NEW TESTAMENT The SUMMARIZED BIBLE A Brief Spiritual Summary of Each Book and Chapter in the Bible, for the Busy Student By KEITH L. BROOKS Los Angeles, California GIFT OF jBummarized Bible Complete jgummary of the Dew T5estament By KEITH L. BROOKS Author of 'Simple Studies in Bible Marking" Published by BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES 536-558 South Hope Street Los Angeles, Cal. Copyright 1919 KEITH L. BROOK HOW SHALL I STUDY MY BIBLE? BY FREDERIC W. FARR, D. D. EOPLE are always asking, how shall I study the Bible? What is the best method? There is no short cut, no royal road, no magic method. Say to such an inquirer, "Read the Bible over and over again not once, nor twice, nor thrice, but many, many times." And that is all any one can do. Read it until you become familiar, cognizant of its contents, until you are so familiar with your Bible, be it Bagster or Oxford, that you can close your eyes and visualize the passage by locating it upon a particular page just where it belongs. In riding upon a railroad train, you hear the trainmen call out the stations, and you refer to your time card to verify the call as each station is passed, and you wonder at the trained memory of the man who can repeat that long list of way stations without a mistake, and you ask him how he ever does it, and he smiles and replies that he has done it so long it is automatic, done without thought and without effort; and so the best product of Bible study becomes spontaneous and involuntary. You have read the Bible so frequently, so thoughtfully, so earnestly, so prayerfully that it comes to you without direct effort on your part where to locate a passage and you label it instinctively. And when the facts of Scripture are all in your head and heart, you can safely trust the Holy Spirit to interpret those facts, and you need not that any man teach you, and therefore the only thing to seek and to secure is to become familiar with the contents of che Word thoroughly cognizant of all the facts of Scripture, and read them so often that you see them on the page where they occur, even with closed eyes. In that way, a man with one book, if that book be the Bible, has a large and liberal culture and an education that will serve manifold purposes in solving the problems and bearing the burdens and dis- charging the duties of daily life. Christian workers must be taught and trained. To teach is to cause to know; to train is to cause to do; knowing and doing are related as a means to an end, as a cause and effect. "If ye know these things, happy are ye if ye do them." Theory precedes practice. How could a man ever do anything unless he knows how it ought to be done? We not only have to be taught, we have to be trained. We must learn the theory, we must acquire the practice and knowledge as a means to an end. I shall briefly mention seven conditions under which Bible study may be prosecuted with success. Regeneration The first condition is indispensable and fundamental; indeed it is not so much a condition as a prerequisite, and that is regeneration. You must be born again before you can understand the Bible. It is absolutely necessary. (Matt. 13:11.) What Daniel says of prophecy is true of all Scriptures "The wise shall understand, the wicked shall not." He means that character rather than culture is the condition of understanding prophecy. If you would understand the prophecies of God's Word correctly, it is not necessary to grad- uate at a University or Seminary, and read Greek and Hebrew, but it is neces- sary to be good, to be pure, to be holy. The heart makes the theologian. The heart is the organ of spiritual vision, and character rather than culture be- comes the key to unlock the mysteries of prophecy. That is true of all Scrip- ture. (1 Cor. 2:14.) Suppose a man is sitting beside you on yonder moun- tain top, and you are describing to him the glories of a sunset. The west is brilliant with prismatic hues of iridescent rainbow beauty. The man is indif- ferent, and unconcerned. You grow indignant until you discover that the man is blind. What cares he about the sunset? What knows he about your words? You do not scold him, you do not blame him, you pity him. No un- regenerated man can know anything about the mysteries of God and the mean- ing of the Bible. A man must be a Christian before he can open the Bible with any possibility of arriving at its meaning. It is spiritually discerned. Suppose I say to you that on the back of your hand there are scales like those of a fish, and you look at your white hand and laugh in scorn, and say that is nonsense. Suppose I take you out in yonder street and look up into the sky and say there are four moons revolving around the planet Jupiter, and you look up at that great white planet in the evening sky, and you say the man is crazy, it is no such thing. Suppose I take your razor and say it has a corru- 415538 gated edge like ^a- 'or&ss-tHlt saw, and you hold the razor up to the light, and you say it is not so. Put your hand under a microscope; it looks like the back of an alligator. Put the sharpest razor you ever saw under a miscroscopic lens; it looks like a circular saw. Put the telescope on Jupiter, and you see the four satellites in their appointed order. That former statement was foolish- ness to your natural eye, because it was miscroscopically discerned. That latter statement was foolishness to your natural eye, because it was telescop- ically discerned. The axioms of the Bible are foolishness to the natural mind because they are spiritually discerned. A man must be born of the Spirit before he knows what the Bible teaches. Filled With the Holy Spirit Second: A man must be baptized with the Holy Spirit as well as born of the Spirit to study the Bible successfully. Every Christian has the Holy Spirit. "If any man have not the spirit of Christ, he is none of His," and "by one Spirit we are all baptized into one body." But there is something beyond. There is a reception and an appropriation of the Holy Spirit as a teacher and a guide and a helper that confers a marvelous benefit upon the believer. We have a mental salvation. "Be renewed in the spirit of your minds." We have talked so much about purifying the heart by faith that we have forgotten about clarifying the mind. It is quite as necessary to have a renewed mind as it is to have a clean heart. A clear head may be a product of the Holy Spirit as well as a clean heart. A man may testify to heart purity, and only God and the angels know any- thing about it, but if a man says anything about his clear head, as soon as he opens his mouth he gives himself away. The Holy Spirit is like oil to lubricate the mental machinery so that a man can think coherently, imagine vividly, remember retentively, argue logically. I believe that a Christian student in the public schools uniformly takes higher rank than a scholar who is not a Christian. I ask for an explanation of that fact, and { you say a Christian has a higher motive. He has a conscientious inducement to apply himself and to be faithful, but that accounts for it only in part. A Christian has a mentality illuminated by the Holy Spirit. Once upon a time a young College student went into a class in mathematics with a problem in Algebra unsolved. He had studied long and hard over that lesson but in vain. When he got into the class, as happens so frequently, the Professor sent him to the board to demonstrate that particular problem that he didn't have. He was a Christian student. He didn't relish standing up before the class and failing. It was humiliating. But he went right up to the blackboard and stood before it feeling very helpless and very much ashamed, and then as he stood there with his back to the class and his face to the board, he prayed, "O God, show me how to solve this problem." In the twinkling of an eye the solution flashed into his mind, and he seized the crayon and dashed off the figures, to the applause of the whole class. That was a mental miracle. It was the Holy Spirit illuminating his mind in answer to prayer. If he had wasted the morning on the campus loitering or gossiping, as many students do, he might have gone there and stood with his face to the wall until night and prayed, and he wouldn't have been answered. But he had grappled faithfully and honestly with that problem, and what he couldn't do God did in answer to prayer. Now that comes from having the Holy Spirit as your mentality to stimulate you, to enlighten you and to help you, and our minds need saving quite as much as our souls and quite as much as our bodies, for our highest life is a mental life, and even our spiritual life comes under the scope of our mentality, and the Holy Spirit is our teacher to guide us into all truth, and even a believer can study better with the help of the Holy Spirit. A Ravenous Appetite In the third place, there must be a ravenous appetite for Bible study. "Thy words were found, and I did eat them." "I have esteemed the words of his mouth more than my necessary food." If you don't love to study the Bible, you'd better postpone this course of study, but the appetite grows by what it feeds on, and if you haven't any appetite, you need praying for. Sometimes a person is run down, and goes to a doctor. Before the doctor makes a diagnosis, he begins to quiz you. The first question is, how is your appetite? If you have no appetite, you need medicine. When a Christian has no appetite for God's Word, it is a dangerous symptom. Remember what the Israelites said in the wilderness, "Our soul loatheth this light bread." Light bread, indeed. It was angels' food. If it was good enough for the angels, it ought to have been good enough for the Israelites. We remember the food of the Egyptians cucum- bers, melons, garlic, etc. Many people prefer novels or newspapers to the Bible members of the church too. They have no appetite. To make any progress in Bible study, you must love the Bible. Unless you put your heart into the work, it is drudgery, and it never succeeds. The highest success is the spirit in which you do your work. God never says, "Well done, thou good and successful servant," but "Well done, thou good and faithful servant." Cultivate your appetite. A strong spiritual appetite is the greatest spiritual safeguard. "How sweet are Thy words unto my mouth, yea sweeter than honey to my lips." Unflagging Industry Fourth condition: Unflagging industry, hard work. "In whom are hid- den all the treasures of wisdom and of knowledge." Men don't find golden nuggets lying around loose on the surface of the earth. They have to look for them, and the deeper they dig and the harder they work, the more precious treasure do they find. There are no rewards for laziness. There is no truth to be discovered save by the hardest work. Every chapter, every passage, every verse is a great mine, of which we only scratch the outer surface. The Word is infinite and inexhaustible. But this is the greatest need of all hard work. The chief attraction of heaven lies suggested in the activities of the cherubim they rest not day nor night. They work 24 hours a day. Isn't that delight- ful? The time we sleep is wasted. We are unconscious. What a small sum of our time remains to do anything! One-third of our time is spent in bed, resting, another one-third feeding, grooming and nursing these bodies of our humiliation. What a pitiable fraction of time is left to do anything for God or man, and oh, how glorious it will be to keep on working 24 hours at a stretch! The student who works the hardest does the most and goes the farthest. Implicit Obedience Fifth condition: Implicit obedience (John vii, 17). Power goes with plan, obedience guarantees blessing. If you want spiritual power, you must discover the divine plan, conform to it and cooperate with it, but if you want spiritual blessing, be perfectly obedient to every divine suggestion and com- mand, and blessedness shall be yours. Whenever we discover some new truth in Scripture, it has to be translated into conduct and incorporated into char- acter. When a man gets his head crammed with knowledge, he is like a ship with all the cargo on the upper deck, a very dangerous and most unstable con- dition. It is liable at any moment to capsize and flounder. Truth must perco- late from the head down into the heart. There must be the moral response and an attitude assumed that shall be correlated to the truth itself. If I draw back and refuse to obey the light that is given, God will give no further light until I live up to what I have and act upon the knowledge that is given. Many a case of spiritually arrested development may be explained by dis- obedience. I suppose nine-tenths of all intellectual difficulty has an ethical root and if men would do what they know to be right, their doubts would melt away in the doing. Reverent Humility Sixth: Humility reverent humility. "If any man think that he knoweth anything, he knoweth nothing as he ought to know." This is only another name for docility. This is the characteristic of an ideal disciple. Disciple is the word those who followed Jesus first received. Disciple means learner. They entered the school of faith and of life. The Latin word from which hu- mility comes means near the ground. An old writer said, "There are two safe places in the universe, the heavens and the dust. Of these two, the dust is the safer place, for there have been those who fell out of heaven, but who ever heard of any one falling out of the dust? Where could he fall?" Be clothed with humility, a new style of dress goods, prices not gone up on account of the war. "God resisteth the proud and giveth grace unto the hum- ble." But alas! when the consciousness of humility goes into the heart, the grace of humility goes out. Life is for learning, and there is no privilege greater than going to school. Christ is the Teacher, and we graduate into the High School of heaven to sit at His feet throughout eternity. Gifted godly men can teach you much, but by and by on the heaven side bank of the river of death, you'll sit down with Paul and Abraham and Noah and Enoch, and they'll give you Bible teaching that is worth looking forward to. That is a post-graduate course that awaits us on the other side. Humility is necessary because it tends to self-depreciation. There is no dogmatism or bigotry so hard and bitter as that of ignorance. Lord Bason said, "A little learning tendeth to self-conceit, but much learning tendeth to humility." The men who know most think they know the least, and the men who know the least think they know it all. Socrates was declared to be the wisest man in Greece. He was asked, "What do you know?" "I don't know anything." "That is very strange. The oracle declared you to be the wisest man in all the world." They went back to dispute the oracle. "Socrates declares he knows nothing." The oracle replied, "Others know not that." Ceaseless Prayer Seventh and last: Ceaseless prayer. (Jer. 33:3.) "Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and hidden things which thou knowest not." Suppose you ponder long on a passage of Scripture, and the meaning is vague. What shall you do? Consult commentaries? Yes, but get down on your knees and pray. Say "Lord, what does this passage mean?" Then get up and study it some more. If it still baffles you, get down and pray about it some more and plead the promise. Open your Bible to James 1:5, put your finger on this passage, and say "Lord, I plead this particular promise. I con- fess my lack of wisdom. O, Thou Spirit of Light and Truth, illumine me." Then get up and go to work, and while you work and while you pray, light will filter in, and thought will come from God. Have you ever wondered where thought comes from? Is not the origin of thought as great a mystery as the origin of life? Who can explain it? We say life comes from God. Doesn't thought come from God? You hold your mind against a problem, and keep it there. From the north and from the south and from the east and from the west ideas come like doves flocking to the window? Whence come they if not from God? Luther's motto was, "To have prayed well is to have studied well." The time you spend in prayer is an immense advantage, not a hindrance, not a handicap, but an indispensable help to the understanding of God's Word. Consider the seven conditions under which Bible study may be pursued: Re- generation, baptism of the Holy Spirit, ravenous appetite, unflagging industry, implicit obedience, reverent humility, ceaseless prayer. GOSPEL OF MATTHEW Page Seven MATTHEW Key Thought: Number of Chapters: Key Verse: Christ seen as: Savior of the Jews 28 27:37 King and Savior of the Jews. Writer of the Book: Date: Conclusion of the Book: Jesus, the Messiah- King, was rejected and killed but His wound- Matthew A. D. 37 ing was for our trans- gressions, and He was bruised for our iniqui- ties. He is coming again to rule and judge. SUMMARY CHAPTER ONE Contents: Generations of Jesus Christ. His conception and birth. Characters: God, Christ, Holy Spirit, Joseph, Mary, generations of Christ from Abraham to David. Conclusion: Jesus Christ was, in accordance with the prophecies, conceived of the Holy Ghost, born of a virgin. He was both Son of Man and Son of God, thereby being qualified to save His people from their sins. Key Word: Genealogy, vv. 1, 17. Strong Verses: 21, 22, 23. Striking Facts: v. 10. See Gen. 3:15; Isa. 7:14, 8:8, 10; Mic. 5:2, 3. Jesus was not begotten of natural generation. Note v. 16, "Mary, of whom was born Jesus." A feminine form for the word "born" being used, indicates that Jesus was born of Mary, not of man. He was without a sinful nature, for the reason that He had the Holy Spirit for His Father. CHAPTER TWO Contents: Visit of the Magi, flight into Egypt, Herod's slaughter of the inno- cents. Return of Joseph and Mary to Nazareth. Characters: God, Jesus, Joseph, Mary, Herod, chief priests, scribes, wise men, Archelaus. Conclusion: The light of the Scriptures and the light of nature are calculated to lead the seeking soul to Christ, the Savior. Those who follow their light to Him will find in Him joy unspeakable. Those who spurn their light will have in this life only dread of Him and hereafter naught but misery. Key Word: Star of Bethlehem, vv. 2, 9, 10. Strong Verses: 6, 9, 10, 11. Striking Facts: v. 12. This is the first of 21 unsuccessful attempts on the life of Jesus which mark the enmity of Satan and his desire to cut Him off before His appointed work could be done. That enmity was manifested in O. T. times against the royal line, and now that Christ's sacrifice has been made, it is shown in the blinding of the hearts of men lest they see Him as their Savior, and against Christians that their testimony for Him might be hindered. CHAPTER THREE Contents: Ministry of John the Baptist and baptism of Jesus. Characters: God, Jesus, John. Conclusion: To follow Jesus in the waters of baptism is to publicly acknowl- edge our separation from sin, determination to bring forth fruit unto God, and consecration to His service. Key Word: Baptism, vv. 6, 13. Strong Verses: 8, 16, 17. Striking Facts: When John announced (v. 2) the "kingdom of the heavens at hand," he announced that the Christian dispensation was the next thing Page Eight MATTHEW to come. He presented Jesus not as King who would at that time set up His earthly throne, but as "the Lamb of God that taketh away the sins of the world" (the true prophetic order). By Israel's rejection of Him as such they have been nationally set aside until the "fullness of the Gentiles be come in," after which Jesus as King will return to earth in glory to rule. (Matt. 24:29; 25:46; Luke 19:12-19; Acts 15:14-17.) CHAPTER FOUR Contents: Temptation of Jesus. Jesus' public ministry begun. Call of first disciples. Characters: Jesus, Satan, John the Baptist, Peter, Andrew, James, John, Isaiah. Conclusion: The Word of God is the Sword of the Spirit, which if rightly han- dled, will deal defeat to Satan in his attempts to snare the believer by tempting suggestions. Beware of Satanic twisting of Scripture "rightly divide the Word of Truth." Key Word: Temptation. Strong Verses: 4, 6, 10. Striking Facts: v. 1. It is sometimes asked "If Jesus was without a sinful nature, how could He be tempted?" May not a city be besieged, though impregnable? Acid will corrode some metals others it will not. The devil applied his test to Christ it did not corrode. Note comparison of Jesus' temptations with those of the first Adam. (1). Gen. 3:6 lust of the flesh (tree good for food); Jesus to turn stones into bread. (2). Lust of the eyes (tree pleasant to the eyes); Jesus glory of kingdoms of the earth to take them in a way not appointed by the Father. (3). Pride of the life (desiied to make one wise); Jesus to throw Himself from pinnacle to be hailed by crowds below as the long expected Messiah. CHAPTER FIVE Contents: Sermon on the mount. Beatitudes. Believer as salt and light. Christ's relation to the law. Divorce. Characters: God, Jesus. Conclusion: The relationship of a child of God will be manifested in the world by his shining and burning as a light for Christ, by his quiet and savory influence in society, and by his conformity to the Word of God in all things. Key Word: Sermon on the Mount, vv. 1, 2. Strong Verses: 3-16, 18, 28, 32, 39, 44, 48. Striking Facts: v. 3. Some teach that the teachings of the sermon on the mount are applicable only to the future earthly kingdom of Christ, not the present age, and as such are postponed until Christ's second coming. However we think of the "kingdom of the heavens" as the church age, during which Christ, through regeneration, is peopling the heavens, and these principles seem to have clearer application to the present age than to that time when righteousness shall cover the earth as the waters cover the sea. CHAPTER SIX Contents: Sermon on the Mount, continued. Formalism condemned. The new revelation of prayer (disciples prayer). The law of riches. Cure of anxiety. Characters: God, Jesus. Conclusion: True relationship to God will be manifested by a motive of heart devotion to God back of all charity to men, by absolute sincerity and humility in the prayer life, by laying up heavenly treasures and by absolute confidence in the Heavenly Father to supply all real needs and overcome all troubling circumstances. Key Word: Sermon on the Mount, 5:2. Prayer, 6:5. Strong Verses: 1, 6, 8, 9-13, 19, 20, 21, 33, 34. Striking Facts: vv. 8-13. Rather than the "Lord's prayer," this should be designated as "the diciple's prayer," for Jesus could not pray this prayer as the expression of His own needs. It should be remembered also that it is not based upon the atoning MATTHEW P age Nine work of the cross, which at the time it was given, was yet future. Christ's finished work which makes possible deliverance from sin, should be thought into this prayer when used by the Christian. It is a model of what true prayer is (1) Puts the Father's interest before personal in- terests. (2) Puts earthly needs in right proportion to spiritual needs. (3) Bases prayer upon relationship. (4) Trusts God for present needs, not worrying about the morrow. CHAPTER SEVEN Contents: Sermon on the Mount, continued. Encouragement to prayer. The two ways. Warnings against false teachers. Danger of profession with- out faith. The two foundations. Characters: God, Jesus. Conclusion: True disciples of Christ will be men and women cautious in their judgment of others; conscious of their own faults; confident and earnest in prayer; wary of false teachers and hypocritical profession; building all eternal hopes upon the firm Rock, faith in the Word of God and Christ Jesus. Key Word: Sermon on the Mount, 5:2. (Two ways, vv. 13, 24, 26.) Strong Verses: 1, 2, 7, 8, 12, 15, 21, 24. Striking Facts: v. 22 shows that there will be among those rejected by Christ in the last days, many preachers, so-called soul winners and good moral men, simply because devoid of true faith in Christ who alone is the foun- dation of salvation. Beware of mere lip-devotion which signifies nothing, either here or hereafter. CHAPTER EIGHT Contents: Jesus heals a leper, the centurion's servant and Peter's wife's mother. Professed disciples tested. Stilling of the waves. Casting-out demons at Gadara. Characters: Jesus, leper, centurion and his servant, Peter's mother-in-law, two men of Gadara, disciples. Conclusion: Jesus is the divine Son of God, sovereign over all physical ail- ments, over all circumstances, over the powers of nature, over the evil emissaries of Satan and over sin (9:5). Faith takes Him at His word and finds rest and deliverance at all times in His Word of power. Key Word: Sovereign Christ, vv. 17, 27. Strong Verses: 13 (a), 27. Striking Facts: v. 29. Men may deny the deity of Christ, but demons know better. His divine Sonship is proven amply by the demonstration of His power in all spheres. He was not only Son of God, but Son of Man (vv. 20, 24) and having been subjected to all human testings, He be- came a perfect sacrifice and substitute for the believer on the Cross. CHAPTER NINE Contents: Healing of the palsied man. Call of Matthew. Answering the Pharisees. Healing of woman with issue of blood. Daughter of a ruler raised from the dead. Two blind men healed. A demon cast out. Preach- ing and healing in Galilee. Characters: Jesus, palsied man, sick woman, Jairus, his daughter, Matthew. Conclusion: All power is given unto Jesus Christ, both in heaven and in earth. Degradation and disease, demons and death are subject to His rebuke, and faith in Him is the most priceless treasure on earth, vv. 2, 22, 29. Key Word: Power, vv. 6, 8. Strong Verses: 6, ,12, 13, 37, 38. Striking Facts: v. 3. Either Christ was the Son of God with power to forgive sins and those who claim He is a mere man with no such power, are them- selves blasphemers or else He was, as they charged, a blasphemer. His deity is fully established by His deliverances from sin, and the conscious- ness of forgiveness which He has given to millions of people throughout the age. Page Ten MATTHEW CHAPTER TEN Contents: The twelve instructed and sent out. Characters: God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, Peter, Andrew, James, John, Philip, Bartholomew, Thomas, Matthew, James, Thaddaeus, Simon, Judas. Conclusion: The call of Jesus to His service is His enabling for that service. He stands with His servants in all their trials, takes notice of every insult they are called upon to endure, honors them in this life for their witness of Him and will abundantly reward them in the next life for all their faithfulness. No cross, no crown. No gall, no glory. Key Word: Calling and enduement, v. 1. Strong Verses: 16, 24, 25, 28, 30, 32, 33, 37, 38, 42. Striking Facts: v. 32. Confession of Christ is the normal answer of a new born soul to God. "Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speak- eth." To evidence the sincerety of our faith by boldly witnessing for Him gives us One in heaven who speaks a good word to the Father for us. CHAPTER ELEVEN Contents: Answer to questions sent Jesus by John the Baptist. Judgment predicted as result of rejection of Christ. Rest for individuals who put their trust in Him. Characters: Jesus, John the Baptist. Conclusion: The miracles of Christ are the seal of heaven upon Him, evincing His divine commission, and proving to this day the truth of His doctrine. Those who will not be prejudiced against Him nor scandalized in Him, cannot but be blessed in Him. Those who will be yoked with Him in His burdens, will by Him, be lifted out of all their burdens. Key Word: Offended in Christ, vv. 6, 19, 25. Strong Verses: 6, 25, 28, 29, 30. Striking Facts: v. 28. This is a pivotal point in the ministry of Jesus. The Savior-King being spurned by the Jews, now offers rest and service to all who are conscious of their need. To these He will GIVE rest (peace with God, Rom. 5:1, the rest of salvation), and in His service they shall contin- ually FIND rest (the peace of God, Phil. 4:7). CHAPTER TWELVE Contents: Jesus announces Himself Lord of Sabbathy Controversy wijth Pharisees. Healing of the withered hand. A demoniac healed. The unpardonable sin. Death and resurrection foretold. Deficiency of self- reformation. Jesus' new relationships. Characters: Jesus, Holy Spirit, Pharisees, disciples, man with withered hand, Satan, David, Jonah, Queen of the South. Conclusion: Jesus Christ is Lord of the Sabbath day, giving us the true example of the acceptable use of that day, spending it with and for God. Ascribing the word which Christ does in the power of the Holy Spirit to Satan, is a sin unpardonable here or hereafter. Key Word: Lord of Sabbath, v. 8. Strong Verses: 8, 30, 32, 36, 50. Striking Facts: The Sabbath (v. 1) commemorates a finished creation. The Lord's day (see v. 40) commemorates a finished redemption, for Christ arose from the grave on the first day. The seventh day was a day of legal obligation. The first day is a day of voluntary worship. CHAPTER THIRTEEN Contents: Mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven. The sower, tares and wheat, grain of mustard seed, leaven, hid treasure, pearl, drag net. Characters: Jesus, disciples, Satan, Isaiah. Conclusion: The present age will be marked to its end by the presence of both professors of religion and possessors sinners and saints. The be- liever's work is to sow the Word of God in faith, not expecting thereby to convert the whole world, but in expectation of Him, who at the end of the age, will come with His angels to separate the good and the bad to make an end of sinners and set up His glorious Kingdom. Key Word: Kingdom mysteries, v. 11. Strong Verses: 12, 41, 42. MATTHEW Page Eleven Striking Facts: Some make the parables of the mustard seed and the leaven to teach the conversion of the whole world in this age by the preaching of the gospel. This view is explicitly contradicted by Jesus' interpretation of the parables of the wheat and tares and the drag net therefore there is something wrong with the popular interpretation of the leaven and mustard seed. Leaven means "corruption" and is always used in Scrip- ture as a symbol of evil. The mustard seed parable pictures an abnormal and unsubstantial growth of the outward church. See Dan. 4:20-22. CHAPTER FOURTEEN Contents: Herod's troubled conscience and the murder of John the Baptist. The 5000 fed. Jesus walks on the water. Characters: Jesus, John the Baptist, Herod, Herodias, and her daughter, dis- ciples. Conclusion: That will be multiplied and blessed to the service of men which is by faith passed through the hands of Christ. Faith and love with little can do much. (v. 18.) The steps of faith fall on a seeming void but always find a rock. No sea is too rough on which to venture if the eyes are on Christ and He has bidden us "come" (vv. 29, 30). Key Word: Lord of nature, vv. X8, 25, 33. Strong Verses: 18, 27. Striking Facts: Note v. 33. The sure cure for the Unitarian belief about Christ, is to be out on a boisterous sea where no human power can help, and then see Him come forth to quiet the boisterous winds and save the sinking soul. CHAPTER FIFTEEN Contents: Scribes and Pharisees rebuked. Syrophonecian's daughter healed. The multitude healed. 4000 fed. Characters: Jesus, Peter, (disciples), Syrophonecian woman, her daughter. Conclusion: The Christian life is not a label to put on, but a life to be put in; not a system of doctrine to be quibbled about but a great principle to be lived out. Genuine faith overcomes all obstacles. His compassion meets all needs. Key Word: Hypocrites, v. 7. Strong Verses: 8, 28. Striking Facts: v. 28. This was the first time the rejected Christ ministered to a Gentile (cf. Matt. 12:18). When a Gentile addressed Him as "Son of David" (v. 22) He made no reply, but when she acknowledged Him as "Lord," He answered immediately (v. 25). The Gentile has no claim un- der the covenant rights and promises of Israel. CHAPTER SIXTEEN Contents: Jesus' rebuke of bl'nd Pharisees. The symbol of leaven in- terpreted. Peter's confession of the deity of Jesus. Jesus foretells His death and resurrection. Characters: God, Jesus, Peter, Satan, disciples, John the Baptist, Elias, Jeremiah. Conclusion: Jesus is the Son of God, the foundation stone of the church. He died for the sin of the world, arose for the justification of the be- liever and is coming back in glory to reward His own. The cross of Calvary was God's program for Him, essential for the salvation of men and all attempts to turn Him from it were Satan-inspired (as are all de- nials of its necessity today). KeyWord: Deity (v. 16); Death (v. 21); Resurrection (vv. 4, 21); Descent (v. 27). Strong Verses: 15, 24, 26. Striking Facts: Note vv. 17, 18. Jesus does not here infer that the church was to be built upon Peter but upon Himself, as just confessed by Peter (v. 16) (Cf. 1 Peter 2:4-9). In the Greek, the word "Petra" is in fem- inine form, denoting that the reference was not to Peter, but to his con- fession. The deity of Christ is the foundation doctrine of Christianity. Page Twelve MATTHEW CHAPTER SEVENTEEN Contents: The transfiguration of Jesus Christ. The powerless disciples, un- able to heal a lunatic, and the mighty Christ. Resurrection again foretold. Miracle of the tribute money. Characters: God, Jesus, Moses, Elijah, Peter, James, John, a father and his lunatic son, John the Baptist, disciples. Conclusion: Jesus Christ is sealed of heaven as the beloved Son of God, glorious and mighty in His person, possessed of all power in heaven and earth, the Victor over death and the grave, yet to reign in glory. Genuine faith in Him and yieldedness to His power, moves the arm of omnipotence. Key Word: Transfiguration, v. 2. Faith, v. 20. Strong Verses: 5, 20. Striking Facts: The transfiguration is the answer to v. 28 of the preced- ing chapter. In it, we see in miniature, the elements of the coming earthly Kingdom of Christ. Jesus in His glory (v. 2); Moses standing for believers who have passed on through death (v. 3) ; Elijah representing those who will be translated (v. 3. Cf. 1 Thess. 4:14-17); Three disciples representing Israel in the flesh at His coming; Gentiles at foot of moun- tain for the living nations. It was given just following the announce- ment which disappointed the disciples, His rejection and death, and was for their encouragement. CHAPTER EIGHTEEN Contents: Sermon on the child text. Discipline in the church. Unity in prayer. Law of forgiveness. Characters: God, Jesus, Peter. Conclusion: Those are truly great who are truly humble and good, and God is pleased with those who multiply their pardons of others, even as they have many times been pardoned by Him. Key Word: Greatness, v. 1. Forgiveness, v. 21. Strong Verses: 3, 4, 11, 19, 20, 21, 22. Striking Facts: v. 20. Where His saints are, there is the sanctuary of Christ. While as to His person He is in heaven, His Spirit is with our spirits, and He is the central figure in every gathering for prayer in His name. Not a multitude, but faith and sincere devotion on the part of worshippers, even though there be but two or three, invites His presence and the mani- festation of His power among them. CHAPTER NINETEEN Contents: Christ and the divorce question. Little children blessed. The rich young ruler. Apostles' future place in the Kingdom. Characters: God, Jesus, Peter, rich young ruler. Conclusion: God Himself instituted the relationship between husband and wife, and those joined together by the ordinance of God are not to be put asunder by an ordinance of man, except for fornication. Nothing less than the almighty grace of God can enable a man taken up with the riches of this world to get into heaven. Riches, if they are under our feet, are stepping stones, but if upon our backs, are a curse. Key Word: Divorce, v. 7. Riches, v. 24. Strong Verses: 6, 9, 14, 24, 26 (b), 29. Striking Facts: vv. 16, 17. It is not implied that Jesus was not good (John 8:46; 14:30), but that He would not be called "good" by one who did not accept His deity, but looked upon Him merely as a man (Master "teach- er") and put himself on the same level (v. 20). As God (v. 17) He is the expression of all good. CHAPTER TWENTY Contents: Parables of laborers in the vineyard. Jesus' death and resurrec- tion again foretold. Ambitious requests of James and John. Healing of the two blind men. Characters: Jesus, wife of Zebedee, James, John, two blind men. Conclusion: One hour's service in the spirit of humble trust will be as abun- dantly rewarded as 12 hours of legal service where reward is sought as a matter of debt. The way to true greatness is to be humble and service- able with an eye continually to the great pattern servant, Jesus, who came MATTHEW Page Thirteen into the world not to be waited upon but to wait upon others and give His life a ransom. Key Word: Service, vv. 1, 27. Strong Verses: 16, 26, 27. Striking Facts: vv. 18, 19. The death of Jesus Christ was not, as some say, the result of His being the victim of circumstances too strong for Him, but was the result of His own program. He came (v. 28) to give His life a ransom. He did not die as a martyr, but as a Victor. He never foretold His death without adding that He would be resurrected. CHAPTER TWENTY-ONE Contents: The triumphant entry. Jesus' second purification of the temple. Barren fig tree cursed. Jesus' authority questioned. Parable of the two sons in the vineyard. Parable of the house-holder demanding fruit from his vineyard. Characters: God, Jesus, John, disciples. Conclusion: Jesus the King-Savior was officially offered to Israel first. He was acclaimed by an unthinking multitude who thought He would then set up His earth kingdom, but He was soon rejected by official representa- tives of the nation. Nevertheless His rejection by His own people turned to the riches of the Gentiles. The unbelief of sinners is their ruin. Key Word: Triumphal entry, vv. 9, 10. Jesus' authority, v. 23. Strong Verses. 13, 21, 22. Striking Facts: v. 2. A colt is a symbol of peace. In Jesus' second coming He will come upon a war horse (Rev. 19). Cf. v. 44. The flippant atti- tude of the people toward Jesus in His first presentation was due to their conception of Him as expressed in v. 11. When He comes in power, there will be no room for doubt of the fact that He is both King and Judge. CHAPTER TWENTY-TWO Contents: Parable of the marriage feast. Jesus' answer to the Herodians. Sadducees and Pharisees. Characters: God, Jesus, lawyer. Conclusion: The gospel call bids all to the great marriage feast. Some wickedly reject Christ's invitations. Some think to intrude in the rags of their hypocrisy (See Rom. 3:22) but the humble gladly accept and are satisfied. It is not wit and reason that makes one acceptab/e to God, but humble acceptance of His call and partaking of the feast He has pro- vided. Key Word: Unworthy guests, vv. 8, 12, 18. Strong Verses: 9,21,37,38,39. Striking Facts: The invitation to the marriage feast first extended to Israel (v. 7), was greeted with violence and the King fulfilled the latter part of the verse in A. D. 70. The world-wide call then went forth (Matt. 28:16-20; v. 9) to "as many as would receive" (John 1:12). The man without a wedding garment pictures those who think to be accepted in their own righteousness rather than the righteousness of Jesus Christ Rom 10:1-3; Isa. 64:6; Phil. 3:9. CHAPTER TW T ENTY-THREE Contents: Jesus denounces woes upon the Pharisees for their hypocrisy. His lament over Jerusalem. Characters: Jesus. Conclusion: Nothing is more displeasing to our Lord Jesus Christ than hyproc- risy, dissimulation, stage-playing in religion. Woe be to all such for their religion is vain and their ruin will be terrible. It is wholly owing to the wicked will of sinners that they are not gathered by His love under His protecting wing they "will not come to Him that they might have life." Key Word: Hypocrites, v. 13. Strong Verses: 8, 11, 12, 37, 39. Striking Facts: v. 39. There are three "untils" to be accomplished before Israel can have full blessing. 1. v. 39. 2. Luke 21: 24. Gentile world power must run its course Dan. 2:34-35. 3. Rom. 11:25-27. The elect of the Gentiles must be brought in. Page Fourteen MATTHEW CHAPTER TWENTY-FOUR Contents: Destruction of the temple foretold. The course of the present age outlined; its culmination in the great tribulation and followed by the re- turn of Christ in power and glory. Parable of the fig tree and exhortation to watchfulness. Characters: Jesus. Conclusion: The course of the present age is to be marked by wars, famines, pestilences, persecutions, false Christs, and religious systems, increasing in intensity as the age nears its end, and culminating in tribulation such as the world has never seen, nor ever shall see again. Jesus Christ shall suddenly, unexpectedly and gloriously appear, coming in the clouds of heaven with His hosts. Blessed are they who cherish the "blessed hope" (Tit. 2:13) and live in hourly expectation of His coming. Key Word: End of Age, v. 3. Strong Verses: 7, 21, 27, 35, 37, 44. Striking Facts: The signs of the near return of Jesus are national (v. 6), religious (v. 11), missionary (v. 14), and Jewish (v. 32). (Pig tree a type of Israel.) CHAPTER TWENTY-FIVE Contents: Parables of the wise and foolish virgins. Testing of the servants in the Lord's absence. Future testing of the Gentile nations at the Lord's return. Characters: God, Jesus, disciples. Conclusion: The hour of our Lord's second coming is very uncertain which is good reason why we should live not only in a state of habitual prepara- tion but actual diligence in present service for Him, and engaged in works of charity for men. Those who have so lived will in that day receive the grandest degree in the universe, the "well-done" of Jesus Christ. Key Word: Christ's return, vv. 6, 19, 31. Strong Verses: 13, 29, 31, 32, 34, 40. Striking Facts: vv. 1-13. The strict application is Jewish and refers to the "Revelation" when Christ comes "with His saints" to set up His Kingdom and punish the nations. Virgins are attendants of a bride. "Bridegroom" in some translations is "bride and groom" and "marriage" in v. 10 is "marriage-feast." The virgins are professing Jewish disciples (Rev. 14:4; Psa. 45:14). In the midst of the great Tribulation, the mid-night cry will be raised. As applied to Christians the parable is a warning of the "Rap- ture" which precedes the "Revelation." The lamp is a type of God's Word and the oil of the Holy Spirit. The two classes distinguish between Pos- sessors of Christianity and Professors of it. CHAPTER TWENTY-SIX Contents: Authorities plot Christ's death. Jesus annointed by Mary of Bethany. Judas sells Jesus. The last Passover. Lord's supper insti- tuted. Gethsemane experience. Jesus before Caiaphas and Sanhedrin. Peter's denial. Characters: God, Jesus, Judas, Peter, James, John, Caiaphas, disciples. Conclusion: Having finished His work as a Prophet, Christ entered upon His work as Priest to make the great sacrifice for the remission of sin. Al- though wicked hearts laid the plot and put it into execution, they were but fulfilling the Scriptures and unknowingly carrying out the program for which Christ came into the world. The spotless Passover Lamb who ALONE must settle the sin question was prepared for the slaughter, not as a martyr, but as a ransom for all. Key Word: Jesus' last night, vv. 1, 18. Strong Verses: 28, 41, 39. Striking Facts: v. 26. This verse marks the end of the Mosaic dispensation. The true Paschal Lamb was Christ, and He was now ready for the sacrifice. Yet at the very hour He was offered unbelieving Jews were sacrificing use- less blood in the temple. The Lord's supper which takes the place of the O. T. ceremonies is a memorial of Christ as a gift and sacrifice, a parable of the true nature of Christianity Christ becoming a part of us, and a prophecy of His future coming and glory. MATTHEW Page Fifteen CHAPTER TWENTY-SEVEN Contents: Jesus delivered to Pilate. Judas' remorse. Barabbas released in Jesus' place. The crucifixion of Christ. The entombment and sealing of the tomb. Characters: God, Jesus, Pilate, Judas, Jeremiah, Simon, 3 Marys (v. 56), Elijah, Joseph, two malefactors. Conclusion: See Isa. 53:3-6, 9, 10. (It is utter ruin of language to try to draw a human conclusion to the chapter. Rather let the Scriptures them- selves interpret it.) Key Word: Crucifixion, vv. 1, 35. Strong Verses: 22, 54 (b), 35. Striking Facts: Calvary's cross was the main point in the coming of Jesus into the world. His death was the object of His incarnation. He was the "Lamb of God who beareth away the sin of the world." No man took His life from Him (John 10:17-18). He whose blood was more precious than all human blood together (v. 54-b) gave His life (Matt. 28:26). The glory of heaven is not Jesus as a great ethical teacher, but Jesus, the "slain lamb." (Rev. 5:6-12; 7:10; 21:23.) CHAPTER TWENTY-EIGHT Contents: Resurrection of Jesus. Jesus in Galilee and the great commission. Characters: God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, 2 Marys, disciples. Conclusion: Jesus Christ is declared to be the Son of God with power, by His resurrection from the dead (v. 18; Rom. 1:4) and the acceptance by the Father of His atoning work on the cross is thereby assured for all who will receive it. Those who would be kept in the consciousness of His presence (v. 20) must attend to that which He has appointed the carry- ing of the message of salvation to all men. Key Word: Resurrection, v. 6. Strong Verses: 6, 18, 19, 20. Striking Facts: The resurrection is the centre of all miraculous narratives the sun which keeps them in their orbit. It is the Waterloo of infidelity. If He did not literally rise from the grave, not only is His veracity at stake, but (1 Cor. 15) preaching is vain (v. 14); faith is vain (vv. 14, 17); the witness of the disciples is false (v. 15); we are yet in our sins (v. 17); the dead are perished (v. 18), and our state is most miserable (v 19) BUT "HE IS RISEN." Page Sixteen GOSPEL OF MARK MARK Key Thought: Number of Servant of Man 16 Chapters : Key Verse: Christ seen as: 10:45 Servant of Jehovah Writer of the Book: Mark (called John) Date: A. D. 57-63 Conclusion of the Book: Jesus is the Mighty Worker, who came, not to be ministered unto, but to minister. SUMMARY CHAPTER ONE Contents: Ministry of John the Baptist. Baptism and temptation of Jesus and His first Galilean ministry. Demons cast out, sickness healed, leprosy cured. Characters: God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, John the Baptist, Satan, Simon, James, man with demons, Simon's mother-in-law, leper. Conclusion: The deity of Jesus Christ is fully attested by the seal of the Father from heaven, His victory over Satan, His authority to call men, and His power over evil spirits and all manner of diseases. Key Word: First ministry, vv. 1, 14, 21, 32. Strong Verses: 11, 17. Striking Facts: v. 35. There is no conflict between the fact of the deity of Christ and His dependence upon the Father in prayer. His prayer life on earth was the manifestation of His perfect communion with the Father before He came into the world. The fact that Jesus never asked anyone to pray FOR Him, is a further proof of His deity. He was superior to all human intercession. CHAPTER TWO Contents: Healing of the palsied man. Call of Matthew. Parable of the cloth and bottles. Jesus, Lord of the Sabbath. Characters: Jesus, Paralytic, Matthew, David, Alphaeus. Conclusion: Jesus Christ was sent to a sinful world for the healing and saving of such as will acknowledge their need of salvation and put their trust in Him. He has authority to forgive sin, which strikes at the root of diseases and either cures or alters their property. True faith in Him will overcome all obstacles and bring deliverance. Key Word: Power of Christ, vv. 10, 28. Strong Verses: 10 (a), 17, 27, 28. Striking Facts: v. 7. (Cf. John 10:33.) Jesus was logically either a blas- phemer or "God manifest in the flesh." The miracle He performed im- mediately proved that it was not He who was the blasphemer, but His accusers. CHAPTER THREE Contents: Jesus heals a withered hand on the Sabbath. Multitudes healed. The twelve chosen. The unpardonable sin. Characters: Jesus, Holy Spirit, Satan, disciples, man with the withered hand, Mary, Jesus' brothers. Conclusion: Those who are bound by disease and evil spirits are the special object of Jesus' compassion and may find complete deliverance in Him, do they but stretch out the hand of faith toward Him. Those are obstinate indeed in their unbelief, who set themselves against being convinced of the power of Christ by trying to explain it away, or attributing it to the devil. All such are sinning against their last remedy. Key Word: Healing (vv. 2, 10), Calling (v. 13). Strong Verses: 28, 29, 35. Striking Facts: Blaspheming the Holy Ghost is attributing to the devil the work which Christ did by the power of the Holy Ghost. Many of those MARK Page Seventeen who reviled Christ on the cross found mercy and Christ Himself prayed for them, but to blaspheme the Holy Ghost is unpardonable. CHAPTER FOUR Contents: Parable of the sower. Parable of the candle. Parable of the mustard seed. Jesus stills the storm. Characters: Jesus, Satan, disciples. Conclusion: The present age is a time for missions and testimony to the salvation offered in the Word of God. The message will be variously re- ceived because of Satanic opposition, but many will prove good soil for the Divine seed and will bring forth fruit by the power of God. Key Word: Kingdom parables, vv. 2, 11, 26, 30. Strong Verses: 24, 25. Striking Facts: vv. 38, 39. He who slept the sleep of human exhaustion arises and rebukes the elements. What manner of man is this? It is the God- man truly man, but God manifest in the flesh. CHAPTER FIVE Contents: The maniac of Gadara. Woman with issue of blood healed. Daugh- ter of Jairus raised from the dead. Characters: Jesus, disciples, demoniac, sick woman, Jairus, his daughter. Conclusion: The power of Christ over evil spirits, over incurable physical ail- ments, and over death itself, demonstrates to a conclusion His deity and puts honor upon the simple faith that comes to Him. Those who by faith are healed of Him, may go in peace and should go to witness of His power and grace. Key Word: Powerful Christ, vv. 19, 29, 42. Strong Verses: 19, 34, 36 (b). Striking Facts: v. 7. Even devils believe in the deity of Christ and tremble before Him. Demons know that by His Word they will ultimately be sent to chains of eternal darkness. CHAPTER SIX Contents: The twelve sent out to preach. Murder of John the Baptist. The 5000 fed. Jesus walks on the sea. Jesus heals many at Gennesaret. Characters: Jesus, disciples, Herod, Herodias, her daughter, John the Baptist, Mary, Joses, Juda, Simon, Elias. Conclusion: The divine authority of Christ is ratified by the divine wisdom which He displayed in all His teaching and the divine power which He manifested in imparting power to others for service, in overcoming all laws of nature for the relief of men and in dispelling by His mere Word or touch all manner of diseases. Key W T ord: Mighty works, v. 2. Strong Verses : 50 ( b ) . Striking Facts: vv. 3, 7, 41, 48. Jesus the carpenter was the Controller of the universe. Jesus the son of Mary was Jesus the Son of God. CHAPTER SEVEN Contents: Jesus rebukes Pharisees. Healing of daughter of Syrophenician woman and a deaf and dumb man. Characters: Jesus, Pharisees, scribes, disciples, Syrophenician woman, her daughter, deaf man, Isaiah. Conclusion: It is worshipping God in vain to rest in the outside of religious exercises when the heart is not right with God. Our first care should be the washing of the heart from wickedness which makes us odious to God, rather than ceremonial washing. Christ never puts any away from Him who fall at His feet in humble faith, and give themselves up to be ruled by Him. Key Word: Traditionalism (v. 3), Healing (26, 27). Strong Verses: 37 (b). Striking Facts: v. 37. This verse shows what the whole world will say when Christ's mediation is completed and He comes to receive His own. CHAPTER EIGHT Contents: 4000 fed. Meaning of leaven explained. Blind man outside Beth- saida healed. Peter's confession of faith. The value of a soul. Page Eighteen MARK Characters: Jesus, Peter, disciples, Satan, blind man, Pharisees. Conclusion: The bounty of Christ is inexhaustible and He will supply the needs of the body if with it we glorify Him. It is provoking to Him when we are overwhelmed with present distrust, because we so soon forget what we have seen of His goodness in supplying our needs in days past. Key Word: Our Provider, vv. 8, 17, 18. Strong Verses: 29, 34, 36, 38. Striking Facts: v. 31. The death of Jesus was clearly not one of defeat, but of victory. He was not a martyr but a divinely appointed sacrifice. "Christ that died" would make no gospel if we could not add "And is risen again." His resurrection proves that He was "the Christ" (v. 29) and that His atoning work is accepted of God and sufficient for all who believe. CHAPTER NINE Contents: The transfiguration. The powerless disciples and the mighty Christ casting out a demon. The dispute over who should be greatest. Jesus' rebuke of sectarianism. Solemn warning of hell. Characters: God, Jesus, Moses, Elijah, Peter, James, John, disciples, a father, his son. Conclusion: Since God has from the open heavens owned Jesus Christ as His beloved Son, we should give ourselves to be ruled by His Word, to be yielded to the mighty working of His power in us and through us and to resemble Him in the spirit of humble service to men. Key Word: Transfiguration (v. 2), Mighty Christ (v. 19). Strong Verses: 7, 23, 35 (b), 41, 42, 43, 50. Striking Facts: The transfiguration fulfills the promise of Jesus to reveal Himself in His coming kingdom (v. 1) ; teaches us that He was exalted far above Moses (law) and Elijah (prophets) (v. 4); was intended to raise the hopes of the disciples in view of His coming death (v. 30), and warns us against seeking to any other than the Son of God (v. 7). CHAPTER TEN Contents: Jesus' law of divorce. The blessing of little children. The rich young ruler. The desire of James and John to be first. Bartimeus re- ceives his sight. Characters: Jesus, James, John, Peter, disciples, rich young ruler, Bartimeus, Moses, Pharisees. Conclusion: Marriage is a divine institution and therefore to be religiously observed. The bond which God has tied is not to be lightly untied. The kingdom of God can be received into the heart only with humble resignation like that of a little child, to Jesus. Those who put their affec- tions in the wealth of the world cannot put a right value on Christ and His grace and will therefore come short of His kingdom. Those who hav- ing received Christ, would be greatly honored hereafter and honorable now, are those who are the most useful to men. KeyWord: Divorce (v. 2), Riches (v. 24), Greatness (v. 44). Strong Verses: 9, 14 (b), 15, 25, 29, 30, 31, 44, 45. Striking Facts: v. 18. Jesus' object was not to infer that He was not good, for the Scriptures plainly teach His goodness, above all men, but to raise the man's view of His person. The ruler had called Him "Master" (teach- er) and looked upon Him merely as a great man, on the same plane with himself (v. 20). Jesus was God, but until His divinity was acknowledged He could not accept the title "good." CHAPTER ELEVEN Contents: Official presentation of Jesus as King. The barren fig tree. Purify- ing of the temple. The prayer of faith. Jesus' authority questioned. Characters: Jesus, Peter, disciples, John the Baptist, David. Conclusion: The Lord Jesus, in accordance with the Scriptures, presented Himself as King-Savior at Jerusalem where He displayed His Kingly authority by cleansing the temple. He came seeking fruit of Israel, and gave the sign of their doom knowing His coming rejection by them. Key Word: Triumphal entry, v. 9. Strong Verses: 22, 23, 24, 25. MARK Page Nineteen CHAPTER TWELVE Contents: Parable of householder demanding fruit from his vineyards. The tribute question. Jesus answers the Sadducees. The great commandments. The widow's mite. Characters: Jesus, Holy Spirit, Caesar, David, widow, disciples, Sadducees, Herodians, Pharisees, Moses, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob. Conclusion: Because Christ, God's only Son, made His demands with more authority than any prophet had done, men were enraged against Him and determined by some method to entangle Him and put Him to death. To the last He confounded the wise of the world with His wisdom and set the seal of His favor upon the humble, trusting worshipper. Key Word: Rejected Lord, vv. 6, 10, 13. Strong Verses: 10, 17, 30, 31. Striking Facts: Jesus knew there could be no obstruction to His exaltation. He is the foundation stone of the Church, will be the smiting stone de- stroying the Gentile world powers at His coming and will yet be set as heaven's King the headstone of the corner. CHAPTER THIRTEEN Contents: The course of the present age its culmination in the great tribu- lation and the Second coming of Christ. Parable of the fig tree. Characters: God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, Daniel, Peter, James, John, Andrew. Conclusion: The end of the age will be marked by religious apostasy (v. 6), wars and rumors of wars (v. 7), upheavals among kingdoms (v. 8), earth- quakes, famines, and trouble (v. 8), the publishing of the gospel in all nations (v. 10), disregard of law (v. 12), and manifestations of hatred toward the preachers of the gospel (v. 13). The age will culminate in a time of trouble such as the world has never known (v. 19), and will end in the glorious appearing of the Christ in the clouds (v. 26). Let it be our care that whenever He will come He may find us at our duty, ready to meet Him. Key Word: Signs of the times, vv. 4, 29. Strong Verses: 13, 26, 27, 31, 33, 35, 36. Striking Facts: vv. 28-30. The fig tree is a type of Israel. When Israel again starts to bud as a nation, after hundreds of years in dispersion, we may be sure Christ's coming is near. The word "generation" in v. 30 is literally "race." The nation of Israel has a promise here that it will be preserved until these things are fulfilled. Israel is even now budding His coming is therefore "even at the doors." CHAPTER FOURTEEN Contents: The plot against Jesus. Jesus annointed by Mary. The last Passover. The Lord's supper instituted. The Gethsemane experience. Peter's denial. Jesus delivered to the authorities. Characters: God, Jesus, Mary, Judas, Peter, James, John, disciples, Caiaphas, Chief Priest, maid. Conclusion: Our Lord Jesus, betrayed into the hands of the violent by His own familiar friend and led away by wicked hands to His death, conse- crated Himself to that purpose, for which He came into the world the redemption of mankind by the blood of the cross. A great part of the load of sorrow He bore was that occasioned by His betrayal and denial by those close to Him. Key W T ord: Jesus' last night. Strong Verses: 24, 36, 38. Striking Facts: vv. 32-35. What "hour" and "cup" was He seeking to be delivered from? Does He pray for deliverance from the cross the very purpose for which He had come into the world? (John 12:27.) Heb. 5:7 states that His prayer was heard and answered. Luke 22:44. Mark 14:34 shows that Satan was attempting to kill Him before He could ac- complish His purpose and Luke 22:43 gives the answer. He was saved from death in Gethsemane. When the hour of the cross comes, He wants no angels or defenders and rebukes Peter for trying to defeat God's plan. Matt. 26:52, 53, 56. Page Twenty MARK CHAPTER FIFTEEN Contents: Jesus before Pilate. Barabbas set free instead of Christ. The crucifixion. Characters: God, Jesus, Pilate, Simon, Barabbas, Centurion, Joseph, 2 thieves, Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of Joses. Conclusion: 1 Pet. 2:24; Isa. 53:5, 9, 10. (Only God's own Word can form the conclusion of this scene.) Key Word: Crucifixion, v. 24. Strong Verses: 39. Striking Facts: v. 38. Why was the veil rent from the top down? It was rent from heaven, not earth. Christ having made atonement and glorified God, the way into the holy of holies was now made manifest. Heb. 9:8, 24; 10:19-22. CHAPTER SIXTEEN Contents: Resurrection and ascension of Jesus. Characters: God, Jesus, Mary Magdalene, Peter, disciples, Mary the mother of James and Joses, young man (an angel). Conclusion: Jesus who was crucified in weakness, lives in power and appears in the midst of the praises of the heavenly host as the "Lamb that was slain" (Rev. 5:6). Let the message be declared to all persons in every land that they might be saved from the guilt and power of sin and pre- pared to meet Him at His coming. Key Word: Resurrection, v. 16. Strong Verses: 6, 15, 16. Striking Facts: v. 7. "And Peter." Peter denied Jesus just before He died. Jesus owned Peter just after His resurrection. Peter's grasp of Christ relaxed. Christ's grasp of Peter was still tight. Peter lost consciousness of Jesus' love but that did not change Jesus. "Nothing shall be able to separate you from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus." GOSPEL OF LUKE Page Twenty-One LUKE Key Thought: Number of Chapters: Key Verse: Christ seen as: Son of Man 24 19:10 Perfect Son of Man Writer of the Book: Date: Conclusion of the Book: Jesus is the Ideal Man, the human-divine One, Luke A. D. 63-68 who came to seek and to save that which was lost. SUMMARY CHAPTER ONE Contents: Birth of John the Baptist foretold. Virgin birth of Jesus foretold. Mary's visit to Elizabeth. Mary's praise because of Jehovah's favor. Birth of John the Baptist. Characters: Holy Spirit, Luke, Theophilus, Herod, Zeeharias, Elizabeth, Gab- riel, Elias, Joseph, Mary, Abraham, John. Conclusion: John, the forerunner of Jesus, came to earth by divine appoint- ment and arrangement. Jesus, the Christ was born of a virgin, conceived of the Holy Ghost, and was therefore the Son of God to whom was prom- ised the throne of His father, David. Key Word: John and Jesus, vv. 31, 60. Strong Verses: 31, 32, 35, 37, 78, 79. Striking Facts: vv. 31-32. The name "Jesus" (Savior) links Him to human- ity and suggests His career as Prophet. He is conspicuous as "Jesus" up to His resurrection. "Christ" (annointed One) links Him to Prophecy which He came to fulfill and suggests His work as Priest atoning for sin. "Lord" (the Jehovah name applied to Him) links Him with Deity and suggests His Kingship. He is coming again to rule. CHAPTER TWO Contents: Birth of Jesus. His adoration by the shepherds. Adoration and prophecy of Simon and Anna. Return to Nazareth. Jesus and His parents at the Passover. Characters: Jesus, Caesar, Augustus, Cyrenius, Joseph, Mary, Moses, Simeon, Anna. Conclusion: Jesus the Christ, in the fullness of time was brought into the world according to divine counsels. Although born amid the meanest cir- cumstances, His humiliation was attended by discoveries of His glory and His coming was announced as glad tidings to all people. From His child- hood days He showed forth some of the rays of His glory in the divine wisdom which He manifested. Key Word: Glad Tidings, v. 10. Strong Verses: 10, 49. Striking Facts: v. 52. In the perfections of His divine nature there could be no increase. But as Son of Man, in His human nature, His body increased and He grew in all the endowments of a human soul. Christ accommo- dated Himself as Son of God, to His state of humiliation in human flesh. CHAPTER THREE Contents: Ministry of John the Baptist. Baptism of Jesus. Genealogy of Mary. Characters: Holy Spirit, God, John Baptist, Tiberius Caesar, Pontius Pilate, Herod, Philip, Annas, Caiaphas, Zacharias, Abraham. Conclusion: Way must be made for the reception of Christ by the removing of all obstructions that stand in the way of Him and of His grace. The seal of His divine authority has been given from the opened heavens; let us therefore prepare to bid His salvation welcome. Key Word: Baptism, vv. 16, 21. Strong Verses: 16. Page Twenty-Two LUKE Striking Facts: v. 23. Matthew gives Joseph's genealogy Luke gives Mary's. Luke does not say Heli "begat" Joseph. Joseph was his son-in- law. If Jesus was the son of Joseph, as some claim, He is forever barred from the throne, being a descendant of Coniah who was cursed, that none of his line might have the throne. Jesus was accordingly conceived by the Holy Ghost in Mary, Mary's father being a descendant of David through another line. CHAPTER FOUR Contents: Temptation of Jesus. Jesus in the synagogue at Nazareth. Cast- ing of demons out of man at Capernaum. Healing of Peter's wife's mother and others. Characters: Jesus, Holy Spirit, Satan, Joseph, Elias, Eliseus, Naaman. Conclusion: Our Savior was victorious over Satan by the power of the Holy Ghost and the use of the divine Word as His sword and those are well armed who are thus equipped. The words of Christ's mouth were attended with a power which pricked the consciences of men, dispersed evil spirits and drove away disease. Key Word: Temptation, v. 2. Fame, vv. 14, 32, 36, 37, 40. Strong Verses: 4, 8, 12. Striking Facts: vv. 17-19. It is interesting to notice that Jesus stopped His quotation in the middle of a passage from Isaiah. He stopped with "the acceptable year of the Lord" which is His first advent, but He knew His coming rejection. "The day of vengeance of our God" has to do with His second advent, and He therefore omitted it at the time. CHAPTER FIVE Contents: Miraculous draught of fishes. Healing of a leper and a paralytic. Call of Matthew. The scribes and Pharisees answered. Parables of the garment and bottles. Characters: God, Jesus, Simon, James, John, leper, Moses, Pharisees, scribes, Levi, John the Baptist. Conclusion: Jesus Christ has divine power to command the very fishes of the sea; to drive out incurable disease by His Word; to separate sinners from the penalty of their sins, and authority to call whom He will. Those will speed well indeed who will take Him at His word and trust to His ability and efficiency whatever their case. Key Word: Faith in Christ, vv. 5, 12, 20, 28. Strong Verses: 24 (a), 32. Striking Facts: v. 21. The doctrine that Jesus Christ has power to forgive sin has been fully attested, proving that He is God. He appears to be so by what He does in this chapter alone, and human experience through, the centuries witnesses to His deity. Those who charge Him with blasphemy are themselves proven to be blasphemers. CHAPTER SIX Contents: Jesus and the Sabbath. Healing of a withered hand. Choosing of the twelve. Sermon on the Mount. Parable of the house built on a rock. Characters: God, Jesus, disciples, Pharisees, David, man with withered hand. Conclusion: Works of necessity are allowable on the Sabbath and above all it is to be spent in the service of and to the honor of Him who is Lord of the Sabbath, whose good works we are to perform. The blessings of Christ are covenanted to suffering saints who live by the precepts of His gospel, enduring hardship for His sake, in hope of the glory of heaven which will abundantly countervail all hardships. Woe to those who rest upon a false foundation, trusting in the riches of this world and holding Christ and His people in contempt. Key Word: Lord of Sabbath, v. 5. Sermon on Mount, vv. 12, 20. Strong Verses: 5, 20, 21, 22, 23, 27, 28, 31, 35, 37, 38, 41, 45, 46. Striking Facts: Jesus as a human being in perfect subjection to the Father walked in constant communion with Him through prayer. In those days when His enemies were filled with madness against Him, He gave much time to prayer. If He, the Son of God, needed to pray, how much more business should we have at the throne of grace? LUKE Page Twenty-Three CHAPTER SEVEN Contents: Centurion's servant healed. Widow's son raised. Questions from John the Baptist in prison and Jesus' testimony. Jesus annointed in the Pharisee's house. Parable of the creditor and two debtors. Characters: God, Jesus, centurion's servant, centurion, man who was raised, his mother, John the Baptist, Pharisees, sinful woman, Simon. Conclusion: He who had such a commanding empire in the kingdom of nature as that He could command away diseases and raise the dead, is certainly none other than the Messiah, long announced by the prophets and em- powered for the forgiveness of sins. Key Word: Healer and For giver, vv. 10, 48. Strong Verses: 7, 23, 47, 50. Striking Facts: v. 28. This is usually taken to mean that the "least" of those who preach the Gospel of the risen Lord, being employed under a more excellent dispensation, are in a more honorable office than John the Baptist, who merely announced His birth and ministry. The meanest of those who follow the Lamb, excel the greatest of those, in position, who proclaim His advent. Those living under the Gospel dispensation have therefore a greater responsibility. CHAPTER EIGHT Contents: Jesus preaching and healing in Galilee. Parable of the sower, the lighted candle. Stilling of the waves. Demons cast out of man of Gadara. Healing of a woman. Raising of Jairus' daughter. Characters: God, Jesus, Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Susanna, Jesus' mother and brothers, disciples, the Gadarene, Jairus, woman with issue of blood, Peter, servant of Jairus, James, John, daughter of Jairus. Conclusion: It is the comfort of God's people that all power is given unto Jesus Christ, their Saviour. He has under His check and control, the ele- ments of the universe, the prince of the power of the air with all his most malignant demons, all human diseases, even death itself, and exercises these powers as will best glorify God. He is rich in fact who is rich in faith in Christ, having received the good seed of His promises into their hearts. Key Word: Preaching and showing, v. 1. (See v. 4, preaching; vv. 25, 35, 48, 55, shewing.) Strong Verses: 11, 17, 18, 21, 39. Striking Facts: v. 28. Demon-possessed men never have expectation to re- ceive benefit from Jesus Christ, nor inclination to do Him service, a fact which alone proves His deity. Demons know Him to be the Son of God who is ultimately to execute vengeance. They express only dread of Him. CHAPTER NINE Contents: The twelve sent forth to preach and their return. 5000 fed. Peter's confession of Christ. The transfiguration. The powerless disciples and the demon ridden boy. Jesus' rebuke of sectarianism. Tests of dis- cipleship. Characters: Jesus, God, disciples, Herod, John the Baptist, Peter, Elijah, John, James, Moses, man and his demon ridden son. Conclusion: Jesus Christ is God's annointed, owned to be so from the opened heavens and by the lives of witnesses and shown to be so in His sup- eriority over all forces; His ability to empower others for supernatural work; His power to supply both temporal and spiritual needs and His authority over malignant spirits. Wise are they who give up all to cleave to Him, for though they lose their lives for His sake, they shall gain life to their unspeakable advantage. Key Word: The mighty Christ, v. 43. Strong Verses: 23, 25, 26, 35. Striking Facts: vv. 22. 44. When men had a fond conceit of a temporal kingdom in which Christ, the miracle worker, should reign to supply all their needs, He would have one truth "sink down into their ears" the absolute necessity of His atonement. All His miracles and the interest He had gotten by them, could not prevent His sacrifice on the cross. Page Twenty-Four LUKE "Without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sin" neverthe- less those who carried out the plan were "wicked men," inspired with evil motives. CHAPTER TEN Contents: The 70 sent out. Jesus denounces judgment on cities. Parable of the good Samaritan. Martha and Mary entertain Jesus. Characters: Jesus, 70 witnesses, Satan, lawyer, Martha, Mary. Conclusion: Whom Christ sends may be sure He will go along with them and give them success. His servants should apply themselves to their work under a deep concern for precious souls, looking upon them with His compassion, and as riches which ought to be secured for Him. True service for Him comes out of communion with Him, and that service is worthless to Him which is done with motives of selfish pride. Key Word: Service, vv. 1, 30, 38. Strong Verses: 2, 20, 21. Striking Facts: v. 21. Jesus rejoiced (only time recorded) to perfect strength out of weakness for His own glory. He is pleased to reveal His counsels in those whose extraction and education have nothing in them promising until He, by the Holy Spirit, elevates their faculties and fur- nishes them with this knowledge. The believer need not therefore be disturbed if some of the "wise and prudent" of the world would crucify Him afresh. Vital experience of Christ in the soul over-balances all hu- man reasonings about Christ. CHAPTER ELEVEN Contents: Jesus' doctrine of prayer. Jesus charged with casting out demons by Beelzebub, and His answer. Woes denounced upon the Pharisees and lawyers. Characters: Jesus, disciples, Satan, Jonah, Solomon, Queen of the South, Pharisees, lawyers, scribes, Abel, Zacharias. Conclusion: One great design of Christianity is to enforce upon us the duty of prayer, instruct us in it and encourage us to expect advantage by it. Prayer changes things. Our prayers are God's opportunities to do for us what He otherwise could not do. Let us therefore lay hold of God's willingness with confidence and cling to Him with persistency. Obstinate infidelity will never be at loss for something to say in its own excuse, though ever so absurd. They will yet be compelled to face Him in judgment to answer for all their absurdities and will see the emptiness of all external ceremonies. Key Word: Prayer, v. 1. Evil generation, v. 29 (14,54). Strong Verses: 2, 3, 4, 9, 13, 23, 28. Striking Facts: v. 29. The sign from God for the confirmation of our faith is the resurrection of Jesus Christ. This is the greatest and most con- vincing proof that He was sent from God. CHAPTER TWELVE Contents: Jesus warns of leaven of the Pharisees. Parable of the rich fool. Parable of the second coming. Parable of the steward and his servants. Christ, the divider of men. Characters: Jesus, disciples, Pharisees, rich man, Peter. Conclusion: Those who make not religion a mere cloak, but have a saving faith in Christ, can set at defiance all the opposing forces of the world, knowing that having given Him first place in their lives, they are safe in Him. They need not take anxious thought for the things of this life nor dread even the killing of the body, which can only send them to their rest and eternal joy with Christ the sooner. Let them therefore sit loose to the world, living in hourly hope of His glorious return. Key Word: Jesus our security, vv. 7, 8, 11, 28, 31, 37. Strong Verses: 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 22, 24, 28, 30, 31, 32, 34, 37, 40, 48. Striking Facts: v. 40. Jesus is certainly coming back to earth in power and great glory and His people are now to live in a state of expectation, doing everything with that hope and to that end. The theology of v. 45 is char- acterized as the theology of unfaithful stewards who will be caught un- awares to their shame. LUKE Page Twenty-Five CHAPTER THIRTEEN Contents: Parable of barren fig tree. Woman loosed from her infirmity. Parable of mustard seed and leaven. Jesus teaching on way to Jerusalem. Characters: Jesus, Galileans, Pilate, infirm woman, ruler of synagogue, Abra- ham, Satan, Isaac, Jacob, Pharisees, Herod. Conclusion: Genuine repentance and faith toward Christ is the only avenue of escape from perishing. Nothing can be expected concerning barren and hypocritical lives except that they should be cut down and cast away. Not all who say "Lord, Lord" will find entrance to His kingdom, and to be bidden by Him that day to "depart" means hell. Those who would be saved must enter in at the strait gate, having undergone a change of heart. Key Word: Hypocrites rejected, vv. 15, 25, 30, 35. Strong Verses: 3, 24, 34. Striking Facts: vv. 6-9. The fig tree symbolizes Israel in Christ's time (Psa. 80:8-16). Three years and more Jesus sought fruit of this tree and found none. Having produced all His credentials as Messiah, He made His triumphal entry with multitudes shouting "Hosanna," but He knew they would shortly shout "crucify." The next day He saw a fig tree and finding nothing but leaves, He cursed it. (Mark 11:12-14.) See v. 34. This is Israel's condition "until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled." CHAPTER FOURTEEN Contents: Jesus heals on the Sabbath. Parable of the ambitious guest. Para- ble of the great supper. Parable of the tower, of the king going to war, and of the savorless salt. Characters: Jesus, Pharisees, lawyers, man with dropsy. Conclusion: Pride and hypocrisy will get shame and will at last have a fall, for the Master of the feast will marshall His guests and will not see the more honorable miss their due. Many have been bidden to the great supper of Christ, and many there are who stay away on excuses of small concern. The ingratitude of those who slight the Gospel invitation is an abuse of His mercy, and grace despised is grace forfeited. God will however have a church in the world, though there be many who heed not the call. Key Word: Great supper, v. 16. Strong Verses: 11, 26, 27, 33. Striking Facts: In the two parables of Luke 14:16-24 and Matt. 22:1-14 we see the historical development of the plan of salvation. (1) Prophetic announcement represented by the first invitation. (2) Second epoch, complete preparation followed by acts of violence. (3) Extension of the invitation to the hitherto uninvited guests, the Gentiles. The key note is Matt. 22:14. CHAPTER FIFTEEN Contents: Parables of the lost sheep, lost coin and lost son. Characters: Jesus, Pharisees, scribes. Conclusion: God has a particular care over backsliding sinners (Isr. in this case) and follows them with the calls of His Word and the strivings of the Holy Spirit until at length they are wrought upon to return. Their repentance and conversion are a matter of joy and rejoicing among the angels of heaven. Key Word: Lost and found, vv. 4, 8, 32. Strong Verses: 7, 10. Striking Facts: v. 18. If one has been in the Father's house as a son, he, like the prodigal is still a son and will be constantly constrained by the Holy Spirit and the intercessory work of Christ to "arise and go to the Father." CHAPTER SIXTEEN Contents: Parable of the unjust steward. Jesus answers Pharisees. Rich man -and Lazarus in the spirit world. Characters: God, Jesus, disciples, John the Baptist, rich man, Lazarus, Abra- ham, five brothers of rich man, Moses. Conclusion: Worldlings are often more consistent with themselves and more Page Twenty-Six LUKE enthusiastically pursue their ends than Christians. Though they aim low they aim better, improving their opportunities and doing that first which is most needed. Let us he thus wise in spiritual affairs. Prosperity is not a mark of being a favorite of heaven, nor poverty a mark of God's rejection of a man. Salvation is appropriated by those only who accept the evidence of God's Word during their lifetime, and, having died outside of Christ, there is no ray of hope eternally. Key Word: Wisdom, v. 8; opportunity lost, v. 25. Strong Verses: 10, 13, 15. Striking Facts: v. 23. "Hell" is lit, "hades," the prison place of departed unsaved spirits until the time of the Great White Throne judgment, when these spirits shall be resurrected for judgment and sent into the final hell forever. This is not a parable, for Jesus never names the characters in parables, with definite statements of things that took place. CHAPTER SEVENTEEN Contents: Instruction in forgiveness. Parable of service. Ten lepers healed. Second coming of Jesus foretold. Characters: Jesus, disciples, ten lepers, Pharisees, Noah, Lot, Lot's wife. Conclusion: God's relation to the believer is not one of contract but of own- ership, and since we never can merit His favors, we should ever let Him have the praise of His comforts, while we seek to manifest His spirit toward our fellowmen. Our Lord Jesus is with certainty coming back to earth to reign glori- ously. His coming will be with such suddenness that none can announce it in advance. The world will be moving on in its regular pursuits in dis- regard of the warnings of God's Word, when He appears. Key Word: Duty, v. 10; thankfulness, v. 16; Second Coming, v. 24. Strong Verses: 4, 6, 24, 26, 34, 36. Striking Facts: v. 21. Jesus did not teach these wicked men that the "king- dom of the heavens was "within" them, but "among" them. It was then in their midst in the person of the Savior and His disciples. He has a kingdom which is yet to come with outward show (v. 24) and with such suddenness that men will not be able to point here and there and say "the kingdom is coming." This is exactly what men are now trying to do, thinking the earthly kingdom can be set up without the King present. CHAPTER EIGHTEEN Contents: Parable of the unjust judge. Parable of Pharisee and publican. Little children blessed. Rich young ruler. Death and resurrection fore- told. Blind man healed near Jericho. Characters: God, Jesus, Pharisee, publican, Peter, disciples, blind man. Conclusion: Trouble and perplexity should drive us to prayer, for it is per- sistent and believing prayer that drives trouble and perplexity away. There is, however, no way of approach to God on the ground of our own merits, but only on the ground of God's mercy as shown at the blood- sprinkled mercy seat ("mercy" is lit. "propitiation." The publican said, "be toward me as thou art when thou lookest upon the atoning blood"). True discipleship is conditioned upon receiving the Lord Jesus Christ with the simplicity and humility of a child, being willing to follow Him and submit to His discipline whatever it may cost us in the things of this world, being confident that whatever we have left behind for His sake will be abundantly made up to us in better things, both here and hereafter. Key Word: Prayer, vv. 1, 10; discipleship, vv. 22, 29, 43. Strong Verses: 1, 7, 14, 17, 27, 29, 30. Striking Facts: vv. 31-34. Christ ever speaks of His sufferings as necessary to the fulfillment of Scripture. (1 Pet. 1:11.) His death on Calvary was absolutely essential and would have taken place in any case. He came to give His life a ransom, and therefore did not die as a martyr. CHAPTER NINETEEN Contents: Conversion of Zaccheus. Parable of the pounds. Triumphal entry. Jesus weeps over Jerusalem. Purification of the temple. LUKE Page Twenty-Seven Characters: God, Jesus, Zacchaeus, Abraham, disciples. Conclusion: The Lord Jesus came from heaven to make possible the bringing of those that are lost to God. Having made this provision, He has gone into a far country to receive for Himself a Kingdom and return in great power. He has endued His followers in the world with advantages and capacities of serving the interests of His church until He returns to re- ceive it, when all shall render account to Him and receive their reward accordingly. Key Word: Coming King, vv. 12, 38. Strong Verses: 10, 26. Striking Facts: v. 38. The great honor paid to Christ by multitudes makes the ignominy of His death to appear the greater. He could have influ- enced all men as easily as those to whom the ass and colt belonged, but the Great Ambassador of heaven knew He was entering Jerusalem to be rejected and crucified according to the divine purpose. The great song of rejoicing will yet be taken up by innumerable multitudes when He returns to receive the Church and set up His Kingdom. CHAPTER TWENTY Contents: Jesus' authority questioned. Parable of the vineyard. Question of the tribute money. Answer to Sadducees about resurrection. Jesus questions Scribes. Characters: Jesus, priests, Scribes, John the Baptist, Caesar, Sadducees, Moses, Abraham. Conclusion: Those who question Christ's authority, if they would but cate- chize themselves in the most evident principles of religion, will have their folly made manifest, for the evidence of His authority is complete and convincing. Those who are resolved not to recognize His authority, disowning Him as Lord of the Vineyard, will find themselves eventually thrown out of their lease, and stripped of all their title, for He will yet become the headstone of the corner. Key Word: Christ's authority, vv. 2, 13, 44. Strong Verses: 17, 25, 38. Striking Facts: v. 44. Christ as God was David's Lord, but Christ as man was David's son. CHAPTER TWENTY-ONE Contents: The widow's mite. Discourse on the course of the age and return of the Lord. Characters: Jesus, widow, disciples. Conclusion: As the time draws near when the Kingdom of God shall be fully established upon the earth, and the King shall return in glory, the days will be characterized by increasing apostasy, disturbances in the earth and in the heavens, and intense hatred of those who proclaim the Gospel. The age will culminate in a period of terrible fear upon man, and then shall Christ appear. Key Word: Course of age, v. 7. Strong Verses: 8, 9, 18, 25, 26, 27, 33. Striking Facts: vv. 20-24. Two sieges of Jerusalem are in view in this chap- ter. These verses refer to the siege of Titus, A. D. 70, when v. 24 was ful- filled. Christ did not come then. Jerusalem has been trodden down throughout the present dispensation and will ever be disputed about until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled and He comes who is rightful King. CHAPTER TWENTY-TWO Contents: Judas covenants to betray Jesus. Last passover. Lord's supper instituted. Peter's denial predicted. Jesus' arrest. Peter's denial. Characters: Jesus, priests, scribes, disciples, Judas, Peter, Satan, captains, maid. Conclusion: Jesus Christ, in fulfillment of the Scriptures, was betrayed into the hands of wicked men by His own familiar friend, and as the spotless Lamb of God was led away to the slaughter, for the purpose to which He had consecrated Himself, the shedding of His blood for the putting away of sin. He faced the issue alone, victorious over all Satanic attempts to Page Twenty-Eight LUKE turn Him from the divine purpose, and forsaken by His own, went forth to be slain. Key Word: Jesus' last night, v. 1. Strong Verses: 19, 20, 42. Striking Facts: vv. 19-20. The Lord's supper itself is an evidence of Christ's deity, for no man could institute a memorial of himself of this character. It is a memorial of His finished work (v. 19; 1 Cor. 11:26), a symbol of the impartation of His life to us (vv. 19, 20; 1 Cor. 11:29), a vehicle of the impartation of Himself (vv. 19-20), a prophecy of His return and the marriage supper. (1 Cor. 11:26; Luke 22:16, 18.) CHAPTER TWENTY-THREE Contents: Jesus before Pilate and Herod. Barabbas released and Jesus con- demned. The cricifixion and entombment. Characters: Jesus, Pilate, Caesar, Herod, Barabbas, Simon, two thieves, Joseph. Conclusion: (Only the divine Word can conclude this scene.) See Isa. 53:3-6, 10; 1 Cor. 15:3-4. Key Word: Crucifixion. Strong Verses: 4, 14, 33, 38, 45, 46. Striking Facts: vv. 4, 14, 43. The holiness of Jesus is attested by adverse witnesses. Centurion, v. 47. Thief, v. 41. Pilate, vv. 4, 14. Pilate's wife, Matt. 27:19. Judas, Matt. 27:3-4. CHAPTER TWENTY-FOUR Contents: Resurrection of Christ. Ministry of the risen Christ. His com- mission to evangelization. The ascension. Characters: Jesus, angels, Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Mary mother of James, Peter, disciples, Cleopas. Conclusion: Jesus who suffered all things in fulfillment of the divine warrant, also came forth from the domain of death in fulfillment of the same Scriptures, thereby being shown to be the Son of God with power, whose authority may never be questioned. Those who have come to know the power of His death and resurrection must go and tell a guilty world that an act of indemnity has passed the royal assent which all that believe shall have the benefit of. Key Word: Resurrection. Strong Verses: 5, 6, 25, 39, 44, 46, 49. Striking Facts: v. 49. Those who are to proclaim this supernatural Gospel need to be endued with power from on high. The church of Christ could never have been set up by any human power, neither can its message pros- per without the same baptism of the Spirit. As the disciples tarried for Pentecost, so let none venture today upon their embassy until they have received power from on high. GOSPEL OF JOHN Page Twenty-Nine JOHN Key Thought: Number of Chapters: Key Verse: Christ seen as: Son of God 21 20:31 Risen Son of God Writer of the Book: Date: John (the Apostle) A. D. 85-90 Conclusion of the Book: Jesus is the eternal Son of God, who came into the world to reveal God in terms of human life. SUMMARY CHAPTER ONE Contents: Deity of Christ. Ministry of John the Baptist. Jesus announced as the Lamb of God, and the first converts to Him. Characters: God, Jesus, John the Baptist, Moses, Elias, Isaiah, Pharisees, Andrew, Simon, Philip, Nathaniel. Conclusion: The Son of God became the Son of Man that the sons of men through Him might become the sons of God. The next thing to finding Him as the Lamb of God is to find another and introduce that one to Him. Key Word: The Word, v. 1. Strong Verses: 12, 13, 14, 17, 29. Striking Facts: v. 12. To teach "believing on Christ" for salvation proves His deity. If He was a created or finite being, to teach eternal salvation by believing on Him is blasphemy. Only God can bring eternal life by belief in Himself. To experience new life by believing proves that Jesus was God manifest in the flesh. (See Jer. 17:5.) CHAPTER TWO Contents: The marriage at Cana and the first miracle of Jesus. The passover and the purification of the temple. Characters: Jesus, mother, disciples. Conclusion: Those who expect the favors of Christ must with an implicit obedience observe His orders. Those who follow Him shall fare with Him. The way of duty is the way to mercy. Key Word: Obedience, vv. 5, 16. Strong Verses: 5, 16. Striking Facts: v. 19. The ability of Christ to drive this crowd from their posts without opposition was in itself proof of His authority, but if that does not convince, the great sign, His resurrection, will settle the question. His resurrection is the Waterloo of infidelity. CHAPTER THREE Contents: Nicodemus and the new birth. The last testimony of John the Baptist. Characters: God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, Nicodemus, John the Baptist, Moses, John's disciples. Conclusion: Since the natural man, however gifted, moral, or refined, is absolutely blind to spiritual truth and impotent to enter the kingdom, a new birth through Christ as the channel and the Holy Spirit as the power is an absolute necessity. Heaven is a prepared place for a prepared people. The only gateway to it is Jesus. Key W r ord: New birth, v. 3. Strong Verses: 3, 6, 7, 16, 18, 19, 36. Striking Facts: v. 14. The bitten Israelite was healed by simply looking to the brazen serpent, not by looking at his wound, although he must of course be conscious of his condition. One look healed the bite. So one look of faith to Jesus saves. It is not the way we look, but the object we look at that heals. Page Thirty JOHN CHAPTER FOUR Contents: Jesus and the Samaritan woman. The indwelling Spirit. The nobleman's son healed. Characters: Jesus, Holy Spirit, John the Baptist, Pharisees, Jacob, Joseph, woman of Samaria, her husband, nobleman, his son. Conclusion: Jesus Christ is the gift of God, the richest token of God's love, the source and fountain of those living waters, the graces of the Holy Spirit which satisfy the thirsting soul and make a life overflowing with goodness. Those who come face to face with their own helplessness and sin and give their hearts to Him will be the recipients of these living wa- ters. Key Word: Living water, v. 10. Strong Verses: 10, 14, 23, 24. Striking Facts : v. 29. The divine knowledge of Jesus proves His omniscience. Jesus knows the thoughts, words and actions of all the children of men, and by the power of His Words is still revealing to men the secret sins of their hearts. CHAPTER FIVE Contents: Healing of the man at the pool of Bethesda. Jesus answers the Jews. The four-fold witness to Jesus. Characters: God, Jesus, infirm man, John the Baptist, Moses. Conclusion: Jesus Christ, the omnipotent Son of God, delights to help the helpless, and manifests His mercy to those who are willing to be helped. He who thus overrules the powers of nature on behalf of trusting souls can be no other than the Son of God, in whom the fullness of the Godhead dwells. Key Word: Healing, v. 8. Strong Verses: 23, 24, 28, 29, 39. Striking Facts: v. 18. Jesus was killed because of His claims to deity. If He was not what He claimed to be (v. 23), He was a blasphemer, but this is out of the question, since He was raised from the dead. Therefore, those who deny His deity take their stand with His murderers. CHAPTER SIX Contents: Feeding the 5000. Walking on the sea. Discourse on the Bread of Life. Peter's confession of faith. Characters: God, Jesus, disciples, boy, Moses, Joseph. Conclusion: Jesus Christ, the true Bread, is that to the soul which bread is to the body, nourishing and supporting the spiritual life. Our bodies could live better without food than our souls without Christ. Those who have received this Bread are to be the distributors of it to other hungry souls. Key Word: Bread, vv. 5, 33. Strong Verses: 27, 29, 35, 37, 39, 40, 44, 51, 63. Striking Facts: v. 27. Jesus is sealed by God the Father as the Savior of *h world. By His anointing 1:32-34. By the voice from heaven 12: 28-30. By His protection 7:28-30. By the character of His teach- ing 7:16-17. By the resurrection 20:19. CHAPTER SEVEN Contents: Jesus urged to go to the feast. His final departure from Galilep- TPSUS at the feast of tabernacles. Prophecy concerning the Holy Spirit Characters: God. Jesus, Holy Spirit, disciples, brothers of Jesus, Moses. Phari- sees, David. Nicodemus. Conclusion: It is the comfort of those who embrace Christ's doctrine that it is a divine doctrine, proven so by the blessed experience of what He prom- ises. He is the source of the refreshing fountain of the Holy Spirit, which comes to replenish the soul that thirsts for Him, and to supply a fullness of life that overflows in blessing to other lives. Key Word: Water, vv. 37, 38. Strong Verses: 17, 37, 38, 39. Striking Facts: v. 12. Either Jesus was merely "a good man," a "deceiver" or what He claimed the divine Son of God. If He is not what He JOHN Page Thirty-One claimed, He cannot be a good man. Those who deny His deity therefore put Him on a level with the devil (Rev. 20:10). CHAPTER EIGHT Contents: The woman taken in adultery. Discourse after the feast on Jesus as Light of the world. Satan, the original liar and murderer, and the Satanic brotherhood. Characters: Jesus, adulterous woman, Moses, Pharisees, scribes, Abraham, Satan. Conclusion: Jesus was the Light of the world, the image of the invisible God. Those shall have the light of life who follow Him, being guided away from destroying error and damning sin, and having that enjoyment of God which will be to them the light of spiritual life in this world and life everlasting in the world to come. All who will have God for their Father must discover Him through the Light of the world. Key Word: Light of the world, v. 12. Strong Verses: 7, 12, 32, 36, 42, 44, 47. Striking Facts: v. 18. Jesus Christ was witnessed to by the Father. He was taught by the Father v. 28. Attended by the Father v. 38. Sent by the Father v. 42. Honored by the Father v. 54. Known by the Father v. 55. The power of Christ over the lives of men throughout the centuries demonstrates to a conclusion that He is the one sealed by the Father as the Light of the world. CHAPTER NINE Contents: Healing of the man born blind. The fault finding of unbelievers. Characters: Jesus, blind man, disciples, Pharisees, neighbors, Moses. Conclusion: The Lord Jesus Christ came into the world, not only to give light, but sight to those who could not behold light. The sight that He gives to trusting souls proves Him to be the One sent of God to be the true light of the world. Experience of His saving power is a safer teach- ing than reason, therefore let those whose eyes have been opened be bold to witness to a world that would explain away His power. Key Word: Light, vv. 7, 37. Strong Verses: 4, 31. Striking Facts: v. 39. Christ came into the world designedly to give sight to those that were spiritually blind, by His Word and Spirit to turn many from darkness to light. He came also that those who had a high conceit of their own wisdom, in contradiction to the divine revelation, might be sealed up in their infidelity. The Gospel is a savor of life unto life, or of death unto death. Blindness has happened to Israel. The Gentiles have seen a great light. CHAPTER TEN Contents: Discourse on the Good Shepherd. Jesus' deity asserted. Characters: Jesus, God. Conclusion: God, our great owner, the sheep of whose pasture we are by creation, has constituted His Son, Jesus Christ, to be our Shepherd. He has all that care of His people that a good shepherd has of his flock. In His care, the true believer is eternally secure, for the hand that was wounded and the hand of our Creator close in omnipotent, double grasp upon him. Key Word: Shepherd, v. 11. Strong Verses: 9, 11, 14, 27, 28, 29. Striking Verses: v. 11. Jesus as our "Good Shepherd" died to save us. As our "Great Shepherd" He lives to guide us. Heb. 13:20. As the "Chief Shepherd" He is coming back to glorify us. 1 Peter 5:3. CHAPTER ELEVEN Contents: Raising of Lazarus. Enmity of the Pharisees against Jesus. Characters: Jesus, Lazarus, Mary, Martha, disciples, Pharisees, Thomas, Caiaphas. Conclusion: Jesus Christ is the resurrection and the life the fountain of life and the head and author of the resurrection. Whoever, during life, Page Thirty-Two JOHN lives by faith in Him, is born again to a heavenly life, and though the body die, yet shall it live again at His word. Key Word: Lazarus raised, vv. 23, 44. Strong Verses: 25, 26, 40. Striking Facts: vv. 5-6. Jesus' delays in answer to prayer are not neces- sarily denials. He may delay because He loves us, and always for His own glory. Let us not, therefore, complain because we cannot under- stand His dealings, but trust in Him, knowing we shall see the glory of God. (v. 40.) CHAPTER TWELVE Contents: The supper at Bethany. The triumphal entry. Jesus' answer to Greeks. Characters: Jesus, Lazarus, Mary, Martha, disciples, Judas, Philip, Andrew, Isaiah, Pharisees. Conclusion: The most plentiful and powerful means of conviction will not of themselves work faith in the depraved and prejudiced hearts of men. Many hear, but few heed. Their final judgment is reserved to the last day, and the Word of Christ will judge them then and make them answer for all the contempts they have put upon Him. Key Word: Rejection, vv. 4, 11, 19, 38, 40, 48. Strong Verses: 25, 26, 32, 35, 46, 48. Striking Facts: v. 32. The cross of Jesus is the mightiest magnet in the universe. It is Christ that draws and Christ crucified. The increase of the church was after His death. While He lived we read of thousands miraculously fed, but after His death we read of thousands added to the church through a single sermon. Is there a greater proof of His divine authority today? CHAPTER THIRTEEN Contents: Last Passover. Jesus washes disciples' feet. Betrayal foretold, also Peter's denial. Characters: Jesus, God, Judas, disciples, Peter, Satan. Conclusion: What was consistent with the dignity of the Lord Jesus Christ is much more consistent with ours, His servants. To sink is the way to rise. To serve in humility is the way to rule. Let us take heed lest Christ's condescensions to us and advancement of us, through our cor- rupt nature, cause us to think high thoughts of ourselves, or low thoughts of Him. Key Word: Humility, vv. 5, 14, 16. Strong Verses: 1 (b), 16, 34, 35. Striking Facts: vv. 3, 4, 5, 12, 16. Jesus "arose" from His place in glory, laid aside the garments of divine majesty. (Phil. 2:6-7.) Took the form of a "servant" (Phil. 2:7). Provides "cleansing" (John 15:3). Applies the cleansing water (Eph. 5:26). "Took His garments" again (John 17:5), and is seated. (Heb. 10:12.) CHAPTER FOURTEEN Contents: Jesus foretells His second coming and promises the Holy Spirit to believers. Characters: God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, Thomas, disciples, Philip, Judas. Conclusion: Jesus is the way let us follow Him. Jesus is the truth let us build with confidence upon the precious truths of His comforting promises. Jesus is the life let us learn to abide in Him, the source of spiritual life, until He comes back to receive us to the prepared mansions above. Key Word: Peace, vv. 1, 27. Strong Verses: 2, 3/6, 12, 13, 14, 21, 23, 26, 27. Striking Facts: v. 16. The word "Comforter" means "one called alongside to help." The Holy Spirit is the indwelling representative of Christ on the earth. It is He who guides us into the truth concerning Christ, forms Christ's purposes in our hearts, and even prays through us. (Rom. 8:26.) CHAPTER FIFTEEN Contents: Jesus' discourse on the vine and the branches. The believer and the world. Characters: God, Jesus, disciples. JOHN Page Thirty-Three Conclusion: Jesus is the true vine, in which the life of believers, as abiding branches, is hid. Abiding in Him, the believer is able to walk in purity of life, with Christ sharing in all the interests of his life, taking all bur- dens to Him, and drawing all wisdom and strength from Him. It is only the abiding life that bears fruit to the glory of the Father. Key Word: Abiding, v. 4. Strong Verses: 4, 5, 7, 10, 13, 14, 16, 19, 20, 26. Striking Facts: Christ proved His love to the world by laying down His life for it (1 John 3:16) in redemption work. His love to us should ever be the standard of measure of our love to others in service for Him. CHAPTER SIXTEEN Contents: Warning of persecutions. The promise of the Spirit and His three-fold work. Jesus talks of His death, resurrection and second coming. Characters: Jesus, Holy Spirit, God, disciples. Conclusion: The sending of the Holy Spirit was the fruit of Christ's purchase on the cross and an answer to His intercession within the veil a proof of the acceptance of His finished work with the Father. He is the com- panion of the true believer in every place and at all times, whereas Christ's corporal presence could be in but one place at a time. As to unbelievers, the Holy Spirit proves sin upon them because of their rejection of Christ, and warns of judgment. To the believer, He is the constant helper and the revealer of the things of Christ. Key Word: Holy Spirit, v. 7. Strong Verses: 7, 8, 9, 10, 13, 14, 22, 23, 27, 33. CHAPTER SEVENTEEN Contents: Jesus' prayer of intercession. Characters: God, Jesus, disciples, Judas. Conclusion: If God be our Father, we have an intercessor to appear for us continually to guarantee our safe delivery to the haven above and our keeping along the way. He prays not for the world but for those who are His, that they might be preserved in their salvation, that they might have His joy, that they might be fortified against the evils of the world, that they might be purified through His Word, that they might manifest oneness with Him, that they might be edified in Him and at last behold His glory. Key Word: Intercession, v. 9. Strong Verses: 3, 11, 17, 18, 21, 24. Striking Facts: This prayer, to which there is no "Amen" attached, is be- lieved to be typical of that perfect intercession of our High Priest in heaven. (Heb. 7:25.) One who has the support of this prayer, as a true child of God, cannot be lost. Peter, when he fell, was kept by the inter- cession of Jesus. Judas (v. 12), when he fell, fell eternally, not being a true believer (John 6:70-71). CHAPTER EIGHTEEN Contents: Jesus' betrayal and arrest. Peter's denial. Jesus condemned and Barabbas released. Characters: Jesus, Judas, priests, officers, Pharisees, Peter, Malchus, Annas, Caiaphas, Pilate, Barabbas, a damsel. Conclusion: Our Lord Jesus, having put on the armor of prayer, went forth to face the great conflict with Satanic hatred and the sin of the world. Betrayed, misunderstood and denied by those of His own familiar friends, He, the perfect One, was handed over into wicked hands, to face alone the condemnation of a guilty world, that those who should believe upon Him might not be condemned. Key Word: Betrayal and arrest, vv. 2, 3. Strong Verses: 11, 37 (b). Striking Facts: v. 1. In Eden's garden, the first Adam sinned. In Geth- semane's garden, the second Adam suffered and prayed. In Eden all was delightful and bright here all was painful and dark. In Eden there Page Thirty-Four JOHN was disobedience and the first Adam hid. Here there was perfect obed- ience, and the second Adam presented Himself as the spotless Lamb of God, ready for sacrifice. CHAPTER NINETEEN Contents: Pilate brings Jesus before the multitude. The rejection of the Savior and the crucifixion. His entombment. Characters: Jesus, Pilate, soldiers, Jesus' mother, His aunt, wife of Cleophas, Mary Magdalene, Joseph, Nicodemus. Conclusion: Only Scripture itself can conclude this scene. Isa. 53 (whole chapter). Key Word: Crucifixion, v. 18. Strong Verses: 4 (b), 17, 18, 30. Striking Facts: The death of Jesus fulfilled every sacrificial ceremony of the Old Testament. He was the "passover lamb." As the blood of the Old Testament sacrifice was sprinkled seven times (Num. 19:1-10), so there was a seven-fold sprinkling of the blood of Jesus in His crucifixion. 1. Scourged 19:1. 2. Thorns 19:2; 3-4. Each hand pierced. 5-6. Each foot pierced. 7. The spear thrust v. 34. CHAPTER TWENTY Contents: Resurrection of Christ. Characters: Mary Magdalene, Peter, John, two angels, Jesus, disciples, Thomas. Conclusion: He who gave His life as a ransom resumed His life again by the mighty power of God, proving the acceptability of His sacrifice as a satis- faction for sin, with the Father, and offering to all who should trust in Him, the peace of God that passes all understanding. Key Word: Resurrection, v. 14. Strong Verses: 21, 29 (b), 31. Striking Facts: v. 31. This verse defines the purpose of God's Word the demonstrating of the deity of Jesus Christ and the efficacy of His salva- tion. CHAPTER TWENTY-ONE Contents: The risen Christ surprises the disciples and directs their fishing. Peter given opportunity to reaffirm His allegiance to Christ. Characters: Jesus, disciples, Peter, Thomas, John. Conclusion: In those disappointments which to us are very grievous, our Master often has designs that are very gracious. They are happy and successful in their work who know how to take hints from Him, for nothing can be lost but much gained by following His orders. Before Christ can commit His sheep to our care, He would have us examine the love of our hearts toward Him. If we would try whether we are true disciples of His, let us ask ourselves the question, "Do we really love Jesus?" Key Word: Service (v. 6) and love (v. 15). Strong Verses: 15, 16, 17. Striking Facts: v. 25. The truth about Jesus Christ could never be ex- hausted. Jesus never spoke an idle word nor did an idle thing. He wrought probably thousands of miracles of which we have no record. All that is needful for our salvation is written. The ages of eternity will reveal the wonders of the life of the Son of God. BOOK OF THE ACTS Page Thirty-Five THE ACTS Key Thought: Number Witness of Chapters: 28 Key Verse: Christ seen as: 1 : 8 Ascended Lord and Christ. Writer of the Book: Luke Date: A. D. 65 Conclusion of the Book: The work that Jesus "began" to do was, and is, continued by Him through the Holy Spirit. SUMMARY CHAPTER ONE Contents: Resurrection ministry of Christ. The apostolic commission. Prom- ise of the Lord's second coming. Waiting for the coming of the Spirit. Characters: God, Jesus, Spirit, Luke, Theophilus, John the Baptist, disciples, Mary, Peter, David, Judas, Joseph, Matthias. Conclusion: Waiting on God for the anointing of the Spirit is the great con- dition of spiritual blessing and fullness of power. Those whom Jesus Christ employs as His witnesses He will qualify for it by a better spirit than their own the Holy Spirit, His representative. Key Word: Tarrying, vv. 4, 8, 14. Strong Verses: 7, 8, 11. Striking Facts: v. 11. This is one of the most definite promises of the second coming in the Scriptures. This "same Jesus" not another (John 14:16), is coming "in like manner" as He went up in the clouds visibly. This could not have been fulfilled in the coming of the Spirit at Pentecost. CHAPTER TWO Contents: Holy Spirit's coming on day of Pentecost. The gospel given to the Jews. Peter's great sermon on the resurrected Christ, and the con- viction of the people. Characters: God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, disciples, Peter, Joel, David. Conclusion: Upon Jesus Christ's return to heaven, He poured forth the Holy Spirit upon His own, proving His arrival there as the crucified Lamb of God, and distinguishing His followers as messengers from heaven. The fullness of the Holy Spirit is necessary to a true understanding of the Scriptures and to the presenting of Jesus the Christ in convicting power to unsaved men. Key Word: Holy Ghost, v. 4. Witnessing, v. 14. Strong Verses: 21, 23, 24, 33, 36, 38, 39. Striking Facts: vv. 32-34. Three conclusive proofs are here given that Jesus Christ arose from the dead. 1. He was seen by the disciples. 2. The Holy Spirit has come upon men, and this promise was conditioned by Jesus upon His resurrection. 3. The prophecies declared He must not see corruption. CHAPTER THREE Contents: The lame man healed at the temple gate. Characters: God, Jesus, Peter, John, lame man, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Pilate, Moses, Samuel. Conclusion: The hand of compassion, extended by Spirit-filled men, in the name of Jesus Christ, the risen Lord, is fraught with power to lift men heavenward. The cures of Christ are visible to all let men therefore know that He who was crucified was none other than the Prince of Life. Key Word: Power of Christ, vv. 8, 12, 16. Strong Verses: 15, 18, 19, 26. Striking Facts: v. 15. They preserved a murderer, a destroyer of life, and thought to destroy the Saviour, the author of life. But God raised Him from the dead, proving that in fighting against Jesus, they were fighting against God. The doctrine of Jesus Christ was thereby confirmed, and the reproach of His sufferings was rolled away. Page Thirty -Six ACTS CHAPTER FOUR Contents: The first persecution. Peter's address to the Sanhedrin. Preaching in Jesus' name forbidden. Christians again filled with the Spirit. State of the Church at Jerusalem. Characters: God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, Peter, priests, captain, Sadducees, elders, scribes, Annas, Alexander, lame man, John, David, Herod, Pilate, Moses. Conclusion: The more resolute are Christ's servants to witness of Him, the more spiteful will be the agents of Satan therefore, let Satan's agents be ever so spiteful, Christ's witnesses must be resolute, for the Holy Spirit may be counted upon to enable them to do their part. Persecution gives wings to the truth. KeyWord: Persecution, vv. 3, 29. Strong Verses: 11, 12, 20, 31. Striking Facts: v. 12. Those are eternally undone who do not take shelter in the name of Jesus Christ and make it their refuge and strong tower. Only by embracing Him and Him only, receiving His doctrine, is there salvation for any. CHAPTER FIVE Contents: Sin and death of Ananias and Sapphira. The second persecution and answer of apostles to their persecutors. Warning of Gamaliel. Apos- tles beaten. Characters: God, Holy Spirit, Ananias, Sapphira, apostles, Satan, Peter, priest, Sadducees, officers, Gamaliel, Theudas. Conclusion: Beware of going to greater length in profession than the inner life will stand being ambitious to be counted religious and liberal while secretly cherishing selfish motives-^for this is lending oneself to Satan and lying, not merely to men, but to the Holy Ghost, a great affront to God. Never does good work go on in the name of Jesus Christ but it is met with opposition, for Satan, the destroyer of men, will ever be an adversary to those who are benefactors to men. We may cheerfully trust God with our safety, so long as we keep close to the will of God and trust in Christ our leader. Key Word: Lying (to Holy Ghost), vv. 3, 9. Persecution, vv. 18, 33, 40. Strong Verses: 29, 31, 32, 39, 42. Striking Facts: v. 31. God has invested Christ with the highest dignity and entrusted Him with the highest authority. It is He alone who is author- ized to give repentance and remission to men. The new heart is His work, the broken spirit a sacrifice of His providing, the putting away of sin His task alone. CHAPTER SIX Contents: The first deacons. Third persecution. Stephen before the council. Characters: God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, apostles, Stephen, Philip, Prochorus, Nicanor, Timon, Parmenas, Nicolas, priests, Moses, elders, scribes. Conclusion: Those who are called to preach the Word of God must not neglect this special ministry for church activities that should be carried on by others. Those engaged in the work of Christ's church regardless of how menial may be their task, must be free from scandal, men that can be trusted, possessed of discretion and filled with the Holy Ghost. Key Word: Deacons, v. 3. Strong Verses: 4. CHAPTER SEVEN Contents: Address of Stephen before the council. Stephen martyred. Characters: God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, Stephen, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Pharaoh, Moses, Pharaoh's daughter, Aaron, Solomon, Saul. Conclusion: Those who are filled with the Holy Ghost and the Word of God cannot but speak boldly against sin, and they will be made fit for anything, either to act for Christ or to suffer for Him. As their afflictions for Christ abound, their consolation in Him may yet more abound. Let us as we witness look constantly to Christ that we may be ever set above the fear of man. Key Word: Testimony, v. 1. Martyrdom, v. 59. ACTS Page Thirty-Seven Strong Verses: 52, 55, 56. Striking Facts: v. 56. Col. 3:1 tells us when Jesus ascended, He sat down in heaven. Stephen sees Him standing. He stood to welcome to heaven the first martyr. He will stand again when the hour of the rapture of the Church is at hand. CHAPTER EIGHT Contents: Saul persecuting Christians. The first missionaries. The case of Simon, the sorcerer. Philip and the Ethiopian. Characters: God, Christ, Holy Spirit, Saul, Stephen, Philip, Simon, apostles, Peter, John, angels, Ethiopian, Isaiah. Conclusion: Where Jesus Christ is preached and the gospel is embraced, Satan is forced to quit his hold of men, and those are restored to their right mind who, while they were blinded by Satan, were distracted and dissatisfied. The bringing of Christ's gospel to any place or individual is a matter of great joy to that place or person. Key Word: Preaching Christ, vv. 4, 5, 12, 25, 35, 40. Strong Verses: 4, 20, 37. Striking Facts: v. 37. A short but comprehensive confession of faith. The deity of Jesus Christ is the principal doctrine of Christianity, and those who believe it with all their hearts and confess it are to be baptized and only those. CHAPTER NINE Contents: Conversion of Saul of Tarsus. Paul preaches and visits Jerusalem and returns to Tarsus. Peter heals Aeneas. Tabitha raised from the dead. Characters: Jesus, Holy Spirit, Saul, disciples, high priest, Ananias, Judas, Barnabas, Peter, Aeneas, Dorcas, Simon. Conclusion: There is no need to despair of the conversion of those who com- mit the worst outrages against Christianity, for the power of the Lord Jesus is able to break down the stubborn will of one who is at the same time chief of legalists and chief of sinners. God chooses the instruments He would employ in His service, and is able to fit them for His designs by the power of His Spirit. Key AVord: Saul, v. 1. Strong Verses: 5. Striking Facts: v. 20. One who has been filled with the Holy Ghost is sure to preach Christ, that He is the Son of God. CHAPTER TEN Contents: Peter opens the gospel door to the Gentiles. Cornelius sends for Peter and Peter goes to Caesarea. Peter's sermon to Gentiles in Cor- nelius' house. Holy Spirit comes upon Gentile believers. Characters: God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, Cornelius, angel, Peter, Simon, 3 mes- sengers, John. Conclusion: In Jesus Christ, neither circumcision nor uncircumcision availeth anything, for by His finished work, the door of the gospel has been opened to "whosoever believeth." Whatever nation one may be of, though far remote from the seed of Abraham, though ever so despicable, that will be no prejudice to him, if he will receive God's appointed sacrifice for the remission of sins. Key Word: Gentiles called, vv. 34-35. Strong Verses: 15, 34, 35, 43. Striking Facts: vv. 42-43. All men shall be accountable to Jesus Christ as Judge if they will not receive Him as Savior. He alone determines the everlasting condition of all men at the great day. Those who believe in His Name may rest assured that there will be no condemnation for them. CHAPTER ELEVEN Contents: Peter vindicates his ministry to the Gentiles. Name "Christians" first applied at Antioch. Characters: Jesus, Spirit, Peter, angel, John, Stephen, Barnabas, Saul, Aga- bus, Caesar. Conclusion: As Christians travel the Gospel spreads, and where God's Word Page Thirty-Eight ACTS takes root, the hand of the Lord goes with it to give the tokens of His good will and the evidences of His work among them by the Holy Spirit. Key Word: Antioch Christians, vv. 22, 26. Strong Verses: 23. Striking Facts: v. 26. The name "Christians" cannot be, as some claim, a nickname. The Holy Spirit would not draw attention to the epithets of a jeering crowd and let it pass down the centuries as their accredited name. The name was certainly divinely chosen, for it puts emphasis on "Christ" (anointed One) rather than the human name of our Lord, in which case we would have been called "Jesuits." CHAPTER TWELVE Contents: Persecutions of the church and arrest of Peter. Prayer for his deliverance and his miraculous release. Death of Herod. Characters: Jesus, Herod, James, Peter, 2 soldiers, angel, Mary, Mark, Rhoda, Blastus, Barnabas, Saul. Conclusion: Times of public distress and danger should be especially praying times for the church. However God's people are surrounded, there is al- ways a way open heavenward, nor can the strongest bars intercept His power. God is able to do exceeding abundantly above all we ask or think. Key Word: Delivered, v. 11. Strong Verses: 5. CHAPTER THIRTEEN Contents: Paul and Barnabas called. Satanic opposition from a sorcerer. Paul's sermon in the synagogue at Antioch. Opposition from Jews. Paul and Barnabas turn to Gentiles. Characters: God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, Barnabas, Simeon, Lucius, Manaen, Herod, Paul, Bar-jesus, Sergius Paulus, Satan, Mark, Saul, David, John the Baptist, Abraham, Pilate. Conclusion: Those who have been separated to Christ and the Holy Ghost will have the presence of the Holy Ghost with them to strengthen them, carry forward their work and give success to the Word preached. Those thus called may venture upon the stormy sea of persecution for Christ's sake as if it was a quiet harbor, having great joy in the sowing of the Word and confidence that He will bless it to His own glory. Key Word: Word published, vv. 5, 44, 49. Strong Verses: 26, 38, 39, 47. Striking Facts: v. 33. The resurrection of Jesus Christ was the great proof of His being the Son of God with power, and was the confirmation of all that was prophesied about Him, and the ratification of His divine commis- sions. His resurrection is proven v. 31. CHAPTER FOURTEEN Contents: Work of the Gospel at Iconium, Derbe, Lystra. An impotent man at Lystra healed. Paul stoned. Elders appointed in the churches. Characters: God, Paul, Barnabas, impotent man, priest of Jupiter. Conclusion: Those who speak boldly in the Lord need not think it strange, if the preaching of the Gospel occasions divisions, nor be offended by the insults heaped upon them by embittered and convicted spirits. They shall be made strong in the Lord and in the power of His might, and God shall confirm their testimony in granting wonders to be done by their hands. Key Word: Giving testimony, v. 3. Strong Verses: 22. Striking Facts: v. 15. There is only one man who can, without idolatry, be worshiped Jesus, the Christ who was "God manifest in the flesh." "Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God and Him only." CHAPTER FIFTEEN Contents: The council at Jerusalem and the question of circumcision. Paul's second missionary journey. Silas chosen. Characters: God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, Moses, Paul, Barnabas, apostles, elders, Pharisees, Peter, James, Simeon, David, Judas, Silas, Mark. Conclusion: Those who are ever so well taught have need to stand upon their guard that they be not untaught again, and having known liberty in Christ Jesus should again be brought into bondage to law which cannot save. ACTS Page Thirty-Nine In a multitude of counsellors there is safety and satisfaction if the coun- sellors are men whom God has approved and who are instructed in His Word. When serious differences in regard to God's Word arise, let men of God come together in solemn meeting for prayer and mutual advice. Key Word: Council, vv. 6, 25. Strong Verses: 11, 14, 18. Striking Facts: v. 14. This is one of the most important passages in the New Testament, stating the divine program for the church in this dispen- sation. It is not the conversion of the world through the different agen- cies of reform, but the taking out of the world of an elect people who shall make up the Body or Bride of Christ. The Gospel everywhere calls out some, but it never, in any place, has been known to convert all, and nothing of this order is to be expected in this age. The work of the church is soul winning. CHAPTER SIXTEEN Contents: Paul finds Timothy. Paul's Macedonian vision. The first convert in Europe. Demons cast out of a damsel. Paul and Silas beaten. Con- version of the Philippian jailer. Characters: Jesus, Holy Spirit, Paul, Timothy, Lydia, a damsel, Silas, prison keeper, magistrates, sergeants. Conclusion: The movements of God's servants and the dispensing of the means of grace by them are in a particular manner under a divine guidance and direction, and those who are under the check and conduct of the Spirit, though they be called upon to suffer much for Jesus' sake, may be sure God will in some way get glory to Himself by their testimony and perse- cutions. Key Word: Called (v. 10) and kept (vv. 25, 27). Strong Verses: 31. Striking Facts: v. 31. Here is the sum of the whole Gospel, the covenant of grace in a nutshell. It is the only way to salvation. Admit the record that God has given in His Gospel concerning His Son, assent to it as faith- ful and worthy of acceptation, receive Jesus Christ as He is offered to us in the Gospel, and give up yourself to be saved and ruled by Him. CHAPTER SEVENTEEN Contents: Founding of church at Thessalonica and the Jewish opposition. Paul and Silas at Berea. Paul at Athens and the sermon from Mars' hill. Characters: Christ, Paul, Silas, Jason, Caesar, philosophers, Dionysius, Da- maris. Conclusion: The doctrine of Christ does not fear a scrutiny, but will be borne out fully by the light of all Scripture. Those who reason from the Scrip- tures concerning "Christ crucified" may expect not only that God will incline some to make use of the means of grace by searching the Scrip- tures for themselves, but that the enmity of the restless agents of Satan will be aroused. Nevertheless, by seeking to extinguish the divine fire, enemies will but spread it the farther a ad faster. Key Word: (Scriptural) Reasoning, vv. 2, 1L, 22. Strong Verses: 11, 24, 25, 26, 28, 31. Striking Facts: v. 3. The scope of all preaching is to point to Jesus Christ as the One who made atonement and was resurrected for the justification of all who will believe. Jesus must be the subject of all preaching, and our business is to bring people to acquaintance with Him. CHAPTER EIGHTEEN Contents: Paul at Corinth. The careless Gallio. Paul takes a Jewish vow. Apollos at Ephesus. Characters: Jesus, Paul, Aquila, Priscilla, Claudius, Silas, Timothy, Justus, Crispus, Gallio, Sosthenes, Apollos, John the Baptist. Conclusion: Let the Gospel be propagated, not by force, but by fair argument, meeting the reasonings of sinners with ready answers from the Scriptures. It is always our duty to testify with all solemnity to Christ's deity, espe- cially where men speak reproachful!?; of Him, thus making ourselves clean from the blood of their souls. Those who have Christ with them need not shrink from pleading the cause of heaven with boldness. Page Forty ACTS Key Word: Testifying (v. 5) and reasoning (vv. 4, 19). Strong Verses: 9, 10. Striking Facts: vv. 5, 28. Too much cannot be said of the necessity, in our preaching or witnessing, of preaching "not ourselves, but Christ Jesus, the Lord," teaching men from the Scriptures the great fundamental doctrine of His deity. CHAPTER NINETEEN Contents: Paul at Ephesus. Disciples of John the Baptist become Christians. Paul in the synagogue and in the school of Tyrannus. Paul's miracles. Uproar of the silversmiths. Characters: Jesus, Holy Spirit, Apollos, Paul, John the Baptist, Tyrannus, Sceva, his seven sons, Timothy, Erastus, Demetrius, Gaius, Aristarchus. Conclusion: Let Christ's witnesses speak undauntedly with holy resolution, as those who have not the least doubt of the things they speak of, nor the least distrust of the power of Him they speak from, nor the least dread of those they speak to. While some will oppose the Gospel because it calls many off from their sinful employments, it will lead many to true contri- tion for sin and confession of Christ. Key Word: Disputing and persuading, v. 8. Strong Verses: 18. Striking Facts: vv. 10, 20. The Gospel is Christ's Word. To preach from the Scriptures without preaching Christ is to miss the result in v. 20, the pre- vailing mightily in the hearts of men. It is Christ in our preaching Who goes on conquering and to conquer. CHAPTER TWENTY Contents: Paul goes to Macedonia and Greece. His visits at Troas, Miletus. Paul's conference with the Ephesian elders. Characters: Jesus, Holy Spirit, Paul, Sopater, Aristarchus, Secundus, Gaius, Timothy, Tychicus, Trophimus, Eutychus, elders. Conclusion: As witnesses of the grace of God through Jesus Christ, we ought not to hold our lives of any account to ourselves in comparison with ac- complishing our course and declaring the whole counsel of God. Being our- selves made pure by the blood of the Son of Man, it behooves us to make ourselves pure from the blood of the sons of men. Key Word: Testifying, vv. 21, 24. Strong Verses: 20, 24, 27, 28, 32, 35. Striking Facts: v. 28. The priceless cost of redemption is here seen the blood of God. See 1 Tim. 3:16. Christ's deity is thereby asserted. His blood was of infinite value being God's blood. CHAPTER TWENTY-ONE Contents: Holy Spirit forbids Paul to go to Jerusalem. Paul goes to Jerusa- lem. Paul takes a Jewish vow. Seized in the temple by the Jews and bound with chains. Characters: Paul, Holy Spirit, Philip, his four daughters, Manson, James, Moses, Trophimus, police captain. Conclusion: Disregard of any details of the leading of the Holy Spirit leads into a multitude of difficulties that might have been avoided. God often protests the most devoted acts of some of His servants, even acts of self sacrifice, and would save them from bringing their greater usefulness to an abrupt end; nevertheless He is able to overrule their mistakes and bring good out of them to men and glory to Himself. Key Word: Warnings disregarded, vv. 4, 11, 14. Strong Verses: 13. Striking Facts: v. 36. As men cried "Crucify Him" and "away with Him" at Christ Himself, though they could not say what evil He had done, so they will often treat His ambassadors and -desire to chase them out of the world. CHAPTER TWENTY-TWO Contents: Paul's defense before the multitude. Recounts his conversion. Characters: God, Jesus, Paul, Ananias, chief captain. Conclusion: God's servants who are set upon with rage and fury because of their teachings concerning Christ cannot offer a better defense of their ACTS Page Forty-One doctrine than to relate their own vital experience with the saving power of Jesus Christ. Christianity is not an argument but a life. Key Word: Experience, v. 3. Strong Verses: 16. Striking Facts: v. 14. There is a three-fold preparation for the service of Christ. 1. To know His will. 2. To have a vision of Christ, the Just One, crucified. 3. To hear His voice. CHAPTER TWENTY-THREE Contents: Paul before the Sanhedrin. The conspiracy to kill Paul and its defeat. Paul sent to Felix. Characters: God, Jesus, Paul, Ananias, Pharisees, Sadduces, Paul's sister's son, centurion, chief captain, Lysias, Felix. Conclusion: Many are the troubles of the righteous, but some way or other, the Lord delivereth them out of them all. God is able to bring the hidden things to light and make conspirators' own tongues betray them, and above all to make the persecutions of His servants to turn to the wider spread of the Gospel. Key Word: Dissension (v. 7) and conspiracy (v. 13). Strong Verses: 11. Striking Facts: It is the will of Christ that His servants should often suffer with Him, but in their trials He would have them to be "cheerful," and in the consciousness of His presence, how can one be otherwise? If He is with us, all secular events will be ordered to give opportunity to witness for Christ. CHAPTER TWENTY-FOUR Contents: Paul accused before Felix, and his defense. Characters: Ananias, elders, Tertullus, Felix, Paul, Lysias, Drusilla, Festus. Conclusion: Every false cause can find men of sharp wits to plead it. The truest Christian life is no fence against the hatred of the rejectors of Christ (John 15:18), but if God's servants can speak with the language of a clear conscience, they need have no fear. "The angel of the Lord encampeth round about them." Key Word: Accused, v. 2. Strong Verses: 16. Striking Facts: v. 14. It is nothing new for the Scriptural and right way to worship to be called "heresy." Jesus Christ Himself was called a heretic. CHAPTER TWENTY-FIVE Contents: Paul before Festus. His appeal to Caesar. Characters: Jesus, Festus, high priest, Paul, Caesar, Agrippa, Bernice. Conclusion: It is nothing for the most excellent ones of the earth to have all manner of evil said against them falsely for Christ's sake and to be repre- sented even in courts as odious and harmful to society. Nevertheless God is able to make men's worldly policies serve His own purpose (Psa. 76:10), and when enemies think to block the gates of the Gospel, He is able to open them wider. Key W T ord: Falsely accused, vv. 5, 7. Strong Verses: 11. Striking Facts: v. 19. What Paul affirmed concerning Jesus Christ, that He is alive, is a matter of such vast importance, that if it be not true, we are all undone. Yet many men today treat the subject slightly as did this Roman. CHAPTER TWENTY-SIX Contents: Paul's defense before Agrippa. Characters: God, Jesus, Paul, Agrippa, Satan, Festus, Bernice, Caesar. Conclusion: When God's servant is given a chance to speak for himself, it is well if he may speak for Christ instead, nor need he be ashamed of the Gospel of Christ in any company. Though they answer with scorn and contempt, it is certain that God will in some way use the testimony for I glory. Key Word: Defense, v. 1. Strong Verses: 8, 18, 28, 29. Page Forty-Two ACTS Striking Facts: v. 23. Three great Gospel fundamentals to be continually emphasized. 1. That Jesus Christ was appointed to suffering and the cross. 2. That He should be the chief of the resurrection, making way for the resurrection of the saints. 3. That He arose to show a light to those in darkness, and by the power of His resurrection to give convincing proof of the truth of His doctrine. CHAPTER TWENTY-SEVEN Contents: Paul sent to Rome. The hurricane. God's assurance to Paul in the storm, and his safe landing. Characters: God, Jesus, Paul, Julius, centurion, angel, Caesar. Conclusion: Worldly men insist on being guided by human prudence, but the Christian who is in communion with Jesus, the great Pilot, may know more about sailing than any unpraying Captain could ever know. Since God has promised to be faithful to His own in the storms, let them be cheerful in the storms, knowing that while He has work for them to do, no difficulty can get in the way. Key Word: Storm, v. 14. Strong Verses: 23, 25. Striking Facts: What Paul was in the ship, Christians should be in the world. If Christ is the senior member of our firm, we shall be able in the midst of the storms of earth to take upon ourselves great responsibilities, and by the power of prayer to save many a situation to the glory of God. CHAPTER TWENTY-EIGHT Contents: The landing at Melita. Miracle of the viper's bite. Healing of Publius' father. Paul's arrival at Rome and his ministry there to the Jews. Paul turns to the Gentiles. Characters: Jesus, Holy Spirit, Paul, Publius, Captain, Centurion, soldier, Caesar, Moses. Conclusion: Wherever in the providence of God the Christian is put, he is placed there to do a work for God and to represent Jesus Christ. Blessing may come to thousands out of seeming calamity that befalls God's true servants. God's ways are past finding out, but let His servant be confident always in His promises and ready to do every good work wherever the waves of events may land him. KeyWord: Healing (v. 9) and teaching (v. 31). Strong Verses: 25, 26, 27, 28. Striking Facts: v. 31. Paul stuck to his text "Jesus Christ" to the end. Let those who are tempted to diverge from that which is their main business to "preach not ourselves but Christ" ask themselves of what concern it is to Jesus Christ and His kingdom, to preach anything but HIM. EPISTLE TO THE ROMANS Page Forty-Three ROMANS Key Thought: Number of Chapters: Key Verse: Christ seen as: Justification 16 1:17 Lord of Righteousness Writer of the Book: Date: Conclusion of the Book: Justification is by faith without works, and is Paul About A. D. 60 the righteousness of Christ imputed to the believer, wherein he is made eternally safe. SUMMARY CHAPTER ONE Contents: Words of comfort to the church at Rome. The universe a revela- tion of the power and deity of God. The deplorable condition of a lost world. Characters: God, Jesus, Paul. Conclusion: God has made Himself known to all men by the things of His creation. Though men know He exists and might infer that it was their duty to worship Him only, they glorify Him not as God, but ascribe deity to the most contemptible of creatures and give themselves over to vile affec- tions. Those who thus dishonor Him, will be given up eventually to dis- honor themselves. Key Word: Carnality, v. 24. Strong Verses: 4, 16, 19, 20, 21. Striking Facts: v. 4. The demonstration of the deity of Jesus Christ is His resurrection from the dead. The sign of the prophet Jonah (Matt. 12:39) was intended for the last conviction. Those who will not be convinced by that will not be convinced by anything. CHAPTER TWO Contents: The equal standing of Jew and Gentile before the justice of God. Morality apart from Christ useless as means of salvation. Jews knowing the law condemned by the law. Characters: God. Conclusion: All men, Jew or Gentile, good or bad, are under doom for break- ing the righteous law of God the heathen who are sinners and know it (1:18-32) the self-righteous who think they need no salvation (2:1-11), and the religionist who makes a mere profession (2:17-29) all stand on the same level before the justice of God and all in need of the salvation God has provided. Key Word: No partiality (No respect of persons )v. 11. Strong Verses: 4, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12. Striking Facts: v. 4. The riches of His goodness are described in Eph, 1:7 "redemption through the blood of Christ and forgiveness of sins according to the riches of His grace." However moral or religious a man be, if he has despised this divine plan he is lost. CHAPTER THREE Contents: The common guilt of both Jew and Gentile. Justification by faith, not by the law. Characters: God, Jesus. Conclusion: The sum of all sin is coming short of the glory of God for which we were created therefore all the world stands guilty before God, unable by any works to gain acceptance with God. Justification before God is resolved thereby purely into the free grace of God through Jesus Christ to all who will receive it as a free gift. Key Word: All under sin, v. 9. Strong Verses: 4, 10, 11, 12, 20, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26. Striking Facts: v. 22. The gospel excludes none that do not exclude them- Page Forty-Four ROMANS selves by refusing to appropriate the finished work of Jesus Christ. The best brand of self-righteousness will not stand before God. We must wear the righteousness which God has ordained and which is brought in by His Son. All men alike are welcome to God through Jesus Christ. He has but one plan of salvation. CHAPTER FOUR Contents: Abraham justified by faith, not works. Justifying faith defined. Characters: God, Jesus, Abraham, David, Sarah. Conclusion: No man can pretend to merit eternal life, nor show any worth in his work which may answer such a reward. Disclaiming any pretension he must cast himself wholly upon the free grace of God by faith in the redemptive work of Jesus Christ. To such a one faith is counted for righteousness. Key Word: Justifying faith, v. 5. Strong Verses: 5, 7, 8, 16, 25. Striking Facts: vv. 24-25. Christ's death and resurrection are the two main hinges on which the door of salvation turns. He was delivered as our sacrifice for sin. He was raised for the perfecting and completing of our justification. CHAPTER FIVE Contents: The results of justification. Life and righteousness through Jesus Christ. Characters: God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, Adam, Moses. Conclusion: Justification through faith in Jesus Christ takes away guilt and so makes way for peace, and gives access into the wondrous grace of God. Through Jesus Christ alone the believer comes into fullness of joy, being saved from wrath, solaced in His love, not only going to heaven, but go- ing triumphantly. Key Word: Justification, v. 1. Strong Verses: 1, 5, 6, 8, 10, 19. Striking Facts: v. 10. The dying Jesus laid the foundation, satisfying for sin, but it is the living Jesus that perfects the work He lives to make intercession. By His death He saves from penalty by His life from the power of sin. CHAPTER SIX Contents: Deliverance from the power of indwelling sin by counting the old life dead, and yielding to the new life. Characters: God, Christ, Paul. Conclusion: It is an abuse of the grace of God in Christ for the believer to think he can sin because he is justified by faith. We must cease from the acts of sin, denying the fleshly life the scepter over us, and surrender the soul to the conduct and command of the righteous law of God that our members may be instruments of righteousness unto God. Key Word: Dead to sin, v. 2. Strong Verses: 3, 4, 6, 11, 12, 13, 16, 22, 23. Striking Facts: vv. 3-6. The manner of Christ's baptism is a figure of the believer's spiritual burial and resurrection. Immersion symbolizes the entrance by the gateway of Christ's death into the domain of His right- eousness and resurrection life, and is the expression of the baptized one's faith that God has taken him from among the dead and given him new- ness of life. CHAPTER SEVEN Contents: The conflict of the flesh with the spiritual nature. Impossibility of victory through the law. Characters: God, Christ, Paul. Conclusion: The function of the law is to detect and condemn sin, not to deliver from it. In the life of the believer there will ever be conflict be- tween grace and corruption fn the heart, between the law of God and the law of sin. Who shall deliver us? Jesus Christ is the all-sufficient Saviour and Friend, who has not only purchased our deliverance, but is our advo- cate in Heaven, through Whom we may be made victorious. ROMANS Page Forty-Five Key Word: Sold under sin, v. 14. Strong Verses: 4, 12, 13, 23, 24, 25. Striking Facts: The believer upon acceptance of Christ receives a spiritual nature which begins at once strife with the Adamic nature, which is not eradicated until we stand in Christ's presence. The strife is effectually taken up on the believer's behalf by the Holy Spirit, and if the believer will but yield to Him in the hour of conflict, He will take the victory (8:2; Gal. 5:16-17). CHAPTER EIGHT Contents: The new law of the Holy Spirit in the believer, giving deliverance from sinful nature. The full result of the Gospel in the believer and his security. Characters: God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, Paul. Conclusion: It is the unspeakable comfort of all those who are in Christ Jesus that no condemnation remains to them, and that the indwelling Spirit does in the believer what the law never could do. He gives deliv- erance from the power of sin, quickens for service, imparts assurance, and inspires prayer. Key Word: Made free, v. 2. Strong Verses: 1, 2, 14, 16, 18, 26, 28, 31, 32, 34, 35, 38, 39. Striking Facts: vv. 26, 34. The security of the believer as to the Denalty of sin rests upon the one foundation of Christ's finished work (v. 32) and His intercession in heaven for the believer. The believer's security against the power of sin is the present work of the Holy Spirit within him and His intercession for us. Notice the two intercessors. CHAPTER NINE Contents: Covenants of Israel not set aside by Gospel. The seven-fold priv- ilege of Israel. The blinding of Israel and God's mercy to the Gentiles. Characters: God, Christ, Holy Spirit, Abraham, Sarah, Isaac, Moses, Pharaoh, Paul, Rebecca, Isaiah. Conclusion: God is absolute sovereign in disposing of the children of men with reference to their eternal state. He dispenses His gifts to whom He will without giving us His reasons, but we may rest assured He is a competent judge. Gentiles are permitted by Him, by the short cut of believing in Christ, to attain to that for which the Jews had long been "beating about the bush," but lost because of sin and unbelief. Key Word: Election, v. 11. Strong Verses: 20, 21, 33. Striking Facts: v. 33. It is sad that the foundation stone should be to any a stone of stumbling, and the rock of salvation a rock of offense, but so He was to the Jews, and is still to multitudes. Those who do believe, how- ever, shall not be ashamed, for their expectations in Him shall never be dis- appointed. CHAPTER TEN Contents: Israel's failure explained by unbelief. The plan of salvation. Characters: God, Christ, Moses, Isaiah, Paul. Conclusion: Sincerity is not a ground of safety; self-righteousness is not a ground of salvation. The design of the law was to lead people to Christ, Who is the end of it, and the only ground for salvation is to become inter- ested by humble faith in Christ's satisfaction of the law, and so be "justi- fied through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus." Key Word: Salvation, v. 1. Strong Verses: 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 17. Striking Facts: v. 4. The law is not destroyed by the Gospel, but full satis- faction being made to the law by Jesus Christ (no one else could), for our breach of the law, the end is attained, and we are put in another way of justification, even faith in His finished work. CHAPTER ELEVEN Contents: A spiritual Israel finding salvation. National Israel blinded. Warn- ing to Gentiles. Israel yet to be saved nationally. Characters: God, Jesus, Paul, Elijah, David, Abraham. Page Forty-Six ROMANS Conclusion: The Jews, at present cast off because of unbelief, will in due time as a people be taken into God's favor again, when the fullness of the Gen- tiles be come in and when the Deliverer (Christ) shall have appeared again. As a people they are for this age judicially blinded, although there is a remnant according to faith in Christ. The Gentiles grafted into the Church must not trample upon the Jews as a reprobate people, but remem- ber that the law of faith excludes all boasting, either of ourselves or against others. Key Word: Israel, v. 1. Strong Verses: 12, 18, 21, 22, 25, 26, 32, 33, 36. Striking Facts: vv. 25-26. The Church is a people taken from the Gentiles (Acts 15:14) and is a "full destined number" (Rev. 7:9). When the "full- ness of the Gentiles" (not world conversion) is brought in, Christ is com- ing again, and will be soon manifested as Israel's long looked-for Deliverer. CHAPTER TWELVE Contents: Christian life and service. Consecration to Christ. Characters: God, Christ, Paul. Conclusion: Since we have been justified through grace, by faith in Christ, it is our first duty to surrender ourselves to God a living sacrifice, that there may be a saving change wrought in us and that we might be made serviceable in every way to our fellow men. We stand in relation not only to Christ, but to one another in Christ, and we are engaged to do all the good we can one to another and to act in conjunction for the com- mon benefit. Key Word: Consecration (present bodies), v. 1. Strong Verses: 1, 2, 4, 5, 10, 12, 13, 19, 21. Striking Facts: v. 1. The reference to "sacrifice" no doubt connects Lev. 1:6-9. The burnt offering typifies Christ offering Himself to God in perfect devotion to the Father's will. The offerer or the Priest got nothing of it it was all devoted to God. So the believer is to live a life completely dedicated to Him in which He has absolute right of way. CHAPTER THIRTEEN Contents: Believer's attitude toward civil government. Law of love toward neighbors. Characters: God, Jesus, Paul. Conclusion: Obedience to civil magistrates is one of the laws of Christ whose religion makes people good subjects. Love to our fellow-men is a debt that must always be in the paying, yet always owing, for love is inclusive of all duties and is the image of Christ upon the soul. Key Word: Subjection, v. 1, and love, v. 8. Strong Verses: 1, 7, 8, 10, 14. Striking Facts: v. 14. Victory over the flesh may be always ours through personal dealings with Christ. To "put on Christ" is not imitation of Christ, but appropriation of Him. "Christ liveth in me" is the victory and if He has the right of way in us, we will make no provisions for satis- fying the flesh. CHAPTER FOURTEEN Contents: Law of love concerning doubtful things. Characters: God, Christ, Holy Spirit, Paul. Conclusion: To do what conscience allows is not always right and to do what it questions is always wrong. The strong Christian should not be con- temptuous toward the opinion of a weaker brother on a doubtful question, neither should the weaker man be censorious toward the stronger because of what conscience allows him. Both have a right to opinion and both are responsible to God for it. Key Word: Judging, vv. 4, 10. Strong Verses: 4, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12, 17. Striking Facts: vv. 8-9. To the Lord Jesus Christ, to Whom all judgment is committed, we are to do everything. To this end, He both died and arose, that He might be Lord of those who are living to rule them, and Lord of the dead to raise them up. We are therefore, answerable to Him in every- ROMANS Page Forty-Seven thing. Let us not intrench upon His right by arraigning our brothers at our own bar. CHAPTER FIFTEEN Contents: Jewish and Gentile believers under one salvation. Paul speaks of His ministry and coming journey. Characters: God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, Paul, Isaiah. Conclusion: The self-denial of our Lord Jesus Christ is the best argument against the selfishness of Christians. Let us not consult our own credit, ease, safety or pleasure, but give ourselves as He did, to bearing the infirmi- ties of the weak, whether they be Jew or Gentile, agreeable or disagreeable, and striving to be likeminded in the Gospel to the glory of God. Key Word: Gospel unity, v. 5. Strong Verses: 1, 4, 13. Striking Facts: v. 5. "According to Christ Jesus." Let Jesus Christ be the center of your unity. If in tune with Him, we will surely be in tune with each other, and we shall agree in truth rather than in error. CHAPTER SIXTEEN Contents: The outflow of Christian love. Closing salutations and benediction. Characters: God, Jesus, Paul, many of the gospel helpers, Satan. Conclusion: Courtesy and Christianity go together. Acknowledgment of favors and greetings of love are returns we should make to our fellow laborers in the Gospel for their joy and encouragement. Key Word: Greetings, v. 3, etc. Strong Verses: 17, 18, 20. Striking Facts: vv. 17-18. Mark the believers attitude toward men who bring in doctrines contrary to Jesus Christ. We are to MARK them (See Isa. 8:20). We are to AVOID them (2 Tim. 3:5; 2 John 10). We are not to go to listen to them, nor admit them into the house to argue with them. This is the Scriptural plan for resisting their teachings. Page Forty-Eight FIRST EPISTLE TO CORINTHIANS I. CORINTHIANS Key Thought: Number of Chapters: Key Verse: Christ seen as: God's Power 16 1:2 First fruits of the dead. Writer of the Book: Date: Conclusion of the Book: Jesus Christ our risen Lord is Head of the Paul A. D. 59 Body working through His people by the Holy Spirit. SUMMARY CHAPTER ONE Contents: Christians' position in grace. The unspiritual condition of the Corinthian saints. Danger of following human leaders and exulting in human wisdom. Characters: God, Jesus, Paul, Sosthenes, Apollos, Cephas, Chloe, Crispus, Gaius, Stephanas. Conclusion: The consideration of being agreed in the great fundamentals of the faith should have extinguished all feuds and divisions about unessential points. Though there is not unity of sentiment, let there ever be unity of affection in the Church. It is just with God to leave those to themselves who pour proud con- tempt on divine wisdom and grace. The way to divine light is to put out your own candle. Key Word: Human wisdom, vv. 17, 18. Contentions, v. 11. Strong Verses: 9, 18, 21, 27, 28, 30. Striking Facts: v. 23. The plain preaching of a crucified Jesus is more power- ful than all the oratory and philosophy of an unbelieving world. All the boasted science of the world cannot do -for souls what "Christ crucified" does. All one needs, or can desire, they may have in Him (vv. 30-31). He is made wisdom to the foolish, righteousness to the guilty, sanctifica- tion to the corrupt, and redemption to those who are in bonds. CHAPTER TWO Contents: Christian revelation not indebted to human wisdom. Spiritual veri- ties not discoverable to human wisdom. Characters: God, Christ, Holy Spirit, Paul. Conclusion: The Christian on his knees can see farther than the philosopher on his tiptoes, for spiritual truth can be perceived only by the spiritually prepared mind. The truths of God are foolishness and trifling to a carnal mind. The only way to understand spiritual truth is to yield to the Author of it, the Holy Spirit. Key Word: Spiritual wisdom, v. 10. Strong Verses: 2, 9, 10, 11, 14. Striking Facts: v. 2. "Christ and Him crucified" is the sum and substance of the Gospel. To display the banner of the cross and invite people under it should be the principal business of the ministers. CHAPTER THREE Contents: Hindrance of a carnal state to spiritual growth. Christian service and its reward. Characters: God, Christ, Holy Spirit, Paul, Apollos, Cephas. Conclusion: Our salvation rests solely upon the completed work of Jesus Christ, but rewards are to be earned by spiritual service for God, and will be according to the quality of our works. True service done in the power of the indwelling Spirit, is of eternal standing, but fleshly service is per- ishable and will bring the Christian loss of reward at the final day. Key Word: Labor, reward, v. 8. Strong Verses: 9, 11, 13, 16, 19, 23. FIRST CORINTHIANS Page Forty-Nine Striking Facts: v. 11. The doctrine of Jesus Christ and His mediation is the principal doctrine of Christianity. Those who build hopes of heaven on any other foundation build upon sinking sands, v. 23. Those who would be safe for time and happy for eternity, must be Christ's. CHAPTER FOUR Contents: Judgment of Christ's servants not committed to man. Apostolic example of patience and humility. Characters: God, Christ, Paul, Apollos, Timothy. Conclusion: God's steward awaits no judgment of man, but stands or falls by his Master's judgment his standard being fidelity to God, not popularity with men. Key Word: Judging, v. 3. Strong Verses: 2, 5, 20. CHAPTER FIVE Contents: Immorality rebuked and discipline enjoined. Characters: Christ, Paul, Satan. Conclusion: The heinous sins of professed Christians are quickly noted and noised abroad to the injury of Christ's cause. Let the believer walk cir- cumspectly, for many eyes are upon him, and if he will not do so let the Church have no fellowship with him. Key Word: Fornication, v. 1. Strong Verses: 7, 8. Striking Facts: vv. 7-8. Christ was the fulfillment of the Jewish Passover. After the lamb was killed they kept the feast of unleavened bread. So must we, not only seven days, but all our days. The world life of the Christian must be one of "unleavened bread" sincerity and truth. CHAPTER SIX Contents: Saints forbidden to go to law with each other. Sanctity of the body. The body the Lord's temple. Characters: God, Christ, Holy Spirit. Conclusion: Contention of Christians before the law is much to the reproach of Christianity. It is a forgetting of their real dignity as Christians to carry little matters about the things of life before heathen magistrates. The question of a life of victory over sin that will glorify God will be settled by the believer recognizing to Whom he belongs and yielding to the Divine Guest Who resides within him. Consecration is letting Christ and the Holy Spirit have what belongs to them. Key Word: Going to law, v. 1. The Body, v. 15. Strong Verses: 2, 11, 12, 15, 17, 19, 20. Striking Facts: v. 20. Christ has purchased the believer, body, soul and spirit by His own blood. Let, us therefore, be careful what we do with another's property. Let our bodies be kept as His whose they are and fit for His use and residence. CHAPTER SEVEN Contents: Sanctity of marriage. Regulation of marriage among Gentile be- lievers. Characters: God, Christ, Holy Spirit, Paul. Conclusion: Marriage is by divine wisdom prescribed for the preventing of fornication. Man and wife cannot separate at pleasure, nor for any other cause than what Christ allows, for it is a divine institution and is a com- pact for life by God's appointment. Even though a Christian has been united to an unbeliever, before having accepted Christ, they are one flesh, they are to abide together and the believing one is to be sanctified for the sake of the unbelieving one. Key Word: Marriage, v. 9. Strong Verses: 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 39. CHAPTER EIGHT Contents: Meats offered to idols, and the limitations of Christians' liberty. Characters: God, Christ, Paul. Conclusion: There is nothing in the distinction of food that will make any dis- tinction between men in God's account, and the Christian is free to eat that Page Fifty FIRST CORINTHIANS which the conscience allows. Nevertheless he must be careful how he uses this liberty, lest it be the occasion of stumbling or hazzard the ruin of one younger and weaker in the faith. Key Word: Christian liberty, v. 9. Strong Verses: 2, 3, 6, 9, 13. Striking Facts: v. 12. Injuries done to Christians are injuries done to Christ especially to babes in Christ weak Christians. CHAPTER NINE Contents: Paul vindicates his apostleship. The method and reward of true ministry and the support of the ministry. Characters: God, Jesus, Cephas, Barnabas, Moses. Conclusion: It is no new thing for ministers of Christ to meet with the worst treatment where they might expect the best. Those who enjoy benefits by the ministry of the Word should not grudge the maintenance of those who are employed in this work. It is to the praise of a minister, never- theless, to prefer the success of his ministry and the salvation of souls, to his own interest and to deny himself that he may serve Christ. Key Word: Ministry, v. 2. Strong Verses: 14, 19, 22, 24. Striking Facts: v. 27. The word "castaway" is literally "disapproved," and so translated in other places. He is not expressing fear that he may fail of salvation but is speaking of service, and the possibility through unfaith- fulness, of being laid on the shelf. CHAPTER TEN Contents: Israel in the wilderness, a warning example. Fellowship of the Lord's table demands separation. Law of love in relation to eating and drinking. Characters: God, Christ, Paul, Moses. Conclusion: We should take warning from those who have gone before us, that carnal desires are the source and root of much sin and if not checked we know not whither they will carry us. To partake of the Lord's table is to profess to be in friendship and fellowship with Him, and communion with Christ and communion with Satan can never be had at once. Therefore let us aim in eating, drinking and in all we do, to glorify God. Key Word: Temptation, v. 13. Communion, vv. 16, 21. Strong Verses: 11, 12, 13, 16, 20, 23, 31, 33. Striking Facts: v. 16. The ceremony of the Lord's supper is a token whereby we professedly hold communion with Him whose body was broken and blood shed to procure remission of our sins and the favor of God. vv. 3, 4. He is that Bread which came down from heaven. He is the Rock out of which refreshing streams come to the believer. It is impossible to be in alliance with Him without being devoted to Him. CHAPTER ELEVEN Contents: Christian order and the Lord's supper. Meaning of the Lord's table. Characters: God, Christ, Paul. Conclusion: The Lord's supper is a memorial of His finished atonement, a parable of His present fellowship with His own and a prophecy of His sec- ond coming. The ordinances of Christ are very solemn and if they do not do our souls good, will do us harm. Let it not be eaten carelessly or with an insincere heart for it will turn to no account, but to increase guilt and bring condemnation. Key Word: Covered heads, v. 4. Lord's supper, v. 20. Strong Verses: 3, 19, 23-27, 31, 32. Striking Facts: v. 25. New covenant. These outward signs express the new covenant in Christ His body broken, His blood shed, the benefits which flow from His death and sacrifice. His blood is the seal and sanction of all the privileges of the new covenant. FIRST CORINTHIANS Page Fifty-One CHAPTER TWELVE Contents: Spiritual gifts in the Body of Christ, for ministry and worship. Characters: God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, Paul. Conclusion: The Body of Christ in the world is for the service for, and man- ifestation of Christ, and the Body is to serve the Head, whose Body we are. The gifts and graces of the members of the Body greatly differ, but are freely given of God through the Holy Spirit. Since all powers in the members proceed from the Holy Ghost, no member may boast against another, and no member, however insignificant, may consider himself un- essential, but is equally obligated to be yielded to the Spirit. Key Word: Gifts, vv. 1, 30. Strong Verses: 3, 7, 13, 20, 21, 22, 26, 27. Striking Facts: v. 13. The baptism with the Spirit forms the Body by unit- ing believers to Christ, the risen and glorified Head, and to each other. Regeneration is a participation in the baptism of Pentecost when the Body of Christ was first organized. CHAPTER THIRTEEN Contents: Love, the supreme gift of the Spirit, and its governing power over other gifts. Characters: Paul. Conclusion: Love alone can give value to any service rendered in Christ's name, and it is therefore the supreme gift of the Spirit, to be coveted and prayed for above all others. Faith trusts and appropriates, hope expects, but love expresses Christ and blesses men. Key W T ord: Love, v. 1 (charity). Strong Verses: 1-3, 12, 13. Striking Facts: Jesus Christ was the supreme expression of the love of God and His divine love and compassion is the gift of the Spirit to believers who will be yielded to Him. Thinking of Jesus as "love" (for God is love) substitute the name Jesus in place of "charity" and notice the force of the text. Can you say "Christ liveth in me?" CHAPTER FOURTEEN Contents: Prophecy and speaking in tongues. The order of the ministry of this gift in the church. Characters: God, Holy Spirit, Paul. Conclusion: That is the best and most eligible gift which best answers the purposes of charity and edifies the church. That which cannot be under- stood cannot edify, and such confusion is to be avoided in the church. No gift of the Spirit is to be despised, and if the gift of tongues is bestowed, it will be with interpretation among two or three brethren, and will result in their blessing. Key Word: Gift of tongues, v. 2. Strong Verses: 2, 8, 9, 12, 19, 33. Striking Facts: All believers have the Holy Spirit 1 Cor. 6:19-20, not all were to have tongues 12:28-30. All public display of the gift, if it is given by the Spirit, is for edification, 14:5-28, always accompanied by interpretation, 14:13, 23-26, 28, always under control, 14:27. If accom- panied by confusion, it is not of the Spirit, 14:33-40. CHAPTER FIFTEEN Contents: The resurrection of Christ and the resurrection of believers result- ing from it. Characters: God, Christ, Paul, Cephas, James, Adam. Conclusion: The resurrection of Christ, together with His atoning work is the cornerstone of all Christian doctrine. It is the evidence that sin has been effectually put away, the ground for saving faith and the promise that all united to the Body of Christ shall be raised at His coming to re- ceive a glorious body like unto His own, and to bear forever the image of the heavenly. Key Word: Resurrection, v. 12. Strong Verses: 3, 14, 17, 20, 22, 23, 42, 43, 44, 47, 49, 51, 58. Page Fifty-Two FIRST CORINTHIANS Striking Facts: If Christ's body lies in some nameless grave, there is no hope for the believer, and the Gospel is nothing but emptiness. How do we know His sacrifice for sin was accepted? How can we hope for our own resurrection and immortality? "In Christ shall all be made alive" (v. 22), but notice that the word "all" is defined "they that are Christ's" (v. 23). CHAPTER SIXTEEN Contents: Closing instructions and greetings of Paul. Characters: Christ, Paul, Timothy, Apollos, Aquila, Priscilla, Stephanas, For- tunatus, Achaicus. Conclusion: The Christian should lay by money in store for good uses, hav- ing a treasury for this purpose a stock for others as well as for them- selves. They should be ready to every good work as opportunity offers, whether it be in giving or in assisting in some other way the servants of Christ. Key Word: Instruction. Strong Verses: 2, 13. SECOND EPISTLE TO CORINTHIANS Page Fifty-Three II. CORINTHIANS Key Thought: Number of Chapters: Key Verse: Christ seen as: Our sufficiency 13 7:6; 12:9 Our sufficiency. Writer of the Book: Date: Conclusion of the Book: Paul A. D. 60 The Christian is God's ambassador, with a spiritual and glorious ministry, finding in Christ consolation in all his sufferings and suffi- ciency for every testing. SUMMARY CHAPTER ONE Contents: Paul's interest in the Corinthian Christians and his encouragement to them in Christ. Characters: God, Christ, Holy Spirit, Paul, Timothy, Silvanus. Conclusion: Man's extremity is God's opportunity. Affliction to the people of God is but a pruning knife to the vine to prepare them for greater use- fulness to others. One of the greatest evidences of God's love to His own is to send them afflictions with grace to bear them. Key Word: Consolation, v. 6. Strong Verses: 3, 4, 5, 12. Striking Facts: v. 5. When we truly share the sufferings of Christ, we have in Him peace in the midst of it all, and grace to bear it. The sufferings of the Christian are the sufferings of Christ. He sympathizes with His members when they suffer for His sake. CHAPTER TWO Contents: Forgiving those who have fallen into sin. The ministry of the Christian. Characters: God, Christ, Paul, Titus, an erring brother, Satan. Conclusion: When a brother is truly penitent for his sin we should not be too rigid or severe with him, lest it give Satan an advantage by driving him to despair, but we should confirm our love to him by forgiving him and showing that our reproofs proceeded from love to his person rather than design to ruin him. Key Word: Forgiveness, v. 10. Strong Verses: 14, 15, 16. Striking Facts: vv. 15-16. Unto some Christ becomes a savour of death unto death. Because they are willfully obstinate, they are finally blinded and hardened by it. They have rejected it to eternal spiritual death. To the humble and gracious, His Gospel becomes the savour of life unto life, quickening them who were "dead in trespasses and sins." CHAPTER THREE Contents: The ministry of Christ accredited. Its spiritual and glorious char- acter. Characters: God, Christ, Holy Spirit, Paul, Moses. Conclusion: True ministers are Christ's instruments, for He is the author of all good that is in them and His love and His likeness are revealed in them by the Holy Spirit. They are ministers, not merely of the letter to read the written Word or to preach the letter of the Gospel only, but ministers of the Spirit also. The Spirit accompanies their ministrations and re- veals Christ through their lives. Key Word: Ministry, v. 6. Strong Verses: 2, 3, 5, 18. Striking Facts: v. 18. Those who yield to the working of the Holy Spirit may be made more and more into the image of Christ (Rom. 8:29). The Page Fifty-Four SECOND CORINTHIANS Holy Spirit longs to bring us into conformity to the "family likeness" even before the hour when we shall see Him face to face and be made like Him. CHAPTER FOUR Contents: Truth taught, commended by the life. The preaching of the Lord- ship of Christ. The suffering of true ministers with Christ. Characters: God, Christ, Paul. Conclusion: A steadfast adherence to the truths of the Gospel, backed by con- stancy and sincerity, will commend the servant of God to the opinion of wise men. They should not be of proud spirit, but realize that they them- selves are but vessels of little worth and in their perplexities for Christ's sake let them know that God is able to support them and in Him they should ever trust and hope. Key Word: Ministry, v. 1. Strong Verses: 2, 5, 6, 7, 11, 16, 17, 18. Striking Facts: vv. 13-14. A great sustaining power for the persecuted servant of Christ is the hope of resurrection through Him. This hope will save us from sinking. We know that Christ was raised and His resurrec- tion is an earnest and assurance of ours. What reason has a Christian to fear death who dies in hope of being raised by the Lord Jesus? CHAPTER FIVE Contents: Why death has no terrors for the Lord's servant. The motive and object of ministry for Christ. Characters: God, Christ, Holy Spirit, Paul. Conclusion: The servant of God who has the earnest of the Spirit to give everlasting grace and comfort, with a promise of a glorious resurrection body and the eternal fellowship of the Lord Jesus Himself, cannot but despise the brief sufferings and persecutions of this life, and be constrained by the love of Christ, manifested in the great instance of His dying for us, to persevere in testifying as ambassadors of heaven, to lost men. Key Word: Servant's hope, v. 1, and Motive, v. 14. Strong Verses: 1, 7, 8, 9, 10, 14, 15, 17, 19, 20, 21. Striking Facts: v. 21. Christ was "made sin" not a sinner, but sin a sin- offering or sacrifice. As He Who knew no sin was made sin for us, so we who have no righteousness of our own are made the righteousness of God in Him. CHAPTER SIX Contents: Paul's ministry to the . Corinthians. Appeal to separation and cleansing. Characters: God, Christ, Holy Spirit, Paul. Conclusion: The ministers of the Gospel should look upon themselves as God's servants and act in everything suitably to that character. As they are themselves so let them seek to make the followers of Christ under their charge, not only by profession, but in reality, the temples of the Holy Ghost, dedicated to and employed for the service of God and separated from all uncleanness. Key Word: Separation, v. 17. Strong Verses: 2, 14, 16, 17. CHAPTER SEVEN Contents: Paul opens his heart to the Corinthians concerning purpose of his former letter. Characters: God, Paul, Titus. Conclusion: The true servant of God cannot but be grieved that he must re- buke Christians for sin, nor can he shun to make those sorry for a season whom he would rather make glad. If the offenders will but let their sorrow work true repentance, God's minister may rejoice in the nature of their sorrow when it is turned again to joy that is durable. Key Word: Sorrow to repentance, v. 9. Strong Verses: 10. SECOND CORINTHIANS Page Fifty-Five CHAPTER EIGHT Contents: Collection for the poor. Exhortation concerning the grace of giv- ing. Characters: God, Christ, Paul, Titus. Conclusion: Those who truly love the Lord Jesus Who became poor for our sakes, making us rich in eternal things, cannot but dedicate their temporal riches to His disposal for the relief of brethren in Christ who are in need. His rewards for Christian liberality will be based on the will to do, rather than the ability to do, and He takes notice, not of what we give, but what we have left. Key Word: Liberality, v. 2. Strong Verses: 7, 9, 12, 21. Striking Facts: v. 9. Our Lord Jesus, equal in power and glory with the Father, rich in all the glory and blessedness of the upper world, yet for our sakes became, literally, "a beggar." We are thereby made rich in the blessings and promises of the new covenant and the hopes of eternal life. Shall we hold on to our dollars when they are needed for His cause? The best arguments for Christian duties are those taken from the love Christ has manifested to us. CHAPTER NINE Contents: Offering for the Jerusalem saints. Encouragement for givers. Characters: God, Christ, Paul. Conclusion: Our return in blessings will be proportionate to what we sow. Let our works of charity be therefore done with thought and prayer, rather than by accident, giving cheerfully, not grudgingly, being glad we have ability and opportunity to be charitable. God loveth a cheerful giver, therefore no man can be the loser by doing that with which God is pleased for He is able to make His grace the more abundant toward us. Key Word: Giving, v. 7. Strong Verses: 6, 7, 8, 15. Striking Facts: v. 15. The one Gift, Christ, outshines all others and draws all other divine gifts after it (Rom. 8:32). How can one who is in pos- session of the "unspeakable gift" grudge money for His service? CHAPTER TEN Contents: Vindication of Paul's apostleship, and his appeal to Corinthians as brethren in Christ. Characters: God, Christ, Paul. Conclusion: The servants of Christ should be sensible of their own infirmities, thinking humbly of themselves, keeping within their own province and careful to give glory to God in all their work. At the same time let them not betray their authority in Christ. Believers should render humble obedience to them as men set over them by God, not comparing their per- sonal appearance or ways with other popular leaders. Key Word: Boasting in the Lord, vv. 8, 17. Strong Verses: 3, 4, 5, 17, 18. Striking Facts: CHAPTER ELEVEN Contents: Paul's godly jealousy for Christ's cause. Warning against false teachers. Paul's enforced boasting. Characters: God, Christ, Paul, Satan, Eve, Abraham, Aretas, governor of Damascus. Conclusion: It is no pleasure to a good man to speak well of himself, yet in some cases it is lawful, namely when it is for the advantage of others or for the vindication of the cause of Christ. Those who boast in the Lord can never boast of what they have done, though they may glory in what they have suffered for His sake. Thus are false teachers distinguished from true, for they boast of their works and shun sufferings. Key Word: Paul's glorying, vv. 10, 30. Strong Verses: 3, 14, 15, 30. Striking Facts: v. 2. The Church is the Bride of Christ, Eph. 5:25-32; Rev. 19:6-8; affianced, yet not married, yet as a Body. The espoused Bride is often found flirting with old lovers of the world, a source of grief to the true Bridegroom. Page Fifty-Six SECOND CORINTHIANS CHAPTER TWELVE Contents: God's dealing with Paul. Characters: God, Christ, Holy Spirit, Paul, Titus, Satan. Conclusion: The exalted experiences of the Spirit-filled Christian overbalance all he is called upon to bear for Christ's sake. Whom God loves, He will keep from being exalted above measure, and spiritual burdens will be ordered, with grace to bear them, for the keeping down of spiritual pride. As we communicate our experiences let us remember to take notice of what God has done to humble us, as well as to advance us. Key Word: Glorying (in Christ), v. 5. Strong Verses: 9, 10. Striking Facts: vv. 7, 9. The thorns Christ wore for us and with which He was crowned, sanctify and make easy all the thorns in the flesh we may ever be afflicted with. His grace is sufficient and what is health if His grace is not possessed? CHAPTER THIRTEEN Contents: Closing exhortations of Paul to the Corinthians. Characters: God, Christ, Holy Spirit, Paul. Conclusion: The great burden of God's faithful representatives is that the Gospel they preach may be honored, however their persons may be vilified. Their heavenly commission is verified through the lives of those in whom Christ is living with power, having believed in Christ through their min- istry. Let us examine ourselves whether we be in the faith. Key Word: Examine yourselves, v. 5. Strong Verses: 4, 5, 8. 11, 14. Striking Facts: v. 4. As Christ was crucified in weakness, or appeared to be weak to men, but lives by the power of God, so His representatives, however contemptible they may seem to some, yet are instruments mani- festing the power of God, as proven by the souls regenerated, and will yet be vindicated before all men, by their resurrection unto life eternal in Christ. EPISTLE TO GALATIANS Page Fifty-Seven GALATIANS Key Thought: Number of Liberty 6 Chapters: Key Verse: Christ seen as: 3:2 Our freedom Writer of the Book: Paul Date: A. D. 60 Conclusion of the Book: Christ is the Deliverer from the law and mere externalism and leads into glorious liberty. SUMMARY CHAPTER ONE Contents: The Gospel Paul preached, a revelation not tradition. Characters: God, Christ, Paul, Peter, James. Conclusion: The Gospel declared by the apostles was by revelation of Jesus Christ. It is a Gospel of pure grace, and any message that excludes grace or mingles legalism with grace as a means of salvation in under the curse of God and is to be shunned. Key Word: Paul's gospel, v. 7. Strong Verses: 4, 8. Striking Facts: v. 4. The cross of the Lord Jesus was designed not only to separate us from the penalty of our sins, but to separate us from the power of them. Shall we who have been saved by His grace deny Him by plunging again into that from which His cross has forever delivered us? CHAPTER TWO Contents: Paul's journey to Jerusalem and His contest for the truth. Justi- fication by faith in Christ without works. Characters: Christ, Paul, Barnabas, Titus, Peter, James, Cephas, John. Conclusion: The gospel of grace is one of justification by faith in Christ's finished work apart from deeds of the law. We do not get saved by our works, but we get saved and work. Those who put themselves under the law after seeking justification through Christ take the place of unjustified sinners seeking to be made righteous by law and works, whereas justifica- tion is wholly by faith and sanctification wholly Christ living out through our lives. Key Word: Gospel of uncircumcision, v. 7. Strong Verses: 16, 19, 20, 21. Striking Facts: v. 20. The present aspect of our salvation is Christ living in us by His Holy Spirit. God does not ask us to live the Christian life, but wants us, by yieldedness to Him to let Christ live it in us. CHAPTER THREE Contents: Gift of Spirit by faith apart from law-works. Man under law- works is under the law curse. Christ bears the law curse that we might have the faith blessing. The true intent of the law. Characters: God, Christ, Holy Spirit, Paul, Abraham. Conclusion: The purpose of the law was to give to sin the character of trans- gression and prove man helpless to save himself not to save man. Man is therefore shut up to faith in the work of Christ our Mediator, as the only avenue of escape from the penalty of a broken law, for Christ has borne the curse of the law for us and we become the children of God through Him, not by any works of our own. Key Word: Works and faith, v. 5. Strong Verses: 3, 10, 11, 13, 21, 22, 24, 26. Striking Facts: v. 13. What Christ suffered FROM men (the cross) was nothing to what He suffered FOR men. The CURSE of the law was more than the CROSS of human suffering. He bore that curse to the full Page Fifty -Eight GALATIANS as the divine Son of God, redeeming the believer, both from the curse and the dominion of the law. Law therefore can neither justify a sinner nor sanctify a believer. CHAPTER FOUR Contents: Believers full redemption from the law. Sonship through the Spirit. Dangers of lapsing into legality. Impossibility of mixing law and grace. Characters: God, Christ, Holy Spirit, Paul, Abraham, Hagar, Isaac. Conclusion: Law and grace are an impossible mixture, for salvation is wholly by faith in Christ and our sonship is immediately testified to in the heart by the incoming of the Holy Spirit, upon the basis of Christ's finished work as the full satisfaction of the law. Let us not, therefore, fall again in bondage to the legality of the law, which is merely an element of salva- tion to reveal to us the inveterate sinfulness of our nature and the impos- sibility of saving ourselves. Key Word: Bondage and grace, vv. 3, 5. Strong Verses: 4, 5, 6. Striking Facts: v. 4. Jesus, who was truly God, for our sakes became man. He Who was Lord of all took upon Himself the state of subjection and the form of a servant. The one end of all this was to redeem those under the law. He, the perfect One, took what we deserve, that we, the sinners, might get what He deserved. CHAPTER FIVE Contents: Liberty of the believer in Christ, apart from the law. Conflict of flesh and the Spirit. Christian character the result of the Spirit's work not self-effort. Characters: Christ, Holy Spirit, Paul. Conclusion: Since we are justified only by faith in Christ Jesus, not by the righteousness of the law, let us not again stand in fear of and bondage to legal ordinances. While our salvation is settled by the work of Christ, the conflict of sin which still wars in the believer's members, may be set- tled by yieldedness to the Holy Spirit, Who is present in the believer to subdue the fleshly nature and to bear heavenly fruit through our lives. Key Word: Liberty, vv. 1, 13. Flesh and Spirit, v. 16. Strong Verses: 1, 6, 14, 16, 17, 18, 22, 23, 24. Striking Facts: v. 4. To "fall from grace" is to fall back on legal ordinances and mix law and grace. One who is fallen from grace is not a believer who has lost his salvation by failure to do good works (the popular Meth- odist explanation), but one who is doing good works and trusting in them as a means of salvation and sanctification. CHAPTER SIX Contents: The regenerated life as a brotherhood of believers. Characters: Holy Spirit, God, Christ, Paul. Conclusion: The new life in Christ Jesus is not simply one of being good, but of doing good. It manifests itself, not by taking a "more holy than thou" attitude, but by bearing the burdens of others and seizing every opportunity to help saints and save sinners. Key Word: Well doing, v. 9. Strong Verses: 1, 2, 7, 8, 9, 10, 14. Striking Facts: v. 14. The cross which connects us with God separates us from the world. Having died with Christ we should therefore be done with the world. Having risen with Christ, we are connected with God in a new life. We cannot glory in the benefits Christ's cross secures if we refuse the rejection which His cross involves. EPISTLE TO EPHESIANS Page Fifty-Nine EPHESIANS Key Thought: Number of Chapters: Key Verse: Christ seen as: "In Christ" 6 1:3 Head of the Church Writer of the Book: Date: Conclusion of the Book: Paul A. D. 64 The Church is The Body of Christ. Each believer has an exalted position through grace and is to have a walk in accord- ance with that position. SUMMARY CHAPTER ONE Contents: Believer's position in grace. The prayer for knowledge and power. Characters: Christ, God, Holy Spirit, Paul. Conclusion: The believer, is vitally united to Jesus Christ by the indwelling Spirit, through the redemptive work of the cross, and has in Him all spiritual blessings, including the assurance of an eternal inheritance and the working of His mighty power in and through him. Key Word: Spiritual blessings, v. 3. Strong Verses: 3, 4, 7, 13, 14, 22, 23. Striking Facts: vv. 22-23. Jesus is Head of the Church which is His Body and His Bride. As Eve was of Adam's body, yet was his bride, so the Church born out of His opened side, is both the Body and the Bride. This gives Him complete disposal of all the affairs of the true Church to the designs of His grace. CHAPTER TWO Contents: Method of Gentile salvation. Jew and Gentile made one body in Christ, a habitation of God through the Spirit. Characters: God, Christ. Conclusion: A state of sin apart from Christ, is a state of spiritual death and bondage to Satan. A great and happy change is possible on the basis of Christ's finished redemption whereby men are quickened to eternal life by faith apart from their own merits. God, the Father, is the Author of the plan, Christ, the Son, laid the foundation, and the Holy Spirit raises the superstructure. Key Word: Reconciliation, v. 16. Strong Verses: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13, 14, 18, 21, 22. Striking Facts: v. 7. One great purpose of Christ's salvation is to reveal in ages to come the exceeding riches of God's grace. If all men were saved, it could never be made to appear that we did really deserve to die. In spite of the cross, we, angels, and universe would doubt it. The loss of some men through rejection of Christ sets that doubt at rest and proves to all eternity that those who are saved were by nature the children of wrath, even as others. CHAPTER THREE Content*: Church, a mystery hidden in past ages. Prayer for inner fullness and knowledge. Characters: Christ, God, Holy Spirit, Paul. Conclusion: The divine purpose to make of both Jew and Gentile a wholly new thing, the Church, the Body of Christ, was a mystery unrevealed in Old Testament times, the revelation of which was committed to Paul. Nothing is too hard for divine grace to do; what a mighty treasury of mercy, grace, and love is laid up in Christ Jesus, both for Jew and Gentile who will receive Him as their Lord. Key Word: Revelation, v. 3. Strong Verses: 8, 9, 10, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20. Striking Facts: vv. 9, 10. The marvelous redemption of men by grace through Page Sixty EPHESIANS faith, on the ground of Christ's atonement is to be a lesson eternally to Satan and his hosts, of the power of God. Angels are made to see how His glory can he displayed in His dealings with sin. CHAPTER FOUR Contents: Walk and service of the believer in Christ. Ministry of gifts of Christ to His Body. Characters: Christ, Holy Spirit, God, Paul. Conclusion: Considering to what state and condition God has called us in Christ Jesus, let us approve ourselves good Christians, living up to our profession and calling. As members of His Body, the Holy Spirit will endue us with spiritual gifts for His service that we might confirm and build up others in the faith and that we might dispense the saving doc- trines of His grace to the unsaved. Key Word: Walk, v. 1. Strong Verses: 1, 17, 22, 23, 24, 30, 32. Striking Facts: v. 8. When Christ's body was laid in the grave, His spirit descended into Hades (the abode of departed spirits), and proclaimed the victory of the cross. At His ascension to the Father after three days He delivered from Hades the spirits of the justified and took them to Para- dise above, leaving the unsaved spirits in Hades. The spirit of the Chris- tian at death now goes to be with Him above. Phil. 1:23; 2 Cor. 5:9, CHAPTER FIVE Contents: Walk of the believer as God's child. The believer's warfare as filled with the Spirit. Characters: God, Christ, Paul. Conclusion: As members of the family of God, it is our duty to put on the family likeness by walking as obedient children, and in full yieldedness to the Holy Spirit. Only as we are flexible in His hands may we be victorious in our walk, sincere in our worship or successful in our work. Key Word: Worship, vv. 19, 20. Walk, v. 2. Strong Verses: 9, 18, 19, 20, 25, 30. Striking Facts: v. 32. Concerning life, the Church is the Body of Christ (1:22, 23). Concerning love, the Church is His Bride. Notice it is the "man" who is said to leave his home to be joined unto a wife. Christ left the glory and His Father, and later parted with His earthly mother (Luke 2:35; John 19:26-27) for the redemptive work whereby He could take out from the world a spiritual Bride, of which all true believers are mem- bers. CHAPTER SIX Contents: Domestic life of Spirit-filled believers. Warfare of the believer. Characters: God, Christ, Holy Spirit, Paul, Satan, Tychicus. Conclusion: The Christian life is a warfare, a struggle not only with common calamities and inner desires, but with opposing forces of the powers of darkness which seek to destroy the testimony of the believer. It is there- fore requisite that the, Christian soldier be stout-hearted and well armed with spiritual weapons which God supplies. The sword of the Spirit and the access of prayer are weapons against which Satan is powerless. Key Word: Warfare, vv. 11-12. Strong Verses: 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 17, 18. Striking Facts: v. 10. The Lord Jesus has met Satan at every point and defeated him. It is therefore dangerous for us to be strong except in Him Who is the Victor. Our natural courage is perfect cowardice; our natural strength is perfect weakness, but our sufficiency is always in Him. EPISTLE TO PHILIPPIANS Page Sixty-One PHILIPPIANS Key Thought: Number of Chapters: Key Verse: Christ seen as: Gain through Christ 4 3:7, 14, 4:4 Ascended Lord Writer of the Book: Paul Date: About A. D. 64 Conclusion of the Book: Christ is the believer's life, pattern, object, and strength. SUMMARY CHAPTER ONE Contents: Triumph of the believer over suffering and persecution. Characters: Christ, Holy Spirit, God, Paul, Timothy, Epaphroditus. Conclusion: Those who desire that Christ may be magnified in their bodies have a holy indifference whether it be by life or death and may rejoice in all their tribulations as Christ's witnesses, knowing that the Word of God cannot be imprisoned and that though things do not turn to their comfort in this world, by God's grace, they will be made to turn to the salvation of others. Key Word: Joyful tribulation, v. 20. Strong Verses: 6, 21, 23. Striking Facts: v. 6. It is Christ Who begins the good work in us; it is Christ Who carries it on in us 2:12-13; it is Christ Who will ultimately complete that work by transforming us into His own likeness 3:21. CHAPTER TWO Contents: Christ, the believer's pattern, rejoicing in lowly service. The outworking of inworked salvation. The apostolic example. Characters: Christ, Holy Spirit, God, Paul, Timothy, Epaphroditus. Conclusion: The believer should be lowly minded and like-minded, in con- formity to the example of the Lord Jesus, the great pattern of humility and love in service to man. He humbled Himself in suffering and death for us, not only to satisfy God's justice, but to set us an example that we might follow His steps bearing a resemblance to His life, since we have profited by His death. Key W 7 ord: Humble service, vv. 5-9. Strong Verses: 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 13, 15. Striking Facts: vv. 7-8. Jesus was absolutely divine, yet absolutely human. In coming into the world He did not empty Himself of His divine nature or attributes, but only of the outward and visible manifestation of the Godhead the insignia of majesty, He had to empty Himself of His glory or He would have paralyzed the men He came to save. Although equal with God, He took upon Himself the form of a servant for our sakes, that He might meet, as God manifest in the flesh, the death of the cross. CHAPTER THREE Contents: Christ, the object of the believer's faith, desire and expectation. Characters: God, Christ, Holy Spirit, Paul. Conclusion: Let those reckon themselves unspeakable losers, who by adhering to the things of the world and carnal pride, have no interest in the Lord Jesus. He is the object of the believer's faith for a righteousness that is untarnishable, the object of the believer's desire for a fellowship that is incomparable and the object of the believer's expectation for a resurrection body that is immortal. Key Word: Christ, our sufficiency, vv. 7, 10, 20. Strong Verses: 3, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13, 14, 20, 21. Striking Facts: v. 10. Christ's resurrection is the evidence of our justification (Rom. 4:24-25); the assurance of our resurrection (1 Cor. 15:14-18); the source of our spiritual power for He was thus constituted the giver Page Sixty-Two PHILIPPIANS of the Holy Spirit (John 7:39; 20:22). Knowing Him, therefore, in- volves not only justification through His death but sanctification through His life, feeling the transforming efficacy and virtue of His life, through the Holy Spirit. CHAPTER FOUR Contents: Christ the believer's strength and source of joy and peace. Giver of victory over anxiety. Characters: God, Christ, Paul, Euodias, Syntyche, Clement. Conclusion: The believer's hope and prospect through our Lord Jesus Christ, should engage him to be steady, even and constant in his Christian course, rejoicing always in Him through Whom he has the peace of God, the very presence of the God of peace, and promises that should remove all anxious care. He will give strength for all things, whether to do or bear. He will supply every need of the trusting soul. Key Word: Joy, v. 4. Strong Verses: 4, 6, 7, 8, 13, 19. Striking Facts: Seven things the believer is here said to have through Jesus Christ: 1. Privilege of prayer to help us v. 6. 2. Peace to keep us v. 7. 3. Presence to accompany us v. 9. 4. Pattern before us v. 8. 5. Policy to calm us v. 11. 6. Power to strengthen us v. 13. 7. Promise to provide for us v. 19. EPISTLE TO COLOSSIANS Page Sixty-Three COLOSSIANS Key Thought: Number of Chapters: Key Verse: Christ seen as: Fullness in Christ 4 2:10 Fullness of Godhead Writer of the Book: Date: Conclusion of the Book: The Godhead was incar- Paul About A. D. 64 nate in Jesus Christ, in whom the believer is complete. SUMMARY CHAPTER ONE Contents: Apostolic greeting and prayer. The superiority of Christ. His reconciling work. The mystery of His indwelling. Characters: God, Christ, Holy Spirit, Paul, Timothy, Epaphras. Conclusion: He who has reconciled us to God by His blood and made us meet to partake of eternal happiness is none other than the Creator and Lord of all, manifested in human form. As Lord of glorious power, He is able to furnish us for every good work and to fortify us by His grace against every evil. The ground of our hope is Christ in the Word, but the evi- dence of our hope is Christ in the heart working mightily by His Holy Spirit. Key Word: Mighty Christ, vv. 11, 15. Strong Verses: 10, 11, 12, 13, 16, 17, 18, 20. Striking Facts: vv. 15-17. Jesus was the visible representation of the visible God, born before anything was created. Creation was bound up with Him as its secret, and by Him, all things earthly, angelic, celestial and infernal were created and do exist. It pleased the Father that all divine perfec- tions should be summed up in Him. Such a One redeemed us and is Head of the Body, the Church. CHAPTER TWO Contents: Godhead incarnate in Christ. Danger of those who would entice away from Christ. Philosophy and legality, mysticism and asceticism. Characters: God, Christ, Paul. Conclusion: Believers who understand the perfections of Christ and have a well settled judgment of the great truths of the Gospel, will be preserved from all the ensnaring insinuations of those who would corrupt the Gospel principles. All true Christians have a salvation complete in Him and need not pin their faith on the opinions of philosophers nor bear the yoke of ceremonial law. Christ alone is the hope of glory and in Him we are com- plete. Key Word: Complete in Him, v. 10. Strong Verses: 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. Striking Facts: vv. 3, 9. Christ is the wisdom of God, and is of God made wisdom to the humble. The treasures of wisdom are not hidden from us in Christ, but for us. Supposed supplies of spiritual wisdom from any other source are a delusion. The fullness of the Godhead dwells in Christ, not figuratively, but literally, for He is both God and man, the manifestation of the Father to us. CHAPTER THREE Contents: Believer's union with Christ here and hereafter, and the fruit of such union. Characters: God, Christ, Paul. Conclusion: The true believer is united with Christ in a union which can never be broken and by virtue of that union he is justified, sanctified and yet to be glorified. Since, as to his standing, his true life is hid with Christ in God, it is his business to mind the concerns of that world to which Christ has ascended, making heaven his scope and aim, and manifesting to those Page Sixty-Four COLOSSIANS about him, his title and qualifications for heaven, by a consistent Christian life. Key Word: Union with Christ, v. 3. Strong Verses: 1, 2, 3, 4, 14, 15, 16, 17, 23, 24. Striking Pacts: vv. 1, 3. The believer's eternal standing is in Christ. If by regeneration, we were united to Him, we are reckoned as having died when He died, having risen when He ascended, having been seated in heaven when He was seated, and as yet to appear with Him when He comes forth in glory. Our true life is therefore hid with Him. It is our part to make our state conform as nearly as possible with our standing. CHAPTER FOUR Contents: Consistent Christian living and fellowship of believers. Characters: God, Paul, Christ, Tychicus, Onesimus, Aristarchus, Marcus, Barnabas, Justus, Epaphras, Luke, Demas, Archippus. Conclusion: The friendship and fellowship together of fellow servants in the Lord, is a great refreshment under the sufferings and difficulties in the way. It adds much to the beauty and strength of the Gospel ministry when Christ's servants are loving and condescending towards one another. Let the people of God pray particularly for those over them in the Lord, that God may enable them to speak as they ought to speak and that doors of utterance may be opened. Key Word: Fellowship, vv. 7, 10, 11, 14. Strong Verses: 2, 5, 6. FIRST EPISTLE TO THESSALONIANS Page Sixty-Five I. THESSALONIANS Key Thought: Number of Chapters: Key Verse: Christ seen as: Comfort 5 1:10 Coming Lord Writer of the Book: Date: Conclusion of the Book: The coming of the Lord Jesus is imminent. The Paul A. D. 54 hope of His return is the great hope and in- spiration and comfort of the true Christian. SUMMARY CHAPTER ONE Contents: The model church. Three tenses of the Christian life. Characters: God, Christ, Holy Spirit, Paul, Silvanus, Timothy. Conclusion: Those who have embraced the full Gospel, as proclaimed by the apostles will manifest it by separation from worldly idols, present service to men in the power of the living God, and expectation of the return of the Lord Jesus. Where true faith is, it will work by love and in the patience of the blessed hope. Key Word: Our Gospel, v. 5. Strong Verses: 9, 10. Striking Facts: vv. 9-10. Past, present and future salvation in Christ is seen here. Note that the hope of Christ's return is made an integral part of the Gospel and Christian faith. If conscious of a lack of steadiness in the life or power in the testimony, make sure you possess these three aspects of salvation. CHAPTER T\VO Contents: The model servant and his reward. Characters: God, Christ, Paul, Satan. Conclusion: It is the great comfort of the servants of Christ to have their own conscience and the consciences of others witness for them that they set out with sincere designs and right principles, preached the Word in its fullness and that their witnessing was not in vain in the Lord. Let not the Ambassadors of Christ be daunted that they must often meet opposi- tion and persecution at the preaching of Christ, but continue faithfully knowing that they shall meet the fruit of their labors at the coming of Christ. Key Word: Apostolic ministry, v. 1. Strong Verses: 4, 19. Striking Facts: vv. 19-20. At the second coming of Christ, there will be gathered all those won by the preaching of the Gospel. It is the soul-win- ner's joy that he will, at that time, meet all those he has won to Christ. CHAPTER THREE Contents: The model Christian brotherhood. The sanctification of the be- liever. Characters: God, Christ, Paul, Timothy. Conclusion: It is easy for the servant of Christ to bear afflictions or persecu- tions, when he finds the good success of his ministry which is the sure re- sult of sowing in love, and the constancy of those who have accepted Christ under their ministry. Let there be the same mutual love between all Christians that, with their teachers in the Lord, they may be estab- lished unblameable at the coming of Christ. Key Word: Brotherly love, v. 12. Strong Verses: 12, 13. Striking Facts: Each chapter ends with reference to Christ's second coming. Chap. 1: linked with salvation (v. 10); Chap. 2: linked with service Page Sixty-Six FIRST THESSALONIANS (19-20); Chap. 3: linked with sanctification (13); Chap. 4: linked with solace (13-18); Chap. 5: linked with separation (23). CHAPTER FOUR Contents: The model walk of the believer. The hope of Christ's return. Characters: God, Christ. Conclusion: The design of the Gospel is to teach men not only what they should believe, but also how they should live. It is God's will that all His should be holy in heart and pure in body for "He that calleth us is holy." The Christian should not be in ignorance of the blessed hope, the return of Christ to resurrect the dead in Him and translate living believ- ers, for this is designed to be the greatest comfort of believers. Key Word: Sanctification, v. 3. Comfort, vv. 13, 18. Strong Verses: 3, 4, 7, 14-18. Striking Facts: v. 16. The Lord Jesus HIMSELF, not the Holy Spirit, not the destruction of Jerusalem, not the diffusion of Christianity, not the death of the believer this is the blessed hope. He is coming bringing with Him the spirits of those who have died in Him. Their bodies shall be raised and united then with their spirits. At the same time, living believers will be instantly changed and caught up in clouds to be with Him. CHAPTER FIVE Contents: The model walk for the believer. The day of Jehovah. Exhorta- tions to believers. Characters: Christ, Holy Spirit, Paul. Conclusion: Let Christians live like men who are awake, living in constant expectation of Christ's return, and having all natural desires under Christ's control. Christ's coming will be sudden, overtaking many who are in the midst of their carnal security and jollity, and bringing them destruction from which there will be no escape. Key Word: Times and seasons, v. 1. Strong Verses: 3, 8, 9, 10, 16-21. Striking Facts: v. 2. As the thief usually comes in the dead of the night, so the coming of Christ will surprise the ungodly. It is the happy condi- tion, however, of those who believe God's Word, that they live in momen- tary expectation of His return, and whether times be troublesome or peace- ful, they cannot be surprised if He should come. SECOND EPISTLE TO THESSALONIANS Page Sixty-Seven II. THESSALONIANS Key Thought: Number of Chapters: Key Verse: Christ seen as: Waiting for Christ 3 3:5 Coming Lord Writer of the Book: Date: Conclusion of the Book: The Christian is to wait, watch and work for the coming of the Lord Paul A. D. 54 Jesus, when He will be glorified in His saints and His saints shall be eternally satisfied in Him. SUMMARY CHAPTER ONE Contents: Believer's comfort in persecution. Characters: God, Christ, Paul, Silvanus, Timothy. Conclusion: The patient suffering of believers for Christ's sake, is a manifest token that they are worthy to be accounted Christians, since they can suf- fer for Christianity. God will recompense their trouble with rest of heart now, and with abundant reward at Christ's coming, when also He will recompense trouble to those who have troubled His people. Key Word: Comfort, v. 7. Strong Verses: 7, 8, 9, 10. Striking Facts: v. 10. As the coming of Christ will reveal His wrath and power upon His enemies, so His grace and power will be magnified in the complete salvation of His saints. This is an evidence that the Church will not pass through the Great Tribulation, the time of God's wrath. CHAPTER TWO Contents: Day of the Lord and the man of sin. Exhortation and instruction. Characters: Christ, Holy Spirit, anti-christ, Satan, Paul. Conclusion: The blessed hope of Christ's coming is a doctrine with which believers are to be deeply affected that they might not be moved about with the conflicting and Satanic heresies of the last days, when there will be general religious apostasy and denial of the program of God's Word. Let us not be deceived by the doctrine of any man or by the trend of events, to let loose of the hope of His imminent return. Key Word: Day of Christ, v. 2. Strong Verses: 3, 4, 8. Striking Facts: vv. 7, 8. The word "letteth" is lit. "restraineth" or "hinder- eth." The Holy Spirit is the restraining influence now in the world. He will hinder the progress of Satan's gospel until the coming of Christ when He, whose present mission is the formation of the Body of Christ will be taken out of the way with the Body. This will leave Satan unrestrained and will precipitate the Great Tribulation period. CHAPTER THREE Contents: Paul's encouragements and exhortations to the Thessalonians. Characters: Christ, Paul. Conclusion: It is required of those who have professed Christianity, that they live according to the precepts of the Gospel, that they be not accounted disorderly persons devoid of the divine love and hope which they profess. If Christ is allowed to direct our love upon Himself, it will rectify all our affections toward men and keep us in the attitude of expectation of His momentary coming. Key Word: Apostolic commands, v. 6. Strong Verses: 3, 5, 6, 13. Striking Facts: v. 5. Patient waiting for Christ is to be joined with the love of God. The hope of His return is the great incentive to a busy life and a life of loving deeds to others. Page Sixty-Eight FIRST EPISTLE TO TIMOTHY Key Thought: Church order I. TIMOTHY Number of Chapters: 6 Key Verse: 3:9 Christ seen as: Only Potentate Writer of the Book: Paul Date : About A. D. 63 Conclusion of the Book: God would have the Minister and the Chris- tian know "how they should behave in the house of God" and how "to hold the mystery of the faith in a pure con- science." SUMMARY CHAPTER ONE Contents: Legalism and unsound teaching rebuked. Characters: God, Christ, Timothy, Alexander, Satan, Hymenaeus. Conclusion: Witnesses of Christ must not only be charged to preach the true Gospel doctrine but charged to preach no other doctrine, for it needs no improvement, and to add the letter of the law to the doctrines of grace is an impossible mixture, leading to unprofitable jangling. Those answer the end of the law who have a good conscience toward Christ and faith unfeigned. Key Word: Vain jangling, v. 6. Strong Verses: 5, 15. Striking Facts: v. 15. The errand of Jesus Christ in the world was not to be a great teacher and reformer, but to die as a ransom for sinners of whom there are two classes the sinner who thinks himself righteous (as did Paul before converted) and the sinner who feels himself a sin- ner. CHAPTER TWO Contents: Exhortation to prayer. Divine order for the sexes. Characters: God, Christ, Paul, Adam, Eve, Timothy. Conclusion: Christians are to be men much given to prayer, and in their pray- ers having a generous concern for others as well as for themselves. They are to especially desire for those in civil authority that God will turn their hearts and direct them, making use of them for the accomplishing of His purposes. Christian women are to be modest, sober, silent and submissive as becomes their place. Woman was created in subordination to man and was never intended to usurp authority, but to be a helpmeet. Key Word: Prayer, v. 1. Women, v. 10. Strong Verses: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8. Striking Facts: vv. 5-6. A Mediator supposes a controversy. Sin had made a quarrel between God and man. Jesus Christ, a Mediator, undertook to make peace. He gave Himself a ransom voluntarily so that all mankind might partake of the common salvation. CHAPTER THREE Contents: Qualifications of elders and deacons. Characters: God, Christ, Satan. Conclusion: Those having places of authority in the church must be blame- less, not lying under any scandal, watchful against Satan, moderate in all their actions, proving their ability to care for God's people by keeping a Godly and well-governed household, holding the truths of the faith in a pure conscience. Key Word: Elders, deacons, vv. 2, 8. Strong Verses: 5, 16. FIRST TIMOTHY . Page Sixty-Nine Striking Facts: v. 16. The mystery of Godliness is Christ. He was God manifest in the flesh (John 1:14). Being reproached as a sinner, He was raised by the Spirit and so justified. He was attended by and wor- shipped by angels. He is offered to the Gentiles as Savior and Redeemer. He is believed on by millions. He is exalted in glory. CHAPTER FOUR Contents: Walk of a good minister of Christ. Characters: God, Christ, Holy Spirit, Paul, Timothy. Conclusion: Those are good ministers of Jesus Christ who are diligent to in- stil into the minds of their hearers the fundamental truths of God's Word, which will prevent their being seduced by false teachers and drawn away into the apostasy of the last days. Let them not study to advance new notions, but ever be faithful in proclaiming those saving truths which they have received of the apostles and Jesus Christ. Key Word: Good minister, v. 6. Strong Verses: 1, 8, 12. Striking Facts: vv. 1-3. Satan is a theologian and makes use of demons in the last days to lead many away into apostasy. Spiritualism clearly pre- sented here. Two prominent points of its doctrine are seen in v. 3. Abstinence from meat is considered a condition of mediumistic power. Spiritual affinities are taught as against marriage. CHAPTER FIVE Contents: Work of a good minister of Christ. Characters: God, Christ, Paul, Timothy, Satan. Conclusion: Ministers of Jesus Christ are reprovers by office, for they are not alone to preach the Word, but correct those who are inconsistent. A difference is to be made in the reproofs according to the age and circum- stances of the persons rebuked. Let them know that they are accountable to God and the Lord Jesus Christ how they have observed the duties of their office, and woe to them if they have been partial in their ministra- tions. KeyWord: Ministerial exhortations, v. 21. Strong Verses: 6, 8, 22. CHAPTER SIX Contents: Work of the minister continued. Characters: God, Christ, Paul, Timothy, Pilate. Conclusion: The minister of Christ is to preach not only the general duties of all, but the duties of particular relations, that believers may live lives that will truly witness for Christ wherever they are. He is to endeavor after Godliness at all times himself, not making his ministry merely a trade, but a calling wherein he is content with what God allots him, fight- ing the fight of faith and looking for the coming of Christ, when he shall be abundantly rewarded. Key Word: Man of God, v. 11. Strong Verses: 6, 7, 10, 12, 20. Striking Facts: v. 16. Jesus Christ only as yet has triumphed over death. Immortality has to do with the body, not the soul. The believer will be given immortality at His coming, being given a body like unto His glorious body. Page Seventy SECOND EPISTLE TO TIMOTHY II. TIMOTHY Key Thought: Number of Chapters: Key Verse: Christ seen as: Doctrine 4 1:13 Only Potentate Writer of the Book: Date: Conclusion of the Book: The Christian must be loyal to Christ and to the truth, enduring as a Paul About A. D. 64 good soldier against all persecution, and in the midst of growing aposta- sies. SUMMARY CHAPTER ONE Contents: Apostolic greetings and exhortations to Timothy. Characters: God, Christ, Holy Spirit, Paul, Timothy, Eunice, Phygelus, Her- mogenes, Onesiphorus. Conclusion: The best of Christ's servants need remembrancers, and what they know, it is well to be reminded of by Godly men that their faith may be strengthened. Let them not be afraid of suffering for Christ's sake, or of owning others who are sufferers for His cause, for they are called with a holy calling, as witnesses of God's eternal purposes in Christ, and by adherence to Him in all circumstances, may be assured that He honors His testimony in and through them. Key Word: Exhortations, v. 6. Strong Verses: 7, 8, 9, 10, 12. Striking Facts: v. 10. The threefold purpose of Christ's coming is here stated. 1. To abolish death which is the result of sin. 2. To bring to light salva- tion through His finished work. 3. To illumine the subject of immortality, which believers are to have through Him at His return. If Jesus had not arisen in a glorified body, immortality would not have been brought to light. CHAPTER TWO Contents: Walk of a good soldier of Christ in times of apostasy. Characters: Christ, Paul, Timothy, David, Hymenaeus, Philetus, Satan. Conclusion: Those who have work to do for Christ must stir themselves up as soldiers to do it, and strengthen themselves for it in His power. They must count upon suffering, even unto death, and therefore must carefully train up others in the faith to succeed them who will approve themselves good soldiers. Key Word: Good soldier, v. 3. Strong Verses: 3, 11, 12, 13, 15, 19, 21, 22, 24, 25. Striking Facts: v. 8. "Remember Jesus Christ" raised from the dead. This is the great proof of the Christian mission, and confirmation of the truth of the Gospel. Let suffering saints remember this. His incarnation and resurrection, heartily believed, will support the Christian under all testings of the present life. CHAPTER THREE Contents: Apostasy predicted. The believer's resource, the Scriptures. Characters: Christ, Paul, Timothy, Jannes, Jambres, Moses. Conclusion: The last days of the Gospel dispensation will be perilous times, both on account of persecutions without, and corruptions within. These will be times when it will be difficult to keep a good conscience, and the believers recourse, will be the inspired Word of God, which is demon- strated to be the power of God unto salvation, able to furnish him unto al) good works. Key Word: Apostasy, vv. 1, 5, 13. Strong Verses: 1-5,12,13,16,17. SECOND TIMOTHY Page Seventy-One Striking Facts: v. 5. The Gospel of Christ is the power of godliness (Rom. 1:16). Ihe tendency of the apostasy of the last times will be to accept the ethical teachings of Christ, rejecting the doctrine of regeneration by the Spirit of Christ. It is no marvel that those who cling to. Christ, instead of form, will in those days, be the object of bitter persecution, (v. 12). CHAPTER FOUR Contents: Christ's faithful servant and the faithfulness of Christ to His own. Characters: God, Christ, Paul, Demas, Timothy, Luke, Mark, Tychicus, Carpus, Alexander, Prisca, Aquila, Onesiphorus, Erastus, Trephines, Eubulus, Pudens, Linus, Claudia. Conclusion: It concerns the witnesses of Christ seriously to consider the account they must give the Lord Jesus Christ of the trust reposed upon them as His representatives. Against the last days when there shall be widespread rejection of the doctrines of Christ, men grown weary of the plain Gospel and hankering for philosophies, let us faithfully preach the pure Word of God, apart from any merely human fancies, making full proof of our ministry and loving the truth of His return for His own. Key Word: Charge, v. 1. Strong Verses: 2, 3, 4, 8, 18. Striking Facts: v. 8. "Crown" is a symbol of reward in N. T. Here is a special reward promised to those who love the truth of Christ's second coming and work and long for it. It is a crown the "post-millennarian" will not receive, for He hopes to set up the millennium without the pres- ence of the King. Page Seventy-Two EPISTLE TO TITUS TITUS Key Thought: Number of Chapters: Key Verse: Christ seen as: Ministry 3 3:8, 9 God our Savior Writer of the Book: Date: Conclusion of the Book: Christ's ministers should follow the divine order Paul About A. D. 63 as revealed in the Epis- tles, for the conduct of the Church. SUMMARY CHAPTER ONE Contents: Divine order for local churches. Characters: God, Christ, Paul, Titus. Conclusion: Divine faith rests not on fallible reasonings and opinions of men, but on the infallible Word of God, the truth itself which purifies the heart of the believer. By this mark, judge of new and strange doctrines, and stop the mouths of those who handle the Word of God deceitfully. Key Word: Deceivers, v. 10. Strong Verses: 15. CHAPTER TWO Contents: Pastoral work of a true minister. Characters: Christ, Paul, Titus. Conclusion: The ministers of Christ should discharge their duties with faith- fulness, being careful to teach only such truths as are emphasized by God's Word, and dividing to each person, according to their age, and condition in life, those special portions of the truth designed for their particular spiritual needs. Let all considerations of the Gospel be ever linked to those foundation truths, the grace of God in our Lord Jesus Christ, the sanctified life through Him and the blessed hope of His return. Key Word: Sound doctrine, vv. 1, 15. Strong Verses: 7, 11, 12, 13, 14. Striking Facts: vv. 11-13. We have in vv. 12, 13, the A B C's of the school of grace. The Gospel of grace teaches us (1) to leave the old life (2) to live the new life (3) to look for that blessed hope, the glorious appearing of Christ. CHAPTER THREE Contents: Further instructions concerning pastoral work of a true minister. Characters: God, Christ, Holy Spirit, Paul, Titus, Artemas, Tychicus, Zenas, Apollos. Conclusion: The ministers of Christ are the peoples' remembrancers of their duty as children of God. They should urge upon Christians the duty of subjection to the government, the truth of the unmerited favor of God in Christ, and the necessity of maintaining good works for His glory. Key Word: Remembrancers, v. 1. Strong Verses: 5, 8. Striking Facts: vv. 5, 8. We cannot serve to get saved. Our salvation is based alone on Christ's finished work which cancels guilt, and the regen- erating work of the Spirit which washes the fallen nature, (v. 5) While we are not saved by service, we are saved to serve (vv. 8, 14) which is the manifestation of the salvation wrought in us by the Spirit. EPISTLE TO PHILEMON Page Seventy-Three PHILEMON Key Thought: Number of Chapters: Key Verse: Christ seen as: Brotherhood 1 v. 17 Payer of our debt Writer of the Book: Date: Conclusion of the Book: Paul A. D. 64 See conclusion below. SUMMARY CHAPTER ONE Contents: Greeting to Philemon. Intercession for Onesimus. Characters: God, Christ, Timothy, Philemon, Apphia, Archippus, Paul, Epa- phras, Marcus, Aristarchus, Demas, Lucas. Conclusion: Wise and good ministers of Jesus Christ will have great and tender care of young converts to encourage and hearten them, and get them received into the fellowship of the saints. There is a spiritual brotherhood between all true believers, however distinguished as to their station of life, and we should therefore seek to strengthen and help those who have been newly united to the Christian family. Key Word: Reception (of Christians), v. 17. Striking Facts: vv. 17, 18. These verses furnish a perfect illustration of the doctrine of "imputation" whereby guilty sinners believing on Christ are received by the Father as identified with the Son, and the sins of the believing one are reckoned to the account of Christ who paid the price on Calvary. Page Seventy-Four EPISTLE TO HEBREWS HEBREWS Key Thought: Number of Chapters: Key Verse: Christ seen as: New Covenant 13 11:40 Great High Priest Writer of the Book: Date: Conclusion of the Book: The cure for faint- heartedness toward the Gospel is a right con- Probably Paul About A. D. 65 ception of the glory and work of our Great High Priest who has passed into the heavens. SUMMARY CHAPTER ONE Contents: The great salvation provided through Jesus Christ who is above prophets and better than angels. Characters: God, Christ. Conclusion: Jesus Christ as God was equal with the Father, but as God-man revealed the Father to men and became the Mediator between God and men. He is appointed heir of all things, sovereign Lord, absolute dispose? and director both of all persons and all things. He is above every other messenger ever sent into the world and has a name preeminent above all heavenly beings. Key Word: Christ's deity, vv. 3, 8. Strong Verses: 3, 8. Striking Facts: v. 3. The person of the Son was the true image and charac- ter of the Person of the Father. He is not said to be the "likeness" of God (implying resemblance) but "image," which means that He reveals God. In beholding His power, wisdom and goodness, men were beholding the Father, for He was God manifest in the flesh, having all the per- fections of God in Him. CHAPTER TWO Contents: Warning against neglecting so great a salvation. Earth to be put under Christ. Jesus temporarily lower than angels to work out salvation for man. Characters: God, Christ, Holy Spirit, Satan, Abraham. Conclusion: The salvation provided by Jesus Christ is so great a salvation that none can express nor conceive how great it is. It discovers a great Savior who has manifested God to be reconciled to our natures and recon- cilable to our persons. He was made, for a time, lower than angels, that He might humble Himself unto death for our sakes. The fullness of the Godhead dwelling in Him, His suffering could make satisfaction for sin and make salvation possible to all. To reject so great a salvation is thereby made the worst of crimes against God. Key Word: Great salvation, v. 3. Strong Verses: 3, 9, 10, 14, 17, 18. Striking Facts: vv. 17, 18. Christ became man that He might die, for as God He could not die, therefore He assumed another nature and state. To be a perfect Savior of mankind, He must in every way take man's place being proven perfect under all conditions, and then, as the perfect One, bear our sins. Because of His sufferings as a man, He is made a merciful High Priest, in every way qualified to succor His people. CHAPTER THREE Contents: Christ the Son better than Moses the servant. Warning against unbelief. Characters: God, Christ, Holy Spirit, Moses. Conclusion: We owe to Jesus Christ as the principal messenger sent of God to man, the prime minister of the Gospel church, immediate and careful HEBREWS Pa 9 e Seventy-Five consideration, lest by delay our hearts be hardened and we should be eternally rejected because of unbelief. Turning a deaf ear to His calls and councils is the spring of all other sins, and the cause of final separa- tion from God. Key Word: Warning, v. 12. Strong Verses: 1,12,13. Striking Facts: v. 1. Jesus Christ as Apostle, spoke from God to men: as High Priest of our profession, He is the Head of the Church, upon whose satisfaction and intercession we profess to depend for acceptance with God. It was necessary to remind the Jews who held Moses in such esteem and were bent on mixing law with grace, that Christ as Son of God was above Moses, therefore His Word was final and His sacrifice sufficient. CHAPTER FOUR Contents: The better rest for the believer. The perfect work of redemption. Characters: God, Christ, David. Conclusion: The privileges by Christ under the Gospel are far greater than those enjoyed under the Mosaic law. The seventh day rest commemorat- ing a finished creation, was but a type of heart-rest which is to be had by covenant relation with Jesus Christ, and which is offered to those who will renounce their own works as a means of salvation and put their entire trust in the finished work of the Great High Priest who has passed into the heavens. Key Word: Rest, v. 1. Strong Verses: 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15. Striking Facts: vv. 14-16. The believer should encourage himself, by the excellency and finished work of his Great High Priest, to come boldly to the throne of grace which has taken the place of the throne of inexorable justice. Through Christ's sacrifice, a way is instituted by which God may with honor meet poor sinners and treat with them, no earthly priest being necessary. CHAPTER FIVE Contents: Christ, our Great High Priest after the order of Melchisedec. Characters: God, Christ, Aaron, Melchisedec. Conclusion: God was pleased to take One from among men, His only begotten Son, who above all others, was qualified to be a High Priest dealing between God and sinful men. By Him, we have approach to God in hope and God may receive us with honor. Let us therefore not attempt to go to God but through Christ, nor expect any favor from God except upon His merits. Key \Vord: High Priest, vv. 1, 10. Strong Verses: 8, 9. Striking Facts: v. 10. Melchisedec was a type of Christ as High Priest, being both a King and a Priest (Gen. 14:18, Zech. 6:12, 13). Melchisedec has no recorded beginning nor end of life, and the very absence of these facts makes him a type of Him who was from eternity. Christ is the Only One in whom universal Kingship and Priesthood may center. CHAPTER SIX Contents: Warning against mixture of law and grace. Danger of tasting the Spirit's work in grace and then going back to ceremonies. Characters: Christ, God, Holy Spirit, Abraham, Melchisedec. Conclusion: Those who have advanced to the very threshold of Christ's sal- vation, even being clearly convicted by the Holy Spirit and fully enlight- ened in the Word of God as to the way of life, again turning to trust in dead works and ceremonies, put Christ to an open shame and will not be renewed again to repentance by the Holy Spirit. The true believer takes refuge wholly in Christ's finished work, in which he finds a hope sure and steadfast leading him heavenward. Key Word: Dead works, v. 1. Strong Verses: 10, 18, 19. Striking Facts: vv. 4-6. These verses do not apply to backsliders, for it states that there is no restoration possible after having once fallen away. The reference is to Hebrews fully enlightened in the prophecies about Christ, Page Seventy-Six HEBREWS and having seen Him and having been carried along by the evident work of the Holy Spirit following His resurrection, yet rejecting all this light. For such there was no further conviction, v. 9 shows that this cannot occur to a true believer, who has "received" not merely "tasted" and is "sealed by the Spirit," not merely a "partaker" in His illuminating work. CHAPTER SEVEN Contents: Melchisedec as a type of Christ. Comparison of. Melchisedec and Aaronic priesthoods. Characters: God, Christ, Melchisedec, Abraham, Levi, Aaron, Moses. Conclusion: Jesus Christ, the true King-Priest, the anti-type of Melchisedec is greater than all the priests of the order of Aaron, and is the mediator of all blessings to the children of men. Whereas the Levitical priesthood fcould bring nothing to perfection, nor justify men from guilt, Christ's priesthood brings with it a better hope a foundation of salvation and perfect security in Him as Intercessor in heaven. Key Word: Better priesthood, vv. 17, 22. Strong Verses: 19, 24, 25, 26, 27. Striking Facts: v. 26. No priest could be suitable or sufficient for our recon- ciliation to God, but One who could meet the conditions hero laid down, and our Lord Jesus alone could meet them. He was free from all habits or principles of sin, never did the least wrong to God or man, was abso- lutely undefiled in His own life, and was never accessory to other man's sins. Those who come to God by Him are saved, not only PROM the uttermost, but TO the uttermost, (v. 25). CHAPTER EIGHT Contents: Aaronic priests a shadow of Christ who mediates a better coven- ant. Characters: God, Christ, Moses. Conclusion: We have in our Lord Jesus Christ such a High Priest as no other people ever had, all others being but types and shadows of Him. He is the author of a new covenant, better than the old, which was not effi- cacious; established on better promises; obedience to it springing from a willing heart and mind rather than from fear; securing the personal revelation of the Lord to every believer and guaranteeing the complete oblivion of sins through His finished work. Key Word: Better covenant, vv. 6, 13. Strong Verses: 12. Striking Facts: v. 4. There are no earthly successors to the priestly tribe of Aaron, for the reason that it is now a heavenly office centered in Jesus Christ. The earthly priesthood is out of commission, for with the atoning death of Christ the vail was rent. CHAPTER NINE Contents: Ordinances and sanctuary of the old covenant as types of the new. The realities of the new covenant which is sealed by the blood of Christ. Characters: God, Holy Spirit, Aaron, High Priest, Moses. Conclusion: Christ is a more excellent High Priest than any under the law, who but prefigured the work He came to do. He has entered once for all within the Holiest place. Having undertaken to be our High Priest He could not have been admitted into heaven without shedding His blood for us, having no errors of His own to offer for, and neither can any of us enter God's glorious presence except by a saving trust in the atoning sacrifice of Jesus, without which remission for sins is impossible. Key' Word: Atonement, v. 22. Strong Verses: 11, 12, 15, 22, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28. Striking Facts: vv. 24-28. We have here three great aspects of the work of Christ, v. 26 atonement the past tense of His work for our salva- tion, v. 24 advocacy the present tense of His work for us. v. 28. advent when He will return to complete our salvation from the very presence of sin. HEBREWS Page Seventy-Seven CHAPTER TEN Contents: Law only a shadow of things to come. Through Christ a way made into the Holiest for all believers. Warning to the Hebrews who were wav- ering between Jewish sacrifices and Christ's finished work. Characters: God, Christ, Holy Spirit, Moses. Conclusion: The legal sacrifices under the law, which were but shadows of Christ's atonement, could never make the comers perfect nor satisfy justice. Now, under the Gospel, Christ's atonement is perfect and not to be repeated, and the sinner once pardoned, is ever pardoned as to his standing, and only needs to walk in communion with God, on the basis of Christ's blood, to have a continuous sense of God's pardon and favor. Key Word: Better sacrifice, v. 12. Strong Verses: 4, 10, 12, 14, 16, 17, 19-25, 29, 31, 37. Striking Facts: vv. 26-29. In v. 26, "more sacrifice" should be "other sacri- fice." If this "judgment and fiery indignation" were the penalty of every sin, what Christian could escape for there is none who has not since con- verted given way to sin by consent of the will. These verses must be taken with the context, which contrasts the inefficacious and oft-repeated sacri- fices of the law with the one sacrifice of Christ. There were many Hebrews perfectly enlightened, having witnessed the works of Christ and the Holy Spirit, but who deliberately put themselves under the law, trusting to "other sacrifices," thereby treading under foot the blood of Christ. CHAPTER ELEVEN Contents: Superiority of the way of faith. Instances of faith. Characters: God, Christ, Abel, Cain, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Sara, Joseph, Moses, Pharaoh's daughter, Rahab, Gideon, Barak, Samson, Jephthae, David, Samuel. Conclusion: Faith is the firm persuasion that God will perform all that He has promised to us in Christ, and brings the soul a present fruition and fore- taste of eternal things, which sets a seal that God is true. The way of faith is the way of victory, peace, assurance, and endurance. Key Word: Faith, v. 1. Strong Verses: 1, 6. Striking Facts: vv. 2, 39. The effect of faith with God is "good reputation." Is it any wonder that God cannot be pleased when men are devoid of that trust in His Word and in Jesus Christ whom He has sent, which receives Him as Savior and Lord and impels to obedience and good works? CHAPTER TWELVE Contents: The Father's chastening of believers and its purpose. The differ- ence between living under law and under grace. Characters: God, Christ, Esau, Moses, Abel. Conclusion: Christians have a race to run, of service and sufferings, a course of active and passive obedience, in all of which they need to keep their eyes fixed upon the Lord Jesus. The best of God's children may need chastisement, but afflictions rightly endured, though they be the fruits of God's displeasure are yet proofs of His paternal'love and designed to fit us better for His service and to bring us closer into His fellowship. Key Word: Chastening, v. 5. Strong Verses: 1, 2, 5, 6, 14, 25. Striking Facts: vv. 1, 2. Christ is not only the object, but the Author of our faith. He is the purchaser of the Spirit of faith and the publisher of the rule 'of faith and the cause of the grace of faith. He is also the finisher of our faith the fulfilling of all Scripture promises and prophecies, the fin- isher of grace, the rewarder of faith and will eventually bring faith to an end by bringing us to Himself. CHAPTER THIRTEEN Contents: Exhortations to the Christian. Separation and worship. Apostolic benediction. Characters: God, Christ, Timothy. Conclusion: Our Lord Jesus purchased us with His blood that He might set Page Seventy-Eight HEBREWS us apart a peculiar people zealous of good works. Let us therefore seek to excel in those duties becoming to Christians, such as brotherly love, generosity, contentment, obedience to those over us, fixedness in the faith, patient suffering with Him and continual praise. Key Word: Instructions. Strong Verses: 1, 5, 8, 9, 14, 15, 16. Striking Facts: vv. 12, 13. Our Lord Jesus was the perfect anti-type of the sin offering, being offered "without the gate," a striking illustration of His humiliation as a sin bearer. The believer is therefore exhorted to go forth from the ceremonial law, from sin, from the world, and identify him- self with Christ, being willing to bear His reproach in gratitude for the salvation He has provided. EPISTLE TO JAMES Page Seventy-Nine JAMES Key Thought: Number of Chapters: Key Verse: Christ seen as: Works 5 2:26 Lord Drawing nigh Writer of the Book: James Date: A. D. 60 Conclusion of the Book: The evidence of faith is good works. SUMMARY CHAPTER ONE Contents: Testing of faith. Solicitation to evil not of God. Obedience as a test of true faith. Characters: God, Christ, James. Conclusion: Such as have a true title in Jesus Christ through faith may expect to be called upon to endure many tests of faith, but the -genuine- ness of their calling will be manifest by their stability in trial, their fidelity to God and the principles of Christianity, their activity in good works and the co.ntrol of the carnal nature at all times. God is the source of wisdom and power continually. Key Word: Tests of faith, vv. 3, 8, 12, 22, 26. Strong Verses: 2, 3, 5, 6, 12, 17, 22, 25, 27. CHAPTER TWO Contents: The tests of brotherly love and good words. Justification before men by our works. Characters: Christ, James, Abraham, Isaac, Rahab. Conclusion: Those who are possessors of Christ's salvation, which the poorest Christian may partake of equally with the rich, and to which all earthly glory is but vanity, should not make men's outward advantages the meas- ure of their respect, but should love all, rich or poor, as themselves. The certain evidence of faith is good works. While it is faith that justifies, the faith that justifies can never be alone. Key Word: Brotherly love, v. 8. Works, v. 14. Strong Verses: 5, 8, 10, 14, 20. Striking Facts: There is perfect harmony between James and Paul on justi- fication. Paul is considering man in relation to God, in which he is "justified by faith apart from works." James is considering man in rela- tion to his fellowman, in which case works are the visible evidence of faith. We have a right to believe that a profession of faith which bears no fruit, is an empty profession. CHAPTER THREE Contents: Control of the tongue. Characters: God, James. Conclusion: The Christian who is not affected by the sins of the tongue but takes care to avoid them, has an undoubted sign of true grace. The wis- dom and grace of God which enables one to control the tongue, will enable him also to control all other actions. Key Word: Tongue, v. 5. Strong Verses: 5, 6, 10, 17. CHAPTER FOUR Contents: Rebuke of worldliness and exhortation to humility before God. Characters: God, Satan. Conclusion: Worldly and fleshly lusts are the distemper which will not allow contentment or satisfaction in the mind, and rise up to the exclusion of prayer and the working of our affections toward God. Let the Christian be free from the friendship of the world, and be submitted to God, thus shutting and bolting the door against the devil. Key Word: Lusts, v. 1. Strong Verses: 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 10, 13, 14, 15, 17. Page Eighty JAMES CHAPTER FIVE Contents: Warning to the rich. Exhortations in view of Christ's second com- ing. Characters: God, Christ, Job, Elias, James. Conclusion: Great amassing of wealth will be a sign of the last days, but woe to those who then heap together treasure for themselves, for when Christ comes that in which they have placed their hopes will bring them eternal misery. Regardless of the prosperity of the wicked, or the affliction of the righteous, the blessed hope of Christ's return will keep the believer steady and patient. Let this therefore incite him to all the duties of the Gospel, and especially to patience and prayer. Key Word: Last days, v. 3. Strong Verses: 7, 8, 10, 16, 20. Striking Facts: vv. 7, 8. Here we see Christ's waiting for the precious fruit of the earth, the gathering in of the elect. In 2 Thess. 3:5 we have the saint's waiting for Him. The hope of His coming is the only solution of the complicated problems that will arise in the last days between capital and labor, (vv. 1-6.) FIRST EPISTLE OF PETER Page Eighty-One l. PETER Key Thought: Number of Chapters: Key Verse: Christ seen as: Christian's hope 5 2:7 Suffering Lamb Writer of the Book: Date: Conclusion of the Book: Those who are walking with Christ will be en- Peter A. D. 60 abled to suffer patiently, joyously and to the glory of God. SUMMARY CHAPTER ONE Contents: Christian's conduct under suffering in the light of full salvation. Characters: God, Christ, Holy Spirit, Peter. Conclusion: The true Christian's hope of eternal life and a glorious inherit- ance through the precious sacrifice and resurrection of Christ, is a hope that quickens him to service, supports him in every trial of faith and con- ducts him in a way of holiness to heaven. Key Word: Living hope, vv. 3, 5, 7, 13, 25. Strong Verses : 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 13, 15, 18, 19, 23, 24, 25. Striking Facts: vv. 18, 19. The blood of Christ is precious because it redeems (v. 19). Brings us nigh to God (Eph. 2:13). Blots out our sins (Rev. 1:5). Brings peace (Col. 1:20). (Justifies) (Rom. 5:9). Cleanses (1 John 1:7). CHAPTER TWO Contents: Exhortation to holiness and growth in view of Christ's great sacri- fice. Christ's vicarious sufferings. Characters: God, Christ, Peter. Conclusion: The Word of God is the proper and necessary food for the soul, which, if rightly used, does not leave a man as it finds him, but improves him, causing him to realize his spiritual position in the world, the duty of patient and Christlike submission, and the necessity of purging out those things from the life which are contrary to Christ. Key AVord: Growth, vv. 2, 21. Strong Verses: 2, 5, 9, 11, 15, 19, 20, 21, 24. Striking Facts: v. 8. Christ crucified is the Rock. To the church He is the foundation and chief corner stone (Eph. 2:20). To the Jews, at His first advent, a stumbling stone (Rom. 9:32, 33; 1 Cor. 1:23). To Israel at His second advent he will be made headstone of the corner (Zech. 6:7). To the Gentile world powers at His second coming, He will become the smiting stone (Dan. 2:34). CHAPTER THREE Contents: Duties of husbands and wives toward one another. Exhortations to Christian consistency. Christ's vicarious sacrifice. Characters: God, Christ, Holy Spirit, Sara, Abraham. Conclusion: Worldly men are strict observers of the manner of life of the professors of religion. A chaste conversation with Christian respect in the home life and careful Christian conduct toward all, following the Lord Jesus especially in His example of suffering for righteousness sake, is an excellent means to win men to the faith of the Gospel. Key Word: Good conversation, v. 16. Strong Verses: 1, 7, 10, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18. Striking Facts: vv. 18-20. The word "preached" is lit. "Heralded." Christ's spirit at His death heralded the triumph of the cross in the spirit world. There is no indication of any chance for repentance either of angel or man. The saved spirits who awaited Him in Paradise, upon the announcement of the finished work of the cross went with Him above, whence He then Page Eighty-Two FIRST PETER removed Paradise, and they will appear with Him at His second advent to receive their glorified bodies. CHAPTER FOUR Contents: Exhortations to mortification of sin and living unto God. Suffer- ing with Christ. Characters: God, Christ. Conclusion: Christ having suffered so much for us, should cause us to fortify ourselves with His mind, courage and resolution, living no longer to the flesh but being conformed to the holy will of God, as those who must give account any day at His appearing. We should rejoice to suffer with Christ for righteousness' sake, knowing that if we are in His hands our suffering will promote the Gospel and prepare us for glory. Key Word: Godly living, vv. 2, 7, 19. Strong Verses: 7, 10, 12, 13, 14, 16, 18, 19. Striking Facts: v. 1. Some of the strongest arguments against sin are taken from the suffering of Christ. He died to destroy sin, and having sub- mitted to such sufferings on account of sin, why should we grieve Him by continuing in sin? All sympathy with Christ is lost if we do not put away sin. CHAPTER FIVE Contents: Christian service in view of Christ's soon coming. Characters: God, Christ, Peter, Satan, Silvanus, Marcus. Conclusion: Humility is a great preserver "of peace and order in the church, giving to Christ's ministers a proper attitude toward the flock and to His people a proper submission to their leaders in the Lord. There is mutual opposition between God and the proud, but he who is humble before God will find grace for every trial and power to meet every assault of the devil. Key Word: Humility, v. 5, vigilance, v. 8. Strong Verses: 4, 6, 7, 8, 10. Striking Facts: v. 6. The best definition of humility is found in John 13:4, 5. Our Lord Jesus was the perfect embodiment of humility. SECOND EPISTLE OF PETER Page Eighty-Three II. PETER Key Thought: Number of Chapters: Key Verse: Christ seen as: Last days 3 1 Pet. 2:7 Lord of Glory Writer of the Book: Date: Conclusion of the Book: The believer must be pure and loyal in the Peter A. D. 66 days of corruption and apostasy, and hastening the coming of Christ by every means. SUMMARY CHAPTER ONE Contents: The great Christian virtues. God's Word exalted. Characters: God, Christ, Peter. Conclusion: The Christian should be diligent to add one Christian grace to another that he may bring glory to God by abounding in much fruit among men and that his own calling and election may be thereby thoroughly tested out. He should the more seek to obey God's Word because it is God-inspired, of undoubted truth, and therefore of vast concern. Key Word: Fruitful life, v. 8. Strong Verses: 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 19, 21. Striking Facts: v. 16. The plan of salvation by Jesus Christ is eminently the council of the infinitely wise Jehovah, for certainly man could not have invented it. He is the Messiah promised by the prophecies and publicly owned by the Father from the opened heavens. CHAPTER TWO .Contents: Warnings concerning apostate teachers. Characters: God, Christ, Noah, Lot, Balaam. Conclusion: Where God sends His true messengers with His Word, the devil always sends some to seduce and deceive, and especially to deny Christ's redemptive work. Such men bring swift destruction upon themselves, even though they prosper for a while. Key Word: False teachers, v. 1. Strong Verses: 1, 9. Striking Facts: v. 1. Smooth-tongued false teachers seldom deny Jesus Christ "who TAUGHT" but they do deny Jesus "who BOUGHT." The devil hates the doctrine of the CROSS of Christ, and hence all the conflicting theories as to His death. CHAPTER THREE Contents: Return of the Lord and the Day of Jehovah. Christ's return to be generally denied. Characters: God, Christ, Peter. Conclusion: The general denial that will be made in the last days of the possibility of Christ's return, should not unsettle the believer, but quicken and excite him to a serious minded and firm adhering to what God has revealed in His Word. Those who now scoff will find the day of Christ's coming a day of terrible vengeance. Key Word: Day of the Lord, v. 10. Strong Verses: 3, 4, 8, 9, 10, 13, 14, 15, 18. Striking Facts: v. 3. Men may talk about the stability of natural laws and the foolishness of the doctrine of Christ's second coming, but the Christian faith signifies little without it. It is the finishing stroke which must com- plete all the great doctrines of the Gospel and is therefore a day for which the Christian is to look (v. 12) and strive to hasten, by the bringing in of souls for the completion of the church. Page Eighty-Four FIRST EPISTLE OF JOHN I. JOHN Key Thought: Number of Chapters: Key Verse: Christ seen as: Assurance 5 5:13 Coming Son of God Writer of the Book: Apostle John Date: A. D. 90 Conclusion of the Book: Salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ brings a life of fellowship with God, joyfulness, victory, safety and certainty. SUMMARY CHAPTER ONE Contents: Fellowship with God made possible through the incarnation. Con- ditions of perpetual fellowship walking in the light and confessing sins. Characters: God, Christ, John. Conclusion: Fellowship with the Father, which has been made possible through the incarnation of Christ, the eternal Word, can be maintained only by walking in the light, which signifies the recognizing of our sins with frank confession of them and forsaking of them as they are revealed to us, and belief in Christ crucified as the remedy for sin. Key Word: Fellowship, v. 6. Strong Verses: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. Striking Facts: v. 9. Our sins were judicially dealt with at the cross (1 Pet. 2:24) which results in eternal life, but unconfessed and unforsaken sin in the believer brings the loss of fellowship with God and chastisement. (1 Cor. 11:31-33) Confession of sin would not bring fellowship with God, unless the sinner had accepted the finished work of Christ on the cross. CHAPTER TWO Contents: Christ's advocacy for the believer. Tests of fellowship, obedience and love. Warning against worldliness and apostates. Characters: God, Christ, John, Satan, anti-christ. Conclusion: To know God and the power of His love is impossible without practical observance of His Word, which means that we must seek to walk as Christ walked, in love toward our fellowmen and in separation from the things of the world. To profess to know God and yet deny Jesus as the Christ is to brand oneself as given up to the delusions of the devil. Key Word: Knowing Him, v. 3. Strong Verses: 1, 2, 6, 15, 17, 22, 23. Striking Facts: v. 1. Even the most advanced believers have their sins, but there is a distinction between them and the sinners of the world, for the former have an Advocate in heaven. As they have had Christ's blood ap- plied to them upon their acceptance of Him, so they have an Advocate to procure their continued forgiveness as they confess their sins. CHAPTER THREE Contents: God's love magnified and the believer exhorted to holiness. Brother- ly love urged. How our hearts may be assured before God. Characters: God, Christ, Satan, Cain, John. Conclusion: It is a wonderful and condescending love of the Father that we, who by nature are heirs of sin, guilt and the curse, should be called the sons of God and given such hopes in Christ. It is a contradiction to such love and hope to live in sin and impurity. Purity, love and a clear con- science toward God are marks of our transition into this state of life. Key Word: Purity, v. 3. Love, v. 14. Strong Verses: 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 14, 16, 17, 18, 22, 23, 24. Striking Facts: vv. 2-3. The time of the revelation of the sons of God in their proper state and in bodies like unto His glorious body, awaits the FIRST JOHN Page Eighty-Five second coming of Christ. This is the purifying hope of the church which engages all believers to the prosecution of holy living that they might be in readiness to meet Him unashamed at His coming. CHAPTER FOUR Contents: Christians warned of false doctrines concerning Christ's person and work. Tests of the true. Characters: God, Christ, Holy Spirit, anti-christ, John. Conclusion: God's people must be ever cautious concerning false teachers that may arise to deny the incarnation, deity and atonement of the Lord Jesus, and must accept none of their claims without testing them by God's Truth in the light of the Holy Spirit's teaching. The spirit of truth is known not only by doctrine but by love which is the natural fruit of the Spirit. The manifestation of divine love through the life argues a true and just apprehension of the divine nature, and such love can never deny the Lord Jesus. Key Word: Truth and error, v. 6. Love, v. 7. Strong Verses: 1, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 15, 19, 20. Striking Facts: Seven tests of true doctrine are given here. Does it confess Christ's true humanity? vv. 9, 15. His vicarious atonement? vv. 10, 14. Does it tend to worldliness? vv. 4, 5. Do spiritually minded people agree with it? v. 6. Does it witness to the spirit of divine love? vv. 7, 8. Does it accord with the teaching of the Holy Spirit? v. 13. CHAPTER FIVE Contents: Faith the overcoming principle. The advantages of faith in sal- vation, prayer, preservation from sin. Characters: God, Christ, Holy Spirit, Satan, John. Conclusion: He who has been born again through Jesus Christ will manifest the effect of regeneration, which is a spiritual conquest of the world. Faith is the means, the instrument and spiritual armor and artillery by which the believer may overcome the world, Satan and sin, and ask and receive of God all that is needful in this life. Key Word: Overcoming faith, v. 4. Strong Verses: 1, 4, 5, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15. Striking Facts: v. 6. Jesus in His death had a double purpose, not only to save us from hell but to cleanse us. We are denied inwardly by the pollu- tion of sin. Through Him we have "the washing of regeneration." We are denied outwardly by the guilt of sin, and by His blood we are separated from sin's condemnation. (Heb. 9:22. See Jn. 19:34-35.) Page Eighty-Six* SECOND EPISTLE OF JOHN II. JOHN Key Thought: Number See below of Chapters: 1 Key Verse: See below Christ seen as: Son of God and Son of man Writer of the Book: John Date: A. D. 90 Conclusion of the Book: See below. SUMMARY CHAPTER ONE Contents: Truth and love inseparable in the Christian life. Doctrine the test of reality. Characters: God, Christ, John, elect lady, anti-christ. Conclusion: The test of our love to God is universal obedience to Him, and we have need to maintain this love, for there are many destroyers of it in the world those who subvert the faith, denying the person or the work of Jesus Christ. Let such men not be entertained as ministers of Christ, nor given support in any way. Key Word: Truth and love, v. 3. Strong Verses: 6, 9, 10. Striking Facts: v. 9. The most important doctrine in the Word is the doc- trine concerning the person and work of Jesus Christ. If one is unsound in this, they are bound to be wrong everywhere. All turns on "what think ye of Christ?" He that denieth the Son hath not the Father. THIRD EPISTLE OF JOHN Page Eighty-Seven III. JOHN Key Thought: Number See below of Chapters: 1 Key Verse: See below Christ seen as: True Helper to the Truth, v. 8 Writer of the Book: John Date: A. D. 90 Conclusion of the Book: See below. SUMMARY CHAPTER ONE Contents: Exhortation concerning ministering brethren. The domineering Diotrephes and the good Demetrius. Characters: John, Gaius, Diotrephes, Demetrius. Conclusion: Ministers of Christ should abound in, and joy in hospitality to- ward fellow helpers in the Lord, and should beware of the peril of a domineering leadership which stands in the way of blessing to the people of God. Key Word: Fellow helpers, v. 8. Strong Verses: 4, 11. JUDE Key Thought: Number Kept and contending of Chapters: 1 Key See Verse: below Christ seen as: Coming Judge Writer of the Jude Book : Date: A. D. 66 Conclusion of the See below. Book: SUMMARY CHAPTER ONE Contents: The apostasy and apostate teachers described. Assurance and comfort for true believers. Characters: God, Christ, Holy Spirit, Jude, James, Michael, Moses, Cain, Balaam, Enoch, Adam. Conclusion: Believers must be on their guard lest they be robbed of any essential article of Christian faith by the cunning craftiness or plausible pretenses of ungodly men who pose as teachers and lie in wait to deceive. Our duty in the presence of the apostasy is to earnestly contend for the faith, trusting to be kept from stumbling by walking in the perpetual consciousness of God's love through Christ, looking toward the day when we shall be presented before Him with exceeding joy. Key Word: Apostasy, vv. 4, 18. Strong Verses: 3(b), 21, 24, 25. Striking Facts: v. 21. We can be kept in the perpetual consciousness of God's love only as we depend upon the mercy of the Lord Jesus that is His mercy, not our merit being our constant plea. He has merited for us what we could never, otherwise, lay claim to. The only way to stand be- fore Him flawless is to rest in His merits and walk in His love. BOOK OF REVELATION Page Eighty-Nine REVELATION Key Thought: Number of Chapters: Key Verse: Christ seen as: Overcome 1:1 Sitter upon the throne. Writer of the Book: Date: Conclusion of the Book: The Lord Jesus Christ is the gloriously exalted One, the Alpha and Apostle John A. D. 96 Omega. He is the High Priest of His people; the Bridegroom of the Church; the King-Judge of all mankind. SUMMARY CHAPTER ONE Contents: The Patmos vision of John and the command to write. Characters: God, Christ, Holy Spirit, John. Conclusion: Jesus Christ, the Alpha and the Omega, speaks to believers through the Apostle John concerning things past, the things which are and the things which shall be hereafter. Blessed are they who make this Book their meditation and regard those things which are written therein, for they shall shortly come to pass. Key Word: Revelation, v. 1. Strong Verses: 3, 5, 6, 7, 18. Striking Facts: This book is the only book having the Lord Jesus Himself as Author (v. 1). It is a "revelation," which means "an unveiling" or "dis- closure," not a mystery, and the Lord Jesus has attached His benediction to it to encourage us to read, hear and keep (v. 3). Notice in v. 5 that He Who speaks from heaven is He Who "washed us from our sins in His own blood." Heaven's anthem magnifies the blood of Christ above every- thing else. CHAPTER TWO Contents: Message to Ephesus concerning things "which are." Their first love left. Message to Pergamos concerning false doctrines. Message to Smyrna concerning persecutions. Message to Thyatira concerning Ba- laamism and Nicolaitanism. Characters: God, Christ, Holy Spirit, Messengers of Ephesus, Smyrna, Perga- mos, and Thyratira, John, Satan, Antipas, Balaam, Balac, Jezebel. Conclusion: He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Holy Spirit would say to the Church, and let him beware lest by turning a deaf ear to the voice of the Spirit he lose his faculty of spiritual hearing and thus grow cold toward Christ, be without victory in tribulations or find himself an apostate carried away by every wind of doctrine. Those are bound to be overcomers under every test whose faith keeps them in vital touch with Jesus Christ, the Head of the Church (1 Jno. 4:4). Key Word: Messages to Churches (Overcoming), vv. 7, 11, 17, 26. Strong Verses: 4, 7, 10, 11. Striking Fact*: The letters to the Churches are Epistles of Christ dictated before the throne (v. 1) and with holy awe we should therefore read, then obey them. While these letters deal with Churches existing in John's time, it is believed that they are also symbolical of seven stages of the Church during the present Church age, because Jesus speaks of the "mys- tery" connected with them; because of the number "seven" connected with them, and always symbolical in this book; because the promises and warn- ings are continuous and because the prophetic view corresponds exactly with events thus far in the history of the Church. Page Ninety REVELATION CHAPTER THREE Contents: Message to Sardis concerning their hypocrisy. Message to Phil- adelphia on hollow profession. Message to Laodicea on apostasy. Christ's attitude to the Church in its final stage in the world. Characters: God, Christ, Holy Spirit, Messengers of Sardis, Philadelphia, and Laodicea, David, John, Satan. Conclusion: Let the believer keep his spiritual ears open continually, for the voice of the Holy Spirit, lest he be found merely professing the name of Christian, and not having the power thereof, or lest he grow lukewarm toward Christ, and so be taken unawares, or even found to be a counter- feit at the sudden appearing of Christ in glory. Key Word: Message to Church (overcoming), vv. 5, 12, 21. Strong Verses: 3, 5, 10, 11, 12, 18, 20, 21. Striking Facts: v. 20. Supper is the evening meal, the last taken before the morning breaks and the day dawns. This verse is a picture of Christ seeking entrance to the Church of the final state, and calling for individ- uals out of it who will sup with Him. "The night is far spent; the day is at hand." To sup with Him before the morning breaks is the foretaste of coming glory. CHAPTER FOUR Contents: Things which shall be. Vision of the throne in heaven, the en- throned elders, the four living creatures and their worship with the elders because of creation. Characters: Christ, Holy Spirit, John, 24 elders. Conclusion: The day is approaching when there shall be a shifting of scenes in heaven and God shall prepare to execute all His purposes toward the earth. Thundering black clouds shall gather for His last judgment upon the earth, but even in the darkness of that day a bow in the cloud will be seen reflecting the glory of God in the storm and reminding that God has not forgotten His covenants. In that day the saints in heaven will contrast the perfect rest of heaven with the troubled waters of earth and will give great glory to Him. Key Word: Things coming to pass, v. 1. Strong Verses: 11. Striking Facts: Christ is not seen here upon the throne, but as having risen for the execution of other purposes which effect the establishment of His Messianic Kingdom. Heaven is preparing to execute judgment prior to Christ's coming with His saints to reign. The elders are seen identified with Him in the judgment about to be executed. May they not be the united royal priesthood, redeemed and glorified? The answer as to how they got there is not given here, but will be found answered as we proceed. CHAPTER FIVE Contents: Vision of the seven sealed books. Christ seen in His Kingly char- acter. Angels, elders and living creatures exalt the Lamb who is King. Characters: God, Christ, John, strong angel, elders, four creatures. Conclusion: It will be none other than the Lord Jesus Christ, Who as the Lamb of God was slain and rejected of men, Who will yet be manifested as the Lion of the tribe of Judah breaking the seals of God's wrath against sinners upon the earth. He Who alone was worthy to redeem mankind with His precious blood, is worthy to take man's judgment in hand. Happy are they who shall in that day be with the ransomed ones in heaven joining in the new song, associating with Him in judgment and preparing to reign with Him. Key Word: Sealed book, v. 1. Strong Verses: 9, 10, 12. Striking Facts: The Lion and the Lamb are One (v. 5). The sacrifice of the Lamb made Him the Saviour of the redeemed, but He is yet to assume power as the Lion, for the execution of judgment when His purpose in the Church is perfected. Notice in v. 9 that it is the blood that the saints are still singing about. CHAPTER SIX Contents: The opening of the seals. Characters: Christ, John. REVELATION Page Ninety-Otic Conclusion: Woe to those who dwell upon the earth in the days of the great Tribulation, when the wrath of God is poured forth for the final cleansing of the earth. "Except those days should be shortened no flesh should en- dure." There will be terrible wars, famines, pestilence, earthquakes, dis- turbances in the heavens, and fear among men. (See Mt. 24:1-31.) Key Word: Day of wrath, v. 17. Strong Verses: 15-17. Striking Facts: vv. 16-17. This will be the last great prayer meeting of earth, when men that have rejected Christ shall discover that the Lamb Whom they have slaughtered and insulted is the Judge of all. CHAPTER SEVEN Contents: A parenthetical chapter on the saved of the tribulation period. The remnant of Israel sealed. Characters: God, John, -four angels. Conclusion: In the great time of unexampled trouble which is to fall upon the earth after the translation of the saints, there shall be a vast company of repentant Israelites sealed for preservation, and a multitude of the Gentiles, moved to repentance toward Christ, shall find salvation through His shed blood, but at the cost of martyrdom (v. 14. See 6:9-11). Key Word: Remnant sealed, vv. 3, 13, 14. Strong Verses: 9, 10, 14, 17. Striking Facts: vv. 10. 14. The cry of these who come up out of the Great Tribulation is not the same as the cry of redemption (5:9). It is the cry of salvation from judgment. While it is the blood of Christ which has pur- chased them this release, yet they are not members of the Body of Christ, the Church which is to be completed by the Holy Spirit before the Tribula- tion begins. They are a separate company. CHAPTER EIGHT Contents: Opening of the seventh seal from which seven trumpets come. Four of the trumpet judgments announced. Characters: John, seven angels, angel with censor. Conclusion: Woe to those who, by their rejection of the Lord Jesus, will find themselves left upon the earth to taste the sufferings of the Great Tribulation. Satanic forces will be allowed abroad without restraint, bringing fear upon all men by reason of conditions in the earth and in the heavens above. Key Word: Trumpet judgments, v. 6. Strong Verses: 4. CHAPTER NINE Contents: Judgments of the fifth and sixth trumpets. Characters: God, angels, John, Abaddon. Conclusion: So fearful and unbearable will conditions be in the Great Tribu- lation days when Satanic powers are unrestrained, that men shall long for death and even try to commit suicide, but will find the power of self- destruction taken away from them. Happy are they who shall escape all these things, that shall come to pass, through true faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Key Word: Trumpet woes, v. 12. Strong Verses: 6. CHAPTER TEN Contents: Parenthetical explanation (to 11:14). The angel and the little book. The book eaten. Characters: John, mighty angel. Conclusion: The day is approaching when all those mysterious judgment pic- tures of God's Word shall be made real in action (v. 7). Apocalyptic studies are understood by those who walk in close fellowship with God and while they have their charm, to the true man of God, they have also their bitterness when really appropriated, by reason of the startling and terrible prospective they reveal (v. 9). Key Word: Little book, v. 2. Strong Verses: 9. Page Ninety-Two REVELATION CHAPTER ELEVEN Contents: Times of the Gentiles to end in a period of forty-two months. Two heavenly witnesses will prophecy on the earth. The seventh trumpet judgment. Characters: God, Holy Spirit, Christ, John, two witnesses, beast, elders. Conclusion: The Tribulation days which close the times of the Gentiles shall culminate in a period of intense troubles lasting 42 months (3% years). When these days shall come, God will send two messengers to earth to give warning. They will be despitefully treated and killed as was our Lord and the prophets before Him. Woe to those who shall see these days, but happy those who through Jesus Christ are safe with Him and engaged eternally in His praises. Key Word: Tribulation, witnesses, v. 3. Strong Verses: 15, 18. Striking Facts: vv. 3, 15. As the days of Christ's reign approach there will be increased announcement of the apocalyptic truths which will be scoffed at by the majority. (2 Pet. 3:3-4) The final announcement will be made in the midst of the great Tribulation by heaven-prepared witnesses, as His first advent was announced by John the Baptist. With this testimony rejected and the witnesses killed, men will be abandoned to the terrible days of the last half of the Tribulation, after which Christ will come to reign forever. CHAPTER TWELVE Contents: The woman clothed with the sun (Israel). Satan drawing the stars. The man-child (Christ) caught up to the throne. The arch-angel and his angels fighting Satan. Satan and Israel in the great Tribulation. Characters: God, Christ, Michael, Satan. Conclusion: Israel out of which came the Messiah Who was rejected, will in the midst of the great Tribulation suffer terrible anguish because of Him, and will be subjected to terrors of Satan himself, who will then be unre- strained and knowing that he has but a short time. However, those whom God shall seal of Israel will be brought through those terrible days, though many will suffer martyrdom, but they will then die willingly for Him, acknowledging Him their King, their sacrifice and their Lord. Key Word: Satan's wrath, v. 12. Strong Verses: 9, 10, 11. Striking Facts: vv. 9-10. In the midst of the great Tribulation, Satan will be cast out of the heavenlies and will be free in the earth. This will be a happy time for those who are in heaven by the blood of the Lamb, but a time of terrible trial for Israel and eternal woe for the Gentiles who submit to the mark of the beast. The only salvation in those days will be bold confession of faith in the blood of the Lamb, which will mean martyrdom to all except those sealed for physical preservation. CHAPTER THIRTEEN Contents: The beast out of the sea and the beast out of the earth. Characters: God, Christ, John, false prophet, anti-christ, Satan. Conclusion: In the midst of the Tribulation period there shall rise up two great world leaders, one a political leader inspired by Satan himself, the other a religious leader to deceive the people with strong delusions and either lead them or force them to worship the anti-christ as the long ex- pected world-ruler. These two Satanic deceivers shall prevail upon all except those who risk all to boldly acknowledge their belief in the Lamb of God slain from the foundation of the world. Key Word: Two beasts, vv. 1, 11. Strong Verses: 18. Striking Facts: v. 8. Salvation in the great Tribulation is still based on the blood of Jesus Christ. Those who are then saved, however, must boldly confess their faith before a world of hostile witnesses, which will mean nothing short of martyrdom, except to those few sealed in Israel. May God help every reader of these words to make sure their calling and elec- tion while the days of grace are still lasting! REVELATION Page Ninety-Three CHAPTER FOURTEEN Contents: Vision of the Lamb and the 144,000 sealed Israelites. The angel with the everlasting gospel. Fall of Babylon. The doom of the beast worshippers. Blessedness of the holy dead. Vision of Armageddon. Characters: God, Christ, Holy Spirit, John, angels, anti-christ. Conclusion: There shall be preserved during the great Tribulation period a great company out of Israel, who will follow the Lamb and give glory to Him at whatever cost. There will be also a multitude of Gentiles re- deemed by their acceptance of the everlasting Gospel, but at the cost of martyrdom. Woe to those who worship the beast and receive his mark, for they shall be tormented in hell forever. Key Word: Tribulation saints and sinners, vv. 1,9. Strong Verses: 1, 2, 3, 9, 10, 11, 13. Striking Facts: vv. 14-15. He who bears the golden crown is none other than the Lord Jesus, who will a short time after this be found wearing the crown of universal sovereignty (Rev. 19:12). At the close of the great Tribulation He will thrust in the sickle to cut down the earth's harvest of evil (this will be at Armageddon) which will then have come to its culmination (see Mk. 4:29). CHAPTER FIFTEEN Contents: Vision of the angels of the seven last plagues and the bowls of the wrath of God. Characters: Christ, John, 7 angels, Moses, 4 beasts. Conclusion: In the hours when the unexampled wrath of God is being poured out upon the earth there will be a faithful redeemed company, who in spite of all their sufferings for Christ's sake, will be enabled to join in the great chorus exalting Jehovah their Deliverer and the Lamb, their Saviour. Key Word: Wrath of God, vv. 1, 7. Strong Verses: 3, 4. Striking Facts: v. 3. "King of saints" is literally "King of ages, or nations." Jesus is never represented as King of the saints, or the Church, but as their Lord. The relationship of the Church saints in the present age is a nearer relationship than that of subjects of a King. He is the Bridegroom. These Tribulation saints, however, will be related to Him as subjects and they exalt Him as "King of Nations." CHAPTER SIXTEEN Contents: Vials of God's wrath poured out. Characters: God, Christ, John, 7 angels, beast, 3 demons. Conclusion: There shall, in the great Tribulation period, be poured out such manifestations of the wrath of God against Satan and sinners as man has never conceived. The terrors of those days will surpass anything known in the earth before those days, and shall never be known thereafter. Woe to those who choose, by their rejection of Christ in the Gospel day, to be left to that time. Key Word: Vials of wrath, v. 1. Strong Verses: 5, 6, 15. Striking Facts: v. 15. Even in the great Tribulation there is an advent hope held out to keep the remnant looking up. Before Christ's first advent be- lievers in the promises were inspired and kept by the expectation of His coming. Until the rapture of the Church, His second coming is held out as the "blessed hope." In the great Tribulation, the one and only hope of relief will be His return in glory with the saints to cleanse the earth and to reign. CHAPTER SEVENTEEN Contents: The doom of Babylon, the last great ecclesiastical order. Characters: Christ, John, 7 angels, beast. Conclusion: There will be in the Tribulation period a great apostate ecclesi- astical system headed up under a powerful religious leader, drawing after it thousands of deluded worshippers, who in reality are worshipping the devil and the beast. This enormous world-system will be brought to a fearful end and all those connected with it will share its fate. Page Ninety-Four REVELATION Key Word: Mystery Babylon, v. 5. Strong Verses: 14. Striking Facts: Many Bible students believe that we have here the Roman Catholic system headed up in a fearfully apostate state. A woman is symbolical of "church" (2 Cor. 11:12). This woman (v. 5) stands in contrast to the Church of Christ, which is a "chaste virgin." The true Church is "espoused to one husband;" this one is given up to the kings of the earth. The Church is the "mystery of godliness;" this one is "mystery Babylon." The Church offers "the cup of Salvation;" this one offers "cup full of abominations." Mystery Babylon is rich, and it has its seat on seven hills (Rome). CHAPTER EIGHTEEN Contents: Last form of apostate Christendom and the warning to God's peo- ple. The human and the angelic views of Babylon. Characters: God, John, angels. Conclusion: As there is to be an ecclesiastical Babylon ("confusion") heading up in the great Tribulation period, so there is also a great political Baby- lon, the pride of the great men of the earth, which shall likewise come to a terrible and an everlasting end, when Christ shall return in glory. This great system, back of which is anti-christ, will bitterly hate any who would glorify any god but materialism and the beast and will be guilty of the blood of many prophets and saints who have stood true to the ever- lasting Gospel. Key Word: Babylon's fall, vv. 2, 21. CHAPTER NINETEEN Contents: Parenthetical chapter on what is taking place in heaven while the Tribulation rages. The alleluias, marriage of the Lamb, second coming in glory, Armageddon, doom of the beast, False Prophet, and kings. Characters: God, Christ, John, 24 elders, 4 beasts, angel, beast, False Prophet. Conclusion: During those days when the wrath of God is poured out upon the earth, the Bride of Christ will in heaven celebrate the long looked for marriage festivities, and arrayed in her cleansed garments shall be eter- nally united with Him Who is to be recognized in all the universe, and for all time, as King of King and Lord of Lords. When He comes forth to make an end of all evil, His Bride shall come with Him, associated in judgment, and later to rule with Him. Key Word: Marriage supper, v. 9. Armageddon, v. 15. Strong Verses: 5, 7, 8, 9. Striking Facts: vv. 11-16. We have here a vision of the departure from heaven of Christ with His saints (previously caught up to be with Him 1 Thes. 4:13-18) and with His angels preparatory to the catastrophe in which all world powers shall be smitten (Dan. 2:34-35). On Christ's head here we see many crowns ("diadems") (cf. 14:14) for the hour is now at hand when He is to be exalted and enthroned in His Kingdom, to "sit upon the throne of His father David." CHAPTER TWENTY Contents: Satan bound for the Kingdom age. The first resurrection. Satan loosed at the end of the millenium, and his final doom. Judgment of the great White Throne. Characters: God, Christ, John, angel, Satan. Conclusion: When the Tribulation days shall have run their course, Christ shall come with His saints, and having cast down all opposing powers, will fling Satan into the bottomless pit for a thousand years, during which time He, with the saints, shall rule over the earth. At the end of the millenium Satan will be temporarily released, but he and his quickly gath- ered followers will be cast into the final hell forever. At that time also the unsaved dead of all the ages will be resurrected and after being judged according to their works will be given their portion in perdition. Key Word: Judgment, vv. 2, 11. Strong Verses: 4, 6, 12. REVELATION Page Ninety-Five Striking Facts: vv. 4, 6. Christ is seen in this chapter as the Judge and then as the millenial King. Those who are associated with Him in this King- dom are the Church and the Tribulation saints. Those who are now being called unto Christ are therefore appointed, not to be subjects of the King- dom, but co-rulers, priests of God and of Christ, and will have their specific work in connection with the work of His universal empire. CHAPTER TWENTY-ONE Contents: The seven new things of the Kingdom age earth, peoples, Jeru- salem, temple, light, Paradise (Chap. 22). Characters: God, Christ, John, 7 angels. Conclusion: It will be the perfect happiness of the saints, when Christ re- turns to reign, to have God's immediate presence with them, His love fully manifested to them and His glory fully put upon them. No remembrance of former sorrows shall remain and all causes for future sorrow shall be removed. Whatever is excellent and valuable in this world will be there enjoyed to a far greater degree, and Christ will be the everlasting foun- tain of knowledge and joy to His people. Key Word: Heaven, v. 1. Strong Verses: 2, 4, 6, 7, 23, 24, 25. Striking Facts: vv. 9, 23. The peculiar glory of the Lord Jesus to all eternity is as the "Lamb" which will ever remind of His sacrificial act upon the cross. This title is applied to Him 27 times in Revelation. In the presence of "the Lamb," there will be no need of sun nor moon, any more than here we need to light candles at noon-day, for "the Lamb is the light thereof." CHAPTER TWENTY-TWO Contents: The New Paradise and its river of the water of life. The last ex- hortation of Christ to be ready for His second coming. Characters: God, Christ, Holy Spirit, John, angel, David. Conclusion: The Paradise lost by the first Adam shall be restored by the Sec- ond Adam, and in this Paradise there shall be multitudes saved through the Lamb, to behold its beauties and to taste its pleasures forever. Let all men labor to understand the prophecies of these things shortly com- ing to pass that they might be prepared to meet the Lord Jesus, having embraced His salvation, yea, and earnestly longing and praying for the hour of His appearance. "Even so, come, Lord Jesus." Key Word: Imminent return, vv. 7, 12, 20. Strong Verses: 3, 4, 5, 7, 12, 14, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21. Striking Facts: The Bible closes with emphasis on the fidelity of the Scrip- tures (v. 6) on salvation by grace the free gift of the Lord Jesus (v. 17) - and on the doctrine of the pre-millennial return of Christ (vv. 7, 12, 20). The great "peace prayer" of the Bible, and the last prayer of the Bible, is "Come, Lord Jesus," and Jesus' last recorded words are, "Surely, I come quickly. Amen." This is the thought He would leave with us. May God open the eyes of every reader to the "blessed hope, the glorious ap- pearing of the Great God and our Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ." Tit. 2:13. Page Ninety-Six SUMMARY Genesis begins with creation. Revelation ends with the New Creation. In Genesis we have the first Sabbath. Revelation closes with the holy rest in the new creation. Genesis gives us the first Adam, head of the old humanity. Revelation leaves us with the second Adam, head of the new humanity. Genesis gives us Eve, the wife of the first Adam, sinning, condemned and sorrowing. Revelation leaves us with the second Eve, the Bride of Christ, exalted, holy and glorious. In Genesis we have exclusion from the tree of life. Revelation leaves us with access to it and authority over it. In Genesis we have an earth cursed. In Revelation we have the earth fully delivered from the curse. Genesis gives us Satan tempting and bruising. In Revelation we leave him bruised and in the lake of fire forever. In Genesis we have the first sob and tear. In Revelation all tears and sighing are forever gone. RETURN TO the circulation desk of any University of California Library or to the NORTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY Bldg. 400, Richmond Field Station University of California Richmond, CA 94804-4698 ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS 2-month loans may be renewed by calling (415)642-6233 1-year loans may be recharged by bringing books to NRLF Renewals and recharges may be made 4 days prior to due date DUE AS STAMPED BELOW JUN 1 8 1988 YC 15793 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY