UNn/ERSITYo/* CALIFORNIA All BEQUEST OF $] I/SAMUELBENEDICTCHRISTY PROFESSOR OF MINING AND METALLURGY 1885-1914 MODERN METHODS OF PRODUCING COAL Chasmar-Winchell New York anJ Pittsburgh M O D E B^ N METHODS OF PRODUCING COAL CATALOGUE C =t, t * I Code word I A.DER- C O 2. c Vf A X VFA CTU B^ED ULLIV O NT N N 4 + J Copyrighted 1902 by the SULLIVAN MACHINERY COMPANY Sullivan M a c h i n e r y C o m p a n y Works Claremont, N. H. Chicago, 111. General Offices 135 Adams Street, Chicago, 111., U. S. A. Branch Offices New York City, 71 Broadway Pittsburg, Pa., 339 Fifth Avenue Denver, Colo., 431 Seventeenth Street Spokane, Wash., S 101 Howard Street El Paso, Texas, 306 St. Louis Street Cable Address, " DIAMOND CHICAGO " Codes used Ai, ABC, Fraser fcf Chalmers, Liebers, Commercial Directory, Western Union A list of code words pertaining to coal mines is given on.pages 67 to 69. The Sullivan Machinery Company also manufactures Diamond Core Drills for the economical and rapid prospecting of coal and mineral lands Air .Compressors Channeling Machines for quarrying dimension stone Rock Drills for the excavation of rock Corliss Engines Winding Engines for hoisting and hauling Fans for ventilating mines Automatic Cross-over Dumps Special catalogues are issued illustrating and describing each of the above classes of machinery, copies of which may be obtained upon request. Several interesting- tables regarding the bittftninous coal production of the United States are given on pages 73 to 76. Table of Content Page Introductory .... .11 Machines Used in and about Coal Mines 13 Pick Machines ... .21 Shearing Machines . . 35 Electric Chain Machines . 43 Long Wall Machines . 61 Air Compressors . . .81 Air Receivers ... 107 Diamond Prospecting Core Drills . in Rock Drills 125 Automatic Dumps . . 135 Ventilating Fans . 141 Winding Engines . 147 Index . 152 An index is given on page 152 INTRODUCTORY N presenting this illustrated catalogue descriptive of the Sullivan Coal Mining Machines, it is de- sired to show some of the fundamental features upon which superiority is claimed. In a book of this character it is impossible to go into every detail, but if it arouses interest in the machinery it serves its purpose. As the efficiency of nearly every machine is dependent upon local conditions, it is suggested that prospective pur- chasers permit examination of the properties, that the company may be in position to state definitely just what may be expected from the machines, aside from the fact that a personal interview is always preferable to corre- spondence. In the Sullivan and Bullock machinery only the best materials obtainable are used, and modern methods govern their manufacture. No expense has been spared to make all products as simple, durable and efficient as possible; all parts being made to jigs and templates, are perfectly interchangeable. As will be noticed, the line of coal mining machinery is considerably larger than that of any other manufacturer. The policy of the company is strictly one of advancement. Improvements are constantly being made and new machines developed as conditions change. The closest scrutiny is courted of the entire line of manufacture, and correspondence bearing on this subject will receive prompt and courteous attention. SULLIVAN MACHINERY COMPANY June i, 1902 Official mining- scales showing the differentials between pick and machine mining- are given on pages 71 and 72. Sullivan M a c h i n e s Used in and about Coal M i n e s A Few Facts Briefly Stated OME few years ago, after a careful exam- ination and study of the conditions governing" coal mines, the com- pany became convinced that the coal of the future would be generally mined by mechanical methods, not only on account of the saving in the cost of pro- duction, but for several other reasons enumerated later. Then began the designing and manufacturing of a machine which would successfully and economically meet the requirements. At that time there were several coal cutting machines on the market, but for one reason or another they had met with only partial success. In devel- oping the Sullivan Coal Cutting 'Machine, the aim was not to produce a machine the utility of which would be more or less limited and which could only be used under favorable conditions, but one which would work successfully in any place accessible to a pick miner. With between thirty and forty years of experience in the successful manufacture of rock working machinery where the conditions were far more severe than in coal mines, the well-known and tested principles of these machines were brought to bear in designing the coal cutting machinery. This was the beginning of the Sullivan Pick Machine, and its immediate acceptance alike by the operator and miner was most gratifying. It was only about five years ago that this new and untried machine was placed on the market, and to-day it stands alone at the head of its class, with a reputation more ex- tensive, and with greater sales to its credit, than machines which have been before the public for nearly a score of years. The endeavor has been to make the line of manu- facture so complete that, no matter how unusual or irregular the conditions, a machine could be procurable specially adapted to the requirements. The company appreciates that the Electric Chain Machine possesses some advantages over the Pick Machine, though its use is more limited, and has therefore designed a radical departure from the existing machines, which is here presented for the first time. The idea in manufacturing both types of these machines was, primarily, to be placed in a neutral position, in order to candidly advise a prospective purchaser which is pref- erable and the better suited to existing conditions. The statements made by manufacturers producing only one type of machinery are naturally biased and more or less preju- diced, while the Sullivan Machinery Company, manufac- turer of both types, is enabled to give an un- biased and unprejudiced opinion which should be entitled to the most care- ful consideration. Gener- ally, upon learning of the contemplated introduction - ^W ~ -*3^ of coal cutting machinery, an expert is sent to make a complete examination of the property. Practically con- fined to the making of such examinations, a great fund of 14 experience is at hand from which to draw conclusions, and hence this expert opinion is of value and should be a reliable guide to purchasers; but should extraordinary conditions be encountered, where machine mining of any sort would be considered impracticable, it will unhesi- tatingly be so stated. Managers of pick or hand mines should bear in mind that coal cutting machines offer several more points of advantage than merely a reduction in the cost of the coal on the mine car. In pick mines nearly every employee is a skilled workman requiring several years of experience before being able to perform good work. The use of machines reduces the proportion of this skilled labor and at the same time increases the productive capacity per capita. This means that, for a given tonnage, fewer miners are necessary, resulting in less dissension between employer and employee, a smaller investment for houses, etcetera; in fact, the saving in the number and the cost of house.s alone will usually pay for a coal cutting machine plant. Further, in machine worked mines the work is more concentrated, resulting in less area to support, drain and ventilate. The SULLIVAN PICK MACHINE OR PUNCHER has even surpassed all expectations as regards sales, efficiency, durability, and ease of operation. The company is the pioneer in the introduction of compressed air cushions into this class of machinery, thus permitting a harder blow and accomplishing greater work with less jar and less fatigue to the runner. To one company alone has been sold over 450 machines, to several others more than 100 each, and to many others from 10 to 25 machines each. Unless this machine actually possessed exceptional merit it could not continue to receive 15 Automatic Cross-over Dump the patronage of the larg- est producers of coal in this country ; in several cases the thirtieth repeat order for Sullivan Pick Machines has been re- ceived. The SULLIVAN SHEARING MACHINE 'has also made a great name for itself, having proven especially valuable where the coal shoots freely from the solid or where the shearing of headings is an important factor. It is simply a pick machine with the valve motion adjusted to strike more rapidly, and is mounted on a truck so arranged that the machine never leaves the mine track, the cutting mechanism being moved in a vertical plane, at the same time fed for- ward by means of a chain. The SULLIVAN ELECTRIC CHAIN MACHINE is practi- cally a long wall machine adapted to the room and pillar system. It has long been recognized by students of this type of machine that the older makes consume too much time in being moved across the face of the room, and in the conse- quent necessary setting and re-setting of the jacks; in fact, over fifty per cent, of the time is lost in this way; these machines also require that a great area of top be sustained, making it both hazardous to men and machine to work under the usual roof conditions. In the Sullivan these serious drawbacks have been eliminated, as the machine propels itself across the face, there being no pause in the cutting until the room is finished, and in addition it requires that less than one-half the usual space be maintained between the face of the coal and the props. This machine also pos- sesses other points of unique merit which are discussed later in detail. JB The SULLIVAN LONG WALL MACHINE is a new departure designed to meet the growing demand for such a machine. Until recently long wall mining has been little followed in this country, but under especial require- ments a number of mines have lately been opened on this system, and hence _ a machine has been built to meet these new conditions. Herein will be found described the WILSON AND MITCHELL AUTO- MATIC Cross-ovER DUMPS for the rapid and economical dumping of mine cars. These devices have been on the market for a long time and are used in nearly every coal producing district in this country, hence are too well and favor- ably known to require any further comment. The SULLIVAN DIAMOND DRILL for prospect- ing coal and mineral lands, and the SULLIVAN ROCK DRILL for mechanically drilling holes through faults or for blasting up bottom and blasting down roof in coal mines, are also discussed briefly in this catalogue, though a special catalogue of these machines may be obtained upon request. In the standard straight line SULLIVAN AIR COM- PRESSOR the air is compressed in two stages, thus better distributing the strain upon the machine than if the entire compreSvSion was done in a single cylinder. Between the two air cylinders an intercooler is placed, by means of which the air during the process of compression is kept at a low temperature, with a consequent economy in the consumption of steam energy. The intake valves in the low pressure air cylinders are opened mechan- ically, and being of large area insure the cylinder filling quickly with cool air. Diamond Drill Ail- Compressor About February i, 1901, the company acquired the en- tire plant and business of the M. C. Bullock Manufacturing Company, of Chicago, Illinois, who enjoyed an . enviable reputation as manufacturers of the Bullock Diamond Drills, Champion Mine Ventilators, and Hoisting and Hauling Engines. A special catalogue is issued descriptive of these machines, which may be obtained upon request. Hoistms Engine Champion Ventilator 18 COAL CUTTING MACHINES DRIVEN BY COM PRESSED AlfL 20 The Sullivan Pick Machine For the Mining of Coal HE principle of the striking machine or puncher is an old one. It is sim- ply a reciprocating engine mounted on wheels and set upon a platform, elevated at the rear end to counteract the recoil of the machine when striking the coal. The runner sits on the platform and clogs the wheels with either foot, at the same time directing the blows. of the machine to the proper place. This is the ideal type of coal cutting machine, as it will work successfully in any place accessible to a pick miner, and works equally well either on breast or rib, in cutting around props, or in dis- lodging such sulphur bands or balls as may occur in the mining. By substituting higher wheels for the low mining wheels, vertical cuts or shearings may be advantageously made, thus constituting it an all-round machine. If many shearings are to be made, the Sullivan Shearing Machine, described on page 35, and which has been especially con- structed for this purpose, is highly recommended. The Sullivan Pick Machine placed on the market some five years ago, while broadly following the old ideas, departed in nearly every detail from the then existing pick machines, so that practically a new principle in coal cutting was originated. This company was first to recognize the advantages of using compressed air expansively, thus securing greater economy. By adjusting the index lever on the rear cylinder head, the air may be carried at will from one-half to five- sixths of the stroke and then cut off and the balance of the stroke continued by the expansion of the air. This feature, besides the economy of power, permits of the operation of the machine on a very wide range of pressure, as it works equally well under high or low pressure and at the same time strikes a hard and effective blow. Until the introduction of the Sullivan, all other pick machines protected the cylinder heads from the blow of the piston by means of leather or rubber buffers, which, being imperfectly elastic, only partially served the purpose, and the machine itself had to stand a large portion of the shock. By reason of this fact, the force of the blow was of necessity limited, or else damage was sure to result to the machine, and in addition, the cost of replacing the buffers became a serious item of ex- pense. At the start, only logical prin< of cutting coal w! this type of machij was adopted, viz., a slow but hard blow, making eacH^ilow count. The hard blow, without damage to the machine, was made possible only through the introduction of air cushions. The first Sullivan possessed this unique feature, and the way in which it has been copied by competitors proves that it was and is of especial value. We have observed, in fast-running pick machines, where above 190 strokes per minute are delivered, that a large proportion of the blows are struck at random, causing pockets in the rear end of the cut, greatly punishing the mnner in throwing him around the board, and retarding the smooth running of the machine, besides which each misdirected blow is a waste of physical and mechanical energy. The Sullivan, having a slow recovery Rear view showing index levers for adjust- ing speed and stroke of machine ' and a quick forward stroke, allows a pause between each blow, during" which the machine may be directed to strike exactly where desired, and the blow being- of great force, results in the maximum work being accomplished. The governing- is done upon the back or return stroke, which is so arranged that the machine delivers the same number of blows whether away from or against the coal. In the first machine, the governor was adjusted to reduce the speed of the machine whenever the coal was missed. This was first thought to be an economical arrangement, but it was quickly ascertained that a varying speed seriously affects the running balance of the machine. The valve motion in the Sullivan is positive, being so constructed that a wide range in the speed may be obtained by moving a pointer on the back of the valve chest. A runner starting a new machine regulates the number of blows by means of this pointer until it suits his individual taste, after which no further adjustment is necessary until another man takes his place. In the Sullivan, the number of blows is absolutely independent of their force, and it is just as easy to secure easy blows as those more rapid or of greater force. As previously mentioned, the Sullivan Pick Machine contains a valve motion actuated by the piston, which in the event of the pick sticking causes the cylinder to become the reciprocating part, which results in so-called "racing" and is somewhat criticised by inexperienced hands. Instead of this feature being detrimental to the machine or its operator, it is one of the factors that have made the Sullivan so eminently successful, as one or two strokes of the machine is all that is necessary to free the pick, no matter how tightly wedged into the coal, while with the others it is often necessary to loosen the machine with a hand pick. Further, the positive movement is taken advantage of by skilled cutters, as it saves a great many of the heavy lifts with the other machines, and after a miner once becomes accustomed to the Sullivan he is unwilling to use any other pick machine. Pick machines having independent valve motions are subject 25 I 3 I to heavy recoils or kicking- in the event of the pick becoming stuck, however slightly, in the coal. Under these conditions, the valve motion continues at a uniform rate of speed, admitting air into the cylinder for the forward stroke before the return stroke has been completed, thus resulting in a weak blow accompanied by a heavy recoil. Rebabbitting The Sullivan machine is made so that it may Mandrel exhaust on either or both sides at pleasure, thus permitting the slack shoveler or scraper to work either right or left handed without being annoyed by the vapor from the exhaust. The machine contains no front bushing in the trunk or sleeve to guide the piston and to keep it from turning, but instead the trunk itself is babbitted and when worn out may be rebabbitted at a trifling expense. The number of moving parts in this machine is few, and they are made so as to present large wearing surfaces, provision being made for taking up all wear, thus reducing to a mini- mum the cost of repairs. All joints are scraped or ground so that no gaskets of any kind are required to make them tight. A table is given on page yy showing the compressed air requirements of from one to forty Sullivan Pick Machines. 27 28 List of Paris of Sullivan Pick Machine as shown in Sectional View on opposite page X100 Piston (bare) X101 Piston ring (4) X102 Piston ring spring (2) X103 Set screw for X104 X104 Rifle nut X105 Rifle bar with gear X106 Seat for XI 09 X107 Spring pointer for X108 X108 Stem for adjusting X106 XI 09 Reverse valve X110 Valve plate Xlll Cover over X110 X112 Handle (2) X113 Spiral spring for X115 XI 14 Regulating valve X115 Index lever for X114 X116 Head (bare) for X127 XI 17 Packing leather (large) for X123 X118 Ring for X117 X119 Cap screw 5 1 / in. long (2) X120 Binding screw for X118 and X122 (2) X121 Ring for X122 X122 Packing leather (small) for X123 X123 Valve (piston) X124 Buffer for X123 X125 Cap screw 3^ in. long (2) X126 Valve (flat) X127 Steam chest (bare) XI 28 Cap screw 3^ in. long (2) X129 Plug in top of X132 X130 Check valve with nut X131 Spiral spring for X130 X132 Holder for X130 X133 Packing leather for X130 X134 Plug for oil hole XI 35 Pick X136 Chuck X137 Head (front) for X142 (bare) X138 Bolt (4) for X137 and Xlll X139 Bushing in X137 X140 Packing leather for X100 X141 Collar for X140 X142 Cylinder (bare) X143 Wheel (2) X144 Trunnion (2) for X143 X145 Washer with pin (2) for X144 X146 Clevis bolt (2) for X112 X147 Drift key for backing out pick The numbers of parts here shown are for identification only. When ordering repair parts, the number stamped or cast on part should be given and the class number and letter of the machine should also accompany order. 29 List Sullivan Pick M a c h i n e s Class Bore of Depth of Cylinder Undercut inches feet Weight pounds Code Word with Regular Equipment Number Letter 1 TT 4^ 5/2 800 Halidion 2 TT 4/2 5/2 700 Halidito 3 TS 4^ 4/ 2 500 Halidome 4 TU 5/8 5/2 725 Halidux 5 TU 5/8 5/2 825 Haligado 6 T U 5/ 8 6 850 Hali gam The following equipment is furnished with each machine : Long Handle Shovel One throttle One drift key for backing out pick One monkey wrench One hand oil can One hand hammer One foot clog One long handle scraper's shovel Throttle Foot Clog In addition each plant is furnished with a complete set of solid wrenches. List Standard Mining W heels Diameter Code Word inches for Pair n^ Halibutt 13 . . . . . . . Halicaba 15 . . . . . Halical 17 . . . . . . . Halicare List Standard Shearing W^heels Diameter Code Word inches for Pair 29 . . . . . . . Haliban 34 ....... Halibio 40 ..... Haliborc Sullivan Air Hose The SULLIVAN AIR HOSE is thoroughly reliable, and unless specially ordered is furnished in 5o-foot lengths ; for the sake of greater flexibility no wire or marline winding is used, though hose with either of these windings is supplied when desired. Code word . . . Haligig SULLIVAN PICKS are made of a high grade of domestic steel which has been found to give the best results in maintaining the cutting edge, and as they are drop forged in hardened dies, perfect uniformity results and the shank always accurately fits the chuck or extension. A dozen or more picks are usually required for each machine. Code word Haligush Truck for Pick Machine To move pick machines from place to place within a mine a light truck is necessary, which is furnished at extra cost upon request. In ordering-, give gauge of track. Code word Halimato 33 T'he Sullivan Shearing Machine For S h e a r i n of Coal T has been ascer- tained that in many mines where the coal shoots freely from the solid, a vertical cut or shearing in the center or near the rib is pro- ductive of as .much coarse coal as if the room or heading had been undercut. Under such conditions the Sullivan Shearing Machine is a decided success, as it will produce nearly double the tonnage of any undercutting machine. It is in effect a Sullivan Pick Machine adjusted to strike more rapidly, and is mounted on a truck conforming to the gauge of the mine track and so arranged that the cutting tool may be moved in a vertical plane. The machine is provided with two sets of wheels, one set fitted on a long base, to be used during the process of cutting, thus securing stability to the machine, the second set on a short base, so that in moving the machine sharp curves may readily be turned. Changes from one set of wheels to the other may be quickly made, the movement of two eccentrics being all that is necessary. To hold the machine in place when working, the first section of track, which is always carried with the machine and upon which it works, is fastened by means of a jack into the roof. Parallel to the rail and fastened to it at both ends is a chain which engages in a sprocket operated from above by a crank handle, and by this means the machine is kept up against the work. The runner stands on the plat- form of the machine and with the crank handle in his right 35 3" hand moves the cutting tool upward or downward, and with another crank handle in his left hand feeds the machine for- ward as the cut advances. As will be noticed, the Sullivan Shearing" Machine ab- sorbs within itself all the recoil' and shock of the blow, and hence the runner is not punished nearly as much as with the pick machine mounted on shearing wheels. Cutting records of from seven to eight shearings seven feet deep, in coal six and one-half to seven feet in height, have been made in a shift. The machine is simple in construction and possesses all the valuable features of the pick machine, and there are no weak parts to cause trouble and expense. It is made to conform to the regular gauge of the mine track, and will produce cuts from five to eight feet in depth. The same equipment is furnished as with the Sullivan Pick Machine. In ordering, or requesting information, please give the height of the coal and the gauge of mine track. List Sullivan Shearing Machines Depth of Cut feet Code Word Halimcder Halimcna Halimessi Halimintu Halimisli Halimisco Halimizen Sullivan Shearing Machine, rear view 39 HAULAGE has too frequently been made the govern- ing issue in the selection of a power plant for coal cutting and haulage. Traction haulage is usually a satisfactory investment if the hauls are long and grades favorable, but it rarely shows the economies made possible by the use of coal cutting machines. Many cases may be cited where electric plants have been installed because electric traction haulage was desirable, when the conditions were adverse to electric chain machine mining and entirely favorable to compressed air pick machines. In almost every instance machine mining is more important than mechanical haulage. A number of large operators combine the two kinds of power, using electricity for hauling and compressed air for mining the coal. A familiar scene about a coal mine 40 COAL CUTTING M AC H I N ES D FLI YEN BY ELECTRICITY The Sullivan Electric Chain Machine For the Mining of Coal LL persons who have made a thorough investigation of coal cutting ma- chinery have ascer- '" tained that electric chain machines pos- sess greater cutting efficiency than pick machines under especially favorable conditions, but on account of the length and heavy construction of the older makes of chain machines the number of districts in which they could be used to advantage was found to be few, hence a great majority of the machine worked mines of this country have been equipped with pick machines, owing to their all-round character and general applicability. The older makes of chain machines are from ten to twelve feet in length, dependent upon the depth of the undercut, thus requiring a great area of roof to be kept up, which, in general, cannot be sustained without serious danger both to machines and operators. The loaders in following these machines have logically objected to the distance over which they have had to handle the debris or dirt from the coal, or the draw slate from the roof which frequently comes down with the coal as it is blasted. As the loaders constitute a majority of the workmen in machine mines, their contentment is of vital importance, and experi- ence has proven that during shortages of labor the chain machine mine managers find difficulty in securing enough loaders, while the pick machine mines are abundantly supplied. 43 44 It has been noticed that in the old styles of chain machines only a small portion of the working time is actually consumed in cutting-, the balance of the time being consumed in withdrawing the machine from the cut, netting and re-setting the jacks by which the machine is held in place, barring the machine across the face into its next position, etcetera. These conditions not only waste valuable time but contribute other adverse features as well, for unless great care is exercised the cuts will be put in at different heights, thus making an uneven floor and leaving bottom coal to be lifted; besides, frequently a rib is left between the "cuts," making the coal as difficult to excavate as if it had not been undermined. These machines being fixed rigidly in place, are unable to follow any irregularities in the bottom of the coal, and the rear jack piercing the roof at regular intervals is often a cause of serious accidents by bringing down the roof. When starting to develop the Sullivan Electric Chain Machine it was evident that while it could not be expected to attain the all-round characteristics of the Sullivan Pick Machine, still it was believed that many of the serious draw- backs of the older chain machines could be remedied, and thus broaden the field for this particular class of machine. After the expenditure of a great deal of time and money in experimenting and in trying the machine under all sorts of conditions, it may be safely announced to the coal mining craft that the Sullivan Electric Chain Machine is certainly worthy of serious consideration, as it possesses many features of merit, exceptional and unique. The machine itself makes the first or "tight" cut in practically the same manner as other chain machines, except that the feeding is done by means of a chain instead of a rack and pinion. After the first cut is finished the back end of the frame or pan is detached, the feed chain is anchored in the opposite corner of the room, and the machine then is started at cutting sideways across the room, not stopping until the breast is completely undermined. There being no pause in the cutting after the machine has once started across the breast, it is manifest that the machine has greater 45 .C u O o o - efficiency than any other room and pillar machine. As the rear end of the frame or pan is detached, the machine will work in about one-half the space required by the other chain machines be- tween the face and the props, thus it can be used success- fully in many cases where the roof is in such condition that the long machines cannot be used with safety. Dispensing with the telescopic frame of the other chain machines makes the Sullivan lighter, and as it is loaded upon and unloaded from the truck by power, moves itself into place and across the face without the use of crow-bars, it is much easier on the men than any other machine of like principle. Cutting sidew r ays continuously across the face of the room or heading, no "ribs" can possibly be left in the mining, hence the coal is always in a satisfactory condition for blasting. It has been ascertained that the machine will closely follow r the line or plane of the feed chain; thus by elevating or depressing the feed chain all irregularities in the bottom may be avoided and quite steep grades climbed. The machine cutting practically on the bottom leaves no bottom coal for the loaders to lift, and, avoiding the irregu- larities in the floor, reduces the strain upon the machine, at the same time lessening the liability of loading dirty coal, all of which are usually incident to the long chain machines operating in an irregular seam. From the loader's standpoint the Sullivan Electric Chain Machine is a great improvement over the older makes of chain machines, as the floor is left smooth, the debris has only to be thrown back a short distance and there is no bottom coal to be lifted. For this machine an entirely new cutter chain has been designed, in which the cutters are set opposite, in pairs, the core or center being broken out by rakers. This arrange- ment not only results in coarser coal from the cut, but also a 47 s p, "3 S O! O greater economy in the consumption of power than if the bits or cutters were put in alternately or staggered. Further- more, fewer cutters or bits are used, and as the adjustment of one set-screw fastens two bits, the operation of changing bits is of small moment. In order to obviate breakage of the cutter chain when sulphur or other hard substances are encountered, a friction clutch is employed which slips when an unusual strain is brought upon the cutter chain. This does away with the safety washers of the old chain machines, which are usually ordered by the barrel. The electric motor used is a four-pole shunt wound machine of consequent polar type with vertical armature. In the design of this motor special attention has been given to the proper lubrication of the bearings. The armature is of the "iron-clad" type, the coils being "form wound," grouped and embedded in the slots of the armature core. This construction enables the use of ample insulation of the best quality and insures freedom from the aggravating burn- outs so common with the motors of the older makes of chain machines. The commutator is of liberal dimensions, and carbon brushes are employed; the frame is of such shape that falling material cannot enter the motor, while access to the commutator and brushes, as well as ventilation, is afforded by large openings in the sides which are provided with removable perforated covers. A convenient controller is provided, by means of which the motor may be started gradually and operated continuously at various speeds, and the reverse lever is so arranged that it can be operated only when the armature is at a standstill. The motors are built for 220, 250 and 500 volts direct current and the machine made to undercut 5, 6 or 6^ feet. In ordering, give heig-ht of coal, depth of undercut desired, voltage of current and gauge of mine track. 49 ! fl SI *> c a =i OS cS *" r^-( ; " The following equipment is furnished with each Sulli- van Electric Chain Machine : 1 standard truck for machine 1 reel containing 300 feet duplex waterproof cable 1 tool box with padlock and two keys 1 crank for motor 1 crank for reel 1 hand hammer 1 flat file 1 round nose chisel 1 screw driver 1 hand oil can 1 12-inch monkey wrench 1 set solid wrenches 24 cutter bits 4 guide bits 8 raker bits 3 extra inside chain links 3 extra blank chain links 3 extra outside chain links 2 extra raker chain links 4 extra inside clamp bolts 4 extra outside clamp bolts 9 extra chain pins 1 pair cutter bit tongs 1 punch for driving pins 1 swivel hook 6 contact buttons 4 cable hooks 5 wire nipples 5 feet fuse wire 8 carbon brushes 1 hand tool box 6 change gears 1 set gauges for setting bits 1 front anchor 1 back pan anchor 2 back anchors 1 take-up rig 1 slack hoe 1 scraper 2 crowbars 1 jack 1 skid. 1 lot waste List Sullivan Electric Chain Machines Voltage of Motor Depth of Undercut feet Code Word 220 5 Halobato 250 -. '5 Halobessi 500 .. . "_: . 5 Halobix 220 .. 6 Halobode 250 . 6 Halocarte 50O . -~ . . 6 Halocesa 220' ';.- . ; .' . 6^ . Halocious 250 6% Halocipp 500 . 6^ . Halocomo 53 54 55 iS 5 o ,,_, G . i 3-0 3.H |,o *.2*S 3 IS SI CM 09 J5 O 59 The Sullivan Long H^all Machine For the Mining of Coal HE long wall system of mining is particu- larly well adapted to coal cutting machin- ery, as the machine may travel continu- ously along the face of the coal and is rarely moved to another portion of the mine ; this great- ly increases the cut- ting efficiency, as the time may be utilized in the performance of work which would otherwise be con- sumed in moving the machine from place to place in a room and pillar mine. The long wall system has reached its zenith in Great Britain and in Continental Europe, being, so it is said, more generally followed than the room and pillar system; long wall mining has, however, been little followed in this country, no doubt for especial reasons, but recently a number of new mines have been opened on this system. To satisfy the growing demand for a long wall mining machine, the Electric Chain Machine illustrated and described in the preceding pages has been modified to successfully meet the new conditions. The machine itself differs slightly from the Electric Chain Machine, the principal difference being that the cutter bar is placed at right angles to the main portion of the machine, and is so arranged that it may be swung in line with the machine when it is desired to load the latter onto a truck in order to move it to some other portion of the mine. The swinging movement of the cutter bar may, if desired, also be taken advantage of during the process of changing bits. As will be noticed from the illustrations, the machine slides along the floor of the mine on a sheet steel shoe, and requires no heavy and cumbersome rails, used with the other makes of long wall machines; it will work in little space both as regards height and distance between face and props. The advance or feed of the machine is effected by a driving sprocket engaging with a chain securely fastened some dis- tance ahead of the machine, and stretched parallel to the face of the coal. As the machine advances, the slack in the chain is taken up by the back chain ; in other words, the chain is in one continuous piece, and as the machine advances, the slack is fed out at the rear end, by means of which the machine is always kept up to its work and at the proper angle to the face of the coal. Should it be necessary to alter the angle of the machine with the face of the coal, the tension on the chain may be changed by the ratchet at the back end of the chain and the machine made to assume any desired angle with the face. This machine is driven by electricity, and, with the exception of changes mentioned, otherwise conforms to the Electric Chain Machine. The motors are wound for 220, 250 and 500 volts direct current and the machines are built to undercut up to five feet deep. In ordering, give height of coal, depth of undercut desired, voltage of current and gauge of mine track. 63 6 4 List Sullivan Long ll^all Machines Voltage of Motor Depth of Undercut feet Code Word 220 3 Halofag 250 . 3 . Halofette 500 3 . Halofird 220 3% Halo form 250 3^ - . Halofngel 500 .. z% Halogada 220 4 . Halogaff 250 4 Halogamos 5OO 4 . Halogecon 220 4^ Halogego 250 . . 4^ - . Hologida 500 4% Ha logo ss 220 5 . Haloguter 250 . 5 Halojade 500 5 . Halojepta 65 66 Code Words Pertaining to Coal Mines Coal 1 6 inches in height . Coal 1 8 inches in height . Coal 20 inches in height . Coal 22 inches in height . Coal 2 feet o inches in height . Coal 2 feet 3 inches in height . Coal 2 feet 6 inches in height . Coal 2 feet 9 inches in height . Coal 3 feet o inches in height . Coal 3 feet 3 inches in height . Coal 3 feet 6 inches in height . Coal 3 feet 9 inches in height . Coal 4 feet o inches in height . Coal 4 feet 6 inches in height . Coal 5 feet o inches in height . Coal 5 feet 6 inches in height . Coal 6 feet o inches in height . Coal 7 feet o inches in height . Coal 8 feet o inches in height . Coal 9 feet o inches in heigHt . Coal 10 feet o inches in height . Coal 1 1 feet o inches in height . Coal 12 feet o inches in height . Gauge of track 18 inches . Gauge of track 19 inches . Gauge of track 20 inches . Gauge of track 2 1 inches . Gauge of track 22 inches . Gauge of track 23 inches . Gauge of track 24 inches . Code Word Halojion Halojote Halojuno Halokapo Halokegan Halokicht Halokoger Halokori Halokuero Halolatch Haloleda Haloleif Halo logic Halo In bi Halomalo Halomaras Halomesm Halometer Halomizen Halomoki Halomug Haloogan Haloop Ha loot ax Haloozero Halopan Halopeggi Halopit Haloporcn Halopubcr Gauge of track 26 inches . Gauge of track 28 inches . Gauge of track 30 inches . Gauge of track 32 inches . Gauge of track 34 inches . Gauge of track 36 inches . Gauge of track 38 inches . Gauge of track 40 inches . Gauge of track 42 inches . Gauge of track 44 inches . Gauge of track 46 inches . Gauge of track 48 inches . Mining done in coal . Mining done in clay beneath coal Mining done in Vein level ..... Pitch of vein i degree Pitch of vein 2 degrees Pitch of vein 3 degrees Pitch of vein 4 degrees Pitch of vein 5 degrees Pitch of vein 6 degrees Pitch of vein 7 degrees Pitch of vein 8 degrees Pitch of vein 9 degrees Pitch of vein 10 degrees . Pitch of vein 1 2 degrees Pitch of vein 15 degrees Pitch in favor of load Pitch against load Pitch irregular .... Plant to produce 100 tons per day Code Word Haloquail Haloquern Haloquox Halorapo Halorefer Halorious Halorfio Halorgan HalorJiein Halorian Halorilla Halorjah Halorodox Haloruato Halosach Halosein Halosell Halosetro Halosisco Halosolio Halosugio Halotage Halotedar Halotesen Halothar Halotilla Halotjam Halotmo Halotness Halotoro Halotpare Halotque 68 Plant to produce 150 tons per day Plant to produce 200 tons per day Plant to produce 250 tons per day Plant to produce 300 tons per day Plant to produce 350 tons per day Plant to produce 400 tons per day Plant to produce 500 tons per day Plant to produce 600 tons per day Plant to produce 800 tons per day Plant to produce 1000 tons per day Plant to produce 1500 tons per day Plant to produce 2000 tons per day Plant to produce 2500 tons per day Plant to produce 3000 tons per day Single shift Double shift Mine run coal . Coal over i^-inch screen . Coal over i^-inch screen . Code Word Halo sane Halouser Halorat Haloramog Halorester Haloricat Halorotro Halowaca Halowaggo Haloivasi Haloiveen Halowelor Halowjord Halowoba . Halowousa Halozaka Halozeil Haloziera Halozolo 69 Relative Cost of Machine and Hand or Pick Mining For the purpose of showing the saving in machine mining over pick or hand mining, the following pages contain the official mining scales of the chief coal-producing States of this country. In West Virginia, with few excep- tions, and in most of the Southern States, the wage settle- ment with the miners is based on bulk measurement instead of weight, and as the contents of the mine cars vary with nearly every mine, it is impossible to tabulate the different mining scales in these States. Where no scale is shown it is customary to allow one-eighth of the pick rate for cutting and scraping with the chain machine, and one-fifth for the pick machine, sixty per cent, of which goes to the cutter and forty per cent, to the scraper, the loader following either of these machines being allowed one-half of the pick rate, with an additional allowance of about three cents per ton if the holes for blast- ing are drilled by hand. 70 ^J 5? 1 -V Vj ^ ^ ^ S *> 4 < Q G C 0) D 0) OJ ffS 1*5}OX 03 -XIIBDOI pap pap t ' t*noj, Suip^oq ao J UOISIAIQ IAIQ S" -aq s3uiuj jo UOISIAIQ pap -las japBoj pus |. pap -jas aapeo[ puB puij Surnno I -aqsiiuiujBa JO UOISIAIQ -aq sSuiuj JO UOISIAIQ IBOQ uoj, spunoj b : : ) : : !.Wi g i i | j ;. !! ii -j,_ c 1 *s gq If . R. R. south of Springfiek intinn Inner wall - : ; ; 3 3 *,** i- rrt ^3 >- ; *-' 0> "d : c 3 c : "5 g ,0 S3 SiJ-S +->-4->-*->4--->-* J 4J-4-> -rrrj'Tj'inmcocott .000000000000000000000 4> o> CM as t- -*COOOOOOSCO^-CDOOt-Oi>OSODtOCMCO i IQi CM os co os o * CM * * "^ to CD O 00 , '. to OS CM t^* ^* tO^OOC-^OtOT-ioOCOQOCOO^O tO-rHCO ; .T-tOCiO^ t> JH ^^fcoTHioco^'^ 1 co-r-iTH co-^co ' 'Cic5 os"co" o cj TH j> TH as- t-OSCQGOi-lOOO THOOt^OSOOTH^ic-700 .'TH O ' o to as co CD -* oo co CD ^ as to TH o CD .00 t-i 00 to O O O CO 00 OS O to O3 i> CO C5 CO -HH -^ coo to oo r- t- OS TH t- I> TH CO 00 O O CD 00 co" to'co^as" i> TH oo o co to . .CO"* . j> > to TH as t- CQ ft CDTHt-OS.COOS . .CO1O. OOtO Tt< THOOC^IOS CO'cTco'TH CO" -O^TH" 0505 THWCcT to" TH TH T^ TH CM 00 -^ 1O COO to TH i TH CO J> ! CM 1 '.'..'.'. CO 00 '. . '. '. CM C5 co" to' oi oo" ' ' CM" CM" ' as CM" :2 : :::: d :;:::: :.5 : . . . .-r 1 o-s ..2 . . - a ii. i i 2 . 73 o to ic -^ c TJH i> ^ ^ "* t- CD o o 10 cc IO GO O5 OS "* C^ IO O ** TH C- CO TH O CO TjH i-( OOlOO^i>THCSOlOOTHOO5i> o oscocooscD t- TH JO CO - CO CO ^ CO CO OS 1-1 ^ T-I CO CO CD J> CO CQ J> O 1> W TH CO T-I T-( TH O i-i 00 GO -r-i os o j> -^ CO O J> TH OS O GO CO T-' o oo co CO i-l -r-l IO C CQ ao o o 10 o t>io cocc ^ C5 GO *-( t- W TH 1C O t- O5 TH a co o o TH 1OC J> 00 tO Oi O TH ^ CO IO IO TH CQ TH - CO O5 OO COOOOS-rH as rj< ^^ CO CD o -^ t- 03-*-* OS O5 CD CO IO O CO CO 00 *~) i T-H CO* 5 s g^S||S5|--gS"S| : :S8 s b H CO ^ TH ' ' 1 CO ^ Z -s ^ *"* ^^^-Y3 CO 10 CO WOO .t-n^cftt-^WOSlO 00 000 w | CO 93 TH! Oi O ^ I^O^ p S * 1 ~^ TH 93 ^ o s 5 fa o 1 CO TH T i . . 93 CO 1 5 03 53 i COx^-H/it-COCOlO . . . '-H/I93 THO5-HH . I-H -COIOOS THCOOOOlO^ .... ?0 O tO 93CO CO TH .... 93 Tfi | * ** s -OiHt- -OS ^93 00"^ 93 "H^ "H^ . T-H i^ CO 05 * 93 i i ( "I r> * . . ; * . . . - ^ ^ . ^ ....... Q -g "S * * * ' fl"^ (H ^ K^ H Q r\. 8 : rt o : : : jj^j g J i ' Q ^ ^ : : oi "So-^ c 1 3 X.V ^rf^rrf^r^rH *^O^J VA TJ f-' ^J ^"^ J>- Cfl *^ C *^ "pj O 5 1 iiilll | if ml if 1 1 1 isili & EH 75 s.s * ^ <0 W a * C5 00 ^t 1C O OS ^ US T-I 00 O TH JO D > TH ^ C4 CO CO O O5 O ^ O CO y-> CO O O? O TH ^JH O5 Tf O O GO TH CO CO TH CO TH OS iO TH CO TH O 00 O Tf 1O O J> Q -f CO O 00 t~ -*f CO ?O O5 Q TH CO TH TH i-i T-I O * CO (M OS 05 TK 0? ; CO O O ^- O5 i-i S 00 Si 00 05 O-rtOiTH ITHIMTHTH THTHTHTH TH J>O5 X X X OtOiOOO-r-ti-HOOO OOO OO OC^ tOOOO 8SJOH o O oo -**CO oo O*t~ C3 CQ oo O5D O O 03 GO aanssajj qSi Avoq Detailed Description of the Sullivan Straight Line Air Compressor This Type Designated as Class WE THE frame is a heavy box-shaped casting, strongly ribbed and provided with a solid bottom under the steam end for collecting oil and drippings from the steam cylinder, crosshead, guides and steam valve gear ; the bottom contains an opening for draining. The top of the frame is made level with the center line of the piston rods, which prevents the bending strains when the centers of the piston rods are above the top of the frame. The steam cylinder is made of Frame Steam Cylinder Sectional View of Steam Cylinder sand mold and bored to a true circle ; all ports and passages for live and exhaust steam are of ample size to give a minimum frictional resistance. The steam distribution is regulated by a Meyer adjustable valve gear, having a wide range of action, the adjustment being easily and quickly made by a hand wheel, even when the machine is in motion. The cylinder drain cocks are of a special pattern and can be opened or closed like an ordinary globe valve, but which will automatically open under an excess of pressure due to water in the cylinder. Air Cylinders Intercooler Sectional View of Air Cylinders and Intercooler The air cylinders are made of hard, close-grained iron, cast in a dry sand mold, the water jacket being formed by a separate lining forced into the main cylinder. Cylinders cast in one piece, with the water jacket space "cored" out, usually contain shrinkage strains, which are avoided by inserting the separate lining to form the jacket space. Openings are provided for draining the jackets and for washing them out. The intercooler is a casting mounted upon the two air cylinders and is provided with a suitable number of copper tubes through which the cooling water circulates. The tube ends are made tight by suitable packing, held in place by brass ferules. The ferules are not screwed in, but are forced against the packing by means of brass binder plates held in place by the outside head. Instead of the air passing once through the intercooler, as is the usual practice, it is com- pelled, by means of suitable baffling plates, to traverse it three times before arriving at the high pressure cylinder. 86 .Through this arrangement the air is brought into more intimate contact with the cooling surfaces, and is given a longer time in which to reduce its temperature. The jacket water first passes through the low pressure cylinder, and thence traverses three times the intercooler tubes, and leaves the machine at the top of the intercooler shell. By this system of circulation, all danger is avoided of the accumu- lation of air in the water spaces. As nearly all the heat due to compression is absorbed in the intercooler, the rise in temperature of the circulating water in passing through the cylinder jackets before its arrival at the intercooler is insignificant. The inlet valves on the low pressure air cylinder are mechanically operated by means of a suitably formed cam, rigidly attached to the crank pin, and giving to cast steel yokes, to which the outer ends of the valve spindles are joined, an intermittent reciprocating motion. The action of this mechanism is to apply spring pressure to open the valve immediately at the beginning of the stroke, and to close the valve immediately at the end of the stroke, while in the intervening time between opening and closing, the valves remain stationary. All parts of this mechanism are made as light as possible consistent with proper strength, to re- duce the effect of mo- mentum and to mini- mize wear on the cam and roll; the yokes are easily removable by loosening two nuts on the yoke-rods and quick Air Valve Gear Inlet Valves on Low Pressure Air Cylinder access to the valves is thus obtained. The inlet valves on the low pressure air cylin- der are made of the best selected forged steel, with the stems drilled out tore duce weight, the cages for guiding the valves being made in halves and of a hard composition. The valves and seats are accurately fitted and ground together, the seat being made of a ring of hard composition. The inner ends of the valves are made in such a form that the shock produced by sudden closing is widely distributed through the metal at the junction of the head and the stem. In poppet valves, as commonly con- structed, breakage at this point is largely due to the heavy, solid stems, the momentum of which, at the instant of closing, produces strains which cause crystallization and eventually rupture occurs. To guard against the danger of the valve being drawn into the cylinder in the event of breakage, guard plates are often placed on the inner side of the cylinder head. This arrangement necessitates large pockets for the valves to work in, and these pockets add greatly to the clearance. By the peculiar construction of the valves in the Sullivan compressor, the guard plates and their accompanying evil of large clearance spaces are entirely done away with. The passages through the cages of the inlet valve are free from obstruction wings and ribs, giving a very free opening through which the incoming air may enter the cylinder. The high pressure inlet Low Pressure Air Cylinder, showing Valve Motion Inlet Valve on High Pressure Air Cylinder Cage for Inlet Valve on High Pressure Air Cylinder air valves are similar in form and construction to the low pressure inlet air valves, but instead of ob- taining their movement-mechani- cally, are opened and closed by the pressure of the air. The discharge valves are made of the best selected steel, of cup- shaped form, and are internally guided on an extension of the valve plug with the springs inside, thus being fully protected from dirt. In valves which are guided externally, the oil and dirt forms a hard crust on the outside and causes difficulty in removing the valve. Air is drawn into the machine through a conduit con- nected with a box leading from a suitable point outside the building and passing beneath the engine room floor. This conduit, which is supplied with the compressor, is provided at its upper end with a rectangular flange which bolts to the low pressure cylinder. There are no inaccessible air passages through the foundation, with wooden pieces difficult to fit to the irregular shape of the cylinder and heads and liable from their location to permit dirt and warm air to be drawn in through carelessly fitted joints. Air and steam pistons are accurately fitted to the bore of the cylinder, and provided with spring-ring packing and secured to the rod by means of taper fits and lock nuts, the piston rods being made of the best forty-carbon hammered steel. The crosshead is an open hearth steel casting of ample size and strength to insure against breakage. It has a swivel pin connection to the piston rods, and is provided with a prac- tical and satisfactory " take-up " for the wear on this pin. It is impos- sible for the crosshead to get out of order, as there is no complication Air Discharge 89 Valve Inlet Valves on High Pressure Air Cylinders Air Discharge Valves Air Conduit Air and Steam Pistons Crosshead Fly- wheels Steam Valve Gear Crank Pins and Shaft Crank Shaft Bearings of split pins, wedges or other devices to stick and thus defeat the object of swiveling and cause unequal strains on the connecting rods. The surfaces of the crosshead in contact with the guides are provided with brass shoes. I: Crosshead Two fly-wKeels are used, one on each side, of the machine, the rims being turned smooth and round. The slide valves in the steam cylinder are balanced and are operated by two eccentrics on the crank shaft between the main bearings, the main and cut-off eccentrics and adjust- able link boxes being made alike. The rocker arms to which the valve rods are connected are made of open hearth steel castings, the lower ends of which are bushed with hard brass liners. Crank pins and shaft are made of the best forged steel procurable. The crank shaft bearings are best bronze castings, recessed for babbitt and are made in three pieces. The side pieces or cheeks are adjustable for wear, taken up by means of a wedge moved by a nut on the top of the main bearing cap. The side pieces may be removed without disturbing the fly-wheels or shaft; the bottom pieces may be re- moved by raising the shaft and fly- wheels about one-half inch from their normal position. This arrangeme permits of quick and easy accesf| examination of the main bearii in case of overheating. The governor is of the centrift gal ball throttling type, with an extra 90 Combined Speed and Pressure Regulator cylinder which places the governor valve tinder the influence of the air receiver pressure. Ordinarily, the governor varies the speed of the compressor to suit the demand for air, the centrifugal balls preventing the compressor from exceeding a safe speed. The governor belt is run from a pulley to the outer end of the crank pin. When this pulley is located on the shaft between the fly-wheels, the belt becomes covered with oil from the main bearings, which, besides causing it to slip on the pulley, soon ruins the belt. On one side of the machine and within convenient reach of the throttle is placed a lever operating, through suitable connections, a pawl on one of the fly-wheels, for turning the machine by hand. The lever may be removed from its socket after the compressor has started, and the pawl auto- matically clears itself from the wheel. All of the cylinders are provided with suitable sight-feed lubricators; the crank pins are fitted with pendulum oilers with stationary cups. All important bearings are fitted with sight-feed oil cups. With each compressor, in addition to a blue print show- ing foundation required, the following fittings are furnished: One combined speed and pressure regulator. One yoke-throttle valve with flange connection. One complete set of foundation bolts, nuts and washers. One complete set solid wrenches. One complete set of piston and valve rod packing. One complete set of lubricators for steam and air cylinders. One complete set of cylinder drain cocks. Sight-feed oil cups for all bearings. Combined Speed and Pressure Regulator Hand Starting Device Lubricators and Oilers Fittings Sullivan Straight Line Air Compressor This Type Designated as C I a s s W A THE Sullivan Straight Line Air Compressor, Class WA, with simple steam and air cylinders, has been de- signed to meet the conditions where low cost is considered more important than efficiency and economy of operation. This compressor is identical with the Class W B Compressor previously described in this catalogue, except that the frame is shorter and the high pressure air cylinder and intercooler are dispensed with, the air being compressed up to its final pressure in a single cylinder. * 5 ja P.IOAY saqout s^og s 1 t- 2 i "8 8 1 -8 1 oocooooo ^ X X X X X X ^ c? C OiOlOOO-^i-iOOO ^ C 1 I II ^HT-H-^H (r-lT-i-r-ii-HT-iGOOOCSO5OOOOi I " 94 Data Required for Air Compressors WHEN writing for prices or other information per- taining to air compressors, the following data should be furnished: 1. Volume of free air per minute required. 2. Working air pressure. 3. Number, size and kind of machines to be operated by the compressed air. 4. If for pumping, give make, size and speed of pump, and height to which water must be delivered. 5. Altitude, if over 1,000 feet above sea level. 6. If for steam-actuated compressor, give working steam pressure. 7. If for belt or gear driven compressor, give power available, diameter of driving pulley or gear, etcetera. 8. Any design of compressor preferred. The more full the information regarding the special conditions under which the compressor is to be operated, the more closely can be determined the type of machine which will best meet the requirements of the case. 95 Other 7 y p e s and D e s i g n s of Compressors Manufactured IN addition to the Straight Line Steam Driven Air Com- pressor, the company constructs machines of this type driven by belt or gears, using whatever power may be available, electricity, gas or water power. Also a full line of Duplex Air Compressors having all possible variations in design are made, viz. : Simple steam with simple air cylinders. Simple steam with cross-compound air cylinders. Cross-compound steam with simple air cylinders. Cross-compound steam with cross-compound air cylin- ders. The steam cylinders are fitted with Meyer adjustable cut-off, balanced, or Corliss valve gear as desired, to be run condensing or non-condensing in case of compounding. The special Air Compressor Catalogue fully illustrates and describes these different designs, and a copy will be furnished upon request. 96 Efficiency of Air Compressors From H i s c o x ' s ''Compressed Air" "AS the density of the atmosphere decreases with the /-\ altitude, a compressor located at a high altitude takes in less air at each revolution; that is to say, the air is taken in at a lower pressure ; hence the early part of each stroke is occupied in compressing the air from the lower density up to the normal sea level pressure of 14.7 pounds, and the volumetric capacity of the air cylinder is correspondingly diminished. The power required to drive the same compressor is also less than at sea level, but the decrease in power required is not in as great a ratio as the reduction in capacity. Therefore, compressors to be used at high altitudes should have the steam and air cylinders properly proportioned to meet the varying conditions at different altitudes. The compressor friction and leakage losses are a constant quantity. "It is apparent that the more dense the air when drawn into the compressor cylinder, the sooner the desired pressure is reached in terms of the cylinder stroke, and, on the contrary, the lighter or less dense the air is at the intake, the smaller will be the volume at the de- sired pressure, or, the pressure is reached at a later point in the stroke. ' ' The air temperature at high levels is on the average lower than at sea level throughout the year, which slightly increases the density due to the height alone; so that the volumetric efficiency may be somewhat higher than is due to barometric pressure alone. "The decreased power required by a compressor due to elevation varies from 60 to 56 per cent, of the loss of capacity." 97 Efficiency of Compressors at Different Altitudes From H i s c o x ' s ''Compressed Air' Barometric Pressure Volumetric Altitude in Feet Efficiency of Com- pressor Loss of Capacity Per Cent. Decreased Power Per Cent. Inches Pounds per Mercury Square Inch Per Cent. 30.00 14.75 100 0. 1,000 28.88 14.20 97 3 1.8 2,000 27.80 13.67 93 7 3.5 3,000 26.76 13.16 90 10 5.2 4,000 25.76 12.67 87 13 6.9 5,000 24.79 12.20 84 16 8.5 6,000 23.86 11.73 81 19 10.1 7,000 22.97 11.30 78 22 11.6 8,000 22.11 10.87 76 24 13.1 9,000 21.29 10.46 73 27 14.6 10,000 20.49 10.07 70 30 16.1 11,000 19.72 9.70 68 32 17.6 12,000 18.98 9.34 65 35 19.1 13,000 18.27 8.98 63 37 20.6 14,000 17.59 8.65 60 40 22.1 15,000 16.93 8.32 58 42 23.5 Horse Power Required to Compress 100 Cubic Feet of Free Air to Various Pressures Saving, Two Stage over Gauge Pressures Single Stage Two Stages Single Stage Compression Horse Power Per Cent. 40 10.25 45 11.10 50 11.87 55 12.60 60 13.30 11.71 1.59 11.95 65 13.97 12.29 1.68 12.03 70 14.61 12.83 1.78 12.18 75 15.22 13.33 1.89 12.42 80 15.81 13.80 2.01 12.71 85 16.38 14.24 2.14 13.06 90 16.93 14.64 2.29 13.53 95 17.46 15.00 2.46 14.09 100 17.99 15.34 2.65 14.73 Table showing Cubic Feet of Free Air Required to Run from One to Forty Machines AMOUNT FREE AIR PER MINUTE ROCK DRILLS Pick Coal Machines No. of Machines UA US UB UC UD UE UF 3% in. UH UK 4^ in. 5j/ 8 in. 2 in. 2% in. 2^ in. . 3 in. 3^8 in. 3^ in. 4% in. 1 65 67 70 95 110 112 115 130 140 110 130 2 110 115 120 160 190 194 200 235 250 200 240 3 156 165 174 234 279 284 294 340 360 290 340 A 196 206 220 304 356 361 372 435 460 370 430 5 230 240 260 370 425 433 445 520 555 450 520 6 264 275 294 426 486 498 516 600 642 530 610 n 4 294 305 329 476 546 560 581 670 721 610 700 8 320 335 360 520 600 618 640 740 800 690 790 9 360 375 405 585 675 695 720 830 900 770 880 10 400 425 450 650 750 770 800 920 1000 850 970 12 480 500 540 780 900 925 960 1100 1200 1010 1150 15 20 25 30 40 .... 675 975 1300 1625 1950 2600 1125 1500 1875 2250 3000 1155 1545 1930 2320 3100 1200 1600 2000 2400 3200 1380 1850 2300 2770 3700 1500 2000 2500 3000 4000 1250 1650 2000 2400 3200 1420 1870 2300 2800 3700 99 Transmission of Compressed Air In order to determine the proper size of pipes to carry a certain flow of compressed air, there will be found in the following" pages four tables showing the loss due to friction in pipes one hundred feet in length, with different diameters of pipes and volumes of air, the initial pressure being 60, 75, 90 and 100 pounds gauge pressure respectively. To ascertain what the terminal loss in pressure would amount to in a given case, turn to the table corresponding to the initial pressure, and determine what the loss would be in a pipe one hundred feet long; then nmltiply the loss in pressure found in the table, by the length of the pipe in units of one hundred feet, and the result will be the terminal loss in pressure. For example, suppose it is desired to find the loss in pressure due to friction in a 4-inch pipe 1200 feet long, carrying 1000 cubic feet free air compressed to an initial gauge pressure of 75 pounds per square inch. By referring to the table on page 103 the loss in 100 feet of pipe is .36 pounds; multiplying this factor by 12 gives a loss of 4.32 pounds for the entire length of the pipe, or a terminal gauge reading of 70.68 pounds. To cause the air to flow through pipes there must be some reduction in the pressure at the discharging point, but how greatly to restrict this loss in pressure is a question of business economy, as almost any amount of mechanical efficiency may be obtained, but possibly with an extravagant expenditure for pipe. It is therefore necessary to under- stand the local conditions as to cost of fuel, labor, etcetera, on one hand, and the cost of pipe on the other hand, before a definite opinion can be given on this subject. Loss of pressure should not be confounded with a loss of power, as there is nearly a corresponding increase in volume with a reduction in the pressure, and hence the loss in energy is much smaller than the tables seem to indicate. Richards, in "Compressed Air," on this subject has the following to say: 100 "With pipes of proper size, and in good condition, air may be transmitted, say, ten miles, with a loss of pressure of less than i pound per mile. If the air were at 80 pounds gauge, or 95 pounds absolute, upon entering the pipe, and 70 pounds gauge, or 85 pounds absolute, at the other end, there would be a loss of a little more than 10 per cent, in absolute pressure, but at the same time there would be an increase of volume of n per cent, to compensate for the loss of pressure, and the loss of available power would be less than 3 per cent. With higher pressures still more favorable results could be shown." 101 1 -S S -8 fl Q PH S *-* iT "*a o +j X a> "*^S 3 3s ca o> ** sf & s * r 5 i ! CUBIC FEET FREE AIR DELIVERED PER MINUTE | Oi O CO 1-1 1 8 * 1 " 8 - ^ | S S 1 88 $ 3 8 1 S 53 ^ S 1 S 3 8 S 1 sO iO 1O Oi O CO TH O O 1 CD ^ OO C^l TH Tp -rH T-I ^ 55 t-i o o OJ T-I 1 i> 10 oo eo T-I o o 1 8! 8 8 8. ~. 8. 8 1 9 IS 9 $s 8 5 1 O5 O5 O 53 T-H O O ^ 1 f>* CD O" lO QO Tt< oo c* o eo (M o o OJ TH 1 8 8 .9 as S 8 8 1 ^ p 8 S S S 1 OT ' | S S ^ S S 1 oc r^ eo S o o 1 03 S S 8 _* 8 i- 88 S3 55 fe 1 o S S! S QJ 1 OJ 1- GO 00 1 S 3 S : 1 22 S 55 o 03 1 t- eo T-I o J ^ 8 C5 i i CC t *O os 50 QO ra 1-1 z> eo 1-1 TH o oi I 1 S 2S S S2 S S : 1 8 ^ S 8 . : : 1 S S S : : : : c 1 52 2? , 2 1 S g J2 fe : : : : | 88 S ^ : : : : : : : 1 1 QO Tt* iO QO ^ s s as i ( 8 13 H 1 oo S 5. 8 52 8 8 Q BJ 1 cS fe S S g S 8 5 K S a 52 fe 8 a ^ 00 CO * I-H K c* H 1 S S ^ 8 3 : W w S i 53 ^ o o : fe ,-i o o? co S fe S : : o 1 fe S 8 8 j : : ^ J3 g : : : : : _; .... I 8 S a 8 : : : : . : s " o : : : : j g S ^ S 8 : : : : : oo $2 8 : : : : : 8 S co o S : : : : : Tf l-i .... S 8 2 :::::::: 9d Jd ^^^^Slcocf-.^.o^^ cc o ej 105 s 07 O }> 1C IO CO O TH -rH OJ CO O TH TH GO Cl Oi CO ?> O CO O O TH TH (M ^ 1C O CO I 1 T 1 00 COWOQOTHOf^O THWCO^J>01>CO TH TH C5 t- 5O J^- iO cocociwr-oooio t-iCJCOr^COO^iOOS TH TH (M CO <& OCOTHTHTtiGO fe TH TH tH EH -* 1O O t^* co Oi r~* ~^ ^> 10 GO 10 ^^ ^^ Or-(W^t-OCOI>OOWO O O TH TH C5 O5 CO CO u M ^ CD ' > ^ OTHC^IOOCO-^^COTH H TH rH C5 CO -* CO J H 1OOOCOO-^IO 1OO THCQ^OG005CO0505COCC505COi-t C5 CO CO CO CO CO CO CO *^ O CO CO rH 05 T- 1 05 05 CO ^ OOGOO O05 10 00 O 1C 1-H l-H rH T-t 05 l-l TH o|-in. rope; with "P," 150 feet of ^-in. rope; with "PK" and "K," 155 feet of IX-in. rope 1 drive chuck 1 safety clamp 2 sheaves for hoisting rods, with straps and hooks 1 lifting bail with clevis 1 bail and bolt for sheave 1 lifting swivel or hoisting plug, with coupling 1 water swivel with coupling and elbow 1 pressure gauge for feed cyl- inder 1 tool chest with lock and key 1 complete set of diamond-setting tools, consisting of: 1 3# -in. jaw vise, with swiveled base 1 breast drill with 5 bits from yi to X in. diam. 1 set of 12 setting chisels and punches 1 light hammer for diamond setting 1 pair each, 6-in. dividers, inside and outside calipers 1 head for holding bits while setting 1 machinist's hammer 1 screw-driver 1 draw bolt for gears 1 copper strainer and union 1 6-in. adjustable level 2 pairs pipe tongs 1 14-inch pipe wrench 2 12-inch monkey wrenches 1 complete set of solid wrenches for engine, chuck, etc. 1 hand oiler 1 1-gallon oil can 1 engine oil cup with valve 2 recovering taps Rubber and hemp packing and waste All pipe and fittings necessary to connect drill, pump and boiler 116 Equipment Tables for Sullivan Diamond Drills The following- equipment is furnished with sizes "E" and " S. " This same equipment is also furnished with "R" and "RS" drills, with additions as per note below: 2 blank bits ready to set 200 feet of drill rods with coup- lings (39 5-ft. , 5 1-ft.) 1 5-ft. core barrel 1 core shell, and 2 core lifters 17 feet of 1 in 4- ply steam hose 17 feet of |^-in. 2-ply water hose 1 water swivel with coupling 1 lifting swivel with coupling 1 drive chuck 1 safety clamp 1 extra set of feed gears 1 extra friction spring 1 pressure gauge 1 tool chest with lock and key 1 complete set of diamond set- ting tools, consisting of: 1 3^-in. jaw vise with swiv- eled base 1 breast drill, with 5 bits from ^ to X i n - diameter 1 set of 12 setting chisels and punches 1 light hammer for diamond setting 1 pair each, 6-in. dividers, in- side and outside calipers 1 head for holding bits 1 machinist's hammer 1 6-in. adjustable level 1 pair pipe tongs 2 14-in. pipe wrenches 2 10-in. monkey wrenches 1 complete set of solid wrenches for engine, etc. 1 13-in. sheave wheel with strap and hook 1 hand oiler 1 half-gallon oil can 1 engine oil cup 2 recovering taps Rubber and hemp packing, and waste Valves and fittings ready to con- nect to supply of steam or com- pressed air Note. The equipment furnished with the diamond prospecting drills " R," "R S " and " RH " includes also motor, carbon brushes, switch, and extra fuses, but does not include speed controllers, steam hose, or swivel connection. With the U R" drill a pump, attached to the drill frame, is included in the equipment. The following' equipment is furnished with the (hand power) drill: M" 2 blanks bits ready to set 1 set of 12 chisels and punches for diamond setting 1 head for holding bits while setting 1 00 feet of drill rods with couplings (9 10-ft., 1 5-ft , 320-in.) 1 lever hand pump 1 10-foot core barrel 1 20-in. core barrel 1 core shell and 2 lifters 12 feet of 1-in. 4-ply suction hose with connection and strainer 10 feet of >^-in. 2-ply water hose 1 water swivel 1 lifting swivel 1 coupling, drive spindle to rods 1 safety clamp 1 complete set of feed gears (3 pairs) 1 tool box with lock and key 2 pairs pipe tongs 1 14-in. pipe wrench 1 10-in. monkey wrench 1 complete set of solid wrenches 1 hand oil can 1 half-gallon oil can 2 hand cranks 1 13-in. sheave wheel with strap and hook Bullock Diamond Prospecting Core Drill. Twin hydraulic cylinder feed US Bullock Diamond Prospecting Core Drill. Screw feed Horse Power Connection Bullock Diamond Prospecting Core Drill. Hand, horse or belt power, screw feed 120 1 0> T3 O O Brahman Brawl Baddish Beauteou. Chamade Detective a ,,-> d d ci '3 P 1O "^ T _ ! O tt) * g* B t^ E X X X X CO rvj -^ co to ' (H (U X 3 O-C ^ W^J. ^\ ^ ^ flj rt O , Soil eoto : w iw Hs is HS O ^ i i J3 ^ Jg 53 O-4-" &oo Q ffi^ 1 ^ 10 T 1 i | % Q & & ^ & S c S ed o c ffi o PQ o ^ > ^ .2 >-. DH 3 | i) ,^1 PQ (J Detector fl S a3 o 1 " .5 ^ o bo C _rt O cS % -d rt G 2 * S fl ^ os fe os ,D 121 Equipment Tables f r Bullock Diamond Drills The following" equipment " Champion " and " Detector 2 blank bits, ready to set 205 feet of drill rods with couplings (20 10-ft., 1 5-ft.) 1 20-in. core barrel (only neces- sary with the "Beauty" drill) 1 10-ft. core barrel 1 core shell and 2 core lifters 20 feet 4-ply water hose, with con- nection to connect drill and pump 1 wire rope (wound on hoist- ing drum) with hook. With ' ' Champion " and ' Beauty, " 75 feet of ^-in. rope; with "Detector," 100 feet )^-in. rope 1 safety clamp 1 sheave for hoisting rods, with strap and hook 1 lifting bail with clevis 1 bail and bolt for sheave 1 lifting swivel or hoisting plug, with coupling 1 water swivel, with coupling and elbow 1 tool chest with lock and key 1 pound No. 18 copper wire 1 machinist's hammer is furnished with the "Beauty," " drills: 1 complete set of diamond-setting tools, consisting of : 1 3X-in. jaw vise, with swiveled base 1 breast drill, with 5 bits from ^-in. to X~i n - diameter 1 set of 12 setting chisels and punches 1 light hammer for diamond set- ting 1 pair each, 6-inch dividers, in- side and outside calipers 1 head for holding bits while setting 1 6-in. adjustable level 2 pairs pipe tongs, adjustable 1 to 2 inches 1 14-in. pipe wrench 2 12-in. monkey wrenches 1 complete set of solid wrenches for engine, chuck, etc. 1 hand oiler 1 1 -gallon oil can 1 engine oil cup, with valve 2 recovering taps Rubber and hemp packing ; waste All pipe and fittings necessary to connect drill pump and boiler The following" equipment is furnished with the "Badger" drill : 2 blank bits ready to set 200 feet of drill rods, with coup- lings (39 5-ft., 5 1-ft.) 1 20-in. core barrel 1 5-ft. core barrel 1 core shell and 2 core lifters 20 feet of >^-in. 3-ply water hose I water swivel, with coupling 1 lifting swivel, with coupling I safety clamp 1 extra set of feed gears 1 tool chest, with lock and key 1 complete set of diamond-set- ting tools, consisting of : 1 3X~ m - J aw vise, with swiv- eled base 1 breast drill, with 5 bits from >6-m. to X'i n - diameter. 1 set of 12 setting chisels and punches 1 light hammer for diamond setting 1 pair each, 6-in. dividers, inside and outside calipers 1 head for holding bits 1 machinist's hammer 1 6-in. adjustable level 1 pair pipe tongs 2 14-in. pipe wrenches 2 10-in. monkey wrenches 1 complete set of solid wrenches for engine, etc. 1 13-in. sheave wheel, with strap and hook 1 hand oiler 1 half -gallon oil can 1 engine oil cup 2 recovering taps Rubber and hemp packing and waste Valves and fittings ready to con- nect to supply of steam or com- pressed air 122 Prospecting by Contract with the Diamond Drill ATTENTION is called to the fact that the company contracts for diamond prospecting core drilling of all kinds and in any part of the country. Making a specialty of this line of work for years, a wide and varied experience has been gained. The policy of keeping the drill men constantly employed, and with a number of outfits reserved for this purpose, enables prompt execution of con- tract drilling of any kind and in any locality. Correspondence on this subject is solicited, and estimates of cost will gladly be furnished upon receipt of information as to the conditions of the work. 123 The Sullivan Rock Drill. Rock drill mounted on double screw column at work in coal mine taking down roof 124 The Sullivan Rock Drill For Excavatin Rock PERCUSSIVE rock drill is a very valu- able and useful ad- junct in and about coal mines, as it may be used successfully and economically in shaft sinking, in driving slopes or drifts through solid rock, in taking down roof or in lifting bottom to obtain increased height, and in driving through "faults" or "horsebacks"; in fact, a Sullivan Rock Drill will save much time and expense over any other means of driving throtigh rock. In general, about coal mines very little atten- tion has been paid to the cost of rock excavation, and this in many cases is one of the serious leaks in expense. The Sullivan Rock Drill is a reciprocating or striking machine driven by compressed air or steam, and is the result of years of careful study and experimenting. In its design, special attention has been given to the strengthening of parts found to cause continuous trouble in other makes, and also to the reduction of the number of working parts, the object being to exceed the drilling capacity of any other machine, and at the same time greatly reduce the cost for repairs. For rapid work, special attention has been given to the design of the valve motion, to secure a hard, quick blow, which can be regulated as to length of stroke and force of blow to give the best results in starting the hole and working through seams in broken rock. The valves are designed for either steam or air, and when air is used will not freeze up or stick. The valves 125 The Sullivan Rock Drill mounted on adjustable tripod 126 are balanced, making the wear but slight and allowing the whole power of the steam or air to be utilized for effective work instead of wasted in overcoming friction. Another important requirement in a rock drill valve motion has been provided for in the Sullivan, viz., that the drill should have a powerful up stroke or lift. This is fully as important as a heavy down stroke or blow, and comes into play in the proper " mudding " of the drill-hole (keep- ing the mud well out from below the bit) and securing rapid work in caving or seamy ground, which tends to stick the drill steel. There are several drills on the market that are good in hard ground but inefficient in soft, or vice versa; but it is claimed for the Sullivan that it will give the best results obtainable in either that it is an all-round machine. To secure economy, the drill is so constructed as to do rapid work with the least possible consumption of steam or air, and simplicity and strength united with speed make the cost of work low. Cost of repairs will be found slight, as the drill is strong and durable. The working parts are simple, and are made perfectly interchangeable, so that parts worn out or broken by accident may be easily and rapidly replaced. Further economy and convenience are secured by making the drills, tripods, columns and all attachments easy to adjust, compact, and as light as consistent with ample strength. The tripod may be set conveniently for all classes of work, and the weights quickly removed and easily handled. The improved features of the drill, tripod, etc., are all covered by patents. If interested in rock drills, send for the special catalogue on this subject. 127 i b B k Q X CO 00 ^^ M X o o X ~ ~ S8 X coo xx X 'rH 00 ~~ P Q P XX CQ o 23 ^^ X X O O CO 00 ^ xh t- 'C c 10 S s I o .fa WiO 10 10 00 Cq Cq *-s a 2 .s-o ^^-S^'PH^ w s ! Q o .s ta O " ^s O ^ bo ^ C ^ O -d 5 - fl _, 1) 5 9 S -S fc 130 Weights and Specifications of Drill Steels for Sullivan Rock Drills (Formed and Sharpened, but not Tempered) For Drill "UA" 2 Inches Feed 12 Inches Size of Shank, K in. x 3% in. Regular Size of Gauge Length Steel Name of Each ~. f Q , , Weight in will Cut Length Pounds Ifc 1% 1# 5* 1 ft. in. Starter % in. 8J 2 ft. in. 2d length % in. 5 3 ft. in. 3d length K in. 6 4 ft. in. 4th length % in. 7^ 5 ft. in. 5th length K in. 9 Code word, set Code word, set Code word, set co 3 ft . Betaalde to 4 ft Betaculi to 5 ft . . . Betaculus For Drill "US" 2# Inches Feed 15 Inches Size of Shank, % in. x 4 in. Regular Size of Length Steel Gauge will Cut Size of Steel Weight in Pounds l&in. IK in. 1J* in. l&in. l#in. 1 ft. 3 in. 2 ft. 6 in. 3 ft. 9 in. 5 ft. in. 6 ft. 3 in. lin. 1 in. % in. % in. Kin. 5 9 10 13 16 Code word, set Code word, set Code word, set to 3 ft 9 in Betagt to 5 ft in Betakelen to 6 ft. 3 in . . Bet alter For Drill U UB" 2^ Inches Feed 20 Inches Size of Shank, % in. x 4% in. Regular Size of Length Steel Gauge will Cut Size of Steel Weight in Pounds IK in. IK in. 1J* in. l^iin. IK in. 1 ft. 8 in. 3 ft. 4 in. 5 ft. in. 6 ft. 8 in. 8 ft. 4 in. lin. lin. % in. % in. % in. 7 11 13 17 21 Code word, set Code word, set Code word, set to 5 ft in . Beterschap to 6 ft. 8 in Biconge to 8 ft 4 in Biconvexo For Drill " UC " 2& Inches Feed 24 Inches Size of Shank, 1 in. x 4J^ in. Regular Size of Length Steel Gauge will Cut Size of Steel Weight in Pounds 2/8 in. 2 in. 1% in. IK in- IK in. 1# in. 2 ft. in. 4 ft. in. 6 ft. in. 8 ft. in. 10 ft. in. 12ft. Oin. \% in. l/s in. 1 in. 1 in. 1 in. 1 in. 10 18 20 25 30 35 Code word, set Code word, set Code word, set Code word, set to 6 ft in Bicorpor to 8 ft in Bicrural to 10 ft Oin Bicuculle to 12 ft. in Bicuda 131 Weights and Spec ifi cations of Drill Steels for Sullivan Rock Drills Continued For Drill " UD "3 Inches ) For Drill " UE " 3^ Inches > Feed 24 Inches For Drill "UP" 8# Inches j Size of Shank, 1% in. x 4% in. Regular Size of Gauge Length Steel will Cut Size of Steel Weight in Pounds 2Kin. 2H in. 2Kin. 2/8 in. 2 in. l%in. IK in. Wn. 2 ft. in. 4 ft. in. 6 ft. in. 8 ft. in. 10 ft. in. 12 ft. in. 14 ft. in. 16 ft. in. IK in: IK in. IK in. 154 in. l/s in. iy s in. 1/8 in. \% in. 11 19 23 31 39 47 55 63 Code word, set to 10 f Code word, set to 12 f Code word, set to 14 \ Code word, set to 16 f t. in Bidbank t o in . . Biddende t Oin Bidelle t in Bidelulf For Drill "UH" 3% Inches Feed 30 Inches Size of Shank, IK in. x 5K in. Regular Size of Gauge Length Steel will Cut Size of Steel Weight in Pounds 3 in. m in. 2% in. 2% in. 2K in. 2#in. 2% in. 2 l /s in. 2 ft. 6 in. 5 ft. in. 7 ft. 6 in. 10 ft. in. 12 ft. 6 in. 15 ft. in. 17 ft. 6 in. 20 ft. in. l&in . 1^ in l^in 1^ in 1% in IjJ in IK in IK in 18 32 37 48 59 70 81 92 Code word, set to 12 i Code word, set to 15 i Code word, set to 17 i Code word, set to 20 f t 6 in . . Bidplaats t in Bidstond t 6 in Biquejar t in Biqutnho For Drill "UK"- 4K Inches Feed 30 Inches Size of Shank, IK in- x 6 in. Regular Size of Gauge Length Steel will Cut Size of Steel Weight in Pounds 3^ in. 3Kin. 3% in. 3%; in. 3% in. 3 in. 2% in. 2^in. 25/ 8 in. 2K in. 2^ in. 2 ft. 6 in. 5 ft. in. 7 ft. 6 in. 10 ft. in. 12 ft. 6 in. 15 ft. in. 17 ft. 6 in. 20 ft. in. 22 ft. 6 in. 25 ft. in. 27 ft. 6 in. l^in. IfSin. 1*6 in. IK in. IK in. IK in. IK in. IK in. IK in. IK in. IK in- 27 47 66 74 90 107 123 140 156 174 190 Code word, set to 20 Code word, set to 22 Code word, set to 25 Code word, set to 27 i "t in . Birkens "t 6 in Birkwein "t in . Bialaba, 't 6 in Birlabais State whether + or X bits are wanted, and also give gauge or size hole required. NOTE. Regular gauge as above, with -f- bits, will be furnished unless otherwise directed. As the temper of steel should vary according to the hardness of the rock, the drills are sent out untempered, thus allowing the local blacksmith to temper them to suit the special conditions. 132 CROSS-OVER 134 The Mitchell and Wilson Automatic Cross-Over Dumps For Slope or Drift Mines N these days of large operations a great deal of attention has been given to the tipple, so that the coal may be dumped rapidly and economi- cally, at the same time permitting perfect screening with the least possible breakage of the coal. During past years a crude timber structure was usually erected at the mine opening, upon which an ordinary dump was placed. This dump was made so that the car had to be run upon it with considerable momentum, in order that the dump would tip at a sufficient angle to empty the car of its coal, and of course this resulted in the coal being thrown violently upon the chute or screen, thus breaking it and permitting of only imperfect screening. After the car had discharged its contents, the dump had to be pulled back to a horizontal position and the empty car backed off before the next loaded car could take its place on the dump. In order to reach a fair tonnage, five or six men were required upon the tipple to handle and re-handle the cars. It is now the customary practice to design a coal tipple so that every arrangement will be as convenient, economical and service- able as possible for the production of a large tonnage. The crude tipple of bygone days has therefore given way to sub- stantial wooden structures, and in many cases steel has been used for additional durability and safety. 3 < ?. o 2 To meet the conditions where greater tonnage and economies were desired, the Mitchell Automatic Cross-over Dump was designed and patented a number of years ago, its principal features being that the loaded car was run upon a tilting track section, was dumped, and, by reason of the differ- ence in weight between the loaded and empty car, the tilting track section resumed a horizontal position automatically after the car had discharged its load. The next loaded car was then run forward, and the wheels striking a projecting arm on the track, threw the horns that held the first car in place, and running into the first car forced it across the dumping section. The first car being free from its load, continued forward and up a steep incline, returning by means of a spring switch upon the track for empty cars, the entire movement of the cars being regulated by gravity through specially constructed grades, which movement is shown by the engraving on the opposite page. By means of a friction brake the tilting of the car is completely under the control of the dumper, hence the coal is spread evenly over the screen and perfect screening is obtained with the least possible breakage of the coal. Not having to back the empty car off the dump after being emptied permitted the Mitchell dump to vastly increase the tipple capacity of a mine with even fewer men than if the ordinary dump was in use. Actual runs of from 2,500 to 4,000 tons have been made over one of these automatic dumps in a shift. Later were secured the rights and patents of the Wilson Automatic Cross-over Dump, which, embodying the same general features as the Mitchell, differed in some of the mechanical details. In the Mitchell dump the rails directly in front of the tilting section are spread as the car is being dumped, so that the coal in falling to the screen or chute below does not strike the rails; in the Wilson the front rails are dropped out of the way; otherwise these two dumps are practically identical. For narrow gauges of track, say thirty-six inches and less, the Mitchell is recommended, while for gauges of track in excess of thirty-six inches the Wilson dump is recommended. 137 Both of these dumps are strong- and simple in construc- tion, being- built to withstand particularly hard use, and in the event of becoming damaged the mine blacksmith can usually make the necessary repairs. But a small expense is necessary to arrange an old tipple for either of these dumps, simply requiring a new set of grades in approaching and leaving the dump and which any mine carpenter can construct, following blue prints furnished by the company. In the erection of a new tipple, the neces- sary grades may be built without any additional expense. As each dump has to be especially made to conform to the mine car, the following car specifications are required in order to give a proper estimate on the cost, etcetera: 1. Length of mine car over all. 2. Distance between centers of axles. 3. Diameter of wheels. 4. Gauge of track. 5. Weight of empty car and loaded car. 6. Distance from center of axle to front end of draw-bar. 138 VENTILATING F A N S WINDING E N G 1 N E S T h e Champion V e ntilator A Fan for Ventilating Coal Mines HERE is no ques- tion but that the tendency about most coal mines is to increase the pressure of the ventilating cur- rents and the vol- ume of air which enters the mine. In times gone by, little attention was given to the problem of mine ventilation ; in some cases no artificial means was provided, and in others a furnace was employed to move the air; but of course this was during the time of small operations. Along with the development of large mines with miles of air courses, the working of thin seams of coal, and particularly the operation of coal mines generating explosive or noxious gases, came a call for a fan of exceptional efficiency. The Champion Ventilator was designed to meet this growing demand, and, invented about thirty years ago, is the pioneer of all high pressure mine fans. Constant improvements since its first introduction have been made, fully keeping pace with the most advanced engineering practice. The first fans were built of wood, but owing to the danger of fire and for sake of greater durability they are now built completely of sheet steel, thoroughly braced and stiffened. As it is a well-known fact that it is important to be able to reverse the air current within a mine, successful mine fans should be quickly convertible from blower to ex- haust, or vice versa. This may be accomplished by two different devices. One consists of a reversible hood or inner casing which may be rotated around the axis by means of a 141 142 hand wheel, thus catising the fan to become a blower or exhauster as desired. The other reverses the current by the opening" or closing of doors located in the drift leading into the mine. The latter arrangement is generally pre- ferred, as it is more simple and represents less initial cost. The fan wheel consists of practically two fans joined together by a common center ring, the openings in the sides being of ample size to admit the air freely to the interior and the blades. These are constructed with such a curvature as to propel or lift outward the maximum amount of air with the minimum resistance, and consequent minimum expenditure of power. As the water gauge or pressure of air is depend- ent upon the periphery speed of the fan wheel, it has been made very strong and stiff, to permit of fast rotation. The shaft is of large diameter and hence practically free from vibration; it is extended to one side of the fan for connec- tion with the engine shaft if direct connected, or for attach- ing a pulley if belt driven. If interested in mine fans, send for the special catalogue on this subject. 143 Table of Improved Champion Ventilator Steel Casing and Fan W heel Fan Wheel Discharge at Given Outside Diam. Feet Width O vet- Vanes, Feet Number of Revolu- tions per Minute Speed at Tips of Vanes or Periphery Speed, Feet per Minute Speed at 2 Inches Water Gauge Pressure, Cubic Feet per Minute Actual Horse Power Engine Required Code Word 4 2 609 7,653 22,000 10.5 C ha sab or 6 3 406 7,653 49,000 23.5 Chasappa 8 4 305 7,664 88,000 42.0 Chasenon 10 5 244 7,662 137,000 65.5 Chaserio 12 6 203 7,653 197,000 94.0 Chasofic 14 7 174 7,653 269,000 128 Chasonat 16 8 153 7,689 350,000 167 Chasutos 144 Table of Horse Powers Theoretical and Actual Horse Power required to move a given quantity of air WATER GAUGE Cubic Feet of Air X 1 IK If* w 2 3 15,000 | 1 1 1 (i 1.7 2.5 2.3 3.5 2 ^ 4!i \ 3.5 5.2 4. 6. 1 5 4.7 7.1 5.9 8.9 7.0 11.0 J 1 5 2.3 3.1 3 < ) 4.7 5. 5 6.2 7. 8 9.5 /*0,000 2 5 3.3 4.6 5/ r 7.0 8. 3 9.4 11. 9 14.8 J 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 10.0 11.7 1 / 2 8 4.3 5.8 7.( 5 8.8 10. 1 12.1 15. 1 18.3 2 2 3.4 4.6 4.* i 7.0 8. 2 9.4 11. s 14.0 30,000 3.2 5.0 7.0 8.S i 10.4 13.0 14.2 17. 8 22.0 i 3 8 4.7 6.3 3 9.5 11. ) 12.6 15. 7 18.9 40,000 -j 4 7 6.7 9.0 11.5 14.0 16. G 19.5 23. 7 29.5 KA AAA ; 3 9 5.9 7.9 9.i 3 LI. 8 13. s 15.7 19 G 23.5 50,UUO 5 5 8.4 11.6 14.4 17.4 20. 9 23.8 29 7 36.7 on AAA ^ 4 7 7.1 9.5 ll.( 3 L4.2 16. G 18.8 23 6 28.3 ou,uou -j 6 7 10.1 14.0 16.4 20.8 25. 2 28.5 35 7 44.3 I 5 X 8.2 1 1.0 18.' 16.5 21. 2 22.0 27 r, 33.0 70,000 7.8 11.6 16.2 20.2 24.5 32. ) 33.0 41 51.5 6 8 9.4 1 2.6 15.' r L9.0 22. 25.0 31 5 38.0 80,000 9.0 13.4 18.5 23. ^ [ i 28.0 33. 37.9 47.7 59.5 6 6 9.9 1 3.3 16. J > i 20.0 23. 2 27.0 33 ;-, 40.0 85,000 9 4 14.2 19.6 3 , 29.4 35.2 40.8 50 s 62.5 7 1 10.3 1 4.2 17^ ( i 21.2 24. 5 28.0 35 5 42.5 90,000 10 1 15.2 2 0.5 25. ( ; 31.2 37. > 42.5 53 66.5 i 8 12.0 1 6.0 20. ( j 24.0 28. } 32.0 40 47.0 100,000 -) 11.4 17.2 2 3.5 29.5 35.3 42. 5 48.5 60 7 73.3 i 10 15.0 8 0.0 25. ( ) JO.O 35. ) 40.0 49 59.0 12o,000 < 14.3 21.4 2 9.4 36.8 44.1 53. i 60.7 74 2 92.0 150,000 -[ 12.0 17.1 18.0 25.7 24.0 35.3 30.0 44.1 36.0 53.0 42. 63. 5 47.0 71.1 59 89 2 71.0 101.5 175,000 ] 14.0 20.0 21.0 30.0 28.0 41.2 35.0 51.2 42.0 61.8 49. 74. ) 55.0 83.2 102 3 1 83.0 23.0 200,000 -j 16.0 22.9 24.0 34.3 32.0 47.0 40.0 58.8 47.0 68.0 56.0 84.8 63.0 95.2 79 120 94.0 146.5 i 18 27.0 3 6.0 45. ( i 53.0 63. ) 71.0 89 1 06.0 225,000 1 25.7 38.6 53.0 66.0 78.0 95. 2 107.6 132 5 166.0 19 5 29.3 3 9.0 48. J 3 39.0 68. 8 79.0 98 1 18.0 250,000 27 .9 42.0 57.2 71.1 3 86.8 103. 5 120.0 148 "2 1 82.2 21 5 32.2 4 3.0 53.' r 35.0 75. j 86.0 108 o 1 30.0 275,000 30 45.7 6 3.2 78. J 3 95.5 114. ) 130.1 162 203.0 23 5 35.2 1 7.0 58/ r ' n.o 82. 3 94.0 118 1 41.0 300,000 33 7 50.0 6 9.0 86J j 1 )4.0 122. > 142.2 178 5 2 20.0 27 r, 41.2 55.0 68.7 38.0 96. 3 110.0 138.0 165.0 350,000 39 8 59.0 8 0.8 100., 5 1 20.0 140. S 167.0 209 I) 2 57.8 400,000 31.5 45.0 47.3 67.5 63.0 92.8 78.8 113.0 95.0 140.0 110. 167. 126.0 191.0 157 238 189.0 295.1 , 35 6 53.0 1.0 88., > 1 )6.0 124. d 141.0 175 (i 2 12.0 450,000 < 50.9 75.1 104.0 130.0 156.0 188. I 214.0 265 g 30.0 Height of Water Column in Inches Corresponding to Pressures in Ounces or Pounds per Square Foot Inches Water Gauge u K 1 IK 1% 1% 2 2K 21/2 2 ^ 3 3K 3% Ounces .29 .43 .58 n 2 .87 1.01 1.16 1.30 1.44 1.59 1.74 1.88 2.03 Lbs. per Sq. Ft... 2.6 3.9 5.2 6.5 7.8 9.1 10.4 11.7 13.0 14.8 15.6 16.9 18.1 145 II 1 CO 146 Sullivan Winding Engines For Hoisting and Hauling HIS company makes a specialty of large hoisting and hauling engines, which are constructed with especial reference to simplicity, compact- ness, efficiency and durability. Sullivan Winding Engines are fully up to mod- ern requirements, and before shipment is made the engines are tested under full steam pressure, thus insuring that every part is in perfect condition for immediate and continuous duty. The Corliss frame with bored cross-head guides has been adopted as giving the greatest strength and stiffness. For large hoisting engines, the Corliss valve movement is recommended for the steam cylinders, but quotations will be furnished on steam cylinders fitted with " balanced" slide valves. Where it is practicable to hoist in balance, and where a large output is desired, the "first motion" hoist is advised. In this class of hoisting engine the drum or drums are keyed to a very heavy engine shaft, the wearing surfaces, espec- ially the main bearings, are made of liberal area, and all through the engines are strongly proportioned to stand severe work. Automatic stops are provided, which, in case of overwinding, shut off the steam and apply the brakes to the drum. Suitable indicators show the position of the cages in the shaft. These engines are built with standard or conical drums and with brakes arranged for applying by hand or steam pressure or both. In many cases where flat rope is employed, the drums are substituted by reels. The 148 company also builds geared hoists where the drums are driven by carefully proportioned jaw or band friction clutches connected to the engine shaft. Herein are illustrated only a few of the different styles of Sullivan Winding Engines, but specifications and estimates will be furnished for any proposition of hoisting or hauling about mines, and particularly hoisting from shafts or slopes, tail or endless rope haulage. If interested in winding engines, send for the special cata- logue on this subject. 149 150 n d x A i 'age P Page Air Compressors 81 Picks "32 Air Receivers 107 Pick Machines j 21 C Postlude . 153 Coal Machines Electric Chain 43 R Long Wall 61 Receivers, Air 107 Pick 21 Rock Drills 125 Shearing 35 Code Words for Coal Mines . 67 S Compressors, Air .... 81 Shearing Machines .... 35 Contract Diamond Drilling . 123 Shearing Wheels .... 3i D T Drills Tables Diamond in Air Requirement of Ma- Rock 125 chines 99 Dumps, Automatic .... 135 Approximate Analyses of Coals . 77 / / . Electric Chain Machines . . 43 Average Price of Coal . Branch Pipes 78 106 Engines, Winding .... Equipment With Diamond Drills 147 Coal Mined by Machines in United States . . . . Coal Mined by Machines in 74 116, 117, With Electric Chain Machines 122 51 United States, number of Machines 75 With Pick Machines . . . 30 Efficiency, Air Compressors 9.8 F Friction, for Air . 102 Fans, Mine 141 Mining Scales 71 Power to Compress Air 9 8 H Production of Coal in Hoisting Engines .... 147 United States, Total . 73 Hose, Air 52 j^ Production of Coal in I United States, Percent- Introductory II age Mined by Machines 76 Trucks L For Pick Machine . . . 33 Long Wall Machine . . . 61 Power, for Chain Machine 59 M Standard, for Chain Machine 58 Mining Machines Electric Chain 43 V Long Wall 61 Ventilator for Mines. . 141 Pick 21 Shearing 35 W Mining Wheels 3i Winding Engines .... 147 152 u d If this book has pleased or interested you, it has served its mission well, and acknowledgment of its receipt is respectfully requested. In a work of this size and character errors are liable to creep in and the company will appreciate having attention called to them. Correspondence in reference to the machines herein illustrated and described is earnestly solicited, and patrons may be assured that it will receive prompt and courteous attention. SULLIVAN MACHINERY COMPANY. 153 Return to desk from which borrowed. This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. LD21 , 10 Om-ll,'49(B7l46 S 16)476 J