, 1827. 8 *Pph.v.69 Private episcopal institute. 2d annual cata- logue. Troy, N. iT. 1838. 8" *Pph.v.l03 Kensselacr institute or school. Constitution and laws. Troy, 1825. 8 *Pph.v.55 - Constitution and laws adopted 1826, with a catalogue. Albany, 1826. 8 .... *Pph.v.ll9 - Digest of the laws and rules, and a trien- nial catalogue. Troy. 1833. 8 . . . *Pph.v. 88,94 - Triennial catalogue. Troy, 1828. 8 . *Pph.v.77 Minutes of the Troy conf. of the protcstant episc. church, 1845. Albany, 1845. 8 . *Pph.v.229 TROYA, or Troja di Napoli, C. Del veltro alle- gorico di Dante. Firenze, 1826. roy.S" . . 2802.9 Del veltro allegorico de' Ghibellini con altre scritture intorno alia divina commedia di Dante. Napoli, 1856. 8" 2802.8 Contents. Del veltro allegorico del Ghibellini; De* duo veltri di Dante c de' suoi aftetti verso lo Scaligero, discorso; Dell' anno in cui pubblicossi la cauticadell' inferno, e della cronologia in generate della diviua TROYA 790 TURELL Shelf. No. TKOYA, or Troja, etc. continued. commcdia ; Delia luttvra di frate Ilario del Corvo ; D'alcuue pretension! d'esscrc del sanguc latino ricor- date da Dante ; Document! ; Appcndice a'documenti; Vita incdita di Uguccione della Faggiuola scritta dall' abate Silvano Razzi camaldolese ; De' present! etudii danteschi in Italia; Delia dottrina che si a- coudc nell' ottavo e nouo canto dell" Inferno. TRUBNER, N. Bibliographical guide to American literature during the last forty years. Lon- don, 1855. p.8 2152.12 Bibliographical guide to American literature during the last forty years. With bibiiogr. introduction, notes, and index. London, 1859. 8 *2152.13 TKUCCHI, F. Dei primi scopritori del nuovo con- tinente Americano. Firenze, 1842. pp.80. 8. 2318.13 TRUE account of the horrid conspiracy against the late king [Charles II]. Lond. 1085. f.*2420.12 TRUE and surprising account of the appearance of the devil to a company of card-players, n.p., 1819. 8 *M.Pph.v.lO TRUMBULL, B. History of Connecticut. Hart- ford, 1797. New Haven, 1818. 2v. 8 . . 2336.3 TRUMBULL, John, b. 1750, d. 1831. Poetical works. Hartford, 1820. 2v. 8 2405.8, **E. 223.11 Contents. Vol.1. Memoir; McFingal. II. Progress of dulness; Genius of America; Lines to Dwight and Barlow; Ode to sleep; A fable; Orpheus and Eury- dice; Prophecy of Balaam ; Fable; Future glory of America; Elegy; Advice to ladies ; Characters; Ele- gy; Babylon; Elegy on the times. Progress .of dulness. Part i : or, the rare adventures of Tom Brainless, n.p. i. pp.26. 12 2409.13 TRUMBULL, Col. John. Catalogue of paintings. New York, 1831. 8 *Pph.v.83 TRUMBULL, Jonathan. Sketch of the character of Gov. Trumbull. [No title-page.] 8. *Pph.v.l83 Sermon occasioned by the death of. See Dwight, T 3458.45 TRUTH. Beattie, J. Nature and immutability of. 3603.8 Brissot de Warville, J. P. Sur les moyens de parvenir a la vi ; rit< 3606.11 Cousin, V. Le fondcment des idees du vrai.3605.5,6 Le Picard, P. La nouvelle fabrique des ex- cellens traits de verite 2669.26 See alto: Error. TRUXTUX, T. Remarks, instructions, and exam- ples relating to the latitude and longitude. Philadelphia, 1794. f . pi **E.182.9 TRYE, C. B. Swelling of the lower extremities, incident to lying-in. London, 17i)2. 8.*iI.Pph.v.ll9 TRYAMOURE, Syr, Romance of. [Percy soc.v.lOJ. 2537.18 TRYPHIODORUS. Excidium Ilii. See Ilesiodus . 2992.13 De Troiae excidio. See Neander, M 2991.17 See Elton, C. A. Specimens of the classic poets, v. 3 2963.14 TRYPHOX. Htpt rpoiruv. See Walz. Rhctores Graeci, v.8 2965.2 TSCHUDI, J. J. v. Untersuchungen iiber die fauna Pcruana. St. Gallen, 1844-46. 4 *3890.9 Antigiiedadesperuanas. /SteeRivero, M. E.de. 2370.8 TUBERCULOSIS, Pathology and treatment of pul- monary. Bennett, J. H 3794.17 TUBERO, L. De rebus in Pannonia ct finitimis regionibus gestis, 1490-1522. [Schwandt- ner. Script, rer. Hungaric. v.2] 2810.2 TUCKER, A. Light of nature pursued. From2d London edition, with life by H. P. St. J. Mildmay. Cambridge, 1831. 4v. 8 ... *3485.1 Contents. Vol. 1. Human nature. I, J3. Theology. HI. Posthumous works. Ill, IV. Lights of nature and the gospel blended. TUCKER, D. H. Principles and practice of mid- wifery. Philadelphia, 1848. 8 *3771.11 TUCKER, G. Progress of the United States in fifty years. New York, 1843. 8 2328.7 TUCKER, H. St. G. Essays on subjects of taste, morals, and national policy. Georgetown, D. C. 1822. 8 2406.22 Shelf. No. TUCKER, M., Sermon preached on the ordination of. See Stansbury, A. J Pph.v.22 Trial of. See Albany. Eccles. bodies . . . Pph . TUCKER.MAX, K. Lichcnes Americae septentrio- nalis exsiccati. Fascic. i-vi. Cantabrigiae et Bostonias, 1847-54. 3v. sm.4 *3858.14 Synopsis of the lichenes of New England, the other states, and British America. Cambridge, 1848. 8 3857.5 TCCKERMAX, 11. T. Rambles and reveries. New York, 1841. 12" 2409.33 TUCKERMAX, J. Essay on the wages paid to fe- males. Philadelphia, 1830. pp.58. 10" ... 3570.71 lst-4th quarterly report and Ist-llth semi-an- nual report of service as a minister-at-large in Boston. Boston, 1827-33. 16 3570.71 TUCKEY, J. H. Maritime geography and statis- tics. London, 1815. 4v. 8 2286.8 TUDOR, Hon. William. Gratulatory address before the society of the Cincinnati of Massachu- setts. Boston, 1790. pp.24, sm^" .... *2408.33 TUDOR, William, jr., 6. 1779, d. 1830. Life of James Otis. Boston, 1823. 8 2342. 14, **E. 223.5 Oration, Boston, July 4th, 1809. Boston, 1809. 8 *Pph.v.63 TUFTS family. See Whitmore, W. H 2333.13 TUKE, S. Adventures of five hours. [Dodsley. Old plays, v.ll] 2588.1 TULK, A., and Henfrey, A. Anatomical manipu- lation. London, 1844. 16 3759.14 TULLIE, I. Narrative of the siege of Carlisle in 1614-45 [with additions], by S. Jefferson. Carlisle, 1840. pp.48. 8 2448.16 TULLOCII, J. Theism, the witness of reason and nature. New York, 1855. 12 3435.19 TULLY, W. Essay, pharmacological and thera- peutical, on sanguinaria Canadcnsis. 1828. 8". [No title-page] *M.Pph.v.l9 Essays on fevers, etc. See Miner, T 3796.5 Examination of strictures on essays on fevers. See Miner, T M.Pph.v.110 TUMMUS and Meary. See Bamford, S 2586.31 TUMOURS. Abernethy, J. Surgical observations on. 3745.1 Hammer, C. E. I. Dissertatio inauguralis sistens tumorum morbosorum in cerebro observationes novas M.Pph.v.104 Macilwain, G. Nature and treatment of . . 3755.8 Warren, J. C. Surgical observations on . . 3rOJ.-4 See alto : Cancer. TUXBRIDGK-WELLS. Burr, T. B. History of. . 2496.5 Scudamore, C. Mineral waters of . . . M.Pph.v.74 TUNIS. Description de la re'gence de Tunis par E. Pellissier. [France. Exploration de 1'Al- gdrie. Sciences hist, et geog. v.10] .... 3054.2 SeeLafaist. Arch. cur. hist. France .... 2617.1 Contents. Sfcr. II. Vol. IV. Voyage du sieur San- on Nappolon a Thunis pour le traicte de la paix de Barbaric. Ser. II. Vol. X. Relation dea voyages faito a Thunis, par le sieur de Bricard. Eozet, C. A. Histoire et description de Tunis par Dr. Louis Frank 2266.3 TUXXELLIXG. Blechingley and Saltwood tunnels. Simms, F. W 4012.4 See also : Culverts. TUOMEY, M. Report on the geological and agri- cultural survey of South Carolina. Colum- bia, 1844. 8 *Pph.v.l54 TUBA, A. Continuatio chronici Senensis Andreae Dei. [Muratori. Rerum Ital. script, v.15]. 2720.1 TURBERVILE, G. Poems and life. [Chalmers. English poets, v.2] _r 2592-7 Letters in verse. See Herberstein, S. v. v.l of 2264.10 TURBOLO, G. D. Discorsi e relazioni sulle monete del regno di Napoli. [Economist! class. ital. v.l] 3644.1 TURCHI, A. Opere inedite. Modena, 1818-21. lOv. in 5. 16 *347-.MO Prediche alia corte. Assisi, 1806. 4v. 16. 3472.11 TURELL, E. Life of Rev. Benjamin Colman. Bos- ton, 1749. 8 2348.13,30 TURELL 791 TURPIN Shelf. No. TURELL family. See \Vhitmore, W. H 2333.13 TURENNE, H. de La Tour d'Auvergne de. Col- lection dcs lettrcs et nu-moires, par lo comte P. H. dc Grimoard. Paris, 1782. 2v. f . 4040.2 Memoires, depuis 1643, jusqu'cu 1059. [Mi- chaud. Coll. mem. hist. France. Ser. 3, v.3]. 2011.1 Oraison funebrede,par Mascaron. SeeFlech- ier, E 4G79a.l6 DC la-vie etdes mceursde. See Langladc, J. de. 2049.13 TURGAN, J. Les ballons. Histoire de la locomo- tion aerienne depuis son origine jusqu'a nos jours. Introduction par G.deNerval. Paris, 1851. sm.l2 3904.21 TURGOT, A. R. J. CEuvres, precedees de memoires [par Dupont de Nemours]. Paris, 1808-11. 9v. 8 *3054.5 Contents. Vol. I. Memoires surla vie, I'adminis- tration et les ouvrages de SI. Turgot. II. Discours, critiques, ct fragments. III. CEuvres, plus speciale- ment philosophiques, anterieures a son administra- tion. IV, V. Travaux administratifs dc M. Turgot, dans la generalite dc Limoges ; Sur la formation et 1'administration des richesses. VI. Travaux relatifs a la disette de 1'annee 3770. VII, VIII. Ministere de M. Turgot. IX. Traduetiona en vers de Virgile, d'Horace, etc.; Essais litteraires, lettres, etc. TURHEIM, U. v. Fortsetzung von Tristan und Isolde. See Gottfried von Strassburg . . . 2907.1 TURIN. Reale accademia delle scienze di Torino. Miscellanea philosophico-mathematica soci- etatis Taurinensis. Augustas Taurinorum, 1759-[1773.] 5v. 4 **E. 154.1 - Memoires de 1'academie royale des sci- ences. Annees 1784-1800. Turin, 1780-1801. 6v. 4 v. 0-11 of **E. 154.1 - Memoires pour les annees 1813-14. [Indice dall' anno 1759-1814.] Turin, 1816. 4. v.22 of **E. 164.1 Academic dea sciences, littdrature et beaux- arts. Memoire de litterature et beaux-arts. Turin, 1803-13. 5v. 4. v.13, 15, 17, 19, 21 of **E. 154.1 - Memoires de sciences physiques et math- e'matiques. Turin, 1804-13. 5v. 4. v.12, 14, 10, 18, 20 of **E. 154.1 - Memorie. Torino, 1818-34. 15v. 4. v.23- 37 of **E. 104.1 Lettres relatives au mus6e royal egyptien de. Champollion le jeune, J. F 3053.19 TURKEY. Boue, A. La Turquie d'Europe . . . 3083.1 Jouannin, J. M. Histoire et description de la Turquie 2270.14 Lebeau, C. Histoire du Bas-Empire .... 3074.1 Lucas, P. Voyage dans la Turquie fait en 1714, etc 2277.11 Sereno, B. Delia lega dei principi Cristiani contro il Turco 2722.2 Tavernier, J. B. Six voyages through . . . 3040.4 Thornton, T. Present state of 3082.1 Ubicini, A. La Turquie actuelle 3085.2 Wackcrbarth, A. J. L.v. Gesch. der Tiirken. 3081.1 Walpole, R. Memoirs relating to 3081.3 See also : Turks. TURKISH empire. Cadalvene, E. de. Guerre de Mehemed Ali centre la porte ottomane . . 3045.11 Cantimir, D. Histoire de 1'empire othoman. 3081.0 Ciriacy, L. F. v. Militairische Beschreibung dea osmanischen Rcichs 3082.7 Eton, W. Survey of the 3082.2 Itineraire de Constantinople a la Mecque. [Paris. Societe de geographic. Recueil de voyages, v.2] 2200.11 Juchereau de St. Denys, A. de. Histoire de Pempire ottoman, 1792-1844 3082.4 Michaud,J. F. Correspondance d'Orient . . 3015.13 Naima. Annals from 1591 to 1059 3021.16 Purbeck. Present state of the 3085.3 Raczynski, E. v. Reise in einigen Provinzen des osmanischen Reichs 3070.11 See also : Albania, Asia Minor, Black Sea, Con- stantinople, Egypt, Euphrates, Moldavia, Palestine, Syria, Troy, Turks, Wallachia. Shelf. No. TURKISH language. Handjeri, A. Dictionnaire turc 3031.2 Loewe, L. Dictionary of the English-Circas- sian-Turkish v. Oof 2940. 7 Molino, G. Dittionario della lingua italiana- turchesa 3034.27 TURKISH literature. Evliya Efendi. Travels in the seventeenth century 3021.18 Haji Khalifeh. Maritime wars of the Turks. 3021.17 Naima. Annals of the Turkish empire, 1591- 1059 3021.16 Toderini, G. B. Letteratura turchesca . . . 3034.22 History of the war in Bosnia, 1737-39 . . . . 3021.15 TURKISH spy. Marana, G. P. Letters by a . . . 4748.2 - L'espion turc dans les cours des princes Chretiens 2308.12 TURKS. Bouvet, F. Rise and decadence of the Turks in Europe 3059.3 Establishment of the Turks in Europe . . . 3085.4 Guerre coi Turchi ; Presa di Negroponte fatta dai Turchi. [Archivio storico ital. v.S, p.l. App. v.9] 5245.2 Guignes, J. de. Histoire generate des Turcs. 3023.5 Knolles, R. Generall historic of the . . . .3080.3,4 Rycaut, P. History of the, 1078-99 3080.1,2 Tott, F. de. Memoires sur les Turcs .... 3084.3 TURNBULL, R. Christ in history, or the central power among men. Boston, 1854. 12 . . 3516.10 TURNBULL, W. Strength of cast iron beams, etc. London, 1832. 8 4018.1 TURNEBUS, A. De vino, ac ejus usu et abusu. [Gronovius. Thesaurus Grace, antiq. v.9] . 2900.2 TURNER, D. Descriptive notices of antiquities of Normandy. See Cotman, J. S 2700.1 TURNER, E. Christison, R. Biogr. sketch of. Pph.v. 101 Dale, T. Sermon on the death of . . . . Pph.v. 101 TURNER, II. E. Oration at East Greenwich, 4th July, 1809. Providence, [1809]. 8. . . *Pph.v.63 TURNER, J. Descendants of Humphrey Turner. Boston, 1852. 8 2333.12 TURNER, O. History of Phelps and Gorham's purchase, and Morris' reserve. Rochester, 1851. 8. . . . 2371.5 TURNER, Samuel. Embassy to the court of the Teshoo Lama through Bootan and Tibet. London, 1800. 4 *3041.6 TURNER, Samuel II. Address before the trustees, [etc.] of the general theological seminary of the protestant episcopal church in the United States. New York, 1823. 8. . . *Pph.v.44 Biographical notices of some of the most dis- tinguished Jewish rabbies. N. Y. 1847. 12. 3489.16 TURNER, Sharon. Richard the third: a poem. London, 1845. 10 2549.29 TURNER, T. II. Domestic architecture of Eng- iand to the end of the 13th century. Ox- ford, 1851. 8 4092.12 TURNER, "William, M.D., d. 1508. Old learning and the new compared. [Fathers of the English church, v.4] 3477.20 TURNER, William, M.D.,ofN. T. Practice of tak- ing blood in diseases. N. Y. 1851. S 3 . *M.Pph.v.47 Triumphs of " Young physic," or chrono- thermal facts. New York, n. d. 8 . *M. Pph.v. 44 TURNER, Rev. W. Caution against sinful compli- ances : a discourse. Wakefleld, [1785]. 8.*Pph.v.309 TURNING. Holtzapffel, C. Turning and mechan- ical manipulation 4016.1 Ibbetson, J. H. Specimens in eccentric cir- cular turning 4010.2 Salivet,L. G. I. Manuel du tourneur . . . . 4013.6 TURNUS. See Lemaire, N. E. Poet. Lat. min. v.2. 2912.1 SeeWernsdorf, J. C. Poet. Lat. min. v.3 . . 2912.4 TUROTTI, F. Intorno a Niccolo de' Lapi, ovvero i Palleschi e i Piagnoni. Milano, 1842. 10. 4749.10 TURPI\, F. H., or R. Histoire du royaume de Siam. Paris, 1771. 2v. 12 3049.8 History of Siam. [Pinkerton. Voyages, v.9]. 2200.13 TURPIN, J. De vita Caroli magni et Rolandi, emendata a S. Ciampi. Florentia, 1822. 8. 2047.17 TURPIN 792 TYMMS Shelf. No. TURPIN, P. J. F. Atlas aux oeuvres d'histoire naturcllc dc Giithc. See Gothe, J. W.v. . 38. F.I Botanique. [Cuvier. Dictionnaire dcs scien- ces naturelles, v.2, 0] 3818.1 Iconographie vegetalc. See Poiret, J. L. M. 3852.17 Trniti! dcs arbres fruitiers. See Du Hamel du Monceau, H. L 3820.10 TURQUET, L. do. See Mayornc-Turquet, L. de. TURKEAU dc Garambouville, L. M. Mcmoires de la guerre de la Vendee. Paris, 1824. 8. [Bervillo and Barriere. Memoires relatifs & la revolution francaisc, 30] 4045.22 TnRRETiN, J. A. Fundamental articles in religion. [Sparks. Tracts in theology, v.l] 3469.20 TURRUJIUS. Epistola. [Migne. Patrol. v.54].v.l of 3440.25 TURRINI, L. See Bcrnab6 Silorata, P. Prose e poesie di Italian! viventi, v.7 4768.16 TURRISI-COLONN.V, G. Liriche. Firenze, 1846. 1.8. *2794.3 TUSAUKDUS. Epistola. [Migne. Patrologiae v.99]. 3450.24 TUSCAN literature. Corticclli, S. Discorsi cento della toscana eloqucnza 3590.6 Bartolommeo da San Concordio. Ammaestra- menti dcgli antichi Toscani 2789.5 Dati, C. R. Prose florcntine 2787.1 Inghirami, F. Bibliografla della Toscana .. 272J.I Moreui, D. Bibliografla storico-ragionata del- la Toscana 21C0.17 Poesie di eccellenti autori toscani 2809.2 Poesie di eccellenti autori toscani 4776.24 Tommaseo, N. Canti popolari toscani . v.l of 27S7.8 TUSCANY. Apologia dellc leggi pubblicate in Toscana 3463.30 Bianchini, G. M. Dei gran duclii di Toscana. 2740.2 Brunetti, F. Codice diplomatico toscano . 2711.3 Delizie dcgli Toscani cruditi 2767.1 Dcsjardins, A. Ntfgociations diplomatiqucs de la France avec la Toscane, 14e et 15e siecle 2650.1 Fontani, F. Viaggio pittorico della Toscana. 2766.7 Galluzzi, R. Toscana sotto il governo della casa Medici 2729.2 Gamurriui, E. Istoria genealogica delle fa- miglie nobili toscane 2741.1 Giornale storico degli archivi toscani .... 5265.39 Gucrrazzi, F. D. Document! per servire alia storia della Toscana 4746.5 Ilaupt, T. Dclle miniere e della loro indus- tria in Toscana 3865.2 Inghirami, F. Storia della Toscana 27-"J.l Lami, G. Lezioni di antichita toscane . . . 2730.7 Lampredi, G. M. Del governo civile degli auticbi Toscani 2750.14 Manni, D. M. Notizie de' piii bizzarr! e gio- condi nomini toscani 4760.12 Memorie di nomini illustri della Toscana . . 2742.10 Moise, F. Storia della Toscana 2729.3 Pignotti, L. Storia della Toscana 2725.1 Repetti, E. Dizionario geografico-fisico-stor- ico della Toscana 2733.1 Savi, P. Ornitologia toscana 3904.7 Serristori, A. Legazioni a Carlo Quinto, e in corte di Roma, 1537-08 2725.6 Targioni-Tozzetti, G. Viaggi fatti in diverse parti della Toscana 2766.1 Tartini, F. Memorie sul boniflcamento delle marcmme toscane 3942.2 Zobi, A. Manuale storico dcgli economici vi- genti in Toscana 2734.14 - Storia civile della Toscana dal 1737 al 1848. 2726.3 See also : Arezzo, Chiana, Cortona, Etruria, Flor- ence, Leghorn. Pisa, Pistoia, Siena, Volterra. TUSCULAN questions, transl. by Otis. Cicero, M. T. 2928.26 TUSSER, T. A hundrcth good pointes of husband- rie. London, 1810. pp.20. 4. [Brydges. British bibliographer, v.3] *2155.2 Five hundred points of good husbandry. New ed. by W. Mavor. London, 1812. 8 . . . . 2606.4 TUTIIILL, F. Registration of births, deaths, and marriages. [Trans, of the medical society of the state of N. Y.] Alb. 1853. 8.*M.Pph.v.52 Shelf. Mo. TUTHILL, F. continual. and others. Report on petition of Dr. Wm. Turner for penal enactments against bl> ing. n.p. 1851. 8 *M . l'ph.v.60 TUTILO. Carmina. [Migne. Patrol, v.129]. v.3 of 34G0.8 TUTTLE, C. W. Astronomical observations made at the observatory of Harvard college. See Cambridge, Mass. Astronomical ob- servatory. Annals, v.l, p.2 E.144.6 TUTTLE, H. Historical catechism, comprising im- portant and interesting items in the history of the United States. 10th edition. Nor- wich, 1838. 16 *Pph.v.225 TUTTLE, J. F. Biographical sketch of general William Winds. Newark, 1853. 8.. *Pph.v.200 TWEDDELL, J. Remains, preceded by a memoir. 2ded. London, 1810. 4 *2501.6 TWEED, B. F. Elements of English grammar. See Tower, D. B 7019.49 Grammar of composition. See Tower, D. B. 7069.7 TWEEDIE, A. Clinical illustrations of fever. Lon- don, 1830. 8 3796.7 Dissertations on nervous diseases by J. Hope, J. C. Prichard, J. H. Bennett, R. U. Taylor, T. Thomson. Ed. by A. Tweedie, with add. by W. W. Gerhard. Philadelphia, 1840. 8. 3802.2 TWELFTH-NIC; JIT at the century club, Jan. 6, 1858. New York, 1808. pp.93. sm.4 2407.2 TWELVE tables. Dirksen, II. E. /wolf-Tafel-Frag- mcntc 3612.3 Valeriani, L. Leggi delle 12 tav. csaminate. 3012.2 TWIG, A, of birch for a butting calf ; or strictures upon remarks on the emigration of ]>r. Joseph Priestley. New York, 1795. 8.*Pph.v.l50 TWINING, T. Letter on the danger of interfering in the religious opinions of the natives of India. 3d ed. London, 1807. 8 . . . . *Pph.v.l4 Address to the chairman of the East India company, occasioned by the letter of. See Owen, J Pph.v.14 Apology for missions to India, in answer to. See Fuller, A. . , Pph.v.14 TWISLETON, E. Religious working of the com- mon schools of Massachusetts. London, 1854. pp.98. 8 3544.15 Twiss, R. Travels through Portugal and Spain in 1772, 73. London, 1775. 4 *3100.9 Miscellanies. London, 1805. 2v. 8 .... 2ii6.13 Contents. Vol. I. Matrimony; The new-married couple; The rich blockhead; Trade; Kenned senses; The inquisition ; Calumny, prying and meddling; Quarrels; Drunkenness; Daintiness and squeamish- ness ; Russian hom-musick ; The coquette; An old woman ; Romances ; Maxims, apophthegms, etc. H. Chess; Translations; Draughts; Chemical exper- iments ; Galvanism ; Natural courtship ; Poetry ; Kolf-grounds ; Billiard diagram ; Two squares made into one ; Multiplication diagram ; Musick ; Final quotation. Twiss, T. Oregon ques. examined. Lond. 1846. 8. 2328.15 Progress of political economy in Europe since the 16th century. London, 1847. 8* . 3643.15 TWTSDEN, R. Considerations upon the govern- ment of England. Ed. by J. M. Kemble. Lond. 1849. sm.4. [Camden soc. No. 45.] . *2416.45 TYLER, B. Letter to Dr. Bushnell on Christian nurture. [Xo title-page.] 8 *Pph.v.l61 TYLER, E. R. Future punishment. Middletown, Ct. 1829. 12 3453.29 TYLER, G. W. Address before the mercantile li- brary assoc. of Boston. Boston, 1836. 8.*Pph.v.237 TYLER, J. Secret history of the Tyler dynasty. SeeCumrning, H Pph.v.148, 175 TYLER, R. Algerine captive, or the adventures of Dr. U. Underbill. London, 1802. 2v. in 1. 12 2408.6 TYMMS, S. Family topographer: Antient and present state of England. London, It-:;.'- 43. 7v. 12 2499.24 Contents. Vol. I. Home circuit: Essex ; Hertford- shire; Kent; Surrey; Sussex. II. Western circuit : TYMMS 793 UGONI Shelf. No. TYMMS, S. continued. Cornwall ; Devonshire ; Dorsetshire ; Hampshire ; Somersetshire; Wiltshire. III. Norfolk circuit: Bed- fordshire ; Buckinghamshire ; Cambridgeshire ; Hun- tingdonshire; Norfolk; Suffolk. IV. Oxford circuit: Berkshire ; Gloucestershire ; Herefordshire ; Mon- mouthshire; Oxfordshire; Shropshire; Staffordshire; Worcestershire. V. Midland circuit : Derbyshire ; Leicestershire ; Lincolnshire ; Northamptonshire ; Nottinghamshire; Rutlandshire; Warwickshire. VI. Northern circuit : Cumberland ; Durham ; Lanca- shire; Northumberland; Westmoreland; Yorkshire [Three ridings], VII. Middlesex ; London ; West- minster. TYNAN, J. On mangold wurzel. See Massachusetts society for promoting agriculture 3994.3 TYNDALE, W. Answer to Sir Thomas More's dia- logue, etc. Ed. by II. Walter. Cambridge, 1850. 8". [Parker society] 3503.9 Doctrinal treatises, etc. Ed. by H. Walter. Cambridge, 1848. 8. [Parker society] . . 3503.11 Expositions and notes on the Scriptures, etc. Ed. by H. Walter. Cambridge, 1849. 8. [Parker society] 3503.10 Life ; Pathway into the Holy Scriptures ; Pro- testation on the resurrection of the body, etc.; Prologues upon Romans, Galatians, etc. ; Parable of the wicked mammon, etc. [Fathers of the English church, v.l] . . . 3477.20 TYNDALL, J. Memoirs on natural theology, se- lected from the transactions of foreign academies, etc. See Taylor, K 3904.19 TYNG, D. A. Reports of cases in the supreme court of Mass., 1806-16. See Williams, E. 3706.1 TYNG, S. H. Letter sustaining the recent ordina- tion of Mr. Arthur Carey. New York, 1843. 8 *Pph.v.l32 and Stone, J. S. Address and sermon at the funeral of Rev. Dr. Milnor, [etc.] N. York, 1845. 8 *Pph.T.146 and others. Speeches in behalf of the Amer- ican Sunday school union, 1844. Philadel- phia, n.d. 12 *Pph.v.229 TYPHOID fever. Hale, E. Observations upon the. 3796.8 Hosack, D. Remarks on M.Pph.v.3 Jackson, J. Report founded on cases of . . 3796.9 Louis, P. C. A. Recherches sur la maladie connue sous le nom de gastro-enterite . . . 3797.22 - Researches upon 3796.1 TYPHUS fever. Arends, H. H. P. Typhi bellici epidemic! Zosseniae observati historia. M.Pph.v. 113 Armstrong, J. Practical illustrations of . . 379(1.14 Gamage, W. Remarks on M.Pph.v.93 Magill, A. T. History, causes, and treat- ment of M.Pph.v. 21 Mills, T. Morbid anatomy of the brain in M.Pph.v. 126 Miner, T. Typhus syncopalis M.Pph.v. 13 Smith, N. Essay on M.Pph.v. 13 Steensma, C. Dissertatio de typho, imprimis qui Groningae grassari incepit anno 1816. M.Pph.v. 105 TYPOGRAPHY. See Printing. TYKOL. Beaumont, A. Travels through .... 27. N. 2 Bresciani, A. Sopra il Tirolo tedesco . . . . 2764.20 Golbery, M. P. A. de. Hist, et descript. du. 2276.11 Seidl, J. G. Wanderungen durch 2862.10 TYRTJEUS. See Brunck, R. V. P. Gnomici poetae Graeci 2968.5,6 See Gnomici Graeci 2979.3 See Gaisford, T. Poetse minores Graeci, v.3 . 2968.2 See Elton, C. A. Specimens of the classic poets, v.l 2963.14 See Parnaso dei poeti class, d'ogni naz. v.14 . 2769.1 TYRWHITT, T. Observations on some passages of Shakespeare. Oxford, 1706. pp.54. 8 . . 2595.4 TYSON,!. Report on chemistry. N. Y. 1831. 8.*Pph.v.S4 TYSON, J. R. Discourse before the young men's colonization society of Pennsylvania, 1834. Philadelphia, 1834. 8" *Pph.v.l46 Discourse on the Indian race in the United States. Philadelphia, 1836. 8 *Pph.v.97 Sheie. No. TYTLER, A. F., lord Woodhouselee. Elements of general history. Philadelphia, 1809. 8 . . 2215.4 - Same. From 7th British ed. Continued by T. Robbins. New York, 1819. 12" . . 7039.20 - Same. Questions adapted to. 3d ed. New York, 1821. 18 7039.21 Memoirs of the life and writings of H. Home of Kames. Edinburgh, 1S07. 2v. 4 ... *2451.9 On the principles of translation. 3d ed. Edinburgh, 1813. 8 3607.3 Universal history. Boston, 1853. 2v. 8 . . 2215.3 TYTLER, J. Essay on the extraction of the roots of integers as practised by the Arabs, n.p. n.d. 4 **E.191.2 TYTLER, R. Facts establishing the deleterious properties of rice, used as an article of food. London, 1S33. 8 *M.Pph.v.25 Disputatio chemica inauguralis de oxygenio. Edinburgh, 1807. 8 *M.Pph.v.l2 TZETZES, J. Antehomerica, Homerica et post Horn. Ed. F. Jacobs. Lipsiae, 1793. 8 . . *3004.9 - Same. See Hesiodus 2992.13 ExiTOftri prjTopKirtg. [Walz. Rhet. Graeci, v. 3.] 2965.2 UBERTI, Fazio, or Bonifacio degli. II dittamondo ^poema], pubb. dal. cav. V. Monti. Milauo, 1826. 12 4767.18 UBICINI, A. La Turquie actuelle. Paris, 1855. 12. 3085.2 UCELLI, G. B. Lettera sopra le osservazioni medico-pratiche sullamalattia chiamata pel- M del sig. Solcr. [Raccolta ferrarese di opusc. sclent, ecc. v.25] 5274.1 UDALRIC, or Ulric, abbot of Tegemse. Epistolae. [Migne. Patrologiae v.141] 3460.20 UDALRIC, or Ulric, bp. of Augsburg. Vita, auc- tore Gerardo presbytero, ejus familiari ; Miracula ; Sermo synodalis ; Charta; Offi- cium. [Migne. Patrologiae v.135] .... 3460.14 UDALEIC, or Ulric, monk of Clumj. Antiquiores consuetudines Cluniacensis monasterii. [Migne. Patrologiae v. 149] 3460.27 UDASCALC. Narratio de controversiis inter Her- mannum et Eginonem ; Carmen de itinere et obitu Eginonis ; Vita Chunradi Constau- tiensis episcopi. [Migne. Patrol, v. 170] . 3460.41 UDENO Xisicly, pseud. See Fioretti, B. UGGEKI, A. Delia basilica di S. Paolo sulla via osti- ense. Roma, 1823. pp.lSandSpl. 4. v.4of*4101.9 UGHELLO, F. Italia sacra, sive de epi scopis Italiae. Roms, 1044-62. 9v. f *3580.1 Contents. Vol. I. Complectens ecclesias sanctas Romano; sedi immediate subiectas. II. Complectens metropolitanas, earumq. suffrogancas ecclesias, quaj in ^milise, Flaminia;, Piceni, Vmbriseque Senonum inclytis Italia; prouincijs recenscntur. III. Complec- tens eas qua; in Iletruria nobilissima Italia* prouincia continentur. IV. Complectens eas qua; in amplissi- mis Insubrio!, Liguriae, ac Pedemontis spectantur. V. Complectens patriarchates in Italia singularis dig- nitatis ecclesias, carumque suffragancos episcopatus, qui in Foro-Iulij, Venetorumq. dominio enumeran- tur. VI. Complectens eas qua; in Campania; Felicia, Aprutij, Hirpinorum que Neap. regn. prow, conti- nentur. VII. Complectens eas qua; Lucanira ct Apulise turn Daunia;, cum Peucetia; continentur. VIII. Complectens metropolim Bencuentauam, et eas quae in Samnio sunt posita;. IX. Complectens eas qua; In Saleutina;, ac Calabria;, provincijs con- tinentur. UGHI, G. Cronica di Firenze. [Archivio stor. ital. App. v.7] 5255.1 UGNITI, P. dei. Fragmenta Fulginatis historise ab anno 1198-1440. [Tartini. Rerum Ital. script, v.l] 2720.2 UGOLINI, F. Vocabolario di parole e modi errati. Firenze, 1855. sm.S" 4777.8 UGOLINI, H. Articolo sul discorso di V. Salvag- noli. See Salvagnoli, V 2774.5 UGOLINO della Ghcrardesca, e i Ghibellini di Pisa. [Romanzo storico.] See Rosini, G 2773.8 UGONI, C. Della letteratura italiana nella seconda meta del secolo xvm. Brescia, 1820-22. 3v. 12 2770.20 UGUCCIONE 794 UNITED STATES Shelf. No. UGUCCIONE dclla Faggiuola. II vcltro allcgorico di Dante. See Troya di Napoli, C 2802.9 UIILAND, J. L. Gedichte. Wohlfeile Ausgabe. 4e Aufl. Stuttgart, 1830. 12 2900.7 UKEKT, F. A. Bcitriigc zur ultern Litteratur. See Jacobs, C. F. W 2193.5 ULCERS. Bell, B. Theory and management of . 3807.9 Bell, J. Principles of surgery relating to . 3744.21 ULFILAS, Ulphilas, or Gulpbilas. V. et N. Test. vcrsionis Gothicse fragmenta qua super- sunt, Latinitate donata, ex ed. Gabelentz ct Losbe; Ace. gramm. et gloss, linguae Gothicse ab iisdcm clucubrata, iuterp. F. Tempestini. Parisiis, 1848. 8. [Migne. Patrologiaj v.18] 3440.12 See also: Bible, Gothic. ULGER, bp. of Angers. Relatio pro monasterio Rotensi ; Epistolae et testamentum. [Migne. Patrologiae v.180] 3470.7 ULLMANN, C. Reformers before the reformation, transl. by R. Menzies. Edinburgh, 1855. 2v. 8 3514.10 ULLOA, A. de. Memoires concernant 1'Amerique. Paris, 1787. 2v. 8 2318.18 Voyage to South America. See Juan y San- tacilia, J 2365.5 - Same. [Pinkerton. Voyages, v.14.] . . 2260.13 - Same. [Knox. New coll. of voyages, v.l.] 2263.1 ULLOA, F. d'. Navigatione per discoprire le isole delle specieric flno al mare detto Vermeio. [Ramusio. Navigation! et viaggi, v.3] . . 2260.2 ULLOA, G. Guerre de 1'indcpcndance italienue en 1848 et en 1849. Paris, 1859. 2v. 8 . . 4745.6 ULLOA, P. See Beruabo Silorata, P. Prose e poe- eie di Italian! viventi, v.7 4768.16 ULM and Trafalgar, [a poem]. 2d ed. London, 1800. sm.4 *Pph.v.l5 ULRICHS, II. N. Reisen und Forschungen in Griechenland. ErsterTheil. Delphi, [u.g.w.J Bremen, 1840. 8 3075.4 ULEICI, H. Shakspeare's dramatic art, and his re- lation to Calderon and Goethe. London, 1840. 8 2597.13 ULTKA party, The, amongst the English Roman catholics : a letter to C. P. Cooper. Lon- don, 1851. pp.20. 8" 3463.12 ULUGH Beigh, Catalogue of stars v. 13 of 3341.1 UMBREIT, A. E. Examen critique de 1'ouvrage de. See Vries, A. de 2112.2 UMBRIA. Fabretti, A, Biografie del capitanl ven- turieri dell' Umbria 2743.13 Gamurrini, E. Istoria delle famiglie nobili umbre 2741.1 Grotefend, G. F. Rudimcnta linguae Umbricas, ex inscriptionibus enodata antiquis .... 2951.3 UNCLE Tom's cabin. Stowe, H. B. La cabana del tio Tom 2408.9 Stearns, E. J. Notes on 2407.8 UNDERSTANDING, Essay concerning human. Locke, J 3609.15 UNDERWOOD, M. Diseases of children. 2d Am. from Oth Lond.ed. Boston, 1806. 3v.ini. 8. 3777.4 - Same. From 9th Eng. ed. with notes by S. Merriman, M. Hall, and J. Bell. Philadel- phia, 1842. 8 3777.3 UNDERWOOD, T. and G. Catalogue of books in anatomy, medicine, surgery, midwifery, chemistry, botany, etc. London, 1827- 28. 8 *M.Pph.v.20 UNDINE, or the water sprite : a romance. See La Motte-Fouque, F. II. C. v ........ Pph.v.315 UNDULATOKY theory of light. Powell, B. . . . 3920.27 UNFORTUNATE lovers, The : a tragedy. D'Ave- nant, W. 2575.12 UNGER, F. Synopsis plantarum fossilium. Lip- sise, 1845. sm.8 3884.14 UNHAPPY prosperity, etc. Matthicu, P 2649.18 UNION, Me., History of the town of. Sibley,J. L. 2339.7 UNION of sentiment among Christians not essen- tial to peace. Lowell, C Pph.v.268 Shelf. No. UNION village academy. Catalogue of the trus- tees, teachers, and students for 1838-40. Troy, 1839-40. 8 *Pph.v.225 UNITARIAN advocate. Vols. i-iv. New series, vols. i-v r i. Boston, 1828-32. lOv. 12 . **E.219.11 - Same. Vols. i-n. Boston, 1828. 2v. 12. 3402.25 UNITARIAN biography, American. Ware, W. . . 2345.11 UNITARIAN domestic missionary society. Report of the 2d annual conference of dom. mis- sions held in Birmingham. Leeds, 1847 12. 3570.73 UNITARIAN miscellany and Christian monitor. Bal- timore, 1821-21. Ov. 12 ... .3402.26, **E. 217.5 UNITARIAN version of the New Testament, Re- marks on the. Nares, E 3402.13 UNITAUIANISM. Bclsuam, T. History of Amer- ican uuitarianism Pph.v.12 Burnap, G. W. Doctrines in controversy be- tween Unitarians and others 3402.17 - Popular objections considered 346U.22 Chauning, W. E. Leading opinions of uni- tarians Pph. Dcwey, O. Unitarian's answer , Pph. v. 219 Gannett, E. S. Faith of the Unitarian Chris- tian explained Pph. v. 209 Gilman, S. Unitarian Christianity free from objectionable extremes Pph. v. 219 Harris, G. Unitarianism the only religion that can become universal Pph. v. 309 Lindsey, T. Historical view of 3402.11 One hundred scriptural reasons for the Unita- rian faith. See Amer. Unitarian assoc. . Pph. v. 219 Priestley, J. Early opinions concerning Christ 3402.8 Sparks, J. Moral tendency of the Unitarian and trinitarian doctrines compared .... 3462.5 Unitarianism vindicated against the charge of not going far enough. See American unita- rian association Pph. v. 255 Wallace, R. History of, in England .... 3o.>!.7 Wurdlaw, R. Reply to Yates's vindication of. 3462.1 Wilson,J. Scripture proofs and illustration of. 3402.4 - Unitarian principles confirmed by triuita- rian testimonies :; i ..] I Worcester, N. Bible news 340,'. 21 Yates, J. Vindication of E. 218.10 Young, A. Unitarianism adapted to the poor and unlearned E.22J.9 UNITED brethren. Holmes, J. Missions of the. .3534. 11 - Loskiel, G. H. History of the mission of the. 3534.14 UNITED provinces. See Holland, Netherlands. UNITED service journal, and naval and military magazine, 1829-00. London, Colburn, [ls2'J -60]. 87v. 8 *3140.4 UNITED States. Acts and laws. Abridgment of the acts of congress now in force, with notes and index. By E. Inger- Boll. Philadelphia, 1825. 8 C. 139.2 Acts passed at a congress begun 4th March, 1789. New York, 1789. f *C. 120.1 Acts and resolutions from the 19th to the 25th congress. [1828]-39. 7v. 8 *C.129.3 Acts of congress for the sale of public lands. Washington, 1838. 2v. 8 C.129.4 Digest of laws now in force, by G. Herty. Baltimore, 1800. 8 C.119.3 - Same. By T. F. Gordon. Phila. 1S27. 8. C.129.7 Indian treaties [and] laws. [With] an appen- dix. Washington, 1S2G. 8 C. 149.6 Laws. Phila. and Wash. 1796-1811. lOv. SVC. 119. 2 - Same. From 1789-1815. Philadelphia and Washington, 1815. 5v. 8 . *C. 129.1 - Same. From 1815-33, [with] general in- dex. Washington, 1822-)5. 3v. 8" . . . *C.129.2 - Same. Index, 1789-1827. By S. Burch. Washington, 1828. 8 *C.159.8 - Same. 1789-1851. Boston, 1854. 1.8 . . . *3701.5 Laws, etc. having respect to the public lands, [1783-1816]. Washington, 1817. 8 .... C.129.5 - Same. [1783-1827.] Washing. 1828. 8. C. 129.0 - Same. [1783-1827.] Wash. 1838. 2v. 8.*C.129.4 UNITED STATES 795 UNITED STATES Shelf. No. UNITED STATES. Acts and laws, continued. Pension and bounty land laws, 1770-1852. Washington, 185-2. 8 *C.149.5 Statutes at largo, 1789-1845. Ed. by R. Peters. Boston, 1850. 8v. roy.8 *C. 139.1 Contents. Vol. I.-V. Public acts of congress. VI. Private statutes at large. VII. Treaties between the United States and the Indian tribes. VIII. Treaties between the United States and foreign nations, in English, and in the various languages of the uatioua concerned; General index. System of penal law, by Edward Livingston. Washington, 1828. sm.f *3670.8 Curtis, B. 11. Reports of decisions in the su- preme court of the, 1790-1851 3702.1 Elliot, J. Diplomatic code : a collection of treaties and conventions, 1778-1827 . . . . C.159.7 Metcalf, T. Digest of decisions of the courts of common law and admiralty 3701.4 Militia laws of the U.S. See Massachusetts.G359.30, 31 Moses, M. Digest of the laws of the United States relating to commerce 3633.1 Putnam, J. P. Digest of decisions of the courts of common law, equity, and admi- ralty, 1847-54 v.7-14 of 3701.4 Department of the interior, (organized 1849). Census, fifth, 1830. Washington, 1832. 8.*C.110.2 - Same. Sixth, 1840. Washington, 1811. f.*C. 110. 3 - Same. Compendium, 1810. Wash. 1841. f.*C. 110. 4 - Same. Seventh, 1850. Wash. 1853. 1.4 . *C. 110.5 - Same. Compendium. Wash. 1851. 8 .. *C. 110. 9 - Same. Population, 1790-1830. Washing- ton, 1835. sm.f *C.110.6 Ethnological researches respecting the red man of America. By II. R. Schoolcraft. Philadelphia, 1851-51. 5v. 1 *C. 150.1 Patent office. Report of the commissioner for the years 1813, 15, 47, 48, 50-58. Wash- ington, 1843-59. 28v. 8 See below, under Congressional documents. - Digest of patents issued by the United States from 1790 to Jan. 1, 1839. Pub. by H.L.Ellsworth. Washington, 1840. 8. *C. 153. 23 Department of the nary. Enquiry into the official conduct of capt. Isaac Hull. Washington, 1822. 8 2343.14 Form of exercise and manoeuvre for boat howitzers, by J. A. Dahlgren. Philadel- phia, 1852. 8 C.153.9 Instructions in relation to the preparation of vessels of war for battle, etc. Washington, 1852. 8 C.153.9 Register of the navy for 1854,50, GO. Wash- ington, 1854-00. 3v. 8 *C. 153. 10, 11 Regulations of the naval academy at Annapo- lis, Maryland. Washington. 1855. 8 . . *C. 153.12 Rules of the navy department. Washington, 1832. 12 *C. 153.17 Trial of com. Barren [and others], of the Chesapeake. [Washington], 1822. 8 . . . 2343.15 Emmons, G. F. Navy of the United States from 1775 to 1853 C.150.5 Mechlin, A. H. Register of the navy and marine corps C.153.4 Stuart C. B. Naval dry docks of the .... 3951.1 Department of state, Census of pensioners. Washington, 1841. 4.*C. 110. 8 Commercial regulations of countries with which the United States have intercourse. Washington, 1819. 8 C. 159.3 - Same. Washington, 1824. 8 C. 159.2 - Same. Washington, 1833-36. 3v. 8 . . *C.159.4 Instructions to the consuls and commercial agents of the United States. Washington, 1S55. 8 C. 159.5 Register of officers and agents for 1817, 23, 33, 39,41,53. Washington, 1818-53. Cv. 12. *C.153, 1-3,5, 6, 16 Shelf. No. UNITED STATES. Department of state, continued. Regulations for consular officers of the United States. Washington, 1856. 8 C.159.6 Statistics of the U. S. Washiugton,lS41. 8". C. 110.1 Department of the treasury. Coast survey. Annual report of the superin- tendent, 1851-57. Washington, 1852-58. 6v. 4. Iv. 8 C. 180.3 - Same. 1851-55, 57. Washington, 1852-58. 6v. 4 **E.221.1-7 See below, under Congressional documents. Commerce and navigation. Report of the reg- ister of the treasury relative to commerce and navigation between the United States and foreign nations for the years 1844, 49-55, 1857-58. Washington, 1815-58. lOv. 8 . . See below, under Congressional documents. Receipts and expenditures, 1813-28. Wash- ington, 1814-29. 13v. f *C. 140.1 - Same. 1829-34, 41, 43, 44. Washington, 1830-45. 9v. 8 *C. 118.1 Reports of the secretary of the treasury, [1790-1830]. Washington, 1837. 3v. 8. . *C. 159.1 Contents. Vol. I. 1790-1814, including Hamilton, Gallatin, Jones, Campbell. II. 1815-28. Dallas, Craw- ford, Rush. HI. 18:3-36. Ingham, McLane, Taney, Woodbury, IV. 1837-44. Woodbury, Ewinpr, For- ward, Spencer, Bibb. V. 1845. Walker. VI. 1846-49. Walker. VII. 1849. Meredith. Tariff on goods imported into the United States in conformity with the act of 1810. Revised and corrected by E. D. Ogden. New York, 1850. 8 C.153.8 Appleton, N. Speech on the tariff of 1832 . E. 221. 13 Blunt, J. Tariff of 1828 3681.8 Cooper, T. Proposed alteration in the tariff, 1821 Pph.v.46 Degrand, P. P. F. Tariff of 1824 C. 153. 25 Mayo, It. Treasury department, its bureaus. C. 150. 3 Ogden, E. D. Tariff, 1840-42, 46 C. 153. 13 Phelps, S.S. Speech on the tariff, 1844. Pph.v. 180 Webster, D. Speech upon the tariff, 1824 . . E. 224. 10 Wright, S. Speech in support of tariff, 1828. Pph.v. 71 Department of war. Army meteorological register, by Gen. T. Lawson. Washington, 1855. 4 C.140.2 List of vacancies in the army, 1815-33. n.p. n.d. 12" *C.153.18 Official army register, 1858. Washington, 1858. pp.60. 12 *C.153.15 Register of the officers and cadets of the mili- tary academy, 1823, 29, 30, 34, 35. n. p. n.d. 10 *Pph.v. 22, 216,217,220 Regulations for the army, 1857. New York, [1857]. 12. C. 153. 14 Report of board of visitors of the military acad. at W. Point, n.p., 1826. pp.16. 8 . **E. 224.8 Report of the secretary of war on Pacific railroad explorations. [With maps.] Wash- ington, 1855. 8 2003.1 Dictionary of the officers in the army of. Gard- ner, C. K 2383.2 Miscellaneous documents. Addresses in the senate, June 30th, 1852, on the death of Hon. Henry Clay. Washing- ton, 1852. 8 2343.30 Addresses in the senate, house, and supreme court on the death of W. R. King, 1854. pp.03. 8 2343.12 Addresses in the senate and house of repre- sentatives on the death of Hon. D. Webster. Washington, 1853. pp.80. 8 2342.2 American archives, a documentary history of the colonies, by M. St. Clair Clarke and Peter Force. 4th and 5th series. March 7th, 1774 September 3d, 1783. Washington, 1837-53. 9v. f *C. 100.1 UNITED STATES 796 UNITED STATES Shelf. No. UNITED STATES. Miscellaneous docs, continued. American state papers. Documents of con- gress from the 1st scss., 1st cong. Se- lected and edited by W. Lowrie, M. St. Clair Clarke, and W. S. Franklin. Washington, 1832-34. 21v. f *C.100.2 Contents. Foreign relations, 2 vols., to May 8, 1822i Indian affairs, 2 vols, to March 3, 1827; Finance, 3 vols., to May 8, 1822s Commerce and navigation, 2 vols., to March 3, 1823; Military affairs, 2 vols. to Feb. 28, 1825; Naval affairs, 1 vol., to March fi, 1825; Post- office, 1 vol., to March 2, 1833; Public lands, 3 vols., to March 27, 1824; Claims, 1 vol., to March 3, 1823; Miscellaneous, 2 vols., to March 3, 1823. Note. Under act of congress, 12 June, 1858, scven- tecn additional vols. have been published up to Jan. 1801, namtly : Foreign rel., 'Jv., to KVI ; Finance, 2v., to 1828; Military affairs, 5v., to 1838 j Naval affairs, 3v., to 18'JC; Public lands, 5v., to 1837. Catalogue of the library of confess. Sup- plement. Washington, 1827. 8 *2135.7 Catalogue of the library of congress. Wash- ington, 1831. 8 *2136.5 - Same. Washington, 1840. 8 *2 135.0 - Same. 1849. [Washington, 1850.] 8 . . *2135.8 Collection of precedents on questions of or- der and appeals, in the house of reps. By W.Lambert. Washington, 1811. 8 .. C. 159. 12 - Congressional globe. Debutes and proceed- ings, 1st sess. of 33d cong. to 1st, 2d seas, of 35th cong. Washington, 1834-68. 43v. 4. *C. 121.1 Contested elections from 1789 to 1834. Wash- ington, 1834. 8 C. 149.2 De constitutie, cenparigly k gcaceonlecrd by . Dec. 8, 1806. Message communicating a report of the surveyor of public buildings at city of Washington. Dec. 15, 1808. Letter and report from Crs. under " An act for the relief of the refugees from the British provinces of Canada and Nova Scotia." Dec. 17, 1800. Report, in part, of Com. on that part of the message which relates to an invasion of our territory by the troops of Spain. Dec. 18, 1806. Report of Com. on the farther exploring of the western waters. Dec. 22, 1806. Message stating the sums which have been ex- pended on the capitol, the president's house, public offices, the navy yard, and marine barracks, etc. Dec. 23, 1806. Report of Com. on the bill to revive and make per- manent " An act to prescribe the mode of taking evi- dence in cases of contested elections for members of Ho. R. and to compel the attendance of witnesses." Dec. 30, 1808. Report of Com. on public lands directed "to in- quire into the expediency of repealing so much of the act of cong. of 23d March, 1804, as limits the time in which locations of Virginia military warrants shall be made." Dec. 30, 1806. Letter, Sec. Treas. in relation to the direct tax, spe- cifying the quotas assigned to each state, and the arrears of the individual states. Dec. 31 , 1806. Report, in part, of Com. on such matters as were depending and unfinished at the last Bess. Jan. 2, 1807. Shelf. No. UNITED STATES. 9to Congress. 2d Sess. continued. Further report of Com. of revisal and unfinished business on such laws as are near expiring. Jau. 5, 1807. Message transmitting a report by Sec. navy rela- tive to state of the frigates belonging to U. S. Jan. 5, 1807. Letter from treasurer of U. S. accompanying ac- counts of receipts and expenditures ; also his ac- counts for the war and navy departments from Oct. 1, 1805, to Sept. 30, 1806, inclusive. Jan. 5, 1807. Letter from P. M. G. : report of clerks in his office, 1808, specifying the amount which each receive aa yearly salaries. Jan. 6, 1807. Report of Com. appointed "to inquire whether any, and if any, what description of claims against U. S. are barred by the statutes of limitation, which in reason and justice ought to be provided for by law." Jan. fi, 1807. Documents accompanying the bill repealing the acts laying duties on salt, and continuing in force the first section of " An act further to protect the com- merce and seamen of the U. S. against the Barbary powers." Jan. 7, 1807. Letter, Sec. Treas. on account of duties and draw- backs on goods, wares, and merchandise imported and exported during 1803-5. Jan. 8, 1807. Also, Reports on the petitions of G. Little; Inhab- itants of Alexandria and Washington; S. Kingston; A. Benezet and others; A.J. Villard; President and directors of the Highland turnpike company. II. Report of Com. on so much of the message of the Pres. as relates to fortifications, and to protec- tion of our ports, etc. Jan. 12, 1807. Report Sec. St., enclosing a list of the persons em- ployed as clerks in his office, 1800 ; specifying the amount which they receive as yearly salaries. Jan. 14, 18(17. Letter, Sec. war : report in relation to invalid pen- sioners. Jan. 14, 1807. Letter, Sec. war: report of the persons employed as clerks in his office during 1803; specifying the amount which they receive. Jan. 15, 1807. Documents accompanying the bill for the defence of the mouth of the Mississippi. Jan. 15. 1807. Letter from P. M. G. to chairman of Com. on post- office and post-roads, transmitting a statement of expenses and net proceeds for one year. Jan. 19, 1807. Letter from W. H. Harrison, governor of the In- diana territory, enclosing resolutions passed by the legislative council and Ho. of R. of said territory, relative to a suspension of the sixth article of compact between the U. S. and the territories and states N. W. of the Ohio. Jan. 21, 1807. Message transmitting information touching an ille- gal combination against the peace and safety of the union, and a military expedition against the territo- ries of a power in amity with the U. S. Jan. 22, 1807. Letter, Sec. Treas. on the persons employed as clerks in the Treas. department, 1808, with the amount which they receive as yearly salaries. Jan. 22, 1807. Letter from P. M. G., with a report relative to post- roads which have not produced one third part of the expense of carrying the mail upon said roads during the last year. Jan. 22, 1307. Documents accompanying a bill making compen- sation to Messieurs Lewis and Clarke, and their companions. Jan. 23, 1807. Message transmitting further information touch- ing an illegal combination of private individuals against the peace and safety of the union, etc. Jan. 26, 1807. Treaty between the U. S. and the Chickasaw tribe Of Indians. Jan. 27, 1807. Letter, Sec. Treas.: report [on] causing the coast of North Carolina, between Cape Fear and Cape Hat- teras, to be surveyed. Jan. 27, 1807. Message transmitting further information touching an illegal combination, etc. Jan. L, isitr. Message communicating the report of the director Of the mint during the last year. Jan. 28, 1807. Message transmitting the annual account of the fund for contingent charges of government, for 1806. Jan. 28, 1S07. Letter, Sec. Treas., enclosing accounts of expenses in prosecutions before the circuit court of U. S. for the district of Conn, in April and Sept. 1800. Jan. 28, 1807. Message on report of Crs. "to regulate the making a road from Cumberland, in Maryland, to the state of Ohio." Jan. 31, 1807. Report of Com. on "An act establishing circuit courts in the districts of Kentucky, Tennessee, and Ohio." Feb. 4, 1807. UNITED STATES 800 UNITED STATES Shelf. No. UNITED STATES. 9th Congress. 2d Sess. continued. Documents accompanying a libel respecting seiz- ures made undur the authority of U. 8. and for other purposes. Feb. 4, 1807. Letter, Sec. navy: on persons employed as clerks in the navy department, ISO*!; with amount they receive as yearly salaries. Feb. 4, 1807. Message transmitting further information touching an illegal combination, etc. Feb. 10, 1807. Message on the effect of gun-boats in the protection and defence of harbours, the numbers necessary, and the distribution of them among the ports and har- bours. Feb. 10, 1807. Report of Com. on letter from W. II. Harrison, In- closing resolutions passed by the legislative council, and Ho. R. of Indiana. Feb. 12, 1807. Message on the militia of the several states. Feb. 12, 1807. Documents accompanying a bill making appropria- tions for the support of government during 1807. Documents accompanying the bill authorizing the settlement of accounts between U. S. and W. Eaton. Feb. 18, 1SII7. Message from Pres., communicating information of a treaty with Ot. Br.; also, explanations of the impe- rial urrete, declaring a blockade of the British islands; a letter from C. Mead, announcing the; surrender of Aaron Burr to civil authority. Feb. 19, 1807. Letter, Sec. war: a supplemenlary report in rela- tion to invalid pensioners. Feb. 19, 1807. Documents [on] a naval peace establishment, and for other purposes. Feb. 20, 1807. Accompanying a bill disapproving of an act, passed by the governor and judges of the territory of Michi- gan, iutitulcd " An act concerning the bank of De- troit." Feb. 24, 1807. Documents accompanying the bill authorizing the discharge of O. Drake from his imprisonment. Feb. 24, 1807. Report, Com. publ. lands, on the bill intituled "An act to prevent settlements being made on lands ceded to U. 8. until authorized by law." Feb. 2S, 1807. Document accompanying the bill to amend the act " to regulate and fix the compensation of clerks, and to authorize the laying out of certain public roads, and for other purposes." Feb. 23, 1807. Also : Reports on the claims, petitions, or memorials of 8. Say re ; J. Snowden ; U. Pollock ; James Jay; Merchants of Charleston, S. C.; D. Cotton; R.B. Lee; J. Farley ; E. Toppan, G. Jenkins, and W. Currier; A. E. de Bcauharnais; I. Briggs; officers who served in America during the war between France and Great Britain ; Rensselaer glass factory ; and citizens of Edenton, X. C. Par. Motions of Clopton, Crownin- shicld, Rhca, Early, Dana. Newton, Clay. [Executive reports.] f *C.120.15 Contents. Letter, Sec. Treas., enclosing a report prepared in obedience to the act to establish the treasury department. Dec. 5, 1806. Letter, See. Treas. : statement of the amount of pub- lic money in the U. S. and other banks for the last three years. Dec. 23, 1806. Letter, Sec. Treas., enclosing a report of decisions made by Crs. to examine claims to the land in the district of Vincenncs, etc. Dec. 23, 1806. Letter from the Sec. Treas., transmitting two state- ments of importations, Oct. 1, 1804 Sept. 30, 1805. Dec. 24, 1800. Letter, Sec. navy, accompanying a report of the Crs. of the fund for navy pensioners. Jan. 12, 1807. Letter, See. Treas.: annual statement of the district tonnage of the U. S., 1st Dec. 1805, with a letter to him from the register of the Treas. thereon. Jan . 13, 1807. Letter, Sec. Treas. : statement of exports from the U. S. during one year prior to 1st Oct. 180C. Feb. 26, 1807. Letter, Sec. Treas.: statement of the public debt on the first day of Jan. 1801-7. Feb. 28, 1807. Letter, Sec. Treas. with a statement of the emolu- ments of officers employed in the collection of the customs, 1800. Feb. 28, 1807. \0th Congress. 1st Session. Oct. 26th, 1807 April 25th, 1808. Journal of the senate. 8 *C.138.16 Journal of the house. 8* *C.138.17 [Executive documents.] 2v. 8" .... *C.138.18 Contents. Vol. I. Message to congress at the com- mencement of the session. Oct. 27, 1807. Letter and report from B. H. Latrobe, surveyor of the public buildings at Washington. Oct. 28, 1807. Letter, Sec. Treas. : estimate of extraordinary ex- penses incurred by the navy department, 1807. Oct. 29, 1807. Shelf. No UNITED STATES. Wth Congress. 1st Sess. cont. Letter, president of senate and speaker of house Asicm.ofN. Y., enclosing resolutions cf the legisla- ture, relative to the protection of the port of New- York. Oct. 29, 1807. Documents accompanying bill, making further ap- propriations 'or the support of the navy, 1807. Nor. 0,1807. Report, in part, of Com. of revisal and unfinished business, on laws expired, or near expiring. Nov. 10,1807. Report, in part, of the Com. on aggressions commit- ted within our ports and waters by foreign arnvjd ves- sels; to violations of our jurisdiction, and to measures necessary for the protection of our ports. Nov. 17, 1807. Report, in part, of Com. on military and naval establishments; and on the expediency of telling to Individual states or territories arms or ordnance owned by U. 9. Nov. 19, 1807. Report of Com. appointed to prepare and report such standing rules and orders as are proper to be ob- served in this house. Nov. 19, 1807. Message transmitting a proclamation interdicting the harbours and waters of the U. 8. to British armed vessels, and forbidding intercourse with the same. Nov. 19, 1807. Further report, in part, of Com. of revisal and unfinished business. Nov. 21, 1807. Message transmitting proceedings on the arraign- ment of Aaron Burr, and others, before the circuit court of the U. S. in Virginia, 1807. Nov. 23, 1807. Report, Com. ways and means, [on] petitions of in- spectors of customs for ports of Baltimore, New York, and Boston ; with Report Sec. Treas., 16th Jan. 1808. Nov. 23, 1S07. Further report, in part, of Com. on aggressions committed within our ports and waters, etc. Nov. 24,1807. Letter, Sec. navy, on aggressions by foreign armed Tessels. Nov. 24, 1807. Rvp'irt of Com. on bill authorizing the erection of a bridge over the Potomac, within the District of Columbia. Nov. 24, 1807. Letters, Sec. navy, on aggressions committed within our ports and waters, etc. Nov. 30,1807. Letter, Sec. war, enclosing three statements of the amount of merchandise and supplies purchased by the superintendent of Indian trade, the purveyor of public supplies, and the military agents, for three years, ending 30th Sept lost, with emoluments pur- chasing the same. Dec. 1, 1807. Report, in part, of Com. on military and naval establishments. Dec. 2, 1807. Letter, Sec. navy, transmitting statement of supplies by navy agents, for three years, ending 30th Sept. last. Dec. 2, 1807. Letter, Sec. war: statement of numbers of officers and soldiers composing the army of U. 8., noting numbers wanting to complete the present estab- lishment. Dec. 3, 1807. Letter, Sec. Treas., accompanying report and esti- mates for 1808, also receipts and expenditures for the year ending 1st Oct. 1807, and balances unexpended on 30th Sept. 1807. Dec. 4, 1807. Further report of Com. of revisal and unfinished business. Dec. 4, 1807. Letter, Sec. Treas., [on] expenses arising from Chase's trial. Dec. 7, 1807. Letter, Sec. war, enclosing estimate of annual ex- pense of an army of 32,800 men, aUo estimate of ex- pense of hospital, quarter-master, and ordnance de- partments for first year. Dec. 9, 1807. Letter, Sec. Treas. to chairman of Com. on com- merce and manufactures, in relation to "An act to prohibit the importation of certain goods, wares, and merchandise." Dec. 11, 1807. Letter from W. Eaton to the speaker, covering com- munication from Haniet Caramelli, ex-bashaw of Tripoli, Nov. 3, 1807. Dec. 18, 1807. Report, Com. on letters and reports from Crs. under the act for the relief of refugees from Canada and Nova Scotia. Dec. 22, 1807. Letter, Sec. Treas. to chairman of Com. on ways and means, accompanying bill " to protect the com- merce and seamen of the U. S. against the Barbary powers." Dec. 29, 1807. Message communicating letters from Gov. Hull re- specting Indians in vicinity of Detroit. Dec. 30, 1807. Letter from P. M. G., with a report relative to post- roads, which have not produced one third part of the expense of carrying mail during last year. Jan. 7, 1808. Message transmitting annual account of fund for defraying charges of government, 1307. Jan. 8, 1808. Message communicating report of the director of the mint. Jan. 8,1808. UNITED STATES 801 UNITED STATES Shelf. No. UNITED STATES. 10th Congress. 1st Sess. cont. Report of Com. of commerce and manufactures on the petition of merchants and traders of Philadelphia. Jan. 11, 1808. Letter, Sec. navy, transmitting list of clerks em- ployed in navy Dep., with salary. Jan. 12, 1808. Deposition of D. Clark in relation to Gen. J. Wil- kinson. Jan. 13, 1803. Letter, Sec. Treas.: report of clerks in Treas. Dep., 1807, specifying salaries. Jan. 18, 1808. Letter, Sec. war : report in relation to invalid pen- sioners. Jan. 18, 1808. Letter, Sec. Treas. : report in obedience to " An act regulating the currency of the foreign coins in the U. S." Jan. 19, 1808. Letter, Sec. Treas., transmitting statement of duties and drawbacks on goods [etc.] imported into U. S. and exported therefrom, 1804-G. Jan. 19, 1808. Message communicating information touching the conduct of Gen. J. Wilkinson. Jan. 20, 1808. Letter and report of Sec. Treas. [on} amount of tonnage employed in exportation. Jan. 20, 1808. Letter, Sec. Treas. to chairman of Com. on ways and means, accompanying bill making appropriations forlS08. Dec. 23, 1807. Letter, See. war : list of clerks in his office, and in office of accountant of war department during 1807, with salary [of] each. Jan. 20, 1808. Letter, Sec. St. : list of persons employed in Dep. St. with salary [of] each. Jan. 25, 1808. Letter, Sec. Treas. to chairman of Com. of ways and means, accompanying bill authorizing raising of ad- ditional seamen for service of U. S. Jan. 25, 1808. Letter, Sec. navy, to chairman of Com. on military and naval establishments, accompanying bill author- izing raising of additional seamen for service of U. S. Jan. L'S, lt>08. Message transmitting treaty of limits between U. S. A. and Choctaw nation. Jan. 3>. AIM, Reports on the claims of J. Jay, D. Buck, A. J. Villard, W. Levis and U. Maxwell, M. Bar- clay, and P. and J. W. Revere. Reports on the petitions of S. Beebee and E. Weld, O. Evans, A. Boucheric, A. Stoddard and others, P. Gansevoort, and A. E. dc Beaumarchais. Reports of the Com. on elections respecting the al- leged undue returns of Culpeper, of No. Carolina, and Key and M'Creery, of Sid., as members of the house of representatives. Motions of Messrs. Rhea, Randolph, Bassett, Dona, Crowninshicld, Bassett, and Morrow. II. Message transmitting treaty made at Detroit, l"th Nov. 1807, between U. S. and the Ottaway, Chippevray, Wyandot, and Pottawatainie nations. Jan. SO, 18J8. Message transmitting communication of certain orders of the British government against the mari- time rights o f neutrals. Feb. 3, 1808. Message communicating farther information in pursuance of two resolutions of the Ho. of 13th Jan. last. Fb. 4, 1803. Resolution of Com. of commerce and manufactures to authorize the disposition of certain charts of the coast of North Carolina. Feb. 5, 1808. Letter from Sec. Treas. to J. O. Moseley, Esq., on claim of M. Smith and D. Gates, jointly, and of D. Gat.s, separately. Feb. 5, 1808. Message relative to the commencement of war by the Dey of Algiers against the U. S. Feb. 9, 1808. Letter, Sec. navy, on military and naval establish- ments, respecting the number of seamen employed in service of U. S. Feb. 10, 1808. Letter, Sec. Treas. to chairman of Com. of com- merce and manufactures, accompanying bill in addi- tion to "An act supplementary to an act laying an embargo on all ships and vessels in the ports and harbors of the U.S." Feb. 11, 1808. Message communicating information that the late differences between the U. S. and the Dey of Algiers have been amicably adjusted. Feb. 15, 1808. Message communicating proceedings of Crs. ap- pointed under an act to regulate the laying out and making a road from Cumberland to the state of Ohio. Feb. 19, 1808. Document accompanying bill extending terms of credit on revenue bonds in certain cases. Feb. 23, 1808. Resolutions of Penn. proposing amendment of constitution of U. S. relative to judges of supreme court, and other courts. Feb. 24, 1808. Message enclosing letter from Sec. war in relation to the increase of the army, and to authorizing the raising of 2,400 volunteers. Feb. 20, 1808. Letter from Assist. P. M. G., enclosing report in re- lation to the mail route from Alexandria to Freder- icksburg. Feb. 26, 1808. Shelf. No. UNITED STATES. 10th Congress. 1st Sess. cont. Resolution of the legislature of Va., proposing an amendment to the constitution of U. S., authorizing state legislatures to remove from office their senators in congress. Feb. 29, 1808. Document accompanying bill to punish conspira- cies to commit treason against U. S. March 2, 18U8. Message communicating information of the situa- tion of ground in and adjacent to New Orleans. March 7, 1808. Letter, Sec. war : report in relation to invalid pen- sioners. March?, 1808. Letter, Sec. Treas. to chairman of Com. on public lands, enclosing representation from Crs. to investi- gate land titles in Michigan. March 7, 1803. Document accompanying bill in addition to " Act to regulate the making a road from Cumberland to the state of Ohio." 8th March, 1808. Report of Com. to inquire what compensation ought to be made to Capt. Pike and his companions, for their services in exploring the Mississippi river, etc. March 9, 1808. Letter, Sec. war, transmitting report in relation to invalid pensioners. March 10, 1808. Message transmitting two decrees, one of the em- peror of the French, the other of the king of Spain, in viola, of the marit. rights of neutrals. March 17, 1808. Report of Com. on the bill for raising an additional military force. March 18, 1808. Message transmitting a report on the subject of the military academy. March 18, 1808. Message transmitting a statement of the militia of the several states. March 25, 1808. Message respecting tlie act for fortifying ports and harbours. March 25, 1800. Report of Com. appointed to inquire what compen- sation should be allowed for issuing commissions to take testimony relative to claims for persons disabled in the revolutionary war. March 28, 1808. Message communicating Rep. of survey or of public buildings. April 5, 1808. Letter, Sec. Treas., accompanying bill to authorize the Sec. Treas. to pay bills drawn by J. Armstrong, minister to France. April 5, 1808. Report of Com. appointed to report what business is necessary to be done by congress. April 7, 1808. Amendments of the senate to bill concerning pub- lic contracts. April 13, 1808. Documents accompanying the bill making further appropriations for the support of government for 1803. April 13, 1S08. Documents accomp. a bill making appropriations for additional military force for 1808. April 18, 1808. Report of the Com. on a bill to make good a deficit in the appropriation of 1^7, and to make appropria- tion for completing the south wing of the capitol. April 21, 1S08. Letter, Sec. Treas., accompanied with statements prepared in obedience to the act establishing a mint and regulating the coins of the U. S. April 25, 1808. Report of Com. on two messages in relation to differences between the Dey of Algiers and the U. S. April -23, 1808. Further information, before Ho. R. relative to Gen. Wilkinson. April 25, 1808. . Letter from Treas. of U. S. accompanying accounts of receipts and expenditures from 1st Oct. ISOJ, to 80th Sept., 1807. Jan. 18, 1808. Also : Reports on the claims of C. Minifie and of D. Cotton, and on the petitions of S. Whiting, J. Beg- ley, J. Shattuck, G. Ilunter, E. de Butts and others, I. Briggs, of certain inhabitants of Knox co., Ky., and of Randolph and St. Clair cos., Indiana territory. Motions of Messrs. Campbell, Burwell, Smilie, Clopton, Rowan, and Poindexter. [Executive documents.] P *C.120.16 Contents. Letter, Sec. Treas., enclosing a report in obedience to "An act to establish the treasury depart- ment." Nov. G, 1807. Letter, Sec. navy, with two statements in relation to the number of officers and men belonging to the United States and to the corps of marines, etc., the number necessary to man the entire navy, and the expenditures during one year. Dec. 8, 1807. Letter, Sec. war, enclosing his report on the state of the fortifications. Dec. 8, 1807. Letter from Sec. Treas., trausmilting statement of tonnage, Dec. 31, ISOii. Dec. 24, 1807. Letter, Sec. navy, accompanying report of commis- sioners of the fund for navy pensions. Jan. 12, 1808. Letter, Sec. Treas. transmitting statementsof impor- tations, 1st Oct. 1805-3()th Sept. 1806. Feb. 2, 1808. Report of the Crs. of the sinking fund. Feb. 6, 180a Letter, Sec. St.: abstract of the numberof seamen registered in 1806 and 1807. March 1, 18U8. UNITED STATES 802 UNITED STATES UNITED STATES. Wth Congress. 1st Sess. cont. Letter, Sec. Trcas.: statement of goods, etc., export- ed Oct. 1, 180G-Oct. 1, 1807. March 1, 1808. Letter, Sec. Treas.: statement of the emoluments of the officers employed in the collection of customs, 1807. March 16, 1808. Letter, Sec. Treas.: statement of the public debt, Jan. 1, 1791-Jan. 1, 1807. April 4, 1808. 2d Session. Nov. 7th, 1808 March 7th, 1809. Journal of the senate. 8 *C. 148.2 Journal of the house. 8 *C. 148.3 [Executive and other docs.] 2v. 8 . . *C. 148.4 Contents. Vol. I. Message at the commencement of the session, with accompanying docs. Nov. 8, I**. Keport, in part, of the committee of rcvisal and un ii nislicd business. Nor. 15, 1808. Report of the committee on public lands on me- mo i ial of llo. R. of Miss, territory. Nov. 21, 1808. Report, in part, of the committee on foreign rela- tions. Nov. 22, 1808. Further report, in part, of the Com. of revisal and un- finished business expired or expiring. Nov. L'4, 1808. Message communicating a proclamation issued in consequence of the opposition to the laws laying on embargo. Nov. 30, 1808. Mc-s-i,. Documents accompanying the bill from the senate, " to authorize the president to arm for immediate service all public ships of war," etc. Jan. 14, 1809. Letter, Sec. navy: annual report of the Crs. of the navy pension fund, etc. Jan. 24. Report of the Crs. of the sinking fund. Feb. 4, 1809. Documents accompanying the bill to amend the several acts for the establishment of the treasury, war, and navy departments, and making appropria- tions for the military and naval establishments. Feb. 15, 1809. Letter, Sec. Treas.: statements of importations, lit Oct. 180(5 30th Sept 18li7. Feb. 22, 1809. UNITED STATES 803 UNITED STATES Shelf. No. UNITED STATES. 10th Congress. 2d Sess. cont. Report, Sec. Treas.of the emoluments of thcofficers of ens' oms, Jan. 1 Sept. 30, 1808. Feb. 27, IS'tO. Letter, Sec. Trcas. : statement of the balances charged for advances made prior to June 30, 1S08. March 3, 1809. \\th Congress. 1st Session. May 22d June 28th, 1809. Journal of the senate. 8 *C.148.5 Journal of the house. 8 *C.148.6 [Executive and other documents.] 8 . *C.148.7 Contents. Message [Madison] at the commence- ment of the session, with accompanying documents. May 23, 1809. Letter, Sec. navy: general view of the state and dis- position of the vessels belonging to the navy, aad of the gun boats. May 25, 1809. Letter, Sec. Treas. to chairman of Com. of commerce and manufactures, accompanying a bill respcctingthe ships or vessels owned by citizens or subjects of for- eign nations with which commercial intercourse is permitted. May 25, 1809. Message : report of Sec. war, showing the pro- gress made in carrying into effect the act for raising an additional military force. May 27, 1809. Documents accompanying a bill authorizing the Treas. department to give credit to certain collectors for allowances paid to the owners and crews of fish- ing vessels. May 31, 1809. Report of Sec. war, [containing] an estimate of the sums necessary to complete the fortifications com- menced or contemplated. June G, 1809. Report of joint committee appointed to inquire what business is necessary to be done the present session. Juue C, 1809. Letter, Sec. Treas. to chairman Com. of ways and means, accompanying a bill making appropriations for defraying the expense of stationery, printing, and all other contingent expenses of the Sen. and Ho. R. June, 7, 1809. Report of Com. to whom was referred a resolution of the house to disband the troops raised under the "Act to raise for a limited time an additional military force." June 9, 1809. Letter, Sec. navy to chairman of Com. on the mili- tary establishment, accompanying a bill concerning the naval establishment." June 12, 1809. Report o* the governor and judges of Michigan territory ir obedience to "An act to provide for the adjustmejt of titles of lands in the town of Detroit and territo-7 of Michigan." June 14, 1809. Als-j : Reports on the petitions of W. Linnard, J. P. Giraud and A. Foster, H. Foster, J. Wilkinson, E. Livingston and others of N. O., and of citizens of the U. S. confined at Carthagena. Motions of Messrs. Dana and Bacon. [Executive reports.] f *C. 120.18 Contents. Letter, Sec. Treas.: his annual report June 2, 1809. Letter, Sec. navy, transmitting a statement of the gun boats built, the expense of building, etc. June 8,1809. Letter, Sec. war : three statements of contracts made by [him] and the purveyor of public supplies, 1808. June 17, 1809. Report of Sec. Treas. touching the construction of the duties, powers, etc. mentioned in the act "for the support of public credit," etc. June 23, 1809. Report from Com. appointed to inquire whether monies drawn from the treasury since March 4, 1801, have been faithfully applied. June 27, 1809. Supplemental report of the committee of investi- gation. June 28, 1809. 2d Session. Nov. 27th, 1809 May 1st, 1810. Journal of the senate. 8 *C.148.8 Journal of the house. 8" *C.148.9 [Executive and other docs.] 4v. 8. . *C. 148.10 Contents. Vol.1. Message at the commencement of the session, with accompanying documents. Nov. 29, 1809. Report of Sec. Trcas. [Hamilton] on manufactures, made 5th Dec. 1791. Printed Dec. 7, 1809. Joint resolution respecting our foreign relations. Dec. 11, 1809. Letter, Sec. Treas.: Rep. prepared in obedience to "an act regulating the currency of foreign coins in the U. 3." Dec. 12, 1809. Report of committee of revisal and unfinished busi- ness. Dec. 14, 14)9. Message transmitting papers called for by a resolu- tion of Mr. Quincy. Dec. 15, 1809. Documents accompanying a bill for reUef of J. H. Webb. Dec. 18, 1809. Shelf. No. UNITED STATES, nth Congress. 2d Sess. cont. Sundry papers in relation to the Yazoo claims. Dec. 18, 1809. Also: Reports on the petitions of J.Fulton, C. Haz- en, T. Ayers.W. and E. Rector, and J. Murray. Motions of Messrs. Macon, Dana, Sawyer, Troup, Nicholson, Bacon, Van Horn, Sheffey, Miller, and M'Kim. II. Message transmitting extracts from correspond- ence of Mr. Pinkney. Dec. 18, 1809. Message transmitting copy of correspondence with the Gov. of Penn. in case of Gideon Olmstead. Dec. 19, 1S09. Report of Com. appointed to prepare standing rules and orders. Dec. 19, 1809. Message transmitting rejport of surveyor of public buildings. Dec. 21, 1809. Report of Sec. Treas. in obedience to a resolution of the senate respecting a direct tax. Dec. 28, 1803. Report of the Com. on letter of I. A. Coles. Dec. 30, 1809. Message respecting foreign relations. Jan. 3, 1810. Letter, Sec. navy, transmitting statementof the ex- penditure and application of monies, from 4th March to 30th Sept. 1809. Jan. 5. 1810. Report, in part, of Com. [on] naval establishment. Jan. G, 1810. Letter, Sec. Treas. accompanying report and esti- mates for 1810 ; also receipts and expenditures from Oct. 1, 1808, to Sept. SO, 1809; and balances unexpended Jan. 6. 1810. Report, in part, of Com. [on] the military establish- ment. Jan. 8, 1810. Letter, Sec. navy: report [on] act regulating com- pensation of clerks, etc. Jan. 9, 1810. Report of Com. [on] Rep. of surveyor of public buildings. Accompanying bill making further ap- propriations for completing the cnpitol. Jan. 11, 1810. Message communicating Rep. of the director of the mint for 1809. Jan. 11, 1810. Message communicating Rep. Sec. St. requesting information respecting seizures, etc. of ships and merchandise of citizens of the U. S. under authority of the government of Denmark. Jan. U, 1810. Message communicating Rep. Sec. St. requesting information relative to blockade of ports of the Bal- tic by France, and the exclusion of neutral vessels by Russia, Sweden, and Denmark. Jan. 12, 1810. Letter, Sec. war, transmitting report of names of clerks employed in that Dep. in 180J. Jan. 18, 1810. Letter, Sec. navy, in reply to a committee request- Ing an estimate ot the number of midshipmen, able seamen, etc. Jan. 19, 1810. Message transmitting account of contingent ex- penses of government for 18 9. Jau 23, 1810. Letter, Sec. Treas., transmitting copies of instruc- tions to collectors of customs. Jan. 24, 1810. Letter, Sec. Treas.: statement of monies expended during 1809 for the.discharge of miscellaneous claims, and a statement of contracts made during the same year. Jan. 25, 1S10. Report of Com. appointed to inquire into the expe- diency of allowing an additional judge to Miss, ter- ritory, to reside in Madison co. Jan. 25, 1810. Report of Sec.Treas. [Hamilton] on a national bank. Made 13th Dec. 1790. Printed Jan. 29, 1810. Also : Report of the committee on elections on the claim of J. Jennings, delegate from la. Uepoi ts on the petitions of R.'B. Lee, J. Shattuck, J. Garret, E. Hamilton, R. Taylor, A. Buck, D. Boon, M. Lapsly, and J. Thomson. Motions of Messrs. Bradley, Nicholson, Reed, Bur- well, and Dana. Document accompanying bills for the relief of H. Caldwcll, A. Jackson, W. White, and I. Briggs. [Vol. III. is wanting.] IV. Documents accompanying appropriation bill for 1810. Jan. 30, 1810. Report of Com. on petitions of surviving officers of the revolutionary army. Jan. 31, 1S10. Message transmitting copies of orders or instruc- tions with respect to foreign armed ships within the waters of the U. S. Feb. 1, 1810. Report of Com. on petitions relative to bank of Alexandria, of Potomac, of Washington, and of Union bank, Georgetown. Feb. 2, 1S10. Report, Attorn. Gen. in obedience to the resolution Of the senate, Gth inst. Feb. 9. 1810. Message transmitting Rep. Sec. St. requesting in- formation of what steps have been taken by the Ex. Dep. to obtain for citizens on Tomnigbee and Ala- bama rivers free navigation of the Mobile; also what amount of duty is demanded by Spanish government on articles of growth or manuf. of U. S. Feb. 9, 1810. Report of Com. [on] memorial of stockholders of the bank of the TJ. S. Feb. 19, 1810. UNITED STATES UNITED STATES Shelf. No. UNITED STATES. \\th Congress. 2d Sess. cont. Message transmitting communications made to France and Great Britain, with respect to decrees violating the lawful commerce and neutral rights of U. 8. ; also communicating information touching the forgery of papers of American vessels. Feb. 1'J, 1810. Letter, Sec. war, transmitting an account of sales of public arms. Feb. 20, 1810. Papers relative to ship Jane, accompanying mel- ange from the president. Feb. 21, 1810. Documents accompanying Rep. Com. [on] the bill to prevent issuing of sea-letters except to certain vessels. Feb. 22, 1810. Letter from P. M. G., enclosing Rep. and bill to es- tablish post-roads. Feb. 22, 1810. Message transmitting Rep. Sec. Treas. respecting instructions to collectors of customs under the non- intercourse act. Feb. 23, 1S10. Report of Com. [on] the expediency of employing torpedo or submarine explosions. Feb. 20, 1810. Further report, in part, of Com. on navy hospitals. Feb. 20, 1810. Letter, Sec. Treas. to chairman of Com. on com- merce and manufactures, accompanying bill for relief of collectors of Philadelphia and Norfolk. Feb. 28, 1810. Message transmitting treaties concluded with tribes of Indians. March 0, 1810. Report of Com. [on] effectual organization of the militia of the U. S. March G, 1810. Letter from P. M. G., transmitting Rep. of the names of clerks, and salaries allowed, employed in his Dcp. during last year. March (i, IMn. Letter, Sec. St. to chairman of Com. on commerce and manufactures, on subject of naturalized foreign- ers, and who have been registered as American sea- men. March 0, 1810. Memorial of IIo. R. and legislative council of tho territory of Orleans, in behalf of the inhabitants thereof. March 12, 1810. Letter, Sec. war to chairman of Com. of the sen- ate, relative to the establishment of a quarter-master'* department. March 12, 1810. Letter, Sec. Treas.: statement of the emoluments and expenditures of the collector of Baltimore, for 1808-9. March 13, 1810. Report of Com. of conference on amendments of the senate to the bill respecting commercial inter- course between the U. S. and Great Britain and France. March 13, 1810. Message transmitting a copy of the treaty with the Kickapoo tribe of Indians. March 1", 1MO. Letter, Sec. Treas. in answer to a letter of chairman of Com. of ways and means, requesting information as to the most eligible method of obtaining loans. March 21, 1810. Report of Com. on comptroller's report of unset- tled balances. March 23, 1810. Report of Com. appointed to inquire into the state of the ancient public records and archives of the IT. S. March 27, 1810. Message in compliance with a resolution requesting a copy of despatches received from Mr. Pinkney, minister at London. March 28, 1810. Report of Com. appointed to inquire what business is necessary to be acted on during the present session. March 29, 1810. Letter, P. M. G., transmitting two reports, prepared in obedience to resolutions of IIo. R. March 29 1810. Report of Com. relative to establishment of a na- tional bank. Accompanying bill. April 2, 1810. Message transmitting Rep. Sec. St. complying with resolution of the senate of 22d March. April 2, 1810. Letter, Sec. Treas., transmitting report, in part, on American manufactures. April 19, 1810. Letter, Sec. Treas., transmitting report relative to advances of money to W. Short. April 26, 1810. Amendment to the constitution of the U. S. April 28, 1810. Message transmitting further information relative to our relations with Great Britain and France. May 1, 1810. Mr. Macon's motion, proposing an amendment to the constitution. May 1, 1810. Also : Reports on the petitions of R.Elwell, D. Boon, P. Landais, P. Audrain, G. Armroyd and Co., A. St. Clair, T. Campbell, A. Dardin, C. Minifie, M. Piercy, M. Young, A. Scott, S. C. Young, J. Shattuck, A. Buck, A. Whipple, R. B. Lee, G. Pomeroy, U. Guil- let, A. Buck, S. Easton and D. Jones, C. Bean, L. and C. Garanger, and E. Winters. Motions of Messrs. Rhea, Love, Reed, Ilillhouse, Bradley, Leib, Poindexter, Bayard, Whiteside, Lloyd, Giles, Clay, Reed, and Macon. Shelf. No. UNITED STATES. nth Congress. 2d SOBS. cont. V. Report of Com. instructed to inquire into the cause of the great mortality in that detachment of the army ordered for the defence of New Orleans. April 27, 1810. Report of Com. appointed to inquire into the con- duct of Gen. Wilkinson. May 1, i [Executive documents.] 2v. f . . . . *C.120.19 Content!. Vol. I. Letter from the comptroller of the Treas. : statement of the accounts in the treasury, War and navy departments, which have remained more than three years unsettled. Dec. 1, 1809. Message transmitting a report of the Sec. navy, con- taining statements referred to in message of 29th Nor. Dec. 5, 1809. Letter, Sec. Treas. : his annual report. Dec. 8, 1809. Letter, Sec. Treas. : annual statement of the district tonnage of the U. S. Dec. I Letter, Sec. Treas.: statement of duties and draw- backs on goods imported and exported 180G-S. Dec. 13,1809. Letter, Sec. Treas. : report on the public lands, Madison co., Mississippi territory. Dec. 18, 1809. Letter, Sec. Treas. : two statements of importations, Oct. 1, 1807 Sept. 30, 1808. Jan. 5, 1810. Letter, Sec. navy : report on the " navy pension fund." Jan. G, 1810. Letter, Sec. navy, transmitting a statement concern- ing public contracts. Jan. 9, 1810. Letter, Sec. war: two statements of the respective quotas of militia, etc. required of the several states and territories. Jan. 30, 1810. Message transmitting a return of the army. Feb. 1, 1810. II. Report of Crs. of sinking fund. Feb. 5, 1810. Letter, Sec. Treas.: statement of exports, Oct. 1, 1808-Oct 1, 1809. Feb. 9, 1810. Letter, Sec. war: statements of contracts made by him, and by the purveyor of supplies, during 1809. Fob. 23, 1810. Letter from P. M. G. : reports respecting unpro- ductive post routes, and concerning public contract*. March 2, 1810. Letter, Sec. Treas., enclosing statements prepared in obedience to " an act establishing a mint." March 1C, 1810. Letter, Sec. Treas. : emoluments of the officers of the customs, etc. for 1809. March 10, 1810. Message transmitting a return of the militia. March 21, 1810. Report of Com. on memorial of W. Lambert, with papers relating to a first meridian. March 28, 1809. Letter, Sec. Treas.: expenditure, naval and mili- tary, March 4, 1789 1S09. April 5, 1 M < >. Message in compliance with a resolution requesting information touching the impressment of American seamen. April 5, 1810. Letter, Sec. Treas. : statement of balances due 1st Jan. 1807 and 1&10, for lands purchased of the U. S. April 14, 1810. Letter, Sec. Treas. : statement of the annual re- ceipts, March 4, 1789 Dec. 31, 1809. April 7, 1810. Letter, Sec. Treas. : a report. April 27, 1810. Letter from P. M. G.: report, exhibiting a view of the post-office establishment. April 30, 1810. 3d Session. Dec. 3d, 1810 March 3d, 1811. Journal of the senate. 8 *C. 148.11 Journal of the house. 8 *C. 148.12 [Executive and other docs.] 3v. 8. . *C. 148.13 Contents. Vol. I. Message at commencement of session, with accompanying documents. Dec. S, 1810. Message enclosing report of Sec. St. relative to the inadequacy of the funds for this year for the relief and protection of destitute American seamen in foreign countries. Dec. 12, 1810. Report, in part, of Com. of revisal and unfinished business. Dec. 14, 1810. Letter, Sec. St. on public expenditures for relief of American seamen in Europe, agreeably to request of chairman of Com. of ways and means. Dec. 19, 1810. Report of Com. public lands on petition of officers and soldiers who served in tho British army in Amer- ica in the war between Eug. and Fr. Dec. 24, 1810. Report of Com. on the bill from the senate to " sus- pend the second section of the act regulating foreign coins and for other purposes." Dec. 27, 1810. Report of Com. on public lands on the location of Virginia military land warrants. Dec. 28, 1810. Letter, Sec. Treas. : estimates of appropriations for 1811; also receipts and expenditures from Oct. 1, 1809, to Sept. 30, 1810; and statement of balances of appro- priations unexpended on 30th Sept. 1810. Dec. 31, 1810. UNITED STATES 805 UNITED STATES Shelf. No. UNITED STATES. lltJi Congress. 3d Sess. cont. Message on duties at present imposed by the em- peror of France on all articles the importation of which into the dominions of France is permitted in American vessels, etc. Dec. 31, 1810. Message transmitting further information on duties at present imposed by the emperor of France on arti- cles, etc. Dec. 81, 1810. Further report, in part, of Com. on the naval estab- lishments, on the navy hospitals. Jan. 4, 1810. Letter, Sec. war, on sale of public arms to the state of Maryland. Jan. 4, 1811. Report of Com. on Mr. Macon's resolution, propos- ing an amendment to the constitution. Jan. 4, 1811. Report of Sec. navy, respecting several bills of ex- change drawn on Degen, Purviauce and Co., navy agents of the XT. S. at Leghorn, Italy. Jan. 7, 1811. Report of Com. on propriety of admitting Mi. territo- ry into the union as an independent state. Jan. 9, 1811. Letter, Sec. Treas. on the claim of board of Crs. west of Pearl river, in Mississippi territory, to addi- tional compensation for their services. Jan. 9, 1811. Message transmitting a copy of a letter from minis- ter of U. S. at London to Sec. St.; and another from the same to British Sec. for For. affairs. Jan. 14, 1811. Also : Reports on the petitions of A. Scott, A. Dar- din, J. Shattuck, R. Taylor, W. Coleman, J. Calhoun, T. Campbell, R. Tervin, S. Minis, etc. Motions of Messrs. Macon, Love, and Swoope. II. Letter, Sec. navy, on contracts made by the navy department in 1810. Jan. 15, 1811. Message transmitting reports on expend, of the money appro, for completing the capitol. Jan . 15, 1811. Message transmitting report of the surveyor of pub- lic buildings. Jan. 15, 1811. Message transmitting a copy of a proclamation, Nov. 2, 1819; also of the circular letter of Sec. Treas. to the collectors of customs, in pursuance of said procla- mation. Jan. 15, 1811. Letter, Sec. war : his annual report of names and salaries of the clerks employed in the department of war, 1810. Jan. 15, 1S11. Message transmitting account of contingent expen- ses of government for 1810. Jan. 15, 1811. Report of Com. on expediency of opening a road from Vincennes, in Indiana territory, towards Day- ton, Ohio. Jan. 17, 1811. Memorial of merchants of New Haven in Conn. Jan. 18, 1811. Letter, Sec. war, on that part of the message relat- ing to land forces and fortifications, transmitting an estimate of monies required on account of fortifica- tions for 1811. Jan. 18, 1811. Memorial of the legislative council and Ho. R. of Mississippi territory, praying admission as a state into the union. Jan. '21, 1811. Letter, Treas. U.S., transmitting accounts of receipts and expenditures, and accounts for war and navy departments for 1809-10. Jan. 22, 1811. Report of Com. public lands, on memorial of the Lcgis. Coun. and Ho. R. of Ind. territory. Jan. 23, 1811. Report of Com. on public lands on petition of Crs. appointed to fix a site for the town of Pulaski, Giles, CO., Tcnn. Jan. 24, 1811. Message transmitting the report of the superinten- dent of Washington city of the expenditures under the act for the better accommodation of the general post-office and patent-office. Jan. 26, 1811. Additional estimates of appropriations for 1811. Jan. 26, 1811. Letter, Sec. navy to Com. on naval establishment. Jan. 30, 1811. Report Com. public lands on memorial of the Uni- ted lUinoisandWabashlandcompanies. Jan. 30, 1811. Message transmitting copy of letter from American charge at Paris to Sec. St., and to the French minis- ter for foreign relations ; also copies of two letters from the agent of the American consul at Bourdeaux to Sec. St. Jan. 31, 1811. Letter, P. M. G. on petitions of the synod of Pitts- burg, Pa., and of inhabitants of the western country In the states of Pa., Va., and Ohio. Jan. 31, 1811. Report of Com. of commerce and manufactures on so much of the message as relates to the encourage- ment of American manufactures and navigation. Feb. 5, 1811. Report of the select Com. on bills from the senate to incorporate sundry banks in D. C. Feb. 5, 1811. Letter, Sec. Treas. in reply to a letter from chairman of Com. ways and means respecting the imposition of additional duties on importations. Feb. 6, 1811. Report of Com. of claims on repealing the several acts of limitation so far as they operate oil sundry claims against the U. S. Feb. 7, 1811. Letter Sec. Treas. on petition of the inspectors of the customs for the port of Philadelphia. Feb. 7, 1811. Shelf. No. UKITED STATES. llth Congress. 3d Scss. cont. Report of the select Com. to whom was referred the letter of W. Lambert, in relation to precedents of order in Ho. R. Feb. 11, 1811. Letter, Sec. navy, exhibiting experiments which have been made in the harbor of N. Y. in conformity with " an act making an appropriation for the pur- pose of trying the practical use of the torpedo." Feb. 14, 1811. Report of Com. on public lands on reports of Crs. appointed to settle claims to laud in the district of Kaskaskia. Feb. 15, 1811. Report of Com. on the establishment of a seminary of learning by the national legislature. Feb. 18, 1811. Message transmitting report Sec. St. requesting com- munication of information relative to the legal repeal as well as the practical operation of the orders and decrees affecting our neutral commerce since Nov. 1, 1810. Feb. 10, 1811. Message accompanied by return of the bill "incor- porating the protestant episcopal church in Alexan- dria, D. C." with his objections. Feb. 21,1811. Letter, Sec. navy to chairman of Com. of commerce and manufactures on the propriety of encouraging the culture of hemp by protecting duties, or by pro- hibiting the importation of that article. Feb. 21, 1811. Message transmitting reports exhibiting the sura already expended on the capitol, the sum necessary to finish each wing, and the sum now due for labor and materials. Feb. 2C, 1811. e returning the bill "for the relief of R. Tervin, W. Coleman, E. Lewis, S. Mims, J. Wilson, and the baptist church at Salem meeting-house, in Miss, territory," with his objections. Feb. 28, Isll. Letter from Joel Barlow to the speaker of Ho. R., enclosing a letter of Compt. Treas. on the final settle- ment of his accounts on the books of the treasurer as agent of U. S. for negotiating treaties with the Barbary powers. March 1, 1811. Letter, Sec. war on expenses of the national armories at Springfield and Harper's Ferry, and arms made and repaired at each, 1810. March 2, 1811. Also : Reports on the petitions of J. Brumbnck, E. Brooke, Bioren, Duane, and Weightman, J. Craig, A. St. Clair, B. and J. Tyler, J. Nelson, and T. Simpson. Motions of Messrs. Macon and Gholson. HI. Report of Com. appointed to inquire into the conduct of General Wilkinson. Feb. L'G, 1811. [Executive documents.] 2v. f . . . .*C.120.20 Contents. Vol. I. Letter, Comptr. Treas. : state- ment of the accounts in the treasury, war, and navy departments, which have remained more than three years unsettled. Dec. 11, 1810. Letter, Sec. Treas.: his annual report. Dec. 12, 1810. Letter, Sec. navy : account of monies transferred during the last recess of congress from certain ap- propriations to other branches of expenditure in the same department. Dec. 17, 1810. Letter, Sec. navy : view of the state of the public vessels of war, etc. Dec. 17, 1810. Letter, Sec. Treas. : statement of duties and draw- backs during 1807-9. Dec. 17, 1810. Letter, Sec. Treas : report [upon] the currency of foreign coins. Dec. 24, 1810. Letter, Sec. Treas. : his annual statement of the dis- trict tonnage, Dec. 31, 1809. Jan. 3, 1811. Letter, Sec. Treas. : statements of the number of clerks employed in the treasury department, their compensations, etc. Jan. 3, 1811. Letter, Sec. war : statement of the expenditure of money drawn from the treasury, Oct. 1, 1809 Sept. 30,1810. Jan. 3, 1811. Letter, Sec. war : statement of the expenditure of monies appropriated for contingent expenses of the military establishment for 1810. Jan. 5, 1811. Letter, Sec. Treas.: information in relation to settle- ments contrary to law in Mississippi territory, and measures taken for their removal. Jan. 9, 1811. Letter, See. navy : application of monies drawn from treasury, Oct. 1, 1809 Sept. 30; 1810. Jan. 9, 1811. Message transmitting a report of the director of the mint. Jan. 9, 1811. Letter, Sec. Treas.: information in relation to debts due to the bank of the U. S., the amount of notes now in circulation, and the amount of revenue de- posited. Jan. 10, 1811. Letter, Sec. St.: list of patentees, the nature of their inventions, etc. Jan. 14, 1811. Letter, Sec. navy : report of the Crs. of the navy pension fund. Jan. 14, 1811. Letter, Sec. war : two statements of contracts made by [him] and the purveyor of public supplies during 1810. Jan. 14, 1811. Letter, Sec. Treas. : monies paid for the relief of American seamen in foreign ports. Jan. 14, lall. UNITED STATES 806 UNITED STATES UNITED STATES. 11th Congress. 3d Sess. cont. Shelf. No. Letter, Comptr. Trcas. : supplementary statement of the accounts of the treasury, war, and navy de- partments which have remained more than three years unsettled prior to 30th Sept. last. Jan. ir, 1811. Letter, P. M. G., enclosing two reports relative ' to public contracts, and the names and salaries of clerks, 1811. Jan. 26, 1811. Letter, Sec. Treas., transmitting statement of mon- ies paid for the discharge of claims not provided for, and of contracts made by his direction ; also pay- ments for supplies. Jan. 29, 1811. Message transmitting a return of the army. Feb. 1,1811. n. Letter, Sec. St. : customs payable upon the pro- ductions of the U. S. imported into England. Feb. 4, 1811. Report of Crs. of sinking fund, 1810. Feb. 4, 1811. Report of Sec. Trcas. to the IIo. of Rep., with a state- ment of merchandise exported 1810. Feb. 7, 1811. Letter, Sec. Treas. : two statements of importations Sept. 1808-9. Feb. T, 1811. Message transmitting a return of the militia. Feb. 19,1811. Letter, Sec. Treas.: information in relation to bills of exchange, drawn on Degen, Purviance and Co., navy agents at Leghorn. Feb. 21, 1811. Letter, Sec. St. with a list of [inventors] to whom patents have been issued, etc. Feb. 22, 1805. Reprint- ed Jan. 28, 1811. Letter, Sec. Treas.: report of the bank of the U. S. Feb. 21, 1811. Letter, Sec. Treas., transmitting a letter from the Comptr. Treas. with a statement of the emoluments of the officers employed in the collection of the cus- toms, 1810. Feb. 25, 1811. Documents collected by the Com. appointed to inquire into the expenditure of monies appropriated for the navy since Jan. 1, 1804. Feb. 25, 1811. Letter, Sec. Treas. : statements prepared in obedi- ence to " an act establishing a mint." March 2, 1811. Letter, Sec. Treas.: statement of fines, penalties, and forfeitures under the embargo and non-inter- course laws. March 2, 1811. 12th Congress. 1st Session. Nov. 4th, 1811 July 6, 1812. Journal of the senate. 8 *C.148.14 Journal of the house. Iv.iu2. 8. . . . *C. 158.1 [Executive and other documents.] 3v. 8.*C.158.3 Contents. Vol. T. Message communicating corre- spondence between the British minister and Sec. St. relative to aggression committed by a British ship of war on U. S. frigate Chesapeake. Nov. 14, 1811. Message transmitting letters from Gov. Harrison, reporting the issue of his expedition against hostile Indians on the Wabash. Dec. 1'J, 1811. Message transmitting a copy of an act of the legisla- ture of New York relating to a canal navigation from the great lakes to Hudson river. Dec. 23, 1811. Message transmitting copies of correspondence be- tween the British minister and Sec. St. affording further evidence of the hostile policy of the British government against our national rights. Jan. 16, 1812. Message transmitting the report of Sec. St. Jan. 16, 1812. Message communicating a letter from the British minister to Sec. St., disavowing any agency of the British government in the late hostile measures of fhe Indian tribes. Jan. 17, 1S12. Message transmitting a Rep. Sec. Treas. containing proceedings under the " act to regulate the laying out a road from Cumberland, Md. to Ohio." Feb. 3, 1*1 J. Message transmitting the constitution established by the convention of the territory of Orleans for the state of Louisiana. March 5, 1 M -'. Message transmitting copies of documents obtained from a secret agent of the British government em- ployed in fomenting disaffection, and in bringing about resistance to the laws, etc. March !), 1812. Message transmitting a letter from the British min- ister to Sec. St. on documents obtained from the secret agent of the British government. March 16, 1812. Message transmitting the correspondence of Sec. St. and minister plenipotentiary of the U. S. at Paris. May 26, 1812. Message recommending an immediate declaration of war against Great Britain. June 3, 1812. Correspondence between Mr. Foster and Mr. Mon- roe ; and between Sec. St. and Mr. Russell, charge d' affaires at London. June 1, 1812. Message transmitting copies of a correspondence be- tween the British minister and Sec. St. on the orders in council. June 4, 1812. UNITED STATES. \2thCongress. 1st Sess. cont. Message transmitting copies of a correspondence between Mr. Monroe and Mr. Foiter, relating r> the alleged encouragement by the British government of the Indians to commit depredations on citizens of the U. S., and to a seaman claimed by the British govern- ment. June 11, 1-1-'. Message transmitting copies of a correspondence between British minister and Sec. St. June 15, 1812. Message transmitting copies of letters between the Sec. St. and the envoy extraordinary of Great Britain. June 1.1, HI 2. Message transmitting a letter from the charge d' af- faires of U. S. in London, to British Sec. for forciin affairs, and a letter from the same to Sec. St. ou the orders in council. June 1C, 1-1.'. Message transmitting documents on our affairs with Great Britain. June 18, 1812. Message recommending the expediency of commis- sioning the officers of the volunteer force by author- ity of the U. S.; and providing for an additional num- ber of general officers and deputies, and for additional engineers. June 30, l-!2. II. Petition of the inhabitants of West Florida. Nov. 20, 1811. Report of Com. of revisal and unfinished business. Nov. 21, 1811. Report of Com. on public lands in pursuance of a resolution to "inquire what provision ought to be made respecting the location of Virginia military land warrant*, west of the boundary line designated by the act of 3d March, 1804." Nov. 20, 1-11 . Report of Com. on expediency of laying out and making roads contemplated by the treaty of Browns- town. 1808. Nov. 28, 1811. Report of Com. [on] our foreign relations. Nov. 29, lull. Letter from Sec. Treas. to chairman of Com. of commerce and manufactures relative to evasions of the non-importation act Dec. 2, 1811. Report of Com. appointed to prepare standing rules and orders of proceedings. Dec. 2, 1 -1 1 . Report of Com. on public lands, on petition of Leg. Coun. and IIo. R. of Indiana territory. Dt Report of Com. on public lands, on the petition of the mayor and aldermen of N. Orleans. Dec. 5, 1811. Report of Com. on bill from IIo. R. entitled "an act for the apportionment of representatives among the several states, according to the third enumeration." Dec, 10, 1811. Report, in part, of Com. [on] Spanish American colonies. Dec. 10, Isll. Documents accompanying a bill to authorize the refunding of duties of importation of certain copper articles. Dec. 11, 1M1. Report of Com. of conference on the disagreeing votes of congress to the bill for the apportionment of representatives among the several states. Dec. 11, nil. Letter from C. Mead, enclosing a copy of a pre- sentment against H. Toulmin. Dec. 16, 1M1. Report, Com. [on] manufacture of cannon and small arms, and providing munitions of war. Dcc.lt'', 1-11. Documents from war Dep., accompanying bill pro- viding ordnance and other mil. stores. Dec. 16, Isll. Report of Com.[on] memorial of the legislative coun- cil and Ho. R. of Mississippi territory, and petitions of citizens thereof to be admitted into the union ; and also a petition of the inhabitants of West Florida to be annexed to said territory. Dec. 17, 1M1. Report of Com. on public lands, to whom was re- ferred report and decisions of Crs. for settling claims to land in the district of Kaskaskia. Dec. 17, 1-11. Report, in part, of Com. [on] defence of our mari- time frontier. Dec. 17, Isll. Report of Com. [on] naval establish'!. Dec. 17, 1811. Petition of inhab'ts of Washington. Dec. lii, 1-11. Report of Com. [on] expediency of repealing or sus- pending statutes of limitation. Dec. 21, 1811. Report of P.M.G. on petitions of synod of presbyters and other citizens residing in the western parts of the United States. Dec. '27, 1 - 1 1 . Report of Com. of ways and means on petitions of the collectors of ports of Philadelphia, Norfolk, Ply- mouth, Mass., and Baltimore; and of the naval officer of the port of Philadelphia. Dec. 30, 1811. Letter, Sec. Treas.: estimates of appropriations for 1812; also receipts and expenditures from Oct. 1, 1>10, to Sept. 30, 1811, and statement of balances unex- pended. Dec. 31, 1811. Report of Com. on post-office and post-roads, [on] petitions of synod of presbyters, etc. in western parts of U. S., and report of P. M. G. thereon. J .< Documents accompanying a bill to authorize Sec. Treas. to purchase of W. Lewis his patent-right to the new method of lighting light-houses. Jan. ",, 1812. 807 UNITED STATES Shelf. No. UNITED STATES. 12M Congress. 1st Sess. cont. Supplementary report of Com. of ways and means on petitions of the collectors of the ports of Philadel- phia, Norfolk, etc. Jan. 0, 1812. Letter, Sec. navy: statement of clerks in navy Dep., with salaries of each for 1811. Jan. 8, 1812. ytfeo: Reports on the petitions of J. Shattuck, J. Murray, A. Ogden, I. Townsend and others, E. Hub- bel, and certain inhabitants of Washington, D. C. Report of Com. on elections respecting the return of J. P. Ilungcrford, o Va. Motions of Messrs. Morrow and Ormsby. III. Report of Com. [on] the message transmitting two letters from Gov. Harrison, reporting particulars of his expedition against the Indians; and the me- morial of the general assembly of Ind. territory, and of the militia of Knox CO., Ind. Jan. 8, 181 2. Letter from chairman of Com. of ways and means to Sec. Treas. in relation to the revenue necessary for U. S., and the ways and means for raising the same, with the answer of Sec. Treas. Jan. 3), 1812. Letter Sec. war, transmitting annual report of the names of clerks in war depaitment during 1811. Jan. 21, 1S12. Letter, Pec. St.: report of the names of clerks in Dep. St., 1811. Jan. 21, 1812. Documents accompanying a bill making appropria- tions for the military establishment, 1812. Jan. 31, 1812. Documents accompanying a bill supplementary to "an act providing for the accommodation of the general post-office and patent-office." Feb. 12, 1S12. Report of Com. of ways and means in relation to the revenue necessary for the present and the two succeeding years. Feb. 17, 1812. Letter, Sec. war : statement of expenditures on ac- count of the national armories, and of the number of arms manufactured and repaired at the same. Feb. 19, 1812. Report of Com. appointed to inquire if alterations are necessary in laws of the U. S. for the sale of pub- lic lands. Feb. 19, 1S12. Report of Com. ConJ the several memorials of the canal companies therein mentioned. Feb. 20, 1812. Report of Com. on foreign relations, to whom was referred the message covering copies of documents communicated by J. Henry, secret agent of the Brit- ish government, employed for effecting a separation of the U. S. March 19, 1812. Reportof Com. relative toaroad from Cumberland, Md., to Ohio. April 14, 1812. Letter, Sec. Treas. to chairman of Com. of ways and means, relative to the loan authorized by an act of March 14, 1812. May 18, 1812. Letter, Sec. navy : Rep. containing rules and regula- tions for government of navy hospitals. May iG, 1812. Report of Com. on public lands, on the bill from senate to authorize the state of Tennessee to issue perfect titles on certain entries and locations therein described. May 28, 1812. Report of Com. on public lands on a resolution to inquire into the expediency of confirming claims to land in the Mississippi territory, founded on Span- ish warrants of survey. May 29, 1>U. Report of Com. on public lands on a resolution to inquire what provision ought to be made respecting lands granted by the British government of West Florida, in Mississippi territory. May 29, 1812. Report or manifesto of causes and reasons of war with Great Britain, presented to llo. R. by Com. on foreign relations. June 3, 1812. Report, in part, of Com. appointed to ascertain the number of persons employed in, and to inquire into the state of the patent-office. June 12, 1S12. Reportof Com. on Indian affairs, relative to excite- ments on the part of British subjects of Indians to commit hostility against the U. S., and to the evi- dence of such hostility prior to the late campaign on the Wabash. June 13, 1812. Letter, Sec. Treas. in reply to a letter of the chair- man of Com. of ways and means, accompanying a bill "partially to suspend the several acts prohibiting importations from Great Britain, her colonies and dependencies." June 111, 1312. Letter, Sec. Treas., accompanying a bill supple- mentary to an act authorizing a loan for a sum not exceeding eleven millions of dollars. June 29, 1812. Letter, Sec. Treas., transmitting statement of banks in which public monies are deposited. Jan. 13, 1812. AI*> : Reports on the petitions of P. Mills and J. Council, S. Benton, C. Miller, W. D. Bcall, S. Knight, T. Wilson, J. Parker, W. Hubbell, E. Win- ters, D. Henley, J. Shattuck, and the heirs of Caron de Beaumarchais. Amendment to the constitution proposed by S. L. Mitchill. Shelf. No. UNITED STATES. 12th Congress. 2d Sess. cont. [Executive reports.] 3v. f *C. 120.21 Contents. Vol. I. Letter, Comptr. Treas. : a state- ment of accounts of treasury, war, and navy depart- ments which have remained more than three years unsettled. Nov. 11, 1811. Letter, Sec. Treas. : his annual report. Nov. 2o, 1811. Letter, Sec. Treas.: his annual statement of duties and drawbacks on imports and exports. Nov. 27, 1811. Letter, Sec. navy, enclosing a report of monies transferred during the last recess of congress from certain branches of expenditure to other branches in the navy department. Dec. 4, 1811. Letter, Sec. Treas. : annual statement of the district tonnage of the U. S. Dec. 16, 1811. Documents from the war department, laid before the Ho. of Rep. by the Com. on filling the ranks and prolonging the enlistments of the regular troops, etc. Dec. 17, 1811. Letter, Sec. navy : his annual statement of the application of monies drawn for the use of the navy, for one year ending 30th Sept. 1811. Jan. 1, 1812. Letter, Sec. war, transmitting a statement of the expenditure for the contingent expenses of the mili- tary establishment for 1811. Jan. 4, 1^1 2. Letter, Sec. Treas.: statement of monies disbursed for expenses of intercourse with the Barbary powers, 1810-11. Jan. 4, 1812. Letter, Sec. war: statement of expenditure for the military establishment, Oct. 1, 1810 Scpt.30, 1811, and the unexpended balances, Oct. 1, 1810. Jan. 4, 1812. Letter, Sec. navy: statement of vessels belonging to the U. S. repaired since 1801. Jan. 6, 1812. Message transmitting a report of the director of the mint. Jan. 7, 1812. Letter, Sec. navy: statement of contracts made by the navy depaitment during 1811. Jan. 8, 1812. Letter, Sec. navy : report on the navy pension fund. Jan. 10, 1812. Letter from the Com. of ways and means to Sec. Treas. on the amount of the official bonds of collectors of the customs, with his answer. Jan. 13, 1812. Letter, Sec. Treas.: statement of sums paid to each clerk of the treasury department for services in 1811. Jan. 14, 1812. II. Letter, P. M. G.: reports relative to the public contracts, and the names and salaries of clerks cm- ployed in the general post-office, 1811. Jan. 13, 1812. Letter, Sec. war, [with] a statement of the capital employed in the Indian trade, and the state of the Indian trade for the last four years. Jan. 10, 1812. Message transmitting an account of the fund ap- propriated for defraying the contingent charges of the government. Jan. 1'!, 1812. Message transmitting a Rep. Sec. St. on the sub- ject of impressments. Jan. l(i, 1812. Letter, P. M. G., enclosing a report stating the ex- pense of finishing the public building called " Blod- gct's hotel." Jan. 18, 1812. Letter, Sec. St.: list of names of persons to whom patents have been issued, Dec. 28, 1810 Jan. 1, 1812. Jan. 21, 1812. Letter, Sec. Treas.: statement of the exports dur- ing one year prior to Oct. 1, 1811. Jan. 2", 1812. Letter, Sec. Treas.: statement of monies expended during 1811, for the discharge of miscellaneous claims not otherwise provided for, and a statement of con- tracts made by his direction. Jan. 28, 1S12. III. Letter, Sec. war: statements of contracts made by him and the purveyor of public supplies, 1811. Feb. 3, 1812. Letter, Sec. Treas.: two statements of the importa- tion of goods, Oct. 1, 1809-Sept. 30, 1810. Feb. 4, ,01 .J Report of the Crs. of the sinking fund. Feb. 5, 1812. Letter, Sec. Treas. : sundry statements prepared in obedience to the act establishing the mint. April 13, 1812. Letter, Sec. navy, transmitting statements of the expenditure at the navy yards. Slay 27, 1812. Message transmitting a report of the Sec. St., with a list of captures made by the belligerents of Europe during the present European war. July C, 1812. 2d Session. Nov. 2, 1812 March 3, 1813. Journal of the senate. 8 *C. 158.4 Journal of the house. 8" *C.158.5 [Executive and other documents.] 8 . *C.158.6 Contents. Message at the commencement of the session, with accompanying documents. Nov. 4, 1812. Message transmitting a correspondence between the war department and the governors of Mass, and Conn, upon the militia of those states. Nov. 6, 1812. UNITED STATES 808 UNITED STATES Shelf. No. UNITED STATES. Kth Congress. 2d Sess. cont. Message containing reasons for not having signed the bill relative to an uniform rule of naturalization, and recommending further provision in favor of cer- tain aliens. Nov. 0, 1812. Report of Com. on the naval establishment expres- sive of the high sense entertained by congress of the gallantry and good conduct of Capt. Hull, the offi- cers and crew of the frigate Constitution, in capturing the British frigate Guerriere. Nov. 12, 1812. Message relative to the pacific advances made on the part of this government to that of Great Britain. Nov. 13, 1812. Message relative to pacific advances made on the part of this government to that of Gt. Br. Nov. 18, 1812. Message transmitting copies of a letter from the consul general of the IT. S. to Algiers, stating cir- cumstances preceding and attending his departure from that regency. Nov. 18, 1812. Letter, Sec. navy, on what compensation ought to be nmde to Capt. Hull, the officers and crew of the frig;ite Constitution, for the great gallantry and skill di.spl.iyed by them in capturing the British frigate Guerriere. Nov. 25, 1812. Report of Com. of ways and means on the late importations of British manufactures, and on peti- tions of merchants praying to be relieved from penalties thereby incurred. Nov. 25, 1812. Report of Com. on the naval establishment recom- mending an increase of the navy. Nov. 27, 1812. Report of Com. on public lands on petitions from purchasers to be allowed further time for making pay- ments i also on the expediency of reducing the price and sub-dividing the quarter sections In future sales. Dec. 2,1*11;. Report of Com. on the naval establishment, on the brilliant achievements of Capts. Hull, Decatur, and Jones. Dec. 15, 1812. Letter, Sec. Treas.: estimates of appropriation for 1813 ; also receipts and expenditures from Oct. 1, 1811, to Sept. 30, 1812. Dec. 18, 1812. Report of Com. of ways and means on petitions of owners of privateers pray ing a reduction of duties on prize goods. Dec. 21, 1812. Message transmitting a report of Sec. St. on the conduct of British officers towards persons taken in American armed ships. Dec. 22, 1812. Message transmitting areport of Sec. of navy in rela- tion to the presentation of a gold medal to Com. Preble, and swords to the officers of his squadron. Dec. 3, 1812. Document accompanying the bill making provision for an additional number of general officers. Dec. 20,181-2. Resolutions of the legislature of Kentucky respect- ing our foreign relations. Jan. 1, 1813. Message transmitting copies of documents in the archives of the department of St. on British impress- ments from American vessels. Jan. 5, 1813. Report of Com. on letter from Sec. St. to Ho. R., en- closing his report on W. Lambert's memorial. Jan. 20, 1813. Message transmitting copies of a correspondence be- tween ,T. Mitchell, agent for American prisoners of war, at Halifax, and the British admiral commanding at that station. Jan. 22, 1813. Report, in part, of Com. on foreign relations, with a bill for regulation of seamen on board public ves- sels and in the merchant service of U. S. Jan. 29, 1S13. Report of Com. appointed to inquire whether amendments are necessary to the "act to provide for the government of Missouri." Jan. 20, 1813. Message communicating resolutions of Leg. of Pa. on subject of our foreign relations. Feb. 1, 1813. Declaration and resolves of the general assembly of Ohio on the foreign relations of the 1J. S. Feb. 1, 1813. Report of Com. public lands, on the bill to carry into effect the report made by the Crs. appointed in pur- suance of " an act for an amicable settlement of limits with Georgia, and authorizing the establishment of a government in the Mississippi territory." Feb. 1, 1813. Letters from Sec. navy, with bill "supplementary to the act for increasing the navy." Feb. G, 1813. Letter, Sec. war to chairman of Com. on military affairs, on the subject of general officers. Feb. 12, 1813. Report of Com. on navy establishment on the expe- diency of distributing a greater portion of the captures by the public armed vessels to the officers and crew thereof, and giving further encouragement to priva- teering. Feb. 13, 1813. Report of Com. of ways and means on the revenue for 1814; with a bill " to suspend the several acts pro- hibiting importations from Great Britain and her dependencies ; to lay additional duties, and for other purposes." Feb. 15, 1813. Shelf. No. UNITED STATES. \1ih Congress. 2d Scss. cont. Report of Com. appointed to inquire whether any amendments were necessary in the act to extend the right of suffrage in the 111. territory. Feb. 15, 1813. Message transmitting a letter from Capt. Bain- bridge, commanding U. 8. frigate Constitution, re- porting his capture and destruction of the British frigate " The Java." Feb. 22, 1813. Message transmitting a proclamation of the British govemorof Bermuda, providing for the supply of the British West Indies by a trade Under licenses, with a circular instruction, confining, if practicable, the trade to the eastern ports of the U. S. i Report of Com. on message in relation to the pre- sentation of a gold medal to Commodore Preble, and swords to the officers of his squadron. Feb. 2C, 1813. Report of Com. appointed to inquire into the prin- ciples and practice adopted by the Treas. department in relation to the revenue laws, and to mitigating the fines accruing under the same. Feb. 27, 1813. Report of Com. on public lands on resolutions of the legislature of Illinois relative to the salt springs. March 2, 1813. Message transmitting report Sec. Treas. containing proceedings under the " act to regulate the lay ing out and making a road from Cumberland, Md., to Ohio." March 2, 1813. Message transmitting correspondence relative to the repeal of the Berlin and Milan decrees, and relations between the U. S. and France. March 3, 1813. Also : Reports on the petitions or memorials of R. Hodgson, S. Forrester, D. D. Pulsifer, Boardman and Pope, J. Barney, S. Kingston, J. Dillon, D. Boonc, R. Mitchell, T. Vincent, sundry inhabitants of Illinois, citizens of Baltimore, Knox co., Indiana territory, and of Washington, D. C. Motion of Mr. Uall. [Executive reports.] f* *C. 120.22 Contents. Letter Cr. of the general hind office, transmitting the report of the Crs. appointed to ascer- tain the western boundary of the tract for bounties to the officers and soldiers of the Virginia line on the continental establishment. Jan. 10, 1813. Letter, Sec. St., transmitting a list of persons to whom patents have been issued, from Jan. 1, 1812, to Jan. 1,1813. Jan. 22, 1813. Letter, Sec. Treas.: statement of monies paid for miscellaneous claims, of contracts for supplies for 1> 1 2, and payments for them during 1811, in relation to the revenue, and the relief of disabL seamen. Jan. 0,1813. Letter, Sec. navy; report on the "navy pension fund." Feb. 2, 1813. Report of Crs. of the sinking fund. Feb. 6, 1813. Letter, Sec. Treas., transmitting a statement of the sums paid to each clerk of the treasury department for 1812. Feb. 6, 1813. Letter, Sec. Treas. ; statements of payments on ac- count of the public debt, and of the revolutionary gov- ernment. Feb. 6, 1813. Letter, Sec. Treas., transmitting annual statement of the district tonnage, Dec. 31, 1811. Feb. 3, 1813. Letter, Sec. navy: the names and [salaries] of the clerks in the navy. Feb. 8, 1813. Letter, Sec. war, transmitting statement of con- tracts made in 1812 for supplying rations to the army. Feb. 10, 1813. Letter, Sec. war, transmitting names and [salaries] of the clerks in the war department. Feb. 10, 1813. Letter, Sec. navy: statements in relation to the monies transferred during the bast recess of congress from certain appropriations to other branches of ex- penditure in the same department. Feb. J . Message transmitting a statement of the militia. Feb. 13, 1813. Letter, Sec. Treas.: a statement of the exports, Sept 30, 1811 Sept. 30, 1812. Feb. 16, 1813. Letter, Sec. Treas., transmitting a statement of the emoluments of officers of the customs for 1812. Feb. 25, 1813. Letter, Sec. Treas., transmitting statements pre- pared in obedience to "an act establishing a mint." March 2, 1813. IStJi Congress. 1st Session. May 25 Aug. 2, 1813. Journal of the senate. 8 *C.158.7 Journal of the house. 8 *C. 158.8 [Executive and other documents.] 8 . *C.158.9 Contents. Message at the commencement of the session. May 25, 1813. Message transmitting information touching the French decree purporting to be a repeal of the Berlin and Milan decrees. July 12, 1813. Message relating to a declaration and order in council of Brit. Gov. of April 21, 1S12. July 13, 1S13. UNITED STATES 809 UNITED STATES Shelf. No. UNITED STATES. 13th Congress. 1st Sess. cont. Report of Com. of foreign relations on message in pursuance of a resolution calling for information touching the decree of France purporting to be a re- peal of the Berlin and Milan decrees. July 13, 1813. Letter, Sec. Treas., accompanying the bill author- izing a loan. June 21, 1813. Letter from acting Sec. Treas. to chairman of naval Com. on a reduction of the duties on prizes and prize goods. June 23, 1813. Report of Com. on claims on bill from the senate authorizing payment for waggons and teams captured by the enemy at Detroit. July 21, 1813. Report, in part, of Com. of revisal and unfinished business. June 8, 1813. Report of Com. on military affairs on a resolution instructing them to inquire whether any alterations are necessary in the act making provision for arming and equipping the whole body of the militia of the U. 8. July 8, 1813. Report of Com. on the spirit and manner in which the war has been waged by the enemy. July 31, 1813. Report, in part, of joint Com. appointed to inquire what business is necessary to be done the present session. July 10, 1813. Remonstrance of legislature of Mass, against the war withGreat Britain, and protest of minority of said legislature against said remonstrance. June 29, 1813. Also : Reports on the petitions of S. Girard, D. Hen- ley, J. Dillon, and J. Perkins. Report of the Com. on elections respecting the elec- tion of J. P. Hungcrford, of Va. Motions of Messrs. Webster and King. [Executive reports.] f *C. 130.6 Contents. Letter, Sec. war, communicating a tran- script of the pension list. June 1, 1813. Letter, Sec. Treas., transmitting his annual report on the state of the finances. June 3, 1813. Report of Com. of ways and means on internal revenue. June 10, 1813. 2d Session. Dec. 6th, 1813 April 18th, 1814. Journal of the senate. 8 *C.158.10 Journal of the house. 8 *C. 158.11 [Executive and other docs.] 3v. 8 . . *C.15S.12 Contents. Vol. I. Message at the commencement of the session. Dec. 7, 1813. Report, in part, of Com. of revisal and unfinished business. Dec. 15, 1813. Letter from Cr. of general land office on the public lands. Dec. 31, 1813. Letter, Sec. navy, respecting the victory achieved on Lake Erie by Capt. Perry. Dec. 31, 1813. Letter, Sec. Treas. with bill to amend 27th sect, of " the act to lay and collect a direct tax within the U. S." Jan. 3, 1814. Letter, Sec. Treas.: report of director of the mint, containing the result of the assays of foreign gold and silver coins. Jan. 4, 1814. Message transmitting copies of a letter from the British Sec. St. for foreign affairs to Sec. St., with answer of latter. Jan. C, 1814. Report of Com. of ways and means on a resolution to inquire into the expediency of amending the 1st sect of the " Act laying duties on licenses to retailers of wines, spirituous liquors, and foreign merchandise," with a view to authorize the sale without license of spirits in less quantities than five gallons, at the place where the same shall have been distilled. Jan. 10, 1814. Message transmitting information relative to the reception of Mr. Crawford, minister from the IT. S. to the court of France, by that court. Jan. 18, 1814. Message transmitting Rep. Sec. St. in obedience to a resolution "requesting the Pros, to lay before this Ho. docs. rel. to the Russian mediation." Jan. 18, 1814. Message transmitting report of Sec. Treas. con- taining proceedings under the "Act to regulate a road from Cumberland, Md., to state of Ohio." Jan. 18, 1814. Message transmitting report of Sec. St. complying with resolution of Ho. R. of 12th inst. Jan. 20, 1814. Letter, Sec. Treas. on appropriations for 1814. Jan. 20, 1814. Report of Sec. navy of names of clerks employed in navy department during 1813, with salary paid to each. Jan. 28, 1814. Also : Reports on the petitions or memorials of J. Thompson, R. Dale, D. Boone, M. P. Le Due, D. Clark, W. Gamble, R. Hodgson, Kenzie and For- sythe, R. Mitchell, A. Brown, J. Pitchlyn, J. Ander- son, M. S. Tyson, R. E. Cochran, H. Fanning, M. Chever, R. Renguenet, J. W. Page, the president and directors of the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal company, citizens of Vincennes and Knox county, in the territory of Ind., certain inhabitants of New Shelf. No. UNITED STATES. \Wi Congress. 2d Sess. cont. York, sundry inhabitants of Baltimore, inhabitants of Driftwood, Ind., the governors of the N. Y. Hos- pital, and manufacturers of New York. Also: Reports of the committee on elections on the returns of J. M. Bowers, from N. Y., T. K. Harris, from Tenn., and J. P. Uungerford, from Va. Motions of Messrs. Pickens, Lovett, Hanson, Jackson, Sharp, and Roberts. II. Report of Com. on the state of the clerk's office and the expediency of authorizing the clerk to em- ploy an additional assistant clerk. Jan. 31, 1S14. Letter, Sec. war, on unsettled accounts in offices of the accountant of war department and the paymaster of the army, etc. Jan. 31, 1814. Message transmitting letter Sec. war in obedience to a resolution requesting such information as may tend to explain the causes of the failure of the arms of the U. S. on the northern frontier. Feb. 2, 1814. Report of Com. on military affairs on memorial of the legislature of Ky., relative to the compensation and pay of the militia of that state. Feb. 3, 1814. Report of Com. appointed to inquire into the pres- ent condition and distribution of flags, standards, and colors, taken by the forces of the U. S. from their enemies, etc. Feb. 4, 1814. Report of Com. of commerce and manufactures on the bill to authorize the president to permit the de- parture of Paul Cuffee from the U. S., with a vessel and cargo for Sierra Leone, Africa, and to return with a cargo. Feb. 9, 1814. Report of Com. on resolution of the legislative coun- cil of Indiana, protesting against the subdivision, by the governor, of that territory into election dis- tricts. Feb. 11, 1814. Report of the committee on a revision of the militia laws. Feb. 15, 1814. Letter, Sec. Treas. on incorporated banks and in- eurancc companies within D. C. Feb. 22, 1814. Report of Com. on a letter from Sec. war, transmit- ting a statement of claims exhibited by Virginia, and which have been disallowed on a settlement made at the war office, Nov. 17, 1812. Feb. 22, 1814. Report of Com. on the memorial of the legislature of Indiana, praying compensation for their militia called into the service of the U. S. for the protection of the frontiers of said territory against the ravages of the enemy. Feb. 24, 1814. Resolution of the general assembly of Mo. territory for the relief of inhabitants of New Madrid co., who have suffered by earthquakes. Feb. 25, 1814. Message respecting the distressed condition of the inhabitants of Michigan, upon the recovery thereof from the enemy ; and recommending that provision be made to meet the expenses incurred by relieving them. Feb. 20, 1814. Letter, Sec. war to chairman of Com. on claims, with a bill to provide for the payment of persons whose property shall be impressed into the United States' service. Feb. 28, 1814. Letters, Sec. war to Com. of ways and means on the number of militia called into the public service in 1813, to a provision for bounties and premiums, and to the strength of the army. March 3, 1814. Letters, Sec. St. to Com. of ways and means, accom- panying a bill authorizing Sec. St. to make an addi- tional allowance to the owners and masters of vessels for bringing back to the U. S. destitute and distressed American seamen. March 11, 1814". Act of legislative council and Ho. R. of Ind. terri- tory, entitled "An act reorganizing courts of justice." March 12, 1814. Reportof Com. on an "Act providing for the indem- nification of certain claimants of public lauds in Mis- sissippi territory." March 15, 1814. Letter, Sec. navy on the execution of the laws for increase of the navy. March 1C, 1814. Message recommending a repeal of the embargo and the restrictive system, so far as relates to nations in amity with the U.S.; also recommending measures for the encouragement of American manufactures, and advising the prohibition of the exportation of specie. March 31, 1814. Letter, Sec. Treas. to chairman of committee of ways and means, with a bill laying duties on spirits distilled within the United States. March 31, 1814. Report of Com. on foreign relations on the message Of 31st March, 1814. April 4, 1814. Report of Com. appointed to inquire in what man- ner contracts for supplying the army of the U. S. have been made and executed, etc. April 9, 1814. Message touching our relations with France. April 16, 1814. Also : Reports on the petitions or memorials of W. Baylor, J. Sands, J. P. Williamson and T. Rice, J. Da- vis and others, O. Pollock, J. Williams, W. D. Beall, UNITED STATES 810 UNITED STATES Shelf. No. UNITED STATES. 13 l>. -I, 1M7. I.ittir, Sec. Treas.: statement of the emolument* and expenditures of the officers of the customs in 1810. Feb. 25, Iil7. Letter, Sec. Treas., relative to the operation* of the mint Feb. 28,1817. III. Letter from Thomas Tudor Tucker, Treas. U. S., transmitting his accounts for 1810. F<-t>. i". 1>17. Letter, Sec. Treas., statements of importations of goods, from Oct. 1, 1S14, to Sept 30, 1815. Feb. 28, 1817. House documents. 2v. Nos. 1-102. 8*. *C. 168.6 15/A Congress. 1st Session. Dec. 1, l>ir April 20, 1818. Journal of the senate. 8 *C.168.7 Senate documents. 2v. Nos. 1-193. 8. *C. 168.8 Journal of the house. 8 *C. 168.9 House documents. Sv. Nos. 1-202. 8. *C. 168. 10 2d Session. Nov. 16, 1818 March 3, 1819. Journal of the senate. 8 *C.178.2 Senate documents. 2v. Nos. 1-102. 8 . *C. 178.3 Journal of the house. 8 *C.178.4 House documents. 8v. Nos. 1-150. 8. *C. 178.5 IGth Congress. 1st Session. Dec. 6, 1819 May 15, 1820. Journal of the senate. 8 *C.178.6 Senate documents. 3v. Nos. 1-135. 8. *C.178.7 Journal of the house. 8 *C. 188.2 Reports of committees of the house. Nos. 1-98. 8 *C.188.3 Executive documents, printed by order of the house. 9v. Nos. 1-123. 8 . . . . *C. 188.4 2d Session. Nov. 13, 1820 March 3, 1821. Journal of the senate. 8" *C. 188.5 Senate documents. 5v. Nos. 1-120. 8. *C. 188.6 Journal of the house. 8 *C. 198.2 Reports of committees of the house. Nos. 1-70. 8 *C. 198.3 Executive documents, printed by order of the house. 9v. Nos. 1-112. 8" .... *C. 198.4 llth Congress. 1st Session. Dec. 3, 1821 May 8, 1822. Journal of the senate. 8 *C.198.5 Senate documents. 4v. Nos. 1-95. 8 s . *C. 198.6 Journal of the house. 8 *C. 198.7 UNITED STATES 813 UNITED STATES Shelf. No. UNITED STATES. \lth Congress. 1st Sess. cont. Reports of committees of the house. 2v. Nos. 1-111. 8 *C.198.8 Executive documents, printed by order of the house. 9v. Nos. 1-134. 8 . . . . *C. 208.2 2d Session. Dec. 2, 1822 March 3, 1823. Journal of the senate. 8 *C.208.3 Senate documents. 2v. Nos. 1-43. 8. *C. 208.4 Journal of the house. 8 *C.20S.5 Reports of committees of the house. 2v. Nos. 1-105. 8" *C.208.6 Executive documents, printed by order of the house. 9v. Nos. 1-111. 8 .... *C. 208.7 18th Congress. 1st Session. Dec. 1, 1823 May 27, 1824. Journal of the senate. 8 *C.218.2 Senate documents. 3v. Nos. 1-80. 8.*C.218.3 Journal of the house. 8" *C. 218.4 Reports of committees of the house. 2v. Nos. 1-133. 8' . .*C.218.5 Executive documents, printed by order of the house. 13v. Nos. 1-163. 8 ... *C.218.6 jfote.Vol. 13, Executive papers, is an index to the executive communications made to the Ho. of Reps., 1st congress, 1st session, to the end of the 14th con- gress, and also an index to all the printed committee reports. 2d Session. Dec. C, 1824 March 3, 1825. Journal of the senate. 8 *C. 228.2 Senate documents. 4v. Nos. 1-45. 8" . *C. 228.3 Journal of the house. 8 *C. 228.4 Reports of committees of the house. 2v. Nos. 1-90. 8 *C. 228.5 Executive documents, printed by order of the house. 9v. Nos. 1-111. 8 . . . . *C. 228.6 Wth Congress. 1st Session. Dec. 5, 1825 May 22, 1826. Journal of the senate. 8 *C.238.2 Senate documents. 5v. Nos. 1-102. 8. *C. 238.3 Journal of the house. 8 *C. 238.4 Reports of committees of the house. 2v. Nos. 1-232. 8 *C. 238.5 Executive documents, printed by order of the house. lOv. Nos. 1-184. 8 . . . *C. 117.1 2d Session. Dec. 4, 1826 March 3, 1827. Journal of the senate. 8 *C. 117.2 Senate documents. 3v. Nos. 1-72. 8. *C. 117.3 Journal of the house. 8 *C. 117.4 Reports of committees of the house. 3v. Nos. 1-98. 8" *C. 117.5 Executive papers, printed by order of the house. lOv. in 12. Nos. 1-145. 8 . . *C.127.1 20th Congress. 1st Session. Dec. 3. 1827 May 26, 1828. Journal of the senate. 8 *C.127.2 Senate documents. 5v. Nos. 1-207. 8. *C. 127.3 Journal of the house. 8 *C. 137.1 Reports of committees of the house. 4v. Nos. 1-270. 8 *C.137.2 Executive documents, printed by order of the house. 7v. Nos. 1-288. 8 . . . . *C. 137.3 2d Session. Dec. 1, 1828 March 3, 1829. Journal of the senate. 8" *C. 137.4 Senate documents. 2v. Nos. 1-106. 8. *C. 137.5 Journal of the house. 8 *C. 147.1 Reports of committees of the house. Nos. 1-102. 8" *C. 147.2 Executive documents, printed by order of the house. 6v. Nos. 1-147. 8 ... *C. 147.3 Zlst Congress. 1st Session. Dec. 7, 1829 May 31, 1830. Journal of the senate. 8 *C. 147.4 Senate documents. 2v. Nos. 1-146. 8. *C.147.5 Journal of the house. 8 *C.147.6 Reports of committees of the house. 3v. Nos. 1-119. 8 *C.147.7 Executive documents, printed by order of the house. 4v. Nos. 1-125. 8 . . . . *C. 147.8 2d Session. Dec. 6, 1830 March 3, 1831. Journal of the senate. 8 *C. 157.2 Shelf. No. UNITED STATES. 2lst Congress. 2d Sess. cont. Senate documents. 2v. Nos. 1-76. 8 . *C.157.3 Journal of the house. 8" *C. 157.4 Reports of committees of the house, Nos. 1-119. 8" *C.157.5 Executive documents, printed by order of the house. 4v. Nos. 1-140. 8 ... *C. 157.6 22d Congress. 1st Session. Dec. 5, 1831 July 16, 1832. Journal of the senate. 8 *C. Senate documents. 3v. Nos. 1-182. 8. *C, Journal of the house. 8 *C. Reports of committees of the house. 5v. Nos. 1-513. 8 *C. Executive documents, printed by order of the house. 6v. Nos. 1-306. 8. . . . *C, 2d Session. Dec. 3, 1832 March 2, 1833. Journal of the senate. 8 *C Senate documents. Nos. 2-84. 8 . . . *C. Journal of the house. 8 *C Reports of committees of the house. Nos. 1-128. 8 *C. Executive documents, printed by order of the house. 5v. Nos. 1-147, 308. 8 . *C, 23d Congress. 1st Session. Dec. 2, 1833 June 30, 1834. Journal of the senate. 8 *C. Senate documents. 13v. Nos. 1-514. 8. *C. Journal of the house. 8 *C. Reports of committees of the house. 5v. Nos. 1-560. 8 *C. Executive documents, printed by order of the house. 6v. Nos. 1-523. 8. . . . *C. 2d Session. Dec. 1, 1834 March 3, 1835. Journal of the senate. 8 *C. Senate documents. 4v. Nos. 1-154. 8. *C. Journal of the house. 8" *C. Reports of committees of the house. 2v. Nos. 1-142. 8 *C. Executive documents, printed by order of the house. 5v. Nos. 1-198. 8" . . . . *C 24th Congress. 1st Session. Dec. 7, 1835 July 4, 1836. Journal of the senate. 8 *C Senate documents. 6v. Nos. 1-430. 8. *C Journal of the house. 8" *C Reports of committees of the house. 3v. Nos. 1-857. 8 *C Executive documents, printed by order of the house. 7v. Nos. 1-298. 8 . . *C 2d Session. Dec. 3, 1836 March 3, 1837. Journal of the senate. 8 *C Senate documents. 3v. Nos. 1-226. 8. *C Journal of the house. 8 *C Reports of committees of the house. 3r. Nos. 1-327. 8 *C Executive documents, printed by order of the house. 4v. Nos. 1-189. 8 . . . . *C 25th Congress. 1st Session. Sept. 4 Oct. 16, 1837. Journal of the two houses. 8 *C Senate and house docs. Nos. 1-54. 8 . *C 2d Session. Dec. 4, 1837 July 9, 1838. Journal of the senate. 8 Senate documents. Vols. 1, 2, 3, 6. 4v. Nos. 1-261, 471-509. 8 *C Journal of the house. 8 *C Reports of committees of the house. Nos. 551-819. 8 *C Executive documents, printed by order of the house. Vols. 1, 4, 5, 7, 9-12. Nos. 1-8, 79-125, 147-200, 297-467. 8 . . . . *C 3d Session. Dec. 3, 1838 March 3, 1839. Journal of the senate. 8" *C Senate documents. Vols. 1, 2, 4, 5. 4v. Nos. 1-14(5, 254-307. 8 *C Journal of the house. 8 *C Executive documents, printed by order of the house. 6v. Nos. 1-253. 8 . . . *C 157.7 157.8 167.1 167.2 167.3 107.4 167.5 167.6 167.7 177.1 177.2 177.3 187.2 187.3 187.4 197.2 197. 3 197.4 197.5 197.6 207.2 207.3 207.4 207.5 207.6 217.2 217.3 217.4 217.5 217.6 227.2 227.3 *C.227.3 227.4 ,227.6 227.7 237.1 237.2 237.3 116.2 ,116.3 UNITED STATES 814 UNITED STATES Shelf. No. UNITED STATKS. Congressional docs, continued. 2.4 Journal of the house. 8 *C. 125.5 Reports of committees of the house. 3v. NOB. 1-399. 8 *C.125.6 House miscel. docs. 2v. Nos. 1-57. 8 . *C.125.7 Executive documents, printed by order of the house. Ilv.inl4. Nos. 1-90. 8. *C. 135.1 2d Session. Dec. 2, 1850 March 13, 1851. Journal of the senate. 8 *C.135.2 Senate documents. 5v. Nos. 1-45. 8.*C.135.3 Reports of committees of the senate. Nos. 217-320. 8 *C. 135.4 Senate miscel. documents. Nos. 1-33. 8.*C. 135.5 Journal of the house. 8" *C. 135.6 Reports of committees of the house. Nos. 1-109. 8" *C. 145.1 House miscel. documents. Nos. 1-21. 8 *C. 145.2 Executive documents, printed by order of the house. Sv.inlO. Nos. 1-55. 8. C. 145.3 32. ABBOT, II. L. Railroad route from the Sacramento to the Colum- bia, ;:.!: ii E.9I (vol.II, pUJ), S.7.S (vol.13, pt.C). ABEBT, J. W. Camauche country, 29:i S.438. New Mexico, with 111:111, :; ACADEMY, Military. See West Point. ACAPULCO, Relief to American citizens at, 34: i E.38. ADAMS, P. See Contested elections. ADJUTANT General. Report, always with that of Major General. ADMITTANCE, ship, 30: i 8.72. ADBIATIC, barque, 35: i R.539. ADULTERATED drugs, 30: i R.CG4, ii E.43, 8.16. AFBICA, American colonies in, 28:118.150. Settlements on the western coast of, 28: i E.244. AFRICAN colonization, 20: i S. 178; 27:iiiR.283. See also : Coloni- zation society, Liberia. AFRICAN squadron, 27: iii S.20: 28:ii S.150; 31:18.40; 35:iiE.104. AFBICAITS, Captured, 20: i .202; 24:i R.223,268. See also: Colon- ization, Slave trade. AOBICULTURAL colleges, 35: i R.261. AGRICULTURE, 18: iR.89; 28:ii S.21,35; 29:iE.171; 30:iR.762, 7G3; 34:1 R.321, iii S.R.292; :M:iiE.5C. See also: Patents. AIKIN'S volunteers, Rifles for, 19: i E.120. ALABAMA. Depredations of Creek Indians, 33:i S.R.226; 34:i S. 11.244; 35:iR.177. Military service, 24: ii R.258. Public lands, 19:ii E.122; 20:i E.231,R.86, ii R.11; 21:1 E.12, 109; R.97, 2!: ii S. --.'; 24 : i R.402,007 ; 20:iS.259; 27:iiR.7S3; 28:iR.145; 30:iR.S15; 31:iR.245; 32:iR.130. Suspen- sion of specie payments' by the state bank, 25: iii .195. Tolls, 2.'!: ii 11.21. See also: Montgomery, Shell Keel'. ALABAMA, Florida, and Georgia railroad, 2S:iiR.795, iiiR.269; 21): i 11.79."; 30:iR.230. ALBANY, sloop-of-war, ;>J:ii S.C3. ALBEMABLE sound, 20: ii S.106; 26:iR.048; 27:iiR^01. ALB i ox, Jlritisli *liip, 31: ii S.30. ALEXANDRA. ji:i E.37, S.37. ALEXANDRIA, D. C. Aqueduct, 24: i E.2C1, iiE.47. Bank of, 26: i Cannl, 21:iiR.71; 22: i R.419; 23:i R.4'J8; 24:il 8.80; Corporation notes, 1835, 24: i E.180. Court-house, 25: ii R.77U, S.liiO; 28:iR.4.V*. Female orphan asylum, 22: ii E.GJ. Report by W. LJ. Shcpard for relief to, 24:UR.255. Retrocession to Virginia, 20: i R.325. ALEXANDBIA, Loudon, and Hampshire railroad co., 34:iii R.267. ALLEOIIAN v and Schuylkill canal, 18: ii E.83. ALLEGIIA.NY river, Improvement of, 19:i R.151; 22:iE.2G5; 25: UK. ALLEN, II. Air and water ti s ht mail bags, 34: i R.43. ALLEN, J. Expedition to North-western Indians, 1832, 23: i E.323. Expedition to the DCS Moiucs, Blue Earth, etc., 20 :i E.1G8. ALLEN, W. vs. Citizens of Oh in, (.'> .11, 2J:iR.110. ALPHABET, Rich's project for reforming the English, 28: i E.L& ALTERATION of Doc. 2ti: i E.185. See Amistad, 20: ii R.51. ALTEBATION of house bill No..'J42, S3:i R.301,;;02. ALTOX, ///., 28: ii 8.41; L"J:ii S.70. AMAZON, Exploration of the valley of the, S2:ii E.43, 8.36; 33:i E.53. Free navigation of the, 83: i II.. M. 22, ii R.95. Line of steamships to the mouth of the, 32: i S.M.^1. AMEEICA, Documents from England on the history of, 19: ii 11.91. Statue of, 31:iiR,92. AMEBICA, Central. See Central America. AMEBICAN archives. See Force, P. AMEBICAN board of commissioners for foreign missions. Memo- rial on behalf of the Indians, 21:ii 8.50. AMEBICAN medical association. Report on assimilated rank, 32: i Il.M.08. Report on the cholera, 34: i 11..M.H2, S.M.70. AJIEBICAN peace society, 32: ii S.R.42:!. AMEEICAN philosophical society. System of magnetic and me- teorological observations, 26:IE.80, R.C30. AMEBICAN revolution. See Revolution. AMEEICAN securities held abroad, 30 June, 1853, 33: i 8.42. AMEBICAN society for the diffusion, of useful knowledge, 25: Hi SMS. AMEBICAN state papers (21vols. f), 22:iE.29,35; 24: U E.180. Continuation, 35: i R.502, ii H.M.39; Special session, S.M.2. AMEBICAN statistical association. Errors in the 6th census, 28- ii S.5,140. AMISTAD, Spanish schooner. Africans taken in the, 26: i E.185, ii R.51, 8.179; 27:iiiE.191; 28: i E.83, R.42C; 29:iR.753; 31: ii 8.29, S.H.301; 32:i S.R.158, ii E.20, S.19; 35:iS.R.30. AMMUNITION used in the naval service, 28:iiE.48, 58. See also: Arms, Gunpowder. AMOOB river, Exploration of, 30: i S.M.SO; 35:i E.08. ANAESTHESIA. See Etherization. ANDBEWS, I. D. Trade of the British colonies, etc., 32: i E.1SG (v.15), S.U2. ANGUS, Ca.pt. 8. On reinstating him in the navy, 19: i R.43. ANNAPOLIS, Md. Naval school, 28: ii S.92; 33:iiE.o. See alto: Navy. Secretary's report. ANTHRACITE coal. See Coals. ANTI-ATTRITION metal. See Babbit, J. ANTISECL, T. Geology of California, 33:ii E.91 (v.ll, pt.7), S.78(v.l3,pt.7). APALACHICOLA. Harbor, 22: ii E.47. Mail facilities, 34: i S.R.255. Marine hospital, 31: i E.UO. UNITED STATES. Congressional docs., Index, continued. APALACHICOLA Indians. Improvement* surrendered to the Vnited States, -.-7:11 R.7I;. APPORTIONMENT of clerks, etc. In the government departments 3S.-iR.400. APPORTIONMENT of representation in congress, 1790-1830, 22:1 ! S.127. APPORTIONMENT of representatives under theflth census, 10: ii E.104; 20:iE.12; 21:iR.l27; '.^:i l'.^. :y..M>:,.-M,R.i3, 8.17,75,92,110,120. Cth census, 27 : ii R.43,100,909, 8^12. 7th census, 32:1 E.74,129, R.155, S.36, 8.B.113. APPRENTICES. See Boys. APPBOPBIATIONS. 1789-182), 21: i S.123; 1789-1857, 35: i E.flO; 1820-J.'!, '.'7: iii K.ls.-,; IsCI-.v-;, ,'U: i K.14.5. APPBOPBIATIONS, O-'.) l:':i K.l-c:; d^i;) 10:ii E.126; (1827)20:1 E.288; (1828) 20: ii E.142; (1829) 21 : i E.122: (l,s'i)21 :ii E.I2H; (1831)22:iEJ05; (1832) 22: ii .131; (1833) 23:iE..1. 23:iiE.196; (1835) 24:i E.297; (Is'Si;; ^4:ii K.189; (1837)25:u E.404; (1838) 2.5: iii E.1W.249; (1M Sums paid since 1833, 25: iii 8^2. ARBITRATION in national disputes, 25: U R.079. ARCHITECTS of public buildings, 25: ii E.458; 34:iii E.47. ARCTIC expedition in search of Sir J. Franklin, 34: i E.1,57, 8.1. AREA of each state and territory, 33:i E.80. ARIADNE, fhip, Capture, 1812, 25: ii R.199; 26:i R.20. ARICKAREE Indians. See Ricaras. ARIZONA, Organization of, 34:iii R. 2.117. ARKANSAS. Bonds held by the U. S., 32: ii S.28. Census for 1833, 23:18.236. Census for 1835, 24: i E.144. Constitution, 24: i E.133,143,164. Defence of the western frontier, 21: i E.17, R350; 23:iR.255; 24:iR.442; 25:ii S.224; L Depot for emigrating Indians, 27:iiR.G04. Disturbance! from Indians, 25: ii 8.487. Division into two judicial dis- trict*, 29: i 8.372, ii S.39; 30:i 8.R.12; 33:ii S.72. Judicial system, 19: i RJSO. Obstructions to navigation of the White, Big Black, and St Francis rivers, 24:i S.113. Pen- lionen, 25:iiE.449. Ports of entry, 26: i R.540, S.472. Pub- lic buildings, 21 :i R.118. Public lands, 18:iR.56, Si62, liRJ9,48l 20:i E.4J.1 14,14.1,24.3,203; 21:iR.SO; | 2S:iE.15, K.2.-.7: 24:iR.W2; 25:iiS.104; 27:iiiS.10; 28: iiS.17; 29:ii E..-A.'.!; 31:i S.R.19,20; Roads, 19: i R.67; 2l:iR.218; 22:i R.374, ii E.IJO; 24:iSJOO; 25:iiiS.211: 27:iS.lll. Routes to Santa Fe and Rio Grande, 31:i E.C7. Swamp lands, 24:iR.549; 25:UR^87; 29:18,. 86; Shi S.R.206, ii R.130; 31:iR.108. Salaries of the governor and judges, 21 : i R.2"0 : 22: i R.242; Salt springs, 28:iR.168; 80:ii S.R.309. Western boundary, 1 30:JiSU>2; 24:iE.220. See aim: Choctaw Indians, Fort Smith, Little Rock, Van Buren, White river. ARKANSAS river. Abert's expedition, 1845, 29: i S.438. Improve- ment of, 22: i E.227; 2:!:iiE.ia5; 33:i 8^6. Marine hos- pital at the mouth of the, 20: i S.102. ARMAMENT for the fortifications, 24: i E.244. ARMORIES. Expenditures, and arms manufactured, (1823) 18: i E. 121; (1824) 18: ii .80; (1825) 19: i .103; (Ufc6) l'.:ii .!'.; (1827) 20 : i .2 (p.92) ,183; (1828) 20: ii E.139; (1829) 21 : i E. 84; (1830)21:iiE.2(p.l34),125; (1831) 22: i .170: (1832)22:11 .121; ( 1833) 23 :i .322; (1S34) 23:ii E.188; (1835)24:iE. 294; (183C)24:iiE.186; (1837) 25: ii E.428; (1838) 25: iii E. 237,428; (1839) 26: i .100; (1840) 26: ii .104; (1841) 27: ii E. 157; (1842) 27:Ui .113; (1843) 28: i .23; (1844) 28: ii .43; (1845) 29: i .96; (1840) 29: ii E.41; (1847) 30: i .22; (1848) 30:ii.25; (1S49) 31:1 .37; (1850) 31 : ii .20; (1851)32:1 E..1C; (18o2)32:iiE.2G; (1853) 33:i E.19; (1854) 33:ii E.33; (1855)34:iE.21; (1856) 34: iii .25; (1S57) 35: i E.55; (1858) 35:iiE.32. Pay of the officers of the, 24: i R.403. Report of, up tol835, 24:iE.44. Report relative to, 24: ii S.13; L'r:iiE. 285. Superintendence of, 32: iR.169; 33: i E.128, II.M.76, R.191. See also: District of Columbia, Fort MimtH"; Harper's Ferry, Illinois, Massachusetts, North Carolina, Springfield, Western. ARMS. Cost of transportation annually from 1830-34, 23: ii E.I 47. Distributing to militia, 18: i R.83. Number, etc. distributed to militia, 1815-39, 25:iii E.95. Sale of damaged, 18: i R.sl. ARMY. Appropriations, (1839) 25: iii E.38; (1843) 27:iiE.257; (1844) 27: iii .89; (1855) 34:i H.M.66; (1856) 33: ii R.90; (1858) 35:iH.M-41. Comparative expense of cavalry and Infantry, 25: ii .250. Comparative expense of volunteers, militia, and regular troops, 25: ii E.271. Comparative pay ol army and navy officers, 21:ii R.85. Comparative strength 1829 and 1S41, 27 : ii S.3. Estimates , (1837) 24 : ii E.32; (1840) 26:iE.45; (1841) 20:ii E. 47; (1849) 81: i .81; (1852) 32: iE, 31; (!S54)33:iII.M.3; (1821-30) 21 : i EJ20. Increase, 24:i E.287, S.22S; 25:iiE.305; 29: ii .28; 33:iiR.40. Increase of military engineers, 19: i .153, R.36; 21:iR.42. Inspec- tors general, 28: i R.321. Officers, Miscellaneous document* 20ME.75; 21 :ii .25,61,92, R.103; 24:ii E.183487; 26:i S.49| UE.52; 27:iiiE.5, R.220; 28:i EJ81; 81:uS.5; 32:i S.57; UNITED STATES 817 UNITED STATES UNITED STATES. Congressional docs., Index, continued. ABMY. Miscellaneous documents, continued. 35:18.39. Officers, Pay, allowances and grants ofland,19:i R.224; 2':i 8.157; 21 :i E.l!(p.OC),99, K.47, iiE.lll; 22:iR.9, iiR.1; 23:iR.356, S.4; 24:i E.198, R.308, 25:ii E.206; i6:ii 8.17; 27:iiE.22G, K.9, iii E.4,G; 28 : i E.18,219, R.353; 29:1 S.246; 31:1 E.S4; 34: i E.22, iii H.M.63. Organization, 2>:ii S.lOli 27:iiR.904; 33:iiR.40; 35:iiH.M.2P. Peace estab- lishment, 19: ii R.40, S.44; 21:1 R.85; 3C:iE.7G. Rank in the, 31:11 E.30. Rank and pay of army and navy officers compared, 20:11 E.9S; 21 : i E.2 (p.247). Register, (1839) 25: iii E.23G; (1847) 30: ii E.56; (1850) 32: ii E.50; (18 51) 32: ii E.48; (1852)32:iiE.SS; (1853) 33: 1E.59; (1854) 3?,:i\ E.58; (1856) 34:iiiE.2i; (1857) 35: i E.(; (1858)35: ii E.58; Sickness and mortality in, Jan. 1839 to Jan. 1855,34:18.9(1. Mis- cellaneous documents, 19:iiE.61; 20:1 E.46, 11 E.41,103; 21:1E.22, R.1CG, 11 E.48, R.CO; 22:1R,G3,286, 11 E.6, R.17; 24:18.208; 27:118.247; 30: i E.74; 32:i S.R.195,217; 35:1 II. M.127, 11 E.93, 8.35. See also : Arsenal, Asylum for invalid soldiers, Bounty lands, Brevet, Commissary general of pur- chases, Commissary general of subsistence, Courts martial, Desertion, Dragoons, Engineer corps, Engineer depart- ment, Enlistment, Hospital, Indian affairs, Major general, Military asylum, Military defences, Military establishment, Militia, Ordnance department, Paymaster general, Pen- sions, Quartermaster genera], Sergeants, Surgeon general, Topographical engineers, War department, West Point. ARNOLD, T. D. Competitor of P. Lea, in contested election, 2d district of Tennessee, 21: i R.32. ARSENALS, 24:i E.44,178, R.450, ii S.13; 25:iiiE.100; 27:iiE.2S5. Establishment of, 25:ii 8.231; 32:ii 8.47. See also: Armo- ries, Augusta, Ga., Augusta, Me., St. Louis, Watervliet. ART, Duty on works of, 2G: i S.311. ABT commission, Memorial of American artists, 35:ii R.198. ARTESIAN well experiment, 35:ii E.2 (pt.2, p.500), S.2(pt.2, p.S90). ABTHUE Kull sound, N.J., 25: ii S.253. ARTILLERY. See Cannon, Gun carriages, etc. ARTILLERY school, 19: ii E.124. ABTILLERY service, 26: ii S.229; 32: i S.R.140. ARUNDEL manuscripts, Catalogue of, 24: i E.24C. ABVE, brig. Seizure of, 32: i E.71. ASOILL, Capt., Case of, 24:iiR.227. ASHLEY, Gen. W. H. Attack by Ricara Indians, 18: i E.2 (p.55). ASIA, Eastern, Mission of Mr. Balestier, 32: i 8.38. ASIA Minor, Trade with, in 1820, 22, 18: i E.32. ASSAY offices in gold districts in the south, 21: iiR.82; 22:iR.39; 23: i R.S91. See also : Mint. ASSAYS of foreign coins. See Foreign coin. ASSESSING the value of merchandise in the U. S. instead of for- eign countries, 26: ii 8.157. ASTORIA, Occupancy by Hudson's Bay co., 25: ii E.43. ASTRONOMICAL clock, 30: ii E.21. ASTRONOMICAL instruments, Report on the depot of, 28: ii S.114. ASYLUM for invalid soldiers, 20: ii R.98; 31 : i S.R.227. See also : Hospital for insane, etc., New Orleans hospital. ATCHAFALAYA river, Improvement of, 25: ii E.253; 34: i S. 50. ATKINSON, Gen. H. Expedition, 19: i E.117; 20:i E.2 (p. 14G). ATLANTIC and Mississippi railroad, 29: i R.189. ATMOSPHERIC telegraph, 33:1 S.R.331. ATTORNEY general's office. Clerks, 32: i 8.130. Printing, 1855, 34: i S.41. ATTORNEYS general, Opinions of, 1789-1841, 26: ii E.123; 1789-1850, 31 : ii E.55. Publication of opinions of, 31 ; U R.10. AUCTION sales, 20: ii R.44. AUDUBON, J. J. Birds and quadrupeds of America, 34: i E.68. AUGUSTA, Ga., Arsenal at, 19:iE.96, R.110, 8.57; 20: i S.121. AUGUSTA, Me., Arsenal at, 20:1 8.121. AUGUSTA, Miss. Land office, 24:1 E.233. AUSTRIA. Commerce, 27:ii S.246. Commercial treaty, 1829, 21.-U E.129. Construction of a war steamer at New York, etc., 31 : i E.5 (p. 18), 8.1 (p. 18). Correspondence respecting per- sons claiming protection of U. S., 33: i E.41. AVES islands, Venezuela, Rights of American citizens collecting guano, 34: iii 8.25. BABBIT, J. Anti-attrition metal, 27:ii E.103, S.273. BABCOCK, Jfaj. L., Court martial for the trial of, 18: U E.G3. BACON exported, 1791-1830, 22: i 8.20. BAHAMAS. Seizure of brigs Comet and Encomium, 26: i 8.119. See also: Abaco, Double headed shot keys. BAIBD, S. F. Zoology of the Mexican boundary, 34: i S.10S (v.20, pt.3). BAKER, J., Imprisonment of, 20: ii E.90,278. BALANCES. See Appropriations, Collectors, The names of the sev- eral departments, etc. BALTIMORE. Court-house and post-office, 34 : i S.84, UiR.257; 35:i E.88. Custom-house, 27: iii E.112; 30:iS.G7. Harbor,19:ii E.13; 21:18.131; 23:iR.310; 25:iiiE.219; 33:iS.R.340. Mail route to Philadelphia, 18: ii E.73; 19:1 R.51, ii E.94; 20: i R.254, S.88. Navy yard, 19: i R.92; 24: i S.358. Tele- graph between Washington and, 28: i E.270. Vessels sunk for protection of, 1814, 18: iiR.6; 19:iR.lG7, S.S; 20:iR.221, iiR.70; 21:iR.144; 33:18.32. BALTIMORE and Ohio railroad co., 20: ii R.92; 21:i R.23,211. BALTIMORE and Susquchannah railroad co., 24: ii R.224. BANOOK, He., Port of entry at, 28; i R.123. UNITED STATES. Congressional docs., Index, continued. BANK of the United States. Act of incorporation, 1817, and amen- datory acts, 22:iE.128. Annual circulation, 1817 to 1837, 25: iii 8.143. Condition in 1820, 23: i E.51 ; (1833) 22: ii R.121. Inspection of accountsand books, 22:11 E.8. Investigation, 22: i K.400, ii 8.4; 23:1 R.481, ii S.17. Jackson's veto mes- sage, 1832, 22: i 8.180. Memorial praying a settlement, 24: ii S.201,203. Memorials and petitions for and against, 23: IE. (in vols. 1-C). Public money in, 1817-27, 20: i S.154,195,ii S.44. Public money in, each month, 1818-33, 23: i S.16. Re- fusal to deliver up books, etc., 23: i R.2C3, S. 71. Refusal to permit government directors to make certain examina- tions, 23: ii E.4.5. Refusal to receive the notes of the branches, 23: i 8.24. Refusal to transfer the pension fund, 23:iE.78. Renewal of charter, etc., 21:1 R.358; 22:iR.283. Reply to Ben ton's resolution, 31 Jan. 1832, 21 :i S.98. Re- port, McLean's, on affairs of the, 2: i S.79. Report, Taney's, on removing the deposits, 23: i 8.2. Statements, monthly, (1823)18:iE.78; (18.'4) 18: ii E.59; (182.5) 19: i E.105; (1820) 19:iiE.52; (1827) 0:i E.100; (1828) 20:ii E.93; (1829)21:1 E.13; (1830)21:11 E.G3; (1831) 22: i S. 27; (1832)22:18.90, 156, ii S. 6, 38; (1834) 23: i 8.137, E.523; 23: ii 8.8; (1835) 24:18.312; (1830) 24: i E. 204; (1837) 25:ii 8.128. State- ments, semi-annual, 1817-31, 22: i E.147. Stockholders, 22: i S.31. Miscellaneous documents, 14:iiS.S8; 18:iS.5, ii E.10; 22: i S.50,78, ii E.9, 8.82; 23: i 8.333,375, ii E.21,42,46, 71; 24:iiE.118,172, R.272; 25:iii 8.78; 27:i S.22. Seealso: Deposits, Deposit-banks, Fiscal agent, Philadelphia, U. S. bank of Pa. BANK of England. Circulation at the close of every week, Aug. 6, 1831 Feb. 4, 1832, 22 :i E.203. BANK notes as a medium of revenue and expenditure, 25; ii 8.452. Prices, at different periods, 25: ii S.457. BANKING. Galbraith's report, 24: ii R.306. BANKRUPT law. Barnard's report on, 27:i R.5. Berrien's report on the repeal of, 27: iii S.19,121. Application and discharge of persons under, 29:1E.223. Proceedings under the, 29: ii E.99. Taylor's report on, 35: i R.413. BANKS, Balances due to U. S., 22: ii E.G4; 27:18.24. Losses by the U. S., on paper of, 25: ii E.191, iii E.UO; 20: ii S.180. BANKS throughout the union, Condition, (18:!;:) 22: ii E.105; (1834) 23:iE.49S; (1835) 23:ii E.71,190; 1*36) 24:i E.42; (1*17) 24:iiE.G5; (1838) 25: ii S. 471; (1839) 2.5: iii E.227; (1*10) 2G:iE.17-'; (1841) 2G:ii E.lll; (1845) 28: ii E.35, 8.21; (1846) 29:iE.171,226; (1847) 29:ii E.120; (1848)30:i E.77; (1849) 31:1 E.6S; (185J) 32:1 E.122; (1853) :!2:ii E.C6; (1854) ,33: iE.102; (1855) a",:iiE.82; (1856) 34: i E.102; (1857) 34: ill E.87; (1858)35:1 E.107; (1859) 35:ii E.112. See also : Cur- rency, Deposit Banks, District of Columbia. BAEBABY powers, 24: HE. C9; 25:iiE.149; 26:iE.78. BARFLEUR light-house, 25: iii E.190. BABNSTABLE and Buzzard's Bay canal, 18:11 E.83; 19: i E.77,174, iiE.97; 21:1E.54. BARRATARIA, Fortification at, 20: i E.186. BARTLETT, J. R. Charges against, 3.': i S.60. BABTLETT'S reef, L. I. sound, Light-house, 27: iii S.132. BARTON, C. C. Charges against Com. Elliott, 25:iii E.191, R.295. BASTROP'S grant, 18: iiR.21; 19:iR.3; 21:iR.347. BATON Rouge postmaster, 26:1 E.242. BAYLY, T. M., Letter from, 20: i E.273. BAYOU La Fourche, Improvement of, 34: i 8.67. BAYOU Manchac, Improvement of, 27: iii 8.21. BEALE, E. F., Case of, 34:iiiS.G9. Indian affairs in California, 1852-53, 32:ii 8.57. BEAUFORT, Jf. C. Harbor, 25: ii E.345. Navy yard, 1840, 26: i E.88; 1854,33:1 8.78. BEAUFOET, S. C. Harbor, 20: i 8.12. BECKWITH, E. G. Route for the Pacific railroad, 38, 39, 41, N., 33:iiE.91(v.ll, p.2). BEDINI, G., abp., Mission of. See Papal states. BEDLOW'S island, Jf. Y., Wharves at, 20: ii E.101. BEEF exported, 1791-1830, 22: i 8.20. See also : Salted provisions. BEET sugar, 25: iii 8.147. BELGIAN vessels, Duties on, 24: i R.333. BELGIUM, Railroads in, 26: i S.29. BELLIGERENTS. Rights of, 33:i E.103. BERKSHIRE and Hudson railroad, 20:11 E.89. BENSON, A. G. Guano islands, 34: iii S.R.397. BENTON, T., and Footc, H. S. Breach of order in the senate, 31:iS.R.170. BERMUDA, Seizure of brig Enterprize at, 20:1 S.119. Bio Sioux river. Road to Mendota, 33: i E.U7. Bio Witchita river, Exploration. See Marcy, R. B. BIGELOW, J. Botany of the Pacific railroad route, 35 N., 33:ii 8.78 (pt. 4 of v.13). BILLS of exchange protested, 19: i R.135; 22:1R.466. Seealso: Exchange. BlNNEY, A., 20: ii E.72,116. BIED islands, Venezuela, 34: iii 8.25. BLACK feet Indians, 33: i II.M.59. BLACK Hawk war, Depredations in, 33:1 R.179. BLACK lake, Mich., Improvement of, 31:1 8.20. BLACK river, Ark., Examination of, !i5: ii 8.132. BLACK river, JV. Y., Improvement of, 24: ii E.74. BLACK Rock harbor, 20: iE.52; 24:iE.82; 25: i S. and H.21. BLACK Warrior, steamer, 33: i E.76,86. UNITED STATES 818 UNITED STATES UNITED STATES. Congressional docs., Index, continued. BLAISDELL, J. M., 20:iiR.C; 21:iR.138. BLAKE, L. Removal of Indiana from Florida, 33: i S.71. BLAKE, W. P. Geological collections from the railroad route, 32 35 N., a3:ii E.91 (v.ll, pts.2,3,5), S.78 (v.13, pts.2,3). BLOCK Island, Harbor on, 26: i E.16. BLOODHOUNDS. Employment against the Indians of Florida 26: i 8.187. BLUE book. See Register of officers, etc. BLUEWATER, Nebraska, Battle of, 34:iii S.58. BLYTHE island, Oct., Naval depot at, 35:i S.57, ii S.24. BOLTON, Capt. W. C. Naval court-martial, 27:ii .111. BONDS given for duties, 1789-1823, 18:iiE.13; 1790-1828, 20: ii E.85; 1815-24, 18:ii E.12,82; 20:i E.287; -2S:i E.3S, ii E.192. BOOKS, Duties on, 27: ii 8.59. See aJso : Congress. BOOKS removed from the basement of the capital, 35: i H.M.129. BOSTON. Canal to Narragansett bay, 21 :i .62. Commonwealth bank, Payments in bills of the, 25: ii 8.148. Court-house, 33:iiS.30; 34:iii II.M.5. Custom-house, 24 : i E.65, R.448. Duties and expenditures, 1790-1825, 19:iE.139. Fortifica- tions, 23: i E.237, ii E.lflO, R.81. Harbor, 35: ii H.M.10. New- England asylum for the blind, 21:ii E.20, R.66. Post-office, S5:iiS.30. Resistance to the execution of the laws, 31: ii S. R.320. BOSTON and Charlestown. Marine hospital, 34:iii S.R.3C9; 35: i R.364. BOSTON, sloop-of-war, 24:ii R.278. BOTANY of the Pacific railroad route near the 32d parallel, by J. Torrey and A. Gray, 33:ii E.91 (v.ll, pts.2,7), 8.78 (v.!3,pts. 2,7). BOTANY of the Pacific railroad route near the 32d and 35th paral- lels, by T. C. Hilgard, 33 : ii E.91 (v.ll, pt.5), S.78 (v.13, pt.5). BOTANY of the Pacific railroad route near the 35th parallel, by Bigelow, Torrey, etc., 33:ii E.91 (v.ll, pt.4), 8.78 (v.13, pt.4). BOTANY of the Pacific railroad route near 41st parallel, etc., by J. Torrey and A. Gray, 33: ii E.91 (v.ll, pt.2), 8.78 (v.13, pt.2). BOTANY of the Pacific railroad route near the 47th and 49th paral- lels, by J. G. Cooper and A. Gray, 35: ii 8.46 (v.18). BOTANY of the route from Sacramento valley to the Columbia, by J. S. Newberry, 33: ii E.91 (v.ll, pt.G), 8.78 (v.13, pt.6). BOTTS, J. M. Contest for the seat of W. Jones, 5th district, Vo,, 28 :i R.492,520. BOUNTIES on salted provisions and pickled fish exported, 1789- 1845, 29: i 8.84; See also: Fishing bounties. BOUNTY lands. Annual reports, (1823) 18:iE.2(p.54); (1825)19:1 E.l(p.S5); (1826)19:iiE.2(p.515); (1827) 20: i E.2(p.l58); (1828)20:iiE.2(p.89); (1829) 21:i E.2(p.l95); (1830)21:ii E.2 (p.177); (1881) 22:1 E.2 (p.!68)| (1832) 22: ii E.2(p.l82); (1833) 23:iE.l(p.201); (1834) 23:ii E.2 (p.281); (1835) 24:i E.2 (p. 300); (183r,)24:iiE.2(p.415); (1837)25:ii E.3 (p.733); (1838) 25:iiiE.2(p.541); (1839) 26: i E.2 (p.529); (1840) 26: ii E.2 (p.401); (1842)27:iiiE.2(p.3G9); (1844) 28:i E.57. Note: Subsequent reports and statements respecting bounty lands are included in the Annual Reports of the Commissioner of Pensions. Miscellaneous documents relative to bounty lands, 18: ii E.2 (p.!01)i 19:iR.54; 25:iiE.83, iii E.217; 2G:ii S.50; 28:iE.57) 30:i R.298,469; 31:iiR.4; 33:i 1I.M.18, ii E.95; 34:iE.95: 35: i S.R.136. See oho : Virginia bounty land warrants. BOUTODKLIN library, 24:i 8.242. BOWMAN, G. W., Accounts of, 35: ii S.189. BOYS. Enlistment in the army, 26:ii R.125. Employment in the navy, 24: ii 8.122. Employment in the merchant service, 19:18.85; 23:iR.249i 24 :i 8.387; 25: ii E.137, iii 8.300; 33: iiR.97; 34:iR.177. Bn ACE, Rev. C. L. Imprisonment in Hungary, 32: i S.91. BRA oo, Lieut. B., Arrest of, 28 :i E.211. BRAHAN, Gen. J., Debt due by, 24:i S.422,ii 8.205; 25:ii S.218, iii E.178. BRANDYWINE shoals. Light vessel, 20: i E.32. Light-house, 24- i E.101, 8.129; 27:iiR.740. BRANT, J. B., Defalcation of, 2G:i 8.59; 27:ii R.996. BRAZIL, 19: i E.119, R.120; 20: i E.108,281. Diplomatic correspond- ence with,25:i E.32; 30:i 8.29,35, UE.61; 31:iE.19; 32:i E.75. See also : Rio do Janeiro. BRAZOS river, Texas, Improvement of, 33:iE.124, S.84. Explo- ration of, 34 : i S.60. BRAZOS de St. lago, Texas, Commerce of, 31 : i S. 69. BREAKWATERS, Amount expended on, since 1815, 22:i E.73. See also : Crow shoal, Delaware bay. BREMEN, 30: ii 8.25; 35:iiE.44. BEEVET rank and pay, 18:iE.14C; 19:iiE.41; 22:iE.253,ii R.114; 24:iE.34,265. BRIDGEPORT harbor, Survey of, 24: i S.210., BRIDGES. See Georgetown, Little Falls, Potomac, Wheeling. BRISTOL and Warren, R. I. Collection district, 29: i R.651. BRITISH authorities at Bermuda and the Bahamas, 26:i S.119. BRITISH authorities in Guatemala, 31:ii 8.43. BRITISH colonial trade, 19: ii E. 2 (p. 19), 12,21,45,144, R. 50; 20- i E.2 (p. 36), 259; 21 :i E. 110, ii E. 22, S. 20; 22:18.2880 85,118,132; 23:i 8.42,58; 26:iE.14; 27:iiR. 650; 30:i'H,! 208; 31: US. 23; 32: i E. 2 (p. 83), S. 8. BRITISH Columbia, 35: ii E. Ill, S. 29. BRITISH naval armament on the lakes, 26: i E. 103. BRITISH North American colonies. See Canada, Fisheries, New- Brunswick, Reciprocity. UNITED STATES. Congressional docs., Index, continued. BRITISH post-office system, 28: ii S. 43. BRITISH recruitment in the United States, 34: i S. 35,80. BEOCKENBROUGII, W. H. Contest for seat of E. C. Cabell, 29:1 R. 35. BEOOKLYN, If. 7. Bonded warehouses, 34: i E. 119; Dry dock, 20:iiR.8; 25:iiE.293; 27: iii E.27, R.40; 30:iU.M.71. Fortifications, 34: iS. 36. Navy yard, 27: iii R. 126; 24:ii E.18; 25:iiE.222,292; 34:iii II.M. 72. BROOKS, II. P. See Maryland contested election, 4th district. BROOKS, P. S. Assault upon C. Sumner, 34:i S.M. 61. BROWN, Maj. Gen. J. Payments made to him and hia aids from 1820-28, 20: IE. 267. BROWN, U. Greek fire, 20: i E.150; 24:iR. 490. BROWNSVILLE, Texas. Port of entry, 33: i S. R. 290. BRUNSWICK, Go. Canal, 24; ii E. 122. Harbor, 24 : ii .123. Navy yard, 33: ii S.57; 34:iR.84. BRUNSWICK, Me., Observatory at, 19: i E.35. BUCKSVILLE, S. V. Port of entry, 27:ii R.859. BUELL, D. C., Court-martial for the trial of, 28:i S.71. BUENA Vista. Alleged mutiny at, 30:18.62; Battle, with plan, 30:iE.8(p.97). BUENOS Ayres, 19: i E.119, R.120; 20: i E.108,281; 29:iE.212. BUFFALO, N.Y. Custom-house, post-office, etc., 34: i K..52, iii S.3S. Harbor, 24:i E.82; 25: ii E.90,167,422; 30:iiE.:i:. Marine hospital, 31:i E.GO. Paving streets around Fort Porter, 34:i R.222. BUILDINGS, Public. See Washington. BULFINCII, C. Report on penitentiaries, 19: ii E.98. BULLION, Exports and imports of, 26:18.290; 27:iiiS.82. See also : Gold bullion. BUOYS and beacon lights, 26:ii S.35. See also: Light-house estab- lishment. BUREAUS, Compensation of head officers of, 33:i E.120. BURLINGTON and Des Moines transportation co., 2:iB,435. BUET, W. A. Invention of the solar compass, 32:ii 8. R. 429 83:iS.R.59; 34:iR.20. BUSH, W. H. Imprisonment in Cuba, 30: ii S.33. BUTLER, D., Court-martial for the trial f, 31:ii S.27. BUZZARD'S Bay. See Barnstable. CABLES (American), Report of Sec. of the navy on, 18: ii S.12. CADDO Indian treaty, 27:ii E.25, R.1035. CADETS. See West Point. CAIRO, 111., 28 : i 8.196. Mails to New Orleans, 33 : ii S.27. CALHOUN, J. C. Conduct while Sec. of war, 19: ii R.79. CALIFORNIA. Admission as a state, 30: ii S.R. 256. Commerce, 34: i 8.83. Constitution, 31: iE.39, S.28. Dry dock, 31: ii E.31; 32:18.105. -Exploration, 29: iE.41; 30: i S.M. 148; 31:iS.47; 32:iS.107; 33: ii E.91 (v.ll, pt.5). Fortifications, 33:iE.82, 8.50. Indian and military affairs, 30: ii 8.31 ; 31:ii E.I (pt.2, p.ll), S.I (pt.2, p.ll), 32:iE.2(p.l37), S.I (p.l3T), 61,104, S.R. 289, ii S.57; 33: Spec. scss. E.4, i R.137, ii E.30, 60,8.8,38,41; 34:i R.355, S.26. Land titles, 31: ii S.18. Pub- lic lands, 31:i S.M. 105; 32:iiE.14; a3:iE.96. Steam com- munication with China, 31:iiR.3l. Vigilance committee in, 34: i 8.101. Miscellaneous documents, 30: i E.70, ii E.I (p.47); 31:iE.47, R.168, S.18,52, S.R.97; 34:iiiS.Sl; 35:i E.106, S.R.267. See also: Colorado, Fremont, J. C., San Diego, San Francisco, San Pedro, Tulare valley. CALIFORNIA, Gulf of. See Derby, G. H. CALVERT court house, Md., destroyed, 1814, 24: ii R.313. CAHANCIIE Indians, 18:ii R.82; 29:i S.438, U E.100. CAMELS, 34: iii 8.62. See also, Dromedary. CAMERON, S., 34: Special session, S.R.1. CAMPBELL, J., Charges against, 35: i R.541. CAMPBELL, L. D. See Ohio, Contested election, 3d district CANADA, 25:ii E.74,89, R.711, iii E.2 (p.34); 31:ii 8.24; 32:iS.15; 34:iiiH.M.34; 35: i 8.71, ii E.74. See also : British, N. A. colonies, Caroline (steamboat), Fisheries, Reciprocity. CANAL boats. Exemption from the law requiring licenses, 28: i 8.183. CANALS, 18:ii .11,35; 19:ii E.106. Sfealso: Barnstable and Buz- zard's bay, Boston and Narragansett bay, Chesapeake and Delaware, Chesapeake and Ohio, Cooza and Tennessee, Darien, Dayton and LakeErie, Deep Creek, Dismal Swamp, Farmington, Hampshire and Hampden, Hiawasse and Oeoa, Illinois and Michigan, Juniata, Kenhawa, Louisville and Portland, Milwaukie and Rock river, Tennessee, Wa- bash and Erie. CANNON, 22: i E.125; 24:iR.374; 25:i S.16, iii S.160; 26:i 8.165. CANTON, Outrages upon foreigners at, 26: i E.119,170. CANVAS, 18: ii 8.12; 29:iR-598. CAPE Cod harbor, 34: i R.79. CAPE Fear river, Improvement of, 20:iE.127; 21:iE.44; 83:i S.M.64. CAPE May, Pier and light-house at, 24 :i E.173. See also: Crow shoal, Delaware breakwater. CAPS Porpoise, Me., 29:i E.29. CAPE Vincent harbor, JV. T., 32: ii E.55. CAPEN, N. Errors in 7th census, 30: ii S.M.64. CAPITAL punishment, 21: ii S.75. CARLISLE, Pa., 20:iR.266. CAROLINE, steamer, Burning of, Dec. 30, 1837, 25: ii E.73,248,802, iii E.1S3; 26: ii E.33, R.162; 27: ii E.128, iii E.2 (p.123), S.I (p.126), 99. CARONDELET, Jtfb.,30:iR,825; 32:i S.R.122; 35:iR.G8. UNITED STATES 819 UNITED STATES I'MTicn STATICS. Congressional docs., Index-, continued. CARSON- valley, Utuh. Annexation to California, 34:iii R.116. CASH system in duties, il E.239, ii K.ir. C.vss, I.. Arc-aunts, us supt. of Indian affairs, 20: iii E.112. CASTIM:, J/,<. Custom-house, l.S:iR.2; 20:iR.4'a; 04:iR.18. CAS. n.r.MAN Summits canal. Sec Deep Creek canal. CATI.IX, G. Indian gallery, 29: i ll.W; :!0:iR.S20; 32:iS.R.271. CATSKILL creek. Improvement of, 25:iii E.64. CAV \i uv M-tirs f,>r militia, Scott's, 10: ii E.57. CAVALRY and infantry, Comparative expense of, 25:ii E.250. CAT USE warof 1817-13 in Oregon, :V!:i E.4S. CEDAR Keys. Collection district, L'J:i It. .".7,".. CEN s rs. Fifth, 21 : i R.295, ii E.8; 22: i E.4, 28, .58, 84, 103, 244, 2G3. Sixth, 26: i K.3.S, 8.13, ii S.-LV.'I'J; 27:i K.-7. S.4.5,.51, ii E.2S, 70,91; Errors in, Mj:i R.579,580, 11 E.11G, S.5. Seventh, 30:ii S.R.323; 32: i S.23, 111, ii R.3; S3: ii E.19; Errors in, 30: ii S.M.U1; .'!_': i S.ll.-.Vii. Report of the board, (184!>) :il :i !=.38 ; (1830) 31:ii E.I (p.443). Report of the superintendent, (1801) ::2:iE.2(pt.3, p.201); (1802) 32: ii E.I (p.4G8); (1853) 3.3: 1E.9. CENT coinage, 34: i E.124.12.S. CENTRAL America, l'.):ii E.2(p.l49); 31:1 E.75; 32:ii 8.12,2", S.R. 407; 33:18.13; 34: i E.103, S.25.S2; 35:iiE.100. See also : Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Panama, San Salvador, Yucatan. CEBlto Gordo, Battle of, 3_>:i 8.51. CHAMUERS, Col. T., Court martial of, 10: i R.229, S.03, 176. CUAMPLAIN, Lake, 23:iE.13I; 24:1S..S5; 20:118.34. CHANDELIER in the hall of the house. Falling of the, 20: ii R.70. CHANDLER Price, whdKngAip, 31: i R.177. CIIAPLAIXS to congress, etc., 23:iE.O; 32:ii S.R.37C; 33:i R.124; 88:11 EJ0. CHARGES d'affaires, 10: ii E.73. CHARLESTON, S. C. Arsenal, 24:iE.110, R.444; 25:iiiE.lGl. Custom-house, 28: i R.19G. Fortiiications, 10: i E.22,5.5. Har- bor, 18:1 S.'ti; 20:iS.12. Marine hospital, 20:iR.s3; 21:iR. 150. Navy yard, 10: i S.27; 20: ii S.28; 23:i R.541, U E.20; 24: i E.93, R.100, 8.300; 25: ii E.44,411. CHARLESTON and Cincinnati railroad, 25: ii S.157. CIIARI.ESTOWN, Jfass. Navy yard, 26: i E..S1: ;.:,5:i E.121. CHABLOTTE, J. C. Branch mint, 25: iii E.1S9; 2G:iiR.18; 28:ii EJB. CIIATAIIOOCIIIE and Mobile railroad, 34:iii S.R.428. CHAUVKXET, W. Great circle protractor, 34: i S.R.250. CHELSEA, .)/'/*. Marine hospital, 24: i E.18; 28:iR.480; 30:iR. 649. Public land, 34 : iii S.59. CHEROKEE Indians. Annuities, payments, pensions, etc., 20: ii E.I24; 21:iiE.102; 2.j: ii E.410, S.406; 28:i.22; .13:11 E.4.'; 34:iS.R.95. Difficulties, 20: i S.347; 28:iiS.140; 29: i K.1S5, R.G83, S.298,301,331. Injuries received by, 20: i E. 188; 27:iiR.960, iii E.219; 29:iE.92; 30: i H.M.8. Lands, 18:iE.127,13C, ii E.43; 19:iE.21; 20: i E.104,106; 21:iE. 89; 27:iiR.248; 34:iiiR.204; 35:iR.290. Memorials, 20: iiE.145; 21: i R.245,3I1,397; 22: i .45,163,175,233; 23: i E. 71,91, ii S.71; 24:i E.2SG; 25:iiE.316; 2(i: i E.120,102,222; 28:iE.234,235; 33:iR.123. Removal, 24: i S.403; 20:iiE. 82,376,401,453, iii E.01; 26:18.320; 27:ii R.1098, iii R.288. Treaties, IS: ii E.10; 24:iE.290: 25: ii E.421, S.UJ,121, iii 8.193,199,277; 27: iU .93,110; 29:ii S.113,157; 30: i E.G3. Miscellaneous documents, 0:1 .211, ii .0,15; 23:iE.71; 25: iii .109,224; 23:18.229; 30:iE.G5. CHESAPEAKE bay, 18: ii E.98; 19:i E.139. CHESAPEAKE, frigate, 19: i .110. CHESAPEAKE and Delaware canal co., 20:iiE.lll; 25:iiiE.251. CHESAPE AKE and Ohio canal, 18: iR.98, ii S.24; 19:1 .81,151,158, R.22S, ii E.I0.85, R.90; 20: i .58,101,192,205,254, R.47,141, ii E.12,73,120,12.!,127; 21:1 EM, Ii,.2SO,412, S.39, ii E.44,53, R.31, 71; -22:i.lVI~. ii E.'.'3: - ': i i:.:!8,39J, R.414; 20: i .90, S.44,277,010, ii S.30,63; 27: ii S.313; 28: i ll.OO: 29: ii R.48; 30:1R.12G; 32: i S.R 177. See also : Alexandria canal. CHlCAGO./rt. Collection district, 28: i R.203. Custom-house, 34: i E.54,89. CHICAGO harbor, 21:1 E.G9; 27:iiS.lSG; 32:iS.R.90; 34:1R.70,78. CHICAGO road, 21: i E.123. CUICKASAW Indians. Fund for, 24:11 S.G; 2G:i E.15, ii .19; 27:11 E.5G, S.74, HiE.05,107; 28:1 E.115, ii .122,8.49,160; 29:iE. 8,107; 30:iE.43; 31: i E.,W, ii E.41; 32:11 E.57,00; 33:1 E.34, ii E.43; 34: i E.7, iii E.04; 35: 11 .102. Lands, reservations, etc., 20:1 R.135; 22:111.483; 24:11 E.ll; 25:11 .17, iii .33, 228; 26:iE.240, ii S.9,15; 27: iii .213. Removal, 20: i E.2 :iiiS.4; (1839) 26:i S.15; (1840)2G:ii S.20; (1841) 27:iiE.LS; (1842) 27: iii S.ll; (1843) 28:i E.97; (1844)28:11 S.1C; (1845)29:18.13; (1846) 29 :ii 8.3; (1847) 30:i S.O; (1818) 30: ii S.I; (1849)31:18.5; (1850)31:118.7; (l;:ii E.13.S; (1827) 20: i E.224; (1828) 20: ii E.47; (.ISiI!) 21 : i .60; (1830) 21:iiE.10S; (1831) 22:1 .0; (1832) 22: ii .120; (1833)23:1 .416; (1834)23:11 .104; (183.5) 24:1 .208; 0830)24: HE. 131; (1838) 25:111 E.190; (IS40) 26:1 E.117; (1841) 20:11 E.39. Note. A resumption of this account of balances due, dur- ing some years, may be found under the head Custom-house officers. Contracts, {1822) 18: i .79: (1823) l.S:ii E.U6; (1824) 19:iE.J7; (is::.-oi:':ii.101; (1820) 20: i E.1S5; (1827)20:11 E.134; (1828)21:1 E.57; (1829) 21: ii K.1'4. COLLEGES, academic.-;, ;-!<., Land for, 23:1 11.41-'.. COLLIER, J., Report in relation to, 32 :i 8.103. COLLINS, P. McD., Exploration of Amoor river, 35:11 .53. COLLINS, R. D. C., Defalcation of, 27:ii R.453. COLOMBIA, 19: i.l(p.lOO), 144; 21:1 E.31, R.170; 22:1 .46,173. COLONIAL history, On procuring documents from England for. UNITED STATES 820 UNITED STATES UNITED STATES. Congressional docs., Index, continued. COLONIAL trade. See British colonial trade. COLONIZATION society, Khii K.dlfl'.}, R.101; 20 : i E.09,1 20,193, ii E.2(i>.114,l-'7); 21:i R.277, ii E.2 (p.211); 22:i R.-77. COLORADO river. Derby's reconnoissance, 3_':i 8.81. Sitcrrcaves' expedition, 32: ii 8.59. Whipple's expedition, 31:ii S.19. COLORED mariners in ports of South Carolina, 27:ii E.119. COLORED persons in the army, 27: ii E.28C. COLT, S. Firearms invented by, 20: i S.593, ii S.14,196; 30: i S.R. 13,-,, ii S.R.295; 33:iR.O,351, S.R.279, ii R.132. Repeating pistols, 31: ii S.R.257. Submarine battery, 28: ii E.127. COLUMBIA river, 18: i R.110; 21: i 8.39; 29: i 8.474,475. COLUMBIA, steamer, Attack on, by a Mexican armed vessel, 25: ii E.347,360. COLUMBUS, Mian. Public lands, 22: i R.392; 23: ii S.ll; 27: iii R. 30; 28:iR.34. COLUMBUS to New Orleans road, Repairs of, 20: ii E.23. COLUMBUS {Ohio) and Sandusky turnpike CO., 29: i E.183.R.188. COHANCIIE. See Camanche. COMET, brig. Seizure of, 25: iii 3.210. COMMERCE of each maritime nation, 29: i 8.187. COMMERCE and navigation, Report Sec. Treas., (1791-1837) 25: ii E. 3.10; (1823)18:18.38; (1824) 18: ii S.33; (1823) 19: i 8.76; (18:26)19:118.72; (1S27) 20; i S.174; (1823) 20: ii S.8G; (1829) 21:iS.95; (1830) 21: ii 8.70; (1831)22:i E.2.30; (1832)22:ii E.109; (MM) 88: 8.889; (18'!4) 23: ii 8.149; (1*35) 24: i S.-:75; (1830) 24: ii S.225; (1817) 25:ii S.440; (183H) 25:iii S.303; (1839)26:18.577; (1840) 26: ii S.2'!8; (1841) 27: ii 8.350; (1842) 27: in 8.247; (1843)28:18.289; (1844) 28: it S.125; (1845) '29: i S. 4; (184'!) 29: ii S.7; (1847) .30: i 8. 5; (1848)30: ii E.42; (1849) 31: i E. 15, S. 3; (1850)31: ii E.(v.8); (1851) 32: i S.(v.lfi); (1852)32:118.22; (1853) 33: i S.(v.l2, pt.2); (1854)3'i:iiE.(v.l4); (18.35) 34: i S.(v.lG); (1850)34: iiiS.(v.l3); (1857) 35: i S.(v.l4); (185S) 35: ii S.(v.l5). Mis- cellaneous, 19: ii R.50; 21:iR.lG5; 27:iiR.835; 28:iiE.73; 30:ii S.35. COMMERCIAL regulations, 22: ii R.12; 34:iR.9. COMMERCIAL regulations of foreign nations, 18: i E.130; 27 iii E. 29; 23:iE.24, iiE.45; 32:iiS.52; 33:iH.M.83; 34:i COMMERCIAL relations with foreign nations, (1839) 26: i 8.80; (1841)27:iiE.163; (1855)34:1 E.47; (1856) 34: iii E.GO; (1857) 35: i E. 17; (1858) 35: ii E.85. COMMISSARY general of purchases. Annual reports, (1823) 18: i E. 2 (p. 18); (1824) 18: ii E.2 (p. 76); (1825) 19: i E.I (p.30); (182li) 19: ii E. 2 (p.190); (18.7) 20: i E.2 (p.82); (1823) 20: ii E. 2(p.57); (1829) 21 : i E.2 (p.144); (18 M)) 21:ii E.2 (p.1.55); (1831) 22:1 E.2 (p.152); (1832) 22:iiE.2 (p.!5'i); (IS ;::) 2",: i E.l(p.l62); (l834)23:iiE.2(p.232); (1S35) 24: i E. 2 (p.94); (1836) 24:iiE.2(p.U7); (IS 1 !:) 25: ii E. 3 (p.294); (1838) 25: iii E. 2 (p.144); (1839) 25: i E.2 (p.26.1); (1810) 20: ii E. 2 (p.20!i). Note. These reports appear to have been subse- quently merged in the general head of contracts by the war department. COMMISSARY- general of subsistence. Annual reports, (1823)18:1 E.2(p.l3); (18-'4)18:iiE.2(p.71); (1825) 19: i E.I (p.26); (182)19:iiE.2(p.l84); (1827) 20: i E.2 (p.79); (1828) 20: ii E. 2(p.59); (1829)21:iE.2fp.l43); (1830) 21:iiE. 2(p.l49); (1831)22:iE.2(p.l4); (1832) 22: ii E.2 (p.1.31); (1833) 23: i E.1 (p.130); (1834) 23: ii E. 2 (p.194); (1835) 24: i E.2 (p.79); (1836) 24: ii E. 2 (p.159); (1837) 25: ii E.3 (p.268); (1838) 25:iiiE.2(p.518); (18.39) 26: i E.2 (p.2 48); (1840) 20: ii E.2 (p.225); (1842) 27: iii E.2 (p. 359); (1843) 28: i E.2 (p.75); (1844) 28: HE. 2(p.l41); (1845) 29: i E.2 (p.227); (1840) 29: ii E.4(p.l90); (1847)30:lE.S(p.590); (1848) 30:ii E.i (p.244); (1852) 32: ii E.I (p.133); (1853) 33: i E.I (p.141); (185t) 33: ii E.l(p.77); (1835)34:1 E.I (p.109); (1836) 31: iii E.1 (p.258); (1857) 35: i E.2 (p.161); (1858) 35: it E.2 (p.800). COMMISSIONS allowed to agents, 25: iii E. 134. COMPTROLLER of the treasury. See Treasury. CONFEDERATION, Manuscript papers of the, 28:iiE.G3. CONGRESS. Books printed or purchased for distribution (1832- 52), 32: ii S.M.12. Commencement, termination, and number of days in each session (1789-1835), 23: ii S.79. Contingent expenses, 18:iiE.3; 24:i.28. Journals, distribution of amongthe people, 22: ii R.107. Loans to members by banks, 24: i R.846. Members appointed to office (1793-1826), 19: iJE. 164,8.52; (1825-32) 22: ii E.7B; 29:iiE.72. Election of mem- bers, 18:i R. 8. Payment of members, 21: iiR. 34; 25:iE. 18; 34: iii R.269. Veto message on the bill lor fixed annual adjournment, 24: i S.393. See also : Apportionment, Cor- rupt combinations, Documents, House of Representatives, Library, Mileage, Senate. CONGRESS of nations, 29: i R.671. CONNEAUT creek canal, 22: i E.239. CONNECTICUT, 19: iR.163; 20:iE.131; 21.-iR.294; 26:iiE.90. See also : New Haven, Norwalk, Thames river. CONNECTICUT river, 19: i E.154; 20:iiE.118; 21.-HE.121; 25:ii E.252; 25: iii 8.289. CONNER, Lieut. D. Court-martial, 18: ii E.81. CONRAD, T. A. Cretaceous and tertiary fossils of tho Mexican boundary, 34: i S.108. CONSTITUTION of the United States. Ratification, 22:iiE.61. Amendments proposed by J. Preston, 25: iii E.157. Amend- ments proposed by J. R. Underwood, 27 :ii 14.1104. See also : President, Election of, Ratification. UNITED STATES. Congressional docs., Index, continued. CONSTITUTIONAL questions, Five judges of supreme court to concuron,20:ii R -34. CONSULAR certificates on invoices, 21: ii R.1G3; 25: ii 8.2L CONSULAR duties, 22: H 8.83. CONSULAR fees, 21: i S. 57; 28:13.24'); 35:118.29. CONSULAR salaries, 21 : i R.220; 35: ii EM. CONSULAR system. Changes in, 25: ii E.I07; 29: i R. 714, ii E. 12. See also : Diplomatic and consular service. CONSULS. Names, locations, compensations, etc.. 30: ii E. 80. Engaged in business in violation of law of 18-Vi, .35: ii E.HO. CONTESTED election. See FlorMa, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Ken- tucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michi- gan, Minnesota, Nebraska, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania. CONTINENTAL money. Amount and depreciation, 21: i E.107. CONVICTS of United States, Expenses of maintenance of, 28: i R. 443; 35: ii U.M. 40. See also : District of Collumbia. COOKE, P. St. O. Journal from Santa Fe to San Diego, 31: Special session, 8.2. COOLIDOE, R. II. Sickness and mortality in the army (1839-55), 34:18.96. COOLIE trade, 34:1 E.105, 8.99. COOPER, J. G., and others. Botany and zoology of the railroad route from St. Paul's to Puget sound, 35: ii S. 46 (v. 18). COOPER, T., Case of, 19: i R.16; 21:1 R.149; 22:iR.244; 24:iR. 803. Coos A and Tennessee canal, 21: i R.180. COOS A and Tennessee railroad, 33: i R.02. COPPER, 18: iE. 128, ii S. l.: 28:i 9.261,291, ii 8.98. COPPER coinage, Substitute for, 25: i E. 7; 32: i E. 111. COPYRIGHT, 21:iiR. 3. International. 24: ii E.162, S. 179; 25:iiE. 117,310,383,416,8.494) 27:iiE.187; 28:iE.01; 80: i H. M.70. CORDAGE- Earle's process for preserving, 29:1 R. 598. American, 18: i E..39, ii 8.12. See alto : Cables, Cotton, Hemp, Navy. COBE sound, .V. C.. Survey of, 25 : ii E..301 , 4 15. CORN laws. Memorial of J. Leavitt, with statistics, 27: ii S. 339. CORPORAL punishment. S-.e Punishment. CORRUPT combinations alleged of members of Cong., 34: iii R.243. CORRUPT influence to secure the passage of the tariff of 1857, 35: i R.414. CORRUPTION, fraud, etc. in respect to -public employment, 33: Special session, S.R.I. See also: Defalcations, Frauds. COSTA Rica, Papers relating to, 32: ii 8.2S; 34: i - COTTON canvas and cordage, Comparison with that of flax, 19: 1 E.GR; 20:iiE.28,102; 23:iiE.148; 28:i.l<5. COTTON crop, 32: ii E.13'.!(v.l5), 8.112. COTTON goods imported, (1817-27) 20: i 8.133; (1832-33) 24: i 8.8. COTTON manufacture, 18: i S.13; 24: i E.14G. COTTON tra:le, i*>: ii IMM; 22:i S.121; 34:iE.10S; S5:i E.85, S.35. COUNCIL Bluffs, Military posts west of, 27:ii R.830, iii R.31. COUNTERFEITING foreign coins, Punishment for, 22: i E 214. COURT of claims, 34: i 1I.M.14, S.M.6S. See aim, above, in the series of documents arranged by congresses, the reports of thiscourt, .34: i and ii; 35:iandii. See also : Private claims. COTJBTS. Fees, 22:iiE.148; 27:iii E.122.172; 2S:i E.274; .32: i E. 93, R.50; 33:ii E.I (p.47). Length of sessions, .34: i E.78. Circuit, 22: i E.207; 25:iii S.59,229; 35:iE.C!). Miscella- neous documents, 19: i R.222; 21:iE.W); 24:1R.170; 2C:i E.141; 31:iiR.G7; 32:iS.R.149; 34: i .113. CoUBTS-martial, Severity of, 31:ii S.R.226. See Babcock, L., Buell, D. C., Butler, D., Cobb, J. D., Conner, D., Fremont, J. C., Gaincs, E. P., Ilaoe, G. M., Jones, R., Jones, T. A. C., Kennon, B., Louallier, E. L., Sharpc, J. C., Sinoot, J., Stallings, J., Weaver, W. A., Woolley, A. R. CRABB, H. A. Execution in Sonora, 35: i E.G4. CRAMPTOX, J. F., Cessation of diplomatic intercourse with, 34: i E.107. CRAWFORD, W. H. Charges by N. Edwards, 18: i E.139,141,145, R.128,133. CREEK Indians. Hostilities in Alabama, 24: i E.263,'276, ii E.1.54; 25:118.173,306. Removal, 20: i E.44,74,'210,23. Reservations of lands, 24:iiS.180; 25:ii E.274, iii E.-09; 30:iE.Cfi. Treaties, 18:iiE.?2; 19:i E.19,165; 20:i E.V-1'VJ :N, ii E.'Jl ; 23: i S.59. Miscellaneous documents, IS: i R.101; 19:18.97, UE.79, S.G9; 20: i E.20l),219,24S ii E.S); 21:iR.100, ii E.24, R.109; 22:iE.56, ii R.127 ; 25: ii E.381,452; SO: i 8.55, S.R.215; 33:iiE.15; 34:iE.5S; 05.-iE.104. CREOLE, brig, 27: ii E.215, S.51,137, iii E.2 (p.114). CRESCENT city, mail steamer. Detention at Havana, 33: i E.86. CRIMES against the United States, 19 :i R.71; 20: ii E.146. CRIMINALS. Transference by foreign governments into the United States, 28:ii S.42: 29: ii E.54, 8.101; 34:iR.3S9. CROCKETT, S. B., Balance due from, 25: ii E.353. CROSS, Maj. T., Accounts of, 25: iii E.31. CROW shoal, Cape May, 24:118.124; 25:iiR1050, 8.155; 35:i R.180. See also : Delaware breakwater. CEOWELL, J., Charges, etc. by Creeks against, 20: i E.248. CUBA. Acquisition of, 35:ii S.R.351, S.10. Designs of foreign pow- ers upon, 32:i E.121. Invasion Of, 31:i 8.57, E.5 (p.I7), S.I (p.17), iiS.41; 32:i E.2 (p.27) 115, S.I (p.27). Seizure of the Georgiana and Susan Loud, 1851, 32:1E.83. Trade with, 21:iiR.115; 23:iE.170, R.4C8, ii E.120; 35:ii S.45. Tripartite convention, 32: ii S.13. See also: Black Warrior, Crescent city, Lopez expedition, Thrasher, J. S.,West,J. H. UNITED STATES 821 UNITED STATES UNITED STATES. Congressional docs., Index, continued. CCLLOM, W., clerk of the House, Official conduct of, 35: ii R.188. CUMBERLAND, Nil. Railroad to Hollidaysburg, Pa., 23:ii R.113. CUMBERLAND,/rt(7ate. Return from Gulf of Mexico, 1847, 29: ii S.94. CUMBERLAND dam, Ohio river. Repair of, 31 :i S.14. CUMBERLAND river, Term., Improvement of, 23:ii E.80,113,171; 24:i E.212, ii .2 (p.273); 25:ii E.90,91; 21:i R.1S1. CUMBERLAND road. Total cost, 1806-44, 29: ii S.79. Miscellaneous, 18:iE.154, R.118; 19: i E.51,168, R.100,143, ii E.1G,18,31,74, 8.14; 20: i .57,149,152,269, S.99, ii E.14,39,75,78,113,- 21: i E.36,59, R.174,410, S.27.0 1 ;, ii E.12,:, S.17; 22: i E.52, S.58. ii S.31; 23:i E.330,417, R.449,45S,456, S.43, ii E.15,5G,73,9o, S.9; 24 :i .20,02,230, R.3G7,671, S.19,207,235, ii E.52, R.135; 25: ii E.I34, R.1063, S.345; 2G:i S.122,160; 27:ii S.314, iii S.241; 28:iS.324j 30:iR.99. CUNNINGHAM creek, Improvement of, 24:i R.297,767. CURRENCY, Uniform national, 21: i S.104; 25:iE.6; 27:18.32. See also : Banks, Sub-treasury. CUSTOM-HOUSE bonds paid annually in each district, 25: ii S.343. CUSTOM-HOUSE officers. Balances due more than three years, 31: ii E.42; 33: i E.57, ii E.9G. Emoluments and expenditures, (1823) 18:iE.120; (1824) 18: ii E.lOti; (1825) 19:i E.147; (18JO)19:iiE.134; (1827) 20:i E.141,225; (1828) 20:ii E.136; (lS-!i)21:iE.71; (1830) 21:ii E.L22; (1831) 22:i E.213; (1832) 22:iiE.14G; (1R33) 23 : i E.391 ; (1834) 23: ii E.178; (.1835) 24:iE.209; (183G) 24:ii E.177; (1837) 25:ii E.338; (1838) 25:iiiE.183; (1839) 20:i E.122; (1840) 20: ii .113; (1841) 27:iiE.110; (1842) 27:iii E.186; (1843) 28:i E.186; (1844) 28:iiE.153; (1841-45) 29 : i E.48. Miscellaneous documents, 21:iiE.112; 22:iE.202; 23:i 8.403, ii E.25,104; 24:iE.27, R.480; 25:iiiE.130; 26:i E.19, S.G12; 27:UE.253, iii E.173, 201 j 31:iiS.28. CUSTOM-HOUSES. Cost of all, up to 1853, 33 : i E.GO. Erection of certain, 23: ii E.24; 24:iS.15; 35:iR.258. Expenses, 1837- 42, 27 : ii E.iGS. New, 32: i E.G4; 34: i E.101. Revenue col- lected at places where custom-houses are proposed, 33: i II. M.S. See also: Boston, Buffalo, Castine, Charleston, Chi- cago, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Eastport, New Orleans, New York, Norfolk, Ogdensburg, Petersburg, Philadelphia, Plym- outh, Point Isabel, Providence, Sail Francisco, Savannah, Vicksburg. CUYATIOQA packet captured in service, 1812, 19:iR.70, ii R.73s 20: i R.152, ii R.14; 21 : i R.19. CUYAHOOA river, Survey of, 25:ii E.95. DACOTA country, Explorations in the, 34: i S.7G. DANA, E. T. Arrest, at Heidelberg, 33: i S.GO. DANCT, Lieut. T. L., Charges against, 26: i E.201. DANISH West Indies, Trade with, 21:ii S.21. Sec aim : St. Croix. DANVILLE, Ky. Deaf and dumb institution, 19: i R.7; 20:iE.208. DARIEN, Ship canal across the isthmus of, 19: ii R.56; 25: ii E.228, iiiR.3-'2; 20: i S.244. See also: Panama. DAUPHIN island, Mobile bay. Fortification on, 18: ii S.29; 28:iS. 211; 29:iR.19G,450; 31:i S.R.23, ii R.33. DAVIDSON, Gen. W., 18: ii R.73. DAVIS, Lieut. A. B., Imprisonment of, 30: i S.29,35. DAVIS, C. II. Nautical almanac, 32: i S.M.S1. DAVIS, Q. Land office of Mississippi, 19:ii E.102. DAVIS, H. W. See Maryland contested election, 4th district. DAYTON and Lake Erie canal, 2(1: i R.ss. DEAD sea. Lynch's report, with charts, 3(1: ii s.34. DEAF and dumb asylums, 18: ii R.28; 30:iR.491. In Ohio, New York, Pennsylvania, and North Carolina, 21 : i R.222. See also : Danville, Ky., New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania. DEBATES of congress, Publication of, 30: i S.R.231; 35: ii S.R.392. DEBENTURE. See Drawbacks. DEBT, Public. Annual payments, 1789-1829, 21: ii E.I 1; 1789-1839, 26:1 S.15G. Miscellaneous documents, 18: i S.5; 20:i E.195, ii 8.24,92; 21:iS.13; 22:18.30,50; 27:ii S.41, iii E.185; 28:iE.3G; 30:i S.59, UE.67; 32:18.108. See also: Expen- ditures. DEBTORS. See Insolvent debtors. DEEP Creek, Va., 19:i E.1G9, R.216; 21:iE.7. DEEP river country, N. <7.,34:i E.109; 35:ii S.26. DEFALCATIONS, 18:iE.144; 25:ii E.111,297, S.491, iii E.5,122,242, R.313, S.301 ; 26: i E.10. Losses by, 1789-1837, 26: i E.10. See alfo : Brahan, J., Brant, J. B., Embezzlements, Gratiot, C., Lytle, R., Swartwout, S. DEFENCES. Comparative view, 1829,41, 27:iiS.3. Bell's report, 27:iiS.2. Cass and Dickerson's report, 24: i E.243. Gaines'a memorial, 26: i S.256. Ilallcck's report, 28:iiS.85. Poin- sett's report, 25:ii E.199; 20: i E.20C, S.451. Shields's report, 32:iS.R.141. flee also: Engineer department, Fortifica- tions, Forts, Military defences, Naval defences. DELASSUS. C. D., 23:ii E.172; 24:i E.148. DELAWARE, State of,20:i R.249(B); 21:i R.1S5. DELAWARE bay, Estimate of coasting trade through, in 1827, 20: i E.67. See alfo : Crow shoal. Duck creek, Newcastle harbor. DELAWARE breakwater, 18:1 E.2 (p.2T)i 19:iE.128, ME.26,65, S. 11; 20:iR.118; 23:i E.422, ii E.14 1 !; 24: i E.91, R.297,707, S.il.-i, ii E.2(p.255); 25:iiE.90; 28:iE.85; 34: i R.322,353, S.9: 35: IE. 52. DELAWARE city, 7ml., Harbor at, 25:iii E.199,2S1. DELAWARE Indians, 33:ii E.50. DELAWARE river, 22: i E.306; 23:iiE.103; 24:i E.212, ii E,H7; 31 : ii S.22; 35: i E.44. See also : Pea Patch island. UNITED STATES. Congressional docs., Index, continued. DENMARK, Treaty with, 19: ii .2 (p.143); 21:iiE.3; 22:iE.24a See also : Danish West Indies, St. Croix. DEPOSIT of coin, bullion, and gold dust, 35: i R.54. DEPOSIT banks, 1817-22, 18: i E.140; 1824-30,21:18.40; 23:18.16, 17.:.-i,so,:)73,487, ii E.27, S.8,13; 24:i ..'04,252, S.21,22.".,226,20S, 331,379.423,312,334,350,392, ii E.75,77, S.2!; 2-5: i E.:!IM:;, ii E. 5,123,191, iii E.60,72,120,195, S.274,304; 20: i 8.255; 27:i E.2 (p.8), S.10(p.8),iiE.123; 28:iiS.88; 29:iE.174, ii E.33; 30: iiS.14; 31:iiS.16. DEPOSITS, 21: iS.84; 21:i E.2, R.312,313,422; 25:iiS.474; 2G:i S.14,470; 27: i 8.120, ii 8.380. Removal from United States bank, 23: i E.2, R.312,313, S.2,172.4.V.t. DEPOT of charts and instruments. See Washington, Observatory. DEPRECIATED currency, 20: i S.406,529. DERBY, G. II. Gulf of California and the Colorado river, with map, 32:iS.81. Survey of Sacramento valley, 31: i S.47 (pt.2). Tulare valley, with map, 32: i S.110. DBS Moines rapids, Mississippi river, Improvement of, 25: ii S.139; 20: i E.68, 8.150; 29: i R.676,080, ii E.35; 33: i E.104, ii S.12; 34: i R.69, iii S.45; 35: i E.83, R.349. DBS Moines river. Expedition to, 29: i E.168. Improvement of, 29:i*.5C3; 30:iiR.124. Indians on the, 2(J: i E.147. DESERET, Constitution of, 31 : i II.M.1S, R.219. DESERTERS from foreign vessels, 19: i E.54,86. DESERTION in the army, 19: i E.47,G1,140; 20:iS.92; 21:iS.G2. DESTITUTE Americans, Transportation of, 35:ii .12, DETROIT, 21 : ii R. 83. Marine hospital, 31 : i E.GO. DETROIT and Chicago road, 13:i EKS, R.144. DETROIT, Straits of. Improvement of, 27: ii S.393; 28:i 8.401. D'lIOMEROUE, J. Essays on American silk, 21 : i E.12G, ii E.114. DIPLOMATIC correspondence of the revolution, 1776-83, 34: iii II. M. 65; 35:iE.14. DIPLOMATIC correspondence, 1783-89, 22: i R.356; 34: i E.116. DIPLOMATIC service, 21:i .37,85; 22:iE.14G, R.180,.')3I, ii E.94; 24:iiE.7f;:; 25:iiE.3G8; 27:ii R.44, iii E.39; 28:iR.10G; 32:i S.93; 33: i E.G7; 35: ii H.M.6. See also : Foreign ministers. DIPLOMATIC and consular service. Appropriations, 33: ii S.M.1G; Reorganization, .33: i R.348; 34: i S.R. 209. DISBURSEMENTS, Cases in which a per centum has been allowed on, 25:iii 8.87. See also : Expenditures. DISBURSING agents. Advances made to, 27:i S.113. Balances due more than twelve months, 35: i E.15. DISMAL swamp canal, 18:iiE.8G; 19:iE.15, ii E.2 (p.221); 25: ii E.445: 2S:ilR.47. DISTRICT attorneys, Payments for assisting, 27: ii E.260. DISTRICT judges, Salaries of, 29: i R.113. DISTRICT tonnage. See Tonnage. DISTRICT of Columbia. Banks, Annual statements, (1823) 18: i E.86; (1824) 18:iiE.78; (1825) 19:iE.7G; (1820)19: ii E.118; (1827) 20: IE. 69; (1828) 20: ii E.86; (1829) 21: i E.33; (1830) 21:iiE.84; (1831) 22: i E.69; (1832) 22: ii E.83; (IS 1 ;.",) 2- 1 !: i E.39; (1834) 23: ii E.90; (1835) 24: i E.52; (1836) 24: ii E.7G; (18.17) 2.-i:ii S.75,.".53, iii E. 59; (1838) 2.1: iii 8.51: (1S7I) 20: i E.71, S.39,300; (1840) 26: ii E.48, S. 19, 48; (1841) '27: ii 10 :!s; (1842)27:iiiE.51; (1843)28:i E.5H, R.332, S.400. Banks, Miscellaneous documents, 21 : i S.40 ; 23: i 8. 374; 24: i R. 800, S.353; 25: ii 8.142; 27: i E.42, R.4; 35:iS.R.29. Co- lumbian college, 20: i S. 103; 21:iR.290; 22:i R..T4. Con- dition of the blacks, 19: ii E.71, R.4.3; 23:iiE.140; 21:i R.691. Expenditures, 1789-1840, 26: i 8.600; 171IO-1S49, 31: 1 E.83; 1790-1858, 35: ii S.5; 1840-44, 28: i R.515. Hospital for the insane of the army and navy, 32:iiS.ll; 33:iS.35, ii E.24; 34: i E.I (p.C29), S.I (p.G29), iii E.I (p.880), S.5 (p. 880); 35: ii E.2 (p.725), S.I (p.725). Law reform, 20: i R.78; 21:iH.2C9; 22:iiR.96; 24: i E.239, R.732, ii E.24; 31 : i S.R. 185; 35: i E.74. Military asylum, 1:0: ii R.74; 28:ii R.109; 30:iR.105; 32:iE.57, S.27. [Other reports respecting the Military asylum arc comprised in the reports of the Secre- tary of war.] Penitentiary, Annual reports. (1831) 22: i E.80; (1832) 22: ii .411; (1833) 23: i E.70; (IS'54) 23: ii .75; (1835) 24:iE.8I; (1830) 24: ii E.97; (1838)25: iii E.llio; (18411) 20: i E. 99, iiE.92; (1841) 27: ii E.50; (1842) 27: iii E.C7; (lS4-!;28:i E.75; (1844) 28: ii .115; (1845) 29: i E.89; (1840) 29: ii E.44; (1847)30:iE.28; (1848) 30: ii E.29; (1849) 31 :i E.33; (1.S50) 31:ii.43; (1851) 32: i E.97; (1852)32:ii E.41; (1853)33:1 E.72 ; (1854) 33: i S.45 ; (1855) 34 : iE.l (p.G13), S.I (p.013); (1856) 34: iii .1 (p.SGJ), 8.5(p.SG5); (1857) 35: i .2 (p.750); 8.11(p.750); (1858) 35:ii E.2 (p.707), 8.1 (p.707). Peniten- tiary, Miscellaneous documents, 18: ii R.52; 19:iiE.98; 21 :i E.46,iiE.C6; 24:iE.238; 25:iiE.9G; 27:iiE.174; 30:ii R.140. Rulief to the corporations, 23: i R.36C, ii S.97; 24: i R.269, S.lll. Slavery in the, 20:iiR.6i>. Miscellaneous documents, 18: i E.49,89; 20:iR.112; 21:iR.207; 22: i E. 295.R.337; 24: i S.258, ii R.238; 25:iiR.923; 30:iR..331; 31:iS.54; 34:iE.90; 35:iR.410. Sea also : Alexandria, Georgetown, Potomac, Rock creek, Washington. DlX, D. L. See Insane. DOCUMENTARY history of the revolution, 23: ii E.36; 24: i R.849; 25:iiS.3I3; 2:iE.102. DOCUMENTS, Public. Possibility of furnishing sets to senate com- mittee rooms, 25:iiS.172. Proposals for republication of, by Gales and Seaton, Report on, 21: i S.67. Publication of, 35 : i R.502. See also : American state papers, Index. DODGE, H. Expedition to Rocky mountains in 1835, 24: i E.181. DOLLAB and pound sterling, Relative values of, 34: i S.R.2S8. UNITED STATES 822 UNITED STATES UNITED STATES. Congressional docs., Index, continued. DOLLAR gold pieces, Coinage of, 28: i R.346. DOLPHIN, brig. Cruise in the southern Atlantic, 33: i S.59. DOTY, J. A., Payments to, 27: ii E.234. DOUBLE-IIEADED shot keys, 18: ii E.21. DRAFTS. See Government drafts. DRAGOONS, Remounting the 2d regiment of, 28: i R.77. DRAWER, J. Claim to the seat of C. C. Johnston as a member from Va., 22: i R.444. DRAWBACKS from 1816 to 1826, 19: ii K.107. DRAWBACKS, (1820-21) 18: iE.56; (1 .,1-22) 18: ii E.44; (1822-23) 19:iE.132; (1824-25) 20: i E. 280; (1825-26) 20:iiE. 25; (!826-27)21:iE.29; (1827-28) 21: ii E.103; (1828-S)) 22: i E. 13; (1829-31) 22: ii E.7; (1830-32) 23: i E.23; (1831-3J) 2.'!: ii E. 133; (1852-34) 24: i E.206; (1832-35) 24: ii E.94. Miscellane- ous, 18: ii R.10; 19:iE.94, 8.71; 20:iR.39; 23:i S.-L', ii E.11G; 24:iR.590; 25:iiR.304; 27:iiR.328; 28:iR.399. See also: Cigars, Hemp, Railroad iron, Sugar. DIIAYTON, D., Imprisonment of, 34: i E.14G. DROMEDARY, Ilabits and management of the, 35: U E.2 (pt.2, p. 450), S.I (pt.2, p.45C). See also : Re Kyan Bey. DRUGS, Adulterated. See Adulterated drugs. DRUMMOND light. Rep. of Com. on public buildings, 28: i R.380. DRY docks, 18: ii S.10; 19:i E.143, ii E.92,125; 20:iR.100; ii K.8; 21:1E.43, iiE.2(p.20C); 28:iiE.lG3. See also : Kittery , Pcn- sacola, Philadelphia, San Francisco. DRY Tortugas, Survey of the, 21: i S.lll. DUANE, Col. W., Judgment against, 18 :i 8.2. DUBLIN, Ohio. Public lands, 25: ii R.559, iii E.9, R.241. DUBUQUE, 7owa. Harbor, 28: ii E.57; 34:iii 8.45,00. Landoffice, 34: iii S.50; Railroad to Sioux city, 35: i E.92. Transmis- sion of mails, 34:i E.88. DUCK creek, Del. bay. Light-house, 21 : i S.24. DUNCAN, Lieut. S., Thanks of congress to, 19 :i R.41. Du PONCEAU, P. 8. Culture of silk, 2i':i E.11,232. DURAND, E., and Hilgard, T. C. Botany of California, 33: ii 8.78 (vol.13, pt.5). DURAZZO library, 28: i R.553. DUTIES collected, (1790-1830) 22:i 8.24; (1824) 18:i 8.5, 09, ii S. 16; (1825)19:iiE.ll,140: (1826)20:1 S.197; (1827) 20:ii S. 62; (1826-28)21:18.15; (1833J 23:iiE.118; (1834) 24:iE.295; (1838)25:ii S.47C; (1821-40)20:18.021; (1842) 27: ii E.244,201, 279, iii S. 107; (1843)28:ii E.1G5; (184S)30:i E.82. DUTIES on imported goods destroyed by tire, 24 : i E.33, ii S.41; 30:iiS.R.321; 34:iR.86; 35:iR.10. DUTIES returnable. Difference between the tariff of 1828 and the preceding, 21: ii S.10; 22:18.25; Refunding excess, 29: i E.1C9. DUTIES and drawbacks, 1820-22, 18:i E.58; 1831-33, 23:ii E.133. DUTIES. Miscellaneous documents, 18: i E.38; 19: i S.10, ii K.75; 20:i R.72, S.180, ii E.GO^ 21:i E.119, S.85; 22:i E.37,210,302, 8.125, ii E.129; 23:i R.123, ii E.98; 25:iE.28; 27: ii 8.19, 441; 28:iiS.50,153; 32: i 8.117. See also : Drawbacks, Im- ports, Revenue, Tariff. EAST India squadron, 29:1 S.139. EASTERN Shore railroad, Md., 24: ii 8.218. EASTON, T. S. Inventions for preventing explosions of ateam- boilers,27:iiS.:::!<;,m EASTPORT, Custom-house at, 29: i R.581. ECUADOR, Treaty with, 28:iii E.2(p.l5G), 8.1 (p.158). EDGARTOWN, Harbor of, 19: ii E.140. EDUCATION. Division nmong the states of part of the revenue for purposes of, 19: i S.95. Public lands devoted to, 21 : i R.312. EDWARBS, N., 18: i E.139,141,145, R.128,133; 34 : iii E.50,50. EEL river Indians, Treaty with, 20: i E.279. EGYPT. Commerce of, 25:iiiS.200. Expulsion of the Greeks from, on account of the war in 1854, 33: ii E.12. EIGHTEEN mile creek, Niagara co., N. Y. Harbor, 24:iE.174; 25:iiE.306. ELECTIONS, Interference of federal officers in, 25: iii S.1CS; 27: i 8.26. ELECTRO-MAGNETIC telegraph. See Baltimore, Page, C. G., Tel- egraph, Washington. ELK creek Co., Pa. Harbor, 23: i E.354. ELLICOTT, A. Boundary of Georgia and Florida, 20:iiE.96. ELLIOT, J. Comparative tariffs of foreign import duties, 27:ii S.210. Funding systems of Great Britain and of the United States, 28: i E.15. ELLIOTT, Comm. J. D. Charges against Lieut. Hunter by Elliott, and against Elliott by Hunter, 25: iii .118,140,191,200,21)5. EMBEZZLEMENTS of public money since Aug. 1841, 28:ii E.150. See also: Defalcations. EMIGRANT ships, Sickness and mortality on board of, 33: i S. R.386. EMIGRANTS. See Immigrants. EMORY, W. H. Military reconnoissance from Fort Leavenworth to San Diego, etc., 30: i E.41. Military reconnoissance near the 32d parallel, S3:ii E.01, (v.ll pt.2). Report on the Mex- ican boundary, 34 :i E.135; 35: i S.37. ENCOMIUM, brig. Seizure of slaves in the, 24:ii S.174; 25:iii 8.216. ENGELMAXN, G. Cactacea; of the Mexican boundary, 34: i S.108 (v.20, pt.2). Cactacea; of the Pacific railroad route near the 35th parallel, 33: ii E.91 (v.ll, pt.4), S.78 (v.13, pt.4). ENGINEER corps, Increase of, 18: ii R.35; 19:i E.153, R.36; 21:ii E.52,60; 23:iiR.5; 31-.iiR.29. UNITED STATES. Congressional docs., Index, <- 19:iiE.2(p.207); (1S3) 20:i E.2 (p.47j; (I*JX) -J) : ii E.2 (p. 32); (18-J)2l:iE.2(p.C8); (W) -I : ii K.2 (p.'/J); (K:l; 22:iE.2(p.7(;); (m-y) 22:ii E.2 (p.S5); (l:;^::i K.I (p.5I;; <1834)23:iiE.2(p.99); (1835)24:i E.2 (p.lOJ); (I**;; 24: ii K.2 (p.187); (IH.^) 25: ii E.3 (p.307); (1838) 25: iii K.2 (|>.1S4); (1H3U) 26:iE.2(p.l57); (1840) 2G:ii E.2(p.9U); (1811; 27:ii K.2 (p. 94); (1842)27:iiiE.2(p.227); (1843; 28:i E.2(p.88); (IsH; 28:iiE.2(p.l53); (1845) 29:i E.2 (p.23G;; (14; 2U:ii E.4 (p. 110); (1847)30:iE.8(p.594); (1848) 30:ii E.I (p..'J47); (1*19) 31:iE.5(p.209); (1850)31:ii E.I (p.342); (1851). 'J2:i E.2 (v.2, pt.l, p.344); (1852) 32:ii E.I (v.l, pt.2, p.147); (].->>';; :;',: i K.I (v.l, pt.2, p.157); (1854) 33:ii E.I (v.l, pt.2, p.!>2); i E.I (v.l, pt.2, p.190); (1856)34:iii E.I (v.l, pt.2, p.272); (17; 35:i E.2 (v.2, pt.2, p.108); (1858) 35:ii E.2 (v.2, pt3, p.831). Miscellaneous documents, 22:ii E.29; 24:i R.90, ii K.J1; 2u: ii E.W1 ; 20: i E.9. 1 !, ii E.41 ; 27 : ii S.-'MO. ENGINEERS, Topographical. See Topographical engineers. ENGRAVED plates withheld from congress, 28: ii R.179. ENGRAVING, etc., Frauds in, 28: i R.305. Engravings ordered by the house, 33: i H.M.bl. ENLISTMENT in the army, 22:ii E.16; 29:ii R.58. ENLISTMENT in the navy, 26: i 8.497. ENLISTMENT of soldiers by British agents in the United States, 1854,34:18.35,74,80. ENTERPRISE, brig. Seizure of slaves on board the, 24: ii 8.174; 25: iii S.216. ERICSSEN, J. Memorial respecting his propeller, 29: i R.144. ERIE, Pa. Harbor, 18: i E.2 (p.37). Marine hospital, 31: i E.CO. Value of property in the county of, 1815, 18 : ii EJ38. ERIE, Lake, Canal connecting the Wabash with, 19: i S.47. Har- bors on, 29: i S.358; 35:iS.15. See also : Graham, J. D. Improvement of navigation from Lake Huron to, : Naval depot on, 29: i E.134. Steamer building on, 27 :ii E.23.S. See also : Black Rock, Elk creek, New Buffalo, Niagara, Twenty mile creek. ESPY, J. P. Purchase of his ventilator, 29:iR.531. Reports on meteorology, with charts, in 2v., 31:18.39. Meteorology, Report on, 4th, 34: iii ESTIMATES of appropriations, (1823-37) 25:ii 8.497; (1824) 18:i E. 17; (1S25) 16: ii E.41; (1826) 19: i E.24; (1827) 19: ii E. 1 20:1 E.40; (1829) 20: i E.241, ii E.49; (1830) 21 :i E.14; (1831) 21:iiE.10; (1832)22:i E.10; (1833) 22:ii E.10; (I)4)23:iE. 21; (183S)23:UE.5; (1S36) 24:iE.4,291; (1837) 24:iiEJ,29, 152; (1S3S) 25: ii E.40; (1839) 25: iii E.5; (1840) 20: i E.:J; (1*41) 26:iiE.3; (1842)27:ii E.19; (1843-44) 27: iii E.10; (1*15) 2: iE.O; (1840) 28:iiE.17; (1847) 29: i E.9; (l48;29:ii E.3; (1849) 30: i E.2; (18511)31:1 E.I; (1854) 32: ii E.2; (1855) 33: i E.2; (1856) 33: U E.6; (1857) 34: i E.15; (1858)34:iii E.(v.l2); (1859)35:iE.l; (18CO)35:iiE.l. A'ote. Thcan- nual estimates also form part of the annual report of the Sec. of the Treasury. ETHERIZATION. Discovery of the antesthetic properties of sul- phuric ether: Claims of C. T. Jackson, W. T. G. Morton, and H. Wells, 30: ii R.114 ; 32: ii S.R.421. EVERGLADES, Florida, Draining of, 27:iii E.43; 30:iS.R342. EWING, J. Assault by Lieut J. F. Lane, 23: ii R.135. EXCHANGE, Domestic. Rates charged by the state banks, and by the United States bank in 1834, 23: ii E.71. Rates at different periods, 25:iiS.4o7. Rates ot foreign and domestic, at New York and Philadelphia, 1838-40, 26: ii S.69. See oZw; Bills of exchange, Sub-Treasury. EXCHEQUER, Board of, 27 : ii E.20. EXECUTION rocks, Jf. Y. bay. Light-house on, 30: i 8.51. EXECUTIVE departments, Administration of, 24 : ii R.194. Clerks, etc..25:iiS. 496; 29:iR,9; S4: iii II. M.l'J: Postages of, 29:iiE.G4. Reorganization of the, 21: i S.109; 27:iiR.741. Reports to be made by the, 18:i E.l, ii E.I; 19: i E.I, ii E.I; 20ME.1, iiE.l; 21:i E.I, iiE.l; 22:iiE.l; 23:iiE.l: 21: i E.l.iiE.1; 25: i E.3, iiE.l, iii E.I; 26:11 E.I; 2T: iiE.l, iii E.I; 28 :i E.I, iiE.l; 29:i E.l.ii E.I; SOriE.l; 31:iiU. M.I; 32:iE.l; 33 :i H.M.I, ii H.M.I; 34:i H.M.l,iiiH.M.l; 35:iH.M.l, ii U.M.I. EXECUTIVE patronage, Extent of the, 23: ii 8.108,109. EXPENDITURES. (1789-1828) 21:18.145; (17S9-1837) 25:ii 8.497; 20:iE.10; (1789-1857) 35: i E.60; (1791-l!>'!3) 23:ii E.89; (1816-34) 24: 1E.39; (lS!4-)25:ii E.448; (iflM-aB):i 8.4BO. Abuses in, 27: ii R.458, iii R.287. Settled upon certificates only of the president, 2S:iE.54. Duties of the committee on, 20:iR.110. See also: Receipts and expenditures. EXPLORING expedition to the Pacific and South seas, 20: i E.88, 179,201, R. 209, ii S.77, 94; 23:iill.'J4: 24:i S.202, ii E. 138; 25:i E.50, ii E.147,255, iii E.194; 27: iii E.88,12Jt, R.270, S.233; 28:iiR.160; 29:i R.599, S.405, ii S.217; 35:iiS.RJ9. EXPLOSIONS. See Steam-boiler explosions. EXPLOSIVE shells, Hubbell's improvement in, 35: i H.M.121. EXPORTS from 1789-1828, 21 :i S.145. EXPORTS and imports. JVb?e. These subjects are to be sought in the document Commerce and navigation. EXPRESS, Uritiffi brig of war. Attack on the American brig of war Prometheus in the harbor of Grey town, 1851, 32 : i S.30. EXPRESS mails, 25:ii E.110,115,143, S.110. EXPUNGING a resolution from senate journal, 24:iSJSX>, ii 8.48. UNITED STATES 823 UNITED STATES UNITED STATES. Congressional docs,, Index, continued. FACTORIES incorporated, 18(10-20,18: i S.43. See also: Manufactures. FAIRFIELD, Iowa. Land office, Li): i E.HH). FALCON, schooner. Fishing bounty, 24: i U.l.iS: 25 : i K.87. FALL River, JIass. Custom-house and post-office, 28 :i R.570. FARLEE, I. G. Claim to the seat of J. Runk as member for New Jersey, 3d district, i-:): i R.310. FARMINGTON, and Hampshire and Uampden canal, 21: i R.221, 341; 22: i E.I 13. FATIO, L. C. F., Case of, 29: ii E.47. FAYETTEVILLE, A'. C., Arsenal at, 33: ii R.53; 34:iii 8.11. FEATiiERSTONHAUGn, G.W. Geological report on the northwest, with charts, 24: i S.333. Mineralogy and geology of the United States, 23: ii E.L51. FEES of officers of courts. See Courts. FEJEE islands, Operations of the sloop of war John Adams at, 34:iE.115. FELICIANA, La., Conflicting claims to land in, 24:1 8.99. FENIX, Spanish-ship, Slaves captured on board of, 21 : ii E.54. FERGUSON, F. Election as member for Nebraska, contested by B. B. Chapman. See Nebraska. FINANCES. Annual reports of Sec. Treas., (1823) 18: i E.16; (1824) 18:iiE.2G; (1825) 19:i E.13; (1828) 19: ii E.ll; (1827)20:1 E.4; (18:S)20:iiE.9; (1829) 21:i E.li; (1830) 21: ii E.7; (1831)22:1 E.3; (1832) 22: ii E.3; (1833) 23: i E.13; (ISM) 23:iiE.3; (1835) 24: i E.3; (133C) 24: ii E.4; (1*7) 25: i E.2, iiE.4; (1838) 25: iii E.4; (1839) 26: i E.3; (18*1) 26: ii E.3; (1841)27:iiE.lS; (1842) 27: iii E.17; (1843) 28 : i E.7 ; (1844) 28:iiE.16; (1845) 29: i E. 6; (1846) 29: ii E.7; (.1S17) 30: i E.6; (1848) 30: ii E.7; (1849) 81 :i S.2; (1850) 31: ii E.ll; (1851) 32:iE.18; (1852) 32:ii E.23; (185.3) 33: i E.3; (1851) .'I;!: ii E.3; (1855) 34:iE.10; (1856) 34: iii E.2; (1857) 35: i E.3; (1858)35: ii E.3. Miscellaneous documents, l'J:i R.G4; 20: i R.185; 25: i E.23.37,43, iiE.356.3GtJ, iii H.2M; 27:iiE.135, 11. 244, iii E.143, R.227; 35: i S.60. FINES, forfeitures, etc., received by collectors, 1S34-39, 2G: i E.19. FIEE-ARMS belonging to the United States, 32: i S.35. Manufac- tured at private establishments, 27: iii E.3. Improvements made by Hall, Cochran, Colt, and Hackett, 25: i S. and H. 15,29. Jcnks's improved patent, 30: ii S.M. 9. Nutting's pa- tent cylinder, 20:18.558. See also: Armories, Colt, S., Small arms. FIKE-PROOF buildings for war and navy departments, 29: i E.1SG. FiRE-smr, Test of U. Brown's invention of, 24: i R.490. FISCAL agency. Plan of H. Everett, 27: ii E. 131. T. Ewing, 27 :i E.22. M. Fillmorc, 27: iii R.35. W. Forward, 27: ii S.18. A. Hamilton, 27: i S.103. P. Kearny, 25:iii E.155. Plan of a national bank, 23: i E.JW). Report of H. Clay, 27 : i S. 32. He- port of J. Tallmadgc, 27:ii S.l:B. Veto message, 27:i S.:i3. FISH, Exported. Bounty on, 25:iii S.21.5. Drawback on, (.1791- 1830) 22: i S.20; (1789-1832) 22: i S.120. FISHERIES, 18:ii E.93,101; 20: i E.2 (p.215); 22: i E.!0: 2li: i E.186; 32: i E.120, S.8,100, ii E.40, S.34; 33: Special session, E.3, i E. 21; 34:iiiE.19. Sabine's report, 32: ii E.23 (p.lSI). FISHING bounties and allowances, 22: i S.1_H; 25:iii 8.215; 2G:i S.334,:W, ii S.148; 29:iS.113; 35:iS.R.]0. FISHXILL. Military road to Cold Spring. 19:ii 11.72. FITCII, G. N. Protests against the election of, as senator from In- diana, 34: Special session, S.R.2. FLAOO, E. Commercial relations with foreign nations, 34 :i E.47. FLAGS taken in battle, Disposition of, 28: ii R.80. FLAT beach, or Tucker's Island, N. J., 21: i E.81. FLAX, Manufacture of, for the navy, 20:iiE.28. FLEISCHMANN, C. L. Culture, etc., of the sugar bect,25:iii E.G2. Memorial on agriculture, 25: ii E.334. Plan in relation to the Smithsonian legacy, 25: iii E.70. FLOATING docks, basin, and railways, 30: i R.10C. See also : Kit- tery, Pensacola, Philadelphia. FLOATING steam-batteries, 24: i S.7G. FLOGGING. See Punishments. FLORIDA. Admission to the union, 25:iiiE.208; 28: i R..'.77. Armed occupation of the Indian region, 25: iii S.42,'.i3,lii3; 28:iE.70;30:i P..7.I. Banks, 23:ii E.185;24:i S.40S); 30:iR.728. Bonds issued by, 2G:i S.447, ii S.43. Boundary, Northern, 19:IE.1.33; 21) :i E.87,103,170, R.204, S.55.5G, ii E.17,50,96,140; 21:iE.80, R.l'Jl, iiE.43; 22:iE.43; 23:i E.77,100,152; 29:i 8.133; 33:ii S..M.2.J. Canal between Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico, 19:i #.21; 20:ii E.147, R.102, S.102; 2l:i E.41; 22:i 32: iS. 70; 33:iS.83. Canal between Chipola and St. Andrews, 20: IE. lUli, 11.191; 22:i S.130, ii S.7. Claims for losses by United States troops, 1812-14, 19: i R.112; 20: iR.lli.iiU.iJ9; 21:iR.176; 22:iR.2l3; 20:ii R.131; 27:i S.37, ii R.U08; 29:iiS.222. Constitution, 25: iii S.241; 27:il E.2MJ. Contested elections: D. Levy, claiming a seat as delegate, 1842, 27:ii R.450, iii E.15; Cabell iw. Brocken- brough, 2-.):i R.3.J; Mallory vs. Yulee, 32:i S..M.110. Indi- an hostilities, 19:iE.74,lll,lGl, UE.S2; 24:i S.1.52, ii 8.100, 224; 2.5:1 E.27, S.H, ii E.7S,133,-l:i,yW, S.507; 2G: i S.130,187, 278, ii E.S; 27: ii E.70,2^,247,202, K.903, 8.295; 28: i E.184. Removal, 19:i E.124) 28: i E.82,253; 32: i S.I, ii E.19, 8.23; 33:iS.44,71. Internal improvements, 19: ii R.70; 20: i R. lil, 8.40; 23:iE.Gl, iiE.s,Gti, 8.39; 24:i S.191, ii S.33; 25:ii R.D42, iii R.271; 28:18.62. Laws and law reform, 19: i R. S3; 2il:iiE.121; 2l:iR.50; 23:i R.258, ii R.19; 25:ii R.781; 27:iii E.72,190. Public buildings, 25: iii R.221I; 2(i:iR.345; 27:iiR.077. Public lands, 18:UR.87; 20: i R.64, S.33, ii UNITED STATES. Congressional docs., Index, continued. FLORIDA. Public lands, continued. R.9; 21:iE.51, R.162, 8.138; 22:iiE.44; 23:iE.49i); 25:ii R.81S; 27:iiR.194; 28:i E.71,73, R.104. Spanish treaty and land claims, 18:i E.55,158: 20:iiR.23; 23:iiS.56; 24:iE. 14, iiE.07; 25:iiiE.9S. Volunteers, 34: i H..M.7i;.I- :, iii R.133; 35:ii E.16,38. Miscellaneous documents, IS: i S.76, US.17; 22:iE.201; 25:iiR.770; 27:111 E.211; 2s : i K.l |n,5.S2; 30:iS.37; 32: ii S.45,79; 33:ii S.7. See also: Apalachi- cola. Everglades, Key West, Pensacola, St. John's river, Seminole Indians, Spain, St. Mark's, Tallahassee, Tortugas. FLYNS'S knoll, A'. Y. >xty, Lighthouse on, 27:ii E.193. FOOTE, H. 8. See Benton, T. II. FORCE, P. Documentary history of the United States, 23: ii E.36. Documentary history of the revolution, 24: i 11.849. FOREIGN coin. Assays of, (1828) 18:iE.41; (1824) 18:iiE.G5; (1825) l!):iE.109; (1826) 19: ii 8.23; (1827) 20: iE.251; OS28)20:iiE.7; (1829) 21:i E.52; (1830)21:ii E.99; (1*31) 22:iE.115; (1832) 22: ii E.123; (1S3) 2:):i E.247; (1834) 23:iiE.GO, 189; (IXW) 2G:i E.1GS; (1840) Hi: ii E.110; (KS41) 27: ii E.90; (1*44) 28: i E.1S3, S.lUli (1849) 31 : i E.7li. (1853) 33:18.4:5; (1854) 33: ii S.43; (1857) 34:iii S.42. Import mid export of, (1820-39)20:1 8.290; (1820-42) 27: ii S.40; (1834-42) 27: iii S.S21. FOREIGN letters, Receipt and transmission of, 27:ii E.145. FOREIGN mail service. See Ocean mail service. FOREIGN ministers, 25:iiR.931; 2T:i E.41, iiE.88; 29:iS.7; 33:ii S.21; 34:iii II.M.8; 35:iiE.10. See also: Diplomatic service. FOREIGN paupers, 24.-iE.219, ii 8.5; 34: i R.359. FORSYTU, J., Residence at time of election to congress, 18 :i R.77. FORT Adams, A'. /., Prices of materials, etc., at, 22: i E.179. FORT Armstrong, HI., 25:iii S.203; 30: i S.9. FORT Atkinson, New Mexico, Rc-cstablishmcnt of, 33: i R.223. FORT Caswell, JV. C., Estimates for, in 1838, 25: ii E.91. FORT Columbus, N. Y. See Governor's island, N. Y. FottT Crawford, Iowa. Military reservation, 34:i S.61; 35:18.45. FORT Dearborn, III., Marine hospital at, lil: i E.Kil. FORT Delaware, Del., 18: iiE.U3; 21 :i E.88, ii E,107,110; 22:iE.6S. FORT Dodge, lotra. Military road from, to Dubuque, 32: i 8.14. FORT Gratiot, Mich., Strengthening of, 2!):i 8.3. FORT Griswold, Conn., 22: i E.33. FORT Hamilton, If. Y., Prices of materials, etc., at,22:i E.179. FORT Howard, ICi's., Hospital buildings at, 31:iii R.235. FOUT Jefferson, Torhir/as, Information relating to, 32: ii S.25. FORT Jcsup, La. Military rcscrve,32:i S.R.V58. FORT Kearney, A'ebrafka, Officers stationed at, 34:iii R.128. FonT I^aramie, Kansas, Lands for military purposes at, 33: ii 8.68. FORT Leavenworth, Kansas, (18.%) 24 : i S.77 ; (1845) 33 : ii S.50,58. FORT Livingston, La., 25:iii E.07,184; 27:iii 8.79. FORT Marion, Fa., 22: ii E.G2; 23: ii R.39. FORT Massac, 111., Armory at, 9 : i R.451 ; 31 : i R.214. FORT Mifflin, Delaware river. Light-house near, 29: i S.41. FORT Pierre, Nebraska. Council with the Sioux, 34: i S.94. FORT Rilcy, Kansas, Lands for military purposes at, 33 : ii S.G8. FORT Ripley, J//H., Military reservation at, 35: i E.94. FORT St. Philip, La., Canal at, 22: i E.219. FORT Scott, Kansas, Reserve at, 33: ii R.37. FORT Smith, Ark., 30: ii S.R. 276; 31:iiR.95. See also: Simpson, J.H., Marcy, R. B. FORT Snelling, Jfinn.,30:i 8.34; 35:iR.351, H.M.133. FORT Steilacoom, Kansas, Military road from, 34: i R.184. FOUT Sumpter, S. C. (with charts), 23: ii E.G7. FORT Taylor, Key West, Condition of, 32: ii 8.25. FOET Washington, Va., 18: UR.74; li9:R.125; 20:i R.195, iiE.79; 21:ilU51. FORT Wayne, Ark., Evacuation of, 28: i 8.136. FORT Wayne, Ga. Site for sailors' home, 28:i R.364. FORT Wayne, 7/irf., 20:i 8.189; 24:ii E.142. FORT Wilkinson, Ga., Treaty of, 22: i R.243. FOKTS Gibson, Smith, Towson, and Wayne, Troops stationed at, 27:iE.o9. FOBTiricATiONS. Appropriations, (1789-1829) 31: ii E.ll; (1815-29) 21:iE.75; (1830)22: i E.200; (1834-37) 25: ii E.254; (1840) 26:iE.164; (1842)27:1 E.30;(184r)::>:ii S.7!i. Appropriations, Estimates of, (183I>) 24: i .75,90.244,259; (1830) 25: iii E.184; (1842)27:iiE.18,!i,243; (1857)34:1 1I..M.134. Condition, 24: ii 8.13; 27:iiE.168; 28:iiR.35; 32:iE.5; 31:iK.(i4. Mis- cellaneous documents, 18: i E.104; 19:iE.78; 24:iR.94, S.203, ii E.S8; 25:ii E.3(p.201); 27:iiE.201; 34:iE.73. See also : Defences, Engineer department. Forts. FOSTER, J. W., and Whitney, J. D. Geology and topography of Lake Superior land district, 81: i E.G1; 32: Spec, session, E.4. FOUNDRIES, National, 23:iiR.141; 24:iE.106, R.IMt; 25:118.231, iiiR.168; 26:iE.206; 27:iiiR.229; 28:i R.455, ii R.27; 29:i R.202,205. Fox Indians, Memorial of, 23:ii E.G3, 64. Fox river, Survey of, 25: iii E.102. Fox and Wisconsin improvement company, 33: i S.R. 148. FRANCE. Political changes in, 30: i E.3J.M. 8.8| 32: i E..34, S.19; 33: Spec, session, E.7, S.G8. Trade with, 2(>: i S.89; -.-7: i E.46; 29:18.375. Miscellaneous documents, 18: ii E.'Jl; 19: i E.54; 22:iE.99; 23:iE.492; 25:i E.12, iii E.211; 2G:iS.37; 27:ii E.274. See also: French indemnity, French spoliations, Lighthouses. FRANKFORD, Pa., Military storekeeper at, 27:ii R.932. UNITED STATES 824 UNITED STATES UNITED STATES. Congressional docs., Index, continued. FRANKING privilege, 19:iE.159; 27:iiR.452; 28:i R.483,57G; 30:i 11.008; 34:iiiS.37. FRANKLIN, B., Presentation to congress of the staff of, 27:iiiE.144; 28 :i E.11. FRANKLIN, Sir 3. Expedition to tlie Arctic regions under, 31:1 E.1G, S.8. Expedition in search of. See Arctic. FKANKLIN institute, Pa. Experiments on the explosion of steam- boilers, 24:1 E.1G2. FRAUDS in bounties on fish, beef, pork, etc. exported, 22:i 8.120. FRAUDS in engraving for the house, 28: i K.305. FRAUDS of public officers, 34: i II.M. 131. FRAUDS on the revenue, 18: ii 8.22; 20:iiE.46; 22:i E.199, S.120; 2S:1E.131,132; 26:i E.G7; 31:1 S.79, ii E.44j 34:1E.127. FRAUDS. See also: Bounty lands, Preemptions. FREE colored seamen, Laws respecting, 27:iii R.80. FREE ships, etc. See Neutrals. FREE trade. Keport of Mr. Boyce, 35:iR.407. Memorial of the convention at Philadelphia, 1831, 22:1 S.55,82. FREMONT, Lieut. Col.S.C. Court-martial for the trial of, 30: i S.33. Exploration of the country between the Missouri and the Rocky mountains, 1842, 27 : iii S.243. Same, also Oregon and North Carolina, 1843-44, 28: ii S.174. Geographical me- moir upon Upper California, 30:1 S.M.148. Howitzer taken to the Oregon by, 28:iS.14. Public accounts of, 34 :i S.109. Publication of the results of the late exploring expedition of, 30: i S.R.22G. Results of a recent expedition across the Rocky mountains, 33: i S.M.G7. FRENCH emigrants, Grants of land made to, 20: i 8.11. FRENCH indemnity for spoliations of American commerce, 23: i 11.293, ii E.2 (p.393), 40,120,130,174, R.133, S.40,145,150; 24:i E.2(p..'JO), 07,103,110,117,254, 8.02,63,101; 25:ii E.417, S.3M, iii 10.240; 20:iE.183. FRENCH spoliations, 18 : i E.CO,157, R.94,127, ii E.18; 19:18.102, iiR.87; 20:iiR.82; 22:iiE.147; 23: ii R.121; 24:iiE.58, 184; 25:iiR.445; 20:iR.343, ii R.53; 27:iiR.16; 29:ii S.144; 31:iR.335; 34:iS.24; 35:iS.R.53. FUGITIVE criminals, Surrender of, 2G:i 8.273; 28:iE.lGO, S.135, ii E.114. FUGITIVE slaves, 20:iiE.19; 31:iS.R.12. FUGITIVES into Mexico, '20:1 E.01. FULLER, II. M. vs. Wright, II. B. Contest for seat in congress as member for llth district in Pa., 32: ii H.M.59. FULTON, steam friijate, 25:ii E.423,424. FUNDING system of the United States and Great Britain, 28: i E.15. FUR trade. Act of parliament for regulating the, 20: i S.G7. Con- dition of the, 20:ii S.G7; 21:iiS.39; 22:18.90. Regulation of the, 19:iS.58. GAINES, E. P. Accounts and papers, 1842, 28: i E.150. Inquiry of court-martial into the cause of failure in the Florida war, 24:iiS.224; 25:iiE.78. Passage of the Sabine, 18 !6, 25: ii E. 190. System of national defence, 20: i S.25G. Unauthorized summons of the militia of Louisiana, 29: i 8.378,387,402. GALENA, III., Statistics of, 1820-39, 20: i 8.349. GALENA and Chicago railroad company. Right of way through the public lands, 29: i S.295. GALES and Seaton. See American state papers, Documents (Public.) GALIEN river, Mich., Harbor at the mouth of, 27:iii E.86. GALLEOOS, J. M. Election for New Mexico, contested by W. C. Lane, 33:iR.lL'l. GALPIIIN, G., Conduct of the Sec. of war in relation to the claim of, 31:iR.334. GALVESTON, Texas, Marine hospital at, 31: i E.60. GARDINER, G. A. Fraudulent claims on Mexico, 32: ii R.I; 33:1 R.309. GARLAND, H. A. Memorial touching his conduct, 28:i E.106. GARLAND, R., and Bynum, J. Personal rencounter in the house of representatives, 26 :i R.488. GAS. Report on the memorial of R. Grant, 27:1 R.6. GAS for light-houses, Expediency of using, 28: ii S.166. GAS lighting by electricity. Gardiner's patent process, 35:1 S.M. 220. GAUGERS. See Weighers. GENESEE river. Fortifications at the mouth of, 28: ii R.36; 29:1 R.392. Harbor at the mouth of, 28: i E.74. Lighthouses at the mouth of, 28:i E.217: Survey, with map, 20:ii E.10C. GEOLOGICAL investigations by Featherstonhaugh, 23 : ii E.151, 8. 153. GEOLOGICAL reconnoissance of the northwest, with charts, 24:1 8.333. GEOLOGICAL specimens, Appropriation for preserving, etc., col- lections of, 2G:i S.581. GEOLOGY, Report on employing a person to make surveys of, 22: ii R.106. GEOLOGY of Lake Superior land district. See Foster, J. W. GEOLOGY of the Mexican boundary, by Hall, Parry, and Schott, 34: i 8.108 (v.l). GEOLOGY of the Pacific railroad route from Sacramento valley to the Columbia, by J. 8. Newberry, 33: ii E.91 (v.ll, pt.G), S.78 (v.13, pt.G). GEOLOGY of the Pacific railroad route near the 32d parallel, by T. Antisell, 33:ii E.91 (v.ll, pt.7), 8.78 (v.13, pt.7). GEOLOGY of the Pacific railroad route near the 32d parallel, by W. P. Blake, 33: ii E.91 (v.ll, pt.2), 8.78 (v.13, pt.2). UNITED STATES. Congressional docs., Index, continued. GEOLOGY of the Pacific railroad route near the 32d and 35th par- allels, by W. P. Blake, 33:ii E.Ul(v.ll, pt.5), S.7X (v.l.;, pt.5). GEOLOGY of the Pacific railroad route near the 35th parallel, by W. P. Blake, J. Marcou, etc., 33: ii E.U1 (v.ll, pi.:;;, S.78 (v.13, pt.3). GEORGE'S bank, Survey of, by Lieut. Wilkes, 25: ii E.247. GEORGETOWN, D.C. Bridge over the Potomac, 34:i E.97, R.319; 35:iR.9S. Charter, 21 : i R.187. Lamp-posts through High and Bridge streets, 35: i R.355. Water supply, 32: U S.48. GEORGETOWN harbor, S. C., Survey of, 33:i E.124, S.84. GEORGIA. Boundary (Southern). See Florida. Cession of terri- tory to U. S., ISO.', etc., 18: i S.U3. Differences with the gen- eral government, 19: ii I..V.i,?, R.226; 20:iE.148; 21:i 8.110; 27:iiR.854. Disbursements, (1823) 18: i E.47; (lbJ4) 18:iiE.109; (1825) 19:i E.112; (1826)19:iiE.112; (1829)21: iE.87; (1830)21:iiE.101; (1831) 22: i .180; (1832) 22: ii E. 137; (1873) 23 :i .490; (1834) 23: ii E.150; (183C)24:ii K.137; (1837)25:iiE.3C2; (1838)25:iiiE.174; (1839)20:1 .173; (1840) 26:iiE.108; (1841) 27: ii E.164; (1842) 27:iii E.162,203; (184.3) 28:iiE.240; (1844) 28:ii E.139; (1845)29:i E.91; (1847)30:i E.5; (1848)31:iE.ll; (1849)31:1 E.61; (1851)32:iE.103; (1852)33:18.25; (1853)33:iE.37,107; (1854) 33: ii .87; (1855) 34:iE.ll; (1856)34:iii E.31; (1857)35:1 E.22; (1858)35:ii E.13. Estimates, (1837) 24:ii E.M.103; (1838) 25:ii E.57,456; (1839)25:iiiE.30; (1840)26:1 E.44; (1841)2G:ii E.28; (1853) 32: ii E.4; (1854) S3: i U.M.5.5,63; (1850) 34: i E.104; (1858) 34:iiiE.37; 35:iE.93. Funds, stocks, etc., 25: U R.892; 27: i 8.116; 28:iE.247; S3:ii.75. Geographical explorations, 18: i S.56,71; 19: i E.117; 20: ii 8.27; 22: i E.152, ii E.li'5; 23:iE.323; 24:i S.228; 26:18.379; 29:iiR^3; 30:iE.70; 33:ii E.91 (v.ll, pt.3); 34:iE.65. Lands, exchanged, pur- chased, etc., 19:iiE.5, R.98; 20:ii S.27,72; 23:ii E.138; 24:iE.107, R.603, S.425; 26:iS.61G; 27:iiR.557. Laws,, government, etc., 18:iiS.21; 20: i E.211, R.C7; 21:iR. 319; 29:iS.4l; 33:iS.R.379. Licenses to traders, (1821- 23)18:iE.7; (1824) 18: ii E.54; (1825) 19: i E.118; (1826)19: UE.86; (1827) 20: i E.140; (1828) 20: ii K.84; (1830) 21,-ii E. 41; (l&31)22:i.12l; (1832) 22: ii E.104; (1833) 23:i E.45; (1834) 23: ii E.97. Removal west of the Mississippi, 18: ii E. 64; 19:iiE.28; 20:i E.233,283, R.56, ii R.87; 21:iE.91,R. 227; 22: i E.110,171,172, R.502; 23:iS.812; 24:iS.24C; 25: Jii E.147; 28: i R.519. Trade, 18: i R.129, iiE.61; 21:ii S.65; 24:iiS.106; 25: ii S.198,426; 31:UR.37. Treaties, 19: i E.178, iiE.9; 20:iiE.88,131; 21: i E.24, ii E.123; 22:iE.210; 24: i E.282, ii E.82; 2S:iii E.238; 26:i E.00,210; 27:iii E.99; 31: i S.M.70; 33: i R.133. Miscellaneous documents, 20: ii E.117; 21: i E.34, R.233, S.61; 22:i E.161,190, ii E.82; 23:i E.149, ii E.23; 24: i R.54, ii S.165; 25: ii E.97, S.425, iii E.51,107,181, S.106,273; 26: i E.178; 27: iii R.271,2^7; 30:iR.736; 31:iE. 62; 32:iiS.14. See aba: Apalachicola, Blackfeet, Caddo, California, Camanche, Cayuse, Cherokee, Chicasaw, Chip- pewa, Choctaw, Creek, Dacota, Delaware, Eel river, Flor- ida, Georgia, Miami, Mosquito, Munsee, New York, Oma- ha, Oregon, Pawnee, Pottawatomie, Quapaw, Ricaras, St. Regis, Seminoles, Seneca, Shawnee, Sioux, Stockbridge, Texas, Utah, Winnebago, Wyandott Also: Catlin, G., and Schoolcraft, H. R. INDIAN department. Clerks and others employed in, (1835) 94 -i S 109; (1837)25:iiS.101; (1838) 25:iii 8.95,107; (1839)26:iE. 109,8.126; (1840)26:i E.194; (1841)27:ii E.41; (1842) 27: iii E.7G; (1843)2S:iE.69,250; (1844) 28: ii E.38; (184G)29:iiE 36; (1847)30:iE.2G; (1848) 30: ii E.31, 8.7; (1850) 31 : ii E.27. Miscellaneous documents, 19: iE.146; 23:i E.60, R.474; 25: HiE.50; 26:iE.103; 31:iiE.25. Note. The affairs of this department having long been administered by the secretary of war were assigned to the department of the interior when that was instituted in 1849. UNITED STATES. Congressional docs., Index, continued. INDIANA. Boundary: (Northern) 20 :i K.I -; )J;(Wct- ern) 23:1 S.90. Contested election of Fitch and Bright a senators, 35:iR.^75. Internal improvement*, ^J:ii; ;| ; 23:iR.3I7; 24:iiR.197; 2C:ii 8.190; I'.): ii K..11. Public lands, Lf): i E.71, R.l, ii E.li.'; L'.J: i II.:.7J; 24: i R.56; ~M: 18.46; 35:iE.8G, UE.103. Surrender of certain bonds, SO- i S.R.86; 33:iS.R.64. Surveys made in, 22: i S.L'l. See alto: Indianapolis, Michigan city, New Albany, Trail creek, Wabtij.li and Eric canal. INDIANA university, Grant of lands to, 31: i R.335. INDIANAPOLIS, Pension agency at, 23: ii R.85. INDUSTRIAL exhibition. See London. INFANTRY tactic*. Printing an abstract, 21: ii E.47. (Scott'i) 23- ii E.ll'l. INOERSOLL, C. J., Accounts of, 25: iii E.245; 2C:iE.ll. INSANE (Indigent and incurable), Grant of public lands for, 30- i S.M.150; 81:i R.487, 8.118; 33:i R.li'5, S.'yi, S.K.57. INSANE of the army and navy. See District of Columbia. INSOLVENT debtors of the United States, (LS31) L'.': i E.54; (ly>) 22:UE.69; (1833)23:i E.239; (1834) 25: ii .37,33; (1S35) 24: i E.24; (1836) 24: ii E. 80; (1837) 25: ii E.37; (1838) 25: Hi E.39,96; (1839)26:18.7; (1840) Ii6:ii .11; (1841) ii .5; (1842) 27 : iii E.24 ; (1843) 28 : i E.63 ; (1844) 28 : ii E.36. INTERIOR, Department of the. Creation of the, 30: ii R.60. Annual report of the secretary, (1849) 31: i E.5 (pt 2, p 1); (1850) 31: iii E.I (p.19); (1851) 32: i E.2(pt.2, p.483); (1852) 32:ii E.1 (p.25); (1853) 33:i E.I (p.53); (1654) Si: ii E.I (p. 29);(1855)34:iE.l(p.l21); (1856) 34: iii E.I (p.!7C); (1857) 35:iE.2 (p.57); (1858) 35: ii E.2 (p.74). Appropriations, (1851)32:18.45; (1853) 83:i S.G; (1854)33:ii S.15; (1855) 34:18.54. Balances of appropriations, (1850)32:1 S.45; (1851) (1851)32:. E.110, S.09,128; (1852) 32: ii E.51; (1*55) 34: i E.55; (1850) 84: iii .39; (1837) 35: i E.03; (1858) 35: ii E.73. Contingent expenses, (1849) 31: i E.78; (1834-i S.200; 26:i E.5,36,97, R.2, S.4,35,53,1.J8, ii E.40; -7:ii E 43 141, R.791, S.241, iii.3S,l:, R.8C. Constitution: Adopted Nov. 1,1844, 28: U .77; Adopted May 18, 1840, 29:i.217; Amendment of, 26: ii S.37. Contested elections : Miller, D. F. vs. Thompson.W., 31: i II.M.47, R.400;lst district, R.L.B. Clarke rs. A. llall,34: i II.M.12. Geological rcconnoissance, 30:i S.57. Leadmines, 20:ii 8J I. Public lands! 27: iiR.08,882, 8.341, iii S.10; 29:iB,077; 34 : i R.348,349; 35: iS.51, US.9. Roads, 20:18.50,598; 28:ii.2S; 31:iiS.l. Miscellaneous documents, 25: ii K.i'Jo; 27: ii .222, R.7925; 29: i E.9S, R.678. See also: Des Moines, Dubuque. Fair- field, Polk co. IRELAND, Imprisonment of American citizens in, 30: ii E.19. IRON. Duties and imports, 21: ii 8.67; 22:iS.131; 30:iS.C3, ii .'33; 31 : i .40. Prices of various kinds of, 33: i 8.33. See also : Railroad iron, Wrought iron. IRON as a building material, 34: iii S.R.408. IRWIN, T., Accounts of, 25: iii E.169. ISTHMUS between the Atlantic and Pacific, 32:i S.7; 35:ii 8.33. See also : Darien, Nicaragua, Panama, Tehuantepec. ITALIAN courts. Substitution of charges d'affaires, etc for minis- ters to the, 30: i R.80. JACKSON, A. Execution of certain militia men, 20: i R.140,225. Fine imposed at New Orleans, 27 : ii R.H78, iii K.122, 8.14. Purchase of the " Hermitage " for a military academy 34 iii E.42, S.26, S.R.385; 35:iiR.153. JACKSON, C. T. Mineral lauds in Michigan, 31 :i E.5 (p.3,p.371). See also : Etherization. JACKSON, D. S. Contested election. See Monroe, J. JACKSON, Miss. Road to Columbus, 19: i E.1S4. JAFFA, Outrages against the family of Mr. Dickson at, 35: i S.54. UNITED STATES 827 UNITED STATES UNITED STATES. Congressional docs., Index, continued. JAPAN. Expedition, 1852-51, :!3:ii S.34.79. Imprisonment of Amer- ican aeamen, 3l:iE.8i. Relations between the United mil, 3_':i S.59. Salary of minister resident, 35: ii E.G3. JAPAN se:i, Route of navigation in the, 32: i S.55. JAPAN squadron. Contract for coal, 33: Special session, E.2. JABVIS, B., Case of, 20: i R.i'GU. JAVA sea, Exploration of, 32: i S.R.43. JEFFERSON, T. Manuscripts of, 30: i II.M.7, S.R.1G7. Statue of, presented to congress by XT. P. Levy, 23: i E.240. JEFFERSON city, Mo. Land office, 24:iR.289. Road through Little Rock, 2.5: ii R.3S6. JESUP, T. S. Cost of transportation to California, Oregon, New Mexico, etc., 33: ii E.91 (v.ll, pt.l). JOHNSON, B., Charges against, 22: ii R.8S. JOHNSON, W. R. Report on Easton's invention to prevent the explosion of steam-boilers, 27: ii S.3'.!6. Evaporative power of American coals, with plates, 28:i E.276. See also : Phys- ical sciences. OHNSTON, C. C. rs. Draper, J. Contested election, 22: i R.444. JONES, Sev. G. Observations on the zodiacal light, 33 :ii E.97 (v.3). JONES, J. W., and Botts, J. M. Contest for seat in the house of representatives, 28 :i R.492. JONES, (fen. R., Court-martial on, 21: i E.104. JONES, T. A. C., Court-martial on, 31:iiS.43. Refutation of charges against, 32: ii II.JI. 22. See also: Monterey. JUDGES. Tenure of office, 25: ill E.154. JUDICI AL expenses, 22: ii S.9; 27:iiiE.25; 34:iH..M.73. JUDICIAL system. Amendment of, 19:i R.207; 20:i R.134, ii S.50. Enlargement and modification of, 33: iE.73, S.41. See also: Courts, Supreme court. JUDICI ARY act, Repealing 25th section of, 19 :i R.71; 21:iiR.43. JCNIATA canal, 10:i E.158. See also : Chesapeake and Ohio canal. JURORS, Allowance to, 20: i E.1G4; 21: i 11.49. KALAMAZOO river. Harbor at the mouth of, 24:i S.1S9. KANE, E. K. Expedition sent in search of Sir J. Franklin, 34: i E.I. Publication of the narrative of his expedition, 34: i S.R.281. KANSAS. Admission as a state, 34: i R.181, S.R.198, iii R.173. Committee of investigation, 34: i R.200. Constitution adopt- ed at Leaven worth, 35: ii H.M.44. Constitution adopted at Lecompton, 35:iII.M.39, R.377, S.21, S.R.82. Constitution adopted at Topeka, 34: i H.M.82; 35:iH.M.40. Contested election, Rceder vs. Whitfield, 34:iR.275, id R.186. Con- tingent expenses, 34: i E.33; 35: ii E,37,46,G6. Douglas's re- port, 34: i S.R.34. Election, Oct. lixW, 35: i S. 12. Executive minutes (1 Jan. 30 June, 1855), 34 :i E.GO; (1 July 30 Dee. 1855), 34: iii E. l(p.44), S.5(p.44); (17 Oct. 21 Nov. 1856), 34:iiiE.10. Geology and paleontology of, 35:il E.2(pt.3, p.G7G), S.I (pt.2, p.G76). Government of R. J. Walker, 35: i S.8. Indians, 29: i S.302; 33:ii E.45, S.32. Miscellaneous documents, 33:iiR.3G; 34:i S.4,23,97, S.R.282, iii E.45, R. 172,179,184, S.10; 35: i E.80,103, S.17,22, ii E.96, H.M.oO. See also : Fort Leavenworth. KANSAS river. Military posts on the Republican fork of, 32: ii I1.M.16. Route for the Pacific railroad near the 38th and 33th parallels to Sevier lake, 33: ii E.U1 (vJJ, pt.2). KASKASKIA river, Improvement of, 25:ii S.272. KENII AWA aud James river canal, 20: i E.216. KENNEBEC river, Improvement of, 19:i R.118, ii E.103; 25:ii E.'Jt (map), S.114. Route for canals, 20:i E.173. KENNEBUNK, Me., Pier at, 21:i S.7. KENNEDY, J. C. G., Payments to, 32: ii S.56. KENNERLY, C. B. R. Zoology of the Pacific railroad route near the 35th parallel, 33:ii E.91 (v.ll,pt.4). KENNON, Lieut. B., Court-martial on, 18: i E.150. KENTUCKY. Contested election, 5th district, Letcher vs. Moore, 23:iR.44(i; 24:iE.132. Occupying claimant laws of, 18: i E.69. See also : Danville, Green river, Louisville, Mays- ville, Tennessee river. KENTUCKY river, Survey of, 20:ii E.58. KEY West. Debenture on coastwise goods, 21: i S.78; 22:iE.209. Fortifications, 28: iR.407; 33:iS.Gf>. Marine hospital, 27: ii R.1100; 28:iR.39G. Navy yard, 24: i S.359; 32:iS.R.99. Revenue collected at, 19: i E.173; 21:18.112. Slaves lauded at, from Spanish ships, 20:iE.2G2. Vessels in distress (1346), 20 :ii 8.110. KINO, Rev. J., Case of, 33: i S.67, ii S.9. KINO, M., Accounts of, 21: i E.115. KINO, P. Charges against H. Cobb, the speaker of the house, 31 : i R.218. KINO, T. B. Report on California, 31 :i E.59. KITTERY, Me. Dry dock, 28:iR.394i 30:iS.ll; 32:18.44. KOSSUTH, L. Letter to the president of the senate, 32: i S.M.39. Liberation of, 32: Special session, E.2. Misunderstanding with Capt. Long, 32: i E.78. KOSZTA, M., Seizure and rescue of, 33: i E.91, S.40,53. KREMER, G. Charges against Henry Clay, 18: ii R.64. KYANIZING of timber by a mineral solution, 26:i S.178,428. LAFAYETTE, Gen. Death of, 23: i S.466,495, ii E.26. Declaration of independence engraved on copper, bequeathed to con- gress by, 23:iiE.7. Land warrants granted to, 35: IB. 436. LAFAYETTE, La., Port of delivery at, 28: i R.126. UNITED STATES. Congressional docs., Index, continued. LAKES, Great. Commerce of the, 30: i E.19; 31:iS.48. Harbors on the, 26:iiS.225; 27:iiiE.6G; 35:ii H.M.46, S.M.31. See also: Graham. J. D. Naval force on the, 25: ii R.1018; 20: iE.246; 27:ii E.199, R.9S5. Navy yard, 32: i S.R.331. Sur- vey of the, 27: iii S.234,256; 34:iR.31G, iii S.52. Miscella- neous documents, 24:ii S.14S; 28:iE.65i 33:iiS.23j 34:i E.45; 35:iE.101. LAND laws for Spanish colonies, White's compilation of, 20:ii E. I2L LAND office, General. Annual reports of the commissioner, (1828) 20:ii E.2 (p.171); (1829) 21:i E.2 (p.313); (1830) 21:ii E.2 (p.57); (1831)22:iE.3; (1&32) 22: ii E.3 (p.S-0; (18*5) 23: i E.15; (1834) 23:iiE.3 (p.78); (1835) 24:i E.5,215; (183G) 24:iiE.6.178; (1837) 25:ii E.23i (1838) 25: iii E.2!); (1S39) 26:iE-12; (1840) 26: ii E.38; (1*41) 27: ii E/J4; (1842)27:iii E.18; (1343)28:iE.37; (1844) 28: ii E.15; (1845) 29: i E.12; (184G) 29:iiE.9; (1847-48) SO: ii E.12 ; (1848) 30:ii E.12 ; (1849)31:iS.l(pt. 2,p.80); (I860) 31: U E.9, 8.2) (1,851)32:1 E.2(pt.3, p.l); (1852)32:iiE.i(p.Gl), S.l(p.Ol); (18*3) 3:i S.l(p.71); (1854)33:iiS.l(p.70); (1855) 34:i S.I (p.141); (1857) 35: i S.ll (p.7S); (185S) 35:ii E.2 (p.lOG), S.I (p.lOG). Clerks in, 19:ii E.2(p.l37); 27 : i S.99, ii E.290. Miscella- neous documents, 22:i R.449, ii E.46, S.50; 23:ii E.79, S.7G; 24:iE.187,201, S.216; 25: ii E.23; 28:iS.161. LAND offices. Local. Balances due by receivers, (1823) 18 :i E.148, 149; (1824)19:iE.155; (1825) 19:i E.7; (182G) 19:ii E.138; (1827)20:iE.224; (1828) 20:ii E.47; (1829) 21: i E.3 (p.26); (1830) 21:iiE.108; (1832) 22:iiE.127; (1833) 23:i E.373; (1834) 2-3: iiE.82; (1833) 24: i E.45; (18-36) 24:iiE.144; (1838) 25: iii E.147; (1839) 2G: i E.7G; (1840) 2G:ii E.17. Note. For the continuation of these balances see Treasury (Bal- ances due for more than three years). Compensation of registers and receivers, 18: i E.89, ii E.92; 19:iE.170; 22: iE.lGO; 30:iiS.13. Miscellaneous documents referring to the whole, 18: i E.70, ii E.46; 20: i E.235; 21 : i S.83, ii E.2 (p.67); 23:iS.439; 25: i E.39, ii R.1042, iii S.114; 28:iS.133. See also: Augusta, Miss., Cincinnati, Dubuque, Fairfield, Little Rock, Monroe, St. Helena, La., St. Stephens, Ala., Vandalia, Vincenues, Wachita. LAND patents, Abolition of the office of secretary to sign, 28:i R.161. LAND warrants. See Military land warrants. LANDER, F. W. Pacific railroad route from Puget sound via South pass, a3: ii E.91 (v.ll pt.2), S.78 (v.13, pt.2). LANDS, Public. Distribution of the proceeds of sales, 19:iR.89j 20:iiR95; 21:18.145; 22:iR.44S; 23: i S.3,323,340; 24: i S.89; 25: iii R.268; 27: i S.4I3, ii S.37, 50. Donations, grants, etc., 20:iR.125; 21:iiR.103; 22: i E.40, S.142; 25:iiR.75G; 2G:iS.4GO; 28:iR.351; 33:iE.52; 34:iii K.2G3. Erroneous or fraudulent sales, 19:1E.131; 23:1 S.4G1, ii S.22,151; 24:iiS.lG8; 25:iiiE.243; 26:iE.105; 27:iiR.482s 28:ii S.139; 29:iiS.42,lCS; 30: i S.R.1G; 31:ii S.R.225. Expen- ditures on account of, 20:i E.2(p.259), ii S.95,100; 22: ii E.87; 24:i S.G5,80,318; 2S:iE.246. Price, graduation, and reduction of, 22: i S.128,145; 23:i R.70,S7, ii R.1 ; 24: i R.70, S.402; 25 :iiR.3,202, iii S. 14,29; 28: i R.197; 30: i R.732; 32: i R.133; 33:iR.33; 34:iE.G3. Quantity sold, unsold, etc., 18:iiS.18; 19: i E.38, S.20,64; 22:1 E.196, S.133,182; 23:i S.64, iiE.38; 24:iE.245; 25:ii E.SO, iii E.161; 35:iE.G8. Receipts from sales, 20: i S.138; 21:iS.S3; 22:i E.231; 24:ii S.114. Sales, (1776-1827) 19: ii S.63; (1780-1837) 25:ii S.178; (1826-1830) 21: ii S.51; (1829-1841) 2G:ii S.174; (1830)21:ii E.19; (lS32)22:iiE.G3; (1837) 25:ii S.85; (1838) 25: iii E.46; (1839)25:iiiS.68; (1811) 26:ii 8.02,104,131; (1842) 27:ii S.227; (1849) Sl:iS.63. Unsalable lands, 20:i E.255, ii S.19; 24:i E.11,265, R.549; 25:ii E.18,136, S.378; 30:i S.41; 33: i E.SO. Miscellaneous documents, 18: i E.G1,129, R.25; 19: i E.64,75, 89, R.105, HR.19; 20:iR.17; 2l:i E.103, ii 8.51; 22:iiR.54; 23:ii E.GG, R.96, S.87; 24: i S.3GO, ii E.61; 25:ii E.,350, R.239, iiiE.241; 26:i S.208, ii E.77 ; 27:iii S.98,246; 28: i S.37; 29:iR.135. See also: Bounty lands, Finances, Military land warrants. Preemptions, Real estate, Swamp lands, Surveyors. Also, Alabama, Arkansas, District of Colum- bia, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Louisiana, Mississippi, Mis- souri, Ohio. LA Plaisance bay, Mich. Harbor, 19: iiE.142; 22 :i E.78. Road, 19:iiR.39. LATITUDE. See Paine, R. T. LATITUDE and longitude ascertained by magnetism, 25: iii S.253. LAUOHLIN, T., Case of, 20: i E.10. LAW, Defects of. Letter from A. Conkling, 25: iii E.35. LAWRENCE, P. K., Charges against, 25:iii E.G3. LAWS of the states, On procuring them for the library of congress, 20:iiR.7r. LAWS of the United States. Publication of, 19:i E.41; 20:ii R.47; 21:iiR.4G; 22:i R.137,510, S.102; 25:ii R.2SG, iii E.91; 27: ii 8.213; 28:18.160; 29:i E.127, R.659; 30:iR.671. Seealso: Navigation laws. LAWSON, T. Sickness and mortality in the army, 1839-55, 34:i S.96. LEA, P. vs. Arnold, T. D. Tennessee contested election, 21 : i R.32. LEAD, Importation of, 20: ii E.83,101. LEAD mines, Information on, 18:iE.128; 19:iS.38,4S; 25:iiS.131; 27:iiE.122, S.205, iii E.153; 28:i E.84, S.38; 29:18.87. See also: Illinois, Iowa, Missouri, Wisconsin. UNITED STATES 828 UNITED STATES UNITED STATES. Congressional docs., Index, continued. LEAVENWORTH, 8. M. t Decision of P. M. G. in case of, 29: U K.lx. LECOMPTE. S. D. Judicial conduct in Kansas, 34:iii 8.60. LECOMPTON constitution. See Kansas. LEE, S. P. Surrey of the southern Atlantic by United States brig Dolphin, 33: i 8.59. LEGAL business of the government, Manner of conducting the, 33:iE.D5, S.55. LEGAL tender, Report select comm. on current coins, 21 : i S.19. LEGAL tender in paying dues of the United States, 25: Ui 8.65. LEGISLATIVE telegraph, 30: i R.642. LEO, British ship. Registry of the, 34: Hi 8.68. LEON, Spanish brig. Reward for saving wrecked American sea- men, 22 :i E.12. LEPAUTE.H. Lenticular lights for lighthouses, 20: i S.474. LETCHER, R. P. vs. Moore, T. P. Contested tin-lion, 2-3: i R.446. LETTEK carriers, Reduction of fees of, 30: ii K.i'>~t. LETTERS carried by mail, (1841) 27: ii .197 s (Oct. 1843) 28:i 8.50; (Oct. 1843) 29:i S.345. Refusal to deliver, 35: i S.CC. LEVEES on the Mississippi, Arkansas, Red, and Missouri rivers, 24:iE.ll. LEVY, D. Right to a seat in the house of representatives, 27: i R. 10, ii R.450. LIBERIA. Diplomatic correspondence relative to, 28: i .162. Gur- ley's report on, 31 : i S.75. LIBRARY of congress. Appropriation for, 18: i R.69. Mr. Everett's report on fire in, and on making room fire-proof, 10: i R.22, 68. On purchase of books, etc., 19: i S.98. List of slale laws and documents in, 2C: i S.16. On refilling and making fire- proof, 32: i S.R.63, ii .18. Proposals to furnish, certain libra- ries for, 24: i S.242; 28: i R..VX!. LIENS of the United States, 22: i R.513. LIFE-BOATS, 32: i E.108, S.03. LIGHTHOUSE establishment. Condition, management, etc., 24: i E.W; 25:iiE.21,41, R.752, 8.138.15:),50ti, Ui .24; 27:iiR.740, 811, iiiE.183, R.232; 28: i E.3S,t;2; 30:iE.27; 31:iE.ii, ii E.14,52. [Reports of lighthouse board], (1851) 32:iE.55,88, 114, 8.28; (1852)ii.2(p.ll4); (185.3) .3.3:1 E.2(p.N2); (LS54) a3:iiE.3(p.286); (1855) 34: i E.10 (p.2oO); (185C) :!4: iii E.2 (v.4, pt.l,p.3'J5); (1857)33: iE.3(v.],pt.l,p.22>); (1858)35: ii E.3(v.l, pt.l p.281). Contracts, (1821!) 18: i E.79; (1823) 18: U E.G6; (1824)l'J:iE.57i (18:'5) lihii E.1U1; (1826) 20: i .185; (1827)20:iiE.134; (1828)21:1 .57; (1829)21:11 .94; (1830) 22:iE.200; (1831) 22: i .114; (1832) 22: ii E.108; (1833) 23:i E.124; (1834) 23:iiE.161; (1*35) 24: i .159; (1836)24:ii E.87; (1837)25:iiE.189; (1838) 25:iii E.131; (18.:- E.74; (1840)2G:iiE.117; (1841) 27:ii E.178; (1841-42) 27 : iii E.199; (18*2-43) 28: i E.159; (1843-44) 28: ii .152; (1844-45) 2&:iE.45; (1816-47)30:1 .52: (1847-48) 30 : ii EJ3; (1849-50) 32:1 .43; (1852) 32: i .43. Miscellaneous documents, 19: i E.19; 21riiE.ll; 22:iE.200; 25: ii E.254, iii E.158; 27:ii E.140; 33:iiE.54; 34: i U.M.127; 35:iiS.27. LIGHTHOUSE establishment of England and France. Report of M. C. Perry, 26: i S.619. LIGHTHOUSE establishment in France, 27: ii~E.274. LIGHTHOUSES. Erection of certain, 18:iiS.18; 25:iiE.27, 8.15; 26:118.35,38; L8:iR.437; 31: Special session, 8.1. Esti- mates for, 34: iii E.81. Improvements in, 25: ii S.258,428; 26: i S.474; 28: ii S.U'7,166; 29: i E.222, 8.488. See also : Abaco, Barfleur, Bartlett's reef, Belgium, Belvidere, Brandywine shonla, Coffin's Patches, Delaware river, Duck creek, Double-headed shot keys, Execution rocks, Flynn's knoll. Fort Mifflin, Lakes, Nantuckel, Pacific coast, Point Lookout, Whale's Back. LIGHTS, Vessels navigating the coast to carry, 29: i S.174, Ii S.ll; HilRJA LIME Point, Cal., Fraud in the purchase of, 35: ii S.R.389. LINENS, Duties on imported, 26: i E.49. LISBON wines imported, 1800-23, 18: i 8.78. LITERARY and scientific exchanges. See Vattemare, A. LITTLE Egg harbor. Improvement of, 25: ii E.32,90,333, iii IL223; 26: i E.193. LITTLE Rock, Ark. Fire-proof land-office, 25: ii 8.352. Land granted for public buildings, 24: ii S.184. Road from Jeffer- son city, Mo., 25: ii R.386. Road to Memphis, 23: ii E.83. LIVE-OAK timber, 19: i E.85, U .114; 21: i E.2 (p.234), ii E.2 (p. 210); 22: i E.178, ii .23; 27: iii 8.97; 35: ii 8.21. LIVERPOOL, American seamen sent to the marine hospital at, 1S21-23, 18:iE.ll. LOAN, (1842) 27 : ii E.133,292, iii E.197, 8.54; (1858) 35: i E.127. LOAN of seven millions from the United States bank, 18: ii E.10. LOAN of twelve millions, 1825, 18: ii R.26. LOAN office. Certificates outstanding in 1826, 19: i E.113. LOANS by banks to members of congress, 24: i R.846. LOANS during the late war, 18: i S.74. LOBOS islands, 32:i S.109; 34:iii S.R.397. LOBSTER fishery, 21:i R.79. LONDON. Consul at, 23: iiR.7; 24:iR.119. Industrial exhibition, 31 : i H.M.7 ; 33 : i E.32, S.36. LONG, Capt. J. C. See Kossuth, L. LONG Island, Descriplion of, 35:ii E.2 (pt.2, p.538), 8.1 (pt.2, p.538). LONGITUDE. Determination by an astronomical clock, 30: ii .21. Determination by magnetism, 25: ii E.432. LONGITUDE of the capitol, 18:i 8.53; 27:ii R.683. LOPEZ expedition, Report in reference to the, 32:i E.19. UNITED STATES. Congressional docs., Index, continued. LOUALLIER, E. L., Court-martial on, 27: iii LOUISIANA. nun in l.-l district, A. Fabre vs. G. Eustis, .3l:i ll.M.i;. Internal iniprovtiin-iiN, 'Ji: ii H.Iil.Ks, 194; 23:iR.15!>. Public lands, ]*: i 19: ii E.24,50; 21 : i R.210. S.2.", ii E.I I.'!; 22: i K/-74; 2H:i E.73.4U9, 11.155,25}, ii E.28; 24: i E.4IM22, R..~,\U, ii i:.i:i.]i;s, R.50; 25:iiE..3f;4,463; 211: i S.JI 1 . :>i:iK.M.i: 32:i S.102, ii E.I (p.-'HJ), S.I (p.210); .35: ii K.51. Miclla- neous document*. 18:ii.'Jl; 25: iii .71; 2f;:iE.r 8.R.207. See alto: Bayou La Fourchc, Lafuycttc, Natrhi- toches, New Orleans, Opclousas, Proctor's landing, Red river. Terre Aux Boeuf's, Vermilion bay. LOUISVILLE, A//. Falls at. See Ohio river. Indian mission asso- ciation, 29:iR.751. Mail route to St. Louis, 21:ilU7.3; 22:is.II7; 2.": i R.J1.V2; 2l:iE.177. Suvin^ institution, 25: ii R.4itt; 27:ii E.03. Transylvania university, 21: i RJ08; 22: i R.138. LOUISVILLE and Portland canal, 18:i R.98; 20:ii.107; 22:ii 8.25; 23:iRJ07; 25:ii E.104, R.G61; 2C:iI!.". - 284; 28:iE.154, ii E.M, !tt; 2U:iR.6; 31. 82: i R.106, S.39; 34:1 .74,84, R^27, hi .33, 8.44, S.RJ371; 35: i E.l:;l. LOWELL, J. A. t?. J. C. Noyes. Contested election as member from Hancock and Washington districl, Me., 27: ii R.285. LOYALL, G. vs. Newton, T. Contested election as member from Virginia, 21: i R.213. LYNN, 3fx>. Harbor, 25:ii E.226. LYILE, R., Defalcation of, 25: U R.960. McCLELLAN, G. B. Exploration of the Red river of La, See Marcy.R. B. Memoranda on railways, 33 :ii S.78 (v.l.l.pt.l). MoCULLon, R. 8. Chemical analysis of sugars, elc., 28: ii E.146, S.lli5; 29: ii 8.209. MACEDO N I A N , brig. Seizure by the authorities of Chili, 35 : i 8.58. MACIII AS, Me., Custom-house at, 34: i K.ls. MACHINERY in the public works on the lake*, 6: ii E.121, 8.195. MAfKiNAf, Military road from Saginaw to, 25:ii S.2"4. McLAl'iiiii IN. /,/. HI. 3. T., Charges against, 28:iiR.163. McLEOD, A., Imprisonment of, 2i!:ii R.l'i2. McNutTY, C. J., Defalcation of, 28: i .121. MACOM n. Gen. A. Pay for brevet rank, 24: i R.265. Surety for S. Champlain, 22: ii R.G,114. MADEIRA wines imported, 1800-23, 18:1 8.78. MADISON, J. Death, 24: i .293. Papers, 24: ii E.8, 8.9; 25:iiiS. 14.V. L"i:i S.2.-.1.412: LVMR.410; 30:i S.M.20. MAGNETIC observations under direction of A. D. Bachc, 1840- 4.5, -JS:ii 8.97. Magnetic observations in Chili,!-; .121 (v.15, pt.C). See American philosophical society. MAGNETIC telegraph. See Telegraph. MAGNETISM. Discoveries of II. II. Sherwood, 2.":ii S.499. Ap- plication, for ascertaining latitude and longitude, 23: iii 8.253. MAIL. Contracts for carrying, (1823) 18: i E.l.JH: (1*24) ls : ii E.JI9; (lH2.',)l'J : iE.171: (i2;)19:ii E.121: (1X27) . 20:iiE.135; (1829) 21:i E.77; (1830) 21:ii E.117; (lv:i) 22:i E.212; (1813) 23:i S.408; (1834) 23:ii E.175; (1835)24:1 .203; (183C)24:il.182; (1837) 25: ii E.riO; (lS38)25:iil 8.254; (1839) 20:iE.220; (1840) 2f.:ii E.44 ; (lS41)27:ii R.989; (1842)27:iiiE.180; (1851; 32: i E.56,101; (I- E.H2: (ll)s::i K.l-r,; (IS",}) .'Vi.-ii E.Sli (v.9); (1- E.122; (1836) 34: iii E.83. Contractors, Allowances to, (1831) 22:iiS."7; (1829-33)23:18.138; (1838-39) 26: i E.149; (\~~I7) 30:iE.(>4. Fines and deductions, (1837) 25: ii E.138; (1840) 26:iiE.84; (1841) 27:ii E.263; (1842) 27:iii E.204; (1844) 28:iiE.104; (1845) 29: i .84; (1849)31:i E.88; (I853)33:i E.22; (1854)33:iiE.92; (185-.) 34:i E.112; (185G)34:iii E.40; (K',7) 3J: i E.81; (1858) 35:ii E.34. Detention, failures, and irregularities, 21:ii.96; 23:i R.2IW, S.75; 25:ii E.:!JH, iii IS; 26:iE.156,U9,203; 27:i.49; 28:iE.! E.137; 30:iR166; 31 : i E.57, 8.62; 33:i S.20; ."4:i.S."l. Transportation by steam, 24:i 8.291 ; 26: i S.3:> : :'. . ii E.169, iii S.173; 28:iiiE.105; 34:iii S.R.307. See aim : Ex- press mails. Foreign mails, Ocean mail service, Pacific mails, Post-office, Sunday mails. MAIL bags, Allen's airand water tiiht, .34:i R.45. MAIL facilities. Curtailments, (1S34) 23: i 8.138; (1840) 26: ii .27; (1819)31:1 E.88. Xote. The subject of curtailments usually forms a separate topic in the document entitled Mail con- tractors. MAILS, Depredations upon the, 84: i E.142. MAILS established, (1849)31:1 E.88; (1856)34:iii E.88. MAINE. Banks, (1SK!) 29: ii E.120. Claims, 24: ii .125; aSMS.R. 168; 85:iR.3G6. Contested elections: Hancock and Wash- ington district, J. A. Lowell t-s. J. C. Noyes, 27: ii R.285; Oxford district, R. Washbarn, rs. J. W. Ripley, 21:1 R.88; 6th district, between J. D. Fuller and J. A. Milliken,34:i R.44. Fortifications, 22: iiE. 24: 25:ii E.303, iii E.2K S.35; 32:iiS.53. Miscellaneous documents, 2.'!: ii E.144: 24:KE. 123,143; 26:iS.I07; 27:iiE.78; 34:iii R.254, S.R.384; 35:1 R.394. See also: Brunswick, Castine, Eastport, Hancock, Kittery, Machias, Northeastern boundary, Owl's Head, Pe- nobscot, Thomaston. MAISON-ROUGE grant, La., 24: i E.50. MAJOR general. Abolishing the office of, 20: i 8.144, ii E.HO: 2.1:ii R.46. Annual report, (1823) 18 :i E.2 (p.7); (1824) 18: ii E.2 (p.U5); (1825) 19:1 E.I (p.8); 0826) 19: ii E.2 (p.177); (1827) UNITED STATES 829 UNITED STATES UNITED STATES. Congressional docs., Index, continued. MAJOR general. Annual report, continued. 20:iE.2(p.44); (1828) 20: ii E.2 (p.24); (1829) 21: i E.2 (p. 49); (1830)21:iiE.2(p.81); (1831) 22:i E.2 (p.53); (1832)22: UE.2(p.58); (1833) 23: i E.I (p.26); (1834) 23: ii E.2 (p.43); (1835) 24:1 E.2 (p.51); (183C) 24:ii E.2 (p.126); (1837)25:11 E.8 (pp.220.228); (1838)25:iii E2 (p.114); (1839) 26:1 E.2 (p. 55); (1840) 26:11 E.2 (p.31); (1841) 27:11 E.2 (p.7S); (1842) 27:iiiE.2(p.l95); (1843) 28:1 E.2 (p.63)i (1844) 28:11 E.2 (p. 129); (1845) 29: i E.2 (p.20S). [Adjutant general, (1846) 29: iiE.4(p.62); (1847) 30:1 E.8 (p.72); (1848) 30:ii E.I (p.159)]; (1850)31:iiE.l(p.ll5); (1851) 32:1 E.2 (p.161); (18o2) 32:11 E.I (v.l, pt.2, p.33); (1853) 33: i E.I (v.l, pt.2, p.93); (1854) 33:11 E.I (v.l, pt.2, p.50); (1855) 34:1 E.I (v.l, pt.2, p.123); (1856) 34:iii E.I (v.l, pt.2, p.228); (1857) 35:1 E.2 (V.2, pt.2, p.48); (1853) Sl-.ii E.2 (v.2, pt.3, p.761). MANITOWOC, Wis., Harbor at, 28:i E.272. MANUFACTURES, 18:1 S.45. Documents collected by the secre- tary of the treasury [2v. 8], 22:1 E.308, [bound with 22: ii E.] Statistics, (1844)28:118.21; (1850)35:118.39. Seealso: Patents, Protection, Tariff. MARBLEHEAU harbor, 19:1 E.71,172; 20:1 S.40. MARCUS Hook, Pa. Harbor, 25: ill E.110. MAKCY, K. B. Exploration of the Red river of La., 32: ii S.54. Expedition to the sources of the Brazos and Big Witchita, 1S&4, with map, 34: i S.60. Route from Fort Smith, Ark., to Santa Fe, with map, 31:iE.45, S.W. MARINE condensers for tilling steam-boilers, 31 :ii E.35; 32: i S.78. MARINE corps. Disbandment proposed, 21:18.102. Increase of, 19: i R.196; 27: ii E.221, R.243; 29: ii R.52. Officers, pay, and allowances, 18:1E.131, 11 S.44; 19:iE.138; 21:iE.107, iiE.G7,120; 22:iiR.117: 23:1 R.42; 24:18.271; 29:1E.191; 31:iE.27; 32:iiE.35; 33:iE.44; 33:iiE.49; 34:1E.35; 34: iii E.53; 35: i E.73; 35: ii E.41,101. Reorganization, 21 : i R. 1.58; 25:iiR.435; 26:1 S.'_'40; 30: i S.G6; 32: ii S.R.432. Note. For estimates of appropriations for this service, see report of the secretary of the treasury, accompanying the pres- ident's annual message. MARINE hospital fund. Receipts and expenditures, (1819-26) 19:11 E.63; (1802-52)33:18.80; (1830)22:1 E.114; (1&31) 22: ii E.108; (18.32) 23:i E.124; (1833) 23:ii E.161; (1834) 24:1 E.159; (1835) 24:iiE.87; (1830) 25:ii E.189; (1S'!7) 25: iii E.75; (1838)26:1 E.74; (ll)2:ii 8.167; (1841) 27: iii E.175,199; (1842)28:1 E.159; (1843)28:18.109; (1844,45) 29:1 E.45; (1846)29:11 S.151; (184)30:iiE.64; (1849) 31 : i E.41 ; (1850)31:118.25; (1851)32:iE.49; (1852) 32:11 E.47; (185.") .33:1 E.28; (1854) 33:ii.25. Note. For the years 1838-42, 44-48,50,52, the documents just enumerated give only the expenditures. Miscellaneous documents, 24: i S.i75; 25: ii 8.8; 29:1 E.85; 30:iR.120; 31:118.14; 32: i S.R.255. MARINE hospitals, 23:118.7; 24:1 E.260, ii 8.7; 25:ii E.3 (p.210), R.3SO; 26:iE.131, S.8; 27: ii R.745; 28:1E.204, ii R.124; 31:11 S.14; 32:iE.58; 33: i H.M.5,57, 8.80. See also : Apalachi- cola, Arkansas. Buffalo, Cairo, Chelsea, Cincinnati, City Point, Va., Cleveland, Detroit, Erie, Galvestou, Keokuk, Key West,Liverpool, Memphis, Mobile, Natchez, New Bed- ford, New London, New Orleans, Newport, Ocracokc, Os- wego, Portland, Providence, San Francisco, Wilmington. MARINE hospitals on the western waters, 24: i E.111,264, S.332; 26: 18.2.58; 27 :i E.63. MARINE signals. Memorial of H. J. Rogers, 35: i R.11. MARITIME defences, 25: ii S.88. See also : Naval defences. MARITIME expeditions, 35: ii E.2 (pt.2, p.500). MARS. Horizontal and vertical diameters. Observations byj. M. Gilliss, Sin E.121(v.l5, pt.3). MARSDEN, G. Imprisonment at Rio Janeiro, 33:i 8.88. MARSHALS. Allowances for distributing venires, 25: iii S.265. MAKTIIA WASHINGTON, steamboat, Burning of, 33:1 E.87. MARTINIQUE. Commercial intercourse, 20:1 E. 240. Tonnage du- ty on vessels coming from, 22: i E.21. MARY, ship. Capture by the Dutch government, 1800, 25:ii S.13. MARYLAND. Claims for money advanced, (1792,93, 1812), 19: i R. 116; 20: i K.189,249; 32: i E.1G; 3: i R.278, ii R.41; 34 : i S.R. 232. Contested elections: 3d district, W. P. Why te vs. 3. M. Harris, 35:1 H.M.G8, R.538; 4th district, H. P. Brooks vs. H. W. Davis, 35: i II.M.42, R.105. Courts for the district of, 34:1 E.79. Seealso: Annapolis, Baltimore, Calvert court house, Patuxent river. MASKEOON lake, Mich. Improvement, 31 : i S.20. MASSAC, III., Armory at, 28: i R.441. See also ; Fort Massae. MASSACHUSETTS. Claim for militia service (1812-15), 18:iE.83, 11E.97; 19:1E.29; 20: 11 E.3; 26:iE.160; 28:iiR.122; 35: ii R.144. Claim under the treaty of 1842, 32: ii S.R.361 ; 35 : i R.366. Contested election of J. Bailey in Norfolk district, 18: i R.67. Harbors, 24: ii E.165. Latitude of lighthouses, etc.,2.5:iiiE.187. Seealso: Boston, Charlestown, Fall River, Holmes Hole, Hyannis, Merrimac river, Nantucket, Ncw- buryport, Plymouth, Scituate, Taunton. MASSIAS, A. A., Case of, 22: i R.176. MASTER'S mates in the navy, 28: i E.108,163. MATTESON, O. B. Expulsion from the Ho. of Reps., 35:i R.179. MATTHEWS, C. P., Case of, 30: i E.12. MAUMEE hay, Ohio. Road from, to the rapids of the 111., 24:1 S.84. MAURY, M. F. Wind and current charts, 30:iiR.H2; 33: Ii S.R.443. MAY river, A". C., 25:ii E.345, ill E.85. UNITED STATES. Congressional docs., Index, continued. MAYO, R. Purchase of his work on the treasury department, 30:ii S.U.2SS. MAYSVILLE road, 21:1 E.76,113. MEASURES. See "Weights and measures. MEDAL presented by the president of Columbia to the president of the United States, 24: i E.31, R.170. MEDILL, W., Charges against, 30: ii R.104. MEDITERRANEAN passports, 1826-29, 21: ii E.26, MEDITERRANEAN squadron, 27: i 8.33; 28:1 S.392. MEHMED Pasha. Visit to the United States, 35:i S.R.G2. MEMPHIS, Tenn. Armory, etc., 28:1 E.33, S.69. Marine hospital, 29:iR.761; 32:18.62. Navy yard, 27:ii R.1I91, iii R.114; 28:iR.120; 32:iS.R.215; 33:iiR.61. Road to Tuscumbia, 21 : i R.293. Road to Little Rock, 23 : i E.393. Road to Fort Gibson, 24:ii R.2,51. MEMPHIS and Charleston- railroad, 32: i R.131. MENDOTA, Min. Road to Big Sioux river, 33: i E.97. MENOMONEE Indians. Lands in Wisconsin, 29: i R.90. MERIDIAN. See Prime meridian. MERRIMAC river, Survey of, 19: ii E.140. METALLIC currency. State of the current coins, 21:ii S.3. METEOROLOGICAL observations made under the direction of A. D. Bache, 1840-45, 28: ii S.97. METEOROLOGICAL observations in Chile, by J. M. Gilliss, 1849-52, S3 : i E.121 (v.15, pt.6). METEOROLOGY, Memorials for aid in advancing, 25: ii E.344. See also : American philosophical society, Espy, J. P. MEXICO. Boundary, 18:11 E.52; 22:1E.225; 24:*i E.2;>0,256; 25:i E.42; 28:iR.151; 31:18.34; 32:i S.119,120,121,131, S.R.345, U S.16,38,41; S3: Special session, E.6, ii 8.55; 34: i 8.57,11)8. Claims, 23:iiE.Gl; 24:11 E.139; 25:ii E.3 (p.40), S.14, iii E.252; 26:iE.190, R..W5; 27:ii E.269,291, S.411,412; 28:ii E.158, R.1096; 32:18.34; 83: i S.R.182. Commerce and inland trade, 18:1 E.155, ii 8.7; 21:18.46; 22:i 8.90; 20:1 E.191; 30:18.24; 35:18.56. Grievances, suffered from, ]9:iiE.25; 24:iiR,281; 27:118.825; 28:18.390; 31:iiS.44; 32:1 8.106, ii S.17. Indemnity from, 28: i E.80, ii E.144, S. 81; 29: i E.133, 8.151; 32:1E.32,42. Indian hostilities in, 31: i R.280, ii E.I, (pt.2, p.ll), 4. Relations with, 19:i E.142; 24:iiE.2(p.25), 105, 8.160,189; 25:11 E.75,H!0,351, R.1056; 27:11 E.2G6, iii S.158; 28:ii E.19; 29:1 8.337. Tour by A.Wis- lizenus, 1846, 47, 30: i S.M.20. Treaties with, 27: ii S.320; 30: i E.40,69, S.20,52,60, ii E.50; 31 : i E.5 (p.6!)); S?,: i E.10H. War with, 29:iE.l!, R.752, S.3.'ir."7>v"-s."'.iJ. MI, ii E.19,8S,119, S.27,107,111; 30:iE.8(p.36), 60,62, R.79G, S. 14,18,30, ii E.20, 24,38,47, R.119; 31 :i E.24, R.503. See alto: Bucna Vista, Cerro Gordo, Guadalupe Hidalgo, Hughes, G. W., Palo Alto, Rcsaca de la Palma, Taylor, Z. MEXICO, City of. American cemetery near the, 32:1 E. 84. De- scription of the valley around the, 30:118.19. Survey of the valley of. See Smith, M. L. MEXICO, Gulf of. Arsenals on the, 32: ii 8.47. Defence of the, 27:118.210,224; 34:iS.12. Lighthouses and buoys, 18:11 8.17. Naval force in the, 28: i S.345; 35: ii E.24. Navy yard, 27:ii S.98. Survey of the coast, 27:1 S.38, iiE.220; 31:18.65. MIAMI canal, 26:11 E.114, 118. MIAMI exporting company, 21:i R.373; 34:ii R.310. MIAMI Indians. Annuities due to, 29:1 R.480; 30: i R.620. Lands, 28:iR.4G8; 30:iR.434. Removal of, 29:1 E.142. Treaty with,27:iE.43. MIAMI river, 19: i E..13. MICHIGAN. Admission into the union, 24 :i E.46,68, R.380, ii S.30, 37; 28:18.70. Boundary: (Southern) 20:1 R.196, HR.2; 22: ii E.42; 23: i ..102,4117, R.334, 8.354, ii E.102; 24:1 E.7,54 (with maps), 8.6,51,211; 27:iiiS.80; 28: i 8.70; (Western) 26:11 8.151,170 (5 charts). Census, 23 : i R.334. Constitu- tion, 23:i S.149; 24: i E.8, 8.5. Contested elections: J. Bid- die vs. G. Richard, 18:1R.27, 69; G. W. Jones, ?\. W. Woodbridse, 24: i E.7,'!,15i. Internal improvements, 19:1 R. 42; 20:iiE.29; 23:1 R.310, ii E.132; 25: ii R.10.V1; 27:iii 8.104; 28:18.36; 29:iS.24. Public lands, 19: i R.lll; 20: iR.71,167; 25:iiE.197; 26:1 R.434, ii 8.29; 28:118.124; 29:1 8.27. Miscellaneous documents, 19:1 R. 95; 20:1 R. 197; 21:iR.268,304; 29:18.357; 31: i E.5 (pt.3, p.371). See also : Black Lake, Grand river, Kalamazoo, La Plaisancc bay, Macklnac, Superior, Lake. MICHIGAN city./nrf. Harbor,24:i S.33; 25:ii E.277, iii 8.162. MICHIGAN, Lake. Connection with the Wabash, 22: i S.143. Har- bors, 26:1 E.236, 8.564; 27:iii 8.133; 33:iE.71; 34:18.77. See also: Graham, J. D. MICHLER, N. Reconnaissance between the Red river and the RioPecos,31:iE.67, 8.64. MIDSHIPMEN. Appointed in 1828, 20:1 8.204. Number of, assigned to each state, with names, 33: ii E.17. MILEAGE of members of congress, 21: iiR.30; 22:iR.332; 26:1 R.587, 8.599; 27:ii R.451,964; 30:ii R.23; 34:iii R.72. MILITARY asylum, 26: iiR.74; 28:iiR.109; 30:111.105; 32:iE. 57, 8.27. MILITARY defences, 24:18.293,324; 26: i S.120,238; 29:18.248,255. MILITARY districts, Division of the United States into two, 27:iii E.97,147; 28:1R.341. MILITARY engineers. See Engineers. MILITARY establishment. Appropriations, (1823)18:1 E.57; (1824) 18:iiE.G7; (1825)19:1 E.69) (1826) 19: ii E. 132; (1827)20: UNITED STATES 830 UNITED STATES UNITED STATES. Congressional docs., Index, continued. MILITARY establishment. Appropriations, continued. 1E.129; (182)l:0:iiE.Il.';; (18J.I) -'1 : i E.78; (1830) 21:11 E. ia!j (1831) 22:iE.134; (18.32) 22: UE.128; (18:13) 2.3 :i E..390; (1834)23:iiE.112; (1835)24:1 E.83; (183G)24:ii E.119; (1837) 25:iiE.92; (1838) 25:iii E.104; (1839)2(3:1 E.107; (1840)26: iiE.74; (184l)27:iiE.157; (1842)27:iii E.115; (1843)28:1 E.114; (1844)28:iiE.7C; (1847) 30: i E.27; (1849) 31 : i E.25; (I850)31:11E.89; (1852) 32:ii E.8; (1853)33: i E.5; (1851) S3: iiE.8; (1855)34:18.34; (1856) 34:iUE.23; (1857) 35: i E.40; (1858)35: HE.C4. Contingentexpenses,(1823)18: i E.4S; (1824) 18:iiE.40; (1825) 19:iE.48; (18-') 19:ii E.44; (1827) 20:i E.49; (1828)20:ii E.53; (1829) 21:i E.19; (1830)21:ii E.27; (1831)22: iE.SOi (1832)22:iiE.35; (1S33) 23:1 E.35; (1&34) 23: ii E.94j (1835) 24 :iE.5G; (1830) 24:iiE.72; (1837)25:111 E.77; (1838)25: UiE.53; (1839)26:1 E.104; (1840)2G:iiE.60; (1841) 27: ii E.142; (1842)27:iiiE.171; (1843)28: i E.S5; (1844)28:11 E.47; (1845) 29:iE.54; (184G) 29:11 E. 87; (1847)30: i 8.15; (1848) 30:ii E. 32; (1849) 31:1 E.21; (1850)31:ii E.22; (1851)32:1 E.22; (1852) 32:11 E.15; (1853) 33: i E.17; (1854) a'3:ii E.32; (1855) 34:i E.20; (1850)34: Hi E.26; (1857)35:1 E.05; (1858) 35 : ii E.76. In- crease of, 24: 1 8.395,405, ii 8.90. See also : Army. MILITARY land warrants, Revolutionary army. See Virginia. MILITARY posts on the route to Oregon, 2G:i 8.231; 29:iB.13. See also : Council Bluffs. MILITIA. Abstract of annual returns, (1823) 18:1 E.2(p.l09); (1824)18:ilE.103; (1825) 19:1 E.05; (18_>) 19:11 E.130; (1827) 20:i E.130; (1828) 20:ii E.110; (1SJO) 21: i E.50; (1831) 22:1E. 98; (1832)22:iiE.13G; (1833)23:1 E.82; (1834)23:11 E.119; (1835)24:iE.94; (180C) 24:11 E.130; (1837)25:ii E.14G; (1838) 25:111 E.I49; (1839) 26: 1E.108; (1840) 26:ii E.112; (ISII) 27:ii E.72;(1842)27:iiiE.1.30; (1813) 28: i E.113; (1844) 28: ii E.142; (1845)29:1E.109; (1810)29 : n E.71; (1847) 30:1 E.39; (1848)30: iiE.49; (1849)31:18.25; (l.S50)31: ii E.U4; (1851) 32: i E.50; (1852) 32:11 E.49; (1853) 33:1 E.50; (1854)33:11 E.46; (1855) 34:1E.14; (185U)34:iii E.G2; (1857) 35: i E.53; (1858)35:ii E.86. Reorganization, 19:11 R.92; 20: ii E.104, R.G8; 21: i R.126; 2S:iE.G2; 25:1111.875; 2li: i E.171, R.153,584,585, 8. 509.531,560; 28: iiE.8; 29: i R.143,45.'. Miscellaneous doc- uments, 18: ii E.2 (p.H9); 19:1 E.29, ii E.2 (p.20.1,204,209) ; 20: iS.100; 21:iE.72, ii E.47; 24: ii E.20,140; 29:1 R.453. Note. A statement of arms distributed for the use of the militia of the several states la annually given by the head of the ordnance department. MILLS, R. New route to the Pacific ocean, 30: i S.M.51; 82: i 8. R.:J44. MILWAUKIE. Harbor, 24: ii S.217; 25:ii E.159,164; 26:18.564; 27:iiR.851. Public lands, 31: i 8.45. MILWAUKIE and Rock river canal company, 25: UE.326, R.851; 27: ii R.852; 29: i R.G79; 85: ii 8.R.39.3. MINERAL lands, 25: ii 8.93,257; 2C:i E.239, ii S.108; 27:11 E.277, R.484; 28:iiE.168; 29:1 E.69, R.269,591. See also : Illinois, Iowa, Missouri, Wisconsin. MINERAL Point, !('&., Bank of, 25: ill S.2SO. MlNEKALOOICAL surveys, 22:11 R.10G; 23:11 E.151. MINISTERS. See Diplomatic service, Foreign ministers. MINNESOTA. Census, 1857, 35: i E.49,110. Constitution, 35:1 S.14. Contested elections: W. W. Phelps vs. J. M. Cavanaugh, 35: i R.408; A. G. Fuller vs. W. W. Kingsbury, 35: i R.435. Exploration of, by J. Pope, 31 : i 8.42. Internal improve- ments, 31:1 R.172; 32:1E.12; 34:1 R.i:>l,34; 27:iiR.753; 28: i R.447, 8.35, ii 8.14; 29:i R.8, 8.211; .3-1:1 R.522; 34:1S.M.59. Survey of the coast of, 26:1 S.KVUOO. See also: Chocchuma, Columbus, Jackson, Ship island. MISSISSIPPI river, 20:ii 8.5. Bridge across, at Rock island,."':! R.250. Deepening the channel at the mouth of the, 2.1: iii 8.242; 26:18.40:3; 27:iiE.2": "2: ii E.G1; 33: i E.G5; 35: i S.70, ii S..18, P.R.HG. See also: Albany, Boston, Chesapeake, Cumberland, Dolphin. Ful- ton, Prometheus, Revenue cutters, San Jacinto, Somers, Steam marine, Susquehannah. Miscellaneous doi-unicnts, 18:18.33, HR.45; 19:iE.87,91i 20:i E.2(p.212). 190, S.207; 21:1E.2 (p.296), iiE.15, R.93; 22:i E.23,81, R.4G6; 23:iiR. 86; 24:18.339; 25:iiE.in6; 27:i S.38, ii S.lll, iii E.108, 167; 28:iE.10,R.258; 29:18.92,203; 30:iiE.36; 34:i S.28; 35:iiR.176. See also: African squadron, Canvas, Chap- lains, Coals, Cordage, East India squadron, Exploring ex- pedition, Dry docks. Home squadron, Mediterranean squadron, Midshipmen, Navy yards, Pacific squadron, Pensions, Ships of war. NAVY department. Clerks, etc., employed in, (1S21) 18: i E.^0; (1824)18:iiE.34; (1825) 19:i E.31 ; (1826)19:il E.29; (1827) 20:iE.47; (1828) 20: ii E.44; (1829) 21 :i E.20; (1810) 21: ii E.38; (1831)22:iE.34; (1832) 22:ii E.28; (18>i) 23: i F...1I : (1834) 23:ii E.84; (18.15) 24:i E.57,234; (1830) 24:ii EM; (1837) 25: ii E.8>i; (ISIS) 2.5: iii E.22,70; (1819) 21!: i E.84; (1S40) 20:iiE.04; (1S41) 27:ii E.S'; (1842) 27:iii E.lol.Vi'.): (I-l'i 28:iE.268; (1844) 28:ii E.40; (1845) 29: i E.79; (1846) 29: ii E.G1: (187)30:1E.42; (1849)31:1 E.49; (1850) 31 :ii H.40; (1851) 32:1 E.24; (1852) 32:ii E.H!; (ISM) 33: i E.W: (is.-, I) ai:iiE.3!l; (1.S5.",) 34:i E.21; (1850) 34: iii E..15; (1857)35:1 E.75; (l58).15:iiE.91. Contingent expenses, (1S24-'I) 21: KR.93; (1832)22:iiR.119; (1830) 23 : i R.513 ; (131G) 21: ii E.17; (lS37)23:iiE.128; (1S18) 25:iii E.23; (1S10) L(!:i i:.2.5: (1840)2fl:iiE.4; (1S41) 27:ii .6; (1842) 27:iii E.52; (184 f) 28:iiE..,!); (1845) 20:1 E.57; (1840) 'JO: ii E.21 : (I-T.'V:i:i E.13; (18.50) 31 :iiE.51; (1851) 32:1 E.41; (lS52):!2:ii E..14: (185,1) 33:iE.79; (1854) 33: ii E.70; (1855)34:1 E.53; (1856) 34:iiiE.54; (1857) 35:i E.82; (1858) .35: ii E. 14. Contracts, (1823) 18:1 E.97; (1824) 18:11 E.31; (1825) 19: i E.49; (182G) 19:iiE.33; (1827) 20:i E.128; (1828)20:ii E.45; (lS_:i) _'! : 1E.30; (1830)21:iiE.; (1831) 22: i E.31; (1832) 22:ii E. 41; (183.1) 23:1 E.42; (1.834) 21: ii E.72; (18.15) 24: i E.1.50; a836)24:iiE.90; (1<>R7) 25:ii E.144; (1838) 25: iii E.lll ; (1839)26:iE.196; 0310) 26:ii E.73; (1841)27: ii .40; (ISIJ) 27: iii .02,195: (1843) 2S : i E.72; (18*4) 28:11 E.64,161; (ISli;) 29:1E.94; (1847) 29:ii E.G2; (1852) 32: ii E.lfi; (I.s.50) :'.4:i 8.21; (18.57)35:1 E.10; (1858) 35:ii E.22. Reorganization, 21:iE.2(p.299), 39; 26:1 E.39; 27:11 E.1G7, 15.1.57; 32: ii S.R.305. Miscellaneous, 19: i E.I (p.135); 21 : i E.2 (p.225, 248), ii E.33; '25: ii E.2HG; 20:11 S.8; 27:i E.I (p.(il), ii S. 215,iii E.82,85; 28:1 E.40, ii R.80; 29:1 E.188, S.270; 32: i S.i;:>.W,127, ii S.5; 34: i S.43. NAVY pension fund. See Pensions, Navy. NAVY yards, 19: ii S.54: 24:1 E.118(p.3), ilE.130; 27:ii R.247, S. 210: 2S:i E.258,273; 33:11 E.71, 8.49; 34:i E.25, iii H.M.7; 35:iiE.70,99. See also : Baltimore, Beaufort, J\". C, Blytlie island, Oa., Brooklyn, Brunswick, Ga., Cairo, Charleston, Charlcstown, Key West, Memphis, New Orleans, Newport, R. I., Norfolk, Pensacola. NEAPOLITAN. Set- Sicilies. NEBEASKA. Contested elections :N. P. Bennett vs. B. B. Chapman, 34:1 R.G3; B. B. Chapman vs. F. Ferguson, "-,-.1 II. M. 17,19, 51, R.51, ii II.M.28; Bird vs. Ferguson, 35: ii R.15G. Defence of, 34:i R.191. Douglas's report on establishing the terri- tory of, 33: i S.R.15. Estimates, 33: ii E.73; 34:1E.09. Ge- ology and paleontology of, 35:ii E.2(pt.2, p.G70). Military road in, 34:iii R.180,192. School lands, 34: i R.346; S5:iiII. M.2. See also : Bluewatcr, Cattle of. NETHERLANDS. Claims against, 18:11 .85. Commercial relations with, 18:11 E.7C; 19:iiE.58. Regulations respecting fisher- ies, 22:1 E.99. Treaty with, 26:1 E.2 (p.37). NEUTRALS, Rights accorded to, 33: i E.103; 34: i 8.85,104. NEVADA, Establishment of the territory of, 35: i R.375. NEW Albany and Salem railroad company, 35: ii R.252. NEW Bedford. Fortifications, 29: i R.327; 81:iiR.21. Harbor,33: i r..::. Marine hospital, 31 : i R.178. NEW Brunswick. Aggressions by the authorities of, 1828, 20:1 S. 1 :0; 22:18.3. Commercial intercourse with, 25:iiEJ300. See also : Maine, North-eastern boundary. NEW Buffalo, Mich. Harbor, 24: i E.82,124; 25: ii E.251. NEW England asylum for the blind. See Boston. NEW England Mississippi land company, 30:1 R.765. NEW Granada, Taxation of, 31:11 S.40. NEW Hampshire. Claims, 32: i R.20,170. Contested election, 3d district, J. Perkins vs. G. W. Morrison, 31: ii R.3. Road across the White mountains, 20:1 R.233. See also : Oliverian. canal, Portsmouth. NEW Haven, Conn. Harbor, 25: iii E.202. NEW Inlet. JT. C., Estimate for a fort at 35:1 S.7. NEW Jersey. Boundary with New York, 23 : i E.260, S.239. Election in 3d district contested by J. G. Farlce and J. Runk, 29:1 R.310; Five contested seats, 26: i R. 500,541. Lights, buoys, and beacons, 25: ii S.375. Shipwreck on the coast, 3-4 :iS. 45, iii 8.33. See also : Bedlow's island, Flat beach, Little Egg harbor, Newark, Raritan bay. Tucker's island. NEW London, Conn. Custom-house, 27: iii 11.214. Fortifications, 25:ii E.39. Marine hospital, 31:1 R.178. NEW Madrid, Mo. Earthquake, 19: ii E.G7. Locations and pre- emption rights, 27: ii S.36. Swamp lands, 28:1 R.310. UNITED STATES 832 UNITED STATES UNITKD STATES. Congressional docs., Index, continued. NEW Mexico. Abert's examination, SO: i S.23. Boundaries, 30: i E.70. Claims of Texas to, 31: i E.I15,CC. Constitutional:! 8.74. Contested elections: W. C. Lane vs. J. M. Gallegos, S5:i R.121; M. A. Otero vs. 3. M. Gallegos, 34:i H. M. 15, 114, R.M). Indian affairs in, 02:i E.2(p.l2S), S.R.289; 33:i E.43, 8.28. Organization of a state government, 31: i E.17, 1I.M..7J, S.18.GO. Roads, 35: i R.372, S.43. Miscellaneous documents, 31 :i S.7G, ii S.2G; 32:1 8.71i 34:i E.I (pt.2,p.5G), 35, II.M.13, 138; 35:1 II.M.132. NEW Orleans. Custom-house, 28: ii R.55,114, S.44,80; 32: i S.R.325; a3:iiE.51. Hospital for soldiers, 30: ii R.65. Marine hos- pital, 29 :i 8.245; S3: i S.75. Immigration at, 1844, 28:ii E.OO. Mails, 19: iE.15G,181i 20:i E.125, R.48; 25:iiiE.212; 28.-U 8.GC.87; 30:i 8.26; 31:iS.R.107i 33:iiS.27i 34:18.11,18. Mint, 26:iE.92, S.1C9; 27:iiR.462; 33:18.74; 34:i E.71. Mob, Aug. 1851, 32: i 8.80, S.R.272. Navy yard, 32:118.2. Public ground, 23: i R.400; 2G:1R.594; 27:iiiS.236; 35:i 8. R.279. Miscellaneous documents, 20: i E.230, S.CO, 11 E.23; 24:iE.55; 27:iiR.840; 28:i E.279, R.9; 29:18.281; 32:i S.R.326; 35:18.04. NEW YORK, city. Custom-house, lfl:i E.139; 22:iE.256; 24:1 E.18; 25:iiiE.13G; 27:11 E.22,77,212,213,230,248, R.CG9,10G5, iii E.75,190, S.189,196; 28:iE.2G9; :-!>:! R.722; 34: iii II.M.."1. Dry dock, 25:11 E.:!5,'J22; 28:1 E.146, R.198; 30:iE.15. Fire, 1835, 24:1E.104, R.41, 11 E.49; 30:iR.321. Fortifica- tions, 23:1 E.237; 34:iS.3G. Lighthouses, 20:1 E.1G7; 27:ii R.740. Mails to Havre, 28:1 E.2C5. Private express mall to N.Orleans, 28: ii S.GG. Mail to Bremen, 30:1 E.50. Mail to California, 32: i E.124,8.50. Mint, 31 : i R.490; 34 : i E.43. Post-office building, 28: i E.178; 33:11 8.30; 34:18.106. Mis- cellaneous documents, 24: i E.1C5, 11 E.11C; 20:11 S.G9: 29:11 R.G5; 34:iR.38; 35:11 E.2 (pt.2,p.527), 8.1 (pt.2, p./i27). NEW York, state. Boundary with New Jersey, 23:1 E.2CO, 8.239. Colonial history of, 27:iiE.10S. Contested elections: Gth district, J. Monroe vs. D. 8. Jackson, 30; i R.403; 20th dis- trict, Wright r.. Fisher, 21: i R.95; 2!tth district, Adams vs. Wilson, 18: i R.15. Internal improvements, 19:1 R.223; 3.5 :i S.1C. Miscellaneous documents, 19: i S. 101; 20:1R.249; 21:1 R.:V,.j; 2:5:iiE.87; 27:iiiE.121: ."!: i R.244; 34:1118.13. See aim: Brooklyn, Buffalo, Fishkill, Genessee, Greenbush, Hudson river, Long Island, Niagara, Oak Orchard, Ogdens- burg, Oswego, Stuten Island, Utica, Whitehall. NEWARK bay. Survey, 25: iii E.108,18>. NEWBERKV, J. 8. Natural history of California and Oregon, 33: 11 E.91 (v.ll, pt.G), S.78 (v.13, pt.G). NKWBCBYPOET, 19:i E.4'., K.'JU: 22: ii IUJ7. NEWCASTLE, Del. Harbors, 23: ii E.l ;9; 27:1 E.60. NEWLAND, D. vs. Graham, J. Contested election, 12th district, N. C., 24:1E.121, R.378. NEWPORT, A';/., Military post nt, 28: i R.125. NEWPORT, R.I. Harbor, 32:1 E.77. Marine hospital, 31 : i E.60. Naval depot, 33 :i 8.70. NEWSPAPERS, 22: 18.147; 27: ii R.333; SO:iR.325; 34:18.90. NEWTON-, T. vs. Loyall, G. Contested election in Va., 21:1 R. 213. NIAGARA, Value of property in the county of, 18:iiE.3& See also : Eighteen mile creek. NIAOAR A Falls. Barracks, 28:1 R.442. Canal, 23:1 E.34,214; 24:ii R.201; 25:iiR.4G3; 35:iR.374. NIAGARA frontier. Claims for losses, 1812, 18:i R.102, ii R.1; 22:i R.38G. Frauds on revenue, 20: ii E.40. NICARAGUA. Inter-oceanic canal, 32:11 E.50, S.44. Relations with, 32:118.28; 34: i 8.25,08. NICOLLET, I. N. Hydrographical basin of the Upper Mississippi, 2S:ii.52. NIGER, Exploration of the, 34:iii S.M.4G. NORFOLK, Fa. Custom-house, 34: i E.50,141. Navy hospital, 21: i E.40; 32:iiE.10. Navy-yard, 27:11 E.205. NOERIS. J. vs. City of Boston, Opinions in the case of, 30:ii S.M. GO (p.C7). NORRISTOWN and valley railroad company, 27:ii R.463. NOBTH Carolina, Arsenal, 24:iR."72; 34:iiiE.20. Cherokee Indians, 20: iR.92; 30:1R.G32; 32.-1H.M.64. Contested election, 12th district, D. Newland vs. 3. Graham, 24: i E.121, 131,179, R.378. Internal improvements, 19:1 E.125; 22: i E.15,149; 23:iiE.59; 24:iE.]C9; 25:iiE.445. Volunteers, 25 : iii E. 148. See also: Albemarle sound, Beaufort, Char- lotte, Fayetteville, May river. New Inlet, Ocracoke, Painlico sound, Pea island, Wilmington. NORTH CAROLINA, schooner. Seizure at Porto Rico, 33: i E.29. NORTH river, Mass., Survey of, 21 : 11 E.16; 33: i E.31. NORTHEASTERN boundary. Explorations, with maps, 25: iii P. 272,287,502; 26:ii E.93,102, 8.173; 27 :ii 8.97, iii E.31. Mis- cellaneous documents, 20: i E.2 (p.278), S.171, ii E.90; 23:ii E.G2; 24:18.414; 25:i E.31, ii .120.354,451, iii E.222, R.314, 8.270,271; 26:1 E.1C9, S.107,129.2G6.319,34G,382,580,592; 27:ii E.70; 28:iE.lG9; 29:i E.110, S.274. See also : Maine, New Brunswick. NORTHERN coast, 18: iiE.58; 19: IE. 23, R.35,213. NORTHERN- cross railroad, HI., 28:i R.4G5; 29:1 R.158, S.152. NORTHERN frontier. Neutrality and protection, 21:i E.G7; 25:11 E.73,74,7G,89,I99,440, S.88, iii E.27, 8.251; 26:i E.192,245. See also : Canada, New Brunswick, Niagara. NORTHERN seas, Navigation In the, 32: i S.55. NOBWALK, Conn. Harbor, 23: i 8.371. UNITED STATES. Congressional docs., Index, continued. NORWEGIAN barque Ellen, Appropriation to refund the amount paid for repair? of, :!5: i E.iJl. NULLIFICATION, 22: ii E.45,!., ii E.:>.74. R.H7, S.72: 22:iiE.I>;: 2r; : i.4SS; 25:iii R.30G; 27:iii E.;VMJt; : 28:13.179; 32:iR.94; .'i:::! E.1U: 34: iii R.2:U, iii S.R3I9. Kote. For other information on this subject, see Engineers. See also: Wheeling bridge. Onio and Mississippi railroad company, 30: i R.G53. OKECIIOBEE, Lake, Fa. Battle. Dec. 25, 18.57, 25: ii 8.356. OLD fourth rc-iinent, 2.5: ii K.7:: 2ii:i 11.2 !_'; -_-7:ii I; OLD Mines, Jfo. Claims of original inhabitants, 22:i RUJ03. OLD Point Comfort, Fa.,34:iii II. M.~>*. OLIVE, Lands set apart for the cultivation of the, 18: ii E.87. OLIVE Branch, ship. Capture by the British, 179G, 23: i S.203. OLIVEBIAN canal route, Jf. H., Survey of the, 28: ii E.113. OMAHA Indians, Expenses of a party of, 32: i E.76. ONEIDA Indians, 33: i R.G1. OXEIDA, steamer. Use of, by government, 27 : ii E.227. ONTARIO, Late. Defences on, 27: ii E.225. Harbors of. See Gra- ham, J. D. Survey of southern shores of, 20: ii E.10G. See also: Niagara, Ogdensburg, Twelve mile creek. OPELOUSAS, La. Land claims, 19:i E.80, ii R.49; 24:iR.93. ORANGE and Alexandria railroad company, 31 : i R.494, S.R.147; 32:1R.2, S.R.59. OBDJTANCE department. Annual report,(1823) 18: i E.2 (p.49); (1824) 18:iiE.2(p.97); (1825) 19:i E.I (p.37); (1826) 19: ii .2 (p. 199); (1327)20:1 E.2 (p.91); (1828) 20: ii E.2(p.G5); (1829) 21:iE.2(p.ll7); (1830) 21: ii E.2 (p.134); (1S31) 22:i E.2(p. 124); (1832) 22: ii .2 (p.137); (1833) 23: i E.1 (p.139); (1834) 23:iiE.2 (p.204); (1835> 24:i E.2 (p.228); (1836)24: ii .2 (p.327); (1837) 25:ii E.3 (p.508); (1838) 25:iii E.2 (p.389); (1839)26:1 E.2 (p.85); (1840) 26:ii .2 (p.5.5); (lS41)27:ii S.l(p.lOO); (1842)27:iiiE.2(p.205); (1843) 28:1 E.2 (p. 258); (1844)28:iiE.2(p.287); (1845) 29:1 E.2 (p.400); (1846) 29:iiE.4(p.l44); (1847) 30:i E.8 (p.G79); (1818) 30: ii E.l (p. 840); (1850)31:iiE.l(p.463); (1851) 32:ii .2 (p.444); (1852) 32:ii.l(v.l, pt.2, p.231); (1853) S3: i E.I (v.l, pt.3, p.263); (1854) 33:ii S.l(v.2. p..351); (1855) 34:i E.I (v.l, pt2, p.JS); (1856) 34:iii E.l (v.l, pt.2, p.373); (1857) 35: i E.2 (v.2, pt.2, p.535); (1858) 35:ii E.2 (v.2, pt.3, p.1304). Miscellaneous documents, 18: i E.23; 21:1 E.2 (p.L'U); 22: i E.l 7 R.14I (p.38) ; 24 : i E.29,44,90, 8.388, ii E.107 ; 27 : ii E.194, 8. 348. See also: Armories, Arsenals, Artillery, Cannon, Foundry, Navy, secretary of, War, secretary of. ORDNANCE officers sent abroad, 1825-41, 27 :ii E.194. OEEGON. Admission as a state, 35: u R.123. Constitution, (1845) 29:18.353; (1856)35:1 S.M.226. Controversy with Great UNITED STATES 833 UNITED STATES UNITED STATES. Congressional docs., Index, continued. OREGON. Controversy with Great Britain, continued. Britain, 10: i E.IJ5; 20:iE.199; 25:iiiR.101; 27:iiiR.157; 28MR.308; 29: i E.105,129, R.34, S.117,47(>,489; 32: i E.2 (p. 92), ii S.R.335. Explorations, 28:ii 8.174; 30:i II.M.29; 34:iiiR.171; 35:iR.409. Greenhow's memoir, 26: i S.174. Indian hostilities, 30 :iS.47; 32: i E.2 (p. 144); 33:iE.l(pt. 2, p.37),55, S.34; 34 : i E. 48,93,118, R.195, S.40,66, iii E.76; 35: i E.38,39,45,112, S.24,40, U E.51. Public lands, 27: iii S.102; 29:iiR.55; 31:iR.271; 32:i E.52, ii E.14, iii S.M.28; 35:i R.262. Seat of government, 31 :i S.52; 32:i E.94,96,104, S. 63. Treaty respecting, 29:iE.221. Miscellaneous docu- ments, 20: ii E.13; 32: i .191; 25:ii E.359, S.39; 30:iiE.3; 31:iS.R97; 32:i S.M.27, S.R.289; 33:iiR.29; 34:iR.188; 35 : ii II. M.47. See also : Astoria, Cayuse Indians, Columbia river, Hudson's bay company. ORIENTAL nations. Productions, trade, and commerce of the, 29: ii E.96. See oho : Asia Minor, Muscat, Turkey. ORLEANS navigation company, 19:ii R.89; 20:i R.138, ii R.62. Os AGE Indians, Relief of the, 25: ii S.59,64. OSTEND conference. The, 33:ii E.93. OSWEGO, JT. Y., Marine hospital at, 31 :i E.60. OSWEOO river. Survey of, with maps, 20:ii E.10G. OUNCE weights, 27:i E.31, S.57. OUTFITS to ministers, 19: i E.1C7,177: 21:iR.220. OWEN, D. D. Geological exploration of a part of Iowa, "Wiscon- sin, and Illinois, 1839, 28:i S.407. Geological reconnoiseance of parts of Wisconsin, and part of Iowa, 30: i S.57. OWL'S head harbor, 3fe., Survey of, 25: ii S.73. OXFORD township, Ohio, 25: ii R.938. OZAUKEE, Win., Harbor of, 31 :i E.90. PACIFIC. Forces in the, 33:i S.57. Islands of the northern, 30: i S.M.80. Reynold's report on islands, shoals, etc., in the, 23: ii E.105. See also : Exploring expedition. PACIFIC coast. Arsenals on the, 32: ii S.47. Dry dock on the, 31:ii S.R.271. Lighthouses on the, 32:i S.CG; 33: i E.113. PACIFIC mails, 29:i S.178,306; 31:iiE.52; 32:i E.124, 8.50; 33:i S.54,57! 34:iE.99, R.G2, S.G2; 35:ii E.28, S.48, S.R.375. See also : Nicaragua, Panama. PACIFIC military department, Topographical memoir on, 35: ii E.114. PACIFIC railroad, 28: ii R.199; 29:i R.773, S.466; 30:ii R.145,733; 31:iS.R.194; a3:i E.117, 8.49; 33:i E.18,46, 8.29, ii .91 (llv.4); S.78(Hv.4); 34: i R.274,358, iii II.M.4t, R.2G4. Route near the 32d parallel. See Emory, W. H., Parke, J. G., Pope, J., Williamson, R. S. Route near the 35th paral- lel. See Parke, J. G., Whipple, A. W., Williamson, R. S. Route near 38th and 39th parallels. See Beckwith, E. G., Gunnison, J. W. Routenearthe41stparallel. See Beckwith, E. G. See also: Abbot, H. L., Antisell, T., Bigelow, J. M., Blake, W. P., California, Durand, E., Fremont, J. C., Humphreys, A. A., Jesup, T. S., Kennerlv, C. B. R., Lander, F. W., McCIellan, G. B., Michler, N., Mills, R., Newberry, J. S., Oregon, South Pass, Stevens, 1. 1., Torrey, J., Warren, G. K., Whitney, A. PACIFIC squadron, 18: i E.147; 35: i S.38. PACIFIC wagon roads, Reports, with maps, 35:ii E.108, S.36. PADDY, Duties on, 30 :iE.38. PAGE, C. G. Electro-magnetic power as a mechanical agent, 31:iS.Cl. PALAEONTOLOGY of the Mexican boundary, by J. Hall, 34: i S.108. PALM oil trade, American vessels engaged in, 3.3:ii P. 31. PALMER, A. H. Siberia, Manchuria, and the Asiatic islands, 30: i S.M.*''. PALO Alto, Battle of, 29:ii S.4. PAMLICO sound, Lighthouse at the head of, 34: iii E.51. See also : Ocracoke inlet. PANAMA, Congress of, 19 :i E.I (p.G), 129, 150,157,162, R.137, S.68, ii E.23,73. PANAMA, Isthmus of. Mail service at, 29: i S.306; 81 iii S.40. Rail- road across, 30:ii R.2G, S.M.6. Ship canal across, 19:ii R.56; 28:iE.77; 20:i S.339. See also : Darien. PANCHITA, barque. Seizure on the coast of Africa, 35: i S.G1. PAPAL states. Mission of Bedini, S3: i S.23. PAPER. Sale of refuse, by the clerks of the honse, 26: ii E.31. PARAGUAY, Difficulties with, 35: i E. 2 (p.?5), R.30.5, S.R. 60. PARANA, barque. Rescue from shipwreck by Neapolitan officers, 34:iE.80. PARIS. Congress at, 30 March, 1856, Proceedings relative to neu- tral rights, 34:i S.104. Convention, 30 April, 1803, Proceed- ings relative to American claims, 34: i S.87. PARKE. J. G. Exploration for a railroad route near the 32d paral- lel, 33: H E.91 (v.ll, pt.2), S.78 (v.13, pt.2). PARRY, G. T. Anti-friction box for steamships, 34: iii S.R.447. PASCAOOULA and Pearl rivers, Improvement of, 20: i R.145,175, S. 147,164,179. PASSAIC river, Improvement of, 24: ii E.110. PASSENGERS arriving in the United States. See Immigration. PATENT laws.. 10:1 R.734, B.R.O; 34:iiiR.98j 35:iR-178. PATENT medicines, 3fl : ii R..12. PATENT office. Building, 22:i E.195; 24:i S.10, ii S.58; 30: i E.48, 8.48; 35:iE.G7. Clerks, 18: ii E.48; 19:iiR.99; 28 :i S.39, ii E.59; 30:iE.16. Miscellaneous documents, 19: ii E.47; 21:iE,38; 22:i E.2(p.49); 23:iS.398; 24:iS.338; 25:ii R.797; 28:iR.551; 34:UiS.Gl. UNITED STATES. Congressional docs., Index, continued. PATENTS. [The first general law relative to patents in the United States was passed 10 April, 1790. A new act was passed 21 Feb., 1793. Under resolutions of the house of representa- tives, 13 Jan., 1812, and 2 April, 1830, and the law of 3 July, 1832, lists of patents issued and patents expired were pre- sented to congress by the secretary of state, the patent office forming, till the organization of the department of the interior, a branch of the department of state. The important papers relative to patents prior to 1823, may be found in the American State Papers, Class Miscellaneous. Lists of patents from 1823 to 1836 may be found by the fol- lowing references] : (1823) 18:i E.25; (1824) 18:ii E.28; (1825) 19:iE.22; (1826) 19: ii E.27; 0827) 20: i E..34; (1828) 20: ii E.59; (1829) 21:iE.16; (1830) 21 iii E.49,50; (1831) 22 :i E.39; (1832)22:iiE.70,l?0; (1833) 23:i E.58,59; (1834)23: ii E.55,58; (1835) 24: i E.63,64; (1S3C) 24: ii E.174,175. CA new act, reorganizing the patent office and establishing the office of commissioner, was passed 4 July, 1836. The building, erected in 1830, was burnt and the models and records destroyed, 15 Dec., 1836. The annual reports of the commissioners since that date may be found by the follow- ing references:] By II. L. Ellsworth, (1837) 25:iiE.112; (1838) 25:iiiE.80; (1S39) 2G:i E.10G; (1840) 2C:ii S.152; (18-41) 27: iiE.74; (1842) 27: iii E.109 ; (1843) 28: i E.I 77 ; (1844) 28:iiE.7S. By E. Burke, (1815) 29: i E.140; (1846) 29: ii E.52; (1847) 30: i E.54 ; (1848) 30: ii E.59. By T. Ewbank, (1849)31:1 E.20 ; (1850) 31:ii E.32 ; (18.il) 32:i E.102. By S. II. Hodges, (1852) 32: ii E.6.5. By C. Mason, (1853) 33: i E.39; (1854) 33: ii E.59; (1855) 34: i E.12; (1856) 34: iii E.65 (or vol.8, pts.1-4). By J. Holt, (1&37) 35:i E.32 (or vol.8, pts.1-4); (1858) 35: ii E.105 (or vol.10, pts.1-4). Miscel- laneous documents, 21:i E.38, ii E.50; 23: i E.59, ii E.58; 24:iE.63, ii E.175; 28:iiR.139; 30:iiR.92; 33:iS.R.382. PATRONAGE of the government, 19: i S.88. PATUXENT river, Md., Map of, 34: iii 8.70. PAULDINO, H. Arrest of W. Walker, 35: i R.74. PAHPERS, Foreign, 24: HS.5; 25:ii E.346,370, R.1040; 28:iiS.42; l:\l S.1G1. PAWNEE Indians, Treaty stipulations with, 35: i E.134. PAYMASTER general. Annual report, (1823) IS: i E. 2 (p.15); (1824) 18:iiE.2(p.72); (1825) 19:i E.l(p.27); (182G) 19:ii E.2(p.l85); (1827)20:iE.2(p.76); (1828) 20:ii E.2 (p.57); (1829) 21:iE.2 (p.:ii E.2 (p.273); (1835)24:iE.2(p.301); (183G) 24: ii E.2 (p.410): (1837) 25: ii E.3(p.722); (lS3S)25:iiiE.2(p.507); (1840) 26: U E.2(p.393); (ls41)27:iiE.2(p.217); (1842) 27:iii E.2 (p.Stil); (1843)28:1 E.2(p.542)i (1844)28:UE.2(p.503); (1815) 29: i E.2(p.4ir); (l,S4t;)29:iiE.2(p.201); (1847)30:i E.8(p.723); (1848)r:ii E. l(p,369); (1850)31:iiE.l(p.l77); (1451) 32:1 E.I (pt.3.p.27); (1852)32:iiE.l(v.l, pt.l, p.247)i (1853)33:1 E.I (v.l, pt.l, p. 485); (1854)33:iiE.l(v.l,pt.l, p.545); (185.V) 34:i .1 (v.l, pt.l,p.577); (1856)34:iiiE.l(v.l, pt.l, p.833); (1857) 35: i E.2(v.2, pt.l, p.G98); (1858)13: ii E.2(v.2, pt.l, p.bTO). In- dian wars, Services during the, 23: i R.284; 24: i E.88. R.338, UE.23, R.9G; 25:iiR.327; 2G:iR.470 ; 29:i R.87,566. Navy pension fund (Condition of), (1825) 19: i E.G3; (182G) 19: ii E. 56; (1827)20:iE.197; (1828) 20:ii E.144; (1829)21:1 E.C3; (1830)21:iiE.75; <18.l)22:i I-:..'.: < 1 v:j| 22:ii .5; (1883) 23:iE.l(p.247); (1834) 23: U K.2(p.3S3); (1833)24:i E.85; (1836)24:iiE.2(pp.486^5i>2); (is.-;?) LT.: ii E.3(p.8l2); (!*"<) 25:iiiE.2(p.589); (1839)28:1 E.179,247; (1840)26:ii E.G; (1841)27:iiE.236; (1842)27:iii E.l(p.G53); (1843) 28: i R. Wl; (1844)28:iiE.20; (lS4. r >)29:i E.2(p.845); (1841) 29: ii E.4 (p.G); (1847) 30:iE.8(p.l301); (1818) 80: ii E.I (p.985); (1849)31:iE.80; (I850)31:ii E.5; (1852) 32:ii E.9. Navy pensioners (Lists of), 32: i E.4. Navy pensions (Miscel- laneous documents), 20: ii E.144, R.104; 21:iiE.77, R.88; 22: i E.129, ii E.40, R.123, S.I; 23: i R.190,506, ii R.129; 24: i R.451, ii R.40; 25: ii E.218,369, Ui S.146; 27:iR.l; 30: i R.444, U E.8 (p.1301). Privateer pension fund, 20:iE.244, iiR.85; 21:iR.175; 22:iiE.5; 23:iR.44; 24:i.85, R.2".2; 2G:iE.197, HE.91; 34:iR.343. Rejected appli- cations for, (1830) 21: ii E.31; (1831) 22:i E.120; (1832)22: iiE.20; (1833) 23:i E.17; (1834) 23:ii E.S7j (1835)24:1 E.31; (1806) 24:iiE.41; (1*7) 25:ii E.87; (1838) 25: Ui E.25; (1839) 26:1 E.22; (1840) 2*3: ii .26; (1841) 27: ii E.28, S.52; (1842)27:iii E.14; (1843)28:1 E.44; (1844) 28: U .61,05; (1845)20:iE."l; (1846) 29:ii E.2G; (1847)30:18.10; (1848) 30: U .26,37; (1849) 31 :i E.32; (1851)32:18.87; (1853) 83:iE.27. Revolutionary (Laws and rules respecting), 18: iiR.54; 19:i E.S9, R.79.-JTO: 20:iiR.91; 22:i E.298, R.238; 23 : ii E.81 ; (Number entitled to), 18 : i .4, S.3 ; 21 : i E.25,32, ii E.jG.GS; 25:iiE.444; (Miscellaneous documents), 18:1 E.4, R.19,24,197, ii R.G; 20:i .124, R.13D, ii E63; 21MR. 402; 22:iS.33; 20:iiR.37; 24:iE.127; 25: ii E.42,227, iii E.167,239, S.307; 2G:i E.2GO; 27:iii R.1U4; 34:iii S.G3. War of 1812,21:iiR.103; 24:iR.5S9; 25:iiR.756; 34: i R.317, iii R.262; 35: i R.75, ii S.R.385. Widows and orphans of per- sons entitled to, 23: i R.196; 24:iR.210,415, ii R.124,235; 27: iiiR.32; 30:1R.295; 33: i R.101, S.R^520; 35:1 R.241, 312. Miscellaneous documents, 18: ii E.2(p.l04), S.39; 23: i 8. 193; 24.-iiE.30; 25:iiE.47, Hi E.2G; 26:1 .48,106,241, ii E. 18; 27:iiR.152, UiS.84; 31:UEJO; 34:iii H.M.GO.R.177; 35MR.242. PEOBIA./H. Laudfor seat of justice, 22:i R.196; 24:iR.365; 25: UR.236. PEREINE, Dr. H. Introduction of foreign plants and seeds, 22: i E.198. PERET, Comm. M. C. Expedition to the China seas and Japan, 1852-54, 33: ii S.79. PEKRY, Comm. O. II. Removing remains of, to the United States, 19:iR.189, ii:E.2 (p.ll). PERRY, Mr. O. H. Vessel lost while in public service, 24:ii R.212. PERRYSBURO, Ohio. Preemption to certain lots in, 23: i R.511; 24: iiR.113; 25:iiR.895. PERTH Amboy, If. J. Custom-house and post-office, 34:i R.75. PERU. Guano trade in, 31:i S.59,80; 33:iE.70; 35:iS.C9, S.M.2C7. Miscellaneous documents, 22: i E.272; 25:iii E.2(p.23); 28:1 E.200,214; 31:iS.58; 33:iR.347. See also : Lobos islands. PETERSBURG, Fa. Custom-house, 34: iii R.233. PETERSON, J. H. Opinion of attorney general in case of, 24:i R.805. PHELPS, S. S. Claim to a seat in the senate for Vt., 33: i S.R.34. PHILADELPHIA. Bank of Pennsylvania, Purchase by the United States of the banking-house, 35: i R.541. See also: Camp- bell, J. Court-house, 33: ii S.30; 34: i E.81. Custom-house, 18:iiE.82; 20:iE.105; 26:iiE.37. Dry dock, 25:ii E.223, R.872, S.283; 28:iR^94; 29:i R.253,649; 30:iS.ll; 32:i UNITED STATES. Congressional docs., Index, continued. PHILADELPHIA. Dry dock, conli 8.44. Mint,21:iR.272; 25:ii E.273; 33:i 8.72, U E.37; S4:i E.91. Navy hospital, 21: i E.40; 23:iE.419. Navy yard, 19:iE.166. Post-office, 33: i 8.81, ii 8.30; 34:i E.li*),iii .7?. Post road to Baltimore, 19: iR.51; 20:iS.88. Public build- ings, 35:iiE.'.G. Bates of exchange, etc., l*iS-4'i, ii; : ii 8.69. United States bank of Pennsylvania, 25: U S.179, 230, 387, iii 8.31; 27:iS.Ul. PHILADELPHIA, frigate. Destruction of, 19:i R.48, ii E.4, R.74; 20:1R.201, URJ57; 21:iR60; 22:1 E.27,62, ii R.43; 23:iR.45; 24: i R.237. Pension to the surviving captors, etc., 30: i B~520. PHYSICAL sciences. Memorial by W. R. Johnson, 25:i .396. PIERCE, Gen. V., Payments made to, 32: i 8.115. PlOEON river, Mich., Improvement of, 25: iii S.180. PILLOW, G., Courts of inquiry into the case of, 30: i S.Gj. PILOTS. Regulation of, 24: ii R.263. Repeal of act 2 March, 1837, concerning, 26: i RJ81, S.153,455. PILOTS on the Ohio and Mississippi, 27: ii R.178. PiRACiESin the West Indies, 18:iE.2(p.l30), R.124, UE.75, R.22, 47, 8.9,15. PIRACY. See Plattsburg, Khooner. PITTSBURGH. Road to Presqu' Isle, 21:1 R.196. PITTSBURGH and Erie canal, 19:i R.151.216; 20:i E.284. PLAN INO machine. See Wood worth, W. W. PLANTS. See Seeds and plants. PLATTSBURO.gcAooner. Piracy in 1817, 26: i E.199. PLOUGHING and dredging machine. Sec Putnam, J. R. PLYMOUTH, J/oss. Custom-house, 22: ii .52; 34:iR.'4. Harbor, 18:iiE.27; 24:1 E.142,212; 35:iE.48. POINT Isabel, Texas, Breakwater at , 33: i E.81. POINT Lookout, Chesapeake bay. Lighthouse, 21 :iE.C4. POLISH exiles. Grant of land, 23: i E.353; 24:i E.163,213; 25:ii S.56,161; 27:iiS.46. POLK CO., Iowa. Land for seat of justice, 29 : i R.590. POPE, J. Exploration of Minnesota, 31: i S.42. Route for the Pa- cific railroad near the 32 parallel, 33: ii 8.78 (pt2, v.13). PORK exported, 1791-1*50, 22: i S.20. See alto : Salted provisions. PORT Kent, JV. Y. Breakwater, 24: ii .44. PORT Mahon, Naval depot at, 27: iii E7. PORT Pontchartrain, Harbor of, 28: ii S.80. POSTAGE summit, Ohio. Canal to Kearney's line in Penn., 23: U E.65. Railroad route from Hudson river, etc., 22: i E.1'53. PORTLAND, Me. Harbor, with maps, 23: i .491. Marine hospital, 22:iR.468; 23:iR.151; 24:iE.68, R5; 25:iiE.82; 3_>:i 8.R.19. PORTO Rico, Trade with, 23: i E.170, ii E.173. PORTS of entry. Equality in respect to drawback, 24:iRJ90; PORTSMOUTH, N.H. Dry dock, 20:iiR.8. PORTSMOUTH, Fa. Navy yard, 21: i E.98. Posit GAL. Commercial intercourse with, 18: i 8.77. Duties on tonnage, 22: i .206; 24:i.134. Duties on wines, 24: i 8.303; 28: i .41,224, R.124; 29:i.219; 31 : ii R.107. Seealso: Lis- bon, Madeira. PORTUGUESE. Seizure of slaves belonging to the, 28:1 SJ217. POST-OFFICE. Annual reports of the P. M. G., (1823) 18 :i .2 (p. 199); (1824)18:ii.2(p.l73); (1825) 19:i E.2(p.l65); (1826) 19:uE.2(pt4); (1827)20:1 E.2 (p.253); (1828) 20:ii E.2 (p. KJ7); (13J9) 21:i E.2(p.43); (1830) 21:iiE.2(pJl); O831) 22: i E.2 (p.46); (1832) 22: ii .2 (p.50); (1833) 23: i .1 (p. 286); (l34)23:UE.2(p.385); (183J) 24:i .2 (p.3S7); (1836) 24:iiE.2(p^07); (1837) 25:ii E^ (p.857); (1838) 25: iii .2 (p.G14); (1839) 26:i E.2(p.613) ; (1840) 26:ii E.2 (p.475); (1841) 27:ii E.2 (p.435); (1*4-') 27:iii E.2(p.728); (1843)28:1 E.2(p.(J87); (1844)28:uE.2(p.663); (1J) 29:i E.2(p^50); (1846) 29:ii E.4 (p.679); (1847)30:1 E-8(p.l311); (I848)30:ii E.l(p.l239); a849)31:iE.5(p.773); (1850)31:iiE.l (p.403); (1851) 32:iE.2(pt.2,p.417); (18.52) 32:ii .1 (pt.2, p.635); (1853) 33:iE.l(pt.3,p699); (1854) 33:ii 8.1 (pt2,p.613) ; (1855) 34:i E.I (pt.3, p^!7); (1856) 34:iii E.I (pt.2, p.7ffi); (1857) 35:iE.2(pt.2,p.962); (1S58) 35: ii E.2(pt.4, p.715). Blanks, 22: i E.292; 28: i E.187^48; 33:iE^3. Contracts other than for transporting the mails, 32: i E.125. Estimates of appropriations, (1S37) 24 :ii .48; (1838) 25: ii .109; (1839) 25: iii .160 (p.32); (1840) 26:i E.46; (1841) 26:ii E.5G.50; (1842)27:ii.32; (1843) 27: iii .116; (1844) 28:i E.116,214; (1845)23:iiE.30; (1846) 29:i E.97; (1847)29:" E.45; (1848) 80:iE.46; (lS9)30:ii E.40; (1850)31:i E.63; Cll)31:ii E.26; (1852)32:iE.38; (1853) 32 :ii E.22; (1854)S5:i .92; (1855)S3:iiE.19; (1856)34:iE.85; (1857) 34: iii E.22; (1858) 85:iE.90; (1859) 35: ii .54. Receipts, (1820-22) 18:i E.151; (1823)18:iE.95; (1825)19:i E.ll; (1820)19:ii E.35; (1827) 20:iE.60; (1828) 20:ii E.71; (1829) 21 : i E.61 ; (1830)21:ii E.119; (1831)22:iE.262; (1832) 22:U E.18; (1833)23:1 E.63; (1834)23:iiE.176; (1835)24:1 E.262; (1837) 25 :iE.54; (1838) 25:iiE.461; (1839) 25: iii .247. Receipts and expenditures, (1840) 26:iiE.120; (1841) 27: ii .284; (1842) 27: Ui .105; (1844)28:uE.155; a84o)29:i E.114; (lSi)29:ii E.4(p.690); (1847) 30:i E.18,45,72; (1848) 30:ii E^I8; (18J9) SI : i i:.J..V. : (1850)31:iiE.6; (l^Sl) 32:i E.47,54,72,109; (1>52) ;>-': ii .24, 61; (1851) 33:iE.101; (1854) 33:iiE.85; (1855)34:i E.51; 0856-58)35:1 .129. Reports on the condition of: Barry's (1830),21:iS.136; Clayton's (1S31), 21 : ii S.73; Connor's (1830), 21:iR.361; (1835), 23:ii R.103; Erving'sG834),23:i S.422. Grundy's minority report (1835), 23:U S.8M52; (1836), M:l UNITED STATES 835 UNITED STATES UNITED STATES. Congressional docs., Index, continued. POST-OFFICE, continued. Miscellaneous documents, 18:iE.10; 22.-1R.450; 23:1 E.505, R.2S5, S.:,13d, ii 8.123; 24:i 8.287; 25:iiE.9, 275,443, lii E.11G, S.290; 26:ii E.85, S.?9; 27 : ii R.995,989, iii S.:::i; 2S:iE.2l::, R.198; 29:iE.97; 31:iR.411; 32:1 i:.i;j,126; 33:iiR.139; 35:i H.M.61,108. See ofco: Express mails, Mail. POSI-OFFICE department. Building, 24:iiE.33, R.134, S.19,215; 25:ii R.737, iii .129,1315,221; 26:1 E.1S7; 27:i E.44, ii E.79; 34: i E.39. Clerks, etc., (1823) 18: i E.126; (1824) 18:U E.15; (13J5)19:iE.3J; (1S2G) 19.-UE.32; (1827)20:1 .37; (1828) 20:il.G2; (1829)21:1 .105; (1.S30) 21:ii .97; (l31)22:i E.49; (1832) 22:11 .122; (1833)23:1 .261; (1834) 23: ii E.179; (1835) 24:iE.84; (1836) 24: ii E.1C9; (1S37) 25: ii E.58; (183S)25:iiiE.52; (1839) 26:i E.87; (1840) 26 :ii E.49 ; (lS41)27:iiE.GO; (1842) 27: iii E.1GI; (1843) 28: IE. 28:iiE.120; (1845) 29:i E.90; (1846)29:11 .39; (1847)30:i E.32; (1848) 30: ii E.48; (1849) 31 : i E.5G; (1850) 31 : ii E.39; (1851)32:iE.37; (18,52) 32: ii E.GO; (1854) 33:ii E.S1; (1855) 34:1 .31; (185C) 34:iiiE.52; (1857) 35:iE.54,77; (1858)35: 11E.78. (Miscellaneous documents), 21:iR.122; 24:iE.235, ii E.153, 176; 25: ii R.630, iii E.150; 27: i E.40,47, ii E.252, iii E.188. Contingent expenses, (1837) 25: UE.lfi; (1838) 25: iii E.16; (1339) 26: i .80; (1840) '.G:ii E.45; (1841) 27: ii E.31; (1842)27:iiiE.73; (!843)28:i E.117; (1844) 28:ii E.74; (1846) 29:iiE.78; (1850)31:ii E.38; (1851)32:1 E.123; (1854)33:11 E.80; (1855).-:4:iE.2C; (1SG) 34:iii .18; (1857)35:1 E.56i (1858) 05: ii E.79. Proposed abolishment of the, 35: UR.135. POST-OFFICE laws. Violation of, 28:1 R.228. POST routes. Unproductive, (18J3) 18:1 E.80; (1824) 18:iiE.22; (1825)19:iE.43; (182G) 19:ii E.IJ'1; (lS27)20:i E.220; (1828) 20:iiE.42; (1329) 21:1 .70; (1830) 21:11 E.I1C; (1831)22:i .243; (1832) 22:ii.84; (1833) 23:1 .504; (1834)23:11 .180. POSTAGE. Reduction of rates, 25:iiR.909, iii 8.194; 26:18.547; 27:iiR.1101; 28:1 R.477,483, il S.43; 30.-1R.731, 11 .17; 31: R.411; 32:1 R.49; 34:iii S.M.50; 35:ii S.13. Miscellaneous documents, 22:iE.55; 24:iiR.311; 25: ii .108,116,119,337, R.1019; 28:iS.137, ii E.1G2; 30: i .34, R^15. See also: Franking privilege, Post-office receipts. POSTAL arrangements of foreign countries, 26: ii 8.156; 32: i S.122. POSTAL arrangements with Great Britain, 30: i S.30; 32: ii S.32,50; 33:ii 8.07,73. POSTMASTERS, 18:1 .51,144,151; 19:iE.114; 21:18.106; 24:ii. 185,8.80; 25:ii S.11G, iii S.292; 27:UE.228; 31:18.37. POTATOES imported annually, 1816-43, 28:1 E.110. POTOMAC aqueduct, 25: ii E.459; 26: U S.178. POTOMAC company, 21:1 S.39. POTOMAC river. Bridges within the District of Columbia, 19; i S. 86; 22:iR.4S4; 23: i E.29,T5J,374, R.264, ii E.12,33,51; 24:i E.53,168,281, ii E.9; 25:iE.48; 27: iii .100,152; 28:iR.159; 29:iR.l,7, ii R.49; 30:iR.G43; 31:1 E.2.'; 32:1S.M.107; 34:1 E.97, R.108,318,319, 1UE.C8, H.M.61, 8.40; 35: i R.98. Im- provement, 23: ii S.133; 30:iiE.G9; 31:1E.22; 34:18.52; 35 :i 8.34. POTTAWATOMIE Indians, 21: ii .85; 25: U S.341,395,492, iii E.231; 27:iiE.143; 33:i S.76. POTTER, Z. W., consul at Valparaiso, Sl:i 8.16. POUND sterling and dollar. Relative value of, 34:1 S.R.288. PRAIRIE du Chien, Barracks at, 22: i E.204. PRE-EMPTION frauds, 24: i .125,211, S.230, ii 8.168. PRE-EMPTION- laws and rights, 24: i S.20), 243,376; 25:ii R.434, 8. 37,414, iii R.lVJ; 27:118.37,3); 30:iS.R.216; 34:iiiR.lia PRE-EMPTIONS. Miscellaneous documents, 18: 1R.115; 19:1 R.40; 2!:i 11.318, 11R.79; 24:1 R.2UO,(J06, ii R.53; 25:ii .303,450; 2G:iiE.78. PBESEN-TS to public officers by foreign governments, 23: i .28, 101, S.49. See also : Muscat. PRESIDENT. Messages at the commencement of sessions, (1823) 18:i.2; (1824)18:iiE.2; (1825) 19:1 E.I; (1826) 19:ii E.2; (1827)20:1E.2; (1828) 20:ii E.2; (1.S2TI) 2l:i E.2; (1830)21: iiE.2; (1831)22:1 E.2; (1832)22:11 .2; (1833)23:1 E 1; (1834) 23: ii .2; (1835) 24: i E.2; (1*36)24:11 E.2; (1837)25: 1E.1,UE.3; (1^38) 25: iii E.2; (1339) 26:1 E.2; (1840) 26: ii .2; (1841) 27 :i E.I, iiE.2; (1842)27: iii E.2; (184-3) 28:1 E.2; (1844) 28 :ii E.2; (1845)29:1 E.2; (1846) 29:ii E.4; (1847)30: iE.8; (1848) 30: ii E.I; (1849) 31 : i E.5 ; (1850) 31 :ii E.I; (1851) 32: i E.2; (1852) 32: ii E.I; (1353)33:i.l; (1854)33: UE.l; (1855) 34:1 E.I; (1856) 34 : iii E.I ; (1857)35:1 .2; (1858) 35 :ii E.2. Note. Appended to these annual mes- sages arc always to be found the reports and documents from the several executive departments. See Interior, Navy, Post-office, State, Treasury, War. Election of, 18:1 R.8, 11R.41; 19:18.22; 23:1 S.5, UR.G9; 24:ii R.191,296; 34:iS.R.2CO. PRESIDENT'S certificates of indebtedness, Payments on, 29:1 E. 187. PRESIDENT'S right to withhold papers called for by congress, 27: iii R.271. PRESQU' Isle, Pa. Harbor, 23:u E.7G; 24 : i .128,212,297. PRIME meridian, 31 : i R.286. PRINCE'S Bay, N.J., Examination of, 25:ii 8.253. PRINCETON, steamer, 28:1 E.121, R.479. PRINTING (Public). Annual report of the superintendent, (1853) 33:18.3; (1854) 33: 11 8.6; (1855) 34 : i H.M.31 ; (1856)34:111 ' UNITED STATES. Congressional docs., Index, continued. PRINTING, continued. II.M.14; (1857)35:iH.M.3; (185S)35:ii H.M.3. Estimates, (1855) 32 :iiH.M 12,13; (1856) 33:1 ILM.80; (1857) 34 : iii H. M.1G. Expenses, (1813-45), 29: iE.83; (1819-35)24:18.11; (1830-41) 27 :iiE.120; (1829-43) 28: i R.230; (1845-47) 35: i S. 27; (1853-57)35:18.50. Regulations in respect to, 23:1 S. 265. Reports (Black and Evans), 26: iR.298; (Crafts), 27: ii 8.332: (Davis and Benton), 29: 1R.754; (Hamer),23;iiR-138. Miscellaneous documents, 20: ii R.90; 21 :i S.141; 23: ii S. 100,122; 24:18.180; 2G:i R.425, ii E.3G, R.101,215; 28:1 E. 68,176; 29:iiE.12.', 8.223; 3(1: i S.R.2J7, ii S.M.GU; 31:iH. M.10,55, S.M.33; 33: i U.M.7, R.186; 35: i R.378, U 8.189. PRISON ships. Monuments to the victims of the, 28:ii R.176. PRIVATE claims. Amounts paid (1835-40), 26:1 8.70; 27:118.387. Before the senate, (14th--:Gth congress), 26:118.200; (14th- 30th congress), 30:iiS.M.G7; (14th-S3d congress), 33:ii S.M.27. Creation of a board of, 25: ii R.7SO; 29:iR.141. Effects of reports of committees on,25:iii E.101,105,10G,114. On account of loans during the late war, 18: ii E.39, R.l. On account of private property taken for public use, Rule for payment of, 20: i R.90. Joint rule on, 27: ii R.937. On account of private property lost, captured, etc., 23 :i R.383. Miscellaneous claims discharged at treasury, (1824) 18:ii E.O5; (1825) 19:1 .57; (182G) 19:ii E.101; (1827) 20:1 .185; (1828)20:iiE.134; (1829) 21:1 .57; (1830) 21: ii .94; (1831) 22:iE.114; (1832) 22:ii .108; (1833) 23: i E.124; (1834)23: 11E.161; (1835)24:iE.159; (1*36) 24:ii E.S7; (1837) 25:ii .189; (1838)25: iii E.75. See also: Court of claims. Note. An index to the private claims considered by the house of representatives, from the 1st to the 31st congress inclusive, was published in 1853, in 3v. 4, and may be found on shelf C. 140.3. PRIVATE mails prohibited, 28: i .213. PRIVATEER pension fund. See Pensions. PRIVATEERS, Instructions by President Monroe on, 33: i .111. PRIVILEGE, Breach of. Assault on the president's private secre- tary by R. Jarvis, 20: i R.260. Assault on Mr. Ewing by 3. F. Lane, 23: UR.135. Case of Wheeler and Codd, 24: i R. 762. See also : Benton, T. H., Brooks, P. S., Garland, R., Rathbun, G. PRIZE agents, Accounts of, 1823, 18:1 E.153. PRIZE money paid into the treasury, 1789-1848, 31:1 8.35. PROCTER'S landing. La. Fortification, 30: i S.61. PROMETHEUS, steamship. Attack by a British vessel of war, 31:1 S.6; 32:1 .61, 8.30. PROMOTION. See Army, Navy. PROTECTION to manufactures. Adams's report, 22:1 R.481, UR. 122; Ingersoll's and McDuth'e's, 22:iR.279; Mallary and Monell's,21:iiR.3G. PROVIDENCE, R.I. Hospital for distressed seamen, 21:1 E.96. PROVINCETO WN, Sfass. Harbor, 25: ii .121. PROW ship (steam) invented by Comm. Barron, 24: i R.674, PRUSSIA, Relations with, 20:1 .274, 8.196; 27:18.55; 29:1 R.422. PUBLIC buildings. See Washington. PUBLIC debt. See Debt (Public). PUBLIC documents. See Documents (Public). PUBLIC grounds. See Washington. PUBLIC lands. See Lands (Public). PUBLIC money. See Bank, Deposit banks, Depositories. PUBLIC printing. See Printing (Public). PUBLIC securities. See Securities (Public). PUBLIC works. See Engineers (Military), Topographical engi- neers. PuGET sound. Railroad route from St. Paul's to, 33: ii E.9(v.ll, pt.l). Railroad route to the Mississippi via South pass, 33:ii E.'Jl (v.ll, pt.2). PULTE, J. II. Magnetic telegraph around the globe, 31: i S.109. PUNISHMENTS in the army, 31: i S.Ii.L'.' !. PURSERS in the navy, 22: i 8.42; 24: i R.78, 8.394, UR.142; 25:ii R 586, 8.443; 2G:i 8.28(1; 35:iiE.40. PUTNAM, J. R., Ploughing and dredging machine invented by, 29:1E.30. QUAPAW Indians, 18: ii .95; 19: ii .43, R.GO. QUARTER-MASTER general. Annual report, (ISJ'i) 18: i .2 (p.10); (lS24)13:iiE.2(p.70); (1825) 19:1 .1 (p.12); (1826) 19:11 E. 2(p.l82); (1827)20:iE.2(p.72); (1828) 20:ii E.2 (p.49); (1S29) 21: i E.2 (p.137); (1*30) 21:11 E.2 (p.127); (1831) 22:1 E.2 (p. 116); (lSJ2)22:iiE.2(p.82); (183!) 23:1 .1 (p.4G); (1834) 23:11 E.2 (p.92); (1835) 24:i E.2(p.74); (183(0 24: ii E.2 (p. 153); (1837) 25:ii .3 (p.251); (1833) 25:iii E.2 (p.122); (1839) 26:i.2(p.ll2); (1840) 26:ii E.2 (p.87); (1841) 27: ii E.2 (p. 87); (1812) 27:iii E.2 (p.220); (18) 23:1 E.2 (p.69); (1844) 28:iiE.2(p.l35); (1845)29:i.2(p.223); (1846) 29: ii .4 (p. 143); (1847)30:i.8(p.543); (1848) 30: ii E.I (p.lS7); (1850) 81:11 E.I (p.121); (1851) 32:1 .2 (p.217); (1852) ::2:ii E.I (v.l, pt.2,p.G7); (1853) 33 :i.l (v.l, pt.2, p.129); (1854) 33 : ii E.I (V.I, pt.2, p.71); (1855) 34:1 E.I (v.l, pt.2, p.Hj); (1856)34: lii .1 (v.l, pt.2, p.251); (1857) 35 :i E.2 (v.2, pt.2, p.58); (1858) 35:iiE.2(v.2, pt.3, p.792). QCAKTER-MASTER'S department, 18:iiR.4; 19:1R.23; 24:1 E^O, 99, R.81; 34:1 H.M.27, iii H.M. 24,33; 35:iH.M.22. QUINTUPLE treaty respecting the slave-trade, 27: iii S.52,223; 29:18.377. UNITED STATES 836 UNITED STATES UNITED STATES. Congressional docs., Index, continued. RACINE, Wis. Harbor, 26: i E.157, S.444,564; 31:iS.M.CO. RAGITET, C., Slanders on, in Brazilian newspaper, 20: i 11.212. RAILROAD from the Atlantic to the Mississippi, 23:ii E.177. RAILROAD from the Great Bend on Ked river, to Providence on the Mississippi, 31 : ii 8.42. Note. For other railroads, see the names of the companies, or of places they connect, namely: Alexandria, Loudon, and Hampshire, Baltimore and Ohio, Baltimore and Susquehannah, Charleston anc Cincinnati, Chattahoochie and Mobile, Coosa and Tennes- see, Cumberland and Holidaysburg, Eastern Shore, Grand Gulf, Great Western, Hudson and Berkshire, Illinois Cen- tral, Memphis and Charleston, Mississippi and Missouri Mobile and Ohio, New Albany and Salem, Norristown, Northern cross, Ohio and Mississippi, Pacific, Savannah and Albany, St. Joseph and Hannibal. RAILROAD iron. Drawbacks on, 24:iR.152; 27:iiE.2G5; 28:1 K.478; 34: iii S.55. Imported free of duty, 1832-39, 2G:i E.18. KAILBOADS in Belgium, 20: i 8.29. RAILROADS in the territories, 34: i R.324. RAILWAYS. Value for the defence of the country and the transpor- tation of the mails, 27:ii S.327. RAISIN river, Mich., Harbor at the mouth of, 23: ii S.10. RAMSEY, A. Allegations of fraud, 32: ii S.29; 33: i 8.61. RANDOLPH, R. B., and Timbcrlake, J. B., Accounts of, 21:i E.11C. RARITAN bay, N.J., Examination of, 2.3: ii S.'J53. RARITAN frigate. Appropriation to finish, 25: ii R.702. RATIIBUN, G. Rencounter with J. White, 28:iR.470. RATIFICATION. Acts of the several states adopting the const'tu- tion of the United States, 21: ii E.61. RATIO of representation. See Apportionment. KAUB, S. Double self-acting safety valvcs,24:ii S.159; 25:iiE.51, R.32. 1 !, iii .204; 26: i R.G51, ii R.92. RE Kyan Bey. Treatment and use of the dromedary, 35: i S.M.271. REAL estate purchased by U. S. from 1770-1825, 19: i E.92,97. REAL estate of the U. S., Discharge of liens upon, 2G: i E.94. RECEIPTS and expenditures. See Treasury. RECIPROCITY of trade with the Br. Am. colonies, 31:i E.64; 32:ii E.40, H.M.19, R.4, 8.34; 34:iH.M.17i 35: i E.35, ii E.98. RED river. La., Improvement of, 19: ii R.90; 20: ii S.78; 23: i E.98j 24:i 8.197; 20:iR.426; 27:i S.04; 29:18.26) 32:18.49,54; 33: i E.24, ii E.90; 34: i R.85, S.49. REED, S., Official conduct of, 28: ii 8.84. REED, W. B., commissioner to China, Instructions to, 35: i 8.47. REEDER, A. II. Claims to a seat as Kansas delegate, 34:iii H.M.13. REEDY Island, Delaware river. Harbor, 31: i K.:^1.'. REGISTER of public officers (Blue Book). Annual publication recommended, 23 : i K.5 19. REILLY, B. Medical application of gases and vapor, 25: ii R.543. RELIEF of distressed citizens in foreign countries, 3j: i S. R.292. RELIEF of states by issuing stock to the amount of $200,000,000, 27:iiiR.120,296. RELIEVING vessels of their. S. on foreign stations, 21: iiS.14. RELIGIOUS toleration, Correspondence on, S3:i 8.60. REMISSION of duties on goods destroyed by fire, 33: i R.202. See also: New York. REMOVALS from office, (17S9-1840)26:iE.132; (1833-39) 25:iii R.325; REPRESENTATIVES. See Apportionment. RESACA de la Palma, Battle of, 29: ii S.4. RESOLUTE, ship. Restoration to her majesty's service, 34: iii E.43. RETRENCHMENT in expenses, 20:i 14.259, S.200, ii 11.101; 23:i R.547; 27:UR.203,741,75a,8.'9, iii S.224; 28: i R.300, S.399; 29: ii E.70. REVENUE collected, (1790-1825) 19:1 E.139; (1789-1819) 26 : i 8.156 ; (18^5-40) 26:ii E.61; (185J-57) 35: i S.25. Expense of col- lecting, (1818-C7) 25: U 8.504; (1839-41) 26:ii E.G1; (1840) 29:iiE.79; (1848-49)31:1 S.M.39. Safe-keeping, etc., 23: ii E.27 ; 25 : i E.29, ii E.3 (p.105), iii R.262. Miscellaneous doc- uments, 20: i E.168; 22:iS.155; 23:ii E.17; 25:ii 8.445,51*3, iii .192; 2G:i S.259,502; 27 : i E.31, iii 8.183; 28:iR.40G; 29: i 8.430, ii 8.105; SO: i E.82. Sec also : Duties, Finances, Frauds. Receipts and expenditures, Surplus revenue, Tariff, Treasury. REVENUE cutters, 2ti:i E.77,9J; 28:iE.45, ii E.22, 8.27,119; 29: i E.39,201,206, ii E.17; 30: i E.30, R.415; ii E.52, R.137; 32: i E.39, iiE.51; 33:iE.14. REVENUE laws, 33:i S.77; 35:iE.50. REVENUE officers. See Collectors. REVOLUTION. See Documentary history of the revolution. REVOLUTIONARY army. Commutation pay, 19:iE.135; 22: ii E.132 ; 23 : i 8.77. Monuments to officers of the, 25 : ii R.444. See also : Pensions. REVOLUTIONARY claims, 22: ii E.l"2; 23:iR.230; 24:iE.224. REOVLUTIONARY land warrants, 19 :i E.52; 20:iS.42; 21:iE.83; 23:iiS.4; 24:iiR.90; 27:18.98. RET, J. G., alias Garcia, J. Abduction from N. Orleans, 31 : i 8.13. RHIND, C., Horses given by the grand sultan to, 21: ii R.107. RHODE Island. Contested election of senator, E. K. Potter vs. Ash- cr Robbins, 23: i S.139,246. Dorr rebellion in, 28: i E.225,232, R.546,581. Lighthouses and beacon, 19: i E.30. Marine hos- pital money collected, 23: H E.30. See also: Fort Adams, Narraganset bay, Newport, Providence, Warren. RICARA Indians, Hostilities of, 18: i E.2 (p.5-5). RICE (American rough), 27: ii E.2 (p.47); 28:iE.278; 30:iE.38. RICH, O., Printed and manuscript books in possession of, 20: i R.37. UNITED STATES. Congressional docs., Index, continued. RICHMOND, Rev. J. C. Annoyances at Trieste, 33: i E.100. RICHMOND, Fa. Coal trade, 24: ii E.93,1.13. RIDGE, J., Proceedings of T. L. McKenney against, 20: i E.219. RIFLEMEN, Annual expenses of a regiment of, 29: i E.SJ. Rio de Janeiro, Mail steamers from Philadelphia to, 01: ii S.R.267. Rio Grande, Route from Arkansas to. Sue Michler, N. RiO Grande frontier, Disorders and outrages on, 32: i E.112. RIPLEY, J. W. Election for Oxford district, Me., contested by R. Washburn, 21 : i R.88. Proceedings in the case of, 29: i 8.344. RIVERS, Improvement of, 24:i R.297; 29:i 8.451, ii S.44,7!); ."/): i R.741; 31 :iH.M.54, R.741; 32:iiE.5. See also : Harbors, Sand bars. ROADS, Steam carriages on, 22: i E.101. See also: Engineers, In- ternal improvements. Railroads. ROANOKE inlet, Improvement of, 20: ii E.82,128; 21 :i R.317, ii E. 6; 22:iR,417; 26:ii 8.132; 29:iR.251. ROBBINS, A. Seat as a senator from Rhode Island, contested by E. R. Potter, 3:i S.139,'J4fi. ROBERTS, B. S. Services in the capture of Mexico, 34: i S.R.32. ROBERTS, J. Removal from collectorship of Phila., 27:iiiR.284. ROCK creek, D. C'., Bridge across, 26: ii S.51. ROCK Island, III., 26: i S.89; 35:ii E.81. ROCK river rapids of the Mississippi river, Improvement of, 25: ii 8.139; 26:18.150; 33:i E.104, ii 8.12. ROCK river and Mississippi canal company, 26: i S.293. ROCKY mountains. Dodge's expedition in 1S35, 24:iE.181. Ex- ploration by J. C. Fremont, 27: iii S.243. New route through by H. Stansbury, 32: Special session, E.3. ROGUE river valley, Oregon, Indian hostilities in, 33: i E.99. ROOT river, If in., Survey of, 34: i R.73. Ros ARIO, Buenos Aijres, Consulate at, 35: i R.252. ROUND island, coast of Miss., Dispersion of persons on, 1849, 31; i 8.55. RUGOLES, 3. Charges of corruption, 25: ii S.577. RUMSEY, J. Treatise on the application of steam, 27: ii E.189. RUSSIA. Convention respecting boundaries on the northwest coast, 18: ii E.58. Correspondence on renewing the 4th ar- ticle of the treaty of 1824, 25: iii E.2 (p.46). Treaty of com- merce and navigation with, 23 :i E.415. SABBATH mails. See Sunday mails. SABINE, L. Report on the fisheries, 32: ii E.23 (p.lSl). SABINE river. Improvement of the, 25:ii E.305. Violation of rev- enue laws, 25: ii E.4GG. SAC and Fox Indians, 27:ii R.902, iii R.198; 30:i S.70. SACKETT'S harbor. Barracks, 22: ii R.115. Fortifications, 29: iR. 449. Navy yard, etc., 23 : ii E.43. . SAFETY-GUARD against explosions of steam-boilers, 28:iiR. UK, SAFETY-VALVES for steam-boilers, 26: i R.C51. SAOINAW. Military road to Mackinac, 25: ii 8.234. ST. AUGUSTINE, Fla. Harbor, 21 : i E.93. Repairs of Fort Marion, 24 : ii U.218 ; 25 : ii R.724. Sea-wall, etc. , 22 : ii E.C2 ; 27 : U R. 790, 8.425. ST. CLAlRflats, 27:iiS.393; 32:iS.76; 34;i S.71,73, iii S.46. ST. CEO ix, W. I., Commerce with, 21: i R.117, UE.21. ST. DOMINGO. See Hayti. ST. FRANCIS river. Ark., Survey of, 2l:ii 8.219. ST. GENEVIEVE, Mo. Supportof schools, 34: i R.207. ST. HELENA, S. C. Survey of bar for the location of buoys, etc., 25: ii E.187. Si. HELENA land district, La., 18: i R.108; 19: i E.56,70, R.119, U R.12; 10:iR.31; 21:iiE.23; 26:iE.155. ST. JOHN'S river, Flo., Improvement of, 27: ii R.890; 33:1 8.79. ST. JOSEPH'S river, Mich., Harbor at the mouth of, 23: ii 8.132; 23 : ii E.277. ST. JOSEPH and Hannibal railroad, Mo., 30: i S.R.178. ST. LAWRENCE./n'ffate, Proposed completion of, 29: i R.777. ST. LAWRENCE river, Free navigation of the, 20: i E.43; 31:iR. 2t>5; 3_':iiS.34. ST. Louis, Mo. Arsenal, 19:i R.129. Harbor, 23:i R.425, 8.300, ii R.14; 24:iE.197; 25:iiE.298; 28: i 8.185,203,032. Marine hospital, 29: i R.437. Quarantine island, 31 : i R.502. School lands, 20: ii R.12. ST. MAEK'S, Fla. Fortifications, 19: i E.83; 23: i E.301. Harbor, 20: i 8.45,50, ii E.76. Marine hospital, 33: i S.M.12. Public lots, 26: i S.250. ST. MARY'S, Ga. Harbor, 20:1 S. 12. Navy yard, 19 : i 8.27. ST. MARY'S river, Mich., Canal around the falls of, 26: i 8.383; 2S:iS.lL>0,2G8; 32:iR.95. ST. PAUL'S, Min. Custom-house, post-office, etc., 34:iii R.115. Railroad to Pnget sound, 33: ii E.91 (v.ll, pt.l). ST. PETEK'S river, Min., Military reserve on the, SliU R.99. See also : Mississippi river. ST. REGIS Indians, 32:i 8.54; 35:i S.73. ST. STEPHENS' land district, Ala., 20: i E.285; 22:iE.197; 23:i E.ltiO,420,496, 8.434, ii E.4; 25: iii S.irs. SALARIES increased, (1836) 24: i S.427; (1S37) 24:ii S.223; (1838) 25:iiS.509; (1839) 25: iii 8.305; (1840) 20: i E.265; (1841)26: US.235; (1842)27:ii S.444; (1843) 27: iii S. 245; (!S44)28:iS. 406; (1845)2S:iiS.177; (1846) 29: i E.228; (1847) 29:ii S.224; (1848)30:iS.M.155; (1849) 30:ii S.M.65; (1850)31:i II.M. 21; (1851)31:iiH.M.21; (1852)32: i U.M.71; (185J!) 32:ii H. M.24; (1854) 33 : i S.M.74; (1855)34:ii S.M.2; (lSj6)34:ui S.M.56; (1857)35:18.11.273; (1858)35:ii S.M.S5. UNITED STATES 837 UNITED STATES UNITED STATES. Congressional docs,, Index, continued. SALT, 19:18.61; 20:iS.47,48i 21:iiR.70; 22:i E.131, S.105; 25: iii S.215,269; 2G:i S.196; 27:iii E.20; 29:iS.113; 33:iE.3a. SALT springs, 18: i E.li'8; 19: i S.38,45. See also: Missouri, Sciota. SALT works in the United States, 21 :i E.53. SALTED provisions exported, (1791-1830)22:18.20! (1832)22:13. 120. SALTPETRE. Researches for the discovery of a means of supply, 34:iiiE.75. SAN Diego, Cal. Harbor, 35: ii H.M.13. SAN Diego river, Diverting the course of the, 32: i 8.43. SAN Francisco. Appraiser's store, 33: i E.15,119. Custom-house, 33:iE.5,118. Floating sectional dock, 32: i 8.44. Fortifica- tions, 32: 1 8.29; 33: ii S.24. Harbor, 32: ii S.43. Mails to, 32: IS. 51; 33: Special session, E.I. Marine hospital, 32: i E.133; 33:iE.54,94; 84: iii 8. R. 405; 35:iiS.30. Mint,32: i E.92,132; 33: ii E.37; 34: iii E.32, H.M.45. Navy yard, 32: i S.R.14. Proceedings of vigilance committee, 34: iii S.43. SAN Francisco, steamship, 33 :i R.113, S.24, S.R.85. SAN Jacinto, steamer. Inspection of, 34: i 8.29. SAN Juan de Nicaragua. See Grcytown. SAN- Pedro, Cal. Harbor, 35: ii H.M.13. SAN Salvador. Difficulties with the British authorities, 31:ii S.43. SAND bars in rivers, Colquhoun's plan for removal of, 28:1 8.170. SANDUSKY harbor, JV.y:,25:ii E.399; 29:iE.205j 31:i.50. SANDWICH islands, 27: iii E.35; 29: i R.288. SANDY bay, Mass., Survey of, 20: i E.72; 21 : i E.95. SvN-DTand Beaver canal, 21 : i R.357 ; 23: ii E.50,141. SAXFORD, Gen. S. W. A. Correspondence on supplies for the Creeks, 25: iii E.127. SANTA Anna, Gen. A. L. de, Correspondence with, 24: ii S.84. SANTA Cruz, Agreement in relation to, 32: i S.87. SANTAFe, New Mexico. American citizens captured near, 27:ii E. 49. Route from Arkansas to, 31: iE.67. See also: Marcy, R. B., Simpson, J. H. SAPELO inlet, Ga., Survey of, 27:ii E.159. SAPPERS and miners, etc., 26: i S.237, ii 8.118; 27YU R.559; 28: i ii E.2 (p.186), R.131. SARDINIA, Treaty with, 26: i E.2 (p.25); 29:i 8.118. SAULT de Ste Marie. See St. Mary'u river, Mich. SAUGAIUCK. Harbor and river, 19: ii E.110. SAVANNAH, Ga. Barracks, 20: i E. 245. Custom-house, 24: i R.682; 27:iiE.138; 28:iiR.103. Harbor, 20: i 8.12. SAVANNAH and Albany railroad, 33 :i S.R.110. SAVANNAH river, Improvement of, 21: i E.106, R.248. 415, ii E.104; 22:iE.104; 24: ii E.2 (p.264); 28:iR.3CO; 31:18.19; 33:i E.124, S.84; 34: i 8.16. SAYBROOK harbor, Ct., 25: ii E.252. SAYRES, E., Imprisonment of, 34: i E.I 46. SCHMIDT, C. Arrest at Bremen, 33: i 8.60. SCHOOLCRAFT, H. R. Expedition among the Indians, in Huron territory, 22: i E.152. Expedition among the northwestern Indians, 22: ii E.125; 23:iE.323. Report on Indian statis- tics, 33-.H E.13. SCHWAKZ, J. G. Correspondence from Vienna, 31: i E.71. SCIOTA Salt Springs. On authorizing sale of reserve so called, SCITUATE harbor, Mass., 33: i E.31. SCOTT, Maj. Gen. W. Cavalry tactics, 19 : ii E.57. Correspond- ence during the Mexican war, 30: i E.56,59. General or- ders, No. 376, Mexican war, 30: i S.19. Infantry tactics, 23:iiE.121. Pay and emoluments of, 27:iiE.121; 32:i S.115; 34: iii S.34. Proceedings of the military court of inquiry into the cause of failure in the Florida war, 24: ii 8.224; 25:iiE.78. Rank relatively to others, 20: UR.&8. Rules and regulations for the army, 18: i I SEAMEN- registered in the several ports of entry, (1823) 18: i E.160; (1824) 18:iiE.105; (1825) 19:i E.141; (1826) 19:iiE.128; (1827) 20 :i E.252; (1829) 21:i E.92; (1830) 21:ii E.127; (1831) 22:iE.293; (1832) 22: ii E.119; (1833) 23:i E.238; (1834)23:ii E.163; (1835) 24:iE.163; (1836) 24:ii E.lll; (1837)25:ii E.24; (1838)25:iiiE.18; (1839) 26: i E.8; (1840) 26: ii E.a5; (1841)27:iiE.21; (1842) 27: iii E.13; (1843)28: i E.216; (1844) 28:iiE.12; (1845) 29:i E.215; (1846) 29:ii E.121; (1847) 30:iS.16; (1848) 30:ii E.15; (1849) 31 :i E.53; (1850)01: iiE.21; (1851) 32:iE.C; (1S52) 32: ii E.3 ; (1853)33:1 E.10; (1854) 33:iiE.9; (Ui55) 34:i E.3; (1856) 34: iii E.4; (1857) 35:iE.5; (1839-58) 35: ii E.4. Expenditures on ac- count of sick and disabled. Note. For information on this subject, see Reports from the Treasury. Miscellaneous documents, 21: ii S.14; 22:iS.46; 24:iiR.182; 28:iR.490, iiE.95; 32:iS.R.41; 35:iE.137. See also : Marine hospital fund, Navy. SEARING, J. A., Charges against, 35:ii R.186. SECURITIES, Public, Laws relating to offences against, 28: i R.571. SEEDS and plants, Introduction of foreign, 22:iE.188, R.454; 25:ii E.112,375, R.564,655, 8.300, iii E.80, S.151; H4:iii S.G1. SEMINOLE Indians. Appropriations for the war against, 24: i .291, ii E.29,152; 25: i E.19, ii E.ll:!,371. Hostilities with, 24: i E. 38,80,92,1 l:!,llo,-j::i,-j(ir,271.27,">, ii R.2;0,301,:504,319,:)22 ; 25:ii E.65,78,2G5,272,29!i,327,371,381, S.220,227, iii E.12:3,179,L5; 27: UE.55; 29:iiS.51,90; 31:18.49; 33:iiE.15. Removal to the west, 20: ii E.31; 25 : iii E. 93, S. 88; 32: ii S.379. SeeaUo: Florida, Georgia. SENATE. Clerks, etc., in the office of the secretary, 24:iS.12; 27:iii 8.179; 28:i S.18, ii 8.32; 29:18.40; 31:iS.M-34; 32:i UNITED STATES. Congressional docs., Index, continued. SENATE, confinnrtl. S.M.16, HS.M.ll;33:iiS.M.7; 34:i S.M.14, iii S.M.8. Con- tingent expenses, (1822) 18: i 8.4; (1825) 19: i S.I; (1826) 19:iiS.2; (1827)20:18.2; (1828) 20:ii S.2; (1829)21:i S.2; (1830) 21: ii 8.2; (1831) 22:i 8.2; (1832) 22: ii 8.2; (1833) 23:18.15: (18.34) 23: ii S.3; (1835)24:18.412; (1837) 25: ii 8.3; (1838) 25:iii S.7; (1839)26:18.24; (1840) 26:ii S.16; (1842)27:iiiS.17G; (1843)28:18.20; (1844) 28: ii 8.26; (1845) 29:iS.23; (1846) 29: ii 8.28; (1847) 30:i S.M 9; (1848)30:ii S.M.7; (1849)31:iS.M.33; (1850) 31:ii 8.M.7; (1851)32:1 S.M.15; (18SJ)32:ii S.M.10; (18.53) ; 33:i S.M.8; (1854)33:ii S.M.G; (1855)34:i S.M.13; (1856)34: iii S.M.4: (1857)35:1 S.M.150; (1858) 35: ii S.M.ll. Organization of the officers of, and their pay, 33: i S.R.344. Preserving order in, 31: i S.M.79. Private claims presented, (14th-2Gth cong.), 26: ii 8.236; (14th-30th cong.), 30:iiS.M.67; (14th-33d cong.), 33:iiS.M.27. Project for the employment of a reporter for the, 27: i S.114. Rule regulating admissions to the floor of the, 31: i S.R.156. Rule respecting secret proceedings, 33:i S.R.17J. Rule relating to committees, 34: iii S.R.395. Rules, 34 :i S.R.192. SENATE chamber, Enlargement of the, 29: i S.251. SENATOR. Duration of the service of one appointed during the recess of the legislature of his state, 31: ii S.R.209. SENECA Indians, 19: i R.209; 20:iiE.57; 21:iE.47; 25:iiE.S67, iii E.138; 26: i 8.33; 29: i S.273, ii S.156; 30: i S.31. SENEGAL, French vessels from, 26: i E.37. SEBGEANTS in the army, Pay of, 18: ii R.51. SETTLERS on the Indian frontier, 25: ii S.152. SHARPS, J. C., Court-martial in the case of, 26: ii E.86. SIIAP.PB'S rifle, 35: Special session, S.2 (v.6, pt.2). SHAWNEE Indians, 25: HE.188; 28:iR.541; 30:iR.507. SHELL reef, Ala., Channel through, 32: i E.90. SHERWOOD, H. H. Discoveries in magnetism, 25: ii S.499. SHIP Island, Miss., 29: i E.80, S.9,352; 31: i S.23. SHIP owners, Liability of, 31 : i R.33. Snips of war. Launching of certain, 27: ii E.240. SHIPWRECKED vessels. Preservation of life and property, 33: ii E.44. SIAM, Treaty with the king of, 25:ii E.3 (p.27); 35:ii E.8. SIBBALD, C. F., Case of, 32: ii E.G8. SIBERIA, Present state, etc., of, 30: i S.M.80. SICILIES, Kingdom of the two. Con ventions and treaties, 22: U E.60, S.70; 23 :i E.I 79,414; 24:iE.242. Neapolitan indem- nity, 25:ii R.441, 8.351. Neapolitan navy, Rescue of Amer- ican vessels from shipwreck, 34: i E.80. SIGNAL lights for sail vessels. See Lights. SILK. Growth and manufacture, 20 :i E.158; 21 :i E.126, R.289, ii E.114, R.7; 22:iE.ll, 232, R.222; 23:iiR.82; 24:iiR.287. Production in the United States, 25: iii S.205; 27: ii E.17. SILK worms, Breeding of, 19 :i R.182. SILKS, Duties on imported, 26: i E.49. SILVER. Purchase of, for recoinage, 33: ii S.52. Relative value of gold and, 21 :i 8.135. See also : Coins, Foreign coins. SILVER and gold, Cost of transportation of, 24: ii S.114. SIMPSON, J. H. Route from Fort Smith to Santa Fe, 31:i E.45. SINGLETERY, G. E. B. Dismissal from service, 30: i E.78. SIXEIN-O fund. Annual report of commissioners, (1823) 18: i E.62; (1824) 18: U E.71; (1825) 19:i E.79; (1826) 19:ii E.84; (1827) 20: i .121; (1828)20:ii E.112; (1829) 21: i E.53; (1830)21:ii E.91; (1831)22:1 .93; (1832) 22: ii E.95; (1833) 23:i E.83; (1834) 23: ii .128; (1835) 24: i E.100. See also : Debt, Public. Sioux Indians, 27:iiiE.101; 33:ii E.34,63; 34:i .130, UiH.M.46; 35:iE.135,136. Sioux reservation in Minnesota, 33: i R.138. SITGKEAVES.L. Expedition down the Zuni and Colorado, 32: ii S.59. SKINNER, I. L. Plan for supplying the public buildings in Wash- ington with water, 21 : i R.281,375,376. SLATER, S., and others. Memorial on the manufacture of cotton, SLATES imported, 1829-33, 22:ii S.36. SLAVE ships, Constitution, Louisa, and Merino, 19 :i E.121,126,152, 163, H.231. SLAVE-TBADE. Efforts for the suppression of the, 18:i E.2 (p.122), 119, H E.2, R.70; 19:i E.16, R.65, U E.2(pt.4,p.74),G9; 20:i E.2 (p.217), 193, S.3; 21:i R.348; 27:iii E.2 (p.105); 34:iii E. 70. Miscellaneous documents. 20: ii S. 125; 27:iE.34; 28: 18.217, ii .148; 29:i.43; 30:i S.28, ii .61; 31:iiS.G; 33:i S.47; 34: i .105, 8.99; 35:i S.49, ii E.89. See also: Amis- tad, Colonization society, Comet, Creole, Encomium, Enter- prise, Fenix, Fugitive, Quintuple treaty, Wanderer. SLAVES captured in the Seminole war, 27:ii E.55,135. SLAVES carried off by the British army, 1815, 19:i.122; 20:i SLAVES escaping into Canada, Correspondence respecting the surrender of, 20: ii .19. SLAVES escaping into Mexico, Recovery of, 19:ii .25. SLAVES escaping by sea, 27:ii E.135. SLAVES returned in 5th census from Maine, Massachusetts, and Ohio, 22: i E.84. SLAVES, Sending through the mails documents addressed to the, 24 :i S.118. SLOP clothing. Losses on within ten years, 22: i S.103. SHALL arms, Report relative to, 27 : ii .3. UNITED STATES 838 UNITED STATES UNITED STATES. Congressional docs., Index, continued. SMITH, B. Invention to ascertain longitude, 24: i R.459. SMITH, G., plaintiff in error, vs. Turner, W., health officer, Case of, 30:iiS.M.fiO. SMITH, J. Trial for high treason against Missouri, 26:ii 8.189. SMITH, M. L. Survey of the Savannah river, 31: i S.19. Survey of the valley of Mexico, 31 :i S.ll. SMITH, S., Sureties of, 23:i R.430; 24:i B.91. SMITH, T., Claim of the TJ. S. against, 23: ii E.13,134; 24: i E.9. SMITH, T. A., Money in hands of, 20: i 8.193. SMITH, W. F. Reconnaissance from San Antonio de Bexar to ElPaso, 1849, 31:18.04. SHITHLAND, Ky. Cumberland hospital, 20: ii R.43. SMITHSON, J. Bequest to the United States, 24: i S.42. Sea also: Washington. SMITHSONIAN institution. See Washington. SMOOT, J., Proceedings of court-martial in the case of, 26: ii E.8G. SMUGGLING. See Frauds on the revenue. SMYRNA, Trade with, 1820-22, 18: i E 32. SOLAR compass. Use in the public surveys, 34: i R.20. SOLAR parallax. Observations to determine the, 1849-52, by J. M. liss, 33:iE.121(v.l5,pt.3). SOLDIERS of 1812, 2G:ii 8.50. See also: Old fourth regiment, Pen- sions. SOLLER'S flats, Baltimore, Fortification on, 26: ii S.227. SOLORZANO Pereira, J. Extracts from his Politica Indiana on the power of Spanish viceroys, 22: ii E.3G. SOMERS, brig, Papers relative to the loss of the, 29: ii S.43. SOUND dues upon commerce to the Baltic, 33: i E.108; 34: i S.R.97; 35:iE.31,3C, S.28. SOUTH American states. Pledge of protection against foreign in- terference, 19: i E.H2. SOUTH Carolina. Imprisonment of colored Mariners in, 27: ii E.I 111. Militia claims, 22: i R.l. Proclamation and pro- ceedings in relation to, 22:iiS.30. See also: Beaufort, Bucksville, Charleston, Nullification. SOUTH Pass, Railroad through, 33: ii E.91 (v.ll,pt.2); 35:iE.70. SOUTH Seas. See Exploring expedition. SOUTHPOBT, Wis. Harbor, 25: iiR.832, S.103; 26:i 8.504. Piers, 20: i S.444. SPAIN. Relations with, 18: i E.28, ii E.2(p.l77); 20:iE.212,276, R.58, S.104, ii E.56; 23: ii 8.147; 24:11 E.73; 28:iE.277; 31:iiS.41; 33:iS.86j 35:iiR.134. Treaty of 1819, 22: ii 8.80; 24 :ii S.49. Treaty of 1834, 23: i E.449; 24:18.7. Treaty of 1854, 35: ii 8.43. See also : Florida. SPANISH land laws in Florida, 20: ii E.121. SPANISH laws on the powers of viceroys, 22:ii E.3G. SPANISH vessels, Tonnage duty on, 2C:i E.1.30, R.G32, 8.257; 27: ii R.42, iii R.82; 29:iR.428; 30:iiS.37; 32:i S.5^, S.R.318. SPECIE. Imports and exports, 23: ii 8.15; 25 : i S.17,32, iii 8.142. Receipts and disbursements, 1837, 25: ii S.109. SPECIE payments. Resumption in 1838, 25: ii S.365. State laws respecting suspension, 25: ii E.13; 26: i S.72. SPIRIT ration in the army and navy, 21:iE.22,23; 23:iE.48G; 28:iiR.73. SPIRITS, Ardent, Duties on, 19: iR.225; 20:iR.43; 27:iiS.379. SPOLIATIONS of the commerce of the United States, 19: UE.68; 20:ii E.143. See also: French spoliations. SPRINGFIELD, 111. Court-house and post-office, 34: Hi E.3S; 35: ii S.28. SPRINGFIELD, Mass. Armory, 27: ii E.207,289; 34: i H.M.28. Man- ufacturing company, 23 : i R.535, ii R.21 ; 24 : i R.40. STALLINOS, J., Court-martial in the case of,26:ii E.86. STANDARD weights and measures. See Weights and measures. STANLEY, E. Case of T. A. C. Jones, 32: ii II.M.22. STANLY, Lieut. F., Court-martial in the case of, 32: ii E.69. STANSBURY, A. J. Services as draughtsman to the house of rep- resentatives, 21 : i R.113,338. STANSBURY, n. Valley of the Great Salt lake of Utah, 32: Special session, E.3. STATE, Department of. Clerks, etc. employed in the, (1823) 18: i E. 93; (1824)18:ii E.48; (182J)19:iE.2.5; (1820)19:ii E.89; (1827) 20:iE.13G; (1828) 20:ii E.109; (1829) 21:i E.97; (1830)21: ilE.51; (1831)22:iE.30; (1832) 22:ii E.33; (1833)23:i E.30; (1834)23:iiE.G8; (1835) 24:i E.41; (183G) 24: ii E.70; (1837) 25:iiE.72; (1838) 25:iiiE.57; ( 1839) 2G : i E. 101; (1840)26: UE.40; (1841)27:ilE.30,177; (1842)27:iiiE.84,168; (1843) 28-.iS.39; (1844) 28:iiE.59; (1845) 29:i E.184; (1846)29:ii E.37; (1847)30:iE.21; (1818) 30: ii E.30; (1849)31:1 E.43; (1850)31:iiE.53; (1851)32:iE.87; (1852) 32:iiE,44; (1853) 33:iE.23; (1854) 33: ii E.30; (1855)34:1 E.4; (185G)34:iii E.30; (1857)35:iE.29; (1858)35:ii E.G2. Contingent ex- penses, (1829-37) 25 : ii R.931 ; (183C) 24:ii E.1C; (1837)25:ii E.10; (1838) 25: iii E.3; (1839) 2G:i E.9; (1840) 26: ii E.13; (1841)27:iiE.4; (184->) 27: iii .83; (1843) 28: i E.39; (1844) 28:iiE.10; (1845) 29: i E.ll; (1846) 29: ii E.8; (1847) 30: iE. 3; (1848)30:iiE.5; (1849)31:i E.44; (1850) 31 :iiE.36; (1851) 32:iE.86; (1852)32:ii E.4G; (1853)33:i E.7; (1854)33:ii E.7; (1855)34:iE.5; (1856)34:iii S.8; (1857)35:i S.2; (1858) 3j:iiE.5. Office of assistant secretary, 21: i R.380; 29: iR. 552, ii S.100; 31:iR.491. Miscellaneous documents, 18: ii R.57; 20:iR.226; 21:iR.384; 25:iiE.46,93, iii E.17; 27:i E.l(p.l3),iiS.253; 28: i E.185, R.484; 29:iR.GS6; 32: IE. 46,98; 34: i 8.37, iii H.M.34. STATE, Secretary of. Reports, 25:ii E.3 (p.31); 28: i E.2 (p.17), ii E.2 (p.19) ; 33 : i E.I (p.25). UNITED STATES. Congressional docs., Index, continued. STATE arsenals, Arms delivered to, 33:ii 8.75. STATE banks. See Banks throughout the Union. STATE debts, 26:i S.1S3; 27:ii E.254. Si ATE stocks, 26: i E.145; 27:18.52. STATES Island. Fortification, 19: ii E.49. STATISTICS, Bureau of, 28: i R.301, ii R.110,186, 8.21. STATISTICS of the United States, Lieber's proposal for a work on the, 21:18.314. STEAM carriages on common roads, 22:i E.101. STEAM marine, 2.5: ii S.412.4U5; 27:iiE.129; 32:18.42; 83:iE.75, 1I.M.2, 8.89, 8.M.19. STEAMBOATS, Registry of, 25: iii E.1.59. Tonnage in 1817, 20: i E.249. STEAMBOATS on the Mississippi and northern lakes, 27: iii E.170. STEAM-BOILER explosions. Causes: Burke's report, 30: ii S.18; Cincinnati memorial, 28: i E.G3; Davis's report, 30: i S.R. 241; Guthrie's memorial, .12: i S.M .32; James's letti r, L.'<): ii E.21,79; Redfield's memorial, 2G:i E.153; Ren wick's, 25: SiiE.99,170; Ruggles's report, 26: i 8.24 1; Walker's essay,' 25:iiiE.173; Wickliffe's report, 23: i R.478; Woodbury's report, 25:iii E.21. Inventions to prevent: Blair's, 22: i E. 22G; Boston's, 27: iii E.145; Jones and Johnson's, 28: i 8.405; Morgan's, 25: ii E.100; Salomon's, 24: i E..15, ii E.114; Tip- pett's, 25:iiE.289. Proposed legislation on : Dobbins's re- port, 34:iii S. 15; Hamlin's report, 34: i S.R.138; Under- wood's report, 27: ii R.1013; Washburne's report, 34: i R.G8; 35: i R.9, ii R.141. Miscellaneous documents, 18: i R.125, 11 E.G9; 21:iiE.131; 23:iR.4:2fi; 25:iii S.-17; 26: i S.151,241, 270,309; 27:iiiR.178; 31: Special session, 8.4; 34:iiiS.M.9. See also: Guthrie, W. W., Marine condensers, Raub, S., Safety-guard, Safety-valves. STEVENS, 1. 1. Route for the Pacific railroad from St. Paul's to Puget sound, 33:iiS.78; 35:iiS.4G. STEWART, W. N. Abduction at Valparaiso, 34: i 8.27. STOCKBHIDGE Indians, 19: ii E.I-!; 26: i S.42, ii 8.205; 27:iiR. 901; 29:iR.447; 32:iII.M.69. STOCKS held by the United States in any railroad or canal com- pany, 2o:ii 8.372. STOCKS. Prices in London and home markets, 26: i S.G2. STOCKS (Pubh'c), 1824, 18: ii E.53,02; 19:iR-139. See also : Secu- rities. STOSTIXQTON, Conn. Harbor, 20:1 E.153; 25:iii E.165. STUART, C'omm.C. Conduct while in the Pacific, 18: it E.42. SUBMARINE battery, Experiments with Colt's, 28:ii R.40. SUBMARINE telescope, 28:1 R.481. SUB-TREASURY. Cambrelcng's report, 25: ii R.634. Hunter's re- port, 2.J:iii R.2G2. Officers and expenses, 25: i E.36. SUB-TREASURY law, Manner of its execution, 27:iE.35. SUBSISTENCE. Reports of commissary general. See Commissary. SUGAR. Chemical analysis of, 28: ii E.146; 29: ii S.209. Drawback on refined, 18: HR.C7; 20:iR.51; 21:iiE.18, S.59; K:iS. 406; 26: i 8.334,375,399; 29: i 834. Duties, 21: ii E.1S, 8.56. Importations of, 21: U E.55; 22: i 8.139; 28: ii 8.12; 30: i 8. 46,68. Imports and exports, 26: i 8.505, ii 8.158; 27:iiE. 265. Manufacture in the U. S., 21:ii E.134; 22: i E.220. SUGAR beet, Cultivation of the, 25: ii R.815, iii E.62. SUGAR cane, Cultivation, etc., of, 21:iiE.G2. Seed for distribu- tion^:! S.R.236. SUITS against foreign vessels entering the ports of the United States, 31 :i S.78. SULLIVAN'S island, S. C., Preservation of, 25: ii R.767. SULLIVANT, W. S. Mosses and liverworts of the Pacific railroad near the 35th parallel, 33: ii E.91 (v.ll, pt.4). SULPHURIC ether. See Etherization. SUMNER, //on. C., Assault upon, 34: i R.182, S.M.61, S.R.191. SUNDAY mails, 20: iiR.65, S.4G; 21 : i E.73, R.271 ; 25:iii E.40. SUPERIOR, Lake. Mineral region, 18:iiS.19; 28: ii 8.117, 175; 29:iE.211, S.160,426; 30:iR.4S; 32: Special session, E.4. SUPREME court, 20: ii R.34; 23:iR.429; 25:iii R^IS, S.SO; 29: i S.91; S5:iiE.39. SURETIES, Liability of, 24: i E.129. SURGEON general. Annual report, (1823)~18:i E.2 (p.17): 0824) 18:iiE.2(p.75); (1825) 19:i E.I (p.29); (1826) 19: ii E.2 (p. 189); (1827)20:iE.2(p.91); (1828) 20:ii E.2 (p.63); (1829) 21:iE.2(p.l5G); (1831) 22:i E.2(p.l57); (1832) 22 :ii E.2 (p. 155); (1833)23:iE.l(p.lGl); (1831) 23: ii E.2 (p.231); (1835) 24: i E.2 (p.100); (1836) 24: ii E.2 (p.171); (1837) 25: ii E.3 (p.281); (1838) 25: iii E.2 (p.125); (1839) 26:i E.2 (p.144); (1840)26:iiE.2(p.l94); (1841) 27:ii E.2 (p.197); (1842)27: iii E.2(p.353); (1843) 2S:i E.2 (p.78): (1844) 28:ii E.2 (p.144); (1845)29:iE.2(p.231); (1840)29:iiE.2(p.l96); (1847)30:5 E.8(p.719); (1848)30:iiE.l(p.3G5); (1850) 31:ii E.I (p.339); (1851)32:iE.2(p.337); (185i:)32:ii E.I (v.l,pt.2, p.135); (1853) 33:i E.1 (v.l, pt.2, p.143); (1854) 33:ii E.I (v.l, pt.2, p.80); (1855) 34: i E.I (v.l, pt.2, p.174); (1856) 31: iii E.I (v.l, pt.2, p.201); (13o7)35:iE.2(v.2,pt. 2, p.105); (1858) 35 : u E.2 (r.2, pt.3, p.804). SURGEONS' mates, Commutation pay to, 24:ii R.259; 25: ii R.887. SURGEONS of the army. Increase of the corps, 22: i E. (i3. SURGEONS of the navy. Appointment and compensation, 19:ii R.47. SURPLUS revenue, 24:i R.851, ii E.62. Distribution of, 20:iS.51; 21:18.139, iiK.51; 24:iiR.86. SURVEYORS general. Compensation, 19:ii E.55; 29:iR-567. Abfe. The reports of these officers ore appended to the reports of the secretary of the interior. See also the heading Public lands, under the names of the several states. UNITED STATES 839 UNITED STATES UNITED STATES. Congressional docs., Index, continued. SURVEYORS general in Ala., Miss., Ark., etc., 30:1 R.G51. SURVEYORS general for Wis., Iowa, and Minn., 34: iii S.50. SURVEYORS general for Ohio, Indiana, and Michigan, 28: i S.49. SURVEYS. Reports (1824-4!;), 24: ii S.U5. SURVEYS made in pursuance of acts of congress of SO April, 1824, and March 2, 1829, 21:1 E.7. SURVEYS of the ports and harbors south of Chesapeake bay, 24: ii S. 194. SOBVEYS. See also : Canals, Engineers, Harbors, Internal im- provements, Railroads. SUSAN Loud, brig. Confiscation in Cuba, 32: i E.83. SUSQUEIIANNA, steam frigate. Repair at Rio de Janeiro, 33: i S."9. Yello w fever on board, 33: i S.4S, S.R.212. SUWANNEE river, Survey of the mouth of, 27: iil E.78. SWAMP lands, 33: i R.1G; 34: i S.8G, iii R. 265. SWABT-WOUT, S., Defalcation of, 25: iii .13,54,69, R.313. SWEDEN. Commercial treaty with, 20:1 E.122. Discriminating duties on vessels of, 19: ii R.36. SYLVESTER, II. H. Removal from pension office, 27: ii R.945. S YMMES'S purchase, 32: i E.73, S.R. 353; 33: i R.243. TACTICS, Military, Report of the committee authorizing the pub- lication of, 23:1R.419. See also: Cavalry tactics, Infantry tactics. TALLAHASSEE, Fa., Capitol at, 27: iii R.62. TANEY. R B. Report on removing the deposits from the bank of the United States, 23: i E.2. Stock held by, in the Union bank of Maryland, when he removed to it certain public moneys, 23:18.238. TARIFF. Operation, (1824) 18:iE.72,75; (1828) 20:1 R.115.185, ii S.34j 21:iR.54; 22:1 S.104-, ii E.13; (1830) 22:1 S.IM.129; (1832-33) 22: i E.222,204, S.144,174,178, ii E.78,97, R.14; 23: i E.4%47, 8.34,43, ii E.20; 24:i E.112, 8.14) 25:118.162; 27: UR.U43; (1837) 24: i E.117, ii 8.111,173; (1842) 2G:ii S.93; 27: i S.87, ii E.209.255,278, R.461,998, S.310, iii E.202; LS: i U. 306,420, ii E.G2; 29:1 E.10, S.5,444; 30:iiR.129; (1846)29: iiE.86; 32:18.114; (1857) 33: i E. 74; 34:1 R.342, iii S.29; 3S:iR.414. TARIFF acts (1789-1833), with votes thereon, 27: ii E.244. TARIFFS of 1790-94, 181G, 24, 28, 30, Comparison of, 21 : i S.48. TARIFFS of 1816, 18, 24, 28, 32, Comparison of, 22: ii E.96. TARIFFS of 1816, 24, 28, 32, Comparison of, 27:ii E.244. TARIFFS of 1789-1846 in tabular form, 29: i E. 227, ii E.25. TARIFFS of foreign nations upon imports, L'7:ii S.210. TAUNTON river, Mass., Improvement of, 33: iE.30; 34:iR.77. TAXABLE inhabitants not freeholders, 20: ii S.8,41. TAXES, Direct, assessed to each state, 1814-16, and paid into the treasury, 21: ii E.35,132. Unpaid in Massachusetts, 1832, 18:18.5. TAXES in territories on lands of non-residents, 19: i R.127. TAYLOR, N. P., Conduct of, 27: ii S.312. TAYLOR, Maj. Gen. Z., 30: i E.8U; 31:i E.87,n.M.9. Correspond- ence during the Mexican war, 29:iE.209, U E.119; 30: i E.17,56,86. TEA, Duties on, 19: i E.137; 20: i E.1G5, R.149. TEHUANTEPEC, Isthmus of, Right of way across the, 32 : i S.97, S.R.35.j; 35: i S.72. TELEGRAPH, 25:ii E.1S, R.753, iii E.58; 2G:ii S.136,203j 27:iil R.17; 28: i E.270, ii E.24, R.187; 29: i 8.373; 30: i R.224; 31.-iS.10U; 33:iiR.5; 34:iR.198. TENNESSEE. Boundary (Southern), 23:i R.445. Contested elec- tion, 2d district, Arnold vs. Lea, 21 :i R.32. Militia claims, 20:iE.14G; 24: ii R.1U6. Public lands, 19: i H.68; 20:1 E. 76,2:52, R.32, 8.150,100; 21:1 E.18, R.137; 22:i R.2::",4SS: 23:iR.120; 24:1 R.57,369; 25:ii R.101, iii E.139, R.100,119, S.43; 26:iE.118; 29 : i R.92,134. Miscellaneous documents, 21:iR.229; 25:iiiS.183; 29:iiR.5G; 34:iiiR.54. See also: Memphis, Nashville. TENNESSEE canal, 18: i R.123. TENNESSEE river. Improvement, 21: ii R.61; 22:iE.104; 23:ii R.24,104; 24: i E.121,170,222, R.505; 29:iE.lfi7; 32:18.75. See also: Colbert shoals, Muscle shoals. TENNESSEE and Coosa canal, 19: i E.G7, R.220; 21: i R.80. TENNESSEE and Mobile canal, 21:1 R.228. TENTS, Fitness of cotton for, 28: i E.4. TERRE Aux Bosufs river, La. Report confirming certain land claims, 22: i R.62. TERRITORIES. Elections by the people, 27:iiiR.57. Expendi- tures, 1845-57, 35: i E.79. Organization of, 34:1 E.61. Pub- lic buildings in, 35: ii E.52. Sea also : Taxes. TERRITORIES north and south of 3G 30,' Area of, 30:1 E.71. TEXAS. Annexation, 25: i E.40, ii E.196,409, iii E.2(p.32); 28:1 E.271, S.367, ii 8.13,79; 29:1 S.I (p.31). Boundary, 20: i E. Cl; 27:iiE.51, S.199; 28:iiE.98; 31:1 E.82, ii E.8; 33:ii E.89, S.77. Debt, 28:11 E.101, S.29; 33:1 S.R.134; 34:iII. M.132. iii 8.4. Fortifications, 29: i S.443; 34:i S.5. Harbors, &1:ii II.M.14. Independence, 24:i R.S54, ii R.240. Indians, 29:iiE.7G; 30:i S.R.171; 31: i R.280, ii E.I (pt.2,p.ll); 32: iE.2(p.H7), S.R.2S9, ii E.I (pt.2, p.15); a3:iiE.53, R.151; 35:iiR.255. Militia claims, 35: i R.107, ii R.143. Treaties with, 28: ii E.98, S.30 ; 29:iS.37S. Miscellaneous docu- ments, 24:i E.24!), 256, ii E.M, S.20; 25:iiE.74s 27:iiE.12, 162,271, iii E.146; 28: i S.341,345; 31: i R.288, S.5G.G7; 32:1 S.R.347; 33:iiS.28; 35:iiE.27. Seealso: Brazos de St. lago, Brownsville, Rio Grande, Watrous, J. C., Whiting, W. H. C. UXITED STATES. Congressional docs., Index, continued. THAMES river, Conn. Navy yard, 19: i R.94. Survey of, 21 : i E.125. TIIOM AS, Lieut. M. Injustice in former report, etc., 29: i R.57G. TIIOMASTON, East, Me. Harbor, 24:i S.75. THOMPSON, R. \V. Services to the Menomonee Indians, 34:1 S.72. THOMSON, E., Failure of,19:i E.137. THRASHER, J. S. Imprisonment at Havana, 32:1 E.10,14, S.5. THROO'S Point, L.J., Purchase of, 19: i E.60. THRUSTON, B., Charges against, 24: ii R.327. TIORE Island, Honduras. Seizure by the British, 31:1 E.75. TIMBER. See Kyanizing. TIMBER lands, Depredations on, 33: i E.115. TIMBERLAKE, J. B.,and Randolph, R. B., Accounts of, 21:i E.11G. TOBACCO, 24:ii R.239; 25:1 E.41, ii E.258, iii E.230, R.310; 26:1 E.195,1'J8,229, ii E.24; 27:i S.55, ii .235,272; 28:1 E.173} 30:iR.810; 34: i E.94, R.76. TONNAGE. Jfote. Statements of the American and foreign ton- nage, arriving at and departing from the ports of the United States, are given in the annual reports entitled Commerce and navigation. TONNAGE of each maritime nation, 29: i S.187. TONNAGE, Duties on, 1843, 28: ii E.1C5. TONNAGE duties, Instructions as to the collection of, 27: ii E.139. TONNAGE duties on American vessels, On repealing, 20: ii R.29. TOPEKA constitution. See Kansas. TOPOGRAPHICAL engineers. Annual reports, (1831) 22:iE.2 (p.I58); (1332) 22: ii E.2 (p.123) ; (1830) 23: i K.I (p.119); (1834)23:iiE.2(p.l80); (1835) 24:1 E.2 (p.214); (lS3ii)24:ii E.2 (p.31,1); (1837) 2.3: ii E.3 (p.4',); (IS'W) 25: iii E.2 (p.339)s (1840)2G:iiE. 2(p.l77); (1842) 27:iii E.2(p.275); (1X1':) 28:1 E.2 (p.123); (1S44) 28: ii E.2 (p.209); (1845) 29:1 E.2 (p.'-90); (184G)29:iiE.4(p.l38); (1847) 30:1 E.8 (p.GSG); (1848)30:11 E.l(p.324); (1849)31:iE.5(p.294); (1851)32:i E.2 (v.2,pt.l, p.386); (1852) 32:ii E.I (v.l, pt.2,p.217); (1S.V!) 33:i.l (v.1,pt.3, p.3): (1854) 33:ii E.I (v.l, pt.2,p.lG8); (1855)34: i E.I (v.l, pt.2, p.272); (185G) 34: iii E.I (v.l, pt.2, p.357); (1857) 35:1 E.2 (v.2, pt.2, p.283); (1858) 35:ii E.2 (v.2. pt.3, p.1021). Increase of the corps, 18:iiR,35; 23:iiR.4; 24:iR.95. TORRE Y, J. Botany of the Pacific railroad, 33: ii E.91 (v.ll, pts.2, 3,4). Botany of the Mexican boundary, 34:1 E.135(v.l4, pt.2). TORTUGAS, The, Examination of, 21:1 E.2 (p.23G). Fortifications at, 33:1 S.GG. TRADE. See Commerce and navigation. TRADE upon the great lakes and rivers, 32: i E.136 (v.15). TRADE with Great Britain and France, 1853-57, 35: ii E.CO. TRAIL creek, lad.. Harbor at the mouth of, 23: ii E.19I, S.110. TREASURY. Accounts of the treasurer, (1824) 13: ii S.45; (1825) 19:iE.lSt; (l.-yc) l!>: ii E.I 15; (1*54) '.'3: ii E.110; (1835)24: iE.12; (l83(i)24:iiE.14; 25:iiE.S; (l.S ",7) 25: iii E.8; (1838) 25:iiiE.233; 26: i E.29; (1839) 26: ii E.'J; (1810) 27:ii E.9; (1841,42) 27: iii E.11; (1841) 28:ii E.7; (1844, 45) 29:i E.5; (1815, 4(1) 29: ii E.5; (1S46, 47) 30: i E.4; (1847, 48) 30: ii E.6; (1848,49)31:iE.3; (1849, 50) 31 : ii E.2; (1850, 51)32:1 E.3; (1851, 52) 32 :ii E.6; (1852, 53)33:1 E.4; (1853, 5032:11 E. 4; (1854, 55)34:1 E.'J; (1855, 5G) 34: iii E.3; (185G, 57) 35: i E.ll; (1857,58) 35:iiE.7. Auditor, 2d, Balances due more than three years, (1823) 18: i E.26; (1S24) 18:ii E.7; (1825) 19:1 E.6; (1826) 19: ii E.136; (1827) 20:1 E.7; (1828) 20ii: E.8 (p.37); (1829)21:1 E.5; (1S1") 21: ii E.4 (p.4); (1831) 22: i E.6 (p.14); (1832)22:iiE.138; (1833) 23: i E.7; (1834) 23:11 E.ll; (1833) 24: i E.10: (1830) 24: ii E.22; (1837) 25: ii E.G; (!.>) 25: iii E.15; (is:9)l(i:i.31; (1840) 26:ii E.lfi; (1.S41) 27:11 E.93; (1842) 27: iii .198 (p.3); (1843) 28: i .275 (p.3); (184.1)28:11 E.145(p.3); (1846) 2U:iiE.123 (p.3); (1847) 30:i E.68 (p.3); (1848) 30: ii E.GS (p.3); (1850) 31 : ii E.4!l (p.4!)); (1851) 32: i E.45(p.l2); (lS52)32:ii E.13,37; (1853) 33:i E.2G (p.9); (1854) 33:iiE.29; (1805)34:1 E.8; (18.',6) ;J4:iii E.15; (1857)35:1 E.12. Auditor, 3d, Balances due more than three years, (182-3) 18:1 E.40; (1824) 18: ii E.110; (1825) 19: i E.20; (1827) 20: i E.8; (1828) 29: ii E.20; (1829) 21: i E.4; (1830)21: ii .4; (1831)22:iE.9; (1832) 22:11 .138; (1833) 23:1 E.6; (1834) 23:iiE.19; (1835) 24:i E.17; (1836) 24: ii E.27; (1837) 25: il E.48; (1838)25:iiiE.45; (183!!) 26: i E.27; (1840) 26: ii E.62; (1841) 27:ii .93 (p.13); (1842) 27: iii .198 (p.12); (1S43) 28: i .275 (p.9); (1844) 28:ii E.145(p.7); (1816) 29: ii .123 (p. 7); (1847)30:i.68(p.34); (1818) 30:ii E.GS (p.12); (1850) 31:ii.49; (1851)32:1 E.45(p.l7): (1852)32:11 .13; (185:!) 83:i E.26; (1854) 33: ii E.29 (p.9); (1855) 34:1 .8 (p.15); (185G)34:iii.15; (1857) 35:i .12. Auditor, 4th, Baloncea due more than three years, (1823) 18: i .50; (1824) 18: it E. 107; (1825) 19:1 .42; (1826) 19:11 E.135; (1827) 20:1 .25; (1828)20:ii.8(p.l3); (1829) 21: i E.10; (1830) 21: ii E.17; (1831)22:1 .41; (1832)22:ii E.135; (1838) 83:1 .13) (1834) 23:iiE.S4; (1S35) 24:1 E.1G; (18.36) 24: ii .37: (1837)25:ii E.2; (1,838) 25: iii .30; (1839) 2G : i E.28 ; (1840) 26: ii E.10; (1841)27:ii E.93(p.l50); (1842)27:iii E.198(p.G8); (IS13)28: i E.275 (p.30); (1814) 28: ii .1-15 (p.SJ); (1846) 29: ii E.123 (p.34); (1847)30:1 E.GS (p.52); (1848)30: ii E.GS ) 27:iii S.98; (184.5) 29:iE.49i (1S4G) 29:ii E.Co; (1847) 33:i E.7; (1849-50)31: iiE.3; (185T)33:iiE.26; (185C) 34: i E.771. Receipts and expenditures, (17S9-1S29) 21ME.90; (1789-1857)35:1 E. CO; (185^) 24: i S.4; (183C) 25:ii E.341; (1S37) 25:iii E.81; (1838) 2G:i E.3(p.25); (1839) 26: HE.3 (p.21); (1841)27:18.23; (1842)27:118.371; (1843)27:iii S.229; (1843) 28: i E.222; (1844) 28:iiS.39; (1845)29:1 E.14; (184C) 29: ii E.10; (1847)30:1 E.7; (1848)30:iiE.ll; (1859) 31 : ii E.ll ; (1851)32:18.11 (p.l); (1853)C3:iE.H2; (1834) 33: ii E.10; (1855) 34:1 E.40; (1836)34:iiiE.86(v.ll); (1857)35:1 E.13(v.4); (1858) 35: ii E.20. Register of, Balances due more than three years, (1823)18:iE.12; (1824) 18: ii E.5; (1825) 19:1 E.7: (1820)19: iiE.137; (1827)20:iE.9; (1828) 20: ii E.8; (1829) 21: i E.3; (18"0)21:iiE.4; (1811) 22:1 E.O; (1833) 23:i E.1G; (1834)23: iiE.9; (1837) 25: ii E.186; (ISS) 25:iii E.240; (1839) 2C:i E.133; (1840)2G:iiE.G3; (1841) 27:ii E.144; (1842) 27: Hi E. 19S(p.8t): (18t3)28:iE.275(p.47); (1844) 28:11 E.14.5 (p.48); (1840)29:iiE.123(p.40); (1847) 30:i E.G8 (p.57); (1848)30: ii E.G3 (p.39); (1853) 31 :ii E.40 (p.C); (1851) 32: i E.45; (18J3) 33:iE.23; (1854)33:iiE.29(p.99); (1855)34:1 E.8 (p.97); (lS53)34:iiiE.15(p.79); (1857) 35 :i E.12 (p.72). Transfers of unexpended appropriations to other objects, 21 : ii E.118; 23:1E.4,5, S.37G; 21:iE.G,257; 25:iiE.12; 27:i E.3, ii E.ll; 28: i E.12; 29: i E.19, S.G; 32: ii II.M.8. Miscellaneous doc- uments, 18: i E.2,205; 20: i E.2 (p.lG'J), 8.73; 21:iiE.32; 24: iE.21G,225, 8.04,220,313,331,391; 25: ii S.188, iii 8.32,109; 26: i E.17,47,75,114, S.18G, ii E.30, S.7G; 27: ii E.127,156,281, iii E. 124,137,185; 28:1 E.35, ii 8.21; 29:iE.224; 30: i R.723, ii S. 3G; 32:18.101; 33:1S.G2. Note. For the annual reports of the secretary on commerce and navigation, see Com- merce; and for those on the current concerns of the depart- ment, see Finances. See also : Appropriations, Coast sur- vey, Collectors, Custom-house officers, Duties, Estimates, Fiscal agency. Marine hospital fund, Reven ue, Sub-treasury . TREASURY arrangements of foreign countries, 25: iii S.113; 2G:i 8.124. TBEASCBY department. Building occupied by, 23:ii E.22, R.90; 2l:iE.2S3, R.217, ii E.10, 8.10; 25:ii E.38,439,447, R.737; 2G:iE.182; 34:1 E.9G, iii 8.49; 35:iiS.41. Clerks, etc., (1823)18:1E.39; (1824) IS: ii E.45; (1825) 19:i E.34; (1826) 19:iiE.4S; (1827) 20: i E. 54; (1828) 20:ii E.M; (1829)21:iE. 28; (1830) 21:iiE.39; (1831) 22:1 E.47; (1832) 22:ii E.43; (1833) 23: i E.80; (1834)23:11 E.88; (1835)21:1 E.61,251; (183G)24:iiE.8G; (1837) 25:ii E.8j; (1838) 25: iii E.G8.84; (1839)2G:iE.72; (1840) 20: ii E.57; (1841) 27: ii E.239; (1842) 27:iiiE.lGO,178; (1843)28:i E.78; (1844) 28: ii E.124; (1815) 29:iE.99; (184C) 29:iiE.GO; (1847) 30:iE.44,58, E.508; (1818) 30:ii E.46; (18-19) 31:i E.18; (18M) 31: ii E.37; (1851) 32:iE.44, S.C9,125; (1852) 32: ii E.G7; (1853) 35: i E.38; (1854)a3:iiE.55; (1855)34:1 E.31,87,100; (1856) 34: iii E.49; (1857)35:iE.76; (1858)35: ii E.71. Contingent expenses, (183G)24:iiE.12; (1837) 25: ii E.22; (1838) 25: iii E.19; (1.839) 26:iE.70; (1840)2G:ii E.15; (1841) 27: ii E.59; (184J) 27: iii E.28; (184'l)28:i E.13; (1844) 28:ii E.140; (1845)29:iE. 100; (184G)29:iiE.59; (1847)30:1 E.23; (1848) 30: ii E.45; (1849)31:1 E.12; (1850) 31 :ii E.18; (1851) 32:i E.ll; (1852) 32:iiE.39; (1853) 33: i E.20; (1854) 33: ii E.17; (1855)34:1 E.30; (185G)34:iiiE.44; (1857) 35:i E.18; (1858) 35: ii E.47. Contracts, (1829)21:1 E.57; (1830) 21:ii E.94; (1831)22:iE. 114; (1832) 22:iiE.108; (1833) 23: i E.124; (1834) 23:ii E. 161; (1835)24:iE.159; (183G) 24:il E.87; (1837) 25: ii E.189; (1838) 25: iii E.131 ; (1839) 26: i E.74; (1840) 2G: ii E.117; (1841) 27: ii E.178; (1842) 27 : iii E.199; (1843) 28: i E.159; (1844) 28: ii E.152; (1845) 29: i E.45; (184G) 29: 11 S.151; (1847) 30:1 E.52; (1848) S0:ii E.53; (184!') 31:i E.41; (1850)31:11 E.48; (l51)32:iE.G9. Miscellaneous, 23: ii E.10, S.G; 24: iR.740, iiE.71; 25:iiR.81; 2G:iiE.87; 27:ii E.192, iii E. 215; 28:iR,309; 32:i 8.94, ii S.7,31; 33:iE.42; 35:iiS.12. TREASURY notes, 25: i E.38, UR.716, 8.86, ill E.60,185; 2G:i S. 315,476, iiE.89; 27:1 E.31 (p.27), 8.28, ii E.29,237, iii E.136; 28:iR.379,512; 30:1 S. 3, ii E.35; 35:i S.M.8, ii E.110, S.44. TBEATIES. See the following names of countries and communi- ties with which treaties have been made: Caddos, Chero- kces, Choctaws, Creeks, Denmark, Eel River Indians, France, Great Britain, Mexico, Sicilies, Turkey, Vene- zuela. TRENUOLM, H., and Belt, TV. M. Accounts for printing, 32: i E.10G. TBIST, N. P. Conduct at Havana, 26: i R.707, ii S.125. Corre- spondence with Gen. Scott during the Mexican war,30: i E. 56. Letter to J. Q. Adams on consular authority, 26: i E.256. TBOPICAL plants. Report on memorial of Dr. H. Perrine, etc., 22: i R.454. TBUMBULL, Col. 3. National paintings, 20: ii E.10. TUCKER, T. T., Supplemental accounts of, 21: UE.133. TUCKER'S island, Jf. J., Preservation of, 25: ii E.32,90,333, iii E.223. TUDOR, W., Jr. Diplomatic correspondence from South Amer- ica, 24: ii E.1G7; 25:iE.32. TULARE valley, Survey of, 32: i S.110. TURKEY, Relations with, 22: i E.250,303,304; 33: i E.110. TURNER, W., Case of. See Smith, G. TURPENTINE. Carrying spirits of turpentine on steam vessels, 33:iiR.44. UNITED STATES. Congressional docs., Index, continued. TWELVE-MILE creek, Lake Ontario, Survey of, 33: i E.02. TWENTY-MILE creek, Erie co., Pa., 23:iE.354; 24:iE.82; 25:il E.251. TYOABT'S river valley, Fa., Survey of, 19:1 E.136. TYSON, P. T. Geology of California, 31: i S.47. UNION, British ship. Indemnity for capture, June, 1815, 20: i S.125. UNION gold mining company, Fauquier co., Ka.,24: i R.216. UNIONTOWN, Pa. Road to Lake Erie, 20: iR.2C7; 21:iR.198. Road to Pittsburgh, 22: i E.239. UNITED brethren, Recession of lands to the United States by the, 18:iR.99. UNITED States bank of Pennsylvania. See Philadelphia. UBBEA, Mexican armed brig. Capture and restoration, 1837, 25: ii E.75. UTAH. Expedition to, 35:1 E.2 (pt.2, p.21), 33,71,99, S.46. Explora- tion, by H. Stansbury, 32: Special session, E.3. Miscella- neous documents, 32: i E.25; 33:1 H.M.58; 34:1 E.35, iii H. M.47; 35: 1 E.138, H.M.IOO, ii E.2 (pt.2, p.28), 8.40. UTICA, N. Y., Inspector of customs at, 29: i R.574. VACCINATION, 19: i E.90, ii E.95. VALLANDIGHAM, C. L. See Ohio contested election, 3d district. VALPARAISO. See Potter, Z. W. VAN Buren, Ark., Jail at, 34:1 R.64. VANCOUVER'S island, Report of agents to, 35: ii S.29. VANDALIA, Robbery of the registry of the land office at, IS: i E. 76, B.G5. VAN Diemen's land, American citizens prisoners in, 27: i E.39. VAN Ness, J. P. Charges against Judge Thruston, IS: ii R.85. VATTEMARE, A. International literary exchanges, 2G: i R.586, S. 521,559; 28:i S.14G; 30: i H.M.99, R.590, S.M.46; 31:iS. M.126. VENEZUELA. Indemnity in the case of the "Morris," 28: ii E.6. Treaty with, 24: i E.293. VENTILATION. Report on Espy's ventilators, 29: ii 8.91. Skir- ving's memorial, 28: U R.140. VEXUS, Observations on, 30: i R.470; 33: 1 E.121 (v.15, pt3). VERIFICATION of invoices, 24: ii S.138. VERMILLION bay, La., Lighthouse at, 28: i R.342. VERMILLION salt springs, III., 21:11 R.54. VERMONT. Canal from Wells river to Burlington, 24:iE.190. Claim for militia service in 1838-39, 34: i R.138. VESSELS the names of which have been changed, 35: i E.100. VETO messages, 21: i E.113; 22:1 E.300, S.180, ii E.17; 24: i S. 393; 27:iiE.225,278; 30:iE.49; S3:iiS.17; 34:iS.71. VINCENNES land district, Ind. Land claims, 23: ii E.198; 25:iiE. 455. VINE and olive, Grants of land to cultivators of the, 18: ii E.87; 20:iS.ll. VIBOINIA. Canal between James and Kenhawa rivers, 28:1 E. 483. Contested elections : Loyall r. Newton, 21:i R.213; Draper vs. Johnston, 22:iR.444; 5th district, Goggin vs. Gilmer, 28: i R.76. Revolutionary claims, 22: i E.20, R.2, 191; 23:ii R.63; 24:iR.730; 25:iii E.113; 27:ii E.14, R.4S5; 30:iS.R.204; 32:iS.R.ll. Miscellaneous documents, 18:ii R.11; 19:iR.125; 20:iR.2)0; 25:iiR.904; 27:iiiR.47. See also: Alexandria, City Point, Deep Creek, Dismal swamp, Fort Washington, Norfolk, Petersburg, Ports- mouth, Richmond, Tygart's river, Wheeling, Yorktown. VIRGINIA bounty land warrants, 19: i R.21; 21: i R.404, ii R.119; 22:iiR.249; 23:iiE.15S, S.41; 24: i E.136,189; 25:ii E.430,446, R.557, iii E.121; 26:iR.317; 27:iS.101, ii R.1063; 28:1R.457; 29: i 8.485, ii 8.20; 30:iR.6C3; 31:iS.M.12; 32:in.M."5, S.R.246; 33:iiS.M.21; 34: i S.75, S.M.38. See also: Ohio (Virginia military district). VISITATION and search, 26: ii E.115; 27: i E.34, ii E.2 (p.17), iii E. 192; 29:iS.300,377; 31:iS.66; 35: i S.59, S.R.285, ii E.2 (p. 34), 11. VOLUNTEERS, 29: iiE.42,48; 35:iH.M.130. See also : Militia. W ABASH river. Bridge over, 24 : i S.10. Improvement of, 22: i E. 208; 23: i S.164, ii E.70, S.18; 24: i E.327, R.327, S.49i 28: i R.222. WABASH and Lake Erie canal, 18: HR.78; 19:iiS.29; 22:iS.143; 23:iE.46; 24:iiE.161; 25:iiE.419, UiE.32; 28:iE.91,R.403, 544,545, 8.202. WACHITA land district, 25: ii S.477. WAGON road from Fort Defiance to the Colorado, 35ti E.124. WALKER, W. Arrest of, 35:iE.24, R.74, S.13,63, S.R.20, ii S.10. Usurpation in Central America, 34: i E.103. WANDERER, barque. Message and report, 35: ii S.8. WAR, Annual reports of the secretary of, (1825) 18:iE.2; (1825)19:1 E.I (p.3); (1826) 19:ii E.2 (p.171); <1827) 20:1 E.2 (p.39); (182S)20:iiE.2(p.l7); (1829) 21 :i E.2(p.21); (1830) 21:iiE.2(p.29); (1831) 22:i E.2(p.l7); (1832) 22: ii E.2 (p. 17); (1833)23:iE.l(p.l7); (1834) 23: ii E.2 (p.33); (1835)24: iE.2 (p.39); (183G)24:iiE.2(p.l02); (1*17) 25: HE. 3(p.l81); (1838) 25:iii E.2 (p.97); (1809) 2G:i E.2 (p.41); (1840) 26:ii E.2(p.l9); (1841)27:iE.l(p.35), iiE.2(p.58); (1842)27:iii E.2(p.l75); (1843)28:iE.2(p.49); (1844) 28: ii E.2 (p.lll); (1845) 29: iE.2 (p. 193); (1846) 29: ii E.4(p.4C); (1847)30:1 E.8(p.45); (1848) 30:ii E.I (p.75); (1849) 31:i E.5(p.90); (1850) 31 :ii E.I (pt.2, p.l); (18ol)32:i E.2(p.l05); (1852)32: iiE.l (pt.2, p.3); (1853)33:1 E.I (pt.2, p.3); (1854) 33 :U S.I UNITED STATES 841 UNITED STATES UNITED STATES. Congressional docs., Index, continued. WAS, Annual reports of the secretary of, continued. (pt.2,p.3); (1855)34:iE.l(pt.2,p.3); (1850) 34: Hi E.I (pt.2, p.3); (1857) 35:1 E.2 (pt.2, p.3); (18.58) 35: i E.2 (pt.2, p.. ,). Note. Appended to these annual reports of tin of war are the reports of the various bureaus, namely: Major General, Adjutant General, Surgeon General, En- gineers, Topographical Engineers. Ordnance, Commissary General of subsistence, Commissary General of Purchases, Paymaster General, etc. WAB department Buildings, 25:iii E.119; 26:iE.237; 27:iiiE.85; 28: ii R.89. Clerks, etc., (1823) 18: i E.44; (1824) 18: ii E.GO; (1825)19:iE.40; (1826) 19:ii E.46; (1827) 20: i E.184; (1828) 20:iiE.87; (1829) 21:1 E.27; (1830) 21:ii E.45; (1831)22:1 E.48; (1832)22:iiE.53; (1833) 23:i .50; (1834) 23:11 E.96; (1835) 24: i .120,223; (183G) 24:ii E.79; (1837) 25:ii E.125; (1838) 2S:iiiE.78,115; (1839) 26:iE.110; (1840) 2G:ii E.76; (1841) 27:iiE.47,58; (1842) 27:iii E.117; (1843) 28:1 E.48; (1844) 28:iiE.37j (1845) 29:1 E.56,135; (1846) 29: ii E.40j (1847)30:iE.31; (1848) 30: ii E.39; (1849)31:iE.3Si (185t) 81:iiE.28; (1851) 32:i E.35; (1852) 32: ii E.33; (1853)3J:ii E.61; (1854)33:iiE.G7i (1855) 34:1 E.16; (1856) 34:iii E.57; (1857) 35:iE.S9, R.C7; (1858) 35:iiE.77. Contingent ex- penses, (18 'JO) 24: ii E.15; (1837) 25:ii E.ll; (1838) 25: Hi E.14; (1839)2C:iS.22i (1840) 2G:U E.12; (1841) 27: ii E.8; (1842) 27:iiiE.U4i (1843) 28:i E.202; (1844) 28: ii .31; (1845)29:iE.31; (1846) 29: ii E.30; (1847)30:1 E.20; (1848) 30:iiE.28; (1849) 31: i E.23,25, 8.910; (1850) 31:ii E.24; (1851)32:1 E.8; (1852) 32: ii E.32; (1853) 33: i E.49; (1S54) 33:iiE.69i (1855) 34: i .18; (1856) 34 : iii E.G7 ; (1857)35:i E.30; (1858) 35: ii E.87. Contracts, (182.3)18: i E.59; (1824) 18:iiE.56; (1825) 19: i E.101; (1820) 19:ii E.131; (1827)20:1 E.221; (1828) 20:iiE.105; (18J9) 21: i E.8G; (lx3i>;21:ii E.73; (1831) 22: i E.8'.); (1.S32) 22: ii .118; (1833) 23: i .9!); (1834)23:iiE.142; (1835) 24:i E.248; (1836) 24: ii E.99; (1837) 25:iiE.174; (1838) 25: iii E.94; (1839) 26:i E.89; (1840)26: iiE.72; (1841) 27: ii E.34; (1842) 27:iiiE.G8; (1843)28:1 E.42; (1844) 28:iiE.44; (1845) 29:i E.51; (1*41!) 29: ii E.46; (1847)30:iE.29; (1848) 30:ii E.44; (1849)31:1 E.38; (1850) 31:iiE.23; (1851) 32:i E.23,28; (1852)32:ii E.21; (1853)33: iE.63; (1854) 33:iiE.68; (1855) 34:i E.17; (1856) 34: iii E.59; (1857) 35:iE.S8; (1858) 35:ii E.50. Miscellaneous documents, 25: iii E.168; 26: ii S.195,229; 27:ii E.158,190, 8.220,254,328, iii E.187; 28:iE.249; 29:iE.143; 32: i .107, S.9G, ii S.6,40. See also: Army, Fortifications, Forts, Mili- tary establishment, Militia returns, Ordnance, West Point. WAREHOUSE law, 31: i S.M.71. WAREHOUSE system, 1!): i E.93; 20:ii R.93; 21: i E.74, R.165; 23: iR.323; 24:iiR.195; 27:iii E.128, R.103, S.212; 28: i R.438; 29:iR.411; 30:ii E.57, R.141, S.32; Si:iU.M.15. WARREN, G. K. Exploring expeditions in the United States ter- ritory since 1800, 33: ii 8.78 (v.13, pt.ll). Explorations in the Dacota country, 1855, with maps, 34 :i S.76. See also; Humphreys, A. A. WARREN, B. I. Survey of river and harbor, 20: i E.154. WASHBURN, R. vs. Ripley, J. W. Contested election, State of Maine, 21: i R.88. WASHINGTON, Gen. G. Accounts in fac-simile, 24: i E.120. En- tombment, 21 : i R.318 ; 24 : i E.124. Papers, 23 : i R.381 i 28 : ii E.C3. Presentation of the sword of, 27: iii E.144; 28: i E.ll. Statue, 28 : i R.459, H R.21 ; 2C : i E.124 ; 27 : i E.45,53, iii R. 219, S.57. WASHINGTON, D. C. Armory, 33: ii S.R.479; 34:i S.47,56,64,88. Canal company, 18: i E.138, ii E.102: 19:iE.127. Capitol adornment, 19: iiR.8; 24:iiR.294; 34:iE.117. Capitol ex- tension, 28:i E.51; 31: i S.R.145, ii S.R.273; 32:i .00, S.33, 52, S.R.163; 33 : i R.'WO ; 34: i .133,139,143,144, II. M. 133. Capitol, miscellaneous, 18: iS.53; 27:iiR.GS3; 30:iE.Cl; 34:iiS.60; 34:i E.120, II.M.65; 35:iE.84, ii S.R.388. Char- ter, 26: i S.518; 28 :i .230,241; 30:iH.M.73; 32:iS.R.315. Columbian institute, 24:iiR.226. Columbian institution for the deaf and dumb, 35:iR.CO, S.R.24, ii E.2 (p.742). Gas lights, 29: i R.592; 31:iiR.91; 35:iR.354. Howard institution, 28: iR.lG. Jail, 3o:ii R.211. Mail route to New Orleans, 19: i E.15(i,181; 20: i E.125, R.48. National institu- tion for promotion of science, 27: ii .54; 28:iR.539, S. 308, iiR.130; 35:iS.R.79. National monument, 24:iR.483; 28:i R.434,514; 33:iiR.94. National observatory, 19: i R.124; 22: iE.22; 27:iiR.449; 28:iiS.H4. See also : Gilliss, J. M. Navy yard, 28:iiR.lll,109. Penitentiary. See District of Colum- bia. Pennsylvania avenue, 20: ii S.119; 21: i R.184; 23:i E.24; 24:iR.604j 26:i S.434, ii S.51; 35:i R.356. Police, 27:iiR.83G; 34:i S.M.72; 35:i S.R.149. Public buildings, (Annual reports by the commissioner), (1824) 18:iiE.8; (1826)19:iiE.fi; (1827) 20:i E.41; (1828) 20:ii E.Up.13), 188; (1829)21:1 .15; (1832) 22: ii E.ll; (1833) 23:i .19; (1834) 23:iiE.35; (1S35) 24:i .97; (1836) 24:ii E.36; (1837)25:ii E.28; (1838) 25:Ui E.20; (1810) 26:ii E.58; (1841)27:ii E.40,195; (1842) 27:iii E.54; (184?) 28:i E.S2; (1844)28:ii E.41; (lS45)29:iE.53; (1846) 29:ii .38; (1847) 30: i E.24; (1848)30:iiE.31; (1849) 31: i .30; (1850) 31: ii .47; (1S5I) 32:i.79; (1852) 32:ii U.M.20; (1853) 83: i II.M.ll; (1854) 33:ii E.l(p.598); (1855) 34:i E.I (p.59o); (185(1) "A: iii E.I (v.l, pt.l, p.84'J); (1857) 35:i E.2 (p.718); (1858) 35:ii E.2 (p.G91); (Contracts by the commissioner), (1837) 2.'>:ii E.352; (1838)25:iii.7! (1839) 26 :i E.30; (1840) 20: ii E.20; (1841) UNITED STATES. Congressional docs., Index, continued. WASHINGTON, D. C'., continued. 27:ii.10; (1842) 27: iii E.9; (1843) 28: i E.17; (1844)28:ii E.11; (1845)29:1 E.45; (1846) 1:9: ii E.14; (1849) 31: i E.28; (1850) 31: ii E.15; (1851) 32: ii H.M.GG; (185-') 32: ii II.M.23; (1853)33:iU.M.9; (1857) 35: i .40; (Estimates and ex- penditures), 18: i E.8, K.CO,10(i, ii R.38; 19: i U.122,134, ii .6, R.84; 20:i .180, R.258, ii E.2 (p.170); 24: i R.3:-0, ii E.WJ, R.312; 25:iiR.772, iii E.308; 20UE.32; 28:iR.485; 29:i E.53; 30:iiE.34; 33:iE.25; 35:i E.120; (Miscellaneous documents), 19: i E.2, R.122,186, ii R 75; 20:UR.G9; 25:ii R.886,10.38, S.435, Hi R.305 ; 26: i E.30,250 ; 27 : i S.I23, ii R.40,552,879, iii R.152; 28:i R.267,775,776, u R.20,1S5; 30: u R.90, 8.38; 33:iR.193; 34:iii U.M.G2,64 ; 35:iE.42,84. Public property in land, I8:iiR.90; 20:iiS.5; 22:iR.291; 24:iiR.290; 27:iiiE.134; 28:i R.91, S.2C7, ii R.25; 34:i S.58. Public schools, 34: iS.R.88; 35:i S.R.112. Smith- sonian institution (Annual reports of the board of regents), (1840) 29: ii 8.211; (1847) 30:i S.M.23; (1848) 30:ii S.M.4S; (1849) 31: i S.M.120; (1850) 32: Special session, S.I; (1851) 32:iS.M.108; (185L>)32:u S.M.53; (1853)35: i S..M.73; (1854) 83:iiS.M.24; (18,55) 34: i S.M.73; (1856)34: iii S.M.54; (1857) 35:iS.M.272; (1853)35:ii S.M.49. (Reprint of reports l-6),33: i S.M.73; (Miscellaneous documents), 24: i .23, R.181, ii E.51; 25: iiE.256, iii .10,11; 26:iR.277; (Adams' report, 1842), 2r:iiR.5S7; (1844) 28:i R.540; (Chandler's report), 33:iiR.144; (Fleischmann's memorial), 25: iii .70; 26:i E.128; ( Owen's report), 29: i R.370; (Spencer's report), 28: i E.142: (Letter of Mr. Choate, and report of investigating committee, with evidence), 33:ii R.141. Water supply, 21:1 R.145,281,344,375,376; 22:iR. 291; 31:iiE.:i3; 32:iiS.48; 34:iE.82, R.320; 35: ii E.2 (pt.2, p.&30), S.R.3G9. Miscella- neous documents, 18: i E.137; 19:iR.57,83; 20:iE.51, R. 215,iiE.55; 22: i E.193,223, R.318, ii R.G3; 23:i E.08, ii E.14; 24:iE.23, UE.181; 25:iiS.314j 27:iE.58; 28:iiR.24; 34: i S.R.136. WASHINGTON, Miss., Land office at, 20:ii S.3. WASHINGTON territory. Boundary, 34: i S.R. 251. Geological sur- vey, 34: iii R.171; 35:iR.409. Hudson's bay and Puget sound company, 33: ii 8.37. Indian hostilities, 33: i 8.34; 84: i E.48,93,118, S.40,G6; 35: i E.3S,39,45,1 1-', .24, ii E.51. Martial law, 34:i S.98, iii S.41,47. Military roads, 34: i R.186, 189; 35: i R.309. Pay to volunteers in, 34: iii H.189. Public lauds, 34: i H.M.130, iu S.M.28; 35: i R.376, S.M.266, ii H. M.30. WATER-PROOF cartridges, 28: ii R.86. WATERVLIET arsenal, 19:iR.148, ii R.31. WATEOUS, J. C. Impeachment, 34: iii R.175; 35:iH.M.136, R. 540,548. WAUKEOAN, m. Harbor, 34: i R.71. WEAVER, Lieut. W. A., Court-martial for the trial of, 18:ii E.81. WEBB, S. II., Charges against, 27: ii R.679, iii E.l'.M. WEBSTER, D. Ingersoll's charge of official misconduct as secre- tary of state, with Viuton's report, 2!l:i R.ust. WEBSTER, J. D. Gulf coast at the mouth of the Rio Grande, 31: iS.65. WEIGHERS andgaugers, 29: ii E.25; 32: ii E.30. WEIGHTS and measures, 22: i E.299, S.IG8; 23:ii R.132; 24:iE. 32. R.259,449, ii E.13; 25:ii E.454, iii S.4,500; 20: i S.I.V/W, iiS.20; 27 :ii 8.225, iii S.ll; 28:i E.94, ii E.1S9; 29:i E.225; 30:iE.84; 34:iiiS.27; 35:iiS.6. Expenses for procuring, 1789-1843, 28: ii E.165. WEST, B. Application to congress to purchase his paintings, with a list, 19: ii E.8. WEST, J. LI. Imprisonment in Cuba, 33: Special session, S. M.3, i S.4G. WEST India seas, Squadron in, 32: i E.9. WEST India trade, 19: ii .2 (p.21), 12,21,45,50,144, 8.27; 20: i E.2; 21:ii.22; 2J: i S.132; 23:18.58. WEST Indies. Colored laborers, 32: i E.29,99. See also : Piracies. WEST Point military academy. Annual reports of board of vis- itors, (1824) 18: ii E.2 (p.8C); (l,S25)19:iE.l(p.03); (1820) 19:ii E.2(p.227); (1S27) 20: i E.2 (p.05): (1828) 20: ii E.2 (p. 44); (1829)21:iE.2(p.lOO); (1830) 21:ii E.2 (p.115); (1831) 22: i .2 (p.93); (IS 'I-') 22: ii .2 (p.117); (183.3) 23: i E.I (p. 105); (1834) 2-3 :ii E.2 (p. 100); (1835) 24: i E.2 (p.200); (1830) 24: ii E.2 (p.298); (1837) 25: ii .3 (p.46S); (1S3S) 25: iii E.2 (p.238); (1839) 20:i S.I (p.222); (1810) 2G:ii E. 2 (p.143); (1841)27:iiS.l(p.l51); (1842) 27: iii E.2 (p.200); (1847) 30: i S.I (p.629) ; (1850) 31 : ii 8.1 (p.370) ; (lovL>) 32 : ii .1 (pt.2, p.l); (1853) 33 :i E.I (pt.2, p.180); (1854) 33: ii .S.I (pt.2, p. 117); (1855) 34: i .1 (pt.2, p.214); (1850) 34: iii E.I (pUJ, p. 292); (1857) 35: i E.2 (pt.2, p.197); (I85.s)35:ii .2(pt.3,p. 839). Abolition or continuance of the academy: R. M. John- sou's report, 23:iR.400; F. O. J. Smith's report, 24:iili. 803; Partridge's memorial, 20: ii S.79; Petitions, 28: i R. 476. Cadets admitted from each state, and rule of appoint- ment, 27: ii S.42; 28:18.42; 28: i .220, ii .2 (p.184). Ca- dets admitted, graduated, and in the army, 1812-44, 28: i E. 96. Cadets graduated, dead and resigned, 1*13-1*11, 27: i E.194. Cadetships authorized by law, 19: i .58 (p.21). Esti- mates and expenditures, 18:i S.50, ii IUJ5; 20: i E.19I, S.I28. 132; 21:iE.2 (p.105), 79; 26:iE.121, ii E.103, 10.1; 29: i R.GOO) 85:iU.M.18, 8.23. Expenditure per man, in army and academy compared, 26:iiE.105. Military road to, 19: ii H. 72. Promotion of cadets, 30: i 8.25. Proposed changes, 32 : UNITED STATES 842 UNITED STATES UNITED STATES. Congressional docs., Index, continued. WEST Point military academy, continued. i S.98. Registers and regulations, 18:1 E.lll; 19:i E.58,62; 20:iE.lC7, HE.41; 21:i E.T'J, ii E.7(ii 22:iR.2S6. WESTBROOK, Conn. Harbor, 21: i E.124; 22:iE.86. WESTERN armory, 18:i E.134, ii E.55; 19: i .46,83; 23: i R.349; 24:iR.373; 23:ii E.120, S.231; 27:ii E.149, iii E.133, S.17. WESTERN frontier, Defence of, 20: iE.234; 24.-iE.249, R.401; 25: ii E.59,114,278,311,357, S.C,.i _ Etats de la confederation germanique . . 22iii>.14 _ France. Annales historiques. 2v. . . . 2206.22 - France. Dictionnairc encyclopedique. 12v. 2244.2 - Su6de ct Norwegc 2276.10 Marcel, J.J.jllyme, A., and others. Egypte moderne 2200.17 Munk, S. Palestine 2276.4 Pauthicr, G. Chine 2200.12 - and Bazin. Chine moderne 2200.13 Pouqucville, F. C. H. L. Grece 2206.21 Regnault, E., Labaume, J., Lacroix, F., and Denys, J. F. Antilles, Suite des Etats-Unis, Possessions anglaises 2266.6 Rienzi, G. L. D. de. Oceanic, etc. 3v. . . . 2276.3 Roux de Rochelle, J. B. G. Etats-Unis d'A- merique 2206.20 - Villes anseatiques 2276.15 Rozet, C. A., Carette, A. E. H., etc. Algerie, Tripolitains, Tunis 2206.3 Tardicu, A. E., Cherubini, S.,andDesvergers, N. Senegambie, Guinee, etc 2276.9 Tanoski, J., and David, J. A. Syrie ancienne ct moderne 2276.12 UNIVERSAL damnation and salvation clearly proved. Boston, 1826. 12 3453.17 UNIVERSAL history. {Ancient part], vol. i-xvni. Modern part, vol. I-XLII. London, 1779-84. COv. 8 *2217.1 Contents. Vol. I. Creation; Deluge; Egypt; Mo- abites, etc. ; Syrians. II. Phoenicians ; Jews. UL Jews; Assyria; Babylon; Phrygia; Troy. IV. Medea; Persians; Scythians; Mysians; Lydians; Lycians. V. Fabulous times; Athenians; Sparta. VI. Thebes; Grecian states; Sicily; Syracuse. VII. Grecian islands; Macedonians. VIII. Selcucidoi; Egypt; Armenians; Pontus. IX. Asia Minor and shores of the Euxine; Farthians; Persians; Ancient Italy; Roman history. X XIV. Roman history. XIV. Constantinople; Eastern and Western empire. XV. Constantinople; Carthage. XVI. Carthage; Numidians; Mauritam- ans; Ethiopians; Arabs; Nice and Trapezond ; An- cient Spain ; Gauls. XVII. Germans ; Britain; Northern nations; Ilunns, etc.; Ostrogoths and Lom- bards, in Italy. XVHI. Turks; Indians; Chinese; Appendix; Opinions of ancient philosophers con- cerning the creation of the world; Etruscans; Index. XIX. Mohammed. XX-XXI. Arabs. XXI. Turks; Seljukians. XXII. Moguls ; Jenghiz Khan and hi descendants; Timur Bok. XXIII. Shahs of Persia; Karazm. XXIII, XXIV. Hindustan. XXV. Eastern Tartars; China; Japan. XXVI. East Indies; East India companies. XXVII. East India companies; Ottoman empire. XXVUI. Ottoman empire; Dis- persion of the Jews. XXIX. Africa, viz.: Egypt; Islands. XXX. Abyssinia, etc. ; Hottentots. XXXJL Ethiopia; Angola; Gold coast. XXXII. West coast; Interior Barbary; Morocco; Algiers. XXXIII. Tu- nis; Tripoli; Malta, XXXIV VI. Spain. XXXVI, Portugal. XXXVH. Navarre. XXXVII-XXXIX. France. XL. Italy. XLJ. Venice. XLII. Venice; Naples. XLIII. Genoa, XLIII XLV. Germany. XLV. Holland. XLV, XL VI. Denmark. XL VII. Sweden. XL Vm. Poland. XLIX. Prussia; Russia. L. Hungary; Geneva; Modern empire; Swiss; Ger- man states. LI. Tuscan states; Milan. LII. Savoy. L1I LIV. America. L1V. West Indies; Conclu- sion; Geography of the globe, with a view to new discoveries; Of Asia. LV. Africa and Europe. LVL America; Index. LVT1, LVIII. England* Supple- ment. LIX. Scotland; Supplement. LX. Ireland; Supplement. UNIVERSAL Lexicon der praktischen Medicin und Chirurgie von Andral, etc., frei bearb. u.s.w. Leipzig, 1835-48. 14v. 8" *3732.1 UNIVERSALISM. Balfour, W. Scriptural import of the words translated hell 3453.2 Ballou, H. Ancient history of 3453.25 Brown, T. Origin and progress of the doc- trine of universal salvation 3453.27 Empie, A. Remarks on the distinguishing doctrine of modern universalism . . . . Pph.y.57 Huber, M. Punishments of the wicked not endless 3453.30 Huntington, J. Calvinism improved .... 3453.3 UNIVERSALISM 845 USUARD Shelf. No. UNIVEESALISM, continued. Stetson, S. Six sermons on Fuller's reasons for endless punishment Pph.v.240 Strong, N. Eternal misery reconcileable with the benevolence of God 3453.4 Stuart, M. Essays on words relating to future punishment 3453.18 Thorn, D. Dialogues on universal salvation. 3453.1 Universal salvation clearly proved 3453.17 Whittemore, T. Modern history of .... 3453.20 Winchester, E. Universal restoration ex- hibited 3453.36 s UNIVERSALIST quarterly, The, and general re- view. Vols. 11-16. Boston, 1854-59. 6v. 8. *528S.l I UNIVERSIDAD de amor. [Spanish interludes] . 3095.18 f UNIVERSITIES and public schools. Extracts from " Select notices of universities and public schools." London, 1828. 8 *Pph.v.77 Note. For the histories of universities, and cata- logues of their libraries, see the names of the places In which they are located. UNZER, J. A. Principles of physiology, and a dis- sertation on the nervous system by G. Prochaska ; transl. by T. Laycock. London, 1851. 8. [Sydenham society] *3724.7 UPCOTT, "VV. Bibliographical account of works relating to English topography. London, 1818. 3v. 8 *2153.10 UPHAM, C. W. Discourse at the funeral of Kev. J. Prince. Salem, 1836. 8" **E.218.4 Life of Sir Henry Vane. Boston, ia35. 12. 2347.10 Principles of Congregationalism : the second century lecture of the first church. Salem, 1829. 8 **E.224.9 Principles of the reformation : a sermon. Sa- lem, 1826. 8 **E. 224.9 UPHAM, E. The Mahavansi, the Raja-Ratnacari, and the Raja-Vali: sacred and historical books of Ceylon ; also, Singhalese's tracts illustrative of the doctrines and literature of Buddhism. London, 1833. 3v. 8 ... 3488.3 UPHAM, J. B. Acoustic architecture. New Haven, 1853. pp.43. 8 4105.1 UPSAL. Flora Upsaliensis. Wahlenberg, G. . . 3857.8 UPTON, J. Critical observations on Shakespeare. 2d ed. London, 1748. 8 2597.18 URANIUS. Epistola de obitu Paulini. [Migne. Patrologiae v.53] 3440.24 URBANUS II, pope. Epistolae, diplomata, ser- mones. Accurante J. P. Migne. Lutetiae Parisiorum, 1853. 8 3460.29 Contents. Vita, auctore Theodorico Ruinarto ; Epistolas et privilegia ; Scrmoncs ; Sseculi xi aucto- res, anni incerti, ets cripta dfiianora ; Monument* liturgica ; Mouumenta diplouiatica ; Appendices. Epistolse LXXXI. [Bouquet. Recueil, v.14] . 2620.1 UKBANUS III, pope. Epistolae tres. [Bouquet. Ilecueil, v.19] 2G20.1 Epist. ct privilegia. [Migne. Patrol, v.203] . 3470.25 URBAXUS IV, pope. Epistolae LXIV. [Martenc. Thesaurus novus anecdotorum, v.2] .... 2250.2 URE, A. Cotton manufacture of Great Britain. ^ London, 1836. 2v. p.8 4016.11 Dictionary of chemistr. 2dcd. Lond.1823. 8.**E.204.8 Philosophy of manufactures. Lond. 1835. p.8. 4034.14 vs. Ure, Catharine. Case of divorce for adul- tery with G. S. Pattison. Edinburgh, 1819. 8 *M.Fph.v.llO URETHRA. Abernethy, J. Diseases of the . . . 3745.1 Bigelow, H. J. Treatment of strictures of the. 3740.35 Geoghegan, E. Strictures of the . . . M.Pph.v.71 Gross, S. D. Diseases, injuries, and malform- ations of the 3740.39 Lisfranc, J. Retrecissemens de 1'nretre . . 3740.48 Syme, J. Stricture of the 3740.55 Wadd, W. Cure of strictures, etc. . .M.Pph.v.120 URINARY deposits. Bird, G 3740.36 URINARY organs, Diseases of the. Brodie, B. C. 3740.37 See also : Calculus, Diabetes, Generative organs, Gravel. Shelf. No. URINE. Griffith, J. W. On the 3*03.30 Heller, J. F. Pathological chemistry of the. 3740.43 Howship, J. Diseases connected with the . 3740.44 URQUIIAKT, D. Foreign policy and com. Speeches. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1839. pp.50. 8 . . 3653.7 Spirit of the East. Phila. 1839. 2v. 12 . . 3045.24 URQUIIART, W. P. On direct taxation and free trade. Edinburgh, 1851. pp.12. 8 .... 3653.5 URSIFORJI sloth. Tiedemann, F. iiber das ver- meintliche barenartige Faulthier 3902.6 URSINS, J. J. Histoire de Charles vi, roy de France, etc. [Michaud. Coll. mem. hist. France. Sur. 1, v.2] 2811.1 URSINUS, F. Virgilius collatione scriptorum GrsECorumillustratus. Leovardia?, 1747. 8". 2944.6 URSULINES. Voyage dcs premieres Ursulines, a la Xouvclle York. Tranchepain, St. A. de. 2311.20 URUGUAY. Histoire et description. Famiu, C. . 2206.11 Us et coustumes de la mer, revue par [E. Clairac]. Bourdeaux, 1601. 4 *3011.9 USEFUL arts. Archives des decouvertes 3277.2 Bigelow, J. Useful arts considered in con- nexion with the applications of science. . 4034.15, 16 Bulletin de la societe d'encouragement pour 1'iudustric nationale. See Paris 3380.2 Figuier, G. L. L'annee scientifique ct indus- triellc 3934.16 Jobard, J. B. A. M. Bulletin du museo de 1' industrie 3303.1 Machines ct inventions approuvees par 1'acad- cmie royale des sciences. See Paris . . . . 3291.3 Smith, G. The laboratory 4018.35 See also: Agriculture, Bleaching, Bookbinding, Boot and shoe-making, Brewing, Calico printing, Caoutchouc, Carriages, Cement, Clocks, Copper- smith, Dyeing, Gilding, Glass-making, Gloves, Glues, Goldsmiths, Gum Gutta-percha, Industrial exhibi- tions, Industry, Inventions, Light-houses, Manufac- tures, Mutches, Metallurgy, Mortars, Moulder, Pain- ter's and glazier's guide, Paper, Bopcmakcr, Silver- ing, Stone-cutting, Tailoring, Technology, Turning, Watch-making, Weaving, Wine-making. USHER, B., Funeral sermon on. See Foxcroft, T. 3455.19 USHER, or Ussher, J. Whole works, with life by C. E. Elrington. Dublin, 1847. 15v. 8 . *3502.3 Contents. VoLI. Life, II. De Christianarum ec- clesiarum successione et statu, historica explicatio ; Sermon [Ho. Commons, Feb. IS.llWO]; Speech on the oath of supremacy, l(ji; Sermon before the king. 111. Answer to a challenge made by a Jesuit in Ire- land. IV. Gotteschalci et prsedestinatiana) contro- versise ab eo motaj historia ; Religion anciently pro- fessed by Irish and .British, Itxil; Veterum episto- larum Ilibernicaruin sylloge ; Immanucl, or the mystery of the incarnation. V, VI. Britannicarum ccclesiarum autiquitates. VII. Disquisition touching Asia properly so called ; Origin of bishops, etc. ; Judg- ment of Dr. Kuinoldcs touching the original of episco- pacy, confirmed; Disscrtatio non dc Ignatii solum ct Polycarpi scriptis, scd etiarn dc apostolicis constitu- tiouibus, etc.; Prajfationes in Ignatium; De symbolis; De Macedonum ct Asianorum anno solari ; Dc LXX versione syntagma ; De variautibus text us llcbraii lectionibus ; Gulielmi Eyrii epistolas. Ylil-X. An- nalcs Veteris Testament!. X, XI. Annales Novi Tcs- tamcnti ; Collatio annorum ; PrincipJes of the Christian religion. XL Method of the doctrine of the Christian religion ; Power of the prince; Original of corbes and. of termon lauds ; English laws in Ireland ; Imperial laws in Great Britain and Ireland ; Chronologia sacra ; XII. Chronologia sacra ; Historia dogmatica ; Dis- sertationcs de Pseudo-Dionysii scriptis, ct dc cpistola ad Laodicenses ; Reduction of episcopacy; Babylon; What is the beast? Atonement ; Sabbath, etc. XIII. Eighteen sermons on conversion and justification; Sermons. XV, XVI. Letters. Dc Macedonum et Asianorum anno solari. [Gronovius. Thes. Grsec. antiq. v.9] . . . 2900. 2 Life of. SeeAikin.J 2455.4 USHER family. See Whitmore, W. H 2333.13 USOMARE, M. Annales Genuenscs, ab anno 1204. [Muratori. Rcrum Ital. script, v.6]. 2710.1 USUARD. Martyrologium ex recensione Sollerii, et ad cd. Bencdictinam collatum. Lutetiae Parisiorum, 1852. 2v. 8. [Migne. Patro- logiaj v.123, 124] 3400.6 USURY 846 VALERIUS Shelf. No. USURY. Bentham, J. Defence of Pph.v.222 Mastroflni, M. Usure, libri tre 3656.4 UsuilY law. Jeremy Bentham and the usury law. From the New York daily express. Albany, 1837. 8 *Pph.v.97 USUKY laws, Reasons against the repeal of the . 3646.24 UTAH, Exploration of the valley of the Great salt lake of. See Stansbury, H 2378.7 UTBI, Al. See Abu-1-Nasr-Muhammad. UTERUS. Bennet, J. H. Inflammation of the . 3776.6, 7 Blatin, J. B. Du catarrhe utiirin 3776.8 Burns, J. Anatomy of the gravid uterus . 3776.9 - Observations on the uterine hemorrhage. 3775.4 Channing, "VV". Irritable uterus . . . . M.Pph.v.24 Drayton, C. Inversion of the . . . . M.Pph.v. 119 Duparcque, F. Diseases of the 3776.15 Hunter, W. Anat. of the human gravid U. 3750.4 - Lectures on the gravid uterus 3776.18 King, J. Retroversion of the gravid U. M.Pph.v.109 Kissam, B. P. Function of the M.Pph.v.5 Lee, R. Uterine diseases 3776.23 Lisfranc, J. Maladies de 1'uterus 3776.24 Meigs, C. D. Diseases of the neck of the . 3775.13 Nuck, A. Uteri fceminci anatomc nova . . . 3779.26 Rees, G. Diseases of the M.Pph.v.124 Iligby, E. Uterine haemorrhage which pre- cedes delivery 3774.21 Stewart, D. Uterine hemorrhage 3774.21 West, C. Ulceration of the os uteri 3776.34 UTHO. Vita S. Arbogasti, episcopi Argentinensis. [Migne. Patrologiae v.134] 3460.13 UTICA gymnasium. Catalogue of officers and students, n.p. n.d. 8 *Pph.v.87 UTILISSIME musicales regule necessitate plani cantus simplicis contrapuncti, etc. Par- rhisiis, 1526. sm.4 4049.27 UTRECHT, Memoires concernant la paix d'. See Fre'schot, C 3699.1 UXBRIDGE, [Eng.j, History of. Bedford, G. . . 2505.5 VACANT, C. Storia delle campagne e degli assedj degl' Italian! in Ispagna dal 1803 al 1813. Milano, 1823. 3v. 1.4. Atlante, f . . . *3100.3 VACCHERO, G. C., Congiuradi. [Archivio storico italiano. App. v.3J 5245.2 VACCINATION. Bell, L. V. Attempt to investi- gate, etc 3790.46 Coxe, J. R. Practical observations on. M.Pph.v. 101 Goldson, W. Cases of small-pox subsequent to M.Pph.v. 62 Marshall, J. Vaccination considered in rela- tion to the public health 3707.29 Massachusetts medical society. Report on.Pph.v.64 Moore, J. History and practice of .... 3790.45 Pearson, G. Claims of remuneration for. M.Pph.v. 73 Scofield, S. Nature and origin of . . . M.Pph.v. 101 VACCINE-POCK institution. Report on the cow- pock inoculat. 1800-2. Lond. 1803. S.*M.Pph.v.l01 VACCOLINI, D. See Bernabd Silorata, P. Prose e poesie diltaliani viventi, v.l, 3, 7, 9 . . . 4768.16 VADE mecum for America, or a companion for traders and travellers. Bo st. 1732. obi. 8.*2318.12 VAHL, M. Eclogse Americanae, seu descriptiones plantarum, etc. Hauniae, 1796-98. 3v.ini. f.*3860. 15 Enumeratio plantarum. Hauniae et Lipsiac, 1805-6. 2v. 8 3853.7 Icones plantarum Americanarum. Tab. 30. Hauniae, 1798, 99. 3v. in 1. f *3860.16 Symbolae botanicae. Hauniae, 1790-94. 3v. in 1. f *3860.12 VAHRAM, R. Chronicle of the Armenian king- dom in Cilicia, during the crusades, transl. by C. F. Neumann. London, 1831. 8. [Ori- ental translation fund] *3014.4 VAIL, E. A. De la litterature et dcs hommes de lettres des Etats-Unis d'Amerique. Paris, 1841. 8 2384.3 VAILLANT, J. F. Seleucidarum imperium, sive historia regum Syriae. Ed. 2a. Hagae-Comi- tum, 1732. f *3070.9 Shelf. No. VAINES, F. J. de. Dictionnaire de diplomatique. Paris, 1774. 2v. 8 *2114.6 VAIRASSE d'Allais, D. Histoire des Sevarambes, [roman politique]. [Gamier. Voyages imaginaires, v.5] 2666.1 VAISSETTE,J. Sur 1'origine des Frangais. [Leber. Coll. diss. hist. France, v.l] 2618.1 VALARESSO, Z. Rutzvanscad il giovine, arciso- pratragichissima trag. [Parnaso ital.] v.50 of 2769.2 VALCAND. Vita S. Hildulphi, episcopi Treviren- sis ; Vita S. Deodati, episcopi Nivernensis. [Migne. Patrologiae v.151] 3460.29 VALDARNO. Accademia valdarnese. See Monte- varchi 5272.8 VALDEJI, F. See Bernab6 Silorata, P. Prose e poesie di Italian! viventi, v.3 4768.16 VALDESIO, F., pseud. See Muratori, L. A. Opere minori, v.5 2710.2 VALDICHIANA. See Chiana. VALDORY, G. de. Anecdotes du ministere de Richelieu et du regne de Louis xin. Am- sterdam, 1717. 2v. 12 *2649.12 VALENCIENNES, A. Histoire naturelle des pois- sons. SeeCuvier, G.L.C. F. D 3906.1 Description des collections du voyage dans PInde. See Jacquemont, V 3040.2 VALENCIENNES, H. de. Continuation de la chron- ique de la prise de Constantinople par Geof- froy de Ville-Hardouin. [Buchon. Coll. des chron. nat. franc.. v.3] 2617.2 - Same. [Bouquet. Recueil, v.18] .... 2620.1 - Same. [Michaud. Coll. mdm. histoire de France, v.l] 2611.1 - Same. See Villehardouin, G. de 2616.8 VALENTIA in Ireland, Longitude of. Airy, G. B. 3920.6 VALENTIN, G. G. Lehrbuch der Physiologie. 2te Ausg. Braunschweig, 1847-50. 2v. in 4. 8. 3761.2 Text-book of physiology. London, 1853. 8 3761.3 Traitd de n6 vrologie, traduit de 1'allemand par A. J. L. Jourdan. Paris, 1843. 8. [Ency- clopedic anatomique, v.4] 3734.7 Anatomic des echinodermes. See Agassiz, L. J. R 3870.22 VALENTIN, L. Coup-d'ceil sur la culture de qucl- ques v^getaux exotiques, et notice sur 1'etat des sciences aux Etats-Unis. Marseille, 1807. 8" *Pph.v.6 Notice biographique sur Dr. Jenner. Mont- pellier, 1805. 8 *M.Pph.v.l08 VALENTINE, D. T. Manual of the corporation of New York. See New York 6369.26 VALENTINI, A. La basilica lateranense. Roma, 1834-36. 2v. in 1. f *4050.7 La basilica liberiana oggi S. Maria Maggiore. Roma, 1839. f *4050.9 La basilica vaticana illustrata. Roma, 1845- 55. 2v. f" *4050.11 VALENTINI, F. Nuovo dizionario portatile itali- ano-tedesco e tedesco-italiano. Ed. nuov. Berlino, 1821. 2v. 16" **E. 208.5 Su la commedia dell'arte, maschere italiane, ed alcune scene del carnevale di Roma. Ber- lino, 1826. pp.32. 4 *2771.3 VALENTINI, M. B. Corpus jvris medico-legale. Ed. nov. Francofurti ad Moenum, 1722. f *3780.2 VALENTINIANUS III, emperor. Epistola ad Theo- dosium Augustum. [Migne. Patrologiae v.54] v.l of 3440.25 VALERIAN : a narrative poem. Linn, J. B. . . . 2398.1 VALERIANI, L. Leggi delle dodici tavole esami- nate. Firenze, 1839. 8 3612.2 VALERIANO Bolzani, J. P. De fulminum signifi- cationibus. [Graevius. Thesaurus antiq. Rom. v.5] 2950.1 VALERIANUS. Scripta universa. [Migne. Patro- logiae v.52] 3440.23 VALERIUS. Opuscula ; Vita S. Fructuosi Braca- rensis episcopi. [Migne. Patrologiae v.87]. 3450.18 VALERIUS 847 VANE Shelf. No. VALERIUS, A. De occupationibus diacono S. R. E. cardinale diguis. [Mai. Script, vet. nova coll. v.G, p.2] 3000.1 VALERIUS, B. Traite de la fabrication du fer. Paris, 1843, 44. 8. Atlas, 4 *4012.12 Traite de la fabrication de la fonte. Leipzig-, 1851. 8. Atlas, 4 *4012.11 VALERIUS Flaccus Setinus Balbus, C. Argo- nauticon libri vni. Ed. N. E. Lemaire. Parisiis, 1824-25. [Lemaire. Bibliotheca class. Lat. 120, 121] *2913.3 See Elton, C. A. Specimens of the classic poets, v.3 20C3.14 VALERIUS Maximus. Libri ix factorum dicto- rumque memorabilium : cum notis. Ed. A. Torrenius. Leidae, 1726. 2v. 4 *2045.1 See Mai, A. Script, vet. nova coll. v.3 . . . 30U0.1 and Julius Obsequens. De dictis factisque memorabilibus et de prodigiis, cum supple- mento Lycosthenis, etc. [Ed.] C. B. Hase. Parisiis, 1822-23. 2v. in 3. 8. [Lemaire. Bibliotheca classica Latina, 122-124] . . . *2913.4 VALERY, A. C. Voyages en Corse, a Pile d'Elbe, etc. Paris, 1837. 2v. 8 2765.7 Voyage en Italic. 2e ed. Paris, 1838. 3v. 8. 2765.6 VALGIUS Rufus, C. Vita ct carminum reliquiae. See Weichert, J. A 2912.6 VALIN, R. J. Nouveau commentaire sur 1'ordon- nance de la marine du mois d'Aout 1681. Nouv. <5d. La Rochelle, 1776. 2v. 4" ... *3951.21 VALLA, L. De lingvaj Latinos elegantia libri sex, cum adnot. var. Colonia; Agrip. 1563. sm. 8 *2934.7 Elegantiarum libri. [Erasmus. Opera, v.lj. 2920.3 VALLAXS, W. A tale of two swanncs of the river Lee. Oxford, 1744. pp.23. 8. [Leland. Itinerary, v.3] *2477.1 VALLE, C. della. Medea. [Teatro sceltoital. v.30].4779a.G VALLE, G. della. Vite dei pittori greci e latiui. Siena, 1795. sm.4 *4087.4 VALLE, P. della. Viaggi, [per] la Tvrchia, Persia, e 1'India. Roma, 1750-03. 4v. 4 *3042.9 Travels into East-India and Arabia. Transl. by G. Havers. Added, Roe's voyage. Lon- don, 1605. [No title-page.] f *3041.7 Informatione della Giorgia. [Thevenot. Voy- ages, v.l] 2300.1 Travels in Persia. [Pinkerton. Voyages, v.9]. 2200.13 VALLEK, L. L. Traite de la geometric descrip- tive. Paris, 1819. 4. pi **E.193.11 VALLEIX, F. L. I. Guide du medecin praticien. 3e dd. Paris, 1853. 5v. 8" *3793.2 VALMONT, V. Tartarie, Bcloutchistan, Boutan, ct Nepal. SeeDubeux, L 2276.13 VALMONT, le comte de. Lea (Sgaremens de la raison. See Gerard, L. P 2660.24 VALMONT de Bomare, J. C. Dictionnaire d'his- toire naturelle. 4e 6d. Lyon, 1791. 15v. 8 *3839.10 VALORANI, V. See Bernabo Silorata, P. Prose e pocsie di Italian! viventi, v.l, 2 4768.16 VALORI, A. G. Veronica Cibo nei Salviati : ro- manzo storico. 2aed. Firenze, 1841. sm.8. 4775.1 VALORI, B. Lettere. [Dati. Prose florentiue, v.10] 2787.1 Vita. [Archivio storico italiano, v.4, p.l] . . 5245.2 VALORI, N. Vita di Lorenzo de' Medici. See Buo- naccorsi, B 2744.8 VALOEIAXI.L. SeeBerni.F. Opere burlesche, v.2. 4709.6 VALORY, F. F. Precis historique sur 1'affaire de Varennes. See Bouille, F. C. A. de . . . . 4045.5 VALOTTI, F. A. O vos omnes, 4 voci e fundam. ; Transito di S. Antonio, a 3 voci. [Dehn. Practische Musik-Werke, v.24] 4051.14 VALPY, F. E. J. Etymological dictionary of the Latin language. London, 1828. 8 .... 2932.6 VALPY, R. Address from a clergyman to his parishioners. 5th ed. London, 1820. 8 . 3444.13 Elements of Greek grammar. 4th ed. Lon- don, 1814. 8 7058.10 Shelf. No. VALPY, R. Elements of Greek grammar, cont. - Same. 1st Am. from last Loud. ed. Bos- ton, 1814. 12" **E.207.24 - Same. With additions by C. A. Anthon. llth ed. New York, 1836. 12 7099.13 VALRAM. See Walram. VALSALVA, A. M. De aure humana tractatus. Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1707. sm.4 *3805.21 VALUE, The measure of. Malthus, T. R 3640.17 VALVASOXE, E. di. La caccia: poema. Milano, 1808. 8 2794.25 VAXARSDALEX, C. C. The Christian patriot : an oration before the alumni of Rutgers col- lege. Hartford, 1837. 8 *Pph.v.l46 VANBRUGII, J. The mistake ; The provok'd hus- band. [Cumberland. British drama, v.3, G].E. 229.7 VAN BUREN, M. Message at the commencement of the first session of the 20th congress, [with docs.]. Washington, 1839. 8. . *Pph.v.l09 Speech on D. D. Tompkins's accounts. Al- bany, 1820. 8 *Pph.v.24 Life and times of. See Mackenzie, \V. L. . Pph.v.150 [Letters addressed to M. Van Buren, correct- ing errors in [a] late biography of [him]. New York, 1830. 8 *Pph.v.82, 115 VAN CORTLANUT, E. Epitome of a lecture on Ot- tawa productions. Bytown, 1853. 8 . *Pph.v.200 VANCOUVER, G. Voyage of discovery to the North Pacific ocean, and round the world, 1790-95. London, 1798. 3v. 4 *2200.14 VANDAEL. Manuel du tailleur. Paris, 1833. sm.32. [Manuel Roret] 4019.21 VANDALS. Avezac, M. A. P. d'. Domination des Vandalcs en Afrique, par J. Yanoski . . . 2266.2 Marcus, L. Ilistoire des Vandales 2817.3 Vandalica persecutio. [Migne. Patrologiae V.58] 3440.27 VANDEBURGII, C. F. Mariner's medical guide. London, 1819. 8 3783.3 VANDEN HEUVEL, J. A. Oration delivered on the 4th July, 1827. Ogdensburgh, 1827. S.*Pph.v.69 VAN DER BERGII, II. V. S. Oration delivered at Stilhvatcr, July 4, 1824. Albany, 1824. 8.*Pph.v.47 VAN DEU KEMP, F. A. Oration commemorative of the emancipation of the Dutch from French tyranny. Utica, n.d. 8 *Pph.v.23 VANDERMOXDE, C. A. Dictionnaire portatif de saute [ct] de chirurgie, par M. Sue. 2e [et] 5eed. Paris, 1777. 10 3734.15 VANDER VYNCK.T, J. J. Histoire des troubles des Pays-Bas, par de Rciffenberg. 2e <5d. Brux- elles, 1830. 3v. 8 2815.6 - Same. Augment^ par J. Tarte. Brux- elles, 1822. 4v. 8 2815.7 VAX DIEMEX'S land, Description of. Strzelecki, P. E. de 3047.6 Observations at the observatory at Hobarton, in. See Great Britain. Admiralty . . . . E.170.4 See also : Tasmania. VAN DYCK, A. Memoir, catalogue of etchings, etc. See Carpenter, W. H 4001.8 VAN DYCK, L. B. Examination of the proceed- ings of the superintendents of the theologi- cal seminary of the reformed Dutch church. Scheuectady, 1828. 8 *Pph.v.71 Remarks on liberty of conscience, human creeds, and theological schools. New York, 1828. 8 *Pph.v.77 VANE, Sir H. Sir Harry Vane's last sigh for the committee of safety. London, 1059. pp.14. sm.4" *2458.0 Tryal, with what he intended to have spoken the day of his sentence, etc. 1002. sm.4 . *2458.8 What Vane intended to have spoken at the time of his execution. London, 1002. pp.6. am. 4 *2458.11 Vindication of. See Stubbes, H 2458.10 and Marshall. Two speeches at a common hall, Oct. 27, 1643. London, 1043. pp.14. sm.4 ,*>19.24 VAN GAVEK 848 VAKCIII Shelf. No. VAN GAVKR, J. Turquie. ,SteeJouannin, J. M. . 2276.14 VAN HEYTIIUYSEX, F. Equity draftsman. 1st Am. ed. New York, 1819. 8 3633.2 VAN KLEECK, R. B. Address on laying the corner stone of the free mission church of the holy cross, in Troy. Troy, 1844. 8 ... . *Pph.v.l37 VANNER, S. Recauetvm de mvsica avrca. In- terprete V. Rosseto. Roma, 1533. f . . *4052.2 VAX NESS, William P. Examination of the va- rious charges against Aaron Burr, by Aris- tides. Philadelphia, 1803. 8 *Pph.v.ll - Same. New cd. n.p. ISM. 8 ... . *Pph.v.ll Concise narrative of Gen. Jackson's first in- vasion of Florida. By Aristides. N. York, 1827. 8" *Pph.v.67 - Same. Albany, 1828. 8 *Pph.v.73 [Proceedings of the committee appointed to inquire into the official conduct of Van Noss.] New York, 1820. 8 *Pph.v.33 VAN Ness, AV'illiam W., Caines, G., Harrison, and Hamilton, A. Speeches in the cause of the people against Harry Croswcllj libel on Thomas Jefferson. New York, 1804. 8 . *Pph.v.2 VANNETTI, B. L. S. Discorsi c lettcre. [Raccolta fen-arose di opuscoli scientific!, ecc. v.ll] . 5274.1 VANNETTI, C. Opere italianc c latiue. Venezia, 1826-31. 8v. in 4. 8" *2795.5 Contents. Vol. I. Vita del cav. Clementina Van- netti scritta da Antonio Cesari ; Dialoghi ; Tre let- tcre ; Novella ; Difesa della orazion fimebre di M. Zaguri ; Origine dei riti notturni di Bacco ; Lettera intorno alia lingua usata da Ovidio. II. II lazzaretto letterario ; Le cose Plinianc ; Quistione con Cle- mente Baroui intorno nil' influenza della filosofia e dclla cultura letteraria sulla religione. III-V. Os- servazioni intoruo ad Orazio. VI. Notizie intorno al pittorc Gusparantonio liaroni Cavalcabo di Sacco; Alcuni Bcutimenti a' maestri delle scuole latine di Rovereto; Intorno al celibato ; Pocsic scelte. V1L Liber memorialis dc Caleostro quum esset Roboreti j Riflcssioni sopra lacrouaca del Cagliostro; M. Tullii Ciceronis vita ; Hieronymi Federicottii Roboretani laudatio ; Comment, de Adamo Clusolo; De Joanne Maria Deblasio conim. ; Comm. de vita Alexandri Georgii ; De M. Valerii Martialis pocsi epistola ; Comm. in scenam in, actus in, Heautontimoru- inrini P. Terentii j De Virgilii et Ovidii Orpheo ; Scrmonca habiti apud sodalcs litterarios Roboretanos quum essct ei sodalitati a secrctis ; Insciiptiones. VIII. Comm. de Julio Turrattio; Comm. de Johanue Baptista Grascrio ; Epistola de usu linguae Latiuac ; Epistolai; Appendice; Lettcre italiane. Lettera. [Raccolta ferrarese di opuscoli scien- tific!, ecc. v.ll] 5274.1 Letterc. [Raccolta di prose e lettere nel secolo xvni, v.3] 2767.2 VANNINI, G. Element! di architettura civile. 2a ediz. Firenze, 1850. Iv. 8". text, Iv. f . pi *4103.15 VANNUCCI, A. I primi tempi dclla libcrta Fioren- tina. Firenze, 1850. 16" 2729.6 Storia d'ltalia dai tempi piu antichi fino all' invasione dei Longobardi. Firenze, 1851-55. 4v. 8 2713.6 Studi intorno alia letteratura latina. Torino, 1854. 12 2953.21 See Archivio storico italiano. Nuova serie. 5245.2 Contents. Vol. II, p. 2. Delia letteratura italiaua nel corrente secolo. HI, p. 2. Sulla civilta arabica, VAN RENSSELAEU, .I/)-.?. Cornelia, Discourse occa- sioned by the death of. See Vermilye, T. E Pph.v.138 VAN RENSSELAER, Cortlandt. Apostasy of Mr. Newman. Burlington, 1845. 8 . . . .*Pph.v.l52 Eulogy on D. Webster, before the citizens of Burlington. Burlington, 1852. 8 . *Pph.v.l92, 204 Oxford theology exhibited in extracts from the writings of bishops Doane and Mcll- vaine. Burlington, 1843. 8 *Pph.v.l29 Sermon on the Sabbath after the decease of W. H. Harrison. Washington, 1841. 8 . . *Pph.v.l21 VAN RENSSELAER, Jeremiah. Essay on salt and American salines. New York, 1823. 8. *Pph.v.45 Shelf. No, VAN RENSSELAER, John S. Address before the whig and conservative citizens of Schenec- tady county. Schenectady, 1840. 8. . *Pph.v.l27 VAN RENSSELAER, Solomon. Narrative of the affair at Quccnstown, in the war of 1812. New York and Boston, 1836. 12 2328.26 Report of trials of. See Jenkins, E Pph.v.5 VAN REXSSELAER, Stephen. Catalogue of books in [his] library. Albany, 1834. 8. . . *Pph.v.ll7 Barnard,D. D. Discourse on the life of. Pph.v. 107, 265 Sprague, W. B. Sermon the Sabbath succeed- ing the funeral of Pph.v. 103 Vermilye, T. E. Discourse occasioned by the death of Pph.v. 103 VAN SANTVOORD, C. Discourse on the life, [etc.] of Daniel Webster. Saugcrties, 1852. 8.*Pph.v.200 Discourse on the death of Hon. J. V. L. Ovcrbagh. New York, 1853. 8 ... . *Pph.v.200 VAN SOLINGEN. II. M. Dissertation on worms of the human intestines. N.York, 1792. 8. *M. Pph.v. 9 VANS, W. Exposition of his claims against the estate of J. Codman. See Codman, J. . . . 2344.12 VANUXEM, L. Geology of the third geological district of New York. Albany, 1842. 4". [Natural history of New York] *5863.6 VAN VECIITEN, A., and others. Memorial of own- ers of ground lying on the inland side of the upper part of the Albany basin. [No title-page.] 8" *Pph.v.79 VAN VECHTEN, J. Duty of Christians toward the heathen, taught by the example of Christ : a sermon. Scheuectacly, 1822. 8 .... *Pph.v.33 Faith of the Dutch church respecting the ex- tent of the atonement. By a Dutchman. 1823. [No title-page.] 8 *Pph.v.213 Memoirs of John M. Mason, D. D. N. York, 1856. 8 2343.5 VAN VECHTEN, T. A poem on liberty, delivered at the commencement of Union college. Albany, 1806. 8 *Pph.v.2 VANZON, C. A. Grammatica della lingua italiana. Livorno, 1828. 8 2785.7 VAPEREAU, L. G. Dictionnaire universel des con- temporains. Paris, 1858. 8 2242.1 VAPOURS, Heat of. See Lubbock, J. W 3922.10 VARAGINE, J. a. See Voragine, J. da. VARANO, A. Opere scelte. Milano, 1818. 8 . . 2793.7 Contents. Notizie intorno alia vita di A. Varano ; Visioni, sacre e morali; Demetrio, tragcdia; Giovanni di Giscula, tiranuo del tempio di Gerusalemme, trage- dia; Egloghe. Vision! sacre e morali, con la vita dell' autore descritta da P. A. Paravia. Milano, 1834. 16 4779.9 Giovanni di Giscala. See Teatro scelto ita- liano, v.28 4779 a. C Demetrio: tragedia. [Teatro moderno ap- plaudito, v.41] 2768.1 VAKCIII, B. L'Ercolano, dialogo delle lingue, e in particolare dclla Toscana. con corrczione di L. Castelvetro, e la Varchina di J. Muzio, con le note di G. Bottari e di G. A. Volpi. Postille di V. Alfleri e A. Tassoni. Ed. da P. Dal Rio. Firenze, 1846. 8 2785.6 Lezioni sul Dante, e prose varie. Per cura di G. Aiazzi e L. Arttib. Firenze, 1841. 2v. 8. 2802.6 Contents. Vol. I. Lezioni sul Dante, n. Prose varie: Frammento di una lezione sopra il sonetto del Petrarca: Orso, e' non furon mai riumi ne stagni ; Sopra quei versi del trionfo d' arnore del Petrarca : Quattro destrier via piu che neve bianchi; Lezione nella qualc si dichiarano sette dubbi d' arnore ; Parole nel reudere U cousolato in nome di Guido Guidi a Agnolo Borghini ; Lettera a Luca Martini sul verbo Farneticare; Sopra uucaso eavalleresco fra il capitauo Francesco dc' Medici e 1' abate P. Rucellai; Esorta- zione alia caccia ; Volgarizzamenti dal Greco i Trat- tati lilosolici e letterari ; Lettere ; Spoglio di vocaboli e modi di dire cavati da queste opere di B. Varchi. Saggio di rime inedite [per cura di G. Aiazzi]. Firenze, 1837. pp.48. 8 2794.29 VARCHI 849 VAUDONCOURT Shelf. No. VARCHI, B. continued. Storia Fiorentina, 1523-38. Per cura di L. Arbib. Firenze, 1843, 44. 3v. 8" 2726.1 See Coll. d'opuscoli sclent, et lett 5278.2 Contents. Vol. I. Lettcra al abate G. B. Zannoni. II. Lettera ; Lezioni. IV, V. Frammento di gram- matica. XI. Lezione. XTT. Discorao inedito sopra le lingue. See Dati, C. R. Prose Florentine 2787.1 Contents. Vol. V. Orazioue nclla cena del Signer. VI. Delle lodi di G. B. Savello. XI. Sopra il sonetto del Petrarca : La gola, il sonno, e 1'oziose plume ; Sopra i sonetti 33-35 del Petrarca. XIV. Lettera. Errori di Paolo Giovio nolle storie ; Sonetto. [Inghirami. Coll. di opuscoll, ecc. v.2] . . 2767.5 Lettere. See Zambrini, F 2747.4 Qvesito. [Autori del ben parlare, p. I, v.l]. 3590.10 See Berni, F. Opere burlesche, v.l 4769.6 Bianchini, G. M. Trc Iczioni sopra 2802.2 VARENNES, Bouille, F. C. A. de. M&noires sur 1'affaire de 4645.5 Goguelat, F. de. Memoires relatifs au voyage de Louis XVI a 4645.13 VARESE. Folchetto Malaspina: romanzo storico del secolo XII. Milano, 1830. 3v. 16 . . 4775.32 Preziosa di Sanluri ossia i Montanari Sardi : romanzo storico, preceduto da una disser- tazione intitol. I romanzi di Walter-Scott, e le opcre di Rossini. Milano, 1832. 2v. 16. 4775.34 VARESE, F. Sonetti. See Collezione di migliori in dialctto milanese, ccc. v.l 4769 a. 5 VARGAS, J. de, pseud. See Ternaux-Compans, H. VARIATIONS. Histoire des variations des e"glises protestantes. Bossuet, J. B 3464.22 VARIN, P. Archives de la ville de Rheims. Paris, 1839-53. lOv. 4. [France. Coll. de docs. ined. Ire s7. 8 2655.8 L'eloquence chrctienne au ive siecle. Nouv. 6d. Paris, 1855. 12 4677.9 Contents. Du polytheisme ; De la philosophic Btolque; Des peres de 1'eglise grecque : St. Athanase, St. Gregolre, St. Basile, St. Jean Chrysostome, etc. ; Des peres de I'eglisc latine: St. Ililairc, St. Ambroise, St. Jerome, St. Augustin, etc. ; DC 1'empereur Julien ; De Symmaque, et de St. Ambroise. Etudes d'histoire moderne. Nouv. e'd. Paris, 1852. 16 4677.8 Contents. Discours sur 1'etat de 1'Europc au x ve siecle ; Lascaris, ou les Grecs au xve siecle ; Essai historique Bur les Grccs depuis la conquete musul- mane ; Vie du chaucelier de 1'IIopital. Hisloire de Cromwell. Bruxelles, 1851. 12. 2444.20 Litte>ature ancienne et etrangere. Nouv. ed. Paris, 1854. 12" 4077.7 Contents. Herodote, et De lamanieredele traduire; Du poerao de Lucrece sur la nature des choses ; tudessur Ciceron, Plutarque, Lucain ; De Tibere; De la corruption des lettres romaincs ; Essai sur lea romans grecs , Vies dcs principaux poetes anglais : Shakspeare, Milton, Pope, Wicherley, Young, By- ron. Littcrature franchise, auxvine siecle. Nouv. e'd. Paris, 1854. 4v. 16 *4677.6 Litterature du moyen age. Nouv. ed. Paris, 1855. 2v. 10 *4677.5 La tribune moderne. Premiere partie. M. de Chateaubriand, sa vie, ses dcrits son in- fluence litteraire ct politiquc sur son temps. Paris, 185S. 8 2702.7 VlLLBMAREST, C. M. de. M. de Talleyrand : me- moires pour servir a 1'histoire de France. Bruxelles, 1834. 2v. 12 4669.5 Memoires de Bourrienne. See Bourrienne, L. A. F. de . . 2652.2 Memoires de Constant. See Constant . . . . 2655.9 VILLENEUVE, G. de. Memoires. [Michaud. Coll. mem. hist. France. Ser. 1, v.4] 2611.1 Shelf. No. VILLENEUVE, G. de, continued. - Same. [Petitot. Coll. mc5m. hist. France. S(5r. 1.V.14] 2615.1 Historia belli Gallici sub Carolo VIII. [Mar- tene. Thesaurus novus anecdotorum, v.4]. 2250.2 VILLENEUVE-BAUOEMONT, A. de, b. 1784, d. June 10, 1850. Economic politique chretiennc, ou recherches sur les causes du pauperisme. Paris, 1834. 3v. 8 3570.79 VlLLENEUVE-BARGEMONT,a/iferwar-rf.'jVilleneuve- Trans, L. F., twin-brother of the preceding, d. Sept. 16, 1850. Histoire de St. Louis, roi de France. Paris, 1839. 3v. 8 2647.3 Monumens des Grands-maitres de 1'ordre de St. Jean de Jerusalem. Paris, 1829. 2v. 8. 2232.5 VlLLEREY, A. Galerie de Saint Bruno, peinte par E. Le Sueur. Paris, 1816. 8 4062.1 VlLLEROY, N. de Neufvillc de, b. 1543. Memoires. [Michaud. Coll. mem. hist. Fr. Sdr.l, v.l 1]. 2611.1 - Same. [Petitot. Coll. mem. hist. Fr. Ser. 1] v.44 of 2615.1 Sur la vie et les services de V. par P. Mat- thieu. [Lafaist. Arch. hist. Fr. Ser. I,vl4]. 2617.1 Life and services of. See Matthieu, P. . . 2649.18 VILLERS, C. F. D. de. L'esprit et 1'influence e la reformation de Luther. 2e ed. Paris, 1804. 8 3463.10 Spirit and influence of the reformation by Luther. Transl. by B. Lambert. Dover, N. H. 1807. 8" 3463.9 VILLETTE, P. de Valois de. Memoires. Publ. par M. Monmerque. Paris, 1854. 8. [Paris. Societe de 1'histoire de France] *2636.3 VILLIBRORD. See Willibrord. VILLIERS, G., duke of Buckingham. Poems and songs relating to [Percy society, v.29] . 2537.29 Eolations supposees galantes d'Anne d'Au- triche avcc le due de Buckingham. [Leber. Coll. diss. hist. France, v.20] 2618.1 VILLOISON, J. B. G. d'Ansse de. Anecdota Graeca. Venetiis, 1781. 2v. 4 *2963.3 Epistolae Vinarienses, in quibus multa Graec. script, loca emendantur. Turici, 1783. 4. *2954.1 De quibusdam Hippocratis, Sophoclis et The- ocriti locis. [Eaccolta ferrarese di opuscoli scientiflci, ccc. v.10] 5274.1 VILLON, F. CEuvres completes. Nouv. ed. par P. Lacroix. Paris, 1854. 16 2679.8 Contents. Vie de F. Villon ; Le petit testament ; Le grand testament ; Codicille; Poesies; Ballades. VILLOT, F. Guide through the galleries of the Louvre. Paris, 1857. 12 4089.24 VIMONT, J. Functions of the cerebellum. See Gall, F. J 3801.5 VINCE, S. A complete system of astronomy. Cambridge, 1797-1808. 3v. 4 **E. 182.11 Observations on the hypotheses to account for the cause of gravitation. Cambridge, 1806. pp.26. 8 **E.110.10 The principles of astronomy. Cambridge, 1799. 8 **E.187.7 The principles of fluxions. 2d ed. Cam- bridge, 1800. 8 **E.195.7 Treatise on practical astronomy. Cambridge, 1790. 4. pi **E. 182.8 ViNCENDON-DUMODLix, C. A. Physique et hy- drographie du voyage au pole sud. See Dumont d'Urville, J. S. C v.9, 12 of 2271.1 Portulan general de la cote occidentale d'Af- rique. See Kerhallet, C. P. de . . .3050.12,3051.30 VINCENT, B. Continuation du Corps des lois commerciales. See Rouen, P. 1 3671.8 VINCENT, W. Commerce of the ancients in the Indian ocean. London, 1807. 2v. 4. . . *2990.15 VINCENTIUS Bellovacensis. Selecta e Speculo historiali. [Bouquet. Recueil] . . . v.21 of 2610.1 VINCENTIUS Lerinensis, St. See Guillon, M. X. S. Bib. des peres . . v.32 of 3499.30, v.23 of 3508.2 Duo commonitoria [adversus haereticos]. [Migne. Patrologiae v.50] v.2 of 3440.21 VINCENZI 857 VIRGILItJS Shelf. No. VINCENZI, G. Qvinto do floridi virtvosi d'ltalia, il terzo libro de madrigali a cinqve voci. Venetia, 1586. pp.22. 4 *4055.2fl VINCI, G. Lettcra nella qualc si recano due aiitichi documenti per le diocesi dell' archiman- drita, e dell' arcivescovo di Messina. [Opuscoli di autori siciliani, v.13] . . . 4764.1 VlNCl, L. da. Treatise on painting. Translated by J. F. Rigaud. Life by J. W. Brown, London, 1835. 12 064.14 Trattato della pittura, tratto del codice vati- cano da G. Manzi. Roma, 1817. 2v. 4. . 4061.1 Del moto e misura dell' acque. [Raccolta del moto dell' acque, v.10] 3942.1 Trattato della pittura. [Carrer. Ammaestra- menti per la pittura] 4064.24 Bossi, G. Del ccnacolo di 4060.9 Guillon de Montleon, A. Le cenacle de, rendu aux amis des beaux-arts 4065.10 Verri, C. Osservazioni sul volume intitolato del cenacolo di 4065.8 VINCIGUEKRA, A. See Carcano, G. Poeti satiric! italiani, v.l 2809.3 VINCIOLI, V. See Carcano, G. Poeti satirici ital- iani, v.3 2809.3 VINCKE, L. v. Der zweite Punische Krieg- und der Kricgsplan dcr Carthager. Berlin, 1841. 8. 2756.4 VINDICATION of the separate system of prison discipline from the misrepresentations of the North American review, July, 1839. Philadelphia, 1839. 8 *Pph.v.l08 VINDING, E. Hellen, in quo antiquse Graeciae pop- ulorum incunabula, migrationes, colonia- rum dcductiones, et res prsscipuae gestae exponuntur. [Gronovius. Thes. Graec. antiq. v.ll] 2900.2 VINE, Cultivation of the, in America. Adlum, J. 4003.20 See also : Grape, Vineyards, Wines. VINELLI, L. G. L'Elcna greca: tragedia. [Tea- tro raoderno applaudito, v.50] 2768.1 VINES, C. Dictionary appendix, and orthogra- pher. 9th ed. London, 1857. 12 2585.27 VINET, A. R. Homiletics, or the theory of preaching. Transl. from the French, with notes by A. R. Fausset. 2ded. Edinburgh, 1858. 8 3437.10 Jacqueline Pascal ; a glimpse at Port Royal. See Cousin, V 3557.10 VINEYAUDS. Topographic de tous lea vignobles. Jullien, A 4003.20 VINTOX, D. Masonick minstrel : with an appen- dix, containing a short account of masonry. Dedham, 1810. 8 3507.4 VINTON, J. A. The Vinton memorial ; descend- ants of J. Vinton of Lynn, 1048 ; also sketches of allied families. Boston, 1858. 8. *2332.3 Note. The allied families are the following: Ad- ams, Alden, Allen, Baldwin, Boylston, Carpenter, Faxon, French, Hayden, Holbrook, Mills, Niles, Penniman, Putnam, Richardson, Safford, Thayer White. VINTON, T. Specification for an improved cook- ing grate. Phila. 1830. pp.7. 8. pi. . . **E.224.8 VIOLA, P. De veterum novaque Romanorum temporumrationelibellus. [Graevius. Thes. antiq. Rom. v.8] 2950.1 VIOLA, S. Antichi monument! scritti tiburtini. Roma, 1850. 8 2950.17 VIOLLET LE DUG, A. Ancien theatre franais. Paris. 1854-56. 9v. 10 *2679.17 Contents. Vol. I. Lo conseil au nouvcau marie j Farces : Du nouveau marie, De 1'obstination dcs fem- mes, Du cuvier, Jolyet, Des femmes, Du pcct, DCS fcmmcs, D'ung mary jaloux, Farce moralisee, Du badinqui se loue, Pernct, D'un amoureux, Colin, D'un geutilhommc, Du badin, Jeninot, Frere Guil- lebert, De Guillerme, De Jeuiu filz de rien, La con- fession Margot, De George le Vcau. II. Sermon joy- eux debien boy re; Farces: La resurrection de Jenin Lnudorc, Du pont aux asgncs, D'un pardonncur, Du paste ot de la tarto, De Mahuct, Des femmes, D'un chauldronuiur, Farce nouvelle, Du savttier, De Cal- Shelf. No. VIOLLET LE DOC, A. continued. bain, Du cousturier, Du gouteux, D'un ramonncur; Sermon des foulx ; Sottie du roy des sotz; Sottie dea trompeurs; Farces: De folio Bobance, Du gaudisseur, Des cris de Paris, Du franc archicr, De maistre Mi- min, De Fernet, Farce nouvelle, De Colin filz de The- vot le maire, De tout mesnage, DCS chamberieres; Le debat de la nourrisse. III. Moralite des enfans de Main tenant ; Moralite nouvelle ; Moralite d'ung em- pereur ; Moralite ou histoire rommaine ; Farces : De Bien Mondain, Farce nouvclle, Bergerie de Mieulx que devant, Farce des gens nouveaulx, Farce de mar- chaudise ; La vie du maulvais riche ; Farce des cinq sens; Debat du corps ctdel'ame; Moralite de charite ; Le chevalier qui donna sa femme dyable. IV. CEu- vres dramatiques de Eticnnc Jodellc : L'Eugene, Cleopatre captive, Didon se sacriflant ; Les Esbahis, corn, de J. Grevin ; La reconnue, com. par K. Belleau. V-VH. Les comedies deLarivey: 5. Le laquais, La vefve, Les csprits, Le morfondu. 6. Les jaloux, Les escolliers, La Constance, Le ndcllc. 7. Les tromperies. VII. Les contens, com. par Odet de Tournebu ; Les Neapolitaines, com. par Francois d'Amboise ; Les dcsguisez, com. par Jean Godard; La nouvelle, tragi- com. parle capitaine Lasphrise. VHI. Tyret Sidon, tragi-com. par Jean de Sche landre ;Les corrivaux, com. par Troterel, sieur d' Avcs ; L'impuissance, tragi- com. pastorale, par le sieur Vcronncau ; Alizon, com. (par L. C. Discrct). IX. Comedies : DCS proverbes, De chansons, Des comedies, Des comediens ; Le Galimatias de Deroziers-Bcaulicu. Six mois de la vie d'un jeune homme, 1797. Paris, 1853. 10 2679.7 VIPER. Nouvelles experiences sur la vipere. Charas, M 3875.10 VIRDUNG, S. Musica getutscht. [Basel, 1511.] obi. 4" *4047.24 VlREY, J. J. L'art de perfectionner 1'homme, ou de la medecine spirituelle et morale. Paris, 1808. 2v. 8 3009.7 DC la femme. 2e ed. Paris, 1825. 8 .... 3574.3 De la physiologic dans ses rapports avcc la philosophic. Paris, 1S44. 8 3701.4 Traite de pharmacie. Nouv. ed. Paris, 1840. 2v. 8 3781.14 VIRGILIO, G. del. I versi latini. See Scolari, F. 2802.19 VIUGILIUS Maro, P. Opera. [Ed. M. Maittairc.] Londini, 1715. 18 *29W.22 - Same. Tcrtio publ. C. G. Heyne, cui Scr- vium et Cerdam subj. Lemaire. Parisiis, 1819-22. 8v. 8". [Lemaire. Biblioth. class. Lat. 120-133] *2913.6 Contents. Vol. I. Bucolica; Georgica. II-IV. .lEncis; Maphaii Vcgii carmen, vel liber additus duo- decim ^Eneidos libris. V. Culex ; Ciris ; Cataleeta ; Copa; Ilortulua ; Morctum ; Moretum Grsccis versi- bus rcdditum a J. Scaligero. V-VII. Commentaria selecta. VII. Virgilii vita, cpitaphia, laudes, argu- menta operum, antiqui interprctes, codices, editiones et vcrsiones. VIII. Indices ; Flore de Virgile com- posee pour collection des classiques latins par A. L. A. Fee. - Same. Perpetuis annotationibus illustr. a C. G. Heyne. Ed. 4a a G. P. E. Wagner. Lipsiae, 1830-41. 5v. 8 2944.2 Contents. Vol. I. Variorum prsefationes ; Donati vita Virgilii ; Vita per annos digesta; Testimonia do Virgilio et arguments operum; Epitaplua; Bucolica; Georgica. II, III. ^Eneis. IV. Culex; Ciris; Copa; Moretum; Cataleeta; Quaistioncs Virgiliana;; De co- dicibus ct editionibus Virgilii. V. Bucolica ; Geor- gica ; jlhicis. - Same. Cura B. A. Gould. Boston, 1834. 12 7089.29; Works, transl. into English, with Latin text, and notes. 5th ed. London, 1770. 2v. 8.**E.117.15 Contents. Vol.1. Bucolica; Georgica; ^Encis, lib. l-m. II. JEneis, lib. iv-xn. Works, transl. into verse by Dryden. Lon- don, 1779. 3v. 10. [Johnson. English poets, v.17-19] *2589.3 Contents. Vol. I. Pastorals: Tityrus and Meli- bocus; Alexis; Pala;mon; Pollio; Daphnis; Silenus ; Mcliboeus; Pharmaceutria; Lycidas and Moeris ; Gal- lus; The Georgics; The ^Eneis. II, III. The ^Eneis. VIRGILIUS 858 VISCONTI Shelf. No. VIRGIT.IUS, Maro, P. continued. Works, with an interlinear translation. By L. Hart and V. R. Osborn. Philadelphia, 1854. 12 7089.28 Werke, von J. H. Voss. 2te Ausg. Braun- schweig, 1821. 3v. 16" 2949.20 Contents. Vol. I. Idy liens Landbau ; Die Mucke; Das Morsergcricht; Die Tanzerin. II, III. Aneis. See Elton, C. A. Specimens of the classic poets, v.2 29G3.14 Virgilii Maronis interpretes veteres. See Mai, A 3008.10 Virgilius collatione scriptorum Graecorum il- lustratus. See Ursinus, F 2944.6 Bucolicks, with an English translation and notes by J. Martyn. London, 1749. 4 . . *2942.1 Bucoliche c gcorgiche recate in versi italiani daG. Solari. Genova, 1810. 8 2944.3 Buccoliea, tradotta da Cesare Arici. [Poeti latini] 2911.2 Buccoliea, tradotta da ProspcroManara. [Par- naso de' poeti classici d'ogui nazione, v.20]. 2709.1 Georgicks, with an English translation and notes by J. Martyn. London, 1741. 4 . . *2942.2 - Same. Translated by T. Nevile. Cam- bridge, 1707. 10 *2929.4 - Same. Translated by Dryden. [Chal- mers. English poets] V.19of2592.7 LaGeorgica. [Arici. Opere, v.2] 4777.18 Le Georgichc, tradotte in versi italiani. [Bon- di. Opere, v.7] 2799.9 La Georgica, tradotta da P. Soave. [Parnaso de' poeti classic! d'ogni nazione, v.20] . . . 2769.1 La Georgica tradotta in ottava rima da Lo- renzo Tornieri. [llaccolta di poemctti di- dascalici, v.6] 4779.8 Lcs Georgiques. [Lat. et Fr.] Delille, J. . 4678.12 JEneis, translated by Dryden. [Chalmers. English poets] v.19 of 2592.7 - Same. Translated by C. Pitt. [Chalmers. English poets] v,19of2592.7 - Same. Kecata in versi italiani da G. So- lari. Genova, 1810. 2v. 8 2944.4 - Same. Volgarizzata da An. Caro, col tes- to a piede. Firenze, 1836. 2v. 8 2944.1 - Same. [Alfleri. Opere, v.3] 2775.6 - Same. In versi italiani. [Bondi. Opere, v.3-5] 2799.9 - Same. Tradotta da Annibal Caro. [Par- naso do' poeti class, d'ogni nazione, v. 16,17]. 2769.1 Eneide travestita. See Lalli, G. B 21)44. 5 L'Enuide, en latin et en fran9ais. [Delille. CEuvres, v.3-0] 2093.1 L'Enuide travestie. [Scarron. (Euvres, v.4, 5]. 2673.4 La morte di Eurialo e di Niso trad. [Coll. d'opuscoli sclent, et letter, v.8] 5278.2 De duodecim versibus ^neidos principalibus. [Priscianus Caasariensis. Opera minora]. 2938.14 Elegia ad P. Valerium Messalam. [Lemaire. Poet. Lat. min. v.2] 2912.1 - Same. [Wcrnsdorf. Poet. Lat. min. v.3]. 2912.4 Lyfe, from the edition by Doesborcke. [Thorns. Early romances, v.2] 2538.12 VIRGIN. II pianto clella vcrgine. See Pianto . . 3417.1 VIRGIN islands in the West Indies, Account of. Suckling, G 2313.16 VIRGINIA. Acts passed at a general assembly, 1807-56. Richmond, 1808-56. 20v. 8 . . . *6371.1 Catalogue of the library of the state. Rich- mond, 1856. 8 *2134.8 Debates and other proceedings of the conven- tion for deliberating on the federal consti- tution. 2d ed. Richmond, 1805. 8 8 . . . . *6372.4 Journal and documents of the house of dele- gates, 1835-39. Richmond, 1835-39. 4v. 4.*6370a.l8 Proceedings of the assembly on the answers of sundry states to their resolutions, 1798. Albany, 1800. 8 *Pph.v.4 Proceedings of the state convention of 1829- 30. Richmond, 1830. 8 *6372.6 Shelf. No. VIRGINIA, continued. Proceedings, journal, etc. of a general con- vention, 1850 ; [with] bill of rights and the new constitution. Richmond, 1850,51. 8. *0372.7 Report, 1799-1800, touching the alien and sedi- tion laws. Richmond, 1850. 8 *6372.5 Report of the revisers of the civil code. Richmond, 1847. 2v. 8 *6370a.l6 Statistics of Virginia, ordered to be printed by the state convention, 1850-51. Rich- mond, 1851. 8 *6372.8 Statutes at large, 1619-1792, by W. W. He- ning. New York, Richmond, and Phila- delphia, 1819-23. 13v. 8" *6372.1 Statutes at large, 1792-1806, by S. Shepherd. Richmond, 1835. 3v. 8 *0372.2 Description, geography, etc. Conway, M. D. Free schools in 3596.21 Davis, J. First settlers of : an hist, novel . 2406.18 Edwards, R. New map of the state of . . . 2374.2 Gronovius, J. F. Flora Virginica 3842.10 Hutchins,T. Topographical description of . E.I 10.82 Jefferson, T. Notes on 2374.27 Jones, H. Present state of, 1724 2374.19 Martin, J. Gazetteer of 2388.4 Maxwell, W. Virginia historical register . 2374.20 Strachey, W. Travaile into 2264.4 See also : Kanawha county, Richmond, Tazewell county. History, etc. Beverly, R. History of 2374.11 Byrd, W. History of the dividing line be- twixt Virginia and North Carolina . . . . 2374.1 Campbell, C. History of the colony of . . . 2370.15 Campbell, J. W. History of, till 1781 . . . 2::71.','s De Hass, W. Early settlement of western V. 2374.6 Foote, W. H. Sketches, historical and bio- graphical 2374.8 Force, P. Tracts 2323.3 Contents. Vol. I. Bacon's rebellion and Indian wars, 1075-76 ; Late troubles, 1(J7U, by A. Cotton ; Nova Britannia offering fruitcs by planting in Vir- ginia. II. Perfect description, 1G19 ; Virginia and Maryland, or the Lord Baltimore's printed case, uncased. III. Declaration of the estate of the col- onie, K>10 ; Orders and constitutions collected out of his mnjestie's patents. Nil!) ; True relation of, by N. Shrigley ; State of affairs in the colony, 1GJO; Laws of, by W. Strachey ; Virginia's cure, or the true ground ot that churches unhappiness, 1602 ; Voyage to Vir- ginia, by Col. Norwood. Grigsby, II. B. Convention of 1776 : a dis- course 2374.3 Hawks, F. L. Episcopal church in 3546.1 Hunter, R. M. T. Observations on the his- tory of 2374.16 Keith, W. History of 2374.10 Kercheval, S. History of the valley of . . . 2374.23 Martin, J. History of 2374.9 Smith, J. Generall historic of, 1593-1629 . . 2374.15 Taylor, J. B. Lives of baptist ministers in . 3015.5 VIRGINIA comedians, The. Cooke, J. E 2409.39 VIRTUE. Hutcheson, F. Original of our ideas of. 35S7.23 Montyon, A. J.B.R. A. de. Les prix de vertu. 2039.10 See also: Duty, Evil, Morals, Piety. VIRTUOSO, The : a comedy. Shadwell, T 2575.23 ViSCART, R., La chronique de. See Aime . . . 2016.4 VISCERA, Diseases of the abdominal. Pember- ton, C. R 3790.31 VISCONTI, C., Avventure di. See Marocco, P. . 4775.11 VISCONTI, E. Q. Le opere. [Edizione diretta per la parte archeologica da Labus, e per le in- cisioui da Palagi.] Milano, 1818-41. 20v. 8. *2750.8 Contents. Vol. I- VII. II museo Pio Clementino illustrate c dcscritto da Giambattista ed Ennio Qui- rino Visconti. VIII. II museo ChiaramOnti descritto e illustrate da Filippo Aurelio Visconti e Giuseppe Antonio Guattani. IX-XI. Iconografia greca recata in italiana favella dal dolt. Giovanni Labus. XII. Iconografla romana. XIII-XVI. Opere varic ita- liane e franccsi, raccolte e pubblicate per cura del dottor G. Labus. XUI. Prefazione del dottor G. VISCOXTI 859 VOCABOLARIO Shelf. No. VISCOXTI, E. Q. continued. Labus: Mnnumcnto degli Scipioni; Catalogo di mon- nmeuti scritti del musco di Tommaso Jenkins ; Let- tera all* abate G. A. Guattani sopra un autico vaso niarmoreo appartenente al prineipe Chigii Sopra un raro frammento d'antico intaglio in corniola rap- presentante Pallade sul carro di JJiomede ; Letters all' abate I'aolo Angelini sopra un antico cammeo col ritrattodi Agrippiuagiuniorc; Sopra un antico diaspro sanguigno colle teste di Acrato e Sileno ; Ercole e Telefo con la cerva; Osscrvazioni su due musaici is- toriati; Statua di 1'atroclo delta Pasquino ; Scavi fatti di Roma vecchia presso la via Appia; Osservazioni sopra un autico cammeo rappresen tantc Giove Egioco j Su unaantica argenteria ; Iscrizioni grcche Triopce. XIV. Pitture di un vaso fittile; Medaglia dell coll. Tolomei ; Antica trornba idraulic.i ; Sopra un antico piombo veliterno ; Su due monument! di Antonio- Augusta; Su due untkhe iscrizioni; Su le colonne di 8. Lorenzo in ililauo ; Esposizione d'un antico mu- Baico ; Sul catalogo dcgli antichi incisori in gemme; Apollo c Giacinto,^ruppo: La Pace che allatta Pluto bambino ; Esposizione di gemme antiche ; Catalogo delle gemme del prineipe Poniatowski ; Dichiara- zionc del tempio dell' Onore e della Virtu ; Illustra- zionc di una grecaseultura ; Emendazioui cd aggi- unte al museo Pio Clornentino ; Muniera di trsdur Piudaro ; Sulle parole d'Orazio, Nee quarta loqui persona labcrct ; Lctlere ; Kotizie biografiche di MorcelH e di E. Q. Visconti. XV. Notice eom- niaire des deux Zodiaques do Tentyra ; Sur les Cluomenes, sculpteurs grecs ; Notice d'une statue fegyptienne ; Costume des statues antiques ; Bas- relief d'Alcxandrc-le-Grand ; Sculptures du Par- tition et de 1'Acropole a Athenca ; Epitaphe des guerriers morts devant Potidee ; Catalogue raisonne d'inscriptions grecques ; Monumens di-s peuplcs amuricains ; Tapisscrie brodce de la rcinc Mathilde ; Inscription trouvee a Autun ; Camee, la mort de Daphnis ; Mtduille grecque inuditc ; Sur deux in- scriptions trouvies a Atheiies ; Vase peint apporte de Sicile ; Sur une inscription dccouvcrte pri-s d' Ath- encs; Inscription de Cyreties; Stuart et Revett, anti- quitcsd'Athcnes; Sur 1'inscription lavovvs AVKIOV; Sur la mort d'Antiochus VII ; Sur une mvdaille de Phil. Marie-Visconti; Dionysii Haliearnassnei Rom. antiquit. pars bactenus desiderata, ope codicum Am- bros. abAngelo Maio, quantum Hcuit, restituta; Em- endationcs Livianae; Sibyllae lib. XIV, ed. et iuter- prete Angelo Maio ; Biographic de Cleoctas ; Clco- menes, Fabretti, Eglingtr, Eckhel ; Catalogo delta dattilioteca del sijjnor barone de La Turbie ; Lettre Bur une camee antique rupresentant Jupiter Capi- tolin; Memoire sur une medaille antique des aulares. XVI. Monumeuti del museo francese; Vases Etrus- ques; Notiziadel museo Napoleone ; Lettcre; Versi di E. Q. Visconti raccolti di P. Visconti ; Ecuba tra- gcdia di Euripide trasportata in versi italiani ; No- tizia del museo Napoleone. XVII. Monument! scelti Borghesiani illustrati uuovamente pubblicati per cura del clott. G. Lubus. XVIII. Museo Worslejano. XIX. Monument! gabini della villa piucianadescrittl nuovamcnte pubblicati per cura del dott. G. Labus. XX. Due discorsi inediti: Paragone fra 1' Antigone, tragodia di Sofocle, e quclla di Vittorio Alfieri; Stato attuale della romaua lettoratura, [1785] ; Alcunesue lettere e con altre a lui scritte clie ora per la prima volta vengono pubblicatc. Florilegio visconteo, compilato da G. Eossi. Miluuo, 1848-19. 3v. 8 2750.9 Tombcau de Napoleon I, dans le dome des Invalides. Paris, 1853. 12 4103.8 and Mongez, A. Iconographie ancienne grecque, romaiuc. Paris, 1808-26. 7v. f . *29.G-M VISCONTI, F. Itagguaglio della peste di Milano del 1030. [Archivio stor. ital. App. v.l] . 5215.2 VISHNU Purana, transl. from the Sanscrit, by H. II. Wilson. London, 1840. 4. [Oriental translation fund] *3011.2 VISION. Fearn,J. Laws of single and erect vision. 3920.25 Mackenzie, W. Physiology of 3920.32 Miiller, J. Zur vergleichenden Physiologic des Gcsiehtssinnes 37C2.9 Priestley, J. Discoveries relating to .... 3920.21 Schopenhauer, A. Ueber das Sehn 3920.36 Since, A. Traite sur la vision 3789.23 Tiemann, A. Dissertatio de visu . . , M.Pph.v.113 See also : Eye, Light, Optics, Spectacles. VISION of faery land. Gibson, "W 2398.40 A'ISIO:; of Kubeta : an epic story. Osborne, L. . 2:J98.5 Shelf. No. VISIONS. Gamier, C. G. T. Voyages imaginaires. 2060.1 Gauthier, A. Histoire de somnambulisme sous le nom de 3488.7 Leuglet du Fresnoy, N. Dissertations an- ciennes surles 3009.20 See also : Apparitions, Spirits. VISITATION and search. Lawrence, W. B. . . . 3015.1 Wheaton, n. Validity of the British claim to a right of 3614.14 VISVLIET, E. P. van. Specimen juridicum inau- gurate sistcns casus quosdam in quibus sci- eutia medica jurisconsultis est necessaria. Lugduni Batavorum, 1700. 4 *Pph. v.323 VITA, La, del cuore : racconto. Milano, 1854. 12. 4707.14 VITALE, Giano. Tre inni. [Opuscoli di autori si- ciliani, v.13] 4764.1 VITALE, Giovanni F. De laudibus imperios : epi- gramma. [Opuscoli di autori siciliani, v. 12]. 4764.1 VITALIANUS. Epistolas. [Mignc. Patrol, v.87]. 3450.18 VITALITY. See Life. VITE de' santi padri. Volgarizzamento delle vite de' santi padri, testodi lingua. Ed. 3a. [da Cavalca]. Bologna, 1823-25. 4v. 8 ... 3553.15 VITE d' illustri Italiani scritte da' celebri autori. Ancona, 1837. 8 2743.9 VITERBO, Istoria della citta di. Bussi, F. . . . 2740.4 VITET, L. Les barricades. Scenes historiques, 1588 : [drama.] 4e ed. Bruxelles, 1833. 24. 4669.22 Les c'tats de Blois, ou la mort de MM. de Guise. Scenes historiques 1588: [drama.] Bruxelles, 1829. 24 4609.20 La mort de Henri ill : [poiime dramatique.] Bruxelles, 1829. 24 4009.8 Monographic de 1'eglise Notre-Dame de Noy- on. Paris, 1845 and 1837. Iv. 4. Atlas, 2v. f. [France. Coll. de docs. ined. 3e ser. 108-110] *2650.17 VITON, N., dit de Saiut-Allais. See Saint-Allais. VITRIFICATION, L'art de la. Bastenaire-Daude- nart, F 4025.3 See also : Glass. VITRUVIUS Pollio, M. De architectura. Ed. J. G. Schneider. Lipsiac, 1807-8. 3v. 8 ... 2945.16 Civil architecture, transl. by Wilkins. Lon- don, 1812. 4 M090.1 L' architettura tradotta da Quirico Viviani. Ed. illustrata del Vincenzo Tuzzi. Udiue, 1830-33. llv. 8 *4096.1" Exercitationes Vitruvianaj. See Poleni, G. . 4091.5 VITTORELLI, J. Kime. Milano, 1837. 10 ... 4779.17 La maccheroneide. [Kaccoltadi poemetli di- dascalici, v.12] 4779.8 See Beruabo Silorata, P. Prose e poesie di Italiani viventi, v.l 4768.16 VITTOKIA, T. L. Messa di requiem a 4 voci, 1575. [Dehn. Practische 3Iusik-Werke, v.12] . . 4051.14 VIVARKLLI, L. See Bernabo Silorata, P. Prose e poesie di Italiani viventi, v.l, 7 4768.16 VIVENTIOLUS. Epistolze duae. [Migne. Patro- logi* v.67] 3450.8 VIVIANI, V. See Galileo, G. Opere 3913.1 Contents. Vol. XI. Proposizioni meccaniche ad illustrazione delle dottrine di Galileo. XIV. Trat- tato delle resistenze. XV. Vita di Galileo. Intorno al difendersi da' riempimenti e dalle corrosion! de' flumi. [Kaccolta del moto dell' acque, v.3] 3942.1 VIVIANUS. Harmonia, sive tractatus de libero ar- bitrio et gratia. [Migne. Patrol. v.lGOJ . 3100.40 VIVIEN, A. F. A. Etudes administratives. Paris, 1S45. 8 3562.14 VOCABOLARIO universalo italiano, compilato a cura della societa tipografica Tramater c Cie. Napoli, 1829-56. Sv. [Vol.8. Supplemento: due migliaia di aggiunte e correzioni alia Crusca e a' posteriori vocabolari, per E. Kocco.] f 2700.2 See also : Florence, Accad. della Crusca, and Italy (Language). VOCABULARY 860 VOLTA Shelf. No. VOCABULARY in six languages: Russian, Greek, Latin, French, German, English. St. Pe- tersburgh, 1703. 8 **E. 209.23 VOCABULARY of the English, Bugis, and Malay languages. Singapore, 1&33. pp.Ci. 8 . . 3034.7 VOCATION of the scholar. Fichte, J. G 3608.3 VOEMEL, J. T. Integram esse Demosthenis Phil- ippicam n apparet ex dispositione. [Diss. acad.] Francofurti, 1828. pp.20. 4 ... *2974.1 Lineamenta belli Amphipolitani a Philippo II cum Atheniensibus gesti. Francofurti, 1820. pp.42. sm.4 *2974.2 Num duo loci Demosthenic! sibi repugnent. [Diss. acad.] Francofurti, 1830. pp.24. 4.*2974.14 Ostenditur Ilegesippi esse orationem de Ha- lonneso. [Diss. acad.] Francofurti, 1830. pp.40. 4 *2974.3 VOET, D. Physiologia, sive de natura rerum libri sex. 3aed. Traj. ad Khcn. 1088. 8 . . . *3912.10 VOGEL, A. Ratherius von Verona und das zehnte Jahrhundert. Jena, 1854. 2v. in 1. 8 . . 3557.4 VOGEL, J. Pathological anatomy, transl. by G. E. Day. London, 1847. 8 3751.3 Traite d'anatomie pathologique generale, trad, dc 1'allcm. par A. J. L. Jourdan. Paris, 1847. 8. [Encyclopedic anatomique, v.9]. *3734.11 VOGELI, G. Der Konstanzer Sturm im Jahre 1548, mit Zusiitzcn des Chronisten C. Schultheiss. Belle- Vue, bei Constanz, 1840. 10" 2828.11 VOGLER, G. J. Choral-System. Oflenbach a M. n.d. Iv. 8 text, Iv. obi. 4" pi *4050.21 Kuhrpfalzische Tonschule. Mannheim, 1778. 8 *4059.7 Tonwissenschaft und Tonsezkunst. Mann- heim, 1770. 8 *4059.7 Biographic. See Frolich, Dr. J 4040.20 VOGT, C. Embryologie des salmones. [Agassiz. Poissons d'eau douce de 1'Europe centrale]. 3900.21 VOICE. Colombat de L'Isere, M. Diseases and hygiene of the organs of the 3809.28 Miiller, J. Compensation der physischen Krafte am menschlichen Stimmorgan . . 3705.10 Runge, J. G. De voce ejusque organis. M.Pph.v.104 Trousseau, A. Diseases of the 3755.22 VOICE from Rome answered ; or review of the en- cyclical letter of pope Gregory xvi, 1832, the bishop's oath, and the pope's curse. Philadelphia, 1844. 12 *Ppb..T.229 VOICE of truth ; or, thoughts on the afiair be- tween the Leopard and Chesapeake. New York, 1807. 8 *Pph.v.8 VOICES of the church in reply to Strauss. Beard, J- R 3475.5 VOICES of nature, and thoughts in rhyme. Dyer, S. 2398.14 VOIGIIT, J. Ragguagli di Roma nel secolo XV. [Archivio stor. Ital. App. v.3] 5245.2 VOIGT, F. S. Lehrbuch der Zoologie. [Bischoff. Naturgeschichte der drei Reiche, v.7-12] . 3815.1 VOIRON. Histoire de 1'astronomie, 1781-1811. Paris, 1811. 4 **E.185.9 VOLATERRANO, J. Diarium Romanum, 1472-84. [Muratori. Rerum Ital. script.] . . . v.23 of 2710.1 VOLCANIC islands, Geological observations on. Darwin, C 3803.12 VOLCANOES. Dolomieu, D. Histoire des volcans. 3809.4 Procaccini Ricci, V. Viaggi ai vulcani spenti d' Italia 3808.7 Scrope, G. P. Extinct volcanos of central France 3801.20 VOLCKER, C. H. W. Die Mythologie des Jape- tischen Geschlechtes. Giessen, 1824. 10. 3489.5 VOLKAMER, J. C. NUrnbergische Hesperides. Beschr. d. Citronat, Citronen u. Pomerant- zen Fruchte. Niirnberg, 1708. 4v. in 1. f . *3800.4 - Same. Continuation. Niirnberg, 1714. f . *3800.5 VOLKMANN, A. W. Anatomia animalium. Lip- siae, 1831-33. 4. [No title-page] *3890.12 De colubri natricis generatione. [Diss.acad.] Lipsiae, 1834. pp.22 and 1 pi. 4 *3875.1 Shelf. No. VOLNEY, C. F. Chasseboeuf de. [CEuvres]. Paris, 1820. 2e ed. 8v. 8" *2G92.2 Contents. Les ruincs ; La loi naturcllc ; Rcponse au docteur Priestley ; Oiscours, etc. II-III. Voy- age en Egypte et en Syne. IV. Tableau du climat et du sol des Etats-Unis, etc. V- VI. Rccherches nou- velles sur 1'histoire anciennc. VII. Legons d'histoire; Histoire de Samuel ; Etat physique de la Corse ; Lcttrei sur l':in ti' i ui ti': dc 1'alphabct phenicicn ; Sur une nouv. trad. d'Herodotc ; Questions de BtatUtique. VIII. I/alfabct earopcen applique aux langues asintiqueg; Simplification des langues orientates i L'Hebreu Bimplilifc par la mcthode alfabetique. Les ruines, ou meditations sur les revolutions des empires. Paris, 1820. 8 3504.15 View of the climate and soil of the United States. London, 1804. 8 2326.9 Voyage en Syrie et en Egypte, 1783-85. 2e 6d. Paris, 1787. 2v. 8" 3045.21 Chronologic des douze siecles ante>ieurs au passage de Xerces en Grece, examinee. See Encyclopedic methodique A. 157. 3 VOLPI, G. A. Opere varie volgari e latino. Pado- va, 1735. 4 *2792.13 Contents. Dialogodi Zaccheria Scolastico, intorno alia fabbrica del mondo, trad. ; Orationes dua; : altera de vacuo, altera de loco ; Ejnsdcm oratio habita in gymnasia Patavino cum ad physicam publice tra- dendam aggrcderctur ; Ejusdem carminuin liber novus, ecc. ; Academicorum Lipsiensium de car- minibus Vulpii judicium ; Ejusdem Vulpii apologia ail acadcmicos Lipsicnses ; Rime del s. Gio. Anto- nio Volpi, con alcunc annotazioni ; Alphonsi Aldri- ghetti specimen carmiuum Latinorum, atque Etrug- corum. Opuscula philosophies. Patavii, 1744. Bm.8.*3915.18 Contents. Oratio habita in gymnasio Patavino locupletata Gncca metaphrosi; De Aristotele, ejusque Iftudatoribus ; Qua: priccipuc cideru philosopho vitio vertantur ; Dc veteribus philoBOphis ; Orationes iv: De call natura et substautia ; Academicorum et scepticorum philosophiae rationcm non esse in phyi- ica omnino repudiandam i De vacuo j De loco ; Di- eertatio in Lucretium. Liber de satyras Latins natura et ratione, item paraphrasis perpetua, ef comment, uberrimus in x satyram Juvcnalis. Pata- vii, 1744. 8" *2953.20 Rime. Impressione 2a. Padova, 1741. 8 . *2807.22 VOLPICELLA, S. Note alia storia della guerra di Paolo IV contro gli Spagnuoli. [Archivio stor. ital. v.12] 5245.2 VOLTA, A., conte. Opere. [Publ. da V. Antinori.] Firenze, 1810. 3v. in 5. 8" *3962.28 Contents. Vol. I. De vi attractira ignis electric! ac phaenomcnis inde pendentibus ; Novus ac simpli- cissimus clcctricorum tentaminum apparatus, seu de corporibus eteroclectricis quae fiunt idioelectrica ex- pcrimenta, atque observations ; Lettere sull' clettro- foro perpetuo ; Sopra la capacita dei conduttori elet- trici; Delcondensatorc. II. Della meteorologia elct- trica, lettcre IX al Prof. Lichtenberg; Sopra la gran- dine ; Sopra aurora borcale ; Memoria sulla maii- Icra di far servire rclettromctro atmosferico porta- tile, ad uso di un igrometro sensibilissimo ; Sul periodo de' temporal! e sul vento freddissimo ed istraordinariamentc BCCCO. III. Sopra 1'elettricita auimale ; Account of some discoveries made by Mr. Galvani of Bologna, with experiments and observa- tions on them ; Nuove osservazioui Bull' elettricita animate ; Observationum circa electricitatem anima- lem specimen ; Memoria terza sull' elettricita ani- male; Nuova memoria sull' elettricita animate. IV. Dell'elettricita cccitata dal contatto de' conduttori dls- Biuiili; On the electricity excited by the mere con- tact of conducting substances of different kinds ; Sopra alcuni fenomeni chimici ottenuti col nnovo npparecchioelettrico; Sopra gli elettro-motori ; Sull' identita del fluido elettrico col fluido galvanico; Re- pouse anx observations de Nicholson sur ma theorie; Sopra espericnze ed osscrvazioni da intraprendersi sulle torpcdini ; Sopra alcuni fenomeni chimici ; Sopra 1'applicazioue dell' elettricita ai sordi c rnuti dalla nascita ; Lettera al medcsimo ; Estratto di un manoscritto sulP insussistenza della genesi del clo- rino, e dell' alcali nell' acqua sottoposta all' azione degli elcttromotori. V. Sull' aria infiammabile nativa dellc paludi ; Sopra alia costruzione d' un moschetto e d'uua pistola ad aria infiammabile ; Sopra un VOLTA 861 VOLTAIRE Shelf. No. VOLTA, A. conte, continued. nuovo eudioraetro ; Descrizione dell* eudiometro ad aria infiammabilc ; Mcmoria sopra i fuochi dei ter- reni c dclle fontane ardenti in generate, e sopra quelli di Pietra-Mala in particolare ; Appendice ove parlasi particolarmente dei fuochi ardenti di Velleja ; Lettera al sig. dottore Attilio Zuccagni responsiva ad altra di esso sopra un' ignivomo; Osservazioni sul fosforod'orina; Blemoria sulla uniforme dilatazione dell' aria per ogni grado di calore, ecc. i Poscritto di una lettera diretta al professore Vassalli; Compendio d'una lettera al sig. L. Brugnatelli. VOLTA, L. C. See Baccolta ferrarese di opuscoli scientifici, ecc 5274.1 Contents. Vol. IX. Notizie di alcuni letterati dclla famiglia Arrivabene. XI. Sopra una chiavc di bronzo. XIX. Sulla tipografia mantovana del se- colo xv. VOLTAIC electricity. See Galvanism. VOLTAIRE, F. M. A. de. CEuvres completes. [Avec des notes et une vie par Condorcet, impr. aux frais de Beaumarchais par les soins de M. Decroix.] [Kehl.] Soc. typogr. 1784-89. 70v. 8 *4676.1 Contents. Vol. I-XXVI. Tragedies: I. CEdipe ; Artemire ; Mariarnne ; Discours sur la tragtdie ; Brutus ; Eryphile. II. Zaire ; Adelaide Du Gueg- cUn ; Amelie, ou le due de Foix ; La mort de Cesar i Alzirc, ou les Americains. III. Zulime ; Le funat- i.-nio, ou Mahoraet ; Lettre au pape Benoit XIV; Murope ; Semiramis i Dissertation sur la tragcdie ancienne et moderne. IV. Oreste ; Rome sauvee, ou Catilina ; L'orphelin de la Chine ; Tanerede. V. Olimpie ; Le triumvirat ; Les Scythes j Les guerres, ou la tolerance; Sophonisbe. VI. Los lois de Minos; Don Pedre ; Les Pelopides, ou Atree et Thieste ; Irene ; Agathocle. VII. L'indiscrct i L'enfant pro- digue; La prude ; Nanine, ou le prejuge vaincu ; La femme qui a raison. VIII. L'Ecossaise; Le droit du seigneur; Chariot, ou lacomtessede Givry; Le de- positaire j Socrate. IX. Samson ; La princesse de Navarre; Le temple de la gloire; Lc baron d'Otrante ; Pandore ; Les deux tonneaux ; Tauis et Zelide ; Jules Cisar; L'Heraclius espagnol. X. La Ilenriade; Essai sur la poesie epique. XI. La pucelle d'Orleaus. XII. Poe'mes et discours en vers ; Discours en vers sur 1'hornme ; Le pour et le centre ; Pofc'me sur la loi naturelle; Poeme sur le desastre de Lisbonne en 1755; Le temple du gout ; Le temple de 1'amitie ; Sur les fevenements de 1'annee 1744 ; Poeme de Fontenoi ; Voyage a Berlin ; Precis de 1'Ecclesiaste et du Can- tique des cantiques ; La guerre civile dc Geneve, ou les amours de Robert Covelle; La fete dc Bellebat; La Bastille; La mort de Mile. Lecouvreur; La police sous Louis xiv; Sur la campagne d'ltalie ; Apologia de la fable ; Jean qui pleure et Jean qui rit ; L'hote et 1'hotesse ; Lettres a M. de Cromot. XIII. Epitres en vers; Stances ; Odes. XIV. Contcs en vere ; Sa- tires ; Poesies incites. XV. Lcttrcs en vers ct en prose. XVI-XIX. Essai sur les mceurs. XX-XXI. Siecle de Louis XIV. XXII. Precis du siecle de Louis xv. XXIII. Histoire de Charles xn. XXIV. Ilistoire de 1'empire de Russie sous Pierre. XXV. Annales de 1'empire de Charlemagne. XXVI. .His- toire du parlcmcnt de Paris ; Fragmens histor. sur I'lude. XXVII. Melanges historiques: Lc Pyrrhon- ismc de 1'histoire ; Reponse a la Beaumelle ; Supple- ment au siecle de Louis xiv; La defense de mon on- cle; Un Chretien centre six Juifs; Dc quelques niai- serics; Incursion sur Nonotte, cx-jesuitc. XXVUL Melanges historiques : Fragments sur 1'histoire; Ex- umcn de quelques objections contre plusieurs fails rapportes dans 1'essai sur les mccurs et 1'csprit des na- tions; Des mensonges imprimis et du testament poli- tique du cardinal de Richelieu. XXIX. Politique et legislation: La voixdu sage etdu pcuple; Idees deLa Mothe Lc Vayer ; Pensees sur 1'administration pub- lique; De la paix perpetuelle; Les droitsdes homines etles usurpations des autres; Le tocsiudes rois; Frag- ment des instructions pour le prince royal de * * * ; Lc cri des nations; Observations sur Jean Law, Me- lon et Dutot, sur le commerce, le luxe, les monnaies et les impOts ; Des embcllisscmens de Paris; Requete a tous les magistrals du royaume ; Idees republi- caincs ; Commentairc sur le livrc des delits ct dcs pcines ; Prix de la justice ct de 1'humanite ; Com- mentairc sur 1'csprit des lois ; Diatribe a 1'auteur des Ephemerides ; Ecrits pour les habitans du Mont- Jura et du pays de Gex ; Rcmontrances du pays do Gex au roi. XXX. Politique et legislation : Frag- ment d'une lettre sur un usage tres-utile etabli en Ilollande ; Discours du conseiller Anne Dubourg a scs juges ; Jusqu' a quel point on doit tromper le peu- Shelf. No. VOLTAIRE, F. M. A. de, continued. pie; Timon; Les paleuset les sous-fermiers; Ce qu'on ne fait pas et ce qu'on pourrait faire; Sermon du pa- pa Nicolas Charisteski ; Discours aux coufederts catholiques de Kaminiek en Pologne ; Traite sur la tolerance a 1'occasiou de la mort de Jean Calas; Essai Bur les probabilites en fait de justice ; Supplement aux causes ctilebres; Lettre d'un ecclesiastique sur le pretendu retablissemeut dcs jesuites dans Paris ; Petit ecrit sur 1'arret du conseil qui permct le libre commerce des bles dans le royaume ; Les edits de Louis xvi pendant l'administration de Turgot. XXXL Philosophie de Newton. XXXII. Philos- ophic generalc, metaphysique, morale et theologie : Traite de metaphysique ; Le philosophe ignorant ; II faut prendre un parti, ou le principe d'action, dia- tribe ; Tout en Dieu, Comment sur Mallebranche ; De Tame; Lettres de Memmius a Ciceron; Hemarqucs sur les penseesde Pascal; Profession de foi des the- istes; Sermons et homelies: Discours de M. Bcllc- guier, ancicn avocat. XXXIII. Philosophie generate, metaphysique, morale et theologie : Examen import- ant de milord Bolingbroke; Dieu et les homines; Remontrances du corps des pastcurs du Gevaudan a A. J. Rustan ; Instructions a A. J. Rustan ; Conscils raisonnables a Bergier pour la defense du Christian- isme, par une societe de bacheliers en theologie ; Les questions de Zapata, trad, par Tnmponet; Epitre aux Remains, trad, dc 1'italicn de M. le comte de Corbera. XXXIV. La Bible enfln expliquec par plusieurg aumouicrs de S. M. L. R. D. P. XXXV. Nouveau Testament. XXXVI. Dialogues etentreticns phil- osophiques. XXXVII-XLIII. Dictionnaire philoso- phique. XLIV. Romans: Zadig; Lemondecomme il va, vision de Babouc ; Memnon ; Les deux conso- les ; Histoire des voyages de Scarmentado ; Micro- megas ; llistoire d'un bon bramin ; Le blauc et le noir; Jeannotet Colin; Candide, ouToptimisme; L'ingonu. XLV. Romans : L'homme aux quarante ecus ; La princesse de Babylone ; Les lettrcs d'Amabed ; llis- toirc de Jenni ; Les oreilles du comte de Chesterfield et le chapelain Goudman ; Le taureau blanc ; Le crocheteur borgne ; Cosi-Sancta ; Songe de Platon ; Bababec et les Fakirs ; Aventurc de la memoirc ; Les aveugles juges des couleurs; Aventureindieniiey Voyage de la raison. XLVI. Facuties : Diatr. du doct. Akakia; KC-flexions pour les sots; Femmes, soyez sou- miscsa vosmaris; De St. Cucufin; Disc, aux Velches, par A. Vade; Questions sur les miracles; Surl'eney- clopedie. XLVII. Discours de Voltaire a sa recep- tion a 1'academie franeaise, avec notes; Panegyrique de Louis xv ; Eloge funebre des officiers qui sont mort dans la guerre de 1741; Eloge historique de la marquise Du Chatelet ; Eloge de Crebillon ; Eloge funebre de Louis xv; Vie de Moliere: Traduction du poemede J. Plokof, sur lesaftaires presentes; Lettres chinoises, indiennes et tartares ; Des divers change- mens arrives a 1' art tragique ; Delalragtdie angluiso; Sur la comedie anglaise ; Du theatre anglais, par Je- r6me Carre ; Parallele d'Horace, de Boileau et de Pope ; Lettrcs a S. A. Mgr. le prince de *** sur Rabe- lais, et sur d'autrcs auteurs accuses d'avoir mal parle de la religion chreticnne ; Vanini, Warburton, To- land, Locke, Tailord, Tindal, Collins, Wolston, Bolingbroke, T. Chubb, Swift, B. Desperiers; Theo- phile, Dee Barreaux, La Mothe-le-Vaycr, Saint-Evre- mont, Foutcnellc, L'abbe de Saiut-Piorre,Bayle, Mile. Huber, Barbeirac, Frerct, Boulanger. Montesquieu, La Metric, Le cure Meslier, Orobio, Spinosa ; Con- seils a un journaliste, sur la philosophic, 1'histoire, le theatre, les pieces de potsie, les melanges de littera- ture, les anecdotes litturaires, les langues et le style; Couseils a Racine sur son poeme de la religion ; Utile cxamen des trois dernieres epitres du sieur Rousseau; Sur 1'anti-Machiavcl ; Mt'inoire sur la satire a 1'occa- siun d' un libelle dc 1'abbe Desfontaines contre 1'au- teur ; Le pruservatif ; Petit commeutaire surl'eloge du dauphin dc France, compose par Thomas; Quel- ques petites hardiesses de Clair, a 1'occasion d'un pauegyrique de Saint-Louis. XL VIII. Refutation d'un ecrit anonyme, contre la memoirc de J. Saurin; Les honnfitetes litturaires ; Commentaire historique sur les oeuvres de 1'auteur dc la Ilenriade ; Extrait d'un ecrit periodique, intitule Nouvelle bibliotheque; Ob- servation sur plusieurs ouvra Cyrus de differentia statuum; Anonymi problemata rhetorica; Alexander de figuris ; Phoebammon de figuris ; Tiberius de figuris ; Hcrodianus de figuris ; Polybius Sardianus de scheinatismo ; Anonymus de figuris ; Zonseus de figuris ; Anonymus de synecdoche ; Anonymus de tropis poe'ticis ; Tryphon de tropis ; Gregorius Corin- thius de tropis ; Anonymus de tropis; Cocondriusde tropis; Georgius Choeroboscus de tropis. IX. Deme- trius dc elocutione ; Menander de genere demonstra- tive ; Alexander de materiis rhetoricis ; Aristides de oratione civili et simplice ; Apsinis rhetorica ; Longi- nus de inventione ; Minucianus de argumentis. WANDALBERT. Martyrologium ; De duodecim mcnsium nominibus, signis aerisque quali- tatibus ; Horologium ; De creatione mundi ; Devitaet miraculis S. Goaris; Appendix. [Migne. Patrologiae v.121] 3400.4 WANLEY, H. Librorum septentrionalium qui in Angliae bibliothecis extant catalogue. Ox- onise, 1705. f v.3 of *2940.5 WANOSTROCHT, N. French exercises, adapted to L'homond'a grammar [by H. W. Longfel- low]. Portland, 1830. 12 7079.13 *- Grammar of the French language, with add. by De Wailly. 8th Am. edition. Boston, 1825. 12 7079.9 - Same. Philadelphia, 1838. 12" 7079.10 Kecueil choisi de traits historiques et de con- tea moraux. le<5d. Amdr. Boat. 1805. 8. **E. 227. 8 WANSEY, H. Excursion to the United States of America in 1794. Salisbury (Eng.), 1790. 8.*2328.14 Hundred of Warminster. [Hoare. Modern Wiltshire] v.3 of 2500. 3 WAR. Channing, W. E. Sermon on . . . . v.l of 3577.4 Dymond, J. Accordancy of war with the principles of Christianity 3577.2 Erasmus, D. Plea against war 3577.15 Parker, T. Sermon of 3443.22 Rees, E. Sketches of the horrors of . . Pph.v.254 Scott, J. War inconsistent with the doctrine of Christ Pph.v.254 Sette libri dell' arte della guerra. [Machia- velli. Opcre, v.O] v.3 of 2805.1 Short view of the inconveniences of ... Pph.v.251 Stephen, J. War in disguise 3015.3 Webber, S. War: a poem in three parts. Pph.v. 270 Shelf. No. WAR, continued. Whelplcy, S. Letters on Pph.v.254 Worcester, N. Custom of Pph.v.254 See also : Military art and science, Peace, Siege. WAR in Texas. Review of facts showing that this contest is a crusade against Mexico, sup- ported by slaveholders, etc. 2d ed. Phila- delphia, 1&37. 8 *Pph.v.lOO WAR without disguise, or the frauds of neutral commerce a justification of capture, [etc.]. America, 1807. 8 *Pph.v.l9, 24 WAR-GOD, Birth of the : a Sanskrit poem. See Kalidasa 3011.5 WARBURTOX, E. Horace Walpole and his con- temporaries. London, 1852. 2v. 8 ... 2443.2 Prince Rupert and the cavaliers. London, 1849. 3v. 8 2444.7 WARBURTON, J., Whitelaw, J., and Walsh, R. History of Dublin. London, 1818. 2v. 4.*2450.10 WARBURTOX, W. Works. New edition, with life by R. Hurd. London, 1811. 12v. 8 ... *3492.2 Contents. Vol. I- VI. The divine legation of Mo- Bes demonstrated. Vn. The alliance between church and state, or the necessity and equity of an estab- lished religion and a test law demonstrated, in three books. VHI. Julian, or a discourse concerning the earthquake and fiery eruption, etc.; The doctrine of grace, or the office and operations of the Holy Spirit vindicated. IX. The principles of natural and re- vealed religion, in sermons preached at Lincoln's inn ; Sermons, etc. X. Sermons and discourses on various subjects and occasions. XI, XII. Contro- versial tracts: Vindication of the divine legation, etc.; Commentary on Pope's essay, etc. ; Remarks on Til- lard, Sykcs, and occasional reflections on the divine legation etc.; View of Lord Bolingbroke's philosophy! On Hume's essay on religion; On Neal's puritans. Causes of prodigies and miracles as related by historians. London, 1727. 12 *2211.19 and Hurd, R. Tracts by Warburton and a Warburtonian. London, 1789. 8 *2556.3 Contents. Miscellaneous translations ; Critical en- quiry into the causes of miracles; Delicacy of friend- ship : a seventh dissertation ; Letter to Rev. Dr. Thomas Leland. WARD, Andrew H. Genealogical history of the Rice family. Boston, 1858. 8 *2332.2 Descendants of W. Ward [of] Sudbury, Mas- sachusetts. Boston, 1851. 8 *2333.1 WARD, Artemas. Speech on the bill for the de- fence of the frontiers, 1814. Washington, n.d. 8 *Pph.v.254 WARD, Austin X. The husband in Utah. Edited by M. Ward. New York, 1857. 12 .... 2407.9 WARD, E. C. New lunar tables. Stereotype edi- tion. New York, 1823. 8 **E.10G.6 WARD, H. D. Anti-masonic review and magazine. Published monthly. N. Y. 1828. 2v. 8 . *Pph.v.287 WARD, James H. Manual of naval tactics, with an appendix, from Sir H. Douglas. New York, 1859. 8 3952.21 WARD, John. The young mathematician's guide. 10th ed. London, 1758. 8 **E.198.21 WARD, Joshua. Effects of Ward's pills and drops. See Glutton, J 3780.5 WARD, Maria. Female life among the Mormons. New York, 1855. 12 2407.10 WARD, Michael. Efficacy of the opiate friction in spasmodic and febrile diseases. Manches- ter, 1809. 8 *M. Pph.v. 77 WARD,N. Simple cobler of Aggawam in America. Ed. by D. Pulsifer. Bost. 1843. pp.90. 12. 2407.11 - Same. 5th ed. reprinted. [Force. Tracts, v.3] 2323.3 WARD, Robert. Foundation and history of the law of nations in Europe. London, 1795. 2v. 8 3014.10 Rights and duties of belligerent and neutral powers in maritime affairs. Lond. 1801. 12. 3615.18 WARD, Robert P. Memoirs, with selections from his correspondence, diaries, and literary re- mains. By E. Phipps. Lond. 1850. 2v. 8. 245C.12 WARD 870 WARREN Shelf. No. WARD, Thomas. England's reformation : a poem. London, 1715. 2v. 10 *2559.15 WARD, Thomas, M.D. Passaic: a group of poems touching that river, with other musings. New York, 1842. 12 2399.14 WARD, W. History, literature, and religion of the Hindoos. 3d ed. London, 1817. 4v. 8. 3043.9 Life. See Marshman, J. C 2447.16 WARD family. See Goodwin, N 2332.8 WARDELL, J. Municipal history of Leeds, county of York. London, 1840. 8 2505.16 WARDEN, D. B. Account of the United States. Edinburgh, 1819. 3v. 8 2326.3 Bibliothcca Americana. Paris, 1831. 8. . **E. 225.8 BibliothecaAmerico-scptentrionalis. [Paris], 1820. 8 *2152.11 Origin, nature, etc. of consular establish- ments. Paris, 1813. 8 3616.4 Chronologic historique de 1'Amdrique. [Art de verifier les dates, p. 4] 2214.4 WARDLAW, It. Lectures on female prostitution. Glasgow, 1842. p.8 3574.6 Man responsible for his belief: two sermons. New York, 1826. 8 *Pph.v.60 Eeply to Yates's vindication of unitarianism. Andover, 1817. 8 3462.1 WARDROP, J. Biographical sketch of Dr. M. Bail- lie. From the Edinburgh medical and surgi- cal journal. [Edinb. 1824]. 8. 2458.1, *M.Pph.v.46 Diseases of the heart. London, 1851. 8 . . 3803.5 History of J. Mitchell, born blind and deaf. London, 1813. 4 *3800.16 WARE, A. Reports, district court of the U. S. for Me., 1S22-39. 2d ed. Boston, 1856. 8". 3704.6 WARE, Harriet. Memoir. Providence, 1850. 12. 2347.10 WARE, Henry, D.D., b. 1704, d. 1845. Inquiry into the evidences and truths of religion. Cam- bridge, 1842. 2v. 8 3435.20 and others. Memorial to the corporation of Harvard university relative to the mode in which the corporation ought to be consti- tuted. fCambridge, 1824.] 8 .... *Pph.v.245 WARE, Henry, jr., b. 1794, d. 1843. Connexion be- tween the duties of the pulpit and the pas- toral office: an introductory address to the members of the theological school in Cam- bridge. Cambridge, 1830. pp.28. 8 . .**E.224.5 Discourses on the offices and character of Jesus Christ. Boston, 1825. 12" 3475.10 The vision of liberty : an ode. Boston, 1824. pp.12. 8 **E.224.10, *Pph.v.252 WARE, Sir James, 6. 15D4, d. 1066. Works con- cerning Ireland. Transl. by Walter Harris, and continued to the present century. Dub- lin, 17G4. 2v. f *2540.10 WAKE, James, surgeon. Chirurgical observations relative to the eye. 2d ed. London, 1805. 2v. 8 3804.9 WARE, John. Address delivered before the Mas- sachusetts society for the suppression of in- temperance. Boston, 1820. 12 .... *Pph.v.255 Contributions to the history, diagnosis, and treatment of croup. From the Boston mod. and surgical journal. Bost. 1850. 8. *M.Pph.v.l02 Medical education and the medical profession. Boston, 1847. 8 3721.10, *M.Pph.v.42, 102 History and treatment of delirium tremens, [with] appendix. Boston, 1831. 8.*M.Pph.v.93,102 Medical dissertations on the spitting of blood, and on suppuration. Boston, 1820. 8 . . *M.Pph.v.75,102 Remarks on the employment of females in midwifery. Boston, 1820. 8" . . . . *M.Pph.v.l02 Success in the medical profession. Boston, 1851. 8 *M.Pph.v.l02 WARE, Samuel. Tracts on vaults and bridges. London, 1822. 8 4014.7 WARE, Samuel H. Lancashire during the rebel- lion of 1715. n.p. 1845. sm.4. [Chetham so- ciety, No. 6] *2415.2 Shelf. No. WARE, Samuel, H. continued. State of parties in Lancashire before the re- bellion of 1715. n. p. 1S15. pp.56. sm.4. [Chetham society, No. 5] *2415.2 WARE, W. American Unitarian biography. Bos- ton, 1850-51. 2v. 8 2345. tl Letters from Palmyra. N. Y. 1837. 2v. 12. **E. 228.0 WARING, E. Meditationes analytical. Cantabrigiae, 1776. 4. pi **E. 191.9 Miscellanea analytica de aequationibus alge- braicis et curvarum proprietatibus. Canta- brigiae, 1702. 4. pi **E.191.4 WARING, E. S. History of the Mahrattas, [and] sketch of the Decan. London, 1810. 4 . . *3041.12 WARING, J. B. Crystal palace. Byzantine and Romanesque court. See Wyatt, M. D. . . 4089.35 - Italian court. See Wyatt, M.D 40.>'J.25 - Mediaeval court. See Wyatt, M. D. . . . 4C89.34 - Renaissance court. See Wyatt, M.D. . . 4089.33 and Macquoid, T. R. Examples of architec- tural art in Italy and Spain. London, 1850. Atlas, f *4050.2 WARING, J. S. Present state of the East India company. 4th ed. London, 1808. 8" . . *Pph.v.l4 Apology for the late Christian missions to India, in answer to. See Fuller, A. . . *Pph.v.l4 WARKWORTH, J. Chronicle of the first thirteen years of the reign of Edward IV. Ed. by J. O. Halliwell. London, 1839. sm.4. [Camden society, No. 10] *2416.10 WARMHOLTZ, C. G. Bibliotheca historica Sueo- Gothica. Stockholm and Upsala, 1782-1817. 15v. in 8. 8 *2158.1 WARMING. Inman, W. S. Report of committee of the house of commons on 4105.2 Richardson, C. J. Treatise on 4105.4 Tredgold.T. Principles of 4105.3 See also: Heat. WARNAHARIUS. Acta SS. martyrum tergemi- norum Speusippi, Eleusippi, Meleusippi ; Vita S. Desidcrii. [Migne. Patrol, v.so]. 3450.15 WARNER, G. J. Means for the preservation of public liberty : oration, July 4th, 1~97. New York, 1797. 8 *Pph.v.32 WARNER, H. W. Address in commemoration of the nativity of Washington. New York, 1814. 8" *Pph.v.l Discourse on legal science. N. Y. 1833. 8.*Pph.v.88 Report of the trial of Charles N. Baldwin for libel, etc. New York, 1818. 8 *Pph.v.34 WARNER, R. History of Hampshire and the bish- opric of Winchester, including the isles. London, [1795]. 5v. in 3. 4 *2472.4 Tour through Cornwall. Bath, 1809. 8. . .*2493.16 Tour through the northern counties of Eng- land, [etc.] Bath, 1802. 2v. 8 *2404.2 Walk through Wales in 1797. 3d ed. And a second walk in 1798. 4th ed. Bath, 1799- 1813. 2v. in 1. 8 *2473.7 Poems and life. [Chalmers. Eng. poets]. v. 4 of 2592.7 WARR, G. F. Dynamics, machinery, equilibrium, materials, [etc.] London, 1851. 8 . . . . 3944.13 WARRE, J. The past, present, and probably future state of the wine trade. Lond. 1824. 8. *Pph.v.308 WARREN, Edouard de. L'Inde anglaise avant et apres 1'insurrection de 1857. 3e ed. Paris, 1857-58. 2v. 12 3044.19 WAKREN, Edward. Dissertations on scrofula, rheumatism, etc. Philadelphia, 1840. 8 . 3717.0 Progress of the malignant or epidemic chol- era. Boston, 1832. 8 *M.Pph.v.24 Some account of the letheon ; or, who is the discoverer? 3d ed. Boston, 1847. 8.*M.Pph.v.42 WARREN, G. K. Examination of the reports of explorations for railroad routes to the Pa- cific. See Humphreys, A. A 2363.6 WARREN, John. Eulogy on the Hon. T. Russell. [Also, a monody on his death.] Boston, 1796. pp.31. sm.4 *2348.9 Bartlett, J. Oration [on] the death of. M.Pph.v.65 WARREN 871 WASHINGTON Shelf. No. WARREN, John, continued. Jackson,.!. Eulogy on M.Pph.v.4,65 McKcan, J. Sermon preached on the Sabbath after the decease of M.Pph.v.65 WARREN, John C. Address before the American medical association in Cincinnati. Boston, 1850. 8 3721.6 Address to the Boston society of natural his- tory. Boston, 1853. 8 3834.11 Cases of organic diseases of the heart. Bos- ton, 1811. 8 . . ; *M.Pph.v. 118, 3803.4 Comparative view of the sensorial and ner- vous system in man and animals. Boston, 1S22. 8" 3880.5 Description of an Egyptian mummy. [Xo title-page], pp.34. 8 3705.26 Etherization. Boston, 1848. 12 3783.12 Fossil impressions in the sandstone of Con- necticut river. Boston, 1854. pp.54. 8 . . 3862.6 Genealogy of Warren. Boston, 1854. 4. . *2330.2 Letter to chief justice I. Parker on disloca- tion of the hip joint. Cambridge, 1826. 8". *M.Pph.v.91,121 Mastodon giganteus of North America. 2d ed. with additions. Boston, 1855. 4 ... *3900.7 Physical education and the preservation of health. Boston, 1846. pp.90. 16 3769.28 Surgical observations on tumours- London, 1839. 8 3755.24 The great tree on Boston common. Boston, 1855. pp.20. 8 2353.2 WARREN, Joseph. Oration to commemorate the bloody tragedy of the 5th of March, 1770. Newport, 1775. 8 *l'ph.v.42 View of the house in Roxbury [Aug. 1840] in which Warren was born *Pph.v.234 Inauguration of the statue of. See Bunker- hill monument association 2342.9 Oration on the reinterment of. See Morton, P. 2324.8 WARKEN, M. Poems, dramatic and miscellaneous. Boston, 1790. sm.l2 *2405.24 WARREN family, Genealogy of the. See Warren, J.C 2330.2 WAKRENIANA, with notes. Boston, 1851. 12. . 2578.4 WARUINGTON, J. Obstetric catechism. Phila- delphia, 1842. 12 3771.14 WARRINGTOX, W. History of Wales. 3dcd. Lon- don, 171)1. 2v. 8 *2473.8 WARRINGTON in 14(55, described in a contempo- rary rent roll. Ed. by Wm. Beaumont. 1849. sm.4. [Chetham society, No. 17] . *2415.1 WARS, The, of the gulls : an historical romance. New York, 1812. 8 *Pph.v.270 WARSAW. Histoire de 1'ambassade dans le grand duche de Varsovie en 1812. Pradt, D. J). de. 3064. 10 WARTON, J. Essay on the genius and writings of Pope. [2d ed. v.l.] London, 1702-82. 2v. 8. *2553.6 Poems and life. [Chalmers. Eng. poets]. v.lSof 2592.7 Biographical memoir of. See Wooll, J. . . . 2541.3 WARTON, T. History of English poetry [1100- 1700.] New ed. London, 1824. 4v. 8 . 2553.3 History of Kiddington. 3d ed. London, 1815. 4 *2491.4 Observations on the fairy queen. New ed. London, 1807. 2v. 8 2553.4 Poems and life. [Chalmers. Eng.poets].v.l8 of 2592.7 WARWICK, A. Spare minutes, or resolved medi- tations and premeditated resolutions. Lon- don, n.d. 32 2558.34 WARWICK, Sir P. Memoirs of the reign of king Charles i. 2d ed. London, 1702. 8.*2444.16 Momoires sur le regne de Charles ler. Paris, 1827. 8. [Guizot. Coll. des memoires rel- atifs a la revolution d'Angleterre, v.l] . . *2518.1 WARWICK, countess of. See Rich, M. WARWICK, Historical and descriptive account of the town and castle of. Warwick, 1815. 8. 2502.7 WARWICKSHIRE. Dugdale, W. Antiquities of . 2500.9 - Post-office directory of 2484.12 See also: Birmington, Stratford-upon-Avon. Shelf. No. WASE, C. Senarius, sive de legibus et licentia veterum poetarum. Oxonii, 1087. sm.4 . *2986.3 WASHBOURN, J. Bibliotheca Gloucestrensis : tracts published during the civil war. Gloucester, 1825. 4 *2471.13 Contents. Historical introduction; Memoir of J. Corbet; Relation of the military government of Glou- cester, by J. Corbet ; Relation of the action before Cyrencester, l&4i; Taking of Ciceter; Petition of the inhabitants of Cyrencester ; Proceedings of Sir W. Waller in Wales ; Fight between Waller's forces and those sent from Oxford ; Siege of Gloccster ; Expe- dition of Essex for the reliefe of Glocester ; March- ings of the trained bands of London for the reliefe of Glocester ; Reliefe of Glocester ; Wicked plot to be- tray Glocester to the cavaliers ; Proceedings of Col. Massy; Storming of Sir John Winter's house; Fovre ordinances of the lords and commons; Ordinance for uniting certain churches ; Appendix. WASHBURN, E. Address. See Celebration of the incorporation of Bridgewater 2356.6 WASHINGTON, G. Writings, with a life of the au- thor, notes, and illustrations, by J. Sparks. Boston, 1834-38. 12v. 8 *2402.1 Contents. Vol. I. Life, by Sparks. H. Writings : Part 1. Letters before the American revolution, March, 17J4, to May, 1755. m. Part 2. Correspond- ence and papers relating to the American revolution, June, 1775, to July, 1776. IV. Correspondence, July, 1770, to July, 1777. V. Correspondence, July, 1777, to July, 1778. VI. Correspondence, July, 1778, to March, 17SO. VII. Correspondence, March, 1780, to April, 1781. Vm. Correspondence, April, 1781, to Dec. 17S3. IX. Part 3. Private correspondence. Dec. 1783, to April, 1789. X. Part 4. Correspondence, offi- cial and private. May, 1789, to Nov. 1794. XI. Cor- respondence, Nov. 1794, to Dec. 1799. XII. Part 5. Speeches and messages to congress ; Proclamations ; Addresses ; Indexes. Each volume has also an ap- pendix. Correspondance et ecrits, extraits par M. Guizot, et trad, par M. Ch. Paris, 1855. 4v. 8 *2402.4 Epistles, domestic, confidential, and official. [Containing the spurious letters.] New York, 1796. 8 *2341.5,6 Fac similes of letters on agriculture to Sir J. Sinclair. Washington, 1844. 4 2340.19 Farewell address to the people of the United States. New York, 1812. 12 *Pph.v.210 Last official address to the legislatures of the United States. Annexed, Papers relative to half-pay. Hartford, 1783. pp.48. 8 ... *2324.68 Letters containing an account of his husband- ry, with particulars of the rural economy of the United States. Alexandria, 1803. 8 . 2341.17 Official letters during the war. London, 1795. 2v. 8 *2402.3 Message relative to France and Great Britain, with the papers referred to. Philadelphia, 1795. 8 *Pph.Y.191 Political legacies, [with] appendix. Boston, 1800. 8 2341.8, **E.223.18 Resignation,and address to the citizens of the United States, 1790. Portsmouth, N. II. 1800. pp.22. sm.S 2329.19 Alden, T. Sermon occasioned by the death of Pph.v.2C6 Bates, I. C. Oration in commemoration of the nativity of Pph.v.64 Binney, H. Inquiry into the formation of the farewell address of 2341.18 Brooks, J. Eulogy on Pph.v.266 Buckminster, J. Sermons on the death of. Pph.v.266 Corry, J. Life of 2341.9,16 Gumming, H. Oration commemorative of. Pph.v.25 Dutcher, S. Oration commemorative of the birth of Pph.v.47 Foutanes, L. Eloges funebres de . . . . Pph.v.146 Foster, J. Discourse occasioned by the death of Pph.v.266 Fox, C. Portrait of 2341.1 Glass, F. Vita Washingtonii 2341.7 Guizot, F. P. G. Washington 2341.15 WASHINGTON 872 WASHINGTON Shelf. No. WASHINGTON, G. continued. Harper, 11 G. Oration on the birth of . . Tph.v.21 Harris, T. M. Discourse on the death of. Pph.v.200 Honey wood, St. J. A poem on reading the address declining a re-election to the presi- dency Pph.v.29 Houdiu, M. G. Oration on the death of . Pph.v.12 Irving, W. Life of 2340.18,2341.11 Kirkland, J. T. Discourse on occasion of his death Pph.v.236 Marshall, J. Life of 2340.20, 2341.3 Monroe, J. Conduct of the executive of the United States in affairs connected with the French republic, 1701-90 2327.11 Paine, T. Eulogy on Pph.v.2G6 Pickcll, J. Early life of 2341.2 Ritner, J. Washington vindicated from the stigma of adherence to necrct societies. Pph.v.292 Sparks, J. Keply to strictures on the mode of editing the writings of E. 223. 20 Story, I. Eulogy on Pph.v.2G6 Sumner, C. P. Eulogy on Pph.v.63 Thacher, P. Sermon occasioned by the death of Pph.v.266 Thacher, T. C. Eulogy on E. 224. 12 Warner, H. W. Address in commemoration of the nativity of Pph.v.l Weems, M. L. Life of 2341.10 - DasLcbendes E. 223. 17 Whipple, E. P. Washington and the princi- ples of the revolution Pph.v.305 Winthrop, R. C. Oration at laying the cor- ner-stone of the monument to Pph.v.192 Witt, C. de. Histoire de 2341.4 and Adams, J. Memoirs of the administra- tions of. SeeGibbs, G 2323.2 and Franklin, B. Proceedings on the presen- tation of the sword of Washington and the staff of Franklin. Washington, 1843. 8.*Pph.v.l29 WASHINGTON, D. C. Digest of the laws of the city of Washington. With an appendix. Washington, 1823. 8 *C.159.9 Longitude of. Lambert, W. . . . E. 100.4, E. 110.52 African education society. Report of the pro- ceedings at the formation of the society. Washington, 1&30. 8" *Pph.y.84 Democratic association. The south in dan- ger; Read before you vote: an address. [Washington, 1844.] 8 *Pph.v.l45 National institution for the promotion of sci- ence. Constitution and by-laws. Wash- ington, 1840. 8 *Pph.v.ll7 - Constitution amended. Washington, 1841. 8 *Pph.v.282 - Bulletin of proceedings. Washington, 1841. 8" *Pph.v.ll9,282 - Third circular of the committee, [with] proceedings, of the board of management. Washington", 1844. 8. [No title-page]. *Pph.v. 142 Smithsonian institution. Contributions to knowledge. Washington, 1848-59. llv. 4. *3340.1 Contents. Vol. I. Ancient monuments of the Mis- sissippi valley, comprising the results of extensive original surveys and explorations, by E. G. Squier and E. H. Davis. II. Researches relative to the planet Neptune [with three cphemerides found in the appendix to this volume and the next], by S. C. Walker ; On the vocal sounds of Laura Bridgeman, the blind deaf mute at Boston, compared with the elements of phonetic language, by F. Lieber ; Micro- scopical examination of soundings made by the United States coast survey, off the Atlantic coast of the United States, by J. W. Bailey ; Contributions to the physical geography of the United States : Part 1. Physical geography of the Mississippi valley, by C. Ellct, Jr.; A memoir on Mosaaaurus and the three allied new genera, Uolcodus, Conosaurus, and Am- phorosteus, by R. W. Gibbes ; Classification of in- sects from cmbryological data, by L. Agassiz; On the cxplosiveness of nitre, with a view to elucidate its agency in the tremendous explosion of July, 1845, in New York, by B. Hare ; Microscopical observations made in South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida, by J. W. Bailey ; Aboriginal monuments of the state of Shelf. No. WASHINGTON, D. C. Smithsonian inst. cont. New York, comprising the results of original surveys and explorations, with an illustrative appendix by E. G. Squier ; Appendix : Occultations visible in the United States during 1851, computed by J. Downes. III. Observations on terrestrial magnetism, by J. Locke ; Researches on electrical rheometry, by A. Secchi i Contributions to the natural history of the fresh water fishes of North America, Colloids, by C. Girard; Nereis Boreali-Americana, or contributions to a history of the marine algse of North America, by W. n. Harvey : Part 1. Melanospermea; ; 1'lanlae Wrightiante Tcxano-Neo-McxicansE, by A. Gray ; The law of deposit of the flood tide, its dynamical action and office, by C. H. Davis; Description of an- cient works in Oliio, by C. Whittlesey ; Appendix, containing cphemcris of Neptune, and Occultations visible in the United States during 185;;. IV. Gram- mar and dictionary of the Dakota language, edited by S. R. Riggs. V. Introduction ; A flora and fauna within living animals, by J. Leidy ; Memoir upon the extinct species of American ox, by J. Lcidy ; Anat- omy of the nervous system of rana pipiens, by J. Wyman; Nereis Boreali-Americana, or contributions to a history of the marine algse of North America : Part 2. Rhodospernieae, by W. H. Harvey ; Plants Wrightianoe Texano-Nec-MexicansE, by A. Gray. VI. Introduction ; Plants Fremontianre, or descrip- tions of plants collected by Col. J. C. Fremont in California, by J. Torrey ; Observations on the Batis Maritima of Linnaeus, by J. Torrey; On the Darlin^- tonia Californica, a new pitcher plant, from N. Cali- fornia, by J. Torrey; Synopsisof the marine invcrte- brata of Grand Manan, or the region round the bay of Fundy, N. Brunswick, by W. Stimpson ; Oil the winds of the northern hemisphere, by J. H. Coffin ; The ancient fauna of Nebraska, by J. Lcidy ; Appendix : Occultations visible during 1853. VII. Introduction; Account of a tornado near New Harmony, Ind., April 30, 185:2, with a map of the track, etc., by J. Chappelsmith ; Notes on new species and localities of microscopical organisms, by J. W. Bailey ; The an- tiquities of Wisconsin, as surveyed and described by I. A. Lapham, civil engineer, etc.; Memoir on the extinct sloth tribe of North America, by J. Leidy; Appendix. VIII. Introduction ; Archajology of the U. S., or sketches respecting vestiges of antiquity in the U. S., by S. F. Haven; On the recent secular pe- riod of the Aurora Borealis, by D. Olmstead ; The tangencies of circles and of spheres, by B. Alvord ; Researches, chemical and physiological, concerning certain North American vertebrata, by J. Jones; Ap- pendix, containing record of auroral phenomena ob- served in higher northern latitudes, compiled by P. Force. IX. Introduction; Relative intensity of the heat and light of the sun upon different latitudes of the earth, by L. W. Meech ; Illustrations of surface geology, by E. Hitchcock ; Observations on Mexican history and archaeology, with a special notice of Zapo- tec remains, by B. Mayer ; Researches on the am- monia-cobalt bases, by W. Gibbs and F. A. Gcnth ; Appendix, containing New tables for determining the values of the coefficients, in the pcrturbative functions of planetary motion, which depend upon the ratio of the mean distances, by J. D. Runkle ; Asteroid supplement to new tables for determining the values of b ^ and its derivatives, by J. D. Run- kle. X. Introduction; Nereis boreali- Americana, or contributions to the history of the marine alga; of North America, by W. H. Harvey : Part 3. Chloro- spermeai ; Maguetical observations in the arctic seas, by E. K. Kane, made during the second Grtnnell ex- pedition in search of Sir John Franklin, in 1853, 54, and 55, at Van Rensselaer harbor, and other points on the west coast of Greenland, reduced and dis- cussed by C. A. Schott ; Grammar and dictionary of the Yoruba language, with an introductory descrip- tion of the country and people of Yoruba, by T. J. Bowen. XI. Introduction ; North American Oology, by T. M. Brewer : Part 1. Raptores and Fis- sirostres ; Account of the total eclipse of the sun, Sept. 7, 1858, as observed near Olmos, Peru, by J. M. Gilliss; Discussion of the magnetic and meteorologi- cal observations made at Girard college observatory, Philadelphia, in 1840-45: Part 1. Investigation of the eleven year period in the amplitude of the solar- diurnal variation, and of th* disturbances of the magnetic declination, by A. D. Bache ; Meteorologi- cal observations in the arctic seas, by E. K. Kane, made during the second Grinnell expedition in search of Sir John Franklin, in 1S4CM.5, at Van Rensselaer harbor, and other points on the west coast of Greenland, reduced and discussed by C. A. Schott ; The coleoptera of Kansas and eastern New- Mexico, by J. L. Le Conte ; Observations on terres- trial magnetism in Mexico, with notes and illuetra- WASHINGTON 873 WATERTOWff Shelf. No. WASHINGTON, I). C. Smithsonian inst. cont. tions of the volcano Popocatepetl and its vicinity, by A. Sonntag; On certain storms in Europe and Amer- ica, Dec. 1836, by E. Loomis. - Debate in the senate, Jan. 18th, on the let- ter of Mr. Choate, concerning the Smithso- nian institution. Washington, 1855. 8.*Pph.v.203 - Lectures and scientific memoranda ap- pended to the 9th annual report . v.l of *C.235.2 Contents. The camel, by G. P. Marsh ; Nature and cure of the bite of serpents and the wounds of poisoned arrows, by D. Brainard; The zone of small planets between Mars and Jupiter, by E. Loorais; The American fire-alarm telegraph, by W. F. Chan- ning; The Union, by H. Reed; Meteorology, by R. Russell, three parts and appendix ; Thunder-storm observed by J. Wise from a balloon, by R. Hare; Cli- mate of San Francisco, by H. Gibbons ; Contribu- tions to the physical geography of N. America, by J. Froebel; Correspondence on natural history, by J. J. Strang and others; Ruins of Abo, etc., in New Mex- ico, by J. H. Carletou ; Fishes of New Jersey and Long Island, by S. F. Baird ; Catalogue of rocks, minerals, and ores collected in Michigan, Ohio, etc., by C. T. Jackson, J. Locke, J. W. Foster, and J. D. Whitney. - Lectures and scientific memoranda ap- pended to the 10th report *C.144.2 Contents. Marine algae, by W. H. Harvey; Natural history applied to farming, with insect instincts, etc., by J. G. Morris ; Oxygen and its combinations, by G. J. Chace ; Meteoric stones, by J. L. Smith ; Plane- tary disturbances, by E. S. Snell ; Meteorological observations at Sacramento, 1853-55, by T. M. Logan; Quantity of rain at different heights, by O. W. Mor- ris; Directions for meteorological observers; Instruc- tions for observers of the aurora, etc. ; Observations on thunder and lightning, by S. Masterman ; Navajo Indians, by J. Letherman ; Topography of Black Mountain, by T. L. Clingman ; Recent progress ia physics, by J. Muller, translated by J. C. Schaeffer. - Lectures and scientific memoranda ap- pended to the llth report v.4 of *C. 204.2 Contents. Coal, by J. Le Conte ; Vastness of the risible creation, by S. Alexander ; Meteorology of Venezuela, by A. Fendler ; Meteorology of Sacra- mento, by T. M. Logan ; Best hours for observations to find the mean temperature of the year, by C. Dewey ; Meteorological observations and results, by J. Wiessner ; Observations on natural phenomena, by S. Masterman ; Recent progress in physics, by J. Muller, translated by J. C. Shaeffer. - Lectures and scientific memoranda ap- pended to the 12th report *C. 113.2 Contents. Astronomy, by A. Caswell ; Cuvier's memoir of Priestley, transl. by C. A. Alexander; In- structions for collecting the nests and eggs of birds and insects ; Grasshoppers and locusts of America, by A. S. Taylor; Means of destroying the grasshop- per, by V. Motschulsky, translated from the Rus- sian, by W. W. Turner ; Vegetable colonization of the British isles, Shetland, Faroe, and Iceland, by C. Martins ; Causes which limit vegetable species tow- ards the north, by A. de Candolle ; Distribution of the forests and trees of North America, by J. G. Cooper; Birds of Nova Scotia, by Blakiston, Bland, and Willis ; Atmospheric electricity, by M. F. Du- prez; Recent progress in physics, by J. Muller; Earth- quake of ISil at New Madrid, Mo., by T. Dudley; Correspondence. - [Letter of the Hon. Rufus Choate, resign- ing his office as regent ; with the report by Hon. C. W. Upham of the committee of in- vestigation appointed by the house of rep- resentatives, and minutes of evidence.] Washington, 1855. 8 *C. 153.20 - Report of the organization committee. Washington, 1847. 8 *Pph.v.l56 - Report of Hon. J. Meacham on the dis- tribution of the income of the Smithsonian fund. Washington, 1854. 8 *C.153.19 - Report, 9th annual, of the board of re- gents. Washington, 1S55. 8 **E. 222.9 - Report on recent improvements in the chemical arts. By J. C. Booth and Camp- bell Morfit. Washington, 1852. 8. . . **E.110.21 - Adams, J. Q. Report on the Smithsonian bequest, March 5, 1840 Pph.v.112 Shelf. No. WASHINGTON, D. C. continued. - Gould, B. A. Report on the discovery of Neptune Pph.v.lSO - Jewctt, C. C. Construction of catalogues. 2124.9 - - Notices of public libraries in the U.S. 2125.1 - Owen, R. D. Views and plans of the . . 4090.7 WASHINGTON, The, miracle refuted, or a review of the Rev. Mr. Matthews's pamphlet. Georgetown, D. C. 18:24. 8" *Pph.v.49 WASHINGTON, Pa. Report of a committee of the board of W. college respecting union with Jefferson college. Wash. Pa. 1817. 4 . *Pph.v.50 WASHINGTON territory, Three years' residence in. Swan,J. G 2361.21 WASIELEWSKI, J. W. v. Robert Schumann. Eine Biographic. Dresden, 1858. 8" 4040.17 WATCH-MAKING. Abridged specifications of pa- tents relating to watches. See Great Brit- ain. Commissioners of patents. Reid, T. Treatise on 4023.2 See also : Clocks. WATELET, C. H. Beaux-arts. See Encyclopedic methodique A. 109. 4 andLevesque, P.C. Dictionnaire de peinture, sculpture, et gravurc. Paris, 1792. 5v. 8'. *4082.6 WATER. Harrison, J. B. Contamination of water by lead 3809.7 Perkins, J. Compressibility of **E.1S0.2 WATER cure. Bigel, J. Manuel d'hydrosudo- pathie 3808.20 Currie, J. Use of water as a medicine. M.Pph. v.l 14 Lytton, G. E. L. B. Water treatment . . . . 3SOS.t>5 Shew, J. Manual of the 3808.24 Wilson, J. Principles and practice of ... 3808.2-3 WATER supply. See Aqueducts, Baths, Irriga- tion. Also, Albany, Boston, London, New York, Paris, Philadelphia. WATERFORIJ, History, topography, and antiqui- ties of. Ryland, R. II 2470.9 WATERIIOUSE, B. The botanist, with a discourse on vitality. Boston, 1811. 8 3852.5 Caution to young persons concerning health. [Cambridge], 1805. 8 *M.Pph.v.4,59 Circular letter to the surgeons of the 2d de- partment of U. S. army. n.p. 1807. 12.*Pph.v.270 Essay concerning whooping-cough. Boston, 1822. 8 3777.27 Essay on Junius and his letters, embracing the life and character of W. Pitt. London, 1831. 8 2555.4 Oratio inauguralis, in academia Harvardiana Cantabrigiae Novanglorum, nonis Octobri- bus, 1783. Cantabrigia?, 1829. pp.8. 4 . .E. 110.1 Prospect of exterminating the small-pox. Part II. Cambridge, 1802. 8 ... .*M.Pph.v.59 Rise, progress, and present state of medicine : a discourse. Boston, 1792. 8 *Pph.v.329 Synopsis of a course of lectures on the theory and practice of medicine. Boston, 1780. 8 *Pph.v.330 WATERLOO, History of the battle of. Mudford,W. 2540.20 WATERLOO, N. Y. Annual catalogue of the offi- cers and students of Waterloo academy for 1844. Waterloo, 1844. 8 *Pph.v.l44 WATERMAN, J. A plain, comprehensive, practi- cal English grammar. 3d ed. [with] a key. Philadelphia, 1827. 12 7059.1 WATERSTON, R. C. Moral and spiritual culture. Boston, 1842. 12 3445.39 WATERSTON, W. Cyclopaedia of commerce, mer- cantile law, finance, commercial geography, and navigation. New ed. London, n.d. 8. 3082.4 WATERTON, C. Ornithological letter to W. Swain- son. Wakefield, 1837. 8 *Pph.v.308 WATERTOWN, J\ r . T. Black river literary and re- ligious institute. Catalogue of students, etc. for 1st and 2d terms, ending Feb. 10, 1837. [Watertown, N. Y.], 1837. 8 . . *Pph.v.222 Jefferson co. institute. Catalogue of the offi- cers and students. Watertown, 1853. 8.*Pph.v.l98 WATHERSTON 874 WAYLAND Shelf. No. WATHERSTON, J. H. The gold valuer. London, 1852. pp.04. 12 3640.34 WATSON, A. Lecture before the members of the Albany female academy, on astronomy. Al- bany, 1845. 8" *Pph.v.l46 [Testimonials in favor of A. W., rector of Hy the academy, Kent], n.p. 1838. 8 . *Pph.v.l29 WATSON, E. Claim of, to the merit of pro- jecting the lake Erie canal policy. See Troup, R Pph.v.26 WATSON, John. Lecture on practical education in medicine, and on the course of instruction at the New York hospital. New York, 1840. 8" *M.Pph.v.42 WATSON, John F. Annals of New York city and state. Philadelphia, 1840. 8" 2371.4 Historic tales of olden time, concerning the settlement of N.Y. New York, 1832. 12. 2371.14 American historical and literary curiosities. See Smith, J. J 2330.1 WATSON, John T. Dictionary of poetical quota- tions. Philadelphia, [1847]. 12 2581.6 WATSON, R. Anecdotes of [his] life, written by himself. London. 1817. 4" *2440.15 - Same. Published by his son. 2ded. Lon- don, 1818. 2v. 8 2447.9 Apology for the Bible, addressed to T. Paine. Part n. 5th ed. London, 1790. 12 .... 3439.30 Apology for Christianity, addressed to E. Gibbon. 1st Am. ed. Providence, 1794. 8. 3435.10 Collection of theological tracts. Cambridge, 1785. Ov. 8 *3454.2 Contents. Vol. I. Scheme of Scripture-divinity, by J. Taylor; Reflexions upon the books of the Holy Scriptures, by P. Allix. II. History of the apostles and evangelists, by N. Lardner. III. Dissertation on the ancient versions of the Bible, by T. Brett j His- torical account of the several English translations of the Bible, by A. Johnson ; Introduction to the read- ing of the Holy Scriptures, by Beausobre and L'En- fant ; Key to the apostolic writings, by J. Taylor; Plain reasons for being a Christian, by Dr. Chandler. IV. Reasonableness of Christianity, by John Locke; Discourse concerning the unchangeable obligations of natural religion and the truth of revelation, by Samuel Clarke; Discourse on prophecy, by J. Smith; Essay on the teaching and witness of the Holy Spirit, by lord Barrington ; Essay concerning inspiration, by Dr. Benson ; Essay concerning the unity of sense, from Benson's paraphrase on St. Paul's epistles. V. Truth of the Christian religion, by D. Hartley; Truth of the Christian religion, by J. Addison ; Argument for the truth of Christianity, by N. Lardner ; All the actions recorded in the Gospels are probable, by J. Macknight ; Argument for the truth of the Christian religion, by J. Macknight ; Essay on the man of sin, from Benson's paraphrase ; History and evidence of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, by G. West. VI. Eight charges delivered to the clergy of the dioceses of Oxford and Canterbury, by T. Seeker ; Treatise concerning the causes of the present corruption of Christians, and the remedies thereof, by J. F. Oa- tervald; Design of Christianity, by E. Fowler. Sermons and tracts. Cambridge, 1788. 8 . *3443.14 Contents. Sermons ; Discourses ; Apology for Christianity ; Letter to the abp. of Canterbury [on the equalization of church revenues]; Appendix. WATSON, T. Body of practical divinity : 170 ser- mons on the assembly's catechism. [Glas- gow, 1741.] 4 *3452.2 WATSON, W. Law of partnership. 1st Am. from 2d Lond. ed. Philadelphia, 1807. 8 ... 3003.8 WATT, A. Vital statistics of Glasgow for 1843, 44. See Glasgow 3766.27 WATT, J. Historical eloge of. Arago, D. F. J. E.117.11 Origin and progress of the mechanical inven- tions of. See Muirhead, J. P 4015.7 WATT, P. Theory and practice of joint-stock banking. New York, 1830. 8" *Pph.v.222 WATT, Robert, M. D., b. 1774, d. 1819. Bibliotheca Britannica: index to British and foreign literature. Edinburgh, 1824. 4v. 4" ... *2150.13 WATT, Robert, and Downie, D., Trials of, for high treason, at Edinburgh, August and Sep- tember, 1794. New York, 1794. 12 . . *Pph.v.209 Shelf. No. WATTEVILLE de Grabe, A. de. Rapport sur les bureaux de bienfaisance. See France. Ministry of the interior 3571.1 WATTS, 1. Works. London, 1812-13. 9v. 1.8. . . *3491.3 Contents. Vol.1. Memoir of Dr. Watts; Sermons on various occasions. II. Sermons; Evangelical dis- courses; Essay on the powers and contents of flesh, and spirit ; Death and heaven ; Doctrine of the passions ; Love of God. III. Self-love and virtue ; Humility represented in the character of St. Paul ; Orthodoxy and charity united; Caveat against infi- delity ; Harmony of religions; Strength and weakness of human, reason; Holiness of times, places, etc. IV. Foundation of a Christian church ; Civil power in things sacred ; Ruin and recovery of man ; Freedom of will; Sacrifice of Christ. V. Revival of religion ; Guide to prayer; Catechisms; Follies of youth; Scrip- ture names ; Prayers for children ; Scripture history ; Questions proper for students in divinity. VI. Essay on charity schools ; Art of reading and writing Eng- lish ; The Trinity. VII. The world to come; Logic ; Education of children and youth. VHI. Improve- ment of the mind; First principles of geography and astronomy; Twelve philosophical essays ; Ontology s Dissuasive from self-murder. IX. Essay on psalm- ody; Psalms and hymns ; Divine songs for children; Hone lyricae; Reliquiae juveniles; Remnants of time, or snort essays ; Index. First principles of astronomy and geography. 5th ed. London, 1752. 8 3929.10 Guide to prayer. 9th ed. London, 1751. 12. *3447.46 Horse lyrieae. London, 1779. 16. [Johnson. English poets] v.40of2589.3 - Same. New York, 1814. 18" 3449.24 Hymns, taken chiefly from Dr. Watts's scrip- tural collection. Boston, 1771. pp.84. 12. *3449.30 Improvement of the mind. With supplement by J. Emerson. Revised ster. ed. Boston, n. d. 16 7009.11 Philosophical essays; with a brief scheme of ontology. 5th ed. London, 1793. 8. 5008.9, **E. 219.0 Psalms of David, imitated, etc. 24th ed. Bos- ton, 1763. 12 *3449.29 - Same. [With] hymns and spiritual songs. Boston, 1791. 18" *3449.2 - Same. Bost. and Brookfield, 1816. 24.**E.219.3o The Redeemer and the Sanctiflcr. 2d ed. London, 1737. 12 *3446.57 Poems and life. [Chalmers. English poets]. v.13 of 2692.7 Essay on the causes of uncharitableness. [Sparks. Tracts in theology, v.6] .... 3409.26 Rules of ministerial conduct. See Young minister's companion 3437.5 WATTS, J., Mott, V., and Stevens, R. H. Med- ical and surgical register of cases in the New York hospital. New York, 1818. 8 . 3755.10 WAUD, S. W. Algebraical geometry. London, 1835. 8. [Society for the diffusion of useful knowledge] **E. 212.1 WAUGH and Cox. Australian almanac for 1856. Sidney, 1856. 12 3047.13 WAUTERS, A. G. Histoire des environs de Brux- elles. Bruxelles, 1855. 3v. imp. 8 .... 2812.5 Histoire de la ville de Bruxelles. See Hennc, A 2812.4 WAVES. Recherches sur le mouvement des ondes. Bremontier, N. T 3945.2 Du mouvement des ondes. Emy, A. R. . . . 3940.7 WAVRIN, J. de. Anciennes croniques d'Engle- terre. Publ. par Mile. Dupont. Tome. I. Paris, 1858. 8. See Paris. Societe d' histoire de France *2636.0 WAT to do good. Abbott, J 3445.10 WAY of life: four sermons. Cotton, J 3457.13 WAYLAND, F. [Dependence of science upon re- ligion.] Discourse at the dedication of Man- ning Hall. Providence, 1&35. 8 . . . . **E.218.9 Discourse on the philosophy of analogy. Bos- ton, 1&31. 8" *Pph.v.S6 Duties of an American citizen : two discour- ses. 2d ed. Boston, 1825. 8 . *Pph.v.57,259,268 WAYLAND 875 WEBSTER Shelf. No. WAYLAND, F. continued. Elements of moral science. New York, 1835. 8 3585.2, **E.1CG.12 Life and character of N. Brown : a discourse. Boston, 1841. 8 *2387.2 Life and character of M. B. Ives : a discourse. Providence, 1857. 8 *2387.2 Life and services of \T. G. Goddard : a dis- course. Providence, 1846. 8 *2387.2 Limitations of human responsibility. Bos- ton, 1838. 12 3587.20, **E.219. 30 Memoir of the life and labors of Rev. A. Jud- son. Boston, 1S53. 2v. 12' **E. 228.1 Moral dignity of the missionary enterprise. Boston, 1824. pp.39. 8 **E.224.9 - Same. 2d ed. Boston, 1824. pp.39. 8. *Pph.v. 57 Occasional discourses. Boston, 1833. 12. 3443.18, **E. 219. 20 Report to the corporation of Brown univer- sity on changes in the system of collegiate education. Providence, 1850. 8.*2387.2, *Pph.v.l80 Domestic slavery considered as a scriptural institution. See Fuller, R 3573.36 Education demanded by the people of the U. S. See Schenectady. Union college . 2343.19 Proceedings of the corporation of Brown uni- versity in reference to the resignation of. See Providence, R. I. Brown university . . 2387.2 WAYLAND Smith, or Voelund, the smith, Dis- sertation on. See Depping, G. B 2236.12 WAYLAND, Mass. Catalogue of Wayland acad- emy for 1841-42. Boston, 1842. 12 . . *Pph.v.283 WAYNE, A. Life and services of. Moore, H. N. 2348.24 WAYXFLKTE, W. Life. Chandler, R 2440.18 WEALE, J. Catalogue of books on architecture and engineering. London, 1854. 1.8. . . *2172.1 Divers works of the early masters of Chris- tian decoration, with examples of painted glass. London, 1846. 2v. 4 *4060.1,2 Quarterly papers on architecture. London, 1844-45. 4v. 4 *4091.6 Quarterly papers on engineering. London, 1844-49. 6v. 4 *4021.7 Theory, practice, and architecture of bridges. London, 1843. 2v. in 1. 8. text, and 2v. 8. plates 4014.2 Contents. Vol. I. Theory of bridges, by J. Ilann ; General principles of construction, etc., translated from Gauthey ; Theory of the arch, etc., by Prof. Moseley; Papers on foundations, by T. Hughes; Ac- count of Hutcheson bridge, Glasgow, by L. Hill, with specification, by R. Stevenson; Supplement : Mathe- matical principles of Dredge's suspension bridge. II. Theory and architecture of bridges, by W. Hosk- ing ; Supplement : Specifications of Chester Dee bridge ; Practical description of timber bridges, on the Utica and Syracuse railroad, U. S., by B. F. Isherwoodj Description of the plates; General index. - Same. Supplement, by G. R. Burnell and W. T. Clark. London, 1852-53. 8 .... 4014.3 Contents. An inquiry into the application of iron to railway structures ; Report on Pesth bridge ; Me- moir of count Szechenyi; Report of the Bau-dircction on the state of the Danube in 1832. WEALTH. Jones, R. Essay on the distribution of. 3653.13 Maitland, J. Nature and origin of public wealth 3563.11 Smith, A. Nature and causes of the wealth of nations 3643.20 Torrens, R. Production of 3653.9 WEATHER. See Meteorology. WEAVER, R. Complete view of Puseyism. From the London ed. New York, 1843. 8 . *Pph.v.l37 WEAVER, W. A. Vindicatory address and ap- peal from the opinion of chancellor San- ford. New York, 1824. 8 *Pph.v.46 Answer to the address and appeal of. See Tibbets,E Pph.V.46 WEAVING. Alcan, M. Essai sur 1'industrie des matieres textiles 4026.1 White, G. Practical treatise on 4026.4 Yates, J. Account of the art of 4026.3 Shelf. No. WEBB, B. Discourse occasioned by the death of Mrs. Ruth Avery. Boston, 1733. 8" ... *3458.78 WEBB, G. J. Directions for the cultivation of pure tone. See Murdoch, J. E 7059.46 WEBB, Rev. John, b. 1687, d. 1750. Sermon occa- sion'd by the death of the Rev. W. Wal- dron. Boston, 1727. 8" *3458.91 Sermon preach'd after the death of Rev. Peter Thacher. Boston, 1739. 8 *3456.60 Sermon after the funeral of. See Eliot, A. . 3455.38 WEBB, Ilev. John, M. A., F. S. A. Household ex- penses of Richard De Swinfleld. Abstract, illustrations, glossary, and index. [Lon- don], 1855. 4. [Camden society, No. 02] . *2426.6 WEBB, T. New select collection of epitaphs. London, 1775. 12 ... *2534.2 WEBB, T. S. Free-mason's monitor. Part 1. New York, 1802. 10 3507.24 - Same. [New ed. p.l.] Salem, 1816. 12". 3507.18 - Same. Part [r,] n. Salem, 1818. 12 . . 3567.32 WEBBER, Rev. Samuel, D. D., b. 1759, d. 1810. Mathematics of the university at Cam- bridge. 2ded. Cambridge, 1808. 2v. 8. 3915.12 WEBBEU, Samuel, M. D. War: a poem. Cam- bridge, 1823. 18 *Pph.v.270 WEBER, A. Vorlesungen Uber indische Litcra- turgeschiohtc. Berlin, 1852. 8 3034.18 WEBER, C. Deutschland, Oder Briefe eines in Deutschland rcisendcn Deutschen. Stutt- gart, 1826-28. 4v. sm.8 2863.10 WEBEU, E. H. Handbook of auscultation and percussion. [Translated] by J. Cockle. London, 1854. 12 3795.29 WEBER, G. Allgemeine Musiklehre. Darmstadt, 1822. 8 *4049.30 Versuch einer geordnctcn Theorie dcr Ton- setzkunst zum Selbstunterricht. Mainz, 1824. 4v. 8. pi *4055.12 WEBER, H. The battle of Floddon field : a poem of the 16th century, with notes, [etc.] Ed- inburgh, 1808. 8 2537.31 Metrical romances of the 13th-15th centuries, with introduction, etc. Edinburgh, 1810. 3v. 12 2538.13 WEBER, Johann E. Spicilcgium casuum nounul- lorum chirurgicorum qui in clinico chirur- gico Bonnensi novissimis annis obscrvati sunt. Bonnae, 1819. 8 *M.Pph.v.52 WEBER, Joseph. Memoires concernant Marie Antoinette. Paris, 1822. 2v. 8. [Berville et Barriere. Mem. rcl. a la rev. frang. v.14, 15] *4645.8 - Same. [Barriere. Mem. rel. a 1'hist. de France, v.7] 4667.2 WEBER, M. I. Die Skelettc dcr Haussaugetblere und Vogcl. Bonn, 1824. obi. 4 *3S70.30 WEBER family, of Medford. See Whitmore, W. II. 2333.13 WEBSTER, C. Exhibition of some of the dishon- orable means used to bring into contempt the peculiar principles of the associate church. Albany, 1835. 8 *Pph.v.93 WEBSTER, D. Works. Boston, 1851. 6v. 8 . . *2400.4 Contents. Vol. I. Biographical memoir, by Edward Everett ; Speeches delivered on various public occa- sions : First settlement of New England, Plymouth, Dec. 22, 1820 ; Bunker-hill monument, Charlestown, June 17, 1825 ; Completion of Bunker-hill monu- ment. Bunker-hill, June 17, 1843; Adams and Jeffer- son, Boston, Aug. 2, 182G ; Election of 1825, Boston, April .3, 1325 ; Dinner at Faneuil hall, June 5, 1828 ; Boston mechanics' institution, Nov. 12, 1828 ; Public dinner at New York, March 10, 1831 ; Character of Washington, "Washington, Feb. 22, 1832; National republican convention at Worcester, Oct. 12, 1832; Reception at Buffalo, June, 1833 ; Reception at Pitts- burg, July 8, 1833 ; Reception at Bangor, Aug. 25, 1835 ; Presentation of a vase, Boston, Oct. 12, 1835 ; Reception at New York, March 15, 1837; Reception at Wheeling. May 17, 1837; Reception at Madison, June 1, 1837; Public dinner at Faneuil hall, July 24, 1838; Royal agricultural society, Oxford, (Eng.) July 18, 1839 ; Agriculture of England, Boston, Jan. 13, 1840. II. Speeches : Mass meeting at Saratoga, Aug. 19, WEBSTER 876 WEBSTER Shelf. No. WEBSTER, D. continued. 1840 ; Whig principles and purposes, Bunker-hill, Sept. 10, 1840; Speech in Wall-street, New York, Sept. 28, 1840; Whig convention at Richmond, Oct. 5, 1840; Remarks to the ladies of Richmond, Oct. 5, 1840 ; Re- ception at Boston, Sept. 30, 184-'; North-eastern boun- dary, April 15, 1843; Convention at Andover, Nov. 9, 184-3; Landing at Plymouth, Dec. 22, 1843; Mass meet- ing at Albany, Aug. 27, 1844 ; Whig convention at Philadelphia, Oct. 1, 1844 ; Convention at Valley Forge, Oct. 3, 1844 ; Mr. Justice Story, Boston, Sept. 12, 1845 ; Public dinner at Philadelphia, Dec. 2, 1846; Southern tour ; Opening of the Northern railroad ( Speech at Marshfield, Sept. 1, 1848; Speech in Faneuil hall previous to the election in 1848 ; Jeremiah Ma- son, Boston, Nov. 14, 1848 ; Festival of the sons of New Hampshire, Boston, Nov. 7, 184S ; Pilgrim festi- val at New York in 1850, Dec. 22, 1*50 ; Visit to Buf- falo in 1851, May 21 and 22, 1851; Speech to the young men of Albany, May 28, 1851 ; Addition to the cap- itol, July 4, 1851. III. Speeches in the convention to amend the constitution of Massachusetts : Quali- fications for office, Dec. 4, 1820 ; Basis of the senate, Dec. 15, 1320; Independence of the judiciary, Dec. 30, 1820 ; Speeches in congress : Bank of the United States, Jan. 2, 1815 ; The legal currency, April 26, 1816 ; Revolution in Greece, Jan. 19, 1824 ; Tariff, April 1 and 2, 1824 ; The judiciary, Jan. 4, 182G ; Pan- ama mission, April 14, 1820 ; Revolutionary officers, April 25, 18-'8 ; Second speech on the tariff, May 9, 1828; First speech on Foot's resolution, Jan. 20, 1830 ; Second speech on Foot's resolution, Jan. 26 and 27, 1830 ; Last remarks on Foot's resolution, Jan. 27, 1830 ; Nomination of Mr. Van Buren as minister to Eng- land, Jan. 24, 1832; Apportionment of representation, April 5, 1832 j Bank of the United States, May 25, 1832 ; Further remarks on the bank of the United States, May 28, 1832 ; Presidential veto of the United States bank bill, July 11,1832; The constitution not a compact between sovereign states, Feb. 10, 1833 ; Removal of the deposits, 1833-34. IV. Speeches in congress : Removal of the deposits, continued ; Re- ' port on the removal of the deposits, Feb. 5, 1834 ; Continuance of the bank charter, March 18, 1834; The presidential protest, May 7, 1834; The post-office, June 27, 1834 ; French spoliations prior to 1800, Jan. 12, 1835 ; The appointing and removing power, Feb. 16, 1855; Regulation of the deposits, Feb. 26, 1835s Loss of the fortification bill in 1835, Jan. 14, 1836 i Slavery and the slave trade in the district of Colum- bia, March 16, 1836 ; Deposit banks, March 17, 1836 ; Payments for the public lands in gold and silver, April 23, 1830; Louisville canal, May 25, 1836; Distribution of the surplus revenue.May 31, 1836; Specie circular, Dec. 21,1836; Protest against the expunging resolution, Jan. 16, 1837 ; A national bank, Feb. 8, 1837 ; Madison pa- pers, Feb. 20, 18-37 ; Reduction of the duty on coal, Feb. 24,1837; Payment of the fourth instalment of the sur- plus revenue, Sept. 14, 1837 ; The currency, Sept. 29, 1837 ; Slavery in the district of Columbia, Jan. 10, 1838 ; Commonwealth bank, Boston, Jan. 17, 1838 ; Right of preemption to actual settlers on the public lands, Jan. 29, 183S ; The sub-treasury, Jan. 31, 1838 ; Second speech on the sub-treasury, March 12, 1838 ; Reply to Mr. Calhoun, March 22, 183S ; Graduation of the price of public lands, Jan. 14, 1839 ; General effects of protection, March 3, 1840 ; The treasury note bill, March 30, 1840. V. Speeches in congress : Uniform system of bankruptcy, May, 18, 1840 ; Uni- form system of bankruptcy, June 5, 1840 ; State of the finances in 1840, Dec. 16 and 17, 1840 ; Admission of Texas, Dec. 22, 1845 ; Oregon, Dec. 15, 1845, Feb. 26, 1846, and March SO, 1846 ; Defence of the treaty of Washington, April, 6 and 7, 1S4G; Organization of the volunteer force, June 24, 1846 ; The tariff, July 25, 27, and 28, 1846 ; The sub-treasury, Aug. 1, 1846 ; The Mexican war, March 1, 1847 ; Ten regiment bill, March 17, 1848; Objects of the Mexican war, March 23, 1848; Exclusion of slavery from the territories, Aug. 12, 1848; The Panama railroad, Jan. 31, 1849; The constitution and the union, March 7, 1850 ; Tribute to Mr. Cal- houn, April 1, 1850 ; Tribute to Mr. Elmore, May 30, 1850 ; Fugitive slave bill, June 3, 1850; Boundaries of Texas, June 13, 1850; Compromise bill, June 17, 1850; California public lands and boundaries, June 27, 1850 ; Last illness and death of Gen. Taylor, July 9 and 10, 1850; The compromise measures, July 17, 1850; Legal arguments and speeches to the jury : Defence of the Kennistons, April, 1817 ; Dartmouth college case, March 10, 1818; Defence of Judge James Prescott, April 24, 1821. VI. Legal arguments and speeches to the jury : The case of Gibbons and Ogden, Feb. 1824 ; The case of Ogden aud Sauuders, Jan. 1827 ; Murder of Capt. Joseph White, April 6, 1830 ; Bank of the U. S. against W. D. Primrose, Feb. 1839 ; The Christian ministry and the religious instruction of the Shelf. No. WEBSTER, D. continued. young, Feb. 20, 1844 ; Providence railroad Co. against the city of Boston, April 3, 1844 ; The Rhode Island government, Jan. 27, 1848 ; Diplomatic and official papers : Case of Alexander McLeod ; Treaty of Washington of 1842; Correspondence with Lord Ash- burton; The right of search; Treaty of Washington; Letters to Gen. Casa on the treaty of Washington ; Relations with Spain ; Sound dues at Elginore and the German Zoll-Verein; Treaty with Portugal; Re- lation) with Mexico ; China and the Sandwich Isl- ands ; Boundaries of Texas ; Correspondence with the chevalier Iliilsemann ; Excesses committed at New Orleans ; The Lopez expedition ; The case of Thrasher ; Miscellaneous letters : Imprisonment for debt ; Slavery ; Power of the states to contract loans ; Intercourse with England ; Laborers on the public works ; To his political friends in N. II.; Re- ply to the Boston address ; Slavery in New Mexico ; To a former political opponent ; To citizens of New- buryport, Mass. ; To citizens of Medford, Mass. ; Celebration of the seventeenth of June ; To citizens on the Kennebec river; To his New Hampshire neigh- bors ; Union meeting at Castle garden ; To citizens of Staunton, Virginia ; To citizens of Westchester, N. Y. ; Birthday of Washington ; Release of the Hungarian refugees ; Invitation to New York ; To his Cape Cod friends ; Invitation to Georgia; Monu- ment to Isaac Davis; Index. - Same. Gth ed. Boston, 1853. 6v. 8 . 2404.3 Speeches and forensic arguments. Boston, 1830. 8 2404.1 Contents. Discourse at Plymouth, in commemora- tion of the first settlement of New England, Dec. 22, 1820; Address at the laying of the corner-stone of the Bunker-hill monument, June 17,1825; Discourse in commemoration of Adams and Jefferson, Aug. 2, 1826 ; Speech in Faneuil hall, April 3, 1825, prepara- tory to the general election in Mass.; Speech in Fan- euil hall, June 5, I-SiS, at a public dinner ; Argument in the case, the trustees of Dartmouth college vs. W. H, Woodward, March 10, 1818 ; Argument iu the im- peachment of James Prescott, before the senate of Mass., 1821 ; Argument in the case of Gibbons vs. Ogden, Feb. 1824 ; Argument in the case of Ogden vs. Saunders, Jan. 1827 ; Remarks in the convention of delegates chosen to revise the constitution of Mass., upon a resolution relative to oaths of office, 1821 ; Remarks in the convention, upon the resolution to divide the commonwealth into districts for the choice of senators according to population ; Remarks in the convention upon a resolution to alter the con- stitution, so that judicial officers shall be removable by the governor and council upon the address of two- thirds (instead of a majority) of each branch of the legislature, and also that the legislature shall hare power to create a supreme court of equity and a court of appeals ; Speech on the bank of the U. S. in Ho. of Reps., Jan. 2,1815; Speech on a resolution rel- ative to the more effectual collection of the public revenue, in Ho. of Reps., 1816 ; Speech on the Greek revolution, in Ho. of Reps., Jan. 19, 1823; Speech upon the tariff, in Ho. of Reps., April, 1824; Speech in senate of U. S. on the tariff bill, May 9, 1828 ; Speech upon the Panama mission, in Ho. of Reps., April, 1815 ; Speech in senate of U. S. on the bill for the relief of the surviving officers of the revolution, April 25, 1828; Speeches in the senate of U. S. on the resolution of Mr. Foot respecting the sale of public lands, Jan. 1830 ; Remarks in the senate of U. S. on the applica- tion for the erection of a breakwater at Nantucket, 1828 ; Introductory lecture, read to the Boston me- chanics' institution, at the opening of the course of lectures, Nov. 12, 1828; Argument on the trial of J. F. Knapp, for the murder of J. White of Salem, Mass, on the night of April 6, 1830 ; Remarks in the Ho. of Reps, on the bill to amend the judiciary system, Jan. 4, 1S26; Examination of the remarks in the Quarterly review on the law of creditor and debtor in U. S., 1820; Letter to L. Dwight on imprisonment for debt, May 2, 1830. Address at the laying- of the corner-stone of the Bunker-hill monument. Boston, 1825. 8 8 *Pph.v. 56,236 - Same. Boston, 1SK. 8 *Pph.v.234 Address at the completion of the Bunker- hill monument. Boston, 1843. 8" . *Pph.v.l33,234 Correspondence, edited by F. Webster. Bos- ton, 1857. 2v. 8 2342.1 Defence of the Christian religion, and of the religious instruction of the young : speech in the Girard will case. N. Y. 1844. 8.*Pph. Y. 136, 269 WEBSTER 877 WEBSTER Shelf. No. WEBSTER, D. continued. Discourse in Faneuil hall in commemoration of Adams and Jefferson. Boston, 1826. 8. **E.224.10,*Pph.v.OO,230, 230, 248,257 Discourse delivered at Plymouth, Dec. 22, 1820. 2ded. Boston, 1821. 8. . . *Pph.v. 30,252 Great orations and senatorial speech : Eulogy on Adams and Jefferson ; First settlement of New England ; [Laying of the corner- stone of] Bunker-hill monument ; Reply to Hayne. Rochester, 1853. 8 2404.2 Speech at Baltimore, May 18, 1843. New York, 1843. 8" *Pph.v.l33 Speech on the currency, at the merchants' meeting in Wall- street, Sept. 28, 1840. New York, 1840. 8 *Pph.v.ll6 Speech to the young men of Albany, May 28, 1851. [No title-page.} 8 *Pph.v.200 Speech in the house of representatives on the Greek revolution. Wash. 1824. 8 . *Pph.v.46,259 - Same. From the Washington edition. Boston, 1824. 8 *Pph.v.252 Speech in the house of representatives upon the tariff, April, 1824. Washington, 1824. 6 **E.224.10,*Pph.v.252 - Same. Boston, 1824. 8 *Pph.y.252 Speech in the senate, Jan. 20, [on the resolu- tion of Mr. Foot] respecting the public lands. Washington, 1830. 8 *Pph.v.79 Speech, second, in the senate, in reply to Mr. Hayne of S. Carolina, relative to the public lands, Jan. 26. Washington, 1830. 8 8 . **E.224.10 - Same. Boston, 1830. 8 *Pph.v.75 Speech in the senate on the president's veto of the bank bill, July 11, 1832. n.p. n.d. 8 *Pph.v.l52 Speech in the senate in reply to Mr. Calhoun's speech, on the bill further to provide for the collection of duties on imports. Washing- ton, 1833. 8 *Pph.v.ll6 Speech in the senate on the three millions appropriation, and the loss of the appropria- tion bill for fortifications. Washington, 1836. 8 *Pph.v.04 Remarks on the life and writings of Daniel Webster [by G. Ticknor in the American quarterly review]. Philadelphia, 1831. 8.*Pph.v.88 Adams, N. Sermon on the death of . .Pph.v. 192, 262 Allen, W. H. Eulogy on Pph.v. 262 Bartol, C. A. Sermon occasioned by the death of Pph.v. 262 Boardman, H. A. Discourse on the life and character of Pph.v. 262 Butler, C. M. Sermon on the death of . . Pph.v. 262 Cheever, T. P. Eulogy on Pph.v. 262 Choate, R. Discourse commemorative of . Pph.v. 262 Choules, J. O. Sermon upon the death of.Pph.v.262 Clark, J. Account of the Webster banquet, Jan. 18, 1856 2342.5 Cleaveland, E. L. Discourse occasioned by the death of Pph.v. 262 Davis, T. T. Eulogy on Pph.v. 262 Drake, C. D. Oration on the death of . . Pph.v. 262 Eastburn, M. Discourse on the death of. Pph.v. 262 Bella, W. W. Discourse occasioned by the death of Pph.v. 262 Felton, A. C. Proceedings in Boston com- memorative of the death of 2338.4,5 Haven, J. Life and character of: an address. Pph.v.262 Heywood,J.H. Discourse on the death of. Pph.v.262 Hillard, G. S. Eulogy on 2342.3 Ketchum, H. Eulogy on Pph.v. 263 King, T. S. Death of Pph.v. 202 Kirk, E. N. Discourse on the death of . Pph.v. 202 Knapp, S. L. Life of E.228.5 Lawrence, E. A. Discourse on the death of. Pph.v. 263 Lothrop, S. K. Sermon on the death of . Pph.v.263 Lunt, W. P. Sermon commemorative of . Pph.v.263 Lyman, S. P. Life and memorials of . . . . 2347.15 M'Coy,A. Funeral oration on the death of. Pph.v.193 Shelf. No. WEBSTER, D. continued. Mason, C. Discourse on the death of . . Pph.v. 203 Mayo, A. D. Sermon on Pph.v.263 Memorial of. See Boston, Mass 2342.3 Obituary addresses on the occasion of the death of. See United States 2342.2 Parker, J. Webster as a jurist Pph.v.263 Parker, T. Discourse occasioned by the death of 2342.4 Perley, I. Eulogy on Pph.v.263 Pope, L. Eulogy on Pph.v.263 Rawlings, A. Eulogy on Pph.v. 193, 263 Richards, G. Discourse occasioned by the death of Pph.v.263 Rogers, E. P. Discourse on Pph.v.263 Samson, G. W. Providence of God in raising up great and good men as our rulers . . Pph.v. 264 Sanborn, E. D. Eulogy on Pph.v. 264 Sanborn, R. S. Eulogy on the intellectu- ality of Pph.v. 264 Scott, W. A. Discourse on the death of . Pph.v. 204 Skinner, O. A. Death of Pph.v. 264 Stearns, J. F. Sermon occasioned by the death of Pph.v. 264 Stearns, W. A. Sermon in commemora- tion of Pph.v. 264 Stone, A. L. Death of Pph.v. 204 Taft, A. Life and public services of . . . Pph.v. 264 Tefft, B. F. Life and character of . . . . Pph.v. 204 Van Rensselaer, C. Eulogy at Burlington. Pph.v. 264 Walker, T. Life and public services of . Pph.v. 264 Webster, G. W. Sermon on the death of. Pph.v. 264 Weiss, J. Discourse occasioned by the death of Pph.v. 264 Whipple, J. Discourse in commem. of . . Pph.v. 264 Whitman, J. W. Report of the trial of The- odore Lyman, jr. for a libel on Pph.v. 77 Wiley, C. Discourse commemorative of . Pph.v. 204 Woods, L. Eulogy on Pph.v. 204 WEBSTER, F. Oration before the authorities of Boston, July 4, 1846. Boston, 1846. 8. *Pph.v.261 WEBSTER, G. W. Sermon on occasion of the death of D. Webster, [delivered in] Wheel- ing, Va. 2d ed. Wheeling, 1853. 8 . *Pph.v.264 WEBSTER, James. Address to the graduates of Geneva medical college, Jan. 1841. Roch- ester, 1841. 8 *M. Pph.v. 39 Card in reply to Dr. John Eberle. [No title-page.] 8 *M.Pph.v.20 Lecture introductory to the course on anat- omy and physiology, in Geneva medical college, 1840. Geneva, n.d. 8. . . *M. Pph.v. 39 Lecture introductory to the course on anato- my in Geneva medical college, 1842-43. Geneva, 1842. 8 *M. Pph.v. 39 To the medical profession of the city of New York. N. Y. 1846. 8. [Notitle-page].*M.Pph.v.43 WEBSTER, John. Dramatic works. Edited by W. Hazlitt. v. I, n. London, 1857. 2v. 12. 2609.17 Contents. Vol.1. History of Sir Thomas Wyat ; Westward hoc ; Northward hoe. II. The white devil, or A'ittoria Corombona ; The dutchesse of Malfl, a tragedy. Appius and Virginia : a tragedy. [Old Eng- lish plays, v.5] 2607. 1 The Thracian wonder : a comical history. By Webster and W. Rowley. [Old English plays, v.O] 2007.1 The white devil, or Vittoria Corombona. [Dodsley. Old plays, v.O] 2588.1 WEBSTER, John W. Manual of chemistry, on the basis of Brande's. Boston, 1826. 8. . 3971.10 - Same. 2d ed. Boston, 1828. 8 .... 3971.9 Kirk, E. N. Discourse occasioned by the trial and execution of Pph.v. 183 Stone, J. W. Trial of 3684.4 WEBSTER, M. H. Annual address before the Al- bany institute, 1837. Albany, 1837. 8 . *Pph.v.98 Catalogue of the minerals in the state of New York. n.p. 1824. 12 *Pph.v.215 WEBSTER 878 WELLESLEY Shelf. No. WEBSTER, N. American dictionary of the Eng- lish language. New York, 1828. 2v. 4.**E. 201.0 - Same. First octavo edition. Containing a supplement by the author, of several thou- sand words. Springfield, 1845. 2v. 1.8 . *4581.1 Collection of papers on bilious fevers. New York, 1700. 8 3797.20,*M.Pph.y.l8 Consents. Seaman's account of the yellow fever in New York in 1795; Same, by E. II. Smith; Fevers in Sheffield, Moss. 1794-95, by Dr. Buel; Fever at Nor- folk, Va. in 179j, by Drs. Taylor and Uansford; Let- ter from Dr. Ramsay on the same subject ; Fever at New Haven, in 1794, by Dr. E. Munsen; Dr. Mitchill on contagion ; Letter from Dr. Reynolds on the fever in Montgomery county, N. Y. i Remarks on cleanliness and ventilation. Discrepancies of English orthography. New Haven. [No title-page.] 8 *Pph.v.80 Dissertation on the origin, history, and con- nexion of the languages of western Asia and of Europe, etc. [No title-page.] 8.*Pph.v.79 Dissertations on the English language, with Dr. Franklin's arguments on spelling. Bos- ton, 1789. 8 *2585.2 Essays ; moral, historical, political, and lite- rary. Boston, 1790. 8 *2400.10 Letter on the errors of English grammars. New York, 1798. 8 *Pph.v.37 Letter respecting the errors in Johnson'8 dictionary, and other lexicons. New Ha- ven, 1807. 12 *Pph.V.205 Letter to J. Pickering on the subject of his vocabulary of words peculiar to the United States. Boston, 1817. pp.00. 8 ... . **E.202.8 Letters to Dr. Joseph Priestley in answer to his letters to the inhabitants of Northum- berland. New Haven, 1800. 8 2400.20 Letters to a young gentleman on commencing his education, [with] a brief history of the United States. New Haven, 1823. 8 ... 3593.0 Mistakes and corrections in the common ver- sion of the scriptures, in the Hebrew lex- icon of Gesenius, in llichardson's diction- ary, [etc.] New Haven, 1837. 8 . . . *Pph.v.l02 Observations on language, and on the errors of class-books ; also, on commerce. New Haven, 1839. 12 *Pph.v.225 State of English philology. [No title- page.] 8 *Pph.T.120 [Defence of the New Jersey dissent : answer to a pamphlet recently published by the family of the late Noah Webster. No title- page.] 8 *Pph.v.l39 [Review of Noah Webster's spelling-book, by Examinator, L. Cobb]. n.p. 1828. 12. *Pph.v.218 [View of W.'s Am. dictionary, by J. L. Kings- ley. N.A. rev. v.28, 1829. No title-p.] 8.*Pph.v.81 Cobb, L. Kcview of the elementary spelling- book of W. compiled by A. Ely . . . Pph.v. 98,100 Griffin, J. Defects in W.'s spelling-book . Pph.v. 222 WEBSTER, W. and A. Royal red book for April, 1859. London, n.d. 8 2485.20 WEBSTER family. See Goodwin, N 2332.8 WEDL, C. Rudiments of pathological histology, transl. and ed. by G. Busk. London, 1855. 8. [Sydenham society] *3724.9 WEEKS, C., and others. Report [in the senate of Mass.] on the question whether ship-fever is infectious or contagious. [Boston, 1853.] 8. [No title-page] *M. Pph.v. 52 WEEKS, L. Trial for the murder of Gulielma Sands. See Coleman, W Pph.v. 40 WEEMS, M. L. Life of Washington. 9th ed. Philadelphia, 1809. 12 2341.10 Das Leben des Georg Waschington. Balti- more, 1817. 8. pi **E. 223.17 Life of Marion. See Horry, P 2348.2 WEERT, S. v. Navigatio qvam 5 naues Holland- icae anno 1598, per freturn Magcllanum in Moluccanas insulas tentarunt. [Bry. Col- lectiones peregrinationum, v.3, p.9J . . . . 2300.20 Shelf. No. WEEVIL. Schoenherr, C. J. Curculionidum dis- positio methodica 3898.1,3 - Genera ct species curculionidum .... 3898.2 WEGMANX, F. de. Le guide diplomatique. See Martens, C. de 3015.7 WEICHERT, J. A. Poetarum Latinorum reliquiae. Lipsiae, l&JO. 8 2912.6 Contents. Ilostii, Lsevii, C. Licinii Calvi, C. Iltlvii Cinntc, C. Valgii Rufi, Domitii Marei aliorumque vita; et curniiuum rcliquite. WEIGEL, F. O. Katalog des Biicherlagers. Theo- logie [und] Philologie. Leipzig, n.d. 8" . 2182. 1 WEIGHTS and measures. Adams, J.Q. Report on. C. 153. 7 Arbuthnot, J. Tables of ancient 2230.10 Atlas des poids et mesures. See France. Ministry of agriculture 3681.1 Hasslcr, F. R. Comparison of E. 171. 17 Kelly, P. Universal cambist 3081.3 Souquet, J. B. Metrologie franc,aise .... 3081.5 See also : Standard scale. WEIL, G. Gcschichte der Chalifen. Mannheim, 1840-51. 3v. 8 3045.71 WEIMAR, G. P. Uebungs-Exempel fur Schiiler die im Gesange vom Blattsingen angelei- tet werden sollen. Leipzig, n.d. sm.4" . *4055.31 WEIMAR, L. Ilistoire de la litterature francaise. 3eed. Bruxelles, 1838. 12 2070.20 WEIMAR. Wcimars Musenhof in 1772 bis 1807. Wachsmuth, E. W. G. . 2845,4 WEINHOLD, C. Beitrage zu einem schlesischen Wiirterbuch. Wien, 1855. 8. [Vienna. Akad. der Wiss. Phil.-hist. Classe. Sitz- ungsberichte] v.14, 10 of *3340.3 WEISKE, B. Clarorum virorum cpistolae qua: inter Ciceronis epistolas servatae extant. Lipsize, 1792. 8 2912.8 Pleonasmi Graeci. Lipsise, 1807. 12 .... 2980.20 WEISS, C. Histoire des refugies protestants de France, [1598-1800]. Paris, 1853. 2v. 12. 3528.18 WEISS, J. Discourse occasioned by the death of Daniel Webster, in New Bedford, 1852. Boston, 1853. 8 *Pph.v.204 WEISSE, C. E. Geschichte Friedrich Augusts, Kiinigs von Sachsen. Leipzig, 1811. 8. . 2824.9 WEITZMANN, C. F. Geschichte der griechischen Musik. Berlin, 1855. 4 *4052.15 WELCH, B. T. A discourse [on] the death of A. L. Covell. Albany, 1837. 8 *Pph.v.l01 WELCH, O. Improved American arithmetic. Bos- ton, 1833. 12 7019.20 WELCKER, F. G. Die Acschylische Trilogie. Darmstadt, 1824. 8 2978.3 - Same. Nachtrag. Frankfurt am Main, 1820. 8 2978.4 Der epische Cyclus, oder die Homerischen Dichter. Bonn, 1&35. 2v. 8 2952.9 Klcine Schriften. Bonn, 1844-50. 3v. 8 . 2952.8 Contents. Vol. I, II. Zur griechischen Litteratur- geschichte. III. Zu den Alterthumern der Heil- kunde bci den Griechen ; Uriechischc Inschriften; Zur alten Kunstgeschichte. WELD, A. H. English grammar. 20th ed. Port- land, 1848. 12 7049.22 Latin lessons and reader. Revised edition. Boston, 1857. 12 7089.13 WELD, C. R. History of the royal society, with names of the presidents. London, 1848. 2v. 8" *3200.4 WELD, I. Travels through North America, 1795- 97. 4th ed. London, 1800. 8 2301.10 WELLES. Things new and old: in several ser- mons. Portland, 1845. 8 *3456.9 WELLES family. See Goodwin, N. WELLESLEY, A., duke of Wellington. Dispatches during his campaigns. Compiled by Col. Gurwood. Newed. Lond. 1852. 8v. roy.S". *2523.1 - Same. Supplementary despatches and memoranda, 1797-1805. Ed. by his son. Vol. I. India. London, 1858. 8' 2523.2 WELLESLEY 879 WESSELING Shelf. No. WELLESLEY, A. continued. Selections from dispatches and general or- ders, by J. Gurwood. New ed. London, 1851. 8 2523.3 Speeches in parliament, arranged by Col. Gurwood. London, 1851. 2v. 8 2502.5 Biographic. See Maurel, J 2458.7 WELLESLEY, R., marquis. Memoirs and corre- spondence. See Pearce, R. R 2452.2 WELLS, D. A. Year-book of agriculture for 1855- 56. Philadelphia, 1850. 8 3994.10 WELLS, E. Chronological summary of the histo- ry of the United States of America, from its discovery to 1827. Brooklyn, 1827. 12.*Pph.v.215 WELLS, J. Oration delivered July 4, 1798, in New York. New York, 1798. 8" *Pph.v.ll6 WELLS, R. Report in the assembly of New York on the introduction of slavery into New Mexico and California, n.p. n.d. 8 . *Pph.v.lG9 WELL'S, T. Letters on Palestine. Bost. 1840. 12. 3419.0 WELLS, William. Excerpta qua:dam e scriptori- bus Latinis. Bostonii, 1810. 8 . 2912.7, **E. 225. 13 WELLS, William C. Letter to Lord Kenyon rela- tive to some conduct of the college of phy- sicians. London, 1799. 8 *M.Pph.v.67 WELLS, William H. Elements of English gram- mar. Andover, 1849. 18 7049.50 Grammar of the English language. Andover, 1846. 12 7049.23, 24 WELLS, William V. Explorations in Honduras, and a review of the history, etc. of Central America. New York, 1857. 8 2304.2 WELSFORD, H. Mithridates minor : an essay on language. London, 1848. 8 2950.8 Origin and ramifications of the English lan- guage. London, 1845. 8 2584.3 WELSH language. English and Welsh dictionary. Walters, J 2583.3 WELSHMEN, Memoirs of eminent. Parry, J. II. 2443.15 WELSHMEN of the American revolution. Jones, A. 2324.0 WELSTED, W., Funeral discourse on. Mather, S. 3455.30 WELWOOD, J. Transactions in England for the 100 years preceding 1688. 7th ed. London, 1730. 12 *2458.16 WEM, Shropshire, History of. Garbct, S 2502.8 WENDLAND, J. C. Hortvs Herrenhvsanvs, sev plantae rariores qvae in horto regio Herren- hvsano colvntvr. Hannoverae, 1799. f . *3840.7 WENG, J. F. Die Schlacht bei Nordlingen nnd Belagerung dieser Stadt, 1634. Nordlingen, ls',4. 12 *2813.15 and Guth, J. B. Das Ries, wie es war, und wie es ist. Erstes-Zehntes Heft. Nordlin- gen, 1844. 12 2864.9 WENSLEYDALE, Historical and topographical ac- count of. Barker, W. G. M. J 2505.17 WENTWOUTH, C. W., marquis of Rockingliam, Memoirs of. See Keppel, G. T 2446.18 WENTWORTII, T., earl of Strafford, Tryal of. See Rushworth, J v. 8 of 2420. 6 WEXTZ, S. Proceedings of the presbytery of Phila. in the case of S. Wentz. Phila. 1820. 8.*Pph.v.209 WERBURGE. Holy lyfe of Saynt Werburge. Ed. by Edward Hawkins, n. p. 1848. sm. 4. [Chctham society, No. 15] 2415.4 WERCKMEISTER, A. Anmerkungen und Regeln wie der Bassus continuus, odor General- Bass kiinnc tractiret werdcn. Andere Aufl. Aschersleben, 1715. pp.74. sm.4 . . . . *4047.21 Erweiterte und verbesserte Orgelprobe. Leip- zig, 1795. 12" *4049.47 Hypomnemata musica, oder musicalischcs Memorial. Qvedlimburg, 1697. pp.44. sm.4.*4055.47 Musikalische paradoxal-discoursc, wie die Musica einen hohen und bottlichen Uhrs- prunghabe. Qvedlinburg, 1707. sm.4 . . *4055.39 Organum Gruningense redivivum. Qucdlin- burg, [1705]. pp.30. sm.4 *4055.47 Wcrckmeister in einer Stand-Rede darge- stellt. See Biilzen, J. M 4055.39 Shelf. No. WERNBERT, or Werembert. Faits et gestes de Charles-le-Grand. [Guizot. Coll. mem. hist. France, v.3] 2618.2 WERNER, abbot of St. las, in the Blacl-forest. Deflorationes sive cxcerptiones SS. pa- trum. [Migne. Patrologias v.157] .... 3400.34 WERNER, F. A. Ucber die wcchselseitigcn Aii- forderungen zwischen Eltern, Lehrer und Schiller bchufs des Musikuuterrichts. Ber- lin, 1837. pp.34. 8' *4057.12 WERNER, or Wernher, G. Hypomnemation ; De admirandis Hungariae aquis. [Schwandt- ner. Scriptores rcrumHungaricarum,v.l]. 2S10.2 WERNERIAN natural history society. Memoirs, 1808-37. Edinburgh. 1811-38. 7v. 8 ... 3806.2 WERNSDORF, J. C. Poetae Latini minores. Alten- burgi et Helmcstadii, 1780-99. 5v. in 10. 8". *2912.4 Contents. Vol. I. Gratii Falisci et M. Aurelii Olympii Xemcsiani cyncgctica ; Martialis epigram- mata; Ausonii epistola in, ad Hcsperium; Paulini Nolani carmen i; Ovidii Ilalieutica ; Fragmentum Ponticon C. Julii Solini j Fragm. phagesiorum Q. Ennii; Ausonii carmen de ostrcis ; M. Aurel.Olym- pii Nemesiani carmen de laudibus Herculis. II. Bucolica : T. Calpurnii Siculi ecclogae xi ; Severi Sancti carmen bucolicum; Vespae et Beda? eclogae ; Idyllia : A. Septimii Sereni moretum et fragmenta opusculorumruralium; Incerticopa; Ausonii Cupido cruci affixus i Cassii Parmensis Orpheus ; Publilii Optatiani Porphyrii idyllia flgurata. III. Satirici minores, elegiae et lyrica variorum ; Valerius Cato ; Petronius; Tumus; Sulpicia; Eucheria; C. Marius Victor; P. Virgilius Maro ; Pedo Albinovanus: Cor- nelius Gallus; ^Emilius Magnus Arborius; Sulpicius Lupercus ; Pentadius ; Firmianus Lactantius ; Vcs- tritius Spurinna; P. Papinius Statius; Caeiius Firmi- anus Symposius ; Rufinus ; Palladius ; Pentadius ; Foca ; Prosper Tyro ; Lindinus ; Annceus Floras. IV. P.I. Lucilii Junioris JEtna; Cornelius Severus ; C. Pedo Albinovanus ; Salejus Bassus ; P. Petronius Arbiter; Taurinus; Incertus; Reposianus. P. n. In- certi verba Achillis in Parthenonc, cum tubam Dio- medis audiisset; Incerti epistola Didonis ad Aeneam; Patricii epithalamium Auspicii ct Aukc; Incerti epi- thalamium Laurentii ct Maria;; Licentii carmeu ad Augustiuum praceptorem ; Incerti epitome Iliados Homeri, cui adjungitur Petronii Troiaj halosis. V. P. I. Cl. Rutilius Numatianus ; Ilildebertus Cen- omanensis; Priscianus. P. II. Rufus Festus Avienus. P. in. D. Magnus Ausonius ; P. Terentius Varro. VI. Luc. Junius Moderatus Columella ; Palladius Rutilius Taurus JEiniliauiis ; Vomanus ; Ausonius Maximianus Etruscus ; Ofilius Scrgianus ; Albus Ovidius Joventiuus ; Julius Spcratus ; Cxlius Fir- mianns Symposius; D. M. Ausonius. WESLEY, C. Short hymns on select passages of the scriptures. Bristol, 1702. 2v. 12 . . *3449.17 Life. See Whitehead, J 3554.2 WESLEY, J. Works. 1st Am. fr. latest Lond. ed. by J.Emory. New York, 1835. 7v. 8 . *3473.8 Contents. Vol. I-II. Sermons. III-IV. Jour- nal. V. Appeal to men of reason and religion j Character and principles of a methodist ; Letters to bishop Lavington and various persons ; Doctrine of original sin ; Tracts on Romanism. VI. Predestina- tion ; Perseverance of the saints ; Justification; Re- marks on Mr. Hill's review of doctrines taught by Wesley ; Remarks on Mr. Hill's Farrago double distilled ; Address to the clergy ; Free thoughts on public affairs ; Slavery ; Liberty ; Address to the peo- ple of Great Britain and Ireland ; A word to various- orders of persons ; Forms of prayer for every day in the week; Life of Mr. Fletcher; Christian perfection; Thoughts on married and single life ; Advice to methodists with regard to dress ; Concerning tea ; Nervous disorders ; Letters. VII. Letters to various persons; Thoughts on the writings of baron Sweden- borg; Remarks on various literary productions; Pro- nunciation and gesture ; Abridgments of various works; List of poetical works; Compendium of logic; Short English, French, Latin, Greek, and Hebrew grammars ; Index. Sermon on the death of Rev. G. Whitefleld. London, 1770. 8 *3458.30 Life. See Whitehead, J 3554.2 WESSELING, P. Diatribe de Judaeorum archoiiti- bus ad inscriptionem Berenicensem, et dis- sertatio de evangeliis jussu Auastatii nou cmendatis. Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1738. 8.*2950.19 WESSELING 880 WESTMORELAND ShelC No. WESSELING, P. continued. Observationes in quibus multi veterum aucto- rum loci explicantur. Trajecti ad Khenum, 1740. 8 *2956.19 WEST, Jane. Letters to a young lady [on] the du- ties and character of women. Troy, 1800. 8. 3574.4 WEST, John. Journal at the Red River colony. London, 1824. 8 2362.8 WEST, R. A. Proceedings and debates at the 61st annual convention of the protestant episco- pal church in New York. N. Y. 1845. 8. *Pph.v.l49 WEST, Samuel, b. 1730, d- 1807. Anniversary ser- mon preached at Plymouth, Dec. 22, 1777. Boston, 1778. 8 *3456.48 Essays on liberty and necessity. Boston, 1793. pp.54. 8 3603.19 WEST, Samuel, D.D., b. 1738, d. 1808. Discourse delivered in Ilollis-street church at the in- terment of Rev. S. West. Lathrop, J. Pph.v.207 Biographical memoir of. Thacher, T. . . Pph.v.2G7 WEST, Stephen. Duty of Christians to marry only in the Lord, illustrated and urged. Hart- ford, 1779. 8 *Pph.v.331 WEST, T. Antiquities of Furness. Lond. 1774. 4. *24G2.18 Guide to the lakes in Cumberland, Westmor- land, and Lancashire. 5th ed. London, 1793. 8 *2493.22 WEST, William, bookseller. Fifty years' recollec- tions, [and 350 years' retrospection] of an old bookseller. 2d ed. London and Cork, 1835,37. 8 2542.7 WEST, William. Brief sketch of the hist, of Cran- bornChace. Shaftesbury, 1818. pp.16. 8. 2494.23 History of Cranborn Chace. Gillingham, 1816. 8 2494. 23 WEST, The. Cumings, S. Western pilot . . . . 2388.7 Dana, E. Geographical sketches on the wes- tern country 2388.11 Dearborn, H. A. S. Internal improvements and commerce of 2373.3 Hall, J. Statistics of the West at the close of 183G 2373.15 Imlay, G. Description of the western terri- tory 2373.10 McClung, J. A. Sketches of western adven- ture 2348.3 Michaux, F. Travels to the westward of the Alleghany mountains 2361.6 See also the names of the several states included in the region designated by this term. WEST India manual. Rates of passage, freight, etc. London, 1842. sm.12" 2319.8 WEST Indies. Acosta, J. Naturall and morall his- toric of the 2312.8,9 Alsedo, A. de. Geographical and historical dictionary of the 2330.4 Carmichael, A. C. Domestic manners and social condition of the 2312.7 Carranza, D. G. Description of the Spanish W. 1 2312.6 Edwards, B. History of the British W. I. . 2312.2 Gage, T. New survey of the 2365.8 Hamilton, W. Prodromus plantarum Indiae occidentalis 385G.10 Jackson, R. Yellow fever of the 3796.15 Jacquin, N. J. Enumeratio systematica plan- tarum quas in iusulis Caribaeis detexit novas. 3859. 16 Jefferys, T. Description of the Spanish W. I. 2310.27 Labat, J. B. Voyage aux isles frangoises del'Amdrique 2360.17 Las Casas, B. La decouverte des Indes oc- cidentales 2319.5 Logan, J. Journey through the 2311.17 Macqueen, J. Calumnies against the W. I. colonies refuted 2312.4 Martin, R. M. History, extent, etc. of the British colonies in the 2421.3 Missions des Indes occidentals. See Let- tres edifiantes 3539.1 Moseley, B. Climate of the 3797.12 Shelf. No. WEST Indies, continued. Oexmelin, A. O. Histoire des aventuriera flibustiers dans les Indes occidentales . . . 2319.3 Osgood.D. Yellow fever of the . . . .M.Pph.v.100 Thome, J. A. Emancipation in the 3573.24 See also: Antilles, Bahamas, Cuba, Guadeloupe, Hay ti, Jamaica, Martinique, St. Domingo. WEST Point associate society. Exposition of the objects and views of the society. New York, 1830. 12 *Pph.v.217,232 WEST Point military academy of the U. S. Cata- logue of the library. New York, 1830. 8.*Pph.v.89 Report of the board of visitors. See United States. Department of war E.224.8 WESTCHESTER co., N. T., History of. Bolton, R. 2371.16 WESTCOTE, T. View of Devonshire in 1G30. Ed. by G. Oliver and P. Jones. Exeter, 1845. sm.4 *2494.12 WESTERLY, R. I. Pawcatuck library association. Catalogue of books, with a sketch of the ' association, and hints respecting reading. Providence, 1849. 8 *2136.17 WESTERMANN, A. Quajstionum Demosthenica- rum, particula I-IV. Lipsiic, 1830-37. 4v. in 1. 8 2974.6 Contents. De oration nm Olynthiacarum Dcmos- thenis ordinc ; De epitaphio atque erotico Demos- thenis; De litihus quas Demosthenes oravit ipse; De fontibus historUe Demosthenis. De litis instrumentis, quae exstant in Demos- thcnis oratione in Midiatn. [Diss. acid.] Lipsiae, 1844. pp.31. sm.4 *2974.13 Scriptores rerum mirabilium Graeci. Bruns- vigse et Londini, 1839. 8 2963.18 Contents. [Aristotelis] mirabiles auscultationes ; Antigoni, Apollonii, Phlegontis historian mirabiles ; Michffilis Fselli lectiones mirabiles ; Reliquorum ejusdem generis scriptorum deperditorum fragments; Accedunt Phlegontis Macrobii et Olympiadum re- liquiae et anonymi traetutus de mulieribus fin bcllo solertibus]. Vitarum scriptores Grasci minores. Bruns- vigse, 1845. 8 2963.17 WESTERN home, The. Sigourney, L. H 2405.21 WESTERN railroad corporation. Proceedings, with report of the committee of investigation, 1843. Boston, 1843. 8 .... 2356.23, *Pph.T.233 Report, 7th, 8th, 16th, Annual, of the directors to the stockholders. Boston, 1842-51. 8.*Pph.T.125 WESTLAKE, T. General view of baptism. [Som- mers. Baptist library, v.l] 3454.1 WESTMINSTER. Ackermann, R. History of the college of 2540.1 Brayley, E. W. Abbey church of St. Peter. 2501.10 Smith, J. T. Antiquities of 2500. 12 Stow, J. Survey of the city of 2490.2 Topham, J. Account of the chapel of St. Stephen at 2495.14 WESTMINSTER review. [First series], v.1-55. New series, v. 1-11, 14-16. London, 1824-59. 69v. 8 *3146.1 - Same. Index to the first twenty-four vols. Jan. 1824 Jan. 1836. London, n.d. pp.24. 8 v.37 of *3146.1 - Same. Index to vols. 25 to 33. [July, 1835- March, 1840.] London, n.d. pp.8. 8. v.37 of *3146.1 WESTMORELAND, Eng. Atkinson, G. Worthies of 2443.12 Gilpin, W. Mountains and lakes of 4006. 9 Housman, J. Topographical description of. 2493.21 Nicolson, J. History of the county of . . . 2471.1 Post-office directory of 2482.3 West, T. Guide to the lakes in 2493.22 WESTMORELAND and Cumberland dialects. By various writers. London, 1839. 12 . . . 25SC.3 Contents. Four dialogues, etc. by Mrs. A. Wheeler; Cumberland dialect: Pastorals, etc. by Rev. J. Relph; Ewan Clark's pastorals, etc.; Mr. Isaac Ritson's letter from a young shepherd, etc.; John Stagg's poems; Mark Lonsdale's poems; Robert Anderson's ballads, etc.; Miss Blamire and Miss GUpiu's songs; John Baysou'a songs ; Glossary. WESTOBY 881 WHEELER Shelf. No. WESTOBY, W. A. S. Legal guide for residents in France. Paris, London, 1858. 12 2634.8 WESTOX, J. Stenography compleated, or the art of short-hand brought to perfection. Lon- don, 1740. 8 *2112.7 WESTOX, K. H. Documents relative to the Edy- stone light -house. London, 1811. 4 ... *4090.24 WESTOVER manuscripts. Byrd, W 2374.1 WESTPHAL, J., Last admonition to. [Calvin. Tracts, v.2] 5494.1 WESTPHALIA. Bougeant, G. H. Histoire du traite" deWestphalie 3087.8 Saint-Priest, J. Y. de. Histoire de la traite" de Westphalie 3020.2 WESTWARD for smelts. An early collection of stories. Ed. by J. O. Halliwell. London, 1848. pp.71. 8. [Percy soc. publ. v.21] . *2537.24 WESTWOOD, J. O. Address on the recent pro- gress and present state of entomology. London, 1835. pp.23. 8" v.l of 3888.1 Arcana entomologica; new, rare, and interest- ing insects. London, 1845. 2v. 8 . . . . 3897.13 Cabinet of oriental entomology. London, 1843. 4 *3892.1 Modern classification of insects, founded on habits and organization. London, 1839,40. 2v. 8 3884.22 British butterflies and their transformations. See Humphreys, II. N 3891.5 British moths and their transformations. See Humphreys, H. N 3891.4 Genera of diurnal lepidoptera. See Double- day, E 5870.10 WETMORE, P. M. Lexington, with other poems. New York, 1830. pp.87. 1.8 2405.3 Observations on the origin and conduct of the war with Mexico. New York, 1847. 8.*Pph.v.l61 WEVER, R. Lusty juventus : a morality. [Haw- kins. English drama, v.l] 2588.9 WEY, F. Remarques sur la laugue fran$aise. Paris, 1845. 2v. 8 2084.2 WEYHE, M. F. Plantae omcinales : Beschrei- bungen. See Nees von Esenbeck, T. F. L. 3780.4 WEYMOUTH, Eng. Ellis, G. A. History and anti- quities of 2494.22 WHALE, T., Account of. See Stiles, E 2329.23 WHALE, Natural history of the sperm. Beale, T. Pph.v.250 WHALE fishery, Proposal for re-establishing the British southern. See Enderby, C. . . . 3051.17 WHALE oil. Byvoegsel op de Berichten over het storten van Olie of Traan in Zee. [Leyden, 1770. No title-page.] 8 *Pph.v.l8 WHALLEY, E., History of. See Stiles, E 2329.23 WHALLEY, Lancashire, History of the original parish of. See Whitaker, T. D 2501.11 WHALLEY abbey, Chartulary of. See Coucher book 2415.7 WHARF property, or the law of flats. Remarks before the judiciary committee of the senate of Massachusetts, n.p. 1852. 8 3072.3 WHARTON, C. H. Remains, with a memoir by G. W. Doane. Philadelphia, 1834. 2v. 12. 2344. 10 WHARTON, H. Errors in the history of the refor- mation wrote by Gilbert Burnet, by A. Har- mer. London, 1093. sin. 8" *3523.8 and Gery, R. Appendix ad historiam litera- riam G. Cave. 1300-1517. Oxonii, 1743. f . *2180.1 WHARTOX, J. Tentamen physiologico-medicum inaugurale de mania. Edinb. 1800. 8.*M.Pph.v.2 WHARTON, P. Life and writings of Philip, late duke of W. London, 1732. Iv.in 2. 8..*2557.15 Contents. Vol. I. Memoirs. I, II. The true Briton. II. Speech on the bill to inflict pains and penaltiea on the bishop of Rochester. WHARTOX, T. I. Discourse before the society for commemorating the landing of W. Penn, 1826. Philadelphia, 1820. 8" *Pph.v.67 WHAT to observe in medical cases. See London. Medical society of observation 3782.13 Shelf. No. WHATELY, R. Cautions for the times. London, 1853. 8 3404.9 Charge to the clergy of Dublin and Glande- lagli, 1843, [with] a petition for a church government. London, 1843. pp.48. 8 . . 3469.25 Christianity independent of the civil govern- ment. New York, 1837. 12 3430.9 Dangers to Christian faith from the conduct of its professors. 2d ed. London, 1847. 8. 3464.11 Difficulties in the writings of Paul, and in other parts of the New Testament. 2d ser. 5th ed. enlarged. London, 1845. 8 .... 3426.3 Easy lessons on money matters. 14th ed. London, 1855. 24 3648.27 Easy lessons on reasoning. 7th ed. London, 1853. 12 3008.13 Errors of Romanism traced to their origin in human nature. Philadelphia, 1843. 8" . *Pph.v.l36 Historic doubts relative to Napoleon Buona- parte. From the 4th London ed. Cam- bridge, 1832. 8 *Pph.V.87 Kingdom of Christ delineated. From the last London ed. Philadelphia, 1843. 8 . . *Pph.v.l36 - Same. 5th ed. London, 1851. 8 3464.13 Peculiarities of the Christian religion. 3d ed. London, 1831. 8" 3464.10 Lectures on political economy, with remarks on tithes, poor laws, and penal colonies. 4th ed. London, 1855. 8 3043.16 Remarks on some causes of hostility to the Christian religion : a charge. Dublin, 1838. pp.52. 8 3409.25 Remarks on transportation. London, 1834. 8. 3575.12 Thoughts on secondary punishment, trans- portation, colonization, etc. Lond. 1832. 8. 3575.14 The use and abuse of party feeling in matters of religion: Bampton lectures, 1822. Added, five sermons before the university of Ox- ford, and a discourse by archbishop King. 4th ed. London, 1859. 8 3494.1 WHATELY, Thomas, esq., d. 1772. Observations on modern gardening. 5th ed. London, 1793. 12 *3993.18 Remarks on some of the characters of Shake- speare. London, 1785. pp.82. 8 *2590.9 - Same. 2ded. Oxford, 1808. pp.91. 10. 2598.18 WHATELY, Thomas. Evidence before the com- mittee of the house of lords on the state of the poor in 1830-31, with remarks on the poor laws in Ireland. London, 1833. pp.50. 8 *3570.01 WHATELY, Mass., Ecclesiastical history of. Tem- ple, J. H 3544.11 WHATTOX, W. R. Biographical history of Lan- caster. 5eeBaines,E 2491.5 WHEATOX, H. Address at the opening of the New York Athenaeum. N. Y. 1834. 8 . *Pph.v.58 Anniversary discourse before the New York historical society, 1820. N. Y. 1821. 8. *Pph.v.27 Elements of international law, with a history of the science. Philadelphia, 1836. 8.. 3014.3 - Same. 3d ed. Philadelphia, 1846. 8 . . 3014.4 - Same. 6th ed., with life by W. B. Law- rence. Boston, 1855. 1.8 3014.2 Enquiry into the right of search. London, 1842. 8 3014.14 Life, writings, and speeches of W. Pinkney. New York, 1820. 8 2342.15 Reports of decisions in the supreme court of the United States, 1817-28. [Curtis. Re- ports of decisions, v.3-7] 3702.1 WHEELER, Mrs. A. Four dialogues, etc. See Westmoreland and Cumberland dialects . 2580.3 WHEELER, D. Memoirs. See Tract association of friends 3542.18 WHEELER, J. Discourse at the funeral of J. Marsh. Burlington, 1842. 8 *Pph.v.l80 Historical discourse delivered on the semi- centennial anniversary of the university of Vermont. See Burlington 2387.1 WHEELER 882 WHITE Shelf. No. WHEELER, O. G. Poem delivered on the semi- centennial anniversary of the university of Vermont. See Burlington 2387.1 WHEELOCK, E. State of the Indian charity- school at Lebanon, Conn. Boston, 1701. 8.*236G.ll - Same. 1703. pp.55. 8 *23G6.20 - Same. Continuation. Hart. 1773. sm.8.*2300.11 WHEELS, Treatise on the teeth of. Camus, C. E. L 4012.23 WHEELWRIGHT, W. Observations on the isth- mus of Panama. London, 1844. pp.31. 8. 2314.18 WHELER, Sir G. Journey into Greece. See Spon,J 3071.1 Voyage d' Italic, de Dalmatic, do Grece, et du Levant, fait 1075, 70. See Spon, J. . . 2700.8 WHELER, K. B. History, etc. of Stratford-upon- Avon ; Life of Shakspeare, and account of the jubilee. Stratford, [1811]. sm.8 . . 2504.10 WHELPLEY, P. M. Sermon for the relief of poor widows with small children. New York, 1810. 8 *Pph.v.34 WHELPLEY, 8. Fall of wicked nations : a sermon. New York, 1813. 8" *Pph.v.2S Letters to Caleb Strong, showing that retalia- tion [etc.] is contrary to the laws of Christ. 3ded. Providence, 1818. pp.126. 8 . *Pph.v.254 WHETSTONE, G. Mirror of treue honour and Christian nobilitie, the life of Frauncis, earle of Bedford, 1585. London, 1815. pp.35. 4. [Park. Heliconia, v.2] *2591.13 WHEWELL, W. Analytical statics. Cambridge, ia33. 8 3944.16 Answer to a critique of the history of the inductive sciences. London, 1837. 8 . *Pph.v.lGO Architectural notes on German churches,with notes in Picardy and Normandy. 3d ed. Cambridge, 1842. 8 *4102.18 Astronomy and general physics considered with reference to natural theology. Lon- don, 1834. 8. [Bridgewater treatise] . . . 3485.9 - Same. London, 1837. 12 . . 3929.19, **E.189.20 Conic sections. 3d ed. Cambridge, 1855. pp.47. 8 3925.20 Essay towards a first approximation to a map of cotidal lines. London, 1833. 4. pi. . **E.191.5 History of the inductive sciences. London, 1837. 3v. 8 3933.4,**E.212.11 - Same. Supplement to the 2d ed. Lon- don, 1857. 8 3933.5 History of moral philosophy in England. London, 1852. 8 3585.6 Indications of the Creator : extracts from the history and philosophy of the inductive sciences. London, 1845. 12 3436.12 Liberal education. Part 1, 2d ed. and Part 2. London, 1850. 12 3599.14 Mechanical Euclid. Cambridge, 1837. 12. . 3945.12 _ - Same. 3d ed. Cambridge, 1838. 12 . **E.199.19 Mechanics of engineering. Camb. 1841. 8. 3944.6 Motion of free points, and universal gravita- tion. Part 1. Dynamics. 3d ed. Cambridge, 1830. 8 3944.14 Motion of points constrained and resisted. Part 2. Dynamics. Cambridge, 1834. 8 . 3944.15 Philosophy of the inductive sciences. Lon- don, 1840. 2v. 8 3603.2 Researches on the tides : sixth series. From the philosophical transactions. London, 1830. 4 **E.171.28 WHICHCORD, J. Church of all saints, Maidstone. [Weale. Quarterly papers, v.4] 4091.6 WHIG journal of politics. See American review. 3153.2 WHIG party, Memoirs of the. Fox, II. R. . . . 2514.11 WHIG songs for 1844. [New York, 1844.] 8 . *Pph.v.l44 WHIG and tory factions, History of, 1666-1832. Cooke, G.W 2514.4 WHIPPLE, A. W. Report of explorations for a railway route near the 35th parallel, from the Mississippi to the Pacific. [Washing- ton, 1855.] 8" 2363.4 Shelf. No. WHIPPLE, E. P. Washington and the principles of the revolution : an oration, July 4, 1850. Boston, 1850. 8 *Pph.v.305 WHIPPLE, F. P. Rules for the pronunciation of the Latin and Greek languages. Middle- bury, 1830. 12 *Pph.v.217 WHIPPLE, John, Confession of the murder of. See Strang,J *Pph.v.69 WHIPPLE, John, LL.D. Discourse in commem- oration of the life and services of Daniel Webster, before the citizens of Providence, 1852. Providence, 1852. 8 *Pph.y.2G4 WHIPPLE, P. L. Masonic address, delivered at Herkimer. Herkimer, 1827. 8 *Pph.v.G9 WHIPPLE family, Memoranda relating to the. See Whitmore, W. H 2333.9 WHISHAW, F. Railways of Great Britain and Ire- land. London, 1840. 4 *4011.13 WHISTELO, A. Trial [of] A. W., a black man ; a remarkable case of bastardy. New York, 1808. 8 *Pph.v.253 WHISTON, W. Account of the exact time when miraculous gifts ceas'd in the church. Lon- don, 1749. pp.40. 8 v.2 of *3556.9 Historical memoirs of the life of Dr. Samuel Clarke. London, 1730. 8* *2458.20 Memoirs, by himself; Lectures on the earth- quakes, 1749-50 ; The liturgy nearer to the primitive standard. Lond. 1749-50. 3v. 8. 3550.9 WHITAKER, D. K. Christian perseverance : a ser- mon in Charleston, S. C. Charleston, 1828. 8 *Pph.v.208 WHITAKER, J. Ancient cathedral of Cornwall, historically surveyed. London. 1804. 2v. 4 *2462.12 Genuine history of the Britons asserted. 2d ed. London, 1773. 8 *2418.5 Gibbon's Roman empire reviewed. London, 1791. 8 *2755.9 History of Manchester. London, 1771-75. 2v. 4 *2491.11 Supplement to [Polwhele's] history of Corn- wall. Exeter, 1804. pp.20. 4 3 . . . v.l of *2462.10 WHITAKER, N. Antidote against, and the reward of toryism: 2 sermons. Salem, 1811. 12. **E.224.9 WHITAKER, T. D. History of the parish of Whal- ley, honor of Clitheroe, and parish of Cart- mell. 3ded. London, 1818. 4 *2501.11 History of Richmondshirc, in the North Rid- iiig of York, with parts of York, Lancaster, and Westmoreland. London, 1823. 2v. f. *2490.9 Loidis and Elmete, described by Bede ; [His- tory of Leeds.] Leeds, 1816. f" *2490.1 WHITAKER, W. Disputation on Holy Scripture, against the papists. Ed. by W. Fitzgerald. Cambridge, 1849. 8. [Parker society] . . 3503.12 WHITBY, D. Last thoughts. [Sparks. Tracts in theology, v.2] 3469.26 WHITBY, H. Trial for the murder of J. Pierce ; also the trial of Capt. G. Crimp for piracy and manstealing. New York, 1812. 8 . *Pph.v.25 WHITBY, York co., Eng., History of. Young, G. 2502.9 WHITE, Adam. Documents on Spitzbergen and Greenland, from Martens, La Peyrere, etc. London, 1855. 8. [Hakluyt society] ... *2264. 17 WHITE, Andrew. Relation of the colony of Lord Baltimore, transl. by N. C. Brooks. [Force. Tracts, v.4] 2323.3 WHITE, Anthony. Inquiry into the proximate cause of gout and its rational treatment. 1st Amer. ed. New York, 1852. 8 . *M.Pph.v.51 WHITE, C. Management of pregnant and lying-in women. 3ded. London, 1785. 8 ... . *3771.15 - Same. 1st Wor. ed. Worcester, 1793. 8.*3rr6.3G Swelling of the lower extremities of lying-in women. 2d ed. [p.l.] Lond. 1792-1801. 8.*3776.35 WHITE, D. A. Address delivered at Ipswich. Sa- lem, 1830. pp. GO. 8" **E.224.10 Eulogy on Nathaniel Bowditch. Salem, 1838. pp.72. 8 **E. 214.0 WHITE 883 WHITING Shelf. No. WHITE, D. A. continued. View of the jurisdiction and proceeding's of the courts of probate in Massachusetts, with pa; ticulur reference to the county of Essex. Saiem, 18-,>- > . b **E. 110.45 WHITE, George. Practical treatise on weaving. Glasgow, 1840. 8 4026.4 WHITE, George, of Georgia. Statistics of Georgia, with a description of each county. Savan- nah, 1840. 8 2375.5 WHITE, George S. Memoir of Samuel Slater, with a history of the cotton manufacture in England and America. 2d ed. Philadel- phia, 183G. 8 2343.8 WHITE, H. Sermon on occasion of the death of J. Nitchie. New York, 1838. 8. [Reports of American Bible society, 1836-40] . v.5 of *3420.5 WHITE, James, civil engineer. New century of in- ventions. 2d edition. Manchester, 1822. 4. *1013. 2 AVHiTE, J., M.D. Blood-letting the true cure of fevers. London, 1712. 8 *3797.25 WHITE, Rev. John, of Dorchester, Eng. Relation of the occasion of planting this colony, (Mass. bay). [Young. First planters] . . 2352.4 WHITE. John, gardener. Indigenous grasses of Ireland. Dublin, 1808. 8 *3992.5 WHITE, John, architect. On harbours of refuge and the improvement of the navigation of rivers. London, 1840. pp.59. 8 3952.10 WHITE, Rev. Joseph. Sermons preached at the Bampton lecture, 1784. First Am. ed. Bos- ton, 1793. 8 *343G.33 WHITE, Joseph, M.D. Address before the medi- cal society of N. Y. on white swelling of the joints. [Cooperstown, 1817.] 8 . *M.Pph.r.7 WHITE, Joseph B. Letters from Spain by Don Leucadio Doblado. London, 1822. 8 ... 3103.7 Practical and internal evidence against Catho- licism. Fr. 2d Eng. ed. Cambridge, 1835. 12. 3463.23 WHITE, R. History of the battle of Otterburn, fought in 1388. London, 1857. 8 2419.6 WHITE, S. Address on insanity, before the N. Y. state med. soc. fNo title-page.] 8 . *M.Pph.v.39 WHITE, T. Theory and practice of ship building. 2ded. revised. London, 1851. 8. Atlas, f. 3952.9 WHITE, Wm., of Bath. Observations on strictures of the rectum. 3d ed. Bath, 1820. 8. *M.Pph.v.73 - Same. Further observations, with trans- lations of part of Beyer's paper on that complaint. London, 1822. 8 . . . . *M.Pph.v.90 WHITE, William. Catalogue of standard books on sale. Part 1. London, 1844. 8 .... *2139.3 WHITE, William C. Digest of the laws of Massa- chusetts. Boston, 1809-10. 4v. in 1. 8 . 3706.5 An oration pronounced at Rutland, July 5th, 1802. Worcester, 1802. 8 *Pph.v.C2 Oration pronounced at Worcester, July 4th, 1804. Worcester, 1804. 8 *Pph.v.63 Oration. Boston, July 4th, 1809. To which is jvdded an address by D. Everett. Boston, 1809. 8 *Pph.v.63 WHITE, William H. Note sur la temperature de 1'eaudepuits. [No title-page.] 8. pi. *Pph.v.l25 WHITE family. See Thayer, E 2333.2 See Vinton, J. A 2332.3 WHITE mountain guide book, The. Concord, 1858. 12 2389.4 WHITE mountains, Scenery of the. Oakes, W. . 2380.5 WHITE mustard seed, Efficacy of, in affections of the liver. Cooke, C. T 3789.28 WHITE plains female institute, Wcstchester co., N. Y. [Catalogue and circular.] Brook- lyn, 1S42. 12 *Pph.v.283 WHITE swellings. Bell, B. Dissertation on . . 3807.9 White, J. White swelling of the joints. M.Pph.y. 7 WHITE sulphur springs, Remarks on the medical properties of water from the. Moorman, J. J *M.Pph.v.35 WHITECROSS, J. Doctrines and duties of religion illustrated by anecdotes. Edinb. n.d. 12. 311>i..!J Shelf. No. WHITEFIELD, G. Works, containing his sermons and tracts, with a select collection of letters from 1734-70. London, 1771-72. 6v. 8. . *3477.19 Address occasioned by the alarm of an in- tended invasion. 4th ed. Lond. 1750. 12. *3457.37 Discourses upon practical subjects. London, 1738. 8 *3459.2 Eighteen sermons, revised by A. Gifford. Boston, 1820. 16 3459.3 Orphan house in Georgia from Jan. 1740, 41, to June, 1742. With an account of a work of like kind by Prof. Franck. Edinburgh, 1742. pp.84. 12" *2348.28 Sermon preached in Philadelphia, Aug. 24, 1746, occasioned by the suppression of the late unnatural rebellion. 2d ed. Boston, 1746. pp.22. 8 *3457.37 Clap, T. Declaration of the rector and tutors of Yale college against Whitefleld .... 3455.20 Eells, N. Reasons for not inviting White- field into his pulpit 3459.38 Elegiac poem sacred to the memory of . . . 3458.56 Gillies, J. Life of 3554.19 Pemberton, E. Sermon on the death of . . 3458.86 Philip, R. Life and times of 3554.4 Wesley, J. Sermon on the death of .... 3458.30 WHITEHEAD, James. Transmission of disease to offspring. London, 1851. 8 3807.2 WHITEHEAD, John. Life of John and Charles Wesley. Boston, 1844. 2v.ini. 8 . . . . 3554.2 WHITEHEAD, P. Poems and life. [Chalmers. English poets] v. 16 of 2592.7 WHITEHEAD, William. The Roman father: a tragedy. London, 1750. pp.80. 8" .... *2575.18 Poems and life. [Chalmers. Eng. poets]. v. 17 of 2592. 7 WHITEHEAD, W. A. The robbery of the treasury of E. Jersey in 1768. [No title-page.] 8. *Pph.v.l83 WHITEHOUSE, H. J. Address before the societies of Geneva college. 2ded. Rochester, 1831. 8 *Pph.v.S6 WHITELA\V, J. History of Dublin. See Warbur- ton, J 2450.10 WHITELOCKE, B. Disquisitions on the govern- ment of England. Published by C. Morton. London, 1700. 2v. 4 *3561.4 Journal of the Swedish embassy, 1C53-54. New ed. revised by H. Reeve. London, 18.55. 2v. 8 2517.2 Memorials of English affairs from the expe- dition of Brute to the end of the reign of James I. London, 1709. f *2540.6 Memorials of English affairs from the begin- ning of Charles i to .the restoration. New ed. Oxford, 1853. 4v. 8 *2517.1 W. and Clarendon compared. Oldmixon,J. 2419.2 WHITELOCKE, J. Liber famelicus. Ed. by J. Bruce. [London], 1858. 4. [Camden so- ciety, No. 74] *2426.18 WHITER, W. Specimen of a commentary on Shakspeare. London, 1794. 8 *2590.5 WHITESTOWN, JV. T. Oncida institute of science and industry. Second report of the trus- tees. Utica, 1830. 8 *Pph.y.80 WHITFELD, H. Progress of the Gospel amongst the Indians in New England. London, 1051. pp.40. sm.4 *2366.12 WHITGIFT, J. Works, cd. by J. Ayre. Cam- bridge, 1851-53. 3v. 8. [Parker society]. 3503.13 Contents. Vol. I-III. Defence of the answer to the admonition against the reply of Thomas Cart- wright. 111. Sermons ; Letters. Life. See Garrow, D. W 2503.10 WHITING, J. Truth and innoeency defended against falsehood and envy, in answer to Cotton Mather, his calumnies of the Qua- kers. London, 1702. 8 *3542.12 WHITING. S. Life of John Cotton. [Young. First planters] 253^'. 4 WHITING 884 WIELAND Shelf. No. WHITING, W. Address to the historic genealogi- cal society. Boston, 1853. pp. 14. 8 ... 2333.20 WHITING family. See Goodwin, N 2332.8 WHITLAW, C. Letter on the subject of a lecture on scrofula, delivered at St. Thomas's hos- pital, 1824. [London, 1824.] 8 . . .*M.Pph.v.l5 Reply to Dr. Hosack's inaugural address, delivered July 12, 1824. Phila. 1825. 8. *M.Pph.v.l5 WHITLOOK, H. Sermon at the funeral of Rev. BelaHubbard. New Haven, 1812. 12 . . . 3458.44 WHITMAN, B. Discourse on denying 1 the Lord Jesus. Boston, 1827. 12". **K.224.9, *Pph.v.255 Letter to an orthodox minister on revivals of religion. Boston, 1831. 12 *Pph.v.217 Letters to Kev. M. Stuart on religious liberty. Boston, 1830. 8 3402.27, *Pph.v.239, 258 Reply to the review of W.'s letters to Stuart. Boston, 1831. 8 *3402.27 Review of W.'s letters to Stuart on religious liberty. See Pond, E 3462.27 WHITMAN, J. W. Report of a trial of T. Lyman, jr. for an alleged libel on Daniel Webster. Boston, 1828. 8 *Pph.v.77 WHITMAN, S. II. Hours of life, and other poems. Providence, 1853. 8 2398.44 WHITMAN, Z. G. Historical sketch of the ancient and lion, artillery company. Bjst. 1820. 8. 2354.10 WHITMOUE, W. II. Memoranda relating to the Lane, Reyner, and Whipple families. Bos- ton, 1857. 8 2333.9 Register of families settled at the town of Mcdford, Mass. [Pp.73-9G, The Whitmore family.] Boston, 1855. pp. 90. 8 .... 2333.13 WHITMORE family. See Whitmore, W. H. . . . 2333.13 WHITNEY, P. Sermon: interment of madame Abigail Adams. Boston, 181'J. 8 ... *Pph.v.205 WHITON, J. M. Sketches of the history of New Hampshire. Concord, 1834. 12 2338.18 WHITSED, J. Remarks on diseases resembling syphilis. Peterborough, 1813. 8 . . *M.Pph.v.70 WHITTAKEU and Co. Books on microscopic sci- ence recently published. Also the prices of optical instruments constructed by Mr. A. Pritchard. London, n.d. 8 *Pph.v.95 WHITTELSEY, C., Sermon delivered at the inter- ment of. See Stiles, E 3458.63 WHITTELSEY, S. Discourse occasioned by the death of John Hall. Boston, 1730. 16. . *3456.43 WIIITTEMORE, T. Modern history of universal- ism. Boston, 1830. 12 3453.26 WHITTIEU, J. G. Chapel of the hermits, and other poems. Boston, 1853. 8 2399.19 Leaves from Margaret Smith's journal in the province of Massachusetts bay, 1678-79. Boston, 1849. 8 2409.31 Sabbath scene. Boston, 1854. pp.29. 12. pi. 2399.39 Supcrnaturalism of New England. London, 1847. pp.71. 12 2409.42 WHITTINGHAM, W. R. Sermon at the consecra- tion of J. K. Henshaw, as bishop of Rhode Island. Providence, 1843. 8 *Pph.Y.132 WHITTLESEY, C. Ancient works of Ohio. [Smith- sonian contributions, v. 3] 3340.1 WHITTOCK, N. Decorative painters' and glaziers' guide. London, 1841. 4 *4012.17 WHITWOUTH, C.,lord. Account of Russia. [Dods- ley. Fugitive pieces, v.2] 2549.27 WHOLE duty of man, with private devotions. London, 1682. 8 gggg 7 Note. This book has been attributed to archbishops Bancroft, Frewen, and Sterne; to bishops Fell and Chapel : to Dr. Allestry, Abraham Woodhead, W. Falraan, and by many to Dorothy, wife of Sir J. Pack- ington. Lowndes. WHOLE duty of man according to the law of nature. Puffendorf, S 3585.22 WHOM shall we hang? The Sebastopol inquiry. London, 1855. 8 2512.8 WHOOPING cough, Essay concerning. Water- bouse, B 3777.27 Shelf. No. WHYTT, R. Works. London, 1768. 4" *3721.2 Contents. Of the vital and other involuntary mo- tions of animals ; Circulation of fluids in the very small vessels of animals; Sensibility and irritability of the parts of men and animals ; Experiments with, opium on living and dying animals; Lime-watorand soap in the cure of stone; Various strength of difter- ent lime-waters ; Nature, causes, and cure of those disorders called nervous, hypochondriac, or hysteric; Observations on dropsy in the brain. Account of experiments made with opium on livingand dying animals, n.p.n.d. 8". *M.I'ph.v.48 WIBALD, abbot of Stablo and Corvey. Epistolae. [Migne. Patrologiae v. 189] 3470.13 Epistolas IX. [Bouquet. Recueil, v.15] . . 2620.1 WIBEKT. VitaS.Leonis IX papae. [Migne. Pa- trologiae v. 143] 3460.22 - Same. [Muratori. Rerumital. script, v.3]. 2710.1 WIBOLD. Ludusclericalis. [Migne. Patrol, v.134]. 3400.13 WICBOD, Wigbod, or Wigbold. Quaestiones in Octateuchum. [Migne. Patrologiae, v. 90]. 3450.22 WICHELHAUSEN, P. J. Dissertatio de gastritide chronica. Halae, n.d. 8 *M.Pph.v.ll4 WICKHAM, H. L., and Cramer, J. A. Passage of Hannibal over the Alps. 2d ed. London, 1828. 8 2756.2 WICKLIFF, or Wycliffe, J. dc. Tracts and treat- ises, with memoir by R. Vaughan. Lon- don, 1845. 8 3493.2 Contfnts. Facts and observations concerning the life of Wyclifle; On the writings of Wyclifte still iu manuscript ; The trialogtu ; Treatise against the orders of friars; Complaint exhibited to the king and parliament; Why poor priests have no benefices; Answer to Richard II, touching the right and title of the king and the pope ; Confessions. Apology for Lollard doctrines. Introduction and notes by J. H. Todd. London, 1840. em.4. [Camden society, No. 20] *2416.20 Netter of Walden, T. Fasciculi zizaniorum cum tritico 2414.10 Michelet, J. Biographic de Wicleff 2844.3 WICKSTEED, T. Experimental inquiry concern- ing the Cornish, and Boulton and Watt pumping engines, and cylindrical and wag- gon-head boilers. London, 1841. pp.34. 4.*4011.11 WICQUEFORT, A. de. L'ambassadeur et ses fonc- tions. Nouv. ed. Amsterdam, 1746. 4 . *3611.7 WiDO,or Guido. EpistolaadHeribertum. [Migne. Patrologis v.151] 3460.29 See also: Guido. WIDRIC. Epistola ad Henricum in imperato- rem. [Migne. Patrologiae v. 143] 3460.22 WIDUKIN. Res gestae Saxonicae. [Migne. Pa- trologise v.137] 3460.16 WIEBEIUNG, C. F. Von dem Einfluss der Bau- kunst. Munchcn und Jv'Urnberg, 1817, 18. 3v. 4 *4092.6 WIED Neuvied. See Maximilian zu Wied. WIEDEMANN, C. R. W. Aussercuropiiische zwei- flugelige Insekten. Hamm, 1828-30. 2v. in 1. 8 3809.4 Diptcra exotica. Kiliae, 1821. 8 3899.7 WIEDEMANN, J. H. Die Verkehrtheit der Deut- schen in Amerika. Phila. 1843? 8. . *Pph.v.231 WIEGMANN, A. F. A. Archiv fUr Naturge- schichte. Berlin, 1835-59. 47v. 8 . . . . *5819.1 Observations in Aristotelis historiam ani- malium. Lipsiae, 1826. pp.39. 4 *3822.2 WIEGMANN, R. Die Malerei der Alten. Hanno- yer, 1836. 12" 4064.16 WIELAND, C. M. Sammtliche Werke. Hrsg. von J. G. Gruber. Leipzig, 1818-23. 49v. 16". *2888.1 Contents. Vol.1. Vorberiehte; Die Natur der Dinge Oder die vollkommenste Welt, ein Lehrgedicht in sechs Buehern; Anmerkungen; Moralische Briefe, in Versen ; Anmerkungen. H. Der Anti-Ovid ; Der Fruhling ; Erzahlungen ; Briefe von Verstor- benen an hinterlasscne Freunde; Anmerkungen. 1IL Die Priifung Abrahams, in drey Gesangen ; Hymne auf Gott ; Psalmen ; Erinncruugen an eine Freun- din; Kritik der Zeit iiber Wielands Werke in dessen erster Periode. IV. Cyrus, ein unvollendetes Hel- WIELAND 885 WILCOCKE Shelf. No. WIELAND, C. M. continued. dengedicht in fiinf Gesangen; Araspes und Panthea, eine Geschichte in Dialogen nach dem Xenofon ; Anracrkungen. V-VI. Don Sylvio vonRosalva; An- mcrkungen. VII. Nadine; Erdengliick; Celia an Da- mon ; Komische Erzahlungen : Diana und Endy mion ; Das Urtheil des Paris ; Aurora und Cefalus ; Bruch- stiicke von Psyche ; Aspasia Oder die platonische Liebe: Kombabus oder was ist Tugcnd ? Das Leben, cin Iraum ; Beylage ; Anmerkungen. VIII. Idris und Zcnide ; TJeber romantisehe Poesie, Miihrchen und Feen-Mahrchen ; Anmerkungen. IX-XI. Ge- schichte des Agathon; Anmerkungen. XII. Musar- ion; Die Grazien; Der verklagte Amor; Koxkox und Kikequetzel ; Anmerkungen. XIII. Nachlass des Diogenes von Sinope; Gedanken iiber cine alte Auf- schrilt. XIV. Der neue Amadis. XV. Der neue Amadis [Fortsetzung] ; Anmerkungen ; Varianten; Kritik der Zeit iiber Wielands Werke in dessen zweyter Periode. XVI-XVII. Einleitung;Der gold- ne Spiegel. XVIII. Geschichte des weisen Da- Dischmend. XIX-XX. Geschichte der Abderiteu. XXI. Die erste Liebe ; Sixt und Klarchen ; Liebe um Liebe ; Das Wintermilhrchen ; Dae Sommer- mahrchen; Geronder Adeliche; Schach Lolo. XXII. Pervonte, Oder die Wiinsche; Der Vogelsang oder die drey Lehren ; Klelia und Sinibald oder die BevSl- kerung von Lampeduse; Ilann und Gulpenheh oder zu viel gesagt ist nichts gesagt ; Die Wasserkufe; Gedichte an Olympia. XXIII-XXIV. Oberon, ein romantisches Ileldengedicht; Anmerkungen ; Ueber das romantische Epos. XXV. Lady Johanna Gray, oder der Triumf der Religion, ein Trauer- spiel ; Klementina von Porretta, ein Drama ; Die Wahl des llerkules, ein lyrisches Drama ; Alceste, ein Singspiel. XXVI. Rosemunde, ein Singspiel ; Pandora, ein Lustspiel ; Singgedicht ; Das Urtheil des Midas, ein komisches Singspiel ; Ueber Wie- lands dramatist-he Werke ; Nachtrag zur Geschichte derschonen Rosemunde. XX VH. Bonifaz Schlei- chcrs Jugendgeschichte; Der Stein der Weisen ; Die Salamandrin und die Bildsaule ; Gottergesprache ; Gesprache im Elysium. XXVIII. Menander und Glycerion ; Krates und Hipparchia. XXIX. Das Hexameron von Rosenhain ; Anmerkungen. XXX. Sympathien ; Gesicht des Mirza ; Gesicht von einer Welt unschuldiger Menschen ; Platonische Betrach- tungen iiber den Menschen s Was ist eine schone Scele? Wan ist Wahrheit? Filosofle als Kunst zu leben und Heilkunst der Seele betrachtet XXXI. Betrachtungen iiber J. J. Rousseaus ursprunglicheu Zustand des Mcnschen; Ueber die von J. J. Rousseau vorgeschlagenen Versuche, den wahren Stand der Natur des Menschen zu entdecken ; Reise des Pries- ters Ahulfauaris ins innere Afrikci; Die Bekenutnisse des Abulfauaris gewesenen Priesters der Isis in ihrera Tempel zu Memfls in Nieder-Aegypten ; Ueber die Bchauptung, dass ungehemmte Ausbildung der menschlichen Gattung nachtheilig sey ; Ueber die vorgebliche Abnahme des menschlichen Geschlechts; Ausziige aus Jakob Forsters Reise um die Welt. XXXII. Ueber den freyen Gcbrauch der Vcrnunft in Glaubenssachcn ; Ueber den Hang der Menschen an Magie und Geistererscheinungen zuglauben; Eutha- nasia. XXXIH-XXXIV. Peregrinus Proteus; Ant- wortcn und Gcgenfragen auf die Zweifel und Anfra- gen eines vorgeblichen Weltbiirgers. XXXV. Aga- thodamon. XXXVI-XXXIX. Aristipp. XL. Stilponj Ueber das gbttliche Recht der Obrigkeit; Athenion, genannt Aristion ; PatriotUcher Beytrag zu Deut- schlands hiSchstem Flor ; Gespriiclie iiber einigo neueste Wcltbegebenhciten ; Mark-Aurcl an die Ro- mer ; Eine Lustreise ins Elysium ; Gottergesprache; Sechs Antworten auf sechs Fragen; Ueber die Rechte und Pflichten der Schriftsteller; Das Geheimniss des Kosmopoliten-Ordens. XLL Aufsatze fiber die Fran- zosische Revoluzion. XLII. Gesprache unter vier Augen ; Anmerkungen. XLIII. Die Pythagori- schen Fraucn; Ehrenrettung der Aspasia, Julia und Faustina; Nikolas Flamel, Paul Lukas, und der Der- wisch von Brussa ; Ueber Alexander Dow's Nach- richten von den Fakirn in Ostindien; Anmerkungen fiber Alexander Dow's Nachrichten von der Religion der Braininen; Briefe an einen Freund iiber eine Anekdote aus J. J. Rousseau's Leben ; Ueber die altesten Zeitkurzungsspiele ; Die Aeropetomanie ; Die Aeronauten; Anmerkungen. XLIV. Timoklea; Theages ; Ueber das Verhaltniss des Angenehmen und Schonen zum Niitzlichen ; Sendschreiben an einen jungen Dichter ; Die Kunst aufzuhoren ; Die eterbende Polyxena des Euripides; Ueber die Frage: was ist Hochdeutsch? Die Titanomachie. XLV. Die Bunkliade ; Versuch uber das deutsche Singspiel ; Die ^erspektiv in den Werken der griechischen Mahler; Ueber die Ideale der griechischen Kiinstler XLVI-XLIX. Miscellaueen. Shelf. No. WIELAND, C. M. continued. Wieland geschildert. See Grnber, J. G. . . 2849.2 WIENER Jahrbiicher der Literatur. See Ja.hr- biicher 3216.1 WIESE, J. E. P. Dissertatio inauguralis de mon- stris animalium. Berolini, 1812. 4 . *M.Pph.v.l03 WIESE, L. Letters on English education. Trans- lated by W.D. Arnold. London, 1854. 10. 3599.20 WIESINGER, L. A. Commentary on the New Tes- tament. See Olshausen, H 3424.1 WIETEESHEIM, E. v. Zur Vorgeschichte deutscher Nation. Leipzig, 1852. 8 2830.13 WIEZ, J. L. [Letters to the editors of the mis- sionary magazine, occasioned by extracts from the life of Wiez.] Edinb. 1806. 8. *Pph.v.256 WIGAN, A. L. Duality of the mind : a new view of insanity. London, 1844. 8 3602.5 WIGAND, P. Die Corveyschen Geschichtsquellen. Leipzig, 1841. 8 2830.10 WIGGINS, R. United States spelling-book. New York, 1814. 12 7059.15 WIGGINTOX, W. Model town dwellings for the industrious classes. Lond. 1850. pp.47. 4. *4091.3 WIGGLESWORTH, E. Evidences of the divine inspiration of the Old Testament. Boston, 1755. 8 *3458.10 Sermon preached at Harvard college, upon the death of T. Hollis, of London. Boston, 1731. pp.23. 8 *3455.35 Sermon preached after the funeral of the Rev. B. Wadsworth. Boston, 1737. pp.18. 8 . *3458.82 Portrait inserted in the Boston evening post. [Boston, 1705.] pp.3. 8 *3455.16 Appleton, N. Discourse on the death of . . 3455.16 Taylor, J. Oratio funebris in obitum E. W. 3455.16 Willard, J. Poetry sacred to the memory of. 3455.16 WIGGLESWORTH, M. The day of doom, [apoem]. With a discourse about eternity. From the 6th edition, 1715. Boston, 1828. 24 . ... 2399.55 WIGGLESWORTH, S. Sermon preach'd after the funeral of Rev. J. Rogers. Boston, 1740. pp.24. 8" 3455.43 WIGHT, D. P. The Wight family, from 1637-1840. Boston, 1848. 12 2334.7 WIGHT, R. Laurus cassia of Linnaeus, and the plants producing the cassia bark of com- merce. [No title-page.] 8. [From the Edin- burgh new philos. journal, Jan. 1840].*M.Pph.v.35 WIGHT, Isle of. Gilpin, W. Beauties of the . . 4006.10 Hassell.J. Tour of the 2497.1 - Tour through the. [Pinkerton. Voy. v.2]. 2260.13 Scudamore, C. Mineral waters of the . M.Pph.v.74 Worsley, R. History of the 2491.2 WIGIITWICK, G. Modern English Gothic archi- tecture. London, 1845. pp. 18 and plates. 4.*4101.13 Ancient English Gothic architecture. [ Weale. Quarterly papers, v. 2,4] 4091.6 WiGO. Epistolae. [Migne. Patrologia? v.137] . 3460.16 WIGS. Nicolai, C. F. L'usage des cheveux pos- tiches 2236.9 WILBERFORCE, W. Abolition of the slave trade. London, 1807. 8 3572.8 Correspondence, edited by his sons. London, 1840. 2v. 12 2447.20 Letter to the gentlemen, clergy, and free- holders of Yorkshire, occasioned by the late election for that county. London, 1807. 8 *Pph.v.306 Practical view of the prevailing religious sys- tem. New York, n.d. sm.l2. [American tract society] 3446.28 Strictures on a life of W. by R. T. and S. Wilberforce. See Clarkson, T 2447.21 WILBRAHAM, R. Glossary of words used in Cheshire. 2d ed. London, 1826. 16 . . . 2586.33 - Same. 2d ed., with additions. London, 1836. 16 2586.30, **E.209. 15 WILCOCKE, S. H. Pocket dictionary of the Eng- lish and Dutch languages. In two parts. [English and Dutch ; Dutch and English.] London, 1811. 12 **E.208.9 WILD 886 WILLELMUS Shelf. No. WILD family, of Medford. See Whitmore, W. II. 2333.13 WILD flowers, or pastoral and local poetry. Bloomfield, R 2559.19 WILD scenes in the forest and prairie. Hoffman, C.F 2409.36 WILDBERG, C. F. L. Bibliotheea medicinse pub- lic;c. Bcrolini, 1819. 2v. em. 4 *2186.7 WILDE, W. R. Practical observations on aural surgery. Philadelphia, 1853. 8 3805.19 Voyage to Madeira, Tcneriffe, and the shores of the Mediterranean. 2d ed. Dublin, 1852. 8 2274.4 WILDER, D. History of Leominster, [Mass.] Fitchburg, 1853. 12 2357.5 WILDER, J. N. Rochester: a poem. New York, 1857. 8 2405.4 WILDERSPIN, S. System of education for the young. London, 1840. 12 3599.15 WILDMAN, W., Political life of. Barrington, S. 2550.1 WILEY, C. Discourse commemorative of the Hon. D. Webster, in Utica. Utica, 1852. 8 . *Pph.v.264 WILHELM, a Danish abbot. Vita, auctore anon- ymo ; Scripta qua3 supcrsunt. [Migne. Pa- trologiae v.209] v. 2 of 3470.30 WILHELM, of Ilirschau. Vita, auctore Heymone ; Constitutiones Hirsaugienses ; Musica. [Migne. Patrologise v.150] 3460.28 Musica. [GerbertvonHornau. Scriptores ee- clesiastici de musica sacra potissimum, v.2]. 4041.7 WILHELM. Prinz von Preussen, [or Friedrich Wilhelm Karl] in den Kriegen seiner Zeit. See Schneidawind, F. J. A 2842.6 WILKE,F. liber die Wichtigkeit und Unentbehr- lichkeit der Orgel-Mixturen und ihre Eintheilung. Berlin, 1839. pp.36. 8 . .*4057.12 Zur richtigen Wlirdigung eines Sendschrei- bens des Organisten C. Gerlach, und Be- leuchtung dcr Schmahschrift des F. Baake. Hamburg und Leipzig, 1846. pp.34. 8. . 4046.24 WILKEN, F. GeschichtederKreuzziige. Leipzig, 1807-32. 7v. 8 2293.2 WILKES, C. Letter on Antarctic explorations. [Washington, 1847. No title-page.] 8.*Pph.v.l73 WILKES, J. The north Briton. No. i-c. Lon- don, 1769. f *2540.7 Note. C. Churchill took part in Noa. 1-4C. Sev- eral others assisted in the remainder. WILKES, W. A letter of genteel and moral advice to a young lady. 7th cd. Lond. 1700. 12.*3574.36 WILKIE, W. Poems and life. [Chalmers. Eng- lish poets] v. 16 of 2592. 7 WILKINS, C. R. Sermon on the death of L. B. Gregory. Albany, 1838. 8 *Pph.v.l02 WILKINS, G. The miseries of inforced marriage. [Dodsley. Old plays, v. 5] 2588.1 WILKINS, John. Essay towards a real character, and a philosophical language. London, 1668. f *2200.10 WILKINS, John H. Elements of astronomy. Bos- ton, 1822. 12 **E. 189.17 Remarks on supplying Boston with pure wa- ter. Boston, 1845. pp.32. 8. [Boston water docs. 1845] *6357.20 - Same. With additions. 2d ed. Boston, ' 1845. pp.44. 8. [Boston water docs. 1845]. *6357. 20 - Same. Further remarks. Boston, 1845. pp.68. 8. [Boston water docs. 1845] . . *6357.20 Keview of the report of the water commis- sioners of 1845. Boston, 1846. pp.56. 8. [Boston water docs. 1845] . *6357.20 WILKINS, P. Aventures. [Gamier. Voyages imaginaires, v.22, 23] 2666.1 WILKINS, William. Prolusiones architectonicae. London, 1837. 4 . *4090.8 WILKINS, William N. Letters on connoisseur- ship. London, 1857. 8 13 4062.10 WILKINSON, James. Memoirs of my own times, [with] diagrams and plans. Philadelphia, 1816. 3v. 8. Atlas, f *2324.2 Proofs of the corruption of. See Clark, D. . 2324.3 Shelf. No. WILKINSON, James J. G. The human body and its connection with man. Philadelphia, 1851. 12 3765.25 Remarks on Swedenborg's economy of the animal kingdom. London, 1816. 8 . . . . 3454.4 WILKINSON, Jemima, History of. Hudson, D. . 3548.21 WILKINSON, John G. Manners and customs of the ancient Egyptians. Lond. 1837. 3v. 8. 3053.7 - Same. Second series, [and] supplement. London, 1841. 3v. 8 3053.8 Topography of Thebes, and view of Egypt. London, 1835. 8 3053.2 WILKS, J. Scheme for the reduction of the pub- lic debt and taxation, without individual sacrifice. London, 1821. 8 *Pph.v.3:0 WILKS, W. The half century; its history, polit- ical and social. 2d ed. London, 1853. p. 8. 2229.4 WILL. Bledsoe, A. T. Examination of president Edwards' inquiry into the freedom of the. 3609.18 Day, J. Examination of Edwards' inquiry on the freedom of the 3609.19 Edwards, J. Freedom of the 3457.3,4 Galluppi, P. Filosofia della volonta .... 3604.18 West, S. Essays on liberty and necessity . 3603.19 WiLLAN, R. Reports on the diseases in London, 1796-1800. London, 1801. 12 3799.25 WILLARD, E. An appeal against wrong and in- jury. [No title-page.] 8 *Pph.v.l61 - Same. Second appeal, or answer to Mr. Willson's reply. New York, 1847. 8 . *Pph.v.l61 History of the United States. 3d ed. New York, 1830. 8 **E.223.9 Letters to the members of the Willard asso- ciation for the improvement of female teach- ers. Troy, N. Y. 1838. 8 *Pph.v.l03 Plan for improving female education. Alba- ny, 1818. 8 *Pph.v.47 Respiration and its effects in relation to chol- era, [etc.] New York, 1849. 8 ... *M.Pph.v.45 [Mrs. Willard reviewed, or a short examin- ation of the proceedings of The society for the advancement of female education in Greece.] Albany, 1833. 8 *Pph.v.218 Reply to Mrs. W.'s appeal against wrong and injury. See Willson. M Pph.v.l6t WILLARD, Jacob. Oration delivered in Leomin- ster, July 4th, 1809. Boston, 1809. 8 . *Pph.v.63 WILLARD, Joseph, president of Harvard college, b. 1738, d. 1804. [Poetry to the memory of Dr. E. Wiggles worth.] pp.4. 8 *3455.16 WILLARD, Joseph, esq. Address to the bar of Worcester county. Lancaster, 1830. 8 . 3634.2 Address in commemoration of the 200th anni- versary of Lancaster, Mass. Bost. 1853. 8. 2356.10 Willard memoir : Major Simon Willard and his descendants, etc. Boston, 1858. 8 . . 2332.4 WILLARD, Josiah. Sermon on the death of. [Prince. Sermons, v.2] 3458.69 Sermon on the death of. Sewall, J 3455.42 WILLAIID, M. Observations on the remitting fever which prevailed in Albany, 1809. Al- bany, 1810. 12 *M.Pph.v.2 WILLARD, Rev. Samuel. Body of divinity. Bos- ton, 1726. f *3480.1 Sermon preached privately, Sept. 27, 1706, on the death of Simeon Stoddard. Boston, 1706. pp.28. 18 *3456.36 National conversion of the Jews. 3d cd. with appendix by S. Sewall. Boston, 1727. pp.24. sm.4 *3457.27 WILLARD, Solomon. Plans of the obelisk on Bunker's hill. Boston, 1843. pp.31. 4. . *2310.4 WILLDENOW, C. L. Enumeratio plantarum regii horti botanici Berolinensis. Berolini, 1809. 2v. 8 3853.8 Principles of botany and vegetable physiol- ogy. New ed. enlarged. Edinb. 1811. 8. 3852.13 WILLELMUS, abbot of St. Arnulf, at Afetz. Epis- tolae ; Oratio in commemoratione S. Augus- tini. [Migne. Patrologia; v. 150] 3460.28 W1LLELMUS ' 887 WILLIAMS Shelf. No- WILLELMUS, abp. of Ti/re. Ilistoria rcrum in par- tibus transmarinis gr-starum usque ad an- num 1184. [Migne. Patrologise v.20l] . . 3470.23 Histoirc des croisades, ou histoirc des faits ct gestes dans les regions d'outrc-mcr. [Gui- zot. Coll. mom. hist. France, v.10-18] . . . 2618.2 WILLELMUS, monk of Cavillon. Fragmentum his- toricum. [Migne. Patrologiae v. 134] . . . 3460.13 WILLEMS, J. F. Oudc Vlacmscuo Liedoren ten deele met de MelodiiJn. Gent, 1848. 8 . . 2902.3 WILLERAM, abbot. Canticum canticorum, Fran- cice et Latine. [Schiller. Thesaurus anti- quitatum Teutonicarum, v.l] 2810.4 WILLETT, J. Mental and moral philosophy, for the producing classes. Part first. Boston, IK)','. 16 3600.28 WILLETT, M. Narrative of the military actions of Col. Willett, from his own MS. New- York, 1831. 8 *Pph.v.274 and others. Petition for the New York in- terest bank, n.p. n.d. 8 *Pph.v.l8 WILLETT, It. Memoir on the origin of printing. London, n.d. pp.50. 4 *2120.2 WILLI, A. See Teatro modcrno applaudito . . . 2768.1 Contents. Vol. XI. Rosalia, ovvero 1'araor conju- gate : dramma. LVIII. La vergine del sole : dramma. WILLI, L. Idomcneo: tragedia. [Teatro italiano del secolo 18, v.5] 2778.1 WILLIAM, the conqueror. Gesta, a Willelmo Pic- tavensi contemporauco scripta ; Verba Willelmi conquestoris in extremis positi ; Epistolae ; Leges et diplomata ; Concio ad exercitum ante praelium. [Migue. Patro- giaev.149] 3460.27 Histoire de Guillaume le conquerant. [Pre- vost d'Exiles. (Euvres, v.16] 2668.1 Laws. See Kelham, R 3633.8 Vie dc Guillaume le conquerant. [Guizot. Coll. mem. hist. France, v.29] 2618.2 WILLIAM III, king of Enyland. Letters. See Grimblot, P 2444.8 Letters illustrative of the reign of. See Ver- non, J 2516.4 WILLIAM, thesilent, prince of Orange. Guillaume de Nassau, ou la fondation des Proviuces- Unies : poume en dix chants. See Bitaube, P. J 2852.7 Correspondance de Guillaume le taciturne, prince d'Orange. See Gachard, L. P. . . . 2842.8 Guillaume de Nassau, prince d'Orange. [Meursius. Opera, v.10] 2210.2 WILLIAM, of Malmesbttry. Opera omnia, diligen- tissima emcndatione in unum collecta. Ac- curante J. P. Migue. Lutetiae Parisiorum, 1855. 8. [Migne. Patrologiae v.179] . . . 3470.6 Contents. De gestis rearum Anglorum ; Ilistoria no- vella; De gestis pontificum Anglorum i Liber de anti- quitate Glastoniensis ecclesiae ; Vita S. Wulstani episcopi Wigorniensis ; Epistola de Joanne Scoto Erigena; Fragmeuta ex abbreviationc Amalarii. Gesta regutn Anglorum atque Ilistoria no- vella. Kec. T. D. Hardy. Londini, 1840. 2v. 8. [English historical society] . . . *2413.6 History of the kings of England, and the modern history. Transl. by Rev. J. Sharpe. London, 1815. 4 *2521.1 Enumeratio ac descriptio topographica coeme- teriorum SS. martyrum prope urbcm. [Migne. Patrologiae v.127] v.l of 3460. 8 WILLIAM, of Newburgh, or Newbury. Historia rerum Anglicarum. Kec. H. C. Hamilton. Londini, 1856. 2v. 8. [Eng.hist. society].*2413.16 WILLI AM, of Shoreham. Religious poems. Ed. by T. Wright. London, 1849. p.8 [Percy society publications, v.28] *2537.28 See also : Guglielmo, Guillaume, Wilhelm, Willel- mus. WILLIAMS, Cadogan. Suggestions for the im- provement of benefit clubs, [etc.] London, 1833. pp.44. 8 *3570.61 Shelf. No. WILLIAMS, Catherine R. The neutral French, or the exiles of Nova Scotia. Providence, [1841]. 2v. in 1. 12 2408.3 WILLIAMS, Charles J. B. Diseases of the respi- ratory organs. With additions and notes by M. Clymer. Philadelphia, 184.5. 8 .... 3795.3 Physical signs of the diseases of the lungs and pleura. Philadelphia, 1830. 8 .... 3795.1 WILLIAMS, Charles L. Statistics of the Rutland county bar, with biographical notices, etc. 1781-1847. Brandon, 1847. 8 *Pph.v.l61 WILLIAMS, Charles V. Life of Spencer Perceval. London, 1850. 12 2458.12 WILLIAMS, Charles W. The combustion of coal, etc. Part 1st. 2d ed. London, 1841. 8 . 3971.18 - Same. Plates. Liverpool, 1841. 4 . . *3971.2 Prevention of the smoke nuisance. London, 1850. pp.48. 1.8 3971.3 WILLIAMS, D. History of Monmouthshire. [Lon- don"], 1796. 4 *2491.13 WILLIAMS, Edward. Virginia valued, 1650. [Force. Tracts, v.3] 2323.3 WILLIAMS, Edwin. Modern geography and his- tory, enlarged from Pinnock. New York, 1835. 12" 2289.6 New United States tariff act, passed July, 1832. New York, 1832. 12 *Pph.v.218 WILLIAMS, Eleazer. Caution against our com- mon enemy [in the language of the seven nations]. Translated by E. Williams. Al- bany, 1815. 12 *Pph.v.207 Spelling-book in the language of the seven Iroquois nations. Pittsburgh, 1813. 12.*Pph.v.207 WILLIAMS, Rev. Eliphalet. Sermon occasioned by the death of Hon. Wm. Pitkin. Hartford, 1770. pp.33. 16 *3450.41 WILLIAMS, Ephraim, and Tyng, D. A. Reports of cases in the supreme court of Massachu- setts [1804-22], with notes by B. Rand. Boston, 1851-58. 17v. 8 *37064 Contents. Vol. I. Sept. 1804, to June, 1805, both in- clusive. II. March, 181)0, to June, 1807, both inclu- sive, to which is added a supplement, containing some few decisions of the same court, of a prior date. III. June, 1807, to the end of the year, with a supple- ment. IV. Cases for the year 1808. V. Beginning of 1809, to the end of the Oct. term of the same yeai, in Barnstable. VI. Oct. term, 180!>, in Middlesex, toSept. term, 1810, in Berkshire, inclusive. VII. Sept. term, 1810, in Hampshire, to Sept. term, 1811, in Berk- shire, inclusive. VIII. Sept. term, 1811, in Hamp- shire, to March term, 1812, in Suffolk, inclusive. IX. May term, 1812, in York, to March term, 1813, in Suf- folk, inclusive. X. Cases for the year 1813. XI. Cases for the year 1814. XII. Cases for the year 1815. XIII. Cases for the year 18KJ. XIV. Cases for the year 1817, with supplement. XV. Cases for the year Ibl8, to the end of June term, 1819, in Lincoln. XVI. Eastern circuit, 1819, to Oct. term, 18.0, in Norfolk. XVII. Oct. term, 1820, in Essex, to March term, 18JU', in Suffolk, to which is added a digested index of the names of the cases in the preceding sixteen volumes. WILLIAMS, F. S. Conversations sur Le grand- pere. Boston, 1857. 12 7079.46 WILLIAMS, H. W. Select views in Greece. Lon- don, 1829. 2v. 1.8 3071.7 Travels in Italy, Greece, and the Ionian islands. Edinburgh, 1820. 2v. 8 .... 2764.7 WILLIAMS, Rev. John, of JDeerfield, b. 1664, d. 1729. Redeemed captive returning to Zion : a faithful history, etc. [with] a sermon. Ap- pendix by S. Williams [and] J. Taylor. Con- clusion by Mr. Prince. New Haven, 1802. 12 2348.21 Diplomatic visit to Canada in 1713. See Stod- dard.J 2324.10 Sermon on the death of. See Foxcroft, T. . 3458.73 WILLIAMS, Itev. John, of Schenectady. The Chris- tian scholar ; his position, his dangers, and his duties: an address. Hartford, 1846. 8 *Pph.v.l52 WILLIAMS, J. Butler. Practical geodesy. 3d cd. London, 1855. 8" 3926.20 WILLIAMS 888 WILME Shelf. No. WILLIAMS, J. J. Isthmus of Tehuantepec : re- sults of a survey by J. G. Barnard. With maps. New York, 1852. 2v. 8 2314.23 WILLIAMS, John L. The territory of Florida, [with] sketches of the natural history. New York, 1837. 8" 2376.6 WILLIAMS, Martha, Sermon occasioned by the death of. Willson, L Pph.v.268 WILLIAMS, Monier. Application of the Roman alphabet to the language of India. London, 1859. 8 2956.22 WILLIAMS, Rev. Nathanael, 6. 1675, d. 1738. Fu- neral sermon on. Prince, T v.l of 3458.69 WILLIAMS, Nathanael, M. D. Method of practice in the small-pox, with observations on the way of inoculation. Boston, 1752. pp.16. 18 *3809.18 WILLIAMS, Roger, Charges and banishment of. See Blue laws 2357.4 WILLIAMS, Rowland. Rational godliness. Cam- bridge, 1855. 12" 3444.19 WILLIAMS, Samuel. Natural and civil history of Vermont. 2d ed. Burlington, 1809. 2v. 8. 2337.3 WILLIAMS, Solomon, D. D., b. 1700, d. 177(5. Half- ceutury sermon, preached in Lebanon, Dec. 16th, 1772. Norwich, 1773. pp.40. 4 ... *3455.41 WILLIAMS, Rev. Solomon, 6. 1752, d. 1834. His- torical sketch of Northampton : a sermon. Northampton, 1815. 8 2350.25 WILLIAMS, Stephen F. The elements of mechan- ics and hydrostatics. Cambridge, 1854. p.8. 3495.11 WILLIAMS, Stephen W. American medical biog- raphy. Greenfield, 1845. 8 3735.2 History of the family of Williams in Amer- ica. Greenfield, 1847. 12 2334.6 WILLIAMS, Thomas W. Abstract of the act to amend the representation of the people in England and Wales. London, 1832. 8.*Pph.v.310 WILLIAMS, Timothy S., Discourse in consequence of the death of. Sprague, W. B Pph.v.175 WILLIAMS, Jtcv. William, b. 1088, d. 1700. Sermon preach'd after the death of Caleb Lyman. Boston, 1743. pp.31. 8 3454.9 WILLIAMS, William, of Gray's Inn. Rights of the people, or reasons for a regicide peace. London, 179G. 8 *Pph.v.251 WILLIAMSBUUGH bank, King's co., 2f. T. Articles of association and by-laws. Williamsburgh, 1839. 8 *Pph.v.281 WILLIAMSON, H. History of North Carolina. Philadelphia, 1812. 2v. 8" 2375.7 Climate in different parts of America. New York, 1811. 8 3964.7 Biographical memoir of. SeeHosack, D. . Pph.v.22 WILLIAMSON, P., Case of. See Cannon, A. . . . 3572.6 WILLIAMSON, R. S. Report of a reconnaissance and survey in California for a railway route from the Mississippi to the Pacific in 1853. [With maps. No title-page.] 8 2363.8 WILLIAMSON, W. D. History of the state of Maine, 1002-1820. Hallowell, 1832. 2v. 8. 2339.3 WILLIAMSTOWN, Mass. Williams college. Cata- logue of officers and students, 1822,35-40. Troy, etc. 1822-39 . . *Pph.v.45, 94, 100, 103,108,222 - Catalogus senatus acadcmici et eorum qui laurea donati sunt, 1820, 23, 20. Albania, 1820,23,26. 8 *Pph.v. 45,61 - Commencement [exercises], 1823. 8.*Pph.v.45 - and Berkshire medical institution. Cata- logue of officers and students, 1823,24,26, 28-30. Pittsficld, 1823-30. 8.*M.Pph.v. 11, 15,20,21,38 See also : Pittsfield, Mass. South Williamstown family school for boys. Circular and catalogue. Albany,1850. 8.*Pph.v.l83 WILLIBUORD. Diplomata. [Migne. Patrolo- gii v.S9] 3450.20 WILLICII, A. F. M. Lectures on diet and regimen. 1st Boston ed. Boston, 1800. 2v. 12 . . 3766.26 WILLIS, B. Survey of St. Asaph. Ed. by E. Ed- wards. Wrexham, 1S01. 2v. 8 2473.6 Shelf. No. WILLIS, N. P. Lecture on fashion before the New York lyceum, June, 1844. New York. 8.*Pph.v.l42 Letters from under a bridge. [Mirror libra- ry. No title-page.] 1.8 *Pph.v.l42 Pencillings by the way, in France, Italy, Greece, Asia Minor, Turkey, and England. 1st complete ed. New York, 1844. 1.8. *Pph.v.l42 American scenery. See Bartlctt, W. H. . . 2320.29 WILLIS, R. Architectural history of Canterbury cathedral. London, 1845. 8 4102.17 Architectural nomenclature of the middle ages. Cambridge, 1844. pp.86. 3 pi. 4. *4092.3 Remarks on the architecture of the middle ages. Cambridge, ia35. 8" 4092.14 WILLIS, T. London practice of physick. Lon- don, 1092. sm.8 3793.12 WILLIS family, of Medford. See Whitmore, W. H. 2333.13 WILLISON, J. Testimony unto the laudable principles of the church of Scotland, and the defections of the established church. Edinburgh, 1744. 8 *Pph.v.331 WILLISTON, E. B. Eloquence of the United States. Middletown, Conn. 1827. 5v. 8 2403.4 WILLMORE, G., and Beedell, E. Mercantile and maritime guide. Glasgow, 1856. 8 ... 3083.4 WILLMOTT, R. A. Lives of [English] sacred poets. London, 1834-39. 2v. 12 2458.22 WILLOUGHBY, H., and others. Voyages to North Russia and Siberia. [Pinkerton. Voy- ages, v.l] 2260.13 WILLOUGHBY, S., Discourse at the funeral of. Pierce, I. B Pph.v.103 WILLOUGHBY, Ohio. Medical department of Willoughby university. Catalogue of the offlcers, professors, and students, 1830-13, 45-46. Cleveland and Painsville, 1837-46. 8 *M.Pph.v.29,32,35,37,38,40,41 WILLS, T. Affair between Hamilton and Burr. New York, 1804. 8 *Pph.v.lO WILLS. Fisher, R. T. Amendment of the law with respect to 3636.17 Peignot, E. G. Choix de testamens anciens et modernes 2236.7 WILLS and inventories of the northern counties of England, from MC downwards. [Ed. by J. Raine.] Parti. London, 1835. 8. [Sur- tees society] *2417.2 WILLS and inventories. Ed. by Samuel Tymms. London, 1850. sm.4. [Camden society, No. 49] *2416.49 WILLSON, Edmund B. Address in Petersham, Mass., July 4, 1854, the 100th anniversary of the incorporation of that town. Boston, 1855. 8 2356.17 WILLSON, Edward J. Glossary of technical terms, descriptive of Gothic architecture. London, n.d. pp.24. 4 v.2 of *4101.5 WILLSON, J. R. Address before the Newburgh lyceum of the natural sciences. Newburgh, 1823. 12 *Pph.v.216 Appeal to the citizens of the state of New York on the expulsion of Rev. J. R. Will- son from the house of assembly. Albany, 1832. 8 *Pph.v.84 Prince Messiah's claims to dominion over all governments. Albany, 1832. 8 .... *Pph.v.84 WILLSON, L. Sermon occasioned by the death of Mrs. M. Williams. Providence, 1815. 8.*Pph.v.2GS WILLSON, M. American history. N.York, 1847. 8". 2328.0 Critical review of American common school histories. New Jersey, 1845. [No title- page.] 8 *Pph.v.l48,151 Reply to Mrs. Willard's appeal. New York, 1847. 8 *Pph.v.l61 Report on American histories. New York, 1847. 8 *Pph.v.l61 WiLLUGHBYjF. Travels in Spain. See Ray, J. . 2263.2 WILME, B. P. Handbook for mapping, engineer- ing, and architectural drawing. London, 1846. 4 *40S1.6 WILMOT 889 AYINDHUS Shelf, No. WILMOT, D. Speech in the house of representa- tives on his amendment restricting slavery from territory hereafter acquired, 1847. [No title-page.] 8" *Pph.v.l55 WILMOT, J. Poems. London, 1779. pp.70. 16. [Johnson. English poets] v. 10 of 2589.3 Poems and life. [Chalmers. English poets]. v. 8 of 2592. 7 WILMOT, R. Tancred and Gismunda : a tragedy. [Dodsley. Old plays, v.2] 2588.1 WILMOT, W., Sermon at the ordination of. See Pemberton, E 3458.51 WILMOT proviso. Grover, M. Speech on the. Pph.v. 155 King, P. Bill and explanation Pph.v. 155 Wood, B. R. Speech on the Pph.v. 152 WILSON, Alexander. American ornithology. Philadelphia, 1808-14. 9v. f *3900.4 Sketch of the life of. Ord, G 3835.10 WILSON, Alexander P. Treatise on febrile dis- eases. 1st Am. ed. Hartford, 1809. 2v. 8. 3796.3 WILSON, Arthur. History of king James I. [Ken- net. History of England, v.2] 2410.3 WILSON, D. Morbid effects of opium upon the human body. Philadelphia, 1803. 8.*M.Pph.v.27 WILSON, G. Life of the Hon. Henry Cavendish, including abstracts of his papers. London, 1851. 8. [Cavendish society] *3974.6 WILSON, Henry. Treatise of navigation. 9th ed. London, 1769. 8. pi **E.181.15 WILSON, Henry B. Communion of saints ; prin- ciples of Christian union : Bampton lec- tures, 1851. Oxford, 1851. 8 3456.6 WILSON, Horace H. Specimens of the theatre of the Hindus. Transl. from the Sanscrit. Calcutta, 1827. 3v. 8 *3025.1 Contents. Vol. I. Preface; Dramatic system of the Hindus ; Mrichchakati. II. Vikrama and Urvasi i Malati and Madhava ; Uttara Rama Cheritra. III. MudraRakshasaj Retnavali; Appendix. WILSON, J. Phonography simplified. n.p. 1845? 18 *Pph.v.229 WILSON, Rev. James. Oration at Providence, 4th of July, 1804. Providence, n.d. 8 . . *Pph.v.63 WILSON, James, M. D. Principles and practice of the water cure. London, 1854. 8 3808.23 WILSON, James P. Introduction to the knowl- edge of the Hebrew language without the points. Philadelphia, 1812. 8 **E.205.7 WILSON, James R. Subjection of kings and na- tions to Messiah : a sermon. New York, 1820. 8 *Pph.v.48 WILSON, Job. Nature and treatment of spotted fever. Boston, 1815. 8 *M. Pph.v. 96 WILSON, John. Who was Jack Wilson, the singer of Shakespeare's stage? See Rimbault, E. F. 2595.4 WILSON, John, recorder of Londonderry. Belphe- gor, or the devil's marriage : a tragi-comedy. London, 1691. pp.64. sm.4 *2575.23 WILSON, John, prof, at Edinburgh. The elder'8 death-bed, or the Christian's happy end, [etc.] New York, 1821. 12 *Pph.v.209 WILSON, John, printer, Boston. English punctu- ation, with an appendix. 2d ed. Boston, 1850. 12 7049.1 - Same. 3d ed. enlarged. Boston, 1855. 12. *2115.1 Scripture proofs and illustrations of unita- rianism. 3d ed. London, 1846. 8 .... 3462.4 Unitarian principles confirmed by trinitarian testimonies. Boston, 1855. 12 3462.14 WILSON, Joseph. Memorabilia Cantabrigiae. Lon- don, 1803. 12 2490.19 WILSON, Joshua. Biographical index to the house of commons, 1808. London, [1808]. 12. . 2458.32 WILSON, P. Compendium of Greek prosody. New York, 1817. 12 *Pph.v.213 Rules of prosody, for the use of schools. New York, 1810. 12 *Pph.v.212 WILSON, Sir Robert. Remarks on the Russian army, and campaigns in Poland in 1806-7. London, 1810. 4 *3061.2 Shelf. No. WILSON, Robert T. British expedition to Egypt. 4th ed. London, 1803. 2v. 8 3052.2 WILSON, Samuel. Account of Carolina, 1682. See Carroll, B. R 2375.1 WILSON, Rev. Samuel, of London, d. 1750. Scrip- ture manual of the ordinance of baptism. [Sommers. Baptist library, v.l] 3454.1 WILSON, Thomas, of Canterbury, d. 1621. Com- plete Christian dictionary. Continued by John Bagwell ; enlarged by A. Stinson. 7th ed. London, 1661. sm.f *3480.8 WILSON, Thomas, bp. of Sodor and Man, b. 1663, d. 1775. Christianity made easy to the meanest capacity, or instruction for the Indians. 6th ed. London, 1747. 12 ... *3446.7 Parochialia, or instructions to the clergy. New York, 1812. 12 3437.20 WILSON, Rev. Thomas, rector of Claughton, b. 1747, d. 1813. Miscellanies : selections from poems and correspondence. Ed. by F. R. Raines, with memoirs. 1857. sm.4. [Chetham society, No. 45] *2415.15 WILSON, Thomas, and Mease, J. Picture of Phil- adelphia, 1824, [also] 1811. Phila. 1823. 12. 2372.9 WILSON, Walter. History of dissenting churches and meeting houses in London. London, 1808. 4v. 8 3525.4 WILSON, Rev. William. System of infants' schools. 2d ed. London, 1825. 8 .... 3593.3 WILSON, William, M. D. Address before the medical soc. of N. Y. 1812. Alb. [1812]. *M.Pph.v.l WILSON, William C. Sermons. 2d ed. v.l. Kirk- by Lonsdale, 1825. 2v. 12 *3459.4 WILSON, William J. E. Anatomical plates illus- trating the arteries. SeeQuain, J 3740.20 WILSON, William R. Records of a route through France and Italy. London, 1835. 8 ... 2273.4 WILTON, Eng. Registrum Wiltunense, Saxoni- cum, et Latinum *2500.5 WILTON-HOUSE, Description of the antiquities in. Kennedy, J 4071.3 WILTSHIRE. Akerman, J. Y. Provincial words used in 2586.34,35 Hoare, R. C. History of ancient Wiltshire . 2500.2 - History of modern Wiltshire 2500.4 - Modern history of South Wiltshire . . . 2500.3 Murray, J. Handbook for travellers in . . . 2486.14 Post-oflSce directory of 2483.1 See also : Lacock abbey, Malmesbury. WIMMER, H. Die Kirche und Schule in Nord- Amerika. Leipzig, 1853. 8 2364.11 WINCHELSEA, Eng., Sketch of. Stockdale, F.W. L. 2503. 19 WINCHESTER, E. Universal restoration exhib- ited. Boston, 1831. 18 3453.36 WINCHESTER, Eng. Ackermann, R. History of the college of 2540.1 Ball, C. Historical account of 2502.11 Milner, J. History and antiquities of . . . 2502.13 Warner, R. History of the bishopric of . . 2472.4 WINCKELMANN, J. J. Ancient art among the Greeks. Transl. by G. H. Lodge. London, 1850. 8 4074.9 Monument! antichi inediti. 2a ed. Roma, 1821. 2v. f *4070.7 Dissertazioni ; supplemento all' opere di. See Raffei, S 4070.8 WINCKLER, J. H. Ontdekkingen der Electriciteyt. Amsterdam, 1745. 8 *M.Pph.v.4 WIND. Alembert, J. le R. d'. Reflexions sur la cause generate des vents E. 212. 13 Coflin, J. H. Winds of the northern hemi- sphere. [Smithsonian contributions, v.6] . 3340.1 Hopkins, T. Atmospheric changes which produce wind 9<>4.6 Maury, M. F. Wind and current charts . . 3951.9 WINDER, C. H. Navy register of the United States. See Mechlin, A. H C. 153.4 WINDHUS, J. Journey to Mequinez. [Knox. New collection of voyages, v.6] 2263.1 - Same. [Pinkerton. Voyages, v.15] . . 2260.13 WINDISCHMANN 890 WINTHKOP Shelf. No. WINDISCHMANN, C. J. H. De penitiori auris in amphibiis structura. Lipsiae, 1831. pp.59. 4. 3870.32 WINDSOR, L. Church authority: sermon at the opening of the convention of the diocese of western New York, 1843. N. Y. 1843. 8.*Pph.v.l37 WINDSOR, Eng. Hakewill, J. History of ... 2500.6 Ritchie, L. Windsor castle and its environs. 2493.10 WINE-MAKING. Dandolo, V. Enologia, ovvero 1'arte di fare i vini, ecc 4003.19 Macculloch, J. Remarks on 4003.25 See also : Wines. WINEE, G. B. Handbuch der theologischcn Lite- ratuf. Leipzig, 1838-40. 2v. 8 *2182.2 - Same, les Ergiinzungs Heft. Literatur bis Ende 1841. Leipzig, 1842. 8 *2182.3 WINES, E. C. Commentaries on the laws of the ancient Hebrews. New York, 1853. 8 . . 3423.2 WINES. Jullien, A. Manuel complet du somme- lier 4003.28 Redding, C. History of modern wines . . . 4003.33 Sec also : Grape, Vine, Vineyards, Wine-making. WING, H. R. Moral and intellectual effects of studying the mathematical and physical sciences, etc. Albany, 1834. 8 .... *Pph.v.93 WING, J. A. Address before the medical society of the state of New York, 1845. Albany, 1845. 8 *M.Pph.v.41 WINIEWSKI, F. Commentarii in Demosthenis orationem de corona. Monasterii, 1829. 8. *2974.5 WINKELMAN, O. R. F. W. Dictionnaire francois- hollandois. Utrecht, 1788. 8" **E.204.6 WINKLES, H. and B. Cathedral churches of Eng- land and Wales. Drawings by R. Garland ; Descr. by T. Moule. London, 1836-42. 3v.4. *4102.1 WINSLOW, B. D. Sermon and poetical remains, [with] the sermon after his decease by G. W. Doane. New York, 1841. 8 3441.8 WINSLOW, C. F. Cosmography, or philosophi- cal views of the universe. Boston, 1853. 12.*3869.10 Preparation of the earth for the intellectual races : a lecture. Boston, 1854. 12 . . . *3869.10 WINSLOW, E. Answer to some passages in Hypo- crisie unmasked, by John Childe. [Force. Tracts, v.4] 2323.3 Visit to Massasoit. [Morton. New Eng- land's memorial] 2321.3 WINSLOW, F. Journal of psychological medicine. London, 1848-59. 12v. 8 *3778.1 Case of Luigi Buranelli medico-legally con- sidered. London, 1855. pp.69. 8 . v.8 of *3778.1 Softening of the brain. London, 1849. pp.32. 8 v.2of *3778.1 WINSLOW, H. Are you a Christian ? Aid to self- examination. 6th ed. Bost. 1843. pp.64. 32. 3446.49 Means of the perpetuity and prosperity of our republic: oration in the Old South church, July 4, 1838. Boston, 1838. 8 . *Pph.V.260 WINSLOW, J. B. Structure of the human body, transl. by G. Douglas. 2d ed. London, 1743. 2v. in 1. 4 *3751.12 - Same. 5th ed. London, 1763. 2v.in 1. 4 .*3751.11 WINSOR, J. History of Duxbury, Mass., with genealogical registers. Boston, 1849. 8 . 2356.2 WINTER, R. War with France: a sermon, May 23, 1756. London, 1756. 8 *3458.18 WINTER displayed : a poem by an American. New York, 1784. pp.40. 8 *2405.20 WINTERBOTHAM, W. Historical, geographical, commercial, and philosophical view of the U. S. and European settlements in America and the W.I. 1st Am. ed. N. i'. 1796. 4v. 8. *2325.7 WINTERBOTTOM, T. M. Medical directions for settlers in hot climates. 2d ed. London, 1803. 12 3797.32 WINTERFIELD, C. G. A. V. v. Der evangelische Kirchengesang und sein Verhiiltniss zur Kunst des Tonsatzes. Leipzig, 1843-47. 3v. 4 *4052.5 Johannes Gabricli und soin Zeitalter. Ber- lin, 1834. 2v. in 1. 4 *4046.14 Shelf. No. WINTERSCHMIDT, A. W. Beobachtung elnerStii- ben-Muke mit sehr viel kleinen Insekten. Niirnberg, 176o. pp.8. 4" *3883.8 WINTIIER, M. Literaturae scientiae rerum Natu- ralium in Dania, [etc.] enchiridion. Hav- niae, 1829. sm.8 *2173.6 WINTHROP, James. Scripture arrangement of prophecies relating to Anti-Christ, with their application to history. Boston, 1795. pp.35. 8 *3429.6 WINTHROP, John, gov. of Mass., b. 1587, d. 1649. Journal of transactions in Mass., 1630-44. [Publ. by N. Webster.] Hartford, 1790. 8. *2321.11 - Same. From 1630 to 1649, with notes by J. Savage. Boston, 1835, 36. 2v. 8 . . . . 2321.10 WINTHROP, John, prof, at Harvard coll.,b. 1714, d. 1779. Lecture on earthquakes. Boston, 1755. pp.38. 8 *3429.6 Lectures on comets. Boston, 1759. pp.44. 8. Appendix, pp.18 *3929.23 - Same. Also an essay on comets by A. Oliver, and a supplement. Boston, 1811. 18 3929.25, **E.189. 19 Letter [on earthquakes] containing an answer to the Rev. Mr. Prince's letter, 28th of Jan. 1756. [No title-page.] 8 *3429.6 Parallax and distance of the sun, as deduci- ble from the transit of Venus. Boston, 1769. 8 *Pph.v.330 Voyage to Newfoundland for the observa- tion of the transit of Venus, June 6, 1761. Boston, 1761. pp.24. 8 3929.24 Funeral sermon on. See Langdon, S. . . . 3458.95 WINTIIUOP, R. C. Address before the Maine his- torical society, at Bowdoin college, Sept. 5, 1849. Boston, 1849. 8 *Pph.v.305 Oration on laying the corner-stone of the national monument to the memory of Wash- ington. Washington, 1848. 8 .... *Pph.v.l02 Addresses and speeches. Boston, 1852. 8 . 2404.7 Contents. The pilgrim fathers, New York, Dec. 23, 1839; Influence of commerce, Boston, Oct. 15, 184/i; National monument to Washington, Washington, July 4, 1848 ; Life and services of James Bowdoin, Bowdoin college, Sept. 5, 1849 ; Free schools and free governments, Boston, Dec. 30, 1838; The Bible, Bos- ton, Hay 28, 1849 ; Compensation for the destruction of the Ursuline convent, Ho. of Rep. of Mass., March 12, 1835; Testimony of infidels, Ho. of Kep. of Mass., Feb. 11, 1830 ; Protection to domestic industry, Ho. of Rep. of Mass., Feb. 15, 1837; Congratulations to the whigs of New York, Nov. 22, 1837 ; Sub-treasury sys- tem, Ho. of Rep. of Mass., March 26, 1838; Votes of in- terested members, Ho. of Rep. of Mass., Feb. 19, 1840 j Reply to a vote of thanks, passed by the Ho. of Rep. of Mass., March 21,1810; Proceeds of the public lands, Ho. of Rep. of the U. S., July 2, 1841 ; Policy of dis- criminating duties, Ho. of Rep. of the U. S., Dec. 30, 1841 ; Imprisonment of free colored seamen, Ho. of Rep. of the U. S., Jan. 20, 1843 ; Safe keeping of the public moneys. Ho. of Rep. of the U. S., Jan. 25, 1843; Credit of Massachusetts vindicated, Boston, Oct. 12, 1843 ; Right of petition, Ho. of Rep. of the U. S., Jan. 23, 1844; Oregon question and the treaty of Washing- ton, Ho. of Rep. of the U. S., March 18, 1844; Annex- ation of Texas, Ho. of Rep. of the U. S., Jan. C, 1845 ; Great Britain and the United States, Ho. of Rep. of the U.S., Feb. 1,1845; Arbitration of the Oregon ques- tion, Ho. of Rep. of the U. S., Jan. 3, 1846; River and harbor improvements, Ho. of Rep. of the U.S., March 12, 1846 ; Wants of the government and wages of labor, Ho. of Rep. of the U. S., June 28, 1846 ; Whig predictions and whig policy, Faneuil hall, Sept. 23, 1840; War with Mexico, Ho. of Rep. of the U. S., Jan. 8, 1847 ; Conquest of the Mexican territory, Ho. of Rep. of the U. 8., Feb. 22, 1847; Address on taking the chair as speaker, Ho. of Rep. of the U. S., Dec. 6, 1847; Death of J. Q. Adams, Ho. of Rep. of the U. S., Feb. 24, 1848 ; Horticulture, Faneuil hall, Sept. 22, 1848; The city of Washington, Dec. 20, 1848; Reply to a vote of thanks, Ho. of Rep. of the U.S., March, 4. 1849; Personal vindication, Ho. of Rep. of the U. S., Feb. 21, 1850; Death of J. C. Cnlhoun, Ho. of Rep. of the U. S., April 1, 1850; Admission of California, and the adjustment of the slavery question, Ho. of Rep. of the U. S., May 8, 1850 ; Death of president Taylor, Ho. of Rep. of the U. S., July 10,1850 ; Death of Daniel P. King, Ho. of Rep. of the U. S., July 27, 1850; To the people of Bo- WINTHROP 891 WOLF Shelf. No. WINTHROP, R. C. continued. ton, July 30, 18.50; Boundary of New Mexico and Texas, Sen. of the U.S.. Aug. 14, 1850; Protest against the admission of California, Sen. of the U. S., Aug.14, 1850 ; Fugitive slave law, Sen. of the U. S., Aug. 19, 1850; Ottoman empire, Boston, Nov. 4, ia50; Religious instruction of the young, Warren-street chapel asso- ciation, April 27, 1851; American revolution, Faneuil hall, July 4, 1851 ; Railroad jubilee, Boston, Sept. 19, 1851 ; Agriculture, Lowell, Sept. 24, 1 -.51 : Mechanic arts, Faneuil hall, Oct. 1, 1851 ; Agricultural educa- tion, Northampton, Oct. 9, 1851 ; Massachusetts in 1775, Acton, Oct. 29, 1851. WINTHROP, T. L., Memoirs of. [American anti- quarian society. Transactions, v.3] . . . 2311.1 and Everett, E. Address of the committee for the relief of the Greeks. [Boston, 1823.] 8. [No title-page] *Fph.v.252 WINTHROP, Maine, History of. Thurston,D. . . 2339.9 WINWOOD, Sir R. Memorials of affairs of state. Coll. by E. Sawyer. London, 1725. 3v. f . *2540.4 WIPPO. Vita Chunradi Salici [Conradi II] im- peratoris; Opuscula diversa. [Migne. Pa- trologiaev.H2] 3460.21 WIRGMAN, T. Arg-ument for the divarication of the New Testament into doctrine or word of God, history or word of man. 3d ed. London, 1835. 8 *Pph.v.l63 WlRRAL, History of the hundred of. Mortimer, W. W 2502.14 WlRT, W. Address before the societies of Rut- gers college. New Brunswick, 1S30. 8.*Pph.v.83 Discourse on the lives and characters of Jef- ferson and Adams. Wash. 1820. 8 . . *Pph.v.66 Letter to the anti-masonic committee of York county. See Rush, R Pph.v.286 WISCONSIN. Statistics of Dane county; with a sketch of Madison. Madison, 1852. 8. *Pph.v.200 Lapham, I. A. Antiquities of. [Smithsonian contributions, v.7] 3340.1 Early history of. See Sketches of the west. 2373.5 Owen, D. D. Report of a geological survey of. C.150.2 WISDOM. Charron, P. Of wisdom : three books . 3585.18 - De la sagesse, trois livres 358C.5 WISE, H. A. Speech in the house of representa- tives of the United States on the causes of the loss of the fortification bill of the last session. ia36. 8. [No title-page] . . . *Pph.v.96 Biographical sketch of. See Hambleton, J. P. 2343.7 WISE, Rev. John. Churches quarrel espoused. Boston, 1772. pp. 90. 8 *3547.21 Vindication of the government of New Eng- land churches. Boston, 1772. pp.80. 8 . *3547.21 WISE, John, aeronaut. System of aeronautics. Philadelphia, 1850. 8 3964.2 WISNER, B. B. History of the Old South church in Boston: four sermons. Boston, 1830. 8 2354.7, *Pph.v.239, **E.224.12 Sermon occasioned by the death of Hon. W. Phillips. Boston, 1827. 8 **E.224.12 WISTAR, C. Anatomy for students. 3d ed. by W. E. Horner. Phila. 1825. 2v. 8 ... 3751.13 Eulogiuin on Dr. William Shippen, March, 1809. Philadelphia, 1818. 8 *M.Pph.v.42 Tribute to the memory of. Hosack, D.. M.Pph.v.8 WITCHCRAFT. Beaumont, J. Treatise on . . . 3609.3 Calef, R. More wonders of the invisible world. 2358.30 Hutchinson, F. Historical essay concerning. 3009.2 Potts, T. Discovery of witches in Lancaster. 2415.3 Salem witchcraft. See Blue laws 2357.4 See also : Demonology. WITCHES and witchcrafts, A dialogue concerning. See Gifford, G. [Percy society, v. 8] .. . .2537.10 WITH, J. Vivae imagines et ritvs incolarvm eivs provincias in America, qvae Virginia appel- lata est ab Anglis. [Bry. Collectiones per- egrinationum, Ser. 1, v.l] 2360.26 WITHER, G. Hallelujah : Hymns, songs, and moral odes. Introduction by E. Farr. Lon- don, 1857. 12 2609.18 Hymns and songs of the church. Introduc- tion by E. Fia-r. London, 1650. 16 ... 3449.7 Shelf. No. WITHERELL, G. Facts in the case of Rev. G. Witherelt. Boston, 1831. 8 *Pph.v.286 WITHERING, W. Account of the scarlet fever, and sore throat, particularly at Birming- ham, 1778. 2ded. London, 1793. 8" . *M.Pph.v.72 Arrangement of British plants. 7th ed. by W. Withering, esq. London, 1830. 4v. 8. 3852.7 Letters from, on asthma and consumption. See Beddoes, T M.Pph.v.108 WITHERSPOON, J. Sermon preached at Prince- ton, 17th May, 1770, being the general fast. Added, address to the natives of Scotland in America. Philadelphia, 1770. pp.78. 8. *3458.72 Sermon on the death of. See Rodger*, J. Pph.v.32 WITHINGTON, L. Penitential tears, or a cry from the dust, by the thirty-one [schoolmasters]. Boston, 1845. 8 *Pph.V.141 WITHINGTON, N. Travels. See Cockburn, J. . . 2307.5 WITSEN, N. Pereira's journey. See Orleans, P. J.d' 2204.14 WITT, C. de. Histoire de Washington, ct etude historique, par Guizot. Paris, 1855. 8 . . 2341.4 WITZLEBEN, C. A. F. v. Romantische Wande- rung durch die sachsische Schweiz. Leip- zig, n.d. 8. [Das malerische und roman- tische Deutsehland] *2SG2.4 WIVELL, A. Bust of Shakspeare in the church at Stratford-upon-Avou. Lond. 1827. pp.23. 8. 2597.22 Wix, S. Scriptural illustrations of the thirty-nine articles. London, 1803. 8 3452.14 WOHLER, F. Annalen der Chemie und Pharma- cie. See Brandes, R 3288.1 WOLBERO. Commentaria in Cantica canticorum. [Migne. Patrologiao v.195] 3470.17 WOLCOTT, J. The works of Peter Pindar, esq. London, 1794-1801. 5v. 8 *2566.10 Contents. Vol. I. A supplicating epistle to the reviewers ; Lyric odes to the royal academicians, for 1782,83,85; Farewell odes, 1786; The lousiad: Congrat- ulatory epistle to James Boswell; Bozzi and Piozzi, a town eclogue; Ode upon ode, or a peep at St. James's. II. Apologetic postscript to ode upon ode; Instruc- tions to a celebrated laureat: Brother Peter to brother Tom ; Peter's prophecy ; Peter's pension, a solemn epistle ; Sir J. Banks and the emperor of Morocco ; Epistle to a falling minister ; Subjects for painters ; Expostulary odes; Benevolent epistle to master John Nichols ; A Rowland for an Oliver ; Advice to the future lanreat; Epistle to James Bruce, esq. III. The rights of kings ; Odes to Mr. Paine ; The remon- strance ; More money ; Odes of importance ; The tears of St. Margaret ; Pair of lyric epistles to lord Macartney; Odes to Kien Long; Epistle to the pope ; Pathetic odes to the duke of Richmond; Celebration. IV. The lousiad, canto 5 ; Hair powder, a plaintive epistle to Mr. Pitt; Frogmore fete ; Royal tour and Weymouth amusements; Pindariana, or Peter's port- folio; Convention bill, an ode. V. One thousand seven hundred and ninety-six ; Ode to the livery of London ; Liberty 's last squeak; Royal visit to Exeter; Out at last; Lord Auckland's triumph ; Nil admirari; Tales of the hoy ; Odes to ins and outs ; Tears and smiles ; Epistle to count Rumford. WOLCOTT, O. Address to the people of the U. S. on the report of a committee appointed to examine the treasury. Boston, 1802. 8 . *Pph.v.33 Remarks on the present state of currency, credit, commerce, and national industry. New York, 1820. 8 *Pph.v.33 Memoirs of the administrations of Washing- ton and John Adams. See Gibbs, G. . . . 2323.2 WOLCOTT, R., Discourse on the death of. See Perry, J. 345fi.50 WOLF, Ferdinand. Uber die Lais, Sequenzen und Leiche. Heidelberg, 1841. 8 *2173.8 WOLF, Friedrich A. Darstellung der Alterthums- wissenschaft, herausgegeben von S. F. W. Hoffmann. Leipzig, 1839. 8 2211.7 Vorlesungen iiber die Alterthumswissen- schaft, herausgegeben von J. D. Giirtler und S. F. W. Hoffmann. Leipzig, 1835-39. 5v. 8 2211.6 Korte, W. Leben und Studien 284(5.6 Sopra i prolegomeni all' edizione di Omero delF. A. W. [Cesarotti. Opere, v.9J .. 2798.1 WOLF 892 WOMB Shelf. No. WOLF, G. F. Unterricht im Klavierspielen. 2 Theil in Iv. 3te Aufl. Halle, 1789. 8 . . *4056.10 Kurzgefasstes musikalischcs Lexicon. Halle, 1787. 8 *4040.28 WOLF, Johann. Taschenbuch der deutschen V6- gelkunde. See Meyer, B 3905.11 WOLF, Johann C. Mvliervm Graecarvm fragmenta, Gr. et Lat. Accedit foeminarvm olim illvs- trivm catalogvs. Gottinga;, 1*39. 4 ... *2963.4 WOLF, Johann W. Niederliindische Sagen. Leip- zig, 1843. 8 2902.6 WOLFE, C. Remains, with life by J. A. Russell. 4th ed. London, 1829. 8 3443.12 WOLFE, J. Life, with an inscription, Latin and English. Boston, 1700. pp.36. 8 .... *2348.25 WOLFF, C. Anfangs-Griinde aller mathemati- schen Wissenschafften. 3te Aufl. Frank- furt and Leipzig, 1725. Iv. 8. pi. . . **E. 199.25 WOLFF, E. T. Quellen-Literatur der theorctisch- organischen Chemie. Halle, 1845. 8 . . . *2173.3 WOLFF, J. H. Beitrage zur Aesthetik der Bau- kunst. Leipzig und Darmstadt, 1834. 8.. 4093.2 WOLFF, Rev. Joseph. Missionary journal and memoir. Ed. by J. Bayford. New York, 1824. 12 3534.17 - Same. Second ed. of Vol. 1. London, 1827-29. 3v. 8 3534.8 Journal, 1827 to 1831, and 1*35 to 1838. London, 1839. 8 3534.10 Researches and missionary labors, 1831-34. 2d ed. London, 1835. 8 3534.9 WOLFF, O. L. B. Encyclopedic der deutschen Na- tionalliteratur. Leipzig, 1835-47. 8v. 4. *2871.1 WOLFHAD, or Wulfadus. Epistola pastoralis. [Migne. Patrologiae v.121] 3460.4 WOLFHARD. Vita S. Walpurgis, abbatissa Hei- denheimensis ; Prsefationes in libros suos xn de actis sanctorum. [Migne. Patro- logiae v.129] v. 3 of 3460.8 WOLFHELM, or Wolphelm. Vita, auctore Con- rado; Opuscula. [Migne. Patrologiae v. 154]. 3460.31 WOLLASTON, W. Religion of nature delineated. London, 1726. 4 *3480.6 Religion of nature, considered and refuted. See Bott, T Pph.v.31 WOLLE, C. De verbis Graecorvm mediis com- mentationes. Ed. altera. Lipsiae, 1752. 16. 2985.14 Contents. Lvdolphi Kvsteri de vero vsv verborvm medionrm apvd Graecos dissert., ct de eorvndemqye differentia a verbis activis ct passivis ; loaunis Clerici de verbis Graecorvm mediis dissertatio, ex Gallico sermone Latine vertit C. Wollo ; Samvel Clarke de priino ac proprio vsv verborvm mediorvm Homerico; Erasmi Schmidii de verbis Graocorvm mediis disser- tatio; Christophori Wollii de verbis Graecorvm mediig dissertatio, exemplis cvm saeris tvm profanis itervm illvminata. WOLLICK, N. Opus aureum musice castigatissimu de Gregoriana, etc. Colonie, 1501. 4 . .*4047.17 WOLLSTONECRAFT, M. Memoirs. Godwin, W. 2458.33 WOLOWSKI, L. F. M. R. Etudes d 'economic poli- tique et de statistique. Paris, 1848. 8 . . 3642.8 Contents. Le pauperisme desFlandres; L'exposi- tion agricole et industrielle de Bruxelles ; Le com- merce des grains ; L'union douaniere j De la liberte commerciale; De la Btatistique. WOLSET, T. II cardinale Wolsey e la santa sede. [Archivio storico italiano. App. v.9] . . . 5245.2 Storer, T. Life and death of 2591.13 Thomson, Mrs. A. T. Life. [London. Society for the diff. of useful knowledge. Lives], . E.212.8 WOLSTAN. Vita S. Ethelwoldi episcopi Wintoni- ensis. [Migne. Patrologise v.137] .... 3460.16 WOLTER, J. W. Plantae offlcinales. See Nees von Esenbeck, T. F. L 3780.4 WOLTJE, C. L. H. Versuch einer rationellen Con- struction des modernen Tonsystems. Cclle, 1832. 16 *4049.44 WOLTMANN, C. L. v. Kleine historische Schriften. Jena, 1797. 2v.ini. 16" 2836.19 Contents. Geschichte der Ilohenstaufen in Ita- lien; Biographische Fragraente. Shelf. No. WOMAN. Godwin, W. Rights of 2458.33 Grimke", S. M. Condition of 3574.35 Higginson, T. W. Woman and her wishes . 3443.24 Morgan, S. O. Woman and her master . . . 3574.24 Ossoli, S. M. F. d' Woman in the nineteenth century 2407.3 Parker, T. Public function of 3443.2 Virey, J. J. De la fcmme 3574.3 Young, S. Influence of Pph.v.97 WOMEN. Balfour, C. L. Working women of the last half century 3574.29 Ballard, G. Ladies of Great Britain cele- brated for their writings 2451.6 Barberino, F. da. Del reggimento e dei cos- tumi delle donne 2793.16 Branagan, T. The excellency of the female character vindicated 3574.32 Campbell, M. A. Thoughts on female educa- tion Pph.v.218 Canonici-Fachini, G. Donne italiane .... 2162.7 Cobbett, W. Advice to young women . . . 3574.30 Cousin, V. Femmes au xvue siecle . . . .2658.1,2 Coxe, M. Claims of the country on American females 3574.23 Duty of American women to their country . 3574.31 Ellis, S. S. Women of England 3574.25 Ferrucci, C. F. Degli studii delle donne . . 3598.16 Halsted, C. A. Obligations of literature to the mothers of England '. 3574.8 Jameson, A. Characteristics of 3574.7 Knapp, S. L. Female biography 2346.19 Levati, A. Dizionario delle donne illustri . 2242.4 Maintenon, F. d'A. Sur 1'education des filles. 3598.13 Menage, G. Historia mulierum philosopha- rum 2259.2 Roussel, P. Systeme physique et moral de la femme 3776.30 Sainte-Beuve, C. A. Portraits de femmes . 2670.4 Smith, B. L. Laws concerning women . . . 3634.7 Thomas, A. L. Essay on 3574.34 Tilt, E. J. Preservation of the health of . . 3779.10 Tuckerman, J. Wages of females 3570.71 Wakefield, P. Present condition of the fe- male sex 3574.33 West, J. Duties and character of women . 3574.4 Willard, E. Plan for female education . . Pph.v.47 Wolf, J. C. Mulierum Grajcarum quae ora- tione prosa usae sunt fragmenta 2963.4 Diseases of. Ashwell, S. Diseases of 3776.37 Astruc, J. Diseases of 3776.4 Blundcll, J. Diseases of 3774.8 Boyveau-Laffecteur. Maladies des femmes . 3775.23 Brown, I. B. Some diseases of 3775.3 Burns, J. Diseases of 3774.10,11 Capuron, J. Maladies des femmes 3775.22 Chambon de Montaux, N. Maladies dea femmes . 3775.24 Churchill, F. Diseases peculiar to 3776.10 Clarke, C. M. Diseases of females 3775.5 Colombat de L'Isere, M. Diseases and spe- cial hygiene of females 3775.6 Dewees, W. P. Diseases of females . . . .3775.8,9 Gardien, C. M. Maladies des femmes . . . 3775.25 Hall, M. Diseases of females 3775.11,12 Ingleby, J. T. Diseases incidental to females. 3773.16 Johnson W. Diseases of young women . . 3776.19 Leake, J. Chronic diseases peculiar to ... 3776.21 Mercuriale, G. De morbis muliebribus . . . 3775.1 Musitano, C. Tractatus de morbis mulie- rum 3775.16 Osiander, F. B. Entwickelungskrankheiten des weiblichen Geschlechts 3776.28 Roberton, J. Diseases of 3775.19 Vigarous, J. M. J. Maladies des femmes . . 3775.21 See also : Breast, Fluor albus, Hysteria, Leucor- rhoea, Menstruation, Midwifery, Mothers, Ovario- tomy, Uterus, Womb. WOMB. Merriman, S. Retroversion of the.M.Pph.v.119 Tilt, E. J. Affections of the 3776.33 893 WOODWORTH Shelf. No. WOOD, A. a. Athens Oxonienses. [Also] the Fasti. New ed. with additions, and a con- tinuation by P. Bliss. Lond. 1813-20. 4v. 4. 2540.21 Life. See Huddesford, W 2455.3 WOOD, Benjamin. Sermon at the interment of Mrs. R. Ruggles. Worcester, 1811. 8 . *Pph.v.64 WOOD, Bradford R. Speech in the house of rep- resentatives on the Oregon question. Wash- ing-ton, 1840. 8 *Pph.v.l52 Speech in the house of representatives on the three million appropriation bill and the Wilmot proviso. Washington, 1847. 8.*Pph.v.l59 WOOD, G. B. Address to the medical graduates of Pennsylvania university. Philadelphia, 1836. 8" *M.Pph.T.29 . Introductory to the course of lectures on the theory and practice of medicine in the uni- versity of Pa. Philadelphia, 1850. 8.*M.Pph.v.47 Memoir of the life and character of J. Parrish, M. D. Philadelphia, 1840. 8" .... *M.Pph.v.35 WOOD, James. Elements of optics. Cambridge, 1799. 8 **E.176.6 WOOD, John, of Edinburgh. New theory of the diurnal rotation of the earth. Richmond, 1809. pp.88. 8. pi **E. 224.8 WOOD, John. History of the administration of John Adams. New York, 1802. 8 ... *Pph.v.65 Sources from which the history of the admin- istration of J. Adams was compiled, and the motives for its suppression by Burr. 2d ed. New York, 1802. 8 *Pph.v.ll Narrative of the suppression of the history of the administration of John Adams. New York, 1802. 8 . . . *Pph.v.ll WOOD, Lieut. John. Journey to the source of the Oxus, 1836-38. London, 1841. 8 3045.1 WOOD, N. Practical treatise on rail roads. 3d ed. London, 1838. 8 4015.3 WOOD, R. Essay on Homer, with a comparative view of the ancient and present state of the Troade. London, 1775. 4 *2991.11 Comparazione dello stato attuale della Troade collo tato nel tempo d'Omero. [Cesarotti. Opere, v.10, p.l] 2798.1 Journey to Palmyra, and account of the ruins of Balbec. [Knox. Voyages, v.6] .... 2263.1 WOOD, Silas. First settlement of the towns on Long Island. Brooklyn.N. Y. 1824. 8.*Pph.v.56 - Same. Rev. ed. Brooklyn, N.Y. 1826. 8. 2371.19 WOOD, S. S. and W. Catalogue of medical books. New York, 1854. 12 *2186.4 WOOD, T. Mixture of fact and fable in the early annals of Ireland. Dublin, 1818. 4.v.l3 of *3290.6 WOOD, William. Description of Massachusetts. [Young. First planters] 2352.4 WOOD, William, F. E. S. Index entomologicus. New ed. by J. O. Westwood. Lond. 1854. 8. 3882.5 Index testaceologicus. London, 1825. 8 . . 3884.29 - Same. Supplement. London, 1828. 8" . 3884.30 WOOD engraving. See Engraving. WOODARD, D., Narrative of. See Vaughan, W. E.225.11 WOODBEE family. A sketch of several distin- guished members of the Woodbee family. [A political satire.] New York, 1823. 8.*Pph.v.58 WOODB RIDGE, W. C. American annals of educa- tion and instruction. Vol. i-V. Boston, 1831- 35. 5v. 8 **E.217.2 Sketches of Hofwyl. See Letters fr. Hofwyl. 3596.2 WOODBURY, C. L., and Minot, G. Reports of cases in the U. S. circuit court, 1st circuit, [1845-47]. Boston, 1847-52. 3v. 8 .... *3704.2 WOODBURT, L. Writings ; political, judicial, and literary. Boston, 1852. 3v. 8 2401.1 Address before the American institute of New York city. New York, 1849. 8 .... *Pph.v.l80 Letter from the secretary of the treasury transmitting information in relation to steam-engines, etc. [Wash. 1839.] 8 . *Pph.v.l06 Tables and notes on the cultivation [etc.] of cotton. Washington, 1&36. 8 .... *Pph.v.l04 Shelf. No. WOODBURT, W. H. Key to the new method with the German language. New York, 1856. 12. 7099.29 Shorter course with the German language. 6th ed. New York, 1855. 12 7099.28 WOODDESON, R. View of the laws of England. Dublin, 1792-94. 3v. 8 3625.11 WOODFORDE, J. On dyspepsia, hypochondriasis, and hysteria. 2d ed. enl. London, 1821. 12". 3779.25 WOODHOUSE, J. Inaugural dissertation on the chemical and medical properties of the persimmon tree, and the analysis of astrin- gent vegetables. Phila. [1792.] 8. *M.Pph.v.2,49 WOODHOUSE, R. Elementary treatise on astron- omy. Cambridge, 1812. 8 **E. 187.8 Principles of analytical calculation. Cam- bridge, 1803. 4 **E.194.10 Treatise on isoperimetrical problems. Cam- bridge, 1810. 8 **E.195.2 Treatise on plane and spherical trigonometry. Cambridge, 1813. 8 **E.196.12 WOODHOUSELEE, lord. See Tytler, A. F. WOODMAN, H. Reports of criminal cases in the municipal court of Boston, before judge Thacher. Boston, 1845. 8' 3684.1 WOODLAWN cemetery in North Chelsea and Mai- den. Boston, 1856. 8 2356.22 WOODS, E. Consumption of fuel and evaporation of water. [Tredgold. Steam engine, v.l]. 4011.7 WOODS, J. Letters of an architect from France, Italy, and Greece. London, 1828. 2v. 4. *4090.20 WOODS, Leonard, D.D., b. 1774, d. 1854. Works. Boston, 1851. 5v. 8 3477.18 Contents. Vol. I-m. Lectures. IV. Letters and essays. V. Essays and sermons. Envy wishes, then believes : an oration at Cambridge. Leominster, [Ms.], 1796. 8.*Pph.v.317 Letters to Unitarians. Andover, 1820. 8. *Pph.v.271 Sermon at the ordination of Newell, Judson, Nott, Hall, and Rice. Boston, 1812. 8. *Pph.v.l3 WOODS, Leonard, D.D., pres. of Bowdoin college. Eulogy on Daniel Webster, by request of the city government and citizens of Port- land, 1852. Brunswick, 1852. 8 .... *Pph.v.264 WOODS, T. Monster telescopes erected by the earl of Rosse. 3d ed. Parsonstown, 1845. pp.54. 8" 3929.1 WOODSTOCK, Vt. Vermont medical college. Cat- alogue of the trustees, examiners, faculty, and students, for 1838-40. Woodstock, 1838- 40. 8 *M.Pph.v. 33-35 WOODVILLE, W. History of the inoculation of the small-pox in Great Britain. London, 1796. 2v. 8 3790.44 Medical botany. 2d and 3d eds. London, 1810-32. 5v. 4 3851.8 Observations on the cow-pox. London, 1800. 8 *M.Pph.v.59 WOODWARD, A. L. B. System of universal sci- ence. Philadelphia, 1816. 4" *2120.1 WOODWARD, H. Essays, thoughts, reflections, and sermons. London, 1836. 8 3441.20 WOODWARD, J. Account of some Roman urns, and other antiquities lately digg'd up near Bishops-gate. Oxford, 1744. 8. [Leland. Itinerary] v.4of*2477.1 WOODWARD, S. B. Essays on asylums for inebri- ates. [Worcester, 1836.] 8 .... *M.Pph.v.l29 WOODWORTH, J. Remarks on the attorney gen- eral's report to the senate [of N. Y. on manor titles. No title-page.] 12 . . *Pph.v.200 WOODWORTH, John. Reminiscences of Troy, from its settlement, 1790, to 1807. Alb. 1853. 8.*Pph.v.l94 WOODWORTH, S. Beasts at law, or zoologian ju- risprudence : a poem, translated from the Arabic of Sampfilius Philoerin [W. Samp- son]. New York, 1811. 12 *Pph.v.205 Melodies, songs, and ballads. 3d ed. New York, 1831. 18 2399.52 Quarter-day, or the horrors of the first of May: a poem. New York, 1812. 12. . *Pph.v.205 WOODWORTH 894 WORSLEY Shelf. No. WOODWORTII, "W. Oration before the young men's association, July 4, 1834. Alb. m34. 8. *Pph.v.91 WOOL. Day, T. Letter to Arthur Young on the bill now depending in parliament to prevent the exportation of 2455.12 Ribbe, J. C. Das Schaf und die Wolle . . . 3651.21 Smith, J. Memoirs of 3651.1 Southey, T. Colonial wools 3651.15 See also: Worsted. WOOLHOUSE, W. S. B. General theory of the steam engine. [Tredgold. Steam eng., v.3]. 4011.7 WOOLL, J. Memoirs of Rev. Joseph Warton, D.D., with select works. London, 1806. 4 *2541.8 WOOLLEN manufacture, History of the. Bis- choff, J 3651.13 WOOLMAN, J. Life, gospel labours, and Chris- tian experiences. Warrington, 1840. 12. 3542.13 Memoir of. See Tract association of friends. 3542.18 WOOLNOTH, W. Illustration of the cathedral of Canterbury. London, 1816. 4 *4101.8 WOOLRYCH, H. W. Life of Sir Edward Coke. London, 1826. 8 2446.6 Life of Judge Jeffreys. London, 1827. 8 . . 2446.8 WOOLSEY, T. D. Historical discourse before the graduates of Yale college, 150 years after the founding of that institution. New Ha- ven, 1850. 8 3592.24 WOOLTON, J. Christian manual. Cambridge, 1851. 12. [Parker society] 3499.5 WORCESTER, J. E. Dictionary of the English language. Boston, 1860. 1.4 2580.6 Elements of history, ancient and modern. Boston, 184-. 12 7039.19 - Same. New ed. Boston, 1851. 12" . . . 7039.18 Geographical dictionary, or universal gazet- teer, ancient and modern. Andover, 1817. 2v. 8 **E.205.2 Historical atlas. 4th ed. Boston, 1830. f . *2210.3 [Reply to Messrs. G. and C. Merriam's attack upon the character of Dr. Worcester and his dictionaries.] Boston, 1854. 8 . . *Pph.v.203 [Testimonials to the excellence of the univer- sal dictionary of the English language.] Boston, 1848. 8 *Pph.v.l69 WORCESTER, Noah, D.D. Address to the trinita- rian clergy, relating to their manner of treating opponents. 2d ed. New York, 1812. 12 *Pph.v.212 The atoning sacrifice, a display of love. Cam- bridge, 1829. 12" 3462.20 Bible news, or sacred truths relating to God, his Son, and Spirit. 2ded. Bost. 1812. 12. 3462.24 Doctrine of pronouns applied to Christ's tes- timony of himself. 2ded. Bost. 1831. 12.*Pph.v. 219 Friend of peace. Boston, 1815-21. 2v. 8 . 3577.4 Solemn review of the custom of war, by Philo Pacificus. 5th ed. Cambridge, 1816. 8 . *Pph.v.254 WORCESTER, Noah, M.D. Diseases of the skin. 2d ed. Philadelphia, 1850. 8 3790.56 WORCESTER, Samuel, esq. Address delivered at the anniversary of the Mass, peace society, Dec. 25, 1827. Cambridge, 1828. 8 . . *Pph.v.236 WORCESTER, Samuel, D.D., of Salem, b. 1771, d. 1821. Letter to Rev. W. E. Channing on his letter to Rev. S. C. Thacher relating to the review in the Panoplist of American unitarianism. 2d ed. Boston, 1815. 8. . . 3462.27, *Pph.v. 12 Sermons on various subjects. Salem, 1823. 8. 3441.21 Remarks on Dr. W.'s letter on the review of unitarianism. See Channing, W. E. . . . 3462.27 WORCESTER, Samuel M. First centennial anni- versary of the Tabernacle church, Salem. Salem, 1835. 8 2356.9 WORCESTER, T. Discourse on the testimony by which the Son of God honored his Father. Boston, 1810. pp.28. 8 *3441.4 Ecclesiastical usurpation and strange incon- sistency exposed : a letter to Rev. S. Pay- son. Concord, 1815. pp.23. 8 *3441.4 Shelf. No. WORCESTER, T. continued. Sermon on the divine sonsliip of Christ. Concord, 1810. pp.36. 8 *3441.4 WORCESTER, Mass. Howland, H. J. W. as it is. 2350.18 Lincoln, W. History of 2356.20 American antiquarian society. Address to the members, laws, list of donations, [etc.]. Worcester, 1819. 8 *Pph.v.23 - Communication from the president, 1814, with the laws of the society. Worcester, n.d. 8 *Pph.v.l6 - Transactions and collections. Vol.ni. [Worcester], 1837. 8 s 2311.1 Contents. Records of the company of the Mass, bay, to the embarkation of Winthrop and his asso- ciates for New England; Diaries of John Hull, mint- master and treasurer of the colony of Mass, bay, from the original MS., with a memoir of the author; Me- moirs of Hon. Thomas Lindall Winthrop, and of Hon. John Davis. WORCESTER county republican convention, 1st Sept. 1812. [Proceedings and report.] Wor- cester, 1812. 8 *Pph.v.64 WORCESTER gazette. See Massachusetts spy. WORCESTER, Eng. Green, V. History and an- tiquities of 2501.12 Thomas, W. Cathedral church at 2502.15 WORCESTERSHIRE, Eng. Allies, J. Antiquities and folk-lore of 2502.18 Chambers, J. Biographical illustrations of . 2443.7 Domesday of 2500.8 Nash, T. R. Collections for the history of . 2500.7 Noake, J. Notes and queries for 2499.2 Post-office directory of 2484.12 See also : Evesham. WORD in season to the traders and manufacturers [of ] Gt. Britain. 6th ed. Lond. 1792. 8. *Pph.v.329 WORDS. Le Mesurier, H. Mer-cur-ius, or the word-maker 2956.14 Manno, G. Delia fortuna delle parole . . . 2789.4 WORDSWORTH, C. Athens and Attica: a tour. 3d ed. London, 1855. 12 3078.3 Ecclesiastical biography of England. 3d ed. London, 1839. 4v. 8 3553.6 Greece : pictorial, descriptive, and historical ; and a history of Greek art. New ed. Lon- don, 1853. imp.8 3071.11 St. Hippolytus and the church of Rome in the 3d century. London, 1853. 8 3513.7 WORDSWORTH, W. Biography. See Hood, E. P, 2458.2 WORKING women of the last half century. Bal- four, C. L 3574.29 WORLD, [universe], Lambert, J. H. System of the E. 189.21 Pontecoulant, G. de. Theorie analytique du systeme du monde 3915.6 WORLD. Colossus globe, 1856. SeeWyld, J. . . *D. See also : Atlas, Geography, Travels, Voyages. WORLD in miniature. Hamel, N 2289.9 WORLD, A, without souls. Cunningham, J. W. . 2559.24 WORLD'S fair. See Industrial exhibition. WORLDS, Plurality of. Fontenelle, B. Le B. de. Sur la pluralite des mondes 3929.20 - Conversations on 3929.11 WORMS. See Helminthology. WORMS, Intestinal. Jordens, J. H. Helmintho- logie des menschlichen KSrpers 3892.2 Zeder, J. G. H. Naturgeschichte der Einge- weidewiirmer 3760.31 See also : Entozoa, Verminous diseases. WORRALL, J. Bibliotheca legum, or law books of this realm. London, 1753. 12 *2185.9 WORSAAE, J. J. A. Primeval antiquities of Den- mark, translated by W. J. Thorns. Lon- don, 1849. 8 2832.1 WORSLEY, H. Juvenile depravity. Lond. 1849. 12. 3575.28 WORSLEY, I. American Indians the descendants of the ten tribes of Israel. Lond. 1828. 12. 2366. 13 WORSLEY, R. History of the Isle of Wight. London, 1781. 4 *2491.2 WORSTED 895 WRITING Shelf. No. WORSTED manufacture in. England, History of. James, J 4016.8 WORTH, G. A. Recollections of Albany. Albany, 1S49. 8 *Pph.v.l80 WORTHIES of England. Fuller, T 2441.2 WORTHINGTON, J. Diary and correspondence. Vol.i, n, p.l. Ed. by James Crossley. n.p. 1847-55. 2v. in 1. sm.4. [Chetliam soci- ety, No. 13, 36] *2415.9 WORTHINGTON family. See Goodwin, K 2332.8 WOTTON, Sir H. Poems, ed. by Rev. Alex. Dyce. London, 1843. pp.22 and viii. p. 8". [Percy society publications, v.6] *2537.8 Reliquia;Wottonianae. Lond. 1651. sm.l2. *2569.4 Elements of architecture. See Freart de Chambray, R 4090.11 Poems. See Hannah, J 2549.18 WOTTON, W. Reflections upon ancient and mod- ern learning. 2ded. London, 1797. 8. . 2959.1 WOTTON, Mr. Bart'lemy fair, or an enquiry after wit, [attack on Shaftesbury's letter concern- ing enthusiasm]. London, 1709. 8 . . *Pph.v.31 WOUNDS. Bell,J. Principles of surgery relating to 3744.21 Gericke, F. A. Dissertatio inauguralis medica delajsionumlethaliumdivisionibus . .M.Pph.v.113 Larrey, D. J. Observations on 3755.1 WOUTERS, F. Histoire de 1'assemblee nationale. Bruxelles, 1848. 6v. roy.8 *4641.1 WOWER, or Woweren, J. van. De polymathiai. [Gronovius. Thes. Graec. antiq. v.10] . . . 2960.2 WOYDA, C. Briefe eines franzosischen Offiziers geschrieben im Jahre 1800 aus Steiermark, Kiiruthen, Italicn, der Schweiz, Baiern und Salzburg. Leipzig, 1803. 16 4048.8 WRANGHAM, F. British Plutarch. New ed. Lon- don, 1810. 6v. 8 *2442.5 Practical sermons founded on Doddridge's rise and progress. 2d ed. London, 1802. 8 3441.14 WRAXALL, N. W. Answer to the calumnious mis- representations of the Quarterly review, British critic, and Edinburgh review, on [the] Historical memoirs. London, 1815. 8 *Pph.v.87 Memoirs of the kings of France of the race of Valois. London, 1777. 2v. 8 *4066.19 Memoirs of my own time, 1772-84. London, 1815. 2v. 8 2515.3 WREATH of the west, The. Clarke, G. W. . . . 2399.46 WRECK and salvage, Law of. Marvin, W. . . . 3661.9 WRECKS. Code des bris, naufrages et echoue- ments. Lebeau, 8 3662.25 WREN, Sir C. Life and works. See Elmes, J. . 4091.8 Life, by H. B. Ker. See London. Society for the diffusion of useful knowledge. Lives . E.212.8 WREN, M. Monarchy asserted [against Harring- ton]. Oxford, 1059. 16 *3569.25 WRENTIIAM, Mass. Church in the north parish. Reasons for withdrawing from their ma- sonic brethren. Boston, 1830. 8 ... *Pph.v.293 WRIGHT, A. Court-hand restored, or assistant in reading old records. 8th ed. Lond. 1846. 4. *2111.2 WRIGHT, E. Charges against Dr. Wright, apoth- ecary, and his answer. London, 1830. 8. *M.Pph.v.24 WRIGHT, F. d'Arusmont. Views of society and manners in America. New York, 1821. 8. 2328.12 WRIGHT, J . Compleat history of the late war, 1755-02. London, 1705. 2v. 8. pi. ... *2328.29 WRIGHT, James. Historiahistrionica, an account of the English stage. [Dodsley. Old plays, v.l] 2588.1 WRIGHT, John, and Hall, J. Catalogue of plants growing without cultivation, in the vicinity of Troy. Troy, 1836. 8 *Pph.v.94 WRIGHT, John C. Speech in the house of repre- sentatives on the proposition to amend the constitution of the United States. Wash- ington, 1829. 12 *I'pb.v.210 Shelf. No. WRIGHT, J. M. F. Commentary on Newton's Principia, with a supplementary volume. London, 1833. 2v. 8 3925.2 WRIGHT, Joseph W. Language and belles-lettres : or philological lectures on the English lan- guage. New York, 1844. 8 *Pph.v.l96 WRIGHT, S. Speech in the house of representa- tives of the United States in support of the bill [for] a national tariff. Alb.1828. 8. *Pph.v.71 Speech [on] Col. Benton's resolutions, in sen- ate, Feb. 15, 1836. [No title-page.] 8.*Pph.v.96 Speech in senate of U. S. on the bill imposing additional duties as depositaries in certain cases, on public officers. Wash. 1838. 8. Pph.v.105 Speech in senate of U. S. on the motion of Mr. Webster for leave to bring in a bill for pro- longing the charter of the bank of the Uni- ted States. Washington, 1834. 8 . . . *Pph.v.ll6 Discourse occasioned by the death of. See Sprague, W. B Pph.v.160 WRIGHT, Thomas, M. D. History of the Walch- eren remittent. London, 1811. 8. . *M.Pph.v.98 WRIGHT, Thomas, esq., F.S.A. Biographia Bri- tannica litcraria, Anglo-Saxon period. Lon- don, 1842. 8 *2587.3 - Same. [With] Anglo Norman period. London, 1842-40. 2v. 8" *2443.1 Dictionary of obsolete and provincial English. London, 1857. sm.8 2585.20 History of the county of Essex. London, 1836. 2v. 4 *2471.8 Letters on the suppression of monasteries. Ed. by T. Wright. London, 1843. sm.4. [Camden society, No. 26] *2416.26 Political ballads published in England during the commonwealth. London, 1841. p.8. [Percy society publications, v.3] *2537.5 Political songs of England, from the reign of John to Edward n. London, 1839. sm.4. [Camden society, No. 0] *2416.6 Popular treatises on science during the mid- dle ages. London, 1841. 8 3933.6 Contents. Anglo-Saxon manual of astronomy; Li ' livre des creatures, by Philip de Thaun ; The bestiary of Philippe de Thaun ; Fragment on popular sci- ence. Queen Elizabeth and her times : a series of original letters. London, 1838. 2v. 8 . . 2444.5 Selection of Latin stories of the 13th and 14th centuries. London, 1842. p.8. [Percy so- ciety publications, v.8] *2537.10 Specimens of lyric poetry composed in the reign of Edward I. London, 1S42. p.8. [Percy society publications, v.4] *2537.6 Songs and carols of the fifteenth century. London, 1847. p.8. [Percy soc. publ. v.23].*2537.25 Specimens of old Christmas carols. London, 1841. pp.80. p.8. [Percy soe. publ. v-4] . *2537.6 and Halliwell, J. O. Reliquia3 antiquae: scraps from ancient MSS., illustrating the English language. London, 1841-43. 2v. 8 ... 2584.17 WRIGHT, T. G. Lecture on quack medicines. London, 1843. 8 *Pph.v.308 WRIGHT, W. Essay on the human ear, its struc- ture and complaints. Lond. 1817. 8.*M.Pph.v.85 WRITING. Astle, T. Origin and progress of . . 2110.9 Bickham, G. Universal penman 2110.4 Dewey, T. Observations on the art of . . Pph.v.17 Fortia D'Urban, A. J. F. de. Sur 1'origine de 1'ecriture 2113.10 Humphreys, H. N. Origin and progress of the art of 2120.8 Koops, M. Substances used to convey ideas. 4019 1 Massias, N. Influence de 1'ecriture sur la pensee et sur le langage 2114.8 Sehele de Vere, M. History of the art of . . 2956.20' Wilkins,J. Essay towards a real character. 2200.10 See also : Abbreviations, Alphabet, Autographs, Court-hand, Cuneiform inscriptions, Diplomatics, Hieroglyphics, Ink, Paleography, Paper, Papyrus, Penmanship, Punctuation, Stenography. WRITS 896 YALDEN Shelf. No. WRITS. New natura brcvium. Fitz-Herbert, A. 3634.13 WKOTTESLEY, J., baron. History of navigation. [London, 1828.] pp.33. 8 **E.212.4 WULFAD. See Wolf had. WtfRTEMBERG. Meyer, C. E. H. v. Zur Paliion- tologic Wiirttembergs 3890.7 Qucnstedt, F. A. Das Flozgebirge Wurtemb. 3864.10 Stiilin, C. F. v. Wirtembergische Geschichte. 2837.1 Zieten, C. H. v. Die Versteinerungen Wiirt- tembergs 3860.34 WUTTKE, H. Entwickelung der offentlichen Ver- haltnisse Schlesiens. Leipz. 1842-13. 2v. 8. 2836.14 WYAT, Sir Thomas, b. 1503, d. 1541. Works and life. [Chalmers. English poets] . . .v.2of2592.7 Works. See Howard, H 2591.12 WYAT, Sir Thomas, the son, beheaded 1554. Re- bellion of. [Camden society, No. 48] ... 2416.48 WYATT, Matthew or John. Opinions of J. Boa- den in 1795,96, relative to the Shakspeare MSS. London, [1790]. pp.59. 8 *2597.36 WYATT, Matthew D. Industrial arts of the nine- teenth century : illustrations of the exhibi- tion of 1851. [158 colored plates.] London, 1851. 2v. Atlas, f *4050.13 Metal-work and its artistic design. [50 col- ored plates.] London, 1852. Atlas, f . . *4050.14 and Waring, J. B. Byzantine and Roman- esque court in the crystal palace. London, 1854. 16 4089.35 - Italian court in the crystal palace. Lon- don, 1854. 16 4089.25 - Mediaeval court in the crystal palace. London, 1854. 16" 4089.34 - Renaissance court in the crystal palace. London, 1854. 16" 4089.33 WYATT, S. Autobiography of a landlady of the old school. Boston, 1854. 12 2347.2 WYATT, T. Memoirs of commanders presented with medals for services in the wars of the revolution and 1812. Philadelphia, 1848. 8. 2345.2 WYCKOFF, I. N. Sermon occasioned by the death of Christian Miller. Albany, 1844. 8 . *Pph.v.l44 Stability, an indispensable element of useful- ness and greatness: an address. Albany, 1840. 8 *Pph.v.ll7 WYCKOFF, J., Address at the funeral of. See Sprague, W. B Pph.v.160 WYCLIFFE. See Wickliff. WYE. Bloomfleld, R. The banks of : a poem . . 2559.19 Fosbroke, T. D. The Wye tour 2473.19 Gilpin, W. Observations on the River Wye. 4066.13 WYKEHAM, William of, Life of. SeeLowth, R. . 2448.17 WYLD, J. Catalogue of geographical works, maps, plans, [etc.] London, 1825. 8 *2139.7 Colossus globe, compiled by T. Malby. Lon- don, 1856. 36 inches in diameter *D WYLIE, Sir J. Pharmacopoeia castrensis Ruthen- ica. Petropoli, 1840. 8 3785.1 WYLIE, 8. B. Memoir of Alexander McLeod, D.D. New York, 1855. 8 2343.4 WYMAN, J. Lectures on comparative physiology, delivered before the Lowell institute. Bos- ton, 1849. 8 3886.2 Notice of fossil bones from Memphis, Tenn. New Haven, 1850. 8" *Pph.v.l83 Nervous system of rana pipiens. [Smithso- nian contributions, v.5] 3340.1 WYMAN family, of Medford. See Whitmore,W. H. 2333.13 WYNCK, C. Geusianismus Flandriae occidentalis, ed. F. Vande Putte. Bruges, 1841. 4. [Bru- ges. Societ6 d'emulation do la Flandre] . *2821.12 WYNKOOP, P. S., Sermon occasioned by the death of. Holmes, E Pph.v.192 WYNNE, A. J. Specimen medicum inaugurate, exhibens nonnullos casus dysphagias, in nosocomio academico observatos. Gronin- gae, [1818]. 8 *M.Pph.v.l06 WYNNE, E. Eunomus, or dialogues concerning the law and constitution of England. 3d ed. Vol. I. London, 1809. 8 2514.14 Shelf. No. WYNNE, J. H. History of the British empire in North America. 2d ed. London, 1776. 2 v. 8. "2326. 10 WYNNE, R. Treatment of a case of hydrophobia. Shrewsbury, 1813. 8 *M.Pph.v.63 WYSE, F. America, its realities and resources. London, 1846. 3v. 8" 2328.13 WYSE, T. Education reform. Vol. I. London, 1836. 8 3593.11 WYTFLIET, C., Magin, A., and others. Histoire universelle dee Indes. Dovay, 1611. f * . . *2310.13 WYTTENBACH, D. Importance of Greek litera- ture, and the best method of studying the classics. Boston, 1820. 8 *Pph.v.244 Opuscula oratoria, historica, critica. Lug- duni Batavorum, 1821. 2v 2954.10 Vita Davidis Ruhnkenii. Lugd. Bat. 1799. 8. *2846.8 Vita et epistolse. See Mahne, W. L 2846.9 XANTHIAN marbles, The. Fellows, C 3071.12 XANTHUS Lydius. See Creuzer, G. F. Histori- corum Graecorum fragmenta 2968.3 See Fragmenta historicorum Graecorum, v.2 . 3002. 11 XENARCHUS. See Poet. com. Grsec. fragmenta . 3002.14 XENO. See Poet. com. Graec. fragmenta 3002.14 XENOMEDES Chius. See Fragm. hist. Graec. v.2 . 3002.11 XENOPHON Atheniensis. [Opera] quae extant, re- cens. et interpr. J. G. Schneider. Lipsiae, 1815-21. 6r. 8. *3003.2 Contents. Vol. I. Cyri disci pUna. n. Anabasis Cyri. III. Historia Grteca. IV. Commentarii dicto- rvm factorvmque Socratis ad defendendvm cvm script! a Xenophonte, libris IV ; Apologia Socratis Xenophonti rvlgo adscripta. V. Oeconomicvs, Con- vivivm, Hiero, Agesilavs. VI. Opvscvla politica, eqvestria et venatica. Scripta Graece et Latine. Parisiis, 1838. 1.8. [Didot. Bibliotheque grecque] *3002.9 Hieron, uebersetzt von M. R. Helvetius. Niirnberg, 1736. 4 *3579.2 Hieron sive tyrannus, Desiderio Erasmo in- terprete. [Erasmus. Opera, v.4] 2920.3 Les choses memorables de Socrate, trad, par Charpentier. Amsterdam, 1699. 16 ... *3009.3 Memoirs of Socrates, transl. by S. Fielding. Bath, 1762. 8 *3003.3 La Ciropedia, trad, dal sig. F. Regis. [Coll. d'opusculi scientiflci e letterari, v.12] . . . 5278.2 Hercole di Prodico il dvbbioso, 6 vero dell' elettione. [Autori del ben parlare, p.l, v.l]. 3590.10 Lexicon Xenophonteum. See Stiirz, F. W. . 3003.4 XENOPHON Ephesius. De Anthia et Habrocome, Gr. et Lat. Ed. P. H. Peerlkamp. Harlemi, 1818. 4 *3003.1 De amoribns Anthiae et Abrocomae. See Er- otici scriptores 3002.10 Gli Efesiaci, volg. da A. M. Salvini. Parigi, 1800. 16 *2999.16 XENOPHON Lampsacenus. See Fragmenta histori- coruru Graecorum, v.3 3002.11 XEEES, F. de. Relation ve>idlque de la conqu6te du Perou,et de la province du Cuzco, nomine 1 Nouvelle-Castille, par F. X6res. Salman- que, 1547. [Ternaux-Compans. Memoires pour servir a 1'histoire de 1'Ame'rique, v.5]. *2316.1 La conqvista del Peru et provincia del Cusco. [Ramusio. Navigationi, v.3] 2260.2 XIMENA, or the battle of the Sierra Morena. Tay- lor, J. B 2399.41 XIMENES, L. See Raccolta del moto dell' acque . 3942. 1 Contents. Vol. Vn. Memoria idrometrica intorno ai progettisul regolamento delle acque bolognesi; In- torno agli cffetti che fanno nelle piene d'un fiume i nuovi ostacoli collocati a traverso al suo fundo. X. Memoria idrometrica relative alia teoria delle tri- linee. YAKKUN Nattannawa and Kolan Nattannawa: Cingalese poems, transl. by J. Callaway. London, 1829. 8. [Oriental transl. fund].*3011.12 YALDEN, T. Poems. London, 1779. 16. [John- son. English poets, v.10] 2589.3 Poems and life. [Chalmers. Eng.poets].v.llof2592.7 YALE 897 YOUATT Shelf. No. YALE college. See New Haven. YANDELL, L. P. Dissolution of the medical fac- ulty of Transylvania university. Nashville, 1837. 8 *M.Pph.v.29 YANOSKI, J. L'Afrique, Carthage, Numidie. See Avezac, M. A. P. d'. [L'Univers] .... 2266.2 Italic ancienne : institutions, mreurs, etc. See Duruy, V. [L'Univers] 2266.27 and David, J. A. Syrie ancienne et moderne. Paris, 1843. 8. [L'Univers] *2276.12 YARMOUTH, Great, Norfolk. Druery, J. H. No- tices of 2499.3 Manship, H. History of 2503.23 Palmer, C. J. History of 2503.24 Swinden, H. History of 2503.22 YARRANTOX, A. Account of. See Dove, P. E. . 3563.2 YARRELL, W. History of British birds. 3d ed. London, 1856. 3v. 8 3905.3 Growth of the salmon in fresh water. Lon- don, 1839. pp.3 and 3 plates, obl.f . . . *3870.28 YATES, A. The effectual preacher : sermon at the installation of Rev. J. Ludlow. Schenec- tady, 1823. 8 *Pph.v.53 Discourse occasioned by the death of. See Campbell, W.H Pph.v.144 YATES, Charles. Eeply to the argument of John C. Spencer presented before the committee of the senate appointed to investigate the affairs of Union college. Albany, 1854. 8.*Pph.v.l97 YATES, Christopher C. Exposition of an attempt at extortion. [No title-page.] 8 . . . . *Pph.v.l7 [Review of an essay on bilious epidemic fever, by C. C. Yates.J Albany, 1813. 8 . *M.Pph.v.3,92 Mann, J., and Stearns, J. Bilious epidemic fever, prevailing in New York, [etc.] Al- bany, 1813. 8 *M.Pph.v.3 - Same. 2d ed. Albany, 1813. 8 . . *M.Pph.v.4 YATES, James. Art of weaving among the an- cients. Part I. With an appendix. Lon- don, 1843. 8 4026.3 Effects of drinking spirituous liquors de- scribed in four sermons. Glasgow, 1818. 8 *Pph.v.48 Vindication of unitariamsm, in reply to Mr. Wardlaw. Boston, 1816. 8 **E.218.16 YATES, John A. Righteousnes s exalteth a nation : a discourse in Albany. Schenec. 1839. 8.*Pph.v.l08 YATES, John B. Address before the alumni of Union college. Schenectady, 1828. 8 . *Pph.v.74 YATES, Joseph C. Proceedings before the chan- cellor. See Campbell, D. D Pph.v.133 YATES, R. History and antiquities of the abbey of St. Edmund's Bury. 2d ed. London, 1843. 4 *2461.10 YATES, W., and Maclean, C. Science of life j sub- joined, a treatise on the action of mercury, and a dissertation on pestilential diseases. Dover, 1801. 8" 3765.15 YEAR, The: a poem. Pierce, "W. L 2409.19 YEARSLEY, J. Letters on the unprofessional con- duct of Mr. Listen. [No title-page.] 8.*M.Pph.v.38 Statement of facts relative to some new op- erations lately proposed for the relief of stammering. [No title-page.] 8. . *M.Pph.v.37 YEATS, G. D. Early symptoms [of] water in the brain. London, 1815. 8 *3740.52 - Same. Appendix. London, 1819. 8.*M.Pph.v.61 YELLOW fever of Philadelphia, 1797. With a list of the dead, etc. 2d ed. Philadelphia, 1798. 8 *M.Pph.v.26 YELLOW fever. Brown, S. Nature, origin, and progress of the 3797.5 Browne, J. Treatise on the M.Pph.v.3 Carey, M. Yellow fever in Philadelphia, 1793 3798.20,21 Chervin, N. Sur la contagion ou la non-con- tagion de M.Pph.v.22 Clark, J. Treatise on M.Pph.v.95 Cm-tin, S. Defebreflava M.Pph.v.93 Dickinson, N. Observations on . . . .M.Pph.v.100 Shelf. No. Helmuth, J. H. C. Yellow fever in Philadel- phia, 1793 M.Pph.v.4 Henderson, T. Criticisms on Dr. Washing- ton's essay on M.Pph.v.13, 110 Jackson, S. Malignant fever in Philadel- phia, 1820 M.Pph.v.100 La Roche, R. Medical bibliography of . . . 3797.1 Lefort, P. Sur la non-contagion de la fievre jaune M.Pph.v.28 Louis, P. C. A. Yellow fever of Gibraltar . 3797.2 Manzini, N. B. L. Inoculation de la fievre jaune 3796 20 Osgood, D. Yellow fever in the West In- dies 3797.6, M.Pph.v.100 Pascalis, F. Malignant yellow fever in New York, in 1819 M.Pph.v.10 Romaine, B. Observations on the . . .M.Pph.v.10 Seaman, V. Epidemic yellow fever . . M.Pph.v.9 Sedillot, J. La fievre jaune M.Pph.v.28 Shecut.J. L. E.W. Yellow fever of 1817. M.Pph.v.93 Webster, N. Yellow fever of New York in 1795 3797.20 See also: Malignant fever, Portsmouth, Va., Nor- folk, Va., West Indies. YEOMAN, T. H. Consumption of the lungs, with the means of prevention. Boston, 1850. 12. 3794.31 YOLLAND, W. Geodesy and astronomy. [Great Britain. Ordnance department. Course of mathematics] 3912.5 YOXGE, C. D. Gradus ad Parnassum. 4th ed. London, 1855. sm.8 2986.7 YONGE, F. Narrative of the proceedings of the pepple of South Carolina in the year 1719. [Force. Tracts, v.2] 2323.3 YONGE, W. Diary at Colyton and Axminster, 1004-28. Ed. by G. Roberts. London, 1848. [Camden society, No.41] *2416.41 YORK, H. D. L, Graf von Warteiiburg. Leben. See Droysen, J. G 2852.14 YORK, Eng. History and antiquities of the city Of. York, 1785. 3v. 12 *2499.14 Dart, J. Cathedral of 2500.10 Drake, F. History and antiquities of . . . . 2500.11 Fabric rolls of York 3Iinster 2417.33 Hargrove, W. History and description of . 2505.13 YORK, county of, Eng. Declaration of the free- holders and inhabitants, with a list of sig- natures. York, 1819. 8' *Pph.v.30G Allen, T. History of 2505.15 Best, H. Rural economy in Yorkshire, 1641. 2417.31 History and antiquities of the city and county of. See Archaeological institute, etc. . . . 2505.14 Housman, J. Description of a part of the west riding of 2493.21 Phillips, J. Geology of Yorkshire 3861.11 Post-office directory of 2482.4 Thoresby, R. Topography of parts of the west riding of 2490.3 See also : Beverley, Cleveland, Coatham, Doncas- ter, Holderness, Knaresbrough, Leeds, Pontefract, Wensleydale, Whitby. YORKE, H. R. British naval history. See Camp- bell, J 2450.11 YORKE, Philip, 1st lord Hardioicke, b. 1690, d. 1764. Life. See Harris, G 2456.8 YORKE, Philip, Zd lord Hardwicke, b. 1720, d. 1790. Miscellaneous state papers, 1501-1726. Lon- don, 1778. 2v. 4* *2411.3 and others. Athenian letters, during the Pe- loponnesian war. Dublin, 1792. 2v. 8 . . *3072.5 YORKSHIRE dialect, exemplified in dialogues, tales, and songs. London, 1839. pp.24. 12. 2586.7 YORKSHIRE garland. See Ritson, J 2538.1 YORUBA. Grammar and dictionary of the Yoruba language, with description of the country and people, by T. J. Bowen. [Smithsonian contributions, v.10] 3340.1 YOUATT, W. The pig : breeds, management, and treatment of swine. London, 1847. 8 . . 4002.10 Sheep [and] shepherd's manual. Lond. n.d. 8*. 4002.9 YOULE 898 YOUNG Hhelf. No. YOULE, J. Inaugural dissertation on respiration. New York, 1793. 8 *M.Pph.v.49 YOUMAN8, E. L. CliemiHtry of familiar objects. New York, 1855. 4 *.'W71.1 YOI;NI;, AI< x.ui'litr. ChriHtianity designed and :ul:iptci| to be a universal religion: a c k , Oilr to thr Kin;.;: llpistlesto Mr. 1'opi', ill vorsi-; I'M 1:1 pin MSI- on part of .lob; Ori':lll, nil ode; Sea, pii-.-i', odes; Buslris, king of Egypt, a tragedy. II. The rcveugo, a tragedy; The hrotlu-, a tragedy; The complaint, or night thought*. 111. rum plaint (con- tinued) ; 'I'lu- centaurs not fabulous, in six letters to a friend, on the life in vogue. I'm ins. London, 1779. [Johnson. English poets] V.50-OJ of *25S9.3 i*. Vol. I. The last day ; The force of reli- gion, or vanquished love; Lovnoffame.tho universal passion, In seven satires; Ocean .anode; Paraphrase on pnrt of the book of Job; Miscellaneous; Public affairs. 11,111. The complaint, or night thoughts; Ke.i-nation; The instalment ; Kpisllc to lord l.anils- downo; Sea pieces; Impcriumpclagl; The merchant. Poems and life. [Chalmers. Eng. poots].v.i:iof2592.7 Ni:;lil Iliouo-hts on lile, death, ami immortal Ity. Philadelphia, 1830. frr.inl. is". . . -..'559.25 - S.IIIK-. Ailileil,:i p:ir:lphrasOOU Job. Lon- don, 1758. 1.". v \ *2549.31 Itonlsfnatiou. [Poem] in two purls. London, 1702. pp.04. 4 *2405.32 Shelf. No. YOUNG, E. continued. The revenge. [Cumberland. British drama, v.l] E.229.7 YOUNG, G. History of Whitby and Streonesholh abbey. Whitby, 1817. 2v. 8 *2502.9 YOUNG, Samuel, surgeon. Kcform of the modern practice of adhesion. London, 1808. 4 . *3791.2 YOUNG, Hon. Samuel. Best method of promoting civilization, or the influence of woman on the social state. Albany, 1837. 8 . . .*Pph.v.97 Discourse before the New York Alpha of the Phi Beta Kappa. Ballston Spa, 1820. 8.*Pph.v.60 Lectures on civilization. Saratoga Springs, 1841. 8 *Pph.v.l23 Oration delivered July 4, 1840, at the demo- cratic republican celebration in New York. New York, 1840. 8 *Pph.v.llO Review [etc.] of a pamphlet addressed to the republicans of Saratoga county. Ballston Spa, 1810. 8 *Pph.v.l5 YOUNG, T. Miscellaneous works. London, 1855. 3v. 8 3912.6 Contents. Vol. I,U. Scientific memoirs, etc.: L Vision; Mechanism of the eye; Sound and light; Cy- cloidal curves ; Music ; Letter to Mr. Nicholson, re- specting sound and light ; Light and colours; Physi- cal optics; Reply to the Edinburgh reviewers on some papers in the Phil. Trans.; Harmonic sliders; Review of Laplace's memoir, La refraction dans les cristauz diaphancs; Review of the Memoires de physique et de chimic de la socifcte d'Arcucil; Review of Malus, Hint, Sccbeck, and Brcwster, on light; Chromatics; Measurement of minute particles of the blood, etc.; Op- tical subjects ; Cohesion of fluids ; Cohesion ; Hydraulic investigations ; Functions of the heart and arteries ; Employment of oblique riders in the construction of ships ; Numerical table of elective attractions ; Re- view of H. Davy's Elements of chemical philosophy. H. Experiments for determining the length of the pendulum; Probabilities of error in physical obser- vations, and the density of the earth ; Solutions of the problem of atmospherical refraction ; Effect of tiTri-strial refraction, in the actual condition of the atmosphere; Remarks on Laplace's latest computa- tion of the density of the earth ; Astronomical meas- urements of the ancients; Effect of the terms involv- ing the square of the disturbing force on the determi- nation of the figure of the earth ; Simple determina- tion of the most ancient epoch of astronomical chro- nology; Resistance of the air; Reduction of the length of the pendulum to the level of the sea ; Computa- tions for clearing the compass of the regular effect of a ship's permanent attraction; Properties of the geo- detic curve; Rectification of the geodetic curve; Cal- culation of the rate of expansion of a supposed lunar atmosphere; Method of determining the figure of a gravitating body revolving round another ; Direct attraction of a spheroid, and demonstration of Clair- aut's theorem ; Equilibrium nud strength of clastic substances; Waves and sound; Pressure sustained by the fixed supports of flexible substances; Pressure of Ki'inilluid and cohesive siibstamvs; Structure of cov- ered ways; Friction of whcelwork and the forms best suited for tivth: ISridge; Carpentry; Theory of tides; Algebraical expression for the value of lives ; Formula for expressing the decrement of human life ; Com- pound interest ; Letter to W. Morgan, on the expe- rience of the equitable society ; Comparison of the different tables of mortality; Application of the doc- trine of chances to the subdivision of risks; Adden- dum to the artii le on annuities; Review of an essay on dew ; Weights and measures ; New species of oper- cularia ; Habits of spiders, etc. ; Biographies of men of science : Cavendish, Smithson Tennant, B. Thompson, Dr. Watson, Fourcroy, Ingcnhouz, Robison, Doloinicu, Coulomb, Borda, Condamine, Lagrangc, Fermat, Dollond, Malus, Lalande, Lam- bert, Maskelyne, Atwood. III. Remarks on the an- cient Egyptian manuscripts, with translation of the Rosctta inscription ; Correspondence relative to the Rosetta inscription ; Egypt ; Inscription on the paw of the great Sphinx; Observations on a Greek manu- script on papyrus; Correspondence upon hieroglyph- ical subjects ; Discoveries in hieroglyphic literature ; Lives of eminent scholars : J. 11. Tooke, G. Wake- fleld, J. Bryant, R. Person. Introduction to medical literature. London, isi:'.. 8" 3735.8 - Same. 2d ed. continued and corrected. London, 1823. 8" 3735.0 YOUNG 899 Z ANOTTI-C AVAZZON I Shelf. No. YOUNG, T. continued. Lectures on natural philosophy and the me- chanical arts. London, isor. -Jv. 4 . . **E.101.2 Practical and historical treatise on consump- tive diseases. London. H15. 8 37'.H.H Treatise on architecture. Sec Hoskiug,'W. . 4101. 24 Peacock, G. Life of 3912.7 Tredgold, T. Summary of hydraulics . . . 3944.2 Youxo, W. Twelve letters to young men on the sentiments of Miss Frances Wright and Robert D. Owen. Philadelphia, 1830. 8.*Pph.v.l48 YOUNG America extra. [A weekly.] The jubilee; a plan for restoring the laud to the people. [No title-page.] 8 *Pph.v.l52 YOUNG minister's companion: a collection of treatises. Boston, 1813. 8 3437.5 YOUTH'S companion ; a guide to eminence. An- dover, 1820. 24 3599.24 YOUTH'S companion : a family paper. Vol.1-29, 31, 3-2. Boston, 1827-08. 31v. f *8090.5 YUCAT.VX, Voyage pittoresquc et archeologique dans la province d', 1834, 30. See Waldeck, F. v 22. L.I YPNG-LUX-YUEX. Pirates [of] China, transl. by C. F. Neumann. London, 1831. 8". [Orien- tal translation fund] *3014.4 ZABAGLIA, N. Castelli e ponti. Con la descri- zione del trasporto dell' obelisco vaticano. [Latin and Italian.] Uoma, 1743. f . . . *4050.10 ZACCAKIA, F. A. Storia Icttcraria d'ltalia dal 1748-55. 2aed. Venczia, 1750-58. 13v. 8. *5 109.1 ZACCHAEUS. Cousultationum Zacchan christiani et Apolloiiii philosophi, libri tres. [Mignc. Patrologia? v.20] 3440.14 ZACCHIA, P. Qusestionum mcdico-legalium, to- mus i-m. Ed. nova, cura J. D. Horstii. Lugduni, 1726. 3v.ini. f *37S0.1 ZACCOXI,L. Prattica di mvsica. Vcnetia,1596. f. *4052.1 ZACJI, F. v. Allgcmciiic gcographischc Ephemer- iden, Band 1-57, [und] Neuc Ephcmcriden, Band 1-30. Weimar, 171)8-1831. 88v. 8 . *33C8.1 Correspondance astronomique, giSographique, hydrographique, et statistique. Genes, 1818-26. 14v. 8 **E.169.2 - Same. Sixieme volume. Genes, 1822. 8.**E.189.9 L' Attraction dcs montagncs. Avignon, 1814. 2v. 8 **E.213.18, 20 Monatliche Correspondenz der Erd-und Ilim- mels-kundc. Gotha, 1800-13. 2Sv. 8". . **E. 159.1 Nouvcl observatoire de Marlia dans le duche* dc Lucqucs. Genes, [1819]. 8 **E.189.9 Nouvelles tables d'aberration ct dc nutation pour 1404 eioiles, avcc une table pour les planetes et les cometes, etc. Marseille, 1812. 8 **E. 189.10 Response tres-clairc a une reponse inconceva- ble. 2eed. Genes, n.d. 8 **E.189.9 Supplement aux nouvclles tables d'aberration et de nutation de 1404 etoilcs. Marseille, 1813. 8 **E.189.10 Tables de la lune calculees d'apres la theoric de La Place ct d'apres les constantcs dc M. Biirg. Florence, 1809. 8 **E.189.13 ZACHAHIAS. Sermo de S. Georgio. [Mignc. Pa- trologiae v.180] 3470.10 ZACHAIUAS, bp. of Chrysopolis. Libri quatuor de concordia evangelistarum. [Migne. Pa- trologia3 v.180] 3470.10 ZACHARiAS,.po/>e. Epistolse et dccreta. [Migne. Patrologia? v.89] 3450.20 Epistola ad Pippinum, majorcm domus, dc- inde regem. [Migne. Patrol, v. 98] . v. 2 of 3450.23 Epistolae. [Muratori. Rcrum Italicarum scriptores, v.3, p. 2] 2710.1 ZACHARIAS, rhetorician. Hist, ecclesiastics capita selecta. [Mai. Scrip, vet. nova coll. v. 10]. 3000.1 ZACHAU, F. W. Missa super chorale, Christ lag in Todesbanden, 4 voci con continue. [Dehn. Practische Musik-Werkc, v.22] 4051.14 SHelfi No. ZADDACH, E. G. Synopseos erustaceonim I'rus- sicornm prodromus. Piss. ac:td. 1C* monti, 1S11. pp.:;'.). 4' *3S71.14 XAGRANKU.A o una pit oeca del 1500. [Uomanzo.] Ua/xoni, (i. li ZAGURI,M. SeeRaeeoltadtopusi'oli scientific!, ec. 52M.1 Conttnt*. Vol. XII. Li-ltora sulla pittnra. XIX. Lrttcra ill sig. C. Vuiinotti iutorno al suo opuscolo sopra C. Fliuio Cecilio. ZAGURI, P. Leone c Giulictta: farsa. [Teatro moderno applaud i to, v.'Jl] 27C8.1 ZAMIM.l.l.l, A. 1'elle dillVren/(> poliliche IVa i popoli antichi cd i inoderni. Parte 1. La guerra. Miluno, IS! 1 .'. 2v. 8 IW.V5.H ZAMBRIXI, F. (.'atalo^-ti di opere vol:;-ari :\ sf;ini]ia dei sccoli xine xiv, [con appeudice]. Bo- logna, 1857. sm.4 *21ivj/.' Lettcre di Alaiuauni, \'arclii, I'.iirglii-.ii, Salvi- ati, e di altri. Lucca, 1853. 8" 2717.4 ZAMOEA, A. dc. Comcdias. Madrid, 1711. Uv. 8. *3104.1 '.-. Vol. I. Todo lovcnco cl nmur . M y Monsalvcs ; El hrclii/.mlo por fuerza ; San Juan Capistrauo; La poncelladc Orleans; Aspidos ay basiliseos i Judas I nir missay dor ce- bada nunca se pcrdio Jornada; SK-mpre ny quo cinbi- diar uiiiaiulo. II. Amur us saber \tnr't a la sphriv ; Opusculum do scparandis in- dcterminatis ; I'ni'l'utio in u\ia Annnymi animadvcr- sioncs in Manfrodii Kphrnu-ndc < rxpi'iidiintiir. Ilf. Philosophito uuivcrsaj enchiridion. IV. La fllosofla morale. V. Lettcre sopra le controvcrsie alia fllosolla morale del sig. Slaupcrtuis ; llisposta allo Irtd'n'drl Big. Clemcnte Baruni de' Marchosi di Cavalcabd i Lcttera ad un'araico che pnu servire d'introdiizione alia novella Icttcraria dell' uppari/iono di alcune om- bre; Delia forza attratti vn delle idee; Kagionamcnto sopra la fHosofia ; Paradossi. VI. Dell' arte poetica ; Delle pocsie dell' abate Gaetano Golt, con un discorso intorno gli argomcnli del piu bel poctare. VII. Ele- ment! ili graraatiea volgarc ; Disscrtazione i Avver- tinicnti ad un cavalier giovanetto chc era per iniprcn- derc la profession dell' armi ; Eli Usta- chio Manfred!; Orazinni t re sopra le belle arti ; Ser- mones et cpistolaj ; Discorso tentito ncH'accadeniia del DifTettuosi. VIII. Sonetti ; Canzouij Pocsio lat- inc. IX. Lcttero. Filosofia morale. Firenzc, 1850. 10 .... 3587.27 Lettcre ad Angelo Fabroni. Bologna, 1849. pp.24. 8 r 2790.13 La fllosofla morale ridotta in compcndio. [Romagnosi. Opcrc, v.2, p. 2] 3622.2 Lettcre. [Opuscoli lettcrarii, v.l] 2792.2 Lctterc. [Raccolta di prose o lettere nel SCCOlo 18, v.2] 2707.2 Uncstratto dell' artc poetica dl. SeePieri, M. 4778.9 ZANOTTI-CAVAZZONI, G. P. Storia dell' .1 mia Clementina dl Bologna. Bologna, 1 ::'.'. 2v. 4 *5272.3 Avvertimenti. See Carrcr, L 4064.24 Didonc. Tragedia. [Teatro ital. del sccolo 18, v.l] 2778.1 Lettcre. [Raccolta dl prose e lettere nel se- C0lol8,v.2] 2767.2 Sonetti. [Opuscoli Ictterarii, v.l] 2792.2 ZANETTI 900 ZENO Shelf. No. ZANETTI, A. M. Delia pittura veneziana. Ed. 2a. Venezia, 1792. 2v. 16 *4086.6 ZANETTI, Girolamo F. Dell' origine di alcune arti principal! appresso i Viniziani. Ve- nezia, 1758. 4. *4076.5 ZANETTI, Quid' A. Nuova raccolta delle monete e zecche d'ltalia [in continuazione di Ar- gelati]. Bologna, 1775-89. 5v. 4 .... *2721.3 ZANINO, P. A. T. Animadversiones quaedam pa- thologicae. Groningae, [1819]. 8. . *M.Pph.v.l07 ZANLUCA, H. Quinto : i lieti amanti, primo libro de madrigali a cinqve voci. Venetia, 1586. pp.24. 4 *4055.26 ZANNONI, G. B. Storiadella accademia della crus- ca, e rapporti ed elogi. Firenze, 1848. 8 . 2792.8 See Coll. d'opuscoli scient. e lett 5278.2 Contents. Vol. TTT. Aloisii Lazii inscriptionum, ct carminum libri trcs. [Dissertatio.] XX. Inscrip- tionum liber singularia. ZANOIA, G. See Carcano, G. Poeti satirici ital. v.4. 2809.3 Poesie. [Collezione degli migliori opere in dialctto milaiiese, v.ll] 4709. a.5 Poesie. See Porta, C 4479.7 See Raccolta di poesic satiriche 2808.5 ZANON, A. Lettere scelte sull' agricoltura, sul commercio, e sulle arti. [Economisti clas- sic! italiani, v.25] 3644.1 ZANOTTI, E. Opere idrauliche. Bologna, 1823. 4. [Raccolta del motodell'aoque, v. 7] . . *3942.1 Contents. Intorno la navigazionc del canale di Bologna j Lcttcra intorno Ic paludi pontine; Ragiona- mento soprala disposizione dell' alveo dei fiunii verso lo sbocco in mare ; Risposta all' obbiezioni fatte con- tro il Ragionamento, ccc.; Scrittura sopra diverai progetti intorno al regolamento delle acque di Bo- logna, Ferrara, e Romagna; Difcsa del calcolo esibito nella scrittura, riflcssioni sopra la capacita del Cavo Benedettino; Piano di operazioni per ottenere la mas- sima depressione del Lago di Sesto. ZANTH.L. Architecture antique de la Sicile. See Hittorff, J.J 27.G.2 Architecture moderne de la Sicile. See Hit- torff, J. J 27. D. 2 ZAPOTEC remains, Notice of. [Smithsonian con- tributions, v. 9] 3340.1 ZAPPI, F. M. Canzoniere. [Parnasoitaliano,v.42]. 2769.2 ZAPPI, G. B. F. Rime di G. B. F. Zappi e di Faus- tina Maratti sua consorte. Aggiuntcvi altre poesie de' piu celebri dell' Arcadia di Roma. Firenze, 1819-20. 2v. 16 .... 2809.10 Canzoniere. f Parnaso italiano, v.42] .... 2769.2 ZAEATE, A. de. Histoire de la decouverte et de la conquete du Perou, trad. d6 1'Espagnol, par [de Broe, seigneur de Citry de la Guette]. Paris, 1830. 2v. 8 2316.4 ZABIONO, G. Tvtte 1'opere. 1588-89. 4v.ini. f. *4051.5 Contents. L'istitutioni harmoniche diuise in quat- tro parti; Le dimostrationi hannoniche, contenute in v dialoghi ; Sopplimenti musicali, partiti in 8 libri, etc.; Ilproemiodel trattato della paticntia; Discorso fatto sopra il ucro anno e giorno della raorte di Giesv Christo nostro Signore ; Informatione della origine dei r. p. Capuccini ; Resolution! d'alcuni dubij, moss! sopra le correttione fatta dell' anno di Giulio Cesare. Dimostrationi harmoniche. Venetia, 1571. f. *4051.6 Le istitutioni harmoniche. Venetia. 1558. f.*4041.17 - Same. Venetia, 1573. f *4051.6 Istitvtioni et dimostrationi di mvsica. Ve- netia, 1622. f , . . . *4051.4 Elogio. See Ravagnan, G 4049.41 ZECHARIAH, Commentary on. See Calvin, J. . . 5504.3 ZEDER, J. G. H. Naturgeschichte der Eingewei- dewiirmer. Bamberg, 1S03. 8 3760.31 ZEEN-UD-DEEN. Tohfut-ul-Mujahidecn. History of the Mohammedans in Malabar, translated by M. J. Rowlandson. London, 1833. 8. [Oriental translation fund] *3022.10 ZEISBERGER, D. Grammar of the language of the Lenni Lenape, or Delaware Indians. Trans- lated from the German by P. S. Duponceau. Philadelphia, 1827. 4 **E.202.6 Shelf. No. ZEITSCIIRIFT fur Musik, Juli 1853 Juni 1859. Leipzig, 1853-59. 12v. 4 *4043.1 ZELENKA, J. D. See Dehn, S. W. Practische Musik-Werke . 4051.14 Contents. Vol. XIX. Ecce quomodo, 4 voci con organo; In monte Oliveti, 4 voci con basso continue ; Sub tuuin presidium, Nos. 1-2, 4 voci con basso continue. XXVIII. Missa con stromeuti, Cireuin- cUionis, 4 voci con stromenti ed organo ; Missa nati- vitatia Domini, 4 voci con etromeuti cd organo. ZELL, W. Acta antihermesiana. Ratis., ia39. 8 . 3464.8 ZELLNER, L. A. Ueber Franz Liszt's Graner Festmesse und ihre Stellung zur geschicht- lichen Entwicklung der Kireheiimusik. Wien, 1858. pp.81. 8 4052.48 ZELUCO; a philosophical novel. Moore, J. . . . 2573.3 ZENDBINI, A. Versione letterale dell' Iliade. [Cesarotti. Opere, v. 10-16] 2798.1 ZENDRLN r, B. Delle acque correnti e relazione per la diversione de' fiurni Ronco e Montone dalla citta di Ravenna. Bologna, 1823. 4. [Raccolta del moto dell' acque, v. 8] . . . . *3942.1 Relazione concernente il miglioramento dell' aria, e la riforma del porto di Viareggio. [Raccolta del moto dell' acque, v. 10] . . . 3942.1 ZENK.ER, J. C. Das thierische Leben und seine Formen. Jena, 1828. 8 3890.18 De gammari pulicis Fabr., historia naturali atque sanguinis circuitu commeutatio. Jenae, 1832. 4 *3897.3 De priniis animalium vertebratorum in terrae stratis vestigiis. Jenae, 1836. pp.20. Ipl. 4. *3861.25 Naturgeschichte schadlicher Thiere,mitAtlas. Leipzig, 1836. sm.8. Atlas, 4 *3884.1 ZENO, of Rhodes, See Fragm. hist. Graec. v.3 . . 3002.11 ZENO, of Verona. Opera omnia. Parisiis, 1845. 8'. [Migne. Patrologiae v.ll] 3440.8 Contents. E pis tola dedicator! a ; Balleriniorum prtefatio; Disscrtationcs de tractatibus, doctrina et cultu S. Zenonisi Monumentade S. Zenone; Trac- tatus S. Zcnonis; Appendix prima complectens opera S. Zenoni perperam tributa; Appendix secunda com- plectens duos de sermcmibus et martyrio S. ZenonU libros, cum duplici dissertatione ipsis subjuncta. Vita. See Negri, F 2745.8 ZENO, A. Drammi scelti. Venezia, 1790. [Par- naso italiano, v. 46] 2769.2 Dissertazioni vossiane intorno agli storici italiani che hanno scritto latinamente, ram- mentati dal Vossio. Venezia, 1852-53. 2v. 4 *2713.3 Lettere. 2aed. Venezia, 1785. 6v. sm.8 . *2747.13 and Pariati, P Poesie drammatiche. Or- leans, 1785-80. llv. 8 *2777.8 Contents. Vol. L Gl'inganni felici; H Narclso; I ri- val! generosi; Eumene; Faramondo. H. Temistocle; Lucio Vero; Grlsclda; Venceslao; Aminta. III. Pirro; Teuzzone; Svanvita; L'amor generoso; Engelberta. IV. Scipione nelle Spagne; Merope; Ifigeniain Au- lide; Atenaide; Alessandro Severo. V. Lucio Papi- rio; Sirita; Ormisda; Meride e Selinunte; Nitocri. VI. Andromaca 1 , Gianguir; Euristeo; Semiramide; I due dittatori. VH. Ornospade; Imeneo; Mithri- date; C. Fabbrizio; Enoue. Vin. Sacro-dramma- tiche: Sisara; Tobia; Naaman; Giuseppe; David; Le profezie evangcllche d'Isaia; Gioaz; H batista; Gionata; Nabot; Daniello; David umiliato; Scdecia; Gerusalemme couvertita j San Pietro in Cesarea ; Gesu prcsentato nel tempio; Ezechia. IX. Artaserse; Antioco; Ambleto ; Statira. X. Flavio Anicio Oli- brioi Astarto; Sesostri. XI. Costantino; Don Chis- ciotte in corte della duchessa ; Alessandro in Sidone; Psiche, componimen to musicale. Andromaca ; Nitocri ; Ezechia ; Daniello. [Teatro scelto italiano, v. 32] 4779. a 6 Don Chisciotte : dramma. [Parnaso italiano, v.50] 2769.2 Lettere. [Raccolta di prose e lettere nel se- COlO 18, V.2] 2767.2 ZENO, Caterino. Commentarii del viaggio in Per- sia, et delle gverre persiane. [Ramusio. Navigationi, v.2] 2260.2 ZENO, J. Vita Caroli Zeni Patricii 1334-14ia [Muratori. Rerumltal. script, v. 19] . . . 2720.1 ZENOBIA 901 ZREDNA Shelf. No. ZENOBIA. See Fragmenta hist. Graecorum, v.3 . 3002.11 ZENONE da Pistoia. Pietosa fonte, poema in morte di Messer F. Petrarca. [Lami. Deliciae cru- ditorum,v.!4] 4747.1 ZEPIIANIAII, Commentary on. See Calvin, J. . . 5504.3 ZERMEGH, J. Res gestae inter Ferdinandum et Johannem Hungariaa reges. [Schwandtner. Scriptores rerum Hungaricarum, v.2] . . 2810.2 ZESTERMANN, A. C. A. De basilicis. Bruxellis, 1847. 4 *4102.5 ZETHAR, the celestial visitant : a poem. 1st book. [Boston, 1859.] 12 2408.31 i ZETTERSTEDT, J. W. Coleoptera, etc., fauna; in- sectorum Lapponicae. Hammone, 1828. 8. *3898.7 Insecta Lapponica. Lipsije, 1840. 4 .... *3881.2 ZEUNE, A. Gothische Sprachformen und Sprach- proben. Berlin, 1825. pp.16. 4 *2881.2 ZIEGLER, G. L. Ueber die Brunft und den Em- bryo der Rene. Hannover, 1843. pp.40. 8 3884.5 ZiEMANN, A. Altdeutscb.es Elementarbuch. Qued- linburg und Leipzig, 1833. 8 2882.2 ZIETEN, C. H. v. Die Versteinerungen Wurttem- bergs. Stuttgart, 1830. 1.4 *3860.34 ZILIA : a poem in three cantos. New York, 1830. pp.54. 12" 2398.7 ZIMMER, R. Gedanken beim Erscheinen des drit- ten Bandes der Bach-Gesellschaft in Leip- zig. Berlin, 1854. 8 4040.12 ZIMMERMANN, C. G. Die Cholera Epidemic in Hamburg. Hamburg, 1831. 8 3805.17 ZIMMERMANN, J. G. On the dysentery. Transl. by C. R. Hopson. 2d ed. Lond. 1774. 8. *3760.27 Trait< de la dyssenterie. Nouv. ed. Trad, de 1'Allemand par J. B. Lefebre de Villebrane. Paris, 1787. 18 3760.34 Treatise on experience in physic. London, 1782. 2v. 8 3792.17 Ueber die Einsamkeit. Leipzig, 1784-S5. 4v. 16 **E. 229.3 Z IMPEL, C. F. Short account of homoeopathy, with rules to be observed. London, 1850. 8.*Pph.v.243 ZINELLI, G. B. Zelimo e Zulmira: dramma. [Te- atro moderno applaudito, v.49] 2768.1 ZOBI, A. Manuale storico degli ordinamenti econ- omic! vigenti in Toscana. Italia, 1858. 16. 2734.14 Stabilimento dei lavori in pietre dure di Fi- renze. Firenze, 1841. 8 4003.5 Storia civile della Toscana dal 1737 al 1848. Firenze, 1850-52. 5v. 8 2720.3 ZODIAC. Letronne, J. A. Analyse critique des representations zodiacacles de Dend^raet d' Esne 3921.9 Testa, D. 11 zodiaco de Dendera illustrato. E . 189. 12 See also: Dendera. ZOEPFL, H. Deutsche Staats-und Rechtsgechlchte. 2te Aufl. Stuttgart, 1844-47. 2v. 8 ... 3010.10 ZOILUS. See Baiter and Sauppe. Oratores Attici. 2963.1 See Fragmenta historicorum Graecorum, v.2 . 3002.11 Life of. See Parnell, T 2001.6 ZOIST, The. A j ournal of cerebral physiology and mesmerism. London, 1844-56. 13v. 8" . *3768.1 ZOLLVEREIN, Manuel consacre" specialement aux consuls de Prusse et des autres etats for- mant le. See Mensch, F. A. de 3616.3 ZON.EUS. See Walz, C. Rhetores Graeci, v.8 . . 2965.2 ZONARAS, J. Annales, ex recensione Mauricii Pinderi. Bonnse, 1841, 44, 2v. 8. [Corpus scriptorum historian Byzantinae, v.42, 43] . 2968.1 ZOOLOGISTS, Biography of. See Swainson, W. . 3882.14 ZOOLOGY. Agassiz, L. J. R. Bibliographia zool- ogiae 2173.4 - Nomenclatoris zoologici index univer- salis 3884.10 Broderip, W. J. Zoological recreations . . 3909.1 Cuvier, G. L. C. F. D. Le regne animal . . 3880.8 - Synopsis of the animal kingdom .... 3834.4 Dumeril, A. M. C. Zoologie analytique . . 3884.8 Edwards, H.M. Elemens de zoologie . . . 3890.16 - Zoologie 3880.10 Shelf. No. Eschscholtz, J. F. Zoologischer Atlas von Kotzebue's zweiter Reise urn die Welt . . 5800.11 Goldfuss, G. A. Grundriss der Zoologie . . - Handbuch der Zoologie 3908.2 - Ueber die Entwicklungsstufen des Thi- eres 3879.4 Grant, R. E. Study of the animal kingdom. M.Pph.v.21 Gravenhorst, J. L. C. Verzeichnisse der zoologischen Sammlung 3884.9 Holland, G. C. Constitution of the animal creation as expressed in structural appen- dages 3765.9 Hollard, H. Nouveaux Elements de zoologie. 3890.15 Jacob, A. Zoological essays, reprinted from the philosophical transactions 3885.14 Jardine, W. Magazine of 3837.4 Jones, T. R. Organisation of the animal kingdom 3887.15 Kuhl, H. Zur Zoologie 3885.0 Lamarck, J. B. P. A. Philosophic zoologique. 3890. 17 Latham, R. G. Zoology of the crystal pal- ace, by E. Forbes 4089.28 Latreille, P. A. Families naturelles du regne animal 3880.11 Lawrence, W. Lectures on 3886.18 Pallas, P. S. Miscellanea zoologica .... 3903.1 Ranzani, C. Elementi di zoologia 3890.19 Rathke, M. H. Zur Geschichte der Thierwelt. 3880,7 Rossmiissler, E. A. Systematische Uebersicht des Thierreichs 3890.14 Tiedemann, F. Zoologie 3908.1 Wilkinson, J. J. G. Swedenborg's economy of the animal kingdom 3454.4 Zenker, J. C. Zoologisches Handbuch . . . 3890.18 See also: Amphibia, Animals, Articulata, Compar- ative anatomy and physiology, Entomology, Inver- tebrata, Mollusca, Museums, Paleontology, Badiata, Vertebrata, Zoophytes. Also, the names of the following regions and place* for works respecting local zoology, Adriatic, Africa, America, Belgium, Brazil, Denmark, Great Britain, Greenland, India, London, New York, Orkney islands, Paris, Peru, Russia, Sweden. ZOONOMIA, or the laws of organic life. Darwin, E 3722.22 ZOOPHYTES. Ellis, J. Natural history of many curious and uncommon zoophytes .... 3871.1 Leuckart, F. S. Observationes de zoophytis coralliis 3871.12 Pallas, P. S. Elenchus zoophytorum , . . . 3871.19 Schafler, J. C. Die Blumenpolypen der siissen Wasser 3871.16 See also : Planarise, Polypi, Sponges. ZOROASTER. Examen de la traduction des livres attribuds a Zoroastre. [Jones. Works, v.10] 2604.3 Hyde, T. Magorum liber Sad-der Zoroastris praecepta et canones continens 3480.4 Pastoret, C. E. J. P. Zoroastre, Confucius, et Mahomet compares 3488.10 ZORZI, A. Prodrome della nuova enciclopedia italiana. Siena, 1779. 4 *A. 130.2 Riflessioni sulla verita poetica. [Raccolta fer- rarcse di opuscoli scientiflci, ecc. v.3] . . . 5274.1 ZOSIMUS, historian. Historias Graece et Latine, recensuit J. F. Reitemeier. Lipsiae, 1784. 8. *3003.5 [Historian], ex recognitione Bekkcri. Bon- nae, 1837. 8. [Corpus scriptorum historiae Byzantinae, v.30] 2968.1 ZOSIMUS, pope. Epistolse decretales. [Migne. Patrologise v.84] v. 4 of 3450.16 Epistola; et decreta. [Migne. Patrol, v. 20]. 3440.14 Epistola. [Migne. Patrologiae v.56] . v.3 of 3440.25 ZOSIMUS Ascalonita. See Reiske, J. J. Oratorum Graecorum v.4 2907.2 ZOUCH, T. LifeoflzaakWalton. Lond. 1826. 12. 2448. 10 ZREDNA, J. de. Epistolae, in diuersis negotiis, statum publicum regni Hungariae concer- nentibus, 1445-51. [Schwandtner. Scrip- tores rerum Hungarlcarum, y.2j 2810.2 ZSCHOKKE 902 ZYGCENA Shelf. No. ZSCHOKKE, J. H. D. Alamontade, or the galley slave. Transl. from the German by J. T. S. Sullivan. From 45th ed. Phila. 1845. 12. 2889.3 Histoire de la revolution suisse. Trad, de 1'Allemand par M. Pictet. Geneve, 1SK). 8. 2828.12 Histoire de la nation suisse. Trad, par Mon- nard. 4e ed. Aarau, 1839. 12 2828.13 Stunden der Andacht. 29te Aufl. Aarau, 1852. 6v. 8" 3444.15 ZUCCAGNI-ORLANDINI, A. Corografia flsica, stor- ica e statistica dell' Italia e delle sue isole. Firenze, 1835-45. 12v. in 17. 8" ...... *2712.1 Contents. Vol. I. Introduzione ossia notizic gen- eral! fisiche e storiche sull' Italia e prospetti topograflci dci dirersi suoi stati. II. Principato dl Monaco; Stati sardi italiani di terra ferma. IU-IV. Stati sardi. V-VI. Regno lombardo-veneto. VII. Frazioni ter- ritorial! italiane incorporate nclla confederazione elvcticanelFimperoaustriaco. VIII. Ducat! di Par- ma, Piacenza e Guastalla ; Stati estensi ; Ducato di laicea. IX. Granducato di Toscana. X. Stato pon- tiflcio ; Repubblica di S. Marino. XI. Regno delle due Sicilie, dominii di qua dal Faro. XII. Isole ap- partenenti a stati italiani. Atlante geografico alia corografia dell' Italia. Firenze, 1844. 2v. Atlas, f *27.L.l Atlante illustrative alia corografia dell' Italia. Firenze, 1845. 3v. Atlas, f . . . *27.J.l, *27.K.l ZUCCARINI. On the morphology of the coniferae. See Reports and papers on botany 3824.8 Shelf. No. ZCCCHI.N. Vita. [Bartoli. Opere,v.38]. . . . 3537.1 ZULIANI, P. Opuscoli idraulici. [Raccolta del moto dell' acque, v.12] 3942.1 ZORICH, Politischc Annalen der eidgenossischen Vororte, 1834-36. Escher, H 2828.8 ZURICH letters, comprising the correspondence of several English bishops with some of the Helvetian reformers. Robinson, H. . . . 3503.15 ZURITA, A. de. Rapport sur les diflV-rentes class- es de chefs de la Nouvelle-Espagne. [Ter- naux-Compans. Mdm. pour servir a 1'hist. de la d<5couverte de 1'Ame'rique] . . . v.3 of 2316.1 ZURLA, P. Di Marco Polo e degli altri viaggiato- riyeneziani. Venezia, 1818. 2v. 4 ... *2240.7 II mappamondo di fra Mauro descritto ed illustrate. Venezia, 1806. f *2280.5 Estratto del mappamondo di fra Mauro. [Coll. d'opuscoli scient. e lett. v.2] .... 5278.2 ZURLAUBEN, B. F. A. J. D. de. D'Arnaut de Cervole, archipretre, chevalier et murk'-, et de ses relations avec les compagnies dites dcs Routiers, des Tard-venus, de la Jacquerie. [Leber. Coll. diss. hist.France, v.18] 2618.1 ZWICKAU. Gutbier, A. v. Versteinerungen des zwickauer Schwarzkohlengebirges .... 3861.26 - Zwickauer Schwarzkohlengebirges . . . 3868.2 ZYGCENA. Monographic des zygenides. Bois- duval, J. A. 3876.1 HE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY OF THE DAY USE r DEPT. LIBRARY OF THE ed books are subject to ! 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