ITCSB L1BR581 A DICTIONARY OF SLANG, JARGON & CANT Copies only printed, of which this is No, OK SLANG, JARGON & CANT EMBRACING ENGLISH, AMERICAN, AND ANGLO-INDIAN SLANG PIDGIN ENGLISH, TINKERS' JARGON AND OTHER IRREGULAR PHRASEOLOGY COMPILED AND EDITED BY ALBERT BARRERE Officier de I' instruction publique; Professor R.M.A. Woolwich Author of "Argot and Slang" &*c. Sr'c. CHARLES G. LELAND, M.A., HON. F.R.S.L. Author of " The Breitmann Ballads" " The English Gypsies and their Language," 6r*c. VOL. I. A K. PRINTED FOR SUBSCRIBERS ONLY AT THE BALLANTYNE PRESS MUCCCLXXXIX PREFACE. O a very great number of respectable and by no means uneducated persons, slang is simply a collective name for vulgar expressions, the most refined individual being the one who uses it least. To them it is all that which in speech is " tabu," or forbidden. Others regard it as the jargon of thieves, which has spread to costermongers and street-arabs, though in justice to the worthy people first men- tioned it must be admitted that many of them are so fortified in their ignorance of what is beneath them, that they are unaware that thieves have a lingo of their own. Others, again, believe that it is identical with the gypsy tongue or Romany, an opinion which, in spite of its easily demonstrated etymological absurdity, has held its ground for more than a century ; whilst several writers, such as the author of the " Life of Bampfield (or Bampfylde) Moore Carew," have published so-called gypsy vocabularies, in which barely half-a-dozen words of corrupt Romany are to be found. Many, not without good excuse, find it very difficult to distinguish between technical terms not as yet recognised by lexicographers, and those which are, to all intents and purpose, firmly established. It is worthy of notice, let it be said en passant, that the two nations at the head of the intellectual movement, England and France, have the most extensive slang vocabulary, the two being about on a par in that respect. Now, the dialect alluded to above was, centuries ago, almost the only slang and there are men so much behind the times that it is vi Preface. the only slang to them still. We put in the qualifying "almost" because there always have been certain conditions, such as emigra- tion to savage countries, which have bred new circumstances, with a corresponding development of language. The Roman legionaries in the wilds of Gaul and Germany found classical Latin as inadequate for bush vocabulary as the Anglo-Saxon finds classical Englieh in the backwoods of America and the backblocks of Australia, and they evolved a Low Latin slang corresponding with such terms as " war- paint," " backwoodsman," " ring-barker," " bushman,"and " throwing- stick." Modern French has its elements of base Latin origin, just as the English lexicons of the future will include a number of words forged by necessity in the bush and the backwoods in New World mines and cities and others which at the present time are only to be found in such dictionaries as the present one. But here, in the heart as well as at the extremities of "Anglo- Saxony," new needs and new circumstances are being developed unceasingly, and society both high and low, in every walk of life, and on bypaths of art and trade, has of late years taken to inventing new words and phrases, some for practical wants, others for amuse- ment, some coarse and rude, others daintily cut and polished, deftly veiled all in such profusion, that every one of the old definitions of slang is now inadequate to express the " new departure " phase of the language. Perhaps the best general definition at which one can arrive is that " slang " is a conventional tongue with many dialects, which are as a rule unintelligible to outsiders. In one case at least it has been framed with the intention of its being intelligible only to the initiated the vagabond and thievish fraternity. The vocabulary is based chiefly on words of the language proper, ancient and modern (with an admixture of foreign words), which have become " slang " through a metaphoric process or misappro- priation of meaning. Thus " brass," " timbers " and " pins," " red lane," " mug," " canister," " claret," " ivory," " tile," taken figura- tively, enrich the slang vocabulary by respectively acquiring the conventional meaning of "impudence," "legs," "throat," "face,'' " head," " blood," " teeth," " hat." Preface. vii It has been well said therefore that slang, in its general features, is hardly more than an arbitrary interpretation of the ordinary language. It does not suffice, however, that it should be merely conventional or figurative, else it might be multiplied ad infinitum. But being to a great degree the outcome of the humour and wit, more or less refined, of its promoters, it bears the stamp of sarcasm, of callousness, and occasionally of a grim philosophy, as, for example, when a drunkard is called a " lean away," or a man " waiting for a dead man's shoes " is said to be " shepherding " his rich relative when a clergyman is jestingly called a " sky -pilot " or a " fire-escape " when a man who feels beaten says that he has been " had on toast," and will " give it best." Each profession or trade has its "lingo," not to be mistaken for technical phraseology. Thus in cricket " wickets " is technical, but "sticks" is slang ; to put a "break" on a ball the former, to put " stuff " on it the latter. " Bone shaker," the old type of bicycle, is slang ; but "kangaroo," the latest improvement on the spider bicycle, and which in shape somewhat resembles the primitive "bone shaker," belongs to the technical phraseology of 'cycle machinists. It sometimes occurs that a technical word comes to be used figura- tively in an humorous and sarcastic sense. Sailors talk slang when they say of a drunken man that his " mainbrace is well spliced," or that he is " two sheets in the wind." Occasionally a class slang word is adopted by the public, and swells the vocabulary of general or " society " slang. This specially applies to nautical and sporting phraseology. Thus it is quite pos- sible for people who do not belong to the seafaring fraternity to hear of a husband having to " look out for squalls " when he comes home " heeling over " from having dined too well, even if he has not " capsized " or been " thrown upon his beam-ends " in the gutter. And many a person when asked to contribute to a charity has declared himself " stumped," though he may never have been near a cricket-field since he left school What one might call the classical slang of thieves is technically termed "cant." It has the appearance of possessing more quaint and original features than the more modern lingo, the sole reason viii Preface. for which is perhaps that it proceeds from dialects but little known, as for instance Romany, or from Celtic and Anglo-Saxon words no longer used as language-words and known only to a few scholars. t' Cant possesses but few original terms coined in a direct manner by those who employ the vocabulary, for it needs greater imaginative powers than these light-fingered professors are generally credited with to invent terms that shall remain and form part of a language. An illustration of this may be found in the French argot taken in the narrower sense of malefactors' language and leaving out altogether the Parisian slang which in spite of all the efforts of those inte- rested in the matter has remained very nearly what it was in the seventeenth century. The components have been elongated, then curtailed, then their syllables have been interverted, and finally they have reappeared under their original form. Taking as a starting-point that slang and cant are of an essentially conventional and consequently metaphoric and figurative nature, it may safely be asserted that the origin of slang and cant terms must certainly be sought for in those old dialect words which bear a resemblance in form ; not however in words which bear an approxi- mately identical meaning, but rather in such as allow of the supposed offsprings having a figurative connection of sense. The reader will probably best understand what is meant if he will, for the sake of argument, suppose the modern English language to have become a dead language known only to scholars. Then let him take the slang word " top-lights," meaning eyes. He is seeking the origin of top-lights. If he were to find in the old language a word having some resemblance in form and bearing the identical meaning of eyes he would have to reject it. But when he finds the same word signifying the upper lanterns of a ship, he may adopt it without hesitation, because the metaphor forms a connection link and furnishes a safe clue. So far we have spoken rather as if slang were a kind of outlaw or Bedouin with every man's hand against it, but of late years many judicious and intelligent writers have recognised that there is a vast number of words which, while current, are still on probation, Preface. ix like emigrants in quarantine, awaiting the time when they are to be admitted to the regular haven of the Standard Dictionary. But this increase has been so enormous and so rapid that no standard lexicographer could do it justice. It is generally admitted that to keep pace with modern French journalism or novels, a " Dictionnaire d' Argot " is absolutely indispensable, and this is now quite as much the case with English. And when we consider that it is not possible to take up a copy of any of the leading London society journals without finding very often in one single article a dozen slang phrases which have never yet been given in any dictionary what- ever, it will be admitted that a time has certainly come to publish a dictionary upon new lines in which every effort shall be made to define such expressions without regard to what the department is called to which they belong. To show what a need there is of such a work, one only has to reflect that a vast number of more recent American slang phrases (not old English provincialisms established ab initio in New England, but those chiefly of modern Western manufacture) have never been collected and published. And the same may be said of those which have cropped up and developed themselves in the English-speaking colonies, in the bush of Australia, or South Africa. The real amount of Romany, Dutch, Celtic, and Yiddish, in the various slangs, has never yet been decided by writers who had a thorough knowledge of these languages, and Mr. Hotten, while declaring that to the gypsies we are in great measure indebted for the cant lan- guage, and that it was the corner-stone and a great part of the edifice of English slang, was still so utterly ignorant of it as to have recourse to a vocabulary of Roumanian gypsy to explain the very few words of English Romany in his work, the great majority of which were in some way erroneous. The present is the first Slang Dictionary ever written which has had the benefit of contributors who thoroughly understood Celtic dialects, Dutch, German, and French slang, and who were thus enabled to establish their rela- tions with English cant, and one of these gentlemen is equally at home in Pidgin-English, Gypsy, and Shelta or tinker's slang, which by-the-bye is one of the three principal slangs of the kingdom, x Preface. and is here made known for the first time in a work of this kind ; this being also the first Slang Dictionary to which the rich and racy slang of the fifth continent the mighty Australian commonwealth of the future has heen contributed by one long resident in the country and familiar both with its life and its literature. Informa- tion has been gathered at its very source from all classes of society, and in every department contributors have been employed who were perfectly at home in their respective specialities. We began our preface with trying to define, or discover, the nature of that slippery Proteus, slang ; after doing which to the best of our power, we proceeded to show the necessity for a dic- tionary such as the present, and to instance the precautions taken to make it exhaustive. We might have added that the majority of the contributors selected were men not only intimate with their subject, but also of proved ability in literature. We could hardly conclude without making some allusion to the volume which was the forerunner of this, " Argot and Slang." One passage in its preface has attracted much attention for its terse enunciation of what is generally recognised. " Slang has invaded all classes of society, and is often used for want of terms sufficiently strong to convey the speaker's real feel- ings. It seems to be resorted to in order to make up for the short- comings of a well-balanced and polished tongue which will not lend itself to exaggeration and violence of utterance. Journalists, artists, politicians, men of fashion, soldiers, even women, talk argot, some- times unawares." A curious illustration of this has just been brought under the editor's notice. A gentleman had been pub- lishing for some years with the same firm of publishers, but with very varying success. " I can never for the life of me," he used to complain, " tell whether Mr. Pompous means that my new book is a poor one or a bad one. His letters are tissues of under certain circumstances, we should not feel justified in advising (or not advising), in the present state of the public taste it is impossible to predict, con- ceivably, &c." But a year or two ago a college friend of this author became a member of this firm of publishers. In due time another book was submitted, and the answer came from the new partner Preface. xi " My dear , it would be rot publishing a thing like this. The public would snort at it. Yours very truly, ." The author's confidence in his publisher went up a hundred per cent. There was now a member of the firm sufficiently intimate with him to employ " slang " in their communications, and the author knew that from that time he would be able to tell to a fraction the exact grade of value they put upon every work he offered them. " Slang " is an essential of the age. Even a bishop has used it in the pulpit, in a modified form, when he said that "Society would be impossible without white lies." It seems as if the day was not far off when it might be true to say that " Society would be impossible without slang." One thing is certain, that the taste of the age is to learn speci- alities from those who have a special knowledge of them. The public that goes to see the life of the Wild West and the prize-ring, rejoice also in realistic novels by those whose special knowledge best qualifies them for the work, whether it be an uncanny familiarity with the mysteries of the Far West, or the mysteries of Paris ; and these kind of works, as a rule, abound above all others in technical expressions and argot. Granted that people of the same country as the author are generally able to understand these by the context without the labour of a dictionary, a very small percentage of the intelligent foreigners who make a practice of reading English works of note could, without the aid of a vocabulary, be able to decipher the multifarious "lingos" which enter into these books, and this is just the class who will be most assisted by the arrangement adopted in this work of giving all the various departments of slang together. A. B. A BRIEF HISTORY OF ENGLISH SLANG. BY CHARLES G. LELAND. T does not seem to have occurred to any writer that the chief reason why the early history of purely English slang is obscure, is because that previous to a certain determinate date, there was really so little of it, that it hardly existed at all There can be no biography of a child worth writing so long as it can babble only a few words. It is probable that of these few early slang words, none have been lost. During the Saxon Early English and Middle English periods, there were provincial dialects, familiar forms of speech, and vulgarisms, but whether a distinct canting tongue was current in England, re- mains as yet to be established. That the tinkers or metal-workers, who roamed all over Great Britain, were a peculiar people,* with a peculiar Celtic language called Shelta, may be true, but canting as yet did not exist. No discoveries have as yet been made which cast much light on the process by which English canting, or the language of the loose and dangerous classes, was first formed. This much we know, that in England, to a beginning of antiquated and provincial or perverted words, a few additions were made of Welsh, Irish, or Gaelic, with here and there a contribution from the Continent. It seems to be evident that this rill of impure English, most denied, was a very * John Bunyan, it may be remembered, once asked his father whether the tinkers were not "a peculiar people." Regarded from any point of view, this indicates that he suspected they were not English. Bunyan, according to recent researches, could not have been a gypsy, but as a tinker he must have known Shelta, or the old tinker's language, and therefore naturally suspected that he belonged to some kind of separate race. xiv A Brief History of English Slang. slender one. But as C. J. Ribton Turner suggests, it was the arrival of the gypsies in England about 1505, speaking by themselves a perfect language, which stimulated the English nomads to greatly improve their own rude and scanty jargon. According to Samuel Rowlande, whose work, "The Runnagate's Race," appeared in 1610, one Cock Lorrell, a great rascal, but evidently a man of talents, became, in 1501, the acknowledged head of all the strollers in Eng- land. This person formed his followers into a regular guild or order, according to the spirit of the time in which he lived, and observing that the gypsies, under their leader, Giles Hathor, were a powerful and rapidly increasing body, he proposed to them a general council and union of interests and language. " After a time that these vp-start Lossels had got vnto a head, the two chief Commaunders of both these regiments met at the Diuels- arse-a-peak, there to parle and intreete of matters that might tend to the establishing of this their new found gouernment ; and first of all they think it fit to deuise a certaine kinde of Language, to the end that their cousenings, knaueries, and villainies might not be so easily perceiued and knowne in places where they come." Here Samuel Rowlande, speaking ignorantly, says that this tongue was made up out of Latin, English, and Dutch, with a few words borrowed from Spanish and French. To this day it is com- mon enough for " travellers," or gypsies, to tell the ignorant that the language which they speak is Latin, French, or Dutch, &c. From the language itself, as given by Robert Copland (1535), and Harman (" Caveat for Cursitors ") in 1 567, it appears that the gypsies actually contributed a certain amount of Romany, but that with their natural dislike to teach it, they made this contribution as small as possible though it is larger than Mr. Turner supposes. He has, however, with very approximate accuracy, shown the various Celtic origins of the terms not reducible to English or Saxon. Of Latin he finds only eight words, of which two are very doubtful, while two others, gerry (i.e. jerry), excrement, and peck, meat, are plainly from the Romany jirr (rectum vel excrementum), and pekker, roast, i.e., roast meat. It is too far afield to seek these common gypsy words in the Latin gerrce, trifles, and pecus, cattle. This was the beginning made of the canting or thieves' tongue, and it must be admitted that the first meeting of this Philological Oriental Congress for the purpose of forming a language was probably not deficient in a certain picturesque element, and an able artist might find a worse subject than this grand council of the A Brief History of English Slang. xv gypsies and vagabonds in their cavern among the hills. It is to be observed that Harman, a magistrate who was not only very familiar with every type of criminals, but who was the first who ever published a canting vocabulary, declares that it was only within thirty years previous to 1567 that the dangerous classes had begun to use a familiar jargon at all. Mr. Turner says that this statement is little better than a guess at the truth ; but Harman, who seems to have been an earnest and honest writer, explicitly declares that his statement was the result of inquiry among many, or to use his own words : " As far as I can learne or understand by the examination of a number of them, their language which they terme peddelars Frenche or canting began but within these xxx yeeres or lyttle above." What confirms this statement, if it does not actually prove it, is the fact that Harman, though he evidently laboured hard to make a full vocabulary and had many facilities for collecting words, gives us in all only about 160, while those who came after him in the field are accused of only repeating him. But the truth probably is, that Harman was quite right ; canting was really young in his time, and small in proportion to its age. Its growth may be very clearly traced in dramatic, comic, or criminal literature from 1535, as shown by Eobert Copland in his "Hye Way to the Spyttel House," down to the present day. In old canting the most striking element is the large proportion of Celtic words, drawn from all parts of Great Britain. Turner has observed that the Act 5 Edward III. c. 14, affords evidence that the Welsh gwestwr, " unbidden guest," or vagabond, was a public nuisance in England prior to 1331. In fact the Welsh and Irish stroller, or professional rogue and beggar, was a common type represented and ridiculed in broadsides or plays till within a century.* Edicts and Acts of Parliament, and the most vigorous punishment and reship- ment of " ye vacabones " to their homes, were utterly ineffectual to keep them out of England. In the English " kennick " or canting of the lowest classes of the present day, the greater proportion of * A majority of those travellers and tramps in England, who are simply beggars and thieves, and who do not seek for work, are still Irish. Full information on this subject may be found in the " History of Vagrants and Vagrancy," by C. J. Ribton Turner ; and it may be said with truth that all the criminals of the towns and cities put together do not injure the country at large so much as these creatures, who carry vice into every hamlet, and into the remotest corners of the kingdom. xvi A Brief History of English Slang. Celtic terms are apparently not taken directly from Gaelic, Erse, Welsh, or Manx, but from a singular and mysterious language called Shelta (Celtic ?), or Minklas Thari (tinkers' talk), which is spoken by a very large proportion of all provincial tinkers (who claim for it great antiquity), as well as by many other vagabonds, especially by all the Irish who are on the roads. The very existence of this dialect was completely unknown until 1867, its vocabulary and specimens of the language being first published in " The Gypsies " (Boston, 1880). It has been ingeniously conjectured by a reviewer that as all the Celtic tinkers of Great Britain formed, until the railroad era, or about 1845, an extremely close corporation, always intermarrying, and as they are all firmly persuaded that their tinkerdom and tongue' are extremely ancient, they may possibly be descendants of the early bronze-workers, who also perambu- lated the country in bands, buying up broken implements and selling new ones. This is at least certain, that the tinkers as a body were very clannish, had a strongly-marked character, a well-de- veloped language of their own, and that while they were extremely intimate with the gypsies, often taking wives from among them, and being sometimes half-bloods, they still always remained tinklers and spoke Shelta among themselves. The nature of this alliance is very singular. In Scotland the tinkler is popularly identified with the gypsy, but even half-blood tinklers, such as the Macdonalds,* who speak Romany, do not call themselves gypsies, but tinklers. The caste deserves this brief mention since it has apparently been the chief source through which Celtic words have come into English canting an assertion which is not the mere conjecture of a philologist, but the opinion of more than one very intelligent and well-informed vagabond. It is very remarkable that though Shelta is more or less extensively spoken even in London, and though it has evidently had a leading influence in contributing the Celtic element to canting, thus far only one writer has ever published a line relative to it. Hotten or his collaborateurs seem, in common with Turner and all other writers on vagabonds, never to have heard of its existence. It will probably be recognised by future analysts of canting that in all cases where a corrupted Celtic word is found in it, it will be necessary to ascertain if it did not owe its change to having passed through the medium of Shelta. * It is needless to say that gypsies have assumed family names, such as Stanley, Lee, &c., and among others that of Macdonald. A Brief History of English Slang. xvii Though the gypsy contribution to canting was not extensive, it was much larger than many extensive writers on vagabonds have supposed, and it is worth noting that a number of our most char- acteristic slang words, such as row, shindy, tool (in driving), mash (i.e., to fascinate), pal, chivvy, and especially the arch-term slang itself, are all Romany. It is not remarkable that Cock Lorrell recognised in the gypsies "a race with a back-bone," and one from whom something could be learned. Their blood " had rolled through scoundrels ever since the flood," and from the begin- ning they had spoken not a mere slang, but a really beautiful and perfect language resembling Hindustani or Urdu, but which was much older. The constituents of this tongue are Hindi and Per- sian the former greatly predominating with an admixture of other Indo- Aryan dialects. It was first suggested in " English Gypsies and their Language " that the true origin of the Bom or gypsy was to be found among the Dom, a very low caste in India, which sprung from the Domar, a mountain tribe of shepherd- robbers ; and recent researches by Mr. Grierson among the Bihari Dom have gone far to confirm the conjecture. Its author also discovered that there exists to-day in India a wandering tribe known as Trablus, who call themselves Rom, and who are in all respects identical with the Syrian and European gypsies. About the tenth century, owing to political convulsions, there were in India a great number of outcasts of different kinds. Among these the Jdts, a fierce and warlike tribe, crushed by Mahometan power, seemed to have coalesced with the Doms or Rom, the semi-Persian Luri or Nuri (originally Indian), and others, and to have migrated westward. Miklosich, in a very learned work, has, by analysing the language as it now exists, pointed out the Greek, Slavonian, and other words which they picked up en route. It was about the beginning of the fifteenth century that a band of about 300 of these wanderers first appeared in Germany, whence they in a few years spread themselves over Europe, so that within a decade many thousands of them penetrated to every corner of the Continent. They were evidently led by men of great ability. They represented themselves as pilgrims, who, because they had become renegades from Christianity, had been ordered by the King of Hungary as a penance to wander for fifty years as pilgrims. They had previously by telling the same story, but adapted to the faith of Mahomet, got a foothold in Egypt. They thus obtained official license to make themselves at home in every country, except I xviii A Brief History of English Slang. in England, yet went there all the same. Andrew Borde, the eccentric physician, who lived during the reign of Henry VIII., was the first person who made (in 1 542) a vocabulary of their language, which he did under the impression that it was " Egyptian " or the current tongue of Egypt Bonaventura Vulcanius, in 1 597, in his curious book " De Literis et Lingua Getarum," also gave specimens of Romany as " Nubian." The first European writer who discovered that Romany was really of Hindu origin, was J. C. Rudiger, and this he announced in a book entitled " Neuester Zuwachs der Sprach- kunde," Halle 1782. He was followed by Grellmann, whose work was much more copious. It was translated into English at the begin- ning of this century, and passed through three editions. George Borrow, in his novels of " Lavengro " and " The Romany Rye," pub- lished about 1845, and in "The Gypsies in Spain," first told the pub- lic much about this subject, and his influence was very great both in England and on the Continent in awakening an interest in it. Among more recent writers, Dr. Bath C. Smart, Francis Groome, and the writer, have been the principal collectors of Anglo-Romany lore. Borrow, who knew the gypsies so well, was far from being perfect in their language, as he declared positively that there are only 1 200 words in the English dialect ; more recent researches have more than doubled the number. The next element of importance which enters into English slang of the middle type, subsequent to old cant, is Dutch. Of this there are two separate sources. In England, from the time of William of Orange until that of George II., there was a constant influx of Nederduytsch, while in America, the State of New York, while subject to Holland, contributed an equally large proportion of quaint expressions, and of these in time there was great interchange between the old country and the new. To detect many of these, one must go much deeper into Dutch than the standard dictionaries, and descend to Teirlinck's and other collections of thieves' slang, or dig into such old works as those of Sewel, in which the vulgar and anti- quated words " to be avoided " are indicated by signs. As English and Dutch belong to the same stock, it naturally results that numbers of our provincial or obsolete terms are the same or nearly the same in both ; in such cases we have generally placed them together. An examination of the work cannot fail to convince any one that our indebtedness to this source is much greater than has ever been sup- posed. But as these derivations are often as doubtful as they are numerous and plausible, the editor, with the example of Bellenden A Brief History of English Slang. xix Kerr * before him, would beg the reader to observe that in this work no ancient or foreign words are advanced as positively establishing the etymology of any slang expression, but are simply adduced as indicating possible relations. The day has gone by when it sufficed to show something like a resemblance in sound and meaning between a dozen Choctaw and as many Hebrew words, to prove positively that the Red Indians are Jews. But " wild guess-work " is still current even in very learned works, and though " in a pioneer way " it is useful in affording hints to true philologists, it should never claim to be more than mere conjecture. During the reign of Queen Elizabeth many Italian words found their way not only into English literature but also into slang, and additions have occasionally been made since then from the same source. Thus fogle, a handkerchief, is beyond question the Italian foglia, a leaf, also slang for a silk handkerchief (Florentine folio), and not the German vogel, a bird, as Hotten declares. The number of these derivations is much larger than has ever been supposed, and much of the mine is still unworked. Old canting retained its character until the reign of Charles II., when a great deal of general slang began to be current, which was not connected in any way with the jargon of the dangerous classes. Bite, macaroni, and quiz were slang, but not cant ; they originated in or were first made popular by fashionable people. Following the Spanish Quevedo, and other writers of the vida tunantesca, or " tag- rag-and-bobtail school," as models, not only the dramatists, but authors like Sir Roger L'Estrange and Defoe used directly, or put into the mouths of their heroes, a familiar, free and easy, offhand style, which was anything but conventional, or as many may think, correct. Pedantic writers also continued for more than a century to deliberately manufacture in great quantity, from Latin, words of the kind used by the unfortunate Limousin student who was beaten by Gargantua. An " about-town " dialect was developed by "bloods" and wits, in which Dutch, Italian, and French began to appear more frequently than of yore. Gypsy and old canting terms rose now and then from the depths, or dregs, and remained on the surface. It was during this which may be called the middle slang epoch, that those conventional or colloquial terms began to be * The author of an ingenious and eccentric work in two volumes, in which he endeavoured to prove that most English proverbs, sayings, and nursery rhymes are all in old Dutch, and have an esoteric meaning, being really attacks on the Church. xx A Brief History of English Slang. current, which, without being vulgar or directly associated with crime, were, owing to their novelty, flippancy, or "fastness," still kept in limbo, or under probation. It has been truly enough said that the old slang was altogether coarse or vulgar, and that there was subsequently a great increase in the number of low and obscene terms classed with it, a growth which went on vigorously until the end of the reign of George IV. But while Butler, Swift, Tom Brown, Grose, and scores of minor artists dealt out more or less " dirt or deviltry," it should be remembered that the accretion of new phrases, which were in no way "immoral," was really much greater. About this time, during the latter part of the seventeenth century and the first half of the eighteenth, was the beginning of the vast array of words now in familiar use, which are unjustly called slang, because that term forces upon them associations with vulgarity and crime which they no more merit than that leaves or flowers should be identified with the dirt from which they grow. This quarantine language is simply the natural and inevitable result of a rapid in- crease in inventions, needs, new sources of humour, and, in fact, of all social causes. New names are in as great demand as they were of yore, when heathen were converted and baptized in batches. Then they were often all called John or James by the thousand "for short," but now we are more discriminating and analytical. But it is to be observed that hitherto no writer whatever has ever dealt with these quarantined words or probationers in the spirit which they merit, or pointed out the fact that they fulfil a legitimate function in language, or attempted to collect them in a book. It would appear to have been about a century ago that a few Yiddish, or Hebrew-German, words began to creep into English slang. When we consider that fully one-half of the Rothwalsch or real slang of Germany is of this kind of Hebrew, and also the great numbers of persons who speak it, it is remarkable that we really have so little of it. As an instance of the guess-work philology which we have alluded to, it may be pointed out that the common Jewish word gonnof (Hebrew ganef), a thief, is according to Hotten very old, in English, because it is found in a song of the time of Edward VI. as gnoffe ! " The country gnoffes, Hob, Dick, and Will, With clubs and clouted shoon, Shall fill up Dussyn Dale With slaughtered bodies soon." But gnoffe, according to Wright, does not mean a thief at all, but A Brief History of English Slang. xxi a churl (also an old miser). Its true root is probably in the Anglo- i Saxon cneov, cm//, or cndvan (also cneav, knave), to bend, yield to, cneovjan (genufledere). If country boors or peasants be therefore the meaning of gnoffes, it would be in Yiddish keferim. This remarkable dialect is now spoken by some thousands of persons in London, and there are one if not two newspapers published in it. The editor has not only the German-Jewish Chrestomatie of Max Griinbaum, and many books written in Yiddish, but also eleven vocabularies of it, one of which, a MS. of about 3000 words, is by far the most extensive ever compiled. It seems not unlikely that the word poker, as a game of cards, is derived from Yiddish, since in it pochgcr (from pochgen) means a man who in play conceals the state of his winnings or losses, or hides his hand. This is so eminently char- acteristic of poker that the resemblance seems to be something more than merely accidental. There have always been Jewish card- players enough in the United States to have given the word. The most remarkable and desperate game of poker within the writer's knowledge (in which not only a fortune but a life were risked) occurred on board a Mississippi steamer, its hero being a Jew. Of late years many Anglo-Indian and pidgin-English, or Anglo- Chinese words, have become familiar to the public. For the former our chief authority has been the "Glossary of Anglo-Indian Colloquial Words and Phrases, and of Kindred Terms," by Col. Henry Yule and the late Arthur Coke Burnell (870 pp. 8vo, London, John Murray, 1886), a copious work, as remarkable for extensive erudition as for sagacity, common-sense, and genial humour. For pidgin-English we have used the only work extant on the subject, viz., " Pidgin- English Ballads, with a Vocabulary," by C. G. Leland (London, Triibner & Co., 1887). This remarkable dialect, owing to the ease with which it is acquired, is now spreading so rapidly all over the East that Sir Richard Burton thinks that it may at no distant date become the lingua-franca of the whole world. Anything like a distinct history of the development of English slang has hitherto been impossible, owing to the ignorance of most of those who have put themselves forward as its analysts and lexico- graphers. Samuel Rowlande told the world that gypsy and canting had resolved themselves into one and the same thing, and following his lead, one authority after the other, such as the author of the "Life of Bampfylde Moore Carew," gave us as "Gypsy" vocabu- laries, works in which hardly a trace of Romany was to be found. In vain did Grellmann, Hoyland, and George Borrow explain that xxii A Brief History of English Slang. these wanderers spoke an Oriental language even Mr. Edward Gosse, in his "Memoir of Samuel Rowlande," says that. '"Martin Markall ' is entirely in prose, except some queer gypsy songs " the " gyP s y song 8 " i n question having less resemblance to gypsy than English has to Spanish or French. The editor has before him a work written and published within a few years, called " The New York Slang Dictionary," in which the writer tells us that " bilk is a word in the gypsy language, from which most English slang is derived " (bilk not being Romany at all), and assures the reader that his book (which is simply a re-hash of Grose, with the addition of some purely modern Americanisms) will enable him to make him- self understood in the slums of St. Petersburg, Paris, or in any country in the world ! In common with far greater critics and scholars, he believes that gypsy is a mixture of all European tongues and corrupt English, when, in fact, it does not contain a single French word.* Hotten had a far better knowledge of the constituent elements of slang, unfortunately he had not even an average "smattering" of the languages which must be understood, and that into their very provincialisms, argots, and corruptions, in order to solve the origin of all the really difficult problems in it. He knew that the poet, Thomas Moore, made a great mistake in believing that canting was gypsy, but he knew nothing whatever of Romany, and asserts that it is mingled up and confused with canting, and is ignorant enough to declare that "had the gypsy tongue been analysed and committed to writing three centuries ago, there is every probability that many scores of words now in common use could be at once traced to its source." This was the result of an erroneous belief that Mr. Borrow knew everything of English Romany that could be known, while the fact is that by comparison with Continental dialects, and with the aid of what Mr. Borrow did not know, it is tolerably certain that the English gypsy of three cen- turies ago is by no means the lost language which he assumed it to be. The last and not least important element in English slang consists of Americanisms. The original basis or beginning of these is to be found in Yankeeisms or words and phrases peculiar at first to New England. They consisted chiefly of old English provincialisms, * George Borrow thinks that the word buddika, a shop, is from the French boutique. It is much more probably the Italian bottega, though it still more resembles the Spanish bodeya. A Brief History of English Slang. xxiii with an important addition of Dutch which came over the border from New York and New Jersey, and a few Canadian-French expressions. For these the dictionary of Mr. Bartlett is an invalu- able source of reference. We cannot praise too highly the industry and sagacity manifested in that work. His weak point lies in the fact that having been guided by dictionaries such as that of Wright, he too frequently assumes that a word which is marked as provincial is not generally known in England. Hence he gives as peculiarly and solely American words which have no special claim to be re- garded as such. In addition to these mostly Saxon-born terms, there is a much greater number of quaint eccentric expressions of Western and Southern growth, which increase at such a rate that one might easily compile from a very few newspapers an annual volume of new ones. Yet again, English slang phrases are continually being received and shifted into new meanings and forms, as caprice or need may dictate. It may surprise the reader to learn that the works of Artenius Ward, Bret Harte, Mark Twain, and other standard humourists, are by no means the great mines of slang which they are popularly supposed to be. It is in the newspapers, especially in their reports, theatrical or local, and not infrequently in the " editorials," that the new racy and startling words occur, as they are improvised and picked up. This dictionary contains a large collection of true and recent American colloquial or slang phrases, and though the works of the great American humourists have been carefully searched for this purpose, it will be found that the majo- rity of terms given are from other sources. The reader who is familiar with Bartlett and other writers on Americanisms, can judge for himself to what extent or to what a slight extent we are " indebted " to them. It is true that they are frequently cited, but in the great majority of instances it has been for the purpose of correction, emendation, or illustration of their definitions. The history of Slang is that of the transition of languages into new forms, and from this point of view it may be assumed that such a work as the present will be of as great interest to the thorough student of history as the folk-lore to which it properly belongs, or anything else which indicates the phases of culture. CONTRIBUTORS. PROF. A. BARUERE E. BROOKSMITH EGBRTON CASTLE J. C. COLEMAJJ SIR PATRICK COLQUHOUN MAJOR A. GRIFFITHS JOHN HOLLINGSHEAD P. BERESFORD HOPE REV. J. W. HORSLBY C. PELHAM HOGGINS REV. BLOMFIELD JACKSON C. T. JACOBI C. G. LELAND HAMON LE STRANGE CHARLES MACKAY, LL.D. PROF. W. PARIS T. PRESTON J. A. P. PRICE, M.D. ALFRED GERMAN REED PROF. D. B. W. SLADEN THE EARL OF SUFFOLK M. TYLECOTE And Other ts. A DICTIONARY OF SLANG, JARGON, AND CANT. I (popular), a form used to indicate a high degree of excel- lence. The magistrates all praise my zeal, And put me down A i, And burglars when they hear my step Instantly cut and run. They sometimes drop things in their flight, Those things of course I take ; To leave them there to tempt the poor Would be a great mistake. Music Hall Song. The expression is also used ad- verbially. My friends remark, " Oh, what a lark To see the money fly ! " They say we're two young sillies, and We don't know what to buy. But you just leave my Fred alone, He's such a knowing sort, He lays the money out AT, And this is what he's bought. Music Hall Sblab us among his new friends, we may slap his mouth yet." Charles Dickens : Oliver Twist. Among the many modes of tormenting practised by the ordinary woman of society, one of the worst is her habit of blabbing, or repeating to one dear friend the things that have been lately said and done by another dear friend. Saturday Review. Black-and-tan (street), half-and- half, porter and ale mixed. (American), applied to black and brown terriers. A mulatto, a mixture of mulattoesand blacks. During the Civil War the South was called the black - and - tan country, from the planters " tan- ning " or beating their slaves. Black arse Black bracelets. 125 Black arse (common), a kettle or pot. Black art (old cant), the art of picking locks. Blackball (society), means to vote against a man for election for a club, &c., by ballot. The expression was derived from the once prevalent custom at club elections of giving each voter a white and a black ball ; if he wished to vote for the election of the candidate he put in the white ball, if otherwise, the black ball. This term is so fre- quently used that it has ceased to be slang, and the word " pill " has been substituted. The French equivalent, a cor- ruption of the English, is black- bouler. Blackberry swagger (popular), a person who hawks tapes and bootlaces (Hotten). Blackbird, to (colonial), to kidnap, from the colour of the skin of those kidnapped, such as negroes, natives of New Zealand, &c. In the quotation reference is made to " Kanakas," which see. But sometimes we are glad to say in the past iniquitously blackbirded or kidnap- ped, and practically sold into slavery. Daily Telegraph. Blackbird catching (colonial), the slave trade ; recruiting coloured labourers in the South Sea Islands. Black-box (thieves), a lawyer. My blowen kidded a bloke into a panel crib and shook him of his thimble to put up for a black-box, but it wouldn't fadge. I took two stretches of air and exercise. On the Trail. i.e., " My girl enticed a man into a bawdy house (where men are robbed by confederates), and stole his watch to procure money for a counsel, but it was of no use. I got two years at a con- vict settlement." Blackboys (up country Austra- lian), aboriginal servants in Australia. Blackboy means a black who has become a servant. It is not surprising that "boy " should be synonymous with " servant" in countries in whose infancy free adult whites could hardly by any wages be induced to work. The term is not ap- plied to wild blacks. In many instances where two or three teams travelled together, one or more were driven by blackboys, that is to say, abori- ginal natives ; the term being invariably employed by colonists towards blacks, no matter what age they may be. These were attired similarly to their white com- panions in shirt and trousers ; but the shirts were as a rule of a more gaudy pat- tern, and a bright-coloured handkerchief as often as not encircled their waists, or was bound round their heads. A. C, Grant : Bush Life in Queensland. Black bracelets (old), handcuffs. When the turnkey next morning stepp'd into his room, The sight of the hole in the wall struck him dumb ; The sheriffs black bracelets lay strewn on the ground, But the lad that had worn 'em could no- where be found. Tol-de-rol 1 H. Ainsworth: Jack Sheppard, 126 Black cattle Blackford. Black cattle (old), parasites infest- ing the heads of uncleanly people. Black cattle show (clerical), a gathering of clergy; e.g., Epis- copal visitation, or garden-party. Black coat (common), a clergy- man, from the habitual sombre- ness of his attire. The French argot has corbeau for a priest, for the same reason. Black diamonds (popular), a common simile for coal. Also, talented persons of dingy or un- polished exterior ; rough jewels (Hotten). Black disease (medical), the common name of more than one disease, as of black jaundice, and of melsena. Black eye (common), "we gave the bottle a black eye," i.e., drank it almost up. " He cannot say ' black is the white of my eye, 1 " i.e., he cannot point out a blot in my character. (Nautical), " black's the white of my eye ! " used when Jack avers that no one can say this or that of him. It is an indignant assertion of innocence of a charge. "Le ciel n'est pas plus pur que le fond de mon coeur 1 " Blackfellow (Australian), an ab- original, one of the native in- habitants of Australia. The first feature in the natives which struck the early settlers of Aus- tralia was their colour. It was natural for them to write of the blackfettmvs. At present the term is most used by whites " up the country," and by the aborigines themselves. Towns- people generally talk of " ab- originals." I was one day at a country cricket match in Victoria. Two aboriginals were pre- sent. We were a man short, so we asked one of them to play for us. Both came into the pavilion, when the one who had been asked to play said to the other, " Blackfellow, you just clear out of this this place for cricketers, not for black- fellows" Douglas B. W. Sladen. Black fly (country), a clergyman. Black-foot (provincial), one who attends on a courting expedi- tion, to bribe the servant, make friends with the sister, or put any friend off his guard. The French say of a man who favours love intrigues, that " il tient la chandelle." Blackford, Blackford swell (Lon- don slang), a swell supposed to be in borrowed or hired plumage. It is common for roughs to cry Blackford! to a swell dressed up for the occasion. So called from an advertising tradesman well known as letting on hire suits of clothes by the day. Said the teacher : " ' And it came to pass that David rent his clothes.' Now what does that mean, boys, ' rent his clothes ' ?" Up went Benny's hand. " I tumble," says he, "Blackford." Popular Song. " He is seen everywhere about town I declare, When at home, who the deuce can he be? Blackfriars Blackguard. 127 He says he resides with his ma in M.iyfair Though his letters are postmarked E.G. He looks very well that's beyond all dispute For at Blackfonts he's rigged up and down, For Blackford lends suits, from the hat to the boots, And that just suits the Boy about Town." Blackfriars (thieves' slang), used as a warning; "look out I " French thieves would say, "ac- resto I " Blackguard (common), alow, dis- reputable fellow. Dr. John- son, Gifford, and others derive this from an attendant on the devil, and also from the mean dependants of a great house, who were generally called the black guard as early at least as the beginning of the sixteenth century. We have neither school nor hospital for the distressed children called the black- guards. Nelson : Address to Persons of QuaHty. A lousy knave, that within this twenty years rode with the blackguards in the duke's carriage, 'mongst spits and dripping- pans. Webster: The White Devil. Thieves and murderers took upon them the cross to escape the gallows ; adulterers did penance in their armour. A lament- able case that the devil's blackguards should be God's soldiers. Fuller: The Holy War. C. G. Leland says: "It is probably the old Dutch thieves' slang word blagaart, from blag, meaning a man (but always in an inferior sense), and art, the commonest termination for a noun. ' The greater part of the nouns in slang which are of Dutch origin, are formed with the ending aard (aart, erd, ert), er, rik, heid, and ing.' James Teirlinck, Woordenboek van Bar- goensch. To those who would object that man does not neces- sarily mean a vulgar or low per- son, I would suggest that in thieves' patois it means nothing else, and that in our British tinkers' dialect, subil siableach (Gaelic for a vagabond) is used simply to denote any man." Likewise in the French argot, gonce, originally a fool (occasion- ally used with that meaning now), has the signification of man, individual. Wright has, however, shown that the entirely English term blackguard, as ap- plied to scullions, was in general use at an early date. Her Majesty, by some means I know not, was lodged at his house Ewston, farre unmeet for her highness, but fitter for the black garde. Lodge's Illustrations, ii. 188. I was alone among a coachful of women, and those of the elector's duchesse cham- ber, forsooth, which you would have said to have been of the blacke guard. Mori- sons Itinerarie. Though some of them are inferior to those of their own ranke, as the blacke- guard in a prince's court. Burton: Ana- tomy of Melancholy. Nor must her cousin be forgot, preferr'd From many years' command in the black guard, To be an ensign. Whose tatter'd colours well do represent His first estate i" th' ragged regiment. Earl of Rochester's Works. 128 Blackguard Blackleg. In the above the allusion is to the cousin of Nell Gwyn, Charles II.'s mistress. These make out a strong case for the early use of the word in England. It would seem to have died out for a time and been revived, possibly under Dutch influence, in the time of the Georges. It has been suggested that blackguard is from braggart, with a change of liquid. French of the sixteenth century braguar, bragard, or bragyhar (gradually altered to bragueur, then bla- gueur), dandy, vain fellow, swaggerer, traceable to the old braies, breeches, dandies of the sixteenth century being known by the approved style of their breeches. More recently there are instances of dandies or others receiving the appellation of the more conspicuous articles of their dress or the colour of these the talon-rouge, a dandy of the time of Louis XIV. ; col-casst, the modern Parisian " masher ;" cas- queUe-d-trois-ponts, a bully ; culs- rouges and cherry-bums, hussars ; white-choker, a clergyman, &c. It has also been said that the term was derived from the cir- cumstance of a number of dirty ragged boys attending on the parade to blacken the boots and shoes of the soldiers and do any other dirty offices. From their constant attendance at the time of the Koyal Body Guard mount- ing, they were by some facetious person nicknamed the black- guards. Blackie (American), a very old word for a negro, still occa- sionally used. It is to be found in a negro song which dates back to the beginning of this century. Our son no more he serve ; no more play de lackey, No more our daughter weep, cos wite man call dem blackie. Ching-a-Ring Chaw. Black jack (American), rum and molasses, with or without water. A New England drink. (Winchester), a large leathern jug which formerly was used for beer. Black job (undertakers'), a fune- ral. Lord Portsmouth's hobby was to attend all the black jobs he could hear of. "What, a funeral mute?" "Yes, sir, black job business." Edmund Yates : Land at Last. Black language (Anglo-Indian), an expression, no longer com- mon, for Hindustani and other Indian tongues. It is remark- able that the English gypsies sometimes speak of Romany as the Kdlo jib, or black tongue. The term was doubtless origi- nally Hindu. Blackleg (common), a name for- merly appropriated to swind- lers in racing transactions, and to those who betted without intending to pay their losses. Also generally applied in Ame- rica to gambling of any kind. In its earlier application it Blackleg Black Maria. 129 meant a swindler or criminal, and is conjecturally derived from such fellows' legs being black and bruised from sitting in the stocks and wearing fet- ters ; or from the legs of a game-cock, which are always black, gamblers and swindlers being frequenters of the cock- pit. Else from an allusion to the legs of a " rook," another name for a swindler. Blackleg is now a recognised word. In old provincial English a Mack -foot was a man who attended a lover on a courting expedition to do the dirty and mean work, such as bribing servants, and acting the Leporello. (Tailors) to Uaclcleg, a set that reject a man as not fit to move in their society, or who organise a method to compel a man to leave his situation or the town, are said to blackley him. Blackletter lawyer (legal), an antiquarian expert in law, where- as one well versed in " case law," or the decisions of judges, is termed a " case lawyer." Black lion (medical), the name given to certain rapidly-slough- ing ulcers which affected our soldiers when in Portugal. Blackmail (recognised). To levy blackmail was a tribute extorted by powerful robber chieftains to protect travellers from the de- predations of other robbers in- ferior to themselves in strength and organisation. In the United States, says Bartlett, it usually means money extorted from a person, by threatening to accuse him of a crime or to expose him in the newspapers (it is used with a like meaning in England). "Thrice is he armed who hath his quarrel just," But sure that force in self defence will fail, Whose only armour 'gainst the critic thrust, Is found to be black mail. Punch. What Mr. Caine tells us about Clapham Common is unfortunately not confined to the suburbs, but is a very active evil in the centre of the very best parts of our town, and the continuous blackmailing of unfortunates by the police has been a notorious fact in such thoroughfares as Piccadilly, Pall Mall, Waterloo Place, Regent Street, &c., for some years past. Saturday Review. Skeat says : " Mail is a Scot- tish term for rent. Blackmail or Hack rent is the rent paid in cattle, as distinct from white money or silver." It is curious to note, however, that maiUe in old French signified copper coin (a trace of which still remains in the modern phrases sans sou ni maille, avoir maitte a partir, &c.). This word may have been adopted by the Scotch, who still retain French words in their phraseology. Black-money is a provincialism still used (Wright). Black Maria (English and Ame- rican), the cell van in which prisoners are removed from court to prison. Termed in the French argot " panier a salade." I 130 Black Maria Black toivn. Bobbies base and beaks inhuman Every fieldmale's path perplex ; Who on earth would be a woman Which it is a wretched sex. No one freer, no one greater, 'Arry cycles : is it just Sarah Anne's perambulator Should be hobject of disgust ? What's the reason, tell me why, ah ! Why that gig with children nice Should be scorned like Black Maria, Full of villainy and vice ? Ally Sloj>eS s Half Holiday. When Lord Carrington and his attend- ant noblemen arrived in Melbourne on a visit lately, Black Maria, the prison van, was drawn up by the station, apparently in waiting. Modern Society. This term is said to have originated in Philadelphia in 1838. Black Monday (popular), execu- tions used to take place on Mondays. Black mummer (old), a person un- shaved and unwashed. Black ointment (thieves), pieces of raw meat. Black psalm (old), to sing a black psalm was to cry. Black Sal (popular), the tea-kettle. Black Saturday (workmen's). When a labourer or mechanic has anticipated or drawn all his wages and has no money to take at the end of the week, his mates say " he has a Hack Saturday in his week." B 1 a c k-s h e e p (Winchester). When a man in "junior part" jockeyed a man in "middle part " he was said to black- sheep him, whilst the other was said to be black - sheeped. This could only happen in " cloisted time," that is, during the last eleven weeks of " long half," when "middle" and "junior parts " went up together. It refers now to senior and junior divisions of " middle part." Blacksmith's daughter (old), the large keys with which the doors of sponging-houses were furnished. Black spy (popular), the devil. Black strap (popular), port wine. (American), New England rum and molasses. (Nautical), the dark country wines of the Mediterranean. Also, bad port, such as was served for the sick in former times. Ask for a bottle of black strap out of bin No. 4 ; light your cigar, smoke the room full ; nod to misses, pull up your shirt collar before the looking-glass. Drawing for the Million. (Old), the name by which a certain punishment, a labour task imposed on soldiers at Gibraltar for small offences, was called. Black teapot (popular), a black footman. Black town (Anglo-Indian), the popular local English name for Madras. It is also used at Bom- Black wash Blank. bay .to distinguish the native quarter. Many cadets on their arrival are obliged to take up their residence in dirty punch- houses in the black town. Munro't Nar- rative, 22. Black wash (medical), a lotion consisting of calomel and lime- water. % Black work (popular), undertak- ing. Bladder of lard (popular), a bald- headed person. The French equivalent is " boule de vieux oing." Blade (common). It is generally and plausibly assumed that this word for a man is derived from blade as a synonym for sword, and a soldier. And this seems to be borne out by the analogy of a similar French expression, nne bonne lame, which formerly meant a man of the world, a dashing man. Blade is still used in the provinces for a brisk, mettlesome, sharp young man. But as it has the same pronunciation as the Dutch bloed, meaning " blood," and as a blood was the common term for " a fast, and high-mettled man " during the reigns of the Georges, it is not impossible it owes much to the latter. The word was also a personal noun in Dutch, as een arme bloed, a poor fellow. Bloed, a simple- ton, is from a different root ; bloode, timid, fearful ; Irish blate, German Mode. Royster- ers and debauchees were also termed " roaring boys." I do not all this while account you in The list of those are called the blades that roar In brothels, and break windows ; fright the streets At midnight worse than constables. Shirley : The Gamester. Bladhunk (tinker), prison. Blame (popular), a mild expletive used when one is dissatisfied or disappointed. Oftener heard in the provinces than in London, and much more so in America. The keeper had fired four times at an Indian, but he said, with an injured air, that the Indian had skipped around so's to spile everything and ammunition blamed sknrse, too. Mark Twain: Roughing It. Yes, John Bull is a blamed blockhead. Sam Slick. " Man alive ! This ain't the boat ; this is the ferry house 1 " "Yew don' say so! " slowly ejaculated the sunburned old fellow. "An" here I've been a waitin' three hours for the blamed thing to start for Brooklyn!" D take's '1 ravellers Magazint. " Damnation I " is sometimes softened into " blamenation I " Blan (gypsy), the wind. Blank (hunting), to draw a blank in coursing or hunting is to have a run without meeting with anything. Quite recently the term blank has been adopted as a substitute for " damn," " bloody," and other forcible expressions. 132 Blank Blase. Here you've been and gone three hours on an errand for me, and blank me if you ain't runnin' off without a word about it. Bret Harte : Gabriel Conroy. Because you're religious, blank you, do you expect me to starve ? Go and order supper first ! Stop ! where in blank are you going ? Bret Harte : Gabriel Conroy. " For blank's sake, sir, give me the orffice, you knows me surely, and that I'm square. Veil, then, give me the orffice, so help me blank I'll keep it dark." Enter a closely-shaven, bullet - headed fellow in an ecstasy of excitement at having just seen Cuss, and at the exquisite "fit- ness" of that worthy. " So help my blank, blank!" he cries delightedly, "if he ain't a blank picter with the weins in his face down 'ere and 'ere, a showin' out just if a blank hartist 'ad painted him. Tell yer he's beautiful, fine as a blank greyhound, with a blank heavy air with him that looks blank like winnin. Take yer two quid to one, guv'nor?" adds the speaker, suddenly picking out a stout purple-faced farmer in the group of eager listeners. Charles Dickens : Farce for the Championship in All the Year Round. Blanket, a lawful (old cant), a wife. The allusion is obvious. Blanket hornpipe (popular) refers to the sexual intercourse. Blanks (Anglo-Indian), a rare word used for whites or Euro- peans by themselves. Blare (popular), to roar, to bawl. He blared and he holloaed and swore he was hurt, His coat got torn off and he hadn't a shirt, Then the missus comes down and she said to the cook. You audacious hussey, you'd best sling your hook. The Masher and the Parrot : Broadside Ballad. Blarney (common), flattery ; sup- posed to be derived from a stone in the tower of Blarney Castle, near Cork, the kissing of which is a feat of some difficulty, from its perilous position in the wall. It is supposed to confer the gift of eloquence, of a kind peculiarly adapted to win the hearts of women. It is a common saying in Cork, when a man is trying his powers of persuasion or wheedling, " he has been to Blarney Castle," or "none of your blarney." Blast (popular), a familiar name amongst the lower orders for erysipelas of the face. Blater (popular), a calf; to "cry beef on a blater" to make a fuss about nothing. Don't be glim-flashy ; why, you'd cry beef on a blater. Lytton : Pelham. Blather (general), idle nonsense. Also thin mud or puddle. A prize-fighter who does not fight is about as valuable a machine as an alarum clock which does not go off. He has no raison d'etre. We do not of course wish to insinuate that any of the " fistic marvels " of to-day are guilty of such conduct. And yet there may be those who watch " Mr." John L. Sullivan revolving round the pro- vinces in a cloud of blather, who think the cap should fit. Fair Trade. Blatherskite (American), a man whose tongue runs away with him ; an irrepressible noisy chatterer; "blathering." Of Scotch origin (vide BLETHERS). Blaze (American). " To blaze a tree," to remove the bark so as Blaze Blazers. 133 to leave a white surface exposed, which serves either for a boun- dary, a landmark, or as a sign to direct travellers. The Algon- kin Indians of the north-east blaze trees so as to direct Indians leaving a village ; white men make such marks on the other side. A path which brought us opposite Ntunduru Island, blazing the trees as a guide. Stanley: Through the Dark Con- tinent. It is used in this sense by the up country Australians. The last six miles of a new road into Carcoar had just been marked out and partially made by the inhabitants, ex- pressly for the governor. It was a well chosen but rough track designated by blazed trees on either hand, the unbarked parts being painted white, in order to be more manifest in the dusk. Lieut.-Col. Munday : Our A ntipodes. It also applies to any kind of landmark. I picked up a stone, and blazed my course by breaking off a projecting corner occasionally from lava walls and festoons of sulphur. Mark Twain : A Strange Dream. Blaze is an English provin- cialism for a white spot on a horse's forehead ; and blazed is a term applied to a tree when marked for sale. (General), to Haze away, to fire. He blazed away and missed you in that shallow watercourse. A. L. Gordon : The Sick Stockrider. Blaze of triumph (theatrical), a ridiculous hyperbole, invented by the poet Bunn, to indicate a great success and crowded houses. To the initiated this usually signifies a dead fail- ure, and a house crowded with "dead- heads." Blazer (university), a coloured loose flannel jacket, worn as the uniform of a boating or other club ; originally red, but now of the club colours, striped or coloured accordingly. The surplice worn by students in chapel on certain feast or fast days, is described as the llazer of the Church of England. Each club chose a different colour or combination of colours, and these combinations are some- thing sufficiently startling to have originated the appellation. Another fair damsel was resplendent in a scarlet blazer over cream-coloured flannel. Some of the striped blazers were very becoming. Slate and white, and black and white, were decidedly the favourites, though one daring dame had ventured on magenta. Modern Society. The effect produced by the thousands of floating and moving craft, with their occu- pants in brilliant blazers and light cos- tumes, is quite unique of its kind. The Standard. (Prisons), a jacket worn by convicts. If the young gentlemen do not like the convict blazers, they will not be allowed to take out a boat unless accompanied by a policeman. Funny Folks. Blazers (nautical), a term applied to mortar or bomb vessels, from the great emission of flame to throw a 1 3-inch shell. Admiral Smyth. 134 Diazes Bleeding. Blazes (common). " Go to blazes," i.e., "go to hell," is a common expression both in Great Britain and the United States, among those who are too fastidious to say the word that they mean, and are willing to go ninety-nine per cent, in the expression of profanity, making use of "by Gad," instead of "by God," "great Scott," instead of "great God," and " darned" instead of " damned." I could have told Johnny Skae that I would not receive his communication at such a late hour, and to go to blazes with it. Mark Twain. Bleach, to (Harvard University, Massachusetts), to absent one- self from morning prayers. To prefer being present in the spirit rather than in the body. Bleached mot (popular), a fair- complexioned wench. Bleak (thieves' slang), handsome (New York Slang Dictionary). Bleating 1 cheat (old cant), a sheep. " Cheat," meaning a thing (gypsy), was added to a word describing the cry of the ani- mal, thus cackling cheat, grunt- ing cheat, &c. When I spoke to him, he said some- thing about a bleating sheep losing a bite ; but I should think this young man is not much of a talker in general. Macntillans Magazine. Bleating cull (old cant), a sheep- stealer. Bleating prig, sheep-stealing. Bleating rig (old cant), sheep- stealing. Bleed, to (English and American), to be obliged to pay money against one's will, or to oblige one to pay. A boy lives in Pennsylvania who suffers from bleeding at intervals. He usually bleeds nine days at a time. Candidates who bleed three months at a time will envy him. San Francisco Alta. . This is in reference to the extravagant demands made upon political candidates by " heelers " and " strikers." Then this fine old Englishman, to crown each other deed, Has lately shown that for our sake he did not fear to bleed. A generous gift, that silver cup, in sooth you'll be agreed, That a cup which bears nine handsome mugs is a handsome one indeed I St. Helen's Lantern. (Printers), a book or pamphlet that is cut down so much as to touch the printed portion is said to bleed. Bleeder (sporting), a sovereign ; (university), a " regular bleeder" signifies a superlative duffer. Bleeders (old), spurs, from their causing blood to flow by fre- quent use. Bleeding the monkey (nautical). The monkey is a tall pyramidal rod or bucket which conveys the grog from the grog-tub to the men. Stealing from this in tran- situ is so called. Admiral Smyth. Blethers Blind. 135 Blethers (Scottish), wind or windy ; nonsense. Robert Burns jocosely laments that his busi- ness was to string up blethers in rhyme for fools to sing. Bletherhead is a loquacious fool. Bletherumskite is a synonymous word, but expressive of still greater contempt by the use of the word "skite" or "skyte," which signifies excrement. To blether or blather is to talk tedi- ously and foolishly. The word is akin to " bladder," that is, filled with wind. I hae been clean spoilt just wi' listen- ing to twa blethering old wives. Sir Walter Scott: Old Mortality. Wha can ken . . . whether sic prayers as the Southron read out of their auld blethering black mess-book there, may not be as powerful to invite fiends, &c. Scott : Fortunes of Nigel. Blew or blue (common), to waste, to spend, to dissipate. " I blew a bob (I wasted a shilling)," said a costermonger, " when I went to an exhibition of pictures." To spend or lose one's money in gambling or betting. But knock-down blows the punter knows . Are a part of his racing creed, And he says this year he has no fear " The Baron titust succeed I " We think so too, and our oof we'll blew, However rash the act, For if this one's missed he will swell the list Of the winners we might have backed. Sporting Times. We'll polish off the malt and grog, and to have we are bound, A jolly jug, and kiss the girls and women all around ; We'll take a stroll, and then keep it up till boxing night, Blew all the coin rent as well, and think we're doing right ; And if we have to pawn the clock, next day I shan't repine, It was my father's custom, and so it shall be mine. Song. Blewed (common), spent, disposed of. Lost or been robbed of. Pri- marily, to pay out, to spend. German blauen, which suggests blue, and not to blow, as the original. Ins ttaue hinein (away into the blue), vanished, gone ; the French passe au bleu, has the same signification. Faire passer au bleu, to suppress, dis- sipate, spend, squander, appro- priate. An allusion to a dis- tant, undefined place in the blue above. Bligee, bligey (pidgin), obliged. Too muchee 'bligeeyou, MisseeHughsee, fo' that number-one book. You show me that pricee, England-side, my look see that Table, can savey how-fashion ( makee offer. Must catchee chancee now. Chin : Punch. Blimey (common), an apparently meaningless, abusive term. C. FOR THE MOB. As this is a court, I feel it suitable and proper to use the sort of language always used up our court. I therefore remark, " Liars, murderers, ras- cals, ghastly bloodsuckers, devils ; garn hout, shet up currant-face, blimey," and other things which would naturally occur to a gentleman by Act of Parliament. An Ennobling Exhibition. Blind (popular), " in the Wind," in the night, in darkness. 136 Blind Blizzard. Then it's down with the bedstead and let us away, Pack up all we can in the blind, And long ere the morning, Without any warning, We'll leave back-rent and landlord be- hind. Song. (Printers), a term applied to a paragraph mark IT, owing to the fact of the eye of the P being black or filled up. Blind cheeks (popular), posteriors, termed sometimes Hind Cupid. The French argot calls it more appropriately le borgne. An- other slang expression for the same part of the body is "two fat cheeks and ne'er a nose ; " in French slang " un visage sans Blinder (thieves), to "take a blinder," to die. Some rubber to wit had napped a winder, And some were scragged and took a blinder. On the Trail. Blindo, to (army), to die. Blind one's trail, to (American), to act in such a way that it would be difficult to trace one's doings ; putting off the scent. Thus a fox in crossing a river blinds his trail, water being fatal to the scent of dogs. Blink, to (American), to drink. In Dutch thieves' slang, blinkert is a glass. " Blinkert om uit te buizen " " To booze from a glass." Blinker (American), a phrase fully explained by the follow- ing anecdote from a New York newspaper : " The term growler has become obsolete, and blinker has succeeded it. A waggon- load of ' supplies ' was transferred to the Bedlows (prison) island boat, and among them were two two-gallon kerosene oil cans. A boat-hand remarked, ' They must be usin' lots of kerosene them officers over there for they gets them cans filled mighty often ! ' The secret was let out a few minutes later, when one of the men coming on deck with the happy smile of one who has interviewed the ardent, said to one of his companions : ' I say, Jimmy, the blinkers have got good stuff this time 1 ' " Vide BLINK. Blinkers (pugilistic), the eyes, termed also ogles, optics, peep- ers, winkers. (Common), spec- tacles. Blinkert, Dutch slang, glass. Blinko (thieves), the term is ex- plained by the quotation. " What is a blinko, for instance?" " Well, it's a kind of entertainment, sing- ing, and that," replied the old fellow, " to which strangers are not invited least of all the police."/. Greenwood: Dick Temple. Blizzard (American), a word of many meanings. In one of the early Crockett almanacs about 1836 it appears as distinctly meaning a shot from a rifle. " The elder boys when they went to school carried their rifles to get a blizzard at anything they might meet on the road." It has been conjectured that in this sense it was derived from Blizzard Block. blaze, or from the (Canadian) French blesser, to wound or hit. It was also applied to lightning at an early date. At present the tremendous wind - storms like the typhoon which sweep over the West are called blizzards. It possibly owes this later mean- ing to the German blitz. With reference to the word blizzard, a Western correspondent sends the follow- ing : The word was first used in Marshall, Minn., some thirteen years ago. Some friends were enjoying themselves at a public-house, when a storm of wind and snow arose, and one of the number, look- ing up quickly, uttered a German expres- sion (our correspondent has forgotten the words) which sounded very much like bliz- zard. His friends took it up and have since called a storm of wind accompanied by snow a blizzard. Some years ago the origin of the word was sought and it was said to be Indian, and that an Indian used the expression (or one similar in sound) upon seeing some white men coming out of a severe snowstorm. Detroit Free Press. The German expression here referred to is " blitzen 1 " Bloat (American), a drunkard, a drowned corpse. Bloater (popular), " my bloater," a term of friendship much in favour with 'Any, who likes his friends as much as his bloater for breakfast, and that is not saying a little. But, bless yer, my bloater, it isn't all chin-music, vots and " ear ! 'ear ! " Or they wouldn't catch me on the ready, or nail me for ninepence. No fear ! Punch. Block, the (Australian). " Doing the block," i.e., promenade, is one of the favourite amuse- ments of Melbourne ladies be- tween twelve and one and five and six. The block is the fashion- able promenade in Melbourne. The block is the block of build- ings in Collins Street lying be- tween Swanston Street and Elizabeth Street. Block house (old slang), a prison, house of correction, penitentiary, and similar establishments. The expression reminds one of the French military slang term le bloc, an abbreviation of blockhaus. Block of stock (American), an adaptation of the French term en bloc, meaning a large number of shares in anything, a great undivided mass, held as a single interest. It would be comparatively easy, there- fore, for a syndicate to take the control from Jay Gould, especially if Russell Sage or some other holder of a big block of stock were to join the movement. Chicago Tri- bune, October 2, 1887. Block ornaments (popular), the better kind of meat scraps sold at butchers' stalls. On the shelves set out in front of the shop, meat scraps are offered at ijd. the Ib. ; better scraps (or block ornaments, as they are termed) at 4d. Standard. For dinner, which on a week day is hardly ever eaten at the costermonger's abode, they buy block ornaments, as they call the small, dark-coloured pieces of meat exposed on the cheap butchers' blocks or counters. Henry Mayheiu : London Labour and the London Poor. Also old-fashioned, queer -look- ing men and women. 138 Bloke Blood. Bloke (common), not strictly "a man," as Hotten defines it, but a man in a contemptuous sense. So the word was originally used in the police newspapers twenty- five years ago. A bloke was a victim of sharps, a stupid per- son, a greenhorn. It is not from the gypsy lake, a man, as Hotten asserts, loke not being an Anglo-Romany word. It is probably from the Dutch blok, a block, a log, a fool, which gives rise to blok-ker, a plodder, a dull fellow, and to the English blockhead. The girl is stunning, the blokes say, so we must forgive you. Ouida : Held in Bondage. " Give us a border, then, old bloke," shrieked another gamin. F. W. Robin- son : Little Kate Kirby. It has another signification, which is explained by the quota- tion. It came out in the course of the evidence that the meaning of the word bloke was " a man whom a woman might pick up in the street." /. Greenwood: Seven Curses of London. Blood (fencing). In the old back- swording contests a blood, i.e., a streak of blood on the head or face at least one inch in length, was the equivalent of a deci- sive "broken-head." The word blutigcr is used in the same sense by the German students on the Mensur. In prize-ring parlance the word is not considered suffici- ently graphic, and blood is never mentioned except under syno- nyms such as " claret " (especi- ally picturesque in connection with tapping), "Badminton" (a peculiar kind of claret cup invented at the Duke of Beau- fort's seat), "ruby," "crimson," " Chateau Lafitte," &c. Blood and entrails (nautical). This is a slang name given to the British ensign by Yankee sailors. Blood and thunder (popular), port wine and brandy mixed. Blood and thunder literature (American), now common in England. Literature of the loudest and coarsest sensational kind, "detective" novels, ro- mances like "Jack Sheppard" and the " Outlaw of the Plains," " Life of Buffalo Bill," &c. One more instance of the deleterious influence of blood and thunder fiction. Lecomte, the man who made a most deter- mined attempt to murder a messenger of the Bank of France the other day by plunging a bradawl into the nape of his neck, was an inveterate peruser of crimson- toned literature, his favourite authors being Ponson du Terrail, Gaboriau, and Lacenaire, the lettered murderer who emulated the deeds of Hoffman's " Car- dillac " by prowling around the streets of Paris for victims. Paris Correspondence : Daily Telegraph. Blood boat (naval), a "tally boat " or bumboat, a boat em- ployed to carry provisions from the shore. Blood -curdler (society), a story of murder likely to make the reader's blood curdle. Blood Bloody. 139 It will contain two pages of interesting and absorbing turf reminiscences by our- selves and master; a blood - curdler, by the murderman. Sporting Times. The only one who is annoyed is our own special murder-monger, who has got several blood-curdlers of English extraction up his sleeve. Sporting Times. Blood for blood (trade), barter among tradesmen, who ex- change with each other the commodities in which they deal. Blood-suckers (society), extor- tioners, people who are con- stantly getting money. Derived from vampires, who are blood- suckers. If the stay be longer, the porter and the boots expect something. A fair estimate is about two francs per diem divided be- tween all the blood-swkers. Members of the Stock Exchange generally give treble this ; members of the aristocracy half. Truth. (Nautical), lazy fellows, who by skulking throw their pro- portion of labour on the shoul- ders of their shipmates. Ad- miral Smyth. In the army such fellows are styled " scrim - shankers." Bloody. Dr. C. Mackay makes the following remarks : "A word that is constantly used in the sense of sanguinary by the rudest and foulest-mouthed of the vul- gar. Did these people know the harmlessness of the odious epithet, as they now understand it if they understand it at all they would perhaps cease to employ it, as not sufficiently coarse and disgusting to suit cheir ideas of the emphatic. Dean Swift, who was partially acquainted with the vernacu- lar Gaelic of Ireland, wrote from Dublin to his friend Gay that it was ' Uoody hot ' an expres- sion which he would not have permitted himself to use in its blackguardly English sense of sanguinary. 'Bloody hot,' in the use made of it by Dean Swift, meant ' rather hot.' " Mr. Charles G. Leland writes : "Mr. Hotten thinks that this is an expletive without reference to any meaning. Any one who will take the pains to look over the sanguinary words in any European language can at once perceive a great deal of meaning in the association of bloody with evil or revolting. We find, for instance, ill or evil blood, blood- thirsty, blood-stained, bloody, in the sense of cruel or atro- cious, bloody council, blood- guilty, and in German or Dutch, blood-shame or incest, a blood- revenger, bloody revenge, and in all three ' a bloody villain ' for murderer, as nothing is more natural than for an adjective or adverb used in so many oppro- brious meanings to take on others. The transfer of bloody from murderous to everything wicked or bad seems as natural as Max 'Hell's derivation of it from By'r Lady 1 is absurd. As K. H. Proctor remarks, in his Americanisms ( ' Knowledge ' ), it is ' simple nonsense.' The Germans have blutwenig, which 140 Bloody Blot. has nothing to do with blut, ' blood ; ' the first component is a dialectal form of bloss, 1 merely." The Earl of Suffolk gives the following definition of the word: "Bloody, an orna- mental adjective of infinite adaptability and significance. This word is used largely though not exclusively in turf circles." Bloody Jemmy (popular), sheep's head. Bloody king's, a red-brick church in Barn well (St. Mary's the Less), resembling King's Col- lege Chapel in architecture. Bloody Mary's, the red-brick church, St. Paul's, resembling St. Mary's in Cambridge, the University church. Bloody shirt, the (American), agitation of the war question after the Civil War. " Chorus of mugwump, democratic, and rebel yells : Here's Blaine waving the bloody shirt again. The colour line is wiped out ; the negro question is settled, and all Southern negroes interested in poli- tics are democrats. Down with the sec- tional question ! " Bloomer (Australian), prison slang for a mistake. Abbreviated from the expression "a bloom- ing error." Blooming (common), used com- monly for emphasising a word, but generally in an ironical manner, or to express disap- pointment or ruffled feelings mild swearing, in fact. It is applied to everything from a swell to an oyster. Heard on the course at Ascot after mounted bobby had rushed amongst horses in Prince of Wales' Stakes and completely spoiled Phil's chance of winning. Irate backer of Phil, with feeling : " Just like my blooming luck ; a blooming peeler's stood in my way all my life." Bird o' Freedom. He had been tried and found guilty of murder. The day had come for his execu- tion, and the Talepitcher and Tom Beard had made a special journey to the gallows with a Church Service and a German dic- tionary to hear his last words. As the fatal moment approached he turned to the hang- man, in a dazed, half-conscious manner: " What day o" the week is this ?" " Monday," replied Berry. " Monday, is it ? Well, s' whelp my good garden stuff, this is a bloomin nice way to commence the week ! " Sporting Times. Bloomy (American), flowers; from the Dutch. Bloss (American thieves), woman, girl, mistress ; from blossom, old English slang. I only piked into Grassville with a dim- ber-damber, who couldn't pad the hoof for a single darkman's without his bloss to keep him from getting pogy. On the Trail. Blot the scrip (popular), to engage to do anything by a written instrument. Blot the scrip, and jark it (old cant), to stand surety or bail for any one. Bloviate Blow. 141 Bloviate (American), a made up or "factitious" word, which has been used since 1850, and is perhaps older. It is irregularly used to signify verbosity, wan- dering from the subject, and idle or inflated oratory or blow- ing, by which word it was pro- bably suggested, being parti- ally influenced by " deviate." Blow (university), a drunken frolic ; an old slang phrase for- merly much in vogue at both Oxford and Cambridge, but not much used now, such words as "spree," "tight," &c., having superseded it. Also, "to blow," and "to go on the blow." (Old cant), " He has hit the blow," i.e., he has stolen the goods, or done the deed. (Common), a shilling. For this I went to the Steel (Bastile Cold Bath Fields Prison), having a new suit of clobber on me, and about fifty blow in my brigh (pocket). When I came out I went at the same old game. /. Horsley : Prison Jottings. Blow, blow it (American thieves' slang), to be silent, be quiet ! hold your chatter ! This is quite the opposite of the English slang "to blow," which means to inform on, or the common American " to blow," i.e., to talk loudly and emptily. Mac Clarty objected ; giving the young man a warning look, he said, "Nixey Toohey, get out flash blow it, man, blow it ! " which meant that Mr. Mac Clarty thought that Mr. Toohey ought not to talk so much. Philadelphia Press, Dec. 8, 1887. Blow, blow on, upon (common), to expose, inform. And she ain't got nobody but me to keep a secret for her, and I've been and blowed on her. /. Green-wood ': Dick Temple. You wouldn't blow an old chum among his friends, would you ? Sam Slick : The Clockmakir. Depend upon it that they're on the scent down here, and that if he moved, he'd blow upon the thing at once. Dickens : Oliver Twist. But I will blow her, he said, I will blow her ladyship's conduct in the business. Sir Walter Scott: St. Ronan's Well. Derived from the primary mean- ing to blow, to spread by report as if with a trumpet, to publish ; or from to blow upon, to taint, to blast, to bring into disfavour or discredit. Happily for him, he was not put to the bar till the first burst of popular rage had spent itself, and till the credit of the false witnesses had been blown upon. Macaulay. In Dutch an ear-blower, oor- bleazer, means an instigator, informer, or sycophant ; the French siffler dans I'oreitte seems to be closely allied to it. (Win- chester), to blow signifies to blush, like a rose in full bloom. (American), to blow, to brag, or " gas " unduly. (Old slang), " to blow the groundsels," using the floor for the purpose of sexual intercourse. (Common), "to blow the gaff," to reveal the secret, to " peach," to inform. The old form still in use is "to blow the gab," i.e., to utter the dis- course, which has more meaning in it. 142 Blow Blower. Why, he scarcely knows a jimmy from a round robin, and Jack deserved the tippet for making a law with him, as all coves of his kidney "blow the gaff." On the Trail. Sometimes " to blow the gag," which literally signifies to blow off the metaphoric impediment which keeps one's mouth closed. To blow off, to treat to drinks. (Common), blow out, a good meal. That was a rare good blow out, solilo- quises Dan, complacently recalling the taste of the savoury viands. Sat/age Lon- don. Slowed, to be blowed. This expres- sion is a weak attempt to avoid the use of the oaths " damn " or " blast," and occurs in only such expressions as " I'll be blowed if I do," and many others that are continually heard from the mouths of the populace. Tom Hood was asked to con- tribute to a new cheap periodi- cal for nothing, or for a small advance as he termed it upon nothing, and replied to the request that he would will- ingly do so in the interest of cheap literature, if his butcher and baker would act upon the same principle towards himself. He cited a letter on the subject which he had received from his butcher : SIR, Respectin" your note ; cheap litera- ture be blowed! Butchers must live as well as other people, and if so be as you and the readin' public wants to have meat at prime cost, you must buy in our beast- esses, and kill yourselves. JOHN STOKES. It's no shame to be defeated by Peck- sniff. Blow Pecksniff. Dickens : Martin Chuzzlewit. Blowen (thieves), originally a showy courtesan, a prostitute, but now used more in the sense of woman, mistress. Tramp it, tramp it, my jolly blowen, Or be grabbed by the beaks we may, And we shall caper a-heel-and-toeing A Newgate hornpipe some fine day. William Maginn. All the most fashionable prigs, or toby- men, sought to get him into their set ; and the most crack oltnven in London would have given her ears at any time for a loving word from Bachelor Bill. Lytton : Paul Clifford. It is used with a like meaning by American thieves. Ah, Bell ! you were always the blowen for a rum bing. On the Trail, M. 0. Davis gives the definition of " blowen, a showy woman, used disparagingly," which would imply that it is derived from blown, i.e., inflated. It seems on the contrary to be used in a complimentary sense, a simile from a full-blown flower, and this poetical derivation is borne out by the closely allied term, blowcss, a pet, and Uoss, a woman, from blossom in Ame- rican thieves' lingo. Blower (American), a noisy, talk- ative man, a " gas-bag." A man who earns his living by travelling about with a lung-tester was in Indiana- polis the other day. He was approached by a tall, well-fed personage, who handed him five cents and prepared to blow into his machine. " Hold on hold on a minute ! " said the street faker, excitedly, as he scanned his customer a moment, and jerked the tube out of his hand ; " ain't you Dan Voorhees?" Blower Blown. H3 "I am D. W. Voorhees," replied the tall man, in some surprise. " Then you can't touch this machine. I wouldn't have it burst for $50. Here is your nickel. This ain't no elephant lung- tester. " And shouldering his machine the man walked rapidly away, as if he had had a narrow escape. It would appear from this artless anecdote that Mr. Voor- hees has a natural reputation as a blmver. It is said that the late Horace Greeley, during a trip from New York to Phila- delphia, being engaged in a political discussion, went on "narrating" or "orating" for a long time, while all the other passengers kept silence in ad- miration of the great man. But the conductor, not knowing who the speaker was, and think- ing that he was monopolising an undue share of conversation a great offence in the United States stepped up to him with the remark, " Old man, you talk too much. Shut up I We don't allow no such blowing on this train." And then there was a roar of laughter "fit to blow the roof off." (Popular), a tobacco-pipe. Blow in (American), another form of "blew," to spend one's money. "Sam? Isn't he in the valley?" "Not much ! Sam got two months' wages ahead, so he cracked his whip, and went off on a bend." "To blow in?" Jake laughed assent. Saddle and Moccasin, " To blow in one's pile," to spend one's money, to pay. I had " bitnun in my pile " On the strength of his tip, The name of the horse Was on many a lip ; But I learnt, ere sunset, to my sorrow That there's slips twixt the cup and the lip. Turf, Field, and Farm. Blowing (Australian, popular), boasting, bragging. The public-houses presented a very busy sight, and judging by the bars it seemed that when men were not eating, sleeping, or working, they were drinking grog and boasting (or blowing, in colonial parlance) of some feat which they had performed, or of the particular merits of some horse, bullock, dog, or man. Grant : Bush Life. The metaphor probably is "blow- ing one's own trumpet," if indeed it be not simply an abbreviation, Australian slang being given to abbreviations of all kinds. An- thony Trollope gave a good deal of offence in Australia by speak- ing of blowing as a national fail- ing out there. (American), " blowing his ba- zoo," blowing his own trumpet, boasting. From the Dutch bazu , abbreviation of bazuin, a trum- pet or trombone, -" Jemands lof bazuynen," to sound one's (own) praise. (Thieves), " blowing out a red light," stealing a gold watch, a white light being a silver watch. (Nautical), " blow- ing great guns and small arms," heavy gales, a hurricane ; " blow- ing the grampus," throwing water over a man on watch who has fallen asleep. Blown together (tailors), gar- ments badly made are said to have been blown together. 144 Blow out Blue. Blow out (common), an entertain- ment or feast. " She" sent me a card for a blow out," said Mowbray, " and so I am resolved to go." Sir Walter Scott: St. Roman's Well. Synonyms are "spread," "flare up." Blow up (common), so universally used as to have almost ceased to be slang ; to vehemently scold, reprimand. The other day some poor fellow married a somewhat faded beauty, and one of his former acquaintances inquired how the newly-wedded pair were getting on. " Very indifferent," was the reply. " She's always blowing him up." " I'm not sur- prised at that," said the first. "Look at the amount of powder she carries about her." Ally Slofer's Half Holiday. To give a blowing up is synony- mous. (Workmen), to blow up (i.e., to sound the whistle), is to call the men to work ; used by fore- men and gangers. Blowsy (common), wild, dis- ordered, dishevelled, generally applied to the hair of a woman when unkempt, disarranged, and streaming over her forehead and face. " Blowsabella " is the name given to a personage in an ancient mock heroic poem. Blub (popular), an abbreviation of to "blubber," to cry like a child with noise and slavering. Don't be a fool and blub, Jim, it's a darned good thing for you, You'll find a mate as can carry and 111 play the music too. George R. Sims : Ballads of Babylon. Blubber (popular), the mouth ; to " sport blubber" is said of a large coarse woman who exposes her bosom ; blubber and guts, obesity ; blubber-belly, a fat person ; blubber-bead, a stupid person. (Nautical), blubber boiler, a whaling vessel. (Common). blubber cheeks, large flaccid cheeks hanging like the fat or blubber of a whale. The term has ceased to be slang. Bluchers (Winchester), college prefects with only "half" power, which means they can only "fag" men in "hall" or " chambers." The remaining eight college prefects (called in Winchester tongue bluchers) have a more limited authority, confined to chambers and the quadrangle. Block- wood's Edinburgh Magazine. Bludgers (thieves), fellows who do not hesitate to use the bludgeon. Bludget, a low female thief who decoys her victims into alley- ways, &c., to rob them (New York Slang Dictionary). Sludger (English slang), a man who uses violence in robbery ; it has pos- sibly some connection with the old Dutch slang word bdletje, a man or master. " Volmaakt, bolletje, volmaakt I " Blue (common). This word en- ters into several slang phrases, not only English but of other nationalities. To be in "the blues," to have a "fit of the blues" (in French broyerdunoir), to be afflicted with Blue. " Hue devils," to drink till " all is blue," " to be partial to blue ruin," "tolookWue," "to cry blue murder," are all familiar phrases of ancient origin and modern prevalence. " Du vin bleu," and " petit bleu," are used by the French to signify thin, sour, unwholesome wine, terms which owe their origin to a similar association of ideas. In some of those with melan- choly meanings, there is an evident connection between blue as a colour, and the idea of grief, disappointment. Thus the French have the expression, "En voir de tteues," to meet with great disappointment, an- noyance, sufferings, a variant of "En voir de grises." "En bailler tout bleu," to be gaping with astonishment at some news or act which arouses one's in- dignation, from the livid hue of the face. Charles G. Leland makes the following remarks : " Blue, English popular slang, but somewhat extended in the United States. When this word is used to denote extremes, as ' to drink till all is blue,' ' a dyed in the wool blue Presbyterian," ' true-Wue ' in political opinions or honesty, it would appear that its origin is possibly maritime. Blue water was till a recent period always described as off or out of soundings, so that, like the sky, it suggests no end. It is remarkable that in both German and Dutch the same idea of extremity is connected with blue. An utterly bad, piti- ful result in the latter is ' Een blauwe uytvlugt.' In the last ex- tremity of dead drunkenness, or in the swoons of a man in the delirium tremens, a blue sky or atmosphere seems to gather round the victim, in which a luminous point appears, which ' seems to come directly at him,' as the writer has heard it de- scribed. To look blue is pro- bably derived, like Mwe-noses, from cold, or from approaching death, which latter would suffi- ciently account for the relation of blue to despair, despondency, and misery." " Now, shendlemens, I sings you a song of mine own vot I translade from de Sher- man of Schiller " : Dere is an oldt saying, und I peliefe id is true, Dot ven a man dies his fingers toorn pine, His fingers toorn flue by de light of de moon, Und vy shouldn't efery man enjoy his own room? Gorus. Room, poys, room, by de light of de moon, Und vy shouldn't efery man enjoy his own room ? Yale College Song. " Blue devils and red monkeys are said by the experienced to be the characteristic appari- tions which haunt drunkards." (Common), to talk blue, to talk immodestly, or libidinously. "A bit of Hue," an obscene or libidinous anecdote. ' ' A brown conversation" and "a brown study " is used in the contrary sense, and means seriously, gravely, and decently. K 146 Blue Blue- blazer. (Oxford and Cambridge), a man is said to get his Hue (that is, the right to wear the Uni- versity colour) when he repre- sents his University against the rival university, in the an- nual boat-race, cricket-match, athletic sports, or football matches. Blue, blew, to (common), to pawn or pledge, to spend or lose one's money at gambling, to waste money generally. Varied to Uew, from the phrase "blown in," which refers to money that has been spent, as in the phrase, " I ' blewed ' all my tin." For another derivation see BLEWED. He'd a rooted aversion to everything blue, And so innately modest was he That he blushed when his optics en- countered a view Of the broadly cerulean sea. He adored modest maidens of charming eighteen, But blue-stockings he'd always eschew, And he carried his tastes to the verge of the mean He had oof, which he never would blew. Sporting Times. " To Uew a job," to make a mess of a business ; from to blow in the sense of make worth- less ; (thieves), to Uew, to steal ; "Hewed of his red 'un," i.e., his watch stolen from him. " I've been Uewed of my skin," I've been robbed of my purse. Blue-apron (common), a Hue -apron statesman. ' ' A lay politician, a tradesman who interferes with the affairs of the nation. The reference is to the blue apron once worn by almost all trades- men, but now restricted to but- chers, poulterers, fishmongers, and so on " (Dr. Brewer's Dic- tionary of Phrase and Fable). Blue bill (Winchester), every "man" in " Commoners," that is, school, in contradistinction to college, has his tradesman's bills enclosed in a blue envelope given to him by the head-master on the last evening of the half, after " preces " or prayers, at 8.45 P.M., in "Mugging Hall." (See this word.) Blue Billy (popular), the hand- kerchief (blue ground with white spots) sometimes worn and used as a colour at prize- fights. Also the refuse ammo- niacal lime from gas factories (Hotten). Blue blanket (vagrants), explained by quotation : The vagabond brotherhood have several slang terms for sleeping out in a field or meadow. It is called " snoozing in Hedge Square," " dossing with the daisies," and ' ' lying under the blue blanket." /. Green- wood : Under the Blue Blanket. The French have the equi- valent " Coucher k 1'hotel de 1'Etoile." (Popular), a large rough coat, a pilot coat. Blue-blazer (American), a fancy drink of sugar, hot water, and spirits, but made in a peculiar manner. Blue-blazes Blue murders. '47 Blue-blazes (common), hell As there is probably no man who has ever heard of hell who has not been taught to associate it with burning sulphur or brim- stone, the expression does not seem to be so meaningless as some writers suppose. (Popular), spirituous liquors. Blue boar (old cant), the vulgar term for a venereal disease. Blue-bottle (general), a policeman, a constable, termed also a " blue devil." The Bobby's big boot, though, is nudging her now, And she sleepily stutters, " All right ! Whatsh th' row?" Then the buzz of the blue bottles borne on the breeze " Now move yourself, 'Liza I Come, pass along, please 1 " Sporting Times. It occurs in Shakspeare in the Second Part of King Henry IV., where Doll Tearsheet calls the beadle " a blue-bottle rogue." Most etymologists agree in ascribing the appellation to the colour of a policeman's uni- form. The term was formerly applied to servants dressed in blue liveries. The police force is sometimes spoken of as the "blues." The old French city police were termed by thieves les verts, from their green uni- forms, and nowadays a French rogue will talk of les serins (canaries), i.e., gendarmes, with yellow facings. The rebel chouans called the Kepublican soldiers les Ueus. The Anstrians and the English were respec- tively styled let blancs and habits rouges by French soldiery. Again, "blue bellies" was a term applied by the Confederate soldiery during the Civil War to the Federals, on account of their blue gaberdines, and the latter dubbed their adversaries "grey-backs." Many other ex- amples might be given in sup- port of the above derivation of blue-bottles. Blue boy (popular), a bubo. Blue butter (popular), mercurial ointment. Blue cheek (popular), explained by quotation. There were three fashions for whiskers when I was a child, and they were vari- ously known as blue cheek, the whisker shaved off and leaving the cheek blue ; " bacca pipe," the whisker curled in tiny ringlets) ; and " touzle," or whisker worn bushy. /. Green-wood : Outcasts of London. Blue flag (popular), a blue apron worn by butchers, greengrocers, &c. " He has hoisted the blue flag." Blue funk (English and Ameri- can), extreme fright. It put me in a regular blue funk. Punch. Blue moon (proverbial), an unde- fined period, used in the phrase, " Once in a blue moon." Blue murders (popular), a great and unusual noise. To call blue 148 Blue noses Blue ruin. murders, to call out loudly. " If you hit me again I'll call out blue murders." Blue noses (Americanism), natives of Nova Scotia. " Pray, sir," said one of my fellow-pas- sengers, "can you tell me the reason why the Nova Scotians are called blue noses ? " "It is the name of a potato," said I, "which they produce in the greatest per- fection, and boast to be the best in the world. The Americans have in conse- quence given them the nickname of blue noses." Haliburton : Sam Slick. Blue peter (nautical), the signal for sailing when hoisted at the foretop mast-head. This well- known flag has a blue ground with a white square in the centre (Admiral Smyth). The blue peter has long been flying at my foremast, and . . . now I must soon expect the signal for sailing. Justin McCarthy : A History of Our Own Times. This expression is also ap- plied to the call for trumps in whist. Blue pigeon (thieves), the lead on roofs ; to fly or shoot the blue pigeon, to steal lead off the roofs of buildings. (Nauti- cal), a nickname for the sound- ing lead. Blue pill (American), a bullet. Lead has long been termed bluey in England, and death by a bullet blue murder, but the enormous consumption of blue pills or calomel in the United States renders it possible that the simile originated there. . . . That if he did so he would be re- ceived with a welcome from a horse-pistol. To which the answer was, " Hev got a mountain howitzer witch karrys a fore- pound (4 Ib.) ball, and I intend to blow you and your house to hel before I begin on your turkers. So come on with your pistil and blue pil. Knickerbocker Maga- zine. Blue plumbs (thieves), bullets. No rapture can equal the tobyman's joys, To blue devils blue plumbs give the go-by. Ainsworth: Rookwood. Blue ribbon (racing), the term is only applied to the Derby. Melton, who won the blue ribbon after one of the most exciting finishes. Illus- trated London News. Blue ruin (popular), gin of inferior quality. Termed also "blue ribband." His ear caught the sound of the word morbleu ! Pronounced by the old woman under her breath ; Now, not knowing what she could mean by blue death, He conceived she referred to a delicate brewing, Which is almost synonymous, namely, blue ruin. Ingoldsby Legends. A tumbler of blue ruin fill, fill for me ! Red tape those as likes it may drain, But whatever the lush, it a bumper must be. Lord Lytton : Paul Clifford. Dr. Brewer gives the explana- tion: "Blue, from its tint, and ruin, from its effects." Compare as regards similes of colour "red tape," red wine; "petit bleu," coarse red wine; "une verte" or " perroquet," a glass of ab- sinthe (which is green); "une brune," a glass of porter ; " une Blue ruin Bluff. 149 blonde," a glass of ale; "une jaune," a dram of brandy ; "une dame blanche," a bottle of white wine; "pivois sa- vonne"," white wine; "n6- gresse," bottle of red wine. And with respect to pernicious effects, "breaky leg," strong drink ; " eau-de-mort, casse- poitrine, tord-boyaux," rank brandy. The term blue ruin must have been coined by sober people, or by repentant drunkards, whilst those other- wise inclined gave it the fond appellation of "white velvet," or "white satin," unconsciously imitated by French dram-drink- ers, when, after having tossed off some horrible stuff in an assommoir, they fervently ejacu- late, " C'est un velours, quoi 1 " Blues (common), the Eoyal Horse Guards ; the Bluecoat school ; the crews of the 'Varsity boat race the dark blues being the Oxford men, and the light blues those from Cambridge; the police force. Well, what's the row . . . Or whether this here mobbing, as some longish heads foretell it, Will grow to such a riot that the Oxford blues must quell it ? Hood Row at the Oxford A rttts. (Society), "a fit of the blues" means a fit of depression ; it is abbreviated from the "blue devils," which are supposed to appear to a man suffering from delirium tremens. She had attracted him for a while, but his strong good common sense, as well as his strong healthy body and robust habits, soon carried him out of the blues he had for a while fallen into. Lucy Partner ; or, Chronicles ofCardew Manor. Blue skin (West Indian), the child of a black woman by a white man. The name of a mulatto, one of the characters of Ainsworth's "Jack Sheppard." Blue squadron, one of the (East Indian), a person having a cross of the Indian breed. Blue the screw, to (popular), to spend one's salary. He buys her gloves and dresses new, And stands her dinners down at Kew ; In fact on her blues all his screw, Which some day he will sadly rue. The Gaiety Masher; Broadside. Bluey (thieves), lead. (Austra- lian), a bushman's bundle, the outside wrapper of which is generally a blue blanket (Murray). Bluff, to (American, low), to put down by a bold front, to oppose by "cheek" or effrontery. I did not care if it took me a week ; I was not going to be bluffed by them. North of England Advertiser. German, Huff en. The eleventh commandment among thieves in Germany is " Du sollst Dich nicht verbluffen lassen " " Don't let yourself be Huffed." Dutch blafferd, a snarling fel- low ; blqffen, to bark at. Also Dutch, verbluffen, to put out of countenance, to face down. (Patterers* slang), an excuse, a pretence. Bluffer Boarding school. There is a strong suspicion among men whose heads are level that the minstrel variety performance is a bluff of the " messenger" to keep from the public the real motives of the murders. Bret Harte: Gabriel Conroy. Bluffer (provincial), an innkeeper, or landlord of a public-house. (Nautical), a boatswain of a ship. Bluffing (American, cards), betting high on poor cards at poker, in the hopes of frightening the other players into going out. A crafty player will often allow himself to be called for a small Huff, so as to establish a reputation for doing it, in order to lie by and win a good stake when he has a really good hand, on which he has thus induced his antagonists to suppose that he is Huffing. The English equivalent for this term is " bragging." Blunderbuss (popular), a stupid, blundering fellow. Blunt (thieves), money. When the slow coach paused, and the gemmen storm'd, I bore the brunt And the only sound which my grave lips form'd Was blunt still blunt! Lord Lytton : Paul Clifford. " Take care of your watches, gentle- men ! " said the polite policeman, endea- vouring to divide the mob. " Take care of your Blunt, you devils ! " yelled the gallant Primrose Leaguer, who had come to see the fun. Bird a' Free- dom. By some the word is derived from Mr. John Blunt, the chairman of the South Sea Company, the famous bubble by which a few fortunes were won, and many fortunes were lost, in 1720. By others it is thought that the word originated in the French blond. But blunt (some- times varied to the blunt) is more probably derived, as the latter appellation implies, from an allusion to the blunt rim of coins or to their hardness, as in the phrase " hard cash," " soft " being bank notes, and " stiffs " cheques or bills. Blunted (popular, and thieves), possessed of money. Bly-hunka (tinker), a horse. B. N. C., Brasenose College, Ox- ford. Board, to (military), to borrow. Board him (nautical), a col- loquialism for I'll ask, demand, or accost him (Admiral Smyth). Shakspeare makes Polonius say of Hamlet : "I'll board hint presently." To "board him in the smoke," means to take a person by sur- prise, from the simile of firing a broadside and taking advantage of the smoke to board. Boarding 1 school (old cant), the name given by thieves and similar characters to Newgate or any other prison. " To go to boarding school" was to go to gaol. French thieves call a Boat Bobachee. prison " pal " " un aminche de college." Boat (thieves), originally to trans- port, the term is now applied to penal servitude. To "get the boat" or to "be boated" is to be sentenced to a long term of imprisonment equivalent to transportation under the old system (Hotten). To loat with one is to be a partner in some crime, to be an accomplice. " Does he boat with you ? " "Yes, and he's an artist. Only last night, down at the Albany break-up, he buzzed a bloke and a shakester of a reader." On the Trail. (Military), a good boat is a soldier who spends his money freely with his poorer comrades. Bob (general), a shilling. Origin unknown. Perhaps from a simile in allusion to the meaning of bob, formerly bait for fish, the coin being looked upon in the light of a bribe. " Bobstick," old slang for a shilling, would in that case be the fishing-rod. Compare with "palm-oil," both money and bribe, and the French slang huile de mains, same mean- ing. Also with graisse, money, from the phrase "graisser la patte," to bribe. It is curious to note that bob is a blow, and "blow" slang for a shilling. The jolliest fellow you ever met Is a dismal man at home ; The wittiest girl in society's set Will with headaches her wit atone. The man whose graces a court would adorn Is tied to a desk from night till morn ; And the man who would lend his last bob to a friend Never has the first bob to lend. Bird o' Freedom. (Popular), bob I stop I the re- sponse to the request "say when," while spirits are being poured into one's glass. " Bob a nob," a shilling a head. Bob, in old slang, signified a shoplifter's assistant, to whom the stolen goods were passed, and who carried them away. " All is 606," i.e., all is safe. From a Cornwall term bob, pleasant, agreeable. A variant of "all gay," and "all serene." " To shift one's bob," to go away. (Public schools), " dry 606," a boy who devotes himself to cricket or football, or any other games on "dry land," in oppo- sition to " wet bob," one who gives himself up to boating. The friendly rivalry between England and America led some while ago to a con- test between the " wet bobs," to use an Eton phrase, of either country, and it was only fair that the "dry bobs " should show what they could do. T. Ogitvie : Im- perial Dictionary of the English Lan- guage. "Dry 606 " also refers to fruitless coition. Resolved to win, like Hercules, the prize . . . The cheating jilt, at the twelfth, a dry bob cries. Earl of Rochester's Works. Bob my pal (rhyming slang), a "gal," girl. Bobachee (Anglo-Indian), a cook; a vulgar or slang form of 60- 152 Bobber Bobbish. warehl, a high dignitary at the Mongol court, a taster and carver to some great man. Bobbachy canvah, cook-house. Anglo-Indian Glossary. Bobber (popular), a fellow-work- man, mate. Also a variant of "bob," as in the phrase "two bobber," a florin. So down I gets and finds a two bobber. My mate gives me the wink, but the slavey's on the job, so I say, " Oh, miss, if I ain't found a two bobber." Sporting Times. Bobbery (Anglo-Indian). This word comes from the East, but its origin is doubtful. The authors of the "Anglo-Indian Glossary" declare that it is com- mon for Hindus when in surprise or grief to exclaim, Bapre ! or Bapre bap ! " Oh, Fathers I" This is imitated in Anglo-Indian by Bobbery Bob I Ladies in the United States also sometimes exclaim, "Fathers!" with or without " merciful," or "good " as a prefix. Bobbery generally signifies a row, a disturbance. It is even more common as "bobbely" in pidgin English, but it is very doubtful indeed whether it originated, as some think, in the Cantonese pa-pi, a noise. I'll bet a wager there'll be a bobbery in the pfgsty before long. Marryat: Peter Simple. It also means in India " pack," a pack of hounds or dogs of all kinds without distinction. What a Cabinet has put together a regular faMery-puck.. Anglo- Indian Glossary. Bobbin (common). " That's the end of the bobbin." A phrase equivalent to saying, "That's the end of it," when all the thread is wound off a bobbin or spool. The French say "etre au bout de son rouleau." (American), bobbin' around, a slang phrase meaning going about, here and there, casually. It rose from the refrain of a song which was popular in 1850. In another lyric the following allusion was made to a report that the King of Belgium had proposed mar- riage to Miss Burdett-Coutts and been rejected. So the King of the Belgines went in and got sold When he hoped for a fortune in silver and gold, Which shows that great mon-i-archs some- times are found Runnin' after rich ladies and bobbin' around. If I ketch him bobbin' round arter our Nancy here agin, I'll just set the dorgs on him though I don't believe a decent dorg would want to bite such an everlasting slink as he is. Sunday Paper. Bobbing around is evidently a variation on " bobbing up and down," rising and falling, here and there, like a fisherman's bob in the water. Bobbing (public schools), " dry bobbing " applies to all sports on terra firma, and " wet bobbing" to aquatics. Bobbish (common), smart, spruce, or in good order, fair. From a Cornwall term bob, pleasant, agreeable. Bobbles Bobtail. 153 " 'Ow are yer, pretty bobbish ? " much as usual, thankee." Punch. 'I'm Bobbles (popular), the testicles. From the same word signifying in Cornwall, stones, pebbles. Bobby (general), a policeman ; otherwise " peeler, cop, or copper, blue-bottle, pig, reeler, crusher, frog, fly-cop," &c. The cook, she, when The bobby's on his beat, Oft lightens master's larder Of the pudding and the meat. Song. " If you want a thing done, you should do it yourself," Is an excellent maxim, no doubt in its way; But, when citizens willingly part with their pelf, They're entitled to claim some return for their pay. Bull does not pay Bobbies to lounge on their beats, And leave him at last to look after his streets. Punch. Some thirty years ago the man in blue (journalistic) was still sometimes called " bobby peeler," a fact which bears out the generally admitted origin of bobby from Sir Robert Peel, to whom the establishment of the force was due, in 1829, and who replaced the old " Charlies " (so called from Charles I., in whose reign the system was reorganised), who then acted as constables and night-watchers in the metropolis. According to Hotten, the official square- keeper, who is always armed with a cane to drive away idle and disorderly urchins, has, time out of mind, been called by the same urchins, " bobby the beadle." Bobby twister (thieves' slang), a burglar who would hesitate at nothing, even to shooting any policeman who might be endea- vouring to capture him. A noted bobby twister was the fa- mous burglar Peace, whose diur- nal avocations were certainly in keeping with his name, as he was considered a highly respect- able citizen. He was, or pre- tended to be, a teetotaller, and, it is said, a member of the Salvation Army. His respecta- bility ended on the gallows. Bob-cull (thieves), good fellow. "Where be you going, you imp of the world?" cried the dame. "Get in with you, and say no more on the matter ; be a bob-cull drop the bullies, and you shall have the blunt 1 " Lytton : Paul Clifford. Bob is a provincial term, sig- nifying pleasant, agreeable. Bobs (schools), huge beer jugs. Only those "juniors" attended whose office it was to bring away the portions of bread and cheese and bobs of beer for con- sumption in the afternoon. T. A. Trollept: What I Remember. Bobstick (old), a shilling. BOB. Vide Bobtail (old slang), a licentious, immodest woman of the very lowest character. One who ex- posed her person in public. Also an impotent debauchee. 154 Bob White Bogey. Bob White (American), a popular but not a slang name for the quail, whose notes are supposed to resemble the words Bob White, with a pause between the two words and a strong accent on the White. It is just two- thirds of the song of the whip- poor-will. The American farmer has watched his birds through the cycle of the year ; has listened to the "Ah Bob White ! ah Bob White ! " that with the fall of the apple- blossoms begins to fill the air. Mac- millans Magazine. Bodier (pugilistic), a blow on the sides of the body, otherwise known as a "rib-roaster." Bodkin (common), an old word still in use, with the sense of dirk, dagger. (Sporting), a per- son who takes his turn between the sheets on a night when the hotel has twice as many visitors as it can comfortably lodge (Hotten's Dictionary). (Com- mon), to " ride bodkin," any one sitting between two others in a carriage, is said to "ride bod- kin." Then he called a hansom, and expressing his willingness to " be the bodkin "(A nglice, ride in the middle), ordered the jehu to drive to Middlesex Street. Sporting Times. Body-slangs (thieves' cant), fet- ters for the body. Body-slangs are of two kinds. Each consists of a heavy iron ring to go round the waist, to which are attached in one case two bars or heavy chains, con- nected with the fetters round the ankles, in the other case a link at each side attached to a handcuff. Into these the wrists are locked, and thus held down to the prisoner's sides. The latter are now only to be found in museums. Vaux. Body snatcher (old), a bailiff or runner ; a violator of the grave ; an undertaker. Bog (prison), the farm works at Dartmoor where much land has been reclaimed. Bog gang, the party of convicts detailed for this work. (Common), a privy. Originally printers' slang, but now very common. " To boy," to ease oneself. (Tinker), see BOGH. Bogey, often called bug-aboo, a word existing in different forma in many languages. As both God and Devil may be found in Deus, Devas, divine, Diabolut and the gypsy Duvel or Devlis (both meaning God only), so we have the divinity as Bog in Russian, and in the Celtic bug, a spirit or spectre, while in English bugge or bug is in two senses a terror, as the famous Bugge Bible and Spenser's " Faerie Queene " bear witness. The bogey or bug-aboo is an imaginary horror or monster with which vulgar, wicked, or foolish people were, and perhaps still are, accustomed to frighten children at night. - It is probable that aboo is the common old Irish war-cry, which was said Bogey Bogus. 155 to be so terrifying that it was formerly prohibited by law. This aboo was well-known and much talked of during the time of Elizabeth. On August 2, 1887, Mr. Courtney in Parlia- ment invented a new form of the word. Mr. Courtney, though a partisan of the undertaking, urged that a division should be taken at once to save time. He de- scribed the speech of Baron H. de Worms as a combination ofbogeyism and fogeyism. (A laugh.) Mr. W. H. Smith and Mr. J. Morley joined in the appeal to close the discussion. Saint James's Gazette. (Common), one's landlord, called by the French "Mon- sieur Vautour." (Studios), a painting is said to be bogey when sombre tints predominate. Bogh (tinker), to get, hold, make work. This appears to be a very general sort of a verb. Bog oranges (common), potatoes, from the fact that potatoes form the chief diet of Irish peasants. Bog-trotter (now recognised), an Irish peasant. " Bog-trotting," applied to an Emeralder, or to any one who lives among marshy moors. The impudent bog-trotting scamp dare not threaten me ! Thackeray : Pendennis. Bogue, to (American), to apply one's self very earnestly, to make every effort. " I don't git much done without I boyue right in along with the men" (Bartlett). Boege, a bow, or a course in Dutch, is used exactly in this sense, as "het over alle bogen wenden," to try everything, to leave no stone unturned. Also in Dutch bogen, to pride one's self on employing energy in action. Bogus (American), anything like a sham, a fraud, a counterfeit, or a humbug. Bogus money, bogus banks, &c. One of the bogus petitions in favour of the coal and wine dues unearthed by Mr. Bradlaugh is purported to be signed by no less than thirteen racehorses ! Funny Folks. The story which derives the name from one Borghese, who a generation ago flooded the West with counterfeit money, is, like most American deriva- tive stories given in news- papers, extremely doubtful. As soon as an expression becomes popular, ingenious artists in literary supercheries at once manufacture for it a history. Bogus is from a cant term ap- plied to counterfeit coin. This word is widely current in the United States, whence it has been recently imported by Eng- lish newspaper writers. Among the tinklers or tinkers, a kind of Scottish gypsies, bogus means counterfeit coin, from bogk, to make, and the Romany termi- nation MS. Wilson declares that there are numbers of these tin- kers in America. Dr. C. Mackay is of opinion that it was intro- duced in America by Irish immi- grants from boc, pronounced boke, deceit, fraud. 156 Bohn Bolt. Bohn (Yale College), a transla- tion, or a pony from Bohn, the name of well-known London publishers, who issued a series of translations of the Classics, the use of these becoming very common in the States ; a Bohn was generally adopted as a name for a translation. 'Twas plenty of skin with a good deal of Bohn. Songs of the Jubilee : Yale College Magazine. Boiled shirt (Australian diggers) a clean shirt or " clean biled rag," as Mark Twain puts it, boiling being a primitive way of washing shirts. John rode home with a depressed mind. As he passed the public-house which had proved the lion in the old man's path, he saw the publican, a bloated, greasy-faced man, a villainous low forehead, and a prize-fighting look, walking up and down the verandah in a boiled shirt. A. C. Grant. Boiler-plated (American) origi- nated in iron-clad. Utterly im- penetrable, irresistible, not to be affected. He gave me a look of boiler-plated re- proach, clapped on his hat, and was off with- out another word. Mr. and Mrs. Bowser. Boilers (Royal Military Academy), boiled potatoes as opposed to "greasers," fried potatoes. Boiling or biling (common), the " whole foiling" the whole party, or entire quantity. The last mile, he said, tho" the shortest one of the whole bilin , took the longest to do it in by a jug full. Sam Slick : The Clockmaker. A phrase probably derived from the kitchen, and a stew or broth of many ingredients. It is a phrase more common among Irish than among English or Scotch people, though not wholly unknown to either. The Irish pronounciation is " biling " or " bilin'." The term is exten- sively used in America, and is sometimes varied to the " whole gridiron of them," applied to a party. The latter is Irish. Boilum tea (pidgin), to boil tea. Blongy my dis tim boilunt you tea, mumpa one first thQ

, their hieroglyphic for the word, chalked by them onhouses and street corners as a hint to succeeding beggars. (Masonic), a corruption of the Hebrew word for builder. (Common), to lone, to steal, to pilfer, to purloin. Probably derived from Ion, good, or, by extension of meaning, to seize on a good thing. The while within the pocket of her gown Childe Alice deftly placed the purse she'd bontd. Alas ! its contents were not worth a "hrown ; " His winnings all were "stumers," and she groaned. " The world is too much with us ! " poor Childe Alice moaned. Bird pf Freedom. This word, according to the Glossary of Cant in Bampfyled Moore Carew, also signifies to apprehend, to arrest, to take into custody, to " nab." Com- pare with the French cant phrase " dtre le bon," which has the same meaning. (American cadets), to study hard ; possibly a playful allu- sion to the more universal slang meaning of the verb "to lone," the meaning of course being to convey the idea of acquiring knowledge by force an ap- propriate reading of the word for the cadets of West Point but more probably from Bonn's translations. For other deriva- tion, see BOONDEB. Bone box (old slang), the mouth ; the teeth are now called the " ivories." Bone-crusher (South African), a heavy bore rifle for killing big game. African game require bone-crushers; for any ordinary carbine possesses suffi- cient penetrative quality, yet has not the disabling quality which a gun must possess to be useful in the hands of an African explorer. H. Stanley : How I found Livingstone. Boned (thieves), taken into cus- tody. To lone is to take what does not belong to one. There is therefore a world of dry Boned Bone shave. 159 humour in the thief saying that he has been boned or stolen by the policeman when taken into custody. Tell us how you was boned, signifies tell us the story of your apprehension, a com- mon request among fellow-prisoners in a jail, which is readily complied with as a rule ; and the various circumstances therein related afford present amusement and also useful hints for regulating their future operations, so as to avoid the like mis- fortune. Vaux. Bone-grubber (common), a person who hunts for bones in dust- holes, or any spot where refuse is thrown. The bont '-grubber 'and the mud-lark differ little in their pursuits. Mayhew. London Labour and the London Poor. The term was also applied to a resurrectionist. Cobbett was therefore called a bone-grubber because he brought the remains of Tom Paine from America (Hotten). Bone-lazy (common), excessively or hopelessly lazy. Boneless, a ghost, a shadowy and impalpable spectre or appari- tion. Bone muscle, to (American cadets), to frequent the gymna- sium ; frequently to take exer- cise there. Bone-picker (common), a foot- man. Boner (Winchester), a blow given with the fist on the lowest vertebra. Bones (medical), the bones of the human skull. " Do you know your bones ? " i.e., are you fami- liar with the anatomy of the human skeleton. (Stock Ex- change), Wickens, Pease & Co.'s shares. So now we shall soon have our " crackers," And likely enough our " cheroots," While our bones can be sent to the " knackers," And then we have sweet " Sarah's boots." Atkin : House Scraps. (Common), to rattle the bones, to play at dice. Bone setter (old), a hard or fast trotting horse. Bone shaker (common), a name given to the old - fashioned bicycle, which was a clumsy wood machine, and was super- seded by the spider steel ma- chine, which is now being superseded in its turn by the smaller " Safety." Bone shave, the sciatica or rheu- matic gout in the sciatic nerve. According to Mr. Thomas Wright in his Archaic Dictionary, the peasantry of Exmore had a charm for the supposed cure or relief of this malady, consisting in the repetition of the following dog- gerel lines as the patient lay on his back on the brink of a brook or river, with a staff by his side between him and the water. Bone shave right, Bone shave straight. As the water runs by the stone Good for bone shave. i6o Bone standing Bono. Bone standing (American cadet), to bone standing, to study bard for a class position (0. E. Wood : United States Army). Bong (Australian blackfellows' lingo), dead. This word is a specimen of the pidgin-English, staffed with native words, in which intercourse is carried on with the blacks on stations. " Yohi,"said the boy, still sitting on his horse, "altogether bong" (dead), "one fellow bail bong " (one not dead). ' ' Which one bail bong f " demanded John in terror. " Missis bail bong ony, cawbawn frighten " (Missis not dead, only dreadfully fright- ened). A. C. Grant l Bush Life in Queensland. Bonger, banger (gypsy), to bend, bow, duck, dodge, to twist or turn ; bongo, bent, turned, un- willing, sinister, crooked, evil, distorted, awry. " O bongo yakk" "The evil eye." "0 bongo wast " " The left hand." "A bongo zi" (or see) "A crooked, evil heart." " O bongo rikk o' the drom" "The left- hand side of the road." Boning (American cadets), boning the adjutant, a violent or immo- derate assumption of a military air or bearing ; a swaggering military filibuster ; a Bombastes Furioso. Boning demerit, said of a cadet who avoids giving cause for being reported to the authorities (O.E. Wood: United States Army). Bonnet (thieves), a pretext or pretence. Vaux defines it thus : " A concealment, a pretext, a pretence, an ostensible manner of accounting for what you really wish to conceal ; as a man who lives by depredation, will still outwardly follow some honest employment, as a clerk, porter, newsman." One who metaphorically bonnets or blinds other people; a bonnet or bon- neter is also a sham bidder at auctions ; a confederate in thimblerig or three cards ; one who pretends to buy of a crocus pitcher or street medicine ven- dor so as to entice purchasers. In French, bonneteur is one who is profuse of compliments and bows ; hence a swindler who tries to wheedle people out of their money ; also a three-card trick sharper. To bonnet for a person, is to corroborate any assertion he has made, or to re- late facts in the most favourable light, in order to extricate him from a dilemma, or to further any object he has in view. (Common), to smash a man's hat over his face, a favourite amusement of London roughs. Two young men who . . . varied their amusements by bonneting the proprietor of this itinerant cofiee-house. Dickens : Sketches. Bonneter (thieves), a crushing blow on the hat. Bonnets so blue (rhyming slang), Irish stew. Bono, good. (East), bono Johnny, an Englishman. Booby-hutch Book-form. 161 Booby-hutch (thieves), the police- station. Booby-trap (Winchester), the door of a room is left open, and on the top are placed somebigbooks and a wet sponge, so that when it is pushed the whole falls on the head of whoever opens it. This time-honoured species of practical joking is not confined to Winchester. Rooks were closed, booby-traps scattered, sofa-pillows restored to their legitimate places. Chambers 's Journal. Boodgeree (Australian bush slang), a blackfellow's word for "good," incorporated into the slang of the white. Used principally in the pidgin-Eng- lish, in which the whites carry on then* conversation with the blacks, A very common word. What was his fate then might be mine in a few minutes. I determined to keep still and wait for what might turn up. Presently I heard bushes rustling some distance behind, and the voice of a black- fellow, uttering in that strange tone in which the wild savage first pronounces English words boodgcrec (white fellow, good, good white fellow). A. C. Grant : Bush Life in Queensland. Boodle (American), booty, profit, perquisites, plunder. Commonly used with regard to government transactions, contracts, &c., by which the public are cheated. Twas Yankee doodle once I swore, But it is Yankee boodle now. American Paper. This word in the United States is applied among thieves only to counterfeit or bad money. The boodle carrier is the man who carries the counterfeit or " queer," while the shover passes it off. " At the first sign of trouble the boodle carrier vanishes, leaving nothing to criminate his corn-rogue " (New York Slang Dictionary). (American political), boodle explained by quotation. In the States the money used for elec- tioneering purposes is known as boodle, " sinews of war," and " living issues." Comhill Magazine. Boodle has also the signification of property, wealth ; unques- tionably from the Dutch boedd, household stuff. Also an estate left by persons deceased. (Popu- lar), a stupid noodle (Murray). Book (literary), the libretto of an opera. This piece will be followed by a new comic opera called "Compere Guillery," by H. Perry, the book being by Messrs. Julian Perry and Paul Burani. Sporting Timet. (Turf), an arrangement of bets against certain horses marked in a pocket-book for that purpose. "Making a book upon it," is a common phrase that a man is prepared to lay the odds against the horses in a race. " That does not suit my book," i.e., does not accord with my other arrangements (Hotten). Booked (common), disposed of, caught. Book-form (tnrf), the relative powers of speed or endurance of race-horses as gauged by the L 1 62 Bookies Boomah . "book," i.e., the published re- cord in the calendar of races past. Bookies (turf), the bookmakers. The bookies came down like wolves on the fold To try and secure all the " Jubilee " gold. Some plumped for St. Mirin, but wrongly had reckoned, For Annamite won, and the " Saint " was but second. Turf. Past Epsom's Spring, again we try Our luck with bookies and with horses On yet another field, where lie The mysteries of the Guineas' courses. Bird o Freedom. The toughest bookie, as well as the airiest turfite, will be sorry to hear of the death of a genial fellow. The World. Books (Winchester). There are prizes given at the end of each half by Lord Saye and Sele to the two seniors in each division. These are called the books. To get books is to obtain one of these prizes. When a part or division are saying a lesson, the pupils sit at one end of " school," in three rows ; they are then said to be " up to books." The Don sits in his chair with his side towards them, and the " man " who is saying the lesson stands in front of him. Books (card players), a pack of cards. Boom (American), properly the distant sound as of thunder gra- dually increasing in intensity. This word, from being a favour- ite one in American oratory, began to be applied in 1880 to any great advance or rise in business or politics. A great boom in cotton refers to an advance in price and greater activity in the market, while the first rumour that a certain man will obtain a nomination to office may be announced in a newspaper in large letters at the head of a column as, " A boom for Smith I " A BOOM FOR HILL. A movement is on foot in Washington to organise a David B. Hill boom for the Presidency. Chicago Tribune. In the present case many influences seem to work in the direction of a. boom. Truth. Some Prospero waved his magic wand, the world made discovery that it was posi- tively languishing' for want of more copper and tin, all visible supplies were eagerly bought up, and the great mining boom of 1887 was fairly started. Globe. (Journalistic), a boom refers to the publication in a newspaper of some correspondence which will raise up a polemic, and, by thus attracting the attention of the public, increase the sale of the paper. The latest Daily Telegraph boom "Our Daughters" is going on merrily, and the views of the various young ladies are distinctly interesting to note. Globe. (Nautical), to " top one's boom off," to be off or start in a cer- tain direction. Boomah (Australian), a very large kind of kangaroo. This word is probably a mistake of Colonel Munday's. He heard the kan- garoo called a boomer because of its enormous size : the word was strange to him, and he Boomah Boom-passenger. 163 imagined it to be a variety of kangaroo, and not a skng word expressive of size. An officer from Van Diemen's Land told me that he had once killed in that colony " a kangaroo of such magnitude, that being a long way from home, he was unable though on horseback to carry away any portion except the tail, which alone weighed thirty pounds. This species is called the boomah, and stands about seven feet high." Lieut. -Col. Munday : Our Antipodes. Boomer (American), a very big specimen, a huge snake or kan- garoo. And should you ask how such a one A mighty hunter grew, So many flying does outsped, So many boomers slew. But suddenly the vision passed, And Bill became aware, That he was in the boomer's arms, And bounding through the air. /. B. Stephens: Marsupial Bill. A very great lie, a very big flea ; a very long hit at cricket would be described as a boomer, or a regular boomer (used by " slangy ' ' Australians). A boomer is probably that which makes a big boom or noise, and so some- thing very big. We have the same metaphor in " a great gun." Boomerang (American), properly a carved flat weapon used by the natives in Australia, which, when thrown, returns to the thrower. In American journal- ism the word is frequently used to indicate some evil measure, or act, or falsehood, which, like a curse, has "come home to roost," or recoiled on the head of its author. The title, "A Bourbon Boomerang," in an Ame- rican newspaper, means that the Democrats have been in- jured by some scheme they had formed against the Republicans. Boomeranging (Australian), hit- ting or killing with a boome- rang. A slang participle, coined from the native word boome- rang. War shouts and universal boomerang- ing. J. P. Stephens : A Picaninny. Booming (Australian), large, as- tonishing. For derivation vide BOOMER. Look at that booming guana 1 He has been feeding sumptuously on the carrion. He is watching us with his "glittering eye," his head up, his vicious tongue darting out now and then like a serpent's fangs. A. C. Grant. Boom -ja- long (American), a mysterious slang word, which seems to mean the same as the Spanish funcion, business, or what is going on. 'Twas right in the middle of the boom-ja- lang, All on a summer day. Rip Sam ! set her up again ; Set her up again ! set her up again. We're all of the Choctaw tribe. Song, 1860. Boom - passenger (nautical), a convict on board ship. Derived from the circumstance that prisoners on board convict ships were chained to, or were made 1 64 Boonder Booze. to crawl along, or stand on the booms for exercise or punish- ment (Hotten). Boonder, bounder (American), a scrubbing-brush. (New York), Dutch, boender, a brush. "A rubber, a rubbing-brush. Boenen to rub with a brush," implying diligence. Hence the American- ism to bone it, to bone into it, to apply one's self, to scrub away hard. Boost, to (American), to push up. Generally used in the sense of giving one a lift; "give me a boost," as one boy when climb- ing a tree says to another. The bull was actually tearing up the earth and boosting up the sand like a whirl- wind. Mark Twain: Roughing It. Booth (thieves), a house ; to " heave a booth," to rob a house. Booth - burster, barn - stormer (theatrical), a loud actor, of the good old-fashioned " horse-dung and sawdust" type. The late T. B. Chatterton, used to term it " gut acting." Booting (military), punishment inflicted by the men with a sur- cingle or strap. Boot joe (military), musketry drilL Boot-leg plan (American), by evasion or trickery, in reference to the saying that " the boot is on the other leg," i.e., not as one would naturally understand an assertion. There is as much whisky consumed in Iowa now as there was before, but less beer, throughout the State "for medical purposes only," and on the boot-leg plan, and saloons run openly in the larger towns in defiance of the laws. Omaha Herald. Boots (common), man or boy who cleans boots at an hotel. The term has ceased to be slang. Well, I must do my best, the post of boots My office, which I used to think sublime, This sort of thing scarcely suits. Punch. A " bootcatcher " was a pro- vincialism applied to a man at an inn whose duty it was to pull off the boots of travellers. To " buy any one's old boots," to marry or keep a cast-off mis- tress. Booze (common), drink ; to booze, to drink heavily. To be "on the booze," to be out on a drunken jollification, going from one public-house to another. The word is derivable from " bouse," to drink deep or carouse. In Wright's Archaic Dictionary "boose" is defined as mean- ing, in some of the rural dis- tricts, a cattle " trough," where kine and horses drink. In War- wickshire and Leicestershire the trough is called a " booson." Some etymologists derive this from the Hindostani 60020, drink, and others from the Dutch buy- zen, to tipple with more reason, as the term was good English in the fourteenth century. Booze Bosh. 165 Thomas Harman, in his " Ca- veat, or Warening for Common Cursetors," 1568, has bouse for drink, and to bouse for to drink. " I say by the Salomon I will lage it of with a gage of bene bouse ; then cut to my nose watch. Why, hast thou any lowre in thy bonge to bouse ? " " I say by the mass I will wipe it off with a quart of good drink, say what you will to me. Why, hast thou any money in thy purse to drink ? " To be boozed, to be drunk. Boozer, or booser (popular), one fond of potations, a drunkard. This landlord was a boozer stout, A snuff-taker and smoker. Wokot: Peter Pindar. Boozing cheat (thieves), a bottle. Boozing ken (popular), a public- house. Boozington (Australian prison slang), a drunken man. In England, Lushington' (one who lushes or drinks) is the equiva- lent term. Boozy (popular), partially intoxi- cated ; what the vulgar collo- quialism calls the " worse for liquor," or " disguised in liquor." Formerly not slang. Borak (colonial), to "poke borak," applied in colonial conversation to the operations of a person who pours fictitious information into the ears of a credulous listener (Notes and Queries, 7th Series, vol. iii. p. 476). Bordeaux (pugilistic), blood, termed also " claret, Badmin- ton." Borde (old cant), a shilling. Pro- bably originated in the term " bord," formerly a duty paid in fairs and markets for setting up tables, boards, and stalls. Bord you (nautical), a phrase used to claim the next turn after one who is drinking. Used also in Norfolk by harvesters. Bore, to (pugilistic), to drive an opponent on to the ropes of the ring by sheer weight. Mollineaux tried to bore down his opponent by main strength ; Cribb deter- mined to prevent him if possible by repeat- ing some desperate blows on the head. Thomas Cribb: Pugilistica. (Athletics), to push an oppo- nent out of his course. Boring (turf), when a horse in running hangs upon another so as to interfere with his chance of winning, the process, whether intentional on the part of the jockey or the result of the exhaustion or bad temper of the animal, is called boring. It usually leads to recrimination, and occasionally to disqualifica- tion. Born weak (nautical), when a vessel is feebly built, she is said to have been born weak. Bosh (colloquial), nonsense. This gentleman whispered to his comrade the (I believe of Eastern derivation) the monosyllable bosh ! Thackeray: The Adventures of Philip. 166 Bosh Boss. "This well-known word is alleged," say the authors of the Anglo-Indian Glossary, "to be taken from the Turkish bosh, signifying empty, vain, useless, &c. (Redhouse's Dictionary); but we have not been able to trace its history or first appearance in English." Both in English, and all other gypsy dialects, means a noise or sound of any kind, and is also used in all the senses of the Turkish word to denote emptiness, just as we might say " that is all talk." " Hatch your bosh," or "bosherin," stop your noise, is quite the same as stop your bosh. And as the English gypsy bosh, in fact, comes rather nearer to the Eng- lish slang word than the Turkish, it seems most likely that the Romany supplied it. Bosh or bash in gypsy has also the meaning of music, and is ap- plied to a violin. It was, and may yet be, a test of a " tra- veller's" proficiency in gypsy habits, or in the Romany lan- guage, to put to him the fol- lowing verse : " O can you rokker Romanis ? O can you kill the bosh ? O can you ja to staruben ? O can you chin the kosh ? " i.e. " O can you talk Romany ? O can you play the fiddle ? O can you go to prison ? O can you cut the wood ? " The last line refers to making skewers or other articles of wood the last resort for a gypsy when poor. Bosh faker (itinerants), violinist. Bosh is gypsy for a violin. A great many expressions used by the lowest class of actors are from the gypsy. Also boshman. Bosh lines (showmen), literally violin strings, explained by quotation. Both of these men have Marionette frames, and are Marionette performers in addition ; and invariably charge more for their engagement when working the Ma- rionettes, or "bosk lines," as they call them, as well. Tit Bits. Bos-ken (tramps), a farm-house. Bosky (popular), drunk ; from bosky, swelled, in fact, "tight." Reminding Corinthian Tom and Jerry Hawthorn of the Oxonian and his inclina- tion to get bosky. Punch. Bosnian (tramps), a farmer. Dutch. I've seen the swell bostnen buy the pills to give the people standing about, just to hear the crocus patter. Henry May hew : London Labour and the London Poor. Boss, an American and colonial term extensively used in Eng- land by all classes in a variety of meanings, such as master, head. Boss horse-shoers now charge fifty cents extra for shoeing, to meet the demands of the journeymen. The Weekly Bulletin, San Francisco. You want a boss cook and a beauty, don Cabeza, eh ! Well I guess I am both. Whatll you give me to come to the mine and cook ? F. Francis : Saddle and Mo- cassin. The station-fow stopped dead still and glared at me speechless. Mark Twain : Roughing It. Much philological research has been devoted to establish the Boss. 167 complete etymology of this word, it being held that it is connected with boss, a round, salient protu- berance which rises, so to speak, in a superior manner above the surrounding surface; but most philologists agree in deriving it from the Dutch baas, master ; den baas speelen, to play the mas- ter, to domineer, to lord it, the pronunciation of baass and boss being the same. And this origin is borne out by the circumstance that the French argot has beausse for the master of a house, rich citizen, man of importance, which was borrowed from Flemish vagabonds and thieves. In Norfolk boss is used in the sense of master, or one who can beat and overcome an- other. In the North of England "bossock" and "bossy" mean large, fat, with a large belly. The last word bears a close re- semblance to the French bossu ; but of course a ' 'bossy " man and a bossu differ in respect of the position of the protuberance. In America boss is also used as an adjective with the sense of principal, large, fine, as a boss lot of apples. Many a time have I let the " boss mine," or the "boss ranch" slip through my fin- gers ! f. Francis : Saddle and Mocassin. Boss is often used as a verb, with the signification to own, manage, superintend, conduct. Our gallant chief, bossing the situation as usual, insisted upon the National An- them being played at the conclusion of the sport, and subsequently called for three cheers for the Queen. Sporting Times. " Old Blivins, who bossed the local sheet, And the lawyer who worked for beer as a fee ; In a maudlin state wandered down the street, Having had a dejected kind of spree." Keighley Goodchild: Waif. In short, with no other counteracting force than an old lady and a youth of eighteen, it is easy to see that a "free- booter " like the Captain bossed the show, just as he had done at the Pantheon. Sporting Times. He was bossing the cooking himself that evening, and at that moment was en- gaged in stirring some beans that he was frying in the Mexican style, bacon-fat being substituted for lard. F. Francis : Saddle and Mocassin. " Bossed his own shoes," man- aged his affairs personally. At any rate, the elder Hegner has hitherto bossed his own shoes, &c. Truth. The Australian employ^ gene- rally speaks of his master as the boss, though he seldom would address him as to** except when the master is really in the same station of life as himself. It is disrespectful to address a man as boss in Australia. The " Lar- rikin " is rather fond of prefac- ing his impertinences to passers by with, " I say, oss," I remember a certain South Australian aide-de-camp, who was a tremendous " masher," coming over to Melbourne for " the Cup." He was wearing one of those stiff-starched four-inch collars, irreverently styled "Jampots," and was saluted in Bourke Street on the "Cup night" with "I say, Boss, how much for the celluloid?" from an individual who was not to be crushed by a withering glance through a deliberately screwed-in eyeglass. D. B. W. Sladen. i68 Boss Boston. "The Darky Boss: the 'trashy white,' a ' brudder," Man at the prow and woman at the rudder." /. B. Stephens : Macaulay's New Cabmen use the term with the sense of the " fare," in Paris It bourgeois (which has also all the other meanings of boss). Who is a gentleman? On returning from the Lichfield Coursing Meeting the other evening, one of the runners with the telegraph messages from the ground to the Lichfield telegraph office was given a ride home, and when nearing Lichfield it was discovered that some one was seated in front by the side of the coachman. The boa wanting to know who it was h asked the boy what gentleman that was riding by the side of the driver, and the reply was as follows, " He's no gentleman, sir, he's only a policeman." Bird o' Free- dom. "Boss of the shanty," master, manager of the place. The young man who lives not far from Burdett Road, who sports a P. and O. cap, and wore a C. medal at the Poplar early closing concert, should have strutted about so. Was he looking for the fair young lady, or did he fancy himself " boss of the shanty." Toby. Boss of the show, manager of a theatre, music-hall, circus, or a man who gives an entertain- ment. Miss Leonora Bradley, well known in America, will open shortly in London, at a West End theatre, with a new play called "Jess," written by the authors of "My Sweetheart." Eugene C. Stafford will be boss of this show, of which report speaks highly. Bird o' Freedom. (Popular), to boss anything, to make a mess of it, to spoil it. Bossaroo. used by J. B. Stephens, the Australian comic poet, as an abbreviation of "Boss Kanga- roo. Ringed by the fathers of the tribe, Surrounded, yet alone, The Boisaroo superbly posed Upon a granite throne, A very old "old man," who had Four generations known. /. B. Stephens : Marsupial Bill. Bossers (common), spectacles ; because (specially in the case of short-sighted persons) they make one look "boss-eyed" or squinting, or from the studs on horses' blinkers. Boston (American), an expres- sion which owes much of its meaning to the tone and accent with which it is uttered. Some- times it is Hosting, the nasal Yankee form of the word. It is meant to satirise provincial vanity, and the peculiar form of priggishness which is de- clared by envious New Yorkers and others to be characteristic of "the hub of the universe." The city of Boston unquestion- ably is, as regards literary cul- ture, far in advance of any city in America, a fact of which its indwellers are by no means ignorant. Boston culchaw (American). It is declared by the dwellers in the other (doubtless envious) cities of America that the in- habitants of Boston are so proud of their "culture," that how- ever excited or unruly they may Boston Bottle-holder. 169 become, any person can at once call them to order by referring to it. In a letter from the Hub to the Chicago Tribune there is a detailed and apparently per- fectly truthful narrative of two " ladies," or at least " women of wealth," who began to quarrel furiously in a shop over a coun- ter for a shilling handkerchief. The bystanders, and finally all the people in the place, were soon in a furious row, when a tall, dignified man, observing that there was a stranger pre- sent, restored quiet as by a miracle. All that he did was to utter in an absent-minded way, " Boston culchaw ahem ! " There was a sudden silence a marked sensation, as if an electric current had in a second struck every heart and the ladies, forgetting the handker- chief, at once retreated. It is said that the police experience no difficulty in stopping dog- fights, " plug-masses," or rows in the lowest taverns ; they have but to cry, " Is this aesthe- tic ? Is this becoming Boston ? " Happy the city whose detrac- tors can find in it no worse subject of ridicule than its de- votion to culture. Botany Bay (Oxford), a name for Worcester College, Oxford, given in reference to the situation of the building, which is at some distance from the centre of the town. (Prison slang), penal servitude generally, but going out of use, as transportation, which began in 1787, ceased in 1867. Botany Bay (now known as New South Wales) first received convicts in 1787. Botch (old), a nickname for a tailor. From to botch, to patch up clumsily. Bottle (sporting), it turned out no bottle, did not turn out well, failed. (Popular), bottle-headed, stupid. Bottle-arsed (printers), type that is thickened at the bottom or feet is thus described. This cir- cumstance arises from the fact of it being worn by continual impression, and sometimes has- tened by improper "planing" down or levelling, preparatory to laying the form on for print- ing. Bottle-holder (pugilistic), one of the seconds attending a prize fight in the ring, who takes charge of the water bottle and holds the combatant on his knees between the rounds, whilst the other sponges and other- wise attends to him. Lord Palmerston was so nick- named after a speech he made when Foreign Secretary. The noble Lord told the deputation that the past crisis was one which required on the part of the British Government much generalship and judgment, and that a good deal of judicious bottle-holding was obliged to be brought into play. The phrase bottle-holding, borrowed from the prize- 170 Bottle Bounder. ring, offended a good many persons. Justin McCarthy: A History of Our Own Times. Bottle of spruce (rhyming slang), a deuce, slang for twopence. Bottling (theatrical), the same as applies to hobbing. Bottom (common), spirit placed in a glass before water is poured in. (Up country Australian), the scrubby, swampy ground in the bottom of a depression or valley. Mostly used in compounds such as ti-tree (tea-tree) bottom. It led Into a forest track which oft Was blocked by tea-tree bottom soft Or fallen trunk, compelling them To make detours, and thrice a stem Some inches through must needs be topped On pain of being wholly stopped. D. B. W. Sladtn : A Summer Christmas. .Bottom-growths is good Eng- lish for grass growing on low lands. (American), " soda and dark bottom," soda and brown brandy. Bottom dollar (American), last dollar. We'll go our bottom dollar. Sporting Times. Botts (popular), the colic. Pro- perly small worms in the rec- tum of a horse. Botty (popular), conceited. (Nur- sery), a contraction for an in- fant's posterior. The French equivalent is tutu. Boughs, up in the (old), in a passion. \ Bounce (common), cherry-brandy. (Popular and thieves), a bully^or swell ; a " rank bounce" a great swell. To bounce, to swindle, to cheat by false representa- tions. You will get no cheque or anything else out of us, so you had better travel down to Dover under the seat ; and if you can't bounce the "Johnnies" on the boat, you'll have to swim from Dover to Calais. Sporting Times. (American), bounced, dis- missed, turned out ; " given the G-. B.," i.e., grand bounce, to be turned out with great in- dignity. Bouncer (popular), a swindler, a person who steals whilst bar- gaining with a tradesman, a large, stout man or woman. (Prison), a male companion of a prostitute, who lives on her gains, and who, by in- timidation and threats, extorts money from men whom she en- tices. (Naval), a gun that kicks vio- lently when fired. Bouncing cheat (old cant),abottle, probably from the noise made when opening it and drawing the cork, or a corruption of boozing-cheat. . Bounder (university), a student whose manners are despised by the soi-di&ant elite, or who is Bounder Bow-catcher. 171 beyond the boundary of good fellowship ; also a dog-cart. (Society), a swell, a stylish fellow, but of a very vulgar type. I said something one day about my own attire, and she remarked that if I ordered the particular hat I desired I should be taken for a bounder; and when I asked what that meant, she said, "Oh, a toff, you know." Feeling that my ignorance had better be displayed no further, I de- parted by the next train. St. James's Gazette: Culture of the Misses. A bounder comes above the sunset hill, Who'll come and make his stay ; For he's the snipe with writs who is possest, No human force can chase that dun away. He is the boss ! and in possession still. Bird o' Freedom. Also a four-wheeled cab, otherwise known as a " growler." Bound to be had (popular), des- tined to be outwitted or cheated. Sold again ! What a shame ! it is really too bad, The way that I'm treated is certainly sad, "Pis my phiz that they quiz like my mother and dad, So wherever I go I am bound to be had. F. Caughan: Ballad. Bounge, bonge, or bung (old cant), a purse, and also for a pickpocket. A corruption of the English bougct, wallet. Boung nipper (old), a pickpocket, or, as they were then called, " cut-purses." Bounty jumper (American), a soldier who deserts to enlist into another regiment for the sake of the bounty. Manager of Caledonian Sports " In what line are you a contestant ? " Appli- cant " I am a jumper." "Ah, you have made a record ? " "I made a pretty fair one during the war, I jumped the bounty five or six times. Philadelphia Call. Bourbon democrats (American), according to their Republican opponents, the Democrats, espe- cially those of the South, are like the Bourbons, because they have "forgotten nothing, and learned nothing," since the war. Bouse, or booze out (naval), a good bouse out is a good feed, a "tightener." Bousing-ken (old cant), tavern, ale - house, modernised into "boozing-ken." "And byng to rome vyle, to nyp a bonge ; so shall we haue lowre for the bousing-ken." Harman : A Caveat. i.e., "And let us away to London, to cut a purse ; so we shall have money for the ale-house." Forting thinks the term is a gypsy corruption of the Hindos- tani booza, drink, and khana, house. Sousin, or bousinyot, in the slang of French sailors, is a drinking place or "lush- crib," from the Dutch buyzen, to tipple. Bovine heart (medical), not the heart of an ox, but a human heart, which, owing to disease of one set of valves, has become so much enlarged as to equal in size that of an ox. Bow-catcher (popular), a corrup- tion of beau-catcher, a small 172 Bowery Bowly. curl which formerly was worn twisted on the temples. French " accroche-cceurs " (rouflaquettes in the case of prostitutes' bul- v lies), and American "spit- curls." Bowery boy (American, specially New York), for many years the rough or rowdy of New York was called the Bowery boy, from a street, the Bowery (Dutch Bouwerie), which he was sup- posed to peculiarly affect. When I first knew it both the old Bowery Theatre and the old Bowery boy were in their glory. It was about that time that Thackeray, taking some notes in Gotham, had an encounter with the Bowery boy that seems to have slipped into history. The caustic satirist had heard of the Bowery boy, as the story goes, and went to see him on his native heath. He found him leaning on a fire hydrant, and accosted him with, " My friend, I want to go to Broadway." Whereupon the Bowery boy, drawing up his shoulders and taking an- other chew on his cigar, " Well, why the don't yer go, then ? " Chicago Tribune. In New York other species of roughs were termed "dead rabbits," "five pointers," and " Water - Street rats ; " the roughs of Baltimore were known as "blood tubs" and "plug uglies," in Philadelphia as "shifflers" and "moyamen- sings," and in New Orleans as "tigers" (New York Slang Dictionary). Bowled (Winchester), synony- mous with " croppled," or " crop- ped," that is, turned in for a . lesson at " standing up," when at the end of cloister time all below senior part have to repeat eight lessons, that is, from 150 to 400 lines. Bowled out (thieves), convicted ; a metaphor taken from cricket, where the batsman's innings is concluded for good when he is bowled out. A man who has followed the profession of thieving for some time, when he is ultimately taken, tried, and convicted, is said to be bowled out at last ; to bowl out a person in a general sense, means to .detect him in the commission of any fraud or peculation, which he has hitherto practised without discovery. Vaujfs Memoirs. Bowles (popular), shoes. Bowl out, to (general), to put out of a game, to detect. Bowl the hoop (rhyming slang), soup. Bowly, bowry (Anglo-Indian), a well. These in India are often grand and beautiful structures, the water being reached by broad flights of stairs, with resting-places here and there. To persons not familiar with the East, such an architectural object as a bow-lee may seem a strange perversion of inge- nuity ; but the grateful coolness of all subterranean apartments, especially when accompanied by water, and the quiet gloom of these recesses, fully compensate in the eyes of the Hindu for the more attractive magnificence of the ghdts. Consequently the descending flights of which we are now speaking, have often been more elaborate and expensive pieces of architecture than any of the buildings above ground found Bows Box. 173 in their vicinity. Fergusson : Indian and Eastern Architecture, Anglo-Indian Glos- sary. Bows (nautical), wide in the bows, having large nips and posteriors. To have a large "barge," same meaning. Bowse, or bouse up the jib (nautical), an old phrase, mean- ing to tipple. " Bowsing his tib or jib " is said of a man who has been drinking freely. Bowsprit (old), the nose. The analogy is evident between the most prominent part of the face and the bowsprit of a vessel. More modern are the " boko," "conk," and "smeller." Bow-wow (old), a contemptuous term for a man born in Boston, Mass. It is possible that this meaning was in the first place derived from bow-wow, a servile personal attendant. Box (common), to be in the wrong box, to be mistaken. The ex- pression is old, and has passed into the language. " Sir," quoth I, " if you will hear how St. Augustine expounded to that place, you shall perceive that you are in a wrong box." Ridley, 1554. (Thieves), cell. In a box of the stone jug I was born, Of a hempen widow the kid forlorn, Fake away ! Ainsworth : Rookwood. To box (Australian station slang), to join, or mix. It now was time to mark the lambs, And make young ewes distinct from rams. While he the overseer would come With full hands from the station home, From which they'd start at break of day, And do the marking in a day ; And still he cautioned each to heed, And look out as he did proceed. " Now, mind yourselves, for if you box, You'll play the mischief with the flocks." Dugald Ferguson, N.Z. : The Lambs, in ' ' Castle Joy and other Poems." Boxed in (thieves), explained by quotation. When there were three in a job there would always be one outside to look out, not only for any person coming along, but for lights in the windows, showing that somebody had been disturbed, in which case it was easy for him to whistle a warn- ing to his pals to clear out. But the single- handed man lacked these various advan- tages. It was neck or nothing with him when he was once boxed in (when he entered a house), and a revolver was his best safeguard. /. Greenwood: A Con- verted Burglar. Box Harry, to (commercial tra- vellers), to go without dinner for want of the money to pro- cure it, or having dinner and tea at one meal to save expense Formerly, it is said, truants confined at school, without fire, fought or boxed a figure nick- named Harry (probably the devil), which hung in their room, to keep themselves warm. That may be the origin of the phrase. In Lincolnshire, to box Harry is to be careful after being extravagant. To box the devil on account of one's poverty strongly reminds one of the French " tirer le diable par la queue," to be " hard up." 174 Box Boys. Box hat (common), a silk hat, termed also a " chimney-pot." Box of dominoes (popular), the mouth. Box the Jesuit, to (old), a term to express a secret vice. Box - wallah (Anglo-Indian), a hybrid Hindu word, from balcas, or the English box, and uxtla, a pronominal termination. A box- wallah is a small pedlar, who sells cheap wares, and who cor- responds closely to many of his cousins, the pedling gypsies of England. Boy (society), champagne, pro- bably derived from the term " lively boy," which is often ap- plied to a young man brimming over with animal spirits. To be let, cheap, in the Royal Exchange, a small, well-fitted office, with use of boy. Suitable for stockbroker or solicitor. X., care of Leathwait & Simmons, advertising agents, i Pope's Head Alley, E.G. X. can send us particulars at once. Pommery 74, extra sec., is our favourite kind of boy, but there aren't many brands that we aren't equal to tackling at this establishment. Sporting Times. (Popular), a hump on a man's back. A hunch, or hump back man is sometimes spoken of as if he were two persons " him and his boy." (Anglo-Indian and pidgin), throughout the East personal servants of any age are called boys. The authors of the Anglo- Indian Glossary observe that similar uses of the word are to be found in the Vulgate, also in the Arabic, and German lite- rature, while Shakspeare makes Fluelen say " Kill the pays and the luggage ! 'tis expressly against the laws of arms ! " In pidgin-English a servant is boy, whilst boy in the ordi- nary sense is " one small boy." In Tonkin the word is used by the French with a like significa- tion. Boycott, to (general), a now gene- rally accepted term, used with the signification of to send to Coventry, to stand aloof. The French equivalent is " mettre en quarantaine." ' ' Why, Mabel, dear, I have not seen you for the last ten days : surely you don't mean to boycott Regent Street ?" " I don't want to boycott Regent Street, but they may want to Endacott me." Sporting Times. From Captain Boycott, an Irish landlord, who lay under a kind of excommunication, all labourers being forbidden to work for him under penalty of some fearful punishment. Boys (turf), the crowd of "ram- pers," " brief snatchers," "wel- shers," "magsmen," "lum- berers," and other rogues who flourish on every racecourse. I should think that there is hardly a bookmaker in Tattersall's, or even one of the ready-money fraternity, who would not willingly subscribe to a fund for the laudable purpose of cleansing the rings from those foul abominations, those crimi- nal scoundrels known as the boys. These vermin rob the public annually of thousands Boys Branded. 175 of pounds, and divert from the pockets of the bookmakers a perfect river of gold. Bird o Freedom. The boys is also a designation occasionally applied to the ring. " He is not on terms with the boys," means that the person alluded to has lost more money than he can pay, and does not venture within hail of the book- makers. Brace, to (American thieves), to get credit by swagger. To brace it through, to do a thing by sheer impudence. Bracelets (police), handcuffs. Its equivalent is used in French slang. " You'd better slip the bracelets on him, Jim." The fellow on my left produced a pair of handcuffs. MissBraddon : Robert A insleigh. "Ah, but I do!" exclaimed the detec- tive, suddenly seizing the trembling wretch. "Come, let's slip the bracelets on." G. Sims : Rogues and Vagabonds. Brace of shakes, in a (popular), in a moment. Brace up, to (thieves), to pawn stolen goods. Hotten so defines it, but Vaux says : "To dispose of stolen goods by pledging them for the utmost you can get at a pawnbroker's is termed ' bracing them up.' " Bracket-faced (old), of unpleasing features, hard-visaged or ugly. Bracket- mug (popular), a very ugly face, mug being slang for face. Brads (thieves), halfpence, money. Hotten says, brads, money ; Vaux, "Brads are halfpence, also money in general." Pro- perly brads are a kind of nails used by cobblers. " Get anything ? " " Get anything ? Not a brad, s'welp my never. The old bloke vhas a sittin' up a sharpenin' his scissors." "But you must a' got something? " " Vhell, yes I vhas lucky to get out without bein' made a sheeny myself." Sporting Times. Brag (thieves), a money-lender at exorbitant interest, a Jew. Brain-pan (medical), the skull- cap, the calvaria, also the skull itself. (Common), the head, called also "nob, nut, know- ledge-box, canister, chump." Bramble, a Kentish term for a lawyer. Bramble - gelder. In Suffolk a derisive appellation for an agri- culturist (Hotten). Bran (popular), bread. French soldiery call it bovle de son. He purchased ... a half-quartern loaf, or, as he himself expressed it, a four- penny bran. Charles Dickens: Oliver Twist. Branded ticket (nautical), a dis- charge given to an infamous man, on which his character is given, and the reason he is turned out of [the service (Admiral Smyth). Brandy Brassy. Brandy coatee, brandy (Anglo- 1 Indian), a cloak, a coat for the rain. Barani-kurti seems to be a kind of hy- brid shaped by the English word " coat," though kurti and kurta are true Persian words for various forms of jacket and tunic. Anglo-Indian Glossary. Brandy-faced (popular), red faced. Is generally said of one who is in the habit of drinking spirits in excess. Brandy pawnee (Anglo - Indian and English gypsy), brandy and water. From pdnl, Hindu and Romany, for water. In Eng- land " parny " is a common slang word for water. I'm sorry to see you, gentlemen, drink- ing brandy favmee. It plays the deuce with our young men in India. Thackeray : The Newcomes. ' Bran-mash (army), bread broken up and s,oaked in coffee or tea at breakfast, or the evening meal, which consists of dry bread only, as the regular ration, men in funds adding red her- rings, eggs; and other savoury condiments according to choice. See FLOATING BATTERIES. Brass (colloquial), impudence, "cheek," from the immovable hard-set countenance of a bold, impudent person, the front d'airain of the French expres- sion abbreviated into avoir le front de . . ., to have the auda- city. She in her defence made him appear such a rogue upon record, that the Chief Justice wondered he had the brass to appear in a Court of Justice. North : Examen. It is said of an impudent per- son that his face has been "rubbed with a brass candle- stick," or that he is as " bold as brags." " He died damned hard, and as bold as brass," an expression commonly used among the vulgar after returning from an execution. George Parker: Dictionary of Cant. (Popular), money generally. But my brass all went to Old Nick, and the rent too, For I backed Sorrento No Sunday dinner. Bird d Freedom. "It's no good being proper in this world," said the tirst housemaid. " Brass can do better than the gold what has stood the fire," said the second. Dickens : Oliver Twist. Brass bound and copper fastened (nautical), a term applied to a midshipman when in uniform. Brasser (Blue Coat School), a bully. Brass knocker, a phrase used among professional beggars and tramps to signify the broken victuals, which they unwillingly receive instead of money, and commonly throw away on the roadside as soon as they are out of sight of the donors. Brassy (popular), impudent. No, Mister Gattle, Betty was too brassy, We never keep a servant that is saucy. Wolcot: Peter Pindar. Brazen-faced Break. 177 Brazen-faced (common), impu- dent, shameless. See BRASS. Bread, or hard tack (nautical), biscuit. Bread being termed " soft tack." Bread-and-butter fashion (prosti- tutes), that is, one (slice) upon another. It was said of tw6 persons, caught in the act that " they were lying bread-and- butter fashion." Bread-and-butter warehouse (old cant), Ranelagh Gardens was so called. See BREAD-AND-BUT- TER FASHION. Bread and meat (military), the commissariat. Bread bags (army), those con- nected with the victualling department. Formerly termed "muckers;" French soldiers call them riz-pain-sel." Bread barge (nautical), the tray in which biscuit is handed round. (popular), the Bread-basket stomach. , .. . . The point of a sharp instrument driven right through, close to my knees, with the exclamation, " What do you think of' that now in a policeman's bread- basket r'C. Kingslty: Alton Locke. When you can't fill the bread-basket, shut it : go to, sleep. Reade: Never too Idte to Mend. Bread-picker (Winchester), a nominal office, excusing the holder from fagging. Bread -room (nautical), an old term for stomach. ' The waiter returned with a quartern of . brandy, which Crowe . . . started into his bread-room at one cant. Smollett : L. Greaves. Bread-room jack (nautical), pur- ser's steward help. Break (prison), a collection made in aid of one awaiting trial or recently discharged. Liter- ally, pause in street performance when the hat goes round. The mob got me up a break (collection), jand I got between five or six foont (sove- reigns). Rev. J. Horslty : Jottings from Jail. Break or crack one's egg, to (cricketers), to make one's first run, thus avoiding the "dudk's . egg-" Breaking the balls (billiards), commencing the game. ' . Breaking up of the spell, the (thieves), explained" by qnota- tion. Vide SPELL. The 'breaking up of the spell is the nightly termination of the performance ' at the Theatre Royal, which is regularly attended by pickpockets of the lower ordef, who exercise their vocation about the doors and avenues leading thereto, until the house is emptied and the crowd dispersed. Vavtis Memrirs. Break o' day drum, a tavern which is open all night. Break out all over. (American), a ' . common slang phrase, borrowed from 'the medical vocabulary. Thus if a man were in a great M ' - -.-.. ' r >'l"78 Break Brewers horse. might be said that his wrath broke out all over him, or that he smiled from his feet to. his eyes. In the following aneo- dote it is applied to an excessiYe ' . . ' development of piety. " ' Get down the Bible, we're going to have family prayer.' ' Why ! are you joing to have family prayer before you have religion 1 ' she asked. Grigger said . he,-wanted it and the minister said if he'd tlo before he got it as he thought he'd do rfter he got it he'd have it. Well, Grigger could not get the idea into his head. But . < Grigger stuck to it, and in a few weeks Grigger was the finest case of religion I . .erer.'saw.'. It broke out all over him." ' " ' ' . * Break shins, to (common), to bor- . : * .row. money. The French slang equivalent is " donner un coup de pied dans les jambes." practice of making the sign of the cross on their breasts. Breeched (common), to be well off. The French say of a bank- rupt that he is unbreeched, de- calotte. (Schoolboys), to be breeched, to be flogged. Breeches (colloquial), a wife who usurps her husband's prerogative is said to "wear the breeches." French, "porter la culotte." Breeze (common), a quarrel or disturbance generally "to kick up a breeze." Breezy (American), cool. .Not since the original enemy of mankind Stood up- and rebuked sin have we seen such an exhibition of what might be called brctzy chic (pronounced in this instance chteek) as that exhibited by Carter Harri- son;' Mayor of Chicago, in coming to New York to give us points tin municipal govern- ment. New York World. Break the molasses jug, to (American), to make a mistake and come to grief. Right, dar's whar he broke his merlfsses' jug. Uncle Remus. Break the neck of anything, to Br ^i f rd) ' (common), a phrase signifying theft the greater portion of any task has been accomplished. See FOOTER. Breaky - leg (popular), strong drink. The 'French .slang says of a man who has had .too much drink that he has "une jambe de vin." (Thieves), a shilling, from the expression " to break shins' 1 which see. Breast fleet (old slang-), Roman Catholics were once known by this name. So called from the Brevet-wife (common), an unmar- ried woman, who is represented as married to the man with . whom she cohabits. Brew, to (Marlborough), to have some refreshment in the after- noon at about four o'clock. Brewer's horse, old cant name for a drunkard, A vulgar stanza on this subject was popular about a hundred years ago or more : Brian o Linn Brickfielder. 179 " I wish I were a bmutr's horse But six months of the year, I'd take my fill of honest stuff, And drink up all the beer. When that was done, what should I do My thirst to satisfy, I'd eat up all the corks and bungs, Give up the ghost and die." Brian o' Linn (rhyming slang), gin. . Brick (colloquial), a term of com- mendation applied to a parti- cularly honest, good, jolly, brave, or spirited person. Steerforth approved of him highly, and told us he was a brick. Dickens: David Cepperfield, It is used sometimes with an adjective prefixed, as an "out- and-out brick," a "regular trick." Another familiar word in the university slan;4 is a " regular brick," that is, a jolly good fellow, and how the simile is logically deduced is amusing enough. A brick is "deep red," so a " deep read " man is a brick ; a deep read man is in university phrase a "good man;" a good man is a jolly fellow with non-reading men, ergo a jolly fellow is a brick. Hallberger's Illus- trated Magazine. It is evident that the figurative sense of the word is in allusion to the shape of a brick. In English and other languages straightforwardness is always identified with squareness. " He answered you as square as a brick." " He did it on the square." Brickfielder or brickduster (Aus- tralian), a dust storm, a kind of whirlwind frequent in Aus- tralia during the summer time. Identified by Lieut.-Col Munday with the "southerly burster," so called from the brickdusty feel of the grit with which, the wind charges itself as it rolls up the storm. In October 1848, as I find by my diary, I witnessed a fine instance of a nocturnal lrick_ficlder. Awakened by the roaring of the wind I arose and looked, out. It was bright moonlight, or it would have been bright but for the clouds of dust, which, impelled by a perfect hurricane, curled Up from the earth and absolutely muffled the fair face of the planet. Pulverised speci- mens of every kind and colour of soil within two miles of Sydney, flew past the house high over the chimney tops in lurid whirl- winds^ now white, now red. It had all the ..appearance of an American prairie fire, barring the fire. . . . One of the greatest miseries of the " southerly burster " is that (welcome to all animated nature as are its cooling airs) its first symptoms are the signal for a general rush of housemaids to shut hermetically every aperture of the dwelling. The ther- mometer in the drawing-room and one's own melting mood announce some 86 of heat, while the gale driving so refresh- ingly past your windows is probably 30* lower ; but if you have any regard for sight and respiration, for carpets, chintz, books, and other furniture, you must re- ligiously shut up shop until the chartered libertine, having scavengered the streets of every particle of dust, has moderated its wrath. Even then, however well fitted may be the doors and windows, the volatile atoms will find their way everywhere, to the utter disturbance of household and personal comfort. Lieut.-Col. Munday: Our Antipodes. The climate of Queensland is very hot. In summer the heat is Indian ; and it is a moist, that is to say, an exhausting heat, whereas the summer temperature in other parts of Australia is comparatively dry ; drier in South Australia and Victoria than in New South Wales, but when brick- fielders or dust storms are not blowing, endurable. Daily Telegraph. i8o Brick Briefs. Brick in the hat (common), intoxi- cated, top-heavy. The deriva- tion is obvious. Bricklayer's clerk (nautical), a contemptuous expression for lubberly people pretending to having seen better days, but who were f qrced t'o betake them- selves to sea life. Bridge (card-sharpers), a cheating trick at cards, by which any particular card is cut by pre- viously curving it. French card- sharpers term it " faire le pont." I've foond out the way that Yankee fellow does the king. It's not the common bridge that everybody knows. Charles Lever: Davenport Dunn. To bridge a person or throw him over the bridge, is, in a gene- ral sense, to deceive him by be- traying the confidence he has re- posed in you. In the game the confederates so play into each other's hands that the victim must inevitably be "thrown over the bridge." Bridle-cull (old cant), a highway- man. A booty of 10 looks as great in the eye of a bridle-cull, and gives as much real happiness to his fancy, as that of as many thousands to the statesman. Fielding: Jonathan Wild. Brief (prison), a note or letter. "Just look what I've had sent me. An order to go over the Bank of Eng- land." . . . ''Can't you alter the brief, to admit three ? " " Oh lor, no ; wouldn't try it on ; might queer the pitch before starting." Bird d Freedom. Brief is a survival of an old English term of common ecclesi- astical use in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. In French bref, both from the Latin brevis. See rubric in the Prayer-book. Here briefs, cita- tions, and excommunications are to be read. Briefs were circular letters issued by authority asking for charitable collections in all churches. (Thieves), a ticket, pocket- book, pawnbroker's duplicate. So I claimed (stole) them, . . . and guyed (ran) to the rattler (railway), and took a Srieflo London Bridge. Rev.J. Horsley: Jottings from Jail. " Take it from me," exclaimed the gen- tleman with the pink may twined round his hat, as he gracefully reclined on the seat of a third-class carriage in the Ascot " special," and leisurely sucked a piece of fried fish, " these 'ere six and sixpenny ' rattlers ' may be all right in their way, but give me a thirty-two-blow weekly brief I They goes at twice the bloomin' speed, an' you meets a different class o' company ! " Bird o' Freedom . I have snatched at briefs, the property of others, But the punishment was too much to sustain. Oh send your boy a pound, thou best of mothers ; I'll refund it when the Gee-gees run again. When the Gee-gees Run Again. Briefs (cardsharpers), cards con- structed on a cheating prin- ciple. Like the German Briefe, which Baron Heinecken says was the name given to the cards manufactured at Ulm. Brief is also the synonym for a card in German slang, and brifftn means to play at cards. Brief matchers Brismelah. 181 Brief snatchers (thieves), pick- pockets who devote their atten- tions to pocket-books on race courses. Brigh (thieves), pocket. Probably from breeches, but closer in f prm to the Gaelic briyis, whence the French broii.*, breeches, and, brayette or bragueltc, flap of breeches, which formed a con- venient receptacle for small articles when pockets had not superseded the pouch. Bright (freemasons), an adjective applied to well-instructed ma- sous. Bright in the eye (popular), a mild state of intoxication. Brim (old cant), u woman; (com- mon), a violent and irascible woman. Brim, a very old Eng- lish word for angry or enraged, is supposed to be from the raging or roar of the sea. Anglo-Saxon brim, surf, surge on the shore. She raved, she abused me, and splenetic was ; . ' She's a vixen, she's a brim, zounds ! she's all that is bad. r , Whim of the Day, 1799. Brimstone (old cant), an aban- doned rogue, or prostitute ; (common), a violent, irascible woman. The brimstone swore I beat her husband, and so I paid for meddling. Johnston: Chrysal. Confound the woman . . . was there ever such an aggravating brimstone'. /. Greenwood: Almost Lost. Bringing down the house (thea- trical and journalistic), eliciting thunders of applause. Bring on your bears ! (American), a common form of challenge. It is said that a small boy in the Far West, who lived in a place where bear-killing was a favour- ( ite amusement, was very much struck at hearing for the first 'time the story of Elisha read from the Bible. The next day, "while in his log-cabin home, he saw approaching an old man on whpse pate not a hair could be scni. He hastily took down his " father's rifle an.d loaded it, sharpened the family bowie- knife, and roared at the ancient passer-by, " Go up, thou Bald- head!" Then looking defiantly up to heaven-lie cried, "Now, briny on your bears t " The Chicago Tribune (September 13, 1886) heads a defiant article to England with this exclamation. Briny (popular), the sea. French slang, " la grande sale"e." . He delights in collaring a greenhorn, and after ponring into his willing ears tales of unutterable woe and adventures under- gone on the briny . '. . H. Evans: The Brighton &each Loafer. Brisket-beater (popular), a Roman Catholic (Hotten). Brismelah (Anglo-Yiddish), the ceremony of circumcision. Be~ ris, a covenant ; beris hamiloh, the covenant of circumcision. The practice, however, of putting round the hat at bristne lahs has fallen off consi- 182 Bristol milk Broody. \ deraHy. At one place I knows of, where they haves a annual baby every Purim, the family Mohel had become such a nui- . .-.nice with his begging that at the last brismelah. they couldn't get enough . -Yidden for mezooman, let alone minyan, and if it hadn't been for the potman calling from the Cat and Trumpet they'd never a been able to bring the brismelah off at ... all. Sforting Times. Bristol milk (old), sherry. Bristol ' ; was the chief port at which ves- sels from Spain carrying cargoes of this wine used to arrive hence the name. '"' Broach the claret, to (pugilistic). 'Twas not till the tenth round his claret was broach' d, was oroacn a, But a pelt in the smeller, too pretty to shun, If the lad even could set it gqirig like fun. Tom Cribb's Memorial to Congress. Broad and shallow (popular), an epithet applied to the so-called " Broad Church," in contradis- tinction to the " High " and '.".>", " Low " Churches (Hotten). * **' "* '"""'j , ' Broad bottom. Explained by * > . quotation. A coalition Government in the last century was known by the apt nickname ' s . .. of the Broad Bottom. Walpole, writing Mann ia 1741, says : " The Tories declare . vjgainst any further prosecution if Tories there arj .for now one hears of nothing but the Broad Bottom ; it is the reigning , . . cant word, and means the taking all parties and people indifferently into the Ministry." Cornhill Magazine. . ' ' Broad brim. (common), originally a Quaker, thus called from the peculiar ha.t worn by the "friends." .JTow used in refer- ence to quiet, sedate men. A veteran correspondent, who inspired "The Druid " with many of his paragraphs, writes us that Mr. W., the breeder of Fair Alice, did not stand alone as we imagined, and that Mr. K., the owner of Priscilla Tomboy, was also a broad trim. Sporting Times. Broad cooper (brewers), a person employed by brewers to nego- tiate with publicans (Hotten). Broad faking (card-sharpers), playing at cards, or doing the three-card trick on race-courses, &c. Broads (popular and thieves), cards. " Yes, he was a red hot "un," quoth the Horticulturist, "and at the broads he was unrivalled. But he played it too thick at Brighton that \icf&." Sporting Times. ' He then took another business at Wai- worth, and got on well while he forswore the "infernal broads" as he called them. /. Greenwood: Tag, Rag, & Co. Broadsman sharper. , a carcl- Broady (tailors), among East End tailors broadcloth is so called. Also a general term for cloth. Gentlemen finding their own broady can be accommodated. A Slang Advertise- ment. " Broady workers are men who go round selling vile shoddy stuff under the pretence that it is excellent material, which has been got ' on the cross,' that is, 'stolen ' " (Hotten). . (Thieves), broady, anything worth stealing. , Brock, to (Winchester), to bully. Literally, to badger. From brock, a bad -vr. Brockster (Winchester), a bully. l>rock Broomsticks. 1 8 : . Brogan (American), coarse, strong shoes. From brrxjut-*, coarse shoes, which, according to Ken- nett, are shoes made of rough hide used by the wild Irish. Iri.-h broy, a .shot-. seduced, is said to have broken knees. The Germans say she has " lost a shoe." The analogy existing in each language be- tween the phrase and the lan- guage of the stable is curious. Brolly (Winchester), a corruption of umbrella. The term is used also at the universities. I saw great Gosben stamping on the pave, I saw that famous man his brolly wave; 1 heard a naughty word, and I am free Broiled CrOW, to eat (Ameri- To o\vn that that same word b'egan with D. can). A newspaper editor who Funny Folks. is obliged by his party, or other outside influences, to advocate principles different from those which he supported a short time before, is said to cat broiled crow, more commonly "to eat crow." ., *?.+. Broncho (American), wild or savage, unruly. A Western term derived from the broncho ot mos^ tang, an unruly brute. " Oh ! I don't know. He'd been sing- in.iT tli^ music to 'em" (imitating them). "'Sam's too broncJio." F. Francis: Saddle ami Mocassin. Broke (common), hard -up, re- duced to one's last sou. Broom it, to (old slang), to run There was a young plunger, who smartly away. T . partly!" live as man and wife -without -Bird o' Freedom. br i n g married. Young ladies liad fain single women re- main, And umvedded daraes to the fast crack of doom stic k, Ere marry by taking a jump o'er a broom- stick. ';', . Ingoldsby Legends. An allusion to a marriage ceremony performed by both parties jumping over a broom- stick. Broke her leg (American), said of an unmarried woman who has had a child. In French theatrical slang, a lady who is enceinte " ar mal au genou," the result of a faux-pas. Broken. When a corporal at the R. M. Academy is reduced for some irregularity or misconduct he is said to be broken. Broken knees (popular), a woman who has made a slip, or been Broomsticks (thieves), insolvent bail. Called also " queer-bail," " straw bail," "Jew bail," &c. Bros/i Brown Bess. " Queer-bail are persons of no repute, hired to bail a prisoner in any bailable case. These men are to be had in London for a trifling sum, and are called broomsticks " (Vaux's Glossary). Brosh (American), brittle. Dutch, brds, frail, brittle. A -New York word. Brother-chip (popular), originally fellow-carpenter. Almost gene- ral now as brother tradesman of any kin.d. Brother smut (popular), used in ... the phrase "ditto brother smut," equivalent to tu quoque. Some- times " ditto smut " when ad- dressed to a woman. Brother starling 1 (old slang). " He's a brother starling of . mine," i.e. he cohabits with the same mistress and shares her favours. \ Brown (popular), halfpenny. My father he is on the seas, my mother's dead and gone, And I am here, on this here pier, to roam the world alone ; I have not had, this live-long day, one drop to cheer my heart, Nor brown to buy a bit of bread with, let . . , alone a tart; Ingoldsby Legends. How much ha' we took to-day, Jim? Why, not a single brown, And our show was one o' the best .' , , Once, and we rode from town to town. George R. Sims: Ballads of Babylon, I took Parr's pills, which brought on premature old age ; and here I am, as you sees, a wicktem to misfortune. My heart is busting for a buster, my mag is for a mag. So throw down your browns, kind- hearted Christians, and be done brown and " no mistake." Diprose : Laugh and Learn. (Common), to "do it brown," to do well or completely. What with " cabbys " and with "wires," When anything transpires To send the market either up or down, In aerated " Breads," Or " Shores," or " Yanks," or " Reds," In slang we really do it rather brown. A tkin : House Scraps. (Popular), Ho brown, to under- stand. " I can brown almost any poetry," said George, "but not Browning." News- paper Story. And when they ask me if I brown such language, I ne'er hear or read as to brown- ing ; I'm done brown instead. T. K. Syntns : The Age of Betting. Browns and whistlers (thieves), explained by quotation. "Browns and Whistlers are bad halfpence and farthings (it is a term used by coiners ") (Vaux's Glossary). Brown Bess (common), the old Government regulation musket. Soldiers of all nations are fond of giving names of persons to their weapons. The French troopers sometimes call their sword "Jacqueline," and most . of the siege guns during the siege of Paris in 1870 had been nicknamed in the same manner by the sailors who manned the forts, their favourite being a very large gun called "Jose- . phine." " To hug brown Bess," to serve as a private soldier. (Rhyming slang), yes. Brown Bessie Drum. 185 Brown Bessie, an old word for a woman of easy or uneasy virtue. Also black Bess. Things proffered and easie to come by diminish themselves in reputation and price, for how full of pangs and dotage is a wayling lover, for it may bee some brown Bessie. Dare's Polydoron, 1631. "Bonny black Bess" was a very popular scandalous ballad a cen- tury ago. Brown bill (old), the old weapon of the English infantry. Brown George (nautical), a hard and coarse biscuit. Brownie (whalers), the polar tear. Brown Janet (nautical), a knap-, sack. Brown Joe (rhyming slang), no. Brown papermen (popular), ex- plained by quotation. But the little nick (a gambling-house) is what we call only brown papermen, low gambling, playing for pence, and a shil- ling being a great go. Mayliew : London Labour and the London Poor. Brown stone (American), beer. Brown talk (common), conver- sation of an exceedingly proper character. Brown typhus, brown titus, and in America brown creeturs, an attempt at the pronunciation of bronchitis, or the names fre- quently given by the lower orders to that common disease. These misnomers are some- times most amusing, as, for in- stance, a poor woman had been told she had myxcedema, and informed a second medical man that her first doctor had said that she had got Nicodemus; but, she added, he could not cure it. Browny (thieves), a penny. Dols. is brownies, as we call 'em some- times, that's pence. Hamilton Atdt : Alorals and Browse, to, to enjoy oneself, to idle about, to loll in the sun. French fairs, son Itzard. The expression is much used by gentlemen cadets of the Royal Military Academy. In the United States, to eat here and there, now and then, an ex- pression of Abraham Lincoln's. Bruiser (prison), the bully who is a hanger-on of prostitutes. The bruiser is the nearest approach to Dickens' hero, Bill Sykes. Michael Da-vitt : Leaves front a Prison Diary. (Common), a pugilist. (Pugilis- tic), a prize-fighter. (Popular), one fond of fighting. C., who is known in the neighbourhood as a "great bnuiser^" pleaded that he made a mistake, and thought Conway was molesting the woman,. who he also mistook for his wife. He goes to jail for six weeks. Echo. Brum (Winchester), stingy, mean. Probably an abbreviation of Brummagem. (Popular and^ thieves), a counterfeit coin. Also Birmingham'. We have just touched for a rattling stake of sugar (large stake of money) at Brum. Cornhill Magazine. Avx^--A>:- .v.W; /;, <': >/-^..--% - :: ': .. .,.-. Brumby Bntsh. mmon), Birming- to anything vulgar (Stock Exchange), and North Western Railway (Popular), the inhabitants of Birmingham. From "Brumma- gem." The Brians must really look to the morals of their town a little more. Modern Society. Joe Capp is the most sensibly dressed man who goes racing. He wears a long, cool-looking alpaca surtout ; but it was rough on Joe, after losing fourteen thick 'uns at Four Oaks, when a Brum, whom he elbowed out of the way, remarked "Don't think you're heverybody be- cause you make your coat hout o' the pore bloomink slavey's Sunday skirt." Sport- ing Times. Brung (American), brought. A writer on Americanisms is slightly mistaken in saying that white men use it as a "very mild joke." It is very often a stinging insult, and the writer seen a man in Boston very gry because he was asked in "Where were you Itrung The insult was in the intimation that the man was familiar with or in the habit sing such an expression. house-painter. (old), to have when applied to run away. Brusher (old slang), a bumper. "To drink a brusher" was to drink from a full glass. (Schools), an abbreviation of " bum- brusher," a schoolmaster. Brush up, to (American), to hum- bug or flatter, to smooth, Brydport dagger Buck. " prancing," flattering (New York Slang Dictionary). Brydport dagger (old), explained by quotation. Stab'd with a Brydport dagger, that is, hang'd or executed at the gallowes ; the best, if not the most, hemp (for the quantity of ground) growing about Brydport. Fuller: Dorset Worthies. Bub, bubby (American), a term very commonly applied to a little boy. It came from Pennsylvania, where ib was derived from the German lube, which is commonly abbreviated to bub. " ' Bub,' he said to a little shaver coming out of the savings-bank with a book in his hand, ' are you saving money ? ' " ' Yes, sir.' " ' How much have you got in the bank?' " ' Eight cents, sir. I did have thirteen, but father got in straitened financial cir- cumstances and I had to draw five.' " Bub (thieves), strong malt liquor ; generally drink. Ay, bub and grubby, I say, *V***> Lots of gatter, quo' she, are flowing. If''. Maginn : V'idocqs Slang Song.- Also a brother. Bubber (American), applied to any woman (old or young) with full, well-rounded breasts, or lubbics, whence the term. Bubble-buff (old), a bailiff. Bubbley jock (popular), a turkey ; a stupid, boasting person. Bubbling squeak (army), hot soup. Properly, bubble and squeak is a dish composed of pieces of cold boiled meat and greens, after- wards fried, which have thus first bubbled in the pot, and then hissed or squeaked in the pan. Bubs, bubbles (common), a woman's breasts. From bub, drink. Buck. This almost obsolete word, for what the French called a petit-maitre, and more recently daim (literally buck), has been gradually superseded by " blood," "dandy," "maccaroni," "swell," "Bond Street lounger," "ex- quisite," "dude," and "masher." (American, cards), a device for securing a good ante at poker or brag. The player whose turn it is to ante, instead of putting up money, puts up a knife, key, or any small article, saying, " I ante a buck worth $5," or whatever sum he chooses to name. If he has not won it back himself when he retires, ho must redeem it from the pos- sessor at the price named. The peculiarity of the buck is that whoever holds it must ante it when it comes to his turn. Whenever it is desired to bring the game to a close, a good finish is secured by agreeing to " chase the buck home," i.e., whoever wins it has the next deal, and consequently antes it. The game stops as soon as the buck has been won back by the player who originally started it. (Cabdrivers), a sham "fare" . 1 88 Buck. in a cab. A buck is a man who rides in a cab ostensibly as a legitimate fare, to enable the cabman to proceed to some des- tination to which he is not allowed to take an empty cab. Many of the semi - private thoroughfares of London are closed to empty cabs. Mr. , on behalf of the United Cab Proprietors' Protection Association, said it often occurred that the men who were so conveyed were bucks men who rode in a cab ostensibly as legitimate fares. In reality they acted in collusion with the driver to evade the police regulations, espe- cially with regard to theatres. Standard. (Popular), a sixpence. The word is rarely used by itself, but as in the phrase, " two and a buck." More frequently " two and a kick." Possibly from the gypsy bdk (pronounced buck), luck, as it is always asked for for luck. (Old slang), to "run a buck," to poll a bad vote at an election. This phrase is of Irish origin. (American), to buck is to butt against, to oppos'e. Yer oughter be ershamed o' yerse'f ter porsecute "ligion in dis way. W'y how de work o" de Lawd gwine ter prosper when de white folks bucks ergin it dis way ? I'se sorry fur yer,' fur old Satan got his eye on yer, sho. Arkansaiu Traveller. To rear up, to jump like a buck, to jump and " cavort." Applied to a peculiar leaping of Western horses. Dutch, boken maken, to cut capers ; bok- stavast, leap-frog. The term is used also in South Africa and Australia. I don't think that we have a beast About the place that bucks the least. D. B. W. Sladen : A Summer Christinas. (Banking), " to buck an ac- count " is to make an account balance without carrying it out properly, i.e., to cook the ac- counts. (Californian), in the Califor- nian vernacular this signifies to play against the bank, as, e.g., in faro, that is, to sweep the tables, or clean out or gut the croupier. I don't like your looks at all, I'd buck against any bank you ran all night. Bret Harte : Gabriel Conroy. (Winchester College), " to buck down " is to be unhappy, whilst to " buck up" is to be glad. (Anglo-Indian), to talk egotis- tically, to prate and chatter, to let one's tongue run loose. From the Hindu baknd. And then he bucks, with a quiet stub- born determination that would fill an American editor or an Under Secretary of State with despair. He belongs to the twelve foot tiger school, so perhaps he can't help it. Ali Baba. Buck-bail (thieves), bail given by a sharper for one of his own gang. Buck fitch (old), an old man of abandoned habits, an old roue. A " buck face," an injured hus- band, alluding to the horns. Buck or fight the tiger, to (American), to gamble. Derived from the parti-coloured divisions or stripes on a gambling table. i Buckeen Buckhorse. 189 This little oil town, on the line of the Olean, Bradford, and Warren Railroad, and partly in Pennsylvania and partly in New York, is the greatest poker-playing place in the entire northern oilfield. It is a town in which all the residents "buck the festive tiger." Chicago Tri- bune. Buckeen (Irish), a bully, an in- ferior sort of squire. There were several squireens or little squires, a race of men who have suc- ceeded to the buckeens described by Young and Crumpe. Miss Edgeworth : Absentee. Bucket (American), an anonymous letter. (Common), to " give the "bucket" to dismiss, to dismiss from one's employ. He were sore put about because Hester had gi'en him the bucket. Mrs. Gaskell: Sylvias Lovers. (University), to bucket is to scoop the water instead of pull- ing the oar steadily and fairly through. (Popular), to bucket a person, to deceive, ruin him. To kick the bucket, to die. "Fine him a pot," roared one, "fo r talking about kicking the bucket. He's a nice young man to keep a cove's spirits up, and talk about a ' short life and a merry one.' " C. Kingsley : Alton Locke. Dr. Brewer gives the follow-' ing explanation : "A bucket is a pulley. . . . When pigs are killed they are hung by their hind legs on a bucket . : . and oxen are hauled up .by a' . pulley. ... To kick the bucket is to be hung on the bulk or bucket by the heels." Bucket afloat (rhyming slang), a coat. Bucket-shop (American), a bucket has in America several mean- ings, all indicating underhand or concealed dealings. The term is applied to low groggeries, and also to places which advertise as below cost flashy goods which are sold at a large profit. Low, swindling, gambling places, or lottery offices, also bear this name, and in Chicago it appears from the following extract to be borne by broker establishments where "corners" are manipu- lated. The latest story out to account for the recent strength in the wheat market, is to the effect that it is the result of a combined effort to "burst the bucket-shops." (Stock Exchange), the office of an outside broker of doubtful character. A disreputable gambling cast which came before the Divisional Court yesterday is noteworthy for the remarks made on " the vice of gambling in stocks and shares " by two judges. A gambler had sued a firm of bucket-shop keepers for profits alleged to have been made' on "certain transac- tions," and the latter coolly pleaded the statute against wagering and gaming in defence. Pall Mall Gazette. Buckhara (American), a California name for a cattle driver. It is the Spanish vaquero. Buckhorse (pugilistic). ' ' A smart blow or box on the ear ; derived from the name of the celebrated 190 Buckle Budger. _ ' bruiser ' " (John Smith, alias Buckhorse, fought on the stage 1732-46), according to Hotten's Dictionary. Buckle, to (Scottish), to marry, a vulgarism used by D'Urfey in his imitation of a Scotch song, popular in the time of Charles II., "Within a mile of Edin- burgh Toun." The phrase is still current in England among the lower classes, among whom to be " buckled " not only means to be married, but to be taken into custody. Buckle-beggar (old), a man who officiated as a clergyman to per- form the marriage ceremony in the Fleet Prison ; also a hedge- who performs the cere- ony of marriage among tramps and gypsies. (thieves), imprisoned. French slang, loucle. as buckled because I got drunk. re accident. Had I followed sual work I should never have fallen. Evening News. Buckler, a collar (New York Slang Dictionary). ' V- ' uckra yam (West Indian). As in negro eyes " the white man," or buckra, is the synonym of something superior and beyond him in the scale of being, so the word has come to mean anything good. Thus buckra yam, good yam ; buckra cloth, good cloth . A " swanga bu ckra" is a specially well-dressed white man. Bucks (West Indian), the cogno- men of the aboriginal inhabi- tants of British Guiana the South American Indians. Bud (American), a "society" word for young lady debutantes, or " come outers," in their first season. There's nothing so beautiful to me as a beautiful girl. 1 doubt if any man can better understand or be more truly in love with the dear perfectness of nature than I am. O girls, do appreciate girls. At my last ball the kids (youths) .were tearing around . . . but even the shyest and greenest of buds knows that the ad- miration of the kid isn't worth having, it is so easy to get and as hard to get rid of. Madge : Letter in the Neu< York H 'arid. Budge (thieves), a thief ; especially one who sneaks into a shop and is locked in, thus getting a chance to admit an accomplice. Formerly a pickpocket. Pro- bably from bouyet, budye, budget, a sack, pouch, wallet. A drink. Budge, the sneaking (old slang), robbing private houses of light small articles, such as coats, hats, &c. ; now called " area sneak " or " hall sneak." "Badge clothes," lambs' fur formerly used for trimming the robes of Bachelors of Arts (Halliwell). Standing budge, a thief, scout, or spy. Budgerow Buffer. 191 Budgerow (Anglo-Indian). Hin- du, bitjra. A heavy keelless barge, formerly mucli used by Europeans travelling on the Gangetic rivers (Anglo-Indian Glossary). The bvjra broad, the bholia trim, Or pinnaces that gallant swim With favouring breeze, or dull or slow, Against the heady current go. H. H. Wilson in Bengal Annual. Budging-ken (thieves), a public house, the " cove of the budg- iny-ken " being the landlord. Budmash (Anglo-Indian), a bad, worthless fellow ; a scoundrel. Gamblers, cut-throats, budmashes of every description. Basworth Smith : Life of Lord Lawrence. Budzat (Anglo-Indian), from the Persian badzat, evil race. A low fellow, a "bad lot," a black- guard. (Old slang), to "stand buff," to bear the brunt, to pay the piper; also "to boast," given as a very old word by "Batman uppon Bartholome," 1582. To bvff, defined by Hotten as simply meaning to swear to ; but the following, from the New York Slang Dictionary, gives the spirit of the word very accu- rately: "Buffing it home is swearing point-blank to any- thing, about the same as bluf- fing it, making a bold stand on no backing." Buffer (common), a man, a fel- low. But aged, slow, with stiff limbs, totter- ing much, And lungs that lacked the bellows- mender's touch, Yet sprightly to the scratch both tuf- fers came. Tom CribS s Memorial to Congress. I'll merely observe as the water grew rougher, 1 r rougner, *T + Why the Shaitan (devil) didn't you The more my poor hero'continued to come before, you lazy old budzart? suffer, Anglo-Indian Glossary: The Dank Bun- Till the sailors themselves cried in Salow. pity, Poor buffer ! Buff (tramps), among the tramping fraternity a buff-ball is a dancing party, characterised by the in- decency of those who attend it, the costume de riyueur being that of our first parents. The most favourite entertainment at this place is known as "buff-ball" in which both sexes innocent of clothing madly join, stimulated with raw whisky and the music of a fiddle and a tin whistle. cried pity, Poor buffer .' Ingoldtby Legends. Also a merry companion with a spice of the rogue in him, the FaLstaff of a century ago. Buffer or buffard is a provincialism for a foolish fellow. In Dutch, boef or boe/er, means, according to the Groot Engelsch Jaalen. rogue, knave, or wag," which is identical both in sound and ... - -1 J.WA.IW J.AA J^UlVllj L/WC-/ r, means, according to oot Wordenbock der he en Nederduytsche of William Sewell, "a ,$'.. :nave, or wag," which is 1 92 Buffer Bug. (Popular), a dog, from the old cant word bufe, a dog. (Old cant), a smuggler, a rogue, a cheat; also a dog. Buffer- nabber, a dog-stealer. (Nau- tical), buffer, a navy term for a boatswain's mate, one of whose duties it was to administer the "cat." From the obsolete English to luff, to strike. It has been suggested, however, that buffer is of Dutch origin. Teirlinck (Woordenbock van Bargoensch) gives baf, a blow ; baffen, to strike with the fist, adding "Klanknabootsendidiot- isme van dagelijksch gebrink in Ylanderen." Buffle-headed (popular), stupid and stolid as a buffalo or ass. Synonymous with "pig-headed," stupidly obstinate. You know nothing, you luffle-headcd, stupid creature. Wycherley : Plain Dealer, 1677. Buffs (common), the 3rd regiment of foot in the British army. From their facings. Buffy (common), intoxicated. Flexor was fine and buffy when he came home last night. Shirley Brooks: The Gordian Knot. Bug (American and English thieves), a breast-pin ; bugger, a pickpocket, or one who makes a specialty of snatching away breast-pins, studs, &c. ; bug- hunter, the same. The chips, the fawneys, chatty-feeders, The bugs, the boungs, and well-filled readers. On the Trail. i.e., The money, the rin^s, spoons, Breast-pins, purses, and well-filled pocket-books. (American and older English), buy, which in England is now limited to the Cimex, politely termed a Norfolk Howard, is in America still applied to all varieties of the Coleoptera and many other insects. "Oh, Fred, what's that ticking noise? Do you think it's the death watch mamma was reading about before she put us to bed?" "Bessie, don't be a little goose. It's only a bug, anyhow. Maybe it's not even a bug only the bed-ticking." Phila- delphia Call. (Old slang), to bug, an old phrase in use at one time among journeymen hatters to signify . the substitution of good material with inferior stuff. Bailiffs who accepted money to delay service of writs were also said " to bug the writ." Bug or bug over, to (thieves), to deliver, give or hand over. Vaux instances : " He bug'd me a quid," i.e., he gave me a guinea ; "bug over the rag," i.e., hand over the money. Bugaroch (American .thieves), pretty (New York Slang Diction- ary). Bug blinding (army), white-wash- ing, a process calculated to destroy, or at least to remove the superficial traces of vermin Bugging Bulge. 193 that are a perfect pest in the more antiquated barracks, especially in warm climates. Bugging (American), taking money from a thief by a police- man. This indicates the ex- istence of an old word "bug" for money as well as valu- ables. In Dutch slang, bucht is money. Buggy (old cant), a leather bottle. It now signifies a gig or light chaise. Bug hunter (thieves), a thief who plunders drunken men. Bug juice (army), ginger ale. In America applied to very bad whiskey. Bugle it, to (American cadet), to abstain from attending class and reciting until the bugle sounds for attention. Bug walk (popular), a bed. Build, to (or it) (American), said of a man who is slow to move, or of an affair which requires great exertion. It is taken from a boy's trick of putting a coal under a tortoise to make it walk. " I have a letter of introduction to Mr. Samuel Slump," said a stranger in a West- ern town to a citizen. " Can you tell me if he is a man of drinking habits T " " Wall, stranger," replied the citizen, expectorat- ing copiously, " I wouldn't go so fur as to say that Sam is a hard drinker, but I reckon if you ask him to go an' take suthin', you won't have to build a jftre under him to git him started." (Nautical), to " build a chapel " is to turn a ship round through bad steering. Building spots for sale (Ameri- can), used of any imperfect per- son or thing. Built that way (common), " not built that way" not in one's line. Black Moustache addresses the divinity as " Popsie," and she calls him " Bob." During the evening they have impromptu dancing. Smith can't dance ; he isn't built that way, and Miss Jones says that Black Moustache waltzes delightfully. All of which means that the following week is one of agony for young S., who moodily meditates leaving England for ever, and straightway abjures the harmless necessary shave. Bird o Freedom. Bulgarian atrocity (Stock Ex- change), Varna and Rustchuk Railway 3 per cent, obligations. And we've really quite a crew Of fancy names to represent a share . . . But fancy, by the way, Now, in the present day, A Varna's a Bulgarian atrocity. A tkin : House Scraps. Bulge (American), properly to bulge is to swell out, and bulge is a swelling or belly. In the United States the words are extended and amplified in many ways. Thus there is a story of a man who, being tried for shooting his neighbour, pleaded that he had only aimed at the bulge of his shirt where it "bagged out " above his trousers. "To get the bulge" on a man, appears to mean to have the better of him. As bulge conveys the idea of swelling or inflation N 194 Bulger Bull. or expansion, it is much used to indicate magnitude or extrava- gance. Thus to go " bulging about " conveys the same idea as "splurging" (which see). Bulger. This English word, signi- fying a large object or creature, is much more extensively used in the United States than in the mother- country. " New York is a bulger of a place," said Colonel Crockett in 1835. At Princeton College (New Jersey) the largest and heaviest of the students is familiarly called bul- ger. The negro minstrel word bulgine, for a locomotive, appears to be a compound, the first part of which is derived rather from bulge than "bull," as implying bigness. I got on board de telegraf an' floated down de ribber, De 'lectric fluid magnified and killed five hundred nigger. De bullgine burst, de steam went ofl", I really fought I'd die ; I shut my eyes to hold my breath Susanna don't you cry ! Song of O Susanna . Bulk and file (old), two thieves working together. The bulk jostles the victim against the file, who robs him of his money or watch. Bulker (old cant), a street-walk- ing prostitute; from "bulk," that formerly signified the body. She must turn bulker (when her cloathes are worn out), at which trade I hope to see you suddenly. Ravcnscroft, 1670. Bulky (Winchester College), gene- rous, open-handed, as opposed to "brum." Bull, now recognised and applied to a blunder, formerly meant any kind of rough, blundering, or foolish jest or trick, and is of the same root with butty in its sense of a clown or merry-maker. Old Dutch bollaert (Skeat), "a jester or a gyber." Swedish bullra, to make a noise. Buller in Anglo-Norman means an equivocator or deceiver, which unmistakably indicates the ex- istence of bull in the modern sense. The sexte case is of fals bullers, Baith that tham makes and that tham wers. MS. Cottan. Vespasian The term bull-cali itself (Shakspeare), and bull-finch, a stupid fellow (North Country), all indicate the association with blundering and stupidity which is implied by bull. The word was first specially identified with Hibernian mistakes by Miss Edgeworth in her "Essay on Irish Bulls." (Popular), a roar- ing horse. (Popular and thieves), a crown, an abbreviation of its former appellation, a bull's eye. . . . Then giv' me a little money, four half bulls, wot you may call half-crowns, and ses, hook it ! Charles Dickens. (Prison), rations of meat ; an uncomplimentary reference to the toughness of the beef sup- plied. The French slang has Bull Bull-doze. 195 bidoche, for meat, from bidet, a pony. (Stock Exchange), explained by first quotation. Berliner is puzzled by the terms bull and " bear," that he often sees in the papers in connection with the Stock Ex- change. . . . These terms are as old as the time of the South Sea Bubble, 1710. A man who contracted to sell stock of which he was not possessed was called a " bear," in allusion to the proverb, " Selling the skin before you have caught the bear," and he who bought, without intending to receive the stock, was called a bull, by way of distinction. To bull the market is now to raise the price of stock when ope- rating for a sale, while to " bear" it is to use every effort to depress the price of stock in order to buy it. So was the huntsman by the bear op- pressed, Whose hide he sold before he caught the beast. Tit Bits. A man was complaining that he had lost all his money through gambling on the Stock Exchange. A friend ventured to ask him if he had been a bull or a. " bear " ? and was told " Neither, I was an ass." A tkin : House Scraps. (American thieves), a loco- motive. . . . Had just touched a bloke's leather as the bull bellowed for the last time. On the Trail. Bull and cow (rhyming slang), a row. Bull-dance (nautical), a dance without women ; also called a " stag-dance." Bull-dog (university), one of the duties of the university proctors is to promenade the town in search of offending undergra- duates. Certain men, who are termed bidl-dogg, accompany him. Their duty is to chase the offender, whose ingenuity in evading capture gives rise to many amusing stories. Many a long race too often ends in finding their prey is an outsider, whom they have no interest in catching. The proctor's satellites, vulgarly called lull-dogs. Macmillan's Magazine. I don't mean the college bull-dogs, they don't interfere with us, only with women. //. Mayhew '. London Labour and ike London Poor. (Old slang), a pistol, now a short thick revolver. ' ' I have always a brace of bull-dogs about me." ... So saying, he exhibited a very handsome, highly-finished, and richly mounted pair of pistols. Sir W. Scott: St. Ronan's Well. (Nautical), the great gun which stands " housed " in the officers' wardroom cabin. General term for main-deck guns. Bull-dog blazer (American), a short thick revolver. The manager laid down a large cane he had in his hand, and picked up instead a trusty bull-dog blazer, as he said "Young man, I don't think you can be of any service to me, and you'd better slide." " Assuredly ; but you don't happen to have a shilling you could lend me ? " " No, I don't," and the manager cocked the revolver. ' Well, say ; let me into the show, will you ? " Green Room. Bull-doze, to (American), to com- pel a person to do anything, or to influence his conduct by cruelty or brute force. It is Bull-doze Btillocky. derived from a Southern word meaning a whip or cowhide, or species of " kurbatch," made from the glans penis of a ball. It is said that negroes were whipped almost to death with this, or bull-dozed to make them vote the Democratic ticket. It is now extensively used in the United States, to express com- pulsion of any kind, especially in politics. Bull-dozer (American), a revolver. Used to mean a persuader, some- thing to enforce an argument by personal violence. Vide BULL-DOZE. Bullet (army), discharge upon the spot, without a moment's notice. (Printers), see DRY-UP, and Qui. According to Savage's " Dictionary of the Art of Printing," 1841, a workman was said to have got the bullet when he was discharged instanter without the customary notice on either side. Bullets (cards), in American brag, are aces ; sometimes called white aces, in contradistinction to aces made up by holding braggers. The highest hand in the game is three white (or real) aces, the next highest is " two bullets and a bragger," which cannot, of course, occur in the same round in which three real aces are held, though another player may hold two other bullets and a bragger at the same time. Hence the expres- sion " the serene confidence which a Christian feels in the three white aces." Bullfinch (provincial), a corrup- tion of " bull fence," a stiff fence able to keep bulls out of or in a field. The third fence was a teazer, an ugly bullfinch with a ditch on the landing side. Guy Livingstone. Also a stupid fellow. Bulljine (nautical) a locomotive is so called by sailors. Termed " bull " by American thieves. Bull-money, a vulgar phrase for money extorted by a chance witness from the man detected in the fields, the woods, the sea- shore, or other lonely place, in the act of carnal copulation. Bullock's heart (printers), see TOKEN. This is a term of con- tempt that pressmen apply to a single "token," or order to print, of two hundred and fifty copies only, the lowest paying number in the scale of prices. This expression is due to the circumstance that it is not a "fat" but a "lean" job, hence the comparison to a bullock's heart, which, unless suffering from "fatty degeneration," is the essence of leanness. Bullock's horn (rhyming slang), in pawn. Bullocky (Australian, upcountry), a bullock-team driver. In the Bullocky Bully. 197 bush all the heavy hauling is done with bullock-drags. It is quite a common sight up the country to see teams of a dozen and upwards. Bullocklra in Australia are as proverbial as bargees or Billingsgate fishwives in England for the foroibleness of their language. " When you make Mokepilly," quoth one of the sunburnt bullocky men, " keep on by the brush fence, and that will take you right into the gap. Gee hup, Streaky ; ya-hoy-ya, Strorb'ry." T. C, Work: Aus- tralasian Printer's Keepsake. Bull party, an assembly, gather- ing, or dinner party of men only. Bull puncher (American), a word defined as follows by one who was himself of the calling : He followed the profession of a bull- puncher; that is, he went in charge of the cattle destined for slaughter and "canning " in the distant North, and made money at it. being steady and trustworthy, and no drinker. Morley Roberts ; Thf Western Avemus, 1887. Bull's-eye villas (military), the small open-air tents used by the volunteers at their annual rifle contest held on Wimbledon Common. Bull's feathers, horns. To describe a man as wearing butt's feathers was to represent him as a cuckold. Three crooked horns, smartly top-knotted with ribands ; which being the ladies' wear, seem to intimate that they may very pro- bably adorn, as well as bestow, the bull's feather. Richardson : Clarissa Harlowe. The attribute of horns to a cuckold is of remote antiquity, and is supposed by symbolists of the school of Creuzer and Faber to be derived from the horns of cattle, also of the new moon, at which time festivals were held in Assyria, where all women were in common, and men who were among the ini- tiated bore the symbol and were compared to oxen. Horns as worn on the head were suggestive of feathers in a cap, hence bull's feathers (Charles G, Leland, U,S. Notes), The French have a correspond- ing expression: "planter des plumes de boeuf," On me dit qu'elle est bien gente Qu'elle est douce comme un agneau. Par ma foi ! j'ai peur que'mplante Plumes de boeuf a mon chapeau ! Song. Bull the cask, to (nautical), to pour hot water into an empty rum puncheon, and let it stand until it extracts the spirit from the wood. The mixture is drunk by sailors in default of something stronger. Bull-traps, thieves or swindlers who personate policemen (New York Slang Dictionary). Bully (American), often applied in a commendable sense by the vulgar ; as, for instance, a bully fellow, a bully horse. Hope you had a pleasant nap, bully place for a nice quiet snooze. Bret Harte: Pocttts and Prose, 198 Bully Bully -cock. The captain said she was a bully boat. Mark Twain : Roughing it. " Now," said he, " Slick, my bully, I think I see a smart chance of doin' a con- siderable stroke of business to Nova Scotia, in the smugglin' line. Sam Slick. Sully for you, for me, is a commendatory phrase. That's bully, plenty bully for me. Just you gimme the hundred dollars. Mark Twain : Tom Sawyer. This word has two distinct meanings : (i.) A braggart, or a man who terrifies and threatens. (2.) The older form, still com- mon, applied to any person or thing which is pre-eminently excellent, e.g., a bully horse, " that's bully." The Bully Bot- tom of Shakspeare implies a compliment. In Dutch slang boL has the same meaning, a head, a leader; as one might say, the butty of the crowd. Also an intelligent person. "Boll, 'een man met eenen goe- den kop. Bol van de kit, man, of meester van het huis," i.e., " A man with a good head, the master of a house." The word came into Dutch as it did into German slang, from the Ger- man-Hebrew, bal meaning lite- rally man, but always used to indicate a master, director, or superior. (Common), a bully, a stone or lump of lead tied in the end of a handkerchief (New York Slang Dictionary). (Football), a scrimmage. " Change ! " was called, and after the first bully the ball was rushed down the ground to 'the chalk line of good calx, where a bully was formed, after which it was walked into calx and five shies ob- tained before time was called. Sporting Life. Bully-beef (army); tinned meat ; supposed to be made of old bull The " iron ration," as it is often called, either from its tough- ness, or the cases of tin or other metal in which it is preserved. (Nautical), boiled beef. Bully-boss (American), the land- lord of a sporting crib, tavern, , or brothel. Derived in all pro- bability from bully and boss, but also agreeing remarkably, though by chance, with the baal habos, or "master of the house" of the Jews, which is commoner as bal bos; hence the Dutch thieves' slang, balleboos (bads), head man of any kind. This is a very curious instance of words of similar forms derived from, radically different sources. Bully-buck (old slang), a man re- tained by the keepers of brothels, being paid by them to assist in enforcing exorbitant demands on those frequenting such places. Sometimes it was pretended that they were the husbands of some of the inmates, in order by threats of exposure to extort money from simpletons supposed to have been discovered inflayrante delicto. Bully - cock (old slang), a man who, for the purposes of robbery and theft, fomented a quarrel between people, to cloak his nefarious designs. Bullyrag Bum-brusher. 199 Bullyrag (American and English), to abuse, revile, or scold vehe- mently. From the Dutch bul- der-ar, a blusterer ; bulderaren, to rage, to bluster, to roar ; bul- derariy, blustering, and raak, hitting. Bully-rook or rock, a braggart, occurs in Shakspeare, where it is certainly of Dutch origin, e.K (Hotten). Buznapper's kinchin (old cant), a watchman. Buzzard (American), an oppres- sive, arrogant person, jealous of rivalry, and vindictive. The Wiggins alluded to in the fol- lowing paragraph is a celebrated though not very successful American weather-prophet. Wiggins pronounces Professor Proctor "a buzzard among scientists, devouring every young man whom he finds making any pretensions." If he can succeed in eliminating the pretentious Wiggins, the country will rise up as one man and call him blessed. Chicago Tribune. Buzzard dollar (American), so called from the eagle on it, which captious critics think looks like a turkey -buzzard. The waiters all expect something from you. They are very cunning, and always bring plenty of small change, so that if one is inclined to give he can find no ex- cuse. They will take anything you give them, from a nickel up to a buzzard dollar, and look happy. Chicago Tribune. Buzzer (thieves), a pickpocket. 214 Buzz-gloak Cabbage. Buzz-gloak (old), a pickpocket. By gum ! (American), a mild oath. He who surreptitiously accumulates bustle is, in fact, nothing better than a buzz-gloak. Lord Lytton: Paul Clif- ford. By-chop child. (old), an illegitimate By George 1 a vulgar ejaculation. By golly ! a mild oath. One night she was gone, by gum ! But as soon as ever I missed her. From the king, for a glass of rum, I bought her younger sister. The Ballad of William Duff. By Jingo ! (common), an exclama- tion denoting surprise, indigna- tion, defiance. See JINGO. By the wind (nautical), hard up, in pecuniary need. |AB (common), a bro- thel. The term arises from the fact that four - wheeled cabs are sometimes used for certain purposes. The French argot describes a four-wheeled cab as bordel ambulant. (University), explained by quotation. Those who can't afford a coach, get a cab, alias a crib, alias a translation. C, Bede : Verdant Green. (Tinker), a cabbage. Cabbage (tailorsand dressmakers). This is given as a cant word for private theft by dictionaries of the beginning of the nineteenth century, but it is used now in a slangy sense only in reference to the purloining by tailors of pieces of cloth. Did any one ever yet hear of a working tailor who was proof against misappropria- tion of his neighbour's goods, or, as he play- fully designates it, cabbage! Is it not a standard joke in the trade this cabbage? Did one ever hear of a tailor being shunned by his fellow-workmen, or avoided by his neighbours, on account of his predilection for cabbage ? Yet what is it but another word for " theft " ? /. Greenwood : Seven Curses of London. Formerly carbage. Lupez for the outside of his suite has paide ; But, for his heart, he cannot have it made ; The reason is, his credit cannot get The inward carbage for his cloathes as yet. Herrick: Hesperides. Wright gives the following definition of cabbage used as a verb, " to purloin or embezzle, as pieces of cloth, after cutting out a garment ; properly and originally to cut off the heads of cabbages, and occasionally also such as are not our own but belong to others." This de- rivation is borne out by the old French cabust r,to deceive, cheat, Cabbage-head Cabobbled. 215 from cubits, a white-headed cab- Cabbage-head (common), a soft- headed person. Cabbager (common), a tailor. Formerly cabbaye contractor. Cabbage-tree mob (obsolete Aus- tralian slang), now called " lar- rikins," not quite equivalent to the London street rough or loafer, because they generally are or might be in prosperous circumstances. Thus called on account of the emblem of their order being the low-crowned cabbage-palm hat. There are to be found round the doors of the Sydney Theatre, a sort of loafers known as the cabbage-tree mob, a class whom, in the spirit of the ancient tyrant, one might excusably wish had but one nose in order to make it a bloody one. Li cut. - Col. Alunday : Our Antipodes. The modern larrikin has ex- changed the cabbac/e-tree for a black wideawake felt hat (hence called the "larrikin hat"), which he wears with its brim turned down. The clothes he most affects are " shiny black," with a velvet collar, and his boots have ridiculously high heels. Cabbagites. See CABBAGE-TEEE MOB. Unaware of the propensities of the cab- bagites, he was by them furiously assailed for no better reason, apparently, than be- cause, like "Noble Percy," "he wore his beaver up." Lieut. -Col. Munday : Our Antipodes. Cab-bilking (common), cheating a Cabman out of his fare. Some of the methods of cab-bilking are very artful and curious. One is to order a Jehu to set down a fare at a restaurant or tavern having a back entrance in another street, and to await the return of the latter for a few minutes. On this being done, the rider, after partaking of refreshments, decamps by that exit, to the loss and indig- nation of the driver, who often only learns that the hirer has defrauded him after waiting for a long time beyond that which he has been asked to stay. Globe. Cabby (general), driver of a cab. No wonder Lord Ronald Gower is popu- lar among calbies. Last night he presided over the meeting of the Cabdrivers" Asso- ciation, and in his speech he remarked that " he always gave cabby what he called the inevitable extra sixpence, particularly if he found that the driver was kind to his horse." Globe, Cable-hanger (nautical), a person catching oysters in the river Medway, not free of the fishery (Smyth). Cab-moll (common), a prostitute in a brothel. Cabob, kibob, khabaub (Anglo- Indian), used in Anglo-Indian households for any kind of roast meat. Properly it is applicable to small slices of meat on skewers, with slices of onion and green ginger between them, the whole being seasoned with pepper and salt, butter, &c. In a plainer form it is common in Venice, and perhaps in all parts of Italy. Cabobbled (nautical), confused, puzzled. 2l6 Caboodle Cackling-chete. Caboodle (American), a New Eng- land expression, originally used by coasting sailors. It means the entire party, all the set or clique. It is probably a slang modification of the Spanish word cdbildo, which means the same thing. Cackle (circus), the dialogue of a play. Some actors seek to de- rive this word from cacalogy. It is, however, far more likely to have been derived by the equestrian performers, who in- troduced and popularised it, from the more homely "cluck, cluck " of the humble barn-door fowl, after the process of laying an egg. When manager of Astley's, the great Ducrow, who shared the hatred which his craft has always more or less entertained towards the actor, was wont to apostrophise the performers in his equestrian drama after this fashion: "Come, I say, you mummers " (see MUMMERS), " cut your cackle, and come to the 'osses I " (Boughs), talk. He was dabs at the cackle. Punch. Cackle-chucker (theatrical), the prompter, whose duty it is to " chuck out" the words, i.e., to prompt the actors when they forget, or don't know the words a matter of rare occurrence amongst the hierarchy of Eng- lish actors. As a rule, the prompter is the hardest worked and the worst paid man in the theatre. Notwithstanding his proverbial industry and ability, under no concatenation of cir- cumstances has a prompter ever been known to " give the word" at the precise moment when it is wanted. One of our most famous stage-managers, a well-known tragedian, is wont to affirm with grim humour that he has observed during a pro- longed experience that the first qualification for a prompter is " not to know how to prompt." Cackle merchant (theatrical), the author of a play. Cackler (popular), talker. The captain was a good-looking fellow, and a good fellow, too. "He ain't much of a cockier" thought Susie, when they had sat together for a little while. Ally Slopers Half Holiday. (Thieves), a fowl ; " prig of cacider," one who steals fowls. Cackler's ken (thieves), hen roost. Cackle-tub (common), a pulpit. Very old slang, but still in use. " Jack, he goes to church," said Hass, lifting her eyebrows dubiously, " I don't rightly know to what shop, and it's too far off, maybe, and I ain't got a prayer-book ; but I sorter think if yer'll borrow Lucy's chair to wheel me, I'll go and sit under the cackle-tub in Little Bethel next Sunday. Savage : London. Cackling-chete (old cant), a fowl. She has a cackling-chete, a grunting- chete, ruff pecke, cassan and poplarr of yarum. T. Harman: Caveat. i.e. , " She has a fowl, a pig, bacon, cheese, and milk porridge." Cackling-cove Cadger. 217 Cackling - cove (popular and thieves)' an actor. Cackling farts (old), eggs. Cad (common). The word is hardly slang in some of its senses. It has various meanings, such as omnibus conductor. The spirited proprietor, knowing Mr. Barker's qualifications, appointed him to the vacant office of cad on the very first application. Sketches by Boz (The First Omnibus Cad). An 'Any or street boy ; a mean or ill-bred fellow ; or one vulgar in feeling, to be met with, like the snob, in every class of society. Among a certain class, tradesmen, merchants, work- men. Thirty years ago, and even later, the young men of the labouring classes were the cads, the snobs, the blackguards. Kingsley : Alton Locke. At public schools and uni- versities the term applies to townsmen. Possibly derived from "cadger," or Irish codas, fustian, rag. More probably from cadet, used in a sense of inferi- ority. ' ' Caddee " is a provincial- ism for under - servant, and in France, in the provinces, cadet is a nickname sometimes given to a poor, half-witted hanger-on, to a young farm-servant, or to an ass. " Un fameux cadet " is an expression used by the French in a contemptuous manner, and applied to a puny fellow who puts on airs. It has been suggested that cad comes from the Scotch cadie, a term for- merly applied to the carriers of sedan - chairs. The character and occupation of these men were regarded with much con- tempt. Caddy-butcher (popular), ex- plained by quotation. The calf . . . the veterinary surgeon had advised him to sell it to some caddy- butcher, i.e., one who buys horses to sell for horse meat. Standard. Cade, the (society), the Burlington Arcade. At certain times of the day this covered walk is the lounge of fast men of the town and the better class of the demi- monde. Cadge to, properly to beg ; sup- posed to be derived from cadge, a basket carried by beggars, in the same way that to beg is from "bag," originally to carry. Slangily applied to waiters who hang about for a gratuity. Mr. has, further, my congratulations on the excellence of the waiters employed. They are smart, don't cadge, and are models of civility. Sporting Times. (Scholastic), to try and get pupils or hints by sneaking means. Cadge-cloak (old cant), a beggar. Cadge-cloak, curtal, or curmudgeon, no Whip-Jack, palliard, patrico . . . nor any other .will I suffer. Bampfylde Moore Carew. Cadger, properly a trickster, a tramp or vagabond who either begs or sells small articles by the way as he tramps from place to place. 218 Cadger Cain. The full extent of the society's useful- ness, according to vulgar prejudice, is represented by the unfortunate cadger pounced on in the act of receiving alms, and carried before a magistrate to account for that enormous iniquity. J. Green-wood: Seven Curses of Lendon. Slang meaning explained by quotation. I may here remark that amongst people of my born grade no one is so contemptu- ously regarded as he who is known as a cadger. The meaning they set on the word is not the dictionary meaning. The cadger with them is the whining beggar the cowardly impostor, who, being driven or finding it convenient to subsist on charity, goes about his business with an affectation of profoundest humility, and a conscious- ness of his own unworthiness ; a sneaking, abject wretch, aiming to crop a meal out of the despising and disgust he excites in his fellow-creatures. /. Green-wood : The Little Ragamuffins. Cadging 1 , properly begging. I've got my living by casting fortins, and begging, and cadging, and such like. //. Kingsley : Geoffrey Hamlyn. I don't say that they were all beggars probably not more than a third of them were but what one in vain looked for was the "jolly beggar," the oft-quoted and steadfastly "believed in personage who scorns work because he can " make" in a day three times the wages of an honest mechanic by the simple process of cadg- ing. /. Greeniuood: In Strange Com- pany. Slangily applied to cabmen when they are off the rank solicit- , ing fares, or to waiters who hang about and fawn for a gratuity. Cady (popular), a hat, from an old style resembling a barrel. "Cade," provincial English for a barrel or small cask. Caffre's tightener (South African), bread or food of any kind, as distinguished from drink. Cag, to (schoolboys), to irritate (Hotten). Cage (thieves), a prison. (military), to abstain for a certain time from liquor. Grose, in his " Classical Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue," says, " This is a military term used by pri- vate soldiers, signifying a solemn vow or resolution not to get drunk for a certain time, or, as the term is, ' not till their cagg is out,' which vow is commonly observed with strictness ; " e.g., " I have cagged myself for six months," "Excuse me this time and I will eagg for a year." This term is also in use in Scot- land. Cagmag (popular), scraps, odds and ends of butcher meat, un- palatable food ; properly an old goose. Cahoot, in (American), to be in- timately concerned with any one in an affair. There can be little doubt that it came from either the Dutch Kajuit or Ger- man Kajiite, or perhaps the same in Old Saxon, meaning a cabin, implying living or messing to- gether. French cahute, a hovel, renders this more probable. Cain and Abel (rhyming slang), a table. Cake Calico. 219 Cake (American and provincial English), a man without much sense, or one wanting in ideas ; not so much a fool as a mere nothing. A weaker form is ex- pressed by saying, " He's a cake only half-baked." This expres- sion is most frequently heard in Philadelphia. " To take the cake," to sur- pass, excel, to be first in any- thing. This coincides oddly, though entirely accidentally, with a conjectured meaning of the origin of Pretzel (q. v.). He's always up to doing folks, He's always on the wake ; He's after profit when he jokes, On that " he takes the cake." Queer Bits. Cakey (popular), soft, foolish, or empty-headed ; from the pro- vincial English "cake," a foolish fellow. Cakey - pannum - fencer (street), a street pastry-cook. Calaboose (American), from the Spanish calabozn, the common name for a watch - house or prison, especially in New Or- leans. I went on board de oder day, To hear wot de boatmen had to say, Den I let my passion loose, An' dey jammed me fast in de calaboose. Negro Song. Calculate, to (American). Al- though it cannot be denied that many people in New Eng- land often use the word calculate as a synonym for " guess," to express every form of thought, such as "to esteem, suppose, believe, think, expect, intend," &c., this is far from being uni- versally the case. Calculation sets forth a more deliberate ac- tion of the mind, and is more associated with thought. A Yankee will generally calculate the chances of anything, when he would not guess them. Calc'- late, which is nothing but the result of rapid conversation, may be heard in England as in America. Calf (common), an idiotic or stupid person ; calf- headed, cowardly. She had a girlish fancy for the good- looking young calf who had so signally disgraced himself. Hamilton Aldi: Morals and Mysteries. Calf-clingers (popular), explained by quotation. r Knee-breeches were just going out of fashion when I was a little boy, and calf- clingers (that is, trousers made to fit the leg as tight as a worsted stocking) were "coming in."/. Greenwood: The Little Ragannijfins. Calf's head (popular), a white- faced man with a large head. Calico (common), weak, lean. In such a place as that your calico body had need have a good fire to keep it warm. Nathanael Bailey : Colloquies of Eras- mus, Translated. How a shrewd, down-east Yankee once questioned a simple Dutchman out of his well-fed steed, and left him instead a vile calico-mare in exchange. Sala : The Seven Sons of Matnmon. 22O Calico-bally Calp. Calico-bally (American), a fre- quenter of calico-balls. About fifty years ago in Philadelphia it was usual to speak of balls frequented by factory girls as "slewers," and the commoner kind of grisettes as calico or dollar balls ; hence calico-bally has come to signify, when ap- plied to a young gentleman dissipated or fast, one who goes anywhere for amusement. I once was a cobby and hack young man, And a little bit calico-bally ; A picture-card-out-of-the-pack young man, And frequently music-hally. Concert Hall Song. Calico yard (Australian), a kind of corral. The expression is used by drovers. California, Californians, money. Term generally applied to gold only (Hotten). Call (theatrical), big catt, a warm recall before the curtain. Charley played with all his old anima- tion and grace, and got a big call. George R. Sims: Ha! Ha! To call a piece is to have it brought on in rehearsal after a first performance with a view to alterations. (American), to have the call, to be preferred, have the chance, to be wanted. Tall girls have the call now. They are the fashion this season. Detroit Tribune. Call-a-go (street patter), to leave off trying to sell anything and to remove to another spot, to desist. Also to give in, yield at any game or business. Pro- bably from the go in cribbage (Hotten). Calle (American thieves' slang), a woman's gown. German He- brew kalle, a girl. Callee (pidgin - English), curry. " No can chaw-chaw t'at cdllee." Callithumpian, Calliathumpian serenade (American), a sere- nade after the fashion of a cha- rivari, in which old kettles with sticks, gridirons, cows' horns or tin horns, penny trumpets, or anything that will make a horrible and discordant sound is employed. It is possibly from the Yiddish calle, a bride, and means bride-thumping or mak- ing a noise at a bridal, or from "call" and "thump." Hartmann got married. . . . Hart- mann's neighbours thought it would be a bright thing to give him a calliathum- pian serenade . . . occasion. So they got under his window and blowed and snorted, and rung their dinner-bells, and brayed on their bark horns till there was a pause. Then Hartmann stuck his head outen the winder and said : " Friends, Romans, and fellow-citizens ! I thank you for the honour of this musical treat, which I suppose to your ears is as good a one as can be given. But it wants one thing. It lacks the exhilarating tones of the shot- gun, an' there it is, d n you ! " Saying this, he fired two barrels of small shot among 'em, and they scattered. The sere- nade was over. Phil. Hartmann and the Boys. Call-party (bar), given in hall by students called to the bar in the Middle Temple. Calp, kelp (old cant), a hat. Cambra Canard. 221 Cambra (tinker), a dog. Camden-town (rhyming slang), a " brown " or halfpenny. Camel's complaint (city), the hump, i.e., low spirits. Camesa (thieves), a shirt or chemise. From the Spanish or Italian. Written also kemesa, as appears from the following quotation. My thimble of ridge and my driz kemesa, All my togs were so niblike and plash. A insitiorth : Rookwood. Camister (popular), a clergy- man, from his wearing a white gown ; " camisated," i.e., one who is dressed with a shirt out- ward. Camp, to (Australian), to floor, to put down. The metaphor here is the same as to " make," to " take a back seat ; " to camp, to make to camp, implying that your rival cannot stand up to you. According to Wright camp is a provincialism meaning to contend, from the Anglo-Saxon cempan. At punching oxen you may guess There's nothing out can camp him ; He has, in fact, the slouch and dress Which bullock -driver stamp him. //. Kendall: Billy Vickers. Camp candlesticks (military), empty bottles and bayonets, from the fact that in the exi- gencies of military life these articles are often used for the purpose. Camp-horse (Australian). This term, peculiar to the East, is thus explained by Mr. Finch Hatton : Both my brother and Frank were very sound hands at cutting out, and they were both riding first-rate "camp-horses," so I watched them at work wiih the greatest interest. A camp-horse is one used for cutting out cattle on a camp, and very few horses are good at it ; but the performance of a really first -class one is a sight worth seeing. Each man picks his beast, and edges him gently to the outside of the mob, on the side of the camp nearest the draft-mob. The instant the animal finds itself cut off from the camp, it makes the most desperate efforts to rejoin the herd, and the speed at which a bullock can travel, and the activity with which he turns, are marvellous. Finch Hatton : Advance Australia. Can (American), a dollar ; a " canary " was very old English slang for a gold coin. A gold- piece is also called a " canary- bird " in New York. Canard, now recognised. French canard, literally duck, and meta- phorically false news. The first canard is said to have been the famous story illus- trating the voracity of ducks. Thirty ducks were taken, one was chopped up fine, feathers and all, and the others ate it. Then a second was minced, and so on, till within an hour only one duck remained. Three similar stories are told by a French writer as to the origin of the term. Hence canarder, to hum- bug or spin yarns. "Donner des canards" is given in Hautel's 222 Canard Canister. Dictionary ( 1808) with the mean- ing of to deceive. "My dear," said Mrs. Snaggs to her husband, "what is a canard ?" "Why, a canard is something one canardly believe, of course." "Oh, to be sure! Why couldn't I think of that?" Rare Bits. The announcement that appeared in these columns, to the effect that in future no advertisements from persons offering to give tips would be accepted by us, has given rise to the usual canards, and has brought into play the imaginative faculties of the " London Correspondent." Sport- ing Times. Canary (old), a sovereign, from the colour. French argot, Canary-bird (common), a mis- tress. (Thieves), a prisoner. Candle keepers (Winchester Col- lege), the inferiors (all those who are not prefects) who have been longest in the school have certain privileges, as wearing a "cow-shooter," or round-top- ped hat. They used to be called "jolly keepers." Candlestick (Winchester College), a corruption of candidate. Those who go in for the college entrance examination are termed candle- sticks. Candlesticks (London), the foun- tains at Trafalgar Square. There was his pillar (Nelson's) at Charing-Cross, just by the candlesticks (fountains). Maykew : London Labour and the London Poor. Candy-pull (American), a candy- pull is a party of both sexes at which molasses orsugar is boiled and pulled by two persons (whose hands are buttered) to give it proper consistency, and then mixed and pulled again, till it becomes true candy. The term is used in slang in many ways. The good old - fashioned amusement known as a candy-pull has had more or less of a revival in society this season. What- ever the time of its first advent, it was quite popular about twenty years ago as a society entertainment, but it seemed to run its course and died away. At that periud candy-pulls were given in some of the most aristocratic mansions on Fifth Avenue, and the rollicking scenes were oftentimes quite democratic in the fun, however full-dressed might have been their presentation. Brooklyn Eagle. Cane (common), "to lay Cane upon Abel ; " to beat with a cane. Cane nigger (West Indian), a happy-go-lucky fellow, one de- void of care and anxiety. From the circumstance that in "cane time " the negroes are fat and happy. As "fat as a nigger in cane time" has become pro- verbial in Antigua. Caners (fashionable). In the summer of 1886, at several watering-places, almost every young lady carried a cane. It was originally an American fancy. Canister (common), a hat; also " canister cap." / Turning round, I saw my unfortunate beaver, or canister, as it was called by the gentry who had it in their keeping, bound- ing backwards and forwards. A thin: House Scraps. (Pugilistic), the head. Cank Canoodler. 223 Cank (old), dumb, silent. Cannibals (Cambridge), the train- ing - boats for the Cambridge freshmen or the rowers them- selves. Cannis-cove (American), a dog- fancier. A word current in New York. In Dutch thieves' slang the Latin word cam's is used for a dog, but, as the accent falls on the last syllable, it is thought to be derived from the French caniche. This is the more probable as the Dutch word is limited to small dogs. Cannon (turf), the collision of two horses during a race ; from bil- liards. Apparently on the lucus a non principle, the jockey bear- ing this name (Thomas Cannon) is celebrated for his scrupulous and honourable avoidance of such a mishap. (Common), to cannon, to come into collision. French slang carambdcr, literally to make a cannon at billiards. Roaring with pain and terror, the boy cannoned into the very hand of a police- man, who seized him. Shirley Brooks : Sooner or Later. Canon (thieves), drunk. One night I was with the mob, I got canon (drunk), this being the first time. After this, when I used to go to concert- rooms, I used to drink beer. Horsley : Jottings from Jail. Canon, literally having used the " can " freely. The French slang for a glass of wine is canon. Canonner is to drink wine at a wine-shop, or to be an habitual tippler ; and se canonncr is to get drunk. Cannon is a very common word in German for a drinking-cnp. Hence he is " canonised," he is " shot," i.e., he is drunk. " Er ist geschossen " (Korte Pro- verbs). The word is naturally confused with can, German Kaune, a tankard, and canon- enstiefd, or "cannon" (i.e., long boots), which are a common pat- tern for tankards. Who will not empty his boots like a can, He is indeed no German man. Common Saying. Canoodle, to (English and Ameri- can), to fondle, pet, dally, bill and coo. I meet her in the evening, for she likes to take a walk At the moment when the moon cavorts above, And we prattle and canoodle, and of every- thing we talk, Except, of course, that naughty topic love. Bird o' Freedom. Possibly from "cannie," gentle. Canoodler (American), explained by quotation. " Pray, good sir, what is a canoodler?" " Tell you, mum, queer business, mum, but prosperous, money heaps of it, mum, for you and me " and he winked signifi- cantly, jerked up a chair and squatted in it, all in a breath. . . . Undeterred, he rattled on : " I'm an original thinker, mum. Invent business opportunities. Share'm with actors, and then we canoodle divvy the profits. Me and Sheridan made a big thing on the Japanese advertising screen in 'School for Scandal.' Big thing." Green Room Jokes. 224 Cant Cape. Cant (pugilistic), blow, a " cant on the chops," a blow on the face. (Tramps), explained by quota- tion. We broke one window because the house was good for a cant that's some food bread or meat, and they wouldn't give it us. Mayhew : London Labour and the London Poor. Also a gift, as a " cant of togs," a gift of clothing. In these senses, from cant, to divide, as used by Jusser, p. 278. Hence cant, a sham. (Thieves), to cant the cues, to explain a matter, to tell a story. " But cant us the cues. What was the job?" "A pinch for an emperor's slang. We touched his leather too, but it was very lathy." On the Trail. Canteen (South African), a road- side tavern; natives often call all kinds of drink canteen. Canteen medal (army), a good conduct stripe which is gained by absence from the defaulters' book. The illusion implies that the bearer owes his stripe rather to a strong head than good re- solution to keep away from the canteen. Canticle (old slang), a parish clerk. Can't say National Intelligencer (American), equivalent to saying "he is drunk," it being held that no one who is not sober can pronounce the name of this very old and respectable Washing- ton newspaper. There is a story in which the phrase ori- ginated or which originated from it, to the effect that a father in Washington who had a dissipated son, always obliged him when he returned home at night to submit to this test. If he said Nacial Intellencer, he was obliged to sleep in the hay- loft of the stable. Canuck (American), a Canadian. The origin of this word appears to be unknown. The derivation from Connaught, an Irishman, is far-fetched and doubtful. It may be possibly the first syllable of Canada, with an In- dian termination, but this is mere conjecture. Uc or uq' is a common Algenkin ending to nouns. It is probably an Indian word modified. Canvasseens (nautical), sailors' canvas trousers. Canvas town (popular), the por- tion of Wimbledon Common occupied by the flags of the riflemen when encamped there within the flags. Cap (thieves), a false cover to a tossing coin. To cap, to assist as a confederate, especially of cardsharpers. See CAPPER. (Universities), to cap the quad- rangle, to cross the area of the college, cap in hand, in reverence to the " fellows" who sometimes walk there. Cape cod turkey (American), salt fish. In the same way a " Yar- mouth capon " is a bloater. Capella Cap. 225 Capella (theatrical), a coat. From the Italian. Capeovi (coster), sick, seedy. Caper (American), a device, idea, or invention. Langtry and Daly worked the Chinese Boy, but the Arab is a change, and then this trap captr knocks the newspaper fiends silly. New York Morning Jour- nal. " The proper caper" the last fashionable fancy, the latest " comme ilfaut device." Mind-reading is now the proper caper. " Take hold of my left hand and tell me what I'm thinking of," said the head of the family to his confiding spouse. " Oh, yes," said she, grasping his hand convul- sively, " you are thinking about taking me to hear Patti." She had to guess again. Boston Herald. (Streets), device, occupation for a living. " Are yougoin'a tottin'?" "No." . . . "Then what caper are you up to?" Greenwood: The Little Ragamuffins. Caper-sauce (common), to " cut caper-sauce" to be hanged. Capers (thieves), "merchant of capers," a dancer. And my father, as I've heard say, Fake away ! Was a merchant of capers gay, Who cut his last fling with great applause. Nbc my doll pals, fake away ! Ainswortk: Rookwood. Also caper merchant. Capper (American thieves), ex- plained by quotation. Gamblers are called knights of the green cloth, and their lieutenants, who are sent out after greenhorns, are called decoys, cappers, and steerers. A'w York Slang Dictionary. Capper-clawing (popular), a fight between females. Captain Copperthorne's crew (old slang), where every one wishes to rule the roast, or to take command. Captain Crank (old cant), head of a gang of highwaymen. Captain Hackum (old slang), a blustering bully, a Bombastes Furioso. Captain lieutenant (old slang), the flesh of an old calf, meat that was neither veal nor beef. This phrase was of military origin, and was a simile drawn from the officer of that deno- mination. These men, while ranking as captains, only drew the pay of a lieutenant, and though not full captains were above the lieutenants. Captain Queernabs (old slang), a man who was shabbily dressed and ill-conditioned. Captain Sharp (old slang), a cheat, blackleg, or common swindler. Captain Tom (old slang), the ringleader of a mob. Some- times also the mob itself was so called. Cap your lucky (American thieves), run away. Cap your skin, to (thieves), to strip naked. P 226 Caravan Carney. Caravan (old slang), a large sum of money, also a person swindled out of a large amount. (Pugilistic), a railway train, es- pecially a train expressly char- tered to convey people to a prize fight (Hotten). Caravanserai (pugilistic), a rail- way station. Carcoon (Anglo-Indian), a clerk, from the Mahratta kdrkdn, a clerk (Anglo-Indian Glossary). My benefactor's chief carcoon allowed me to sort out and direct despatches to officers at a distance who belonged to the command. Pandurang Hari. Card (popular), a character. A man may be a knowing, a downy, rum, or shifting card, or queer sort of card, according to cir- cumstances. Mr. Thomas Potter, whose great aim it was to be considered as a knowing card, a fast goer, and so forth. Sketches by Boz. The last time that he got run in, Is days about a week, And, on the charge of drunkenness, Was brought before the beak ; He chaffed the magistrate and said, " You are a rum old card!" So forty shillings he was fined, Or else a month with hard. G. Homcastle : The Frying Pan. (Common), a device, under- taking. A strong card, an un- dertaking likely to succeed. On the cards, likely, probable. Cardinal (American), a lobster ; cardinal hash, lobster salad (New York Slang Dictionary). (Old) , a lady's red cloak. Now mulled red wine. Cargo (Winchester), explained by quotation. Scholars may supplement their fare with jam, potted meats ... or, better still, from the contents of cargoes, i.e., hampers from home. Everyday Life in our Public Schools. Carler (New York thieves), a clerk. Carlicues, curlicues (American), lively tricks, capers. The deri- vation from curly and cue seems to be due to a mere resemblance in sound, and an arbitrary com- bination. Bartlett suggests cara- cole (French), anagrams being common in colloquial language. The old word carle-cat, or carli- cat, a male cat or kitten, may have influenced the formation of carlicues. Carnes (popular), to heap up ca- resses, flatteries, compliments, and blandishments, with the view of deceiving the persons on whom they are lavished. The derivation is from carne or cairn, a heap or pile of stones. A similar idea led to the use of the phrase, ' ' pile up the agony. " The word is also " carmes," evi- dently from the gypsy learns, often pronounced icarms, mean- ing loves, likes, pets, &c. A kam or barm, which is nearer to the Sanskrit, is a desire, a love, &c. Carney, flattery, hypocritical lan- guage. Supposed to be of Irish origin. To carney or come the Carnish Carrion-hunter. 227 carney, to flatter, wheedle, in- sinuate oneself. Carnish (thieves), meat, from the Italian came; carmaA-ken, a thieves' eating-house. In the French argot " carne " is tough meat. Carob (tinker), to cut. Caroon (costermongers), five shil- lings. Possibly from the Italian Carpet (common), to be called upon the carpet, or to be car- peted, to be scolded, reprimand- ed, to have to give an account of one's self. Poor Percy was often carpeted, and as often he promised amendment. Mark Lemon : Golden Fetters. What looked to most people like a mis- carriage of justice occurred in connection with the August Handicap, won by Rhythm. George Barrett, who rode the second, was carpeted, on the complaint of the apprentice Allsopp (inspired by his master), for foul riding. Sporting Times. (Masonic), the painting repre- senting the emblems of a degree. Carpet-bagger (popular), a term introduced from America. A man who seeks election in a place with which he has no connection (T. L. O. Davies). Other -carpet-baggers, as politicalknights- errant unconnected with the localities are called, have had unpleasant receptions. Guardian Newspaper. Synonymous with carpet-bag politician. Wright gives the definition : Carpet-bagger, an opprobrious appellation applied to a resident of one of the Northern States, who after the Civil War of 1861-65 removed to the South for temporary residence, and the promotion of personal and selfish ends. Carpet-bag recruit (army), one of the better class who joins with his baggage, with other clothes in fact than those in which he stands. Carpet-swab (popular), carpet- bag. A little gallows-looking chap . . . with a carpet-swab and mucking togs. In- goldsby Legends. Carpet tom-cat (military), an officer who shows much atten- tion to, and spends a great deal of his time in the company of ladies. Carrier (old), a tell-tale. (Thieves), a rogue employed to look out and watch upon roads, at taverns, &c., in order to carry information to his gang. Carrier-pigeon (thieves), a swin- dler, one who formerly used to cheat lottery office-keepers ; now used among betting-men to de- scribe one who runs from place to place with commissions (Hotten). Carrion case (popular), a shirt, a shift. Carrion-hunter (old cant), an un- dertaker. 228 Carrots Casa. Carrots, carroty-nob (common), applied to a red-haired person. " Here, one of you boys you, Carrots run to the 'Compasses' and tell Mr. Kiddy he's wanted." A sharp, red-haired lad darted off with the message. Mark Lenun : Lowed at Last. Carry, to (old cant), to carry the keg is said of one easily angered. An allusion to fiery spirits. Carry corn, to (common), to bear success well and equally. It is said of a man who breaks down under a sudden access of wealth a successful horse-racing man and unexpected legatees often do or who becomes so affected and intolerant, that " he doesn't carry corn well " (Hotten). Carry me out ! (American), an expression of incredulity or affected disgust. It implies feeling faint and requiring to be carried out into the fresh air. It would be called forth by a bad pun, or an impossible story, or " blowing ;" of ten preceded by "oh, good night," and some- times intensified by the addition of " and leave me in the gutter." Carry on, to (common), to make love to, to flirt openly. Also to joke a person to excess, to have a great spree, to be lively or arrogant, or act in any out of the way manner. There is a time in the life of every young lady when she feels like carrying on. No matter how modest, and pious, and truly good a girl may be, a day comes when she feels like doing something ridiculous, and creating a great laugh. Bird o' Freedom. Cart (turf), an owner is said to be ' ' in the cart," or carted, when his horse is prevented winning by some fraud on the part of those in his employment. Instances are not wanting where the pub- lic have been put " in the cart " by an owner who resents their interference with his field of speculation. (City.) When two or three fellows are playing at dominoes or cards, the one who has the lowest score but one, at any moment of the game, is said to be " in the cart." The lowest score is called " on the tail-board." Also race-course : " traversed the cart," walked over the course. Carted (old), signified taken to execution or whipped at the cart's tail Carts (popular), a pair of shoes ; also " crab shells." Cart-wheel (thieves), five-shilling piece. French slang has rove de derriere for a five-franc piece. Carvel (New York thieves), jea- lous. Probably meaning also in love or wooing ; from cane, to make love to. Vide Halliwell. Ca-sa (legal), a writ of capias ad satisfaciendam. Casa, caser, carser (costermon- gers and negro minstrels), a house, Italian. (Theatrical), a house. French slang has case with the same signification. Cascade Cat. 229 Cascade or hang out (theatrical), scenic effect at conclusion of scene or performance. (Popu- lar), to cascade, to vomit. Case (American), a dollar, good or bad. In England a bad crown piece. Hebrew, Icesef, silver, P)D5. ; hence kasch, a head- piece (i.e. , a coin), and the Yid- dish caser, a crown. (Tailors), "case of pickles," a hopeless case; "he is the greatest case evermore," he is the worst man known, or, he is a most remarkable individual. (Old), a brothel. Also a water- closet. (Thieves), a house. Caser (thieves), explained by quotation. Vide CASE. So one morning I found I did not have more than a caser (five shillings). Hartley : Jottings from Jail. Cask (society), a brougham. Cass, cassan (thieves and roughs), cheese. From the Italian cacio. It is remarkable that this, the oldest slang for cheese, is still current among thieves in New York. It is found in nearly all the Latin, Teutonic, and Celtic languages. In old cant, casson. It is generally supposed to have been introduced by the gypsies. Here's ruffpeck and cassons, and all of the best, And scraps of the dainties of gentry cofe's feast. Broome : Jovial Crew. Cassan. See CASS. C a s s i e (printers), wrinkled, stained, or outside sheets of paper. Old provincial, cassen, cast off. From casse, to dis- charge, cashier. Latin, catsare, to break. Cast (popular). Men in small boats who want to be towed behind steamers say "give us a cast " (Hotten). Castieau's hotel (Australian thieves' patter), the Melbourne jail, so called from Mr. J. B. Castieau, the governor of the Melbourne jail. He "caught" a month and had to "white it out" at "diamond-cracking" in Castieau's hotel. The Australian Printers Keepsake. Castle -rag (rhyming slang), a " flag " or fourpence. Cast-offs (nautical), landsmen's clothes. Castor (common), a bicycle. Pro- perly a small wheel. Mr. C , who being driven by a lady whose carriage was molested by cads on castors, climbed solemnly down, and . . . administered a well - deserved collective hiding to the crowd. Sporting Times. Cast up one's account, to. Vide ACCOUNi, . Casual (common), a tramp or poor man, who seeks shelter at night at a workhouse. I have, at the risk of shocking the reader of delicate sensibilities, quoted at full the terms in which my ruffianly casual chamber fellow delivered himself of his opinion as to the power of " cheek " illimitable. /. Greenwood: Seven Curses of London. Cat (popular), a drunken, fighting prostitute. The pudendum f. In French, chat. Generally termed 230 Cat Catch bet. by girls "pussy." Also contemp- tuously applied to a woman. (Society), "an old cat" an old lady of malicious disposi- tion, who has une mauvaise langue, and is always saying disagreeable things and telling ill-natured stories. Cat, or old cat, is often applied by servants to their mistress. Well, look here, Jessie, I am determined to have some fun while the cat's away. Truth. "A tame cat" is a man in society who always has the entrte of a house and is treated almost like one of the family, and who, if a bachelor, is not looked upon as a likely suitor for one of the daughters, but is made general use of when a man is wanted in a hurry to fill up a vacancy. (Thieves), lady's muff. To "free a cat," to steal a muff. To go out ' ' cat and kitten " hunt- ing, is stealing pewter pots from publicans. (Popular), to " shoot the cat" to vomit. (Tailors), to " whip the cat," to work at private houses. (Infantry), to " shoot the cat" to sound the bugle for defaulters' drill. Cat and kittens (thieves), quart and pint pots. Cat and mouse (rhyming slang), house. Catawampously (American), fiercely, eagerly, violently. " Ca- tawampously chewed up," com- pletely defeated, utterly demo- lished. There is something cowardly in the idea of disunion. Where are the wealth and power that showed us fourteen millions ? Take to our heels before three hundred thousand slaveholders for fear of being " Catawampously chewed up." Frederick Douglas : A Negro Orator. Catch (popular), or "a great catch" woman or man worth marrying. Generally applied to wealthy men and heiresses, or "warm" widows. I am friends with her ma, I stand drinks to her pa, They think I'm a catch, that is plain. G. Homcastle : I'll See you again in the Morning (Ballad). Catch a bob, to (American), a boy's expression for getting on behind and taking a ride gratis ; getting a lift. "Bob, what does your father do?" inquired a farmer of a lad who had caught a bob on his sleigh. American News- paper. Catch a lobster, to (American), same as the English "to catch a crab." She is not the first hand that caught a lobster by puttin' in her oar afore her turn, I guess. Satn Slick : The Clockmaker. Catch on a snag, to (American), to meet one's superior. In rough Western parlance a man who falls in with such a player (a man who, ing a high reputation for all-round liness, is a crack "poker" player) beari godl catches on a snag, and it is said that every one who visits the North-West comes across sooner or later the snag on which he is to catch. Cumberland: The Queens Highway. Catch bet (popular), a bet made for the purpose of entrapping Catchee Cats 1 party. 231 the unwary by means of a paltry subterfuge (Hotten). Catchee (pidgin-English), to get, have, own, possess, hold. " My look-see one piecee man catchee chow-chow" "I saw a man eating. " " My catchee waifo " " I am or am to be married." " My no catchee one flin inside allo t'at house" "I have not one friend in all that family." Suppose one man no catchee cash, he no can play at game ; Supposey pigeon no hab wing, can no make fly all same. Wang-ti. Catch-'em-alive (common), paper smeared with a sticky substance to catch flies. A picture-room devoted to a few of the regular shaky old saints, with such coats of varnish that every holy personage served for a fly-trap, and became what is now called in the vulgar tongue a catch- 'em-alive, O. Charles Dickens: Little Dorritt. Also a small-tooth comb, alluding to the tenants in the hair of dirty people. Catch on, to (common), imported from America ; to accept an offer, to understand. Randolph looked rather puzzled at first, but when he did catch on to the Arch- bishop's meaning, he had to be thumped on the back by his pal Chamberlain, to prevent him from choking. Funny Folks. " You catch on," is an invitation to take one's turn, to follow suit. (Theatrical), a play is said to be caught on when successful. Catch on the hop, to (common), to catch or find one by taking one's chance when he is travel- ling or moving about. Also to catch unawares. Catch-pole (old slang"), a sheriff's officer. Catever (popular), poor, bad, of doubtful quality. According to Hotten, from the Lingua Franca and Italian cattivo, bad. ' ' Well, how's things : bona ? " " No, caterer." Catfish death (American), suicide by drowning. Col. " Pat" Donan doesn't like the play of "Hamlet." Hear the eloquent adjec- tive slinger : "I have no patience, much less sympathy, with a wretched weakling who goes around jabbering at dilapidated old ghosts in tin helmets and green gauze veils, under bogus moonlight ; everlastingly threatening to do something, and never doing it ; driving his sweetheart to lunacy and a catfish death, by his dime-museum freaks." Chicago Press. Cat-heads (old), a woman's breasts. Cat-lap (common), weak drink. Cats' head (Winchester College), the fag end of a shoulder of mutton. Cats' meat (popular), the lungs. Cats' party (familiar), a party to which none but those of the weaker sex are invited, and at which tea drinking and singing are indulged in. She was once introduced to young M . This was at a cats' farty given by Mrs. to a few ladies. Standard. 232 Cats' water Caulker. It is likely Mr. Justice thought it funny and appropriate to hint that a fes- tivity was called a cats party on account of the music. Town Talk. Cats' water (popular), gin, cat being here meant for woman. Cat's-skin earl (parliamentary), one of the three senior earls in the House of Lords. Catting 1 (common), vomiting. Cattle (popular), a kind. One talks of men being " rum cattle," " queer cattle," just as one talks of a man being "a queer fish" or " a downy bird." But lawyers is cattle I feel to hate, And this one I'd like to punch his head. Keighley Goodchild: How Waif went to England. Caucus (American), lately intro- duced into England, originally a meeting of politicians called together to debate upon the claims of candidates for politi- cal or municipal offices, and agreeing to act together on the day of election. What a caucus is, as popularly under- stood in England, needs no explanation ; but the curious thing about the word is the seeming impossibility of ascertaining with any certainty its origin and deriva- tion. The explanation generally given is that it is a corruption of "caulkers" or "calk-house." One authority says that the members of the shipping interest, the "caulkers" of Boston, were associated, shortly before the War of Independence, in actively promoting opposition to Eng- land, and that the word arose from their meetings in the caulkers' house or " calk- house." Another derivation has, however, been proposed. In the "Transactions of the American Philological Association, 1872," Dr. Hammond Trumbull suggests that the origin of the word is to be found in the native Indian cau-cau-as-u, meaning one who advises. Cornhill Magazine. X It may be observed that the derivation of the word from "caulkers" is perfectly rational, and has been accepted for more than a century. There is a pun implied in the name (" caulker," a tremendous story, an over- whelming fellow) which pro- bably aided to make it popu- lar. ; Caught on the fly (American), a phrase borrowed from ball play, but applied to being caught, interviewed, or otherwise arrest- ed, while travelling. Carter Harrison told that New York reporter that he "must be caught on the fly." According to his own umpiring, then, his New York speech was a foul bawl. American Newspaper. An English equivalent is " caught on the hop." Caulk, to ( nautical \ to lie down on deck and sleep, with clothes Caulker (society), a lie, derived from a " caulker," a stiff dram, that takes a considerable deal of swallowing, also supposed to be derived from "corker," a regular stopper. (Common), a stiff dram. The Mobile officer joins us heartily in a caulker, and does not need to be pressed to take a little supper. Archibald Forbes : My Experiences of the War between France and Germany. Caution Cay use. 233 Caution (general), any one who is peculiarly dressed, peculiar in his habits, or eccentric, some one who makes himself ridicu- lous. This word is an abbrevia- tion of the expression "a caution to snakes." Altogether he was a caution to look at. Sam Slick : The Clockmakcr. Also anything out of the common way. Their win against Middlesex who led off with a first innings of 301 by eight wickets is an example of one of their sur- prises, and what is vulgarly called a cau- tion. Bailey's Monthly Magazine. Cavaulting (old), copulation. From the Lingua Franca cavolta. Cavaulting school (old slang), a house of ill fame, a brotheL Cave-in (American), to fall in. " A metaphor taken," says Hotten, " from an abandoned mining shaft," but it was used in Ame- rica before 1849. Now generally applied to a failure, such as a bankruptcy, a collapse of stock speculations, or of political schemes. That is what Colonel Sanderson and his colleagues in the representation of Irish landlordism call it an absolute all-round cave-in on the part of the Government. Pall Mall Gazette. It is also applied to any kind of indentation. I went down dar wid my hat caved in, Du-da, du-da 1 Came back home wid my pocket full of tin, Du-da, du-da-day ! Negro Minstrtl Song. Cave-in, properly to "calve- in," a phrase introduced by Dutch navvies. Flemish ink- alven, to cave-in. Friesic calven, to calve as a cow, also to cave-in. The falling portion of earth is compared to a calf dropped by a cow (Skeat). From early times glaciers were called by the Dutch cows, and the icebergs which fell from them calves. The falling of the bergs was called calving. Cavort, to (American), to kick up the heels like a horse at play, or to act extravagantly. As long as there has been a stage for pretty women to cavort on, there have been impressionable youths to worship at the shrines of the pretty women. Ameri- can Newspaper To move about in an aimless manner. O Sal 1 yer's that demed fool from Simpson's, cavortin round yer in the dew. '-Bret Harte : Penelope. Cawbawn (up - country Austra- lian), spelt also cobbon, big, a word borrowed from the blacks, which has passed into bush- slang, and is generally used by bushmen. "There," said Stone, pointing to the big house, " nobody has lived in the ' cawbawn humpy ' that is what the blacks call it since Mr. Cosgrove went away." A. C. Grant: Bush-Life in Queensland. Caxton (theatrical), a wig. Cayuse (cowboys), a horse. 234 Caz Chalks. Caz (thieves), cheese. See CASS. An easy dupe. As good as caz, easy to accomplish. Cedar (prison), a pencil. He was a " first-class " man, entitled to write every quarter. He provided cedar and a sheet of paper on which I wrote what was necessary. Evening News. Century (turf), a hundred pounds. A little cheque for a century is the prize we offer this week for the successful accomplishment of the task of naming the first three. Sporting Times. Cert (turf), used in reference to a racing event thought to be about to have a successful issue. A man who was burdened with debt Heard a cert and heavily bebt, But what should have won So badly did ron That quickly the man had to "gebt." Bird o Freedom. Certainties (printers). See UN- CERTAINTIES. A vulgarism ap- plied to infants of the male sex. Chaff-cutter (old), slanderous tongue, slanderer. Chaffer (popular), the mouth; a great talker. One of these men had a wife who used to sell for him ; she was considered to be the best chaffer in the row ; not one of them could stand against her tongue. Mayhew : London Labour and the London Poor. To "moisten one's chafer," to have a drink. Chaffy (Blue-coat School), spruce, amiable. Chai, chy, tchai (gypsy), girl, woman ; Romany, chi, a female gypsy. Chairus, cheirus, chyrus (gypsy), time. Bonar gives this word also for " heaven." Chal (gypsy), (pronounced tchal,'ch as in church), a lad, a gypsy. Hotten says this was the old Romany term for a man, but it is as much in use as ever. A woman is not a chie, but a chy or chai, to rhyme with why. Chalava (gypsy), I touch. Chal droch (tinker), a knife. Chalk (turf), unknown or incom- petent. The names of most jockeys are printed on slides, which are kept ready at every race-meeting for insertion in the telegraph-board. Formerly a certain number of slate or black slides were used, so that the name of a new jockey could at once be written thereon in chalk. Hence "a chalk- jockey" came to mean one unknown, or un- favourably known, to fame. His name was not considered worth printing. (Common), unknown, obscure. A list of remarkably f/#//-titled person- ages. World. (Tailors), chalk ! silence I Chalk - farm (rhyming slang), arm. Chalks (popular), by chalks, by far, by many degrees. Chalks Champagne. 235 In chatting, singing, and dancing, Don't we pass each night away, We beat by chalks your finest parties, I'll a wager lay. We are all jolly, &c. Song. Also "long chalks," originally an expression used by tailors only, alluding to the chalk lines on garments. " From your counsel's statement and the seeming honesty of your countenance," said the learned magistrate, " I was quite convinced that you were innocent ; but the evidence of the last witness has quite upset all my previous convictions." " I wish it would upset all mine," growled the culprit. But it didn't by long chalks, and his address was Millbank for the next six months. Sporting Times. Also the legs. To " walk one's chalks," to go away. The prisoner has fabricated his pilgrim's staff, t speak scientifically, and perambu- lated his calcareous strata. "What?" Cut his stick, and walked his chalks. Kingsley : Two Years Ago. Chalk, to (nautical), to make one pay his footing or stand treat. At sea it is the custom the first time a new comer goes up a mast for some old hand to chase him up and try to get near enough to him to chalk his shoes. If he succeeds the new comer is expected to pay for a bottle of rum. Chalk up, to (Australian slang, less frequent in England), to debit to a person. Undoubtedly the expression arose from the custom of the keeper of an ale-house making a note of the various drinks consumed in a drinking bout, by scribbling them down with chalk upon the wall. Whole weeks and months of hard-earned gold, by ounces and even pounds weight at a time, disappeared at these haunts, in a mazy account and reckoning between a landlord and his customer, chalked up during successive days of intoxication. US. Westgarth: Victoria late Australia Felix. (Common), chalk it up, put it to my account. Cham (gypsy), cheek, leather, tin. Chammerdino, a slap on the cheek. Chamberlain (Winchester Col- lege), the brewer of the college and school. Chamber of Horrors (Parliamen- tary), the Peeresses' gallery at the House of Lords, from its being railed round as if it con- tained objectionable or repul- sive inmates. There could be no doubt as to the in- convenience, the gallery being generally known as the Chamber of Horrors. Daily News. Chammy (society), champagne, termed also " cham," or " boy," and sometimes " fizz." Champagne Charley (popular), any dissipated man or noted drinker of " fizz." The name of a song which appeared in 1868, which was set to a very pleas- ing and original air. The origi- nal Charley is said to have been a wine-merchant, who was in the habit of making presents of 236 Champion Chapel. bottles of champagne to all his friends. Champion, very commonly nsed in America to signify pre-emi- nent. An exemplary humbug is described as "a champion fraud." A noisy candidate for office was denounced by a Chi- cago newspaper as "the cham- pion gas-bag." Champ up, to (popular), to tear up, pull upwards. Chancer (tailors), one who exag- gerates, or lies. Also one who attempts anything and is in- competent. Chancery. To get a man's head into chancery is to get it under your arm so as to pummel it at ease. The allusion is ob- Chance the ducks (popular), an ironical phrase signify ing "come what may " (Hotten). Chance your arm (tailors), try, let it go, chance it. Chaney-eyed (popular), with but one eye, or eyes like those of a Chinese, as chancy is some- times used as a corruption of China. It is another prisoner, who replaces the last individual a "wall-eyed" or chancy- eyed prisoner, with an open mouth. The Graphic. Chant (old cant), an advertise- ment. Chant, to (popular), to talk, in- form, cry up, sing ballads, &c. ; chanting-co\es, reporters. Chanters (popular), explained by quotation. As long as one can remember, gangs of men have perambulated the highways in the frosty months, but until recently they were invariably chanters with a legend of coming all the way from Man- chester. But song is eschewed in modern times. Greenwood: Seven Curses of Lon- don. Chanty (nautical). "There are two kinds of sea songs : those which are sung at concerts and in drawing-rooms, and some- times, but not very often, at sea, and those which are never heard off shipboard. The latter have obtained in this age the name of chanty, a term which I do not recollect ever having heard when I was following the life. It is obviously manufac- tured out of the French word " (W. Clark Russell;. Chapel (printers). As various references are made to matters arising out of the chapel, it is necessary to describe this insti- tution. Technically, it refers to the meetings of the workmen to discuss trade matters, to settle disputes, and to consider chari- table appeals, &c., and various rules are enforced for the guid- ance of the workmen and main- tenance of good feeling amongst themselves. It has been sup- posed that the term arose from the fact that Caxton established Chapel Charm. 237 the first printing-press in this country in Westminster Abbey. The officers of these chapels usually consist of a "father" and " clerk." Chapel of ease (common), the water-closet. Chapper - cot (Anglo - Indian ). Hindu, chappar-khat, a bedstead with curtains. Chappie (society), a term of en- dearment in use among the " mashers " of society when ad- dressing their friends and ac- quaintances, much in vogue lately. A dandy. I am going to send this correspondence to Punch. Ta ! ta ! dear old chappie. Punch. He was a harmless-looking chappie. Sporting Times. Chapt (old cant), thirsty. Char (gypsy), grass. Charl-chorl (gypsy), to pour out, vomit ; chorl it airee, pour it out. Charge, to (Winchester College), to run at all speed. Charing Cross (rhyming slang), horse. Chariot-buzzing (thieves), pick- ing pockets in an omnibus. Charles, his friend (theatrical), the walking gentleman, or se- condary interesting young man of a play. Charley (thieves), a gold watch ; probably from the old word Charley, the watch or a watch- man. (Tailors), the nap on a "faced" cloth, also a round- shouldered figure. Charley Bates' BATES' FAEM. farm. See Charley Lancaster (rhyming slang), handkerchief, pronounced " handkercher. " Charley-pitcher (thieves), one who plays to win watches, or char- leys. A pitcher is one who works the streets. In San Francisco in 1849 there were open-air monte players who only took watches for a bet. A sharper who entices country- men into playing at some swindling game, such as "prick the garter" or "thimble- rig." Charley Prescot (rhyming slang), a waistcoat. Charlie (old), a name for a watch- man. It was the duty of the watchman to call the hours, but no voice of any vigilant Charlie had as yet saluted the ears of Lowry. Turnpike Dick, or the Star oj the Road. Charlies (Winchester College), thick string gloves, called thus from the Rev. Charles Griffith. (Popular), a woman's breasts, also " bubbles," " dairies." Charm (thieves), a picklock. 238 Charpoy Chaunted. Charpoy (Anglo - Indian), ex- plained by quotation. We must send down to the bazaar, and get tables, chairs, and charpoys (bedsteads). W. H. Russell: My Diary in India in the Years 1858-59. Charr shorn, chershom (tinker), a crown. Charter the bar, charter the grocery, to (American), to buy all the liquor in a groggery or "rum-mill" and give it away freely to all comers. This is not an uncommon occurrence in the South and West. This fine Arkansas gentleman raises seve- ral hundred bales ; Unless through drought, or worm, or some other contingency, his crop runs short and fails ; And when his crop is ginned and baled, he puts it on board a boat, And charters the bar, and has a devil of a good spree while down to New Orleans he and his cotton float. Albert Pike. Bolus was no niggard. He would as soon treat a regiment or charter the grocery for the day as any other way. /. G. Baldwin : David Bolus, Esq. Chat (thieves), a house ; from chattels, or chateau. I had not been at Sutton very long before I piped a slavey (servant) come out of a chat (house), so when she had got a little way up the double (turning), I pratted (went) into the house. Rev. J. W. Hors~ ley : Jottings from Jail. " That's the chat," the proper words to use ; the state or facts of a case. Has the gentleman any right to be in this room at all, or has he not ? . . . That's the chat, as I take it. Anthony Trollope : Orley farm. Chat-hole (prison), a hole in the wall, made to carry on a con- versation. Chats (theatrical), properties ; short for chattels. (Popular), lice. In this sense chats is pro- bably from chatd, meaning cattle. (Stock Exchange), London, Chatham, and Dover Railway stock. Chatta (Anglo-Indian), an um- brella. Chatterers (common), the teeth. Chattering (prize ring), a blow on the mouth. Chatter broth (old slang), a tea party. Chatty (popular), filthy, lousy. A chatty, a lousy person ; a " chatty doss," a bed with ver- min. Vide CHATS. Chatty-feeder (thieves), a spoon. Vide CHATTY. Chaunt or chant, to, to take worth- less horses to fairs and sell them by false representations. Jack Firebrand and Tom Humbold . . . was here this morning chanting horses with 'em. Thackeray: Virginians. To chaunt the play, to ex- plain the tricks and devices of thieves. Chaunted upon the leer (old cant), an advertiser. Chaunter Cheapside. 239 Chaunter (street), a man who sells ballads, last dying speeches, &c., in the streets. Street ballad singer. The running patterer ... is accom- panied generally by a chaunter. The chaunter not only sings, but fiddles. Mayhew : London Labour and the Lon- don Poor. A dealer who takes worthless horses to fairs and sells them by false representations. Chaunter-cull (street). There are rhymsters who carry on a trade in London though the head- quarters appear to be in Bir- mingham who write ballads to order on any subject, to be sung in the streets, on events that may interest the public : murders, executions, elopements, breaches of promise, suicides, or horrible railway accidents. The hono- rarium paid to these self-styled poets is said to vary from half- a-crown (the minimum) to three half-crowns (the maximum). Chauvering donna (theatrical), a prostitute. Chauvering is cant for sexual intercourse. Also, " columbine, knofka." Chauvering moll (old cant), a prostitute. Chaw (university), a trick ; to chaw, to deceive. (American), to use up. Chawbacon (common), a country clown, a rough, rude, unedu- cated rustic, a clodhopper ; sometimes colloquially desig- nated as "Giles" or "Hodge," from the supposed prevalence of these patronymics among the rural population. The chaw-bacons, hundreds of whom were the Earl's tenants, raised a shout. Savage: R. Medlicott. Chaw-buckt (Anglo - Indian), a whip. Hindu, chabuk; gypsy, chuckni. Ye same day Ramgivan was brought forth and slippered, the next day he was beat on ye soles of his feet, ye third day chaw-buckt, and ye 4th drub'd till he could not speak, and all to force a writing in our names for Rupees 50,000. Hedges. Chaw over, to (popular), to repeat one's words with a view to ridi- cule (Hotten). Chaws or chores (American), small jobs. The handy man does chores. Very early in the morning there is an unpleasant operation to be performed, called "doing chaws," in the simple lan- guage of the farm. This luckily applied only to Charlie and Mr. C., who, I believe, except during the busiest part of the year, work the 300 acre farm without help. " Doing chaws" by the way, means feed- ing the creatures generally. Phillips- Wolley : Trotting* of a Tenderfoot. (Popular), to have a bit of chaws refers to copulation. Chaw up, to (popular), to finish nr>o nr> " f!VinwpH nn " Hrmfi one up for. Chawed up," done I felt as if I could chaw him right up, I was so mad. Sam Slick : The Clock- maker. Cheapside (old slang), " He came at it by way of Cheapside," that 240 Cheat Cheesemongers. is, little or nothing was given for it. Cheat or nubbing-cheat (thieves), the gallows. See what your laziness is come to ; to the cheat, for thither will you go now, that's infallible. Fielding: Jonathan Wild. Chee (pidgin), long ; probably an abbreviation of muchee " much," " China-boy no stoppee chee tim." Chee-chee, (gipsy), nothing, less, superfluous, also equivalent to "be silent." Cheek (common), assurance, im- pudence. Probably from the habit of impudent persons of putting their tongue in their cheek. Although she was neither good-looking nor young, And her virtues, if any, unknown and unsung, She'd a dangerous eye, and an eloquent tongue, And a cheek that was something sublime. Sporting Times. Also, share or portion. Cheeks (common), the posterior. Cheeky (common), impudent. Boys give me a good deal of annoyance, they are so very cheeky. Mayhew : Lon- don Labour and the London Poor. Cheese (society), " quite the cheese" varied to the " Stilton," or " real Stilton," synonymous with quite the thing, from the Hindostani or Anglo-Indian chiz, thing. Sometimes cheese is used as a derisive nickname for any man who has pretensions to being smart. (Schools), an adept; one boy will talk of another being an awful cheese at bowling, fives, Latin verses, &c. (R. M. Academy), hard cheese, equivalent to " hard lines," no luck ; especially used at billiards. (Popular), cheese it, leave off. A corruption of cease. I was just entering upon one of my own composition, when, sir, I was vulgarly requested to cheese it. Sporting Times. (Thieves), " cheese your barri- kin," hold your noise. (Nine- pins), the ball. He sent the damaged cheese skimming and cannoning among the four great pins. Greenwood: Tag, Rag, &> Co. Cheese boxes (American), the nickname given by irreverent Confederates to the ironclads of the Monitor type then (at the time of the Civil War) just invented. They, however, spoke even as disrespectfully of their own unsuccessful attempts at a similar class of vessel, calling them "tinclads," Cheese-cutter (common), an aqui- line nose; also a large, square peak to a cap. Cheese-cutters, bandy legs. Cheese-knife (army), sword. Cheesemongers, once a popular name for the First Lifeguards (Hotten). Cheese- toaster Chew. 241 Cheese-toaster (army), a sword. I'll drive my cheese-toaster through his body. Thackeray: The Virginians. Cheesy (society), excellent, smart, varied sometimes to "rare Stil- ton," which might be said to be the square power of cheesy. Che - muck (American), food ; taken from the Indians of the North-West, and now current among the miners. Cherpin llyower (tinker), book. " Cherpin appears to be vulgar. Llyower was on second thought declared by Owen to be the right word." Gaelic, leabhar. The Gypsies. Vide LYESKIN CHEEPS, telling fortunes. Cherry (thieves), a young girl. Cherry-bums (army). Vide BUM. Cherry-merry (Anglo-Indian), a present of money. Cherry-merry-bamboo (Anglo-In- dian), a beating, a term probably invented by sufferers with very thick hides indeed. Cherry pie (common), this term was formerly used with the sense of the more modern " tart," or girL Cherry-pipe (thieves), a woman. Pipe is rhyming slang for ripe. Cherry-ripe (rhyming slang), a pipe. Chestnuts (American and Eng- lish), an exclamation used in reference to stale news. The thing's got so bloomin 1 stale, I was afraid you'd yell chestnuts at me if I said anythin'. Sporting Times. Chete (old cant), this word was extensively used by the va- grant classes in reference to anything. Teeth were called " cracking " or " crunching chetes" swine "grunting chetes," a knife a " cutting chete," or the gallows a "hanging" or a "topping chete." To strike some chete, to steal something. This word is used as an affix in the formation of names (Turner), and is equivalent, not to the gypsy engro, which means an active agent, but to engree, denoting "a thing." Thus nab-chete, a hat, literally a head-thing ; a cackling -chete, chicken ; hearing - chetes, ears. Possibly of Gypsy- Indian origin in common with the Anglo-In- dian chiz, corrupted to chitz. Chit and chitter have also the meaning in gypsy of "a rag, a bit, a piece." It may, however, be derived from the root of chattel; M. E. chatel, property (also cattle) ; Old French catel. This would lead to the Low Latin capitale (Skeat), but there is possibly a different root in common with the Westmore- land chat, a fragment, i.e., a thing or bit. Chew (prison), a bit of tobacco. A piece as large as a horse-bean, called a chew, is regarded as an equivalent for Q Chew Chik. a twelve-ounce loaf and a meat ration. Greenwood : Gaol Birds at Large. (American), to chew oneself, expressing vexation. Say, do you know it's fairly rank to be back at school. . Could chew myself. I hate it so. Springfield Republican, Chewgah bag (Australian black- fellows), the wild bee's store of honey. Chewing the cud (common), the habit of chewing tobacco. It is curious to note that amongst the farmers and stock-keepers of Surrey the cud is called a quid hence perhaps "a quid of tobacco." Chewing the rag or fat (army), grumbling. Some of the " knowing blokes," promi- nent among whom will be the "grousers," will, in all probability, be chewing the rag or fat. Brunlees Patterson : Life in the Ranks. Chew it, to (cowboys), to eat. Chic (society), elegant, dashing, perfect. French, chic. For the various significations of the French word, vide Barrere's " Argot and Slang." One of the most chic functions of the present season in Paris was the dinner given last Wednesday by Princess Mathilde. The World. Chice. Vide SHICE. Chicken (Anglo-Indian), embroi- dery. Chicken-walla, a pedlar of embroidery. Persian, chikin, art needlework. (Common), a term, applied to anything young, small, or in- significant; "chicken stakes," small paltry stakes (Hotten). Chicken - butcher (old slang), a poulterer. Chicken fixings (American). Bartlett defines this as chicken- fricassee, but it is often used to denote chickens prepared in any way. The common expression " corn-bread and common doins, or wheat - bread and chicken- fixins," intimates as much. Chicken Nabob (old slang). If a man returned from India with a larger fortune than ^50,000 or ^60,000 he was called a chicken nabob. Chickerleary cove (coster), an exceedingly sharp man. Chi-ike (roughs), a street salute, a loud word of hearty praise, a cheer. Now join in a chi-ike the Jolly we all like, I'm off with a party to the Vic. Vance : The Chickaleary Cove. Chi-iked (tailors), chaffed un- mercifully. Chik, chick (gypsy), dirt, clay, ashes, sand. Chikkli comas, ob- jects of earthenware. Stir chikklo, all dirty. " Beshdom adoi akonya, Te sar man asti dlkk Sas kalo mullo wongur Te pano, mullo chikk " "I sat there alone, and all one could see was black dead coals, and white dead ashes." O. Patteran. Children's shoes Chinche. 243 (Anglo-Indian), an abbrevia- tion of chickeen, or four rupees. Children's shoes (popular), to " make children's shoes," to be made nought of (Hotten). Chill, to (popular), to warm. From the expression to "take the chill off;" "chilled beer" for warmed beer is a very usual term. Chilo (pidgin English), child. Ping- Wing, he pie-man son, He velly worst chilo allo Canton, He steal he mother picldum mice, An' thlowee cat in bilin rice. Hab chow-chow up, an' " Now," talk he, " My wonda' where he meeow-cat be !" The Song of Pins- Wing. Chimany, chummeny (gypsy), something, anything. D6 mandy chomany, "Give me something." Chiming (thieves), praising a person or thing that is un- worthy, for the purpose of getting off a bad bargain. Chimleyco (popular), Pimlico. If you're stopping Down in Wapping, Rotten Row, or Chimleyco. Song: There's a lot of fun in London. Chimmel (tinker), a stick. Chimmes (tinker), wood or stick. Vide CHIMMEL. Chimney chops (old slang), a name given to a negro. Chimney-pot (common), a silk hat. An excellent life-preserver may be made in a few seconds in the following manner : Lay a silk handkerchief on the ground and spread it open. Then place on it, brim downwards, a hat of the " chimney-pot sort," and tie the four corners of it together over the crown of it. The article so pre- pared may then be thrown to the drowning person ; or, better still, it may be taken to him by some one that can swim. Ross'i Variety Paper. Chimney - sweep (common), a black draught. Chin (American thieves), a child ; probably an abbreviation of kin- chen. (American), to chin, to chat. He was a worker, and liked nothing better than to get into a circle of young cow-punchers and chin and josh with them. Francis : Saddle and Moccasin. (Gypsy), to cut or write. This suggests the Indian cutting or graving all letters on palm-leaves, &c. (Hindu, chinh, a scar.) Chinamdngri, a letter. Chinas (Stock Exchange), Eastern Extension Telegraph Shares. China Street (thieves). Accord- ing to Vaux, China Street is a cant name for Bow Street, Covent Garden where the celebrated police court is situated. Chinche, chints, a bug. The authors of the Anglo-Indian Glossary say that "this word is now quite obsolete both in India and England." But it has always been familiarly used as it now is in the United States, not as an euphemism, but as 244 Chin-chin Chip. the correct original Spanish word. It is remarkable that " bug " was originally a figura- tive and perhaps polite term for chinchf. Chin-chin (pidgin-English), a term derived from the Mandarin (standard dialect) ts'ing, tt'ing ; Cantonese, ch'ing, ch'ing, equiva- lent to " thank yon," or a polite "adieu" or salutation. In pidgin it is used for worship, prayer, or to make a request. Chin-chopper (popular), a blow under the chin. Chine, choon, chen, (gypsy), the moon. chone Chingarer, chingers (gypsy), sparks. Hindu, chingi, spark. Chinger (gypsy), to tear, split, scold, or quarrel ; through. Chingerben (gypsy), contrary, opposite. Chink (thieves), money. At knock'emsdown and tiddlywink, To be a sharp you must not shrink, But be a brick and sport your chink. The Leary Man. Chinkers (thieves), money. Are men like us to be entrapped and sold, And see no money down, Sir Hurly-Burly? We're vile crossbow-men, and a knight are you, But steel is steel, and flesh is still but flesh, So let us see your chinkers. Taylor: Philip Van. Artevelde. Also handcuffs and shackles united by a chain. Chin-music (English and Ameri- can), talk, conversation. "I am not," he said, "going to orate. You did not come here, I guess, to hear me pay out chin-music." The Golden Butterfly. (Common English), talking, speechifying. But, bless yer, my bloater, it isn't all chin-music, votes and " "Ear, 'ear ! " Or they wouldn't catch me on the ready, or nail me for ninepence. No fear ! Punch. Also chin play. Chinqua soldi (low theatrical), fivepence. From the Italian. Chinse (Winchester College), a chance. Chin-wag (common), officious impertinence (Hotten). Chip (American journalism). Local items in newspapers are called chips, and sometimes the term is applied to the re- porter who collects them. It was once suggested in a news- paper office in Philadelphia that the city reporters should be called " five-six," and the local editor, "seven-eight," in accor- dance with the well - known rhyme : Five, six pick up chips ; Seven, eight lay them straight. (American), to chip, to under- stand. I knew at once that they had got scared, and had trenched up like a bevy of quails ; so I said to Jim, " Now you let me do the talking, when they begin to sing ' Indians 'don't you chif?" Francis: Saddle and Moccasin. Chip in Chit. 245 Chip in (American). Defined by Bartlett as meaning to contri- bute. He gives no etymology for the word. It has also another meaning, i.e., to take shares in and contribute, as if ten men were all to chip in on any undertaking. Supposed to be derived from " chips," the counters which represent money in gambling. As implying con- cealment, in a slangy sense, it probably was something to the gypsy chipper, to hide ; Hindu, chipana. Tan chipdnd, to hide the body, i.e., one's self. Chipper (American), lively. Pos- sibly from " chippernigns," " chip-muk," or " chip-munk," a proverbially lively little squir- rel. (Sicurus striatut, or striped squirrel.) Chippy (common), unwell. He was chippier than ever after a jam- boree of abnormal magnitude. Sporting Times. Chips (popular), money. She admitted for me she might possibly care. Chips, eh ? I'm no mash for a tinker. Bird o' Freedom. Also a nickname for a car- penter. Chiriclo (gypsy), a bird. Romany chirido, "the gypsy bird," t.e., the water-wagtail. It is said that whenever one sees a water- wagtail he will soon after meet with gypsies. Kalo chiricio, a blackbird or crow ; sometimes pronounced chUlico. Chirki, shirk! (gypsy), a star. Chirk i or shirki, a star in Romany, may possibly have something in common with the Persian chirkh, meaning the sky, or chiragh, a lamp. Chirp, to (thieves and roughs), to talk. I firmly resolved to chirp, when I was taken before the magistrate to give evi- dence, as little as possible./. Green- wood: The Little Ragamuffins. Also to inform. Chirper (journalistic), a singer. The gentle damsel informed the votive vocalist that she could not sleep at nights through thinking about burglars, and con- templated purchasing a revolver. " Don't be rash," said the chirper. Fun. Chirpy (American), cheerful, like a lark, in fact. Chirruper (popular), an additional Chisel, to (common), properly to cut close as in a bargain, &c. , to cheat in a small way; for in- stance, to try to sell second-hand or soiled goods for new ones. (Winchester College), to cheat ; a chisel, a cheat. Chit (Anglo-Indian), a letter, note, certificate, or pass. It is remark- able that for nearly a century different writers in India speak of the habit of writing notes on all occasions, as if every person in the country were a Micawber. These incessant chits are an immense trouble, but the ladies seem to like them. Letters from Madras (vide Anglo-Indian Glossary), 246 Chit Choker. (Pidgin-English), same. Empelo posha he name topside galantee chit (the Emperor wrote his name on a grand letter). The Woolly Hen. (Clubs), orders for drinks, &c., given at clubs. Chitterlings (old), the shirt frills formerly fashionable. Chitti (gypsy), nothing, trifling. Chitty (tailors), an assistant cutter or trimmer. Chitty -faced (popular), said of one who has a childish look, like a chit or infant. Chiv (gypsy) to put, place, fix, throw. " Chiv lis adre" " " Put it in." " Chiv lis avri " " Throw it away." " Chivella o chiriclo adr^ lestis tan " " She puts the bird into his cage" (i.e., " tent"). To goad, chase, drive about. In this sense probably from chiv, a sharp-pointed knife or goad. Hence, the English slang word, to " chivy." " Chiv apre"," to put or throw up. (Tinker and Romany), a point- ed knife. In gypsy generally a churi. Beruna, gibel a chiv for the gentry cove. Disraeli: Venetia. Chivalry (old), coition. To do an act of chivalry, to have con- nection with a woman. More modern is to "ride," with the same sense. Old French writers termed this chevaulcher. Chive (thieves), a knife ; from the gypsy to chive, to stab. We had a fight and he put the c hive into me. Horsley : Jottings from Jail. Chive fencer (popular), a street seller of cheap cutlery. Chivy (thieves), the face ; to chivy, to scold. Chlorhin (tinker), to hear. Choakee. See CHOKET. Chocolate gale (nautical), a brisk N.W. wind off the West Indies and Spanish Main (Smyth). Choke-jade (turf), a dip in the course at Newmarket a few hundred yards on the Cambridge side of the running gap in the Ditch. Choke off, to (common), to get rid of. " We are so terribly troubled with beg- gars. . . ." "Don't know how to choke 'em off, my dear? Why, give 'em pudding crust, cake, and dumplings of your own making to be sure." Fun. Choker (prison), a cell Vide CHOKI. There was not a spare potato but what he seized as soon as the dinner tins were put outside the door by the prisoners, and as a rule he was summarily marched off to choker for stealing food intended for Her Majesty's pigs. Choker had no terror for this Chancery barrister he rather liked it. Evening News. Also a garotter. a cravat. (Common), Choker Choops. 247 He looks when walking pretty pet ! With gait still stiffer than his choktr, As if he'd swallowed for a bet, Or by mistake, the kitchen poker. Ally Stoker's Half -Holiday. " White-choker," a white tie. We have what Mugford calls a white- choker dinner to-day. Thackeray: The Adventures of Philip. Also a clergyman. Chokey (popular and thieves), prison. Vide CHOKI. And didn't a bobby claw 'old on me . . . and gits me a week in chokey, cos he said I was a priggin'. H. Evans: The Brighton Beach Loafer. In prisons chokey refers speci- ally to the punishment celL (Anglo-Indian), a chair. Don't throw yourself back in your burra chokey and tell me it won't do. Warren Hastings to G. Vansittart. Also a police station, a custom or toll house. Hence watching or mounting guard is called chokey. Choki, or chokie, the guard-room. The lock-up or prison for mis- conducted or drunken soldiers, which is part and parcel of the guard - house, and under the charge of the barrack guard; generally a dark, gruesome place, with no furniture but the guard bed, the "little soldat" of the French army, a standing wooden erection, fixed, and on a slope, with a raised wooden pillow at one end. It is the father of the plank bed, the only bed for short-term pri- soners in modern prison disci- pline. Choki is Anglo-Hindu- stani, derived from chank, the market - place near the gate in which Orientals, like our mediaevals, lodged their cap- tives. Chokidar ( Anglo-Indian), awatch- man ; sometimes a police atten- dant. Chokka (gypsy), shoe or boot. Hindu, charka. Chokra, chuckoroo (Anglo-In- dian), a boy, a youngster, especi- ally one employed about a house- hold, or a regiment. Chone (gypsy), the moon. Also chen. " Tu shan i chone odre o hev Miri dear! kameli rani, Te waveri foki shan o bav Kun gav'la tut' fon man 'y " " The moon which passes o'er the sky, My darling, seems like thee, And other folk are but the clouds That hide thy face from me." Chonkeys (popular), explained by quotation. Chonkeys are a kind of mince-meat baked in crust. Mayhew : London Labour and the London Poor. Choomer (gypsy), a kiss. Plural, chumya, kisses. " Si miri chumya shan kushti to ha Tu nasti hatch bockalo, dear! aja" 11 If kisses of mine were good to eat, You shouldn't go hungry long, my sweet." Choops (Anglo - Indian), keep silence ; a corruption of c/too- praho. 248 Chootah Chores. Chootah (Anglo-Indian), small, insignificant. Chop (pidgin and Anglo-Indian), properly, a seal, stamp, or im- pression. Used to indicate quality, as in "first chop," i.e. stamped or branded, or marked as the best. Hindu, ch'hdp. It is used on the Eastern seas also for certificate, pass, license, sig- nature. Chop-house, a custom- house. Wang he go to fi'st chop coffin, To be mand'lin an' chin-chin um ! Wang the Snob. Chop, to (turf), to beat. Essex dialect, chop, to flog. From chop or chap, to cut. Another in John Dawson's stable is likely to be very handy here, and that one is Hawthorn, who created such a sensation when she chopped the mighty Salisbury at York the year before last. Sporting Times. (Sport), to outstrip, catch. A certain meet where, after chopping their fox, poor Reynard's carcass was "pinched" by a Brummagem rough. Bird o' Freedom. Chop-chop (pidgin), quick, quickly, make haste, look sharp. Cantonese, kap - kdp ; Man- darin, kip-kip. " In the North- ern dialects kwai-kwai, quick, quick, is more usual" (Bishop Moule). That nightey tim begin chop-chop, One young man walkee, no can stop, Maskee snow, maskee ice, He cally flag wit' chop so nice Top-side galow ! Excelsior. Chopper, chopping blow (boxing), a short, downward blow with the knuckles, delivered from the elbow. One of the most clumsy, ineffective, and most easily par- ried blows that could be re- sorted to. It was nevertheless a favourite with Slack (cham- pion, 1750-60). Chopper on (printers). A man when miserable or "down in the dumps " is said to have a chopper on. Chopping girl (old slang), a very young female who exhibits sexual precocity. One who has la cuissegaie, as the French slang humorously expresses it. Choppy (American), applied to a broken, hillocky county. Chops (popular), the mouth. A " wipe in the chops," a blow on the face ; " down in the chops," sad. Chops is a nickname given by schoolboys to one who has well-developed maxillaries. Chor, char (gypsy), grass. Hindu, chara, fodder. Chore (gypsy), a thief, to steal. " Kai did tute chore adovo ? " "Where did you steal that?" Hindu, chor, a thief. Chores (American), odd jobs. A " choreman " is a handy man, a Jack of all trades. Their carpenter .was dead, and I am a handy man, so I took his place. Then made a few dollars doing chores around. The Golden Butterfly. Choring Chow-chow. 249 Choring (Scottish thieves), steal- ing. From the gypsy. While outside the cells he heard . . . ask "What she was in for?" Maciver replied, " Choring, me and Maggie Devaney." He took that to mean steal- ing. Scottish Newspaper. Choro (gypsy), poor ; also churero and ch&ridir, poorer. " Mandy's a churedo " " I am a poor man." This word is confused with ckoredo, one not of pure gypsy blood, and stolen; e.g., churedo or posh an? posh, half and half, also a poor person. " Oh, mandy shorn choro te kalo ; Oh, mandy shorn kek pensa rye" " Oh, I am poor and black ; Oh, I am not like a gentleman." Gypsy Wooing. Chortle (popular), to howl. Chota-hazry (Anglo-Indian), " little breakfast ; " refreshment taken early in the morning, corresponding to the auroral mint julep or pre-prandial cock- tail of Virginia, An ante-break- fast. The small meal commonly known in India as chota-hdsiri, and in our English colonies as Early Tea. Waring: Tropi- cal Resident. Chouse (schools). It is a regular chouse, signifies it is a great shame. The boy . . . was told that what he had done was an awful chouse. Brinsley Richards : Seven years at Eton. (Common), to chouse, to cheat out of one's share or portion. Supposed to be derived from the Turkish chiaous, an inter- preter, on account of a gross fraud committed by one on Turkish merchants in London. Chout (East End, London), an en- tertainment (Hotten). Chovey (costermongers), a shop. Chovihani, chovihan (gypsy), a witch, a wizard. Hindu, choi- hani. " MM diri bibl ma kamara butidiro tevel chovihani" " My dear aunt, I would like to be- come a witch." Chowdar (Anglo-Chinese), a fool. Chow-chow (pidgin-English), to eat, or food of any kind. This is the chief definition, but the word is also specially applied to a kind of sweet preserve made of many things, and has thence been somewhat incorrectly taken to mean a medley of trifles of any kind. Also chow-chow, " to have a meal. " In the Mandarin dialect chi-fan, showing that the radical of the word means to eat, and not a mixture. " Littee Jack Horna, Makee sit inside corna, Chow-chow he Clismas-pie ; He puttee inside t'um." We ate chow-chow with chopsticks on the celestial restaurants. Mark Twain: Innocents at Home. The word chow-chow is suggestive especially to the Indian reader of a mixture of things good, bad, and indifferent ; of sweet little oranges and bits of bamboo stick, slices of sugar-cane and rinds of unripe fruit, all concocted together . . . into a very tolerable confection. Bombay Quarterly Review, 1858. 250 Chowing Chucked. Chowing or chipping (theatrical), incessant talking, grumbling. Christening (thieves), christening a watch is altering the name of maker and number. Christians (Cambridge Univer- sity), a name given to the members of Christ's College, Cambridge. Chuck (Westminster School), a schoolboy's treat. (Military) , mealy bread. (Nau- tical), hard chuck, sea biscuit. (Popular), explained by quota- tion. A labourer will term a fellow he dislikes "a beggar who eats chuck" chuck being a low-priced part of the carcase. Stan- dard. Also bread and meat. (Common), the chuck, turning out of doors, dismissal. And I shall get the blooming chuck as well as fourteen days. Sporting Times. Chuck, to (popular), to eat. Mo and his man were having a great breakfast one morning. . . . Mo exclaimed to his man, " Chuck rumbo (eat plenty) my lad." Hindley: Life and Adventures of a Cheap Jack. To turn out of doors, used specially in reference to drunken men forcibly ej ected from public- houses. There's one on 'em a-sitting next to me . . . let's chuck him. Sporting Times. To chuck or chuck up, to give tip the game or attempt, from the custom of throwing up the sponge at a prize fight. The rest of us can chuck up work indefi- nitely. Sporting Times. Chuck a fit, to (popular), to pre- tend to have a fit. He suddenly tumbled across Stephens and Pascal's " Words and Music for Chil- dren of all Ages," and he nearly chucked a fit when he saw that No. 9, described as a drinking song, was called "Ginger Beer," and in praise of that fluid ! Sport- ing Times. Chuck and toss (popular), tossing for halfpence. They frequently had halfpence given to them. They played also at chuck and toss with the journeymen, and of course were stripped of every farthing. May- hem: London Labour and the London Poor. Chuck a stall, to (thieves), ex- plained by quotation. I said to my pal, " Chuck me a stall and I'll have that." What did I mean ? Why, keep close to me, and cover what I'm doing. Greenwood: Seven Years Penal Servitude. Chuck churches (old slang), those who dealt simoniacally in the sale of livings were so called. Chucked (prison), acquitted or released. "7, or the chuck for a clock," inscribed on a prison wall, meant that the writer ex- pected seven years' penal servi- tude, if he was not acquitted, on the charge of stealing a watch. Rit from 7 dials ; remanded innocent on two charges of pokes, only out 2 weeks for a drag, expects to be fullied or else chucked. Horsley : Jottings from Jail. Chucked Chull. 251 (Popular), disappointed, thrown out, sold, reproved. Chucked again, chucked again ! Whatever may happen I get all the blame. Wherever I go, it is always the same Jolly well chucked again ! YardUy : Chucked Again. Chucked in, into the bargain. Went to one on 'em yesterday, Charlie ; a regular old up and down lark. The Pallis free gratis, mixed up with a old country fair in a park, And Kosherville gardens chucked in. Punch. Chucked up (prison), discharged from jail. When I was chucked up they took me to an old Jew's in Dudley Street for my clothes. Evening News. Chucker (cricketers), a bowler who throws the ball instead of bowling it. Also one who volunteers to play, and does not keep his promise. (Common), chucker, or chucker out, a waiter or potman whose duty it is to turn drunkards out. Tis midnight the chucker his duty has done ; In the gutter lies Liza she's been in the "sun." Sporting Times. Used figuratively. Lord Grey was about to resume his role of chucker out to the proposed measure of his own party. Punch, (Anglo -Indian), ckucker, a quoit. Chuck in (popular), to challenge ; from the prize-fighting custom of throwing a cap into the ring. Nearly obsolete. Chucking a curly (military), going sick without cause. To "chuck" a fit is a common slang expression for counter- feiting one, and the curly may be traceable to the contortions and convulsions of the supposed sufferer, who is all curled up as he lies writhing on the bed or floor. Chucking a jolly (coster- mongers), ironically praising a greenhorn, or the goods of a comrade. Chucking rocks (American), throwing stones. Chuckle-head (popular), a man with a large head, a dunce. Chuck-me-dos (bird fanciers), a variety of singing-bird, in imita- tion of its notes. Talk about yer Middlesex rubbish, with their toll-loll-loll-kiss-me-dears ; they don't touch yer reg'ler good chuck-me-dos by any number of chalks./. Greenwood: In Strange Company. Chuck the dummy, to (thieves), to feign an epileptic attack or a fit. In prisons the expression applies to one who feigns an epileptic fit in order to be re- moved to the infirmary. Chuff it (popular), be off. Chull (Anglo-Indian), make haste An abbreviation of the Hindo- stanee chutto, go along. 252 Chummage Cincinnati. Chummage, chumming-up (old), a custom amongst prisoners be- fore imprisonment for debt was abolished. When a fresh man was admitted to their number, rough music was made with poker, tongs, sticks, and sauce- pans. For this ovation the ini- tiated prisoner had to pay (Hotten). Chummy (popular), chimney- sweep. Also a low-crowned felt hat. Chump (popular), for chum. Fancy, old chump, Me doing the sawdusty reglar, and foller- ing swells on the stump. Punch. A hard-headed fellow ; the head. " Off his chump," insane. Old gentleman off his chump run?, away. Sims : Social Kaleidoscope. (American), a chump, a fellow, chap. We believe that he is the man to put on the turf with John L. with bare fists, and stop the big chump's noise. New York National Police Gazette. Chump of wood (rhyming slang), no good. Chunk (streets), explained by quotation. Here they gambol about like rabbits, until somebody raises the cry, " Nix ! the chunk " (the slang term for School Board officer). Thor Fredur: Sketches front Shady Places. Chunks (American), large quan- tity. Look here, pard, we've struck it this time ; chunks of it ! New York Star. Church, a term of endearment. " My church" my dear ! (Thieves), to "church a yack," vide CHRISTENING. Churched (common), married. " If it were not for the women, I fear few churches would be wanted." " Of course not, there'd be no one to be churched." Sporting Times. Chu-shung (pidgin), Chinese sheon- chu-shang, "you little beast" or " animal." Often used jestingly in conversation with flower-boat girls. She talkee, ' ' Who men you come dis side ? My pay you flog gum, sheon-chu-shang, you littee beasts san-ne-ko-tow my cuttee off your head ! " The Little Wife. Chuzzle, to (popular), cheat, cir- cumvent. Cig (American), a cigar. Dancing the jig, Every fellow with a cig, And a tig of confounded bad tobacco. Broadside. Cinch (American), to subdue, get the better of, extort, impose upon. My father is wealthy, and I think I can cinch him for five hundred dollars. Denver Republican. (Thieves), to put the screw on any one. Cincinnati olives (American), pigs, because a large quantity of olive oil is manufactured out of Cincinnati lard. Cinder Claret-jug. 253 Cinder (common), a dram of spirits mixed with seltzer or soda water. (Sporting), the cinder, the running path. At Lords' wickets, or Lilley Bridge cinder. Funny Folks. Cinder grabber (popular), a ser- vant maid. Circumbendibus (common), in a roundabout way. A long yarn. Circus cuss (thieves), circus rider. City college (thieves), Newgate prison. Civil rig (beggars), a trick of beggars to obtain alms by over civility. Civvies (army), a suit of civvies, i.e., civilian's clothes. Clack (popular), the tongue, speech ; to clack, to talk idly, to chatter. Clack box (common), a garrulous person. Clacker (popular), talk, chatter, also pudding or pie crust. I hope we've got plenty of docker for Christmas if we haven't got anything else. Rare Bits. Clack-loft (popular), a pulpit. Cladder (old), a male flirt. Claggum (popular), boiled treacle hardened. From "clog." Claim (Australian and American), a miner's allotment. The hill is systematically honey-combed with claims old and new. L. Work: A ustralian Printers' Keepsake, (Thieves), to claim, to steal Clam butcher (American), a man who opens clams. Clank (thieves and tramps), a tankard. Tip me the clank, like a timber-mort as you are. Disraeli: Venetia. danker (old cant), silver plate. Clapper (popular), the tongue ; more especially that of a loqua- cious person. Clapper-dudgeon (old cant), a beggar born. Claras (Stock Exchange), Cale- donian Railway stock. For we have our Sarahs and Claras, Our Noras and Doras for fays. A tkin : House Scraps. Claret (pugilistic), a term which has become general for blood. If you spill One drop of his claret that's not in your bill, I'll hang you. By jingo ! I will. Ingoldsby Legends. To tap the claret, to draw blood. Claret-jug (pugilistic), now com- mon for the nose. What, oh what's the meaning of that chappie's blackened eyes ? On his claret-jug, I ask you, what's that variegated rise ? Bird o' Freedom. 254 Classy Cleymans. Classy, clashy (Anglo-Indian), a common sort of person, a tent- pitcher, a chain-bearer. Claw (prison), a lash of the cat-o'- nine tails. Oh 1 cuss that old Kerr, who condemned me to twenty-five claws with the cat. Greenwood: A Night in a Work- house. Claw-hammer (common), dress coat. In French slang, queue de pie, or sifflet. The black claw-hammer coat was gene- rally worn. Standard. Claws for breakfast (prison), a humorous expression for the infliction of the cat, which usually takes place in the morning. ... A ruffian being uncertain as to the morning when he is to have, as he himself would say, claws for breakfast, is in the habit of lying night after night in a sweat of terror. Greenwood: In Strange Com- pany. Clean (thieves), expert, smart. In French, un sddat propre is a smart soldier. Clean out, to (common), to take or win all one has ; to ruin. Ah 1 ... he has cleaned me out, but I can go and earn some more when I like. Dickens : Oliver Twist. Clean skin (Australian), the term for unbranded and wild-bred cattle which have escaped to the scrubs. In such a country it was perfectly hope- less to dream of getting any of the clean skins home to the yards. Finch Hatton : Advance Australia. Clean straw (Winchester College), clean sheets. Formerly the beds had a straw mattress, hence the expression. Clean the slate, to (popular), to pay off all debts. And everything comes right some day. Though " thirty-five per cent." is hot, 'Tis cheap when pa pays all the shot! Let hatter, tailor, fellahs wait, A wife with cash will clean the slate. ' Ballad: Tra la la. Clear (thieves), drunk. Clear crystal (popular), spirits generally, but more correctly probably gin or whisky only. Cleave (old slang), one that will cleave is said of wanton and forward women, such as would throw themselves at a man with- out waiting for favour. to be asked of them. Clerked (old), imposed upon. Clerk's blood (old), red ink. A common expression of Charles Lamb's. Clever - shins fellow. (schools), a sly Cleymans (old cant), artificial sores made by beggars to im- pose upon people. Click Clobber. 255 Click (popular), a blow ; to click, to snatch. Clicks in the gob, blows on the mouth. . . . What with clouts on the nob, Home hits in the bread basket, clicks in the gob. Moore : Tom Crib's Memorial. Clicker (printing), a person in a printing-office who is at the head of a certain number of compositors for a particular division of work or otherwise. It is also used in the shoemak- ing trade. (Trade), a female touter at a bonnet-shop, or the servant of a salesman who stands at the door. (Popular), a knock- down blow. Clift, to (thieves), to steal. Clinch (popular and thieves), to get the clinch, to be imprisoned. Clincher (general), a settler. Clink (military), another term for guard-house, derived evidently from the Clink, one of the ancient London prisons, that of West- minster. Sir Walter Scott, in "Peveril of the Peak," makes Jem Clink one of the warders in Newgate. (Thieves), plate. He wouldn't have been hobbled but the melting-pot receiver proved his selling the clink to him. G. Parker: Variegated Characters. Clinker (Qommon), any thing or person that is first-rate, equiva- lent to a "stunner." The yellow-haired girl at the bar. A clinker, ain't she ? gave me these (cigars), and they are 'orrid bad. Ward or Wife. (Thieves), a chain. Clinkerum (old), the gaol. From the old prison called the "Clink." Clink-rig (thieves), stealing tan- kards from public-houses. Clipper (general), something very good, very fast, above the aver- age. Derived from the swift- sailing ships called opium and tea clippert. There must be a new horse bought, not a knacker's sort of horse, mind yer, but a regler differ; a chestnut; goes like steam, Sam ses it do." J. Greenwood: The Little Ragamuffins. Clipping (general), excellent. A "clipping ball," a "clipping good chap." Vide CLIPPER. Clishpen (tinker), letting lull. to break by Clisp (tinker), to fall; let fall. Cloak-twitchers (old cant), thieves who robbed passers-by of their cloaks. The old French tire- laine. Clobber (popular and thieves), clothes. A corruption of that word, with a change of syllable. If you are hard up always tell the dear things that you are a gentleman's valet. This will account for your good clobber. Sporting Times. Next morning I got up about seven, and went home to change my clobber, and put 2 5 6 Clobbered up Clothes-pin. on the old clobber to work with the kipsy. Horsley : Jottings from Jail, Clobbered up (popular and vul- gar), dressed up. " D'you know, if you were clobbered up I shouldn't mind taking you out?" She promised to be presentable. In her own words, she said, " I'll come clobbered -up like a dukess." Fun. (Theatrical), patched up ; shabby-genteel get up. Clock (English and American), a watch. When you have the clock safe in your hand, break the little ring that holds it to the chain, using both hands to do it, and then drop the sucker (victim) into his chair (seat)again, and say, "Wait here till I bring you a cab." Philadelphia Press. Clock - calm (nautical), perfect calm. Clod - crushers (American), an epithet used by Americans to describe the large feet which they believe to be the charac- teristics of Englishwomen as compared with those of their own country, an opinion ^shared by other foreign critics as well ; but in reality the question is one that rests wholly on the art of the shoemaker, and it is a fact that English ladies of fashion (who . generally show greater regard for the appear- ance of their nether extremity, from the garter downward, than their more humble and plain sisters usually do) can favour- ably compare, in that respect at least, with any of the dainty, neat-ankled, light-tripping ones of New York or Paris. At any rate they take more wholesome exercise in the fresh air, and if they fail to satisfy to the same extent the eye of the artist or the voluptuary, they are able to walk greater distances without groaning at every step, and decidedly have the advantage at " crushing clods." (Common), large feet. Cloister-roush (Winchester Col- lege). Formerly in cloister- time two halves of the school used to rush from the ends of the school at each other. To run "cloisters": when a man in junior part is put into senior part without passing through the middle one he is said to "run cloisters." Clothes, coloured (army), plain clothes as distinguished from uniform. More particularly in the infantry, and the expression " coloured " is probably ironical, plain clothes, or mufti, being as a rule less strongly coloured than the crimson livery of the Queen. The expression has official sanction, however, and is often used at courts-martial, when a prisoner is charged with having " absented himself with- out leave, until apprehended in ' coloured clothes,' " &c. &c. out of uniform, that is to say. Clothes-pin (American), that's the sort of clothes-pin I am, i.e., that's the sort of man I am. Cloth-market Cly. 257 Cloth-market (old), a term for a bed, quaint but not slang. Miss, your slave ; I hope your early ris- ing will do you no harm : I find you are but just come out of the cloth-market. Swift: Polite Conversation. An old French corresponding term is halle aux draps. Cloud -cleaner (nautical), an ima- ginary sail carried by a Yankee bottom. Clout (common), a blow. A " dout in the chops," a blow on the face. (Thieves), a pocket- handkerchief. Clouting (thieves), stealing hand- kerchiefs. Clow (Winchester College), a box on the ears ; to dow, to box one's ears. Glower (old cant), possibly allied to the Gaelic cliah, a basket ; termed "kipsy" by English thieves. Cloyer (old cant), one who at- tempted to share in the profits of a robbery or a swindle in which he bore no part. Then there's a cloyer or snap, that dogs any new brother in the trade, and snaps ; and will have half in any booty. Roaring Girl: Sixteenth Century. Club, to (military), to get a party of men or troops into a confused mass through a blunder when manoeuvring. Cly (thieves), pocket. To his dies my hooks I throw in, and collar his dragons clear away. W. Maginn : Vidocq's Slang Song. Old cant, dye, to take, to seize, from old English deyes, claws. Cly is provincial for money. To take, steal, money, pocket seem to be interchangeable terms in various slang languages. Cly in old cant had also the signification of sack, basket, possibly from Gaelic diak, basket. Clye, cly, to (old cant), to take, to seize. Gerry gan, the ruffian dye thee. T. Harntan: Caveat. To dy off, to carry away. Here safe in our skipper let's cly off our peck, And bowse in defiance o' th" Harman-beck. Brootne : Jovial Crew. Also dy, to steal Cly-faker (thieves), a pickpocket. They were gentlemen sharpers, and not vulgar cracksmen and cly-faktrs. Lytton : Pelham. This may be from dy, a pocket, as suggested, but it is worth noting that in Dutch thieves' slang, Ueifolcker is a thief who wanders about, derived from fokker, one who goes about, and kleif, silver. Vide CLY. Cly-faking (thieves), picking pockets. Vide FAKE. "What is cly-fakingl" . . . "Why, a prigging of wipes, and sneeze-boxes, and ridicules, and such." ff, Kingsley: Ra- venshoe. Cly the jerk, to (old cant), to stand in the pillory. R 258 Coach Cob. Coach (university and public school), the private tutor by whose aid a student is " driven " through his examination at the university. It is now no longer peculiar to the university. He was a student at Christ Church and a Fellow of Merton, and in early life was a very successful coach at Oxford. The World. A tutor not connected with a college is sometimes termed a "rural coach." (General and sport), to coach, to instruct, to "drive, "to prepare a man for an examination ; a word which has now almost at- tained to a recognised place in the language. I coaclied him before he got his scholar- ship ; he ought to have taken honours before Easter, but he was ill. G. Eliot : Deronda. Also to instruct in physical acquirements, such as boating, &c. He had already been down several times in pair-oar and four-oar boats, with an old oar to pull stroke, and another to steer and coach the young idea. T. Hughes : Tom Brown at Oxford. Coaching (common), instructing. An almost recognised word. There is no sport which is healthier" . . . than rowing under proper coaching and supervision. Standard. (Rugby), a flogging. Coach -wheel (popular and thieves), a crown piece ; French slang roue de dermere. Coal, cole (common), money ; "post the cole," put down the money. Coaling (theatrical), a coaling part, a part which is popular with the audience one which elicits great applause; coaling lines, telling speeches. It was customary some years ago, when a young actor achieved a success in a part of this character, for some ancient idiot to put a piece of coal in the youngster's dressing-place. One fails to see the fun of this. Hotten says coaling, profitable, very good, is derived from coal, money. Coals (common), to "pull over the coals,'" to scold. (Nautical), to "take one's coals in," to catch a venereal disease. Coal-scuttle (American), a nick- name for the peculiar bonnet worn by Quakeresses, which was exactly the shape of an old- fashioned coal-scuttle. Some years ago coal-scuttle bonnets were worn in England. Vide Leech's sketches. There was Miss Snevellici . . . glancing from the depths of her coal-scuttle bonnet at Nicholas. Dickens : Nicholas Nickleby. Cob (popular), a piece of bread baked in a round form for dinner. (English prisons), a dark pun- ishment cell. Cob, to (schoolboys), to catch or detect. Cob is probably a cor- ruption of the cant word " cop," from the gypsy kap. (Popular), to deceive, humbug. Cobble-colter Cockatoo. 259 Cobble-colter (tramps and gyp- sies), a turkey. Come, old mort, tout the cobble-colter. ... And Beruna, flick the panam. Disraeli: Venetia, Cobbled (schoolboys), caught or detected. Cobbled is a variation of ' ' cobbed." Vide To COB. Cobbler (Australian shearers' slang), the last sheep. This term is very widely spread in Victoria. It is a pun of the shearers. The cobbler is the man with the last, and therefore they call the last sheep the cobbler. Cochineal dye (pugilistic), blood. He would kindly inquire of one gentle- man, "What d'ye ask for a pint of your cochineal dye ? " C. Bede : Verdant Green. Cock (racing), " a code horse," properly a child's rocking-horse, is a horse kept in the betting quotations to deceive public backers, though known to the private layers against him that he has no chance of winning. (Tailors), a good cock, one who thoroughly understands how a garment should be made. A poor cock, the reverse. (Thieves), an abbreviation of " cockney." (Pugilistic), a man knocked out of time ; used in the phrase "knocked him a cock" From the expression "to knock into a cocked hat." (Printers), vide JEFF and THROW. When throwing or j effing, should one or more of the nine quadrats not fall flat, but lodge crosswise on another, it is termed a cock, and the thrower is allowed another turn or chance. (Popular), to code, to smoke (Hotten). Cock a ball, to (cricketers), to throw a ball under-handed. Cock-a-brass (old cant), a con- federate of card-sharpers who remains outside the public- house where they are operating. When they have left, cock-a-brass protects their retreat by mis- leading statements to the victim on the direction taken by them. Cock-a-hoop (common), in high spirits ; alluding to a victorious cock crowing. This is borne out by the French, "se dresser sur ses ergots," to be elated or to look proud and defiant. Cock and hen club (common), a free and easy gathering where persons of both sexes are ad- mitted. One composed exclu- sively of males is a " stag party," whereas a gathering of females who do congregate for the pur- pose of drinking tea and gossip- ing is termed a " cat party." Cock and pinch. The old beaver hat cocked back and front, and pinched at the sides. Cockatoo (Australian up-country). Also cockatoo farmer or settler, a small settler. Sometimes termed cocky. So called to compare them with the common sulphur-crested white cockatoos, which come down on the newly sown cornfields in myriads. 26O Cockatoo Cocks, The cockatoo settlers or free selectors fight desperately for the privilege of pick- ing out any piece of land they may fancy. Grant: Busk Life in Queensland. A cockatoo fence is one on a cockatoo's farm. The trees themselves, . . . woven with their branches into the stout cockatoo fence. Blackivood's Magazine: C. T., Impressions of A ustralia. Cocked hat (common), "knocked into a cocked hat," completely beaten, smashed, out of shape. Cocked his toes (thieves), dead. Cocked it (tailors), examined it, saw it, spoke of it. Cocker (low), my cocker, my good fellow. "I'm on, my cocker," I sez. "Giv* us your 'and on it, my pippin, and arf a quid on account." H. Evans: The Brighton Beach Loafer, Cock-eye (popular), one who squints. Cockles (popular), more a vulgar- ism than slang. Literally the wrinkles. In Bermondsey not long ago there lived a little dame ; She was the cockles of my heart, and Nancy was her name. Nancy Fancied a Soldier. Cockneyshire (tailors), London. Cock-quean, a female cuckold, or a wife whose husband goes with other women. A beggar or cheat (Wright). Queene June, not a little wroth against her husband's crime, By whome she was a cock-quean made. Warner: Albion s England. Cockroaches (old slang), to get cockroaches, a phrase used at one time to describe the prac- tice of secret vices. Cockrobin shop (printers), a small printing-office where common work is done, and where labour is badly paid for, is usually de- scribed as such. From the fact that some cheap printers were noted for the issue of fly-leaves, on which were printed stories, such as the "Death of Cock Robin." Cocks (common publishing slang). According to Hotten, " fictitious narratives in verse or prose of murders, terrible accidents, &c." They are the topical legends of the street. The suggestion that the term is derived from a " cooked " statement is very far- fetched ; that it came from a " cock and bull story " is at least ingenious. It is possible, though not proved, that, as these nar- ratives were originally chiefly sung in a dull chant, the pro- verbially wearisome and mono- tonous songster, the cuckoo, gave the original name to these cocfc-minstrels and their wares. The Dutch say of such a voca- list, " Hy zingt den Koekeeks zang," he sings the cuckoo's song "he harps always upon the same string." (Pugilistic), blows. Cock-sure Coddom. 261 Cock-sure (popular), certain, con- fident. Probably an abbrevia- tion of " cocky-sure," i.e., confi- dent, as a "cocky" fellow. It has been suggested that the origin ought to be sought in the old practice of cock-throwing. Shakespeare uses the expression in the sense of "sure as the cock of a fire-lock." We steal as in a castle, cock-sure. . . . We walk invisible. Henry IV, Cock-up (printers), a term for superior letters or figures, such as used for abbreviations, i.e. "M r -"or "AY'&c. Cocky (common), saucy. Cocky. Vide COCKATOO. Cocoa-nut (common), the head. French slang, le coco. Cocura (common London slang, also Yiddish). In Hebrew chochum, chochem, or cochcm, crafty, learned, wise, or a wise man. According to Hotten the English slang term means shrewdness, ability, luck. "Jack's got cocum," he's safe to get on. Among themselves German thieves call one another by this name. Mr. Hotten does not recognise any Hebrew origin for the word, and suggests that it is "allied to the Scottish "keek and German guckcn, to peep or pry into." In Yiddish cochemer or cochcm, pronounced almost like cocum, means wisdom ; cochum- wirth, a thieves' landlord ; each- mat Schlaumauch, the wisdom of Solomon. " Wie grau seinen deine werk, got, ale hastu gemacht mit chochmah, die welt is vul deine akuftc, du hast sei beschafen." Polish-German Yiddish Translation of the I04/A Psalm, cited by Grilnoautn. (Theatrical^, wariness, to "fight cocum," to be cautious. (Booksellers), a sliding scale of profit in the book trade in cases where the books &re not marked, according to your customer. Cod (popular), a fool; to corf, to chaff, hoax. An idiom im- ported from the sister isle. She threw a plaice right in my face, And told me to depart. I thought that she was codding me, And told her I should stop. She lifted up her lovely foot, And kicked me out of the shop. Barrett: Old Jones's Gal. (Thieves), a purse. Gaelic cod, a bag. (Tailors), a drunkard ; on the cod, drinking and neglecting work. From coddle, a pro- vincialism for to indulge. Codd (Charterhouse), probably from codger, an old pensioner. Yonder sit some threescore old gentle- men, pensioners of the hospital, . . . the Cistercian lads called these old gentlemen codds. Thackeray: The Newcomes. Codding (Irish schoolboys), non- sense, humbug, chaff. Coddom (popular), explained by quotation. The convicts take advantage of that to the extent sometimes of playing a gam- 262 Coddom Cold. bling game called coddom. It is simple enough. They play three or four a side, the implement being a button or a peculiar- shaped small piece of stone, "guess whose hand it is in " being the principle. / Greenwood: Seven Years' Penal Servitude. Hotten gives "coddam, a public-house game, much affec- ted by medical students and cabmen." Cbdging job (tailors), a garment to repair. Cod -lasher (theatrical), a kind of suspender used by tight-rope dancers, acrobats, pantomimists, &c., to protect the crutch. From cods, which see. Cods (common), the testicles. Cod properly is a pad and bag for the testicles. Gaelic cod, a bag. Cofe (old cant), fellow. What, stowe your bene, cofe. T. Har- ntan: Caveat. Coffee-mill (common). The mouth is so termed, but the phrase is rarely heard now, having given place to others. (American), explained by quotation. One of the old-pattern Colts, with the barrels revolving ; the ancient coffee-mill or "pepper-box." H. L. Williams: Buffalo Bill. French slang has moulin d, cafe for a mitrailleuse. Coffee-shop (popular), the W.C. Also a coffin. Coffin-ships (nautical), any leaky cranky unseaworthy vessels. Cog(old cant), a tooth. (Sharpers), to cog, to cheat at dice. (Schools), to cheat at examinations by using cribs or other sources of information. A perfectly recog- nised word in the sense of de- ceive, cheat generally ; hence cogs, loaded dice. Coge, or coag it, to (American), according to Bartlett, refers to the habitual and excessive use of ardent spirits. Cogue, to drink drams (Wright). From provin- cial English cogue, a dram. Coguing the nose (nautical), making comfortable over hot negus or grog. From provin- cial English cogue, a dram. Coker. Vide CLANKEE. Cold blood, a house licensed for the sale of beer " not to be drunk on the premises " (Hot- ten). Cold coffee (common), misfortune. (Oxford), a trumpery affair. Cold comfort (traders), said of articles sent out on approval and returned. Cold cook (popular), an under- taker (Hotten). Cold deck (American), a prepared pack of cards, played on a green board. Cold meat (popular), a corpse. Cold Collaring. 263 Cold meat box (popular), a coffin. Cold pig (popular), a dash of cold water to waken an indolent servant or lazy person in the morning. He never threw cold water over her when she was in bed. Mr. Justice re- marked that no doubt many of them knew what cold pig was. Daily News. (Thieves), a person who has been robbed of his clothing. A corpse. (Commercial), returned goods. Cold shake (American), a cold period of weather, also used sometimes in reference to fever and ague. As a figure of speech it is applied to cold and reserved conduct. " It gives me the cold shakes just to look at her she's so frozen up an' digner- fied." Cold tea (common), brandy. In use also during the last century. The Spectator, Tatler, and Guar- dian often allude to a " keg " of cold tea. Cold thing (American cadet), to have a cold thing, to have a cer- tainty, to be entirely confident of anything. Cold water army (common), a facetious name given to the fraternity of teetotallers. An old stager was compelled by his worthy spouse to join the cold water army, which he did, promising not to touch a drop of anything except in sick- ness. He has never been well since. Diprose : Modern. Joe Miller. Cold without (common), spirits with cold water and without sugar. I laugh at fame. Fame, sir ! not worth a glass of cold -without. Lytton: My Novel. Cole (popular), money. Vide COAL. Moreover, the whole of the said cash or cole Shall be spent for the good of the old woman's soule. Ingoldsby Legends. Colfabis, a Latinized Irish phrase, signifying the closet of decency, applied as a slang term to a place of resort in Trinity College, Dublin. Colinderies (society), modern term for the Colonial Exhibition, used as an abbreviation. Colla, cullo (gypsy), a thing, things. " Chiv yer cuttos adre the wardo" " Pitch your things into the waggon 1 " Collar (common), "out of cottar," out of cash, not in training ; a phrase borrowed from the stable. Also out of work. A decent allowance made to seedy swells, head robbers, and flunkeys out of collar. (Slang advertisement.) To cottar, to seize, to steaL (Thieves), " to cottar his dra- gons," to steal his sovereigns. Collar day (old), hanging day. Collaring the big bird (theatri- cal), getting hissed. An allu- 264 Collar Colours. sion to a goose's mode of ex- pressing angry dissatisfaction. Collar work (common), hard work ; an uphill journey. And when Lucca was reached there were still fourteen miles, nearly all collar work, between that and the baths. Trol- lope: What I Remember. Collector (old cant), a street robber. Colleger (University and schools), the square cap worn by univer- sity men, or by boys at public and other schools. Colley (theatrical). Actors and others connected with the stage speak of the columbine as colley. Colly -wobbles (popular), rumb- lings in the intestines ; the belly-ache. A probable origin is colic-wobbles, the latter word from to wobble, i.e., to shake from side to side. But it should be noted that colly is a provin- cialism for anything irregular, uneven, wrong. Colo (pidgin), cold. Hab lib in colo land, Hab stop where we belong, What tim much solly in-i-sy (inside, in her heart), She makee dis sing song. The Princess in Tartary. Colonial (Australian and Ameri- can), unsettled, because in the early days of the colonies men dressed and behaved unconven- tionally, and life and property were by no means so secure as they are now. Also rude, rough, ungainly, awkward, used in this sense more in England than in Australia. An Englishman will say very or thoroughly colonial in a contemptuous way. Colours (prize ring), the hand- kerchiefs, displaying some de- finite colour or pattern, chosen by prize-fighters as their dis- tinguishing badges on the day of a contest. The third "rule of the ring," as revised by the Pugilistic Association, lays down : " That every man shall be provided with a handker- chief of a colour suitable to his own fancy, and that the seconds proceed to entwine these hand- kerchiefs at the upper end of one of the centre stakes of the ring ; that these handkerchiefs shall be called the colours, and that the winner of the battle at its conclusion shall be entitled to their possession as the trophy of victory." There was, among the greater favourites, the "bird-eye" wipe, the wipe or handkerchief of any colour with spots, but generally with white ground and blue spots; the "blood-red fancy," all red ; the "yellow man," all yellow ; the " yellow fancy," yellow with white spots ; the "cream fancy," with coloured pattern on a white ground ; the "blue Billy," with a white pattern on a blue ground ; and Colours Come. 26$ many more. Among the colours specially associated with the names of pugilists are the "Belcher" (Jem, the champion), dark blue ground with a spot in the middle of darker hue, and large white spots ; the "Randal's man," green, with white spots ; " King's man," green, with yellow pattern, (Australian miners), originally the gold visible after washing, either good or poor colour, as the case may be, but the ex- pression is generally used that there is just enough to show the presence of gold. Colquarron (old cant), a person's neck. From cole, Anglo-Nor- man for neck, and quarron, cant for body. Vide QUAB- BON. Colt, a juryman at his de"but ; properly a person without ex- perience. (Cricketers), a young inexperienced player, a pro- fessional at his first season. (Thieves), a young thief. (Popular), to colt, to make one pay for his footing. Hotten gives the definition "to make a person free of a place, which is done by his standing treat, and submitting to be struck on the sole of the foot with a piece of board." This is a relic of the old London 'prentice days, when it was an exaction of money, usually spent in ale, termed colt ale, paid by an apprentice at the commencement and expiration of his apprenticeship. Celt- man (American), a man who keeps horses specially for burglars. Columbine (theatrical), a prosti- tute. Columbus (theatrical). One would have thought that this illus- trious navigator would naturally be associated with some new and successful discovery, never- theless a "regular Columbia" is synonymous with hopeless "frost," or utter failure. Comb-brush (old), a lady's maid. The maid who at present attended on Sophia was recommended by Lady Bellas- ton, with whom she had lived for some time in the capacity of a comb-brush. Fielding: Tomjonet. Comb-cut (common), mortified, like a cock disgraced by the deprivation of his comb. Comb down, to (Australian), to ill-treat, thrash. Like the French "dormer une peigne"e. " . . . Narrating how he had copped the old on the hop and combed him down to rights. A. C. Grant. Combing the cat (nautical), the boatswain, or other operator, running his fingers through the cat-o' -nine-tails to separate them (Smyth). Comb the hair, to (common), to scold ; French " laver la tSte." The process called combing his hair for him is said not to be uncommon in married circles. Globe. Come down to (common), to pay. 266 Come Common. Do you keep the gentleman in dis- course while I speak to the prisoner and see how he can come down, Johnston: ChrystaL Come it over, to (popular), to deceive by wheedling, to rule by assumption of superiority or otherwise. Don't try to come it over me like your sister conies it over you. Greenwood: Almost Lost. Come it, to (thieves), to inform ; also to be quiet. He heard one of the others say in reply, " Come it" meaning to tell to be quiet. Daily Telegraph. (Pugilistic), to show fear. Come on (turf), said of a horse that has improved, is in good form. He was at one time last year a few pounds in front of , and if he has come on, that form would give him a consider- able charm. Bird o Freedom. Come souse, to (pugilistic), to fall. As it was, Master Georgy came souse with the whack, And there sprawled, like a turtle turned queer on its back. Tom C riot's Memorial to Congress. Come this-side (pidgin-English), arrived here. "Just now hab got two piecee joss-house man come this-side." Come, to (popular), to practise, to understand. We ain't two by ourselves as comes that dodge. Greenwood: Tag, Rag, & Co. (Prostitutes), refers to ejacu- lation. Comical (popular), a napkin. Coming it at the broads (card- sharpers), explained by quota- tion. People whose education has been ne- glected might possibly have failed to understand that coming it at the broads or at the box meant in common parlance playing cards or dice. The Bat. Coming it strong (popular), carry- ing things to an unreasonable degree; exaggerating. He here shook his head right little he said, But he thought she was coming it rather too strong. Ingoldsby Legends. Coming the old soldier (popular), to trick one by false represen- tations, such as are made by a rogue who pretends to be an old soldier. Permit me, if you and your two friends think of coming- what is vulgarly called the old soldier over me, to make you under- stand that you had better abandon the intention. /. Greenwood: Dick Temple. Commission (old cant), a shirt ; Italian, camicia. In more mo- dern slang a " mish." Clean linen yields a shirt before we rise, Which is a garment shifting in condition ; And in the canting tongue is a commission. Taylors Works. Commister. Vide CAMISTEB. Common bounce (prison), one who makes accusations of unnatural crime, employing lads as decoys. To do most professional thieves justice, they never speak of these unique wretches Common Compradore. 267 except in terms the most contemptible. Michael Davitt : Leaves front a Prison Diary. Common doings (Americanism), plain, wholesome fare, as distin- guished from dainties. Commoner (old cant), a novice ; greenhorn. Commoner grub (Winchester Col- lege), a dinner given by college to commoners when cricket matches are over. Commonise, to (Oxford Univer- sity). Two or more are said to commonise when they have their meals together. Commonising means strictly that each should bring his "commons." Common jack (army), low prosti- tutes are thus termed by the military in Woolwich, and pro- bably in other garrison towns. Common plugs (American), the common rut of mankind the oi TroXXoJ sometimes the great unwashed, but more commonly very ordinary people indeed, neither the big-wigs nor the dregs of society. Many will meet us in the depths of the forest and go away thinking that we are just common plugs, of whom the world wots not ; but there is where they fool themselves. New York Mercury. Communicator. Agitate the com- municator, ring the belL Communion bloke (prison), a religious hypocrite. He was a communion bloke. This was the pious gentleman. Evening News. Comp. (printers). Vide GALLEY- SLAVES. Generally applied to compositors as an abbreviation, but originally the short term for companion used both by pressmen, who work in pairs, and by compositors who work in companionships ; nowadays accepted as the abridgment of compositor only. Comped (printers), set up or com- posed matter ; abbreviation of word composed. Competition wallah (Anglo-In- dian), members of the Civil Service who have entered it by the competitive system. The competition wallah . . . dins per- petually in our ears the greatness of India. Saturday Review. Compo. (printers), abbreviation for the composition of which printing rollers are made principally of treacle and glue. (Nautical), a sailor's monthly wages. Compradore (pidgin), from the Portuguese comp-ador, a pur- chaser. Formerly used in India, where it originated, now in general use only in Chinese- English. The comprador of the present day is a steward or but- ler, who manages all the house- hold affairs, supplying by con- tract, not only furniture and provisions, but even servants. 268 Compresado Conscience. An' Massa Coe feel velly sore, An' go an' scold he conipladore ; An 1 compladore all hollor shook, Lun dunny stairs an' bang he cook. Mary Coe. Compresado (gypsies), an in- former. Con (Winchester), from Kov5v\ov, a knuckle a blow on the head given by the knuckles or any hard substance. Concaves and convexes (card- sharpers), cards cut in a parti- ticular way, and thus contrived for cheating. Conchers (up-country Australian), tame or quiet cattle. Condog (popular), to agree with. A variation from concur. Confab (society), conversation, generally of a private nature. Confederate (Texas), " you're mighty confederate," a phrase used by a Texan when he wishes to express the strongest possible approval of some sentiment or thing. Confidence dodge or buck (com- mon), explained by extract from Daily Telegraph : "... Swindled him out of his watch and chain by means of that ten thousand times repeated rogue's device, the confidence trick. It was the old game pure and simple the threadbare hocus-pocus of inviting the victim, a per- fect stranger, to ' come and have a drink,' and while the friendly glass is being discussed in comes another man, who joins in the conversation, and, in a casual way, mentions that he has just inherited several thousand pounds, and that, as a thank-offering, he should like to give away, by deputy, a few hundreds to the deserving poor, and is ready to hand over the largess there and then to any person who can show to his satisfaction that he is of an unsuspicious disposition ; the same to be proved by his en- trusting the money and jewellery he may happen to have about him to his, the benevolent lega- tee's, keeping, while the latter goes away for half-an-hour or so with the same." Congee, conjee (Anglo- Indian), rice water ; from the Tamil Jcanshi, "boilings." Conk (common), nose. His " dexter ogle " has a " mouse ; " His conk's devoid of bark. Atkin : House Scraps. " Conky " is a nickname given by schoolboys to one with a pro- minent nose. The great Duke was called " Old Conky." Conscience (theatrical), a kind of association in a small company for the allotment of shares in the profits, &c. The man who is lucky enough to have a con- cern of his own, generally a very small affair, however badly Conscience Conveyer. 269 he may act, must be the leading man or first low comedian, per- haps both. He becomes the manager, of course, and thus has one share for "fit-up," one for scenery, one and a half for management, one for wardrobe, one and a half as leading man ; and the same is given to the wife, who, of course, will not play anything but the juvenile lead, but who at any other time would be glad to play first old woman. Thus the manager takes nearly all the proceeds. Consonant choker (society), one who cannot pronounce his R's and his G's. Consoo (pidgin), consul. My makee first-chop pidgin long-side dat consoo man, dat man no lawts (lazy), he blongy plenty smart inside. News- paper. Constable (common), to outrun or overrun the constable, to get into debt. Harkee, my girl, how far have you overrun the constable ? I told him that the debt amounted to eleven pounds. Smollett : Roderick Random. Constician (theatrical), an or- chestral musician. Consumah, khansama (Anglo- Indian). Persian, kliansaman, house-steward, or provider, or butler. " I have taught my khansama to make very light iced punch." Jacqucmont : Letters. Contango (Stock Exchange), cor- ruption of continuation, a re- newal of a bargain, a specula- tive sale or purchase. The premium paid by a buyer of stock to the seller, when upon selling day he wishes the bar- gain to remain open. B stands for broker, for bull and for bear, C's the contango that's paid by the bull. A tkin : House Scraps. Continent (Winchester College), to be continent, is to be on the sick-list. Continent work, work done while on the sick-list. Continental damn (American), a term applied at a very early time in the Republic to any- thing utterly worthless, and supposed to have originated in some allusion to the Continental currency or American assignats. Not to care a continental, not to care a damn. Continuations (common), trousers or breeches. Convenient (old cant), a mistress. Convey, to (thieves), to steal. But as I am crack, I will convey, cross- bite, and cheat upon Simplicius. Mar- ston. Conveyancer (thieves), a thief, a pickpocket. Conveyancing (common), steal- ing ; picking pockets. The green youth who attempted to decamp with "s watch . . . was pro- perly punished for his verdancy in the art of conveyancing. Modern Society. Conveyer (old), a thief. The ex- pression is used by Shakspeare 270 Cooked Cooper. in King Richard II. The French argot has the correspondent emporteur, with a like significa- tion. Cooked (society), done, defeated, finished up, exhausted. Cook his goose, to (common), to kill, ruin a person. Thus abstinence, which cooks the goose, At length Sal's life has doffed. A Song: Drunken Sally. Also to worst one. Billy's too big in the Westphalia's gig- lamps, you're the boy to cook Fosbrooke's goose. C. Bedel Verdant Green. Cook, to (artists), to dodge up a picture. Artists say that a pic- ture will not cook when it is excellent and unconventional, and beyond specious imitation (Hotten). (Colloquial), to prepare, tam- per with, as to cook accounts, returns. A fixed percentage on every backer's pound, and the off-chance of cooking the returns. Sporting Times. I hate my Lady, because she has locked my cooked accounts in the bower saloon. Punch. Cool (common), used in reference to a large sum of money. Suppose you don't get sixpence costs, and lose your cool hundred by it. Miss Edgeworth : Love and Law. Coolaman (Australian blackfel- lows), a word adopted from the blacks by the whites to describe a blackfellow's drinking vessel, and then applied generally. A few broken gourds . . . and a cracked coolaman were to be seen here and there. A. Grant : Busk Life in Queens- land. Cooler (American), prison. So called on account of its being a fit place for getting sober or cooling down ; or from cooler, a large tub, as in quotation. They came near soaking him in the cooler. F. Francis: Saddle and Moc- casin. (Popular), a glass of beer after drinking spirits. Also a woman. Coon (American), short for racoon, a man. The term first became general nearly fifty years ago. A gone coon (also English), one who is ruined, lost. Coon's age (American), a very popular expression to signify a long time, the racoon being regarded as a very long-lived animal. I saw Miss Jones inside the stage, Tis now an hour or so, It seems to me an old coon's age Since I beheld her go. Newspaper Ballad. Coop (streets), prison, abbrevia- tion of hen-coop. You say that you have been in the coop as many times as I have./. Greenwood: Dick Temple. Cooper, to (American), to under- stand. Why on earth nature made you in the shape she did is more than I can cooper. A merican Newspaper. Cooper Coppas. 271 Possibly from a metaphor, I cannot cooper, I cannot grasp, that is beyond my capacious- ness, comprehension. Else from co-operate, with the sense of concur. (Thieves), to destroy, spoil, forge ; to cooper a manniker, forge a signature. Vide COOP- Coopered (turf), a horse that has been hocussed or otherwise pur- posely injured so as to prevent him from running, was formerly said to be coopered. The ex- pression is sometimes used now as in quotation. Till they served him up a " coopered job," And then of course he came A most conclusive " smasher." Bird o Freedom. (Tramps), a coopered place, a house that has been spoilt by too many tramps calling there (Hotten). Coopered, in the sense of fall- ing in, ruined, is possibly allied to the Scotch cowp, to tumble over. Coorsy (Anglo-Indian), a chair ; Arabic kursl. Cooter. Vide COUTEB. Cop (thieves), a policeman. Vide To COP. Wen that cop'^cA his hand on my collnr, he ought to 'ave knowed like a shot, By the Astrykan only, that I wasn't one of the Socherlist lot. Punch. The cops, the police. Then, as them cowards of cops 'ave as much on their 'ands as they kin do with, now's the time for a bit of a loot ! Punch. (Anglo-Indian), cop ! beware ; an abbrevation of coprador. Cop-bung (thieves), a warning cry when the police make their appearance. Johnny Miller, who was to have his regulars, called out cop-bung I for, as you see, a fly-cop was marking. On the Trail. Cop busy (thieves), the act of handing plunder to a confede- rate, so as to have nothing about one when arrested. Cop, to (popular and thieves), to take, arrest, steal, catch. I'm right Tory right down to my boots, at a price, and I bellered, " 'Ear, 'ear ! " But they don't cop yours truly with chaff none the more, my dear Charlie, no fear. Punch. "Here, cop." I did not understand what he meant by the phrase. ... I did not attempt to cop. Suddenly I saw three boiled potatoes, a pudding, and a six- ounce loaf roll on the floor. Evening News. (Sporting), to win, to get money ; a dead cop, a sure method of arriving at this result. To cop is derived by Hotten from Latin capere ; more pro- bably it comes from the gypsy leap or cop, to take ; Scotch, kep ; Gaelic, ceapan. Coppas (gypsy), blankets, cover- ings, tiles. 272 Copper Corker. Copper, cop (popular and thieves), a policeman; from "to cop," which see. " Then three coppers came." " Cop- pers, coppers, what are they ? " Witness : " Policemen, your worship." Standard. Copperheads (American), pro- perly poisonous serpents. The term was applied by the Fede- rals to the peace party. Copperman (Australian prison), a policeman. Copper nose, the vulgar term for acne rosacea, the red, enlarged, pimply nose of chronic alcohol- ism. Coppers (popular), mouth; espe- cially a parched one after pota- tions. A fellow can't enjoy his breakfast after that without something to cool his coppers. Hughes : Tom Brown at Oxford. "Hot coppers" is a phrase for a mouth parched by excessive drinking, or "as dry as a lime basket." Copper, to (gaming), when play- ing at faro, to cover a stake with a small check, which signifies that the card selected is backed to lose, not win. Oh, d n Squito ! It seems like she'd coppered me. Ever since she since I seen that gal, luck's gone dead against me. F. Francis : Saddle and Moccasin. Copus (Cambridge University). Talking Latin at table, or similar improprieties, are followed by the infliction by the students of a fine. A copus, or quart of ale, is a common penalty. Corduroy - road (American and Australian), a road made of branches and logs laid side by side. The branches stand out like the ribs of corduroy. Cork (common), a bankrupt. "Probably," says Hotten, "in- tended to refer to his lightness, as being without ballast." (Pugilistic), " to draw a cork " is to "tap the claret," i.e., to give a bloody nose. (Army), Captain Cork, applied at mess when any one is slow in passing round the bottle. Corkage (hotels), a sum charged per bottle to persons providing their own wine. This term can hardly be considered as slang, but as a word unrecognised by dictionaries. Corker (theatrical). A regular corker is a duffer ; an imbecile ; one who corks or bottles up another actor's effects, or ruins a play. (English and American), something that closes up or settles a question ; something unusually large, remarkable. The Crown Prince's lunch-bill was rather a corker; No wonder His Highness refused for to pay. Fun. Also first-rate ; at the top of the tree. Jake Kilrain is a corker, and ought to have the championship of the world. New York National Police Gazette. Corks Corpse-reviver. 2/3 Corks (popular), a butler, alluding to his functions. Also money ; though originally a nautical term, this is very much used by printers. Corned (colloquial), intoxicated. From over-indulgence in drink strong enough to "corn" one (Wright). ' ' Possibly from soak- ing or pickling oneself like corned beef," says Hotten. It has been suggested that it is from the Keltic corn, French come, a horn used formerly as a drinking vessel. As we say that a man is in his " cups," it is possible that our very remote ancestors said of him that he was horned or owned, but it is almost beyond doubt that the term is an Americanism from corn, a very common name for whisky. (Tailors), pleased. Corner (common), to get a corner is to get the entire control of a stock, and so make it impossible for others to complete their bar- gains or to purchase. He had been mixed up disadvantage- ously in a recent corner in marbles. Punch. (London), the " Corner," Tatter- sail's horse repository and bet- ting-rooms, which was at Hyde Park Corner. (Thieves), a share generally a share in the pro- ceeds of a robbery. Cornered (tailors), in an inextri- cable dilemma; for instance, a man makes a garment which is already paid for, and pawns it, spends the money, and can't raise the amount to release it when wanted. Cornish duck (city), a pilchard. " It frys in its own grease." Cornstalks (Australian), the settlers, especially the girls, so called because their average height is very great, though they are fragile. We talk of cornstalks or "slab-sided Yankees," and have in our minds a tall but rather thin figure as representative of Australasia and America. Globe. Corn - stealers (American), the hands. " How is you been, my old Bullock?" and he squeezed his corn-stealers till the old gineral began to dance like a bear on red-hot iron. Sam Slick : The Clock- maker. Corporal Forbes (Anglo-Indian), a soldier's name for cholera morbus. We are all pretty well, but a great quan- tity are in hospital with Corporal Forbes. Shipp's Memoirs. Corpse provider, a facetious name for a physician. " Doctor," cried the happy mother, as she waltzed into the consulting-room of the Brixton corpse provider, " I wish to consult you about my baby's legs." Sporting Times. Corpser. Vide To CORPSE, Corpse-reviver (common), a dram of spirits. There was a general rush for wet towels and corpse-revivers. Sporting Times. S 2/4 Corpse Counterfeit. Corpse, to (theatrical), to confuse, to put out fellow-actors by sticking fast in the dialogue ; kill a scene through ignorance, wilfulness, or stupidity. A con- tretemps of this kind is called " a regular corpser." Corroboree (up country Austra- lian), to boil ; a word borrowed from the natives, who thus call one of their wild dances. Whites generally use it in the sense of disturbance, hence it is said that a kettle corroborees when it boils. Corybungus (pugilistic), backside. Cosh (popular and thieves), a stick of any kind, but more especially a policeman's baton. From the gypsy kasht, corrupt form kdsh, meaning wood in any form. The officer . . . sought to give the finish- ing coup de grace with his cosh . . . and it split the baton. Evening News. Cossack (popular), a policeman. Costard (popular), the head ; a very old word, used by Shakspeare in King Lear. Coster bloke (popular), a coster- monger. I feels the tears come down my cheeks, when I 'eerd him 'owl and wail, "And," sez I, " I'm a simple coster bloke, but my 'art's right as the mail." Sporting Tiies. Cot, a term of opprobrium for a woman. Heard in Kentish watering-places for the most part. Cotton lord (common), a Man- chester manufacturer or dealer in cotton. Cottonopolis, Manchester (Hot- ten). Cottons (Stock Exchange), Con- federated Dollar Bonds. Cotton, to (common), a colloquial- ism in the sense of to like, agree, be attached (literally to adhere, cling to, like cotton to cloth), but used in a slangy sense as in quotation. For when once Madam Fortune deals out her hard raps, It's amazing to think how one cottons to drink ! At such times, of all things in nature, perhaps There's not one that is half so seducing as schnaps. Ingoldsby Legends. Couch a hogshead, to (old cant), to lay down to sleep. I couched a hogshead in a skypper this darkemans. T. Harman : Caveat. Council of ten (popular), the toes of a man who turns his feet inward (Hotten). Counterfeit crank (old cant), a rogue who shammed epilepsy. From the German krank, sick. ' Those that do counterfeit the crank be young knaves and yonge harlots, that depely dissemble the falling sickness. T. Harman : Caveat. Counter-jumper Covent Garden. 275 Counter-jumper (common), a shopman, a draper's assistant. "Sir, you should know that my cheek is not for you." " Why," said he, stifling his anger, " it seems free enough to every counter-jumper in the town." C. Kings- ley: Westward Ho. Counter-skipper (popular), a vari- ant of " counter - jumper," a shopman. Counter, to (pugilistic), to strike. His kissing traps countered, His ribs roasted. C. Bede : Verdant Green. Count noses, to (parliamentary), to take the number of a divi- County crop (prison), hair shortened to about an inch, which used to be the rule in all prisons, but is now confined to convicts. The expression is therefore now a misnomer, as county prisons no longer exist since the Government took all over in 1877, and prisoners are not thus cropped, as it would continue their punish- ment by marking them out after their discharge. Couple-beggar (old cant), a low fellow, who officiated as a clergyman in performing mar- riages in the Fleet prison. Couranne (theatrical), from couronne or corona, five shillings. Court card (old slang), a beau. Court martial (schoolboy), the practice of tossing in a blanket for a practical joke. C outer (popular), a sovereign. From gypsy, cutto, literally a piece. Cove (popular and thieves). In old cant, " cofe," " cuffin," a man ; also landlord. He's a rum dog. Don't he look fierce at any strange cove. Dickens : Oliver Twist. Besides, I am that sort of cove the swells so much admire. Toby. This word Hotfen connects with " cuif ," a North of England word for a lout or awkward fellow. This seems to be borne out by the circumstance that in most cant languages man and fool are synonymous, but it has been suggested to be more pro- bably from the Romany cova, a thing, the term being almost indefinite in its applicability. "It is," says Pott, "a general helper on all occasions, is used as a substantive and an adjec- tive, and has a far wider scope than the Latin res. Thus cove means that man ; com, that woman." The derivation from the German kopf, a head (not ap- plied directly to individuals ex- cept as in English), has also been suggested. (Australian station), the core, the master, or over- Covent Garden (old slang). This place seems to have acquired at Covent Garden Cow-boy. one time a most unenviable notoriety, for it entered con- siderably into the vicious slang of fifty years ago. Thus "the Covent Garden ague " was a cer- tain venereal disease ; a " Covent Garden abbess " was a procuress ; and prostitutes were nicknamed " Covent Garden nuns." (Rhym- ing slang) , a farthing pronounced farden. Cover (thieves), an accomplice who "fronts" or covers a pick- pocket while he is operating. (American), to cover, to drink. An Englishman drinks rum fustian, ima- gining that he is 's (detectives), who give me the job to watch a house occasion- ally. Then I take up the box and brushes and place myself in a suitable position. It pays well while it lasts. Nor is it the only way in which my friends the D's find me useful. I have free entry into all sorts of haunts, and can go and come as I like without arousing suspicion. Thor Fre- dur: Sketches from Shady Places. D's, the two (army), short pay. The residue left a soldier, part of whose pay is stopped by sentence of court-martial for " spouting " or pawning his kit. However large the amount to be recovered, he must be allowed to retain twopence, 2d., as daily pay. D. H. F. (cycling slang), really letters signifying a peculiar form of fork used for bicycles, and known as the " Double Hol- low Fork." Applied to a man means a stupid ass. Dab. In the slang of "water rats," i.&, river thieves who plunder the bodies of drowned persons, the body of a poor ragged woman is called a dab ; from dab, vulgarly used in con- tempt for a woman, as a dirty dab, a slut, dabs being rags. (Theatrical), a bed. (Common), to be a dab at any- thing is to be more than usually expert at it. Sir Peter Lawrie, on a recent visit to Billingsgate for the purpose of making what he calls a piscatory tour, was much astonished at the vigorous performance of various of the real "live fish," some of which, as he sagely remarked, appeared to be perfect dabs at jumping. Punch. Generally supposed to be de- rived from " adept," but to dab means to strike gently, and a dab is therefore one skilful in dabbing, one with a light touch, a skilful hand, a " good hand " at, hence expert in. In old cant the term " rum dabe" was applied to one ex- pert at roguery. Literally, a " good hand ; " possibly from German tappe, fist, paw, and this may be the origin of the modern dab. The French slang has dab, meaning master, chief, father. (Costermongers' back slang), bad. I've been doing awful dab with my tol (lot) or stock, haven't made a yennep (penny.) Diprose: London Life. Dab it up, to (thieves), to cohabit with a woman. From dab, a contemptuous term for a woman. Also to agree. Dab out, to (popular), to wash. His wife at this moment advantaging herself of Sabbath leisure to dab out her solitary cotton gown. J. Greenwood: Undercurrents of London Life. Dabster. Vide DAB. Dab wash. Among the lower classes a dab wash is a small intermediate wash between the large ones. Dace Dago. That great room itself was sure to have clothes hanging to dry at the fire, what- ever day of the week it was ; some one of the large irregular family having had what was called in the district a dab wash of a few articles forgotten on the regular day. Mrs. Gaskell: Sylvia's Lovers. Dace( American), two cents. From deuce. Dacha-saltee (thieves and coster- mongers), tenpence. From the Italian died soldi. What with my crippledom and thy piety, a wheeling of thy poor old dad, we'll bleed the bumpkins of a dacha-saltee. Reade : The Cloister and the Hearth. Dacoit (Anglo-Indian), a robber belonging to an armed gang which, according to law, must consist of at least five persons. Dad, daddy (popular), father. In Welsh tad ; Irish daid, ancient. He gets more like his dad every day. Street Song. Ddd, da'dus, dado (gypsy), of Hindu origin, father ; dadtskro, fatherly, pertaining to a father ; "ap miro dade"skro wast I" by my father's hand ! Daddle (popular), hand. Werry unexpected pleasure 1 Tip us your doddle. C. Kingsley : Alton Locke. (Boxing slang), the fist. With daddies high upraised, and nobs held back, In awful prescience of th' impending thwack, Both kiddies stood, and with prelusive spar And light manoeuvring kindled up the war. Bells Life in London. Daddy (theatrical), the comic old man of a company. According to Hot ten, a stage manager. At sham raffles the daddy is a confederate who is, by previous arrangement, to win the prize. At casual wards the daddy is the old pauper in charge. Daffy (popular), gin. Hotten says : "A term used by monthly nurses, who are always extolling the virtues of Daffy's elixir, and who occasionally comfort them- selves with a stronger medicine under Daffy's name. Of late years the term has been altered to ' soothing syrup.' " Daftie (tailors), one who says (or does) anything absurd. Dagger-cheap (old), dirt cheap. ' ' The Dagger was a low ordinary in Holborn, referred to by Ben Jonson and others ; the fare was probably cheap and nasty " (T. L. 0. Davies, Supplementary English Glossary). We set our wares at a very easy price ; he (the devil) may buy us even dagger- cheap, as we say. Andrews: Sermons. Dago (American), an Italian, de- rived by one authority from the Spanish hidalgo. As the word has been for a long time in use among sailors, who apply it to Spaniards, Portuguese, and Ita- lians, but principally to the former, there is little doubt but that it comes from Dtigo, which is almost equivalent to Jack in the Spanish ports. Dags Dakma. Dags (popular), a work, a job, a performance. " I'll do your dags for you," i.e., I'll do your work for you. The word is a corrup- tion of the old English and Low- land Scotch, and local in many English counties ; darg, a day's work, as in the rhyme " I'll do m Before I arg," which is to say, " I'll do my work before I argue about it." The " Farmer's Encyclopaedia," quoted in Worcester's Diction- ary, defines "darg " or "dargue " as " the quantity of peat which one man can cut and two men wheel in a day." Dai, dye (gypsy), a mother. Dya! oh mother 1 Dyeskrl dye, ma- ternal grandmother. Bdbdi dye, paternal grandmother. Daily Levy, the, a nickname of the Daily Telegraph, in allusion to its proprietor, Mr. Levy Lawson. Dairies (popular), a vulgar word for a woman's breasts. The allu- sion is obvious. Daisies (popular and thieves), boots. Abbreviated from "daisy- roots," which see. And there they set as dumb as mice, and me and Ginger a laying under the seats. Oh I it was a treat with the 'eels of the copper's daisies just in front of my conk. But there was nothin' for it but to lay quiet. Sporting Times. Daisy (popular), jolly fellow. We repeat, Billy allowed the operation to be carried out without even a verbal protest, very unlike him, and the robbers took away the gold box and complimented him on being a daisy. Border Chester- fields have not a word of heartier com- mendation in their energetic but limited vocabulary. H. L. Williams : In the Wild West. Daisy-cutter (common), a horse that does not lift its feet much off the ground when trotting or galloping, or simply a trotting horse. The trot is the true pace for a hackney ; and were we near a town, I should like to try that daisy-cutter of yours upon a piece of level road (barring canter) for a quart of claret at the next inn. Sir W. Scott : Rob Roy. (Cricket), a ball bowled all along the ground, instead of with a proper pitch. Though perfectly fair, they are con- sidered bad form. Termed also a "sneak." Daisy-kicker (ostlers), the name ostlers at inns sometimes give each other. Daisyroots (rhyming slang), boots. The Windsor warrior was anxiously regarding his newly varnished patent leathers while yearning to cross from the Guards' Club to the Marlborough in muddy Pall Mall. '"Ere you are, sir; jump in," roared cabby. " Sooner take you across for nothing than see you spile them lovely daisyroots." Sporting Times? Daisyville (thieves), the country. Dakma, to (thieves), to silence. I had to dakma the bloke to clay the swag. Patsey crowed for me, and that Dam Dancer. 293 was all the good it done me. On the Trail. Dam (up-country Australian), a pond for watering cattle. This is generally made by throwing up a bank across a hollow or little gully. When the floods come the escape of the flood- water is prevented. The rain had been pouring down for weeks, as if to make up for the summer's drought. It had filled the dams and flooded the creeks, and the diggers were having a drunken bout. Keighley Good- child: Waif. Damber (old cant), first damber- cove, a head-man. Dame (Eton). At Eton the word Dame has no reference to the weaker sex. Any person, other than a classical master, who keeps a boys' boarding-house in College is a Dame. Thus all mathematical masters' houses are Dames' houses. I am thankful to say that I did not attend the show. But I happened to see the World conducted back to his Dames, and the spectacle was gruesome. The punishment inflicted had been very con- siderable, and I do not think the World appeared in public for quite a fortnight. Sketchy Memories of Eton. Damnation Corner (Eton), ex- plained by quotation. Meanwhile, " regardless of our doom, we little victims played," or rather watched the play; we little knew what cruel fate awaited us, or that the present head-mas- ter of Eton and the Rev. F. W. Cornish lay in ambush for our outcoming behind that very sharp turn in the High Street, which, on account of its acute angle, and the consequent danger of being nailed in shirking in old days, was somewhat flippantly termed Damnation Corner. Sketchy Memories of Eton. Damned soul (old slang). A clerk in the Customs House, whose duty was to swear or clear mer- chandise, used to guard against perjury by taking a previous oath never to swear truly; he was called a damned soul. Damper (school), a suet pudding in use at schools, introduced before meat to take off the edge of the appetite. (Thieves), a shop till. To " draw a dam- per," to rob a till. (Tailors), a "sweater," i.e., one who gets as much work for as little pay as possible out of workmen. Damp-pot (tailors), the sea. Dance, to (printers). If letters drop out when the forme is lifted, the forme is said to dance (Academy of Armoury, R. Holme, 1688). (Old), " to dance the Padding- ton frisk," to be hanged ; also termed " to dance upon nothing." French "danser une danse oti i' n'y a pas d' plancher." Just as the felon condemned to die, With a very natural loathing, Leaving the sheriff to dream of ropes, From his gloomy cell in a vision elopes To a caper on sunny greens and slopes, Instead of the dance upon nothing. Hood: Miss Kiltnansegg . Dancer or dancing-master (thieves), a thief who gets on the roof of houses and effects 294 Dancers- Dang. an entrance by a window. He has of course to pick his way carefully, and to be as neat in his steps as a dancing-master. Dancers (thieves), a flight of steps or stairs. Come, my Hebe, brack the dancers, that is, go up the stairs. Lytton : What will he do with it. Dander (low), to get up one's dander, or to have one's dander raised, to get suddenly into a passion ; to burst or flare up. From the Dutch. The fire and fury that blazed in her eyes gave ocular evidence of her dander being up. From the N. O. Picayune, cited by Bartlett. My dander got considerable riz at this, so I knocked the chap down as called me a confederate. Scraps. There is not the slightest proof that this is derived from raising the scurf or dander at the roots of the hair, as Bart- lett thinks, though Americans, misled by the resemblance of sound, talk about " dander being riz." In Dutch dander is thun- der, and op donderen, i.e., to get the donder up, is to burst out into a sudden rage, or, as Sewel explains, "like an infernal spirit ; " to flare up ; to blaze out in wrath. Dandy (coiners), a counterfeit gold sovereign or half sovereign. The spurious coin is well made, and its composition includes some pure gold. And it is not in paltry pewter "sours," with which the young woman has dealings, but in dandies; which, rendered into in- telligible English, means imitation gold coin./. Greenwood: Tag, Rag, <5r> Co. (American). This word, origi- nally English, and manifestly taken from the ordinary word dandy, a fop, as a type of any- thing neat or fanciful, has been greatly extended in America. The man who marries a woman simply because she is a dandy arrangement to have about the house does so from a pure business standpoint, and, in the end, if not compelled to support him, she has done better than many women I know of. Nasby. (Anglo-Indian), a boatman ; also a kind of hammock-litter, in which travellers are carried. In the lower hills, when she did not walk, she travelled in a dandy. Kinloch : Large-game Shooting in Thibet. (Irish), a small glass of whisky. Dandy-master (coiners), a coiner who employs others to pass counterfeit coin. The spirits obtained being mostly bottled and labelled, and unopened, find a ready sale at public-houses known to the dandy- master, so that no serious loss is expe- rienced in that direction. /. Greenwood: Tag, Rag, &> Co. Dandy - rig (West American), fashionable attire. In the barber's shop that I entered the three chairs were all occupied. A slender, graceful, "interesting young man," of an Italian type of face, dressed in a blue shell-jacket bound with yellow, a good deal of loud jewellery, and a dandy-rig generally, operated on one customer. F. Francis : Saddle and Moccasin. Dang it ! (common), an evasive curse, but unlike its prototype, Danglers Dark. 295 Damn it I it is never used angrily. Danglers (thieves), a bunch of seals. And where the swag, so bleakly pinched, A hundred stretches hence ? The thimbles, slang, and danglers filched A hundred stretches hence ? On the Trail. Darbies (prison), handcuffs, irons. " Stay," cried he, " if he is an old hand he will twig the officer." " Oh, I'm dark, sir," was the answer ; " he won't know me till I put the darbies on him." Reade : Never too Late to Mend. It is said that handcuffs, used to bind two prisoners together, were called a Darby and Joan. Darble (old cant), the devil. From the French. Darby (old cant), ready money. Dark (common), secret. It was evident to the Devonshire gentle- man that the three traitors had agreed between them to keep quite dark a certain little episode of the afternoon enjoyment. J. Greenwood: Dick Temple. (Prison), " getting the dark," being confined in an absolutely dark cell. Probably abolished now. There was one at Clerken- well Prison, but it was not used for at least the last ten years of that prison's existence. Dark cully (old slang), a married man who keeps a mistress, but for fear of detection only visits her secretly. Dark horse (turf), a horse who has never run, or who having run is supposed not to have exhibited his real powers in public. The sporting journals are kindly constant in their en- deavours to throw light on this particular form of darkness. The present year is likely to be memor- able in racing records as the year of sur- prises. The first favourites have fared badly. The Derby was won by a dark horse; Te'ne'breuse, who carried off the Grand Prix last Saturday, was hardly in the betting. Standard. (American), a candidate who keeps his intentions in the back- ground till he finds his oppor- tunity. Dark house (old), a lunatic asy- lum. Dark it, to (tailors), to keep secret. Darkmans (old cant), night. Bene lightmans to thy quarromes ; in what lipken hast thou lypped in this darkemans, whether in a lybbege or in the strummel ? T. Harman: Caveat. I.e., " Good -day to thee ; in what house didst thou sleep last night, in a bed or on the straw ? " Darkman's budge (old cant), a man who slips in unobserved into a house in the daytime to give ready entrance to his con- federates. Darks (nautical), nights on which the moon does not shine much looked to by smugglers (Ad- miral Smyth). Dark 'un (racing), equivalent to " dark horse," which see. 296 Darky Davy. Darky (American), negro. In these days of schools and school- masters for the coloured people the num- ber of those " who cannot tell their right hand from their left will presumably rapidly diminish ; but before the darky of anti-bellum times quite disappears among the shades of things that are past . . . Harper's Magazine. Also twilight. Darned, darn it (common), a cor- ruption of and euphemism for damn. Of American origin. " Two dimes," coolly replied Jonathan. "Two devils," snarled the customer; "why, I can get just as good cider here for five cents a glass." " No, you can't," drawled the Yankee. " There ain't a pint of cider, "cept what I've got in that 'ere barrel, this side of Orleans. I'm darned if there is." Diprose : Book of Anec- dotes. Dash (turf), to have a dash on t a race is to exceed largely the speculator's ordinary limit of investment. (Popular), to "cut a dash," to make a great parade, dress showily. (African Coast patois) a pre- sent or gratuity. Guinea negro, dags. Dasher (common), an extravagant or "fast" person. She was astonished to find in high life a degree of vulgarity of which her country companions would have been ashamed. . . These young ladies were dashers. Miss Edgeworth: Almeria. (Turf), one noted for his smart- ness. With much regret I heard, during my visit to Newmarket, that Mr. 's con- dition still continues to cause his family and friends the gravest anxiety. Would I could write better news concerning the dasher, who is one of the best of good fellows. Sporting Times. Dash my wig, dash my buttons, senseless evasion of the honester word damn, used at a time when profane oaths were more fashionable than they have since become. Dashy, deva-dasi, dasis (Anglo- Indian), girls devoted to dancing and prostitution in the idol temples, especially of Southern India. "In Hindu deva-dasi means slave-girl of the gods. The like existed at ancient Corinth under the name of ierodouloi, which is nearly a translation of the Hindu term. These appendages of the worship of Aphrodite were the same thing as the Phrenician Kedeshoth, repeatedly men- tioned in the Old Testament. (E.g. Deut. xxiii. 18.) Such girls are mentioned in the famous inscription in Citium in Cyprus . . . under the name of alma, curiously near that of the modern Egyptian alima " (also alnta or almeh). Dasis are the danc- ing girls attached to the pagodas. Nelson : Madura. Daub (low), a vulgar name for a painter ; properly a coarsely painted picture, what the French Davy (popular), a corruption of affidavit. Ay, ay, my young coon, said she, or a silver spoon either. I'll take my da-uy it's only pewter. Sam Slick. Davy Jones (nautical), a mythi- cal character supposed to typify the depths of ocean. Davy Davy Daylights. 297 Jones' locker, the bottom of the ocean. It has been ingeniously con- jectured that the sea, which is so often the sailors' cemetery, was called Jonah's locker, that the prophet's name was corrup- ted into Jones, and Davy pre- fixed as being a common name in Wales (Notes and Queries). For other derivation, vide Dr. Charles Mackay's " Gaelic Ety- mology of the English Lan- guage." Sailors sometimes call the devil "Old Davy" This ap- pears to be a diminutive of devil. Even in the appellations given him (the devil) by familiar or vulgar irreverence, the same pregnant initial prevails, he is the Deuce, and Old Davy, and Davy Janes. Southey: The Doctors. Davy putting on the coppers for the parsons (nautical), the brew- ing of a storm. Davy's sow, or David's sow (popular). ' ' As drunk as Davy's sow," completely drunk. Grose says : " David Lloyd, a Welshman, had a sow with six legs ; on one occasion he brought some friends and asked them whether they had ever seen a sow like that, not know- ing that in his absence his drunken wife had turned out the animal, and gone to lie down in the sty. One of the party observed that it was the drunkest tow he had ever be- held." The term may have originated (a mere conjecture) in an allu- sion to Nell Gywn, one of the mistresses of Charles II. (nick- named David his father was called Nebuchadnezzar by the Roundheads), who was credited with every vice by the Earl of Rochester, and of whom he wrote : . . . Madam Nelly, Whose first employment was, with open throat, To cry fresh herrings, even ten a groat. A Satire. Other synonymous expressions are, " drunk as a drum, as a wheelbarrow, sow-drunk, drunk as a fish, as a lord, as a piper, as a fiddler, as a rat." Dawk (Anglo-Indian), transport, by means of relays of men and horses ; the mail. To lay a dawk is to organise a postal or transport service. During the mutiny of 1857-58, when several young surgeons had arrived in India, whose services were urgently wanted at the front, it is said that the Head of the Department to which they had reported themselves, directed them to immediately " lay a dawk." To which one, aghast, re- plied, " Would you kindly explain, sir for you might just as well tell me to lay an egg." Anglo-Indian Glossary. Dawk-bungalow (Anglo-Indian), a resting-place or house for travellers. I am inclined to think that the value of life to a dak bungalow fowl must be very trifling. In my Indian Garden. Daylights (common), the space left in the glass, and between 298 Daylights Dead. the liquor and the rim ; not per- mitted in ultra-council gather- ings when a toast is to be drunk. The way on such occasions of the proposer of the toast was " no daylights and no heel-taps, but a full bumper." (Popular), the eyes ; to " dar- ken one's daylights," to give a black eye. Good woman I I do not use to be so treated. If the lady says such another word to me, damn me, I will darken her daylights. Fielding: Amelia. Dead (turf), certainty. " Dealers in the dead" did well then ; bet after bet was booked about horses which had no more chance of winning than "if they were boiled." Bailey t Monthly Magazine. Dead-alive (popular), a stupid, dull, slow fellow. Dead-amiss (racing) is said of a horse that is incapacitated from winning a race through illness. Dead as a tent-peg (popular), from the pegs being buried in the ground. FIRST CLUBMAN. "Hullo, Bob; heard the news about Macstinger, of the ' Mos- quito'?" SECOND CLUBMAN. "No; what's up?" FIRST C. "Great Scott! it's a case of down, not up, dear boy. He's dead at a tent-peg. Poisoned him- self last night." Fun. Varied to " dead as a door- nail," or "dead as a herring," " dead as small beer." Dead beat (American), an im- postor ; a man who does not intend to pay his share; an unprofitable sponger. (Common), to be dead beat, to be utterly exhausted. Dead broke (common), utterly ruined, penniless. (American), to dead break, to rum at a gam- bling game. This other, a man who had never touched a card, but learnt the game over-night and sat out a seven-hours' play with the chief gamblers, under the fire of their associates, dead-broke them, so that they quitted the camp laughed at by their own pals. H. L. Williams : Buffalo Bill. Dead cargo (thieves), plunder that will not recompense for the risk entailed. Deader (army), a military funeral. Dead finish, the (up - country Australian), excellent beyond measure ; in Cockney slang an " out-and-outer." Death is a natural metaphor for complete- ness, for exhaustion or exhaus- tiveness ; dead is a common prefix, expressing the same idea in " dead on," " dead-nuts," " dead certain," " dead beat," " dead heat." " He's the dead finish -go right through a man," rejoins Sam rather. " Blessed if he didn't near skiver my hoss." A. C. Grant : Bus A Lift in Queensland. Dead-head (American), one who stands about a bar to drink at the expense of others. Sitting on a bench outside the principal hotel are three or four hopelessly aban- doned loafers, wearing plainly the stamp of dead-head on their shameless features, Dead. 299 waiting to be asked to drink, or listening eagerly for the not infrequent "shout for all hands." A. C. Grant. Dead heat (common), exactly even. Two men who are equal in anything are said to be a dead heat; from a racing ex- pression. Ay, so ends the tussle. I knew the tan-muzzle was first, though the ring-men were yelling " dead heat" A nose I could swear by, but Clarke said " the mare, by a short head." A. L. Gordon: How -we Beat the Favourite. Dead-horse (popular), to "draw the dead-horse" is doing work paid for in advance. The term explains itself. Used also by sailors. Admiral Smyth says that " when they commence earning money again there is in some merchant ships a ceremony performed of dragging round the deck an effigy of their fruit- less labour in the shape of a horse, running him up to the yard-arm, and cutting him adrift to fall into the sea, amidst loud cheers." French printers call this manger du sale', to eat salt pork, that is, something that excites thirst ; from the fact that workmen in this case, feel- ing disinclined for work, pay frequent visits to the wine-shop. Dead horses (West Indian), shooting stars. The supersti- tion of the negro mind imagines that shooting stars are the spirits of horses that have been killed by falling over ravines and precipices. Dead lurk (thieves), breaking into a house when the inmates are at church. Deadly lively, to be (common), to be factitiously -or unnaturally jolly. Deadly nevergreen, the (thieves), the gallows ; said also to bear fruit all the year round. Dead man (provincial), ground rising higher on one side of a wall than on the other. " There is so much dead man that the house is always damp." (Popular), a scarecrow ; a man made of rags. Possibly a corruption of "dudman," from cant term duds, for clothes, rags. Also an extra loaf smuggled into the basket by a baker's man, and disposed of by him. Deadman's lurk (thieves), a crafty scheme laid by swindlers to ex- tort money from the relatives of a deceased person. Dead marine, dead man (popular), an empty bottle, implying that its contents have been alcoholic. The expression doubtless arises from the jealousy, dashed with a slight flavour of contempt, with which marines are re- garded by sailors on board ship. The phrase survives in a famous old drinking-song, set to very spirited music by Jack- son of Exeter an admirable specimen of the ancient popular Dead. melodies of England, and of which the well-known chorus And he who will this toast deny Down among the dead men let him lie. The word was formerly a marine, which, being used in a company at which William IV., then Duke of Clarence, was present, gave offence to an officer of that gallant corps, who asked the Prince what he meant by it. "I mean by marine," replied the Prince, with more readiness than was usual with him, " a good fel- low who has done his duty, and is ready to do it again." The French term an empty bottle "un corps mort." Dead meat train (common), a special train carrying corpses from Waterloo Station to the London Necropolis at Woking. Dead men's shoes (common), pro- perty which can only be claimed after the decease of the holder. Dead nap (provincial), a cheat, a downright rogue. Dead nip (provincial), the failure of any petty plan or scheme. Dead nuts on (popular Austra- lian), very fond of. An ampli- fication of the ordinary English slang " nuts on." Dead - oh ! (naval), is said of a man in the last stage of intoxi- cation. Dead-on (riflemen), straight on. A rifle-shot talks of the aiming being dead-on when the day is so calm that he can aim straight at the bull's eye instead of having to allow to the right or left for wind. He is said to be dead-on himself when he is shooting very' well. Dead, on the (common), on the teetotal tack. Dead is often used as a strengthening adjec- tive, " dead proper," " dead sober." Dead season (journalistic), the time when nothing is going on. For society this is the summer, or during Lent. Dead sow's eye (tailors), a badly worked button-hole. Dead stick, to (theatrical), to stop, to break down utterly in the midst of a performance. The most eminent actors have been subject to sudden and treacher- ous lapses of memory. Macready has been known to break down in Virginius a character he had acted thousands of times. Charles Kean has broken down in Othello and Melnotte. On the first night of " Henry IV." at the Queen's Theatre, Phelps stuck dead or dead stuck in Henry IV., and the actor who played the Prince of Wales had to prompt his royal father. Dead stock (common), unsaleable ware. Dead Deaner. 301 The youngest, who was a capless, shoe- less little wretch, certainly not more than eight years old, had a " cigar-light " box tucked under his arm ; another, a couple of years older, perhaps, carried the stump of a birch broom ; while the third, who was the oldest and the hungriest, looking the most decently dressed, held in his hand a few local newspapers -dismally deadstock, considering the day and the hour. James Greenwood : Cracklings Dole. Dead swag (thieves), plunder that cannot be got rid of. Dead to rights (police slang), em- ployed by detectives when they have quite convicted a criminal, and he is positively guilty. " I've got him dead to rights." It is often employed in a more gene- ral sense to indicate certainty of success. It seems to have ori- ginated in America. Dead 'un (thieves), a house un- occupied temporarily or alto- gether. Me and the screwsman went to Graves- end and found a dead 'un, and we both went and turned it over.fforsley : Jot- tings from Jail. (Thieves and roughs), a half quartern loaf. (Turf), a horse that may be laid against as if he were dead ; possibly because he is not going to run, certainly because he is not intended to win. " Racing men," said Mr. Justice Field, in a memorable case some years ago, " evi- dently have a morality of their own. " And it is certain that there are bookmakers or commission agents call them what you will whose honour and rectitude is un- questioned in their own circle, but who, so far from shrinking from the idea of getting money out of a dead 'un, will jump at the first opportunity. Bird o' Freedom. (Theatrical), a super who plays for nothing. The mistakes that are made in crowds and full scenes is often accounted for by the fact that a super who has attended all rehearsals is shunted at a moment's notice to make room for the dead 'un, who sometimes pays the super master for the privilege of get- ting behind the scenes as well. (Popular), to make dead 'uns, explained by quotation. Man has a desire to peck a bit ; conse- quently he must in a measure depend upon rogues in grain, the miller, and the baker ; and this rule therefore teaches the art and mystery of making what are called dead 'uns ; that is, to charge not only for what you deliver, but for what you do not. Diprose : Laugh and Learn. Dead-wood earnest (American), quite earnest. No ! oh, good licks, are you in real dead-wood earnest. Mark Twain: Tom Sawyer. Dead wrong 'un (common), a very dishonest fellow, a cheat. " Don't you ever speak to that man," said the Immaculate One, "he is a dead wrong 'un. Plays cards, and has big pockets and little ringers. Cheats. Once went into the card room with six coups ready put up in his pocket." Sporting Times. Deal suit (popular), a deal coffin supplied by the parish. Deaner (thieves), shilling. I know what I will do ; I will go to London Bridge rattler (railway) and take 302 Deaner Deen. a deaner ride and go a wedge-hunting (stealing plate.) Rev. J. Horsley : Jot- tings from Jail. It has been suggested that deaner is from denier, but more probably it is a corruption of the Yiddish dinoh, a coin. Deansea Ville (old cant), the country ; Deansea Vitte stampers, carriers. Death-hunter (street), a man who sells dying speeches or con- fessions of executed criminals. Also an undertaker. Death on (Australian), good at. The metaphor is probably that of completeness. Vide DEAD FINISH. "Death on rabbits," would mean a very good rab- bit shot ; " death on peaches," greedy of peaches. The phrase is common in the United States, where a lady over fond of finery is said to be death on dress. Death-trap (journalistic), a theatre or other place of amuse- ment made to contain large numbers of people. The ex- pression became general after the burning of several such edifices in 1887. Our laws, too, would enable us to punish persons whose negligence and in- attention have been the causes of disaster ; but then, as Mr. Punch reminds us, we never think of trying a railway director for a railway accident, or a theatrical lessee and his architect (to say nothing of a bench of magistrates) for erecting or licensing a death-trap. St. James's Gazette. Debblish (South Africa), a penny. Deck (Anglo-Indian), a look, a peep. Hindu dekh-nd, to look. " Dek-ho, you ' bud-mash ! ' " In English gypsy, diJck. Dick- ing, from the gypsy is common English slang for looking. (American), a pack of cards. Formerly used in England. From the expression "to deck out." Decus (old slang), a crown-piece ; from the motto on the edge, Decus et Tutamen. Dee (tramps), a pocket-book ; termed "reader" by thieves. Probably an abbreviation of dummy, which see. (Popular), a penny. KYDDER. Hullo, Sneyde, old man, where are you going ? SNEYDE. Inside, to see our "uncle," and get a bob on this. (Shows his waist' coat done up in newspaper.} KYDDER. We're both down on our luck again, then. I've just taken in (looks round) ahem ! the blankets from my lodgings. I'll wait till you come out. (Waits till Sneyde comes out.) SNEYDE. He's a hard nail, he is. I've only got nine dee out of him. The Re- feree. Deen (Anglo - Indian). Arabic din, religion ; faith. About the worst curse that you can lay out on a Mahometan is "Zen-ul dinak! " ''Curse your religion!" A native who will bear with a placid smile the infor- mation that his mother was a social evil of Deerstalker Demon. 303 the most revolting type, and that he and all his relations, like all their ancestry before them, are and were pigs, destined to devour nnmeless dirt in Shcol, will nip out his cheese-knife and go for your vitals should you cast any reflection on his faith. Even for him "there are choras," not of muslin, but Muslim. Travels in Egypt. Deerstalker (society), a wide- awake hat. Del (gypsy), to give, kick ; also to hit, as one says, "give it to him," but more precisely deUer, done, draw ; dettin, hitting or kicking ; dellin leslcro, " a givin' of him ; " deUemengro, a horse that kicks. Delaben (gypsy), a gift. Delicate (begging impostors), a sham subscription-book. Dell (old canting), a youngwench. Brome (" A Jovial Crew, or the Merry Beggars," 1652) gives this word. In Old Dutch slang dil, del, and ditte also mean a girl. Didken, file de joie (Der- enbourg). Thiele, a Jewish girl, especially a young one. In Ger- man-Hebrew dilla also means a maiden. It is possible that dilly-dally, in the sense of phil- andering and amorous trifling, is derived from dill or ddl. Finally the gypsy has dd (lit. to give) in the sense of sexual union, " Dd adre" o minj." Deloll (Anglo-Indian), a broker. In Egypt a pedlar of old clothes, a street dealer. Delving it (tailors), hurrying, keeping the head down, sewing fast. Demand the box, to (nautical), to call for a bottle. Demaunders for glymmar (old cant), explained by quotation. These dtmaundtrs for glymmar be for the most parte wemen, for glymmar in their language is fyre. These go with fayned lycences and counterfayted writ- ings, hauing the hands and scales of such gentlemen as dwelleth nere to the place where they fayne themselues to haue bene burnt, and their goods consumed with fyre. Harmcm ; Caveat. Demi-rep (old), a woman of questionable character abbre- vation of " demi-reputation." . . . arrant rascals, male and female . . . demi-reps and lorettes, single and unmar- ried. Quarterly Review. Dem keb (London), a hansom ; a "masher" phrase from Gilbert's "Wedding March." "Let's take a dem keb. " Demmy cit (American cadet), a townsman (cit., citizen) who is dressed as a gentleman. Demon chandler (nautical), one who supplies ship's stores of a worthless character often utterly unfit for use and food. I snubbed skipper for bad grub, rotten flour to eat, Hard tack full of weevils; how demon chandlers cheat ! Salt junk like mahogany, scurvying man and boy. Says he, "Where's your remedy?" Board of Trade, ahoy ! Sailors' Language, 304 Demons Deux. Demons (Australian), prison slang for police. "The demons put pincher on me," I was appre- hended. Dempstered (old cant), hung ; from " dempster," the executioner, so called because it was his duty to repeat the sentence to the prisoner in open court. This was discontinued in 1773. Denounce, to (American). In the West to pre-empt land, to an- nounce a title to it. You ain't got no right to come prospect- ing around now. I've denounced it all it's all mine. F. Francis: Saddle and Moccasin. Dep (popular), a deputy. (Christ's Hospital), a Grecian. Derby darlings, or D.D.'s (Ame- rican), a term applied to women who wear Derby hats. The late decidedly masculine tendency in fashionable female headgear has brought out a new type of girl of the period and coined a new phrase to describe her. The girls who promenade up and down Chest- nut Street these fair autumn days, arrayed in men's stiff hats, are now called Derby girls, or Derby darlings. This is occa- sionally abbreviated into D.D. in such forms as "there goes a D.D." or "she's a regular D.D." Philadelphia Times. Derbyshire neck, a term for the goitrous neck, owing to its prevalence in Derbyshire. Derrey (thieves), an eye-glass ; hence the expression used by tailors to ' ' take the derrey" to quiz, ridicule. Derrick (old cant). In the days prior to the appearance in public life of the better known Jack Ketch, Derrick signified the hangman, from the supposed name of a then existing func- tionary. The word occurs in " The Bellman of London," an old play, published in 1616, the year of Shakspeare's death. " He rides circuit with the devil, and Derrick must be his host, and Tyburn the inn at which he will alight." To derrick, " a cant term for setting out on a small but not over-creditable enterprise. The act is said to be named from a Tyburn executioner " (Admiral Smyth). Derwenter (Australian), a con- vict. So called from the River Derwent, in Tasmania, which, like New South Wales and West Australia, was originally a con- vict settlement. Cf. "Vande- monian" and " Sydney-sider." Despatchers (gambling cheats), according to Hotten false dice with two sets of numbers, and, of course, no pips. So called because they bring the matter to a speedy issue. Detrimentals (society), a very common term in society for those who are not well off, and therefore detrimental as hus- bands. Deuce (popular) v twopence. From the French. Deux wins (old cant), twopence. Devil. 305 Devil, a barrister who does work for another, termed "devilling." The devil gets up the case for a senior in large practice, generally without any remuneration. It is almost also an official desig- nation. The Attorney-General's devil for the Treasury is a post f 1 5 CO a year. The Attor- ney-General has also devils in Chancery, as, for instance, the "charity devil" for the matters in which he is officially con- cerned. The Attorney-General's devil in the Treasury, after a certain probation, is often pro- moted to the bench. He is, in fact, a sort of junior Attorney- General. On circuit, no one is allowed to devil for another un- less he is a member oi the same circuit, and the barrister for whom he devils is actually en- gaged in some other court on that circuit (Huggins). (Printers), a printer's junior apprentice or errand boy. (Literary), explained by quo*- tation. " Who are you ? " I asked in dismay. " I'm a devil." . . " A what ! " I exclaimed with a start. " A devil. ... I give plots and incidents to popular authors, sir. Write poetry for them, drop in situations, jokes, work up their rough material : in short, sir, I devil for them." George R. Sims: The A uthors Ghost. Devil a plebe, to (American ca- dets), to victimise or revile a new cadet. Devil and Tom Walker, the, (American), an old saying once common in New England to the effect that it "beats the deril and Tom Walker," or "he fared as Tom Walker did with the devil." In the Marvellous Repository, a curious collection of tales, many of which are old Boston legends, there is one of Tom Walker, who sold himself to the devil. The book was published about 1832. Devil-dodger (popular), clergy- man. These devil-dodgers happened to be so very powerful (that is, noisy) that they soon sent John home crying out, he should be damn'd. Life ofj. Sackington. Devil drawer (old slang), a poor, miserable artist. Devite (common), small wheels soaked in resin, and used for lighting fires. Devil's among the tailors, the (common), i.e., there's a disturb- ance going on. " This phrase," says Mr. Edwards, " arose in connection with a riot at the Haymarket on an occasion when Dowton announced the perform- ance for his benefit of a burlesque entitled ' The Tailors : a Tragedy for Warm Weather.' At night, many thousands of journey- men tailors congregated in and around the theatre, and by riot- ous proceedings interrupted the performances. 'Thirty-three of the rioters were brought up' at Bow Street the next day. 'A full -account of the proceedings will 'b'e found in Biographica IT 306 Devil. Di-amatica under the heading ' Tailors.' " Devil's bedposts (common), the four of clubs. Devil's book (common), cards. Damn your cards, said he, they are the devils book. Swift : Polite Conversation. Devil's claws (prison), explained by quotation. A Scotch cap, worsted stockings, and a pair of shoes, completed the uniform of a foil private in Her Majesty's Convict Service. This uniform was decorated all over with the devits claws (the broad arrow). Evening News. Devil's daughter (common), a scolding,, shrewish wife. Devil's delight, a disturbance or quarrel of more than usual vehemence. To "kick up the devil's delight " is to indulge in drunken and obstreperous jovi- ality. Devil's dust, scraps and remnants of old woollen garments setit to the mill to be remanufactured in the semblance of good cloth, commonly known among manu- facturers who use the word satirically as " shoddy." Devil's golden tooth, the (Ameri- can). " One would think' he'd found the devil's- golden tooth," a common saying in ' Massachu- setts. Founded on a story to .the effect that Kidd, the pirate, . once obtained, from, the devil . his eye-tooth, .which had the power of changing all metals into gold. The losing and find- ing of this tooth by several persons forms the subject of a popular tale. Devil's guts (old slang), a term given by farmers to the sur- veyor's chain. Devil's livery (nautical), black and yellow. From the colours being used for mourning or quarantine. Devil's Own, the Inns of Court Rifle Volunteers. Devil-scolder (popular), a clergy- man. Devil's sharpshooters (American), a nickname given by "the church militant" to those of the cleri- cal party who in the Mexican War belied their cloth and pro- fession ; also to any person favouring unjust war. Devil's teeth (common), dice. Devil to pay, the (common), an allusion to the legendary tales of the Middle Ages, in which, in exchange for the enjoyment of unlimited wealth, power, or other earthly advantage, a man was supposed to -have sold his soAil to the devil. Devil to pay and no pitch hot (nautical) . The seam which mar- gins the water-ways was called the "devil."' Why, only caulkers can tell, who perhaps found it sometimes difficult for their Devotional Dick. 307 tools. The phrase, however, means service expected, and no one ready to perform it. Im- patience and naught to satisfy it (Admiral Smyth). Devotional habits (common) is applied to a horse inclined to "say his prayers," that is, apt to fall on his knees. Dew-drink (labourers), an early drink. French, "une goutte pour tner le ver," the worm being thought to be more than usually thirsty in the morning. Dewskitch (popular), a severe thrashing; per haps from "catch- ing one's due." Dial-plate (common), the face. " To turn the hands on his dial- plate," i.e., to disfigure the face. Dials (prison), members of the criminal class who live about the Seven Dials in London. Diamond - cracking- (Australian thieves' patter), stonebreaking. The metaphor is obvious, break- ing "those precious stones." He caught a month and had to white it out at diamond-cracking in " Castieau's Hotel." The Australian Printers' Keep- sake. In England, diamond cracking refers to working in a coal- Diary, to (American thieves), to remember. Dib (common), a portion or share. Dibs (common), money. The trots round with a tin plate or a royal dish-cover, and collects dibs for the Imperial Institute. He exhibits him- self at football matches and Church bazaars on consideration of nailing the coin for his pet scheme. Modern Society. So called, says Hotten, from the knuckle bones of sheep, which have been used from the earliest times for gambling purposes when money was not obtainable in one particular game five being thrown up at a time and caught on the back of the hand like half-pence. This resembles the common children's game of " jacksiones." The French call it " jeo. des osselets." (Thieves), ''flash your dibg," show yourmoney^. Dick (military), the penis. Dick, dikk, to (gypsy, also com- mon cant), to see, to look. Hotten says this is " North country cant," but it is found in. all gypsy dialedts. (Hindu, dekhna.) Dikkamtngro, a, look- ing-glass, also-dikkam,enyrl,both referring to anything used in connection with seeing, such as spectacles, lorgnons, or tele- scopes.. The latter would be a duro - dikkam&iyrl', a far - see- , thing. Tu . sdste dikkavit, yon should have seen it. Dick at the Garjers (gorgias) ; The Garjers round mancly, Trying to lei my meriben My meriben away. I.e., " See the gorgios rpiind me trying to take my life away." Dick-kdlo,; to look black, 308 Dicker Diddler. frown ; dick-dum, I saw (seldom heard) ; dick-pali, look back, re- call. Dicker (American), exchange or barter. It may be for their interest to make the dicker. New York Tribune. Dick in the green (thieves), weak, inferior, poor. A pun on the word "dicky," as bolt-in- tun is. on "to bolt." Dicky, or Dick in the green, very bad or paltry ; anything of an inferior quality is said to be a " Dicky concern " (Vaux's Dick's hatband, as queer as (provincial), anything strange or peculiar. This phrase, which Bartlett claimed as an Ameri- canism, is in reality an English provincial simile, and correctly given is, "As queer as Dick's hatband mafic of pea straw that went nine times round, and would not meet at last." The origin of the phras.e may be due to the oddness of using such a material for the purpose. "Dick, up to (popular), all right, up to the mark, good and satis- factory. Dicky (common), middling, in- ferior. And how's the fielding ? ^i Dicky! "Tis there you'll Have the pull that Vickets*ticky Or cut .up, through the influence of weather, Can't neutralise. . . * * Punch. It's all dicky or dickey with him, it's all over with him. 'Tis all dickey with poor Father Dick ; he's no more. Ingoldsby Legends. (London slang), smart, a swell. (Popular), explained by quo- tation. " I saw a laden waggon bearing the name of one of the cheap advertising firms you speak of." . . . "Ah, bearing the name . . . you saw a waggon wearing a dicky, you mean a false front plate with a name on it which slips on and off like them on the wans that the pianoforte- makers borrow."/. Greenwood : Low- Life Deeps. (Theatrical), " dicky domus," literally a bad, poor house, one with a small audience. Dicky birds (theatrical), a generic term which includes vocalists of every description, from Madame Patti down to a singer in the chorus. Diddeys (common), a woman's breasts. The word is really a provincial term for a cow's teats. Diddle, to (vulgar), to have sexual commerce. It signifies properly to " dredge ; " also to cheat in an artful way. . O that Tommy Riddle, What played upon the fiddle, Has managed for to diddle me f Of my true love. Popular Song. Diddler (common), an impecunious scamp, a swindler. See Jeremy Diddler (Kenny's farce of " Piais- Didoes Diklo. 309 ing the Wind"), or his more modern prototype, Jingle, in "Pickwick." Didoes. Vide To CUT DIDOES. Die-by-the-hedge (provincial), in- ferior meat of cattle which have died and not been slaughtered. Die in one's shoes, to (common), to be hanged. The metaphor is not happy, as men may die else- where than on the gallows with their boots on. And there is M'Fuze, and Lieutenant Tregooze ; And there is Sir Carnaby Jenks, of the Blues, All come to see a man die in his shoes ! Ingoldsby Legends. Dientical (American), a frivolous anagram for " identical," but often heard. Die, or dee (thieves), a pocket- hook, but specially the dummy or pocket-book stuffed with flash bank bills used by a " dropper." Dig (common), a blow with the fist, or tips of fingers, as " a diy in the eye," "a dig in the ribs." Dig a day under the skin, to (popular), to shave at such a time as to make it serve for two days. Dig, full (popular), the full allow- ance of payi Diggers (popular), the finger- nails. " If you do," returned Bill, " I will fix my diggers in your diaj-plate and turn it up with red." On the Trail. Also spurs, or the spades on^ cards. Diggers' delight (New Zealand), large brown felt hat worn by diggers in New Zealand. Diggings (common), place or habitation. Of American origin. I'm a daisy, dear boy, and no 'eeltaps 1 I wish the St. James's young man Could drop into my diggings permiskus; he's welcome whenever he can ; For he isn't no J., that's a moral ; I don't bear no malice ; no fear I But I'd open 'is hoptics a mossel 'con- cern in' my style and my spert. Punch. Dignity, a (West Indian), the name given by Europeans to a negro ball, the designation being probably derived from the ludi- crous pomposity of the negro character. The -blacks are very chary of admitting strangers, and especially white people, as eye-witnesses. Oftentimes they degenerate into a scene of _ the wildest debauchery. Dikk (Anglo - Indian), worry, botheration. And Beaufort learned in the law, And Anderson the sage, And if his locks are white as snow, "Tis more from dikk than age. Wilfred Heeley. tn English gypsy^ the word is duklc, more frequently dusk. Diklo, diclo (gypsy)-, a handker- chief, cravat.- Men-dido, a neck- tie.' 3io Dildoes Ding- bat. Dildoes, more commonly known now as " the broom handle." An instrument made of various soft pliable substances, and re- sembling the male pudendum, used by women who, possessing strong amatory passions, and forced to celibate lives, are afraid of pregnancy following natural copulation. In this con- nection the female pudenda is called "a broom." Such a sad tale prepare to hear, As claims from either sex a tear, Twelve dildoes meant for the support Of aged lechers of the court Were lately burnt by impious hand, Of trading rascals of the land, Who, envying their curious frame, Exposed these Priaps to the flame. Butler '. Dildoides (occasioned by burning a hogshead of dildoes at Stocks Market, 1672). (Old slang-), to dttdo, to play wantonly with a woman. Dilly (popular), a night-cart. Dilly-bag (Australian up-country), a blackfellow's wallet. Their own ditty-bags have nothing of value or interest in them. Some locks of hair rolled up in thin slips of bark, pro- bably belonging to a . deceased friend ; . a piece, or two of crystal for magic purposes ; two or three bones, and some fat which the troopers who, from their own upbringing, are authorities on such things, pronpunce human ; a primitive-looking bone fish hook or two, and some string made of, opossum hair that is all. A, C. Grant. Dimber (old cant), pretty! neat. r Dimber cove (thieves and gypsies), a gentleman. 'Tis a dimber cove. Come, old mort, tout the cobble-colter ; are we to have darkmans upon us? Disraeli: Venetia. Dimber-damber (old cant), very pretty ; a very clever rogue ; head of a gang. (Dekker gives dambet, a rascal, rogue.) No dimber-damber, angler, dancer, Prig of cackler, prig of prancer. Life ofBampfylde Moore Carew. Dimmock (popular), money. The derivation is evidently from the small coin " dime," worth ten cents in United States coinage. Dimmocking-bag', a bag used for collecting subscriptions in small sums for any special object ; also the special savings bank of the individual who usually hoards his sixpence for a parti- cular object, as at Christmas time for the Christmas feed. Dinahs (Stock Exchange), Edin- burgh and Glasgow Kailway Ordinary Stock. Dinarly (theatrical), coin, money, borrowed from the Spanish dinero ; "nantie dinarly" signi- fies " no treasury to-day." Dine out, to (popular), to go without dinner. Ding-bat (American), money. The word din or ding seems to indicate valne in several lan- guages. E.g. , in Yiddish, dinoh mimaunaus, money questions. Din, judgment. (Yiddish), din Ding Dirt-scrapers. we cheschbaum geben, to settle accounts. In Dutch, dingen, to plead, to cheapen ; dingbank, a judge's bench ; dinger, one who pleads or cheapens. Ding boy (old cant), a rogue or rascal. Ding-dong (popular), in good ear- nest. To " set about a thing ding-dony " is to tackle it with vigour. An alliterative redupli- cation of ding, to beat, to strike, and also perhaps in allusion to the quick succession of strokes in ringing of bells. Dinged (American), exceedingly. In the Southern States a man will say that he worked dinged hard. Vide DlNGGONED. Dingers, the cups and balls ; or, in the French phrase, " gobelets et muscades," used by' con- jurors. Ding-fury (provincial), huff or anger. A slang word very com- mon in the provinces. " She flounced away in a ding-fury." Dinggoned (American), a Western equivalent for "darned." In the South it takes the form of "dinged." They are all-enphe- misms for "damned." Well, sir, that dinggned show was more of a mystery to me the more I examined it, so I took Stack and Wirth out into the hall and explained my impressions. Superior Inter Ocean. Dip (popular), a pickpocket ; to dip, to arrest, convict, be put in any way into trouble. (Thieves), to dip, to pick a pocket, from the ordinary sense of the word. To dip a lob, to steal the contents of a till. Also to pawn. Dipped in the wing (popular), winged, worsted. I'm nipped in the bud, I'm dipped in the wing', I'm weeded, I'm sold, I am every- thing That is wretched, forlorn, and mad with despair, Look at my head only gaze at my hair. Cecil Merrie : Only wait till you're Married. Dipper, dipping bloke (thieves), a pickpocket. Off to Paris I shall'go to show a thing t>r two To the dipping Mokes wot hangs about the cafes ; How to do a^cross-fan for a super or a slang, And to bustle them gendarmes I'd give the office. Vance : The Chickaleary Cove. Dips (nautical), the purser's boy. Dirt-scrapers ( American ),law.yer who in examining witness'es ask them all manner of needless questions relative to their 'past " lives end inquire closely as to all their relations with women, &c., either with a view to making them appear immoral and dis- creditable, or, as is often really the case, to afford to the court and spectators the exquisite 312 Dirty Dispar. pleasure of seeing a man or woman tortured and put to shame. A criminal case without any dirt-scraping has become of late very exceptional, both in England and in America. Dirty half hundred (military). The 5oth Regiment was' called so, partly from having black facings which gave a sombre look to the uniform. After the battle of Badajos it was changed to the "gallant half hundred." Dirty puzzle (common), a slut. Discombobberated (American), discomposed, upset,*, "flum- muxed." . . An' when^ft seen I'd killed a deer as _ sttck as grease* he was so discombobbcrated he couldn't speak. New York Sun. Discommon, or discommune (uni- versity), not to communicate ; that is, to prohibit students dealing with certain tradesmen who have transgressed the rules of the University, a species 'of excommunication or "boy- cotting." ' . Disguised in liquor (common), a- common phrase in the vernacular for one who is slightly intoxi- cated. The expression, .thougfl vulgar, is not without merit, as* conveying the truth that a' drunken man is not playing a real -part, but has .assumed a guise that is false and unnatural Dish, to, tp circumvent, to ruin, to frustrate an enemy's or an op- ponent's plans. The word was used by the late Earl of Derby on a memorable occasion, when he affirmed that such and such a measure would "dish the Whigs." It has been supposed that the word was used in the first instance as a corruption of " dash," " dash " itself being an euphemism for " damn," as in the vulgar oath, "'dash my wig," for " damn my wig," but to dish most probably is only one of the many expressions connected with the kitchen, as "to cook his goose," to " give one a roasting," to " do brown," Dishclout (common), a dirty, un- savoury woman. When, how- ever, a man marries his cook, and it is said .that he has made a napkin of a dishdout, no other meaning is attributable except that a * mesalliance " has been made. Dispar. T,he following explana- tion of this term is given by W. H. David. "The word, ' sines,' the scholars' allowance of bread for breakfast or supper, and dispar, his portion of 'meat, have their origin in a Winches- ter College custom which pre- vailed in the last century. There being neither ' .hatch ' nor roll- call at the College Hall in these days, the provision for breakfast was laid out on a table, and the stronger toqk the lion's share, and' left the .weaker ' sirfes.' So ^again at dinner the double plate Dt'ss Diving-bell. 313 of meat fell to the former as a matter of might, and the un- equal moiety, the dispar, be- came the portion of the weaker junior." Diss (printers), abbreviation for distribution, i.e., printed off type to be returned to its re- spective cases, and re-composed. Dissecting job (tailors), a heavy alteration. Distiller (Australian convicts' slang), one who is easily vexed and betrays his chagrin. Vide CABEY THE KEG. Probably not of colonial origin but introduced by transportees. Ditch and ditcher (Anglo- Indian), slang terms applied in a dis- paraging manner to Calcutta and the " Calcuttians." Dite (American), ." I don't care a dite." Dutch t duyt, a doit, half a farthing. " Hy gelykt ' hem oop en duyt," there is not half a farthing difference" be- tween them. Dittoes, a suit of clothes made all of the same cloth, in French "un complet." The term is pretty general. Ditty (popular),, bag ; a corrnrj- . tion of* the tailors' phrase, * a ditto bag," from the bag in whic& they keep miscellaneous articles for the repair of tjieir clothes or shoes for thread, tapes, but- tons, needles, .pins, nails, &c.-, t ' ' ' " Dive (American), a drinking- saloon ; a cellar -saloon. An Ourayite recently passing through Canon City on Sunday was invited to go to the penitentiary to church services, and, accepting the invitation, found 385 con- victs assembled, and among them, playing the violin in the choir, the young Italian who shot his mistress through the window of her house just back of the dive known as "220" here in Ouray about a year ago. The Solid Afuldoon, Ouray, Colo- rado. Dive into one's sky, to (popular), to thrust one's hand in one's pocket. "Yes, I know, Uncle, it's Mary Ann. I see you through the keyhole this morn- ing when she brought up your shaving water. " Then Uncle Ben dived -into his Iky and brought up a nice bright Jubilee half- dollar, and little Willie went off to the confectioner's singing. -Sporting Times. Dive into the woods, 'to (Ameri- can), a common figure of speech for hiding one's self. A female of the Salvation Army has invented what is called the ''salvation kiss." Young men who have seen the female portion of the army will not seek salvation in this new form* They will dive ^till deeper into the woods when the army eomes around. Nqrristown Herald. Qiver . .(thieves) , a pickpocket ; he "d}ves into th skies" of other jaeople. ' . Divide the house with one's wife, to, a qpamt saying which sig- nines to turn her ou into the i |<4 V Diving-bell, a cellar tavern. 3H Divous Dock. Divous (gypsy), a day. bdro divo&sko divous, the great day of judgment. Probably a con- traction of dtiveleskro, divine. Diwy ( American), to divide, share, or partake. If Mexican robbers make a rush on an American ranch in Zapata, Frio, Cameron, Hidalgo, or Starr Counties, they are ex- pected to diwy with the American gentle- men engaged in the same line of business before being permitted to cross the river peacefully. Chicago Tribune. Do (popular), a do is a fraud, an imposition. I thought it was a do to get me out of the house. Sketches by Boz. Do, to (common), to outwit, to pay out, to cheat. (Thieves), to do a place or crib, is to break into a house for the purpose of steal- ing. I went in a place and touched for some wedge, which we done for three pounds ten. Horsley : Jottings from Jail. (Popular and thieves), " to do for," to kill. The prisoners had since stated that the stranger had bidden them to do for M. , and then to take away everything which he might have about him. Daily Telegraph. Do a bit, to (popular), to eat some- thing. When I asked her what 4he'd fake, Her answer, made fnp queer ; She said, ll I admit ' I car^do a bit Of everything that's here. ' V ., Some mulligatawny soup, a mackerel, and a sole, , " A. ban&ry,. * bath-bun, raid a tuppenny sausage roll, A little drop of sherry, a little pint of cham, A roley-poley pudding, with a pile of cakes and jam." Matilda Gorger: Francis and Day. Do a guy, to (thieves), to run away, to get out of the way. It's a fact to be deplored, though it cannot be ignored, That all of us are not well off for oof ; And occasionally a Johnny, who is "gone" on some fair " honey," Hasn't cash enough to treat her like a toff. When he tries to raise the wind, it's just possible he'll find It difficult to keep within the law, Alas ! he may be " fly," but when it's time to do a guy, He's sure to meet the bobby at the door. Sporting Times. (Workmen), to be away whilst supposed to be at work. Dobie (Anglo-Indian), a man who performs the functions of a washerwoman ; also a washer- woman. Dock (old cant), to deflower (Har- man) ; gypsy, dukker, to wrong, ravish, injure. Dukker or docker is often used without the ter- minal " er." Turner derives it from the Gaelic terraich. (Printers). This is colloquial for a man's weekly bill or "pole," probably from the fact of its being subject or liable to be "docked" or curtailed by the person appointed to check the bills. (Winchester), to dock, to scratch out ; to dock a book, to tear out pages from a book. (Popular), hospital. f. ;. Docker Dodge. 315 Docker (law), a brief for defence handed by a prisoner in the dock to any barrister who by the etiquette of the profession is bound to take it, at the mini- mum fee of 233. 6d. Doctor, the (up-country Aus- tralian), the men's cook on a station. The title of the man who concocts one kind of mix- tures and prescriptions is trans- ferred to one who practises in another branch of the profes- sion, which is thoroughly char- acteristic of Australian slang. (Old), a decoction of milk and water, rum, and a spicing of nutmeg. (Gamblers), doctors, false cards or dice. " Here," said he, taking some dice out of his pockets, " here are the little doctors which cure the distempers of the purse." Fielding : Tom Jones. From to doctor, to poison, to falsify, to adulterate. She doctor d the punch, and she doctor 'd the negus, Taking care not to put in sufficient to flavour it. Ingoldsby Legends. To "put the doctor" on one, to cheat him. Perhaps ways and means may be found to put the doctor on the old prig. T. Brown : Works. (Popular), to "keep the doc- tor " is said of a publican who retails adulterated drinks. Dodderer (provincial), a shaky, mumbling old man. The old English had to " doddle," signi- fying to tremble, to shake, still used in the North of England. He got up on an old mule which had served nine kings, and so mumbling with his mouth, nodding and doddling with his head, would go see a coney ferreted. Urqukart : Rabelais. French doddiner, which has the root dod, oscillation, in com- mon with the English equiva- lent ; Italian, dundolare, to rock, to shake gently. Doddy (provincial). This is ap- plied in Norfolk to any person of low stature. Sometimes " Hodman dod," and " hoddy doddy, all head and no body." A " dod " is provincial for a rag of cloth, and to " dod " is to cut off, to lop. Dodgasted (common), a milder form of damned. " Well, what was it, anyhow?" " It was one of those dodgasted elec- trical machines ! Trying my nerves, you know ! " And when the boys had recovered, the funeral-monger had gone, and so had all the available drinks on the counter. Sporting Times. Dodge (common), a clever contri- vance ; a cunning, underhanded trick. A recognised term, but used in many slangy senses. Among the numerous dodges re- sorted to by tricky or dishonest persons are .the "pamphlet dodge." Th "pamphlet dodge" is an established variety of the begging-letter man of trade. Two or three experts will club together to take advantage of a striking eVent or momentous political crisis, find out some 316 Dodge Dog. poor penny-a-liner in one of the haunts of such people, and get him to throw to- gether forty or fifty pages on the parti- cular subject, paying him miserable wages for the work. Tit-Bits. (Thieves), "delivered dodge." Alfred sends his servant with goods to a customer, with orders to bring back the goods or the money. The servant takes the goods and hands in the bill, and the customer says, on reading the bill, " All right, put the goods down there," which the man does, expecting that the customer is about to pay the bill. When he has done so, the customer says he will call and pay his master ; but on the man tell- ing him he must take the goods back if the bill is not paid, the customer replies that he has delivered the goods, that they are now in the possession of the purchaser, and that if he touches them he will give him in charge of the police. Tit-Bits. The " tidy dodge" dressing up children so that they look tidy, and slowly walking about the streets with this genuine or borrowed family for begging purposes. To dodge, to track one in a stealthy manner. There's not the smallest danger in it . . . it's only to dodge a woman. ... I can do that pretty well, I know. ... I was a regular cutting sneak when I was at school. Dickens: Oliver Twist. Dodger (common), a tricky per- son, a swindler. Dickens has immortalised the word by his character of the Artful Lodger in Oliver Twist. (Popular), a dram. (Provincial), a night- cap, hence the latter meaning. (American), this term, meaning a round roll or pat of maize - . bread, is apparently derived from the same word as applied to any object of a similar shape (e.g., in vulgar slang, the penis). In Dutch, dag or dagje (en end,- tje dagg) means a short bit of rope. Dot or dotje is also a ball of wool, cotton, &c., generally spoiled, decaying, or in a mass. Dodo (old), a common expression for a fussy old man, or de- crepit man. Dod-rottedest (American), a eu- phemistic form of swearing ; sometimes "dod-f etched," "dod- gasted." Well, sir, there was the dod-rottedest machine you ever saw. A nice-looking man with black whiskers was turning away at a big 'balance - wheel made of champagne bottles. Superior Inter Ocean. Dog (society), a man ; a gay dog, a jolly dog, a careless dog, &c. The word dog now has come to mean in society a gentleman of an amorous turn of mind, who has great success among the ladies. (American), dog, dog-goned, God and God damned, as it is popularly explained ; it being believed that dog is the word God reversed. " I'll be dogged" is the common form, and it is really never used to seriously signify anything so extreme as eternal condemna- tion. It is possibly a New York word, and may therefore be de- rived from the Dutch daugen, to summon to judgment, to arraign. If this be so, there Dog Doing. 317 would be a very apparent con- nection with condemned. Dog biting dog (theatrical), one actor ungenerously criticising another's performance. Dog-collar (common), a stiff, stand-up collar, one of the kind much in favour among dandies. Dog-durned (West American), a mild form of swearing. Pro- bably an euphemism for God damned. Bird declared that he would be dog- darned if he was going to run his interior (he called it by some other name) out a-driv- ing the stock any further ahead durnfd if he would. F. Francis : Saddle and Moccasin. Doggery (American), a partial anagram of groggery. A low drinking place, a "rum-bucket- shop," a "dive," a "gin-mill," a " boozing-ken," a " rum-icile," a " drunkery." Not one word can be justly said against the character or ability of any of the nomi- nees. They are in every way immensely superior to their Democratic opponents, who number among them as far as the nominations have gone half-a-dozen dcg- ^rry-keepers, a crooked ex-gager, a police- court shyster, and a railroad lobbyist. Two or three other m-fencer," a per- son who buys or sells stolen lace. A driz Icemtsa, a shirt with a lace frill. With my fawnied fancy and my onions gay, fake away, With my thimble of ridge and my driz kemesa. A insworth : Rookwood. Droddum Dropped. 331 Droddum (popular), the buttocks, the breech. Dromedary (thieves), a bungler. Drop (American), to get the drop on a man, to forestall, get first advantage. This phrase alludes to a trick, practised in large cities upon unsuspecting strangers, called the drop game, which consists in pretending to find a pocket-book or purse full of notes, which a confederate has dropped upon the near ap- proach of a likely victim. By specious representations the finder manages to obtain good money from the victim, who is said to be dropped on, the notes being, of course, counter- feit. Also to have the drop on one. When summoned to hold his hands up, he refused and attempted to draw his own revolver, with the result of having two bullets put through him. Finnigan com- mented on Calamity as a fool for not knowing when a man had the drop on him. Century Illustrated Magazine. Drop in the eye (old), to " have a drop in the eye," to be partially intoxicated. O faith, Colonel, you must own you had a drop in. your eye, for when I left you you were half seas over. Swift: Polite Conversation. ' Drop it (common), cease, leave off. Drop one's leaf, to (common), to die. Obviously an allusion to the fall of the leaves in winter. Drop the money purse, to (Ameri- can), to incur a loss, make a mistake. Den The Dog he sail inter Brer Coon, en right dar's whar he drop hit money- puss, kaze Brer Coon wuz cut out fer dat bizness, an' he far'ly wipe up de face er de earf wid 'im. -Brer Retnus. Drop the scabs in, to (tailors), to work the button-holes. Drop, to (thieves and popular), to leave, turn aside ; to " drop the main Toby," to turn off the main road. (Popular), to di-op a man, to knock him down ; to drop on, to arrest suddenly, to abruptly interfere or pre- vent, to reprove, lay the re- sponsibility on. The father died, the son then tried some poison for to take ; But this they stopped, and on him drop- ped, for making this sad mistake. Song: Tiddler-Wink the Barter. (American), to lose. St. Paul sporting men left for Illinois on Monday prepared to get even on their previous losses on the Gilmore-Myers mill, fought at Harrison's Landing, near St. Croix Falls, Wis., October ijth last, when Meyer sent Gilmore to grass in five rounds. The Minneapolis and St. Paul men gave big odds on Gilmore, and in round numbers it is estimated that the Minnesota men dropped $8000 on the fight. St. Louit Globe Democrat. (Common), to drop into, to thrash. Dropped on pointed. (tailors), disap- 332 Dropping Drunk. Dropping the anchor (racing), keeping back a horse in a race. On the other hand, on remarking upon the wild way of riding, the visitor will probably be met with the retort, that if the jockeys did not flog their animals un- mercifully, they would be accused of what is here termed in racing slang dropping the anchor. Sporting Times. Drum (popular and thieves), a house or lodging. Call it what you like . . . drum, crib, owse, or whichever way you likes to put a name to it ; it makes no matter to the place I mean. J. Greenwood: Dick Temple. I went straight back to the old drum in Spitalfields, and after a drink with old friends we made up a tossing party, and I lost every penny of that ten shillings in a very little time. /. Greenwood: Seven Years' Penal Servitude. Drum means also a street, a road ; in the West of England a " drong." It may have come directly from the English gypsy drum (old form drom), which is, truly, from the Greek 8po/j.6s, a road. The origin of the old French cant word, trinie, which has the same meaning, is pro- bably identical. (Old), rout or ball. From the noise of the entertainment a ball - room was called the " drum-room." The bonny housemaid begins to repair the disordered drum-room. Fielding: Tom Jones. (Pugilistic), the ear. (Tailors), a small workshop. Drummer (tailors), trousers' maker. (Old racing), a horse whose forelegs move in an irregular, unusual manner. (American), a commercial traveller; probably from the simile of beating the drum to attract attention, or from drum, road. First Drummer "Had any fun this trip?" Second Drummer "We tried to have some in Louisville, but it did not turn out very well. We painted the nose of one of the boys a brilliant red, and sent him into a revival-meeting." " They must have thought him a fit subject for conver- sion." "Well, no; they all rushed up to him, grabbed him by the hand, said they were glad to see him back from Europe, and asked for a puff in the Courier Jour- nal. Omaha World. In this paragraph the editor of the Omaha World satirises a colleague in a rival news- paper. (Thieves), a thief who makes his victims insensible by giving them a narcotic, or causing them to inhale chloroform. Pro- bably a corruption of " dram- mer" from "dram." Drumstick (popular), the leg ; " drumstick cases," trousers. Drunk (American), a state of intoxication. Observing this, the opium master, who was still squatted on the bed, hastened to roll up a couple of cigarettes of common tobacco, and lit them by taking a whiff at each, after which he handed them to the Chinamen, who rose from the couch yawn- ing, and, like men only half awake, staggered towards the fire, and sat re- garding it in silence. They were not going yet ; they had come for a drunk, and would probably indulge in half-a-dozen Drunken Dry. 333 more pipes before the evening was over. hi Strange Company. Drunken chalks (soldiers), good conduct badges. Derisively used, and implying that the badges have been gained not by sobriety but by the faculty of carrying liquor well. Drury Lane vestals (old). Drury Lane, like Covent Garden, had at one time a reputation for immorality and debauchery rivalling the Haymarket and Regent Street of to-day. The neighbourhood was notorious as the resort and dwelling-place of women of the town, whether kept mistresses or common harlots. They were called Drury Lane vestals, and "the Drury Lane ague " was a loath- some venereal disorder. Dry bob. Vide BOB. Dry-bobbing (Eton), cricketting. " Wet-bobbing," the term for river sports. Vide BOB. Eventually he won his case ; the Georgic was excused, and "Hossy" recited the prologue with much success. It was in April, when a late and severe flood had put an end to a little attempted early dry- bobbing. Sketchy Memories of Eton. Dry boots (common), a sly, humorous fellow. Dry hash (Australian), a man who will not "shout," i.e., pay for drinks. Vide DEADHEAD. Dry lodging (lodging - house keepers), sleeping accommoda- tion without board. Dry nurse, to (nautical), is said of a junior officer on board ship who advises an ignorant cap- tain, and instructs him in his duty. Dry shave, to (common), to annoy one by violently rubbing his chin with the fingers. Dry up (popular, originally Ame- rican), hold your tongue ; varied by " curl up," " put a clapper to your mug," " stop your jaw," and other equally elegant in- vitations. (Theatrical), a dry up, a failure, the reverse of a "draw." Whoever is responsible for the dry up at the Opera Comique deserves to be ostra- cised from theatrical society. Bird o' Freedom. To dry up, to stick, i.e., to forget the words of a part and break down. (Racing), to slacken pace through exhaustion ; literally to be " pumped out." At the distance he looked like winning in a canter, but dried up immediately afterwards. Sporting Times. (Printers), to leave off work at dinner time or at night. Sometimes to discharge, or to leave a situation. Dry, walking (military), a dry walk or walking dry, is the un- interesting and very distasteful promenade a soldier is com- pelled to take when he leaves barracks after working hours without a penny in his pocket. 334 D. T.Duck. D. T. (common), delirium tre- mens, used very generally by Anglo-Indians. They get a look, after a touch of D, T., which nothing else that I know of can give them. Indian Tale. D. T. also means Daily Tele- graph. Dub, to (thieves), to open ; " dub the jigger," open the door. T. Harman writes this "dup." Tower ye yander is the kene, dup the gygger. Harman : Caveat. Dub, a key, lock, picklock. Dub-lay, robbing houses by pick- ing the locks. " Dubber," an expert lock-picker. To dub a jigger is a variant of " strike a jigger," to break open a door, and dub in that sense is from the meaning to strike. Anglo-Saxon dubban. Hence dub. (Popular), to " dub up," to pay up. Provincial, dubs, money. So that " dub up " would be the exact rendering of the French financer, to pay. (Anglo- Indian), dub, a small coin. Dub at a knapping jigger (old cant), a turnpike-man. Dubs (Winchester). In the slang of the boys of that public school this term has the meaning of double. Dubsman (old cant), -a jailer. Oh ! give me a chisel, a knife, or a file, And the dubsman shall find that I'll do it in style 1 Tol-de-rol. . W. H. Ainnvorth : Jack Sheppard. Due (printers), short for the ink- ductor or fountain that regulates the quantity given out to each impression on a machine. Ducat, ducats (theatrical), coin, cash of any description. (Thieves), a railway ticket. Probably a corruption of ticket. So I took a tiitcat for Lutton in Surrey, and went a wedge-hunting. Horsley : Jottings front Jail. Duck (popular), a bundle of scraps of meat sold to the poor. (Win- chester), the face. Duck, or duck's egg (cricket), no runs ; an allusion to the shape of the nought. I carried out my bat for nineteen, and Thomas his for fifteen, scored with much pluck at the pinch of the game ; in fact, he won the match, for the remaining man was good for nothing else but a duck. Bird o' Freedom. (Stock Exchange). In the slang of the "House" a "lame duck" is a defaulter. The ex- pression is old. I may be " lame," but I shall never be a duck, nor deal in the garbage of the alley. Walpole Letters. A "lame duck" is said to "waddle out of the alley," that is, leave the Stock Exchange as bankrupt. The gaming fools are doves, the knaves are rooks, 'Change-alley bankrupts waddle out " lame ducks." Garrick ; Prologue to Foote's Maid of Bath. Duck, doing a (thieves), getting under the seat of a railway car- riage when the ticket-collector Duck Dndctlc. 335 comes round, so as to avoid paying the fare. From the ordinary meaning of to duct, to drop the head or person sud- denly. With a downward glance of intense scorn at me, the first speaker continued " Doitt' a duck, macin' the rattler, ridin' on the cheap, on the odno, under the bloorain' seat, down wi' the dust, all among the daisies, where you like, and what you like, it makes no matter which, what do you think? Gentlemen in my walk of life can't always be worried." Sporting Times. Ducks (common), white linen, or drill trousers. This young person had stipulated that Billy should do the thing proper, and be married in a pair of white ducks. These garments he had cheapened at a mart of " reach me down " notoriety, to the satis- faction of the feminine onlooker of his pro- ceedings through the window. Savage: London. (Stock Exchange), Aylesbury Dairy Company shares. (Anglo-Indian), officials of the Bombay service. Dudder, dudsman (old), a pedlar who sold articles of clothing to country people. Vide DUDS. Duddering rake (old), an ex- tremely debauched man about town. Dude (American), a swell or " masher," an overdressed man. Probably from the very old English cant dude, a garment. Ain't you one of these dudes as the Colonel brings down sometimes from El Paso and Silver, that wants kettles o' hot water to twelve o'clock ? F, Francis : Saddle and Moccasin, The word is also used in England. Sometimes, however, a dis- tinction seems to be established between dude and dandy, the former being considered to apply more to a brainless "masher." I'm a dandy 111 have you all to know, With the ladies I'm never rude : This style is all my own, with it I carry tone, I'm a dandy, but I'm no dude. The following quotation gives amusing evidence of the anti- quity of dude. A correspondent of the New York Evening Post shows that dudes are of very ancient date. In the "Eunuchus" of Terence, act iv. scene iv., 1. 15, it is written : " Ita vistns est Dudum quia varia veste exornatus fuit," Which, literally translated into English, would read : " He seemed a dude, be- cause he was decked out in parti -coloured clothes," or still more literally, " in a vest of many colours." Dude hamfatters (American), a sarcastic allusion to the swell and " masher " pork- raisers. A large number are located not a hundred miles from Chicago. It seems that the dude kamfatters, after trying various games to skip unseen, con- ceived the idea of making up as a couple of well-dressed women. New York Na- tional Police Gazette. Dudeman or dudman, a scare- crow (Halliwell). Dudette, dudinette (American), a very young girl, a mere chit, who affects the airs and style of a belle. 336 Dudikabin Duffer. Dudikabin (gypsy), "to lei dudi- kabin," lit., to take lightment. This word was for a long time kept a great secret by the gypsies, and one of them was fc reprimanded by his friends for telling the writer. It means the making a clean sweep of every- thing valuable in the house, under pretence of propitiating the planets, or of finding and attracting hidden treasure. This latter is more specially the huk- ani boro, or " great humbug." It appears to be connected with the English slang - equivalent "lightment," from to lighten, to relieve of one's property, to rob. Dudine( American), a lady "dude." Long - handled eye - glasses, and the dudines who buy and use them. Phila- delphia. Times. Duds (thieves), clothes. Scottish dud, a rag. As I was walking down Cheapside a man came up to me and said, " Look here, mate, the sooner you sling them duds away the longer you will keep out of quod. I have been following behind two private clothes detectives, and they spotted you by your togs, so take my tip to get rid of them. Everting News. Also duddies. Then he took out a little knife, Let a' his duddies fa", And he was the brawest gentleman That stood among them a". Old Ballad: We'll gang nae Mair a Roving. [Attributed to King James V. of Scotland.] T. Harman uses the word with the meaning of linen clothes. We wyll fylche some duddes off the ruffemans, or myll the ken for a lagge of dudes. Caveat. I.e., "We will steal some linen off the hedges, or rob a parcel of the same from the house." (Old), to " sweat dudx," to pawn clothes. A " dudman " is provincial for a scarecrow ; literally a ragged fellow. Duff (thieves), spurious. Men at the duff, passers of false jewel- lery. To duff, to sell spurious goods, often under the pretence of their having been smuggled, stolen, or found. In London attempts at duffing are often made by rascals who offer for sale a worthless meerschaum pipe or ring, pretending they have j ust found it. Vide DUFFEB. Duffer (common). This word has two opposite meanings. A rank swindler, a clever cheat "a word in frequent use in 1701 to express cheats of all kinds." In Yiddish every word which means clever or wise also means roguery ; and in Yiddish doffer is a shrewd, clever, very crafty man (adjective doff, from tov or toff, good) ; Dutch thieves' slang doffer, a tramp, a seller of forged pictures. . . . Nor did it mark him out as the prey of ring-droppers, pea and thimble- riggers, duffers, louters, or any of those bloodless sharpers, who are perhaps a little better known to the police. Dickens : Martin Chuzzleivit. A worthless person, a stupid man, an awkward, unskilful fel- low, a coward. Duffer Duke. 337 What an awful diiffer he is. I do not believe he hit a thing to-day ; besides, he is so dangerous. Saturday Review. In this latter sense the word is connected with daffe, Anglo- Saxon, a fool ; daffam, a silly pers9n (Wright) ; da/, a coward ; daft, of weak intellect. Anglo- Saxon dedf, " surdus, absurdus, stolidus," from dufan. Deaf is in most of its Indo-European forms synonymous with stupid or stolid. Gothic daufs, dull or foolish. (Popular), spurious money. I very quietly slipped h\\\ duffers among six good bobs, and accommodated her with the change she wanted. It came off all right, so I've four bob left for drinks ; see ! Bird o Freedom. (Nautical), a woman who assists smugglers. Duffer out, to (Australian), mining slang. A reef is said to duffer out when the gold is nearly or quite exhausted. He then reported to the shareholders that the lode had duffered out, and that it was useless to continue working. Ad- vance Australia. Dug-out (American), a canoe hollowed out of the trunk of a tree. The term seems common throughout the New World, as the Rev. W. Cartwright in his " Autobiography " says, "If by chance we got a dug-out to cross in ourselves and swim our horses by, it was quite a treat." Also a rough kind of structure built over an excavation. The new house was at best but a modest little structure, but Mayne viewed the placing of each shingle and the driving of each nail with profound satisfaction. In the sparsely settled neighbourhood, where dug-outs and " shacks " predominated, a "frame" house, even though small and unpretending, was a structure of no mean importance. When it became known that Jack Mayne intended to plaster the " front room " it was pretty thoroughly agreed that reckless extravagance characterised Mayne's house building. Sporting Time:. Duke Humphrey (common), " to dine with Duke Humphrey" to go without dinner. Dr. Brewer, in his "Dictionary of Phrase and Fable," says : " Hum- phrey, Duke of Gloucester, son of Henry IV., was renowned for his hospitality. At his death it was reported that a monument would be erected to him in St. Paul's, but his body was interred at St. Albans. When the pro- menaders left for dinner, the poor stay-behinds who had no dinner used to say to the gay sparks who asked if they were going, that they would stay a little longer and look for the monument of the ' good duke.' " " Dining with the cross-legged knights" (the stone effigies, of the Round Church) had the same signification. Hotten has the following explanation : " Some visitors were inspecting the abbey where the remains of Humphrey Duke of Gloucester lie, and one of them was unfor- tunately shut in, and remained there solus while his companions were feasting at a neighbouring hostelry. He was afterwards said to have dined with Duke Humphrey, "and the saying even- 338 Duke Dumb-cow, tually passed into a proverb." Vide Halliwell, who gives a better origin, and one supported by all contemporary writers. Duke of limbs (common), a tall, spindle-shanked man ; the phrase also implies awkward- ness and uncouthness. Duke of York (rhyming slang), walk or talk. Dukes or dooks (popular and thieves), the hands ; from the gypsy duk, dook, which refers to palmistry ; " it is in his dook," meaning "it is in his fate," became " it is in his hand." Then he began to push me about, so I said I would not go at all if he put his dukes (hands) on me. Then he rammed my nut (head) against the wall and shook the very life out of me. Horsley: Jot- tings from Jail. To grease one's duke, to bribe, to pay. So the next day I went to him, and asked him if he was not going to grease my duke. Horsley : Jottings from Jail. To put up one's dukes, to fight, to box. No doubt Britain's foes will be thrown into throes Of utter dismay and despair, too ; Finding those near the throne are to prize- fighting prone ; And are rtady to fight " on the square," too. Now that royalties spar, all the swells, near and far, Will do ditto without any warning ; And without any flukes, will all put up their dukes, And try punching the bag every morning. Fun. Dukey. Vide DOOKIE. Dukk, dook (gypsy), breath. Mandy nashered my diikk a prasterin puller the juva. An Old Gypsy. I.e., " I lost my breath running after the girl." A spirit ; that which inspires divination or palmistry ; the demon of Socrates. I find that the dook is like myself, very much given to lying. George Borrow: Lavengro. Also pain, vexation, annoy- ance. (According to the primi- tive Shamanic faith, all pain was caused by evil spirits.) Dukker, dnk, dook, dooker (gypsy), to tell fortunes, to pain, grieve, chide ; dukkerben, grief, trouble, a fault ; dukkeripen or dtkkerpen, fortune - telling, augury ; dukkero, sorrowful. Hindu, dokh, fault. When I pens adovo I pens a tacho duk- kerin. George Borrow : Lavengro. Mukk mengy dukkeryowr koVro, rya? So? Mandy cant pen lis-mandy can. Ma tute sav 'at dukkerin, pala Addvo sos sar o tern began. "Shall I tell your fortune too, sir? What ? I can't ! Oh, yes, I can. Don't you laugh at fortune-telling, 'Twas with that the world began." Professor E. H. Palmer. Dull in the eye (popular), intoxi- cated. Dull swift (old), said of one long gone on errands or messages. Dumb-cow (Anglo-Indian), also dumb-cowed (participle), to brow- beat, to cow, set down. " This is a capital specimen Dumb-cow Dung. 339 of Anglo-Indian dialect. Dam khiina, ' to eat one's breath,' is a Hindu idiom for ' to be silent.' Mr. Hobson-Jobson converts this into a transitive verb, to dam- /tAd,andboth spelling andmean- ing being affected by English suggestions of sound, this comes in Anglo-Indian use to imply coucing and silencing " (Anglo- Indian Glossary. Dumfogged (literary), confused. Dummock (low), the fundament ; otherwise known as "blind cheek." Dummy (popular), anything fictitious or sham, an individual of vacant mind, and one bereft of speech. (Tailors), a piece of cloth rolled tight and saturated with oil ; used for rubbing clothes of a very hard nature in places required to be cut, also the shears, to make cutting more easy. (Thieves), a pocket- book. Originally a book full of sham notes. He is caught he must " stand and de- liver ; " Then out with the dummy, and off with the bit, Oh, the game of High Toby for ever 1 AinsTvorth : Rookwood. A " dummy-hunter," a pick- pocket, whose speciality is to steal pocket-books. No rfwwwy-hunter had forks so fly, No knuckler so deftly could fake a cly. AinsTuorth: Rookaiood. Dummy daddle dodge (thieves), picking pockets in an omnibus under cover of a sham hand. Asked by the friendly warder what he thought of the dummy datidle dodge, Mr. Mobbs said he rather thought that game was played out. A woman, he pro- ceeded to explain, can work with a dummy daddle in an omnibus or a railway carriage much better than a man, because, without appearing conspicuous, she can wear any kind of loose shawl or cloak as concealment for her real hand. /. Green- wood: Daily Telegraph. Dump fencer (street), a man who hawks buttons. Dump is an old word for a leaden medal. Dumpoke (Anglo-Indian), a duck, boned, baked, and highly sea- soned. From the Persian dam- pukht, " air-cooked," or baked. In English gypsy, .pukht would be pckkerd, from the same root. These eat highly of all flesh dumpcked, which is baked with spice in butter. Fryer. Dumps (popular), money. Vide DUMP FENCER. May I venture to say when a gentleman jumps In the river at midnight for want of the dumps, He rarely puts on his knee-breeches and pumps. IngoUUby Legends. Dung (workmen), one who is com- pelled to accept lower wages after being out on strike. The word is the preterite of the old English verb to " ding," to beat down, one who is dung or beaten, as in the old proverb, still termed Scottish, " It's a sair dung bairn that maunna greet." 340 Dungaree Dust. (Tailors), " dunging it " is said of a traitor to the trade. Dungaree (Anglo-Indian), com- mon, coarse, low, vulgar. The name of a disreputable suburb of Bombay, and also of a coarse blue cloth used for sailors' clothing. Dunnage (popular), baggage. clothes or Dunnakin (American thieves), a chamber-pot. In England, the water-closet. Durham man (old slang), a knock- kneed man was so called, and was said to grind mustard be- tween his knees. Durrynacker (prison), female hawker. From the gypsy dori or doriez, threads or lace. Dust (common), money. Possibly for gold dust. " Put it down to the bill" is the fountain of ill, 'Tis this has the shopkeepers un- done. Bazaars never trust, so down with your dust, And help us to diddle all London. Grimaldi's Bazaar. The term is old, it occurs in the"Lifeof Ken," 1690. "Down with the dust," pay the money. If they did intend to trade with Christ they must " down with the dust " instantly, for to his knowledge the Papists did offer a vast sum of money for England's Christ. EachartFs Obsemations, 1671. He who giveth to the poor lendeth to the Lord. If you like the security " down with the dust." Sermon attributed to the Rev. Rowland Hill. Duster (tailors), a sweetheart. Dust Hole (common), the Queen's Theatre, Tottenham Court Road, so called from the fact that half a century ago, when under the management of Mr. Glossop, the de"bris of the theatre was swept daily under the pit, and suffered to accumulate, to the great inconvenience of the audience, until the dust hole was crowded to repletion. The first French plays acted in London were given at this theatre, which, after many vicissitudes of fortune, became fashionable as the Prince of Wales', and is now the property of the Salva- tion Army. Dust out of, to (American), to leave or depart. Mother Johnnie, brush the dust off your boots. Johnnie Is that the kind of dust papa was talking to governess about ? Mother 'What did he say 1 Johnnie He said: "Dost thou love me, Agnes?" Mother No, it was not, Johnnie ; but Agnes will dust out of here to-morrow morning. Boston Globe. Dust, to (West American), to dismount by allowing oneself to roll off to the soft ground. Frequently, instead of quitting them when they were turned loose, the boys would sit astride of the steers they had been holding, and "stay with them" as they went bucking down the corral to- wards their fellows, until the proximity of Diistoor Dying. 341 these latter warned the riders to roll off and dust. f. Francis : Saddle and Moc- casin. Dustoor, dustoory (Anglo- Indian), a commission paid, generally as a kind of bribe. Persian and Hindu, dastur, cus- tom. " That commission or per- centage on money passing in any cash transaction which sticks to the fingers of the agent of payment" (Anglo- Indian Glossary). Dusty (popular), "not so dusty," not so bad. Three red clocks, two pusses, and a white slang I ain't done so dusty! Punch. Dusty, gritty, or stony broke (popular), without a sou. "I've been as flash as they make "em in my time, and you'll 'ardly believe it" this in a hoarse whisper to me "I've been that broke stony, gritty, dusty broke you understand, as I'd 'ave nicked the broads out of a pal's kick, if they was there, and sold 'em for the price of 'alf a pint." Sporting Times. Dutch (military), to " do a Dutch," to run away, to desert. Pro- bably an allusion to " Dutch courage." Dutch (popular), a wife. Now he'd not a brown, nor a friend in town, In fact he was quite undone ; He made a vow he'd never row With his old Dutch again. So part by hook, and part by crook, He tramped it back to London. Mitchell : Jimmy Johnsons Holiday. Dutch auction (cheap Jacks), a method of selling goods with- out incurring the penalties for selling without a license. Dutch clock, a bed-pan is so called by nurses. Dutch feast (common), a dinner at which the host gets drunk before his guests. Dutchman's breeches (nautical), two streaks of blue in a cloudy sky. Dutch treat (American), a dinner or drinking where every man pays for himself. Dying in a horse's nightcap (popular), being hung. A horse's nightcap, /.'.. a halter. 342 Ear Eat. AR (American), to get up on one's car, to rouse oneself to a great effort. They called me bully boy, altho' I've seen nigh threescore years, And said that I was lightning when I got up on my ear. Words and their Uses. Earl of Cork (Irish), the ace of diamonds. According to Carle- ton, "It is the worst ace and the poorest card in the pack, and is called the Earl of Cork because he is the poorest noble- man in Ireland." Early riser (popular), the vulgar name for an efficient aperient pill. The application of the term is obvious. Ear-mad (medical), the thickened ear (in its upper portion) found in some cases of insanity ; hence the name. Earth bath (old), a grave ; to take an earth bath, to be dead and buried. Also to take a " ground sweat." Earthquake (American), bottled earthquake, spirits, intoxicating liquor of any kind. So called from the disorderly motions at- tendant on intoxication, or an abbreviation of "earthquake pro- tector." Bottled earthquakes are just as bad as the other kind. Scratch a bottled earth- quake and you'll find a cocktail. Chicago Tribune. Earthquake protector (Ameri- can), explained by quotation. It was a delicious beverage, not uncon- nected with old Jamaica, and sent a deli- cious glow through every vein. . . . " But how, pray, does this protect me from an earthquake ? " " Well, sir," replied the barkeeper, " if you'll only drink enough of it, you won't care a continental whether the earthquake comes or not." New York Star. Earwig (thieves), a clergyman. Earwigging (common), a rebuke in private. Is said of a sneak- ing, tattling fellow-employ^ who carries little trifling errors on the part of others to the ears of the governor. Ease, to (popular and thieves), to rob. French slang, sovlager. Eason, to listen (New York Slang Dictionary). Easen is an Eng- lish provincialism for eaves ; hence eason, from eavesdrop- ping. East and south (rhyming slang), the mouth. Eastery (cheap Jacks), explained by quotation. Sometimes, when in a country where there were large villages or small towns, we used to work what was called eastery or private business. Hindley: Life and Adventures of a Cheap Jack. Easy (thieves), "make the cull easy," kill the fellow. Eat a fig (rhyming slang), to "crack a crib," i.e., to commit a burglary. Eat Elephant. 343 Eat one's terms, to (legal), to pre- pare for the bar ; to attend the requisite number of dinners in hall each term. Eat, to (American), a Western expression, meaning not to con- sume but to provide food. Captip, do you ate us or do we ate ourselves ? Eat yourselves, to be sure. A merican Story. Eats his head off (common), is said of a horse that remains for a long time in the stable. Some- times of servants or others who have little to do. Eaves (American thieves), a hen- roost. Eavesdropper (American thieves), a chicken thief, or a low sneak or thief generally. Ebenezer (Winchester College), a ball at racquets that hits the line and rises high into the air. Ebony (popular), a bit of ebony, a negro. Ebony optics (pugilistic), black eyes ; ebony optics albonized, black eyes painted white. Edge (tailors), "stitched off the edge " refers to a glass or pint not filled to the top ; " side edge," whiskers. A " short top edge " is a turn-up nose. Edgenaro (back slang), orange. Eggshaw (Anglo-Indian), brandy ; probably from the name of a brand. Egyptian hall (rhyming slang), a ball. Eighter (prison), an eight-ounce loaf. " Do you cat all your chuck?" " No, I have two tighten in my cell now." " I shall be orderly to-morrow. Sling me a toke." Evening News. Ekom (back slang), a " moke " or donkey. Elbow crooker (thieves), a hard drinker ; from the phrase to " crook one's elbow," to drink. In French, "lever le coude," said of a hard drinker. Elbower (thieves), a fugitive; one that "elbows," i.e., turns the corner, or gets out of sight. Elbow grease (popular), hard work. Elbow-scraper (nautical), fiddle player. Elbow shaker (old), gambler with dice. From the expression "to shake one's elbow." Elbow, to (thieves), to turn a corner, to get out of sight. Electrified (American), excited with liquor. Elephant (thieves), a victim pos- sessed of much money. (Common), the elephant, origin- ally an Americanism. We might compile a volume of the amusing 344 Elephant Elfen. explanations and illustrations of this expression which have appeared in American news- papers. To have seen the elephant is to have had a full experience of life or of a certain subject or object. There is a book by "Doesticks" (Mortimer Thompson), called "Seeing the Elephant," devoted todescribing "life" in New York, of which a reviewer remarked that the elephant, according to Mr. Thompson, appeared to be bad brandy. When a man had made an unfortunate specula- tion he would say that he had not only seen the elephant but felt him kick. The phrase seems to have originated in an old ballad of a farmer who, while driving his mare along the highway, met with a show- man's elephant, which knocked him over, and spilt his milk and destroyed his eggs. The farmer consoled himself for his loss by reflecting that he had at least " seen the elephant." And he said, " Now in future no one can declare That I've not seen the elephant neither the mare." In 1849-1850, to have been to California and returned was to have seen the elephant. Those who sold the bonds had vanished, those who hadn't held the town, Little knew they of its glory over seas or great renown, They had nothing of the fruitage though alas ! they held the plant, Nothing saw they of the picture save in- deed the elephant. He who had been in the background now came rushing to the fore, Terribly he trampled on them very awful was his roar. The Rise and FallofGloryuille. Montaigne strangely enough seems to suggest that "to see the elephant" was in his time connected with experience of life. He cites the following from "Arrien. Hist. Ind.," c. 17- "Aux Indes Orientales la chastet^ y estant en singuliere recommandation, 1'usage pourtant souffroit qu'une femme mariee se peust abandonner a qui luy presentoit un iltphant, et cela avec quelque gloire d'avoir est estim^e a si ha ul t prix." This then was the Indian way of " seeing the elephant," and of paying, as at the present day, an enormous price for the sight. (Common), a girl is said to " have seen the elephant " when she has lost her chastity. French, "avoir vu le loup." Elephant's trunk (rhyming slang), drunk. Elevation, explained by quota- tion. " They as dinnot tak' spirits down thor, tak' their pennord o" elevation then women-folk especial." " What's elevation!" . . . "Opium, bor' alive, opium." C. Kings- ley : A I ton Locke. " Elevated" is English for in- toxicated in a slight degree. Elfen, to walk on tiptoe lightly (New York Slang Dictionary). Em broider Entire. 345 Probably from the old word alfen, hence aleft, lifted. Embroider (common), to exag- gerate, romance. In French, broder. Tom tried to make himself appear to be a hero too, and succeeded to some extent, but then he always had a way of em- broidering. Mississippi Pilot. Emperor (common), " drunk as an emperor." The quintessence of intoxication. Ten times " as drunk as a lord." The French say " saoul comme trente mille hommes." (Thieves), hence a drunken man. A pinch for an emperor's slang. He was in his altitudes, and we pinched his thimble, slang and onions. On the Trail. Empty bottle (Univ. Cantab), a pensioner. Bristed, in his " Five Years in an English University," says, "They are popularly de- nominated empty bottles, the first word of the appellation being an adjective, though were it taken as a verb there would be no untruth iji it. " End (American), "to be all on end," to be very angry or irritated. From rising up, or jumping up in a rage. Also applied to a state of excite- ment, especially of anticipa- tion. " They were all on end to see the President go by." Endacott, to (journalistic), to act like a constable of that name who arrested a woman whom he thought to be a prostitute. Constable Endacott. . . . Though he might base a claim to a pension on literary grounds, as having enriched the English language with a new word (to Endacott, V.A.), it is not probable that an economical Government would value this addition to the dictionary very highly. Evening AVotf. The expression lived "ce que vivent les roses, 1'espace d'un matin," probably on account of certain facts proved in the course of a subsequent investigation, and which showed that the con- stable's name ought not to go down to posterity as that of an oppressor of womankind. Ends, at loose (familiar). When a business is neglected, or its finances are in a precarious con- dition, it is said to be at loose ends. Enemy (common), used in the quaint but not slangy phrase, "How goes the enemy?" i.e., what is the time ? Ensign bearer (military), a man with a red and blotchy face arising from tippling. Enthuse (American), to excite en- thusiasm, to be enthusiastic. A favourite word with "gushing" clergymen. "An object large enough to enthuse an angel's souL" Enthused, excited with liquor. Entire figure, the (American), to the fullest extent. A simile na- turally derived from expressing sums of money by numerals or " figures." Also the " big figure," the " whole figura" 346 E. P. Excruciators. E. P. (clerical), a very common abbreviation, means the " East- ward Position," adopted in por- tions of the Communion Service. Epsom races (rhyming slang), a pair of braces. Equal to the genuine Limburger (American), a standard simile for anything which is asserted to attain the maximum of bad smells. The German Limburger cheese has, to those who are not accustomed to it, an intensely disagreeable odour. Equipped (thieves), rich, well dressed. Eriffs, young thieves (New York Slang Dictionary). " It's the gait all them eriffs dances," observed the one-eyed man. " I remem- ber once I was in cahoots with a cove like that." On the Trail. Esclop (back slang), police ; pro- nounced " slops." Euchred (common), played out ; from a game at cards. Europe morning (Anglo-Indian). When a man gets up late, that is, at nine or ten o'clock, he is said to have a Europe morning. The expression explains itself. Evaporate, to (common), to run away, to vanish. Everlasting staircase, the (thieves). The treadwheel, originally invented by Mr. Cubitt in 1817, and first used in Brixton Prison, fell some- what into desuetude, but has been revived in some prisons under the Government regime, as an instrument both of utility for grinding corn, raising water, &c., and of real hard labour. The labour varied most un- equally, e.g., from 7500 feet ascent in the day in Lewes prison to 14,200 feet in Boston. This inequality and consequent injustice has now been re- moved. Everton coffee (rhyming slang), coffee. Everything is lovely, and the goose hangs high (American), a phrase which became known during the war, and which formed the burden of a popular song. It signified that all is going welL The goose is a synonym for terror or alarm. Thus, on the stage, "to be goosed" is to be hissed, and when the goose hangs high it is equivalent to saying that there is no defeat to fear. The phrase originated in Philadelphia. Ewe (old), a white ewe, a hand- some woman ; an old ewe, an old woman. Exam, (schools), short for exami- nation. Excruciators (London), the new- fashioned boot or shoe painfully pointed. Execution Face-making. 347 Joyfully the lads bore T'Owil Mon off to Blurton's and got him a real shiny pair of pointed excruciators (small thirteens, T'Owd 'Un usually takes calf fourteens). Sporting Times. Execution day (common), wash- ing day amongst the lower classes. Expecting (society), a common expression for a woman being in the family way ; it is an abbreviation for expecting her confinement. Explaterate (American), to en- large upon, to hold forth, to explain and illustrate fully. On this I will explaterate, And all my views profusely state. Joel Boodler's Campaign. From the obsolete English to expiate, to unfold. Extrumps (Winchester College), a corruption of extempore. To "go up to books extrumps" is to go up without having pre- pared one's lesson. " Extrum- pere," a jocose perversion of extempore, has been used by old English authors. Eye limpet, another name for an artificial eye. Eye-openers (American), one of the many concoctions drunk at American bars. In the vestibule of each refreshment- room there is an American bar, where visitors may indulge in juleps, cock- tails, cobblers, rattlesnakes, gum ticklers, eye-openers, flashes o' lightning, brandy smashes, stone fences, and a variety of similar beverages. R. MacDermott : The Popular Guide to the International Ex- hibition of 1862. Also a general term for any kind of intoxicating drink. (Society), is said of anything out of the way. Of course, there were the usual eye- openers in the way of dress. Modem Society. Eyes (low), "no more eye* nor arseholes," said of a one-eyed man. Eye, to take one's (tailors), to please one's fancy. Eye water (popular), gin. LCE (popular), credit at a public-house. From one's physiog- nomy being known there ; or from face, effrontery, confidence. "To run one's face," to obtain credit by effrontery. "He has no face but his own" (Grose), he has no coin (faces in French slang) in his pocket. Face entry (theatrical), the entree or freedom of access to a theatre, from the face being known. Face-making (popular), begetting children. 348 Facer Fad. Facer (pugilistic), a blow on the face. While showers of facers told so deadly , well That the cracked jaw-bones cracked as they fell. T. Moore. Blogg, starting upright, tipped the fel- low a facer. Ingoldsby Legends. (Society), a metaphorical knock down ; severe blow. The news of his having hit his leg yes- terday has proved a facer. Sporting Times. (Popular), a tumbler of whisky punch. (Irish), a dram, a full glass. An old word for a bumper of wine. (Thieves), a man who places himself directly in the way of persons in pursuit of his ac- complices. Formerly facer meant an impudent fellow. Face the music, to (popular), a phrase no doubt of theatrical origin, and alluding to the tre- pidation sometimes felt upon facing the audience. The orchestra is generally placed in front of the audience, and consequently nearest the stage. To face the music is therefore to meet an emergency. Some- times it means "to show one's hand," i.e. , to make plain one's purpose. (American), to boldly meet a severe trial ; to nerve oneself up to go through a disagree- able emergency. Originally army slang, applied to men when drummed out to the tune of the "Eogue's March." Facie (tailors), the man working in front of one. " Facie on the bias," the man working in front of one to the right or left. " Facie on the two thick," the individual working imme- diately behind one's face-mate. Facings (tailors), "silk facings" are beer - droppings on the breast of a coat. Facings, put one through the (popular), in military parlance the regular drill " Face ! " "Eight about face!" &c. In popular slang, to give one a scolding or call him to account. We were scarcely wed a week When she/jtf me through my facings, And wolloped me and worse ; She said I did not want a wife, I ought to have had a nurse. F. Egerton : If my wife would let me. Facing the knocker (tailors), begging. Fad (common), hobby, whim, fancy, favourite pursuit. It seemed a harmless bit of fun, Tho' smoking is a sad Bad habit girls might better shun Than take up as a. fad. Bird o' Freedom. Given in Wright's Provincial Dictionary as a provincialism, and by Hotten as a slang term, though it can hardly be con- sidered as such. Obsolete in the sense of cherish, caress, fondle, and now a low expression for to Fad Fagot. 349- trifle, play the fiddle. It has been suggested by a writer in the Cornhill Magazine that it is derived from "fidfad,"a word that has been long in use, with much the same meaning as fad. In the sense of trilling, worth- less, it is derived from the Anglo-Norman fade, meaning originally sad, faded, tainted, decoyed. It seems to have been used at a very early date to signify fanciful, whimsical. Fad cattle (old slang), women of easy virtue. Faddist (common), enthusiast ; one addicted to " fads," which see. Fadge (popular), a corruption of farthing. Fadger (glaziers), a glazier's frame. Fadmonger, a monger of "fads," which see. It has hardly yet found its way into the dictionary, but " fads " are many, and "faddists" and fadmongers abound. Cornhill Magazine, Fae-gang, a gang of gypsies. Faa was a common name for gypsies not assumed, but often accepted by them. "Johnnie Faa, the Gipsy Laddie," is the title of an ancient popular bal- lad, recounting how a hand- some vagrant of that name ran off with the Countess of Cassilis, who was enamoured of him for his manly, hearty, and winning manners. Robert Faa is the present king of the Scottish gypsies at Yetholm. Fag, to (thieves), to beat. Ex- pressive of the trouble in giving a beating. (School), a young scholar who has to wait upon and do all sorts of little odd jobs for an elder one. Fagger (thieves), a small boy put into a window to rob the house or to open it for others to rob ; called also "little snakesman." Fagot (popular), a bundle of bits of the "stickings" (hence pro- bably its name), sold for food to the London poor (Hotten). But more probably from "fag-end." Also a term of contempt applied to a woman or child with re- ference originally to the slovenly garments, the person being com- pared to a bundle of sticks loosely put together. The , French fagoti signifies dressed in ill-fitting, badly matched garments. Fagot briefs, bundles of worth- less papers tied up with red tape carried by unemployed barristers in the back rows of the courts to simulate briefs (Hotten). Fagot vote (politicians), votes given by electors expressly qualified for party purposes (Dr. Brewer). Evidently from the old term f agots, "dummy" soldiers or 350 Fagot Fake. sailors who were hired to appear at muster and fill up the com- panies or crewa Fagot, to, an expression proper to robbers ; that is, to bind hand and foot (Bayer's Dic- tionary, 1 748). It is curious to note the coincidence with the French cant fagot, a convict ; from the circumstance that con- victs were all bound to one common chain when on their way to the hulks. Faints (schoolboys), in vogue amongst schoolboys to express a wish temporarily to withdraw from participation in the par- ticular sport or game being played. It is generally under- stood that this can only take place while in bounds or out of danger. It is somewhat similar to the now almost obsolete term " wicket " in cricket. Fair and square (common), hon- est, honesty. She beat him fair and square in a two miles and a quarter gallop. Bird o Free- dom. Also fair, square, and above ground. I will have none of this hole and corner business. ... I wish all the criticisms in my paper to be fair, square, and above ground. Anthony Trollope. Fairlick (Harvard University), a football term used when the ball is fairly caught or kicked beyond bounds. "Fairlick!" he cried, and raised his dreadful foot, Armed at all points with the ancestral boot. Harvardiana. Fair rations (sport), fair play, fairness. Their protest was ludicrous in its insig- nificance, fair rations out of the question. Toby. Fair trade (thieves), smuggling. Faithful, one of the (common), a tailor giving long credit. As this trade is in London, at all events, almost entirely in the hands of the Jews, they are sarcastically said to have joined the ranks of the faithful; or this when they allow long credit to a customer, a practice which, it is to be feared, also often makes the old saying concerning them literally true " his faith has made him unwhole," i.e., bank- rupt. Fake, a very ancient cant word, possibly from facere, used in the honest sense of to do, to make, originally, but afterwards in the dishonest one. The word was popularised by a song introduced in Mr. Ainsworth's novel "Rook- wood." It is used with various significations, and in this respect exactly corresponds to the verb faire of the French slang. (Thieves), to rob. All who in Blois entertain honest views, Have long been in bed, and enjoying a snooze, Nought is waking save mischief and faking, And a few who are sitting up brewing or baking. Ingoldsby Legends. Fake Fakement. 351 To do, to make, to cheat, swindle, beg, malinger or coun- terfeit illness or sores, to escape labour and gain the diet of the infirmary. Having set his mind upon shirking all work, he announces his intention to fake the doctor and "work" the parson. Evening News. To continue, go on. In box of the stone peg I was born, Of a hempen widow the kid forlorn ; Fake away ! Ainsworth: Rookwood. "Fake away, there's no down," go on, there is no one looking. To "fake a screeve," to draw up a false document, a begging letter; to "fake one's slangs," to file through one's irons ; to "fake a cly," to pick a pocket. (American thieves), in addi- tion to the usual meaning, cut- ting out the wards of a key. " Faking the sweetener," kis- sing. (Sporting), to hocus or poison. To insert ginger under a horse's tail. (American and English), false report, deception, pretence, blind, . . . And that naming the house in the ridiculous way it was named was merely a fake to draw attention to it. /. Green- wood: Tag; Rag, &* Co, The report sent out ... does not bear investigation. It is a. fake, and nothing else. Daily Inter Ocean. " 1 heard your brother had gone to New York." "Oh, that was a fake. He was badly punished at football, and is lying low to fetch up." The Youth's Companion. Also invention, contrivance. That was one of the best fakes of the time, and there was lots of money in it too. Bird o Freedom. (Card-sharpers), a dodge. Now to learn some new fakes with the broads. Sporting Times. (Stage), fake is another term for " make up " of a character ; to fake, to paint one's face. Or ask what their age is, they'll scorn- fully say "I do not fake (and smiling), I'm twenty to-day." Bird o' Freedom. In conjuring, any mechanical contrivance for the performance of a trick. So also in a show, if, for example, an apparently ordi- nary dinner plate had a small nick in it to help its being caught on the point of a knife after being tossed into the air, the plate would be faked. Again , bustling through a show of any kind under difficulties artfully concealed from the spectators is faking it. " Faking the duck," adulter- ating, dodgery. Fakeman Charley, the mark of the owner of a stolen object. Fakement, a word of general ap- plication among the lower or- ders for the doing of anything ; trade, profession, contrivance, invention. f\\efakeient conn'd by knowing rooks Must be well known to you. The Leary Man. (Thieves and vagrants), a false begging petition. 352 Fakement Fall. Lawyer Bob draws fakements up ; he's tipped a peg for e3.c\\.Ducange A nglicus : The Vulgar Tongue. Any dishonest practice, swin- dling dodge, forgery. I cultivated his acquaintance . . . and put him up to the neatest \M\zfakement in the world ; just showed him to raise two hundred pounds . . . just by signing his father's name. H. Kingsley : Geoffrey Hamlyn. Also the depositions of a wit- ness. Fakements (theatrical), small properties or make-up, such as a hare's foot, an old white stocking-top, piece of burnt cork, &c., all you can get in a "make-up" box, a cigar-box. Certain pantomimists are ac- customed to call the proper- ties used in the harlequinade fakements. A good story of Macready, whose loathing for the very name of slang was notorious, is told in connection with this subject. When star- ring in Hamlet at Newcastle-on- Tyne, the manager was short- handed, and an unfortunate clown was pressed into the service for Francisco, who speaks the first line of the play. The poor pantomimist was waiting in great anxiety for the halberd or partizan he was to carry while mounting guard, and the property-man who ought to have provided it was conspicuous by his absence. The great Mac., grim and growl- ing, and more atrabilarious than usual, opened fire with " Er er are we to stay here all day ? Begin, sir, begin." " Can't begin, guv'nor," quoth the clown. "Er why not, sir? er why not ? " "'Cos I ain't got my fake- ments." "Your what, sir? Good heavens ! your what ? " " My fakements. Here, I say, cully" (catching sight of the property-man, who had just put in an appearance), "hand over the fakements." The great Mac., thoroughly nonplussed, growled to the pro- perty-man "By all means, Mr. Cully, hand over the gentleman's fake- ments, and let us begin the rehearsal." Faker (popular and thieves). This word is applied to a great variety of men pedlars, work- men, thieves. From " to fake." In Dutch slang fokker is a thief ; ficker in German cant. (Circus), a faker, a circus rider or performer. (Popular), a prostitute's lover, bully. Fakes and slumboes (theatrical), one of the numerous synonyms used by pantomimists to de- scribe properties. Fall of the leaf (old cant), hang- ing. Parker says, " The new mode of hanging. The culprit is brought upon a stage, and placed upon a leaf. When the Fall Fancy. 353 rope is fixed about his neck the leaf falls, and the body imme- diately becomes pendant." Why, I suppose you know that he was knocked down for the crap the last ses- sions. He went off at the fall of the leaf at Tuck'em Fair. G. Parker: Variegated Characters. Fall, to (thieves), to be appre- hended. A little time after this \fell again at St. Mary Cray for being found at the back of a house. Horsley : Jottings from Jail. False hereafters (American), bustles. The scheme worked to perfection. In the large bustles which they wore, the dudes carried off their wardrobe in large false hereafters, and passed the lady of the house on their way out. New York National Police Gazette. Fam, fern (thieves), the hand. If they do get their fams on me I'll be in for a stretch of air and exercise. On the Trail. The gypsies claim this as a Ro- many word and derive it from fern, five, or the five fingers, al- though five in Romany is pange. Fambles, fumbles (thieves), the hands. Vide FAM. Fam grasp (old cant), shaking hands. Family disturbance (cowboys), whisky. Family man (thieves), one of the fraternity of thieves. Also a receiver of stolen goods or " fence." Fam lay (thieves), robbing a store by pretending to examine goods. But more specially to rob a jeweller by means of a sticky substance attached to the palm or fingers, thus abstracting the articles shown. Fam squeeze (thieves), strang- ling. Fam, to (thieves), to handle ; from the gypsy fan or vangri. Fan (thieves), a waistcoat. Fan, to (thieves), to steal from the person. (Prov. Cumberland), to feel, to find. On the way down the street Pete was very friendly and entertaining, and. fanned the countryman's pocket where he had seen him put the roll, but it had been shifted. AVw York World. Fancy bloke (sporting), a sporting man ; also the favoured man of a low class woman, or prosti- tute. Fancy house (prostitutes), a house of ill-repute. Fancy Joseph (common), a youth who is a general favourite and pet among prostitutes. Also " Cupid," a mere boy, who goes with fast women or girls. An M.D., a " milliner's darling." Fancy man (prostitutes), the lover of a prostitute. But my nuttiest blowen, one fine day, Fake away ! To the beak did \\zrfancy man betray. ' Ainsworth: Rookwood. z 354 Fancy Farmer. Fancy pieces (common), prosti- tutes. Fancy, the, the favourite pastimes of sporting men. That boxing and ratting, and other forms of tlte fancy, still exist as part of the amuse- ments of the lower orders is perfectly true, but they can no longer be classed as among the amusements of those who cannot afford to pay high prices of admission to illegal entertainments. Sims: How the Poor Live. The word very soon became specialised with reference to the devotees of the prize ring. They hurried to be present at the ex- pected scene with the alacrity of gentlemen of the fancy hastening to a set to. Scott : St. Remans Well. Other meaning explained by quotation. His father took a great deal to the fancy ... it meant dealing in birds, and dogs, and rabbits. J. Green-wood: The Little Ragamuffins. Fancy work, to take in (com- mon). In general use among milliners, dressmakers, and shop girls, who resort to secret pros- titution to eke out their scanty earnings at legitimate work. If a girl known to be receiving small wages dresses well and seems to have plenty of money, it is said of her, " Oh, she takes in fancy work." Fanning (thieves), a beating, also stealing. Cross-fanning, steal- ing from the person with the arms crossed, the right hand operating under the left arm- pit. Fanny (common), the fern. pud. Fanny Adams (naval), tinned mutton. Fanny Blair (rhyming slang), the hair. Fanqui (Anglo-Chinese), a Euro- pean ; literally foreign devil. Fanteeg (popular), to be " in a regular fanteeg," to be perplexed, embarrassed, to be at one's wits' end (provincial English). Far back (tailors), an indifferent workman or an ignorant per- son. Farm (common), a place where il- legitimate children are boarded, or rather starved, for a given sum. There can be no question that he has a better chance . . . though his treacherous "adopter" deserts him on a door-step, than if he were so kindly cruel as to tole- rate his existence at the farm. Green- wood: Seven Curses of London. (Prison), the prison hospital. He . . . first entered into a critical de- scription of the dietary system of the farm infirmary. Evening News. To " fetch the farm," to ob- tain infirmary treatment and diet. . . . The dodges which would take place to "fetch thefarm." Evening News. Farmer (common), one who keeps a "farm," which see. These are not the farmers who append to their advertisements the notification that children of ill-health are not objected to. Greenwood : Seven Curses of London. Fashno Fawney. 355 (Thieves), an alderman. In Kent a hare. Fashno, fashni, fashioni (gypsy), false, counterfeit ; fashni era- gustrins, false (gold) rings ; also fatihino fauny. (Fauny is cant- ing-) Fast (common), in want of money. Same as " hard up." Fat (thieves), money. French slang, graisse. Fat cull, a rich man. (Printers), paying work in contradistinction to bad or " lean " work. This paying work consists of blank spaces in a page which are paid for at the same rate as pages fully printed. Short lines of verse set up in type are also considered as being fat. (Popu- lar), vide CUT IT FAT, CUT UP FAT. (Theatrical), a part with good lines and telling situation that gives the player an oppor- tunity of appearing to advan- tage is said to be fat, or to have fat. When an actor has a part of this kind, his colleagues are wont to say " he's got all the fat." (Princeton College), re- mittances of money to students. (English and American), fat thing, something which is very profitable or "fat." "Those concerns will some time be unable to pay their interest," say these wise men, "and then we will step in and get a. fat thing." American Newspaper. Fat flab (Winchester), part of a breast of mutton. Father (thieves), a receiver of stolen property. (University), father of a college, the prselector who presents his men for de- grees and represents the parents. (Printers), a person elected to preside as chairman to the "chapel" (which see) when held. He acts as a medium between master and men. (Naval), the dockyard name given to the builder of a ship of the navy. Fatness (common), wealth. That a man who has enjoyed so many years of fatness should die in absolute penury. Sporting Times. Fawney (thieves), a ring; also "fauney." We believe that thefauneys on the hands were not molested, probably being left to be requisitioned on some future occasion. Bird o' Freedom. Hotten gives the derivation, Irish, fainee, a ring. Fawney bouncing (thieves), sell- ing rings for a pretended wager. Fawney dropper (thieves), one who practises the ring-dropping trick. Vide FAWNEY RIG. Shallow fellows gad the hoof and fence their cant of togs, whilst famney droppers gammon the flats and take the yokels in. Ducange Anglictts: The Vulgar Tongue. Fawney rig (thieves), the ring- dropping trick. A rogue drops a valueless ring or other article of jewellery 'and when he sees a person picking it up, claims half ; or, he pretends to have 356 Fawnied Fen. just found the article and offers it for sale to a passer-by at a low price. A few years ago the article offered was generally a meerschaum pipe. Fawnied (thieves), with rings, wearing rings. Feathers (popular), money. Pro- bably from the phrase to " feather one's nest." Feed (common), a meal. When he did give a feed he always limited the invitation to four. Bird o Freedom. (Football), to feed, to support. Feeder (thieves), a silver spoon. (Nautical), a small river falling into a large one, or into a dock or float. Feeders in pilots' lan- guage are the passing spurts of rain which "feed" a gale (Smyth). Feeding gale (nautical), a storm which is on the increase, some- times getting worse at each succeeding squall. When a gale freshens after rain it is said to have fed the gale (Smyth). Feele (popular and thieves), a girl ; from the French file, or the Italian figlia,. Feet (old), "to make feet for children's stockings," to beget children. Feet casements, a humorous ex- pression for shoes or boots. But he managed without it ; only the new feet casements were not seasoned. Toby. Fegaries (American), old English for "vagaries," fads, caprices, whimsies, odd fancies, whims. A common word in New Eng- land. Fell and didn't (tailors) is said of a man who walks lame. Felling a bit on (tailors), North- ern fell, sharp, crafty, doing something underhand. Fellow - commoner ( Cambridge University), an empty bottle (Hotten). Fellow-comp. (printers), a term of familiarity used by composi- tors amongst themselves, espe- cially for those employed in the same office. Fellow-P. (printers), a designa- tion applied to each other by apprentices that have been bound to the same master or firm, whether in the past or in the present. In some large offices it is customary to have an annual gathering of these fettow-P.'s, and such reunions are very sociable, and the tra- ditions of a firm are thus handed down. Fen (thieves), a prostitute. A mis- pronunciation of femme, or from the Anglo-Saxon fen or fenn, mud, dirt. Compare with the French gadoue, meaning both Paris mud and prostitute. Fen Ferg. 357 (American and provincial Eng- lish), a boy's exclamation to ex- press warning or prohibition. " Fen puds," or "fen ball," keep away the ball ; from English " fence off," or very old English, fend, ward off. English boys use the word " feign," I decline ; also " feign it," leave off. Fence (thieves), a receiver of stolen property ; also his house or shop. Probably from "fence in." About two moon after this same fence fell for buying two finns. Horsley : Jot- tings Jrom Jail. G. Parker, in his " Variegated Characters," says : " In Field Lane, where the handkerchiefs are carried, there are a number of shops called 'fence shops,' where you buy any number." Fence-riding (American), said of those who wait to see which side it will pay them to indorse, and then when victory or suc- cess seems certain, to throw in their lot with the winning side. This question is one of clear right and wrong, and there can be no fence-riding when the rights of four millions of men are at stake. Congressional Globe. Fence, sitting on the. Although without doubt American in its later usage, the idea conveyed is "as old as the hills." Trench, in his " English Past and Pre- sent," page 300, points out how singular it is that not only is the same idea embodied in the phrase as in the Latin prcevari- cato, viz., " straddling with dis- torted legs," but that it should also carry with it almost exactly the same figurative meaning as the classical word. "To sit on the fence," in political cant par- lance, is to wait and see how things go before committing oneself to definite action or partisanship. A kind o' hangin' round an' settin on the fence, Till Providence pinted how to jump an' save the most expense. Biglow Papers. Sometimes the phrase is varied with " sitting on both sides of the hedge." The expression is of Western growth, being trace- able to the care with which the squatter fences in his lot ; it also being a point of vantage at the top of which, at the close of the day's work, he can smoke his pipe and survey his possessions while thinking out his plans for the future. Fence, to (thieves), to sell stolen property, or take it to a re- ceiver's. The term is old. It's not the first time that I have fenced a rum screen with him. G. Parker: Variegated Characters. Also to spend money. Fencing crib (thieves), a place where stolen property can be disposed of. Fencing cully (old), a receiver of stolen goods. Ferg, to (Vermont University), old English ferke, to hasten, pro- 358 Ferguson Fetch. ceed, go. As going out of a rage. German vergehen. When a man is cooling down from intense excitement or passion he is said to f erg. Ferguson (common), generally heard expressed as, "It's all very well, Mr. Ferguson ; you're very good-looking, but you can't come in." Said to be addressed to men who are not known at- tempting to obtain admission to "close" gambling - houses, or other haunts of dissipation, where close watch is kept for fear of the police. There is a song which has this sentence for a refrain. It was very com- mon, and used with many ap- plications from 1845 to 1850. Ferret (thieves), a young thief who gets into a coal barge and throws coal over the side to his confederates. (Old), a trades- man who, having supplied goods at ruinous prices on credit, con- tinually duns his customers for payment. Ferricadouzer, a knock - down blow, a good thrashing (Hotten). Evidently derived from the Ita- lian fare cadere, to cause to fall, and dosso, back. Fess, to (American university), to fail in reciting the lesson, to- gether with a mute appeal for no further questions to be put. The military cadets at West Point also use the word in a similar way. Old English fese, to frighten, make afraid. And when you and I and Benny and General Jackson too, Are brought before a final board our course of life to view, May we never fess on any point, but then be told to go To join the army of the blest, with Benny Havens, O ! Song: Benny Havens, O ! Fetch (common), a success ; to fetch, to please, to arouse lively interest, excite admiration. " You come up to the window and touch your hat, and say, ' Luggage all in, my Lord;' that will fetch, "em." Bird o' Freedom. (Theatrical), is said of a play or entertainment which finds great favour with the public and attracts large audiences. The masher's ballet is one of the features of the show and ought to fetch north London. Evening News. (Thieves), to fetch the farm. Vide FARM. Fetch a lagging, to (thieves), to be serving out one's sentence at a convict establishment. Millbauk for thick shins and graft at the pump, Broadmoor for all lags as go off their chump, Brixton for good toke and cocoa with fat, Dartmoor for bad grub but plenty of chat, Portsmouth a blooming bad place for hard work, Chatham on Sunday gives four ounces of pork, Portland is the worst of the lot for to joke in, For fetching a lagging there is no place like Woking. A Thief's Production, quoted by Horsley : Jottings front Jail. Fetch up, to (popular), to startle. (American), to come to light, Fetch Fiddler's green. 359 and said, for example, of the bodies of drowned people. " Bodies that come over the falls, they most\yfeick up here." "Things always fetch up sooner or later, but it's sometimes a week before we get "em." Between. Two Oceans. Also to recruit one's strength, to recover from some illness. Fettle (popular), " in good ftttle," in good order, well equipped. Also in a good state of mind, jolly, or very drunk. Fever-time (Winchester College), the time when superannuated college prefects go for a fort- night into a sick-room in order to " mug," that is, to give them- selves up to hard study. Fez (Harrow), the tasselled cap worn by members of a football eleven. A member of that society. Fibbery (thieves), lying. From "fib." And if you come to/ibbery You must mug one or two. The Leary Man. Fibbing gloak (old cant), a pugi- list. Fibbing match (thieves), a prize fight. Fibbings (boxing), rapid, repeated blows, delivered at a short distance. I say, could I borrow these gentlemen's muses, More skilled than my neck, or in fibbings and bruises. Ingoldsby Legends. Fib, to (old cant), to strike, beat. (Boxing), to deliver rapid blows at a short distance. Each cull completely in the dark Resolved \i\sfibbing not to mind. Ainsviorth: Rookwood. . . . His whole person put in chancery, stung, bruised, fibbed, propped, fiddled, slogged, and otherwise ill-treated. Cuth- bert Bede: Adventures of Mr. Verdant Green. To tell lies. Fickle Johnny Crow (West In- dian), one who does not know his own mind. Fiddle (Stock Exchange) a six- teenth part of \.. Done at a fiddle ; " Sugar " getting in ! A tkin : House Scraps. (Thieves), a whip. (Popular), a sharper ; the Scotch fiddle, the itch ; a sixpence, possibly from the expression "fiddler's money," sixpences. (Tailors), second fiddle, an unpleasant task. Fiddle-face (popular), a wizened countenance. Fiddler (pugilistic), a pugilist who depends more on his activity than upon his strength or stay. (Popular), a sharper, a cheat, a careless, dilatory person. Also a sixpence or farthing. Fiddler's green (nautical), a sort of sensual Elysium, where sailors are represented as enjoying for a "full due" those amenities for which Wapping, Castle 360 Fiddle Fi-fa. Rag, and the back of Ports- mouth Point were once noted (Smyth). Fiddle, to (thieves), to gamble and consequently to cheat. (Popu- lar), to get one's li ving by doing small jobs in the streets. To play upon, to take in. She's diddled me, she's fiddled me, nigh Sent me off my chump. Robson : Ballad. (Common), to take liberties with a woman. (American), to intrigue, or intrigue craftily. Bob is the man viho fiddled himself into Congress. St. Louis Chronicle. (Pugilistic), to strike. Fidlam bens (thieves), thieves who have no speciality, who will steal anything. Fidlam coves (thieves). FIDLAM BENS. Vide Field (sport), the runners in any race. (Turf), the horses in a race as opposed to the favour- ite. To " chop the field " is said of a horse that outstrips the rest, literally "whips" them. Vide To CHOP. Bismarck, whose terrific speed enabled him to chop \i\sfield. Sporting Times. To "lay against the field" is to back one horse against all comers. (Hunting), the riders. The cry of the "field a pony," means that the layer is willing to bet even money on the gene- ral mass of runners against any one competitor. The backers would, of course, select the favourite on these terms. Fielder (turf), one who backs the " field " (which see) against one horse. Also a ' ' layer " or " book- maker." Yet the confiding fielder who took this security stood him in Paris for about ^100. Bird o' Freedom. Field-lane duck (popular), a baked sheep's head. Field-lane was a low London thoroughfare lead- ing from the foot of Holborn Hill to the purlieus of Clerken- well (Hotten). Field, to (Winchester College), to jump into the water before an- other goes in, so as to assist him. (Turf), to back the "field," which see. It cannot be denied that there has lately been an uncommon eagerness to field. Sporting Times. Field, to lead the (city), to set an example which is followed by all others. Evidently an adap- tation of the sporting phrase. Fiery lot (popular), a word which does not mean in ordinary slang hot-tempered so much as "fast" and rollicking. Berty isn't bad-tempered, though he's such a fiery lot; And he's cool, though when he's spree- ing, he's a boy that goes it hot. Broadside,: My Berty. Fi-fa (legal), a writ of fieri - facias, i.e., a writ lying for him Fifer File. 361 who has recovered an action of debt or damages, to levy the debt or damages against whom the recovery was had. Fifer (tailors), a waistcoat-maker. Fig (common), "to be in full./?'/," in full dress ; fiyuretto, figured silk, the finest and most expen- sive dress. Old English from the Italian (Halliwell). Dr. Brewer says this term is a cor- ruption of the Italian in -fiocchi, in gala costume. Hotten thinks it may be an allusion to the fig- leaf of our first parents. An- other but more probable etymo- logy is that it is taken from the word full Jig. (figure) in fashion books. (Horsedealers), to fig a horse is to apply ginger to a horse to make him appear lively, to make him carry a fine tail. Figged out (popular), dressed in best clothes, in full costume. Figger (thieves), vide FAGGER. Fighting tight (American), drunk and quarrelsome. Extremely drunk. In those unburdened days a quarter of a dollar would buy enough sour mash to make an ordinary tUaj!fiUiMf tight, but now it would take the larger part of a dollar. Chicago Tribune. Fight one's weight in wild cats, to (American), to be full of courage and "go." John Halkett, as I learned afterwards, cou\dJ?fAt his weight in wild cats. Tht Golden Butterfly. Fig leaf (common), a small orna- mented apron worn by ladies. (Fencing), the apron or padding protecting the lower part of the abdomen and the right thigh. Figure dancer (thieves), one who alters the numbers or figures on bank-notes. Figure-head (nautical), the face. Figure man (studios), the prin- cipal figure in a picture. In French artists' language, le bonkomme. Filau (Anglo-Indian), explained by quotation. He is ambitious of being Vice-President of the Municipal Committee, or a Filau (Anglice Fellow) of the University, and it is requisite that his qualifications should be made more widely known. St. James's Gazette. Filbert (popular), cracked in the filbert, slightly insane. File (thieves), a pickpocket ; file is a very old English term of con- tempt for a worthless, dishonest person. Probably connected with " vile " or " defile." The greatest character among them was that of a pickpocket, or, in their language, a._fite. Fielding: Jonathan Wild. "The file is generally accom- panied by the ' Adam tiler ' 362 File Fingersmith. and the ' bulker ' or ' staller.' It is their business to jostle or 'ramp* the victim, while the file picks his pocket and then hands the plunder to the Adam, who makes off with it" (New York Slang Dictionary). (Common), a cunning or art- ful man. Also silent file ; lime gourde, or dumb file, in French He blewed a monkey, that silent./?/,?, And tipped me the wink with a slippery smile. Earl of Winchelsea : Lay of the Cooperer. (thieves), picking Filing-lay pockets. I am committed for the filing-lay, man, and we shall be both nubbed together. Fielding : Jonathan Wild. Fillibrush, to flatter, praise ironi- cally (Hotten). Filly (London), a young girl. At last I've got a little filly of my own. Sporting Times. (Thieves), a daughter. Pos- sibly from the Italian figlia, or the French fiUe. Also used generally for a young woman ; in this sense probably derived from the name for a young mare. Fimble-famble (common), a lame excuse; f rom to fimble, to fumble, and to famble, to stutter ; both provincialisms. Fin (common), the hand, origi- nally a sea-term. You'll find if you put half-a-crown in his fin, It's so much the better for you. Song. French sailors use the corre- sponding term nageoire. Find (Harrow School), explained by quotation. In a large house there are usually four sixth-form finds (a Harrow term signify- ing a mess of three or four upper boys who take tea and breakfast in one of their own rooms). Everyday Life in our Public Schools. To find, to mess together. Finder (thieves), a thief ; one who steals meat at a market. (Uni- versity), term used at Caius for a waiter in hall. Find-fag (public schools), a kind of fay thus described. Find-fags have to procure from the shops in the town anything that may be required besides the regulation bread and butter for tea. Everyday Life in our Public Schools. Fine (shopkeepers), cutting it fine, cheating in various ways, adul- terating articles of food. Fine-drawing (tailors), accom- plishing an object without being Fingerpost (old), a clergyman. Fingersmith (thieves), explained by quotation. Some traces of humour are to be found in certain euphemisms, such as the delicate expression fingersinith as descriptive of a Finjy Firky. 363 trade which a blunt world might call that of a pickpocket. Horsley : Jottings from Jail. Also a midwife. Finjy (Winchester College), said when an unpleasant or unac- ceptable task had to be done by a number of boys. He who said the word last of all had to do it. Finn, finnup, finnuf (thieves), a five-pound note. German-Jew- ish, finnuf. It is a pronun- ciation of filnf peculiar to Yid- dish. When we got into the rattler they showed me the pass ; yes, there it was, fifty quids in double finns , (ten-pound notes). Horsley: Jottings from Jail. Finnicky (common), from "finni- kin" ("fine" with a diminutive termination), idly busy. We don't want to get into international trouble, but we must say that Mexico is getting a trifle finnicky. Bird o 1 Free- dom. Finnup ready (sporting), a five- pound note. My reason for placing the old 'un there is on account of his having touched a finnup ready this is a good old sporting term and I expect the extra five pounds will just stop him getting home, or rather getting out. Bird o' Freedom. Fipenny (thieves), a clasp knife. The term is in common use in Australia, where it was intro- duced by the convicts. Fire (thieves), danger. Fire and light (nautical), nick- name of the master-at-arms (Smyth). Fire a slug, to (old), to drink a dram of spirits. Fired (American), arrested, taken up, turned out. Tell him he mustn't fall asleep in a public place or he'll get fired, and ask him if you can't go to get him a cab. Confidence Crooks : Philadelphia Press. Also rejected, often applied by artists to rejected pictures. Fire-eater (printers), a term for quick compositors. Savage, in his "Dictionary of the Art of Printing," 1841, gives this term. (Tailors), one who does a great amount of work in a very short time. Fire-escape (popular), a clergy- man. Fire priggers (thieves), thieves who take advantage of a fire, or in the crowd, to plunder or pick pockets. Fire spaniels (military), soldiers who sit round and close up to the barrack-room fire. They are supposed to be guarding it like faithful dogs or spaniels. Fire-works (tailors), a great dis- turbance, a state of intense ex- citement. Firky toodle (popular), to cuddle or fondle ; to firk, on the con- Firmed Five. trary, means to beat, to chas- tise. In the same way the French caresser, literally to caress, means also to beat. Finned (theatrical), well firmed, perfect in the "business" and words. First-chop (American), excellent, first-rate. In " Sam Slick in England," it is thus explained : "This phrase is used all through the United States as a synonym for first-rate." The word chop is Chinese for quality. He looks like a first-clwp article. Vide CHOP. " Wall," ses Linkin, " I think that is a first-chop idea." Major Jack Downing, First flight (sporting), the first persons at the finish in any kind of race, in a fox-hunt. First nighters (journalistic), musical or dramatic critics who naturally attend on first nights. The production of Anton Rubenstein's " Demon " in the charming Russian dialect at the oddly-named Jodrell Theatre, has, so far, been the only opportunity for first nighters to distinguish themselves. Sport- ing Times. More generally people who make a point of attending the first performance of plays. First night wreckers (theatrical), men who attempt to hiss down a play on first performance. First snap (American), at the be- ginning. Van Cott, you could see at first snap, was grit all through, and as full of fight as a game rooster. The Golden Butter- fly. Fish (common), a person ; used in such phrases as an odd, a queer, prime, shy, loose fish, &c. (Nau- tical), a scaly fish, a rough, blunt- spoken seaman. (Tailors), pieces cut out of garments to make them fit close. Fish market (gaming), the lowest hole at bagatelle. Also known as " Simon." Fish, to (common), to endeavour to obtain favour, to ingratiate oneself, to curry favour. He who does it is a " fisher," a very opprobrious epithet. Fishy (common), doubtful, sus- picious, implying dishonesty, as in a fishy affair or " concern." Fist (tailors), a "good fist," a clever workman. (Printers), an index hand. Fist up, put your (tailors), ac- knowledge your error. Fitter (thieves), a locksmith who makes burglars' keys. Fitting up a show (studios), arranging an art exhibition. Fit up (theatrical), a concern, small company. Five fingers (cards), the five of trumps at the game of " don." Fiver Fizzle, 365 Fiver (common), a five-pound note. Many a harmless fiver has passed from the unprofessional into the professional pocket. Standard. Fives (popular), the fist. Termed also " bunch of fives." Whereby altho' as yet they have not took to use their fives, Or, according as the fashion is, to sticking with their knives, I'm bound there'll be some milling yet. Hood: Row at the Oxford Arms. (Low), a fight. You are wanted at the corner for a. fives . . . they struck Cole . . . and he was kicked. Evening News. Fixings (popular), house furni- ture. (American, English, and Australian), paraphernalia, kit, the adjuncts to any dish. (Bush- men), strong liquor. Fixin to eat (American), a Vir- ginia negro expression. Getting ready for meals. Fix the ballot-box, to (Ame- rican), to tamper with the re- turns of an election. Before they got back I had the \xzxfijced, and my economical friend's name was not on a single ballot. He made an awful howl, and swore that he had voted at least seventeen times himself. San Francisco Post. Fix, to (old cant), to put people in the hands of justice, to appre- hend. I daresay if any of us was to come in by ourselves and should happen to take a snooze you'd snitch upon us and soon have the traps^fjr us. G. Parker: Variegated Characters. (American), applied loosely and slangily to a great number of words indicating different kinds of manual action, such as to repair, arrange, put in order, execute in a satisfactory manner, to cook, write, or do anything whatever. Fix up, to (American and Aus- tralian), to settle, arrange. Later in the evening Cogan told witness that there was no need of his going, as the matter had been^-rrrf up. Daily Inter Ocean. Fiz (common), champagne. Will the call forfiz be less now the fiscal duty is greater. Sporting Times. (Popular), lemonade, ginger beer. After winning a considerable sum of money at the sports, he could only treat one of his comrades to a fiz and a bun. Toby. Fizzer (theatrical), a first-rate part; "a regular fizzer" is a part full of life and efferves- cence. Fizzing (common), first-rate, al- luding to the effervescence of champagne. Fizzle (American), failure. From the old English fizzle, a flash, a hissing noise, as of anything which has expired in a flash. Plutarch says that Demosthenes made a gloomy fizzle of his first speech. Ameri- can Humourist. (Tale University), an imper- fectly said lesson. To " flunk' 366 Fizzle Flannels. is to utterly fail, but a man fizdei when he manages to get through somehow. Fizzle, to rise with modest reluctance, to hesitate often, to decline finally. Generally to misunderstand the question (Yale Literary Magazine). Fizzling has also been defined as a somewhat free translation of an intricate sentence, or proving a proposition from a wrong figure. Flabberdegaz (theatrical), any words not in the part said by an actor whose memory fails him. Also imperfect delivery or acting. Flabbergast, to (common), to astound, confound. From gast, old English, to frighten, and jlab, to scare. The magistrate before whom the case was brought seems to have been com- pletely flabbergasted and paralysed with astonishment. Evening News. Flag (popular), an apron. He stood flabbergasted, but I wasn't goin" to put the game away, so I says, "Ginger, 'e can 'ave the jacket and the flag, and the cards, and bust hisself shout- ing, he can, and jolly good luck to him." Sporting Times. Persons who weartheir aprons when not at work are termed "/agf-flashers." Flag-about, a low strumpet (New York Slang Dictionary). (Pro- vincial), "flack" or "flacket," to flap about. Flag flying (tailors) is used in reference to a bill posted up when hands are required. Flagge (old cant), a groat, or fourpence. "Why, hast thou any lowre in thy bonge to bouse ?" " But a.flagge, a wyn, and a make." Harman : Caveat. Flag of defiance is out, the (nautical), a term in use amongst sailors to imply that a man is drunk, the allusion being to his red, bloated face, and the pug- nacity due to being well primed with drink. Flags (popular), clothes drying in the open air and flying in the wind. Flag up (popular). " The flag's up " refers to menses, varied to " I've got my grandmother," "my friends." Flag-wagging (military), flag- signalling, or signal drill. Flam (common), obsolete Eng- lish, but now used in a slangy sense ; a lie, humbug, flatter- ing lie. . . . When with some smooth flam He gravely on the public strives to sham. Earl of Rochester: Works. I slowly melt this isn't flam, On torrid days like these. Funny Folks. (American University), to flam, to be partial to the society of ladies. Flannels (Harrow), to get one's flannels is to obtain promotion Flannels Flash. 36; to the school, cricket, or foot- ball eleven. (Rugby), at Rugby when the school played football in white ducks, the probation "caps" were allowed to wear flannels. At present, though the whole school wear flannels, the name retains its old signification (Our Public Schools). The term has now become general. Flap (thieves), sheet lead for roofs. Flapdoodle (American), nonsense, an English west country ex- pression meaning nourishment for fools, as in quotation. I shall talk to our regimental doctors about it, and get put through a course of fools' diet. . . . Flapdoodle they call it, what fools are fed on. T. Hughes : Tom Brown at Oxford. Also "flap sauce." Flapdoodlers (journalistic), char- latan namby - pamby political speakers. Flapmen (prison), the first and second class of men in convict prisons, who are allowed for good behaviour a pint of tea at night instead of gruel. Flapper (popular), hand ; flapper- shaking, hand-shaking. Wondering whether . . . and if the joining palms in a circus was the cus- tomary _/?o/>/r-shaking before "toeing the scratch " for business. C. Bede: Ver- dant Green. Flap the dimmock, to (popular), to pay. Termed also " to touch the cole, stump the pewter, tip the brads, down with the dust, show the needful, sport the rhino, fork, fork out, shell out," &c. Flap, to (thieves), to rob, to swindle; "to flap a jay," to swindle a greenhorn. Fiomflap, to turn over, i.e., manage adroitly. Flare (nautical), said of a stylish craft. I've heard her stern-post shows a " rake," and that she's a decided flare, Which may be both advantages, but I'm no salt and never were. Judy. Flare up (common), a jollification, an orgie. Flash, a recognised word for slang, cant, thieves' lingo. Also old for showy but unsubstan- tial and vulgar, gaudy but tasteless. The term explains itself as applying to anything that glitters, that "flashes." Also spurious, as a flash note, a forged bank-note. Thieves have appropriated it and ap- plied it to themselves or their avocations, in a sense of com- mendation, with various signifi- cations, such as good, knowing, dashing, flash toggery, elegant dress. Soon then I mounted in Swell Street High, And sported my flashiest toggery. A insiuorth : Rookwood. Flash man. Vide FLASH - MAN. A flash mollisher, a thief's 368 Flash Flat. favourite mistress. " To patter flash," to talk in thieves' lingo. I'm tired of pattering./?