1 A S A^g n j U s 0— i 1 =S 4=o 5 ?— ^ 3-— =p ^^Hip^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^H 1 m THE STATE HOUSE BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS ELLEN MUDGE BURRILL " 'Boston State House is the Hub of the Solar System ' — Oliver Wendell Holmes [Second Edition] PRINTED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE SERGEANT-AT-ARMS BY ORDER OF THE GENERAL COURT BOSTON: WRIGHT AND POTTER PRINTING COMPANY STATE PRINTERS : IS POST OFFICE SQUARE : 1905 THE STATE HOUSE INTRODUCTION THE State House Guide Book was originally written at the request of the late Captain John G. B. Adams, Sergeant- at- Arms, who approved it only a few days before his death. The first edition was printed by order of the General Court of 1901, and the present edition, the second, is now published under authority of chapter 18, Resolves of 1905. If any inaccuracies are dis- covered, the author will be very grateful if they may be pointed out to her. The book is arranged in four parts. In the first it has been my endeavor to mention briefly the various alterations in the State House since its erection in 1795. The second guides the visitor to the places of interest in and about the building. The third part is confined to the political and mili- tary record of those in whose honor a bust, oil painting or statue has been placed in the capitol. The fourth contains a list of the departments. I am very happy to take this opportunity of ex- tending my thanks to Mr. David T. Remington, Intro- duction THE STATE HOUSE Intro- duction Sergeant-at-Arras, under wliose direction tiie second edition has been completed, to Mr. C. B. Tillinghast, State Librarian, and the many others who have so cheerfully and generously aided me in my research. ELLEN MUDGE BURRILL. Lynn, Mass., March 27, 1905. THE STATE HOUSE THE STATE HOUSE The hill upon which the State House stands was originally called Treamount, owing to the " three little rising hills on the top of a high mountain on the north west side of the town." This "high mountain" extended from the head of Hanover Street, south-westerly to the water beyond the State House. It retained the name of Trea- momit until used as a look-out where the colonists ' ' kept watch to foresee the approach of forrein dangers, ■" when it was called Sentry Hill. After the erection of the Beacon, in 1635, it received the name of Beacon Hill. Of these " three little rising hills " the first was called Cotton, after- wards Pemberton Hill, the central peak Sentry or Beacon Hill, the tliird peak West or Copley's Hill and later Mt. Vernon, but for many years tlie name of Beacon Hill has included the three jjcaks. In accordance with a resolve of the General Court, dated Feb. 16, 1795, Edward II. Itol)liins, Speaker of the House of Representatives, Tliomas Dawes and Chai-les Bulfinch Avere appointed agents on the part of the Conuuonwealth, with autliorit}- History THE STATE HOUSE History to erect, liuild iiinl liiii.^li ii ii(;\v .Stiile House for the " accoiiinioihition of all the le<;islative and execu- tive branches of ^^overnnuMit, on a spot of ground in Boston, commonly called the Governor's pasture, containing about two acres, more or less, adjoining to his heirs, — provided the Town of Boston would, at (Iieir expense, purchase and cause the same to be conveyed in fee sim2)le to the Commonwealth." The sum of £8,000 was allowed for the jjurpose. The town purchased the property for £4,000, and AMlliam Tudor, Charles Jarvis, John C. Jones, "Wil- liam Eustis, William Little, Thomas Dawes, Joseph llussell, Harrison G. Otis and Perez Morton were appointed comiiiissioners to convey the " (Jovernors pasture*' to the Commonwealth. The deed was dated May 2, 1795. Charles Bulfinch was chosen architect. The corner-stone — on a truck, decorated with ribbons — was drawn to its place hj fifteen white horses, each with a leader, and was laid, with jjublic ceremonies, July 4, 1795, by His Excellenc}' Samuel Adams, Governor, assisted by M. AV. Paul Revere, (J rand Master, K. W. William Scollaj', Deputy (Jrand Master, and brethren of the Grand Lodge of Masons. The structure was 172 feet front, 60 feet deep, 110 feet high, including the dome, and cost, as per resolves fi'om Feb. 16, 1795, to June 22, THE STATE HOUSE 1799, $140,000. This sum included the cost of a house for the Messenger to the General Court, which, with land, amounted to $5,000, leaving for the State House $135,000 (Auditor's report for 1849), Thursday, Jan. 11, 1798, the General Court assembled for the last time in the old State House, State Street, where their sessions had been held for fifty years, and at 12 o'clock, noon, having been joined by His Excellency Increase Sumner, Governor, and the Honorable Council, marched to the new building. In accordance with a resolve of March 10, 1831, fire-proof rooms were added to the building, at a cost of about $7,000. A resolve of Feb. 24, 1847, appropriated money for the payment of expense incurred b}' placing the ' ' Massachusetts coat-of- arms " over the Speaker's chair in the House of Representatives, agreeable to an order of the House passed March 27, 1846. Fountains were erected on the lawn in 1849. For the better accommodation of the State Li- brary and other departments, a resolve was passed. May 20, 1852, providing for the appointment of a committee of three ' ' to procure plans and estimates for a fire-proof building to be erected in the rear of the State House." April 27, 1853, it was voted that a fire-proof building should be erected on the north side, to be connected witli tlie main edifice. History THE STATE HOUSE History and (lie sum of $00,000 was ai)|»r()])riiiUMl for lln- payment of expenses of such erection. Tlie (Jov- ernor, with the advice of the Council, was autlior- ized to a])i)oint tliree commissioners who should suj.erintend tlie erection of tlie structure, and Charles II. Warren, President of the Senate, John T. Heard and Samiael K. Hutchinson Avere selected, a majorit}' entering upon their duties June 2, 1853. The following month ]\Ir. Heard declined the appointment and Adam W. Thaxter, Jr., was chosen to fill the vacancy. The report of Jan. 26, 1855, is signed by these three gentlemen, but the next report, submitted Feb. 20, 1855, bears the signatiu"es of Joseph R. Richards, S. K. Hutchin- son and George M. Thacher as commissioners. Gridley J. F. Errant was the architect. Approi^ri- ations were made from time to time, until, when completed, the addition cost $243,203.86. In consequence of alterations, a new coi'ner -stone was provided, and the original deposit replaced Aug. 11, 1855, by M. W. Winslow Lewis, M.D., Grand Master, and other officers of the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts, in the presence of His Excellency Henry J. Gardner, Governor. Under a resolve of May 23, 1866, a commission consisting of John H. Clifford, Ex-Governor. Joseph A. Pond. President of the Senate, ^ind dames i\I. Stone, Speaker of the House of Rep- THE STATE HOUSE resentatives, was appointed to "consider the whole subject of remodelling the State House." Their report, containing three plans, drawn by Mr. Bryant and Alexander R. Esty, was referred to the committee on State House of 1867, and it was decided, June 1, that the Legislature should have additional committee rooms, that certain alterations and improvements sliould be made in the building, as well as a general system of repairs, ventilation, steam heat and increased cellar accommodations. Mr. Pond and Mr. Stone were appointed commis- sioners, Washburn & Son were the architects, and the final cost was $270,256.96. New seats were i^laced in the Senate and House of Representatives in 1868. The House chairs were sold in 1896, 1897 and 1898, the members of 1894 having the first opportunity to purchase ; the Senate chairs were sold in 1897 and 1898, Senators of 1897 having first choice; and the chairs in the Council Chamber were sold in 1898 to Councillors of the preceding year. Passenger elevators were added in 1885, and many improve- ments of a minor character were made from time to time. Commonwealth Building, No. 11 Mt. Vernon Street, formerly the Way estate, was procured under an act approved May 26, 1882, remodelled and used by State departments until the winter of History THE STATE HOUSE History 1900, wlicn it was razed, together with houses Xos. 1-6 Mt. Vernon Street, that the land might be included in the park. On May 17, 1888, the Governor and Council were authorized to actjuire the land bounded by Derne, Temi^le, Mt. Vernon and Hancock .streets, and a parcel of land east of Temple Street, be- tween !Mt. Vernon and Derne ; also to discontinue Temple Street between Mt. Vernon and Derne streets. By this act $500,000 were appropriated, and May 3, 1889, $130,000 additional were al- lowed. An act of June 16, 1892, enabled tlie commissioners to take land bounded by Derne and Bowdoin streets. Beacon Hill Place and the State House. June 9, 1893, provision was made for taking Beacon Hill Place ; Jime 29, 1894, for tak- ing the land bounded by Bowdoin, Beacon, Mt. Vernon streets and land then owned by the Com- monwealth ; also on June 19, 1901, for procuring the estates Nos. 8-14 Mt. Vernon Street. May 25, 1888, the Governor and Council were allowed $5,000 to prepare a general plan for the better accommodation of the State government, and March 19, 1889, $2,500 were appropriated to further jjei-fect said i)lan. A bill providing for the enlargement of the State House was reported, becoming a law June 4, 1889. To meet the ex- penses incurred xmdcr this act, a loan, not exceeding THE STATE HOUSE $2,500,000, was authorized, and work was begun under the direction of John D. Long, William Endicott, Jr., and Benjamin D. Whitcomb, State House Construction Commissioners. Upon the death of Mr. Whitcomb, in 1894, Charles Everett Clark was appointed a member of the commis- sion, and upon the resignation of Mr. Long, Mr. Endicott became chairman, with George W. John- son as the third member.* The architects were Messrs. Brigham & Spofford, but after March, 1892, Charles Brigham had entire charge. The corner-stone of this new building was laid Dec. 21, 1889, by Governor Oliver Ames, assisted by John D. Long, chairman of the commission, and the Grand Lodge of Masons, M. W. Henry Endicott, Grand Master, Samuel AVells, Deputy Grand Master. Jan. 2, 1895, the House of Rep- resentatives convened in the old chamber, and the following day moved to their new hall in the extension. February 18 the Senate moved to rooms Nos. 239, 240 and 241, pending alterations in the State House ; April 8 they returned to their old quarters ; and Jan. 6, 1897, convened in the temporary chamber provided in the upper portion of Memox'ial Hall. Jan. 5, 1898, they met for the first time in the new chamber, — the room History * Mr. Clark died in 1899. Mr. Endicott and Mr. Johnson completed the building. THE STATE HOUSE History formerly occupied Ijy tlu^ House of Representa- tives, — and the old Senate chamber has since been known as tlie Senate reception room. The Governor, with the advice and consent of the Council, was authorized on March 14, 1896, to appoint a commission for the preservation of the Bulfinch State House, who should thoroughly examine the condition of the building, and report the result, with their recommendations, to the (ieneral Court. Charles A. Cummings, David H. Andrews and E. Noyes Whitcomb, being chosen, reported April 13, 1895. June 9, 1896, His Honor Roger Wolcott, acting Governor, George P. Law- rence, President of the Senate, and George v. L. Meyer, Siieakor of the House of Representatives, Avere appointed a committee to arrange for plans for 2>reserving the Bulfinch State House substan- tially in accordance with the report of the above commission. The committee selected Arthur G. P^verett as architect, with Robert D. Andrews as his associate and Charles A. Cummings consulting architect. The State House Construction Commis- sion had charge of the work, and $375,000 were appropriated to meet the expenses. By an act approved Jmie 5, 1897, His Excel- lency Roger "Wolcott, Governor, President George P. Lawrence and Speaker John L. Bates were ap- pointed a committee to consider and decide upon THE STATE HOUSE plans for furnishing the Bulfinch part. Mr. Everett submitted drawings, specifications and designs, and the State House Construction Commission were directed to furnish the building in accordance with the plans and under the superintendence of said architect. The total expense incurred for preser- vation and furnishing was $335,468.83. The amount expended for the State House ex- tension, land, furnishings, Memorial Hall and res- toration of the Bulfinch front, including damages on account of limiting the height of buildings, to March 27, 1905, was $6,997,696.21. There are about six acres in the park and the land ujion which the State House stands. The dimensions of the capitol follow : — ft. in. Height of Bulfinch front from ground to pinnacle, . 110 Depth of Bulfinch front, 60 Width of Bulfinch front, 172 Foundation of Bulfinch front above tide water, about 110 Length of extension, 401 Width of extension in rear 173 Height of extension in rear (to apex), .... 112 3 Widest part of extension, 212 6 History THE STATE HOUSE The Dome OBJECTS OF INTEREST The Dome To the stranger visiting the State House there are many objects of interest. Approax-liing the building from the south, the dome will first attract attention. It is 53 feet in diameter by 35 feet high, and in early times was simply painted. Governor Nathaniel P. Banks, in his valedictory address, Jan. 3, 1861, recommended that it be gilded, but this was not accomplished until 1874. It was regilded in 1888 and 1898, and during the latter year 498 electric lights were placed around it. The dome is accessible to the public whenever the building is open, except during the sessions of the Senate. Shaw — Hancock — Webster — Mann A memorial to Col. Robert G. Shaw* and the Fifty-fourth IVIassachusetts Regiment, by Augustus St. Gaudens, which was dedicated May 31, 1897, stands on the Common, facing the State House. The Fifty -fourth was tlie first colored regiment recruited in Massachusetts. Colonel Shaw was killed in the assault upon Fort Wagner, S. C, July 18, 1863. The memorial was paid for by voluntary subscriptions. * See Appendix. THE STATE HOUSE Inscrip- tion INSCRIPTION ON THE FRONT OF THE SHAW MONUMENT ROBERT GOULD SHAW COLONEL OF THE FIFTY FOURTH REGIMENT OF MASSACHUSETTS INFANTRY BORN IN BOSTON OCTOBER X MDCCCXXXVII KILLED WHILE LEADING THE ASSAULT ON FORT WAGNER SOUTH CAROLINA JULY XVIII MDCCCLXIII RIGHT IN THE VAN ON THE RED RAMPART'S SLIPPERY SWELL WITH HEART THAT BEAT A CHARGE HE FELL FOEWARD AS FITS A MAN BUT THE HIGH SOUL BURNS ON TO LIGHT MEN'S FEET WHERE DEATH FOR NOBLE ENDS MAKES DYING SWEET. THE STATE HOUSE IftMcrlit- llon INSCRIPTION ON THE P^AR OF THE SHAW MONUMENT TO THE FIFTY FOURTH • OF MASSACHUSETTS REGIMENT INFANTRY THE WHITE OFFICERS TAKING LIFE AND HONOR IN THEIR HANDS CAST IN THEIR LOT WITH MEN OF A DESPISED RACE UNPROVED IN WAR AND RISKED DEATH AS INCITERS OF SERVILE INSURRECTION IF TAKEN PRISONERS BESIDES ENCOUNTERING ALL THE COMMON PERILS OF CAMP MARCH AND BATTLE. THE BLACK RANK AND FILE VOLUNTEERED WHEN DISASTER CLOUDED THE UNION CAUSE SERVED WITHOUT PAY FOR EIGHTEEN MONTHS TILL GIVEN THAT OF WHITE TROOPS FACED THREATENED ENSLAVE- MENT IF CAPTURED WERE BRAVE IN ACTION PATIENT UNDER HEAVY AND DANGEROUS LABORS AND CHEERFUL AMID HARDSHIPS AND PRIVATIONS. TOGETHER THEY GAVE TO THE NATION AND THE WORLD UNDYING PROOF THAT AMERICANS OF AFRICAN DESCENT POSSESS THE PRIDE COURAGE AND DEVOTION OF THE PATRIOT SOLDIER. ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY THOUSAND SUCH AMERICANS ENLISTED UNDER THE UNION FLAG IN MDCCCLXIII MDCCCLXV. I KNOW NOT MR. COMMANDER WHERE IN ALL HUMAN HISTORY TO ANY GIVEN THOUSAND MEN IN ARMS THERE HAS BEEN COMMITTED A WORK AT ONCE SO PROUD SO PRECIOUS SO FULL OF HOPE AND GLORY AS THE WORK COMMITTED TO YOU. GOVERNOR ANDREW. 70 THE STATE HOUSE Just west of the building, on Beacon Street, is a tablet marking the site of the famous John Hancock house.* Upon the terraced lawn are bronze statues of Daniel Webster, f by Hiram Powers, and of Horace Mann.f by Miss Emma Stebbins. The statue of Webster was erected in 1859, by the Webster Memorial committee; unveiled Sept. 17, 1859. This was the second statue executed by the sculptor, the first having been lost at sea. The statue of Mann was dedicated July 4, 1865 ; the funds were contributed by school children and teachers of Massachusetts in 1860 ; the pedestal was furnished by the State. Major General Joseph Hooker A bronze equestrian statue of Major General Joseph Hooker f stands in the park, near the Bea- con Street entrance. It was jDurchased by the Commonwealth under authority of chapter 43, Re- solves of 1896. The man is by Daniel Chester French, the horse by Edward C. Potter. The pedestal is of granite from Stony Creek, Connecticut. Upon the front is the coat-of-arms J of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, surrounded by a wreath of laurel, while directly above appears the name " Hooker." * The Hancock house was erected in 1737 ; removed in 1863. t See Appendix, t The coat-of-arms was modelled by Mr. French. Hancock ^Vebster Mann Hooker THE STATE HOUSE Hooker In 190;} tl)e Lcj^isliiture authorized the governor and council to arrange for the dedication of the statue. It was unveiled at nine o'clock on the morning of June 25, 1903, in the presence of a large number of guests. General Hooker, ever on the alert, is portrayed, sitting on his charger, ready to start at a moment's notice, and one fully realizes his intense devotion to the cause for which he fought so nobly. The statue was presented to the Commonwealth by His Honor Curtis Guild, Jr., Lieutenant Gov- ernor; it was unveiled by Master Joseph Hooker Wood, grand-nephew of General Hooker, and was accepted by His Excellency John L. Bates, Gov- ernor. Later in the day there was a parade, in- cluding soldiers and sailors of the Army and Navy of the United States, together Avith the Massachu- setts Volunteer Militia, veterans of the Mexican. Civil and Spanish American wars, and many others. It Avas reviewed at the State House by John L. Bates, Governor and Commander-in-Chief, with his staff. The battleships Indiana and Texas, torpedo-boat destroyers Chaunee}', Dale, Bainbridge, Barry and Decatur, with the Hartford, were anchored in the luirbor in lionor of the event. In tlie evening formal exercises were held in ^Mechanics Hall, Governor Bates presiding. The oration was de- THE STATE HOUSE livered by Brigadier General Charles P. Mattocks. Addresses were also made by Lieutenant General Nelson A. Mies, Major General Oliver O. How- ard and Major General Thomas L. Rosser. Devens — Banks In the park, east side, is a bronze statue of Major General Charles Devens,* by Olin L. Warner, ordered by the Legislature of 1891. A statue of Major General Nathaniel Prentiss Banks,* by Henry H. Kitson, will probably be placed in posi- tion during the summer of 1905. It was authorized by chapter 79, Resolves of 1897. The site chosen is north of the Beacon monument, and the statue will face that of General Devens. The Beacon The Beacon was erected under an order of the General Court of the Colony, March 4, 1634-35, — « ' It is ordered, that there shalbe forth with a beacon sett on the centry hill at Boston, to give notice to the country of any danger, & that there shalbe a ward of one pson kept there from the first of April to the last of Septr., & that upon the discov'y of any danger, the beacon shalbe fired, an allarum given, as also messengers pres- ently sent by that towne where the danger is dis- cov'ed, to all other townes within their jurisdiccon.'" * See Appendix. Hooker Devens Banks The Beacon THE STATE HOUSE The Beacon A si)ace on tlio top of the hill, six rods square, was reserved by the town for the monument, with " pas- sage from tlie Common thereto." The Beacon was a tall pole or mast, and projecting from one side was an iron crane supporting an iron pot. Tlie mast was 2)laced on cross-tim])ers witli a stone foundation, was supported by Ijraces and i)rovided with cross-sticks serving the j^urpose of a ladder for ascending to the crane. Governor Bernard said the Beacon was rebuilt " without his consent" in 1768. It remained until removed by General Gage in 1775, when a "small square fort" was built on the hill. Soon after the evacuation of Boston, March 17. 1776, the tow-n erected another pole, nearly in the centre of the British fort ; this was blown down in a storm, Thursday, Nov. 26, 1789. A monument, from the design of Charles Bul- finch, was erected in 1790 by a number of the in- habitants to " commemorate that train of events which led to the American Revolution and finally secured Liberty and Independence to the United States." This was a plain Doric column, about 60 feet high, built of brick, covered with stucco, with foundation and mouldings of stone. The fol- lowing spring it was surmounted by a " large eagle of wood, gilt, supporting the American arms." The column was enclosed " bv a fence of rails, in THE STATE HOUSE front of which were benches for the accommoda- tion of those who ascend the hill." A wooden efSgy of the eagle is now over the President's chair in the Senate chamber. Aug. 10, 1811, the town of Boston sold to Sam- uel Spear and John Hancock the land on which the monument stood, being 6 rods square origin- ally reserved in 1634-35. The hill was dug away and the column taken down and destroyed, but the four slate tablets in its base were preserved in the State House, and are now in the stone reproduction which was erected by the Bunker Hill Monvxment Association in 1898. The new monument was formally presented to the Common- wealth June 17, 1899. Its dimensions are exactly the same as those of the original, and the eagle is an exact copy of the original drawings for the wooden eagle upon the Bulfinch monument.* The inscription upon the bronze tablet in the base was prepared by Charles W. Eliot, President of Harvard College. IN 1634 THE GENERAL COURT CAUSED A BEACON TO BE PLACED ON THE TOP OF THIS HILL IN 1790 A BRICK AND STONE MONUMENT DESIGNED BY CHARLES BULFINCH REPLACED THE BEACON BUT WAS REMOVED IN 1811 WHEN THE HILL WAS CUT DOWN IT IS NOW REPRODUCED IN STONE BY THE BUNKER HILL MONUMENT ASSOCIATION 1898. * Report of Bunker Hill Monument Association, 1899. 3/ The Beacon Inscrip- tion THE STATE HOUSE Inscrip- tions TABLET UPON THE EAST SIDE TO COMMEMORATE THAT TKAIN OP' EVENTS WHICH LED TO THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION AND FINALLY SECURED LIBKKTV AND INDEPENDENCE TO THE UNITED STATES THIS COLUMN IS ERECTED BY THE VOLUNTARY CONTRIBUTION OF THE CITIZENS OF BOSTON M D C C X C. TABLET UPON THE SOUTH SIDE STAMP ACT PASSED 1765. REPEALED 1766. BOARD OF CUSTOMS ESTABLISHED 1767. BRITISH TROOPS FIRED ON THE INHABITANTS OF BOSTON MARCH 5. 1770. TEA ACT PASSED 1773. TEA DESTROYED IN BOSTON DECEM : 16. PORT OF BOSTON SHUT AND GUARDED JUNE 1. 1774. GENERAL CONGRESS AT PHILADELPHIA SEPT: 4. PROVINCIAL CONGRESS AT CONCORD OCT: 11. BATTLE OF LEXINGTON APRIL 19. 1775. BATTLE OF BUNKER HILL Ji:NE 17. WASHINGTON TOOK COMMAND OF THE ARMY JULY 2. BOSTON EVACUATED MARCH 17: 1776. INDEPKNDANCE DECLARED BY CONGRESS JULY 4. 1776. HANCOCK PRESIDENT. THE STATE HOUSE Inscrip- tions TABLET UPON THE WEST SIDE AMERICANS WHILE FROM THIS EMINENCE SCENES OF LUXURIANT FERTILITY OF FLOURISHING COMMERCE & THE ABODES OF SOCIAL HAPPINESS MEET TOUR VIEW FORGET NOT THOSE WHO BY THEIR EXERTIONS HAVE SECURED TO YOU THESE BLESSINGS. TABLET UPON THE NORTH SIDE CAPTURE OF HESSIANS AT TRENTON DEC: 26. 1776. CAPTURE OF HESSIANS AT BENNINGTON. AUG: 16. 1777. CAPTURE OF BRITISH ARMY AT SARATOGA OCT: 17. ALLIANCE WITH FRANCE FEB: 6. 1778. CONFEDERATION OF UNITED STATES FORMED JULY 9. CONSTITUTION OF MASSACHUSETTS FORMED 1780. BOWDOIN PRESIDENT OF CONVENTION. CAPTURE OF BRITISH ARMY AT YORK OCT: 19. 1781. PRELIMENARIES OF PEACE NOV: 30. 1782. DEFINITIVE TREATY OF PEACE SEPT: 10. 1783. FEDERAL CONSTITUTION FORMED SEPT: 17. 1787. AND RATIFIED BY THE UNITED STATES 1787. TO. 1790. NEW CONGRESS ASSEMBLED AT NEW YORK APRIL. 6. 178! WASHINGTON INAUGURATED PRESIDENT APRIL 30. PUBLIC DEBTS J'UNDED AUG : 4. 1790. THE STATE HOUSE Doric Hall Doric Hall — Washington Relics And rew War Entering the State House from Beacon Street, the visitor first steps into Doric Hall. Here are marble statues of George AVashington,* first Presi- dent of the United States, by Sir Francis Chantrey (1826), given to the Commonwealth Nov. 26, 1827, by the Washington Monument Association, and of Governor John A. Andrew,* by Thomas Ball (1870), unveiled Feb. 14, 1871, the gift of private citizens as a memorial of the affectionate regard in which the people of the Commonwealth held her distin- guished son. The latter statue was paid for out of a surplus of $10,000 remaining after the bronze statue of Edward Everett, now in the Public Gar- den, was completed. Here also are two brass cannon, consecrating the names of Maj. John Buttrick and Capt. Isaac Davis, "whose valor and example excited their fellow citizens to a successful resistance of a su- perior number of British troops," at Concord bridge, April 19, 1775 ; two brass cannon captured in the war of 1812; a tablet f in memory of Charles Bul- finch, architect; a tablet f "to commemorate the preservation and renewal of the Massachusetts State House ; " a tablet J to George Luther Stearns. * See Appendix, t See page 25. t Placed in position in 1903. THE STATE HOUSE TABLETS IN MEMORY OF CHARLES BULFINCH OF BOSTON THE FIRST NEW ENULAND ARCHITECT BORN 17C3 DIED 1844 EDUCATED AT HARVARD COLLEGE AND BY FOREIGN TRAVEL CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD OF SELECTMEN FROM 1797 TO 1818 A PERIOD OF GREAT IMPROVEMENTS FROM 1818 TO 1830 THE ARCHITECT OF THE CAPITOL AT WASHINGTON AMONG HIS IMPORTANT DESIGNS WERE THE FIRST THEATRE IN BOSTON 1793 THE MASSACHUSETTS STATE HOUSE 1795 THE FIRST CATHOLIC CHURCH IN BOSTON 1803 FANEUIL HALL ENLARGED 1805 UNIVERSITY HALL AT HARVARD COLLEGE 1814 THE MCLEAN ASYLUM AT SOMERVILLE 1792 AND 1817 AND THE MASSACHUSETTS GENERAL HOSPITAL 1818 A GRAVE MODEST JUST AND CHEERFUL MAN OF SIMPLE HABITS CLEAR INTELLIGENCE HIGH PRINCIPLES AND GENTLE JUDGMENTS Tablets TO COMMEMORATE THE PRESERVATION AND RENEWAL OF THE MASSACHUSETTS STATE HOUSE DESIGNED BY CHARLES BULFINCH BEGUN IN 1795 AND FINISHED IN 1798 IN 1896 AFTER THE COMPLETION OF LARGE ADDITIONS A THOROUGH RECONSTRUCTION OF THE INTERIOR OF THE ORIGINAL BUILDING WAS UNDERTAKEN TO PRESERVE FROM DECAY AND FROM DESTRUCTION BY FIRE A NOBLE PUBLIC WORK THE INTERIORS OF THE COUNCIL CHAMBER THE SENATE CHAMBER AND THE HALL OF REPRESENTATIVES WERE KEPT UNCHANGED THE RECONSTRUCTION WAS FINISHED IN 1898 THE STATE HOUSE Doric Hall a merchant of Boston, "commemorating the part taken by him in securing the enlistment of colored troops and the other valuable services rendered by liim to the United States and to this Commonwealth in the war of the rebellion ; " two memorial tablets of the Washington family, presented to the Com- monwealth in 1861 by lion. Charles Sumner. The Washington tablets are of bluish gray sand- stone, and are exact fac-similes of the originals which mark the resting places of Lawrence and Robert W^ashington, * the last English ancestors of George Washington, our first President. The origi- nal stones are in the parish church of Brington, near Althorp, in Northamptonshire, England. Earl Spencer, the proprietor of Althorp, sought out the quarry from which, more than two centuries ago, those tablets were taken, and caused the fac-similes to be made, which he presented to Mr. Sumner. The largest tablet is in memory of Lawrence Washington. Above the inscription, carved in the stone, are the arms of the Washingtons, with the arms of the Butlers impaled. The other stone is of Robert Washington and his wife Elizabeth. The inscription is on a small brass plate, set in the stone. On a separate brass plate beneath the • Lawrence was father and Robert uncle of John Washing- ton, the English emigrant to Virginia, who was great-grand- father of George Washington. S« THE STATE HOUSE inscription are the arras of the Washingtons without any addition but a crescent, the mark of cadency that denotes the second son. These have the com- bination of stars and stripes, sometimes supposed to have suggested our national flag. Under authority of a resolve approved April 6, 1861, the tablets were placed upon the marble floor in Doric Hall, within the railing in front of the Washington statue, and remained there until the reconstruction of the Bui finch front. The statue formerly stood in an alcove a short distance north of its present position. The architecture of Doric Hall is described in its name and the style remains unchanged, thus preserving the time-honored proportions as designed by Charles Bulfinch. The Commonwealth has been fortunate in secur- ing the jDortraits of a large number of her gov- ernors. Sixteen are mentioned on pages 28 and 29, and reference will be made to the others when describing the executive department and the old Senate chamber. Doric Hall THE STATE HOUSE Doric Hall >-) >J ^ < H CO O « > o o m e 1 8 to IS as a From portrait i)ainted in 1847, from life, by W. A. Wall, in possession of Marcus Mor- ton of Newtonville. Purchased under chap- ter 89, Resolves 1899. Painted in 1849, from life. Purchased under chapter 89, Resolves 1899. Copy of painting by Mr. Vinton, in C.roton Public Library, and from life. I'urchased under chapter 89, Resolves 1899. Painted in 1900, from a daguerreotype taken in 1854. Purchased under chapter 89, Re- solves 1899. Painted in 1890, from life. Presented by Mr. (iardner in 1893. From photographs. Purchased under chapter 89, Resolves 1S99. From photograph. Presented by John F. Andrt^w of Boston, in 1895. Painted in is.i:!, from portrait by Frederick P. Vinton. Presented by A. (}. Bullock and Mrs. Klvira Hazard Bullock of Worcester, in 1895. ■5 s S. a. < s> u • 4^ .2 1 Robert Gordon Hardie, Walter M. Brackett, . Frederick P. Vinton, . William Willard, . Jean Paul Selinger, Daniel J. Strain, . Darius Cobb, .... Horace R. Burdick, 1840-41. 1843-44, 1844-51, 1851-63, 1854-55, 1855-58, 1858-61, 1861-66, 1866-69, < Marcus Morton, . | George N. Briggs, . George S. Boutwell, Emory Washburn, . Henry J. Gardner, . Nathaniel P. Banks, John A. Andrew, Alexander H. Bullock, . ^ 1 THE STATE HOUSE fe^ a is »- CO 3 ** fct. ^^ CO G -rn O C'^ ■PH CO '-' -a? cox: u ■a i- .2 S^ — So 05^ Ci o ® til S £ .B^i ■M O'X a 3 Q) rt - £ « bjcefti O CO _• Iwg-S f^ o o if' ? n I' CO O > t- o o 0) - ". •w'a.a -SgS ■S . . aj 2 Pi b kH « ^ fe _ <♦-( a rt oa .Sa^ 8 o ^ cn rt *(S» 5 o-t; ^ u « ill X a a a a a s «.jc ass ^ ^ ^ gfagi-ggSg s«« o en s.. &^ ^ E<^ ^ (^ fo Ci V £ . s ^ x' rt gj \, OJ o ■^ ^.i M be ,2 .2 a" a s ■1:^ ilman Pa ilman Pa ndham, a' 00 I < o ^ n A 0) e o ^ S £ S" ►4 a u rt >< i^ ^ a) lo" io"co" t-^ t-"^' QC" "5 a 2 O0C5 m Or-c O a 1 0005 O 0.-1 i t- I- t- (» 00 00 < ^ o :o c ■o X CD * • • • * » S ,2 ^' a' - u a M) a' rt > 3 a a, hn Hanco muel Ada Icb Stron] 3 03 0) § o O rt « rt >^ •-S 03 O •-5 I 5* V 1 THE STATE HOUSE -^ SS m i- O. >.a 3 Spl ^ > I OJ o^ rg , 00 a o btSS M" =^03 opj .9 * Z aisafsaa^ QJ an ' «2i jj SotfgS-SggS •5^- i 1 Ph 1^ ^1^ 5^ i:m &i r* ^ g o a }< ?i be 8 3 "S s • • • 6 a. 1 +^ nfor rbeli ,'S 01 ■l <1 a) 73 fee o a ■ii * 5^ arie L. H Park a 5 w 1 P5 s. M ilip gar; mun s e^ u ^ T373 a) eii 'e S CL, WW w ^ •^.j ^ *0 o o n-r 09-1 36-4 SO-8 91-9 CO ^ ^o'E Li CO li^ H S OO 00 00 00 K 00 t» i-H rt r1,-( oT « nT . _ OJ a W O « <". herG Evere Long, E. Ru s Chris top Edward John D. William u 5 W a o c < S9 THE STATE HOUSE Senate War Relics Senate Chamber Passing through tlie ciisl corridor, the visitor enters the Senate chamber, with its galleries formed by Doric columns, tlie whole being surrounded by Doric entablatures. The four flat arches, united by a circular cornice above, form in the angles four pendants to the dome. The pendants are adorned with emblems of commerce, agriculture, peace and war. Over the President's chair are the National and State flags, the gilded eagle already mentioned, holding in its beak a large scroll with the inscrip- tion "God save the Commonwealth of Massachu- setts,"' and ujjon the north wall are the State arms. Suspended from the south wall are tvvo muskets, — a King's arm, cajjtured from the British by Capt. John Parker on the morning of April 19, 1775, in the battle of Lexington, — being the first firearm taken from the enemy in the war for inde2)endence, — and the firearm used b}' Captain Parker in that battle, both bequeathed by Rev. Theodore Parker (they were received Jan. 26, 1861, Governor Andrew delivering an address . before a joint con- vention of the Legislature*). In the niches are busts of — * Senate Journal of Jan. 2G, 1861, and Boston " Journal " of Jan. 28, 1861. THE STATE HOUSE CO i Busts CO 00 IM 00 03 i^ 00 03 '^' s h tH 00 A ' '^ §■ s „- ,, < ^ ^' 00 ■ >. CO rH a 01 CO m a £1 00 t« ;3 '- o — -a ± wn. other h, Ja ■s,Fe a> i ^ g 1 nkno and noug other p« § " s ^ _- - a> a " ^ a^ tn a under chapter 11£ by friends in 1892. by Horatio S. Gre by William Wliiti under chapter 88, out 1800; donor 1 y A. A. Lawrenc y Horatio S. Gre y Isaac Rich and ^ .a j2 .a "S -a -c -d "S f -a -a -d OJ fl> O QJ 2 ~ 33 QJ QJ M 4J +J 4J 2 OJ 4S J3 jj J< S a a a 5 ■a aj o » -r; > a a a •-■ 4) 4) !^ h a QQ C3 O CQ 5^ « a s g <«! S K g ,a" a 2 S' • - a' _r # 2 « s uel F. iner 1 1 Fran ilson, Lincc 'ash in umnei Bout ;i5 Rev. Sam Col. Gard Benjamin Heni-y Wi Abraham George W Charles Si Lafayette George S. 61 THE STATE HOUSE Senate Old Senate Chamber 111 lliis room tlie House- of Representatives held its sessions from Jan. 11, 1798, to Jan. 2, 1895, when new quarters were provided in the extension, i'revious to 1867 there was no galler}' in the front or rear of this hall. A balcony on each side, below the gallery, reached by a short flight of stairs from the floor, was used by members until 1862.* The members sat in pews until the session of 1868, when chairs were occupied for the first time. These were arranged in straight lines on a level floor. The following summer (1868) the floor was raised and the seats arranged in circular form. During the preservation and renewal of the Bulfinch State House, it having l)een decided that the Sen- ate should occui)y this chamber, the floor was again made level and the seats arranged in a circle for the convenience of the forty senators. The Senate held its first session here Jan. 5, 1898. Old Senate Chamber The old Senate Chamber (now called the Senate reception room), where its meetings were held from Jan. 11, 1798, to Jmie 10, 1896, f is of Ionic design, and occupies the east wing. The State arms face the entrance. On the walls hang por- traits of nineteen governors. * I have been unable to ascertain when the balconies were added, but it must have been previous to 1S.53, as they appear on a plan of the " State House and enlargement," 1853-54, drawn by Gridley J. F. Brj-ant. architect. t Barring the interval from Feb. IS-April S, 1895, as noted on page 11. 62 THE STATE HOUSE 1 1 1 { 3 1 Portraits ^0 00 1 a m CJ 5 S^ L^ ■vt f>H e« U m CO <^ c^ m i « af= cS 1 III a fc. 1 ^^ a 32 5^ S > "S e ^ o 6 £> 1 cc ts 0^ ^ s to ^ ^ 1 III «2 1 " ^ 1 1 1 ^1 5 >J >> 5^ . ^ H S 13 e ^ ^ 4^ a s "■5 O 1 , ^0- > 1 < ■3 ►< ^ a e 5j ^ -^ 5 3 CD •a 1 ^ 1 4^ 1 1 < — ' — »^ X ,"•" 2 ^ ® otaa-ft^-^a-^CiCi --c'cq" s* 0" cT < o ir, o ^ 9-3 4-1 9-5 1-5 5-6 0-3 7-4 2-4 (i-4 3-7 9-8 9-9 i S S /. !■ ,/S- _::if_Cl-= 'Z P -'_ _ -~_ . ^ '5 s -r ■> .^ r "^ u ? . =■-= art 2-?= is ; t- rt ;- rt - t. S^ t. a M® sTg - c 5 >>o : 3-r:;; S g-S 3 £.= - ei rH ^ THE STATE HOUSE riginal. Painted in 1823. Presented by " The Republican Institution," May 16, 1874. rom original by Chester Harding. Pur- chased under chapter 80, Resolves 1899. rem a picture painted from life by Francis Alexander. I'resented by John Chandler Bancroft Davis, New York, George Henry Davis, Horace Davis, California, Andrew McFarland Davis, Massachusetts, and John Davis, Washington, D. C, in 1892. rom original by Matthew Wilson, 1855. Pre- sented by Mrs. Sarah Parker Clifford of New 5 by Executive d jointly by immonwealth . to •a (B a to fa ja .0. CO g i| S — •'3 .£3 u *^ m r2 u OS a « 2 u, cS ■P 1^ 0) >-i J) I S M 1 3 to. i2 fa "= S .S'a .2 rt 2 rt .5 'S 5 >> ^ a 0^ -^ n B ' 2 Q) < -a . T3 ^ ^ -§ W fa K W ^ fa .2 § g ■3 -5 w- " ^ 5 a) fc _. f3 « (/T »-< (5 n a) « - 0) a^ fa S" '=^ g < ^ ^ -S^ . 5 .2 a> S « £ a -9 fi K ■3 c^ 0) t. s .- c a X ■S s, .■a > j= .= (U u fa « te- °^ .? I? h) t-5 1-5 ^ u 65 Portraits THE STATE HOUSE War Relics Ilcrt! is a inusket used Ijy Major Joliii I>utlrii-k at tlu! North Uridyl;, ('onctord, April I'J, 1775, — pn'sented to the Coninionwc^alth by his great-j^arid- children James (1. anigby, Nova Scotia, April 23, 188ti. ainted in lS5;i, from an engrav- ing. Presented by members of the Legislature in 1853, (Private subscription.) rom life. Purchased under chapter 91, Resolves 1S95. roiu life. Presented to the Senate, Juno 3, 1901, by Wil- liam B. H. Dowse. a (£| Ph b HI (s< b hi .2 ii te . '-' . a -a a *f Edgar Parker, Chester Hardi Charles Osgoo Joseph Ames, Louis Matthie Guillaume. Wallace Bryar < >< a 2 a< a. 1-05 .3-2G 3-35 851, 1-52 1904 O ,180 ,182 , 183 or, 1 ,185 L880- a a) D a> *i <» . > w -w -w ct *" 9 d ^ ^ Q eS ^^ h ^ a a a o s rt S) 01 O CC Oh (H K K IK „ MS O <|H 1-1 2 ■ c « p .a a t. rt rt « c a a !?; s « =: K ea THE STATE HOUSE o CO p. Photo- CO 3-2G 6-28 8-29 9-30 0-31 0-31 1. 2. CO CO CO ^ graplis CO ^ els' uo o" oo" o 4J CC C)C^CM •o • • • o v O e8 4A § • • • •d . . . w O ci s — ' *t i i In. ■ 5 s^' a • • • s CO PL, a ithaniel Silsbe hn Mills, . erman Leland muel Lathrop mes Fowler, verett Saltons Illiam Thornd jam in T. Pic rge Bliss, . ace Mann, on Lawrence >• hi 01 O s a a o ►< p S a) o >. MOWS ■a S o 1-5 12; 1-5 CC CO 1-5 |_) pS a ^ M cfi ^ CA 2 C^CO 0^00=0=^ 00^^ ^o Co 0^ 00 00 OOOOOOCO OC CO o OO CO O Or-I 1 cc ^ t- t— t— t^ t^ t- t^ I- 00 CO 00 CO 00 00 ccoo '3 a o — V— ' ' ■—V—' — .— . _^_ __ CO V •^ a> ^ . 1 O O a • • • • eg" O M a 3 Powell dams, hillips, bb, . o 5 Ch 5 g i &- ^ < Ph o c o a 00 a o Jeremia Samuel Samuel David C Harrisoi John Ba Samuel * 00 CO .a a 69 THE STATE HOUSE •J Photo- ,.• ^^ graphs o ■- '- (U S S 3 'o § ^ ft -r L? S L? S S S3 f? S S § o « 00 00 00 00 S 2 2 00 00 9 ^ iT M c 1 ^ Benchle aker, . Upham Phelps, laflin, lifford, 2 Pond, Bras tow Pitman, ."2 o U 1 c O o u CO 1 ^ «. ^ s 5 ^ rles A Ham C nH. C a fi Joseph A. George 0. Robert C. u c4 n if e K W S o ^ <-i o O o 6 o ■» ^ •< ^ d o ^ ^ • g •d e a CO o ■?» « M LO O 00 5 g S 00 00 00 n 3 00 u 8 III S 00 ^ S 00 w 00 00 00 -^ •^ T-l 1-1 1-i fH 1-1 »H "^ t-l »^ fH "^ *^ K « K f^ - . . . .M B 01 • p. King, . Quincy, Jr., s W. Leland, ick Robinson incoln, m It. Calhoun f- o •3 -3 3 o Bell, . ill P. Wilder, Wilson, . a" o u u 5 ■3 u a aniel 98 lab binea Freder LevlL Willia o " £ £ o ,2 " a <^ ^ n; 'Z 1^ -^ U O 70 . _ THE STATE HOUSE '-I m o 05 1 cc ^ co~ UO o o 00 CO 00 00 o y -d H c o Q a 2 n 0) O a •a 3 0) a o * 4i &4 a hJ CO o CO '-5 ^' 2 •a Ph W u o ^ O ^- P-( CO OQ 00 oo 00 ♦ CO o M in o s 8 CO CO 00 00 i '~' ■ ' ' ' ' ' '^ '~' ' ' "^ 00 u 5- a. a. o 2 3 .a a 3 P3 P5 o °£ n w to Pi O < H hi d W fQ *3 bl V >, 00 >. o V Ol « o O K w » 7/ Photo- graphs THE STATE HOUSE Senate Great Seal Charters Thence to the olVu-es of the rrcsiilent and ('h;rk. In the hitter are two crayon portraits, — of Stephen N. Clifford, Clerk, 1858-April 18, 1886, presented by Augustus Marshall of Boston, in 188G, and of E. Herbert Clapp, Clerk, 1886-88, the gift of Mrs. Elizabeth G. Clapp, in 1898. Note. The first General Court, which was held under the constitution, assembled in IJoston, Wednesday, October 25, 1780. It held three sessions and was prorogued May 19, 1781. From 1781 until 1832 the political year commenced on the last Wednesday in May. In 1832 the constitution was amended so that the political year should begin the first Wednesday in January. Department of the Secretary of the Commonwealth Still farther on, in the main ofBce of the Secretary of the Commonwealth, is the great seal. In his private office is the official representation of the coat-of-arms, as drawn and emblazoned imder the direction of the Secretary, William M. Olin, and adopted by the Legislature June 14, 1898. There are also here, safely encased in asbestos boxes, the Colony charter of Massachusetts Bay, issued by Charles I, 1628; the Province charter, by William and Mary, 1692; explanatory charter, by George II; the original constitution of the Commonwealth and an attested copy, made in 1894, under Resolve No. 58 of that year, the original having become illegible in parts. THE STATE HOUSE In the archives division, fourth floor, are all the executive and legislative records of Massachusetts. Of especial interest are the military records of the Narragansett war, the French and Indian campaigns, the muster and pay rolls of the Revolution. There is now a complete record-index from 1710 to 1783, covering the years of the French and Indian and Revolutionary wars. Here are also preserved the records of the Governor and Company of 'Neyv England, Avhich later became the records of the General Court ; the original parchment treaties made with the tribes of eastern Indians ; the original depositions and examinations of persons accused of witchcraft ; manuscript letters and papers of the revolutionar}' period ; maps and plans of early grants of townships and to individuals by the Pro- vince and Commonwealth ; the State surveys of 1794 and 1830. Archives State Library — The Bradford History The State Library will be fomid at the extreme north. It has a collection of about 125,000 volumes, including statutes of nearly all the countries of the world, and, with the exception of New York, is the largest State reference libraiy in the United States. Here is the "History of Plimoth Planta- tion,'' by Governor William Bradford, returned to the Commonwealth from the library of the Consis- State Library THE STATE HOUSE Bradford History House of Repre- sentatives torial and Episcopal Court of London, by the I>ord Hislioj) of London, through the efforts of George F. Hoar, United States Senator, and Thomas F. Bayard, Ambassador at the Court of St. James, and received in behalf of the Commonwealth by His Excellency Roger Wolcott, Governor, May 26, 1897 ; also a portrait of Charles Sumner, United States Senator, by Henry Ulke, — presented to the Commonwealth in 1884: by James Wormley of Washington, D. C. In the skylight forming a por- tion of the ceiling of the reading room are the memorable dates, 1620, 1775, 1861. House of Representatives — The Codfish Leaving the librarj^ and passing into the west corridor, the visitor enters the reading and writing rooms and post-office connected with the House of Representatives. Beyond are the ladies' reception room and Representatives' chamber, both finished in white mahogany. The entire wall of the House, from floor to gallery, is panelled. The gallery is surmounted by ten Corinthian columns, and above is the beautiful coved ceiling.* The coat-of-arms and names of the counties are wrought in the glass : upon the frieze are the names of fift^--one noted men : — * Frescoes by Frank Hill Smith. 74 THE STATE HOUSE John Carver and William Bradford, the first two gov- ernors of Plymouth Colony. John Endecott and John Winthrop, the first two gov- ernors of Massachusetts Colony. Sir Henry Vane, governor of Massachusetts Colony in 1636 ; heheaded in England in 1662 for his devotion to liberty. Timothy Pickering, adjutant-general and quarter-master- general on the staff of General "Washington, in the Revolu- tionary war ; later postmaster-general, secretary of war and secretary of state in Washington's cabinet, also senator from Massachusetts. Henry Knox, major-general in the Revolutionary war and secretary of war in Washington's cabinet. Benjamin Lincoln, major-general in the Revolutionary war. John Adams, revolutionary statesman ; first vice-presi- dent and second president of the United States. Nathan Dane, member of the Continental Congress of 1785-87, and author of the ordinance of 1787 which pro- hibited slavery in the territories west of the Ohio River. Josiah Quincy, statesman and president of Harvard College. John Quincy Adams, statesman and sixth president of United States. Daniel Webster and Charles Sumner, statesmen and senators from Massachusetts. Henry Wilson, statesman, senator and vice-president of the United States. John A. Andrew, governor of Massachusetts during the Civil war. Rufus Choate, orator and senator from Massachusetts. Theophilus Parsons and Lemuel Shaw, chief justices of the Supreme Court of Massachusetts. Joseph Story, justice of the Supreme Court of the United States. Edward Everett, statesman, orator. United States senator and governor of Massachusetts. Wendell Phillips and William Lloyd Garrison, anti- slavery orators. House of Repre- sentatives THE STATE HOUSE House of Repre- sentatives Horace Mann, educator. Samuel G. IIo\v<(, educator of the blind. Charles Allen, member of Congre.ss, and chief ju.stice of the Superior Court of Massachusetts. Charles Devens, major-general in the Civil war, attorney- general of the United States and justice of the Supreme Court of Massachusetts. William F. Bartlett, major-general in the Civil war. Rufus Putnam, brigadier general in the Revolutionary war, and founder of the Marietta Colony in Ohio. Benjamin Franklin, revolutionary patriot and scientist. Nathaniel Bowditch and Benjamin Peirce, mathemati- cians. Louis Agassiz, naturalist. William T. G. Morton, discoverer of the anaesthetic property in ether. Charles Bulfinch, architect. Samuel F. B. Morse, inventor of the electric telegraph. Alexander Graham Bell, inventor of the telephone. George Bancroft, William H. Prescott, J. Lothrop Mot- ley and Francis Parkman, historians. Ralph Waldo Emerson, poet and prose writer. Nathaniel Hawthorne, author. Oliver Wendell Holmes, poet and prose writer. William Cullen Bryant and Henry W. Longfellow, poets. James Russell Lowell, poet and prose writer. John Greenleaf Whittier, poet. John Singleton Copley, artist of ante-revolutionary period. William M. Hunt, artist. Jonathan Edwards, William Ellery Channiug and Phil- lips Brooks, preachers. All the foregoing were sons of Massachusetts, either by birth or adoption. The Xational and State colors are gracefully draped over the Speaker's chair; at the right i.'^ the United States shield ; at the left, the State coat- re THE STATE HOUSE of-arms. Ojjposite the desk, between the two central columns, is suspended the historic Codfish Wednesday, March 17, 1784, Mr. John Rowe " moved the House that leave might be given to hang up the representation of a Cod Fish in the room where the House sit, as a memorial of the importance of the Cod Fishery to the welfare of this Commonwealth as had been usual formerly." Possibly an emblem himg in the old State, or Town, House, but as this structure was burned Dec. 9, 1747, the codfish doubtless was destroyed. The State House, in State Street, was erected in 1748, and although it is not known when the cod- fish was restoi'ed, in a bill of 1773, presented by Thomas Crafts, Jr., to the Province of Massachu- setts Bay, the following item appears, — "To painting Codfish ... 15 shillings."' As moved by Mr. RoAve, the emblem was sus- pended in the House, remaining there until trans- ferred to the new State House, with the archives, in 1798, and suspended in the House of Repre- sentatives. March 7, 1895, it was ordered "that the Sergeant-at-Arms be and is hereby directed to cause the immediate removal of the ancient representation of a codfish from its present position in the chamber recently vacated by the House, and Codfish THE STATE HOUSE Codfish to cause it to be suspentlfd in a suitaljle placf; over the Speaker's ehair in tiie new chamber.'" A committee of fifteen, iiinlcr the escort of John G. B. Adams, Sergeant -at-Arni.s, proceeded to tiie old chamber, when the emblem was lowered, wrapped in an American flag, and borne to the House of Representatives by four messengers. It was painted by Walter M. Brackett, and April 29, 1895, was ordered to be hung opposite the Speaker's chair. This was accomplished May 6. The portrait of Henry H. Childs,* lieutenant governor 1843, by Moses Wight, in the clerk's office, committee on rules, was presented to the Commonwealth by Henry C. Mernan, Aug. 30, 1901. Leading from the west corridor, beyond tlie House, are the offices of the Speaker and Clerk. In the private room of the former are photo- graphs of the gentlemen who have filled the Speakers chair since 1780, and the list will be found on pages 79 and 80. * See Appendix. THE STATE HOUSE r-i iM n laoo o o^H o < rt ^ (M XXX 00 X X X CI C^ CO CO X X X X X .a =: C fl 5= o ^ ^ .-, S O •- 3 o — « o ^ S H i-s ij ij ^ x: o O u Photo- graphs 1780-81 1781-82 1782. 1782-83 1785-86 1783-85 °? 00 § g X 8 X X X X X X i X i i i 1 !r O fc: ^ H < • a t 9 C s; =• S H a w >-5 s H « THE STATE HOUSE Photo- S 1 graphs p o -^ in 1- 1- CO co' ^r 1- CO c-I g S ?: 1 § f2 CO CO 1S7G, 77, 1879. 1880, 81, 1883, 81. 00 S C? Ci in" cT •*" 1- ills 1 1 ^ • • • • ' • • 0) ^ o a o +- 1 ^5 ■ c o S o S Ti 1 1 V, a S •3 S O D. Long, C. Wade, les J. Noyes, ge A. Marde u t o 2 1 S « <; w i 5 - -2 M t! aT c CS fl a a. ?V d ►5 o ^ > s« O > a; b 1-5 K Hj 1-5 1-1 U O ►^ P C --s i-l 2 ■0 4- X' 1 1< CO o" m IN •* in kO 3 3 •6 e u "3 • tj CC t-' oo' O" tH* 2 S g g (»■ S cf '>■. iH 00 00 00 00 00 00 y-j • • • • h~ , li 1 -ij . . • e 0? W . c •a .I.J" S 3 o "a a Jradbury . Crownln Kellog, r. Ranks 5' 1 f i s a" •3 § c 3 a ao OS 1— 1 QJ .2 3 S .2 a B z: 9 . <; »-i HI Q ^ tc - ii c < 1= a " rt 2 *j — <* c« .Q S e c« C-l ;; a? W fe W » 0000 c "^ < . 80 _ THE STATE HOUSE The memorial to Ex-Governor Roger Wolcott, now being completed by the sculptor, Daniel Chester French, is to be located in the arch on the third floor, opposite the main staircase. It will "consist chiefly of a portrait statue of heroic size, representing Governor "Wolcott seated in the Gov- ernor's chair. The statue will be mounted upon a low pedestal of veined white marble, against a mosaic or colored marble background, with a suit- able inscription in bronze letters, and flanked on either side by pilasters upon the front of which will be sculptured, in white marble, figures repre- senting the soldier and sailor of the Spanish war." The corridors between the House of Repre- sentatives and department of the Secretary of the Commonwealth are lighted mainly from a stained- glass window. In the arched panels of the ceiling* appear the names of John Hancock, Samuel Adams, Joseph "Warren and James Otis, patriot leaders in the Revolution. These panels are also adorned with emblems of education, science, commerce, agriculture, machinery, peace and war. Wolcott In General The first Sergeant-at-Arms was appointed in 183.5. Previous to that time the duties were per- formed bv a Messenger to the General Court, In General * Frescoes by Frank Hill Smith. */ r THE STATE HOUSE In General sonietime.- called Doorkeeper. Li 1644 the first I louse of Deputies appointed a Doorkeeper, and from that year to the present the line has not been broken, as the followini^- list will show: — 1644-51, Samuel Greene, Doorkeeper. 1651-59, Edward Micheson, Messenger. 1659-93, John Marshall, Messenger. 1693-1713, . James Maxwell, Doorkeeper and Messenger. 1713-15, Samuel Maxwell, Doorkeeper. 1715-26, John Flagg, Doorkeeper, 1726-48, Richard Hubbard, Doorkeeper. 1748-50, Abraham Belknap, Doorkeeper. 1750-86, William Baker, Doorkeeper and Messenger. 1774-78, (I'rovincial Congress), Jeremiah Hunt, Door- keeper. 1774, . (At Cambridge) (Provincial Congress), " Mr. Dar- ling," Doorkeeper. 1786-1835, . Jacob Kuhn,* Messenger. 1835-59, Benjamin Stevens, Sergeant-at-Arms. 1859-75, John Morissey, Sergeant-at-Arms. 1875-86, Oreb F. Mitchell, Sergeant-at-Arms. 1886-1900, . (October 19), John G. B. Adams,* Sergeant-at- Arms. 1900, . (October 24)-1901 (January 2), Charles G. Davis, Acting Sergeant-at-Arms. 1901-1904, . Charles G. Davis, Sergeant-at-Arms. 1904— . David T. Remington, Sergeant-at-Arms. The pay of Samuel Greene was "2s p day. with diett & lodginge." Greene and Edward ]\Iicheson served under the Massachusetts Bay Company, when the Court met in the old First Church on "Washington Street ; John Marsliall served under the Province, and was custodian of the first Pown House (built 1657) ; James ^lax- well and Ivichard Hubbard were messengers re- * See Appendix. <52 V THE STATE HOUSE spectively when the first and second Town Houses were burned (1711 and 1747) ; Abraham Belknap became custodian of the present " old State House " * (Iniilt 1748) ; William Baker was evidently cus- todian of the building during the siege of Boston ; Jacob Kuhn served in the State Street building, as well as the Bulfinch State House. March 2, 1798, the agents were directed to build a house for the Messenger. It was situated on the easterly side of Hancock Street, No. 46, not far below the present Hancock Street entrance of the State House, and Mr. Kulin lived in it for many years. Benjamin Stevens also resided there until 1848, but tlie property having been sold the pre- vious year to the water commissioners of the city of Boston, the Commonwealth purchased the estate No. 12 Hancock Street, under a resolve of April 13, 1847, and this was kept as the residence of the Sergeant-at-Arms until ordered sold, April G, 1859. Portraits of the five oflicers who served from 1786 to 1900 may be found in the Sergeant-at- Arms' depaitment. The crayon of Benjamin Stevens was given by Charles Edwaixl Stevens, and the oil paintmg of John G. B. Adams, Darius In General * The old State House was built within the walls of its pre- decessor, erected iu 1713, and ou the site of the Town House of 1G57. S3 THE STATE HOUSE In General C()\)\), artist, was presented by the Sergeant-at- Arins' appointees. May 6, 1901. Those wlio are interested in heating and lighting sliould visit tlie engine and dynamo rooms. A few words only are necessary to show the progress in tliis department. Tliere were tire-ijlaces originally in the Bulfincli l)uilding, wood being used entirely for fuel. Later on came stoves and open grates, then hot-air furnaces. A hot-water heating appara- tus was installed in the Bryant addition, and went into operation in January, 1855 ; but it was not until the alterations of 1 867-08 that the entire State House was heated by steam. Doric Hall, the House of Representatives and certain passageways were first lighted by gas in 1849 ; the Senate, in 1851. The House was wired for electricity in 1883 ; the Senate, a few years later; and when the ex- tension was built, an electric plant, with 9,500 incandescent lights, was installed. In 1902 a coal pocket was built under the park. It is 106' long, 76' wide, 19' 6" high at the centre. Basing the cubic contents of a ton of coal at 32 cubic feet, the pocket will contain 4500 tons. The remaining portions of the building are de- voted to departments and committee rooms. In one of the latter — Senate judiciary, Xo. 429, — is a skvlio-ht on which have been painted the names of Adams, Pickering, Webster, Cabot, Strong, Bates, THE STATE HOUSE Davis, Silsbee, Otis, Varnum, Mason, Hoar, Lodge, Dawes, Foster, Dexter, Rockwell, Everett, Sumner, Wilson, Boutwell, Gootllme, Washburn, Sedg^vick, Rantoul, Winthrop, Choate, Dalton, Mills, Mellen, Ashmun, Gore, Lloyd, — L'nited States senators from Massachusetts. The door of this room con- tains glass panels with 2)aintings of the " May- Hower, Plymouth, December XXI, MDCXX" and •'Arbella, Salem, June XH, MDCXXX." Frederick P. Vinton has the contract for painting the portrait of Ex-Governor W. ^Murray Crane; the contract for the portrait of Ex-Governor John L. Bates has not yet been awarded. In General THE STATE HOUSE APPENDIX Appendix JOHN G. B. ADAMS Captain Xinetccntli Regiment ^Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry, Civil war; Messenger to Electoi-al College, 1868; insi)ector, Boston Cus- tom House, 1877-78; postmaster at Lynn, 1878 — Dee. lo, 1884, (resigned) ; deputy super- intendent Massaeliusetts Keformatory, 1885 ; sergeant-at-arms Massachusetts Legislature, 1886-Oct. 19, 1900; commander-in-chief G. A. K., 1893-94. SAMUEL ADAMS Clerk House of Representatives ; Colonial Leg- islature, 1765-74 ; First and Second Continental Congress ; signer Declaration of Independence ; assisted in framing State Constitution, 1780; jjresident Senate, 1781-86, 1787-88; Council; Massachusetts Ratifying Convention, 1788: lieu- tenant governor, 1789-94; governor, 1794-97. OLIVER AMES Senate, 1880 : lieutenant governor, 1883-87 ; governor, 1887-90. JOHN A. ANDREW House of liei)resentatives, 1858; Republican National Convention. 1860; "war governor"" of Massachusetts, 1S61-66. NATHANIEL P. BANKS House of Representatives, 1849-52: 1851, 52; Senate, 1874 peaker. chairman State Cousti- THE STATE HOUSE tutional Convention, 1853 ; Congress, 1853-57, 1805-73, 1875-77, 1889-91 ; siJeaker iS^alional House of ReiH-esentatives, 1855-57 ; governor, 1858-61 ; major-general. Civil war; U. S. mar- shal, 1879-88 : presidential elector, 1892. Appendix WILLIAM FRANCIS BARTLETT Captain Twentieth Massachusetts Volunteer In- fantry, Civil war, 1861 ; colonel Forty-ninth Infantry, 1862 ; colonel. Fifty-seventh Infantiy, 1863 ; brigadier general, 1864 ; brevet major- general, 1865. GEORGE S. BOUTWELL House of Eepresentatives, 1842-44, 1847-50; bank commissioner, 1849-50; governor, 1851- 53 ; State Constitutional Convention, 1853 ; Re- publican Xational Convention, 1860; secretary Board of Education, 1855-61; commissioner in- ternal revenue, 1862, 63; Congress, 1863-69; secretaiy of treasury, 1869-73 ; U. S. Senate, 1873-77 ; Codified Statutes at large, 1877 ; coun- sel for L'nited States before French and Ameri- can Claims Commission, 1880. JAMES BOWDOIN General Court, 1753-56, 1769 ; Council, 1756, 1769, 1770-74; president Provisional Coimcil, 1775 ; presided over State Constitutional Con- vention, 1779; governor, 1785-87; Massachu- setts Ratifying Convention, 1788. JOHN Q. A. BRACKETT Boston Common Council, 1873-76, president, 1876; judge advocate general, First Brigade M.V.M., 1874; House of Representatives, 1877- 81, 1884-86 : speaker, 1885, 86; lieutenant governor, 1887-90 ; governor, 1890. THE STATE HOUSE Appendix SIMON BRADSTREET As.si>l:iiit jiulu^i' lirst court in the Colony, 1G30; iiji^t'iit jiiul .secretary of Massacliusetts ; gover- nor's assistant and conniiis.sioncr to the United Colonies, lO/iO; a^^ent for Colonics in England, l(i()2 ; deputy governor, 1678-79; governor, 1679-86; 1689-92. GEORGE N. BRIGGS Uegisdar of deeds, 1824-31 ; Congress, 1831- 43; governor, 1844-51; State Constitutional Convention, 1863; justice Court of Common Pleas, 1853-59. JOHN BROOKS ( 'olonel in Revolutionary army ; major-general Massachusetts Militia ; House of Representa- tives ; Massachusetts Ratifying Convention, 1788 ; Senate ; Council ; marshal and inspector of revenue, 1795; adjutant-general, 1812-15; governor, 1816-23. CHARLES BULFINCH Akciiitect. Designed the State House, City Hall, Faneuil Hall and other buildings in Boston. In 1817 went to AVashington, I). C. where he drew plans and superintended the consti'uction of the National Capitol. ALEXANDER H. BULLOCK House of Representatives, 1845-48, 1861-65; speaker, 1862-65 ; Senate, 1849 ; commissioner of insolvency, 1853-56 ; judge of insolvency. 1856-58; mayor of Worcester, 1859 ; governor, 1866-69. ANSON BURLINGAME Senate, 1852; member of convention for revising State Constitution, 1853: Representative in Con- gress, 1855-61; minister to Cliina, 1861-67, THE STATE HOUSE when he framed articles supplementary to the treaty of 1858, which was China's first formal recognition of international law, and was known as the Burlingame treaty ; concluded in behalf of China, treaties with United States, England, Sweden, Prussia, Holland, Denmark. WILLIAM BURNET Governor of New York and New Jersey, 1720- 28; governor of Massachusetts, 1728-29; chosen governor of New Ilamijshire, 1730. BENJAMIN F. BUTLER House of Representatives, 1853; Senate, 1859; delegate to Democratic National Convention, 1860 ; major-general in the Civil war ; member of Congress, 1867-75, 1877-79 ; governor, 1883. HENRY H. CHILDS House of Representatives, 1816 and 1827 ; State Constitutional Convention, 1820 ; lieutenant gov- ernor, 1843. WILLIAM CLAFLIN House of Representatives, 1849-53 ; Senate, 1860, 61 ; president of Senate, 1861 ; Republican National Executive Committee, 1864-72; chair- man, 1868-72; lieutenant governor, 1866-69, governor, 1869-72; Congress, 1877-81. JOHN H. CLIFFORD House of Representatives, 1835 ; district attorney, 1839-49 ; Senate, 1845 ; attorney-general, 1849- 63, 1854-58 ; governor, 1853 ; president Sen- ate, 1862. DAVID COBB Provincial Congress, 1775 ; officer of continental army ; brevet brigadier general, 1783 ; judge Appendix THE STATE HOUSE Appendix f'ourt of ( 'oiiuiioii I'Ica-, 17H4-!)(>: spoakor House of Ue])resentativinia ; lirst ])r(^si(lent l'. S., 17h9-]7'J7: lieutenant-general and coinniauder-in-ciiief of army, 1798. EMORY WASHBURN House of Uepresentatives, 182(5-27, 1838, 1877; Senate, 1841, 42; aide on staff of Covernor Lin- coln, 1830-34 ; judge C'oiut of Common Tleas, 1844-47; Board of Education; governor, 1854. WILLIAM B. WASHBURN Senate, 1850; House of Uepresentatives, 18.54: Congress, 1862-72; governor, 1872-]\Iay 1. 1874 (resigned) ; U. S. Senate, 1874-75. DANIEL WEBSTER State Constitutional Convention and presidential elector, 1820; House of Representatives, 1^22; Congress, from New Hampshire, 1813-17; fi'om Massachusetts, 1823-27 ; I'. S. Senate, 1827-41, 184,5-50; U. S. secretary of state, 1841-43, 18.50-52. HENRY WILSON House of Representatives, 1841, 42, 1846, 18.50; Senate, 1844,45; president Senate, 1851. 52; State Constitutional Convention, 1853; V. S. Senate, 1855-73 (resigned) ; vice-president U. S., 1873-75. JOHN WINTHROP Deputv o-overnor, 1636-37, 1644-46; governor, 1630-34'; 1637-40, 1642-44, 1646-49. ROGER WOLCOTT Boston Common Council, 1877-80 ; House of Representatives, 1882-85; lieutenant governor. 1893-97 ; (acting governor from March 5. 1896) ; governor, 1897-1900. (S2)anish war governor.) 9S THE STATE HOUSE L LIST OF DEPARTMENTS (Arranged by Floors) SUB-BASEMENT Room. District Police : Deputy Chief, Detective and Inspection Dept., . 1 Inspectors of Public Buildings and Factories ; In- spectors of Clothing, • 2 Inspectors of Boilers, 3 Detective Department and Fire Inspectors, . North. State Board of Insanity, Support Department, . G State Forester, 7 Agent for Discharged Female Prisoners, ... 9 Chief engineer, 11 Bureau of Statistics of Labor : Trade, Fisheries, Commerce and Agriculture di- visions, 12 I)J^lamo and engine rooms. BASEMENT Civil Service Commission : Exammation room, 15 Registrar of Labor, Ifi Chief, District Police, 20 Board of Registration in Pharmacy, .... 22 Commissioners of Prisons, 24 Grand Army of the Republic, Department of Massachusetts, .... 27 State Board of Charity : Division of State Adult Poor, 32 Clerk of the Board, 37 Division of State Minor Wards 43 State Board of Insanity, 3H 99 Depart- ments THE STATE HOUSE Depart- ments FIRST FLOOR «,,,„. Controller of County Accounts, KM Commissioner of Public Ileconls, .... 1(4 InspecUjr (Jeneral of Uitle Practice, .... Ids Nautical Traininj; School Conimi.ssioners, . . 110 Adjutant General : Military archives, Ill Editors of I'rovince Laws, 1 1."> Barber shop, 117 Secretary of the Commonwealth : Shipping department, IIH Matron, • . . I'Jl Commissioner of State Aid and Pensions : General office, l--'5 Pension department, 15>i Board of Commissioners of Savings Banivs, . . 124 State Board of Conciliation and Arbitration, . . 12X Harbor and Land Commissioners, .... l.'U State Board of Agriculture : General office, i;5<> Cattle Bureau, 138 State Board of Health : Chief engineer, 140 General office, 141 Gas and Electric Light Commissioners, . . . 14.") Committee on "Ways and Means, House of Repre- sentatives, 147 .Tomt committee on Ways and Means, . . . 147 Committee on Pay Roll, 147 Sergeant-at-Arms" department: General office, 148 Registration of Legislative Counsel and Agents, . 150 Civil Service Commissioners, lol Information room and public teleiihone, . . . loo Board of Registration in Medicine, .... 159 SECOND FLOOR Attorney-General, Judiciary Committee, House of Representatives, Joint Judiciary Committee, .... THE STATE HOUSE Room. Treasurer and Receiver-General : General office, 230 Standard weights and measures, .... 230 Auditor of Accounts, 232 Tax Commissioner and Commissioner of Corpora- tions, 235 Commissioners on Inland Fisheries and Game, . 238 Committee room, 240 Committee on Militarj" Affairs, 242 State House 242 Insurance Commissioner, 246 Committee on Labor 249 Prisons, 249 Bureau of Statistics of Labor 256 Surgeon General , 259 Adjutant General : War Records division 261 General office, 264 Doric Hall. Spanish American War flags. Grand Staircase Hall. Memorial Hall. Civil War flags. ]\Iain staircase. Depart- ments THIRD FLOOR Senate : Chamber, South. Reception room, ' Southea.st. Reading room, Ea.st. Clerk, 328 President, 329 Secretary of the Commonwealth : General office 331 Public documents, 333 Corporation division, 334 State Library, North. Committee on Libraries, In Library. tot THE STATE HOUSE Depart- State Board of Education. . ments Post and teleKrai)h oflico, House of Representatives : AVritiiig room, . Reading room, . Ijadies' reception room, Chamber Speaker, .... Committee on Rules, Clerk of the committee on Rules, , Clerk of the House, . Executive department : Private secretary to the Governor, General office, .... Council chamber. West. West. West. West. 3.->4 :«7 ■.v,u »J0 FOURTH FLOOR Senate gallery Legislative document division, . Committee on Counties, Harbors and Public Lands, Committee on Roads and Bridges, .... Totals, Federal Relations, .... Parishes and Religious Societies, Ways and INIeans, Senate, Judiciary, Senate, .... Street Railways, .... Rules, Senate, Rules, Joint, ..... Mercantile Affairs, .... Secretary of the Commonwealth : Archives, Committee on Metropolitan Affairs, Election Laws, Public Service, South. 424 425 42.5 420 42(! 428 42S 428 42*» 42tt 430 430 431 4»4 4.% 4:38 438 THE STATE HOUSE Room. Committee on Public Health 43!) Water Supply, 4aii Public Lightuig, 440 Public Charitable Institutions, .... 440 Education, 441 Probate and Chancery, 441 Printing, 442 Gallery, House of Representatives, .... "West. Reporters, 443 Committee on Cities, 444 Liquor Law, 444 Elections, House of Representatives, . . . 445 Constitutional Amendments, Railroads, 446 Banks and Banking, 448 Drainage, 448 Messengers, 449 Senate reporters' gallery, South. Committee on Agriculture, 453 Taxation, 453 FIFTH FLOOR Cupola, South. State Board of Health laboratory : Food analysis, 501 Water analysis, 502 Committee on Fisheries and Game, 505 Insurance, 505 Cafe', North. Depart- ments The following departments have offices outside of tlie State House : — Massachusetts Highway Commission, Pemberton Building. Metropolitan Park Commission, . 14 Beacon Street. THE STATE HOUSE Depart- ments Metropolitan Water and Sewerage Commission: (Jencral office 1 Ashburton Place. Se\vera},'(! division, . Pemberton Building. IJailroad Commissioners, . . 20 Beacon Street. I'oston Transit Commission, . 15 Beacon Street. Charles River Basin Commission, . 367 Boylston Street. The committee rooms are permanently assigned, except in cases of large hearings. ro4 THE LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA Santa Barbara THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW. |! I'I'I' I''"! ' P!' I ""11 3 1205 03092 8756 ^ «"»tK