_Bl^tLDiNGJJSE. N0:^C1RCI]LAT1NG TO hJ-- BORROWERS INDEX OF ECONOMIC MATERIAL IN DOCUMENTS OF THE STATES OF THE UNITED STATES DELAWARE 1789—1904 PREPARED FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMICS AND SOCIOLOGY OF THE CARNEGIE INSTITUTION OF WASHINGTON BY ADELAIDE R. HASSE LIBRARIAN DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC DOCUMENTS, NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY PUBLISHED BY THE CARNEGIE INSTITUTION OF WASHINGTON APRIL, IDIO 9 5 18 INDEX OF ECONOMIC MATERIAL IN DOCUMENTS OF THE STATES OF THE UNITED STATES DELAWARE 1789 — 1904 PREPARED FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMICS AND SOCIOLOGY OF THE,CARNEGIE INSTITUTION OF WASHINGTON BY ADELAIDE R. HASSE LIBRARIAN DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC DOCUMENTS, NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY PUBLISHED BY THE CARNEGIE INSTITUTION OF WASHINGTON APRIL, 1910 DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMICS AND SOCIOLOGY HENRY W. FARNAM, Chairman KENYON L. BUTTERFIELD EMORY R.JOHNSON HENRY B. GARDNER JEREMIAH W. JENKS VICTOR S. CLARK EDWARD W. PARKER DAVIS R. DEWEY WALTER F. WILLCOX ALFRED H. STONE B. H. MEYER CARNEGIE INSTITUTION OF WASHINGTON PUBLICATION NO. 85 (DELAWARE) Z^^t £otb (gafttmort (pxtee BALTniOBE, UD., C. S. A. • • • • '•- • • • •• • • • • ••! • • . •• •• I ••• .^. z PREFATORY NOTE This index undertakes to deal only with the printed reports of administrative officers, legislative committees, and special commissions of the states and with gov- ernors' messages for the period since 1789. It does not refer to constitutions, laws, legislative proceedings or court decisions, except in so far as they happen to be foimd in the class of documents above mentioned. It attempts, on the other hand, to furnish a list, as complete as possible, of all the documents and messages which faU within its scope, in whatever form they may have been published, whether separately, in collected dociunents, legislative journals or voliunes of laws, and to indicate the volume in which they may be found. In addition to furnishing a list of reports and messages, the index undertakes to supply a reference by volume and page to all material of economic importance which they contain, with the exception of that contained in the reports of bureaus of labor before 1902. The reason for this exception is that these reports have already been indexed by the late Carroll D. Wright, when United States Commissioner of Labor,' in a volimie published by his department in 1902. Although the index is confined to matter of economic bearing, the term " economic " has been given a broad interpretation. In view of this liberal interpretation it is believed \ that the index will constitute a useful addition to the resources of students of almost I any aspect of American history. It will be seen that the present index differs both in scope and character from ^ R. R. Bowker's " State Publications," the valuable pioneer work in this field. It is ' narrower in scope than " State Publications," which aims to present a list not only of ■*sfeports and governors' messages but of all state documents; but in the field which the ' present work covers it contains not only a more complete list of docimients than has hitherto been published but also an index of their contents in so far as these have an X, economic bearing. The arrangement is alphabetical by topics. The references under each topic are ? divided into two groups, viz., " serial " and " non-serial." Within each of these ■*• divisions the arrangement is chronological. Nmnerous cross-references will, it is hoped, ' make it possible to discover with little difficulty aU the material bearing on a topic. A ^ division of serial reports into more than one series occurs whenever there is a change i in title, in the authority making the report or in frequency of issue. It ^viU be seen ■5 that this division is not an arbitrary one. It is made in the belief that it will contribute ^ to a clearer understanding of the facts than would a narrative explanation. ' Index of all reports issued by bureaus of labor statistics in the U. S. prior to Jlch. 1, 1902. Wash., 1902. 287 pp. 8°. 3 408301 \ s 4 PREFATORY NOTE Uniform entry \yords for subjects recurring in different states will be retained throughout the series. It will thus be possible to make a study not only of the historical development of an economic subject as reflected in the documents of an individual state but also to make a comparative studj' of that development as it has taken place in the coimtry at large. To accomplish this purpose it has been necessary to make the selec- tion of entry words without reference to the peculiarities of local usage, such pecvdi- arities being recognized in the ease of each state by cross-references. The abbreviations employed are believed to be sufficiently obvious to make a table of them unnecessary. Unless otherwise stated the size of the books is octavo. A feature introduced in the New York part of this index, and not employed in the preceding parts (i. e. Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont), is the system of ref- erences from locality. This feature has been made a part of the succeeding issues. The regrettable fact must be recorded that it has not been possible to collate a con- tinuous file of Delaware Journals. Every reasonable effort was made to discover these missing Journals. It is hoped that, as has happened with other " lost " books, a copy or copies of these Journals will yet be found by someone more successful than the present compiler. It was thought best not to assign serial numbers to the Collected Documents, until all the journals shall have been recorded. The present volume has been preceded by nine similar volumes, devoted to the states of Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, New York, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, California, Illiuois, and Kentucky, respectively. It will be followed by others, each devoted to a single state. The work when completed will, therefore, furnish an index to the economic material in the reports and governors' messages of all the states of the Union. In the preparation of this volume the collection of the New York Public Library has been used as a basis, and, imless otherwise shown, the material indexed is in that library. The collections of the Library of Congress, the Delaware State Library, the Wilmington Institute Free Library, and the Delaware Historical Society have also been examined. Acknowledgment is made for coiu-tesies extended by each of these insti- tutions in the course of the compilation of the present volume. PART I COLLECTED DOCUMENTS Wilmington : Wilmington : Delaware's set of Collected docs, comprises the House and Senate Journals. A eood part, but not all, of Delaware's departmental reports are Included In these journals, as Is shown under the various subjects of agriculture, insurance, etc.. In the analysis In part two of this index. Very few copies of the early Journals were printed. Up to and Including 1704. 100 copies only were printed and the distribution of each was provided for by law. In 1795, 150 copies were printed. In 1796 and for some time thereafter, 150 and 200 copies variously, but no more, were printed. This small edition together with the fact that the placing of every copy was provided for, has naturally brought about the result, that copies are at the present time very difficult to get. The.v rarely appear In the book markets. Delaware, it Is safe to say. Is that one of the thirteen original states whose documents have received the least attention. It has been customary In preceding volumes of this Index to Include here a list of general descriptive works, legislative manuals, etc.. Issued by authority of the state. The only publication of this nature found In Delaware Is the Circular of Information Issued for distribution at the Pan-American Eiposltion in 1901. The text of this circular is printed in the annual report of the board of agriculture for 1901. pages 9-16. It was also issued as an 8-page separate In an edition of 10,000, but no copy was seen by the compiler. 1789 .January 12-February 4 [Senate .lournalj. Not found. Totes anil proceedings of the House of Assembly. Frederick Craig and Co.. 1789. 57 pp. F'. Copy seen in Delaware State Library. May 26-June 5 [Senate Journal]. Not found. Votes and proceedings of the House of Assembly. James Adams and Sons. 1780. 17 pp. F°. Copy seen In Delaware State Library. October 20-24 [Senate Journal]. Not found. Journal of the House of Representatives. Wilmington : F. Craig and Co., 1789. 1 leaf. 3-17 (1) pp. F". Copy seen in Delaware State Library. 1790 January 4-29 Journal of the Senate. Not found. Journal of the House of Representatives. Wilmington : Jas. Adams, 1790. 1 leaf, 3-47 (1) pp. F°.* Copy seen In Delaware State Library. October 20-26 Journal of the Senate. Not found. Journal of the House of Representatives. Wilmington : r. Craig ft Co., 1790. 1 leaf. 3-17 (1) pp. F". Copy seen in Delaware State Library. 1791 January 4-29 Journal of the Senate. Not found. Journal of the House of Representatives. Wilmington : Jas. Adams, 1791. 1 leaf, 3-56 pp. F°. Copy seen In Delaware State Library. September 5-8 Journal of the Senate. Not found. Journal of the House of Representatives. Wilmington : & Andrews, n. d. 1 leaf, 4-11 (1) pp. F". October 20-26 Journal of the Senate. Not found. Journal of the House of Representatives. 1791. 1 leaf, 3-13 (1) pp. F". Brynberg Wllmlngtx>n : Jas. Adams, • Contains ratification of federal constitution. 9 pp. 1792 November 1-3 Journal of the Senate. Wilmington : Jas. Adams. 1792. Copy seen in Delaware Historical Society. Journal of tlio House of Representatives. Wilmington : Brynberg and Andrews, n. d. 13 pp. 4°. The only copy seen Is In a private collection in Wil- mington. 1793 January 1-February 2 Joarnal of the Senate. Wilmington : Adam's Press, 1793. 41 pp. 4°. Copy seen in the Delaware Historical Society and In the Delaware State Library. Journal of the House of Representatives. Wilmington : Adam'i Press, 1793. 82 pp. 4". The only copy seen is in a private collection In Wil- mington. May 27-June 19 Journal of the Senate. Wilmington : Samuel and Jno. Adams, MDCCXCIII. 40 pp. F'. Copy seen in the Delaware State Library. Journal of the House of Representatives. Wilmington : Samuel and Jno. Adams, 1793. 55 pp. 4°. The only copy seen is in a private collection In Wil- mington. 1794 January 7-Fcbruary 8 Journal of the Senate. Wilmington: S. and Jno. Adams, 1794. 78 pp., 3 fldg. sheets. F°.* Copy seen in Delaware State Library and in a private collection in Wilmington. Journal of the House of Representatives. Wilmington : Peter Brynbers and Samuel Andrews. MDCCXCIV. 101 pp., 1 leaf. 4°. The only copy seen Is In a private collection In Wil- mington. 1795 January 6-February 7 Journal of the Senate. Wilmington : S. and Jno. Adams, 1795. 68 pp., 9 fldg. tables. F°. Copy In the Delaware Historical Society. Journal of the House of Representatives. Wilmington : Samuel and Jno. Adams. 1795. 92 pp. 4'. The only copy seen Is In a private collection in Wil- mington. 1796 January 5-February 10 of the Senate. Wilmington: Samuel and Jno. Adams, 82 pp.. 1 leaf. 8 fldg. tables. Copy In tie Deiaw-are Historical Society. Journal of the House of Representatives. Wilmington : Samuel and Jno. Adams, 1796. 147 pp., 8 fldg. sheets. 4*. The only copy seen is in a private collection In Wil- mington. Journal 1796. Novcml)cr 9-11 New-Castle: S. and Jno. Adams, 1797. Jonmal of the Senate. 10 pp. F'. Copy In the Delaware Historical Society. Journal of the House of Representatives. Wilmington : Samuel and Jno. Adams, 1796. 13 pp. The only copy seen Is In a private collection In Wil- mington. • T. p. reads : be Jan. 7. " At a sess . 17 day of Jan Should INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd 1797 January 3-24 Journal of the Senate. Nmv-Castle : S. and Jno. Adams, 1797. (1) 14-40 pp F". Paced In continuation of Senate Journal of Nov., 1798. Copy In the Delaware Historical Society. Journal of tho House i.f lioprpscntatlves. New-Castle: Samuel and Jno. Adams. 1707. r.7, 13 (S ndc sheets), 22-27 pp. 4 Appendix, i^ pp.. 8 fldz. sheets, 22-27 pp. Washington's resignation of the presidency, pp. 1-18. Rept. of nn.Tnces of the state, 1796. 8 fldg. sheets and OP 22-27. The only copy seen Is In a private collection In Wil- mington. May 31-June 3 Journal of the Senate. Not found. Journal of the Mouse of Uepresentatlvcs. New-Castle: Samuel and Jno. Adams. 1707. 12 pp. 4°. The only copy seen Is In a private collection In Wil- mington. 1798 January 2-27 Journal of the Senate. New-Cnstle : Samuel and John Adams, 1798. 49 (1) pp. F°. Copy In the Delaware State Library. Journal of the House of Kepresentatlves. New-Castle : Printed bv Samuel and John Adams, 1798. 71 (1) pp., 14 obi. sheets. Auditor's rept. of the finances, 1797. 14 obi. sheets. 1799 January 1-February 2 Jonrnal of the Senate. New-Castic : Samuel and John Adams, 1709. 86 pp. F°. Copy In the Delaware State Library. Journal of the House of Kepresentativos. New-Castle : Printed by Samuel and John Adams, 1709. 112, 68 pp. F°. Auditor's rept. of the finances, 1798. 66 pp. 1800 January 7-25 Joiimal of the Senate. New-Castle : S.imuel and John Adams, 1800. 59 pp. F°. Copy In the Delaware State Library. Journal of the House of Representatives. New Castle: Printed by Samuel and John Adams, ISOO. 85 (1), 114 pp. F°. Auditor's rept. of the finances, 1799. 114 pp. November i{'5 Journal of the Senate. Dover: William Black, 1801. 12 pp. Copy In the Delaware State Library. Journal of the House of Representatives. Dover : William Black, 1801. IS pp. 1801 January 6-30 Journal of the Senate. Dover: WIMI.am Black, 1801. 80 pp. F". Copy In the Delaware State Library. Journal of the House of Representatives. Dover : William Black, 1801. 123 (1), 133 pp. V°. Auditor's rept. of the finances, 1800. 133 pp. 1802 January 5-February 5 Journal of the Senate. Dover : William Black, 1802. 57 pp. F". Copy In the Delaware State Library. Journal of the" House of Representatives. Dover : William Black, 1802. 72, 79 pp. F°. Auditor's rept. of the finances, 1801. 79 pp. 1803 January 4-28 Journal of the Senate. Dover : William Black. 1803. 44 pp. F". Copy In the Delaware State Library. Journal of the House of Representatives. Dover : William Black, MDCCCIIT. 73 (11. 77 pp. F°. Auditor's rept. of the finances, 1802. 77 pp. 1804 January 3-27 Journal of the Senate. Dover: Wootten & Allee. 1804. 43 pp. F". Copy In the Delaware State Library. Journal of the House of Representatives. Wilmington : William Black, 1804. 67 (1), 92 pp.. 2 leaves. F'. Auditor's rept. of the finances, 1803. 92 pp., 2 leaves. November 12-13 Journal of the Senate. Dover : Wootten & Allee, 1805. 11 pp. F". Journal of the House of Representatives. Dover : Wootten & Allee, 180B. 12 pp. F°. COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd 1805 January 1-25 Journal of the Senate. Dover : Wootten A Allee, 1805. 47 pp. Copy In the Delaware State Library. Journal of tJii' IIimisc of Kepresentativos. Dover: Wootten & Allee, 1805. 71 (1), 100 pp. 1800 January 7-February 3 Journal of the Senate. Dover : Wootten & Allee, 1806. 62 pp., 1 leaf. F'. Copy In the Delaware State Library and In the Dela- ware Historical Society. Journal of tho Housi' of Representatives. Dover : Wootten & Allee, 1806. 90 pp., 1 leaf. F°. Copy In the Delaware State Library. 1807 January 6-February 6 Journal of the Senate. Dover : Jno. B. Wootten, 1807. 74 pp. F". Copy In the Dolawaro State Library and In the Dela- ware Historical Society. Journal of the House of Representatives, n. p. Jno. B. Wootten, 1807. 102 pp. F°. Copy In the Delaware State Library and in the Delaware Historical Society. August 4-13 Journal of the Senate. Dover: Jno. B. Wootten. 1 807. 15 pp. F°. Copy In the Delaware State Library and In the Delaware Historical Society. Journal of the House of Representatives. Dover : Jno. B. Wootten, 1807. 21 pp. F°. Copy In the Delaware State Library and In the Delaware Historical Society. 1808 January 5-February 5 Journal of the Senate. Dover : Jno. B. Wootten, 1808. 73 pp. F". Copy In the Delaware State Library and In the Delaware Historical Society. Journal of the House of Representatives, n. p. Jno. B. Wootten, 1808. 111. 91 pp. F°. Ann. rept. of the auditor, 1807. 01 pp. Copy In the Delaware State Library. November 14-16 Journal of the Senate. Dover : Jno. B. Wootten, 1809. 13 pp. F°. Copy In the Delaware State Library. Journal of the House of Representatives. Dover : Jno. B. Wootten, 1809. 13 pp. F°. 1809 January 3-Fehruary 1 Journal of the Senate. Dover : Jno. B. Wootten, 1809. 82 pp. F". Copy In Delaware State Library. Journal of the House of Representatives. Dover : Jno. B. Wootten, 1809. 87 (IK 85 pp. F°. Auditor's rept. of the finances, 1808. 85 pp. 1810 January 2-February 2 Journal of the Senate. Dover : Jno. B. Wootten, 1810. 82 pp. F*. Copy In Delaware State Library. Journal of the House of Representatives, n. p. Jno. B. Wootten, 1810. 99 (1), 83 pp. F°. Auditor's rept. of the finances, 1809. 83 pp. ISll January 1-February 4 .Toumal of the Senate. Dover : Jno. B. Wootten. 1811. 83 pp. F*. Copy In Delaware State Library. Journal of the House of Representatives, n. p. Jno. B. Wootten, 1811. 92, 84 pp. F°. Auditor's rept. of the finances, 1810. 84 pp. 1812 Regular Session January 7-February 12 Journal of the Senate. Dover : Jno. B. Wootten, 1812. 73 pp. F". Copy In Delaware State Library. Journal of the House of Representatives. Dover : Jno. B. Wootten, 1812. 107 (1). 75 pp. F°. Auditor's rept. of the finances, 1811. 75 pp. Special Session May 19-25 Journal of the Senate. Dover: A. M. Schee, 1813. 19 (1) pp. T°. Copy In Delaware State Library. Journal of the House of Representatives. Dover : J. B. Wootten, 1812. 24 pp. F°. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd 1812 — cont'd Regular Session November 9-10. Journal of the Senate. Dover: A. M. Schee, 1813. 11 (1) pp. F°. Copy In Delaware State Library. Journal of tlie House of Representatives. Wilmington : W. Riley, 1813. 15 (1) pp. F°. 1813 Regular Session January 5-February 3 ^ Journal of the Senate. Dover: A. M. Schee, 1813. 81 (1) pp. F°.* Journal of the House of Representatives, n. p. 1813. 17-134 pp., 1 leaf, 97 pp. Auditor's rept. of the finances, 1812. 97 pp. Special Session April 6-15 Journal of the Senate. Dover: A. M. Schee, 1813. 21 (1) pp. F°.* Copy In the Delaware State Library and In the Delaware Historical Society. Journal of the House of Representatives. Dover : A. M. Schee, 1813. 21 (1) pp. F°. First Adjourned Session May 25-28 Journal of the Senate. Dover: A. M. Schee, 1813. 15 (1) pp. F°.* Copy in the Delaware State Library and in the Delaware Historical Society. Journal of the House of Representatives. Dover : A. M. Schee, 1814. 16 pp. F°. Second Adjourned Session August 24-25 Journal of the Senate. Dover : A. M. Schee, 1814. 4 pp. F°. Copy In the Delaware State Library. Journal of the House of Representatives. Dover: A. M. Schee, 1814. 6 pp. F°. 1814 January 4-February 16 Journal of the Senate. Dover; A. M. Schee, 1814. 87 (1) pp. F°. Copy In the Delaware State Library. Journal of the House of Representatives. Wilmington : W. Riley, 1814. 108, 112 pp. F°. Auditor's rept. of the finances, 1813. 112 pp. 1815 January 3-February 10 Journal of the Senate. Dover : A. M. Schee, 1815. 103 (1) pp. F°. Copy in the Delaware State Library. Journal of the House of Representatives. Wilmington : M. Brad- ford, 1815. 175 (1) pp., 1 leaf. 94 pp. F°. Auditor's rept. of the finances, 1814. 94 pp. 1816 January 2-February 18 Journal of the Senate. Wilmington : M. Bradford, 1816. 186 pp., 1 leaf. F°. Journal of the House of Representatives. Wilmington : M. Brad- ford, 1816. 232, 15 (1), 88 pp. F°. The 15 (1) pages are the index. This Is the first Jour- nal which contains one. Auditor's rept of the finances, 1815. 88 pp. November 11-12 of the Senate. Dover : Jno. Robertson, 1817. 11 pp. F°. of the House of Representatives. Dover : Jno. Robertson, 10 pp. F°. 1817 January 7-February 7 of the Senate. Dover: Jno. Robertson, 1817. 135 (1) pp. Copy In the Delaware State Library, of the House of Representatives. Dover : Jno. Robertson, 182, 14, 92 pp. F°. Index. 14 pp. Rept. of the finances. 92 pp. 1818 January 6-February 6 Journal of the Senate. Dover : Jno. Robertson, 1818. 132 pp. F°. Copy in the Delaware State Library. Journal of the House of Representatives. Dover : Jno. Robertson, 1818. 152, 8, 92, 9 pp. Index. 8 pp. Rept. of the finances of the state, 1817. 92 pp. Rept. on the militia fines. 9 pp. Journal Journal 1817. Journal F°. Journal 1817. 8 pp. A. M. Schee, • Incorrectly dated 1812. COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd 1819 January 5-February 10 Journal of the Senate. Dover: J. Robertson, 1819. 177 (1>, 6 pp. F°. Copy In Delaware State Library. Journal of tie House of Representatives. Dover : J. Robertson, 1819. 232, 10, 93 (1) pp. F°. Index. 10 pp. Rept. of the finances. 93 (1) pp. 1820 January 4-February 11 Journal of the Senate. Dover: J.- Robertson, 1820. 171 (1), 9 pp. F°. Copy In the Delaware State Library. Journal of the House of Representatives. Dover : J. Robertson, 1820. 209 (1), 15. 89 pp. F°. Index. 15 pp. Rept. of the finances, 1820. 89 pp. 1820 • November 13-14 Journal of the Senate. Dover : A. M. Schee, 1821. Journal of the House of Representatives. Dover: 1821. 9 (1) pp. 1821 January 2-February 5 Journal of the Senate. Dover : A. M. Schee, 1821. 122, 19 (1) pp. Journal of the House of Representatives. Dover : A. M. Scnee, 1821. [111-320 pp. 1822 January 1-February 8 Journal of the Senate. Dover: A. M. Schee, 1822. 127 (1), 23 pp. Journal of the House of Representatives. Dover: A. M. Schee, 1822. 255 (1), 28 pp. 1823 January 7-February 7 Journal of the Senate. Dover: A. M. Schee, 1823. 137 (1), 32 pp. Journal of the House o? Representatives. Wilmington : Mendenhall and Walters, 1823. 326 pp., 1 leaf. 1824 January 6-February 2 of the Senate. Dover : J. Robertson, 1824. of the House of Representatives. 292 pp. November 8-9 of the Senate. Dover : A. M. Schee, of the House of Representatives. 17 (1) pp. 1825 January 4-February 11 of the Senate. Dover : A. M. Schee, 1825. of the House ot Representatives. Dover : 318 pp. 1S26 January 3-February 10 of the Senate. Dover : A. M. Schee, 1826. 167 pp. Copy in Delaware Historical Socy. of the Hou.se of Representatives. Dover: A. M. Scnee, 404 pp. Copy in Delaware Historical Socy. 1827 January 2-February 9 of the Senate. Dover : A. M. Schee, 1827. 182 pp. of the House of Representatives. Dover : A. M. Scnee, 329 (1) pp. 1828 November 10-11 of the Senate. Dover : A. M. Schee, 1828. 10 pp.. 1 1. of the House of Representatives. Dover : A. M. Bcnee, 12 pp. 1829 January 6-February 14 ot the Senate. Dover : A. M. Schee, 1829. 193 (1) pp. of the House of Representatives. Dover: A. M. Schee, 328 pp. 1830 January 5-29 of the Senate. Dover: H. W. Peterson, 1830. 108 pp., 1 1. of the House of Representatives. Dover: A. M. bcnee, 220 pp. Journal Journal 1824. Journal Journal 1824. Journal Journal 1825. Journal Journal 1826. Dover 184 pp. Jno. Robertson, 1825. Dover : 12 pp. A. M. Schee, [131-185 pp. A. M. Schci Journal Journal 1827. Journal Journal 1828. Journal Journal 1829. Journal Juurual 1830. • This session Is the first for which the octavo Journals were printed. This size was uniformly continued thereafter, for both Senate and House Journals. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE Georgetown : J. S. Dover : COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd 1831 January 4-28 Joarnal of the Senate. Wllmlntrton : W. A. Mendenball, 1831. 108 pp. Journal of the House of Representatives. Wilmington : W. A. Mendenhall, 1831. 234 pp. 1832 January 3-February 10 Journnl of the Senate. Wilmington : R. & .1. B. Porter, 1832. 148 pp., 1 1. Journal of the House of Representatives. Dover : A. M. Schee, 1832. 294 pp. 1833 January 1-February 8 Journal of the Senate. Dover : A. M. Schee, 1833. 159 pp. Journal of the House of Representatives. Dover : A. M. Schee, 1833. 326 pp. 1835 January 6-Kelirnnry 13 Journal of the Senate. Wilmington : R. and J. B. Porter, 1835. 124 pp.. 1 1. Journal of the House of Representatives. Georgetown ; J. S. M'Caila, 1835. 323 pp. Special Session July 21-25 Journal of the Senate. Not found. Journal of the House of Representatives. M'Caila, 1835. 28 pp. 1836 June 14-20 Journal of the Senate at an extra session. Schee, 1836. 27 (1) pp. . ,, Journal of the House of Representatives. Dover: A. M, 1836. 83 pp. 1837 January 3-Fehruary 22 Journal of the Senate. Dover: S. KImmey, 1837. 182 pp.. Journal of the House of Representatives. Georgetown : J. 1837. 425 pp. 1839 January l-February 22 Journal of the Senate. Wilminxtnn : J. N. TTarker, 1839. Copy In Delaware Historical Socy. Journal of the House of Representatives. Dover : S. KImmey, 1839. 456 pp. 1841 January .''i-February 22 (207) Journal of the Senate. Dover : S. KImmey. 1841. 360 pp. Journal of the House of Representatives. Dover : S. KImmey, 1841. 669 (1) pp. 1843 January 3-February 28 Journal of the Senate. Dover : S. KImmey, 1843. 224. 66, 21 pp. Journal of the House of Representatives. Dover : S. KImmey, 1843. 758 pp. App. contains : I'rocs. In relation to the late contested election betw. Wm. Thorp and Wm. Roe. h. t. p. 66 pp. Index. 21 pp. 1845 January 7-February 25 Journal of the Senate. Dover : S. KImmey, 1845. 222 pp. Journal of the House of Hepresentatlves. Dover : S. KImmey, 1845. 4;)4 pp. 1847 January 5-February 26 Journal of the Senate. Wilmington : Evans and Vernon, 1847. 258 pp., 1 I. Journal of the House of Representatives. Dover : Samuel KImmey, 1847. 487 pp. 1849 January 2-February 28 Journal of the Senate. Dover: S. KImmey. 1S49. 309 pp. Journal of the House of Representatives. 518 pp. Ihe title page of this journal was iacliing in both copies seen. viz.. Delaware State Library and Delaware His- torical Society. 1851 January 7-March 6 Journal of the Senate. Wilmington : Johnson, Chandler and Harker, 1851. 400 pp. Journal of the House of Representatives. Dover : S. KImmey, 1851. 606 pp.. Imperfect. COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd A. M. Schee, 1 1. Marsh, 264 pp. 1852 Adjourned Session January 6-February 27 Journal of the Senate. 264 pp. Journal of the House of Representatives and Chandler. 1852. "" Wilmington : Johnson and Chandler, 1852. Wilmington : Johnson Journal of the Senate Journal 1853. 252 pp. KImmey, 160 pp. 338, 55 (1), 51 pp. Wilmington : Henry 391 pp. 1853 January 4-March 4 Wilmington : C. P. Johnson, 1853. of the Hiiuse of Reiirescntatlves. Dover : S. .">81 (1) pp. 1855 January 2-March 2 Journal of the Senate. Dover : Wharton and Harrington, 1855. 272 pp. Journal of the House of Representatives, Dover : Wharton and Harrington, 1855. 414 (1), 119 (1), 38 pp. Appendix contains : Rent, of the finances of the state, 1854. 119 (1) pp. Index. 38 pp. 1857 .January 6-March 5 Journnl of the Senate. Milford : Richard Chamlicrs. 1857. 252 pp. Journal of the House of Representatives. Wilmington : C. P. Johnson, 1857. 299. 142, 35 pp. Appendix contains: Ropi. of Ihe finances of the state, 1S50. 142 pp. Index. 35 pp. Copy in Delaware Historical Socy. 1859 January 4-February 25 Journal of the Senate. Wilmington: T. Roberts & Co., 1859. 303 pp. Journal of the House of Representatives. Dover : Jas. Kirk, 1859. 395 (1). 160. 69 (1) pp. [Appendlxl contains: Rcpt. ot the finances of the state, 1858. Index. 69 (1) pp. 1861 January 1-March 8 Journal of the Senate. Dover : J. Kirk, 1861. Appendix. 55 (1) pp. Docs. 1-27. Federal relations, slavery. Index. 51 pp. Journal of the House of Representatives. Eckel, 1861. 642. 143. 44, 124 pp. lippt. of flr;'nc-.'<. of tlip state, 1800. 143 pp. Appendix 44 pp.. contains : pp. 2-5. Mess, of (iov. Dennison, of Jan. 14, transmitting copy of res. of General Assem., adopted Jan. 12, rel. to condition of the country, etc. pp. 5-6. .\n ordinance to dissolve the union Ijetw. the State of Ala. and other states united under the compact styled " The Constitution of the TJ. S. of Amer." pp. 7-9. Mess, of gov. of Va., transmitting preamble and res. adopted by Oen. Assem. of Va.. Jan. 19, 1861. p. 9. Joint res. adopted by leglsl. of Tenn. pp. 10-12. Res. adopted by leglsl. of Penna., Jan. 24. 1861, rel. t" maintenance of the Constitution and Union, p. 13. Communication from secy, ot state of Ala., trans- mitting ordinance to make provisional postal arrangements In Ala. pp. 14-16. Res. of State of Tenn., proposing amdmts. to Constitution of the V. S. pp. 17-18. lies, "f State of Maine. In rel. to uniform decimal system of weights, measures, and currencies, p. IS. Res, of Convention of Ga. inviting slaveholdlng states not having withdrawn from the D. S., to a Congress of the states, which have withdrawn, to be held at Mont- gomery, Ala. pp. 19-20. Jt. re*;, of State of Wise, co-operating with friends of the Union, etc. pp. 20-23. Jt. res. of State of N. J., rel. to Union of the States, pp. 23-25. Jt. res. of leglsl. of State of Minn., on state of the Union, pp. 25-28. Res. of State of Ky.. apptg. comr. to attend conference at Washington City, Feb. 4, In accordance with Invitation of the Va. leglsl., etc. pp. 28-29. Jt. res. of Ind. State iegisl., rel. to same, pp. 30-32. Concurrent res. of State of N. Y., tendering aid to pres. of U. S., In support of the Constitution and the Union, pp. 32-33. Ordinance to dissolve the Union betw. the State of La. and other states united with her, under compact entitled " Constitution of the U. S. of Amer." pp. 33-37. Res. of Convention of Ga., rel. to seceding from the Union, etc. pp. 37-38. Jt. res. of State of Texas, rel. to coercion, pp. 38-40. Jt. res. of Mich., on state of the Union, etc. pp. 41-44, Stmt, of secy's, contingent expenses, 1859/60. Index. 124 pp. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF DELAWARE COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd ISGl — cnnfd Special Session November 25-27 Journal of the Senate. Dover : J. Kirk, 1862. 1-17 pp. Journal of the House of Representatives. Wilmington : Henry Eckel, 1862. 1-31 (1) pp. 1862 Adjourned Special Session January 14-I''thruary 7 Journal of the Senate, n. t. p. pp. 18-118. Paging of Senate Jol. of Nov., 1861, continued. Appendix, doc. 1-4. 30 pp. doc. 1. Opinion of N. B. Smithers and J. P. Comegys, as to proper construction of act of Gen. Assem. of state, of Jan. 26. 18."t'.>, granting lottery prlvUegos to Richard France fact tor encouragement of internal Improvements in state, Jan. 17, 1862]. pp. 1-19. doc. 2. Jt. res. assuming quota of direct tax Imposed on state by act of Congress, approved Aug. 5, 1861. p. 19. doc. 3. Jt. res. In relation to the proposed emancipation bill. pp. 20-29. doc. 4. Jt. res. declaring the adhorence of the State of Del. to the govt, of the U. S. pp. 29-30. Index. 20 pp. Journal of the House of Representatives, h. t. p. [33]-293 (1), 42 pp. Paging of House Jol. of Nov. 1861, continued. 1863 January 6-March 25 Journal of the Senate. Dover : Jas. Kirk, 1863. 299, xxx, 358, 116, 34 (1) pp. Appendix, xxx, 358 pp. Rept. of the committee of the two Houses to whom was referred so much of Govs. mess, as relates to military interference by troops of U. S. with election in Del. on Nov. 4, 1862. xxx, 358 pp. Rept. of the finances, 1862. 116 pp. Index. 34 (1) pp. Journal of the House nf Representatives. Dover : Jas. Kirk, 1863. 389 (1), xxx, 358, 116, 63 pp. 1863/4 Journal of the Senate .... at sessions of the Gen. Assem., con- vened and held at Dover, as follows, viz. : an adjourned session on Tuesday, the 9th of June, 1863 ; do., the 12th of Jan., 1864 ; a special session on Thursday, the 28th of July, 1864 ; and an adjourned and special session on Tuesday, the 18th of Oct., 1864. Dover: J. Kirk, 1864. 191 (1), 20 pp., 2 II. Journal of the House of Representatives [etc. as In Senate Jour- nal]. Dover: Jas. Kirk, 1864. 272, 32 (1) pp. 1863 Adjourned Session June 9-10 Journal of the Senate, pp. 1-13 of Sen. Jol. 1S63/4. Journal of the House of Representatives, pp. 3-16 of House Jol. 1863/4. 1864 Adjourned Session January 12-February 12 Journal of the Senate, pp. 15-115, of Sen. Jol. 1863/4. Journal of the House of Representatives, pp. 17-118, of House Jol. 1863/4. 1864 Special Session July 28-August 12 Journal of the Senate, pp. 117-155, of Sen. Jol. 1863/4. Journal of the House of Representatives, pp. 183-224, of House Jol. 1863/4. 1864 Adjourned and Special Session October 18-November 2 Journal of the Senate, pp. 157-191, of Sen. Jol. 1803/4. Journal of the House of Representatives, pp. 227-272, of House Jol. 1863/4. 1865 January 3-March 23 Journal of the Senate. Dover : Jas. Kirk, 1865. 347 pp., 1 1., 238, 52 pp. Journal of the House of Representatives. Dover : Jas. Kirk, 1865. 354 (1), 238, 47 pp. Auditor's report 1864. 1865/6 Journal of the Senate .... convened and held at Dover, on Tuesday 13th .... of June, 1865. and on Tuesdav 9th .... of Jan., 1866. Dover: J. Kirk, 1866, 247 "(1) pp., 1 1., 43 pp. Journal of the House of Representatives. Not found. COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd 1865 Adjourned Session June 13 Journal of the Senate, pp. 3-17, of Sen. Jol. 1865/6. Journal of the House of Representatives. Not found. 1866 Adjourned Session January 9-February 17 Journal of the Senate, pp. 19-247, of Sen. Jol. 1865/6. Journal of the House of Representatives. Not found. 1867 January 1-March 22 Journal of the Senate. Dover: J. Kirk, 1867. 488 pp., 2 II., 96, 74 pp. Ann. rept. of finances, 1866. 96 pp. Index. 74 pp. Journal of the House of Representatives. Dover : J. Kirk. 1867. 637 (1) pp., 1 1.. 96, 101 pp. Ann. rept. of finances, 1866. 96 pp. Index. 101 pp. 1869 January 5-Aprll 9 Journal of the Senate. Dover : Printed at the Delawarean Office, 1869. 580 pp., 1 I., 78 pp. Journal of the House of Representatives. Dover : Printed at the Delawarean Office. 1869. 771 (1) pp., 1 1.. 203, 130 pp. Ann. rept. of the finances. 1869 fl. e., 1868]. 203 pp. Index. 130 pp. 1871 January 3-March 30 Journal of the Senate. Dover : Printed at the Delawarean Office. 1871. 579 (11 pp., 1 I.. 85 pp. Journal of the House of Representatives. Dover: Printed at the Delawarean Office. 1871. 505 (1), 227, 109 pp. Ann. rept. of the finances, 1870. 227 pp. Index. 109 pp. 1873 January 7-ApriI 12 Journal of the Senate. Dover : Printed at the Delawarean Office. 1873. 749 (1) pp., 1 1., 86 pp. Journal of the House of Representatives. Georgetown : Sussex Journal Print, 1873. 976, 103, 133 pp. Ann. rept. of the finances, 1872. 103 pp. Index. 133 pp. 1875 January 5-March 27 Journal of the Senate. Georgetown : Sussex Journal Office, 1875. 800, 109. 80 pp. Ann. rept. of the finances, 1874. 109 pp. Index. 80 pp. Journal of the House of Representatives. Dover : Printed at the Delawarean Office. 1875. 76.'! (1) pp.. 1 I., 109, 93 pp. Ann. rept. of the finances, 1874. 109 pp. Index. 93 pp. 1877 January 2-March 23. Journal of the Senate. Wilmington : C. P. Johnson, 1877. 621, 67 pp. Journal of the House of Representatives. Dover : Printed at the Delawarean Office, 1877. 675 pp., 1 I., 162 pp. 1879 January 7-March 29 Journal of the Senate. Wilmington : C. P. Johnson, 1879. 663. 86 pp. Journal of the House of Representatives. Dover : Printed at office of the Delawarean. 1879. 668, 150 pp. 1881 January 4-Aprll 9 Journal of the Senate. Wilmington : Ferris Bros., 1881. 756, 139 pp. Journal of the House of Representatives. Georgetown : Marvel and Downham. 1881. 878 (1), 130 pp. Appendix cmtalnlng sundry docs, laid before the Gen. Assem., pp. 857-878 : pp. 859-861. Reprieves and pardons, 1879-1880. pp. 862-873 (1). .\ccts. of secy, of state, 1879-1880. pp. 875-878. Delaware College, rept., 1879/81. 1883 January 2-Aprll 20 Journal of the Senate. Wilmington : Ferris Bros., 1883. 1029 pp. Appendix, pii. 7S1-835 (3). pp. 783-794. 2 blenn. rept. of Insurance comr., 1883. pp. 79.5-797. Rept. of state llbrn., 1881/3. pp. 799-835 (1). A list of executive apptmts., Jan. 20, 1879, to Jan. 16. 1SS3 : J. W. Hall, gov. Index, pp. 839-1029. 10 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd 1883 — cont'd January 2-Aprll 20 — cont'd Jonrnal of the House of Representatives. Wilmington : The James and Webb PrtR. Co., 1883. 1071, 154 pp. Appendix contalnlns; sundry docs, laid before the Gen. Assem., pp. 923-1070 : pp. 92.5-n4.'l. Kept, of the adj. pen., 1882. pp. 945-037. 2 blenn. rept. of Insurance comr., 1883. pp. 959-969. Trees, of Ceo. Assem. upon occasion of the presentation of the portrait of Lord Delaware, 1883. pp. 971-[1026]. 2 blenn. rept. of bd. of health, Jan., 1883. pp. 1027-1070. A list of npptmts. to office made by executive aathorlty of state, from Jan. 20, 1879, to Jan. 16, 1883, .... by J. L. Wolcott, secy, of state. Index. 154 pp. 1885 January 6-Aprll 17 Jonrnal of the Senate. Mlddletown : Freeman and Reeve, 1885. 842 pp. Appendix, pp. 665-692 : pp. 667-675. 3 blenn. rept. of Insurance comr., Feb., 1885, pp. 677-685. Rept. of state Ilbrn., 1883/5. pp. 687-692. Reprieves and pardons, 1883/5. Index, pp. 693-842. Journal of the House of Representatives. Dover : Jas. Kirk & Son, 1885. 891 pp., 1 1., 141 pp. Appendix, pp. 859-891 : pp. 861-875. 2 blenn. rept. of comr. of flsh and fisheries, 1883 and 1884. pp. 876-885. 3 blenn. rept. of bd. of health, Jan., 1885. pp. 886-891. 3 blenn. rept. of Insurance comr., Feb., 1885. Index. 141 pp. 1887 January 4-Aprll 22 Journal of the Senate. Dover: Jas. Kirk & Son, 1887. 769, 108 pp., 1 I. Appendix, comprising sundry docs., accompanying govs, mess., etc.. pp. 721-7G9 : pp. 723-726. List of reprieves, pardons, etc., granted by Gov. Stocklev. J.in. 1, 1885, to Jan. 12, 1887. pp. 727-751. State cheml-Jt's rept., 1885. pp. 752-759. Rept. of state bd. of agrlc, 18S6. pp. 760-769. Rept. of state Ilbrn., 1885-1886. Journal of the House of Representatives. Dover : Printed at the Dclawarean Office. 1887. 1105 (1) pp., 1 1., 146 pp. Appendix, pp. SOl-1105 (IK pp. 803-829. Rept of jt. committee, to mark the positions occupied by the 1st and 2d Del. Regiments, at Battle of Gettysburg, Julv 2 and 3, 1863. pp. 830-919. 11 A.R. supt. of free schools. 1886. pp. 921-1025. Secy's, rept. of state bd. of health, of births, marriage and deaths, 1885/6. pp. 1026-1031. U. S. Dept. of Agrlc, bureau of animal Industry; frept. rel. to mtg. of representatives from states In which contagious pleiiro-pneumonla exits, etc.]. pp. 1032-1039. Rept. of state bd. of agrlc, 18S6. pp. 10 40-1041. Rept. of state veterinarian to gov., Jan., 1866. pp. 1041-1044. List of reprieves, pardons, etc, granted by Gov. Stockley, Jan. 1. 1885, to Jan. 12, 1887. pp. 1045-1048. 4 blenn. repL of insurance comr., Feb., 1887. pp. 1048-1054. Blenn. rept. of adj. -gen.. 1.885-1886. pp. 1055-1080. State chemist's rept., 1885. pp. 1080-1089. Rept. of state ilbrn., 1885-1886. pp. 1090-1005 (1). List of apptmts. to office, by Gov. Stockley. Jan. 16. 1883. to Jan. 18, 1887. Index. 146 pp. 1889 January 1-Aprll 26 Journal ot the Senate. Dover: Jas. Kirk & Son, 1889. 734, 172 pp., 1 i., 182 pp. Appendix, 172 pp. : App. A, pp. 3-31. Rept. of state Ilbrn., 1887/8. App. B, pp. 33-64. Rept of state chemist 1887. App. C. pp. 65-98. Rept of state chemist 1888. App. D. pp. 99-150. Rept. of state treasurer, 1887/8. unlettered, pp. 151-152. List of reprieves and pardons, 1887/9 App. E. pp. 153-166. Rept. ot Senate committee on Con- stitutional Convention. App. F, pp. 167-172. Rept of special committee on same. Index. 182 pp. Jonrnal of the House of Representatives. Dover : Printed by the State Sentinel, 1889. 830 pp., 1 1., 276, 155 pp. Appendix, 276 pp. App. A, pp. 3-31. Rept ot state Ilbrn., 1887/8. App. B, pp. 33-64. Kept of state chemist, 1887. App. C, pp. 65-98. Rept of state chemist, 1888, COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd 18.89— cont'd January 1-Aprli 26 — cont'd App. D, pp. 99-150. Rept of state treasurer, 1887/8. unlettered, pp. 151-152. List of reprieves and pardons, 1887/9. Rept of state bd. of health, 1886/8. Rept of pres. of state bd. of educa- App. E, pp. 1.5.3-245. App. F, pp. 247-257. tlon. 1888. App. G, pp. 259-267. App: H, pp. 269-276. Index. 105 pp. Rept. ot Insurance comr., Feb., 1889. Rept. ot adj.-gen., 1887-1888. 1891 January 6-May 16 Journal of the Senate. Georgetown : Delaware Democrat, 1891. 892. 525. 191 (1) pp. Appendix, 525 pp. : App. A-M, as in House ]ol. Index. 191 (1) pp. Journal of the House ot Representatives. Dover : Jas. Kirk & Son, 1891. 1172, 525, 254 pp. Appendix, 525 pp. : App. A, p. 5. List of reprieves and p.ardons, 1889/91. App. B, pp. 7-12. Rept of Farmers' Bank of the State ot Del., Dec. 10. 1890. App. C, pp. 13-89. Rept. of state treasurer, 1889/90. App. D, pp. 91-104. AdJ.-general's rept, 1890. App. E, pp. 105-109. Rept of Judge advocate gen., 1890. App. F, pp. 111-116. 6 blenn. rept. of Insurance comr., Feb., 1891. App. G, pp. 117-218. Rept. of state bd. of education, 1890. App. H, pp. 219-375. 6 blenn. rept. of state bd. of health, 1888/90. App. I, pp. 377-418. Rept of bd. of trustees of Del. State Hospital for the Insane. Jan., 1891. App. K, pp. 419-483. Bienn. rept. of state ilbrn., 1889/90. App. L, pp. 48.'i-488. Rept. of state bd. of agrlc, 1891. App. M, pp. 489-525. List of apptmts. to office, by Gov. Biggs, Jan. 18, 1887, to Jan. 20, 1891. Index. 254 pp. 1893 January 3-May 5 Journal of the Senate. Dover : Jas. Kirk & Son, 1893. 944 pp., 1 i.. 194 pp. Journal of the House of Representatives. Dover: Printed at the Delawarean Office, 1893. 1075 pp. 1895 January 1-May 9 Journal of the Senate. Laurel : The Sussex Countlan Print, 1895, 1238, 154 pp. Appendix, pp. 1235-1238 : pp. 1235-1238. Rept. of Insurance comr., Feb., 1895. Index. 154 pp. Journal of the House of Representatives. Laurel : The Sussex Countlan I'rint 189.5. 1462, 186 pp. Appendix, pp. 1459-1462 : pp. 1459-1462. Rept of Insurance comr., Feb., 1895. Index, 186 pp. 1897 January 5-May 29 Journal of the Senate. Wilmington : The Star Pub. Co., 1897. 1204, 205 pp. Appendix, pp. 1191-1204: pp. 1191-1195. Reprieves, etc., by Gov. Watson, pp. 1197-1201. Rept of state treasurer, 1895/6. pp. 1'203-1204. Rept. of ex-Gov. Watson on direct tax tand. Index. 205 pp. Journal of the House of Representatives. Wilmington: The Star Pub. Co., 1897. 1632, 260 pp. Appendix, pp. 1619-1632 : pp. 1019-1623. Reprieves, etc., by Gov. Watson. pp. 1625-1629. Rept ot state trea.surer, 1895/6. pp. 1631-1632. Rept ot ex-6ov. Watson on direct tax fund. 1898 Adjourned Session January 11-May 30 Journal of the Senate. Wilmington : Electric Press, 1898. 643, 76 pp. Journal ot the House ot Representatives. Wilmington : Electric Press, 1898. 750, 86 pp. Appendix, pp. 725-750 : pp. 725-742. Rept of San Jose scale Inspector for 1897. pp. 743-750. Govs. mess. Jan., 1898. Index. 86 pp. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF DELAWARE 11 COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd 1899 January 3-March 13 Journal of the Senate. Wilmington : Tlie Star Pub. Co., 1899. 1441, 200 pp. Appendix, pp. 1421-1441 : pp. 1421-1433. Kept, of state chemist, 1898. pp. 1435-1441. PeUtloDS. Index. 200 pp. Journal of the House of Representatives. Wilmington : The Star Pub. Co.. 1899. 1731. 325 pp. Appendix, pp. 1719-1731 : pp. 1719-1731. Kept, of state cbemlst, 1898. Index. 325 pp. 1901 January 1-March 8 Dover : The Sentinel Prtg. Co., Journal of the Senate 52 pp., 1 1. Journal of (he House of Representatives. Co., 1901. 1579, 275 pp. Wilmington : 1901. 890, Globe Prtg. COLLECTED DOCUMENTS— cont'd 1903 January 6-March 17 Journal of the Senate. Mllford : Chronicle Power Print, 1903. 1043 (1), 58 pp., 1 1. Copy in Wilmington Institute Free Library. Journal of the House of Representatives. Dover: The Delawarean Print, 1903. 1131 (1). 120 pp. Copy in Wilmington Institute Free Library. 1904 Special Session December 29-30 Journal of the Senate .... convened and held at Dover, .... 29th of Dec 1905 (I. e., 1904] Georgetown: G. E. M. Stengle, n. d. 29 pp. Jan. sess., 190.5, li'l.. and paged continuously, with this special session, but has separate title page. Journal of the House of Representatives. Dover : B. F. Simmons, Jr., 1905. 23 (1), 7 pp. Jan. sess., 1905, bd. with this special session, but has separate title page and separate paging. PART II TOPICAL ANALYSIS ACCIDENTS 1879. Crimes and punishment: Inadequacy of protec- tion furnished by law, in its penalties, to the lives and persons of passengers upon r.rs. illustrated by case of State agst. H. G. Brown, recently tried in and for New Castle Co. (Govs. mess. (Cochran) Jan. 1879.) Insurance; see that title ADJUTANT GENERAL Reports; see Militia Salary; see Salaries ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE: COUNTY Kent County 1820-1821. Acct. of sheriff of Kent Co. agst. state. (Sen. jol. Nov. sess. 1821: 102.) 1865-1871. Stmt, of sheriff of Kent. Co., in acct. with state. (A.R. auditor 1865 (p. 47)— same 1871.) New Castle County 1832. Communication from Levy Court of Newcastle Co', in rel. to expenses of courts established in city of Wilmington. (House jol. Jan. 1S32: 187-188.) 1835. Communication for and in behalf of citizens of Newcastle agst. the passage of a bill entitled " Act to provide for the removal of the seat of justice for Newcastle Co., from town of Newcastle, to city of Wilmington." {Same Jan. 1835: 106-110.) 1864/5-1870/1. Stmt, of sheriff of New Castle Co., in acct. with state. (A.R. auditor 1865 (p. 46) — same 1871.) Sussex County 1863/5-1871. Stmt, of sheriff of Sussex Co., in acct. with state. (A.R. auditor 1865 (pp. 46, 47)— same 1871.) ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE: STATE serial 1889-1899. Bienn. rept. of jt. committee apptd. to audit accts. and vouchers of atty. gen. In Collected docs, as follows 1889* In Senate Jol. Jan 1889 710-711. 1891 '• '• •' *' 1891 704. 1893 tt •• ti " 189.'! 500: 860 1895 t( «t t( •' 189.^ 1007. *' House " " 1895 1403. 1897 " Senate '* •• 1897 397. " House *' *' 1897 525. 1899 " Senate " " 1899 184. II " House *' « 1890 238. non-serial 1797. Amdmt. of system of penal jurisprudence recom- mended. (Govs. mess. (Bedford) Jan. 1797.) 1799. No. of justices of the peace, limited by the Con- stitution and law to be apptd. by Gov., too few for the extensiveness of the cos.; suggesting increase In the no. (Same (Bassett) Jan. 1799.) * On examination of accts. of atty. gen. and state libm. ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE: STATIC— cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1802. On inequality in punishment of larceny, and the receiving or buying of stolen goods, knowing them to be stolen; Del. laws should be adapted to the prevention and punishment of crimes as they most commonly happen. (Same (Sykes) Jan. 1802.) 1803. Judiciary system established by late convention of state is on too extensive a scale; part of it might well be dispensed with; expense of constitutional plan of itinerant associate judges might be greatly retrenched by substitution of co. associates, with a daily allowance. (Same (Hall) Jan. 1803.) •. Law for the more effectual preservation of such ships, or other vessels, and goods thereof, as shall be found on shore, etc., requires sheriff, under pen- alty for neglect, to publicly read or cause to be read the act at fall sessions in each yr.; this duty now unnecessary. (Same (Hall) Jan. 1803.) . Recommendation rel. to power of judges of the Court of Oyer and Terminer. (Same (Hall) Jan. 1803.) 1811. Rel. to present mode of apptg. constables; change recommended. (Same (Haslett) Jan. 1811.) 1819. Recommending that provision be made by law that upon death, removal, etc., of any justice of the peace, his dockets and all papers relating to his office be deposited in office of prothonotary of co where justice officiated, etc. (Same (Clark) Jan 1819.) 1823. Rept. on act rel. to cost In criminal eases, (House jol. ann. sess. 1823: 119-121; Sen jol. pp 36-38.) 1826. Rept. of committee on bill providing for punish ment of certain crimes and misdemeanours (sic) (House jol. Jan. 1826: 188-190.) 1830. A copy record of the sessions of the courts, and attendance of the judges, within state, for the yr. (Sam^ Jan. 1831: 191-208.) 183L Same. (Same 1832: 253-265.) 1859. Reasons for withholding approval from consti- tutional amdmt. abolishing life tenures in office, with view to limiting judicial offices to 12 yrs. (Govs. mess. (Causey) Jan. 1859.) . Suggested that inferior courts be given jurisdic- tion of assaults and batteries, larcenies and no. of offences not amounting to felony. (Same (Causey) Jan. 1859.) 1861. Reasons for withholding executive approbation from proposed constitutional amdmt. abolishing life tenure in offices of judiciary. (Same (Burton) Jan. 1861.) 1883. Opinions of chancellor and judges [of Del.] transmitted in answer to jt. res. of Gen. Assem. Dover, Jas. Kirk & Sons. 1883. 50 pp. Copy In Delaware Historical Socy., Wilmington. 13 14 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF DELAWARE ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE: STATE— cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1885. Commendation of proposed amdmt. to constitu- tion, rel. to judiciary system. (Govs, bienn. mess. (Stockley) Jan. 6, 1885: 10-11.) 1891. List of constables apptd. and reapptd. at spring term of Levy courts of the resp. cos., with amt. of fee reed. (A.R. auditor 1891: 95-96.) 1901. Inter-state relations: fugitives from Justice. (Govs. mess. (Tunnell) Jan. 1901: 9.) 1901/2-1903/4. Secys. stmt, of justices of the peace and notaries public apptd. by gov. for yr. endg. Dec. 1, giving date of apptmt., name of appointee, fee charged, office, and term. (A.R. auditor 1902 (pp. 144-145)— some 1904.) Attorney-General 1891. Rept. of committee apptd. to examine accts. and vouchers of atty.-gen. for past 2 yrs. (House jol. Jan. 1891: 928.) Detectives 1897. Suggested that chap. 47, vol. 19, laws of Del., be so amended that detectives may be compensated out of state funds; unfair that Wilmington should be charged with payment of officers called upon to render services in all parts of state. (Govs. mess. (Watson) Jan. 1897: 13-14.) Fines and Forfeitures; see that title Levy Court 1817. On the organization and power of the Levy Court; restriction advised. (Govs. mess. (Rodney) Jan. 1817.) 1879. Protest agst. mode in which Levy Court apprns. are drawn. (Same (Cochran) Jan. 1879.) Receipts and Expenditures 1853. Stmt, of expenses of Court of General Sessions and of Oyer and Terminer. (A.R. auditor 1854: 53.) 1859. Awards offered for apprehension of criminals and recommendation that they be paid. (Govs. mess (Causey) Jan. 1859.) 1873. Acct. of awards ottered for arrest of criminals; recommended that they be paid. (Govs. mess. (Ponder) Jan. 1873: 12-13.) 1875. Recommended that award offered for apprehen- sion of criminal be paid. (Same (Ponder) Jan. 1875: 18.) 1883. Acct. of money reed, by J. P. Comegys as chief justice and disposition of same by him under res. of Mar. 8, 1865. (Sen. jol. Jan. 1883: 772-773; House jol. Jan. 1883: 917-918.) Salaries of Judiciary; see Salaries. AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION serial A ANNTAL REPORTS 1888-1903/6. Ann. rept. of the Delaware College Agri- cultural Experiment Station, Newark, 1-18. Wil- mington, n. d.-1907. 1. 2 3! 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 1«/ n. 1888. 1889. 1890. 1891. 1892. 1893. 1894/5. 1895/6. 1896/7. 1897/8. 1898/9. 1899/00. 1900/1. 1901/2. 1902/3. 18. 1903, Chpckllst p.. n. d. 16 pp. Delaware Prtg. Co., Mercantile Prtg. Co., n. d. , 1891. n. d. n. d. n. d. n. d. n. d. n. d. n. d. 1900. 1901. 1902. 1903. 1904. 1907. 195 pp., 1 176 pp. 128 pp. 146 pp. 224 pp. 246 pp., 181 pp. 232 pp. 268 pp. 201 pp., 259 pp., 213 pp., 163 pp.. 172 pp., 115 pp., 1 dlagr. 2 pis. 1 pi. 6 pis. 6 pis. 1 pi. pis. AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION— cont'd serial — cont'd B BULLETINS 1888-1904. Bulletins Issued by the Delaware College Experiment Station. Checklist 1. 1888 June. Objects and organization, h. t. p. 7 pp. 2. 1888 Sept. Horticulture and entomology ; by M. H. Beckwith. h. t. p. 3 leaves. 3. 1888 Dec. The dept. of botany and plant pathology ; by F. D. Chester, h. t. p. 4 leaves. 4. 1889 May. Injurious Insects; by M. H. Beckwith. h. t. p. 19 pp. 5. 1889 June. The Inspection of seed and of stock- feed In Delaware. Wilmington, Delaware Prtg. Co., n. d. 15 (1) pp., 8 leaves. Bull, lias only h. t. p., place and prtr. were given on cover. 6. 18S9 Oct. Summary of station's experiments on black rot of grapes, h. t. p. 32 pp. Delaware Prtg. Co. on cover. 7. 1889 Dec. Stock feeding, h. t. p. 24 pp., pi. . 8. 1890 March. 16 pp. I. The possibilities of developing the domestic sugar Industry : by A. T. Neale. II. The value of sulphide of potassium as remedy agst. pear moth ; by F. D. Chester. III. London purple as remedv agst. codling moth ; by M. 11. Bwkwlth. h. t. p. 1890 March. Special bull. A. Fungicides; by F. D. Chester, h. t. p. 4 pp. 9. 1890. Creamery studies of methods and machinery. n. p., n. d. 32 pp. 10. 1890 Oct. [Diseases of the vine and their treat- ment : experiments.] h. t. p. 32 pp. 11. 1891 Jan. Soil and crop tests, n. p., n. d. 15 pp. 12. 1891 Miirch. Injurious Insects and Insecticides; spraying machinery; [by M. H. Beckwith]. n. p., n. d. 28 pp. 13. 1801 July. The leaf blight of pear and quince, n. p., n. d. 14 pp. 14. 1891 Dec. Field tests upon Indian corn. n. p., n. d. 15 pp. 15. 1892 Jan. Diseases of crops and their treatment; [by F. D. Chester], n. p., n. d. 16 pp. 16. 1892 March. Scarlet clover; [by A. T. Neale]. n. p., n. d. 15 pp. 17. 1892 June. Hand-power cream separators ; by C. L. Penny, n. p., n. d. 13 pp. 18. 1892 Sept. Str.Twborries — test of varieties ; straw- berry weevil ; by M. H. Beckwith. n. p., n. d. 16 pp. 19. 1892 Dec. Can peach rot be controlled by spraying ; by F. D. Chester, n. p., n. d. 16 pp. 20. 1893. Anthrax : precautions necessary to prevent Its spread; [by A. T. Neale]. n. p., n. d. 15 pp. 21. 1893 Sept. Insects Injurious to stored grain ; [by M. H. Beckwith]. n. p.. n. d. 12 pp. 22. 1893 Dec. The preparation of ammoniacal solution of copper carbonate; [by C. L. Penny], n. p., n. d. 16 pp. 23. 1894 March. Texas fever; [by A. T. Neale]. n. p., n. d. 11 pp. 24. 1894 Julv. Strawberries ; test of varieties ; [by M. H. Beckwith]. n. p., n. d. 10 pp. 25. 1895 Mav. The San Jose scale insect In Delaware ; by M."H. Beckwith. n. p., n. d. 8 pp. 26. 1895 March. Abstr. from ann. rept. 1894. Newark, n. d. 11 pp. Copy In Delaware Historical Socy. 27. 1895 June. Test of sorghum varieties ; by C. L. Penny, n. p., n. d. 24 pp. 28. 1895 July. Strawberries : test of varieties ; varieties grown" In Del. ; Injurv from leaf blight and straw- berry weevil ; by M. H. Beckwith. n. p., n. d. 16 pp. 29. 1895 Oct. Experiments in treatment of peach rot and of apple scab ; by F. D. Chester, n. p., n. d. 24 pp. 30. 1896 Jan. The Stin Jose scale Insect ; by M. H. Beckwith. n. p., n. d. 16 pp. 31. 1896. Milk-sampling; by C. L. Penny, n. p., n. d. 23 pp. 32. 1896. Combating anthrax In Del. ; by A. T. Neale. n. t. p. 24 pp. 33. 1896. The increase of San Jose scale In Del. during 1896 ; by G. H. Powell, n. p., n. d. 10 pp. 34. 1897 Jan. The treatment of plant diseases In 1896 ; [by F. D. Chester], n. p., n. d. 22 pp. 35. 1897. The cherry in Del. ; by G. H. Powell, n. t. p. 23 pp. 36. 1897. Potash: its commercial relations; Its agrlc. relations ; chemical method for Its accurate esti- mation in soil; [by C. L. Penny], n. p., n. d. 24 pp. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE ST5TE OF DELAWARE 15 AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION— cont'd serial — cont'd B — cont'd BULLETINS — cont'd Checklist — cont'd 37. 18!)8. Anthra^^ : a study of national and of state legislation on this subject ; [by A. T. Neale]. n. p., n. d. 15 pp. 38. ISilS. Some principles In Del. apple culture ; by G. Harold Powell, n. p., n. d. 20 pp. 3fl. l.SfS. Sorcrhuin : Its development as a commercial source of sugar ; by C. L. Penny, n. p., n. d. 23 pp. 40. 1898. Soil bacteria In their relation to agrlc. pt. 1 ; by F. D. Chester, n. p., n. d. 16 pp. 41. 1898. Pea canning In Delaware ; by G. H. Powell. n. t. p. 16 pp. 42. 1898 Dec. The European and Japanese chestnuts In eastern V. S. ; by G. H. Powell, abridged ed. n. t. p. 16 pp. 43. 1890. Veterin.iry studies : st.nte and municipal milk legislation : use of basic slag as fertilizer In hay farming: [by A. T. Neale]. n. p., n. d. 24 pp. 44. 1890 March. Sorghum iu 1898 ; by C. L. Penny. n. p., n. d. 16 pp. 45. 1899 Oct. The piuning of young fruit trees; by G. H. Powell, n. p., n. d. 16 pp. 46. 1900 May. The Sout^iern or cowpea In Del. — EMeld work and feeding experiments ; by A. T. Neale ; Plot work, botanical notes and varietal testing ; by W. H. Bishop, n. p., n. d. 24 pp. 47. 1900 Sept. Common diseases of fowls, their control and treatment ; by F. D. Chester, n. p., n. d. 30 pp. 48. 1900 Oct. Top-working apple trees ; by G. H. Powell. n. p., n. d. 16 pp. 49. 1900 Dec. The strawberry root louse ; the destructive pea louse In Del. ; by E. Dwlght Sanderson, n. p., n. d. 24 pp. 50. 1901 March. Directions for treatment of Insect pests and plant diseases ; bv E. D. Sanderson and F. D. Chester. Sheet, 24" x [19"]. Also called " Spray Calendar." 51. 1901 Jan. Pedigreed sorghum as source of cane sugar ; by A. T. Neale. n. p., n. d. 24 pp. 52. 1901 April. Pear blight and pear canker ; by F. D. Chester, n. p., n. d. 8 pp. 53. 1901 Dec. Three orchard pests ; apple bud-borer, fruit-tree bark borer, periodical cicada ; by E. Di Sanderson, n. p., n. d. 19 pp. 54. 1902 March. The Chinese cling group of peaches; by G. H. Powell, n. p., n. d. 32 pp. 55. 1902 May. Alfalfa, cowpeas and crimson clover as factors In reducing feed bills ; critical study of Getty's method of raising cowpeas for silage purposes ; by A. T. Neale. n. p., n. d. 23 pp. 56. 1902 June. .Some destructive caterpillars : fall web- worm ; white marked tussock moth, apple-tree tent-caterpillar ; by E. D. Sanderson, n. p., n. d. 28 pp. 57. 1902 June. Sundry notes on plant diseases ; by F. D. Chester, n. p., n. d. 16 pp. 58. 1903 Feb. The San Jose scale; by E. D. Sanderson. n. p., n. d. 16 pp., 2 leaves. 59. 1903 Feb. The codling moth ; by E. D. Sanderson. n. p., n. d. 22 pp., 2 leaves. 60. 1903 Aug. Cover crops ,ts green manure ; by C. L. Penny, n. p.. n. d. 44 pp. 61. 1903 June. Orchard cover crops in Del. ; by C. P. Close, n. p., n. d. 32 pp., 2 leaves. 62. 1904 Feb. Pruning the peach ; bv C. P. Close. 16 pp. 63. 1904 Feb. Notes on fungous diseases In Del. ; by F. D. Chester and C. O. Smith. Newark, n. d. pp. 17-32. 04. 1904 March. Some experiences with the lime, sul- phur, and salt washes. Two common scale-insects ; by C. O. Houghton. Newark, n. d. pp. 33-48. 65. 1904 March (sic). The bacteriological analysis of soils ; by F. D. Chester. Newark, n. d. pp. 49-76. 60. 1904 Nov. Soil bacteria and nitrogen assimilation ; by F. D. Chester. Newark, n. d. 12 pp. Also In Documents as follows : 4 in 2 ann. rept. agrlc. exper. station 1889 : 112-128. 6 " 1 blenn. rept. bd. of agrlc. 1888/9, app. 32 pp. 7 " 2 ann. rept. agrlc. exper. station 1889 : 137-159. 16 " 5 •' " •' " '• 1892 : 8-19. 17 " 5 " 1802:110-123. Summary omitted : estimation of horsepower added. 18 In 5 ann. rept. agrlc. exper. station 1892 : 89-96, 103-107. 19 In 5 ann. rept. agrlc. ejtper. station 1892 : 53-66. 21 " 6 •' 1893 : l.'i4-l{>3. 22 " 6 " 1893 : 172-183. 23 " 6 ' " 1893 : 39-47. 24 '• 7 " 1894/5 : 140-149. 26 " 7 " 1894/5 : 160-168. AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION— cont'd serial — cont'd 27 'S 7 an 33 9 • 34 9 ' 35 9 ' 42 11 ■ 45 11 ■ 51 12 ' 52 12 • 54 13 ' B — cont'd BULLETINS — cont'd Checklist — cont'd in. rept. agrlc. exper. station 1894/5 : 176-197. ' " 1896/7 : 201-210. " 1896/7:20-38. " 1896/7 : 175-197. " 1898/9 : 101-134. " 1898/9 : 135-150. " 1899/00 : 13-35. •• 1899/00:38-46. " 1900/1:83-112. CIRCULARS 1888-1892. Circulars issued by Agricultural Experiment Station of Delaware College. 1888. [Circular containing questions concerning peach yellows.] Not found : entry taken from memorandum In Agrlc. exper, station, bull. 3 : 3. 1889 Feb. 9. [Circular letter to farmers and fruit growers containing (101 questions rel. to insects Injuring crops during season, nature of injury, reme- dies tried, etc.]. n. t. p. 2 leaves. Same. [2 .\.R. agrlc. exper. station of Del. College 1889: 109-110.] Questions only in rept. 1890 BVb. 8. [Circular soliciting co-operation of farmen in the study of plant diseases.] 2 leaves. 1892 Feb. [Circulars concerning scarlet clover.] Not found : entry taken from reference in Agrlc exper. station, bull. 16 : 14-15. PRESS BULLETINS 1899-1904. Press Bulletins of Agric. Exper. Station. 1. 1899 Nov. Asparagus rust. [2]. [1899]. The IIey proper care ; classes of bees and their work : value of bees ; care and mngmt of bees ; diseases, etc. Board of Agriculture 1879. Text of act to create state bd. of agric, passed March 28. (1 bienn. rept. bd. of agric 1888/9: 444.) 1883. Advising establishment of state bd. of agric. and labor, with such powers as legisl. shall deem proper. (Govs. mess. (Stockley) .Jan. 1SS3.) 1885. Attention of legisl. directed to consideration of establishment of state bd. of agric. (Same (Stock- ley) Jan. 1885: 17.) 1887. Joint res. [of Gen. Assam.], Apr. 9, providing means to enable state bd. of agric. more effectually to carry out object of its organization. (1 bienn. rept. bd. of agric 1888/9: 444-445.) 1889. Joint res. [of Gen. Assem.], Apr. 25, providing means to enable state bd. of agric. to have prtd., bound and distributed 2000 copies of its repts. (1 same 1888/9: 445.) 1902. Duties of bd. as prescribed by Constitution and defined by law, creating bd. (2 A.R. same 1902: 19.) . Provision should be made for suitable office room for clerical worlj of bd. and storage of papers, books, documents, etc (2 same 1902; 19.) AGRICULTURE— confd Conventions 1888. Proceedings of mtg. of fruit growers held at Dover, July 6. (1 bienn. rept. bd. of agric 1888/9: 215-223.) 1889. Proceedings of mtg. of peach growers. (1 same 1888/9: 225-232.) 1904. Agric conference held Dec. 6 and 7; program; recommended that 5000 copies be printed for gen- eral distribution. (4 A.R. same 1904: 22-23.) Not found. 1902-1904. Proceedings of agricultural conference. In Documents as follows : 1902 Nov. 13, Dec. 16 In 2 A.U. bd. of agric. 1902: 26-57. 1904 Dec. 6-7 In 4 A.R. bd. of nsric. 1004 : 23 ; 28-78. The 1004 rept. Is condensed; program and most Important papers are given. Crops 1S08. Suggesting the countenancing by law, so far as expedient, of every species of family mnfrc, and the growth of crops suited to climate and soil of Del. (Govs. mess. (Mitchell) Jan. 1808.) 1888. Sources of nitrogen of our crops: by T. R. Wolf. (Trans. Peninsula Hortic Socy. 1888: 76-80.) Paging from 1 bienn. rept. bd. of agric. 1888/9. . Tables showing acreage, yield, acres of crop to each 1000 acres of total land surface, relation to U. S. average of corn, wheat, oats, in each of the several states of U. S., producing cereals. (1 bienn. rept. bd. of agric. 1888/9: 431-[433].) 1889-1894. Tabular stmt, of yields per acre on plots at M. Hayes' farm at Dover, of corn, sweet potatoes, cowpea vines, wheat, using different kinds of fer- tilizers. (7 A.R. agric. exper. station of Del. Col- lege 1894/5: 230.) Forage; see below, Gr.\ss and Fobage Fktjit serial 1889-1903/6. Rept. of the horticulturist of the agric. exper. station of Del. College. In Docun)ents as follows : 1889 (Beckwlth) in 2 ann. rept. agric. exper. station 1889: 101-109. 1890 (Beckwith) In "3 ann. rept. agric. exper. station 1890 : O.-i-lOO. 1891 (Beckwith) In 4 ann. rept. agric. exper. station 1891 : TO-SS. 1S92 (Beckwith) in 5 ann. rept. agric. exper. station 1892 : 81-101. 1893 (Beckwith) In 6 ann. rept. agric. exper. station 1893 : 132-153. 1894/5 (Beckwith) In 7 ann. rept. agric. exper. station 1894/5 : 124-159. 1895/6 (Beckwith) In 8 ann. rept. agric. exper. station 1895/6:83-111. 1896/7 (Powell) In 9 ann. rept. agric. exper. station 1896/7 : 166-197. 1897/S (Powell) in 10 ann. rept. agric. exper. station 1897/8 : 198-232. 1898/9 (Powell) in 11 ann. rept. agric. exper. station 1898/9 : 101-156. 1899/00 (Powell I in 12 ann. rept agric. exper. station 1899/00 : 99-141. 1900/1 (Powell) in 13 ann. rept. agric. exper. station 1900/1 : 83-126. 1901/2 (Close) In 14 ann. rept agric. exper. station 1901/2 : 89-108. 1902/3 (Close) In 15 ann. rept agric. exper. station 1902/3:117-140. 1903/6 (Close) In 16-18 ann. rept agric. exper. station 1903/6 : 40-69. non-serial 1872. Address to the fruit growers on the Del. Penin- sula; [by committee apptd. at ann. mtg. of Penin- sular [sicl Fruit Growers' Assn.]. n. t. p. 15 pp. Contains [on pp. 13-15] : Rept of special committee on markets and new routes, reed., read and ap- proved at mtg. of assn.. Feb. 20. Copy in Delaware Historical Socy. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE 19 AGRICULTURE— cont'd Crops^ont'd Fbuit — cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1888. Proceedings of mtg. of fruit growers held at Dover, under auspices of bd. of agric, July 6. (1 bienn. rept. bd. of agric. 1888/9: 215-223.) Discussion rel. to " peach yellows " ; work of Del. fruit oxchance ; shipping fruit and means of transportation. . Rept. of fruit committee; prepared by Wm. P. Corsa. (Trans. Peninsula Hortic. Socy. 1888: 102- 108.*) General remarks rel. to fruit-growing, its advantages, Its diseases, etc. 1889. Small fruit plots: location and name of person in charge; varieties of strawberries, currants, gooseberries, raspberries and blackberries set in each plot and varieties of strawberries set in New- ark plot; method of setting; by M. H. Beckwith. (2 A.R. agric. exper. station 1889: 102-105.) . Rept. on small fruits; by A. W. Haymaker. (Trans. Peninsula Hortic. Socy. 1889: 174-178.) Varieties of berries, discussion. Paging from 1 blenn. rept. bd. of agric. 1888/9. — — . Loss in marketing fruit; by C. W. Idell. (1 bienn. rept. bd. of agric. 1888/9: 277-280.) . Successful fruit growing in Central Del.; by Jas. B. Gilchrist. (1 same 1888/9: 137-270.) Asparagus, strawberries, black cap raspberries, red raspberries, blackberries, apples, grapes, peaches. Planting, cultivation, etc., given in each case, with individual experiments covering no. of yrs., yield of fruit and value. . The hortic. work of experiment stations; by M. H. Beckwith. (Trans. Peninsula Hortic. Socy. 1889: 144-149.*) . Rept. of committee on fruits; by Wm. P. Corsa. [Merely suggests questions for discussion, which takes up most of space given to this article.] (Same 1889: 138-144.*) . " Fruit list " needed for guidance of novices In Peninsula: too many varieties bane of peninsula fruit-growing. (Same 1889: 134-135.*) . Rept. [on fruits and general conditions] in Sussex Co.; by S. H. Messick. {Same 1889: 196- 198.*) . Rept. of committee on fruit list, submitting list of varieties of apples, pears, peaches, plums, quince, grapes, strawberries, raspberries, blackber- ries and currants. (Same 1889: 155-156.*) 1890. Varieties of currants and gooseberries planted at Newark. (3 A.R. agric. exper. station 1890: 99.) . On hortic. work of the station. (3 same 1890: 15-17.) 1890-1899. Stmt, of no. of baskets of peaches and quarts of berries transported from Peninsula points over Del. R.R. (15 same 1902/3: 12-13.) 1892. Tables showing dates of blooming and first ripe fruit of several varieties of currants, gooseberries and raspberries, with notes on varieties of rasp- berries; by M. H. Beckwith. (5 same 1892: 100- 101.) 1899. Formation of fruit buds; influence of fruit thin- ning on Burbank and Poole's Pride plums; by G. H. Powell. (11 same 1898/9: 150-153.) . The root pruning of young fruit trees; by G. H. Powell. (11 same 1898/9: 135-150.) . Same. 16 pp. (Agric. exper. station bull. 45.) 1902. Corresp. with chief statistician of Agric. Dept. at Washington rel. to low value of orchard fruits of Del. in 1899. (15 A.R. agric. exper. station 1902/3: 11-12.) AGRICULTURE— cont'd Crops— cont'd Fbuit — cont'd non-serial — cont'd • Paging from 1 blenn. r?pt. bd. of agric. 1888/9. 1902. The station orchard; by C. P. Close. (14 same 1901/2: 107-108.) Varieties of fmlt In new planting and plan for prnnlng test. . The fruit industry in Del.: peach culture; apples; strawberry culture. (2 A.R. bd. of agric. 1902: 97-109.) 1903. Root forcing on fruit trees; by C. P. Close. (15 A.R. agric. exper. station of Del. College 1902/3: 120-122.) Method : record nf top growth and grade of root systems of peach trees grown one yr. : record of top growth and grade of root systems of apple trees grown 1 yr. 1904. The hortic. interests of Del.; by Chas. Wright; with discussion. (4 A.R. bd. of agric. 1904: 28-32.) Sussex County 1888. Fruit growing in Sussex Co.; by S. H. Messick. (Trans. Peninsula Hortic. Socy. 1888: 94-99.) Paging from 1 bienn. rept. bd. of agric. 1888/9. Apple For diseases of the apple see below. Pests. 1888. Profitable market apples; by J. G. Brown. (Trans. Peninsula Hortic. Socy. 1888: 108-115.) Paging from 1 blenn. rept. bd. of agric. 1888/9. 1889. Rept. of committee on apples; by J. G. Brown, chrm. (Same 1889: 167-169.*) . Apples for winter; by Geo. Balderston. (Same 1889: 169-174.*) 1894. Preliminary work on study of varieties of apples for profitable culture in Del.; by M. H. Beckwith. (7 A.R. agric. exper. station 1894/5: 154-158.) Ace. by list, of varieties making fair growth Ang. 17 [from cions set In Apr.]. 1897-1901. Introduction of apple varieties into Del. from 1897 to 1901; by G. H. Powell. (13 A.R. agric. exper. station of Del. College 1900/1: 125-126.) List of varieties. 1898. Some principles in Del. apple culture; by G. H. Powell. 20 pp. (Agric. exper. station bull. 38.) Apple Industry in Del. : apparent distrust In apple culture, behavior of no. varieties, soils, etc. ; practical suggestions : planting, care, varieties, etc. : notes on varieties. 1900. Pollination of apples — preliminary rept.; by G. H. Powell. (12 A.R. agric. exper. station of Del. College 1899/00: 134-139.) Experiments ; summary of results ; final deductions. . Top-working apple trees; by G. H. Powell. 16 pp. (Agric. exper. station bull. 48.) Summary (advantages, kind of trees, etc.) ; top-work- ing young apple trees ; selectini; stock, selecting buds, bearing age of top-worked trees ; top-working methods, care of top-worked tree ; top-working old trees. 1901. Same; self crossing of varieties, intercrossing; record of results. (13 same 1900/1: 112-116.) . Blooming period of apples; by G. H. PoweU. (13 name 1900/1: 116-120.) Record of dlBEerent varieties in Denton, Md., Newark, Del., and Kent Co., Del. 1902. Apple pollinations; by C. P. Close. (14 some 1901/2: 101-102.) Acct. of experiments in orchard of S. H. Derby at Woodside ; record of cross-polUnatlon work in this orchard. . Thinning apples; by C. P. Close. (14 same 1901/ 2: 91-94.) Experiments In orchard of S. H. Derby of Woodslde ; record of yield of different grades of fruit on thinned and unthinned trees. Blackberry 1891. Varieties of blackberries planted Apr. 20. (4 A.R. agric. exper. station 1891: 84.) • Paging from 1 blenn. rept. bd. of agric. 1888/9. 20 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE AGRICULTURE— cont'd Crops—cont'd FsnT — cont'd Chebut 1897. The cherry in Del.; by G. H. Powell. (9 A.R. asric. exper. station of Del. College 1896/7: 175- 197.) Cherry Industry In Del. ; extent of sweet and sour ciierrv Interests; classlficatliin ; practical consid- erirtlons : soli, location, dist. of trees, propagating varieties. pnininK. cultivation of orchard, handling crop, profits, varieties. Injurious fungi, Insect ene- mies, climatic Injuries, condensed review of cherry culture. . Same. 23 pp. (Agric. exper. station bull. 35.) 1900. The sour cherries of America; by G. H. Powell. (12 A.R. agric. exper. station of Del. College 1899/ 00: 99-129.) Nomenclature; classification, groups; notes on (I. e., hist., description, etc.) of varieties. Dewberry 1902. The Lucretia dewberry; by J. B. Gilchrist. (2 A.R. bd. of agric. 1902: 112-114.) Experiments since 1895 ; diseases ; cost per acre, yield, etc. Grape For diseases of the grai)e see below. Pests. 1889. Result of experiments by Prof. Penny to deter- mine whether sprayed grapes, freed from all exter- nal traces of copper [as result of use of Bordeaux mixture] still contain appreciable quantity of that metal. (2 A.R. agric. exper. station of Del. College 1889: 28.) . Rept. on grapes: by J. S. Barnhast. ["Bag method ": varieties.] (Trans. Peninsula Hortic. Socy. 1889: 198-200.) Paging from 1 blenn. rept. bd. of agric. 1888/9. . Grape culture; by J. D. Scout. (1 bienn. rept. bd. of agric. 1888/9: 273-276.) fl) TTave vineyards proved to be remuner.itive : (2) What varieties are best suited to our soil and climate ; (3) How sho\ild vines be cultivated. . Several articles of food known to be healthful found to contain small quantities of copper; by C. L. Penny. (2 A.R. agric. exper. station of Del. College 1889: 172-174.) Showing that grapes after careful treatment with Bordeaux mixture show scarcely more copper than certain natural grapes and even less tlian some common food articles (oatmeal, flour, molasses, etc.). 1890. Experiments at Smyrna: upon vineyard of L. E. Anthony. (3 same 1890: 46-50.) . Experiment in bagging grapes, vineyard of Ran- dolph Peters' Nursery Co. (Agric. exper. station bull. 10: 22-24.) . Experiments near New Castle: upon vineyard of Dr. J. ,T. Black. (3 A.R. agric. exper. station 1890: 51-54.) . Experiments near Newark: upon vineyard of Randolph Peters' Nursery Co. (3 same 1890: 54- 60.) . Copper on grapes. (3 same 1890: 23.) 1891. Varieties of grapes planted; description of fruit from Diamond grape vines planted in 1889. (4 same 1891: 84-86.) [1894.] Grapes: comparative data of different varie- ties, showing date of first bloom and first ripe fruit, description of chief varieties; by M. H. Beckwith. (7 same 1894/5: 134-139.) Peach For diseases of the peach .see below, Peats. 1886. Cultivation of the peach and pear on Delaware and Chesapeake Peninsula. Wilmington, 1886. 397 pp., pi. Copy In Wilmington Institute Free Library. AGRICULTURE— cont'd Crops— cont'd FanT — cont'd Peach — cont'd 1888. Peach culture; by J. S. Harris. (Trans. Penin- sula Hortic. Socy. 1888: 81-94.) Soil and situation; varieties; selecting trees; time of planting; cultivation of young trees; pruning; cultivation of fruiting trees; Insects; diseases; discussion. Paging from 1 blenn. rept. bd. of ngrlc. 1888/9. 1889. Procs. of mtg. of peach growers called by bd. of agric. to confer on proposed legislation rel. to spread of peach yellows. (1 bienn. rept. bd. of agric. 1888/9: 225-232.) . Rept. of committee on peaches; by J. S. Harris. (Trans. Peninsula Hortic. Socy. 1889: 149-155.) Includes discussion. Paging frnm 1 bienn. rept. bd. of agric. 1888/9. 1890. List of varieties of peach trees planted by S. H. Messick, Bridgeville. (3 A.R. agric. exper. station 1890: 94.) . List of varieties of peach trees planted by Chas. Wright near Seaford. (3 same 1890: 95-97.) . List of varieties of peaches planted at Newark in Nov. (3 same 1890: 99.) 1891. Results from planting of importation of peach trees from Tasmania in 1890; mildew of [Tasma- nian] peaches; varieties planted in experimental orchard of Chas. Wright, Seaford. (4 same 1891: 86-87.) 1892. List of varieties of peaches growing in experi- mental orchard of Chas. Wright, near Seaford. (5 savie 1892: 97-100.) 1893. Soil tests with fertilizers used on peach trees; by A. T. Neale. (G same 1893: 13-16.) . Determination of vitality of peach seed; by M. H. Beckwith. (6 same 1893: 143-150.) Results of germination tests of seed from W. T. Case of Felton and opinions of nurserymen In various states to whom samples were sent. •. Self pollination of peach; [cross] pollination of peach; by M. H. Beckwith. (6 same 1893: 150-152.) [1894.] Preliminary investigation of effects of over- flow of salt water upon health and fruitfulness of peach trees; by M. H. Beckwith. (7 same 1894/5: 150-152.) 1901. The thinning of peaches; May 27. (Agric. exper. station. Press bull. no. [8].) . Chinese cling group of peaches; by G. H. Powell. (13 A.R. agric. exper. station of Del. College 1900/ 1: 83-112.) Summary ; general characteristics ; hist, of Chinese cling group (in Kurope, America. Japan) ; classi- fication of group ; varieties of Chinese cling group (catalogue and description) ; estimate of varieties [suitable for Del.]. 1902. Same. 32 pp. (Agric. exper. station bull. 54.) . Change in composition of growing peaches; by C. L. Penny. (14 A.R. agric. exper. station of Del. College 1901/2: 87-88.) . Peach self-pollination; by C. P. Close. (14 same 1901/2: 100-101. Test on six varieties in orchard of L. Cooch, near Newark; tabular stmt, of self-fertility of peach blossoms experimented with. . Plant nutrition as applied to peaches; by C. P. Close. (14 same 1901/2: 98-99.) . Peach thinning experiments; by C. P. Close. (14 same 1901/2: 94-98.) Plan of experiments ; kinds of thinning ; experiments with .T. Heyd at Kelton ; record of fruit removed In thinning' and record of ripe fruit from thinned trees ; experiment with J. .1. Uo.sa at Mliford. . Root forcing on fruit trees; by C. P. Close. (14 same 1901/2: 102-105.) Rept. made on peach trees only ; record of growth of top and grade of root systems of peach trees grown one yr. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE 21 AGRICULTURE— cont'd * Crops — cont'd Fbuit — cont'd Peach — cont'd 1904. Pruning the peach; by C. P. Close. 16 pp. (Agric. exper. station bull. 62.) Hist, of peach growing in Del. : cire of early orchards : need of pruning recognized ; pruning roots for planting, pruning after planting, etc. ; changing variety of bearing trees ; San Jose scale and pruning. Peae For diseases of the pear see below. Pests. 1888. Pear growing on Md. and Del. Peninsula; by W. S. Maxwell. (Trans. Peninsula Hortic. Socy. 1888: 66-76.) Soil : planting : cultivation ; manures : pruning ; dis- eases ; varieties ; profits ; discussion by members of socy. Paging from 1 blenn. rept. bd. of agrlc. lR88/n, 1889. Rept. on pears: by W. S. Maxwell [being sum- mary of answers reed, to list of 18 queries sent out bv committee to leading growers on Peninsula]. {Same 1889: 157-167.) Paging from 1 blenn. rept. bd. of agric. 1888/9. 1900. Kieffer pear thinning — preliminary rept.; by G. H. Powell. (12 A.R. agric. exper. station of Del. College 1899/00: 139-141.) . Kieffer pear pollinations; by G. H. Powell. (12 same 1899/00: 129-134.) Experiments vegetative influence of pollen ; orchard problems ; practical deductions. 1901. Same; experiments and record of results, influ- ence of different pollinizers, deductions from 2 yrs. experiments, table of naturally pollinated Kieffers that were set in 1901. (13 same 1900/1: 121-125.) . Pear self-pollination; by C. P. Close. (14 same 1901/2: 99-100.) Experiments with Kieffer and Angnuleme pears. 1903. Pruning Kieffer pear trees; by C. P. Close. (15 same 1902/3: 127-128.) Plum For diseases of the plum see below. Pests. 1891. Plums: varieties planted Apr. 23. (4 A.R. agric. exper. station 1891: 87-88.) [1900.] Experiment in bagging plums; by F. D. Ches- ter. (13 A.R. agric. exper. station of Del. College 1900/1: 47-49.) Quince For diseases of the quince see below. Pests. 1891. Quinces: varieties planted Apr. 23. (4 A.R. agric. exper. station 1891: 88.) Raspbeeby 1891. Varieties of raspberries planted Apr. 20. (4 A.R. agric. exper. station 1891: 83-84.) 1893. Notes on seedling black raspberry reed, from G. C. Brackett, Lawrence, Kan., on Older raspberry and Japanese wineberry; by M. H. Beckwith. (6 same 1S93: 142-143.) [1895.] Raspberries: dates of first bloom and first ripe fruit for several varieties; by M. H. Beckwith. (7 same 1894/5: 149-150.) Stbawberby For diseases of the strawberry see below. Pests. 1888. Strawberries and small fruits; by W. F. McKee. (Trans. Peninsula Hortic. Socy. 1888: 124-127.) Mentions varieties of strawberries, raspberries and blackberries and their desirability ; bad r.r. service for marketing. Paging from 1 blenn. rept. bd. of agrlc 1888/9. 1890. Strawberries — test of varieties: tabular stmt, of results from plots at Newark, Bridgeville, Mermaid. (3 A.R. agric. exper. station 1890: 100-106.) . List of varieties of strawberries planted on sta- tion grounds. (3 same 1890:97-98.) AGRICULTURE— cont'd Crops— cont'd FrTjIT — cont'd Stbawbebry — cont'd 1891. Varieties of strawberries set in fall of 1890, bearing fruit, date of first bloom and first ripe fruit; varieties planted Apr. 24, [1891]. (4 same 1891: 82-83.) 1892. Strawberries: test of varieties, with descriptions and notes on varieties tested; by M. H. Beckwith. (5 same 1892: 89-96.) . Same. (Agric. exper. station bull. 18: 3-10.) 1893. Strawberries: test of varieties and brief descrip- tions of several varieties; by M. H. Beckwith. (6 A.R. agric. exper. station of Del. College 1893: 135- 142.) 1894. Strawberries: test of varieties, tabular stmt, of date of first bloom, first ripe fruit, amt. blighted, with brief descriptions of varieties tested and sum- mary of best 10 varieties for home use and for mar- ket and profit; by M. H. Beckwith. (7 same 1894/ 5: 140-149.) . Same. 10 pp. (Agric. exper. station bull. 24.) 1895. Strawberries: test of varieties, varieties grown in Del., injury from leaf blight and strawberry weevil. 16 pp. (Same bull. 28.) 1902. The strawberry as money crop for farmers in Del.; by Chas. Barker. (2 A.R. bd. of agric. 1902: 110-112.) Geaix 1817. Crops of grain, especially Indian corn, fall much below those of former yrs. in all parts of Del. and throughout the U. S.; suggested that exportation of breadstuff be restrained; urged that application be made to Congress for interposition of their power in preventing exportation of breadstuff, and of all articles of food. (Govs. mess. (Rodney) Jan. 1817.) 1880-1887. Table showing total yield in bushels each yr.. yield per acre, average price per bu. of Indian corn, wheat, rye, oats, buckwheat. (1 bienn. rept. bd. of agric. 1888/9: 352.) 1889. Cereal crops of Del.; by editor [M. Hayes]. (1 same 1888/9: 425-436.) 1899. Stmt, of no. of acres, yield and value of wheat and corn crops in Del., value of dairy products, poultry and eggs, live stock, orchard and small fruits. (15 A.R. agric. exper. station of Del. Col- lege 1902/3: 11.) 1902. Corn and wheat in Del.: importance of fertile soil; improving seed corn; development of corn- breeding; barren stalks in fields; results from im- proved seed-corn; standard varieties of corn; methods of corn-breeding; testing vitality of seed corn; selection and storing of seed corn; selection of ears of seed corn; standards for varieties; selec- tion for quality. (2 A.R. bd. of agric. 1902: 86-95.) From address of A. P. Sharael of III. Experiment Sta- tion at mtg. of Kan. bd. of agrlc. — Reported In Kansas Farmer. (30BX 1888-1901. Yields per acre of corn at 111. experiment station on field where no application of fertilizer was used, corn being raised each yr. (2 A.R. bd. of agric. 1902: 87.) 1890. Result of analysis of corn-stalks taken from field near Felton. (3 A.R. agric. exper. station 1890: 152-154.) 1891. Description, tests, criticisms, notes on details in conducting tests of Keystone husker; by A. T. Neale. (4 same 1891: 32-37.) . Records of corn experiment with different ferti- lizers at Dover — Mastodon variety. (4 same 1891: 31.) 22 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE AGRICULTURE— cont'd Crops — cont'd Grain — cont'd Corn' — cont'd 1891. Records of corn experiment at Dover — Mastodon variety. (Agric. exper. station bull. 14: 12.) 1892. Tabular stmt, of fertilizer tests on Mastodon corn, at Dover. (5 A.R. agric. exper.- station of Del. College 1892: 29.) 1893. Fertilizer and canning test of sugar corn; by A. T. Neale. (6 savie 1893: 21-22.) . Tabulated stmt, showing yield of corn and stalks of Stowell Evergreen and Zig Zug varieties of sugar corn, with different kinds of fertilizers. (6 same 1893: 22.) 1894. Fertilizer test on sweet corn at Newark; by W. H. Bishop. (7 same 1894/5: 238-239.) . Soil test with field corn at Dover; by W. H. Bishop. (7 same 1894/5: 229-232.) . Yields per acre of early Bristol corn on soil test plots on M. Hayes' farm at Dover. (7 same 1894/5: 229-230.) 1894-1903. Table showing corn yield in bu. per acre in Del. and rank among corn states. (15 same 1902/ 3: 20.) 1899. Delaware's rank among corn producing states during yr. ; table showing acres in corn per farm in each state, average yield per acre in bushels. (15 same 1902/3: 14-15.) . Comparisons, by cos., of corn crop of Del. with that of adjacent section of Md. and Penn. (15 same 1902/3: 15-16.) 1899-1903. Table showing average precipitation in Del. each mo. and corn yields per acre each yr. (15 same 1902/3: 21.) [1902.] Opinions current among Del. farmers as to reason for apparently low average of state's corn crop in 1899; by A. T. Neale. (15 same 1902/3: 16-22.) Tenant system of farming: very large ncreage in this crop ; practice of saving blade fodfler from Im- mature com ; relatively small livestock Interest in corn growing section ; unfavorable climatic conditions for corn culture during yr. 1809. 1903. Summary of Del. corn crop: yield and price com- pared with other states, distribution of rainfall, advantage of crimson clover culture during winter and corn during summer; by A. T. Neale. (15 same 1902/3: 7-9.) . The significance of rain in corn culture; by A. T. Neale. (15 same 1902/3: 22-27.) Essential factor In corn culture; relative frequency In Del. of seasons suitable for corn culture ; feasible methods for consenMng sufficient rainfall to in- crease average corn crop of Pel. . Beneficial effects which crimson clover can be made to exercise, indirectly, upon corn crop; by A. T. Neale. (15 same 1902/3: 27-36.) By displacing blade fodder as food for working and driving horses ; by furnishing proteine for balanc- ing corn fodder in rations for livestock. . In sections where corn is cash crop and dairying unimportant, a ratioa of corn fodder and crimson clover hay may develop an industry; vealing calves for Phila. and N. Y. markets, growth of young cows for sale in dairy distrs. of New Castle Co., raising of young stock of beef types to be fattened upon surplus corn. (15 same 1902/3: 34-36.) . Practical details of vital significance In utiliza- tion of corn fodder; by A. T. Neale. (15 same 1902/3: 36-40.) Steam busker and fodder shredder ; air blast elevator : circular stack and rick ; experiences with dried fodder converted into silage by addition of water and subsequent fermentation. . Calculated loss from heating of moistened corn fodder; by C. L. Penny. (15 same 1902/3: 40-41.) AGRICULTURE— cont'd Crops — cont'd Grain — cont'd Corn- — cont'd 1903. The selective propagation of corn; by C. L. Penny. (15 same 1902/3: 111-112.) 1904. Samples of corn distributed by state bd. of agric. to no. of farmers for comparison with varieties they were growing; to be followed by plans for systematic breeding of corn, thereby increasing yield of corn. Plan was result of work of F. H. Rankin of 111. in Del. Farmers' Institute. (4 A.R. bd. of agric. 1904: 22.) [1906.] Protein in seed corn, with tabular stmt, of per cent of protein found In samples from crops of 1902, 1903, 1904, 1905; by C. L. Penny. (16/18 A.R. agric. exper. station 1903/6: 13-33.) Indian Corn 1817. Rept. on so much of Govs. mess, as relates to prohibition of exportation of bread stuffs and other articles of food; proviso agst. effect of failure of Indian corn crop. (House jol. Jan, 1817: 32-33.) 1889. Details of plan and results of soil test made on farm of M. Hayes, near Dover, using Indian corn as analyst. (2 A.R. agric. exper. station of Del. College 1SS9: 18-20.) 1891. Field tests upon Indian corn; [by A. T. Neale and M. H. Beckwith]. 15 pp. (Agric. exper. sta- tion bull. 14.) Location of experiments (Dover and Newark), early mastodon variety (claims made by seedsmen as to value, tests made by exper. station as to yields per acre, length of growing season : peculiarities of grain and cob>, effects exercised by removal of corn tassels, effects exercised by fertilizers in combating insects and thereby protecting stand of plants ; by A. T. Neale. Notes on corn crambid ; by M. n. Beckwith. 1904. Improving Indian corn; by F. H. Rankin. (4 A.R. bd. of agric. 1904: 86-98.) Importance of fertile soil, improving seed corn, selec- tion of seed corn, breeding plpt, culture, root de- velopment of corn, commercial products of com. Grass and Forage See also below. Livestock. 1889. Leguminous plants store nitrogen in soil and save expenditure for fertilizer, but no member should be used in rotation more than once in 5 yrs. ; farmers desire other leguminous plants than red clover and cowpea; experiments with alfalfa, sand lucerne, esparsette, serradella, spurry and vetches in different parts of state. (2 A.R. agric. exper. station of Del. College 1889: 16-17.) . The grass garden [to test growth of kinds of grass and forage crops best known to agric] ; by F. D. Chester. (2 same 1889: 98-100.) List of plots seeded and of those which prospered. 1889-1891. The pea vine used as hay: summary of field trials by M. Hayes, pea vine as green manure for rye (experiment by E. Lewis near Newark), pea vine as winter mulch for corn ground (experiment by Geo. Calhoun in Georgetown), (4 same 1891: 18-20.) Results compiled by Dr. Neale, 1891. 1890. Forage and other special purpose plants: scarlet clover and sorghum; study of, in Kent and Sussex COS.; by A. T. Neale. (3 same 1890: 9-11; 36-43.) 1891. The pea vine in crop rotations; [by A. T. Neale]. (4 same 1891: 16-17.) . The utilization of leguminous plants; [by A. T. Neale]. (4 same 1891: 15-16.) 1891-1894. The southern pea vine: brief summary of 4 yrs. experiments, covering varietal testing, fer- tilization and utilization of crops as green manure, as hay, as pasture and as silage — feeding value of pea vine silage as compared with that of wheat INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE 23 AGRICULTURE— cont'd Crops — cont'd Grass and Forage — cont'd bran — tabular stmt, of results in experimental herds [by A. T. Neale]. (7 same 1894/5: 7-21.) 1892. Field tests of forage crops; by A. T. Neale. (5 same 1892: 31-39.) Varietal tests of so. pea vines ; sugar com fodder ; scarlet clover and Italian rye grass. 1893. Leguminous plants as stock feed and as green manure; by A. T. Neale. (6 same 1893: 8-13.) Peavine silage as food for milch cows ; varietal tests and fertilizer studies made nt Dover on so. pea- vines : scarlet clover and Italian rye grass : scarlet clover straw as substitute for hay ; scarlet clover and peavines as green manure for wheat. 1894/5. Fodder analyses [bran, meal, cow pea Tine, oats, etc.]; by C. L. Penny. (7 same 1894/5: 197- 199.) 1901-1903. Tables showing yield and composition of crops (soja bean, cowpea. vetch, rake, cowhorn. crimson clover, alfalfa, red clover, etc.) above ground; yield and composition of roots; of entire crop; money valuation of green manures; relative yield of tops and roots. (15 same 1902/3: 98-103.) . Stmt, of estimated money valuation of each of 8 best crops out of 16 experiments for 3 constitu- ents, nitrogen, potash and phosphoric acid. (Agric. exper. station bull. 60: 13.) Rye and vetch, rape, crimson clover, cowhorn turnips, soja beans, red clover. . Tabular stmts, showing yield and composition of crops above ground, do. of roots, do. of entire crop, money value of green manures, relative yield of tops and roots. (Same bull. 60: 6-11.) Soja bean, velvet bean, cowpea. vetch, rape, cowhorn turnip, crimson clover, alfalfa, red clover, rye, etc. 1901/2. Orchard cover crops; by C. P. Close. (14 A.R. agric. exper. station of Del. College 1901/2: 105- 107.) Experiments with rye. rape, cowhorn turnips ; soy bean, cowpea. hairy vetch, crimson clover, red and mam- moth clovers, alfalfa. 1901/3. List of 8 best cover crops with estimated money value of each for 3 constituents (nitrogen, potash and phosphoric acid), as results of experi- ments to test yield and composition of cover crops. (15 soiree 1902/3: 104.) . Table showing chemical analyses of cover crop plants; date of seeding and taking samples, lbs. of green tops, total yield, lbs. of nitrogen, lbs. of pot- ash, lbs. of phosphoric acid. (Agric. exper. station bull. 61: 29.) Cowhorn turnips, rape, crimson clover, red clover, alfalfa, hairy vetch, cowpeas, soy beans. 1902. Alfalfa, cowpeas and crimson clover as factors in reducing feed bills; critical study of Getty's method of raising cowpeas for silage purposes; by A. T. Neale. 23 pp. (Same bull. 55.) 1903. Orchard cover crops; by C. P. Close. (15 A.R, agric. exper. station of Del. College 1902/3: 122- 127.) Acct. of experiments at station with Canada peas, hairy vetch, cowpeas and soy beans, crimson clover, red clover and mammoth clover. Burr clover, al- falfa, rye, dwarf Essex rape, cowhorn turnips ; acct. of cooperative expeiiments with same crops, places not given with exception of Canada peas at Felton. . Orchard cover crops in Del.; by C. P. Close. 32 pp., 2 leaves. (Agric. exper. station bull. 61.) What an orchard cover crop is and what it does ; plants to use ; experiments in 1901-1902 at ex- periment station. Magnolia, Woc|iiln caWiage bus. cut worms, angoumols moth, experiments to destroy black peach aphis, experi- ments with Insecticides for rose chafer, kerosene emulsion for flea beetles, arsenltes for curcullo, London Purple vs. Paris fireen for codlinc moth, summary of results, summary of Insecticides (Ix>n- don Purple. Paris Green, white hellebore, kerosene emulsion, tobacco decoction). . Insect pests [of Del. during yr.]. (3 same 1890: 13-15.) 1891. Cabbage pionea: description, injuries, remedies. (4 same 1891: 92.) . Combating the canker worm. (4 same 1891: 93-95.) . Arsenites for codling moth. (4 same 1891: 96- 97.) . Strawberry saw fly; by M. H. Beckwith. (4 same 1891: 90-91.) . Grape vine saw fly; by M. H. Beckwith. (4 same 1891: 91-92.) . Notes on a corn crambid. (4 same 1891: 101- 103.) . Pale colored flea beetle on potatoes; by M. H. Beckwith. (4 same 1891: 92-93.) . Arsenites for curculio. (4 same 1891: 96.) 1891. Injurious insects and insecticides; spraying ma- chinery; rby M. H. Beckwith]. 28 pp. (Agric. exper. station bull. 12.) Black peach aphis (description and trial of remedies at Seaford, Brldgevllle. Dover) ; spring canker worm (description and remedies at ReyboidI ; rose chafer (experiments -with Ix)ndon purple, white- wash and kerosene emulsion at Camden and New- ark, query as to whether blossoms of allanthus and llndi-n tree bloss-.ms destroy rosoltuet : harle- quin cabbage bug (description and remedies) ; cut worms and their remedies ; ansoumois molb and remedies ; kerosene emulsion for flea beetles : ar- senites for curcullo; L' ndon purple vs. Paris green for codling moth (comparative stmt, of results from their use) : summary of Insecticides: London purple. Paris Green, white hellebore, kerosene emulsion, tobacco decoctlin and their uses. De- scription of spraying machines, their cost and firms of which they may be purchased. 1892. Notes on corn bill bug; by M. H. Beckwith. (5 A.R. agric. exper. station 1892: 102-103.) . The strawberry weevil; by M. H. Beckwith. (5 same 1892: 103-107.) Hist, description ; remedies. . Same; adding technical description of insect. (Agric. exper. station bull. 18: 11-16.) . Acct. of experiment to destroy white grubs by means of a fungous disease; by M. H. Beckwith. (5 A.R. agric. exper. station of Del. College 1892: 107-109.) 1893. The elm leaf beetle; by M. H. Beckwith. (6 same 1893: 166-167.) Appearance and treatment. . Strawberry weevil [localities where found and treatment]; by M. H. Beckwith. (6 same 1893: 167.) . Experiments with arsenites to prevent depreda- tions of curculio — jarring vs. poison for curculio — arsenites to protect apricots from injury by cur- cullo; by M. H. Beckwith. (6 same 1893: 164-166.) AGRICULTURE— cont'd Crops — cont'd Pests: Insects — cont'd 1893. The wheat head army worm [description and prevention]; by M. H. Beckwith. (6 same 1893: 167-168.) . The strawberry root aphis [on farm of G. C. Hering near Felton; acct. of attacks and treat- ment]; by M. H. Beckwith. (6 same 1893:168- 171.) . Insects injurious to stored grain; by M. H. Beckwith. (G same 1893: 154-163.) Description of : remedies agst. ; experiments with grain beetle, granary weevil, rice weevil : pea weevil, bean weevil, four spotted bean weevil, angoumols grain moth ; summary. . Same. 12 pp. (Agric. exper. station bull. 21.) [1894.] London purple for curculio [as tried on plum and apricot trees in gardens near Newark]; by M. H. Beckwith. (7 A.R. agric. exper. station 1894/5: 173-174.) . The arsenites for destroying blister beetles; by M. H. Beckwith. (7 same 1894/5: 173.) 1895. The imported elm leaf beetle; by M. H. Beck- with. (7 same 1894/5: 169-171.) Appearance, habits, etc. ; prevention of Its ravages. . Cutworms: experiment with poisoned baits to destroy cut worms; by M. H. Beckwith. (7 same 1894/5: 174-175.) . Other (than San Jose] scale insects in state; by M. H. Beckwith. (7 same 1894/5: 168-169.) Oystir shell hark louse, scurry bark louse, rose scale, currant scale, plum seals. . The San .lose scale insect in Del.; by M. H. Beckwith. (7 same 1894/5: 160-168.) Kinds of trees Infested ; appearance of scale-Infested tree ; life hist., how Insect spreads : method of Introduction in Del. : remedies. . Same. 8 pp. (Agric. exper. station bull. 25.) . Insect pests: controlling grain weevil; straw- berry root aphis, San Jose scale; currant scale. (Same bull. 26: 8.) . Bisulphide of carbon for aphis on cucurbits; by M. H. Beckwith. (7 A.R. agric. exper. station of Del. College 1894/5: 171-172.) 1896. San Jose scale insect: present status in Del., and in U. S.; by M. H. Beckwith. 16 pp. (Agric. exper. station bull. 30.) . The increase of San Jose scale; by G. H. Powell. (9 A.R. agric. exper. station 1896/7: 201-210.) Increase In Del. : why Increased ; why feared ; life hist. ; how spread ; how killed ; cost of treatment ; proltability of extermination ; needs of legislation ; eradication most economical ; present laws not effective ; defective laws In many states ; summary. . Same. 10 pp. (Agric. exper. station bull. 33.) 1897. Vigorous policy of extermination needed for [San Jose] scale insect. (Govs. mess. (Watson) Jan, 1897: 11.) . The San Jose scale in Del. By E. H. Bancroft, Inspector. Published by authority of the Senate. 1898. 23 pp. Copy in Delaware Hist. Socy., Wilmington. . Same. (Sen. jol. 1898: 18-36.) 1898/9. Field experiment with strawberry root aphis; by G. H. Powell. (11 A.R. agric. exper. station 1898/9: 157-162.) Use of tobacco water before plants are set ; use of fertilizer in field when plants are set ; summer treatment with tobacco dust ; spring treatment of infested beds 1 yr. set ; conclusions from experi- ments : effect of 1 yr. rotation on Infested land; notes on life hist, and habits ; land most seriously infested. [1899.] The Hessian fly. (Agric. exper. station. Press bull. no. [2].) . Per cent of damage to fruit crop on acct. of insects. (2 A.R. bd. of agric. 1902: 22-23.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF DELAWAKE 29 AGRICULTURE— cont'd Crops^ont'd Pests: Insects — cont'd 1899/00. Clover insects; by E. D. Sanderson. (12 A.R. agric. exper. station 1899/00: 206-207.) Affecting root : injuring leaves : injuring seed. 1900. Apple insects: by E. D. Sanderson. (12 same 1899/00: 187-200.) Affecting terminals : plant lice, aphis, etc., and rcmc- dios : apple bud borers : hist., flescripfinn. lite hist., enemies, means of control ; affecting leaves. . The destructive pea louse in Del.; by E. D. Sanderson. (Agric. exper. station bull. 49: 14-24.) Summary (damage done, preventives, etc. ; injury ; past hist. ; description : life hist. ; food : enemies ; causes of outl'rn;ik ; means of combating pest; preventive and remedial. . The destructive pea louse; by E. D. Sanderson. (12 A.R. agric. exper. station 1899/00: 169-186.) Bibliograph.v : description of " Green Dolphin " ; past hist. : life hist. ; food : spread of pest ; injury ; enemies ; causes of outbreak ; preventive and reme- dial methods. . The strawberrv root-lense; by E. D. Sanderson. (12 sayt^e 1899/00: 143-169.) Bibliography: hist. n.SS3-1900) and distribution; food plants : means of distribution ; origin ; classifica- tion ; technical description; life hist.-; nature and extent of injury ; enemies ; preventive and reme- dial mettiods. • . The corn-feeding syrphus-fly; by E. D. Sander- son. (12 same 1899/00: 202-205.) Bibliography ; hist. ; description ; life hist. ; parasites. . Weevil in grain; Oct. 10. (Agric. exper. station. Press, bull. no. 6.) . The strawberry myzus; by E. D. Sanderson. (12 A.R. agric. exper. station of Del. College 1899/00: 205-206.) First observed at Smyrna. Del., Oct. 30, 1899. . The destructive pea louse; May 15. (Agric. exper. station. Press bull. no. 4.) . The green pea louse; June 1. {Same bull. no. 5.) . The strawberry root louse; by E. D. Sanderson. (Agric. exper. station bull. 49: 2-13.) Injury : indications of, description of insect, how Injury is done, extent of injury, hist, and distribution of pest, food : life hist. : "enemies : methods of com- bating pest : preventive and remedial measures. . Crude petroleum for San Jose scale; by E. D. Sanderson. (12 A.R. agric. exper. station 1899/00: 201.) . Preliminary observations for general investiga- tion of economy and remedies for striped cucumber beetle, corn ear-worm, harlequin cabbage bug, corn root louse; by E. D. Sanderson. (12 same 1899/00: 208-211.) 1901. The San Jose scale: operations of bd. to suppress. (State bd. of agric. (n. s.) bull. 2.) . Species of aphis affecting apple; by E. D. Sander- son. (13 A.R. agric. exper. station of Del. College 1900/1: 127-162.) Key to most common species ; bibliography, hist, and synonomy. description ; life hist ; ln.1ury of the different kinds of aphis ; remedies for plant lice of getui'^ apbis iiif'-stin:;; apple, experiments to destroy aphides. — — . Remedies for strawberry root-louse; by E. D. Sanderson. (13 same 1900/1: 162-165.) Afct. of experiments at Newark, Smyrna, Bridgevllle and Clayton. Del. : tabular stmt, of results at Newark and Smyrna. < . The green pea louse; bv E. D. Sanderson. (13 same 1900/1: 168-172.) Acct. of experiments with spraying and brushing : Brakeley sprayer (description, effectiveness and cost). . The fruit tree bark-borer; by E. D. Sanderson. (13 same 1900/1: 166-168.) Blbliogrnphv, description and life hist, of larvae found in Sept. and Oct., 1000 and July and Oct., 1901. AGRICULTURE— cont'd Crops — cont'd Pests; Insects— cont'd 1901. Three orchard pests: apple bud-borer, fruit-tree bark-borer, periodical cicada. 19 pp. (Agric. exper. station bull. 53.) Summary of characteristics, treatment, etc., of each ; apple bud-borer: description, life hist., enemies, hist., means of control; fruit-tree bark-borer: Injury In Del., hist., life hist., description, reme- dies : periodical cicada or 17-yr. locust : life hist., distribution and broods, enemies, injuries, reme- dies and preventives. . Tabular stmts, of results from spraying for cod- ling moth: twice with disparene. once with dis- parene, twice with Paris Green, twice with arsenite of lime, not sprayed; comparison of results secured with, disparene and Paris Green. (13 A.R. agric. exper. station of Del. College 1900/1; 187-192.) . Tabular stmt, showing codling moth larvae and pupae caught under burlap bands at Woodside. (13 same 1900/1: 195.) . Comparison of results secured with disparene and Paris Green fin spraying for codling moth]. (14 same 1901/2; 119.) . Acct. of experiments with crude petroleum for San Jose scale upon ■ exper. station grounds; by E. D. Sanderson. (13 same 1900/1: 196-197.) . The angoumois grain moth; Oct. 15. 2 11. Agric. exper. station. Press bull. no. 10 [i. e. 11].) . Codling moth: life hist.: spraying (treatment. arsenite of lime, cost of Kedzie mixture, results from use of Paris Green, disparene, summary of former experiments) ; banding; tabular stmts, of results of spraying; spraying with Bordeaux-ar- senite-kerowater; by E. D. Sanderson. (13 A.R. agric. exper. station of Del. College 1900/1: 172- 196.) . Directions for treatment of insect pests and plant diseases; by E. D. Sanderson and F. D. Ches- ter. F.° sheet. (Agric. exper. station bull. 50.) Spraying : treatment of asparagus, bean, cabbage and cauliflower, celery, cherry, cucumbers and melons, currant and gooseberry, grain In store, grape, hot house plants, nursery stock, pea, peach nectarine and apricot, pear, plum, potato, quince, raspberry and blackberry, rose strawberry, sweet potato, to- mato, vegetables ; formulas for fungicides. Insecti- cides. . Webworms; July 10. (Same. Press bull. no. 9.) 1901/2. The fall webworm; by E. D. Sanderson. (14 A.R. agric. exper. station 1901/2; 147-150.) . The white-marked tussock moth; by E. D. Sand- erson. (14 same 1901/2: 140-147.) General notes on injury, life hist. : enemies : parasites. . The harlequin cabbage bug; by E. D. Sanderson. (14 same 1901/2: 139-140.) ■ -. Notes on strawberry weevil, corn web-worm, apple-tree tent-caterpillar; by E. D. Sanderson. (14 same 1901/2; 150-151.) 1902. Remedies for San Jose scale; Mch, 17. 2 11. (Agric. exper. station. Press bull. no. 13.) . Some destructive caterpillars: fall web-worm, white-marked tussock moth, apple-tree tent-cater- pillar; by E. D. Sanderson. 28 pp. (Agric. exper. station bull. 56.) Life hist, and description, enemies, remedies. . The San Jose scale; remedies. 11. F". (State bd. of agric. (n. s.) bull. 3.) . Remedies for San Jose scale; by E. D. Sander- son. (14 A.R. agric. exper. station 1901 '2; 132- 134.) . The San Jose scale; by E. D. Sanderson. 16 pp.. 2 11. (Agric. exper. station bull. 50.) General appearance : hist. ; life hist. : means of spread- ing ; food plants ; remedies. . Acct. of inspection and treatment, etc., of San Jose scale. (2 A.R. bd. of agric. 1902: 20-22.) 30 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE AGRICULTURE— cont'd Crops — cont'd Pests: Insects — cont'd 1902. The San Jose scale; propagation; remedies. (2 some 1902: 25-26.) . Remedies for strawberry root louse; by E. D. Sanderson. (14 A.R. agric. exper. station 1901/2: 134-137.) Experlmonts at Greenwood and Brldgevllle, conclusions. . Remedies for apple plant lice; by E. D. Sander- son. (14 same 1901/2: 128-132.) Spraying, fumigation, etc. . Table showing no. of codling moth larvaj and piip» caught under burlap bands at Magnolia. (14 same 1901/2: 127.) . Remedies for codling moth; by E. D. Sanderson. (14 same 1901/2: 110-127.) Spraying : experiments at Woodslde and Magnolia and tabular record of results; life hist, notes; banding, etc. . The periodical cicada; by E. D. Sanderson. (14 same 1901/2: 137-139.) 1902/3. Dipping nursery trees in kerosene and crude petroleum fto rid them of San Jose scale]; by C. P. Close. (15 same 1902/3: 131-139.) Results Apr. 10, lOO."!. on trees dipped Dec. 24, [1902]. [1903.1 Progress in controlling San Jose scale in Del.; notes on some fungous troubles. 2 11. (State bd. of agric. bull. 4.) . Progress in controlling San Jose scale In Del.; remedies and their application. (3 A.R. bd. of agric. 1903: 4-7.) . The codling moth; by E. D. Sanderson. 22 pp., 2 11. (Agric. exper. station bull. 59.) Description and life hist. ; enemies ; remedies : spray- ing : experiments of 1901 and 1902 at Woodslde and Magnolia, results, general conclusions, cost of spraying, apparatus, etc. 1904. Kerosene-limoid mixtures. New and most prom- ising remedies for San Josfe scale, aphides and other sucking insects; by C. P. Close; Aug. 26. 2 II. (Agric. exper. station. Press bull. no. 14.) . Insects other than San Jose scale found by in- spectors; Forbes scale; scurfy scale; oyster shell bark louse; peach lecanium; tulip scale. (4 A.R. bd. of agric. 1904: 18.) . Letters reed, from experiment stations In differ- ent states rel. to treatment of San Jose scale. (4 same 1904: 16-18.) Md.. Va., N. J., N. T., Conn., O. Pests: Weeds [1894.] Acct. of experiments to destroy Sodom apple; by M. H. Beckwith. (7 A.R. agric. exper. station 1894/5; 153-154.) Stjoab SoBonuM 1888-1 897. Comparison of various sorghum crops in several states. (10 A.R. agric. exper. station 1897/ 8:148.) 1889. Crop needed to take place of corn in crop rota- tion, market price of corn being below production expenses; sorghum plant similar to corn in growth and demands upon soil; consideration of sorghum question from standpoint of farmer and of sugar boiler; tests made in different parts of state with different varieties of sorghum. (2 same 1889: 29- 36.) . 1890. Experiments to test possibility of developing domestic sugar industry: farmer's and sugar boil- er's standpoint; by A. T. Neale. (Agric. exper. sta- tion bull. 8: 3-11.) 1894. Tests of sorghum varieties [with tabular stmt. of results]; by C. L. Penny. (7 A.R. agric. exper. station of Del. College 1894/5: 176-197.) . Same. 24 pp. (Agric. exper. station bull. 27.) AGRICULTURE— cont'd Crops — cont'd Sugar — cont'd SoBOHUM — cont'd [1895.] [Work of] chemical dept.: sugar development in sorghum, selling milk on test at creameries, re- moving worthless cows from dairy herds, protect- ing farmers agst. charges made by city milk re- tailers. (Same bull. 26: 9.) 1896. General summary in tabular form showing re- sults obtained from sorghum grown by P. Frame at Harbeson. (9 A.R. agric. exper. station 1896/7: 165.) 1897. Sorghum sugar industry under consideration by Del. agric. exper. station, in anticipation of with- drawal of bounties and subsidies from established interest in Europe. (Govs. mess. (Watson) Jan. 1S97: 10.) . Tabular stmt, of daily averages and extremes in no. of stalks analyzed, length, weight, juice, lbs. of available sugar, etc., in sorghum grown by 0. A. Browne at Cape Clharles, Va., and by P. Frame at Harbeson, Del. (Agric. exper. station bull. 39: 5-6.) 1898. Same; by O. A. Browne, Cape Charles, Va.; by Dr. Neale and Messrs. Woodall, Packard and Killen in Del. (Same bull. 44: 5-7.) . Sorghum in 1898; by C. L. Penny. 16 pp. (Same bull. 44. ) Methods, results, available sugar, tonnage per acre, large stalks vs. small, comparison wlti crops of 1897, loss from storms, etc. . Same. (11 A.R. agric. exper. station 1898/9: 86-100.) . Sorghum: development as commercial source of sugar; by C. L. Penny. 23 pp. (Agric. exper. sta- tion bull. 39.) Object, method of work, results, comparison with other crops, principle of selective propagation. . Comparative summary of sorghum crops of Capt. Browne (of Va.) and Dr. Neale and Messrs. Derby, Killen, Packard and Woodall of Del. (Same bull. 44: 12.) 1898-1899. Summary of sorghum crops of 1898 and 1899 (quantities of sugar being reckoned on basis of pure or 100% sugar) on the several experimental plots. (12 A.R. agric. exper. station of Del. Col- lege 1899/00: 83-84.) 1898-1901. Comparison of sorghum crops, showing daily average percentage of sucrose juice, purity of juice, lbs. of striped cane per acre, lbs. of total sugar per acre, lbs. of available sugar per acre. (13 same 1900/1: 75.) 1899-1900. Sorghum; by C. L. Penny. (12 same 1899/ 00: 77-85.) Acct. of experiments ; tabular stmt, of results (weight of stalks, per cent of Juice: solids, sucrose, purity of Juice, lbs. of available sugar, etc.), at McClel- landsvllle, Dover, Odessa, Felton. 1900. Pedigreed sorghum as source of cane sugar; by A. T. Neale. (12 same 1899/00: 13-35.) Comparison betw. tropical cane, European beets and sorghum ; method of raising sorghum and deter- mination of value for -sugar production ; machin- ery needed to extract sorghum sugar — cost and mngmt. 1901. Same. 24 pp. (Agric. exper. station bull. 51.) . Domestic sugar industry; by A. T. Neale. (13 A.R. agric. exper. station of Del. College 1900/1: 30-35.) Sugar beet In Del. ; heets and sorghum compared on basis of sugar production. . Tabular stmt., showing daily average stripped weight of stalk in ounces, percentage of juice in stalks, percentage of solids, etc., lbs. of available sugar, etc., of sorghum crop of E. G. Packard [Dover]. (13 same 1900/1: 75.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE 31 AGRICULTURE— cont'd Crops — cont'd Sugar — cont'd Scgar-Beet 1876. Kept, of experiments in culture of sugar beets on Del. College E^xper. Farm, by E. D. Porter. (Catalogue of Del. College 1877: 29-32.) 1879. Rept. of comrs. apptd. to carry into effect pro- vision of act to encourage the cultivation of sugar beet for sugar. (Sen. jol. Jan. 1879: 655-G59; House jo!. Jan. 1879: 488-492.) 1879/80. Stmt, of accts. of Del. State sugar beet comrs. for the 2 yrs. (A.R. auditor 1880/1: 151.) 1901. Tabular stmt, of sugar beet crop: name of grower, weight of topped beet, per cent of sucrose in beet, purity. (13 A.R. agric. exper. station 1900/ 1: 77.) [1902.] Result of sugar beet experiment made by J. Heyd of Felton. field work being under supervision of Dr. Neale; by C. L. Penny. (14 same 1901/2: 84.) Vegetable 1888. Vegetables [tomato, sweet potato, sugar beet, round potato, asparagus, celery and watermelon — cultivation of watermelon given most prominence]; by P. Frame. (Trans. Peninsula Hortic. Socy. 1888: 99-102.) Pasrinff from 1 bienn. rept. M. of agric. 1888/9. . Preparing vegetable crops for market; by»T. F. Baker. (1 bienn. rept. bd. of agric. 1888/9: 289- 297.) From 14th ann. rept. of N. J. state bd. of agric. 18S9. Rept. of committee on vegetables; by P. Frame. (Trans. Peninsula Hortic. Socy. 1889: 210-211.) Importance of culture of vegetables, smaller farms and more owners needed. Paging from 1 bienn. rept. bd. of agric. 1888/9. 1902. Trucking or market gardening; by E. W. Jen- kins. (2 A.R. bd. of agric. 1902: 95-96.) CAULm-OWEE [1895.] Experiments with cauliflower in green house: sub-irrigation vs. surface watering, influence of fertilizers upon growth of cauliflower; by M. H. Beckwith. (7 A.R. agric. exper. station 1894/5: 124-127.) Pea 1897-1900. Stmt, showing no. of bu. of peas sown and cases packed, each yr. ; no. of cases (2 doz. cans) of peas packed per bu. of seed sown. (Agric. exper. station bull. 49: 15.) . Potato For diseases of the potato see above, Pests. 1889. The potato — with special reference to its prepar- ation for seed; bv W. H. Bishop. (Trans. Penin- sula Hortic. Socy. 1889: 200-208.) Paging from 1 bienn. rept. bd. of agric. 1888/9. 1890. Absorption of copper by potatoes — comparison of N. J. samples with Del. samples. (3 A.R. agric. exper. station 1890: 23; 154.) . Potatoes — test of varieties: tabular stmt, of re- sults. (3 same 1890: 106-109.) 1891. Diseases of Irish potato and their treatment; by F. D. Chester. (4 same 1891: 53-60.) . Potato experiment: cultural tests in regard to size of tubers and method of preparing seed to se- cure best results; by M. H. Beckwith. (4 same 1891; 81-82.) Tomato For diseases of the tomato see above. Pests. 1891. Diseases of tomato and their treatment; by F. D. Chester. (4 A.R. agric. exper. station 1891: 60-63.) AGRICULTURE— cont'd Crops — cont'd Vegetable — cont'd Tomato — cont'd 1891. Tomatoes; test of varieties, description of 30 varieties, etc.; by M. H. Beckwith. (4 same 1891: 76-80.) 1892. Tomatoes: culture under glass; test of varieties (showing varieties planted, date of first ripe fruit and description of several varieties); by M. H, Beckwith. (5 «ame 1892: 81-89.) 1893. Tomatoes: test of varieties and brief description of several varieties; by JI. H. Beckwith. (6 same 1893: 132-135.) [1894.] Tomatoes: comparative test of varieties, de- scription of many varieties, effect of nitrate of soda upon tomato plants; by M. H. Beckwith. (7 savie 1894/5: 127-134.) Education 1886. Agric: desire manifested throughout state, to have some practical study on agric. in the public schools, meets with approval of supt.; suitable book not yet procured. (11 A.R. supt. of free schools 1886: 15.) [1888.] Answer to question 15 in circular sent out by committee of bd. of agric, Nov. 26, 1887, requesting reply by Mch. 1, 1888; by L. I. Handy, supt of pub- lic schools. (1 bienn. rept. bd. of agric. 1888/9: 353.) Rel. to study of botany and entomology in public schools. 1902. What the dept. of agric. is doing to promote agric. education; by Dr. A. C. True, director of office of experiment stations, U. S. dept. of agric. (2 A.R. bd. of agric 1902: 27-32.) ■ . Desirability of teaching agric. in public schools; by J. E. Carroll. (2 same 1902: 36.) Delaware College 1871-1874. Stmt, of Delaware Agric. College in acct. with trustee. (A.R. auditor 1871 (p. 33) — same 1874.) 1888. Stmt, of amt. of land. reed, from general govt, under act of July 2, 1862, amt. realized therefrom and investment of proceeds; ann. proceeds appro- priated to Del. Agric. College under act of Gen. Assem. in 1867. (Agric. exper. station bull. 1:3.) 1897. Length of agric. courses offered by Delaware Col- lege; general arrangement. (Govs. mess. (Wat- son) Jan. 1897: 8-9.) 1902. What Delaware College offers to young farmers of state; bv W. H. Bishop. (2 A.R. bd. of agric. 1902: 33-35.) 1904. What Delaware College offers to farmers; by Dr. G. A. Barter. (4 same 1904: 40-46.) Farmers' Institutes 1889. Text of act providing for farmers' institutes, passed March 29. (1 bienn. rept. bd. of agric. 1888/9: 445-446.)- 1902. Scope of work of farmers' institute; by W. M. Dickson. (2 A.R. bd. of agric 1902: 38-40.) . How may the institute reach every farmer in Del.? by Chas. Barker. (2 same 1902: 40-43.) 1903. List of places where farmers' institutes were held, date, program. (3 same 1903: 9-10.) 1904. Relation of farmers' institutes to agric. experi- ment station work; by Hon. John Hamilton, farm- ers' institute specialist, U. S. Dept. of Agric (4 same 1904: 32-37.) . Farmers' institutes: spraying demonstrations given at same mtgs.; plan of work in Kent and Sussex COS.; good results of institute work, etc. (4 same 1904: 21-22.) . The farmers' institute in Del.; by R. M. Cooper. (4 same 1904: 37-40.) 32 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE AGRICULTURE— cont'd Exhibits 1901. Rept. of state bd. of agrlc. on Del. Exhibit at Pan-American Exposition. (1 A.R. bd. of agric. 1901: 17-18.) Text of act appropriating expenses ; hortlc. exhibits ; award«. . Same. (House jol. 1903: 70-73.) Fairs 1789. Rept. of committee adverse to holding of fairs and marts. (House jol. Jan. 1790: 22-23.) 1874. Addresses of Chas. Beasten and T. F. Bayard, at Agric. Fair in Middletown, Sept. 23. Middle- town: "Transcript" Book and Job Print, 1874. 13 pp. Cop.v In Delaware Hist. Socy., Wilmington. 1876. Elizabeth Sharp, et al. vs. Henry L. Tatnall & Co.. State of Del., New Castle Co., in Chancery. Brief of argument of solicitors for the defendant. [Rel. to title to Agric. Fair grounds of New Castle, Co.]. n. t. p. 14 pp. Copy In Delaware nist. Socy., Wilmington. Premtums; see below, that title Farms 1886. See Agriculture, above, this date. [1888.] Farm tenures: no. of farms in each state; per cent cultivated by owner, tenant money rental, tenant on shares. (1 bienn. rept. bd. of agric. 1888/9: [434].) [1899.] Stmt, of no. of farms, dairy cows, horses, mules, ewes, swine, acres per farm in Sussex, Kent and New Castle cos., Del., and Chester Co., Pa. (15 A.R. agric. exper. station 1902/3: 19.) Inspection Lrestock 1886. Rept. of state veterinarian to the Gov. on out- breaks in Del. of pleuropneumonia, glanders and farcy. (House jol. 1887: 1040-1044.) 1892. Diseases of farm stock; by A. T. Neale. (5 A.R. agric. exper. station 1892: 45-51.) Cerebro-spinal meningitis affecting horses ; anthrax in horses and cows ; consumption or tuberculosis In milch cows. [1893.] Text of act for eradication of infectious and contagious diseases among lower animals. (6 same 1893: 80-81.) 1894. Microscopical work on diseases of animals and plants. (Agric. exper. station bull. 26: 7-8.) 1894/5. Bacteriological studies in contagious abortion in cows; by F. D. Chester. (7 A.R. agric. exper. station 1894/5: 116-118.) 1897/8. Veterinary practice of the station. (10 same 1897/8: 13-26.) Detailed notes on past season's experiments : rabies ; lock-jaw; Texas fever; bovine tuberculosis (1890- ISO.T) : anthrax; corebro-spinal meningitis; dis- eases of swine. 1898. Veterinary studies on bovine tuberculosis, an- thrax, cerebro-spinal meningitis in horses; by A. T. Neale. (Agric. exper. station bull. 43: 4-13.) [1898/9.] Studies in systematic bacteriology; by P. D. Chester. (11 A.R. agric. exper. station 1898/9: 34- 52.) 1899. Veterinary studies; state and municipal milk legislation; use of basic slag as fertilizer in hay farming; [by A. T. Neale]. 24 pp. (Agric. exper. station bull. 43.) 1902. First aids to injured and sick animals; by Dr. H. B. McDowell. (2 A.R. bd. of agric. 1901: 57-63.) . The need of legislation rel. to diseases of domes- tic animals; by Dr. H. B. McDowell. (2 same 1902: 42-48.) AGRICULTURE— cont'd Inspection — cont'd Livestock — cont'd 1904. Dairy cows should be subject to state inspection, in order to prevent spread of tuberculosis; recom- mended that legisl. enact law explicitly stating powers of bd. and that compensation be allowed owners of cattle when their destruction becomes necessary. (4 same 1904: 21.) ANTHRAX n. d. Anthrax or charbon: by Dr. C. F. Dawson, n. t. p. 8 pp. Susceptibility : types of disease ; destruction of car- c.isses : burial of carcasses : Pasteur's vaccination : certain animals not to be vaccinated; vaccination statistics (l.SS2-18nS). 1892-1895. Anthrax: hist, of epidemics in Del., proba- ble source of anthrax, attempts to control it by vaccination, notes and records of tests aimed to demonstrate efficiency and safety of vaccines made at station; by A. T. Neale. (7 A.R. agric. exper. station 1894/5: 22-46.) 1892-1895/6. Summary of experiences of past 5 yrs. in relation to anthrax in Del. (8 same 1895/6: 8-34.) 1893. Bacteriological [anthrax] work; by F. D. Ches- ter, (fi same 1893: 115-131.) . Anthrax: precautions necessary to prevent its spread; by A. T. Neale. 15 pp. (Agric. exper. sta- tion bull. 20.) Hist, of epidemic of 1802 ; proof that disease was anthrax : what is anthrax ; by what means could anthrax plant or seed have gained a foothold In Del. ; why dreaded ; how checked. . Anthrax; by A. T. Neale. (6 A.R. agric. exper. station 1893: 60-81.) The two articles are not the same In text throughout ; portions of the text are the same In both articles. 1894. Diseases of live stock — anthrax: hist, of epidem- ics in Del.; probable source of this disease; at- tempts to control it by vaccination; summary. (Agric. exper. station bull. 26: 3-5.) 1894/5. Anthrax, bacteriological work; by F. D. Ches- ter. (7 A.R. agric. exper. station 1894/5: 64-98.) 1896. Combating anthrax in Del.; by A. T. Neale. 24 pp. (Agric. exper. station bull. 32.) . A study of national and state legislation on an- thrax; by A. T. Neale. (9 A.R. agric. exper. sta- tion 1896/7: 8-19.) Enactments of Congress and rules of U. S. treasury dept.. corresp, with U. S. secy, of agrlc. rel to dis- infection of hide of neat cattle shipped to V. S., etc. (isnn-l.snst : legislation rel. to anthrax In force in Del. incl. text of laws. 1896/7. Bacteriological work: preparation of anthrax vaccines; anthrax cases in Del. July 1, 1896 to July 1, 1897; by F. D. Chester. (9 same 1896/7: 38-42.) 1897. Exper. station tests have demonstrated relia- bility of Pasteur system of protective vaccination for anthrax; under Congressional enactment, na- tional funds can not be used for practical applica- tion of method; recommended that Gen. Assem. provide ways and means to continue work. (Govs, mess. (Watson) Jan. 1897: 11.) 1898. Anthrax; study of national and of state legisla- tion on subject; by A. T. Neale. 15 pp. (Agric. exper. station bull. 37.) 1898/9. Bacteriological work: no. of cases of anthrax reported and results of tests made; by F. D. Ches- ter. (11 A.R. agric. exper. station 1898/9: 30.) 1901. Rept. of state veterinarian on outbreak of an- thrax in so. New Castle Co. (House jol. 1903: 55- 58.) . Same. (1 A.R. bd. of agric. 1901: 6-8.) . Legisl. measures for control of anthrax, July 18. (Agric. exper. station. Press bull. no. 10 [i. e. 11].) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE 33 AGRICULTURE— cont'd Inspection — cont'd Livestock — cont'd ANTHRAX — cont'd 1902-1904. Table showing percentages of positive and negative cases of anthrax, etc. (13 bienn. rept. bd. of health 1902/4: 155.) . No. of cases of anthrax analyzed at laboratory, from each city and town in Del. (13 same 1902/4: 160-161.) 1903. Anthrax prevented by inoculation of anthrax serum. (3 A.R. bd. of agric. 1903: 8-9.) 1904. Anthrax; by Henry Marshall. (4 same 1904: 63- 67.) Hist. : appearance germs ; transmission ; conditions and season when outbreaks occur : s.vmptom^ : mor- tality rate; treatment; prevention; symptoms of anthrax In man. . Anthrax: acct. of outbreak in Kent and Sussex COS.; recommended that veterinarians be paid for services rendered; importance of cremation of car- casses — allowance for this purpose hardly suffi- cient. (4 same 1904: 20-21.) . Apprn. for outbreaks of contagious diseases in domestic animals not adequate for anthrax out- break in Kent Co. and upper part of Sussex Co.; bd. compelled to supplement from its own apprn. (4 same 1904: 13.) . Anthrax in Del.; by A. T. Neale. (4 same 1904: 67-68.) Discovery (1891) ; treatment; cost of work done; out- breaks in Lower New Castle Co. in 1901 and In Kent Co. in 1904; amdmts. (in 1897) to laws rel. to Infectious and contagious diseases in ilvestock. GLANDERS 1895. Glanders: detection of cases in Del., test of in- demnity feature of state laws vs. contagious dis- eases of lower animals, disinfection of infected premises, use of mallein in diagnosis, record of tests with mallein made by Dr. Vail; compiled by A. T. Neale. (7 A.R. agric. exper. station 1894/5: 47-51.) 1897. Horses afflicted with glanders killed at sugges- tion of exper. station (in 1895); application for in- demnity made by owner and paid upon warrant of gov.; recommended that more explicit provisions be made for emergency cases of this nature. ((Jovs. mess. (Watson) Jan. 1897: 11.) HOG CHOLERA 1898. Tests of commercial hog cholera serum and rec- ord of results, examinations of cases of swine dis- eases; by F. D. Chester. (11 A.R. agric. exper. station 1898/9: 30-33.) . Veterinary studies: diseases of swine [hog cholera and swine plaguel ; by A. T. Neale. (Agric. exper. station bull. 43: 13-15.) 1900. Analyses of remedy recommended by Dept. of Agric. for cure of hog cholera and of a " sure cure " remedy; question as to right to sell remedy com- pounded by govt. dept. under proprietary name. (12 A.R. agric. exper. station 1899/00: 96-98.) HYDROPHOBIA 1893. Hydrophobia in farm stock; by A. T. Neale. (6 A.R. agric. exper. station 1893: 48.) 1894. Diseases of livestock — hydrophobia: method of diagnosing; should farmers who lose stock by hy- drophobia receive indemnity from dog tax? (Agric. exper. station bull. 26: 6-7.) 1904. Hydrophobia: [description of disease, treatment, directions for sending specimens]. (Pathological and bacteriological laboratory bull. 18: 4-5.) MENINGITIS 1891. Cerebro-spinal meningitis in horses; by A. T. Neale. (4 A.R. agric. exper. station 1891: 11-12.) 3 AGRICULTURE— cont'd Inspection — cont'd Livestock — cont'd MENINGITIS — cont'd 1893. " So-called " cerebro-spinal meningitis in horses; by A. T. Neale. (6 same 1893: 23-39.) 1894-1895. Acct. of tests with oats suspected to be cause of cerebro-spinal meningitis in horses; by A. T. Neale. (7 same 1894/5: 60-63.) 1895. Spinal meningitis in horses. (Agric. exper. sta- tion bull. 26: 7.) PLET7E0PNEUM0N1A 1883. Rel. to co-operation of Del. with gen. govt, in suppression of pleuropneumonia in cattle; disease thus stamped out of state. (Govs. mess. (Stock- ley) Jan. 1883.) 1900. Studies of case of pneumonia of calf; by F. D. Chester. (12 A.R. agric. exper. station 1899/00: 46-52.) RINGWORM 1893. Ringworm in cattle; by A. T. Neale. (6 A.R. agric. exper. station 1893: 59-60.) TETANUS [1895.] Tetanus or lock-jaw in horses; by A. T. Neale. (7 A.R. agric. exper. station 1894/5: 51-52.) Acct. of treatment ; satisfactory but expense too great to be of practical value — about $50 plus veterin- arian's fees. TEXAS FEVER 1893. Texas, or splenic fever; by A. T. Neale. (6 A.R. agric. exper. station 1893: 39-47.) Proclamation by secy. U. S. dept. of agrtc. rel. to transportation, etc., of cattle from distr. where Texas fever exists ; liiustrations which Indicate that proclamation should be widely published In Dei. ; legal responsibility of drovers — laws of Kan. and Del. : Del. laws require amdmt. ; sugestions which farmer may follow in self protection. . Same. 11 pp. (Agric. exper. station bull. 23.) 1895. Notification reed, in May of shipping of Southern cattle to Wilmington abbatoir; action taken. (9 bienn. rept. bd. of health 1894/6: 36-37; 39.) TUBERCULOSIS 1892. Registered herd Jersey milch cows — tempera- tures recorded by Dr. D. E. Buckingham before using tuberculin and after using tuberculin. (5 A.R. agric. exper. station 1892: 52.) 1893. Bovine tuberculosis; by A. T. Neale. (6 same 1893: 81-102.) Farmers' Institute work ; attempted legislation ; position taken by Del. physicians : bovine tuberculosis from dairymen's standpoint ; public opinion on financial side of question ; explanation of tuberculin tests made in Del. during fall of 1893 ; tabulations of herd records where tuberculin test was applied, 1894. Diseases of live stock — tuberculosis: hist, of tests made in Del.; mnftre. of tuberculin; public opinion regarding bovine consumption. (Agric. exper. sta- tion bull. 26: 5-6.) 1894-1895. Bovine tuberculosis: record of herd tests made in Del. and conclusions as to probable per- centage of consumptive cows now in state, tests of efficiency of tuberculin prepared at station by Prof. Chester, opinions of herd owners, based upon ex- perience, as to injurious effects of tuberculin upon healthy cows, preliminary tests of Danish plan for combating tuberculosis, curative effect of tubercu- lin upon incipient bovine tuberculosis; by A. T. Neale. (7 A.R. agric. exper. station 1894/5: 52-60.) 1894/5. Tuberculosis, bacteriological work; by F. D. Chester. (7 same 1894/5: 98-115.) Method of preparation, seeding, culture, etc.; testing; records of Inoculation of guinea pigs with tuber- culin ; test of feeding milk of tuberculous cow to guinea pigs ; examination of milk samples for tubercle bacilli ; misc. diagnoses — tuberculosis. S4 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE AGRICULTURE— con fd Inspection — cont'd Livestock — cont'd TnBERrTTX)SIS— confd 1897. Radical legislation in regard to bovine tubercu- losis undesirable; commendation and explanation of Danish course in dealing with tuberculosis. (Govs. mess. (Watson) Jan. 1897: 11.) 1902. Notes on sanitary science communicability of bo- vine tuberculosis. (Bacteriological and pathologi- cal laboratory bull. 10: 9-11.) 1903. Relation of bovine to human tuberculosis. (!?ame bull. 17: 8.) NUBSERT 1881. Propriety of apptg. entomologist to devise means to protect crops agst. insect pests. (Govs. mess. (Hall) Jan. 1881: 11.) 1901. Rules governing transportation of nursery stock [as applied to transportation cos. and nursery- men]. (State bd. of agric. bull. 1: 8.) . Same. (1 A.R. bd. of agric. 1901: 3-4.) . Same. (3 A.R. bd. of agric. 1903: 51-52) Paging from House Jol. 1903. 1904. Inspection of orchards: list of inspectors; object of inspection (location and control of San Jose scale and peach yellows); method of inspection; treatment of San Jose scale insect. (4 same 1904: 14-16.) . Summary of law rel. to nursery inspection and regulation of bd. rel. to fumigation of nursery stock. (4 same 1904: 19.) Seeds 1889. List of inspectors apptd. in each co. to select one or more samples of every kind of seed and feed- ing stuff offered for sale in district. (Agric. exper. station bull. 5:3.) . Seed testing: by F. D. Chester. (2 A.R. agric. exper. station 18S9: 37-68.) Collection of samples ; motJiod of examination ; rept. of seed test [form for] ; etc. . Same. (Agric. exper. station bull. 5: 5-15(1), 8 11.) Laws 1901. Text of act to provide and establish state bd. of agric. and to prescribe its powers and duties. (State bd. of agric. bull. 1: 1-7.) 1000 copies of this law together with the rules and regulations governing the transportation of stock and inspection of nurseries were ordered printed. No copies of the separates were found. Livestock 1888. Feeding for beef; by A. Towle, from rept. of N. H. bd. of agric. for 1888. (1 bienn. rept. bd. of agric. 1888/9: 437-443) 1890. Stock feeding; fby A. T. Neale, laboratory work by C. L. Penny]. 24 pp., pi. (Agric. exper. station bull. 7.) . Same. (2 A.R. agric. exper. station 1889: 137- 159) 1893. Relative values of winter and spring wheat bran; by A. T. Neale. (6 A.R. agric. exper. station 1893: 16-18.) [1894.] Stock feeding and general agric. work: home grown substitute for bran, varietal tests of so. pea vine, Canada field peas, flat peas, clovers cheap sub- stitute for commercial fertilizers, spring sown crimson clover, Egyptian clover, spurry muriate of potash on crimson clover and on sugar corn, weather records. (Agric. exper. station bull. 26: 10-11.) 1897-1900. [Hist, of] development of dairy herd; ra- tions — by A. T. Neale. (12 A.R. agric. exper. sta- tion 1899/00: 8-13.) AGRICULTURE— cont'd Livestock — con t'd 1901. The animal industry; by A. T. Neale. (IZ same 1900/1: 8-30.) General stmt, covering food supplies ; alfalfa, cowpeas and crimson clover as factors In reducing feed bills; study of iils Bros., 1883. 54 pp. 7-10. 1884-1887 not found. 11. 1888 Sept. 24-29. A. P. Whltaker, 1888. 60 pp., 2 leaves. 12-15. 1889-1892 not found. 16. 1893 Sept 11-16. C. L. Story, 1893. 44 pp. 17 et seq. 1894 et seq. not fount}. All of these are in the Delaware Historical Socy. at Wilmington. 1888. Premium list of Peninsula Hortic. Socy. for 1st ann. exhibition. Sept. 18-21. Wilmington, C. S. Horn & Co., 1888. 50 pp. Copy in Delaware Hist. Socy., Wilmington. Receipts and Expenditures 1887. Reply reed, from secy, of N. J. state bd. of agric. in answer to inquiry as to amt. of agric. apprns. made by N. J. (Rept. state bd. of agric. 1886: 758- 759.) Paging from Sen. jol. 1891. Communication from pres. of state bd. of agric. to Gov. transmitting stmt. rel. to first bienn. rept. of bd. of agric. and expenditure of apprn. for prtg. and distributing same. (Sen. jol. Jan. 1891 app. pp. 485-488; House jol. app. pp. 485-488.) 1901. Stmt, of sum reed, by comrs.: cost of prtg., of- fice expenses and inspections; balance on hand [at end of yr.]. (1 A.R. bd. of agric. 1901; 8.) 1902-1904. Financial stmt, for yr. (2 same 1902 (p. 24)— 4 same 1904.) Soil 1815-1818. The results of some experiments with lime [on Del. farm land Oct. 1815 to fall of 1818]. (Memoirs of Agric. Socy. of New Castle Co. v. 1: 79-84.) 1889. Saving of $5 per ton in cost of fertilizers, result of methods of Patrons of Husbandry. (1 bienn. rept. bd. of agric. 18S8/9: 383.) . Composition of fertilizers, soils; results of ex- periments upon farm of M. Hayes near Dover. (1 same 1888/9: 384-386.) . Relation of heat to vegetation; by C. L. Penny. (Trans. Peninsula Hortic. Socy. 1889: 187-195.) Paging from 1 bienn. rept. bd. of agric. 1888/9. 1889-1S92. Summary of 4 yrs. experimenting on same plots in Kent Co., with and without fertilizers, crop rotation being corn, sweet potatoes, so. pea vine and wheat. (5 A.R. agric. exper. station 1892: 23- 24.) 1890. Character and composition of surface and soils of Del., with selections descriptive thereof from geol. rept. of J. C. Booth; by M. Hayes. (1 bienn. rept. bd. of agric. 1888/9: 9-38.) . Studies of soils and of crops to lead, if possible, to a more rational and economical use of commer- cial fertilizers; by A. T. Neale. (3 A.R. agric. exper. station 1890: 25-35.) Corn, sweet potatoes, peach trees, strawberries, and tomatoes ; tabular stmts, of soil tests made with fertilizers, on each of these crops (excluding straw- berries). . The tests of soils and of crops with special refer- ence to a more economical use of commercial ferti- lizers. (3 same 1890; 8-9.) AGRICULTURE— cont'd Soil — cont'd 1891. Soil and crop tests with commercial fertilizers, (a) soil tests of local significance; (b) field experi- ments upon Indian corn [by Dr. Neale]. (4 same 1891: 20-31.) . Soil and crop tests; [by A. T. Neale]. 15 pp. (Agric. exper. station bull. 11.) To lead to more rational and economical use of fertili- zers : acct. of experiments and detailed stmts, of results with corn (near Mermaid. Felton, Frederlca and Seaford), sweet potatoes (at Dover, Camden and Seaford, peach trees (at Bridgevllic and Seaford). strawberries (Sussex and Kent, no de- tails), tomatoes (at Felton). 1892. Soil improvement; by A. T. Neale. (5 A.R. agric. exper. station 1892: 19-31.) Green manuring ; artificial fertilizers ; vertical drainage. 1893. Rept. of pot experiment with phosphates; by W. H. Bishop. (6 same 1893: 193-202.) Different soils; different kinds of fertilizers; soja beans were used in all tests ; tabulated stmt, of results. 1895-1897. Table showing yields per acre upon rotation plots, using different fertilizers. (9 same 1896/7: 213.) 1896. Potash: its commercial relations, its agric. rela- tions, chemical method for its accurate estimation in soil; by C. L. Penny. 24 pp. (Agric. exper. sta- tion bull. 36.) . Estimation of potash in soil: sampling, extrac- tion, analyses, results; by C. L. Penny. (9 A.R. agric. exper. station 1896/7: 146-163.) . Same. (Agric. exper. station bull. 36: 8-24.) 1898. Soil bacteria in their relation to agric; by F. D. Chester. 16 pp. (Same bull. 40.) 1899. Description of certain species of bacteria isolated from cultivated soil; by F. D. Chester. (11 A.R. agric. exper. station 1898/9; 52-75.) . Chemical functions of certain soil bacteria; by F. D. Chester. (11 same 1898/9:76-85.) . Fertilization of grain and grass lands; compari- son betw. acid phosphate, basic slag and ground bone; profit and loss acct.; by A. T. Neale. (11 same 1898/9; 24-26.) 1900/1. Studies in soil bacteriology; by F. D. Chester. (13 same 1900/1: 50-73.) Methods ; tabulated stmts, of analyses. 1901. Soil analyses; by C. L. Penny. (13 same 1900/1: 77-82.) Method, preparation of samples, etc. : tabular stmt, of mechanical analyses ; same for chemical analyses of soils [in vicinity of Dover]. 1901/2. Studies in soil bacteriology; by F. D. Chester. (14 same 1901/2: 46-78.) 1902. Assimilation of atmospheric nitrogen; bull. 98, Dept. of Agric. of Pa.; "Bacteria of soil in their relation to agric"; by F. D. Chester. (2 A.R. bd. of agric 1902: 64-82.) Hist, summary ; relation of root tubercules to nitrogen assimilation ; do other plants than legumes assimi- late nitrogen : relation of soil to tubercle pro- duction : inoculations of soils ; Increase of nitrogen content of soils ; use of allnit ; general remarks about bacteria. 1903. Commercial fertilizers in apple orchards; by C. P. Close. (15 A.R. agric. exper. station 1902/3: 128-130.) Plan of experiments with cover crops — crimson clover, hairy vetch. 1904. Liming soils: method of application; benefit; form; conditions under which it should be applied; effect on different soils and crops. (4 A.R. bd. of agric 1904: 123-128.) . The bacteriological analysis of soils; by F. D. Chester, pp. 49-76. (Agric. exper. station buU. 65.) . Soil bacteria and nitrogen assimilation; by F. D. Chester. 12 pp. (Same bull. 66.) 36 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE AGRICULTURE— cont'd Soil — cont'd 1905. To improve land; by C. G. Brown. (4 A.R. bd. of aRTlc. 1904: 98-100.) By use of leguminous crops Id proper rotation. Wages; see Labor ALFALFA Crop; see Agriculture. Crops. Grass and Forage ALMSHOUSES; see MAINTENANCE: COUNTY. DEPEND- ENTS AMERICAN COLONIZATION SOCIETY; see POPULATION. NEGRO ANTHRAX Regulation; see Agriculture. Inspection APmS; see AGRICULTURE. CROPS. PESTS APPLE Crop; see Agriculture. Crops ARBOR DAY; see NATURAL RESOURCES. FORESTRY ARMORIES; see MILITIA ARSENALS; see MILITIA ASPARAGUS Rust; see Agriculture. Crops. Pests ASSESSMENT Insurance; see that title Taxation; see that title ASSOCIATIONS Educational; see Education ATTORNEY GENERAL; see ADMINISTRATION OF JUS- TICE AUDITOR Reports; see Finance: State Salary; see Salaries BANCROFT'S BANKS Public School; see Education BANES 1811-1816. During the 5 yrs. which elapsed betw. the fall of the National Bank Charter (1811) and the incorporation of another National Bank (1816) the states doubled their bank capital; Del. was no ex- ception and suffered consequences, after which she refused to charter two banks incorporated in 1812 and 1813, thus curtailing bank capital; policy ad- hered to in future. (Govs, inaugural mess. (Coop- er) Jan. 1841.) 1819. Kept, on petition of citizens of New Castle Co. praying that legisl. adopt some measure to relieve distress, occasioned by pressure of banking institu- tions. (House jol. Jan. 1819: 139-140.) . Res., Jan. 11, in full, requiring certain returns from banks and branches in Del. (Sen. jol. Jan. 1819: 21-24.) 1819-1837. Summary stmt, of condition of Del. banks in 1819; Oct., 1835; Feb. to Nov., 1836; Dec, 1836, to April, 1837; June to Oct., 1837; giving no. of banks and no. of branches; amt. of loans and dis- counts, stocks, real estate, other investments, due BANKS— cont'd by other banks, notes of other banks, specie, circu- lation, deposites, due to other banks, other liabili- ties and capital. (U. S. 25 Cong., 2 sess., House doc. 79' 834-835 ) 1819-1839. Same as in 1819-1837, with addition of Jan. 1 and May, 1838: Jan.. 1839. (U. S. 26 Cong., 1 sess., House doc. 172: 1340.) 1820. Time approaching when charters of all banks in state will expire; too many such institutions in state for whole no. to be re-chartered; propriety of acting upon subject during present sess. of legisl. (Govs. mess. (Clark) Jan. 1820.) 1820-1840. Amt. of banking capital in U. S. Jan. 1, 1820; increase in 10 yrs. following; Increase 1832- 1840; amt. of bank discounts and circulation Jan. 1, 1830; increase 1830-1840; increase in banking capi- tal 1836-1840 and excess over that of 1816. (Govs, ipaugural mess. (Cooper) Jan. 1841.) 1821. Govs. mess, on N. H. res. as to incorporation of banks by Congress. (Sen. jol. Nov. sess. 1821: 86- 87.) . Rept. and res. disagreeing to amdmt. of U. S. const, proposed by Penn. restraining U. S. from erecting any bank except within D. C. (Same Jan. 1823: 46-47.) . Mess, of Gov. on such banks of state as have accepted act of Feb. 11, 1820, rel. to specie pay- ments. (House jol. ann. sess. 1821: 63-64.) 1824. Res. of legisls. of Ga. and Mass. disapproving amdmts. to constitution of U. S. proposed by Penn., prohibiting Congress from establishing any bank in D. C. (Sen. jol. ann. sess. 1824: 41-43.) 1826. Urging prevention of issue of bank notes under $5. (Govs. mess. Jan. 1826.) 1830-1841. No. and capital of state banks Jan. 1, 1830, Jan. 1, 1840 and estimated no. and capital for 1841. (Govs, inaugural mess. (Cooper) Jan. 1841.) 1835. Circulation of small notes of Del. state banks confined to Del. in consequence of their interdiction in Md. and Penn.; legislative enactment to prohibit issue of notes under $5 by Del. banks advised. (Govs. mess. Jan. 1835.) 1836-1846. General stmt, of condition of Del. banks; aggregate classified assets and liabilities. (U. S. 29 Cong., 2 sess.. House ex. doc. 120: 287.) For ten months ending Nov.. 1836, and on Jan., 1839, 1841-1846. omitting 1840. 1836-1850. Same. (U. S. 31 Cong., 1 sess.. House ex. doc. 68: 378.) Comprises and continues the foregoing stmt. 1836-1851. Same. (U. S. 32 Cong., 1 sess.. House ex. doc. 122: 310-311.) The following returns of the condition of Delaware banks were transmitted to the Secretary of the Treasury, U. S., under provision of U. S. House res. of July 10, 1832. 1836-1863. Stmt, of condition of banks of Del., giving name, place, and date; amt. of loans and discounts, stocks, real estate, other investments, due from banks, notes of other banks, specie, circulation, de- posites, due to banks, other liabilities, and capital. 1836 in U. S. 24 Cong., 2 sess.. House ex. doc. 65 : 124-125. Bank of Wilinlngton and Brandywlne, Aug. 13 ; Bank of Delaware, Sept. 10 ; Farmers' Banlc, Dover, Nov. 16 ; Bank of Smyrna, Nov. 22. 1835 In U. S. 24 Cong., 1 sess.. House ex. doc. 42 : 44-45. Farmers* Bank, Dover. Nov. 17 ; Bank of Delaware, Oct. 1 ; Bank of Wilmington and Brandywlne, Oct. 1 ; Bank of Smyrna (n. d.). 1836/7 In U. S. 2.t Cong., 2 sess.. House ex. doc. 79 : 392. Farmers' Bank, Dover, Dec. 20, 1836, and Aug. 15, 1837 : Bank of Delaware, Jan. 16. and July 1, 1837 ; Bank of Wilmington and Brandywlne, Jan. 16, and June 15, 1837 ; Bank of Smyrna, April 14, and Oct. 13, 1837. 1842 in V. S. 26 Cong., 1 sess.. House ex. doc. 226 : 576. Bank of Delaware, Bank of Smyrna, and Farmers' Bank, Jan. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE 37 BANKS— cont'd 1843 In V. S. 26 Cong., 1 sess.. House ex. doc. 226 : 577. As above. 1843/4 In T'. S. 26 Cong., 1 sess., House ex. doc. 226 : 578. Bank of Delaware and Bank of Smyrna, Jan., 1844 ; Farmers' Bank, Dec. 19, 1843. 1844/5 In C. S. 26 Cong., 1 sess.. House ex. doc. 226 : 579. Bank of Delaware and Bank of Smyrna Jan. 1, 1845 : Farmers' Bank, Dec. 19, 1844. 1846 In U. S. 26 Cong., 1 sess.. House ex. doc. 226 : 580. Bank of Delaware, Bank of Smyrna and Farmers' Bank, near to .Ian. 1. 1847 Jan. in U. S. 29 Cong., 2 sess.. House ex. doc. 120: 182-183. Bank of Delaware, Bank of Smyrna, Farmers' Bank of Delaware. 1848 Jan. 1 in U. S. 30 Cong., 1 sess.. House ex. doc. 77 : 456-457. Bank of Delaware and Bank of Smyrna. 1849 omitted. 1850 Jan. 1 in U. S. 31 Cong., 1 sess.. House doc. 68 : 234. Farmers' Bank. Bank of Delaware, Bank of Smyr- na, Delawire City Bank. 1851 Jan. 1 in D. S. 32 Cong., 1 sess.. House doc. 122 : 219-220. Farmers' Bank, Bank of Delaware, Bank of Smyr- na. Delaware City Bank, Union Bank, Bank of Wilmington and Brandywine. 1852 in U. S. 32 Cong., 2 sess.. House ex. doc. 66 : 264-265. Bank of Smyrna, Oct. 4 ; Commerfcial Bank of Wil- mington, Oct .30 ; Bank of Delaware, Dec. 1 ; Delaware City Bank, Dec. 28. 1853 omitted. 1854 Jan. in U. S. 33 Cong., 1 sess.. House ex. doc. 102 : 140. Delaware City Bank. Bank of Smyrna, Bank of Delaware, Wilmington and Brandywine Bank, Union Bank, Farmers' Bank on Dec. 20, 1853. 1855 Jan. in U. S. 33 Cong., 2 sess., House ex. doc. 82 : 153. Same as the preceding witli New Castle County Bank added. Returns, in this table, of the Bank of Delaware are for Dec. 19, 1854, and of the Delaware City Bank for Jan. 6, 1855. 1856 Jan. in U. S. 34 Cong., 1 sess.. House ex. doc. 102: 145. Same as the preceding with Mechanics* Bank, Wilmington, added. Returns, in this table, of the Farmers' B.nnk are tor Dec. 18, IS.-io, of the Bank of New Castle for Jan. 2. 1856, of the Union Bank for Feb. 1, 1856, and of the others for Jan. 1, 1856. 1857 omitted. 1858 in U. S. 35 Cong., 1 sess.. House ex. doc. 107 : 174. Bank of Delaware, Jan. 1 ; Wilmington and Brand.vwine Bank, Jan. 31 ; Union Bank, Jan. ; Delaware Citr Bank. Jan. 13 : Farmers' Bank, Feb. 16 : Bank of Smyrna. Jan. 7 ; New Castle County Bank. Jan. 1 ; Bank of Newark, Jan. 11 ; Mechanics' Bank, Jan. 1. 1859 In U. S. 35 Cong., 2 sess.. House ex. doc. 112 : 148. Bank of Delaware, Wilmington and Brand.vwine Bank, and Union Bank each on Jan. 1, 1859 ; Mechanics' Bank, Dec. 31, 1858 : New Castle County Bank, Dec. 29, 1858 ; Newark Bank, Jan. 3", 1859 ; Delaware Citv Bank, Jan. 1, 1859 ; Farmers' Bank, Dec. 21, 1858 ; Smyrna Bank, Jan, 6, 1859. 1860 in D. S. 36 Cong., 1 sess.. House ex. doc. 49 : 186. Bank of Delaware, Jan. 2 ; Wilmington and Brandvwlne Bank, Feb. 1 ; Mechanics' Bank, Jan. 31 ; New Castle County Bank, Jan. 4 ; Bank of Newark. Jan. 3; Delaware City Bank. Jan. 2; Farmers' Bank, Feb. 21 ; Bank of Smyrna, Dec. 29. 1859 ; Union Bank, Jan. 1, 1859 (i. e., 1860 7). 1861 In U. S. 36 Cong., 2 sess.. House ex. doc. 77 : 186. Farmers' Bank, Dec. 18, 1860 ; Bank of Newark, Jan. 8, 1861 : Delaware City Bank, Jan. 1, 1861 ; Bank of Delaware, Jan. 1, 1861 ; Union Bank, Jan. 1, 18G1. 1862 Jan. in U. S. 37 Cong., 3 sess.. House ex. doc. 25 : 156. Bank of Delaware, Delaware City Bank, Citizens Bank, Bank of Newark, New Castle County Bank. Bank of Smyrna. No returns were re- ceived from the following banks in this year : Farmers' Bank, Real Estate Bank. Mechanics' Bank, Union Bank, Bank of Wilmington. 1863 in U. S. 38 Cong., 1 sess.. House ex. doc. 20 : 158. Of the ten banks from which reports were due, reports were received from five only, viz. : Bank of Delaware, Farmers' Bank, Delaware City Bank, Bank of Newark, New Castle County Bank. 1837. On Delaware's banking institutions. (Govs, in- augural mess. Jan. 1837.) BANKS— cont'd 1841. Approximate amt. of banking capital of state, (Same (Cooper) Jan. 1841.) . From origin of state govt, to date, Del. never chartered a bank which failed to redeem every dol- lar of Its emissions of paper or to repay to its stockholders amt. of their investments. (Same (Cooper) Jan. 1841.) 1842. Resumption of specie payments by banks in March; general banking situation; monetary de- rangement, etc. (.Same Jan. 1843.) 1851-1855. Synopsis of returns from banks of Del.; aggregate classified assets and liabilities on Jan., 1851, 1854 and 1855. (U. S. 33 Cong., 2 sess., House ex. doc. 82: 254.) 1851-1858. Same; Jan.. 1851, 1854-1858. (U. S. 35 Cong., 1 sess., House ex. doc. 107: 327.) 1855. On character of banking system of Delaware. (Govs, inaugural mess. Jan. 1855.) 1855-1863. Synopsis of returns of banks in Del.; aggre- gate classified assets and liabilities in Jan. each yr. (U. S. 38 Cong., 1 sess., House ex. doc. 20: 214.) 1861. Rept. of committee of conference on jt. res., apptg. bank directors on part of state in banks at Wilmington. New Castle, Dover and Georgetown. (House jol. Jan. 1861: 303-304.) 1866. Tax of 10% on amt. of notes of state banks and banking assns. required (by act of Cong.) after July 1; ruinous to state banks to do this when state law permits them to charge only 6% on accommo- dations; must either cease banking business or change system from that of state banks to national assns. (Govs. mess. (Saulsbury) Jan. 1866.) 1873. Circulation of state banks destroyed and ability to accommodate diminished by national banking system established by Congress; capital and circu- lation limited in agric. community, consequently ability to pay govt, exactions and value of real property has been diminished. (Same (Ponder) Jan. 1873: 21-22.) 1879. Supervision of savings banks, trust cos., etc., by insurance comr., suggested. (Same (Cochran) Jan. 1879.) 1902. Suggested that supervision of banking, trust, and safe deposit cos. be connected with that of in- surance. (Bienn. rept. insurance comr. 1901/2: 13.) 1903. Law of 1903, placed all Del. banking institutions, other than national and private banks, under su- pervision of insurance comr. (Same 1903/4: 22.) 1903/4. Aggregate of resources, liabilities, etc., of banking institutions in state. (Same 1903/4: 22-23.) . On banking institutions doing business In state. (Same 1903/4: 22-24.) 1904. Changes or additions recommended in law ap- plicable to banking institutions. (Same 1903/4: 23-24.) Laws 1903. Laws of Del. relating to banks (other than na- tional banks), bldg. and loan assns., trust cos., safe deposit, guarantee surety and bonding corporations in the state of Del. Milford, 1903. 9 pp. Copy seen In Wilmington Institute Free Library. National Banks 1841. Passage of res. in favor of national bank recom- mended. (Govs. mess. (Comegys) Jan. 1841.) 1867. Rel. to difference betw. means of bank accom- modation under system of state banks as heretofore existed, and the national system as it now exists. (Same (Saulsbury) Jan. 1867.) Taxation; see Taxation: State 4(18301 38 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE BANKS: INDIVIDUAL American Bonding Company, of Baltimore 1902. Name of Amer. Bonding and Trust Co., Balti- more, Md., changed during yr. to " The Amer. Bonding Co. of Baltimore." (Bienn. rept. insurance comr. 1901/2: 9.) Bank of Delaware, Wilmington 1796. Rept. of committee to whom was referred peti- tion of sundry inhabitants of Del., praying for pas- sage of act to incorporate the pres., co. and direc- tors of Bank of Del., established at Wilmington. (House jol. Jan. 1796: 44.) 1812. Acceptance of act suppl. to act to Incorporate banks in borough of Wilmington (Feb. 4), reed, from Bank of Delaware, June 2. (Govs. mess. (Haslett) Nov. 1812.) 1819. Stmt, showing situation of Bank of Delaware, Jan. IC, made in conformity with res. of Sen. and House, Jan. 11. (House jol. Jan. 1819: 72-79; Sen. jol. Jan. 1819: 64-67.) Bank of Dover 1839. Communication from Bank of Dover, signifying acceptance of act of Feb. 18, 1837, to further suppl. their act of incorporation. (House jol. Jan. 1839: 11-12.) Bank of Milford 1855. Brief summary of result of investigation of Bank of Milford — referred to in Govs, inaugural address. (House jol. Jan. sess. 1855: 213-217.) . Proceedings of House committee on Bank of Mil- ford. (f^ame Jan. 1855: 382-414.) Bank of Smyrna 1823. Acceptance by Bank of Smyrna of act to estab- lish bank and incorporate company. (Sen. jol. ann. sess. 1823: 14-15.) Bank of United States 1833. Communication from E. Littell, of Phila., to gov. of Del., submitting plan for a substitute for notes of Bank of U. S., and eventually as a substitute for all bank notes; and an effectual guard agst. the greatest evils arising from banlvs. (House jol. Jan. 1835: 22.) Bank of Wilmington and Brandywine 1812. Acceptance of act to incorporate Bank of Wil- mington and Brandywine in borough of Wilming- ton, passed Feb. 4, transmitted to Gov. July 11. ((3ovs. mess. (Haslett) Nov. 1812.) 1817-1819. Stmt, of situation of Bank of Wilmington and Brandywine, on Aug. 21, 1817, and Jan. 16, 1819; accompanied by letter from pres. of the Bank, acknowledging receipt of res. of Jan. 11, by the cashier, and alleging that directors had instructed him to state " that after the most attentive exami- nation of the charter, they find it deficient in any clause whereby they can recognize the right of the legisl. to make a demand of this nature." (House jol. Jan. 1819: 104-106; Sen. jol. 1819: 93-96.) 1827. Govs. mess, on acceptance of Bank of Wilming- ton and Brandywine of act of Jan. 30, 1825, secur- ing specie payment. (House jol. Jan. sess. 1827: 111-112.) 1839. Communication from Bank of Wilmington and Brandywine signifying acceptance of act of Feb. 18, 1837, to further suppl. their act of incorporation. (Same Jan. 1839: 22-23.) Commercial Bank of Delaware 1812. Acceptance by Commercial Bank of Del. and stmt, that business was commenced Sept. 10, reed. Dec. 15. (Govs. mess. (Haslett) Jan. 1813.) 1819. Stmt, of funds of Commercial Bank of Del. at Milford, showing situation of bank on Jan. 16; BANKS: INDIVIDUAI^-cont'd Commercial Bank of Delaware — cont'd made in conformity with res. Jan. 11. (House jol. Jan. 1819: 93-96; Sen. Jol. Jan. 1819: 80-84.) 1819. Stmt, of affairs of Commercial Bank of Del. under res. Jan. 11, requiring each bank in state to lay before Gen. Assem., a stmt, of its debts, effects and credits, up to Jan. 16. (House jol. Jan. sess. 1819: 86-89; Sen. Jol. Jan. 1819: 75-78.) Farmers' Bank of Delaware serial 1881-1890. Ann. stmt, of Farmers' Bank [and branches]. In Docnmnntw ns follows : 1RS1 in Mouse Jol. .Tan. 1881:89-95. 1882-1889 omitted. 1890 Dec. 16 In Scn.ite jol. .Tan. ISOl app. pp. 7-12. ' House " •• 1891 app. pp. 7-12. non-serial 1819. Stmt, of fiscal concerns of Farmers' Bank of state of Delaware, Jan. 16, made in conformity with Sen. and House res. of Jan. 11. (Sen. jol. Jan. 1819: 72-74: House jol. Jan. 1S19: 82-84.) 1823. Mess, of Gov. on acceptance, by Farmers' Bank of Del., of act of Jan. 8. 1823. for securing specie payments, and transmitting rept. and res. of S. C. on rights of Congress to erect bank; and rept. on penitentiary system in U. S. (House jol. ann. sess. 1823: 76-77; Sen. jol. same 1S23: 46-49.) Ace. docs. rel. to mllltla and banks found In Sen. jol. only. 1824. Govs. mess, on acceptance by Farmers' Bank of Del. of act Jan. 30, on securing specie payments, etc. (Sen. jol. ann. sess. 1824: 26-27.) 1825. Mess, from Gov. on acceptance, by Farmers' Bank of Del., of act Jan. 30. 1824, securing payment by banks of this state of their notes in specie. (House jol. Jan. sess. 1825: 20-21.) 1831. Res. of directors of Farmers' Bank, of Jan. 5, requesting legisl. to pass an act providing that the ann. mtg. of the stockholders of the bank be here- after held on the first Tuesday in each yr., and repealing certain portion of original charter. (Same Jan. 1831: 47.) 1861. Rept. of committee on communication of Thos. Clyde, late state director of Farmers' Bank; res. that state directors be directed to furnish Gen. Assem. copy of last stmt, of debts and surplus profit of bank, amt. of money owing to bank by any cor- poration and by each director Mch. 1, 1861, Jan. 1, 1862, Jan. 1, 1863, and amt. of money lost by said bank from corporations or directors within 25 yrs., recommended. (Saine Jan. 1861: 333-334.) 1865. Rept. on memorial of Farmers' Bank on chang- ing said tank into a national banking assn. (Sen. jol. June sess. 1865: 38.) . Rel. to large amt. of capital invested by state in Farmers' Bank and probability that business of Bank may be seriously Interfered with, if not de- stroyed, under operation of a law of Congress, es- tablishing what is known as the national banking system. (Govs. mess. (Saulsbury) June 1865.) 1866. Amt. of capital stock of Farmers' Bank, amt. owned by state and by individuals; Bank cannot avail itself of privileges of banking assn. under act of Congress without consent of legisl.; conversion of Farmers' Bank into national bank recommended "as a choice of evils"; inconveniences arising from national system and compensation therefor. (Same (Saulsbury) Jan. 1866.) 1881. Rept. of Farmers' Bank for 1879 shows that part of branches have been unsuccessful in business; duty of legisl. to adopt measures in reference to matter. (Sa?»e (Hall) Jan. 1881: 8.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE 39 BANKS: INDIVIDUAL— cont'd Farmers' Bank of Delaware — cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1883. Rept. of finance committee rel. to stmts, of financial condition of Farmers' Bank. (Sen. jol. Jan. sess. 1883: 702.) 1885. Same. (Same Jan. 1885: 633.) 1899. Rel. to temporary loan from Farmers' Bank at Dover. (Govs. mess. (Tunnell) Jan. 1899.) . Reduction of capital stock of Farmers' Bank, and closing of branch bank located at New Castle, un- der act of March 9, 1899. (Bienn. rept. of treasurer 1899/00: 6.) 1901. Rel. to amt. paid into treasury for the general fund and amt. for the school fund, by Farmers' Bank, under ch. 275, vol. 21, Laws of Del. (Govs, mess. (Tunnell) Jan. 1901: 6.) Georgetown Branch 1879. Rept. rel. to apptmt. of directors of Farmers' Bank branch at Georgetown. (Sen. jol. Jan. sess. 1879: 591.) New Castle Branch 1899. Rept. of committee on private corporations apptd. under res. of Feb. 21, 1899, to examine af- fairs of Farmers' Bank of Del. rel. to closing branch at New Castle and reduction of capital stock of corporation. (House jol. Jan. sess. 1899: 1320- 1324.) . Rept. of committee on private corporations rec- ommending allowance to accountants, provided for under res. of Feb. 21, 1899, to examine affairs of Farmers' Bank of Del. rel. to closing branch at New Castle, and also reduction of capital stock of corporation. (Same Jan. 1899: 1264.) . Petition of Farmers' Bank of Del. praying that New Castle branch of said bank be discontinued and capital stock reduced. (Sen. jol. Jan. 1899: 1435-1436; House jol. Jan. 1899: 303-305.) Wilmington Branch 1847. Rept. of jt. committee to investigate condition of branch of Farmers' Bank at Wilmington. (Sen. jol. Jan. 1847: 111-113; House jol. Jan. 1847: 221- 222.) Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank of Delaware, Milford 1S12. Certificate reed. Dec. 21, from Pres. of Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank of Del., signifying that bank had accepted act and suppl. passed in Feb. and commenced operation by discount Oct. 2. (Govs. mess. (Haslett) Jan. 1813.) 1819. Stmt, of situation of Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank of Delaware, April 17 to Jan. 14 (sic); with communication from pres. and directors of the Bank, refusing to recognize right of Gen. Assem. to call for stmt, of the debts, effects and credits of the Bank, as called for by res. of Jan. 11, etc. (House jol. Jan. 1819: 107.) 1861. Rept. of committee on investigating Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank at Milford. (Sen. jol. Nov. 1861: 107.) BASS; see FISH AND GAME BEE KEEPING; see AGRICULTURE BEET SUGAR; see AGRICULTURE. CROPS. SUGAR BENEFICIARY ORGANIZATIONS 1SS3. Speculative insurance; action of cemr. to pre- vent certain mutual aid and mutual relief assns. of other states from entering Del.; example made of a Penna. co., and decision rel. to this co. pub- lished as warning to others; cause for congratula- tion that state of Penna. has at length put an end BENEFICIARY ORGANIZATIONS— cont'd to the evil practices of many such assns., which have cast such discredit upon that state. (2 bienn. rept. insurance comr. 1881/3: 7-9.) 1889. Beneficial and charitable assns.: recommending such legislation as will more particularly define the scope and limitations of some beneficial and chari- table assns. in state, as distinguished from insur- ance cos. (5 same 1887/9: 4.) 1891-1893. Benevolent, charitable and fraternal assns.; recommending enactment of law which will more clearly define the scope and limitations of organiza- tions, which seem to exist principally, if not solely, for the purpose of doing an insurance business, but claim to be organizations within the meaning of the proviso of the statute referred to; no. of these so-called secret, benevolent, charitable and fraternal organizations or assns. believed to be in state, doing an insurance business pure and simple, with a grain of the secret, benevolent, etc., thrown in for the sole purpose of evading insurance laws of the state; comment. (5 same 1889/91 (pp. 5-6) — 7 same 1891/3.) 1901. Duties of insurance comr. extended during yr. to exercise of supervision over certain classes of fraternal beneficiary assns. over which there had been no supervision, and statute of 1899, giving dept. supervision over bldg. and loan assns. com- pletely enforced. (Same 1901/2: 5.) 1902. Rel. to fraternal beneficiary assns. in state; vast amt. of insurance money promised to be paid by them in future, entitle them to the serious and care- ful consideration of the state. (Same 1901/2: IS- IS.) 1902-1903. Abstr. of stmts, filed by fraternal beneficiary assns. with the insurance dept. of the state, giving name of assn., when organized, admitted assets, liabilities, receipts, expenditures, risks written or increased, decreased or ceased, and in force, death losses paid, do. incurred, disability losses paid, do. incurred. (Same 1901/2 (foldg. stmt.) — same 1903/4.) 1903/4. Names of fraternal beneficiary assns. entering and withdrawing from state. (Same 1903/4: 16; 18.) BENEVOLENT SOCIETY OF NEW CASTLE School; see Education. Private BIRDS; see FISH AND GAME BIRTHS; see VITAL STATISTICS BLACKBERRY Crop; see Agriculture. Crops BLACKBIRD Malaria in; see Public Health. Diseases BLIND Maintenance; see that title BONDS Insurance Commissioner; see Insurance State Officers; see Finance: State Taxation; see Taxation: State BOUNTY Military; see War Expenditures Premiums Agricultural; see Aobicxtltube 40 INDEX TO D0CUME:NTS of the state op DELAWARE BRANDYWINE RIVER Navigation; see River Conservancy Pollution; see Water Supply BRIDGES lSO-1. Rept. on petition for and remonstrance agst. erection of new bridge and causeway across Appo- quirimink creek and marsh. (House jol. Jan. 1804: 31-32.) 1805. Rept. on sundry petitions and memorials rel. to Appoquirimink bridge and causeway. (Same Jan. sess. 1805: 25.) 1852. Kent Co.: stmt, of allowances and apprns. for work on bridges and opening new roads, not em- braced in the road and bridge warrants to regular overseers of roads, and for repairs on old roads and bridges. (A.R. auditor 1853: 82-83.) Wilmington Bridge 1807. Rept. on petitions in behalf of Wilmington Bridge Co. (House jol. Aug. 1807: 8.) 1837. Rept. of committee apptd. to examine accts. of Wilmington Bridge Co. (Same Jan. 1837: 178-179.) 1839. Rept. of atty. gen. in compliance with jt. res. of Feb. 21, 1837, requiring a bill of equity to be filed to Court of Chancery in and for co. of New Castle In name of state agst. " Wilmington Bridge Co." requiring a full acct. of their nett profits since erec- tion of bridge over the Christiana. (Same Jan. 1839: 88.) . Rept. of committee on petition of Wilmington Bridge Co., on subject of claims made by state, agst. CO., in behalf of school fund, and of suit instituted in behalf of state, for recovering claims, etc. (Same Jan. 1839: 177-178.) . Suppl. to act of their incorporation accepted by Wilmington Bridge Co. (Govs. mess. (Comegys) Jan. 1841.) 1849. Rept. on petition for law authorizing Levy Court of New Castle Co. to buy Wilmington Bridge and make same a free bridge. (Sen. jol. Jan. 1849: 200.) . Rept. on petition praying for the passage of a loan authorizing Levy Court of New Castle Co. to buy Wilmington Bridge and make same free bridge. (Same Jan. 1849: 200.) BRIDGEVILLE Diphtheria in; see Public Health Health of 1885/6-1896/8. See Public Health, these dates. Malaria in; see Public Health. Diseases Public Schools; see Education BUBONIC PLAGUE; see PUBLIC HEALTH. EPIDEMICS BOTLDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATIONS 1902. Recommending that issuance by comr. of his license to bldg. and loan assns. be made discretion- ary, to the end that the public may be better pro- tected; expenses of examining such assns., when examinations are made necessary by law, should be borne by state instead of by assn. as now. (Bienn. rept. insurance comr. 1901/2: 12-13.) 1903/4. Aggregate of receipts, expenditures, etc., of bldg. and loan assns. doing business in Del. (Same 1903/4: 21-22.) . On bldg. and loan assns. transacting business in state. (Same 1903/4: 21-22.) 1904. No provision of law made to defray expense of the pubn. by insurance comr. of summaries of repts. of banking corporations and bldg. and loan assns.; comr. has summarized and had published repts. of all such COS. regularly after their submission to the BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATIONS— cont'd dept.; comr. has compiled, had prtd.. and published, either In pamphlet or sheet form or in the public prints, all information necessary for information of the public, etc.; increased contingent fund for comr.'s dept. recommended. (Same 1903/4: 7-8.) 1904. All bldg. and loan assns. required to render to insurance dept., annually, on or before Jan., a stmt, of their financial and business condition; recom- mended that such repts. be required on July 1. (Same 1903/4: 21.) BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATIONS: INDIVIDUAL Guarantee Building and Loan Association, Wilmington 1901. Guarantee Bldg. and Loan Assn. examined by dept. and found insolvent. (Bienn. rept. insurance comr. 1901/2: 8.) 1904. Reasons for comrs. paying over to state amt. reed, from receiver of the Guarantee Bldg. and Loan Assn. (Same 1903/4: 6.) Mutual Loan Association, Wilmington 1902. Mutual Loan Assn., Wilmington, in voluntary liquidation. (Bienn. rept. insurance comr. 1901/2: 10.) Smyrna Building and Loan Association 1902. Affairs of Smyrna Bldg. and Loan Assn. wound up, and claims paid off at rate of 83'/^ cents on the dollar during Dec. (Bienn. rept. insurance comr. 1901/2: 10.) BURGLARY INSURANCE; see INSURANCE BUSINESS CONDITION 1875. Financial affairs of this community, in common with other states of the Union, suffering from stag- nation in almost every branch of business in conse- quence of destruction of natural market for the mnftres. and other products in the southern states; and in the enormous outlay of capital upon distant and premature rwy. and other enterprises, from which no returns could be expected for many yrs.; regretted, that annihilation of Del.'s well-secured state bank issues, by the ruthless exercise of Con- gressional power of taxation, is continued. (Govs, mess. (Cochran) Jan. 1875.) 1879. Financial depressions due to unwise financial system of Federal Govt, coupled with a wasteful and reckless expenditure of the public revenues by way of donations and subsidies to associated capi- tal and the unsound circulating medium furnished by Congress. (Same (Hall) Jan. 1879.) CAMDEN Health of 1885/6-1896/8. See Public Health, these dates. Malaria in; see Public Health. Diseases Public Schools; see Education CANALS 1793. Rept. of comrs. on propriety of canal and lock navigation on Brandywine River. (Sen. jol. May 1793: 24.) 1802. Non-compliance of Penn. with conditions of act of Del. to incorporate a co. for cutting and making a canal betw. Chesapeake Bay and Bay or River of Del.; etc. (Govs. mess. (Sykes) Jan. 1802.) 1812. Rept. on so much of Govs. mess, as relates to application for state aid made by comrs. apptd. by legisl. of N. Y. for consideration of all matters re- lating to proposed inland navigation between great lakes and Hudson River. (House jol. Jan. sess. 1812: 54.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS Or THE STATE OF DELAWARE 41 CANALS— cont'd 1833. Rept. of committee on sundry petitions and re- monstrances of citizens of Murderkill Hundred on subject of stopping a certain canal near Frederica in Kent Co. (Same Jan. 1833: 180-181.) 1891/2. Expenditures on acct. of Assawaman Canal; see the classified detailed stmt, of receipts and dis- bursements. (Bienn. rept. of treasurer 1891/2.) CANALS: INDIVIDUAL Chesapeake and Delaware Canal 1801. Mess, from Gov. transmitting res. of legisl. of Penn. on opening navigation betw. bay of Chesa- peake and Del. River. (House jol. Jan. 1801: 81.) . On opening communication betw. waters of Chesapeake Bay and Delaware River. (Govs. mess. Jan. 1801.) 1805. Petition, and rept. on same, from Chesapeake and Del. Canal Co. asking state aid. (House jol. Jan. sess. 1805: 20; 26-27.) 1813. By act of Gen. Assem. of Penn. Gov. of Penn. is authorized to subscribe for 375 shares in Del. and Chesapeake Canal Co., if U. S. subscribe for 750 shares, Md. for 250 and Del. 100. (Govs. mess. (Haslett) Apr. 1813.) . Copy of Md. law concerning Del. and Chesapeake Canal reed.; subscription for 100 shares of stock by Del. requested; question submitted to legisl. {Same (Haslett) Jan. 1813.) 1823. Rept. on petition of Chesapeake and Del. Canal Co. for state aid. (House jol. ann. sess. 1823: 122.) 1829. On progress of Chesapeake and Del. canal. (Govs. mess. Jan. 1829.) 1832. Rept. on that part of Govs. mess, which relates to opening canal betw. Chesapeake and Delaware bays. (Sen. jol. Jan. sess. 1832: 67-G8.) 1833. On progress on Chesapeake and Delaware Canal. (Govs. mess. Jan. 1833.) 1836. Rel. to controversy betw. Chesapeake and Del. Canal Co. and certain of its auditors, who have con- tended for priority, which has involved interests and rights of citizens of this and other states, tra- ding on canal; legisl. should so alter charter, that creditors may, in proportion to their interests, par- ticipate with stockholders in the election of the directors; without co-operation of legisl. the sug- gested mode of relief of co. can not be obtained. (Same (Polk) June 1836.) . Govs. mess, convening a special sess. of the legisl. for purpose of requiring legislative inter- ference in regard to Chesapeake and Del. Canal Co.; controversy has arisen under operation of the Del. attachment laws, betw. the co. and certain auditors of the CO. who have contended for priority, which has involved interests and rights of citizens of this and the adjoining states, trading through canal. (House jol. June 1836: 6-10.) 1873. Letters from various persons favoring act for construction of ship canal betw. Chesapeake and Del. bays. {Same Jan. sess. 1873: 695-699.) . Recommended that charter be granted for cor- poration to build ship canal connecting Chesapeake and Del. bays, in case such charter be asked for, and that proper provisions be inserted to protect rights of citizens, etc. (Govs. mess. (Ponder) Jan. 1873: 12.) Christiana Canal 1832-1836. Stmt, of Christiana Canal Co. in obedience to charter provision. (Sen. jol. Jan. 1837: 56-57.) CANNING Industry; see Industries CANTALOUP Diseases; see Agriculture. Crops. Pests CAPITOL; see PUBLIC BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS CARP; see FISH AND GAME CATTLE; see AGRICULTURE. LIVESTOCK CAULIFLOWER Crops; see Agriculture. Crops. Vegetable CELERY Diseases; see Agriculture. Crops. Pests CEMETERY Gettysburg; see Public Buildings and Grounds CENSUS School; see Education. School Census CENTREVILLE Health of 1885/6-1896/8. See Public Health, these dates. CHARITIES AND CORRECTIONS; see MAINTENANCE CHERRY Crop; see Agriculture. Crops CHESTNUT; see NATURAL RESOURCES. FORESTRY CHILDREN Care of In the Home; see Public Health In School; see Education. School Hygiene CHOLERA Hog Cholera; see Agriculture. Inspection Human; see Public Health. Epidemics CHRISTIANA Health of 1885/8-1896/8. See Public Health, these dates. CLAIMS Against Delaware; see Debt: State Against United States Militaby; see War Expenditures French Spoliation; see Commerce CLAYTON Malaria in; see Public Health. Diseases CLIMATE serial 1888/9-1902/3. Rept. of dept. of meteorology of agric. experiment station of Del. College. In Documents as follows : 1888/9 (Barter) in 2 ann. rept. agrlc. exper. station 1889: 174-188. ^ ^. ,„„„ 1890 (Harter) In 3 ann. rept. agrlc. exper. station 1890: 1891 (Bishop) In 4 ann. rept agrlc. exper. station 1891: 109-124. 1892 (Bishop) In 5 ann. rept. agrlc. exper. station 1892: 128-142. 1893 TBisho'p) In 6 ann. rept. agrlc. exper. station 1893 : 203-217. 1894/5 (Bishop) In 7 ann. rept. agrlc. exper. station 1894/5 : 208-228. 1895/6 (Bishop) In 8 ann. rept. agrlc. exper. station 1895/6 : 160-177. 1896/7 (Bishop) In 9 ann. rept. agric. exper. station 1896/7 : 214-229. 42 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF DELAWARE CLIMATE— cont'd serial — cont'd 1897/8 (Bishop> In 10 nnn. rppt. agrlc. exper. station 1807/8 : 247-262. ISOS 9 (Plshopl in 11 pnn. rept. agric. exper. station 1808/9 : ISO-IO.-?. 1899/00 (Bishop* In 12 ann. rept. agrlc. exper. station 1899/00 : 239-249. 10(10 1 ir.ishoiii In IS ann. rept. agrlc. exper. station 1000/1 : 200-206. 1901/2 (Bishop* In 14 ann. rept. agrlc. exper. station 1901/2: 152-1.18. 1902/3 (Blshopl In 15 ann. rept. agric. exper. station 1902/3 : 1(50-168. non-serial 1888. Meteorolojry : acct. of apparatus obtained for this wort. (1 A.R. agric. exper. station 1888: 14-16.) 1888/9. Summary of meteorological observations made at Newarlv from Oct., 1888, to May, 1889. (2 same 1889: 180-181.) 1889. Summary of meteorolo.ciical observations made at Newarlv. Middletown, Dover, Milford, Seaford. each mo. from June to Dec., Inclusive. (2 same 1889: 182-188.) . Meteorological work: offices equipped at Sea- ford, Milford. Dover, Jliddletown and in Newark; daily observations taken and reported wkly. to station's meteorologist. Prof. Harter. (2 same 1889: 27.) 1892-1902/3. Summary of meteorological observations made each mo. at Newark, Middletown, Dover, Mil- ford, Seaford and Millsboro. (5 same 1892 (pp. 131- 142)— 15 same 1902/3.) From 1000/1 to 1902/3 returns are given tor Newark, Dover and Seaford only. 1896. Weather record at Dover and Milford July 1-20: temperature, rainfall in inches and state of weather each day. (Agric. exper. station bull. 34: 7.) Rainfall 1888-1889. Stmt, of rainfall in inches at Newark from Sept., 1888 to 18S9; at Middletown, Dover, Milford and Seaford from July, 1889, to Dec, 1889. with totals for each quarter, half yr. and yr. (2 A.R. agric. exper. station 1889: 177.) 1891-1S92. Stmt, of wkly. rainfall in inches at Dover in July and Aug., each yr. (5 same 1892: 26.) 1892-1902. TaTjular stmt, of rainfall in inches and no. of days in which .01 in., or over of rain fell, each mo., at Newark. Middletown, Dover, Milford, Sea- ford and Millsboro. (5 same 1892 (p. 129) — 15 some 1902/3.) From 1000 to 1902 returns for Newark, Dover and Seaford only. 1899-1903. Table showing average precipitation in Del. each mo. (15 A.R. agric. exper. station 1902/3: 21.) 1903. See Corn, under Agriculture. Crops. Grain, this date. Temperature 1888-1889. Stmt, of max., min. and mean temperature at Newark from Oct., 1888, to Dec, 1889; at Middle- town, Dover, Milford. Seaford from July, 1889, to Dec, 1889, with totals for each quarter, half yr. and yr. (2 A.R. agric exper. station 1889: 178.) 1889-1901. Average temperature for June, July and Aug. and mean for period in Seaford, Dover and Newark, each yr. (13 same 1900/1: 32.) 1891-1892. Tabular stmt, of max. temperature at Dover in July and Aug., each yr. (5 same 1892: 26.) 1892-1902. Summary of max., min. and mean tempera- ture, each mo., mean for yr., highest and lowest during yr. at Newark, Middletown, Dover, Milford. Seaford and Millsboro. (5 same 1892 (p. 130)— 15 same 1902/3.) From 1900 to 1002 returns are for Newark, Dover and Seaford only. CLOVER Crop; see Agriculture. Crops. Grass and Forage CODLING MOTH; see AGRICULTURE. CROPS. PESTS COLLEGE FUND; see EDUCATION. SCHOOL FUND COMMERCE Delaware 1887-1888. Stmt, showing no. of peach shipments in baskets in 1887 and in 1888; berry shipments in quarts in 1888; no. of trees 4 yrs. old and more, 1888; area of land in berries, 1888; canneries and capacity (in baskets); dryers and capacity (in bas- kets) at the several stations in Del. (1 bienn. rept. bd. of agric 1888/9: 435-436.) United States 1808. On embargo Imposed by Congress on foreign trade of the U. S.; results of this law distressing to all classes, yet no attempt made to violate the law. (CtOvs. mess. (Truitt) Nov. 1808.) French Spoliation Claims 1841. Attention directed to French spoliation claims. (Govs. mess. (Comegys) Jan. 1841.) 1843. Res. of State of Mass. concerning French depre- dations on Amer. commerce, previous to Convention of 1800. (House jol. Jan. 1845: 39-40.) 1844. Same. (Same 1845: 35.) 1847. " Last sess. of Congress also marked by the ex- traordinary misapplication and abuse of the veto power vested by the constitution in the executive branch of the govt.," rel. to paying claimants for spoliations on the commerce of Amer. committed by France betw. Jan., 1793, and July 31, 1801; sug- gesting remedy for this abuse. (Govs. mess. (Temple) Jan. 1847.) Interstate Commerce 1881. Rept. on Regan interstate commerce hill before Congress. (House jol. Jan. 1881: 279-280.) COMPULSORY EDUCATION; see EDUCATION CONCORD Health of 1885/6-1896/8. See Public Health, these dates. CONSUMPTION Disease; see Public Health. Tuberculosis Maintenance of Consumptives; see Maintenance: State CONVENTIONS Agricultural; see Agriculture Educational; see Education Taxation; see that title CORN Crop; see Agriculture. Crops CORPORATIONS 1825. Regulation of corporations urged. (Govs. mess. Jan. 1825.) 1826. " Erection of corporations and grafcts of exclu- sive privileges among greatest evils which industry will have to contend with." (Same Jan. 1826.) 1871. Improper legislation: granting of charters of in- corporation for transacting of business beyond limits of state, majority of corporators being non- residents of this and citizens of other states; cor- porate privileges tend to the aggregation of capital and the encouragement of combinations for promo- tion of particular interests. (Same (Saulsbury) Jan. 1871.) 1873. Recommendation that law subjecting certain cor- iwrations to operations of attachment laws be re- pealed or so modified as not to apply to officers. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF DBXAWARE 43 CORPORATIONS— cont'd agts. and employes; also suggested that attachment laws of state be so amended that hire or wages paid for personal service shall not be subject to attach- ment. (Same (Ponder) Jan. 1873: 11-12.) 1875. Same; renewed. (Same (Ponder) Jan. 1875: 18.) 1885. Proposed amdmt. to constitution, by provision for general incorporation act, with exception of r.rs. and canals, commended. {Same (Stockley) Jan. 1885: 7.) 1889. Incorporation unnecessary for transaction of mercantile business; suggested that applications for charters be carefully scrutinized to ascertain that they are needed for legitimate transaction of business. (Same (Biggs) Jan. 1889: 6.) 1898. Corporations; necessary to enact general cor- poration law under which corporations may be created, amended, renewed or revived, constitution having deprived legisl. of power of passing special corporation acts. (Same (Tunnell) Jan. 1898: 7.) 1899. Corporations; urging careful consideration of subject of a general corporation bill, contemplated by the constitution; comment. (Same (Tunnell) Jan. 1899.) Banks; see that title Building and Loan; see that title Canals; see that title Express Companies; see that title Insurance Companies; see Insurance Laws 1899. General corporation laws. Wilmington, 1899. 105 pp. 1901. General corporation laws. Dover, 1901. 136 pp. 1905. General corporation laws amended 1903 and 1905. Dover, Sentinel Prtg. Co., 1905. 120 pp. Railroads; see that title Taxation; see Taxation: State CORPORATIONS: INDIVIDtTAL Delaware and Chesapeake Steamboat Navigation Company 1861. Amdmts. proposed by committee on corporations to whom was referred bill to incorporate co. (House jol. Jan. 1861: 347-350.) Wilmington Bridge Company; see Bridges Wilmington Whaling Company 1836. Communication from pres. of Wilmington Wha- ling Co., signifying to gov. their rejection of act of June 18, to amend act to incorporate the co. (House jol. Jan. 1837: 18.) CORRECTIONS AND CHARITIES; see MAINTENANCE CORRUPT PRACTICES 1823. Charges agst. W. Layton, justice of the peace of Kent Co., for corruption, oppression, and injustice in office. (House jol. ann. sess. 1823: 135-138.) 1889. Legislation needed to prevent bribery at elec- tions. (Govs. mess. (Biggs) Jan. 1889: 9-10.) 1891. Bribery at elections. (Same (Biggs) Jan. 1891.) 1897. Bribery and corruption at elections called to at- tention of legisl. and legislation for prevention of same recommended. (Same (Watson) Jan. 1897: 14-16.) 1898. Bribery at elections; duty of legisl. to remedy defect in Constitution rel. to this subject, by such enactments as will prevent bribery and corruption at primaries, etc. (Same (Tunnell) Jan. 1898: 10- 11.) 1901. Investigation of alleged attempt at bribery in legisl. of Del. sess. 1901. (House jol. Jan. sess. 1901: 1308-1392.) COWPEA Crop; see Agriculture. Crops. Grass and Forage. CREAMERIES; see INDUSTRIES. DAIRY CRIMINALS Apprehension of Awards; see Admixistbatioj? of Justice. Receipts, etc. CROPS; see AGRICULTURE CURCULIO; see AGRICULTURE. CROPS. PESTS DAGSBORO Malaria in, see Public Health. Diseases DAIRY INDUSTRY; see INDUSTRIES DEAD Care of; see Public Health DEAF AND DUMB Maintenance; see that title DEATHS; see VITAL STATISTICS DEBT: COUNTY Kent County 1888-1897. Stmt, of amt. of indebtedness of Kent Co. (A.R. auditor 1888 (p. 180)— same 1897.) 1901. Detailed stmt, of indebtedness of Kent Co. (Same 1901 [app. i]: 62.) Neio Castle County 1799. Stmt, of such debts due from New Castle Co. to individuals as remained unpaid March 6. (A.R. auditor 1799 (p. 56)— same 1801.) 1847. Stmt, showing amt. of debt and interest and to whom due, from New Castle Co. (Same 1847: 42.) 1853-1865. Stmt, of indebtedness of New Castle Co. (Same 1853 (p. 59)— some 1864/5.) 1870-1873. Stmt, of New Castle Co. ^ebt. (Same 1870 (p. 83)— same 1873.) 1888-1898. Treasurer's acct. of indebtedness of New Castle Co., given in detail. (Same 1888 (pp. 90-91) —same 1898.) 1891. Rel. to bonded debt for redemption of certain bonds held by trustees of the poor of New Castle Co. — whole issue of bonds sold to Equitable Guaran- tee and Trust Co. of City of Wilmington. (Bienn. rept. of treasurer 1891/2: 5.) Sussex County 1888-1890. Stmt, of clerk of the peace of Sussex Co., regarding indebtedness of co. (A.R. auditor 1888 (p. 346)— same 1890.) 1891. Sussex Co. bond: treasurer directed by res. of May 14, 1891, to demand, collect and receive from CO. any interest due and owing or which may here- after become due or owing from co. to state; no interest paid on bond since 1886; unsatisfactory re- sults of efforts made to collect claim. (Bienn. rept. of treasurer 1891/2: 10.) 1893. Sussex Co. failed for past few yrs., to maintain character for promptness in meetin,g her just and honest obligations; impossible to estimate indebted- ness of the CO., or to tell no. and amt. of orders afloat for yrs. with no funds in treasury to meet them; recommended that Levy Court be empow- ered, on certain conditions, to borrow money, at low rate of interest, and pay all debts; indebtedness of CO. could be discharged without levying excessive tax for that purpose. (A.R. auditor 1892: vii-viii.) 44 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE DEBT: COUNTY— cont'd Sussex County — cont'd 1894. Accumulated interest on Sussex Co. bond reed., and ann. interest paid regularly. (Bienn. rept. of treasurer 1893/4: 6.) 1894-1897. Stmt, of co. treasurer showing amt. of In- debtedness of Sussex Co. (A.R. auditor 1894 (p. 60)— same 1897.) 1900. Rel. to bond of Sussex Co., loaned by state to co. in 1837; treasurers had no evidence of this indebt- edness, and In 1877, act was passed requiring Levy Court of the co. to pay ann. interest on bond; no record of any recent payment; none paid for 1899 and 1900. (Bienn. rept. of treasurer 1899/00: 7.) 1902. Rel. to bond of Sussex Co., loaned in 1837, under special act of Assem. to enable the co. to build a courthouse. {Same 1901/2: G.) DEBT: LOCAL Wilmington 1899. Rept. on examination of act to authorize mayor and council of Wilmington to borrow certain sum of money for improvement of streets and avenues. (House jol. .Ian. 1899: 1449-1450.) DEBT: PRIVATE 1811. On suppl. to act for the more easy and speedy recovery of small debts: questioned as to whether this act has been productive of the good Intended by it. (Govs. mess. (Truitt) Jan. 1811.) 1816. Advisable to extend acts of Assem. to case of in- solvent debtors, confined to Del. prisons, who are non-residents. (Same (Rodney) Jan. 1816.) 1819. Recommending revision of act of Feb. 3. 1818, for the more easy and speedy recovery of small debts. (Same (ClarlO Jan. 1819.) 1831. Communication from Willard Hall, rel. to expedi- ency of abolishing imprisonment for debt. (House jol. Jan. 1831: 72.) 1839. Laws for relief of the poor productive of bene- ficial results; suggested that some provision be made to meet certain cases. (Govs. mess. (Co- megys) Jan. 1839.) . Renewing suggestions of 1837, in reference to imprisonment for debt. (Same (Comegys) Jan. 1839.) 1841. Abolishment of imprisonment for debt recom- mended. {Same (Comegys) Jan. 1841.) 1847. Recommending that law concerning payment of debts of deceased people be amended. {Same (Temple) Jan. 1847.) DEBT: STATE 1793-1794. Stmt, of civil list debt (A.R. auditor 1793 (stmt. D)— same 1794.) 1793-1795. Stmt, of the undischarged mortgages, as they appear on record in the several loan-offices, with amt. of money and depreciation certificates which have been reed, for those discharged. {Same 1793 (stmt. B)— some 1795.) 1794. Schedule of such debts due to state as are not included in schedules of taxes, fines and forfeitures. {Same 1794 stmt. 8.) 1795. Schedule of the depreciation debt, redeemed by the loan-office fund. {Same 1795 stmt. 6.) 1795-1796. Schedule of treasury notes redeemed ac- cording to act of June 4, 1789, and are to be exam- ined and destroyed by a committee of the Gen. Assem. {Same 1795 (stmt. 7) — same 1796.) 1799. Suggesting doing away with judgment bonds, so called, and other securities of like nature for pay- ment of monies; these bonds, etc., create a false credit and are pregnant with fraud and other evils. •(Govs. mess. (Bassett) Jan. 1799.) DEBT: STATE— cont'd 1804. Provisions of sess. in Jan., for purchase of stock and payment of depreciation certificates, complied with. (A.R. auditor 1803/4: 36.) 1807. Stmt, of debts due to and from the state, Dec. 2. {Same 1807: 30-31.) 1808. Eight % stock, amounting to $15,000, has been refunded, and may now be considered as so much money actually in treasury, in addition to balance reported. (.Some 1807/8: 34.) 1843. Jt. res. of State of Ala., on subject of the as- sumption of the state debts by the general govt., and agst. the repudiation of state debts. (House jol. Jan. 1845: 13-14; 344-346.) . Same, State of Conn. {Same 1845: 15.) . Same, State of Ga. (Same 1845: 19-20.) . Same, State of S. C. {Same 1845: 51-52.) . Same, State of Ind. {Same 1845: 238.) 1853. Rept. of committee to examine into indebtedness of state, its resources and expenditures for next two years. (Same Jan. 1853: 232-233.) 1855. Stmt, of estimated expenses for fiscal yr., with debt due [Farmers'] Bank; excess amt. beyond the revenue should be provided for by the legisl. (A.R. auditor 1854: 36-37.) 1859. Proposal from Phila., Wilmington and Bait. R.R. Co. that creditors should renew loans submitted; amt. of state loan; safe investment, recommended that comn. be apptd. with authority to comply with proposition of co., etc. (Govs. mess. (Causey) Jan. 1859.) 1861. Rept. of committee on finance on Sen. jt. res. authorizing state treasurer to borrow money. (House jol. Jan. 1861: 610.) 1862. Communication from state treasurer under res. authorizing him to ascertain whether banks of state can make loan to state for period of six months, with replies of banks. {Same adjd. special sess. Jan. 1862: 163-168.) Replies of Bank of WilmlnKton and Brandywlne. Bank of Smyrna. Mechanics' Bank. Bank of Delaware, Farmers' Bank, Union Bank of Delaware, Delaware City Bank. Bank of Newark. 1866. Provisions made for liquidation of state debt created Aug. 12, 1864; suggested that same provi- sions be made to apply to bonds issued under act of Feb. 16, 1865. (Govs. mess. (Saulsbury) Jan. 1866.) . Creation of state debt; acct. of sale of bonds, un- der act " to relieve people of this state from draft," passed Aug. 12, 1865 [1864?] and under similar act of Feb. 16, 1865. {Same (Saulsbury) Jan. 1866.) 1867. Rept. of committee apptd. to destroy certain ex- changed state bonds. (Sen. jol. Jan. 1867: 320-321; House jol. Jan. 1867: 432.) . Rel. to action of legisl. to preserve state's credit. (Govs. mess. (Saulsbury) Jan. 1867.) 1869. Rel. to indebtedness of state bonds issued at dif- ferent times and by authority and direction of the legisl. (Same (Saulsbury) Jan. 1869.) . The exigencies of our people during late disas- trous war rendered creation of a public debt neces- sary; reviewing circumstances under which debt was created. {Same (Saulsbury) Jan. 1869.) 1871. Suggested that provision be made by law for prompt payment of interest on the public debt as it shall become due. (Same (Ponder) Jan. 1871.) 1872. Provision should be made for redemption of out- standing bonds of state, at maturity. (Rept. of treasurer 1872: 734.) Paging from Senate Jol. . Reduction of state debt during yr. aided by pay- ment (since affirmation of their validity by U. S. Circuit Court) of taxes due, under act of 1869, from INDEX TO DOCXJMENTS OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE 45 DEBT: STATE— cont'd Phila., Wilmington and Bait. R.R. Co. (Govs. mess. (Ponder) Jan. 1873: 8.) 1873. Origin of Del. public debt: enactment of laws authorizing issue of bonds to aid persons drafted into military service during war. {Same (Ponder) Jan. 1873: 5.) . Prompt payment of interest on indebtedness and confidence inspired, has enhanced value of Del. bonds, so that they are now quoted above par. (Same (Ponder) Jan. 1873: 8.) . Stmt, of original and present indebtedness of state. (Same (Ponder) Jan. 1873: 6-7.) . Rept. of committee apptd. to examine and de- stroy state bonds. (House jol. Jan. sess. 1873: 950; Sen. jol. Jan. 1873: 676.) 1873-1875. Amt. of public debt Jan. 1, 1873; amt. of bonds taken up and cancelled to Jan. 1, 1875; amt. of loans made; total amt. of public debt Jan. 1, 1875. (Govs. mess. (Ponder) Jan. 1875: 7-8.) 1875. Present revenue of state will extinguish present debt in about 10 or 12 yrs. (Same (Ponder) Jan. 1875: 14.) . Principal of war debt reduced $388,000 in last 4 yrs. (Same (Ponder) Jan. 1875: 10.) . State debt should not be augmented by any fur- ther aid to works of internal improvement; $500,- 000 invested in aid of construction of Junction and Breakwater R.R. and Breakwater and Frankford R.R. sufficient. (Same (Ponder) Jan. 1875: 8-9.) 1875-1879. Stmt, exhibiting indebtedness of state at commencement of present administration of treas- ury in Jan.. 1875, and progress of its reduction. (Same (Cochran) Jan. 1879.) 1876. State bonds held with such firmness and com- mand such a high premium that it is impossible to obtain them — some provision should be made either to check large flow of money into treasury, or place it in position to render it more productive. (Rept. of treasurer 1876: 4.) . Reduction in state debt, taken in connection with payment of the extraordinary expenses of govt, dur- ing yr., together with the surplus now in treasury applicable to public debt, is conclusive evidence that present revenue is amply sufficient to meet all legitimate expenses of state, and also enable treas- urer to cancel indebtedness to a satisfactory extent each yr. (Same 1876: 4.) 1877. Stmt, exhibiting original and present indebted- ness of state. (Govs. mess. (Cochran) Jan. 1877: 6-7.) 1879. Conversion of state bonds into bonds bearing lower rate of interest, as a mode of increasing the ann. redemption surplus; advantages of this course; suggestions. (Same (Cochran) Jan. 1879.) 1879-1881. Condition of state debt Jan. 1, 1S79 and Jan. 1, 1881. (Govs, inaugural mess. (Hall) Jan. 1881: 4-5.) 1880. Explanation of seeming discrepancy in bonds re- deemed. (Bienn. rept. of treasurer 1879/80: 2.) 1881. Stmt, of approximated expense incurred in re- funding state debt. (Same 1881/2: 31.) Paging from House jol. . Conversion of state bonds maturing in 1885, 1890 and 1898 into semi-ann. interest bonds bearing lower rate of interest recommended. (Govs. In- augural mess. (Hall) Jan. 1881: 6-7.) 1882. Rel. to seeming discrepancy in estimate of state debt: amt. due from state to Delaware College here- tofore omitted. (Bienn. rept. of treasurer 1881/2: 30.) Paging from House Jol. 1884-1885. Condition of state debt Jan. 1, each yr. (Govs, bienn. mess. (Stockley) Jan. 1885: 5.) DEBT: STATE— cont'd 1888. Bonded debt; rel. to compliance with act to pro- vide mode for the refunding of a part of the public debt of Del. at lower rate of interest, passed March 15, 1887— bid of Moller & Co., of N. Y. City accepted; since apptmt. of present treasurer, no reduction made in state debt, but $250,000 refunded at 3% per annum in lieu of 4% per annum. (Bienn. rept. of treasurer 1887/8: 71-72.) 1891. Bonds issued in 1889, to purchase State Insane Asylum not accepted by purchasers, owing to ques- tions as to their validity, and now held by trustees of poor of New Castle Co. — necessary to make some provision to meet these obligations; should mort- gage given to state to secure loan of $400,000 to Junction and Breakwater R.R. Co. be paid before Gen. Assem. adjourns, money arising therefrom can be used in satisfaction of asylum indebtedness. (A.R. auditor 1890: 4-5.) 1891-1892. Maturing bonds: stmt, of bonds due and payable July 1. (Bienn. rept. of treasurer 1889/90 (p. S8)—same 1891/2.) 1892. Payment and redemption of bonds due July 1, 1891. (Same 1891/2: 6.) 1893. Amt. of reduction of debt of Junction and Break- water R.R. to state and consequent reduction of state's interest bearing debt. (Govs. mess. (Rey- nolds) Jan. 1893: 5.) 1894. On temporary loans made state by Farmers' Bank at Dover. (Bienn. rept. of treasurer 1893/4: 7.) 1897. Recommended authorization of execution and sale of bonds at lower rate of interest and retire- ment of bonded indebtedness as soon as possible. (Govs. mess. (Watson) Jan. 1897: 5.) — — . Stmt, of aggregate indebtedness of state. (Some (Watson) Jan. 1897: 5.) 1898. On issue and redemption of bonds. (Bienn. rept. of treasurer 1897/8: 6-7.) 1898-1905. Tabular stmt, showing total outstanding in- debtedness of state, Dec. 31, etc.: giving title of loan, act authorizing issue, no. issued, denomina- tion, date of issue, optional, date of maturity, etc. (Same 1897/8 (betw. pp. 52 and 53)— some 1903/4.) Claims against State 1798-1897. [Claims agst state; accts.l 1 series 1798-1805. Sundry accts. agst. state submitted by audi- tor of accts. In Collected docs, as follows : 1798 in House jol. Jan. ITO.S : 22-24 ; 45 ; 47-48. 1799 1709 : 25 : 38-40 : 103-105. 1800 " •' •' " 1800:36-39; 69-71. 1801 ISOl : 40. 1802-1804 not found. 1805 In House jol. Jan. 1805 : 41-42. 2 series 1801-1897. Rept. of committee on claims, stating amts. due for sundry claims and memorials agst. state. In Collected docs, as follows : ISOl In House jol. Jan. 1801 : 96. 1S02 1802 : 43-44. 1803 1803 : 52-.^4. 1804 1804 : .'•il-52. 1805 1805 : 61-62. 1806-1808.' 1809 In House Jol. Jan. 1809 : 80. 1810-lSll.* 1812 In House Jol. Jan. 1812:47; 88. 1813 1813:89-90. 1814 1814 : 72-74 : 82. 1815 1815:127-129. 1816 " ' 1816:201. 1817 " 1817 : 134-136. 1813 1818 : 121-122. • Rept. for years not listed Is made by bill authorizing payment of accts. therein mentioned ; accts. not given. 46 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE DEBT: STATE— cont'd Claims against State— cont'd 2 series — cont'd 1810 In noiise Jol. .Tnn. ismrl'js. 1820 1820: 18-1-1S5. 1821 ' 1821 ; 140-141. 1822 " ' 1822:159. Rcpt(i. bill ontltli'd " act t.i .quthorize state treasurer to pay certain claims therein mentioned " : claims of r>." Walker. F. Idiw and ('. Jj. Layton rcptd. un- favorably. 1823 In House Jol. Jan. 182S : 187-188. 1824 •' " " ■' 1824 : 140-141. Ueptd. bill a\ithorlzing state treasurer to pay claims therein mentioned, to wtilch was added sec. author- IziniT priyiiii'nt of $170 to secy, of state for use of office. 1825 In House Jol. .Tan. 1825:145: 148: 172-174. " Act for payment of claims for tuition of school children " rept p. 145 : " act authorizing stnte treasurer to pav certain claims." etc., p. 148: amdmts. to bill — given In full, pp. 172-174. 1827-1852.* 1853 In Senate Jol. Jan. 1853 : 206. 1854-1888.* 18S9 In House jol. Jan. 1889 : 821-823. 1890-1896. • 1897 In House Jnl. Jan. 1897 : 1578-1580. 1799. Rept. of committee on examination of sundry repts. of auditor [i. e. on claims of Geo. Read, atty. at law; Peter Brynberg; Samuel and Jno. Adams; and representatives of Jas. Adams, deceased!. (House jol. Jan. 1799; G8.) 1814. Action of House on repts. of committee on claims. (Same Jan. 1814; 85; 88.) 1815. Same. (Same Jan. 1815; 133; 135-136.) 1831. Rept. of committee on claims on claims Justly due from state. (Same .Ian. 1831; 127-128.) 1832. Same. CSame 1832; 181.) . Rept. of committee on claims on allowances to collectors of various hundreds; to clerk H. C. E. and appeals for pens, ink, etc., furnished court at June term 1831; to C. H. Sipple and others for prtg., indexing, etc.. Sen. jol. for 1831. (Sen. jol. Jan. 1832; 124-125.) 1837. Rept. of treasurer in compliance with act of Feb. 2, 1837, authorizing treasurer to pay off claims agst. state. (House jol. Jan. 1837; 174.) 1847. Recommending amdmt. in law rel. to claims agst. state. (Govs. mess. (Temple) Jan. 1847.) 1885. Accts. agst. state, presented by Bell and Taylor and by Peninsular News and Advertiser; referred to committee on claims and accts.; no rept. found rel. to action thereon. (House jol. Jan. 1885; 451.) MiLiT.vRy; see Militia Sinking Fund 1875. Enactment of law creating sinking fund for re- demption of bonds at maturity and authorizing state treasurer to invest surplus funds in 11. S. bonds or other undoubted securities for benefit of sinking fund, recommended to consideration of legisl. (Govs. mess. (Ponder) Jan. 1875; 11-12.) 1881/2-1903/4. Stmt, of sinking fund, receipts and dis- bursements. (Bienn. rept. of treasurer 1881/2 (p. 37)— same 1903/4.) Paging from House jol. Oyster Fund; see Fish and GAxrE DEFECTIVES Maintenance; see that title DELAWARE CITY Health of 1S85/6-1S96/8. See Public Health, these dates. Malaria in; see Public Health. Diseases Public Schools; see Education Sanitation; see Public Health Kept, for years not listed Is made by bill authorizing payment of accts. therein mentioned ; accts. not given. DELAWARE COLLEGE; see AGRICULTURE. EDUCATION DELAWARE RIVER Breakwater; see Public Works. Harbors DELINQUENTS Maintenance; see that title DEPENDENTS Maintenance; see that title DEPOSITS Railroads; see that title DETECTIVES; see ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE DEWBERRY Crop; see Agriculture. Crops DIPHTHERIA; see PUBLIC HEALTH DIRECT TAX; see FINANCE; STATE. REVENUE DISEASES Human; see Public Health Livestock; see Agriculture. Inspection DIVORCE; see VITAL STATISTICS DOG TAX; see TAXATION: STATE DOVER Diphtheria in; see Public Health Health of 1885/6-1896/8. See Public Health, these dates. Malaria in; see Public Health. Diseases Public Schools; see Education Registration; see Vital Statistics DRAWING In Schools; see Education DRUGS Inspection; see Industries. Inspection EDUCATION serial 1 series 1875/6-1887. Ann. rept. of supt. of free schools of Del., 1-12. Checklist 1. 1875/6. Dover, Delawarean Office, 1877. 52 pp., 1 foldg. leaf. Copy In Delaware Historical Society, Wilming- ton. 2. 1876/7. Not found. 3. 1877/8. Dover, Jas. Kirk & Sons, 1879. 76 pp. Copy In Wilmington Institute Free Library. 4. 1878/9. Not found. 5. 1879/80. Dover, I'rtd. at the Delawarean Office, 1881. 63 (1) pp. Copy In Delaware Historical Society, Wilming- ton. 6. 1880/1. Not found. 7. 1881/2. Dover, Jas. Kirk & Sons, 1883. 58 (1) pp. 8-10. 1882/3-1885. Not found. 11. 1886. MIddletown, Freeman and Weber, 1887. 90 pp. 12. 1887. Not found. In Collected docs, as follows : l-[8]. 1876-1883 omitted. [9]. 1884 In House Jol. Jan. 1885:67-132. 10. 1885 omitted. 11. 1886 In House Jol. Jan. 1887 : 831-919. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE 47 EDUCATION— cont'd serial — cont'd 2 series 1888-1892. Bienn. rept. on the free schools of Del., by the pres. of the state bd. of education, for period endg. Dec. 31. Dover, etc., 1889-1893. Checklist Dover, prtd. by the State Sentinel. 1889. 118 pp. Georgetown, prtd. by the Delaware Democrat, 1891. 88 pp. Copy in Wilmington Institute Free Library. Clayton, Clayton Call Print, 1893. 42 pp. In Collected docs, as follows : 1888 in House jol, Jan. ISSn : 247-257. ]S!10 ■' Senate " " ISni app. pp. 117-218. " " House " " 1S91 app. pp. 117-218. 1892 omitted. 1888. 1890. 1892. 1898-1904. ni. o rsT. In 1898 3 series Under act of May 12, 1898 Bienn. rept. of the state bd. of education. 1898. pp.* mou 1902. 1904 Checklist Dover, Press of the Delawarean, 1899. 44 1900 1902 n. t. p. 202 pp.* h. t. p. 11 pp.* Dover. The Sentinel Prtg. Co., Collected docs, as follows : In Senate jol. Jan. 1.899 : 222-251. " House " " 1899 : 306-334. " 1901 : 37-62. " Senate " " 190,S : 85-89. " House " " 1903 : 46-50. n. d. 15 pp. non-serial 1792-1869. Historical sketch of the public schools [of Wilmington 1; by Willard Hall. (3 A.R. State Nor- mal Univ. 1868/9: 19.) 1792-1880. History of free schools of Del.; by J. H. Groves; first legislation (1792-1828); free school law of Del., 1829, synopsis of law; educational conv., 1867; the new school law of 1875 — synopsis. (5 A.R. supt. of free schools 1879/80: 43-54.) 1807. Prospect of realizing expectation of the legisl. In establishing funds competent to support of public CO. schools — this institution deserves encourage- ment. (Govs. mess. (Mitchell) Jan. 1807.) 1822. Present condition of education in state. {Same Jan. 1822.) . Rept. on that part of Govs. mess. rel. to educa- tion. (Sen. jol. 1822: 44-50.) 1822/7. School system devised by Judge Hall in 1822. and commended by Gov. Collins, satisfied public judgment and became Free School Law of 1827; summary of provisions of said law. (Govs. mess. (Cochran) Jan. 1877: 16-17.) 1824. Rept. on so much of Govs. mess, as relates to education. (House jol. Jan. 1824: 126-131.) 1827/75. School law of 1827 based on theory of devolv- ing upon people direct charge of their schools; lacked a sound policy and efficient general super- vision; defect remedied by school law of 1875. (Govs. mess. (Cochran) Jan. 1877: 18.) 1829. Rept. on Govs. mess. rel. to establishment of common schools and education generally. (House jol. Jan. 1829: 40.) 1830. Organization of school system urged. (Govs, mess. Jan. 1830.) 1831. Enforcement of existing laws advised; exten- sion of tax for this purpose not expedient; no com- pensation allowed to supts. of free schools; pro- vision recommended. (Same Jan. 1831.) . Rept. of committee to whom was referred peti- tion of sundry citizens, of, in, and near Smyrna, rel. to act for establishment of free schools passed Feb. 12, 1829, and suppl. thereunto passed Jan. 12, 1830. (House jol. Jan. 1831: 89.) * Copy In Wilmington Institute Free Library. EDUCATION— cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1832. Communication from supt. of free schools on act for establishment of free schools. (Sen. jol. Jan. 1832: 31-37.) 1833. Encouraging progress of free school system. (Govs. mess. Jan. 1833.) 1835. Extended comment on need for establishment of school system. (Same Jan. 1835.) 1839. Education entitled to the first and most vigilant attention of the legisl.; discontent in reference to plan of education adopted by state — disadvantages present plan has met with from outset. (Saine (Comegys) Jan. 1839.) . Rept. of committee apptd. to inquire into expedi- ency of establishing a bd. of comrs., for purpose of Investigating the propriety and necessity of Im- proving the existing system and arrangement of free schools. (House jol. Jan. 1839: 109-114.) 1841. Office of supt. in each co., being without salary, can not be filled by anyone disposed to give requi- site time to duties; suggested that co. office be abol- ished and state supt. apptd. with salary. (Govs, mess. (Comegys) Jan. 1841.) 1843. Auditor's rept. recommending measures to com- pel payment of fines imposed by Court of General Sessions of Peace and Gaol Delivery; regulation of school accts. of resp. school districts; and repeal of tax on dogs. (Sen. jol. Jan. 1843: 66-67.) 1845. Anticipated application for revision of school laws; disapproval of any alterations in existing laws. (Govs. mess. Jan. 1845.) 1847. Comment on Delaware's system of free schools. (Same (Temple) Jan. 1847.) 1849. Communication from supt. of free schools on public school system. (Sen. jol. Jan. 1849: 120-134.) . Rept. of committee on state of the district schools. (Proc. New Castle Co. School Convention 1838: 19-24.) 1851. Large proportion of vice and crimes existing among people of Del. may be traced to want of edu- cation and moral culture. (Govs. mess. (Ross) Jan. 1851.) . Recommending such revision of present school laws as will, in opinion of legisl., best adapt them to the Increasing demands and necessities of the times; also recommending tax sufficient to sustain the schools in regular operation without any inter- mission of time for want of funds, which tax should be levied, collected and paid over to co. treasurer, and by him distributed, pro rata, etc. (.Same (Ross) Jan. 1851.) 1857. Delaware's common school system of education; suggestions rel. to. (Same (Causey) Jan. 1857.) 1859. Defects in school system of state: remedial legis- lation urged. (Same (Burton) 1859.) . Common school system in sad state; state ought to be re-divided into school distrs. and every distr. provided with properly constructed school house and fixtures; better qualified teachers needed. (Same (Causey) Jan. 1859.) 1863. Stmt, showing no. of school distrs. in state, by cos. (A.R. auditor 1863: 200.) 1871. Public schools; attention of legisl. called to con- dition of system of public school education; means should be devised to secure none but competent teachers. (Govs. mess. (Saulsbury) Jan. 1871.) . Some particulars in which our public school sys- tem needs reform; by J. E. Clawson, of Smyrna. (State Normal School Advocate June 1871, v. 5, no. 1: 5-6.) 1875. Tabular stmt, showing, by cos., the operation of schools during yr. Compiled from auditor's rept. (A.R. supt. of free schools 1875/6: 29.) 48 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF DELAWARE EDUCATION— cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1875. Review of provisions of school law; licensing of teachers by state supt., adoption of uniform text books contemplated, ann. visitation of school by state supt. and periodical repts. of teachers re- quired, teachers' institute directed to be held ann. In each co. (Govs. mess. (Cochran) Jan. 1877: IS.) . Rel. to prompt action of state bd. of education in delivering blanks for mo. repts. and complete list of text books. (1 A.R. supt. of free schools 1875/6: 20.) 1875/6. Summaries of school statistics, giving no. and attendance of pupils, teachers, certificates, schools visited, school property, finances, etc. (1 same 1875/6: 7-8.) . Tabular stmt, showing by cos. the no. of public schools, attendance of pupils, salaries of teachers, etc. (1 same 1875/6: 28.) . On visiting schools of state — each co. given sep- arately. (1 same 1875/6: 10-16.) 1876. Comment on free school law, with suggestions rel. to certain changes desired. (1 same 1875/6: 21-23.) . Relation of ignorance and crime — advantages of education. (1 same 1875/6: 5-6.) 1877. Recommended that state bd. of education be au- thorized to compile such information as they deem Important and have same prtd. and circulated in school distrs. (Govs. mess. (Cochran) Jan. 1S77: 20.) . Urging importance of pushing forward the work of reform in the common schools of Del. (3 A.R. supt. of free schools 1877/8: 5-6.) 1877-1884. Tabular stmt, showing, by cos., the opera- tion of schools during yr., compiled from auditor's rept. (3 same 1877/8 (pp. 41-42) — [9] same 1884.) . Tabular stmt, showing, by cos., the average no. of children in school, etc. (3 same 1877/8 (p. 44) — [9] same 1884.) 1877/8-1SS2. Rept. on visiting schools of Sussex Co., Kent Co., and New Castle Co. (3 same 1877/8 (pp. 13-17)— 7 same 1881/2.) 1877/8-1883/4. Summaries of school statistics com- pared with other yrs., showing whole no. of schools in state; average no. of mos. taught; no. of pupils; cost of public education per pupil; no., sex and salary of teachers; no., value, etc., of school prop- erty and schools visited; examinations; no. of candidates for examination; financial transactions; educational cost; certificates countersigned. (3 same 1877/8 (pp. 7-9)— [9] same 1884.) . Tabular stmt, showing, by cos., the no. of public schools, whole no. of white children of school age, no. attending school, school distrs., etc. (3 same 1877/8 (p. 40) — [9] same 1884.) 1878. School laws — suggestions rel. to changes needed in. (3 same 1877/8: 22.) . List of clerks of school distrs., given by cos. (3 same 1877/8: 55-63.) . United, or consolidated, schools — advantages of, especially in Sussex Co. (3 same 1877/8: 22-23.) . Much difiiculty experienced in securing adoption of new system in school previously conducted upon old plan; advantages of the new plan. (3 same 1877/8: 24.) 1878-1882. List of members of state bd. of education. (3 same 1877/8 (p. 54)— 7 same 1881/2.) 1879. Free schools; reviewing history and gradual growth of the system in Del., with suggestions rel. to its present needs. (Govs. mess. (Cochran) Jan. 1879.) 1879/80. Tabular stmt, showing no. of schools in state for each mo. of school yr., with enrollment, average EDUCATION— cont'd non-serial — cont'd attendance, studies pursued, etc. (5 A.R. supt. of free schools 1879/80: 32.) 1880. Again urging union or consolidation of distrs. In many parts of state. (5 sam,e 1879/80: 13.) . Urging thorough revision of the school law. (5 same 1879/80: 16-17.) . Good results of change in school age. (5 same 1879/80: 16.) 1880-1882. Suggested that some plan be devised by which to check further sub-division of school distrs. or some means adapted by which to more effectually meet this growing difficulty; if this sub- division is continued, present school fund will soon be rendered inadequate for purpose Intended. (Bienn. rept. of state treasurer 1879/80 (p. 7) — same 1881/2.) 1880-1884. Present condition of schools. (5 A.R. supt. of free schools 1879/80 (pp. 10-13) — [91 same 1884.) 1881. Amt. of money distributed to each school distr. lessened by largely increased no. of distrs.; consoli- dation of distrs. unable to support schools for but small part of yr. recommended; and sufficient sum levied to keep schools In operation 8 or 9 mos. of yr. (Govs. mess. (Hall) Jan. 1881: 10.) 1882. Del. legisl. should lay broadly and firmly the foundation of a better school system — not in favor of compulsory education for Del. (7 A.R. supt. of free schools 1881/2: 9-10.) . Lack of co-operation of parents and school comrs. (7 same 18S1/2: 9.) . Need of better school accommodations in Del. schools. (7 same 1881/2: 16-17.) 1883. Supt. of free schools; suppl. passed to act in re- lation to free schools, creating office of asst. supt.; suggested that 3 supts. — one for each co. — be apptd. in lieu of a state supt. and asst. (Govs. mess. (Stockley) Jan. 1883: 11.) 1883/4-1885/6. Comparative tabular stmt, showing no. of distrs., no. of schools, no. of white children of school age, do. attending school, average attend- ance, age, etc., for each co. and for the state. (11 A.R. supt. of free schools 1886: 83.) . Comparative stmt, showing average no. of pupils in each school, etc., for each co. and for state. (11 same 1886: 84.) . Tabular stmt, showing average no. of mos. In which schools were In session for past 2 yrs., com- pared with the 2 previous ones. In each co. and in state. (11 same 1886: 84.) 1884. Recommended that such action be taken by legisl. as will result in a redistrlcting of the state. {Same 1884.) . Travels of the supts. in discharge of their offi- cial duties. (Same 1884.) . Endorsing suggestions made during previous yr. rel. to school law. {Same 1884.) . On hindrances to the efficiency of many of the Del. schools. {Same 1884.) . School accommodations. {Same 1884.) . On educational mtgs. held in the state. {Same 1884.) 1884-1886. Statistical summary; showing for 1884 and 1886, the whole no. of school distrs. in state, do. of schools, average no. of mos. taught; attendance of white and of colored children, no. of teachers in state, including Wilmington City, average mo. sal- ary of teachers, average age of male and female teachers; examinations; finances; school property, and visits to schools by supts. (11 same 1886: 5-7.) 1886. List of officers of state bd. of education and of State Teachers' Assn. (11 same 1886: 90.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF DELAWARE 49 EDUCATION— cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1886. Recommendations of supt. 21.) (11 same 1886: 18- Rel. to town schools practically outside of juris- diction of state supt.; teachers not required to at- tend the examinations or the co. institutes; large portion of school money distributed among these schools, and supt. fails to see why they should be exempt from state supervision; recommended that sec. 10, ch. 46, vol. 16, Laws of Del. be so changed as to apply only to City of Wilmington. (11 same 1886: 18-19.) . School comrs. (11 same 1886: 13-14.) . Duties of parents and guardians of school chil- dren. (11 same 1886: 16.) . Repts. of public schools. (11 same 1886: 25-56.) Delaware College ; Wilmington City schools ; New Castle, Dover, Harrington, Odessa. Mlltord, South Mllford, I/lttle Creek. North Milton, Seatord, Georgetown, Bridgevllle, Frederica, Kenton, Mag- nolia, Milton, Lebanon. Delaware City, Newark, Smyrna, Middletown, Fclton, Koxana, Townsend, Lewes, ITnion, and Frankford. Graded public schools. Attendance and financial stmts. 1886-1888. On visits of the supts. to schools. (11 same 1886 (pp. 11-12) — bienn. rept. on free schools 1888.) . Condition of the free schools. (11 same 1886 (pp. 7-10) — bienn. rept. on free schools 1888.) 1887/8-1891/2. Stmt, showing no. of distrs., no. of schools, no. of white children of school age, no. of white children attending school, etc., in Kent Co. (Bienn. rept. on free schools 1888 (p. 39) — same 1892.) 1888. Hundred school committees recommended by supt. of Kent Co.; advantages of a hundred system enumerated. (Same 1888: 36-38.) . Statistics; some difiRculty in gathering and ar- ranging statistics under operations of the new law; provisions of law should be made general. {Same 1888: 15.) . Incorporated school boards; school system of Del. would be more efficient and results more satis- factory if all the schools were under jurisdiction of the CO. supts., with exception of distrs. having their own supts. (game 1888: 11-12.) . On the CO. superintendency. {Same 1888: 5-6.) . The hundred system — state system of schools would be greatly beneiited by making each hundred a school distr., with from 3 to 5 school trustees or comrs.; the Penna. plan; comment. {Same 1888: 9-10.) . General revision of school laws recommended. {Same 1888: 24.) . Expenses of the state bd. of education at least should be provided for by state. {Same 1888: 12.) . Repts. of schools having incorporated boards. {Same 1888: 77-92.) New Castle Co. : Delaware City, Middletown, Newark, New Castle. Odessa public schools. Kent County : Dover, Felton. Harrington, Kenton, Milford and Smyrna public schools. Sussex Co. : Bridgevllle, Greenwood, Lewes, Millsboro, Seaford, South Mil- ford and South Milton public schools. 1888-1892. Repts. of co. supts. (Same 1888 (pp. 17-50) —savie 1892.) 1889. Commendation of school system. (Govs. mess. (Biggs) Jan. 1889: 12.) 1889/90. Tabular stmt, showing no. and attendance of children, no. of schoolhouses, do. sittings, do. teach- ers, average salaries of teachers, amt. of state apprn. reed., amt. of taxes reed., and total receipts for colored schools. (Bienn. rept. on free schools 1889/90: 18.) . Tabular statistics of schools for white children, given for each co. and for Wilmington, showing no. EDUCATION— cont'd non-serial — cont'd and attendance of children, no. of school houses, do. sittings, do. days taught, do. teachers, average mo. salaries of teachers (male and female), etc. {Same 1889/90: 17.) 1890. Repts. of co. supts. (Same 1889/90: 23-50.) . Defects in the school law: rel. to the text-book question, school surplus, clerks, and certificates. (Same 1889/90: 39-41.) . Rel. to lack of uniformity in school statistics given by co. supts. {Same 1889/90: 13.) . Uniform blank for ann. rept. by clerks of free schools in Del. (Same 1889/90: 20.) . Condition of the free schools. (Same 1889/90: 5-6.) . Steady Improvement during past 2 yrs. In gen- eral condition of free schools of state, but neither the state school system nor the administration of it has reached anything yet like perfection — distr. system necessarily weak — adoption of the hundred system recommended; extr. from former rept. on this subject; suggestion rel. to dividing the hun- dreds. (Same 1889/90: 5-6.) . Extr. from previous rept. rel. to incorporated schools. (Same 1889/90: 10-11.) 1891. Free schools; suggesting such amdmts. to school law as will prevent further changes in the school distrs. unless upon application of a majority of school voters in each distr. to be affected by such change; also, that such action be taken as will place entire schools of state under supervision of supts. of free schools. (Govs. mess. (Biggs) Jan. 1891.) . Suggested expediency of creating state superin- tendency of public schools in addition to existing CO. superintendency; state supt. should be entrusted with supervision of colored schools and administra- tion of funds appropriated for them. {Same (Rey- nolds) Jan. 1891: 5.) . On changes in law rel. to the schools. (A.R. auditor 1891 [app. II]: 3.) 1891-1897. School stmts.; explanation of tabular stmts. {Same 1891 [app. II] (p. 5)— some 1897.) 1891-1904. Free school statistics: auditor's rept., for yr. endg. Dec. 31, made to " legislative committee, etc." In Documents as follows : 1891 In A.R. auditor 1891 [app. ii], 24 pp. 1892 " •• •• 1892 [app. iv], 30 pp. 1893 " " " 1893 [app. Iv], 53 pp. 1894 " " " 1894 [app. iv], 57 pp. 1895 " " " 1805 [app. 1]. 56 pp. 1896 " " " 1896 (app. Iv], .56 pp. 1897 '• " " 1897 [app. Iv], 54 pp. 1898 " " " 1898 [app. iv], 51 pp. 1899 " " " 1899 (app. vi], 21 pp. 1900 •' " " 1900 [app. iv], 45 pp. 1901 " " " 1901 [app. iii], 19 pp. 1902 " '• " 1902 [app. iii], 19 pp. 1903 " " " 1903 (app. iv], 25 pp. 1904 " " " 1904 [app. Iv], 25 pp. 1892. Our school system; remarks and suggestions of supt. of Sussex Co. (Bienn. rept. on free schools 1892: 29-30.) ■ . Sections of school law which need amdmt. (Savie 1892: 31-33.) . Attention called to fact that comrs. may draw their dividends in Aug., but are not required to settle old acct. before Dec. (Same 1892: 31.) . Law in rel. to forfeiting of school dividends, changed in 1887, so far as it relates to Sussex Co., so that all dividends not drawn in that co. by proper authorities of school distrs., on or before expiration of one yr., become forfeited, and revert to school fund of the co.; law as relates to Kent and New Castle Co. requires 3 yrs.. 2-yr. plan prefer- able. (Bienn. rept. of treasurer 1891/2: 12.) 60 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF DELAWARE EDUCATION— cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1892. Present system of reporting school statistics ex- pensive to state and troublesome to teachers; sug- gested that repts. be abbreviated. (Bienn. rept. on free schools 1S92: 30-31.) . Suggested that legislation be reviewed by state bd. of education before taken up by legisl. for final action. (Same 1892: 33.) . Incorporated school bds. ; special laws govern- ing incorporated school distrs. removing them from authority of supt. and exempting their teachers from examinations; a serious mistake — remarks of supt. of Sussex Co. (Same 1892: 28-29.) . On Incorporated schools; privileges of these schools often abused. (Same 1892: 16-17.) 1893. Recommended that sees. 7 and 9 of act rel. to co. school supts. be repealed, and an act be passed in lieu thereof, making all funds payable to co. supts. by state treasurer and co. treasurers, and that supts. be empowered to order and pay for all books and all salaries. (A.R. auditor 1S92: vi.) . Transfer of real estate from one school distr. to another; several acts passed during last sess. for this purpose; reasons for their passage; all changes should be made by Levy Court or by state bd. of education. (Same 1892: vi.) 1895. Co. supts.; recommending that fixed salary be paid to CO. supts. for services rendered by them as supts. of colored schools. (Same 1894: v.) . Transfer of real estate from one school distr. to another, frequent and unjust; this legislation often effected without apparent opposition, simply for want of funds to defray expenses of school officials while making such opposition; state bd. of educa- tion should be left to decide all such cases. (Same 1894: v.) . Recommended that in sec. 13. act in rel. to public schools, in regard to insuring of school property, some penalty be imposed for non-compliance with this sec. (Same 1894: vi.) . School law; recommended that a digest of all the school laws be issued in pamphlet form, for distri- bution to school officers, the book to be property of the distr. (Same 1894: iv.) . The act in rel. to public schools; need of various specified amdmts. (Same 1894: v-vi.) . Procs. of the stated mtgs. of school officials with the several clerks of the peace, not necessary to be filed, recommended that law be so amended as to require these papers to be forwarded to state audi- tor within 5 days after the stated mtg. is held. (Same 1894: iv-v.) 1897. Recommended amdmt. of statutes rel. to free schools, bringing all free schools of state, except those in Wilmington, under supervision of supts. of free schools. (Govs. mess. (Watson) Jan. 1897: 7.) • . Public schools; comment and suggestions. (A.R. auditor 1896: iii-iv.) . Suggested that law regulating transmission of repts. of the several school mtgs. be so amended as to require that all such repts. be transmitted directly to this dept. only, within 10 days next suc- ceeding mtg.; that part of law requiring their be- ing filed with clerk of the peace should be repealed. (Same 1S96: iv.) . Recommended that auditor's dept. be authorized to codify school laws and have prtd. in pamphlet form enough copies to furnish one for use of each school distr. (Same 1896: iv.) 1898. Recommended that that part of school law en- abling applicants to receive provisional certificates EDUCATION— cont'd non-serial — cont'd be stricken out. (Rept. of state bd. of education 1898: 31.) 1898. Recommendations of bd. for legislation rel. to the free schools. (Same 1S98: 9-10.) . Series of blanks compiled by bd. to be immedi- ately circulated throughout state, which, when properly filled in, will furnish, it is hoped, complete and accurate information upon all points and mat- ters necessary for a thorough knowledge of school conditions and needs. (Same 1898: 5.) . In great majority of school distrs. of state, % of ann. expense is directly borne by state through the school dividend; state should see that its money is expended for best interests of its wirds, the chil- dren in her free schools. (Sam,e 1898: 4-5.) . Surprising ignorance throughout state on con- dition of the schools generally. (Same 1898: 4.) 1899. Communication on behalf of committee on edu- cation rel. to minority rept. of same. (House jol. Jan. 1899: 902-903.) 1899/00. Graded schools: no. of pupils in attendance under graded school law during yr. endg. June, for each CO. (2 bienn. rept. state bd. of education 1900: 1-2.) 1900. Admission to graded schools: success following enactment of law providing graded school facilities for children of the state; recommended that law be amended so as to apply to Wilmington schools. (2 same 1900: 9.) . Name, residence, etc., of state bd. of education, CO. school comns., and supts. (2 same 1900: 1.) . General synopsis of school statistics (white and colored) for each co. (2 same 1900: 189-202.) . Present school law the best Del. has ever had and should not be changed. (2 same 1900: 8.) . The great need of Del. schools at this time — more money and a more just and equitable distribu- tion of the school dividend; comment on the distri- bution under present law. (2 same 1900: 4-8.) . On evils of the school system based as it is on local self-govt. (2 same 1900: 3.) 1901. Public schools; legisl. should not fail to make adequate apprn. for needs of. (Govs. mess. (Hunn) Jan. 1901.) . Public schools; system in Del. of slow growth; great need of the schools is more money, recom- mended that apprn. be increased, but that amt. re- quired to be raised by taxation in each distr. be proportionately increased; also that Farmers' Bank stock held as part of investment of school fund, be re-invested for benefit of that fund; recommenda- tion of bd. of education for a different system of distribution of state dividend, sanctioned by gov. (Same (Tunnell) Jan. 1901: 11-12.) 1902. Defects in the school system; isolated, ungraded school the chief defect; plan suggested to remedy this defect; defects in school boundaries. (Bienn. rept. state bd. of education 1902: 6-8.) . Excerpts from rept. of state bd. of education rel. to distribution of school fund; transportation of rural school pupils to central school; advisability of establishing normal school. (2 A.R. bd. of agric. 1902: 36-38.) 1904. General policy of educational control by state should be in direction of centralization of authority in the co. and state officers. (Bienn. rept. state bd. of education 1903/4: 3.) . Co. supts. should be allowed their travelling ex- penses while in the discharge of their duties. (Same 1903/4: 5.) : Recommended that same person shall not serve as comr. and teacher in same distr. and that no INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE 51 EDUCATION— cont'd non-serial — cont'd comr. shall furnish any supplies for school which shall not have been let out in due form to lowest bidder, also that it be illegal for any school room to be used for holding any but the regular ann. or special school elections. (Saine 1903/4: 4.) 1904. Recommended that co. comr.'s remuneration from state be increased to $100 per annum, and that suitable mtgs. and the storage of their records be provided in each co. ; also that apprn. be made to procure similar accommodations for co. supts. (Same 1903/4: 3-4.) Bancroft's Banks 1884. Rept. of principal. In Documents as follows : 1S84 in [9] A.R. supt. free schools 1884 : 105-106.* Bridgeville 1886-1890. Rept. of principal. In Documents as follows : 1R86 In 11 A.R. supt. free schools 1886 : 44-45. 1888 " Blenn. rept. on '• " 1888 : 87. 1890 " " " " " " 1890 : 82. Camden 1884. Rept. of principal. In Documents as follows : 1S84 in A.R. supt. free schools 1884 : 100-101. • Delaware City 1877, 8-1890. Rept. of principal for yr. endg. June 30. In Documents as follows : 1S77/8 in 3 A.R. snpt. free schools 187T/8 : 28-29. 1878/9 not found. 1879/80 in 5 A.R. snpt. free schools 1879/80 : 23. 1880/1 not found. 1881/2 in 7 A.R. supt. free schools 1881/2:29-30. 1882/3-1884/5 not found. 1885/6 In 11 A.R. supt. free schools 1886: 50. 1.187 not found. 18S8 in Bienn. rept on free schools 1887/8 : 77-78. 1890 '• ' 1889/90 : 71-72. Dover 1875/C-1890. Rept. of principal. In Documents as follows : 1875/6 in 1 A.R. supt. free schools 1875 6 : 27. 1.176/7 not found. 1877/8 In 3 A.R. supt. free schools 1877/8 : 29-30. 1878/9 not found. 1879/80 in 5 A.R. supt. free schools 1879/80 : 21-22. 1880/1 not found. 1881/2 In 7 A.R. supt. free schools 1881/2:30-31. 1884 "19] 1884:95-97.' 1886 "11 " " " " 1886 : 38-39. 1888 " Bienn. rept. on " " 1888 : 82. 1890 ' 1890 : 76. Farmington 1884. Rept. of principal. In Documents as follows : 1884 in [9] A.R. supt. free schools 1884 : 106.* Felton 188G-1890. Rept. of principal. In Documents as follows : 1886 in 11 A.R. supt. free schools 1886:55-56. 1888 •' Blenn. rept. on " " 1888 : 83. 1890 " " 1890 : 77. Frankford Graded School 1886. Rept. of principal. In Documents as follows : 1886 in 11 A.R. supt. of free schools 1886 : 47. Frederica 1884-1886. Rept. of principal. In Documents as follows : 1884 In [9] A.R. supt. free schools 1884 : 99-100.' 1885 not found. 1886 in 11 A.R. supt. free schools 1886 : 45-46. Paging from Collected docs. EDUCATION— cont'd Oeorgetovm 1884-1890. Rept. of principal. In Documents as follows : 1884 In [9] A.R. supt. free schools 1884:109-110.' 1885 not found. 1886 in 11 A.R. supt. free schools 1886:44. 1887 not found. 1888 in Blenn. rept. on free schools 1888 : 88. 1890 ' " 1890:82-83. Olasgotc 1803. Rept. on petition of Glasgow praying leave to bring in a bill for organization of a school. (House jol. Jan. 1803: 44.) Greenwood 1888-1890. Rept. of principal for scholastic yr. In Documents as follows : 1888 In Bienn. rept. on free schools 1888 : 89. 1890 " " " 1890 : 83-84. Gumborough PubJic School 1884. Rept. of principal. In Documents as follows : 1884 In [9] A.R. supt. free schools 1S84 : 107.' Harrington 1884-1890. Rept. of principal. In Documents as follows : 1884 in [9] A.R. supt. free schools 1884:99.' 1885 not found. 1886 in 11 A.R. snpt. free schools 1886:39-40. 1887 not found. 1888 In Blenn. rept. on free schools 1888 : 83-84. 1890 '• • 1890 : 77-78. Kent County See also below. Negro, School Fund, School Houses, Teachers' Institutes. 1 series Pursuant to sec. 8, act for establishment of free schools. 1844. Ann. rept. of supt. of free schools in Kent Co. In Collected docs, as follows : 1844 (Martin) In Senate jol. Jan. 1845:43-52. •' House •• •• 1845 : 108-117. 250 copies ordered prtd. ; separate not found. 2 series 1887/8-1891/2. Rept. of supt. of Kent Co. In Documents as follows : 1887/8 in Bienn. rept. on free schools 1888 : 29-41. 1889/90 1890 : 36-43. 1891/2 " • 1892:14-20. 3 series 1898. Rept. of supt. of Kent Co. In Documents as follows : 1898 in Bienn. rept. state bd. education 1898 : 33-39. B 1898. Rept. of co. school commission for Kent Co. In Documents as follows : 1898 In Bienn. rept. state bd. education 1898 : 17-20. non-serial 1833-1890. Tabular stmt, showing the no. of each school distr. in operation in Kent Co., in the yr. ; the amt. drawn from trustee of school fund; amt. raised by contribution or tax; amt. expended in each distr. for tuition alone; amt. expended in each distr. other than for tuition; amt. due to and from each distr.; no. of schools and time in operation, and no. of schollars [sic] taught. (A.R. auditor 1833 (p. 61) — same 1890.) 1887/8. Stmt, showing average no. of pupils in each school in Kent Co., etc. (Bienn. rept. on free schools 1888: 40.) 1887/8-1891/2. School statistics for Kent Co. {Same 1888 (pp. 39-41)— same 1892.) ' Paging from Collected docs. 52 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE EDUCATION— cont'd Kent County— cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1888. Visiting schools of Kent Co. (Same 1888: 29- 30.) . Stmt, of school hook acct. for Kent Co., as fur- nished by supt. of public schools for the co. (A.R. auditor 1888: 204.) . Surplus in hands of clerks of school distrs. in Kent Co. (Bienn. rept. on free schools 1888: 35.) . Frequent changing of teachers greatly retards improvement of Kent Co. schools. (.Same 1888: 34-35.) 1888-1892. Stmt, showing frequency with which teach- ers are changed in Kent Co. {Same 1888 (p. 40) — same 1892.) 1889/90. Visits of supt. of Kent Co. schools. (Same 1889/90: 37-38.) . School statistics of Kent Co. (Same 1889/90: 42-43.) 1890. School accommodations in Kent Co.; improve- ments needed. (Same 1889/90: 37.) . Obstacles to success of the Kent Co. schools; lack of active interest on part of parent, frequent change of teachers, etc. (Same 1889/90: 36-37.) 1891-1904. School stmt, for Kent Co., showing local names of distrs., balance due distrs. and committee past yr.. do. present yr., school fund, contributions, amt. paid for tuition, do. contingencies, no. of schools, time of operation, no. of scholars, value of grounds, do. bldgs., do. furniture, and amt. of in- surance; with summary. (A.R. auditor 1891 [app. II] (pp. 10-14)— same 1904.) 1892. Improvements in Kent Co. schools. (Bienn. rept. on free schools 1892: 14.) . Suggested that laws pertaining to Kent and Sussex Cos. in reference to division of school divi- dends among the consolidated or incorporated distrs. be made applicable to New Castle Co. (Bienn. rept. of treasurer 1891/2: 13.) 1898. Higher scholarship needed in Kent Co., and greater maturity in new candidates. (Rept. of state bd. of education 1898: 34.) 1900. Kent Co. school statistics; single distrs. for col- ored pupils. (2 bienn. rept. same 1900: 101-111.) . Kent Co. school statistics — single distrs. for white pupils: stmt, giving name of teacher, etc. (2 same 1900: 58-81.) . Same, incorporated distrs. (Same 1900: 82-100.) Kenton 1886-1890. Rept. of principal. In Documents as follows : 18S6 in 11 A.R. supt. of free schools 1886:46. 1887 not found. 1888 In Bienn. rept. on free schools 1888 : 84. 1890 1890 : 78-79. Laurel 1890. Rept. of principal. In Documents as follows : 1890 In Bienn. rept. on free schools 1889/90 : 84-85. Lebanon 1884-1886. Rept. In Documents as follows : 18S4 In [9] A.R. supt. free schools 1884:106.' 1885 not found. 1886 in 11 A.E. supt. free schools 1886 : 48-49. Lewes Union School 1877/8-1889/90. Rept. of principal for yr. endg. May 30. In Documents as follows : 1877/8 In 3 A.R. supt. free schools 1877/8 : 31. 1878/9 not found. 1879/80 In 5 A.R. supt. free schools 1879/80:21. 1880/1 not found. EDUCATION— cont'd Lewes Union School — cont'd In 7 A.H. supL free schools 1881 /2 : 28-29. 1884 : 108-109.' 1886 : 51. • Paging from Collected docs. 1881/2 1883/4 ■• 19) 1885/6 " 11 •• 1886/7 not found. 1887 8 in Bienn. rept. on free schools 1888:89-90. 1889/90 1890 : 85. Little Creek 1884-1886. Rept. of. In Documents as follows : 1884 In [9] A.R. supt. free schools 1884 : 110.' 1885 not found. 1886 In 11 A.R. supt. free schools 1886:42. Magnolia 1884-1886. Ann. rept. of school. In Documents as follows : 1884 In [9] A.R. supt. free schools 1884 : 102.' 1885 not found. 1886 in 11 A.R. supt. free schools 1886:47. Middletown 1881/2-1890. Rept. of principal. In Documents as follows ; 1881/2 In 7 A.R. supt. free schools 1881/2:25-26. 1883/4 •• [9] •• 1884:92-93.' 1885 '6 " 11 1886:54. 1886 7 not found. 18SS In nienn. rept. on free schools 1888:78. ISno • " 1890 : 72-73. Mil ford 1881/2-1890. Rept. of principal. In Documents as follows : 1881/2 In 7 A.R. supt. free schools 1881/2:24-25. 1884 " 19] 1884 : 97.' 1886 " 11 " '■ " " 1886:41-42. 1887 not found. 1888 In Bienn. rept. on free schools 1888 : 84-85. 1890 1890:79-80. Millsboro 1884-1890. Rept. of principal. In Documents as follows : 1884 In [9] A.R. supt free schools 1884:107.' 1885-1887 not found. 1888 In Bienn. rept. on free schools 1888 : 90. 1890 1890:86. Milton 1886. Rept. of principal. In Documents as follows : 1886 In 11 A.R. supt. free schools 1886 : 48, Xetiark 1886-1890. Rept. of principal. In Documents as follows ; 1886 in 11 A.R. supt. free schools 1886:51-52. 1887 not found. 1888 In Bienn. rept. on free schools 1888 : 79. 1890 ' •' " 1890:73-74. Xew Castle 1877/8-1890. Rept. of supt. for yr. endg. June 30. In Documents as follows : 1877/8 In 3 A.U, supt. free schools 1877/8 : 27-28. 1878/9 not found. 1879/80 in 5 A.R. supt. free schools 1879/80 : 24-25. 1880/1 not found. 1881/2 in 7 A.R. supt. free schools 1881/2 : 27-28. 1883 '4 ■• [9] 1884:91-92.' 1884/5 " 11 1886:37-38. 1885/6-18S7 not found. 18S8 In Bienn. rept. on free schools 1888 : 79-80. 1890 ' " •• 1890 : 74. • Paging from Collected docs. New Castle County See also below, Negro. School Fund, School Houses, Teachers' Institutes. serial A 1 series 1830-1831. Rept. of supt of free schools in New Castle Co. In Collected docs, as follows : 1830 In House jol. Jan. 1831 : 209-215. 1831 •' Senate " " 1832 : 31-37. " ■• House •' '• 1832:99-104. ' Paging from Collected docs. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE 53 EDUCATION— cont'd A^eic Castle County — cont'd serial — cont'd A — cont'd 2 series 1887/8-1891/2. Rept. of supt. of New Castle Co. In Documents as follows : 1887/8 In Bienn. rept. on free schools 1888:19-28. 1889/90 1890:24-35. 1891/2 ' 1892:7-13. 3 series 1898. Rept. of supt. of New Castle Co. In Documents as follows : 1898 In Blenn. rept. state bd. education 1898 : 27-32. B 1898. Ann. rept. of co. school commission for New Castle Co., 1. In Documents as follows : 1. 1898 In Bienn. rept. state bd. education 1898 : 14-16. non-serial 1833-1890. Tabular stmt., showing the no. of school distrs. in operation in New-castle Co., in the yr.; amt. raised in each distr. by contribution or tax; amt. drawn from trustee of school fund; amt. ex- pended in each distr. for tuition alone; amt. ex- pended in each distr. other than for tuition; amt. due to and from each distr.; no. of schools and no. of schollars [sic], and time each school was in op- eration. (A.R. auditor 1833 (p. 43)— some 1890.) 1836. No. of school distrs. in Newcastle Co. (A.R. auditor 1836: 310.) 1838. Same. {Same 1838: 371.) Paging from House jol. 1847. Communication from supt. of free schools in New Castle Co.; disposition of school fund, etc. (Sen. jol. Jan. 1847: 120-134.) 1849. Rept. of Willard Hall, supt. of common schools of New Castle Co., to the Gen. Assem., Feb. 12. n. t. p. 18 pp. Copy In Delaware Hist. Socy. 1867. Rept. on petition of pastors of certain Catholic churches in New Castle Co. praying act authorizing bd. of public education of Wilmington and school committee of districts no. 23 and 75 to take schools connected with aforesaid churches under their con- trol and govt. (House jol. Jan. 1867: 587-588.) 1885/6-1887/8. Stmt, showing average no. of pupils in each school, etc., in New Castle Co. (Bienn. rept. on free schools 1888: 26.) 1887/8. ■ Stmt, showing average no. of days in which schools of New Castle Co. were in session, com- pared with same for 2 previous yrs. (Same 1888: 26.) 1888. Stmt, showing no. of white children of school age in New Castle Co.. exclusive of City of Wil- mington. {Same 1888: 28.) . Rel. to irregular school attendance in New Castle Co. — need of a compulsory school law. {Same 1888: 20.) . Visits of supt. of New Castle Co. {Savie 1888: 22.) . Rel. to too frequent change of teachers in New Castle Co. schools; need of uniform system of ex- amination for state. {Same 1888: 20-21.) 1888-1892. Recommendations of supt. of New Castle Co. {Same 1888 (pp. 24-25)— same 1892.) . Condition of free schools of New Castle Co. — some hindrances to their progress. {Same 1888 (pp. 19-21)— some 1892.) . Stmt, showing for New Castle Co., the no. of distrs., do. of schools, do. of white children of school age, do. of white children attending school, average attendance, age, etc. {Same 1888 (p. 26) — some 1892.) EDUCATION— cont'd A'etc Castle County — cont'd non-serial — cont'd . School statistics for New Castle Co. {Same 1888 (pp. 26-28)— some 1892.) 1889/90. Visits of supt. of New Castle Co.; supts. should be consulted by school comrs. in matter of selecting teachers. {Same 1889/90: 26-27.) 1890. Recommendations of supt. of New Castle Co. (SoTne 1889/90: 30-31.) . School statistics for New Castle Co. {Same 1889/90: 33-35.) . On condition of free schools of New Castle Co. {Same 1889/90: 24.) 1891-1904. School stmt, for New Castle Co., showing local names of distrs., balance due distrs. and com- mittee past yr., do. present yr., school fund, con- tributions, amt. paid for tuition, do. contingencies, no. of schools, time of operation, no. of scholars, value of grounds, do. bldgs., do. furniture, and amt. of insurance; with summary. (A.R. auditor 1891 [app. II] (pp. 6-9)— same 1904.) 1892. Statistics showing no. of schools in New Castle Co., amt. expended for salaries, etc. (Bienn. rept. on free schools 1892: 10-11.) 1898. Statistics of New Castle Co. white and colored schools. (Rept. state bd. of education 1898: 32.) 1900. New Castle Co. school statistics — single distrs. for white pupils: stmt, giving name of teachers, salary per mo., no. and attendance of pupils, aver- age age of pupils, average distance from school house, etc., no. and value of school bldgs. and grounds, conditions of schools, time in operation, those visited by supt., advancement of pupils, no. of adults in distr., income, expenditures, etc. (2 same 1900: 11-34.) . Same, incorporated distrs. (2 same 1900: 35-48.) . New Castle Co. school statistics; single distrs. for colored pupils; stmt, giving name and salary of teacher, no. and attendance of pupils and the aver- age age of same, average distance from school house, etc., no. and value of school bldgs. and grounds, condition of schools, time in operation, those visited, advancement of pupils, no. of adults in distr., income, expenditures, etc. (2 same 1900: 49-57.) 'Newport 1883/4. Rept. of principal. In Documents as follows : 1883/4 in [9] A.R. supt. free schools 1884 : 104.' Iforth miford 1886. Rept. of In Documents as follows : 1886 in 11 A.R. supt. free schools 1886:41. "North Milton 1886. Rept. of principal for quarter endg. Dec. 24. In Documents as follows : 1886 in 11 A.R. supt. free schools 1886 : 42-43. Odessa 1883/4-1890. Rept. of principal. In Documents as follows : 1883/4 In [9] .\.R. supt. free schools 1888: 101-102.* 1884/5 not found. 1885/6 in 11 A.R. supt. free schools 1888 : 40. 1887 not found. 1888 in Bienn. rept. on free schools 1888 : 80-81. 1890 ' 1890 : 75. Rockland 1884/5. Rept. of principal. In Documents as follows : 1884/5 in [9] A.R. supt. free schools 1884 : 103-104. • ' Paging from Collected docs. 54 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE EDUCATION— cont'd Roxana 1886. Rept of principal. In Documents as follows : 188C In 11 A.K. supt. free schools 1886 : 56. Seaford 1881/2-1890. Rept. of principal. In Documents ns follows : 1881/2 In 7 A.R. supt. free schools 1881/2:32. 1884/5 " f9] 1884:98.' 1886 "11 1886:43. 1887 not found. 18S8 In Blenn. rept supt free schools 1888 : 91. 1890 " " -^ '^ " " 1890:86-87. SelhyviUe 1884-1886. Rept. of principal. In Documents as follows : 18S4 In [9] A.U. supt. free schools 1884:102-103.' 1885 not found. 1886 In 11 A.R. supt. free schools 1886:49. Smyrna 1881/2-1890. Rept. of principal. In Documents as follows : 1881/2 In 7 A.R. supt. free schools 1881/2:23-24. 1884 '• [9] 1884 : 94-95.' 1885 not found. 1886 In 11 A.R. supt free schools 1886:52-54. 1887 not found. 1888 In Blenn. rept on tree schools 1888 : 85-86. 1890 ' 1890:80-81. South Milton 1884-1890. Rept. of principal. In Documents as follows : 1884 In [9] A.R. supt free schools 1884 : 108.' 1885-1887 not found. 1888 in Blenn. rept on free schools 1888 : 92. 1890 " •• ' 1890 : 88. South ililford 1886-1890. Rept of principal. In Documents as follows : 1886 In 11 A.R. supt free schools 1886 : 41-42. 1887 not found. 1888 In Blenn. rept on free schools 1888 : 91-92. 1890 " " " ' 1890:87-88. Sussex County See also below, Negro, School ITund, School Houses, Teachers" Institutes. serial A 1 series 1886/8-1890/2. Ann. rept. of supt. of free schools of Sussex Co., for yr. endg. in April. In Documents as follows : 1886/8 In Blenn. rept on tree schools 1887/8 : 42-50. 1888/90 1889/90 : 44-50. 1890/2 " ■' ■ " 1891/2 : 21-37. 2 series 1898. Rept. of supt. of Sussex Co. In Documents as follows : 1898 in Blenn. rept state bd. education 1898 : 40-44. B 1898. Ann. rept. of co. school commission for Sussex Co. In Documents as follows : 1898 in Blenn. rept state bd. education 1898 : 21-26. non-seriai 1833-1890. Tabular stmt, showing no. of schools in operation in Sussex Co., in the yr.; amt. raised by contribution; amt. drawn from trustee of school fund; amt. expended in each distr. for tuition alone; amt. expended in each distr. other than for tuition; amt due to and from each distr.; no. of schools, and time in operation, and no. of scholars taught in said schools. (A.R. auditor 1833 (p. 80) — same 1890.) 1836. No. of school distrs. in Sussex Co. (Same 1836: 350.) Paging from House ]oI. • Paging from Collected docs. EDUCATION— cont'd Sussex County — cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1886. School distrs.; rel. to practical benefits to be de- rived from consolidation of small school distrs.; I benefits seen in Sussex Co. (11 A.R. supt. of free ' schools 1886: 14-15.) 1888. United school distrs. of Sussex Co. (Bienn. rept. on free schools 1888: 45.) - — — . School facilities of Sussex Co.; recommendations. {Same 1888: 47-48.) . Visits by supt. to Sussex Co. schools. (Same 1888: 46-47.) . Physiology and hygiene as taught in public schools of Sussex Co., in compliance with act of last legisl. (Same 1888: 47.) 1888-1892. General condition of free schools of Sussex Co. (Same 1888 (pp. 42-44)— same 1892.) . School statistics for Sussex Co., showing no., etc., of distrs., teachers, examinations, pupils and school houses, and value of school property and grounds, financial transactions, etc. (Same 1888 (pp. 49-50)— same 1892.) 1889/90. School statistics of Sussex Co. (Same 1889/ 90: 48-50.) . Visits by supt. of Sussex Co. (Same 1889/90: 45-46.) 1890. The co. superintendency; its satisfactory charac- ter; closer supervision necessary in Sussex Co.; suggestions for increasing the efllciency of the superintendency. (Same 1889/90:6-7.) . Recommendations of supt. of Sussex Co. rel. to wants of the schools. (Same 1889/90: 46-47.) . General condition of schools of Sussex Co.; fre- quent change of teachers one of the greatest hind- rances to the schools. (Same 1889/90: 45.) . Study of physiology and hygiene In Sussex Co. schools growing more popular every yr. (Same 1889/90: 46.) 1891-1904. School stmt, for Sussex Co., showing local names of distrs., balance due distrs. and committee past yr., do. present yr., school fund contribution, amt. paid for tuition, do. contingencies, no. of schools, time of operation, no. of scholars, value of grounds, do. bldgs., do. furniture, and amt. of insur- ance; with summary. (A.R. auditor 1891 [app. II] (pp. 15-23)— iojne 1904.) 1892. Two school distrs. In Sussex Co. bear same no., viz., 121. (Bienn. rept on free schools 1892: 32.) 1898. Suggestion of supt. of free schools of Sussex Co., rel. to needs of the schools. (Rept. state bd. of education 1898: 40-44.) 1900. Sussex Co. school statistics single distrs. for col- ored pupils. (2 bienn. rept same 1900: 178-188.) . Sussex Co. school statistics, single distrs. for white pupils. (2 same 1900: 112-152.) . Same, incorporated distrs. (2 same 1900: 153- 177.) Totcnsend 1886. Rept of principal of the public school. In Documents as follows : 1886 in 11 A.R. supt. free schools 1886 : 55. Wilmington serial 1877/8-1889/90. Extr. from rept of supt. of the city schools. In Documents as follows : i 1877/8 In 3 A.R. supt free schools 1877/8 : 64-66. ', 1878/9 not found. 1879/SO In 5 A.R. supt free schools 1879/80 : 26-28. ! 1880/1 not found. 1881/2 In 7 A.U. supt tree schools 1881/2 : 33-37. 1882/3 not found. 1883/4 In (OJ A.R. supt tree schools 1884 : 83-91.' ' Paging from Collected docs. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE 55 EDUCATION— cont'd Wilmington — cont'd serial — cont'd 1884/5 not found. 1885 '6 In 11 A.R. supt free schools 1886:27-36. 1887/8 " Blenn. rent, on " " 1887/8:51-68 1889/90 " 1889/90 : 51-68. nan-serial 1872-1880. Tabular stmt, showing Increase of attend- ance in Wilmington schools, each yr. (5 A.R. supt. of free schools 1879/80: 28.) 1872-1888. Same; by yrs. endg. July 1. (Bienn. rept. on free schools 1888: 66.) 1872/3-1885/6. Table showing increase in attendance in Wilmington schools. (11 same 1886: 30.) 1873-1890. Same. (Same 1889/90: 66.) 1873/4-187.5/6. Stmt, showing attendance at Wilming- ton schools each yr. (1 A.R. supt. of free schools 1875/6: 45.) 1875/6. Summary of statistics of Wilmington free schools. (1 same 1875/6: 43-47.) 1888. Statistics for Wilmington schools; showing no., etc., of school-houses, schools, teachers, pupils, etc., and evening schools for white schools, and do. for colored schools. (Bienn. rept. on free schools 1888: 64-68.) 1889/90. Statistics of Wilmington evening schools. (Same 1889/90: 68.) . School statistics for Wilmington. {Same 1889/ 90: 64-68.) 1890. On free school supplies in Wilmington schools. (Same 1889/90: 51-52.) . Flag presentations to the Wilmington free schools. (Same 1889/90: 52-53.) 1891-1897. Wilmington public schools: no. of distrs., do. schools and scholars, time of operation, amt. of tuition and contingencies paid, balance due distrs. past yr., do. present yr., amt. of school fund and contributions, estimated value of school grounds, bldgs. and furniture, and amt. of insurance. (A.R. auditor 1891 (p. 9) — same 1897.) 1894. Unsanitary condition of room in Institute Bldg. cor. 8th and Market Sts. in Wilmington, used as public school while new bldg. was being erected; remedied. (9 bienn. rept. bd. of health 1894/6: 30.) Agricultural; see Agriculture Associations See also below, under Private. Afeicax School Societt 1888. Names of executive committee of the African School Socy. (Bienn. rept. on free schools 1888: 73.) Delaware Association fob the Educatio.v of the Col- ored People 1876/7-1888. Colored schools: rept. of actuary of Del. Assn. for the Education of Colored People. In Documents as follows : 1. 1876/7 not found. [2.1 1877/8 In 3 A.R. supt free schools 1877/8 : 67-70.* 3. 1878/9 not found. [4.] 1879/80 In 5 A.R. supt. free schools 1879/80 : 29-31.* 5. 1880/1 not found. [6.] 1881/2 In 7 A.R. supt. free schools 1881/2 : 38-43.» 7. 1882/3 not found. 8. 1883/4 in [9] A.R. supt free schools 1884 : lll-117.t 9. 1885 not found. 10. 1886 In 11 A.R. supt. of free schools 1886 : 57-62. 11. 1887 not found. 12. 1888 In Blenn. rept. on free schools 1888 : 69-73. 1877/8-1881/2. Rept. of the actuary of the Del. Assn. for the Education of Colored People; .... giving a full synopsis of the work, with tables showing the no. and location of schools, with the amt. dis- tributed to each. * Extracts only. t Paging from Collected docs. EDUCATION— cont'd Associations — cont'd Delaware Association- fob the Education of the Coir OBED People— cont'd Checklist 1877/8. Wilmington, H. A. Roop, 1878. 8 pp. 1878/9. •• •• " 1879. 8 pp. 1879/80.* '• " '• 1880. 8 pp. 18S0/1. " " " 1881. 8 pp. 1881/2. •• " " 1SS2. 12 pp. Delaware Association for the Moral Improvement, etc., OF the Colored People 1868-1870. Rept. of mngrs. of the Del. Assn. for the Moral Improvement and Education of the Colored People of the State, 1-3. Wilmington. 1868-1870. Checklist 1. 1868 Feb. Jenkins and Atkinson, 1868. 23 pp. In N. Y. Public Librarr. 2. 1869 Fpb. .Tenklns and Atkinson. 186n. 24 pp. In Wilmington Institute Free Library. 3. 1870 March. Jenkins and Atkinson, 1870. 40 pp. In Wilmington Institute Free Library. New Castle County Teachers' Association 1854. Constitution and proceedings. Newspaper ex- tract. Also the original minutes from which it was printed. Copy In Delaware Hist. Socy. State Teachers' Association 1880. Rept. on State Teachers' Assn. (5 A.R. supt. of free schools 1879/80: 13-15.) 1884. On Del. State Teachers' Assn., held at Rehoboth. (Same 1884.) Census; see below, School Census College Fund; see below, School Fund Compulsory 1877. Voluntary system of education preferable to com- pulsory. (Govs. mess. (Cochran) Jan. 1877: 19.) 1888. Compulsory education not recommended for Del., because of unsatisfactory results of laws en- acted for that purpose in other states. (Bienn. rept. on free schools 1888: 9.) . Recommended by supt. of New Castle Co., that act be passed requiring each child in every distr. in state to attend school at least 4 mos. during each yr. (Same 1888: 20; 24.) 1898. Compulsory school law urged. (Rept. state bd. of education 1898: 37-38.) 1904. Irregular attendance, the great bane of the schools and the greatest handicap on their eflS- ciency; urging enactment of a compulsory school law. (Bienn. rept. same 1903/4: 5.) Conventions 1873. Proceedings of the Convention of Colored People, held in Dover, Jan. 9, 1873. h. t. p. 7 pp. Do the colored people appreciate Education and are they willing to pay for it? Copy seen in Delaware Historical Socy., Wilmington. Nh:w Castle County School Con\xntion For the origin of the school conventions in Delaware, see Powell. Hist, of Education In Delaware, p. 145 et seq. (U. S. Bureau of Educ Circ. Informa- tion no. 3, 1893). 1 series 1836-1842. Proceedings. Checklist 1. 1836 Dec. 15. 4° sheet Printed in four columns : printed in Jan. 1850. onmim. 183". Nov. 5-6. n. p., n. d, 8 pp. 1838. Dec. 4. n. t p. 24 pp. 1839. Dec. 3. n. t. p. 8 pp. 1840. Dec. 1. h. t. p. 8 pp. 1841-1842 not found. • Also, a copy of the " act to tai colored persons for the support of their own schools," with the amdmts., and the full text of " An act to encour- age the education of the colored people." 56 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE EDUCATION— cont'd Conventions — cont'd New Castle County School Convention — cont'd 2 series 1843-1849. Annual school convention of New Castle County. Checklist 1843, Sept. 5. n. t. p. 4 pp. 1844. Sept. 5. n. t. p. 13 pp. 1845, Sept. 2. n. t. p. 12 pp. 1846. Sept. 1. n. t. p. 18 pp. 1847, Sept. 7. n. t. p. 18 pp. 1848. Sept. n. D. t. p. 14 pp. 1840. Sept. 2. n. t. p. 10 pp., 1 foldg. sheet. All of the foregoing reports are In the Delaware Hist. Socy. Drawing 1882. Recommending that drawing be added to list of studies now pursued in the public schools. (7 A.R. supt. of free schools 1881/2: 15-16.) 1890. New course of lessons in drawing for the pri- mary and grammar schools of Wilmington. (Bienn. rept. on free schools 1889/90: 57.) Educational Journals 1854-1855. Del. School Jol., monthly; v. 1, no. 1-4. Wilmington, n. d. V. 1. no. 1. Nov. 18,'i4. 24 pp. V. 1. no. 2. l>oc. 1854. 25-48 pp. V. 1. no. 3. .Tan. 18.5.5. 40-72 pp. V. 1. no. 4. Fell. 185.5. 73-96 pp. Copy seen in Delaware Hist. Socy., Wilmington. 1884. Educational journal and school libraries of Del. (A.R. supt. of free schools 1884.) 1886. On educational journals and school libraries. (11 same 1886: 15-16.) 1888. Educational journals and school libraries; com- ment of supt. of New Castle Co. (Bienn. rept. on free schools 1888: 23.) 1890. Educational jols. and school libraries of New Castle Co. — Corbit Library, in Odessa, the most valuable library. (8ame 1889/90: 26.) Expenditures for; see below, Receipts and Expenditures Hygiene 1888. Temperance hygiene law enacted by last sess. of legisl.; law fixes nothing definite and teachers may use their discretion in teaching the subject either daily, weekly, or less frequently if they see proper. (Bienn. rept. on free schools 1888: 10.) . See above, Sussex Co., this date. 1890. See same; this date. Indians 1898. Suggested that comn. for Sussex Co. be author- ized to lay out a school distr. or distrs. for tribe of Indians or Moors, located in Indian River Hundred. (Rept. of state bd. of education 1898: 9-10.) Industrial 1890. Dept. of manual training established in Boys' High School in Wilmington. (Bienn. rept. on free schools 1889/90: 57-63.) Laws n. d. Act to compel the attendance of children ... at public schools of the state, n. p., n. d. 11pp. (Sen. bill 54.) 1829. An act for the establishment of free schools In the State of Del., passed at the Jan. sess. of the Gen. Assem Dover: A. M. Schee, 1829. 16 pp. 1830. Suppl. to " act for establishment of free schools," passed Jan. 25. n. t. p. 4 pp. Copy seen In Delaware Hist. Socy., Wilmington. 1841. School laws .... as amended, according to an act ... . passed .... Feb. 19. Wilmington, Por- ter and Naft, 1841. Copy seen In Delaware Hist. Socy. 1868. Revised edition of the law relating to free schools In the state Published by authority EDUCATION— cont'd Laws — cont'd of the Levy Court of Kent Co. Dover, 1868. 62(2), xiii pp. 4°. Copy seen In Delaware Hist. Socy. 1869. [Rept. of committee with text of.] The new school law, as proposed by the State Educational Convention, n. p, n. d.. 16 pp. Copy seen In Delaware Hist. Socy. 1881. Digest of laws relating to free schools in the state of Del. Published by authority of sec. 10, ch. 369, vol. 16, Laws of Del. Dover, Jas. Kirk and Sons, 1881. 63 pp. Copy In Wilmington Institute Free Library. 1887. School law of Del. with act relating to physiol- ogy and hygiene in the public schools, passed in 1887. Dover, Delawarean Office, 1887. 8 pp. Copy seen in Delaware Hist. Socy. 1891. Extr. from laws of Del., rel. to school funds of the several distrs. 2 pp. Copy soon In Delaware Ilist. Socy. . An act to provide free text-book for the free schools of the state Dover, Jas. Kirk and Son, 1891. 8 pp. 1898. School laws for free public schools of ... . Del., 1898. Dover, 1899. 46, 10, 15 pp. 8°. 1899. Digest of laws relating to free schools. Not seen ; entry from Bowker. 1901. Digest of laws relating to free schools. N()t seen ; entry from Bowker. 1899-1903. School laws and amdmts. of gen. application passed at the sessions of the Gen. Assem. in 1899, 1901 and 1903. Published by direction of the State Bd. of Ed. Dover, Sentinel Prtg. Co., 1903. 31(1) pp. Copy In Wilmington Institute Free Library. Manual; see above. Industrial Negro 1880. On the colored schools; ann. apprn. needed. (5 A.R. supt. of free schools 1879/80: 15-16.) 1883. A glimpse at the colored schools of Del., a paper read before the ann. mtg. of the State Teachers' Assn., held at Rehoboth Beach, Aug. 21. By H. C. Conrad, actuary of Del. Assn. for Education of the Colored People. Wilmington: The James & Webb Co., 1883. 16 pp. Copy seen In Delaware Hist. Socy. 1884. Colored schools; total amt. paid them, from all sources. (A.R. supt. of free schools 1884.) . " In regard to colored schools' rept., they failed to make any stmt, to me, and as the supt. has made a very full and detailed stmt, in his repts., I have omitted them from my accts." (A.R. auditor 1883/ 4: 18.) 1886. Colored schools of state; some plan should be de- vised by which to provide more suitable and com- fortable houses for accommodation of colored school children. (11 A.R. supt. of free schools 1886: 16-17.) 1887/8. Tabular stmts, of statistics of colored schools for each co., giving name of hundreds and of school, time open, attendance, expenses, etc. (Bienn. rept. on free schools 1888: 70-73.) 1888. Colored schools making substantial progress and money appropriated by state judiciously expended. (Same 1888: 13.) 1890. The colored schools; suggested that state apprn. to these schools be increased in order that they may be made free schools in fact. (Same 1889/90: 12.) 1891/2-1893/4. Tabular stmt, showing, by cos., the time of operation of colored schools. (A.R. auditor 1892 [app. v.] (p. 30)— same 1894.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE 57 EDUCATION— cont'd Negro — cont'd 1893. Co. school supts.; accts. of co. supts. in connec- tion with colored schools audited within period pre- scribed by law, with exception of New Castle Co., which could not be closed in consequence of a con- tention with bd. of education of City of Wilmington in regard to a division of the state apprn. for col- ored schools in that co., case settled by Superior Court, and supt.'s books closed. (Same 1892: v.) . Results from colored schools not satisfactory; expediency of creating state superintendency sug- gested. (Govs. mess. (Reynolds) Jan. 1893: 14.) 1893-1897. Colored schools, statistics. (A.R. auditor 1893 [app. iv] (pp. 49-53)— same 1897.) Kent County 1888. Negro schools of Kent Co.; suggested that pres- ent status be left unchanged. (Bienn. rept. on free schools 1888: 33.) 1891/2. Statistics of colored schools of Kent Co. (Same 1892: 18.) 1892. Colored school bldg. in Kent Co. (Same 1892: 17.) New Castle County 1890. On colored schools of New Castle Co.; largest school at Newark; need of suitable bldgs., etc.; in- crease in amt. of state apprn. urged. (Bienn. rept. on free schools 1889/90: 27-28.) 1892. On colored schools of New Castle Co. (Same 1892: 9-10.) Sussex County 1892. Rel. to condition of colored schools of Sussex Co. (Bienn. rept. on free schools 1892: 33.) Wilmington 1889/90. Statistics for Wilmington colored schools — teachers' salaries, no. and attendance of pupils, etc. (Bienn. rept. on free schools 1889/90: 67-68.) 1895. Colored school apprn., increased in 1891, to $9000, but by oversight in drafting bill, colored schools in Wilmington excluded from any benefit of this apprn.; urged that such legislation be en- acted as would allow this city to receive proper share of apprn. (A.R. auditor 1894: iv.) Associations; see above, that title Conventions; see above, that title Teachers; see below, that title Normal Schools 1838. Rept. of committee to whom was referred a res. of convention of 1837 that a school for instruction of teachers be established. (Proc. New Castle Co. School Convention 1838: 6-19.) The committee was composed of Willard ITall. W. T. Read, E. W. Gilbert. M. .T. Hickok and Thos. Baldwin, Messrs. Hall, Read, Baldwin and Gilbert making separate repts. The rept. of Willard Hall covers pages 6-1.5. 1857. An address on the subject of normal schools, by E. J. Newlin, of Del. College. Delivered before legisl., Feb. 17. [Published by order of the House.l Dover, Del. State Reporter Book and Job Prtg. Office, 1857. 18 pp. Copy seen In Delaware Hist. Socy. 1859. Rept. on petition of citizens of New Castle, pray- ing passage of act to establish a free college and normal school in state. (House jol. Jan. 1859: 301.) 1876. Importance of a normal or training school for teachers of Del. (1 A.R. supt. of free schools 1875/ 6: 19-20.) 1878. Normal training: extr. from previous rept. rel. to need of better training for teachers. (3 same 1877/8: 23.) EDUCATION— cont'd Normal Schools — cont'd 1882. Legisl. should provide a thoroughly equipped normal or training school for teachers. (7 same 1881/2: 10.) 1883. Supt. of free schools; a normal or training school for teachers recommended in connection with work of the free school system. (Govs. mess. (Stockley) Jan. 1883.) 1886. State normal school one of the great needs of the state; suggested course of study. (11 A.R. supt. of free schools 1886: 19-21.) 1888. Normal training; Delaware's need of a normal school. (Bienn. rept. on free schools 188S: 12-13.) 1888-1892. Urging need of a state normal school. (Same 1888 (pp. 24-25)— same 1892.) 1890. Renewing recommendations of last rept. in rela- tion to normal training for the teachers, and im- portance of establishing a normal school in the state. (Same 1889/90: 12-13.) 1892. Summer normal training school recommended by supt. of Kent Co. (Same 1892: 15-16.) 1897. Suggested that movement be inaugurated look- ing toward establishment of normal school. (Govs, mess. (Watson) Jan. 1897: 8.) 1898. A state normal school an absolute necessity to accomplish aim of the schools. (Rept. of state bd. of education 1898: 34-35.) 1902. Inauguration of normal training, and recogni- tion of normal school certificates of other states recommended. (Bienn. rept. state bd. of educ. 1901/2.) 1903. Erection and equipment of normal school un- advisable; better to open Del. College to both sexes, or to establish normal school course therein. (Govs. mess. (Hunn) Jan. 1903: 9.) Physiology 1888. See above, Sussex Co., this date. 1890. See same; this date. Private 1831. Memorial of Benevolent Society of New Castle rel. to apprn. for support of school conducted by said society. (Sen. jol. Jan. 1831: 93.) . Rept. on memorial praying apprn. for support of school conducted by New Castle Female Benevo- lent Society. (Same Jan. 1831: 93.) Receipts and Expenditures 1833-1838. Summary of receipts and payments made by committees of the several school distrs. now in operation in Newcastle Co., that have settled with auditor the present yr., as stated, etc. (A.R. audi- tor 1833 (p. 44)— same 1838.) . Same; Kent Co. (Same 1833 (p. 62)— sa;ne 1838.) . Same; Sussex Co. (Same 1833 (pp. 78-79) — same 1838.) 1866. Attention of committee and of Gen. Assem. called to fact that school distrs. of state frequently sustain losses of considerable amt. by the school committees, who fail to expend moneys in their hands for benefit of the distrs.; suggested that legisl. provide means to remedy this evil. (Same 1866: 96.) 1873. List and amt. of investments appropriated to support of free schools. (Govs. mess. (Ponder) Jan. 1873: 7.) 1874-1884. Amt. reed, for and distributed among school distrs. for support of free schools. (Rept. of treas- urer 1874 (p. 31)— some 1883/4.) Paging from Sen. Jol. 1875. Tabular stmt, showing by cos. the financial transactions of supt. (1 A.R. supt. of free schools 1875/6: 32-33.) 58 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OP DELAWARE EDUCATION— cont'd Receipts and Expenditures — cont'd 1876. Loan to New Castle and Wilmington R.R. for benefit of free schools, expired May 1, 1875, by limi- tation, and paid; part of same now idle and should be invested as soon as possible; effort made to se- cure state bonds, but only 4 secured in consequence of high premium; payment of this sum unfortunate for free schools as treasurer has no authority to invest it. (Rept. of treasurer 1876: 5.) 1877. Attention of legisl. directed to sums formerly loaned to New Castle and Wilmington R.R. Co. and Phila., Wilmington and Balto. R.R. Co. for benefit of free schools of state. (Govs. mess. (Cochran) Jan. 1877: 12.) 1877-1884. Tabular stmt, showing financial transac- tions in cos. and states, compiled from auditor's rept; also stmt, for 1875. (3 A.R. supt. of free schools 1877/8 (pp. 47-51)— [9] same 1884.) 1881-1884. Stmt, of amt. paid out for school books and amt. reed, back into treasury for same. (Bienn. rept. of treasurer 1881/2 (p. 33)— sone 1883/4.) Paging from House Jol. 1882. Certain moneys for benefit of free schools, origi- nally invested in the Phila., Wilmington and Balti- more R.R., for which state reed, certificates of loan from said co., convertible at will of holder into capi- tal stock of CO.; investment converted into cash; amt. in treasury; certain amt. of school fund bor- rowed by state for payment of outstanding bonds of state, etc. (Sa7ne 1881/2: 30.) Paging from House jol. 1883/4-1885/G. Comparative tabular stmt, showing financial transactions In cos. and state. (11 A.R. supt. of free schools 1886: 88.) 1884. Remedy necessary to prevent the frequent misapprn. and embezzlement of school funds by distr. clerks. {Same 1884.) 1885/6-1889/90. Stmt, by yrs. of total cost in Wilming- ton free schools of free school supplies, cost per pupil, and average no. of pupils belonging. (Bienn. rept. on free schools 1889/90: 51.) 1886. Sec. 17, ch. 42. of Revised Code, requires all money placed in bank to credit of the distr. and not drawn by comrs., to stand to credit of distr. 3 yrs. before distributed; suggested that sec. be so amended as to read 1 yr. instead of 3 yrs.; Sussex Co. has act requiring state treasurer to redistribute every yr. all money not drawn by distr. (11 A.R. supt. of free schools 1886: 19.) 1887/8-1891/2. Stmt, showing financial transactions in New Castle Co. (Bienn. rept. on free schools 1888 (p. 28)— sojHe 1892.) 1891. Persons entrusted with school funds of school distrs. not faithful in proper application of funds so entrusted to them, and distrs. have suffered loss of their money; cause and remedy suggested. (A.R. auditor 1890: 3-4.) 1891-1896. General financial stmt, for the three cos., giving whole amt. of state school fund; whole amt. reed, from contribution or tax; do. paid for tuition; do. contingencies; do. insurance; balance remain- ing in hands of school officials, and whole no. of scholars attendifcg free schools in state. (Same 1891 [app. ii] (p. 23)— same 1896.) 1891-1904. See above, under general heading, Kent, New Castle and Sussex cos., resp., these dates. 1891/2. Cost of free school books in each co. for yr. endg. Aug. 1892. (Govs. mess. (Reynolds) Jan. 1893: 12.) 1892-1896. See below. Text-books, these dates. [1901.] Amt. of apprn. made for public school fund in addition to income from investments; to Del. Col- lege for erection and repair of bldgs. ; to state col- EDUCATION— cont'd Receipts and Expenditures— cont'd lege for colored students for repairs and erection of bldgs. and expenses; for erection and repair of school houses for colored children. (Govs. mess. (Hunn) Jan. 1903: 8.) 1904. Distr. 98, Sussex Co., and Dagsboro distr. no. 24 and 159 in same co., and distr. no. 149 in Kent Co. deprived of their ann. apprn. from state; recom- mended that legisl. grant sum equivalent to the school apprn. for each of these distrs. by a special act. (Bienn. rept. state bd. of education 1903/4: 5.) Rural Schools 1890. Inspection of school bldgs. in the rural distrs. much needed. (6 bienn. rept. bd. of health 1888/90: 3-4.) 1892. Better school facilities for pupils living In rural distrs. of Kent Co. (Bienn. rept. on free schools 1892: 15.) 1898. Better facilities for pupils living In rural distrs. of state needed. (Rept. state bd. of education 1898: 38-39.) 1904. Condensed rept. of remarks by supts. of schools from New Castle, Kent and Sussex cos. (A.R. Spaid, J. E. Carroll, J. D. Brooks) rel. to needed improvement in rural schools; consolidation of rural schools suggested; better salaries and better teachers; discussion. (4 A.R. bd. of agrlc. 1904: 46-50.) . Country schools: rural consolidation idea sug- gested as solution of rural school problem; list of printed articles on consolidation of school distrs., centralization of schools and transportation of pupils, extrs. from articles, etc. (Bienn. rept. state bd. of education 1903/4: 6-15.) School Census 1888. Some provision should be made to take a school census at least biennially, in the even numbered yrs. — ann. census better. (Bienn. rept. on free schools 1888: 12.) 1890. Rel. to school census. {Same 1889/90: 9-10.) School Fund serial A 1 series In compliance with act of Feb. 2. 1793. 1793-1825. Detailed stmt, of secretary of state in acct. with fund for establishing schools in the state [i. e. receipts on acct. of tavern, marriage and pedlar's licenses for school fundi. In Collected docs, as follows : 170,^-1796 not found. 1707-1798 omitted. 1799 In House jol. Jan. 1800:55-56. 1800 ' ' 1801 : 103-105. 1801 omitted. 1802 In House jol. .Tan. 1803 : 32. 1803 1804 : 47. 1804 omitted. 1805 In House jol. Jan. 1806 : 20-22. 1806 " " " " 1807 : 12-13. 1807 ' 1808: 1808 ' " 1809 : 40. 1809 " " " " 1810:34-35. 1810 " " " " 1811 : 13. 1811 •' " " " 1812:37-39. 1812 " 1813:59-61. •• " Senate " " 1813:29-31, 47-50. 1813 " House •' " 1814:38-39. " ■• Senate " " 1814:42-44. 1814 " House " " 1S15 : 49-50. " " Senate " " 1815:31-33. 1815 " House " " 1816:59-60. " " Senate " " 1816 : 42-45. 1816 " House " " 1817 : 123-124. 1817 ' 1818:50-51. •■ " Senate " " 1818 : 63-67. 1818 " House " " 1819:51-53. " " Senate " " 1819 : 44-49. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF DELAWAHE 59 EDUCATION— cont'd School Fund — cont'd serial— -cont'd A — cont'd 1 series — cont'd 1819 In Ilonsp lol. Tan 1S20: IIR. '• ■' Senate " ' 1820:110-115. 1820 " House " ' 1821 : 77. 1821 " " '* 1822 : 64-6.8. " Senate " ' 1822 : 37-41. 1822 " House " ' 1823 : 99-100. " " Senate " ' 1823 : 44, fiO-61 1823 " House " 1824 : 96-97. " " Senate " ' 1824 : 58-59. 1824 " House " ' 1825 : 57. '• " Senate *' * 1825 : 54-59. 1825 " House " ' 1826 : 96-97. " " Senate " ' 1826 : 49-51. 2 series Under act of Jan. 26, 1826. 1826-1833/4. Detailed stmt, of secretary of state In acct. with fund for establishing schools in the state, etc. In Collected docs. as follows : 1826 In House jol Jan 1827 : 10-12. " " Senate " *' 1827 10-11. 1827 " House " '* 1829 57-58. " Senate " •* 1.S29 45-46. 1828 " House " '* 1829 60-61. " " Senate " '* 1829 73-74. 1829 " House " ** 1830 96-97. " Senate " •* 18.W 6C-68. 18.30 « 1831 70-71, 1831 ' '* 1R.'',2 83-,84. " " House " 1832 162-164 1832 " Senate " 41 1833 73-74. " House " " 1833 140-142 1833/4* " Senate " *' 1835 57-59. " " House " *' 1835 94-96. 76-77. Hereafter these sums were paid directly Into the hands of the state trustees, and the secy, of state ceased to report thereon. B 1 series Under act of Feb. 9, 1796, " to create a fund sufficient to establish schools in this state." 1796-1816. Rept. of trustee for establishing schools in Delaware. In Collected docs, as 1796/7 in House jol. Ja 1798 1799 1800 1801 1802 1803 ' '• 1804 ' 1805 ' 1806 " ' 1807 1808 1809 1810 not found. 1811 in House Jol. Jan. 1812-1815 not found. 1816 in Senate jol. Jan. " " House " " follows : 1798: 1799: ison : 1801 : 1802: 1803 : 1804: 1805 : 1806: 1807: 1808: 1809: 1810: 42-43. 21. 24-25! 14. 16-17. 20-21. 13-14. 15-17. 5-6. 21-22. 17-18! 35-36. 1812 : 42-43. 1816: 106. 1816 : 125-126. 2 series In compliance with res. of Jan. 13. 1824. requiring rept. of moneys paid under act entitled. " Act appropriating part of school fund for education of poor children " passed Feb. 4, 1817. 1817/9. Rept. of trustee of school fund. In Collected docs, as follows : 1817/9 In House jol. Jan. 1824 : 65-67. 3 series In compliance with res. of Jan. 9, 1824. requiring stmt, of sums paid out of fund for establishing schools In state. 1822/3. Rept. of trustee of school fund. In Collected docs, as follows : 1822/3 in House jol. Jan. 1S24 : 51-53. • For 2 yrs. EDUCATION— cont'd School Fund — cont'd serial — cont'd B — cont'd 4 series In compliance with res. of Jan. 9, 1829, requiring stmt, of amt. of stocks belonging to fund for establishing schools, cash on hand, payments and receipts since Jan. sess. of Gen. Assem. in 1827. 1827/9-1830/1. Rept. of trustee of school fund. In Collected docs, as follows : 1827/9 In House jol. Jan. 1829 : 120-122. 1830/1 " '• " " 1831 : 108-109, 114. non-serial 1796. School fund created. (Govs. mess. (Cochran) Jan. 1877: 16.) 1805. Recommending application of part of fund for establishment of schools, as directed in act creating the fund. (Same (Hall) Jan. 1805.) 1806. Expiration of time in which marriage and tavern licenses were to be appropriated to school fund; provision for continuance of apprn. suggested; summary review of condition of fund. (A.R. audi- tor 1805: 30-31.) 1813. Propriety of appropriating portion of income of school fund for establishment of schools suggested. (Govs. mess. (Haslett) Jan. 1813.) 1814. Suggested that portion of income of school fund be employed in establishing schools, in different parts of state, for limited periods in each yr. {Same (Haslett) Jan. 1814.) 1817. Sufficient school fund accumulated to begin work; apprn. made in this and for several follow- ing years of $1000 for schooling of poor children. {Same (Cochran) Jan. 1877: 16.) 1821. Rept. of committee of Sen. of Md. (V. Maxey, chrm.) with sundry resolutions rel. to apprn. of public lands for purposes of education. (House jol. Jan. 1822: 15-31.) 1822. Rept. of Sen. committee (Charles Thomas, chrm.) on so much of Govs. mess, as relates to apprn. of public lands for purposes of education. (Sen. jol. Jan. 1822: 44-50; House jol. Jan. 1822: 74-80.) 1823. Stmt, by trustee of fund for establishment of schools in Del. in obedience to res. of Jan. 8, 1824, requiring him to rept. on performance of duties en- joined on him by act authorizing subscription to Chesapeake and Del. Canal. (House jol. Jan. sess. 1824: 60.) 1824. Propriety of calling school fund into active op- eration or levying a school tax. (Govs. mess. Jan. 1824.) . Rept. and res. of legisl. of 111. disagreeing to rept. and res. of states of Md., N. H., N. C, Ky. and Mass. on claims originated by state of Md. to grants of land from U. S. for purpose of education. (Sen. jol. Jan. 1824: 34-41.) 1827. On future apprn. of school fund. (Govs. Inaug- ural mess. Jan. 1827.) . Rept. of trustee of fund for establishing schools in state in obedience to res. of Jan. 4, 1827, stating amt. of subscription, on part of said fund to stock of Chesapeake and Del. Canal Co. and amt. pur- chased under act Feb. 5, 1823. (House jol. Jan. 1827: 49-51.) 1829. Origin and amt. and investment of school fund. (Govs. mess. Jan. 1829.) 1831. Rept. on that part of Govs. mess, which relates to distribution of revenue from sale of public lands of union for purposes of education. (Sen. jol. Jan. 1831: 53-54; House jol. Jan. 1831: 78-79.) 1832. Progress in education; inequality in distribution cf school fund causes dissatisfaction. (Govs. mess. Jan. 1832.) 60 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE EDUCATION— cont'd School Fund— cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1837/8. Secy.'s stmt, of funds for establishing schools. (House jol. Jan. 1839: 138140.) 1838. Kept, of committee to make enquiry as to con- nection betw. lotteries and the school fund. (Proc. New Castle Co. School Convention 1838: 3-4.) 1847. Summary history of school fund; revision of system of mngmt. of school accts. recommended. (Govs. mess. Jan. 1847.) . Propriety of separating offices of state treasurer and trustee of the school fund; comment on in- crease in school fund since 1837. (Same (Temple) Jan. 1847.) 1866. Treasurer's rept. of receipts and expenditures of state and of receipts and expenditures as trustee of school fund; in compliance with res. of Feb. 17, 1866. (House jol. Jan. 1867: 26-28; Sen. jol. Jan. 1867: 21-23.) 1875. Advantages of common school system gradually impaired by multiplication of school distrs. and consequent division of school fund among greater no. of schools; with existing demands on treasury, large increase of school fund impracticable. (Govs, mess. (Ponder) Jan. 1875: 16-17.) 1883. Education; concurring with former Govs, sugges- tions rel. to manner of increasing school fund. {Same (Stockley) Jan. 1883.) 1884. Calling attention of legist, to the no. of towns outside of jurisdiction of state supt., which avail themselves of the state school fund. (A.R. supt. of free schools 1884.) 1885. Increase in school fund recommended, either by apprn. of money or by setting apart interest on mortgages due by Junction and Breakwater and Breakwater and Frankford r.rs., consolidated un- der name of Del., Md. and Va. R.R. (Govs, bienn. mess. (Stockley) Jan. 1885: 12.) 1888. School fund; suggested that sec. 11, ch. 42, Re- vised Statutes, be amended. (Bienn. rept. of treas- urer 1887/8: 77-78.) 1892. Largely increased revenues accruing to school fund, mainly through law increasing amt. reed, from liquor licenses, resulted in making ann. divi- dend of such proportions as to more than meet de- mands of the distrs.; suggested that portion of amt. reed, from tavern licenses be apportioned to general fund; recommended that salaries of co. supts. be charged to school fund acct. (Same 1891/ 2: 12.) . School fund; remarks and suggestions rel. to. (Same 1891/2: 12-13.) 1893. Distribution of the school fund legislation in the direction of a more just and equitable distribution of this fund recommended; comment. (A.R. audi- tor 1892: iv-v.) 1895. Distribution of the school fund: owing to the greatly increased school fund several distrs., es- pecially those in the rural sections, unable to ex- pend their receipts as required by law; this ac- cumulation in hands of clerks an evil which should be remedied; a more equable distribution upon basis of needs of the schools can and should be made; recommended that law in reference to the distribution of the fund now in force in New Castle Co., be made applicable to Kent and Sussex cos. (Same 1894: iii-iv.) 1897. Law regulating distribution of school fund should be uniform in all cos.; suggested that law as now in force in New Castle Co., be extended to apply to Kent and Sussex cos. (Same 1896: iii.) - — — . Recommended that amt. of dividend reed, by school distr. be made to depend on no. of days EDtTCATION— cont'd School Fund — cont'd non-serial — cont'd schools are kept open, by making per diem distribu- tion of school fund according to no. of teachers. (Govs. mess. (Watson) Jan. 1897: 7.) 1897/8. On apportionment and distribution of school fund. (Bienn. rept. of treasurer 1897/S: 7-8.) 1898. Constitution makes it duty of legisl. to provide for a uniform biennial registration, a permanent school fund, a state bd. of agric, a state bd. ot health, etc. (Govs. mess. (Tunnell) Jan. 1898: 12.) 1899. Public schools; suggesting advisability of in- creasing amt. to be raised by taxation in order to entitle distrs. to their portion of the dividend; on new school law. (Same (Tunnell) Jan. 1899.) . Rel. to amt. in treasury to credit of school fund, derived from license fees which accumulated in that fund since distribution in 1897 and before passage of present school law; recommended that this money be diverted to general fund at once. (Same (Tunnell) Jan. 1899.) 1900. Money now in special acct. to credit of school fund investments should be invested so as to pro- duce a revenue for the public schools; at present simply on deposit in Farmers' Bank. (Bienn. rept. of treasurer 1899/00: 6.) 1902. Method of distributing school fund as adopted by law of 1901, a decided improvement on all for- mer plans. (Bienn. rept. state bd. of education 1902: 5.) 1904. State treasurer should not deposit state funds to credit of any distr. until comrs. of that distr. have, in compliance with law, notified co. supt. of their choice of teacher and salary to be paid, etc. (Same 1903/4: 4-5.) Kent County 1891. Rel. to suit agst. late clerk of school distr. no. 19, in Kent Co., for failure to settle with his successor in office. (A.R. auditor [app. Ill: 4.) 1893-1900. Distribution of school fund, Kent Co.; giv- ing name and no. of distrs., no. of pupils, dividends, amt. for books, due distr., raised by taxation, re- quired to be raised, excess, amt. unexpended, amt. for reapportionment, share of reapportionment, total amt. due distr. (Same 1893 [app. iv] (pp. 33- 37)— some 1900.) New Castle County 1817. C. P. Bennett, treasurer of New Castle Co., in acct. with Samuel Painter, Jr., trustee of school fund. (House jol. Jan. 1818: 23-24.) 1890. On surplus in hands of clerks of New Castle Co. (Bienn. rept. on free schools 1889/90: 29-30.) 1892. Same. (Same 1892: 10-11.) 1893-1900. Distribution of school fund. New Castle Co.; giving name and no. of distrs., no. of pupils, apprn., dividends, and total, amt. for books, due distr., raised by taxation, required to be raised, excess, amt. unexpended, amt. for reapportionment, share of reapportionment, total amt. due distr. (A.R. auditor 1893 [app. iv] (pp. 21-31)— same 1900.) Sussex County 1818. Communication from county treasurer of Sussex Co. on apprn. of school fund in said co. under act appropriating part of school fund for education of poor children, accompanying stmts, of payments and receipts by said treasurer. (House jol. Jan. 1818: 37-38.) . Stmt, of Sussex Co. in acct. with T. Tunnell, co. treasurer, respecting apprn. of school fund for year 1818. (Same Jan. 1819: 40.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE 61 EDUCATION— cont'd School Fund — cont'd Sussex County — cont'd 1893-1900. Distribution of school fund, Sussex Co.; giving name and no. of distrs., no. of pupils, divi- dends, amt. for books, due distr., raised by taxa- tion, required to be raised, excess, amt. unexpended, amt. for reapportionment, share of reapportion- ment, total amt. due distr. (A.R. auditor 1893 [app. iv] (pp. 39-47)— same 1900.) College Fund 1826-1829. Estimate of value of property belonging to college fund. (A.R. auditor 1826 (p. 249)— «ame 1829.) l"*aginpr from House Jol. 1890-1892. Endowment fund to colleges: substance of act of Cong., of Aug. 30, 1890, to apply portion of proceeds of the public lands to the more complete endowment and support of the colleges for bene- fit of agric. and the mechanic arts, established un- der provs. of act of Cong., approved July 2, 1862; comment. (Bienn. rept. of treasurer 1889/90 (pp. 91-92)— sa??!e 1891/2.) CoLOREn School Fund 1881/92 [i. e. 1891/2]-1896/7. Stmt, of supt., in acct. with colored schools for New Castle Co., for the school term: giving stmt, of receipts and disburse- ments of general fund, and do. of bldg. fund acct. (A.R. auditor 1892 [app. v] (p. 27)— some 1897.) 1883-1898. Co. treasurer in acct. with colored school fund of Kent Co. (Same 1884 (pp. 95-96)— same 1899.) 1885-1888. Treasurer's receipts — colored school fund of Sussex Co.; stmt, correcting errors made in stmts, since March, 1885. (Same 1888: 358.) 1887/8-1893/4. Stmt, of co. treasurer in acct. with col- ored school fund of Sussex Co. (Same 1888 (pp. 359-360)— some 1894.) 1891/2-1896/7. Stmt, of supt., in acct. with colored schools of Sussex Co., showing receipts and dis- bursements from general fund; do. bldg. fund acct. (Sa7ne 1892 fapp. vl (p. 29)— same 1897.) . Stmt, of supt., in acct. with colored schools of Kent Co., showing receipts and disbursements from general fund; do. bldg. fund acct. (Same 1892 [app. V] (p. 28)— same 1897.) 1895/6. Stmt, of co. treasurer In acct. with state apprn. for colored school fund, Sussex Co. (Same 1897: 144-145.) 1895/6-189C/7. Stmt, of co. treasurer, in acct. with state apprn. for colored school fund. (Same 1896 (p. 63)— same 1897.) Investments 1824. Rept. of treasurer on amt. of school fund in- vested in stock of Chesapeake and Del. Canal Co. (Sen. jol. 1824: 59-60.) 1854-1863. Stmt, showing amt. of funds invested for state purposes, with tax on corporations and other funds [i. e. school fund of state]. (A.R. auditor 1854 (pp. 32-33)— same 1863.) 1876. Loan to New Castle and Wilmington R.R. for benefit of free schools, paid. (Rept. of treasurer 1876: 5.) 1877. Attention of legisl. directed to sums formerly loaned to New Castle and Wilmington R.R. Co. and Phila., Wilmington and Baltimore R.R. Co. for benefit of free schools of state. (Govs. mess. (Cochran) Jan. 1877: 12.) 1880. State originally invested sum for benefit of Dela- ware and Chesapeake Canal, which was afterwards transferred to New Castle and Wilmington R.R.; recently paid into state treasury. (Rept. of treas- urer 1879/80: 2.) EDUCATION— cont'd School Fund^ont'd Investments — cont'd 1882. Rel. to moneys for benefit of free schools in- vested in Phila., Wilmington and Baltimore R.R. (Bienn. rept. same 1881/2: 30.) 1885. Stmt, of aggregate investments for benefit of school fund. (Govs, bienn. mess. (Stockley) Jan. 1885: 6.) 1888-1904. Stmt, showing assets and liabilities, and investments from which revenue is derived for the state and for the school fund. (A.R. auditor 1888 (pp. 6-7) — same 1904.) 1891. Interest on loan of $5000 to Sussex Co., and be- longing to school fund, has not been paid during last 4 yrs.; rel. to amt. due state by Breakwater and Frankford R.R. Co. for back interest to July 1, 1882 (Same 1890: 5.) 1893. Amt. of investments for benefit of school fund. (Govs. mess. (Reynolds) Jan. 1893: 5.) 1897. Investments for benefit of school fund. (Same (Watson) Jan. 1897: 4.) 1902-1904. Amt. on deposit in Farmers' Bank at Dover, to credit of trustee of school fund; Gen. Assem. should make some provision for investment of this money. (Bienn. rept. of treasurer 1901/2 (p. 6) — same 1903/4.) 1903. List and amt. of investments for benefit of school fund. (Govs. mess. (Hunn) Jan. 1903: 5.) Receipts and Expenditures See also T.axatIon : State. School Tax. 1806. Time in which monies arising from marriage and tavern licenses should be appropriated to school fund, expired Jan. 1; stmt, of the fund given; legislative aid required. (A.R. auditor 1805: 30-31.) 1808-1837. Estimate of value of property [i. e. bank stock, etc.l belonging to fund for establishing schools. (Same 1808 (pp. 33-34)— some 1837.) 1808-1904. Stmt, of trustee of school fund in acct. with said fund; summary. (Same 1808 (pp. 32-33) — same 1904.) The summary was added Id 1843. 1809. On proceeds from sale of stock of Farmers' Bank; etc. (Same 1808/9: 33.) 1810. Finances of state and fund for establishment of schools have, collectively, increased more during this yr. than in any preceding one. (Same 1809/ 10: 33.) 1812. Communication from auditor resp. legislative provision for payment of instalments on stock held by state, and on school fund in Farmers' Bank. (House jol. Jan. 1812: 29-30.) 1822-1829. Stmt, exhibiting value of bank stock and other property of state and school fund. (A.R. auditor 1822 (p. 248)— some 1829.) PagiD? from House Jol. 1833-1834. Stmt, of trustee of school fund in acct. with the COS. and with the various districts therein showing distribution of school fund. (Same 1833 (pp. 23-26)— some 1834.) 1843-1859. Stmt, of funds belonging to state and to school fund and the particulars and value thereof. (Same 1843 (pp. 20-21)— some 1859.) From 1V.47 to 1S59 title reads: Stmt, of funds be- longing to the state and school fund, and the value thereof ; taxes on corporations applied to the state, fees applicable to state and to school fund. Fees applicable to school fund were those derived from tavern and marriage licenses and from licenses to Import and export slaves. In 1851 revenue from licenses to travel stallions of non-residents in Del. were added. 1847-1897. School distrs. in acct. with trustee of school fund; stmt, showing disposition of the general fund and surplus fund. (Same 1847 (pp. 20-21) — same 1897.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF DELAWARE EDUCATION— cont'd School Fund— cont'd Receipts and Expemditities — cont'd 1849. Stmt, showing amt. of revenue derived from dividend upon stock of Farmers' Bank and of Bank of Delaware. (Govs. mess. (Tharn) Jan. 1851.) [1857/8.1 Total income belonging to school fund; amt. of it distributed to public schools and amt. applied to support of beneficiaries in asylums of Penn. (Same (Causey) Jan. 1859.) 1860-1863. Stmt, of funds belonging to state applicable to the school fund; stmt, of school fund. (A.R. auditor 1860 (pp. 16-17)— some 1863.) 1869. Income derived from investments of state, ap- propriated in part for support of state govt, and in part for purposes of education; items of state's in- vestment known as school fund. (Govs. mess. (Saulsbury) Jan. 1869.) 1874. Under act regulating sale of intoxicating liquors, passed at last sess. of legisl., revenue of school fund materially decreased by reduction of no. of licenses granted, and by whole of revenue under that act being applicable to general fund, whereas heretofore % was appropriated to school fund. (Rept. of treasurer 1874: 31.) Paging from Senate jol. 1876. Stmt, of disbursements from school fund. (Same 1876: 7.) 1878. Amts. appropriated to beneficiary institutions, gradually absorbing the school fund. (Same 1878: 9.) 1881-1892. Stmt, exhibiting increase of state school fund, by cos.: amt. of fund 1881, 1891, 1892, amt. paid for books, and net amt. of fund. (A.R. audi- tor 1892: V.) 1887/8-1889/90. Stmt, of school fund in acct. with co. school distrs. (Bienn. rept. of treasurer 1887/8 (pp. 37-39; 63-65)— same 18S9/90.) 1887/8-1903/4. Classified stmt, of receipts and dis- bursements of school fund; with summary. (Same 1887/8 (pp. 32-36; 58-62)— same 190.3/4.) The revenue Is from state tax, dividends on bank stock, licenses, fees, apprns. and Interest. The expendi- tures are for apprns., tuition and district schools. In 1889 state Ijoneficiaries are added ; In 1891/2 teachers, In.'stltutes and text-books ; in 1S92/3 feebleminded, apprns. to colored schools, etc. 1888. Tabular stmt., by cos., showing distribution of the school fund to the several distrs. of the state. (A.R. auditor 1888: 371-380.) 1888-1891. Summary of balances of state school fund in treasury and in banks. (Same 1888 (p. 44) — same 1891.) . State school fund: trustee's bank acct. (Same 1888 (pp. 41-43)— some 1891.) 1889. Condition of school fund. ((Jovs. mess. (Biggs) Jan. 1889: 5.) 1889/90-1903/4. Classified stmt, of apportionment of school fund, showing by cos. the apportionment of state apprn., surplus revenue fund, general fund and other sources, etc. (Bienn. rept. of treasurer 1889/90 (pp. 37-40; 73-76)— some 1903/4.) 1890. Remarks of trustee of the school fund; sources from which the revenue is derived; apportionment of the fund. (Same 1889/90: 83-84.) . On the surplus of Del. school money. (Bienn. rept. on free schools 1889/90: 15.) 1891. Rel. to balance remaining in hands of school officials in state. (A.R. auditor 1891 [app. II]: 3- 4.) . On money in hands of school officers; more money raised to meet expenses of running the pub- lic schools than is necessary; legislation needed on the subject — 3 plans suggested. (Same 1890: 4.) . School fund: urged that action be taken rel. to unexpended balance in hands of school committees EDUCATION— cont'd School Fund — cont'd Receipts and E,\penditubes — cont'd in some of the distrs.; two plans suggested to rem- edy state of affairs. (Govs. mess. (Biggs) Jan. 1891.) 1891/2. Stmt, of school fund in acct. with banks. (Bienn. rept. of treasurer 1891/2: 50-53.) 1892. Amt. in hands of clerks of school distrs. in each CO. in June. (Govs. mess. (Reynolds) Jan. 1893: 13.) 1895/6. On the school fund; receipts and disburse- ments not materially changed during yr., except by increase of ann. apprn. to colored schools. (Bienn. rept. of treasurer 1895/6: 6-7.) 1903. Estimates of receipts and expenditures from gen- eral school fund for current yr. (Govs. mess. (Hunn) Jan. 1903: 6-7.) Surplus Revenue 1836. Communication from secy, with copy of form of the receipt required by Treasury Dept. to be exe- cuted by proper authority of a state upon a de- posite made under sec. 13, of act to regulate the deposites of the public money. (House jol. Jan. 1837: 15-17.) 1837. Extended comment on distribution of deposite fund. (Govs. mess. Jan. 1837.) . Rept. on so much of Govs. mess, as relates to public deposites. (Sen. jol. Jan. 1837: 64-65.) . Proceedings in Gen. Assem. rel. to U. S. Senate's expunging the res. rel. to removal of deposites. (Same Jan. 1837: 74-75.) . Rept. of committee on so much of govs. mess, as relates to state's share of surplus revenue of U. S. (House jol. Jan. 1837: 243-244.) . School fund increased by apprn. to it of state's share of surplus revenue of federal govt. (Govs, mess. (Cochran) Jan. 1877: 17.) 1841. Resp. fourth instalment of state's share of sur- plus revenue in U. S. treasury, never reed. (Same (Comegys) Jan. 1841.) 1877. Amt. of surplus revenue on hand; problem of its investment suggested to legisl.; estimate of proba- ble ann. surplus; may be desirable to reduce rates of taxation. (Same (Cochran) Jan. 1877: 9-10.) School Hygiene 1890. Importance of educating our youth in principles of hygiene; by L. P. Bush. (6 bienn. rept. bd. of health 1888/90: 260-263.) I'aglng from Collected docs. 1904. The state bd. of health; remarks by Dr. E. W. C!ooper and Dr. Lowber rel. to work of bd. in ex- amining eyes of school children, etc. (4 A.R. bd. of agric. 1904: 76-78.) School Houses 1876. General specifications for distr. school houses. (1 A.R. supt. of free schools 1875/6: 48-52.) 1877. Suggested that consideration be given to subject of improving school houses in country distrs. (Govs. mess. (Cochran) Jan. 1877: 19.) 1878. Distr. school houses: specifications, plan and de- sign for distr. school houses, taken from " Practical Plans for Distr. School Houses." (3 A.R. supt. of free schools 1877/8: 71-76.) 1878-1884. Tabular stmt, showing value of school prop- erty in each co. (3 same 1877/8 (p. 52) — [9] same 1884.) 1883/4-1885/6. Comparatlye tabular stmt, showing value of school property, etc., for each co., and for state. (11 same 1886: 87.) 1886. School accommodations; improvements In; at- tention called to efforts of bd. of health to gather statistics rel. to sanitary condition of school houses throughout the state, and to urge co-operation of INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE 63 EDUCATION— cont'd School Houses — cont'd teachers and school officers in their necessary work. (11 same 1886: 10-11.) . Circular addressed to teachers requesting infor- mation rel. to sanitary condition of school house and premises. (4 bienn. rept. bd. of health 1884/6: 999-1003.) raging from House jol. 1887. . Same, separate. 2 11. Copy In Delaware Hist. Socy. 1886-1898. Rept. of secy, on inspection of school bldgs., jails, almshouses and sanitary condition of towns visited. (4 A.R. bd. of health 1884/6 (pp. 1011- 1016)— 10 bienn. rept. bd. of health 1896/8.) Paging from Collected docs. 1902. Rel. to apprn. made by Gen. Assem. to each co. for bldg. and repairing school houses for colored children (Bienn. rept. state bd. of education 1902: 9-10.) 1903. Rept. of minority on act for improvement of school houses for colored children in state. (Sen. jol. 1903: 524-525.) Kent County 1884-1890. Stmt, of value of school bldgs., grounds and school furniture, in Kent Co. (A.R. auditor 1884 (p. 105) — same 1890.) 1888-1892. Stmt, showing value of school bldgs., school grounds, and school furniture, and salaries paid to teachers in Kent Co. (Bienn. rept. on free schools 1888 (p. iO)— same 1892.) New Castle County 1884-1890. Stmt, showing value of school bldgs., grounds and school furniture in New Castle Co., outside of City of Wilmington. (A.R. auditor 1884 (p. 70)— same 1890.) 1887/8-1891/2. Stmt, showing value of school property in New Castle Co., compared with 2 previous yrs. (Bienn. rept. on free schools 1888 (p. 27) — sam,e 1892.) 1888. New Castle Co.: school accommodations. (Same 1888: 21-22.) Sussex County 1884-1890. Stmt, showing value of school bldgs., grounds, and school furniture in Sussex Co. (A.R. auditor 1884 (p. 140)— some 1890.) 1892. School room apparatus needed in the schools, remarks of supt. of Sussex Co. (Bienn. rept. on free schools 1892: 26-27.) Wilmington 1873/78-1873/84. Cumulative stmt, showing no. of school houses and no. of seats in same in Wilming- ton. (3 A.R. supt. of free schools 1877/8 (p. 65) — [9] same 1884.) 1889/90. Tabular stmt, showing value of school bldgs., grounds, etc., in Wilmington and in each co. (Bienn. rept. on free schools 1889/90: 17.) White schools. Teachers 1841. Recommended that higher qualifications on part of teachers be required and business of examining and licensing them confined to supt. alone, or com- mittee of each co. (Govs. mess. (Comegys) Jan. 1841.) 1870. The duty of the state to proTide teachers for her youth. Address delivered at 2 ann. commencement of Univ., by A. J. Lang. (4 A.R. State Normal Univ. 1869/70: 49-53.) 1875. On teachers' certificate countersigned during yr. (1 A.R. supt. of free schools 1875/6: 20-21.) . Examination questions used in each co. (1 same 1875/6: 34-42.) EDUCATION— cont'd Teachers— 3 • 2*'7-'^93 1823 ■' • 1824 ■ 177-264; Kber Blackiston. auditor 1824 In House jol. Jan. 1825:211-288. 1825 1826:257-360. Spencer Williams, auditor 1826 In House jol. Jan. 1827:233-293. 1827 1829:241-268. 1828 ' 1829 : 273-300. J. H. Harris, auditor 1829 In House .Tol. Jan. 1830:131-181. 1830 1831:139-189. 1831 " 1832:202-252. Jacob BIddle. auditor 1832 In House jol. Jan. 18.33:224 294. 3 series With the rept. for 1833. a new form of auditor's rept. was Inauiiurated. The sessions of the legislature which had hitherto been held annually, were, under the amended constitution of 1831. held biennially in the odd years, be^^innini: with the next odd year, 1. e. 1833. after the enforcement of the constitu- tion. The auditor's reports, however, continued to be made annually. The report for the even fiscal year was published in the House jol. of the following odd year, as is shown below. The audi- tor's report for the odd fiscal year was Issued as a separate document, beginning with that for 1833. The title page of this separate report reads: " Journal of the committee of the legislature of the state of Delaware . . . . " (1. e. joint committee on examination of treasurer's accounts), and com- prises a few pages of journal followed by the full report of the auditor nn tlie finances. The report as printed in the journals is minus this journal. This custom prevailed until 1883/4, after which date these reports were printed unlforuly as auditor's reports. 1833-1904. [Ann. rept. of the auditor.] Checklist Contrary to the custom observed in this Index of collating the document and the department edi- tions of serial reports separately, they are here collated In one continuous paragraph. It will be seen that document editions were Issued only In alternate years and It was deemed to be more satisfactory to preserve the chronology and break the custom than vice versa. Jacob Biddle, auditor Journal of committee, etc., 1834. 80 pp. In House jol. Jan. 1835 : 213-288. George S. Adklns. auditor Journal of committee, etc.. 1836. In House jol. Jan. 1S37 : 269-350. Journal of committee, etc., 1838. In House jol. Jan. 1838 : 337-405. .Joseph H. Harper, auditor Journal of committee, etc.. 1840. In House jol. Jan. 1841 : 528-616. Simon Spearman, auditor Journal of committee, etc . 1842. 103 pp. In House jol. Jan. 1843 : 590-687. Journal of committee, etc.. 1844. 87 pp. In House jol. Jan. 1845:359-448. Abraham Staats, auditor Journal of committee, etc. Not found. In House Jol. Jan. 1846 : 355-436. Journal of committee, etc.. 1848. 96 pp. In House jol. Jan. 1849:356-448. 1833. 1834. 1835. 1836. 1837. 1838. 1839. 1840. 1841. 1842. 1843. 1844. 1845. 1846. 1847. 1848. 82 pp. 86 pp. 104 pp. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OP DELAWARE 71 FINANCE: STATE— cont'd serial — cont'd ADDITOR — cont'd 3 series — cont'd Checkl 1st — con t 'd Hiram W. McCoUey, auditor Journal of committee, etc.. 1850. 102 pp. In House jol. .Ian. 1.S51 : 438-536. Luther Swlcgett, auditor In House ]ol. .Tan. 1852 : 245-344. In House jol. Jan. 1853 : 389-403. Journal of committee, etc., 1854. 128 pp. Oeorge B. Dickson, auditor In House jol. Jan. 1855 [app.]. 119 pp. William T. Alrlchs, auditor Journal of committee, etc.. 1856. 135 pp. In House jol. Jan. 1857. Not found. Aaron B. Marvol. auditor •Tournal of committee, etc. Not found, in House jol. Jan. IS.'O [app.l. IRfl pp. Journal of committee, etc., 1860. 160 pp. In House jol. Jan. 1861 [app.]. 143 pp. William N. Hamilton, auditor Journal of committee, etc.. 1862. 147 pp. in House jol. Jan. 1863 [app.]. 116 pp. Andrew J. Calley. auditor Journal of committee, etc., 1864. 200 pp. In House jol. Jan. 1865 [app.]. 238 pp. Robert G. Elles;:ood. auditor Journal of committee, etc.. 1866. 134 pp. In House jol. Jan. 1866 [app.]. 96 pp. Robert Lambdin, auditor Journal of committee, etc., 1868. 245 pp. in House jol. Jan. 1809 [app.]. 203 pp. 1869/70. Journal of committee, etc.. 1870. 256 pp. 1870/1. In House jol. Jan. 1871 [app.]. 227 pp. Robert G. Ellesood. auditor Journal of committee, etc.. 1872. 135 (1) pp. In House jol. Jan. 1873 [app.]. 103 pp. Journal of committee, etc.. 1874. 128 pp. in House jol. Jan. 1875 [app.]. 109 pp. in Senate jol. Jan. 1875 [app.]. 109 pp. After this date these reports no longer appear In the House journals. They are henceforth issued only In the departmental form. The alternate title of " Journal of the legislative committee " and " Re- port on the Finances." continues, however, to appear In the renort for 18S3/4. Dover, James Kirk and Son. 1877. 128 pp. Dover, Delawarean OtBce, 1878. 140 pp. John F. Staats, auditor 1879/80. Dover, Delawarean Office. 1880. 158 pp. 1880/1. Dover, James Kirk and Sons. 1881. 151 pp. Dover, Delawarean Office, 1882. 174 pp. Dover, Delawarean Office, 1883. J. li. Ijong, auditor Dover, Delawarean Office, 1884. Dover, Delawarean Office, 1885. Dover, Delawarean Office, 1886. Dover, Delawarean Office, 1887. Erroneously dated 1887. Dover, Delawarean Office, 1888. J. H. Boyce, auditor Georgetown, Delaware Democrat Office, 1889. 3S0. 3 pp. Dover, Delawarean Office, 1890. 443. 3 pp. Dover, Delawarean Office, 1891. 516, 3 pp. J. P. Dulaney, auditor Dover, James Kirk and Son. 1892. Dover, James Kirk and Son, 1893. Dover, James Kirk and Son, 1894. Dover, James Kirk and Son, 1895. B. L. Lewis, auditor Dover, James Kirk and Son, 1896. Dover, James Kirk and Son, 1897. 1849. 1850. 1851/2. 1852 '3. 1853/4. 1854/5. 1855/6. 18.56/7. 1857/8. 1858/9. 1859/60. 1860/1. 1861/2. 1862/3. 1863/4. 1864 '5. 1865/6. 1866/7. 1867/8 1868/9 1871/2, 1872/3, 1873/4. 1874/5, 1876. 1877. 1881/2. 1882/3. 1883/4. 1884. 1885. 1886. 1887. 1888. 1889. 1890. 1891. 1892. 1893. 1894. 152 pp. 158 pp. 104 pp. 16-194 pp. 154 pp. 437, 3 pp. v. p. V. p. V. p. V. p. 1895. 1896 1897. 1898. V. p. V. p. 1899. 1900. 1901. 1902. 1903. 1904. Mllford. Herald Print. 1.198. v. p. Milford, Herald Print, 1899. v. p. G. A. Lingo, auditi'r Dover, Sentinel Prtg. Office, 1900. v. p. Isaac N. Fooks. auditor Dover, Delawarean Print. 1901. v. p. P. B. Norman, auditor Dover, Sentinel Prtg. Co., 1902. v. p. Dover, Sentinel Prtg. Co.. n. d. v. p. Dover. Sentinel Prtg. Co., n. d. v. p. Dover, Sentinel Prtg. Co., n. d. v. p. FINANCE: STATE— cont'd serial — cont'd JOURNAL OF THE COMMITTEE, ETC. 1 series 1834-1864. Journal of the proceedings of the committee of the legisl. of the state of Del., at their [blenn.] mtg. at Dover in Jan., [and auditor's rept. on the finances of the state for the preceding yr.]. Dover, 1834-1864. 1834. 1836. 1838. 1840. 1842. 1844. 1846. 1848. 1850. 1852. 1854. 1856. 1858. 1860. 1862. 1864. Checklist A. M. Schee. 18.?4. 80 pp.* A. M. Schee. 1S36. 82 pp.* S. Kimmev, 1838. 86 pp. S. Kimmev, 1840. 104 pp.t S. Klmmey, 1842. 103 pp.t S. Klmmey, 1844. 87 pp. Not found. S. Klmmey, 1848. 96 pp. S. Klmmey, 1850. 102 pp.t Not found. S. Klmmey, 1854. 128 pp. Delawarean State Reporter Office, 1856. Not found. Delawarean Office, 1860. 160 pp. Jas. Kirk. 1S62. 147 pp.t Jas. Kirk, 1864. 200 pp. 2 series 135 pp.t 1866-1896. Journal of the committee of the legisl. of the state of Del., apptd. to settle with the state treasurer, receive the rept. of the auditor of accts., etc.. at their session commenced and held in Dover, in Jan., and the auditor's rept. of the finances of the state. Checklist 1866. Dover, Jas. Kirk. 1866. 134 pp. 1868. Dover, .las. Kirk, 1868. 245 pp, 1870. Dover, Delawarean Office, 1870. 1872. Dover. Delawarean Office, 1872. 1874. Dover, Delawarean Office, 1874. 1876. Dover. Delawarean Office, 1876. 1878. Dover, Delawarean Office, 1878. 1880. Dover, Delawarean Office, 1880. 18.S2. Dover, Delawarean Office, 1882. 1884. Dover, Delawarean Office, 1884. 1886. Dover. Delawarean Office, 1886. 188S-1890. Not found. 1892. I.aurel. Sussex Countlan Print, 1892 1894. Nut found. 1896. Middletown, Transcript Print, 1896. REPORT OF JOINT COMMITTEE serial 1 series Rept. of jt. committee on examination of . of state treasurer and stmt, of balance on , [incl. acct. as trustee of school fund after and Delaware College fund, 1823-1833]. Documents as follows ; in House jol. Jan. 1812 : 65. 256 pp.t 135 (1 1 pp. 128 pp. 143 pp.T 140 pp.t 158 pp. 174 pp.t 158 pp. 194 pp.t S92. 14 pp.t )6. 14 pp.t 1812-1885. accts hand 1812 In 1812 1813 1814 1815 <( 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1821 1822 1823 18|24 1825 Senate House Senate House Senate' House Senate House Senate House Senate House Senate House Senate House Senate House Senate House Senate House Senate House Senate House 1813:63. 1S13 : 100. 1814 : 60. 1814 : 71-72. 1815:25. 1815 : 34-35. 1816: 15. 1816:25. 1817 : 43. 1817 : 56. 1818 : :OT-31. 1818 : 55. 1819 : 36-37. 1819 : 64-66. 1820 : 40. 1820 : 44-45. 1821 : 28-29. 1821 : 68-69. 1822 : 55-56. 1822 : 91-92. 1823 : 25-26. 1823 : 45-46. 1824 : 55-56. 1824 : 45-47. 1825 : 49-50. 1825 : 44-45. • Copy In Wilmington Institute Free Library. t Copy In Delaware State Library. Dover, t Copy In Delaware Hist. Socy.. Wilmington. AH other copies in N. Y. Public Library. 72 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OP DELAWARE FINANCE: STATE— cont'd RErORT OF JOINT COMJIITTEE — cont'd serial — cont'd 1 series — cont'd 1826 In Senate Jol .Inn. 1826 : 29-30. •* " House " •• 1826 : 56-57. 1827 " Senate " " 1827 : 72-74. *• '* Honse '* " 1827 : 106-107 1828 omitted. 1829 In Scnntejol. Jan. 1829 : 113-115. *' " House •■ 1829 : 146-148. 1830 " Senate " " 1830 : 61-54. " House " 1830 : 72-74. 1831 " Senate " " 1831 34-35. " " House " " 1831 : 60-66. 1832 ■' Senate " •' 1832 • 21-22. •• " House •■ 1832 : 72-73. 1833 " Senate " " 1833 • 15-16. " " House " 1833 : 59-61. 1835 " Senate " •• 1835 33.34. " House •• 1835 • 54-56. 1837 " Senate " " 1837 15-16. " House " 1837 • 35-36. 1839 " House •• 1839 :92. 1841 " Senate " " 1841 191-193. 1843 " Senate ' •' 1843 24-25. 1845 " Senate " ■• 1845 36-37. " House " " 1845 98. 1847 " Senate " " 1847 49. •' " House '• 1847 116. 1849 " Senate " " 1849 46-46. 1851 " Senate " " 1851 64-55. 1852 " Senate " •• 1852 34. " House " " 1852 60-51. 1853 " Senate " " 1853 75. " " House " " 1853 116. 1855 " Senate " " 1855. •' " House " " 1855 814. 1857 " House " ■• 1857 78-79. 1859 " Senate " •■ 1859 38-39. " House •' 1859 101-102. 1861 " Senate " " 1861 70. ■' " House *' " 1861 • 157-158. 1863-1865 omitted. 1867 In Senate Jol. Jan. 1867 172-173. '* " House " 1867 218-219. 1869 " Senate " ■■ 1869 • 314-315. '* " House " 1869 350-351. 1871 " Senate " " 1871 230. '* " House " 1871 243. 1873 " Senate " ■■ 1873 745. " House " '• 1873 255. 1875 " Senate " " 1875: 763-764. ** " House " " 1875 308-309. 1877 " House " 1877 : 143. 1879 " Senate " " 1879: 108-109. '* " House " •• 1879: 112-113. 1881 omitted. 1883 In Senate jol. Jan. 1883 52-53. •* " House " •• 1883 : 64. 1885 " Senate " " 1885 : 67-68. " " House " " 1885 : 154-155. 2 series 1887-1897. Rept. of jt. committee on examination of treasurer's and auditor's accts. In Collected docs, as follows : 1887 In Senate Jol. Jan. 1887:116-117. 1889 submitted, but not prtd. In either Jol. 1891 In House Jol. Jan. 1891 : 102. This rept. Is on treasurer's acct only. 1893 In Senate Jol. Jan. 1893:76-77. •• ■• House " •• 1893:86-87. 1895 ■' Senate " " 1895 : 0.-S. " '• House " " 1895:117. 1897 "Senate " " 1897:112-113. " •' House " " 1897 : 157-158. TREASURER 1872-1904. [Bienn. rept. of tlie treasurer on tlie assets and liabilities of the state and the receipts and expenditures of the several funds of the state.] 1872. 1874. 1876. 1878. 1880. 1882. 1884. 1886. Checklist R. H. Davis, treasurer Not found. Not found. T. B. Giles, treasurer n. p., n. d. 7 pp. Wilmington, C. P. Johnson, 1878. 9 pp. R. J. Reynolds, treasurer Dover, James Kirk, 1881. 8 pp. Not found. J. M. Houston, treasurer Dover, Delawarean Office, 1884. 7 pp. Not found. FINANCE: STATE— cont'd TREASURER — cont'd serial — cont'd Checklist — cont'd Wm. Herbert, treasurer 1888. Wilmington, C. F. Thomas A Co., 1889. 78 pp. 1890. Wilmington, C. F. Thomas ft Co., 1890. 96 pp. W. H. Burnlte, treasurer 1892. Dover, J. Kirk and Son, 1893. 62 (1) pp. 1894. Dover, J. Kirk and Son, 1895. ,53 (2) pp. C. H. Atkins, treasurer 1896. Dover. State Sentinel Prtg. Co., 1897. 63 (2) pp. W. M. Rose, treasurer 1898. Seaford. Senford News Print. 1809. 79 pp., foldg. table. L. 11. Ball, treasurer 1900. Wilmington. C. M. Smith Prtg Co., 1901. 73 pp., 2 foldg. tables. M. B. Burrls, treasurer 1902. Wilmington. Mercantile Prtg. Co., 1903. 63 pp., 2 foldg. tables. 1904. Dover, Sentinel Prtg. Co., 1905. 63 pp., 2 foldg. tables. In Collected docs, as follows : 1880 In House Jol. Jan. 1881 : 39-46. 1882 " ■' " " 1883 : 29-38. 1884 " 1885:35-39. 1886 omitted. 1888 In Senate Jol. Jan. 1889 app. 99-150. " " House ■■ " 1889 app. 99-150. 1890 " Senate " " 1891 app. 1.3-89. " House " " 1891 app. 13-89. 1892-1894 omitted. 1896 In Senate Jol. Jan. 1897:1197-1201. " " House " " 1897 : 1625-1629. Jol. rept. of 1896 contains narrative rept. only, same as first 8 pages of separate publication : financial stmt, could not be presented on acct of close of fiscal yr. being so near mtg. of Gen. Assem. non-serial 1794-1826. General stmt, of the funds of state. (A.R. auditor 1794 (stmt. 9)— same 1826.) Stmt, of aggregate assets In form of balances and bank stock. 1795-1796. Schedule of funded and unfunded stock of U. S., the property of Del. (Same 1795 (stmt. 5) — same 1796.) 1796. Rept. of committee apptd. to take into considera- tion the auditor's rept. of the finances, and to rept. to House their opinion as to necessity to lay tax for support of govt, for present yr. (House Jol. Jan. 1796: 97-98.) 1796-1837. Detailed stmt, of such debts due to state, as are not included in the other stmts.; and of debts due from the state; recapitulation. (A.R. auditor 1796 (stmt. 8)— same 1837.) 1797-1801. Schedule of funded stock of the U. S., the property of Del. (Same 1797 (p. 14)— some 1801.) In 1800 called Schedule of funded and bank stock. 1798. On lack of uniformity in public accts., recom- mendation that all public accts. be kept in one kind of money; New Castle and Sussex cos. still return In pounds, shillings and pence. (Same 1797/8: 65- 66.) 1799. Finances of state now placed upon a more re- spectable footing than formerly. (Same 1798/9: 46.) . Balance in treasury larger than usual, but there is a large demand upon it as apprn. made at sess. of Gen. Assem. in 1798 for purchase of arms still remains unsatisfied. (Same 1798/9: 47.) . Incompleteness of financial returns made to auditor; returns should be punctually and carefully made. (Same 1798/9: 46.) . Auditor's reasons for giving accts. in his rept. in a concise manner. (Same 1798/9: 113-114.) 1800. Nominal amt. of fund reduced to less than when auditor made his last rept., because of insufficiency of ann. apprns. to defray expenses; provision should be made to prevent further decrease in funds (Same 1799/00: 57.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OP DELAWARE 73 FINANCE: STATE— cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1801. Rel. to unpaid balances due state; suits Insti- tuted for their recovery. {Same 1800/1: 22.) 1802. Small increase in nominal amt. of funds of state. (Same 1801/2: 29.) . Balance in treasury (exclusive of sum belonging to school fund) more than sufficient to meet de- mands upon it; part of this money could with pro- priety be applied to some purpose by -which state would receive an annual interest from it. (Same 1801/2: 30.) . Should legisl. determine to pursue the usual good policy of granting a sum sufficient to support the govt, the ensuing yr., expediency of making further apprn. to purchase some kind of productive stock will present itself as subject for their delib- eration. (Same 1801/2: 30.) 1804. Stmt, of funded and bank stock. (Sam«? 1803/4: 33.) 1806. Failure to lay tax in 1805 cause of diminution of revenues. (Same 1805: 30.) 1807. Estimate of the value of the funded and bank stock belonging to state. (Same 1807: 29.) 1809. On Increase in funds of state and in school fund; accumulation of the financial resource of the state would have been greater if taxes for 1807, 1808, and 1809 in Newcastle Co., and tax for 1808 in Sussex Co., had been laid for collection as the several acts making provision for support of the govt, direct. (Same 1808/9: 33.) 1813. Should Gen. Assem. consider It good policy that funds of state should accumulate either as a re- source in case of emergencies, or until Interest thereon shall be sufficient for support of the govt, It will be necessary to lay tax equal to ann. expendi- tures, so that increase of funds every yr. may be adequate at least to revenues derived from that part of them invested in productive stock. (Same 1811/ 2: 37.) 1818. Kept, of that part of jt. committee apptd. by House to examine into accts. of state treasurer, to count cash on hand, to ascertain description of money reed, and now in treasury, how much there- of is In specie and how much In notes, the names of banks issuing them and amt. of notes of each, on Dec. 2, 1818. (House jol. Jan. 1819: 64-66.) . Propriety of appropriating certain sum of money yrly. to defray contingent expenses of govt, to re- main in hands of state treasurer subject to drafts of such officers as Gen. Assem. may appoint to settle and allow these expenses. (Govs. mess. (Rodney) Jan. 1818.) 1819. Rept. of committee on consolidation of state and school funds. (Sen. jol. Jan. 1819: 26-33.) 1822. Rept. on so much of Govs. mess, as relates to publication of items of public expenditure. (Sams Jan. 1822: 23-24.) 1826. Rept. of committee on ways and means, with con- densed view of the finances of the state. (House jol. Jan. 1826: 47-48.) 1827. Rept. of examination of finances of state to ascer- tain probable receipts and expenditures for ensuing year. (Same Jan. 1827: 142.) 1832. Difference of opinion exists as to whether audi- tor Is required to attend the spring or fall term of Court of Common Pleas; preference for fall term expressed. (A.R. auditor 1832.) . Suggesting apptmt. of a committee, or author- izing the atty. gen. to settle and close certain accts. on books of auditor's office. (Saine 1832.) . Impracticable for auditor to make an ann. rept. to a bienn. legisl. (Same 1832.) FINANCE: STATE— cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1837. Res. apptg. committee to settle accts. of treas- urer and receive rept. of auditor. (House Jol. Jan. 1837: 235-236.) 1841. Further rept. of auditor In reply to res. rel. to allowance of comrs. to state treasurer, giving item- ized stmt. (Sen. jol. Jan. 1841: 196-198.) 1847. On favorable condition of the finances and banks of Del. (Govs. mess. (Temple) Jan. 1847.) 1851. General view of financial interests of state. (Same (Tharp) Jan. 1851.) 1869. InsufBclency of revenue in consequence of In- creased expenses occasioned by extra sessions of legisl. during the war, and from loss of revenue de- rived from bank tax; occasioned by change from state banks to national banks; no provision made to meet necessary increase in current expenses of state nor to supply deficit; revenue derived from tax on steam carriers, out of which interest of public debt has heretofore been paid, may be temporarily inter- rupted; propriety of providing, by imposition of a moderate state tax, agst. any contingency which might injuriously affect public credit. (Same (Saulsbury) Jan. 1869.) . Finances of state demand Immediate attention; comment. (Same (Saulsbury) Jan. 1869.) 1871. On state of the finances, prosperous condition of the treasury. (Same (Saulsbury) Jan. 1871.) 1872. Stmt, of amt. in state treasury, Dec. 15. (Some (Ponder) Jan. 1873: 8.) 1872-1902. Stmt, showing assets and liabilities and In- vestments of state. (Rept. of treasurer 1872 (pp. 732-734)— same 1901/2.) Paging from Senate Jol. 1875. Stmt, of total assets and liabilities of state. (Govs. mess. (Ponder) Jan. 1875: 8.) 1875-1876. Acct. of financial achievements of 2 yrs. (Same (Cochran) Jan. 1877: 8.) 1879. On financial conditions of state. (Same (Coch- ran) Jan. 1879.) 1880-1886. Stmt, of condition of treasury. (A.R. audi- tor 1879/80 (p. 14)— same 1886.) 1881. Stmt of liabilities and assets of state. (Govs, inaugural mess. (Hall) Jan. 1881: 4-5.) 1883. On gratifying condition of state finances. (Sams (Biggs) Jan. 1883.) 1885. Assets and liabilities of state. (Same (Stock- ley) Jan. 1885: 5-6.) 1887. State finances, refunding debt; general stmt of state debt, investments, receipts and expenditures, and sinking fund. (Same (Stockley) Jan. 1887.) 1888-1904. Stmt, showing assets and liabilities, and Investments from which revenue is derived for the state, and do. for the school fund. (A.R. auditor 1888 (pp. 6-7)— same 1904.) 1889. Stmt, of liabilities and assets of state. (CJovs. mess. (Biggs) Jan. 1889: 4-5.) 1891. Finances of state in favorable condition. (Same (Biggs) Jan. 1891.) . Finances; gratifying condition of state's treas- ury; sources of the state's revenue, the income from well secured investments and taxes derived from use of the franchises granted to r.r. cos. and other quasi public corporations, so that no tax, ex- cept license fees, is levied upon the person or prop- erty of the citizen; highly desirable that rule be adopted to prevent collectors, etc., from employing funds reed, by them in their public capacity, for his personal use and profit. (Govs, inaug. mess. (Rey- nolds) Jan. 1891: 3-4.) 1892. Revenues; only noticeable changes under exist- ing laws are increase in amt. reed, from tax on banks and banking assns., and from additional amt. to be reed, as state tax from Baltimore and Phila. 74 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF DELAWARE FINANCE: STATE— cont'd nonscrial — cont'd R.R. Co.; changes made by last Gen. Assem. In the insurance laws of state resulted in diminution of revenue. (Bienn. rept. of treasurer 1891/2: 13.) 1893. Stmt, of assets and liabilities of state. (Govs, mess. (Reynolds) Jan. 1893: 5-6.) 1894. On increase of revenue. (Bienn. rept. of treas- urer 1893/4: 5-6.) 1894-1902. On investments and liabilities of the state. (Same 1893/4 (p. 5)— same 1901/2.) 1895. Finances; detailed stmt, showing assets and liabilities of state. (Govs. mess. (Reynolds) Jan. 1895.) 1897. Stmt, of liabilities and assets of state. (Same (Watson) Jan. 1897: 4-5.) 1898. Brief stmt, of assets and liabilities of the state and estimates of receipts and expenditures for en- suing yr. (Same (Tunnell) Jan. 1899.) 1899. On gratifying condition of finances of state; able and careful mngmt. of the past has borne fruit in a small public debt and reasonable taxes. {Same (Tunnell) Jan. 1899.) 1900. Finances; classified summary of assets and lia- bilities of state and estimates of treasurer for com- ing yr. (Same (Tunnell) Jan. 1901: 4-6.) 1901. General impression among the people that state treasury is overflowing from income from corpora- tion law and many schemes will be advanced for legislative assistance by apprns.; unwise for legisl. to make any permanent or continuous apprn. or undertake any public improvement, however bene- ficial, on expectation of such an uncertain income as revenue from corporations. (Same (Tunnell) Jan. 1901: 7.) . Estimated surplus of money in treasury; recom- mended that this surplus or so much as may be left in case ann. apprn. to schools be increased, be de- voted to redemption of bonds of state. (Same (Tunnell) Jan. 1901: 7.) . Rept. of secy, of state, as per House res., giving stmt, of apprns. made at this sess. (House jol. Jan. 1901: 1005-1006.) 1903. Stmt, of assets and liabilities of state. (Govs, mess. (Hunn) Jan. 1903: 5-6.) . Rept. of jt. committee apptd. to audit accts. of secy, of state, state treasurer, insurance comr., and State Hospital at Farnhurst. (Sen. jol. 1903: 964- 982.) Auditor's OfEce serial See aliovi>, Finance : State, serial group. non-serial 1803. Rept. of committee on examination of auditor's rept. (House jol. Jan. 1803: 21-22.) 1884. Change suggested in regard to files of papers in auditor's office: they should be properly filed and indexed; co. officials should retain their cancelled vouchers appertaining to business of their resp. offices, in the cos. where they belong, instead of filing them in auditor's oflSce. (A.R. auditor 1884: 6-7.) . Needed legislation for auditor's office. (Same 1884: 6-7.) Bonds 1832. Communication from secy, of state on (5ovs. ap- proval of bond of auditor. (House jol. Jan. 1832: 179.) 1835. Secys. stmt. rel. to bond of auditor of accts. (Same Jan. 1835: 53.) 1837. Communication from secy, of state, giving notice that auditor (Adkins) and treasurer (Parker) have resp. given bonds with sureties. (Same Jan. 1837: 66-67.) FINANCE: STATE— cont'd Auditor's Ofiice^ont'd Bonds — cont'd 1839. Mess, from secy. rel. to filing of bond of auditor. (Same Jan. 1839: 297.) Rei'obts; see serial group under Fina.me: State Salary of Auditor; see Salaries Bonds 1893. Legislation should be enacted to prevent public funds from being held without bonds; if unwilling to require bonds of school clerks who receive no pecuniary reward, funds could bo left in hands of bonded officer and bills paid by check or draft on that officer. (Govs. mess. (Reynolds) Jan. 1893: 13-14.) Auditor; see Auditor's Office, above Tueasurek; see Treasurer's Office, below Estimates 1798. On estimates for ann. expenses of the govt.; policy of making direct ann. provision for ann. ex- penses however adequate their funds, adopted by other govts., should be adopted by Del., because of the inadequateness of her funds. (A.R. auditor 1797/8: 34-35.) 1831. Rept. of committee of finance with estimate of probable receipts and expenditures of the ensuing yr. (House jol. Jan. 1831: 96-97.) 1833. Estimate of receipts and expenditures for the yr. (Same 1833: 154-155.) 1875. Stmt, based on receipts and expenditures of 1873, approximating average ann. receipts and disburse- ments of treasury. (Govs. mess. (Ponder) Jan. 1875: 10-11.) 1877. Estimate of average ann. receipts and expendi- tures. (Same (Cochran) Jan. 1877: 8.) 1880/1-1897/8. Estimated receipts and expenditures for fiscal yr.; summary. (A.R. auditor 1879/80 (pp. 14-15)— mme 1897.) Expenditures; see below, Receipts and Expenditures Fiscal Year 1891. Suggested change in fiscal yr. — some date not later than Sept. 1, most satisfactory; difficulties experienced by auditor on acct. of present date on which fiscal yr. closes. (A.R. auditor 1890: 5.) 1896. Suggested that fiscal yr. be made to end with Oct. 31; beneficial results of such a change. (Bienn. rept. of treasurer 1895/6: 5.) Funds 1899. Trustee of special fund, in acct. with state. (A.R. auditor 1899: 89-90.) Delaware Gen. Electric Ilwy. Co. ; New Castle and Delaware City Itwy. Co. deposits as guarantee. College Fund; see Education Loan Office Fund 1791. Rept. of progress of committee of finance; sched- ule of mortgages, etc., remaining in loan oflice of New Castle Co. (House jol. Jan. 1791: 51.) 1796. Rept. of comrs. apptd. to reexamine and fully investigate accts. of gen. loan-oflice, for Kent Co., so far as they respect estate of Jno. Vining, de- ceased. (Same Jan. 1796: 54-58; Sen. jol. Jan. 1796: 33-36.) . Rept. of auditor in answer to res. of Jan. 12, rel. to loan office fund; etc. (House jol. Jan. 1796: 27- 28.) 1796-1803. Stmt, of the loan office fund, from returns of the several officers on Dec. 1: time to which in- terest is calculated; good undischarged mortgages, principal and interest; lost and doubtful mortgages, principal and interest; and monies reed, since last returns. (A.R. auditor 1796— some 1803.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE 76 FINANCE: STATE— cont'd Funds — cont'd Loan Office Fund — cont'd 1797. Stmt, of moneys reed, into treasury from the loan offices, and for vacant lands since Jan. 21, (date of apprn. for support of govt, from which these moneys are excluded), and appropriated to the purchase of stoclt in the Bank of Delaware, by act of Jan. 24. (Same 1796/7: 14.) 1798. The unproductive and uncertain state of loan office fund a subject of regret; only a small sum paid into treasury during yr. by trustees of New Castle and Kent cos. ; with this and the unfavorable decisions of many of the suits, and expences [sic] attending litigation of it all, the fund will be con- siderably reduced; Kent Co. returns probably Inac- curate as settlement of late trustee of that co. has not yet been effected. (Same 1797/8: 33-34.) 1799. Explanation of difference appearing In stmt, of loan office fund this yr. and last. (Same 1798/9: 43.) 1801. Accts. of late trustee of loan office for Sussex Co. with state. (House jol. Jan. 1801: 40-43.) 1804. Loan-office fund, where depreciation certificates mostly reed, in discharge of morgtgages, may be considered as exhausted; trustee knows of no mort- gages, where there is any probability of recovery, although some yet undischarged. (A.R. auditor 1803/4: 36.) Oystee Fund; see Fish and Game Revenue; see below. Receipts School Fund; see Education Investments 1804. Stmt, of funded and bank stock. (A.R. auditor 1803/4: 33.) 1808-1829. Estimate of value of funded and bank stock belonging to state. [Same 1808 (p. 30) — same 1829.) 1809. Work of treasurer under " act authorizing treas- urer to make sale of stock belonging to state and for other purposes"; proceeds from sale of 3% stock placed in treasury, proceeds from sale of stock of Bank of Penna. and of Bank of the U. S. Invested in Farmers' Bank of State of Del. on acct. of school fund; proceeds from sale of 8% stock also invested in this Bank. (Same 1808/9: 33.) 1812. Communication from auditor resp. legislative provision for payment of instalments on stock held by state, and on school fund in Farmers' Bank, submitting estimates. (House jol. Jan. 1812: 29- 30.) 1822-1829. Stmt, exhibiting value of bank stock and other property of state and school fund. (A.R. auditor 1822 (p. 248)— «ame 1829.) Paging from House jol. 1841. Amt. of invested funds of state; no pecuniary obligation. (Govs. mess. (Comegys) Jan. 1841.) 1843-1847. Stmt, of value of funds belonging to state and to school fund, and the particulars and value thereof. (A.R. auditor 1843 (pp. 20-21) — same 1847.) 1847-1859. Stmt, of value of funds belonging to the state and school fund, and the value thereof; taxes on corporations applied to the state, fees applicable to state and to school fund. (Same 1847 (pp. 30- 32)— same 1859.) 1858-1859. Stmt, of amt. of funds invested for state purposes. (Same 1858 (p. 34) — same 1859.) 1869. Itemized stmt, of investments of state. (Govs, mess. (Saulsbury) Jan. 1869.) 1872-1902. See above, Finance, these dates. FINANCE: STATE— cont'd Investments — cont'd 1873. List and amt. of investments of state other than those appropriated to free schools. (Govs. mess. (Ponder) Jan. 1873: 7.) 1881. Rel. to award of loan of certain money from the treasury, to T. A. Biddle and Co., of Phila. (Bienn. rept. of treasurer 1881/2: 30-31.) Paging from House jol. 1892. State securities; no evidence of state's Invest- ments found other than stmts, of books showing that interest had been promptly paid; certificates obtained from all banks showing state's interest. (Same 1891/2: 6.) 1894-1902. See above, Finance, these dates. 1901/2. Large increase in value of state's investments, emanating chiefly from estimate of value of stock in Farmers' Bank of Del. (Bienn. rept. of treas- urer 1901/2: 5.) 1903. List and amt. of investments for benefit of gen- eral funds. (Govs. mess. (Hunn) Jan. 1903: 5.) Revenue fbom; see below, Receipts Loans to Railroads; see Railroads. Public Aid Misappropriation of Funds 1794. Rept. of committee on so much of auditor's rept. which relates to the conduct of Robt. Clark, state treasurer, together with resp. memorials of auditor and treasurer thereon. (House jol. Jan. 1794: 70- 72.) . Rept. on charges of auditor agst. treasurer of irregularity, etc., in accts. (Sen. jol. Jan. 1794: 49- 51.) Receipts and Expenditures 1793-1831/2. Schedule of receipts and expenditures of public moneys; aggregates. (A.R. auditor 1793 (stmt. F)— some 1832.) 1794-1796. Stmt, of moneys reed, into treasury, and not yet appropriated. (Same 1796.) 1798/7-1904. Schedule of receipts and expenditures of moneys at the treasury. (Same 1796/7 (pp. 1-10) — same 1903/4.) In the early forties the title chanse.s to " Detailed stmt, of state treasurer In acct. with state of Del." This stmt, is .in unclasslfled chronological ar- rangement of individnai accts. A classified stmt, began to appear in 1SS7, see below, under dates 1S87/8-1003/4. 1832/3-1836/7. Stmt, of treasurer in acct. with state of Del.; debits and credits. (Same 1833 (p. 20) — same 1837.) 1852-1855. On increase in revenues, due to r.r. tax, bonuses from banks and lotteries, and license fees. (Govs. mess. Jan. 1855.) 1854. Stmt, of actual nett (sic) revenue of state, ap- plicable to state purposes for the yr. (A.R. auditor 1854: 35-36.) 1857/8. Stmt, of total amt. of revenue and expendi- tures for yr. endg. Jan. 19, 1858. (Govs. mess. (Causey) Jan. 1859.) 1866. Treasurer's rept. of receipts and expenditures of state and of receipts and expenditures as trustee of school fund; in compliance with res. of Feb. 17, 1866. (House jol. Jan. 1867: 26-28; Sen. jol. Jan. 1867: 21-23.) 1872-1884. Classified summary of receipts and expenses of treasurer's dept. (Rept. of treasurer 1872 (pp. 734-735)— some 1883/4.) Paging from Senate Jol. 1872-1887. Stmt, showing debits and credits of state. (A.R. auditor 1872 (p. 20)— so?ne 1887.) Contd. as stmt, showing assets and liabilities, etc ; see below, Investments, 1888-1904. 76 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OP DELAWARE FINANCE: STATE— cont'd Receipts and Expenditures — cont'd 1873. Stmt, of amt. due state from all sources, Jan. 1. (Govs. mess. (Ponder) Jan. 1873: 8.) 1873-1875. Rept. of state treasurer, Jan. 18, 1875, In reply to res. requesting schedule of revenues of state from all sources; with Itemized stmt, of that belonging to the school fund reed, since Jan. 21, 1874, and also auditor's rept. of revenue reed, dur- ing 1873. (House jol. Jan. 1875: 147-154.) 1873-1876. Stmt, of amts. due state in Jan. from speci- fied sources. (Rept. of treasurer 1872 (p. 735) — same 1875/6.) raping from Senate Jol. 1879. Public revenues curtailed, chiefly by reduction of marriage license fees, discontinuance of tax on process and recording, and by abolition of entire state tar on assessments of poll, real and personal property, and of debts, stocks, or shares, securities and investments. (Govs. mess. (Cochran) Jan. 1879.) 1879/80-1886. Aggregate stmt, of receipts and expendi- tures In state for yr. endg. In Jan. (Same 1879/80 (p. 13)— same 1886.) 1880. Stmt, of receipts and expenditures for yr. ; bal- ance Jan. 1, 1881. (Govs, inaug. mess. (Hall) Jan. 1881: 5-6.) 1887-1903/4. Classified detailed stmt, of receipts and disbursements of general fund; with classified sum- mary. (Bienn. rept. of treasurer 1887/8 (pp. 12- 29; 45-55)— same 1903/4.) The Items of revenue are as follows : In 1887 railroad and Insurance tax, mnf?. liquors for sale, divi- dends. Interest, mortKapes, fees, licenses, rents, collateral Inheritance tax and sale of school books. In 1888 sale of law books Is added ; In 1880 tax on express cos. ; In 1800 tax on telegraph and tele- phone cos. : 1891 tax on banks ; In 1900 corpora- tion tax ; In 1903/4 franchise tax and tax on commissions. The Items of expenditure are as follows : In 1887- 1S03 salaries (executive. Judicial, reporters, state officers, fish comr., members of Gen Assem.), Na- tional Guard, Interest, state bd. of health, print- ing, etc. In 1893/4 a reclassification took place and the principal Items of expenditure are salaries. Judicial reports. Interest, contingent funds, mileage, allowances by the Gen. Assem.. claims, ann. and special appms., distribution of direct tax fund, printing, registrars, appms. from V. S. to colleges of agrlc, etc ; state bd. of health. Grand Army of the Republic, elections and sundries. Each of these Items, with the exception of the direct tax distribution, holds good until 1899/00. In that year there were added the State Hospital at Farnhurst, National Guard, free public schools, teachers' Institutes, county school commission and farmers' Institutes, In 1901/2 expenditures for Indigent deaf and dumb, blind and Idiotic children were added, and In 1903'4 board of Immigration and the Improvement of public highways. 1895/6. On the general fund; urged that increase be made in receipts for the general fund. (Bienn. rept. of treasurer 1895/6: 6.) 1897/8. Stmt, of total receipts and disbursements of state; comment. {Same 1897/8: 5-6.) Ageiccxtcbe; see that title Bund; see Maintenance: State. Receipts, etc. BOABD OF Health; see Public Health. Receipts, etc. Capitol; see Public Buildings and Gkounds Courts; see Administration of Justice Criminals, Apprehension of; see Administration of Jus- tice. Receipts, etc. Deaf and Dumb; see Maintenance: State Education; see that title Federal Government 1890. Claims agst. the U. S.; text of jt. res. of April 22, 1887, authorizing treasurer to collect and receipt for all claims or debts owing or belonging to this state from the U. S., and calling for full rept. of same; comment. (Bienn. rept. of treasurer 1889/ 90: 94-95.) FINANCE: STATE— cont'd Receipts and Expenditures — cont'd Federal Government — cont'd 1891. Rept. of the state treasurer rel. to prosecution of all claims agst. U. S. owing or belonging to state. (House Jol. Jan. 1891: 62-64.) Direct tax: heirs of patriots of war of 1812; taxation of national banks. . Communication from Gov. on sum deposited in Farmers' Bank at Dover to credit of R. J. Rey- nolds. (Sen. Jol. Jan. 1891: 557.) Direct Tni 1891-1893. Stmt, of amt. reed, from U. S. treasurer under act of Congress for refunding to states amt. of direct tax paid by their citizens; distribution. (Govs. mess. (Reynolds) Jan. 1893: 31.) 1893. Rept. of committee on rept. of Gov. rel. to distri- bution of direct tax fund, under act of Mar. 2, 1891. (House jol. Jan. 1893: 747-748.) 1895. Mess, from Gov. giving detailed list of persons to whom has been refunded direct tax paid by them to govt, of U. S. under act of Mar. 2, 1891. (Same Jan. 1895: 35-37.) . Distribution of direct tax, under act of Congress of March 2, 1891. (Govs. mess. (Reynolds) Jan. 1895.) 1897. Rept. of Ex-Gov. on direct tax fund from April 9, 1895, to Jan. 19, 1897. (Sen. jol. Jan. 1897: 1203- 1204; House jol. Jan. 1897: 1631-1632.) 1898. Direct tax; by act of Congress of March 2, 1891, appropriating money to Gov. of Del. In trust for distributions among persons entitled thereto, all claims to this money were required to be filed within 6 yrs. next after passage of said act and all claims not so filed to be forever barred and money attributable thereto to belong to Del.; amt. thus left in Farmers' Bank at Dover; necessary that gov. be authorized by Gen. Assem. to pay over this sum to state treasurer. (Govs. mess. (Tunnell) Jan. 1898: 12-13.) uauia See that title. Knrplus Revenue See School Fund. Fees; see that title F'ines and Forfeitures; see that title Fisheries; see Fish and Game Funds 1887/8-1889/90. Summary stmt, of receipts and dis- bursements of the several funds of state for yrs. endg. Dec. 31. (Bienn. rept. of treasurer 1887/8 (pp. 8-9)— same 1889/90.) 1888-1904. General summary of receipts and disburse- ments of the state general fund, the oyster [or sinking] fund, the school fund, and the State Hos- pital fund for yr. endg. Dec. 31. (A.R. auditor 1888 (p. 5)— same 1904.) State Hospital fund given only from 1891-1899. Geological Survey; see Natural Resources Health Boaed; see Public Health. Receipts, etc. Immigration, Board of; see Population. Receipts, etc. Insurance; see that title Investments 1849. Stmt, showing amt. of revenue derived from divi- dend upon stock of Farmers' Bank and of Bank of Del., taxes upon certain corporations, fines, fees for commissions, for retailers', pedlars' and lottery licenses, and proceeds of sale of vacant lands. (Govs. mess. CTham) Jan. 1851.) 1854-1863. Stmt, showing amt. of funds invested for state purposes, with revenue from tax on corpora- tions, and other funds [i. e. school fund of state]. (A.R. auditor 1854 (pp. 32-33)— same 1863.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF DEaAA.WARE 77 FINANCE: STATE— cont'd Receipts and Expenditures — cont'd Investments — cont'd 1866. Income from investments of state applicable to support of state govt., together with certain taxes, fees, fines, etc., sufficient to meet ann. current ex- penses. (Govs. mess. (Saulsbury) Jan. 1866.) 1869. Income derived from Investments of state, appro- priated, by law, in part for support of the state govt, and in part tor purposes of education; items of state's investment known as school fund. (Same (Saulsbury) Jan. 1869.) 1873-1887. Investments; stmt, of interest from which revenue is derived for the state and for the school fund. (A.R. auditor 1873 (p. 50)— same 1887.) See below, under 1888-1904, for continuation. 1879. See above. Receipts, etc., this date. 1888-1904. Stmt, showing assets and liabilities and in- vestments from which revenue is derived for state and for school fund. (A.R. au). in Wilmington has been used as private pond for breeding of fish, through kindness of friend of comr. connected with establishment; establishment has changed hands and comr. feels that rental should be tendered owners; apprn. recommended for renting this or some other suitable pond and erecting hatching houses, etc. (Same 1883/4: 10.) . Copy of petition from 45 citizens of Sussex Co. to Gen. Assem. asking that apprn. be made for bldg. hatching house and experimental ponds and for in- creasing salary of comr. (Same 1883/4: 10.) Laws 189? Laws .... rel. to fishing in the Delaware River and bay, ch, 72, v. 14, Laws of Del. An act for the protection of fishermen, n. p., n. d. 30 pp. New Jersey Controversy 1873. Rept. of comrs. apptd. to settle fishing question betw. state and N. J. (House jol. Jan. 1873: 655- 656.) . Corresp. betw. Govs, of N. J. and Del. on fishery question. (Sen. jol. Jan. 1873: 736-744.) . Recommended that comrs. be apptd. to confer with N. J. comrs. to settle dispute, touching juris- diction of respective states over part of Del. River embraced in "12 mile circle"; controversy grew out of arrest by Del. authorities of N. J. citizens engaged in fishing in disputed waters. (Govs. mess. (Ponder) Jan. 1873: 10-11.) 1874. The fishery question. Argument of the Del. comrs. upon question whether citizens of N. J. have right to fish in waters of the Delaware within the circle of 12 miles around New-Castle. Wilmington, James and Webb, [1874]. 34 pp. Copy In Relaware Hist. Socy., Wilmington. 1875. Rept. of comrs. apptd. under res. of 1873, to settle claim made by N. J. as to rights of citizens fishing within certain limits in waters of Del. river. (House jol. Jan. 1875: 236-237; Sen. jol. Jan. 1875: 211-212.) 1877. Review of fishery controversy growing out of act of Mch. 28, 1871, rel. to requirement of license from non-citizens of Del. to fish in Del. waters; re- sults of work of jt. comrs. of N. J. and Del. (Govs, mess. (Cochran) Jan. 1877: 20-22.) 80 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF DELAWARE FISH AND GAME— cont'd Oyster 1871. Oyster beds and fisheries; laws ot state Inade- quate for their protection from non-residents; apptmt. of comr., at a moderate salary, to inspect the bay and inland fisheries; suggesting propriety of enacting such legislation as will secure to Del. all the revenue properly derivable from this source; states of Md. and Va. have heretofore enjoyed al- most an entire monopoly of the oyster trade on this continent. (Govs. mess. (Saulsbury) Jan. 1871.) 1889. Laws rel. to oyster Industry should be amended. {Same (Biggs) Jan. 1889: 11.) 1903. Duty of legisl. to repeal laws for regulation and preservation of fish and oysters and enact others of simpler character; if this be inadvisable, recom- mended that comn. be created to inquire into exist- ing license laws and police regulations and into con- dition of fisheries and oyster beds and rept. to next legisl. result of investigation, with suggestions for proper legislation. (.Same (Hunn) Jan. 1903: 19.) Revenue OysTEB Fund 1871-1904. Stmt, of the oyster fund of state in acct. with state treasurer. (A.R. auditor 1871 (p. 34) — same 1904.) 1874. No revenue netted from oyster fund during yr. ; since its establishment it has been self-sustaining, and also yielded surplus suflicient to purchase $4000 Del. state bonds for cancellation. (Rept. of treasurer 1874: 30.) Paging from Senate jol. 1876. Amt. reed, under oyster law. (Same 1876: 6.) 1880. " The oyster fund is made by law to be applied solely to the purpose of redeeming state bonds, and could not therefore, be properly placed with the revenue for general purposes." (A.R. auditor 1879/80: 16.) 1895/6. On the sinking fund; depressed condition of oyster industry during 1895 and 1896 greatly re- duced fund, need of legislation authorizing treas- urer to advance money to pay expenses of the guard boat. (Bienn. rept. of treasurer 1895/6: 6.) 1899. Excellent showing of oyster revenue, which con- stitutes the sinking fund, result of enforcement of laws and careful collection of license fees and the economical mngmt. of the fund. (Govs. mess. (Tunnell) Jan. 1899.) 1899-1904. Oyster revenue acct.; stmt, of collector ot, in acct. with state. 8 pp. (A.R. auditor 1899 [app. ill] — same 1904.) Omitted In 1902. 1900. Recommended that some additional revenue be provided for sinking fund, as oyster revenue is not always self-supporting. (Bienn. rept. of treasurer 1899/00: 7.) 1902. Collection of oyster revenue evidently well at- tended to, as receipts from that source for past 2 yrs. larger than ever before, and consequently nearly doubled sinking fund. (Same 1901/2: 7.) Trout 1885. See above, Bass, this date. FOOD PRODUCTS Inspection; see Industries. Inspection FORAGE CROP; see AGRICULTURE. CROPS. GRASS AND FORAGE FORESTRY; see NATURAL RESOURCES FRANKFORD Graded School; see Education FRATERNAL ASSOCIATIONS; see BENEFICIARY ORGAN- IZATIONS FREDERICA Health of 1885/6-1896/8. See Public Health, these dates. Malaria in; see Public Health. Diseases Public Schools; see Education FREIGHT RATES; see RAILROADS. RATES FRENCH SPOLIATION CLAIMS; see COMMERCE FRinT Crops; see Agriculture. Crops FUNDS Loan Office; see Finance: State. Funds State Funds; see Finance: State FUNGI; see AGRICULTURE. CROPS. PESTS FUNGICIDES; see AGRICULTURE. CROPS. PESTS GEOLOGICAL SURVEY; see NATURAL RESOURCES GEORGETOWN Health of 1885/6-1896/8. See Public Health, these dates. Public School; see Education GETTYSBURG CEMETERY; see PUBLIC BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS GLANDERS Regulation; see Agriculture. Inspection GLASGOW Health of 1885/6-1896/8. See Public Health, these dates. Malaria in; see Public Health. Diseases School; see Education GOVERNOR 1627-1867. List of govs, of state of Del.; by J. H. Rogers, May, 1867. f°. sheet. Copy In Delaware Hist. Socy. Accounts 1813-1816. Stmt, of state in acct. with Gov. In Collected docs, as follows : 1813 In House Jol. Jan. 1813:73. 1814 " ' 1814:87. 1815 omitted? 1816 In House Jol. Jan. 1816 : 24. 1897. Rept. ot committee on accts Watson, late Gov. (House jol. on rept. of William Jan. 1897; 650.) Message 1789-1791. Mess. 1 series of the president Checklist No separates were found. Probably none were Issued. In Collected docs, as follows : 1789 Jan. 14 Collins In Bouse Jol. Jan. 1789 4. " May 27 Davis •* May 1789 4. " Oct. Clayton *• Oct. 1789 6-8. 1790 Jan. " Jan. 1790 6. •■ Oct. •* *' Oct 1790 9. 1791 Jan. " " Jan. 1791 10. •• Sept. " *' Sept. 1791 3-4. 2 series 1792-1903. Mess, of the (Jov. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF DELiAWARE 81 GOVERNOR— cont'd Message — cont'd 2 series — cont'd Checklist 17921801. Not found. 1802 Jan. Hall, Inaugural, n. t. p. 7 pp.t 180318D4. Not found. 1855 Jan. 2. Ross. Dover, Wharton and Harrington, 1855. 16 pp. 1856-1862. Not found. 1803 Jan. 20. Cannon, Inaugural. Wilmington, Henry Eckel. 1863. 29 (1) pp. 1864 Jan. 12. Cannon. Wilmington, H. Eckel, 1864. 8 pp 1864 July 28 11 pp.< 1864 July 28 1865 Jan. 3. PPt 1866-1868. Not found. 1869 Jan. 6. Sanlsbury. 1869. 22 pp.t 1870-1S72. Not found. 1873 Jan. 7. Ponder. Cannon. Wilmington. H. Eckel, 1864. Cannon, n. t. p. 4 pp.t Cannon, Wilmington, H. Eckel, 1865. 16 Dover, Delawarean Office, Dover, Delawarean Office, 1873. Ponder. Dover, Delawarean Office, 1875. 23 pp. 1875 Jan. 5. 24 pp. 1875 Jan. 19. Cochran, Inaugural. Mlddletown, Middle- town Transcript, 1875. 13 pp. 1877 Jan. 2. Cochran. Wilmington, C. P. Johnson, 1877. 34 pp. 1879 Jan. 7. Cochran. Mlddletown, Transcript Print, 1879. 23 pp.* 1881 Jan. 4. Hall. n. p., n. d. 16 pp. 1883 Jan. 2. Hall. Dover, Jas. Kirk and Sons, 1883. 23 pp.* 1883 Jan. 16. Stockley, Inaugural. Dover, James Kirk and Sons. 1883. 16 pp. 1885 Jan. 6. Stockley. Dover, James Kirk and Son, 1885. 29 pp. 1889 Jan. [1]. Biggs. Dover, Delawarean OfSce, 1889. 16 pp. Dover, The Index Print, 1891. 1891 Jan. 20. Reynolds. 14 pp. 1893 Jan. 3. Reynolds. 1803. 33 pp.t 1895 Jan. 1. Reynolds. Dover, James Kirk and Son, Georgetown, Sussex Republican Print. 1895. 19 pp. 1897 Jan. 5. Watson. Wilmington, Thos. Rosslter, 1897. 16 pp. 1897 Jan. 19. Tunnell, Inaugural. Dover, Delawarean Power Print, 1897. 7 pp. 1898 Jan. 11. Tunnell. Dover, Index Print, n. d. 14 pp. 16°. 1899 Jan. 3. Tunnell. n. p., n. d. 23 pp.t 1901 Jan. [7]. Tunnell. Wilmington, C. M. Smith Prtg. and Stationery Co., 1901. 16 pp. 1903. Hunn. Dover, Sentinel Printing Co., n. d. 20 pp. In Collected docs, as follows ; 1792 Nov. Clayton in House jol. Nov. 1792 5. " Nov. *' " Senate " Nov. 1792 6. 1793 Jan. 15. <* " Senate " Jan. 1793 16-18. " Jan. 15. •' " House Jan. 1793 22-23. '• May 29. '• " Senate " May 1793 4-5. " May 29. " " House May 1793 3-5. 1794 Jan. 9. '* " Senate " Jan. 1794 5-7. Jan. 9. *• " House " Jan. 1794 7-9. 1795 Jan. 10. *' " Senate " Jan. 1795 7-9. '• Jan. 10. *' " House " Jan. 1795 9-12. 1796 Jan. 7. •» " Senate " Jan. 1796 5-6. Jan. 7. •' " House " Jan. 1796 10-11. " Nov. 9. Bedford " House " Nov. 1796 5. •' Nov. 9. " " Senate " Nov. 1796 4. 1797 Jan. 4. '• ** Senate " Jan. 1797 14-15. Jan. 4. •• " House Jan. 1797 4-5. '* May 31. " " House May 1797 4. 1798 Jan. 5. Rogers ' Senate " Jan. 1798 7-8. " Jan. 5. •' '* House " Jan. 1798 10-11. 1799 Jan. 4. " " Senate " Jan. 1799 7-11. Jan. 4. " " House Jan. 1799 9-13. ** Jan. 15. Bassett " Senate " Jan. 1799 26-32. *' Jan. 15. *' '■ House Jan. 1799 61-67. 1800 Jan. 10. " " Senate " Jan. 1800 7-13. Jan. 10. •• " House Jan. 1800 10-15. 1801 Jan. 9. '* " Senate " Jan. 1801 6-14. Jan. 9. " " House Jan. 1801 9-16. 1802 Jan. 7. Sykes " Senate " Jan. 1802 6-7. Jan. 7. '* " House Jan. 1802 8-10. " Jan. Hall _ " Senate " Jan. 1802 28-30. 1803 Jan. 7. " Senate " Jan. 1803 7-10. Jan. 7. •• " House " Jan. 1803 10-12. 1804 Jan. 6. " " Senate " Jan. 1804 6-7. ■' Jan. 6. " " House Jan. 1804 9-10. • Copy In Wilmington Institute Free Library. t Copy In Delaware Ulst. Socy., Wilmington. GOVERNOR— cont'd Message — cont'd 2 series — cont'd 1805 Jan. 4. Hall In Senate Jol Jan. 1805 " Jan. 4. •' " House *' Jan. 1805 " Jan. 15. Ifitchell " Senate " Jan. 1805 " .Tan. 15. •' " House " Jan. 1805 1806 Jan. •• " Senate " Jan. 1«06 1807 Jan. 8. •• " Senate " Jan. 1807 " Jan. 8. •' " House Jan. 1807 " Aug. 4. '• " Senate " Aug. 1807 " Aug. 4. •• *• House " Aug. 1807 1808 Jan. 8. •* " House Jan. 1808 " Jan. 8. *' " House Jan. 1808 " Nov. 15. Trultt " Senate " Nov. 1808 " Nov. 15. " House " Nov. 1808 " Jan. 19. ** " Senate " .Tan. 1808 " Jan. 19. *' " House " Jan. 1808 1809 Jan. 4. *' " Senate " .Tan. 1809 " Jan. 4. " " House " Jan. 1809 1810 Jan. 4. ** " Senate " Jan. 1810 Jan. 4. *• " House " Jan. 1810 1811 Jan. 3. *• " Senate " Jan. 1811 " Jan. 3. 41 " House " Jan. 1811 " Jan. 15. Haslett " Senate " Jan. 1811 " Jan. 1.5. " " House " Jan. 1811 1812 Jan. 7. *• •' Senate " Jan. 1812 " Jan. 7. •' " House " Jan. 1812 •' May 20]. " " Senate " May 1812 '• May 20 . " " House '* May 1812 '■ Nov. [9 . *' '■ Senate " Nov. 1812 " Nov. [9 . " " House " Nov. 1812 1813 Jan. [7 . ** " Senate " Jan. 1813 " Jan. [7 . " " House " Jan. 1813 " April [6 . " " Senate " April 1813 " April [6]. " " House " April 1813 " May [25 . ** " House " May 1813 1814 Jan. [5]. " " Senate " Jan. 1814 " Jan. [5]. •* " House Jan. 1814 " Jan. 18. Rodney " Senate " Jan. 1814 " Jan. 18. •* " Honse " Jan. 1814 1815 Jan. 4. •* ■' Senate " Jan. 1815 •' Jan. 4. '• " House " Jan. 1815 1816 Jan. 3. •• " Senate " Jan. 1816 •• Jan. 3. *• " House " Jan. 1816 1817 Jan. 7. *' " Senate " Jan. 1817 " Jan. 7. " " House Jan. 1817 " Jan. 21. Clark ■• Senate " Jan. 1817 " Jan. 21. " '■ House Jan. 1817 1818 Jan. 6. " " Senate " Jan. 1818 " Jan. 6. •' " House " Jan. 1818 1819 Jan. 6. •' " Senate " Jan. 1819 " Jan. 6. *• " House Jan. 1819 1820 Jan. 5. ** " Senate " Jan. 1820 " Jan. 5. ** " House " Jan. 1820 1821 Jan. 3. stout •' Senate " Jan. 1821 Jan. 3. " House " Jan. 1821 ■■ Jan. 17. Collins " Senate " Jan. 1821 " Jan. 17. " " House Jan. 1821 1822 Jan. O •• " Senate " Jan. 1822 Jan. o' " •• House Jan. 1822 1S23 Jan. 8". Rodnej' •' Senate " Jan. 1823 " Jan. 8. *' " House " Jan. 1823 " Jan. 21. Haslett " Senate " Jan. 1823 " Jan. 21. " House " Jan. 1823 1824 Jan. 7. Thomas " Senate " Jan. 1824 •' Jan. 1. *' " House " Jan. 1833 " Jan. 20. Paynter " Senate " Jan. 1824 " Jan. 20. *' " House '• Jan. 1824 1825 Jan. 5. •' " Senate " Jan. 1825 ■■ Jan. 5. '* " House " Jan. 1825 1826 Jan. 4. " '• Senate " Jan. 1826 '■ Jan. 4. " " House Jan. 1826 1827 Jan. 4. *' " Senate " Jan. 1827 Jan. 4. " '• House Jan. 1827 " Jan. 16. Polk " Senate " Jan. 1827 " Jan. 16. " " House " Jan. 1827 1829 Jan. 6. •• " Senate " Jan. 1829 " Jan. 6. *• " House Jan. 1829 1830 Jan. 6. *' " Senate " Jan. 1830 ■■ Jan. 6. '* " House " Jan. 1830 " Jan. 19. Hazzard " Senate " Jan. 1830 " Jan. 19. " " House ■' Jan. 1830 1831 Jan. 4. •' . " Senate " Jan. 1831 •■ Jan. 4. *• " House " Jan. 1831 1832 Jan. 3. " " Senate " Jan. 1832 .Tan. 3. " " House " Jan. 1832 1833 Jan. 1. •• " Senate " Jan. 1833 '• Jan. 1. " " House Jan. 1833 " Jan. 15. Bennett " Senate " Jan. 1833 Jan. 15. •* " House Jan. 1833 1835 Jan. 0. •• •' Senate " Jan. 1835 •• Jan. 6. " " House " Jan. 1835 " July 21. •• " House '■ July 1835 1836 June 14. Polk " Senate " June 1836 " June 14. ♦' " House " June 1836 ls:-;7 Jan. 4. •* " Senate " Jan. 1837 " Jan. 4. *' " House " Jan. 1837 ; 9-10. 7-8. : 24-25. ; 31-32. : 30-31. : 6-10. 11-14. 5-6. 4-6. ; 13-14. ; 15-16. I 9-11. 8-9. ; 26-28. : 41-43. I 6-7. :6-7. 7-9. :8-9. :7-9. :7-9. : ? : 36-40. :5-9. : 6-10. :4-7. :4-6. :5-6. :6-8. : 5-14. : 22-32. :4-5. :4-5. :4-6. :5-8. :6-8. : 38-40. : 33-35. : 7-10. : 7-10. : 7-11. : 7-11. : 6-12. :6-ll. : 40-41. : 53-55. : 6-11. : 6-11. : 9-12. : 14-17. : 10-13. :8-ll. :6-14. : 16-24. : 40-46. : 82-88. : 5-13. : 6-15. : 6-13. : 18-25. : 51-54. : 82-85. : 8-16. : 5-10. : 90-94. : 102-106. : 18-21. :6-9. : 9-13. : 10-15. : 13-17. : 25-28. : 54-60. : 81-87. ; 6-16. : 6-13. : 6-16. : 10-20. : 45-47. : 77-79. : 5-11. : 5-11. :5-13. :5-13. :5-9. : 5-10. : 44-48. : 100-103. : 5-15. : 5-15. :5-8. :6-8. :6-10. : 4-12. : 6-13. 82 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF DELAWAKE GOVERNOR— cont'd Message — cont'd 2 series — cont'd 183T Jan. 17. Comeps In Senate Jol. •• Jan. 17. '• House 1839 Jan. 1. '* " Honse " Jan. 1. " Senate " 1841 Jan: 5. " " Senate " ■• Jan. 5. " •■ House " Jan. 19. Cooper " Senate " " Jan. " House 1S43 Jan. 3. " " Senate " •' Jan. 3. •• " House 184.1 Jan. 7. •* ■' Senate " ■• Jan. 7. ■* " House " Jan. 21. Stockton " Senate " " Jan. 21. " House 1847 Jan. 5. Temple " Senate " " Jan. 5. *• " House " Jan. 10. Tharp " Senate " ■• Jan. 10. '* " House 1840 Jan. " " Senate " " Jan. 2. •* " House " 1851 Jan. 7. " " Senate " " Jan. 7. •* " House " Jan. 21. Ross " Senate " " J.in. 21. " " House " 1853 Jan. 4. •• " Senate " •' Jan. 4. *• " House 1855 Jan. 2 •• " Senate " •' Jan. 2. " *' House " •• Jan. 16. Causey '• Senate " ■• Jan. 16. •* " House 18,^7 Jan. 6. *' " Senate " Jan. 6. '* ** House 1859 Jan. 4. " " Senate " " Jan. 4. '• " House " Jan. 18. Burton •• Senate " .Tan. 18. *• '■ House 1861 Jan. 1. " •■ Senate " " Jan. 1. '* ■• House '* Nov. 25. •' " Senate " '• Nov. 25. •• " House •' 1863 June 9. Cannon •• Senate " •• June 9. *' " House 1864 Jan. 12. " " Senate " " Jan. 12. " " House " •• July 28. •' •• Senate " " Jnly 28. '• " House 1865 Jan. 3. •' " House " " June 13. Saulsbury " Senate "• 1866 Jan. 9. " '• Senate " '■ Jan. 9. " " House 1867 Jan. 2. " •* Senate *' " Jan. 2_ *' " House •• '• Jan. is! •* " Senate " " Jan. 15. " " House 1869 Jan. 6. •• " Senate " '• Jan. 6. " " House 1871 Jan. 3. " ■• Senate " •• Jan. 3. •• ■' House " Jan. 17. Ponder " Senate " " Jan. 17. •• '• House 1873 Jan. 7. *• " Senate " ■' Jan. 7. *' '* House " 1875 Jan. 5. *• '• Senate " " Jan. 5. ** " Hou.se " Jan. 19. Cochran " Senate " ** Jan. 19. " " House 1877 Jan. 2. ** ■• Senate " ■' Jan. I*. '• '■ House 1870 Jan. 7. *' •' Senate " " Jan 7. ** " House *' " Jan. 21. Hall " Senate " " Jan. 21. " " House 1881 Jan. 4. •' " Senate •■ Jan. 4. •» " House 1883 Jan. o^ •* " Senate " " Jan. 2.' •' " House " Jan. IG. Stockley " Senate " " Jan. 16. " House 1885 Jan. 6. *' " Senate ' " Jan. 6. *• •' House 1887 Jan. 4. '• " Senate " '■ Jan. 4. •• " House " Jan. 18. Biggs •' Senate - " Jan. 18. " House 1889 Jan. 1. '* " Senate " " Jan. 1. '* '* House 1801 Jan. 6. ** " Senate " •■ Jan. 6. " " House •' Jan. 20. Reynolds " Senate " " Jan. 20. •• •■ House 1893 Jan. 3. •' " Senate " " .Tan. 3. " House 1895 Jan. 1. " " Senate " •' Jan. 1. ** '■ House Jan. 1837 : 40-45. Jan. 1^37:76-81. Jiin. isno : .'i-11. Jan. ls:'.'.i : 5-11. Jan. 1.S41 : 5-17. Jan. 1841:6-18. Jan. 1S41 : 182-186. Jan. 1841 : 293-297. Jan. 1S43:5-14. Jan. 1843:7-15. Jan. 1845 : ,5-10. Jan. 1845 : 7-13. Jan. 1845 : 54-63. Jan. 1845:123-133. Jan. 1847 : 5-23. Jan. 1847:6-23. Jan. 1847:56-62. Jan. 1847 : 127-131. Jan. 1840 : 6-13. Jan. 1840:6-14. Jan. 1851 : 7-17. Jan. 1851 : 6-15. Jan. 1851 : 114-124. Jan. IS.'^.l : 150-160. Jan. 1853:6-1.5. Jan. 1853:7-13. Jan. 1855:5-16. Jan. 1S55 : 8-18. Jan. 1855 : 39-46. Jan. 1855 : 60-67. Jan. 1857 : 6-15. Jan. 1857:6-15. Jan. 18.59 : 7-2.3. Jan. 18.59 : 0.22. Jan. 1859 : 52-06. Jan. 1850:78-00. Jan. 1861 : 7-20. Jan. 1861 : 12-26. Nov. 1861 : 5-0. Nov. 1S61 : 10-15. 1863/4 : 4-5. 1863/4:4-5. 1863/4 : 19-22. 1863/4 : 20-23. 1863/4 : 119-121. 1863/4 : 186-188. 1865 : 8-17. 1865/6 : 5-14. 1865/6 : 25-36. 1865/6. 1867 : 15-26. 1867 : 10-21. 18n7 : 7t;-s4. IsTm : s>-:m1. l^rtO : 11-24. 1869: 12-25. 1871 : 10-25. 1871 :9-25. 1871 : 75-81. I.'*71 : 71-86. 1873 : 8-23. 1873 : 9.24. 1875 : 11-26. 1875 : 9-24. 1875 : 121-130. 1875 : 120-130. 1877 : 9-38. 1877 : 10-41. 1879 : 10-31. 1879 : 9-31. 1879 : 121-126. 1879 : 127-133. 1881 : 10-23. 1881 : 10-23. 1.883 : 10-22. 1883 : 10-24. 1883 : 63-71. 1883 : 78-86. 1885 : 10-28. 1885 : 11-28. 1887 : 0-26. 1887 : 12-27. 1887 : 56-71. 1887 : 62-74. 1880 : 10-22. 1889 : 13-23. 1891 : 10-20. 1891 : 14-25. 1801 : 38-46. 1801 : 52-60. 1803 : 10-33. 1803 : 14-35. 1S05 : 12-28. 1895 ; 13-28. GOVERNOR— cont'd Message — cont'd 2 series — cont'd 1807 Jan. 5. Watson in Senate Jol. 1807 12-32. " .Tan. 5. *' House 1807 29-40. Jan. 19. Tunnell " Senate " 1807 72-77. ■' Jan. 19. " House " 1807 112-117 1800 Jan. 6. *• " Senate " 1890 24-43. •• Jan. 6. •• •■ House " 1890 63-82. 1901 Jan. 7. •* " Senate " 1901 25-36. •' Jan. 7. " " Housie " 10(11 19-33. " Jan. 15. Htinn " Senate " 1001 71-78. " Jan. 15. " House *' 1001 118-127 1903 Jan. 6. " •' Senate •' 1003 23-39. " Jan. 6. ** " House 1903 16-33. GRAIN Crops; see Agriculture. Crops GRANGE; see AGRICULTURAL SOCIETIES. HUSBANDRY GRAPE Crop; see Agriculture. Crops GRASS Crop; see Agriculture. Crops GREENWOOD Public Schools; see Education GUARANTEE DEPOSITS Railroads; see that title GUARANTY INSURANCE; see INSURANCE GUMBOROUGH Public School; see Education HARBORS; see PUBLIC WORKS HARRINGTON Malaria in; see Public Health. Public Schools; see Education HAY Crop; see Agriculture. Crops. HEALTH Insurance; see Insurance Public; see Public Health HENRY CLAY Health of 1885/6-1896/8. PATRONS OF Diseases Grass and Forage See Public Health, these dates. HOG Cholera; see Agriculture. Inspection Produce; see Agriculture. Livestock HOLIDAYS; see SUNDAY OBSERVANCE HORTICULTURAL SOCIETIES; see AGRICULTURAL SO- CIETIES HYDROPHOBIA Human; see Public Health Livestock; see Agriculture. Inspection HYGIENE Education; see that title Industrial AcciDExrs; see that title Factory Inspection; see Labob Food Law; see Industbies Sanitation; see Public Health School; see Education INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF DELAWAKE 83 ILLITERATES; see POPULATION IMMIGRATION; see POPULATION. MIGRATION INDIAN CORN Crop; see Agriculture. Crops INDIANS Education; see that title INDUSTRIAL EDUCATION; see EDUCATION INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE; see references under HYGIENE INDUSTRIES 1807. Increasing prosperity of state: proposing intro- duction of labor-saving machines in the agric. and mnftres. of state. (Govs. mess. (Mitchell) Jan. 1807.) 1808. Suggesting the countenancing by law, so far as expedient, of every species of family mnftre., and the growth of crops, suited to climate and soil of Del. (Same (Mitchell) Jan. 1808.) 1820. Rept. on so much of Govs. mess, as relates to agric. and mnfg. interests of state. (House jol. Jan. 1820: 109-111.) 1821. Rept. on part of Govs. mess. rel. to household mnftres. (Same 1821: 67.) 1824. Propriety of public encouragement of agric. and industrial interest of state. (Govs. mess. Jan. 1824.) 1837. Encouragement of individual enterprise urged. (Govs, inaugural mess. Jan. 1837.) 1857. No reason why Del. could not become a mnfg. and commercial as well as an agric. community. (Govs. mess. (Causey) Jan. 1857.) 1859. Same. (Same (Causey) Jan. 1859.) 1870. Mechanical and mnfg. industries, capital in- vested, wages paid and value of articles produced In New Castle Co. 10 times more than in Kent and Sussex cos. combined. (Govs, inaug. mess. (Coch- ran) Jan. 1875: 7.) 1875. Causes of depression and paralysis of industry in Del. and other states due in great degree to de- struction of natural market for mnftres. and other products in southern states. (Same (Cochran) Jan. 1875: 5.) . Commercial and mnfg. interests undermined by impoverished condition of South; federal policy criticized. (Govs. mess. (Ponder) 1875: 23.) Canning 1898. Pea canning in Del.; by G. H. Powell. 16 pp. (Agric. exper. station bull. 41.) 1903. Fruits in preserving fluids; by C. P. Close. (15 A.R. agric. exper. station of Del. College 1902/3: 130-136.) Inspection; see below, that title Dairy [1886.] Our dairy interests; by Hon. E. Burnett; with discussion; from rept. of N. J. bd. of agric. for 1886. (1 bienn. rept. bd. of agric. 1888/9: 309-330.) Food ; dairy stock : care and skill from a butter dairy- man's point of view. 1889. New invention in dairy machinery; the butter extractor. (1 same 1888/9: 331-338.) Letter from Dr. A. T. Neale on claims of Inventor and advantages to be derived from metliod : description of process by inventor, C. A. Johansson, of Stock- holm, Sweden : letter from Jas. Hossinger, de- scribing and commending extractor. . Dairying in Del.; by J. C. Higgins. (1 same 1888/9: 299-308.) 1890. Sweet cream butter; trial made by Prof. Penny. (3 A.R. agric. exper. station 1890: 22-23.) INDUSTRIES— cont'd Dairy — cont'd 1893. In sale of milk, which offers more profitable mar- ket, creamery or Milk Assn. of Phila.? by A. T. Neale. (6 same 1893: 19-21.) Estimates based on ace. tabulations of herd records : first (Crossan"s) showing record of actual trans- actions with Phlla. Assn., rept. of possible trans- actions with Newark Creamery, net gains by selling In Phlla., net losses by selling In Phlla. ; second (Lewis'), showing record of actual transactions with Newark Creamery, rept. of possible trans- actions with Phlla. Assn.. net gains by selling In Newark, net losses by selling in Newark. 1902. Comparison of incomes from milk when sold to creamery, to condensary and to wholesale trade of Phila.; by A. T. Neale. (14 same 1901/2: 7-9.) . Possibilities of increasing incomes without addi- tional expenditures for labor, equipments, etc., by selling milk to condensaries or by shipping milk to Phila. (14 same 1901/2: 37-39.) . Cost of producing milk; purchased feed, silage, pasture, labor and attendance [for experimental herd]: by A. T. Neale. (14 same 1901/2: 24-28.) . Net profits; net income per acre gained by dairy- ing when at times herd is pastured and at times maintained chiefly on silage; by A. T. Neale. (14 same 1901/2: 36.) . Dairying as factor in profitable utilization of farm lands; conclusions drawn from test herd of exper. station; by A. T. Neale. (14 same 1901/2: 7-9.) . Capitalization acct. [i. e. investment in test herd, silos, etc.]; by A. T. Neale. (14 same 1901/2: 28- 35.) Ceeameeies [1889.] Shall we have a creamery? by Chas. S. Barker. (1 bienn. rept. bd. of agric. 188S/9: 339-344.) . Creameries in New Castle Co.; [by J. C. Hig- gins]. (1 same 1888/9: 307-308.) 1889/90. Creamery studies of methods and machinery [in Del.]. (3 A.R. agric. exper. station 1890: 17- 22.) 1890. Creameries as a business; by C. L. Penny. (3 same 1890: 129-149.) Results of studies made in 1889 and 1890 at Creamery of Dawson Bros, in Newark : sour and sweet cream processes, butter extractor. . Creameries as a business; sour cream process, sweet cream process, butter extractor; by C. L. Penny. (Agric. exper. station bull. 9: 12-32.) . Creamery studies of methods and machinery; [by A. T. Neale and C. P. Penny]. 32 pp. (Same bull. 9.) 1894. Tabular stmt, of business of a creamery for mo. of Dec: test. lbs. of milk, lbs. of fat in milk, value, gain or loss by test. (7 A.R. agric. exper. station 1894/5: 200.) 1902. Del. creameries: list of output of largest (Cook and Brady, Middletown); output of Newark and Townsend creameries and of Hazel Bros, at Dover; no. of patrons, approximate no. of cows. lbs. of milk reed., lbs. of butter and value of Odessa Creamery, only co-operative creamery in state. (2 A.R. bd. of agric. 1902: 115.) Inspection ; see below, that title Drugs; see below, Inspection Exhibits 1853. Communication from gov. transmitting letter from president of Assn. for exhibition of Industry of all Nations to be held during present year in N. Y., together with other papers therein referred to. (House jol. Jan. 1853: 259-260; Sen. jol. pp. 141-142.) Papers not printed In jol. 84 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE INDUSTRIES— cont'd Exhibits — cont'd 1864. History of the Del. dept. of the great Central Fair, held in Phila., June. Wilmington; Jas. B. Riggs. n. d. 34 pp., 1 fldg. sheet. Copy In Delawarr Historical Socy. 1875. Recommended that authority be given for apptmt. of bd. to represent state at centennial In Phila. and arrange for exhibition of Del. products. (Govs. mess. (Ponder) Jan. 1875: 19.) 1877. 25% of state subscription ($10,000) for stock of U. S. Centennial International Exhibition will be refunded as dividends. (Same (Cochran) Jan. 1877: 11.) . Recommended that comn. apptd. to attend Cen- tennial Exposition be reimbursed for amt. ex- pended in addition to sum ($2000) allowed them for expenses. {Same (Cochran) Jan. 1877: 11-12.) — — . Rept. on Centennial Commission of state. (Sen. jol. Jan. 1877: 157.) 1883. Rel. to centennial celebration of the adoption of the constitution of the U. S. to be held in Sept., 1887. (Govs. mess. (Stockley) Jan. 1883.) 1885. Del. industries well represented at World's In- dustrial and Cotton Exposition, New Orleans; amt. of national apprn. set apart to aid Del. in transpor- tation and care after reception of exhibits; pro- priety of providing for return and preservation of exhibits suggested. (Same (Stockley) Jan. 1885: 22.) . Suggested that steps be taken to secure suitable representation of Del. at Amer. Exhibition of arts, inventions, etc., of U. S. in London, May 1, 1886; at World's Fair in San Francisco in 1887 and Agric. Exposition in Ky. in 1886. (Same (Stockley) Jan. 1885: 23.) 1891. World's Columbian Exposition, Dept. of Del. Names and residences of officers, members and com- mittees. Rules and regulations for govt, of bd. Law constituting bd. of World's Fair Mngrs. of Del. Dover, Jas. Kirk and Son, 1891. 12 pp. Copy In Delaware Hist. Socy. . Rel. to World's Fair. (Govs. mess. (Biggs) Jan. 1891.) . Apptmt. of comn., adequate apprn., provision for organization of exhibit, etc., for World's Fair at Chicago, recommended. (8am.e (Reynolds) Jan. 1891: 12-14.) 1893. Additional apprn. desired by bd. of World's Fair mngrs.; recommended to careful consideration. (Same (Reynolds) Jan. 1893: 29.) 1895. Communication from Mrs. Ball on expenditure of apprns. for World's Fair, under act of Feb. 28, 1893. (Sen. jol. Jan. 1895: 74-77; House jol. pp. 86-89.) Acct. of Del. exhibits and disposal of same. . Rel. to Del.'s part in World's Fair; additional apprn. recommended for payment of deficiency in their accts. (Govs. mess. (Reynolds) Jan. 1891.) 1899. Paris International Exposition; rel. to advisabil- ity of Del. availing herself of opportunity to join with other states in exhibiting her resources and products. (Same (Tunnell) Jan. 1899.) 1903. Amt. of national apprn. for Louisiana Purchase Exposition; efforts on part of other states; suitable provision for erection of state bldg. and collection of representative exhibit urged. (Same (Hunn) Jan. 1903: 16.) Fertilizer; see below, Inspection Inspection Canning Plants 1894. Acct. of inspection of canning plant of Wm. Elli- son in Camden; no cause for complaint. (9 bienn. rept. bd. of health 1894/6: 23.) INDUSTRIES— cont'd Inspection — cont'd Drugs 1894. Investigation of sale of cure-alls by Kickapoo Indian medicine men. (9 blenn. rept. bd. of health 1894/6: 21.) 1902. Patent drugs and temperance unions. — Editorial, Amer. Medicine, Nov. 8. (Bacteriological and path- ological bull. 14: 9-10.) . Laboratory investigations: methods for assay of commercial pepsins. (Same bull. 13: 3-4.) 1903. Composition and alcoholic content of certain pro- prietary foods for the sick. — Dr. Chas. Harrington in Boston Med. and Surg. Jol., Mch. 12. (Some bull. 16: 12-14.) [1904.] Methods for assay of commercial pepsins; by F. D. Chester. (13 bienn. rept. bd. of health 1902/ 4: 175-179.) Feed Stuffs 1889. Laboratory methods and analytical results; by C. L. Penny. (2 A.R. agric. exper. station 1889: 151-156.) Methods and results (in tabular forra> of analyses of fodder and feeds from various localities; Dela- ware's averages compared with Dr. JcnUln's stand- ards obtained by yrs. of analyses of Amer. feeding stuffs. . Same. (Agric. exper. station bull. 7: 17-22.) . Delaware's wholesale prices per lb. of proteine, fat and carbohydrates in concentrated feeds. (2 A.R. agric. exper. station 1889: 157-159.) Method of determination ; explanation of " method of least squares," by G. A. Barter. . Same, omitting " method of least squares." (Agric. exper. station bull. 7: 23-24.) . List of Inspectors apptd. in each co. to select one or more samples of every kind of seed and feeding stuff offered for sale In district. (Same bull. 5: 3.) . Stock feeding; utilization of clover hay and corn stalks; micro-chemical tests; parts of wheat berry; practical utility of feed analyses; chemical control of concentrated feeds (state inspection, chemical analyses, relative commercial cheapness of feeds). (2 A.R. agric. exper. station 1889: 137-151.) . Same. (Agric. exper. station bull. 7: 3-17.) 1892. Feeding stuffs; analyses of cow pea vine, corn fodder, sugar corn, silage corn, field corn, etc., from different farms; by C. L. Penny. (5 A.R. agric. exper. station 1892: 124-126.) 1893. Feeding stuffs; [analyses of scarlet clover straw, chaff seed, Buffalo Gluten feed, bran, pea vines, etc.]; by C. L. Penny. (6 same 1893: 191-192.) . Bran, sampled at request of Stanton Grange; place, grade, dealer, date, price, weight; by A. T. Neale. (6 same 1893: 18.) 1902. Legal inspection of feeding stuffs; by C. L. Penny. (2 A.R. bd. of agric. 1902: 49-53.) Ferthjzebs serial 1873-1898. [Fertilizer analyses.] 1 series 1873-1885. Tabular analyses of commercial fertilizers, by state chemist. In Documents as follows : [1873] In Catalogue of Del. College 1874: [1874] 1874 1875 1876 1875 1878 1878 1877 1877 35. 25. 27. 28. 27. 28. 1878 : 28. 1877 not found. 1878 In Catalogue of Del. College 1878 : 29. 1879-1881 not found. 1882 In CataloKue of Del. College 1883 : 30-31. 1883 Dover, Jas. Kirk and Sons. 1883. 4 leaves Copy In Delaware HlsL Socy. 1884 In Catalogue of Del. College 1884 : 27-29. 1885 " " '• " •• 1886. 1 1. INDEX TO DOCXJMENTS OF THE STATE OP DELAWARE 86 INDUSTRIES— cont'd Inspection — cont'd Fertiuzee — cont'd serial — cont'd 2 series Under act of April 18, 1885 1885-1898. Ann. rept. of state chemist with tabulated analyses of fertilizers. In Collected docs, as follows : 1885 In Senate Jol. Jan. 1887 : 727-751. " " House " " 1887 : 1055-1080. 1886 omitted. 1887 In Senate jol. Jan. 1889 app. pp. 33-64. " House " " 1889 app. pp. 33-64. 1888 " Senate " " 1889 app. pp. 65-98. " " House " " 1889 app. pp. 65-98. 1889-1897 omitted. 1898 In Senate Jo!. Jan. 1899 : 1421-1433. " " House " " 1S90 : 1719-1731. non-serial 1881. Recommended that it be made duty of state chemist to analyze free of charge sample of each fertilizer sent him by any farmer and to prepare certificate setting forth commercial value thereof; also declaring it misdemeanor in mnftrer. or ven- dor to misrepresent intrinsic value of fertilizers. (Govs. mess. (Hall) Jan. 1881: 11.) Food Products 1885. Suggested that state and local health bds. be clothed with power to examine and destroy dele- terious and adulterated foods. (Govs, bienn. mess. (Stockley) Jan. 1885: 20-21.) 1902. Pathogenic varieties of bacillus coli in ice creams. By E. Klein, The Medical Press, Nov. 12. (Bacteriological and pathological bull. 14: 10-11.) [1903.] Record of adulterations of known brands of foods and drugs to be found in ann. repts. of Mass. Bd. of Health. (Same bull. 16: 12.) 1904. Pure food laws: acct. of adulteration of jellies, meats, etc.; national pure food law needed; outline of work to be done in 1904-1905 by secy, of agric. (4 A.R. bd. of agric. 1904: 135-136.) Milk n. d. Milk analysis. (Special circ. 1). n. t. p. 1 1. 1888. Inspection of milk and food needed in Del.; urged that law be passed giving bd. authority to appt. inspectors. (5 bienn. rept. bd. of health 1886/ 8: 157.) Paging from App. to House jol. ISSn. 1891. Rept. of secy, of state bd. of health on inspec- tion of dairy farms within radius of 5 miles around Wilmington. (7 same 1890/2: 19-20.) 1892. Legislation needed to secure food inspection, es- pecially milk; result of dairy inspection by secy. (7 same 1890/2: 8.) 1894. Milk testing; by C. L. Penny. (7 A.R. agric. exper. station 1894/5: 199-206.) 1896. Milk-sampling; by C. L. Penny. 23 pp. (Agric. exper. station bull. 31.) 1897/8. State and municipal milk legislation; errors in dairy mngmt. which may afford a basis for charges of fraudulent practices; by A. T. Neale. (10 A.R. agric. exper. station 1897/8: 26-33.) 1898. Same. (Agric. exper. station bull. 43: 15-19.) 1899. The analysis of milk and its importance to the physician; by A. Robin. (Bacteriological and pathological laboratory bull. 1: [3-41.) . Directions for collecting and mailing samples of milk. (Same bull. 1: [4].) 1901. Municipal milk standards; Dec. 19. 2 11. (Agric. exper. station. Press bull. 12.) . Vitality of tubercle bacillus in milk. (Bacterio- logical and pathological laboratory bull. 9: 12-13.) . Laboratory investigations: analyses of milk sold in Wilmington. (Same bull. 9: 3-5.) . Illustration of value of milk analyses. {Same bull. 9: 1-2.) INDUSTRIES— cont'd Inspection — cont'd MrLK — cont'd 1902. Bacterial contamination of milk of cities. {Same bull. 10: 13-14.) . Milk supply and summer diarrhea in infants; by Drs. J. H. M. Knox and V. H. Bassett (Md. Med. Jol. June). (Same bull. 17: 14-15.) . Production of clean milk; by W. H. Bishop. (2 A.R. bd. of agric. 1902: 83-85.) . Milk legislation in Wilmington. (Bacteriologi- cal and pathological laboratory bull. 10: 3-4.) 1903. Examination of bacterial pollution of Wilming- ton market milk; by F. D. Chester and T. R. Brown. (Same bull. 17: 10-13.) . Pasteurizing of milk for infant feeding. (Same bull. 17: 8-9.) . Wholesome milk for infants. (Same bull. 16: 5-6.) . Milk bacteria. (Same bull. 15: 9-11.) . Improvement of the milk standard. (Same bull. 16: 6.) . Influence of preservatives upon food value of milk. — Doane and Price (Md. Station bull. 86, p. 64.) (Same bull. 15: 14-15.) . Examination of bacterial pollution of Wilming- ton market milk; by F. D. Chester and T. R. Brown. (13 bienn. rept. bd. of health 1902/4: 181- 187.) Includes table showing results of analyses of Wilming- ton mill!. 1904/5. [Experiments] to detect formaldehyde in milk. (16/18 A.R. agric. exper. station 1903/6: 38-39.) Ship-building 1871. Iron ship-bldg. [Wilmington's distinguishing in- dustry]; by W. T. Croasdale. (State Normal School Advocate June 1871, v. 5, no. 1: 11.) 1885. Ship bldg. interests injured by tariff; 82% of exports and imports of country transported in for- eign ships. (Govs, bienn. mess. (Stockley) Jan. 1885: 28.) Silk 1829. Culture of silk recommended. (Govs. mess. Jan. 1829 ) Sugar 1890. Poosibilities of developing the domestic sugar industry; etc. 16 pp. (Agric. exper. station bull. 8.) INEBRIATES Maintenance; see that title INHERITANCE TAX; see TAXATION: STATE INJURIOUS INSECTS; see AGRICULTURE. CROPS. PESTS INSANE Maintenance; see that title INSECTS Injurious; see Agriculture. Crops. Pests INSECTICIDES; see AGRICULTURE. CROPS. PESTS INSPECTION Canning Plants; see Industries. Inspection Drugs; see Industries. Inspection Factories; see Labor Feed Stuff; see Industries. Inspection 86 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE INSPECTION— cont'd Fertilizer; see Industries. Inspection Food Products; see Industries. Inspection Livestock; see Agriculture. Inspection Milk; see Industries. Inspection Nurseries; see Agriculture. Inspection Seeds; see Agriculture. Inspection Water Supply; see that title INSTITUTES Fanners; see Agriculture. Teachers; see Education Education INSURANCE serial 1 series Under act of March 24, 1879 1881-1895. Bienn. rept. of insurance comr., 1-8. Dover, 1881-1895. Checklist 1. 1881. Jas. Kirk and .Sons. 1.S81. 288 (1) pp. " 1883. .Tas. Kirk and Sons, 1883. 281. 2 (1) pp. 1885. .Tas. Kirk anrl Sons, 1885. 274 pp., 1 leaf. 1887. Jas. Kirk and Son. 1887. 218 pp.. 2 leaves. 1889. State Sentinel. 1889. 272 pp., 1 leaf 1891. Delawarean Office, 1891. 324 pp., 2 leaves. 1893. Delawarean Office, 1893. 332 pp., 2 leaves. 1895. .las. Kirk and Son, 1895. 350 pp. Also In Collected docs, as follows :• 1881 omitted. 1883 In Senate Jol. Jan. 1883 '• Bouse 1885 " Senate " 1885 " House " 1887 " House " 1889 ■• House " 1891 " Senate " 1891 " House 1893 omitted. 1895 in Senate jol. Jan. 1895 •■ House 1SS3 : 78.^-794. 1883 : 948-957. 1885 : 6G9-675. 1885 : 886-891. 1887 : 1043-1048. 1889 app. pp. 259-267. 1891 app. pp. 111-116. 1891 app. pp. 111-116. 1895: 1235-123S. 1895 : 1459-1462. From 1881 to 1895. the repts. are divided Into 2 parts, continuously pased. I't. 1 Is called, "Fire and Marine Insurance," except in 1885, when it Is called " Fire and Fire Marine Insurance " : pt 2 Is called, " Life, Casualt.v, and Cooperative In- surance," except in 1881, when it is called " Life Insurance," and in 1.S83 when it Is called, " Life, Accident, and Guarantee Insurance." Repts. are fully indexed, according to subject, and names of the individual companies reporting, are given therein. 2 series 1895-1900. Tabular stmt, showing condition, Dec. 31, of all insurance cos. authorized to transact business in Del. [giving name of the co., when incorporated, admitted assets, liabilities (excluding capital and surplus), capital stock (paid up), receipts, expendi- tures, net risks in force, risks written and renewed, premiums and assessments reed., and losses in- curred during yr.]. 1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. 1900. Dec. 31. Checklist Foldg. sheet 1900-1904. 3 series Bienn. rept. of insurance comr. Checklist 1900-1901. Not found. 1901 '2. Mllford, Chronicle Power Print, n. d. 15 pp., 1 folding table. 1903/4. Dover, Sentinel Prtg. Co.. n. d. 24 pp., 2 foldg. tables. Complete? Calls for " Exhibit A," which does not accompany ^opy of rept. seen In Library of the Equitable Life Assurance Socy. • Only the narrative part of repts. given In Collected docs. INSURANCE— cont'd serial — cont'd 3 series — cont'd Also In Collected docs, as follows : 1900 not found. Ordered published by House bill 355. 1901 in Senate jol. Jan. 1901 : 378-380. 1901 " House " " 1901 : 584-586. 1901/2 "Senate " " 1903:107-117. non-xerial 1870/7-1878/85. Tabular stmts, from insurance dept. of state of Wise, showing amt. of losses each yr. for 8 yrs. prior to enactment of valued policy law, and do. since law went into force, 1878. (5 bienn. rept. insurance comr. 1887/9: 6.) 1877. Adequate provision should be made for super- vision of insurance cos.; officer should be desig- nated to make examination into affairs of any co. doing business in state; revision of insurance laws would be of great public benefit. (Govs. mess. (Cochran) Jan. 1877: 12-13.) 1879. Provision for supervision of insurance cos. rec- ommended; application of appropriate supervision to savings banks, trust cos., etc., suggested. {Same (Cochran) Jan. 1879.) 1879/81-1893/4. On no. of cos. doing business in state. (1 bienn. rept. insurance comr. 1879/81 (p. 6) — 8 same 1893/5.) 1881. Rel. to official acts of comr. (1 same 1879/81: 7.) . Such magnitude and importance attained by in- surance interests of people of Del., that a wise and intelligent supervision of insurance by state is a plain and imperative necessity; rigid system of supervision maintained by nearly all other states in Union, and failure on Del.'s part to follow their example, would open the door for admission and establishment of cos. of every kind and description, which may have been excluded elsewhere; benefits of the insurance dept. (1 same 1879/81: 5-6.) 1881-1883. As to condition of cos. doing business in state. (1 same 1879/81 (pp. 6-7)— 2 same 1881/3.) . Stmt, showing name and residence of insurance agts. authorized to do business in Del., with name of cos. represented by them. (1 same 1879/81 (p. 49)— 2 same 1881/3.) 1883. Comr. annoyed by tardiness of agts. in furnish- ing duplicate receipts for license and premium tax as required by insurance act, and by other irregu- larities hindering intelligent discharge of business of his office; those sees, of law, clearly defining duties of agts. to the dept., published in several newspapers of state, for purpose of correcting the evil. (3 same 1883/5: 4-5.) . During its brief existence, insurance dept. has succeeded in winning the confidence of insurers and insured at home and abroad; large increase in business of insurance in state, etc., attributable to the care and supervision of this dept. (2 same 1881/3: 5.) . No legislation required in insurance dept.; com- ment on present law. (2 same 1881/3: 7.) . Unauthorized insurance; probably some of the business men of Del. have business establishments largely insured in cos. not authorized to do busi- ness in this state; summary stmt, of rulings of Supreme Court of U. S., rel. to rights and powers of such COS.; certain cases touching on this subject cited; all contracts with unauthorized cos. void. (2 same 1881/3: 9-12.) 1884-1886. Names and location of cos. having ceased since Dec. 31, to transact business in Del. (3 same 1883/5 (p. 252)— 4 same 1885/7.) 1884-1887. Names and location of cos. having entered state since Dec. 31, with name and residence of INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE 87 INSURANCE— cont'd non-serial — cont'd atty. for each. (3 same 1883/5 (p. 252) — 4 same 1885/7.) 1884-1894. List of insurance cos. [fire, life and casu- alty] and cooperative assns. of other states and foreign countries, authorized during yr., to transact business in Del., and names and residences of attys. upon whom service of legal process may be made. (3 same 1883/5 (pp. 249-251)— 8 same 1893/5.) For the even yrs. only. 1885. Rel. to establishment of legal safeguards for benefit of the insurer and insured; extrs. from rept. of Mass. insurance comr. and from Jan. mess, of gov. of Del. rel. to this subject. (3 same 1883/5: 6.) . Nearly all fire, life, guarantee and casualty cos., now in legal existence in state, possess surplus of assets largely in excess of requirements of law; mu- tual cos. also appear to be In healthy condition. (3 same 1883/5: 5.) . Surreptitious insurance practiced to some extent in all the states; insurers cautioned agst. taking policies with any co., until they ascertain legal right of CO. to issue policies in state. (3 same 1883/5: 8.) 1887-1894. Tabular stmt, showing condition, Dec. 31, of all insurance cos. authorized to transact busi- ness in Del.; giving name of co., when incorporated, admitted assets, liabilities (excluding capital and surplus), capital stock (paid up), receipts, expendi- tures, net risks in force, risks written and renewed, premiums and assessments reed., and losses in- curred. (5 same 1887/9 (pp. 266-270)— 8 same 1893/5.) Stmts, are for 1887, 1889, 1891, 1894. For continu- ation see ahove, under serial group, series 2 ; and below, under non-serial, 1902-1903, and 1902- 1904. 1889. Valued policy law; remarks agst. passage of this law in Del.; evils of such a law enumerated; views of some of the insurance comrs. of other states on this law. (5 same 1S87/8: 4-8.) . Unauthorized insurance; "good ground for be- lieving that some of our business men have their mills, factories, fruit evaporating establishments and canneries insured in cos. not authorized to do business in this state"; recommending such legis- lation as will confer upon insurance comr. author- ity to grant permission to agts. to place risks upon this kind of property, in cos. not authorized to do business in state, wherever agts. have furnished satisfactory evidence to comr. that said risks can not be placed in cos. already authorized; sugges- tions rel. to method of accomplishing this. (Same 1883/5: 3-4.) 1891. Unauthorized insurance; parties residing out of state, representing various kinds of insurance cos. and ready to insure anything upon any terms, fre- quently effect insurance within state, and especially among a no. of the mnfg. establishments; these establishments represent considerable wealth and should be protected agst. false representations; conflict in decisions of the courts as to liability of insurance cos. doing business in states in violation of insurance laws of those states; passage of law similar to that in force in Penna., on this subject recommended. (6 same 1889/91: 6-7.) 1893. Suggested that insurance law be so amended that COS. desiring to do business in state should pay a gross sum for licenses in lieu of licenses for their agts., and when so licensed their agts. should be required simply to procure certificates of au- thority from insurance comr. upon producing cer- INSURANCE— cont'd non-serial — cont'd tificate of apptmt. by such cos.; laws of dept. need revision and re-enactment into one general law. (7 same 1891/3: 7.) . Necessity of some legislation with regard to " un- authorized insurance"; enactment of provision in insurance law, warranting, on certain conditions, the placing of insurance with cos. outside of state, when impossible to place risks with cos. authorized to transact business in Del., would be found con- venient and beneficial to many of the business and mnfg. men. (7 same 1891/3: 5.) 1893/4. List of cos. admitted to do business in state; do. cos. withdrawn. (8 same 1893/5: 4.) 1901. Reduction of underwriting capacity due to with- drawal from state and country of foreign cos., be- cause of large net losses in their aggregate Amer. business. (Same 1901/2: 109.) Paging from Collected docs. 1901-1902. No. and kinds of cos. under supervision of insurance dept. during yr. {Same 1901/2: 5-6; 10.) 1901-1904. Names of cos. ceasing to do business in state during yr. (Sayne 1901/2 (p. 6)— some 1903/ 4.) 1901/2-1903/4. Names of cos. entering or re-entering state during yr. (Same 1901/2: 6; 9.) 1902. Need of law making statutory provision for for- feiture, because of misuse or abuse, or franchise granted under general corporation law, comment. (Same 1901/2: 11-12.) 1903/4. On fire, life, fidelity and casualty Insurance. {Same 1903/4: 8-20.) . Rel. to examinations, made by comr., of Del. In- surance COS. {Same 1903/4: 18-19.) 1904. Recommended that a record of all special char- ter COS. of whatever class heretofore and hereafter to be incorporated under Special Acts of Del. Gen. Assem. and a separate record of cos. incorporated under general laws be authorized to be compiled and published by secy, of state; etc. {Same 1903/ 4: 20.) . Recommended that it be made mandatory that comr. shall make an examination of each insurance CO. incorporated under Del. law, at least once In every 2 yrs., etc. (Same 1903/4: 20.) . Recommended that insurance comr. be author- ized by statute to act as trustee for benefit of credi- tors of Del. and foreign corporations under his supervision, when such corporations are required by law, or express a desire, to deposit cash or bona fide securities, readily salable on market for cash of at least their par value, with the " insurance comr. of Del.," in trust to protect holders of their policies or certificates in whatever state or country. {Same 1903/4: 19-20.) . Recommended that provisions of sec. 4, ch. 99, Laws of Del., applicable to the incorporation of life, fire, and accident insurance cos., be extended so as to include under their prohibitions and conditions all other kinds of stock insurance cos. (Same 1903/4: 19.) . Recommended that all corporations, organized under laws of other states or foreign countries, do- ing business in Del. under supervision of insurance comr., be required by statute to appoint said officer the atty. of each of them to accept service of proc- ess in Del., to the end that there shall be no trouble in finding any such co. in that behalf, and that sec. 1, ch. 99, vol. 22, Laws of Del., be so amended as to remove his disability so to act. {Same 1903/ 4: 19.) 88 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF DELAWARE INSDRAIfCE— cont'd Accident 1882. See below, Life, this date. 1884. See same, this date. 1884-1892. See same, these dates. 1884-1894. See above. Insurance, these dates. . Guaranty and casualty insurance cos.: abstrs. compiled from ann. stmts, of cos. authorized to transact business in Del., showing condition on Dec. 31, with assets, liabilities, income, expendi- tures, etc. (3 bienn. rapt, insurance comr. 1883/5 (pp. 229-241)— 8 same 1893/5.) For the even yrs. only. 1884 and 1886, casualty cos. only. 1894. Accident and live stock insurance cos.; abstracts compiled from ann. stmts, of cos. authorized to transact business in Del., showing their condition on Dec. 31, with assets, liabilities, income, expendi- tures, etc. (8 same 1893/5: 325-339.) Agents 1884-1893. Directory of agts. of home and foreign in- surance COS., Dec. 31. (3 bienn. rept. insurance comr. 1883/5 (pp. 253-256)— 7 same 1891/3.) 1902. Directory of insurance cos. and agts. authorized to transact business in Del. corrected to Aug. 15, 1902. Milford, Chronicle Power Press, n. d. 32 pp. Copy In Delaware Hist. Socy. Assessment 1881. Co-operative insurance cos.: application for ad- mission to Del. made by no. of cos. of other states under names of Mutual Aid, Mutual Benefit, etc.; some well managed, others not worthy of public trust; comr. unable under provs. of Del. law to grant such authority to these cos.; rel. to decision in Penna. court that National Mutual Aid Assn., of Columbus, Ohio, was not an insurance co., and could transact business in state without certificate of in- surance comr.; if such is the case in Del., some legislation needed touching this matter; suggested that act in relation to insurance cos. be so amended as to bring these assns., societies and cos. referred to, clearly within the statute, allowing such exemp- tions and imposing such restrictions as may be con- sidered proper, etc., and giving comr. power of supervision over them, with right to revoke his certificate of authority whenever deemed advisable. (1 bienn. rept. insurance comr. 1879/81: 8-11.) 1884-1894. See above. Insurance, these dates. 1885. Cooperative or assessment assns. have found en- trance into almost every state, being placed under supervision of comr. in some, and in others they are under no restriction whatever; requirements of such cos. operating in Del.; extr. from rept. of comr. of Penna., rel. to no. of such cos. incorporated, etc., in that state; Penna. considered by Del. comr. to be birth-place of assns. of this character in this country. (3 bienn. rept. insurance comr. 1883/5: 7-8.) Lite 1884. Cooperative life insurance assns.: abstrs. com- piled from ann. stmts, of assns. authorized to trans- act business in Del., showing condition on Dec. 31, with assets, liabilities, income, expenditures, etc. (3 bienn. rept. Insurance comr. 1883/5: 221-228.) . See also below. Life, this date. 1884-1892. See same, these dates. 1888-1894. Assessment life insurance cos.: abstrs. com- piled from ann. stmts, of cos. authorized to transact business in Del., showing their condition on Dec. 31, with assets, liabilities, income, expenditures, etc. (5 bienn. rept. insurance comr. 1887/9 (pp. 229- 234)— 8 same 1893/5.) For the even yrs. only. INSURANCE— cont'd Assessment— cont'd Lite — cont'd 1901. Amt. of premiums and assessments collected, and losses incurred by assessment life cos. (Some 1901/2: 8.) 1904. Assessment life insurance cos., and assessment casualty insurance cos. operating in state under provs. of law applicable to fraternal beneficiary assns.; need of legislation along this line — sugges- tions. (Same 1903/4: 12-15.) Bonds of Commissioner; see below, Insurance Department Burglary 1901-1904. See below, Premiums, these dates. Employers' Liability 1901-1904. See below. Premiums, these dates. Fire 1874/80-1881/7. Tables from ofl3cial repts. of insurance dept. of state of Ohio; showing amt. of fire insur- ance losses in Ohio for 7 yrs. before the valued policy laws took effect, and same for 7 yrs. after its passage; given to illustrate encouragement given by the valued policy law to incendiarism and fraud. (5 bienn. rept. Insurance comr. 1887/9: 5.) 1880-1882. Tabular stmt, showing classified gross as- sets, liabilities, income and expenditures of jt. stock of fire and fire-marine insurance cos. of other states, on Dec. 31. (1 same 1879/81 (pp. 25-32)— 2 same 1881/3.) . Tabular stmt, showing classified fire and marine and Inland risks of jt. stock fire insurance cos. of other states, written, terminated and in force at end of yr. (1 same 1879/81 (pp. 33-34)— 2 same 1881/3.) . Tabular stmt, showing classified fire and fire, marine and inland business done in Del. during yr., by Amer. branches of foreign fire insurance cos. (1 same 1879/81 (p. 40)— 2 same 1881/3.) .* Tabular stmt, showing classified gross assets, liabilities, receipts and expenditures of Del. jt. stock fire insurance cos., for yr. endg. Dec. 31. (1 same 1879/81 (pp. 19-20)— 2 same 1881/3.) .* Tabular stmt, showing classified total fire risks, premium receipts, losses, expenditures and profit and loss of Del. jt. stock fire insurance cos. for yr. endg. Dec. 31. (1 same 1879/81 (p. 21)— 2 same 1881/3.) .* Classified stmt, of recapitulation of assets, lia- bilities, income, expenditures, risks, and business in Del., of all fire cos. doing business in state. (1 same 1879/81 (pp. 43-45)— 2 same 1881/3.) .* Classified tabular stmt, showing condition on Dec. 31, of Amer. branches of foreign fire insurance cos. authorized to do business in Del. (1 same 1879/81 (p. 38)— 2 same 1881/3.) .* Tabular stmt, showing fire risks of Amer. branches of foreign fire insurance cos., written, ter- minated, re-insured and in force at end of yr. (1 same 1879/81 (p. 39)— 2 same 18S1/3.) 1880-1894. Abstrs. compiled from ann. stmts, of jt. stock fire and fire marine cos. of other states, show- ing their condition on Dec. 31; with their assets, liabilities, income, expenditures, etc. (1 same 1879/81 (pp. 69-158)— 8 same 1893/5.) For even yrs. only. 1881-1882. Abstrs. of stmts, of foreign fire insurance COS., and of the Amer. branches of those authorized to do business in Del.; with their assets, liabilities, income, expenditures, etc. (1 same 1879/81 (pp. 163-231)— 2 same 1881/3.) • 1881 omitted. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE 89 INSURANCE— cont'd Fire — cont'd 1881-1883. Delaware jt. stock and mutual fire insurance COS.: tabular stmt, giving name of co., its location, president and secy. (1 same 1879/81 (p. 46)— 2 same 1881/3.) . Tabular stmt, showing name and location of fire insurance cos. of other states and foreign countries now authorized to do business in Del., and name and residence of attys. on whom process can be served. (1 same 1879/81 (pp. 47-48)— 2 same 1881/3.) 1882. Tabular stmt, showing marine and inland risks of Amer. branches of foreign insurance cos. written, terminated and in force at end of yr. (2 same 1881/3: 33.) 1884. Fire and fire and marine insurance cos. of other states: abstrs. compiled from their ann. stmts., showing condition on Dec. 31; with assets, liabili- ties, income and expenditures, etc. (3 same 1883/ 5: 21-104.) . Classified stmt, showing business in Del. of each fire and fire and marine co. doing business in state during yr. (3 same 1883/5: 176-177.) . Tabular stmt, showing net amt. of risks of each fire and fire and marine co. in force, Dec. 31. with ratio of surplus on policyholders' acct., and of net assets to net amt. of risks in force — excluding per- petuals. (3 same 1SS3/5: 170-172.) . Del. fire insurance co^.: abstrs. compiled from their ann. stmts., showing their condition on Dec. 31, with their assets, liabilities, income, expendi- tures, etc. (3 same 1883/5: 11-20.) . Tabular stmt., showing classified fire business for the yr., of fire and fire and marine cos., with ratios relating thereto and to expenditures. (3 same 1883/5: 173-175.) 1884-1892. Tabular stmt, showing condition of fire and fire and marine cos. on Dec. 31, and their receipts and expenditures during yr., with amt. of assets, liabilities (excluding capital), capital (paid up), surplus, deposit notes held by mutual cos., and cash dividends paid. (3 same 1883/5 (pp. 167-169)— 7 same 1891/3.) For the even yrs. only. 1884-1894. See above. Insurance, these dates. . Foreign fire and fire and marine insurance cos.; abstracts compiled from ann. stmts, of U. S. branches of cos. authorized to transact business in Del., showing condition on Dec. 31, with assets, liabilities. Income, and expenditures, etc. (3 bienn. rept. insurance comr. 1883/5 (pp. 105-164) — 8 same 1893/5.) For even yrs. only. 1888. Large ratio of losses to premiums, result of some large and destructive fires in City of Wilmington, and not to be attributed to carelessness or mis- management on part of agts. or cos. (5 same 1887/ 9: 2.) 1888-1892. Tabular stmt, showing business in Delaware during yr., of the fire and fire and marine insurance COS. authorized to do business therein, with name of CO. and the location, amt. of risks written and renewed, premiums and assessments reed., losses incurred and losses paid. (5 same 1887/9 (pp. 261- 262)— 7 same 1891/3.) For the even yrs. only. 1895. Settlement of fire losses a fruitful source of con- troversy betw. fire insurance cos. and policyholders; fires showing possibility of incendiarism so fre- quent in southern portion of state that for past few yrs. most of the cos. doing business in state have ceased to go below Dover, and those continu- ing in that part obliged to raise the % so high to meet losses that insurance is almost out of the INSURANCE— cont'd Fire— cont'd question; insurance dept. should be authorized to Investigate all fires where probability of incendia- rism exists. (8 same 1893/5: 5-6.) 1901. Amt. of risks written and renewed by fire cos. of Del., amt. of premiums and losses, and ratio of losses to premiums. (.Same 1901/2: 7.) . Reduction of underwriting capacity of fire cos. of other states and foreign countries in Del., due to withdrawal from state and country of foreign countries, because of large net losses in their ag- gregate Amer. business. (Same 1901/2: 7.) 1901-1904. Amt. of risks written and renewed by fire COS. of other states and foreign countries in Del., and premiums collected and losses incurred; % of losses to premiums. (Same 1901/2 (p. 7) — same 1903/4.) 1904. Special repts. required in 1st quarter of yr. after Baltimore conflagration, from all fire cos. doing business in state; losses in this conflagration caused the reinsurance of 2 cos. then doing busi- ness in state, and stockholders of 3 such cos. found it necessary to contribute to their companies' treas- uries in order to maintain the financial status of cos. as it had been Dec. 31, 1903. (Same 1903/4: 10.) . Fire business in Wilmington in comparatively satisfactory condition, as well as in rural New Castle Co., above the Del. and Chesapeake Canal: all over Delaware below the canal, a scarcity of underwriting capacity and an extra loading of rates on insurable property; reasons claimed by under- writers for such conditions; hazard to cos. lies in Delaware's valued policy law, and absence of any provision by state for supervision over fires and their sources, south of the canal; as the people do not deem it the part of wisdom to repeal this law, it would seem the proper course to pursue to enact a fire marshal law; cost of such a course: no in- crease should be made by way of taxation of fire cos. for this purpose, but expense should be paid out of revenues already collected from these cos. (Same 1903/4: 8-10.) Mutual; see below, that title. Guaranty 1882. See below. Life, this date. 1884-1894. See above, Accident, these dates. Health 1901-1904. See below. Premiums, these dates. Insurance Department 1891. Rept. on claim of Insurance Comr. Fooks for ad- ditional compensation. (House jol. Jan. 1891: 568- 569.) 1893. Rept. of -committee apptd. to settle with late in- surance comr. (Same Jan. 1893: 844.) . Insurance comr.; business transactions of this ofBcer not under control of this dept.; recommended that law regulating license system of clerks of the peace should be made to apply to insurance dept.; all licenses should be issued by secy, of state to the several depts., and secy, and all other officials should make a semi-ann. stmt, to state auditor, and all persons charged with licenses should be required to settle at certain specified times. (A.R. auditor 1892: iv.) 1895. Insurance dept.; recommendation made in 1892 rel. to settlements with this dept., approved by Gen. Assem. and enacted into law; settlements made promptly and according to law. (Same 1894: vi.) 1897. On insurance dept. (Same 1896: Iv.) 90 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF DELAWARE INSURANCE— cont'd Insurance Department^-cont'd 1902. Responsibilities of comr. increased without any increase in remuneration; long felt need in the dept. supplied by Gen. Assem., by providing a clerk. (Bienn. rept. of insurance comr. 1901/2: 107-108.) raging from Collected docs. . Recommending that Gen. Assem., in authorizing pubn. of full rept. of insurance dept. for 1901 and 1902, provide for prtg. of 1000 cloth bound copies, and mal?e provision for apprn. to defray cost thereof. (Same 1901/2: 15.) . All state expenses, with exception of a single bill for prtg., incurred by dept., have been defrayed by it, as no legislative provision was created by last Gen. Assem. (Same 1901/2: 5.) 1903. Rept. of jt. committee apptd. to examine accts. of the insurance comr., etc. (House jol. 1903: 1067.) 1904. Most expensive branches of dept.'s supervision bring to it no net revenue, but measure of protec- tion to the public provided thereby, beyond com- parison with cost of it. (Bienn. rept. insurance comr. 1903/4: 7.) , That official title of comr. of insurance depart- ment be changed to " comr. of banlcing and insur- ance." (Same 1903/4: 24.) Bond of Commissionek 1893. Amt. of bond of insurance comr. under present law; should be increased; and law should require accts. of comr. so far as they relate to funds of state to be audited by auditor of accts. (7 bienn. rept. insurance comr. 1891/3: 5.) Receipts and Expenditubes; see below, that title Laws 1885. Text of laws relating to insurance. (3 bienn. rept. insurance comr. 1883/5: 257-271.) 1891. Same. (6 same 1889/91: 303-324.) 1901. State of Del. Insurance laws, statutes regula- ting the business of insurance in this state, pre- scribing the duties of the insurance comr. and of the COS., fixing the rate of taxation, etc., making provision for licenses and certificates to agts., etc., and for the govt, of bldg. and loan assns. in this state. Published for the Insurance Dept. Dover, The Sentinel Prtg. Co., 1901. 34, 2 pp. 1903. Same. Milford, Chronicle Power Print, 1903. 33 pp., 1 1. Wilmington Institute Free Library. Life 1880. Classified stmt, showing balance of net or ledger assets of life cos. of other states transacting busi- ness in state on Dec. 31. (1 bienn. rept. insurance comr. 1879/81: 239.) 1880-1882.* Classified stmt, showing general balance of assets and liabilities, income and expenditures of life COS. of other states, transacting business in this state on Dec. 31. (1 same 1879/81 (pp. 240-241)— 2 same 1881/3.) 1882 includes accident and guarantee cos. .* Same; business transacted by life cos. of other states during yr. endg. Dec. 31, in this state. (1 same 1879/81 (p. 244)— 2 same 1881/3.) 1882 includes accident and guarantee cos. .* Same; total business done during yr. by life COS. of other states. (1 same 1879/81 (p. 242)— 2 same 1881/3.) 1882 Includes accident and guarantee cos. .* Same; no. and amt. of policies issued and termi- nated during yr., and mode of termination, by life COS. of other sUtes. (1 same 1879/81 (p. 243)— 2 same 1881/3.) 1882 Includes accident and guarantee cos. • 1881 omitted. INSURANCE— cont'd Life — cont'd 1880-1894. Abstracts compiled from ann. stmts, of life insurance cos. of other states authorized to do busi- ness in Del., showing condition on Dec. 31; with assets, liabilities, income, expenditures, etc. (1 same 1879/81 (pp. 247-285)— 8 same 1893/5.) In 1882 ; abstrs of stmts, of life, assessment, and guaranty cos. For even yrs. only. 1881. No life insurance co. incorporated under Del. law. doing business in state. (1 same 1879/81: 6.) . No foreign life insurance co. at present author- ized to do business in state. (1 same 1879/81: 235.) 1881-1883. Tabular stmt, showing name and location of life COS. of other states, authorized to do business in Del., and name and residence of attys. on whom process can be served. (1 sajne 1879/81 (p. 245) — 2 same 1881/3.) For 1881 and 1883, only; 1883 includes accident and guarantee cos. 1882. Classified stmt, showing balance of net or ledger assets of life, accident and guarantee cos. of other states, transacting business in Del., Dec. 31. (2 same 1881/3: 211.) 1883. No life insurance co. incorporated under Del. laws, and no foreign lite co., authorized to do busi- ness in state. (2 same 1881/3: 207.) 1884. Tabular stmt, pf ratios relating to the condition Dec. 31, and business during yr. of life and casualty COS., and assessment assns. authorized to transact business in Del. (3 same 1883/5: 247.) . Tabular stmt, showing certain details [i. e., risks written or renewed, risks terminated, net premiums collected, total receipts, total expenditures, and cash dividends] of life and casualty cos., and assess- ment assns. authorized to transact business in Del. (3 same 1883/5: 24C.) 1884-1892. Classified stmt, showing condition, Dec. 31, of life and casualty cos., and assessment assns., authorized to transact business in Del. during yr. ; with admitted assets, liabilities (excluding capital and surplus), capital (paid up), surplus, and net risks in force. (3 same 1883/5 (p. 245) — 7 same 1891/3.) For even yrs. only. 1886 and 1888, assessment assns. omitted ; 1800 and 1802, for life, casualty, guarantee and surety cos. . Tabular stmt, showing business in Delaware, during yr., of life and casualty cos., and assessment assns., authorized to transact business therein; giv- ing amt. of risks written or renewed, losses in- curred, losses paid, risks in force Dec. 31, and ratio of losses incurred to premiums reed. (3 same 1883/5 (p. 348)— 7 same 1891/3.) For the even yrs. only. In 1886, assessment assns. omitted ; 1800 and 1802, for life, casualty, guarantee, and surety cos. 1884-1894. See above. Insurance, these dates. 1885. Life insurance, a subject of importance; care should be taken by those desiring to effect insur- ance to contract with such cos. only as are organ- ized under proper basis, etc. (3 bienn. rept. insur- ance comr. 1883/5: 6-7.) 1887/8. Life insurance; decided increase in amt. of business, thus bringing increase in revenues from licens's and premiums; excess of revenue over ex- penses of insurance dept.; suggesting propriety of modifying these taxes. (5 same 1887/9: 3.) 1901. Amt. of premiums and losses on industrial life insurance policies. (Same 1901/2: 7.) 1901-1904. Amt. of premiums collected by all life cos., their aggregate losses, and the loss ratio. (Same 1901/2 (p. 7)— same 1903/4.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE 91 INSURANCE— cont'd Life — cont'd 1902-1904. Tabular stmt, of condition, Dec. 31, of life insurance cos. licensed by the insurance dept. ot the state, showing name of cc, when incorporated, admitted assets, liabilities excluding capital stock, cash capital stock, receipts, expenditures, net risks in force, insurance written and terminated and in force, premiums and assessments reed., losses paid, and losses incurred. (Same 1901/2 (foldg. stmt.) — same 1903/4.) Assessment; see above, that title Livestock 1894. See above, Accident, this date. Mutual 1904. Recommended that secy, of state be authorized, by amdmt. made to ch. 99, vol. 22, Laws of Del., to file certificates of incorporation for mutual insur- ance COS., as well as stock cos. (Bienn. rept insur- ance comr. 1903/4: 19.) FlEE 1880-1882.* Tabular stmt, showing risks of mutual fire cos. of other states, written, terminated, and in force at end of yr. (1 bienn. rept. insurance comr. 1879/81 (p. 42)— 2 same 1881/3.) .* Same; Delaware mutual fire insurance cos. (1 same 1879/81 (p. 24)— 2 same 1881/3.) .* Same; classified recfeipts and expenditures of Delaware mutual fire insurance cos. for the yr. (1 same 1879/81 (p. 23)— 2 same 1881/3.) .* Same; mutual fire insurance cos. of other states. (1 same 1879/81 (p. 42)— 2 same 1881/3.) .* Classified tabular stmt, showing condition of Delaware mutual fire insurance cos. on Dec. 31. (1 same 1879/81 (p. 22)— 2 same 1881/3.) .* Same; mutual fire insurance cos. of other states. on Dec. 31. (1 same 1879/81 (p. 41)— 2 same 1881/ 3.) 1880-1894. Abstracts compiled from ann. stmts, of Dela- ware mutual fire insurance cos., showing condition on Dec. 31; with assets, liabilities, income, expendi- tures, etc. (1 same 1879/81 (pp. 57-68) — same 1893/5.) For even yrs. only. 1881-1883. See above. Fire, these dates. Plate Glass 1901-1904. See below. Premiums, these dates. Premiums 1883-1894. Amt. of premiums collected in state and amt. paid for losses by cos. incorporated by Dela- ware; do., cos. of other states and countries. (3 bienn. rept. insurance comr. 1883/5 (p. 5) — 8 same 1893/5.) 1901-1904. Ratio of losses to premiums during yr. in Delaware in business of accident insurance; do. in health insurance; do. in employers' liability insur- ance; do. in fidelity and surety; do. in plate glass insurance; do. in steam boiler insurance; do. in burglary insurance. (.Same 1901/2 (p. 7) — same 1903/4.) Fiee; see above, that title Life; see above, that title Public Buildings; see that title Receipts and Expenditures 1879/80-1893/4. Summary of receipts and expenses of Dept. for period endg. Dec. 31 (18 mos.). (1 bienn. rept. insurance comr. 1879/81 (pp. 11-12) — 8 same 1893/5.) • 1881 omitted. INSURANCE— cont'd Receipts and Expenditures — cont'd 1892. Receipts for this yr. not as large as that of 1891, in consequence of cos. paying 1891 tax at old rate of 2%% on premiums collected, while for 1892 business paid at rate of 1%% as now required by law. (7 same 1891/3: 4.) 1893. Large sum of money belonging to state now comes into hands of insurance comr. every yr., in consequence of ch. 23, v. 19, Laws of Del., requiring insurance cos. doing business in state to pay cer- tain charges to comr. instead of clerk of the peace for use of the state. (7 same 1891/3: 4.) . Insurance comr. in acct. with state; stmt, show- ing receipts from licenses and other sources, and the contingent expenses of the office to Oct. 1, ar- ranged chronologically; with summary. (A.R. auditor 1893: 105-108.) 1893/4-1895/6. License acct.: insurance comr. in acct. with state, for licenses furnished as by rept. from secy, of state. (Same 1894 (p. 93)— same 1896.) 1893/4-1896/7. Stmt, showing no. and kind of licenses and of certificates of authority on hand at last set- tlement; the no. and kind reed, from secy, of state; do. issued; do. turned over to auditor; do. on hand; and amt. reed, from sale of licenses and certificates of authority, and from fees for issuing same, by insurance comr., for period endg. Oct. (Same 1894 (pp. 100-101)— same 1896/7.) 1901-1904. Stmt, of amts. turned over to state treasurer by insurance comr. each yr. (Bienn. rept. insur- ance comr. 1903/4: 6.) 1901/2-1903/4. Summary of receipts and expenses of dept. for two calendar yrs. (Same 1901/2 (p. 5) — same 1903/4.) Steam Boiler 1901-1904. See above. Premiums, these dates. INSURANCE: INDIVIDUAL COMPANIES American Casualty Insurance Company, of Baltimore 1893. Notice reed, on Nov. 28, of apptmt. of E. Austin, of Glencoe, Md., as receiver for Amer. Casualty In- surance Co., of Baltimore, with a deposit of $250,000 held by Mercantile Trust and Deposit Co., of Balti- more, for protection of all policyholders. (8 bienn. rept. insurance comr. 1891/3: 4.) Commercial Fire Insurance Company, of Wilmington 1901. Law of nearly, if not quite, every state in Union, has been violated by this co. ; requested that fran- chise of this CO., " which has misused and abused its corporate powers until it has become the most notorious of ' wild cat ' insurance concerns " be re- voked. (Bienn. rept. insurance comr. 1901/2: 8-9.) Delaware Fire Insurance Company 1880, 1882. Abstr. compiled from ann. stmt of co., showing its condition on Dec. 31; giving assets, liabilities, income, expenditures, etc. (1 bienn. rept. insurance comr. 1879/81 (pp. 51-55) — 2 same 1881/3.) Delaware State Grange Mutual Fire Insurance Company, of Camden 1885. Co. exempted from taxation by legislative enact- ment. (3 bienn. rept. insurance comr. 1883/5: 3.) Delaware State Mutual Fire and Marine Insurance Company, of Wilmington 1879. Rept. of insurance comr. with stmt, of the af- fairs and condition of the co., Sept. 25. (1 bienn. rept. of insurance comr. 1879/81: 13-14.) 1880. Copy ot order of revocation of comr.'s certificate of authority issued to co. (1 same 1879/81: 15.) 92 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE INSURANCE: INDIVIDUAL COMPANIES— cont'd Delaware State Mutual Fire and Marine Insurance Company, of Wilmington — cont'd 1881. Certificate issued by comr. on March 4, 1880, authorizing co. to transact business of fire and ma- rine insurance and establish agencies in state for and during 1881; certificate revoked upon comr.'s ascertaining that co.'s act of incorporation was null and void, and that Del. State Fire and Marine In- surance Co. had no legal right to change its name and add the word "Mutual." (1 same 1879/81: 7- 8.) Economic Life Insurance Company of America 1902. Business of co. sold to Metropolitan Life Co. of N. Y. in May; latter named co. reinsuring risks of the former, whereupon Economic Life Co. retired from business. (Bienn. rept. insurance comr. 1901/ 2: 9.) German Insurance Company, of Wilmington 1904. Reasons for revoking, on Feb. 11, license issued to CO. on March 23, 1903. (Bienn. rept. insurance comr. 1903/4: 17.) German Union Insurance Company, of Wilmington 1902. This CO. and National Insurance and Investment Co., of Dover, under consideration as applicants upon same status as State Insurance Co., for license to do business under the general insurance law. (Bienn. rept. insurance comr. 1901/2: 11.) Law and Crown Insurance Company, of London 1904. Dept. notified of intention of co. and the State Fire Insurance Co., of Liverpool, to withdraw from state on or before Feb. 28, 1905. (Bienn. rept. in- surance comr. 1903/4: 17-18.) Merchants' Insurance Company, of Newark, New Jersey 1902. All risks of co. re-insured July 26, by National Fire Insurance Co., of Hartford, Conn. (Bienn. rept. insurance comr. 1901/2: 9.) Mutual Fire Insurance Company of Chester County, Penn- sylvania 1880, 1882. Abstract compiled from ann. stmt, of co., showing condition on Dec. 31; with its assets, lia- bilities, income, expenditures, etc. (1 bienn. rept. insurance comr. 1879/81 (pp. 159-162) — 2 same 1881/3.) Mutual Reserve Fund Life Association, of New York 1902. Name of assn. changed during yr. to " Mutual Reserve Life Insurance Co.," and converted from an assessment co. to an old line co. (Bienn. rept. insurance comr. 1901/2: 9.) National Insurance and Investment Company, of Dover; see above, German Union Insurance Company State Fire Insurance Company, of Liverpool; see above. Law and Crown Insurance Company State Insurance Company of Delaware 1902. Co. a special charter co. Incorporated May 25, 1897, by special act of legisl., licensed June 25, 1902. (Bienn. rept. insurance comr. 1901/2: 10-11.) 1904. Co. placed by chancellor in charge of receiver, but Wilmington Fire Insurance Co. notified dept. that it has complied with requirements made of it, in regard to change of investment. {Same 1903/4: 17.) INTERNAL IMPROVEMENTS; see PUBLIC WORKS INTERSTATE COMMERCE; see COMMERCE INVESTMENTS School Fund; see Education State; see Finance: State Taxation; see Taxation: State. Bonds, etc. JAILS; see MAINTENANCE: COUNTY. DELINQUENTS JUMP PROPERTY; see FINANCE: ETC. STATE. RECEIPTS, JUSTICE, ADMINISTRATION OF; see ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE JUVENILE OFFENDERS; see MAINTENANCE: STATE KENT COUNTY Agricultural Society; see Agricultural Societies Dog Tax; see Taxation: State Jail; see Maintenance: County. Delinquents License Revenue; see License Poor; see Maintenance: County. Dependents Poor Tax; see Taxation: State Road Tax; see Taxation: State Roads; see that title School Fund; see Education. School Fund School Houses; see Education: School Houses Schools; see Education Sheriffs; see Administration of Justice: County Teachers' Institutes; see Education. Teachers Wages Teachers; see Labob KENTON Malaria in; see Public Health. Diseases Public Schools; see Education LABOR serial 1898-1902. Ann. repts. of Theresa Boeck, inspector of factories, etc., for New Castle Co., State of Del., for 1898, 1899, 1900, 1901, 1902. Pub. under authority of ch. 215, vol. 21, Del. laws. Wilmington, C. L. Story, 1902. 25 pp. 1st rept. (1898), pp. 3-7; 23 (1899), pp. 8-12; 3d (1900), pp. 13-17; 4th (1901), pp. 18-21; 5tli (1902), pp. 22-25. Copy seen In Delaware Hist Socy. non-serial 1818. Recommending propriety of revising and amend- ing laws rel. to apprentices and servants. (Govs. mess. (Rodney) Jan. 1818.) 1837. Scarcity of farm and domestic labor. (Same Jan. 1837.) 1847. Serious complaint among farmers, of a want of help in cultivating their lands; suggesting pro- priety of amending laws prohibiting emigration of free negroes into state, so as to procure more avail- able labor. (Same (Temple) Jan. 1847.) 1904. Labor question a trouble to farmers; suggested that Congress be asked to allow representative of Del. and Penn. to go to Europe and bring over at least 1000 men and women under contract to work on farms or with understanding that labor at stipu- lated wages would be assured them for period of 1 yr. (4 A.R. bd. of agric. 1904: 25.) Convict Labor 1859. Crime on the increase; convicts should be given employment; suggested that work-houses be estab- lished and attached to co. prisons. (Govs. mess. (Causey) Jan. 1859.) 1883. Advising that substantial state prison be con- structed and arranged so that convicts from each CO. can be reed, and employed in such occupations as will conduce most to correction of vice, reforma- tion of the convict, and the protection of society. (Sayne (Stockley) Jan. 1883.) Factory Inspection; see above serial group Insurance Employers' Liability; see Insdbancb Health; see Insurance INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OP DELAWARE 93 LABOR— cont'd Insurance — cont'd WOBKINOMEN 1887. Rept. of judiciary committee on act to prevent insurance of their employees by corporations. (House jol. Jan. 1887: 367-368.) Negro 1861. Repeal advised of act of Feb. 28. 1855, declaring it lawful for free negroes and mulattoes residing in Md. to come into and reside in New Castle and Kent COS.. for purposes of labor; under existing circumstances more may be sent than purposes of labor require. (Govs. mess. (Burton) Jan. 1861.) 1863. Very small proportion of labor of state depend- ent upon slave population. {Same (Cannon) Jan. 1863: 21.) Wages 1875. Attachment of wages; so much of existing laws as authorize this should be repealed. (Govs. mess. (Cochran) Jan. 1875.) AOBICULTfRAL L.^BOB 1870. Total of ann. wages paid in farming operations and total value of farm productions of New Castle Co. equal to aggregate totals of both Kent and Sus- sex cos. (Govs, inaug. mess. (Cochran) Jan. 1875: 7.) Teachees 1875/7-1883/4. Tabular stmt, showing, by cos., the mo. salary of teachers, etc. (3 A.R. supt. of free schools 1877/8 (p. 53)— [9] same 1884.) 1880. Teachers of Delaware not paid in proportion to work accomplished by them — unequal pay in the resp. COS. acts as great hindrance to the success of Delaware's educational system. (5 same 1879/80: 12-13.) 1882. Bad result of meager salaries paid Delaware teachers. (7 same 1881/2: 19-20.) 1883/4-1885/6. Comparative tabular stmt, showing av- erage salary of teachers, their average age, etc., for each CO. and for state. (11 same 1886: 86.) 1887/8-1891/2. Average salary of teachers, average age of teachers, etc., in New Castle Co. compared with 2 previous yrs. (Bienn. rept. on free schools 1888 (p. 21)— same 1892.) 1890. Stmt, of salaries paid Wilmington teachers. (Same 1889/90: 66-67.) 1892. Recommended by supt. of Sussex Co. that pro- vision be made for payment of teachers' salaries monthly instead of quarterly. (Same 1892: 29.) 1895. Suggested that sec. 9 of public school act, pre- scribing mode of payment of salaries of teachers, be amended. (A.R. auditor 1894: v.) 1898. Low salaries of teachers in Kent Co. a great ob- stacle in the way of the success of the schools. (Rept. of state bd. of education 1898: 33.) 1902. Urging that salaries of supts. be increased. (Bienn. rept. same 1902: 11.) LABORATORY Bacteriological; see Public Health LAND 1646-1679. Original land titles in Del. commonly known as the Duke of York Record .... Pub. by order of Gen. Assem. Wilmington, Sunday Star Print, n. d. 199 pp. 4°. Copy In Delaware Hist, Socy. 1802. Order drawn by Gov. on state treasurer in favor of agt. apptd. on behalf of state to carry into effect " an act to procure certain papers or copies thereof from land office in Penna. (Govs. mess. (Sykes) Jan. 1802.) 1803. Letter from agt. of state to procure copies of papers from Penn. rel. to titles to lands in Del. (Sen. jol. Jan. 1803: 20.) LAND— cont'd 1804. Action of auditor in obedience to res. of Gen. Assem., in Jan., apptg. counsel to defend certain ejectments in Circuit Court of U. S. for recovery of lands granted by state and directing " auditor to make such preparation for the trial of said suits as shall be advised by said counsel." (A.R. auditor 1803/4: 36.) 1820. Much inconvenience occasionally experienced by purchasers of land at sheriff's sale in getting pos- session thereof; recommending propriety of provid- ing by law a remedy for such cases. (Govs. mess. (Clark) Jan. 1820.) 1835. Rept. of committee on petitions rel. to real and personal property of Jos. Kimmey, deceased. (House jol. Jan. 1835: 32.) 1837. Rept. of committee on petition of M. Burton and T. Robinson, with bill to authorize condemnation of a certain piece and parcel of ground, situate on head of branch of Herring Creek, and remon- strances agst. passage of bill. (Same Jan. 1837: 115-116.) Marsh 1800. Rept. on petition from Murderkill Hundred pray- ing leave to introduce bill to drain or ditch a quan- tity of land called " Tapahanah Marsh"; also from owners of Colbreath or Tanners' Marsh to ditch same. (House jol. Jan. 1800: 27.) 1833. Rept. of committee on petition of sundry citizens of North West Fork Hundred, praying repeal of part of act to authorize owners and possessors of the marshes and low grounds commonly called Bridge Branch, in Sussex Co., to ditch and drain same. (Same Jan. 1833: 187-188.) 1836. Renewing recommendation made Jan. 6, 1829, rel. to importance of improvement of the unculti- vated marshes along shores of Del. River; these marshes comprise part of most fertile lands within limits of state, and their improvement would fur- nish to owners not only a source of wealth, but an abode of health; in present condition they are a nursery for disease and hordes of annoying insects, that immensely lessen value of property in their vicinity. (Govs. mess. (Polk) June 1836.) 1879. Rept on condition of Silver Run Marsh recom- mending legislation rel. to same. (House jol. Jan, 1879: 392.) 1880. Expediency of apptg. committee to act in con- junction with bd. to visit and examine swamps, ponds and other noxious places and reporting feasibility and probable expense of draining them. (1 bienn. rept. bd. of health 1879/80: 6-7.) 1882. Drainage; [by Wm. Marshall]. (2 bienn. rept. bd. of health 1881/2: 9-12.) Proper system of drainage might make thousands of acres of unproductive land productive and prevent malarial fevers, etc. 1885. Papers [on drainage, marsh lands, etc. in Dela- ware] ; by A. Colburn, Wm. Reybold and F. B. Col- ton. (1 bienn. rept. bd. of agric. 1889/90: 50-58.) Published by U. S. Dept. of Agrlc. In vol. entitled, "Tide Marshes of U. S." 1886. 300,000 acres of land included in strip west of Del. R.R. designated as forest land requires arti- ficial draining; in few cases where land has been drained productiveness equals that of any part of state; state bd. of agric, constituted without legisl. authority can do nothing but point out way in which such organization might be of material help to state; need of effective organization shown by loss of several thousand dollars preceding yr. in Kent Co. on acct. of hog cholera — no authoritative investigation was made as to cause or prevention. (Rept. state bd. of agric. 1886: 757-758.) Paging from Sen. ]oI. 1887. 94 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE LAND— cont'd Uarsh — cont'd 1888. Better drainage and sewerage needed; pneu- monia and malaria caused by their neglect; immi- gration retarded; land value in Sussex Co. would be increased by proper drainage. (5 bienn. rept. bd. of health 1886/8: 156-157.) Paging from app. to House jol. 1889. 1888/9. Replies to question 14 in circular issued May, 1887, by bd. of agric. [rel. to draining marsh and meadow lands]. (1 bienn. rept. bd. of agric. 1889/ 90: 39-50.) 1889. Rept. of committee apptd. to ascertain titles to certain marsh lands in Kent Co. (Sen. jol. Jan. 1889: 448; House jol. Jan. 1889: 505.) . Further rept. of committee apptd. to ascertain titles to certain marsh lands known as Kent Is. (House jol. Jan. 1889: 518.) Pea Patch 1836. Communication from actg. secy, of war notify- ing Gov. of Delaware rel. to case of Henry Gale agst. U. S., involving title to Pea Patch Is. in Del. River. (House jol. Jan. 1837: 17.) 1837. Rept. of committee to whom was referred so much of Govs. mess, as relates to claim of Henry Gale, of N. J., to portion of territory of Del., in Del. River, known as Pea Patch Is. (now Fort Dela- ware). (Same Jan. 1837: 117-118.) Surveys 1891. Acct. of attempt to secure topographic survey of southern portion of state; by A. T. Neale. (4 A.R. agric. exper. station 1891: 7-10.) Corresp. with direction of U. S. Geo!. Survey, which includi'S e.stiinate of cost and Conn, law (1889) providing for topographical survey and map; reasons for puhllc opposition to survey of Dela- ware and consequent failure to secure same. LAND: NATIONAL DOMAIN 1833. Govs. mess. rel. to ace. Tenn. res. rel. to public lands and Ind. jt. res. rel. to more perfect organ- ization of militia of U. S. (Sen. jol. Jan. 1833: 16- 19.) 1834. Mess, of Gov. of Ga.. with copy of rept. embra- cing views of the public authorities of Ga. rel. to proposals for disposing of the public lands belong- ing to the U. S. (House jol. Jan. 1835: 24-26.) 1836. Mess, of Gov. of Penna., with resolutions rel. to distribution of the proceeds arising from sale of public lands and for other purposes. (Same Jan. 1837: 27-28.) 1838. Res. of state of Conn. rel. to disposition of public lands of U. S. (Same Jan. 1839: 49-50.) 1839. Rept. of jt. committee of Council and Gen. Assem. of State of N. J. on the public lands. (Same Jan. 1839: 248-252.) 1841. Rept. on that part of Govs. mess, on distribution of proceeds of sales of public lands among several states. (Sen. jol. Jan. 1841: 174-175.) 1843. Apptmt. of agt. to receive state's share of avails of sale of public lands; regret at suspension of law. (Govs. mess. Jan. 1843.) 1847. Unsuccessful effort of Pres. of U. S. to cede away or waste the immense public domain, under flimsy pretext of graduating price of the public lands; rel. to destructive bearing this would have had upon the landholders and people of Del. (Same Tem- ple) Jan. 1847.) 1807. Doubts entertained with regard to validity of such land warrants as were issued in a general form under the existing land office laws of Del., with special regard to Sussex Co.; suggested that these warrants be confirmed together with title legally held under them, by legislative act. (Govs, messu (Mitchell) Jan. 1807.) LAND: STATE 1807. By act entitled " suppl. to act .... authorizing the distribution of certain papers relating to lands in this state." no power given for supplying any vacancy in comrs. apptd. under this act; this busi- ness entirely delayed in Sussex Co. on this acct.; remedy for this omission necessary. (Same (Mitchell) Jan. 1807.) 1817. Recommended that legisl. forbid warrants to be laid for sale of vacant lands in Sussex Co., under act of Feb. 2, 1807. (Same (Rodney) Jan. 1817.) 1822. Rept. on that part of Govs. mess, relating to opening land office in Sussex Co. (Sen. jol. Jan. 1822: 25-26.) 1823. Recommendation to abolish bd. of comrs. of land office. (Govs. mess. Jan. 1823.) 1839. Rept. of committee to whom was referred peti- tion of certain citizens of Sussex Co., praying passage of law to grant all the right and title of state to vacant lands, not included in boundaries or adjacent tracts, to such persons as may have been in possession thereof for period of 20 yrs. (House jol. Jan. 1839: 136.) 1862. Rept. on res. on propriety of state charging nomi- nal rent for occupancy of all vacant lands to pre- vent title being obtained to certain lands, by occu- pancy merely. (Same adjd. sped. sess. Jan. 1862: 100-101.) Escheat 1796. Rept. of auditor on sundry claims agst. certain confiscated estates in New Castle Co. (House jol. Jan. 1796: 137-138.) 1807. Under intestate laws of state, the expense and delay incurred in accomplishing a division or valu- ation of an intestate's real estate is a subject of just complaint; suggesting whether the 5 free- holders first apptd. might not be authorized to value the land in cases where it would not divide, saving the right of application to those interested for a review and valuation, if in discretion of chan- cellor such ought to be granted; etc. (Govs. mess. (Mitchell) Jan. 1807.) 1818-1825. Acct. of escheator of New Castle Co., sub- mitted by auditor. (House jol. Jan. 1825: 99-101.) 1824. Squares and lots of land at Cantwell's Bridge, escheated to Del., Aug. 2, 1821, sold by late es- cheator of Newcastle Co. (Jno. Lowber), as re- quired by act of Feb. 2, 1821; nothing on escheator's books to show that money arising from these sales has been paid into treasury of state. (A.R. auditor 1823/4: 288.) Paging from House jol. Receipts and Expenditures 1794. Schedule of revenue arising from vacant and unlocated lands within the state, from returns of state treasurer to Dec. 11. (A.R. auditor 1794 stmt. 4.) 1797. Stmt, of moneys reed, into treasury from the loan offices, and for vacant lands since Jan. 21 (date of apprn. tor support of govt, from which these moneys are excluded) and appropriated to the purchase of stock in the Bank of Delaware, by act of Jan. 24. (Same 1796/7: 14.) 1800. List of receipts transmitted to auditor by re- corders of deeds of New Castle and Kent cos., do not contain near all the sums of money, which have been paid into treasury for vacant lands in these COS.; this circumstance evinces propriety of the several recorders continuing to make these returns, at least ann., until this business is finally closed; no such list ever obtained from recorder of deeds in Sussex Co., although several applications have been made for same. (Same 1799/00: 58.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE 95 LAND GRANTS: STATE 1864. Recommended that act of Jan. 6, 1863, ceding certain lands to U. S., be repealed and that act be passed ceding to U. S. so much of land lying on Del. Bay southeast of the old mole and betw. mole and point of Cape Henlopen, not exceeding 240 acres, as may be necessary for purpose of erecting fort, battery, fortification or pier thereon. (Govs. mess. (Cannon) Jan. 1864.) LAND GRANTS: UNITED STATES 1SG2. July 2. Agricultural and Mechanical College grant; see Agriculture. Education. LAUREL Health of 1885/6-1896/8. See Public Health, these dates. Malaria in; see Public Health. Diseases Public Schools; see Education LEBANON Public Schools; see Education LEIPSIC Health of 1885/6-1896/8. See Public Health, these dates. LEVY COURT; see ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE LEWES Health of 1885/6-1896/8. See Public Health, these dates. Malaria in; see Public Health. Diseases Schools; see Education LIBRARIES serial Under act of March n, lOni 1901/2-1903/4. Bienn. rept. of library comn., 1-2. Checklist 1. 1901/2. h. t. p. 26 pp. Copy in Wilmington Institute Free Library. 2. 1903/4. Not found. In Collected docs, as follows : 1. 1901/2 In .Senate jol. 1903:198-214 Includes 1st rept. of IJbrary Comn. of Dover Free Library. 500 copies ordered prtd. 1903/4 In Senate jol. 1905 : 128-129. " House " 1905 : 267-268. non-serial 1844. Communication from Alex. Vattemare asking that a complete set of state laws and docs, be do- nated American Athenseum at Paris. (Sen. jol. Jan. 1845: 83-84: House jol. Jan. 1845: 173-176.) 1845. Jt res. of State of Ind., rel. to exchanging docu- ments with other states. (House jol. Jan. 1845: 237.) 1847. Rept. of committee on memorial of J. S. Skinner praying for examination of Farmers' Library, and Mo. Journal of Agric. (Same Jan. 1847: 206-207.) 1903. State library comns. work of such character as to warrant continued support. (Govs. mess. (Hunn) Jan. 1903: 10-11.) 1904. Handbook of the Del. Library Comn. compiled by Florence B. Kane. Dover, 1904. 101(1) pp. new ed. 8°. . Free public libraries: by Henry Ridgely. (4 A.R. bd. of agric. 1904: 50-54.) Work of state library comn. ; result of establishment of free library in Doyer ; mannor of establishing free public library in school distr. : class of llbrarj' distrs. as determined by free library law ; free libraries should be established in rural school distrs. ; etc. LIBRARIES— cont'd New Castle Library Company 1840. A catalogue of books belonging to the New Castle Library Co.; to which are prefixed the act of in- corporation and the bylaws of the co. Published by order of bd. of directors New Castle. Prtd. by J. C. Clark, Phila.. 1840. 114 pp. Copy in Delaware Hist. Socy. Public Archives 1841. Public archives in bad condition; librarian needed to arrange them and bestow care for preser- vation. ((Jovs. mess. (Comegys) Jan. 1841.) Melitabt Records; see Militia School Libraries 1892. Rept. of school library of distr. no. 14, Kent Co. (Bienn. rept. on free schools 1892: 41-42.) State Library serial A 1822-1887. Schedule of books reed, by gov. for use of state library. In Collected docs, as follows : 1822 In Senate Jol. Jan. 1822 : 12-13. 1823 '• Senate " " 1823 26. •* " House ■' •• 1823 13-14. 1824/5 " House " " 1825 30-31. 1826 " House " " 1826 32-33. 1827 " House " •' 1827 43-45. 1828 not found. 1829 in House Jol. Jan. 1829 : 14-16. 18.30 " House " " 1830 : 37-38. 1831 not found. 1832 in Senate jol. Jan. 1832 : 16-18. " " House •• " 1832 65-66. 1833 " Senate '* *• 1833 oo *' " House " ** 1833 71-72. 1835 " Senate *• •' 1835 18-19. " House '* •• 1835 19-20. 1837 " House •• '* 1837 14-15. 1839 " House •' " 1839 54-57. 1841-1843 not found. 1845 In House jol. Jan. 1845 55-57. 1847 " House " 1847 23-24. 1849 not found. 1851 In Senate jol. Jan. 1851 230. 1853 " Senate " 18.13 15-19. " " House •* *• 1853 15-19. 1855 " House '• ** 1855 18-19. 1857 " House •' •' 1857 16-18. 1859 " House '* " 1859 23-26. 1861 '• House '• •' 1861 32-38. 1863 not found. 1865 in House jol. Jan. 1865 23-28. 1867 not found. 1869 in House jol. Jan. 1869 27-33. " Senate •• 1869 26-32. 1871 " House " •' 1871 28-35. •' " Senate '• '* 1871 28-35. 1873 •' House '* '* 1873 28-37. " Senate •• *• 1873 705-715. 1875 " House '* '* 1875 39-55. " Senate " " 1875 34-50. 1877 " House " '* 1877 63-82. " " Senate '* ** 1877 57-75. 1879 " House •' '* 1879 57-74. " Senate *' •' 1879 : 52-69. 1881-1885 not found. 1887 in Senate jol. Jan 1887 : 762-769. Under act of March 30. 1883 1881/2-1903/4. [Bienn.] rept. of state librarian. Checklist 1881 ''2-1885 '6. Not found. 1887/8. Dover. State Sentinni. n. d. .30 pp.* 1889/90. Dover. The Index Print. 1891. 68 pp.* 1891/2. Not found. 1893/4. n. p.. Clayton Call Print, 1895. 52 pp. 1895/6-1903/4. Not found. In Collected docs, as follows : 1881/2 in Senate Jol. Jan. 1883 : 795-797 ; Bouse Jol. pp. 68-71. 1883 '4 In Senate Jol. Jan. 1885:677-685. 1885/6 in Senate jol. Jan. 1887:760-769; House jol. pp. 1080-1089. 12° • Copy In Delaware Hist. Socy. 96 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE LIBRARIES— cont'd State Library — cont'd 3-31 ; House House jol. House jol. serial — cont'd B — cont'd Checklist — cont'd 1887/8 In Senate jol. Jan. 18S9 app. pp. ]oI. app. pp. 3-31. 1889/90 In Senate jol. Jan. 1891 app. pp. 419-482; House jol. app, pp. 419-482. 1891/2-lS9n/6 omitted. 1897/8 In Senate jol. Jan. 1899 : 122-123 pp. 171-172. 1899/00 In Senate Jol. Jan. 1901 : 42-45 pp. 94-96. 1902* In Senate jol. Jan. 1903 : 40-55. 1903/4 In House jol. Jan. 1905 : 136-147. non-serial 1832. Rept. in favor of apptmt. of comrs. to arrange House and Senate libraries. (Sen. jol. Jan. 1832: 69.) 1851. Rel. to books reed, and deposited by gov. in State Library. (Govs. mess. (Tharp) Jan. 1851.) 1853. Rept. on that part of Govs. mess, relating to ad- visability of procuring depositories for duplicate copies of books in state library room. (Sen. jol. Jan. 1853: 51.) 1861. Apptmt. of state librarian urged; reference to mode of conducting library since 1847. (Govs, mess. Jan. 1861.) . Means should be taken for preservation of state library; apptmt. of librarian recommended. {Same (Burton) Jan. 1861.) . No. of volumes of state repts. deposited in state library for distribution, insufficient for demand; suggested that it be increased to 150. {Same (Bur- ton) Jan. 1861.) 1867. Rel. to condition of state library and, office of secy, of state. (Same (Saulsbury) Jan. 1867.) 1869. Condition of public bldgs. requires attention from legisl. — more ample provision should be made for the State Library. {Same (Saulsbury) Jan. 1869.) 1871. State Library should receive prompt attention: room too small. {Same (Saulsbury) Jan. 1871.) 1873. Suggested that provision be made for suitable accommodations for state library and convenient quarters for secy, of state. {Same (Ponder) Jan. 1873: 13.) 1879. Rel. to present condition of state library; to be hoped that valuable collection of books now owned, will be maintained under care of a competent librn. {Same (Cochran) Jan. 1879.) 1881. Recommended that state library be provided with additional space. {Same (Hall) Jan. 1881: 14.) 1883. Rept. on examination of state library. (House jol. Jan. 1883: 193-194.) . State law library; provision must be made for the increased accommodation for reception of books; suggested that "Jump property" be utilized in part, for purposes of a library, and for safe- keeping of the enrolled bills and other valuable papers in office of secy, of state. (Govs. mess. (Stockley) Jan. 1883.) 1885. Rept. on examination of state library. (House jol. Jan. 1885: 235-236.) . Increased accommodations needed for state library. (Govs, bienn. mess. (Stockley) Jan. 1885: 14-15.) 1889. Urgent need of larger space for state library. {Same (Biggs) Jan. 1889: 10.) 1891. Accommodations should be made to keep State Library in proper condition. {Same (Biggs) Jan. 1891.) * Ann. rept. LIBRARIES— cont'd State Library — cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1895. Rept. of jt. committee on advisability of building a state library building at Dover. (Sen. jol. Jan. 1896: 920-921; House jol. Jan. 1896: 1134.) . Want of proper bldg. for State Library. (Govs. mess. (Reynolds) Jan. 1895.) 1896. State House; completion of State Library addi- tion, etc. (Bienn. rept. treasurer 1895/6: 7.) 1897. Rept. from committee apptd. to provide an addi- tion to state library building. (Sen. jol. Jan. 1897: 117-123; House jol. Jan. 1897: 54-60.) . Rept. of jt. committee on erection of state library addition to state house. (Sen. jol. Jan. 1897: 134- 135; House jol. Jan. 1897: 185-186.) . Amt. of appm. made for addition to state house for library purposes; size and capacity of addition constructed; no. of volumes in library; office for librarian and reading room needed. (Govs. mess. (Watson) Jan. 1897: 12-13.) 1901. Rept. of special committee apptd. to examine catalogue of state library compiled by state libra- rian; recommendation that fair compensation be paid librarian for his services. (Sen. jol. Jan. 1901: 444; House jol. Jan. 1901: 761.) 1902. On condition of State House and state library. (Rept. of state libm., 1902.) Receipts and Expenditures 1891-1901. Rept. of committee apptd. to audit and settle accts. of state librn. In Collected docs, as follows : 1891 In House jol. Jan. 1891 : 706. ■• •• Senate " " ISni : 465-467 and app. p. 483. 1893 " House " " 1893 : 684. •' " Senate " " 1893 : 583. 1895 omitted. 1897 In House jol. Jan. 1897 : 170. '■ " Senate " " 1897:642. 1899 " Senate " " 1899 : 122. 1901 " House " " 1901 : 1234. Traveling Libraries 1901. Rept. of committee on traveling libraries of Del. State Federation of Women's Clubs. (Sen. jol. Jan. 1901: 104-107.) LICENSE 1817. Rept. on so much of Govs. mess, as relates to fines and licenses. (House jol. Jan. 1817: 37.) 1837. License fees a considerable portion of state's revenue; irregularities in accts. of same. (Govs. mess. Jan. 1837.) 1884. Suggesting change in mode of getting out and issuing license — amt. paid into state treasury for license one of the principal sources of revenue to state and should be guarded as far as possible, agst. possibility of loss by mistakes, neglect, etc. (A.R. auditor 1884: 7.) 1889. Suggested that shorter form of license be adopted In order to keep license accts. more easily. {Same 1888: 3.) 1897. Co. affairs; suggested that some legislation be had concerning practice of issuing licenses directly from office of secy, of state to offices issuing them; mo. settlements with clerks of the peace and insur- ance comr. recommended. {Same 1896: v.) 1898. On license fees for disposal of (3en. Assem. (Bienn. rept. of treasurer 1897/8: 7.) Insurance; see Insurance. Receipts, etc. Marriage 1794. Rept. of committee on so much of govs. mess, as relates to marriage and tavern licenses. (House jol. Jan. 1794: 31-32.) Revenue fbom; see below, Receipts, etc. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE 97 LICENSE— cont'd PbysiciaDs 1888-1892. List of registered physicians in Kent and New Castle cos. (5 bienn. rept. bd. of health 1886/ 8 (pp. 241-245)— 7 same 1890/2.) In 6th and 7th repts. lists are given for Kent, New- castle and Sussex cos., and city of Wilmington ; also name of college or unlv. attended by each. Paging from app. to House jol. 1889. Receipts and Ezpenditnres serial 1 series Under sec. 5. act of Feb. 2. 1793, to enjoin certain duties to be performed by secretary of state, and for other purposes. 1799-1825. Detailed stmt, of sec. of state in acct. -with state for certain fees on comns., licenses, impres- sions of the great seal, etc. In Collected docs, as follows : 1799 In House Jol. Jan. 1800 : 54-65. 1800 " House " " 1801 : 105-106. 1801 omitted. 1802 In House Jol. Jan 1803 : 31. 1803 " House " 1804 : 48. 1804 omitted. 1805 In House Jol. Jan 1806 : 18-20. 1806 omitted. 1807 In House Jol. Jan 1808 : 46-47. 1808 " House " 1809 : 41-42. 1809 " House *• 1810 : 32-34. 1810 " House •' 1811 : 12. 1811 " House •' 1812:39-41. 1812 " House ** 1813 : 61 : 83-86. 14 " Senate " 1813 : 29-31 (Fisher) ; 47-50 (Hall). 1813 " House " Senate !! 1814 : 39-41. 1814 : 42-44. 1814 " House " Senate '.'. 1815 : 47-49. 1815 : 31-33. 1815 " House " Senate ','. 1816 : 56-58. 1816 : 42-45. 1816 " House *• 1817 : 124-126. 1817 " House " Senate '.'. 1818 : 51-54. 1818 : 63-67. 1818 " House *' 1819 : 49-51. " " Senate •' 1819 : 44-49. 1819 " House " Senate '.! 1820:116. 1820 : 110-115. 1820 " House *' 1821 : 78-80. 1821 " House " Senate !! 1822 : 64-68. 1822 : 37-41. 1822 " House " Senate i: 1823 : 96-99. 1823 : 42-44 ; 61-63. 1823 " House " Senate !', 1824 : 98-100. 1824 : 54-57. 1824 " House " Senate '.! 1825 : 56-59. 1825 : 54. 1825 " Senate " House .'•' 1826 : 45-49. 1826 : 92-95. 2 series Under act of Jan. 26, 1826. for establishing certain fees for use of the state. 1826-1879/80. Detailed stmt, of sec. of state in acct. with state for certain fees on comn., licenses, im- pressions of the great seal, sale of the laws, etc. In Collected docs, as follows : 1826 in House Jol. Jan. 1827 : 5-9. " Senate " " 1827 : 6-9. 1827 " House " " 1829 : 55-56. " Senate " " 1829:43-45. 1827 [1. e. 1828] in House Jol. Jan. 1829:61-62. 1827 [1. e. 1828] In Senate Jol. Jan. 1829:71-72. 1829 In House Jol. Jan. 1830 : 91-96. •• " Senate " " 1830 : 61-66. 1830 " Senate " 1831 : 60-69 (Layton) ; (Harrington). 73-76 It " House " '• 1831:105-107 (Layton) 113 (Harrington). ; 110- 1831 " Senate " " 1832 : 78-81. *' " House " " 1832 : 158-162. 1832 " Senate " " 1833 : 75-77. " " House " '■ 1833 : 142-145. 1833/4* " Senate '* " 1835 : 53-57. " " House " " 1835 : 90-94. 1835/6 omitted. 1837/8 In House Jol. Jan. 1839 : 141-145. 1839/40 *' Senate " ■■ 1841 : 271-274. 1841/2 " Senate " " 1843 : 190-194. 1843/4 omitted. • Hereafter repts. cover 2 yrs. LICENSE— cont'd Receipts and Expenditures— cont'd serial — cont'd 2 series — cont'd 1845/6 In House Jol. Jan. 1847 1847/8 " Senate " " 1849 1849/50 omitted. 1851/2 In House Jol. Jan. 1853 1853/4 •' House " " 1855 1855/6 " House " " 1857 1857/8-1861/2 omitted. 1863/4 in House Jol. Jan. 1865 1865/6 " Senate " " " Honse " Senate " House " Honse " Senate " House " Senate " House " Senate " Honse " Senate " House " House " 1867/8 ; 1869/70 ' 1871/2 ; 1873/4 ; 1875/8 ' 1877/8 ' 1879/80 ' 1867: " 1867 : " " 1869: " 1869 : " '■ 1871 : " 1873 : " " 1873 : " 1875 : " 1875 : " 1877 " 1877 " 1879 " 1879 " 1881 non-serial 205-206. 142-145. 360-362. 230-237. 262-267. 32-36. 46-52. 41-47. 33-40. 34-41. 94-103. 719-728. 41-49. 61-73. 59-71. 41-49 49-57 34-42 41-49 : 862-870. 1852-1855. On increase in revenues, due to r.r. tax, bonuses from banks and lotteries and license fees. (Govs. mess. Jan. 1855.) 1867/8. Stmt, of treasurer's receipts from licenses, comns., etc., taxes on r.rs. and banks, and dividends on bank stock, and disbursements of same, for yr. endg. Dec. 1. (Same (Saulsbury) Jan. 1869.) 1887/8-1903/4. License acct. furnished by clerks of the peace of the several cos. (A.R. auditor 1888 (pp. 47-52)— some 1904.) . See note under Finance: State. Receipts, etc. Kent County 1887/8-1903/4. Stmt, showing no. and kind of licenses on hand at last settlement; no. and kind reed, from secy, of state; do. issued; do. turned over to audi- tor of accts. ; do. on hand; and amt. reed, from sale of licenses by clerk of the peace of Kent Co., for yr. endg. Oct. 1. (A.R. auditor 1888 (pp. 49-50)— same 1904.) 1892-1895/6. License acct.: clerk of the peace of Kent Co., in acct. with state, for licenses furnished, as by repts. from secy, of state, for yr. endg. Oct 1. (Some 1892 (p. 89)— some 1895/6.) yew Castle County 1887/8-1903/4. Stmt, showing no. and kind of licenses on hand at last settlement; no. and kind reed, from secy, of state; no. and kind issued; no. and kind turned over to auditor of accts.; no. of each kind on hand; and amt. reed, from sale of licenses, by clerk of the peace of New Castle Co., yr. endg. Oct. 1. (A.R. auditor 1888 (pp. 47-48)— same 1904.) 1891/2-1895/6. License acct.: clerk of the peace of New Castle Co., In acct. with state, for licenses fur- nished as by repts. from secy, of state for yr. endg. Oct. 1. (Same 1892 (p. 88)— some 1896.) Sussex County 1887/8-1903/4. State licenses: stmt, showing amt. paid by clerk of the peace for Sussex Co. for licenses with no. on hand and reed., no. delivered to auditor, no. Issued and total amt. reed, for each kind, and no. remaining in hands of clerk. (A.R. auditor 1888 (pp. 51-52) — same 1904.) 1891/2-1895/6. License acct.: clerk of the peace of Sus- ses Co., in acct. with state, for licenses furnished, as by repts. of secy, of state, for yr. endg. Oct. 1. (Same 1892 (p. 90)— some 1896.) Ixsubajnce; see Insubaxce. Receipts, etc. Mabbiaoe 1793-1825. See Education. School Fund, serial group A, these dates. 1879. See Finance: State. Receipts, etc., this date. 98 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF DELAWARE LICENSE— cont'd Receipts and Expenditures — cont'd Menhaden Fishermen 1901-1904. Included in oyster revenue acct.; see Fish and Game. Revenue, under dates 1899-1904. Otsteb Planters and Dredgers 1899-1904. Included in oyster revenue acct.; see Fiah and Game. Revenue, these dates. Retailers 1821. Stmt, exhibiting amt. of monies reed, from the several cos. of the state, on acct. of licenses to re- tailers of foreign merchandise, on or before Dec. 2. (A.R. auditor 1820/1: 254.) . Rept. of treasurer in obedience to act of Jan. 31, 1821, laying duties on licenses to retailers of for- eign goods, wares and merchandize; with stmt, of receipts from licenses distributed by clerks of the peace in the several cos. (House jol. Jan. 1822: 93; Sen. jol. 1822: 57-58.) Retailers 1823. Repeal of act laying duties on licenses to retail- ers advocated. (Govs. mess. Jan. 1823.) Re\'enije from; see above. Receipts, etc. Tavern; see Liquor Traffic LIKCOLN Dysentery in; see Public Health. Diseases LIQUOR TRAFFIC 1793. Rel. to act of Feb. 22, 1777, restraining justices of the Court of Gen. Quarter Sessions from recom- mending persons to keep houses of public entertain- ment at any other Court or Sessions than that held in Feb. annually; restrictions injurious; amdmt. to act suggested. (Govs. mess. (Clayton) May 1793.) 1794. By act of 1777, licenses for keeping taverns, or houses of public entertainment, are grantable only upon recommendations of judges of Court of Quar- ter-Sessions, in full sessions, and will e.xpire in Feb. next; this defect should be remedied. (Same (Clayton) Jan. 1794.) . See License. Marriage, this date. 1801. Rept. of committee on petition concerning tav- erns; present regulations satisfactory. (House jol. Jan. 1801: 44.) 1847. Rel. to proposition of referring to the people for their decision, the question of licensing the sale of intoxicating drinks. (Govs. mess. (Temple) Jan. 1847.) 1856. Prohibiting liquor law of Del. Opinion of Su- preme Court on its constitutionality, May 31. Not seen ; entry from Bowker. 1874. Under act regulating sale of Intoxicating liquors, passed at last sess. of legisl., revenue of school fund materially decreased by reduction of no. of licenses granted. (Rept. of treasurer 1874: 31.) PaRing from Senate jol. 1883. Temperance; rel. to question of prohibition or local option laws; again urging passage of act making it the duty of public officers in each co. to present to Grand Jury any person violating the law, or that comrs. be apptd. whose sworn duty it shall be to see that the laws are enforced; also that if present license laws are not sufficiently remedial, that further and more stringent statutes be passed. (Govs. mess. (Stockley) Jan. 1883.) . Well-regulated license system, faithfully exe- cuted, considered best method of checking evils of intemperance. (Govs, inaug. mess. (Stockley) Jan. 1883: 13.) 1885. Law constantly violated; suggested passage of act, making it duty of public officers in cos., having power to arrest, to present to grand jury persons LIQUOR TRAFFIC— cont'd violating law, or that comrs. be apptd. for each town to see that law is executed. (Govs, blenn. mess. (Stockley) Jan. 1885: 19.) 1S88. Mnftrers. of spirituous or alcoholic liquors for sale; text of sec. 6 of act of April 5, 1881. for sup- pression of intemperance, rel. to amt. of tax to be paid by said mnftrers.; rel. to difficulty in obtain- ing this tax; legisl. asked to take action in matter to enable treasurer to prosecute this source of reve- nue belonging to his dept.. or repeal the act. (Bienn. rept. of treasurer 1887/8: 74-76.) 1892. Mnftrers. of spirituous or alcoholic liquors; tax imposed by act of 1881, most difficult to collect. (Same 1891/2: 8-9.) 1893. License fees increased in proportion with neces- sary expenditure for school books. (Govs. mess. (Reynolds) Jan. 1893: 12.) 1899. Petition of sundry citizens of Kent Co. request- ing submission of question whether manufacture and sale of intoxicating liquors be licensed, or pro- hibited, to vote of qualified electors of Kent Co. at next general election. (Sen. jol. Jan. 1899: 1441.) . Petition from citizens of Sussex Co. praying enactment of law prohibiting sale of wines and cider. (House jol. Jan. 1899: 564-566.) 1903. Recommendation that issue of local option be referred to people. (Govs. mess. (Hunn) Jan. 1903: 19.) 1904. From small amt. reed, from licenses to mnftrers. and distillers, evident that large no. of persons are mnfg. alcoholic liquors without a license: suggested that such legislation be enacted as to make it the duty of grand jurors from the several hundreds to file in state treasurer's office a list of all mnftrers. of spirituous or alcoholic liquors within limits of their several hundreds, and that present law be so amended as to remove all doubt as to penalty for its breach. (Bienn. rept. of treasurer 1903/4: 5.) Receipts and Expenditures See also License. Receipts, etc. 1889-1890. Comparison of revenue derived from li- censes issued to inns and taverns for sale of in- toxicating liquors. (Govs. mess. (Reynolds) Jan. 1891: 6.) LIVESTOCK Insurance; see that title Produce; see Agriculture LITTLE CREEK Public Schools; see Education LOAN OFFICE FUND; see FINANCE: STATE. FUNDS LOTTERIES 1794. Rept. of committee on memorial of auditor of accts. rel. to lottery to raise sum for the state and other purposes. (House jol. Jan. 1794: 24.) 1804. Action rel. to " further suppl. to act authorizing persons therein named to raise by lottery sum of $12,000. for purpose of erecting piers in harbour of town of Newcastle. (A.R. auditor 1803/4: 36.) 1829. Expediency of instituting state lottery for pur- poses of internal improvement or promoting of ed- ucation. (Govs. mess. Jan. 1829.) 1833. Copies of 1st and 2d sees, of act of Penna. for the entire abolition of lotteries; res. rel. to same. (House jol. Jan. 1835: 22-24.) 1838. Rept. of committee to make enquiry as to con- nection betw. lotteries and the school fund. (Proc. New Castle Co. School Convention 1838: 3-4.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE 99 LOTTERIES— cont'd 1843. Rept. of committee on examination of accts. of mngrs. apptd. under act autliorizing a lottery for benefit of Delaware College and other purposes therein mentioned. (Sen. jol. Jan. 1843: 160-171.) . Rept. of mngrs. of lottery for benefit of Delaware College and other purposes. (Same Jan. 1843: 171- 182.) 1859. Consolidated lotteries of Del. Brokers' memo- randa for Sept., 1859. FVance, Broadbents and Co., Mngrs. To be drawn in Wilmington at quarter be- fore 12 o'clock, A. M. [gives date of the drawing, name and class of lottery, price of whole tickets, capital prizes, etc.]. Same, to be drawn at quarter before 5 o'clock P. M. 2 11. Copy in Delaware Hist. Socy. . Wood, Eddy & Co.'s lotteries. Lottery for benefit of state of Del. To be drawn at Wilmington, Aug. 11, 1859. Copy in Delaware Hist. Socy. 1861. Opinion as to proper construction of act of Jan. 26, 1859, granting lottery privileges to R. France for construction of works of public improvement. (Sen. jol. Nov. 1861, app. pp. 1-19.) . Communication from state treasurer rel. to dis- position of avails of lottery grant to R. France. (Same Nov. 1861: 14-15.) . Rept. of special committee apptd. to ascertain fact about lottery system in state. (House jol. Jan. 1861: 492-494.) 1862. Opinion of N. B. Smithers and J. P. Comegys as to proper construction of act passed Jan. 26, 1859, granting lottery privileges to R. France. (Same adjd. sped. sess. Jan. 1862: 54-73.) . Communication from state treasurer asking for instructions as to his duty in matter of semi-ann. installment due July 1, 1861, from R. France, under internal improvement act of Jan. 26, 1859, and not paid until Oct. 28, 1862. (Same sped. sess. Nov. 1862: 21-22.) . Rept. on communication from state treasurer on his duty in matter of semi-ann. instalment due July 1, 1861, from R. France, under internal improve- ment act of Jan. 26, 1859, and his failure to comply with its provisions. (Same adjd. sped. sess. Nov. 1862: 53-54.) Delaware College; see Education: Individual Institutions MAGNOLIA Public Schools; see Education MAINTENANCE 1823. Mess, of Gov. on acceptance by Farmers' Bank of state of Del. of act of Jan. 8, 1823, for securing specie payments, and transmitting rept. and res. of S. C. on rights of Congress to erect bank and rept. on penitentiary system in U. S. (House jol. ann. sess. 1823: 76-77; Sen. jol. pp. 46-49.) Ace. docs. rel. to militia and banks found in Sen. jol. MAINTENANCE: COUNTY 1901. Rept. of grand jury of New Castle Co. to judges of court of said co. on county institutions. (Sen. jol. Jan. 1901: 385-387.) Delinquents Kent County 1888. Rept. on condition of bldg. and no. of prisoners in Dover jail. (5 bienn. rept. bd. of health 1886/8: 154.) Paging from app. to House jol.. 1889. 1904. Special rept. of grand jury of Kent County on condition of jail. (House jol. Jan. 1905: 278-279.) MAINTENANCE: COUNTY— cont'd Delinquents— cont'd New Castle County 1888. Rept. on condition and no. of prisoners in New Castle jail. (5 bienn. rept. bd. of health 1886/8: 154.) Paging from app. to House jol. 1889. 1891. Rept. on sanitary inspection of New Castle and of New Castle jail, July 18. (7 same 1890/2: 64.) 1894. New Castle jail found to be in excellent condi- tion Aug. 7; no. of inmates. (9 same 1894/6: 23.) 1895. Rept. of committee apptd. to inspect co. jail in New Castle City; sanitary condition good. (9 same 1894/6: 47.) Sussex County 1897. Sanitary condition of Sussex Co. jail and yard in (Jeorgetown much improved, through efforts ol committee of bd. and grand jury of Sussex Co. (10 bienn. rept. bd. of health 1896/8: 4243.) Dependents POOB 1800. No improvement made in accts. of treasurers of the poor, in specifying the quality and quantity of food and cloathing (sic) purchased for the poor, or no. of poor persons maintained yrly. in each co. (A.R. auditor 1799/00: 122.) Kent County 1797-1798. Kent Co.: detailed stmt, of disbursements by treasurer, to trustees of the poor, April, 1797, to Feb. 5, 1798, as per his accts. (A.R. auditor 1797/ 8: 54-55.) 1799-1829. Stmt, of trustees of poor of Kent Co., In acct. with treasurer of poor of the co. (Same 1799 (pp. 73-74)— same 1829.) 1832/3-1882/3. Stmt, of treasurer of poor, in acct. with Kent Co. (Same 1833 (p. 60)— same 1882/3.) 1883/4-1903/4. Stmt, of treasurer of the poor, in acct. with trustees of the poor of Kent Co. (Same 1884 (pp. 97-100)— same 1904.) 1888-1897. Stmt, of treasurer of the poor of Kent Co., regarding indebtedness of trustees of the poor, amt. due trustees of the poor by collectors and policies of insurance on bldgs. in charge of trustees. (Same 1888 (p. 201)— same 1897.) New Castle County 1799-1837. Stmt, of treasurer of poor of Newcastle Co., in acct. with trustees of the poor of said co. (A.R. auditor 1799 (pp. 56-58)— same 1837.) 1836/7-1889/90. Stmt, of treasurer of the poor in acct. with New Castle Co. (Same 1837 (pp. 41-43)— some 1890.) 1888. Rept on mngmt. and condition of New Castle Almshouse and Hospital. (5 bienn. rept. bd. of health 1886/8: 154.) Paging from app. to House Jol. 1889. 1893. Summary of all laws — now-in-force relating to the trustees of the poor of New Castle Co. Also rules for govt, of the alms-house. Compiled by H. C. Conrad. Wilmington: H. A. Roop, 1893. 15 pp. Copy in Delaware Hist. Socy. 1894. New Castle Co. Almshouse found to be in excel- lent [sanitary] condition Aug. 7; no. of inmates. (9 bienn. rept. bd. of health 1894/6: 22.) 1896. Rept. on inspection of New Castle Co. Alms- house; no. of inmates, care and treatment; no. of deaths Jan. 1-Nov. 18; size of farm, crops of yr.; no. of livestock. (10 same 1896/8: 27-28.) Sussex County 1798. No committee apptd. by Levy Court of Sussex Co., to settle with treasurer of the poor. (A.R. auditor 1797/8: 62.) 100 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF DELAWARE MAINTENANCE: COUNTY— cont'd Dependents — cont'd PooB — cont'd Sussex County — cont'd 1799-1801. Stmt, of trustees of the poor of Sussex Co. in acct. with co. treasurer. (Some 1799 (pp. 98-99) —same 1801.) 1801. Difficulties experienced in settling accta. of treas- urers of the poor: unable to effect settlement with treasurer of poor of Sussex Co. in consequence of his having mislaid some of his vouchers; road taxes of Brandywine. Whiteclay Creek, Mill-Creek and Red-Lion hundreds for 1800 unsettled; road tax of Red-Lion Hundred for 1798 still unsettled; as to auditor's authority in this instance. {Same 1800/1: 71.) 1803-1808. Treasurer of the poor of Sussex Co., in acct. with CO. (Same 1803 (pp. 91-92)— same 1808.) 1812-1829. Stmt, of treasurer of poor of Sussex Co., in acct. with trustees of poor of said co. (.Same 1812 (p. 92)— same 1829.) 1832/3-1903/4. Stmt, of treasurer of the poor, in acct. with Sussex Co., and summary. (Same 1832/3 (pp. 77-78)— same 1903/4.) 1853-1859. Stmt, of sums due and owing to treasurer of poor of Sussex Co.. by collectors of the various hundreds. {Same 1854 (p. 116) — same 1858/9.) 1879. Stmt, of amts. due treasurer of the poor of Sus- sex Co., from collector of the various hundreds. {Same 1879/80: 150.) 1888-1890. Stmt, by treasurer of the poor of Sussex Co., regarding indebtedness of trustees of the poor, amt. due trustees by collectors for previous yr., and policies of insurance on bldgs. in charge of trustees. {Same 1S8S (p. 357)— same 1890.) 1894. Collectors' accts. : amts. due treasurer of the poor from the several collectors of Sussex Co. (Same 1894 [app. iii]: 55.) 1894-1896. Treasurer of poor in acct. with Sussex Co. on acct. of insurance policies on almshouse and jail. {Same 1894 (p. 55)— same 1896.) 1805 omitted. 1896. Kept, on inspection of Sussex Co. Almshouse: no. of inmates, sex, color, treatment, condition of bldg. ; size of farm; list of crops for yr. and yield of each; amt. of butter and eggs sold; no. of livestock; institution self-sustaining. (10 bienn. rept. bd. of health 1896/8: 25.) 1898/9. Stmt, of co. treasurer, in acct. with Sussex Co. poor fund, arranged chronologically; summary. {Same 1899 [app. v]: 140-148; 150.) MAINTENANCE: COUNTY INDIVIDUAL INSTITUTIONS Defectives New Castle County Insane Astlum 1885. Rept. of special committee apptd. to visit and in- spect asylum. (Sen. jol. Jan. 1885: 349-350.) . Rept. of special committee on advisability of state purchasing New Castle Co. Insane Asylum. (House jol. Jan. 1885: 507.) Delinquents House of Refuge of New Castle County 1865. By-laws of bd. of mngrs., and rule and regula- tions of •■ The House of Refuge " of New Castle Co., adopted Nov. 15. Wilmington: G. W. Vernon, 1865. 26 pp. Cop.v In Delaware Hist. Soc.v. MAINTENANCE: PRIVATE INDIVIDUAL INSTITUTIONS Ferris Industbi.\l School 1892. Description of Ferris Industrial School; date of incorporation (Mch. 10, 1885), size of farm, classes admitted, discipline and mngmnt., value of real and MAINTENANCE: PRIVATE INDIVIDUAL INSTITUTIONS —cont'd Ferris Industrial School — cont'd personal investments of corporation. (7 bienn. rept. bd. of health 1890/2: 50-51.) 1897. Inspection of Ferris Industrial School, 4 miles from Wilmington; no. of inmates, health; size of farm; amt. of stock; yield of crops; sanitary con- ditions. (10 same 1896/8: 51.) Home fob Friendless Children 1892. Description of Home for Friendless Children; location, capacity, grounds, no. of inmates, sanitary condition, mngmnt.; by E. B. FYazer. (7 bienn. rept. bd. of health 1890/2: 54.) 1895/7. Sanitary inspection of Home for Friendless Children, Wilmington; no. of inmates, condition of bldgs. and grounds; health of children. (9 same 1894/6 (p. 35)— 10 same 1896/8.) Home for Aged Women 1892. Description of Home for Aged Women; location, capacity, sanitary condition, nativity of inmates, mngmnt.; by E. B. Frazer. (7 bienn. rept. bd. of health 1890/2: 55.) MAINTENANCE: STATE 1838. Communication from bd. of administrators of Charity Hospital of New Orleans, soliciting aid of Del.; with list of admissions to Hospital each yr. since Jan. 1, 1830, showing state or country from which reed. (House jol. Jan. 1839: 46-48.) Defectives 1845-1S46. Rept. of trustees for the instruction of the indigent blind of this state in the Penna. Institu- tion for the Blind. In Collected docs, as follows : 184.5 in Senate jol. Jan. 1845 : 87-88. 1846 " Senate " " 1847:71-72. 1877. No. of children maintained at state expense in Penn. Institution for Deaf and Dumb, Columbia Institution (Washington) for Deaf and Dumb, Penn. Institute for instruction of Blind, Penn. training school for feeble-minded children; com- mendation of plan. (Cjovs. mess. (Cochran) Jan. 1877: 15.) 1879. Charities; no. of the indigent deaf and dumb, and indigent blind, insane, and destitute imbecile children of Del., in institutions outside of state. {Same (Cochran) Jan. 1879.) 1880. Decrease in no. of feeble-minded, blind, and deaf and dumb pupils treasury dept. provides for in the different asylums. (Bienn. rept. of treasurer 1879/ 80: 7.) 1901. Deaf, dumb, blind and imbecile children of Del. in institutions of other states; sufficient apprn. recommended to cover deficiency and to cover fur- ther expenses of these children in the various in- stitutions. (Govs. mess. (Tunnell) Jan. 1901: 9- 11.) 1902. Rept. of state custodian of deaf, dumb, blind and feeble-minded children in institutions outside of State. (House jol. 1903: 73-77.) 1903. Inadvisable to erect institutions for deaf, dumb and blind, but apprns. should be made sufficiently large to provide for all. (Govs. mess. (Hunn) Jan. 1903: 10-11.) . Rept. of state custodian of defective children shows many incapable of any improvement; sug- gested that gov. or some competent authority be given power to remove at any time any inmate of institutions, shown to be incapable of Instruction and improvement. {Same (Hunn) Jan. 1903: 11.) 1903/4. Rept. of Dr. J. J. Black, state custodian, on wards of states in institutions outside of state. (House jol. Jan. 1905: 74-77.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE 101 MAINTENANCE: STATE— cont'd Defectives — cont'd Blind 1835. Blind of state are subjects of private benefaction in Penn. Institution for Blind; state appm. ad- vised. (Govs. mess. Jan. 1835.) . Provision made for instruction of indigent blind of Del. in Penn. institution. (Same (Comegys) Jan. 1841.) Consumptives 1903. Propriety of establishing sanatorium for con- sumptives. (Govs. mess. Jan. 1903.) . Educational value of sanatoria for consumptives. (Pathological and bacteriological laboratory bull. 18: 9-10.) . Tuberculosis and sanatoria. (Same bull. 17: 7-8.) . Care of consumptives in state and private sana- toria in Mass. (Same bull. 15: 12.) . Need of state sanatorium for treatment of con- sumption. (Same bull. 14: 2-3.) . Serious consideration of establishment of sana- torium for cure and eradication of tuberculosis should command attention of legisl. ; perusal of " Consumptives in Del.," by J. J. Black, com- mended. (Govs. mess. (Hunn) Jan. 1903: 13.) 1904. To be hoped that sanatorium for modern treat- ment of cases of tuberculosis will be established by Gen. Assem. (13 bienn. rept. bd. of health 1902/4: 83.) . Tuberculosis; by J. J. Black. (4 A.R. bd. of agric. 1904: 68-76.) Ne«d of sanatorium for consumptive poor, etc. Deaf and Dumb 1841. Provision for indigent deaf and dumb recom- mended. (Govs. mess. (Comegys) Jan. 1841.) 1845. Rept. of trustees for indigent deaf and dumb of Del., Feb. 10; under act of Feb. 20, 1841. (House jol. Jan. 1845: 231-232.) 1865. Suggested that amt. limited to be expended on the indigent deaf and dumb of Del. be increased; do. rel. to indigent blind and feeble-minded. (Govs, mess. (Cannon) Jan. 1865: 14-15.) 1897. Mess, from Gov. transmitting letter from pres. of Columbia Institution for Deaf and Dumb, at Washington, requiring that amt. allowed for bene- ficiaries of this state be increased. (Sen. jol. Jan. 1897: 994-996; House jol. Jan. 1897: 1373-1375.) Feeble-m I n ded 1859. Communication from Penn. Training School for Feebleminded Children urging Del. to make some provision for her feeble minded children. (House jol. Jan. 1859: 36.) 1903. Provision of state law rel. to no. of children to be maintained in Penn. Training School for Feeble Minded Children, at Elwyn, and maximum amt. to be paid for their maintenance; repeal of limita- tion no. recommended. (Govs. mess. (Hunn) Jan. 1903: 10.) Inebkiates 1895. Legislation needed rel. to inebriates. ((Jovs. mess. (Reynolds) Jan. 1895.) Insane 1801. Expediency of providing for insane of state. (Govs. mess. Jan. 1801.) 1843. Rept. of committee on petitions praying for erec- tion of an asylum for insane in Del. (Sen. jol. Jan. 1843: 211-221.) . Same, separate. Dover, S. Kimmey, 1843. 14-f pp. Copy in Delaware Hist. Socy. MAINTENANCE: STATE— cont'd Defectives— cont'd I.xsANE — cont'd 1845. Rept. of committee apptd. by res. of 1843, to In- quire into condition of the insane of the state. (House jol. Jan. 1845: 119-123.) . Rept. on above rept. (Same 1845: 327.) 1847. Rept. of committee apptd. in 1843 to rept. upon condition of insane in Del. (Sen. jol. Jan. 1847: 166.) 1849. Provision for care of insane urged. (Govs. mess. Jan. 1849.) 1859. Suggested that provision similar to that for in- digent deaf and dumb and blind be made with asy- lums of neighboring states, for insane. (Same (Causey) Jan. 1859.) 1861. Rept. of committee apptd. upon petition of Dr. H. F. Askew and others, in favor of Institution [for insane] of Dr. J. A. Brown, near Wilmington, called "Living Home." (House jol. Jan. 1861: 491.) 1883. Urging construction or purchase of bldgs. suit- able for a state insane asylum. (CJovs. mess. (Stockley) Jan. 1883.) 1889. Legislation needed for relief of insane. (Same (Biggs) Jan. 1889: 5-6.) Delinquents: Adults 1800. Expediency of providing for house of detention for criminals. (Govs. mess. Jan. 1800.) 1801. Provision for new gaol recommended. (Some Jan. 1801.) 1805. Criminal laws in Del.; expediency of a revisal of these laws suggested. (Same (Hall) Jan. 1805.) 1809. Multiplied and increasing crimes of the blacks make material change in the criminal code, as it respects them, necessary. (Same (Truitt) Jan. 1809.) 1810. Rept. of comrs. apptd. to ascertain probable ex- penses of erecting penitentiary, under res. of Jan. 31. 1809. (House jol. Jan. 1810: 30-31.) . Suggested by committee apptd. to consider above rept. that comrs. be apptd. in each co. to open a book and receive subscriptions for bldg. peniten- tiary. (Same Jan. 1810: 80.) 1812. Recommended that penitentiary be established; moral code should be revised. ((3ovs. mess. (Has- lett) Jan. 1812.) . Rept. on so much of (jfovs. mess, as relates to establishment of a penitentiary. (House jol. Jan. 1812: 22-23.) 1813. Establishment of state penitentiary recom- mended; reasons. (Govs. mess. (Haslett) Jan. 1813.) 1814. Renewal of recommendations for revisal of crimi- nal code and establishment of state penitentiary. (Same (Haslett) Jan. 1814.) 1818. Rept. rel. to expediency of reforming penal code of state and establishing penitentiary system. (House jol. Jan. 1818: 38-40.) 1824. Propriety of establishing penitentiary system or of introducing tread mill. (Govs. mess. Jan. 1824.) 1835. Rept. of committee on so much of (jovs. mess, as relates to regulations and discipline of the public prisons in Del. (House jol. Jan. 1835: 52-53.) . Establishment of penitentiary system recom- mended. (Govs. mess. Jan. 1835.) 1839. Urging revision of Delaware's system of crimi- nal jurisprudence; remarks in favor of a peniten- tiary system. (Same (Comegys) Jan. 1839.) 1841. Establishment of penitentiary urged. (Same (Comegys) Jan. 1841.) 102 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE MAINTENANCE: STATE— cont'd Delinquents: Adults — cont'd 1859. Crime on the increase; convicts should be given employment; suggested that work-houses be estab- lished and attached to co. prisons. (Same (Causey) Jan. 1859.) 1861. Increased population of state attended by corre- sponding increase of crime; under ordinary circum- stances might render establishment of workhouse, penitentiary, etc., as matter of policy and economy; Impossible to recommend such; in present condi- tion of country. (Same (Burton) Jan. 1861.) 1866. Change needed in criminal code, as applicable to negro population. (Same (Saulsbury) Jan. 1866.) 1867. Rept. on that part of Govs. mess, relating to building a penitentiary. (Sen. jol. Jan. 1867: 259.) 1869. Rel. to establishment of a penitentiary as means for more effectual punishment of crime and the reformation of criminals. (Govs. mess. (Sauls- bury) Jan. 1869.) . Careful revision of criminal laws of state, with such alterations and amdmts. as exigencies of the times may require, considered necessary for preser-i vation of the public peace. (Same (Saulsbury) Jan. 1869.) ■ . Rept. on that part of Govs. mess, which relates to building state penitentiary. (House jol. Jan. 1869: 159.) 1871. Renewing recommendation for establishment and maintenance of a penitentiary in this state. (Govs. mess. (Saulsbury) Jan. 1871.) 1883. Advising that substantial state prison be con- structed and arranged so that convicts from each CO. can be reed, and employed in such occupations as will conduce most to correction of vice, reforma- tion of the convict, and the protection of socy. (Same (Stockley) Jan. 1883.) 1895. Prison reform; prison system of state inadequate for purposes of its creation; recommending estab- lishment of a state workhouse or penitentiary. (Same (Reynolds) Jan. 1895.) 1897. Investigation of state's resources and practica- bility of establishing workhouse, urged. (Same (Watson) Jan. 1897: 12.) 1899. Petition of United Labor League of Wilmington requesting that workhouse bill now pending before legisl. be not allowed to pass. (Sen. jol. Jan. 1899: 1437-1441; House jol. Jan. 1899: 919-923.) 1903. Recommendation for establishment of work- house. (Govs. mess. 1903.) 1904. Care of our prisoners; by D. W. Corbit. (4 A.R. bd. of agric. 1904: 61-63.) Description of workhouse and jail at Greenbank on Red Cla.v Creek (in New Castle Co.] ; construction, discipline and mngmnt. ; cost. Delinquents: Minors 1865. Suggested that some legislation be made rel. to youthful offenders. ((Jovs. mess. (Cannon) Jan. 1865: 15-16.) 1883. Rel. to reformation of youthful criminals. (Same (Stockley) Jan. 1883.) 1895. Youthful convicts; suggestions rel. to. (Same (Reynolds) Jan. 1891.) Dependents Poor 1824. Correspondence between New York and Dela- ware on subject of poor laws. (House jol. Jan. 1824: 35-41.) . Propriety of revision of poor laws. (Govs. mess. Jan. 1824.) 1841. Further provision for suffering poor needed. (Same (Comegys) Jan. 1841.) MAINTENANCE: STATE— cont'd Dependents — cont'd Poor — cont'd 1877. Some legislation should be devised to protect public from tramps, without denying relief to de- serving poor. (Same (Cochran) Jan. 1877: 14.) SOLDIKRS AND SaILORS 1826. Rept. of committee on bill to repeal act for re- lief of distressed and decayed pilots, their widows and children, and the act suppl. thereto; and on petitions for and agst. such repeal. (House jol. Jan. 1826: 171-173.) 18901896. Indigent soldiers, sailors, and marines, text of sees. 1 and 2 of act of March 15, 1889, to provide for proper burial of any indigent soldier, etc., re- marks. (Bienn. rept. of treasurer 1889/90 (pp. 92- 94)— some 1895/6.) Receipts and Expenditures The deaf and dutnb. blind and feoblomlnded of Dela- ware are maintained by the state In institutions out of the stato. The expenditures for mainte- nance may be found in the expenditures of the school fund, see EducatJon. 1857/8. Total income of school fund; amt. of it dis- tributed to public schools and amt. applied to sup- port of beneficiaries in asylums of Penn. (Govs, mess. (Causey) Jan. 1859.) 1876-1884. Stmt, of amt. of school fund appropriated to institutions for education of the blind, deaf and dumb, and feebleminded. (Rept. of treasurer 1876 (p. 7)— same 1883/4.) 1878. Amts. appropriated to beneficiary institutions, gradually absorbing the school fund. (Same 1878: 9.) 1903. Apprn. ($7000) made by leglsl. for two past yrs. not overdrawn. (Govs. mess. (Hunn) Jan. 1903: 11.) Sanitation 1886-1898. Rept. of secy, on inspection of school bldgs., jails, almshouses and sanitary condition of towns visited. (4 A.R. bd. of health 1884/6 (pp. 1011- 1016)— 10 bienn. rept. bd. of health 1896/8.) Paging from Collected docs. MAINTENANCE: STATE INDIVIDUAL INSTITUTIONS Defectives Delaware Hospitax, Wilmington serial Incorporated April 16, 1889: opened Feb. 20, 1890. 1890/1-1904. Ann. rept. of the Del. Hospital, Wilming- ton, 1-15. Checklist , Mercantile Prtg. Co., 3 4-6 10 11. 12. 13 14 1891. 38 pp. 1892. 44 pp. 1893. 46 pp. 1. 1890/1. ' 1891/2. 1892/3. 1S93/4-1895 not found. 7. 1896. Wilmington, J. M. Rogers, 1897. 43 pp. 8. 1897. " " " " 1898. 45 pp. 9. 1898. " 1899. 48 pp. 1899. " " " " 1900. 48 pp. 1900. " " " " 1901. 60 pp. 1901. " ' 1902. 66 pp. 1902. " 1903. 67 pp. 1903. " 1904. 55 pp. 15. 1904. " ' 1905. 62 pp. Copies in Wilmington Institute Free Library. None of these repts. are to be found in the Collected docs. notirserial 1889. Size, mngmt., officers of Del. State Hospital near Wilmington; Del. Hospital in Wilmington; Homeo- pathic Hospital, Wilmington. Cost and material of first is also given. (6 bienn. rept. bd. of health 1888/90: 225-226.) Paging from Collected docs. INDEX TO DOCUMEH^ITS OF THE STATE OF DELAWAKE 103 MAINTENANCE: STATE INDIVIDUAL INSTITUTIONS— cont'd Defectives — cont'd State Hospital at Fabnhubst serial Board created by act of April 25, 1889 1890-1904. Bienn. rept. of bd. of trustees of the Del. State Hospital at Farnhurst. Checklist 1-2. 1890-1892. Not found. 3. 1894. Wilmington, .T. M. Rogers, 1894. 51 pp., pis. 4. 1896. " 1896. 59 pp., pis. 5. 1898. " " " " 1898. 67 pp., pis. 6. 1900. " Sunday Star Print, 1900. 109 pp., 8 foldg. leaves. 7. 1902. Wilmington, Sunday Star Print, 1902. 92 pp., pis. 8. 1904. Wilmington, Sunday Star Print, 1904. 94 pp., pis. Also in Collected docs, as follows : 1. 1890 in House jol. Jan. 1891 app. pp. 377-418. Senate " " 1891 app. pp. 377-418. 2-8. 1892-1904 omitted. non-serial 1893. Commendation of State Hospital at Farnhurst; apprn. requested by trustees for erection of sep- arate bldgs. for violent and purchase of more land to be utilized in treatment of patients. (Govs, mess. (Reynolds) Jan. 1893: 28.) 1894. Del. State Hospital in excellent condition, Aug. 7; no. of inmates. (9 bienn. rept. bd. of health 1894/6: 23.) 1895. State Hospital; commending recommendation of trustees for apprn. for erection of separate bldg. for the violent patients. (Govs. mess. (Reynolds) Jan. 1895.) . Del. State Hospital at Farnhurst; state apprn. expended; recommending a more liberal apprn. to meet current expenses, and also an apprn. to en- able trustees to make needed improvements. (A.R. auditor 1894: vi.) . Inspection of mngmt. and sanitary conditions of Del. state hospital at Farnhurst; no. of inmates. (9 bienn. rept. bd. of health 1894/6: 34; 44.) 1896-1897. Rept. on inspection of Del. state Hospital at Farnhurst. (9 same (p. 60)— 10 sajne 1896/8.) 1897. On condition of Del. State Hospital, Farnhurst. (A.R. auditor 1S96: iv.) . Rept. on examination of Del. State Hospital for Insane. (Sen. jol. Jan. 1897: 875-878; House jol. Jan. 1897: 1222-1224.) 1899. On Del. State Hospital, at Farnhurst. (Govs, mess. (Tunnell) Jan. 1899.) 1901. On State Hospital needs. (Same (Hunn) Jan. 1901.) 1903. Recommendation to confine accommodations in State Hospital to incurable insane only. (Same Jan. 1903.) Receipts and Expenditures 1889-1899/00. Stmt, of hospital fund receipts and dis- bursements. (Bienn. rept. of treasurer 1889/90 (pp. 45-46; 81-82)— some 1899/00.) 1890. Stmt, of trustees of State Insane Hospital, in acct. with state. (A.R. auditor 1890: 53-59.) . Bonded debt. Insane Hospital; text of sees. 1 and 4, act of April 26, 1889. creating a state bd. of trustees for the care of the insane, authorizing treasurer to issue bonds, and amt. reed, from sale of same, to be paid to the trustees of the Hospital. (Bienn. rept. of treasurer 1889/90: 86-88.) 1891. Bonds for insane hospital issued; question of their validity caused purchasers of same to decline to take them; afterwards delivered to and ac- cepted by trustees of the poor of New Castle Co. in payment of purchase money and still held by that body; legisl. should make prompt provision for MAINTENANCE: STATE INDIVIDUAL INSTITUTIONS— cont'd Defectives — cont'd State Hospital at Fabxhubst- — cont'd Receipts and Expenditures — cont'd payment of the bonds, or pass act removing any question as to their validity. (Govs. mess. (Biggs) Jan. 1891.) 1891-1897. State Hospital fund — state treasurer in acct. with Del. State Hospital at Farnhurst: cur- rent fund and improvement fund. (A.R. auditor 1891 (pp. 73-80)— same 1897.) 1895-1897. Del. state Hospital at Farnhurst; acct. of sale of bonds to procure means for erection and equipment of additional bldgs.; description of bldg. (Govs. mess. (Watson) Jan. 1897: 6.) 1903. State Hospital at Farnhurst; amt. of original estimate of cost of maintenance and amt. appropri- ated for current expenses of past 2 yrs., an increase of 100%; more rigid scrutiny as to admission of patients needed: was intended for curable insane only. (Same (Hunn) Jan. 1903: 11-12.) . Rept. of jt. committee apptd. to examine accts. of State Hospital at Farnsworth, etc. (House jol. 1903: 1067.) MALARIA; see PUBLIC HEALTH MANUAL TRAINING; see EDUCATION MANUFACTURES; see INDUSTRIES MARRIAGE; see VITAL STATISTICS MENINGITIS Regulation; see Agriculture. Inspection MIDDLETOWN Health of 1885/6-1896/8. See Public Health, these dates. Malaria in; see Public Health. Diseases Public Schools; see Education mORATION Population; see that title MILFORD Health of 1885/6-1896/8. See Public Health, these dates. Malaria in; see Public Health. Diseases Public Schools; see Education Streets; see Public Works: City MILITIA serial ADJUTANT GENERAL 1875/6-1903/4. Bienn. rept. of adjutant general. Checklist 1S75/6-1SS.T fi. Not found. 1887/8. Kcnney. Dover, James Kirk & Son, 1S89. 63 PP- 1889/90. Kenney. Dover, James EIrk and Son, 1891. 75 PP- 1891 /2. Hart. Dover. Delayvarean Office, 1893. 34 pp. 1893 4. Hart. Georgetown, Sussex Republican Office, 1895. 27 pp. 1895/6.* Hart, Wilmington, Star Prtg. Co., 1897. 31 pp. 1897/8. Hart. Laurel, The Sussex Countian, 1898. 51 pp. 1899/00. Hart. Wilmington, Sunday Star Print, 1901. 32 pp., foldg. sheet. • 1897 on t. p. pp. 3-11, " Rept. of [S. M. Macallister] adj. gen. for .S mos. endg. May 1. 1895. pp. 12-31. Rept. of I Hart] adj. gen. for 21 mos. endg. Dec. 31, 1896." 104 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OP DE^jAWARB MILITIA— cont'd serial — cont'd ADJUTANT GENERAL — cont'd Checklist — cont'd 1901/2. Wlckcrsham. Mllford, Chronicle Power Print 1003. Errata slip, 83 pp. 1903/4. Wlckersham. Dover, The Delawarean Print 1906. 112 pp. In Collected docs, as follows : Reynolds In Senate Jol. Jan. 1877:81-89. " House " Postles ■' House " " " House " " " House " " " House " " " Bouse " 1875/6 1875/6 1879* 1879/80 1881/2 1883/4 1885/6 1887/8t Kenney 1889/90t 1889/90t 1877 : 87-93. 1879: 121-125. 1881 : 62-72. 1883 : 925-943. 1885 : 45-51. 1887 : 1048- 1054. House " " 1889 app. pp. i;t>0-27t5. Senate " " 1891 app. pp. 91-109. House " " 1891 app. pp. 91-109. 1891/2-1895/6 omitted. 1897/8 Hart In Senate jol. Jan. 1899 : 44-89. 1897/8 " " House " " 1899:84-129. 1901/2 Wlckersham " Senate " " 1903 : 125-128. JUDGE ADVOCATE GENERAL 1887/8-1893/4. Rept. of judge advocate general. In Documents as follows : 1887/8 In blenn. rept. adj. gen. 1887/8 : 33. 1889/90 " " ' 1889/90 : 46-50. 1891/2 1891/2 : 16. 1892/4 1893/4 : 13. non-serial 1795. Recommending a revision of act establishing militia of this state. (Govs. mess. (Clayton) Jan. 1795.) 1798. On returns made by commissaries of military stores of the three cos. (A.R. auditor 1797/8: 34.) 1799. Great imperfections in militia laws of state; sug- gestions for remedying. (Govs. mess. (Bassett) Jan. 1799.) 1803. Militia law of state very defective; recommend- ing revision of laws heretofore made on this sub- ject, and such amdmts. as deemed necessary. (Some (Hall) Jan. 1803.) . Same. (Same (Hall) Jan. 1804.) . Rept. of committee to whom was referred that part of Govs, address, relating to militia law of state. (House jol. Jan. 1803: 21.) . Militia law of state very defective; revision of laws recommended. (Govs. mess. (Hall) Jan. 1803.) 1805. Urging revision of the militia laws. (Same (Hall) Jan. 1805.) 1807. Urging consideration of militia laws of state. {Same (Mitchell) Jan. 1807.) . As apprn. made in Aug. for purchase of arms has not been applied by executive to that purpose, auditor considers the 8% stock as still appertain- ing to funds of state, the aggregate amt. of which has diminished more than $3000 since auditor's last rept. (A.R. auditor 1807: 31.) 1808. Urging revision of the militia law. (Govs. mess. (Truitt) Nov. 1808.) 1810. Same. (Same (Truitt) Jan. 1810.) 1811. Same. (Same (Truitt) Jan. 1811.) 1812. Amdmt. of militia law suggested. (Same (Has- lett) Jan. 1812.) • This rept. is only a stmt, of conditions and needs at time (Jan.. 1879), owing to i'ostles having been commissioned but short time : states that accts. have not been kept up since 1876. t Rept. not complete ; contains only Introductory re- marks prtd. In first 15 pages of separate rept. t Contains only introductory remarks prtd. in first 21 pp. of separate rept. : and rept. of judge advocate gen. found on pp. 46-50 of separate rept. MILITIA— cont'd non-serioZ— cont'd 1812. Review of provisions of militia law, their de- fects. Immediate organization needed; law should be perfected without delay. (Same (Haslett) May 1812.) . Suggested that law be passed directing mode of distribution of arms and equipments purchased in accordance with act of May, 1812, and providing for their safe keeping and preservation. (Same (Haslett) Nov. 1812.) . Rel. to settlement with commissary of 2d brigade of militia. (A.R. auditor 1810/1: 28.) 1813. Urgent need of apprn. for ammunition and sup- port of militia; also regulations concerning mili- tary stores. (Govs. mess. (Haslett) April 1813.) . Again urged that distribution and safe keeping of arms purchased be provided for by law. (Same (Haslett) Jan. 1813.) . Attention to militia laws solicited. ( Same (Haslett) Jan. 1813.) 1814. Laws organizing militia deserve attention. (Same (Haslett) Jan. 1814.) 1814-1815. Acct. of CO. treasurer in acct. with Third Brigade of militia. (House jol. Jan. 1816: 91.) 1816. Recommending that legisl. make provision for payment of claims agst. state for pay or rations of the militia. (Giovs. mess. (Rodney) Jan. 1816.) 1818. Rel. to condition and state of arms purchased, distributed, etc., in state under various acts since 1808. (Same (Rodney) Jan. 1818.) 1819. Rel. to compliance with provisions of acts of Assem. respecting arms belonging to state. (Same (Clark) Jan. 1819.) . Rel. to disordered condition of Del. militia; rec- ommending revision of the laws, and a complete and thorough organization of the militia. (Same (Clark) Jan. 1819.) 1827. Communication from adj. gen. to Gov. submit- ting return of state militia; few of arms belonging to state have been drawn; suggestions as to class of arms to be drawn should legisl. continue law [to establish uniform militia in state] and draw on U. S. for quota of arms; abstr. of return trans- mitted to pres. of U. S.; much money has been spent in equipments since passage of militia law. (House jol. Jan. 1829: 16-17.) Returns not prtd. In Jol. 1829. Communication from secy, of state transmitting (by order of Gov.) ann. rept. of adj. gen. for yr. 1828 in obedience to sec. 29 of " act to establish uniform militia throughout state; passed Feb. 9, 1827. (Same Jan. 1829: 128.) Rept. not prtd. In Jols. . " By return of adj. gen. for yr. 1827, total no. of militia is 9229 and no. of complete suits of uniform is estimated at 1490; whereas it appears by return of adj. gen. for 1812 .... that total no. of militia then was 8414 and no. of suits of uniform 413. .... I am informed that settlement of our acct. with U. S. for this state's quota under act of Cong, of Apr. 23, 1808, has been effected and that rept. of agt. apptd. on part of state for that purpose will be laid before you at present sess." (Govs. mess. 1829.) 1831. Mess, of Gov. of Mass. with res. passed at pres- ent sess. rel. to a more perfect organization of the militia, under authority of the U. S. (House jol. Jan. 1832: 51-52.) 1833. Rept. on so much of Govs. mess, as relates to communications from the several states on subject of a more perfect organization of the militia. (Same Jan. 1833: 179.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE 105 MILITIA— cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1833. Govs. mess, with ace. Tenn. res. rel. to public lands and Ind. jt. res. rel. to more perfect organ- ization of the militia of the U. S. (Sen. jol. Jan. 1833: 16-19.) 1839. Rel. to arms, etc., reed, from U. S. arsenal; sug- gesting certain changes in militia law. (Govs, mess. (Comegys) Jan. 1839.) 1847. Recommending entire revision of militia law of Del., and the establishment of a more efficient sys- tem of militia; present condition of militia, etc. (Same (Temple) Jan. 1847.) 1861. Necessary to provide means of distribution of state's quota of arms and military equipments to militia. (Same (Burton) Nov. 1861.) [1875.] Suitable room in Co. court house in New Castle Co. for armory. (Rept. of adj. gen. 1875/6: 87.) Paging from Sen. jol. 1877. . No fit place in Kent Co. for storage of arms; state ordnance stores kept in cellar of Capitol bldg. (Same 1875/6: 86-87.) Paging from Sen. jol. 1877. . Public arsenal of Sussex Co. unfit for storage of arms. (Same 1875/6: 86.) Paging from Sen. jol. 1877. 1875/6. List of ordnance stores reed., value, and no. and value distributed to agric. college, different cos. and remaining in adj. gen.'s office [in Dec, 1876?]. (Same 1875/6: 84-85.) Paging from Sen. Jol. 1877. 1876. Suggested that worthless arms in arsenal be sold as old iron and replaced from out of credit to state at U. S. War Dept., provided there be some suitable place for storage and care after state ob- tains them. (Same 1875/6: 87.) Paging from Sen. jol. 1877. . Legislation needed to create efficient state militia, secure suitable arsenals and have ordnance stores of state cared for. (Same 1875/6: 89.) Paging from Sen. jol. 1877. 1877. Necessity of suitable arsenal for storage and preservation of state arms. (Govs. mess. (Coch- ran) Jan. 1877: 23.) . Amt. appropriated by Cong. ann. for distribution of arms and equipments among states; amt. due Del. from U. S. as arrears of quota. (Same (Coch- ran) Jan. 1877: 23.) 1879. Strength of volunteer militia; total no. of arms, etc., belonging to state. (Rept. of adj. gen. 1879: 122-123.) Paging from House jol. 1879. . Recommended that suitable place be provided for storage and care of arms. (Same 1879: 123.) Paging from House jol. 1879. . Recommended that authority be given to employ necessary clerical assistance to arrange papers and records of office; present [bad] condition of papers and records largely due to fact of state's failure to provide adequate compensation for performance of duties of office. (Same 1879: 124.) Paging from House jol. 1879. . Present militia law has proven worthless for purpose of organization of militia system; legisla- tion recommended for promotion of militia system. (Same 1879: 124.) Paging from House Jol. 1879. 1880. Acct. of work done in compilation of records of Del. troops in Civil War; recommended that per- mission be obtained to copy national records and that apprn. be made therefor. (Bienn. rept. same 1879/80: 64.) Paging from House Jol. 1881. MILITIA— cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1880. Necessity for new militia law. (Same 1879/80: 69-71.) Paging from House jol. 1881. 1881. $2000 appropriated by Gen. Assem. for Dela- ware's participation in Centennial Celebration at Yorktown, Va., in Oct.; acct. of preparation, trans- portation, procs. at Yorktown; list of expenditures. In detail. (Same 1881/2: 935-939.) Paging from House jol. 1883. 1882. Militia law still far short of necessities of case, though ann. apprn. of $1200 was made by Gen. Assem. (Same 1881/2: 932.) Paging from House jol. 1883. 1883. On the militia. (Govs. mess. (Stockley) Jan. 1883.) 1884. Militia law should provide for organization of regiment not exceeding 10 cos. of infantry; for uni- forms, etc.; tents and camp equipage for ann. en- campment; fire-proof bldg. for arms and ammuni- tion. (Bienn. rept. adj. gen. 1883/4: 46-47.) Paging from House jol. 1885. 1885. Rept. of jt. committee apptd. to take into con- sideration the propriety of reimbursing the state militia for certain expenses [1. e. expenses incurred in attending inauguration ceremonies at Washing- ton, on March 4]. (Sen. jol. Jan. 1885: 520.) . Recommended that steps be taken to place state militia in effective condition. (Govs, bienn. mess. (Stockley) Jan. 1885: 15.) 1886. State should have suitable arsenal (fire-proof) for keeping of reserve supply of arms and am- munition. (Bienn. rept. adj. gen. 1885/6: 1050.) Paging from House jol. 1887. . Comparative table showing cost of maintaining National Guard in five of other states (N. Y., Conn., N. J., Mass., Penn.) and in Del. (Same 1887/8: 9.) 1887. Description of Centennial Parade of National Guardsmen, Sept. 16, at Phila., in honor of adop- tion of Federal Constitution; amt. appropriated by Del. Gen. Assem. and balance left. (Same 1887/8: 10.) 1887-1888. Acct. of encampments of National Guards July 27, 1887, and July 17, 1888: no. of men, benefit from military point of view, expenses. (Same 1887/8: 7-8.) . Ann. apprns. for two yrs. have been equally divided among 10 cos. and troops; $100 ann. apprn. for contingent expenses of office too small. (Same 1887/8: 11.) 1887/8-1889/90. Repts. of inspecting officers at encamp- ments of National Guard. (Some 1887/8 (pp. 21- 27)— same 1889/90.) 1887/8-1903/4. Roster of National Guard of Del. (Same 1887/8 (pp. 34-39)— some 1903/4.) . Inspector gen.'s rept. on condition of arms, equipments, stores, quarters, etc., of National Guard; their needs, etc. (Same 1887/8 (pp. 28-32) —same 1903/4.) Kepts of 1897 '8-1899 00 contain only list of o£Bcer» and men : 1901/2-1903/4 given In greater det&ll, Incl. condition of funds of the various cos. 1888. Ann. apprn. [by Gen. Assem. of 1887] for Na- tional Guard should be increased. (Savie 1887/8: 5.) . Recommended that suitable arsenal and armory be erected at Dover. (Same 1887/8: 5-6.). . Recommended that law be so amended as to allow mustering into service a battery of artillery. (Same 1887/8: 12.) . Arms and accoutrements issued to Del. College much depleted and damaged, through carelessness; shortage reprehensible, but no remedy unless there 106 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF DELAWARE MILITIA— cont'd non-serial — cont'd is bond on file in state dept. or in hands of former adj. gen. not turned in to dept. (Same 1887/8: 13.) 1888. Dec. 10. Circular issued by Adj. Gen. Kenney [to adj. gens, of different statesl, suggesting that War Dept. annually detail an offlcer of regular army to each of states as asst. adj. gen., thus secur- ing uniformity of drill and custom. (Same 1887/8: G7-G8.) 1890. Changes needed in law, involving questions of organization and govt.; method of apportionment of apprn. should be changed; amt. needed by ann. apprn.; etc. (Same 1889/90: 4-5.) . Immediate legislation needed for state armory or arsenal. (Same 1889/90: 5.) . Bklg. of armories by three different company organizations commendable; description of bldgs., method of payment, etc. (Same 1889/90: 14-15.) . Comparative table showing cost of maintaining National Guard in eight of other states (Mass., Md., Wis., 111., N. Y., Mich., N. J., Cal.) and Del. (Same 1889/90: 20.) 1891. Militia cos.; rel. to act of last Gen. Assem. making apprn. for adj. gen.'s of8ce — apprn. claimed by parties interested, to be ann.; in treasurer's opinion, not ann.; matter referred to Gen. Assem. (Bienn. rept. of treasurer 1891/2: 10-11.) 1892. Legislation needed to provide for support and maintenance of militia; recommended that specific sum of money be appropriated to be apportioned among several military depts. and expended by bd. of ofTicers to be apptd. by gov.; amt. needed; law providing for certain military cos. (A, C and F Infantry and Troops A and B) should be made to cover yr. 1892. (Bienn. rept. adj. gen. 1891/2: 4.) . "The trustees of Troop 'B' Assn."; rel. to provisions of act of May 14, 1891, for their relief. (Bienn. rept. of treasurer 1891/2: 6-7.) 1893. Unless laws be enacted and apprns. made to place military dept. on sound footing, abolition recommended. (Govs. mess. (Reynolds) Jan. 1893: 26-27.) 1894. Present condition of National Guard deplorable; suitable laws should be enacted and apprn. made for support of militia or it should be abolished. (Bienn. rept. adj. gen. 1893/4: 3-4.) . Bldg. Ivnown as " troop B Armory " has become property of state; recommended that it be turned over to military of Wilmington and also that adj. gen.'s office te located therein. (Same 1893/4: 7-8.) . Rel. to loan to Troop B Assn. (Bienn. rept. of treasurer 1893/4: 5.) 1895. Again recommending abolition of military dept. of state, unless laws are enacted and apprns. made that will place it on such a footing as will insure protection in case its services should be demanded. (Govs. mess. (Reynolds) Jan. 1895.) 1897. Militia important auxiliary to adequacy of civil power; recommended that subject of financiaV aid to National Guard be given serious consideration. (Same (Watson) Jan. 1897: 13.) 1898. Legisl. of 1897 gave militia new law and apprn., but apprn. is still inadequate to needs. (Bienn. rept. adj. gen. 1897/8: 5-6.) 1900. Legisl. should enact measures to permit field training of National Guard. (Same 1899/00: 4.) . Legislation recommended; for increase of no. of COS.; increased apprn. for National Guard and per- mission for one week's encampment; increased sal- ary for adj. gen. and contingent fund for his ex- penses In representing state away from home. (Same 1899/00: 6.) MILITIA— cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1901.- Suggestion rel. to state militia. (Govs. mess. (Hunn) Jan. 1901.) 1902. State should provide means for maintenance, in- struction and discipline of National Guard; field training impossible without increased apprn. (Bienn. rept. adj. gen. 1901/2: 3-4.) 1903. Recommended that National Guard be increased to 12 cos. and apprn. made to defray expenses of yrly. encampment. (Govs. mess. (Hunn) Jan. 1903: 14.) 1904. Allowance of f 25 should be provided for each of- ficer of National Guard on active list. (Bienn. rept. adj. gen. 1903/4: 4.) . State ownership of armory bldgs. for cos. south of Wilmington recommended. (Same 1903/4: 5.) Adjutant General's Office 1800. Mess, from Gov. recommending that compensa- tion be allowed adj. gen. for trouble and expense incurred in compliance with duties of his office. (House jol. Jan. ISOO: 17-18.) 1867. Communication from adj. gen. on condition of affairs in office under his charge. (Sen. jol. Jan. 1867: 294-296; House jol. Jan. 1867: 454-455.) 1892. Room should be set aside in capitol bldg. at Dover for headquarters [of adj. gen,] and clerk apptd. to take care of records. (Bienn. rept. adj. gen. 1891/2: 7.) Receipts and Expenditttres; see below, that title Reports; see above serial group Salarv; see Salaries Law 1799. An act to establish an uniform militia through- out this state. New-Castle, 1799. 36 pp. [1811.] Militia law. Dover, 1811. Not seen ; entry from Bowker. 1812. A suppl. to act entitled " An act to establish an uniform militia throughout this state." Not seen ; entry from Bowker. Military Records 1841. Pay and subsistence rolls of different troops at- tached to old Del. line in ruinous condition in secy, of state's office; constitute only evidence of services during Revolution on which to ground claim to national bounty and should be transcribed. (Govs. mess. (Comegys) Jan. 1841.) 1882. Renewal of recommendation that national mili- tary record rel. to Del. be copied at state expense. (Bienn. rept. of adj. gen. 1881/2: 927-928.) raplns from Ilonse jol. 1883, . Revolutionary and Mexican war records of Del. not preserved. (Same 1881/2: 928.) raging from House jol. 188."?. 1888-1900. Records of soldiers of Del. in Revolutionary war. War of 1812 and Mexican war are stored In wooden case in office of Secy, of State and are valu- able as matter of state hist.; steps should be taken for their preservation and for preservation of Civil War records. (Same 1887/8 (pp. 10-11) — same 1899/00.) Receipts and Expenditures 1803. " As some of the certificates .... Issued to officers and privates of Del. Regiment, for deprecia- tion of their pay are in hands of individuals, upon which state is paying an interest, and as loan- office fund, where they were receivable in dis- charge of mortgages is nearly exhausted, legisl. will probably appropriate some other fund to dis- charge them, or direct them to be paid with any money that may be reed, hereafter for the mort- gages, that are yet undischarged, which will pro- duce a sum more than sufficient for their payment." (A.R. auditor 1802/3: 45.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF DELAWARE lor MILITIA— cont'd Receipts and Expenditures — cont'd 1809. Adj. genls, acct. of expenditures from March 23 to Aug. 19; referred to committee on claims. (House jol. Jan. 1810: 40-41.) 1813. Rel. to accts. of military commissaries. (A.R. auditor 1811/2: 37.) 1873-1874. Rept. in favor of adj. gen.; referred to Sen. committee on claims. (Sen. jol. Jan. 1875: 341.) 1879. 120,000 in state treasury, reed, from U. S. for arms, etc.; suggested that this sum be invested and Interest therefrom set aside as " Military Fund." (Rept. of adj. gen. 1879: 125.) PaglnR from House jol. 1879. 1879-1880. Adj. genls. acct. of expenditure of apprn. made for incidental expenses and clerical assist- ance. (Same 1879/80: 62.) Pacing from House jol. 1881. 1880. Balance to credit of state from ann. apprn. of Congress for support of militia; militia should he supplied with best arms obtainable. (Same 1879/ 80: 71-72.) raging from House jol. 1881. 1881. Acct. of sale of old arms and accoutrements and distribution of proceeds. (Same 1881/2: 933.) Paging from House jol. 1883. 1881-1882. Adj. genls. acct. of receipts and expendi- tures of fund for incidental expenses, etc. (Same 1881: 928.) Paging from House jol. 1883. 1881/2-1885/6. Adj. genls. acct. of distribution of regu- lar apprn. for support of militia. (Same 1881/2 (p. 930)— same 188.5/6.) Paging from House jol. 1883. 1886. Approximate estimate of balance to credit of state from undrawn ann. apprn. of Congress " for support of militia in states." (Same 1885/6: 1051.) Paging from House jol. 1887. 1886-1890. Method of distribution of Congressional apprns. for state arms, etc., under old and new laws; Delaware's share up to July 1, 1886, and since that date; amt. drawn and how expended. (Same 1889/90: 7-8.) 1887. Acct. of receipts and expenditures of fund from sale of arms. (Same 1887/8: 7.) 1887-1890. Stmt, of receipts from sale of guns and of mess shed and expenditures from funds obtained thefeby. (Same 1889/90: 5-6.) . Source of income for expenses of ann. encamp- ment of National Guard; cost of each encampment; balance of govt, fund on hand; commendation of Del. National Guard. (Same 1889/90: 15-19.) 1888-1890. Acct. of expenditures for camp and garrison equipage in connection with ann. encampments. (Same 1889/90: 9-10.) 1891-1894. Stmt, of receipts and expenditures of con- tingent fund. (Same 1891/2 (pp. 5-6)— same 1893/ 4.) 1897/8-1903/4. Stmt, of receipts and disbursements of the several funds passing through military dept. (Same 1897/8 (pp. 8-14)— sa7«e 1903/4.) 1902. Amt. of funds expended from apprn. for National Guard on state arsenal in 1901 should be refunded to National Guard. (Same 1901/2: 4-5.) Fines 1800-1832. Auditor's rept. of militia fines. In Documents as follows : 1800 In A.R. auditor 1700/00:12.3-133. 1801 1800/1 : 72-79. 1802-1816 omitted. 1817 in A.R. auditor 1896/7 npp. 9 pp. 1818-1826 omitted. 1827 In A.R. auditor 1826/7 : 269-272." 1827 1828/9:177-181.* 1829/30 " " " 1830 : 189.* 1829/30 " " " 1831 : 250.* 1832 1832 : 245. Paging from House jol. MILITIA— cont'd Receipts and Expenditures — cont'd Fines — cont'd 1817. Rept. of fines imposed in Second Brigade of tailitia in year 1814. (House jol. Jan. 1817: 69-72.) 1832. Stmt, of military commissaries, in acct. for fines imposed and reed. (A.R. auditor 1832/3: 27-28.) MILK Industry; see Industries. Dairy Inspection; see Industries. Inspection MILLSBORO Public Schools; see Rducation MILTON Health of 1885/6-1896/8. See Public Health, these dates. Diphtheria in; see Public Health Malaria in; see Public Health. Diseases Public Schools; see Education MISAPPROPRIATION OF FUNDS; see FINANCE: STATE MONEY 1835. Rept. of committee on so much of Govs. mess, as relates to th& regulation of the national currency, by the existing administration of the gen. govt. (House jol. Jan. 1835: 192-197; Sen. jol. Jan. 1835: 88-92.) 1838. Mess, of Gov. of Ky. with res., etc., adopted by that state in relation to the currency, and the ad- ministration of the gen. govt. (House jol. Jan. 1839: 33-36.) 1875. Criticism of policy of federal govt., particularly in matter of circulation of depreciated paper, cur- rency. (Govs. mess. (Ponder) Jan. 1875: 20-22.) . " Annihilation of our well secured State Bank is- sues by ruthless exercise of Congressional power of taxation is continued; supply of paper money of U. S. — our only circulating medium — floating off to great money centres, leaving rural districts de- nuded of necessary medium of exchange." (Same (Cochran) Jan. 1875: 6.) 1883. Silver coin; rel. to injustice and wrong of Con- gress discriminating agst. coinage of silver into money. (Same (Biggs) Jan. 1883.) MONUMENTS; see PARKS MORTALITY; see VITAL STATISTICS. DEATHS MORTGAGES Taxation; see Taxation: State. Bonds, etc. MUTUAL AID SOCIETIES; see BENEFICIARY ORGANIZA- TIONS NATIONAL GUARD; see MILITIA NATURAL RESOURCES Forestry 1888. Arbor Day; recommended that gov. of Del. be authorized and requested to issue a proclamation not later than March 1, each yr., apptg. an Arbor Day and requesting that all teachers and children of the schools of Del., citizens, etc., unite in adorn- ing school grounds, etc. (Bienn. rept. on free schools 1888: 15.) 108 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OP DELAWARE NATURAL RESOURCES— cont'd Forestry — cont'd 1898. The European and Japanese chestnuts in eastern U. S.; by G. H. Powell. (11 A.R. agric. exper. sta- tion 1898/9: 101-134.) nist and giographlcal adaptability ; uses In France, Italy, Japan ; botanical considerations ; bints on chestnut culture ; monograph of varieties, etc. . Same, abridged ed. 16 pp. (Agric. exper. sta- tion bull. 42.) Geological Survey 1836. Propriety of ordering a geol. survey of state, with view to exploration of its mineral productions. (Govs. mess. (Polk) June 1836.) 1837. Rept. on so much of Govs. mess, as relates to agric. Interests of state; recommending develop- ment of natural resources; and authorization of geol. survey. (Sen. jol. Jan. 1837: 104-106.) . Text of agreement entered into by comrs. apptd. under act providing for geol. and mineraloglcal sur- vey and James C. Booth. (Same Jan. 1841: 38.) 1839. Communication from comrs. apptd. under act of Feb. 18, 1837, to procure a geol. and mineraloglcal survey of state, rel. to contract made with J. C. Booth for same. (House jol. Jan. 1839: 62-63.) . 1st and 2d geol. and mineraloglcal repts. of James C. Booth, state geologist. (Same Jan. 1839: 63-82.) 1841. Communication from secy, of state transmitting letter of chrm. of comrs. apptd. under act of Feb. 18, 1837, to procure geol. and mineraloglcal survey of state. (Sen. jol. Jan. 1841: 37-38.) . Memoir; incl. the application of the geol. ob- servations to agric; by James C. Booth, state geol- ogist. Dover, S. Kimmey, 1841. xi (1), 10-188 pp. . Same. (Sen. jol. Jan. 1841: 41-170.) The preface Is omitted In the Senate version. Reference Is made, p. x separate edition, to a map. Copy seen had no map. Receipts and Expenditures 1837-1841. Stmt, of debits and credits of comrs. to superintend geol. survey. (Sen. jol. Jan. 1841: 39- 40.) NEGRO Education; see Education Labor; see that title Mortality; see Vital Statistics. Deaths Population; see that title NEW CASTLE Health of 1885/6-1896/8. See Public Health, these dates. Malaria in; see Public Health. Diseases Public Schools; see Education Water Supply; see that title NEW CASTLE COUNTY Agricultural Society; see Agricultural Societies Dog Tax; see Taxation: State House of Refuge; see Maintenance: County Individual In- stitutions Insane Asylum; see Maintenance: County Individual Insti- tutions Internal Improvement of; see Public Works License Revenue; see License Jail; see Maintenance: County. Delinquents Poor; see Maintenance: County. Dependents Poor Tax; see Taxation: State Road Tax; see Taxation: State Roads; see that title NEW CASTLE COUNTY— cont'd School Fund; see Education. School Fund School Houses; see Education. School Houses Schools; see Education Sheriffs; see Administration of Justice: County Taxation; see Taxation: State. County Tax Teachers' Association; see Education. Associations Teachers' Institutes; see Education. Teachers Wages TEACHiats; see Labob NEWARK Health of 1885/6-1896/8. See Public Health, these dates. Malaria in; see Public Health. Diseases Public Schools; see Education Typhoid in; see Public Health Water Supply; see that title NEWPORT Public Schools; see Education NORMAL SCHOOLS; see EDUCATION NORTH MILFORD Public Schools; see Education NORTH MILTON Public Schools; see Education OATS Diseases; see Agriculture. Crops. Pests ODESSA Health of 1885/6-1896/8. See Public Health, these dates. Public Schools; see Education OYSTER; see FISH AND GAME PARKS AND MONUMENTS 1861. Committee on finance deem it inexpedient to make apprn. or take any action in matter of erec- tion of monument in Independence Square, Phila. (House jol. Jan. 1861: 610.) 1870. Constitution and act of incorporation of Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument Assn. of Del. Wilmington, H. and E. F. James, 1870. 8 pp. Copy In Delaware Hist. Socy. PATRONS OF HUSBANDRY; see AGRICULTURAL SO- CIETIES PEA Crops; see Agriculture. Crops. Vegetable PEACH Crop; see Agriculture. Crops PEAR Crop; see Agriculture. Crops PENITENTIARY; see MAINTENANCE: STATE PLAGUE; see PUBLIC HEALTH. EPIDEMICS PLANT BREEDING; see AGRICULTURE PLATE GLASS INSURANCE; see INSURANCE INDEX TO DOCUMEn^TS OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE 109 PLEUROPNEUMONIA Regulation; see Agriculture. Inspection PLUM Crop; see Agriculture. Crops POLLUTION OF STREAMS; see WATER SUPPLY POOR Maintenance; see that title POOR TAX; see TAXATION: STATE POPULATION 1792. Population of Newcastle, Kent and Sussex cos. (Govs, inaugural mess. (Cochran) Jan. 1875: 8.) Illiterate [1850.] No. of white persons in Del. unable to read and write. (Govs. mess. (Burton) 1859.) 1859. No. of illiterates (white) in Del. at taking of last census. (Same (Burton) Jan. 1869.) Migration serial 1 series 1883-? No serial reports were Issued by this board. An ad- vertising pamphlet was issued In 1884 ; see below, non-serial group, that date. 2 series Created by act of March, 1903 1903-1904. Rept. of immigration bureau. In Documents as follows : 1903 in 3 ann. rept. bd. of agrlc. 1903:10-11; 1904 House jol. Dec. 1904 : 99-105. 1904 : 23-25 ; 12. 27. non-serial 1839. Discontent, which for a while prevailed and caused so many emigrations to west, has happily subsided. (Govs. mess. (Comegys) Jan. 1839.) 1871. Rel. to importance of subject of immigration since termination of late war. (Same (Saulsbury) Jan. 1871.) 1883. Urgent recommendation of passage of law cre- ating bd. of immigration. (Govs, inaugural mess. (Stockley) Jan. 1883: 15.) . Rept. of conference committee on act for encour- agement of Immigration, and to foster agric. in- terests of state. (House jol. Jan. 1883: 794.) 1884. Homes and lands in Del. Issued by state bd. of immigration. Milford. 1884. 60 pp., map. 12°. 1885. Work of immigration comrs. commended. (Govs, bienn. mess. (Stockley) Jan. 1885: 16-17.) 1889. Subject of immigration should be given more attention; summary of Delaware's attractions. (Same (Biggs) Jan. 1889: 14-15.) 1903. Work of immigration bureau; acct. of circulars, maps, etc., issued; no. of inquiries reed.; farm laborers secured. (3 A.R. bd. of agric. 1903: 10-11.) Immigration bureau was formed by act of legisl. In 1903 making state bd. of agrlc. bureau of immi- gration and Gov. ex-offlcio member of bureau. . " Advertisements [by the bureau of immigra- tion] were inserted in a no. of papers and maga- zines in the U. S., Canada and Germany; 10,000 copies of a colored map of Del. were printed for distribution in the U. S. and Canada and 2000 copies for Germany. A circular of information of 24 pp. was prepared and translated into German by Dr. Learned." (3 A.R. bd. of agric. 1903: 10.) None of the above were found, 1904. Acct. of methods of advertising, etc., carried on by bureau of immigration; results. (4 A.R. bd. of agric. 1904: 24.) POPULATION— cont'd Migration — cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1904. [Immigration] comn. sent J. F. Elliott, former resident of Ontario, Canada, and Mr. Webb, secy. of comn., for trip through that province; character of country and people; desirable citizens; suggested that agts. be sent to hold mass mtgs., etc., with view to persuading people to settle in Del. (4 same 1904: 25.) . " The comn. [of immigration] having printed a booklet of 52 pages, containing a no. of half tone cuts, presenting prominent features of Del The edition will consist of 5000 copies." (4 same 1904: 25.) No copy seen. Negro 1807. Urging that action be taken to prevent free ne- groes from emigrating to Del.; this class of negroes, in some parts of state, are so frequently acquiring possession of lands, as tenants, and undermining the white citizens, as to excite much solicitude. (Govs. mess. (Mitchell) Jan. 1807.) 1809. Multiplied and increased crimes of the blacks make material change in the criminal code, as it respects them, necessary. (Same (Truitt) Jan. 1809.) 1830. Docs, from Mo. legisl. as to Congress appropri- ating moneys to aid American Colonization Society. (House jol. Jan. 1830: 35-36.) 1831. Mess, of Gov. of Ohio, with rept. and res. rel. to constitutional power of Congress to appropriate money to aid the Colonization Socy. (Same Jan. 1832: 58-59.) 1832. On negro insurrection; suggested precautionary measures. (Govs. mess. Jan. 1832.) 1861. Documents rel. to federal relations, slavery, etc. 55(1) pp. (Sen. jol. 1861 app. doc. 1-27.) 1863. Very small proportion of labor of state depend- ent upon slave population. (Same (Cannon) Jan. 1863: 26.) 1866. Change needed in criminal code as applicable to negro population. (Same (Saulsbury) Jan. 1866.) 1867. Proper restriction upon immigration to this state of negroes from other portions of the country is demanded by Interests of all classes of people. (Same (Saulsbury) Jan. 1867.) Receipts and Expenditures 1903. Financial stmt, of bureau of Immigration. (3 A.R. bd. of agric. 1903 (p. 12) — 4 same 1904.) Vital Statistics; see that title POSTAL SERVICE 1841. Propriety of extending franking privilege to Govs, and secys. of different states suggested. (Govs. mess. (Comegys) Jan. 1841.) 1861. Ordinance to make provisional postal arrange- ments in Ala. (House jol. Jan. 1861, app. p. 13.) POTATO Crops; see Agriculture. Crops. Vegetable POULTRY RAISING; see AGRICULTURE PREMIUMS Agricultural; see Agriculture Insurance; see that title PRISON; see MAINTENANCE: STATE no INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE PUBLIC AID American Colonization Society; see Population. Negro Delaware Historical Society 1899. Communication from librarian of Historical So- ciety of Del. rel. to apprn. to said society. (House jol. Jan. 1899:395-396.) Railroads; see that title PUBLIC BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS 1871. Attention of legisl. called to condition of public bldgs. of state; propriety of apptmt. of a supt. of these bldgs. (Govs. mess. (Saulsbury) Jan. 1871.) 1873. Rept. on recommendations in Govs. mess, with respect to public building. (Sen. jol. Jan. 1873: 746.) 1875. I*ublic bldgs. Rept. of the jt. committee to whom was referred the rept. and ace. papers of the " jt. committee apptd. under the jt. res. in rel. to public bldgs." Dover, Office of the Dela- warean, 1875. 7 pp. Copy In Delaware Hist. Socy. Capitol 1805. Rept. on memorial of Levy Court of Kent Co. praying legisI. to lay proportion of expense for re- pairing state house on state. (House jol. Jan. 1805: 20.) 1807. Rel. to dilapidated condition of State House; law should be passed to compel Levy-Court to make provisions for its immediate reparation. (Govs, mess. (Mitchell) Jan. 1807.) 1816. Rept. on improvement on chamber of House of Representatives. (House jol. Jan. 1816: 196.) 1826. Rept. from Levy Court of Kent Co. for repairs on State House. (Sen. jol. Jan. 1826: 137-139.) 1835. Rept. of committee apptd. to enquire into expe- diency of enlarging the chamber of the House of Representatives, and the construction of a room tor the library of the Gen. Assem. (House jol. Jan. 1835: 126-127.) 1836. Rept. of comrs. apptd. to provide an enlargement of the State House, by act of Feb. 12, 1835. {Same June 1836: 53-54.) 1837. Rept. of committee apptd. to examine accts. of comrs. to provide suitable rooms for legisl. of state. (Same Jan. 1837: 140-141.) 1844. Rept. of supt. of repairs on State House. (Same Jan. 1845: 261-262.) 1861. Erection of new state house desirable; not rec- ommended, owing to perilous condition of country. (Govs. mess. (Burton) Jan. 1861.) 1869. Rept. on legal claim to State House. (House jol. Jan. 1869: 734-735.) 1875. Commendation of repairs and alterations made in State House; rooms set apart for Gov. and for office of secy, of state; ample accommodations made for books in library. (Govs. mess. (Ponder) Jan. 1875: 17-18.) . Rept. on regulation and preservation of capitol building. (Sen. jol. Jan. 1875: 217.) 1885. Rept. of jt. committee apptd. to take into con- sideration the cost and propriety of heating State House with steam. (Same Jan. 1885: 632.) . Rept. of jt. committee on estimated expense of repairs of state house and furniture. (Same Jan. 1885: 56.) 1896. State House; completion of State Library addi- tion; suggested that special committee be apptd. by Gen. Assem. to devise plans by which the quarters of the treasurer and auditor may be made more suitable for transaction of their business. (Bienn. rept. of treasurer 1895/6: 7.) 1897. Apartments provided in State House for differ- ent state officers inadequate to needs; rooms for- merly used for state library might be utilized for PUBLIC BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS— cont'd Capitol — cont'd state officers. (Govs. mess. (Watson) Jan. 1897: 13.) 1897. Value of real estate acquired by state during last few yrs. ; state hospital at Farnhurst and ad- dition thereto. Troop B armory, state library addi- tion to state house. (Same (Watson) Jan. 1897: 5.) . Rept. of jt. committee apptd. to ascertain prob- able cost of improving interior of State House. (Sen. jol. Jan. 1897: 1083-1084; House jol. Jan. 1897: 1483.) 1899. Rept. of jt. committee apptd. to settle with legis- lative committee on remodeling and refurnishing State House. (House jol. Jan. 1899: 1207.) 1902. On condition of State House and state library. (Rept. of state librn. 1902.) Gettysburg Cemetery 1864. Rel. to Gettysburg cemetery; plan submitted by comrs. as to title of land, apptmt. of trustees, es- timated expense of finishing, support after comple- tion; apprn. recommended. (Govs. mess. (Cannon) Jan. 1864.) Insurance 1888-1890. Treasurer's acct. of insurance in force on property belonging to New Castle Co. (A.R. audi- tor 1888 (p. 93)— same 1890.) 1894-1896. Treasurer of poor in acct. with Sussex Co., on acct. of insurance policies on alms-house and jail. (A.R. auditor 1894 (p. 55)— some 1896.) 1895 omitted. Receipts and Expenditures 1837. Rept. on accts. of comrs. to procure suitable rooms for legisl. (Sen. jol. Jan. 1837: 58-60.) 1881. Rept. of jt. committee on amt. expended for al- terations and improvements in capitol building. (House jol. Jan. 1881: 138-139.) 1883. Stmt, of balance due Caleb Pennewill for im- provements in State House and expenses of library. (Sen. jol. Jan. 1883: 166; House jol. Jan. 1883: 213.) PUBLIC HEALTH serial REPORTS Under act "to establish state bd. of health for state of Del." passed at Dover, March 13, 1879. 1879/80-1902/4. Bienn. rept. of state bd. of health, 1-13. Checklist [1.] 1879/80. Dover, James Kirk and Sons, 1881. 32 pp., fldg. sheet. 2. 1881/2. Dover, James Kirk and Sons, 1883. 37 pp., 2 fldg. sheets. 3. 1882/4. Dover, Delawarean Office, 1885. 17 pp., 1 1., 6 fldg. sheets.* 4. 1884/6. Not published In separate form. 5. 1886/8. Not found. 6. 1888/90. Dover, Jas. Kirk and Son, 1891. 153 pp., 1 l.« 1890/2. Dover, The Index Job Print, 1893. 215 pp. 1892/4. Dover, The Index Job Print, 1895. 185 pp.* 1894/6. Wilmington, Thos. Rosslter, 1897. 208 pp. 1896/8. Dover, Press of Delawarean, 1899. 167 pp. 1898/00. Not found. 1900/2. n. p., n. d. 141 pp. 1902/4. Mllford, Chronicle Power Print, n. d. 222 pp. In Collected docs, as follows : [1.] 1879/80 In House Jol. Jan. 1881 : 80-83.t 2. 1881/2 " House " " 1883 : 971-1014, 2 fldg. sheets. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. • Copy in Wllmlneton Institute Free Library, t Contains only introductory remarks, as found In first 8 pages of separate rept. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE 111 PUBLIC HEALTH— cont'd serial — cont'd REPORTS — cont'd Checklist — cont'd 3. 1882/4 In House Jol. Jan. 1885 : 876-885. 4. 1884/6 " House " " 1887:921-1025. 5. 1886/8 " House " " 1889 app. 153-245. 6. 1888 '00 " Spnate " " 1891 app. 219-375. House Jol. app. 219-325. 7-9. 1890/2-1894/6 omitted. 10. 1896/8 in Senate jol. Jan. sess. 1899 : 526-699 ; House Jol. 649-821. 11-13. 1898/00-1902/4 omitted. CIRCULARS Circulars distributed by state bd. of health. 1879-1904. Checljlist n. d. [Circular.] St.ite bd. of health. On domestic hygiene ; or, the hygiene ot homes. By L. P. Bush, n. t. p. 4 pp. Copy in Delaware Hist. Socy. None of the following circulars were found In separate form. 1879. By-laws of hd. of health. (1 bienn. rept. bd. of health 1879/80 : 17-18.) . [Form of ann. rept. to be filled in by local bds. or by physicians, containing queries as to drainage, diseases, "etc.. with view to ascertaining facts rel. to malaria.] (1 blenn. rept. bd. of health 1879/80 : 29.) . Circular letter to physicians and co. and town anthorities advising formation of local bds. of health. (1 bienn. rept. bd. of health 1879/80:30-32.) 188?. TTealth connsr'U for working people. . School and health circular for parents, guardians, children and trustees. The two preceding titles are taken from the 3 blenn. rept. of the bd. of health. In which it is stated that " By permission of the bd. ot health of N. J. we have been permitted to reprint their Industrial circular entitled ' Health counsels . . . .* and also their ' School and health cir- cular,* and endeavored (sic) to distribute the same through the medium of the supt. of public schools " No copies of the circulars were found. 1886 Aug. 1. [Circular to teachers of state, requesting Information rel. to sanitary condition of school house and premises.] (4 bienn. rept. bd. of health 1884/6: 999-1003.)* 1885 July 8. [Circular to physicians in towns having over 300 Inhabitants, requesting answers to ques- tions enclosed (as to whether town has bd. of health, prevalence of zymotic diseases, sanitary conditions.] (4 bienn. rept bd. of health 1884/6 : 1004.)' 1897. Circular on prevention of consumption, typhoid fever, etc. Not found. A memorandum rel. to the distribution of such a circular is printed in the 6 bienn. rept. of the bd. of health. . [Circular urging establishment of local bds. of health. Improvement in sanitary conditions, etc.] (6 blenn. rept bd. of health 1888/90:270-271.)* . [Form mailed to physicians to be filled out and returned ; rel. to health of towns, etc.] (9 bienn. rept. bd. of health 1894/6:45-46.) 1890 June 3. Resuscitation of drowned ; by L. P. Bush. (6 bienn. rept. bd. of health 1888/90:264-267.)* Appears also In 7th rept. 1890/2 : 88-92 ; 9th 1894/6 : 67-71 ; 10th 1896/8 : 75-78 and 13th 1902/4 : 30-32. , " Circular no. 1 (sic) relates to the prevention of tuberculosis." Circular not found. The foregoing stmt, is made in the 9 rept. of the bd. of health. 1894. " Circulars on scarlet fever and diphtheria were mailed to Kirkwood on Sept. 25." (9 bienn. rept. bd. health 1894 : 2.S-24. ) Circular was not found. 1904 May. Hydrophobia (rabies). Circular of Informa- tion, n. t. p. 1 leaf. non-serial 1885. Circular addressed to physicians in towns hav- ing population over 300, requesting answers to questions enclosed (as to town's having bd. of health, prevalence of zymotic diseases, sanitary conditions). (4 bienn. rept. bd. of health 1884/6: 1004.) Paging from liouse jol. 1887. • Paging from Collected docs. PUBLIC HEALTH— cont'd non-serial — cont'd [1885/6.] Replies [reed, to circular of July 8, 1885] as to whether town has bd. of health, sanitary condi- tions, diseases, etc. (4 same 1884/6: 1005-1008.) New Castle Co. : Glasgow, New Castle City, Centreville. Newark. St. Georges, Christiana : Kent Co. : Smyr- na, Camden : Sussex Co. : Seaford, Georgetown, Lewes, Concord. Paging from House jol. 1887. 1885/6-1896/8. [Replies from correspondents rel. to health of towns, etc.] In Documents as follows : [1885/6] In 4 blenn. rept. bd. of health 1884/6:1008- 1011.* Henry Clay P. O.. New Castle. Newark. Christiana, Glasgow, St. Georges. Middletown, Feiton. Leip- slc, Milton. Bridgeville, Seaford, Lewes, Concord. Georgetown. 1886/8 In 5 blenn. rept. bd. ot health 1886/8 : 239-240.* Newark, Odessa, Dover, Smyrna, Lewes, Laurel. ■1889 in 6 bienn. rept. bd. ot health 1888/90 : 258-259.* Laurel, Georgetown. 1890 in 6 bienn. rept bd. of health 1888/90 : 239-242.* New Castle Co. (Jan. 1-Apr. 1.) Newark, Centreville, Henry Clay, New Castle, Dela- ware City, Townsend. Kent Co. (Jan. 1-Apr. 1.) Smyrna, Dover, Frederica, MUford. Sussex Co. (Jan. 1-Apr. 1.) Milton. Georgetown, Seaford. New Castle Co. (Apr. 1-Julv 1.) New Castle, Townsend, Glasgow, Centreville, Mid- dletown. Kent Co. (Apr. 1-July 1.) Smyrna, Dover. Camden, Frederica. Sussex Co. (Apr. 1-July 1.) Mllford. Milton. Concord. 1891 In 7 bienn. rept bd. of health 1890/2 : 80-87. New Castle Co. (to Feb. I. Glasgow, New Castle, Townsend, Centreville, Odessa. Kent Co. (t'l Feb.). Dover, Lelpslc, Camden, Frederica. Sussex Co. (to Feb.). Georgetown, Lewes, Milton, Laurel. Recapitulation, showing no. of diseases and cases In each of above list. New Castle Co. (to Apr.). New Castle, Centreville. Kent Co. (to Apr.). Lelpslc, Frederica, Mllford. Sussex Co. (to .Apr.). Georgetown. Seaford. Lewes. Laurel. Recapitulation, showing no. of diseases and cases In each town. 1891/2 In 7 blenn. rept bd. of health 1890/2 : 60-62. New Castle Co. (Oct., Nov., Dec. 1891 and to Jan. 10, 1892.) New Castle, Centreville, Newark, Delaware City, Middletown. Kent Co. (Oct, Nov. and Dec, 1891, and to Jan. 10, 1892. .'Smyrna, I.<'ipsic. Sussex Co. (Oct., Nov., and Dec, 1891 and to Jan. 10, 1892.) Mllford, Seaford, Lewes, Laurel. in 7 bienn. rept. bd. of health 1890/2 : 111-112. Rept. of town ot Dover from Mch. 17, 1891 to Mch. 17, 1892. 1892/4 none. 1894/6 none. 1896/8 In 10 bienn. rept bd. of health 1896/8 : 69-73. Glasgow. Newport and New Castle, Clayton, Smyr- na, Lelpslc, Laurel, Milton, Delmar, Lewes, Harr- ington, Hovir, Centreville, Greenwood, (Jeorge- town, Middletown, Townsend, Seaford, Newark. 189(?). Form furnished to physicians, for making repts. on health of towns, etc. (9 bienn. rept. bd. of health 1S94/6: 45-46.) 1903. Examination of health officers [in New Jersey]. (Pathological and bacteriological laboratory bull. 18: 7-8.) Board of Health 1903. The true functions of health bds. cal etc. laboratory bull. 17: 4-5.) (Bacteriologi- * Paging from Collected docs. 112 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE PUBLIC HEALTH— cont'd Board of Health — cont'd Local Boabds 1879. Circular letter to physicians and co. and town authorities advising formation of local bds. of health. (1 blenn. rept. bd. of health 1879/80: 30- 32.) 189(?). Circular urging formation of local bds. of health and improvement of sanitary surroundings. (6 same 1888/90: 270-271.) I'nglDK from Collected docs. 1896-1904. List of bds. of health In state, population of town, comment on work of bd.; by cos. (9 same 1894/6 (pp. 77-79)— 13 same 1902/4.) Wilmhigton 1892. List of members of Wilmington bd. of health, their salary and work. (7 blenn. rept. bd. of health 1890/2: 126.) 1903. True functions of health bds. (Pathological and bacteriological laboratory bull. 17: 4-5.) National Board 1882. Deemed advisable that bd. transmit to represen- tatives in Congress their view rel. to importance of work of national bd. (2 bienn. rept. bd. of health 1881/2: 16.) State Board 1879. First mtg. of bd. held at Dover, Apr. 28, 1879. (1 bienn. rept. bd. of health 1879/80: 10.) 1879-1904. List of members of bd. (1 same 1879/80 (p. 9)— 13 same 1902/4.) [1879/80.] List of books, circulars, letters, pamphlets, etc., reed, by bd. (1 same 1879/80: 15-16.) 1882. Suggested that memorial be addressed to leglsl. asking for increase of apprn. for expenses of bd. (2 same 1881/2: 15.) 1882/4. Rept. of pres. of state bd. of health. (3 same 1882/4: 15-17.) 1883. State bd. of health; necessity of increase in apprn. for bd. (Govs. mess. (Stockley) Jan. 1883.) 1886. Apprn. for bd. of health too small for work re- quired; secy, should be remunerated for visiting various sections of state. (4 bienn. rept. bd. of health 1884/6: 998.) Paging from House jol. 1887. [1888/90]-1890/2. List of bks. reed, by bd. (6 same 1888/90 (pp. 272-273)— 7 same 1890/2.) Paging from Collected docs. 1890. Health vs. sickness; by L. P. Bush, [being ad- dressed to Gen. Assem., giving acct. of work of bd. and emphasizing need of larger apprn.] (6 same 1888/90: 255-258.) Paging from Collected docs. 1892. Larger apprn. needed for bd.; power should be given bd. to draw on treasurer for limited amt. in cases of emergency. (7 same 1890/2: 10.) 1901. The state bd. of health — What it is for and why it should receive state support; by F. D. C. n. t. p. 6 pp. Special bull. A of bacteriological and pathological laboratory. 1903. Bill to amend act to establish state bd. of health as prepared by bd. and as passed by Gen. Assem. (13 bienn. rept. bd. of health 1902/4: 52-64.) Btl-Laws 1880. Text of by-laws of bd. of health. ( 1 bienn. rept. bd. of health 1879/80: 17-18.) Children, Care of 1880. Infant feeding; paper by Wm. Marshall. (1 bienn. rept. bd. of health 1879/80: 25-28.) 1902-1904. Table showing results of analyses of mothers' milk. (13 same 1902/4: 166.) 1904. See below, Diseases, this date. PUBLIC HEALTH— cont'd Dead, Care of 1897/01. Rules for transportation of dead adopted at Nashville mtg., Aug. 18, 1897, and amended at mtg. at Niagara Falls, Sept. 13, 1901. (13 bienn. rept. bd. of health 1902/4: 38-41.) Diseases 1879. Investigation needed to discover means of pre- vention of zymotic diseases. (1 blenn. rept. bd. of health 1879/80: 11-12.) ]1884.] Suggested that secy, have circulars prtd. rel. to contagious diseases, mode of preventing com- munication and disinfection. (3 same 1882/4: 885.) Paging from House Jol. 1885. 1904. The state bd. of health; remarks by Dr. E. W. Cooper and Dr. Lowber rel. to work of bd. in treat- ment of infectious and contagious diseases and in examining eyes of school children. (4 A.R. bd. of agric. 1904: 76-78.) . Value of formaldehyde disinfection by method of simple evaporation; by A. Robin. (13 bienn. rept. bd. of health 1902/4: 167-171.) Lincoln 1884. On prevalence of malignant dysentery at and near Lincoln, in Sussex Co., and to considerable ex- tent throughout all of western part of state. (3 blenn. rept. bd. of health 1882/4: 5-6.) Wilmington 1802. A concise history of the Autumnal fever, which prevailed in the Borough of Wilmington, in the yr. 1802. By Dr. Jno. Vaughan. Wilmington, Jas. Wilson, 1803. 32 pp. Copy In Delaware Hist. Socy. Consumption; see below. Tuberculosis Diphtheria n. d. Form to be filled out to ace. diphtheria speci- mens sent for analysis. White slip 3% by 5 in. 1884. Erysipelas more common than of late yrs. ; diph- theria more prevalent than usual, but not to an extent of an epidemic. (3 bienn. rept. bd. of health 1882/4: 6.) 1888. Legisl. urged legally to class with dangerous pestilential diseases, diphtheria and scarlet fever; laws prevalent among other states rel. to reporting of infectious and contagious diseases. (5 same 1886/8: 154-155.) Paging from app. to House jol. 1889. 1897. Label to be placed on packages, containing diph- theria specimens for laboratory of state bd. of health. Blue slip, 3 by 5 in. 1902. How long should eases of diphtheria be quaran- tined? by A. R[obin]. (Bacteriological and path- ological laboratory bull. 12: 6-8.) 1902-1904. See below, Tuberculosis, these dates. . See also below, Laboratory, these dates. 1904. Value of bacteriological examination in diagnos- ing diphtheria cases and in determining when con- valescents can safely be released from quarantine. (13 bienn. rept. bd. of health 1902/4: 159.) . How long should cases of diphtheria be quaran- tined; by A. Robin. (13 same 1902/4: 171-175.) Bridgeville 1896. Acct. of diphtheria outbreak near Bridgeville. (9 bienn. rept. bd. of health 1894/6: 55-58.) Dover 1897. Acct. of diphtheria in Dover. (10 bienn. rept. bd. of health 1896/8: 44.) Milton 1895/6. Acct. of diphtheria in Milton and vicinity: hist, and origin, precautions, no. of cases, quaran- tine. (9 bienn. rept. bd. of health 1894/6: 50-52.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE 113 PUBLIC HEALTH— cont'd Diseases — cont'd Htdbophobia 1903. Laboratory investigations: rapid diagnosis of rabies. (Pathological and bacteriological labora- tory bull. 15: 5-6.) 1904. Hydrophobia (Rabies). Circular of information issued by state bd. of health of Delaware. 1 leaf. . Comment on diagnosis of rabies; treatment; cost at laboratory. (13 bienn. rept. bd. of health 1902/ 4: 160.) . The rapid diagnosis of rabies; by [A. Robin]. (13 same 1902/4: 180-181.) . Cost of virus for treatment of hydrophobia; res. that bd. treat cases for $50, etc. (13 same 1902/4: 81.) Malaeia n. d. Form no. 7 to be filled and forwarded with each malaria specimen. White slip, 3Vz x 5 in. 1880. Malaria; paper by L. P. Bush. (1 bienn. rept. bd. of health 1879/80: 19-23.) Prevalence in Del. ; causes ; liability of black and white races ; period of greatest danger from exposure ; sanitary precautions, etc. . Abstr. of repts. of physicians in regard to ma- laria; proportion of malarial diseases with those from other causes and comparison with same 15 or 20 yrs. ago, face of country; progress of improve- ment of soil in last 10 yrs.; kind of fertilizers, progress of people, liability of colored people to fevers, kind of drinking water, extent of drainage, prevalence of malarial fever in 1879, period of 24 hrs. when there is most liability to contract dis- ease, views in regard to causes of paludal malaria, personal precautions on part of people and means of improving health of neighborhood; fldg. table. (1 same 1879/80.) 1900. Malaria; necessity of microscopic examination of blood for diagnosis; causative agt.; stages of development; preparation of specimen. (Bacteri- ological and pathological laboratory bull. 3: [2-4].) 1902. Laboratory investigations rel. to malaria in Del., with abstr. of replies reed, to postal cards sent out and personal interviews with physicians; by A. R[obin]. {Same bull. 10: 4-9.) Blackbird, Bridgeville, Camden. Clayton. Dagsboro, Delaware City, Dover, Farnhurst, Felton, Freder- Ica, Glasgow, Harrington, Kenton, Laurel, Lewes, Mlddletown, Milton, Milford, Newark, New Castle, Seaford, Smyrna, Townsend, Wilmington. 1902-1904. See below. Tuberculosis, these dates. . See also below. Laboratory, these dates. 1904. Bacteriological examination of blood films shows that malaria is rare disease in Del. So-called ma- laria cases usually typhoid. (13 bienn. rept. bd. of health 1902/4: 161.) Scarlet Fevee 1896. Scarlet fever near Smyrna; no. of cases, precau- tionary measures. (9 bienn. rept. bd. of health 1894/6: 52-53.) Tetanus 1902. Acct. of recent cases of tetanus. (Bacteriologi- cal and pathological laboratory bull. 10: 11-13.) Tuberculosis n. d. Form no. 9. To be filled and forwarded with tuberculosis specimens sent for examination. White slip 3% x 5 in. 1897. Label for packages containing tuberculosis speci- mens for laboratory of state bd. of health. Pink slip, 3x5 in. 1901. Acct. of four cases of pulmonary tuberculosis acquired by infection in business ofiBces. (Bac- teriological and pathological bull. 9: 11-12.) . Tuberculosis; description of bacillus; conta- giousness and prevention. {Same bull. 7: 4-7.) 8 PUBLIC HEALTH— cont'd Diseases — cont'd Tuberculosis— cont'd 1902-1904. Table showing percentages of positive and negative cases of tuberculosis, diphtheria, typhoid fever, malaria and anthrax. (13 bienn. rept. bd. of health 1902/4: 155.) . See also below. Laboratory, these dates. 1903. Consumption is chiefly caused by filthy habit of spitting; circular published by N. Y. City Dept. of Health. (Pathological and bacteriological labora- tory bull. 16: 9-10.) . Notes on sanitary science: the hope of the con- sumptive; by Dr. E. L. Trudeau. {Same bull. 18: 5-6.) 1903/4. Record of tuberculosis cases diagnosed as posi- tive. (13 bienn. rept. bd.-of health 1902/4: 157.) 1904. Tuberculosis; by J. J. Black. (4 A.R. bd. of agric. 1904: 68-76.) Estimate of no, of cases In Del. ; loss by deaths from tuberculosis and sum needed to save them (1891) ; tuberculosis In lower animals — per cent of Del. dairy cows Infected ; development of tulwrculosls and consumption in man ; need of sanatorium for consumptive poor — cost of erection and main- tenance of sanatorium ; recommended that legis- lature enact law establishing Del. sanatorium ; dis- cussion. TtphOID n. d. Form to be filled out to accompany typhoid fever samples sent for analysis. White slip, 3% by 5 in. 1902-1904. See above. Tuberculosis, these dates. . See also below. Laboratory, these dates. 1903. Notes on sanitary science: typhoid fever and lemon juice; by W. D. Greene of Buffalo. (Patho- logical and bacteriological laboratory bull. 16: 8-9.) 1904. See above. Malaria, this date. Newark 1902. A typhoid fever lesson; appearance of typhoid in immediate vicinity of P., B. & W. R. R. station at Newark, and the outcome of it. (Bacteriological, etc., laboratory bull. 16: 1-2.) Wilmington 1889. Acct. of typhoid fever case in W. 12th St., Wil- mington. (6 bienn. rept. bd. of health 1888/90: 229.) Paging from Collected docs. Epidemics Bubonic Plague 1903. Res. in reference to conduct of health authorities of Cal. in dealing with plague situation, adopted by conference of state and provincial bds. of health of North America at ann. mtg. in New Haven, Oct. 28-29. (13 bienn. rept. bd. of health 1902/4: 41-51.) Contains full acct. of bubonic plague and non-action of legal authorities of Cal. . Res. adopted by Del. bd. Nov. 24; reprtd. (13 same 1902/4: 74-78.) Cholera 1892. Measures needed to prevent Asiatic cholera. (7 bienn. rept. bd. of health 1890/2: 9-10.) Smallpox See also below. Vaccination. For doattis from small- pox : see Vital Statistics. Deaths. 1855-1863. Stmt, showing no. of deaths in England from smallpox at different ages. (2 bienn. rept. bd. of health 1881/2: 29.) 1903. Commendation of work of bd. of health during smallpox scourge; recommended that whatever in- creased apprn. be asked for, for better equipment, be granted. (Govs. mess. (Hunn) Jan. 1903: 12.) Wilmington 1884. Smallpox in City of Wilmington now extinct. (3 bienn. rept. bd. of health 1882/4: 6.) 114 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE PUBLIC HEALTH— cont'd Epidemics — cont'd Smaluox — cont'd Wilmington — cont'd 1887. Paper by Dr. L. P. Bush rel. to Introduction of smallpox in Wilmington through paper mills; sug- gested that matter be called to attention of Treas- ury Dept. as non-compliance with circular of 1884, rel. to disinfection of rags brought from Europe. (5 same 1886/8: 223-225.) Paging from App. to House Jol. 1889. . Letter from supervising surgeon-gen. in reply to paper regarding existence of smallpox in Wilming- ton and importation of old rags, stating dept. cir- cular of Dec, 1883, was revoked by circular of June 10, 1885 [ace. letter]. (5 same 1886/8: 228-229.) Paging from App. to House Jol. 1889. 1887/8. Secys. rept. on smallpox in Wilmington and elsewhere in state ["elsewhere" being due to small-pox patients leaving Wilmington]. (5 same 1886/8: 230-231.) Paging from House Jol. 1889. Yellow Fe^^eb 1799. Expediency of providing, by law, agst. introduc- tion of contagious diseases; apropos of yellow fever epidemic in Wilmington. (Govs. mess. Jan. 1799.) 1880. Commendation of work of National Bd. of Health at Memphis and in La., Miss, and Tenn. in dealing with yellow fever scourge. (1 bienn. rept. bd. of health 1879/80: 7-8.) 1903. Mosquitoes and transmission of yellow fever. (Pathological and bacteriological laboratory bull. 18: 15-16.) Expenditures for; see below, Receipts, etc. Laboratory Examination of drinking water, milk, cream and butter , for tubercle bacilli Is made by tne Bacteriological and Pathological Laboratory of the State Bd. of Health ; see Water Supply do. Industries. In- spection, resp. serial REPORTS 1900/2-1902/4. Rept. of pathological and bacteriologi- cal laboratory. In Documents as follows : 1900/2 In 12 blenn. rept. bd. health 1900/2 : 109-141. 1902/4 " 13 1902/4 : 147-222. BULLETINS 1899-1904. Bulletins of bacteriological and pathologi- cal laboratory of state bd. of health, Newark, n. t. P- Checklist 1. 1890 Sept. 2 leaves. 2. 1899 Dec. 2 leaves. 3. 1900 Mar. 2 leaves. 4. inno .Tune. 4 leaves. 5. 1900 Sept. » pp. 6. 1900 Dec. 8 pp. 7. 1901 April. 8 pp. 8. 1901 July. n. t. p. 12 pp. 1001 Oct. 16 pp. 10. 1902 Jan. 16 pp. 10 [1. e. 11]. 1902 April. 22 pp., 2 pis. 12. 1902 July. 16 pp. 13. 1902 Oct 16 pp. 14. 1903 Jan. 16 pp. 15. 1903 April. 16 pp. 16. 1903 July. n. t. p. 16 pp. 17. 1903 Oct. n. t. p. 16 pp. 18. 1904 Jan. n. t. p. 16 pp. CIRCULARS 1897-1902. [Circ ulars. ] Checklist 1. n. d. Special Circular no. 1, Milk analysis, n. t. p. 1 leaf. 2. 1899 April. Directions for preparing and for- warding material for examination, n. t. p. 8 pp. PUBLIC HEALTH— cont'd Laboratory — cont'd serial— cont'd riUCUI.ARS — cont'd Checklist — cont'd nnnnm. 1902 Jan. 14. [Requesting ph.vslclans not to ask laboratory to make analyses which can be done by physicians themselves.) n. t. p. 1 leaf. . Same. (Bacteriological and pathological bull. 10 : 1-2.) SPECIAL BULLETINS 1901. Special bulletins. Checklist A. Jan. 1901. The state bd. of health laboratory. What It Is for, and why It should receive state support, n. t p. 6 pp. non-serial n. d. Form used by pathological and bacteriological laboratory in reporting results of examination of specimens. 1 leaf. 1899. DiflSculties arising from disregard of Instruc- tions rel. to sending of samples for examination. (Bacteriological and pathological laboratory bull. 1: [1].) . Rules rel. to mailing and receipt of specimens for examination. {Same bull. 2: [1].) 1900. List of druggists from whom mailing cases for specimens can be obtained. (Same bull. 4: [1].) 1901. Board of health; rept. of; Gov. sanctions sug- gestion of bd. that provision be made for larger and more convenient rooms at Del. College for bac- teriological and pathological laboratory. (Govs, mess. (Tunnell) Jan. 1901: 16.) 1902. Circular of Jan. 14, requesting physicians to make their own examinations wherever possible; laboratory was intended for difBcuIt examinations and analyses. 1 leaf. . Same. (Bacteriological and pathological labora- tory bull. 10: 1-2.) . Information concerning functions of laboratory, together with directions for preparation of sam- ples. 22 pp., 2 pis. (Some bull. 10 (1. e. 11).) General functions of laboratory ; sending of specimens ; laboratory open to physicians and students, etc ; collection, preparation, etc. of specimens of tuber- culosis, pneumonia. Influenza, diphtheria, typhoid fever, malaria, etc. . Laboratory investigations; value of formalde- hyde disinfection by method of simple evaporation; by A. R[obin]. {Same bull. 12: 4-6.) 1902-1904. Record of specimens (tuberculosis, typhoid, diphtheria, malaria, etc., water and milk) exam- ined each mo. from July 1, 1902, to July 1, 1904. (13 bienn. rept. bd. of health 1902/4: 152-153.) 1903. Changes in the personnel of the laboratory. (Bacteriological, etc., laboratory bull. 16: 1.) . The relation of the laboratory to local bds. of health. (Same bull. 17: 3-4.) . A retrospect of the yr. {Same bull. 18: 1-2.) . Res. rel. to employment of F. D. Chester as bac- teriologist and pathologist and arrangement to be made with trustees of Del. College. (13 bienn. rept. bd. of health 1902/4: 71-72.) . Relation of laboratory to local bds. of health. (Pathological, etc., laboratory bull. 17: 3-4.) . Neglected opportunities [of physicians for lab- oratory examinations; benefit to be derived]. {Same bull. 17: 1-3.) . List of analyses and examinations made in July, Aug. and Sept. {Same bull. 17: 1.) . Results and applications of laboratory work; persistence of Widal reaction; diagnosis of kidney diseases. {Same bull. 16: 15-16.) . List of analyses and examinations in Oct., Nov. and Dec. {Same bull. 18: 1.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF DELAWAHE 115 PUBLIC HEALTH— cont'd Laboratory — cont'd non-serial — cont'd 1904. Description of rooms and equipments of patlio- logical and bacteriological laboratory. (13 bienn. rept. bd. of health 1902/4: 149.) . Function of pathological and bacteriological laboratory and benefit to people. (13 same 1902/4: 150.) Laws [1803.] Health laws of the state of Del. Wilmington, 1803. 12°. Copy in State bd. health. 1879. Text of act to establish state bd. of health, passed March 13. (4 bienn. rept. bd. of health 1884/6: 1016-1019.) Paging from House Jol., 1S87. 1881. Act for preservation of public health, passed March 18. (4 same 1884/6: 1019-1023.) Paging from House jol.. 1887. 1883. Text of act to provide for vaccination of chil- dren in free schools, etc., passed March 21. (6 same 1888/90: 296-297.) Paging from Collected docs. Repeated in 7th rept. 1S90/2 : 35-36. 1887. Text of act for preservation of public health, passed March 18, 1881, and amended Apr. 21, 1887. (6 same 1888/90: 285-291.) Paging frona Collected docs. Repeated in 9th rept. 1894/6 : 7-13 ; 10th 1896/8 : 9-14 and 13th 1902/4 : 11-16. 1888. Laws of Del. for the preservation of the public health and registration of vital statistics. Com- piled by authority of the .... bd. of health. Wil- mington, 1888. 23(1) pp. Not seen ; entry from Bowlser. 1889. Text of act amending act to establish state bd. of health, passed Apr. 25. (6 bienn. rept. bd. of health 1888/90: 297-300.) Paging from Collected docs. 1903. Laws of Del. for preservation of public health; compiled by authority of state bd. of health. Wil- mington. Sunday Star Print, 1903. 41 pp. 24°. . Text of act for preservation of public health, passed 1887 and amended March 19, 1903. (13 bienn. rept. bd. of health 1902/4: 22-30; 64-69.) Nuisance 1889. Complaints agst. Lord & Polk and Del. R.R. Co. on acct. of nuisance from cars standing on siding; removed on request. (6 bienn. rept. bd. of health 1888/90: 229; 230.) Paging from Collected docs. 1894. Nuisance at Faulkland; unburied horse. (9 same 1894/6: 20.) . Nuisance at Glasgow; horse stable too near dwelling house. (9 same 1894/6: 20-21.) . Nuisance at Laurel; filthy livery stable and sick pigs. (9 same 1894/6: 22.) . Nuisance at Camden; slaughter house of Hollis Bros. (9 same 1894/6: 21.) . Nuisance at Masten's Corner; dead horse. (9 same 1894/6: 22.) . Nuisance at Christiana arising from marsh odors. (9 same 1894/6: 21.) . Nuisance at Christiana; water in cellar from ditch; abated. (9 same 1894/6: 24.) 1895. Nuisance at Wilmington: slaughter house. (9 same 1894/6: 32.) 1896. Nuisance at Wrangle Hill; unburied hogs. (9 same 1894/6: 52.) . Complaint made by Riverview Cemetery Co. rel. to drainage of water from roof of station house of Wilmington City R.R. Co., on grounds and bldgs. of complainant; nuisance abated. (9 same 1894/6: 54.) PUBLIC HEALTH— cont'd Nuisance — cont'd 1896. Nuisance in Wilmington caused by smoke from engine in yard of Davidson Marble Works and un- sanitary condition of yard. (10 same 1896/8: 21- 22.) . Nuisance at Port Penn; noisome pig pen. (10 same 1896/8: 20.) . Nuisance at Laurel; noisome pig pen. (10 same 1896/8: 20.) . Nuisance at Delaware City; dead fish in Del. and Chesapeake Canal. (9 same 1894/6: 61-62.) 1897. Nuisance at Dobbinsvllle; bad drainage. (10 sam.e 1896/8: 46.) . Nuisance at Georgetown jail; filthy hog pens and jail filth in yard. (10 same 1896/8: 47-48.) . Nuisance at Rising Sun and Rockland; dead fish in Brandy wine Creek Aug. 30. (10 same 1896/ 8: 50.) 1898. Nuisance at St. Georges; dead fish in Del. and Chesapeake Canal. (10 same 1896/8: 61-62.) Quarantine 1794. Act of Gen. Assem. " to prevent sickly vessels coming into govt, appears to be insufficient to at- tain end proposed; further regulations needed in this respect. (Govs. mess. (Clayton) Jan. 1794.) 1795. Recommendation renewed. {Same Jan. 1795.) 1796. Same. {Same Jan. 1796.) 1802. Rel. to restrictions upon trade of Del., occa- sioned by laws of Penna. ; oppressive regulations introduced into health laws of latter state, too in- jurious to be submitted to with entire resignation; legisl. of Penna. have not substantially complied with conditions of act of Del., to incorporate a co. for cutting and making a canal betw. Chesapeake Bay and Bay or River of Del., or waters thereof; so much of their quarantine laws repealed as were referred to in sec. 22 of the act, yet in the repealing clause of their act, they add a provision more per- nicious in its operations than the grievance before complained of. {Same (Sykes) Jan. 1802.) 1885. Law and apprn. for a quarantine system needed to prevent introduction of diseases from foreign countries, etc. {Same (Stockley) Jan. 1885: 19- 20.) 1891. Copy of N. J. res. authorizing Gov. of that state to appt. comrs. to obtain suitable site for quaran- tine station on Del. River; Gov. of Del. requested to appt. comrs. to confer with N. J. comrs. (Some (Reynolds) Jan. 1893: 27-28.) 1892. Rept. of Del. quarantine committee and Penn. delegation on proposed removal of the Lazaretto from location near Phila. to some point on Del. River or Bay. (7 bienn. rept. bd. of health 1890/2: 46-47.) 1893. Legislation needed to secure proper protection to people in case of severe epidemic. (Govs. mess. (Reynolds) Jan. 1893: 31.) Receipts and Expenditures 1879-1880. Expenses of state bd. of health Apr. 28, 1879, to Dec. 14, 1880. (1 bienn. rept. bd. of health 1879/80: 17.) 1879/82. Same, Apr. 28, 1879 to Oct. 30, 1882. (2 same 1881/2: 13.) 1883-1887. Same. (5 same 1886/8: 225-226.) Paging from ajip. to House jol. 1889. 1885/8-1888/90. Stmt, of disbursements from state treasury for state bd. of health. (Bienn. rept. of treasurer 1887/8 (p. 23)— same 1889/90.) 1886/8-1890/2. Stmt, of expenditures of bd. (5 bienn. rept. bd. of health 1886/8 (p. 241)— 7 same 1890/2.) Paging from House jol. 1889. 116 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OP DELAWARE PUBLIC HEALTH— cont'd Receipts and Expenditures — cont'd 1888. Stmt, of ami. paid to Star Prtg. Co. for 1500 pamphlets delivered Feb. 8. (5 same 1886/8: 226.) rnslng from App. to House Jol. 1880. 1889-1890. Stmt, of state bd. of health in acct. with state. (A.R. auditor 1889 (p. 61)— same 1890.) 1890. Acct. of secy., approved by auditor Nov. 25. (7 bienn. rept. bd. of health 1890/2: 13.) 1891. Secys. accts. examined by auditor Nov. 23; amt. due bd. to Dec. 31, 1889. (7 same 1890/2: 18.) 1894. Stmt, of amt. due bd. Nov. 27, expenses of mtg. of that date, balance. (9 same 1894/6: 25.) 1894/6-1896/8. Financial stmt, of state bd. of health. (9 same 1894/6 (pp. 72-76)— 10 same 1896/8.) 1896/8. Detailed expense acct. of secy. (10 same 1896/8: 28; 36; 53-54; 67-68.) 1897/9-1899/00. Financial stmt, of state bd. of health (including same of pathological and bacteriological laboratory). 3 pp. (A.R. auditor 1899 [app. vii] — same 1900.) The health stmt, as given In 1899, Is from Nov., 1897, but pathological, etc. stmt. Is onl.v for 1899 ; thereafter lioth stmts, cover same period. 1904. Salary of asst. bacteriologist increased; meas- ures taken to supply same; bull, dispensed with, etc. (13 bienn. rept. bd. of health 1902/4: 80-81.) Sanitation 1879. Copy of form sent to physicians of state to be filled out and returned to secy.; questions relate to drainage, soil, streams, etc., condition of cellars, no. of cases of small-pox, diphtheria, typhoid fever, dysentery cases, etc., principal sources of danger to life or health in community. Circular was sent out to ascertain facts rel. to malaria. (1 bienn. rept. bd. of health 1879/80: 29.) 1880. Expediency of apptg. committee to act in con- junction with bd. to visit and examine swamps, ponds and other noxious places and reporting feasibility and probable expense of draining them. (1 same 1879/80: 6-7.) 1882. Annual pecuniary loss to state by preventable sickness sufficient to defray all necessary expenses incurred in govt.; sanitary work should be pro- vided for by Gen. Assem. (2 same 1881/2: 8-9.) . Drainage; [by Wm. Marshall]. (2 same 1881/2: 9-12.) Proper system of drainage might make thousands of acres of unproductive land productive and prevent malarial fevers : defective sewerage in larger towns source of diphtheria and typhoid fever ; insufficient drainage on farms, etc. 1886-1898. Rept. of secy, on inspection of school bldgs., jails, almshouses and sanitary condition of towns visited. (4 same 1884/6 (pp. 1011-1016)— 10 same 1896/8.) Paging from Collected docs. 1888. Death-rate could be reduced by appropriating sufficient money to warn and educate people to con- form to sanitary rules and hygiene of homes. (5 same 1886/8: 157.) Paging from App. to House jol. 1889. 1890. Improvements being made in construction of bldgs. and in sanitary condition of the towns. (6 same 1888/90: 3.) 1902. Notes on sanitary science: natural habitat of anopholes; by Dr. E. 0. Jordan. (Pathological and bacteriological laboratory bull. 17: 13-14.) 1904. The education of sanitary officers. (.Same bull. 18: 3-4.) Institutions; see Maintenance: State Raileoads; see that title Delaware City 1891/2. Rept. on sanitary inspections at Delaware City, Sept. 11, 1891, and May 5, 1892. (7 bienn. rept. bd. of health 1891/2: 65-67.) PUBLIC HEALTH— cont'd Vaccination 1882. Vaccination; by Dr. Kane. (2 bienn. rept. bd. of health 1881/2: 17-29.) Importance of general vaccination and groundlessness of prejudices agst. it. . Importance of vaccination to prevent smallpox; prevalence of smallpox in Wilmington and no. of deaths therefrom. (2 same 1881/2: 6-7.) 1883. Vaccination. Of the importance of general vac- cination and the groundlessness of the prejudices agst. it. A paper prepared at the request of the state bd. of health, by Jno. K. Kane, and prtd., by order of Gen. Assem. Dover, Jas. Kirk & Sons, 1883. 15 pp. Copy In Delaware Hist, Socy. 1886. Law passed by legisl. respecting vaccination in schools little enforced excepting in Wilmington. (4 bienn. rept. bd. of health 1884/6: 997.) Paging from House Jol.. 1887. . Coinmunioation addressed by bd. of health to pres. of convention of teachers of public schools, giving text of act providing for vaccination in pub- lic schools and for other purposes, and urging proper observance of law. (4 same 1884/6: 1024- 1025.) Paging from House Jol., 1887. 1889. Vaccination of school children; by L P. Bush. ^6 same 1888/90: 253-254.) Paging from CuMccti'd docs. 1891. Preamble and res. and text of act of 1883 rel. to vaccination, etc., mailed to clerks of school distrs., •with letter of instructions and request for acknowl- edgment; no. of replies reed., no. who neglected to reply. (7 same 1890/2: 34-36; 40.) . Vaccination for prevention of smallpox; by R. G. Ellegood. (7 some 1890/2: 72-79.) 1892. Legislation needed to provide means for vaccina- tion of school children who are unable to pay for same. (7 same 1890/2: 7-8.) . Summary of repts. reed, from teachers in New Castle, Kent and Sussex cos. rel. to vaccination of school children; copy of letter mailed to each teach- er requesting said repts. (7 same 1890/2: 41-43.) 1901. In favor of compulsory vaccination. (Bacteri- ological, etc., laboratory bull. 8:1.) 1902. Res. adopted by Penn. state bd. of health on vac- cination. {Same bull. 12: 14.) Vital Statistics; see that title PUBLIC PRINTING AND BINDING 1799. Rept. on memorial rel. to revising and publish- ing state laws, recommending additional compensa- tion for same. (House jol. Jan. 1799: 49-50.) 1800. Propriety of making some arrangement for get- ting into treasury the money arising from sale of new edition of laws of Del., as apprn. for the work entirely pays all its expenses. (A.R. auditor 1799/ 00: 57-58.) 1812. Impossible to comply with act of Gen. Assem., passed Jan. 27, requiring gov. to transmit to execu- tive of each state in U. S. three copies of laws heretofore enacted; copies of all laws cannot be procured, very few copies of laws passed at several sessions subsequent to June 3, 1797, remain. (Govs, mess. (Haslett) Nov. 1812.) 1824. Agreeably to res. of legisl., prothonotaries of each CO. resp. are required on or before Dec. 1 of every yr., to acct. with state treasurer, for money coming into their hands for or on acct. of sales of the laws; no money paid into treasury during yr. on this acct. (A.R. auditor 1823/4: 288.) Paging from House Jol. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF DELAWABE 117 PUBLIC PRINTING AND BINDING— cont'd 1829. Remarks of W. Hall in his rept. in digest of laws on printing and disposal of laws and journals. (House jol. Jan. 1829: 65-66.) 1839. Suggesting propriety of amending act of Jan. 27, 1829, which compels prothonotaries to sell the acts of the Assem. and pay over proceeds to secy, of state. (Govs. mess. (Comegys) Jan. 1839.) 1851. " So little care has beea given to the preserva- tion of our public documents, that but few copies can be found of the legislative jol. prior to a com- paratively recent period." (Same (Tharp) Jan. 1851.) 1864-1877/8. Secys. list of orders for prtg. furnished that Gen. Assem. may be informed of amt. of prtg. done by the several newspapers of the state, from the Executive dept. In Collected docs, as follows : 1864 in House jol. Jan. 186.5 : 37-38. 18(!5 " Senate " " 1866 : 107-108. 1866 " House " " 1867 : 48. 1867/9 " Senate " " 1869 : 44-45. •' House " '• 1869 : 45-46. 1871/3 "Senate " " 1873:748-749. 1873/4 omitted. 1875/6 in Senate jol. Jan. 1877 : 54-55. " House " '■ 1877 : 61-62. 1877/8 " Senate " " 1879 : 50-51. " House '• '• 1879 ; 55-56. 1866. Publishing of revised statutes of state recom- mended. (Govs. mess. (Saulsbury) Jan. 1866.) 1873. Provision should be made for publication of re- vised statutes as classified by secy, of state. (Same (Ponder) Jan. 1873: 14.) 1891/2. Sale of Del. laws; no. in offices of prothono- taries of the COS., for sale. (Bienn. rept. of treas- urer 1891/2: 9.) 1896. Prtg.; law providing for payment of claims for prtg. done by order of duly authorized officers of state unsatisfactory to state auditor and to treas- urer in its practical operations; suggested that law be amended. (Same 1895/6: 7-8.) 1897. Recommended that all prtg. for state be done by lowest bidder when it can be done under proper restrictions. (A.R. auditor 1896: iv.) 1899. State prtg. and supplies; suggestions rel. to. (Govs. mess. (Tunnell) Jan. 1899.) 1901. State prtg. and supplies; extr. from former mess, rel. to this subject; suggestions regarding award of prtg. contracts. (Same (Tunnell) Jan. 1901: 14-16.) 1903. Recommended that procs. of last const, conven- tion be published; matter of general interest and of use to courts, etc., in making clear the intent of framers of organic law. (Same (Hunn) Jan. 1903: 20.) Receipts and Expenditures 1795-1805. Auditor's rept. on prtr.'s accts. In Collected docs, as follows : 1795 in Senate Jol. Jan. 1795 : 24-25. 1796 •' Senate " " 1796 : 253. " " House " " 1796 : 94. 1797 omitted. 1798 in House jol. Jan. 1798 : 22-23. 1799 " House " " 1799 : 39 ; 45. •• " Senate " " 1799:60. 1800 " House " " 1800:24-25; 33-36. 1801 " House " " 1801 : 40. 1802 " House " " 1802 : 15. 1803 '• House " " 1803 : 41. 1804 not found. 1805 in House jol. Jan. 1805 : 55. 1796. Rept. of auditor rel. to amt. due to estate of Jno. Adams, deceased, for prtg. (House jol. Jan. 1796: 39-40.) 1820. Rept. of secy, of state on accts. of sale of bound laws of state. (Same Jan. 1820: 91-97.) 1821. Acct. agst. state for printing Govs, messages. (Sen. jol. Nov. 1821: 92.) PUBLIC PRINTING AND BINDING— cont'd Receipts and Expenditures — cont'd 1879. Acct. for prtg. and binding Govs. mess. (Same Jan. 1879: 149.) 1883. Rept. on estimated expense of prtg. bills. (House jol. Jan. 1883: 187.) 1891. Claim agst. state for prtg. (Same Jan. 1891: 569.) PUBLIC SCHOOLS; see EDUCATION PUBLIC WORKS: CITY 1808. Necessary to correct evil existing in act of Feb. 5, 1806, directing manner of choosing comrs. to regulate, repair and light streets in Milford, and for other purposes. (Govs. mess. (Mitchell) Jan. 1808.) 1899. Rept. on examination of act to authorize mayor and council of Wilmington to borrow certain sum of money for improvement of streets and avenues. (House jol. Jan. 1899: 1449-1450.) PUBLIC WORKS: NATIONAL 1829. Repts. and res. of legisl. of Maine and Conn, on system for proportional distribution of surplus funds of U. S. to promote internal improvement. (House jol. Jan. 1829: 17-21.) . On Maine res. rel. to partial apprn. of federal revenue for promotion of internal improvements. (Govs. mess. Jan. 1829.) . Govs. mess, transmitting res. and repts. from Ga. and S. C. rel. to right of Congress to adopt gen- eral system of internal improvement as a national measure, and tariff question; also rel. to disposition of arms reed, from U. S. (House jol. Jan. 1829: 175-194.) . Govs. mess, on S. C. res. rel. to constitutionality of power of federal govt, to adopt system of inter- nal improvement and to lay duties to protect domes- tic mnftres. (Sen. jol. Jan. 1829: 130-131.) 1831. Rept. on so much of Govs. mess, as relates to the tariff and internal improvements. (Same Jan. 1831: 17-32.) 1832. Res. of state of Tenn., rel. to exercise of certain powers by the gen. govt., in making internal im- provements in the several states without their con- sent, and authorizing executive of the U. S. to sub- scribe stock in state incorporations for benefit of local objects of internal improvement. (House jol. Jan. 1833: 64-65.) . Govs. mess, with communications from Gov. of Ga., rel. to acts of Congress in appropriating money out of treasury of U. S., to be expended upon ob- jects of internal improvement, etc. (Same Jan. 1833: 94-98.) PUBLIC WORKS: STATE 1835. Rept. of comrs. apptd. by Del., Md., and Va. to make a survey of the sounds running parallel with the sea-coast; rept. of the engrs. of Md. and Va. upon progress of the examination of the sounds, . etc., with estimates of the cost, etc. (House jol. June 1836: 34-51.) 1859. Rept. on that part of Govs. mess, which relates to internal improvements in state. (Same Jan. 1859: 186.) New Castle County 1831. On improvement of New Castle Co. by canals, rail and turnpike roads. (Govs. mess. Jan. 1831.) Harbors 1825. Communication from Chamber of Commerce of Phila., rel. to the intended breakwater in Delaware Bay; also res. of State of N. J. rel. thereto. (House jol. Jan. 1826: 7-10.) 118 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OP DELAWARE PUBLIC WORKS: STATE— cont'd Harbors — cont'd 1826. Expediency of cooperation In securing construc- tion of proposed breakwater in the Delaware. (Govs. mess. Jan. 1826.) 1827. On projected erection of artificial harbor near capes of the Delaware. (Govs, inaugural mess. Jan. 1827.) 1829. On construction by federal govt, of breakwater for protection of shipping near capes of Delaware. (Govs. mess. Jan. 1829.) 1835. Preamble and res., in full, requesting Sen. and Representatives of Del. in Congress to urge con- struction of capacious harbor in Delaware River at New Castle. (Sen. jol. Jan. 1835: 50-51.) . Rept. of committee on memorial of sundry citi- zens of New Castle, rel. to the port and harbor of New Castle. (House jol. Jan. 1835: 87-89.) 1837. Rept. of committee to whom was referred sub- ject of piers upon Delaware Bay and River. (Same Jan. 1837: 107-108; Sen. jol. Jan. 1837: 61-62.) Lottery; see Lotteries River Conservancy; see that title Roads; see that title PURE FOOD LAW; see INDUSTRIES. INSPECTION QUARANTINE; see PUBLIC HEALTH QUINCE Crop; see Agriculture. Crops RABIES; see PUBLIC HEALTH. HYDROPHOBIA RAILROADS 1836. Urging Importance of obtaining co-operation of Del. with Md., in construction of a r.r. through this peninsula; a private co. should be incorporated for purpose of connecting Wilmington with Lewes by a r.r., reserving to state the right of subscription to a reasonable amt.; and immediate apprn. should be made to defray expenses of a survey, and travel- ling expenses of agts. of Del., for purpose of ob- taining the requisite subscriptions to the stock. (Govs. mess. (Polk) June 1836.) 1859. Importance, in state and national point of view, of rail connection betw. Del. R.R. at Clark's Corner and town of Lewes; and of completion of Breakwater and erection of pier at that point. (Same (Causey) Jan. 1859.) . Desire for establishment of r.rs. a laudable spirit in citizens and should be encouraged by judicious legislation. (Same (Burton) 1859.) 1866. Magnanimity of state in offer of assistance to r.r. corporation in Jan., 1865, when bonds of state issued to save her people from draft were selling at discount. (Same (Saulsbury) Jan. 1866.) 1867. Rel. to r.r. interests of state — improvements, etc. (Same (Saulsbury) Jan. 1867.) 1871. R.Rs. of state in condition of increasing pros- perity and usefulness; Phila., Wilmington and Bal- timore R.R. Co. one of the wealthiest and most prosperous cos. in this country, rendering franchise granted by Del. one of very great value; proposed improvements by federal govt, to enhance value of Junction and Breakwater R.R. (Same (Saulsbury) Jan. 1871.) . If r.r. COS. faithfully comply with laws enacted in 1869 to provide revenue for state, a sufficient amt would be secured to pay interest on public debt and leave handsome ann. surplus to be applied to redemption of state bonds. (Same (Saulsbury) Jan. 1871.) RAILROADS— cont'd Accidents; see that title Crossings 1885. Rept. of committee on private corporations rel. to placing gates at highway crossings of r.rs. (House jol. Jan. 1885: 697-698.) Deposits 1904. Amt. of rwy. guarantee deposits to treasury, under general corporation law, subject to with- drawal, and amt. of cos. having forfeited their charters. (Bienn. rept. of treasurer 1903/4: 5.) Public Aid For .lid to Individual roads, see below. Railroads : Individual. 1853. Progress in r.r. construction; in favor of state aid to r.rs. (Govs. mess. Jan. 1853.) 1859. Caution agst. allowing state to be too deeply in- terested in r.rs.; work of internal improvement a burden to people — sale of public works in Pa., cited as example; individual enterprise needed on works of internal improvement. (Same (Burton) 1859.) 1877. State aid in construction of r.rs. disapproved; commendation of refusal of Gen. Assem. of 1875 to give loans aiding r.r. projects; evils which might result from such loans; opposition urged to every speculative project hazardous to credit of state or resulting in additional debt and taxation. (Sowie (Cochran) Jan. 1877: 24-28.) Rates Freight 1885. FYeight discrimination in way of drawbacks or special rates to particular individuals unfair; de- cision of Ohio courts in case rel. to differing rates of common carriers; legislation recommended on subject. (Govs, bienn. mess. (Stockley) Jan. 1885: 21-22.) 1897. Rept. of special committee apptd. to investigate freight rates and express charges of different cos. doing business in state. (House jol. Jan. 1897: 1146-1186.) Receipts and Expenditures 1867-1868. Stmt, showing amt. of revenue arising from r.rs. — state treasurer in acct. with state. (A.R. auditor 1867 (pp. 25-26)— some 1868.) Sanitation 1888. Some r.rs. have established medical and sanitary dept. and placed it in charge of physician. (5 bienn. rept. bd. of health 1886/8: 157.) Paging from App. to Rouse jol. 1889. . Acct. of investigation of complaint rel. to un- sanitary condition of cars occupied by r.r. laborers, at West Junction on B. & O. R.R. ; letter from supt. of r.r. giving acct. of cleaning of cars. (5 same 1886/8: 226-228.) Paging from App. to House Jol. 1889. Taxation; see Taxation: State RAILROADS: INDIVIDUAL Baltimore and Ohio Railroad See Itailroads. Sanitation. Baltimore and Philadelphia Railroad Company Taxation; see that title Breakwater and Frankford Railroad Company 1875. See below. Junction and Breakwater R.R. Public Aid, this date. 1879. Stmt, of earnings and expenses of Breakwater and Frankford R.R. Co. for last fiscal year, made in accordance with res. of Feb. 29, 1879. (House jol. Jan. 1881: 48-49.) . Stmt, of gross receipts and expenses of Break- water and Frankford R.R. Co. (Govs. mess. (Hall) Jan. 1881: 7.) INDEX TO DOCUMBn^TS OF THE STATE OF DELAWAKE 119 RAILROADS: INDIVIDUAL— cont'd Breakwater and Frankford Railroad Company — cont'd 1881. On arrears of Breakwater and Frankford R.R. Co. (Same Jan. 1881.) . Suggested that authority of state treasurer to collect mortgage on Breakwater and Frankford R.R. be suspended for 2 yrs. (Same (Hall) Jan. 1881: 8.) 1888-1890. Remarks on Interest due general fund, from Breakwater and Frankford R.R. Co., now consoli- dated with Junction and Breakwater R.R. Co., and known as Del., Md. and Va. R.R. Co. (Bienn. rept. of treasurer 1887/8 (p. 71)— same 1889/90.) 1891. See below. Junction and Breakwater R.R. Public Aid, this date. 1892. See same, this date. Taxation; see that title Delaware Railroad Company 1836. Rept. of comrs. of Delaware R.R. Co., with sundry docs. ace. same; in obedience to act of June 20, incorporating co. (House jol. Jan. 1837: 112- 114.) 1837. Feb. 2. Rept. of comrs. of Del. R.R., and also that of engr. in chief, with ace. docs., rel. to dis- charge of duties enjoined upon comrs. by legisl. as preparatory to opening subscription for capital stock of CO. (Same Jan. 1837: 194-201.) ■ . Charter of Del. R.R. Co., with rept. of comrs. and engrs., acting by order of the legisl., and esti- mation and proposed route of road. 54 pp. Not seen ; entry from Bowker. . Rept. of the comrs. of the Del. R.R. [Feb. 2]. 54 pp. 9% in- Not seen ; entry from Bowker. [185?] Map exhibiting Del. R.R. with Its connections. Scale: 1 in. = 30 mi. Copy in Delaware State Library. 1852. Map showing connection of the Del. R.R., with the Southern trade and travel. Copy in I'Olawave State I,llir,iry. . March Charter and rept. of Del. R.R. n. t. p. 23 pp. Tfipy In Delaware State Library. . Rept. of Horace Bliss, chief engr. of Del. R.R. Co., made to pres. and bd. of directors of said CO., Oct. 1. Dover, S. Kimmey, n. d. 10 pp. Copy in Delaware State Library. 1853. Prospectus of Del. R.R. Dover, Del. State Re- porter Office, 1853. 7 pp. 12°. Copy in Delaware State Library. [1854?] Exhibit of affairs of Del. R.R. Co. n. t. p. 30 pp. Copy in Delaware State Library. 1855. Rept. of committee on internal improvements, on memorials of the Del. R.R. Co. Read in Senate, Jan. 24. Dover: Wharton and Harrington, 1855. > 6 pp. Copy in Delaware State Library. . Letter from pres. of Del. R.R. Co. to committees on internal improvements, of legisl. Dover: Wharton and Harrington, 1855. 14 pp. Copy in Delaware State Library. 1857. Commending work on the Del. R.R.; importajice of this road to Del. (Govs. mess. (Causey) Jan. 1857.) . See also below, Philadelphia, Wilmington and Baltimore R.R., this date. 1866. Construction of Del. R.R. added greatly to wealth and convenience of people; connection with a Md. road will further enhance prosperity of coun- try; Del. and Md. R.R. to be completed during cur- rent yr. (Govs. mess. (Saulsbury) Jan. 1866.) PuBUO An) 1855. Rept. on memorial of Del. R.R. asking for state aid to finish road. (Sen. jol. Jan. 1855: 56-69.) RAILROADS: INDIVIDUAI^-cont'd Delaware Railroad Company — cont'd Public Aid — cont'd 1859. See below. Junction and Breakwater R.R. Public Aid, this date. 1866. Stmt, of amt. of bonds loaned to Del. R.R. Co. under act of Feb. 28, 1855; state's security for this loan. (Govs. mess. (Saulsbury) Jan. 1866.) 1879. Rept. on memorial of Del. R.R. Co. on certain redeemed Del. R.R. bonds loaned by state of Del. to said CO. (Sen. jol. Jan. 1879: 647-654; House Jol. Jan. 1879: 317-324.) Junction and Breakwater Railroad 1871. See above. Railroads, this date. Public Aid 1859. Recommended that necessary aid be given to Del. and Junction and Breakwater R.R. cos. to supply former with granaries, etc., and to enable latter to finish road to Lewes; importance of Junc- tion and Breakwater R.R. in connection with Del. R.R. (Govs. mess. (Causey) Jan. 1859.) 1865. Recommended that legisl. extend aid to secure the early completion of the Junction and Break- water R.R. to Georgetown and Lewes; advantages of this road to the state: enhanced value of land, etc. (Same (Cannon) Jan. 1865: 13-14.) 1866. Suggested that terms of proffered aid to Junc- tion and Breakwater Road might be so modified as to make it more easily available to road without increasing risk to state. (Same (Saulsbury) Jan. 1866.) 1869. Communication from state treasurer on mort- gage by Junction and Breakwater R.R. Co. In favor of state. (Sen. jol. Jan. 1869: 473-474.) 1871. Rept. of committee apptd. to settle with Junction and Breakwater R.R. Co. (House jol. Jan. 1871: 475.) 1875. State debt should not be augmented by any fur- ther aid to works of internal improvement; $500,- 000 invested in aid of construction of Junction and Breakwater R.R. and Frankford R.R. sufficient. (Govs. mess. (Ponder) Jan. 1875: 8-9.) 1891. Communication from Philadelphia, Wilmington and Baltimore R.R. Co. and Del., Md. and Va. R.R. Co. on acceptance of act rel. to mortgages held by state agst. Junction and Breakwater Railroad Co. and Breakwater and Frankford R.R. Co. (Sen. jol. Jan. 1891: 783-786; House jol. Jan. 1891: 1033-1034.) . Rel. to mortgage held by state agst. the Junction and Breakwater R.R. Co., which matured Jan. 1, 1890. (Govs. mess. (Biggs) Jan. 1891.) 1892. Mortgages; rel. to provisions of act concerning mortgages held by state agst. the Junction and Breakwater R.R. Co., and the Breakwater and Frankford R.R. Co., resp. (Bienn. rept. of treas- urer 1891/2: 5-6.) Taxation; see that title Laurel and Roaring Point Railroad 1891. Laurel and Roaring Point R.R.; requirements of sec. 10, of act to aid said co. to construct their road, and for other purposes, complied with. (Bienn. rept. of treasurer 1891/2: 11.) Philadelphia, Wilmington and Baltimore Railroad 1857. Rept. of committee of Sen., on memorials of presidents of Phila., Wilmington, and Baltimore R.R., and of Del. R.R. protesting agst. any charters to r.r. cos. that might conflict with above named COS. (House jol. Jan. 1857: 282-286.) 1869. Rept. of state treasurer rel. to non-compliance of Phila., Wilmington and Balto. R.R. Co., with 3d sec. of act " to raise revenue for state " passed Aug. 12, 1868. (Same Jan. 1869: 87.) Submitted — not printed. 1871. See above, Railroads, this date. 120 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE RAILROADS: INDIVIDUAL— cont'd Philadelphia, Wilmington and Baltimore Railroad — cont'd PrBLic Aid 1843. Extended comment on loan of state to Phila., Wilmington and Baltimore R.R. (Govs. mess. Jan. 1843.) 1859. Communication from Gov. transmitting circular issued by pres. of Philadelphia. Wilmington and Baltimore R.R. Co. for renewal of loan that this state holds of said co.; also resolutions of stock- holders rel. to same. (House jol. Jan. 1859: 37-43.) . Rept. on res. as to exchange of certificates of loan held by state, of Philadelphia, Wilmington and Baltimore R.R. Co. (Same Jan. 1859: 203-209.) 1872. Reduction of state debt during yr. aided by pay- ment since affirmation of their validity by TI. S. Circuit Court, of taxes due, under act of 1869, from Phila., Wilmington and Bait. R.R. Co. (Govs. mess. (Ponder) Jan. 1873: 8.) 1876. Rel. to act of March 15, 1865, authorizing and requiring state treasurer to convert certain loan to Phila., Wilmington and Baltimore R.R. for benefit of free schools into stock of r.r., and by terms of said loan the co. is obliged to sutjmit to conversion at par; said stock pays dividend of 8% on its par value, whereas loan only pays 6. (Rept. of treas- urer 1876: 5.) Taxation; see that title Wilmington and Susquehanna Railroad 1835. Govs. mess, stating advantages to be derived from construction of a rwy. from Wilmington to- wards the Susquehanna River, and urging its com- pletion. (House jol. July 1835: 5-8.) This Is the mess, convening a special sess. for leglsl. action rel. to this road. RAITJTALL; see CLIMATE RASPBERRY Crop; see Agriculture. Crops REGISTRATION Vital Statistics; see that title RINGWORM Cattle; see Agriculture. Inspection. Livestock RIVER CONSERVANCY 1793: Rept. of committee upon petition for improving the navigation of Cedar Creek. (House jol. Jan. 1793: 13.) 1815. Rept. rel. to erection of milldam across Broadkin Creek, Sussex Co. (Same Jan. 1815: 58-59.) 1819. Rept. of comrs. on propriety of stopping Black- bird Creek. (Sen. jol. Jan. 1819: 19-20.) 1825. Copy of act of state of Penn., to revive certain acts in relation to the lock navigation of the waters of Brandywine Creek; also res. rel. to the canal and lock navigation of the Brandywine Creek. (House jol. Jan. 1826: 27-30.) 1826. Rept. of committee on so much of Govs. mess, as relates to communication from Gov. of Penn. rel. to lock navigation of Brandywine Creek. (Same Jan. 1826: 72-73.) 1831. Mess, of Gov. of Md. soliciting co-operation of state of Del. in making application to pres. of U. S., for the apptmt. of one or more engrs. to make an accurate survey of the coast betw. Chesapeake Bay and Bay of Delaware; with rept. of jt. committee rel. to obstructions in the Susquehanna River. {Same Jan. 1832: 55-58.) ROADS 1796. Rept. on roads, bridges and ferries in New Castle, Sussex and Kent cos. (Sen. jol. Jan. 1796: 49-51.) 1817. Expense and general inconvenience of laying out new public roads, or common highways; serious importance to some of the cos. of Del.; legislative consideration needed to correct same. (Govs. mess. (Rodney) Jan. 1817.) . Rept. of committee on straightening state road, etc. (Sen. jol. 1817: 45.) 1881. Recommended that Levy Court in each co. be authorized to issue bonds for purpose of raising funds to improve roads and creation of sinking fund for liquidation of bonds at maturity. (Govs, mess. (Hall) Jan. 1881: 12.) 1899. Roads; urged that proper restrictions be pro- vided for laying out of new roads. (Same (Tun- nell) Jan. 1899.) 1901. Better roads needed. (SaTne (Hunn) Jan. 1901.) 1902. Good roads; paper by S. H. Messick. (2 A.R. bd. of agric. 1902: 54-57.) Improvement needed: state apprn. should be made; system of overseeing In Sussex and New Castle COS. : conditions to be met ; materials ; where Im- provement shonld begin. 1903. Advantages of good roads; recommended that state borrow money for construction of public high- way of macadam from northernmost to southern- most boundary and construction be placed in hands of expert with road comn. to supervise work; sink- ing fund should be created from public revenue to provide for interest on debt created and to lessen debt annually. (Govs. mess. (Hunn) Jan. 1903: 18.) 1904. The good roads law; by C. J. Horrlgan. (4 A.R bd. of agric. 1904: 58-61.) Uength and cost of roads built In New Castle Co. since enactment of state aid law (taking effect Apr. 14. 1903) ; estimate of amt. of money wasted on road!s in said co. before 1903 ; progortlon paid by state and by co. ; cost to farmers ; amt. of state aid apprn. expended In Kent Co. ; description and cost of roads built In Sussex Co. under new law. Kent County 1796. Rept. of comrs. for the several hundreds in Kent Co., chosen by the people to ascertain what bridges, roads, etc., ought to be supported and kept up in said CO. by a general tax. (House jol. Jan. 1796: 50-51.) . See also above. Roads, this date. \ew Castle County 1796. See above, Roads, this date. 1826. Rept. of committee on bill to lay out and estab- lish a state road from town of St. George to town of Newcastle, and for other purposes. (House jol. Jan. 1826: 156-157.) 1831. Rept. of committee on petition of sundry citi- zens of Brandywine Hundred, praying Gen. Assem. to vacate a road therein mentioned. (Same Jan. 1831: 67-68.) 1833. Rept. of committee to whom was referred an act to lay out and establish a public road from Mat- lock's corner, in Newcastle Co., to Wilmington; with memorials of sundry citizens agst. said bill. (Same Jan. 1833: 110-111.) 1902. See above. Roads, this date. 1904. See same, this date. Sussex County 1796. Rept. of comrs. for the several hundreds in Sus- sex (3o., chosen by the people to ascertain what bridges, roads, etc., ought to be supported and kept up in said co. by a general tax. (House jol. Jan. 1796: 33-34.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE 121 ROADS— cont'd Sussex County — cont'd 1851/2-1853/4. Stmt, showing apprns. of Sussex Co. to the hundreds for the improvements of their roads. (A.R. auditor 1852 (pp. 484-489)— some 1853/4.) Paging from House jol. 1902. See above, Roads, this date. 1904. See same, this date. Receipts and Expenditures 1801-1802. Amt. of public charges brought into Levy- Court, and allowed, Feb. and March, to be paid by the resp. hundreds. (A.R. auditor 1801 (pp. 57-58) —same 1802.) Kent County 1797-1803. Stmt, of expenditures on publick (sic) roads in the several hundreds in Kent Co., from duplicate of proceedings of Levy Court. (A.R. auditor 1797 (pp. 53-54)— same 1803.) 1806. Stmt, of expenditures on public roads in Kent Co., by overseers in the several hundreds whose accts. were examined by the Levy Court in 1807 and approved. (Same 1807: 64-67.) 1850-1868. Stmt, showing allowances made to regular overseers of roads and bridges of Kent Co., also amts. of apprns. returned as unexpended by each, and amt. of over work, or unexpended by each, and also the nett amt. expended on the public roads and bridges in said co. ; recapitulation. (Same 1851 (pp. 300-302)— same 1868.) Paging from House jol. 1852. Kent Co.; stmt, of allowances and apprns. for work on bridges and opening new roads, not em- braced in road and bridge warrants to regular over- seers of roads, and for repairs on old roads and bridges. (Same 1853: 82-83.) New Castle County 1799-1803. New Castle Co.; stmt, of expenditures on public roads in the several hundreds. (A.R. audi- tor 1800 (p. 78)— same 1803.) 1827. Returns made by road comrs. from only three hundreds of Newcastle Co., i. e. Christiana, Mill- Creek, and St. George. (Same 1826/7: 248.) Paging from Collected docs. Sussex County 1797-1800. Detailed stmt., by hundreds, of expenditures on public roads in Sussex Co.; from duplicate of proceedings of Levy Court. (A.R. auditor 1798 (pp. 60-62)— same 1800.) 1798. " It is not in the auditor's power to give a stmt, of the expenditures on the public roads in Sussex Co. for the yr. 1798 . . . ." (Same 1798/9: 111.) 1800. Concise stmts, of road accts. of the several hun- dreds in Sussex Co., as far as they were settled by the collectors with the co. treasurer, Feb. 21, and by said treasurer with auditor of accts., June 13. (Same 1800: 113-118.) 1857/8. Road acct.; co. treasurer, in acct. with the va- rious hundreds of Sussex Co. (Same 1858: 136- 145.) 1865-1904. Exhibit, by hundreds, of expenses for work and materials on roads in Sussex Co., for the yr., as returned by Levy Court comrs. at their March sess. (Same 1865 (p. 81)— same 1904.) ROADS: INDIVIDUAL New Castle and Frenchtown Turnpike and Railroad Company senaJ 1818. Rept. of CO. In Collected docs, as follows : 1818 In Senate jol. Jan. 1818 : 59-60. ROADS: INDIVIDUAL— cont'd New Castle and Frenchtown Turnpike and Railroad Com- pany — cont'd non-sertoJ 1832. Rept of directors of New Castle and Frenchtown Turnpike and R.R. Co. rel. to dividend declared, Aug. 4. (Sen. jol. Jan. 1833: 115.) 1833. Communication from pres. of Newcastle and Frenchtown Turnpike and R.R. Co., reporting amt of dividends declared. (House jol. Jan. 1833: 196.) Wilmington and Christiana Turnpike Company serial 1886/9-1898/00. Abstr. of accts. of co. In Collected docs, as follows : 1886/9 in Senate Jol. Jan. 1889 : 589-500. 1889/90-1896/7 omitted. 1898/00 In Senate jol. Jan. 1901 : 659. Wilmington and Great Valley Turnpike Company serial Vnder act of Jan.. 1811. 1815-1858/68. Rept. of accts. of co. In Collected docs, as follows : 1815 in Senate jol. Jan. 1815 : 87. 1816-1818 omitted. 1819-1820 in Senate jol. Jan. 1821 : 48. 1821-1857 omitted. 1858-1868 in Senate jol. Jan. 1869 : 395. non-sertol 1811. An act to incorporate a co. for making an arti- ficial road, from or near the borough of Wilming- ton, in the co. of New Castle, on the east side of the Brandywine Creek, in the route through West Ches- ter, to the turnpike roads, in the Great Valley; in the state of Penna. [Dover, Del., 1811.] 20 pp. Copy in Wilmington Institute Free Library. Wilmington and Kennett Turnpike Company serial In compliance with sec. 17, cli. 335, v. 4. Laws of Del. 1881-1890. Abstr. of accts. of co. In Collected docs, as follows ; 1881-1890 in House jol. Jan. 1891 : 1078-1080. non-serial 1822-1824. Abstr. stmt, of accts. of Wilmington and Kennet Turnpike Co. for the 3 yrs.. as per law of incorporation. (House jol. Jan. 1826: 113-114.) 1891-1900. Stmt, of gross receipts, expenditures, net receipts and dividends paid by Wilmington and Kennett Turnpike Co. (Same Jan. 1901: 326-327.) Wilmington and Philadelphia Turnpike Company serial In compliance with see. 17, ch. 239, v. 4, Laws of Del. 1888-1890. Abstr. of accts. of co. In Collected docs, as follows : 1888-1890 in House jol. Jan. 1891 : 1077-1078. non-serial 1817-1820. Abstract of accts. of Wilmington and Phila- delphia Turnpike Co. for three yrs. endg. Nov. 15, 1820. (House jol. Jan. 1821: 206-207.) 1818. Instrument in writing filed by Wilmington Turnpike Co., on May 15, 1817, testifying their ac- ceptance of act of Assem. passed Jan. 28, suppl. to act to incorporate a co. for making a turnpike road from Borough of Wilmington to line betw. this state and Penna., or to communicate with artificial road contemplated from the Gap to Newport. (Govs. mess. (Rodney) Jan. 1818.) ROCKLAND Public Schools; see Education ROXANA Public Schools; see Education 122 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OP DELAWARE See Public Health, these dates. RURAL SCHOOLS; see EDUCATION SAILORS Maintenance; see Maintenance: State ST. GEORGE Health of 1885/6-1896/8. SALARIES 1881. Recommended that public officers receive ann. salaries, instead of fees, as heretofore, and that fees be collected and paid to state treasurer. (Govs, mess. (Hall) Jan. 1881: 8-9.) 1883. Salaries of certain officers in lieu of fees sug- gested. (Same (Biggs) Jan. 1883.) 1898. Salaries; duty of legisl. to fix salaries of the judiciary and other state officers; wisdom of pro- viding adequate and remunerative salaries. (Same (Tunnell) Jan. 1898: 11-12.) 1903. Advisable to place all offices upon salaried basis; fee system unsatisfactory. (Sa»ie (Hunn) Jan. 1903: 16-17.) Adjutant General 1890. Salary of adj. gen. should be increased. (Bienn. rept. adj. gen. 1889/90: 12-13.) Auditor 1832. Urging increase of auditor's salary. (A.R. audi- tor 1832.) 1866. Salaries of treasurer and auditor commensurate ■with their duties? (Govs. mess. (Saulsbury) Jan. 1866.) 1891. For increase in auditor's salary. (A.R. auditor 1890: 5-6.) Judiciary 1859. Justness and propriety of increase in salaries of judiciary. (Govs. mess. (Burton) 1859.) . Inadequacy of compensation reed, by judges. (Sayne (Causey) Jan. 1859.) 1861. Favorable rept. of committee on so much of Govs. mess, as relates to salaries of chancellor, judges and secy, of state. (House jol. Jan. 1861: 204.) . Increase in salaries of chancellor and judges needed; present salaries and law rel. to; compari- son with salaries reed, by members of Gen. Assem. (Govs. mess. (Burton) Jan. 1861.) 1865. Renewing recommendations of former gov. rel. to increasing salaries of the judges and secy, of state. (Same (Cannon) Jan. 1865: 16.) 1866. Increase in salaries of chancellor and judges of state recommended; reasons. (Same (Saulsbury) Jan. 1866.) 1893. Urgent importance of passage of retirement sal- ary bill for members of state judiciary; reasons therefor. (Same (Reynolds) Jan. 1893: 14-17.) Secretary of State 1861. Increase of salary of secy, of state recommended. (Govs. mess. (Burton) Jan. 1861.) 1865. Recommending liberal increase in salary of secy, of state. (Same (Saulsbury) June 1865.) 1866. Increase of salary of secy, of state recommended. (Same (Saulsbury) Jan. 1866.) Treasurer 1866. See above. Auditor, this date. 1873. Recommended that salary of treasurer be in- creased. (Govs. mess. (Ponder) Jan. 1873: 13.) SAN JOSE SCALE; see AGRICULTURE. CROPS. PESTS SANITATION Institutions; see Maintenance: State Public; see Public Health Railroads; see that title SCARLET FEVER; see PUBLIC HEALTH SCHOOL FUND; see EDUCATION SCHOOL-HOUSES; see EDUCATION SCHOOL TAX; see TAXATION: STATE SCHOOLS; see EDUCATION SEAFORD Health of 1885/6-1896/8. See Public Health, these dates. Malaria in; see Public Health. Diseases Public Schools; see Education SECRETARY OF STATE 1818. Some of the duties of secy, of state enumerated; secy, never has had even a room provided by public authority in which to deposit records, etc., of his office; urged that Gen. Assem. provide some such place. (Govs. mess. (Rodney) Jan. 1818.) Fees Revextje; see License. Receipts, etc. Licenses RE^•E^•uE; see License. Receipts, etc Receipts and Expenditures The revenue from licenses, fees, fines, commissions, corporatl'in taxes, etc., at various times paid Into the secy's, office may be found entered under the specific subjects, as License, etc. serial A 1 series tinder sec. 2. act of Feb. 2. 1819, providing for pay- ment of certain claims. 1818-1825. Detailed stmt, of contingent expenses of secy.'s office. In Contacted docs, as follows : 1818 In Senate jol. Jan. 1819:03-100. '■ '• House " " 1819: H.'?-115. 1819 "House " " 1820:117-120. " " Senate " " 1820 : 101-105. 1820 " House " " 1821 : 78. 1821 omitted. „ .„ „ , 1822 In House Jol. Jan. 1823:71-74 (Hall) ; 98-99 Rob- inson |. 1823 omitted. 1824 In House Jol. Jan. 1825 : 93-95. •• •' Senate " " 1825 : 78-80. 1825 '• House " " 1826 : 212-213. 2 series Under sec. 2, act of Feb. 9, 1S26, for payment of claims agst. state. 1826-1829. Detailed stmt of contingent expenses of secy.'s office. In Collected docs, as follows : 1826 in House Jol. Jan. 1827:12. 1827 1828 1829 " " Senate " 3 series Under act of Jan. 29, 1830 ; for payment of claims agst. state. 1830-1845/6. Secy.'s detailed stmt, of contingent ex- penses of his office. In Collected docs, as follows : 1830 In Senate Jol. Jan. 1831 : 71;72j 77-79. 1831 1832 1833/4 Senate " 1827 12-13. House " ■ 1829 58-59. Senate " 1829 47-51. House " 1829 59-60. Senate " ' 1829 74. House 1830 98-99. Senate " 1830 68-70. House " •• 1831:109-110; 115-116. Senate " 1832 : 85-86. House " 1832 : 164-165. Senate " 1833 : 78-79. House " 1833 : 145-147. Senate " 1835: 59-61.* House " 1835 : 96-98. • Hereafter repts. cover 2 yrs. INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE 123 SECRETARY OF STATE— cont'd Receipts and Expenditures — cont'd serial — cont'd A — cont'd 3 series — cont'd 1835/6 omitted. 1837/8 in House Jol. Jan. 1839 : 1839/40 " Senate " " 1841 : 1841/2-1843/4 omitted. 1845/6 In House jol. Jan. 1847 : 4 series ; 146-149. : 275-277. 204-205. Under act of Feb. 26, 1847, for payment of claims agst state. 1847/8-1879/80. Secy.'s [bienn.] stmt, of contingent ex- penses of his office, given in detail. In Collected docs, as follows ; 1847/8 In Senate Jol. Jan. 1849 : 146-148. 1849/50 omitted. 1851/2 In House jol. Jan. 1853 : 365. 1853/4 " House " ' 1855 : 229-230. 1855/6 " House " " 1857 : 256-257. 1857/8-1861/2 omitted. 1S63/4 in House jol. Jan. 1865 : 30-32. 1865/6 II Senate " " 1867 43-46. House " " 1867 38-41. 1867/8 ;; Senate " " 1869 40-43. House " 1869 41-44. 1869/70 " House " 1871 91-93: 101-102 1871/2 " Senate " " 1873 716-718. *• *' House " " 1873 37-40. 1873/4 II Senate '' 1875 58-60 ; 71. House 1875 56-58; 69. 1875/6 II Senate " " 1877 49-52. Bouse " 1877 57-60. 1877/8 II Senate " 1879 : 43-45 ; 47. House " 1879 51-52: 54. 1879/80 " House " " 1881 871-874. B 1891-1903. Rept. of committee apptd. to settle with secy, of state. In rollected docs, as follows : 1891 In House jol. Jan. 1891 : 188. 1893 " House " " 1893 : 46. 1895 omitted? 1897 In House jol. Jan. 1897 : 146. 1899 omitted? 1901 In House jol. Jan. 1901 : 762-763. " " Senate " " 1901 : 490-491. 1903 " House " " 1903 : 1067. non-serial 1792-1811. Rept. of secy, of state of balances outstand- ing on secys. books. (Sen. jol. Jan. 1812: 29-31.) 1802-1803. Stmt, of debits and credits of J. Fisher, late secy, of state. (House jol. Jan. 1805: 37.) 1816. Rept. of secy, of state of balances remaining on books of his office. (Sen. jol. Jan. 1816: 40-41.) 1819. Rept. of committee apptd. to examine acct. of secy, of state. (Same Jan. 1819: 34-35.) 1827. Accts. of late secy, of state, for 1826, submitted Jan. 3, 1827. (House jol. Jan. 1827: 5-12.) . Communication from secy, of state on apprn. for contingent expenses of secys. office for ensuing year. (Same Jan. 1827: 121-122.) 1853/4. Stmt, of secy, of state, in acct. with state. (A.R. auditor 1854: 37-41.) 1879. Rept. of committee to settle with secy, of state In relation to contingent fund. (Sen. jol. Jan. 1879: 132; House jol. Jan. 1879: 136.) 1889. Rept. on examination of contingent accts. of secy, of state. (Sen. jol. Jan. 1889: 320.) Salary; see Salaries SEEDS Inspection; see Agriculture. Inspection SELBYVILLE Public School; see Education SHERIFFS; see ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE: COUNTY SHIP-BUILDING; see INDUSTRIES SICKNESS Insurance; see Insurance. Health SLAVERY; see POPULATION. NEGRO SILK-CULTURE; see INDUSTRIES SMALLPOX; see PUBLIC HEALTH. EPIDEMICS SMYRNA Health of 1885/6-1896/8. See Public Health, these dates. Public Schools; see Education Scarlet Fever in; see Public Health Malaria in; see Public Health. Diseases SOIL; see AGRICULTURE SOLDIERS Maintenance; see Maintenance: State SORGHUM Crops; see Agriculture. Crops. Sugar SOUTH MILFORD Public School; see Education SOUTH MILTON Public School; see Education STATE HOUSE; see PUBLIC BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS STATISTICS 1877. Impossible to answer applications for informa- tion concerning crimes, paupers, deaf and dumb, etc., assessment and valuation of property, taxa- tion, insurance and r.r. cos., agric, etc., on acct. of there being no provision for collection and preser- vation of statistics; for same reason difficult to ob- tain information necessary to give intelligible view of operations of state govt.; suggested that it be made duty of certain officers to prepare ann. and file in office of secy, of state statistics rel. to their resp. offices. (Govs. mess. (Cochran) Jan. 1877: 13-14.) 1879. Statistics; urged that some provision be made to prevent further embarrassment arising from im- possibility of properly answering the frequent ap- plications to the Executive dept. by state and fed- eral authorities for information concerning crimes, paupers, deaf, dumb, blind and insane, assessments and valuation of property, taxation, insurance and r.r. COS., agric, and kindred topics, because of lack of adequate provision under Del. laws for collection and preservation of necessary statistics. (Same (Cochran) Jan. 1879.) STEAMBOATS Taxation; see Taxation: State STEAMBOILER Insurance; see Insurance STRAWBERRY Crop; see Agriculture. Crops STREET IMPROVEMENT; see PUBLIC WORKS: CITY SUGAR Beet Sugar; see Agriculture. Crops. Sugar Crops; see Agriculture. Crops Manufacture; see Industries 124 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OP DELAWARE SUGAR BEET; see AGRICULTURE. CROPS. SUGAR SUNDAY OBSERVANCE 1799. Rel. to disregard of act rel. to Sunday. (Govs, mess. (Bassett) Jan. 1799.) SURPLUS FUND; see EDUCATION. SCHOOL FUND SUSSEX COUNTY Fruit Growing in; see Agriculture. Crops. Fruit Jail; see Maintenance: County. Delinquents License Revenue; see License Poor; see Maintenance: County. Dependents Poor Tax; see Taxation: State Roads; see that title Road Tax; see Taxation: State School Fund; see Education. School Fund School Houses; see Education. School Houses. Schools; see Education Sheriffs; see Administration of Justice: County Taxation; see Taxation: State. County Tax Teachers Institutes; see Education. Teachers TARIFF 1828. Approval of. (Govs. mess. Jan. 1831.) 1829. Govs. mess, on S. C. res. rel. to constitutionality of power of federal govt, to adopt system of inter- nal improvement and to lay duties to protect do- mestic mnftres. (Sen. jol. Jan. 1829: 130-131.) . Govs. mess, transmitting res. and repts. from Ga. and S. C. rel. to tariff, etc. (House jol. Jan. sess. 1829: 175-194.) 1830. Docs, transmitted from legisl. of Va. and Miss, rel. to tariff. {Same Jan. 1830: 21-34.) . Kept, on so much of Govs. mess, as relates to tariff. (Sen. jol. Jan. 1830: 50.) . Kept, on docs, and res. from S. C, Ga., Va. and Mo. rel. to tariff. {Same Jan. 1830: 57-58.) 1831. Repts. and res. from Ohio, Ky., La. and Pa. rel. to tariff. {Same Jan. 1831: 18-31.) . Rept. on so much of Govs. mess, as relates to the tariff and internal improvements. {Same Jan. 1831: 17-32.) . Mess, of Gov. of Me. with ace. rept. and resolve resp. the tariff and internal improvements and sur- plus revenue. (House jol. Jan. 1832: 44-51.) . Res. of Gen. Assem. of Ky., upon the Amer. sys- tem, and in answer to certain proceedings of the legisl. of S. C. and other states, concerning the power of the Gen. Govt, in relation to the tariff and Internal improvements. {Same Jan. 1831: 17- 28.) . Res., etc.. of Gen. Assemblies of La., Penna., Conn., Ohio, Vt. and Ga., rel. to same. {Same Jan. 1831: 28-35.) . Rept. of committee to whom was referred so much of govs, mess., as relates to the tariff and internal improvements, and to whom was also re- ferred sundry resolutions of the Gen. Assemblies of the states of Penna., Conn., La., Ohio and Ky. approbatory of the tariff of 1828. {Same Jan. 1831: 45-46.) 1832. Gen. comment on tariff; opposed to revision. (Govs. mess. Jan. 1832.) . Procs., rept., etc., of the committee of 21 to the Convention of the people of S. C, on subject of the several acts of Cong., imposing duties for protec- tion of domestic mnftres., with ordinance to nullify same. (House jol. Jan. 1833: 11-52.) 1833. Rept. of Sen. committee on so much of govs, mess, as relates to communications from gov. of S. C. {Same Jan. 1833: 76-87.) TARIFF— cont'd 1837. Communication, resolves, etc., from state of Mass., in favoring extending the franking privilege to the govs, and seeys. of the several states. (Same Jan. 1839: 23-24.) 1838. Same, from state of Me. {Same 18.39: 40.) 1842. Favorable comment. (Govs. mess. Jan. 1843.) . Favorable comment on. (Same Jan. 1845.) 1843. Res. of State of Conn., rel. to the franking privi- lege: and to French spoliations previous to the Convention of 1800; also res. rel. to the tariff; do. West Point Academy. (House jol. Jan. 1845: 16- 19.) 1844. Res. of state of Vt. agst. repeal of tariff law of Aug. 30, 1840, and for a just distribution of pro- ceeds of public lands. {Same Jan. 1845: 243.) 1846-1859. Review of financial policy of U. S., particu- larly repeal of tariff act in 1846 and results. (Govs, mess. (Causey) Jan. 1859.) 1847. In favor of tariffs of 1833 and 1842 and opposed to that of 1846. {Same Jan. 1847.) . Beneficial results of act of Cong, of Aug. 30, 1842, laying duties on imports; comment on tariff of 1833, and cause of passage of act of 1842; urging state to exert its legitimate influence to procure the unconditional repeal of obnoxious act of 1846, and the restoration of tariff of 1842; comment on de- plorable consequences of adopting president's rec- ommendations upon the tariff system. {Same (Temple) Jan. 1847.) 1873. Amt. paid into federal treasury by Del. in shape of duties upon imported goods; tariff rates adjusted more for protection of certain interests in country than to meet wants of treasury. {Same (Ponder) Jan. 1873: 21.) 1883. Tariff reform: hopeful promise of reformation in present unwise, antiquated, and ill-arranged sys- tem of tariff taxation, which has long since ceased to protect even those industries especially selected to receive its benefits, and has been ruinous and distressing to operatives and increased cost of liv- ing to the laboring classes; business of ship build- ing, both of iron and wood, so extensive in Del. that it is highly important that commerce and ex- changes with other nations be freed from present restrictions; advantages of removing excessive taxation upon ship timber. {Same (Stockley) Jan. 1883.) . Tariff; no more duties should be levied or col- lected on imports by means of a tariff than are necessary and proper for mtg. legitimate expenses of federal govt.; evil of present high rate of duties on agric. and mnfg. productions. {Same (Biggs) Jan. 1883.) 1885. Policy of protective tariff discussed at length; effect on Industries, laboring classes and capitol. {Same (Stockley) Jan. 1885: 25-28.) 1887. On tariff taxation; abolition of compulsory and high war taxes on the raw materials alone will enable Amer. mnftrer. to compete with foreign labor and capital, and thus contribute to the benefit and advance condition of the laboring classes. {Same (Stockley) Jan. 1887.) 1891. Federal relations; late unwise and Impolitic in- crease of tariff taxation upon our foreign commerce, in addition to enhancing cost of living in this coun- try, necessarily operates in restriction of foreign markets for our exports, which consist mainly of the natural products of the soil; no domestic tax law can avail to protect products of Amer. labor in any foreign market; extreme depression every- where in U. S. and especially in Del., in rewards of agric, accompanied by Impoverishment of other oc- INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF DELAWARE 125 TARIFF— cont'd cupations; reform In these unwise policies may be anticipated which shall bring relief. {Same (Rey- nolds) Jan. 1891: 4-5.) 1893. Farmers' pecuniary burdens would be lightened by relief from tariff tax. (Same (Reynolds) Jan. 1893: 33.) TAXATION 1902. Rept. of Del. delegates to national conference on taxation. (House jol. 1903: 77-80.) TAXATION: FEDERAL 1875. " Annihilation of our well secured State bank issues by ruthless exercise of Congressional power of taxation is continued; supply of paper money of the U. S. — our only circulating medium — floating off to great money centres, leaving rural districts denuded of necessary medium of exchange." ((Jovs. inaug. mess. (Cochran) Jan. 1875: 6.) Direct Tax Acts of 1813-1815 1814. Proportion of tax levied by act of Congress, Aug. 2, 1813, apportioned to each co.; propriety of state's availing itself of deduction offered in case of pay- ment before certain dates. (Govs. mess. (Haslett) Jan. 1814.) . Rept. of committee on that part of Govs. mess. rel. to Delaware's quota of direct tax. (Sen. jol. Jan. 1814: 12-13.) 1815. Collection of U. S. tax, operated unequally on the resp. cos. of Del., and % on assessments of Kent and Sussex greater than % In New Castle; direct tax to be increased by U. S. govt., and unless a more equal rate of taxation through state be estab- lished by legisl., a great burthen [sic] will be im- posed on holders of real property in Kent and Sus- sex. (Govs. mess. (Rodney) Jan. 1815.) 1816. Communication of clerk of Gen. Assem. to sen- ators and representatives of Del. in Congress, rel. to manner in which state's quota of direct tax has been levied and collected in Del. (Sen. jol. Jan. 1816: 170-173.) . Memorial to Congress of U. S. praying that ap- portionment of direct tax made by principal asses- sors under " an act for the assessment and collec- tion of direct taxes and internal duties." to cos. of New Castle, Kent and Sussex may be modified. (House jol. Jan. 1816: 178-180.) . Rept. on so much of Govs. mess, as relates to failure in collecting in New Castle Co. proportion of tax laid by act of Feb. 7, 1815. {Same Jan. 1816: 158-162.) . Rept. on so much of Govs. mess, as relates to direct tax laid by Congress on U. S. under act Jan. 9, 1815. (Same Jan. 1816: 116-120.) Act of 1861 1861. Amt. of federal tax required of state of Del.; provision to be made for its assessment and collec- tion. (Govs. mess. (Burton) Not. 1861.) 1862. Rept. on that part of Govs. mess. rel. to state assuming its portion of tax imposed by Congress of U. S. under act of Aug. 5, 1861. (House jol. adjd. sped. sess. Jan. 1862: 206-207; 262-263.) 1865. Communication from E. A. Rollins, comr.; tax provided for under act of Aug. 1, 1861, had not been paid to Treasury Dept.; request that authorities of state take action in premises to relieve him from its collection by officers under act of Mar. 3, 1865. (Sen. jol. June 1865: 36.) Distribution of; see Finance: State. Revenue TAXATION: STATE 1793. Stmt, explanatory of payments made on taxes of 1781 and 1783. and also of balances due on all taxes. (A.R. auditor 1793 stmt. 0.) 1796. Rept. of auditor in answer to res. of Jan. 12, rel. to sums of money due on tax of 1783, 1787, and 1789; debts due upon fines and forfeitures, and reL to loan-office fund. (House jol. Jan. 1796: 27-28.) 1801. Impracticable to ascertain precisely on unsettled comns. and delinquent taxes either the surplus or deficiency throughout state; if collectors were com- pelled by law to return their delinquencies to treas- urer, and have their comns. settled by him within limited time, it would contribute greatly to a final settlement of the taxes, and also be attended with other advantages to this dept. (A.R. auditor 1800/ 1: 22-23.) 1803. Collectors in arrear previously to 1790, and their securities sued many yrs. ago; only in one or two instances is there the least fifospect of any monies coming into treasury on acct. of those taxes. (Same 1802/3: 45.) 1806. Considerable diminution of aggregate amt. of the funds, in consequence of Gen. Assem.'s not having laid at last sess. the customary tax for support of the govt; attention of legisl. called to this subject. (Same 1805:30.) 1807. Tax of state does not exceed the fifth or sixth part of the relative tax of the co. ; state of the finances has gradually improved since establish- ment of the constitution of 1793. (Govs. mess. (Mitchell) Jan. 1807.) . Should legisl. deem it expedient that the re- sources of the state should acquire an increase of strength by an accumulation of the funds, it will be necessary to direct a tax to be levied, sufficient to defray expenses of present yr. (A.R. auditor 1807: 31.) . In conformity to res. of Jan. 31, all arrearage taxes therein mentioned have been accounted for " as monies in hands of the treasurer," with excep- tion of a small balance due from a collector of 1801; this circumstance arises from a difference in the return of tax made to treasurer, and the one transmitted to auditor. (Same 1806: 25.) 1809. Should Gen. Assem. think proper to direct a tax to be laid for support of the govt, for 1810. a part of the money now in treasury could with safety be applied to the purchase of some productive stock. (Same 1808/9: 33.) 1817. Stmt, showing the deficit of tax of 1816. {Same 1816/7: 32-33.) . On the organization and power of the Levy Court, and of officers relating to taxes; rel. to dis- proportion of CO. assessments made in 1815 and 1816. (Govs. mess. (Rodney) Jan. 1817.) . Recommending a re-consideration of that part of act of Feb. 9, 1815. transferring duties of comrs. of tax to the Levy Court and Court of Appeals; disad- vantages of this change. (Same (Rodney) Jan. 1817.) 1822. Reduction of tax advised. {Same Jan. 1822.) 1826. Stmt, of state tax of 1825 and balances due Dec. 2, 1826. (A.R. auditor 1825/6: 245.) Paging from House jol. 1830. Extended comment on revenue and tax system of state. (Govs. mess. Jan. 1830.) 1832. Changes recommended in terms of Levy Court in consequence of late const, provision for bienn. legisl. sessions. (Same Jan. 1832.) . Rept. of committee of ways and means to whom was referred an inquiry resp. necessity of a state tax. (House jol. Jan. 1832: 156-157.) 126 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE TAXATION: STATE— cont'd 1867. Suggesting that provision be made to meet any additional expense of state, without Imposition of any general tax, or tax of any kind which would be the least burdensome to any class of citizens. (Govs. mess. (Saulsbury) Jan. 1867.) 1871. Propriety of amending revenue act passed April 8, 1869; repeal of all existing revenue laws for both state and co. purposes, and enactment of an entirely new law suggested, retaining system of poll tax. taxing annually every corporate franchise granted by the state on Its real value, and every citizen on amt. of his net wealth, making available every source of revenue from property in state and con- tinuing such a judicious and wholesome license system as will be calculated to protect the public morals and properly regulate business. {Same (Saulsbury) Jan. 1871.) 1873. R6sum§ of state laws rel. to assessment and col- lection of taxes; difficulties in enforcement; acct. of trouble growing out of Congressional " Enforce- ment " act; federal interference unwarranted; rec- ommended that laws be passed, making duties of collectors and assessors so clear that federal prose- cution will not be needed. (Same (Ponder) Jan. 1873: 18-19.) . Not wise to materially alter revenue laws; amt. of revenue should not be greatly diminished; obli- gations to be met before mtg. of next Gen. Assem. and probability of meeting them. (Same (Ponder) Jan. 1873: 9-10.) 1875. Rate of state tax; proper method for reduction, should reduction be deemed advisable. (Same (Ponder) Jan. 1875: 12.) 1878. Law imposing a 10% tax upon real estate and personal property repealed; consequent decrease in state's revenue. (Rept. of treasurer 1878: 4.) 1893. Rept. of the ... . members of the Del. tax comn. to the Gen. Assem. Press of Diamond Prtg. Co., Wilmington, n. d. 32 pp. Assessment, Equalization and Valuation 1816. Stmt, of Wm. Keith, one of bd. of principal as- sessors, rel. to assessment of real and personal property in Del. (Sen. jol. Jan. 1816: 175-176.) 1817. Valuations of assessors in the resp. hundreds, often not completed within time fixed by law; rea- sons; suggested remedy. (Govs. mess. (Rodney) Jan. 1817.) 1822. Tabulated stmt, of valuation of real and per- sonal property in this state. (House jol. Jan. 1822: 157-160.) 1849. Present method of tax assessment and collection frequently cause of disfranchisement of taxable. (Govs. mess. (Tharp) Jan. 1847.) 1857. Want of uniformity in valuation of property un- der present mode of assessment. (Same (Causey) Jan. 1857.) New Castle County 1818. Rel. to assessment made of Newcastle and Kent cos. by comrs. apptd. under act for authorizing and directing a general assessment of the real and per- sonal property of this state. (Govs. mess. (Rod- ney) Jan. 1818.) 1837. Tabular stmt., prepared in obedience to res. of Levy Court of New Castle Co., passed on March 31, exhibiting no. of acres in each hundred of said co., average price per acre, whole valuation thereof, valuation of houses, lots and mnftres., amt. of per- sonal tax, valuation of personal property, total amt. of real and personal property and personal tax, and is truly copied from original assessment lists re- turned by assessors of the resp. hundreds, in said CO., for the yr., as arranged by Levy Court and Court of Appeals. (A.R. auditor 1836/7: 39.) TAXATION: STATE— cont'd Assessment, Equalization and Valuation — cont'd New Castle County — cont'd 1871. New Castle Co.; tax list, showing amt. of assess- ment of the various hundreds, with name of each collector. (Same 1871: 59.) 1891. Summary of assessment of New Castle Co., show- ing by hundreds the real, personal and poll taxes, and their total; and amt. of negro school tax and dog tax. (Same 1891: 12.) 1892-1894. Tax table for the yr., giving total assess- ment for each hundred of New Castle Co. (Same 1892 [app. i] (p. 2)— same 1894.) . Summary of assessment of New Castle Co., giv- ing names of hundreds; total amt. of assessment; amt. of assessment upon which tax has been col- lected; amt. collected, co. and poor tax; and amt. collected on road tax. (Same 1892 (p. 13) — same 1894.) 1899. Assessment and taxes for New Castle Co.; stmt, by hundreds, of assessment of real estate, stock, total assessment, co. tax, poor tax, total tax, and capitation. (Same 1899 [app. iv].) Sussex County 1798-1868. Stmt, by hundreds of valuation of property and of state, co., poor and road taxes laid for col- lection in Sussex Co., and aggregate amt. in each hundred, for the yr., with names of collectors. (A.R. auditor 179S (pp. 62-63)— same 1868.) 1820. On completion of assessment of Sussex Co., by comrs. apptd. under act authorizing a general as- sessment of the real and personal property of this state. (Govs. mess. (Clark) Jan. 1820.) 1883. Stmt, showing amt. of assessments of persons, personal and real estates (of whites and negroes) of the several hundreds of Sussex Co., Dec. 12. (A.R. auditor 1883/4: 139.) 1886-1897. Total assessment in each hundred in Sussex Co. for the yr. (of white and colored). (Same 1886 (p. 130)— same 1897.) 1900-1904. Stmt, showing by hundreds, the aggregate assessments on personal, real, investment and capi- tation for several collectors' distrs. and amt. of tax levied for same for the yr., in Sussex Co. (Same 1900 [app. iii] (p. 34)— some 1904.) Banks; see below. Corporation Tax Bonds, Mortgages and Investments 1871. Stmt, showing amt. of securities, investments, etc., assessed in the several hundreds in Sussex Co., and amt. of state tax levied for the yr., with names of collectors. (A.R. auditor 1871: 117.) 1876. In consequence of the repeal of act taxing bonds and mortgages by last legisl., state's revenue cur- tailed about ?15,000; revenue sufficient to meet in- terest on state debt and reduce the indebtedness. (Rept. of treasurer 1876: 4.) 1895. Equalization of taxation recommended by plac- ing just proportion upon bonds, mortgages, and other investments. (Govs. mess. (Reynolds) Jan. 1895.) 1898. Rel. to law of last sess. providing for taxation of investments, etc., object of the law being the distribution of burdens of taxation among owners of all property; claimed that defects in provisions of law threaten to defeat the assessment and col- lection of the tax contemplated. (Same (Tunnell) Jan. 1898: 10.) 1898/00. Sussex Co.; investment acct; amts. reed. (1899 and 1900) and amts. disbursed (1898 to 1900). (A.R. auditor 1900 [app. iil] : 185-187.) 1899. Stmt, by distrs., of assessment of investments of Kent Co. (Same 1899 [app. i]: 20.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF DELAWARE 127 TAXATION: STATE— cont'd Bonds, Mortgages and Investments — cont'd 1900. Stmt, of investment tax of each hundred of Sus- sex Co., as assessed by assessors of the several hun- dreds, for the yr., and approved by Levy Court, giving amt. of assessment, amt. for state, do. for CO., and total. (Same 1900 [app. iii]: 33.) 1900/1. Sussex Co.; investment acct. — stmt, of amt. reed, for investment, amt. reed, from registrars and others, and amts. disbursed. (Same 1901 [app. ii]: 130-133.) 1904. Stmt, of allowances to individuals by Levy Court of Sussex Co., on acct. of refunding the in- vestment tax. (Some 1904 [app. iii]: 18-21.) Capitation Tax 1869. Propriety of levying tax upon each individual citizen according to amt. of his wealth, without re- gard to character of his property or nature of his investments; should imposition of a state tax be deemed necessary, suggested that it be placed upon a correct basis, and principle applied for its adjust- ment to CO. rates and levies; comment on present system of taxation for co. purposes; reasons for this system. (Govs. mess. (Saulsbury) Jan. 1869.) 1871. See above. Taxation, this date. 1898. Taxation; urged, that in providing for capitation tax, collectors be given all necessary powers to insure its collection. (Govs. mess. (Tunnell) Jan. 1898: 8-10.) Receipts and Expenditxtbes ; see below, that title Corporation Tax 1871. See above. Taxation, this date. Banks See also below, Receipts and Expenditures. 1869. Propriety and necessity of change in mode of taxing banking institutions of state; comment on present mode. (Govs. mess. (Saulsbury) Jan. 1869.) 1880. Four national banks refused to pay their state tax on shares; treasurer's action in regard to col- lecting same. (Bienn. rept. of treasurer 1879/80: 4.) National Bank of Wllminston. National Bank of Del., National Bank of Wilmington and Brandywine, and Union National Bank of Wilmington. 1881. National Bank of Wilmington, National Bank of Delaware; Union National Bank of Wilmington and National Bank of Brandywine refuse to pay tax on shares of bank stock assessed under act of Apr. 8, 1869; attention of legisl. directed to rept. of treasurer and ace. opinion of atty. gen. and duty of instructing treasurer to proceed with collection of taxes. (Govs. mess. (Hall) Jan. 1881: 7.) 1882. Result of action taken in regard to collecting taxes of national banks refusing to pay. (Bienn. rept. of treasurer 1881/2: 33-34.) Paging from House jol. 1888. Tax due from national banks: copy of res. of April 17, 1885, authorizing atty. gen. to proceed agst. these banks; test case made of First National Bank of Wilmington. (Savie 1887/8: 72.) 1890. Taxation of national banks; rel. to test case of state treasurer vs. First National Bank of Wilming- ton; case appealed to Supreme Court of U. S. (Same 1889/90: 95.) 1891/2. Banks and banking assns. on resolutions of (Jen. Assem. rel. to taxes of these assns.; all banks since April 1, 1891, have complied with law of April 8, 1869. (Same 1891/2: 7-8.) 1902-1904. Large no. of national banks refuse to pay state tax on their stocks for the past yr. on ground that law is unconstitutional. (Same 1901/2 (p. 6) —same 1903/4.) TAXATION: STATE— cont'd Corporation Tax — cont'd Banks — cont'd 1903. Rept. of treasurer on refusal of national banks in Del. to pay state tax levied on capital stock under provisions of ch. 393, v. 13, laws of 1902. (Sen. jol. 1903: 459-461.) Express Companies See below, Receipts and Expenditares. Raileoad Companies See also below. Receipts and Expenditures. 1864/5. Stmt, of tax paid by Phila., Wilmington and Bait. R.R. from Dec, 1864, to Oct., 1865; tax reed, from steamboat Ariel in Mch., Apr., and May, 1865. (Govs. mess. (Saulsbury) Jan. 1866.) 1866. Rept. from secy, of state on failure of banks, r.rs. and steamboat cos. to pay taxes due state under act of Aug. 11, 1864, submitting stmt, from r.r. and steamboat cos. (Sen. jol. Jan. 1866: 225-226.) 1869. No failure so far on part of any r.r. co. to pay tax imposed by " act to raise revenue for this state"; reason to apprehend that Phila., Wilming- ton and Bait. R.R. Co. may in future neglect or refuse to pay their tax, in case of which legisl. has power to revoke charter of the co. (Govs. mess. (Saulsbury) Jan. 1869.) 1871. Suits agst. the Phila., Wilmington and Bait. R.R. Co.; case involving question of co.'s liability to taxation as well as constitutionality of law on other grounds; decided by Circuit Court of U. S. in favor of state; appeal taken by co. to Supreme Court of U. S. ■ (Same (Saulsbury) Jan. 1871.) 1872. All r.r. cos. in state now prompt in payment of taxes due from them, except the Junction and Breakwater, Kent and Queen Anne, Wilmington and Reading, and Wilmington and Western; latter in operation only few mos. ; no returns made by delinquent r.rs., of shares of stock, net earnings, or of passengers transported, and amt. of their in- debtedness not ascertained by treasurer. (Rept. of treasurer 1872: 734.) Paging from Senate jol. 1874. Some of the r.r. cos. not prompt in payment of taxes due from them; nothing ever paid by Wil- mington and Western R.R. for taxes collected from persons transported, nor for tax on shares of stock and net earnings; Wilmington and Reading R.R. also in arrears — no tax ever paid by this co. on net earnings and shares of stock; stmt, of Junction and Breakwater not accepted by treasurer because of error in no. and value of shares of stock — assess- ment made by treasurer and duplicate issued with warrant annexed, to a co. collector for collection. (Same 1874: 31-32.) Paging from Senate Jol. 1875. Decision of U. S. Supreme Court in case of P.. W. B. R.R. Co. agst. late state treasurer (Clarke) and collector Ochletree, on acct. of r.r. claiming exemp- tion from taxes levied under law of 1869: constitu- tionality of law upheld; recommended that coun- sels engaged by state treasurer be compensated. (Govs. mess. (Ponder) Jan. 1875: 15-16.) 1876. All r.rs. in state prompt, in payment of their taxes, except Wilmington and Western, and Frank- ford and Breakwater; latter promises to remit at early date. (Rept. of treasurer 1876: 6.) 1877. All r.r. cos. in state prompt in payment of taxes, excepting Wilmington and Western, and Break- water and Frankford cos.; interest to amt. of $8,730 due state from Breakwater and Frankford R.R. Co. (Govs. mess. (Cochran) Jan. 1877: 12.) 1878. All r.rs., except Breakwater and Frankford, prompt in payment of their taxes; Del. and West- ern, and Wilmington and Northern r.rs. demanded 128 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE TAXATION: STATE— cont'd Corporation Tax — cont'd Railroad Companies — cont'd within past yr. to be allowed to settle their capita- tion tax upon same basis as the Phila., Wilmington and Baltimore R.R.. although there is an act grant- ing them this privilege. (Rept. of treasurer 1878: 6.) 1878. Arrears of taxes due from Breakwater and Frankford R.R. previous to last legisl., collected; amt. accumulated since has reached a sum suffi- ciently alarming to attract attention; mortgage would have been foreclosed and road sold, had treasurer been willing to assume such a grave re- sponsibility with its attending consequences, with- out explicit instructions to do so. (Same 1878: 5-6.) 1879. R.R. arrears; all cos., except the Breakwater and Frankford R.R. Co., prompt in paying their taxes; legisl. should take prompt and effectual ac- tion rel. to collection of amt. due by this co. (Govs, mess. (Cochran) Jan. 1879.) 1879/80. All r.r. cos. prompt in payment of their taxes, with exception of Breakwater and Frankford. (Bienn. rept. of treasurer 1879/80: 4.) 1885. Rept. of state treasurer on tax due state from r.rs. and canal cos. (House jol. Jan. 1885: 532.) 1888. Tax of the Baltimore and Phila. R.R. Co.; copy of sec. 4, of suppl. to act to incorporate purchasers of the Wilmington and Western R.R.; decision of Court of Errors and Appeals rel. to amt. of tax to be paid by the Baltimore and Phila. R.R. Co. (Bienn. rept. of treasurer 1887/8: 73-74.) . Delaware R.R. Co.; preamble of act of April 20, 1887, concerning revenue of the state, requiring said CO. to pay certain taxes. (Same 1887/8: 76- 77.) 1890. The Baltimore and Phila. R.R. Co.: text of it. res. of April 25, 1889, rel. to taxes of said co.; semi-ann. payments made to treasurer. {Same 1889/90: 85-86.) Receipts and Expenditures; see below, that title Steamboat Companies 1866. No steamboat excepting Ariel paid tax during 1865, and she only during mos. of Mch., Apr. and May; amt. which would have accrued to state dur- ing yr. 1865 if steamboats had paid tax justly due; fund from this source sufficient to liquidate state debt before maturity; to be hoped that no part of fund will be diverted from object contemplated. (Govs. mess. (Saulsbury) Jan. 1866.) . See also above. Railroads, this date. Telegraph and Telephone Companies 1890. Telegraph and telephone cos.; text of sec. 1, act of April 18, 1889, taxing such cos. doing business in state; provisions of act promptly complied with. (Bienn. rept. of treasurer 1889/90: 90-91.) County Tax 1807. Taxes in the several cos. for 1806 all paid into treasury; amt. of surplus in each co.; deficiency of tax for 1807 in New Castle Co.; very desirable that taxes should be so laid by officers of the resp. COS.. that a deficiency should never happen. (A.R. auditor 1807: 32.) 1808. Source of regret that in some cos. taxes should continue to be laid with so much irregularity; at- tention of Gen. Assem. called to this subject. {Saine 1807/8: 34.) 1812-1813. Attention of Gen. Assem. solicited to sub- ject of tax of 1809, as it is probably the only one that will ever require any specific provision for its final adjustment; deficiency in Newcastle Co. and in Sussex Co., surplus in Kent. {Same 1810/2 (p. 28)— some 1811/2.) TAXATION: STATE— cont'd County Tax — cont'd 1875. Collection of co. rates and levies too expensive and might be reduced by proper legislation. (Govs, mess. (Ponder) Jan. 1875: 14-15.) 1891. System of collecting co. taxes expensive and un- satisfactory to the people; suggesting propriety of so amdg. collection laws that burden and expense of gathering taxes imposed by Levy Court would be less expensive and more certain than under present system. {Same (Biggs) Jan. 1891.) New Castle County 1798. Deficiency in provision for quota of tax of New Castle Co. (A.R. auditor 1798: 34.) 1799. On failure of Levy Court of New Castle Co. to make provision for raising quota of tax act of 1798. (Govs. mess. Jan. sess. 1799.) . Rept. on so much of Govs. mess, as relates to failure of Levy Court of New Castle Co. to render certain quota. (House jol. Jan. 1799: 58.) 1800. Auditor's reasons for not settling accts. of col- lectors of Brandywine. Christiana and Mill Creek hundreds. (A.R. auditor 1799/1800: 77.) 1802. Deficiency of tax for 1801 in every co.; must necessarily be deficiency on tax of 1802 in New Castle Co., as sum laid for collection by Levy Court is insufficient to cover customary allowances to col- lectors, and to pay co.'s quota of $4000; suggestion with respect to proportion of taxation of the cos. {Same 1801/2: 30.) 1816. On failure in collecting New Castle Co.'s propor- tion of tax laid by act of Feb. 7, 1815, making pro- vision for support of govt, for 1815, and for other purposes; rel. to violent and destructive course taken by some of the citizens of New Castle, be- cause of what they consider an unequal proportion of taxes; subject requires legislative consideration. (Govs. mess. (Rodney) Jan. 1816.) 1870. New Castle Co. paid more than twice amt. of taxes paid by other two cos. together. {Same (Cochran) Jan. 1875: 7.) Sussex County 1798. Names of collectors of taxes apptd. for the vari- ous hundreds in Sussex Co. (A.R. auditor 1797/8: 63.) 1816. Rel. to the inequality, injustice and gross op- pression of late direct tax laid upon cos. of Kent and Sussex by Congress; recommending that legisl. remonstrate and call upon Congress to remove the grievance. (Govs. mess. (Rodney) Jan. 1816.) 1829. Stmt., by hundreds with names of collector for each, of road, poor and public taxes levied in March, to meet expenses of Sussex Co. for current yr., and shewing delinquencies, commissions, amt. paid by each collector and balance still remaining due from them resp., for yr. endg. in March of following yr. (A.R. auditor 1828/9: 154.) Paging from House jol. 1832. Communication from secy, of state on certain collectors of Sussex Co. (Sen. jol. Jan. 1832: 24.) Poor Tax; see below. Receipts and Expenditures Receipts and Expenditures; see below, that title Road Tax; see below. Receipts and Expenditures Dog Tax 1843. Auditor's rept. recommending measures to com- pel payment of fines imposed by Court of General Sessions of Peace and Gaol Delivery; regulation of school accts. of resp. school districts; and repeal of tax on dogs. (Sen. jol. Jan. 1843: 66-67.) Kent County 1825. Rept. on petition of sundry inhabitants of Kent Co. praying a tax on dogs in said co. (House jol. Jan. 1825: 109.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE 129 TAXATION: STATE— cont'd Dog Tax — cont'd Netc Castle County 1804. Rept. of committee on memorials praying for a dog tax in New Castle Co. (Sen. jol. Jan. 1804: 14.) 1842. See below, Receipts, etc. County Tax. New Castle Co., this date. 1843. See same, this date. 1846-1851. See same, these dates. 1897. Stmt, by hundreds, of collection of dog tax by receiver of taxes of New Castle Co., for yr. endg. Dec. 31. (A.R. auditor 1897: 13.) 1899. Stmt, of assessment and dog taxes for each hun- dred in New Castle Co. (Same 1899 [app. iv]: 10.) 1901/2-1903/4. See below, Receipts, etc. County Tax. New Castle Co., these dates. Equalization; see above, Assessment Exemptions 1885. Delaware State Grange Mutual Fire Insurance Co., of Camden, exempted from taxation by legisla- tive enactment. (3 bienn. rept. Insurance comr. 1883/5: 3.) Express Companies; see below, Receipts and Expenditures Forfeitures 1798. In early sales of property by sheriffs for taxes, state treasurer should have been notified to attend sales, and to purchase, on behalf of state as directed by law of June, 1789; tract of land in Sussex Co. purchased by late treasurer for a considerable debt, and afterwards in Nov., 1797, sold, but none of the money has been returned as paid. (A.R. audi- tor 1797/8: 33.) Inheritance Tax; see below, Receipts and Expenditures Investments; see above, Bonds, etc. License; see that title Mortgages; see above, Bonds, etc. Railroads; see above. Corporation Tax Poor Tax Receipts and Espendituees; see below, that title Receipts and Expenditures 1790-1803. Concise stmt., exhibiting amt. of moneys paid into treasury on acct. of the different taxes, from 1790 to 1803, inclusive; surplus of some of these taxes, and deficiency of others; the sums that have been laid for collection by the Levy Courts of the several cos., to raise their resp. quotas of tax and the balances that are due from collectors; made in compliance with res. of House, Jan. 28, 1803. (A.R. auditor 1802/3: 21-42.) 1813-1818. Stmt, showing the surplus on tax of the yr. in the several cos. (.Same 1813 (pp. 33-34) — same 1818.) 1817. Rept. of expenditures of comrs. apptd. under res. of Jan. 18, 1817, to make a valuation and assess- ment of real and personal property throughout state. (House jol. Jan. 1817: 107-108.) 1879. Public revenues curtailed chiefly by reduction of marriage license fees, discontinuance of ' tax on process and recording and by abolition of entire state tax on assessments of poll, real and personal property and of debts, stocks or shares, securities and investments. (Govs. mess. (Cochran) Jan. 1879.) Capitation Tax 1899. See below. County Tax. New Castle Co., this date. 1900-1904. Stmt, of capitation tax levied in Sussex Co. for the yr., at 25 cents per person (whites and col- ored given separately) for the several hundreds and assessment distrs. (A.R. auditor 1900 [app. iii] (p. 35)— sojue 1904.) TAXATION: STATE— cont'd Receipts and Expenditures — cont'd Capitation Tax— cont'd 1901/2-1903/4. See below. County Tax. New Castle Co., these dates. Corpora TICKS 1854-1863. Stmt, showing amt. of funds invested for state purposes, with revenue from tax on corpora- tions and other funds [i. e. school fund]. (A.R. auditor 1854 (pp. 32-33) — same 1863.) 1893. Secy, of state, in acct. with state: stmt, showing amt. of tax collected upon certified copies of acts of incorporation, private acts and charters, and of fees for comns. issued, given by mos., with sum- mary. (Same 1893: 97-103.) 1899-1900. Amt. reed, from state tax on corporations and ann. franchise tax. (Govs. mess. (Tunnell) Jan. 1901: 6-7.) 1899-1902. Comparative stmt, of corporation tax col- lected by state treasurer and of ann. franchise tax collected by state treasurer. (Same (Hunn) Jan. 1903: 7.) 1899-1904. Secys. stmt, of amt. collected as fees for charters granted and comns. issued to Delaware corporations organized under general corporation law of March 10, 1899, giving name of co., amt. of capital stock, and state tax. (A.R. auditor 1899 [app. ii] (pp. 7-15) — same 1904.) 1899/00-1901/2. Considerable increase in revenue de- rived from operation of new general corporation law. (Bienn. rept. of treasurer 1899/00 (p. 6) — sam^ 1901/2.) 1899/00-1903/4. See note under Finance: State. Re- ceipts, etc., under dates 1887-1903/4. 1903/4. See same, under dates 1887-1903/4. Banks 1891/2-1903/4. See note under Finance: State. Re- ceipts, etc., under dates 1887-1903/4. Express Companies 1889-1904. See note under Finance: State. Receipts, etc., under dates 1887-1903/4. 1899. See below. County Tax. New Castle Co., this date. Railroad Companies 1852-1855. On increase in revenues, due to r.r. tax, bonuses from banks, and license fees. (Govs. mess. Jan. 1855.) CoiiNTT Tax 1793-1796. Stmt, of arrearage taxes due in the several COS. in Del. on Dec. 20 (from 1781-1790). (A.R. auditor 1793 (stmt. A) — same 1796.) 1797-1821. Schedule of taxes due in the several cos. since 1781; recapitulation. (Satne 1797 (pp. 11-14) —same 1821.) 1797/8-1823/4. Recapitulation of taxes laid in each co. in state, giving valuation, road tax, co. tax, poor tax, and aggregate amt. in each co. (Same 1798 (p. 64)— same 1824.) 1798. Comment on subject of outstanding taxes, com- posing principal part of the state funds; consider- able deduction expected; insolvent collectors of taxes of 1781 and 1783; despite measures taken in 1796 for recovery of these and other taxes preced- ing 1794, only the arrear of tax of 1787 in New- Castle Co. has been paid since last rept. of the finances. (Same 1797/8: 33.) 1799. General stmt, of outstanding taxes by cos. (Same 1878/9: 42-43.) . On settlement of the co., road, and poor taxes, etc., of the resp. co. towns of New Castle, Kent and Sussex cos.; difficulty experienced in settling with collectors of road tax in the hundreds of New Castle Co., because of there being no uniformity in 130 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE TAXATION: STATE— cont'd Receipts and Expenditures — cont'd Counts' Tax — cont'd their proceedings; auditor's plan to dispence (sic) blanks throuRhout co. to introduce system of uni- formity; ncKligence of collectors of road tax in Sussex Co. in their settlements of this tax with CO. treasurer. (Same 1798/9: 113.) 1800. Co. treasurers and treasurers of the poor should be directed by law to give duplicate receipts for all moneys they receive from collectors of taxes, and other persons. (Same 1799/00: 122.) 1807. Stmt, of taxes due in the several cos. (Same 1807: 25-28.) 1810. Some legislative provision necessary to settle deficiency in Newcastle and Sussex cos., and sur- plus in Kent Co., on the tax of 1809 — not probable that any embarrassment will hereafter arise with respect to surplus or deficiency of any tax laid after 1810. (Same 1809/10: 33.) . Finances of state and fund for establishment of schools have, collectively, increased more durin.g this yr. than in any preceding one; taxes nearly all collected and paid into treasury, and quotas of the several cos., up to 1808, finally adjusted. (Same 1809/10: 33.) 1833-1837. Stmt, of balances due, in Dec., on state taxes, for three previous yrs., and the portion of each CO. thereof. (Same 1833 (p. 19)— same 1837.) 1850-1852. Stmt, showing % of 15 cents in $100 for the CO., and 10 cents in $100 for the poor, upon given rates, allowed to collectors of the resp. hundreds, for errors and delinquencies for the yr. (Same 1852 (p. 431)— some 1851/2.) % varies each yr. Paging from House Jol. 1871-1872. Stmt, showing amt. of state tax due from the several cos. under act of 1871. (Same 1871 (p. 34)— some 1872.) V Kent County 1798-1871. Stmt, by hundreds of valuation of property and amt. of state, co., poor and road taxes, and aggregate amt., in each hundred, laid for collection in Kent Co., during yr., with names of collectors. (A.R. auditor 1798 (p. 55)— same 1871.) 1799-1801. General stmt, of taxes due to Kent Co, from 1794, and of debts due from co. for allowances made since 1792, by the Levy Court, remaining un- settled in March. (Same 1799 (pp. 71-73) — same 1801.) 1802. Stmt, of amt. paid over to treasurer of Kent Co. for surplus on taxes for 1798 and 1799, after deduct- ing deficiency of tax for 1800; in conformity with " act to provide for payment of the surplus of taxes granted for the support of govt, to the resp. cos.; deficiency in New-Castle Co. and surplus in Sussex Co. not yet ascertained because of some unsettled comns. and delinquencies; circumstance of collec- tors' comns. and delinquencies remaining unsettled for such a length of time now remedied by law of last sess. (Same 1801/2: 29-30.) 1802-1804. Stmt, of balances due from collectors of the various hundreds in Kent Co., on the co. tax, Feb. 24. (Same 1802 (pp. 54-55)— sa7?je 1804.) 1829. Stmt., by hundreds, with names of collector of each, showing public and road tax levied in March of preceding yr., to meet expenses of Kent Co. for current yr., and showing comns. and delinquencies, amt. paid by each collector and balances still re- maining due from them resp., for yr. endg. Feb. 12. (Same 1828/9: 166.) Paging from House jol. TAXATION: STATE— cont'd Receipts and Expenditures — cont'd County T.\x — cont'd Kent County — cont'd 1832-1846. Stmt, of delinquencies allowed for the sev- eral hundreds on taxes laid for Kent Co.; giving names of collectors, amt. of delinquents, co. tax, poor and road tax. (Same 1833 (p. 57)— some 1846.) . Stmt, of comns. allowed collectors of each hun- dred in Kent Co., at 8^^, on co., poor and road taxes. (Same 1833 (p. 58)— so7«e 1846.) 1850-1866. Kent Co.; stmt, of delinquencies, errors and comns. allowed on co., road and poor taxes levied for collection in the yr. with name of collec- tor of each hundred, and aggregate amt. of delin- quencies and of comns. (Saine 1851 (p. 313) — same 1866.) Paging from House jol. 1870-1879. Kent Co.; stmt, of errors and delinquents and comns. allowed by Levy Court at March term. (Same 1870 (p. 120)— some 1879.) 1872-1874. Stmt, of amt. of rates with amt. of state, CO., poor and road taxes, levied in and for Kent Co., giving names of the various hundreds and collec- tors for each and total amt. of tax. (Same 1872 (p. 63)— same 1874.) 1879. Stmt, showing, by hundreds, the total assess- ment, amt. of CO., poor and road taxes and rates for the yr., with name of each collector, in Kent Co. (Same 1879/80: 105.) 1882-1904. Table showing amt. of errors, delinquents and comns. for the yr., allowed the several hun- dreds in Kent Co., giving names of collectors, etc. (Same 1884 (p. 87)— so?ne 1904.) 1883-1904. Total assessment of Kent Co., giving names of each hundred, amt. of real estate, personal, poll and aggregate. (Same 1883/4 (p. 104) — same 1904.) . Stmt, showing amt. of taxes levied for Kent Co., giving name of each hundred and collector thereof, amt. of CO., poor and road taxes, and total of same. (Same 188.3/4 (p. 105)— some 1904.) 1884-1888. Stmt, of amt. due by collectors of the sev- eral hundreds of Kent Co., on March 23, 1888, for 1884 to 1887. (Same 1888: 180-181.) 1887-1889. Stmt, showing amts. due by collectors of the several hundreds on March 25, 1889, for 1887 to 1889. (Same 1890: 230-231.) 1894/5-1895/6. Acct. of taxes; co. treasurer in acct with Kent Co. for taxes upon the duplicate for the yr., with name of hundred or collection distr., amt. of CO., road and colored school taxes levied and aggregate; and amt. of payments, allowances, etc., for errors, delinquents, comns., co., road and colored schools, amt. still due and aggregate. (Same 1896 [app. ii] (pp. 79-80)— some 1897.) 1899. Stmts., by distrs., of assessment of taxes on real estate; personal; capitation; aggregate assessment; and investment tax, in Kent Co. for the yr. (Same 1899 [app. i]: 73-77.) New Castle County 1798-1833. Stmt., by hundreds, of valuation of prop- erty, names of collectors, and state, co., poor and road taxes laid for collection in Newcastle Co., in the yr., and aggregate amt. in each hundred. (A.R. auditor 1798 (p. 43)— sa??ie 1833.) 1799-1810. Stmt, of balances due on co. tax of New Castle Co., from the several collectors of the hun- dreds. (Same 1799 (p. 55)— some 1810.) 1802-1804. Stmt, of collectors of taxes in the various hundreds in New Castle Co., In acct. with the resp. hundreds. (Same 1802 (pp. 39-45)— some 1804.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE 131 TAXATION: STATE— cont'd Receipts and Expenditures — cont'd County Tax — cont'd New Castle County — cont'd 1807. Stmt, of balances due from collectors of New Castle Co. tax. Mar. 2. {Same 1807: 43-44.) 1829-1837. Stmt., by hundreds, with names of collec- tor of each, of amt. of tax levied in March of pre- ceding yr. for Newcastle Co., to meet expenses of CO. for current yr., and showing amt. of taxes due, amt. paid, holding elections, errors, comns., etc. (Same 1829 (p. 172)— same 1837.) Pasin? friim House jol. 1833. Error list of New Castle Co.; names of collector of each hundred, amt. of tax levied, amt. of city tax and amt. of poor tax. (Same 1832/3: 42.) 1842. Stmt, of amts. of delinquencies allowed by Levy Court of New Castle Co., to collectors of the several hundreds for the yr., giving collectors' names, % on given rates and amt. for dog tax. (Same 1842/ 3: 39.) 1842-1846. Stmt, showing balances due from collectors of New Castle Co., 1842. (Same 1843 (p. 38)— same 1846.) 1842-1850. Stmt, showing, by hundreds, amt. paid and balance due co., subject to errors and comns., by collectors of New Castle Co., for the yr. (Same 1843 (p. 38)— same 1850.) 1843. Tabular stmt, containing valuation of real and personal property, tax laid and assessed in the several hundreds of New Castle Co. for the yr., with amt. of co., road and poor tax, and names of collectors: also no. of dogs taxable under amended dog laws, with amt. of dog tax for the yr. (Same 1843: 40.) 1846-1851. Stmt, of % on rates allowed to the resp. collectors of the hundreds of New Castle Co., as errors and delinquents for the yr., with names of collectors, hundreds, rates and no. of dogs returned by each. (Same 1847 (p. 42) — same 1851.) 1846-1872. Stmt, of amt. of rates, with amt. of co., road and poor taxes laid in and for New Castle Co., by hundreds with names of collectors, for the yr., and no. of taxable dogs returned. (Same 1847 (p. 43)— same 1872.) 1852-1858. Stmt, showing amt. due from collectors of New Castle Co. (Same 1853 (p. 58)— sa?ne 1858.) 1853. Stmt, showing list of errors allowed collectors of the several hundreds for the yr., and passed by Levy Court of New Castle Co., at March sess. of following yr. (Same 1854: 73.) 1865-1871. Error list allowed by Levy Court of New Castle Co., at March term, giving names of each hundred and of each collector and amt. of errors. (Same 1865 (p. 59)— some 1871.) 1873-1883. Stmt, of errors allowed by Levy Court of New Castle Co. for the yr., giving names of hun- dreds and collectors. (Same 1874 (p. 51) — same 1882/3.) 1873-1890. Stmt, of amt. of rates and assessment, to- gether with amt. of co., poor and state taxes for New Castle Co. for the yr., by hundreds. (Same 1873 (p. 62)— saj?!e 1890.) 1888-1890. Treasurer's acct. of balances due to New Castle Co. by collectors of taxes of the various hun- dreds at close of fiscal yr. (Same 1888 (p. 92)— same 1890.) . Treasurer's acct.: summary of allowance made by Levy Court of New Castle Co. (Same 1888 (p. 94)— same 1890.) 1894-1899. Rates of co. and poor taxes in New Castle Co. each yr. (Same 1899 [app. iv): 13.) 1896-1897. Stmt, of collection of taxes for New Castle Co., CO. and poor, by receiver of taxes for yr. endg. 9* TAXATION: STATE— cont'd Receipts and Expenditures — cont'd County T.\x — cont'd New Castle County — cont'd Dec. 31, with name of each hundred, date, assess- ment, tax, rebate, net and total. (Same 1896 [app. i] (pp. 9-10)— same 1897.) 1899. Stmt, by hundreds of amt. of assessment and in- vestment taxes for New Castle Co. (Same 1899 [app. iv]: 11.) 1900. Tax table for New Castle Co., giving name of each hundred, amt. of real estate and stock, co. tax. poor tax, total tax, capitation, Adams tax as- sessment, and Adams tax. (Same 1900 [app. i]: 6.) 1901/2-1903/4. Stmt, of co. and poor taxes, capitation taxes, dog taxes, road taxes and negro school taxes collected from the various hundreds of New Castle Co., for yr. endg. June 30. (Same 1902 (p. 167)— same 1903/4.) Sussex County 1799-1801. Stmt, of the collectors of the several hun- dreds in acct. with Sussex Co. treasurer, and amt. due each collector on March 4. (A.R. auditor 1799 (pp. 101-108)— same 1801.) . Stmt, of taxes due to Sussex Co. and of debts due from same. (Same 1799 (pp. 96-98) — same 1801.) 1802-1804. Stmt, of balances due from collectors of co. tax, in the various hundreds in Sussex Co., March 18. (Same 1802 (pp. 71-72)— some 1804.) 1829. Stmt., by hundreds with names of collector of each, showing public and road tax levied in March of preceding yr., to meet expenses of Sussex Co. for current yr., and shewing comns. and delinquencies, amt. paid by each collector, and balances still re- maining due from them resp., for yr. endg. March 2. (Same 1828/9: 155.) Paging from House jol. 1833-1859. Stmt, of amt. of delinquents allowed by Levy Court, for past yr., to the several collectors of the hundreds of Sussex Co., reed, in March, giv- ing amt. and rate of state, public, poor and road taxes, and aggregate. (Same 1833 (p. 74)— some 1859.) 1863. Stmt, showing amt. of assessment, amt. of co. and poor taxes, total of each and all, in each and all of the hundreds in Sussex Co.. and names of the hundreds and names of collectors for the yr. (Same 1863: 185.) 1864-1897. Stmt, showing comns. and delinquents for Sussex Co., for the yr., by hundreds, with names of collectors. (Same 1865 (p. 120)— some 1897.) 1870-1874. Stmt, showing, by hundreds, amt. of rates and assessments, together with amt. of co. and poor taxes for Sussex Co.. giving names of collectors and aggregate amt. of tax. (Same 1870 (p. 174) — sa??ie 1874.) 1879-1886. Stmt, showing amt. of assessment of each hundred, amt. of each collector's duplicate and amt. levied for co., poor and negro school tax in and for Sussex Co. for the yr. (Same 1879/80 (p. 134) — same 1886.) 1888. Stmt, of CO., poor and total taxes for the several hundreds of Sussex Co., with names of collectors. (Same 1888: 227.) 1888-1893. Stmt, of amt. of taxes due from collectors of the several hundreds of Sussex Co., in March, on taxes of preceding yr. (Same 1888 (p. 229) — same 1893.) 1893/5-1894/6. Acct. of taxes: co. treasurer, in acct. with Sussex Co., for taxes levied on co. and on colored schools, and aggregate for each hundred 132 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE TAXATION: STATE— cont'd Receipts and Expenditures— cont'd County Tax — cont'il Sussex Count!/ — cont'd or collection distr., and payments, etc., on errors, delinquents, and comn. and co., amt. still due, and aggregate. (Same 1896 [app. iii] (pp. 68-70) — same 1897.) 1897. Special sess. of Levy Court of Sussex Co.: allow- ance list made by Court Dec. 21, and directed to be placed on the minutes of Sept. 21. (Same 1897: 151-152.) 1900-1904. Stmt, showing amt. of co., road, poor and state taxes levied for each hundred in Sussex Co., and total of same. (Same 1900 [app. iii] (p. 37) — same 1904.) . Stmt, of amt. of comns. allowed each collector of the several hundreds of Sussex Co. by Levy Court on acct. of taxes for the yr., at March sess. (Same 1900 [app. Iii] (p. 38)— same 1904.) INHFBITANCE TAX 1887-1903/4. See note under Finance: State. Receipts, etc., these dates. PooB Tax See al.so Maintenance : State. Reeclpts, etc. 1797/8-1823/4. See above. Receipts, etc. County Tax, these dates. 1799. See above. County Tax, this date. 1850-1852. See same, these dates. 1879. See same, this date. Kent County 1798-1871. See above. Receipts, etc., County Tax. Kent Co., these dates. 1799-1800. Stmt, of balances due from collectors of poor taxes in the hundreds of Kent Co., in March. (A.R. auditor 1800/1: 45.) 1872-1874. See above. Receipts, etc. County Tax. Kent Co., these dates. 1883-1904. See same, these dates. New Castle County 1798-1833. See above, Receipts, etc. County Tax. New Castle Co., these dates. 1833. See same, this date. 1846-1872. See same, these dates. 1896-1897. See same, these dates. 1900. See same, this date. Sussex County 1799. Stmt, of balances due from collectors of poor tax in hundreds of Sussex Co., March 26. (A.R. auditor 1798/9: 100-101.) 1833-1859. See above. County Tax. Sussex Co., these dates. 1858-1859. Stmt., by hundreds, showing amt. of rates, with amt. of co. and poor taxes, Igvied in and for Sussex Co., with names of collectors. (A.R. audi- tor 1858 (p. 128)— some 1859.) 1863. See above, County Tax. Sussex Co., this date. 1870-1874. See same, these dates. 1879-1886. See same, these dates. 1900-1904. See same, these dates. Road Tax 1797/8-1823/4. See above. Receipts, etc. County Tax, these dates. 1799. See same, this date. 1879. See same, this date. 1895. Apprn. to towns made by Levy Courts of the several cos., out of the road taxes, should be ac- counted for to the Court, in same manner as accts. of road overseers. (A.R. auditor 1894: vii.) Kent County 1798-1871. See above. Receipts, etc. County Tax. Kent Co., these dates. TAXATION: STATE— cont'd Road Tax— cont'd Kent County — cont'd 1798/9-1836/7. Concise stmt, of treasurer's accts. with the several hundreds in Kent Co. on acct. of the road tax; summary. (A.R. auditor 1799 (pp. 76- 79)— .same 1837.) 1829. See above, Receipts, etc. County Tax. Kent Co., this date. 1872-1874. See same, these dates. 1883-1904. See same, these dates. 1894/5-1895/6. See same, these dates. New Castle County 1797-1799. Stmt, of settlements made with auditor of accts., by collectors of the tax for making and sup- porting the public roads, in the several hundreds of New-Castle Co., for the yr., including returns of the resp. justices of the peace, for expenditures thereof; recapitulation. (A.R. auditor 1797 (pp. 43-46)— same 1799.) 1798-1799. Stmt, of tax laid for making and supporting the public roads in the several hundreds, in New- Castle Co., for the yr., from returns made to audi- tor of accts. by the resp. justices of the peace, giv- ing names of collector of each hundred. (Satne 1798 (pp. 46-47)— some 1799.) 1798-1833. See above, Receipts, etc. County Tax. New Castle Co., these dates. 1800. Difficulties experienced in settling accts. of col- lectors of the road tax in New Castle Co. not re- moved; Levy Court of the co. contemplate peti- tioning legisl. for alteration of their road law and will probably not forget the business of accounting for this tax. (A.R. auditor 1799/00: 122.) 1807-1827. Stmt, of collectors of road-taxes in the vari- ous hundreds of New-Castle Co., in acct. with their resp. hundreds. (Same 1807 (pp. 45-50) — some 1827.) 1824. Difficulties experienced in obtaining settlement with collectors and comrs. of road tax in Newcastle Co.; suggested that alteration be made in mode of settlement of this co., placing it upon same footing as in the 2 other cos. (Same 1823/4: 259.) raglnn from House jol. 1846-1872. See above. Receipts, etc. County Tax. New Castle Co., these dates. 1895-1899. Rates of road taxes each yr. in New Castle Co. (A.R. auditor 1899 [app. iv]: 13.) 1899. Stmt, by hundreds of assessment and road taxes for New Castle Co. (Same 1899 [app. iv]: 12.) 1901/2-1903/4. See above. Receipts, etc. County Tax. New Castle Co., these dates. Sussex County 1799-1801. Stmt, of balances due from collectors of the road tax in the various hundreds of Sussex Co., Feb. 21. (A.R. auditor 1799 (pp. 109-110)— some 1801.) 1799-1804. Stmt, of treasurer of Sussex Co., in acct. with road tax of said co., March 4. (Same 1799 (pp. 108-109)— .same 1804.) 1809-1829. Stmt, of treasurer of Sussex Co., in acct. with road taxes of said co., given by hundreds; summary of receipts, payments and balances. 1809 (pp. 74-79)— same 1829. Summary not given until 1829. 1833-1859. See above. Receipts, etc. County Tax. ' Sus- I sex Co., these dates. 1843-1853. List of hundreds of Sussex Co., which must have an additional tax out of the public tax, to \ raise road tax for the yr. (A.R. auditor 1843 (p. 81)- some 1852/3.) INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OP DELAWARE 133 TAXATION: STATE— cont'd Road Tax — cont'd Sussex County — cont'd 1851/2. Stmt, of treasurer of Sussex Co., in acct. with the resp. hundreds for road tax. {Same 1852: 481- 484.) Paprins from House jol. 1900-1904. See above. County Tax. Sussex Co., these dates. Road Tax; see above, Receipts and Expenditures School Tax 1861. Law passed requiring school committee in each distr. to raise by taxation certain sum for school of distr. irrespective of action of school voters, though leaving them free to raise additional sum. (Govs, mess. (Cochran) Jan. 1877: 17.) 1877. School law of 1875 required comrs. to raise by taxation larger sum than previously (about $100 in New Castle and Kent cos. and $C0 in Sussex) ; law caused no dissatisfaction. [Same (Cochran) Jan. 1877: 18.) 1880. Propriety of changing mode of assessing and levying the school tax for educational purposes. (5 A.R. supt. of free schools 1879/80: 17.) 1882. Change desired in manner of assessing, levying and collecting school tax. (7 same 1881/2: 18.) 1893. Recommended that school tax be reduced. (Govs, mess. (Reynolds) Jan. 1893: 13.) CoLOEED Tax 1892. Change recommended in law for collection of colored school tax. (Bienn. rept. on free schools 1892: 31-32.) . State apprn. and tax fund for colored schools should be placed with co. supt. instead of co. treas- urer. (Same 1892: 32.) 1893. Recommending legislation in direction of im- provement in the assessment and collection of col- ored school tax — system very imperfect and unsat- isfactory: no distinction in allowance to colored and white schools in City of Wilmington, and col- ored people make no contributions; colored people should be obliged to raise certain sum by taxation and state should appropriate sum in proportion to amt. raised by tax. (A.R. auditor 1892: vi.) 1895. Colored school taxes; present system in regard to their assessment and collection, very imperfect and unsatisfactory; some action should be taken on this subject. {Same 1894: iv.) Kent County 1894/5-1895/6. See above, Receipts, etc. County Tax. Kent Co., these dates. 1896-1897. Kent Co. colored schools; amt. due from col- lectors. (A.R. auditor 1896 (p. 64)— same 1897.) Neto Castle County 1897. Stmt., by hundreds, of collection of colored school tax by receiver of taxes for New Castle Co., for yr. endg. Dec. 31. (A.R. auditor 1S97: 12.) 1899. Stmt., by hundreds, of assessment and negro school tax for New Castle Co. {Same [app. iv]: 12.) 1901/2-1903/4. See above. Receipts, etc. County Tax. New Castle Co., these dates. Sussex County 1879-1886. See above. Receipts. County Tax. Sussex Co., these dates. 1882-1896. Stmt, of negro school tax levied during yr. by Levy Court of Sussex Co., and comns. and delin- quents, etc., allowed collectors and amt. due from CO. treasurer, giving names of the hundreds and col- lectors. (A.R. auditor 1883/4 (p. 138) — same 1896.) 1893/5-1894/6. See above. Receipts, etc. County Tax. Sussex Co., these dates. TAXATION: STATE— cont'd Steamboats; see above, Corporation Tax Telegraph and Telephone Companies; see above. Corporation Tax Wealth; see above. Capitation Tax TEACHERS Institutes; see Education Teaching; see Education TELEGRAPH AND TELEPHONE COMPANIES Taxation; see Taxation: State TEMPERATURE; see CLIMATE TETANUS Horses; see Agriculture. Inspection. Livestock Human; see Public Health TEXT-BOOKS; see EDUCATION TIMOTHY Crop; see Agriculture. Crops. Grass and Forage TOMATO Crops; see Agriculture. Crops. Vegetable TOWNSEND Health of 1885/6-1896/8. See Public Health, these dates. Malaria in; see Public Health. Diseases Public School; see Education TREASURER Reports; see Finance: State Salary; see Salaries TROUT; see FISH AND GAME TUBERCULOSIS Bovine; see Agriculture. Livestock Human; see Public Health TURNPIKES; see ROADS TYPHOID; see PUBLIC HEALTH UNITED STATES Commerce; see that title Direct Tax; see Finance: State. Revenue See also Taxation : Federal. Land Grants; see that title Public Lands; see Land: National Domain Public Works; see that title Tariff; see that title Taxation; see that title VACCINATION; see PUBLIC HEALTH VALUATION; see TAXATION: STATE. ASSESSMENT, ETC. VEGETABLES Crops; see Agriculture. Crops VINEYARDS; see AGRICULTURE. CROPS. GRAPE VITAL STATISTICS 1881/2. Stmt, of no. of deaths, births, marriages and divorces for yr. endg. June 30, 1882, by cos. (2 bienn. rept. bd. of health 1881/2: 33.) 134 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE VITAL STATISTICS— cont'd 1882/4-1886/8. Stmt, of total no. of marriages, births and deaths in each co. (3 same 1882/4 (p. 878)— 5 same 1886/8.) rn;:lni; from Iloust' jo!. ISS.'). 1884. Duration of life in England on increase, causes therefor; comparative mortality and births of globe. (3 same 1882/4: 881.) Tiiuinff from IIoiiso jol. IS.So. 1885/6-1886/7. Comparison of no. of deaths, births and marriages for yrs. endg. July 1. (5 same 1886/ 8: 223.) raying from app. to House Jol. 1880. 1885/6-1902/4. Quarterly stmt, of death, birth and marriage statistics for each co., with recapitulation for yr. and for entire period; no. of deaths and causes, sex, color, nativity, age, no. of deaths from zymotic diseases; no. of births, color, sex, nativity; no. of marriages, white and colored, nativity of parties. (4 same 1804/6 (pp. 921-990)— 13 same 1902/4.) raKlng from House Jol. 1887. 1889/90-1890/1. Comparative table showing no. of marriages, deaths and births in each co. (7 same 1890/2: 117.) 1890/1. Stmt, of no. of births, deaths and marriages in each co., each quarter for yr. endg. June 30, 1891; total compared with total for yr. endg. June 30, 1890. (7 same 1890/1: 113.) Births 1881/2. See above. Vital Statistics, this date. . Table showing no. of births reported for period of 13 wks. endg. Oct. 1 and Dec. 31, 1881, Mch. 31 and June 30, 1882, by cos. (2 bienn. rept. bd. of health 1881/2: 36-37.) 1882. Suggestion that bd. memorialize legisl. to enact law making it obligatory upon recorders, when name of new-born child has not been reptd. pre- viously to time for his quarterly rept. to secy, of state bd., to send circular to family, requiring par- ents, under penalty of law, to return within 48 hrs. name of said child, etc. (2 same lSSl/2: 15.) 1882/4. Tabular stmt, showing no. of births, nativity of parents, sex, color, and date of birth, for yrs. endg. June 30. (3 same 1882/4 table 2.) 1882/4-1886/8. See above, Vital Statistics, these dates. 1885/6-1886/7. See same, these dates. 1885/6-1902/4. See same, these dates. Deaths ?-1865. Table showing relative mortality from small- pox before and after introduction of vaccination; average ann. deaths by small pox in England and Wales, ann. rate per million of population. (2 bienn. rept. bd. of health 1881/2: 26.) 1836-1851. Table showing rate per cent of mortality from different forms of eruption in unvaccinated cases of small-pox admitted into Small-pox and Vac- cination Hospital of London, for period. (2 same 1881/2: 27.) 1881/2. See above. Vital Statistics, this date. . Table showing rept. of mortality for 13 wks. endg. Oct. 1 and Dec. 31, 1881, March 31 and June 30, 1882. actual no. of deaths, with ages and color of decedents, no. of native and foreign born, sex. in each co. (2 bienn. rept. bd. of health 1881/2 fldg. table.) . Tabulated stmt, showing reported causes of death for each quarter, by cos., white and colored; for yr. by cos., white and colored; and totals for state for yr. endg. June 30, 1882. (2 same 1881/2: fldg. table.) 1882/3. Comparison of death rate in Del. with that of England and Wales for 2 preceding decades. (3 same 1882/4: 878.) Paging from House Jol. 1885. VITAL STATISTICS— cont'd Deaths — cont'd 1882/4-1886/8. See above. Vital Statistics, these dates. 1883/4. Tabular stmt, showing death, cause, sex, age and color in each ro. for yr. endg. June 30. (3 bienn. rept. bd. of health 1882/4: table 3.) 1885/6-1886/7. See above. Vital Statistics, these dates. 1885/6-1902/4. See same, these dates. 1888. Death rate could be reduced by appropriating sufficient money to warn and educate people to con- form to sanitary rules and hygiene of homes. (5 bienn. rept. bd. of health 1886/8: 157.) racing frnm app. to Housr jol. l.Ssf>. 1890. Table showing no. of deaths in Sussex Co., for quarter endg. Dec. 31 ; no. from each disease, color, sex. age; in each town. (7 same 1890/2: 120.) . Same, Kent Co. (7 same 1890/2: 119.) 1890-1891. Mortuary rept. for 1891 compared with 1890; no. of deaths in each co. from zymotic dis- eases and from consumption. (7 same 1890/2: 114.) 1890/2. Stmt, showing no. of deaths from special dis- eases in state; death rate in 1000 inhabitants, per- centage of deaths enumerated to whole no. of deaths, population of state; by cos. (7 same 1890/2: 121-122.) 1891. Table showing no. of deaths in New Castle Co. for quarter endg. Dec. 31; no. from each disease, age, sex, color; in each city and town. (7 same 1890/2: 118.) 1891/2. Mortuarv rept. of town of Dover Mch. 1, 1891, to Mch. 1, 1892. (7 same 1890/2: 115-116.) No. of (Inaths and oause, sex. color, age. Divorces 1816. Divorces and marriages form subjects requiring general legislative provision. (Govs. mess. (Rod- ney) Jan. 1816.) 1881/2. See above. Vital Statistics, this date. 1889. Suggested that divorce cases be left to jurisdic- tion of courts; not sufficient time for legisl. to prop- erly examine all cases. (Govs. mess. (Biggs) Jan. 1889: 7.) 1891. Lack of uniformity in divorce laws of different states; legal status agreed upon by all to be de- sired; subject commended to consideration of legisl. (Same (Reynolds) Jan. 1891: 14.) . On large increase of late in applications to legisl. for divorces. (Same (Biggs) Jan. 1891.) 1898. Divorces; need of a just, conservative and wise divorce law; such a law may materially assist in attaining a law that shall be uniform in all the states. (Same (Tunnell) Jan. 1898: 7-8.) Laws 1881. Text of act to provide for registration of births, marriages and deaths in Del., passed Apr. 7. (6 bienn. rept. bd. of health 1888/90: 291-293.) Paging from Collectort docs. . Same. (9 same 1894/6: 13-18.) . Same. (10 same 1896/8: 14-19.) . Same. (13 same 1902/4: 17-21.) Marriage 1881/2. See above. Vital Statistics, this date. . Table showing no. of marriages reported for 13 wks. endg. Oct. 1 and Dec. 31, 1881, and Mch. 31 and June 1, 1882, by cos. (2 bienn. rept. bd. of health 1881/2: 34-35.) 1882/4. Tabular stmt, of marriages in New Castle, Kent and Sussex cos., for yrs. endg. June 30, to- gether with the age, color, nativity, mo. of mar- riage and no. of previous marriages. ( 3 sam,e 1882/ 4: table 1.) 1882/4-1886/8. See above. Vital Statistics, these dates. 1885/6-1886/7. See same, these dates. 1885/6-1902/4. See same, these dates. i INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OP THE STATE OF DELAWARE 135 VITAL STATISTICS— cont'd Registration I ft^laware was recognized as a registration state In 1810 but was dropped In 1000. 1880. Suggested that legisl. enact law for registration of vital statistics. (1 bienn. rept. bd. of health 1879/80; 6.) 1882. Statute rel. to vital statistics not sufiBciently en- forced. (2 same 1881/2: 5-G.) [1884.1 Suggested that secy, again circulate among physicians of state law regarding registration and also to various towns law rel. to formation of local bds. of health and repts. of bd., etc. (3 same 1882/ 4: 884.) Paging from House jol. 1885. 1888. Provisions of law rel. to registration of vital statistics and non-compliance therewith; amdmt. suggested. (5 same 1886/8: 155-156.) Paging from app. to Ilouse jol. 1889. Dover 1888. Marriage, birth and death records of Dover in excellent condition, but defective in not having name of person whose duty it is to return birth or death certiiicate. Suggested that somebody be em- powered to enforce law. (5 bienn. rept. bd. of health 1886/8: 235.) Paging from app. to House jol. 1880. Wilmington 1879. Wilmington only place in Del. having registra- tion law and that only registry of deaths; hoped that enough material can be collected to bring be- fore next legisl. to show that body need of law for collection of vital statistics. (1 bienn. rept. bd. of health 1879/80: 11.) 1891/2. Wilmington; mortuary rept. for yr. endg. June 30 (no. of deaths from each disease, death rate, etc.) ; no. of births, male and female, white and colored, still born, illegitimate; no. of marriages, white and colored; mo. rept. of deaths. (7 same 1891/2: 123-126.) 1896. Rept. of committee apptd. to examine books of registration of vital statistics in New Castle Co. and in Wilmington. (9 same 1894/6: 49.) WAR EXPENDITURES Revolutionary War 1789. Rept. of committee on state's credit with U. S. for amt. of certificates issued to late Pres. Vandyke for settling depreciation of pay of Del. regiment. (House jol. Oct. 1789: 12-13.) 1794. Rept. of comr. for supporting claims of Del. agst. U. S. (Sen. jol. Jan. 1794: 26-27.) 1830. Memorial to Congress, of surviving officers and soldiers of the Revolutionary Army, who are not entitled to pensions under any existing law, claim- ing compensation for pay and rations; with draft of a bill explaining expectations of memorialists. (House jol. Jan. 1831: 15-16.) 1831. Rept. of committee to whom was referred so much of govs. mess, as relates to the surviving offi- cers and soldiers of the Revolutionary Army, who are not entitled to pensions under any existing law. {Same Jan. 1831: 46-47.) 1832. Jt. res. rel. to officers and soldiers and the militia who bore arms in War of the Revolution and who are not entitled to pensions under any existing law. (Same Jan. 1833: 65-66.) 1876. Stmt, of amt. due state of Del. (under act of Congress April 23, 1808) on June 30, 1876, as shown by books of Gen. Porter; stmt, of Delaware's acct. by War Dept. at Washington; corrections made; charges and deductions made on acct. of requisi- tions Nov. 1, 1875. to March 1, 1876; corrected bal- ance [by books of Adj. Gen. Reynolds]. (Rept. of adj. gen. 1875/6: 81-84.) Paging from Sen. jol. 1S77. WAR EXPENDITURES— cont'd War of i8i2 1813-1817. Stmt, exhibiting payments made by state treasurer during yr., to sundry persons, by order of comrs. named in sec. 6 of " act providing for the general defence of the state of Del.," for " articles furnished and for services rendered under orders of the gov." (A.R. auditor 1813 (pp. 44-56) — .some 1817.) 1813-1827. Rept. of state agent apptd. to adjust mili- tary claims agst U. S. (House jol. Jan. 1827: 37- 40.) 1814. Mess, from Gov. rel. to expenses incurred for defense of state agst. common enemy, transmitting stmt, of same and recommending that U. S. be asked to reimburse state said amt. (.Same Jan. 1814: 24-26; Sen. jol. ,Jan. 1814: 25.) . Communication from Gov. stating that comrs. apptd. under " act providing for general defense of state of Del." had furnished him lists of accts. set- tled by them, and transmitting returns made him by adj. gen. of militia of state. (House jol. May 1814: 12.) Returns not printed. — — . Suggested that provision be made for keeping regular accts. of disbursements and keeping those already made for defence, etc., during war, and that they be presented to federal govt. (Govs. mess. Jan. 1814.) 1815. CJovs. reply to letters of Thos. Cooper and H. M. Ridgely. (Sen. jol. 1815: 79-80.) . Communication from Gov. rel. to transactions between him and representatives in Congress in matter of military expenditures in 1813. (House jol. Jan. 1815: 146-147.) . Letters from Thos. Cooper and H. M. Ridgely, Del., representatives in Congress, rel. to Govs. mess. on war claims of Del. agst. U. S. (Sen. jol. Jan. 1815: 61-63; House jol. Jan. 1815: 96-98.) . Apprn. of money should be made for defence of state. (Govs. mess. (Rodney) Jan. 1815.) 1816. Opinion of committee on claims that claims for military service performed in late war be settled by comrs. to meet in their resp. cos. (House jol. Jan. 1816: 132.) 1817. Mess, from Gov. transmitting letter from comrs. apptd. under " Act for payment of certain claims," giving stmt, of claims presented for services, re- turns, etc., during late war with Great Britain. (Same Jan. 1817: 77-78.) Letter not printed. . Rel. to claims of state for military expenditures during late war. (Govs. mess. (Rodney) Jan. 1817.) 1819. Communication from Gov. rel. to settlement of claims for services rendered during late war with Great Britain. (House jol. Jan. 1819: 223-224.) . Rel. to settlement of claim for military expenses made by state in consequence of late war. (Govs, mess. (Clark) Jan. 1819.) 1823. Acct. of state agst. U. S. for military claims. (House jol. Jan. 1823: 5-14.) 1830. Rept. on unsettled claims agst. federal govt, in- curred during war with Great Britain. (Sen. jol. Jan. 1830: 28; House jol. Jan. 1830: 53.) 1833. Rept. of committee on so much of Govs. mess, as relates to claim of Del. agst. gen. govt, for expenses incurred during last war with Great Britain. (House jol. Jan. 1833: 203.) . Rept. of committee on so much of Govs. mess. as relates to claim of Del. agst. U. S., for interest on money expended by state during last war with Great Britain. (Same Jan. 1833: 149-151.) 136 INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE WAR EXPENDITURES— cont'd Civil War 186MSfi4. State of Del. in acct. with U. S. for troops. (Sen. jol. sped. sess. July 1864: 124-125.) 1861-187C. List of arms furnished Del. for use of vol- unteer militia; amt. charRod state for them; seized by U. S. soldiers and no compensation reed, for them; claim presented [in 18701 by adj. gen. for return of arms or credit therefor; greater no. of soldiers furnished by Del. than any other state, in proportion to size; suggested that Del. (under act of (Congress of March 8, 1862) should be reimbursed for full amt. of debt created by state during war. (Kept, of adj. gen. 1875/6: 87-88.) Pacing from Sen. jol. 1S77. 1864. Recommendation for provision whereby every person enlisting in federal army may receive fair sum as bounty in behalf of state. (Govs. mess. (Cannon) Jan. 1864.) . Act of Feb. 12 rendered inoperative by " commu- tation act " of Congress; balance of bounty apprn. remaining on July 28; recommended that balance be used to relieve people of state from draft by only legal method, viz.: filling quota required of state. (Same (Cannon) July 1864.) . Recommended that legisl. enact law and make apprn. for payment of specified bounty to all per- sons who may voluntarily enlist in military service of U. S. and be duly accredited to state of Del. (Same (Cannon) July 1864.) . Recommended that funds be provided for care of sick and wounded. (Same (Cannon) Jan. 1864.) 1866. Communication from G. R. Riddle, acting agt. apptd. under res. March 17, 1805, to represent to officers of govt, rights and claims of state to order for refunding commutation money paid by drafted men to procure exemption from military service, transmitting letter from Provost-Marshal General. (Sen. jol. Jan. 1866: 104-105.) Spanish American War 1898. Amt. appropriated by Del. for arming, equipping and training National Guard, field training having been discontinued since 1890. (Bienn. rept. adj. gen. 1897/8: 6-7.) 1901. Apprn. for Del. volunteers in Spanish Amer. War, made hf state in 1898, refunded by Federal Govt. (Govs. mess. (Tunnell) Jan. 1901: 7-9.) WATER SUPPLY 1888. Public water supply a paying investment, pro- vided works can be constructed at reasonable cost; marked improvement in health of towns having water works. (5 bienn. rept. bd. of health 1886/8: 157.) Paging from app. to IIousc jol. 1889. 1891. The question of pure water supply; by D. L. Mustard. (7 savie 1890/2: 68-71.) 1902. Importance of purer water supply; ways for remedying existing evils. (Bacteriological and pathological laboratory bull. 10: 2-3.) . Surface wells; by F. D. C. (Same bull. 13: 5-S.) 1903. Water purification in U. S. (So?ne bull. 14: 12.) . Improvement in local water supplies; purity in public water supplies. (Same bull. 16: 2-3.) Newark [1903.] Newark water supply, chemical and bacteri- ological analysis; by T. R. Brown. (13 bienn. rept. bd. of health 1902/4: 188-220.) Location and sanitary .surroundings of Newark : meth- ods of examination and analysis and relative value of the two analyses ; sources of pollution ; avoid- ance of pollution: Ivewark puhlic water supply; private well conditions in Newark ; tabular stmts. of analyses of wells in different streets of Newark. WATER SUPPLY— cont'd New Castle 1894. Inspection of pumping station of New Castle's Water Works; quality of water. (9 bienn. rept. bd. of health 1894/6: 22.) Wilmington 1902. On bad water supply of Wilmington. (Bacteri- ological and pathological laboratory bull. 12: 2.) 1903. Pure water supply for Wilmington. (Same bull. 15: 1-2.) Inspection See also Public Health. T^aboratory. n. d. Form sent out by bacteriological and pathological laboratory of state bd. of health, to be filled out and forwarded with samples of water for analysis. Is entitled " water analysis." 1 leaf. . Form used in pathological and bacteriological laboratory of state bd. of health in reporting re- sults of water analysis. 1 leaf. . Label for water for bacteriological analysis ad- dressed to laboratory of state bd. of health. White slip 3x5 in. . Directions for collecting samples of water for analysis from pump or water-tap and from Stream, pond or reservoir; by bacteriological and patho- logical laboratory. 1 leaf. 1897. Bacteriological examination of drinking water [from scientific and sanitary standpoint, methods], results of bacteriological examination of samples of drinkwater from different localities, Sept. and Oct., 1896, etc.; by F. D. Chester. (9 A.R. agric. exper. station 1896/7: 42-53.) 1899. Bacteriological studies of drinking water; by F. D. Chester. (12 same 1899/00: 66-76.) . Directions for preparation of samples of drink- ing water for analyses. (Bacteriological and patho- logical laboratory bull. 2: [1-2].) 1900. Water analysis. (Same bull. 4: [3-4].) 1901. Tabular stmt, of analysis of water and ice from May 1 to July 1. (Some bull. 8: 9.) . Detection of bacillus coli in water (33d rept. of state bd. of health of Mass.). (Same bull. 13: 13.) 1901-1904. Table showing results of misc. analyses of well waters from different localities. (13 bienn. rept. bd. of health 1902/4: 163-165.) Laws 1864. Text of act to define and prevent certain nui- sances, passed Feb. 4. (7 bienn. rept. bd. of health 1890/2: 106-107.) . Same. (9 same 1894/6: 65-66.) . Same. (10 same 1896/8: 73-74.) Pollution 1882. Water supply of seaboard cities and towns con- taminated on acct. of unusual amt. of filth con- veyed to ocean by tributaries, owing to heavy rain- fall. (2 bienn. rept. bd. of health 1881/2: 11.) 1884. Water supply of state almost universally from wells, badly polluted. (3 same 1882/4: 880.) Paging from House jol. 1885. 1888. Secys. rept. on condition of Brandywine water, May 3. (5 same 1886/8: 229-230.) Paging from app. to House jol. 1889. 1890. Rept. on examination of Silverbrook, small stream in n. w. part of Wilmington, polluted by morocco factory. (6 same 1888/90: 247.) Paging from Collected docs. 1891. Preambles and res. adopted July 28, by state bd. of health and concurred in by Wilmington bd. of health, and bd. of water comrs. of Wilmington, rel. to nuisances on Brandywine River near Chadd's Ford and at Cossart station in Chester and Del. COS., Penn., polluting water supplies of Wilmington, INDEX TO DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE 137 WATER SUPPLY— cont'd Pollution — cont'd Del.; sent to secy, of Penn. state bd. of health; reply and rept. on action taken by Penn. bd. (7 same 1890/2: 20-24.) 1896. Reported that hotel at Hockessin intended drain- ing refuse into Mill creek, thus polluting water and creating nuisance. (10 same 1896/8: 20-21.) 1902. Pollution of the Brandy wine. (Pathological and bacteriological laboratory bull. 16: 3-1.) . Self-purification of streams. (.Same bull. 13: 11- 12.) Relates entirely to Sudliury River in >rass. 1903. Improvement in local water supplies; the purity of public water supplies — pollution of the Brandy- wine; the biological side of sand filtration. (Same bull. 16: 2-5.) 1903/4. Brandywine Springs investigation; tabular stmt, of results of analyses of waters collected at different dates; [by T. R. Brown]. (13 bienn. rept. bd. of health 1902/4: 220-222.) 1904. The pollution of the Brandywine. (Bacteriologi- cal, etc., laboratory bull. 18: 3.) WEALTH Taxation; see Taxation: State. Capitation Tax WEEDS; see AGRICULTURE. CROPS. PESTS WEEVIL; see AGRICULTURE. CROPS. PESTS WEIGHTS AND MEASURES 1830. Rept. and res. on act to establish an uniform standard of weights and measures in this state. (House jol. Jan. 1830: 116-117; Sen. jol. Jan. 1830: 84-85.) 1839. Delay of comrs., apptd. in pursuance of res. of Congress of June 14, 1836, to procure 3 sets of standard weights and measures, to conform to set to be delivered to Gov. (Govs. mess. (Comegys) Jan. 1839.) WEIGHTS AND MEASURES— cont'd 1841. Duplicates of standard weights prepared for each CO.; standard measures for state not reed, at date. (Same (Comegj's) Jan. 1841.) 1845. Rept. of comr. under act of 1837 to procure dupli- cates of standard weights and measures. (Sen. jol. Jan. 1845: 24.) 1860. State of Maine; res. rel. to uniform decimal sys- tem of weights, measures and currencies. (House jol. Jan. 1861, app. pp. 17-18.) WHEAT Diseases; see Agriculture. Crops. Pests V/ILMINGTON Autumnal Fever in; see Public Health. Diseases Courts; see Administration of Justice: County. New Castle County Debt; see Debt: Local Health Board; see Public Health. Board of Health Malaria in; see Public Health. Diseases Registration; see Vital Statistics School Houses; see Education. School Houses Schools; see Education Smallpox in; see Public Health Streets; see Public Works. City Typhoid in; see Public Health Wages TuACHEBs; see Labob Water Supply; see that title WILMINGTON AGRICULTURAL AND INDUSTRIAL IN- STITUTE; see AGRICULTURE. LIVESTOCK. ASSO- CIATIONS WORKINGMEN'S INSURANCE; see INSURANCE YELLOW FEVER; see PUBLIC HEALTH. EPIDEMICS S5 1 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES LIBRARY UCLA Young Research Lpbrarv Z1223.5.A1 H2 Delaware L 009 535 579 8 BJJLD1NGUSE_ NON-CIRCULATING TO ALL BORROWERS