GIFT OF jure au ol' ral 1 eco RATES OF PAY AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING EMPLOYES IN TRAIN AND YARD SERVICE Compliments ..... W A Grand SecV & Treas . s . E . WILKINSO M S. E. WILKINSON, Grand Master, W. A. SHE AH AN, Grand Sec'y & Treas., BROTHERHOOD OF RAILROAD TRAINMEN,. tf GALESBUBG. ILLINOIS. BROTHERHOOD STEAM PRINT. 1892. RATES OF PAY AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING EMPLOYES IN TRAIN AND YARD SERVICE ON THE PRINCIPAL RAILROADS. OF THE UNITED STATES, CANADA AND MEXICO. COLLECTED AND COMPILED BY S. E. WILKINSON, Grand Master, W. A. SHE AH AN, Grand Sec'?/ & Treas., BROTHERHOOD OF RAILROAD TRAINMEN.. If GALESBURG, ILLINOIS. BROTHERHOOD STEAM PRINT. NOTICE! The aim of the compilers of this work has been to make it as complete as possible, and to that end the management of all principal railroads have been requested to fur- nish copies of their regulations governing employes in train and yard service, and the rates of pay, etc. As shown by the contents, many of the leading lines have complied with the request; others have refused to give for publication the information asked, while a few have ignored the request. This work is gotten out by the Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen at considerable expense, not as an advertisement, nor with the hopes of realizing a money profit there- from, but as a book of reference for the enlightenment of its members, and we believe It will be found a valuable book for managers and their superintendents. Supplements to this work will be issued from time to time as important changes in rates, etc., shall make it necessary. A limited number of copies of this work can be supplied to those wanting them at $2.00 per copy. Address: GRAND LODGE, BROTHERHOOD OF RAILROAD TRAINMEN, Drawer A, Galesburg, 111. ADDISON & PENNSYLVANIA RAILWAY. Passenger Conductors, $75.00 per month. Freight Conductors. $65.00 per month. Switchmen; $40.00 per month. Passenger Brakemen, $45.00 per month. Freight Brakemen, $40.00 per month. The freight crews make from 82 to 95 miles per day only. May 14th, 1892. FRANK M. BAKER, General Superintendent. ANNAPOLIS & BALTIMORE SHORT LINE RAILROAD. We pay $80.00 per month for Conductors and Engineers of passenger trains, and $70.00 per month for freight trains; $1.50 per day to Baggagemen, Brakemen and Fire- men; $1.00 to $1.50 per day for Yardmen and Switchmen. Our road is short and the runs easy. C. A. COOMBS, May 12th, 1892. Managing Director. ATCHISON, TOPEKA & SANTA FE RAILROAD. PASSENGER SERVICE. ON RUNS EXCEEDING 4,000 MILES PER CALENDAR MO. ON RUNS LESS THAN 4,000 MILES PER CALENDAR MO. DIVISION. Cond's Br'k'n. REMARKS. DIVISION. Cond's Br'k'n. REMARKS. Chicago. ... 1 125 00 12500 125 00 125 00 125 00 12500 j 125 00 ( 13000 130 00 13000 $ 60 00 6000 60 00 60 00 60 00 6000 j 60 00 | 70 00 70 00 70 00 East of La Junta. West of La Junta. Chicago. Eastern Middle Southern Kas Southern Panhandle.... Western New Mexico.. Rio Grande. . . $ 100 00 100 00 100 00 10000 100 00 100 00 j 100 00 \ 10500 105 00 105 00 $5500 55 00 55 00 55 00 55 00 5500 j 55 00 1 6500 6500 6500 East of La Junta. West of La Junta. Eastern Middle Southern Kas Southern Panhandle.... Western New Mexico.. Kio Grande... FREIGHT SERVICE. LOCAL AND MIXED. THROUGH AND IRREGULAR. DIVISION. PER MONTH. REMARKS. DIVISION. PER MILE. REMARKS. Cond's Br'k'n. Cond's Br'k'n. Chicago Eastern $ 90 00 90 00 9000 90 00 9000 9000 95 00 $6000 60 00 6000 60 00 60 00 60 00 6500 Chicago 3 cts. 3 cts. 3 cts. 3 cts. 3 cts. 3 cts. 3 cts. 3*i CtS. 3*4 cts. 3H cts. 3% cts. 3M cts. 2 cts. 2 cts. 3 cts. 2 cts. 2 cts. 2 cts. 2 cts. 2% CtS. 2Y 2 cts. 2J4 cts. 2% cts. 2M cts. East of La Junta West of La Junta. La Junta to Raton. Raton to Las Vegas. j Las Vegas to Albu- ( querque. Eastern Middle Middle Southern Kas Southern Panhandle.... Western New Mexico. . Rio Grande. . . Southern Kas Southern Panhandle Western New Mexico. . >( 41 Rio Grande. . . NOTE. While three crews run the locals between Dodge City and La Junta, and three crews be- tween La Junta and Denver, $110.00 per month for Conductors and $75.00 per month for Brakemen will be allowed. Twenty-six or twenty-seven days per calendar month will constitute a month's work in local or mixed service. 617053 ATCHISON, TOPEKA & SANTA FE RAILWAY. BRANCH LINES. LOCAL OB MIXED TRAINS. BRANCH. Cond's. Brakem'n M A & B $ 100 00 $ 65 00 Osage City 100 00 65 00 100 00 65 00 Benedict 100 00 65 00 105 00 65 00 Strong City 100 00 65 00 Salina . . . 100 (JO 65 00 100 00 65 00 Hutchinson 100 00 65 00 Great Bend 10U 00 65 00 Rockvale 100 00 70 00 Canon City .... ... 100 00 70 00 Starkville 100 00 70 00 Blossburg 100 00 70 00 Magdalena 105 00 70 00 Carthage 105 00 70 00 Lake Vallev 105 00 70 00 NOTE. Twenty-six or twenty-seven days shall constitute a month's work except on Osa^ Salina, Barnard, Carthage and Lake Valley Branches, which shall be at above rates per calendar- month. This Schedule is subject to revision on Canon City Branch should switch engines be employed at Canon City or Florence. WORK TRAIN SERVICE. DIVISION. Cond's. Brakem'n REMARKS. Chicago $ 90 00 $ 60 00 90 00 60 00 Middle 90 00 60 00 Southern Kansas 90 00 60 00 Southern 90 00 60 00 Panhandle 90 00 60 00 Western I 9000 I 6000 East of La Junta. New Mexico | 97 50 100 00 J 67 50 70 00 West of La Junta. Rio Grande 100 00 70 00 Twenty six or twenty-seven days per calendar month will constitute a month's work in Work Train Service. Twelve hours or less to constitute a day's work When conductors act as foremen, twenty dollars extra per month to be paid. Rules, 1. On all freight runs of 100 miles or less, requiring- more than ten hours to make the run, overtime will be paid at the rate of ten miles per hour for trainmen. On all freight runs exceeding 100 miles, trainmen will be paid overtime for all time used to complete the trip in excess of an average speed of 10 miles per hour at the above rates. Ten hours shall constitute a day's work for conductors and brakemen in freight service. 2. Conductors and brakemen in Freight Service, when making doubles, only the single of which is less than 100 miles and the double more than 100 miles, will be allowed 200 miles should the double consume to exceed 16 hours. 3. When crews of through or local freight, or mixed freight trains are required to do switching service at terminal or division stations, they will be paid extra for such service at the rate of 10 miles per hour for conductors and brakemen; less than thirty minutes not to be counted; thirty minutes and over and less than one hour will be com- puted one hour, except that on runs which consume less than 10 hours, no extra switch- ing service will be allowed until the total time used in making the run exceeds 10 hours. 4. Short runs or turn-arounds made within 24 hours, where mileage is less than 100 miles, will be allowed 100 miles. 5. Crews in charge of helper engines between Glorieta and Lamy, conductors will be paid $100 per month, brakemen $70 per month, 12 hours to constitute a day's work; overtime after twelve hours, conductors 35 cents per hour, brakemen 25 cents per hour. 6. Freight Train Crews will be allowed regular freight rate for handling passen- ger trains or passenger equipment. 7. Freight or Passenger crews making extra trips, in addition to their regular as- signed runs, will be allowed extra time upon the basis of pay allowed other crews in similar service, except as provided in Article 6. 8. Trainmen required to remain on duty over thirty minutes with their trains after arriving at a Main Line Terminal Station, shall be paid at the rate of 10 miles per hour. 9. Crews paid on basis of calendar month will not have their pay reduced on ac- count of National Holidays, in case their train does not run. 10. In computing overtime no fraction of an hour less than thirty minutes will be counted. Thirty minutes or over will be counted one hour. ATCHISON, TOPEKA & SANTA FE RAILWAY. 11. Crews dead-heading under orders will be paid one-half their regular rates, pro- vided that crews dead-heading- perform no other service on that date, shall be paid full rates for 100 miles. 12. Crews not assigned to regular runs will be run first in first out. In ordering crews, when dead-heading is required, the second crew will run the train, the first crew dead-heading. The dead-head crew being ahead of the crew with whom they dead head on reaching the terminal of the run. 13. Pilots on Raton Mountain and on other helper service will receive $75 per cal- endar month; twelve hours constituting- a day's work; overtime at 25 cents per hour after twelve hours. Other Pilots to receive Conductor's pay according- to the Division on which they are employed. 14. Where crews are compelled to double hills, such crews will be allowed the ex- tra mileage made; for example if a hill is five miles long-, an allowance of ten miles in addition to the length of the run will be allowed. 15. Trainmen will be notified when time is not allowed as per trip report. 16. Main line trainmen will be called at division or terminal stations by train caller, who will be provided with a book in which the men called, shall enter their names, together with the time they are called. The district within which trainmen will be called will be established by the Division Superintendent. The working time of all trainmen will commence within one hour after they have signed Caller's book. 17. A crew called for any train that does not go out will be paid at overtime rates at 10 miles per hour, until released, and stand first out; except that a crew held over five hours for a train that does not run shall be paid one day and go behind other crews at that point. Under this article, when a trainman signs the caller's book for the subsequent train, he shall be released from the first train. 18. Any trainman after a continous service of 16 hours or more, shall, upon a written or telegraphic notice, upon Trainmaster or Division Superintendent be enti- tled to eight hours rest before he is again called for service, except in cases of wrecks, washouts or snow blockades, and provided also, that such notice is given prior to or at expiration of any run. Following crews will have the right to run around any crew laying over for rest. 19. Crews will not be released between terminal points. 20. When crews run over more than one Division the assignment of crews to the through runs will be made as near as practicable on the basis of mileage on each Division. 21. No more men shall be employed in the service than is necessary to do the work and earn a reasonable average monthly compensation. Whenever, in the judgment of the trainmen, there are too many crews, a committee of trainmen in good standing employed on the Division may call the attention of the Trainmaster or Superintendent to such surplus of men, when the matter will be fully investigated, and if conditions are found to warrant it, a reduction in force will be made, such reduction to be made in the order of promotion. Nothing in this article, however, shall prevent the Division Superintendent from increasing or decreasing forces at his discretion. Every employe should understand that it is his privilege and duty to make written appeal to his Di- vision Superintendent whenever by promotion, reduction or assignment, he deems an injustice has been done him. 22. Trainmen attending Court at the request of an official of the company will be paid at the same rate they would have been entitled to had they remained on their run, and if away from their home station, in addition thereto their legitimate expenses. 23. When a change of division or train runs require trainmen to change their place of residence, they will be furnished free transportation for their families and household goods to their new place of residence. 24. In line of promotion, two brakemen will be promoted from rank of brakemen, according to age on respective divisions, and their ability to assume the duties of con- ductor. For every two Brakemen so promoted, one Conductor may be hired or promoted from the ranks of Brakemen regardless of age in service. Any Conductor so hired or promoted shall have had at least one year's experience on a steam surface railroad, as conductor, and shall be required to pass such examination as the rules of the Company require. The rights of all Conductors and Brakemen shall date from the time they enter the continuous service of the Company. 25. When a conductor or brakeman is suspended, he shall be notified in writing the day his suspension takes place, and it shall plainly state the length of time suspended, and for what cause. 26. When trainmen leave the service of the Company, they shall be given let- ters stating time of service, in what capacity employed and cause for leaving the ser- vice; the said letters to be given within a reasonable time provided they have worked on the division 90 days or more; said letters to be signed and stamped by the Superin- tendent of the Division 27. All employes will be regarded as in line of promotion, dependent upon the ATCHISON, TOPEKA & SANTA FE RAILWAY. faithful discharge of duties, capacity for increased responsibility, and term of service. Superintendents are keeping- a record of the employes on their respective divisions, in which is entered their merits, demerits and term of service. Upon such record promo- tions will be based. 28. The assignment of trainmen will be made in accordance with the judgment of the Division Superintendent, according to the provisions of Articles 24 and 27. 29. Conductors and Brakemen will not be dismissed or suspended from the Com- pany's service without just cause. In case of suspension or dismissal, if any employe thinks his sentence unjust, he shall have the right within ten days to refer his case by written statement to the Division Superintendent. Within ten days of the receipt of this notice his case shall have a thorough investigation by the proper officer of the Railroad Company, at which he may be present if he so desires, and also be repre- sented by any disinterested employe of his choice. In case he shall not be satisfied with the result of said investigation, he shall have the right to appeal to the General Superintendent and to the General Manager. In case of intoxication or insubordina- tion, dismissal will follow without hearing, as above provided. In case suspension or dismissal is found to be unjust, he shall be reinstated and paid for all time lost. 30. When Conductors or Brakemen leave the service of the Company of their own accord, they shall not be reinstated. Leave of absence will not be granted for more than ninety days except in cases of sickness. 31. All vacancies occuring in baggage runs, not controlled by joint service, shall be filled from the ranks of the eligible and competent Passenger Brakemen, oldest Passenger Brakemen in service to have the preference on all extra or special runs or excursions trains. Where a man is required to take charge of and handle baggage, regular or extra Passenger Brakemen shall perform the service, oldest men to have the preference. 32. When any Passenger or Freight Conductor makes proper objection in writing to the Trainmaster or Superintendent against any Brakeman under his charge, such Brakeman shall be assigned to other service, or dismissed from the service if the cir- cumstances justify. 33. When reasonable notice has been given, members of General Grievance Com- mittee will be granted unlimited leave of absence when on Committee business. 34. Any employe believing himself to be improperly treated under these rules and regulations shall have the right to appeal to the General Superintendent and General Manager. 35. No departure from the provisions of this agreement will be made by any party thereto without reasonable notice of such a desire in writing has been served upon other parties thereto. The Articles enumerated constitute in their entirety an agreement between the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad Company and its Conductors and Brakemen. All Schedules, Rules and Regulations previously in effect are null and void. SWITCHING SERVICE. At Chicago, Corwith, Joliet, Streator, Chillicothe, Ft. Madison, Marceline, Kansas City. Argentine, Atchison, Topeka, Emporia, Florence, Newton, Hutchinson, Nicker- son, Dodge City, La Junta, Pueblo, Denver, Trinidad, Raton, Las Vegas, Albuquerque, San Marcial, Deming, El Paso, Wichita, Arkansas City, Purcell, Wellington, Cherry Vale, Ottawa, Frontenac and Chanute, Switchmen, days, 25 cents per hour. Switchmen, nights, 27 cents per hour. Foremen, days, 27 cents per hour. Foremen, nights, 29 cents per hour. Rules. 1. Switching crews shall consist of a Foreman and two Switchmen, except when in the judgment of the Superintendent three men are not necessary to properly handle the business. Nothing in this article shall prevent the Foreman from acting as Yardmaster, should it be decided by the Superintendent that he can perform this service in connection with his other duties. 2. Yardmen will be permited to take their noon or midnight meal hour im- mediately after 12 o'clock noon or midnight, except in cases of emergency or when it is necessary to vary from the above rule in order to facilitate the movement of trains. Should Yardmen be required to remain on duty for thirty minutes or less after 12 o'clock, they will be paid overtime at the above rate for thirty minutes, and if required to remain on duty over thirty minutes and less than one hour, they will be paid for one hour. The above rule will also apply to Yardmen working from 12 o'clock noon until 12 o'clock midnight, or on any other split trick. 3. Where the work requires two or more engines, the switching service will be devided into tricks of ten hours or more, it being understood that except in cases of emergency, continuous service exceeding fifteen hours will not be required. It is also understood that the division of the twenty-four hours into tricks shall be arranged by ATLANTIC & PACIFIC RAILWAY. the Division Officials. A Yardman called for any regular trick shall be paid for ten hours, whether work is furnished for the entire time or not, except in case of insub- ordination or sickness, when he shall be paid only for the time worked. Nothing in this article shall be construed as allowing 1 ten hours for two, three or more hours addi- tion to a regular trick, it being distinctly understood that such addition is to be paid for on the regular hourly basis. 4. Yardmen will not be dismissed or suspended from the Company's service without just cause, and in case of suspension or dismissal, if any employe thinks his treatment unjust, he shall have the right within ten days, to refer his case by written statement to the Division Superintendent, and within ten days of the receipt of this notice, his case shall have thorough investigation by the proper officers of the Railroad Company, at which he may be present, if he so desires, and also be represented by any disinterested employe of his choice. In case he is not satisfied with the result of such investigation, he shall have the right to appeal to the General Superintendent. The decision of the Division Superintendent, however, shall be final unless the employe sees fit to appeal to the General Superintendent, as above provided. Any employe will be dismissed without hearing in cases of intoxication or insubordination. 5. The rights of all Yardmen shall date from the time they enter the contin- uous service of the Company, and they shall be regarded as in the line of promotion, dependent upon the faithful discharge of duties, capacity for increased responsibility and term of service. Nothing in this article shall prevent Superintendents from em- ploying experienced men should the good of the service require it. 6. All previous Schedules, Rules and Regulations are void. For Order Railway Conductors: H. R. NICKERSON, A. B. GARRETSON, Grand Senior Conductor. General Superintendent. H. J. STANLEY, Chairman O. R. C. Approved: A. A. ROBINSON, For Brotherhood Railroad Trainmen: 2nd Vice Pres. and Gen. Manager. P. H. MORRISSEY, Acting Grand Master. R. C. SCOTT, Chairman B. of R. T. April 1st, 1892, ATLANTIC & PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY. WESTERN DIVISION. PASSENGER SERVICE. Passenger Conductors, $130.00 per month. Passenger Brakemen, $75.00 per month. It is understood that while two through trains daily each way are run as at pres- ent, there will be six crews for the New Mexico Division, six crews for the Arizona Division, and five crews for the California Division. FREIGHT SERVICE. The pay of Freight Conductors will be as follows: Between Albuquerque and Winslow, $95.00 per month, for 3,000 miles or less, and 31-6 cents per mile for all excess mileage. Between Winslow and Mojave, $105.00 per month, for 3,000 miles or less, and H cents per mile for all excess mileage. The pay of Freight Brakemen will be: Between Albuquerque and Winslow, $70.00 per month, for 3 000 miles or less, and 2i cents per mile for all excess mileage. Between Winslow and Mojave, $80.00 per month, for 3,000 miles or less, and 2i cents per mile for all excess mileage. WORK TRAIN SERVICE. Work Train Conductors will be paid $100.00 per month. Work Train Brakemen will be paid $75.00 per month. 26 or 27 days per calendar month will constitute a month's work on work trains, 12 hours or less to constitute a day's work. Conductor with helper engine between Williams and Ash Fork will be paid $100.00 per calendar month. Twelve (12) hours to constitute a day's work, the hours to be regulated by Division Superintendents. Overtime to be paid as per Article I. REGULATIONS. ARTICLE 1. On all freight runs of less than 100 miles requiring more than 10 hours to make the run, over-time will be paid if the hours used on the trip exceed 12 hours, in which case all over-time exceeding 10 hours will be paid at freight rates. On all freight runs exceeding 100 miles, trainmen will be paid overtime for all time used to complete the trip in excess of an average speed of 10 miles per hour at freight rates. On all through freight runs between Winslow and Williams and between Peach Springs and Williams, where Williams is made a divisional terminal, over- time will be paid for all time used to complete the trip in excess of 10 miles per hour. ATLANTIC & PACIFIC RAILWAY. ART. 2. Trainmen required to remain on duty over 30 minutes with their trains after arriving at a main line terminal station, shall be paid at the rate of 10 miles per hour. ART. 3. In computing overtime no fraction of an hour less than 30 minutes will be counted. Any fraction of an hour over 30 minutes will be counted an hour. ART. 4. Any Conductor or Brakeman running less than 100 miles in 24 hours on freight or extra passenger service or special trains will be paid the same as if 100 miles had been run, and in addition for any overtime earned under Article 1. ART. 5. Freight and passenger crews making extra trips in addition to their reg- ular assigned runs will be allowed extra time upon the basis allowed other crews in similar service. ART. 6. Crews dead- heading under orders will be paid one-half their regular rates. The first crew out will run dead-head, and the second run the train; the dead-heading crew being first out on reaching terminal of that run. ART. 7. Crews not assigned to regular runs will be run first in first out. ART. 8. All trainmen after a continuous service of 16 hours or more, shall, upon a written or telegraphic notice upon Division Superintendent or Trainmaster, be en- titled to 8 hours rest before they are again called for service, except in cases of wrecks, washouts or other emergencies, and provided also that where bulletin notice registering their arrival in a call or register book that an entry therein to the effect that 8 hours rest is needed before the signer is able to go on duty again, will be suf- ficient notice to the Division Official. ART. 9. Where crews are compelled to double hills as a regular service, such crews will be allowed the extra mileage made: for example, if a hill is 5 miles long, an allowance of 10 miles in addition to the length of the division will be allowed. Mileage for doubling hills under any other circumstances will not be allowed, except at the dis- cretion of the Division Superintendent. ART. 10. When crews run over more than one division, the assignment of crews to the through runs will be made, as near as practicable, on the basis of mileage on each division. ART. 11. Trainmen will be called at terminal stations by Train Caller, who will be provided with a book in which the men called will enter their names, together with the time they are called. The district within which the trainmen will be called will be established by the Division Superintendent, but shall not in any case exceed three- quarters of .a mile from the calling office. The working time of all trainmen will com- mence within one hour after they have signed the caller's book. ART. 12. Trainmen when called, if for any cause or reason other than their own acts, do not go out, if held on duty less than six hours, shall be paid one-half day and stand first out. If held more than six hours, they will be paid one day and go behind other crews at that point. ART. 13. Trainmen attending court at the request of an official of the Company, will be paid at the same rate they would have been entitled to had they remained on their run, and if away from their home station, in addition thereto their legitimate expenses. ART. 14. When a change of divisions or train runs require trainmen to change their place of residence, they will be furnished free transportation for their families -and household gqods to their new place of residence. ART. 15. Trainmen will be notified when time is not allowed as per trip report. ART. 16. The assignment of brakemen will be made in accordance with the judg- ment of the Division Superintendents, subject to the provisions of Article 18. ART. 17. Conductors or Brakemen will not be dismissed or suspended from the Company's service without just cause. In case of suspension or dismissal, if any em- ploye thinks his dismissal unjust, he shall have the right within 10 days to refer his case by written statement to the Division Superintendent. Within ten days of the re- ceipt of this notice his case shall have a thorough investigation by the proper officers of the railroad company, at which he may be present if he so desires, and also be rep- resented by any disinterested employe of his grade. In case he shall not be satisfied with the result of the investigation, he shall have the right to appeal to the Superin- tendent Transportation and to the General Manager. In case suspension or dismissal is found to be unjust, he shall be reinstated and paid for all time lost. ART. 18. All employes will be regarded as in the line of promotion dependent upon the faithful discharge of their duties, capability for increased responsibility, and term of service. Superintendents are keeping a record of the employes on their re- spective divisions, in which is entered their merits, demerits and term of service. Upon such record promotions will be based. Reduction of forces will be made at the vdiscretion of Division Superintendents in the order of promotion. Every employe .should understand that it is his privilege and duty to make written appeals to his Di- vision Superintendent whenever by promotions, reductions or assignments, he deems ;an injustice has been done him. Any employe will be dismissed without hearing in ATLANTIC & PACIFIC RAILWAY. case of intoxication, insubordination and collisions. Nothing in this article shall be construed as preventing the Company from employing experienced men when they deem that the good of the service requires it. ART. 19. Any employe believing himself to be improperly treated under these rules and regulations, shall have the right to appeal to the Superintendent Trans- portation and General Manager. ART. 20. All schedules, rules and regulations in conflct with these now adopted, are void. No change will be made from these schedules and rules without reasonable notice. Approved: D. B. ROBINSON, General Manager. ANDREW SMITH, Supt. Transportation. The baggage on our trains is handled by Wells, Fargo & Co.'s Express Messengers; we paying one-half of their salary, T. R. GABEL, September 1st, 1890. General Superintendent. ATLANTIC & PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY. WESTERN DIVISION. SWITCHING SERVICE. Yardmasters, days, $115.00 per month. Yardmasters, nights, $110.00 per month. Foremen, days, 27 cents per hour. Foremen, nights, 29 cents per hour. Switchmen, days, 25 cents an hour. Switchmen, nights, 27 cents per hour. ARTICLE 1. Foreman of Gallup mine crew shall be paid $100.00 per month; helper, $80.00. Twenty-six and twenty-seven days to constitute a month's work. Twelve hours to constitute a day's work. All overtime to be paid at same rates. ART. 2. The twenty-four hours to be divided into two shifts of 12 hours each. Al- lowing the hours between 12 o'clock noon and 1 o'clock p. m., and 12 o'clock midnight and 1 o'clock a. m. for meals. No pay shall be allowed for these hours unless Yard- master notify men that he wants them to report for work before the hour is up, in which case Foremen and Switchmen will be paid for the hours. Important work shall not be neglected at any time. ART. 3. When Foremen and Switchmen do any work outside of regular yard work they shall be paid extra for such work at the regular hourly basis, which shall not be deducted from their regular shifts unless other men are employed to take their places, and if so the amount paid them to be deducted from the pay of Foremen and Switch- men, whose places they fill. Loading and unloading stock to be considered yard work when in yard limits. ART. 4. It shall be understood that a yard crew shall consist of a Yardmaster, Foreman and two Switchmen, night and day, respectively, except, at Gallup, days, Peach Springs and Needles, days and nights, where two men and the Yardmaster shall constitute a crew day and night. The man whom the Yardmaster designates as Fore- man to be paid 27 cents per hour in day and 29 cents in night yard. ART. 5. Trainmen have no rights in yard. ART. 6. That when a man has a regular position in yard and wants to bring his family to his place of employment, he shall be furnished free transportation for his family and household goods over the A. & P. R. R. ART. 7. That the General Greivance Committee shall consist of a man duly ap- pointed by each yard crew under this agreement. ART. 8. Members of the General Committee shall be granted unlimited leave of absence when on committee business connected with this schedule only. ART. 9. When the yard men attend court at the request of an official of the Com- pany they will be paid the same rate of pay they would have been entitled to had they remained at their respective positions, and, if away from their home station, in addi- tion thereto their legitimate expenses. ART. 10. All men in yard service to be given clearance when leaving the service of the company, such clearance t>o show length of service and cause of leaving. ART. 11. That a copy of this agreement shall be kept by Yardmaster or Train- master at each yard, and that every man taking employment in any yard specified in this agreement shall read and sign this agreement before he shall be allowed to go to work. That in case of any grievance that such grievance shall be submitted in writ- ing to the General Grievance Committee for adjustment. ART. 12. That reasonable notice be given members of the General Grievance Com- mittee, and that they shall take such grievance up for adjustment within ten days, and that all honorable means will be used to adjust all trouble. ART. 13. No departure from the provisions of this agreement will be made by any party thereto without reasonable notice of such a desire in writing has been served upon the parties thereto. The articles enumerated constitute in their entirety an 10 GULF, COLORADO & SANTA FE RAILWAY. agreement between the Atlantic & Pacific Railroad Company and its Yardmasters and Switchmen specified. All schedules previously in effect are null and void. Signed: ATLANTIC & PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY, For the Yardmasters, Foremen and Switchmen: T. R. GABEL, C. C. JONES. General Superintendent. W. H. M'DONALD, JOHN DENAIR, J. C. CASEY. Superintendent Transportation. S. H. CAMPBELL, JAMES WALSH. April 1, 1892. GULF, COLORADO & SANTA FE RAILWAY. ARTICLE 1. Passenger Service. Regular assigned passenger runs exceeding 4,000 miles per calendar month, Conductors shall receive $125.00: Brakemen $60.00 per month. Regular assigned passenger runs less than 4,000 miles per calendar month, Conduc- tors shall receive $100.00; Brakemen $55.00 per month. BRANCH LINES MIXED RUNS. Houston Branch, Conductors $100.00: Brakemen $65.00 per calendar month. Montgomery Branch, Conductors $100.00: Brakemen $65.00 per calendar month. Honey Grove Branch. Conductors $90.00; Brakemen $60.00 per calendar month. Weatherford Branch, Conductors $100.00: Brakemen $65.00 per calendar month. LOCAL FREIGHT SERVICE. Between Galveston and Sealy, Conductors $90.00: Brakemen $60.00. Between Sealy and Temple, Conductors $95.00: Brakemen $65.00. Between Temple and Cleburne, Conductors $90.00: Brakemen $60.00. Between Cleburne and Gainesville, Conductors $90.00; Brakemen $60.00. Between Gainesville and Purcell, Conductors $90.00; Brakemen $60.00. Lampasas Branch, Conductors $90.00; Brakemen $60.00. Dallas Branch, Conductors $95.00; Brakemen $65.00. The working days of a calendar month to constitute a month's work, and mileage in excess of 100 miles will be paid for at same rate between Gainesville and Purcell. WORK TRAIN SERVICE. Conductors shall receive $90.00: Brakemen $60.00. The working days of a calendar month to constitute a month's work. Twelve hours or less to constitute a day's work. Work train crews to be paid mileage going to or returning from point where work train is located, provided that cars are handled which do not belong 1 in the service in which they have been engaged. Crews assigned to work train service shall be notified of such assignment when called. Where Conductors act as foremen, $20.00 extra per month to be paid. THROUGH AND IRREGULAR FREIGHT SERVICE. Conductors shall receive 3 cents and Brakemen 2 cents per mile. ART. 2. On all freight runs of 100 miles or less requiring more than 10 hours to make the run, overtime will be paid at the rate of 10 miles per hour for trainmen. On all freight runs exceeding 100 miles, trainmen will be paid overtime for all time used to complete the trip in excess of an average speed of 10 miles per hour at the above rates. Ten hours shall constitute a day's work for Conductors and Brakemen in freight service. ART. 3. Conductors and Brakemen in freight service, when making doubles, only the single of which is less than 100 and the double more than 100 miles, will be allowed 200 miles should the double consume to exceed 16 hours. ART. 4. When crews of through, local or mixed freight trains are required to do switching service at terminal or division stations, they will be paid extra for such ser- vice at a rate of 10 miles per hour for Conductors and Brakemen; less than 30 minutes not to be counted; 30 minutes and over and less than one hour will be computed as one hour. Through freight crews delayed at any point more than one hour loading or un- loading stock, loading or unloading material, or required to switch more than one hour at any point will be paid extra for such service at the regular overtime rates. Local crews switching, loading or unloading stock at places where switch engines are usually kept, shall be paid extra for such service at regular overtime rates, provided however, that any time allowed under this article for such extra service will not be computed as overtime at the expiration of the run. ART. 5. When local freight crews are compelled to sidetrack their trains to do construction work, load or unload material, they will be paid extra for such service at regular overtime rates, regardless of time used in making the trip, it being under- stood that this service is not to be paid for twice. ART. 6. Short runs or turn-rounds made within 24 hours, where mileage is less than 100 miles, will be allowed 100 miles. GULF, COLORADO & SANTA FE RAILWAY. 11 ART. 7. Freight crews will be allowed regular freight rate for handling passenger ;rains or passenger equipment. ART. 8. Freight or passenger crews making extra trips in addition to their regu- ar assigned runs will be allowed extra time on the basis of pay allowed other crews in limilar service, except as is provided in Article 7. ART. 9. Trainmen required to remain on duty 30 minutes or over with their trains after arriving at a terminal station shall be paid at the rate of 10 miles per hour. ART. 10. Crews paid on a basis of a calendar month will not have their pay re- duced on account of National holidays in case their train does not run. ART. 11. In computing overtime no fraction of an hour less than 30 minutes will be counted: 30 minutes or over and less than one hour will be counted one hour. ART. 12. Crews dead-heading under orders will be paid full time, excepting that ;rainmen dead-heading on passenger trains under orders will be paid half time. Crews will go with their cabooses when cabooses are dead-headed. ART. 13. Crews not assigned to regular runs will be run first in first out. In order- ng crews when dead-heading is required, the second crew will run the train, the first crew dead-heading, the dead-head crew being ahead of the crew with whom they are dead-heading on reaching the terminal of the run. ART. 34. In making up trains yardmen shall put all air cars on head end of train and next to engine when safe. ART. 15. All Pilots to receive Conductor's pay according to the division on which hey are employed. ART. 16. Where crews are compelled to double hills. such crews will be allowed the extra mileage made. For example: If a hill is 5 miles long an allowance of 10 miles in addition to the length of the run will be allowed. ART. 17. Trainmen will be notified when time is not allowed as per trip report. ART. 18. Main line trainmen will be called at Division terminal station by train Caller, who will be provided with a book in which the men called shall enter their names together with the time they are called. The district in which trainmen will be called will be established by the Division Superintendent. Working time of trainmen to commence within one hour after they have signed Caller's book unless leaving earlier. ART. 19. When trainmen are called and for any reason other than their own act do not go out, if held on duty less than 5 hours they will be paid one-half day and stand irst out. If held more than 5 hours they will be paid one day and go behind other crews at that point. ART. 20. Any trainman after a continuous service of 16 hours or more shall, upon a written or telegraphic notice upon Trainmaster or other proper officer, be entitled to 8 hours rest before he is again called for service, except in case of wrecks and wash- outs, and provided also that such notice is given prior to or at the expiration of any un. Following crews will have the right to run around any crew laying over for rest. ART. 21. Crews will not be released between terminal points. ART. 22. No more men shall he employed in the service than is necessary to do the work and earn a reasonable monthly compensation. Whenever train crews are mak- ng less than 3,000 miles per month, a committee of trainmen in good standing employed on the Division may call the attention of the Trainmaster or Superintendent to such surplus of men, when the matter will be fully investigated, and if conditions are found to warrant it a reduction of force will be made, such reduction to be made in the order of promotion: nothing in this article, however, shall prevent the Division Superintend- ent from increasing or reducing forces at his discretion. Every employe should under- stand that it is his privilege and duty to make written appeal to his Division Superin- ;endent whenever by promotion, reduction or assignment, he deems an injustice has been done him. ART. 23. Trainmen attending court at the request of an official of the Company will be paid at the same rate that they would have been entitled to had they remained their run, and if away from their home station, in addition thereto their legitimate expenses. ART. 24. Freight cabooses and their crews shall not be laid over for the reason that their conductors have laid off for any cause. ART. 25. When a change of Division" or train runs require trainmen to change their place of residence they will be furnished free transportation for their families and household goods to their new place of residence. ART. 26. In line of promotion, Brakemen will be promoted from the ranks of freight Brakemen according to age on respective Divisions and their ability to assume :he duties of Conductor; for every two Brakemen so promoted one Conductor may be lired or promoted from the ranks regardless of age in the service. Any Conductor so iiired or promoted shall have had at least one year's experience as Conductor on a steam surface railway and shall be required to pass such examination as the rules of ;he Company require. The rights of all Conductors and Brakemen, as such, shall date from the time they enter the continuous freight train service of the Company, it being- 12 GULF, COLORADO & SANTA FE RAILWAY. understood that a man shall be classed as a Conductor from the date of his assignment as extra Conductor, in accord with the provisions of this Article. In the hiring of Brakemen preference will be given to experienced and competent men. ART. 27. When a Conductor or Brakeman is suspended he shall be notified in writ- ing the day his suspension shall take place, and it shall plainly state the length of time suspended and for what cause. ART. 28. When trainmen leave the service of the Company they shall be given letters stating time of service, in what capacity employed and cause for leaving the service, the said letters to be given within a reasonable length of time, provided they have worked on the Division 60 days or more, said letters to be signed and stamped by the Superintendent of the Division. ART. 29. Conductors and Brakemen will not be dismissed or suspended from the Company's service without just cause. In case of suspension or dismissal, if any em-! ploye thinks his sentence unjust he shall have the right within ten days to refer hi case by written statement to the Division Superintendent. Within ten days of the receipt of this notice his case shall have a thorough investigation by the proper office of the Railroad Company, at which he may be present if he so desires, and also be rep resented by any disinterested employe of his choice. In case he shall not be satisfiec with the result of said investigation he shall have the right to appeal to the Genera Manager. In case of intoxication or insubordination dismissal will follow. In case dismissal or suspension is found to be unjust he shall be re-instated and paid for al time lost. ART. 30. When Conductors or Brakemen leave the service of the Company o their own accord they shall not be re-instated. Leave of absence will not be grante( for more than 60 days, except in case of sickness. ART. 31. When it shall become necessary for train crews to coal up engines, the crew shall be paid for same at the rate of 30 cents each per engine. ART. 32. Local crews shall load cotton only at station platform, and then only a many as seven bales at any one station. ART. 33. When any passenger or freight Conductor makes proper objection in writing to the Trainmaster or Superintendent against any Brakeman under his charge such Brakeman shall be assigned to another crew or dismissed from the service if the circumstances justify. Any Brakeman shall have the privilege of changing from any crew or run on presentation to the Trainmaster of proper reasons therefor, the Train master to decide what constitutes proper reasons. ART. 34. When reasonable notice has been given, members of Grievance Commit tees will be granted unlimited leave of absence when on committee business. ART. 35. Regular assigned runs shall be run by the oldest Conductors and Brake men, if competent. When vacancies occur in such runs, Conductors and Brakemen entitled to such runs declining to accept them, or having accepted them declining t< keep them, shall fall behind the men who take the run in line of promotion. ART. 36. Extra Conductors who are put back braking on account of dull busines or by their own request, shall not lose their rights as Conductors. The oldest extra Conductors will have the privilege of remaining on extra list if they so desire. An} extra Conductor or Brakeman on extra list who in his regular turn shall catch a caboose and crew from which the Conductor or Brakeman has been laid or pulled off shall hold said caboose and crew until the regular Conductor or Brakeman returns t( work. Extra Conductors and Brakemen will be run first in first out. ART. 37. Trainmen accepting a permanent position in yard service shall have n( rights in train service, Brenham and San Angelo excepted; 30 days at one time shal be considered permanent service in yard. ART. 38. On locals between CLeburne and Gainesville the third Brakeman shall be allowed from July 15th to October 15th of each year until such time as the local busi ness on said Division requires his services continuously. The Brakeman on Weather- ford Branch trains required to handle mail or baggage shall receive $5.00 per month in addition to regular Brakeman's salary on same run. ART. 39. The Articles enumerated constitute in their entirety an agreement be tween the Gulf, Colorado & Santa Fe Railway Company and its Conductors and Brake men. All rules and regulations previously in effect are null and void. No departure from the provisions of this agreement will be made by any party thereto without 3< days notice of such a desire in writing has been served upon either party thereto. Signed: GULF, COLORADO & SANTA FE RAILWAY CO. For the Order of Railway Conductors: C. O. WHEELER, A. B. GARRETSON, Grand Senior Conductor. General Manager J. A. WILSON, General Chairman O. R. C. S. K. WHEELER, For the Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen: Superintendent Transportation P. H. MORRISSEY, Acting Grand Master. O. W. BETTS, Chairman General Grievance Committee B. of R. T. July 15th, 1892. ST. LOUIS & SAN FRANCISCO RAILWAY. 13 ST. LOUIS & SAN FRANCISCO RAILWAY. The following- will be the established schedule of rate of wages and regulations to govern Trainmen on this Company's lines after this date. 1. In the employment of Conductors and Brakemen, Division Superintendents are instructed to employ none but sober, reliable and competent men, and all such em- ployes will be directly responsible to and subject to the orders of the Division Train- masters and Division Superintendents at all times and in all matters pertaining to their duties. Division Superintendents will keep a record of the employes on their re- spective divisions in which is entered their merits, demerits and term of service. 2. Wages of Passenger Conductors shall remain as at present. Wages of Main Line Passenger Baggagemen $65.00 per month; Passenger Brakemen $60.00 per month. Wages of Branch Passenger Baggagemen and Brakemen remain as at present. 3. Conductors and Brakemen on through freight trains will be paid three (3) and two (2) cents per mile respectively for all runs of 100 miles or more; runs of less than 100 miles to be paid as 100 miles. 4. Wages of Main Line Local Freight crews shall be, Conductors $90.00 per month; Brakemen $60.00 per month. 26 or 27 days shall constitute a month, except on runs where three local crews are allowed, which shall be at above rates per calendar month. 5. Local Divisions. Each Freight Division east of Springfield 3 local crews; Spring- field and Monett 2; Monett and Neodesha 3; Neodesha and Burrton 3; Monett and Ches- ter 2; Chester and Talihina 2; Talihina and Paris 2. 6. It is understood that road between St. Louis and Monett, Monett and Paris, and Monett and Burrton, be considered as main line, all other portions as branch. 7. For all Freight Conductors and Brakemen employed by the month except as provided for in paragraph 4 26 and 27 days shall be rated as full month, and fractional time as parts of a month shall be paid as so many 26ths of a month. 8. Twelve hours shall constitute a day's work on construction or work trains. Con- ductor $3.00, Brakemen $2.00. Overtime will be paid at thirty and twenty cents per hour. 9. Wages for Conductors and Brakemen on branch freight and mixed trains shall remain as at present. 10. For running special passenger and excursion trains, Conductors and Brakemen will be paid as follows: Conductors for runs of 125 miles or less $3.25 per day. For runs of more than 125 miles 2i cents per mile. Brakemen on same basis $2.00 per day and 1| cents per mile. 11. Overtime and excess mileage. On all freight runs which may require more than 10 hours time, overtime will be paid for all time used in making any trip in excess of 10 hours after deducting one hour for delayed time. For example: runs of 100 miles or less overtime will be be paid for all time used in excess of 11 hours at 30 and 20 cents per hour. On a run of 150 miles Conductors and Brakemen will be paid 3 and 2 cents per mile for 150 miles run, and in addition thereto for all overtime made in excess of 16 hours at the rate of 30 and 20 cents per hour. 12. Freight Conductors and Brakemen required to remain on duty with their train after arrival at terminal stations 30 minutes or more shall be paid therefor as overtime on basis of 10 miles per hour, provided the whole time exceeds 10 hours. 13. All overtime made by Freight Conductors and Brakemen shall be paid 30 and 20 cents per hour. When time is not allowed as per time slip, Conductors will be noti- fied at once. In computing overtime no fraction of an hour less than 30 minutes shall be counted, but all overtime of 30 minutes or over and less than one hour shall be counted one hour. 14. On all turn-arounds where mileage exceeds 100 miles, actual mileage will gov- ern. 15. Conductors and Brakemen attending court at request of an official of the Com- pany will be paid the same rate they would have been entitled to had they remained on their run, and if away from their home station in addition thereto their legitimate expenses. 16. When a change of Division or train runs require Trainmen to change their place of residence, .they will be furnished free transportation for their family and household goods to their new place of residence. 17. A crew called for any train that does not run will be paid at overtime rates at 10 miles per hour until released, and stand first out, except that a crew held over 6 hours for the train that does not run shall be paid one day and go behind other crews at that point. 18. Main line crews will be called at division or terminal stations by a Caller, who will be provided with a book in which the men called enter their names together with time they are called. The pay of Trainmen shall begin from the time the train is or- dered for. The district within which Trainmen will be called will be established by Division Superintendent. 14 ST. LOUIS & SAN FRANCISCO RAILWAY. 19. Freight crews required to do switching- service at terminal or divison stations will be paid extra for such service at rate of 10 miles per hour for Conductors and Brakemen; less than 30 minutes not to be counted; thirty minutes and over, and less than one hour will be computed one hour. 20. Crews dead-heading under orders with caboose shall be paid 3 and 2 cents per mile respectively, and in ordering crews, second crew shall run the train, first crew dead-heading and shall stand first out on reaching terminal. Crews dead-heading on passenger trains shall receive half regular rate for actual mileage. 21. Crews not assigned to regular runs will run first in first out. 22. Crews compelled to double hill will be paid for the actual extra mileage made. 23. After continuous service of 16 hours or more, Trainmen shall be entitled to and allowed eight hours rest before being called to go out, except in cases of wrecks, wash- outs, or similar emergencies, provided telegraphic or written notice is given Train- master or Division Superintendent prior to or at expiration of any run. Following crews will have the right to run around any crew laying over for rest. 24. Conductors and Brakemen will not be dismissed or suspended from the Com- pany's service without just cause. In case of dismissal or suspension, if any employe thinks his sentence unjust he shall have the right, within ten days, to refer his case by written statement to Division Superintendent. Within ten days of the receipt of this notice his case shall have a thorough investigation by the proper officers of the com- Eany at which he may be present, if he so desires, and also be represented by any dis- iterested employe of his choice. In case he shall not be satisfied with the result of said investigation he shall have the right to appeal to General Superintendent and General Manager. In case suspension or dismissal is found to be unjust, he shall be reinstated and paid half time for all time lost on said account. In case of intoxication or insubordination, dismissal will follow without hearing as above provided. 25. All Conductors and Brakemen shall be considered in line of promotion accord- ing to their term of service, dependent on their good conduct and ability, except that the Company reserves the right to employ additional Conductors and Brakemen when the good of the service demands it. 26. Whenever additional Conductors are required in the passenger service, promo- tion will be made from the ranks of freight Conductors, it being understood that the rule to be generally pursued does not permit of transferring an employe from one di- vision to another to the detriment of the division employes. 27. All vacancies occurring in baggage runs not controlled by joint service shall be filled from the ranks of eligible and competent Passenger Brakemen, oldest Brake- man in passenger service to have preference dependent on his good conduct and ability. The same rule to apply in transferring from one division to another as in article 26. 28. No more men shall be employed in the service than is necessary to do the work and earn a reasonable average monthly compensation. Whenever in the judgment of the Trainmen there are too many crews, a committee of Trainmen in good standing employed on the division may call the attention of the Trainmaster or Superintendent to such surplus of men, when the matter will be fully investigated and if Division Su- perintendent finds condition to warrant it, a reduction in force will be made, such re- duction to be made in order of promotion. 29. Any Conductor or Brakeman leaving the employ of this Company will at his request be given a letter by his Division Superintendent stating his term" of service, capacities in which employed, and whether he has been discharged or left the service of his own accord. If discharged, such letter shall state the reasons. 30. Any employe believing himself to be improperly treated under these rules and regulations shall have the right to appeal to the General Superintendent and General Manager. 31. No departure from the provisions of this Schedule will be made by any party thereto without reasonable notice of such a desire in writing has been served upon other parties thereto. 32. A copy of this Schedule will be furnished to all Division Superintendents and Trainmasters, and the same shall be accessible to any employe who may desire to see it. J. R. WENTWORTH, Gen. Supt. Approved: H. L. MORRILL, E. AKERS, Chairman O. R. C. 2d Vice-Pres. & Gen. Manager. M. C. COSTELLO, Chairman B. of R. T. ' April 1st, 1892. CIRCULAR. SWITCHING SERVICE. From and after May 1st, 1890, and until further notice, Division Superintendents will be governed by the following basis of wages for Switchmen: $2.50 per day for day Switchmen and $2.70 per day for night Switchmen. Day Fore- men $2.70 per day; night Foremen $2.90 per day. Ten hours to constitute a day's work, but no extra time to be allowed unless the service rendered exceeds ten hours and thirty minutes, and when it exceeds ten hours and thirty minutes all overtime above ten hours will be paid for at the rate of 25 cents per hour for day work, and 27 cents COLORADO MIDLAND RAILWAY. 15 >er hour for night work. So far as possible, the hours of duty shall be so arranged as o avoid overtime. The number and grade of men to be employed for one tour of uty for each engine to be governed at all times by the necessities of the service, under the judgment of the Superintendents as approved by the General Manager. The utmost economy, consistent with the exigencies of the service and the protec- ion of the Company's interests, must be observed at all times. Approved: H. L. MORRILL, F. E. MERRILL, 2d Vice-Prest. and Gen'l. Manager. Gen'l. Superintendent. May 5th, 1890. COLORADO MIDLAND RAILWAY. FIRST DIVISION. ARTICLE 1. SECTION 1. Passenger crews will be paid at the rate of Conductors 130, and Brakemen $85 per month, on runs consisting of mountain and valley mileage and on runs consisting of valley mileage only, Conductors $125, and Brakemen $70 per month. SEC. 2. Crews on suburban trains, making one round trip per day between Colorado Springs and Florissant or intermediate points, will receive valley mileage pay. When more than one trip is made, Conductors will receive $130 and Brakemen $80 per month. ART. 2. SEC. 1. When suburban train crews make more than one round trip per day, Yardmen will take the backover train to and from Colorado Springs, morning and vening, if yard crew is on duty at Colorado City. SEC. 2. Services rendered by assigned crews, outside of their regular runs, will be iaid extra at the regular rates for class of service performed. ART. 3. SEC. 1. Freight crews on First Division will be paid at the rate of Con- ductors 4.4 cents per mile, and Brakemen 3.3 cents per mile. SEC. 2. Fifty miles will be allowed for the following round trip runs: Colorado Springs or Colorado City to Mile Post No. 24, and including all intermediate points and purs; Leadville or Arkansas Junction to Mile Post No. 113, and including all intermedi- ate points and spurs. Fifty miles additional will be allowed when crews are required do the work at the Quarry Spur, on one of the above named trips. SEC. 3. On fifty mile trips, crews will stand first out on their arrival. SEC. 4. One hundred miles will be allowed for the following round trip runs: Colo- ado Springs or Colorado City to Mile Post No. 25, and including all intermediate points and spurs to Mile Post No. 50; Leadville or Arkansas Junction to Mile Post No. 88 and ncludirjg all intermediate points and spurs to Mile Post No. 113. SEC. 5. Crews shall receive actual mileage for all short doubles on the road. SEC. 6. The crew known as Florissant Hill Crew will receive Conductors $115, and Brakemen $80 per month; over time as per Section 1, Article 4, after 12 hours. SEC. 7. Work train and wrecking crews will be paid at the rate of Conductors 115, and Brakemen $75 per month; and over time, after 12 hours, Conductors 35 cents, and Brakemen 25 cents per hour. Calendar working days in a month to constitute a month's work. When a crew is ordered for work train service, five hours or less will con- titute one-half day's work; over five hours, one day. Should a crew be ordered to move at night, outside their working hours, they will be paid regular mileage. Regu- ar mileage will also be paid to or from their work if commercial freight is hauled, height crews in snow plow or flanger service will receive freight train schedule pay. SEC. 8. Freight crews running special or excursion trains will receive 100 miles for en hours or less, at the rate paid in freight service; over time as per Section 1, Arti- cle 4. Should such a trip consume five hours or less, crews may be used for other short rips, time not to exceed ten hours altogether, for this daily rate. Actual freight rain mileage will be allowed when 100 miles is exceeded. When First Division crews un over Second Division, the pay schedule of that Division will apply. ART. 4. SEC. 1. Overtime will be paid at the rate of Conductors 40 cents per lour, and Brakemen 30 cents per hour. In computing overtime, fractions of an hour ees than 30 minutes will not be counted; 30 minutes or over will be counted one hour. SEC. 2. Overtime for special excursion and all freight trains will be computed on 1 basis of 12 miles per hour, unless otherwise provided for herein. SEC. 3. When crews coal engines by hand, they will be allowed one hour overtime. SEC. 4. When crews go beyond Mile Post 50 and turn, it will be considered a con- inuous trip. Overtime will commence, on trips Colorado City to Spinney and return, ifter ten hours have been consumed. SEC. 5. When dead-head service is required, the first crew out will dead-head, and he second crew will run the train. Upon reaching terminal points, the dead-head rew will stand first out. Full time will be allowed for dead-heading. Individuals lead-heading on passenger trains will be paid one-half time. SEC. 6. The oldest extra Conductor and the oldest extra Brakeman will stand first 16 COLORADO MIDLAND RAILWAY. out. When they are unable to go out on the run, the next oldest Conductor or Brake- man available will be used. SEC. 7. Eastern terminal for First Division freight crews will be at Colorado Springs or Colorado City. Western terminal at Leadville, whether reached via High Line or Cut-off. SEC. 8. Allowance for short, extra or special and other runs not provided for in schedule, and for extraordinary delays, will be made by the Superintendent, on a fair and equitable basis, consistent with the general plan herein given. ART. 5. SEC. 1. A Caller will be stationed at terminals, who will call trainmen for service when needed. They will be provided with a book giving the names of the crews, and the number or kind of train for which they are wanted, in which book trainmen will sign their names and enter the time of call. The pay of the crew will begin from the time the train is ordered, leaving time of train not to exceed one and one-half hours as nearly as practicable from the time the crew have signed the Caller's book. Limit of calling crews, three-quarters of a mile from yard, Colorado City, and to Fifth street, West Colorado Springs. Callers will not be allowed to call men in saloons. SEC. 2. Trainmen who are called and report for duty, and whose services are not required on account of the abandonment of train, or other causes other than their own acts, will stand first out on unassigned runs and will be allowed 50 miles. SEC. 3. Trainmen, after continuous service, shall not be required to go out when they need rest. Of this each man will judge for himself, but must give notice to Trainmaster or Superintendent in sufficient time to avoid delays, and will be entitled to eight hours rest before being again called for service, except in case of wrecks, washouts, or other emergencies. SEC. 4. Trainmen will be notified when time is not allowed as per trip reports. SEC. 5. The oldest Conductor or Brakeman will have preference of runs in his class, merit being equal. Of this the Superintendent is to be the judge. SEC. 6. Trainmen attending court at the request of an officer of the Company will be paid the same rate they would have been entitled to had they remained on their runs, and if away from home, in addition their legitimate expenses. SEC. 7. When a change of Division or train run requires men to change their places of residence, they will be furnished free transportation for families and house- hold goods. SEC. 8. When Conductors or Brakemen leave the service of the Company of their own accord they will not be re-instated. Leave of absence will not be granted for more than 90 days, except in case of sickness. SEC. 9. When any passenger or freight Conductor makes proper objection, in writing, to the Trainmaster or Superintendent, against any Brakeman under his charge, such Brakeman will be assigned to other service, or dismissed from the service, as the circumstances justify. SEC. 10. In case a Conductor or Brakeman believes his discharge or suspension to be unjust, he shall have the right to within ten days make a statement of the facts in the premises, and submit same to the Superintendent, and at the same time designate any employe of the Colorado Midland Railway, of his class on the same Division, who, with the Superintendent, will investigate the case in question. If at all practicable, such investigation will be made within five days from the receipt of the statement of the employe. In case the discharge or suspension is decided to be unjust, he shall be re-instated and paid for all time lost on such account. If dismissed, employe, upon request, will be given a letter stating cause of dismissal. Exceptions will be made to this in cases of intoxication or insubordination, in which case no investigation will be made. SEC. 11. In the event of any charges being made against any trainman, an inves- tigation shall be commenced within a period of ten (10) days, whenever it is at all rea- sonable and practicable to do so. SEC. 12. Yard employes and passenger Brakemen can claim no rights in freight service, and vice versa. In case of emergency, extra freight men may work in yard, not to exceed ten days at any one time. SEC. 13. No more crews will be kept in service than are necessary to move the business with promptness and certainty. When crews are laid off on account of dull- ness of business, it will be done in the order of their employment or promotion, begin- ning with Conductors or Brakemen last promoted or employed. SEC. 14. In line of promotion, two Brakemen will be promoted from the ranks of Brakemen, according to age and their ability to assume the duties of Conductor. For every two Brakemen so promoted, one Conductor may be hired or promoted from the ranks of Brakemen, regardless of age in the service. Any Conductor so hired or pro- moted shall have had at least one year's experience on steam surface railroad as Con- ductor, and shall be required to pass such examination as the rules of the Company require. Conductors in the ranks who are qualified, will have preference over men who COLORADO MIDLAND RAILWAY. 17 are not in the service of the Company. The Conductor so hired shall go to the foot of extra Conductors' list. The rights of all Conductors and Brakemen shall date from the time they enter the service of the Company as such. No Brakeman will stand in line of promotion unless he has had at least two years' experience as a freight Brakeman. SEC. 15. Freight crews will run first in first out, except assigned crews. SEC. 16. It is to be understood, by both the employer and employes, that the list of Conductors is not to be altered from what it was January 1st, 1892. All the provis- ions of this agreement are to apply to the future. SEC. 17. No departure from the provisions of this agreement will be made by either party, except after 30 days notice of such a desire, in writing, has been served upon the parties hereto. The Articles enumerated above constitute, in their entirety, an agreement between the Colorado Midland Railway Company and its Conductors and Brakemen on the First Division. All schedules, rules and regulations previously in effect are null and void. COLORADO MIDLAND RAILWAY COMPANY. GEO. A. BRIGGS, W. J. LAWRENCE, E. C. WALDON, Superintendent. E. M. HARNER, Approved: H. COLLBRAN, JAS. DELANEY, General Manager. GEO. A. PERRY, CHAS. MEEHAN, Committee for B. R. T. June 3, 1892. COLORADO MIDLAND RAILWAY. SECOND DIVISION. Between Leadville and Aspen Junction, 62 miles Conductors (trip rate), $4.00; Brakemen, $3.00. Overtime when 7 hours has been exceeded 30 minutes. Between Leadville and Aspen, 81 miles Conductors (trip rate), $4.75; Brakemen, $3.55. Overtime when 9 hours and 30 minutes has been exceeded 30 minutes. Between Leadville and Cardiffs 82 miles Conductors (trip rate), $4.68; Brakemen, $3.51. Overtime when 9 hours has been exceeded 30 minutes. Between Leadville and Newcastle, 98 miles Conductors (trip rate), $5.22; Brake- men, $3.91. Overtime when 10 hours has been exceeded 30 minutes. Between Aspen Junction and Grand Junction, 113 miles Conductors (trip rate), $3.82; Brakemen, $2.86. Overtime when 7 hours and 30 minutes has been exceeded 30 minutes. Between Newcastle and Grand Junction, 77 miles Conductors (trip rate), $2.60: Brakemen. $1.95. Overtime when 5 hours has been exceeded 30 minutes. Between Leadville and Ruedi, 47 miles Conductors (trip rate), $4.00; Brakemen, $3.00. Overtime, between Leadville and Ruedi, when 7 hours has been exceeded 30 minutes. Between Leadville and Sellar (round trip), 61 miles Conductors (trip rate), $4.00: Brakemen, $3.00. Overtime when 7 hours has been exceeded 30 minutes. 1. On local freight train run between Leadville and Aspen Junction crews will be allowed: Conductors, $115.00, and Brakemen, $86.25, for the calendar working days the month, and overtime when 8 hours and 30 minutes has been exceeded 30 minutes, in 2. On Jerome Park Coal Branch, Conductor in charge, $125.00 per calendar month; other Conductors, $115.00 per calendar month; Brakemen, $86.25 per calendar month. Overtime for all hours on duty in excess of 12 hours per day. 3. Crew on run between Aspen Junction and New Castle will be allowed: Con- ductor, $125.00; Brakemen, $93.75 per calendar month of 12 hours or less per day. If this run is changed so as to require only 10 hours per day, or if the crew is relieved from do- ing switching at New Castle, the regular monthly rate of $115.00 and $86.25 will apply- In the respective cases hours in excess of 12 and 10 will be paid extra at regular over- time rate. . 4. All other assigned runs: Conductors, $115.00; Brakemen, $86.25, and overtime for all hours on duty in excess of 10 hours in any one day. 5. Overtime at the rate of 35 and 25 cents per hour, for Conductors and Brakemen respectively. 6. Services rendered by assigned crews outside their regular run will be paid ex- tra at regular rates for class of service performed. 7. Crews will not be assigned to runs except where the assigned rate equals or ex- ceeds the trip rates for same run. Crews assigned to runs for which a trip rate has been established, will be allowed overtime at same rate fixed in trip rate. On other assigned runs not specified, overtime will be allowed when schedule time has been ex^ ceeded one hour. 18 COLORADO MIDLAND RAILWAY. 8. On all turn-around trips, where crews do their own turning, time so consumed will be paid for at overtime rates. 9. Freight or mixed runs not provided for in this schedule will be paid for at the rate of $4.00 per day for Conductors and $3.00 per day for Brakemen; 10 hours per day to constitute a day's work. One-half day will be allowed for 5 hours or less. Mileage rates on the district on which the runs are made will be allowed when they exceed the daily rate. This daily rate will apply to snow plow and flanger service, except between points where trip rates are established. 10. Work train crews will be paid at the rate of : Conductors, $115.00, and Brak men, 86.25 per month, and overtime after 12 hours. Calendar working days in a month to constitute a month's work. When a crew is ordered for work train service, 5 hours or less will constitute one-half day's work. Over 5 hours and less than 12, one day. Should a crew be ordered to move at night outside of their working hours they will be paid regular mileage therefor. 11. Overtime for extra freight trains will be computed as for regular service, namely: If in local work, the time will be the same as for local trains of that district: if through trains, the time will be computed as for regular through runs. 12. One hour overtime will be allowed freight train crews when they coal engines ~by hand. 13. All train crews, except assigned crews, will run first in, first out. 14. In all cases of computing overtime, fractions of an hour less than 30 minutes will not be counted; fractions of an hour 30 minutes or over will be counted a full hour. 15. When dead-head service is required the first crew out will dead-head, and upon reaching terminal points the dead- head crew will be out ahead of the crew with which it dead-headed. 16. Crews dead-heading under orders will be paid full time. Individuals dead- heading on passenger trains under orders will be paid one-half time. 17. Freight trainmen living within three-fourths of a mile of yard will be called .at main division terminals, as nearly as practicable, one hour before leaving time of the train for which they are called, by a Train Caller, who will be provided with a book in which will be entered the train called for and leaving time of same. Men called will sign this book, entering the time called. The time of men will begin at time set for departure of their train' unless they leave earlier. 18. Trainmen who are called and report for duty and are not required for any cause other than their own acts, will be allowed one-half day and stand first out. Thfs rule not to interfere with assigned crews. 19. Trainmen, after continuous service, shall not be required to go out when they need rest. Of this each man will judge for himself, but must give written or tele- graphic notice in sufficient time to avoid delays, to the Trainmaster or Superintendent, and will be entitled to eight hours' rest before being again called for service, except incase of wrecks, washouts or similar emergencies. 20. Trainmen attending court at the request of an officer of the Company will be paid the same amount they would have been entitled to had they remained on their runs, and, if away from home, in addition their legitimate expenses. 21. When a change of division of train runs requires men to change their place of residence, they will be furnished free transportation for their families and household igoods. 22. The oldest Conductor or Brakeman shall have preference of runs in his class, merit being equal; of this the superintendent is to be judge. 23. Conductors will be promptly notified in writing of any errors discovered or cor- rections made in their time slips. 24. In case a Conductor or Brakemen believes discharge or suspension to be unjust, lie shall have a right to within 10 days make out a written statement of the facts in the premises and submit the same to his Superintendent, and at the same time desig- nate any employe of the Colorado Midland Railway of his class on the same division, wl . o, with the Superintendent, shall investigate the case in question, and when at all practi- cable such investigation shall be made within five days from date of receipt of the state- ment of the employe. In case the discharge or suspension is decided to have been un- just, he shall be reinstated and paid for all the time lost on such account. If dismissed, employe upon request will be given letter stating cause of dismissal; exception to this rule in cases of intoxication or insubordination, in which cases no investigation will be held. 25. All employes will be regarded in line of promotion dependent upon the faith- iul discharge of their duties, capacity for increased responsibility, and term of ser- ice, merit being equal, of which the Superintendent is to be judge, except in filling va- cancies in the ranks of freight Conductors; for every two men promoted from the ranks one Conductor may be hired as a Conductor, or promoted from the ranks regardless of age in service provided he has had at least one year of actual experience as a Con- ductor. In filling vacancies in the ranks of through passenger Conductors, as soon as A., T. & S. F. SUPPLEMENT. ATLANTIC & DANVILLE RAILWAY. 19 practicable, the number of First and Second Division men employed as through pas- senger Conductors, will be made equal, and thereafter this equality will be observed by the promotion of Second division men to fill the vacancies caused by the retirement of Second Division men. Yard employes can claim no rights in road service, and vice versa. 26. No more crews will be kept in service than are necessary to move the business with promptness and certainty. When crews are laid off on account of dullness of business, it will be done in order of dates of their employment, beginning with the Conductors and Brakemen last employed. 27. No departure from the provisions of this agreement will be made by any party thereto except after thirty days notice of such a desire, in writing, has been served upon the other parties thereto. 28. The articles enumerated herein constitute, in their entirety, an agreement between the Company and its Second Division Freight Conductors and Brakemen, and all schedules, rules and regulations previously in effect, and in conflict herewith, are by this agreement abolished. COLORADO MIDLAND RAILWAY COMPANY. For the Order of Railway Conductors: W. J. LAWRENCE, E. E. CLARK, Grand Chief Conductor. Superintendent. For the Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen: E. W. SELLS, T. T. SLATTERY, Second Vice Grand Master. Secretary and Auditor. REV. E. S. RALSTON, as Fifth Arbitrator. December 1, 1891. SUPPLEMENT TO A. T. & S. F. SCHEDULE. A. B. Garretson, Grand Senior Conductor O. Tt. C., and P. H. Morrissey, 1st Vice Grand Master B. of B. T.: GENTLEMEN: In connection with our proposed schedule of rates and regulations to take effect April 1st, there were certain matters agreed upon which are not men- tioned in said schedule, of which the following is a memorandum: Two Brakemen are to be placed on through passenger trains between Chicago and Kansas City. The present mileage limit of passenger crews now running over 4,000 miles per month is not to be increased, except in case of fast runs and then in accordance with the con- ditions of the schedule. On the Rio Grande Division, passenger crews are to run be- tween Albuquerque and El Paso, instead of Silver City, and the necessary number of crews to handle the business will be placed on the run between Rincon and Silver City. Brakemen on Chanute extension, passenger train, will receive $60.00 per month. Western Division passenger crews running between Denver and Cooledge to receive highest rate of pay. Freight runs, Topeka to St. Joseph, to be paid on mileage basis. Present conditions relative to coaling engines by trainmen to remain in force until other satisfactory arrangements can be made, Strong City Branch, Topeka and Kansas City and Kansas City and Emporia Branch local passenger crews to receive $125.00 and $60.00per month. Passenger crews who are now by reason of long runs and con- tinuous service, granted an occasional day or Sunday off, will receive same consid- eration. Pay of men on Arkansas City,Purcell local freight not to be reduced by reason of this schedule, so long as run remains as it now is. It should be also understood that in cases of breach of trust, where the general officers are satisfied beyond a doubt that trainmen are dishonest, they reserve the right to dismiss said trainmen from the ser- vice without formal investigation as provided for in above mentioned schedule. Should the general or division officers of your orders question the justice of such dis missal, the management will endeavor to satisfy them that such action is justified. Accepted for the O. R. C.: Yours truly, A. B. GARRETSON, G. S. C. H. R. NICKERSON, Accepted for the B. of R. T.: General Superintendent. P. H. MORRISSEY, Acting Grand Master. March 7th, 1892. ATLANTIC & DANVILLE RAILWAY. Passenger Conductors $2.75 per day; way freight Conductors $3.00 per day; through freight Conductors $2.50 per day; extra freight Conductors $2.50 per day, 12 hours; yard Conductors $2.50 per day, 12 hours; Brakemen, road or yard, $1.50 per day, 12 hours; train Baggagemasters $40.00 per month; also paid by Southern Express Company. G. M. HUGHES, General Manager. 20 BALTIMORE & LEHIGH RAILWAY. BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILWAY. BALTIMORE & LEHIGH RAILROAD COMPANY. Passenger Conductors $2.00 per day; freight Conductors $60.00 per month: Bag- gagemen $1.60, and freight and passenger Brakemen $1.50 per day. We have no Switchmen. W. R. CRUMPTON, General Manager. May 16, 1892. BALTIMORE & OHIO R. R. PHILADELPHIA AND MAIN STEM DIVISIONS. ARTICLE I. Yard Conductors. Yard Brakemen. Philaaelphia per day $2 50 2 50 2 50 2 50 2 50 2 50 2 50 2 50 2 50 2 50 2 50 90 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 Ca.nt.on per day Washington D C per day Brunswick per day Martinsburg, per day ....... Cumberland, per d ay Keyspr and Piedmont, p^r day . . P . Grafton per day Parkersburg, per day Philadelphia Division. ART. 2. One Conductor and three Brakemen to constitute a crew on all the yard engines on the Philadelphia Division, except Piers 40 and 62, at Philadelphia. First Division. ART. 3. One Conductor and two Brakemen to constitute a crew on all yard engines, day shift, in Camden yard. Night crews to remain as heretofore. Locust Point, Mt. Clare and Washington yards to remain as heretofore. Second Division. ART. 4. Brunswick and Cumberland yard crews to remain as heretofore. Third Division. ART. 5. One Conductor and three Brakemen to constitute a crew in Keyser yard. Grafton yard crews to remain as heretofore. Fourth Division. ART. 6. One Conductor and three Brakemen to constitute a crew in Benwood yard. One Conductor and two Brakemen to constitute a crew on passen- ger shift in Wheeling yard. One Conductor and three Brakemen to constitute a crew on all other engines Wheeling yard. Fifth Division. ART. 7. One Conductor and two Brakemen to constitute a crew in Parkersburg yard. Pittsburgh Division. ART. 8. In Glenwood yard, one Conductor and three Brakemen to constitute a crew on shop yard shift, if, in the judgment of the Superintendent, this is necessary. All other crews to remain as heretofore. ART. 9. Twelve hours to constitute a day's work: over six hours and less than twelve shall be considered full twelve hours; pay to be received accordingly. All un- der six hours, pay to be received for one-half day. ART. 10. That yard men can claim no rights on road, and road men can claim no rights in yard service. ROAD SERVICE. Philadelphia Division. ARTICLE 1. SECTION 1. Passenger Brakemen on Philadel- phia Division to be paid: Local runs, $49.00 per month; Division runs, $50.00 per month. Baggagemasters, local runs, $52.50 per month. No Baggagemaster or Brakeman to be reduced who receives over this amount. Baggagemasters on trains 122, 123, 128 and 129, trains 504 and 513, will receive $60.00 per month. SEC. 2. Freight Conductors to receive $2.75 per day; freight Brakemen, $1.85. Main Stem Division. SEC. 3. Passenger Brakemen on trains 13 and 16 to receive $1.65 per day. Passenger Brakemen on trains 14 and 15 to receive $50.00 per month. Baggagemasters on trains 13 and 16 to receive $52.50 per month. Baggagemasters on trains 14 and 15 to receive $52.50 per month. SEC. 4. On way trains specifically, Conductors will receive $90.00 per month; Brakemen, $60.00 per month. Baltimore Division. Freight Conductors, 1st class, on First Division between Balti- more and Brunswick, to receive $2.35 per day; 2nd class, $2.00 per day. Freight Brake- men, 1st class, $1.55 per day; 2nd class, $1.35 per day. Second Division. Freight Conductors, 1st class, $2.85 per day; 2nd class, $2.50 per day. Freight Brakemen, 1st class. $1.90 per day; 2nd class, $1.70 per day. Valley ^Division, Freight Conductors and Brakemen to receive the same rate as Second Division. BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILWAY. 21 Parkersburg and Wheeling Division. Freight Conductors and Brakemen to receive the same rate as Second Division. Pittsburgh Division. Conductors between Wheeling- and Pittsburg, $2.75 per day; Brakemen, $1.80 per day. Conductors between Benwood and Pittsburgh, $2.85 per day; Brakemen, $1.85 per day. Conductors, Western District, $3.50 per day: Brakemen, $2.30 per day. Conductors, Eastern District, $2.85 per day: Brakemen, $1.85 per day. ART. 2. SEC. 1. All freight Conductors and Brakemen shall receive 22 cents and 15 cents per hour, respectively, for all time over twelve hours, time to commence one hour after being called. Overtime shall not begin until after the expiration of 35 minutes in addition thereto, which 35 minutes shall be reckoned as one hour. SEC. 2. The classification of all freight trainmen will be reduced from one year to six months. Philadelphia Division: ART. 3. SECTION 1. One Conductor and two Brakemen to Constitute a crew on all through freight runs, Philadelphia Division. First Division. SEC. 2. One Conductor and two Brakemen on all freight runs on First Division and Branches. That when road crews are required to work in yard, they shall receive road pay for same. That all crews shall run first in and first out from Riverside and Brunswick, same as now. ART. 4. SECTION 1. Conductors, Baggagemasters and Brakemen dead-heading on Company's business will receive half pay at regular rates. SEC. 2. Conductors, Baggagemasters and Brakemen attending court as witnesses for the Company will receive regular rates per day. SEC. 3. When Conductors, Brakemen and Baggagemasters are called for a run and the train is afterward abandoned, they will receive one-fourth of a day and re- main first out. ART. 5. SECTION 1. Conductors and Brakemen reaching a terminal after a continuous service of 16 hours, will be entitled to eight hours rest before being again called to go out, except in case of emergency. ART. 6. SECTION 1. In case any Conductor, Baggagemaster or Brakeman shall be aggrieved by his treatment, or by any decision of the Division Superintendent, he shall have the right to appeal his case to the higher officials. SEC. 2. Conductors, Baggagemasters and Brakemen suspended will be given a hear- ing at the earliest possible date, ordinarily within seven days, and notified promptly of the result of the investigation, and if Conductors, Baggagemasters and Brakemen thus suspended are exonerated from blame, they will be paid for all time lost in excess of five days at regular rates. ART. 7. SECTION 1. Vacancies in the passenger service will, as a rule, be filled from the freight service, and, all things being equal, the oldest man in freight service will be given the preference. SEC. 2. That the trains be made up in the yards with a sufficient number of good brakes on rear of train to insure safety. SEC. 3. The right of Brakemen shall date from first day of their continuous ser- vice. SEC. 4. That all irregularities brought to the notice of the officers will be adjusted promptly. SEC. 5. Trainmen and yardmen will be in line of promotion: those longest in ser- vice, all things being equal, shall have preference. When trainmen and yardmen vol- untarily leave the service to engage in other business or work on other roads, and who may subsequently be employed on this road, shall rank as new men. Those discharged from the service and reinstated within less than six months shall not lose their senior- ity. If reinstated after a longer period than six months, they shall rank as new men. SEC. 6. Trainmen and yardmen will be suspended or discharged from the service of the Company for good and sufficient cause. Intemperance, incompetency, habit- ual neglect of duty, gross violation of rules or orders, dishonesty or insubordination, will be sufficient cause for suspension or removal. TRANS OHIO DIVISION. STATEMENT OF WAGES PAID TRAINMEN, YARDMEN, SWITCHMEN, ETC. LOCATION. POSITION. RATE. Trans. Ohio Division Conductors Passenger $ 02 2 Per Mile Trans. Ohio Division Ohio Division Conductors, Passenger Conductors Passenger ... . 100 00 50 00 Per Month. Per Month Trans. Ohio Division Trans. Ohio Division Conductors, Freight Conductors Freight 03.5 03 Per Mile. Per Mile Trans. Ohio Division Conductors, Work Train 300 Per Day. 22 BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILWAY. TRANS OHIO DIVISION. STATEMENT OF WAGES PAID CONTINUED. LOCATION. POSITION. RATE. Ohio Division Train Baggage Masters 01.3 Per Mile. Train Baggage Masters . . . 65 00 Per Month Train Baggage Masters 36 00 Per Month Akron & Chicago Division Akron & Chicago Division Akron & Chicago Division Train Baggage Masters Train Baggage Masters Train Baggage Masters . 01.2 60 00 50 Per Mile. Per Month. Per Trip Acrt Express Trans. Ohio Division Trans Ohio Division Brakemen, Passenger Brakemen Passenger 01.1 50 00 Per Mile. Per Month Trans. Ohio Division Trans Ohio Division Brakemen, Freight Brakemen, Freight 02.5 02 Per Mile. Per Mile Trans. Ohio Division Trans Ohio Division Brakemen. Work Train Train Porters 200 35 00 Per Dav. Per Month. Bellaire, Ohio Bellaire Ohio Agent and Yard Master Yard Master 115 00 90 00 Per Month. Per Month. Bellaire' Ohio Yard Master 80 00 Per Month Bellaire! Ohio Bellaire Ohio Yard Conductor < Yard Conductors 2 88 2 76 Per Day. Per Day Bellaire Ohio Yard Brakemen 2 22 Per Day. Bellaire' Ohio Yard Brakemen 2 10 Per Day Bellaire, Ohio Bellaire Ohio Yard Enginemen Yard Firemen . . 2 90 1 75 Per Day. Per Day Bellaire Ohio Switch Tender 45 00 Per Month Bellaire Ohio . . Switch Tender . 40 00 Per Month Cambridge, Ohio Yard Conductors 2 25 Per Day Cambridge Ohio Yard Brakemen 1 95 Per Day Cambridge, Ohio Yard Enginemen 2 75 Per Day Cambridge Ohio Yard Firemen . 1 50 Per Day Zanesville Ohio Yard Master .. 78 00 Per Month Zanesville Ohio Yard Conductors. 2 35 Per Day Zanesville, Ohio Yard Brakemen 2 10 Per Day. Zanesville, Ohio Yard Brakemen & 00 Per Day. Zanesville Ohio Yard Enginemen 2 75 Per Day Zanesville Ohio Yard Firemen 1 50 Per Day Newark Ohio Yard Master 12r> (JO Per Month Newark Ohio Yard Master 90 00 Per Month. Newark Ohio Yard Conductors 85 00 Per Month Newark, Ohio Yard Conductors 2 8S Per Day. Newark Ohi<> Yard Conductors. 2 76 Per Day Newark Ohio Yard Brakemen 2 22 Per Day Newark Ohio Yard Brakemen 2 10 Per Day Newark Ohio Yard Enginemen. 2 90 Per Day. Newark Ohio Yard Firemen.. 1 75 Per Day Newark Ohio Switch Tender 2 1C Per Day. Newark, Ohio Switch Tender 1 98 Per Day. Columbus, Ohio Yard Master IflO 00 Per Month Columbus, Ohio . .... Yard Master QO no Per Month Columbus, Ohio Yard Conductors. o gg Per Day Columbus, Ohio . Yard Conductors 27fi Per Day Columbus, Ohio Yard Brakemen . 2 22 Per Day Columbus, Ohio Columbus Ohio Yard Brakemen Yard Enginemen 2 10 WE Per Day. Columbus, Ohio Yard Firemen 1 60 Per Day. Shawnee, Ohio Yard Master... 90 00 Per Month Shawnee Ohio Yard Conductors 2 25 Per Day Shawnee Ohio Yard Brakemen Per Day Shawnee, Ohio ... . Yard Enginemen 2 90 Per Day Shawnee, Ohio Yard Firemen 1 75 Per Dav. Mansfield, Ohio Yard Master 65 00 Per Month. Mansfield, Ohio Yard Brakemen 1 95 Per Day Mansfield, Ohio Yard Enginemen 2 90 Per Day Mansfield, Ohio... Yard Firemen 1 75 Per Day Chicago Junction, Ohio Yard Master 100 00 Per Month. Chicago Junction, Ohio Yard Master 90 00 Per Month Chicago Junction. Ohio Yard Conductor 2 88 Per Day. Chicago Junction, Ohio Yard Conductor 2 76 Per Day. Chicago Junction, Ohio Yard Brakemen 2 22 Per Day. Chicago Junction, Ohio Yard Brakemen 2 10 Per Day. Chicago Junction, Ohio Yard Enginemen 2 90 Per Day. Chicago Junction, Ohio Yard Firemen 2 75 Per Day. Sandusky, Ohio ... Yard Master 83 35 Sandusky, Ohio Yard Conductors 2 25 Sandu sky , Ohio Yard Brakemen 1 95 Per Day Sandusky Ohio 2 90 Sandusky, Ohio...: Yard Firemen 1 75 Per Day. P. &W. Junction, Ohio Yard Master 30 00 Per Month P. & W. Junction, Ohio Fostoria, Ohio Yard Master Yard Conductors 2500 2 25 Per Month. Per Day. Fostoria Ohio 1 95 Fostoria, Ohio Yard Enginemen 2 90 Per Day. Fostoria. Ohio 1 75 North Baltimore Ohio Yard Conductor . . . 75 00 Per Month. North Baltimore, Ohio Yard Brakemen 1 95 Per Day. North Baltimore, Ohio Yard Enginemen 2 75 Per Day North Baltimore, Ohio Yard Firemen. . 1 75 Per Day. Garrett, Indiana General Yard Master 100 00 Per Month. Garrett. Indiana Yard Master. .. 9000 Per Month BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILWAY AND PITTSBURG & WESTERN DIVISION. TRANS OHIO DIVISION. STATEMENT OF WAGES PAID. CONTINUED. LOCATION. POSITION. RATE. Yard Conductors 2 88 Per Day. Yard Conductors 2 76 Per Day. 2 22 Per Day Yard Brakemen 2 10 Per Day. Garrett Indiana Yard Enginemen 2 90 Per Day. Yard Firemen . ..." 1 75 Per Dav. General Yard Master 125 00 South Chicago Illinois .... Yard Master 100 00 Per Month South Chicago Illinois Yard Master 90 00 Per Month South Chicago Illinois Switch Tenders 40 00 Per Month South Chicago Illinois Switch Tenders 45 00 Per Month South Chicago^ Illinois .'.'.'.'.. South Chicago Illinois Yard Conductors Yard Conductors 75 00 70 00 Per Month. 1 Per Month ( Working: days South Chicago, Illinois. '".'.. ... South Chicago Illinois Ya r d Brakemen Yard Brakemen 7000 65 00 Per Month, f Per Month J to the month South Chicago, Illinois South Chicago Illinois Yard Enginemen Yard Enginemen 3 00 2 75 Per Day. Per Day South Chicago. Illinois Yard Firemen 1 85 Per Day. February 1, 1892. ALFRED WALTER, General Superintendent Lines East of Ohio River. Approved: J. T. ODELL, General Manager. The following- rates of pay for trainmen on the Pittsburg & Western Division, Bal- timore & Ohio Railroad: Passenger Service: ARTICLE 1. On runs whose monthly mileage aggregate 4,000 miles and do not exceed 5,000 miles. Conductors will be paid $100.00 per month; Bag- gagemen, $65.00 per month, and Brakemen, $55.00 per month. Mileage made in excess; of $5,000 miles in any one month will be paid extra at the rate of 2 1-5 cents per mile for Conductors. 1 1-5 cents per mile for Baggagemen and 1 1-10 cents per mile for Brakemen. Allegheny to Akron and Zelienople runs to be paid as runs of over 4,000 miles. Runs whose monthly mileage is less than 4,000 miles will be paid, Conductors. $90.00 per month, Baggagemen, $60.00 per month, and Brakemen, $50.00 per month, ex- cept the Butler and Gallery Junction to be paid $3.25 per day for Conductors; $65. OO per month for Baggagemen, and $1 90 per day for Brakemen. Local Freight: ART. 2. In local freight s'ervice Conductors will be paid 3 cent* per mile and Brakemen 2-J- cents per mile; Flagmen 15 cents per day more than Brake- men's pay. All runs of less than 100 miles will be allowed 100 miles, except that on- Gallery Junction and Butler local pay will be, Conductor, $3.00 per day; Flagmen, $2.2O per day, and Brakemen, $2.10 per day. Twelve hours or less, two round trips or less r to constitute a day; necessary shifting to be done at each end of the run. Through Freight: ART. 3. In through freight service the following rates per trip will be allowed: Between Willow Grove and New Castle Junction, round trip, Conduc- tors, $4.10; Flagmen, $2.85: Brakemen, $2.75. Between New Castle Junction and Akron Junction, Conductors, $3.00: Flagmen, $2.10; Brakemen, $2.00 Painesville and P. P. &r F. Junction, round trip. Conductors, $3.00; Flagmen, $2.10; Brakemen, $2.00. Paines- ville and New Castle Junction, Conductors, $3.00; Flagmen, $2.10: Brakemen, $2.00. P. P. & F. Junction to Akron Junction, round trip, Conductors, $3.00: Flagmen, $2.10; Brakemen, $2.00. Willow Grove to Akron Junction, Conductors, $4.00: Flagmen, $2.70: Brakemen, $2.60. Willow Grove to P. P. & F. Junction. Conductors, $3.25: Flagmen, $2.25: Brakemen, $2.15. New Castle Junction to P. P. & F. Junction, round trip, Con- ductors, $3.00; Flagmen, $2.10; Brakemen, $2.00. Between Butler and Fbxburg, round trip. Conductors. $3.00: Brakemen, $2.00. Foxburg to Clarion Junction, round trip,. Conductors, $2.00: Brakemen, $1.50. Round trips provided for in this article will bi- computed as continuous trips. Overtime as per Rule 2. Kane and Ormsby Junction Branch, Conductors, $3.00 per day; Brakemen, $2.00. Foxburg and Clarion, including" branch work as at present, Conductor, $3.00; Brakemen, $2.00. Duck Run Shift, Con- ductors $3.00: Flagmen, $2.10: Brakemen, $2.00 per day. Work and Wrecking Service: ART. 4. Conductors, $3.00 and Brakemen, $2 00 per day of 12 hours or less: all over 12 hours will be paid extra as overtime. Pay Car and Special Trains: ART. 5. Conductors, $3.25; Brakemen, $2.00 per day. RULES. 1. All freight crews will consist of a Conductor, Flagman and two Brakemen, ex- cept local freight and work train which will consist as follows: Local freight Con- ductor, three Brakemen and Flagman, except on Butler local, crew will consist of a Conductor, Flagman and two Brakemen. Work train will consist of a Conductor anrfc two Brakeman. 2. Overtime will be allowed trainmen for all time on duty in excess of 12 hours at. the rate of 30 cents per hour for Conductors, and Flagmen and Brakemen 20 cents per 24 BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILWAY. hour. Overtime will not begin until after the expiration of 35 minutes, which 35 min- utes is to be reckoned as one hour. 3. Other runs not herein provided for will be paid for as follows: Conductors, 30 cents, Flagmen and Brakemen 20 cents per hour with a minimum of 5 hours. 4. In filling vacancies in the ranks of Freight Conductors all Brakemen will be considered in the line of promotion according to their age in the service and their ability to assume the responsibility of a Conductor, except that three Brakemen will be first promoted and then one experienced Conductor will be hired as a Conductor. A Conductor so hired will take his place at the foot of the list of extra Conductors and may be used temporarily as extra Brakeman, pending vacancies to be filled as Con- ductor. 5. Crews not assigned to regular runs will run first in first out. except crews com- ing in not having made at least 12 hours to stand first out ahead of all crews not called. 6. Freight crews dead-heading under orders on freight will receive full freight rates, and on passenger will receive half freight rates. When running lig-ht they shall receive full time of such schedules as they may represent. If running extra they shall be paid full freight rates. 7. When Conductors and Brakemen are called to go out and report for duty and are not needed they shall receive 30 cents and 20 cents per hour, respectively, for the time held, with a minimum of a quarter of a day, and shall stand first out. 8. All instructions given to Freight or Passenger Conductors by Trainmasters and Yard Dispatchers relative to the movement of trains or disposition of cars will be : given in writing. 9. At all terminals and intermediate points through freight crews will not be re- quired to make up trains or do switching. When used to do this work Conductors shall receive 30 cents and Brakemen and Flagmen 20 cents per hour. 10. If a Trainman is discharged from the service of the Company he shall forfeit all rights previously held unless he is reinstated within six months. In event of a re- instatement the same shall be bulletined for the information of the employes. If a Trainman leaves the service of his own accord, he shall rank as a new man if re-em- ployed. 11. For attending court or appearing before proper persons to give evidence when notified to do so by the proper officers of the Company, Trainmen having regular runs whereby they are required to lose time will be paid for the time they lose at the regu- lar rates. Trainmen not on regular runs will be paid at their regular rates for each calendar day during their absence. 12. Trainmen will not be dismissed or suspended from the service of the Company (except a temporary suspension pending an investigation,) without a fair and impar- tial trial before a board of inquiry composed of at least three men. Ordinarily this trial will be held within seven days after date of occurrence. Conductors and Brake- men will be notified promptly of the result of the investigation. When suspended for over five days and subsequently exonerated from blame by the board of inquiry, they shall be paid regular wages per day for the time lost in excess of five days. 13. In case any Conductor or Brakeman shall be aggrieved by his treatment or by any decision of the Division Superintendent, he shall have the right to appeal his case to the higher officials. 14. Trainmen living within one mile of terminals shall be called as near as prac- ticable one hour before the time the train is due to leave by a Caller who will be pro- vided with a book in which the men called will enter their names and the time they are called. Time will begin at the time designated in Caller's book for the departure of a train. 15. All Conductors will be considered in the line of promotion according to the time of continuous service, good conduct and ability. When additional Conductors are required in the passenger service, promotions will be made from the ranks of Freight Conductors, as above. 16. When a Traiman is required to change his run and by so doing is obliged to move his family and household goods, they shall be moved free of charge upon applica- tion. 17. When the freight traffic on any portion of the road is so light that all the crews in the service are not able to make reasonable wages, crews shall be suspended beginning with the j^oungest men in the service until the crews remaining are able to make reasonable wages. Any Conductor suspended from service under this rule will be given preference as a Brakeman and will retain his rights as a Conductor and will be placed on his run when the freight traffic requires an increase of crews. 18. Trainmen reaching terminal stations after continuous service of 16 hours or more will be entitled to 8 hours rest and not be required to go out except in cases of wreck or extreme emergency. 19. Trainmen will be notified in writing when time is not allowed as per time slip and reasons given for not allowing same. BALTIMORE & OHIO SOUTHWESTERN RAILWAY. 25 20. Trainmen leaving the service of this Company will be given letters stating time of service, in what capacity employed and cause for leaving the service. These letters shall be signed by the proper officers. Accepted for the Order Railway Conductors: J. V. PATTON, E. E. CLARK. General Superintendent. W. H. BUDD. Accepted for the Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen: S. E. WILKINSON. E. J. TRACY. The following rates of pay for Yardmen on the Pittsburg & Western Division, B. & O. R. R., and rules governing the same will take effect June 1st, 1892. At Allegheny, Butler, New Castle Junction, Youngstown, P. P. & F. Junction, Painesville, Akron Junction, day Conductors, $2.88 per day; day Brakemen, $2.16 per day. Night Conductors, $3.00 per day: and Night Brakemen, $2.23 per day. 12 hours or less to constitute a day's work. All hours in excess of 12 to be paid pro rata. Same rules will apply to yard service as are agreed upon for train service where they apply. Accepted for the Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen: J. V. PATTON, S. E. WILKINSON. General Superintendent. E. J. TRACY. June 1st, 1892. BALTIMORE & OHIO SOUTHWESTERN RAILROAD COMPANY. Amended agreement between the Baltimore & Ohio Southwestern Railroad Com- pany and its Engineers and Firemen, in effect July 1, 1890. The same to remain in force until annulled by mutual consent. ART. 1. Engineers running passenger trains will receive $3.50 per day. Over 50 miles or less than 100 miles to constitute a day's work; 50 miles or less to constitute half a day's work; and are to be paid 31 cents per mile for all over 100 miles. Engineers running on freight trains with new eight- wheel Brooks engines, 18x24 cylinder, are to receive $3.75 per day. Engineers running on freight trains with all other eight-wheel engines, are to receive $3.50 per day. Engineers running on freight trains with all ten- wheel engines, are to receive $4.00 per day; 10 hours, or upwards of 50 miles and less than 100 miles, to constitute a day's work: five hours, or 50 miles or less, to constitute half a day's work. Overtime in excess of 10 hours will be computed at the rate of 35 cents an hour. All mileage in excess of 100 miles will be paid for at the same rate per mile as for less than 100 miles. Engineers running on local freight trains between Cincinnati and Chillicothe, and between Chillicothe and Parkersburg, will be paid at the same rate per day as when on through freight, and local runs between the points named will be computed as one and one-quarter days. Twelve hours to constitute a day's work; 35 cents per hour to be paid for all time in excess of 12 hours. ART. 2. Engineers running helpers, construction or work engines, to receive $3.50 per day, and 30 cents per hour for all over 12 hours, the Company to furnish a suitable man to watch the engine outside of working hours, or pay the Engineer or Fireman * L40 per day for attending to that duty. ART. 3. Engineers running engines light will be paid three-fourths the amount they would receive for hauling a train. ART. 4. Engineers running engines in Cincinnati yard will receive $3.00 per day. Firemen on engines in Cincinnati yard will receive $1.70 per day; 10 hours to constitute a day's work; all time in excess of 10 hours to be paid pro rata. Engineers running en- gines in the east yard at Chillicothe wiii receive $2.50 per day; Firemen on engines in the east yard at Chillicothe will receive $1.60 per day. Engineers running engines in the west yard at Chillicothe will receive $2.75 per day; Firemen on engines in the west yard at Chillicothe will receive $1.60 per day. Twelve hours to constitute a day's work, and all time in excess of 12 hours to be paid pro rata. ART. 5. Promoted Firemen shall be termed second-class Engineers and shall re- ceive $2.75 per day for the first six months and $3.00 per day for the second six months: and after having had one year's experience as road engineers, shall be entitled to re- ceive first-class pay. Overtime and mileage in excess of 100 miles shall be computed at these rates and in the same manner as mentioned in Art. 1. ART. 6. Engineers dead-heading to any point to take charge of an engine or other property belonging to the Company shall be paid at the rate of If cents per mile, and Firemen one-half this amount. ART. 7. Engineers or Firemen serving as witnesses, or on other business for the Company, are to be paid $3.50 and $1.75 per calendar day. ART. 8. Engineers are to report all delayed time on their trip reports, and must be particular to give all the facts necessary to a clear understanding; said report to be sufficient evidence for the allowance of said extra time if found to correspond with the caller's book and the train-dispatcher's register. 26 BALTIMORE & OHIO SOUTHWESTERN RAILWAY. ART. 9. Firemen running- on passenger trains to receive $1.75 per day; 100 miles to constitute a day's work, and are to be paid If cents per mile for all over that distance. Firemen running- on freight trains with new eight-wheel Brooks engines, 18x24 cylinder, are to receive $1.90 per day. Firemen running- on freight trains with all other eight- wheel engines are to receive $1.75 per day. Firemen running on freight trains with all ten-wheel engines are to receive $2.00 per day. Ten hours, or upwards of 50 and less than 100 miles, to constitute a day's work; five hours, or less than50 miles, to constitute half a day's work. Overtime in excess of 10 hours will be computed at the rate of 17$ cents per hour. All mileage in excess of 100 miles to be paid for at the same rate as for less than 100 miles. ART. 10. The caller to be furnished a book and call the Engineers not more than one hour before leaving time, said book to be signed by the Engineer, and his time to commence at the time specified for him to leave, and if the train is delayed in starting or annulled, he shall be paid at the rate of 35 cents an hour until relieved from duty. ART. 11. Engineers will not be required to do any more work on their engines while in the shop than has been customary. ART. 12. When Engineers arrive at the engine house in Cincinnati orParkersburg they will be relieved from duty and called for return trip, and their time commence as per Art. 10. ART. 13. Engineers and Firemen making round trips between Chillicothe and Hamden are to receive three-fifths of a day and at the rate of 35 and 17$ cents per hour for all time in excess of six hours. ART. 14. Engineers and Firemen to be allowed one day for making the round trip between Cincinnati and Midland City, and at the rate of 35 and 17$ cents for all over 10 hours. ART. 15. Engineers to be paid 3 cents per mile and Firemen If cents per mile for running accommodation trains between Chillicothe and Hillsboro. ART. 16. Engineers running on Portsmouth Division to receive $3.50 per day and 35 cents per hour for all over 12 hours. Firemen running on Portsmouth Division to re- ceive $1.75 per day and 17$ cents an hour for all over 12 hours. ART. 17. When Engineers and Firemen are called at Cincinnati to go out, they are to be notified within 30 minutes after reporting as to whether they will be needed. If required to wait longer than 30 minutes and the train is annulled, they will be paid at the rate of 35 and 17$ cents per hour for all time so held in excess of the 30 minutes. ART. 18. No fines shall be imposed on Engineers or Firemen for damage to Com- pany's property or rolling stock; but if such damage occurs and it is found, upon ex- amination that Engineers or Firemen are at fault for such damage, they shall be sus- pended or dismissed from the service, as the case may seem to require. ART. 19. Commencing with the date of this amended agreement, Engineers aud Firemen are to be promoted in accordance with their age on the road, the oldest man being given the preference when in every respect competent. ART. 20. Engineers and Firemen who may be suspended from any cause will be given a hearing within a reasonable time, and will be notified promptly of the result of the investigation. In case the Engineer or Fireman suspended is found to be innocent, he shall be paid half time for the calendar time he has lost. ART. 21. These articles of agreement shall not affect the pay of the Engineers who are getting more than $3.50 per day for running accommodation trains less than 100 miles per day, nor those who are getting more than $3.50 per day for running local freight trains, who, however, are to receive at the rate of 35 cents per hour for all time in excess of 12 hour per day. I. G. RAWN, Approved: General Superintendent. W. W. PEABODY, Vice President. Committee of Engineers G. W. CUTTER, J. R. WALTERS, W. B. GALIVAN, J. N. KNOPP, W. S. CRYDER, M. H. PURSELL. Committee of Firemen SINNET BARKER. GEORGE KRICK, J. W. RUMPF, T. J. GALLAGHER. Articles of agreement between the Baltimore & Ohio Southwestern Railroad Com- Eany and its Conductors and Brakemen: in effect July 1, 1890. The same to remain in [>rce until annulled by mutual consent. ART. 1. Conductors running on passenger trains between Cincinnati and Parkers- burg, Cincinnati and Chillicothe, Chillicothe and Parkersburg, are to receive $100.00 per month; fractional parts of a month to be paid at the same rate. Conductors on local passenger trains between Cincinnati and Blanchester are to be paid at the rate of $85.00 per month and $3.00 per day for Sunday work. Conductors running on pas- senger trains on the Hillsboro Division are to receive $85.00 per month. Conductors running on passenger and mixed trains on the Portsmouth Division are to receive $90.00 per month. BALTIMORE & OHIO SOUTHWESTERN RAILWAY. 27 ART. 2. Conductors running- on through freight trains with eight-wheel engines will receive $2.75 per day; Brakemen running on through freight trains with eight- wheel engines will receive $1.75 per day. Conductors running on through freight trains with ten-wheel engines will receive $3.00 per day; Brakemen running- on through freight trains with ten-wheel engines will receive $2.00 per day. Ten hours, or upward of 50 and less than 100 miles, to constitute a day's work, and five hours, or 50 miles or less, to constitute half a day's work. Overtime in excess of 10 hours will be computed at the rate of 27! and 17! cents per hour, respectively. All mileage in excess of 100 miles will be paid for at the same rate per mile as for less than 100 miles. Local freight Conductors running between Cincinnati and Chillicothe, and Chillicothe and Parkers- burg, are to receive $3.50 per day; Brakemen running on local freight trains between Cincinnati and Chillicothe, and Chillicothe and Parkersburg, are to receive $2.40 per day. Twelve hours to constitute a day's work. Over 12 hours to be computed at the rate of 30 and 20 cents per hour, respectively. Conductors running on local freight trains on the Hillsboro and Portsmouth Divisions are to receive $2.90 per day; Brake- men running on local freight trains on the Hillsboro and Portsmouth Divisions to re- ceive $1.90 per day. Twelve hours to constitute a day's work. Overtime to be com- puted at the rate of 27! and 17! cents per hour, respectively. ART. 3. Conductors of helping engines are to receive $70.00 per month; Brakemen of helping engines are to receive $1.75 per day; fractional parts of a month to be paid at the same rate. ART. 4. Conductors of work trains to receive $2.90 per day; Brakemen of work trains are to receive $1.90 per day. Twelve hours, or over six hours, to constitute a day's work; less than six hours to constitute half a day's work. All time in excess of 12 hours to be computed at the rate of 271 and 17! cents per hour, respectively. ART. 5. Conductors and Brakemen called to go to wrecks or wash-outs will be al- lowed 30 and 20 cents per hour, respectively, for the time on duty. ART. 6. Conductors of coal and ore trains will be allowed $2.90 per day; Brakemen of coal and ore trains will be allowed $1.90 per day. Twelve hours to constitute a day's work. Overtime to be at the rate of 27! and 17! cents an hour, respectively. ART. 7. In computing overtime it is understood that fractions of an hour less than 30 minutes will not be counted; 30 minutes or over will be counted a full hour. ART. 8. When Conductors and Brakemen are called to go out, their time will com- mence at the time specified for them to leave, and if the train is annulled they will be paid at the rate of 27! and 17! cents per hour, respectively, until notified that such train is annulled, or until they are relieved from duty. ART. 9. Conductors and Brakemen dead-heading to any point on the Company's 3usiness shall be paid one-half their regular rate. ART. 10. Conductors and Brakemen called to attend court as witnesses on the part of the Railroad Company, will be paid $2.75 and $1.75, per calendar day, respec- tively. ART. 11. Conductors and Brakemen running light engines, or engines with only caboose attached, will be paid three- fourths of their regular rates. ART. 12. Promoted Brakemen will be termed second-class Conductors and will re- ceive $2.50 per day for the first six months, $2.75 per day for the second six months, commencing from the date of promotion, and after the second six months they will receive rate of first-class Conductor. ART. 13. Commencing with the date of this agreement, Conductors and Brake - men are to be promoted in accordance with their age on the road, the oldest man to be riven preference when in every respect competent. Promotion to the position of pas- senger or freight Conductor will be confined to men in train service. ART. 14. When freight traffic is light and it is necessary to reduce the number of freight crews in order to allow Conductors and Brakemen to make reasonable wages, he Conductors of crews thus taken off shall be given preference as Brakemen, until uch time as the increase of business warrants their being- reinstated as Conductors. ART. 15. Conductors and Brakemen reaching terminal points after continuous ervice of 16 hours or more shall be entitled to eight hours' rest before being again re- uired to go out, excepting in case of wreck or extreme emergency. ART. 16. Conductors and Brakemen suspended will be given a hearing within a easonable time and notified promptly of the result of the investigation, and if Conductors or Brakemen thus suspended are found to be not guilty they will be paid ne-half time for calendar time thus lost. ART. 17. Any Conductor or Brakemen feeling that justice has not been done him n a decision rendered by the Superintendent, will have the right of appeal to the Gen- r , ral Superintendent. : iO ART. 18. No fines shall be imposed upon Conductors or Brakemen for damage to- Company's property or rolling stock: but if such damage occurs and it is found that the 28 BEN. & RUT., BOSTON & ME., CAL. & BLUE. ISL., AND CAN. PAC. R. R. Conductor or Brakeman is at fault for such damage he shall be suspended or dismissed the service, as the case may seem to require. I. G. RAWN, Approved: General Superintendent. W. W. PEABODY, Vice President. Committee of Conductors O. T. DEWEY, THOS. A. BROWN, JOHN KOPP, WM. R. BROWN, PAT DORSEY, P. M'GINTY. Committee of Brakemen- CON DEVERS. JOHN SHAFFER, WALTER HALL, WALTER WILT, C. E. SCHENCK, J. TOUHY. May 12, 1892. BENNINGTON & RUTLAND RAILWAY. Conductors, $75.00; Baggagemen, $45.00; Brakemen, $40.00; Switchmen and Yard men, $40.00. E. D. BENNETT, May 10, 1892. Superintendent. BOSTON & MAINE RAILROAD. Passenger Conductors, from $65 to $100 per month, according to location. Baggage masters, from $45 to $55 per month. Brakemen, from $40 to $50 per month. Freigh' Conductors, from $55 to $78 per month. Brakemen, from $40 to $52 per month. Yan Conductors, from $55 to $70 per month. Yard Brakemen, from $40 to $52 per month Yard Switchmen, from $40 to $60 per month. D. W. SANBORN, May 16, 1892. General Superintendent THE CALUMET & BLUE ISLAND RAILWAY COMPANY. Freight Conductors, 3 cents per mile. Freight Brakemen, 2 cents per mile. Yardmen Head Switchmen, $2.90 per day, 10 hours. First Helper, $2.70 per day 10 hours. Second Helper, $2.50 per day, 10 hours. Overtime and delayed time by men on road and in yards allowed for in accordance with regular Chicago scale governing such matters. W. G. BRIMSON, May 13, 1892. President and General Manager. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY. PACIFIC DIVISION. Passenger Main Line: Crews assigned to passenger runs will be paid for 4,600 miles or over, as follows: Conductors, $105.00 per month; Baggagemen, $63.00 per month Brakemen, $63.00 per month. Passenger Branch Lines: Conductors, $90.00 per month; Baggagemen, $60.00 per month; Brakemen, $60.00 per month. Mixed Trains: Conductors, $90.00 per month; Baggagemen, $60.00 per month: Brake men, $60.00 per month. Freight Trains: Crews on all freight trains will be paid as follows: Conductors $3.04 per 100 miles; Brakemen, $2.18 per 100 miles. These rates to be applied to present constructive mileage on Selkirk Section only viz.: 120 miles, subject to revision if Canmore Section is included in Pacific Division On and after April 1, 1893, freight Conductors to receive $3.15 per 100 miles. Eleven hours or 100 miles to constitute a day's work in road service. Overtime after 11 hours to be paid for at schedule rates. This time to count from time-Mi time, or the hour at which train is ordered: the time of finishing a trip when Conductor registers. Conductors and Trainmen on passenger or freight trains, when held at or between stations for construction or work train service on work train orders from dispatcher, will be paid extra for such work at schedule rates in addition to mileage 30 minutes or more to count as one hour. Work Trains: Crews on work'trains will be paid as follows: Conductors, $90.00 pei month; Brakemen, $70.00 per month. Twenty-six or the calendar working days of a month to constitute one month. Twelve hours"or less to constitute a day's work. Over- time to be paid for at the same rate. Above work train rates and conditions will appl} to trains on snow service on Selkirk Section with the guarantee of a full month's pay each month, viz.: $90 per month for Conductors and $70 for Brakemen. Trainmen orderec out on occasional short runs of less than 100 miles, shall be allowed one day's pay, but may be held for service to the extent of 11 hours, said hours not to run beyond mid night. When work trains are required to run 40 miles or more to and from their work, or wood trains over a division, mileage at schedule rates will be allowed. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. 29 Schedule Rates for Yardmen and Rules Governing Same: All engine foremen and help- ers emloyed at Vancouver will be paid as follows: Foremen, $2.80 per day; helpers, $2.50 per day: Yardmaster at Revelstoke, $80.00 per month; Night Yardman, $65.00 per month. Twelve hours or less to constitute a day's work. Overtime to be paid for at the same rate. 1. Trainmen will be called as nearly as practicable in time to be on duty 30 min- utes at least before leaving time of the train. Caller to be furnished with a book on which is registered time train is ordered to leave, and in which trainmen will sign their names. 2. When trainmen appear for duty and are not required, they will be allowed one- fourth of a day, or 25 miles and will stand first out. All cases of greater delay than 25 miles to be settled on their merits. 3. Trainmen dead-heading on passenger trains will be paid at passenger train rates. Trainmen dead-heading on freight trains with their cabooses will be paid full rates. The first crew out will run dead-head and the second run the train; the dead-heading crew will be the first out of these crews on reaching terminal station. 4. Trainmen held off on Company's business will receive pay at their schedule rates, and reasonable expenses when away from home. If attending court, witness fees to go to Company. 5. Swithing at terminal and turn-around points and at Mission Junction to be paid for at 25 cents an hour for Conductors and 17 cents per hour for Brakemen. All work not in excess of 30 minutes to go to the Compauy, all over 30 minutes to be counted one hour. No switching time will be allowed except on certificate on form 748, signed by agent at station where work is done. 6. The right to regular runs and to promotion will be governed by merit, ability and seniority. Everything being equal, the trainmen longest in the service will have preference, provided they have passed the required examinations. Freight Conduc- tors, when adapted to passenger service, will be promoted to passenger trains accord- ing to ability and age of continuous service on their respective divisions. The ques- tion of ability and adaptation to be determined by the Superintendent. The rating of of a Conductor as such will begin from the time he is first regularly given a caboose. Occasional trips in an emergency will not be counted. 7. Assistant superintendents will so regulate the number of crews that the train- men will make fair average wages during slack seasons. 8. In cases of breach of discipline, as a general rule, parties implicated will be notified in writing within 10 days after the occurrence of the decision arrived at. Should any Trainman or Yardman think he has been unjustly dealt with, he may send a written statement of the facts to the Assistant Superintendent, when the case will be reinvestigated and a decision will be given within five days; and if the party inter- ested still considers he has not received justice, he may appeal to the General Super- intendent. 9. Conductors shall not be required to take out a Brakeman whom they know to be incompent more than one round trip after they have reported inability of Brake- man in writing to the Superintendent. 10. Freight Trainmen will be run, first in, first out of terminal stations. 11. Trainmen leaving the service shall be given a letter stating the time and capacity of service in which employed, said letter to be given as early as practicable after application. 12. Freight Trainmen running passenger trains will be paid passenger train rates, except when the hand brakes have to be used, in which case they will be paid freight train rates. 13. When there is a grade on any section over which the regular load cannot be taken without doubling, or where the regular load sheet is exceeded by order of the of the train dispatcher, the mileage for doubling to be allowed; all other cases to be settled on their merits. 14. When work trains are put on they will be given to junior Conductors, if the superintendent considers them competent. 15. Time slips will be returned to Conductors for correction when not honored. 16. Brakemen to be promoted to Conductors under their Assistant Superintend- ents, as per Article 6. 17. All previous schedules are void. H. ABBOTT, April 1, 1892. General Superintendent. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY. WESTERN DIVISION. Passenger Main Line: Crews assigned to passenger runs will be paid for 4,600 miles or over as follows: Conductors, $100.00 per month: Baggagemen. $60.00 per month: Brakemen, $55.00 per month. The five crews running between Winnipeg and Fort William and the crew between Banff and Donald to be paid $100 per month. 30 CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. Passenger Branch Line?: Conductors, $90.00 per month; Baggagemen, $60.00 per month: Brakemen, $55.00 per month. Mixed Trains: Conductors, $90.00 per month: Baggagemen, $60.00 per month; Brakemen, $60.00 per month. Freight Trains: Crews on all freight trains will be paid as follows: Conductors, 82.90 per 100 miles: Brakemen, $2.07 per 100 miles. On and after April 1st, 1893, freight Conductors to receive $3.00 per 100 miles. Eleven hours or 100 miles shall constitute a day's work in road service. Overtime after eleven hours to be paid for at schedule rates. This time to count from time bill time or the hour at which train is ordered, the time of finishing trip when Conductor registers. Work Trains: Crews on work trains will be paid as follows: Conductors, $90.00 per month: Rrakemen. $70.00. Twenty-six days or the callendar working days of a month to constitute one month. Twelve hours or less to constitute a day's work. Overtime to be paid for at the same rate. Trainmen ordered out on occasional short runs of less than one hundred miles shall be allowed one day's pay, but may be held for service to the extent of eleven hours, said hours not to run beyond midnight. ARTICLE 1. Trainmen will be called as nearly as practicable in time to be on duty thirty minutes at least before leaving time of train. Caller to be furnished with a book on which is registered time train is ordered to leave, and in which trainmen will sign their names. ART. 2. When trainmen appear for duty and are not required, they will be allowed one-fourth of a day or twenty-five miles, and will stand first out. All cases of greater delay thrn twenty-five miles to be settled on their merits. ART. 3. Trainmen dead-heading on passenger trains will be paid at passenger train rates. Trainmen dead-heading on freight trains with their cabooses will be paid full rates. The first crew out will run dead-head and the second run the train; the dead-heading crew will be the first out of those crews on reaching terminal station. ART. 4. Trainmen held off on Company's business will receive pay at their sched- ule rates and reasonable expenses when away from home. If attending court, witness fees to go to Company. ART. 5. Switching at terminal and turn-around points to be paid for at twenty- five cents per hour for Conductors and seventeen cents per hour for brakemen. All work not in excess of thirty minutes to go to the Company; all over thirty minutes to be counted one hour. No switching time will be allowed except on certificate on forms 748, signed by agent at station where work is done. ART. 6. The right to regular runs and to promotion will be governed by merit, ability and seniority. Everything being equal, the trainmen longest in the service will have preference, provided they have passed the required examinations. Freight Conductors, when adapted to passenger service, will be promoted to passenger trains according to ability and age of continuous service on their respective divisions. The question of ability and adaptation to be determined by Superintendent. The rat- ing of a Conductor as such will begin from the time he is first regularly given a caboose. Occasional trips in an emergency will not be counted. ART. 7. Assistant Superintendents will so regulate the number of crews that all trainmen will make fair average wages during the slack seasons. ART. 8. In case of breach of discipline as a general rule, parties implicated will be notified, in writing, witin ten days after the occurrence of the decision arrived at. Should any trainman or yardman think he has been unjustly dealt with, he may send a written statement of the fact to the Assistant Superintendent, when the case will be re-investigated and a decision given within five days, and if the party interested still considers he has not received justice, he may appeal to the General Superintendent. ART. 9. Conductors shall not be required to take out a brakeman whom they know to be incompetent more than one round trip after they have reported inability of Brakeman in writing to Superintendent. ART. 10. Freight Trainmen will be run first in, first out of terminal stations. ART. 11. Trainmen leaving the service shall be given a letter stating the time and capacity of service in which employed, said letter to be given as early as prac- ticable after application. ART. 12. Freight Trainmen running passenger trains will be paid passenger train rates, except when the hand brakes have to be used, in which case they will be paid freight train rates. ART. 13. When there is a grade on any section over which the regular load cannot be taken without doubling, or where the regular load sheet is exceeded by order of the Train Dispatcher, the mileage for doubling to be allowed, all other cases to be settled on their merits. CENT. R. R. OF N. J. CHARLESTON, GIN. & CHI. R'Y. CHESAPEAKE & OHIO R'Y. 31 ART. 14. When work trains are put on, they will be given to junior Conductors, if the Superintendent considers them competent. ART. 15. Time slips will be returned to Conductors for correction when not hon- ored. ART. 16. Brakemen to be promoted to Conductors under their Assistant Superin- tendent as per Article 6. ART. 17. All previous schedules are void. W. WHYTE. In effect April 1, 1892, General Superintendent. Accepted for the O. R. C. E. E. CLARK, Grand Chief Conductor; W. G. NIB- LOCK, Chairman. Accepted for the B. of R. T. S. E. WILKINSON, Grand Master; F. GARNHAM, Chairman. Schedule of rates for Yardmen and rules governing the same: All engine Fore- men and Helpers at Fort William, Rat Portage and Winnipeg will be paid as follows: Foremen, $2.80 per day; Helpers. $2.50 per day Twelve hours or less to constitute a day's work. Overtime to be paid for at same rate. In effect April 1, 1892. W. WHYTE, Accepted for the B. of R. T., General Superintendent. S. E. WILKINSON, Grand Master. F. GARNHAM, Chairman. THE CENTRAL RAILROAD OF NEW JERSEY AND LEASED LINES. Passenger Conductors from $3.00 to $3.25 per day. We also have a number paid by the month ranging from $85.00 to $91.25 per month Train Baggagemen, $2.10 to $2.25 per day. Some are paid by the month ranging for through runs $55.00 per month; locals, $50.00 per month. All Passenger Brakemen $1.80 per day, and a few long runs $2.00 per day. Freight Brakemen, $1.83 to $2.25 per day according to trip. Yard Drillers, $1.83 per day of 11 hours, and $2.00 per day ot 12 hours. May 16, 1892. J. H. OLHAUSEN, General Superintendent. CHARLESTON, CINCINNATI & CHICAGO RAILROAD. Passenger Conductors, $75.00 per month. Passenger Brakemen, $1.25 per day. Train Baggagemen, $45.00 per month. Freight Conductors, $70. 00 per month. Freight Brakemen, $1.25 per day. Switchmen are paid same as Brakemen. May 25, 1892. C. M. WARD, General Manager. CHESAPEAKE & OHIO RAILWAY COMPANY. ARTICLE I. PASSENGER SERVICE. Conduct' r Brak'man Bag'gemn Through, passenger (regular trips) per month $112 00 $60 00 $70 00 Local passenger (regular trips,) per month 107 00 55 00 60 00 Except through Brakemen on Huntington Division will be paid $65.00 per mont tions as follows: Washington Division, present passenger rates will remain in force. Richmon Divi- sion, trains 31 and 32 between Richmond and Doswell, including other passenger service of 100 miles or less if performed within 12 hours, Conductor $9000; Baggageman or Brakemaa $55.00 per month. Big Sandy Division, Warm Springs Valley, Lexington, (Va.) and Craig Valley branches, Passenger and Freight Conductors, $90.00; Baggagemen, $60.00; Brakemen, $55.00 per month. Amounts paid by Express Company to Baggagemen to be deducted. FREIGHT SERVICE. RUNS MILES SERVICE RATE PI ]R TRIP. Conduct'r. Brak'men PENINSULA DIVISION. Richmond to Newport News and Ft. Monroe 95 Local freight $3 50 $2 40 Richmond to Newport News RICHMOND DIVISION. Clifton Forge to Staunton or Brand and return Richmond to Charlottesville. 75 112 96 Through freight Through freight. Through freight. 2 50 340 2 90 1 65 2 25 1 95 Richmond to Charlottesville 96 Local ireight 3 50 2 40 Richmond to Gordonsville and return, (12 hours) .. Charlottesville to Clifton Forge 150 96 Through freight. Through freight. 4 35 2 90 2 90 1 95 Charlottesville to Clifton Forge 96 Local freigh !..... 3 50 2 40 Local freight to work between Clifton Forge and Craiersviile, (12 hours) .. Local freight... 3 50 2 40 32 CHESAPEAKE & OHIO RAILWAY. FREIGHT SERVICE. CONTINUED. RUNS. MILES. SERVICE. RATE PER TRIP. Conduct' r Brak' men WASHINGTON DIVISION. *Charlottesville to Washington JAMES RIVER DIVISION. Richmond to Gladstone 115 119 71 80 111 84 111 84 80 80 60 102 34 72 72 78 102 95 74 74 41 82 74 114 139 139 140 124 111 103 168 132 116 Through freight Through f reighi Local freight.... Local freight Through freight Through freight Through freight Local freight Through freight. Local freight Through freight Through freight Through freight Through freight. Local freight Through freight Through freight. Through freight Through freight Local freight. . . . Local freight... Through freight. Through freight Through freight Through freight Local freight Through freight . Through freight. Through freight. Through freight. Through freight. Through freight. Through freight. Local freight Local freight.... 3 00 3 30 3 50 3 50 3 15 2 75 3 15 3 50 2 90 3 50 2 70 3 25 1 00 2 50 3 50 2 50 3 00 3 00 2 50 3 50 3 50 3 00 2 50 3 30 4 00 3 50 400 3 50 3 20 3 00 4 85 3 80 3 35 3 50 3 50 2 00 2 20 2 40 2 40 2 10 1 85 2 10 240 1 95 2 40 1 80 2 15 70 1 70 2 40 1 70 2 00 2 00 1 7>i 2 40 2 40 2 00 1 70 2 20 2 80 2 50 265 2 35 2 15 2 00 325 2 55 2 25 2 40 2 40 Richmond to Arvonia Bremo to Lynchburg Gladstone to Clifton Forge Lynchburg to Clifton Forge (12 hours) Clifton Forge to Balcony Falls and return Lynchburg to Clifton Forge HUNTINGTON DIVISION. Clifton Forge to Hinton Clifton Forge to Hinton Clifton Forge to Alleghany and return Hinton to Alleghany and return Alleghany to Ronceverte and return, (in connection with through trip) Hinton to Handley Hinton to Handley Hinton to Sewell, Thurmond or Quinnimont and re- turn, ( 10 hours) Hinton to H. Nest and return, (12 hours) Handley to Russell . Handley to Huntington Handley to Huntington Huntington to Russell and return Huntington to Russell and return, (2 trips) Huntington to Lewis and return Russell to Lewis and return, (12 hours) CINCINNATI DIVISION. Russell to Covington Russell to Covington, (3 crews) LEXINGTON DIVISION. Huntington to Lexington Ashland to Lexington Kilgore to Lexington Denton to Lexington. Lexington to Olive Hill and return Morehead to Lexington and return Ashland to Morehead and return Ashland to Midland Midland to Lexington *If trains go to yards beyond Washington, Conductors receive 35 cents and Brakemen 25 cents extra. ART. 2. Short freight runs not provided for in Article 1 will be paid for as follows: Service of two hours or 25 miles or less, one-fourth day, and stand first out; over two hours or 25 miles and not exceeding six hours or 50 miles, one-half day; over six hours or 50 miles and less than 100 miles, full day, at the trip rate paid on the district where the service is performed. Article 5 will govern hours of service in excess of six hours. Conductors and trainmen going over road with an engine as a light section of a pas- senger train to move a passenger train in opposite direction, if they run full length of the passenger division, will be paid passenger rates, otherwise, freight rates. If run- ning light to move a freight train in opposite direction, will be paid freight rates. When dead-heading with caboose on freight train, full freight rates will be paid. When dead-heading on passenger trains by orders, one-half rates, according to service, will be paid. It being optional with the freight men as to whether they will go with caboose on freight train, or in coach on passenger train, provided it does not interfere with the business of the road. When through freight trains on the Richmond Division are run from Mineral City to the pyrites mines, or when through or local freights are required to make a trip on the Kinniconnick Branch, Cincinnati Division, the addi- tional mileage made will be allowed at the rate per mile paid for through trip. ART. 3. Conductors and Brakemen when temporarily assigned to work trains or other special service, or when engaged in hauling ballast long distances, will be paid regular freight rates. Conductors and Brakemen of wrecking trains will be paid as per Article 2, except that they will not be paid for time laid up for rest. ART. 4. Conductors and trainmen when attending court by order of the Company, will be allowed $3.00 and $2.00 per day, respectively, and $1.00 per day for living ex- penses. In addition to this, all necessary railroad fare and carriage hire. ART. 5. Freight Conductors and Brakemen will be paid at the rate of 27 cents and 18 cents per hour, respectively, for delays on the road exceeding the limit of ser- CHESAPEAKE & OHIO RAILWAY. vice on each district, which is as follows: Peninsula Division, local and through, freight, 9 hours. Richmond Division, (each district,) through freight, 10 hours, local freight, 12 hours. James River Division, (each district,) local and through freight, 12 hours. Washington Division, through freight, 12 hours. Huntington Division, Green- brier district, local and through freight, 12 hours. New River and Kanawha districts,, through freight, 10 hours, local freight, 12 hours. Cincinnati Division, local and through, freight, 12 hours. Lexington and Big Sandy Divisions, local and through freight, ] hours. Delayed time under 30 minutes not to be counted; 30 minutes and over to be computed as a full hour. Time to be computed from one hour after signing Caller's. book, or from the time stated in the Caller's book for the train to leave, (unless leaving earlier) to the time of arrival at terminal. Passenger Conductors and trainmen wilL be allowed delayed time when the schedule time of the train has been exceeded twc> hours or more, at the rate of 27 cents and 18 cents per hour, respectively, for each hour or fractional part over 30 minutes, including the tirst two hours. ART. 6. If the Yardmaster at a terminal point does not relieve a freight crew on arrival, and the latter cannot clear the main track with their train within 30 minutes' after arrival, they will be paid, respectively, 27 and 18 cents per hour or fraction- al part thereof, for the time they are delayed beyond 30 minutes; this to be re- ported as yard delay, without reference to the time consumed in making the trip. ART. 7. Freight Conductors and Brakemen will be called, as nearly as possible, one hour before the leaving time of their train, within the hours and limits and under the regulations already in effect. The Caller will be furnished with a book which muse show the train for which the men are called, and the time expected to leave. Book must be signed by person called, showing time called. A Conductor or Brakeman fail- ing to properly respond after having been called and signed book, will be suspended or dismissed at the discretion of the Superintendent or Trainmaster, When Conductors and trainmen are called to go out, and the train is afterwards annulled, or they are not needed, they will be paid, respectively, 27 and 18 cents per hour, computing th^ time from one hour after they are called, until they are notified of the annullment of the train, or relieved from duty. In every case they will receive at least one hour's; pay, if they have reported at the yard office or registering place. Conductors anurs. In all other freight service, after 11 hours. In computing overtime, less than minutes will not be counted. Over 35 minutes will be computed as one hour. The st year's service is to consist of 12 calendar months from the date of promotion. (3) In the event of there being a surplus of Conductors for the service on the iad, the older Conductors shall have the preference in employment; competency and rility in the judgment of the Division Superintendent to be considered. (4) After a Conductor or Brakeman has been called and reports for duty, he shall j paid for all time lost, such time to be not less than one-quarter of a day, and shall i first out. (5) Freight Conductors will be notified when time is not allowed as per trip slip iport. Extra Mileage: (6) Freight Conductors and Brakemen on regular runs will receive mapensation for extra mileage made outside of their regular run. (7) All runs of less than 100 miles shall be computed as one day's work, provided ie men do not go out again the same day, except on branch runs where the mileage less than 60 miles per day, where the Company reserves the right to make special preements as to the compensation to be paid. (8) Where crews are required to double hills such crews shall be allowed the :tual mileage made. (9) Fifty miles will be allowed for the run on ore trains between Ashland and any ation on the Iron Range, the same to include making up of trains as at present, and .e weighing of ore at Ore Dock Junction. Delayed Time: (10) All freight Conductors and Brakemen delayed over one hour hen starting from terminal station, or getting into yard at terminal station, or de- yed on the road by accident, washouts, snow, or loading or unloading material, shall : paid for all time lost at the rate of 10 miles an hour, but no claim shall be made iless there is a delay of a full hour, it being understood that if a train arrives at its vision terminal on time no claim for delayed time shall be made or allowed. All de- yed time shall be paid for at the rate of 10 miles per hour. Dead-head Time: (11) Conductors and Brakemen will be allowed 10 miles per hour r dead-heading on passenger trains. All other dead-heading shall be computed as :tual miles run. When freight crews and way cars are ordered dead-head, the crews all accompany their way cars. In ordering crews dead-head, the first crew shall run ie train, the next crew dead-heading when such service is required, said crew being lead of the crew with whom they dead-head on reaching the terminal of that run. Switching Service: (12) If freight Conductors and Brakemen are required to do switch- y at terminal stations either before leaving or after arriving at such terminal, they 11 be paid extra for all such switching at the rate of 10 miles per hour. Less than minutes will not be counted; 35 minutes and less than one hour will be counted one )ur. Discipline: (13) Conductors or Brakemen shall not be suspended or dismissed from rvice except upon a full investigation by the Superintendent, and such investigation ould ordinarily be made within three days of the occurrence causing the investiga- on. When more than three days have elapsed they shall, if found innocent, receive ly for all time lost after the third day; no punishment to be fixed without a thorough vestigation. Any employe suspended or dismissed from the service who may feel at such action was uncalled for, shall have the right of appeal to the General Super- tendent and General Manager. (14) Conductors and Brakemen will not be required to go out when they need rest, hey will make their needs known by proper notice in Trainmaster's office before ar- val at terminal points. Eight hours will be considered sufficient rest. Hank and Privileges: (15) The rank of a Conductor shall date from the day of his omotion, and he shall have the choice of any new or vacant run to which his age as onductor entitles him: competency and ability in the judgment of the Division uperintendent to be considered. (16) Conductors having charge of trains will be held responsible for their safe anagement, and will have the right to place their Brakemen as their best judgment ay dictate. (17) Any Conductor having been absent to exceed six consecutive months thereby rfeits all rights with the company, except in case of sickness or where leave of ab- nce has been granted. No leave of absence shall be granted to exceed one year, nor instatement made after one year's absence, except, in case of sickness. (18) Brakemen shall be examined for promotion according to the time of service, case a Brakeman shall fail to pass examination he shall retain his chance for pro- otion. 44 FREMONT, ELKHORN & MO. VAL. RY. CHI., BUR. & QUINCY RY. (19) When a Conductor leaves one division of his own accord to work on anoth <}' vision' he shall be considered a new employe, but should he be transferred by ord of the company the same rank he possessed on the first division shall be maintained his return to the same. (20) When a Yardmaster or men employed in the yards take service on the ro as Conductors their rank shall date from the time they were promoted as Conducto and they shall not be advanced ahead of Conductors who were running previous that time. Conductors entering- yard service, however, shall not lose their'rank if any time they return to the road service. Calling of Men: (21) A book shall be kept in the Train Dispatcher's office showi the name of each Conductor and Brakeman and his residence. Superintendents ^ designate certain limits within which men shall be called to take their trains wh( call boys are provided. Call boys shall be provided with a book in which Conductc and Brakemen shall register their names and the time they are called. Conduct* and Brakemen shall also register in the book kept for that purpose in the Train L patcher's office, or other designated place, 30 minutes before their trains are due leave. Running of Crews: (22) Conductors will run first in first out, with the except! of those assigned to regular runs, and shall, so far as practicable, have regular ere who will run with them. This does not apply to men on the extra list. ' GEO. F. BIDWELL, General Superintendent. Approved: H. F. WHITCOMB, General Manager. May 1, 1892. FREMONT, ELKHORN & MISSOURI VALLEY AND SIOUX CITY & PACIF RAILWAY COMPANY. The schedule in effect on the Fremont. Elkhorn & Missouri Valley Railway is ti same as on the Chicago & Northwestern Railway proper. H. G. BURT, May 26, 1892. General Manager. CHICAGO, BURLINGTON & QUINCY RAILROAD. GENERAL RULES GOVERNING TRAIN SERVICE. 1. Regular freight and passenger crews making extra trips will be paid on t "basis of the rate fixed for the service performed. Crews running pay train, office specials or inspection trains, to be paid at the rate of 2 cents per mile for Conductc and If cents per mile for Brakeman, with a minimum of $3.00 per day for Conduct and $2.00 for Brakeman. If crews are laid up for the day they will be paid at the mi mum rate given above. Living expenses of such crews will be botne by the Compar as heretofore. 2. Crews regularly assigned to construction trains: Conductors to receive $90 p month; Brakemen, $60; 12 hours or less to constitute a day's work; calendar worki 8. When light engines or trains of other companies are run on main line and prin- ml branches, a Conductor will be sent in charge, when practicable, who will act as- ot. 9. Should a train be compelled to double a hill, crews will be paid for one hour's- ne at the rate of 30 cents for Conductors and 20 cents for Brakemen. 10. The right to regular runs and promotion will be governed by merit, ability and niority, everything being equal: the Conductor, Brakemen or Yardman longest in the rvice will have preference; the Superintendent to be the judge as to qualifications. >thing in this rule shall be construed to mean that the Company will not employ men )m other roads when, in the judgment of the officers, it is expedient to do so. 11. No employe will be suspended or discharged without just cause. In case of sus- nsion or discharge of any employe, except for insubordination or intoxication, he iy, if he desires, have a thorough investigation by the proper officers. Such desire all be signified within five days of the date of suspension or discharge, and theinves- ration shall be begun within ten days from such notice, and proceed with as little in- rruption as may be until completed. The employe shall have full opportunity to pre- nt his case and to offer testimony. If the suspension or dismissal shall be found to ve been without just cause, the employe shall be reinstated and paid full time for e period out of service. 12. When a Conductor is assigned to a regular passenger run he will not be used freight or construction service unless in case of necessity. 13. When traffic becomes so light that reasonable monthly wages cannot be made r e number of crews will be reduced. Other things being equal the youngest men will laid off, the Superintendent to be the judge as to qualifications. It is the intention so apportion the crews that they may make approximately 2,600 miles per month. 14. When crews are required to do switching at terminal stations, they will be paid r such switching at the rate of 30 cents per hour for Conductors and 20 cents for akemen after the first 30 minutes, excepting when pay is arranged to include such t itching-. 15. Where callers are furnished by the Company and men live within reasonable nits to be fixed by the Trainmaster or Superintendent crews will be called within a asonable time of the departure of their trains, except in case of emergency. Such Hers will be provided with a book in which shall be entered the leaving time of the ains. Men who are so called shall in each instance register their names with the Be they are called. The above does not include men who are assigned to regular runs lose trains leave during the day time. 16. If a trip report is incorrect, the trainman will be notified in writing. 17. Trainmen attending court under instructions from the Company will be paid 11 rates for time lost, and living expenses if away from home; the Company to re- ive the witness fees. 18. In all the above rules where pay per hour or per day is mentioned, it refers to en of the first class. A Conductor is of the first class when he has served as such six. onths or over, and a Brakeman is of the first class when he has served as such three p onths or over. Men of the second class to receive $2.70 and $1.80 per day, respectively, 27 cents and 18 cents per hour, respectively. ; t 19. Trainmen and yardmen will not be required to pay fines on account of breakage. i o tei oe le 1* | 91 CHICAGO, BURLINGTON & QUINCY RAILWAY. ILLINOIS LINES. RATES OF PAY FOR PASSENGER RUNS. RUNS. cond'ctors Baggemen Collect'rs. Brakemt FROM TO i Rate per Month. Rate per Month. Rate per Month. Rate pe Month. Chicago iRnrllnfirton $125 00 11000 12500 125 00 110 00 1 00 7500 9500 90 00 75 00 95 00 11500 80 00 10500 90 00 8000 90 00 100 00 11000 110 00 11000 95 00 8500 11500 90 CO 95 00 8000 90 00 11* 00 105 00 $65 00 65 00 65 00 60 00 60 00 45 00 55 00 60 00 5000 60 00 60 00 60 00 60 00 60 00 55 00 50 00 57 00 57 00 60 00 60 00 60 00 55 00 60 00 55 00 60 00 60 00 55 00 J B$50 00 1 F 55 OQ 60 00 ( R 50 00 I F 55 00 i B 50 00 "i H 55 OQ 50 00 50 Od 55 OCi 45 OCI 50 00 do do do Fast Mail Galesburg $60'uO 70 00 65 00 55 00 65 00 Galesburg Local do do Mendota Local A urora . . . '. (26 round t ips do (39 round trips do (130 round trips (52 round trips do per month.) per month.) Riverside per month.) Downer's Grove per month.) (78 round trips per month.) Rochelle Rockf ord and return Shabbona and Oitawaand return. Mendota and return I V & N Jet and return . ... Sterling: Fulton Streator Rock Island '56 6c 50 oo 50 OU 50 00 Savanna and return (day run) Rushville and return ... . Galesburg do Peoria and Burlington and Rio Burlington via Galva do Quincy Burlington and return do Hannibal 45 00 50 OCi 55 OCI 5J 00 '45' oq 55 (Ki 55 OC (3 round trips St Louis per day.) Rock Island Beardstown . . Rock Island and return Savanna and return (night run) . . Sterling and return ^treator and return Rock Island do ;| Aurora Chicago Savanna, 47 and 48 do Savanna, 49 and 50 NOTE. Baggageman's pay includes amount paid by Express Company. IOWA LINES.-PASSENGER RUNS. RUNS. cond'ctorg Baggem'n Brak'men Flagme FROM TO Hate per Month. Rate per Month. Rate per Month. Rate pe Month. Burlington Creston Through $12500 115 00 11500 $65 66 65 00 65 00 5500 6000 60 00 6000 60 00 5500 5000 50 00 65 00 50 00 $50 00 5000 45 00 so'oo 50 00 $55 00 55 00 5000 '55'66 '47' 50 5000 do do Local Pacific Junction do do U P Transfer Creston ... do 115 00 100 00 do do St Joseph joint run *Cumberland and return Albia Des Moines and return 95 00 10500 Chariton do St. Joseph . . *Indianola and return Bethany St Joseph and return. .... 90 00 '45'66 Bethany Jet * Grant City and return Red Oak Nebraska City and return 95 00 Sidney *Carson and return Conductors' and Brakemen's pay is shown on <* nv-f>. i: tit schedule. NOTE. Baggagemen's pa} r includes amount paid by Express Company. CHICAGO, BURLINGTON & QUINCY RAILWAY. lljljirMUlO IjJJNl^O JXATES OF r'AY FOB WAY-* BEIGHT KUNS. BUNS. Conductors. Brakemen. BEMABKS. FBOM TO Rate per Month. Rate per Month. -Chicago &.urora Aurora and return through freight one way \lendota and return $95 00 9000 90 00 9000 90 00 85 00 75 00 80 00 80 00 85 00 3>4C per mile 80 00 85 00 85 00 8500 8500 85 00 95 00 8500 80 00 8500 80 00 80 00 $6250 60 00 6000 60 00 60 00 55 00 50 00 55 00 55 00 55 00 2^40 per mile 52 00 57 00 55 00 55 00 55 00 55 00 65 00 55 00 52 00 55 00 5000 50 00 Tu o crews 3-alesburg Mendota do Burlington and return Quincy do do Buda Pt oria and return pool w'y f rtl way Rushville . .. 3-alva Burlington Burlington l^uincy Aurora Quincy Actual "mileage p'd with thro frts L' 'Uisiana arid return Streator do do Rockf ord Savanna Shabbona Paw Paw Sterling and return Streator and return Fulton v'endota and j Pool, three crews Clinton (to run 4 trains Streator do Beardstown do East St. Lotis T o crews Monmouth Monmouth Sock Island Aurora Rock Island . . . sterling and return Turner Juntion and Geneva I. V. & N. Junction and return Baggagman is also Brakeman In ludes LaSalle & intermediate switching La Salle NOTE. No overtime to be allowed until schedule time has been exceeded one hour. IOWA LINES. RATES OF PAY FOB WAY FBEIGHT RUNS. BUNS. Conductors. Brakemen BEMABKS. FBOM TO Rate per Month. Rate per Month. Turlington Ottur*' wa $ 9000 110 00 100 00 82 00 90 00 9000 8000 80 00 8000 88 00 75 00 90 00 8000 75 00 70 00 75 00 7500 7000 $60 00 73 00 67 00 54 00 60 00 4500 60 00 53 00 52 00 52 00 5600 50 00 6000 50 00 50 00 45 00 50 00 50 00 )ttumwa 3hariton Chariton and return Creston and return St Joseph Way f rt 1 way do do Indianola and return Two round trips, rear Brakeman One round trip, head Brakeman Wayfrtiway'in- cldingAlbiawrk, 3 crews Way frt, inclding work at termini do do do Jreston Pacific Junction ^Ibia Des Moines Jrant City Bethany Junction and return Cumberland and return Jreston do St Joseph joint run rillisca Higelow joint run led Oak Nebraska City and return ... . iidney ttarinda Carson and return . . Corning and return, joint run led Oak Two round trips 2 round trips, pay swtchng rates pr hour for extra -ervice ncldes all swch- ng at Clarinda ind Villisca Eligble to promo- ion if qualified 'acific Junction rillisca legular Pushing Eng Council Bluffs Clarinda and return Ines NOTE. No overtime to be allowed unless schedule time is exceeded one hour. 5HICAGO, BURLINGTON & QUINCY RAILROAD. RATES OF PAY FOR FREIGHT RUNS OTHER THAN WAY FREIGHTS. Through freight runs between Chicago and Burlington and intermediate points vill be paid at the rate of 2.8 cents per mile for Conductors and 1.9 cents per mile for Brakemen of the first class. Between Galesburg and Streator through, and between Jalesburg and Ottumwa through, 2.9 cents per mile for Conductors and 1.95 cents per 48 BURLINGTON & MISSOURI RIVER RAILWAY IN NEBRASKA. mile for Brakemen of the first class. Distance between Chicago and Galesburg to be counted 163 miles. On all other runs the pay will be 3 cents per mile for Conductors and 2 cents per mile for Brakemen of the first class. Conductors and Brakemen of the second class will receive 10 per cent, less than the above rates. The above rates apply to all runs except those specified on the way freight schedules. NOTE. The rates between Burlington and Chicago are based on the line being double-tracked all the way. The rates between Galesburg and Ottumwa and Galesburg and Streator, are ba-ed on the line being partly double-tracked. Single or turn- around trips of 50 miles or less, when not over six hours is consumed in trip, to be counted as 50 miles, and the crew making such trip shall stand first out on arrival at terminal point. Single or turn around trips of over 50 miles and less than 100 miles, to be counted as 100 miles, provided no more mileage is made in same day. In case other mileage is made in same day and the aggregate is over 100 miles, actual mileage to be allowed. A day is the 24 hours from midnight to midnight; all trips to be credited to the day on which they begin. This Company reserves the right in case of increase in double track or terminal facilities, which enables crews to make better time over such divisions, to equalize the rate per mile accordingly. ILLINOIS AND IOWA LINES. PAY OF YARDMEN. LOCATION. Day F'remen Night F'remen Day Helpers Night Helpers $65 00 $70 00 CA (V) Mendota ... 65 00 67 00 50 00 55 00 Streator 65 00 70 00 &K no 60 00 Galesburg 65 00 70 00 55 00 60 00 65 00 55 00 Quincy 65 00 70 00 55 00 60 00 60 00 60 00 55 00 55 i Rock Island 65 00 60 00 55 00 50 00 Burlington 65 00 70 00 55 00 60 00 i Ottumwa 65 00 70 00 55 00 60 00 Chariton .... 65 00 70 00 55 00 60 00 Creston 65 00 70 00 55 00 60 00 Red Oak 70 00 55 00 60 00 Pacific Junction 65 00 70 00 55 00 60 00 Council Bluffs 65 00 70 00 55 00 60 00 Unless otherwise specified the calendar working days of 12 hours to constitute a month, overtime in proportion. J. D. BESLER, General Superintendent. Approved W. F. MERRILL, August 1, 1892. General Manager. BURLINGTON & MISSOURI RIVER RAILROAD IN NEBRASKA. GERERAL RULES GOVERNING TRAIN SERVICE. 1. Regular freight and passenger crews making extra trips will be paid on the basis of the rate fixed for the service performed. Crews running pay train, officers' specials or inspection trains, to be paid at the rate of 21 cents per mile for Conductor and If cents per mile for Brakeman, with a minimum of $3.00 per day for Conductor and $2.00 for Brakeman. If crews are laid up for a day they will be paid at the mini- mum rate given above. Living expenses of such crews will be borne by the Company, as heretofore. 2. Crews regularly assigned to construction trains. Conductors to receive $90 per month, Brakemen $60; 12 hours or less to constitute a day's work: calendar working days to be considered a month. Where Conductor acts as foreman $15 per month extra will be allowed. All time over 12 hours to be paid extra proportionately. 3. When other than construction trains are ordered to do construction train work, full time will be allowed at the rate of 30 cents per hour for Conductors, and 20 cents per hour for Brakemen. 4. Crews delayed one hour and thirty-five minutes in starting from or after arri- val at terminals, will be paid at the rate of 30 cents per hour for Conductors and 20 cents per hour for Brakemen, for the full delay, less one hour. In case crews have been called and afterward are notified they are not wanted, the same rule will apply with a minimum of two and a half hours' pay, and the crew shall stand first out. On all runs of less than 100 miles requiring more than 10 hours, overtime will be paid if the hours used on the trip exceed 11 hours, in which case all overtime exceeding 10 hours will be paid. On all runs exceeding 100 miles, trainmen will be paid overtime for all time used to complete the trip in excess of a rate of speed of 10 miles per hour when over one (1) hour late. BURLINGTON & MISSOURI RIVER RAILWAY IN NEBRASKA. 49 5. Conductors will have the right to object to Brakemen for cause, and when ob- ections are sustained by facts they will be furnished with other men. 6. It is the rule of the Company to run freight crews "first in first out." This rule, lowever, cannot be rigidly carried out at all times, and the proper officers of the Com- pany will vary from the rule as circumstances require < . Trainmen dead-heading over the road on company business, on passenger trains, ,tes. When dead-heading on freight trains, full rates will be al- vill be paid one-half rates owed. When necessary to dead-head a crew, the first crew will be dead-headed and the iccond crew run the train. The crew dead-headed to stand ahead of the crew running' ;he train on arrival at terminal point. 8. When light engines, or trains of other companies are run on main line and principal branches, a Conductor will be sent in charge, when practicable, who will act is pilot. 9. Should a train be compelled to double a hill, crews will be paid for one hour's ime at the rate of 30 cents for Conductor and 20 cents for Brakemen. 10. The right to regular runs and to promotion will be governed by merit, ability md seniority. Everything being equal, the Conductor, Brakeman or Yardman longest n the service will have preference, the Superintendent to be the judge as to qualifica- ions. Nothing in this rule shall be construed to mean that the Company will not em- jloy men from other roads when, in the judgment of its officers, it is expedient o do so. 11. No employe will be suspended or discharged without just cause. In case of uspension or discharge of any employe, except for insubordination, or intoxication he nay, if he desires, have a thorough investigation by the proper officers. Such desire hall be signified within five (5) days of the date of suspension or discharge, and the in- vestigation shall be begun within ten (10) days from such notice, and proceed with as ittle interruption as may be until completed. The employe shall have full opportunity o present his case and to offer testimony. If the suspension or dismissal shall be found! o have been without just cause, the employe shall be reinstated and paid full time for ;he period out of service. 12. When a Conductor is assigned to a regular passenger run he will not be used n freight or construction service unless in case of necessity. 13. When traffic becomes so light that reasonable monthly wages connot be made,. ;he number of crews will be reduced. Other things being equal the youngest men will >e laid off, the Superintendent to be judge as to qualifications. It is the intention to so ipportion the crews that they may make approximately 2,600 miles per month. 14. When crews are required to do switching at terminal stations, they will be aid for such switching at the rate of 30 cents per hour for Conductors and 20 cents for Brakemen after the first thirty minutes, excepting when pay is arranged to include uch switching. 15. Where callers are furnished by the Company, and men live within reasonable imits (to be fixed by the Trainmaster or Superintendent) crews will be called within a easonabie time of the departure of their trains, except in case of emergency. Such allers will be provided with a book in which shall be entered the leaving time of the rains. Men who are so called shall in each instance register their names with the time hey are called. The above does not include men who are assigned to regular runs, vhose trains leave during the day-time. 16. If a trip report is incor rect, the trainmen will be notified in writing. 17. Trainmen attending court under instructions from the Company will be paid ull rat es for time lost, and living expenses if away from home; the Company to receive ;he witness fees. 18. In all the above rules where pay per hour or per day is mentioned; it refers to- nen of the first-class. A Conductor is of the first-class when he has served as such six: nonths or over and a Brakeman is of the first-class when he has served as such three nonths or over. Men of the second-class to receive $2.70 and $1.80 per day, respec- ively, or 27 cents and 18 cents per hour, respectively. 19. Trainmen and Yardmen will not be required to pay fines on account of break- ige. RULES GOVERNING PAY OF TRAINMEN. ART. 1. There will be two grades of freight Conductors established, and the com- >ensation will be as follows: (a). For the first six months' service Conductors will be jaid seventy dollars ($70.00) per month. (6). After six months' service as Conductor it seventy dollars ($70.00) per month Conductors will be paid seventy-eight dollars $78.00) per month, (c). Pay for mixed train Conductors will be computed at freight ates. ART. 2. (a). Should a freight Conductor, owing to light business, be reduced to a Brakeman, he will receive fiftv-five dollars ($55.00) per month and excess mileage in proportion. (6). Passenger Conductors will be paid seventy- five dollars ($75.00) to one 50 CHICAGO, BURLINGTON & QUINCY RAILWAY. MISSOURI LINES. hundred and twenty-five dollars ($125.00) per month; the rates of pay to be governed by the run on which the service is rendered. ART. 3. There will be two grades of freight Brakemen established, and the com- pensation will be as follows: (a). For the first three months' service Brakemen will l>e paid fifty dollars ($50.00) per month. (6). After three months' service asBrakeman at fifty dollars ($50.00) per month, Brakemen will be paid fifty-five dollars ($55.00) per month. RULES FOR COMPUTATION. ART. 4. (a). The monthly compensation for freight Conductors and Brakemen is to be based on a mileage of twenty-six hundred (2,600) miles per month; any excess over this mileage will be paid for proportionately, (b). Single or turn-around trips of fifty ((50) miles or less, when not over six (6) hours is consumed in the trip, to be counted as itty (50) miles, and the crew making such trip shall stand first out on arrival at terminal point. Single or turn-around trips of over fifty (50) miles, and less than one hundred (100) miles, to be counted as one hundred (100) miles, provided no more mileage is made in same day. In case other mileage is made same day, and the aggregate is over one hundred (100) miles, actual mileage to be allowed. A day is the twenty-four {24) hours from midnight to midnight. All trips to be credited to the day on which they begin, (c). Rule No. 4 of the General Rules Governing Train Service is inop- erative on the Western Division because of the large through mileage made, except in extraordinary cases, when the Superintendent will use his discretion. YARDMEN. Yards to be first and second class. First-class yards to be paid for 12 hours: Day Foremen, $65.00; day Switchmen, $55.00; night Foremen, $70.00; night Switchmen, $60.00. Second-class yards to be paid for 12 hours: Day Foremen, $60.00; day Switchmen, 850.00; night Foremen, $65.00; night Switchmen, $55.00. List of first-class yards: Atchison, hired by the Hannibal; Kansas City rates 25 cents per hour. No change to be made. Denver, Switchmen, $67.50 for day men; $72.50 for night men. Lyons, Colorado, paid at Denver rates. First-class yards to be paid as per Schedule: Omaha, Wymore, Red Cloud, Akron, Hastings, Newcastle, Nebraska City, Holdredge, McCook, South Omaha, Deadwood, Alliance, Oxford, Aurora, Lincoln, Ravenna. Yards to be paid at second-class rates: Plattsmouth, Beatrice, Table Rock. A month to consist of twenty-six working days. WAY FREIGHT AND BRANCH RUNS. Kearney to Aurora and return 66 miles. On road 12 hours 35 minutes. Switch at Kearney and way; $85.00 rate. Conductor $111.82. Brakeman, $72.59. Aurora to Arcadia 89 miles. 9 hours on road. Switches every other day at Ar- cadia. Allow 100 miles per day. Conductors $78.00. Brakeman $55.00. Aurora to Bur well. 141 miles one day, 104 the next. Switches at Bur well every other day, at Ericson every other day. $85.00 and schedule; average time 12 hours. Conductors $103.09. Brakeman $67.09. Arcadia to Burwell 123 miles; 11 hours. Switches at Palmer, Arcadia and Bur- well. $80.00 rate and mileage. Conductor $98.40. Brakeman $67.64. Ashland to Schuyler and return 98 miles: Switches Schuyler and Ashland. Allow 100 miles per day. Conductor $90.00. Brakemen $60.00. No allowance for switching. Main line freights between Lincoln and Hastings 97 miles. Conductor $90.00. Brakeman $60.00, when run by two crews; when more crews are required they will be paid at the rate of $85.00 for Conductors and $55.00 for Brakemen, and be given other running at established rates. Nebraska Railway, Aurora to Ravenna. Local run 100 miles round trip. $80.00 rate, with mileage. Conductor $97.00. Brakeman $55.00. Orleans to St. Francis 134 miles. Conductor $104.52. Brakeman $73.69 at regular rates, and 9 to 10 hours on road. No allowance for switching at St. Francis or Orleans. Average 81 hours on road. Pool, two crews, Republican to Oberlin 78 miles. Conductor $78.00. Brakeman $55.00. 7 hours 15 minutes on road. Allow 100 miles per day. No allowance for switching. McCook to Imperial, and switch at Imperial. 122 miles; 8i hours; Conductor $95.16. Brakeman $67.08. No allowance for switching. Lyons Branch. Pooled with Akron and Denver crews. Pay as per Schedule. Wymore to Concordia. Pool with Wymore and Lincoln, and Wymore and Red Cloud; average 84 miles. Will pay regular rates and pay for switching at Concordia at rates as per rules. Wymore to Edgar, Edgar to Lincoln, and Lincoln to Wymore. No extra mileage; 80 miles run eaeh day; average 10 hours on road. Allow 100 miles per day, and switch- ing at Edgar on train No. 100 in addition, about two hours. CHICAGO, BURLINGTON & QUINCY RAILWAY. MISSOURI LINES. 51 Edgar to Holdrege. 81 miles; 6 hours 20 minutes schedule. Allow 100 miles per day and switching at Edgar in addition. Chester to Fairmont and return. Distance 94 miles; consume about 10 hours per day. This is a light run. Allow 100 miles per day; no allowance for switching; crew are at home every night. Edgar to Superior. Two round trips; total of 111 miles; one on freight, one on passenger: switches at Superior and Edgar. Will pay Schedule and allowance for switching; home every night. Table Rock and Lincoln, mixed. 126 miles; home every. day; night run; switches ibout 3 hours at Table Rock every night. Will pay Schedule; no allowance for switching. Table Rock and Lincoln, way freight. Two assigned crews. Allow 100 miles per day, and allow for switching at Table Rock. Deadwood and Edgenjont. Distance 107 miles. Will pay at rate of 125 miles on d account of mountain work. NOTE Where rates named in above special rules for way freight and branch runs are more than the $78.00 rate for Conductors, reference is made to full rate men. T. E. CALVERT, General Superintendent. Approved: G. W. HOLDREDGE, General Manager. MISSOURI LINES. EANNIBAL & ST. JOSEPH R. R., ST. LOUIS, KEOKUK & NORTHWESTERN R. R., KANSAS CITY, ST. JOSEPH & COUNCIL BLUFFS R. R., CHICAGO, BURLINGTON & KANSAS CITY R. R. GENERAL RULES GOVERNING TRAIN SERVICE. 1. Regular freight and passenger crews making extra trips will be paid on the i) basis of the rate fixed for the service performed. Crews running pay train, officers' specials or inspection trains, to be paid at the rate of 2i cents per mile for Conductor, and II cents per mile for Brakemen, with a minimum of $3.00 per day for Conductors, and $2.00 for Brakemen. If crews are laid up for a day they will be paid at the mini- mum rate given above. Living expenses of such crews will be borne by the Company, \ as heretofore. 2. Crews regularly assigned to construction trains, Conductors to receive $90.00 per month, Brakemen, $60.00; 12 hours or less to constitute a day's work; calendar working days to be considered a month. Where Conductor acts as Foreman $15 per t month extra will be allowed. All time over 12 hours to be paid extra proportionately. 3. When other than construction trains are ordered to do construction train work, full time will be allowed at the rate of 30 cents per hour for Conductors, and 20 cents per hour for Brakemen. 4. Crews delayed one hour and thirty-five minutes in starting from or after ar- rival at terminals, will be paid at the rate of 30 cents per hour for Conductors, and 20 cents per hour for Brakemen, for the full delay, less one hour. In case crews have >een called and afterward are notified they are not wanted, the same rule will apply with a minimum of two and a half hours' pay, and the crew shall stand first out. On x all runs of less than 100 miles requiring more than 10 hours, overtime will be paid if the hours used on the trip exceed 11 hours, in which case all overtime exceeding 10 hours will be paid. On all runs exceeding 100 miles, trainmen will be paid overtime for all time used to complete the trip in excess of a rate of speed of 10 miles per hour when over one hour late. 5. Conductors will have the right to object to Brakemen for cause, and when ob- ections are sustained by facts they will be furnished with other men. 6. It is the rule of the Company to run freight crews "first in, first out." This rule, however, cannot be rigidly carried out at all times, and the proper officers of the Company will vary from the rule as circumstances require. 7. Trainmen dead-heading over the road on Company business, on passengf-r rains, will be paid one-half rates. When dead-heading on freight trains, full rates will be allowed. When necessary to dead-head a crew, the first crew will be dead- headed and the second crew run the train. The crew dead-headed to stand ahead of ithe crew running the train on arrival at terminal point. 8. When light engines, or trains of other Companies are run en main line and nrincipal branches, a Conductor will be sent in charge, when practicable, who will act as pilot. 9. Should a train be compelled to double a hill, crews will be paid for one hour's ime at the rate of 30 cents for Conductors and 20 cents for Brakemen. 10. The right to regular runs and to promotion will be governed by merit, ability i- and seniority. Everything being equal, the Conductor, Brakeman or Yardman longest the service will have preference, the Superintendent to be judge as to qualification. 52 CHICAGO, BURLINGTON & QUINCY RAILWAY. MISSOURI LINES. Nothing 1 in this rule shall be construed to mean that the Company will not employ men from other roads when, in the judgment of its officers, it is expedient to do so. 11. No employe will be suspended or discharged without just cause. In case of suspension or discharge of any employe, except for insubordination or intoxication, he may, if he desires, have a thorough investigation by the proper officers. Such de- sire shall be signified within five (5) days of the date of suspension or discharge, and the investigation shall be begun within ten (10) days from such notice, and proceed with as little interruption as may be until completed. The employe shall have full opportunity to present his case and to offer testimony. If the suspension or dismissal shall be found to have been without just cause, the employe shall be reinstated and paid full time for the period out of service. 12. When a Conductor is assigned to a regular passenger run he will not be used in freight or construction service unless in case of necessity. 13. When traffic becomes so light that reasonable monthly wages cannot be made, the number of crews will be reduced. Other things being equal the youngest men will be laid off, the Superintendent to be the judge as to qualifications. It is the intention to so apportion the crews that they may make approximately 2,600 miles per month. 14. When crews are required to do switching at terminal stations, they will be paid for such switching at the rate of 30 cents per hour for Conductors and 20 cents for Brakemen after the first thirty minutes, excepting when pay is arranged to include such switching. 15. Where Callers are furnished by the Company, and men live within reasonable limits (to be fixed by the Trainmaster or Superintendent) crews will be called within a reasonable time of the departure of their trains, except in case of emergency. Such Callers will be provided with a book in which shall be entered the leaving time of the trains. Men who are so called shall in each instance register their names with the time they are called. The above does not include men who are assigned to regular runs whose trains leave during the day time. 16. If a trip report is incorrect, the trainman will be notified in writing. 17. Trainmen attending court under instructions from the Company will be paid full rates for time lost, and living expenses if away from home; the Company to re- ceive the witness fees. 18. In all the above rules where pay per hour or per day is mentioned, it refers to men of the first class. A Conductor is of the first class when he has served as such six months or over and a Brakeman is of the first class when he has served as such three months or over. Men of the second class to receive $2.70 and $1.80 per 'day, respec- tively, or 27 cents and 18 cents per hour, respectively. 19. Trainmen and Yardmen will not be required to pay fines on account of breakage. MISSOURI LINES. RATES OF PAY FOR PASSENGER SERVICE. RUN. ROAD. MILES. RATE. Conduct 1 r Brak'man Bag'gemn Quincy and Kansas City H. & St. J 6780 $125 00 $55 00 *$60 00 Joint. Brookfield and Quincy H.&St. J 5408 11500 50 00 61 00 Joint. Brookfield and Kansas City H. & St. J 4792 115 00 50 00 50 00 Joint. Cameron Junct. and Atchison.. H & St J 3360 90 00 50 00 65 00 ! Hannibal and Palmyra Junct. . H. & St. J 1800 75 00 45 00 Joint. St. Louis and Kansas City H.&St.J.andSt.L.K.&N.W. 73,0 125 00 5500 *6000 Joint. St. Louis and St. Joseph H. & St.J.and St.L.K.& N. W. 6360 125 00 5500 *60 00 Kansas City and Council Bluffs Kansas City and Omaha K. C., St. J. &C B 4800 125 00 125 00 50 00 50 00 6000 60 00 Joint. K. 0., St. J.&C.B St. Joseph and Nebraska City.. K. C., St. J. &C.B 4784 115 00 5000 60 00 Joint. Kansas City and St. Joseph. . . . St Joseph and Creston K.C.,St. J. &C.B K. C., St. J. & C. B 3990 4160 105 00 100 00 45 00 50 00 60 00 60 00 Burlington and St. Louis St L K & N W ... 6390 125 00 55 00 60 00 Burlington and Quincy Kansas City and Lincoln St L K & N W 4212 5120 105 00 115 00 60 00 Joint. , K. C., St. J. &C.B.andB.&Vl 5000 Burlington and Carrollton C. B. &K. C 5720 115 00 60 00 Joint. Bigelow and Villisca K.C.St.J.&C.B. andC B.&Q. 3588 90 00 45 00 6000 Joint. Corning and Clarinda K.C, St. J.&C.B. and C.B. & Q 2392 7500 45 00 60 00 *Flagmen, $60.00. MISSOURI LINES. RATES OF PAY FOB FREIGHT SERVICE. RUN. ROAD. MILES. RATE. Conduct' r Brak'man Brookfield and Kansas City 3 ookfield and St. Joseph.. 3rookfield and Hannibal. . . Bigelow and Villisca Way Freight. H. & St. J... 3172 2652 2704 1790 2704 '"2376"' 3030 2400 3000 2574 2132 2054 $100 00 90 00 95 00 75 00 88 00 75 00 90 00 95 00 80 00 80 00 80 00 80 00 8000 $67 50 60 00 65 00 5000 56 00 50 00 6000 65 00 53 00 55 00 55 00 5500 55 00 H. & St. J H. & St J K.C.,St. J.& C.B.and C.,B.&Q. K.C.,St. J.& C. B.and C.,B.&Q. K.C.,St. J.&C.B.and C.,B.&Q. St. L., K. &N.-W Preston and St. Joseph.. . . Doming and Clarinda Cannibal and St. Peters. . . Hannibal and Burlington . tiannibal and Quincy Keokuk and Mt. Pleasant . Burlington and Moulton.. . VIoulton and Laclede Laclede and Carrollton. . . St. L., K. & N.-W St L K & N -W St. L., K. &N.-W C. B & K. C . C. B. &K, C C. B. &K. C CHICAGO, BURLINGTON & QUINCY RAILWAY. MISSOURI LINES. 53 Through freight runs will be paid 3 cents per mile for Conductors, and 2 cents per mile for Brakemen of the first class, and 2 7-10 cents per mile f or C onductors, and . 8-10 cents per mile for Brakemen of the second class. Single or turn-around trips of over fifty (50) miles and less than one hundred (100) miles, to be counted as one hundred (100) miles, provided no more mileage is made the same day. In case other mileage is made same day, and the aggregate is over one hundred (100) miles, actual mileage to be allowed. No overtime to be allowed unless schedule time is exceeded one hour. On all lines except St. L., K. & N.-W. R. R. single or turn-around trips of fifty 50) miles or less, when not over six (6) hours is consumed in trip, to be counted as Sfty (50) miles, and the crew making such trip ehall stand first out on arrival at ter- minal point. MISSOURI LINES. RATES OF PAY OF YARDMEN. STATION. ROAD. RATE. Kansas City do Day Foreman Day Switchmen H.&St. J.and K.C.,St. J.&C.B. $ 2 70 per day. 2 50 per day. 2 90 per day. 2 70 per day. 2 70 per day. 2 50 per day. 2 90 per day. 2 70 per day. 2 35 per day. 2 50 per day. 65 00 per month. 60 00 per month. 65 00 per month. 60 00 per month. 2 65 per day. 2 40 per day. 2 75 per day. 2 60 per day. 80 00 per month. 70 00 per month 55 00 per month' 60 00 per month' 50 00 per month' 60 00 per month 50 00 per month 55 00 per month' do Night Foreman do Night Switchmen.. 5t. Joseph Day Foreman Day Switchman do do Night Forman Night Switchmen do jBrookfield, Mo Day Switchmen Night Switchmen H.& St. J do Palmyra Junction Day Yardmaster do Night Yardmaster Uameron Junction Day Yardmaster do Night Yardmaster Day Foreman Day Switchman Hannibal, Mo S. L,K. &N.-W do do Night Foreman do Night Switchman Ceokuk Da'y Yardmaster do Night Yardmaster Switchmen do (Fort Madison Day Yardmaster. .. . do Switchmen 3t. Peters do Switchmen Yardmaster Moulton, Mo C., B. &K. C... Monthly pay on basis of calendar month. Pay per day on basis of 12 hours. Pay per day on basis 3f 10 hours at Kansas City. Approved: S. E. GRANGE, General Superintendent. W. C. BROWN, General Manager. Accepted for the Order of Railway Conductors: E. O. WILLIAMS, Chairman General Grievance Committee, Chicago, Burling- ton & Quincy System-. Accepted for the Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen: W. A. WHEELING, Chairman General Grievance Committee, Chicago; Burling- ton & Quincy Rystem. August 1, 1892. 54 CHICAGO GREAT WESTERN R'Y. CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE & ST. PAUL R'Y. CHICAGO GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY COMPANY. SCHEDULE OF WAGES PAID TO TRAINMEN. Passenger Conductors, $100 per month; freight Conductors, 3 cents per mile; pas- senger Brakemen, $50 per month; freight Brakemen, 2 cents per mile; Baggagemen, $55 per month: Switchmen, $2.69 per day; Yard Foremen, $2.89 per day; Yardmasters, $100 to $125 per month. Twenty-six days constitute a month's work. JNO. M. EGAN, General Manager. May 12, 1892. CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE & ST. PAUL RAILWAY. PASSENGER TRAINMEN. Conductors on Passenger Trains: Long runo, $125 for 26 days; $3.84 per day; overtime Short runs, $90 for 26 days; $3.20 per day; overtime. Baggagemen: Long runs, $60 for 26 days; overtime at same rate. Short runs, $50 for 26 days; overtime at same rate. Brakemen: Forty-five dollars for 26 days, all runs; overtime at same rate. YARDMEN Day Ydm'str Ass st'nt Day Ydm'str Night Ydm'str Assift'ut Night Ydm'str Day Forem n Day Helpers Night Forem n Night Hlpers POINTS PAYIKG CHICAGO SCALE Western Avenue.. $125 UO* 115 OC* 125 CO* j 100 Ot* | 125 00* 100 a * 125 00* 10000* 10000* 100 00* 10000* 125 00* 8333* 7000* 100 OC* 7000 85 Ot* 85 OC* $115 00* 75 00 100 00* (100 00* 1 95 00* $12500* j 110 00* 1 100 00* 110 00* 95 00* 8500* 90 00* 100 00* 7500* 65 OC $115 00* 100 00* 95 00* $7000 70 00$ 70 Ot 700CS 7000 7000 70 (X 6500 65 008 6500 6500 65 transfer men from one division to another whenever the business of the Company may require it. In case a trainman is transferred from one division to another, the same standing on the first division shall be maintained upon his return. ART. 14. Actual mileage shall be allowed for doubling hills, provided trains are thereby delayed over 10 hours in making a run of 100 miles. No allowance will be made for doubling hills, as above, on runs of 90 miles or less. ART. 15. Train crews shall not be required to repair disabled cars left at stations* by other trains. When practicable to do so, without detriment to the Company's busi- ness, carsmiths shall be sent to make necessary repairs. Cars disabled in trains shall be repaired or chained up by the train crew and taken through to destination or divis- ion station, when possible and safe to do so, and it can be done without unreasonable delay to trains. Passenger Train Service: ART. 16. No change shall be made in compensation of passenger train men. They shall be paid at the same rate and on the same basis as heretofore. General Regulations: ART. 17. Conductors shall have full and entire control of Brakemen on their trains, and of the placing of them, and shall not be required to* take out a Brakeman whom they know to be incompetent. ART. 18. Trainmen shall rank from the day they are employed, and in the event of a surplus of men the oldest in the service on the;r respective divisions shall have the preference of employment; character, ability and merit being equal. ART. 39. No trainman shall be suspended or discharged without just cause. In case of suspension or dismissal, if he thinks his sentence unjust, his case shall have a thorough investigation by the proper officers, at which he may be present if he so de- sires. Such investigation shall be made as soon as possible, and if found unjustly sus- pended or discharged he shall be reinstated and paid full time while so out of service- ART. 20. When trainmen have been in continuous service so long as to require rest, they shall not be required to go out until sufficient time has been allowed them 1 o> recuperate; men to be the judges of their own physical condition. ART. 21. When time is not allowed as per Conductor's daily time slip, it shall be returned at once with the reason for not allowing the time. ART. 22. Any trainman suspended or dismissed shall have the privilege of appeal to the Superintendent. If he fails to adjust the case, appeal can then be made to the 56 CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC RAILWAY. Assistant General Superintendent, General Superintendent and General Manager, in regular order. ART. 23. All subordinate officers and Conductors shall be provided with copies of the foregoing schedule, and copies shall be kept at all terminal and division stations, easily accessible to trainmen. ART. 24. All schedules, rules and regulations in conflict with these, now adopted, are void. W. G. COLLINS, General Superintendent. May 9, 1892. Approved: A. J. EARLING, General Manager. CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC RAILWAY. RULES RELATING TO CONDUCTORS. ARTICLE 1. The occupation of a Conductor is one that requires a knowledge of the schedules of time governing the road on which he is employed, as well as those is- sued by connecting lines; a proper interpretation of the rules issued therewith, and under which trains, both passenger and freight, are operated. This, with proper ex- perience, good judgment, considerable ability, and service previously rendered by the occupant of such a position (in the railway service), together with the required char- acter and ability of the person himself, dignifies such occupation as a distinct pro- fession. ART. 2. Persons hereafter appointed Conductors should be men of undoubted reputation, good morals, temperate habits, and with an experience in train service on any line of road of not less than three years. It is believed that the Order of Railway Conductors is largely composed of men furnishing the necessary qualifications, and, so far as it can be done consistently, such persons should have preference in the filling of vacancies, when it can be done with proper regard for efficiency in the service, which necessitates at times promotions from the ranks. ART. 3. Seniority in service as Conductor shall hereafter govern in all cases of promotion from freight to passenger runs, merit being equal, this to be determined by the Superintendent, subject to appeal to the General Superintendent, it being un- derstood that the rule to be generally pursued does not permit of transferring an em- ploye from one division to another, to the detriment of division employes. The future choice of runs shall be based upon this principle. ART. 4. No Conductor shall be dismissed or suspended from the service of the Company without just cause. In case a Conductor believes his discharge or suspension to have been unjust, he shall make a written statement of the facts in the premises, and submit it to his Superintendent, and at the same time designate any other Con- ductor, who may be in the employ of the Company at the time on the same division, and the Superintendent, together with the Conductor last referred to, shall, in con- junction with the General Superintendent or some other superior officer agreed upon by them, investigate the case in question, and when at all practicable such investiga- tion shall be made within five days from the date of the receipt of the communication irom the Conductor, and in case the aforesaid discharge or suspension be decided to liave been unjust, he shall be reinstated and paid half time for all time lost on said account. ART. 5. When Conductors are laid off on account of dullness in business, it shall "be done in the order of the dates of their employment as Conductor, beginning with the Conductor last employed. ART. 6. Conductors having charge of trains will be held responsible for their safe management, and shall have a right to place their Brakemen as their best judgment may dictate, so long as it does not conflict with time-table rules. ART. 7. Time of Conductors in freight and passenger service shall be computed on the basis of 100 miles or less for a day's work, and all time made by Conductors while on the road between terminal points in excess of 10 miles per hour, on freight, and eight hours per 100 miles, on passenger, will be considered overtime. ART. 8. When Conductors are held in for snow plow service they will be allowed regular pay for each day of 24 hours that they are so held subject to orders, on the basis of 10 miles per hour. ART. 9. When good cause can be shown for doubling hills, the pay shall be on the basis of the actual time lost, at 10 miles per hour, and all time spent in wrecking, re- pairing washouts or bucking snow, shall be paid for on same basis. Conductors dead- heading on Company's business will be paid half mileage. ART. 10. Delayed time at terminal stations, either before leaving or after arriv- ing, will be paid for full delay, less one hour, if delayed one hour and 35 minutes. It is understood that fractions of an hour less than 35 minutes will not be counted. Thirty- five minutes or over will be counted a full hour. In freight service, 50 miles or less CAICAGO, ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC RAILWAY. - r >7 shall constitute 50 miles, or one-half day's pay. One hundred miles, or over 50 miles, shall constitute 100 miles, or one day's pay. ART. 11. A caller shall be provided at the end of each main division, who shall have a register book' and have written therein the train the men are called for, the time of calling and their names. The pay of the Conductor shall begin from the time the train is ordered for, as shown on the order for calling, and shall continue to the time of arrival at the end of the run. When Conductors are required to switch at terminals 35 minutes or more, time shall be allowed. ART. 12. Conductors called to make a trip shall be paid, provided the train is afterward annulled, for three hours time, on the basis of the of the pay they are re- ceiving. ART. 13. The following rates of pay will be allowed passenger and freight Con- ductors, both east and west of the Missouri river: Freight Conductors, local, 3 cents per mile, overtime, 30 cents per hour; through, 2.9 cents per mile, overtime, 29 cents per hour. Passsenger Conductors, through express runs, $125 per month, on a basis of from 4,000 to 6,510 miles per month; main line, local and dummy runs, $100 per month, on a basis of from 2,600 to 4,000 miles per month; short and branch trains, passenger or mixed, $75 per month, on a basis of 2,600 miles or less per month. Work train Conduc- tors, 12 hours and over eight, one day; $90 per month; overtime, 30 cents per hour. Conductors of passenger trains must make during a month the minimum mileage es- tablished, else they will drop back to the pay established for Conductors making an equal mileage. Extra mileage over the maximums here established for passenger Conductors will be paid for at proportionate rates. When practicable there shall be no greater number of through freight crews employed on any division than can reas- onably be expected to make 3,000 miles per month east of the Missouri river, or 2,600 miles, west of the Missouri river. ART. 14. Promotions and preferment will be based upon merit and the general record of the men, and not entirely upon their ages or duration of service; economy in the running of his train, and care for the Company's property while under his control, will always be considered as meriting reward. The articles enumerated above constitute, in their entirety, the agreement be- tween this Company and its Conductors, and all rules previously in effect are by this agreement abolished. The following constructions are agreed to: ART. 3. Passenger Conductors should be promoted from freight Conductors, gov- erned by seniority in Company's service, if they are in all ways qualified to handle and care for the traveling public. If not so qualified the reason shall be made known to them by their Superintendent. ART. 4. It is not only expected, but desired on the part of the Company, that the Conductor who seeks a reinvestigation shall be present at such reinvestigation, to- gether with his representative and Division Superintendent or other designated officer. In cases where road engines and crews are sent from a division station to a given point on the road to do switching service for a quarter to one-half day or more, in place of the switch engine and crew, actual mileage should be allowed for as per Ar- ticle 10, and switching time allowed for actual time consumed in switching on the basis of 10 miles per hour. However, where only the ordinary switching is done at any station by the road crew, the overtime rule on the basis of 10 miles per hour between termini should govern. In the case of Conductor Donahue, train 99, Rock Island to West Liberty, Article 10 covers this point and allows but 100 miles, or 50 miles on the trip from Rock Island to West Liberty and 50 miles from West Liberty to Rock Island. However, in case overtime rule mentioned is accepted, overtime begins after having been out from Rock Island 10 hours, unless the crew is relieved at West Liberty by order of the Superin- tendent or Trainmaster. ART. 11. A caller should be provided at Trenton and Brooklyn, with a register book showing the train men are called for, the time they are ordered to leave, and the time of calling, followed by Conductor's signature; and the pay of the Conductor so called should begin from the time the train is due to or ordered to leave. Local freight trains are such trains as handle merchandise peddling freight. Regular passenger Conductors called or required to do extra running, or sent in runs outside of their reg- ular runs, should be allowed extra time at the regular rate as allowed the extra runs which they are required to make. Passenger Conductors laying off, not having made the required maximum mileage for the month, will lose such time. On trains 7 and 8 between Washington and Chicago if over 4,000 miles are made in any month the extra time should be allowed at proportionate rates. In the two cases cited by Mr Glaspell, first case leaving Trenton at 7:25 A. M., ar- riving at St. Joe at 12:45 P. M., leaving St. Joe at 6 P. M. to go to Horton, actual mile- age, or 123 miles for that day should be allowed; on the other hand, in the second case 58 CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND & PACIEIC RAILWAY. leaving Trenton at 11 A. M., arriving at St. Joe at 5 P. M., leaving St. Joe at 2 A. M. for Horton. 100 miles should be allowed Trenton to St. Joe for first days work, provided no other mileage is made, and 50 miles should be allowed for the second day's work, for the run from St. Joe to Horton, provided no other mileage is made on that day. In other words, the time is computed by the day or by trains starting from different ter- mini during the hours between midnight and midnight. In the case of Conductor Bledsoe, who claims to have been delayed two hours after time ordered to leave Brooklyn, one hour overtime should be allowed, although, in the case cited on June 10, when he claimed one hour overtime on account of being on the road 11 hours and 40 minutes, schedule has not provided for such overtime. ART. 13. In the matter of branch runs, passenger or mixed, all mileage over 2,600 miles per month will be extra, and at proportionate rate of pay. Branch crews mak- ing extra trips on main line will be entitled to actual mileage so made at the rate gov- erning such service. Extra trips made on the branch, as also switching necessary to be done at terminal yards, when performed within the schedule hours of the day's ser- vice, are not entitled to extra pay, but when performed outside of such schedule hours, are entitled to extra pay at proportionate rates, for branch service. RULES RELATING TO BRAKEMEN. The articles enumerated below constitute, in their entirety, the agreement between this Company and its freight and passenger Brakemen, and all rules previously in effect are by this agreement abolished. . ARTICLE 1. Seniority in service as Brakemen shall hereafter govern in all cases of promotion from Brakeman to Conductor, merit being equal. This to be determined by the Trainmaster, subject to an appeal to the Division Superintendent, it being un- derstood that the rule to be generally pursued does not permit of transferring an em- ploye from one division to another to the detriment of the division employe. The future choice of runs shall be based upon this principle. ART. 2. No Brakeman shall be dismissed or suspended from the service of the Company without just cause. In case a Brakeman believes his discharge or suspension to have been unjust, he shall make written statement of the facts in the premises and submit it to the Trainmaster, and at the same time designate any other Brakeman who may be in the employ of the Company at the time on the same division, and the Trainmaster, together with the Brakeman last referred to shall, in conjunction with the Division Superintendent, or some other superior officer, investigate the case in question, and when at all practicable, such investigation shall be made within five days from the date of the receipt of the communication from the Brakeman, and in case the aforesaid discharge or suspension is decided to have been unjust, he shall be rein- stated, and paid half time for all time lost on said account. ART. 3. When necessary to lay off Brakemen on account of surplus of crews, it shall be done in the order of the dates of their employment as Brakemen, beginning with the Brakeman last employed. ART. 4. When Brakemen are held in for snow-plow service, they will be allowed the regular rates they are receiving for each day of twenty-four hours that they are so held subject to orders, and on the basis of ten hours and ten miles per hour. When Brakemen are required by the Company to attend court, they shall be paid at the rate they are receiving, and on the basis of ten hours at ten miles per hour, and expenses, for each day of twenty-four hours during such attendance, and for act- ual time consumed in going to and coming from court. ART. 5. When good cause can be shown for doubling hills, the pay shall be on the basis of actual time lost, at ten miles per hour, and all time spent in wrecking, repair- ing washouts or bucking snow, shall be paid for on same basis. Brakemen dead-head- ing on Company's business will be paid one-half mileage. ART. 6. Delayed time at terminal stations, either before leaving or after arriving, will be paid for full delay less one hour if delayed one hour and thirty-five minutes: It is understood that fractions of an hour less than thirty- five minutes will not be count- ed. Thirty-five minutes or over will be counted a full hour. In freight service fifty miles or less shall constitute fifty miles or one-half day's pay. One hundred miles or over fifty miles, shal' constitute one hundred miles or one day's pay. ART. 7. A Caller shall be provided at the end of each main division, who shall have a registered book and have written therein the train the men are called for, the time of calling and their names. As near as practicable the men shall be called one hour before leaving time. The pay of the Brakemen shall begin from the time the train is ordered for, as shown on the order for calling, and shall continue to the time of arrival at the end of the run. When Brakemen are required to switch at terminals thirty- five minutes or more, time shall be allowed. ART. 8. Brakemen called to make a trip shall be paid, provided the train is after- wards annulled, for three hours' time, on the basis of the pay they are receiving. CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC RAILWAY. 59* ART. 9. Fines shall not be assessed against Brakemen for injury to any of the train appliances furnished by the Company, when it can be shown that they were in no wise at fault in connection therewith. ART. 10. The following rates of pay will be allowed passenger and freight Brake- men, both east and west of the Missouri river: Freight Brakemen: Local, 2 cents per mile: overtime, 20 cents per hour. Through, 1.93 cents per mile; overtime, 19 cents per hour. Passenger Brakemen: Through express runs, $55.00 per month, basis of 4,000 to 6,510 miles per month. Main line, local and dummy runs, $50.00 per month, basis of 2,600 to 4,000 miles per month. Short and branch trains, passenger or mixed, $40.00 per month, basis of 2,600 miles or less per month. Work Train Brakemen: Twelve (12) hours and over eight (8), one day; $50.00 per month. Overtime at proportionate rates. Brakemen of passenger trains must make during a month the minimum of mileage established, else they will drop back to the pay established for Brakemen making an equal mileage. Extra mileage over the maximums here established for passenger Brakemen will be paid for at proportionate rates. RULES RELATING TO ENGINEERS. ARTICLE 1. Engineers dead-heading on Company's business will be paid half mile- age. When required by this Company to attend court, they shall be paid at the rate of $3.70 per day of twenty-four hours, and their expenses during attendance, and for all time lost while waiting the Company's orders, and for such time as they may lose while waiting to take their runs, and for all services not otherwise provided for in this schedule. ART. 2. When Engineers are held in for snow plow service, they will be allowed regular pay for each day of 24 hours that they are so held subject to orders. In case a regular Engineer's engine is assigned, in reserve, to snow plow service, the Engineer shall be provided with another engine. When good cause can be shown for doubling hills, the pay shall be on the basis of the actual time lost. Freight Engineers double- heading on passenger trains will receive passenger Engineers' pay for the same. ART. 3. Engineers shall not be required to perform the duties of conductors, ex- cept in emergencies; and in case of running light engines, a Flagman shall, when practicable, be sent with them. ART. 4. Engineers shall not be required to pack driving cellars, engine or tender trucks, valve-stems, or pistons, where facilities exist for such service by shop force. ART. 5. No Engineer shall be required to continue on duty when he reasonably needs rest, but in extreme cases the Engineers on their part will tender every means in their power to assist the Company. ART. 6. Seniority in the Company's service, as locomotive Engineers, shall govern in all cases, merit being equal; this to be determined by the Assistant Superintendent of Motive Power and Equipment or the Division Master Mechanic, subject to appeal to the Superintendent of Motive Power and Equipment, and the choice of runs and engines shall be based upon this principle, it being understood that the choice of engines shall not apply to engines of the same class. When a deficiency of Engineers in road service exists, Engineers in yard service will be considered in the line of pro- motion to road service Engineers. When an Engineer's engine assigned to regular runs is held in for repairs, the Engineer shall be permitted to keep up his mileage by taking his run in turn on the engines assigned, to these runs. Engineers on runs that pay $105.00 or less per month shall be furnished with engines to keep up runs. In case of a surplus of Engineers, the younger in the service shall be taken off and shall do extra work, or firing. A surplus shall not be considered as existing while Freight Engineers are making 2,600 miles per month. ART. 7. No Engineer shall be dismissed or suspended from the service of the Co n- pany without just cause, and should the Engineer be unable to plead his own case at the investigation (which shall be heard within five days from the date of such suspen- sion or dismissal, if possible for the Superintendent to be present during that period, and if not, at such early date as he may decide upon, when all interested can be pres- ent, and which shall be held before the Superintendent or Assistant Superintendent and the Assistant Superintendent of Motive Power and Equipment, or the Division Master Mechanic, when both departments are interested), he shall be permitted to call upon some other Engineer in the service of the Company, and on the same division, who shall be permitted to plead his case for him; and in case an Engineer believes his discharge or suspension unjust, he shall make written statement of the facts in the premises, within ten days from the date of such suspension, or dismissal, and submit it to the Assistant Superintendent of Motive Power and Equipment or the Division Mas- ter Mechanic, and the Superintendent, in conjunction with the Assistant Superintend- ent of Motive Power and Equipment, or the Division Master Mechanic, together with the Engineer dismissed, or suspended, or his representative, shall investigate the case 60 CHICAGO. ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC RAILWAY. in question, and if their decision is not satisfactory, such Engineer shall have the right of further appeal to the next higher officer in rank, and from him in proper order to the General Manager; and when at all practicable such investigation shall be made within five days of the date of the receipt of the communication from the Engineer; and in case the aforesaid discharge or suspension is decided to have been unjust, he shall be reinstated and paid half time for all the time lost. Any grievance that may arise on the part of Engineers shall be presented in writing to the proper officer of the Company by the party aggrieved within sixty days of its occurrence. No attention shall be paid to grievances unless presented in writing within the time specified above. ART. 8. Time of Engineers in freight and passenger service shall be computed on the basis of one hundred miles or less for a day's work; and all time made by Engineers while on the road between terminal points, in excess of ten miles per hour on freight, and eight hours per hundred miles on passenger, will be considered overtime. ART. 9. Delayed time at terminal stations before leaving will be paid for full de- lay if delayed one hour; if delayed thirty minutes at terminal stations after arriving, one hour's time will be allowed. In computing delayed time before leaving, it is under- stood that one full hour must be consumed before time will be allowed. If one hour and thirty minutes, two hours' time will be allowed, and so on. After arriving at ter- minal station one hour will be allowed after thirty minutes' delay, two hours after one hour and thirty minutes' delay, and so on. All construction service performed by road Engineers not regularly assigned to construction, at terminal points, will be paid for at the regular rates. If more than five hours are consumed in this service, the Engi- neer will not be considered first out in any class of service except construction. Road Engineers required to do construction work between terminals will be paid actual mileage for miles run on freight or passenger, and construction pay for such construc- tion service at the established rate for fractions of a day on construction. ART. 10. A Caller shall be furnished at the end of each main division, who shall have a register book, and have written therein the train and time the men are called for, the time of calling, and their names, which shall be signed by the Engineer when called. Engineers called to make a trip shall be paid for three hours' time on the basis of the regular rates which they are receiving, provided the train is afterwards annulled and Engineer released, and shall occupy the same position they did before being ordered out. The time of the Engineer shall begin from the time the train is ordered for, as shown on the order for calling, and shall continue to the time he gives up his engine to the hostler at the end of the run. When road Engineers are required to switch at terminals thirty-five minutes or more, time shall be allowed. ART. 11. When not otherwise required by the Company's necessities, all freight Engineers shall run first in and first out (except those assigned to regular runs) from all terminals and relay stations on their respective districts. All Engineers running on the extra list shall register on their arrival, in a book provided for that purpose, and be called in rotation when the services of an extra man may be required, and shall remain with engine called for until the regular Engineer returns. ART. 12. Engineers will have rights on their respective divisions as they are now divided. ART. 13. There shall be one Engineer hired for each Fireman promoted. ART. 14 The following rates of pay will be allowed to Engineers for the service and class specified: Freight and Construction Service: First class, 4 cents; second class, 3| cents; third class, 3 cents. The term of service between the classes to be nine months each. Passenger Service: All runs, 3i cents. Switching Service: $2.70 per day. In switching service ten working hours shall constitute a day's work. Five hours or less, half a day; over five hours, full day. In construction service twelve working hours or less shall constitute a day's work. ART. 15. Overtime will be allowed on switching at the rate of 27 cents per hour, and in all other service at the rate of 37 cents per hour, irrespective of classification. ART. 16. No fines shall be assessed against Engineers. Promotions and preferments will be based upon merit and the general record of the men, and not entirely upon their ages or duration of service. Evidence of the will- ingness of an Engineer to serve the best interests of the Company at all times, in what- ever capacity assigned, as well as economy in the running of his engine, and care for the Company's property while under his control, will always be considered as meriting reward. The articles enumerated above constitute, in their entirety, the agreement between this Company and its locomotive Engineers, and all rules previously in effect are by this agreement abolished. RULES RELATING TO FIREMEN. ART. 1. No Fireman shall be dismissed or suspended from the service of the Com- pany without just cause. In case a Fireman believes his discharge or suspension to CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC RAILWAY. 61 have been unjust, he shall make a written statement of the facts in the premises and submit it to his Master Mechanic; and at the same time designate any other Fireman who may be in the employ of the Company at the time on the same division, and the Master Mechanic, together with the Fireman last referred to, shall, in conjunction with the Superintendent or some other superior officer, investigate the case in ques- tion, and when at all practicable such investigation shall be made within five days from the date of the receipt of the communication from the Fireman, and in case the aforesaid discharge or suspension is decided to have been unjust, he shall be reinstated and paid half time for all the time lost on said account. The right of appeal in proper order from local to general officers is always conceded and to all organizations. ART. 2. When not otherwise required by the Company's necessities, all freight Firemen shall run first in and first out (except those assigned to regular runs), from all terminals and relay stations on their respective districts. All Firemen running on the extra list shall register on their arrival, in a book provided for that purpose, and be called in rotation when the services of an extra man may be required, and shall re- main with engine called for until the regular Fireman returns. ART. 3. Firemen called to make a trip shall be paid, provided the train is after- wards annulled, for three hours' time, on the basis of the regular rates which they are receiving, and shall stand first out as per Article 2. ART. 4. Firemen will have rights on their respective divisions as they are now divided. ART. 5. Firemen shall not be required to clean fires, ash pans, or front ends of their engines at terminals of their respective runs, or at points where there is a round house, providing that the runs of the engine to be cleaned cover a mileage of not less than 150 miles. ART. 6. No Fireman shall be required to continue on duty when he reasonably needs rest, but in extreme cases the Firemen on their part shall tender every means in their power to assist the Company. ART. 7. Coal for engines on through express or fast passenger trains shall be bro- ken suitable for furnace use, and for other passenger or freight trains shall be broken so that no lump shall exceed eight inches in length or thickness before delivery on engine tank. ART. 8. The rights and preferences to runs, engines and promotions shall be gov- erned by seniority, merit being equal; this to be determined by the Master Mechanic (subject to appeal to the General Master Mechanic), and the choice of runs and engines shall be based upon this principle, it being understood that the choice of en- gines shall not apply to engines of the same class. The same rule will apply to Fire- men in yard service. When consistent to do so, and a deficiency of Firemen in road service exists, Firemen in yard service will be considered in the line of promotion to road service Firemen. When a Fireman's engine goes in the shop for general repairs, the Fireman will be considered an extra man, and assigned to such service as the Mas- ter Mechanic may determine. In case of a surplus of Firemen, the younger in the service shall be taken off and shall do extra work, or firing. A surplus shall not be considered as existing while Firemen are making 2,600 miles per month. ART. 9. All charges or reports made against Firemen shall be made in writing, and such charges shall be subject to the inspection of the party against whom they are made. ART. 10. Time of Firemen in freight and passenger service shall be computed on the basis of 100 miles or less for a day's work; and all time made by Firemen while on the road between terminal points, in excess of ten miles per hour on freight, and eight hours per 100 miles on passenger, will be considered overtime. ART. 11. When Firemen are held in for snow plow service, they will be allowed regular pay for each day of twenty-four hours that they are so held subject to orders. Wnen good cause can be shown for doubling hills, the pay shall be on the basis of the actual time lost. Freight Firemen, double-heading on passenger trains, will receive passenger Firemen's pay for the same. ART. 12. Firemen dead-heading on Company's business will be paid half mileage, and when required by this Company to attend court, they shall be paid at the rate they are receiving and expenses, during attendance, and for actual time consumed in going to and coming from court. ART. 13. Delayed time at terminal stations, either before leaving or after arriv- ing, will be paid for full delay less one hour, if delayed one hour and thirty-five min- utes. It is understood that fractions of an hour less than thirty-five minutes will not be counted. Thirty-five minutes or over will be counted a full hour. It is further un- derstood that the Company will furnish blank forms for engineers to fill out for all delayed time between terminals and at terminals before departing and after arriving, which shall be verified by the train sheet and certified to by the Division Superin- tendent. ART. 14. A Caller shall be provided at the end of each main division, who shall 62 CHOCTAW COAL & R'Y. CO. CINCINNATI, NEW ORLEANS & TEXAS PACIFIC R'Y. have a register book, and have written therein the train the men are called for, the time of calling, and their names. The pay of the Firemen shall begin from the time the train is ordered for, as shown on the order for calling, and shall continue to the time he gives up his engine to the hostler at the end of the run. When road engines are required to switch at terminals thirty-five minutes or more, time shall be allowed the Fireman. ART. 15. Firemen on standard 8-wheel locomotives will receive two and twenty- five hundredths (2 25-100) cents per mile; on 6- wheel locomotives and local runs will receive two and forty hundredths (2 40-100) cents per mile. Firemen of construction trains shall receive 100 miles per day as per schedule, and Firemen of switch engines shall receive one dollar and seventy-five cents ($1.75) per day, it being understood that in switching service ten working hours shall constitute a day's work. Five hours or less, half day; over five hours, full day. In construction service twelve working hours or less shall constitute a day's work. Firemen on suburban trains between Chicago and Blue Island shall receive twenty (20) cents per hour while on duty. ART. 16. Overtime will be allowed on switching at the rate of seventeen and one- half (17 50-100) cents per hour, and in all other service at the rate of twenty-two and one-half (22 50-100) cents per hour, irrespective of classification. ART. 17. Evidence of the willingness of a Fireman to serve the best interests of the Company at all times, in whatever capacity assigned, as well as economy and cleanliness in the care of his engine, and the Company's property under his control, will always be considered as meriting reward. The articles enumerated above consti- tute, in their entirety, the agreement between this Company and its locomotive Fire- men, and all rules previously in effect are by this agreement abolished. For the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railway, TL F. ROYCE, W. I. ALLEN. Gen. Supt. Lines East of Mo. River. Assistant General Manager. C. DUNLAP, GEO. F. WILSON, Gen. Supt. Lines West of Mo. River. General Master Mechanic. May 11, 1892. Approved: E. ST. JOHN, General Manager. THE CHOCTAW COAL AND RAILWAY COMPANY. Conductors receive $100 per month ; Brakemen, $60 per month ; Baggageman, $30 per month I believe he receives the same amount from the Express Company. We do not employ any Switchmen or Yardmen as one of our train crews does all of our yard work. GEO. E. STARR, July 18, 1892. Cashier and Paymaster. CINCINNATI, NEW ORLEANS & TEXAS PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY; ALA BAMA GREAT SOUTHERN RAILROAD COMPANY; NEW ORLEANS & NORTH EASTERN RAILROAD COMPANY; ALABAMA & VICKSBURG RAILWAY COMPANY; VICKSBURG, SHREVEPORT & PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY, AND EAST TENNESEE, VIRGINIA & GEORGIA RAILWAY COMPANY (LESSEE OF LOUISVILLE SOUTFTERN RAILROAD). 1. Overtime will be allowed trainmen when the schedule time of the train has been exceeded two hours or more. When schedule time has been exceeded two hours or more, the first two hours will be included ; after the schedule has been exceeded two hours or more, all fractional parts of an hour over thirty minutes will be counted a full hour; fractional parts of an hour less than thirty minutes will not be counted. Crews of work trains will be allowed overtime for all time on duty in excess of twelve hours per day. Fractional parts of an hour of more than thirty minutes will be counted as a full hour, fractional parts of less than thirty will not be counted. Time of extra trains will be computed from longest schedule time of trains of same class on current time table. On all trains delayed time will be paid for at the rate of 30 cents per hour for conductors, and 18 cents per hour for trainmen. Yard delayed time at termi- nals will be allowed after the train has been delayed in the yard thirty minutes or more, and when delayed immediately outside of the yard-limit board, at the rate of 30 cents per hour for conductors and 18 cents per hour for brakemen for each hour or fractional part of an hour in excess of thirty minutes. CINCINNATI, NEW ORLEANS & TEXAS PACIFIC RAILWAY. 63 2. In case a trainman believes his suspension or discharge to have been unjust, he shall, within thirty days after such suspension or discharge, make a written statement of the facts in the case and submit it through the Trainmaster to the Superintendent of the division on which he is employed and the latter will, as soon as practicable, make a thorough investigation of the matter ; if such statement be not submitted within thirty days it will not be considered. If the suspension or discharge be found to have been unjust, the trainman will be reinstated and will be paid for time lost. Employes will have right of appeal to the General Manager. 3. Trainmen will be called not to exceed one hour before the leaving time of their trains. The time of trainmen will begin one hour after they have signed the C iller's book. The Caller will be furnished with a book showing the time the men are called and the time the train leaves, which book will be signed by the men. Failing to re- spond promptly, whether it be his turn out or not, the party at fault will be suspended or discharged at the discretion of the Trainmaster or Superintendent. When train- men are called to go out and the train is afterward annulled, they shall be allowed three hours at the rate of 30 cents per hour for conductors, and 18 cents per hour for brakemen, provided that they are not notified that they will be required for another train within the three hours, in which event their time will begin one hour from the time they are first called. Trainmen thus called will be first out, provided it does not interfere with the men who have regular runs. 4. Crews assigned to regular runs will be paid extra for services rendered outside of their regular runs at regular rates for class of service performed. 5. For attending court or appearing before proper persons to give evidence, trainmen having regular runs will be paid the amount they would have made had they performed their regular duties. Other trainmen will be paid regular day's wages for the service to which they belong. They will also be furnished free transportation to and from court and their legitimate expenses. No time will be allowed in cases where the time so consumed does not interfere with the men making their regular trips and having eight hours' rest if they require it. 6. Trainmen dead-heading under orders will be allowed half pay for the service to which they belong. Crews running light with cabooses or engine without caboose will be allowed through freight pay. 7. When a man is traveling over the road for the purpose of relieving a man who has asked for leave of absence, he will not receive any compensation for the distance traveled. 8. Trainmen ot wrecking trains will be paid 35 cents per hour or fraction thereof in excess of thirty minutes for Conductors, and 20 cents per hour or fraction thereof in excess of thirty minutes for Brakemen, time to be computed from time train starts or one hour after the men are called until they are relieved from wrecking duty. In case the train is laid up in order to give the men necessary time to rest and sleep, such por- tion of time will be deducted from the whole and only the actual time on duty will be paid for. A minimum of six hours will be allowed, but no mileage paid. 9. When time is not allowed as per time slip, trainmen will be advised of the amount allowed. 10. Trainmen on special train or pay train shall be paid the same wages as passen- ger trainmen. 11. After continuous service for sixteen hours, trainmen will be allowed eight hours rest before being called to go out, if they so desire and give notice thereof, ex- cept in case of wrecks, washouts and other emergencies. 12. When freight traffic is so light that all the freight crews in the service are not able to make reasonable wages, crews will be laid off, beginning with the youngest men in the service, until the crews that remain can make reasonable wages. Train- men suspended from service under this rule will be given preference when the business of the road is better. 13. Crews will not be required to run off their respective divisions except when, in the opinion of the officers, the emergencies of the service require it. In addition to the above I beg to advise : 1. The two back-up runs out of Oakdale will be allowed local pay for the division on which they are made. Any through freight crews required to do the work of these back-up trains will receive this local pay. 2. Three crews on the local runs between Chattanooga and Springville, Vicksburg and Meridian, and Hattiesburg and New Orleans. The rates of pay in connection with these three local runs will be $90 per month for Conductors, and $52 per montk for Brakemen. 3. The day Yardmasters at Lexington, Somerset and Oakdale will be allowed $100 per month. The night Yardmasters at Lexington, Somerset, Oakdale and Chattanooga will be allowed $85 per month. 4. Conductors on trains 11 and 12, of the V. S. & P. R. R., will be allowed $3.25 per trip for either division. One white man, as Flagman, on those trains will be allowed $2 64 C., N. O. & T. P. R'Y. A. G. S. R*Y. N. O. & N. E R'Y. per trip ; colored Brakeman, $1.50 per trip. On all other V. S. & P. freight trains, Conductors will receive $2.75 per trip; one white Flagman, $1.75 per trip, and colored Brakeman, $1.50 per trip. 5. Through freight Brakemen on the N. O. & N. E. will receive $2.50 per trip. 6. Yard Foremen at Lexington, Somerset, Oakdale Chattanooga, Meridian and New Orleans will receive $75 per month. Following is the scale of wages in effect March 1st, 1892 : CINCINNATI, NEW ORLEANS & TEXAS PACIFIC RAILWAY. CLASS OF TRAIN. BANK. BETWEEN. BATE. Trip. Month. Passenger Passenger Passenger Conductoi s Bay gage men $110 00 60 00 60 00 50 00 40 00 Flagmen Passenger Brakemen Passenger Train Porters Through Freight Through Freight Conductors Brakemen Ludlow and Lexington $270 1 75 325 2 10 270 1 75 3 50 2 25 2 85 1 90 3 50 2 25 270 1 75 350 2 25 Ludlow and Lexington Ludlow and Lexington Ludlow and Lexington Local Freight Conductors Brakemen Local Freight Through Freight Through Freight Conductors Brakemen Lexington and Somerset Lexington and Somerset Lexington and Somerset Lexington and Somerset Somerset and Oakdale Local Freight Local Freight Conductors Brakemen Through Freight Through Freight Conductors Brakemen Somerset and Oakdale . ... Local Freight Local Freight Conductors Brakemen Somerset and Oakdale Somerset and Oakdale Oakdale and Chattanooga Through Freight Conductors Brakemen Through Freight Oakdale and Chattanooga Oakdale and Chattanooga Oakdale and Chattanooga Local Freight Local Freight Conductors Brakemen ALABAMA GREAT SOUTHERN RAILROAD. BA TE. Trip. Month. Conductors $110 00 Batreraeremen 60 00 Brakemen 50 00 Train Porters. 40 00 Through Freight Conductors Chattanooga and Birmingham $3 82 Through Freight Brakemen. Chattanooga and Birmingham 2 25 Through Freight Conductors Birmingham and Meridian 3 82 Through Freight Brakemen THrrnlTigTifim and MeTirHaTi 2 25 Local Freight Conduct ors Chattanooga and Springville* 90 00 Local Freight Local Freight Brakemen Conductors, Chattanooga and Springville* Springville and Tuskaloosa 3 50 52 00 Local Freight Brakemen Spriu gville and Tuskaloosa 2 00 Local Freight Conductors.. Tuskaloosa and Meridian .... 3 50 "Local Freierht. . . Brakemen. . . Tuskaloosa and Meridian . . . 2 00 1 Three crews. NEW ORLEANS & NORTH EASTERN RAILROAD. CLASS OP TBAIN. BANK. BETWEEN. BATE. Trip. Month. Conductors $110 00 6000 50 00 40 00 Baggagemen Brakemen Train Porters Conductors 'Pr3k* > 'me'n Through Freight Meridian and New Orleans $4 50 2 50 325 200 Meridian and New Orleans Local Freight Local Freight Local Freight Local Freieht. . . Conductors Brakemen Conductors Brakemen... Meridian and Hattiesburg Meridian and Hattiesburg Hattiesburg and New Orleans*. . . Hattiesburg and New Orleans*. . . '"go'oo" 5200 * Three crews. A. & V. R'Y. V . S. & P. R'Y. L S. R'Y. C,, C., C. & ST. L. RY. ALABAMA & VICKSBURG RAILWAY. CLASS Or TRAIN. BANK. BETWEEN. KATE. Trip. Month. Passenger Passenger Passenger Conductors Baggagemen $11000 6000 50 00 4000 Brakemen Train Porte. Conductors Brakemen Conductors Brakemen Passenger Through Freight Through Freight Meridian and. Vicksburg Meridian and. Vicksburg Meridian and Vicksburg* Meridian and. Vicksburg* $3 78 2 24 Local Freigh 1 Local Freight 9000 52 00 * Three crews. VICKSBURG, SHREVEPORT & PACIFIC RAILROAD. CLASS OF TRAIN. RANK. BETWEEN. RATE. Trip. Month. Passenger Conductors $110 00 6000 50 00 40 00 Passenger Passenger Baggagemen Brakemen Passenger. Train Porters. . . . Conductors Brakemen* Brakement Conductor Brakemen* ... Brakement .... Conductors TtrfikeTn fn * Through Freight (Through Freight iThrough Freight ;i|Through Freight 1 Through Freight B Through Freight 1 Local Freight B Local Freight Delta and Monroe $2 75 1 75 1 50 275 1 75 1 50 3 25 200 1 50 325 200 1 55 Delta and Monroe . Delta and Monroe Monroe and Shreveport Monroe and Shreveport Monroe and Shreveport Delta and Monroe Delta and Monroe . . 1 Local Freight BjLocal Freight Brakement Conductors- Delta and Monroe Monroe and Shreveport Monroe and Shreveport Monroe and Shreveport IjLocal Freight | Local Freight. Brakemen* Brakement . * White. t Colored. LOUISVILLE SOUTHERN RAILROAD. CLASS OF TRAIN. RANK. BETWEEN. RATE. Trip. Month. Passenger Conductors $8500 5000 4500 3 assenger.. Passenger Baggageman Brakemen Through Freight Through Freight Through Freight Through Freight L.ocal Freight Local Freight Conductor. Brakemen Louisville and Burgin $2 70 1 75 270 1 75 3 50 2 25 Louisville and Burgin Louisville and Lexington ;;l;i;i Conductors Brakemen. Louisville and Lexington Conductors Brakemen. Louisville and Lexington Louisville and Lexington July 1, 1892. R. CARROLL, General Manager. THE CLEVELAND, CINCINNATI, CHICAGO & ST. LOUIS RAILWAY COMPANY. CONDUCTOR'S SCHEDULE. 1. Passenger Conductors running passenger trains, when their runs are seventy- ive miles or more, will receive 25i mills per mile, except on Cairo and Peoria divisions. 2. Conductors running through freight trains will receive 29 mills per mile, and l be allowed the same number of miles that Enginemen and Firemen receive. They l be paid at the rate of 29 cents per hour for all detentions over two hours. When lelayed over two hours, the first two hours will be included. Road overtime to be :omputed from the current time table of the respective divisions. The running time }f extra trains to be computed in like manner. The longest run on current time card except local ) on the division to govern. 3. Local freight Conductors on Chicago division will be paid $85 per month, or apon that basis for such portion of the month as they may work. Local freight Con- 66 CLEVELAND, CINCINNATI, CHICAGO & ST. LOUIS RAILWAY. ductors on Cairo division, that run daily, will be paid $95 per month. Should loca freight Conductors on Cairo division run four days per week they will be paid $85 pei month. Local freight Conductors on other divisions will receive an increase of $5 pei month, or upon that basis for such portion of the month as they may work. They wil be paid 29 cents per hour for all detentions over two hours. When delayed over twc hours, the first two hours will be included. Road overtime to be computed from cur rent time table of respective divisions. 4. Conductors running suburban trains between Cincinnati, Harrison and Aurora will receive $85 per month. 5. Branch Conductors running out of Greensburg to receive $70 per month. Con ductors doubling between Seneca and Sheldon to receive $80 per month. Conductor doubling between Kankakee and Seneca to receive $75 per month. Conductors run ning connection trains between Lawrenceburg Junction and Aurora to receive $70 pe month. 6. Conductors on work trains will be paid $2.75 per day, ten hours to constitute a day's work ; less than five hours, a half day ; over five hours, a full day ; over ten hours 25 cents per hour. Conductors on circus trains making stands on road will be allowe< constructive mileage of 150 miles for each twenty-four hours in such service, at freigh rates. 7. Conductors on wreck trains will be paid 25| mills per mile, to and from wreck and 25i cents per hour while at wreck. Conductors on picnic trains will be paid 25 cents per hour, and are not to be released except when returned to starting point o assigned to other service. Freight Conductors handling picnic trains, if released no having made a full day, will be marked first out. 8. Conductors dead-heading over the road on company's business, other than speci fied, will be paid 2 cents per mile, the mileage allowed not to exceed 100 miles per day 9. Conductors attending court as witnesses, by direction of an officer in authority will be paid at the rate of $2 per day while off duty in such special service, and neces sary expenses when away from home, except that no time will be allowed when th time consumed does not interfere with the men making their regular trips. If thei crew is sent away during their absence at court, they will receive $2 per day until th< crew returns or they are assigned to duty. 10. When a Conductor is called for a run and the train is annulled, he will receive the agreed rate per hour while on duty ( see Articles 2 and 3 ) and will stand first out. 11. Crews that have been on duty for twenty consecutive hours should have eigh hours rest before going on duty again, unless they go voluntarily. 12. When crews are marked for any run or are ordered by an officer in authority to be ready at a given time, and not released, if delayed over one hour they are to b( paid at the agreed rate for their services (see Articles 2 and 3) from the time the] were first marked or ordered to go out, except that no time will be allowed should traii arrive at terminal having made schedule time ; such schedule time to be compute< irom the time Conductor was ordered out. 13. If a Conductor is taken off his run, for any cause, he will be granted a full in vestigation, hearing and decision within five days. He may have another Conducto of his own selection appear and speak for him at the investigation, and will have the right to appeal from the decision of the local to the general officers of the road. I .exonerated he will receive pay for lost time. 14. Freight Conductoi s will, whenever practicable, be assigned to divisions anc run first in, first out, in the service to which they are assigned. The right to regula runs and promotions will be governed by merit, ability and seniority. Other thing: fceing equal, the Conductor who serves the longest on any division of the road will havt the preference of runs on such division. 15. Conductors will not be expected to take charge of light engines in connectioi with their trains. 16. Callers will be furnished to call Conductors living within a radius of one mil* and a half of the Yardmaster's office at all freight terminals. 17. This schedule is not to supersede or affect the present rate of pay on eithe the Sandusky or White Water divisions of the C., C., C. & St. L. Ry. BRAKEMEN AND BAGGAGEMASTER'S SCHEDULE. 1. Freight Brakemen employed on the C., C., C. & St. L. Ry. will receive 2 cent per mile on through freight trains. 2. The pay of local freight Brakemen, on all divisions, will remain the same as a present. Local freight Foremen will be paid $5 per month in excess of Brakemen' rate. 3. Baggagemasters or Brakemen attending court by direction of an officer in at thority will be paid at the rate of $1.50 per day while off duty in such special service and necessary expenses when away from home, except that no time will be allowe* CLEVELAND, CINCINNATI, CHICAGO & ST. LOUIS RAILWAY. 67 hen the time consumed does not interfere with the men making their regular trips, f their crew is sent away during their absence at court, Baggagemasters and Brake- icn shall receive $1.50 per day until the crew returns or they are assigned to duty. 4. Baggagemasters or Brakemen dead-heading over the road on company's busi- ess, other than specified, will be paid 12 mills per mile, the mileage allowed not to ex- ;ed 100 miles per day. 5. Brakemen will be allowed overtime upon the same basis as Conductors, at 20 mts per hour. 6. Callers will be furnished to call Brakemen living within a radius of one mile of 'ardmaster's office at all freight terminals. 7. Passenger Brakemen will receive 12 mills per mile and Baggagemasters 13 mills jr mile on all through runs. On all commuter and passenger runs, including Aurora assenger run, Brakemen will receive $2 per day and Baggagemasters $2.15 per day, xcept on Cairo and Peoria divisions, where the pay will remain the same as at present. 8. In case a Brakeman is suspended he shall have a hearing within five days, and the investigation exonerates him he will be reinstated and will receive Dav for time ost. 9. Brakemen on work trains will be paid $1.75 per day ; ten hours to constitute a ay's work ; less than five hours, a half day ; over five hours, a full day ; over ten hours, 7i cents per hour. Brakemen on wreck trains will be paid 17i mills per mile to and rom wreck, and 17i cents per hour while at wreck. Baggagemasters and Brakemen n picnic trains will be paid 15 cents per hour, the crew not to be released except rhen returned to starting point or assigned to other service. If a freight crew is re- Bed, not having made a full day, they will be marked first out. Brakemen on circus rains making stands on road will be allowed constructive mileage of 150 miles for ach twenty- four hours in such service, at freight rates. 10. Whenever it becomes necessary to employ additional Conductors, the prefer- nce will be given to Brakemen according to their age and ability. This to be deter- lined by the Superintendent, or his representative, when the applicant is examined. 11. Brakemen are not to be fined for any damage done to property, unless it can e shown that it was the result of their carelessness or negligence. 12. This schedule is not to supersede or affect the present rates on either the andusky or White Water divisions of the C. C. C. & St. L. Ry. SANDUSKY DIVISION CONDUCTOR'S SCHEDULE. 1. Passenger Conductors will receive $100 per month, except as per Article 15. 2. Conductors running through freight trains will receive 27i mills per mile, and l be allowed same number of miles as Enginemen and Firemen receive. They will )e paid at the rate of 27i cents per hour for all detentions over two hours. When de- ayed over two hours, the first two hours will be included. Road overtime to be com- mted from the current time table of the respective divisions. The running time of xtra trains to be computed in like manner. The longest run on current time card except local ) on the division to govern. 3. Local freight Conductors will receive 29 mills per mile. They will be paid at ;he rate of 29 cents per hour for all detentions over two hours. When delayed over wo hours, the first two hours will be included. Road overtime to be computed as per Article 2. 4. The following constructive mileage will be allowed : On local freights, 110 miles :or round trip between Carey and Sandusky, and 110 miles for trip between Spring- field and Carey. On through freights, 85 mifes for round trip from Springfield to Belle- : ontaine, and 134 miles for round trip from Springfield to Grant's. 5. Conductors on work trains will be paid $2.60 per day ; ten hours to constitute a iay's work ; less than five hours, a half day ; over five hours, a full day ; over ten hours, 26 cents per hour. Conductors on circus trains making stands on road will be allowed constructive mileage of 150 miles for each twenty-four hours in such service, at freight rates. 6. Conductors on wreck trains will be paid 25 mills per mile to and from wreck, and 25 cents per hour while at wreck. Conductors on picnic trains will be paid 25 zents per hour, and are not to be released except when returned to starting point or assigned to other service. Freight Conductors handling picnic trains, if released not having made a full day, will be marked first out. 7. Conductors dead-heading over the road on company's business, other than speci- fied, will be paid 2 cents per mile, the mileage allowed not to exceed 100 miles per day. 8. Conductors attending court as witnesses, by direction of an officer in authority, will be paid at the rate of $2 per day while off duty in such special service, and neces- sary expenses when away from home, except that no time will be allowed when the time consumed does not interfere with the men making their regular trips. If their 68 CLEVELAND, CINCINNATI, CHICAGO & ST. LOUIS RAILWAY. crew is sent away during their absence at court, they will receive $2 per day until the crew returns or they are assigned to duty. 9. When a Conductor is called for a run and the train is annulled, he will receive the agreed rate per hour for his services while on duty ( see Articles 2 and 3 ) and will stand first out. 10. Crews that have been on duty for twenty consecutive hours should have eight hours rest before going on duty again, unless they go voluntarily. 11. When crews are marked for any run or are ordered by an officer in authority to be ready at a given time, and not released, if delayed over one hour they are to be paid at the agreed rate for their services ( see Articles 2 and 3 ) from the time they were first marked or ordered to go out, except that no time will be allowed should the train arrive at terminal having made schedule time, such schedule time to be com- puted from the time the Conductor was ordered out. 12. If a Conductor is taken off his run, for any cause, he will be granted a full in- vestigation, hearing and decision within five days. He may have another Conductor of his own selection appear and speak for him at the investigation, and will have the right to appeal from the decision of the local to the general officers of the road. If exonerated he will receive pay for lost time. 13. Freight Conductors will, whenever practicable, be assigned to a division and run first in, first put, in the service to which they are assigned. The right to regular runs and promotion will be governed by merit, ability and seniority. Other things be- ing equal, the Conductor who serves the longest will have the preference of runs. 14. Conductors will not be expected to take charge of light engines in connection with their trains. 15. Conductors on Findlay branch will receive $65 per month. SANDUSKY DIVISION BRAKEMEN AND BAGGAGEMASTER'S SCHEDULE. 1. Passenger Brakemen will receive $50 per month, except as per Article 12. Baggagemen will receive $55 per month, except as per Article 12. 2. Brakemen in through freight service will receive 171 mills per mile. 3. Brakemen in local freight service will receive 19 mills per mile. Foremen on local freights will receive 20 mills per mile. 4. Constructive mileage will be allowed as follows : On local freight, 110 miles for trip Springfield to Carey, and 110 miles for round trip Carey to Sandusky. On through freights, 85 miles for round trip Springfield to Bellefontaine, and 134 miles for round trip Springfield to Grant's. 5. Baggagemasters or Brakemen attending court as witnesses, by direction of an officer in authority, shall be paid, at the rate of $1.50 per day while off duty in such special service, and necessary expenses when away from home, except that no time will be allowed when the time consumed does not interfere with the men making their regular trips. If their crew is sent away during their absence at court, Baggagemas- ters or Brakemen shall receive $1.50 per day until the crew returns or they are as- signed to duty. 6. Baggagemasters or Brakemen dead-heading over the road on company's busi- ness, other than specified, will be paid 12 mills per mile. Mileage not to exceed 10( miles per day. 7. Brakemen will be allowed overtime upon the same basis as Conductors, at the rate of 16 cents per hour. 8. In case a Brakeman is suspended he shall have a hearing within five days, and if the investigation exonerates him he will be reinstated and receive pay for time lost. 9. Brakemen on work trains will be paid $1.65 per day ; ten hours to constitute a day's work ; less than five hours, half a day ; over five hours, a full day ; over ten hours, 16i cents per hour. Brakemen on wreck trains will be paid 16i mills per mile to anc from wreck, and 16i cents per hour while at wreck. Baggagemasters or Brakemen on picnic trains shall receive 15 cents per hour, the crew not to be released except wher returned to starting point or assigned to other service. If a freight crew is released, not having made a full day, they shall be marked first out. Brakemen on circus traim making stands on road will be allowed 150 miles for each twenty- four hours in such service, at freight rates. 10. Whenever it becomes necessary to employ additional Conductors the prefer- ence will be given to Brakemen according to age and ability. This to be determined by the Superintendent, or his representative, when the applicant is examined. 11. Brakemen are not to be fined for damage done to property, unless it can be shown that it was due to their carelessness or negligence. 12. Brakemen on Findlay branch will receive $45 per month. Baggagemaster or Findlay branch will receive $40 per month. CLEVE., GIN., CHI. & ST. L R'Y. CLEVE., LOR. & WHEEL. R'Y. 69 STATEMENT OF YARD RATES. Cleveland Yard: Conductors, day, $2.60 per day; night, $2.70. Brakemen, day, $2.30 per day ; night, $2.50. Berea Yard: Conductors, 115 miles per day, 125 miles per night, $2.90 per 100 miles. Brakemen, 115 miles per day, 125 miles per night, $2 per 100 miles. Galion Yard: Conductors, day or night, $2.40 per day. Brakemen, day or night, B1.90 per day. Delaware Yard: Conductors, day or night, $2.40 per day. Brakemen, day or night, B1.90per day. Columbus Yard : Conductors, day, $2.58 per day; night, $2.70. Brakemen, day, B2.05 per day ; night, $2.15. CINCINNATI DIVISION. Springfield Yard : Conductors, day, $2.40 per day; night, $2.50. Brakemen, day, B2.05 per day ; night, $2.15. Dayton Yard: Conductors, day, $2.40 per day; night, $2.50. Brakemen, day, $2.05 per day; night, $2.15. Middletown Yard: Conductors, $2.90 per day. Brakemen, $2 per day. Ivorydale Yard: Foremen, day, $2.75 per day; night, $2.90. Brakemen, day, $2.50 per day; night, $2.70. INDIANAPOLIS DIVISION. Union City Yard: One night Foreman, $80 per month. Six yard Brakemen, $1.90 per day. Bellefontaine Yard: Brakemen, $50 per month. Muncie Yard: Brakemen, $55 per month. ST. LOUIS DIVISION. Indianapolis Yard: Foremen, per month : One, $100 ; two, $90 ; seven, $85 ; two, $80. onductors, day, $2.50 per day ; night, $2.60. Brakemen, day, $2.30 per day ; night, $2.40. Terre Haute Yard: Brakemen, day, $2.20 per day; night, $2.30. MattoonYard: Foreman, $70 per month. Conductors, day, $2.25 per day; night, B2 35. Brakemen, day, $2.05 per day; night, $2.15. (Ten hours per day.) Litchfield Yard : Brakemen, $55 per month. Wann Yard: Conductor, $65 per month. Brakemen, $55 per month. East St. Louis Yard : Conductors, day, $70 per month ; night, $75. Brakemen, day, B65 per month ; night, $70. ( For actual number of working days. Ten hours per day.) CHICAGO DIVISION. Cincinnati Yard: Conductors, day, $2.75 per day ; night, $2.90 ; Passenger Pilot, $2.50. Brakemen, day, $2.50 per day; night, $2.70. Greensburg' Yard : Brakemen, day, $1.80 per day; night, $1.90. Lafayette Yard: Conductors, day, $2.25 per day; night, $2.35. Brakemen, day, $2.05 per day;' night, $2.15. Kankakee Yard: Conductors, day, $2.25 per day; night, $2.35. Brakemen, day, $2.05 per day ; night, $2.15. CAIRO DIVISION. Cairo Yard: Foremen, day, 28 cents per hour; night, 27 cents. Brakemen, day, 24 cents per hour : night, 23 cents. Mount Carmel Yard: Brakemen, day or night, $61.25 per month. Sandusky Yard : Foreman, $65 per month. Brakemen, $55 per month. MICHIGAN DIVISION. Benton Harbor Yard : Foreman, $50 per month. Helpers ( Switchmen ), $40 per month. ETkhart Yard: Helpers ( Switchmen ), $45 per month. Wabash Yard : Foreman, $50 per month. Helpers ( Switchmen ), $40 per month. Marion Yard : Helpers ( Switchmen ), $40 per month. Anderson Yard : Foremen, day or night, $60 per month. Foreman of engines, 24 cents per hour. Helpers ( Switchmen ), 19 cents per hour. July 20, 1892. J. RAMSEY, JR., General Manager. CLEVELAND, LORAIN & WHEELING RAILWAY.* Lorain: Foremen, $2.35 per day, 10 hours; Helpers, $2.00 per day, 10 hours. Elyria: Foremen, $2.50 per day, 10 hours: Helpers, $1.80 per day, 10 hours. Massillon: Foremen, $2.50 per day, 12 hours; Helpers, $1.80 per day, 12 hours. Uricfisville: Foremen, $2.50 per day, 12 hours; Helpers, $1.80 per day, 12 hours. Hollaway: Foremen, $1.80 per day, 12 hours; Helpers, $1.80 per day, 12 hours' Bridgeport: Foremen, $2.35 per day, 12 hours; Helpers, $1.95 per day, 12 hours. * Not official. 70 COLUMBUS. HOCKING VALLEY & TOLEDO RAILWAY. Freight Conductors: First year, $2.77 per 100 miles; after first year, $2.87 per 100 miles. Local freight, 3 cents per mile. Twelve hours to constitute a day's work of 100 miles. Freight Brakemen: First year, head Brakeman $1.65 per 100 miles; after first year, $1.75 per 100 miles. First year, rear Brakeman $1.75 per 100 miles; after first year, $1.85 per 100 miles. Local freight, 2 cents per mile. Twelve hours to constitute a day's work of 100 miles. COLUMBUS, HOCKING VALLEY & TOLEDO RAILWAY COMPANY. PASSENGER TRAIN SERVICE. RUNS. MILES. ENGIN- EERS FIREMEN. CONDUCT ORS. BRAKE- MEN BAGGAGE MASTER. B AEKS Columbus and Toledo 124 $3 75 $1 87% |3 00 $1 45 $1 65 Columbus to Marion and return . Columbus and Pomeroy 91 132 3 37 1 /* 4 00 1 69 2 00 3 00 3 06 45 58 $20 per me 2 06 Columbus to Athens and return.. . . Logan,Straitsville and Nelsonville Logan and Athens, week days Athens to Columbus & ret. Sunday 152 124 104 152 4 75 4 00 3 30 4 75 2 00 2 1 65 | 2 371/2 r 3 12% 350 $90 per mo. 00 80 75 } 75 f 2 00 2 35 $60 per mo. sags FREIGHT TRAIN SERVICE. RUNS. MILES. ENGIN- EERS FIREMEN. CONDUCT- ORS. BRAKE MEN. OVERTIME. Columbus and Toledo Columbus and Fostorla 124 88 $4 50 3 37H Mogul$2.37'i $2 25 Mogul $1.78 $325 2 37 $2 15 1 60 Begins after 13 hrs. " " 9 " Columbus to Marlon and return. . . Columbus and Fostorla, Local Toledo to Fostoria and ret., Local Columbus to Logan, Straitsville | and Nelsonville and return j Logan to Pt. Pleasant and return. Logan and Pomeroy . . 91 88 72 124 156 83 4 50 4 00 4 00 4 50 5 62 3 75 1 69 Mogul $2 86 225 2 00 2 00 225 2 81 87U 3 00 3 00 3 00 325 4 25 2 75 200 2 00 2 00 2 15 2 75 1 80 " " 12 " ' 12 ' 12 ' ' 13 ' 16 ' " ; 12 Logan and Pomeroy Local Columbus and Athens Local (tt) All Branches 88 76 3 87'i 3 87?, 2 3 60 94 94 80 3 00 3 00 2 90 2 00 2 00 2 00 ' 12 ' " ' 12 ' " 12 ' Work, Wreck and Circus Train *. . . B >tes of overtime per hou- 3 50 36 75 18 300 25 200 17 " ' 12 SWITCHING SERVICE. YARDS. HOURS. ENGIN- EBH8. FIREMEN. CONDUCT ORS. BRAKE- MEN. OVERTIME. Columbus . 12 12 10 12 ft 10 12 $300 3 00 2 50 2 50 250 1 50 2 75 $1 65 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 65 j $2 75 D i 1 2 87 Nig 245 245 2 00 2 65 2 50 HSi jr. $2 10 1 lit. 2 22 f 1 95 1 95 1 75 2 CO 1 85 iy 2 15 I g't 2 25 f Begins after 12 hrs. ' 10 ' 10 12 12 12 " 12 " Logan Nt Isonville Pomeroy and Middleport (6) Marion Rockwell (a) After January 1, 1893, Branch Conductors will receive $3. (&) After January 1, 1893, Brakemen, Marion Yard, will receive $2.10. The practice of imposing fines for damage to rolling stock or Company's property will be discontinued, and discipline will be administered by suspension and discharge. In computing overtime, no fraction of an hour less than thirty minutes will be counted ; thirty minutes and over shall be counted as one hour ; time to commence from the time set for trains to leave. Any Conductor or Brakeman causing delay to train, and overtime being made from said cause, the remainder of the crew to receive overtime and the person causing such delay to be discharged or suspended, as the case may warrant. Competent Callers will be appointed where necessary to call trainmen at least one hour before the leaving time of the trains, provided they live within the limits fixed for each yard, and have entered their address in a book to be kept for that purpose at the designated offices. Exceptions will be made to the rule in the cases of men assigned to regular runs, in such cases no call will be made. When trainmen are called for duty and their trains annulled, time will be allowed at overtime rates until relieved from duty ( with a minimum of one hour ). Such crews shall stand first out COLUMBUS, SHAWNEE & HOCKING RAILWAY. 71 Trainmen attending court at the request of an official of the Company shall be paid: 53 per day for Conductors and $2 per day for Brakemen, and their legitimate expenses. Trainmen dead-heading over the road, in their caboose or on passenger trains, will be illowed one-half their regular trip rates : when running light full time will be allowed. Employes held off pending investigation, shall be given a trial within a reasonable time, and if, on subsequent investigation, found not guilty, shall be paid the wages ;hey would have earned during the time of suspension. All freight train crews, except local freight crews, shall be run first in, first out. Crews dead-heading shall stand first Dut with respect to the crew that they or their caboose dead-headed with. Crews shall be assigned to their respective divisions, and shall not be transferred to other divisions, except for temporary services. Freight crews running pay car or extra passenger, to be paid on the basis of freight pay. Work, wreck and circus trains to pay $3 and $2 per day for Conductors and Brakemen, respectively. Two Brakemen l be allowed on all through, and three on all local runs, except on the Hocking Val- ey division, where trains run double-header, when a third man will be allowed. This r on account of the fog to which the division is subject and local conditions existing. Promotion and reduction of force will be based on merit and ability. Where all things are equal, length of service will govern. When freight traffic is light, reductions in force will be so made that fair living wages may be earned by trainmen, this to be agreed upon between the officers and trainmen. Trainmen leaving the service of the Company will be given a letter stating time of service, capacity in which employed and reason for leaving. Trainmen will be notified when trip report is not allowed. Accepted for the Order of Railway Conductors : A. E. BOBBINS, CHAS. H. WILKINS, Ass't G. C. C. Supt. Toledo Division. For the Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen : M. S. CONNORS, P. H. MORRISSEY, First V. G. M. Supt. H. V. and O. R. Divisions. September 1, 1892. COLUMBUS, SHAWNEE & HOCKING RAILWAY COMPANY. 1. The time on all regular trains will commence at schedule leaving time, and on all extra trains at the time listed, and end when relieved at terminal stations. 2. Callers will be provided at Columbus, Shawnee and Drakes to call men for :rains leaving between 9 P. M. and 6 A. M. Men will be called as near one hour prior to .caving time as possible. 3. Hostlers will be furnished at all terminal stations to take charge of engines and put same in condition for return service. 4. When a crew has been called to go out, and the train for which they were called is annulled after they report for same, they will be allowed pay for one- half the time from leaving time to time train was annulled, one hour being a minimum. 5. Claims for extra or overtime will be sent directly to the Superintendent. When any overtime is rejected, it will be returned with full explanation. 6. Time as reported by Conductors and Enginemen will be checked with train list, train register and Yardmaster's report. 7. All train or enginemen after being on duty sixteen consecutive hours or more, unless in case of wreck or accident, will be allowed ten hours rest. 8. No fine shall be imposed 'for loss or damage to property or rolling stock, but if such do occur, and it be found upon trial that an employe has carelessly caused such .oss or damage, he shall be suspended or discharged, as the case may justify. All em- ployes will use great care and every effort in their power to avoid accident and dam- age to property. 9. All employes will be regarded as in the line of promotion, advancement de- pending upon the faithful discharge of duty and capacity for increased responsibility. 10. When an employe is relieved from duty for any cause he will be granted a trial immediately, and will be notified of the result within five days. In case he is- found to be innocent, he will receive pay for the time lost, at his regular rate per day r for each calendar day. 11. For preparing shop engines for road service, Engineers shall receive $3 and Firemen $1.75 per day, ten hours. 12. Employes attending court or doing special service for the Company will be paid as per Article 10. 13. For dead-heading, on order of the Company, one-half of regular wages will be paid. 14. For special trains or pay trains, passenger rates apply. One hundred and ten miles, or eight hours, constitute a day. 15. Pay day will be on or before the 25th of each month. 16. The following scale of wages will be in force until modified by mutual agree- ment : 72 CORN. & LEB. RY. DEL. & HUD. CANAL CO. DEL , LACK. & WEST. R'Y. TRAIN SERVICE. PJ Baggage- men .... ?! "I Firemen Foremer EXTRA, AT REGU- LAR RATE PER HOUR. PASSENGER. Columbus and Zanesville $3 25 Bl 80 $1 60 $3 70 Bl 85 None Shawnee and Zanesville. . MIXED. Olouster and Malta 3 25 2 90 1 80 1 80 1 85 4 00 3 50 2 10 1 90 None. None. Cannelville and Redfield 2 50 1 60 3 00 1 60 After 12 hours LOCAL FREIGHT. Columbus and Sh awnee Z anesville an d Redfield 3 00 2 80 2 00 1 80 375 3 50 200 1 80 After 12 hours. After 11 hours. THROUGH FREIGHT. Columbus and Drakes 2 50 1 70 3 25 1 80 After 11 hours Zanesville to Shawnee, Drakes, round trip. . fehawnee and Drakes to Fultonham, r'd trip.. Shawnee and Drakes, Thurston and return. . . Columbus and Zanesville Short or irregular runs, per hour Helpers WORK TRAINS . . 2 50 3 75 2 2 75 25 2 75 1 70 2 55 2 1 75 17 1 75 1 75 3 25 243M 4 87y 2 3 50 3 50 2 3 25 1 80 1 35 2 70 1 90 18 1 90 I 80 After;il hours. After 8 hours. After 16*4 hours. After 12 hours. After 12 hours. After 12 hours. YARDS. Columbus Zanesville 1 75 1 75 2 75 3 00 1 75 1 80 $2 66 After 12 hours. Sihawruee Hill crews, day and night* 1 90 2 00 3 00 3 25 1 80 1 90 2 25 2 40 After 12 hours. After 12 hours. *No allowance for meals. Agreeed to for the employes : WM. M'CLURG, Chairman, H. L. TIBBETTS, Secretary, W. A. HAMER, H. C. M'DANIEL, THOS. PRICE, A. B. ANDERSON, J. J. SHAY, Committee. May 7, 1892. For the C. S. & H. Ry. Co.: H. O. POND, Superintendent. CORNWALL & LEBANON RAILROAD.* Passenger service : Conductors, $70 per month ; Engineers, $3 per day ; Firemen, $1.75 per day; Brakemen, $1.60 per day. Freight service: Engineers, $2.75 per day ; Firemen, $1.90 per day ; Conductors, $2.15 per day ; Brakemen, $1.85 per day. Switch- ing service: Engineers, $2.50 per day; Firemen, $1.75 per day; Conductors, $1.90 per day; Brakemen, $1.70 per day. Ten hours constitute a day; overtime paid after twelve hours. June 11, 1892. DELAWARE & HUDSON CANAL COMPANY. Conductors : Passenger, main line, $95 per month ; passenger, branch, $85 per month ; freight, $65 per month for run of 100 miles per day. Baggagemen, $50 and $55 per month. Brakemen : Passenger, first six months, $45 per month, after six months, $50 per month ; freight, first six months, $45 per month for run of 100 miles per day, after six months, $50 per month. Yardmen, $50 and $55 per month. Switchmen ( throwing switches ), $40 per month. H. G. YOUNG, May 5, 1892. Second Vice President. DELAWARE, LACKAWANNA & WESTERN RAILROAD COMPANY. Schedule of wages paid by D., L. & W. R. R. Co. to trainmen (Conductors, Train Baggagemen, Brakemen, Switchmen and Yardmen ), working-day month, beginning May 1, 1892. Rates vary according to the different runs and nature of work per- formed. Conductors : Passenger trains, $80 to $90 per month ; freight and other trains, $65 to $80 per month. Train Baggagemen, $52 to $57 per month. Brakemen : Passenger trains, $1.75 to $1.90 per day ; freight and coal trains, $1.80 to $2.10 per day : gravel and construction trains, Buffalo division, $2 per day, other divisions, $45 per month. Switchmen and Yardmen : Buffalo yards, day, $60 to $65 per month, night, $65 to $70 per month ; other yards, $2 and $2.15 per day. ' W. F. HALSTEAD, May 12, 1892. General Manager. *Not.offlcial. DENVER & RIO GRANDE RAILWAY. 73^ DENVER & RIO GRANDE RAILWAY COMPANY. SECOND AND THIRD DIVISIONS REGULATIONS. 1. Trainmen will be allowed one day's pay for short runs not scheduled ; provided 10 other work is furnished on the same day. If other work is furnished, the short run l be figured pro rata of district rates and time. 2. Callers will be stationed at all freight terminals, who will call trainmen for service when needed. These Callers will be provided with a book giving the names of :he crews and the number or kind of train for which they are wanted, in which book trainmen must sign their names and enter the time of the call. Time will be allowed crews from the time they are called to leave until arrival at end of run. District ter- minals are the only ones to be considered terminals. 3. In case trainmen are called and report for duty and their services are not re- quired (for any cause not their own fault), they shall stand first out and shall be paid ior one-half day's service. 4. Freight trainmen while on special or passenger service will be paid at the same rate as they would have made on their regular runs ; provided time made on passenger or special train amounts to less than that of the regular freight run. 5. In case of the suspension or dismissal of any trainman or yardman, for any :ause except drunkenness, he shall have the right to refer his case by written state- ment to the Division Superintendent within five days from the time he was taken off. Fhe Superintendent shall give his case a thorough investigation, at which the ag- grieved employe shall be present if he so desires, and also be represented by a disinter- ested employe in his class from his division, whom he may select. In case he shall not )e satisfied with the result of the investigation, he shall have the right to appeal to ;he General Superintendent or General Manager. In case suspension or dismissal is found to be unjust, he shall be re-instated and paid for all time lost. In case of suspen- sion, the time shall date from the time he was taken off for investigation. 6. Trainmen are to report time and overtime on the regular form, and in case ;ime sent in is not allowed, slips will be returned for correction, stating the reason why yver the Superintendent's signature. 7. Trainmen will not be required to go out when they claim to need rest, or are ncapacitated by sickness, but are required to give timely notice to the proper official n order that their places may be filled. In cases of washouts, wrecks and other emer- gencies, it is not intended that tins clause shall be used to avoid extra exertion. 8. In making promotions, Superintendents and others will consider seniority of service, and, everything else being equal, those longest in the service shall have the ^reference. When a reduction of force becomes necessary, those retained shall be of ;he longest in the service; i. e., as between those equally honest, sober and capable, Hit seniority^ is not to be made a covering for shortcomings of any kind, or to prevent the Company from securing the best possible service. In filling vacancies in the ranks 3f freight Conductors, for every three men promoted from the ranks, one Conductor may be hired as Conductor, or promoted from the ranks regardless of age in the service. Fhe Conductor so employed to take his place at the foot of the list of extra Conduct- ors, and may be temporarily used as extra Brakeman when not employed as Conductor. Nothing in this article shall be construed to refer to work-train Conductors. 9. When traffic becomes so light that train crews in service do not make full time, upon petition of a majority of the Conductors on that district, crews will be taken off, :ommencing with the youngest. 10. In case Conductors are needed for mixed runs by reason of regular Conductor ay ing off, the oldest freight Conductor available may take the run, and the oldest ex- ;ra Conductor available may take the freight run. 11. Train crews dead-heading under orders will be paid full time. Individual trainmen dead-heading on passenger trains under orders will be paid one-half time. 12. Roadmen will retain no rights in yard service, and vice versa, except in case of Mr. Hawthorne, present Yardmaster at Salida. 13. No departure from the provisions of this agreement will be made by any party :hereto, except after thirty days' notice of such desire, in writing, has been served upon the other party thereto. SCHEDULE OF PAY FOR YARDMEN. Salida: General Yardmaster. $145 per calendar month. Night Yardmaster, $130 per calendar month. Foremen, day. $2.69 per day, overtime at 27 cents per hour; night, $2.88, overtime at 29 cents per hour. Helpers, day, $2 50 per day, overtime at 25 cents per hour ; night, $2.69, overtime at 27 cents per hour. For night and day Foremen and Helpers, ten hours shall constitute a day's work, overtime at rates stated. A reas- onable time will be allowed for meals, and no deductions will be made for same. Leadville: General Yardmaster, $140 per calendar month. Night Yardmaster, $120 per calendar month. Hill Conductors, $4 per day of ten hours, overtime at 40 cents 74 DENVER & RIO GRANDE RAILWAY. per hour. Foremen, $3.50 per day of ten hours, overtime at 36 cents per hour. Help- ers, $3 per day of ten hours, overtime at 30 cents per hour. No work will be done on the afternoons of Sundays or legal holidays, except what is absolutely necessary. On these days five hours will be considered a day's work. SCHEDULE OF PAY FOR TRAINMEN SECOND DIVISION. Freight Service: Minturn to Tennessee Pass and return : Conductors, $3.35 ; Brake- men, $1.80. Overtime after five hours. If no more work is furnished Article 1 will apply. Minturn to Malta or Leadville and return : Conductors, $4.25 ; Brakemen, $3.25. Overtime after eight hours. Salida to Calumet and return double : Conductors, $4; Brakemen, $3. Overtime after ten hours. For third double : Conductors, $1.25 ; Brakemen, $1 additional. Leadville to Dillon and return : Conductors, $4 ; Brakemen, $3. Overtime after eight hours. Salida to Minturn, via Malta and Leadville Junction : Conductors, $4.30: Brake- men, $3.30. Overtime after nine hours. Salida to Minturn, via Leadville : Conductors, $4.50 ; Brakemen, $3.50. Overtime after nine hours. Salida to Leadville or Malta: Conductors, $3.85 ; Brakemen, $2.90, for a single trip. Conductors, $5.77; Brakemen, $4.35, for round trip same date. Conductors, $9.62; Brakemen, $7.25, for three single trips on same day. Overtime on each trip after six hours. Minturn to Glenwood Springs and return: Conductors, $4.50 ; Brakemen, $3.38. Overtime after ten hours. Minturn to Aspen : Conductors, $4; Brakemen, $3. Overtime after nine hours. Minturn to Grand Junction : Conductors, $5 ; Brakemen, $3.75. Overtime after eleven hours. Glenwood to Aspen : Conductors, $2; Brakemen, $1.50. Overtime after four hours. If no other work is furnished, Article 1 will apply. Work Train Service: Regular work train Conductors will receive $120 and Brakemen $80 per calendar month, twelve hours to constitute a day's work. If road crews are called for work train service, they. shall be paid pro rata of district rates in running to and from their work, and overtime for actual time worked ; except when the pay for running to and from the work amounts to one day's pay, the allowance for work shall not commence until the stated number of hours for a day's work on that district is exceeded. Snow-Plow and Flanger Service,: Crews assigned to snow-plow and flanger work to be paid as follows : Conductors, $4, and Brakemea, $3 per day of twelve hours, full time to be allowed during time assigned to this work. All other crews doing this work shall be paid at the regular trip rate for freight work in the district in which work is done. Passenger Service: Special and extra passenger Conductors will receive $120 and Brakemen $80 per calendar month. Between Glenwood and Aspen, Conductors will re- ceive $120 and Brakemen $80 per calendar month. Between Salida and Grand Junc- tion, Conductors will receive $125 and Brakemen $80 ; six crews for the four runs either to Newcastle or Grand Junction ; twenty single trips to constitute a month's work ; overtime after train becomes thirty minutes late on schedule time. When crews are called to go out on lay-over day they shall be paid at the rate of $125 for Conductors and $80 for Brakemen. Overtime: Overtime will be paid for at the rate of 40 cents per hour for Conductors and 30 cents per hour for Brakmen. Fractions less than thirty minutes will not be counted ; thirty minutes or more will be counted as one hour. SCHEDULE OF PAY FOR TRAINMEN THIRD DIVISION. Freight Service, First District: Gunnison to Salida: Conductors, $4 ; Brakemen, $3 per single trip. Overtime after ten hours. Salida to Sargent and return : Conductors, $4.85 ; Brakemen, $3.65. Overtime after twelve hours. Salida to Alamosa : Conductors, $4 ; Brakemen, $3. Overtime after nine hours. Swing Brakemen over Poncha Pass, $3 per round trip. Salida to Moffat or Mirage and return : Conductors, $4 ; Brakemen, $3. Overtime after nine hours. Salida to Villa Grove or Orient or Roundhill and return : Conductors, $4 ; Brake- men, $3. Overtime after nine hours. Salida to Monarch and return: Conductors, $4 ; Brakemen, $3. Overtime after nine hours. Freight Service, Second District : Between Cimarron and Montrose assigned crews : Conductors, $120 ; Brakemen, $80, per calendar month. Sapinero to Lake City and return : Conductors, $4 ; Brakemen, $3. Overtime to be paid after schedule time has been exceeded thirty minutes. DES MOINES, NORTHERN & WESTERN RAILWAY. 75 Montrose to Ouray and return : Conductors, $4 ; Brakemen, $3. Overtime after ten hours. Gunnison to Grand Junction : Conductors, $5 ; Brakemen, $3.75. Overtime after twelve hours. Gunnison to Ouray or Ridgway : Conductors, $4 ; Brakemen, $3. Overtime after ten hours. Gunnison to Montrose and return: Conductors, $5: Brakemen, $3.75. Overtime after twelve hours. Gunnison to Crested Butte : Conductor, $120, and Brakemen, $90, for thirty-nine round trips or less. Conductors, $2, and Brakemen, $1.50, for additional trips made luring the month. Main line crews to be paid Conductors, $2, and Brakemen, $1.50, per round trip, and stand first in, first out. If no other work is offered, Article 1 will apply. unnison to Aberdeen and return: Conductors, $1.40; Brakemen, $1, per round trip, and stand first out. Work Train Service, First and Second Districts : Regular work train Conductors will receive $120 and Brakemen $80, per calendar month, twelve hours to constitute a day's work. If road crews are called for work train service they shall be paid pro rata of district rates in running to and from their work, and overtime for actual time worked ; except when the pay for running to and from their work amounts to one day's pay, the allowance for work shall not commence until the stated number of hours for a day's work on that district is exceeded. Snow Plow and Flanger Service : Crews assigned to snow plow and flanger work to be paid as follows : Conductors, $4, and Brakemen, $3, per day of twelve hours, full time to be allowed during time assigned to this work. All other crews doing this work shall be paid at the regular trip rate for freight work in the district in which the work is done. Passenger Service: Special and extra passenger Conductors will receive $120 and Brakemen $80, per calendar month. Conductors will receive $125 and Brakemen $80, per calendar month, between Salida and Grand Junction, three crews assigned. Be- tween Montrose and Ouray : Conductors, $120, and Brakemen, $80, per calendar month, one crew assigned. Between Salida and Alamosa : Conductors, $120, and Brakemen, $80, per calendar month. When passenger crews are called to go out on lay-over day, to be paid at the rate of their regular monthly rate. Overtime: Overtime will be paid for at the rate of 40 cents per hour for Conduct- ors, and 30 cents per hour for Brakemen. Fractions less than thirty minutes will not be counted. Thirty minutes or more will be counted as one hour. February 20, 1892. N. W. SAMPLE, General Superintendent. DES MOINES, NORTHERN & WESTERN RAILWAY COMPANY. RULES RELATING TO CONDUCTORS. 1. The occupation of a Conductor is one that requires a knowledge of the sched- ules of time governing the road on which he is employed, as well as those issued by connecting lines ; a proper interpretation of the rules issued therewith and under which trains, both passenger and freight, are operated. 2. Persons hereafter appointed Conductors should be men of undoubted reputa- tion, good morals, temperate habits, and with an experience in train service on any line of road of not less than three years. 3. Seniority in service as Conductor shall hereafter govern in all cases of promo- tion from freight to passenger runs, merit being equal, this to be determined by the Trainmaster; it being understood that the rule generally to be pursued does not per- mit of transferring an employe from one division to another, to the detriment of the division employes. The future choice of runs shall be based upon this principle. 4. No Conductor shall be dismissed nor suspended from the service of the Company without just cause. In case a Conductor believes his discharge or suspension to have been unjust, he shall make a written statement of the facts in the premises and sub- mit it to the Trainmaster ; and at the same time designate any other Conductor who may be in the employ of the Company at the same time on the same division ; the Su- perintendent, together with the Conductor last referred to, shall investigate the case in question, and when at all practicable such investigation shall be made within five days from the date of the receipt of the communication from the Conductor. In case the aforesaid discharge or suspension be decided to have been unjust, he shall be rein- stated and paid half time for all time lost on said account. 5. When Conductors are laid off, on account of dullness of business, it shall be 76 DES MOINES, NORTHERN & WESTERN RAILWAY. done in the order of tne dates of their employment as Conductor, beginning with the Conductor last employed. 6. Conductors having charge of trains will be held responsible for their safe man- agement, and shall have a right to place their Brakemen as their best judgment may dictate so long as it does not conflict with time-table rules. 7. Time of Conductors in freight and passenger service shall be computed on the basis of 100 miles or less for a day's work ; and all time made by Conductors while on the road between terminal points, in excess of ten miles per hour on freight and eight hours per 100 miles on passenger will be considered overtime. 8. When Conductors are held in for snow plow service, they will be allowed regular pay for each day of twenty-four hours that they are so held subject to orders. 9. Conductors dead-heading on Company's business, will be paid half mileage ; and when required by this Company to attend court they shall be paid at the rate of $3 per day of twenty-four hours, and their expenses during attendance. The time to be counted while awaiting the Company's orders until they have an opportunity to take a run. 10. Delayed time between terminal stations will be paid for full delay less one hour, if delayed one hour and thirty-five minutes. It is understood that fractions of an hour less than thirty-five minutes will not be counted. Thirty- five minutes or over will be counted a full hour. In freight service, fifty miles or less shall constitute fifty miles, or one-half day's pay ; 100 miles or over fifty miles shall constitute 100 miles, or one day's pay. 11. The rules in regard to a Caller shall remain the same as heretofore. The pay of a Conductor shall begin from the time the train is ordered for, as shown on the or- der for calling, and shall continue to the time of arrival at the end of the run. When Conductors are required to switch at terminals, thirty five minutes or more, time shall be allowed. 12. Conductors called to make a trip, provided the train is afterwards annulled, shall be paid for two and one-half hours' time, on the basis of the pay they are receiving. 13. The following rates of pay will be allowed passenger and freight Conductors : Freight Conductors, local, 3 cents per mile, overtime, 30 cents per hour ; through, 2.9 cents per mile, overtime, 29 cents per hour. Passenger Conductors : Fonda division, $95 per month ; Boone division, $75 per month. Work train Conductors: Twelve hours and over eight, one day, $70 per month, overtime, 25 cents per hour. Promotions and preferments will be based upon merit and the general record of the men, and not entirely upon their age or duration of service ; economy in the run- ning of his train, and care for the Company's property while under his control, will always be considered as meriting reward. The articles enumerated above constitute in their entirety the agreement between this Company and its Conductors, and all rules previously in effect are by this agree- ment abolished. RULES RELATING TO BRAKEMEN. 1. Seniority in service as Brakeman shall hereafter govern in all cases of promo- tion from Brakeman to Conductor, merit being equal ; this to be determined by the Trainmaster, subject to an appeal to the Superintendent. It being understood that the rule generally to be pursued does not permit of transferring an employe from one division to another, to the detriment of the division employes. The future choice of runs shall be based upon this principle. 2. No Brake -nan shall be dismissed nor suspended from the service of the Company without just cause. In case a Brakeman believes his discharge or suspension to have been unjust, he shall make a written statement of the facts in the pre T ises and submit it to the Trainmaster, and at the same time designate any other Brakeman who may be in the employ of the Company at the time, on the same division, and the Trainmaster, together with the Brakeman last referred to, shall, in conjunction with the Superin- tendent, investigate the case in question, and when at all practicable such investiga- tion shall be made within five days from the date of the receipt of the communication from the Brakeman. In case the aforesaid discharge or suspension is decided to have been unjust, he shall be reinstated and paid half time for all time lost on said account. 3. When necessary to lay off Brakemen, on account of surplus of crews, it shall be done in the order of the dates of their employment as Brakemen, beginning with the Brakeman last employed. 4. Brakemen dead-heading on Company's business will be paid half mileage, and when required by this Company to attend court they shall be paid at the rate of $2 per day of twenty-four hours, and their expenses during attendance. The time to be counted while waiting the Company's orders until they have an opportunity to take a run. 5. When Brakemen are held in for snow plow service, they will be allowed the DULUTH & IRON RANGE R*Y. DULUTH, SO. SHORE & ATLANTIC R'Y. 77 regular rates they are receiving-, for each day of twenty-four hours that they are so held subject to orders. 6. Delayed time between terminal stations will be paid for full delay, less one hour, if delayed one hour and thirty-five minutes. It is understood that fractions of an hour less than thirty-five minutes will not be counted. Thirty-five minutes or over will be counted a full hour. In freight service fifty miles or less shall constitute fifty miles, or one-half day's pay ; 100 miles or over fifty miles shall constitute 100 miles, or one day's pay. 7. The rules in regard to a Caller shall remain the same as heretofore. The piy of the Brakeman shall begin from the time the train is ordered for, as shown on the order for calling, and shall continue to the time of arrival at the end of the run. When Brakemen are required to switch at terminals, thirty-five minutes or more, time shall be allowed. 8. Brakemen called to make a trip shall be paid, provided the train is afterwards annulled, for two and one-half hours' time on the basis of the pay they are receiving. 9. The following rates of pay will be allowed passenger and freight Brakemen : Freight Brakemen, local, 2 cents per mile, overtime, 20 cents per hour; through, 1.9 cents per mile, overtime, 19 cents per hour. Passenger Brakemen, $45 per month. Work train Brakemen, twelve hours and over eight, one day, $45 per month, overtime at proportionate rates. L. M. MARTIN, December 31, 1891. General Manager. DULUTH & IRON RANGE RAILROAD COMPANY. We pay our freight and ore men : Conductors, 2f cents per mile ; Brakemen, 2 cents per mile. Work train Conductors, 3i cents per mile ; Brakemen, 2i cents per mile. Yard Foremen, $2.65 per day; Switchmen, $2.50 per day. Passenger Conduct- ors, $100 per calendar month ; Brakemen, $52 for twenty-six days. May 31, 1892. THOS. OWENS, Superintendent. DULUTH, SOUTH SHORE & ATLANTIC RAILWAY. 1. Wages for Conductors: The compensation shall be as follows : For the first year's services, $70 ; the second year, $75, and the third year, $78, for 2,600 miles or twenty-six days or less. The pay of mixed train Conductors to be computed at freight rates, the monthly compensation to be based on a mileage of 2,600 miles or twenty-six days per month, and any excess over 2,600 miles or twenty-six days, Conductors and Brakemen will be paid in the same proportion as the monthly compensation is to 2,600 miles. If the mileage of a freight Conductor or Brakeman falls below 2,600 miles in any one month, and he has been ready for service, losing no time on his own account, in such case full time for 2,600 miles shall be allowed, provided they report for work three times a day. 2. Should it become necessary to reduce the force on account of decreased busi- ness, the Conductor still remains in the employ of the Company as Biakeman, his promotion is to date from the time he made his first trip as Conductor ; and he shall receive the highest rate paid Brakemen. 3. Conductors and Brakemen will be allowed ten miles per hour for dead-heading on passenger trains ; all other dead-heading will be computed as actual miles run. 4. In case of dismissal or suspension of a Conductor or Brakeman by anyone belo'v the Division Superintendent in rank, he shall have the right to appeal to the Division Superintendent for a full and impartial investigation; should the Division Superin- tendent fail to adjust the case, the Conductor or Brakeman may appeal to the General Manager. 5. No fault will be found with any Conductor or Brakeman who refuses to go out on account of needed rest, eight hours being considered sufficient. 6. When a freight Conductor or Brakeman is taken from his run for an alleged fault an investigation will be held within five days. If found innocent he s^all receive pay for all time lost. No punishment will be fixed without a thorough investigation. 7. Conductors and Brakemen will be allowed to lay off on account of the sickness of themselves or their families, provided due notice is given to the proper officials so that their places may be filled by other men. 8. The rights of a Conductor commence on the day of his promotion, and he shall have the choice of runs to which his age and qualifications as Conductor entitle him. 9. Where passenger crews run over more than one freight division the oldest 7S DULUTH, SOUTH SHORE & ATLANTIC RAILWAY. freight Conductor on either division will be considered as entitled to passenger runs, merit and ability for increased responsibility to govern. 10. On other than assigned runs the crews will run, first in, first out. 11. Conductors and Brakemen will be paid for all delayed time at terminal sta- tions, provided the delay exceeds thirty-five minutes, they will also be paid for all de- layed time between terminal stations in cases of accidents, wash-outs and being snow-bound. No claim will be made unless there is thirty-five minutes delay. All de- layed time will be paid at the rate of ten miles per hour, eleven hours to constitute a day's work. 12. The Switchmen's schedule to go into effect at the following yards, St. Ignace, Marquette, Negaunee, Ishpeming, Humboldt, Republic, Michigamme and Houghton, at the same time as trainmen's schedule. 13. The following rates of pay shall be paid yardmen : Day men in charge of engines shall be paid $65 for twenty-six days, ten hours to constitute a day's work, overtime to be paid at the same rate ; day Helpers to be paid $60 for twenty-six days, ten hours to constitute a day's work, overtime to be paid at the same rate ; night men in charge of engines to be paid $70 for twenty-six days, ten hours to constitute a day's work, overtime to be paid at the same rate ; night Helpers to be paid $65 for twenty- six days, ten hours to constitute a day's work. 14. In the matter of overtime anything over twenty minutes shall go in as one hour. 15. The pay of mixed train Brakemen will be computed at freight train rates. 16. Rules for Computation: The monthly compensation is to be based on a mileage of 2,600 miles or twenty-six days per month, and any excess over the mileage made by freight Brakemen will be paid for on the same proportion as the monthly compensa- tion is to 2,600 miles. 17. Brakemen who are laid off, owing to decreased business; will be reinstated and hold their rights, provided they report for work when wanted. 18. Freight Brakemen will be notified when time is not allowed, as per trip report, and reason given. 19. Extra Mileage: All runs of less than 100 miles will be computed as one day's work, provided the men do not go out again the same day, except in branch runs where the mileage is less than sixty miles per day, where the Company agrees to make special agreement with the Brakemen as to the compensation they will receive. 20. Delayed Time : Brakemen will be called as nearly as possible one hour before the leaving of their trains. 21. Dead-head Time: When freight crews and way cars are ordered dead-headed, the crews will accompany their way cars. In ordering crews the first crew will run the train, the next crew dead-heading, when such service is required, dead-head crews be- ing ahead of said crew on reaching terminal run. 22. The rights of a Brakeman commence on the day of his first trip. 23. The employment of the Brakemen is placed in the hands of the Division Su- perintendents or their representatives, but Brakemen will in all cases be placed as the Conductor's best judgment may dictate. If a Brakeman transfers from either the freight or passenger departments to the other, he forfeits all rights in the department which he leaves, and will be classed as a new employe, except in the case of disability. 24. In examining men on the books of rules, for promotion, the oldest Brakeman must have the preference, merit and competency being equal. 25. Call boys will be provided with a book on which Brakemen will register their names and the time they are called. 26. All delayed time will be paid at the rate of ten miles per hour. 27. Extra men to be allowed duty time, same as men who are assigned to regular runs. 28. Passenger Service: Passenger train Baggagemen handling express to be paid $65 for present work and mileage. 29. Passenger train Brakemen to be paid at the rate of $50 per month for present work and mileage. Freight train Brakemen to receive $45 per month for first two months, and 2 cents per mile thereafter. 30. Where it becomes necessary to add to the force of Conductors, men shall be promoted from the ranks of Brakemen, merit and ability for increased responsibility to govern, but all old Brakemen to have a fair and impartial examination Without prejudice. W. F. FITCH, For the Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen : General Manager. J. B. MASON, JAS. M'CURDY, CHAS. BEAUDRY, JAS. DORAN, HORACE FEE. July 1, 1892. E. TEN., VIR. & GA., KNOXV. & O., MEM. & CHAR., AND MO. BIRM. R'YS. 79 EAST TENNESSEE, VIRGINIA & GEORGIA RAILWAY; KNOXVILLE & OHIO RAILROAD ; MEMPHIS & CHARLESTON RAILROAD, AND MOBILE & BIR- MINGHAM RAILWAY 1. All through passenger Conductors will be paid $110 per month. 2. All local freight Conductors will be paid $90 per month, and crews assigned as it present date. 3. Sunday or extra work, done by local crews, shall be paid extra at the regular rates for such service. 4. No more through freight Conductors than are necessary to conduct the busi- ness in a proper manner shall be employed. When Conductors are not making fair wages the Superintendent's attention shall be called to the matter and, if not cor- rected, the same shall be referred to the general officers. The younger Conductors shall be taken off first, and shall be allowed to drop back as oldest Brakeman. 5. All Conductors doing work, other than their regular runs, shall be paid extra for such service, at regular rates of pay. This does not apply to branch Conductors making extra trips on branches. 6. No Conductor shall be required, by the Railroad Company, to give bond for handling mail, baggage or express, unless he is paid extra for such work. 7. Delayed time will not be allowed until the schedule time of the train shall have aeen exceeded by two hours. Wnen the schedule time has been exceeded by two tiours, and less than two hours and thirty minutes, two hours will be allowed. If ex- eeded by two hours and thirty minutes, three hours will be allowed ; all fractional parts in excess of thirty minutes shall be counted one hour. 8. Thirty cents per hour to be paid for all delayed time, as per Section 7. 9. In computing overtime for extra freight trains, the average time of the long- est and shortest through freight schedule of the division on which the extra is run shall be taken. 10. If a Conductor is called and, for any reason other than his own action, does not go out, he will be paid 30 cents per hour for the time so held, and will retain his rights to first run out, except where crews are assigned to regular runs. 11. Conductors will be notified when time is not allowed, as per their time ticket. 12. Conductors reporting for duty, after being off, shall register on the train reg- ister, and take their turn out as they appear on said register ; unless their crew has been run by an extra man, when they will take his turn out. 13. Conductors not assigned to regular runs shall run first in, first out, on their respective divisions. 14. The oldest Conductor in service shall be given choice of run, and stand in line of promotion, in accordance with time card rule No. 7, subject to decision of general officers in cases of differences of opinion. 15. Conductors shall not be required to wait over thirty minutes at terminal sta- tions, where Conductors are required to check seals, for clerk to check and sign seal report ; if so, delayed time shall be paid. 16. Conductors voluntarily transferring from one division to another shall stand as new men. 17. Conductors living within one mile of the yard office shall be called, as near as practicable, one hour before leaving time of their respective runs. The Caller shall be provided with a book, in which Conductors will sign their names and time called. 18. Conductors' time shall commence when they register for duty, in a book pro- vided for that purpose. 19. Conductors attending court or legal investigations, as witnesses, shall be paid $3.50 per day and expenses ; the Company being entitled to witness' certificates. 20. No Conductor shall be required to pay a fine for any accident, or for any short or damaged freight, unless he so desires. 21. No Conductor will be required to pay for lamps, equipment nor supplies of any kind. Conductors agree to take the best possible care of all equipment and supplies furnished them. 22. Conductors dead-heading with caboose shall be paid the regular rate of pay. If dead-heading to any point to take charge of a train, they shall be paid the regular rate of pay of the run taken charge of, and continue that rate until they are returned to their respective runs. 23. There shall be a Conductor with all light engines run over the road, except in cases of emergency. This does not apply to the pay-car engine. 24. Freight Conductors will not be required to wear caps nor uniforms, but will wear a badge furnished by the Company. 25. As far as practicable all short cars shall be switched in station order, and in front end of train ; all open cars switched together, loads in front, and a sufficient 80 ELGIN, JOLIET & EASTERN R'Y. EALL BROOK COAL CO. number of cars with good brakes to control the train, placed in the rear ; such switch- ing to be done by yard crews. 26. In case of accident, the Conductor shall only procure the signatures of his crew to accident report, except in cases of personal injury, such report to be left at proper office, for other signatures desired. 27. No Conductor relieved shall be suspended nor discharged until after a thor- ough investigation ; all evidence shall be reduced to writing, and taken in the presence of a Conductor of his choice. If acquitted, he shall be paid all time lost ; if dis- charged, he shall be paid for time in excess of five days required for the investigation. 28. The Division Superintendent shall preside over all investigating boards, when Eracticable, but no Conductor shall be discharged until the Superintendent has exam- led all the evidence in the case. 29. Any Conductor has the right to appeal from the decision of the division officer to the general officers, except dismissal for drunkenness. 30. It is further agreed, that, in case this agreement is violated by any party af- fected by it, instant notice shall be given to the Superintendent of the division within whose jurisdiction such violation occurred, such Superintendent shall immediately take all requisite proceedings, and make all necessary orders to correct the the viola- tion, or failure of compliance, so as to enforce at all times strict performance of this agreement. 31. Complaints of violation of this agreement, not presented to Superintendent within thirty days of the occurrence, will not be considered. SCHEDULE OF WAGES. RANK. Passenger Conductors, through, per month. Passenger Conductors, local, per month Baggagemen, per month Passenger Brakemen, per month Freight Conductors, through, per 100 miles Freight Conductors, local, per month Freight Brakemen, through, per 100 milee . Freight Brakemen, local, per 100 miles General Yardmasters, per month Yardmasters, day, per month Yardmasters, night, per month Yard Conductors, per month Yard Couplers, per day Yard Switchmen, per day BATE. $11000 90 00 50 00 45 00 2 80 9000 1 45 1 80 j 110 (X) I 125 00 j 60 <0 f 100 00 j 7000 | 90 00 I 40 00 I 75 00 j 1 25 I 200 I 125 I 1 50 W. A. VAUGHN, Approved : C. H. HUDSON, General Manager. General Superintendent. May 21, 1892. ELGIN, JOLIET & EASTERN RAILWAY COMPANY. Scale of wages, per month of twenty-six days : Conductors, freight and passenger, $90 ; Brakemen, $50 ; Yard Foremen, day, $65 ; Yard Helpers, day, $60 ; Yard Foremen, night, $75 ; Yard Helpers, night, $70. GEO. O. CLINTON, May 10, 1892. Superintendent. FALL BROOK COAL COMPANY. Passenger Conductors receive $80 per month. Freight and coal train Conductors : First year, $2.25; second year, $2.40; third year and thereafter, $2.50, per day each year. From the commencement they are all entitled to $60 premium, provided their services have been ENTIRELY SATISFACTORY during the year. Train Baggagemen, from $50 to $70 per month, some of these are joint with the express company. Brakemen : First year, $1.621; second year and thereafter, $1.75. Flagmen, $1.85". Switchmen: Day, $1.90 ; night, $2.15, for twelve hours' work. Our men run by the trip, and after a train is four hours late they get hour for hour until they reach terminal. As we pay our men overtime, for the year 1890 they averaged nine hours and fifty-three minutes for a day's work, and for the year 1891 they averaged nine hours and fifty-seven minutes. G. R. BROWN, May 17, 1892. General Superintendent. F. M. D. N. R'Y. F. M. D. S. R 5 Y ; F. & P. M. R'Y. F. W. & R. G. R'Y. G. N. R'Y. 81 FERROCARRIL MEXICANO DEL NORTE. Conductors, $150.00 per month; Baggagemen and Express Messengers, $80.00 per lonth, $45.00 by Express Company and $35.00 by Railroad; Brakemen, Mexican, $50.00 er month; Yardmasters, $135.00 per month; Switchmen, $60.00 per month. May 11, 1892. V. P. S AFFORD, Superintendent. FERROCARRIL MEXICANO DEL SUR. Engine-drivers, American, $150 per month ; Engine-drivers, Mexican, $100 per month. Firemen, Mexican, $1.50 per day. Conductors, American, $125 per month. Baggage- masters (train), Mexican, $60=per month. Rear Brakemen, Mexican, $1.35 per day ; rdinary Brakemen, Mexican, $1.25 per day. Yardmasters, American, $125 per month ; fardmasters, Mexican, $75 per month. Yardmen and Switchmen, Mexican, $1.50 >er day. The foregoing wages are all payable in Mexican silver. No distinction is made at present between Engineers, Conductors, Firemen, etc., of passenger, freight or onstruction trains so far as their pay is concerned. No mileage basis is used, but rainmen of regular trains are allowed extra time when called upon to take out spec- als on their lay-over days. A fair monthly mileage average would be about 2,800 miles per month on mixed trains for each man, and more or less the same for freight ind construction trains. We have no regular passenger trains at present. May 15, 1892. W. MORCON, Manager.. FLINT & PERE MARQUETTE RAILROAD. Passenger : Conductors, $100 per month ; Baggagemen, $2 per day ; Brakemerr,, >1.90 per day. Local Freight : Conductors, 4 cents per mile ; Brakemen, 2.8 cents per mile ; overtime, at 27 and 18 cents per hour, to be allowed for over twelve hours from ;ime of commencing work at one terminal until arrival at other terminal. Through Freight : Conductors, 3 cents per mile ; Brakemen, 2 cents per mile ; overtime after welve hours on any division, at 27 cents per hour for Conductors and 18 cents per hour or Brakemen ; time to commence from time marked or scheduled to leave one termi- lal until arrival at other terminal. Log: Conductors, 3 cents per mile; Brakemen, 2. ,ents per mile ; overtime, at 27 and 18 cents per hour, after eight hours between main; ine points. Wood, Work, Tie and Gravel : Conductors, $3 per day ; Brakemen, $2 per lay ; overtime after twelve hours, at 27 and 18 cents per hour. Snow Plow : Conduct- )rs, 3 cents per mile ; Brakemen, 2 cents per mile ; for actual mileage, but allowed ten; miles per hour for actual time consumed. Yard Service: Night Foremen, $2.50 per .ay or 25 cents per hour ; night Helpers, $2.10 per day or 21 cents per hour ; overtime ifter ten hours, at 25 and 21 cents per hour ; day Foremen, $2.35 per day or 23i cents; er hour ; day Helpers, $2 per day or 20 cents per hour ; overtime after ten hours, at and 20 cents per hour. W. F. POTTER, May 11, 1892. General Superintendent. FORT WORTH & RIO GRANDE RAILWAY COMPANY. Passenger Conductors, $100.00 per month. Freight Conductors, 3 cents per mile- freight Brakemen, 2 cents per mile. Passenger Porters, $50.00 per month, no Brake- men. Passenger Engineers, 31 cents per mile. Freight Engineers, 4 cents per mile- freight Firemen, 2i cents per mile. Passenger Firemen, 2 cents per mile. Overtime igured 10 miles per hour at same ratio. A. A. MILLER, May 28, 1892. Superintendent Transportation. JREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY; WILLMAR & SIOUX FALLS RAILWAY, ANI> DULUTH, WATERTOWN & PACIFIC RAILWAY. Passenger Conductors, $100.00 per month. Passenger Brakemen, $50.00 per month - Train Baggagemen, $55.00 per month. Freight Conductors, 3 cents per mile. Freight 3rakeman, 2 cents per mile. Work train Conductors, $80.00 per month. Work train Brakemen, $60.00 per month. Yardmasters, $125.00 per month. Assistant Yardmas- :ers, $105.00 per month. Night Yardmasters, $95.00 per month. Day Foremen, $2.69> Der day. Night Foremen, $2.89 per day. Day Switchmen, $2.50 per day. Night. 82 HOUSTON & TEXAS CENTRAL RAILWAY. ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILWAY. Switchmen, $2.69 per day. A standard day's work for freight trainmen is a run of 10( miles, to be made within a continuous period of ten hours or less, fractions of one-hal hour or more, above 10 hours, to be computed as a full hour, and of less than one-half hou to be rejected, mileage being allowed for this overtime at the rate of ten miles pe hour. For work train Conductors 12 hours constitute a day's work, and the work day in each calendar month constitute a month's work ; all overtime to be paid pro rata Snow plow men are paid on the same basis as freight trainmen. The salary of train men running mixed trains is fixed by Division Superintendent, with regard to the seal of wages established for other trainmen, on such basis as will offer a just compensatio for the service rendered. Yardmen at points outside Minneapolis and St. Paul ar paid in accordance with the amount of work they have to do, reference being had t the scale of wages paid in St. Paul and Minneapolis. May 9, 1892. C. W. CASE, General Superintendent HOUSTON & TEXAS CENTRAL RAILWAY COMPANY. Main line passenger Conductors, $120 per month ; Brakemen, $55. Mixed train Conductors, $100 per month. Freight Conductors, $90 per month, and 3 cents per mil for each mile over 3.000 ; Brakemen, $60 per month, and 2 cents per mile for each mil over 3,000. Train Baggagemen, $65 per month. Yard men, at Houston yard : Genera Yardmaster, $150 per month; night Yardmaster, $110 per month; day Foreman, 2 cents per hour ; night Foremen, 29 cents per hour; day Switchmen, 25 cents per hour night Switchmen, 27 cents per hour. At other points day Yardm asters are paid from $80 to $90 per month; night Yardmasters, $75 to $80 per month: Switchmen, $2.10 t $2.25 per day. G. A. QUINLAN, . May 13, 1892. Chief Engineer and General Superintendent. ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD COMPANY. PASSENGER SERVICE. RANK. 4,000 miles, or less on regular runs, per cal- endar month. Over 4,000 miles to 6,000 per cal- endar month. Over 6,000 miles per calendar month, extra per mile. Conductors through. 1100 00 $115 00 $0 02 55 (0 60 00 0196 Brakeinen and Flagmen, through 50 00 55 00 01 30 00 35 00 006 Conductors local or branch 90 00 105 00 0175 Baggagemen local or branch 50 00 55 00 01 Brakemen and Flagmen, local or branch Train Porters local or branch 45 00 30 00 50 00 35 00 009 006 2. Crews regularly assigned to fast mail runs between Chicago and Centralia wi' be allowed the maximum monthly rate established for through passenger service This allowance to cover all mileage made on their assigned runs. 3. Passenger crews assigned to regular runs, failing to make a full month, will be I>aid pro rata for services performed. 4. Passenger crews on regular runs doubling to make up time lost by other men ^nll be allowed the extra mileage so made at the regular rates for such runs in addi tion to their regular compensation. 5. When regularly assigned passenger men are called upon to run extra or specia passenger trains, they will be paid the same mileage rate as they would receive 01 thf ir regular runs for all mileage so made. 6. Freight crews temporarily on regular passenger runs will be paid at the regula rates for such runs. Freight crews assigned to special passenger trains will be paid a local passenger rates for mileage so made. 7. When through and local passenger runs are pooled, and passenger crews rm around in turn, the classification of the pooled runs will be determined by the class o train which contributes the greatest portion of the mileage, and all crews will receiv alike the rates of pay for that service. 8. Through passenger trains will comprise those runs which have a continuou schedule over more than one division, and change crews at division points. Train scheduled on one division, and run through by the same crew, are local passenge trains. 9. Pay car and special runs will be classed as local. 10. When trainmen desire to lay off they shall do so at the point designated fo ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILWAY. 83 the purpose by their Trainmaster, otherwise they will pay the mileage of men sent to take their places when they request to be relieved from duty. 11. It is the intention that no unreasonable service in making extra mileage shall be exacted under this schedule from passenger crews on regular, assigned runs. 12. FREIGHT SERVICE. BANK. BATE. OVEBTIME. Conductors irregular freight runs ... $0 03 per mile. 02 per mile 90 00 per month. 60 00 per month. 90 00 per month. 55 00 per month. 10 miles per hour. 10 miles per hour. 30 cents per hour. 20 cents per hour. 30 cents per hour. 20 cents per hour Brakemen irregular freight runs Conductors, local freight and mixed trains Brakemen local freight and mixed trains Conductors, work trains Brakemen work trains Colored Brakemen on lines south of Ohio river will be paid 15 per cent, less than white Brakemen. 13. There shall be two grades of freight Conductors and Brakemen. For first year's service 10 per cent, less than the established rates will be paid. After one year's service full rates as provided in this schedule will be paid: 36,000 miles actual service to be considered the first year's service. To freight Conductors promoted between October 1, 1890, and November 1, 1891, a refund will be made of the 10 per cent, reduc- tion from full rates on the last six months of the first year of actual service as Con- ductors ; and to all freight Conductors promoted on or after November 1, 1891, a refund will be made of the full 10 per cent, reduction from full rates for the year. Refund will be made upon application at the expiration of the first year's service as above, provided they render faithful and efficient service, have clear record, and prove them- selves reliable, competent men. Experienced Conductors and Brakemen employed from other roads will receive full rates of pay. 14. The actual number of days in any calendar month, of twelve hours per day, exclusive of Sundays, will constitute a month's work for that month in local or mixed freight or work train service, except on those local freight runs to which three crews are assigned. On local freight runs having three regular crews, four single trips per week over the district will constitute full time, thirteen hours being allowed for each trip. Crews assigned to regular freight runs will be paid additional, at established rates, for extra trips run outside of their regular work. No deduction will be made from the pay of work train crews by reason of their not working, when ready for duty and not assigned to other duty or relieved at district terminal. 15. Overtime will be allowed as follows : Crews in irregular freight service, on runs not otherwise specified, for time on duty in excess of one hour for each ten miles run. On local freight or mixed runs where single trip is made each working day, after twelve hours continuous service ; and on such runs where four trips per week are made, after thirteen hours' continuous service. On local freight turn-around trips, where the time consumed on the road and in switching at turn-around points exceeds twelve hours. In work train service, after twelve hours on duty. In computing overtime any fraction of an hour, thirty minutes or less, will not be counted; over thirty minutes vvill be called an hour. 16. In local freight service there shall be three crews with three Brakemen on each crew assigned to each main' line district between Chicago and New Orleans, Chi- x cago and Sioux City, Centralia and Amboy ; also between Springfield and Oilman. On the Water Valley district, during the months of light bubines, the number of crews may be reduced to two. On local freight runs not specified the Division Superintendent will arrange the assignment of men and crews as is consistent with the requirements of the service and business. 17. When a crew is called ft r a freight trip of 50 miles or less, 50 miles will be al- lowed ; and where over six hours are consumed in a run, 100 miles will be allowed. When called for a freight trip of over 50 miles and less than 100 miles, 100 miles will be allowed ; and when more than 100 miles, actual mileage will govern. Overtime on such trips will be allowed when the time consumed on the road and in switching at turn- around points is in excess of six hours on a run where 50 miles is allowed, and twelve hours on a run where 100 miles is allowed. Districts 90 miles or over, and less than 100 miles, will be allowed 100 miles for each single trip over the district. Districts less than 90 miles will be allowed 100 miles unless doubled on the same date, in which case actual mileage will be allowed. This rule not to interfere with the present allowance of mileage between Amboy and Freeport. Crews required to double between Mendota and Sublette will be allowed 20 miles extra for each double. 18. When a crew is called for work train service, one-half day will be allowed when on duty six hours or less ; if over six hours, a full day will be allowed, with extra time for service over twelve hours. 84 ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILWAY. 19. Mileage will be allowed on the following- runs, as specified below : BUNS. Chicago to Kankakee or Otto and return Champaign to Efflngham and return Centralia to DuQuoin and return Centralia to Carbondale and return Mounds to Carbondale and return Mounds to DuQuoin and return Clinton to Springfield and return Clinton to Oilman and return Clinton to Pana and return Clinton to Vandalia and return Mounds to Martin and return Jackson, Tenn., to Grand Junction and return. Jackson, Tenn., to Holly Springs and return. . . Water Valley to Holly Springs and return Water Valley to Durant and return Canton to Durant and return Canton to Grenada and return. McComb City to Jackson, Miss., and return. 150 145 100 130 110 200 100 150 135 175 200 100 200 100 200 100 200 200 Overtime on the above turn-around trips will be allowed for all time used on the round trip in excess of ten miles per hour, less four hours at Kankakee, Otto, DuQuoin, Martin and Pana, and two hours at other turning- points. Time to be reckoned from starting point to time of arrival back at starting point. An exception will be made in case of the turn- around trip from Centralia to DuQuoin and return, where only two hours will be deducted in computing time. When Chicago district crews are held over at Oilman to exceed fifteen hours, except Sunda} 7 , time in excess of fifteen hours will be paid for at the rate of ten miles per hour. 20. For light runs, engine and caboose, full mileage will be allowed. 21. Crews dead-heading under orders on passenger trains will be paid one half their regular rates. On freight trains they will be paid full rates. 22. It is the intention to run crews not assigned to regular runs, first in, first out, but the right is reserved to depart from this rule when the interests of the Company require it. 23. On the main line and Memphis and Springfield divisions trainmen not on regu- larly assigned runs, and living within one mile of the yard, will be called as nearly as practicable one hour before the leaving time of their train. Men on regularly assigned runs will be called between the hours of 7 P. M. and 7 A. M. The working time of train- men will begin at the time set for the departure of their train, except when crews assigned to regular runs are notified at least one hour before the leaving time of their train of the time at which they are required to report for duty. 24. Where time is not allowed as per Conductor's time slip it shall be returned to him at once, with reasons for not allowing same. 25. Conductors and Brakemen will not be dismissed nor suspended from the Com- pany's service without just cause. In case of suspension or dismissal if the employe thinks his sentence unjust, he shall have the right within ten days to refer his case, by written statement, to the Division Superintendent. Within ten days from the receipt of this notice his case shall have a thorough investigation by the Division Superin- tendent, at which he shall be present. In case he shall not be satisfied with the result of said investigation, he shall have the right to appeal to the General Superintendent and to the General Manager. In case the suspension or dismissal is found to be unjust, he shall be reinstated and paid for time lost. 26. When freight crews are called and report for duty, and for any cause the train is abandoned, they shall be paid at overtime rates for each hour so held on duty and will stand first out. 27. Trainmen attending court at the request of the Company, if on assigned runs, shall be allowed full time, and when in irregular service, 100 miles per day, until or- dered to resume work in the department in which they are employed, with the neces- sary expenses while away from home, same not to exceed $2 per day. 28. Trainmen will be allowed eight hours' rest after sixteen hours' continuous service, unless they go out voluntarily. 29. The right to regular runs and to promotion will be governed by merit, ability and t-eniority. Everything being equal, the men longest in continuous service will have preference, the Division Superintendent to be the judge as to qualifications. Nothing in this article shall be construed as preventing the Company from employing experienced men from other roads, when the good of the service requires it. 30. In event of there being a surplus of crews and it becomes necessary to reduce their number, the oldest men shall have preference in employment except where, in the judgment of the Division Superintendent, for good reasons which will be made INDIANAPOLIS. DECATUR & WESTERN R'Y. INTERCOLONIAL R'Y OF CANADA. 85 known upon application, younger men in the service are considered more reliable and efficient ; it being the intention to retain the most capable men in the service. Con- ductors retired by reason of a reduction of crews shall have preference in employment as Brakemen. 31. So far as consistent with the interests of the Company the number of crews will be kept down to correspond with the business, so that crews in irregular freight service may make 3,000 miles per month. 32. It is hereby understood to be the duty of Conductors to promptly file charges, in writing, to their superior officer, against any unreliable or unsafe Brakeman who may have been assigned to them ; and, in the interest of retaining in the service the best men, it shall be the duty of such superior officer to promptly investigate, and if the charges preferred are found correct, such Brakeman is not to be transferred to another crew, but promptly dismissed. 33. Any grievance which may exist and is not rectified shall be presented, in writ- ing, to the Division Superintendent within thirty days of its occurrence, to the end that proper action toward its abatement may be taken without unnecessary delay. 34. All schedules, rules and regulations in conflict with these now adopted are void. 35. No portion of this agreement will be violated nor abrogated by any party thereto without written notice of such intention being served on all parties hereto, at least fifteen days before any action will be taken. A. W. SULLIVAN, For Passenger and Freight Trainmen : General Superintendent. W. J. MURPHY, Chairman of Committee. Approved: J. T. KARA HAN, December 1, 1891. Second Vice President. INDIANAPOLIS, DECATUR & WESTERN RAILWAY. Passenger Conductors, H cents per mile. Passenger Brakemen, 8-10 cents per mile. Baggagemaster and Express Messenger (our proportion) 80 cents per trip. Bag- gagemaster and Express Messenger (Tuscola Accommodation), $20 per month. Local freight Conductors, 3 cents per mile. Through freight Conductors, 2i cents per mile. Local freight Brakemen, 2 cents per mile, three men to crew. Through freight Brakemen, H cents per mile. Passenger Engineers, 3 cents per mile. Local freight Engineers, 4 cents per mile. Through freight Engineers, 3f cents per mile. Firemen, 55 per cent, of Engineers' pay. Construction, gravel and wreck trains: Conductor, $2.50 per day of ten hours; 25 cents per hour overtime. Brakemen, $1.50 per day; 15 cents per hour overtime. Engineers, $3 per day; 30 cents per hour overtime. Indian- apolis Yard: Yardmaster, day, $100 per month; night, $90 per month. Foreman, day, 25 cents per hour; night, 26 cents per hour. Brakeman, day, 23 cents per hour; night. 24 cents per hour. Yardmaster at Decatur, $65 per month. Brakemen, $45. Overtime for all time over one hour late on regular trains as follows: Conductors and Engineers, 30 cents per hour. Brakemen, 20 cents per hour. Firemen fifty-five per cent of Engineers. L. A. BOYD, May 12th, 1892. Superintendent. INTERCOLONIAL RAILWAY OF CANADA. SERVICE. CONDUCTORS, PER DAY BRAKEMENt PER DAY. First SIT Tnonths $1 75 $1 20 Second six months. . 1 75 25 Second year 1 80 30 Third year 1 90 35 Fourth year. 2 00 40 Fifth year . 2 10 45 Sixth year* 2 20 50 Seventh year 2 30 Eighth year 2 40 * Ninth year and afterwards 2 50 * After the sixth year Brakemen and Switchmen receive $1.50 per day. t Switchmen receive same pay as Brakemen. Shunters in the yards 5 cents per day more than Brakemen, but not a higher rate than $1.50. Foreman Shunters, $1.60 per day. Yardmasters are paid $1.75 and $2 per day according to the importance of the station at which they are employed. "D. POTTINGER, May 19th, 1892. Chief Superintendent. 86 INT. & G. N. R'Y. i. R'Y. OF MEX. IOWA CENT. R'Y. JACK." & so. EAST R'Y. INTERNATIONAL & GREAT NORTHERN RAILROAD. SCHEDULE OF WAGES. BANK. RATE. Conductors, passenger, per month ... .... $100 00 Brakemen, passenger per month 55 00 Train Porters, passenger, per month 40 00 Baggagemasters, per month 60 00 Conductors, freight, per mile 03 Brakemen, freight, per mile f 2 Yardro asters, d*ay, in large yards per month 125 00 Yardmasters, night, in large yards, per mont 100 00 Foremen, day, in large yards^per day of Ten hours 2 70 Foremen, night, in large yards, per day of ten hourn 2 90 Switchmen, day, in large yards, per day of ten hours 2 50 Switchmen, night, in large yards, per day of ten hours 2 70 May 9, 1892. T. G. GOLDEN, General Superintendent. INTEROCEANIC RAILWAY OF MEXICO, LIMITED. Conductors, from $80 to $100 per month. Train Baggagemen, $70 per month. Brakemen, Switchmen and Yardmen, $1 per day. CHARLES CLEGG, May 20, 1892. General Manager. IOWA CENTRAL RAILWAY COMPANY. I Conductors : Passenger, $105 per month ; through freight, $2.90 per 100 miles ; local freight, $3 and $3.10 per trip, according to division. Brakemen : Passenger, $45 and $50 per month, according to run ; through freight, $1.90 per 100 miles : local freight, $2 and $2.15 per trip. Yardmasters, $90 and $100 per month. Foremen, day, $2.25 per day ; night, $2.40. Switchmen, day, $2 per day; night, $2.15, at all points except Bartlett, which is near Peoria, where we work days only, and pay : Foremen, 27 cents per hour ; Switchmen, 25 cents per hour. C. H. ACKERT, May 16, 1892. General Manager. JACKSONVILLE SOUTHEASTERN LINE. 1. All Conductors and Brakemen in passenger service shall be paid as follows : Conductors on through runs between St. Louis and Eureka, $100 per month : Brakemen on through runs between St. Louis and Eureka, $50 per month ; all other passenger Conductors, $90 per month ; all other passenger Brakemen, $50 per month. 2. All Conductors and Brakemen in freight service shall be paid as follows : On all local freights, Conductors to be paid $3.45 per trip ; on all local freights, Brakemen to be paid $2.30 per trip ; 100 miles or less to constitute a day's work ; twelve hours or less to constitute a day's work ; no overtime to be allowed unless those hours are ex- ceeded ; for every hour or fractional part of an hour in excess of twelve hours shall be paid Conductors, 30 cents per hour, and Brakemen, 20 cents per hour; more than thirty minutes counting one hour, less than thirty minutes counting nothing. Through freight crews to be run first in, first out of all terminals. Through freight Conductors to be paid 3 cents per mile ; through freight Brakemen to be paid 2 cents per mile ; 100 miles or less to constitute a day's work ; ten hours or less to constitute a day's work ; no overtime to be allowed unless those hours are exceeded ; for every hour or fractional part of an hour in excess of ten hours Conductors shall be paid 30 cents per hour, Brake- men shall be paid 20 cents per hour ; more than thirty minutes counting one hour, less than thirty minutes counting nothing. In computing delayed time for special or extra trains not run on schedule, the average train of the same class to be taken as their basis for schedule time. Exceptions : Through freight doubles between Jacksonville and Peoria, when made in eighteen hours or less, to be paid on mileage basis ; if over eighteen hours, two days or 200 miles. Through freight doubles between Jacksonville and Litchfield, when made in sixteen hours or less, to be paid on mileage basis ; if over sixteen hours, two days or 200 miles. KANSAS CITY BELT R'Y. KANSAS CITY, FORT SCOTT & MEMPHIS R'Y. 87 3. All work train Conductors shall be paid $3 per day ; all work train Brakemen shall be paid $2 per day ; twelve hours or less to constitute a day's work ; 100 miles or less to constitute a day's work; no overtime to be allowed unless those hours are ex- ceeded ; for every hour or fractional part of an hour in excess of twelve hours Con- ductors shall be paid 30 cents per hour, Brakemen 20 cents per hour ; more than thirty minutes counting" one hour, less than thirty minutes counting nothing. 4. The time of all Conductors and Brakemen shall commence one hour after the Caller's book is signed, and to end when relieved from duty. Conductors and Brake- men shall not be called for duty until one hour before their train is ready to leave, un- less otherwise arranged to get meals. 5. When Conductors and Brakemen are ordered out and are not used, on account of train being abandoned or from any other cause, Conductors shall receive 30 cents per hour and Brakemen 20 cents per hour for the time held, and stand first out. 6. Lights, viz., Conductor with light engine or with crew and caboose, whether running extra or as a section of a passenger train, the Conductor and Brakemen to be paid same as on through freight. 7. When Conductors or Brakemen are requested to dead-head over any portion of the road, per order of superior officer, on Company's business, Conductors shall be paid 1| cents per mile and Brakemen 1 cent per mile. When Conductors are required to dead-head over any district of the road, in order to relieve a Conductor or Brakeman at his own request, said Conductor or Brakeman not being incapacitated from work through any illness of his own or member of his family, the said Conductor or Brake- man will pay the charge for dead- heading made by the man who relieves him; this charge to be deducted on the pay roll from the pay of the party relieved. Exceptions : No charge will be made by Conductors and Brakemen when it is necessary to send Con- ductors and Brakemen to relieve men on the locals between Pekin and Springfield, Litchfield and Mt. Vernon, Litchfield and Columbiana, Litchfield and Springfield, and Litchfield and St. Louis. 8. In case Conductors and Brakemen are required to attend court, on Company's business, Conductors to be paid $3 per day and necessary expenses, Brakemen $2 per day and necessary expenses. 9. When crews of freight trains are required to do switching at terminals or di- vision stations, where yard crews are stationed, they will be paid extra for such service at the rate of 30 cents per hour lor Conductors and 20 cents per hour for Brakemen ; less than thirty minutes not to be counted, thirty minutes and over, and less than one hour, to be computed as one hour ; except taking on or leaving cars at Havana. 10. Trainmen will be notified when time is not allowed as per trip report. May 20, 1892. D. W. RIDER, General Superintendent. KANSAS CITY BELT RAILWAY COMPANY. We do not use any Conductors or other trainmen. Foremen, day, $70 per month ; night, $75. Switchmen, day, $65 per month ; night. $70. Flagmen, $50 per month. May 19, 1892. DAY K. SMITH, Superintendent. KANSAS CITY, FORT SCOTT & MEMPHIS RAILROAD COMPANY, AND ASSO- CIATED COMPANIES. WEST OP THE MISSISSIPPI RIVER. PASSENGER SERVICE. 1. Main Line: Through runs and other runs of over 4,000 miles : Conductors, $125 per month ; Baggagemen, $65; Brakemen, $60; Porters, $45. Short runs of less than 4.000 miles : Conductors, $100 per month : Brakemen, $50. Branch Lines: Current River Railroad: Conductors, $100 per month; Brakemen, $50. Other runs: Conductors, $110 per month; Brakemen, $55 ; Brakemen on Joplin division, until the mileage now made by them is decreased, $60. Wages of men em- ployed jointly as Baggagemen and Express Messengers to be fixed in each case by arrangement with express company. 2. Regular freight Conductors or Brakemen when running on regular passenger trains or on specials will be paid passenger train rates ; but if for running specials or only one or two trips as extra passenger men their pay is not as much as they would have made in freight service, they are also to be paid the difference. KANSAS CITY, FORT SCOTT & MEMPHIS RAILWAY. FREIGHT SERVICE. 3. Through Freights : Conductors, 3 cents per mile ; Brakemen, 2 cents. One hun- dred miles will be allowed for runs of 100 miles or less. On runs of more than 100 miles actual mileage will be paid. 4. Local Freights: Kansas City division : Conductors, 3 cents per mile ; Brakemen, 24- cents. Springfield division : Conductors, 3i cents per mile ; Brakemen, 21 cents. Ozark division : Conductors, $5 per trip ; Brakemen, $3.20; Nos. 57 and 58, mixed trains, Conductors, $95 per month ; Brakemen, $60. Arkansas division, runs of 100 miles or less : Conductors, 31 cents per mile ; Brakemen, 2i cents. Current River division : Con- <est men, it shall be the duty of such superior officer to promptly investigate, and if he charges preferred are. found correct, such Brakeman shall be assigned to other ervice or discharged, as the merits of the case may demand. YARD SERVICE. Kansas City Yard: Foremen, day, $70 per month ; night, $75. Switchmen, day, $65 er month ; night, $70. Counting working days only. Ten hours constitute a day's ,-ork. All overtime paid for at proportionate rates. Memphis Yard: Foremen, day, $2.70 per day; night, $2.80. Switchmen, day, $2.35 >er day ; night, $2.50. Ten and one-half hours constitute a day's work. Overtime paid or at proportionate rates. W. W. FAGAN, December 1, 1891. General Superintendent. Approved: GEO. H. NETTLETON, President and General Manager. KENTUCKY & INDIANA BRIDGE COMPANY. Passenger Conductors, $80 per month. Passenger Brakemen, $45 per month, witchmen, $2.30 per day. Foreman switch engine, $2.70 per day. Yardmasters, $80 er month. Ten hours constitute a day's work. W. R. WOODARD, May 18, 1892. General Manager. KENTUCKY MIDLAND RAILWAY. Passenger Conductors, $85 per month. Train Baggagemen, $50 per month. Pas- enger Brakemen, $45 per month. Mixed train Conductors, $75 per month. Freight Conductors, $2.50 per day (80 miles or ten hours). Mixed and freight train Brakemen, vhen two men on train, $2 per day. Mixed and freight train Brakemen, when three nen on train, $1.85 per day. GEO. B. HARPER, May 16, 1892. General Superintendent. 90 LAKE ERIE & WESTERN RAILWAY. LAKE ERIE & WESTERN RAILROAD COMPANY. BANK Conductors, passenger, regular, except 5, 6, 9, 14, 16, and 17, per month Conductors, passenger, 5, 6, 9, 14, 16, and 17, and extra running, per month Conductors, local freight, three crews to the district, per trip Conductors, local freight two crews to the district, per trip Conductors, through freight, per mile. Conductors, work or wreck trains, per dav Conductors, Minster branch, per month Baggagemen, through runs, main line, per month Baggagemen, I. & M. C. Division, except 9, 14, 16, and 17, per month. Baggagemen, trains 5, 6, 9, and 14, per month Baggagemen and Brakemen, trains 7, 8, 16, and 17, per month Brakemen, passenger, except 5, 6, 9, and 14, per month Brabemen, passenger, 5, 6, 9, and 14, and extra running, per month. Brakemen, local freight, three crews to district per trip Brakemen, local freight, two crews to district, per trip Brakemen, through freight, per mile Brakemen, work or wreck train, per day Brake at en, Minster Branch, per month $10000 90 00 4 90 325 03 3 00 65 00 70 00 63 50 57 50 55 00 47 50 45 00 3 15 2 10 02 200 40 00 Overtime. Local freight, where there are two crews to the district, will be paic overtime for all time over twelve hours ; and where there are three crews to the dis trict, for all time over sixteen hours, at the rate of 30 cents per hour for Conductors and 20 cents per hour for Brakemen. Through Freight or Extras. All time consumed in making the run in excess of tha' time necessary to complete the trip at an average rate of ten (10) miles per hour, wil be paid for as overtime at the rate of 30 cents per hour for Conductors, and 20 centfc per hour for Brakemen. Work or Wreck. Will be paid overtime after twelve hours at the rate of 30 cents per hour for Conductors, and 20 cents per hour for Brakemen. In computing delayed time no fraction of an hour less than thirty minutes shall be counted. Thirty minutes or over shall be counted an hour. Time to begin one houi after crew is called. Lights will be paid, Conductors 2 cents, and Brakemen 1 4-10 cents per mile when running over an entire district, but when they turn and pick up train, or take freight over any portion of the run, full through rates will be paid. Dead-heading on authority of proper officer, Conductors will be paid 1 5-10 cents and Brakemen 1 cent per mile. 1 When attending court on Company's business Conductors shall receive $3.00, and Brakemen $2 00 per day ; and in addition, when away from home station, $1.00 per day* for expenses. No Conductor or Brakeman shall be suspended or discharged upon any charge withoul having a fair and impartial hearing 1 within five days of the time taken off ; and at th( hearing of the case shall have the right to have present any other Conductor or Brake man he may select, with the Trainmaster, who shall hear the evidence of all witnesses In case the decision rendered is not satisfactory an appeal may be taken from the Local to the General Officers. In case a final decision is not given within five days after the appeal is presented, the pay of the Conductor or Brakeman will be allowed thereafter at the rate he was receiving at the time of the offense. Through freights between Peru and Indianapolis, or Peru and Michigan City, wil be allowed ninety miles. Peoria and Paxton run will be allowed one hundred miles except when train is run through to or from Lafayette ; then actual mileage will be used, in either case, at through freight rates. No extra will be allowed on account of train No. 15 handling freight. Short turns, if made in six hours or less, and where the mileage is less than fifty miles, will be allowed fifty miles ; or if more than fifty miles, actual mileage. Where over six hours is required, the mileage being less than one hundred miles, one hunclrec miles will be allowed. If over one hundred miles, actual mileage. When trainmen are called, and for any reason other than their own acts do not go out, if held for duty six hours they will receive fifty miles at through freight rates and stand first out. If helc over six hours they wi'l receive one hundred miles at same rate as above and fal behind other crews. For any time that is not covered properly by the above a fail allowance will be made by the trainmaster. When the switching at Bloomington makes it absolutely necessary for men to be on duty one hour or more longer than the time it would reasonably take to side-track ingoing trains, or couple up and get out o: g outgoing trains, the Conductor may be allowed 30 cents, and the Brakeman 20 LAKE SHORE & MICH. SOUTH. R^Y. LEHIGH & HUD RIVER R'Y. L. & N. R'Y. 91 ;nts overtime. This rule is only meant to cover extraordinary work at Bloomington, ad must not be taken advantage of. O. W. BELL, Approved: GEO. L. BRADBURY, Master Transportation. General Manager. D. S. HILL, September 1, 1891. General Superintendent. LAKE SHORE & MICHIGAN SOUTHERN RAILWAY COMPANY. Our main line passenger Conductors and Brakemen are paid $100 and $45, respect- ely, for as near 4,000 miles as the runs can be arranged. We have recently com- enced to run passenger train crews through between Chicago and Toledo, and Toledo ad Buffalo. These Conductors and Brakemen are paid $110 and $50 per month, espectively, for about 4,400 miles. On the branches passenger Conductors and Brake- en are paid $85 and $45, respectively; average mileage about 3,500 miles per month, ain line Baggagemen east of Toledo are paid $60 per month; west of Toledo, $55 per :onth. Average mileage about 5,000 miles. The difference in pay is on account of cation and character of the work. Baggagemen on the branches are paid $50 per alendar month. When called upon to make extra trips they are paid at the same ite as above. Through freight Conductors and Brakemen are paid $70 and $50 per onth, respectively, on a basis of 2,500 miles for a month's work; over 2,600 miles, pro ita. Way freight Conductors and Brakemen are paid $80 and $55 per month, re- oectively, month of 26 days. Overtime is paid to freight crews after twelve hours' ervice on the road; ten miles being allowed for each hour overtime. In our Chicago ards, yard Conductors and yard Brakemen are paid as below for ten hours per day >r the number of working days in the month; over ten hours, pro rata: Day Conduc- rs, $70 per month; night Conductors, $75 per month. Day Brakemen $65 per month; ght Brakemen, $70 per month. At our other principal yards, such as Cleveland, oledo, Buffalo and Detroit, we pay as follows on the same basis as at Chicago: Day onductors, $67.60 per month: night Conductors, $70 per month. Day Brakemen, $60 er month: night Brakemen, $65 per month. W. H. CANNIFF, May 20, 1892. General Superintendent. LEHIGH & HUDSON RIVER RAILWAY COMPANY. First-class Conductors, $2.75 per day; Baggagemen and Brakemen on express rains, $1.75 per day; Brakemen on local passenger trains, $1.60 per day; on way reight trains, $1.70>per day ; on through freight trains, $1.60 per day. Freight and coal onductors, $2.50 per day for first year; $2.75 thereafter if record is good. In the tatter of freight Trainmen, we allow time in proportion when out over twelve hours, hen delay is beyond their control. N. L. FURMAN, July 16, 1892. Superintendent. LOUISVILLE & NASHVILLE RAILROAD COMPANY. 1. There shall be established on each division a board of inquiry, to consist of the uperintendent or Assistant Superintendent (or both), the Master of Trains, and the laster Mechanic, or his representative (or both), whose duty it shall be to investiga 1 e ccidents. In case employes are suspended to appear before this board, they will be iven a hearing within five (5) days, and will receive prompt notice of the result of the nvestigation. All punishment shall consist of suspension or discharge. It shall not e necessary to convene the board except for the investigation of accidents. If the arties punished by the board, or otherwise, desire it, they may appeal, first, through le Master of Trains to the Superintendent, and then through the Superintendent of ransportation to the General Manager. All appeals must be presented to the Super- ntendent or Master of Trains within thirty (30) days after the decision of the board hall have been made known. Should the employes suspended be found innocent, they ill be paid for the time the suspension was in effect Conductors $2.85 per day, and rakemen, Baggagemen and Yardmen $1.75 per day. To enable the division officers o make investigations, reports must be made to the proper officer at the end of each rip. 2. Road delay time will be allowed Conductors and Brakemen after the schedule f the train shall have been exceeded two hours, at the rate of thirty (30) and eighteen 18) cents, respectively, per hour, for every hour and fractional part thereof. When a rain has been delayed to exceed two hours, the first two hours will be counted. In 92 LOUISVILLE & NASHVILLE RAILWAY. case schedules are changed on the road, road delay time will be computed from sched ule departed on. Wages shall be computed from one hour after the men are called, o the time that the train departs, if earlier. Road delay time for extra trains shall b arrived at by taking- the average time of the schedule trains on the division, passenge or freight, as the case may be, except that on the Pensacola & Atlantic road th schedule of extra freight trains running between terminals shall be computed at th rate of twelve and one-half miles per hour. 3. Yard delay time at terminals shall be allowed at the rate of thirty (30) an eighteen (18) cents, respectively, per hour, for each hour or fractional part thereo after a train shall have been delayed within the yard limits beyond thirty minutes Running time of the train within yard limits shall not be considered. When delayec immediately outside of the yard limit board, trainmen shall be allowed yard dela time at same rate, when delay exceeds thirty minutes. (Colored Brakemen will to paid for delay time ten per cent, less than white men.) 4. Trainmen will be called not to exceed one hour before leaving time of thei trains, as at present. The Caller shall be furnished with a book, which must be signec by the men, showing the time that they are called, and the time the train is todepar Failing to respond promptly, whether it is his turn out or not, the party at fault sha be suspended or discharged at the discretion of the Master of Trains. When trainme come in on their runs, and are not able for duty, they must so notify the Master o Trains or his representative. If, afterward, on account of sickness, they can not gi out, they must send a written notice to the Master of Trains or his representative, a least two hours before they are needed. They must not lay off, except by permissio of an authorized officer, unless they, or a member of their immediate family, are sue denly taken sick, in which event they must give at least two hours' notice. 5. When trainmen are called to go out between the hours of 7 P. M. and 7 A. M and the train is afterward annulled, they shall be allowed three hours at the rate o thirty (30) and eighteen (18) cents per hour, respectively; provided, they are not not fied they will be required for another schedule train within one hour. When called 1 go out at other hours, in case train is annulled, they shall be paid at the same rat( per hour; but time shall be computed from one hour after they are called until the are notified that train is annulled. Trainmen thus called will stand first out; provide it does not interfere with men who have regular runs. 6. For attending court or appearing before proper persons to give evidence, Con ductors, Baggagemen and Brakemen, having regular crews, and yardmen having reg ular work, shall be paid the amount that they would have made had they performe their usual duties. This shall not prevent the Company from using these men on an run after they are through attending court, and before their regular crews are due t leave. Other Conductors and Brakemen shall be paid $3 and $2 per day, respectively computed from the time they leave their homes, or the time they are marked to g out, until they return. They will be furnished with transportation to and from cour No pay shall be allowed in cases where the time so consumed does not interfere wit the men making their regular trips and having eight (8) hours' rest, if they require it 7. Conductors and Brakemen of wrecking trains shall be paid, respectively, thirty five (35) and twenty (20) cents per hour or fractional part thereof, time to be compute from time train starts, or one hour after the men are called, until return to startin point. In case the train is laid up before returning, for the purpose of affording th men necessary time for rest and sleep, such proportion of the time shall be deducte from the whole, and only the actual time on duty will be paid for. A minimum of si hours will be allowed, but no mileage will be paid. 8. Conductors and Brakemen, when dead-heading on a freight train, will allowed the rate of pay given the same class of men that are in charge of the train When dead-heading on passenger train they will be paid one and one-quarter (li) an eight-tenths (8-10) of a cent, respectively, per mile for the distance traveled. When man is traveling over the road for the purpose of relieving a man who has asked fo leave of absence, he will not receive any compensation for the distance traveled. 9. After a continuous service of sixteen (16) hours, or more, Conductors and train men shall be entitled to and allowed eight (8) hours for rest at terminals, if they giv proper notice of such desire, except in case of wrecks or similar emergencies. 10. Conductors will be notified when time is not allowed as per their trip reports 11. Any trainman drinking intoxicants on duty, or being under their influence o or off duty, will be dismissed from the service of the Company. 12. All crews assigned to regular runs at a monthly rate, that are riot provide for in the accompanying rate sheets, will be paid extra for all service performed i addition to their regular duties at established rates for class of service performed, ex cept regular crews now performing extra duty without compensation. 13. Local grievances and differences of opinion as to construction of this agree ment, shall be taken up with division officers: failing to be adjusted, they will b referred to the general officers, as per Article No. 1. LOUISVILLE & NASHVILLE RAILWAY. g g: Sg g 8S 8 S S 8 : 8': 88; 8; j 88 8 8 S 8 I ! 1 !!'!'!' 5 : ; ; i ; : ; ; ; ; s s LOUISVILLE & NASHVILLE RAILWAY. LOUISVILLE, CINCINNATI & LEXINGTON DIVISION. FROM. TO. CLASS OF TRAIN. F if ; -h |t Av. mileage per month . CONDUCT- ORS. BRAKEMEN & FLAGMEN. H P n> II CJ-C3 Trip. Month Trip. Month Louisville ... Louisville Louisville Louisville Louisville Louisville Anchorage East Louisville.. East Louisville.. East Louisville.. East Louisville.. Laerranere Cincinnati.. . Lexington... Franktort... Lagrange ... Lagrange ... Bloomfield .. Bloom tield .. Wilders Lexington... Lexington... Wilders Wilders Passenger Passenger 114 94 65 27 27 57 45 105 92 92 48.67 33 1 10.40 v 10.40 ) 52.17 60.83 52.17 5548 4065 1408 3467 2348 $3 06' 2 75 $110 00 100 00 &5 00 80 00 80 00 $1500 45 00 4500 45 00 50 00 $60 00 50 00 45 OC *55 00 Passenger Passenger Passenger Passenger Mixed $2' 66 1 85 i 56' Through freight. Through freight. Local freight t8500 t85 00 'iss'oo' i-58 66 t58 00 'iss'oa Local freight.... Freight 105 79 2'25' Work trains * Joint pay with Express Company. t Local crews work on an average 20.87 days per montl $ Extra pay for Sundays or when called at night for extra service. Through passenger Flagmei Cincinnati division, $55 per month. KNOXVILLE DIVISION. The rates for turn-around freight runs between Rowland and Corbin shall be $4 Conductors and $2.75 for Brakemen ; overtime to commence at the expiration of sixi teen hours. A 1 ! freight runs that are broken at Corbin will be run on same terms and unde the same conditions as all single freight runs between Rowland and Corbin; viz., Con ductors, $2, and Brakemen, $1.38 for a schedule trip. The rates for turn around freight runs between Rowland and Pittsburg shall be $ for Conductors and $2 for Brakemen ; overtime to commence at the expiration o twelve hours. The rates for single freight runs from Rowland to Pittsburg, or from Pittsburg t Rowland, shall be $1.50 for Conductors and $1 for Brakemen; overtime to commenc at expiration of seven hours. Time is to be computed on these runs from the time the train departs, or one houi after the crew is called, to the time the train is put away, or the crew relieved. The rates for turn-around freight runs between Corbin and Livingston shall be $. for Conductors and $1.38 for Brakemen; one hour at Livingston for turning. The rates for turn-around freight runs between Corbin and Jellico shall be $1.8< for Conductors and $1.20 for Brakemen ; one hour at Jellico for turning. LOUISVILLE DIVISION AND BRANCHES. FROM. TO. CLASS OF TRAIN. 3S ?& : & : o *l 15 BE eg PS : n> : ^ CONDUCT- ORS. BRAKEMEN & FLAGMEN. Bagg'emen, per month. Trip. Month Trip. Month Louisville Nashville Bowling Green.. Jeliico Springfield Springfield Glasgow Passenger 186 114 201 59 59 11 10H 31 114 114 30 105 75 75 96 96 66 52 38 31 141 30 52 24 52 52 112 120 52 5580 5928 4824 3068 3068 1232 1260 1612 $3'25' $110 00 85 00 110 00 100 00 8000 55 00 55 00 75 00 WOO' * $4500 45 00 4500 45 00 50 00 37 50 $60 a 50 OC 5o o: so a: Louisville Passenger Passenger Louisville Louisville Louisville Glasgow Junct... Glasgow Junct... Lebanon Passenger . Mixed Mixed Mammoth Cavet Greensburg Bowling Green.. Bowling Green. Lebanon Junct. Rowland Mixed Mixed $2 16' '55 2 05 1 56 4250 "jss'oo' Louisville Through freight. Local freight.. . Freight Freight Louisville 85 3 10 2 27 Louisville Rowland Lebanon Junct. Lebanon Junct. Jellico Jellico Through freight. Local freight.... Through freight. Local freight.... Freight Rowland 85 00 "ss'oo' "85 '66 2 66 I'M 1 08 80 1 38 63 295 58 00 Rowland 2 90 Rowland. 58 00 Rowland Rowland Corbin 200 1 57 1 15 2 00 90 4 25 London Lebanon Freight Rowland Rowland Lebanon Lebanon Junct .. Work trains Freight.. . Greensburg Greensburg Corbin Freight Freight. Freight 58 00 * Parlor Car Porters, between Louisville and Nashville, $30 per month. Cave. % Three crews average eighteen days per month. tVia Grand Avenu LOUISVILLE & NASHVILLE RAILWAY. CUMBERLAND VALLEY DIVISION. 3fi *> * gS 2 $* CfQ " Q R ^ & ** ^ ffQ FROM. TO CLASS OF TRAIN. ' S ^ B *"* B t BfTO & B oT o *"*' o n> o * O a B O B E?g B P |jf ??2 Is hawanee hawanee Jellicoand return Corbin and return Passenger Passenger 159 100 30 30 4770 3000 $9000 85 00 $50 00 50 00 $3000 3000 hawanee Norton and return Passenger 136 30 4080 8500 5000 30 00 .hawanee Middlesboro, 2 round trips Passenger. 25 30 750 80 00 50 00 !orbin Shawanee Through and local.. 50 85 00 58 00 ihawanee Norton Through and local. . . 68 85 00 58 00 =orbin Norton Through freight 117.9 *3 20 *2 10 * Per trip. freight Crews: Extra pay at same rates for Sunday work; 12 hours to constitute a ay's work ; additional hours to be paid for at the rate of 30 cents and 18 cents per hour, respectively. MAIN STEM, SECOND DIVISION. NASHVILLE & DECATUR DIVISION. N. F. & S. R'Y. FROM. TO. CLASS OF TRAIN. : v ' O M No. of trips per month. Av. mileage per month. CONDUCT- ORS. BRAKBMEN & FLAGMEN. 1 Bagg'emen, per month. Trip Month Tiip Mouth Nashville Nashville Nashville Nashville jolumbia. ..... . Columbia owling Green. . owling Green... Bowling Green. . . South Nashville, south Nashville. South Nashville. Columbia [ron City apier Junction. Work trains. Pulaski Mom gomery Decatur Bowling Green. . Sheffield Iron City East Nashville.. East Nashville.. White Stone Quarry || New Decatur New Decatur. . . Columbia || Passenger 79 304 121 73 85 61 71 71 52 20 52 52 52 52 4108 (5080 6292 3744 4420 3172 $80 00 110 00 95 00 8500 80 00 7500 * *. . . $i'5o' 200 75 205 ,.,. $50 00 iSOOO 55 00 56-00 45 00 50 00 "58'66' "50'66" '58 '66' t25 00 60 00 t2500 t20 00 t25 00 Passenger Passenger Mixed It 26 3 00 1 25 3 10 Passenger Mixed Through freight. Local freight... Freight Through freight. Local Through freight. Freight Freight 121 121 90 80 25 22 85 00 3 10 205 20 20 Florence Pinkney and Sharps! Napier 1.. 7500 45 45 " \" Freight '85 '06' * Porter, $15 per month. t Express Company pays equal amount. $ Porter, $35 per month. And return. Extra pay for Sundays, or when called at night for extra service. SOUTH & NORTH ALABAMA R. R. BIRMINGHAM MINERAL R. R. FROM. TO. CLASS OF TRAIN. if V M> 1? B* It Av. mileage per month. Conduct'rg, per month. ^BRAKEMEN AND FLAGMEN. 1 Bagg'emen, per month . Trip. Month. Nashville Decatur Birmingham Irminghatn irmingham iDecatur Montgomery Birmingham*... Montgomery Blockton* Champion* Birmingham Birmingham Blount Springs*. Montgomery Montgomery Calera* Passenger Passenger 305 172 96 103 84 86 86 68 96 96 66 20.7 31 62 31 31 27 27 6314 5332 5952 3193 26U4 2322 1836 $11000 85 00 95 00 9000 85 00 **2 75 85 00 8500 **275 8500 85 00 8500 90 00 8500 ' ii'so'" i 1 ^0 } 1 60$ $50 00 $8000 t25 00 1-25 00 111 80 t* 00 tJ5 00 Mixed . "'50 06" 5000 Passenger Mixed . j'i'go'Y / 1 70$ f Through freight. Local freight Freight Through freight. Local freight Freight Decatur 5800 j 57 00 I J $51 00 f Birmingham (Birmingham i Birmingham Birmingham Work trains, S. & Fossil and Musco 'All other freigh jl 90 | 1 1 70$ r 18 27 1728 1782 j 58 00| $63 00 f j 57 001 / $51 00 f 5800 two oo j 58001 ( $53 OOj N. and B M . . . da Hills runs ts on B. M. R. R. . . Freight *And return, t Express Company pays equal amount. $ Colored. || Per trip; does not act as Ex- ress Messenger. Overtime after twelve hours, and extra pay for Sunday work at regular rates for lass of service performed. **Per trip, tt Fossil Hill crew, extra pay for Sundays if train runs. r ar dm aster at Warrior, $80 per month. Train Porters, $35 per month. 9fi LOUISVILLE & NASHVILLE RAILWAY. ALABAMA MINERAL RAILROAD. !gs ^ # s 13 Hi FROM. TO. CLASS OF TRAIN. a 2- B 5- rt-C rrF r+K tr O ^ 5| gft | 2.0 o r& M, ?g B! ': 3 : ? ' 3 Calera Attalla. Passenger, 85-86* 119 60 4590 t$85 00 $1 00 $1 60 Attalla. Anniston Mixed 87-88 34 (,d 4590 2 50 1 00 1 60 1 Attalla Anniston and return . . . Local freight 68 26 1768 3 25 1 25 1 60 Anniston Anniston Extra ( twelve hours Calera and return Calera Through freight .... Local freight. . 170 85 26 26 4420 2210 6 00 3 25 3 00 2 50 1 25 1 25 3 20 1 60 1 60 or less ) 1 * Baggagemen, $26.25 per month, also acts as Express Messenger. Porters, $1 per day. tPer month. $Per day Conductors running regular freight trains when turned back from any point to do extra work, shall be paid at the rate of 30 cents per hour for the service performed in addition to their regular duties. For turn-around trips on trains 95 and 96 Conductor will be entitled, according to rates of pay as per agreement, to $6 for round trip ; delay time to be computed from arrival at Anniston ; that is, if a man should arrive at Anniston to exceed two hour late he would be entitled to delay time as per Article 2. Extra turn-around trips between Anniston and Calera, when in excess of twelve hours, shall be paid on the same basis as a schedule turn-around trip. Two crews are to run Nos. 85 and 86 until a change of schedule is made that will permit of one crew running them ; in that event, the rate of pay to be again adjusted. MOBILE & MONTGOMERY DIVISION. PENSACOLA & SELMA, UPPER DIVISION. PROM. TO. CLASS OF TRAIN. PI & *? ! a ?g *$ 11 2 fa CONDUCT- ORS. BRAKEMEN & FLAGMEN. I Bagg'emen, per month. Trip Month Trip Month Montgomery... Montgomery... Pine Apple Montgomery . . . Montgomery . . . Montgomery . . Mobile Mobile Mobile Selma* Passenger Mixed Mixed Freight Through freight Local freight Through freight. Local freight 180 180 94 180 119 119 121 121 30 20 26 5400 3600 2444 ii'io 4' 16' 3 00 $110 00 $2'8o' '* 2 00 $5000 "tas'oo" $60 00 7500 Mobile Flomaton .... Flomaton Flomaton* Flomaton* 85 00 2 10 j 58 001 U50 00 f 3 10 Mobile Work trains . . 8500 85 08 j 58001 / $50 00 f 5800 *And return. tWhite. JColored. Train Porters, M. & M. division, $1.15 per day. NEW ORLEANS & MOBILE DIVISION. 32 *? 5 So sS sS 1 PROM. TO. CLASS OF TRAIN "i B* SI 01 S^E 3! o li O (t p -^ ^ 33 Hh PS g? [5/8 p-p New Orleans New Orleans Mobile Montgomery Passenger Passenger 141 321 36 20 5076 6420 $110 00 $5000 $6o'66 New Orleans New Orleans Ocean Springs Mobile PassengeT Mixed 84 141 52 4368 ioo 66 80 00 45 00 55 00 *30 00 New Orleans Mobile Freight 141 80 00 55 00 *Joint pay with Express Company. Extra mileage on chartered, special and coast trains. LOUISVILLE & NASHVILLE RAILWAY. PENSACOLA, PENS. & ATL. AND PENSACOLA & SELMA (LOWER) DIVISIONS. CLASS OF TRAIN. 3 ?* CJ 1 : o ffg White. Col'ed. BRAKEMEN. Per Trip. Pensacola Perisacola ensacola Pensacola Pensacola ensacola Flomaton and return River Junction Flomaton and River Junction . River Junction., Caryville and return DeFuniak Springs and return Mixed Mixed Passenger & mixed* Local freight Pensacola Pensacola Pensacola ensacola Repton Flomaton and return Flomaton & ret. via Muscogee . Muscogee and return Timber trains. Mixed All trains All trains All trains 87 161 t!65 161 199) 159V 10) 20 f. 30 4090 4950 95 00 80 00 + 118 50 **2 50 2 50 *3 50 J2 50 $1 60 1 60 2 45 +11 60 $1 50 1 5O 2 30 1 5O 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50- * Baggagemen, $50 per month. tAverage. t Per day. With three crews on run. Conductors $80 per month, or for sorresponding number of trips. Sunday work and extra trips paid extra, the same rate per trip between these points to apply. Twelve hours or less constitute a day's work ; additional hours paid for at 30 cents and 18 cents, respectively. ** Per trip. OWENSBORO & NASHVILLE RAILWAY. TO. CLASS OF TRAIN. i II if Bussellville Russellville Russellville Russellville Russellville Russellville .. Owensboro and return Owensboro Adairville, two round trips Owensboro Central City and return .... Mud River and return Passenger. Mixed Mixed Freight.... Freight.... Freight 144 78 4320 2160 1560 $8500 75 00 65 00 *70 00 fTO 00 t?o oo $45 00 50 00 4500 *4500 t45 00 t4500 $40 00 ' One trip constitutes a day's work. t Round trip constitutes a day's work. CLARKSVILLE & PRINCETON DIVISION. FROM. TO. CLASS OF TRAIN. 1 O SB I? II Princeton Clarksville and return Princeton Clarksville and return . . Passenger 110 Mixed... . 110 30 3300 60 00 $2500 $40 00 t .. * Porter, $80 per month. t Flagman, $45 per month ; acts as Baggagemen. MEMPHIS LINE. FROM. CLASS OF TRAIN. EJ* : o CONDUCT ORS. Trip Month BRAKEMEN & FLAGMEN. Trip Month I! Bowling Green .. Memphis Bowling Green. . . Bowling Green... Bowling Green. . . Paris Paris Bowling Green. . . Paris Paris Memphis Paris Memphis Memphis Paris Work trains Memphis Humboldt Paris Clarksville i Guthriei Guthriei Erin Brownsvillei. Memphis Brownsville}. Bumboldt} Paris Brownsvillei. Brownsville}. Passenger Passenger Freight Freight Freight Freight Local freight Local freight Freight Freight Freight Freight Local freight.... Local freight.... Local freight.... 81 133 128 100 165 83 91 147 130 112 97 60 5260 2158 $3 70 3 45 2 70 435 $110 00 *105 00 $5000 $2 45 35 $60 OO tSO 00 8000 90 00 3 75 3 65 300 2 70 130 112 73!/ 2 1911 85 CO 8500 8500 8500 1 85 305 250 2 40 1 95 1 80 5500 60 00 58 00 5800 5800 58 00 * $105 per month when running every day ; $100 for week days only. t Express Company pays equal amount. tAndt return. On all freight runs for which round trip rates are given, two hours will be added to the schedule for work at turning point, after which the rule for delay time, in Section 2 will apply. Includes switching at Brownsville. Porters, between* Bowling Green and Memphis and Memphis and Humboldt, $30 per month. LOUISVILLE, NEW ALBANY & CHICAGO RAILWAY. HENDERSON AND ST. LOUIS DIVISIONS. FROM. TO. CLASS OP TRAIN. Pi : ^ : a V? s* II Av. mileage per month. CONDUCT- ORS. BRAKEMEN | & FLAGMEN. } Trip Month Trip Month] St. Louis St. Louis Belleville McLeansboro Mt. Vernon. . . St. Louis Providence to andEvansvil ton and Prov Hopkinsville. Elkton Nashville Passenger t 316 69 26 80 189 147 145 95 154 104 104 159 36 73 84 118 84 20 103 94 110 41 62 71 29 76 76 20 6320 $3'66' 3' 60 2 80 $110 00 "so'oo' 75 00 100 00 85 00 9000 75 00 ** $266' $50 Jj 'ttsi'ooi 5000| 45 OOJ 58 00 50 OOi 25 OOi Pass. Excurs'n... Mixed O' Fallen, 2 round trips. . 26 26 30 26 26 26 676 2080 5670 3822 3770 2470 Mixed Passenger i Mixed 4 " St. Louis 1 Belleville f Madisonville, Earlington le and return to Earling- Nashville*- Passenger 4 ; Mixed Guthrie, Clarksviile* East Nashville '2' 45' 1 85 Howell Howell Howell Freight Through freight. Local freight Through freight. Through freight. Through freight. Through freight. Through freight. Local freight.... Freight Earlington* "85'66' '"58'6d| " '58' OOi Earlington* Howell Howell East St Louis 3 60 1 50 2 25 2 00 2 45 1 00 1 50 1 35 245 "'75' 2 00 ||2 00 112 10 1 15 Too 1 35 Mt Vernon Ind* Howell Howell Howell Howell Howell Carmi* Mt Vernon 111 McLeansboro* Mt Vernon 111 3 60 "ss'oo" Henderson* 1 00 3 00 ||9 95 || 3 10 1 75 E. Nashville . E. Nashville. . Earlington. .. Earlington... Hopkinsville . Hopkinsville . E. St. Louis... E. St. Louis... E. St. Louis... Work trains.. Freight Freight ... . Guthrie* '"58 GO 58 OW '"58'6CI 58 00 Guthrie* Freight Providence* Freight Earlington* Local freight.... Local freight.... Freight 8500 8500 "85'66' 85 00 East Nash viile Belleville* 1 50 2 00 Mt Vernon 111 Through freight. Local freight.... Mt Vernon 111 *And return. On all freight runs for which round trip rates are given, two hours will be addedJ to the schedule for work at turning point, after which the rule for delay time in Section 2 will apply/ -t Baggagemen, $60 per month. t Baggagemen, $25 per month. Round trip, including making uj train. || Round trip, including making up train at Guthrie. ** Porters, $35 per month. ttlncludei switching; twelve hours constitute a day's work. Baker's Hill: Conductors day and night, $85 pel month; Brakemen on No. 76 going up hill and back with engine, helping No. 54, 20 cents per trip. Approved: March 8. 1892. J. G. METCALFE, General Manager. G. E. EVANS, Superintendent Transportation. I LOUISVILLE, NEW ALBANY & CHICAGO RAILWAY COMPANY. 1. Trainmen on through freight service will receive 3 and 2 cents per mile Tespectively for Conductors and Brakemen. Runs of less than 100 miles will be com- puted as 100 miles. 2. Turn-around runs between points other than division terminals will be compute as continuous trips and be paid for as per Articles 1 and 5. 3. Stone and local freight Conductors and Brakemen, running six days in a week, will be paid $3.45 and $2.30 per day, respectively. Overtime will be allowed after eleven] hours per day. Local freight Conductors and Brakemen, on runs of but four days in a] week, will be paid respectively $4.10 and $3.23 per day. Overtime on these runs will be allowed after thirteen hours per day. Main line local freight shall have three Brakemen. 4. Trainmen on work, circus, wreck or excursion trains will be paid $3.45 and $2.30] per day respectively for Conductors and Brakemen. Six hours or more and less than! twelve hours shall constitute a day. Less than six hours shall constitute a half day ; and the crew that makes but half a day shall stand first out. When a Conductor acts as Foreman of a construction or work train he will be paid $15 per month additional. 5. On all freight runs, unless otherwise provided for, of one hundred miles or less,] overtime will be allowed for all time on duty in excess of ten hours. On runs of more than one hundred miles all the time consumed in making any one trip in excess of the time necessary to complete the trip on an average rate of ten miles per hour, will Ir paid for as overtime. In computing overtime no fraction of an hour less than thirt; five minutes will be counted. Thirty-five minutes or> over and less than one hour wi toe counted as one hour. All overtime will be paid at the uniform rate of 30 cents pei hour for Conductors and 20 cents per hour for Brakemen. LOUISVILLE, NEW ALBANY & CHICAGO RAILWAY. 99 6. Trainmen compelled to double hills will be paid, actual mileage made, provided QO double will count less than ten miles. If overtime is made on account of doubling- he amount paid for doubling will be deducted from overtime allowance. 7. Trainmen required to remain on duty over thirty minutes with their train after arrival at a terminal station, will be paid at the rate of ten miles per hour. 8. Trainmen called upon to attend court will be paid their regular rate of pay per iay, and when called upon to leave home necessary expenses will be allowed. 9. The practice will be that no train or engine will be run on the road without a Conductor. Conductors of light engines, or Pilots of trains, will be paid 3 cents per mile. 10. In ordering crews for dead-heading the first crew out will run the train. The zrew dead-heading will, upon arrival at a terminal station, come out ahead of the crew with which they dead-headed. Crews dead-heading under orders will be paid half their regular pay, except trainmen that dead-head over the road for the purpose of relieving a. man who has asked for leave of absence, will not be paid for such dead-heading. Full ime will be allowed for light trains. Conductors will be notified when time is not allowed as per time report, and reasons will be given for not allowing same. 11. Trainmen will be called within one mile at main line divisions or terminal sta- ions, as nearly as practicable, one hour before the time set for departure of trains, by rain caller, who will always be provided with a call book in which the Conductor and Brakeman will enter their names, together with the time they are called. The time )f the trainmen will begin from the time set for the departure of train. Trainmen ailing to respond, when properly called, will be subject to discipline. 12. When trainmen are called and report for duty, and for any reason not their >wn fault, do not go out, they will be paid as follows: If held on duty less than five lours they will be paid fifty miles and stand first out. If held five hours or more they will be paid one hundred miles and go out behind other crews at that point, it being inderstood that in case a crew goes out within five hours, time shall be reckoned from he time first called to go. 13. Conductors will be held responsible for the safe management of their trains, ind will place their Brakemen as their best judgment shall dictate, so long as it does aot conflict with time-card rules. 14. When Conductors make proper objections in writing to the Trainmaster or Division Superintendent against any Brakeman under their charge, such Brakeman hall be assigned to other duties or dismissed from the service, as circumstances may justify or warrant. 15. Trainmen will sign a receipt for switch keys and lanterns, agreeing that $1 may be deducted from their salaries for switch keys and 50 cents for lanterns, provided same are lost or not returned when trainmen leave the service, or a satisfactory excuse given for their non-return. 16. Trainmen reaching terminal stations after continuous service of sixteen hours or more, will be allowed eight hours for rest, provided they give notice by wire td .he proper officer, before arrival, of their desire for rest. 17. When the freight traffic is light and the crews in service are not able to make reasonable time, crews will be taken off, beginning with the youngest, until the crews t in the service are enabled to make reasonable time. Conductors temporarily sus- pended under this rule will be given preference as Brakemen over younger men in the service, and will retain their rights as Conductors. 18. No fines will be imposed on trainmen for loss of tools or for damage to rolling stock, or for stock killed or injured. Trainmen on their part will use their best efforts to avoid accidents, damage or losses. 19. Trainmen will be allowed to lay off for good and sufficient reasons, of which :he proper officers shall be the judge, provided due notice is given so that their places nay be filled with other men. 20. All trainmen will be regarded in the line of promotion. The right to runs and ;o promotions will be governed by merit and ability, of which the Superintendent will DC the judge. Everything being equal, the Conductors and Brakemen longest in the service will have preference. In filling vacancies in the ranks of freight Conductors, : or every two Brakemen promoted from the ranks that are oldest in the service, one Conductor will be promoted, it being understood that two Brakemen will be promoted Before any Conductor is appointed, and the Conductor so appointed will take his place it the foot of the list of extra train Conductors and may be temporarily used as extra Brakeman. Trainmen entitled to promotion and not receiving the same, will, upon application, be given reasons therefor in writing. Trainmen employed on the B. & B. livision shall not be in line of promotion to main line positions, and the main-line trainmen shall not be in line of promotion to positions on the B. & B. division ; but all :he other Articles in this schedule shall govern the B. & B. employes. 21. No trainman will be suspended or discharged, except for good and sufficient reasons. If he thinks his sentence unjust, he shall within ten days file written request for an investigation. His case shall have a thorough investigation by proper officers 100 MICHIGAN CENTRAL RAILWAY. of the Company, at which he with his witnesses may be present. In the event of his being found guilty, he will, upon application, be allowed to see all evidence produced against him. In case he is found innocent, he shall be reinstated, and be allowed full pay for time lost, after three days off duty. 22. Unless leave of absence for a definite time is given in writing, trainmen leav- ing the service of the Company to engage in other business, or to work on other roads,' or who are assigned to duties other than train service, and who are subsequently employed or return to train service of this Company, will rank as new men. 23. Pay for main-line passenger service will be as follows: SINGLE TRIP Con- ductor Bag'e- man Brake- man 3 50 2 40 1 80 1 90 1 50 3 00 3 75 1 90 1 85 $2 20 1 50 1 10 1 25 1 00 1 95 2 25 1 25 1 15 $1 90 1 30 UOO 1 15 85 1 70 2 00 1 10 1 00 . Chicago and Lafayette Chicago and Monon Indianapolis and Monon . . . Michigan City and Monon Michigan City and Indianapolis. Lafayette and Louisville Lafayette and Bedford. Louisville and Bloornington 24. Crews on B. & B. division will be paid as follows : Conductors $3 per day Brakemen and Baggagemen $45 per month. If found necessary to run crews on tui around trips between Bloomington and Reed's Station, the trip will be considered asf one turn-around. 25. Crews on French Lick branch will be paid as follows : Conductors 75 cents per 1 ] 8 single trip ; Baggagemen 45 cents per single trip, and Brakemen $50 per month. 26. No change will be made in this agreement nor any departure from its provi-! sions by any party thereto until thirty days' notice of such intentions have been filed j in writing with all other parties interested. Yard Semice. Chicago, standard Chicago rates. Monon, day Yardmaster $2.90, j night Yardmaster $2.70, day and night Switchmen $2. Lafayette, day Yardmasteri $2.90, night Yardmaster $2.70, day and night Switchmen $2. Michigan City, Yard-l master $2.25, Switchmen $1.75. Bloomington, day Yardmaster $70 per month, night f Yardmaster $65 per month, switchmen $2 per day. New Albany, day Yardmaster $11011 per month, night Yardmaster $80 per month, day Switchmen $2.60 per day, nightlt Switchmen $2.30 per day. Accepted by the Order of Railway Conductors : E. E. CLARK, G. C. C.; A. S. RAE, Chairman. Accepted by the Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen : S. E. WILKINSON, G. M.; JOS. CHENOWETH, Chairman. July 1, 1892. S. J. COLLINS, General Superintendent. MICHIGAN CENTRAL RAILROAD COMPANY. 1. Commencing upon date of signature of both parties interested in this agree- ment, through freight Conductors and Brakemen will run the number of miles specified below for a month's work, for which regular Conductors will receive $75, and Brakemen $50 per month; apprentice Conductors to receive $70, and apprentice Brakemen $45 per month. Apprentice Conductors to receive full pay beginning one year from the date they are promoted; apprentice Brakemen, if men of experience from any other road,! having evidence that they have worked one year and left the other road in good stand- ing, shall receive full pay six months from the date they are hired. Brakemen, other; than these, shall receive full pay one year from the date they are hired : Canada Di- vision, Main Line, 2,900 miles ; East Division, Main Line, 2,698 miles ; Middle and Air Line, 3,000 miles ; West and Joliet Divisions, 2,500 miles ; Saginaw Division, 2,400 miles:] Mackinaw Division, 2,100 miles ; Grand Rapids Division, 2,200 miles; Toledo Division! 2,100 miles; Bay City Division, 2,698 miles. 2. Should they be called upon to make more than the above mileage, they will paid same rate per mile as the rate per mile bears to the miles they are to make for month's pay. Should they fail to make the stipulated mileage, but are on hand an ready for duty, they will receive : for regular Conductor, $75, apprentice Conductor, $70 ; regular Brakeman, $50, apprentice Brakeman, $45. This does not apply to extr; men, waiting for employment. It is understood that men will be allowed to make much excess mileage as they can, consistent with safety. Should it be deemed nec< MICHIGAN CENTRAL, RAIL- WAY; I ' 101 'hary to reduce the force at any time during the month, the men dropped will receive she same proportion of monthly wages as the number of miles they have to run bears ;o the total mileage for the month. As no apprentice system has been in force in Canada, the Company agrees that any Brakeman now employed by this Company in Canada, if promoted in the future to Conductor, shall take rank at the time of his pro- |notion as full Conductor and receive full Conductor's pay from the date he is promot- but this shall not apply to Brakemen hereafter entering the Company's service. 3. Mackinaw division trainmen working on branches loading logs shall be allowed [luileage at the rate of seven and one-half miles per hour ; over thirty minutes to be pounted as an hour ; less than thirty minutes not to be counted. 4. Upon way freight runs where there are only two crews, the Conductor will be >aid $90, and the Brakeman $62.50 per month : where there are three crews, Conductors >, Brakemen $60 per month. Conductors running way freight on St. Clair division, >, Brakemen $60 per month. On Pinconning division, Conductors $75, Brakemen $50 ;r month. Following divisions to have three crews upon way freight trains : Middle id Air Line ; Saginaw ; West divisions ; South end of Mackinaw division ; Canada, r est division, and Grand Rapids division ; Bay City division ; east end of main line rhen considered by Division Superintendent necessary, and north end of Mackinaw [vision, same to be taken off when business warrants. Following to have three Brake- len : Middle and Air Line ; west end of Canada division and Joliet division ; Bay City [vision and West division, main line from May 1st to November 1st, to be taken off by )i vision Superintendent if not needed ; Saginaw division, No. 83, third Brakeman from >oint where No. 72 meets No. 83 ; Saginaw division, No. 84, third Brakeman when busi- icss demands it ; south end of MackinsTw division, to be taken off if found by Division Superintendent that f alling,pff of business warrants it. When way freight trains are int in upon the branches on Mackinaw division to do work, they shall be paid mileage ixtra for this work, it being understood that the word "branches" are such tracks as extend more than one mile from the main track upon which running order must be )btained. 5. Conductors on construction or road trains will receive $90, and Brakemen $60 er month, and extra time when called upon to work on Sundays ; the road department furnish men to handle cable when cable is used, if trainmen have to protect their ain by flagging ; that twelve hours shall constitute one day's work for all crews regu- rly employed in road train work for twenty-six consecutive days ; all over twelve ours for such crews to be paid for at same rate, time to be computed from the time rain is called to leave ; that snow-plows and flangers shall be paid for the number of lies run, unless the number of miles run each day is less than a through crew should ve made upon the division where their train is working, for a day's pay. If less than amount, the men will be paid for one day's pay. This provision is made to cover rk in yards and short runs. When sidetracks are plowed or flanged, the number of es of sidetrack shall be added to the number of miles on main track in computing e number of miles that a plow or flanger is run. Wrecking trains shall receive mile- e to and from the wreck, and one day for every twelve hours employed at the wreck, nless the whole time is less than twelve hours, then they shall receive one day. Way ight and work trains will be paid upon the basis of working days in the month ; when lied upon to work Sundays, they shall be paid extra, upon the same basis. Crews not assigned to regular runs shall be run first in and first out. All reight and mixed trains, when detained more than one hour at starting terminal, and hen detained more than thirty minutes at the terminal at the end of their runs, or nd of their day's work, shall be paid overtime, computing as follows : Less than thirty inutes not to be counted; over thirty minutes to be counted one hour; one hour and irty minutes, two hours, etc., it being understood that where any train lays up at ight, in accordance with time card, or by orders, at any station, and is scheduled or (ordered to leave at a certain hour in the morning, such stations shall be considered 'the terminal, the same as a division point, and overtime allowed accordingly. Pay for Iswitching done by turn-around train on Saginaw, Mackinaw and Bay City divisions to be allowed at the discretion of the Division Superintendents. It is understood that in mputing delays at starting point of any run, overtime shall be figured from the time ain is marked or called for, or scheduled to leave. And for overtime at terminal ards the time of arrival of train at yard limits shall be taken. At Jackson Junction, ard limits for Air Line will be Ft. Wayne target ; for main line, west, Jackson street idge. Main line west-bound trains, if not stopped between Jackson Junction and ackson, or at Jackson, shall not consider the time used from Jackson Junction to ackson yard limits as detention time. If a through crew is sent out upon a regular ay freight run in place of a way freight crew, they shall receive the pay of way reight crews. Where a crew is employed continually upon a train that does way reight work, and is not scheduled upon the card as a way freight train, but picks up, eaves and switches cars at stations, or sidetracks between stations, they shall receive 102 :vII(MI':AN I'KNTRAL, RAILWAY. way freight crew's pay, but where a through crew, in its turn, occasionally takes a run | not so scheduled, that does local work, and balance of time they are employed in through service, they shall receive mileage only for switching run. 7. When freight Conductors and Brakemen are held at terminals, or sent to any point to run specials, or taken off their car to run passenger trains, they shall receive 1 the same rate of pay as passenger Conductors ; provided, however, if the amount is \ less than they would have earned had they not been taken off their own car, then they 1 shall receive the amount their way car earned. 8. As to all freight runs, not otherwise provided for, when a crew is called for a trip of 50 miles or less, one-half day's pay shall be allowed. If less than six hours is^ used, the crew stands first out ; if over six hours is used, one day's pay shall be allowed, j and crew stands last out. 9. In case of suspension or dismissal, the party shall be notified within ten days from the date of the occurrence by the Division Superintendent, as to his dismissal, or j length of his suspension. 10. When it becomes necessary to take Conductors and Brakemen from duty to investigate any accident or for any other cause, the investigation shall take place ( within ten days, and in case they are found to be entirely blameless, they shall be allowed the lost time on account of such investigation and at their regular daily pay. j If any trainman thinks he has been unjustly dealt with, he may file his objection in ; writing, and he will be given a fair and impartial hearing, and if proven entirely inno- cent, he shall be reinstated in his former position and paid for the time lost. When j trainmen are called and trains abandoned, and for any reason other than their own acts trainmen do not go out within four hours of the time called, they shall receive one-half day's pay. 11. The right to regular runs and promotion will be governed by merit, ability and seniority. Everything being equal the men longest in continual service will have! preference. 12. Crews that have been on duty sixteen consecutive hours shall be entitled to eight hours rest before going out again, except in cases of washouts, wrecks or other similar emergencies. If any crew, at any time, becomes tired upon the road, or con- sider themselves unfit for their run, the despatcher, upon their application and state- ment of the above facts, will allow them to put their train upon a sidetrack and re- main there until they are rested, or other provision has been made for taking care of their train. 13. Brakemen to receive ten cents per ton for shoveling coal, same to be deter- mined by Engineers' tickets. 14. Brakemen, when sent upon trial trips for promotion to Conductors, to receive one-half Conductor's pay while upon trial trips. 15. The pay of main line passenger trainmen to remain as at present. The pay for passenger crews running upon branches, except South Haven and Battle Creek divisions, shall be for all crews making 4,000 miles or over, Conductors $90 per month, Baggagemen $55, and Brakemen $50 per month. For those making less than 4,000 miles the present rate of pay to remain in force. Any run upon the main line, not otherwise provided for, making equal mileage, shall come under the same rule. Any man performing the duties of Baggageman and Brakeman combined, to receive Bag- gageman's pay. 16. Two regular crews shall run trains 95 and 96 ; five regular crews on trains 203, 207, 202 and 208. 17. Saginaw division, two crews on trains 75, 76, 77 and 78. Mackinaw division, trains 87 and 88 to be run with one crew, and receive standard amount paid for over 4,000 miles. Crews on Nos. 75, 76, 77, 78, 202, 203, 206 and 207 to be paid according to standard allowed for less than 4,500 miles upon branches. 18. Two Brakemen to be run upon trains Nos. 101 and 108 regularly. 19. Crews to receive full mileage for dead-heading upon freight trains, and half mileage for dead-heading upon passenger trains. 20. Conductor on North Midland division shall receive $75 per month, and Bag- gagemen $50 per month. 21. When possible, time and detention sheets, when time is not allowed upon the same, shall be returned to the Conductor within five days. 22. The pay of transfer Conductors running between Montrose and Suspension Bridge shall be $75 per month. Any trip to and from Union Stock Yards by West divi- sion crews to be figured at fifty miles for the trip. 23. The basis of mileage in clause 1 is subject to revision if shown that improve- ments in double track or other facilities enable men to make excessive wages as com- pared with men on other divisions working an equal number of hours. The mileage on Saginaw division to be further reduced if, after a reasonable trial, the mileage is found to be too high to enable men on that division to earn a fair month's wages, as compared with other divisions. MISSOURI, KANSAS & TEXAS RAILWAY. ioa 24. One-fourth day will be allowed for freight crews running- between Victoria nd Black Rock, and one-half day from Victoria or Exchange street, Buffalo. 25. Mackinaw division crews not to be restricted to terminals when laying up for est. 26. Any Brakeman selected by Division Superintendent for promotion to Conduc- or shall be examined by Division Superintendent, Chief Train Despatcher and Train- laster, or their delegates. After such examination as to rules, etc., if he passes satis- actorily, he shall make one round trip upon his division with each of three Conductors; uch Conductors will make a written report as to his competency to the Trainmaster, o be kept on file. If reported by the three Conductors as competent, he may be con- :dered as a Brakeman who can be called upon at any time to run a train. If two of he Conductors report favorably, and one adversely, the Division Superintendent shall arefully examine into the reasons of the latter, and if satisfied that there is not suffi- ient ground for his rejection, he may pass the Brakeman for service as Conductor. No part of the above agreement shall be abrogated by either party without notice, .nd then only after consultation between the two parties interested. ROBERT MILLER, July 1, 1892 General Superintendent. MISSOURI, KANSAS & TEXAS RAILWAY COMPANY. LEASED AND OPERATED LINES. PASSENGER SERVICE. 1. Conductors will be paid $125 per month ; Baggagemen, $65 per month; Brake- nen, $55 per month, and Porters, $40 per month. The wages of Baggagemen who act s Express Messengers will be fixed by the Express Company. 2. Passenger Crews making extra trips, in addition to their regular assigned runs, rill be allowed extra time upon the basis of pay allowed other crews in similar service. 3. Conductors will be paid 2i cents ; Brakemen, li cents, and Porters, f cents per nile for running special passenger trains, pay trains and excursion trains. One hun- red and seventy-five miles or less to constitute a day. 4. The senior extra passenger Conductor at Sedalia and Parsons, the first and; econd extra passenger Conductors at Denison will be allowed $90 per month when they : ail to earn the above amount, except when off duty at their own request, when the line lost will be deducted. THROUGH FREIGHT SERVICE. Except Trinity & Sabine Section. 5. Conductors and Brakemen will be paid 3 and 2 cents per mile respectively. On ill runs of less than 100 miles requiring more than ten hours, overtime will be paid if he hours used on the trip exceed eleven, in which case all overtime exceeding ten lours will be paid. On all runs exceeding 100 miles, trainmen will be paid overtime for ill time used to complete the trip in excess of a rate of speed of 10 miles per hour when ver one hour late. One hundred miles will be allowed for runs of less than 100 miles vhen no other mileage is made on same date. LOCAL FREIGHT AND MIXED TRAIN SERVICE. BUNS. NO OF CREWS. WAGES. Conductors. Brakemen. 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 3 3 2 2 2 $9000 9000 90 00 .9000 90 00 90 00 95 00 95 00 9000 90 00 90 00 9500 160 00 60 00 60 00 60 00 60 00 60 CO" 6500 65 00 6000' 60 00 60 00 6000 Sloberly and Sedalia . . . . Sedalia and Nevada Nevada and Parsons iParsons and Junction City parsons and Muskogee Muskogee and Denison Denison and Alvarado . I Waco and Taylor .... ... Taylor and Boggy Tank Denison and Henrietta 6. Overtime to be allowed at rate of 30 cents per hour for Conductors, and 20 cents per hour for Brakemen for all time used on a trip in excess of a rate of speed of 10 miles per hour when more than one hour late. Crews on these runs will be paid extra for Sunday work on basis of service performed. 104 MISSOURI, KANSAS & TEXAS RAILWAY. RATES OF PAY. RUNS. NO. or CREWS. WAGES. Conductors. Brakemen. Denton and Dallas 1 1 1 1 1 $9000 80 00 10000 90 00 90 00 $6000 55 00 5500 60 00 6000 San Marcos and Lockhart Echo and Belton .. ... Me Alester and Krebs Atoka and Lehigh. 7. Ten hours to constitute a day. Overtime will be paid for at rate of 30 cents per' ; hour for Conductors, and 20 cents per hour for Brakemen. 8. Denison and Greenville One crew. Conductor, $90; Brakemen, $60 per month. Overtime to be allowed at rate of 30 cents per hour for Conductors and 20 cents per^ hour for Brakemen for all time in excess of ten hours when more than eleven hours.; are consumed in making the round trip, Denison to Greenville and return. Dead time'i at Greenville not to be included. Crew on this run will be paid extra for Sunday work] on basis of service performed. 9. Greenville and Dallas One crew. Conductor, $90; Brakemen, $60 per month. Overtime to be allowed at rate of 30 cents per hour for Conductors and 20 cents perj hour for Brakemen for all time in excess of ten hours when more than eleven hours are consumed in making the round trip, Dallas to Greenville and return. Dead time at! Greenville not to be included. Crew on this run will be paid extra for Sunday work on; basis of service performed. 10. Greenville and Mineola One crew. Conductor, $90; Brakemen, $60 per month. Overtime to be allowed at rate of 30 cents per hour for Conductor and 20 cents per hour for Brakemen for all time in excess of ten hours when more than eleven hours are con-j sumed in making the round trip, Mineola to Greenville and return. Dead time at Greenville not to be included. Crew on this train will be paid extra for Sunday work on basis of service performed 11. Alvarado and Waco One crew. Conductor, $110; Brakemen, $75 per month. HSJo overtime allowed on this run. Crew on this run will be paid extra for Sunday work on basis of service performed. 12. Dallas and Hillsboro Two crews. Conductors, $90; Brakemen, $60 per month. Single trip to constitute a day, and mileage made in excess of one trip to be allowed at through freight rates; overtime to be allowed at rate of 30 cents per hour for Conduc- tors, and 20 cents per hour for Brakemen for all time in excess of ten hours when more than eleven hours are consumed in making a single trip. Extra time will be allowed, for Sunday work on basis of service performed. 13. Denison and Sherman One crew. Conductor, $115; Brakemen, $65 per month. Conductors to run passenger and freight trains on alternate days. Freight crews to make as many trips as may be necessary and do necessary switching at Sherman ; ten hours to constitute a day. All over ten hours to be paid for at rate of 30 cents per hour for Conductors, and 20 cents per hour for Brakemen. WORK TRAIN SERVICE. 14. Conductors, $90; Brakemen, $60 per month. Twelve hours or less to constitute a. day. Overtime will be paid for at rate of 30 cents per hour for Conductors, and 20 cents per hour for Brakemen. When more than 100 miles are run by work trains, Con- ductors will be paid 3 cents, and Brakemen 2 cents per mile for all mileage in excess of 100 miles. Extra time will be allowed for Sunday work at above rates. YARD SERVICE. YARDS. YARDMASTERS. FOREMEN. SWITCHMEN. DAY. NIGHT. DAY. NIGHT. DAY. NIGHT. Hannibal Clinton $115 00 per mo. 75 00 per mo. 100 00 per mo. 110 00 per mo. 60 00 per mo. 90 00 per mo 90 00 per mo. 150 00 per mo. 95 00 per mo. 85 00 per mo. 90 00 per mo. 115 00 per mo. 110 00 per mo. 85 00 per mo. $100 00 per mo. "90'66permo. 100 00 per mo. 2 70 per day $2 75 per day.. $70 OOpermo. 60 00 per mo 70 OOpermo. 70 OOpermo. " I' $75 OOpermo. | Nevada 80 00 per mo 80 00 per mo. 85 OOpermo... 85 OOpermo... 75 OOpermo. r 75 OOpermo. 1C f arsons Junction City Muskogee Me Alester Denison .Alvarado 85 00 per mo. 70 OOpermo. 65 OOpermo. 2 74 per day 70 00 per mo. 70 OOpermo 70 OOpermo. 2 74 per day 2 74 per day 65 OOpermo. 75 66 per mo. 1 125 00 per mo. 85 00 per mo 80 00 per mo. 2 93 per day 3 1214 per day 2 93 per day 1 75 OOpermo. |i 75 OOpermo. 1 75 OOpermo. 1 2 93 per day ID 2 93 per day IT 65 OOpermo. | { Hillsboro Waco . . Dallas 95 00 per mo. 95 00 per mo 2 93 per day 2 93 per day 3 12% per day 3 12^2 per day 70 OOpermo... Greenville.. Henrietta MISSOURI, KANSAS & TEXAS RAILWAY. 105 15. Twelve hours will constitute a day. Overtime will be allowed at above rates. GENERAL REGULATIONS. 16. Trainmen required to remain on duty over 30 minutes with their trains after .rriving at a terminal station will be paid at the rate of 10 miles per hour. 17. In computing overtime no fraction of an hour less than 30 minutes will be ounted. Any fraction of an hour over 30 minutes will be counted an hour. 18. Trainmen ordered to dead-head on passenger trains will be allowed half pay ; |vhen dead-heading on caboose will be allowed full pay. The first crew out will run the rain, and the second crew will dead-head. These crews on reaching- terminal of run come out in their turns. 19. Crews not assigned to regular runs will be run first in first out. Nothing in I his article shall be construed as preventing the Company running crews out ahead of heir turn for the purpose of getting" them home, that may, from necessity, be run off |heir regular section. 20. Trainmen will not be required to go out when they claim to need rest; nor shall !hey be permitted to go out when it is the judgment of the Division Superintendent or prainmaster that they require rest. 21. Trainmen living" within one mile of terminal stations, shall be called, as tearly as practicable, one hour before leaving time by Caller, who will be provided a book in which the men called will register their names and the time called, and he time of trainmen will begin at the time set for the departure of their train. If a brain is held back they will be paid overtime for all hours delayed. Fractions of an hour shall not be counted. 22. Trainmen, when called, if for any cause or reason other than their own acts do |iot go out, if held on duty less than six hours, shall be paid one-half day, and stand irst out. If held more than six hours they will be paid one day and go behind other |;rews at that point. 23. Train and Yardmen when ordered to attend court on business of this Company .11 be paid for time lost, and, if away from their home station, their necessary ex- tenses; this Company being entitled to their witness fees. 24. Train or Yardmen will not be dismissed or suspended from the Company's ser- r ice without just cause. In case of suspension or dismissal, if any employe thinks his (entence unjust, he shall have the right, within ten days, to refer his case by written statement to the Division Superintendent. Within five days (or as soon thereafter as nracticable) of the receipt of this notice, his case shall have a thorough investigation, it which he may be present if he so desires, and also be represented by any disinter- ested employe. In case he shall not be satisfied with the result of said investigation, ie shall have the right to appeal to the General Superintendent and to the General anager. In case suspension or dismissal is found to be unjust, he shall be reinstated |ind paid for all time lost. 25. The right to regular runs and to promotion will be governed by merit, ability Lnd seniority. Everything being equal, the Trainman or Yardman longest in service 'ill have preference, the Division Superintendent or Trainmaster to be the judge as to ualifications. Nothing in this article shall be construed as preventing the Company :rom employing experienced men from other roads when the good of the service re- uires it. 26. In filling vacancies in the ranks of freight Conductors, all men in train service ill be considered in the line of promotion according to their age in the service and ;heir ability to assume the duties, except that for every two Brakemen promoted, one xperienced Conductor may be appointed from the ranks or elsewhere at the option of ;he Company. A Conductor so appointed shall take his place at the foot of the list of :xtra Conductors, and may be temporarily used as extra Brakeman when not em- >loyed as Conductor. 27. When crews of local freight or mixed trains are required to do switching at :rminal or division stations, they will be paid extra for such service at the rate of 30 nts per hour for Conductors and 20 cents per hour for Brakemen, less than thirty mutes not to be counted. Thirty minutes and over and less than one hoar will be >mputed as one hour, excepting that on runs which occupy less than ten hours, no :tra switching service will be allowed until the total time used in making the run ex- I'ceeds eleven hours. The above not to apply to McAlester, Lehigh, Sherman, Belton :and Lockhart branches. 28. Through freight crews delayed at any point more than one hour loading or un- loading stock, loading or unloading material, or required to switch more than one hour shall be paid extra for such service at regular overtime rates. 29. The proper officers of the Company will listen to any reasonable complaints lade by any individual, Trainman or Yardman, or by a committee of the same, pro- Ivided that a proper notice is given in writing as to the subject of complaint, and special appointment is made as to the time and place to consider same. 100 MISSOURI PACIFIC R'Y. ST. LOUIS, IRON MOUNTAIN & SOUTHERN R'Y. 30. Crews will not be run off their respective divisions except in cases of necessity. 31. It is the rule and intention of the Company to run through freight crews first in first out, but circumstances may arise where this should be changed, and the Com- pany reserves the right to do so. For instance we may deem it advisable to run cer- tain crews upon certain designated trains, and we must be at liberty to arrange such matters for the best interests of the Company. 32. Any employe included under the provision of these rules who is dissatisfied with the decision of any official of the Company shall have the right to appeal there- from to the General Manager, after having first submitted his case to the decision of the General Superintendent. 33. When freight traffic is light so that the crews in service are not able to make reasonable time, crews will be taken off, beginning with the youngest, until the crews left in the service are enabled to make reasonable wages. Conductors temporarily suspended under this rule will be given preference as Brakemen over younger men in the service and will retain their rights as Conductors. 34. Trainmen and Yardmen leaving the service of the Company of their own accord, or if discharged from the service, shall forfeit all rights previously held, unless reinstated within ninety days. 35. Any Train or Yardman leaving the employ of the Company, will, at his re- quest, be given a letter by his Division Superintendent, stating his term of service and the capacities in which he was employed, and whether he has been discharged or has left the service of his own accord, and if discharged, such letter shall state the reasons. 36. When necessary to send a pilot over the road, he shall be paid on same basis as a through freight Conductor. 37. Trainmen will be notified when time is not allowed as per trip report. 38. Perishable and local freight is to be unloaded by through freight crews when necessary, and overtime of one hour or more will be allowed at overtime rates in addi- tion to time used in making the trip. When more than one car of local freight is put in through freight trains, three brakemen will be furnished when practicable. 39. For all freight trainmen employed by the month, the number of calendar working days shall be considered as a full month, and fractional time or parts of a month shall be paid for as so many fractional parts or days of such working-day month. 40. Brakemen to be paid 30 cents each for coaling up engines. Schedule of pay of freight Trainmen on the Trinity and Sabine Section: Trinity to anv point north of Willard and return, one-half day. Trinity to Willard and return, or to any point between Willard and Corrigan and return, one day. Trinity to Corrigan and return, one day. Trinity to any point between Fleming and Colmesneil, one day. Trinity to Colmesneil, one day. Work or wreck trains, for 12 hours, one day. Overtime: W nen 9 or 12 hours are consumed in making run between Trinity and Willard, they will receive one day for same. Crews running between Trinity and Cor- rigan will receive overtime for every hour above 12 hours consumed in making run. The one day allowed for run between Trinity and Colmesneil to include switching at Colmesneil. When a crew runs beyond Corrigan and returns to Trinity in the same day, allow one day for the run up to Corrigan and return to Trinity and mileage be- yond Corrigan; figuring the mileage at rate of 10 miles per hour. All schedules, rules and regulations in conflict with the above are hereby made void. Approved: H. C. CROSS, J. J. FREY, President and General Manager. General Superintendent. November 1st, 1891. THE MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY ; ST. LOUIS, IRON MOUNTAIN & SOUTHERN RAILWAY COMPANY, AND LEASED, OPERATED AND IN- DEPENDENT LINES. 1. Hereafter, in the employment of Conductors, Brakemen and Yardmen, in the service of the above Companies, Division Superintendents are hereby instructed to employ none but sober, reliable and competent men for this service, and all such employes will be directly responsible to and subject to the orders and control of the Division Trainmasters, Division and Terminal Superintendents and Yardmasters, at all times and in all matters pertaining to their duties. No other subordinate officer will be allowed to interfere in the discipline and control of these employes ; but Brake- men will obey the instructions of their Conductors while on duty. MISSOURI PACIFIC R'Y. ST. LOUIS, IRON MOUNTAIN SOUTHERN R'Y. 107 2. Switchmen and Yardmep: Wages and hours of Yardmen shall remain as at pres- it at all points, with the following exceptions: YARD. H'rs per Day. Day Helpers. Night Helpers Day Forem'n Night Forem'n 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 $75 00 7000 65 00 65 00 65 00 65 00 65 00 60 00 2 50 6500 $80 00 70 00 $85 00 7500 $90 00 75 00 iawatha per calendar montb, r eepinec Water per calendar month., reenleaf , per calendar month, 'ort Scott *per calendar month, . . Wichita per calendar month 65 00 6500 '"s'so" Idorado, per Calendar month r infleld per calendar month sawatomie, per day, ort Smith p'er calendar month, an Buren per calendar montn 70 00 3. Wages of Trainmen, Passenger Service: Trainmen will be paid the following ;hedule of rates: Conductors of passenger trains, $100 per month. Brakemen of assenger trains, $50, $55 and $60 per month, as at present. Conductors of pusher en- ines, $75 per month. 4. Wages of Trainmen, Freight Service: Conductors and Brakemen on through reight trains will be paid at the rate of three (3) and two (2) cents per mile respec- ively, for all runs of 100 miles or more: runs of less than 100 miles to be paid as 100 riles. 5. Crews of all local freight trains and mixed trains for regular runs of 100 miles r less, will be paid for full time of 26 or 27 days; Conductors $90 per month, Brakemen 50 per month. For fractional time they will be paid at the rate of $3.50 per day and 2.30 per day, excepting that on the several branch lines below specified they will be aid the following schedule rates: ST. LOUIS, IRON MOUNTAIN AND SOUTHERN BRANCH LINES. NAME OF BRANCH. Rate per Month Rate per Day. $75 00 $2 90 ackson . ........ 85 00 3 25 >oniphan 85 00 3 25 Vhite River . .... 85 00 3 25 iamden 85 00 3 25 'ort Smith . . . 85 00 3 25 Barren 90 00 3 50 Brakemen's pay on the above lines will remain as at present. Missouri Pacific Branch Lines: Monthly rates of trainmen will remain as at present m the Missouri Pacific branches named below : Carondelet branch ; Lebanon branch ; efferson City, Boonville and Lexington division ; Boonville branch ; Sedalia, Warsaw ,nd Southern railway ; St. Louis and Emporia division ; Crete branch ; Lincoln branch Between Weeping Water and Lincoln ; Central Branch division between Downs and jenora ; Republican Valley branch and Pacific Railway in Nebraska ; Burr Oak branch ; outh Solomon branch and Rooks County Railroad ; Kansas and Arizona division ; reat Bend branch ; Ft. Scott, Wichita and Western Railway between Wichita and Qowa ; Denver, Memphis and Atlantic ( Eastern ) division ; McPherson branch ; Grouse reek Railway ; Leroy and Caney Valley Air Line division ; Kansas Southwestern Railway. 6. For running pay trains and special passenger and excursion trains, Conductors nd Brakemen will be paid as follows : Conductors, for runs of 125 miles or less, $3.25 er day ; for runs of more than 125 miles, 2| cents per mile. Brakemen will be paid on ame basis $2 per day, and H cents per mile, except that regular freight crews required o run passenger trains will be paid freight mileage rates. 7. On all local freight and mixed trains, runs of over one hundred miles, Conduct- rs and Brakemen will be paid, in addition to their regular daily rates, 3 and 2 cents er mile respectively for all mileage made in excess of one hundred miles, and over- ime at 30 and 20 cents per hour, as per Article 12, excepting that Brakemen on local reights between Hiawatha and Omaha will be paid $3.25 per trip via Nebraska City tnd $3.15 per trip via Talmage, with overtime as above. 8. The monthly pay rates of local freight and mixed train crews will include the wenty-six or twenty-seven working days of each month. Road service rendered by ocal crews on Sundays, or other extra service, shall be paid for as extra work, at the egular rates for the class or service performed. 9. For all freight trainmen employed by the month, twenty-six or twenty-seven 108 MISSOURI PACIFIC R'Y. ST. LOUIS, IRON MOUNTAIN & SOUTHERN R'Y. days shall be rated as a full month, and fractional time or parts of a month shall be paid for as so many twenty-sixths of a month. 10. Crews of work trains will be paid, Conductors $85 per month, and Brakeuien $60 per month, for the calendar working days in the month ; service on Sundays will b( paid extra, and overtime will be paid for all time used in excess of twelve hours a day 11. Overtime and Excess Mileage: Overtime will be allowed and paid to all crews o: local, through freight and mixed trains, as follows : On all freight train runs of less than one hundred miles, which runs may require more than ten hours' time, overtime will be paid for all time used in making any trip in excess of ten hours after deducting two hours for delayed time. When the delayed time on any trip amounts to more thai two hours, all overtime will be allowed in excess of ten hours. 12. On all through freight runs of over one hundred miles, Conductors and Brake men shall be paid 3 and 2 cents per mile, respectively, for all mileage made on each] run ; and in addition to actual mileage, overtime shall be paid them on the basis of ten miles per hour ; for example, on a run of one hundred and fifty miles they shall be pai( 3 and 2 cents per mile, for one hundred and fifty miles, and in addition thereto, for al overtime made in excess of fifteen hours. 13. Trainmen required to remain on duty with their trains after arrival at ter minal stations thirty minutes or more shall be paid therefor as overtime. 14. Road crews delayed on the road more than one hour, loading or unloading material, or required to switch more than one hour at gravel pits, stone quarries, coa mines, or other similar places, will be paid extra for such time at overtime rates, aftel ten hours' service. 15. In computing overtime, no fraction of an hour less than thirty minutes shal be counted, but all overtime of thirty minutes or over, and less than one hour, shall be counted one hour. 16. All overtime made by train crews will be paid at the uniform rates of 30 cents per hour for Conductors, and 20 cents per hour for Brakemen. 17. No overtime will be paid to any passenger trainmen that are employed by th< month in regular service. When they perform extra service they will be paid foi actual service rendered at their regular rates of pay. 18. Miscellaneous: Trainmen or Yardmen required to dead-head shall receive hal pay, and when attending court by request of an official, they shall be paid according t< their regular daily pay, and one dollar per day for expenses. 19. When trainmen are called, and, for any reason other than their own acts, d< not go out, they shall be paid for one-half day, if held on duty less than six hours, am stand first out. If held more than six hours, they shall be paid for one day and g< behind all other crews at that point, at that time ; it being understood that in cas< crews go out within six hours, they shall receive time from first call. 20. Trainmen living within one mile of main line, division, or terminal stations shall be called as nearly as practicable, one hour before leaving time, by train Caller who will be provided with a book in which the men called will enter their names, alsr the time called, and the time of trainmen will begin at the time set for the departure of their train. 21. When crews of through or local freight or mixed trains are required to d( switching service at terminal or division stations, they will be paid extra for such ser vice, at the rate of 30 and 20 cents per hour ; less than thirty minutes not to be counted ; thirty minutes and over and less than one hour will be computed as one hou excepting that on runs which occupy less than ten hours, no extra switching service will be allowed until the total time used in making the runs exceeds ten hours. 22. The actual time made by Conductors and Brakemen for switching service, a above specified, shall be kept by the Yardmaster, or where there is no Yardmaster bv the Station Agent, in a book kept for that special purpose, and all such switching time shall be returned to the division office and made up in the pay rolls for the month in which this service is rendered. 23. The proper officers of the Railway Company will listen to any reasonable com plaints made by either individual Conductors, Brakemen or Yardmen, or by committee of the same, provided proper notice is given, in writing, as to the subject of complaint and special appointment is made as to the time and place to consider the same. 24. After continuous service of sixteen hours or more, trainmen shall be entitlec to and allowed eight hours for rest before being called to go out, except in cases o: wrecks, washouts, or similar emergencies. 25. Crews shall not be run off of their respective divisions, except in case of neces sity or special emergency, when no crews of that division are there to take the trains 26. Any Conductor, Trainman or Yardman, may be suspended from duty for z reasonable time or for investigation for any alleged misconduct, or for violation o rules or orders ; and may be discharged from the service of the Company for good an< sufficient causes. These causes shall include intemperance, incompetency, habitua neglect of duty, gross violation of rules or orders, dishonesty, or insubordination. Fo MISSOURI PACIFIC R'Y. ST. LOUIS, IRON MOUNTAIN & SOUTHERN R'Y. 109 iy of these causes, they may be suspended by the Division Trainmaster and discharged the Division Superintendent. 27. When a Conductor, Trainman or Yardman is discharged or suspended for a ^finite term, for an alleged fault, he shall have a fair and impartial trial within five lys after filing his request therefor with the Division Superintendent, and if suspended r investigation, such investigation shall be held within five days without such request. ' found innocent, he shall be paid at regular rates for time lost, and reinstated. If stained over five days, awaiting investigation, he shall be paid for extra time in scess of five days, whether found guilty or not. 28. In filling vacancies in the ranks of freight Conductors, all Conductors, Brake- len and Baggagemen will be considered in the line of promotion, according to their ge in the service and their ability to assume the duties of Conductors, except that iree Brakemen shall be first promoted and then one experienced Conductor may be Ted as a Conductor, at the option of the officer in charge. A Conductor so hired shall ike his place at the foot of the list of extra Conductors, and may be temporarily used s extra Brakeman, pending vacancy to be filled by him. 29. All employes in yard service shall be promoted accordiug to age and ability, roviding the officers in charge of such men consider them competent for positions to r hich they are entitled by seniority in service ; and anyone feeling that he has not had fair and impartial examination, shall have a right to appeal to higher authority. 30. All Conductors will be considered in the line of promotion according to their erm of service, dependent upon their good conduct and ability. Whenever additional lonductors are required in .the passenger service, promotions will be made from the anks of freight Conductors, as above, giving each freight district representation in turn, except that the General Superintendent reserves the right to employ additional r new men for these positions when they consider the good of the service requires it. 31. Any employe included under the provisions of this agreement, who is dissatis- ed with the decision of any official of the Company, shall have the right to appeal icrefrom to the General Manager, after having first submitted his case to the deci- ion of the General Superintendent. 32. The oldest Brakemen, when competent, will be given preference as passenger Brakemen, when they so desire. 33. On all main line local freight and mixed trains the train crews shall consist of Conductor and three Brakemen ; on branch roads, where the service is light, the rews shall consist of a Conductor and two Brakemen, excepting that on branches vhere the trains are heavy enough to require them, three Brakemen shall be employed t the discretion of the Division Superintendent. 34. When passenger or freight Conductors make reasonable objections to the trainmaster or Division Superintendent against any Brakeman under their charge, uch Brakeman shall be removed or assigned to other duty or dismissed from the ser- ice, according to the circumstances. 35. All instructions given to freight or passenger Conductors by Trainmasters or Frain Dispatchers relative to movement of trains or disposition of cars, will be given n train orders, or in writing. 36. When a trainman is required by the Superintendent to change his run, and by o doing he would be obliged to move his family and household goods, they shall be moved free of charge on application therefor. 37. Passenger train Brakemen who have never worked on freight trains must work it least two years on a freight train before they shall be entitled to an examination or promotion to a freight Conductorship. 38. Freight cabooses and their crews shall not be laid over for the reason that heir Conductor has laid off for any cause. 39. When the freight traffic on any portion of the road is so light that all the "reight crews in service are not able to make reasonable wages, crews shall be laid off beginning with the youngest men ) until the crews in service are able to make reason- able wages. Any Conductors suspended from service under this rule will be given preference as Brakemen, and they will retain their rights as Conductors and will be replaced on their runs when the freight business requires an increase of crews. 40. If a Conductor, Brakeman or Yardman leaves the service of the Company of ris own accord, or if he is discharged from the service, he shall forfeit all rights previ- ously held unless he is reinstated within ninety days. 41. There shall be no discrimination against any employe of the Company on account of being a member of any of the railway organizations. 42. Any Conductor, Trainman or Yardman leaving the employ of the Company will, at his request, be given a letter by his Superintendent or Division Snperintendent stating his term of service, capacities in which employed, and whether he has been discharged or has left the service of his own accord. If discharged, such letter shall state the reasons. 110 MOBILE & OHIO RAILWAY. 43. A copy of this letter of instructions will be furnished to all Division Superina tendents, Trainmasters, and Yardmasters, and the same shall be accessible to anj employe who may desire to see it. GEO. C. SMITH, Assistant General Manager. Approved: S. H. H. CLARK, A. W. DICKINSON, First Vice President and General Manager. R. E. RICKER, May 1, 1891. General Superintendents. MOBILE & OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY. 1. This Company will employ or promote men to the position of Conductor, as ij the judgment of the management may be required. None but sober, reliable, cpmpe tent, able-bodied and experienced men will be employed. The right to promotion 01 regular runs will be governed by merit, ability and seniority. They will be directl] responsible and subject to the orders and control of the Trainmaster and Division Su perintendent at all times and in all matters pertaining to their duties. All employei will be dismissed without a hearing in cases of drinking on duty, intoxication on or of duty, insubordination, and no habitual frequenters of saloons will be retained in tin service of the Company. 2. Passenger Conductors on trains 1, 2, 5, and 6, will be paid $100 per calendaj month, Baggagemasters $57.50, and Brakemen $52.50 per calendar month. The Citron! elle, Murphysboro and Branch service Conductors and Brakemen will remain the sam< as heretofore. 3. On the mixed trains Conductors will be paid $80 and Brakemen $55 per calenda: month. Twelve hours to constitute a day's work. 4. There will be five local crews on Jackson and Mobile divisions, first in first ou' of Jackson and Meridian. Conductors will be paid $88.40 per month and Brakemen $6 per month, Sundays not included. Twelve hours to constitute a day's work. When ; full month is not made pay shall be computed by days in current month. 5. Local freight Conductors will be paid $3.35 per trip between Murphysboro an< East St. Louis, and $3.35 per trip from Murphysboro to Cairo and return. Local freigh Brakemen will be paid $2.35 per trip between Murphysboro and East St. Louis, and $2.31 from Murphysboro to Cairo and return. Twelve hours to constitute a day's work. 6. Through freight Conductors will be paid as follows : PROM TO Hrs. p'rday Per Trip Vast ^t Louis Cairo 12 $4 55 Burkesvllle and return 12 3 35 Murphy sboro . . . 12 2 75 Cairo 10 2 50 Gravel Pit and return 10 3 00 Jackson 12 3 45 Okolona. ... . 12 3 45 Meridian 12 3 50 Meridian Mobile . 12 3 50 Through freight Brakemen will be paid as follows : FROM TO Hrs. p'rday Per Trip East St Louis Cairo 12 12 12 10 10 12 12 12 12 $3 05 235 2 00 1 75 2 00 2 30 230 2 40 2 40 Murphysboro . . Burkesville and Murphysboro . . return East St Louis ... . Cairo Murphysboro Gravel Pit and r Jackson eturn .... Jackson Okolona.. .... Meridian Meridian Mobile. 7. When freight crews are called to go out on picnic or excursion trains they wil be paid, Conductors $3.33 per day, Brakemen $2 per day. Twelve hours to constitute a day's work. On work, wreck or circus trains, where freight crews are used, will b paid : Conductors $3 per day, Brakemen $2 per day. Twelve hours to constitute day's work. On wrecking trains where less than six hours' service is required, the pa; will be one-half work train rates as above. Where over six hours is required, they will be paid work train rates as above. MOBILE & OHIO RAILWAY. in Conductors and Brakemen dead-heading- on Company's business will be paid ic-half rates, or running light engine and caboose through freight rates. 9. Conductors and Brakemen attending court at Company's request will be paid : onductors $3 per day, Brakemen $2 per day of twenty-four hours and an allowance of 1 per day for expenses, when not at their homes. Where crews are called as witnesses i cases of investigation, they will be paid the rates that their cabooses make while eld off for that purpose. 10. When Conductor or Brakeman is called and for any reason the train is aban- (oned, he will be paid at overtime rates per hour from the time called until relieved. 11. No more crews will be assigned to runs than in the judgment of the manage- Ilient is necessary to move the traffic of the road with promptness and regularity. 12. Crews will not be required to go out when they need rest, nor shall any crew permitted to run on the road when their physical ability has been fairly taxed by [revious service, before they have had the needed rest. 13. Conductors and Brakemen will not be suspended or discharged, except for just lause, and when suspended will be given a hearing in five days and will be notified of he result of the investigation. When a Conductor or Brakeman is suspended from uty and on investigation it is found they were not to blame for the act for which they rere suspended, they will be paid : Conductors $3 per day, Brakemen $2 per day of wenty-four hours, for all the time they have lost by reason of suspension, but they ail have no claim to compensation for the time for which they were suspended if it found they were to blame for the act for which they were suspended. When a Con- tactor or Brakeman, who is charged with wrong or fault, is called in for investigation f he sees proper to invite another Conductor or Brakeman to go in with him to hear jhe investigation, the management have no objection to his doing so. 14. The Caller will call all crews at the place they designate, within one mile of te yard office at Cairo, Murphysboro, East St. Louis, Jackson, Okolona, Meridian, and [llobile. No crews will be called in St. Louis. If he lives outside of the limit herein Described or is at any other point, he must make his own arrangements to ascertain whether he is wanted or not. When crews are called to go out, they must sign the Jailer's book, giving the exact time at which they were called. Time will commence om one hour after they are called and will be ascertained from train reports and Ihecked by Conductor's trip slips. 15. Overtime will be paid after twelve hours from time train is called to go out nd will be paid : For Conductors 30 cents, and for Brakemen 20 cents per hour ; thirty mutes counted as nothing and over thirty minutes as one hour. 16. On through freight runs, between St. Louis and Cairo, if crew is cut out by Irders of the Trainmaster or Division Superintendent, or they are physically unable to pmplete the trip, the pay will be on the basis of Article 6. If not under these condi- ions, pay to be strictly on mileage basis. 17. If any employe is dissatisfied with the decision of the Division Officers, he has Jhe right of appeal to the General Superintendent and General Manager. ENGINEERS. 1. Passenger Service: Engineers of passenger trains will be paid 3i cents per mile, miles or more. If delayed two hours beyond schedule time will be paid overtime, 35 |ents per hour, counting thirty minutes as nothing, over thirty minutes one hour. Lp or round trips of sixty-five miles or less will be paid $2.50, provided the trip or Es are made within eight hours ; will be paid 35 cents per hour thereafter. Sixty-five ;s to 100 will be paid $3.25 trip or round trips, and overtime after eight hours. Ex- irsion trains from Mobile to Citronelle and return, $3.50 per day ; overtime after Iwelve hours. 2. Freight Service : Engineers on through freight will be paid 4 cents per mile, 100 liles or more. If more than twelve hours are consumed in making the run between |elay points, 35 cents for each hour delayed thereafter, counting thirty minutes as jiothing, over thirty minutes as one hour. Time to commence one hour after Engineer called. Trip or round trips of sixty-five miles or less, $3.50, provided the run is made ^ten hours. If over ten hours, 35 cents per hour for each hour thereafter, thirty linutes counting nothing, over thirty minutes one hour. Sixty- five miles to 100 miles rill be paid $4 trip or round trips, and overtime after twelve hours. Engineers on local iight will be paid 4i cents per mile for 100 miles or more. If more than twelve hours are msumed in making the run between relay points, Engineer will be paid 35 cents per lour ; thirty minutes counting nothing, over thirty minutes one hour. Time to com- nence one hour after being called. Trip or round trips of sixty-five miles or less, $3.50, >rovided the trip or round trips is made in ten hours, and will be paid 35 cents per hour jreafter. Trip or round trips of sixty -five miles to 100 miles, $4.25, and overtime over iiwelve hours. 3. Engineers running light engines and cabooses will be paid 3i cents per mile, 100 liles or more, and will be paid overtime over twelve hours, 30 cents per hour, counting 112 MOBILE & OHIO RAILWAY. thirty minutes as nothing, over thirty minutes one hour. Sixty-five miles or less, trij or round trips, $2.50, and overtime after eight hours. Sixty-five miles to 100, trip oj round trips, $3.25, and overtime after twelve hours. 4. Engineers pulling special, pay car, or excursion trains will be paid as per Ai ticle 1. 5. Engineers running the Murphysboro accommodation will be paid $3 each way| and if delayed two hours beyond schedule time to be paid 35 cents per hour ; thirty minutes as nothing, more than thirty minutes one hour. 6. Should an engine start out on a run and, from any cause, have to give up train] and return, the distance being sixty-five miles or less, irrespective of service engaged] in, the Engineer will be paid $2.50. and overtime over eight hours. Sixty-five miles tq| 100, $4, and overtime after twelve hours. If the run is over 100 miles, will be paid as] per service engaged in. 7. Light engine mileage must be placed in column for that purpose on trip tick" ets, and must have spaces fully filled out, showing time of leaving and arriving foi each trip or round trip, and must show time called and arriving. 8. Switch Engineers will be paid $2.75 per day at East St. Louis, Murphysbon Cairo, Jackson, Meridian, Mobile and Whistler. At Columbus, Miss., $2.50 per Twelve hours to constitute a day's work, overtime at 25 cents per hour. 9. Branch Runs : On the Aberdeen branch, the Columbus and Starkville branches^ including all switching that may be necessary, and to run as many trips as may " required to do the business for passenger or mixed trains, the compensation of the En-j gineer shall be $3.50 per day. On the Millstadt branch, including all switching tha may be necessary at any and all points, and as many trips per day as may be require to do the business of the Millstadt branch, the Engineer shall receive $85 per monthj Overtime on all branches will commence after twelve hours, and will be paid for such] overtime at the rate of 30 cents per hour. 10. Work Train Service: On gravel, timber and all work trains, the Engineer run-i ning such trains will be paid $100 per month, and be required to remain with theii trains unless relieved by the division officers. If they shall perform service ever] working day in such month they shall receive the same compensation as if they workec every day in the month. If they make any time less than the number of working daysJ they will be paid at the rate of $100 per month for the actual number of days in the] current month. Overtime on work trains will commence after twelve hours. The En-| gineer running pile driver trains, when required, shall run the pile driver engine, am shall receive, in addition to his regular pay, $10 per month for such service. Conduct^ ors, or men in charge of trains, shall certify to the Engineer's time tickets as beinj correct. 11. Incline Service: Engineers running incline engines will receive $100 per month) provided they render service, when required, every day in the month. If any time les than a full month, they will be paid at the rate of $100 per month. Twelve hours considered a day's work. Overtime in such service will begin after twelve hours, an< will be paid for at the rate of 25 cents per hour. The Yardmaster shall certify to thi Engineer's time ticket as being correct. 12. Irregular Service : When an Engineer is called to go out to perform two 01 three hours' work, and he returns in time to take out his regular train, he will be pai at overtime rates for the time he is out, and will not lose his run ; but if he does return in time to take his run, he will be paid $3.50, and will be considered the last mai in. Extra Engineers called to perform irregular service, if they are out less than si: hours, will be paid at overtime rates per hour. If over six hours, will be paid $3.50. Or the St. Louis division on freight runs between St. Louis and Cairo, if engine is cut ou1 by the orders of the Master Mechanic, or the Engineer is physically unable to complete the trip, the pay between St. Louis and Murphysboro shall be $4, and between Murphys] boro and Cairo $3.50. If not under these conditions, pay to be strictly on mileagt basis. For the movement of wrecking car and material for wrecking at washout, or snow service: Ai Engineer called for this service shall receive as compensation $3.50 per day for all tim< over six hours, up to twelve hours, and thereafter overtime at the rate of 30 cents pe hour. If under six hours, at the rate of 30 cents per hour. Any Engineer who ij required to take an engine across the river at Cairo, shall be allowed 35 cents per hou for the time employed in such service ; the Yardmasters at East Cairo and @airo tj certify to the time tickets. 13. Overtime: In order to have no misunderstanding as to what overtime meai passenger and freight Engineers will be paid for overtime at the rate of thirty- fivi cents per hour : for work trains, thirty cents per hour ; for all branch trains, thirtj cents per hour ; for switching service, twenty-five cents per hour ; for incline servicd twenty-five cents per hour. Under thirty minutes, nothing ; over thirty minutes, onj hour. 14. Engineers of passenger and freight trains arriving at terminals, if they c; MOBILE & OHIO RAILWAY. t get their engines to the round house or are not relieved by a hostler, within thirty inutes, will be paid thirty-five cents per hour for each hour in excess of that time, nything over thirty minutes, one hour, and less than thirty minutes nothing ; except i passenger trains arriving at Mobile and East St. Louis, where overtime will not >ply until one hour after arrival. 15. For watching engines in case trains are unable to reach terminals, one man ly will be paid fifteen cents per hour. Engineers delayed beyond schedule time in riving at terminals, caused by wrecks, washouts, or other causes which block the ad, when Engineer is rendering service at such washouts, etc., he will be paid thirty- re cents per hour. When no service is performed, he will receive fifteen cents per >ur for all delays over schedule time. 16. The rights of Engineers to regular runs will be determined by seniority and ipacity ; all Engineers to rank as to seniority from the date they are employed per- anently as Engineers, and senior Engineers will have preference as to runs when erit and competency are equal. 17. No more Engineers will be assigned to runs than are necessary in the judgment the management to move the traffic of the road with promptness and regularity. 18. The Company will exercise the right to run its engines in such manner and on- ch parts of its road as in the judgment of the management of the road is necessary: properly transact its business. 19. Engineers detailed to go over the road to attend to Company's business, such attending court, or appearing before proper parties, will be allowed $5 per day of renty-four hours, for all time lost and pay their own expenses, except for transpor- tion, but the allowance for expenses does not apply at their homes on the division on lich such Engineer is employed. 20. When Engineers are not regularly assigned to any engine, all work reported them on arrival at the shops will be done at the shops, but they will be required to- all necessary work heretofore done by them, or work which is necessary to be done ray from the shops, and Engineers running regular engines will do all work usually ne by Engineers. 21. Engineers will not be held responsible for the loss of or damage to tools, or image done to rolling stock, unless the same is caused by negligence on their part r ad will not be suspended for killing or injuring live stock, unless it is shown that they been negligent, or did not use proper and reasonable efforts to avoid the injury. 22. Engineers shall not be required to go out when they need rest, nor shall any ngineer be permitted to run on the road when his physical ability has been fairly xed by previous service, before he has had the needed rest. 23. Engineers will be required to conform strictly to the schedule speed of trains ey are running, except when they receive orders to exceed the speed provided for in e schedule. Engineers are expected to report to the Trainmaster or Superintendent len schedule speed is exceeded on down grades, by reason of Conductors and Brake- en failing to properly apply brakes when Engineers give the signal for that purpose, ood judgment is at all times expected from Engineers in passing over the summits, to ive their trains well in hand and under control. When this is the case and prompt port is made of the failure of brakes being applied when called for, Engineers will t then be held responsible for excessive speed resulting from this cause. 24. Engineers will not be suspended or discharged except for just cause, and when spended, will be given a hearing in five days and will be notified of the result of the vestigation. When an Engineer is suspended from duty, and on investigation it is. und that he was not to blame for the act for which he was suspended, he will be paid per day of twenty-four hours for all time he has lost by reason of such suspension, it he shall have no claim for compensation for time he was suspended if it is found! was to blame for the act for which he was suspended. When an Engineer is called for investigation, who is charged with wrong or fault, if he sees proper to invite any her Engineer to go in with him to hear the investigation, the management have m> jection to his doing so. 25. Engineers when going over the road for an engine or returning after deliver- g one under orders, will be paid two cents per mile. 26. The Caller will call all Engineers at the place they designate, if within one lie of the round house. If he lives outside of the limits herein prescribed, he must ake his own arrangements to ascertain whether he is wanted or not. When Engineer called to go out, he shall sign Caller's book giving the exact time at which he was- tiled. Tim will commence from one hour after the Engineer is called, and will be icertained from train reports and checked by Engineer's trip reports. If the train is* mndoned, they will be paid thirty-five cents per hour from the time they go on duty itil they are relieved. 27. If any Engineer or other employe is dissatisfied with the decision of the divi- officers, he has the right of appeal to the General Superintendent or to the Super- 114 MONTANA UNION RAILWAY. intendent of Machinery. If he is dissatisfied with their decision, he has the right appeal to the General Manager. 28. It is hereby agreed and understood that this agreement shall remain in fu force and effect from the first day of January, 1891, to the first day of January, 189 unless it is mutually agreed by both the contracting parties hereto to abandon th agreement, and that written notice of sixty days shall be given by either party aft the first day of January, 1892, who desire to alter, amend, revise or abolish the sam All officers or the Mobile & Ohio Railroad Company will see that this agreement carried out in good iaith on the part of the Company, and this committee acting f the Engineers on the Mobile & Ohio Railroad agree on their part to carry out th agreement in good faith for them. It is distinctly understood that when this agre ment goes into effect that if a wrong or injury has been done to any one or more pe sons affected by this agreement, the management is ready at all times to take up an consider in a spirit of fairness such grievance. MOBILE & OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY, Engineers Mobile & Ohio Railroad : BY JAS C. CLARKE, BY J. B. COZART, General Chairman. President and General Manage January 1, 1891. YARD SERVICE. East St. Louis, 111: Yardmaster, day, $115 per month; night, $95. Foreman, da ."29 cents per hour; night, 27 cents. Switchmen, day, 27 cents per hour ; night 25 cent Murphysboro, III: Yardmaster, daj, $85 per month; night, $80. Switchmen, da ;and night, $2 per day. Cairo, 111: Yardmaster, general, $100 per month. Foreman, day, 28 cents per hou >night, 27 cents. Switchmen, day, 24 cents per hour ; night, 23i cents. East Cairo, Ky : Yardmaster, general, $100 per month. Foreman, day, $2.80 p -day, 28 cents per'hour overtime ; Foreman, night, $3.24 per day, 27 cents per hour ove time. Switchmen, day, $2.40 per day, 1:4 cents per hour overtime ; Switchmen, nigh $2.82 per day, 23i cents per hour overtime. Jackson, Term : Yardmaster, day, $100 per month ; night, $75. Foreman, day, $ per month ; night, $65. Switchmen, day and night, $60 per month. Okolona, Miss: Yardmaster, day, $100 per month; night, $75. Switchmen, day an aiight, $60 per month. Meridian, Miss: Yardmaster, day, $100 per month; night, $75. Foreman, day, Switchmen, day and night, $60 per month. Mobile, Ala : Yardmaster, day, $100 per month ; night, $75. Foreman, day, $65 p month. Switchmen, day and night, $60 per month. D. McLAREN, For the Order of Railway Conductors: General Superintendent. A. B. GARRETSON, G. S. C. For the Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen: S. E. WILKINSON, G. M. MONTANA UNION RAILWAY COMPANY. 1. Passenger Conductors, $120 per month; freight Conductors, $105 per mont Train Baggagemen, $85 and $90 per month. Passenger Brakemen, $80 per montl freight Brakemen, $75 per month. Foremen switching crews, $3.50 per day. Switc men, $3 per day. Overtime after ten hours, excepting Train Baggagemen. 2. Ten hours or less to be considered a day's work for train or yard service. 3. For freight train crews a round trip between Anaconda and Butte, or But and Anaconda, or Silver Bow and Anaconda and Garrison, or Garrison and Anacond to be invariably considered a day's work. The pay and runs of passenger crews to r main the same as in effect May 1, 1892, that is, on a basis of ten hours' work. 4. Trainmen to receive 35 cents and 25 cents per hour for switching at terminal Anaconda, Butte and Garrison to be considered as terminals. All work not in exce of thirty minutes to go to the Company, over thirty minutes to be counted an hou Switching out bad orders or no bill cars, and doubling trains to or from different trac not to be considered switching at terminals. 5. Train crews to make five doubles between Anaconda and Mill Creek, or An conda and Stewart, or Butte and Silver Bow without additional compensation in ea( calendar month. Overtime after ten hours. Pay for all doubles after five doubles 35 cents per hour for Conductors, and 25 cents per hour for Brakemen. 6. Trainmen and yardmen will be allowed sixty days leave of absence, if leave obtained in writing, and retain their rights. 7. Trainmen and yardmen on Company business will receive pay at their schedu rates, and necessary expenses when away from home. NASHVILLE. CHATTANOOGA & ST. LOUIS RAILWAY. 8. In case of breach of discipline, as a general rule, parties implicated will be tified within five days after a decision is arrived at. 9. The rights to regular runs to be governed by seniority and ability. 10. Freight train crews to be called at a distance of one mile from station, and at ast one hour before leaving time, and to be entitled to eight hours' rest in every renty-four. 11. That $3.65 be paid to engine Foremen, and $3.15 to Helpers in all yards of the ontana Union Railway. 12. Any trainmen or yardmen who are suspended for any offense, if proven inno- nt, shall be paid full pay and be reinstated to all former rights. 13. One Foreman and three Helpers to be employed with engine 75, known as the iay engine, when employed in Butte yard. 14. If yardmen accept or are temporarily assigned to train service, they shall not rrender their rights in the yard nor obtain any in train service, and the same shall pply to trainmen assigned or accepting service in the yard, but must perform either rvice when called upon. 15. Time slips will be returned to Conductors and Foremen for correction when t honored. 16. When helper switch engine, working between town track and Walkerville, is signed to separate work at the Lexington, Anaconda supply and other tracks in that cinity, the pay of the helper, designated as Assistant Foreman, assigned to the work all be $3.40 per day, and not more if engaged in bringing an ore train from the hill South Butte. 17. All switch tenders and engine herders working in any yard of the Montana nion Railway, shall be paid at the same rate as was in effect May 1, 1892, that is, no ange in pay or hours. 18. The oldest man employed in yard service will have the preference of what gine or job he is entitled to, if competent to perform the duty. 19. Men transferred from Butte or Anaconda to Silver Bow yard will hold their ghts in the yard transferred from. 20. Trainmen or yardmen leaving the service of the Company will be given letters ating length of service and cause of leaving-. 21. Members of the O. R. C. and B. of R. T. will be furnished transportation upon esentation of traveling cards if engaged in train or yard service, or seeking employ- ent in such ; otherwise no transportation. 22. This schedule to supersede all other usages and rules heretofore in effect. WM. H. BURNS, >r the Order of Railway Conductors : General Manager. JAS. STARK, J. K. MULLIN. r the Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen : C. J. KIRBY, JAS. S. STRAIN, M. J. ELLIOTT. June 21, 1892. ASHVILLE, CHATTANOOGA & ST. LOUIS RAILWAY, AND THE WESTERN & ATLANTIC RAILROAD. TRAINMEN'S SCHEDULE. 1. There shall be established on each division a Board of Inquiry, to consist of the iperintendent or Assistant Superintendent (or both), and the Superintendent of otive Power or Master Mechanic (or both), whose duty it shall be to investigate acci- ;nts. In case employes are suspended to appear before this board, thay will be given 'hearing within five days, and will receive prompt notice of the result of the investi- ition. All punishments shall consist of suspension or discharge. It shall not be nec- >sary to convene the board except for the investigation of accidents. If the parties nished by the board, 'or otherwise, desire it, they may appeal, first, through the Ferintendent to the Assistant General Manager and then to the General Manager, appeals must be made in writing and presented to the Superintendent within thirty ys after the decision of the board shall have been made known. Should the employes ispended be found innocent, they will be paid for the time the suspension was in ec t Conductors $2.85 per day, and Brakemen, Baggagemen and Yardmen $1.75 per .y. To enable the division officers to make investigations, reports must be made to e proper officer at the end of each trip. 2. Road delay time will be allowed Conductors and Brakemen after the schedule the train shall have been exceeded two hours, at the rate of thirty and twenty nts, respectively, per hour for every hour and fractional part thereof. When a ain has been delayed to exceed two hours, the first two hours will be counted. In .se schedules are changed on the oad, road delay time will be computed from sched- e departed -on. Wages shall be computed from one hour after the men are called, 116 NASHVILLE. CHATTANOOGA & ST. LOUTS RAILWAY. or the time the train departs, if earlier. Road delay time for extra passenger trai shall be arrived at by taking- the average time of the schedule passenger trains on th division. The schedule of extra freight trains running between terminals shall computed at the rate of twelve and one-half miles per hour. 3. Yard delay time at terminals shall be allowed at the rate of thirty and twent cents, respectively, per hour, for each hour or fractional part thereof, after a tra shall have been delayed within the yard limits beyond thirty minutes. Running tim of the train within yard limits shall not be considered. When delayed immediate outside of the yard limit board, trainmen shall be allowed yard delay time at sam rate, when delay exceeds thirty minutes. 4. At Nashville, Chattanooga, Atlanta and Union City, trainmen will be call not to exceed one hour before the leaving time ot their trains, provided they li within one mile of the yard from which their trains start. The Caller shall be fu nished with a book, which must be signed by the men, showing the time that they a called, and the time the train is to depart. Failing to respond promptly, whether it his turn out or not, the party at fault shall be suspended or discharged, at the discr tion of the Superintendent. When trainmen come in on their runs, and are not ab for duty, they must so notify the Superintendent or his assistant. If afterward, account of sickness, they cannot go out, they must send a written notice to the Supe intendent or his assistant at least two hours before they are needed. They must n lay off, except by permission of an authorized officer, unless they, or a member of the immediate family, are suddenly taken sick, in which event they must give at least ti hours' notice. 5. When trainmen are called to go out between the hours of 7 P. M. and 7 A. 14 and the train is afterward annulled, they shall be allowed three hours, at the rate thirty and twenty cents per hour, respectively : provided, they are not notified th will be required for another schedule train within one hour. When called to go out other hours, in case train is annulled, they shall be paid at the same rates per hou but time shall be computed from one hour after they are called until they are notifi that train is annulled. Trainmen thus called will stand first out ; provided it does n interfere with men who have regular runs. 6. For attending court or appearing before proper persons to give evidence, Co ductors, Baggagemen and Brakemen. having regular crews, and Yardmen having re ular work, shall be paid the amount they would have made had they performed the usual duties. This shall not prevent the Company from using these men on any m after they are through attending court, and before their regular crews are due leave. Other Conductors and Brakemen shall be paid $3 and $2 per day, respective] computed from the time they leave their homes, or the time they are marked to g out, until they return. They will be furnished with transportation to and from coui No pay shall be allowed in cases where the time so consumed does not interfere wit the men making their regular trips and having eight hours rest, if they require it. 7. Conductors and Brakemen, when dead-heading on a freight train, will allowed the rate of pay given the same class of men that are in charge of the trai When dead-heading on passenger train they will be paid one and one-quarter ai eight-tenths of a cent, respectively, per mile for the distance traveled. When a ma is traveling over the road for the purpose of relieving a man who has asked for leai of absence, he will not receive any compensation for the distance traveled. 8. After a continuous service of sixteen hours, or more, Conductors and trai men shall be entitled to and allowed eight hours for rest at terminals, if they proper notice of such desire, except in case of wrecks or similar emergencies. 9. Conductors will be notified in writing when time is not allowed as per their reports. 10. Any trainman drinking intoxicants on duty, or being under their influence ( or off duty, will be dismissed from the service of the Company. 11. All crews assigned to regular runs at a monthly rate, that are not provide for in the accompanying rate sheets, will be paid extra for all service performed addition to their regular duties at established rates for class of service performed. 12. All crews not assigned to regular runs will run first in first out. 13. All freight Conductors and Brakemen ordered out on short runs, less than 1 miles, shall be allowed 100 miles for the same. Overtime for all time used in excess twelve hours. . SCALE OF WAGES OF TRAINMEN. 14. Main line passenger trains : Conductors, per mile run, 2 cents : Baggageme per month, $52.50 ; Flagmen, per month, $47.50. Rome express, same rates as above. 15. Through freight trains : Conductors, 2 8-10 cents ; Brakemen, 1 9-JO cents, p mile run. 16. Local freight trains. Three crews to each division : Conductors, $90 ; Brak men, $60 per month. NASHVILLE. CHATTANOOGA & ST. LOUIS RAILWAY. 117 17. Local Chattanooga to Bridgeport and Chattanooga to Shellmound. Two round ips daily: Conductors, $90; Brakemen, $60 per month. Chattanooga and Victoria in : Conductors, per day, *$2.80; Brakemen, *$1.90. 18. Cowan run : Mileage, and overtime, in case round trip is not made in twenty- >ur hours, but it is understood this run will be discontinued and run made from Nash- lle to Tracy City, 107 miles, on which rates will be : Conductors, $3 ; Brakemen, $2 *r single trip. 19. Dalton and Marietta accommodations : Conductors and trainmen, same rates id service as at present. 20. Sequatchie Valley division : On passenger trains : Conductors, per day, *$2.80 : aggagemasters, per month, f$25; Brakemen. per day, *$1.60. On freight trains: Dnductors, per day, *$2.80; Brakemen, *$1.90. ' 21. Huntsville, Fayetteville and Columbia division, and McMinnville branch : On issenger trains: Conductors, per day, *$2.65 ; Baggagemasters, per month, f$25; rakemen, per day, *$1.50. On freight and mixed trains : Conductors, per day, *$2.80; rakemen, *$1.60. 22. Centreville branch : Brakemen, $1.50 per day, and are to continue coaling and tping engines as at present. 23. Union City and Columbus run : Conductors, per day, *$2.80 ; Brakemen, *$1.90. 24. Construction or material trains : Conductors, $90 per month ; twelve hours to nstitute a day's work ; hours in excess of twelve to be paid as overtime. 25. Conductors and Brakemen of wood and wrecking trains shall be paid, respec- vely, 35 and 20 cents per hour, or fractional part thereof ; time to be computed from e time train starts, or one hour after the men are called, until they return to start- .g point. In case the train is laid up before returning, for the purpose of affording e men necessary time for rest and sleep, such proportion of the time shall be de- icted from the whole, and only actual time on duty will be paid for. A minimum of x hours will be allowed, but no mileage will be paid. 26. Yardmasters at Marietta and Dalton will be paid $70 per month ; Helpers, $2 ;r day for the days they work. One Helper with each engine. 27. When the business of the road is so light that the freight crews in service are lable to make 3,000 miles per month crews will be taken off, beginning with the mngest Conductors, until those that are left can make 3,000 miles per month. Con- ictors thus taken off shall have preference as Brakemen, and shall be restored to leir positions as Conductors when the business of the road will justify the same. 28. The right to runs, both passenger and freight, shall be governed by seniority id ability on their respective divisions. 29. Local grievances and differences of opinion as to construction of this agree- ent shall be taken up with division officers ; failing to be adjusted they will be re- rred to the general officers, as per Article 1. ENGINEMEN'S SCHEDULE. 1. All through freight Engineers shall be paid 4i cents per mile ; 100 miles or less constitute a day's work ; all over 100 miles to be paid 4i cents per mile. All through eight Firemen shall receive 53 per cent, of Engineers' pay. 2. All through passenger Engineers shall be paid 3fc cents per mile ; 100 miles or ss to constitute a day's work ; all over 100 miles to be paid 3i cents per mile. Passen- er train Firemen to receive 53 per cent, of Engineers' pay. 3. All freight Engineers on short runs shall receive the following pay: From hattanooga to Stevenson and return, $4 per day ; from Chattanooga to South Pitts- arg and return, $3.75 per day, to be paid every day in the month ; from Chattanooga Shellmound and return, $4 per day, two round trips ; from Cowan to South Pittsburg nd return, $3.75 per day, to be paid every day in the month, provided a trip is made in reive hours, if not made within twelve hours they shall receive 35 cents for each ad- tional hour or fractional part thereof. The Firemen shall receive 53 per cent, of the ngineers' pay. 4. Engineers on regular construction or work trains shall receive $4 per day; reive hours or less to constitute a day's work ; all over twelve hours shall be paid 35 ints per hour, and shall be paid for every day in the month, except when men do not main on the engines on Sunday. 5. All switch Engineers shall receive $3 per day, twelve hours or less to constitute day's work ; one hour to be allowed for dinner ; all over twelve hours or fractional arts thereof to be paid 25 cents per hour. Engineers and Firemen to be paid every ay in the month. The Firemen shall receive 53 per cent, of Engineers' pay. 6. Hostlers shall receive $2.75 per day. Where Hostlers at Atlanta are required do transfer work, they shall receive $3.25 per day ; twelve hours or less to constitute day's work ; all over twelve hours to be paid 25 cents per hour. The Firemen to re- eive 53 per cent, of Engineers' pay. *Paid for every day in month, and when necessary will work Sundays without extra compensa- >n. t Express Company pays $22 50 per month. 118 NASHVILLE. CHATTANOOGA & ST. LOUIS RAILWAY. 7. All Engineers pulling mixed trains to be paid freight train rates. The Fire- men to receive 53 per cent, of Engineers' pay. 8. All Engineers running freight or passenger trains to be paid 35 cents per hour for all detentions over schedule time of trains they are running. Less than two hours, nothing ; over two hours shall include the first two hours, with each additional hour 01 fractional part thereof. The Firemen to receive 53 per cent, of Engineers' pay. 9. Engineers will not be held responsible for excess of speed in descending grades where they have no control over speed, provided they bring the train over the summit at the proper speed, using care and good judgment afterwards. 10. Hostlers will be kept at Nashville, Chattanooga and Atlanta for Nashville & Chattanooga and Western & Atlantic divisions, and at Union City and Hickman for. Northwestern division. Where Engineers are required to hostler their own engines, ati intermediate points, they shall receive one hour's compensation at 35 cents per hour The Firemen shall receive 53 per cent, of Engineers' pay. 11. In case an Engineer or Fireman is held off to attend court on Company's busi ness, he shall receive all time that his engine would have made had she made her regu lar trips ; and shall be paid his board when away from home. The Company shall be entitled to certificates for witness fees. 12. Callers shall be kept at all terminals and relay points. The Caller will have < book, in which Engineers and Firemen shall register their names and time called. Al Engineers and Firemen shall be called one hour before leaving time, provided they rej side within one mile of round-house. Engineers' and Firemen's time shall commence one hour after signing Caller's book, and ends at the time designated on his trip ticket it being understood that Engineers and Firemen shall be paid for all delays, before 01 after leaving or arriving at terminals. 13. The oldest Engineman and Fireman in road service shall have the preference of runs and promotion on their respective divisions, if competent and worthy, it being; distinctly understood that merit and general fitness for the position are to be first con sidered; this to apply only after they shall have been in the service one year, excepl, at the discretion of the Master Mechanic. Such time shall be counted in deciding rights for promotion. This rule to apply to Enginemen and Firemen of switch engine* as between themselves. Engineers and Firemen having regular runs prior to March 1 shall not be affected by this Article. 14. In case an Engineer is required to go over the road with a light engine, he shall be furnished with a Conductor. 15. The Company will not retain any more extra Engineers or Firemen than are necessary to move the traffic of the road with promptness and dispatch. 16. Engineers and Firemen shall be allowed eight hours rest, when they have beei on duty twelve hours, and will not be required to go out when they have been on dutj twelve hours, unless they feel competent to make the trip. This Article to apply t< terminal points only. 17. Should an Engineer or Fireman get into trouble, they shall have a fair anc impartial trial within five days, and they shall be permitted to be present and hear al evidence against them. They shall have a right to appeal from the decision of sub ordinate officers to the General Manager, if they think their suspension or discharge ? unjust. If exonerated they shall be paid for all time lost. 18.' Enginemen and Firemen, when going for an engine or returning after deliver ing one, will be paid H and 8-10 of a cent, respectively, per mile for the distance trav eled. When a man is traveling over the road for the purpose of relieving a man wh< has asked for a leave of absence, he will not receive any compensation for the distance traveled. 19. The Company will have all packing done, except on branch engines, and al brass on engines cleaned at their own expense, the same as the Louisville & Nashvilk Railroad Company, and supplies drawn and placed on engines at Nashville, Atlanta and Chattanooga. Firemen shall not be required to wipe engines. Where Firemen are required to wipe switch engines they shall receive $1.75 per day. Firemen shal not be required to fire up engines at terminal points. 20. Classification of Engineers' pay is abolished. 21. No Engineer or Fireman shall be discharged for serving on any committee. 22. No change shall be made in this contract or agreement by either party with out giving thirty days' notice. 23. In the employment of Firemen by this Company, on and after March 1, 1891 the Master Mechanics are instructed to employ none but sober and reliable white mei for this service ; and all Firemen will be strictly subject to the orders of the Mastei Mechanic, at all times and in all matters pertaining to their duty. 24. All Engineers shall receive 35 cents per hour for all delay time, and Firemei shall receive 53 per cent, of Engineers' pay. 25. When Engineers are required to "go to Cowan they shall receive $7.54 for th< round trip ; provided the trip is made within twenty-four hours. If not made withii N. Y. & NEW ENG. R'Y. N. Y. & NORTH. R'Y. N. Y., CHI. & ST. L. R'Y. 119 |wenty-four hours, they shall receive 35 cents for each additional hour. Firemen to ;ceive 53 per cent, of Engineers' pay. 26. Engineer on passenger train on Jasper branch shall receive 3 cents per mile. ; Fireman to receive 53 per cent, of Engineers' pay. 27. Engineers on passenger trains on Fayette ville and Hunts ville branches shall iceive 3 cents per mile, and mileage to be equalized so they shall receive the same lileage. The Firemen to receive 53 per cent, of Engineers' pay. Freight Engineers' |iay to remain the same as now. Firemen to receive 53 per cent, of Engineers' pay. 28. Engineers of freight or mixed trains on the McMinnville branch shall receive cents per mile. Firemen to receive 53 per cent, of Engineers' pay. 29. Freight Engineers on Tracy City branch shall receive $100 per month. Two Engineers to be retained in this service. Firemen to receive 53 per cent, of Engineers' ty. Engineers' and Firemen's pay on passenger train to remain the same as now. 30. Engineer on Shelby ville branch shall receive $3.25 per day; twelve hours or 3s to constitute a day's work ; all over twelve hours shall receive 35 cents per hour. 'iremen to receive 53 per cent, of Engineers' pay. 31. Engineers on pusher engines shall receive $4 per day. Firemen to receive 55 ;r cent, of Engineers's pay. All Engineers on branch roads, where required to help lachinists or wash out engines, shall receive $3.50 per day. Firemen to receive 53 per ;ent. of Engineers' pay. 32. All Engineers on Centerville branch shall receive $90 per month. Firemen to eceive 53 per cent, of Engineers' pay ; except Barksdale, who is to receive $100 per lonth. 33. Engineers on Green Line, between Union City and Columbus and return, shall eceive $4 per day ; twelve hours or less to constitute a day's work. Firemen to receive per cent, of Engineers' pay. 34. Engineers on the Marietta and Dalton accommodation to receive $4 per day. 'he Engineer of the Marietta accommodation to continue to do extra work at Atlanta the same as now. Firemen to receive 53 per cent, of Engineers' pay. 35. Any Engineer or Fireman drinking intoxicants on duty, or allowing it to be Irank on his engine, or being under its influence on or off duty, will be dismissed from the service of the Company. J. W. THOMAS, March 12, 1891. General Manager. NEW YORK & NEW ENGLAND RAILROAD COMPANY. Through passenger trainmen : Conductors, $3.50 per day : Baggagemen, $2.20 ; trakemen, $2.10. Local passenger trainmen: Conductors, $3.10 per day; Baggage- len, $1.90; Brakemen, $1.80. Trainmen on the Rockville, branch who perform both iight and passenger work, are paid as follows : Conductors, $3.25 per day ; Baggage- len, $2.20 ; Brakemen, $2. Through freight trainmen : Conductors, $3 per day ; Flag- ;n, $2.10 ; Brakemen, $2. Local freight trainmen : Conductors, $3.25 per day ; Lagmen, $2.20 ; Brakemen, $2.10. Our yard Switchmen are paid at the rate of $2 per lay, and in some cases are classified as Signalmen although doing Switchmen's work. May 13, 1892. C. S. MELLEN, General Manager. NEW YORK & NORTHERN RAILWAY COMPANY. Conductors, $80 to $85. Train Baggagemen, $60. Brakemen : Passenger, $45 ; reight, $50 to $55. Yardm asters, $60 to $75. Switchmen, $60 to $75. May 10, 1892. H. H. VREELAND, General Superintendent. NEW YORK, CHICAGO & ST. LOUIS RAILROAD COMPANY. PASSENGER TRAINS. - g * aS n "a. n* *"*[ BUNS. 51 r* (I 3.0 2 ,rf >O ^ 5 :? : - p ; * 1 Buffalo to B^llevue or reverse 248 $6 20 $3 15 *$2 70 275 6 40 3 25 3 60 1 Cleveland short runs 3 85 2 10 2 15 130 3 85 2 10 2 15 1 Bellevue to Fostoria and return 64 3 00 2 00 2 15 1 Cleveland to Chicago or reverse 340 4 00 * Six trips per week. 120 NEW YORK, CHICAGO & ST. LOUIS RAILWAY. THROUGH FREIGHT TRAINS. 1 BUNS. 00 ! Brakemen, per trip OVERTIME. 1 Buffalo to Conneaut, or reverse 114 $3 25 $2 15 After 12 hours V Conneaut to Bellevue, or reverse 132 3 60 2 40 After 12 hours 8 Bellevue to West Fort Wayne, or reverse 124 3 60 2 40 After 12 hours. 4 West Fort Wayne to South Island, or reverse 140 3 75 2 55 After 12 hours. Turn Armmds : Turn around trips will be computed as separate trips each way, and will be paid, for six hours or less, one-half district rates ; over six hours and less than twelve hours, full district rates; leaving- time on return trip to be computed from! arriving time at turn around point, except that where round trip distance is less than sixty-five miles, half district rates will be paid for six hours or less ; over six hours and under twelve hours, full district rates will be paid. For the short turn arounds re- ferred to in the exception, for switching or waiting- at turn around points, overtime < rates will be paid ; the overtime allowed not to be counted in the road time. Bellevue to Fostoria and return, or reverse, is to be included in the exception. LOCAL FREIGHT TRAINS. | Districts RUNS. g 1 Conduct'rs, per trip Brakemen. per trip.... OVERTIME. 1 Buffalo to Conneaut or reverse 114 $3 50 $2 60 After 12 hours 9, Cleveland to Conneaut, or reverse 67 3 25 2 25 After 10 hours. o Cleveland to Bellevue, or reverse 65 3 25 2 25 After 10 hours 3 Bellevue to West Fort Wayne, or reverse 124 5 00 3 25 After 13 hours. 4 Fort Wayne to South Island, or reverse 141 5 00 3 25 After 13 hours Work Trains all districts: Conductors, $3.50 per day; Brakemen. $2.50 ; overtime after twelve hours. Overtime: Through freight Conductors, 30 cents per hour; Brakemen, 20 cents. Local freight Conductors, 35 cents per hour ; Brakemen, 25 cents. Work train Con- ductors, 30 cents per hour ; Brakemen, 20 cents. RULES. 1. In computing overtime, no fractions of an hour under thirty minutes shall be counted. Any fraction of an hour over thirty minutes shall be counted one hour. 2. Freight or passenger crews making extra trips in addition to their regular as- signed runs shall be allowed extra time upon the basis of pay allowed other crews in similar service. 3. Crews, or any part of a crew, dead-heading shall be allowed full time when dead-heading on freight, and one-half time when dead-heading on passenger, on the basis of freight pay, except that no overtime will be allowed. 4. When dead-heading is required, first crew out shall dead-head and shall stand first out on arrival at terminal station. 5. Crews required to run light with their caboose shall be allowed full through freight pay. 6. Crews not assigned to regular runs will run first in and first out in through freight service. 7. When trainmen are called, and for any reason other than their own acts do not go out, they shall, if held three hours or less, be allowed one- fourth district through freight rates. If held more then three hours and less than six hours, one-half rate. If more than six hours, full district rate and shall stand first out. 8. Crews shall be assigned to their respective districts, and shall not be trans- ferred to any district on which they are not assigned, except the requirements of the service make it necessary. 9. Crews shall not be called over one hour and thirty minutes before leaving time, nor less than one hour before leaving time, except in case of emergency, when best Interest of the Company is pending on it ; the Caller to be provided with a book in which crews shall sign their names, together with the time they are called and time ordered for. 10. Conductors and Brakemen of regular crews shall not be called to go out with other crews, excepting when there are no extra men ; all extra men to be called first NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY. 121 Q first out. When extra men are called for a run, they are to remain on same until elieved by the regular man. This rule shall not apply to Conductors of through reight being called for local freight. 11. Trainmen will be notified when time is not allowed as per trip report. 12. Crews will be considered on duty from the time set for leaving until their trip 5 ended and train turned over to Yardmaster. 13. Trainmen attending court at the request of any official of the Company will e paid $3 per day for Conductors and $2 per day for Brakemen, and their legitimate :xpenses. 14. At all coal docks, and at other stations where work trains are stationed, there hall be sufficient men to coal up train engines without the assistance of trainmen. 15. Conductors and Brakemen will not be dismissed nor suspended from the Com- any's service without just cause. In case of suspension or dismissal, if any employe hinks his sentence unjust, he shall have the right, within ten days, to refer his case, >y written statement, to the Division Superintendent. Within ten days of the receipt >f this notice, his case shall have a thorough investigation by the proper officers of the lailroad Company, at which he may be present if he so desires and also be represented >y disinterested employes. In case he shall not be satisfied with the result of said in- estigation; he shall have the right to appeal to the General Superintendent. In case uspension or dismissal is found to be unjust, he shall be reinstated and paid for all ime lost. 16. Employes are regarded in the line of promotion dependent upon the faithful ischarge of duties, capacity for increased responsibility and length of time in service. 17. After continuous service of sixteen hours or more, trainmen shall be entitled o and be allowed eight hours for rest before being called to go out, except in case of washouts, wrecks or other similar emergencies. 18. When freight traffic is light and it is necessary to reduce the number of teight crews, in order to allow the Conductors and Brakemen to make reasonable rages, the Conductors of crews thus taken off shall, as far as practicable, be given reference as Brakemen, until such time as the increase of business warrants them be- ng reinstated as Conductors ; the Conductors youngest in the service to be pulled off rst. 19. Every employe should understand that it is his privilege to make written ap- eals to his Division Superintendent whenever, by promotions, reductions or assign- nents, he deems an injustice has been done him. YARD SERVICE. General Yardmasters, from $100 to $125 per month. Assistant Yardmasters, day, 85 to $110 per month ; night, $90 to $100. Conductors, day, $65 to $70 per month ; night, 70 to $75. Brakemen, day, $60 to $65 per month ; night, $65 to $70. May 11, 1892. LEWIS WILLIAMS, General Superintendent. NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY. By advice with and consent of the General Manager the wages of trainmen on all ivisions of the road will, from June 1, 1890, be established at rates in schedule below. SCHEDULE. RANK. EAST Or MANDAN. WEST OF MANDAN. Rate Overtime, per hour. Per mile, over 100 miles. Rate. Overtime, per hour. Per mile, over 100 miles. * PASSENGER. Conductors $0 032 022 trakemen $60 00 3 00 2 00 300 2 00 3 50 2 50 $65 00 3 20 2 20 3 20 2 20 3 50 2 60 $0 32 22 32 22 35 25 t THROUGH FREIGHT. Conductors $030 20 30 20 35 25 $0 03 02 jBrakemen tWORK TRAIN. SNOW PLOW. Conductors Brakemen * Per month. t Per day of ten hours or less, or 100 miles or less. Bucking snow, actual service, per day of ten hours or less. t Per day of twelve hours or NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY. RULES. 1. Overtime of trainmen on regular trains will begin when the schedule time of train is exceeded one hour. When schedule time of train is exceeded one hour or more, overtime will include the first hour's delay. When the schedule time of train averages more than ten hours for 100 miles or less, overtime will be paid according to this basis, ten hours. In computing overtime thirty minutes or over will be counted as one hour, after the first hour's delay. 2. Trainmen will be called as near as practicable one hour before the leaving time of trains. The Caller will have a book in which the trainmen will register the time they are called, signing their names. 3. Trainmen held waiting for trains beyond the time train was specified to leave, will be paid for each hour held at rate paid for overtime, provided train is held an hour or more. 4: When trains for which men have been called are abandoned, men will be paid for time held between time they were specified to leave and time train was abandoned, at schedule rate for overtime per hour, or fractional part over thirty minutes, but in no case trainmen will receive pay for less than one quarter of a day and stand first out. 5. The time of extra or wild trains will be computed on a basis of ten hours for 100 miles or less ; all allowances made to regular trains will be made to extra or wild. trains. 6. Sanding or cleaning stock cars, loading or unloading stock or waiting for the same, will be paid for in all cases on a basis of overtime at schedule rates, except when done by work train crews and train crews so employed will not be considered or paid for except as stock loading. 7. Trainmen on work trains will be paid one day for twelve consecutive hours or less: more than twelve hours will be paid for as overtime, at work train rates. 8. Conductors on work trains will be paid at the rate of $3 per day, east of Man- dan, and $3.20 per day, west of Mandan, for twelve consecutive hours or less, including Sundays. Brakemen on work trains will be paid at the rate of $2 per day, east of Mandan, and $2.20 per day, west of Mandan, for twelve consecutive hours or less, in- cluding Sundays. 9. Trainmen assigned to snow plow service will be paid for one day, as per freight train schedule, for each twenty-four hours held in readiness to use. Where assigned to duty on the road, and run over district or division, they will be paid for mileage made, at schedule rates. 10. When snow plow crews are in actual service, bucking snow, they will be paid : Conductors $3.50, and Brakemen $2.50, per day of ten hours ; over ten hours per day will be paid for at the same rate per hour, but Superintendent will select the men for this service without regard to turn. This applies to actual snow bucking and not to running over any district ahead of a train. 11. Freight trainmen dead-heading on their respective divisions will be paid full freight train rates for such service. 12. Trainmen or yardmen, when dead-heading on Company's business, will be paid at schedule rates, one day or 100 miles for each calendar day. In no case will less than one day be allowed, when no other services are performed. When held as witnesses for the Company, trainmen and yardmen will be paid at schedule rates, one day or 100 miles for each calendar day ; necessary allowance for expenses will also be made when off their respective divisions. Time held attending court to be certified to by the Com- pany's attorney. 13. Trainmen on runs of 100 miles or more, when required to do switching at terminals, will be paid for such service at schedule rates for overtime. 14. Dates will change at 12 o'clock, midnight, the same as calendar dates, and two runs on the road commencing on separate dates will be paid for at not less than one day for each run, provided no other run is made on that date. 15. Freight trainmen running over district, Livingston to Helena, Logan to Butte, Helena to Missoula, Missoula to Hope, and Ellensburg to Tacoma, will be allowed twelve miles constructive mileage for mountain service. Should the Company deem it advisable to put on regular mountain crews between Livingston and Bozeman, Whitehall and Butte, Helena and Elliston, Missoula to Arlee ( or Jocko ), and Easton to Weston, they will be paid as follows : One round trip or less, one day ; three single trips or two round trips, two days. 16. The above allowances, as per Article 15, to apply only to mountain crews working between the points named as terminals : all miles run in either direction, out- side of limits named, to be paid for per mile at schedule rate. Trips from Livingston to Timberline and return, Bozeman to Muir and return, Helena to Blossburg and re- turn, and Missoula to Evaro and return, will be paid for same as round trip between the fixed mountain terminals, and single trips between the points mentioned same as single trips between the fixed mountain terminals. Trips from Livingston to Muir and NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY. 123 return, Bozeman to Timberline and return, Elliston to Blossburg and return, Arlee to Evaro and return, and Easton or Weston to Stampede or Martin and return, will be paid for as equal to a single trip between the fixed mountain terminals. 17. Conductors will be promoted from the ranks of Brakemen according to their je of continuous service, on their respective divisions, and their character and ability. Freight Conductors, when adapted to passenger service, will be promoted to passenger trains according to their ability and age of continuous service on their re- spective divisions. The question of ability and adaptation to be determined by the Superintendent. 18. Trainmen will rank from the date they are employed, and in the event of there being a surplus of men, the oldest in the service on their respective divisions shall have the preference of employment. 19. No more men will be employed in the service than are necessary to do the work and earn a reasonable monthly average compensation at the schedule estab- lished; and whenever in the judgment of the trainmen there are too many crews, a committee of trainmen in good standing, employed on the division, may call the atten- tion of the Trainmaster or Superintendent to such surplus of men, when the matter will be fully investigated, and, if conditions are found to warrant it, will be remedied ; it being always understood that men will be retained under seniority of rights. 20. No trainmen shall be suspended nor discharged without proper cause, and in case a trainman believes his suspension or discharge is unjust, he may make a written statement of the facts in his case and forward to Division Superintendent, designating a committee of not less than three trainmen in good standing, employed on the divi- sion, to meet in conjunction with the Superintendent of the division, and without un- necessary delay re-investigate the case, and prompt decision must be given in less than five days from the re-hearing of the case. If the trainman is decided blameless he shall be immediately reinstated, and paid at schedule rates for time lost on account of such suspension. Trainmen charged with offenses involving either suspension or discharge, except in cases involving fraud or dishonesty, will be advised of the offenses, in writing. All parties concerned will be present at the investigation. 21. Trainmen and yardmen will not be required to pay fines on account of breakage. 22. After continuous service of sixteen hours or more, trainmen will be entitled to and allowed eight hours rest before being called to go out, provided they so desire and give notice thereof; except incase of washouts, wrecks and other similar emergencies. 23. Freight trainmen not assigned to regular runs will run first in and first out on the division or district to which they are assigned. 24. Trainmen assigned to regular local freight trains on St. Paul division to be paid : Conductors $90 per month, and Brakemen $60 per month for regular local runs, and will be paid overtime for hill work at Little Falls and quarry work at Sauk Rapids, Conductors 30 cents and Brakemen 20 cents per hour. Trainmen assigned to regular local freight trains between Staples and Fargo to be paid : Conductors $90, and Brake- men $60 per month. If run with two crews, Conductors $95, Brakemen $65, or mileage and overtime. 25. Trainmen assigned to regular local freight between Fargo and Jamestown to be paid : Conductors $95, and Brakemen $65 per month, to run six days per week. Overtime after 12 hours. Trainmen assigned to regular local freight trains between Sprague and Hope : Conductors $4.50, and Brakemen $2.80 per single trip. Overtime to be paid at ten hour basis for all over 12i hours making a single trip. That men on regular local crews between Weston and Tacoma to be paid, $95 for Conductors, and $65 per month for Brakemen. Overtime to be paid for after 12 hours at rate of ten hour basis. Trainmen assigned to regular local freight trains between Tacoma and Kalama, between Seattle and Tacoma, to be paid : Conductors $100, and Brakemen $75 per month. No overtime to be allowed. That freight train crews will be allowed full freight train rates of wages for handling passenger trains or passenger equipment. 26. When trainmen or yardmen leave the service of the Company, they shall be given letters stating time of service, in capacity or capacities employed, and cause of leaving the service. The said letters to be given them three days from application, provided they shall have worked on the division thirty days, to be signed by the Divi- sion Superintendent. 27. Transfer crews at Kalama to be paid as follows : Yardmaster $90 per month : Foreman $85 per month ; night Helpers $2.50 per day ; day Helpers $2.50 per day. 28. Trainmen who have been discharged and who upon further investigation are found to have been unjustly dealt with, will be reinstated, provided the matter is set- tled within three months from the time such trainmen were discharged ; otherwise if re-employed shall rank as new men on the road. 29. Trainmen leaving the service will be paid at the earliest practicable moment in full, less usual deductions which may be found against their pay and that they have accepted up to date of ending service. 124 OHIO & MISSISSIPPI RAILWAY. 30. Yard Foremen and Switchmen west of Fargo in following yards shall be paid at the same rate of wages as are now being paid to Tacoma, viz.: Portland, Seattle, Tacoma, Livingston, Ellensburg, Pasco, Sprague, Mandan, Spokane Falls, Missoula, Helena, Jamestown. 31. The general board of adjustment do hereby agree for themselves and all train- men, Yard Foremen and Switchmen to do their part towards the faithful observance of this schedule, and use every honorable means to avoid any cause for complaint. 32. Should any trainmen or yard crews violate any part of above contract, we would respectfully asked to be advised of the same, and will do all in our power to adjust the same. ADDITIONAL RULES. 1. For the general good of the service and to promote a better understanding among men engaged in train work it is agreed that : When it is necessary for any Conductor to have seven different Brakemen within a period of three months, at re- quest of either Conductor or Brakeman, or both, it will be considered that fault lies with the Conductor and will be sufficient cause for his dismissal at the discretion of the Superintendent. When objections have been made to any Brakeman by three dif- ferent Conductors within a period of three months, or when a Brakeman has com- plained of three Conductors within the same period, it will be considered that the Brakeman is at fault, and will be sufficient cause for his dismissal, at the discretion of the Superintendent. 2. When a Brakeman is examined for promotion to Conductor and fails to pass such examination, and considers that he is uni airly dealt with, the subordinate officer making such examination shall report in writing to the Superintendent showing in de- tail the points wherein the candidate has failed. In such case the candidate shall be entitled to a second examination to be conducted by the Superintendent personally, and may select a Conductor or Engineer as witness to such examination. 3. Brakemen who are candidates for promotion to the position of Conductor shall be tested and examined in accordance with General Superintendent's Circular No. 248, dated November 11, 1891. 4. When Brakemen are required to shovel coal they shall be allowed one hour overtime for each engine coaled. Conductors not to be allowed overtime on this account. 5. When trainmen have been for six months on a run which is considered objec- tionable, or on a work train, they shall be entitled to a change of service, provided there are younger men in the service who are competent to perform the duties required. 6. Switchmen will stand in line of promotion from Helper to Foreman, and from Foreman to Assistant Yardmaster or night Yardmaster, according to their age in con- tinuous service, character and ability. The question of ability and adaptation for the position of Yardmaster to be determined by the Superintendent. In the matter of promotion to the position of Yardmaster a division shall be considered as a whole and not each yard separately. NORTHERN PACIFIC R. R. CO., For Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen : BY M. C. KIMBERLY, CHAS. ALEXANDER, General Superintendent. Chairman General Grievance Committee. November 12, 1891. Approved : W. S. MELLEN, General Manager. OHIO & MISSISSIPPI RAILWAY COMPANY. PASSENGER TRAINMEN. Between Cincinnati and St. Louis : On trains No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 7 and 8, one Conductor, $120 per month ; one Flagman, $65. To be run by nine crews, with an additional Brakeman on trains No. 1, 2, 3, and 4, at $55 per month ; total of six additional men. Between Cincinnati and Vincennes : On trains No. 6, 9 and 10, one Conductor, $100 per month ; one Flagman, $60. To be run with two crews. Between St. Louis and Vincennes : On trains No. 13 and 14, one Conductor, $90 per month ; one Flagman, $50. To be run with two crews. Between Cincinnati and Louisville : On trains No. 15, 16, 17 and 18, one Conductor, li cents per mile ; one Flagman, $55 per month. To be run with two crews. Between Cincinnati and Louisville : On trains No. 19 and 20, one Conductor, li cents per mile ; one Flagman, $60 per month. To be run with one crew. Between North Vernon and Louisville : On trains No. 105 and 106, one Conductor, $90 per month ; one Flagman, $50. To be run with one crew. Pay-car trip, first day, Cincinnati to Louisville, Jeffersonville and to Seymour : One Conductor, $3.30 per day : one Flagman, $2.20. Seymour to Shops, Shops to Flora, and Flora to Cone, through freight rate. Officers' specials : One Conductor, $3 per day, twelve hours ; one Flagman, $2. Ex- tra sections of passenger trains on passenger train schedules, Cincinnati and Shops, OHIO & MISSISSIPPI RAILWAY. 125 Shops and St. Louis, and Cincinnati and Louisville, one Conductor, $3 per trip ; one Flagman $2. Trips run on a single freight division, one Conductor and one Flagman, through freight rates. FREIGHT TRAINMEN. Through Freight, Eastern Division : Storrs to Seymour, Conductor $2.90, Brakeman 1.93 per trip. Seymour and Shops, Conductor $2.70, Brakeman $1.80 per trip. Storrs and Louisville, Conductor $4.35, Brakeman $2.90 per trip. Seymour and Louisville, Conductor $2.40, Brakeman $1.60 per trip. Seymour to Cochran and return, Conductor $4.35, Brakeman $2.90 per round trip. Seymour to Milan and return, Conductor $2.90 T Brakeman $1.93 per round trip. Vernon to Louisville and return, Conductor $3, Brake- man $2 per round trip. Freight trips not provided for as above to be paid 3 and 2 cents per mile (Conductors and Brakemen) with twenty miles additional for turn-around, a minimum of fifty miles being allowed (the turn-around to be added). Crews to consist of one Conductor and two Brakemen. Local Freight, Eastern Division : Between Storrs and Seymour, Conductor $85 per month, Brakeman $60. Seymour and Shops, Conductor $85 per month, Brakeman $60. Louisville branch, round trip, Conductor, $85 per month, Brakeman $60. Crews to con- sist of one Conductor and two or three Brakemen, as business demands. Through Freight, Western Division : Between Shops and Cone, Conductor $4.75 per trip, Brakeman $3.15. Shops and Flora, Conductor $2.25 per trip, Brakeman $1.50. Flora and Cone, Conductor $2.90 per trip, Brakeman $1.93. Shops to Vincennes and return, Conductor $2 per round trip, Brakeman $1.33. Cone to Breese, or inter- mediate station and return, Conductor $3 per round trip, Brakeman $2. Coal and construction trains, Conductor $85 per month, Brakeman $60. Freight trips not provided for as above to be paid 3 cents and 2 cents per mile, with allowance of twenty miles for turn-around, a minimum of fifty miles being allowed, turn-around to be added. Crews to consist of Conductor and two Brakemen, except coal train three Brakemen when necessary. Local Freight, Western Division : Between Shops and Flora, Conductor $85 per month, Brakeman $60. Flora and Cone, Conductor $85 per month, Brakeman $60. Crews to consist of one Conductor and two or three Brakemen, as business demands. Construction Trains, Eastern and Western Divisions : Conductors, if paid by the month, 5, Brakemen $60 ; Conductors, if paid by the day, $3, Brakemen $2. Twelve hour s constituting a day's work, and Sundays included in Conductors' and Brakemen's rate when paid by the month. Special Work, Picking up Wrecks, Etc.: Conductors to receive 35 cents per hour, Brakemen 25 cents, from time train leaves until time train arrives at point where sent from. Construction trains to be allowed this rate when working between 7 P. M. and 7 A. M. YARD SWITCHMEN. Cochran : Yard Foreman $70 per month, Yard Brakeman $50. North Vernon : Day Yardmaster $70 per month, night $65 ; Yard Brakemen $50. Seymour : Day Yard Foreman $2.35 per day, night $2.35 ; Yard Brakemen $2. Shops : Yardmaster $85 per month, Yard Foremen $2.35 per day, Yard Brakemen $2. Vincennes and Flora : Yard- master $75 per month, day and night Foremen $2.25 per day; day and night Brakemen 1.90. Sundays will be divided between all crews at Shops. EXTRAS. 1. For dead-heading on freight or passenger trains, Conductors and Brakemen (except men standing extra) to receive one-half pay, basis of pay being rate due to the service to or from which dead-head is made ; except that Conductors dead-heading over the road to take the place of a Conductor getting a lay-off for his own conven- ience, either going to take a run or returning, shall receive no pay. When caboose is dead-headed over the road on freight train, one man to be sent with the caboose, and if practicable balance of crew to be provided transportation and sent on passenger train ; otherwise all go on caboose. When an engine and caboose are run light on passenger train schedule, rate of pay to be two-thirds of freight trip rate. When run . on freight schedule or extra, rate to be full freight trip rate. Men to be run on pass- enger schedule only when quick time is needed to get crews around, and when crews are not liable to be delayed at the turn-around. 2. All men paid by the month, when performing additional duties to those for which the monthly compensation they receive provides, shall be paid for such addi- tional work at the agreed rates. 3. Employes attending court as witnesses for the Company to be allowed time lost for so doing, with reasonable expenses, it being understood that trainmen returning and having to wait for their caboose or crew can be used in extra service until their turn comes. 4. When a train is annulled after trainmen have reported for duty and their ser- vices are not otherwise required, each man shall receive twenty-five miles at agreed OHIO & MISSISSIPPI RAILWAY. rate and stand first out. In case of being- notified of train annulled before they report for duty no time will be allowed. 5. When freight crews are delayed at terminals after they have been called, and such delay amounts to two hours or more from time train was marked up to leave, Conductors shall receive 30 cents per hour, and Brakemen 20 cents, for whole time de- layed, less thirty minutes ; but if delayed time is less than two hours no allowance to be made. 6. Extra mileage allowed for turn-arounds to apply only where turn-around is not at the end of a division. 7. Promotions and Discipline : Vacancies in ranks of passenger trainmen to be filled from ranks of freight trainmen when possible. Flag-men on passenger trains who have been promoted from freight service do not forfeit their rights to promotion to the posi- tion of freight Conductor. It is to be understood that with the taking effect of this agreement there shall be a grading- made of passenger Brakemen, and seniority, record and ability shall govern. 8. Vacancies in the ranks of freight Conductors will be filled by promotion from the ranks of freight Brakemen according to ability and age in service, except that for every two Brakemen promoted one experienced Conductor may be hired as a Conduc- tor or promoted from the ranks, regardless of age in service. Conductors hired under this rule may be temporarily employed as extra Brakeman, pending vacancy to be filled by him, and will not be considered an experienced Conductor unless he has had at least one year's experience as a Conductor. 9. Yard Brakemen to rank with extra road Brakemen and be eligible for road ser- vice when so desiring. 10. All promotions, either in service or runs, shall be by seniority in service of the O. & M. Company, other qualifications being satisfactory, except that intemperate habits or lack of education necessary to write up all reports required of Conductors and Yardmasters correctly, shall be considered a bar to promotion. 11. From time to time a list of trainmen eligible to promotion in any road service or run, will be posted and such employes will apply to the Trainmaster for examina- tion. The applicant who passes the most satisfactory examination shall be considered the next in line for promotion; it being agreed that the applicant, if he so desires, can have present at the time of examination a brother employe, each applicant to be ex- amined separately. In case of failure, the applicant shall be given an explanation, stating on what points he is deficient. 12. Passenger and freight crews to run first in first out, where practicable. Freight crews standing in order on list for regular schedules, their sections and extras. 13. Passenger Brakemen going into freight service to come in with extra or regu- lar freight Brakemen according to seniority. 14. Conductors or Brakemen suspended or discharged summarily, to have, within ten days from the date of offense, an impartial hearing, and if found to be not guilty of offense, to be reinstated and allowed full time while laid off ; except that any employe will be dismissed without a hearing in case of intoxication, insubordination or collisions. 15. Trainmen will be required to be on hand and ready for duty at least half an hour before their train is due to leave. A Caller will be provided at terminals for crews of through freight, their sections and extras (except crews of regular runs), and crews will be called as nearly as practicable one hour before train is due to leave. Trainmen must acknowledge time they were called by signing a book which the Caller will carry. 16. Trainmen not able to take their runs must give ample notice to avoid delay to trains ; failure to do so, or delaying trains by reason of being late, will be considered cause for suspension. 17. Conductors are held responsible for the conduct of their Brakemen while on duty, but in case of complaint, must make same in writing and the case will be investi- gated, it being understood that should summary action be necessary the Conductor is authorized to take same and report to the division officer by telegraph, to be fol- lowed by written report to his superior officer. 18. It is agreed that any question arising among the employes governed by this agreement, regarding any article of the agreement, shall be submitted to the Com- pany through the committee appointed by such employes. Said committee not to ex- ceed five in number, and one of whom shall act as chairman. The Company's repre- sentative to whom question is referred being first the Trainmaster of the division where question is raised ; if not settled by bim, then to the Superintendent, and finally if necessary, to the General Manager. 19. In case of change of time card during the existence of this agreement, which affects the runs as herein provided, there shall be added as a supplement a written statement of the understanding between the parties of this agreement, relative to such change. 20. When through freight crews are to be reduced in number, after it becomes a OHIO SOUTH. R'Y. OMAHA & ST. L. R'Y, PENN. LINES WEST OP PITTS. ettled fact that business is dull and likely to continue so for a season, reductions shall be made by taking the youngest Conductor in the service and giving him regu- ar work braking until the remaining crews can make reasonable wages. 21. These articles of agreement being signed in good faith by the Trainmen, hrough their committee, and by the General Manager for the Railway Company, will ;ontinue in force not less than one year from the date they take effect, and cannot be ;hanged in any way without thirty days' notice from the party desiring change. Thev ire in force and effect March 1st, 1892. BAGGAGEMEN'S SCHEDULE. On all runs over 5,000 miles Baggagemen shall receive $70 per month. On all runs )f over 3.000 miles and under 5,000 miles Baggagemen shall receive $60 per month. 3rews on main line between Cincinnati and St. Louis to remain as at present. In case t becomes necessary for a Baggageman to make an extra trip, from any cause, he hall receive pro-rata payment for the same. In all future appointments, senior men n the service of the Ohio & Mississippi Railway Company to be given the preference n runs. Through main line Baggagemen shall do all extra running when practicable, ind receive the same allowance for dead-heading as is given other parts of the train ervice. For dead-heading on passenger trains Baggagemen shall receive one-half >ay, except that Baggagemen dead-heading over the road to take the place of Bag- gagemen getting lay-off for their own convenience, either going to take a run or re- urning, shall receive no pay. Baggagemen attending court as witnesses for the Company shall be allowed for time lost by so doing, with the necessary expenses for he period if required to remain away more than one day ; it being understood that Baggagemen returning and having to wait for their regular runs may be used in extra ervice until their regular turns come. Baggagemen not able to take their runs must rive ample notice, to avoid delay to trains ; failure to do so, or delaying train by eason of being late, will be considered cause for suspension. Baggagemen suspended >r discharged summarily shall have, within ten days from date of the offense, an im- partial hearing, and, if found to be not guilty of the offense, shall be reinstated and illowed full time while laid off ; except that Baggagemen shall be dismissed without a hearing in case of intoxication or insubordination. I. F. BARNARD, For the Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen: General Manager. S. E. WILKINSON, Grand Master. March 1st, 1892. OHIO SOUTHERN RAILROAD COMPANY. Passenger Conductors, $90 per month. Baggagemen and Passenger Brakemen, $60 per month. Local freight Conductors, $85 per month. Local freight Brakemen, $55 per month. Through freight Conductors, 2 9-10 cents per mile. Through freight Brakemen, 1 9-10 cents per mile. Local and through freight Conductors receive 26 cents per hour overtime, local freight Brakemen 17 cents per hour. Yard Conductors receive $2.35 and $2.40 per day ; Switchmen, $1.90 and $2.04 per day. W. H. VAN TASSELL, May 14, 1892. Superintendent. OMAHA & ST. LOUIS RAILWAY COMPANY. We pay trainmen as follows : Passenger Conductors, $100 per month. Passenger Baggagemen, $55 per month. Passenger Brakemen, $50 per month. Passenger Port- ers, $40 per month. Freight Conductors, 3 cents per mile. Freight Brakemen, 2 cents per mile. Switchmen and Yardmen, $5 per month less than Chicago schedule. F. M. GAULT, May 12, 1892. General Manager. PENNSYLVANIA LINES WEST OF PITTSBURGH.* NORTHWEST SYSTEM. P., Y. & A. DIVISION. Through freight : Nine hours per day, 81 miles, Conductors, $2.75; Brakemen, $1.85 ; Flagmen, $1.95. Local freight : Nine hours per day, 81 miles, Conductors, $2.85 ; Brakemen", $1.90; Flagmen, $2. Passenger: 166 miles, Conductors, $3.30; Brakemen, $1.75; Flagmen, $1.75 per day. Short runs: Six hours per day, Conductors, $1.80 ; Brakemen, $1.25; Flagmen, $1.35. Work train: Conductors, $75 per month; Brake- men, $50 per month. Paid at standard rates. Conductors 3 cents per mile, and Brake- men 2 cents per mile. Yards : Day Foremen, 24 cents per hour : night Foremen, 25 cents per hour. Day Brakemen, 18 cents per hour ; night Brakemen, 19 cents per hour. * Not official. 128 PITTS., CIN . CHI. & ST. L. R'Y. P. & P. UNION R'Y. PITTS. & LAKE ERIE R'Y. PITTSBURGH, CINCINNATI, CHICAGO & ST. LOUIS RAILWAY COMPANY.^ SOUTHWEST SYSTEM. LOGANSPORT DIVISION. Hill engine, Conductors, 24 cents per hour ; Brakemen, 16 cents per hour ; day and night same. All other engines, Conductors, day, 22 cents per hour ; night, 23 cents per hour. Brakemen, day, 17 cents per hour; night, 18 cents per hour. Twelve hours per day, calendar month. Richmond and Indianapolis yards same as Logansport. Chicago yard, days, 25 cents and 27 cents ; nights, 27 cents and 29 cents. Sundays not included in schedule. Freight: Chicago to Logansport, 117 miles, per trip, Conductors, $3.10; Brakemen, $2. Overtime after 12 hours. Local, per trip, Conductors, $3.50; Brake- men, $2.35. Overtime after 13 hours. Logansport to Bradford, 114 miles, per trip, Con-] ductors, $3: Brakemen, $1.90. Overtime after 12 hours. Local, per trip, Conductors, $3.50; Brakemen, $2.30. Overtime after 13 hours. Logansport to Effner, 61 miles, per trip, Conductors, $3 ; Brakemen, $1.90. Overtime after 8 hours. All trains on this division considered as locals. Passenger: Between Logansport and Chicago, and Logansport and Bradford, 40 days a month, per trip, Conductors, $3.05 ; Baggagemen, $1.70; Brakemen, $1.60. Between Logansport and Effner, same pay as above for round trip. PEORIA & PEKIN UNION RAILWAY COMPANY. We pay Conductors $85 per month, and Brakemen $50 each ; no Baggageman on this train. Our rate for yardmen is as follows: Foremen, days, $2.70; nights, $2.90. Brakemen, days, $2.50 ; nights, $2.70. Switch tenders, $45 per month. May 13, 1892. C. E. SCHAFF, General Superintendent. PITTSBURGH & LAKE ERIE RAILROAD COMPANY. 1. All passenger Conductors to receive $3.40 per day, 136 miles or less, 10 hours or less to constitute a day's work. All over 10 hours to be paid 34 cents per hour. All over 136 miles, 2| cents per mile. 2. All train Baggagemasters to receive $2.05 per day, 136 miles or less, 10 hours or less to constitute a day's work. All over 10 hours to be paid 20i cents per hour. All] over 136 miles, H cents per mile. 3. All passenger Brakemen to receive $1.80 per day, 136 miles or less, 10 hours or less to constitute a day's work. All over 10 hours to be paid 18 cents per hour. All over 136 miles, 1.3 cents per mile. 4. All through freight Conductors to receive $2.60 per day, 10 hours or less, (64 miles or less) or the run between Chartiers and Youngstown, or between Chartiers and New Haven or Dickereon Run, or round trip between Chartiers and West Newton, or round trip between Chartiers and New Castle Junction, to constitute a day's work, if made within 10 hours. All over 10 hours to be paid 30 cents per hour. 5. All through freight Flagmen to receive $1.90 per day, 10 hours or less, (64 miles or less) or the run between Chartiers and Youngstown, or between Chartiers and Newj Haven or Dickerson Run, or round trip between Chartiers and West Newton, or round trip between Chartiers and New Castle Junction, to constitute a day's work, if made within 10 hours. All over 10 hours to be paid 20 cents per hour. 6. All through freight Brakemen to receive $1. 80 per day, 10 hours or less, (64 miles or less) or the run between Chartiers and Youngstown, or between Chartiers and New Haven or Dickerson Run, or round trip between Chartiers and West Newton, or round trip between Chartiers and New Castle Junction, to constitute a day's work, if made within 10 hours. All over 10 hours to be paid 20 cents per hour. 7. All way freight Conductors to receive $3 per day, 12 hours or less to constitute a day's work. All over 12 hours to be paid 30 cents per hour. 8. All way freight Flagmen and way freight Brakemen to receive $2 per day, 12 hours or less to constitute a day's work. All over 12 hours to be paid 17 cents per hour. 9. All work train Conductors to receive $2.75 per day, 12 hours or less to constitute a day's work. All over 12 hours to be paid 23 cents per hour. 10. All work train Brakemen to receive $1.85 per day, 12 hours or less to constitute a day's work. All over 12 hours to be paid 16 cents per hour. 11. All wreck train Conductors to receive $2.75 per day, 12 hours or less to consti- tute a day's work. All over 12 hours to be paid 23 cents per hour. 12. All wreck train Flagmen and wreck train Brakemen to receive $1.85 per day, 12 hours or less to constitute a day's work. All over 12 hours to be paid 16 cents per hour. * NQt official. PITTS., SHEN. & LAKE E. R'Y. QUIN., OM. & K. C. R'Y. RICH. & DAN. 129 13. In computing overtime, in all cases 30 minutes or less will not be counted ; 35 linutes or more will be counted one hour. 14. Callers will be stationed at Dickerson Run, Chartiers and Youngstown. They 'ill have register books and have written therein the train the men are called for, and tie leaving time thereof, and the men shall register therein their names and the time tiey are called. Time of calling depends on the distance men are from the caboose rack. The pay of the crew will begin from the time the train is ordered for, as shown n the order for calling the men, and continue up to the time they give up their aboose at the track provided for that purpose at the end of the run. In case train- len are called for any run and the train is abandoned, they shall receive overtime at egular rates per hour as stated in the foregoing articles, for the time on duty, and hall stand first out. 15. All Yardmen in all yards operated by this Company to be paid at the same ate as Pittsburgh Yardmen, i. e.: Conductors, day, 24 cents per hour ; night, 25 cents er hour. Brakemen, dav, 18 cents per hour ; night, 19 cents per hour. May 27, 1892. G. M. BEACH, General Superintendent. PITTSBURG, SHENANGO & LAKE ERIE RAILROAD COMPANY, SCHEDULE. CLASS OF TRAIN. MILES . RA TK Conductors. Brakemen. larket and freight Shenango to Butler and return 112 $2 75 $1 75 cal freight between Butler and. Wallace Junction 107 3 40 1 90 'reight Shenango to Branchton and return 70 2 75 1 75 f 'reight Shenango to Coaltown and return 76 2 75 1 7& eh reight Shenango to Wallace Junction and return 103 2 75 1 75 Mlixed between Branchton and Hilliard 50 2 75 1 75 'i lixed, between Meadville and Linesville , 84 2 90 1 90 ii\Tork train (same as freight).. . ... 2 75 1 75 180 3 85 1 90 {jl'assenger . ... 162 3 85 1 90 jj 'assenger 242 4 81 2 38 Yardmaster at Shenango, $2.75; Brakemen, $1.90; Slip Carrier, $2.10. Baggage ind Expressmen, 162 miles, $60 per month; 180 miles, $60; 242 miles, $75. Freight an d -ard crews receive overtime after 12 hours at same rate. J. T. BLAIR, May 16, 1892. General Manager. QUINCY, OMAHA & KANSAS CITY RAILWAY. Conductors, passenger, $80 per month; freight, 02.95 per mile. Baggagemen, $50 >er month. Brakemen, freight, 01.95 per mile. Yardmen, $55 per month. Runs of less :han 100 miles will be allowed 100 miles. C. SOULE. May 1, 1892. Superintendent of Transportation. RICHMOND & DANVILLE RAILROAD COMPANY AND LEASED LINES. CONDUCTOR'S SCHEDULE. BETWEEN. BATE. Per Month Per Trip PASSENGER. $1 82 3 29 4 94 1 73 1 05 81 4 94 4 94 1 63 67 2 46 3 29 4 94 3 29 3 13 1 57 3 13 Washington D C and Danville Va Washington D C and Round Hill, Va Washington D C and Leesburg Va Richmond Va and Charlotte N C 1 Charlotte N C and Atlanta Ga Birmingham Ala and Greenville Miss Salisbury N'C aud Paint Rock N C &.8heville N C and Spartanburg S C Columbia' S C and Paint Rock N C 130 RICHMOND & DANVILLE RAILWAY. CONDUCTORS' SCHEDULE CONTINUED. PASSENGER. Charlotte, N. C , and Augusta, Ga Lancaster, S. C., and Lenoir, N. C Columbia, S. C., and Greenville, S. C Columbia, S. C., and Laurens, S. C Prosperity, S. C., and Anderson, S. C Walhalla, S. C., and Greenville, S. C Danville, Va., and Charlotte, N. C Danville, Va., and Charlotte N. C* Washington, D. C., and Char lotte, N. C., on Vestibule Limited Charlotte, N. C., and Atlanta, Ga., on Vestibule Limited Greensboro, N. C., and Goldsboro, N. C Raleigh, N. C., and Keysville, Va.; and Raleigh, N. C., and Goldsboro, N. C. Richmond, Va., and West Point, Va Richmond, Va., and Amelia C. H., Va Greensboro, N. C.. and Winston-Salem, N. C Atlanta, Ga , and Tallapoosa, Ga Birmingham, Ala., and Anniston, Ala Winona Miss., and Greenville, Miss LOCAL, FREIGHT. Alexandria, Va , and Orange, Va Orange, Va., and Lynchburg, Va Lynchburg, Va, and Danville, Va Alexandria, Va., and Strasburg, Va Alexandria. Va , and Round Hill, Va Richmond, Va., and West Point, Va Richmond, Va . and Clover, Va Clover, Va , and Greensboro, N. C Greensboro, N. C. , and Charlotte, N. C Greensboro, N. C., and Raleigh, N. C On Oxford & Clarksville Railroad Charlotte, N. C., and Greers, S. C Greers, S. C., and Toccoa, Ga Tecooa, Ga., and Atlanta, Ga Lula, Ga., and Macon, Ga Salisbury, N. C., and Asheville, N. C Asheville, N. C., and Bryson City, N. C Spartanburg, S. C., and Paint Rock, N. C Asheville, N. C , and Paint Rock, N. C Charlotte, N C., and Columbia, S. C Columbia, S. C. and Augusta, Ga Chester, S. C., and Lenoir, N. C Columbia, S. C , and Hodges, S. C Walhalla, S. C , and Greenville, S. C Alston, S. C , and Spartanburg, S. C Newberry, S C., and Laurens, S. C Atlanta, Ga , and Heflin, Ala Heflin, Ala., and Birmingham, Ala Birmingham, Ala , and Columbus, Miss Columbus, Miss., and Winona, Miss Winona, Miss., and Greenville, Miss Birmingham, Ala., and Childersburg, Ala* Childersburg, Ala., and Columbus, Ga THROUGH FREIGHT. Alexandria, Va., and Greenville, Miss , Manassas, Va., and Strasburg, Va Richmond, Va., and Danville, Va Birmingham, Ala., and Columbus, Ga , Salisbury, N. C. , and Paint Rock, N. C Richmond, Va., and West Point, Va Charlotte, N. C., and Augusta, Ga Columbia, S. C., and Belton, S. C MIXED. Manassas, Va., and Strasburg, Va On Warrenton branch On Franklin & Pittsylvania Railroad On Richmond, York River & Chesapeake Railroad , On High Point, Randleman, Ashboro & Southern Railroad On State University Railroad On Milton & Sutherlin Narrow Gauge Railroad On Oxford & Henderson Railroad On Yadkin Railroad On North Carolina Midland Railroad Greensboro, N. C., and Wilkesboro, N. C Greensboro, N C., and Raleigh. N. C Asheville, N. C., and Murphy, N. C Charlotte, N. C., and Taylorsville, N. C Charlotte, N. C., and Statesville, N. C Hodges, S. C., and Abbeville, S. C Columbus, Ga., and Roanoke, Ala * Round trip. t Per mile. RICH., FREDERICKSBURG & POTOMAC R'Y. RIO GRANDE SOUTHERN R'Y. 131 All runs of less than 100 miles, in passenger, freight or mixed service, to be counted s 100 miles ; except when return or further trips are completed inside of twelve hours rom the first start, in which case actual mileage will be counted, if over 100 miles. such runs are not completed within twelve hours, overtime will be allowed at the ite of 25 cents per hour for all time over twelve hours. The pay for special runs, on >ecial or extra trains, where rate is not provided for by this schedule of rates, is to be t the rate of $3.25 per day of twelve hours or less. All Conductors to be paid for over- Lme at the rate of 25 cents per hour, after the road delay shall have exceeded one and ie-half hours, including the first one and one half hours, or a fractional part thereof, ss thirty minutes of the total delay. Conductors of trains leaving terminals, on the lain line, will be called one hour before the leaving time of trains, provided they reside ithin one mile of starting point. Caller will have a book in which Conductors will igister their names and record the time called. Conductors' time will commence one lour after they sign the Caller's book, and end at the time designated on mileage tick- ' s, and verified by train sheets. If trains are abandoned after Conductors are called notified to be in place, they will be paid for all time until relieved from duty, at the ite of 25 cents per hour, the time to be computed from one hour after they are called notified, and shall stand first out ; and Conductors arriving at terminals, on main, if not relieved within thirty minutes will be paid 25 cents per hour for each hour, nd the first thirty-five minutes shall count as one hour. Conductors dead-heading rer the road, to or from their trains, to get them in place, will be paid half rate when jad-heading on passenger trains and full rate when dead-heading on freight trains. i case a Conductor is laid off to attend court, or on Company's business, he shall be lid $4 per day, and furnished transportation to and from his place of business, and an Illowance of $1 per day for expenses, when called away from home to attend court. 'he pay of work train Conductors to be regulated by the division officers. Through eight Conductors will be run first in first out, so far as is practicable. The right of mductors to regular runs to be determined by the division officers, due regard being id to capacity and seniority. No more Conductors will be employed than necessary move the traffic of the road with promptness and regularity, division officers to de- le. The rules and regulations of this Company will govern in the matter of disci- ic. Any Conductor suspended, for any cause, shall be granted investigation, hearing L decision, if possible, within five days. He shall be accorded the privileige of ttending such investigation and hearing all the evidence, pro and con, touchng his jsponsibility, and shall have the right to appeal from the decision of the local officers the general officers of the Company. If found blameless, after investigation, he 'ill be paid for his lost time. If investigation cannot, for any cause, be held within re days, then when it is held, and the Conductor on trial be discharged, he will be dd for all time lost between five days after his suspension and the date of his dis- irge, provided he has made written application to the division officers, within ten lys from the date of suspension, for investigation. No grievance will be entertained nless the same shall be presented in writing within thirty days after its occurrence. November 1, 1891. W. H. GREEN, General Manager. RICHMOND, FREDERICKSBURG & POTOMAC RAILROAD COMPANY. Conductors average $3.16 per day. Baggagemasters $50 per month. Brakemen rerage $1.27 per day. Switchmen average $1 per day. Yardmaster $90 per month. Lssistant Yardmaster $60 per month. T. L. COURTNEY, May 13, 1892. Superintendent. RIO GRANDE SOUTHERN RAILROAD COMPANY. 1. Telluride run, between Telluride and Vance Junction, to be paid for at the rate $4 per day for Conductors, and $3 per day for Brakemen. Overtime after 10 hours. 2. Freight runs each way between Ridgway and Rico to be paid for at the rate of lit 20 per single trip for Conductors, and $3.15 per single trip for Brakemen. Overtime [fter 10 hours, including switching. 3. Snow plows, dangers, pile drivers, construction or other work trains to be paid at the rate of $120 for Conductors, and $90 for Brakemen, per calendar month. hvertime after 12 hours. 4. Passenger runs to be paid for at the rate of $125 for Conductors, and $85 for [rakemen, per calendar month. No allowance made for extra runs. 5. Rate of overtime, 35 cents per hour for Conductors, and 25 cents per hour for prakemen. Fractions less than 30 minutes not counted ; 30 minutes or more to be ounted one hour. R. M. RIDGWAY, Accepted for Conductors and Brakemen : Superintendent. F. E. COWLES, W. T. SHIREY, Committee. May 26, 1892. 132 RIO GRANDE WESTERN R'Y. ST. JOSEPH & GRAND ISLAND R Y. RIO GRANDE WESTERN RAILWAY COMPANY. SCHEDULE. RUNS. Conduct rs, pei moth. Brakemen, per month. PASSENGER SERVICE. Through express runs, O?den and Grand Junction, 7 crews $125 00 115 00 115 00 11500 115 00 11500" 125 00 100 00 110 00 11000 110 00 11500 110 00 $75 00 75 00 75 00 75 00 7500 75 00 80 00 75 00 8000 80 00 75 00 80 (JO 80 00 75 00 3 25 3 3 Salt Lake City and Ogden Eureka and Salt Lake City Salina and Thistles Specials MIXED TRAINS. Salt Lake Citv and Bingham, doubling and switching Scofield and P. V. Junction, doubling and switching " Bingham Junction and Wasatch, doubling and switching FREIGBT SERVICE. Salt Lake City and Ogden, two round trips or less daily Springville and Euresa, doubling and switching Thistle and Salina, including switching Castle Gate Swing, 12 hours or less per day. daily Local, Salt Lake City and Clear Creek, except Sunday, 12 hours Hill Brakemen, 12 hours or less from time of commencing work constitutes a day.. . Ogden and Helper, first in first out, double mirge bet. Clear Creek and Soldier Summit .* Helper and Grand Junction, first in first out * . 42 35 42 42 11000 PROVISIONS FOR SHORT RUNS. Clear Creek and P. V. Junction, actual 14 miles, allowed 25 miles * ... . P. V. Junction and Scofield, actual 17 miles, allowed 20 miles * WORK TRAINS. Conductors not Acting as "F'orpm^n, per calendar month - Brakemen per calendar month 75 66 80 00 Brakeman and Operator, per calendar month * Per mile. Porters on all passenger trains, $50 per month. When it becomes necessary to dead- head a crew, the second crew out will dead-head, and will be allowed half time, and will stand out ahead of the crew they dead-headed with. Short runs, 50 miles or less, one-half day and stand first out; over 50 miles, mileage rate will be allowed, anc stand out in turn. For turning around at intermediate stations, one hour will be allowed for putting away and picking up train; if over one hour, time will be allowec as follows: All time in excess of 10 hours per 100 miles, to be allowed as overtime; over 30 minutes one hour, and 30 minutes or less not computed. Overtime for Conductors, 35 cents, Brakemen, 25 cents per hour. For Order Railway Conductors : RIO GRANDE WESTERN Ry. CO., S. P. PIERCE. BY A. E. WELBY, For the Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen : General Superintendent. W. A. WHITE. April 1st, 1892. ST. JOSEPH & GRAND ISLAND RAILROAD COMPANY, AND OPERATED LINES. 1. Passenger Service : Six crews will be assigned to the main line and will be paid $110 and $60 for Conductors and Biakemen, respectively. One crew will be assigne'd tt the branch and will be paid $100 and $55 for Conductors and Brakemen, respectively Trains Nos. 1 and 2 to be paid under this Article. 2. Freight Service: Conductors and Brakemen on through and mixed freight trains- other than Nos. 1 and 2, will be paid 3 and 2 cents per mile, respectively. Crews n assigned to regular service will run first in first out, and will be paid for on the mileage basis, with the following exceptions: The Alma branch run shall consist of the ru between Fairfield and Alma, and one and one half hours switching in the Fairfield yard on alternate days, and 100 miles shall be allowed per trip on said run. The Fairburj branch run shall consist of the run between McCool Junction and Pairbury and return, the station switching at McCool Junction and the switching of their own train at Fair- bury, for which 100 miles will be allowed. The Fairfield Stromsburg run will consist oi the run between Fairfield and Stromsburg and the making up of their own trains at Fairfield and Stromsburg, 130 miles to be allowed for the round trip, and 100 miles for the single trip. In consideration of the two short runs per week on the Fairburj branch and between Fairfield and Stromsburg, no overtime shall be allowed on these ST. JOSEPH & GRAND ISLAND RAILWAY. 133 ins, except in cases of unusual delays, such as washouts, wrecks and snow blockades. 3. Local Freight: Between St. Joseph and Grand Island crews on local freight -ains shall receive 3 15-100 cents and 2 15-100 cents per mile for Conductors and Brake- jn, respectively. Three Brakemen shall be assigned to each crew. 4. Work Trains : Work train Conductors and Brakemen shall be paid at the rate of and $60 per month, respectively. The working- days of a calendar month to consti- ite a month's work ; twelve hours or less to constitute a day's work ; overtime after twelve hours, at the same rate. Work train crews will consist of a Conductor and two Srakemen. The Company reserves the right to assign Conductor for this service. 5. Pilots will receive freight Conductors' pay and full mileage allowed. 6. Freight men handling special trains will be paid regular freight rates. 7. All freight Conductors and Brakemen not otherwise specified shall be paid on a lileage basis, 100 miles to be the minimum pay for any crew called and sent out. 8. On all freight runs of 100 miles or less, except those otherwise specified, requiring lore than ten hours to make the run, overtime will be paid at the rate of ten miles per lour for Conductors and Brakemen. On all freight runs exceeding 100 miles, Conduct- and Brakemen will be paid overtime for all the time used to complete the trip in excess of an average speed of ten miles an hour. In computing overtime, no fraction )f an hour less than thirty minutes shall be counted ; thirty minutes and over and less than one hour shall be computed as one hour. 9. When freight traffic is so light that the crews in unassigned service do not lake about 3,000 miles per month, crews will be taken off, beginning with the youngest, until crews left in service are able to make the same. Conductors temporarily reduced mder this rule will be given preference as Brakemen over younger men, and will retain their rights as Conductors ; they will also again be placed on their runs when the traffic requires increasing of crews. 10. Trainmen attending court at the request of an officer of the Company will be Llowed 100 miles per day for each day, and when away from their home station, in iddition thereto, their legitimate expenses. 11. When a crew is compelled to double a hill they shall receive ten miles for the jame, but one hour will be added to the time over the district, before overtime is illowed. 12. Full time will be allowed for all light runs, and where crews are dead-headed, case crews are dead-headed, the freight crew dead-heading will be first out ahead of crew dead-headed with. 13. All crews will be called at St. Joseph, Hanover and Grand Island ; Train Caller rill always be provided with a book in which the men called will enter their names together with the time they are called, and the time of trainmen will begin at the Lme set for the departure of their train when called, unless leaving earlier. 14. Conductors and Brakemen will not be suspended nor dismissed from the Com- any's service without just cause. In case of suspension or dismissal, if an employe ;hinks his sentence unjust he shall have the right within five days to refer his case by vritten statement to the Superintendent. Within five days of the receipt of this lotice his case shall have a thorough investigation by the proper officer of the Railroad ompany, at which he may be present if he so desires and also be represented by any lisinterested employe of his choice. In case the suspension or dismissal is found to be injust, he shall be reinstated and paid for all time lost. In case he shall not be satis- ied with the result of the investigation he shall have the right to appeal to the Gen- eral Manager. 15. When trainmen are called and for any reason other than their own act do not ro out and are held on duty less than five hours they will be allowed fifty miles and ;and first out, but if held more than five hours they will be paid one hundred miles and fo behind crews at that point. 16. When a change of divisions or train runs require trainmen to change their [place of residence they will be furnished with free transportation for their families land household effects to their new place of residence. 17. Freight or passenger crews making extra trips, in addition to their regular assigned runs, will be allowed extra time upon the basis of pay allowed other crews in [similar service, except as provided in Article 6. 18. When crews of through or local freight or mixed trains are required to remain on duty with their trains, after arrival at end of run, or compelled to do switching service at terminal or division stations, they will be paid extra for such service at regular overtime rates. 19. Trainmen will not be required to pay fines on account of breakage. 20. After continuous service of sixteen hours trainmen will be entitled to and [allowed eight hours' rest before being called to go out, except in cases of washouts, wrecks, or other similar emergencies. Following crews will have the right to run around any crew so lying over. 134 ST. LOUIS MERCHANTS BRIDGE TERM R'Y. ST. LOUIS SOUTHWESTERN R'Y. 21. When proper notice is given, members of grievance committee shall be granted unlimited leave of absence. 22. When time is not allowed as per trip report, Conductors will be notified. 23. All freight Conductors and Brakemen on the St. Joseph & Grand Island and operated lines will be in line of promotion on all districts and divisions, according to length of service and ability to assume increased responsibility. The oldest freight Conductors to be in line of promotion in passenger service. When three Brakemen are promoted in the regular line of promotion, one experienced Conductor to be employed as Conductor ; said Conductor to stand next in rank to the three Brakemen promoted. The articles enumerated constitute, in their entirety, an agreement between the St. Joseph & Grand Island Railroad Company and its Conductors and Brakemen. No departure from the provisions of this agreement will be made by any party thereto, without reasonable notice of such a desire, in writing, has been served upon the other parties thereto. The rates of pay embodied in this schedule to remain in effect until January 1, 1894. All schedules, rules and regulations previously in effect are null and void. BAGGAGEMEN AND YARD SERVICE. Train Baggagemen are also Expressmen, and are paid $75 per month on main line and Stromsburg-Fairfield branch. On Alma branch and Fairbury branch the express and baggage work is performed by the Conductors of trains on those branches no extra compensation. Hanover, Kansas, yard is the only place we have a switch crew. At this place we have a night switch crew only, consisting of Yardmaster at $75 per month, and two Switchmen at $60 per month each. Twelve hours constitute a day's work. Overtime paid after twelve hours at rate of 25 cents per hour for Yardmaster, and 20 cents per hour for Switchmen. THE ST. JOSEPH & GRAND ISLAND RAILROAD CO., For the Order of Railway Conductors : W. P. ROBINSON, JR., A. B. GARRETSON, Grand Senior Conductor, O. R. C. General Manager. JOHN T. DAWSON, Chairman O. R. C. For the Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen : S. E. WILKINSON, Grand Master B. of R. T. CHAS. E. HEDRIX, Chairman B. of R. T. November 1, 1892. _ ST. LOUIS MERCHANTS BRIDGE TERMINAL RAILWAY. Day Foremen, 27 cents per hour; Night Foremen, 29 cents per hour; Day Helpers, 25 cents per hour; Night Helpers, 27 cents per hour. Ten hours to constitute a day's work. Actual overtime allowed. This Company's service is wholly switching. May 24, 1892. H. W. GAYS, General Manager. ST. LOUIS SOUTHWESTERN RAILWAY COMPANY. This memorandum, made this 1st day of January, 1892, shall govern all Superin- tendents, Assistant Superintendents, Trainmasters and other officers in the service of the St. Louis Southwestern Railway Company, in the discipline and control of all Con- ductors and Trainmen in the service of said Company; shall regulate the pay rates of all such employes, and shall constitute a letter of instructions on all matters herein stated. 1. In the employment of Conductors and Trainmen in the service of the above-named Company Superintendents are hereby ordered to employ none but sober, reliable and competent men for this service; and all such employes will be directly responsible to and subj- ct to the orders and control of the Assistant Superintendents and Trainmas- ters. No other subordinate officers will be allowed to interfere in the discipline and control of these employes, excepting that Brakemen will obey the instructions of their Conductors, so far as such instructions relate to their duty as such. 2. Train Conductors and Brakemen will be paid at the following schedule of rates: Conductors of passenger trains, $100 per month; Brakemen of passenger trains, $55 per month; B;iggagemasters, $60 per month. All Conductors and Brakemen on through freight trains are to be paid not less than 3 and 2 cents per mile respectively; all runs of 100 miles or less to constitute a day's work. 3. The monthly pay of crews assigned to local freight or mixed runs shall be as follows: Conductors, $90 per month; Brakemen $60 per month of 26 or 27 working days, as the case may be; three' crews will be assigned to runs of over 125 miles. In the event that local trains are discontinued, the local crew that should have gone out on its run may be used in other service without extra compensation, so long ST. LOUIS SOUTHWESTERN RAILWAY. 135 is the extra mileage does not exceed the mileage the crew would have made on its egular run. All Sunday runs, or extra service, in addition to the extra service hereinbefore ipecified, will be paid for as extra work of whatever class. The provisions of this article are made subject to the following exceptions: New Madrid Branch: Conductor, $25 per month; Delta Section: Conductor, $100 per month; Brakemen, $72.50; Little Rock Section: Conductor, $90 per month; Brakemen, $65; Magnolia Section : Conductor, $75 per month ; Porter, $35 ; Shreveport Branch : Con- Luctor on freight, $100 per month ; Brakeman on freight, $72.50 ; Conductor on passen- ger, $90; Porter, $35. 4. On all local and mixed trains, train crew shall consist of Conductor and three Brakemen, excepting on the following branches : New Madrid Branch, Magnolia Jranch, Rob Roy Train. Freight train crews on the Pine Bluff Section to consist of Conductor and three Brakemen, with the understanding that when power brakes are applied to freight .rains, through freights that do no local work may be run with two Brakemen. OVERTIME AND EXCESS MILEAGE. 5. Overtime will be allowed and paid to all Conductors and Brakemen of local and ;hrough freight trains and mixed trains, as follows: On all freight runs of less than 100. miles, which runs may require more than ten hours time, the Conductors and Brakemen are to be paid overtime at the uniform rate )f 30 and 20 cents per hour, deducting two hours for delayed time, when the delayed time on any trip amounts to more than two hours. All overtime in excess of ten hours will be paid for at above rates. When overtime is not allowed as per time slips, Con- Luctors to be notified in writing by the Assistant Superintendent. 6. On all through freight runs of over 100 miles, Conductors and Brakemen shall be paid not less than 3 and 2 cents per mile respectively for all mileage made on each run; and in addition to actual mileage, overtime shall be paid them on a basis of ten miles per hour. For example: On a run of 150 miles they shall be paid 3 and 2 cents per mile for the 150 miles run, and in addition thereto, for all overtime made in excess of L5 hours, at the uniform rate of 30 and 20 cents per hour, less 2 hours allowed for delays. 7. In computing overtime, no fraction of an hour less than 30 minutes shall be counted, but all overtime of 30 minutes or over and less than one hour shall be counted as one hour. Trainmen will be paid overtime at the regular rate after arriving at ;erminals until relieved by Yardmaster. 8. Conductors and Brakemen on work trains shall be paid the following schedule : To receive not less than $90 and $60 per month respectively : ten hours to consti- ;ute a day's work; the working days of the month to constitute a month's work. All ;ime over 12 hours' to be paid for at the rate of 30 and 20 cents per hour. At non-coal- ng stations, where engines are to be coaled up, the watchman (if there be one) will be required to coal up engines, and be responsible for the safety of all switches used by lim. If there be no Watchman and the Brakeman does the coaling, he will be paid at overtime rates. Work train crew shall consist of a Conductor and two Brakemen on the main line, Cairo to Texarkana. On other portions of the road the number of Brakemen to be left ;o the discretion of the Superintendent. 9. Trainmen living within one mile of division and terminal stations, shall be ;alled as nearly as practicable, one hour before the leaving time, by Train Caller, who will be provided with a book, in which the men called will enter their names; also the :ime called. The working time of all Trainmen shall commence at the time set for the departure of their trains. 10. When Trainmen are called, and for any reason other than their own acts do not go out, if held on duty less than six hours, they shall be paid for the time so held at overtime rates, and stand first out; if held more than six hours, they shall be paid for one day, and stand last out. 11. When the freight traffic on any portion of the road is so light that all the freight Conductors and Brakemen in the service are not able to make $90 and $60 per month respectively, a sufficient number of crews shall be laid off, beginning with the youngest men, until the Conductors and Brakemen in the service are able to make $90 and $60 per month respectively, as near as practicable. Any Conductor or Brakeman suspended from service under this rule will be given preference as Brakemen, and they will retain their rights as Conductors, and will be replaced on their runs when the Freight business requires an increase ot crews. 12. Whenever a change of divisions or train-runs requires a Conductor or brake- man to change his place of residence, he will be furnished free transportation for his family and household goods to his new place of residence, where such action by the Company is not in violation of state laws. 13. When passenger or freight Conductors make reasonable objections in writing to the Assistant Superintendent or Superintendent against any Brakeman under their 136 ST. LOUIS SOUTHWESTERN RAILWAY. charge, such Brakeman shall be removed and assigned to other duty or dismissed from the service, according to the circumstances. All instructions given to freight or passenger Conductors relative to the movement of trains or disposition of cars will be given in train orders or in writing, by the Assist- ant Superintendent. 14. Crews will be paid one-half rates when dead-heading on passenger trains, and full rates when dead-heading with their cabooses, or running as first section of passen- ger trains. In cases of crews dead-heading with cabooses, the first crew out will run the train, the next crew dead-heading; and the dead-head crew on reaching terminal station will stand ahead of crew with whom dead-headed. 15. When a-Trainman is taken from his run for investigation of an alleged cause, he shall, if found innocent, receive pay for time lost while held off by the Company. No punishment shall be inflicted without a thorough investigation by the Assistant Su- perintendent, said investigation to be held within five days of the date of the removal from service. Conductors and Brakemen shall not be discharged from the service of the Com- pany, except for good and sufficient cause. In case any Conductor or Trainman shall consider that he is unjustly discharged or suspended from the service of the Company, he may make a written statement of his case to the Superintendent, and within ten days after the receipt of such statement he shall be given a fair and impartial hearing by the Superintendent, in regard to the charges made against him. He shall have the right to appeal from the decision of the Superintendent to the General Manager. 16. When any Conductor or Trainman is detailed to attend court as a witness on the part of this or any other Railroad Companies, he shall be paid for such service the same rate of pay as now in force, viz: Conductors' and Brakemen's pay and expenses while away from home. The Railway Company to receive witness fees, if any are allowed by the court. 17. Conductors and Trainmen, after continued service of sixteen hours or more, shall be entitled to eight hours rest, if they so desire, before they are again called for service, excepting in cases of wash-outs, wrecks or other similar emergencies, provided they notify the Assistant Superintendent or Train Dispatcher on duty, in writing, on or before their arrival at terminal stations. 18. When crews of through or local freight, or mixed trains are required to do switching service at terminal or division stations, they will be paid extra for such ser- vice at the rate of 30 and 20 cents per hour ; less than 30 minutes not to be counted ; 30 minutes and over and less than one hour will be computed as one hour, excepting or such runs which occupy less than ten hours no extra switching service will be allowed until the total time used in making the runs exceeds ten hours. The actual time made by Conductors and Brakemen for switching service, as above specified shall be returned by the Conductor on his trip slip, and in addition shall be kept by the Yardmaster, or where there is no Yardmaster by the Station Agent, in a book for that special purpose; and all such switching time shall be returned to the Assistant Superintendent's office, and made up in the pay rolls for the months in which the service is rendered. 19. The proper officers of the Railway Company will listen to any reasonable com- plaint, made either by individual Conductor or Brakejnan, or by a committee of Con- ductors and Brakemen, provided proper notice is given in writing as to the subject oJ complaint, and a special appointment is made as to the time and place to consider the same. 20. Dates will change at 12 o'clock, midnight, the same as calendar dates, and two runs on the road commencing on separate dates will be paid for at not less than one day for each run. provided no other run is made on that date. 21. If a Conductor or Brakeman leaves the service of the Company of his own ac- cord, or if he be discharged from the service, he shall forfeit all rights previously held, unless he be reinstated within ninety days. The oldest Brakeman, when competent, will be given preference as a passenger Brakeman, in the event of a vacancy, when tht-y so desire. 22. Passenger train Brakemen, never having worked on freight train, must work at least two years in freight train service before they shall be promoted to Conductor. Freight cabooses and their crews shall not be laid over for the reason that tht-ir Conductor has laid off, unless in case of emergency, and then not to exceed 24 hours. 23. Any Conductor or Trainman leaving the employ of the Company, will, at his request, be given a letter by his Superintendent, stating his term of service, and the capacity in which employed, and whether he has been discharged or has left the ser- vice of his own accord. 24. In filling vacancies in the ranks of freight Conductors, all Conductors, Brake- men and Baggagemen will be considered in line of promotion according to their age in the service and their ability to assume the duties of Conductor; except that two Brake- ST. LOUIS SOUTHWESTERN RAILWAY. 137 ien shall be first promoted, and then one experienced Conductor may be employed as Jonductor, at the option of the officer in charge. A Conductor so employed shall take is place at the foot of the list of extra Conductors, and may be temporarily used as xtra Brakeman, pending vacancy to be filled by him. All Conductors will be considered in line of promotion according to their term of rvice, dependent upon their good conduct and ability. Whenever additional Con- uctors are required in the passenger service, promotion will be made from the ranks f freight Conductors, as above, giving each freight district representation, except hat the Superintendent reserves the right to employ new or additional men for these ositions when he considers that the good of the service requires it. 25. In cases where Trainmen, Conductors or Brakemen are used in temporary yard ervice, they do not lose their rights as Trainmen. YARDMEN'S SCHEDULE. This memorandum, made this 1st day of January, 1892, shall govern all Superinten- ents, Assistant Superintendents, Trainmasters and other officers, in the service of the t. Louis Southwestern Railway Company, in the discipline and control of yardmen in he service of said Company: shall regulate the pay rates of all such employes; and hall constitute a letter of instructions on all matters herein stated. 1. Hereafter, in the employment of yardmen in the service of the above Company, ssistant and terminal Superintendents are hereby instructed to employ none but 3ber, reliable and competent men for this service, and all such employes will be di- ectly responsible to and subject to the orders and control of assistant and terminal uperintendents and Yardmasters, at all times and in all matters pertaining to their uties. No other subordinate officer will be allowed to interfere in the discipline and ontrol of these men. 2. Wages and hours of yardmen shall remain as at present at all points. 3. Yard crews shall not be laid off after commencement of their days' work by eason of disablement of their engines, or for any reason other than their own acts. 4. Crews working one-half day and one-half night, will be paid at night rates. >ne hour shall be allowed yardmen for dinner between the hours of 11:30 and 1:30 night nd day. If held on duty until 1 :30 oclock, they shall be allowed thirty minutes for inner and be paid for one extra hour. 5. In computing overtime, no fraction of an hour less than thirty minutes shall be ounted, but all overtime of thirty minutes or over, and less than one hour, shall be ounted one hour. 6. When attending court by request of an official, yardmen shall be paid accord- ig to their daily pay, and one dollar per day for expenses, if away from home. 7. The proper officers of the Railway Company will listen to any reasonable com- laints made by either individual yardmen or by a committee of the same, provided roper notice is given in writing as to the subject of complaint, and special appoint- lent is made as to the time and place to consider the same. 8. Any yardman may be suspended from duty for a reasonable time, or for investi- ation for an alleged misconduct, or for violation of rules or orders ; and may be dis- harged from the service of the Company for good and sufficient causes. These causes hall include intemperance, incompetency, habitual neglect of duty, gross violation of ules or orders, dishonesty or insubordination. 9. When a yardman is discharged or suspended for a definite term, for an alleged ault, he shall have a fair and impartial trial within five days after filing his request herefor with the assistant Superintendent; and if suspended for investigation, such ivestigation shall be held within five days without such request. If found innocent, e shall be paid at regular rates for time lost, and reinstated. If detained more than ve days awaiting investigation, he shall be paid for extra time in excess of five days, 'hether found guilty or not. 10. All employes in yard service shall be promoted according to age and ability, rovided the officers in charge of such men shall consider them competent for positions o which they are entitled by seniority in service; and anyone feeling that he has not ad a fair and impartial examination, shall have a right to appeal to higher authority. 11. In filling vacancies in the position of switch tenders, preference shall be given o Switchmen crippled in the service of the Company, whenever their injuries are not uch as to unfit them for the duties of such positions. All crippled Switchmen desiring to be considered in line for appointment to such acancies, will file their applications with the Superintendent of the lines upon which heir injuries are received. 12. Any employe included under the provisions of this agreement, who is dissatis- ed with the decision of any official of the Company, shall have the right to appeal heref rom to the General Manager, after having first submitted his case to the decision f the Superintendent. 13. If a yardman leaves the service of the Company of his own accord, or if he is 138 ST. LOUTS SOUTHWESTERN R'Y OF TEXAS AND TYLER SOUTHEASTERN R'Y. discharged from the service, he shall forfeit all rights previously held, unless he is re- instated within ninety days. 14. There shall be no discrimination against any employe of the Company on ac- count of being a member of any of the railway organizations. 15. Any yardman leaving the employ of the Company will, at his request, be given a letter by his Superintendent or Assistant Superintendent, stating his term of ser- vice, capacities in which employed, and whether he has been discharged or has left the service of his own accord. 16. It is agreed that an engine's crew shall consist of foreman and three men on engine or engines working in down town yard at Pine Bluff, during the busy season. 17. Whenever a change of stations requires a yardman to change his place of residence, he will be furnished free transportation for his family and household goods to his new place of residence, where such action by the Railway Company is not in violation of state laws. A copy of this letter of instructions will be furnished to all Assistant Superintend- ents, Trainmasters and Yardmasters, and the same shall be accessible to any employe who may desire to see it. W. B. DODDRIDGE, January 1, 1892. General Manager. ST. LOUIS SOUTHWESTERN RAILWAY COMPANY OF TEXAS AND TYLEI SOUTHEASTERN RAILWAY COMPANY. This memorandum, made this first day of January, 1892, shall govern all Superin- tendents, Assistant Superintendents, Trainmasters and other officers in the service o: the St. Louis Southwestern Railway Company of Texas and the Tyler Southeaster! Railway Company, in the discipline and control of all Conductors and trainmen in the service of said Companies ; shall regulate the pay rates of all such employes, and shal constitute a letter of instructions on all matters herein stated. 1. In the employment of Conductors and trainmen in the service of the above named Companies, Superintendents are hereby ordered to employ none but sober, reli- able and competent men for this service ; and all such employes will be directly sponsible to and subject to the orders and control of the Assistant Superintendents ancij Trainmasters. No other subordinate officers will be allowed to interfere in the discip line and control of these employes excepting that Brakemen will obey the instruc tions of their Conductors, so far as such instructions relate to their duties as such. 2. Train Conductors and Brakemen will be paid at the following schedule of rates Conductors of passenger trains, $100 per month ; Brakemen of passenger trains, $55 pen month ; Baggagemasters, $60 per month. All Conductors and Brakemen on through freight trains are to be paid not less than 3 and 2 cents per mile respectively ; all runs of 100 miles or less to constitute z day's work. 3. The monthly pay of crews assigned to local freight or mixed runs shall be as follows : Conductors, $90 per month ; Brakemen, $60 per month of 26 or 27 working days, as the case may be ; three crews will be assigned to runs of over 125 miles. In the event that local trains are discontinued, the local crew that should hav< gone out on its run may be used in other service without extra compensation, so lon as the extra mileage does not exceed the mileage the crew would have made on iti regular run. All Sunday runs, or extra service, in addition to the extra service hereinbefore specified, will be paid for as extra work of whatever class. 4. On all local and mixed trains : Train crews shall consist of Conductor am three Brakemen, excepting on the following sections : Waco section ; Hillsboro sec tion ; Sherman section ; Tyler Southeastern Railway ; with the understanding that tw< Brakemen may be run on local trains on the Tyler section and the Fort Worth sectioi when in the discretion of the Superintendent that number of Brakemen are sufficien to properly handle the business. OVERTIME AND EXCESS MILEAGE. 5. Overtime will be allowed and paid to all Conductors and Brakemen of local an* through freight trains and mixed trains, as follows : On all freight runs of less than 100 miles, which runs may require more than tei hours time, the Conductors and Brakemen are to be paid overtime at the uniform rat* of 30 and 20 cents per hour, deducting two hours for delayed time, when the delayet time on any trip amounts to more than two hours. All overtime in excess of ten hour will be paid for at above rates. When overtime is not allowed as per time slips, Cor ductors to be notified in writing by the Assistant Superintendent. 6. On all through freight runs of over 100 miles, Conductors and Brakemen shal be paid not less than 3 and 2 cents per mile respectively for all mileage made on eac; ST. LOUIS SOUTHWESTERN R*Y OF TEXAS AND TYLER SOUTHEASTERN R'Y. 139 un ; and in addition to actual mileage, overtime shall be paid them on a basis of ten ailes per hour. For example : On a run of 150 miles, they shall be paid 3 and 2 cents er mile for 150 miles run, and in addition thereto, for all overtime made in excess of 5 hours, at the uniform rate of 30 and 20 cents per hour, less two hours allowed for elays. 7. In computing' overtime, no fraction of an hour less than 30 minutes shall be ounted, but all overtime of 30 minutes or over and less than one hour shall be counted s one hour. Trainmen will be paid overtime at the regular rate after arriving at erminals until relieved by the Yardmaster. 8. Conductors and Brakemen on work trains shall be paid the following schedule : To receive not less than $90 and $60 per month respectively ; ten hours to constitute day's work ; the working days of the month to constitute a month's work. All time ver 12 hours to be paid at the rate of 30 and 20 cents per hour. At non-coaling sta- ions, where work engines are to be coaled up, watchman (if there be one) will be re- uired to coal up engines, and be responsible for the safety of all switches used by im. If there be no watchman and the Brakeman does the coaling, he will be paid at vertime rates. Work train crew shall consist of a Conductor and two Brakemen on the main line, 'exarkana to Tyler. On other portions of the road the number of Brakemen to be left o the discretion of the Superintendent. 9. Trainmen living within one mile of division and terminal stations shall be called s nearly as practicable one hour before the leaving time, by train Caller, who will be rovided with a book, in which the men called will enter their names ; also the time ailed. The working time of all trainmen shall commence at the time set for the eparture of their trains. 10. When trainmen are called, and for any reason other than their own act do not o out, if held on duty less than six hours, they shall be paid for the time so held at vertime rates, and stand first out ; if held more than six hours, they shall be paid for ne day, and stand last out. 11. When the freight traffic on any portion of the road is so light that all the reight Conductors and Brakemen in the service are not able to make $90 and $60 per lonth respectively, a sufficient number of crews shall be laid off (beginning with the oungest men), until the Conductors and Brakemen in the service are able to make $90' nd $60 per month respectively, as near as practicable. Any Conductor or Brakeman uspended from service under this rule will be given preference as Brakemen, and they ill retain their rights as Conductors, and will be replaced on their runs when the reight business requires an increase of crews. 12. Whenever a change of divisions or train runs requires a Conductor or Brake- aan to change his place of residence, he will be furnished free transportation for his- amily and household goods to his new place of residence, where such action by the Jompany is not in violation of state laws. 13. When a passenger or freight Conductor makes reasonable objections in writ- ag to the Assistant Superintendent or Superintendent against any Brakeman under is charge, such Brakeman shall be removed and assigned to other duty or dismissed rom the service, according to the circumstances. All instructions given to freight or passenger Conductors relative to the movement f trains or disposition of cars, will be given in train orders or in writing, by the Assist- ,nt Superintendent. 14. Crews will be paid one-half rates when dead-heading on passenger trains, and ull rates when dead-heading with their cabooses, or running as first section of passe n- er trains. In cases of crews dead-heading with cabooses, the first crew out will run he train, the next crew dead-heading : and the dead-head crew on reaching terminal tation will stand ahead of crew with whom dead-headed. 15. When a trainman is taken from his run for investigation of an alleged cause,, .e shall, if found innocent, receive pay for time lost while held off by the Company. To punishment shall be inflicted without a thorough investigation by the Assistant Superintendent, said investigation to be held within five days of the date of the re- aoval from service. Conductors and Brakemen shall not be discharged from the service of the Company xcept for good and sufficient cause. In case any Conductor or Brakeman shall consider that he is unjustly discharged r suspended from the service of the Company, he may make a written statement of lis case to the Superintendent, and within ten days after the receipt of such state- nent he shall be given a fair and impartial hearing by the Superintendent, in regard o the charges made against him. He shall have the right to appeal from the decision f the Superintendent to the President. 16. When any Conductor or trainman is detailed to attend court as a witness on ;he part of this or other railroad companies, he shall be paid for such service the same ate of pay as now in force, viz : Conductors' and Brakemen's pay and expenses, while 140 ST. LOUTS SOUTHWESTERN R'Y OF TEXAS AND TYLER SOUTHEASTERN RY. away from home. The Railway Company to receive witness fees, if any are allowed by the court. 17. Conductors and trainmen, after continued service of sixteen hours or more, shall be entitled to eight hours rest, if they so desire, before they are again called for service, excepting in cases of wash-outs, wrecks or other similar emergencies, provided they notify the Assistant Superintendent or Train Dispatcher on duty, in writing, on or before their arrival at terminal stations. 18. When crews of through or local freight, or mixed trains, are required to d<| switching service at terminal or division stations, they will be paid extra for such servl ice, at the rate of 30 and 20 cents per hour ; less than 30 minutes not to be counted ; 3(3 minutes and over and less than one hour, will be computed as one hour, excepting that on such runs which occupy less than ten hours no extra switching service will be allowed until the total time used in making the runs exceeds ten hours. The actual time made by Conductors and Brakemen for switching service, as above specified, shall be returned by the Conductor on his trip slip, and in addition shall kept by the Yardmaster, or where there is no Yardmaster, by the Station Agent, in a book for that special purpose ; and all such switching time shall be returned to th Assistant Superintendent's office, and made up in the pay rolls for the months in which the service is rendered. 19. The proper officers of the Railway Company will listen to any reasonable com plaint, made by either individual Conductor or Brakeman, or by a committee of Con ductors and Brakemen, provided proper notice is given in writing as to the subject oi complaint, and a special appointment is made as to the time and place to consider the same. 20. Dates will change at 12 o'clock, midnight, the same as calendar dates, and two runs on the road commencing on separate dates will be paid for at not less than one day for each run, provided no other run is made on that date. 21. If a Conductor or Brakeman leave the service of the Company of his own accord, or if he be discharged from the service, he shall forfeit all rights previously held, unless he be reinstated within 90 days. The oldest Brakemen, when competent, will be given preference as passenger Brakemen, in the event of a vacancy, when they so desire. 22. Passenger train Brakemen, never having worked on freight train, must work at least two years in freight train service before they shall be promoted to Conductor. Freight cabooses and their crews shall not be laid over for the r eason that their Conductor has laid off, unless in cases of emergency and then not to exceed 24 hours. 23. Any Conductor or trainman leaving the employ of the Company, will, at his request, be given a letter by his Superintendent, stating his term of service and the capacity in which employed, and whether he has been discharged or left the service of his own accord 24. In filling vacancies in the rank of freight Conductors, all Conductors, Brake- men and Baggagemen will be considered in line of promotion according to their age in the service and their ability to assume the duties of Conductor ; except that two Brakemen shall be first promoted, and then one experienced Conductor may be em ployed as Conductor, at the option of the officer in charge. A Conductor so employed shall take his place at the foot of the list of extra Conductors, and may be temporarily used as extra Brakeman, pending vacancy to be filled by him. All Conductors will be considered in line of promotion according to their term of service, dependent upon their good conduct and ability. Whenever additional Con ductors are required in the passenger service, promotions will be made from the ranks of freight Conductors, as above, giving each freight district representation, except that the Superintendent reserves the right to employ new or additional men for these positions when he considers that the good of the service requires it. 25. In cases where trainmen, Conductors or Brakemen are used in temporary yard service, they do not lose their rights as trainmen. YARDMEN'S SCHEDULE. This memorandnm, made this 1st day of January, 1892, shall govern all Superin- tendents, Assistant Superintendents, Trainmasters, and other officers, in the service of the St. Louis Southwestern Railway Company of Texas and the Tyler Southeastern Railway Company, in the discipline and control of Yardmen in the service of said Com- pany; shall regulate the pay rates of all such employes; and shall constitute a letter of instructions on all matters herein stated. 1. Hereafter, in the employment of Yardmen in the service of the above Companies, assistant and terminal Superintendents are hereby instructed to employ none but sober, reliable and competent men for this service, and all such employes will be directly re- sponsible to and subject to the orders and control of assistant and terminal Superin- tendents and Yardmasters, at all times and in all matters pertaining to their duties. ST. LOUIS SOUTHWESTERN R'Y OF TEXAS AND TYLER SOUTHEASTERN R'Y. 141 o other subordinate officer will be allowed to interfere in the discipline and control of icse men. 2. Wages and hours of Yardmen shall remain as at present at all points. 3. Yard crews shall not be laid off after commencement of their day's work by ^ason of disablement of their engines, or for any reason other than their own acts. 4. Crews working one-half day and one-half night will be paid at night rates. One our shall be allowed Yardmen for dinner between the hours of 11:30 and \ :30 night and ay. If held on duty until 1:30 o'clock, they shall be allowed thirty minutes for dinner nd be paid for one extra hour. 5. In computing overtime, no fraction of an hour less than thirty minutes shall be Dunted, but all overtime of thirty minutes or over, and less than one hour, shall be ounted one hour. 6. When attending court by request of an official, Yardmen shall be paid accord- ig to their daily pay and one dollar per day for expenses if away from home. 7. The proper officers of the Railway Company will listen to any reasonable com- laints made by either individual Yardmen or by a committee of the same, provided roper notice is given in writing as to the subject of complaint, and special appoint- lent is made as to the time and place to consider the same. 8. Any Yardman may be suspended from duty for a reasonable time, or for inves- gation for any alleged misconduct, or for violation of rules or orders; and may be dis- harged from the service of the Company for good and sufficient causes. These causes iall include intemperance, incompetency, habitual neglect of duty, gross violation of ules or orders, dishonesty or insubordination. 9. When a Yardman is discharged or suspended for a definite term, for an alleged ault, he shall have a fair and impartial trial within five days after filing his request lerefor with the Assistant Superintendent; and if suspended for investigation, such ivestigation shall be held within five days without such request. If found innocent r e shall be paid at regular rates for time lost, and reinstated. If detained more than ve days awaiting investigation, he shall be paid for extra time in excess of five days, hether found guilty or not. 10. All employes in yard service shall be promoted according to age and ability, rovided the officers in charge of such men shall consider them competent for positions o which they are entitled by seniority in service; and anyone feeling that he has not ad a fair and impartial examination, shall have a right to appeal to higher authoritv. 11. In filling vacancies in the position of switch tenders, preference shall be given o Switchmen crippled in the service of the Company, whenever their injuries are not uch as to unfit them for the duties of such positions. All crippled Switchmen desiring to be considered in line for appointment to such acancies, will file their applications with the Superintendent of the lines upon which ieir injuries were received. 12. Any employe included under the provisions of this agreement, who is dissatis- ed with the decision of any official of the Company, shall have the right to appeal herefrom to the President, after having first submitted his case to the decision of the uperintendent. 13. If a Yardman leaves the service of the Company of his own accord, or if he is ischarged from the service, he shall forfeit all rights previously held, unless he is re- nstated within ninety days. 14. There shall be no discrimination against any employe of the Company on ac- ount of being a member of any of the railway organizations. 15. Any Yardman leaving the employ of the Company will, at his request, be given . letter by his Superintendent or Assistant Superintendent, stating his term of service, apacities in which employed, and whether he has been discharged or has left the ser- ice of his own accord. 16. It is agreed that an engine's crew shall consist of Foreman and three men on ngine or engines working in down-town yard at Tyler, during the busy season. 17. Whenever a change of stations requires a Yardman to change his place of esidence, he will be furnished free transportation for his family and household goods o his new place of resilience, where such action by the Railway Company is not in vio- ation of state laws. A copy of this letter of instructions will be furnished to all Assistant Superintend- nts, Trainmasters and Yardmasters, and the same shall be accessible to any employe o may desire to see it. S. W. FORDYCE, President St. L., S. W. R'y Co. of Texas. WILLARD FISHER, January 1, 1892. President Tyler Southeastern R'y Co. 142 ST. P. & DUL. S. A. & A. P. R'Y. SAV., AM. & MONT. SEAT., L. S. & EAST'N. SAINT PAUL & DULUTH RAILROAD. Passenger Conductor, $100 per month ; passenger Baggageman, $45 per month ; ; passenger Brakemen, $45 per month ; freight Conductors, $90 per month ; freight! Brakemen, $60 per month ; day yard Foremen, $2.69 pei day ; day yard Switchmen,] $2.50 per day; night yard Foreman, $2.89 per day; night yard Switchmen, $2.69 per] day. Freight Conductors are allowed overtime at the rate of 3 cents per mile. Freight Brakemen are allowed overtime at the rate of 2 cents per mile. Work train Conduct- ors, $85 per month ; work train Brakemen, $55 per month. A. B. PLOUGH, May 18, 1892. Vice President and General Manager. SAN ANTONIO & ARANSAS PASS RAILWAY. Passenger Conductors, main line, $125 per month; branch service, $100 per month. Train Porters, $50 per month. Freight Conductors, local, $90 per month of twenty-six] calendar days, ten hours per day constituting a day's work, overtime at the rate of 30 cents per hour. Freight Conductors other than local, 3 cents per mile, one hundred j miles or less to constitute a day's work at $3 per day, all over one hundred miles 3 cents per mile ; 30 cents per hour overtime. Work train Conductors, $90 per month; twen- ty-six calendar days constitute a month's work, ten hours or less constitute a day's | work. Brakemen, two-thirds of Conductors' pay. Yard Service: At Alice, $85 per month for Yardmaster; Corpus Christ! Yardmas- ter, $90; Yoakum, Waco, Houston and San Antonio Yardmasters, $110. The above is! for day service. Night Yardmaster at Waco and Yoakum, $100. Switchmen Day Foreman. 27 cents, and Night Foreman 29 cents per hour ; Day Switchmen 25 cents, and Night Switchmen 27 cents per hour. At present we are not working any Yardmasters I at Waco and Houston, but work Foreman with engine, allowing him Yardmaster's rate. At San Antonio we are not at present keeping any night Yardmaster, but allow day Yardmaster $125 per month, he attending to both night and day service. Our baggage service is joint with Express Company. They employ the men, and we pay them an agreed price monthly for the entire line. GEO. L. SANDS, May 24, 1892. General Superintendent. SAVANNAH, AMERICUS & MONTGOMERY RAILWAY. Conductors, passenger, $90 per month ; local freight, $80 per month ; through freight, $70 per month ; service train, $60 per month. Baggagemasters, $45 per month. Flagmen, all classes of service, $45 per month. Brakemen, front, local freight train, $35 per month ; all others, $30 per month. We at present have no Yard Conductors. We have been paying them $60 per month. The average pay of our Switchmen is $32.50 per month. ' W. E. HAWKINS, May 16, 1892. Second Vice President. SEATTLE, LAKE SHORE & EASTERN RAILWAY COMPANY. Passenger: Conductors, $115 per month : Brakemen, $65. Local freight : Between Seattle and Woolley Conductors, $95 per month ; Brakemen, $75 ; double between Seattle and Gilman Conductors, $95 per month ; Brakemen, $75 ; six days per week no overtime. Double between Seattle and North Bend : Conductors, $100 per month Brakemen, $75 ; six days per week : no overtime. Double between Seattle and Sallal Conductors, $100 per month ; Brakemen, $75 ; six days per week ; overtime for doubling hills one hour for Preston hill and one hour for Keith hill. Extra trains : Conduct- ors, per day, 100 miles or less, $3.20; Brakemen, $2.20. Work trains: Conductors, $90 per month ; Brakemen, $70 ; seven days per week ; overtime after twelve hours. Crews on regular runs which exceed 100 miles per day will be paid overtime for work on the Seattle Belt Line Railroad or "3 S " Railway. All overtime will be computed same as extra trains : Conductors, per hour, ten miles, 32 cents ; Brakemen, 22 cents. Brake- men on passenger runs which are required to do freight work will be paid $70 per month. Crews dead-heading on Company's business will be paid the same as extra trains. In addition to this we pay yardmen as follows : Yardmaster, $100 per month ; Foremen, $2.60 per day, ten hours : Switchmen, $2.25 per day, ten hours. Approved : I. A. NADEAU, Superintendent. M. K. JONES, May 18, 1892. Trainmaster. SOUTH CAROLINA RAILWAY. 143 SOUTH CAROLINA RAILWAY. LEASED AND OPERATED LINES AND BRANCHES. 1. Passenger Service: On main line and Columbia divisions, in regular service, Con- actors, $90 per month ; Baggagemasters, $45 per month, and Brakemen, $1.25 per day. ix crews to run two trains each way per day, between Charleston and Columbia and etween Charleston and Augusta. If regular trains between Charleston and Augusta r Charleston and Columbia are cut off at Branchville, corresponding short runs between ranchville and Columbia or Branchville and Augusta will be run by these crews with- ut additional compensation. Regular passenger men making trips other than their 2gular runs, and extra passenger men, will be paid : Conductors, 1 65-100 cents ; Bag- agemasters, 83-100 cent, and Brakemen, 70-100 cent per mile. No allowance for short ans to be less than for eighty-eight miles ; runs of more than eighty-eight miles will e paid actual mileage. Summerville, Lambs, C. C. G. & C , and Columbia and Blocks- urg runs : Conductors $75 and Baggagemasters $45 per month, and Brakemen $1.25 er day. 2. Through Freight Service : On through freight runs Conductors and trainmen will e paid 2 60-100 cents and 1 70-100 cents per mile, respectively. Short runs of less than fty miles will be allowed fifty miles. Crews coming in from short runs, having made ut fifty miles allowance, will stand first out ; if they have made more than fifty miles llowance, they will go behind other crews at that point. 3. Local Freight Service : On local freight runs between Charleston and Columbia onductors will be paid $80 per month, and Brakemen $45 ; between Branchville and .ugusta, Conductors $75 per month and Brakemen $45 ; and between Camden and lingville, Conductors $65 per month and Brakemen $45. Except on the Camden and Ingville run local crews will be paid extra for all service performed outside of their ssigned runs. 4. Phosphate and Material Service : Conductors and trainmen in phosphate service ill be paid $65 and $42 per month, respectively. Conductors and trainmen, not in harge of the road department, temporarily in material train service, for short runs md loading or unloading trains, will be paid fifty miles for six hours or less, and 100 iles for more than six and less than twelve hours ; hours in excess of twelve will be aid extra at same rate. 5. Dead-head Service: Conductors and trainmen required to dead-head, will be paid ne-half passenger mileage for dead-heading on passenger trains and one-half freight ileage for dead-heading on freight trains, with or without caboose. When it is nec- ssary to dead-head a crew, the first crew out will run the train, and the dead-head rew will, at other end of run, start out ahead of the crew with whom they dead-head. 6. Light Runs: Crews running light with engine, or with engine and caboose, will e paid passenger mileage. No allowance -of less than fifty miles. 7. Attending Court: Conductors and trainmen attending court on behalf of the ompany will be paid the amount they would have made on their regular run. 8. Calling: Conductors and trainmen arriving at terminals before 9 A. M. will ex- mine book on arrival, and if listed at that time to go out that afternoon are expected o be on hand without being called. Men having regular assigned runs will not be ailed. In other cases men will be called within one-half mile of Dispatcher's office. t Charleston, Caller will have a book in which are entered the train called for and he time expected to leave. The men called will sign this book, entering the time at hich they are called. 9. Rest : Conductors or trainmen after twelve consecutive hours of service will be .lowed seven hours for rest, provided they give proper notice of such desire and take he rest at a terminal station. 10. Overtime : Conductors of passenger, freight or mixed trains will be paid over- me at the rate of 20 cents per hour, and trainmen at the rate of 10 cents per hour, vertime will be paid for all time over twelve hours consecutive duty, except on chedules when the time on duty is in excess of twelve hours. On these trains ( sched- .ed at more than twelve hours ) overtime will be computed from the arriving time of he train at destination ; no overtime will be allowed for the first two hours' delay, but the delay exceeds two hours the first two hours will be included. This rule to be in- perative until July 1, 1893. 11. Investigation: A Conductor or trainman taken from his run for an alleged ault will be given a hearing within five days, if practicable, and will have the right o have another employe of his class and choice to represent him. The accused will be romptly notified of the result of the investigation, and if found blameless will be paid or time lost. 12. Reduction in Forces: During dull seasons, so far as is consistent, the number of rews in service will be arranged so they will be able to make 2,400 miles per month. 13. Hiring Conductors, and Promotions : Promotions and preferment will be based 144 SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY. upon merit and the general record of the men, and not entirely upon their age in the service. In filling- vacancies in the ranks of Conductors all trainmen will be consid- ered in the line of promotion, according to their age in the service and their ability. An experienced Conductor may be hired as a Conductor, at the option of the officer in charge. 14. Life of Agreement : This agreement shall remain in force until December 31, 1893, and will continue after that date until either party giyes sixty days' notice, in writing, to other parties thereto of desire for change. For the Order Railway Conductors : SOUTH CAROLINA RAILWAY, E. E. CLARK, G. C. C., J. F. KIRKLAND, Chairman. C. M. WARD, For Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen : General Manager. S. E. WILKINSON. G. M., W. A. STALEY, Chairman. I. M. TURNER, November 1, 1892. Superintendent. SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY ATLANTIC SYSTEM; LOUISIANA WESTERN EXTENSION RAILROAD COMPANY ; TEXAS & NEW ORLEANS RAILROAD COMPANY ; SABINE & EAST TEXAS RAILWAY COMPANY ; GALVESTON HARRISBURG & SAN ANTONIO RAILWAY COMPANY; NEW YORK TEXAS & MEXICAN RAILWAY COMPANY; GULF, WESTERN TEXAS & PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY. ATLANTIC SYSTEM. PASSENGER SERVICE, MAIN LINE. DIVISIONS. MONTH'S WORK. CONDUCT ORS. BRAKE- MEN. El Paso 6 400 miles or less $120 00 12000 120 00 120 00 ' 12000 no oo 11000 $70 00 65 00 60 0(1 60 ) 60(K 55 00 San Anloiiio 4,450 miles or less Houston 5 000 miles or less Louisiana 5,305 miles or less Morgan 3 600 miles or less Victoria 3,700 miles or less 4 500 miles or less Sabine & East Texas Railway Company Excess mileage, pro rata. 2. BRANCH SERVICE, PASSENGER AND MIXED. DIVISIONS. MONTH'S WORK. CONDUCT- ORS. BRAKE- MEN. Eagle Pass branch. 4,350 miles or less Calendar month $100 00 65 00 90 00 $60 00 55 OC 60 OC Gonzales branch LaGrange branch 26 or 27 days or less Present rate for present work Beeville branch . . Present rate for present work Harrisburg and Clinton C^-lenda.!" Tn<">nth 8000 90 00 9000 83 33 8333 83 33 83 33 83 33 60 OC "'eo'cx: 54 a: 54 a: 54 a; 54 a: 540 Sabine Pass branch Calendar month Alexandria branch 3,000 miles or less St Martinsville branch Calendar month Cvpremort branch Calendar month Thlbodeaux branch . Calendar month Salt Mine branch Calendar month HoiTTia branch Calendar month. 3. THROUGH FREIGBT SERVICE. DIVISIONS. MONTH'S WORK. CONDUCT ORS. BRAKE- MEN. 3 000 miles or less $90 00 9000 90 00 90 00 $72 51 6751 60 (X 60 San Antonio j Conductors 3,000 miles or less | / Brakemen. 3,180 miles or less f 3,000 miles or less Houston Louisiana 3 000 miles or less Excess mileage, pro rata. The Company will not assign any more crews to each division than ar< necessary to move traffic with promptness and certainty. SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY. 145 LOCAL, FREIGHT SERVICE. DIVISIONS. MONTH'S WORK. CONDUCT- ORS. BRAKE- MEN. Del Rio and San Antonio 3 400 miles or less $102 00 $70 00'' San Antonio and Glidden Twenty trips or less 90 00 60 OO 1 Glidden and Houston Twenty-six days or less 90 00 60 00< Houston and Beaumont 3,000 miles or less 90 00 60 00' Beaumont and Lafayette . ... Twenty trips or less 90 00 60 00' Lafayette and Algiers 2 800 miles or less 90 00 60 00* Eagle Pass branch 3.000 miles or less 90 00 70 00' LaGrange branch 1 900 miles or less 80 00 60 00- Victoria Branch 26 or 27 days or less. 90 00 60 00> Sabine & East Texas Railway Company 26 or 27 days or less 90 00 " Excess mileage, pro rata. Ten hours to be the schedule for all runs on Morgan division; except. (locals between Lafayette and Morgan City, which will be taken from time card. 5. Rates of pay, work or construction, on all divisions, for month of twenty- six: days of twelve hours or less, will be as follows: Conductors, $90; Brakemen, $60. Overtime : Conductors, 30 cents per hour ; Brakemen, 20 cents. Youngest men will be assigned to duty on work or construction trains. Temporary service is denned to> be any length of time less than ten days. 6. YARD SERVICE. YARD. DAY'S OR MONTH'S WORK. Yardmas ter, day Yardmas ter, nigh Foremen day. ... Foremen night... Helpers a? *r^ s^d rhrt,,. .' >-t 03' . " . El Paso 10 hours $110 00 $90 00 *$0 27 *$0 29 *$0 25 * $0 27 Valentine Calendar month 90 00 90 00 Sand erson Calendar month 90 00 90 00 Del Rio 12 hours, calendar month 90 00 80 00 t 2 io t 2 10* Eagle Pafs 12 tours calendar month 90 00 t 2 10 Glidden 12 hours, calendar month 80 00 85 00 t 2 10 t 2 10> Lafayette 12 hours calendar month 90 00 90 00 63 00 63 00> Morgan City 12 hours, calendar month 88 50 60 00 New Orleans 10 hours calendar month 75 00 75 00 63 00 63 00" New Orleans, overtime . . . * 25 * 25 * 20 * 20- *Per hour. tPer month. Overtime : Foremen and Helpers, pro rata. YARD SCHEDULES NOT INCLUDED IN THE ABOVE. YARD. DAY'S OR MONTH'S WORK. Foremen, day Foremen, night. ... Helpers, day Helpers, night San Antonio 10 hours *$0 27 *$0 29 *$0 25 *$0 27 Houston 10 hours * 27 * 29 * 25 * 27' Beaumont 12 hours calentf ar month 70 00 75 00 t 2 15 t 2 25. Algiers 10 hours, calendar month, ... 75 00 75 00 6300 63 00 Algiers, overtime .... * 25 * 25 * 20 * 20? * Per hour. t Per day. Overtime: Foremen and Helpers, pro rata. 7. Freight trainmen will be called at division or terminal stations one hour andi thirty minutes before time set for departure of train they are to go on, by a traim Caller, who will be provided with a book in which the men called shall enter their names, together with the time they are called. Tne time of trainmen will begin with the time set for the departure of trains. Trainmen will be called within a radius of three fourths of one mile of Dispatcher's or telegraph office. This radius shall not ap^ ply to trainmen at Algiers and New Orleans. 8. Delayed Time: ( a.) All delays of two hours or over will be paid for at the rate of 30 cents per hour for Conductors and 20 cents per hour for Brakemen. When delays, exceed two hours, the first two hours to be included. (6.) In computing delayed time under this article, the time of regular trains is to- be taken from current time tables. The time of irregular trains is to be computed oa a basis of 12 miles per hour. 140 SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY. (c.) When trainmen are held waiting- for stock cars to be cleaned, bedded, loaded or unloaded, they shall receive pay for delayed time at the rate of 30 cents and 20 cents per hour, respectively, for Conductors and Brakemen: provided, however, that they 4 arrive at terminals two hours or more late ; running time to be determined as above. (c. 2.) When trainmen are held to load or unload material they shall receive pay*; at the rate of 30 cents and 20 cents per hour, respectively, for Conductors and Brake- men, for all time consumed over one hour, it being understood that this service is not } to be paid for twice. ( d.) When trainmen are required to remain on duty over thirty minutes with their trains on arrival at main line terminals, overtime will be allowed in full as per above, if all delays, both on run and at terminals, exceed two hours. If two hours is not ex- j ceeded, allowance for the terminal delay may be made in such special cases as in the j judgment of the Division Superintendent may seem proper. (e.) Turn around trips will be paid mileage to and from turn around point, and! extra at overtime rates for all hours on duty at turn around point. When mileage is] less than 100 miles, 100 miles will be allowed, and overtime for all hours used in making j turn around trip in excess of eight and one-half hours. 9. All freight crews on their respective divisions, not assigned to regular runs, shall run first in and first out, as they are headed, as at present, except the Louisiana and Morgan division, which are to remain as at present. Freight crews will not be re- j quired to make more than two turns before being allowed to return to division head- j quarters ; provided, there are other crews at terminals that have not made two turns. ' Freight crews will be given lay-overs at division headquarters as far as the exigencies > of traffic will permit, 10. Train crews*will be relieved from duty at main line terminals when road en- gines are detached from train, as at present, except at Valentine and Sanderson, where crews will be relieved upon arrival of the trains. 11. When trains for which men have been called are annulled and men relieved from duty, they will be paid for time held, between the time specified for train to leave and the time same was annulled, at schedule rates for overtime per hour or fractional part over thirty minutes, but in all such cases trainmen shall receive pay for not less than three hours, and will stand first out. 12. Freight train crews will be allowed regular freight train rates for handling passenger trains or passenger equipment, and regular or extra freight Conductors, who are not extra passenger Conductors, shall receive for passenger service not less than they would have earned had they remained in freight service. 13. All runs of 100 miles or less will be considered 100 miles ; all runs over 100 miles will be paid for actual mileage made. 14. All trainmen will be paid full time for dead-heading. 15. Trainmen and Yardmen when held as witnesses for the Company will be paid for actual time lost and all necessary expenses. Time held attending court will be ct rtified by Company's attorney. 16. When time is not allowed as per time slip, same will be returned, stating amount allowed. Overtime to be turned in on a separate slip. 17. Trainmen and Yardmen shall not be required to pay for supplies used in the discharge of their respective duties, or be liable for any other charge, excepting for switch keys and one white and one red hand-lantern, and charges for them shall be limited to one dollar each, such amount to be refunded at the termination of service, upon the return to the Company of the property charged for. 18. In the event of there being a surplus of men, the oldest in the service on their respective divisions shall have the preference of employment. In case of reduction of crews, Brakemen shall be entitled to their guarantee, according to their age of con- tinuous service. 19. It is the policy of the Company to promote freight Conductors from freight Brakemen and passenger Conductors from freight Conductors. In making promotions Division Superintendents will consider seniority of service ; in other words, those longest in service, other things being equal, shall have the preference. When a reduc- tion in forces becomes necessary the Company will retain those who have been longest in the service ; that is to say, as between those equally honest, sober and capable. But " seniority " is not to be made a cover for shortcomings of any kind, nor shall this rule be construed so as to prevent the Company securing the most efficient service that may be obtainable. Each Division Superintendent is held responsible for the proper performance of all duties devolving upon the men working under his supervision, and, SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY. 147 LS he is in the best position to look after the welfare of the Company, he shall be the Judge regarding- the respective merits and qualifications of those working under his Ilirections. If any employe feels that an injustice has been done him under this rule, fie has the right of appeal to the General Superintendent or the General Manager. 20. No trainman will be held responsible for cut journals or flat wheels where it [ban be shown that proper attention had been given by the crew. 21. At all terminals where trains are made up, the car inspector will test all air- >rake cars and see that they are in good order, and the Yardmaster will place all air- >rake cars ahead as far as practicable. 22. When Yardmasters have a train made up and ready to go they will notify the (Conductor, and will not place any more cars on that train unless the Conductor has ien first notified. 23. Trainmen running into main line terminals where there are no yard crews, ind required to do switching, will be paid for such service at the schedule rate of over- It ime. Any freight, local or extra, crew required to do switching at Victoria, will be paid for such service at schedule rates for overtime, any fractional part of first hour to be considered one hour. Switching in schedule time will be considered in computing overtime. Switching at Alexandria will be paid for at overtime rates, provided more (than one hour be consumed. 24. Freight crews, after making two division trips without rest will be entitled to [eight hours' rest if they require it and give due notice thereof, except in cases of (wrecks and washouts. 25. Oldest extra Conductors and Brakemen shall do all extra running on their re- spective divisions, but in no case shall an extra Conductor receive less than a Brake- man's guarantee. 26. Passenger Brakemen and Yardmen can claim no seniority or rights in train service. Freight Brakemen or Conductors assigned temporarily to passenger or branch service, shall not lose their main line rights. 27. Trainmen can claim no seniority or rights in yards. 28. When trainmen leave the service of the Company they shall be given letters showing time of service, in capacity or capacities employed, and cause of leaving service ; provided they have worked on division sixty days or more ; said letters to be given them within two days of personal application, and to bear office stamp and Divi- sion Superintendent's signature. 29. No trainman or yardman will be discharged nor suspended without proper cause. In case a yardman or trainman believes his discharge or suspension unju-t, he may make a written statement of his case and forward to Division Superintend nt. In case satisfaction cannot be had from Division Superintendent, a committee of three trainmen or yardmen in good standing, and in Company service, shall be designated to meet in conjunction with Division Superintendent and place the matter before the General Superintendent or proper officers, and without unnecessary delay the case shall be reinvestigated and a decision given in less than ten days from the rehearing. If the trainmen or yardmen are decided blameless, they shall be immediately rein- stated and paid for the time lost on account of said suspension at schedule rates. Trainmen or yardmen charged with offenses involving either suspension or discharge will be advised of the offense, in writing, and all parties concerned will be present at the investigation if desired. 30. Conductors will be held responsible for position of switches, as per Rule No. 117, which will be interpreted to mean that when a Conductor does not throw a switch himself he must know that it has been properly set. 31. Yard crews will not do any unnecessary switching with cabooses on any part of the Atlantic System. 32. When crews turn at Orange to pick up a train, yard crew will make up the train. 33. Distance between Lafayette and Algiers will be considered 150 miles in freight service. 34. When Conductors and Brakemen are allowed twenty-four hours at Algiers and New Orleans, and are due to leave between the hours of 7 A. M. and 12 midnight, they will be governed by bulletin board in Dispatcher's office. 35. All crews on the M. L. & T. division sent out on short rest will be called, and all crews due to leave between the hours of 12 midnight and 7 A. M., whether sent out on short rest or not, will be called. Conductors and Brakemen who reside within one- half mile of New Orleans ferry landing will be called. 148 SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY. 36. No Conductor or Brakemen will be run out of Algiers with less than twelve hours' rest. 37. Statements showing expenditures of hospital fund will be posted on bulletin boards at division headquarters monthly. A committee composed of a representative from each class of employes in the service, in company with the Medical Director, will make annual examination of hospital accounts. 38. Conductors will not be required to take out inexperienced men when accepta- ble experienced men can be secured. Conductors will have the right to object to] Brakemen for cause, and when objections are sustained by facts they will be furnished with other men. 39. The use of intoxicating liquors, or insubordination, while on duty will be suf- ficient cause for dismissal from the Company's service. Trainmen will have the right to refuse to work with or for any man under the influence of liquor. For the Order of Railway Conductors : J. KRUTTSCHNITT, E. E. CLARK, G. C. C., W. QUINN, Chairman. General Manager. For the Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen : S. E. WILKINSON, G. M., E. W. WALES, Chairman. December 1, 1891. SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY. PACIFIC SYSTEM AND LINES IN OREGON. WESTERN DIVISION. RUNS. Conduct- ors 03 ^2 * B H O *& \ Number of crews. . REMARKS. PASSENGER. Oakland Pier Sacrauaeuto $120 00 $70 00 Via Benicia Oakland Pier Sacramento 120 00 70 Oo Via Niles. Oakland Pier Lathrop and Siockt^n 120 00 70 00 Baggageman on Stockton swing $85 Oakland Pier San Jose 110 00 70 00 Oakland Pier San Jose and Livermore 115 00 70 00 2 115 00 70 00 South Vallejo Calistoga. 115 00 70 00 South Vallejo Santa Rosa 110 00 70 ) Sacramento Tracy and Lathrop 110 00 70 00 Extra 110 00 70 00 MIXED. Niles San Jose 100 00 75 00 Martinez, San Ramon 100 00 Gait lone 100 00 75 00 South Vallejo, Suisun and Davis 100 00 75 00 Elinira Rumsey and Vacaville 100 00 75 00 FREIGHT. W/est Oakland Sacramento 95 00 75 00 2740 90 miles per trip West Oakland, Lathrop ... 95 00 75 00 2740 90 miles per trip W^est Oakland Lathrop 95 00 75 00 2740 Via Niles 90 miles per trip West Oakland, San Jose 100 00 80 2740 95 miles per round trip. West Oaklard Calistoga 95 00 75 00 2740 3 146 miles per trip West Oakland. Tracy 95 00 75 00 2740 vctual mileage. Sacramento, Lathrop and Tracy Tracv , Mendota b5 00 95 00 75 00 75 00 2740 2740 3 79 miles to Tracy, 68 miles to Lathrop. 92 miles per trip. Suisun, Santa Rosa 95 00 75 00 Oakland, Mendota. . . 9500 7500 2740 130 miles t>er trip. Extra passenger Conductors or freight Conductors will be allowed compensation at rate ot $110 per month for extra passenger service. On arriving at turn around points, if crews are notified thai they will not be requi-ed within five hours, time so held will not be figured as part of trip. On Lod branch Conductors and Brakemen will be paid $90 and $70 per month, respectively. SACRAMENTO DIVISION. O o B^ Q 2 *R re ^ ^ '"^ rt o o ^ RUNS. CLASS OF TRAIN " P* p & "I & pjlfj-'a : S- 1 3 3 : ^t-h P >-i Sacramento Truckee Passenger $125 00 $75 00 Sacramento, Colfax Passenger . . . 115 00 70 00 Sacram -nto, Truckee Freight 105 00 82 50 2400 Roctlin. Truckee . . . Freierht... 105 00 82 50 2400 SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY. 149 SHASTA DIVISION. BUNS. CLASS OF TBAIN. O o ll Number of crews . IB! H* ^ed Bluff Ashland Passenger $12500 95 00 100 00 $7500 75 00 80 00 Jed Bluff, Dunsmuir Dunsmuir, Ashland Freight 2200 2150 Freight For switching at Dunsmuir regular rates for overtime will be paid. All switching over one hour jefore leaving time, at Ashland, will be paid for at regular rates of overtime. OREGON AND PLACERVILLE DIVISIONS. BUNS. CLASS OF TBAIN. Conduct- ors Brake- men Number of crews. . ||1 Sacramento, Red Bluff Sacramento Red Bluff Through passenger Local passenger $120 00 110 00 110 00 110 00 95 00 85 00 10000 100 00 $70 CO 70 00 70 00 7000 75 00 70 00 7000 70 00 Sacramento, Redding Local passenger Mixed Sacramento Red Bluff* Fr- ight ! ! L! | *2700 Harysville, Oroville Mixed Pa -senger Mixed Sacramento Placerville * Via Marysville or Willows. On Oroville run we will pa] vely, $95 and $75 per month after July 1, or before, if run is mac Junction. TRUCKEE DIVISION. ? Conductors and Brakemen, respect- e through from Oroville to Roseville BUNS. CLASS OF TBAIN. Conduct- ors Brake - men Number of crews. . Iff Passenger $125 00 10000 100 00 105 00 $75 00 8000 80 00 85 00 Truckee AVadsworth. Freight *1 2650 3700 Freight Freight *No overtime. SALT LAKE DIVISION. BUNS. CLASS OF TBAIN. Conduct- ors Brake - men Number of crews . Iff Passenger $125 00 10000 10000 $75 00 80 00 8000 6 Freight 3470 3470 Terrace, Carlin Freight SAN JOAQUIN DIVISION. RUNS. CLASS OF TRAIN. Conduct- ors Brake - men %&$ REMARKS. $125 00 110 00 90 00 110 00 110 00 100 00 9500 95 00 $7500 75 00 70 00 75 00 75 00 75 00 75 00-j 75 00 55(X ) Fresno Porterville Mixed '26CX 2701 3551 . Via Porterville. ) 30-day month. ) 31-day month. 1 Fresno Bakersfield Mixed Lathrop Bakersfield Freight . . * Crews to make one extra trip, 220 miles (included in the 5,500 above), without additional com- ;urn with train, to be paid extra; if dead-head, nothing. Three Brakemen on pensation: if they return , local between Mendota and Bakersfleld. Brakeman on Yosemite division to act as Baggageman. 150 SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY. LOS ANGELES AND VENTURA DIVISIONS. 8 g c ? *q BUNS. CLASS OF TBAIN. O* s& q| ! i O 1 ^ M ' t^Hh 1 I CD : w '^ Bakersfleld Los Angeles Passenger $125 00 $75 00 Los Angeles Santa Barbara Passenger 110 00 70 00 Saugus Santa Barbara . . Passenger 110 00 70 00 Bakersfleld Los Angeles Freight 100 00 80 00 2600 Loa Ane-eles. Santa Barbara. . . Freicht... 100 00 8000 2750 For turn around, Bakersfleld to Mojave, crews will be allowed 100 miles. The third crew was put on the Ventura division with the understanding that the men should do special work for the Los Angeles division, handling pay car, officers' specials, etc., on their lay over days. This arrangement will be continued. As extra men for the Los Angeles division are all held at Mojave, employes must report to the Superintendent's office at division headquarters when they wish to lay off, unless it may be arranged between the trainmen so that the dead-head trip to Los Angeles and return, to relieve trainmen at Los Angeles, shall be made without expense to the Company. Present arrangement for switching at Santa Barbara will be continued. YUM A DIVISION. BUNS. CLASS OF TBAIN. Conduct- ors Brake men III ass : P*r* : - S BEMABKS. Passenger $125 00 $75 00 110 00 70 00 Los Angeles Chino Passenger 110 00 70 00 To do extra running as at Los Angeles Santa Monica Passenger 110 00 70 OJ present. 110 00 70 00 110 00 70 00 Los Angeles T^hittier and Tustin Passenger 110 00 70 00 Los Angeles Long Beach Passenger 100 00 65 00 W. F. & Co. pay a part of Through freight . 100 00 80 00 3300 Brakeman's salary. Los Angeles Colton Local freight . . . 105 00 8n 00 3192* No overtime. Local freight 95 00 75 00 Local freight 100 00 80 00 No overtime. Mixed 105 00 85 00 * For twenty -seven days. tThis crew to run to Redlands with freight and switch at Colton. When they get Sundays off, they are to get $100 and $80 again. When crews are held at Colton with stock, crews shall have 100 miles for unloading and loading stock and for bringing train from Colton. to Los Angeles. TUCSON AND GILA DIVISIONS. BUNS. CLASS OF TBAIN. Conduct- ors -tfl 9p Number of crews. . ||| $125 00 $75 00 Freight 100 00 80 00 3350 Tucson, Yuma Freight 100 00 80 00 3550 When crews are called upon to take trains over lines of other roads, this Company will pay them for such service. LINES IN OREGON. BUNS. CLASS OF TBAIN. Conduct- ors Brake - men Number of crews. BEMABKS. EAST SIDE DIVISION. Passenger $120 00 $70 00 3 15 and 16. Roseburg Ashland Passenger 120 00 75 00 15 and 16. Passenger 110 00 70 00 3 17 and 18. Portland Albany Passenger 110 00 70 00 19 and 20. Portland Junction Freight 95 00 75 00 31 and 32. Junction, Roseburg Roseburg Grant's Pass Freight Freight 95 00 95 00 75 00 75 00 31 and 32. 31 and 32. Grant's Pass, Ashland WOODBUBN SPBINGFIELD BBANCH. Natron, Woodburn and return to Silverton. . Freight Mixed 9500 95 00 75 00 70 00 . ... 31 &32(Swing). 11, 12, 13 and 14. SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY. 151 LINES IN OREGON --CONTINUED. RUNS. CLASS OF TRAIN. Conduct- ors Brake- men og REMARKS. WEST SIDE DIVISION. Portland, Corvallis and return Passenger 120 00 70 00 3 and 4. McMinnville Portland and return Passenger 100 00 70 00 1 and 2 Portland, Corvallis Freight 95 00 75 00 5 and 6. P. & W. V. AND OREGONIAN N. G. DIVISIONS. Portland Airlie Mixed 95 00 70 00 25 and 26 Portland, Sheridan Passenger 100 00 70 00 27 and 28. Portland, Oswego Passenger. 100 00 70 00 Suburban. Regular and extra Freight 95 00 70 00 LEBANON BRANCH. Albany, Lebanon and yard work at Albany.. Mixed 95 00 75 00 7. 8, 9 and 10. Extra freight: Portland to Roseburg Conductors $5 per trip, Brake men'^i; Roseburgto Ashland Conductors $3 60 per trip, Brakemen $2.85; overtime after twelve hours. Engines to be wooded up at Junction, Roseburg, Grant's Pass and Ashland; trainmen to wood engines as at present at Irving for trains 17 and 31, and at all other points. While only one crew is run on the suburban trains between. Portland and Oswego, one-fourth day will be paid Conductor and Brakeman for Saturday nights. Should it be necessary to use the lay-over crew of 17 and 18 for a special passenger, they will not re- ceive any extra compensation. SANTA CRUZ DIVISION. 0? PS RUNS. PI k REMARKS. . o rt- ': PASSENGER. Alameda Mole, Santa Cruz. . . Alameda Mole, Los Gatos $115 00 10000 $70 00 70 00 Conductor to be allowed one day off each week, for whicli he will be paid if he works. MIXED. Almaden branch 90 00 75 00 This train to run to Felton in summer and do work in San Boulder Creek branch 90 00 75 00 Jose yard; also help to Glenwood in winter. FREIGHT. Alameda Point, Santa Cruz*. 9500 7500 Freight crew to run 5 and 6 when run as $S excursion, and Boulder Creek branch Alameda Point, San Jose 90 00 9500 70 CO 75 00 to be paid extra for all Sunday, work.. To run train 5 and 6 when run as "Hunters' " train. * Three Brakemen to be on this run from April 1 until December 1 of "each year. All switching at San Jose and Santa Cruz by regular freight crews to be paid at regular rates lor overtime. ^*- J&aV& COAST DIVISION. RUNS. CLASS OF TRAIN. Conduct- ors M 9 l * Baggage- men MONTH'S WORK. MONTEREY LINE. San Francisco, Pacific Grove San Francisco, San Jose $125 00 110 00 110 00 100 00 100 00 10000 115 00 115 CO 100 00 115 00 85 00 100 00 $70 00 70 00 70 00 75 00 75 00 75 00 7500 70 00 75 00 70 00 $80 00 75 00 Passenger San Francisco, Pat ific Grove Freight Freight 8*4 round trips. 8 l / 2 round trips. 13 l /a, round trips. San Francisco Aptos .. San Francisco San Jose Freight TRES PINOS LINE Mixed SANTA CRUZ LINE. Pajaro, Santa Cruz Passenger Freight Passenger. . . ... Passenge^ 75 00 SANTA MARGARITA LINE. Castroville, Santa Margarita* Castroville Salinas 80 00 "8Vi round" trips. Castroville, Santa Margarita Freight 75 00 *For short turn around, made within one and one-half hours, by Santa Margarita passenger crews, no extra compensation Whenever it may be necessary, trainmen on San Francisco and San Jose freight will he called on to make two special round trips Sin Jose to Gilroy, without extra com- pensation. If made Sunday, extra compensation. Trainmen of Menlo Park and San Jose passenger- runs will be called on for special services, as heretofore, without extra compensation, compensation for switching at terminals other than San Jose and San Francisco. V/ here mileage is not given, same work to be performed as under schedule of 1890. On Monte Vista and Aptos specials, Conductors will receive $125 per month when logging, and 8100 at other times; Brakemen, $7oper month. 152 SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY. YARD SCHEDULE. YAHDS. Yard- mast'r Night Yard- mast'r Fore- men. Yard- men. San Francisco ... 195 00 f 100 00 $80 00 $75 00 West Oakland 95 00 100 00 80 00 75 00 -Port Costa 95 00 100 00 80 00 75 00 Tracy 95 00 100 00 80 00 75 00 95 00 100 00 80 CO 75 00 Stockton ... .... ... 95 03 75 00 Sacramento 80 00 75 OJ "Rocklin . . . . . 90 UO 85 00 75 CO Truckee 100 00 100 10 80 00 Hed Bluff 95 00 75 CO W'adsworth .... 100 00 80 00 Winnemucca and Carlin 90 00 83 00 Jieno . . 90 00 75 03 'Terrace 100 00 90 00 80 00 Fresno . 95 00 90 00 75 00 Bakersfield 95 CO 100 00 80 00 Mo j ave 100 00 100 00 80 00 Los Angeles 85 00 75 00 Yuma . 90 00 80 00 Tucson . . - 105 00 95 00 80 00 Kast Portland 95 00 75 00 Salem* . ... 75 00 San Jose (CD) 90 00 75 00 Alameda Point 95 00 tso oo 75 00 San Jose 90 00 $75 CO * Only switchman with this engine, t Assistant Yardmaster. Brakemen. This crew makes run to Glenwood, and helps other trains up the hill when necessary. Day yardmen in Sacramento will be allowed every second Sunday, and night yardmen will have every third Sunday night, off duty without deduction of wages. If yardmen are called on, unexpectedly, on the days they are laying off, they are expected to respond, and will be paid for that day's work over and above what constitutes a month's work. San Francisco, West Oakland, Port Costa, Tracy, Lathrop, Sacramento and Los Angeles yards, ten hours will constitute a day's work; any excess to be paid pro rata. GENERAL RULES. 1. Main line Baggagemen to be paid $80 per month. Local Baggagemen, $75 per month ; over 5,500 miles, $80. 2. Where mileage is not given in schedules it is understood that trainmen will do the same work as heretofore for the wages given ; where mileage is stated, all excess mileage to be paid pro rata. 3. Where a Brakeman acts in the capacity of both Brakeman and Baggagemas- ter, and receives compensation from Wells, Fargo & Co., this is a privilege we accord him, as it does not in any way interfere with the duties devolving upon him in the train service. We will make arrangements of this kind as they may arise, from time to "time, on the various divisions. 4. Division Superintendents will make such regulations in relation to yard service :as they may deem necessary, in denning the work to be performed, as between train- men and yardmen. 5. Trainmen will be called for duty at division terminals, where Callers are main- tained, within the limits prescribed by the Division Superintendent, by the regular Caller, one hour, as nearly as practicable, before time of starting trains. The Caller will be provided with a book, giving names of crews and numbers of trains for which crews are wanted, in which trainmen must sign their names and enter the time of call. The working time of all trains will be computed from the time crews are ordered out. 6. As far as practicable trains scheduled over the different divisions during day- light will do the way work on their respective divisions. The Division Superintendent Is expected to use his best judgment in these cases. 7. Trainmen running snow plows, flangers, pile drivers, construction trains and all other work trains, six hours or less will constitute half a day's work ; over six hours and under twelve hours a day's work, at regular rates of pay. Any excess over twelve liours to be paid pro rata. In computing overtime, fractions less than half an hour will not be counted ; thirty minutes or more will be counted as one hour. 8. All freight train crews detained on the road, or at terminals, on scheduled -trains, will be paid overtime as follows : For any delay less than two hours ( late of carded time ), nothing ; for two hours or more, payment according to the rate of 30 cents and 20 cents per hour, for Conductors and Brakemen, respectively. Overtime for regular freight trains to be calculated on the basis of the card time of the train ; for extra freights, the longest schedule in the direction going shall be the basis for calculating overtime under this rule. SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY. 153 9. When trainmen are required to remain on duty over thirty minutes with their trains, after arrival at main line terminals, overtime will be paid at the rate of 30 cents and 20 cents per hour for Conductors and Brakemen, respectively. 10. Freight train crews will be allowed regular freight train rates for handling- passenger trains or passenger equipment, and regular freight Conductors, or extra Conductors who are not extra passenger Conductors, shall receive for passenger ser- vice not less than they would have earned had they remained in freight service. 11. When freight train crews are held waiting for stock cars to be cleaned, sanded, loaded or unloaded, they shall receive overtime at the rate of 30 cents and 20 cents per hour for Conductors and Brakemen, respectively, provided that crews so held arrive at terminals two hours or more late of card time ; east of Los Angeles, regard- less of card time. 12. When a train is abandoned for which a crew has been called, the crew shall be paid 30 cents for Conductors and 20 cents for Brakemen, per hour, for all time over one hour that the crew may be held between the time of calling and notice of abandon- ment of such train. 13. For turn arounds, made in six hours or less, crews will be allowed half day ; for over six and less than twelve hours, full day; for all time over twelve hours, Conduct- ors 30 cents and Brakemen 20 cents per hour. For a turn around in less than six hours crews shall not lose their turn out. 14. Crews working fractional parts of a month will receive pro rata of the guar- antee, if they fail to make stipulated number of miles. Individuals working fractions of a month will be paid for the actual mileage made. 15. Trainmen dead-heading over the road on passenger or freight will be allowed two-thirds mileage. When going over the road with caboose and an engine, full time. 16. When trainmen are held waiting for their own crews, after having been taken off regular runs and sent out on special or other runs, they will be paid full compensa- tion for such time as they are so held. 17. Trainmen will be notified, and the reasons given, when time is not allowed as per trip report. 18. Trainmen will not be required to coal engines atterminal points, excepting on short branch lines or runs where the mileage is not excessive and the work is light. In cases of emergency trainmen will coal engines between terminal points and at regular ntermediate coaling stations. 19. When a trainman has served sixteen consecutive hours on duty, at his request he may have at least eight hours rest; excepting in cases of emergency, such as wrecks, washouts, etc. 20. Crews unassigned to regular runs shall run first in first out. 21. In ordering freight crews for dead-heading on any freight train, the first crew will run the train, the next crew will dead-head and will be the first out, ahead of accompanying crew, at other terminal. 22. When a trainman is detailed to attend court as a witness in behalf of the Com- pany he will be paid for such service at the same rate of pay, for actual time absent :rom duty, as he would have received if regularly employed ; he will also be allowed his actual living expenses while away from home. 23. All trainmen will be regarded as in the line of promotion, advancement de- >ending upon the faithful performance of duty and capacity for increased responsi- rility. The question of promotion shall be understood to apply to employes working in the same department and same branch of service. 24. When a trainman believes he has been unjustly treated, he shall have the right to present his case personally to the Division Superintendent, with such evidence n his favor as he may have to offer. It will be the duty of the Superintendent to in- vestigate the matter thoroughly without unnecessary delay, and his decision will be jjiven to the trainman. Should the latter wish to appeal to higher authority, the Superintendent will give such trainman his decision in writing ( excepting in cases nvolving drunkenness, or fraudulent or dishonest action ), which the trainman may present, with his own written statement of his case, to the General or the Assistant eneral Superintendent. 25. Where a trainman is taken from his run for an investigation for an alleged offense, he shall, if found innocent, be paid for time lost, no punishment to be fixed without a thorough investigation ; ordinarily said investigation to be held within five lays from the date of removal from service. 26. Clearance cards will be given to all deserving employes leaving the services of the Company. 27. The Company will continue the practice of blacklisting on its^own lines, when employes have been discharged for good and sufficient cause, such as dishonesty, crimi- nal carelessness, insubordination, drunkenness, violation of rules whereby the Company's >roperty is endangered or destroyed, and offenses of like character. This blacklist is listributed only over our own lines, purely as a matter of protection to the interests of 154 TAMPICO ROUTE. TERM. R. R. ASS'N OF ST. L. T. C. R'Y. T., A. A. & N. M. R'Y. this Company, which practice we believe inures to the advantage of all deserving- trainmen. It is not our purpose to blacklist a trainman dismissed for a minor offense, nor because of incompetency for the particular work in which he may be engaged, as he may be very useful in some other capacity. 28. Trainmen will be disciplined by suspension or discharge, as each case may seem to justify. 29. Trainmen leaving the service will be paid at the earliest practicable moment. 30. Letters of recommendation will be filed with personal records of trainmen, and will be returned upon application when they leave the service. 31. When trainmen are transferred from one point to another for convenience of the service, their families and household effects will be transported free. 32. If, in the judgment of a Division Superintendent, a Conductor can show good cause ( in writing ) for the removal of a Brakeman working with him, it will be done. Accepted for Order Railway Conductors : J. A. FILLMORE, E. E. CLARK, G. C. C. General Superintendent. Accepted for Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen : S. E. WILKINSON, G. M. Approved : A. N. TOWNE, June 1, 1892. Second Vice President and General Manager. TAMPICO ROUTE. COMPANYIA DEL FERROCARRIL DE MONTEREY AL GOLFO MEXICANO. Passenger servioe, independent of mileage : Conductors, $130 per month ; Brake- men, $50. Freight service, 160 kilometers, equal to 100 miles run, is considered a day's work : Conductors, $130 per month ; Brakemen, $70. Yard service, graded accordinj to importance of the yard : Yardmasters, $95 to $125 per month ; Switchmen, $70, $7. and $80. Twelve hours are considered a day's work on work trains, and sixteen kilome- ters, or ten miles run, equals an additional hour's service. C. A. MERRIAM, May 14, 1892. General Superintendent. ' ~ TERMINAL RAILROAD ASSOCIATION OF ST. LOUIS. Yard Conductors, day, $70 ; night, $75 ; Helpers, day, $65 ; night, $70 per month, for the actual number of working days. Extra for Sundays, at a proportionate rate. May 13, 1892. J. Q. VAN WINKLE, General Superintendent. TEXAS CENTRAL RAILWAY. Passenger : Conductors. $100 per month ; Brakemen, $60 ; Baggagemen, $65 ; Por- ters, $35. Local freight : Conductors, $100 per month and 3 cents per mile for all ovei 3,000 miles; Brakemen, $65 and 2 cents per mile. Through freight: Conductors, $90 per month and 3 cents per mile for all over 3,000 miles : Brakemen, $60 and 2 cents per mile. Work train : Conductors, $90 per month and 3 cents per mile for all over 3,00( miles : Brakemen, $60 and 2 cents per mile. Yardmaster, $90 per month and 27 cent* per hour for overtime ; yard Brakemen, $60 and 20 cents per hour. May 13, 1892. CHARLES HAMILTON, General Manager. TOLEDO, ANN ARBOR & NORTH MICHIGAN RAILWAY COMPANY. SCHEDULE. CLASS OF SERVICE. Engineers. Firemen .. Conduct- ors Brakemen Passenger per milf * $0 023 $0 012 $0 OJ7 $45 00 Freight per mile 036 019 028 01 i "Work train, per day . . 3 00 75 65 OOt 45 00 Switching, per day ( all points except Manhattan and Ann Arbor ) Switching per day (Manhattan ) 2 50 2 50 50 50 2 25 2 60 1 75 2 15 Switching, per day ( Ann Arbor ) 2 50 1 50 2 00 1 65 AVreck train per day 3 00 75 2 25 1 85 Snow plow, per day ... .... 4 00 2 25 2 75 2 00 Passenger Engineers, southern division, 2.6 cents per mile; Firemen, 1.3 cents. tPer month. TOLEDO & OHIO CENTRAL RAILWAY. 155 Overtime will be allowed for all time on the road after fourteen hours at the fol- lowing rates : Engineers, 30 cents per hour : Firemen, 15 cents ; Conductors, 25 cents ; Brakemen, 15 cents; no fraction of one-half hour will be counted. Half pay will be allowed employes attending law suits, or Company's interests, which take'them from regular work. One-half pay will be allowed for dead- heading on order of the heads of mechanical or transportation departments. Local freight trains on first division, when run by two crews, will be paid for 111 miles per day and overtime after fourteen hours. When three crews, Conductors will be paid $75 per month ; Brakemen, $50 ; no overtime, each trip being credited at one and one-half days. Mileage basis : Toledo to Owosso, 111 miles; Owosso to Clare, 105 miles, and Clare to Copemisb, 105 miles. March 1, 1892. H. W. ASHLEY, General Manager. TOLEDO & OHIO CENTRAL RAILROAD COMPANY. PASSENGER SERVICE. RUNS. g 1 ft : p 1 If || !i o| V? Toledo and C<~>lnrnbiip ........ 176 184 138 115 107 137 130 174 $5 00 5 25 3 75 3 50 3 50 3 75 3 75 5 00 $2 75 2 89 2 06 1 92 1 92 2 06 2 06 2 75 $100 00 $5000 $6000 Toledo and Corning Bucyrus to Toledo and return .... .. . . Bucyrus and Corning Bucyrus and Columbus Bucyrus and Athens Corning to Columbus and return Columbus to Athens and return No extra pay allowed for mixed trains. FREIGHT SERVICE. RUNS. s? H & 5' ft pi a o 9 i n nS gg Bucyrus and Toledo, through 69 69 115 115 78 65 65 60 120 70 156 74 $3 25 4 00 4 00 500 4 00 3 25 4 CO 3 00 600 3 25 6 50 3 25 $1 79 2 20 2 20 2 75 2 20 1 79 2 20 1 65 330 1 79 3 58 1 79 $2 25 3 33% 325 3 33% 3 33% 225 3 33% 2 05 4 10 2 25 4 50 2 25 1 50 290 80 00* $1 5U 2 00 2 10 2 00 2 CO 1 50 2 00 1 35 270 1 50 300 1 50 1 00 2 00 - Bucyrus and Toledo, local Bucyrus and Corning, through Bucyrus and Corning, local Bucyrus and Thurston, local Corning and Columbus, through '"6 ' 12 8 Corning and Columbus, local Doming and Alum Creek, through Corning to Alum Creek and return through. Bucyrus to Fostoria and return, through Bucyrus to Thurston and return, through Corning to Thurston and return through Corning to New Lexington and return, with helper South of Corning, Buckingham and short run 3 65 200 12 12 12 12 12 12 South of Corning local freight Construction, gravel, work or wreck train, without Cond'r. Construction, gravel, work or wreck train, with Conductor. Helping engine, Johnstown hill 4 50 3 50 3 OJ 3 00 1 16 3 50 2 47 1 92 1 65 1 65 64 1 92 3 25 2 10 Switching engine, all yards . ... Helping engine. Corning. 1 trip, if not more than 4 hours . . Helping engine, Corning, 3 trips, inside of 12 hours Foremen on local. 2 20 18 Rates of overtime, per hour 35 19J4 28 * Per month. Enginemen: Enginemen running light over road with light engines or with cabooses to be paid same as through freight. Crews or any part of crews dead-heading with caboose, on freight or passenger trains, will be allowed half time of through freight. Enginemen dead-heading over road on Company's business shall receive one-half pay of through freight. Enginemen suspended shall have time of suspension stated, and if on subsequent investigation found not guilty, shall be paid one-half wages they would have earned during time of suspension. The right is granted to select other Engine- men to assist in defense when suspensions or dismissals are made. No time to be allowed when men are taken off for investigation, but investigations to be made with- 156 TOLEDO & OHIO CENTRAL RAILWAY. put unnecessary delay. Through freight crews will not be run south of Corning, except in cases of emergency. South end crews will not be run to Thurston, except in cases of emergency. The train first in shall be first out. All trainmen will be paid full time when absent from their duties attending court, when summoned by Company, and ex- penses when absent from home. Overtime to be allowed when trains are more than one hour later than schedule time, or number of hours fixed for trip, on all through freight trains ; over one hour and not more than one and one-half late, overtime to be allowed one hour ; more than one and one-half hours late and not more than two and one-half hours late, overtime to be allowed two hours, and so on. Overtime to be al- lowed on local freight trains when more than three hours late on same basis as through freight trains, except that when three crews are running between Bucyrus and Corning, no overtime will be allowed. The time on extras to be taken from first through freight schedule running ahead of the extra. Time to be computed from the time men are called to leave, until relieved at the end of trip or engine delivered on track desig- nated. No time to be deducted from overtime actually made. Overtime to be paid monthly, same as schedule pay. Overtime blanks will be furnished all departments. Employes shall be regarded in the line of promotion, dependent upon the faithful dis- charge of duties, capacity for increased responsibility and length of service. When an Engineman is called for an extra or regular train, at time as notified, and train is annulled, he will be allowed $1. When the presence of an Engineman in the freight service is required at a telegraph office or a register station, the Fireman (if he has fired one year) be allowed to move the engine, and be held responsible for such move- ment as is required to save delays, but no switching to be done by Firemen. On Bucy- rus and Thurston turn through freight, two hours will be allowed for switching at Thurston, disposing of any making up their train, on overtime basis. No further switching to be required, except in cases of emergency. Wreck trains to have a Con- ductor if one can be reached without delay : if not, will be inn with orders to Engine- man. On Alum Creek and Columbus run, if crew makes more than one trip on Sunday or goes east of Alum Creek, one day will be allowed in addition to monthly pay ; if only one trip to Alum Creek, no extra time allowed. On local south of Corning, one round trip, one-half day, time six hours ; two round trips, one day. On Buckingham run, same as local south of Corning. On short runs south of Corning, one round trip allowed one-half day. On short runs south of Corning, two round trips allowed one day ( if only two trips ). On short runs south of Corning, three round trips allowed one day ( full day, twelve hours ). Time allowed for Sunday work for all trains south of Corning, same basis as above. Local freight, Thurston to Bucyrus, time to be com-, puted from time work begins making up train until relieved at end of trip. Firemen: Wages of Firemen to be 55 per cent, of Enginemen's scale of wages. Overtime to be allowed on same basis as Enginemen. No succeeding time table to ex- ceed the average time of Schedule No. 36. Conductors and Brakemen : Through freight crews will not be run south of Corning, except in cases of emergency. South end crews will not be run to Thurston, except in cases of emergency. The first train in shall be first out. Employes shall be regarded in the line of promotion, dependent upon the faithful discharge of duties, capacity for increased responsibility and length of service. Trainmen suspended shall have time of suspension stated, and if, -on subsequent investigation, found not guilty, shall be paid one-half wages they would have earned during time of suspension. The right is granted to select other trainmen to assist in defense, when suspensions or dismissals are made, No time to be allowed when men are taken off for investigation, but inves- tigations to be made without unnecessary delay. Crews or any part of crews dead- heading with caboose, on freight or passenger trains, will be allowed half time of through freight. When dead-heading on freight, will stand first out ahead of crew dead-headed with. Through freight pay will be allowed for running with engine and caboose. All trainmen will be paid full time when absent from their duties attending court, when summoned by Company, and expenses when absent from home. Overtime blanks will be furnished all departments. Overtime to be paid monthly, same as schedule pay. When crews are taken off on account of light business, Conductors best qualified under our rules shall be given preference in places to be filled, and the oldest Brakemen the next places to be filled in line of promotion, same as Conductor. Wreck trains to have a Conductor, if one can be reached without delay, if not, will be run with orders to Enginemen. No time to be deducted from overtime actually made. On Bucyrus and Thurston turn through freight, two hours will be allowed for switching at Thurston, disposing of any making up their train, on overtime basis. No further switching to be required, except in cases of emergency. The time on extras to be taken from first through freight schedule running ahead of the extra. On Alum Creek and Columbus run, if crew makes more than one trip on Sunday or goes east of Alum Creek, one day will be allowed in addition to monthly pay ; if only one trip to Alum Creek, no extra time allowed. On local south of Corning, one round trip, one-half day, time six hours ; two round trips, one day. On Buckingham run, same as local south of T., P. & W. R'Y. T., ST. L. & K. C. R'Y. 157 Doming: On short runs south of Corning, one round trip allowed one-half day. On Ijhort runs south of .Corning-, two round trips allowed one day (if only two trips). On jhort runs south of Corning, three round trips allowed one day ( full day, twelve hours ). Time allowed for Sunday work for all trains south of Corning, same basis as above. Dn local freight, four Brakemen ; other freight trains, three Brakemen. Overtime to allowed when trains are more than one hour later than schedule time or number of lours fixed for trip, on all through freight trains. Over one hour and not more than me and one-half hours late, overtime to be allowed one hour. More than one and one- lalf hours late and not more than two and one-half hours late, overtime to be allowed wo hours, and so on. When three crews are runing on local freight between Bucyrus ind Corning, six trips will be allowed for four trips. Overtime to be allowed on local 'reight trains when more than three hours late on same basis as through freight rains, except when three crews are running between Bucyrus and Corning no over- ime will be allowed. Time to be computed from the time men are called to leave mtil relieved at the end of trip. Local freight, Thurston to Bucyrus, time to be com- mted from time work begins making up train until relieved at end of trip. When Con- Luctors and Brakemen, called for extra or regular train at time as notified, and train is mnulled, Conductors will be allowed 75 cents and Brakemen 50 cents. No succeeding ime table to exceed the average time of Schedule No. 36. T. M. PEELAR, Order of Railway Conductors : General Superintendent. W. B. BAYLOR. W. C. BOYLE. L. E. WHARTON, JAMES SLATTEKY. or Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen : W. C. BRUCE. CHARLES COLLINS, J. H. BAUR, ED. M'GUIRE, JOE VETTA, T. QUILTER, JAMES KINNEY. Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen : JAMES CONNEL, J. W. MONTGOMERY, G. H. CARSEY, W. B. RUSSELL, M. H. SULLIVAN. November 1, 1891. TOLEDO, PEORIA & WESTERN RAILWAY. Passenger : Conductors, $100 per month ; Brakemen, $45 ; Baggagemen, $50 ; aver- |ge monthly mileage, Conductors and Brakemen, 4,866 miles, Baggagemen, 6,271 miles. ILxed : Conductors, $90 per month; Brakemen, $55; Baggagemen, $55; average bonthly mileage, 3,954 miles. Through freight : Conductors, 3 cents per mile ; Brake- hen, 2 cents ; average monthly mileage, 2,975 miles. Local freight, east end : Con- uctors, $4.85 per single trip ; Brakemen, $3.50 ; average four single trips per week. >cal freight, west end : Conductors, $4.35 per single trip; Brakemen, $2.90; average )ur single trips per week. No Switchmen or yardmen. May 12, 1892. E. N. ARMSTRONG, General Superintendent. TOLEDO, ST. LOUIS & KANSAS CITY RAILROAD COMPANY. TRAINMEN AND YARDMEN. 1. Through passenger train Conductors shall receive $100 per month of twenty-six |orking days. Local passenger train Conductors shall receive $90 per month of twen- r-six working days. Through passenger train Brakemen shall receive $50 per month ~ twenty-six working days. Local passenger train Brakemen shall receive $47.50 per lionth of twenty-six working days. Conductors and Brakemen in passenger train ^rvice shall be permitted to purchase their uniforms where they can be obtained the [tieapest, and comply with the regulation of the Company. Summer suits shall be hady by the first day of May, winter suits the fifteenth day of October. Caps, summer [ad winter, to correspond with the suits. 2. Through freight train Conductors shall receive 3 cents per mile ; Brakemen, 2 Local freight train Conductors shall receive $90 per month; Brakenu n, $62.50. :al freight Conductors and Brakemen shall receive full pay for all legal holidays, |id shall be paid for doubling hills on same basis as through freight trains. 3. Conductors on work, wreck or circus trains shall receive $3 pe r day ; Brakemen, twelve hours or less shall constitute one day. Through freight crews hauling ma- hrial for construction or maintenance of way shall receive through freight mileage nr actual miles made, and shall receive actual hours at overtime rates while loading [ unloading. Crews doing such work shall receive not less than one day. 4. Yardmen at Delphos, Frankfort and Charleston shall be paid as follows : Yard- lasters, day, $75 per month ; night, $70. Foremen, day or night, $2.10 per day. Help- rs, day or night, $2 per day. Yard crews not to work short handed ; they shall be 158 TOLEDO, ST. LOUIS & KANSAS CITY RAILWAY. allowed one hour each day for meals, and one Sunday off duty each month ; twelve hours to constitute one day's work. Yard crews at Charleston shall consist of a Yard- master, Foreman and two Helpers. Yard crews at Frankfort and Delphos to consist of Yardmaster, Foreman and one Helper. Day Yardmaster shall be General Yardmas- ter, and yard employes shall be subject to his orders. 5. Overtime: Conductors and Brakemen running and braking on through freight and passenger trains will receive 30 and 20 cents per hour, respectively, for all de- layed time, as follows: After train is one hour and thirty-five minutes late as peij current time tables eighteen and nineteen and less than two hours and thirty-live minutes late, one hour shall be allowed; when two hours and thirty-five minutes lat( and less than three hours and thirty-five minutes late, two hours shall be allowed, an< so on. Between Toledo and Delphos the running time must be ten hours before over-] time will be paid. On local freight train runs of less than 100 miles, overtime will bi paid for all time used in making trip in excess of twelve hours. On local freight trail runs of over 100 miles overtime will be paid for all time used in making any trip ii excess of that time necessary to complete the trip at an average speed of nine mile, 1 - per hour ; except that between Frankfort and Marion thirteen hours will be allowed; and that between Frankfort and Charleston thirteen hours and thirty minutes will bd allowed. Fractions of an hour of less than thirty minutes will not be counted; fracj tions of an hour over thirty minutes will be counted a full hour. When overtime is no{ allowed as per time slip, Conductors shall be notified in writing. There shall be twc crews on local freight trains between Toledo and Delphos, two crews between Delphc and Marion, one crew between Marion and Frankfort, three crews between Frankfoi and Charleston, two crews between Charleston and New Douglass and one crew betweei New Douglass and East St. Louis. There shall be three Brakemen on all local freigbjj trains. Time of turn around locals to be computed from leaving time at Frankfoi and East St. Louis. 6. All crews running light shall receive through freight rates. No engine, light| extra, or special passenger train shall be sent over the road without a Conductor Engineer. A Pilot shall be paid same as freight Conductor. 7. Conductors and Brakemen dead-heading on passenger trains, or on Companyi business, shall receive one-half through freight rates for actual miles so made. When dead-heading is required, the first crew shall dead-head and shall stand first out, aheaj of the crew with which they dead-head, on arrival at terminal. 8. When attending court on Company's business Conductors shall receive $3 day and Brakemen $2, and both Conductor and Brakeman shall receive $1 each day f(j expenses, the Company to provide transportation. 9. Crews doubling Cayuga hill shall receive twenty miles ; all other places actui mileage, provided no double shall count less than ten miles. 10. When Conductors are needed, one experienced Conductor shall be hired ai one may be promoted from the Brakemen, alternately, when practicable. Nothing the foregoing shall be construed so as to prevent the hiring of an experienced man, turn, that may be at the time employed as Brakeman. The rights of Conductors sh< commence on the day of their promotion and they shall have the choice of runs which their age as Conductors entitle them, provided they are intellectually ai morally fitted for it. The rights of a Brakeman shall commence on the day he is el gaged, and his line of promotion shall be considered so far as his ability goes. 11. The Toledo division shall be divided into two districts for through freigl trains, Toledo to Delphos to constitute one district, and crews shall be allowed ij miles for each trip over same. Delphos to Frankfort to constitute one district, fl which through freight train crews shall be allowed actual mileage. 12. All mileage made, less than 100 miles, shall be considered 100 miles ; for II miles, or more, actual mileage will be paid. 13. For a train from Delphos to Continental and return crews shall be paid fif| miles, and actual time, at overtime rates, shall be paid for all time consumed switching at Continental. Local crews between Charleston and New Douglass shall paid two hours each day, at overtime rates, for time consumed in switching at Nt Douglass, one hour for each crew per day. 14. The number of through freight crews shall be kept down so that they shall rj make less than 3,000 miles per month. 15. If for any cause a Conductor is unable to take crew, an extra Conductor shl be furnished, so that Brakemen shall lose no time. When Conductors are needed pilot freight engines, the last freight Conductor in shall be called when there is extra Conductor available. 16. When Conductors and Brakemen are called and report for duty, and for cause the train is annulled, they shall be paid at overtime rates for each hour so h| on duty, and shall stand first out. Conductors and Brakemen shall be kept on th| respective divisions and districts. TOLEDO, ST. LOUIS & KANSAS CITY RAILWAY. 159 17. At all terminal stations yardmen shall take charge of trains immediately on irrival, and no switching- shall be done by train crews where switch engines are kept. 1 trains shall be made up in station order, and cars equipped with air shall be witched next to engine by yardmen. A caboose track shall be provided at terminal )oints, and no switching shall be done with cabooses. 18. No Conductor or Brakeman shall be called more than one hour and fifteen ninutes nor less than fifty minutes before leaving time of train they are called for. Che Company shall provide a Caller who shall have a book in which the Conductors nd Brakemen must register ; time to begin when called to leave the yard, and the asis for authority for computing overtime shall be the Caller's book and the register it the other end of the division or district, and there shall be a register at East it. Louis. 19. There shall be a Gateman at railroad crossing at Marion. Employes who are laimed while in the Company's service shall have preference for positions of gate .ttendants. 20. Cars disabled in trains shall be repaired or chained up by the train crew and iken through to destination or division stations, when possible and safe to do so and can be done without unreasonable delay. It shall be the duty of Car Inspectors to that the air brakes on passenger trains are in good working order and that all air lose is coupled. Cabooses on local freight trains shall be cleaned at Charleston, I'rankfort, Delphos and East St. Louis. 21. In case any difference of opinion as to the construction of this agreement iall arise between the Conductors, Brakemen, Switchmen and Yardmasters and the livision officers, a written statement of the question at issue must be submitted by the Conductors, Brakemen, Switchmen and Yardmasters to the President or General Man- |ger, through the Superintendent, for his consideration and adjustment. 22. No Conductor or Brakeman shall be discharged nor suspended upon any charge hatever, without first having a fair and impartial hearing within five days of time liken off, at which time he shall have the right-to have present any other Conductor |r Brakeman of his choice, with the Trainmaster, who shall hear the evidence of all te witnesses, question and cross-question them upon any and all points he may desire i connection with the case; the witnesses called by the defendant to be subject also p cross-examination. In case the decision rendered by the examining board is not bund to be satisfactory, an appeal may be taken from the local to the general officers. |i case a final decision is not given within five days after presenting such an appeal, iy of Conductor or Brakeman shall begin and continue, until a decision is made, for Lass of train on which he was running or braking at the time of offense. 23. This agreement to supersede all previous schedules or arrangements. No part this agreement shall be repealed or annulled without the mutual consent of all par- ies herein named. 24. No Conductor, Brakeman, Switchman or Yardmaster shall be censured or dis- larged for acting on this or any other committee. ENGINEERS AND FIREMEN. 1. All passenger Engineers, 3 3-10 cents per mile; all passenger Firemen 55 per mt of Engineers' pay ; 100 miles or less to constitute 100 miles ; over 100 miles, same ite per mile. 2. All Engineers running tnrough freight, 4 cents per mile ; all Firemen firing trough freight engines, 2 2-10 cents per mile ; 100 miles or less to constitute 100 miles ; |1 over 100 miles, same rate per mile. 3. Engineers running way freight engines, 4f cents per mile ; Firemen firing way (eight engines, 2 7-10 cents per mile ; 100 miles or less to constitute 100 miles ; all over JO miles, same rate per mile. 4. All work train Engineers, $3.50 per day ; all work train Firemen, $2 per day ; [reive hours or less to constitute a day's work ; all over twelve hours; 30 cents per |)ur for Engineers and 18 cents per hour for Firemen. 5. Switch Engineers, $2.50 per day; switch engine Firemen, $1.60 per day, for lve hours or less, one hour to be allowed for dinner; over twelve hours, Engineers cents per hour, Firemen 15 cents per hour. Switch Engineers at East St. Louis to be [lowed $2.90 per day, Firemen $1.80 per day. 6. When Engineers and Firemen are required to dead-head over any division of |e road by order of their superior officer, on Company business, Engineers shall receive j cents per mile and Firemen li cents per mile ; except when attending court Engin- jrs shall receive $3.50 per day and $1 per day for board, Firemen $2 per day and $1 per .y for board. 7. Engineers of helping engines, $3.50 per day ; Firemen of helping engines, $2 per y ; twelve hours or less to constitute one day ; all over twelve hours, Engineers 30 160 TOLEDO, ST. LOUIS & KANSAS CITY RAILWAY. cents per hour, Firemen 18 cents per hour. Crews doubling Cayuga hill shall receive twenty miles, all other places actual mileage ; provided no double shall count less than ten miles. 8. Engineers and Firemen to be assigned regular divisions and so remain and run first in and first out upon all trains, except local trains and passenger trains. 9. The right to regular engine runs and promotions will be governed by merit, ability and seniority, considered by examining board; everything being equal, Engin] eers and Firemen serving the longest in road service on his division will have the preference. 10. In case an Engineer or Fireman has been on the road fifteen hours he will not; be required to go out without eight hours' rest, unless he considers himself competent to do so ; the arriving time to be taken from the round house register, instead of Con] ductors' register or train sheet. 11. Engineers and Firemen not to be called for duty until an hour before theii train is ready to leave, the Caller to have a book to register their names and time when called. Pay of Engineers and Firemen to begin one hour after they have signed the Caller's book, unless they go on duty sooner, and continue up to time on Engineer register at end of run. In case Engineers and Firemen are called for a train and th< train afterward annulled, Engineers to receive 30 cents per hour and Firemen 20 cent per hour for time on duty, and stand first out. Engineers and Firemen shall be calle for all trains. 12. Hostlers to be promoted from the rank of Firemen who have been longest i road service, and to receive $2.124- per day ; twelve hours or less, one day or night. 13. Engineers and Firemen running and firing through freight and passenger e gines will receive 35 and 20 cents per hour, respectively, for delayed time as follows After train is one hour and thirty-five minutes late, as "per current time tables 18 am 19, and less than two hours and thirty- five minutes late, one hour shall be allowe When two hours and thirty-five minutes late and less than three hours and thirty-fiv minutes late, two hours shall be allowed, and so on. Between Toledo and Delphos t running time must be ten hours before overtime will be paid. On local freight trai runs of less than 100 miles, overtime will be paid for all time used in making trip ii excess of twelve hours. On local freight train runs of over 100 miles, overtime will tj allowed for all time used in making any trip in excess of that time necessary to co plete the trip at an average speed of nine miles per hour ; except that between Franl fort and Marion thirteen hours will be allowed, and that between Frankfort am Charleston thirteen hours and thirty minutes will be allowed. Fractions of an hot less than thirty minutes will not be counted ; fractions of an hour over thirty minut will be counted a full hour. 14. Engineers and Firemen shall receive the same that other roads pay their E gineers and Firemen for running over St. Louis bridge. 15. Engineers and Firemen on gravel trains to receive : Engineers 4 cents, Fir men 2 2-10 cents per mile, while running, and Engineers 30 cents, and Firemen 18 cenl per hour while loading and unloading. 16. Engineers and Firemen pulling local and through freight will not be requi to do switching where switch engines are employed. 17. That all freight engines will be rated as to number of cars they are able haul, tonnage considered. 18. That when an Engineer or Fireman is wanted on passenger the oldest freig 1 Engineer or Fireman available to be taken, and first extra man on road to have regj. lar freight engine. 19. Fifty per cent, of Engineers to be hired and 50 per cent, of Firemen to be IK moted, hiring and promoting alternately, when practicable. 20. There shall be a man at all terminal stations to inspect engines and tight up loose bolts and nuts, and report other work that is necessary ; the Fireman will be required to clean fires, paint fire boxes, bore out flues, clean out arches, clean in or out of cab, paint or black front of engines, or clean engines below running boa 21. No more extra Engineers and Firemen will be assigned than are necessary move traffic with promptness and dispatch. 22. No Engineer or Fireman running or firing a regular engine, either on passj^ ger or freight, will be allowed to exchange the old engine for a new one, but the old extra man will have the new engine, except when the new engine goes on passenger local freight regularly, then the Master Mechanic will use his own discretion. 23. When a freight engine is required to haul passenger or local freight for a trips, freight Engineers or Firemen running said engines will run his own instea being taken off and passenger or local Engineers and Firemen put on said engine. 24. All coal shall be cracked before being put on engine tenders at all coaling tions, and Company to furnish cushions for all engines. TOLEDO, ST. LOUIS & KANSAS CITY RAILWAY. 161 25. When disputes arise between Engineers and Firemen they are both to have a (fair and impartial trial, as per Article 31, and the one at fault shall suffer the conse- nuences. Switch engine Firemen will have no rights over road Firemen, and when Leaving switch engine to go on road he shall go on extra list as a new man. 26. Firemen that have been promoted to the position of Engineer shall at all times have the preference of regular engines over Engineers that have been hired since their promotion. In case it is necessary for Firemen to watch engines, they shall receive $1.60 for twelve hours or less. 27. All errors made in computing time of Engineers and Firemen shall be properly corrected and any amount of pay omitted in any one month shall be paid them on the following month of such omission. 28. All officers and employes shall observe strict courtesy of manner of intercourse with each other. That on the adoption of this schedule it shall be printed, that each employe interested may have a copy of the same. All previous schedules shall be con- sidered void. 29. No Engineer or Fireman shall be discharged or suspended upon any charge whatever without first having a fair and impartial hearing within five days from the time :aken off at which they shall have the right to have present any other Engineer or Fireman of his choice with the Master Mechanic and the Train Master, who shall hear all the evidence, all the witnesses, question and question them upon any and all points he may desire in connection with the case, the witnesses called by the defend- ant to be subject also to cross examination. In case the decision rendered by the exam- ning board is not found to be satisfactory an appeal may be taken from the local to- the general officers. In case a final decision is not given within five days after present- ing such an appeal, the pay of Engineers and Firemen shall begin and continue until a decision is made per class of train running or firing at time of offense. 30. For Continental turn-round fifty miles will be allowed and overtime switching. 31. That Hostlers be placed at Marion and New Douglass who are capable to turn, engines and do switching. 32. Local freight between Toledo and Delphos to pay the same rate as west of Delphos. 33. That one hundred and fifty miles will be allowed for a round trip on passenger between Toledo* and Delphos. 34. It is further agreed that any Engineer or Fireman who shall serve on this or any other committee shall not in any manner prejudice his standing with the officials of this Company. DISPATCHERS AND OPERATORS. 1. No Train Dispatcher, Agent and Operator, or Operator shall be suspended or dismissed from the Company's service without just cause. Intoxication or like misde- meanors shall be considered just causes for suspension or dismissal. In case of suspen- sion or dismissal other than for causes above stated, if any employe herein named thinks his sentence unjust he shall have the right within five days to refer his case by written statement to the proper local officer. Within five days of the receipt of his statement his case shall have a thorough investigation by the proper officer. If the decision rendered by local officers is not satisfactory, an appeal can be made to the Superintendent. In case any suspension or dismissal is found to be unjust, Train Dls*- patcher, Agent and Operator, or Operator shall be reinstated and paid for all time lost at a rate of pay received previous to such suspension or dismissal. All cases ap- pealed from local to general officers must be first submitted in writing within thirty lays from the date of such decision, stating why the decision as rendered is in error. No case will be considered after thirty days have elapsed. No Train Despatcher, Agent and Operator or Operator shall be censured or dismissed for acting on this or 'any other committee. 2. Dispatchers, Agents and Operators or Operators will be promoted according to seniority, other considerations being satisfactory, and they shall have choice of posi- tions accordingly. Agents and Operators, or Operators desiring promotion and being" in line of promotion by right of seniority, can request and will be allowed an examina- tion by Superintendent, Chief Dispatcher, Train Dispatcher or Train Master. Line of promotion will be from night Operator to day Operator, day Operator, or Agent and 162 TOLEDO, ST. LOUIS & KANSAS CITY RAILWAY. Operator to Agent and Operator and third trick Dispatcher, third trick Dispatcher t< second trick Dispatcher, second trick Dispatcher to first trick Dispatcher. On< Agent and Operator, or day Operator, shall be promoted to Dispatcher alternately with the hiring of one Dispatcher, provided nothing in this article is construed as abridging the right of the Company to hire any number of Dispatchers necessary fo the good of the service, should no Agent and Operator or day Operator be able to pas proper examination for promotion to third trick Dispatcher. Any Dispatcher, Agen and Operator, or Operator accepting any situation other than stated herein shall for f eit his rights for time off telegraph service. 3. The compensation of the train Dispatcher, Agents and Operators or Operators shall be as follows: Dispatchers shall receive $100 per calendar month, eight hours! and time to complete transfer to constitute a day's work. Agents and Operators, o Operators shallreceive an advance of $7.50 per calendar month over salary receivec for December, 1892, provided that no Agent and Operator or Operator shall receiv less than $40 per calendar month. The salary of Agents at stations where day Opera tors are employed shall exceed that of such day Operator by not less than $5. Twelv Ihours shall constitute one day's work, which shall include one hour a day for meals Agents and Operators and day Operators shall be relieved of Sunday work as far a possible. Present rates of pay are based upon the total amounts Agents and Operator receive from stated salary and commission. The Company reserves the right to abo! ish the payment of commissions at any time. If done it will make the sum of the tota salary equal to that paid under this schedule. 4. Despatchers, Agents and Operators and Operators shall receive pay for over time as follows: Despatchers, 40 cents an hour. Agents and Operators and Operator 15 cents per hour. Twenty-nine minutes will not be counted. Thirty minutes and les than sixty minutes will be counted an hour. Agents and Operators, or day Operators called once during the night shall receive one-half day's pay therefor, provided h does not remain on duty to exceed three hours. All time in excess of three hours to be jpaid for at regular overtime rates. If any Agent and Operator, or day Operator, i called but twice during one night he shall receive pay for second call at regular over time rates. Any Agent and Operator, or day Operator, called three times during on night shall receive one day's pay therefor. Offices where there are day and nigh Operators they must relieve each other. At other offices Agent and Operator, or daj Operator will be considered relieved at the expiration of twelve hours service, unles required to .remain on duty, when he will be paid overtime as herein before provided Time shall count from seven o'clock a. m to seven o'clock p. m., except in cases whew it may be mutually agreeable to arrange other hours of service. The'Company reserv iing the right to arrange the hours so that early and late trains will receive attention Any Agent and Operator being required to attend any passenger train outside of hi regularly arranged twelve hour service shall receive one hour overtime for each trail so attended, unless two or more passenger trains should be attended within the on< hour when he shall receive one hour's overtime. Delayed passenger and local f reigh trains not to be considered in this connection. 5. Charges made against any Dispatcher, Agent and Operator or Operator, or bj them against other employes, must be made in writing. No verbal complaint shall b< considered. 6. Any Dispatcher, Agent and Operator or Operator having been on duty seven- teen consecutive hours, shall be entitled to eight hours rest, and shall be allowed sa except in cases of wrecks. The above shall in no way relieve Agents and Operators o: proper performance of their agency duties during their regular hours of duty. 7. Dispatchers, Agents and Operators and Operators attending law suits of tht Company shall receive same compensation as if on duty, and necessary expenses, th< Company being entitled to any witness fees that may accrue. 8. The Company on its part, and the Dispatchers, Agents and Operators, ant Operators on their part, agree that they will perform the several duties and stipula tions provided for in this agreement until thirty days' notice has been given by eithe party to the other, requesting change in same. 9. In case any differences of opinion as to the construction of this agreement shal arise between the Train Dispatchers and Telegraph Operators and the division officers a written statement of the question must be submitted by the Train Dispatchers o the Telegraph Operators to the President or General Manager, through the Superin tendent, for his -consideration and adjustment. UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY. 163 10. It is understood that the term "Agent and Operator," as used in the foregoing designates those Operators who handle Agencies in addition to their duties as Operators. TOLEDO, ST. LOUIS & KANSAS CITY RAILROAD. BY S. R. CALLAWAY, President. Committee for Trainmen and Yardmen: C. N. PRATT, Superintendent. J. W. DAILY, JAMES PATTERSON, C. F. LOSSING, J. D. FORTUNE, W. HARPER, J. HARRIS, S. L. HAMILTON, F. TAYLOR. Committee for Engineers and Firemen: CHAS. H. BISSELL, J. A. HARLEY, J. C. BARNES, L. E. ACKERLY, G. S. CABLE, PERRY ROBERTS, W. B. BROWN. Committee for Dispatchers and Operators: W. H. SMITH, E. M. KELLER, JOHN W. REDENBAUGH, S. D. YARNELL. August 1, 1892. UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM. NEBRASKA DIVISION. DISTRICT. BETWEEN. CLASS. o P t *s r+ -B a -3 S % : r No. crew* assigned. .. Conduct 'rs, per month or mile .... Brakemen, per month or mile Mainline 1st and 2d 3d and 4th.... 3d Julesburg. IstO. &R. V.. O &R. V O. &R. V O &R.V.....". &R.V Julesburg O. &R. V O. &R. V &R.V O. & R. V O. &R. V 1st. Council Bluffs, C tey enne Past mail Passenger Passenger Passenger Passenger. ... Passenger Passenger Passenger Passenger Passenger Mixed Mixed 519.1 293.7 2254 2783 134 4 / 148 6 f 132.2 72.7 186.6 63.1 197.3 125.9 43.2 303 4 9 5 3 3 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 "3"' 1 "3"' 5 2 2 $12500 12000 115 00 110 00 100 00 12000 100 00 100 00 100 00 110 00 95 00 9500 95 00 95 00 9500 03 03 95 00 9500 03 95 00 03 03 03 03 9500 95 00 95 00 *$80 00 70 00 7000 70 00 65 00 75 00 6500 65 00 65 00 70 00 7000 70 00 70 00 70 00 7000 02 02 70 00 70 00 02 70 00 02 02 02 02 7000 70 00 70 00 Council Bluffs North Platte . . . North Platte, Cheyenne North Platte, Denver /-i M -ri c \ Beatrice Council Bluffs -j gfue springs: ! ! ! .' ! ! ! ! Lincoln, Manhattan (double) Lincoln, Stromsburg (double) Lincoln, Sioux City Grand Island, Ord (double) Julesburg, Denver Columbus Sioux City . Columbus Albion Mixed Genoa, Cedar Rapids Mixed. Grand Island, -jg;a peclty f Grand island, ^3S f Council Bluffs, Grand Island Omaha, Grand Island Mixed Mixed Freight Freight Local Local Freight Local 156.2 153.4 91.3 621 137.5 137.5 123.2 102.2 138.6 137.5 1316 92.5 52.9 160 153 91 62 138 138 123 102 139 139 132 93 53 1st 1st Omaha, Columbus Columbus, Grand Island Grand Island, North Platte Grand Island, North Platte North Platte, Sidney 1st... 2d 2d.. 3d. ... Freight Freight Freight 4th . Sidney, Cheyenne Julesbarg Julesburg IstO. &R. V.. 0. &R. V O. & R. V Julesburg, Sterling Qt^T-iino- J Denver | Sterling, -j Jersey j- Omaha, Beatrice Local Beatrice, Manhattan Valparaiso, Stromsburg Local Local *Brakemen also act as Baggagemen. Daily rates: Passenger Conductors', $3.50; freight Con- ductors, $3.25; Baggagemen, $2.25; Brakemen, $2.17. Rates of overtime: Conductors, 30 cents per hour; Brakemen, 20 cents. Dead-heading: Full time will be allowed for dead-heading, except when necessary to equalize crews and power, in which case only half time will be allowed. 164 UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY. WYOMING DIVISION. sg o's *o **$ M O*d HI a 2 DISTRICT. BETWEEN. CLASS. *9 iSp) 3 B*1& IBS Fg | : p ag ft) O if : *2 ft> o : g ; "T" 1 : &P : p-! 3 5th 6th 7th Cheyenne Green River Fast mail 3286 3 $125 00 S$85 00 5th 6th 7th Cheyenne Green River ... Passenger. . 328 6 7 125 00 75 00 8th, 9th Green River, Ogden Passenger... . 186.1 4 125 00 75 00 9th E & P C Ogden Park City (double) ... Passenger... . 1358 1 no oo 75 00 5th Cheyenne, Laramie Freight 56.5 85 03 02 5th Chevenne Sherman (double) Freight 654 85 03 02 5th Sherman Laramie (double) Freight 47 6 85 03 02; 6th ... Laramie Rawlins Freight 1364 137 03 02 6th Laramie Medicine Bow (double) Freight 1446 150 03 02 6th Freight 185 2 200 03 02 6th Laramie Carbon (double) Freight 1664 200 03 02 7th Rawlins Green River Freight 135 7 136 03 02 7th Rawlins Wamsutter (double) Freigh ; 85 100 03 02 8th Green River Evanston Freight 1103 111 03 02 8th Green River, Granger (double) Freight 61 100 03 02 9th Evanston, Ogden Freight 75.8 100 03 02 C. & N . ... Cheyenne, Orin Junction . Freight .. 153.9 154 03 02 6th Hanna coal run* ... . 100 00 75 00 6th Carbon coal run* 100 00 75 00 7th Rock Springs coal run (double) t Freight 15.1 1 HO 00 75 00 E & P C Echo Park City (double) Mixed 56 1+ 100 00 75 00 C. & N... Chevenne. Orin Junction . . . Mixed... 1539 2 110 00 80 00 "Overtime after twelve hours; when business is light, one crew to do the work at both places, t Overtime after twelve hours. tDoes switching at Echo and Park City. Brakemen also act as Baggagemen. Daily rates: Passenger Conductors, $4; freight Conductors, $3 25; Baggagemen, $2 83 ! 2 ; Brakemen, $2.25. Rates of overtime: Conductors, 30 cents per hour; Brakemen, 20 cents. Dead- heading: Full time will be allowed for dead-heading, except when necessary to equalize crews and power, in which case only half time will be allowed. Utah Eastern Switchmen will be paid $90 per month to do switching and work at Home Coal Company's mine and to make trip as Brakemen on E. & P. C. freight, Coalville to Park City and return ; overtime after twelve hours. ' ' Swing " trains to put up coal in chutes at Medicine Bow and Wamsutter. KANSAS DIVISION. DISTRICT. BETWEEN. CLASS. og W ; . : ft> ?1 i n> n ?*5 '' No. crews assigned . . . Conduct 'rs, per month or mile Brakemen, per month or mile 1st, 2d 1st Kansas City, Ellis Passenger Passenger . . . Passenger Passenger. .. Passenger Passenger Freight Local . . . 3025 138.7 3366 34 94.4 57.3 138.7 1387 163.8 46.9 1594 175 34 46.6 117.6 139' "l64" 'iseii 175 '3'" i" 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 $115 00 115 00 115 00 10000 110 00 HO 00 03 95 00 03 95 00 03 03 9500 95 00 9500 95 00 95 00 9500 95 00 03 tf 55 00 t55 00 +55 00 +55 CO t55 00 +50 00 02 70 00 02 70 00 02 02 70 00 65 00 70 00 70 00 70 00 70 00 7000 02 Kansas City, Junction City (double) . . Ellis, Denver 3d, 4th L. &L. ... J. C. &F. K .. Sol Lawrence, Leavenworth (double) Junction City, Belleville (double)*. . . Solomon, Beloit (double) 1st Kansas Gil y , Junction Citv 1st 2d 2d 3d 4th Kansas City, Junction City Junction City, Ellis Freight Local Freight Freight Mixed Junction City, Salina (double) Ellis, Cheyenne Wells Cheyenne Wells, { D e e r n r [ Lawrence, Leavenworth (double) Leavenworth, Meriden Jc. (double) . Leavenworth, Garrison Cg Garrison Cg., Miltonvale (double).. . Junction City, Belleville* L & L. L. T. & S W.. K.C K C Mixed Mixed Mixed Mixed.. 48.3 94.4 57.3 35.5 225.3 '225' J. C. &F. K... Sol Solomon, Beloit (double) Mixed s.&s. w..... U. P. L. & C. Salina, McPherson (double) Mixed.. Salina, Oakley Mixed *Via Concordia. t Porters. Daily rates: Passenger Conductors, $3.50; freight Conductors, ; Baggagemen, $2.25; Brakemen, $2.17. Rates of overtime: Conductors, 30 cents per hour; Brake- men, 20 cents. Dead-heading: Full time will be allowed for dead-heading, except when necessary to equalize crews and power, in which case only half time will be allowed. UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY. 165 COLORADO DIVISION. DISTRICT. BETWEEN. CLASS. it H-g if p? No. crews assigned . . . {tjhj Brakemen, per m'nth, m'leortr'p. Denver Pac Denver Cheyenne* 106 7 i ( $110 no $7(1 nn Fort Collins.. D. P. &Ft. C.. Fort Collins.. Fort Collins.. Graymont Graymont Graymont South Park. Denver, Greeley (double) * Denver, Fort Collins (double)t . . Denver, Fort Collins (double) . . Marshall Jc., Lafayette (3 double) .. Denver, Graymont (double) Denver, Silver Plume (double) | . ... Forks Creek. Central City (2d'ble)l. . Denver, Leadville Passenger Passenger Passenger Passenger Passenger Passenger Passenger Passenger. 98.6 76.2 74.1 6.1 58.1 54 11 1 151 1 H 3 110 00 110 00 11000 95 00 11000 95 CO 95 00 110 00 70 00 70 00 70 00 70 00 70 00 70 00 70 00 70 00 Denver Pac Denver j. cayenne Freight 104 5 117 03 02 Fort Collins. Jersey f OUC J C1 LaSalle, Stout (double) Freight 43 9 1 95 00 70 00 Fort Collins Denver Fort Collins** Freight 97 2 95 00 70 00 Fort Collins.. Graymont Denver, Boulder (double) tt Denver, Georgetown (double) ii .... Freight Freight 37.1 49 9 1 95 00 95 00 70 00 70 00 Graymont D. L. &G.. .. Golden, Black Hawk ( 2 double) # Denver, Leadville Freight... Freight 207 151.1 1 3 95 00 110 00 70 00 80 00 D L & G Denver Como Freight 88 2 3 55 2 61 D. L. &G .. .. Como, Leadville Freight 629 3 55 2 61 Sunset Boulder, Sunset (2 double) Mixed 13 1 I 95 00 70 00 Graymont. .. D. L. &G .. .. D. L. & G .. Denver, Golden < 2 double) Denver, Morrison ( 3 double) Keystone, Breckenridge (2d'ble).. Mixed. .. Mixed Mixed. 15.2 17.2 133 1 1 1 100 00 100 00 95 00 7000 70 00 70 00 D. L. &G.. .. D. L & G Como, Romley (double) 1 1| Como, London (double) Mixed. ... Mixed 77.1 31 8 1 1 11000 95 00 70 00 2 61 D. L. &G D. L. & G Baldwin, Pitkin ( double) Como, King H ... Mixed Mixed 44.6 38 1 95 00 90 00 2 61 (a)2 50 * Via Fort Collins. t Via Greeley. i Via Boulder. Includes switching. ||Includes switch- ing at Georgetown and .Silver Plume; when run Sunday, Conductor shall be paid at rate of $110 per month, Brakeman's pay to remain the same. 1 Includes switching at Black Hawk and Central City, and double Black Hawk and Central City. **Via Brighton and Arkins. ttVia Marshall Junction and Louisville. Ji Overtime after eleven hours. Includes double via Breckenridge and Boreas. 1 !l Via Buena Vista. ^[t Work done by yard crew. (a) Per day. Daily rates: Freight Conductors, $350; Brakemen, $^.50. Special passenger Conductors, $110 per calendar month; Brakemen, $70. Rate of overtime : Conductors, 35 cents per hour; Brakemen, 25 cents. Dead-heading: When dead- heading 01 other trains, with or without caboose, one-half the regular rate will be allowed; dead-head crews to take turn out ahead of crew in charge ef train, provided both crews are assigned to the same runs or are employed on unassigned runs. NEW MEXICO DIVISION. M ~g 3 Q a o *z TO sS n> o> 2*0 ^2 p a 7? DISTRICT. BETWEEN. CLASS. .P : p-TO (b S3 : B : P P-OB i.S'"*' H aa . rt> ~ p- *p- - 1st, 2d Denver Trinidad. .. .,. . Passenger 2164 3 $110 00 $70 00 1st Jersey Pueblo Freight 1267 127 03 y 1st Franceville McFerran* Freight 1 100 00 72 00 2d . Pueblo, Trinidad and El Moro Freight . 91 9 3 35 2 35 (Berwind ) 2d Trinidad < Hastings Vt Freight 110 00 75 00 1 Forbes j 3d Trinidad Texline Freight 136 2 137 03 02 Maxwell Trinidad, Soprist. Freight 110 00 75 00 Maxwell Trinidad. Vasques | /^ mi v, 1p \ + Mixed. 432 110 00 75 00 Maxwell Catskill, Endoftrack f ( Manitou Manitou Jc., Colorado Sp'gs (4d'ble) Mixed 9 1 10000 72 00 * Includes switching and helping; overtime after twelve hours. tFor twenty-six days; over- time after twelve hours. % Includes one double, Catskill to top of hill; for twenty-six days; overtime after twelve hours. Includes switching; overtime after twelve hours. Daily rates: Freight Con- ductors, $3.50; Brakemen, $250. Special passenger Conductors, $110 per month; Brakemen, $70. Rites of overtime: Conductors, 35 cents per hour; Brakemen, 25 cents. Dead-heading: When dead- heading on other trains, with or without caboose, one-half the regular rate to be allowed; dead-head crew to take turn out ahead of crew in charge of train, provided both crews are assigned to same runs or are employed on unassigned runs. 166 UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY. FORT WORTH AND DENVER CITY DIVISION. 0^ ~g "^ a }^ ^ S* i ? a ^^p DISTRICT. BETWEEN. CLASS. iH Sf 3 sBg fTo B : : P S.3 jftf = |s . 4th Trinidad, Clarendon Passenger 310.9 3 $120 00 $60 00 5th 6th Clarendon Fort Worth* Passenger 277 1 4 120 00 60 00 4th Texline, Clarendon Freight 1747 175 03 02 5th Clarendon Wichita Falls Freight 163 163 03 02 5th Clarendon, Wichita Falls Local 163 3 100 00 65 00 6th Wichita Falls Fort Worth .. Freight 113 7 114 03 02 6th . . Wichita Falls, Fort Worth Local 113.7 3 90 00 60 00 Pan Handle Amorilla, Pan Handle City (d'ble)t. Mixed.. 32 1 90 00 60 00 * Includes Wichita Falls local. t Includes switching. Daily rates: Freight Conductors, S Brakemen, $2. Special passenger Conductors, 8100 per month; Brakemen, $60. Rates of overtime: Conductors, 30 cents per hour; Brakemen, 20 cents. Dead-heading: When dead-heading on other trains, with or without caboose, one-half the regular rate will be allowed: dead-head crews to take turn out ahead of crew in charge of train, provided both crews are assigned to same runs or are em- ployed on unassigned runs. UTAH DIVISION. DISTRICT BETWEEN. CLASS. sg H ': B . a H-S o t 3 a % ' No. crews assigned . . . Conduct 'rs, per month or mile Brakemen, per month or mile Main line Ogden Juab* Passenger 1389 5 $110 00 $70 00 S.L.& W U & N Lehi Junction, Eureka Salt Lake Garfleldt Passenger . . Passenger. 58.3 182 1 100 00 100 00 65 00 65 00 1st Ogden, Salt Lake Freight 36.5 50 90 00 65 00 1st Ogden, Salt Lake (double)* Freight 73 100 4 90 00 65 OJ 1st Ogden, Salt Lake (via Syracuse) Freight 48.1 62 90 00 65 00 1st Syracuse Junction, Syracuse (d'ble) Freight 11 6 12 90 00 65 00 2d Salt Lake Juab Freight 1024 103 90 00 65 00 2d Salt Lake, Provo Freight 47 5 50 90 00 65 00 2d Salt Lake, Provo (double) Freight 95 100 90 00 65 (0 2d Salt Lake Lehi Junction || Freight 29 50 90 00 65 00 2d Salt Lake, Lehi Junction (d'ble) || Freight . 58 100 90 00 65 00 2d Lehi Junction Point Mtn (d'ble) Freight 9 10 90 00 65 00 2d. Salt Lake, Sandy (double) 1 Freight 26 100 1 90 00 60 00 3d Juab, Frisco ** ... Freight 136 3 90 00 65 00 3d. Juab, Milford Freight 119 90 00 65 00 3d Milford, Frisco (double) tt Freight 33.8 90 00 65 00 3d Milford, Frisco (2 double) tt Freight 67 6 90 00 65 00 S. L. & W.. S. L. & W.... U. &N S. L. & W.... Lehi Junction, Irontontt Lehi Junction, Ironton (double Salt Lake, Terminus (double) Ironton, Eureka |l || Freight Freight Freight Freight 498 99.6 74 50 100 1 i " 1 9000 90 00 85 00 90 00 6000 60 00 60 00 60 00 * Five crews to do all the passenger work. t Bathing trains; no overtime. J Conductors $90, Brakemen $60, for 2,600 miles; over 2,600 miles at 3 cents and 2 cents per mile, respectively. Time allowed while lying at Syracuse, in addition to mileage made. Overtime after schedule time of train between Salt Lake and Ogden, less the time used going from Syracuse Junction to Syracuse and re- turn. | Includes switching and other necessary work at Lehi Junction, and where double and single trips are made same day only one day to be allowed; overtime after tfn hour?, in case of double. 1 Working days only: overtime after ten hours; does all work between Salt Lake and Sandy, switch their own trains at both terminals, and where two doubles are made in same day or crew goes to Lehi Junction only one day to be allowed. ** Working days only; one crew to work between Milford and Frisco, if desired, and the other two between Milford and Juab. ttDo all switching at Milford and Frisco and such other work as maybe necessary. ^Working days only; time allowed for making up train at Lehi Junction ; overtime after ten hours. Working days only. U | Working days only ; overtime after ten hours: crew to do all the work west of Ironton, make up east bound trains, and help to Doremus when necessary. Rates of overtime: Conductors, 30 cents per hour; Brakemen, 20 cents. Work trains: Conductors, $90 per calendar month; Brakemen, $65; overtime after twelve hours. Dead-heading: Conductors $3 and Brakemen $2, twenty-four hours or less ; in no case more than would be allowed in regular service over same district. UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY. 16T IDAHO DIVISION. p t o'c $ ^* DISTRICT BETWEEN. CLASS. a?" || I? IB! &ai* P aoS- (to g; : B '. P PUB 2-^ % n ' . n : *? . &y : ^^ 3t and 2d Green River, Pocatello Passenger. 244 9 3 $125 00 $75 00> i and 4th. Pocatello, Huntington ... Passenger 326 9 7 125 00 75 00> th Ogden Pocatello Passenger 134 2 2 125 00 75 00> h Ogden, Preston (double) Passenger. 91 125 00 75 OO 1 th and 8th Pocatello Butte Passenger 262 2 6 l'-*5 00 76 OO it Green River, Montpelier Freight 145 6 145 03 02 Granger, Montpelier Freight 115 1 115 03 02-' .3 Montpelier Pocatello Freight 99 3 108 03 -J Pocatello, Glenn's Ferry Freight 159 9 160 03 02 i Pocatello Shoshone Freight 107 7 108 03 02 th Glenn's Ferry Huntington Freight 167 167 03 02 th Ogden, Pocatello Freight 1342 134 03 02r th Pocatello, Lima Freight 145 t 03 02; th Lima, Butte Freight 117 1 141 03 02: ih Lima Silver Bow Freight 110 3 132 03 02; th Shoshone, Ketchum (double). .. Mixed . 64 139 1 100 00 75 00 loise Nampa, Boise ('3 double) Mixed 19 , 100 00 75 00 ih... Cache Junction. Preston ( 2 d'hlf^ . . . Mixed.. 422 1 nn m 75 na Daily rates: Passenger Conductors, $4; freight Conductors, $3.25; Baggagemen, $2.25; Brakemen,. '.17. Rates of overtime: Conductors, 30 cents 'per hour; Brakemen, 20 cents. Dead-heading: Full me will be allowed for dead-heading, except when necessary to equalize crews and power, in which: ase only half time will be allowed. Trip to Hams Fork mines: One hour allowed, unless an unusual elay occurs, when one hour and overtime is allowed. PACIFIC DIVISION. DISTRICT. BETWEEN. CLASS. s S r+ ! H-S o t ,i n> 3*9 ?s : L No. crews assigned . . . Conduct 'rs, per month or mile Brake Men, per month or mile st and 2d Huntington Pendleton Passenger 173 5 4 $125 00 $75 00 d, 3d and 4th . Pendleton. Portland Passenger. .. 230 9 5 125 00 75 GO th and 6th Pendleton Spokane Passeoger 251 4 3 125 00 75 00 lullan Tekoa Mullan Passenger 86 7 1 100 00 70 00 st Huntington LaGrande Freight 99 1 125 03 Q2$ d LaGrande Umatilla Freight 118 4 150 03 02^ d LaGrande, Pendleton Freight . 74 4 ICO 03 02 1 d Umatilla Dalles Freight 98 6 100 03 02*4 th Dalles, Albina Freight 883 100 03 02 *4 th Pendleton Starbuck Freight 94 8 125 03 02*4 th Walla Walla. Starbuck (double) . . . Freight 474 1 90 00 67 60 th. Starbuck Spokane (via Coif ax) Freight 1566 170 03 O? 1 ^ th. . Starbuck, Tekoa (via Coif ax) Freight 1074 120 03 02i4 th th Starbuck, Tekoa (via P. V. district). . Tekoa Spokane Freigh Freight 96.8 49 2 50 90 00 03 65 00 02 J4 lullan llgin Tekoa, Mullan LaGrande Elgin (2 double) Mixed 86.7 209 2 9000 90 00 65 00 67 50 leppner Vallula Arlington. Heppner (double) Walla Walla, Umatilla (double) Mixed Mixed 55.7 583 1 9000 100 00 67 50 70 OO ay ton 'omeroy. . . . Bolles Junction, Dayton ( 3 d'ble) Starbuck, Pomeroy Mixfd Mixed 126 299 1 1 90 00 90 00 67 5O 67 5O Jonnell loscow LaCrosse, Connell (double) Coif ax, Moscow (2 double) Mixed Mixed. 53 27.9 90 00 100 00 67 5O 75 00- urke and Wallace, Burke J / doilWp \ Mixed 67 1 125 00 75 CO Mullan Wallace, Mullan j v Daily rates: Passenger Conductors, $350; freight Conductors, $3; Brakemen, $233 Rates of vertime: Conductors 30 cents per hour; Brakemen, 1st and 2d districts 23^ cents, all other districts. 2^4 cents. Work train: Conductors, $90 per month: Brakemen, $70. Dead-heading: Crews wheni ead-headed with cabooses will be allowed half time. RULES. 1. General : All runs and compensation allowed for same shall be designated in* chedules prepared on a fair and equitable basis, consistent with the general plans erein given. 2. Mileage Rates: Unassigned freight runs, first in first out, based on mileage:: Conductors 3 cents per mile, Brakemen 2 cents per mile, except as hereinafter provided.. 3. Monthly Rates: Assigned regular runs on monthly pay as per schedule. 4. Short Runs : ( a.} All runs not otherwise provided for, of 50 miles or less, not ore. uty over five hours, single trip or doubled, 50 miles, overtime after five hours ; 10O niles, if only one trip and not called on duty again until after ten hours from starting- 168 UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY. VALLEY RAILWAY. 169 (b.) When trainmen are called, and for any reason their train does not go out. land they are held on duty less than five hours, they will be paid for one-half day and (stand first out ; if held more than five hours, they will be paid one day and stand last out, it being understood that if crews go out within five hours, the time on duty will be I computed from the time first called. 22. Rest : After continuous service of sixteen hours or more, trainmen will be en- titled to and allowed eight hours for rest before being called to go out, provided they iso desire, except in cases of washouts, wrecks or other emergencies. 23. Time not Allowed : Conductors will be notified when time is not allowed as per trip report. 24. Suspension: When a trainman is taken from his run for the investigation of an alleged fault, he will, if found innocent, receive pay for time lost. No punishment to be fixed without a thorough investigation ; ordinarily such investigation to be held within five days from date of removal from service. 25. Service Letter : When trainmen leave the service they will be given a letter stating time and character of service and reasons for leaving. March 1, 1892. E. DICKINSON, Assistant General Manager. VALLEY RAILWAY COMPANY. PASSENGER SERVICE. Passenger Conductors, Cleveland to Valley Junction and return, shall receive $3.75 per day. Cleveland to Canton and return, $3 per day. Baggagemasters, Cleveland to Valley Junction and return, shall receive $65 per month. Cleveland to Canton and return, $60 per month. Brakemen, Cleveland to Valley Junction and return, shall receive $1.92 per day. Cleveland to Canton and return, $1.80 per day. FREIGHT SERVICE. Conductors in through freight service shall be paid at the rate of $2.87 per day. Through freight Brakemen shall be paid at the rate of $1.90 per day. Ten hours or less to constitute a day's work. LOCAL FREIGHT. Cleveland to P. & W. Junction and return, Conductors shall receive $3 per day; Brakemen $2 perday. Canton to P. & W. Junction, thence to Valley Junction and return to Canton, Con- ductors shall receive $3 per day; Brakemen, $2 per day. Ten and one-half hours or ICFS to constitute a day's work. Overtime, Conductors, 30 cents per hour; Brakemen, 20 cents per hour. THROUGH FREIGHT SPECIFIED RUNS. Cleveland to Akron, P. & W. Junction, East Akron, Cottage Grove, Myersville, Krumroy and Greentown, Conductors shall be paid $2.87 per day; Brakemen, $1.90 per day. Overtime after ten hours. Cleveland to Canton and return, Conductors shall receive $3.44 per day; Brakemen, $2.28 per day. Overtime after twelve hours. Cleveland to Sandy ville and return, Conductors shall receive $4.01 per day; Brake- men $2.66 per day. Overtime after fourteen hours. Cleveland to Valley Junction and return, Conductors shall receive $4.30 per day; Brakemen $2.85 per day. Overtime after fifteen hours. Canton to Valley Junction and return," Conductors shall receive $2.87 per day; Brakemen $1.90 per day. Overtime after ten hours. Newburgh run, Conductors shall be paid $2.87 per day; Brakemen $2.30 per day. Eleven hours or less to constitute a day's work. Thornburg Ore run, Conductors shall receive $3 per day; Brakeman $2.30 per day. Conductors and Brakemen to assist in dumping ore. Ten hours or less to constitute a day's work. WORK TRAIN SERVICE. Conductors shall receive $2.87 per day; Brakemen, $1.90 per day. Eleven hours or less to constitute a day's work. RULES. 1. Ten hours or less for runs of 300 miles or less shall constitute a day's work for Conductors and Brakemen in freight service. VALLEY RAILWAY. 2. On all freight runs exceeding 100 miles trainmen will be paid overtime for all time used to complete the trip in excess of an average speed of ten miles per hour at the above rates. Through freight overtime to be paid, Conductors, 28.7 cents per hour; Brakemen, 19 cents per hour. 3. No fraction of an hour less than 35 minutes to be counted, 35 minutes and less than one hour to be paid as one hour. 4. If crews on excursion trains are required to do extra work, such as pulling over the hill, working the mines, or construction work, they shall be paid for such servica at the same rate of pay allowed per hour for that class of service. 5. Any trainman sent over the road or held at any point on any Company business shall be paid for time lost at rate of pay allowed for their class of service. 6. Any Conductor or Brakeman called, and if for any cause or reason other than his own he does not go out, if held two and one-half hours or less he shall be paid for one-fourth day and stand first out; and if held longer shall be paid for time so held at regular overtime rates. 7. As near as practicable the board at yardmaster's office at Cleveland shall be made up at 4 p. m. for the succeeding 24 hours. Conductors and Brakemen shall be called within certain limits prescribed by the Superintendent about one hour before time set to leave for all runs leaving between 9 o'clock p. m. and 6 o'clock a. m.; and at any other time if the board has been changed. The Caller shall be provided with a book in which the men called shall register their names and time called. 8. Any crew that has been sixteen hours or more on continuous duty shall be en- titled to eight hours rest at terminals before being called to go out, provided they so desire; except in cases of washouts or similar emergencies. Notice by telegraph to Trainmaster being required. Following crews shall have right to run around crew laying over for rest under these provisions. 9. No trainman shall be suspended or discharged without just cause; in case of sus- pension or dismissal if he thinks his sentence unjust, his case shall have a thorough in- vestigation by the proper officers within five days from the time he makes application, at which he may be present if he so desires. If found unjustly suspended or discharged he shall be reinstated and paid full time while so out of service. 10. No fines shall be imposed for any cause whatever. 11. No departure from the propositions of this agreement will be made by any party thereto without thirty days' notice of such desire in writing has been served upon the other parties thereto. The articles enumerated constitute in their entirety an agreement between the Valley Railway Company and its Conductors and Brakemen. YARDMEN'S SCHEDULE AKRON YARD. Day Conductor shall receive $2 60 per day: day Brakemen, $2.10 per day; night Con- ductor, $2.65 per day; night Brakeman, $2.25 per day. CANTON YARD. . Day Conductor shall receive $2.50 per day; day Brakeman, $2.04 per day; night Con- ductor, $2.60 per day; night Brakeman, $2.16 per day. RULES. 1. Ten hours or less shall constitute a day's work. 2. All time in excess of ten hours shall be paid for at the same rate. No fraction of an hour less than thirty-five minutes shall be counted; thirty-five minutes and less than one hour shall be paid for as one hour. 3. Promotions in yard service shall be made according to age and ability to as- sume the increased responsibility. The oldest night Brakeman shall be entitled to po- sition as day Brakeman, should any vacancy occur. The oldest day Brakeman shall be entitled to the position of night Conductor, should a vacancy occur. Vacancies in day Conductors shall be filled from the oldest night Conductor. 4. No Yardman shall be suspended or discharged without just cause; in case of suspension or dismissal, if he thinks his sentence unjust, his case shall have a thorough investigation by the proper officers within five days from the time he makes applica- tion, at which he may be present, if he so desires. If found unjustly suspended or dis- charged, he shall be reinstated and paid full time while so out of service. The articles here enumerated constitute an agreement between the Valley Rail- way Company and its Yardmen specified. No departure shall be made by either party thereto withont thirty days' notice in writing on the other party. All schedules, rules and regulations conflicting with this agreement previously in effect are null and void. J. T. JOHNSON, For the Order of Railway Conductors: General Superintendent. A. B. GARRETSON, Grand Senior Conductor. For the Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen: P. H. MORRISSEY, Acting Grand Master. May 24, 1892. VANDAL1A LINE WABASH RAILWAY. 171 VANDALIA LINE. SCHEDULE. RUNS. g fD* Conduct- ors Brakemen Baggage- men REMARKS. PASSENGER SERVICE. 1 ndianapolis to St. Louis, per trip Irrains Nos 20 and 21 per trip 240 $5 10 4 60 $2 45 2 00 $2 85 2 35 Average 23*4 trips per (Indianapolis to Terre Haute, per round trip IPerre Haute to Effinerham, per month 73 68 4 00 100 00 1 85 2 00 2 OOt Daily except Sunday. Daily except Sunday. [tefflngham to St. Louis, per round trip 100 4 16 2 00 2 50 Daily. IPerre Haute to St. Joseph, per trip* I Perre Haute to South Bend, per trip 223 182 5 00 4 10 2 25 1 95 2 75 2 25 Daily except Sunday. Daily except Sunday. FREIGHT SERVICE' [Indianapolis to Terre Haute, through, per trip 73 2 25 1 70 II ndianapolis to Terre Haute, local, per month . . 73 85 00 57 00 Daily except Sunday. [Iferre Haute to Efflngham, through, per trip 68 2 00 1 50 [frerre Haute to Effingham, local per month 68 80 00 55 00 Daily except Sunday y^fflngham to East St. Louis through, per trip. . . pfflngham to East St. Louis, local, per month 98 98 3 00 85 00 2 00 57 00 Two r'd trips per week JTerre Haute to Logansport, through, per trip. 116 3 50 2 32 JTerre Haute to Logansport, local, per month. . 116 90 00 60 00 Two r'd trips per week. LiOgansport to South Bend, per month 66 85 00 57 00 Four r'd trips per \/v eek. feouth Bend to St. Joseph, per month poal trains, 32 to 80 mile runs, per month 40 85 00 85 00 57 00 57 00 R'd t'p daily ex. Sund'y. Daily except Sunday. Work and wrecking trains, per day 3 00 2 00 Twelve hours. * Five crews for four trains. t Per round trip. RULES. Main line passenger crews to run first in first out, except on trains Nos. 20 and 21. >ad-heading and lights, when ordered by the Company, at the same rate as if in charge of a train. When attending court on the Company's business, pay to be what- ever the crew would have made. In all investigations the accused to be represented )y a member of committee. Promotions will be governed by merit and ability. When :rains arrive at terminal stations late, Conductors shall be paid at the rate of 30 cents [per hour and Brakemen 20 cents per hour, when more than one hour late, first hour (included ; time of specials to be computed from longest through freight run on time ;ards, No. 86 on main line, and No. 25, on T. H. & L. division. August 24, 1892. N. K. ELLIO LT, Superintendent Transportation. THE WABASH RAILROAD COMPANY. PASSENGER SERVICE. Through Passenger Buns: Conductors shall receive $100 per month for runs of 5,500 miles or less, and 2 cents per mile for all mileage over 5,500 miles. On runs where Flagmen are required they shall receive $55 per month for runs of 5,500 miles or less, and li cents per mile for all mileage over 5,500 miles, and to be experienced trainmen. Baggagemen, other than joint men, shall receive $55 per month for runs of 5,500 miles or less, and H cents per mile for all mileage over 5,500 miles. Where Baggagemen are joint men between the Railroad and Express Companies the Railroad Company shall pay a proportion of any excess mileage made according to the proportion of the salary paid by the Railroad Company. Brakemen shall receive $50 per month for runs of 5,500 miles or less, and 1 cent per mile for all mileage over 5,500 miles. On Chicago and De- troit runs 6,500 miles per month will be computed the same as 5,500 miles on other runs. Crews assigned to regular runs will be paid extra for any service performed outside of their regular runs, at regular rates for class of service performed. The run between Chicago and Forrest, Decatur and St. Louis, Decatur and Bluffs, Hannibal and Bluffs, and Lafayette and Fort Wayne, shall be paid upon the same basis as through passenger runs. 172 WABASH RAILWAY. SHORT PASSENGER RUNS. BUNS. PER MONTH. Conductors. Bag'gemen. Brakemen. Pattonsburg Branch. $ 90 00 $60 00 Glasgow Branch 65 00 40 00 Columbia Branch 80 00 50 00 Montgomery Accommodation 100 00 50 00 St Charles Accommodation 90 00 55 00 Ferguson Accommodation 95 00 50 00 Worth Accommodation 90 00 50 00 Streator Accommodation 90 00 Pittsfleld Branch 75 00 50 00 Clayton and Keokuk 80 00 155 00 Dan ville and Champaign 75 00 50 00 .... . . . Effingham and Decatur 90 00 60 00 Edwardsville Branch 75 00 50 00 Covington Branch. .... 65 00 Peru and Logansport 90 00 60 00 Defiance Accommodation ... .. ... 90 00 45 00 FREIGHT SERVICE, LOCAL FREIGHT RUNS. RUNS. Mileage PER MONT a OR TRIP. Allowed. Conductors. Brakemen. Detroit and Butler $100 00 $66 00 Butler and Peru . . 3 75 2 50 Toledo and Fort Wayne 3 75 2 50 Fort Wayne and Andrews 90 00 60 00 Andrews and Lafayette 3 75 2 50 Lafayette and Tilton 3 75 2 50 Tilton and Decatur 90 00 60 00 Decatur and Springfield 90 00 60 00 Springfield and Clayton .... 90 00 60 00 Hannibal and Bluffs 90 00 60 00 Clayton and Keokuk 90 00 60 00 C licago and Forrest 90 00 60 00 Streator Branch 3 00 2 00 Forrest and Bement ... 90 00 60 00 Bement and Efflngham 90 00 60 00 Decatur and Litchfield, including Litchfield switching Litchfleld and East St Louis 95 00 3 60 65 00 2 40 St. Louis and Moberly ... . 177 03* 02* Moberly and Randolph. .... 152 (3* 02* Moberly and Ottumwa 164 03* 02* Moberly and Pattonsburg 140 03* 02* Ottumwa and Des Moines 100 03* 02* *Per mile. Road service rendered by local train crews on Sundays or other extra service shall be paid for as extra work at regular rates for the class of service performed. On coal runs between East St. Louis and Litchfield or intermediate stations, Conductor will be paid $90 per month and Brakemen $60 per month. Extra crews will receive fifty miles each way between East St. Louis and Staunton, and sixty miles each way between East St. Louis and Litchfield. The regular run between Forrest and Bement will be paid 3 and 2 cents per mile, respectively, for Conductor and Brakemen, who will be allowed sixty miles each way. Through Freight Runs: On all through freight runs of 100 miles or more, Conduct- ors shall receive 3 cents and Brakemen 2 cents per mile for the entire distance run. On all turn-arounds between Peru and Laketon Junction, and between Peru and Chili, fifty miles will b eallowed if the round trip is made in six hours. If round trip is not com- pleted in six hours, overtime will be allowed for all hours in excess of six. On all turn- arounds between Decatur and Mt. Olive or Staunton, Tilton and Decatur, Forrest and Chicago, Forrest and Decatur, Andrews and Lafayette, Defiance or Jewell, actual mileage will be allowed for the round trip, provided it is completed within that time necessary to complete the round trip at an average speed of ten miles per hour. If not completed within that time, 100 miles will be allowed each way. On all turn- arounds between Moberly and Excello, and between Ottumwa and C., B. & K. C. Junc- tion, fifty miles will be allowed if the round trip is made in five hours or less. If round trip is not completed in five hours 100 miles will be allowed, and time used in excess of twelve hours shall be paid for as overtime. On all trips from Union Depot to Luther, or vice versa, fifty miles will be allowed for each trip. On all turn-arounds between Ottumwa and Moulton 100 miles will be allowed. On all turn-arounds and divisions not specified, where mileage, is less than fifty miles, fifty miles will be allowed if round trip WABASH RAILWAY. 173 completed in five hours or less. If not completed in five hours, or if mileage is more t.han fifty miles and less than 100 miles, 100 miles will be allowed, and time used in ccess of twelve hours shall be paid for as overtime. If turn-around mileage exceeds miles actual mileage will govern. On turn-around trips crews will be considered on ity from time of starting until turn-around is completed. Crews used on short turn- krounds and making only fifty miles allowance, will stand first out, and those making |.00 miles or more will stand behind all other crews at that point. Conductor on Fergu- m run shall receive $90 and Brakemen $60 per calendar month. Crews on wrecking ;rains shall receive mileage for all mileage made running to and from wreck, and in ddition overtime rates for all hours used at wreck. If mileage and hours aggregate ?ss than fifty miles, fifty miles will be allowed. If mileage and hours aggregate more lan fifty miles and less than 100 miles allowance, 100 miles will be allowed. Crews on ;ircus or snow-plow trains will be allowed 100 miles for six hours or less service, and 150 tiles for over six hours. Crews running light, or freight trains running as a section of passenger train, shall receive through freight pay. All Pilots shall receive Conduct- r's pay for class of service performed. Work train Conductors shall receive $90 and Jrakemen $60 per calendar month, twelve hours or less to constitute a day's work, brews required to help trains over Baylis Hill will be allowed actual mileage both Tays. If overtime is gained by reason of helping trains over this hill, no overtime will allowed for the time detained by doubling. In other words, this service is not to be dd for twice. Overtime: On all through and local freight train runs of less than 100 miles over- ;ime will be paid for all time used on any trip in excess of twelve hours. On all through freight train runs of more than 100 miles overtime will be paid for all time used in naking any trip in excess of that time necessary to complete the trip at an average speed of ten miles per hour, except that on runs between Butler and Chicago, overtime will be paid after sixteen hours. On all local freight train runs of over 100 miles, over- Itime will be paid for all time used in making any trip in excess of that time necessary to complete the trip at an average speed of nine miles per hour. Fractions of an hour Less than thirty minutes will not be counted. Fractions of an hour over thirty minutes will be counted a full hour. All overtime will be paid for at the rate of 30 cents per (hour for Conductors and 20 cents per hour for Brakemen. Passenger or freight crews, >r individuals, required to make dead-head trips, shall receive one-half regular rates for the class of service which requires such dead-head trips. When dead-head service is required, the first crew out will run the train and the crew dead-heading will stand ahead of the crew with whom they dead-head on reaching terminal. Trainmen attend- jing court on Company's business will be paid their regular rate per day and necessary expenses. Trainmen, after a continuous service of sixteen hours or more, shall take sight hours' rest before they are again called for service, except in case of wrecks or similar emergencies. Trainmen will be called for duty as nearly as practicable one (hour before the time they are expected to leave. The Caller will have a book in which trainmen shall register their names and the time called. The pay of trainmen will begin one hour after they sign the Caller's book, unless they go on duty sooner. When trainmen are called for a train and the train is abandoned, the Conductor shall receive 30 cents and the Brakemen 20 cents per hour for the time held, and will stand first out. [Trainmen will be notified when time is not allowed as per time slips, and reason given why it was not allowed. If a trainman is taken off his run for any cause he shall be granted a full investigation, hearing and decision within five days, at which time he shall have the right to be present, and to have another trainman, of his own selection,, to appear and speak for him, and shall have the right to appeal from the decision of the local to the general officers of the road. Should no decision be rendered at the ex- piration of five days, he shall receive his regular pay until such decision is rendered. The convicted party shall, if he so desires, be allowed to see all evidence produced I against him. The use of intoxicating liquors, or visiting saloons, while on duty, will' be jmet with dismissal. Any employe will be dismissed without a hearing in case of inlox- !ication, insubordination or collisions. Trainmen will be in the line of promotion ac- j cording to their term of service, dependent upon their general good conduct, faithful ! discharge of their duties and ability to assume increased responsibilities. The Super- intendent to be the judge of qualifications. Promotions in train service will be con- fined to the ranks of train employes as above. When the freight traffic on any portion of the road is so light that all the crews in service are not able to make 2,600 miles per month each, a sufficient number of crews shall be laid off, beginning with the youngest men, until the crews in service are able to make reasonable wages. Any Conductor suspended under this rule shall be given preference as Brakeman. Approved : CHAS. M. HAYS, General Manager. H. L. MAGEE, February 1, 1891. General Superintendent. 174 W. VA. CENT. AND PITTS. R'Y. WIS. CENT. R'Y. WEST VIRGINIA CENTRAL AND PITTSBURG RAILROAD.* Passenger Conductors, $75 per month. Baggagemen, $30 per month from Railroad Company and $30 per month from Express Company. Passenger Brakemen, $1.60 per day. Freight Conductors, $2.25 per day for first year ; $2.50 after. Freight Flagmen. $1.75 per day for first year ; $2 after. Freight Brakemen, $1.60 per day for first year j $1.75 after. Yard Conductors and Brakemen are paid the same rate as on the road June 29, 1892. * Not official. WISCONSIN CENTRAL LINES. 1. Passenger Conductors : (a.) Passenger Conductors between Chicago and Stevens Point and Menasha, or regular trains Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8, shall run first in first out, and shall receive $110 per month ; ten crews. (&.) Between Stevens Point, Eau Claire and Minneapolis on trains Nos. 1, 2, 3, 41 7 and 8, shall run first in first out, and shall receive $110 per month ; seven crews. (c.) Between Abbotsford, Bessemer and Ashland on trains Nos. 11, 12, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 and 22, shall run first in first out, and shall receive $110 per month; four crews. During the time from March 15th to June 1st of each year an extra crew is to be put on ; provided, in the judgment of the Superintendent the business requires it. Nos. 5 and 6 between Chicago and Menasha, and Nos. 7 and 8 between Stevens Point and Eau ( Claire are to be classed as through trains. The present time card is to govern the basis on which this schedule is made. (d.) Any additional trips, such as picnic or special train, etc., are to be paid for as per above schedule, 100 miles or less to constitute a day. All runs of 25 miles or les will be counted as one-fourth of a day. All other passenger Conductors shall receiv $100 per month, except on Twin City Belt Line, where pay will remain as at presen ( e.} Crews on regular assigned runs making extra mileage are to be allowed for a extra work done, at the above rate. (/.) Each Conductor on through run is to be allowed two Brakemen regularly be tween Chicago and Minneapolis, except on trains 5 and 6, between Oct. 1st and Apr 1st, when only one will be allowed on these runs, and except on Nos. 7 and 8, north o: Stevens Point ; provided, that on trains 1, 2, 3 and 4, north of Stevens Point, the Supe intendent may put on five Flagmen instead of two regular Brakemen to each crew without extra allowance. 2. Passenger Brakemen: All passenger Brakemen shall receive $50 per month, re gardless of the runs they are on, and extra allowance, same as Conductors' schedule. 3. (a.) Freight Service: Through freight, Conductors. $2,90 per day, ten hours o less, 100 miles or less, 29 cents per hour; Brakemen, $1.95 per day, ten hours or less, 10 miles or less, 191 cents per hour ; except on the Ashland division, where pay will be a rate of 3 cents for Conductors and 2 cents for Brakemen, per mile. (&.) Way freights, Chicago and Waukesha; two crews and three Brakemen: a extra crew to be put on when business warrants, Superintendent to decide. Conductor $90 per month ; Brakemen, $60 per month. Waukesha and Oshkosh, two crews, tw< Brakemen. Conductors, $85 per month ; Brakemen, $57.50 per month. Oshkosh an( Stevens Point, two crews, three Brakemen. Stevens Point and Irvine, three crew three Brakemen. Irvine and St. Paul, same as now, two crews. Abbotsford and Me len, three crews, three Brakemen. Conductors, $85 per month ; Brakemen, $57.50 pe month. Ashland and Bessemer, one crew, with same number of Brakemen as at pre ent. Conductors, 3 cents per mile ; Brakemen, 2 cents per mile. Twenty-six or twen ty-seven days or less constitute a month, provided the crew makes all its regular runs extra for mileage made on lay-over days and Sundays, at through train rates. ( c.) Conductors now employed on Chicago and Milwaukee divisions as such will re ceive $2.80 per 100 miles, eight miles to be added to the mileage of each of these tw< divisions, making Chicago division 106 miles, and Milwaukee division 160 miles. Al Conductors promoted on these two divisions after the date of this schedule takin effect shall receive $2.90 per 100 miles, actual mileage, 100 miles to be allowed for th Chicago division. Brakemen to receive $1.95 per 100 miles, same computation. (d.) On Portage branch trainmen will be paid through freight train rates whe making 100 miles or less (on extra trains), which will constitute a. day; whenmakin over 100 miles actual mileage to be counted. This rule does not apply to regula trains, which will be allowed, as at present, 100 miles over the branch. (e.) Work trains: Conductors will receive $85 and Brakemen $57.50 per month Twenty-six days to constitute a month, and twelve hours or less constituting a day work. All over twenty-six days is to be paid for at same rate, and all over twelv WISCONSIN CENTRAL RAILWAY. 175 hours to be paid for at through train rates. Trainmen will be allowed mileage made, going to or from work, when handling freight, at through train rates. (/.) Overtime in road service shall be paid for at the rate of ten miles per hour on basis of rate and classification. Overtime shall begin after ten hours in service. In computing all overtime, thirty minutes or over will be counted as one hour after first hour. On all through freight runs of over 100 miles, Conductors and Brakemen shall be paid for all mileage made on each run, and in addition to actual mileage overtime shall be allowed and paid them on the basis of ten miles per hour. This does not apply to way freights. ( g.) Local crews will not be required to do construction work, loading or unloading material, to exceed one hour on each trip, arid if so held they will be paid at overtime rates while engaged strictly at this work. 4. (a.) Trainmen held in yards or terminals waiting for trains or engines beyond the time train was specified or due to leave, will be allowed and paid for each hour held, at rates for overtime, provided train is held one hour or more. ( b.) Trainmen required to remain on duty with their trains after arrival at termi- nal stations one hour or more, shall be paid tderefor at overtime rates. 5. When time is not allowed as per Conductor's daily time slip, it shall be returned at once with the reason for not allowing the time. 6. (a.) When trains for which men have been called are abandoned, they shall be allowed not less than one-fourth day, and stand first out ; provided they are not again required for service within two and one- half hours from time first specified to leave, in which case they will be paid overtime, as per rule governing time before starting. (6.) Trainmen when required to do switching at terminals will be paid for such service at schedule rates for overtime. 7. (a.) Trainmen will be called as nearly as practicable one hour and fifteen min- utes before leaving time of train. The Caller will have a book in which trainmen will register their names and the time when they were called. (b.) There will be one or more Callers at all division terminals, except Rugby Junction and Abbotsford, to call trainmen for all trains or runs, except on passenger trains between the hours of 6 a. m. and 10 p. m. (c.) After sixteen hours of continuous service, or more, trainmen will be entitled to and allowed eight hours' rest at terminals, provided they so desire and give timely notice thereof, except in cases of washouts, wrecks and other similar emergencies. 8. (a.) In making up trains yardmen shall put all air cars on the head end of train and next to the engine when practicable. (b.) At terminal stations where switch engines are stationed, yardmen shall ascer- tain where trains are and let all trains into the yards when practicable to do so. 9. All allowances made to regular trains will be made to extra trains. 10. (a.) On all turn-arounds or short runs, switch engines and crews are to make up trains where switch engines are stationed, except on special order of Superin- tendent. (b.} On turn-arounds or short runs, where trainmen make up their own trains, they shall be paid for such time doing this work at overtime rates, thirty minutes or over to count as one hour. ( c.) When trainmen are required to shovel coal from cars, shed or platform, they will be paid for same at rate of six cents per ton, dividing this between the men employed. 11. (a.) Trainmen dead-heading over the road in Company's service will receive half mileage, provided that not less than full mileage be allowed where no other ser- vice- is performed same date ; full mileage to be allowed when dead-heading on freight trains. New men employed will receive no pay dead-heading to work. (b.} In ordering crews the first crew out shall run the train, the second crew dead- heading when such service is required ; the crew dead-heading being ahead of the crew with which they dead-headed on reaching the terminal of that run. 12. ( a.) When held as witnesses for the Company, trainmen and yardmen will be paid schedule rates, one day or 100 miles for each calendar day. ( b.) Allowances for necessary expenses will be made when on Company business. Time held attending court is to be certified to by the Company's attorney. 13. Freight trainmen will be allowed full freight train rates and mileage for hand- ling passenger trains or passenger equipment. When more than one round trip is made on regular passenger runs, passenger Conductors' schedule is to govern the pay. 14. ( a.) When good cause is shown for doubling hills, actual mileage will be allowed. (b.) Any trip to and from the stock yards by Chicago division crews, or train crews, will be estimated at ten miles per hour. 15. Whenever a Conductor is sent over the road with an engine without a train or caboose he shall receive pay of a through freight Conductor. 176 WISCONSIN CENTRAL RAILWAY. 16. The right to regular runs and to promotion will be governed by merit, ability and seniority. Everything being equal the Conductor or Brakeman longest in the ser- vice will have the preference. The Superintendent is to be the judge of the qualifica- tions. Nothing in this article shall be construed as preventing the Company from em- ploying experienced men from other roads, or promoting them from the ranks of the Brakemen, when the good of the service requires it. Experienced men to be construed as those who have had at least one year's experience as a Conductor. None who are known to use liquor as a beverage will be selected. 17. Freight Conductors will be promoted to passenger trains according to their ability and age of continuous service on their respective divisions ; the question of age and ability to be determined by the Superintendents. No Conductor will be employed as a passenger Conductor unless he has had one or more years of experience as a freight Conductor. 18. Trainmen will rank from the date they are employed, and in the event of there being a surplus of men, the oldest in the service and married men on their re-1 spective divisions shall have the preference of employment. This is to be decided to the best interests of all concerned. 19. No more men are to be employed in the through freight service than are nec- essary to do the work and earn a reasonable monthly compensation of not less than 2,600 miles, at the schedule established. Whenever in the judgment of the trainmen there are too many crews, a committee of not less than three Conductors and two Brakemen, in good standing, employed on the division, may call the attention of the Trainmaster or Superintendent to such surplus of men, when the matter will be fully! investigated, and if the conditions are found to warrant it, will be remedied, it being] always understood that men will be retained under seniority of rights, as provided for in Article 18. 20. Conductors and Brakemen charged with offenses involving either suspension or t discharge, shall have a full investigation within a reasonable time, which, except in.j extreme and unavoidable cases, shall not exceed five days. If, after investigation, the Conductor or Brakeman is found blameless, he shall be immediately reinstated and re- ceive full pay for all time lost on account of such suspension or discharge. Trainmen charged with offenses involving either suspension or discharge, excepting in cases in- volving fraud or dishonesty, will be advised of the offenses in writing. All parties cor cerned will be present at the investigation. 21. It is the rule and intention of the Company to run through freight crews first in first out. But circumstances may arise where this should be changed and the Com- pany reserves the right to do so. For instance, it may be deemed advisable to run cer- tain crews upon certain designated trains, and the Company must be at liberty to arrange such matters for its best interests. 22. (a.) Conductors in charge of trains will be held responsible for their safe management, and shall have the right and power to place their Brakemen as their best judgment may dictate, so long as it does not conflict with the book of rules ; but! nothing in this clause shall give the Conductor the right to discriminate against an old Brakeman. All things being equal the oldest Brakeman shall have the preference to the rear end. ( b.) In any case where a Brakeman fails to obey orders of a Conductor he shall be suspended or discharged, as the case may require, upon a thorough investigation by ( the proper officials. (c.) No Conductor shall be required to take out more than one inexperienced Brakeman on any train. 23. Brakemen who have never worked on a freight train shall work at leas % t one year on a freight train before they will be entitled to an examination for promotion' to a freight Conductorship. 24. No fines shall be imposed on a Conductor or Brakeman for damages. 25. There shall be no discrimination against any employe of the Company on ac- count of being a member of any of the railway organizations. 26. (a.) When trainmen or yardmen leave the service of the Company 1hey shall be given letters stating the time of service, in what capacity or capacities employed, and cause of leaving the service. (6.) Letters shall be given three days from application, providing the men shall have worked on the division thirty days or over, and shall be signed and stamped by j the Division Superintendent. 27. Trainmen or yardmen who have been discharged, and who upon further investi- gation are found to have been unjustly dealt with, will be reinstated, provided the mat- ter is settled within two months from the time of discharge ; otherwise, if re-employed, they shall rank as new men on the road or in the yard. 28. The train now on the Marshfield branch, and trains Nos. 229 and 230, between Rugby Junction and Milwaukee, are to be known and classed as local trains, and will do the same work as at present. ZANESVILLE & OHIO RIVER R'Y. CHICAGO & ERIE R'Y. 177 29. On the Eau Claire branch runs Conductors are to receive $85, and Brakemen per month. 30. (a.) This agreement on the part of the Company will be observed by all con- j;erned. The signing Conductors and Brakemen agree, for themselves and associates, to do their part toward a faithful observance of the same, and should a real or imag- inary grievance arise from any cause, will select a favorable opportunity to present the same to the proper authority. (b.) All previous agreements are hereby abolished. This schedule shall not be [altered or amended except by mutual consent. WISCONSIN CENTRAL LINES, NORTHERN PACIFIC R. R. CO., Lessee, 'or Order of Railway Conductors : G. CAMPBELL, E. HAMILTON, Chairman. General Superintendent. IRA YANTIS, Approved: S. R. AINSLEE, PETER McHUGH. General Manager. |For Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen : H. L. CAMERON, Chairman, L. T. KANE, T. GRAY, O. OSTERMYER. March 1, 1892. ZANESVILLE & OHIO RIVER RAILWAY COMPANY. Passenger Conductors, $70 per month, 150 miles per day. Passenger Brakemen, 1 [cent per mile, 150 miles per day. Baggagemasters, $50 per month, 150 miles per day. [(Freight Conductors receive $2.50 and $2.75 per day and run 75 miles. Freight Brake- nen receive $1.60 and $1.80 per day and run 75 miles. We employ no Switchmen or rardmen, the crews doing their own switching. At the Zanesville terminus we occupy lithe C. & M. V. passenger and freight depot and their yard engine does the switching. May 16, 1892. J. HOPE SUTOR, General Manager. CHICAGO & ERIE RAILWAY. 1. The pay of Conductors on through passenger trains will be two cents per mile, ind one cent per mile for dead-heading on Company's business. Baggagemen will re- [ceive one cent per mile, and one-half cent per mile for dead-heading. Brakemen on irough passenger trains will receive 9-10 cents per mile. Trains 9 and 10, milk run, in every day in the month, 140 miles per day,) Conductors will receive 2 cents per lile, Baggagemen will receive $53.00 per month, and Brakemen $50.00 per month, 'rains 3 and 12, the Flagman will receive $50.00 per month. 2. Through Freight Conductors will receive 2 9-10 cents per mile. Brakemen will [receive 1 98-100 cents per mile, 80 to 100 miles to constitute a day's work. All over 100 miles, Conductors to receive 2 9-10 cents per mile, and Brakemen 1 98-100 cents per mile; except that for five hours or less service 50 miles or one-half day be allowed. On runs jof more than 50 miles, or less than 80, actual mileage will be allowed. 3. The Conductors on all local freights will receive $84.00 per month, and local I Brakemen will receive $54.00 per month. After 14 hours on duty overtime will com- mence. Conductors will be allowed 27i cents per hour, and Brakemen 17i cents, time to be counted from leaving time of trains, 30 minutes or more to be counted one hour, (less than 30 minutes not to be counted. 4. Conductors of work or construction trains will receive $2.90 per day, 50 to 100 | miles, or 5 to 12 hours to constitute a day's work. 5. Conductors who are required by order of a superior officer to dead-head over I any division on business of the railway, shall receive one-half regular pay per day for ' Ime spent, and for attending court as witnesses at the request of the railway, shall ;eive $2.90 per day, and $1.00 per day for expenses. Brakemen will be allowed one- tlf regular pay per day for dead-heading over any division on business of the railway, ! and for attending court as witness at the request of the railway, will receive $1.98 per iday, and $1.00 per day for expenses. 6. All through freight Conductors will, when practicable, be assigned to divisions tto run first in first out on the divisions to which they are assigned. The right to the 'regular runs will be governed by their ability and seniority, all other things being equal. 7. When a Conductor or Brakemen has been taken off his run for cause, an inves- tigation will be held at as early a date as possible, and within 10 days or less, unless i circumstances intervene to prevent. The right of any employe is recognized to per- Ifionally appear before the proper officers and present grievances for a hearing, and ad- justment without prejudice. It is not deemed necessary to have a second party appear in behalf of the accused during the investigation. 178 CHICAGO & EASTERN ILLINOIS RAILWAY. 8. No greater number of freight crews shall be employed than can reasonably be expected to make at least 2,500 miles per month; and any Conductor who has been on duty 15 consecutive hours shall have at least 6 hours rest before going out again, unless he goes voluntarily. Same rule applies to Brakemen. 9. The Conductors and Brakemen not to be called for duty until a reasonable time before the train is to leave. It would be impossible for all crews to be called just one hour before leaving time, on account of the great diversity of places the Caller woulc have to visit to call the men. In case a Conductor and Brakeman are called for 2 train and the train is annulled, the Conductor shall receive 27i cents per hour anc Brakemen 17i cents, for time on duty, and shall stand first out. After being on duty 13 hours on East Division, and 14 hours on Western Division, overtime will commence at the rate of 27i cents for Conductors and 17i cents per hour for Brakemen. In com- puting time, any fraction of an hour less than 30 minutes will not be counted, over 30 minutes will be counted one hour. Overtime to commence from leaving time. Train- men to strictly observe the rule to be on hand 30 minutes before leaving time. 10. All Officers, Conductors, Engineers, Firemen and Brakemen will observe strict courtesy of manner in their intercourse with each other and with all other employes 11. Employes will not be dismissed from the service of this Company on account of serving on Grievance Committees. 12. In case of damage to the property of the railway, the offending person shall be subject to suspension, equitable fine, or dismissal, as the necessities of the case may demand, time of suspension not to exceed in money valise the amount of the fine. 13. Local cars to be set out will be placed in the head end of trains on through: freight. It is the intention of this Company as soon as consistent with the financia condition of the road, to place air brakes on all its mogul engines. It is not considerec that the putting on of the third Brakeman on mogul trains is necessary for the service 14. Uniformity of height of cars next to engines and cabooses is regarded impor- tant, and will be carried out as often as may be consistent without unnecessary switch- ing to obtain the result. Approved as above : March 1, 1890. G. M. BEACH, General Manager C. & A. Ry. SUPPLEMENT. On and after April 1st, 1892: Increase the pay of Brakemen on through passenger trains one mill per mile, making the future rate ten mills instead of nine mills pei mile. Increase the pay of Brakemen on trains 13 and 14, one mill per mile, making the future rate nine mills instead of eight mills per mile. Increase the pay of Baggage- men on the North Judson and Chicago run, $2.00 per month, making the rate $55.00 in- stead of $53.00 per month as at present; Brakemen on the North Judson and Chicagc run, $55.00 instead of $50.00 per month as at present. J. C. MOORHEAD, April 2, 1892. General Superintendent. CHICAGO & EASTERN ILLINOIS RAILROAD COMPANY. OPERATING THE CHICAGO & INDIANA COAL RAILWAY. Through Passenger Runs: Conductors, $100 per month; Baggagemen, $57.50 per month; Baggagemen joint with Express Comp tny, $60 perm nth; passenger Brake- men, $48 per month. Crews assigned to regular runs will be paid extra for any service performed outside of their regular runs at the regular rates for class of service performed. SJwrt Passenger Buns : Watseka and Terre Haute, Conductors $90, and Brakemert $50 per month. St. Louis- division, Conductors $90, and Brakemen $50 per month. Suburban, including Momence and Chicago, Conductors $95, and Brakemen $52.50 per month, and Flagmen $45 per month. Local Freight Runs : Conductors $85, and Brakemen $57.50 per month. All loca freight runs to have three Brakemen, except Terre Haute and St. Louis divisions, which will have what is called the Swingman, who will receive $60 per month. Ci^sna Park, Conductors $75 per month, two Brakemen $50 per month each. Extra road ser- vice rendered by local train crews shall be paid for at the regular rate for class od work performed. Through Freight Runs: On all through runs of 100 miles or more, Conductors shall receive 3 cents and Brakemen 2 cents per mile for the entire distance run. All coal runs between Danville and Grape Creek shall receive, Conductors $80 per month, anc Brakemen $55 per month. Freight trains will be allowed three Brakemen when the CHICAGO & EASTERN ILLINOIS RAILWAY. 179 work requires it, the Superintendent of Transportation or Trainmaster to be the one to decide when this is necessary. Through freight runs on Terre Haute division to be based as follows : Danville to Terre Haute and return, and Danville to Brazil and re- turn, to constitute a trip same as through freight on longer divisions and based on 12 hours for a day's work. Conductors to receive 3 cents per mile, and Brakemen 2 cents per mile. Where trains are run from Danville to Terre Haute and return, or from Danville to Brazil and return, one way local and return on through freight, time is to be computed on the basis of 13 hours ; on the same runs where trains are run both ways as local freight, time to be computed on the basis of 14 hours, and overtime to be allowed at the rate of 30 cents per hour for Conductors and 20 cents per hour for Brake- men, after 12 hours on through freight, 13 hours on local and through freight, and 14 hours on local freight. Freight Conductors promoted from Brakemen shall receive two-tenths of a cent per mile less than regular rates for the first year's service. Freight Conductors having regular crews will not be called upon to take extra runs when an extra Conductor can be obtained. Clinton Mine run to receive, Conductors $85 per month, and Brakemen $57.50 per month ; overtime after 12 hours. Turn-around trips between Chicago and Momence will be paid as follows : Conductors, first-class, $3.50, second-class. $3.25; Brakemen, $2.30 round trip, overtime to be allowed after six hours each way. Short runs not otherwise specified, where mileage is 50 miles or less, will be allowed 50 miles ; over 50 miles and less than 100 miles to be allowed 100 miles, provided no other mileage is made on that same date. If aggregate mileage made on any date equals or exceeds 100 miles, actual mileage will govern ; dates to begin and end at midnight, and each trip to date from starting time. Work Trains: Conductors of work trains shall receive $3 per day, and Brakemen $2 per day. Crews Running Light: Crews running light shall receive two-thirds of regular through freight pay. Pilots: Conductors piloting engines over the road shall receive freight Conductor's pay for such service. Dead-head Trips: Freight crews required to make dead-head trips shall receive one-half the rate for the class of service which requires such dead-head trip. Crews Attending Court: Trainmen attending court on the Company's business will be allowed regular pay. Overtime: All over 12 hours on through freight or work trains, and 14 hours on local freight trains, will be paid for as overtime at the rate of 30 cents per hour for Conduc- tors and 20 cents per hour for Brakemen, provided that such overtime is not the fault of such Conductor or Brakeman. Trainmen required to remain on duty after anival at terminal station will be allowed yard delay time for all such time on duty. Frac- tions of an hour less than 35 minutes will not be counted ; over 35 minutes and less than 60 minutes to be counted an hour. Best: Trainmen, after continued service of 16 hours or more, shall take sufficient rest before they are again called for service, except in cases of wrecks or similar emergencies. Trainmen living within one mile of yard offices to be called up to go out as near as practicable, two hours before the time they are expected to leave ; the Caller to have a book in which the trainmen shall register their names and time called. Any Conductor or Brakeman failing to respond after being thus called shall be liable to suspension or discharge, as the General Superintendent or Superintendent of Trans- portation may determine. Their time will begin two hours after they sign the Caller's book, unless they go on duty sooner. When trainmen are called for a train, and the said train is afterward annulled, the Conductor shall receive 30 cents per hour and the Brakeman 20 cents per hour for the time held, and shall stand first out. Trainmen will be notified when time is not allowed as per time slip, and the reason why it was not allowed. Trainmen Taken Off Run: If a trainman is relieved from duty for any cause, he shall be granted a thorough investigation, hearing and decision within five days, at which investigation he shall have the right to be present, and to have another Con- ductor or Brakeman, as the case may be, of his own selection, to appear to speak for him, and shall have the right to appeal from the local to the general officers of the road, and a decision in five days after presenting his appeal, and in case such decision not made within five days on such appeal, one-half pay shall begin and continue un- ;il such decision is made. Promotions: Trainmen will be in line of promotion according- to their time of ser- vice, dependent upon their general good conduct and the faithful discharge of their duties, and their ability to assume increased responsibilities, the Superintendent of Transportation to be judge of such qualifications. The Railroad Company has the right to employ one Conductor to one Brakeman promoted. Promotion in the train service to be confined to the ranks of train employes as above. When practicable, Conductors and Brakemen shall be assigned to regular runs. On all freight trains ex- cept local freight trains, they will run first in first out, unless the service requires it 180 CHICAGO GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY. otherwise. The right to regular runs will be governed by merit, ability and seniority. Everything being equal, the Conductors and Brakemen longest in faithful service will! have the preference. When the freight traffic is so light that the crews in service are not able to make reasonable wages, crews will be taken off, beginning with the youngest men, until the crews left in service are able to make reasonable wages. Conductors taken off under this rule will be given preference as Brakemen, and again placed on their runs when business demands an increase of crews. CHICAGO & EASTERN ILLINOIS RAILROAD COMPANY, For the Order of Railway Conductors : CHAS. H. ROCKWELL, W. M. BELL, Chairman. General Superintendent. S. P. NOEL, FRED SMITH, Secretary. For the Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen : CHAS. J. KNIERIM, Chairman, J. SCHOOLCRAFT, C. A. ISBELL, Secretary. July 15, 1892. CHICAGO GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY COMPANY. 1. Rate of compensation for passenger Conductors on main line trains, $115 per] month. Brakeman, $55 per month. Nine Baggagemen between Minneapolis and Chi-| cago, $65 per month. Present rates in effect on Waverly and other branch lines, als( Savannah suburban service, to remain the same as at present. When crews on daily! runs exceed the monthly mileage of such runs they shall be paid pro rata. Crews run-l ning on local passenger trains may be used for extra serivce when required without^ extra compensation, provided they do not exceed the mileage made by crews on daily runs. When such mileage is exceeded extra compensation will be allowed at regular! rates. In filling vacancies in the ranks of passenger Conductors the freight Conductor longest in continuous service of the company on division or divisions now established asj passenger divisions shall be selected if qualified. 2. Through Freight Service. Conductors and Brakemen shall be paid at the rate of j 3 and 2 cents per mile respectively. One hundred miles or less, ten hours or less, shall constitute one day's work. All over 100 miles or over ten hours to be paid pro rata. All doubles of less than 85 miles, if made within fourteen hours, actual mileage will bej allowed. If not doubled within fourteen hours, one day each way will be allowed. ( This! in no way to conflict with first paragraph of this Article.) 3. The actual number of days in any calendar month, exclusive of Sundays, will constitute one month's work for any specified month in local or work train service. All] mileage over and above the regular monthly. mileage to be paid for at regular freight] train rates. 4. Local Freight Service. Chicago Division: There shall be placed upon this divisioi four regular freight crews: Between Robey street and Byron two crews, to consist ol one Conductor and three Brakemen each ; between Byron and Fair Grounds, two crewsj to consist of one Conductor and two Brakemen each. Dubuque Division: Upon this division there shall be three regularly assigned crews, consisting of one Conductor and three Brakemen each. St. Paul Division: Upon this division there shall be two regularly assigned crews consisting of one Conductor and three Brakemen each, regular freight train mileag< to be allowed. Des Moines Division : Upon this division there shall be three regularly assigne< crews, to consist of one Conductor and three Brakemen each. St. Joseph Division : Upon this division there shall be three regularly assignee crews, to consist of one Conductor and two Brakemen each. The compensation for local freight trainmen shall be $90 for Conductors and $6(j for Brakemen, per month. ( St. Paul division excepted, as per third paragraph of thit Article.) 5. Overtime: In computing overtime on several divisions, overtime will be allowecj after the expiration of the following hours: On the Chicago division, 17 hours; on tl Dubuque division, 12 hours; on the ST. Paul division, 13 hours; on the Des Moines " ion, 13 hours; on the St. Joseph division, 151 hours; on the Kansas City division, hours. In computing overtime no fraction of an hour less than thirty minutes to considered; thirty minutes and over constitute one hour. In case any regular or exti freight train is required to do construction work, such as unloading Company material) mileage will be allowed at the rate of ten miles per hour for all time over one hour sq delayed. 6. Work Train Service : Compensation for work train crews will be $90 for Conduct] ors and $60 for Brakemen, per month, twelve hours or less to constitute one day's workl CHICAGO GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY. 181 Ul time over twelve hours will be paid pro rata. Crews will not suffer any reduction n salary on account of train not working- when held for duty between division termi- lals. 7. Switching Service : When trainmen are required to do switching at terminal ind turn-round stations they shall receive compensation for such service at road rates, r iz.: ten miles per hour, no allowance to be made for less than thirty minutes. GENERAL RULES. 1. Freight trainmen assigned to passenger service not exceeding one round trip l be allowed regular freight rates. For handling passenger equipment freight train ates will govern. 2. It is the rule of the Company to run crews first in first out. This rule, however, annot be rigidly carried out at all times, and the proper officers of the Company will r ary therefrom only in case of an emergency. Everything being equal, the oldest Conductors and Brakemen in the service of the Company will have choice of runs upon .heir respective divisions. In case, however, the oldest man declines to take the run o which his age in the service entitles him, the man superseding him to be ahead of dm in line of further or future promotion. 3. Freight trainmen will be called, at division terminal stations by a train Caller, riio will be provided with a book in which the men called will register their names, to- 'ether with the time they are called. The district within which trainmen will be ailed will be established by the Division Superintendent. This will not apply to Kan- as City terminal and branch runs. 4. The working time of all freight trainmen will commence from the time the rain is ordered to leave. 5. Whenever freight trainmen are called and for any reason, other than their own ction, do not go out and are held on duty less than five hours, they will be allowed fty miles. If held on duty over five hours they will be allowed ten miles per hour for til time so held. Crews rele*ased after being held seven and one-half hours or less tand first out ; when held over seven and one-half hours, and are then released, they l go behind all crews at that point. 6. Crews of wrecking trains will be paid mileage for all mileage running to and Torn a wreck and, in addition, overtime rates for all hours used at wreck. 7. Conductors, Baggagemen and Brakemen will not be suspended nor dismissed 'rom the Company's service without just cause. In case of suspension or dismissal, if in employe thinks his sentence unjust he shall have the right, within ten days, to refer is case by written statement to the Division Superintendent. Within ten days after he receipt of this notice his case shall have a thorough investigation, at which he nay be present if he so desires. In the event of it not being to the convenience of the Company to have present the party making the charge, written statement of the ab- entee will be considered sufficient. In case of intoxication or insubordination dis- nissal will follow without hearing. In case suspension or dismissal is found to be njust he shall be reinstated and paid for all time lost. 8. When freight traffic is so light that crews cannot make regular wages ( about 1,000 miles per month ) crews will be taken off, in the order of promotion, until crews emaining are able to make about that amount. Conductors thus reduced shall, as ar as practicable, be given preference as Brakemen until such time as the increase of msiness warrants their reinstatement as Conductors. This not to include crews as- igned to regular runs. Every employe should understand that it is his privilege and uty to make a written appeal to his Superintendent whenever, by promotion, reduc- ion or assignment, he deems that injustice has been done him. 9. When attending law suits, at the Company's request, full time will be allowed ; expenses paid when away from home stations. 10. When a change of divisions or train runs requires trainmen to change their laces of residence they will be furnished free transportation for their families and ;heir household goods. 11. Trainmen leaving the service of the Company shall be given, by the proper >fficer, a letter stating time of service, capacity employed in and cause for leaving; aid letter not to be given unless the party has been employed on the division six nonths or more. 12. Any trainman after continuous service of sixteen hours or more shall, upon a written or telegraphic notice upon Trainmaster or Division Superintendent, be entitled o eight hours' rest before he is again called for service, except in cases of wrecks, vashouts or snow blockades, and providing also that such notice is given prior to or at he expiration of any run. The crews following will have the right to run around any rew lying over for rest. Crews will not be released between division terminals. 13. Trainmen dead-heading over the road on Company business, on passenger rains, will be paid half regular freight train rates. When dead-heading on freight 182 CHICAGO & NORTHWESTERN RAILWAY. trains full rates will be allowed. When necessary to dead-head crews on freight trains the first crew out will run the train and the second crew dead-head, the crew dead- heading" to stand ahead of the crew running the train on arrival at terminal point. 14. Whenever a trainman is transferred from his department by the request of the Company, he does not forfeit his rights in the department he leaves. 15. A trainman being suspended shall be notified in writing, which shall plainly state length of time suspended and cause therefor. 16. When time is not allowed as per Conductors' daily time slips they shall be re- turn* d at once, stating cause. 17. In line of promotion two Brakemen will be promoted from rank of Brakeman, according to age on respective divisions and their ability to assume the duties of Con- ductor. For every two Brakemen so promoted one Conductor may be hired or pro- moted from the rank of Brakeman regardless of age in the service. Any Conductor so hired or promoted shall have had at least one year's experience on a steam surface railway as Conductor and shall be required to pass such examination as the rules of this Company may require. 18. If, for any cause, a Conductor is unable to take out his crew an extra Con- ductor shall be furnished as soon as possible. 19. In case of any change in the present division terminals the established runs will be changed by the officers of the Company, when in their judgment it will serve the Company's interest to do so. 20. Actual mileage will be allowed for doubling hills. 21. When reasonable notice has been given, members of grievance committee will be granted unlimited leave of absence when on committee business. Transportation will be granted to grievance committees to any point of meeting on this system, upon application to Division Superintendent. 22. When pilots are used they will be paid regular through freight Conductors' rate. 23. The necessary officers and trainmen will be furnished with copies of this schedule. 24. No departure from the provisions of this agreement will be made by any party thereto without reasonable notice of such a desire, in writing, having been served upon other parties thereto. The articles enumerated constitute in their entirety an agree- ment between the Chicago Great Western Railway Company and its Conductors, Bag- gagemen and Brakemen. J. A. KELLY, E. H. RIGGS, Chairman for the Conductors. D. McNAB, A. J PATERSON, Chairman for the Trainmen. B. F. EGAN, Approved : JNO. M. EGAN, J. BERLINGETT, General Manager. Division Superintendents. December 1, 1892. CHICAGO & NORTHWESTERN RAILWAY COMPANY. PASSENGER TRAINMEN'S SCHEDULE. 1. Compensation: Extra compensation shall be allowed Passenger Trainmen for all mileage made in excess of their regular runs, except on suburban trains, and where the mileage is less than 2,600 miles. Passenger Trainmen called upon to do freight work will receive the same compensation as men in freight service. When a Passen- ger Conductor is taken off his regular run to run specials, or extras, he shall receive! 3 cents per mile for such service. When a Passenger Conductor doubles for such Con- ductor, taken off his regular run, he shall receive such compensation as such Conduc-; tor would receive, in addition to his regular salary. No deduction shall be made forj any time lost on account of snow blockades or washouts. On divisions where extra* Passenger Conductors are employed, their pay shall be $100.00 per month, and the$ shall not be called upon to do freight work. Milk Conductors will be paid $55.00 per month. 2. Kights and Privileges of Passenger Trainmen: No rights heretofore enjoyed by Passenger Trainmen shall be abrogated. The rights of Passenger Baggagemen and Brakemen commence on the day of their first trip, and they shall have the choice ofi runs to which their age as Brakemen or Baggagemen entitles them, provided they are morally and intellectually fitted for it in the opinion of their Superintendent. Passen- ger Brakemen will be promoted to the position of Baggagemen in their regular order where they are competent, the Superintendent of the Division to be the judge. Extra Passenger Brakemen will be promoted to regular runs according to date of their fiist trip in passenger service, and the compensation for such service will be the same as the Brakemen would receive for whom they run. Passenger Trainmen will be allowed to lay off on account of sickness of themselves or their families, to serve on committees or for other good and sufficient reasons, providing due notice is given the proper officer, CHICAGO & NORTHWESTERN RAILWAY. 183 b that their places may be filled. Any Passenger Trainman having- been absent to ex- eed six consecutive months, thereby forfeits all rights with the Company, except in |ase of sickness, or where leave of absence has been granted. No leave of absence ill be granted to exceed one year, nor re-instatements made after one year's contin- ious absence, except in case of sickness. Where passenger crews run over more than |ne freight division, the oldest Passenger Trainmen will be considered as entitled to romotipn to passenger runs as above. Nothing in this article shall be considered as reventing the Company from employing experienced men when the service requires it. yhen a Passenger Trainman leaves one division of his own accord, to work on another ivision, he will be considered a new employe, but should he be transferred by order of e Company, the same right he possessed on the first division will be retained on his ;turn. The employment of Brakemen and Baggagemen is placed in the hands of the Division Superintendent, but Brakemen will in all cases be placed as Conductor's best |idgment may dictate. FREIGHT TRAINMEN'S SCHEDULE. 1. Hates and Grades: There shall be two grades of Freight Conductors established, Ind the compensation shall be as follows: (a) For the first year's actual service after romotion from a Brakeman, $68.00 per month, (b) For the second year's service, and [hereafter, $78.00 per month. There shall be two grades of Freight Brakemen estab- .shed, and the compensation shall be as follows: (a) For the first three months of ac- tual service, $45. 00 per month, (b) For all service thereafter, $52.00 per month. Con- uctors of way freight trains will be paid $85.00, and Brakemen $60.00 for 2,600 miles or ess, made in any one month. All mileage made in any one month in excess of 2,600 pies will be paid for extra at the rate of 3i cents per mile for Conductors and 2 3-10 ents per mile for Brakemen. (a) Conductors on work trains will be paid not less than 85.00 and Brakemen $55.00 per month of 26 days, 10 hours or less to constitute a day's rork, providing crews are not called for further duty the same date. All time made p excess of 10 hours will be paid for at the rate of 3i cents per mile for Conductors id 2 1-10 cents per mile for Brakemen. (b) Work Train Conductors having charge gangs of men and acting as foreman will receive $15.00 in addition to the $85.00 per lonth. The pay of crews on mixed trains shall be computed at freight rates. Freight onduc tors temporarily in passenger^ service will be paid freight mileage. Tecnpo- irily is construed to mean anything less than one month. One month and over will be lid for at passenger rates. In no case, however, shall an extra Conductor receive ore pay for a part of a month than the regular Conductor would have received for ic whole month, even should the mileage exceed the amount of a full month's pay. -ainmen attending court under instructions from the Company will be paid 100 miles day and living expenses while away from home. 2. Rules for Computation: The monthly compensation is to be based on a mileage jf 2,600 miles or 26 days per month, and any excess over this mileage made by Freight tinmen will be paid for in the same proportion as the monthly compensation is to ,600 miles. If the mileage of a Freight Trainman falls below 2,600 miles in any one )onth, and he has been ready for service, losing no time on his own account, in such lases full time for 2,600 miles shall be allowed. The first year's service is to consist of 2 calendar months. Should it become necessary to reduce the force on account of (ecreased business, and the Conductor still remains in the employ of the Company as Jrakeman, his promotion is to date from the time he made his first trip as Conductor, |.nd he shall receive the highest rate paid Brakemen. Freight Trainmen will be no- fied when time is not allowed as per trip report. Brakemen who are laid off on ac- lount of decreased business will be reinstated and hold their rights as per Article 8, [rovided they report for work when wanted. 3. Extra Mileage: All Freight Trainmen on regular runs will receive compensa- ion for extra mileage made outside of their regular runs. All runs of less than 100 liles shall be computed as one day's work, provided the men do not go out again the Line day, except on branch runs where the mileage is less than 60 miles per day, where ie Company reserves the right to make special agreements with its Trainmen as to compensation they shall receive. Where crews are required to double hills, such iws will be allowed the extra mileage made. All crews going through to Union :k Yards will be paid at the rate of 15 miles per hour. This work to be conisdered extra work, Western Avenue being considered a terminal for all freight runs on the ralena Division and Mayfair on the Wisconsin Division. 4. Delayed Time: Trainmen will be called, as nearly as possible, one hour before ie leaving time of their trains. They will be paid for all delayed time at terminal tations, provided the delay exceeds one hour. They will also be paid for all delayed Lme between terminal stations in case of accidents, washouts, snow or unloading or >ading material, provided no claim will be made unless there is a full hour's delay, or ' train arrives at its terminal on time. All delayed time will be paid at the rate of 10 184 CHICAGO & NORTHWESTERN RAILWAY. miles per hour. When trains for which men have been called are abandoned, men will be paid for the time held between times, should the time exceed one hour. Where trains are delayed for which men have been called, delayed time will be allowed at rates governing the same, commencing from the time the train is scheduled to leave. No time will be allowed unless there is a full hour's delay. 5. Dead-head Time: Trainmen will be allowed 10 miles per hour for dead-heading on passenger trains. All other dead-heading shall be computed as actual miles run. When freight crews and way-cars are ordered dead-head, the crews shall accompany their way cars. In ordering crews, the first crew shall run the train, the next crew dead-heading, when such service is required, said crew being ahead of the crew with whom they dead-head, on reaching the terminal of that run. 6. Switching Service : If Freight Trainmen are required to do switching at terminal stations, either before leaving or after arriving at such terminal, they will be paid extra for all such switching at the rate of 10 miles per hour. Less than 45 minutes will not be counted ; 45 minutes and less than one hour will be counted one hour. It is to be fully understood that freight crews will not be called on to do switching where switch engines are employed, except in cases of absolute necessity. 7. Discipline: In case of dismissal or suspension of a Trainman by any one below the Division Superintendent in rank, he shall have the right to appeal to the Division Superintendent for a full and impartial investigation. Should the Division Superin- tendent fail to adjust the case, the Trainman may appeal to the General Superintendent or the General Manager. No fault shall be found with a Trainman who refuses to go out on account of needed rest. When a Freight Trainman is taken from his run for an alleged fault, an investigation shall be held ordinarily within three days. Where more than three days elapse, he shall, if found innocent, receive pay for all the time lost after the third day. No punishment to be fixed without a thorough investigation. No member of the Trainmen's Order shall be suspended or discharged on account of representing a committee. 8. Trainmen's Rights and Privileges: No privileges heretofore enjoyed by Freight Trainmen shall be abrogated. -Conductors shall have the right to object to Brakemen for cause, and when objections are sustained by facts, they will be furnished other men. In the choosing of runs by Freight Brakemen, it shall be fully understood that it shall be considered no choice in runs, running first in, first out. When Trainmen, have been in the service of the Company for three months or more, and leave the ser- vice, they will, if desired, be furnished a letter stating the time and kind of service, and whether leaving on account of resignation or dismissal. Trainmen will not be re- quired to pay fines on account of breakage. When a change of a division or train run requires men to change their place of residence, they will be furnished free transpor- tation for their families and household goods. Trainmen will be allowed to lay off on account of the sickness of themselves, their families, to serve on committees, or for other good and sufficient reasons, provided due notice is given to the proper officer?, so that their places may be filled with other men. This does not permit Trainmen to leave the division on which they are employed without permission from their Superin- tendent. Any Trainman having been absent to exceed six consecutive months, there- by forfeits all rights with the Company, except in case of sickness, or where leave of absence has been granted. No leave of absence shall be granted to exceed one year, nor re-instatements made after one year's continuous absence, except in case of sick- ness. The rights of a Conductor commence on the day of his promotion, and he shall have the choice of runs to which his age as Conductor entitles him, providing he is in- tellectually and morally fitted for it in the opinion of his Superintendent. The rights of a Brakeman commence on the day of his first trip, and he will have the choice of runs to which his age in the service as Brakeman entitles him, merit and compe- tency being equal in the judgment of the Conductor. The employment of Brakemen is placed in the hands of the Division Superintendents, or their representatives; but Brakemen will, in all cases, be placed as the Conductor's best judgment may dictate. It a Brakeman transfers from either the Freight or Passenger Department to the other, he forfeits all rights in the Department which he leaves, and will be classed as a new employe, except in case of disability. In examining men on the Book of Rules for promotion to Conductors, the oldest Brakemen must have the preference, merit and competency being equal. The Company reserves the right, however, to hire Con- ductors outside of the employes of the Company, should the service demand it. Where passenger crews run over more than one Freight Division, the oldest Freight Conductor on either division will be considered as entitled to promotion to passenger runs as above. Nothing in this article shall be considered as preventing the Company from employing experienced men when the service requires it. Conductors having charge of trains will be held responsible for their safe management, and shall have the right to place their Brakemen as their best judgment may dictate. When a Trainman leaves CHICAGO & NORTHWESTERN RAILWAY. 185 one Division, of his own accord, to work on another Division, he shall be considered a new employe, but should he be transferred by order of the Company, the same rights he possessed on the first Division shall be maintained on his return to the same. 9. Calling of Men: A book shall be kept in the Train Dispatcher's office, showing the name of each Trainman and his residence. Superintendents shall agree with their men on certain limits within which men shall be called to take their trains, where call boys are provided. Call boys shall be provided with a book in which Trainmen shall register their names and the time they are called. Trainmen shall also register in a book kept for that purpose in the Train Dispatcher's office, or other designated place, 30 minutes before the trains are due to leave. 10. Sunning of Crews: On other than assigned runs the crews will run first in first out. 11. Way Freights: All trains loading or unloading way freight, or doing station switching, shall be classed as way freights, and crews shall receive compensation ac- cordingly i This shall not be construed to apply to through trains setting out or pick- ing up car loads, or handling small lots of local freight, in case of emergency. 12. Turn-arounds: Turn-arounds shall be considered as follows: All runs turning at intermediate points on the same date. SWITCHMEN'S AND YARDMASTERS' SCHEDULE. 1. No privileges heretofore enjoyed by Switchmen and Yardmasters shall be abrogated. 2. Twenty-six days to constitute a month's work, ten hours a day. Overtime to be paid for at the same rate. Crews working from 12 o'clock noon to 12 o'clock mid- night, or part day and part night, will receive stipulated wages for night crews. Day crews and night crews to be allowed one hour between 11:30 a. m. and 1:00 p. m., and between 11:30 p. m. and 1:00 a. m., respectively, for eating. If required to work later than 1:00 p. m. or 1:00 a. m., as the case may be, 30 minutes will be allowed for dinner and compensation will be allowed for the full hour, 30 minutes of which has been con- sumed in eating. All Foremen of switch engines will be furnished with time report book, Form 170, and should any time be not allowed by Yardmaster, the same report will be sent back to Foreman. 3. In case of dismissal or suspension of a Switchman, by any one below the Divi- sion Superintendent in rank, he shall have the right to appeal to the Division Super- intendent for a full and impartial investigation, and should the Division Superintend- ent fail to adjust the case, he may appeal to the General Superintendent. 4. When a Switchman is suspended, he shall be notified the day his suspension takes place, and such notice shall plainly state the length of time of suspension, and for what cause. 5. Merit and competency being equal, the Yardmaster to decide, the oldest Helper shall be eligible to any vacant Foremanship, and the oldest Foreman shall be eligible to the position of Assistant Yardmaster. If the promotion is accepted, and the man does not prove satisfactory, he may be reduced to his former position or dismissed from service at the discretion of the Yardmaster. Superintendents shall designate such of their Assistants (Trainmasters, Agents or Yardmasters) as shall employ Switchmen temporarily, it being distinctly understood that no Switchman shall be considered per- manently in the service until his application blank has been approved by his Superin- tendent. Yardmasters will have authority to suspend or dismiss Switchmen from the service, it being understood that men so dismissed shall have the right to appeal to the Superintendent within three days, if circumstances warrant, and if reinstated shall be entitled to full pay for time lost. 6. Switchmen will be allowed to lay off on account of sickness of themselves, their families or for other good and sufficient reasons, provided due notice is given to proper officers, so that their places may be filled with other men, and when reasonable notice has been given, members of the grievance committee will be granted unlimited leave of absence while on committee business 7. Switchmen leaving the employ of the Company without leave of absence for- feit all right with the Company after 60 days, except in cases of sickness of themselves or families. No leave of absence shall be granted to exceed 60 days, nor reinstate- ment made after 60 days' absence, except in case of sickness. 8. When a Switchman leaves a division of his own accord, he shall not be rein- stated, bat should he be transferred by order of the Company or laid off on account of decreased business and returned on increase of business, the same rights he possessed on the first division shall be maintained on his return to the same. 18(5 CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC RAILWAY. 9. When Switchmen leave the service of the Company they shall be given letters stating time of service, in what capacity employed and cause for leaving the same; said letters to be given within a reasonable time, provided they have worked on the division 90 days or more, and to be signed and stamped by the Superintendent of the division. 10. The rights of a Switchman commence on the date of entering the service, and he will have the choice of work to which his age in the service as a Switchman entitles him, and he will be in line of promotion according to his term of service, merit and competency being equal in the judgment of the Yardmaster and Superintendent. Approved: J. M. WHITMAN, S. SANBORN, General Manager. General Superintendent. October 1, 1892. CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC RAILWAY. BRAKEMEN'S SCHEDULE. 1. On lines east of the Missouri river four freight Brakemen shall be promoted from the rank of Brakemen according to age of service on their respective divisions and their ability to assume the duties of Conductor. For every four Brakemen so pro- moted, one Conductor may be hired or promoted from the rank of Brakeman, regard- less of age in service. On lines west of Missouri river, two freight Brakemen shall be promoted according to age in service on their respective divisions and their ability to assume the duties of Conductor. For every two Brakemen so promoted, one Conductor may be hired or promoted from rank of Brakeman, regardless of age in service. Any Conductor so hired or promoted shall have had at least one year's experience as Con- ductor on steam surface railway, and shall be required to pass such examination as the Company requires. When a Brakeman is called for examination and should fail to pass said examination, and feel that an injustice has been done him, he can call any disinterested party that he wishes and in the presence of the Superintendent of the division be again examined. 2. Brakemen will not be dismissed or suspended from the Company's service with- out just cause. In case of suspension or dismissal, if the employe thinks his sentence unjust, he shall have the right, within ten days, to refer his case by written statement to the Division Superintendent. Within ten days from the receipt of said notice his case shall have a thorough investigation by the Division Superintendent, at which he shall be present. In case he shall be dissatisfied with the result of said investigation. he shall have the right to appeal to the General Superintendent and to the General Manager. In case the suspension or dismissal is found to be unjust, he shall be rein- stated and paid for all time lost. 3. Any Brakeman upon being promoted to a Conductor shall be considered com- petent to run trains on any part of the system or any of its leased or operated lines. 4. Time consumed in switching at terminal or turn-around points will be computed as overtime. 5. Crews dead-heading under orders will be paid one-half their regular rate ; pro- vided, that crews dead-heading perform no other service that date, will be paid full rate for 100 miles. 6. Trainmen attending court at the request of the Company, if on assigned runs, shall be allowed full time ; and when in irregular service, 100 miles per day until ordered to resume work in the department in which they are employed, and allowed all legitimate expenses while away from home. 7. Doubling trains or double-headers shall not be allowed. 8. Delayed time on leaving terminal,crews will be paid for actual time delayed, it being understood that one full hour must expire before overtime will be claimed. On arriving at terminals crews will be paid for actual time delayed. 9. On all freight runs of 100 miles or less, requiring more than ten hours to make the trip, overtime will be allowed at the rate of ten miles per hour. On all freight runs exceeding 100 miles, overtime will be allowed for all time consumed to make the trip in excess of an average rate of speed of ten miles per hour at the above rate. 10. Freight train crews will be allowed regular freight rate for handling passen- ger trains or passenger equipment. 11. There shall be regularly assigned crews on all local and switching main line trains, and three Brakemen to each crew. Trains loading or unloading way freight shall be termed local trains. All other main line crews will be run first in first out. 12. Brakemen called to make a trip shall be paid (provided the train is afterward annulled) for three hours' time, on the basis of the pay they are receiving, and stand i first out. CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC RAILWAY. 187 13. When crews make turn-around runs of less than 100 miles, 100 miles will be fallowed. When making- doubles, the single of which is less than 100 miles, and the double more than 100 miles, will be allowed 200 miles should the double consume to ex- Iceed sixteen hours. 14. Twelve hours or less shall constitute one day's work : in work train service, I twenty-six or twenty-seven days per calendar month shall constitute a month's work. (In work train service crews paid on basis of calendar month will not have their pay reduced on account of national holiday in case their train does not run. There shall be two Brakemen on each work train crew. Work train Brakemen shall receive $60 i per month. 15. Crews will be furnished coupon mileage book from which mileage and overtime slip will be sent in to Trainmaster, and stub retained by Conductor for reference. 16. In ordering crews, when dead-heading is required, the second crew will run the train, the first crew will dead-head, and on arriving at terminal stations will stand ahead of crew with which they were dead-headed. 17. Where crews are compelled to double hills they will be allowed actual time consumed. 18. There shall be no greater number of crews employed on each division than can make 3,500 miles per month ; except on Illinois division, where no greater number of crews shall be employed than can make 4,000 miles per month. 19. Brakemen will not be required to chain up cars or perform other duty of car repairer, unless such cars contain stock or perishable goods. 20. A Caller shall be provided at all divisions and terminals, who shall call train- men within the radius of one mile from calling station, and shall be provided with reg- ister book in which each trainman shall sign his name, time of calling, number of train and time of leaving, for which he is called. As near as practicable, the trainmen will be called one hour before leaving time. The pay of trainmen shall begin from the time the train is ordered for, as shown on order of calling, and continue to the time of arriving at the end of the run. 21. When a change of division or train runs require trainmen to change their res- idence, they will be furnished free transportation for their families and household goods, and if discharged from the Company's service after so moving, they shall be furnished free transportation for their families and household goods to their former place of residence. 22. Whenever complaint is made against a trainman, it shall be done in writing with the informer's name attached, and a complete copy shall be furnished to the one against whom complaint has been made, and when a trainman is suspended he shall be notified in writing the day his suspension takes place, and it shall plainly state the length of time suspended and for what cause. When so suspended his time shall be his own. 23. When trainmen leave the service of the Company they shall be given letters stating time of service, in what capacity employed and cause for leaving service. Said letters to be given within five days from leaving Company's service. Said letter to be signed and stamped by the Superintendent of the division. 24. At all terminal yards trains will be made up by yard crews and cabooses and engines attached, and on arrival of trains at terminal stations engines will be taken from train by yard crew. 25. When it becomes necessary, caboose will be set in convenient place for draw- ing supplies and scrubbing out. 26. Trainmen will not be required to coal up engine except in case of emergency, when two hours overtime shall be allowed at schedule rate. Crews required to load or unload stock, or do construction work, shall be allowed actual time consumed, at schedule rate. 27. When Brakemen are held in for snow plow service they will be allowed the regular rates they are receiving for each day of twenty-four hours they are so held subject to orders, and on the basis of ten hours and ten miles per hour. 28. Seniority in service as Brakeman shall hereafter govern in all choice of runs, it being understood that the rule to be generally pursued does not permit of transfer- ring an employe from one division to another, to the detriment of the division employe. The future choice of runs shall be based on this principle. 29. Regular trainmen employed on Illinois division shall be supplied with passes between Blue Island and Van Buren street, Chicago. 30. On Illinois division there shall be regular crews on all local or switching trains or trains doing such work, as trains Nos. 33 and 35, and their divisions not to exceed 110 miles. 31. Trainmen required to pilot engines over the road shall be allowed Conductors' rate of pay. 32. The Company to furnish all badges and buttons for uniform use to Baggage- men and Brakemen in train service. There shall be one white Brakeman for each 188 INTERNATIONAL & GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY. three cars or less, in passenger service ; each passenger train in excess of three cars will be furnished with two white Brakemen, and Brakemen employed in passenger ser- vice shall have been employed in freight service at least one year as freight Brakeman. 33. Crews running over joint track will receive pay as per schedule of track run over. 34. When overtime or mileage for Brakemen has been sent in by Conductors and been refused by Trainmaster or Division Superintendent, it shall be returned to the Conductor and accompanied by a plainly written statement why such overtime or mileage has been so refused. 35. When reasonable notice has been given, members of the general grievance committee will be granted unlimited leave of absence when on committee business. 36. When trainmen leave the service of their department of their own accord, they shall not be reinstated. Leave of absence shall not be granted for more than 90 days, except in case of sickness or disability. 37. All vacancies occurring in the baggage runs shall be filled from the ranks of the eligible and competent passenger Brakemen ; the oldest passenger Brakemen in the service to have the preference on all extra or special passenger runs on their re- spective divisions. 38. When it becomes necessary for the Company to increase the force of trainmen on any of the various divisions, experienced trainmen shall have the preference. Crews will not be made up of men who have not had acquaintance with the division on which they are to run. 39. Trainmen will be allowed eight hours' rest after sixteen hours' continuous ser- vice, provided proper notice is given at the end of such run, except in case of emergency. 40. The following rate of pay will be allowed passenger and freight Brakemen : Freight Brakemen : Local, 2i cents per mile, overtime 25 cents per hour : through freight, 2 cents per mile, overtime 20 cents per hour. Passenger Brakemen : Through express, 4,000 to 6,510 miles per month, $60 per month ; main line, local or dummy runs, 2,600 to 4.000 miles per month, $55 per month; short and branch runs, 2,600 miles or less per month, $45 per month. Brakemen of pa^enffer trains must make during the month the minimum of mileage established, else the> will drop back to the pay estab- lished for Brakemen making an equal mileage. Extra mileage over the maximums here established for passenger Brakemen will be paid for at proportionate rates. Freight Brakemen on all branches where mileage is less than seventy miles per day will receive $45 per month. When mileage is more than seventy and less than 100 miles, will be allowed 100 miles per day at 2 cents per mile. Where runs exceed 100 miles per day actual mileage will be allowed at 2 cents per mile. SWITCHMEN'S SCHEDULE. 1. It shall be arranged to give Switchmen their dinner hour between 11 o'clock A. M. and 1 o'clock P. M., and when it occurs that the necessities of business prevent a Switchman from using the hour assigned him for dinner, he shall be paid extra for such overtime at the rate per hour he is receiving. 2. Twenty-six days constitute a month, and ten hours constitute a day or a night's work. All over this is extra, and will be paid for at the regular rate the Switchmen are receiving. Time in yard service will not be counted as train service, nor vice versa. 3. Crews commencing work at 1 o'clock P. M. and working until 12 o'clock midnight shall receive night men's pay. 4. The Chicago scale of wages is as follows : Day Foremen, $70 per month ; day Helpers, $65 ; night Foremen, $75 ; night Helpers, $70. At points not paying Chicago scale of wages, at present the rate of wages will be five per cent less than the Chicago scale. E. ST. JOHN, September 1, 1892. General Manager. W. I. ALLEN, Assistant General Manager. INTERNATIONAL & GREAT NORTHERN RAILROAD. This memorandum, made this 15th day of September, 1891, will govern all Superin- tendents, Trainmasters and other officers in the service of the International & Great Northern Railroad Company in the discipline and control of all Conductors, trainmen and yardmen in the service of said Company, and will constitute a letter of instruc- tions in all matters herein stated. Hereafter, in the employment of Conductors, Brakemen and yardmen in the service of the above Company, Trainmasters are hereby instructed to employ none but sober, reliable and competent men for this service, and INTERNATIONAL & GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY. 189 all such employes will be directly responsible to and subject to the orders and control of Trainmasters and Yardmasters at all times and in all matters pertaining to their duties. No other subordinate officer will be allowed to interfere in the discipline and control of these employes, but Brakemen will obey instructions from their Conductors while on duty. The following regulations and schedule of pay will govern Conductors and Brakemen on the International & Great Northern Railroad on and after Septem- ber 15, 1891. 1. Conductors and Brakemen will not be dismissed nor suspended from the Com- pany's service without just cause. 2. No Conductor or Brakeman will be discharged or suspended without a fair and impartial investigation ; in case they are found innocent they will be reinstated and be paid half time. His case will have a thorough investigation, within ten days, by the proper officers of the Railroad Company, at which he may be present if he so de- sires and produce any witnesses he may be able to secure. 3. All employes will be regarded in the line of promotion, dependent upon the faithful discharge of duties, capacity for responsibility and term of service, and where one Conductor is hired two Brakemen are to be promoted. 4. Every employe will understand that it is his duty and privilege to make written or personal appeal to his superior officer whenever, by promotion, reduction or assign- ment, he deems any injustice has been done him. 5. Employes dead-heading on Company's business will be paid for actual time lost and, when necessary to leave home, hotel expenses not to exceed $2 per day, and trav- eling expenses will also be paid by the Company. 6. Passenger Conductors are to be paid $100 per month, and passenger Brakemen $55 per month. 7. Conductors and Brakemen running through freight trains will receive 3 and 2 cents per mile respectively ; 100 miles or less to constitute a day's work. Train crews will be allowed same mileage for short runs as engine crews. 8. All time consumed in making any one trip on these trains in excess of the time necessary to complete the trip at an average rate of ten miles an hour will be paid for as overtime, overtime to begin thirty-five minutes after. Conductors will be paid 30 cents and Brakemen 20 cents per hour for overtime. 9. Certain freight trains will be designated to do the local work. The way freight and other local work to be put on these trains. A. R. T. or other perishable local freight to be unloaded by through trains, when necessary, and overtime of one hour or more paid for, at overtime rate, in addition to time used in making the trip. 10. When necessary to put three local crews on Taylor or San Antonio sections,, the pay of Conductors will be $90 per month and Brakemen $60 per month, and over- time to be allowed if any made. Three Brakemen to each crew, and trains to run. daily except Sunday. 11. Conductors or Brakemen will be allowed to lay off on account of sickness of themselves or their families, or other good and sufficient reason, of which the proper official will be the judge, provided due Hotice be given proper official so that their places may be filled with other men. 12. In ordering crews for dead-heading the first crew out will run the train, the crew dead-heading will on arrival at terminal station go out ahead of the crew with which they dead-headed. Crews dead-heading under orders will be paid full pay ; full time to be allowed for light trains. Conductors will be notified when time is not al- lowed as per this rule. 13. The rights of Conductors will commence on the day of their promotion, and they will have the choice of runs of which their age and merit as Conductor entitles them. 14. Employes will not be required to pay for supplies used in the discharge of their respective duties ; excepting for switch keys, and the charge for them will be limited to $5, and for one white lantern and one Bishop coupler, for which will be charged $1 each, such amounts to be collected at termination of service if employe fails to return the articles drawn. 15. The practice will be that no train or engine will be run on the road without a Conductor or Pilot, who will receive 3 cents per mile. An employe cannot count pro- motion on account of piloting engines. 16. The Company will issue to some responsible person a pass book for the trans- portation of Brotherhood men, who show traveling card correctly stamped, with lodge number and seal. And person to whom pass book is issued will take name of person who presents such card, with number of lodge issuing the card and the date same was issued. When the Company finds it necessary to remove an employe to another divi- sion it will furnish said employe free transportation for himself and family. 17. Trainmen required to remain on duty over thirty minutes with their trains, on arriving at terminal station, will be paid at the rate of ten miles per hour as overtime. 190 INTERNATIONAL & GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY. 18. Construction or work trains to be paid as follows : Conductors, $3.60 per day ; Brakemen, $2.40 ; twelve hours to constitute a day's work. If extra service, overtime to be allowed as follows : Conductors 30 cents and Brakemen 20 cents per hour. When Conductor acts as foreman of construction or work train he shall receive $25 per month additional. 19. The use of intoxicating liquors or visiting saloons while on duty will be met ,$ with dismissal. 20. When crews are called and from any reason not their own fault they fail to go : out, they will be paid as follows : If held on duty less than five hours they will be paid one-half day and stand first out, if held five hours or more they will be paid one day and go out behind other crews at that point ; it being understood that in case crews go * out within five hours time while on duty said time will be recorded from the time they were called. 21. Trainmen will be called within three-fourths of a mile of main line division or terminal stations by train Caller, who will always be provided with a book in which the men called will enter their names, together with the time they are called. The time of trainmen will begin one hour from the time they are called. 22. Trains leaving terminals having empties or loads to be distributed, except trains having empty coal or flat cars, will have them switched ahead in station order, and sufficient air to handle trains when practicable. 23. No Conductor or Brakeman will be required to coal an engine, except in cases of emergency ; when necessary to coal engines Brakemen will be allowed twenty miles for same. 24. In employing trainmen experienced men will be employed in preference to others, when they can be had. 25. Conductors will not be required to register their trains in consist books at terminals or other stations, except at Milano, Hearne, Troupe, Tyler, Trinity and Willis, but will be required to make a consist of their trains only. 26. Yard limit board will be protection for rear end of all trains within yard limits. 27. Freight crews pulled off of regular runs to run special passenger or pay car will be paid regular freight rates. 28. When an employe is discharged or leaves the service of the Company he will not be held waiting for his time over five days. Should such person be held beyond the expiration of five days he will be paid for time, at overtime rates, as well as his expenses. 29. The Laredo section to be considered as a promotion, and men from the San Antonio section to be promoted thereto according to their age. Brakemen on section to be promoted to San Antonio section according to their age. 30. One-half of the passenger Conductors between San Antonio and Palestine will be appointed from the San Antonio section. Longview to Palestine to have two pas- senger Conductors, and Palestine to Galveston to have four passenger Conductors on through trains. 31. Extra Conductors to be classed the same as regular Conductors, the oldest extra Conductor to have preference, his age to rank from the day he is promoted. Service as Yardmaster or switching, running baggage car or braking on passenger trains not to be considered in making promotion in freight service. 32. Yardmen will not be required to coal up their engines. 33. No change in these rules and regulations will be made without thirty days notice. T. G. GOLDEN, For the Order of Railway Conductors : General Superintendent. W. H. TURNER, T. G. BUNN, W. C. GALLOWAY. For Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen : J. R. EDWARDS, P. H. CORRIGAN, J. H. DAVIS. September 15, 1891. Approved: T. M. CAMPBELL, Receiver. INDEX. [When two schedules for the same road or system appear, the Index will designate the latest; several schedules were received after the first part of the book went to press. The sched- ules governing Engineers and Firemen, and published in connection with those governing trainmen, were not secured by the Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen nor the Order of Railway Conductors, but are published at the request of the officials of the road or system. 1 Page. Addison & Pennsylvania Railway 3 Alabama Great Southern Railroad Company (C. N. O. & T. P.) 62 Alabama & Vicksburg Railway Company ( C. N. O. & T. P.) 62 Annapolis & Baltimore Short Line Railroad 3 Atchisoa, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad 3 Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad Supplement 19 Atlantic & Pacific Railroad Company, Western division ( Santa Fe system ) 7 Atlantic & Danville Railway 19 Baltimore & Lehigh Railroad Company 20 Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, Philadelphia and Main Stem divisions 20 Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, Trans-Ohio division 21 Baltimore & OMo Railroad, Pittsburg & Western division 23 Baltimore & Ohio Southwestern Railroad Company 25 Belt Railway Company of Chicago 37 Bennington & Rutland Railway. 28 Boston & Maine Railroad 28 Burlington & Missouri River Railroad in Nebraska ( C. B. & Q. system ) 48 Calumet & Blue Island Railway Company 28 Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Pacific division 28 Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Western division : 31 Central Railroad of New Jersey and leased lines 31 Caarleston, Cincinnati & Chicago Railroad 31 Chesapeake & Ohio Railway Company 34 Chicago & Alton Railroad Company 35 Chicago & Alton Railroad Company Supplement 29 Chicago & Eastern Illinois Railroad Company 38 Chicago & Eastern Illinois Railroad Company Later 178 Chicago & Erie Railway Company 177 Chicago & Erie Railway Company Supplement 178 Cnicago & Indiana Coal Railway 35 Ctiicago & Indiana Coal Railway Later 178 Caicago & Northwestern Company 37 Chicago & Northwesiern Company Later 182 Chicago & Western Indiana Railroad Company 37 Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad 44 Chicago, Burlington & Kansas City Railroad ( C. B. & Q. system ) . 51 Chicago Great Western Railway Company .. 54 Chicago Great Western Railway Company Later 180 Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway 54 Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railway 56 Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railway Later 186 Ctiicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha Railway Company ( Northwestern line ) 42 Choctaw Coal and Railway Company 62 Cincinnati, New Orleans & Texas Pacific Railway Company (Queen & Crescent route) 62 Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis Railway Company (Big Four route) 65 Cleveland, Lorain & Wheeling Railway 69 Colorado Midland Railway, First division ( Santa Fe system ) 15 Colorado Midland Railway, Second division (Santa Fe system) 17 Columbus, Hocking Valley & Toledo Railway 70 Columbus, Shawnee & Hocking Railway Company 71 Cornwall & Lebanon Railroad 72 Delaware & Hudson Canal Company 72 Delaware, Lackawann a & Western Railroad Company 72 Denver & Rio Grande Railway Company 73 Des Moines, Northern & Western Railway Company 75 Duluth & Iron Range Railroad Company 77 Duluth, South Shore & Atlantic Rail way 77 Duluth, Watertown & Pacific Railway ( Great Northern line ) 81 East Tennessee, Virginia & Georgia Railway (C. N. O. &T. P.) 62 East Tennessee, Virginia & Georgia Railway 79 Elgin, Joliet & Eastern Railway Company 80 Fall Brook Coal Company 80 Ferrocarril Mexicano del Norte 81 Ferrocarril Mexicano del Sur 81 Flint & Pere Marquette Railroad 81 Fort Worth & Rio Grande Railway Company 81 Fremont, Elkhorn & Missouri Valley ( Northwestern line) 44 Galveston, Harrisburg & San Antonio Railway Company ( Southern Pacific company ) . . . . . 144 Great Northern Railway 81 Gulf, Colorado & Santa Fe Railway ( Santa Fe system ) 10 Gulf, Western Texas & Pacific Railway Company ( Southern Pacific company ) 144 Hannibal & St. Joseph Railroad (C. B. & Q. system) 51 Houston & Texas Central Railway Company 82 192 INDEX. Illinois Central Railroad Company 82 Indianapolis, Decatur & Western Railway 85 Intercolonial Railway of Canada 85 International & Great Northern Railroad 86 International & Great Northern Railroad Later 188 Interoceanic Railway of Mexico, Limited 86 Iowa Central Railway Company 86 Jacksonville Southeastern line 86 Kansas City Belt Railway Company 87 Kansas City, Fort Scott & Memphis Railroad Company, and associated companies west of the Mississippi river 87 Kansas City, St. Joseph & Council Bluffs Railroad ( C. B. & Q. system ) 51 Kentucky & Indiana Bridge Company 89 Kentucky Midland Railway 89 Knoxville & Ohio Railroad ( E. T. V. & G. system ) 79 Lake Erie & Western Railroa d Company 90 Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Railway Company 91 Lehigh & Hudson River Railway Company 91 Louisiana Western Extension Railroad Company ( Southern Pacific company ) 144 Louisville & Nashville Railroad Company 91 Louisville, New Albany & Chicago Railway Company 98 Louisville Southern Railroad ( East Tennessee, Virginia & Georgia Railway, lessee ) 62 Memphis & Charleston Railroad (E. T. V. & G. system) 79 Michigan Central Railroad Company 100 Milwaukee, Lake Shore & Western Railway Company ( Northwestern line ) 42 Missouri, Kansas & Texas Railway 103 Missouri Pacific Railway Company 106 Mobile & Birmingham Railway ( E. T. V. & G. system ) 79 Mobile & Ohio Railroad Company 110 Montana Union Railway Company 114 N ashville, Chattanooga & St. Louis Railway 1 15 New Orleans & Northeastern Railroad Company (C. N. O. & T. P.) 62 New York & New England Railroad Company 119 New York & Northern Railway Company 119 New York, Chicago & St. Louis Railroad Company ( Nickel Plate ) 119 New York, Texas & Mexican Railway Company ( Southern Pacific company ) 1-14 Northern Pacific Railroad Company 121 Ohio & Mississippi Railway Company 124 Ohio Southern Railroad Company 127 Omaha & St. Louis Railway Compan> 127 Pennsylvania Lines, west of Pittsburg Northwest system, P. Y. & A. division 127 Peoria & Pek in Union Railway Company 128 Pittsburg & Lake Erie Railroad Company 128 Pittsburg & Western Railway ( B. & O. system ) 23 Pittsburg, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis Railway Company Southwest system, Logansport div. . 128 Pittsburg, Shenango & Lake Erie Railroad Company 129 Quincy, Omaha & Kansas City Railway 129 Richmond & Danville Railroad Companv, and leased lines 129 Richmond, Fredericksburg & Potomac Railroad Company 131 Rio Grande Southern Railroad Company 131 Rio Grande Western Railway Company 132 Sabine & East Texas Railway Company ( Southern Pacific company ) 144 St. Joseph & Grand Island Railroad Company, and operated lines 132 St. Louis & San Francisco Railway ( Santa Fe system ) 13 St. Louis, Iron Mountain & Southern Railway Company ( Missouri Pacific ) 106 St. Louis, Keokuk & Northwestern Railroad ( C. B. & Q. system ) 51 St. Louis Merchants Bridge Terminal Railway 134 > St. Louis Southwestern Railway Company 134 St. Louis Southwestern Railway Company of Texas 138 St. Paul & Duluth Railroad 142 San Antonio & Aransas Pass Railway 142 Savannah, Americus & Montgomery Railway 142' Seattle, Lake Shore & Eastern Railway Company 142 Sioux City & Pacific Railway Company ( Northwestern line ) ... 44 South Carolina Railway 143 Southern Pacific Company, Atlantic system 144 , Southern Pacific Company, Pacific system and lines in Oregon 148' Tampico Route ( Companyia del Ferrocarril de Monterey al Golf o Mexicano ) 154 Terminal Railroad Association of St. Louis 154 Texas Central Railwav 154 Texas & New Orleans Railroad Company ( Southern Pacific company ) 144 Toledo & Ohio Central Railroad Company 155 Toledo, Ann Arbor & North Michigan Railway Company 154 Toledo, Peoria & Western Railway 157 Toledo, S*:. Louis & Kansas City Railroad Companv 15 r , Tyler Southeastern Railway Company 138 Union Pacific System 163 Valley Railway Company 169 VandaliaLine... 171 . Vicksburg, Shreveport & Pacific Railroad Company ( C. N. O. & T. P.) 62 Wabash Railroad Companv... 171 Western & Atlantic Railroad ( N. C. & St. L.) lie West Virginia Central & Pittsburg Railroad 17- Willmar & Sioux Falls Railway ( Great Northern line ) 81 Wisconsin Central Lines 174 Zanesville & Ohio River Railway Company 17? 1 RETURN CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT TO** 202 Main Library LOAN PERIOD 1 HOME USE 2 3 4 5 6 ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS Renewals and Recharges may be made 4 days prior to the due date. Books may be Renewed by calling 642-3405. DUE AS STAMPED BELOW AUG281989 ,A)TO. 0SC. ftEP ^ iy69 FEB 2l ^ 99Z R r.cEVEO 1 bv J; ^14'^ I r ,, r , :LA T'.OM t ,EPT. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY FORM NO. DD6 BERKELEY, CA 94720 .Y.C 80)00 U.C. BERKELEY LIBRARIES 17055 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY