LOOTERS OF THE PUBLIC DOMAIN S. A. D. PUTER KING OF THE OREGON LAND FRAUD RING IN COLLABORATION WITH HORACE STEVENS LATE OF THE doVERNMENT LAND SERVICE EMBRACING A COMPLETE EXPOSURE OF THE FRAUDULENT SYSTEM OF ACQUIRING TITLES TO THE PUBLIC LANDS OF THE UNITED STATES PROFUSELY ILLUSTRATED WITH SPLENDID HALFTONE ENGRAVINGS AND ETCHINGS OF IMPORTANT INCI- DENTS CONNECTED WITH THE DIFFERENT TRIALS, TOGETHER WITH THE LATEST PHOTOGRAPHS OF THE PRINCI- PAL ACTORS IN THE GREAT LAND FRAUD DRAMA Portland, Oregon, 1908 THE PORTLAND PRINTING HOUSE PUBLISHERS ^^^^ Copyright, 1907 By S. a. D. Puter and Horace Stevens TO THE MEMORY OF DAVY CROCKETT ONE OF THE SAINTED HEROES OF THE ALAMO, WHO GAVE VOICE TO THE IMMORTAL EXPRESSION "FIRST BE SURE YOU'RE RIGHT THEN GO AHEAD" THIS VOLUME IS RESPECTFULLY DEDICATED BY THE AUTHORS 226483 Introductory By Horace Stevens FROM the dismal recesses of a prison cell, S. A. D. Puter, the acknowledged leader of the Oregon land- fraud ring, who was pardoned by the President, December 31, 1907, after serving 17 months of a two-years' sentence in | the Multnomah County jail for conspiracy to defraud the Government of its r public lands, has sent forth through these pages a series of narratives that i^ \ reasonably certain to stimulate deliberate thought and give expression to intelli- gent opinion in every quarter penetrated by the recitals. In them are depicted conditions, the revelation of which ought to have a tendency to awaken the law- makers of the country to the necessity for providing legal safeguards against all such contingencies. Through this medium, courts may ultimately come to per- ceive the importance for removing most of the rigid bars that now operate as a protection to the criminal element, and permit the introduction of apparently irrelevant lines of testimony that material evidence might be fortified. The whole civilized world has a listening ear to the ground, trained in the endeavor to catch some sound that will appeal to the harmonies of human nature ; that will operate to lighten the burdens of existence, and foster the higher principles of life. The better elements of/society are ever on the alert to gain new ideas that will aid in the development of these commendable features, and I am convinced that this work, unclassic as it may seem at times in expression, cannot fail to fulfill some hopeful expectation of that character. I have collaborated throughout with Mr. Puter in the preparation of the book, under very trying conditions, and together we have endeavored to clothe the different narratives with some degree of human interest, commensurate with a strict adherence to the element of fact. Furthermore, out of all the mass of information bearing upon the subject that has been .furnished me by the author, I have selected only such portions that appealed to me as having anf important relationship to the whole fraudulent system, realizing full well the utter impossibility of publishing in one volume even the meagre details of the various transactions in which Mr. Puter has figured, covering a period of at least a quarter of a century. It may be urged by some that the printing of such a book, exposing, as it does, numerous human frailties, can accomplish no genuine benefit to mankind, but I beg to take issue with all such criticism. Several local clergymen, besides many others vitally interested in the problems afifecting racial advancement, have become deeply concerned in this publication, and have urged me repeatedly to probe the ulcer to the bottom, upon the hypothesis that the light of day would furnish ample remedy for any existing social ill. We have therefore undertaken, without fear or favor, or the exhibition of the slightest particle of rancor, to comply with this seemingly spontaneous demand, and present herewith what we know to be the truth, let the blows fall where they may. If they are productive of bleeding hearts, then it is because those organs are of the same quality of weakness that distinguished a failure to resist temptation. It was in the destiny of things that the extensive land- frauds prevalent upon the Pacific Coast should have been exposed, just the same as it is natural that any congestion shall finally be relieved. Great floods may overflow a river's Page 7 banks, but we realize that if is not an everlasting condition ; epidemics may- devastate communities, thoug-h history shows their existence is short-Hved, and that nothing- abnormal is ever eternal. Consequently, the problems incident to the looting of the public domain were gradually working out their own solution, and made palpably so by reason of the fact that the disciples of the wrong were becoming .so bold in their operations, and blazing such a well-defined trail, that the conclusion to their rascalities was plainly inevitable. One of the most significant of the many morals pointed by the different narratives in these pages is the powerful emphasis to the old-fashioned creed that honesty is always the best policy. Although Mr. Puter has gone very thoroughly into details concerning numerous fraudulent land transactions, it does not appear that he profited to any great extent by any of his crooked deals, and in most instances whatever he made by these unlawful operations was con- sumed by expenses incident to getting his bogus claims through the Land Department, or by the adoption of desperate and costly efforts to cover up his tracks. The gross proceeds of the notorious 11-7 deal aggregated but $10,080, all of which went to pay the price of corruptive tactics, leaving him practically without a dollar to face the criminal charge remaining as the only legacy of his wrong-doing. Experience and philosophy teach us that there is a cause for every effect, and the influences at work with sufficient vigor to impel men to risk life and liberty in their efforts to wrongfully acquire Government lands, were not of a character to reflect general discredit upon the citizenship of Oregon, merely be- cause there were those within her borders base enough to permit greed and graft and their love for Mammon to run amuck with principle. It is one of the most remarkable features of the whole situation that while dishonesty was the basis of these frauds, many of their perpetrators were punished upon the threshold of their offenses, among their friends and neigh- bors, and by juries composed for the most part of those who had been life-long associates of the accused, and naturally entertained, sympathetic interest in their behalf, if there was any sort of compassion one way or the other. It may be said, also, to the everlasting credit of the manhood of Oregon, that there was no shirking of duty when it came to a question of dealing out the full measure of justice to the guilty. The eyes of humanity were fixed upon each person sitting in judgment as a juror in the various cases, and the honorable part of the whole world applauded every verdict returned. Rank cut no figure with them. All criminals looked alike to Oregon juries. Thus, a United States Senator, a Congressman, two former United States Attorneys, sev- eral members of the State Legislature, and others of more or less political re- nown, were actually convicted, while another Congressman, numerous personages in the millionaire class, and many others of greater or less degree of prominence in the political, commercial and social sides of life, have been indicted, and are now awaiting their fates with chilling marrows. Further along I present a complete list of all the indictments that have been returned up to the present time in connection with recent land frauds by the Federal grand juries of Oregon, together with a brief synopsis of the social status of each person implicated thereby. While it may seem appalling, in a way, it is not without its morals, because it indicates more plainly than words of mine can portray that Justice has stalked in blindfolded fashion through the ranks of crime. Portland, more beautiful than Palmyra of old, with a moral refinement and culture that shines with lustrous brilliancy in the galaxy of Northwestern cities, and famed as the most healthy municipality of the world in civic and climatic conditions, had no important share in these land frauds, after all the aspersions that have been heaped upon her fair name. Oregon, one of the grandest regions of the universe, whose light is fast emerging from the bushel under which her charms have been so long hidden, does not hive all the land rogues of creation by any means, and never reared Page 8 within her borders the soul so base as to inspire this wholesale depredation ; and I hurl back in the teeth of those who have been foul enough to make the charge, the contemptible reflection that has been cast upon her law-abiding community. ^- — , Practically all the arrangements for this immense plunder originated i among unscrupulous residents of distant parts — in the ranks of the devout moneyed aristocracy beyond the Rocky Mountains, and it has remained for the ) honest manhood of Oregon to redeem the commonwealth from the stigma of dishonor that has been written across its fair name by the polluted hands of Eastern commercial greed. Careful analysis of the situation indicates that most of these stupendous schemes of plunder were concocted in the cunning minds of those who had made a life-study of the subject. Upon the States of Minnesota, Wisconsin and Michigan rests the principal burden for this kind of offspring, because they produced — A JIM HILL, with his Rainier Mountain Forest Reserve steal of the Northern Pacific; A WEYERHAEUSER, with his tainted timber wealth that has made him "Richer than Rockefeller ;" A THOMAS B. WALKER, with his 500,000-acre grab of the public domain in California and Oregon, and his celebrated art gallery in Minneapolis, famed for its rare exhibit of $100 bills on the back of picture frames as a kindly remembrance to needy Special Agents of the Land Department ; A C. A. SMITH, with his army of "dummy" entrymen, and his 100,000 acres of perjured titles, which the Government ought to cancel. And a host of others who are responsible for present conditions. They are the ones upon whom these crimes should be fastened ; they are the ones who have waxed fat in the grease of loot at the expense of the rising generations of the West — who, after committing their base robberies, have attempted to affix its stain upon a proud-spirited people, and then laughed in their sleeves at the discomfiture they have caused by the lying insinuation — and it was the kind of laughter that is heard in hell over the loss of a soul. The records will show that these men have been engaged in like pursuits — as the immortal sea-rovers of olden times followed the Spanish Main — since the days when their own States were the banner lumber producing districts of the country, and that the motives which prompted them to turn their greedy eyes towards Pacific shores, were inspired by the same debasing principles of pillage that actuated Alexander the Great in seeking new worlds to conquer. Having exhausted the timber resources of the Middle West by their wanton processes of destruction and waste, the virgin forests of the Pacific Coast appealed to them as only purity can attract the elements of lust. — The question naturally arises : "Why were such men as Thomas B. Walker and C. A. Smith not prosecuted criminally for their plain and deliberate violations of the land laws of this country, but permitted to go scot free when the records show that they fraudulently acquired enough land from the Govern- ment to make Puter's efforts along those lines puny in comparison?" The answer is embodied in the fact thdt both are millionaires, and because the United States Attorneys for Oregon and California during 1902 and 1903 simply shut their eyes to their duties. In consequence, the statute of limitations was permitted to run against their offenses, but that does not hinder the Govern- ment from cancelling their fraudulent claims, as six years from the date of issuance of patent is allowed by law in which to begin such proceedings. On the Smith entries in Oregon, this time will expire June 4, 1908, and if there is an honest Department of Justice in Washington, there is still ample opportunity for checking this immense steal. The proofs of the frauds relative Page 9 to much of tlie Smith lands are in evidence as Government exhibits at Portland, Oregon, in the case of the United States against John H. Mitchell, and have been there since June, 1905, and if no action is taken by the authorities in Wash- ington to utilize this proof and save to the public this vast domain, then it is high time that those responsible should be impeached in disgrace for their perfidy. In the case of the Walker lands in Northern California and Southern Oregon, embracing several hundred thousand acres of valuable timber, much was located by process of "dummy" entrymen in 1902, but patents were not issued for fully a year thereafter ; so there is no excuse for allowing the period to go by in which to proceed, as there is still fully a year left. That the Land Department in Washington has winked at these frauds all along is a matter of history. On November 9, 1902. the writer made a complete report to Lewis E. Anbury, State Mineralogist of California, covering extensive investigations of Walker's fraudulent timber land operations in the Susanville and Redding Land Districts of California, and a synopsis of this report was not only published in the San Francisco newspapers on November 12, 1902, and sent broadcast throughout the country by the Associated Press, but complete copies of the report itself were transmitted to the Interior Department and General Land Office, and are still on file in those offices. In that report, fully fifty specific charges of fraud were alleged, and yet. in the face of this evidence. Commissioner of the General Land Office R. A. Ballinger. during his visit to the Pacific Coast in the Summer of 1907, in the course of an interview in the San Francisco Examiner, is cjuoted as declaring that his Department would make no efl:"ort to investigate the Walker entries unless the California State Mining Bureau, or others equally interested, should furnish the General Land Office with "specific charges" of fraud! Just as if it is at all necessary for any State officer to call the attention of a high Government official to matters afi^ecting the public domain of the United States ! It is an episode of history that Nero fiddled while Rome was burning, and it is self-evident that Commissioner Ballinger is a firm disciple of the doctrine that there ought to be a repetition of history, whether the people want it or not. At the door of avarice can be laid all the sins of the land frauds, and this trait is responsible for the ultimate undoing of the perpetrators. Had Mays, Jones or Kribs been liberal enough not to have allowed avarice to blind them, and had come to Puter's rescue with bonds after his conviction in the 11-7 case. he would have been the last man on earth to have exposed them, and it stands as an indelible record that Puter's co-operation with the Government was the key that unlocked the vaults of corruption, and furnished the means by which United States Senator Mitchell, and others in high official power, were made to suft'er for their offenses. It was the narrow, selfish natures of this trio that made them afraid of their souls, and caused them to tighten their purse-strings when their old associate in crime pleaded with them for the small boon of freedom. Ready to put up thousands or any unlimited amount when it came to a question of bribery or the corruption of public officials, they were too deeply impregnated with the germs of covetousness, too much the slaves of greed, to chance the loss of a picayune, even though well aware that by reason of their complicity in his fraudulent operations they were completely at his mercy, and that their indiffer- ence to his fate was planting in his breast those seeds of hate and revenge whose harvest must be their own dishonor and downfall. Had Senator Mitchell refrained from making his unfortunate speech in the United States Senate immediately after his first indictment, the probabilities are that the full measure of his infamy would never have been known, because what he said upon that memorable occasion amounted to a challenge for Puter to do his worst, and I have no desire to rake up the dead past to show what that all meant. Page 10 • It is idle for Eastern magazine writers of the "slobbery" variety to declare that Puter's so-called confessions were brought about by detective ability of the "sixth sense" order. I am in a position to state authoritatively that he went to Heney on his own volition, exactly as he has described in one of the chapters, and gave to the Government the information that sounded the doom of the Oregon land frauds. Those who profited most by Puter's fraudulent operations had recognized in him a daring spirit whose early environs had stamped him with courageous instincts, and they knew he was not afraid to take chances- — -with law or any- thing else. They found out that they could use him as a battering-ram to break the laws, and open the doors to a vast treasure trove. Sordid motives were behind all their concern for Puter, and when the time came — as come it must where dishonest methods are the incentive — and they realized that the "jig was up," they deserted him as rats leave a sinking ship. To them he was simply a worked-out gold mine, and with all their assumed superior intelligence, blunted, perhaps, by constant contact with greed, and with minds intoxicated by the stimulant of illegitimate gain, they were unable to cope with the problems of retribution — the unexploded blasts in the abandoned shafts. To Ethan Allen Hitchcock, ex-Secretary of the Interior, must be attri- buted the principal credit for the suppression of the land-fraud evils, and his greatest luster shines forth as a limelight upon the class of enemies he has made by the operation. Every scoundrel in the land has denounced him for doing what they well knew was his plain duty as an honest official, and if any reward must come to him, it must be in the future from the hearts of a grateful people, and not from politicians. If doubts have ever existed as to the necessity for the adoption of stringent measures that marked the prosecution of those involved in the crime of looting the public domain, I am reasonably sure a perusal of these pages will have a tendency to remove any such feeling, and convince the most skeptical that Secretary Hitchcock was actuated by sound and lofty motives when he throttled the land-grabbers with the iron hand of the Government. That he did so at an opportune moment, none can deny, because he was dealing with an element that had become so bold in their designs that they felt themselves above the law, and it was a cas'e of a desperate ailment requiring a desperate remedy. The influence of any class imbued with corruptive methods is detrimental to the best interests of a community, and there is no use in denying that those who have been instrumental in causing so much rank perjury in connection with the acquisition of titles, are responsible for a condition that has left its mark upon the people of the public land States in a manner comparable to the trail of a serpient. There is a compensating side to these land frauds, after all. The fact of attempted fraud of so stupendous a character discloses in itself that the prize was great which moved men to chance their reputations and jeopardize their personal liberty. They were at least seeking something that was worth the having. Men are not likely to take these risks unless the inducements are sufificiently alluring to excite, to the last degree, the cupidity in their natures. This does not involve any defense of fraud. It simply brings to the attention of the world, through this medium, the marvelous opportunities for the honest acquisition of wealth that abound in the West. The history of any great undertaking wherein exploration has figured, and wherein conditions have demanded the exercise of abnormal energy, indicates clearly that there is nothing in the world worth having that can be attained without a compensating hardship of some sort. The gold of the Klondike was buried far below the surface in icy moss; the treasures of Tonopah and Goldfield lie deep beneath the sands of an appalling desert; and so of the vast domain of Oregon, with the immense wealth that is wrapped up in its undeveloped forests and stock ranges; they offer difficulties in the way of acquisition by legal process , Page 11 that have moved men to criminal cx])edients that the road tlirongli honest attain- ment might be shortened. It might be erroneously supposed, because of this criminal activity, that there was lack of opportunity for the honest acquirement of public land in this State; that as a matter of fact such land was scarce. The contrary is the case. There are millions of acres of Government land lying within the borders of Oregon. By far the greater portion of it is subject to entry on a legitimate basis and in various ways. In short, the opportunity has ripened since thieves have been run to cover for l)ona-fide settlers to come forward and secure the cream of this immense domain. The land area of Oregon is more than 66,000.000 acres. Of this 17,730,000 acres is vacant Government land, available for settlement, according to the last report of the Commissioner of the General Land Office. That it varies in char- acter goes without saying, but there is a sufficiency of most excellent quality to induce any honest citizen to become a prospector upon a legitimate basis, with the view of acquiring a homestead or timber claim. The land laws of the United States are liberal enough to suit every requirement. They were framed originally to encourage the settlement of the country. In many localities chances offer for a person to obtain temporary employment in the neighborhood where he desires to locate, which brings to hand a measure of income while he is proving up his claim in accordance with law. He is permitted to do this under the regulations of the Land Department, providing he does not abuse the privilege. Soil that is rich enough to grow pine trees of the magnitude that flourish in the Northwest, is certainly sufficiently prolific to produce fruit of the size and flavor that has made this region famous, and which retail in all markets at attractive figures, so the inference is obvious, and the value of logged-ofif lands for agricultural purposes has been thoroughly demonstrated in every section of the Northwest. That this book will be found unique in many respects, is a foregone con- clusion. Probably no other work of similar import has ever been published, and in all human probability, occasion may never again arise for its counterpart, because the inspiration for the idea was based upon conditions that are fast disappearing, and the reign of the landgrabber, of the type with uncouth methods, like the rapidly dissipating ranks of the buffalo herds, the decadence of the red men, and the passing of all that goes to make up the picturesque features of Western history, has departed forever, and as a class that has been considered in these pages, they have made their last stand of any serious consequence on this continent. In their stead has arisen a new generation of plunderers, more subtle and swift in their operations, because the looting of the public domain has now become one of the gentler arts, and the "dummy" timber entryman and perjured homesteader, with their ways redolent of the frontier, have given place to the polished enactments of a subservient Congress, which is interpreting the land laws to meet the requirements of greedy corporations, without any heed whatever to the people's rights. It is noteworthy that the contents of this volume furnishes an object lesson in support of the idea that there is remarkable similarity in all fraudulent enterprises, and that the scheme of looting the public domain is merely a by-product of the general system of plunder running riot throughout the country. The same tools are used upon all occasions where it is found expedient to rob the people. The same Courts are tampered with, the same members of both branches of Congress are in line, and the same heads of Departments in Wash- ington are polluted each time, until it has come to be regarded as certain that vast interests have fattened on the life-blood of the nation by process of having a veteran force at their constant command. It goes to show that there is a close bond between the plunderers of every description, upon the same principle that there is honor among thieves, and they have developed a vein of activity in this Page 12 country that has its parallel in the history of the downfall of the Roman Empire. No nation can long survive the reign of corruption that has characterized the speculative craze existing in America during the past decade. It has permeated all branches of public service, and the history of the land frauds of the West is the history of corruptive tactics in other directions. Corruption is a hydra-headed monster of hideous mien, and the fact that it has been exposed wholesale by the land fraud trials in Oregon, and the graft prosecutions in San Francisco, and in retail fashion in other States and other cities, should never .be accepted that it is dead beyond all power of resurrection. Portland, Oregon, March 10, 1908. Buffalo Head on Wyoming Plains Page 13 •~ ** Chapter I Early life of Putcr in the California Redzvoods, slwzci>ig Jwzv he zvas reared amidst scenes of turinoil and bereft of refining influences — Details the Indian outbreak of forty years ago, ivherein his childhood home zuas reduced to ashes — Gives his experience as a lumberman and practical logger — Also tells the story of his initial connection zvith Government Lands, and hozv his environs zvere such as to inspire him with a desire to prey upon the public domain — Describes the first fraud of any consequence under the Timber and Stone Act of June j. tS/S. By S.A. D. Puter IWx\S BORN January 6, 1857, in Trinity County, California. Two years later my parents moved to Humboldt County, in that State, where my father purchased the possessory title to a homestead claim on Mad River, about twenty miles north of Eureka. Here I was reared, leaving there in 1888 and moving to Oregon, living in Portland until 1902, at which time I took my family to Berkeley, California, where they now reside. Our family consisted originally of three sons and four daughters, but of these, only four of the children survive — Lawrence F. Puter, an attorney of Eureka, California, and one of my covmsels in the Township "11-7" case; Lucile, the youngest sister, wife of Robert Sawyer, of Los Angeles, California ; Daniel, at present engaged in mining in the State of Idaho, and myself. During 1861-62, when I was but five years old, the Indians broke out in Humboldt County, killing a number of farmers and stockmen while on the warpath, and burning and destroying a great deal of property belonging to the settlers thereabouts, our home being among the first to suffer in that respect, on account of its isolated position. After this episode, father moved the family into the town of Areata, which is situated on Humboldt bay, twelve miles north of Eureka, and with a number of other men, formed a military company and inaugurated a vigorous campaign against the redmen, completely subduing them at the end of two years' fighting. In 1864 father went to Idaho and en- gaged in mining, leaving his family in Areata. Two years later our claim was "jumped" by squatters, as we had never completed the title on account of the depredations of the Indians. As soon as my mother learned of the situation, she moved the family back on the place, where we lived in a shack during the summer .and winter of 1866 and up to the fall of 1867, when my father returned from Idaho, remaining with us on the ranch until his death in 1886. My educational advantages, as may be imagined, were very limited, and were confined to short terms in the public schools of Areata during the summers of 1865-66. I was then but nine years old, and as we moved back on our ranch in 1866 I had no opportunity for attending school until 1873, and then only in the summer of that year and the year following, on account of the great distance the school house was from our ranch. Whatever knowledge I have acquired has been picked up in my business transactions throughout the country. During father's absence in Idaho, the family experienced many hardships and privations, par^^icularly so after being forced to return to the ranch, as the place had not been under cultivation for some years and we had no money with which to purchase farming implements of any consequence, depending entirely upon such work as could be done by hand in the way of raising garden stuff. "We had no horses, nothing, in fact, in the livestock line but one cow. Fresh Page 15 meat was an unknown quantity to the Puter family during- those days, except at such times as I might trap a quail or snare a cottontail rabbit, of which there was plenty to be found. I had the good fortune, shortly after we returned to the farm, to kill a fine buck elk, that probably weighed upwards of 700 pounds. It had frequentl) shown himself at the edge of the timber, near the prairie where we lived and within a quarter of a mile from our shack. Our sole firearm consisted of an old Springfield musket, of the pattern used during the rebellion, and as I was only nine years old, my mother hesitated to allow me to try my luck, fearing that, should I only wound the big buck, he might turn and kill me. It was just at a time, however, when the smaller game had not been particularly plentiful and we felt that we must secure that meat— at least, that was my way of viewing the matter. Besides, I wanted to show the folks that I wasn't quite such a boy as they imagined, and the killing of that elk, in my mind, would place me on a par with the position I sought to occupy in my father's absence — that of being looked upon as "the man of the house." As his elkship was even now in sight, I pleaded so hard and convincingly regarding my ability to bring him down at first shot, that mother finally consented to my shouldering the old musket, and I was ofif. Taking a circuitous route, I emerged from the timber in the rear of the point where I had last noticed the elk feeding, and crawled through the grass and weeds to within fifty paces of where he was standing, and where there was a mound of earth on which to rest the musket. No doubt it was placed there through providential kindness, as my arm was too short to reach around the stock of the gun and pull the trigger with my finger, so it became necessary for me to find a rest for the heavy musket before I could proceed with the work of execution. Having placed my gun in position. I took aim and fired, the ball striking the animal in the shoulder and killing him instantly. I did not move from my position until the smoke had commenced to clear away, and not observing the elk, I rushed to the spot where he was last standing, where I found him kicking on the ground and noted, happily, that my work had been complete. Afy mother and sisters, who had been anxiously awaiting developments, and watching the elk from the shack, could see him fall at the crack of the gun, and, needless to state, they lost no time in coming to where I was standing, alongside that vanquished "king of the forest." The excitement and joy that took possession of the Puter family for the time being was without lirtiit. We all knew, of course, that there was meat enough in sight for many months to come, and incidentally, it might be said, mother patted her boy and complimented him for his prowess, for now, indeed,, he was a real man. The question then arose as to how we should get our prize to the shack, so we decided to quarter him first, but found, because of the great weight, that the combined strength of the entire family was not sufficient to drag a single quarter, say nothing about lifting it; so we were obliged to cut the meat up into smaller pieces, after which our nearest neighbor, who lived four miles distant, was notified of our good fortune, and he proceeded to Areata for sufficient salt to cure the meat. My first experience with the public domain occurred during the summer of 1875, at which time I was engaged as an axman by Deputy United States Surveyor Forman, who had a contract to subdivide several townships of timber land in the vicinity of our Humboldt county ranch. I became so proficient in my duties that after blazing the lines and marking the witness trees for a few months, I was placed in charge of a crew and manipulated the compass. As soon as the survey of the township had been approved by the United .States Surveyor-General, there was a rush for timber claims. By reason of my field work on the survey, I gained a knowledge of all the desirable claims in the tract, and located a number of applicants, charging them $25 each, at the same time taking a contract to build them a cabin on their claims for $25 additional. The cabins so constructed consisted of a shack made out of shakes or split boards,. Page 16 from the timber on the claim, the size of each cabin being- 12 by 16 feet and 7 feet high, one window, board floor and wooden fireplace. There were no other signs of habitation or cultivation whatsoever, the building of the cabin being the only improvement made on a pre-emption or homestead claim in those days. The entrymen hardly ever slept over night there, although they made final proof within eight or ten months from the date of filing, wherein they alleged a con- tinuous residence. Soon after proof was made, I negotiated the sale of this tract to a Eureka capitalist for sums ranging from $800 to $1200 per claim. Later, the purchaser sold to the California Redwood Company for $25 per acre. The latter corpora- tion transferred the tract to the Humboldt Mill & Lumber Company, which erected sawmills and commenced the manufacture of the timber into merchant- able lumber. At the present time, the timber on these lands possesses an intrinsic value of from $200 to $300 per acre. I gradually learned the business from the felling of a tree down to the rolling of a log from the landing into the mill pond. I worked in the redwoods, logging for some ten or twelve years, part of which time I engaged my services to others, while for several years I contracted on my own account and personally drove a twelve-horse team, hauling logs on a skid road to the landings. ■ ^^ } The first big fraud under the Timber and Stone Act of June 3, 1878, that ever occurred on the Pacific Coast, was consummated in Humboldt County, California, during 1882-3. In 1876, INIr: Forman, the Deputy United States Surveyor for whom I had formerly worked, took a contract to survey a number of townships covered with a dense body of redwood timber in the northern part of Humboldt County. As soon as the land was surveyed and thrown open to entry, the California Redwood Company, with offices in Eureka, began to hire men to file on the entire tract under the Timber and Stone Act referred to. At that time, the persons desiring to avail themselves of .its provisions, were not re- quired to make a personal examination of the portions they wished to file on, nor were they obliged to go to the land office to make final proof. All that was Page 17 necessary in this connection was for the entryman to appear at the land office at the time of making the liHng, exhibit his first papers to show that he was either a citizen of the United States, or had declared his intention to become such, or, in the case of his being- a bona-fide citizen, to make oath to that effect, and his entry would be allowed. This law has since been amended, so as to necessitate the personal ai)pearance of the entryman at the land office, both at the time of filing and when making final proof. Under these conditions, the company was enabled to run men into the land office by the hundreds. I have known agents of the company to take at one time as many as twenty-five men from "Coft"ee Jack's" sailor boarding house in Eureka to the county court house, where they would take out their first papers, ■ •* •* ^ ^ -ft. o ^ 5* :u i^ a ■^ >»- -Ci a--- a •^ji ^ for ourselves, so I selected the quarter sections I wanted, and had the entrymen relinquish their rights to the remainder. As soon as this had been done, the Northern Pacific proceeded to cover each abandoned tract with forest reserve selections, at the same time withdrawing their contests against the other 33 entries, and we then went to work to have the latter proved up. C. A. Smith wired the necessary money to Frederick A. Kribs, at Roseburg. and as rapidly as proofs were made, he called at the Land Office and paid the Government price for the land, as well as all the office fees, whereupon the entrymen, as arranged previously, mortgaged their claims to ^Ir. Kribs, and at the same time executed a deed in favor of John A. Wild, of Minneapolis, receiving a cash bonus of $100 each. For some reason or other, the patents to these thirty-three entries were suspended, pending an investigation. A report had been sent to the General Land Office concerning the fraudulent character of the claims, and in my opinion this complaint was instigated by the Northern Pacific. At all events,. Special Agent William D. Stratford, who succeeded Mathers at Roseburg. \vas directed to make an investigation, but it is evident he was picked up by Kribs in short order, as he came to me soon after in Portland with an affidavit for me to sign, bearing upon the question of my connection with the thirty-three entrymen. This affidavit was a typewritten document of several pages. Stratford informed me that Kribs had given it to him, and h.e wished me to sign it. He also wanted me to hunt up as many of the entrymen as I could find, and obtain their affidavits in order to facilitate the issuance of patents. I hesitated somewhat before signing, as it appeared to me the affidavit should have been more explicit in defining my connection with the thirty-three entrymen; but as the Special Agent had come to me direct from one of my associates, and furthermore, because I was assured that it would innure to the mutual benefit of Kribs and myself. I attached my signature. I then rounded up as many of the entrymen as I could find and secured additional affidavits, requesting McKinley to locate the balance, or those whom I had overlooked. Stratford expressed a desire to get as many affidavits as he possibly could at the earliest moment, that he might embody them in his report to the General Land Office. Awhile afterward I had business in the Fast, and stopped oft' at Minneapolis for the purpose of conferring with C. A. Smith relative to the claims, as it will be remembered they were located in his interest. After describing conditions in Oregon, and Special Agent Stratford's efforts in our behalf. Smith suggested that I proceed to Washington, D. C., at once with a view of using my best endeavors to get the patents through. He then dictated a letter of introduction to S. J\L Eddy. United States Senator from Minnesota, whom he declared was his personal friend and one upon whom he could rely for assistance of this character, together with a letter to R. V. Betz, a prominent Washington lawyer. These letters were not presented, for reasons that will appear hereafter. Page 42 ^ 53 -"^ QS § Upon arriviiii; in Washington. I received a telegram from Mr. Smith, requesting me n^t to see Senator Eddy or-Mr. Betz, or take any further steps in connetion with the entries, as other arrangements had been made in Portland. Returning to Minneapolis. I was informed by Mr. Smith that he had received advices from Frederick A. Kribs to the effect that George F. Wilson, another Special Agent, had been sent out from tiie General Land Ofifice to make further investigations of the claims, and that it would be useless for us to attempt to do anything in Washington until this Agent's report had reached headquarters. It developed later that Special Agent Wilson was a brother to the Re])ublican "boss" of Providence. R. I., and that he owed his Government position to the political pull enjoyed by his relative with Senator Aldrich, of that State. It is also interesting to know that Wilson fell an easy prey to Kribs as soon as he reached Oregon, and is no longer in the service of the Land Department on that account. Upon my return to Portland. I had an interview with Kribs, who gave me full particulars regarding Wilson's visit, and how he had disposed of him. However, Kribs still felt more or less perturbed over the delay in securing patents, and I. too, was ill at ease, so I suggested that he call on F. P. Mays and solicit his aid in adjusting matters. Later Kribs informed me that he had made an arrangemer.t with [Mays, wherebv the latter was to receive $50 each for his services in getting the patents on the thirty-three entries. Sometime afterw^ard I met Kribs again, and found him in a disturbed frame of mind, as he could not understand the delays incident to the issuance of final evidence of title to the lands, expressing the opinion that Mays was procrastinating in the matter. I then informed Kribs that United States Senator John H. Mitchell had just returned to the city, and suggested that he consult with the statesman upon the subject. Kribs did as I advised, and a few days later reported the result of his conference with the Senator. According to Kribs' statement to me, which has since been confirmed by court proceedings, he succeeded in entering into an agreement with Senator Mitchell, whereby the latter was to receive $25 for each patent issued in connection with the thirty-three claims. Although the arrangement only applied to these entries. Kribs took advantage of the situation and made a further agreement with the Senator, whereby he was to look after his interests in the matter of expediting all land patents he might have in future before the Department, for which the Senator was to receive the stipulated sum of $25 each. It might be well to note here that the part taken by Senator Mitchell in the matter of expediting the issuance of patents for Frederick A. Kribs was the direct cause of his subsequent conviction, as Kribs settled with the law firm of Mitchell & Tanner through checks drawn on the Merchants' National Bank, of Portland, Ore., of which a full account will be given in another chapter. Page 44 Field Marshal Kribs, commander-in-chief of C. A. Smith's grand army of "dummies" Chapter IV History of the Famous 'roiciisJiip "ri-y" deal, icliereby Filter and his associates demonstrate coiiclusiirly that there is an actual method of stealing Govern- ment land — Desperate efforts of the conspirators to secure the early issu- ance of patents on the fraudulent clainis includes the ivholcsale bribery of public officials of both high and lozv degree — Details of the transaction in which United States Senator John H. Mitchell, of Oregon, figures as the taker of tainted money in the shape of tzvo $1000 bills for his scrz'ices in securing favorable action by the Land Department at Washington. DL'RIXG 1899 and 1900, my partner, Horace G. AlcKinley, and myself had been doing considerable speculating in timber lands in Oregon, and be- cause of our extensive operations, had occasion to visit frequently the Roseburg and Oregon City Land Offices. It came to our notice that a great many unperfected homestead entries withiv. the Cascade Forest Reserve were being proven up on. and it occurred to us, because of our knowledge of the fact that a large majority of the homesteaders were not bona-fide settlers and had not complied with the law in any particular, and further, because of our knowledge that the lands being proved up on were of comparatively small value, that there must be some good reason for this abnormal rush in the line of securing titles to such lands, we decided to make an investigation. It resulted in the discovery that these tracts, immediately after final proofs were made, were being transferred to lumber syndicates, for the purpose of creating "base" to be used in selecting other and better lands in lieu thereof. Under the provisions of the second section of the Act of Congress of June 4, 1897, it was specified "that in cases in which a tract covered by an unperfected claim, or by a patent, which is included within the limits of a public forest reservation, the settler or owner thereof may, if he desire to do so, relinquish the tract to the Government, and may select in lieu thereof a tract of vacant land open to settlement, not exceeding in area the tract covered by his claim or patent." The provisions of this Act entitled the owner of any perfected title within a forest reserve to relinquish his right thereto, through deed to the Government, and to select in lieu thereof, the same number of acres of any unoccupied, surveyed lands, within the United States. During 1900, the survey of Township 11 South, Range 7 East, Willamette Meridian, was approved, and the lands therein were opened to entry. This township, being within the Cascade Forest Reserve, afforded all who owned lands therein an opportunity to exchange their holdings with the Government and to select, in lieu thereof, any tract of vacant surveyed public land in the United States, of the same area. Those who did not wish to make a trade of this sort, had the option of selling their holdings at a fluctuating market value for tracts of this kind, ranging all the way from $5 to $7.50 per acre. The purchaser, of course was vested with the same right granted to the original owner, relative to exchange with the Government, and these lands were used as the basis in mak- ing other selections, and became popularly, though erroneously known as "scrip." When McKinley and I learned that Township "11-7" was in the market, and realizing that it was situated near the summit of the Cascade Mountains, at an elevation where the prospects of Governmental inquiry concerning entries were exceedingly remote, we concluded to make a lot of homestead filings there, under the pretense that it was being done by settlers who had long been residents of the township, and who were about to take advantage of the law that permitted Page i6 I ' B!- ' ' J \ . — f ' t fTuui ' i i ftjju ig^^**— L i i i ^ik I. 'j I mi ll \ ))\m»y Jii'» *i » i» ^ II Map of the famous township "11-7," showing the location of the fraudulent homestead claims filed by Puter and McKinley. It was on account of these bogus entries that the defendants were convicted by a jury in the United States Court at Portland, Oregon, on December 6, 1904, after a sensational trial, in which Francis J. Heney made his first appearance in connection with Oregon land fraud cases settlers in a newly surveyed township to initiate their titles within ninety days after the approval of the survey. Titles to Government lands can neither be perfected nor initiated in an unsurveyed township. However, the term of a person's residence on the claim before survey counts as part of the five-year period required for actual residence uncler the homestead law. Thus, if the proof shows that a person has been a resident on a tract of land for the full five years, it only becomes necessary for him to make his filing, advertise during a period of six weeks, submit his final proofs and receive his final certificate, which is followed by a patent without unnecessary delay, for no other expense than the advertising- and filing fees, which would not amount to over $25. Our idea was to locate as many persons as possible in that township, under the homestead law, and to furnish them the money with which to make final proof and cover their incidental expenses, and as soon as final proof was made, to have them deed the land to us at a price agreed upon in advance. Having determined upon the plan described, we associated with us in the venture, Dan W. Tarpley, a young attorney and notary public of Salem, Oregon, agreeing to pay him a certain percentage of the commissions as soon as we procured titles and disposed of the claims. His services, in return, were to consist of conducting the homesteaders to the land office for the purpose of filing their claims, attending to the advertising and the making of final proofs, and to act as a general lookout, by keeping us posted as to how things were moving along. Persons living in 'the township were entitled to make final proof before the County Clerk of the county wdiere the land was situated, if they so desired, or before the Register and Receiver of the Oregon City Land Office. In view of this phase of the situation, McKinley entered into an arrangement with Robert B. Montague, the Deputy County Clerk of Linn county at Albany, whereby he agreed to pay him $100 for each person who filed and made final proof before him, ^lontague, of course, being made familiar with all the conditions, and he understood the situation thoroughly. Altogether, we located twelve claims in this way, of 160 acres each, which was done by ten people only, two of them filing upon two claims each, but under different names, one claim, in each of these particular instances, being filed on before Deputy Clerk Montague at Albany, and the other before the Register of the Oregon City Land Office. Those making final proof on two claims were : Thomas R. Wilson, who filed under the names of Joseph Wilson and Thos. Wilkins ; the other, Henry A. Young, who used his correct name in filing the first claim, and that of Geo. A. Graham in filing upon the second one. Nellie Backus, Alexander R. Brown, and Emma Porter, used only a portion of their real names. George L. Pettis and Zenas K. Watson were fictitious names. The only others using their correct names were Maud Witt, Harry C. Barr and Frank H. Walgamot. This changing of names was done for the purpose of avoiding identity in case there should be any investigation by the Land Department, after final proof had been made. Six of the claims were filed on before Montague, at Albany, and an equal number before the Register of the Oregon City Land Office. At the time of filing, the homesteaders were required to make affidavits to the eft'ect that they had settled upon their claims prior to the creation of the reserve, and at the time of making final proofs, they were obliged to make affidavits, corroborated by witnesses, that they were not only living on their claims prior to the creation of the reserve, but had resided there continuously up to that date, and that the improvements consisted of a good house, with outbuildings, such as a barn, woodshed, etc. ; also that they had cultivated and fenced an acre or so of the land, and that the value of their improvements amounted to several hundred dollars. The affidavits and proofs of homesteaders must be corroborated by two disinterested witnesses living near by, and who are personally acquainted with Page 48 Horace G. McKinley*Puter's partner in fraudulent land operations, who fled to China after his conviction in the 11-7 case, and was brought back by Detective J. F. Kerrigan after a 30, 000 mile chase those making- final proofs, as well as familiar with the character of their improvements. This i)roviso was easy enough to overcome, as one homesteader acted as a witness for the other, and vice versa. As township "11-7" is located near the very top of the Cascade range of mountains, and at an altitude of approximately 5,000 feet, it is very rough, rocky, and broken up with deep gorges, and covered with a dense undergrowth of brush and fir timber, with snow covering the entire district to a great depth for three- fourths of the }'ear, thereby rendering it imposible for any one to make a living in the township under existing conditions. In fact, not a soul lives nearer than thirty miles. Under the circumstances, it was an easy matter for us to play fast and loose with "11-7," as there was not much likelihood of anybody disputing our assertions relative to improvements, or anything else. As a matter of fact, not one of the ten who made proof on the dozen claims had ever been nearer to them than Albany, and there were no improvements on any claim. In passing the Homestead Act, it was the intention of Congress to open up lands to legitimate settlers, who would actually reside on the property for five years before proving up; build a residence on same; till the soil, and in all, make such improvements as would justify the homesteader in remaining on the land, and making it his permanent home. Final proofs were made on the twelve claims within a few weeks after the filings, and as no improvements whatever had been made, nor had the entrymen even gone to the expense of inspecting the lands, which they were supposed to have lived on and made their homes continuously for five years, it can readily be seen that the parties to this transaction were fraudulently attempting to secure them purely for the purpose of speculation. As McKinley and I did not wish to be known in this matter, we arranged to have the entrymen, as soon as proofs were made, execute deeds to Mrs. Emma L. Watson, she being one of the entrymen, having taken up a claim under the name of Emma Porter, later deeding it to herself. Arrangements had been made previously between Mrs. Watson, McKinley and myself, whereby she agreed to make conveyance to any person whom we might designate, in the event of a sale. The actual cost of these claims to McKinley and myself was as follows: Emma Porter $800 Maud Witt 600 Geo. L. Pettis - 600 Nellie Backus 150 Alexander R. Brown 150 Harry C. Barr 150 Frank H. Walgamot 150 Zenas K. Watson 150 Joseph Wilson 150 Thos. Wilkins 150 Henry A. Young 150 Geo. A. Graham 150 $3350 Land Office Fees 300 Incidental Expenses 150 450 Total Cost $3800 Filings were made by the claimants in October, 1900, and final proofs submitted six weeks later. As McKinley and I bore all costs, not only regarding amounts paid to the various so-called homesteaders, but also the land office fees and incidental expenses, it will be seen that each homesteader profited to the extent of the amount credited opposite his or her name. As to our reason for paying INIaud Page 50 'Ardigah Falls," on Marion Fork of Santiam River, near southeast corner of Township 11 South, Range 7 East Witt and Geo. L. Pettis $600 each, it might be stated that they were close personal friends and had an understanding with us from the beginning that they were to be "preferred" to that extent. In the case of Emma Porter, the sum of $800 was paid her, for the reason that she had acted as a go-between, in so much as these lands were all transferred to her, to l)c held in trust until their sale was effected. In consideration of these services, she was paid for her claim nearly its entire market value. A few weeks after final proofs were made, while McKinley and I were at a hotel in Albany, a man named J. A. W. Heidecke api)roached AIcKinley and stated that he had lived ft)r a long time at a little place known as Detroit within thirty miles of Township "11-7," and that he had heard of twelve people making- proofs to homestead claims in that township ; also that he was informed that McKinley and I were at the bottom of the deal, and that he knew very well none of the entrymen had been on their claims, nor had they complied with the homestead law in any manner. Heidecke hinted that unless he could get some- thing out of it he would report the matter to the Commissioner of the General Land Office. The upshot of this conversation was that McKinley settled with Heidecke by pa}'ing him $50, for which amount he agreed to keep his mouth shut. However, it was not many months after final proofs had been made, be- fore "Lookout" Tarpley learned through Special Agent C. E. Lo'omis, that the latter had received instructions from the Commissioner of the General Land Ofiice to make a thorough examination of our twelve entries in Township "11-7," charges of fraud having been filed against them by somebody. Immediately upon learning these facts, I consulted with F. Pierce Mays, and explained to him the entire situation ; how these lands had been taken up — twelve claims in all, explaining further, that the parties interested had never seen the lands and knew nothing about them, except that they were somewhere in Township "11-7," and that, as the matter stood now, McKinley and I were the sole owners of the entire twelve claims, although they were being held in trust for us by Mrs. Emma L. Watson. After listening to my story. Mays advised that I see C. E. Loomis, Special Agent for the Oregon City Land District, suggesting that it would be an easy matter to "fix" things with him. He said, in fact, that it was about the only thing I could do. Thereupon I wrote Loomis at Oregon City, stating that I wished to see him, and he called upon me at once at my home in Portland, when I advised the Special Agent of having learned that he had been instructed by the Land Depart- ment at Washington to investigate the homestead entries in "11-7," and upon the advice of my attorney, Mr. Mays, I had requested this conference, as I was the owner of all twelve claims. Loomis professed to be well accjuainted with Mr. Mays, and c^uestioned me rather closely regarding the entries. I told him that I knew nothing whatever about any improvements or residence, but that, inasmuch as I had purchased the claims in good faith, I was naturally anxious to secure the patents with as little delay as possible, especially since it was my intention to use them as base in the selection of other lands. I protested against becoming involved with the Government on account of any controversy over the titles, and suggested that he make it convenient to visit the claims personally at the earliest date possible, and report his findings to headquarters at Washington without delay. I have no knowledge of Mr. Loomis having seen Mr. Mays before calling on me, but thought at the time, as I still believe, that they had had an interview relative to the subject, as Mr. Loomis lost no time in assuring me that he would do everything in his power to have matters adjusted, and he expressed the opinion that all would terminate to my entire satisfaction. Thus encouraged, I went on to explain to Loomis that the trip to "11-7" would prove an arduous one, and quite expensive, and as I wanted to secure the patents immediately I would gladly contribute to the expense, if he would defer action on all other business Page 52 and proceed at once to the township named. Thereupon, I handed Air. Loomis a draft in the sum of $500 and informed him that, upon receipt of patents, I would give him a similar sum, and which later was handed to Air. Loomis, after the patents were issued. The two drafts mentioned were purchased at the Wells Fargo Bank of Portland, Oregon. Air. Loomis then assured me that he would go right ahead and do the best he could by me, and stated further, that he had no doubt as to his ability to make a favorable report, after which, he said. I would experience little difficulty in securing my patents. After coming to terms with Loomis, I then w^rote to J. A. W. Heidecke requesting him to meet me at Albany, Oregon, on Wednesday of that week, where I wished to see him on important business. On the date indicated I went to Albany and found Air. -Heidecke awaiting my arrival, and we proceeded to bus- iness immediately. I asked him if he was much acquainted in Township "11-7," to which he replied, that he had lived in Detroit for the past fifteen years and was not only familiar with the township itself, but was also personally accjuainted with every homesteader residing therein, and, in fact, with all the settlers in that part of the country. It was amusing to me to find Heidecke so apt in volunteering information, and particularly with reference to township "11-7," when he stated that "he was acquainted with every homesteader residing therein." His antics, in endeavor- ing to make me think that he knew all these bogus entrymen, especially in view of the fact that I was perfectly well aware that none of them had ever been within 100 miles of the tow^nship, furnished one of the most comical incidents in my experience with hirelings of his calibre. After listening to Heidecke's story, I was pleased to allow him to continue in the mind that he knew these entrymen — that I was thoroughly satisfied with the fact, and that he was just the man I was looking for. I then informed him that I had purchased the twelve claims, and that, having learned that Special Agent Loomis would soon reach Detroit, on a tour of inspection of the improvements. I would like to engage him to accompany Air. Loomis and show him the impi"ovements on each quarter section. I then volunteered the statement that he would be well paid for his trouble, and handed him $10 to cover his expenses to date, in coming to Albany, and an additional $100 which I thought ample to cover expense of the trip to the mountains, when Loomis arrived. Heidecke consented to make the trip, and promised to be on the lookout for the special agent. He stated further, that he would conduct Loomis all over township "11-7," and would show him the "cabins" and other "improvements" on the twelve claims, and in addition, agreed to introduce the Special Agent to several residents of Detroit, who were "personally accjuainted" with each homesteader. Aly next thought was for Air. Loomis' entertainment and comfort, so I instructed Heidecke to have a saddle horse for the special agent to ride, in addi- tion to a pack animal, as Indian trails were the only available routes into the region. I also cautioned him to take along plenty of good things to eat and drink, particularly emphasizing the latter feature, and in all, to take the very best care of the old man, with a view to having him make a favorable report. I impressed on Heidecke that much depended upon him, and that, if he succeeded in showing all cabins, improvements, etc., to Loomis. I would give him $250 more, for his extra trouble, as I put it. It was part of the game to keep both Loomis and Heidecke in ignorance of any monetary consideration, as between either of them and myself; in other words, not to let my left hand know what my right was doing in this respect. I aroused Heidecke's cupidity when I told him about the prospects of his getting an additional amount, and he responded joyously, "Good ; just leave it to me." Page 53 Linn County Courthouse at Albany, Oregon, where Puter and McKinley operated extensively through Deputy County Clerk Robt. B. Montague Heidecke then inquired if I was personally acquainted with Binger Her- mann, then Commissioner of the General Land Office. "I certainly am," I replied. "Well, do you think you have enough pull with him to secure my appoint- ment as a forest ranger?" Heidecke asked. I assured him that I had and would see that he was appointed as soon as I returned to Washington, remarking further, that I expected to go there as soon as Loomis had filed his report concerning these lands. This seemed to please Heidecke immensely, and he kept insisting upon my leaving all the details connected with taking care of Lx)omis to him, and that my interests would not suffer by the operation. Heidecke then returned to Detroit, to begin preparations for the reception of Special Agent Loomis. There- upon I wrote the latter informing him of the arrangements I had made for Heidecke to meet him at Detroit, and of all preparations in advance of his coming for the proposed trip. Some two or three weeks later I met Loomis in Portland, when he in- formed me of having just returned from his trip to Township "11-7," advising me that he had made a careful examination of the alleged improvements with Heidecke, whom he pronounced very much of a gentleman, rendering him every possible assistance in his work. Dr. Loomis declared that they had found all of the improvements on the twelve claims in question, although some were in a dilapidated condition, on account of the heavy snowfall of the previous winter, but that he had found sufficient evidence of habitation to justify the issuance of patents. He announced himself as satisfied that the homesteaders had acted in good faith, and had complied with the law to the best of their ability, and that he would recommend the entries to patent. It developed afterwards that Heidecke had merely taken Loomis along some well-defined trails, that led past cabins belonging to other settlers in that part of the country, and had not been on any portion of the suspended claims with him, because it would have been a give away on both sides to have done so, and for the further reason, that they would necessarily have had to possess the agility of a goat to reach any of my claims, as they were practically inaccessible. In speaking of the incident later to a friend, Heidecke confided that "he fooled the old man in great shape ;" that after showing Loomis a certain cabin, belonging to a legitimate settler, in another township, he circled around for about half an hour, bringing up at the same cabin, but viewing it from the rear, instead of the front, as in the first instance, and later in the day, finding that he was running short of cabins, he halted Loomis, for yet a third time, at the same identical cabin, taking the precaution, on this occasion, to view it from the side. Little did Heidecke think, in his anxiety to protect my interests, that his guest on that occasion was only too glad to be fooled. In speaking of the trip to me, Loomis stated that Heidecke introduced him to a number of residents of Detroit, and that he obtained affidavits from L. Jacobs, the store-keeper, and other citizens of the place, certifying to an acquaintance with all twelve homesteaders, and setting forth, in substance, how they had seen them a number of times during the past eight years, as they went to and fro to their claims, together witli other testimony of material value. It has always been a mystery to me how he ever got those people to make such affidavits as that, unless he hypnotized them, as there was not one word of truth in anything they swore to. It is possible that Heidecke might have been smooth enough to make the affiants think they had seen those twelve entrymen up there at various times, but it could only have been accomplished through the inspiration of an optical delusion. Loomis must have overdone the thing, as it was not a great while after he sent in his report before he called on me at my home in Portland and stated that he had received fresh instructions from the Commissioner of the General Page 55 03 O Land Office, requesting him to obtain personal affidavits from the homesteaders, with reference to their improvements, cultivation and residence on their claims. Loomis added that, inasmuch as he was acquainted with the character of the improvements on the claims, and knew practically wdiat was required in the nature of affidavits by the Department, he had already prepared a lot, and asked me to round up the twelve homesteaders and have them appear before him for the purpose of attesting the same. I immediately notified Mrs. Emma L. Watson, Nellie Backus, Thos. R. Wilson and Frank H. Walgamot, whom I found in the city, what would be required of them, and at the same time, I wired to San Francisco to "Geo. L. Pettis" and Maud Witt, to come to Portland, and upon their arrival, an appoint- ment was made with Dr. Loomis at his rooms in the Liiperial Hotel, where all of the above-named persons met and signed the affidavits, certifying to the improvements of the other six entrymen who were not present, some of whom, they declared, were out of the State, while others were out of the United States. Some months after this, ''Lookout" Tarpley informed me that he had heard, through IMerritt Ormsby, a son of Captain Salmon B. Ormsby, Superintendent of the Cascade Forest Reserve, that the Commissioner of the General Land Office had instructed his father to go up into Township "11-7" and make an examination of the improvements and cultivation of these twelve homesteaders, and to ascertain, through affidavits of disinterested persons living near by, as to what they knew of the homesteaders, together with their improvements and residence on the claims. As I was not acquainted with Capt. Ormsby, I concluded to try and work the old man through his son, Merritt, so I had Mrs. Emma L. Watson go to the Wells Fargo Bank of Portland, purchase a draft in the sum of $500, and indorse it to the order of Merritt Ormsby. I then went up to Salem and had a talk with the young man, telling him that if he could induce his father to go at once into Township "11-7," and make an examination of those twelve homestead claims and return a favorable report thereon, that I would pay him $500 as soon as the patents issued. At the same time, I flashed the $500 draft in full view, and told him that I would put it up in escrow, if he so desired. He promised to see his father right away, and the next day informed me he had had a talk with the old gentleman, who had consented to go on the trip without delay. During my interview with young Ormsby, I impressed upon him the advisability of having his father correspond with Special Agent Loomis, with a view of meeting the latter before making the trip to "11-7," and in case he could not meet Dr. Loomis personally, to have his father endeavor to secure a copy of the Loomis report to the Commissioner, bearing upon the subject of these homestead entries, and which report, he had but recently forwarded to Washington, as I believed it would be of great benefit to his father, in view of the fact that Dr. Loomis had made a personal and thorough examination of the twelve claims prior to making his report. I then sent "Lookout" Tarpley with Captain Ormsby to Detroit, and posted Tarpley, before leaving, in regard to Loomis' report and of Heidecke's connection therewith, instructing him to have the latter do about the same for Ormsby as he had done for Loomis, at the same time, handing Tarpley sufficient funds to entertain Ormsby in a befitting manner, settle the bills in general, and in addition, in view of the fact that the ^vere winter storms were probably wearing heavily on my old friend Heidecke, and believing that he would appreciate a little remembrance, I handed him a bill of respectable denomination to be given the erstwhile mountaineer. Upon arriving at Detroit, Tarpley lost no time in advising Heidecke of the situation, at the same time presenting to him the greenback I had entrusted to his care for that purpose. The result was, the necessary affidavits were obtained from the different so-called disinterested persons, living in and about Detroit, in regard to the residence and improvements of the twelve alleged Page 57 homesteaders, and which affidavits Heidecke procured in short order. At tliis time it was ah(mt the middle of January, 1902, and the snow was at least six feet deep over the entire township. Notwithstanding this fact, Captain Ormsby, accompanied by Heidecke, started for Township 11-7, while Tarpley, believing that his mission had been fulfilled, returned to civilization, after remaining- out one night with Ormsby during the "inspection." Some two or three weeks later I met young Ormsby in Salem, and was informed by him that his father had made out his report and had forwarded the same to Washington ; also that he had seen Special Agent Loomis before doing so, and as near as he could find out, the report would be favorable. It developed later that Heidecke had failed to carry out his part of the programme, whether because he realized that he had gone too far already in the matter of his connection with the Loomis report, or because of the insufficiency of the amount sent to him to play the same part over again in the handling of Orms- by, I have never been able to determine. I do know, however, that Heidecke had no sooner started on the trip with Ormsby toward the mountains, when he was seized with a severe attack of the "cold feet" complaint and turned about for home, at the same time, informing Forest Superintendent Ormsby that there wasn't a cabin anywere to be found up there ; that he had made the trip with Special Agent Loomis some time before, and that it could serve no good purpose to do the same thing over again. Just how Ormsby and Heidecke patched up matters between them, I have never been able to learn, but of one thing I am certain, Heidecke signed affidavits for Ormsby, testifying as to the cabins and improvements on the claims of the so-called homesteaders, all of which Ormsby accepted and forwarded to Washington, notwithstanding Heidecke's personal statement to him that the cabins and improvements never existed. Inasmuch as I was unable to learn definitely as to the character of Forest Superintendent Ormsby's report, further than the information volunteered by young Ormsby, and which was only an opinion, I concluded to call on my old friend Mays once more, advise him of the status of afifairs and learn what he had to say about the matter ; so, after relating to him all the circumstances, including the various transactions wherein offers of money had been made, as well as paid, to those standing in the way of patents, particularly calling his attention to the Ormsby obligation of $500, Mays said that it would be a good plan for me to go back to Washington and see Senator John H. Mitchell, and get him to help me out. He also suggested, because of the claims being in the name of Mrs. Watson, that it would be well to have her go to Washington also, as the Senator, if it could be made to appear that Mrs. Watson was sufifering on account of the delay, would probably exert himself more on her account than he would be disposed to do in the case of a man, Mays remarking at the time, "a woman's influence, you know, is always supreme." I told Mays- that I thought his suggestion a good one, and stated that I would communicate with Mrs. Watson immediatey, which I did, addressing her at Los Angeles, California, and urging that it would be necessary for her to go on to Washington and requesting that she advise me if this would be agreeable to her and if so. when she could make the trip. Upon receiving a reply, in which Mrs. Watson told me that she would go to Washington and would probably arrive there about March 1st, I called on Mays again, informed him of Mrs. Watson's disposition in the matter, and asked him for a letter to Senator Mitchell and to make it good and strong, telling the Senator how important it was that the patents issue without delay, and that I would certainly make it all right with him. Mays agreed to comply with my request, so I purchased a ticket, called again at Mays' office, for the letter, and on the following day started for Washington, D. C. Arriving at the Capitol city, about February 28th, 1902. I went direct to the Dewey Hotel and called upon Senator Mitchell, delivering the letter which Page 58 "Bearing Tree" in 11-7 had been given me by Mays. After the Senator read Mays' letter and heard what I had to say, he stated that he would be very busy that day, but for me to come around the next morning at 9 :30, and he would see what could be done. Promptly at the time appointed, I called at the Senator's rooms, and went into all the details about the twelve claims, insofar as it might appear as a legitimate transaction, telling him that if he could devote a little of his valuable time to my case, and secure for me the issuance of patents, I would pay him well for his trouble. The Senator evinced a willingness to do all he could for me. We then took a carriage and drove up to the Land Department for the purpose of seeing Commissioner Binger Hermann, and after exchanging greetings all around, the Senator asked Mr. Hermann for the status of the twelve claims. Commissioner Hermann accompanied us to Division "C," where we learned that it would be necessary to go to Division "P," so we took the elevator to one of the floors above and proceeded to the division in question, where Mr. Hermann asked one of the clerks for a status of the entries, at the same time handing him a list of the same. As the information could not be procured forthwith, the Commissioner instructed his clerk to bring it to his office, whereupon Senator Mitchell proceeded to the Senate Chambers and I returned with Mr. Hermann to his office to await the clerk's report. About fifteen minutes later, the clerk appeared and handed to Commissioner Hermann the status of the entries, stating that the reports had all been received, that of Superintendent .Ormsby having just arrived, and that they were all Page 59 favorable, but that it would be several months before they could be acted upon, as they would have to come up in their regular order. I then asked the Commissioner if it would be possible to have the claims made special, to which he replied that this could be done, provided, however, that I could show good cause why such action should be taken. As I could not think of any "good cause" why my claims should be made special, I hesitated to make reply and evidently looked perplexed, as Mr. Hermann came to my rescue with the suggestion that I think the matter over and see .Senator Alitchell again, whom he had no doubt could prepare an affidavit for me that would be acceptable to the Department. Acting upon the advice of the Commissioner, I called upon Senator Mitchell again that evening and informed him of the status of the entries; how all reports received had been favorable, but that, inasmuch as Superintendent Ormsby's report had been received but a few days ago, it would probably be several months before the Department could act, unless they were made special. I then informed the Senator of Mr. Hermann's suggestion that I see him. and have an affidavit prepared setting forth the facts and showing cause why the patents should be expedited. The Senator then asked me if I could present any good reasons wdiy my claims should be made special, and which would warrant the expediting of the patents. I replied that I did not know exactly what was required ; that my anxiety concerning the patents arose from the fact that I had bought the claims one year previously, and that they were now standing in the name of Mrs. Emma L. Watson, a widow, who had considerable money involved in the transaction, and was anxious to get it out; also, that under the present situation of the title, I could not dispose of the land, or borrow any money thereon. I then handed the Senator the abstract of title, showing the claims to be in Mrs. Watson's name. After reading it over, he asked me where she was, and I replied that she was on her way to Washington City and was due to arrive at any moment. The Senator then informed me that it would be necessary for Mrs. Watson to make an affidavit, setting forth some good reason why the patents should be expedited. This, he stated, he could prepare for her in advance, as I was probably familiar with the facts and could aid him in the preparation of a list of questions that would cover the ground. I informed the Senator that I believed this possible, so he then asked me several c[uestions relative to Mrs. Watson's need of the money that was involved in the entries, and if there was any danger of her suffering financial loss on account of delay. I replied that she had mortgaged some property in Seattle in order to get the money to put into these lands ; that the mortgage was past due, and that she was hard pressed for the money. Senator Mitchell assured me, under these circumstances, that Mrs. Watson could make an affidavit sufficiently strong to secure the expediting of the patents, and that he would prepare one in the meantime and have everything in readiness when she arrived. Upon Mrs. Watson's arrival, March 3rd, or two days after my conversation with Senator Mitchell relative to the affidavit, I escorted her to the Senator's rooms at the Dewey Hotel and introduced them. The Senator received her very graciously, and a few moments later handed her the affidavit, which was in typewritten form, remarking that if she found it to be satisfactory, it would be necessary for her to sign and acknowledge the same. Upon her expressing some doubts relative to the contents of the document, Senator Mitchell asked her if I had not explained its nature, and she replied in the negative, stating that she had just arrived in the city and had not had an opportunity to talk the matter over with me. but admitting, however, that I was attending to the de- tails for her. "But. Senator, if you and Mr. Puter say it is all right for me to sign it. I will do so," she added. Page 60 Senator Mitchell then explained that the affidavit was prepared for the purpose of showing her interest in the lands, as a basis for having the patents expedited. We then took a carriage and drove to the Commissioner's office, where Mrs. Watson was introduced to Mr. Hermann by the Senator, the latter explaining to the Commissioner how Mrs. Watson had come all the way from the Coast, in order to try to secure patents to. her lands, and mentioned the fact that he had prepared affidavits for the purpose of showing why the claims should be expedited, and which he would send to the Department immediately. Mrs. Watson, the Senator and myself then drove up to the United States Senate Chamber, where we were introduced to a notary public, who took Mrs. Watson's acknowledgment, and also that of my own to an affidavit similar in effect to that made by Mrs. Watson. While in the carriage on the way to the Senate Chamber, Senator Mitchell advised Mrs. Watson that it would be a good idea for her to call around and see the Commissioner cjuite often, as it would help her out by getting acquainted with him in this way and it might also tend to stir him up. He said that she would find Mr. Hermann a very agreeable man to talk with, and that he would take an interest in her case. Mrs. Watson took the hint and made a practice of calling frequently upon Mr. Hermann, and he would invariably request some clerk to let him know how matters were progressing with regard to certain claims about which he had given instructions, and upon receipt of the information, Mr. Hermann would advise Mrs. Watson as to the progress being made, explaining to her on the occasion of each visit, that the work involved was of considerable magnitude, and that much time was required in its execution, thus soothing whatever anxiety she might have entertained in this direction. Within four or five days after Mrs. Watson's first call on the Commissioner, I decided to pay him a visit personally, and upon arriving at his office, Mr. Hermann picked up a document from his table, remarking as he held it in his hand, that he had received it but a few minutes before from Division "P,"' and which document, as Mr. Hermann explained, contained a full report of the findings of said division, the result of which knocked us out completely on the twelve claims at issue. This was a body blow which well nigh took my breath, but recovering my composure, I said: "Mr. Hermann, what am I to do?" To which he replied in substance : "Now Puter, can't you return to Oregon, round these people up again, and secure proofs sufficient to warrant the issuance of these patents?" Mr. Hermann's demeanor throughout, after stating that we had been knocked out completely, was such as to inspire me with hope, that, if certain conditions were complied with, the patents could be pulled out. Not stopping to ask what these conditions were, or making further inquiry into the contents of the document which Mr. Hermann held in his hand, I cut the conversation short by asking that he, as a personal favor, would defer further action on those claims until I could have a talk with Senator Mitchell, which request the Commissioner readily granted, assuring me that ample time would be extended for that purpose. Thereupon I went up to the Senate Chamber and waited for the Senator to come out. When Senator Mitchell appeared, I took him to his hotel in a carriage, and in the course of the interview that followed, I told him exactly what Mr. Hermann had said. The Senator expressed his regrets at the turn of affairs, stating that he did not expect anything of the sort. After thinking the matter over for a few moments, he asked me if I did not think it best to follow Mr. Hermann's suggestion, and return to Oregon, where additional proofs might be secured. I replied that it was simply out of the question — that the entrymen, after making final proof, had scattered to the four winds, some of them going to Page 61 Binger Hermann, Ex-Commissioner of the General Land Office under indictment in numerous land fraud cases Alaska, some to Manila, and others to distant lands, and that it would be an utter impossibility to get them together again on a measure of that sort; also that those remaining in Oregon would attempt to hold me up for more than the land was worth, should I ask them to do anything more to perfect their titles. It was my sole purpose, at that particular moment, to close the deal, once and for all, and I was not to be put off, and I had no hesitancy in telling the Senator that, so far as the original entrymen were concerned, they had fulfilled their obligations to the letter, and that it was up to me to secure patents to the lands which I had bought and paid for. This, as I explained, could not be accomplished in Oregon — the City of Washington was the place — that I was on the ground with but one object, and that, as he well knew, was to secure title to those claims. I went on to explain that I had considerable money tied up in the claims already, and that, unless he could pull the patents out for me, and at once, I would be put to considerable financial loss. "Senator," I said, vehemently, 'T want you to go over and see Mr. Hermann yourself, and try to get him to reconsider his action. I fail to perceive any reason why those patents should not issue." The Senator, at this point, proceeded to assure me that he would see Commissioner Hermann at the earliest possible date, and would devote as much time to my interests as he possibly could, consistent with the many demands made upon him, in performance of the everyday routine of business. "Now, Senator," said I, "delays are dangerous, and besides, I have other matters which demand immediate attention. Already I have something like $8,000 tied up in these lands, and I cannot afford to lose that amount. The truth is, Senator," I continued, "I stand ready to put up the last dollar that I expect to receive for those lands," and pulling two $1,000 bills out of my pocket, I placed them on the table in front of the Senator, with the remark that I considered his services well worth that amount, and insisted that he accept them and represent me, to the end that patents issue without further delay. I explained further, that with this expenditure, I would just about come out even on the deal, and that, as I fully realized his ability to represent me in the matter, I was only too glad to pay him this money for his services. The Senator raised his hand in gentle protest, saying: "No, no, Mr. Puter, I cannot think of allowing you to pay that sum of money to me." "That does not make any difference," I answered, "you must take it, Senator, for I have already occupied a lot of your time and I know full well, if you will go over the whole ground with Mr. Hermann, you will convince him that those patents ought to issue immediately." I then reviewed the entire case with Senator Mitchell ; how C. E. Loomis, the Special Agent, had made a thorough examination of the claims, relative to improvements and cultivation thereon, and had recommended the issuance of patents, in view of his investigations ; also how he had secured affidavits from various persons residing in the neighborhood, all of whom certified to the good faith of the entrymen. I likewise cited the fact of Captain Ormsby, Superintendent of the Cascade Forest Reserve, having gone there and of his making a supple- mental report, covering practically the same ground. After listening to these arguments, the Senator said : "Mr. Puter, you cannot afford to pay me such an amount as this," at the same time, picking up one of the bills and pushing the other in my direction. I tossed the bill back across the table to him and replied : "Senator, I insist on your taking this money ; your services are well worth it in this case, and if you will only spare the time to go over the homestead proofs with Commissioner Hermann, together with the reports of Special Agent Loomis, and Forest Superintendent Ormsby, you will convince him that patents to those twelve claims should be issued without delay. I am satisfied that Mr. Hermann does not want to turn those entries down ; I could see from his conversation and manner toward me that he stood ready to assist in every way possible, and am confident. Page 63 Daniel W. Tarpley, convicted with Puter and others in the 11-7 case {Familiarly known as "Lookout Dan") if you will give him a personal talk that all will be well with me." The Senator then accompanied me to the door, and placing his hand upon my shoulder, said : "]\lr. Puter, I will call on Air. Hermann immediately after dinner this evening, and if you will call on me tomorrow, I will report the result of our interview." At nine o'clock next morning I called on the Senator at his rooms in the Dewey Hotel, at which time he informed me of having called on Commissioner Hermann on the evening before ; of having gone over the ground with him, insofar as Mrs. Watson's pressing need of money was concerned; also laying before him the fact of my close personal friendship with Mr. Mays, of Portland, and in addition, the Senator added, "I told him how I felt about the whole matter and advised that he do something for you without further delay. Commissioner Hermann," continued the Senator, "then mentioned having known you for a long time, and when he expressed himself as feeling kindly toward you I lost no time in 'fixing' things up with him, and I feel confident that you will experience little or no further difficulty." The Senator then suggested that I call around and see Mr. Hermann that afternoon or the following morning and that he would probably have something definite for me at that time. About 2 o'clock, while on my way to the Land Department, I met Mr. Hermann, who informed me that the Senator had been up to see him and that they had talked matters over relative to my twelve claims, and that it was his purpose to take the matter up personally and, if within his power, he would have the patents issued. I did not find it convenient to call on Senator Mitchell again that evening, but paid him a visit on the day following, when I proceeded to inform the Senator that I had met Mr. Hermann on the afternoon of the day before and that he had promised to take the matter of my patents up personally. "It is evident, Mr. Puter, that I have seen Mr. Hermann since you talked with him last," broke in Senator Mitchell, "as he told me last evening tliat he found everything all right and had decided to issue the patents." This was good news to me, so I repaired at once to the Commissioner's office, and was told by Mr. Hermann that he had ordered the patents issued and that I would get them in a few days. Two or three days later, I called again on the Commissioner to make sure of the ground, and Mr. Hermann sent one of his clerks down into the basement with me, where we found a female clerk, whose business, I was given to under- stand, was to write up the patents, and I ascertained that she was working on those of mine, much to my satisfaction and relief, for now, at last, the long chase was indeed drawing to a close. I then returned to the Dewey Hotel and informed Senator Mitchell that everything was all right, as I had seen several of my' patents made out, and that the others would be forthcoming immediately, so I bade him goodby and returned to Portland, Oregon, via California, and when I arrived in Portland, the entire twelve patents were awaiting me. Calling on F. Pierce Mays immediately on my return, I gave him a complete history of my experience in Washington ; how I had "backed and filled" — lost and won — only to lose again, and how, in my last desperate efi:'ort, as it were, I planked down a cold two thousand, and, in the imrhortal words of the Yankee trader who said, "Money talks," I managed to come off victorious, though I was forced to admit, without having added materially to my bank account. After finishing my story, I thought that Mays would have a fit, right there and then. "'Two thousand dollars — two thousand dollars," he repeated, "why, man, what were you thinking about?" "Had to be done," said I, "it was a case of come through or lose every- thing.'" Page 65 To say that Mays was angry with me would be expressing it mildly. He said that those people in Washington would think I was made of money and would eagerly await my return visit. "Yes, sir," said he, "you have ruined the game, Puter, and from this time on, it will be a case of 'money talks' or no business, whereas, heretofore, we could get most anything- asked for at comparatively little expense." Mays thought that $500 was a great plenty for the work involved, and upbraided me severely for having paid a cent more. Having escaped from Mays' office, the question arose as to which of my experiences was the most exciting. In Washington, I was in danger of becoming a bankrupt and losing my credit; while upon my return home, it appeared, for the moment, that my very life was in jeopardy. My first thought was to leave the country, but as I had gone to the trouble and expense to secure patents to those lands, I decided to stop off at Albany, Oregon, where I had the patents recorded and obtained an abstract of title. I then mustered up sufficient courage to return to Portland, where I called on Frederick A. Kribs, the financial agent of C. A. Smith, the millionaire lumberman of Minneapolis, Minn., mention of whom has been made in a former chapter. I informed Mr. Kribs that patents had been issued to the twelve claims in Township 'Tl-7" and that, as I had agreed to sell them -to him upon receipt of patents, I asked as to his disposition in the matter at this time. Mr. Kribs was glad to learn that the title had been made clear, as he had an opportunity to select twelve quarter claims of extra fine timber land in lieu thereof. As Mr. Kribs wanted to secure transfer of the property immediately, I had him make out a deed, which I presented to Mrs. Watson upon her return from the East, and had her appear before a notary public to acknowledge the same, transferring the property to Kribs, after which Mrs. Watson returned the deed to me, and I called on Mr. Kribs again, turning over the deed and abstract of title to him, and receiving in return, a check made payable to Emma L. Watson in the sum of $10,080, which was at the rate of $5.25 per acre. The check in question was delivered to Mrs. Watson by me and deposited by her to her personal account, at which time she deducted the amounts advanced toward the purchasing of the claims, together with the amount she was to receive for her personal claim, and handed me a check for the balance. "T. A." Ranch on Crazy Woman Creek Wyoming where the Cattle Rustlers' War terminated in 1892 Page 66 Chapter V Emboldened by their success in the " ii-f deal, Puter and McKinley seek new zvorlds to conquer, and are rezvarded by making a rich haul in Township "24-1" — McKinley plays an interesting hold-up game with Clyde Lloyd in the transaction, his careless methods resulting in laying the foundation for subsequent Governmental prosecutions — The irrepressible Franklin Pierce Mays also takes a hand in the game upon a percentage basis, and poor Hobson is left zvith his usual choice. DURING April or May, 1901, McKinley and I discovered that Township 24 South, Range 1 East, Willamette Meridian, had been surveyed and become subject to entry, and as the township was located within the range of the Cascade Forest Reserve, and was practically in the same condition as "11-7" when we located the twelve claims there, and being emboldened because of our success in the latter township, we concluded to try our luck again in locating some more homesteaders, in the same manner pursued in "11-7," with the object of acquiring the basis upon which to make other selections. Up to this time, be it known, we had experienced no difficulty in the matter of our operations in Township "11-7;" the claims having been acquired, final proofs made, and deeds transferring the lands to Mrs. Emma L. Watson having been executed, without the slightest intimation of impending trouble. It only remained, therefore, from outward appearance, to await the issue of patents, at which time the base in question could be relinquished to the Government and other lands selected in lieu thereof. As Township 24 South, Range 1 East, was situated on the headwaters of the Middle Fork of the Willamette river, and at an altitude of 4,000 feet and was miles away from any settlement, the conditions made it all the more favorable to our plans, as it was not likely that any one would know whether the homesteaders we located there were bona fide settlers or not. As the township was located in Lane county, McKinley contended that the homestead filings as well as final proofs could be made before Marie L. Ware, the United States Commissioner at Eugene, the county seat, and he suggested further, because of the fact of Miss Ware being in love with him, that we could work the "dummy" proposition for all it was worth. Miss Ware was the daughter of Joel Ware, one of the most respected citizens of Lane county. He had been the Clerk of Lane county for a number of years, and had filled various other official positions during his long residence in Oregon, the last being United States Commissioner. For several years prior to her father's death, Marie had acted in the capacity of clerk in the office, and in that way became quite familiar with official forms. It enabled her to gain an intimate knowledge of land office business coming before her, such as receiving filing papers, and entering them upon the records and township plats ; taking final pr*oof of claimants, and testimony of witnesses besides hearing the testimony in contest cases, etc., afterwards trans- mitting the same to the Roseburg Land Office. For a year or more before her father's death, Marie conducted all the business that went through his office. Whenever any persons desired to make final proof, she would take down their testimony, afterwards escorting them to her father's bedside, where he would have them acknowledge their signatures, and then attach his official seal to the documents. Mr. Ware continued to fail in health, until finally the United States District Judge, Hon. Chas. B. Bellinger, Page 67 appointed Marie as his successor. She was an exceedingly vivacit)us girl, brimful of spirit, and very attractive in many ways, with rich auburn hair resembling bur- nished gold. McKinley. although already married, had been her sweetheart for years, and their infatuation has since culminated in the divorce of the McKinleys and the subse([uent marriage of Horace and Marie. When McKinley and I came to an understanding with reference to filings in Township "24-1," it was agreed between us to dispense with the formality of securing bona tide settlers, as that process would only incur unnecessary expense, and because of the intimacy which existed between Horace and Marie, the "dummy" proposition could be resorted to without fear of detection, and would prove by long odds the most satisfactory from a financial standpoint. This plan, therefore, was decided upon, and McKinley suggested that I go to Eugene and call on Marie, informing me at the same time that he had previously talked the matter over with her and that everything would be all right. Visiting Eugene, I called upon Miss Ware and advised her of the object, whereupon she expressed a willingness to do the work and wanted to know what there would be in it for her. We eventually reached an agreement whereby I was to allow her $100 on each claim put through, which was to be paid her as soon as final proof was made and the certificate issued by the Receiver of the Land Office, and in addition, I was also to pay the land office fee, advertising expenses, and cost of final proof, which altogether, amounted to practically $50. This township being double-minimum land, i. e., within the indemnity limits of the California & Oregon Railway Company's grant, the expense was doubled. In return for the consideration named, Marie agreed to fill in on the filing papers the description of the land to be located, attend to the advertising, and at the time of making final proof, to fill in all the questions asked on the blanks, both for the entrymen and their witnesses. This she did on the typewriter, so it only became necessary for me to procure signatures to represent the different entrymen and their witnesses to the various blanks. After reaching an agreement with Marie, she handed me several sets of papers, including homestead applications, homestead affidavits, final proof blanks for claimants and witnesses, affidavits of publication, non-mineral affidavits, blank deeds, and one or two other forms such as were required in making homestead entries. This was for the purpose of enabling the applicant to sign all the papers at the same time, thus obviating the necessity of appearing before her or anyone else again. Although illegal, it avoided a whole lot of red tape procedure. It will be seen that this method guaranteed an exact duplicate of the signature on each set of papers from the application down to and including the very deed itself, and as Marie had agreed to act as notary in the taking of acknowledgments of the signatures in question, there could be no hitch in the proceedings, nor would it be possible to introduce an outsider at some later date to prove that the signatures were other than genuine throughout. Returning to Portland, I called on McKinley and informed him of the arrangements I had made with Marie, and stated that it was my intention to call on my old stand by, F. Pierce Mays, and let him in with me on the deal. Aly object in so doing, as I explained to McKinley, was to secure the expediting of the patents at the earliest date possible, and this, I believed, could be accomplished through Mays quicker and better than through any other source, and besides Mays felt more or less aggrieved because of being left out on the "11-7" deal, and I thought, by letting him in on the "24-1" deal, to right matters with the old man and place him in line again for further operations. I suggested to McKinley that he. too, take Mays in with him, in whatever claims he might put through personally in the same township. I then called on Mr. Mays and explained to him the scheme, whereby it was proposed to secure a lot of homestead claims, which were situated in a township, the surrounding conditions being similar to those in Township "11-7." I gave him full particulars with reference to my arrangement with ]\Iarie Ware, Page 68 f^ 2 whereby she agreed to permit of the "dummy"' system being employed in securing title to the lands, for which services she was to receive the sum of $100 in each instance, and in addition, the actual expenses for land office fees, etc., or about $50 extra, making $150 in all for each claim put through. After examining the map to determine that the township was located as represented and within the limits of the Cascade Forest Reserve, Mays consented to go in with me on the deal, he to pay one-half the expenses and to receive one- half the profits. When the subject of patents came up, ]\Iays said that he would attend to that feature, as he was in a position to have them expedited without delay. He could not tell, however, off-hand, what it would cost, but that was a matter, he stated, that could be adjusted in final settlement, so I agreed to take liim in as a full-fledged partner. He wanted to know how many claims I expected to put through by the process described, and I replied that I could not say, as it all depended upon circumstances. My idea was to run through a few at a time, so as to avoid arousing suspicion. Mays thought, however, that we should get at least twenty- four or more right away, but I objected to that on the ground that the officials of the Roseburg Land Office would become suspicious if called upon to issue so many final certificates all at once in a single township. I then went down town and secured applicants who signed up two sets of papers for me, and mailed them, together with a check for $100, to Marie Ware at Eugene, and requested her to make the filings. I also gave a bunch to McKinley and asked him to have them signed and forwarded to Marie. Several days later I received a letter from Marie, stating that she had filed the two applications sent up, and that Horace had left five sets of papers with her to be filed for me, and requesting that I send her the necessary fees. I thereupon inclosed her a check for $250, and requested her to make the filings, which was done. A w^eek or so after this I sent her another bunch, but she wrote back that McKinley had instructed her not to make any more filings. I met Horace on the streets of Portland a few days later, while he was en route to La Crosse, Wis., and asked him what objections he had to Marie filing the last bunch of homestead claims. He replied that he did not propose to permit her to file those entries for Mays and myself, unless he could be figured in on the deal. I then told Horace, as I had in the beginning, that he, too, could go in with Mays, the same as I had done, and that whatever they put through independent of me, I should claim no interest in. He urged that it was giving Alays too large a share, and proceeded on his journey without any definite understanding on the subject. I sent Marie a check to cover the expense of filing the last bunch of papers forwarded her, and again requested her to file the same. Some days later, she returned them, together with my check, and said that, upon receipt of my letter, she had wired Horace at LaCrosse to know whether or not she should file the last bunch of entries, and that he had telegraphed a reply, directing her in positive terms not to do so. I thereupon telephoned her to come to Portland, which she did at once, registering at the Imperial Hotel. Upon Marie's arrival, I called on Mays and told him that she was in town, at the same time explaining the circumstances of her coming, and he said he would have a personal interview with her. Mays then w^ent up to the hotel and pleaded long and eloquently with her to recede from her position, informing Marie that there were but three days left in which to file the homestead claims, as the ninety days were about up in which settlers would have prior right to initiate title, so he insisted upon her putting them through without further delay, but without avail, as Marie positively declined to take a single step without the consent of McKinley. Mays returned to the office and reported to me all that had occurred, at the same time advising that I call on her again and see if I could make any Page 70 impression personally, to the end that she would make the filings. I would probably have done this, but as Mays lost his temper, flew into a rage, and made a great many uncomplimentary remarks about the girl that I did not like, I concluded not to say anything more to her upon the subject. It might be stated here, that although I succeeded in getting Marie to accept seven filings altogether, there were but six of these that were put through to patent, as the ofiicials of the Roseburg Land Office discovered a discrepancy in the seventh, or what is known as the "Abbott Claim," and as we neglected to make the correction within the time set by law, this entry went by the board. The names used to secure the six claims which finally went to patent, were as follows : Robert G. Tupman, Robert Simpson, Frank H. Heme, William H. Watkins, Samuel L. Carson and James Warwick. About the time of making final proofs, T called on Mays and requested that he put up his one-half of the expenses, or $450, informing him that I had succeeded in securing but 6 claims, and that I had put up exactly $900 to date. I asked him at the same time to whom the lands should be deeded, as w^e did not care to be known in the transaction. Mays thought it would be a good plan to leave the name of the grantee blank for the time being, and also the date, but to have the instrument witnessed and acknowledged. Upon my suggestion, however, he consented to have the lands embraced in the transaction transferred to Emma L. Watson, to be held by her in trust, and as for his share of the expenses, he said that he would advance sufficient to cover the expediting of the patents, and that we could have a general settlement of the account later on. I then called upon Mrs. Watson and informed her that Mays and I had purchased 6 homestead claims in Lane County ; that their first cost amounted to $900, and that, if she saw fit to advance the money, I would have the claims deeded to her, to be held in trust, and at the time of making a sale, would allow her a quarter interest in the net profits. Mrs. Watson agreed to accept my proposition, and gave me a check for $900, and as soon as Marie Ware had received the final certificates from the Roseburg Land Office, showing that the proofs of the six entries had been accepted, I paid her the money, after which, she filled out the deeds in the name of Emma L. Watson and I turned them over to the latter, and advised her not to record them until such time as I might suggest at a later date. About a month after the claims had been deeded to Mrs. Watson, I met Clyde D. Lloyd on the street in Portland, and became engaged with him in con- versation concerning timber lands. He was a friend of McKinley's from Wiscon- sin, and had been associated with him in several timber land deals. In the course of our conversation, Lloyd mentioned the fact that he had purchased three homestead claims of scrip lands in Towmship 24-1 from McKinley, paying for the same at the rate of $500 per quarter section, and he wanted to know about how long it took for patents to issue after final proof was made. I realized at once, as soon as he mentioned that the claims were in "24-1," that they were among those that had been taken up by me and in which Mays and I were interested, as the six claims which Marie had put through for me were the only ones in that township that had been proven up on. In reply to my in- quiry as to whether or not he had recorded the deeds, Lloyd answered in the negative, saying that McKinley had requested him to withhold them from record for awhile. I went directly to Mrs. Watson and requested that she send her deeds to Eugene without delay and have them recorded, also intimating to her that I thought there was some sharp practice on foot, .\cting upon my advice, she complied immediately with my instructions. Some months. later I met McKinley, who had returned from the East, and asked him what he meant by selling my lands to Clyde D. Lloyd. He answered that he had not intended to sell the lands to Lloyd, but that he simplv wanted to Page 72 Section cornerstone of two fraudulent claims in 24-1. The first indictment against Puter, McKinley and Marie L. Ware, was based on six bogus entries made in this township get into him to the extent of $1500, so as to force Lloyd to give him a written contract, in order to secure him on the "Marion County deal," and which trans- action was as follows : Some months prior to the time McKinley sold my three claims in "24-1" to Clyde D. Lloyd, his father, George Lloyd, of Wisconsin, had entered into a verbal agreement with McKinley, whereby he was to furnish money for the purpose of securing timber lands in the State of Oregon, and which lands, when purchased, were to remain in the name of George Lloyd, until such a time as they considered the price sufficiently advanced to justify them in disposing of the same. McKinley, it will be understood, was to select the land, at which time Lloyd Sr. would have his son, Clyde D., examine them, and if his report proved favorable, the amount was to be produced forthwith, and the deal closed. These lands were to be held in the name of George Lloyd until such time as he or Mc- Kinley learned of an opportunity to make transfer at a considerable advance, when, if agreeable to both parties, the land would be sold, at which time George Lloyd was to deduct the amount advanced by him, together with the interest thereon at the rate of 8 per cent per annum, and turn over to McKinley one-half of the net profits. Page 73 The above agreement, not being- in writing-, resulted in much confusion, as between George Lloyd and McKinley, and finally terminated in a civil suit brought by McKinley, through which he attempted to recover the sum of $12,000 which he claimed was due him by Lloyd, involving lands sold to the latter by himself, and which, as later developments will disclose, prompted the Government to make investigations which led up to the land fraud trials, and resulted in the conviction of so many of our prominent citizens. This "Marion County deal" consisted of twenty-four claims, or 3812 acres and was sold by me to George Lloyd, through McKinley, the sale price being $5.60 per acre, or $21,347.20. Some months after these lands had been purchased by Lloyd from me, and through McKinley, the latter learned that Clyde D. Lloyd was negotiating for the sale of the lands, and that he had, in fact, given an option to a certain party, the price named being $12.50 per acre. This option was given without the consent of McKinley, nor had he been consulted in regard to the matter. McKinley, when he learned what was being done, called on Lloyd, Jr., and asked for an explanation, but could get no satisfaction, Clyde Lloyd refusing to discuss the matter further than to state that if the tract was sold, McKinley would be taken care of to the amount of his interest in the lands. It is needless to say that Lloyd's demeanor toward McKinley, at this time, was not to his liking, as it was evident to the latter that Lloyd intended to sell the lands and to pocket the entire profits, else he could have no objection to acquainting him with particulars in regard to his action in ofifering the tract for sale. McKinley, of course, fully realized that Lloyd had the upper hand, as his agreement with the elder Lloyd was purely verbal, and it would be diflficult for him to establish his right to a half interest in the net profits, as was evidenced by the fact of his bringing suit against Lloyd, Sr., through his attorney. Judge Thos. O'Day, asking for $12,000 commissions, which he figured as being his share of the net profits, based on the option price named by Clyde Lloyd in ofifering the lands for sale at $12.50 per acre. This suit dragged along for something like a year and a half, and finally terminated in favor of Mr. Lloyd, it being impossible for McKmley to prove his equity in the absence of a written contract. These lands, instead of being sold for $12.50 per acre, were actually disposed of by Lloyd at the rate of $24 per acre, the purchaser being W. H. Gilbert, of Ashland, Wisconsin. The sale was consummated through M. B. Rankin, of Portland, Oregon, and George P. Brayton, of Chicago, Illinois. To return to the subject of the six claims in Township "24-1," it was but a short time after final proofs had been made when F. Pierce Mays called me up over the 'phone and asked me to call at his office. Upon doing so, much to my surprise, he informed me that he had just received the patents to the claims in question, and I could not but express wonder that they should be issued in so short a time, as it usually required from one to two years, and frequently longer, to secure them. It indicated to me that Mavs had not been talking at random when he informed me that he had facilities for expediting patents. Mays stated that they had cost $100 each, or $600 in all, and as I had expended a sum total of $900 in securing the deeds, the account showed a balance due me of $150 in order to make an equal division of the expenses between us, and we agreed to settle upon that basis. Mays then suggested, if it made no difiference to me, that he would accept three of the claims as his share, as he did not wish to dispose of them at that time. This, also, was satisfactory to me. Whereupon Mays handed me three of the patents, retaining the other three. Those held by Mays were those of Robert G. Tupman, Robert Simpson and Frank H. Heme. Mays then requested that I have Mrs. Watson transfer his three claims to Thaddeus S. Potter, a law clerk in his office, and some kind of a relative by marriage, which request was complied with. Page 74 Scene in Township 8 S., Range 3 E. (Marion County, Ore.) on State lieu selections, embracing 50 quarter sections, sold by Puter in 1899 to Abaqua Lumber Co., of Wisconsin, for S4A)0 per acre, and purchased in 1907 by L. B. Menefee, Jessie H. Jones and J. M. Rockwell, of Houston Texas, for $87. 50 an acre. Held by present owners at $150 an acre Potter was afterward convicted jointly with W'illard X. Jones, for com- plicity in the Siletz Indian Reservation frauds. The three claims belonging- to Mrs. Watson and myself were sold to Geo. B. McLeod, treasurer of the A. B. Hammond Lumber Company, the sale price being $5 per acre. A few \veeks after closing with Mays, he again requested me to call at his oflfice, which I did. and he informed me of having received a letter from Edwin Hobson, a timber speculator of Eugene, which stated in effect that he had purchased the southeast quarter of Section 2, in Township 24 South, Range 1 East, known as the "Robert Simpson" claim, and that he had noticed the same land had been included in a deed given by Simpson to ^Irs. Watson, and from her transferred to Thaddeus S. Potter, the presumption being, upon the part of Hobson, that Mays was, in fact, the real owner of the tract. Mays inquired what I kj^w about the matter, to which I replied that I was entirely in the dark on the simject, although I agreed to ascertain the facts without delay. Calling upon McKinley for an explanation, he informed me that the claim had been deeded to Edwin Hobson, with the understanding that the document was not to be recorded until later on, but while he was East, Hobson had become alarmed upon learning that a deed to the same quarter section had been recorded, showing the claim to be in the name of Emma L. Watson. He made haste, therefore, to place the deed on record, and immediately communicated with Mays in the hope of learning the true status of the matter. The latest information, as related by McKinley. put a new phase on the situation, as it was clearly evident to me that aft'airs were becoming more complicated all the time, as it was also apparent, unless a stop was put to the whole proceeding, and matters straightened out wdthout delay, that I was very likely to become involved in serious trouble. My first thought, therefore, was to force McKinley to tell the whole truth and reveal everything, so that I might be enabled to determine on some action to avoid further complications. Summoning McKinley to my room at the hotel, I gave him to understand that I must know exactly how everything stood, and that, if he expected me ^o help him out of the difficulty, it would be necessary for him to give me all the particulars w'ith relation to this Hobson transaction, as well as that connected with his action in disposing of my claims to Clyde D. Lloyd for $1500. This McKinley agreed to do, the story given me at the time being, in substance as follows : "Lloyd." said McKinley, "agreed to settle with me in the sum of one- half the net profits derived from the sale of the Marion county lands, it being understood betwen us that I was to be consulted in advance of any sale being made. This understanding was being violated, insomuch as Clyde D. Lloyd attempted to negotiate a sale without my knowledge and consent, and which action, upon his part, convinced me that all was not right, more particularly after my asking him for an explanation, which he refused to give. I then planned to get the drop on Lloyd, and in pursuance of this purpose, I took him to Salem, where I secured his appointment as a notary public. My next move was to inform Lloyd of a certain scheme whereby it would be posible for both of us to make a little easy money, and which, I informed him, could be accomplished by filling in a bogus deed to a claim in 24- L and which deed he could certify to and acknowledge as notary public, after which, we could dispose of the claim to one Edwin Hobson, of Eugene, Oregon. "My plan looked good to Clyde Lloyd, and he readily assented to go in with me on the deal, so I made out the papers in the presence of Lloyd, using the name of Robert Simpson, after which Lloyd acknowledged the signature and affixed his notarial seal to the document. We then called on Marie Ware, who was not supposed to know anything about the transaction, so far as Clyde Lloyd was informed, and the latter, in handing over the papers, advised Miss Ware that he had just acknowledged the signature of Mr. Simpson to the deed. Page 76 at the same time collecting $575 in full payment of the contract price named therein. Lloyd also instructed Miss Ware that she might retain $50 for her trouble, and that she was to hand the balance, $525, over to McKinley when he called, and who, in turn, was to deliver the money to Mr. Simpson, for whom he was acting as agent. "This deal," continued McKinley, '"was comsummated within a few days from the time it was first planned, and when the money was received by Marie and handed over, I divided up with Lloyd as per original agreement." McKinley then went on to explain, as he appeared at this time to be anxious to reveal the whole truth, that his sole and only purpose in turning this first deal with Lloyd was to place the young man in a compromising position, as he believed that by having him acknowledge the signature of a fictitious person and attach his seal to a bogus deed, he might eventually force him to make settlement of the commissions due on the Marion county deal, under threat of exposure. As to the three claims sold to Lloyd for $1500 and which, as hereinbefore stated, belonged to me, McKinley admitted, at the time of making this sale, that he was really hard pressed for money, and that, insomuch as Lloya was indebted to him, he thought it would only be fair to secure the money through this source. It will probably seem incredible that Lloyd, after entering into a conspiracy with McKinley to defraud Hobson out of $575 but a short time before, should allow McKinley to turn around and treat him in like kind ; nevertheless, that is exactly what happened, and as McKinley said afterward in relating the circumstance to me, Lloyd looked like ready money, and as he was in urgent need of finances at that time, he decided to bump him to the tune of a thousand and a half, and had no difficulty in carrying his plans into execution. I entered a vigorous protest against this sort of business, but McKinley — who was exceedingly easy going — declared that there was no danger of getting into trouble, as he calculated from the first to repay Hobson and secure a reconveyance from him. In the meantime, McKinley said, he was not afraid of* Hobson causing any trouble, as he, too, had been mixed up in some fraudulent transactions in Lane County, McKinley claiming, to his certain knowledge, that Hobson had contracted with a number of people whom he had located on timber claims, agreeing to furnish them the money with which to make proofs, with the understanding that they were to deed the claims over to him as soon as final proofs were made. As for the other three claims, those taken up under the names of William H. Watkins, Samuel L. Carson and James E. Warwick, and which he had sold to Clyde Lloyd, McKinley contended that I had no reason to complain, as Mrs. Watson had recorded these deeds fully a month before Lloyd had recorded his, and if the latter should discover that he had been bilked and should attempt to kick up a disturbance, he would take occasion to quiet him with the club he had so ingeniously prepared to hold over his head. He assured me further, even in the case of Lloyd, that he had no intention of beating him out of the money, and as soon as he could secure a settlement of the Marion county deal, the amount collect- ed would be repaid him and a reconveyance of these claims would also be secured. After listening to all McKinley had to say by way of explanation of his actions in the matter of disposing of my lands, I insisted that, insomuch as Mays was the owner of the Simpson claim, I wanted him to make settlement with Hobson forthwith, and to procure a deed from the latter to Mays. McKinley, although hard pressed for money, agreed to do as requested, provided that I would pay Hobson the $575 and charge the amount to his account, as against what might be coming to him in the "11-7" deal, which had not yet been closed up. This I consented to do. Going to Mays' office, I explained the situation to him, as related by McKinley to me, at the same time advising him of my plan to get the tangle straightened out. I informed him, of course, that there was little danger of Page 77 Hobson attempting to do anything for the time being, as McKinley had the drop on him, and as for the matter righting itself eventually, I told Mays that McKinley had several hundred dollars coming to him on the "11-7" deal and that, when it came time for settlement, I would hold- out sufficient to square the matter up. In the meantime, I suggested that Mays write Hobson to that efifect. I told Mays that I would write Hobson personally, which I did, mforming him that I had talked with McKinley with reference to the Simpson claim which he had purchased, and I guaranteed to refund him the amount paid to McKinley as soon as I could arrange some business settlements with the latter. Shortly afterwards the "11-7" deal was brought to a close, and I held out the $575 from McKinley 's share of the profits, and inclosed this amount to Mays in the form of a draft, which was afterwards transmitted to Hobson. I concluded that this ended the entire proceedings, and that the "24-1" deal was a closed incident, but it developed that, as in the case of the "11-7" deal, the end was yet far distant, as the three claims that were sold by McKinley to Lloyd proved to be the straw that broke the camel's back, it being through their transfer that the Federal authorities first became cognizant of the fact that a fraud had been committed, as future developments will disclose. - t -i6ic^j^^a»i Homestead claim in Lakeview land district Page 78 .*iS»*tJ»" *f^ .-■f*^^™ "S I ^ ^ a .2 .a ?^ S ^ « '2 ^ >^ '^s ■« *" •>« =■ ®-S «« g s> -^ ^ a •5^ 'to a ~ :5 ^■* « a « ^ a ■/>■•" a a y> 9 a'?? o a ^ ^ a *~ J" ^ Si ^ gg ^ !3 So ^ ,^5* ' "V--^*^ •v. ^~> ^ lo 5 Q -^^^^^ ;.. V) 53 3 Q '>5-^ %i s ^ o ■S V 2 tW) >5ei^i ^ •^ »^ a J^ ■? « S a Q-e, . a ^ sk £ » a . a a i « . 5 ''o a ^ a -' ■;» Chapter VI Details of a zvcll-laid plot to raid the public domain in the Deschutes Country, ivherein io8 "Dummies' seek to acquire 17,280 acres of fine timber land for speculative purposes — A combination of adverse circumstances operates to Puter's disadvantage, notwithstanding the collossal ideas of "Old Pard" Mays on the subject of evading consequences— ^A. B. Hammond, a wealthy Pacific Coast lumberman, figures as a bold financier, but is prevented from doing business on account of the general cussedness of inanimate things — Inspector Greene, of the Interior Department, strikes a smoking trail, and a case of mistaken identity leads to an amusing situation. I DURING the Summer of 1902, Township 22 South, Ranges 15 and 16 East, Willamette Meridian, became subject to public entry, the official surveys thereof having been approved about that time. They are situated in the central portion of Oregon, about thirty miles south of Prineville, and twenty miles east of the Deschutes river, in Crook county, and having received informa- tion through Henry Meldrum, at that time a United States Deputy Surveyor, who had subdivided the townships, that they were covered with a heavy growth of timber, I lost no tirpe in taking a trip out there, and discovered that there were more than 20,000 acres of vacant Government land covered with valuable yellow pine, lying practically in one body. The best timber extended through the center of the two townships, the eastern portion of range 16 being comparatively barren prairie land, upon which was a dense growth of sagebrush. "Old Pard" Mays figured out a scheme to get hold of these lands without running much risk of bumping into serious trouble with the Federal authorities. He always impressed me with his wizard-like ways in that respect, and I never failed to consult him whenever I had a hard game on hand. In that regard he reminded me of the quack doctor who always gave his patients medicine to throw them into fits. When asked why he did this, the reply was always given, "be- cause I am 'vip' on fits !" Mays may not have possessed any great amount of legal ability, but he was certainly skilled in the art of running close-hauled to the law. After explaining his plan, Mays assured me that if I followed his prescrip- tions carefully, that there would be no ill-efifects from my shady operations in connection with the lands in question. His plan contemplated a charge of $150 against each entryman as a location fee, taking a mortgage on the claim as secur- ity, and any time after final proof had been made, to get some outsider to pur- chase, subject to the mortgage; but under no circumstances to have anything to do with suggesting a purchaser, or offering to buy the claims myself, and for me to caution the entrymen at the time I filed them on the lands that the only interest I had therein was involved in my location fee ; also, that anyone desirous of paying for his claim with his own money, was at liberty to do so, by allowing me my location fee of $150, and that anyone who did not have the money to prove up on, could borrow a sufficient amount from me for that purpose by giv- ing me a mortgage on their holdings for a year or so. I was also to warn them that in the event of iny hearing that any of them had offered to sell their claims before proving up, that I would decline to loan them any money. This scheme looked all right to me, so I agreed to divide the location fees with Mays, he stipulating to advance out of his share whatever money was re- quired in securing the patents. I was to pay him his half, amounting to $75 per claim, as fast as he secured the patents. Any money that I might make as com- mission on the sale of the lands, he was to have no interest in. Page 80 He then gave me a letter of introduction to A. W. Bell, the United States Commissioner at Prineville, the county seat of Crook County, my intention being to have all the filings and final proofs made before that official, the Lakeview Land Office, in which district the desired tracts were situated, being more than 150 miles away. Upon my arrival at Prineville I called upon Commissioner Bell, and in response to my suggestion that he place me in touch with some person who was familiar with the financial status of everybody in the county, he introduced me to a searcher of records named J. L. McCullough, with whom I entered into a contract based on my allowing him $10 each for all the locators he secured for me. It was the understanding that these persons were to file on a timber claim and make final proof thereon, and that all so procured should be free from any judgment or lien, as such an incumbrance would cast a cloud upon any title that might be obtained subsequently. I likewise had a clear-cut agreement with each locator, whereby I was to charge them $150 as my filing fee, with the understanding that I would find somebody willing to loan $600 on each claim at the time of making final proof, the locators agreeing to execute a mortgage on their claims for that amount as security for the loan. This mortgage was to run one year at 10 per cent inter- est annually, and it was provided further that my location fee was to be deducted from this loan. As an evidence of good faith on my part, I also agreed to advance the $10 advertising fee on each claim, which was likewise to be refunded at the time final proof was made. I was particular in impressing AlcCullough with the idea that under no circumstances whatever were the locators to offer their claims for sale before making final proof, and that neither the person advancing the $600 nor myself had any intention of purchasing the lands after the locators had acquired final title. In general terms, I sought to create the impression that good faith was to be observed all around in the transactions involving the acquisition of title to these lands, a personal inspection thereof by the claimants before filing being one of the conditions precedent to this idea. After giving these instructions to McCullough, I drove out to the tract of timber, pitched my tent, and awaited developments. He was so well acquainted throughout Crook County that enough locators to file on each vacant quarter de- sired were soon secured, and within three days he arrived at my camp accom- panied by a bunch of forty-five people, which represented only a comparatively small percentage of the total. These I gathered around me close enough for all to hear distinctly what I had to say, and repeated the instructions I had given McCullough, so as to avoid any chance of a hereafter. All present seemed to grasp the situation, and to be well satisfied with the conditions. All hands were then requested to hitch up their teams and accompany me into the woods for the purpose of making a personal inspection of their prospective claims. This' proved very easy of accomplishment, as the land was perfectly level, with no brush, fallen timber or rank undergrowth of any kind to contend with, and besides the whole tract had been surveyed the y^ar previously. The lines were still freshly blazed, and corners set with four witness trees plainly marked, so that the lines were readily traceable. The concourse of vehicles resembled a Sunday turnout in Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, only of course the equipages were not quite so swell. Some had light buckboards, others good-appea'ring buggies, while express wagons and heavy farm traps of all sorts were in evidence, making an imposing spectacle as we sauntered leisurely through the beautiful timber, with its picturesque surroundings. The soil, which was of a pumice stone formation, with a solid foundation, and covered with a heavy growth of wild grass about four inches high, was very prolific. The timber embraced one of the finest bodies of yellow pine anywhere, the trees being very uniform in size, averaging about three feet in diameter, and running from 50 to 75 feet to the first limb, indicating the quantity of clear Page 81 Character of Yellow Pine Timber in Tp. 20 S., R. 15 and 16 E., Crook County, Oregon sought to be acquired by fraudulent process lumber each tree would produce. All appeared perfectly sound, and I do not believe there was a windfall on the entire tract. It was certainly a sight that appealed as much to the sentiments as to the commercial side of the situation. I experienced no difificulty whatsoever in making the locations. Arriving at the section corners, I would arrange four persons so that each could see the particular quarter section intended for him, at the same time giving each locator a slip of paper upon which was written the description of his proposed claim. Leaving them there, with directions to circle around over a space of about half a mile in order to be able to testify that they had been on each legal subdivision, as required by law, and could therefore be in a position to act as witnesses for each other when the final proof was made, I would proceed to another section, and so on, until the whole tract was thus taken. As fast as one group of locators had finished their inspection, they would take the back track, pursuant to my directions, and appear before United States Commissioner Bell at Prine- ville for the purpose of attesting their timber entries. In this manner the entire tract of 108 quarter sections was covered inside of a week after we left Prine- ville. On my return I encountered several wagonloads of locators en route to my camp, intent on getting a claim, but they met with disappointment, as every- thing was gone. The 108 people whom I filed on these lands were all from Crook county, mostly residents of Prineville. Some of the families included from two to fifteen members, all eager to get hold of a tract of timber land. Upon my return to Prineville I went to Commissioner Bell's ofifice and was informed that he had recorded 108 filings, so I thereupon made arrange- ments to advertise the final proofs. The law requires that these notices shall be printed nine successive weeks in a newspaper nearest the land. The Deschutes Echo filling the bill in that respect, I requested the Commissioner to have the final proof notices sent to Editor Palmer, of that paper, and also paid him $1,080 with which to meet the necessary advertising charges. The history of the establishment of the paper in question is both unique and interesting, as showing the mushroom growth of things in this Western country. Taking advantage of the requirements of the General Land Office that timber notices must be published in a newspaper nearest the land affected, Editor Palmer secured a second-hand printing outfit and established himself at Bend, Ore., in the very heart of the forest. His plant consisted of an anti- quated Washington hand-press that had seen better days, and a few dilapidated fonts of type, besides the other paraphernalia incident to a cheap outfit of this sort. I doubt whether the whole plant cost him more than $50. Felling a yellow pine tree, he leveled off the stump, and after spiking his press to this improvised foundation, was ready for business, and proceeded to grind out timber land notices at $10 apiece. The journalistic venture was a success from the start, the $1,080 that I paid him being a mere bagatelle in comparison to the aggregate earnings of the sheet. Within six weeks from the date of the first issue, to my certain knowledge the paper printed no less than 1,500 land notices, and nobody but a wooden nutmeg Connecticut Yankee would ever have devised such a money-making scheme. The timber land business was booming in the Deschutes country around Bend, and now they have a city there of several thousand inhabitants. Following the march of progress, the Echo moved from its primeval quarters into more sumptuous surroundings, and soon had a Splendid establishment of its own, being considered one of the leading newspapers of central Oregon, but I understand that it has since suspended publication. People came rushing into the Bend country by scores in search of timber claims. From 100 to 150 came on one train quite frequently. Some of them hailed from Minnesota, some from Wisconsin or Michigan, while the Dakotas and other Middle Western states were well represented in the new immigration. They would get off at Biggs Station and take the Columbia Southern Railway Page 83 to Shaniko. a distance of 80 miles, thence by stage or private conveyance to Prineville, 80 miles further on. and from there to the Bend, an additional 30 miles. Every vehicle or animal procurable was consequently pressed into service to supply the abnormal demands, and the hotels in Prineville and Shaniko were overflowing with guests. All summer long, in fact, the dusty roads between Shaniko and the Bend were lined with travelers, and it was soon evident that a large proportion of them were under contract to convey whatever timber rights they might acquire to syndicates of Eastern lumbermen. All their expenses had been borne by the various combinations of this character, and as several svndicates were in the field simultaneously seeking to secure control of these lands, the rivalry between them became so intense at times that timber claimants, or "dummies," as they were more popularly known, commanded a premium, and the rush continued without interruption far into the winter. After making arrangements with the Deschutees Echo relative to adver- tising the notices of final proof, on the 108 entries, I took a trip East for the avowed purpose of securing financial backing in the matter of paying for the lands. I consulted several lumbermen on the subject, and finally closed a deal with William H. Bradley, a multi-millionaire lumberman of Tomahawk, Wis- consin, whereby I guaranteed to procure deeds in his favor to the entire tract embraced in the 108 claims within one year after final proof was made. In return he agreed to advance $600 a claim in order to enable the entryman to prove up, and to take a year-mortgage on the land as security. It was provided also that the entire body of timber should average at least 10,000 feet per acre of merchantable lumber, and that Bradley should have the privilege of sending his own cruiser into the woods to make the estimates. In addition, if the land was found satisfactory, he was to allow me a bonus of $6 per acre, payable upon presentation of deeds after final proof. Although I had never intimated to the locators in any way, shape or manner that it was my ultimate purpose to purchase these lands after they had been proved up on, yet I intended doing so all along, as I was well aware that on account of their financial condition my $600 equity in each claim would make me master of the situation, and that by advancing them from $200 to $300 additional, they would only be too glad to execute a deed in favor of whomsoever I might designate. By pursuing this course we not only expected to secure absolute title to the land, but also evade any possibility of Governmental prose- cution on conspiracy charges. After closing the deal with Bradley, he sent out Ben Sweet, of the Log & Lumber Company, of Milwaukee, Wis., for the purpose of making an estimate of the timber on the tract, and it was while Mr. Sweet and myself were on this trip that I had the pleasure of first becoming acquainted with Colonel Alfred R. Greene, Special Inspector of the Department of the Interior, who figured after- ward, more or less, in the prosecution of the cases against myself and associates in the famous township "11-7" transaction. One morning while Sweet was out in the woods cruising the timber, I concluded to take my rifle and endeavor to kill an antelope, of which there were an abundance in those days. As I was wandering along the road I came across a man and his driver eating their luncheons at the edge of the timber I had located. It required no second glance to convince me that I was face to face with the distinguished Government agent, because a few days previously my friend Fred A. Kribs had told me in Portland to be on the lookout for him, as he was out here investigating alleged fraudulent timber entries. Kribs had described Greene so accurately that I felt right away as if we were old acquaint- ances, although he did not appear to recognize me. "When you come across a tall, gaunt individual, with billygoat whiskers," Kribs had said in describing Colonel Greene to me, "with iron-gray hair and a castor oil smile, who looks like a cross between a Kentucky colonel and a wandering minstrel, just clear the track and hold on to something, because you Page 84 A. B. Hammond, the Wealthy Pacific Coast lumberman who was nearly involved in the land frauds are standing in the awful presence of Colonel A. R. Greene, the renowned Government sleuth." They were bound for Silver Lake, and after my salutation we engaged in general conversation. "Did you see any stray sheep as you came along the road?" I inquired, assuming the aspect of a typical "Rube." "No," answered Colonel Greene, majestically, "and besides I am not seeking to corral that kind of animals. It is two-legged beasts of prey of the land-grabbing variety that I am after, sir, and if you know of any bell-wethers of that class "around here, just trot them out, because they are my game." At this he swelled up with as much importance as a bullfrog, until I almost thought there would have to be an explosion in order to relieve the pompous congestion. I realized at once that he mistook me for a sheepherder, and proceeded to encourage him in the belief. He proved to be a voluble con- versationalist, and in almost less time than it takes to describe it here. Colonel Greene had imparted the whole secret of his mission, laying particular stress upon the fact that immense frauds were being committed against the Govern- ment by numerous large irrigation companies in the Deschutes region, and wound up his tirade against everything land-grabical by asking me point blank if I knew a person by the name of S. A. D. Puter. "Puter — Puter — " I repeated, quizzically, "Appears to me that name sounds familiar. Who does he herd sheep for?" "Herd sheep be d d !" fairly snorted the Colonel. "He herds 'dum- mies' up here in the woods, and shears these forests of their pristine grandeur. Why, sir," he continued, growing radiant in expression under the inspiration of his eloquence, "a pine tree out here alone isn't any safer in that man's hands than a virtuous maiden in the harem of a Sultan !" Pointing in the direction of the timber. Colonel Greene added: "That man Puter has located over 100 people out there under the timber and stone act, charging them $150 each as a location fee. I am satisfied it is a part of the game for him to get hold of the titles for some company, but thus far he has eluded every effort of mine to ferret out his scheme. At Prineville I interviewed a lot of people whom he located on these lands, but he has pulled the wool over all their eyes, making them believe that they are taking up land for their own use and benefit, as the law prescribes, although charging them this location fee of $150, besides agreeing to loan them $600 to pay for their land." Whatever his other failings, I saw that Colonel Greene had the dope on me all right, so, after getting all the information I could from him on the subject, I took my departure, and circled around back to camp. Sweet finished his estimates a few days later, his computations indicating that the tract would average over 12,000 feet of clear lumber to the acre, so all I had to do was to abide the period of final proof. Subsequent events, however, proved how uncertain the common affairs of life are. Just before the time for making final proof on the 108 entries had expired, Mr. Bradley died suddenly, leaving me up in the air so far as a financial backer was concerned, and as I did not have sufficient time in which to secure someone else to take his place along those lines, m}^ only course was to have the entrymen readvertise their claims, involving considerable extra expense. However, I succeeded in compromising with the Deschutes Echo on the costs to the extent of securing an agreement that the paper would republish the notices at half price, so I personally assumed the additional expense of $540, and the entrymen were satisfied to let matters stand upon that basis. After completing these arrangements, I once more proceeded Eastward in search of a new financial backer, and found him in the person of N. H. Withee. a retired capitalist of La Crosse, Wis., and already the ow^ner of about 30,000 acres of fine timber land in Lane county, Oregon. He organized a company of local lumbermen, all of whom w^ere willing to go in with me under similar conditions existing between Mr. Bradley and myself. Page 86 Colonel A. R. Greene, Ex-Special Inspector, Interior Department who lifted the lid from the Oregon land frauds Upon my return Mr. Withee accompanied me to Oregon for the purpose of making a personal inspection of my offerings, and it was on this occasion that I received an instructive object lesson concerning certain features of the timber business. While we were cruising the timber, he noticed some white moss hanging from the limbs of many of the trees, and declared that it was an indica- tion of dry rot. Procuring an ax. we proceeded to investigate, and wherever we cut into a tree of this character we found it badly decayed on the inside, rendering it commercially valueless. Although there was but a small per- centage of the timber in this condition, it was sufficient in Mr. Withee's eyes to cause him to reject the whole body, so I was obliged to seek for another "angel." He appeared in the person of A. B. Hammond, a wealthy lumber dealer and railroad operator of San Francisco, who owns vast tracts of timber lands in Clatsop, Tillamook, Linn and Lane counties, Oregon, besides a controlling interest in the Astoria & Columbia River Railroad, and the O. P. R. R., running from Yaquina Bay via Albany to Detroit, Oregon. He also has immense red- wood timber holdings in Humboldt county, California, in addition to logging railways and sawmills too numerous to mention. In short, Mr. Hammond is considered one of the heaviest individual timber land operators on the Pacific Coast. After discussing the situation with him in all its details, he agreed to go in with me on the deal and advance the money for making final proof on my 108 entries, and take a mortgage on the claims, providing, however, that I would agree to give him one-half the location fee of $150, and guarantee a perfect title to the land at a price not to exceed $6 per acre. We entered into an agreement to that effect, and Mr. Hammond sent Peter S. Brumby, his chief cruiser, with me, for the purpose of making a preliminary examination of the tract in order to see how the timber compared with Ben Sweet's estimates. Brumby reported favorably, and it began to look as if the hoodoo had vanished. I thereupon called upon F. P. Mays and informed him of the changed conditions, and how the time was so short in which to operate that I was com- pelled to give up one-half the location fee to Mr. Hammond as an inducement for him to go into the deal. In view of the situation. Mays consented to make a new agreement with me upon the basis of accepting $25 per claim for getting the patents, this amount to be paid Senator Mitchell for his services. In conformity with my arrangement with Mr. Hammond, Wm. G. Goss- lin, his private secretary, caused to be printed two special sets of blank mortgages. The first was for the entrymen to execute in favor of A. B. Hammond for $450, the amount he was to advance in making final proof and payment, and was to run one year at the rate of ten per cent, interest per annum. The second mortgage called for $160 in favor of S. A. D. Puter, and covered the location fee of $150 and $10 for advertising the notices of final proof. As a matter of fact, there was a covert purpose behind all these red tape proceedings. It was obvious that the more densely we surrounded the various transactions with cloaks of this character, the deeper would be the impression of legitimacv, not only with the entrymen, but the Government itself was likely to be thrown off" its guard in the face of such evidence of compliance with legal requirements. Hammond's manager, Geo. B. McLeod, and myself then proceeded to Prineville, he bringing the blank mortgages, together with the money necessary for making the final payment. Upon his inquiry as to what arrangements I had made in reference to securing Mr. Hammond in his one-half interest in the $150 location fees, I informed McLeod that I was willing to leave that feature of it to himself, to fix up in any manner he deemed advisable. I also told him about my arrangement to allow Mays $25 each, to be paid Senator Mitchell for expedit- ing the patents to the different claims, and to this McLeod objected, declaring that Hammond would not stand one-half of the amount when United States Sen- ator Charles W. Fulton was getting patents through on other lands belonging to Page 88 Hammond for a great deal less money, $10 each being- his regular price, and where there were so many to be handled, as in this instance, he thought a joblot rate could be secured from Fulton. Upon this showing I acquiesced in the arrangement to have Senator Fulton attend to all future business of this nature, and whatever his charges might be, that I would gladly stand my share. At this stage of the proceedings the entrymen refused to sign the two mortgages, and I was up against it once more. They based their objections upon the allegation that I had departed from my original agreement with them, and also because there were rumors that the Government intended to attack all the entries. In the event this proved to be case, they insisted that I enter into another agreement with them to defray all their expenses to the Lake- view land office, and to bear whatever costs were incurred by the proceedings. This I declined to do, stating that I did not believe there would be any trouble, but that if there should be, that I would help out all I could, even to the extent of engaging an attorney to represent them at any hearing before the local land ofifice. They also refused to sign an order requesting the Register and Receiver of the Lakeview land office to return the purchase price of $400 to the Bank of Prineville, subject to Mr. McLeod's order. The law requires that the public lands shall be paid for personally by the entrymen, and our intention was to have the Bank of Prineville issue drafts in the name of each locator for $400 at the time of making final proof, as the United States Commissioners are supposed to send the cash payments to the land office at the same time the final proof papers are transmitted. In case of the rejection of any of the entries, the money and title papers would be returned to the Commissioner, who was expected to turn the drafts over to the entrymen, as it was for the purpose of protecting Mr. Hammond that the idea was adopted of having the locators sign an order on the Commissioner for the full amount of their payments in favor of Mr. McLeod, as ITammond's representative. The obstinacy of the entrymen had the effect of causing McLeod to abandon the idea of further efforts in the direction of acquiring title under the timber and stone act, and he suggested that we return to Portland forthwith and purchase forest reserve scrip with which to select the lands under the act of June 4, 1897. It was also apparent to McLeod that the entrymen, actuated by the belief that I was already out to the extent of about $2,000, were attempting to hold me up in the belief that I would accede to their demands rather than sacrifice that amount. I concurred with McLeod, both as to his deductions and remedy, and as only ten days remained in which to make payment and complete the final proofs before the lands would revert back to the Government and again become subject to entry, we proceeded to Portland with as little delay as possible. About 20,000 acres of scrip were required to cover the selections embraced in the 108 entries alluded to, and we found that it was a most difficult matter to secure such a large quantity, as nearly all holders wanted the scrip for their personal uses. McLeod having failed to make good in this connection, and as there was no time to lose, I proceeded to seek another customer. I soon found him in the person of William R. Thorson, of the Manestee Lumber Company, of Manestee, Mich., who was at that time stopping at the Hotel Portland. He had 100,000 acres of available forest reserv.e scrip, and it required little effort on my part to convince him as to the feasibility of the scheme of securing the lands. He agreed to scrip the entire tract and pay me 50 cents an acre for all the lands that would estimate 10,000 feet of merchantable lumber per acre. In conformity with this view of the situation, Mr. Thorson's attorney and myself started post haste for the Lakeview land office, via California and Reno, Nev., that being the most expeditious route on account of a lack of railway facilities in other directions. We were not a moment too soon, either, for within two days after we had filed our scrip on the land, 60 applications under the timber and stone act were received at the land office in one bunch from Prine- Page 89 ville, and they all had to be returned, as. we had corralled everything in sight. As soon as I got back to Portland, Mr. Thorson paid me my commission of 50 cents an acre on the 20,000 acres, and later the lands were patented to the Manestee Lumber Co. It all goes to show that Uncle Sam was a big loser by the operation, as under the timber and stone act the Government would have received $2.50 an acre for the land, or practically $50,000, while under the act of June 4, 1897, it got nothing except an equivalent area in the San Francisco Mountain Forest Reserve, of slight intrinsic value. Had the original plan terminated in success, my profits on this one deal would have probably exceeded $25,000. Mays also would have come in for a goodly share of the proceeds by reason of his services in expediting the patents, as it will be remembered he was to receive one-half the $150 location fee, or a total of $8,100 for the 108 claims. No doubt he would have retained the lion's share of this amount, as that was second nature with him, although he doubtless would have been obliged to let go of some of it as a lubricant for the machinery at Washington for grinding out the land patents. Although I netted about $7,500 by the transaction, I stood to lose at least $2,000 on account of the death of Mr. Bradley, my first financial backer. Had I not met with so much bad fortune, there is hardly any doubt that Mays' scheme, as originally planned, would have been carried out to the letter, and title to the entire tract, under the Timber and Stone act, would have been pro- cured, and, so far as the Government was concerned, it would have been an utter impossibility to have secured convictions for conspiracy or any other criminal charge. My object in mentioning this is merely to show what an easy matter it would have been to defraud the Government out of this tract of timber, and at the same time avoid any possible chance of prosecution, either against those who made the filings, the purchasers of the lands from the original entrymen, or myself. Special agent making a field investigation Page 90 Chapter VII Petty controversies betzveen McKinlcy and young Lloyd over money matters furnishes the basis for the first land fraud indictments in Oregon — Colonel Greene has his suspicions aroused by reason of the "24-1" transaction, and lifts the lid from the ugly mess — Incidentally, Special Agent Linnen, of the General Land Office, distinguishes himself in the terpsichorean art while in search of evidence against the conspirators — Francis J. Heney, Special Assistant to the United States Attorney-General, makes his initial appearance at the land fraud trials, and his presence causes a general scurrying to shelter by the two female defendants, as zvell as considerable anxiety on the part of F. P. Mays. IT WILL be remembered that in a former chapter reference was made to a certain transaction between George Lloyd, through his son, Clyde D. Lloyd, and Horace G. McKinley, over which a dispute arose, and it might be stated here that this controversy was the basis of all subsequent indictments, together with the trials incident thereto. Clyde D. Lloyd, after employing persuasive measures with McKinley for fully a year, to the end that the $1,500 he had paid Horace for the three fraudulent claims in Township 24 South Range 1 East, should be returned to him, finally became impatient and proceeded to press McKinley for the money. Thereupon the latter deposited the amount in a bank at Eugene in escrow, and immediately informed Lloyd of the fact, stating that it would be turned over to him upon receipt of a contract exhibiting McKinley's interest in what is commonly known as Puter's Marion county tract. About this time McKinley learned that Lloyd contemplated disposing of these lands without consulting him, notwithstanding the fact that according to the original agreement they were to participate share and share alike in the profits. This agreement, it will be understood, was of a verbal character, and as. McKinley had no writing whereby he might be able to establish his interests, and it appearing to him that further delay could only result in jeopardizing matters still further, he brought suit against Lloyd for an amount sufficient to cover his share of the expected profits. Judge Thomas O'Day, of Portland, appeared for McKinley in this case, as he did also throughout the entire land fraud trials that followed. When Clyde Lloyd ascertained that an action had been commenced against him, he called upon me for advice, and my recommendation was that he consult with McKinley at once and compromise the case, having in mind that if the litigation was pressed it might lead to exposure of the fraudulent transactions concerning the manner in which public lands were being acquired, and prove disastrous to all involved. However, Lloyd was obstinate and declined to enter- tain the proposition of compromise, insisting upon employing counsel. Thinking to protect myself, and knowing that F. Pierce Mays was an interested party as well as my attorney, I lost no time in advising Lloyd to call upon him. Later I was pleased to learn that the bait had been properly swallowed. Shortly afterward George Lloyd appeared upon the scene, and after a conference with his son, he, too, called upon me for advice. Following previous lines, I counseled a compromise as the best solution of the problem, but being in the dark relative to the unenviable position his son was in, by reason of having taken the acknowledgment, as a notary public, of Robert Simpson, a fictitious Faga 91 person, Lloyd senior refused to accede to my sugg'cstions, stating that AIcKinley had dehberately transferred three fraudulent claims to his son, obtaining $1,500 thereon, and that, from all appearances, ]\IcKinley was holding this over his son as a lash to force him to sign the contract. Observing that Lloyd, senior, was determined to proceed in the matter I once more resorted to my favorite tactics of sending him to Mays. The in- terview between them did not prove as satisfactory as I had anticipated, however, it appearing to Lloyd senior that the attorney was too "busy" to look after his interests, as he kept putting him off from time to time, and evidently dodging the issue. The action of Mays in the premises was thoroughly understood by me. it being the policy to postpone matters long enough to give Mays an oppor- tunity to "pour oil on the troubled waters." Dissatisfaction with Mays' tactics impelled George Lloyd to visit Eugene, Oregon, where he called upon Miss Marie L. Ware, the United States Com- missioner before whom the final proofs were made upon the six fraudulent claims. Not being able to gain any satisfactory information from her, Mr. Lloyd pro- ceeded to the Roseburg Land Office, where he met Col. A. R. Greene, at that time Special Inspector, Department of the Interior, but since transferred to the superintendency of an Indian Reservation in Oklahoma. Lloyd made Colonel Greene his "Father Confessor" in the matter of the alleged frauds, and acting upon this information, the Special Inspector hastened to Eugene, where he indulged in a heart-to-heart talk with Marie Ware upon the subject. In all probability he gained enough information from her to warrant the opinion that all was not exactly as it should be, as he immediately detailed Special Agent E. P. Linnen, of the Roseburg Land Office, to make further in- vestigation. The Special Agent obeyed instructions by repairing to Eugene and calling upon Miss Ware, from whom he received such oral admissions that he felt justified in having her incorporate them in an affidavit. On the day following the arrival of Linnen, the keeper of one of the loi^^l bawdy houses called at the United States Commissioner's office and informed Miss Ware that on the preceding evening a gentleman who had passed the night in her resort had become greatly intoxicated, and had frequently dropped a bundle of papers on the floor of her establishment while "tripping the light fan- tastic" with some of the inmates. "Upon discovering the nature of the papers," continued the woman, "I concluded to bring them to you, as I noticed your signature upon them, and thought perhaps they might have been stolen from your office." Miss W^are gave assurance that the documents had not been stolen, but properly belonged to the individual who had lost them, and she requested her informant to tell the gentleman, the next time he called, that the papers were in her possession, and that he could have them upon application at her office. Upon recovering from the effects of his debauch, Linnen again called upon Miss Ware and asked for the restoration of the documents, stating that he had mislaid them, and had learned that they had been returned to her custody. This request was readily complied with. The Special Agent then reported his findings to Inspector Greene, who in turn submitted them to John H. Hall, at that time United States Attorney for Oregon, who presented the whole matter in detail to the consideration of United States District Judge Charles B. Bellinger (now deceased.) After an examination of the affidavits in question, and in view of the situation as presented to him. Judge Bellinger summoned Miss Ware to Portland. As a result of the conference between the two, it was decided that she should be removed from office. McKinley and I were in Chicago during this period, and upon receiving telegraphic advices from Miss Ware that trouble was brewing, we lost no time in returning to Portland, where I immediately held an interview with F. Pierce Mays concerning the conditions. Mays appeared very much perturbed over the Page 92 The late Charles B. Bellinger, United States District Judge for Oregon who presided at the 11-7 trial situation, and suggested that I advise Marie Ware to resign her office forthwith, explaining- that any effort upon her part to attempt to hold her position in the face of all the charges that had been preferred against her, would only have a tendency to make matters worse, and that in any event her dismissal was inevitable. I pleaded with Mays that something might be done to ameliorate con- ditions, but he was inexorable, insisting that he was on the "inside," and that he had been advised by his brother, Edwin P. Mays, who was then United States Attorney Hall's assistant, that Judge Bellinger's mind had been fully made up, and that, if we had any hope of saving ourselves, we must, of necessity, sacrifice Miss Ware, and if the worse came to the worse, get her out of the country altogether. Shortly after this interview occurred. Mays informed me that he had conversed with his brother further upon the subject, and had been apprised that Hall was about to subpoena Miss Ware to appear before the Federal Grand Jury, then in session, urging that Miss Ware be smuggled away with as quick dispatch as possible. Acting upon this suggestion, and being well aware that F. Pierce Mays had a strong "pull" in the United States Attorney's office, not only through his brother, but with Hall, himself, and that on account of his complicity with me in land fraud matters — as well as with others — he was being governed by personal considerations mutually beneficial, I proceeded to carry out his ideas without de- lay. In answer to my telephonic request. Miss Ware came to Portland on the morning after the conference between Mays and myself took place, prepared to leave the city until after the adjournment of the Grand Jury. She was met at the East Side depot by Horace G. McKinley and myself, and spirited to the residence of Alice White, 175 Ford Street, Portland, where she remained in seclusion for several days. Upon completion of arrangements for their departure. Miss Ware and Alice White were given railway transporta- tion and funds sufficient to cover their expenses, and sent to Vancouver, B. C., beyond the jurisdiction of Uncle Sam. Not long afterward we received a letter from Miss Ware, complaining of homesickness, and requesting that she might return to Portland and go to California. We agreed to this, and within a few days both Miss Ware and Miss White were en route to Los Angeles, California. Upon their arrival they went to the Hotel Van Nuys, one of the swell establishments of the southern metropolis, where they remained about a week, when Miss Ware learned that an information had been filed against herself and Horace G. McKinley, upon charges of conspiracy to defraud the Government of its public lands. Acting upon my advice, she notified Judge Bellinger by wire of a willing- ness to return to Portland immediately, and soon after her arrival, both herself and McKinley appeared in Court, and through their attorneys. Judge Thomas O'Day and F. Pierce Mays, demanded an immediate examination. This was accorded them, the proceedings taking place before United States Commissioner J. A. Sladen. Clyde D. Lloyd, Special Inspector A. R. Greene, and R. W. Veach testified as witnesses upon behalf of the Government, and the examination resulted in both defendants being held to appear before the United States Grand Jury, bail in each case being fixed at $2000, which was given. Three or four months later — in October, 1903 — I was in Portland, and called upon F. Pierce Mays at his office. My purpose in coming to Portland at that time was to consult with him relative to the advisability of his making suitable arrangements to quash any possible indictments against myself. After review- ing the situation. Mays informed me that sufficient evidence had been produced at the preliminary examination of Marie Ware and Horace G. McKinley to warrant the Grand Jury in finding indictments against them, and furthermore that he had since learned that United States Attorney Hall had secured enough additional evidence to justify the indictment of Mrs. Emma L. Watson and myself, and that it was the intention to do so. Page 94 After parleying with Mays for several hours in an elTort to convince him that I would not stand to be indicted, and that the proceedings must be stopped, he assured me that I was taking the wrong course ; that the best way would be to court such a proceeding, explaining, as he did. that it was bound to come sooner or later, and that, because of his influence with Mr. Hall, matters would termin- ate to my entire satisfaction at the proper time. Mays argued that Hall's term of office had already expired, and that some- one else might be appointed as his successor at any moment, and if, perchance, the new incumbent should develop into a political or professional enemy, the status of affairs might assume a very serious aspect. On the other hand, if indictments were brought against myself and colleagues at this time, while District Attorney Hall was yet in office, it was reasonable to believe that the latter would be retained by the Government to prosecute the suits, and with Hall in office, Mays could have the cases postponed from term to term and eventually wear the Government out, or arrange to have them dismissed altogether. While admitting the force of Mr. Mays' argument, as well as his ability to influence the actions of United States Attorney Hall, at the same time I could not bring myself to view the situation in the same light as he did, nor could I acquiesce in his method of procedure as applicable to my case. However, I ex- plained to him that it would be necessary for me to go on to Chicago, where I contemplated closing a big land deal, and requested, before leaving Portland about three weeks later, that he keep me posted regarding any action that might be taken by Hall during my absence. I had been in Chicago but a short time when I received word from Mays to the effect that indictments had been found against Mrs. Emma L. Watson, Miss Marie L. Ware, Dan W. Tarpley, Horace G. McKinley and myself, and ad- vising that I return to Portland forthwith, as my failure to do so would result in the dispatch of a United States deputy marshal after me. Upon receipt of this in- telligence, I wrote Mays, urging him to see Hall with a view of arranging for me to remain East a few weeks longer, at the same time explaining that I expected to consummate a deal of considerable importance, and must have additional time in which to adjust its details. Mays as a reply notified me that he had talked with Hall about my case, and that everything had been "fixed," but suggested that, in order to show my good faith, and to square Hall, it would be well for me to wire the United States Attorney's office at Portland, and outline my position to him. This I did, and subsequent events indicated that Mays had not misled me relative to Hall being "fixed," and that my attorney knew what he was talking about. Immediate- ly after closing my deal I returned to Portland, and in the meanwhile I was not molested. Upon arrival in Portland, I called to see Mays, and was informed that I had been indicted in the Tp 24 S., R. 1 E. case, and that I had no cause to worry, as everything would come out all right. I then made a visit to Hall's office, and, acting under the advice of Mays, treated the incident in the nature of a friendly call, and was received accordingly by the Government prosecutor. Nothing was said about giving bonds by Hall, and I did not deem it expedient to broach the subject myself. Before leaving Portland a few weeks later, however, I again called upon Hall, and furnished bail for my appearance when wanted in the sum of $4000. It might be stated here that Marie L. Ware, Dan W. Tarpley and Horace G. McKinley had already given security before my arrival from Chicago, and that with the exception of Mrs. Emma L. Watson, I was the only one delinquent in that respect. Just before leaving for California, I called upon Mays again and inquired if it would be advisable to have Mrs. Watson appear and furnish the required bonds, to which he replied that if it were possible, it would be better to keep her under cover, for the time being, at least. Page 95 Ill his capacity as my attorney, Mays filed a demurrer to the indictment, and a hearing thereon was held during the first week in November, 1903. The demurrer was overruled by Judge Bellinger, who set the case for trial De- cember 14 of that year. About this time Mays informed me that he had learned Hall was to have an assistant in the person of Francis J. Heney, of San Francisco, who had been appointed special prosecutor by the Government. Mays asked me if I knew Heney, and upon my replying in the negative, he suggested that it might be well for me to look up his record when I returned to San Francisco, and secure all possible information concerning his standing and ability from a legal point of view. The question of Mrs. Watson's whereabouts also seemed to perplex Mr. Mays considerably, and he asked if I knew where she was. I told him she was at her home in San Francisco, and that I would probably see her within a few days. Mays thereupon suggested that I adopt some means of getting her out of the country, as she was the main spoke in the Government's case, being the one to whom the six fictitious claims had been deeded by the supposed original entry- men. Mays contended that if Mrs. Watson was kept under cover, it would be an impossibility for the Government to establish any case against the defendants. As the time of trial was drawing near, I asked Mays if he could have the cases postponed, as it was very probable the secret service agents of the Govern- ment were on the trail of Airs. Watson, and might, at that very moment, have her under surveillance in San Francisco, rendering it next to an impossibility for me to confer with her without detection, and also making it difficult for me to get her out of the city. Mays agreed with me that additional time would be necessary to accomplish the desired end, and promised to see United States Attor- ney Hall and arrange with him for a continuance of the trials. Coal lands of Wyoming, grabbed under the timber law Page 96 Chapter VIII Wherein Mrs. Emma L. Watson is spirited azvay under the advice of Attorney F. P. Mays, and an interesting account is given of the frantic efforts made by the Government to discover her hiding-place — Sleuth Gallagher shows up to good advantage in the start, but is finally obliged to Let 'er Go — Puter relates the ingenious methods resorted to by himself and McKinley in throzving the secret service man off the scent, and altogether, enough queer mix-ups occur to make the affair a "Comedy of Errors." BEING satisfied that Mays would attend to the postponement of our trials, I left Portland immediately for San Francisco, where I called upon Mrs. Watson, and without entering into details, endeavored to obtain her consent to leave the city at once, and to remain under cover until such time as I might advise that everything was all right. She, however, declined to be made a catspaw by any such process, contending that she had done nothing wrong, and that the Government had no grounds upon which to base its indictment against her. Up to this time Mrs. Watson had no knowledge whatever of the fraudu- lent character of the six claims in 24-1 which had come into her possession, and, believing, as she did, that her title was clear and the transaction perfectly legitimate, she could not understand why an indictment should have been returned against her. Under the circumstances, I was forced to explain the whole matter to her ; how the six supposed original entrymen were purely fictitious persons, and that, as the dififerent tracts had been acquired through fraud, it only remained for the Government to produce evidence to that effect in order to secure convic- tions. T reminded her of our former conversation relative to Mays and myself having entered into an agreement whereby we were to share equally in the profits of the six claims; how I was to put up the money necessary in getting deeds, amounting to $150 per claim, or a total of $900 for the six. Mays agreeing to meet the expenses incident to pulling out the patents, after which we were to have a final settlement. I also reminded Mrs. Watson of my proposition to her — that she advance the sum of $150 per claim, or $900 altogether, explaining to her that, my finances would not justify further expenditure, and I did not wish to borrow the money, which proposition she had accepted upon condition that all six claims should be deeded to her until such time as Mays and myself saw fit to dispose of them, when she was to receive a one- fourth interest in the net profits. "Now," said I, "you accepted those six deeds from me and paid over the money in the firm belief that everything was straight and regular, and in so doing assented to a proposition that had been arranged between Mays and myself, and which we had planned for you to accept as a measure of protec- tion to us both. With your assistance, the Government would have a clear case against us, but without being able to use -you as a witness, I am advised by Mays that the Government will have no case." I explained further to Mrs. Watson that in the event of our being con- victed, we would lose the money already invested, as the claims would be forfeited and title thereto revert back to the Government. She upbraided me in severe terms for the duplicity I had practiced, and demanded to know by what authority I had invested her money in such a reckless fashion, and why I had imposed upon her confidence. Page 97 "The very thought of losing my money is bad enough," said she, "and now to ask me to leave the country for the sole purpose of protecting your attorney and yourself is more than I care to endure." I could readily perceive the equities of her contentions, but the position she assumed made it extremely embarrassing all around. She was home with her mother for the Christmas holidays, and anticipated a season of peace and happiness instead of this rude disturbance of her plans. But with me the situation had assumed serious proportions, and something must be done to over- come her scruples in the matter. It was not a pleasant task by any means, but I finally succeeded in gaining her consent to leave the city, although she refused positively to do so until after the Christmas holidays, and no amount of coercion could induce her to do otherwise. I could not shake her determination in this matter, and being convinced that she had already been imposed upon beyond measure, I could not. under the circumstances, ask for any further concessions from her. Having thus agreed to take her departure, it then became merely a ques- tion of locality, it being considered important that she should get far enough away from her present surroundings to throw all possible pursuers off the scent. With that idea in view, it was settled that she should visit points in Southern California, keeping me in constant touch with her movements. After seeing jNIrs. Watson safely oft' to San Diego, her destination — about December 27th or 28th, 1903 — I returned to Portland, where I learned, through Mays, that the cases had been continued. I thereupon went East, during January, 1904, and while in Chicago received a letter from my old partner, McKinley, requesting me to come to La Crosse, Wis., and advising me that a Secret Service man was there, going under the name of Graham, but whose real name, JMcKinley had learned, was Albert L. Gallagher ; that the Government agent was in La Crosse for the purpose of locating Mrs. Watson, which information, ]\IcKinley assured me, he had obtained through an employe of the local post- office. He had also ascertained that there was a letter in the postoffice addressed to Airs. Emma Porter, which he surmised had been written by some detective for the purpose of trapping Mrs. Watson. That the reader may properly understand the methods employed by the Government agent in thus addressing the letter in question, I will direct atten- tion to the fact of Mrs. Watson having previously located a homestead claim in Township 11-7 under the name of Emma Porter. The Secret Service Depart- ment therefore naturally presumed that Mrs. Watson, while traveling, would assume this cognomen for convenience sake. They were well aware that La Crosse was McKinley's old home, and that he was visiting his relatives at this particular time. They knew also that we were closely identified in fraudulent land transactions, and in constant communication with each other, and that, by making it possible for him to learn about the letter, it would only be a question of time when I became possessed of the same information, and would endeavor to impart it to Mrs. Watson in some way. Upon receipt of McKinley's letter. I wired him that I would proceed to La Crosse at once, and suited this action by reaching there early the next morning, registering at the Cameron House. A few moments later I was joined by AlcKinley, and as may be imagined, the subject of Secret Service Agent Gallagher occupied the limelight of our conversation. After giving me a comprehensive description of the man. whom Horace declared was likewise stopping at the Cameron, he regaled me with a descrip- tion of the Padlock Holmes methods employed by the Government sleuth in keeping tab on his movements. "It's a fright," said Horace. "I can't lose the fellow for a moment. He sticks to me like a poor relation, and this is the longest period I have been out of his sight for three days. I'm willing to gamble that he will show up inside of five minutes !" Page 98 Ex-United States Senator Fred W. Mulkey, of Portland, chosen by the electors of Oregon to fill the unexpired term caused by the death of Senator Mitchell Sure enough, McKinley was right, for he had no sooner given utterance to these expressions than the Government sleuth put in an appearance. He held a newspaper in his hand, and under pretext of reading it, took a seat almost alongside of us, assuming an owl-like attitude. His work impressed me more for its "rawness" than anything else, but we both pretended not to see him. The conversation that ensued between Mac and myself for his especial benefit forms one of the most amusing episodes in my experience with Secret Service operatives. Gallagher was evidently con- gratulating himself on his eminent success. He had trailed the two arch conspirators to their lair, and had caught them in the act of conversing on a subject in which he, also, was deeply interested, so it was plain to a blind man that visions of the early capture of Mrs. Watson flitted past his distorted imagination. "She will come through on the Canadian Pacific, and will probably stop ofif at Winnipeg for a day, arriving here tomorrow or next day," I remarked, in earnest tones. "But there is a possibility of her coming by way of Milwaukee," I continued musedly. "In any event, I have engaged quarters for her with Jerry's wife, who will take good care of her while here." "Do you consider it safe?" inquired McKinley. "Perfectly so," I replied. "They will never suspect her whereabouts, because she is not known here." Had Gallagher been sitting in McKinley's lap he could not have brought his ears in closer range to his voice without running the risk of serious conse- quences. The "rubbering" position he assumed was killing. "Well," replied Horace, half-dejectedly, "you know how shrewd these Government detectives are — they seem to be endowed with the instincts of a bloodhound in trailing criminals, and scarcely ever fail in getting their man." It was ludicrous to see Gallagher swell up at this juncture, and it was all McKinley and I could do to keep our faces straight, notwithstanding the seriousness of the situation. "Never you mind," I answered with an air of confidence ; "Emma will be safe with Jerry's wife,, and besides, she will be made comfortable, and prob- ably become satisfied to remain here until after the trials." "All right," said McKinley. "We will let it go at that, and in the meantime I shall keep a sharp lookout for Secret Service men, in case any of them should happen to stop off here." After telling McKinley (also for Gallagher's benefit) that I intended to go on to Milwaukee and would return some time during the week, we concluded to take a walk. We were satisfied with the result of our conversation, and felt that we ought to give the Government sleuth the benefit of some outdoor exer- cise. Besides, I had a curiousity to observe his style. Our tramp covered a period of about two hours, and was greatly enjoyed by McKinley and myself in more ways than one. The best part of it was in watching the antics of Gallagher in shadowing us. He flitted around like a will-o'-the-wisp, his watery blue eyes taking on a tigerish expression at times, while his brindle locks resembled the disheveled coat of a coyote under the intensity of its owner's eagerness of manner. The question naturally arises : How did McKinley become possessed of the knowledge that there was a letter in the postoffice addressed to Mrs. Emma Porter? Also, how had he learned of Gallagher's presence and become aware of his correct name? As to the letter, Gallagher, being a Government officer, had arranged with the postmaster of La Crosse to let McKinley know, in an assumedly acci- dental way, that such a letter had been in his office for quite awhile, and incidentally to ask Horace if he knew any such person. McKinley, of course, could have but one reply : he was not acquainted ; but, to all intents and purposes, the seeds of curiosity were planted in McKinley's breast, so that all the Govern- ment officials had to do was to wait patiently for the harvest. Page 100 This same postmaster had unwittingly imparted to a- ^tliird"p6rfeO*i-»fn'41 information pertaining- to Gallagher's presence, and that he was in La Crosse for the purpose of watching McKinley, with a view of ultimately ascertaining the whereabouts of Mrs. Watson, and getting her within the grasp of the law. The one with whom the postmaster had thus discussed the confidential relations of the Government, happened to be a close friend of McKinley's, and in consequence the latter was on the ground floor concerning the secret move- ments to effect the capture of one of our crowd. The next subject for consideration was the matter of getting hold of the letter addressed to "Emma Porter." I was fully aware that Mrs. Watson, alias Porter, had never entertained any idea of visiting La Crosse, and was satisfied from the first that this was simply a Secret Service trick to trap her in some way. Notwithstanding this fact, however, my curiosity was aroused, and I was determined to secure the letter at whatever cost. I could not obtain it from the local postoffice, for obvious reasons, so I conceived another plan, which, although rather roundabout in design, eventually terminated with success. Resolving to take the 2:30 p. m. train for Milwaukee, it became necessary for me to give Gallagher the slip, so McKinley and I proceeded to avail our- selves of another "constitutional," and we had scarcely taken a dozen paces before we realized that our faithful watchdog was in close attendance. We trudged along leisurely for something like an hour, until a few moments before train time, when, noticing that Gallagher was keeping us under close surveillance about a block away, we stopped in front of a large department store, and began to feast our eyes on the displays in the show-windows. Pointing my finger in the direction of some article as if contemplating a purchase, I told McKinley to keep cases on our man while I made my getaway. Entering the front door of the establishment and leaving Horace on the outside, I hurried on through to another street, which placed me within about three squares of the depot, and I reached there just as the train was pulling out. Probably Gallagher would be still standing on the corner had he not observed McKinley pass by him alone some ten minutes later, and realized that I had disappeared. Arriving in Milwaukee, I addressed a letter to the La Crosse postmaster, in close imitation of Mrs. Watson's handwriting, instructing him to forward all mail to Milwaukee, in care of the Republican House. This note was signed "Mrs. Emma Porter" by me. I then went to Chicago, and after waiting until I felt confident the letter would have time to reach Milwaukee, I wrote a letter to the clerk of the Republican House, similar to the one sent to the postmaster, asking that all mail should be forwarded to Chicago, in care of the Great Northern Hotel. Securing a lot of commercial stationery from various prominent houses of Chicago, I addressed several letters to myself, care Great Northern Hotel, city, all of which purported to be of a business character. After waiting until such time as I had reason to believe the "Porter" letter had put in an appearance, I sauntered into the office of the Great Northern Hotel and proceeded to make myself at home. I perceived, immediately upon entering, that my old friend Gallagher was there with bells. His eagle eye had focussed me the moment I entered, and 'it was as good as a circus to watch his maneuvers. I walked past him unconcernedly and took a seat near by, pretending to read the newspapers. In a little while I arose and going to the ofiice desk, asked the clerk to please hand me the mail in box "P." This request was complied with, as it is customary in all the leading hotels for the entire contents of a box to be delivered to any guest making inquiry for a certain initial of the alphabet. Glancing through the letters, I noticed one addressed to Mrs. Emma Porter, and it bore evidence of having been directed at the Great Northern Page 101 t • c' ' c a United States District Judge William H. Hunt, of Montana, who pre- sided at most of the land fraud cases, and who earned an enviable reputation for fairness Hotel, as it was unstamped, although sealed, and in one of the hotel envelopes. My back was turned towards Gallagher at the time, and when I came to this letter, I hesitated long enough to make a mental note of the style of handwriting, afterward returning it to the clerk with the others. With my personal mail in hand, and hoping to learn something further concerning Gallagher, I resumed my seat near him, and appeared to be deeply engrossed in my correspondence. No sooner had I done this than Gallagher arose, and walking up to the clerk, also requested the letters from box "P." He did not perceive that I was watching him all this time, so I was happy in the thought that he was not suspicious of my intimate acquaintance with his identity. Like myself, Gallagher hesitated when he came to the envelope addressed to Mrs. Porter, and was no doubt much surprised upon discovering that I had failed to abstract it. After securing some writing material from a desk in the reading room similar to the envelope inclosing the Porter letter, I started from the hotel, closely followed by the Secret Service man, and thinking to give him another slip in such a way as not to arouse his suspicions, I wheeled about, walked into the hotel again, and entered one of the elevators that was about to ascend. I realized that Gallagher would follow on the next elevator, and in order to circumvent his intentions, I stepped off at the fifth floor, walked briskly through the hallway and caught a descending freight elevator, by which process I soon reached the street, where I found myself once more free from anybody's attention. Going direct to my hotel, I took one of the Great Northern envelopes. which I had just secured, and addressed it to Mrs. Emma Porter, imitating from memory the handwriting which I had observed upon the original. I then placed a piece of blank paper in the envelope, sealed it up, and returned to the Great Northern. Glancing cautiously around, I was unable to locate Gallagher anywhere, so concluded that he was either in his room or on a wild-goose chase after me. I then asked the clerk for the mail in box "P," and upon coming across the letter to Mrs. Porter, I took it out, replacing it with the one I had but recently addressed to her. Going to the writing room, and in fancied security from observation, I proceeded to inspect its contents, which were as follows : Mrs. Emma Porter: Dear Madam — Please call in person for important letter, which will be handed to you at the office. (Signed) Clerk, Great Northern Hotel. After perusing its contents, I addressed another envelope, copying the handwriting from the original, and after replacing the note and sealing, returned it to box "P," at the same time removing the envelope I had left there but a few moments before. At this point I found myself virtually "up a stump," but I was not discouraged, and had no intention of being outdone, so returning to Milwaukee, I sent a note to the Great Northern Hotel, in substance as follows : Clerk, Great Northern Hotel, Chicago, Ills. Dear Sir — It was my intention to visit Chicago, and make your house my headquarters, but I am just in receipt of a wire necessitating my immediate return to the Pacific Coast, hence request that you please forward all mail to Seattle, Wash., care Hotel. Very respectfully, (Signed) Mrs. Emma Porter. Page 103 I have refrained from disclosing the name of the Seattle hotel for the reason that there is no desire on my part to compromise those from whom I afterward received a copy of the Porter letter. Returning- to Chicago, I wrote to friends in Seattle, i^equesting them to be on the lookout for a letter which would reach a certain hotel addressed to Mrs. Emma Porter, and upon its arrival, to secure it and send it to my Chicago address. In reply I was advised that the letter had come to hand, but could not be obtained. I thereupon wired instructions to get the letter at whatever cost, and was later notified that it had been forwarded in accordance with directions. In due time I received a copy of the Porter letter, accompanied with the explanation that the original could not be secured for any length of time without detection, and hoping that the copy would suffice. It did, as it proved to my entire satisfaction that its contents were in the nature of a decoy for the purpose of locating Mrs. Watson, corroborating what McKinley and myself had suspected all along. As to my friend Gallagher, alias Graham, the detective, he turned up missing when I arrived in Chicago from Milwaukee the second time, hence the presumption is that he followed the Porter letter on its mission to Seattle. Had it not been for the fact that I met him personally in Chicago at a later date, I should imagine that he was still engaged in keeping a watchful eye on the important missive through the medium of which he expected to make a really sensational capture. The Lure of the Sage Brush Sam Davis in Sunset Magazine Have you ever scented the sage-brush That mantles Nevada's plain? If not you have lived but half your life, And that half lived in vain. You will ask for a sight of beetling crags, Where the storm king holds his sway, Where the sinking sun with its brush of gold Tells the tale of the dying day. No matter where the place or clime That your wandering footsteps stray You will sigh if you know of her velvet fields And their fragrance of leveled hay. You will loiter a while in o^, Sec. 19, Tp. 11 S., R. 7 E., W. M. I located my claim and put up notices, it being unsurveyed land, on July 18, 1892; I hired two men to build me a log house 14x16, and went there to live very shortly after the date above given; in 1893 I raised all of the vegetables that I needed, and have done the same every summer since then ; in 1894 I built a small barn about 12x14, and a hen house; I have two acres cleared and in cultivation, and I have some more of the land with the brush cut off and seeded with grass ; with the exception of about three months in the winter, when the snow is very deep, I have lived upon my place almost continuously ; I have never been away from my place more than 40 days at a time since locating there except in winter, as above stated ; during the winter months I went to Salem and Portland and worked for a living ; I am unmarried, and could not get a living upon the claim ; my absences have been only temporary, and for the purpose of earning a living. I value my improvements at about $500. They cost me more than that. (Signed) Nellie Backus. Subscribed and sworn to March 19, 1901. C. E. Loomis, Special Agent, G. L. O. Affidavit of J. A. W. Heideckc — J. A. W. Heidecke. being duly sworn, deposes and says : My P. O. address is Detroit, Ore. ; I have lived there since 1890; I am well acquainted with Nellie Backus, and with her H. E. No. 13185, the E. lA N. W. ]4, and E. >^ S. W. ^, Sec. 19, Tp. 11 S., R. 7 E., W. M. ; I have a ranch about six or eight miles from there, where I live a portion of each year; I know that she located upon her claim in the summer of 1892, and has made her home there from that date to this ; she is single and poor, and has to work for her living, and has left her claim temporarily for this purpose several times, but has never abandoned it, but went there as her home when not thus employed, and at frequent intervals; she built a log house about 16x18, a barn about 12 feet square, and a henhouse ; she had four or five acres cleared, and cultivated and sowed with grass seed ; this is now neglected and grown up with brush to some extent ; the abandoning of the railroad, and the long delay in the surveying of the land has been a great hardship to her, as well as to all the other settlers, and has greatly hindered and discouraged her, and has caused the neglect of the improvements, as she, with many others, have been very doubtful abeut ever being able to obtain title ; since the survey she has done what she could to get her improvements into better condition ; she has done the best that she could in her circumstances. (Signed) J. A. W. Heidecke. Subscribed and sworn to June 18, 1901. C. E. Loomis, Special Agent, G. L. O. Charles Thomas and William Thomas, being duly sworn, depose and say, each as follows : My P. O. address is Detroit, Ore. ; I am well acquainted with Nellie Backus, and have heard the accompanying affidavit of J. A. W. Heidecke regarding her homestead entry ; I know the circumstances, and know the state- ments therein to be true. his (Signed) Charles X Thomas, mark his William X Thomas. Subscribed and sworn to June 18, 1901. mark C. E. Loomis, Special Agent, G. L. O. Page 153 Snowdrifts on Thomas Wilkins' claim in 11-7. It is at this point the entryman claimed to have grown strawberries. The above photograph was taken in June Affidai'it of L. Jacobs — L. Jacobs, being first duly sworn, deposes and says : My P. O. address is Detroit, Ore. ; I have lived there since 1890, and am engaged in keeping a general store and hotel; I am well acquainted with Nellie Backus, who made Homestead Entry No. 13185 for the E Yi NW y^ and E>^ SW yi. Sec. 19, Tp. 11 S., R. 7 E., W. M., and I know that she located there in the summer of 1892, and has made her home there from that time to this; she is single and has to work for her living, and has worked out at times when she could get employment, for this purpose, but has gone to her claim as her home when not thus employed ; she had to come to Detroit for supplies, and in passing back and forth to and from her claim, and I have frequently seen her upon such occasions; she has never abandoned her claim, and has done the best she could; I know nothing about the improvements. (Signed) L. Jacobs. Subscribed and sworn to June 18, 1901. C. E. Loomis, Special Agent, G. L. O. Report of Forest Superintendent S. B. Ormsby on the Nellie Backus Homestead Claim, for Which the Government Official Was Bribed by P'Mer to the Extent of $300. Date of examination. — January 14, 1902. Page 154 Character of land. — About two-thirds of this claim has timber of medium density. The remainder is hghter. The western portion is rough, and the creek runs through a smaU canyon. One-half the claim would be fit for agriculture if cleared. Character, extent and value of improvements. — Log house, about 14 x 16 ; another small building used as a henhouse, and stable about 10 x 12. Buildings were substantial when built, and evidently made to be permanent. A tract of about 2 acres had been cleared, which included a small garden, and the remainder sowed to grass. Another tract of about one acre had been cleared, but now over- grown with brush. The premises have not been occupied for some time, and have been somewhat neglected. It seems she made the improvements herself, and as everything had to be packed on horseback from Detroit to the claim, a distance of not less than 22 miles, these improvements must have cost not less than $200 or $250. Residence of claimant. — The fact that the claimant, after being compelled to forego a continuous residence on the land, did use a part of her earnings in making improvements thereon, seems to show good faith on her part in maintain- ing a residence. The evidence is that she entered on the land in July, 1892, and resided there continuously until the Fall of 1894, when she was compelled to leave to obtain work elsewhere. She seems, however, to have spent her earnings when away in improving the land. She is not the head of a family. Was known in the neighborhood of the claim, and was qualified to make the entry. The claimant seems to have acted in good faith throughout, and I think this entry might be sustained. (Signed) S. B. ORMSBY, Forest Superintendent, General Land Office. The affidavits of J. A. W. Heidecke and L. Jacobs, accompanying the fore- going report, are similar in character to those they made for Loomis. The amusing feature of the two reports — wherein both Government agents describe the claimant as a hard-working girl — exists in the fact that she is, in reality, one of the most stylish and refined young women of the West, with hands and features to indicate that she never performed any drudgery in her life. She assumed the name of "Nellie Backus" for the sake of convenience, and she appeared personally before Special Agent Loomis when she made the affidavit that told of her struggles in the backwoods to win a home from the forest. Any honest official could have seen at first glance that she was falsifying, but then Loomis is excusable on the plea that "suthin' got in his eyes." The so-called "Nellie Backus" was never any nearer township 11-7 than Albany, Or., fully 100 miles distant, and neither of the Government agents were ever on her claim, or those of the other homesteaders. No efifort was ever made to erect improvements of any kind on the land, which, like all the fraudulent claims, was entirely unfit for cultivation, and heavily covered with a dense growth of timber, besides being- rough and mountainous. Her real name was Nellie Gilbert at the time she filed her homestead entry as Nellie Backus, and she was then a resident of Portland. She afterward married Elbert K. Brown, the son of a wealthy Eugene hopgrower. In conjunc- tion with Forest Superintendent Salmon B. Ormsby, Special Agent Clark E. Loomis, William H. Davis (Mayor of Albany, Ore.), Henry A. Young, George Sorenson, Binger Harmann, Horace G. McKinley, Emma L. Watson, Dan W. Tarpley, Frank H. Walgamot and myself. Brown and his wife were indicted by the Federal Grand Jury of Oregon on December 27, 1904, for the part they took in the 11-7 frauds, but the case has never been tried. After George R. Ogden had been recalled for the purpose of identifying the Ormsby report, Mr. Heney then brought out the letter written by Senator Mitchell to Commissioner Hermann, in which were enclosed the affidavits of Emma L. Watson and myself, pertaining to the 12 fraudulent homestead claims. Page 155 George R. Ogden, Clerk of the General Land Office Ogden admitted that the letter and affidavits had much to do with the issuance of patents. A. S. Dresser, Register of the Oregon City Land Office, was the next witness and produced the original patents issued upon the homestead entries of Mattie S. Lowell, William McLaughlin, A. O. Austin, J. R. Foster. James Wake- field, Christie E. Langham and James A. Taylor. These documents were offered in evidence, Mr. Heney stating that, although they had not been deeded to Emma L. Watson, he expected to prove that the patents had been fraudulently obtained by the defendants to tracts of land in township 11-7. As I had never heard of any such persons as those whose names had just been mentioned, nor had I any knowledge of their filings in township 11-7, the introduction of these documents in evidence came as a great surprise to me. McKinley, also, disclaimed any knowledge of the entries, whereupon our attorneys interposed an objection, but as usual it was overruled. Heney's contention being that he proposed to prove that the seven patents were secured through fictitious entries ; that the claims, after final proofs had been made, were transferred to George A. Howe, a fictitious person, thence to Horace G. McKinley and by the latter relinquished to the Government in making selection of other lands, which McKinley had sold to an innocent purchaser. Certified copies of the deeds con- veying the lands embraced in the seven fictitious entries to Howe, were next in- troduced in evidence, and as another link in the chain, the prosecution introduced a deed from Howe to McKinley, Dan W. Tarpley, as a notary public, having taken the acknowledgement in transferring the lands to McKinley, without the affiant being present in person, as set forth in the jurat. Page 156 J. H. Booth, Receiver of the Roseburg Land Office, testified to an acquaint- ance with McKinley covering a period of five years. He also identified the forest reserve selection that had been filed by Howe based on lands in township 11-7, and this application was likewise identified by Special Inspector A. R. Greene, of the Department of the Interior, besides H. J. Coleman and George R. Ogden, clerks in the General Land Office. It was evident the prosecution concluded that the jury was tired of the monotony entailed by the introduction of so much similar testimony, as Miss Ella Wyman, of Chicago, was placed on the stand. She testified to being the proprie- tress of a private boarding house on Dearborn Avenue, Chicago, and that in March, 1904, Mrs. Watson had engaged a room at her establishment under the name of Mrs. Porter, remaining several days, or until arrested by Captain Porter, of the Government Secret Service. Andrew Jackson, a colored porter in the employ of Miss Wyman, corrobo- rated her testimony. Next in turn was Captain Thomas I. Porter, of Chicago, who had been connected with the Secret Service of the Treasury Department for 18 years. He testified to having "shadowed" me through the streets of Chicago and to my room at the Grace Hotel, where I was registered under my real name. Later, while I was delivering a telescope basket to Mrs. Watson, he had followed me to her boarding house, and in that manner had discovered her whereabouts. Her arrest followed the next morning. George B. McLeod, treasurer of the Astoria Company, of Portland, recounted certain business dealings with McKinley and myself, stating that he had arranged to purchase the 12 claims in township 11-7 from me at $5 per acre, but delivery of title was not made to him, as I had informe<:l him that transfer thereof had been made to another person. Frederick A. Kribs was the next witness, and testified to an acquaintance with me of several years' standing, and of various land transactions with me; that he also knew Mrs. Emma L. Watson, from whom he had purchased the 12 claims in township 11-7, upon which the defendants were being tried. Frank E. Alley, a searcher of records of Roseburg, Ore., identified a plat of township 11-7 as one that he had made for McKinley. After M. B. Rankin had been recalled to testify relative to land deals had with McKinley, Tarpley and myself. Court adjourned until the following morning at 10 o'clock. W. A. Richards, Commissioner of the General Land Office at Washington, D. C, who was Assistant Commissioner during Hermann's administration, was called to the witness stand on Tuesday morning, and identified the letters received by Binger Hermann from Senator Mitchell, together with the affidavits of Mrs. Watson and myself in support of the 12 claims. These were the same that Hermann had failed to identify while on the stand. Commissioner Richards not only remembered the circumstances attending the presentation of these papers to Hermann, but he was positive in his identifica- tion of Mrs. Watson and myself as the persons who had been introduced to him by Senator Mitchell, and with whom he had talked with reference to expediting the patents to the 12 claims. Had Binger Hermann identified these letters and affidavits while on the stand, it would not have been necessary for Mr. Richards to cross the continent for that purpose, and it might be stated that had we known in advance of Mr. Heney's determination to establish the identity of the papers named, we should have much preferred that Hermann would have been less forgetful, and in all probability, at the time I visited him at the Imperial Hotel, I should have coached him along different lines than the ones pursued by my suggestions to him at the time. Mr. Richards' testimony was in all truth the most damaging offered against the defendants up to this time, and he was per- mitted to go without cross-examination. Page 157 Government Surveyor Barber identifying a cornerstone in 11-7, at which point three of the fraudulent claims cornered Edward Meeker, County Recorder of Linn County, Oregon, testified to the fact of McKinley having paid the recording fee on the George A. Howe rehn- quishment to the Government at the time the forest reserve selection was made in his name. B. M. Payne, County Cerk of Linn County, identified an abstract of title made for the George A. Howe lands, and testified that McKinley had ordered and paid for the same. Charles Pfeift'er, proprietor of the Albany Hotel, identified the signature of McKinley on his register of November 18 and 19, 1901, at which time McKin- ley visited Albany for the purpose of securing the abstract from B. M. Payne. Receiver Booth, of the Roseburg Land Office, was recalled, his evidence going to show that certain papers being missing from the George A. Howe forest reserve selection, he had communicated with the latter at the address given, and had failed to receive any response. This testimony was introduced for the purpose of showing that Howe was a fictitious person. Clyde D. Lloyd was also recalled and identified the writing of myself by letters which he had received from me in the course of business transactions. As it was known to our attorneys that Lloyd had secured the appointment as a notary public in order to take the acknowledgments of bogus applicants for Government Page 158 lands, including the claims of fictitious homesteaders, it was not deemed expedient to cross-examine him too closely as he was known to have turned traitor in order to save his own scalp, hence his testimony could not be of any particular bene- fit to us. W. A. Holt, assistant cashier of the Wells-Fargo bank, of Portland, was the last witness of the day. He identified my handwriting, with which he was familiar, in several of the homestead final proofs, and also the signature of Emma Porter as that of Mrs. Watson. On Wednesday morning, November 30, J. T. Bridges, Register of the Roseburg Land Office, was called for the purpose of proving the mythical charac- ter of George A. Howe. The testimony of Robert B. Montague, the next witness, was of a most sensational nature. For several years he had served as deputy clerk of Linn county. Up to this time neither McKinley or Tarpley had been brought with any degree of prominence into the case, but had become obscured in a way by the flood of startling developments that had come to the surface in other directions. With the advent of Montague, however, it was their day to shine. After acknowledging an acquaintance with McKinley, Tarpley, Marie Ware and myself covering a period of five years, he testified that during the Fall of 1900 he had entered into a contract with McKinley and Tarpley whereby he was to receive $100 for each person who would file and make final proof on a homestead entry before him, it being understood that McKinley and Tarpley were to produce the entrymen ; that they had caused 6 persons to so appear, who had filed and made final proof on claims in township 11-7; that he had received from McKinley and Tarpley all moneys to cover office fees for the filings and final proofs, and that he knew the entrymen appearing before him had not used their right names. This testimony related to the 12 entries in 11-7 concerning which I was familiar. Montague then testified further that, a few weeks after the filing of the 6 entries referred to, he had entered into a private arrangement with McKinley, whereby it was planned to use fictitious names in securing additional claims in the now- famous township 11-7; that he furnished the necessary blanks to AIc- Kinley, who in turn caused them to be filled out in the most promiscuous fashion, and in this way the names of Mattie S. Lowell, William McLaughlin, A. O. Austin, J. R. Foster, James Wakefield, Christie E. Langham and James A. Taylor had been obtained to the blank homestead applications, the body thereof being afterwards filled in by the two conspirators, after which the documents were filed before Montague, as he had such authority by virtue of his office as Deputy Clerk. After the bogus proofs had been made, all the papers were forwarded to the Roseburg Land Office, where final certificates were issued and returned to Mon- tague. The latter testified also that himself and McKinley had caused deeds to be executed, conveying the claims to George A. Howe, a fictitious person, who in turn had relinquished the claims to the Government in lieu of other lands, which were sold by McKinley and Montague to innocent purchasers for their mutual benefit. I was more than surprised to learn of the facts developed by the testimony of Deputy Clerk Montague, as this was the first intimation I had that he was familiar with the fraudulent character of our operations in township 11-7, Mc- Kinley never having mentioned to me the subject of his relations with the crooked official. It proved conclusively that McKinley, my old partner in wickedness, had given me the "double-cross," and when I turned to him for an explanation I found him the picture of despair. Before Montague had gone on the stand, McKinley had been engaged in affable converse with those around him, but as soon as the denouement had taken place, I found him with his chin sunk so deep upon his waistcoat that it almost touched the lower buttons. He would not talk, and his reply to my inquiry as to what it all meant was merely a shake of the head, as he bowed still further forward to hide the torture depicted in his countenance. Page 159 As for Montague, it is safe to state that he presented the most abject appearance of any that had thus far been called to the witness stand. Remorseful and hollow-eyed, full of contrition, with blanching features and quivering voice, and eyes that constantly sought the floor, he had told the story of his downfall and shame, and it had become part of the history of the fraudulent transactions. He was not cross-examined, as our attorneys thought he had been punished enough. W. F. Hammer, Clerk of Linn County during 1901-2, testified that he had no knowledge of the fact that his deputy was signing his name to papers other than those of a legitimate character. He corroborated Montague in regard to the signatures. ]\Iiss Minda McCoy, stenographer in the office of the Linn County Abstract Company, who knew McKinley, remembered having furnished him with the abstract for the George A. Howe claims. Colonel A. R. Greene was recalled, and related the incident connected with his interview with Dr. Frank H. Walgamot at the time he called upon the latter for the purpose of securing a statement from him relative to his homestead entry in township 11-7. The Colonel declared that Walgamot had informed him that one of his witnesses, Charles Burley, was in California, while the other, Joseph Wilson, was the newsboy on a Southern Pacific train, and investigation had proven the so-called "Joseph Wilson" to be none other than Thomas R. Wilson, chief clerk of the State Penitentiary at Salem. ■ When Colonel Greene was excused from the stand. Air. Heney called for Thomas R. Wilson, but it was found that he was not in the courtroom, and it was discovered later that John H. Hall, for some reason known only to himself, had excused the witness some two days previously. It was evident that Mr. Heney was considerably displeased on account of the absence of Wilson, but so far as McKinley and myself were concerned, we were perfectly indifferent about it, as we had seen and talked with Wilson but a few days before, and he assured us of his intention to "stand pat," no matter what the consequences might be. Special Agent Edward W. Dixon, of the General Land Office (at present chief of Field Division No. 3, comprising the State of Washington and a portion of Idaho), corroborated Colonel Greene with reference to occurrences in Dr. Walgamot's office. John P. Marshall, who claimed to be cashier of the Ainsworth National Bank, of Portland, and to be a handwriting expert of vast experience, was the next witness. By the aid of enlarged photographs of the signatures taken from the bonds, and filed with the Court as a standard, he compared the signatures of Emma L. Watson, Marie L. Ware, Horace G. McKinley, Dan W. Tarpley, Frank H. Walgamot and myself with those attached to the filing and final proof papers of the fraudulent homestead entries in township 11-7. This self-constituted "wiz- ard of penmanship" declared that the signature of Joseph Wilson had been forged by Horace G. McKinley; that the names of George A. Graham and George L. Pettis had been foro-ed by Marie L. Ware and Horace G. McKinley, who had used the handwriting of Miss Minda McCoy, of the Linn County Abstract Company, as a standard for operation; that the names of Emma Porter and Emma L. Watson, in his opinion, were written by the same hand ; that George A. Howe's signature, as well as that of Thomas Wilkins and Joseph Wilson, had been written by McKinley, while the body of the testimony in the final proof of the Maud Witt entry had been written by myself. Our attorneys literally made a monkey of Marshall under cross-examina- tion, developing the fact, much to his discomfiture, that the self-styled expert of long experience, had been, at one time, connected with the Ainsworth National Bank, and had, indeed, been privileged, while in the bank's employ, to stand within the wicket of the cashier's department, much in the same capacity that the janitor or porter might have been there, but not, indeed, as cashier of the institution. He had, nevertheless, drawn upon his imagination to the extent that, because of having touched the garments of his superior, he believed that the raiment belonged Page 160 Robert B. Montague, the crooked Deputy County Clerk of Linn County, Oregon, who, for obvious reasons, is now sojourning in Honolulu properly to himself, and was pleased, therefore, to assume the title. This probably gave him the idea that he was a marvelous expert in handwriting ; but as a matter of fact, a 10-year-old schoolboy forgot more every night on the subject than Marshall ever knew in his life. It was developed further, that this man had not even been in the bank's employ for something like six years, and that, in the mean- time, he was playing baseball for a living and was connected with one of the local teams. It will be shown later to what extent his knowledge went as a hand- writing expert. J. F. Shearman, Deputy Clerk of tlTe United States District Court, of Wichita, Kas., was also placed on the stand by the Government as a handwriting expert, and he proved to be a second edition of the preceding witness, so far as gleams of intelligence were concerned. Shearman gave it as his opinion that the signatures of Maud Witt were made by Dan Tarpley, and that those of Joseph Wilkins, Thomas Wilson and George A. Howe were executed by McKinley ; also that Emma L. Watson signed the name of Emma Porter, while Mattie S. Lowell's signatures were wTitten by Marie L. Ware. Page 161 Counsel for the defense subjected Shearman to a g-ruelhng cross-examina- tion, (hiring- which he became greatly confused, and at times experienced consider- able difficulty in extricating" himself from perilous positions. Had we so desired, it could have been proven that the two handwriting experts of the Government were entirely incompetent, so far as their general deductions were concerned, but of course, we were in no position to discredit them at that time without exposing our own weakness. Now that the case is over, however, and there is no longer any necessity for concealing the identity of the real signers of the different fraudulent papers. I have no objections to making them public. The signatures of Joseph Wilson and Thomas Wilkins were made by Thomas R. \\'ilson. who had made proof on two separate claims. Both the Government handwriting experts had attributed these signatures to Horace G. McKinley. The name of George A. Graham was signed by Henry A. Young, a clerk under Secretary of State Kincaid, of Salem. Oregon. Young had filed on two claims under his own name and that of Graham. George L. Pettis was signed by Walter Palmer, and not by McKinley, the experts to the contrary notwithstanding". Palmer was a logger. The name of Zenas K. Watson was signed by Basil H. Wagner, a well- known resident of Salem. George A. Howe's signature was made by Guy Huff, a bartender of Eugene. Oregon. Huff' was afterwards indicted for his connection with land frauds. The signature of Aland Witt was by herself, and not by Tarpley, as contended by the experts for the Government. She was a resident of Portland at that time. The name of Mattie S. Lowell was sig"ned by Maud Coffin, a well-known young lady of Portland, who had no idea as to the purpose for which it was being used. Marie W'are had nothing whatever to do with the writing of this name. The only signature, in fact, upon which these so-called experts rendered a correct opinion, was that of Emma Porter, which had been written by Emma L. Watson, who had made no attempt to disguise her handwriting. Properly speaking", these handwriting experts were imposters of the rankest kind, and in their employment to pass judgment upon signatures, the Government was buncoed out of every cent paid them. After Marshall and Shearman had given their testimony, the prosecution resumed the introduction of other evidence, and placed J. A. Wilson, manager of the Dennison News Company, on the stand to prove the identity of Thomas R. Wilson, who had been a newsboy in the employ of the witness at the time he filed the fraudulent claims. John ]^I. Keith, proprietor of a restaurant in Portland, was called to prove Walgamot's continuous residence in Portland during the period it was alleged he was living on his homestead claim in 11-7. He testified that Walgamot had been employed as a waiter in his establishment at one time. L. Jacobs, of Springfield, Oregon, but formerly of Detroit. Oregon — better known as "Accommodating Jakey," because of his readiness to "accommodate a friend," as he used to put it, through the signing of any old paper that might be presented to him — was the next witness called to the stand. He testified that he had been in the general merchandise business at Detroit for several years, and that he had been imposed upon by both Special Agent Loomis and Forest Superintendent Ormsby when they induced him to attach his signature to the false affidavits embodied in their respective reports. During the cross-examination of "Accommodating Jakey," the Hon. A. C. Woodcock, of Eugene. Oregon — who had been paid $1,500 to assist in the defense of Miss Ware and Tarpley, and who, by the way, was regarded in the community wdiere he resides as the greatest legal light since Daniel Webster, Henry Clay, Demosthenes, or the rest of the bunch — aroused himself from his customary siesta, Page 162 Maud Witt, one of the bogus homesteaders in 11-7 which had been continuous from the beginning of the trial, and ventured to say a thing or two. When Jacobs admitted having signed the papers for Loomis and Ormsby, the spell which had bound Attorney Woodcock seemed to have been suddenly broken, and he emerged from the dream long enough to ask the witness "if he was not aware that it was a serious offense to make a false affidavit." After which, he waited long enough to get the witness' reply, who stated that, "under the circumstances, he thought he was doing the right thing." When Woodcock, with the wisdom of a Solomon remarked, "that's all," and falling back into his chair, relapsed into everlasting silence, while great globules of condensed wisdom could be observed separating themselves from the triple expansion machinery of his mind. Walter W. Thackery, clerk of the Roseburg Land Office, identified the George K. Howe papers which had passed through the land office in the usual course of title. Miss Maud Coffin, of Portland, was the next witness called, but for what purpose was not developed, as it was shown that she had no knowledge of the case at issue, and the Court sustained an objection from counsel for the defense. U. Grant Scott testified to having known Frank H. Walgamot for the past 11 years, and that he had resided in Portland all that time. Page 163 F. S. Skiff, a local dentist, testified that W'algamot had studied dentistry in his office, but could not say whether or not he had lived in Portland after discon- tinuing with him. The last witness of the day was Miss M. A. Aiken, who was called to prove Walgamot's continuous residence in the city, as he had lived at her house. On Friday morning-, December 2, J. A. W. Heidecke, the star witness of the trial, was placed on the stand by the Government. He testified to a residence of several vears at Detroit, and claimed to have assisted in making the Govern- ment survey of township 11-7; that he knew all the settlers thereabouts, but had never seen or heard of any of the 12 entrymen involved in the case at issue; that he knew Dan W. Tarpley, S. A. D. Puter and Horace G. McKinley ; that Tarpley prevailed upon him to go to Albany, where he was introduced to Puter, who employed him to ascertain, if possible, the source of the complaint relative to the fraudulent homestead entries in township 11-7; that he had accepted this employ- ment, but had failed to secure the desired information ; that he met Puter again at Albany by appointment, agreeing upon this occasion to show Special Agent Loomis over certain lands in Township 11-7 and represent them as being the claims he had been ordered to investigate, and that Puter had paid him $110 in gold for the service, and had promised him $250 more when the titles were perfected ; that he met Loomis according to appointment, and escorted him to the mountains, where he pointed out certain cabins and improvements and represented to the Special Agent that they belonged to the different homesteads forming the basis for the investigation, when, as a matter of fact, they were miles away, and that Loomis did not know the dift'erence ; that the latter met with an accident while in the woods, and was unable to further proceed with the farcical inspection, suggesting that they had gone far enough. The following is a verbatim copy of the testimony at this point from the Court stenographer's notes : Question (by Mr. Heney) : "What happened when you got back to camp?" Heidecke : "Well, I took the horses and staked 'em out on the grass so they couldn't get away, and came into the house on the Peaslee place, where we were staying, and I says to him, 'are you going to examine any more of those claims ?' 'Why,' he says, 'you have saw Puter, ain't you ?' "I says 'yes, I seen Puter, and I don't like that very well.' " 'Oh,' he says, 'mum's the word ! I am a Special Agent, and whatever reports I make out, the Government will not doubt me. Everything will be all right.' "And then I says. 'well, here's all those rangers and Ormsby.' " 'Oh,' he says, 'Ormsby has no kick coming !' So I says, 'I guess I will go fishing then.' and when I went out he took out a map, and he says, 'where would you put those cabins ?' "So I just sat down there and marked around where the cabins w^ould be, and then I went fishing." Continuing, the witness said in substance : "The next day we returned to Detroit, and I accompanied the Special Agent to the rear of Jacobs' store, where the affidavits were drafted by Loomis, as he objected to doing so in the main room of the store on account of so many customers being there. After fixing up a set of affidavits for each of the 12 entries, Loomis obtained signatures thereto from L. Jacobs, proprietor of the store, and several others of the townspeople present. I also signed a set for each claim, and induced the two Thomas brothers to do likewise, paying them $10 apiece for their trouble. Altogether Loomis paid me $15 for my two days' work for him in the woods. This was irrespective of the amount I received from Puter. "My next experience w^ith the deal," declared Heidecke, "was when I met Captain S. B. Ormsby at Albany in accordance with arrangements that had already been made with Puter. Ormsby informed me that the investigation made by Loomis in 11-7 had to be done all over, and suggesed t'^-' I go with him as a guide. Shortly thereafter I met Ormsby and Tarpley at Detroit, and was paid Page 164 Frank E. Alley, the Roseburg searcher of records, and handy man for Kribs at the local Land Office $20 by Tarpley to accompany Ormsby into the mountains. At the same time Tarpley flashed a draft for $250 in my face which was made payable to me, and which Tarpley said would be turned over to me as soon as patents issued on the 12 claims." This draft was then introduced in evidence by Heney, and proved to be a certificate of deposit for $250 made in the name of Emma L. Watson at the Wells-Fargo Bank in Portland. It was made payable to Heidecke by Mrs. Watson, and also bore the signature of Heidecke as payee. "The day after Ormsby arrived at Detroit," continued Heidecke, "we started for the mountains, but I had not proceeded far when I pretended to be sick, and returned to Detroit, leaving the Captain in the lurch. He did not stay out very long, either, but came back to Detroit on the following day and asked me to sign a lot of affidavits testifying to the residence, improvements, etc., on the 12 claims. "At first I ' ^alined to do so, but when Ormsby suggested that there was a great deal of timber being illegally cut on Government lands, and that the Page 165 Forestry Department might require my services in protecting the reservation from devastations of this character, I lost no time in taking the hint and signing a complete set of |he affidavits. Later Ormsby secured the affidavits of Jacobs and several others in Detroit. He kept his word in reference to getting me appointed as a forst ranger, which position I held until October 15, 1902, when I was discharged." Heidecke resumed his testimony by relating all that occurred about two years later when Edward W. Dixon, at that time a Special Agent, called upon him at Detroit and interviewed him relative to the 12 homestead claims in township 11-7. Dixon had been detailed by the General Land Office to make an investiga- tion in search of evidence that could be made the basis for indictments by the Federal Grand Jury, and in the course of his duty, read over some of the affidavits that Heidecke had signed. The mountaineer declared that the statements therein contained were true and correct in every particular, as he was well acquainted with the 12 homestead- ers. Shortly thereafter he was subpoenaed to appear before the L'nited States Grand Jury, at Portland, but before doing so, sought out Captain Ormsby, at Salem, and consulted with him relative to the situation. He was deliberating whether or not to ignore the subpoena altogether and skip out, but Ormsby advised him not to do so, claiming there was no danger as there was no power on earth could break the two reports, and for him to stand pat, at the same time suggesting that he see Dan Tarpley about the matter before taking any further action. Heidecke called upon Tarpley, as advised by Forest Superintendent Ormsby, and was furnished with certain data which he was to commit to mem- ory for use before the Grand Jury. He wrote down in his memorandum book that Maud Witt was light, and of medium height, while Nellie Backus was heavy and dark ; in fact, he had descriptions covering each person who had made the home- stead filings. Somehow or other his memory went back on him when he faced the inquisitorial body, and after holding out for a time, he finally went all to pieces and told everything, making a complete confession of his part in the fraudulent transaction. Judge Thomas O'Day, of counsel for the defense, took Heidecke in hand and subjected him to an excruciating cross-examination, and one which, in all truth, the witness will have good reason to remember for the remainder of his natural life. "Heidecke, you self-confessed perjurer," thundered the counsel, "yoi^^, who have come here and had the audacity to declare that you accepted this money, and knew at the time that you were lending yourself to the commission of a crime, yet wavered not, and after benefiting thereby, and with no offer made to refund your ill gotten gain, state to this court and jury that you have repented, and, in the hope of saving your cowardly self, you would make believe that this thing was forced upon you ?" Heidecke, like Montague, was on the verge of collapse, and when counsel for the prosecution came to his assistance, it reached him none too soon, for he was indeed a sorry plight. Frank O'Brien, clerk of the St. Charles Hotel at Albany, and Charles Pfeifer, of the Revere House, of the same city, both identified the signatures of McKinley, Tarpley, Loomis. Heidecke and myself from the registers of their respective hotels, at different times when those named had stopped there. Ira P. Hower. of Eugene, testified to having loaned McKinley $2,100 on the George A. Howe claims. Through this witness the title to the dift"erent fraudulent tracts was traced from McKinley to N. Haskell Withee, of La Crosse, Wis. The next morning this witness was recalled and told how he had been accustomed to keeping the Howe deeds in a certain bureau drawer at his residence with other valuable papers, but that in searching for the documents a few days previously, the discovery was made that they had "mysteriously" disappeared. L. E. Bean, Hower's attorney, corroborated his client relative to the search for the missing deeds. Page 166 ^^'altcr Holt, of Wells-Fargo Bank, Portland, identified the certificate of deposit for $250 issued by the bank in favor of Mrs. Emma L. Watson, and indorsed by her to Heidecke. P. E. Snodgrass. Cashier of the First National Bank, of Eugene, told about the transaction between Hower and ^McKinley, at which time the George A. Howe claims were given as security for the loan. Snodgrass also related the substance of a conversation occurring between himself and McKinley, wherein the latter's representations regarding the value of the lands was made the basis for the loan of $2100. At this point Mr. Heney announced that the Government rested its case. He had two more witnesses, he said, both of whom were absent, George Soren- son being reported at Duluth, Wis., while Thomas R. Wilson, the Walgamot witness, was alleged to be too ill to attend the Court proceedings. Counsel for the defense held a brief consultation as soon as the prosecution rested, after which it was announced that they would introduce no evidence in the case. This move was a great surprise to everybody, as it had been confidently expected that a vigorous defense would be made, quite an array of witnesses hav- ing been summoned for that purpose. At the beginning of the trial, the defense had entered the Court room fully confident that a complete line of defense would be established against anything the Government might present ; but as the case progressed, however, it soon became apparent that Montague and Heidecke had turned traitors, which presented a different phase of the situation, with the result that we found our- selves without a peg to stand on, and were obliged in consequence to pin our faith to the belief that whatever judgment of conviction the jury might return could be overcome on appeal to the higher Court. At the afternoon session, just before the commencement of arguments, the second great surprise of the day occurred wdien Claude Strahan, a local attorney, arose and said : "I appear for Defendant Frank H. Walgamot, and at this time I desire to withdraw his plea of not guilty, and substitute therefor a plea of guilty!" "Is that your wish, ]\lr. Walgamot?" inquired Judge Bellinger, addressing the alleged trapper. The defendant arose slowly to his feet wath downcast eyes. He did not want to see his fellow-defendants, nor gaze into the eyes of the Court or spectators. Shamefaced and crestfallen, he had lingered until the last minute in the hope that something might develop to turn the tide. But he realized that there was no escape, hence was ready to beg for that mercy which the other defendants, in their loyalty to each other, had scorned to accept. "I do," he said, with quivering voice. "What is your plea? asked the Court. "Guilty !" he whispered, as he sank temporarily into his seat, and then slunk from the Court room under covei- of the further proceedings, and was seen no more. It is quite evident that Walgamot's plea came at an opportune moment, as he has never been sentenced, and there is not much likelihood that he will ever be called upon to face any further punishment for his misdeeds. The sensational incidents of this episode had hardly died away when ]Mr. Heney arose and produced one of even greater magnitude. "Your Honor," he said, addressing the Court ; "I have long followed the rule in prosecuting not to ask a jury to return a verdict of conviction in a case where I could not conscientiously go into the juryroom and vote the same way myself. I feel that the Government has failed to make out a case against IMarie Ware under the terms of this particular indictment, and have therefore to request that the jury be instructed to acquit her of" this charge." Judge Bellinger assured Mr. Heney that he felt the same way in regard to Miss Ware's complicity in the 11-7 frauds, and indicated an intention of instruct- ing the jury in accordance with this view of the situation. Page 168 United States , Attorney John H. Hall made the opening argument for the government in a speech that consumed several hours. It was not regarded as much of an effort from an argumentative standpoint, the main features being a facetious fling at the romantic ideas involved, when the bachelor element among the bogus entrymen were supposed to soften the asperities of their isolated exist- ence by paying alternate court to "Nellie Backus," "Emma Porter," and "Maud Witt," while the poor girls were hoeing potatoes out in the snow during the long hours of the Wintry nights. My brother, L. F. Puter, of Eureka, Cal., followed the Government attor- ney, in an address that was listened to with close attention by the jury, although it was plainly apparent from the outset that no power on earth could stem the current of their conviction that we were guilty. Probably the most impressive scene of the whole trial was witnessed after my brother hacl finished, and Judge Thomas O'Day had resumed his closing appeal for the defendants. Naturally of commanding presence, the Judge was never more so than on this occasion, as with stately tread, after the noon recess, he took a position directly in front of the jury. Opening a large volume of the Holy Bible, and spreading it before him on a pedestal that had been improvised for the occasion, he commenced to read from the VHI Chapter of St. John: "Jesus went into the Mount of Olives. And early in the morning he came again into the temple, and all the people came unto him ; and he sat down, and taught them. "And the Scribes and Pharisees brought unto him a woman taken in adultery ; and when they had set her in the midst, they said unto him, 'Master, this woman was taken in adultery, in the very act. Now Moses in the law com- manded us, that such should be stoned; .but what sayest thou?' " "This they said, tempting him. that they might have to accuse him. But Jesus stooped down, and with his finger wrote on the ground, as though he heard them not. "So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, 'He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.' "And again he stooped down and wrote on the ground. "And they which heard it, being convicted by their own conscience, went out one by one, beginning at the eldest, even unto the last; and Jesus was left alone, and the woman standing in the midst. "When Jesus had lifted up himself, and saw none but the woman, he said unto her, 'Woman, where are those thine accusers? Hath no man condemned thee ?' "She said, 'No man. Lord.' And Jesus said unto her, 'Neither do I con- demn thee; Go, and sin no more.' " Turning his pockets inside out. Judge O'Day faced the Government attor- neys and shouted in stentorian tones : "I carry no rocks with me, T don't see any coming from the other side!" Taking the scriptural injunction as a text, Judge O'Day proceeded to de- liver one of the most effective sermons ever listened to from any pulpit. His reading of the quotation, coupled as it was with so many dramatic features, pro- duced a profound impression upon jury and audience alike. The application was apparent to all. Outside attempts had been made during the progress of the trial to connect the female defendants in some way with certain scandalous rumors, and the action of Judge O'Day was taken as a reply to these vague and senseless insinuations. Of splendid physique and endowed with deep, penetrating voice, the Judge held the closest attention of the entire court room, and a death like stillness per- vaded the atmosphere while he was making his eloquent appeal for mercy. That was all it could be called, as we were forced to throw ourselves at the feet of the jurymen by reason of having absolutely no case. Page 169 \\liatever effect the words of our counsel may have produced was quickly dispelled when ^Ir. Heney began the closing address for the Government. He summed up the evidence in the most convincing manner possible, and it is doubt- ful if the prosecutor exists who is gifted with such wonderful powers of concen- tration when it comes to analyzing the testimony in a case. His efforts stamped him at once as a person of rare legal ability, and his reputation has since been greatly enhanced. Heney's speech occupied the entire morning session of Court, so that at 2 o'clock on the afternoon of December 6, 1904, Judge Bellinger began reading- his instructions to the jury. They were fair and impartial throughout, as were practically all the rulings during the trial, and at 2:15 P. M. our fates were in the hands of the twelve men, good and true. After being out about forty minutes, the jury returned a verdict of guilty against all the defendants with the exception of Marie Ware, whose acquittal had been recommended by Mr. Heney ; and Frank H. Walgamot, who had entered a plea of guilty shortly before the case was submitted. The jury was composed as follows : A. Blevins (foreman) farmer, Albany, Linn County; E. A. Griffin, stock- man, Dufur, Wasco County; John B. Bridges, contractor, Portland, Multnomah County; J. L. Howard, stockraiser. Heppner, Morrow County: J. L. Barnhouse, stockraiser. Wheeler County ; G. H. Newell, farmer, Lakeview, Lake County : A. E. Austin, general merchandise, Woodburn, Marion County; J. C. Weatherl\-, farmer, Wallowa County ; C. H. Duncan, farmer. Baker County ; \V. H. Dilley, contractor and builder, Benton County; I. M. Foster, farmer, Clatsop Countv, an.d Richard W^augh, stockman, Pendleton, Umatilla County. Puter estimating the timber on one of C. A. Smith's fraudulent claims in 14-3 Page 170 Chapter XII Putcr's motives for aiding the Government — His co-operation ivith Heney and Burns the mainstay in the efforts to connect United States Senator John H. Mitchell zvith the Oregon land frauds— How Frederick A. Kribs laras driven into a corner and forced to "peach" on his friends — C. A. Smith, the notorious Minneapolis millionaire, saved by the statute of limitations — Unique system of "mining" pursued by the Secret Service Department in reducing the strongholds of conspiracy. THE verdict of conviction having- been rendered, our attorneys immediately filed a motion for a new trial, Judge Belling-er granting us forty days in which to submit and argue same. In the meantime we were remanded to the custody of the United States Marshal, our bonds in each case being fixed at $4,000. Mrs. Watson, Horace G. McKinley, Dan W. Tarpley and Frank H. Walgamot at once gave bail and were released ; while, in my case, as I was momentarily expecting my old friends and associates to call and attend to the matter, I made no attempt, personally, to find sureties on the after- noon of my conviction. It appeared, however, as the hours rolled by, and the day was far spent, that I had been overlooked, so I requested Walter F. ("Jack") Matthews, then United States Marshal for Oregon, to grant me the privilege of remaining at the Hotel Portland, where I had been stopping, until such time as my bonds were furnished and approved. Mr. Matthews very kindly granted my request, and instructed Jacob Proebstel, one of his deputies, to accompany me to the hotel, where I was to remain in his custody until my bonds were furnished. On the following day, December 7, 1904. I suggested to Mr. Proebstel. when breakfast was over, that we return to the Marshal's office, as I expected my friends to call there. Noon came, however, without bringing anybody, so we went back to the hotel for luncheon, after which we repaired to the Marshal's office and resumed our lonely vigil. After remaining there for some time, I called up my brother over the telephone, and suggested that he pay a visit to the offices of F. Pierce Mays, Fred. A. Kribs and W. N. Jones, all of whom he would find in the Chamber of Commerce building, and to interview these gentlemen with regard to furnishing my bond, asking that he more particularly see Mr. Mays, whom I requested him to call upon first, as I thought, because of our close business relations, and because of the fact that Mays was implicated with me in several land fraud transactions, and had always acted as my attorney, that he would be the proper person to come to the rescue, now that I was in need of assistance. When my brother returned to the Marshal's office, he advised me that the gentlemen named had been called upon by him personally and interviewed in my behalf, but without success. Mr. Mays, upon whom he called first, refused abso- lutely to have anything to do with me, giving as a reason that he, too, might be dragged into the mire. He stated that his name was being mentioned freely as a subject for probable indictment at some later date. Page 171 and that, should he come forward at this particular time as among those who had given me either moral or financial sup])ort in any way, the result would be obvious. ]\Ir. Kribs also shrugged his shoulders and declined to go on my bond, as did Jones likewise, both of them claiming that they were dealing in timber lands, were consequently dependent upon future operations along that line, as in the past, for a livelihood, and that, under the circumstances, it would be eminently out of place for them to stake their prospects upon the notoriety of such an undertaking. These men. so my brother informed me, were quite willing to asso- ciate with me and to be known as my friends in my days of pros])erity ; in my hour of adversity, however, they were not to be reckoned on as among the faithful. I was completely overcome, for the time being, when my brother related his experience with the trio of presumed friends, and had it not been that it was through my own brother the news of their perfidy had been conveyed to me, I should not have believed it. Coming from any other source I should have given the lie direct to such a statement, for little could I believe that these men would be guilty of willfully and deliberately deserting me at the very moment when I most needed a friend. It was neither what I expected or deserved, because I had stood by them through thick and thin, but now that my lips had drained the cup of bitterness to the dregs, I became resigned, though even then I did not despair. The hour was now late, and not feeling disposed to strive further to secure bondsmen on that day, I retired to my room at the hotel, accompanied, as on the evening previous, by Deputy Marshal Proebstel, who accorded me every courtesy and consideration. We spent the evening quietly, as may be imagined, as I had much to think about and preferred to be alone. On the following morning I was visited by a friend — not of the stripe heretofore mentioned — who expressed a desire to become one of my bondsmen. This gave me renewed courage, so after breakfast I decided to call upon Mr. Mays personally, notwithstanding my brother's report, as it was necessary for me to secure one more bondsman in order to obtain my release, and Mr. JMays, I. still thought, was in duty bound to supply that man. I called upon jNIays, accompanied by Mr. Proebstel, the latter remaining in the hallway until the close of our interview. Upon entering the office, I found IMays seated at his desk, and after bidding him good morning, addressed him thus : "Mr. Mays, is it a fact that you have declined to assist me in the matter of securing my bond?" "Puter," he replied, "you know very well that I could not become your bondsman, as the statute prohibits an attorney from doing so." "Yes, I am aware of that, Mr. Mays," was my answ^er, "but I have not asked you to go on my bond personally, nor do I expect you to ; but I have a right to ask you to call upon one of your many friends, through whom this matter could readily be adjusted. This you could easily do, and besides," I continued, "I already have one bondsman, and require but one more, and surely it is not expecting too much when I say that you should supply this need." "I would like to help you out," said Mays, "but I don't propose to be dragged into this case if I can help it. You know yourself that they are after me red hot. and if it should become known that I assisted you in the matter of securing bondsmen, it would simply be a case of supplying ammunition to the enemy, and would be used against me at the first opportunity." "Mr. Mays," I replied, "it is entirely unnecessary for you to become known in the transaction, as you could very easily speak to one of a hundred persons, any one of whom would gladly accommodate you by becoming my surety, and as for you being mixed up, or your identity becoming known, I can see no reason for any such idea. The very thought of such a thing is absurd, and you know it." Wheeling about in his chair and resuming his writing, Mr. Mays treated me, and the subject presented, with cold indifl:'erence. I .could see from his very Page 172 countenance that he was bent on ignoring' me ; but I was not to be discarded in this ruthless fashion, and resolved, before leaving, to plead with him still further, humiliating as it might be to my pride ; so I proceeded to remind Mr. Mays of how he was associated with me in the 24-1 deal, wherein he received half of the six claims, knowing them to be fraudulent, and not one of which cost him a dollar. "Mr. Mays, you claim, as I understand, to have paid Sena- tor Mitchell the sum of $600 for his services in pulling out the patents to those six claims, but I never did believe that you paid him any such amount, nor do I believe it now, as Senator Mit- chell, according to your own statement to me, was very much indebted and obligated to you for past political favors. How- ever, I know this much, and you will not deny it, that you got those claims from me for abso- lutely nothing, and you also know, as I do too, that you dis- posed of them — the three that you got — within a few months' time, for the neat sum of $2,520. And furthermore, Mr. Mays, you have been mixed up with me in various land transactions for something over 12 years, and now, to think that the very man with whom I have dealt, and for whom I have worked, should throw me down — you don't mean this, Mays, I know you don't, for you know full well, and that, too, beyond a question of doubt, that I would have gotten up in the middle of the night to come to your rescue, had occasion demanded and would gladly have put up my last dollar had you needed it. Your name, Mays, has never been mentioned by me in connection with these cases. On the other hand, I have shielded a^ou at every turn." Mays had little to say after that, but the look he gave me spoke volumes. He was not to be moved ; that was all apparent, so I decided that further entreaty would avail me nothing, and being given the opportunity, I looked him square in the eye, and said : "Mr. Mays, I take it that you refuse to act in my behalf?" "You have my answer," he replied; "I can do nothing for you!" "You, sir, may be looking for a bondsman some day." I remarked, before leaving. "Remember, I say, you, too, may in time need a friend!" It is worthy of note that Mr. Mays was indicted, tried and convicted within two years after this conversation took place, the indictment against him being returned in less than a month after my trial. He is now under $4,000 bond, pending appeal of his case to the hi""her courts. Captain J. H. Alexander, Special Agent af the Gen- eral Land Office, who was of material assistance to Chief Dixon during the investigation of the Umatilla Indian Reservation frauds Page 173 iMiiding- Mr. rroefjstel in waiting- in the corridor where I had left him, we took the elevator and returned direct to the hotel. I might, perhaps, have called ujKjn Jones and Krihs, who occupy offices in the same building, but I was too much downcast to court another such experience. Upon reaching the Hotel Portland, I found my brother waiting for me, and told him what had taken place. He was not surprised, as his mind was made up from the time he had talked with Mays, Jones and Kribs, on the day before, that it was useless to expect any aid from them, and he could not understand why I should permit myself to become so grossly deceived in regard to the stability of such friendship, as I had always claimed, in discussing the subject with my brother, that any one, or all of them, would do anything for me within reason, as I likewise would have done for them. They had been put to the test, however, and were found wanting, and it was now up to me, in my present predicament, to look after myself, and at some later date, when the cruel circumstance of time would lay bare the lives of these men, as it does with all those who prove traitors to their friends. I could stand by and look on in silent contempt, if not. indeed, with a degree of satisfaction, at their deserved fate. When my brother inquired if I wished to see anyone else in the city with a view of securing bonds, I replied that I did not; that I would prefer, however, humiliating it might be, to send to my old home in Humboldt County, California, and have the money sent me necessary to secure my liberty. He. too. considered this the better plan, so I wired that morning, requesting that $4,000 be transmitted, and this amount I received by telegraph that same afternoon. Being free once more, I lost no time in summoning my old lieutenants, McKinley and Tarpley, to my room at the Hotel Portland for consultation. When they called to see me. I informed them of my intention to call upon Francis J. Heney, Special Assistant to the United States Attorney-General, and request permission to appear before the United States Grand Jury, to give testi- mony against F. Pierce Mays, Senator John H. Mitchell, and the rest of the gang. Mr. Tarpley advised that I abandon the thought, while McKinley sug- gested that it might be all right to inform on Mays and some of the others, but I should omit the name of Senator Mitchell. "I know," said he, "that Mays has treated you shamefully, and should be brought to account and made to suffer for his acts, but Mitchell — why should you turn against him? What has he done?"' "Just look at those press dispatches," I replied. "Hardly a day has passed since my conviction but he has had something mean to say about me in the news- papers, and as Mitchell and Mays are so closely identified with each other, I look upon them as one person, determined to force me to the wall, and to efifect. if within their power, my complete ruination." "I would advise you to hesitate," replied McKinley, "before taking final action, as you are angry now and might do something which you would have reason to regret at a later date; just wait a few days and you may change your mind." "No." I said; "I comprehend thoroughly what I am doing. My mind in the matter is made up, and I am determined to carry out my plans as outlined. Had Senator Mitchell held his peace, his name should never have been mentioned by me, but since he has seen fit to denounce me publicly, through the columns of the daily press, discountenancing me in most scathing terms, I can see no reason why I should protect him further. No ! I shall* shield him no longer ; he is equally guilty, and must go down to his fate with the balance of the bunch." McKinley and Tarpley evidently thought that further discussion on the subject was useless at that time, so they had nothing more to say, but still hoping to change my mind in the matter, either one or the other, if not both, called upon W. N. Jones, one of those who had been asked to go on my bond, and after in- forming him of the situation, suggested that he see and talk with me at once. Page 174 Jones hit only the high places in reaching me. and meeting- me in the hotel lobby, said : ^ ''Puter, what is the matter? I learn that you are going to cut loose and give the whole bunch of us away — is that so ?" "Well," I replied, "you are a nice lot of fellows, particularly Mays, Mitchell, Kribs and yourself, for now that I have been convicted, Mitchell condemns me, while Mays, Kribs and you have seen fit to pass me up in the most deliberate and cold-blooded manner. Both Mays and yourself, being my partners in those timber land schemes for the past eight years, should have been the first to ofifer me assistance, and which, you well know, should have come to me unso- licited ; but you failed to appear, and when I was forced to call personally, because of your non-appearance, I was turned down like a white chip. Up to this time I have never uttered a word to anyone about the fraudulent character of the transactions in which you were all involved with me. On the other hand, I have stuck to you all from beginning to end." Jones' countenance assumed a look of serious solicitude as he replied: "Be reasonable, Puter, and I will see Mays and Kribs and the rest of them, and between us all, we shall see that your fine is paid !" "You'll pay nothing!" I answered, heatedly. "I am plenty capable of paying my own fine. I never expected, nor would I permit, anyone to pay my fine. All I asked for and expected was, that Mays, Kribs and yourself would show me the consideration to which I was entitled. I had no other thought than that you would all hasten to my aid, and the only cjuestion in my mind, immediately after conviction, was which two of the three I would permit to go on my bond without ofifending the other. You know, Jones, how badly I was mistaken as to your respective dispositions. I know now what kind of fellows you are, and you will all have to answer at the bar of justice because of your miserable concluct toward me." Jones beggingly implored, "Don't do it, Steve — don't do it! for if you once start the ball rolling, there is no telling where it will stop ! Besides," he continued, with more consideration over the prospective loss of his ill-gotten dollars than contrition for the inevitable wreck of his reputation, "further exposure will simply ruin the timber business, and there won't be a cent in it for anybody hereafter !" I wheeled abruptly and walked away, for notwithstanding the fact that Jones had turned against me when I most needed his assistance, at the same time. I could not bear to look upon this fine specimen of manhood reduced to misery and shame, and to think, moreover, that he was yet to suffer still greater torture from the grilling he was certain to receive at the hands of the death-dealing Heney. My position, for the moment, was as one "between the devil and the deep sea," for I had no real desire at heart to humiliate my old friend Jones, nor did I wish to place him in the hands of Heney. a man for wdiom I could entertain no love, for if ever living man prosecuted his fellow-being, it was this man Heney when he kept rapping it to me, and, as I believed at the time, with a determination not only to kill me for eternity, if possible, but. if within his power, to place me behind the very gates of hell. But I must decide. Once before I had done so, and now it was incumbent upon me to again revolve all the agonies of my chaotic thoughts into some sort of tangible form that would assume the composite shape of justice and mercy. Not in the presence of my one-time friend, however. I must be alone, and in the solitude of my room I reviewed every phase of the situation as one seeks the secrets of destiny in a kaleidoscope. All the abuses I had sufifered at the hands of this syndicate of traitors seemed to parade before me in spectral procession, and mock my very soul itself with their merciless taunts. It was more than human flesh could endure, and lest my heart should grow too weak and cowardly, causing me to flinch from what I realized was my stern duty, 1 walked deliberately from my own room to that of the Government prosecutor — in the same hotel — and knocked for admission, with Page 175 the same degree of charity that the penitent sinner would display in seekhig salvation. Mr. Heney responded in person to the summons, and after requesting me to be seated, inquired the object of my visit, to which I made answer: "Mr. Heney, I have personal knowledge of fraudulent land transactions in which several prominent citizens are implicated, all of whom, I consider, are equally guilty with myself, if not more so. I have come to you, therefore, to ask that I be granted the privilege of appearing before the Federal (jrand Jury for the purpose of testifying in those cases." "What, might 1 ask, are the names of the persons against whom you desire to give evidence?" inquired Mr. Heney. "F. Pierce Mays, United States Senator John H. Mitchell, and several others, whose names I do not care to mention at this time," was my reply. "If you have no objection," said Mr. Fleney, "I should be glad to learn the nature of the testimony you expect to present." "Well," I replied, "I will state for the present that Mr. Mays was my associate in several land transactions, in some of which Senator Mitchell also took part. One, in particular, that I call to mind, was when I visited Washington, D. C, at the instigation of Mr. Mays, and, although I had met and transacted business with Senator Mitchell prior to this time. Mays handed me a letter to him, which I presented upon my arrival in Washington, and which introduction was the means of giving me a standing with the Senator which I had not previously enjoyed, and which terminated later in my making a deal with him, whereby he agreed to expedite the issuance of patents to certain lands in which Mays and I were interested, and for which service I paid Senator Mitchell the sum of $2000, in the form of two $1000 bills." "li you can substantiate these statements," replied Mr. Heney, "you may come to my office at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning, when you will be afforded an opportunity to testify before the Grand Jury. I shall expect you," he added, sig- nificantly, "to bring with you all papers and documents bearing upon the subject, to corroborate any testimony you may offer at that time." This I agreed to do, and bidding him good-day, I took my departure. Having in mind his injunction to bring with me all the available documentary evidence in my possession, I immediately telegraphed to my home at Berkeley, Cal., requesting that my private account book be sent to me at once. On the morn- ing of the second day after my talk with Mr. Heney, the book in question arrived in Portland. In the meantime I had arranged with him to defer giving my testi- mony until the book reached me. Upon being ushered into the Grand Jury room by Mr. Heney, the latter announced to the inquisitorial body that S. A. D. Puter wished to present evidence in the cases of F. Pierce Mays and United States Senator John H. Mitchell. Whatever my thoughts before entering that room, I can assure my readers that after glancing about me and examining the faces of those present, I experi- enced a feeling of awe. Some few of the jurymen I was acquainted with person- ally ; others I had seen, while the majority were total strangers to me. I recognized, however, that the jury was composed of a representative class of men who, in all truth, were endowed- with more than ordinary intelligence, and eminently capable of performing their duties without fear or favor under all circumstances. The more I studied their faces the more confident I became, until I felt satisfied that no guiltless person need fear their decision. Their ecjual as a jury, collectively speaking, would be hard to find ; their superior I have never seen. After being sworn, the usual form of oath being administered, I took the witness chair and was asked by Mr. Heney to state my name, age, residence and occupation ; how long I had lived in Oregon and dealt in timber lands, and how long I had known Senator Mitchell, etc. After answering these and other prelim- inary questions, the Government prosecutor asked if I had ever had any business transactions with Senator Mitchell. "Yes," I replied, "I have had several such transactions." Page 176 = 2 2; «! a w '■« 12 '■«'': b « = «» ;^ . *^ 2^ a ** Q .asc^ .Q.:; 5 T; ^. 2 J= »■ ^ '^ S '-J =^ - - ?■-« « '^2'^^^oa'^- ft •- ^ a g « « = a v5 ^ . C ■Slal^i^ ^ w) r; *; -«: -- a 1^ S a i0,46/.45 which I advanced to secure those Humboldt county lands for him, to say nothing about his holding back between $17,000 and $18,000. due me as commissions in that same transaction. The commissions, of course, I do not care so much about, but when it came to my own money, and more than $10,000 at that, he had no right to try and beat me out of it, and it will be neces- sary, if he ever expects any favors from me. for him to refund every cent of that amount before I shall turn a hand for him. Page 203 "If you think Smith is entitled to immunity from prosecution, I am quite willing that he should have it, but this old score must be adjusted first, and the sooner Smith comes to recognize this fact, the better it will be for him. There will be no time for letter writing about it, either — it must be done by wire; so, before we go any further, it might be just as well to put on your thinking cap and act upon the basis indicated." "But, Steve," protested Kribs, "didn't you have some sort of a lawsuit over that money?" "Yes, I got service on him in San Francisco, late at night, at the St. Francis hotel, where he was stopping under an assumed name in order to avoid such a contingency ; but that has been something like five or six months ago, and as he is surrounded by a regular army of paid attorneys constantly, there is no telling when my case against him will come to trial. Smith's lawyers will prob- ably keep putting it off from time to time, and heaven only knows when I shall get my money, if at all. I have an opportunity now to do him a favor, but as I said before, he must come through first." "What assurance have I that you will be able to get Smith off?" asked Kribs. "My word," I replied, "and if you don't want to take that, just let the matter drift and watch the result. I will surely land Smith if he persists in his present course. If, however, you care to present my claim to him, and he responds by wiring the money to me immediately, I will agree that no indictment will be brought against him." "Steve," responded Kribs, "I believe you mean this, and just to show that I want to do what is right, I will address Smith today and forward the letter by first mail, which will bring it into Minneapolis within three days. I will furnish him with full particulars, and inform him that a telegraphic reply must be received within four days at the very outside. Grant me that much time, and if it be possible to get that matter settled, I will surely do my best. Will that be satisfactory?" "Agreed," said I, "but remember, just four days, at the very utmost." xA.fter this arrangement, it devolved upon me to keep Kribs away from Messrs. Heney and Burns until such time as I was enabled to get a settlement out of Smith, and to do this I was obliged to exercise considerable diplomacy. I was not worrying about my ability to fulfill my agreement with Kribs, as Smith had committed no crime for which he could be brought to account at this particular juncture. The fact was, the statute of limitations had run against his offense, consequently he could not be indicted for conspiracy to defraud the Government, and so far as committing perjury or being guilty of subornation of perjury was concerned, there was no evidence connecting him with either. Kribs, of course, could be indicted for subornation of perjury, but Smith was outside the pale of the law in that respect, consequently, in promising Kribs that I would use my best endeavors in behalf of Smith, and going so far as promising him immunity from prosecution, I merely did that which any child on the streets of Portland could have done with perfect impunity. In other words, I hoodwinked Kribs to the extent of presenting him with a "Barmecidal feast," where all the guests sat down to imaginary dishes. Kribs either did not know this, or else was familiar with some of Smith's more recent acts of a crooked character of which neither the Government nor myself had any knowledge. It is obvious, therefore, why I did not wish Kribs to come in contact with Mr. Burns. It was policy to keep them apart until such time as I had a reply from Smith. G^pon my return to Burns' office, I was asked as to the result of my conference with Kribs. so I told Mr. Burns, having in mind the object just stated, that Kribs was sure to tell everything, but it would never do to force him too strongly. "Just give him time," I said, "and he will cough up everything he knows." Happily, Mr. Burns coincided with my ideas, so I felt secure in my posi- tion, for the time being, at least. Page 204 Lumber flume at Bridal Veil, Oregon, having a drop of 2,500 feet in two miles. Timbers 12x12 and 60 feet in length have come down this flume On the following morning-, being impressed with the feeling that Kribs might come around to Burns' office with his "statement of facts," I resolved to remain in close touch with the latter's room, so as to prevent, if possible, any lengthy interview between them ; so immediately after breakfast I made it a point to proceed to Burns' office, where I went into camp in the most approved style. Sure enough, the redoubtable Fred was "Johnny on the spot" soon after I got there, and it was killing to observe him sneak up into the room in abject fear of being seen by somebody. He presented a typewritten statement to Burns, alleged to cover his connection with the various transactions, but fortunately, I managed to sidetrack any extended conversation between the two. Page 205 After Kribs had taken his departure, and Mr. Burns and myself had can- vassed the statement, I could see that the latter was palpably disappointed with its contents, and felt disposed to summon Kribs before him again forthwith, but I reasoned him out of this idea, and said it would be much better for me to have a private talk with him before attempting to call him to account for some of his errors and omissions. Burns finally conceded the point, so I called upon Kribs again at his office, where I told him that his statement had found a resting place in Burns' waste basket; that Burns would not think for a moment of accepting an.v such statement from him. and that, if he could not make up his mind to tell all he knew, he might as well be prepared to take the consequences. 'M don't know what more Mr. Burns could expect me to say," responded Kribs in sorrowful tones. "I made a clean breast of having secured those lands for C. A. Smith, and also stated that I was on very friendly terms with the officials of the Roseburg Land Office, who had extended special privileges to me ; also, that I had employed the law firm of Mitchell & Tanner in the matter of expediting patents, even going so far as to admit having instructed those entry- men as to what answers they should make when they came here to testify before the Federal Grand Jury. Now, I think Mr. Burns ought to be satisfied with that." "Well, Kribs," I answered, "he is not satisfied, nor will he be until you tell the whole truth. It is all very well for you to state that you have been on friendly terms with the officials of the Roseburg Land Office and that they ex- tended special privileges to you, but what about the consideration? Why didn't you tell what you paid for these special privileges and to whom it was paid ? Why, too, didn't you state exactly for what purpose you paid that money to Mitchell & Tanner? In other words, why didn't you admit having made all arrangements with Senator Mitchell personally, and that, when you turned over the several amounts to Mitchell & Tanner, as a matter of fact, that each and every payment was to go to the Senator personally, and not to be credited to his firm? "You know, Kribs, that you had a private understanding with Senator Mitchell, and that you agreed to pay him a certain amount for every patent that he pulled out for.you. You know, as I do, that the Senator accepted every dollar of that money in the nature of a bribe. Why didn't you say so, and why didn't you state the amounts and when they were paid? These are questions that must be answered, and just as sure as your name is Fred A. Kribs, just so sure will Mr. Burns insist upon your giving him this information, and when he asked you to state the plain, unvarnished facts, he expected you to do so, and I am here to tell you that nothing short of that will be accepted." "So he threw my statement in the waste basket, did he?" "That's exactly what became of it." "Shall I try it again?" "That's about the only thing you can do, but it's no use if you try and keep anything back next time." "I will think it over tonight, and try and concentrate my mind on the subject, and do my vitmost to prepare one that will prove satisfactory." "All right, do so ; and bring it to Mr. Burns' office, and I will arrange to be on hand and do what I can for you." Kribs appeared bright and early the morning following, and addressing- Mr. Burns, said: "Mr. Puter informs me that you were not entirely satisfied with my statement of yesterday, so I have prepared a new one, which I trust will meet with your approval." "No," declared Mr. Burns, "I was not at all satisfied with your other state- ment, as I found that it did not contain anything like as much as you promised to divulge, nor did it present the facts as I know you are in a position to give them to me." "This statement covers all the ground," responded Kribs meekly, and handing it to the Government sleuth, continued, "I have dealt with all the salient features." Page 206 • "Just take a seat until I can examine it," commanded Burns. "I onTy hope it is as you say, and that you have covered the ground in every particular." He then looked the statement over, folded it carefully when he was through, and gazing directly at Kribs, said : "So you have dealt with all the salient features, have you?" "Yes," replied Kribs, "I believe that I have." "Well, then, in order that you and I may have no further misunderstanding as to what is expected of you, I believe, Mr. Kribs, that it would be best for us to talk matters over. This statement, I will admit, is more conclusive than the one handed me by you yesterday, but not sufficiently so, by any means." Opening the statement again, Mr. Burns continued : "You have said here that you were on friendly terms with the officials of the Roseburg Land Office, and that you paid them money, but you have failed to mention to whom, or in what amounts. You also confess having employed the firm of Mitchell & Tanner to expedite the issuance of your patents, and that you paid them for such service, but here again you fall short, in that you fail to state with whom the arrangement was first made, and have also neglected to mention the amounts agreed upon. Your statement with regard to the Smith deal is also too general. You must be specific, Mr. Kribs, and give full details with regard to every transaction, else I shall be obliged to bring these negotiations to a close without further consideration. "When Mr. Puter spoke to Mr. Heney about you, he insisted that you would make a valuable witness for the Government, because of the fact that you had done business — along certain lines— with the officials of the Roseburg Land Office, and had also done business — along the same lines — with Senator Mitchell. We want this information in its entirety, and we shall expect you to give it exactly as you know it to be. You have admitted, in substance, that you main- tained relations with these people, and have also virtually acknowledged that the nature of this business was of a shady character. It now remains for you to give the entire facts, and until such time, I shall have nothing further to say to you on the subject." This conversation having occurred on Saturday, Mr. Kribs said that it would be impossible for him to prepare another statement for presentation that afternoon, but that he would have one ready on the following Monday morning, which arrangement, Mr. Burns told him, would be satisfacory to him. On meeting Kribs that Saturday afternoon, he said that it looked like he was in for it ; that Burns was as sharp as a steel trap, and, unless he was very much mistaken, was "wise" to everything, and would not be put off with anything short of a full and complete statement of facts. "So I might just as well make up my mind," continued Kribs, "to tell every- thing I know." "That's right," I responded, "you stick to that determination, Kribs, and when you have prepared your statement, I will call personally and look it over before you present it to Mr. Burns." "When will you call?" he inquired. "When will you have it ready?" I replied. "Probably by tomorrow (Sunday) night; but suppose that you call on Monday morning at my office." I agreed to do so, and left Kribs, in the firm belief that he had finally decided to come through with the much desired information, as he appeared to be very sincere, and I was happy in the thought that, if he presented a statement such as he promised, we could then force him to produce the documentary evidence to substantiate his story. No sooner had I reached Kribs' office on Monday morning, than he opened up by informing me that he was in receipt of a dispatch from C. A. Smith, to the effect that he was willing to pay me the amount of money I had advanced to secure the PTumboldt County lands for him, concerning which I had commenced Page 207 suit to recover, provided, however, that I was to withdraw the action immediately. he, in turn, agreeing to dismiss a counter suit that he had filed against me. It was further understood that Smith was not to be indicted if I could prevent it. In regard to the withdrawal of my suit, I agreed to do as suggested, but as to the indictment of Smith, I could guarantee nothing, further than to give my word that no indictment would be returned, and this, I insisted he must accept for what it was worth. "I will take your word for it," replied Kribs; "and to prove to you that I have confidence in your ability to take care of the matter, I shall wire Smith immediately to forward the money by telegraph." After Kribs had sent the wire to Smith, which he prepared in my presence, he took u]) the matter of his new statement, and after reading it over, I informed him that it appeared to be satisfactory, and that I believed it would meet with Mr. Burns' approval. I then suggested that we go up and see Burns, which Kribs assented to. After reading Kribs" new satement, Mr. Burns seemed to be well pleased, and remarked : "This is something' like it." He then asked Kribs if the $800 mentioned as having been paid by him to James Henry Booth, Receiver of the Roseburg Land Ofiice. was by check or casli, to which Kribs responded that it was in the form of a check. "All my settlements, in fact," continued Kribs, "have been made by check." "You find, then, Mr. Kribs, that the check system is a good one, and that it is the correct way of transacting business?" queried Burns. "Indeed, I do," replied Kribs, "as in that way I am enabled to keep a more complete record of all my business dealings." "I presume then, that you paid Mitchell & Tanner by check also," said Mr. Burns. "Yes, sir ; I did." "Well, now," added Burns, "I will say about your statement, that I find it entirely satisfactory with but one exception, and that is, with regard to your agreement with Mitchell & Tanner. You have failed to state, in referring to that firm, with whom your agreement was made — was it with Senator ^^litchell, or Judge Tanner?" "It was with the Senator." "Was Judge Tanner present at the time ?" asked Mr. Burns. "He was not — that is to say. Judge Tanner wasn't present when I talked with wSenator j\Iitchell in his private office at the time of my coming to an under- standing with him in regard to his receiving $25 from me for each patent expedited." "Mr. Kribs, was it your understanding that the Senator was to receive the money personally, or did you presume that this money was to go to the firm of Mitchell & Tanner?" persisted Burns. "The payments were made to the firm of Mitchell & Tanner, but I, of course, presumed that Senator Mitchell alone was benefitted thereby, as he in- structed me, when I asked him how I should remit, to make my checks payable to his firm — 'for convenience sake," as he put it." "Did you meet Judge Tanner at all ?" "Yes, sir; I was introduced to him by the Senator when we came out of the latter's private office, at which time Senator Mitchell remarked, in addressing his partner, that he had made an arrangement with me whereby he (^litchell) was to expedite the issuance of all my patents, and whenever I brought any land matters to him (Tanner), that he should forward the same to the Senator at Washington. The Senator further informed his partner that I would hand the latter the amounts agreed upon in each case." "I will now request that you insert this additional testimony in your state- ment," said Burns, "after which I shall accept it as altogether satisfactory." Page 208 :to. Vs First jNI^tiona! Bank of Roseburg*, ^^-'PiyUU-^s^ OX , % low ^ ///^^ptkyM/^"^^/^^ ^lei^^t^/^ Pol lavs. ry ,---^A.^ ^^^eyi^K-.^Lyi-y^^^ '^i'^'i-r-'C^ ^-'■a.''e^(.yj^4>,'(LAj,.,^A.^_ dU C^o (Kj --«^^/l---6-^C*^ .^^4> A^ /i2. ^>.^^ ^--"-/-_»-l/ <^^- ^^ to tug frantically at my left arm, which he grasped tightly. Struggling thus, we backed up against the side of the building, and as we contested every inch of ground, I threatened him with certain death unless he released his hold. "For God's sake, Steve, don't shoot!" he implored. It must have been that fear got the better of his judgment when he exposed himself thus, as he ought to have realized my desperate position. Finally, after a herculean effort, I managed to throw him up against the wall with such force that I was enabled to wrench myself loose, and before he could recover, I had separated myself from the redoubtable sleuth by the respect- able distance of two or three yards. Realizing that "Richard is himself again," and fearing that he might make another attempt to lay hands on me, I advanced towards him resolutely, with revolver pointed directly at his head, and a look of fixed determination in my face, and told him that I would kill him dead on the spot if he attempted to pull his gun. "Damn you, go !" I demanded, menacingly. At this, and with the evident thought that 1 intended to carry out my threat, the great detective turned tail and ran in the direction of the postoffice corner, where he found shelter behind a friendly pillar. Wheeling around on the sidewalk, with revolver still in hand, I covered the man whom I had all along suspected was Burns' assistant, and ordered him to decamp. He lost no time in doing so, but I have since come to the conclusion that I was mistaken as to his identity, and that he had merely become attracted to the scene out of idle curiosity. A number of women had flocked out of the postoffice building while the struggle between Burns and myself was at its height, and were gathered in terror along the sidewalk. Pointing my revolver in their direction, I ordered them to proceed in advance of me, as I knew that Burns would not dare to shoot while I was thus protected. Using them thus as a shield to cover my retreat to the corner below, and perceiving that Burns had not emerged from his position, I thanked the ladies profusely for their kindness in thus aiding me, informing them at the same time that they had probably saved my life, and after tipping my hat to them in the most courteous manner possible, I hiked down a narrow side street at breakneck speed. Proceeding thus about half a block, I turned suddenly into an alleyway which extended to the left a distance of several blocks. I had continued my flight down this alley but fifty or sixty yards when I discovered that 1 was completey winded, and on the point of collapse ; so seeing a door open in what proved to be the common basement for a series of large flats, I dodged in, hoping to gain an exit to the street in front. Upon entering the basement and making an investigation, I found that I was in a trap, as the street in front of the buildings was much higher in eleva- tion than the alley from whence I had just come, and as a consequence, there was no means of egress in that direction. Returning towards the entrance, I dis- cerned, by the aid of a subdued gaslight, that a stairway led from the basement to the flats above,' but not having any idea then as to where it might lead, I though to avoid it and take chances in the alleyway, hoping to smuggle myself in the crowd by some process and escape detection. When I reached the door again, I hesitated long enough to obtain a breath of fresh air, but did not linger, as the clamor of voices, accompanied by the sound of approaching footsteps, aroused my mind and body to quick action. They were now at the very entrance itself, eager as a pack of wolves to devour their prey, but bellowed on, the one evidently intent on outdoing the other in the chase. A few of the older and wiser dogs remained behind to probe the surroundings, yet not daring to venture into the confines of my den. It was not long before the alley was fairly alive with baying humanity, yelping about in wild confusion. My thoughts at this time can better be imagined than described. Here I was, having escaped my captor, yet in a worse predicament, if anything, than Page 246 before. With one man, or even two, 1 stood some show of escape, but against such an array as was now at my heels, it seemed hke a vain thought that I could prolong the chase, and I was quick to comprehend that my only show of getting out of the dilemma was by process of some clever ruse. While thus engaged in a sort of lightning-like calculation, I heard some one exclaim to his fellows : "I followed him closely from the corner, boys, and when I reached the alley, he had disappeared completely. He never, in my opinion, passed this door," and with that he approached the entrance with the remark, "Some of you stand outside here and guard the door, while the rest of us will explore the basement." At this I turned my attention to the gaslight, which I reached without attraction, and after turning it down until it was almost extinguished, giving barely sufficient glimmer to permit my return, I started for the stairway to which reference was made when I first entered the basement, and had hardly reached it when the basement door was pushed cautiously aside and two men entered, passing within three feet of where I was concealed behind a post. Perceiving that they were making for the gas jet, I glided noiselessly up the stairway, and opening its door, stepped out cautiously onto a porch a few feet above the basement, belonging to the lower flat of the building. Fortunately for me, the porch was surrounded with some lattice work, which enabled me to observe the movements of those in the alleyway below without exposing myself to view in any manner. Trying the kitchen door of this flat, I discovered that it was locked and receiving no response from the inside, proceeded to ascend the stairs to the flat above. In this effort, however, I was not so successful in concealing my pres- ence, as I had the misfortune to make a slight noise, which brought from the man underneath the porch, who was guarding the basement door, the inquiry : "Who goes there?" ''Fisher!" was my assuring answer. "What Fisher?" he asked. "Why, it's Jack," I responded, as I ascended the stairway two steps at a time to the flat above. It was my turn to play interrogator now, so I asked : "Who are you, and what are you doing down there?" The reply, if any, was lost to my ears, as I had now reached the porch of the second flat and had more important business on hand. Repeating the performance of trying the kitchen door, and again receiving no response to my knock, I continued to the last flat above, fully determined to break in the door if I met with no better success, as it was impossible for me to turn back with any degree of safety. As I neared the head of the stairs, my heart bounded with joy as I noticed a stream of light pouring through the window, and Vv'hile waiting an answer to my summons for admission, its rays were to me as a beacon to some storm-tossed mariner. In response to my loud knock, a female voice inside tin idly inquired: "Who is there?" "It's me," I answered. "Who?" "Just me — open the door !" and with that I could hear the key grating in the lock and the door swung open. I was oii Vr.2 inside in a second, and closing the door behind me, and bolting and locking it securely, I took a survey of the surroundings. Seated at a table in his shirt sleeves, reading the evening paper, was a middle-aged man, while his good wife had evidently been preparing their supper. Both looked pictures of despair, evidently mistaking me for a burglar. As soon as he could recover his presence of mind, the man in faltering tones inquired my business. "No business," I replied; "just show me the front door that I may get out on the street !" Page 247 "\\)U will ijet a ■«. v-§ a a -St O ^ a^ ?i^ Chapter XVII The King of the Oregon Livid Fraud Ring eneou)iters a Boston lawyer, who furnishes him some valuable up-to-date ideas on the subject of "cultured" looting — Holds Puter up to the tunc of $322 for collecting a $1022 check — Describes his interesting experiences as a fugitive from justice and the clever methods adopted to evade the Govern))ient sleuths. BEING acquainted with a number of lawyers in the city, I had my friend con- sult a member of one of the prominent firms, with whom he made an appointment for me to see him at his residence that evening- at eight o'clock. Upon making known my identity, the gentleman invited me in, and we retired to his library, where I related the circumstances of my arrest and escape from Detective Burns and of my desire to secure a certain grip, which I had left at my former boarding house, together with a check for $1,022. The attorney expressed the opinion that he could secure both grip and check for me without difficulty, so I gave him a written order on the landlady for them, and made an appointment with him to meet me on the following afternoon at a certain point in the city to which he was to come by street car and arrive at exactly two o'clock. From my attorney's residence, I returned directly to my room, and retired for the night, and on the following morning, having decided to change my head- quarters, I settled my bill and vacated. Taking a street car, I went to South Boston, where I had breakfast and spent the forenoon about the steamer docks and lumber yards in that vicinity. After luncheon I engaged a horse from a liveryman whose acquaintance I had made earlier in the day, who furnished me with the best animal in the stable and one that he was accustomed to driving personally. On my way to the point where I was to meet my attorney, I was particu- lar to observe the surrounding streets and to make a note of those I might select in event of my being discovered and being forced to make a hasty retreat. I always had in mind that my identity might become known at any moment and I was cautious to be prepared for any emergency. I was commencing to feel, now that the exciting incidents of the past few days had left me yet free to my own sweet will, that I had taken some desperate and wholly uncalled for chances, and that in future it would stand me in hand to use a little more discretion regarding my conduct. Upon arriving at my destination, I drove about for several minutes, as I was somewhat ahead of time, and as each car in turn made its appearance, I managed to be about two or three blocks away and at a point where I could observe if my attorney alighted, and at the same time note if anyone else got ofif, or was in a position to watch his movements or see what was taking place. When my attorney came, I drove rapidly toward him, and taking him in the buggy, we hurried away. In response to my inquiry as to what success he had met with, he stated that he had secured the check, but that, being informed by the landlady that her house was being watched, he did not venture to remove the grip. He suggested that I give him the keys to the latter, so that he might secure such articles as I desired, which he said he would bring to me in his pocket. I demurred to this, as I did not care to have anyone handle my private papers and suggested in reply, that he call on my landlady again that evening, after dark, when he could wrap the grip, which was not large, with a number of newspapers, giving it the Page 254 appearance of a bundle of some sort. He agreed to do this, so I indorsed the check which he produced from his pocket, and as we had now driven to a point on the main Hne of the Boston-Worcester street car, which was surrounded by some tim- ber and thick underbrush, I suggested that he meet me here that same evening at 9 :30, when I would receive my grip and the money and settle with him for his trouble. I selected this point for the reason that it was sparsely settled, and had more or less timber and brush which would enable me to escape in event of his being followed by detectives. There was a gulch on one side which would afford me an excellent hiding place, and as this particular side was more thickly tim- bered than the other, I had no fear of being captured, even if my rendezvous became known. As the car approached in the distance, my attorney alighted, and I drove back to South Boston and when within three or four blocks of the livery stable, I engaged a man on the street to return my rig to the barn, handing him half a dollar, and offering as an excuse that I had a pressing engagement and must wait at this point for a gentleman that I was expecting at any moment. I took this precaution for the reason that, as stated before, I had decided to take no further chances, and as I may have been observed by some one who recognized me as the much wanted Mr. "Brownell" and who also identified the rig as one belonging to a certain liveryman, I did not propose to walk into a trap. After waiting long enough to note that the rig had been safely returned, I departed immediately for Cambridge, which I reached in a roundabout way and where I engaged a room for the night. After dinner, I walked in the direction of the point where I was to meet my attorney, thinking to get a little exercise and to pass the time away. Arriving there, I made a survey of the district and exam- ined the timber and underbrush through which I might be called upon to make good my escape, and as I had spent the greater portion of my life in the woods and timber, was very much at home and experienced little difficulty in determining upon several routes, through any one of which I could make my way, as necessity might require. As it lacked but a few minutes of the time when my attorney should arrive, and a car was already in sight, I secreted myself where I could have a full view of the street where he would alight, but as the car did not stop, I drew a little closer to observe the faces of the passengers as it went by, and noticed that only a few ladies occupied the seats. I must now wait for another car, which would arrive fifteen minutes later. In the meantime, I trailed two men who appeared on the scene for a distance of some five or six hundred yards, when I became sit- isfied that their errand did not concern me. My attorney arrived on the next car, and after walking to a secluded path- way in the timber, he informed me that he presented the check, but the bank refused payment on the ground that I was a fugitive from justice and that, before they could turn over the money, he must receive from me a power of attorney, duly signed and attested, when he might have the cash. As to the grip, he called at the boarding house as agreed, but having noticed two men standing close by, one of whom he recognized as the same he had observed on a previous visit, he did not think it advisable to venture from the house, even with a newspaper bundle in his arms. As he did not have a power of attorney blank with him. we could do nothing further that night, so I promised to 'phone the next day, when the matter could be arranged. I did not return to the city with him, preferring that he go his way alone and when his car was out of sight, I went to my room in Cambridge, where! remained until noon the next day, venturing out only to eat breakfast and purchase a daily paper. After luncheon I went to the nearest telephone booth and called my attor- ney up, and in reply to my inquiry if there were any new developments, he asked me to hold the 'phone for about twenty minutes when he would inform me as to Page 255 how matters stood. To "hold the 'phone twenty minutes" seemed to me as a rather unusual request. Indeed, from the time of our meeting on the niglit he fore. I had my suspicions that all was not just rig^ht, so I decided to change base on the 'phone proposition, and taking a street car, I rode about two miles and 'phoned him from another place, this time to learn that it would be necessary for me to meet him again and execute a power of attorney. He asked me to designate a place of meeting, in reply to which I told him to meet me at the same time and place as previously. Returning to my room. I remained there until dusk, and after dinner went to a riding academy and engaged a saddle horse for the evening. I felt that I must vary my custom on every occasion as near as possible, and as I wanted to make doubly sure of my attorney's actions on this particular evening. I decided to meet the car on which I expected him to come and return with it to the chosen rendezvous. About 8:45 p. m., I rode on the car track toward the city for a distance of perhaps two miles, and returned with the car until I discovered my attorney was not among the passengers. I did not, however, venture close enough to be recog- nized. I then wheeled about and went back toward the city, and when the second car hove in sight, I adopted the same tactics, locating my man shortly after meet- ing with the car. When he got ofif, I made a short circuit, and after tying my pony in the brush, emerged to meet the gentleman, but said nothing about the animal. My attorney produced the blank power of attorney, which he had pre- viously filled in, and after he had read its contents to me and I had examined it, I attached my signature thereto. He then informed me that he would have the notary in his office acknowledge my signature, which he would also attest as a subscribing witness. There being no further business to transact on this occasion, he went back to the city on the next car and I returned the horse to the riding academy, after which I took the street car for Chelsea, another suburb of Boston, some eight miles from the city and in another direction. Here I engaged a room and remained for the night. After breakfast on the following morning, I went into Boston by way of Charleston and Cambridge, and as I expected to do considerable telephoning, I engaged a horse and buggy for the day, but not, however, at the same livery stable where I hired a rig on a previous occasion. At 10:30 that morning, I talked with my attorney over the 'phone and as before he requested me to hold the 'phone for some fifteen or twenty minutes. I could not understand this "hold the 'phone" business, and as I was determined not to get caught in a telephone booth, or even to remain at any particular place to exceed two or three minutes, 1 unhitched my horse and drove off a few miles before calling up again. I might state here that Boston has the best public telephone service I have ever seen. There is hardly a store of any importance in the city but what is provided with a public telephone, and in every instance, they are inclosed in a hooth, where one is enabled to secure privacy. Upon my calling him up again, my attorney informed me that he was experiencing some difficulty in the matter of getting the check cashed, as the bank officials expressed a desire to confer with the firm having drawn the check, before they would pay it. I instructed him to stay with it and do the very best possible to secure the money, and further to get my grip at whatever cost. I left it to him as to what method he would adopt, but said I must get that grip away from there and at once. I agreed to call him up again at 2 o'clock. Driving through the parks and to points of interest, I managed to pass the time away until 12:30, when I put my horse up at a stable in the suburbs, and while he was being fed and watered, I ate luncheon and prepared for another start. Page 256 Trading Station on Pelly River, a branch of the Yukon in the British possessions Promptly at 2 o'clock I called up my attorney again. This time one of his clerks answered, stating that the gentleman was engaged, but to "hold the phone" and he would be through in about fifteen minutes. Needless to say that I didn't "hold." This holding business was getting monotonous, and without caring whether or not he thought that I would do as requested, I hung up the receiver and drove away. Fifteen minutes having elapsed, and being close to two miles away from the last station, I hitched my horse and called up again. This time I got my party, and he started in by claiming that he had called on the landlady again, but that she had remonstrated against any attempt to remove the grip, declaring that detect- ives were watching the house day and night. My attorney was of the same opin- ion and did not care to risk bringing it away personally, nor would he permit one of his assistants to do so. As to the check, the bank people had not yet arrived at a decision, he said, but would probably know within an hour what they would do. My attorney then asked me where I was telephoning from, and I told him South Boston, which was the truth. He then said to "remain there" and to call up again later. After assuring him that I would do so, I hung up the receiver and was off for another drive. This time I did not pull up until I was a good six miles and in a direction where I believed one would be least expected to go. I then called up again and it was the same old story — the bank people asked for additional time, he said. Cutting the conversation short, I hung up the receiver, as I, too, wanted additional time that I might gather my wits together and decide on something more definite. Page 257 Thing^s did not look just ri^ht to mc. nor had they for some time i)ast. and 1 con- chided that I could well afford to hold counsel with myself hefore proceeding" much further. The actions of my attorney for tiie past few days were not at all to my liking-, and while I did not care to believe that he was "standing in" with my pur- suers, or that he was doing anything that would not eventually work to my inter- ests and serve the ends for which 1 sought, at the same time, he had dilly-dallied along for such a length of time without accom])lishing anything that I could not understand the proceedings. My check, which was ])ropcrly indorsed, should be accejited by any batik in the city from one so prominent as he. more especially as it was a local hrm drawing the check, who would verify its genuineness. There- fore, with the additional indorsement of my attorney's signature, the bank had no grounds for refusing to honor and cash it when presented. After thinking matters over very carefully, I 'phoned to my attorney again and informed him that I had concluded to let matters drop for awhile and not to bother further and that I would call him up again within the next few days. Driving back to the livery stable, or to within a few blocks of it. I waited my opportunity and when a man of apparent respectability came along, I induced him to return the rig. paying him, as I had done on the other occasion, and making a similar excuse. I had been fortunate in securing fine animals to drive and wished to insure their safe return, though I did not care to risk it personally. Upon seeing the man drive my rig into the barn. I walked around a spell, and later in the evening, went into J>oston proper, where I ordered supper in a down town restaurant. One might think that this was a hazardous action on my part, but not so much so as might appear on the surface. In the first place, it must be borne in mind that while I was being looked for, it was not on the streets of the down town districts of the very city in which I had made my sensational escape. No one would dream of my venturing so close in, nor w'ould the city police, who were bent on my capture, think it worth while to scrutinize a passing stranger. In the outskirts of the city, where suburban ofificers have little else to do, I was sure to be kept in mind, but as I was always on the alert. I cared not for them. If detected in the heart of the city. I believed, at that. I had an even chance, so long as I confined my visits to the evening hours. In the restaurant where I ate there were probably a hundred people, and although I kept a sharp lookout, I did not see* or meet with anyone that I knew. The nearest I came to being detected, so far as I know, was this same evening and immediately after supper, when I stepped into a drug store to make a small purchase and was standing at the counter when an ofiicer with whom I was well acquainted walked into the place and engaged a clerk in conversation. I had been watching the door and was prepared for an emergency, but not caring to court trouble, I placed myself in a position where I could watch his actions through a small mirror, without giving him an opportunity to discern my features. A moment later, when he left the store, I took my departure. Shortly thereafter, I took a street car for Worcester, some sixty miles from Boston, arriving there about eleven o'clock and engaging a room for the night. Here I remained two days, spending the morning hours in reading the newspapers, while my afternoons were occupied between the library and one of the billiard halls. On the evening of the second day after my arrival, I took the last car for Boston, arriving there about 1 o'clock a. m. I engaged a room in one of the down town lodging houses, where I remained until 7 o'clock the next morning. After breakfast, I went to Charleston on the street car and engaged another rig for the day. Driving out to the suburbs, I 'phoned to my attorney and asked him if he had anything new to report. He seemed much sur]:)rised to hear of me again and inquired where I had been kee])ing myself, to which I replied that I had not left the city. He informed me of having made some effort to convert my paper into cash and that he desired to talk to me personally. Not being prepared to name a place of meeting. I told him I would call u]) later and make an a])]:)ointment. Page 258 I then drove about in quest of a rendezvous and finally located one that I believed would furnish me with ample security, so I 'phoned him about 4 o'clock in the afternoon, and advised him where I might be found. It was agreed that he would be there at exactly 10 o'clock that night, so I retained possession of the buggy, as I thought to drive him away immediately upon his putting in an appear- ance. The place selected for this meeting was at a point in the center of four vacant blocks, with streets running each way ; the surrounding blocks being sparsely settled. Promptly at 10 o'clock, my attorney put in an appearance, but as I was then several blocks away, I did not recognize him at first. As he walked up and down the street, however, I discovered that it was my man, and drove up to where he stopped. Taking him into the buggy, we took our departure for a still more sparsely settled district. My attorney was very nervous on this occasion and kept looking over his shoulder as if expecting to be pounced on at any moment and cautioned me all the while to be careful. I assured him that there was no danger and devoted some little time in an efifort to brace him up. When he recovered his composure some- what, he w^anted to know what I would do in event of being stopped by a police- man. "Policeman?" said I, derisively, "why, Fd eat him up!" "But what if several of them should appear together and summon you to halt?" he inquired. "Eat them up, too," I answered. T suspected at this very moment that I was being quizzed for a purpose, and did not propose to have this man report, if that was really his object, that I would be an easy mark, and that all they need to do was to come after me. I would at least have the satisfaction of putting fear into the hearts of some few of my pursuers, 'ere they had ventured to make chase, and would have them think, at least, that more or less blood would be shed before I was made to bite the dust. "Would you really shoot to kill?" he asked me. "Never shoot any other way," I answered, growing enthusiastic on the sub- ject ; "and what is more, I rather enjoy the sport. I go armed for that purpose and carry a regular arsenal with me all the time. Do you know," said I, "that it would take a small army to capture me at the present time ?" "You Western fellows are built differently from any men I have ever met before," ventured my attorney, nervously, and continuing he remarked: "You are all so dead in earnest that an ordinary man would stand no show against one of you." I was half inclined to feel a bit swelled up as a result of this remark, as I could see that my man of law was sincerely in earnest himself and believed that what he was saying was true. "How about my grip and the money?" I inquired. "Haven't been able to do a thing," he said, "but came here tonight to warn you that the town is full of secret service men, and as it is reported you are still in the city, they are determined to land you, dead or alive." "Do you know this to be true?" I asked. "Yes, sir, I have it from a most reliable source and not only are they look- ing for vou, but have been trailing me also. They know that I have visited your former boarding house a number of times, and they have been watching me for several days past from the time that I leave home in the morning until I return in the evening. Even tonight, I had difficulty in eluding their vigilance, but man- aged to shake off a fellow after he had followed for several blocks. "Even the telephone service, I am told, has been turned over to Burns' men, and I got this, too, from an authentic source. The bank, for some reason, refuses to cash the check, for the present, but I still hope to get the money for you. As for the grip, I cannot make up my mind to risk the attempt. It might work, but what if I should be intercepted and it was taken away from me?" Page 259 "As to tlic nKJiiev." said 1. "I am in no hunv to ^'ct it. hut 1 must, in some way. secure the grip." "I believe," said he, "if you can g^ct along without it for awhile, it would he much hetter to leave it where it is. as Burns has evidently made up his mind that there is nothing more of your belongings in that house, for if tlie detectives thought dilYerently they would surely make a further investigation. r>urns' men are guarding the house, but evidently for the purpose of catching you. should you attempt to return." The talk that my attorney jnit up on this occasion convinced me that he was not standing in with the detectives, but I could not satisfy myself that he had used his best efforts in my behalf in the matter of securing the money. However, I told him that I expected to leave the city on the evening following and would go to Portland, Maine, for a month or so until matters would cool down. He thought this a good plan and suggested that I correspond with him. which I prom- ised to do. Returning him to the car line. I bade him goodby for the present and drove away. After driving some distance, I met a workman carrying a dinner pail and some tools, and bargained with him to return the team to the livery, some four miles distant, which he agreed to do for a dollar. He looked like an honest fel- low and I thought it safe to take the chance, besides, I had determined, instead of leaving on "the evening following" and going to "Portland, Maine," to go on to Xew York City ; so taking the street car to Worcester, I caught the 1 o'clock train that night and arrived in New York the next morning. Engaging a room at the Cadillac, 43d and Broadway, I remained at this hotel for three days and went about my business throughout the city as though nothing unusual had happened. I did not disguise myself in any manner, as I did not deem it necessary. From the hotel, I moved to a private boarding house on West -M-th street, where I remained for ten days longer, making my entire stay in Xew York City just thirteen days altogether. I put in the time as pleasantly as possible under the circumstances, though I cannot say that I enjoyed my visit, as the loss of my grip was continually prey- ing on my mind, and I felt ill at ease because of the uncertainty of being able to recover it. I did not abandon hope, however, and being determined on making another try, I returned to Worcester, from whence I went into Boston, arriving there after an absence of exactly two weeks. About 9:30 a. m., I 'phoned to my friend (the gentleman who had taken me to his brother's farm on the morning immediately after my escape from Burns), and informed him of my return to the city, referring to myself as the doctor, and taking the precaution, as I had on previous occasions in talking with him over the "phone, to inquire how my patient was getting along. We arranged for a meeting for 10:30, and at the appointed time, he came to see me. As I had not talked with him immediately before my departure from Bos- ton, I made him acquainted with what took place at that time ; how my attorney had failed in his efforts to secure the grip and that the money also was being withheld by the bank. I likewise informed him of my visit to New York City and described how I had led my attorney to believe that I had gone to Portland. Maine, and of having told him that I would leave at a certain time, but took my departure just one day earlier than that stated. Asking my friend as to the prospects of securing my grip at this time, he said that he had not been to the boarding house since, having acted under my suggestion that he keep away and give the detectives an opportunity to become discouraged. He could not say as to whether the place was still being watched, but had been given to understand that the officers were still looking for me. Being of the opinion that it would be safe, at least, for my friend to call on the landlady, and believing, further, that she would know if the detectives were Page 260 United States District Judge Charles E. Wolverton, of Oregon, who, on July 6, 1906 sentenced Puter to two years in the Multnomah County jail at Portland and to pay a fine of $7,500, and likewise gave Horace G. Mc Kin ley a similar sentence in February, 1908 still hovering' about. I requested my friend to go there for the purpose of studying conditions, and if. in her judgment, it would be safe to take the grip away, to 'phone me from her ])lace and that 1. in turn, would 'phone to her. giving instruc- tions to turn the grip over to him. She had apj^eared to act so cautiously and in my interests in the past, during my first trouble with Burns, that I had every con- lidence in her judgment at this time, and in order to di.^pel any question which might arise in her mind as to my friend's authority in demanding the grip, I thought it best to speak with her personally, as she would readily recognize mv \()ice over the 'phone. As it was agreed that m\- friend would call me up at exactly noon, at a certain drug" store in the neighborhood, I was there on time and waited but a few minutes when the bell rang and I was summoned to the 'phone. Upon calling on the landlady, my friend learned that the grip had been taken away some time before by my attorney and that the detectives, while frequently seen about the ])lace. had not been stationed there regularly, as was the case some two weeks bef(^re. At least, the landlady was quite sure that her house was not being watched so closely. She expressed great fear, however, as to my safety and re- quested my friend to caution me, under no consideration, to come to her place. She thought my only hope was to leave the country. My friend did not 'phone to me from the boarding house, as there was no occasion for doing so, but instead, used another 'phone some few blocks away, where he advised me as to the conditions. I w^as delighted to learn that my grip had been secured, and supposed, of course, because of his success along this Hne. that my money w-as also in waiting, and that all I need to do wa^ to notify my attorney of my presence in the city and make an appointment to receive my belongings. After eating lunch and waiting vmtil such time as I thought he would be in his ofifice, I called him up and received the time-honored reply that the one I sought was busy, but to "hold the 'phone about fifteen or twenty minutes." when he would be at leisure and talk with me. I neither waited, nor did I "hold the 'phone," preferring to improve the time by moving along and taking my chances elsewhere. Calling up again, I simply advised my attorney that I wished to see him on business and he agreed to come to the place of our last meeting at 10 o'clock that night. I experienced some little difficulty in securing a good, swift horse for that evening, the first livery man called on refusing to give me what I asked for without ni}' being identified, while at the second livery stable. I could not find anything that I would accept for the occasion. The third place, however, was well equipped with fast horses and light rigs, and the owner of the establishment. less suspicious, so I got exactly what I wanted upon deposit of $3.50. the price named for the hire. I fully expected to leave the city of Boston that night with all that was mine, except, of course, the trunk which Mr. Burns had confiscated, but I cared nothing for that. It was the grip that I wanted most and as a side issue, the money, of course, would confe in handy. My attorney came at the appointed time and was taken into my buggy and driven away as before at a rapid rate. He brought nothing with him and as I had been advised in advance of existing conditions, I thought to let him tell his story, without intimating any knowledge of what had taken place in my absence. It was evident he expected me to broach the subject, as we had driven some distance before he said anything about the matter at issue. Other things, of little or no consequence, were spoken of. but no mention was made of the grip or money. After a time, however, he ventured to inform me that he had secured the grip and had placed it in one of the safe deposit vaults of the city for security, but would have me believe that the detectives suspicioned his actions in removing a "package" from the lodging house and were watching the vault. Page 262 This story sounded mighty fishy to me, but I refrained from expressing myself. He had the grip, that much I knew, but why he should wish to retain possession of it was more than I could comprehend. Of one thing I was certain, there was something underlying" this man's motives for acting as he did, and I would have given a good deal at that moment to have possessed the ability to read his mind. In speaking of the check, he said that he had not called at the bank for several days, but that, upon his last visit, the bank officials were still undecided as to what to do. Driving along until I came to a secluded spot and where I believed we would meet with no interruption, I pulled up the horse and after bringing him to a full stop, I turned in the buggy, and facing my attorney, gave him such a look as I believed would lend emphasis to my remarks, and after hesitating for a mo- ment, during which time I never changed my expression, I asked : "How much, sir, do I owe you for your trouble ?" Replying he said, "I dislike to name any price until I have accomplished something more for you." "I want to know," said I, "just where we stand." 'T think I can do something for you before many days," he answered. "How soon," I asked. "Don't like to say definitely," he replied. "Got to have something definite, and tonight," I told him. "Well," said he, "I don't like to jump in and make a botch of the job. li I can have a little more time, I believe that everything will come out all right." "How much will I owe you for your services when you get through with this job?" I asked. "My charges won't amount to much," he evasively replied, and added, "you know I haven't really done very much." "Now look here," said I, "I am willing to give you just one more chance — just one and that will end the matter. H you can secure and deliver to me both the grip and money and will do so by tomorrow night, the privilege is yours, but after that time, I must look elsewhere for assistance." I then informed him that I had a brother in Chicago, an attorney, and that, if he failed to make good within the time specified. I would go on to Chicago and place the matter in my brother's hands. "My brother in Chicago" was all a myth, but it seemed to have the desired effect, as the attorney assured me it would be useless to go to the expense of having my brother come all the way from Chicago to Boston to look after my affairs, as it would mean a matter of a few days at the very outside and possibly not that long, "Not one day longer than tomorrow," I interrupted. "Well," said he, "I will do what I can, and if you will call me up late in the afternoon, I will give you the result of my efforts." I agreed to this, and after returning him to the car line, I drove back to the barn, turning the rig over to the liveryman in person. Although disappointed and vexed over the way things had turned out, I felt confident that the morrow would bring a change for the better, and that my long-looked-for grip would be forthcoming with the next visit of my attorney. I had given him my ultimatum and he seemed to appreciate the situation before leaving me and was undoubtedly impressed with the fact that I would put up with no further delays. Returning to my lodgings, I engaged the room for another night, but my sleep was uncertain, and long 'ere dawn I was up and preparing for action. I could hope for no move until late in the afternoon, so passed the time wearily, as I had grown impatient and could find neither rest nor amusement until matters became more settled, and I could receive some word of encourage- ment from my attorney. I was tempted at various times during the day to call him up, but managed to hold oft' until after 3 o'clock, when I hired another rig and looked about for a favorable meeting place. Page 263 After findincr one. I could hardly wait until I reached the drug store from which I 'phoned him. and when I learned that he had secured the grip and that it was even theti at his office, I forgot all about the money, not even thinking to ask if he had cashed the check. My attorney stated that it would be impossible for him to deliver the grip in person, but that he would send it to me, at any time and place I might desig- nate, by one of his assistants, provided, however, that it was to be delivered after dark. That was entirely agreeable to me. and as I had previously located a meeting place, I lost no time in naming the hour, which was to be 9 o'clock. I would know the young man. my attorney stated, as he was quite tall and would be carrying my grip, which I would readily recognize. The end was apparently in sight, and as I was feeling pretty good, I drove to a livery stable and put up the rig, ordering the horse to be well fed and groomed, and stating that I would call in about two hours. After treating myself to something extra in the way of an unusually elaborate supper, I returned to the stable and found my horse hitched up and waiting. I had plenty of time on my hands, and while I was somewhat impa- tient for the appointed hour to arrive when I could take over my effects, I was reasonably happy and contented and did not mind the wait. It might appear to my readers that my action in consenting to meet this young man was rather injudicious on my part, but I did not so consider it. as I figured that no one person could get the drop on me and especially at that hour of the evening. Besides, I always took the precaution to locate my man and the surrounding conditions before exposing myself to view% and it would have been mere folly for even an officer, single handed, to attempt my arrest. I was also quite sure, because of what had taken place, that no officer would care to undertake the job unless he was backed up by men tried in the service and of known staying qualities. Even at that, it would have required considerable diplomacy on the part of the officers to surround and get the drop on me. and I did not believe such a thing possible, as I was on the alert at all times and on the lookout for just such an attempt being made. Promptly at 9 o'clock, as I was driving tow^ard the car line, I saw the young man alight from a street car and walk in an opposite direction. It was not long until I had overtaken him, and with lines in one hand and my gun in the other, I brought the horse up short and suggested that he join me in the buggy and be quick about it. Complying with my request, the young man jumped in. took a seat by my side and we were soon well out in the rural districts. Nothing had been said about his mission until I stopped to replace the check line, which I noticed was dangling at the horse's head. When I alighted, the young man did likewise, and opened the subject by informing me that the lawyer had authorized him to collect $25 for delivering the grip, and which amount, he explained, was for himself personally. Upon first entering the buggy, the young man placed the grip in front of him, where it had remained luitil this time. Replacing the check line, I was about to enter the buggy, when the young man, taking my watch chain and a number of other articles from his j^ocket, delivered them to me, with the remark : "He told me to hand the.se to you also," and pointing to my grip he added : "He took them out of there, as he thought it w^ould be safer." "What!" said I, "my grip opened!" I was so vexed and angered to think that, after all this worry, I should actually find my grip unlocked and in all probability ransacked, that I picked it up and threw the wdiole thing, grip, contents and all, out into the street, and turning to the young fellow, I demanded to know by what right or authority my grip had been opened. "Don't know a thing about it," he replied. Page 264 "Who opened it?" I asked. ''Your attorney, sir," he replied meekly. "With what?" I demanded. "With a key," he said. "Where, might I ask, did he get the. key ?" "Bought it, I suppose, or maybe had it made." "Well, when you see my attorney again, would you do me the kindness to say to him that he is a damned rascal, and further, convey the information that T am responsible for having said so?" I was about to jump into the buggy and drive off, leaving the grip where it lay, when the young man placed his hand on my shoulder and in gentle remonstrance remarked : "Don't do this, sir ; it may not be as bad as you imagine." He then picked up the grip and replacing it in the buggy, said : "You know I had nothing to do with this affair. I have simply acted under instructions and desire to fulfill my obligations to the letter." He then produced a package from his pocket and handed it to me, stating that it was my money. I was so mad at the time that I didn't know whether to accept it or not. The money was really of no object to me, as compared to the grip which I wanted to secure, and which I fully expected would be returned to me intact. It was more through curiosity than anything else that I accepted the tendered package, as I could not resist the temptation to learn what amount had been returned to me, and how much, in the opinion of my learned counsel, he was entitled to as a fee for his trouble. The very fact of his taking my case at all and in aiding and abetting a fugitive from justice, would, in itself, warrant him in charging a large sum for his services, as the law states specifically that an attorney is not warranted in doing so, and prescribes a severe penalty in such cases. Seldom, indeed, can a reputable attorney be found who will engage in such an undertaking, and when they do. the fee charged is usually a sum worthy of the name. I had expected in this case to pay my attorney at least $500. Had he charged me $1,000, I should not have complained ; but when I opened the package and discovered that it contained $700, and that he had reserved only $322 for his trouble, I concluded immediately that I had been held up from the beginning. The fact is, this disciple of the law, whom I have since ascertained was a shyster of the first magnitude, knew full well from the start that my check was good and that it would be cashed without question immediately upon presen- tation. He knew, too, that it was wholly unnecessary for him to secure from me a power of attorney in order to get the money, but he also knew, because of my anxiety, that my grip contained articles of great importance, perhaps a million dollars in gold, or something equally as valuable. His motive, therefore, in holding the check up, was to allow time to pro- cure the grip, and when he finally secured possession of it, he was up a stump again, not knowing, in the absence of ai'key, just how to proceed. When limited to time, he must act without further delay, so he discovered a way of opening my grip, but neglected, iii his disappointment to find that it contained papers of value only to myself, together with a few personal trinkets, to lock it again, or, perchance, the key wouldn't work both ways, so he was forced to send it in the condition received. If that grip had contained anything of real value, my attorney, beyond the question of a doubt, would have demanded a large sum of money before parting with it. As it was, he evidently concluded that the paltry sum of $322 was sufficient for the services rendered, but rather than take any chances in meeting with me, he held out his price, and enlisted the services of his clerk to make the delivery. Page 265 After counting; the money. I asked the youn^- man if he thought his associate in the (Hspensary of justice held out enough. He (hchi't know as to that, and was evidently too Ixidly scared to venture a suggestion. ■"Cjet into the buggy."' I said; "I want to talk with you a bit." "It's rather late and I'd prefer to go home," remarked the young man. His countenance bespoke the truth of his utterance, and thinking that it would be probably unjust to harass him further, and as he was really not to blame and not the one I wanted to talk to anyway, I allowed that he was right and suggested that home would be the best place for him. I did not hesitate to discuss matters further, but jum])ed into the buggy an(.l drove in the direction of the livery stable. Reaching a jxiint within a few blocks from the place, I turned the horse over to a boy to return for me. as 1 did not care to linger any longer than was absolutely necessary. Noting that the rig was safely delivered, I boarded a street car for Worcester and barelv caught the train for New York. \- -r -♦ Officers of the Diamond Match Company inspecting the property of the corporation in Butte County, California, preliminary to founding the Town of Stirling Page 266 Chapter XVIII Pntrr returns to the Pacific Coast for the purpose of throidng himself upon the leniency of Francis J. Hcncy, and is recaptured by Government Secret Service Agents and local officers after a series of exciting adventures — Gives a vivid account of his arrest and subsequent confinement in various jails, in the course of zvhich he hands the Sheriff of Alameda Count\ some left-handed compliments for his Russianized methods of conducting a prison — Is much shocked to learn that he zvas betrayed by Allie McKinlex, his former partner's cousin — Is transported to Portland, Oregon, zuhere he receives a se7Jere sentence for his misdeeds — Takes up the burdens of life as philosophically as possible in the Multnomah County Jail, and re- ceives a New Year's gift from President Roosevelt in the form of a Pardon. UPON arriving at the metropolis, I engaged a room with board in a private family on 125th street for a week, during which I made no effort at dis- guise. As a matter of fact, I visited many public places and points of interest, including the United States Navy Yard at Brooklyn, the opening of the season at Coney Island, besides the billiard tournament then in progress in New York City, various theatres and other places of attraction. I likewise called daily at the Astor House news stand for the Portland Morning Oregonian, so it will be seen that I was indifferent to the question of recapture. At the expiration of my week with the family on 125th street, I returnetl to my old quarters on West 44th street, where I remained another week, at the end of which time I resolved to return to the Pacific Coast. For the past ten days I had been debating in my mind when to go back and see Mr. Pleney. It was difficult to determine on the correct course to pursue, as I had no knowledge as to how Mr. Heney would view the situation, or of his probable action in event that I returned and gave myself up. I knew, as a matter of fact, that I was already convicted in the 11-7 case and was out under $4,000 bond, a motion having been filed for a new trial. I also knew that I had been indicted jointly with F. Pierce Mays and others in the 24-1 case, in which I had been placed under an additional sum of $4,000, making $8,000 in all, and that there were still other indictments hanging over me. I had neither thought nor desire to escape these indictments, as I believe, because of having joined forces with the Government officials, and by reason of the valuable services rendered Mr. Heney immediately after my conviction, that I would be shown leniency, as I had been very active in the matter of securing evidence against Senator Mitchell, F. Pierce Mays and others. At the time of presenting the evidence in question, the public in general, believing that I was actuated by revengful motives, clamored for my scalp and the lie was given in toto to my every declaration. Even Mr. Heney, at first, seemed dubious, but the time soon arrived when all doubt was dispelled, and not only was Mr. Heney convinced, but the public likewise was forced to accept as true every statement made by me relative to the guilt of the defendants. I had known, from my association with Mr. Heney, that he was one who admired the truth. Fie insisted on and would have it and nothing- short of the whole truth would suffice. This I had given him, varying neither to one side or the other, but keeping ever in the straight and narrow path, and as a reward for the services rendered, I could not but believe that he would deal graciously with me concerning the case in which I was convicted, as well as those under which I had been indicted. Page 267 At no time did Mr. 1 Iciiev or those associated with him in my jjrosecution. promise me immunity, nor had 1 discussed the subject with them, or they with me. I had observed, however, that Mr. Heney treated me with every consideration and kindness and that he was disposed to be friendly with me, particularly so after he had made the discovery that I told liim the truth and had worked to the end that additional testimony and evidence was adduced in substantiation of my statements. In reviewing- these incidents, I also called to mind having- appeared before the U. S. Grand Jury, in the i)resence of Mr. Heney, at which time I related in detail my connection \vith the cases under consideration and which, of itself, places me beyond the means of offering a defense, should Mr. Heney feel dis- posed to push the cases, and if convicted in each one, it would mean a term of years in the penitentiary that would remove all hope of ever being able to meet my obligations, as the interest alone on my accumulated debts would amount to no small item in itself. My family, too, wdiich consisted of a wife and six children, was dependent upon me for support and this fact alone weighed heavily on my mind. My escape from Burns was the only stumbling block in the way. I knew of course, that he would exert himself to the utmost to influence Mr. Heney against me, for although we had been the best of friends during the land fraud trials in Oregon, while I assisted the prosecution in the collection of evidence against the accused, recent events would unquestionably have changed his feelings toward me, as my escape in Boston was the first time Burns had met with defeat, and to one of his reputation and pride, this incident, which was given widespread publicity, was very humiliating. I reasoned, how^ever, that it was with ]\Ir. Heney, not Burns, that I had to deal, and that, if I could only convince him of the truth of my position in this matter throughout. I w'ould have nothing to fear. I resolved, therefore, to return to San Francisco and seek an interview with Mr. Heney, at which time, it was my purpose to lay the whole matter before him and to explain just why I had gone East and what I was doing there when Burns appeared on the scene. I would also explain to him why I determined to escape, the incidents attending my escape, and subsequent events, all of wdiich, I believed, would convince Mr. Heney that I had no intention of leaving the country. li, after explaining matters, I found that Mr. Heney took a liberal view^ of the situation, and showed a disposition to receive me into the fold and to accord me the same treatment afforded me before leaving Portland for the East, I would, in that case inform Mr. Heney that I was at his command and request him to state his pleasure, li, however, I found him ill disposed to receive me kindly, or to give my story due consideration, I would, in such an event, tell him that I must take my departure and return from whence I came. As a matter of fact, my idea in wishing to hold private conference with Mr. Heney was based on a desire to sound him as to his feelings tow^ards me. I had fully made up my mind to be governed entirely by his conduct upon that occasion. H his manner should indicate a lack of forgiveness, or that he was in- clined to be arbitrary with me, it was my intention to make every pretense of yielding to his terms, and then lose no time in getting out of the country. I had planned to take the overland route on foot through Sonoma and Mendocino counties to my old home in Humboldt county, where I was perfectly familiar with every inch of the ground, and where I could remain secluded among friends in the backwoods until the afi'air had blown over. After that I could make my way to the seacoast and secure passage on some sailing vessel bound for a foreign port, and thus be in a position to defy the Federal authorities. These are the matters that had been revolving in my mind from the moment I had determined upon my present course, and explains my motive in wishing to meet the Government prosecutor at some neutral point wdiere he would not hold all the advantage. As a word of additional explanation of my position, I will state that, before leaving New York City for the Pacific Coast, I had thoroughly made up Page 268 my mind that I could make no headway in a Government penitentiary ; that my debts, which I was desirous of paying-, must stand indefinitely and I questioned that I could ever settle them at all, while my family must go without my care and support. Outside prison walls, I would soon be enabled to square up everything', and at the same time, give to my family the protection it demanded and furnish the necessaries of life. This I wanted to do in America, but if forced to do so, I believed that it could be done elsewhere. However, after debating the subject with myself pro and con, I decided that my only hope was in Mr. Heney, and that I must call on him without further delay. Settling my bill at the boarding house, I purchased a ticket for San Fran- cisco over the Santa Fe route, via St. Louis and Kansas City, leaving New York City on May 11th, 1906, and arriving at Point Richmond, on San Francisco bay, on the evening of the 15th. As the train was late in arriving, and accommodations, on account of the recent earthquake in San Francisco, were difficult to secure, the Pullman conduc- tor informed his passengers that they might occupy their berths until the fol- lowing morning. Remaining in the car, as I did not care to venture home that night, lest it was being watched, I arose early on the following morning and my first thought was to learn if Mr. Heney was in the city, and if so, to reach him by 'phone. It was not my intention to talk with him personally, but to reach him by process of some friend, throug'h whom I might learn if he was in the city. I spent something like half a day in this effort, but could do nothing, as the telephone system was completely demoralized. I then took the car for Alameda, going through Oakland, where I walked through the streets crowded with refugees from San Francisco, arriving at Alameda about 1 :30 p. m. and going direct to the Park Hotel, which was the only hotel in the city. Here I engaged a room and registered under an assumed name. After eating luncheon in the hotel cafe, I went to the main office of the telephone company and called up my home, the telephone being answered by one of my little boys, who inquired what was wanted. As I recognized the voice as that of the one who owned a lot of pigeons, I asked him, in a muffled tone, if he had any squabs for sale. I did not care to risk his recognizing me at this time, as little fellows, in their enthusiasm, will sometimes talk too much. Being informed that he had a number of squabs and that they were for sale, I made an appointment with him for that evening at 8 :30, requesting him to meet me at a certain point in West Berkeley, which he said he would do and I hung up the receiver. Returning to my room, I passed the time in reading accounts of the re- cent disaster in San Francisco and at the appointed time, I met my son. As I had not seen the little fellow for something like six months, he passed me on the street corner without recognition, but had gone but a few paces when I stopped him with the inquiry as to why he should pass his father in that manner. The lad paused for a second, and- when he realized that it was really me, bounded into my arms. His joy was unbounded, and it was with difficulty that I could restrain him from crying aloud in his demonstration of aft"ection and pleasure. After quieting the lad. I told him that it was none other than myself who had 'phoned about the pigeons, and now that he had kept his appointment, I had still another and more important duty for him to perform. The little fellow was willing, so I instructed him to inform his mother that I had returned, both safe and sound, and that I was waiting to see her at the same place where I had met the boy. I cautioned him not to speak of the incident in the presence of his sisters or brothers, or any one else, but to take his mamma upstairs and deliver the message where no one else would hear. He was off at once, and, as there were but eight blocks to go in reaching home, it was but a short time before he came back with his mother, both arriving Page 269 with Hushed faces and lalx)rinjj;- under much excitement. It was not intended that the boy should return, hut in pleathuij^ his own cause at the time, he said : "Papa. 1 coul(hi't stay away." In this case, there was no evidence to olTer in rohuttal. Needless to say that I was delighted to meet my wife once more, as she was also to see me. My business had often kept me from home a great deal, but this was the longest time I had ever been away from my family, and it made the reunion a doubly happy one, more especially as it established the fact that every member of the family was in good health and that the ai)palling disaster of a few weeks before had not materially affected their surroundings. After briefly relating my experiences. 1 informed my wife that I had re- turned for the purpose of seeing and talking with Mr. Heney, although for the present, I must keep in the background. I told her where I was stopping and said that I would 'phone her every day, but that she must not call me up. It was also understood that nothing should be said to the other children, or to those who were stopping at the house, some ten persons in all. I explained, of course, that it might be several days before I could locate Mr. Heney and arrange for an interview. In the meantime, I must busy myself in an effort to find someone worthy the task of adjusting matters for me with him. I informed Mrs. Puter that it was my intention to try and locate I\Irs. Marie Ware McKinley, Horace's wife, and also Mrs. Emma L. Watson, through one of whom, I believed it possible to arrange for a meeting with Mr. Heney. She stated that Mrs. McKinley and Albert ("Allie") McKinley, Horace's cousin, had called at the house several times during the past few weeks, and that the latter had told her that he had been in communication with the La Crosse people with whom Horace had difficulty and they had expressed a desire for Horace to return, as it was not their intention to prosecute him, but would give him all the time necessary to square matters with them. Allie McKinley, declared my wife, seemed to take a great interest in the personal welfare of my- self and his cousin Horace. In speaking of the trouble, he suggested that, if it were impossible for Mrs. Puter to reach me by letter or wire, it would be. well to advertise through the columns of the papers in the larger cities of the East, re- questing that I communicate with him, (Allie McKinley), for valuable informa- tion. Should a reply be received, he would then advise that I return to San Francisco and see him. My wife consented to the plan, so McKinley had the advertisements inserted in the New York and Boston papers, as he thought 1 would be in either one of the two places. After assuring my wife that I would call her up the very first opportunity, I bade her good night and returned to my hotel. On the following morning, I decided to ring up Mrs. Watson first, for the reason that I knew that she lived with her mother in San Francisco, and w'ithin a few blocks of Mr. Heney's residence. Mrs. Watson had been convicted with me in the 11-7 case and it was reasonable to believe that she had talked frequently w^ith him and would probably know how he felt toward me. In an}- event, she would be in touch with his whereabouts. I experienced some difficulty in locating Mrs. Watson over the 'phone, as she had moved from her former residence, immediately after the fire and was now living in Oakland, across the bay. However, through her friends I learned where she was living, and about 1 o'clock on Thursday afternoon, talked with her over the 'phone, requesting that she come to Alameda and meet me in the park at 3 o'clock. Upon meeting Mrs. Watson, she expressed great surprise, and remarked that she supposed that I, too, had gone to China, as she had read several accounts in the San Francisco papers of my escape from Detective Burns and did not think that I would stop short of some foreign country in my anxiety to escape the eagle eye of "Foxy Quiller." Assuring her that the United States was good enough for me, and that I was still here and in the flesh, I proceeded by informing her that I returned to Page 270 William C. Bristol, a brilliant lawyer of strict integrity, whose appointment as United States Attorney for Oregon was opposed vigorously by Senator Fulton the Coast for the jiurpose of seeking- an interview with Mr. lieney and that 1 had sent for her, liopinj^ to enlist her aid to that end. I asked Airs. Watson whether Mr. llency was in the city, and if so, if she knew where he was stopping:. She repHed tliat he was in San Francisco, and while he had changed his office after the fire, was still residing at his old home and that she had called on him several times within the i)ast few weeks. Asked if Mr. Heney had made any reference to either McKinley or my- self. Mrs. Watson stated that he had spoken of us on several occasions, and had expressed surprise that we should have gone away. In discussing the matter with her in a general way. she maintained the opinion that Mr. Heney did not have anything against either McKinley or myself and insisted that he had spoken kindly of us both at different times and she believed, if I gained an interview with Mr. Heney personally, as was my expressed desire to do, and would explain to him the entire situation, he would feel agree- able to the idea and would meet me more than half way on any fair proposition. Mrs. Watson volunteered to arrange a meeting between Mr. Heney and myself at her home, provided he could be induced to come there, and I approved of the plan, as Mr. Heney could probably be induced to come there rather than to any other place, on account of her connection with the Oregon trials, and on the pretext that she had some information which she wished to impart to him. .\fter discussing the subject in order to determine on a probable excuse she might offer to Mr. Heney for not wishing to divulge the information when she called at his office, I told Mrs. Watson to advise him that it was in the nature of documentary evidence which she did not care to risk carrying on her person, but which, if he would call at her mother's residence in Oakland, she would gladly show to him personally, and by way of arousing his curiosity,, she was to exact from him a promise that he would not divulge to a single per- ' where he became possessed of the information, nor was he to mention it at ai until the next session of the Federal Court in Oregon, at the resumption of tlie land fraud trials. Mrs. Watson hesitated to agree to this deceptive method ^. uringing Mr. Heney to her home, but when I pointed out to her that she would be telling the truth in a sense — that I would be there, if Mr. Heney would a,^.'^ to come, and would present myself as the "documentary evidence" and whic. uocumentary evidence, in all truth, she could not very well "risk carrying on her person," I could not see where Mr. Heney would have any cause to complain, or to call into question her reputation for truth and veracity. At any rate, I assured Mrs. Wat.'^on that no harm could come of it, even though her contention might be con- sidered far fetched. I prevailed upon her finally to view the situation as I did, so she agreed to call on Mr. Heney at his office on the day following — Friday, May 18th — and if a conference was arranged, she could notify me immediately by visiting the , Uce of our present meeting at 4 o'clock Friday afternoon, but if she should fail tQ;see Mr. Heney, she was then to meet me on the following morning at 10 o'clock. Returning to my hotel, I remained there during the evening, and the next morning arose early and took breakfast in a small restaurant across the street from the hotel, after which 1 read the morning paper and then sauntered down the street to a point where I had noticed a number of men and women formed in line. These I discovered to be San Francisco refugees awaiting their turn for their morning rations, which were being distributed by members of the relief committee. Having a curiosity to learn how matters were progressing, I fell into line, and after moving forward with the crowd, managed, about 40 minutes later, to reach the inside of the building and found myself in front of a long counter. Behind this were several clerks busily engaged in filling orders on identification cards handed in by those entitled to consideration. These cards bore the name of the person, the number in the family, and such other information as might enable the clerks to make the proper di^tribution of provisions. Page 272 When my time came, I was asked for my credentials but had none to pre- sent. I was determined, however, to make some sort of stall, so I informed the young man that I had the misfortune to lose my ticket on the way down, but that he would surely remember me as the person who secured certain provisions from him on the morning before. The clerk felt sorry for me, he said, but could not, in the absence of my duly signed credentials, afford me any relief. "Would you have me return to my wife and six children without food?" I asked, imploringly. "Don't like to do it, but the rules are imperative and I cannot break them," he replied. "How about a loaf or two of bread, couldn't you let me have that much?" I pleaded. "Can't do a thing for you !" was the stern reply. "Would you mind letting me stand here then and satisfy my hunger by seeing others get what they want ?" I inquired. "No sir, you must move on!" he commanded. With this, an old lady who stated that she had two little girls at home, but who evidently was of the kind that would share her last bun with a needy stranger, confronted me with the remark: "Here, mister, take one of my loaves home with you." My curiosity had been fully satisfied and after thanking the dear old soul for her benevolence, I placed two fifty cent pieces in her hand and requested that she give one each to the children for me, upon her return home, explaining at the same time that I had called only to see that things were being properly conducted acceding to instructions. 'The old lady seemed satisfied with my explanation, the clerk looked wise -id swelled up a bit to think that I had been outdone in my effort to ensnare him, and I, too, feeling content as a result of my investigation, extricated myself from the crowd and was soon lost to sight, not thinking it best to remain about the place, as it wn^ i,3t unlikely that some official of the relief committee might be hovering near and would inquire as to my identity. Later I '-'^ok a walk in an easterly direction until I came to the county road connecting' 'Alameda with San Jose and continued down the road to San Leandro, where I ate luncheon and also 'phoned to my wife. I then returned to the park in Alameda and waited for Mrs. Watson until almost 5 o'clock. I re- turned to the hotel about an hour afterwards, as it was not likely she had kept her appointment. In the evening I attended a stereopticon entertainment, showing views of San Francisco during the progress of the fire immediately after the earthquake. At 10 o'clock on the following morning, Mrs. Watson came to the park and informed me that upon reaching the building in which Mr. Heney's office was located, her heart had failed her completely. "You will think me a coward," said Mrs. Watson, "I am probably all o' that, but the truth is, I was overcome with an indescribable feeling of fear and could not proceed an inch further. I thereupon decided to return and see if some other plan could not be devised." I felt keenly disappointed, but could not upbraid the woman, as her every action indicated distress because of her inability to do as she had promised. Besides I felt secure in my present position, and believed that it would cnly be a matter of a few days when some other plan would present itself to my mind, ■.'dien I would probably think of some other way to reach Mr. Heney and arrange t^ " a meeting. This seemed to encourage her, and she stated, before departing for her home, that if I failed in my efforts to make other arrangements, to let her know and she would try it again. This interview took place on Saturday morning. May 19th, or just one day before my capture. Page 273 After thanking- Mrs. Watson for her efforts in my behalf, I returned to the hotel and wont to my room to think matters over. Mrs. Watson. I reasoned, would probably fail again, should she attempt to interview Mr. Heney. so I decided to call on Mrs. Marie Ware McKinley. as lUirns had given her credit for having withstood his in(|uisition and I felt that she was capable of doing a great deal in my behalf. It was very probable, therefore, that Marie could arrange matters for me. and as my wife had given me her address. I thought it worth while trying anyway. She was thoroughly familiar with the land fraud cases, and would un- derstand exactly just why I wanted to gain an interview with Mr. Heney. Besides. I was of the opinion that he felt kindly toward her, and u])on receiving the story, such as I had originally outlined, he would not hesitate to call at her residence. Not having anything to occupy my time during- the day, I borrowed a ]iair of field glasses from the landlady at the hotel and walked to the hills back of Oakland, from whence I viewed the devastated districts of San Francisco. I had a great desire to visit the city in person and inspect the ruins, but would not countenance the thought of imi^eriling my chances of freedom until after I could talk with Mr. Heney, so was forced to content myself to view the results of that awful disaster from afar. After returning to the hotel that evening, I took supper and lingered about until quite late, as I did not think it best to call on iMarie much before 11 o'clock. I had endeavored during the evening to reach her by 'phone, but did not succeed. As I would not risk making an a])i)ointment by messenger. I figured that, on ac- count of it being Saturday night, she would not be likely to retire very early and would, in all probability, be up until 11 o'clock, if not later. About 10:30 p. m. I left the hotel and boarded a street car for 32nd street and Shattuck avenue. Berkeley, where I alighted and walked to the address given me by my wife, as the residence of ]\Iarie. Upon knocking at the door, it was opened by Allie [McKinley. Horace's cousin, who inquired upon seeing me: Isn't this ]\Ir. Puter?" to which I replied that he had guessed correctly. It was something like four years since I had seen Allie McKinley. and as I was somew'hat changed in appearance, he did not readily recognize me, but in taking a second look, discovered in me the much sought for Puter. Inviting me inside, we entered the sitting room, whereupon I asked if ]\Iarie was stopping there. To this incjuiry I received an affirmative answer, ac- companied by the information that she had retired for the night. Stepping to the stairway, Allie called to IMarie that Steve w^as here, and she immediately dressed and came to where we were talking. Marie, of course, was delighted to see me. though she said that she was not surprised, as she rather looked for me to show up soon. Her actions on that occasion were those of a boisterous child, overjoyed because of the return of a long absent friend or parent, and she made no attempt to subdue her emotions. I was somewhat amused at her childish antics and the interest she exhibi- ted in my revelation of the happenings of the past few months. She was intent on catching every \vord and was jubilant in her expressions of satisfaction in learning of my success, while she would stop to pity me when I spoke of the trials I had undergone and would frequently intcrru])t me with words of caution, in childlike solicitude for my present safety. It was quite natural, I suppose, that Marie should receive me in this man- ner, as I had known her from girlhood and was familiar with all the circumstances surrounding her love affair with my friend and partner. I had often found it necessary to patch up many of their little quarrels of the genuine lover's kind that had arisen between them. To Marie, therefore, I had been somewhat of a guardian angel, or big brother, as it were, and it was only to be expected that she would treat me accordingly. Page 274 An alleged settler's cabin on the summit of the Sierras, near the line between Butte and Plumas Counties, California, showing character of timber grabbed under the homestead laws. This claim, very apropos, overlooks Humbug Valley During- my visit, I related as briefly as possible my experience from the time of last seeing Horace in Chicago when 1 attended their wedding; how I spent the intervening time between that date and the time of my meeting with Marie and her mother-in-law, Horace's mother, in Minneapolis ; what had taken place after that date, including my escape from Burns in Boston, and why I had determined, as a fitting climax to my exciting adventures, to return to the Pacific Coast. My readers will readily understand the object I had in view in relating at this time, the incidents of the past six months to my old partner's wife, which was, of course, to prepare her for what was to come — the object of my visit — to solicit her aid in gaining an interview with Mr. Heney. Nor could I question her sincerity as a true friend and one worthy of the confidence I was now about to repose in her, as I was fully convinced she would perform the duty in a most conscientious and faithful manner, with credit alike to herself and those interested, and would, in my ophiion, succeed in bringing Mr. Heney to her home, where I could meet him in person and learn my fate. I could not, however, bring myself to the point where I felt entirely safe in unfolding my plan at that time and in the presence of Allie McKinley, who re- mained in the room, never leaving it for a single moment, from the time of Marie's entrance. I had no right, it would appear, to question this man's stability as a friend and the sincerity of his expressions of solicitude for my welfare, for was it not he, to whom my old friend and partner referred, in speaking of how I could best reach him by letter in his first communication to me from China, when he wrote : "My cousin, Allie ]\IcKinley, whose address is 222 McAllister street, San Francisco, is thoroughly reliable and trustworthy, and a person in whom you Page 275 may place every confidence without rcscrvati(tn. and 1 urge that y'' , /' ''■ . /"■■/' ■■\:/^^ w 1- ■.^' .v'o ^' ■"^4.V:> Within ninety days I had corralled 17,000 acres for him. in this way, at an averai^^c cost of $8.75 an acre, all of which atljoined his other purchase. He was soiourning- in l\)rtland at the time, and after 1 had secured the options on the 17.000 acres. 1 went there and explained matters to him. Smith a.g^reed to take the lands, drawing up a contract to the effect that he would advance $8 an acre upon receipt of a deed to each 160-acre claim, together with an abstract showing perfect title in his name. It was agreed further that his own cruisers should estimate the standing timber thereon, and that all claims found unsatisfactory shoukl revert to me. Those coming up to the standard he was to accept, at $9.50 an acre, the extra $1.50 an acre to be paid upon completion of the contract. The latter was executed in du])li- catc by Smith and myself, each retaining a copy. He thereu])on went with me to Humboldt county, where he deposited $100,000 in the Ijank of Eureka, to be ex- pended in fulfilling the provisions of the contract. He also left instructions with the bank to draw upon him for any amount sufiicient to meet all deficiencies. During the summer of 1901, while the transfers were being made to Smith. he visited Eureka again, and while there entered into an oral agreement with me. by which it was stipulated that I should secure all the available lands in the vicin- ity of those contracted for, upon which I was to receive a commission of fifty cents an acre. In other words, I was to purchase the lands at the lowest possible figure, and he was to allow me this fifty cents an acre as a bonus. Settlement, however, was not to be made with me until after he had acquired a perfect title to the entire 17,000 acres. I purchased 10.000 acres under this oral arrangement, and 13,500 acres under the first or written contract. My failure to secure the full quota of 17,000 acres for him, in accordance with the provisions of the written contract, was on account of several of those upon whom I relied selling out at a much higher figure to somebody else. As I was personally acquainted with those who had given options, and had the utmost confidence in their integrity, I had not insisted upon reducing the options to writing, and when they sold to others, I was without re- course, and consequently unable to deliver the lands. It will be observed that under the terms of the written contract. I had stip- ulated to deliver approximately 17,000 acres to him. It will likewise be noted that I fell 3,500 acres short of this quantity. This shortage was not caused wholly b\" the failure of some of the owners to live up to their verbal agreements with me, but in part was on account of some of the tracts having defective title, and I knew it would be useless to undertake to cure them. Realizing the utter impossibility of securing a sufficient amount of land to make up the 17,000 acres, and knowing that Smith had cruised the entire tract I had given him, I called upon him in Minneapolis for the purpose of effecting a settlement. This he was apparently willing to do, but insisted that it should be "ac- cording to written contract." It dawned upon me then that he was playing a hold- up game with me. and that unless I was able to produce the recjuired 3.500 acres, I would probably experience more or less difficulty in getting anything. After re- maining in Minneapolis about three days, and perceiving the futility of staying any longer, I returned to Eureka and sought my brother's legal advice in the mat- ter. Upon examining the written contract, I was assured that Smith had all the best of it, and for me to make the best settlement with him I could. I thereupon proceeded to Portland, Oregon, where I called upon Fred A. Kribs, who informed me that he was in receipt of a wire from Senator Mitchell. in Washington, D. C. to the effect that patents were about to issue on the thirty- three fraudulent claims in township 14 south, ranges 3 and 4 east. This gave me an idea, and I lost no time in tetting Kribs know that it was my intention to go to Washington immediately and file a protest against the issuance of patents on the claims, and have them held in abeyance Until such time as Smith was willing to do right by mc in connection with the Humboldt county lands. I declared that Page 302 Sample of redwood timber on the Vance property in Humboldt County, California unless fair treatment was accorded me in the matter, that I would have the entire thirty-three entries cancelled. Kribs advised me not to proceed to Washington without seeing Smith first, stating that he would write him immediately to settle with me. As F. Pierce Mays was on the same train with me bovmd for Washing- ton City, I accompanied him as far as Minneapolis. While enroute, I explained the Smith deal to Mays, stating that it was my intention to stop off at Minneapolis and endeavor to settle with Smith, and suggested to Mays that it would be a good idea for him to see Commissioner Hermann as soon as he arrived in Washington, and prevail upon the latter to suspend the issuance of patents to these lands until such time as I made a settlement with Smith. Mays promised to see the Com- missioner immediately upon arrival in Washington, and have Mr. Hermann hold up the patents until Mays could hear from me. Evidently, Kribs must have wired Smith to keep out of my way in Min- neapolis until he would receive a letter, acquainting him with the facts. Smith managed to evade me until the evening following my arrival in Minneapolis, and might have kept out of my sight still longer had I not called upon him at his residence, where I made an appointment to meet him the next morning at his office. Here I found him willing to settle with me but upon a basis that would have left me without a penny for my work. We held quite a heated discussion on the sub- ject. Smith insisting on maintaining a position that made me feel as if I were under deep obligations to him for retaining any portion of my scalp at all. He would not, for a moment, take into consideration the admitted fact that he had made a most excellent investment through me in connection with the Humboldt county lands, but like Shy lock, insisted upon his pound of flesh. It was not what he had already made through me that was worrying him ; it was what he expected to gain, and this reflection was liable at an}' moment to Page 303 produce serious results in the vicinity of his car(hac res^ion. He argued, therefore, that I should be only too glad to relinquish all claim to my commission on the "written contract" lantls, amounting to $12,500. together with that on those em- braced in the "oral contract." aggregating $5,000 more, or a total of $17,500. All this money, according to the Smithsonian idea of equity, 1 should be overjoyed to part with on condition that he reimburse me for the amount I ha.«■»*.<'•' •i ROGERS. V • :,6&'.*r'f?^'JS9rW< T»t*M>«t" ^^ LUM'hgles BER(20. 'Z^^/^//^iii^(^^^2^ (.^y^/^, '''•San. Ifi/Ol. Mr. S. A. D. Puter. Milwaukee ,Wis. Dear Sir- I have just wired you to Washington, caxe of Raleigh Hotel, "Fred thinks breakers are cleared away and everything will be all right!' this on the strength of a telegram Just received frorahira, stating that he is assured that everything will be all right, and presume that he Knows what he is talking about. I also received a telegram from him dated day before yesterday, reading, "Have known standing two weeks and retained two parties to make •proper arrangements, if possible. Steve can do nothing there, but "should see entremen and have them make proper affidavits when "agent asks for them. Have matters well in hand. Nelson and Eddy "only people to pull out matters to head off hearing." I have all confidence now that Fred is satisfied that this matter will come out all right. It might necessitate someone ffoing to Washington again very shortly. Of course I do not know what arrangement Fred refers to. I received yow letter of Tuesday, also your telegram of yesterday. Hope everything will come out all right. The Bank has already telegraphed for ths funds, so I presume that matters are working in Humboldt Co. Yours truly, C . A . Snvtjh Lurn]j>fer /C 0<', Above is the fac simile of a letter written I'liter by Smith relative to the thirty-three fraudulent timber claims in Tp. 14 S.. E". 2-3-4 E. Kribs is the person spoken of as "Fred." and the Nelson and Eddy mentioned in the telegram are the two United States Senators from Minnesota. The "two parties" alluded to by Kribs were Special Agents Stratford and Wil son. whose "pro]>er arrangements" consisted in securing false affidavits from as many of the entrymen as possible. Page 310 3S..^f^S^8s< Cy\c)MIT|l|UMBER(^0. Lath &5H__ VtJr. S.A.D.Puter. Milwaukee, Wis. Dear Sir- I am in receipt of yours of the i7th. I notice you say you will stay in Washington until. Monday. I have just wired you, "Do not take this matter up with Nelson or Eddy vmder any cir- "cumstances without my seeing them first," which I herewith wish to confirm. Of course, upon receipt of this you will probably have left Washington for good this trip. Nelson and Eddy would not in all probability do anything for you or at your request without first being requested by me or some of their con- stituents from this state to do so, either personally or in writing, and nope that you have not gone too far with them. Yours truly, C.A.Smith Lumber Co/C? ^^-^^£1/- Shortly before the above ktter was written. Smith had advised Puter, who was preparing to go to Washington, D. C, from Minneapolis, to call on United States Senators Nelson and Eddy, of Minnesota, with a view of getting them to assist in having the patents expedited to the entries in Township 14 S., Eanges 2-3-4 E. The telegram received by Smith from Kribs, as shown on the opj^osite page, had changed the complexion of things, however, hence Smith preferred to see the two Senators personally, as he recognized that they were the only ones who could render any ma- terial assistance in the matter, and was afraid to take chances on anj'body else acting as his agent. in securing personal service of the complaint upon the Minneapolis millionaire lumberman, who was stoj)- piiii^ at the St. Francis hotel without registering on purpose to prevent me from obtaining a legal hold upon my own money. As a blutl . he made answer through counsel, at the same time filing a cross-complaint, in the effort to prolong the proceedings as much as possible and eventually beat me out of the money altogether. How I finally scared the rascal into submission is fully described in a pre- ceding chapter, and I leave my readers to judge for themselves whether or not I was justified in adopting such stringent measures, a nd a 1 s o t h e extent o f Smith's alleged "losses" in his dealings with me, as re- ferred to in the course of his false statement to the Minneapolis Journal. As a matter of fact. The Sequoia's last stand Smith has been involved with the Government upon numerous occasions, running- through a long course of years, on account of his covetous proclivities, and he seems to be imbued with shoplifting instincts wherever the public lands or timber are concerned. He has been fined repeatedly for his offenses throughout the States of Minnesota, Wisconsin and Michigan, and has upon more than one occasion undertaken to make scapegoats out of some unfortunate em- ployes instead of shouldering the blame himself, as any honorable man should. While the Government found it inexpedient to indict Smith on account of his connection with the Oregon land frauds, by reason of the statute of limitations running against the crimes, he failed to escape that easily in Minne- sota, although it does not appear that his illegal operations in the Middle West were any comparison to what he was guilty of in Oregon. There is presented on page 313 the record of an indictment that was returned against Smith by the Federal Grand Jury at St. Paul, Minn., in 1901. Some sort of settlement was arranged with the Government by Smith, in connection with this indictment, whereby he paid all costs and hushed the matter up with as little publicity as possible. Shortly after I first became acquainted with him, on his invitation, 1 accompanied Smith to St. Paul, where there was a case pending in the Federal Court against him for cutting green timber on an Indian reservation, where his permit called for the cutting of "down" or "dead" timber only. He was rep- resented by leading counsels of Minneapolis and St. Paul in this case, which had been pending against him for several years. A verdict for a large amount — somewhere in the neighborhood of $50,000 or $60.000 — was returned against Smith, which he promptly paid, remarking at the same time to friends that he was Page 312 No. 2855. DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES. The United States, vs. Indictment, Sec. 2461, R. S. Charles A. Smith. A TRUE BILL. (Signed) ELMER E. ADAMS, Foreman. Filed May 16th, 1901. ROBERT G. EVANS, U. S. Attorney. United States of America, ) > ss: 5th Diy. District of Minnesota.) In the District Court of the United States, in and for the Division and District afore- said, at the May Term thereof, A. D. 1901. The Grand Jurors of the United States, impaneled, sworn, and charged at the Term aforesaid, of the Court aforesaid, on their oath present, that heretofore, to-wit: on the 31st day of January, A. D. 1899, in the County of Cass, in the State and District of Minnesota, and within the jurisdiction of this court, one Charles A. Smith, late of said district, then and there being, did wrongfully and unlawfully cut from and cause and procure to be cut from and remove, and cause and procure to be removed from certain lands then and there owned by and the property of the United States of America, which said lands are dis- cribed as follows, to-wit: Lot 5, Section 8, Township 137, North. Eange 30 West, the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter, and the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter, and the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter, and the Southeast Quarter of Section 8, Township 137 North, Eange 30 West, said lands being then and there situate in said County of Cass, in the State and District of Minnesota, a large number of white pine and Norway trees, to-wit: 10 white pine trees from said Lot 5, Section 8, Township 137 N. Range 30 West, 89 Norway pine trees from the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 8, Township 137 North, Range 30 West, 84 Norway pine trees from the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 8, Township 137 North, Range 30 West, 87 Norway pine trees from the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 8, Township 137 North, Range 30 West, and 500 Norway pine trees from the Southeast quarter of said Sectiofi 8, in Township 137 North, Range 30 West, which said trees were of the aggregate value of Five Hundred and Seventy-Seven Dollars and Fifty Cents ($577.50), all of which said trees were then and there growing upon the land herein- before described, with the intent then and there had and entertained by him, the said Charles A. Smith, to use and employ said trees in a manner other than for the use of the navy of the United States of America, to-wit: with the intent to use and employ said trees for his, the said Charles A. Smith 's private use and benefit, contrary to the form of the statute in such case made and provided, and against the peace and dignity of the United States. (Signed). MILTON D. PLTIDY, Assistant United States Attorney. Names of witnesses examined before the Grand Jury: A. D. Thorpe, M. D. Taylor, M. H. Craig, J. P. Leef, D. J. Jones. United States of America, ) District of Minnesota, ^ ss. Third Division. ) _ I, CHARLES L. SPENCER, Clerk of the United States District Court, for the District of Minnesota, do hereby certify that I have carefully compared the copy, attached to this certificate, with its original, which is in my custody as such Clerk, and that the said copy is a full, true and correct transcript from such original and of the whole thereof, and of the endorsements thereon. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my official signature as the Clerk aforesaid and affixed the seal of said Court at St. Paul in the Third Division of said District this 30th day of December, A. D. 1904. (Seal) (Signed) CHARLES L. SPENCER. Clerk. U. S. District Court Seal, Third Division, Dist. of Minnesota. Page 313 gettini:^ oft" easily, as he had had the use of the money involved in the stolen tiniher for a sufficient lenj;th of time to more than reimburse him for the outlay. There is also a record of a proceeding in the United States Circuit Court for the District of Minnesota, 4th Division, wherein a Minneapolis Court imposed a fine of $3,244.12 against the C. A. Smith Lumber Company a few years ago on account of a flagrant timber trespass, and this fine was likewise paid without much ceremony. If I felt so inclined I could tlig uj) innumerable instances where the avariciousness of this would-be saint has played an important j^art in the drama of depredation, but 1 think enough has already been presented to more than sat- isfy any unbiased mind that Smith was sim])ly ])laying to the galleries when he undertook to set himself upon a pedestal of righteousness in the course of his interview with the Minneapolis Journal. Instead of being a loser to the extent of $150,000 or $200,000, through his dealings with me, Smith has profited to the extent of several millions, and had he not been so greedy, and overcome with the idea of preventing me from making a small commission, he would have been millions of dollars better ofif still. The happy family Page 314 Chapter XX A fezv pertinent facts coiuiectcd zcitli Oregon State School Lands, ivhich have a tendency to tlirozv considerable light on the inner zeor kings of one system of plunder slightly out of the ordinary — Indemnity selections are shozvn to be a favorite method of operation, and the "School Land Ring' comes in for its share of attention — Governor Pennoyer's heart and the State Treasury are touched simultaneously by a clever ruse, zvherein a bum actor plays a leading part — Hozv the Hyde-Benson gang stole a march on the Oregon "Push,'' and got azvay zvith 40,000 acres of lieu in the Cascade Forest Reserve under their eyes, causing much zvailing and gnashing of teeth among the "faithful" — Ex-Governor Gecr looms up in the land fraud limelight — The election of Governor Chamberlain marks the dozvnfall of the School Land sharks, and Oszvald West earns an en- viable reputation as State Land Agent — Puter's explanation of the State Indictments against him. IN the coitrse of my twenty years' experience connected with the public domain of Oregon, I have devoted considerable attention to handling State School and Indemnity Lands. School Lands comprise the 16th and 36th sections of every township, while the State indemnity lands embrace those tracts selected in lieu of the school sections. That is to say, where the State loses any portion of a 16th or 36th section., by reason of appropriation before survey by a claimant under the United States laws, or any other process, it is entitled to select an equivalent area in lieu thereof. Lender the "Donation Claim," Homestead and Pre-emption laws, actual settlers were permitted to perfect title to school sections after survey, and in consequence, nearly all the 16th and 36th sections in the Willamette, Umpqua and Rogue River valleys have been acquired in this manner. The State Land Office of Oregon, as at present constituted, was created by an Act of the Legislature in 1887, at which time the Secretary of State ceased to be the keeper of its records, an officer technically known as the "Clerk of the Board of Commissioners for the Sale of School and University Lands," being made the practical head of the institution. Now the law creating the office of Clerk of the State Board made him the keeper of its records, the conductor of its correspondence, and rec[uired him to give bonds, as well as subscribe to an oath to "faithfully perform the duties of his office;" and while the Act of 1887 did not specifically require the Clerk of the Board to furnish basis for lieu land applicants, it was evidently within the purview of the law that he should answer such questions as might be put to him concerning matters of record in his office by persons wishing to purchase lands from the State. So, as a matter of fact, the law of 1887 demanded that the applicant to purchase lieu land should "state in his application designating the loss to the State the 16th and 36th section or fractional township in lieu of which the land is to be taken." In other words, he could not buy any indemnity land until he had named its base, and as no citizen of the State, with the exception of the Clerk, was accorded access to these records, they had no way of ascertaining where a deficit existed. For several years following the passage of the Act of 1887, there was a great deal of speculation in lands, and especially in connection with fine tracts of Oregon timber. Timber land could be obtained under the Act of June 3, 1878, at $2.50 an acre, but the price of the same character of lands purchased from the State was ec[uivalent to but one-half that amount, and in addition, the applicant Page 315 was peniiittcd to jnircliasc 320 acres, as a.i^ainst 160 acres under the Timber and Stone Act of the L'nited States, and allowed deferred payments besides. Such advantage naturally amounted to a q;reat inducement to buy from the State. The School Land Commissioners consisted of the (Governor, Secretary of State and State Treasurer. The price of State Lands is fi.xed by leg^islative enactment. In 1890, learning- that a -jjreat many different tracts were being selected by the State as indenmity. and afterwards transferred to timber land operators, 1 concluded to make a trip to the State Land Office at Salem with a view of ascertaining the methods of ac(|uiring title under the State indemnity laws. .\t that time the School Land P)oard consisted of Governor Sylvester Pennoyer, Secretary of State George W. ]\lcP)ride (later elected L^nited States Senator from Oregon), and State Treasurer G. W. Webb. Napoleon Davis was chief clerk of the Land Otiice. Upon inquiry, I found out that all persons over the age of 18, married or single, and residents of the State of Oregon, who had not already exhausted their right to take up school lands, were entitled to make application for 320 acres, and receive a certificate of purchase upon payment of one-third the purchase price of $1.25 an acre. The deferred payments were provided for in the shape of two notes, payable in one and two years respectively, and drawing" 10 per cent interest per annum. The form of application was very brief, the only requirements being that the ajjplicant should state in the affidavit that he was over the age of 18 and a citizen of the United States ; that the proposed purchase was for his own benefit, and not for the purpose of speculation; that he had not directly or indirectly made any previous purchase of land from the State of the kind described, nor had any one for him, w'hich, together with that sought to be purchased, exceeds 320 acres ; that he had made no contract or agreement, expressed or implied, for the sale or disposition of the land applied for, in case he was permitted to pur- chase the same, and that there was no valid claim thereto. The applicant was not required to inspect the land, nor appear at the land office. Under powers of attorney, any number of applications could be filed by one person, who would be entitled to receipt for the certificates of purchase or deeds to the various tracts in the name of the original applicant. A blank assignment accompanied each certificate of purchase, allowing the applicant to assign to whomsoever he chose, and this assignee could get a deed from the State in his own name the same as though he were the original purchaser. By this process, several thousand acres could be secured by one person. The system looked good to me, so I concluded to round up a lot of applicants accordingly, and have them make blank assignments to me of all their interests in the lands, in order that the deeds could be issued directly to me in due time. Napoleon Davis, the Clerk of the Board, had educated me to a certain extent relative to the manner of procedure in acquiring title to these lands the first day I made his acquaintance, but he had failed to teach me fully upon the subject. I labored under the impression that in applying; for an indemnity State selection, all that was necessary would be to hand in the applications to the Clerk of the Land Board and he would supply whatever basis was required. Much to my surprise, when I appeared before him w^ith ten applications embracing 320 acres each, I was met w^ith the assurance from Mr. Davis that it would be necessary for me to designate the basis myself. I had already paid $25 to each applicant for his right, and therefore felt considerably upset when met with this proposi- tion, as I did not know how or where to find the necessary basis any more than the man in the moon. At this point Davis kindly came to my rescue by informing me that one E. P. McCornack, of Salem, was engaged in the business of furnishing basis for selections of this character, and that for a certain consideration, I could have all I wanted. It seems McCornack was Davis' predecessor, having held the position of Clerk of the Land Board from ]\Iarch 15. 1878, to January 31, 1887, and during that period had made hay while the sun shone, as he possessed a set Page 316 of records exhibiting a full and complete list of all indemnity due the State from the United States by reason of loss to the school sections in various town- ships. Upon inquiry, McCornack informed me that his charges for this "lieu" was $1.25 an acre, making the cost of State selections under the indemnity system $2.50 an acre. The whole thing impressed me as a graft, pure and simple, with Napoleon Davis standing in with McCornack on the deal ; but as I wanted the lands, I paid the extra $1.25 an acre without murmuring, and was given the cer- tificates of purchase by McCornack after the selections had been made through him. This system of procuring timber lands worked like a charm, from a finan- cial point of view as well as avoiding the possibility of contact with the Govern- ment in connection with the Homestead, Pre-emption, or Timber and Stone Acts, notwithstanding the fact that I felt I had been gulled by McCornack. Before leaving his office I ascertained that the latter held a close monopoly upon all the available base in the State, and that it was useless to try and do business along those lines without paying his toll. In this he was greatly aided by Clerk Davis, who insisted that, inasmuch as he had kept no records of the indemnity lands, he had no idea as to the quantity thereof due the State by the Government. This seemed rather "raw" to me, so I determined to make a personal examination of the records with a view of ascertaining how much base was left. Within a very short time I unearthed several thousand acres of available base in the Klamath Indian Reservation. Securing enough applications to cover this amount, I designated it as the basis of my selections, and requested Clerk Davis to file my applications. At this I was met by his assurance that while the base indicated had not been used, there were a sufficient number of applications on file in the office to exhaust the same. Upon examining the applications in question, I discovered that they were mere "dummy" applications filed by Alc- Cornack to cover up the base. Going still further into the matter, I ascertained that McCornack had been playing this game since the Act of 1887 was passed, practically running the State Land Office of Oregon in pretty much the same fashion as that pursued by Hyde and Benson with the State Land Office of California. It appeared that Davis was a mere tool in the hands of McCornack. So many complaints came to the Land Board about Davis, in fact, that on on August 1, 1891, he was removed from office, and George W. Davis appointed to the vacancy. Just before being ovisted, however. Napoleon Davis persuaded the State Land Board to issue an order requiring all applicants for unsurveyed school sections to deposit with the Clerk of the Land Office one-third of the purchase price on agricultural lands, and one-half on timber lands. At that time there were applications of this character on file aggregating fully 200,000 acres, upon which no cash deposit had been made. Immediately after the Board had made this order, Davis notified all applicants to either pay up within thirty days or else sufl:'er the cancellation of their applications. The result was that upward of $100,000 was deposited with the clerk within the period specified. This money was not deposited in the State Treasury, however, as the law provides, but instead was transferred to McCornack's private bank in Salem, Davis giving his personal receipt therefor. Upon his retirement as Clerk of the Land Board, Napoleon Davis estab- lished an office in McCornack's bank, and acted as attorney for the applicants, securing the issuance of deeds and certificates from the State for considerable land. As I had filed some forty or fifty applications myself on unsurveyed School tracts, and being desirous of procuring title to them, I consulted Napoleon Davis relative to his charges on each quarter section, and was assured that it would amount to $10 in each case. Regarding this as another hold-up proposi- tion, I concluded to see George W. Davis, and endeavor to obtain title without the aid of Napoleon. The Clerk of the Land Board declined to have anything to do with the applications, claiming that Napoleon was attending to them, and that I would have to deal with him. After negotiating with the latter for quite a while. Page 317 Ex- United States Senator George W. McBride, of Oregon in the endeavor to induce him to take my cases at half price, or $5 per quarter section, and faihng to do so, I called upon Secretary of State George W McBride, and explained the situation to him. No sooner had McBride become aware of what was going on than he sent for Clerk Davis and demanded an explanation, with the result that it was ascertained that certificates and deeds had, without authority, been issued by the State to fully 20,000 acres of unsurveyed school lands. The Secretary of State thereupon laid the matter before the next meeting of the School Land Board, and in consequence an order was made by that body instructing the Clerk not to issue any more titles of this character. This ruling proved disastrous not only to Napoleon Davis, but to myself, as it prohibited me from obtaining this prima facie evidence of title to about 8,000 acres of unsur- veyed school lands, besides cutting Napoleon Davis out of his graft in the shape of" $10 fees. At all events, the remaining applications together with the money depositetl thereon, continued in the possession of Napoleon Davis, who seemed to have been well-named, so far as his financial ability was concerned. When the land upon which these applications had been filed were surveyed by the Government, it was found in almost every instance that there was an actual settler upon each tract of school land, and as these claimants, under the United States laws had a preference right for ninety days after the approval of the survey in which to ini- tiate their claims, the State applicant was left out in the cold, and whatever titles were procured through Napoleon Davis were absolutely valueless. All the applicant could do under the circumstances was to surrender his receipt to the Clerk of the Land Board, who would refund the amount paid thereon, while those who had failed to secure certificates were obliged to look to Napoleon Davis for their money. A large percentage of this money remained in McCornack's bank for a number of years, and I venture that several thousand dollars are still there, for the reason that the applicant had either left the country or lost his receipt. Their applications, never having been filed in the State Land Office, were without legal standing, consequently the only available recourse for the applicant placed in this position was to quietly submit to the loss of his money. Li a preceding chapter mention is made of the fact that during the Winter and Spring of 1891 and 1892, Willard N. Jones and myself undertook to make an abstract of the State indemnity lands with a view of determining the amount of basis the State was yet entitled to. The idea occurred to us at that time, because of the removal of Napoleon Davis from office, and the appointment of George W. Davis to succeed him, that the latter, being unacquainted with the duties of the office, would be an easy mark. We reasoned that there was a chance for us to get in and break up McCornack's monopoly on the sale of State Ueu. Our deductions proved correct, as we won George W. Davis over in short order by agreeing to whack up with him on the commissions derived from the sale of this basis. In consequence Napoleon Davis and McCornack were shut out completely from gain- ing control of any new basis that had not already been gobbled up by them. Our work in this connection occupied something like three months, during which period we made a complete search of the State Land Office records. This investigation revealed the fact that shortly after the Act of 1887 went into efifect, the Umatilla Indian Reservation was thrown open for the selection of basis, and 16,980.03 acres had been used therein; that in 1888 the Klamath Reservation was ready, and the lieu sharks got 63.011.94 acres from that source; in 1889 the Grand Ronde Reservation afforded them 6,065.14 acres more, and in the same year the Siletz Reservation became ripe, with an additional 10.864.14 acres. Then in 1891 the Warm Springs Reservation yielded- 36,643.66 acres, making in the aggregate the snug amount of 133,564.91 acres of basis, for which lieu land purchasers were mulcted to the probable extent of $250,000 for services which under the present management of State lands wovild not have cost them a cent, according to the first biennial report of State Land Agent T. W. Davenport, made in 1897 to W. P. Lord, Governor of Oregon. Page 319 There were other sources of basis than those already referred to, being deficits in fractional townships, filings that had been made under the Donation, Homestead and Pre-emption Acts, where settlers had c^one onto the school sec- tions prior to survey of the township, amounting- practically to 20,000 acres, and making a grand total of fully 150,000 acres in round numbers. After an exhaustive research, Jones and myself managed to find about 10,000 acres of base that had been overlooked. It consisted principally of frac- tions ranging from 10 to 100 acres in different sections and townships. There were probably 40.000 acres of the 150.000 acres remaining for use by the State, but as McCornack had "dummy" applications on file in the State Land Ofiice covering the whole, noljody but himself was entitled to use it. according to the peculiar regulations then in force. Whenever anybody wanted to make an indemnity State selection, he was compelled to pay tribute to McCornack to the extent of from $1.25 to $2.50 an acre, according to quantity desired, and in this manner the lieu land shark profited to the extent of about $250,000. Tones and I continued to deal in State indemnity until friction arose be- tween us. and we dissolved partnership. The trouble was caused by Jones insisting on paying Clerk Davis 50 cents an acre on all lands selected by us. He had conceived the idea that there were great possibilities of securing large quantities of additional base through the creation of new reservations within the State, and by taking Davis in as a full-fledged partner, we could monopolize the whole indemnity land business, thus shutting out McCornack, Jack D'Arcy and W. T. Rader completely, they being the only ones aside from ourselves opera- ting in State lieu lands. I objected to paying Davis such a large commission, and besides 1 considered it rather doubtful about our ability to shut McCornack out. To adopt such a course, in my judgment, was liable to result in shutting us all out of the State Land Office, as the others were not likely to quietly submit to any such proposition. Jones, however, did not agree with me, and declared that rather than jeopardize his personal interests, he would prefer to go it alone. The fact of the matter is. that Jones simply adopted this as a subterfuge to get rid of me. as himself and Davis had a clear-cut understanding that when this was done they would operate together independently of me. From this time on I had to fight for everything I wanted to get through the State Land Office, as Davis blocked me at every possible turn. However. I managed to hold my own, and succeeded in getting away with most of the basis in cases where homestead and pre-emption filings had been made on school sections. As a great many settlers had located on these tracts before survey, I generally kept a close tab on the surveys, and as soon as the township was thrown open to entry, would make it my business to see that the settler filed either a homestead or pre-emption on his claim. As soon as this was done, the State was intitled to indemnity for the loss thus sustained. The rule in vogue at the State Land Office in those days was that the first applicant for this base was entitled to its use. The information that the base was subject to use usually came in the form of a telegram from the local United States Land Office where the homestead or pre-emption claim had been filed. This system resulted in much confusion, there always being considerable rivalry to see who was entitled to use the base. By way of illustration. 1 w^ill cite an instance to show how the thing w-as worked. When the time came for certain townships to be throwMi open for entry, I would arrange with some local attorney in the district where the land was situa- ted to attend to the filing of the different claims. After doing so he would im- mediately wire me at Salem the particular tract covered by the homesteader or pre-emption claim. There were always a lot of land attorneys hanging arountl the various United States Land Ofiices, and some of them w^ould have a similar arrangement with Jack D'Arcy and McCornack. one of whom would be stationed at the telegraph ofiice in Salem awaiting the notice. As a rule D'Arcy would post himself in the Western Union Office, while I patronized the Pacific-Postal. At Page 320 that time William Dumars, who is now superintendent of the Western Union at Sacramento, California, was the manager for the same institution at Salem, and likewise chief operator. The messages announcing the filings were sent in duplicate from the local land office, as the Register, before whom the filings were made, would imme- diately after swearing the entryman to the filing papers give a copy of the tele- gram to the representative of each contending faction, which was the signal for a wild scramble for the telegraph offices. For some reason or other, D'Arcy generally managed to get his dispatch a few seconds ahead of rrlfe. I have always fancied that it was because Dumars was a better operator than his competitor, and handled the message faster. At any rate, it gave D'Arcy a good lead, and as we usually secured the fleetest saddle-horses in town and our course led through the main street from the two telegraph offices to the State Capitol building, about one mile distant, it was better than the Suburban or Brooklyn Handicap to watch the outcome. Each contest of this character involved a stake of from $1,000 to $3,000, as there were always from four to eight entries made at the same time in the United States Land Office. As we would race at breakneck speed through the principal streets, we could perceive frightened faces peering from behind the window curtains of the residences passed in our mad flight, the inmates evidently suspecting that a raid had been made upon Ladd & Bush's bank, and that the robbers were making their escape to the mountains. Although D'Arcy usually got the start of me I generall}' beat him to the office, but it was frequently nip and tuck all the way. Obtaining title to timber land under the school indemnity system became more popular as its merits were made known, consequently this kind of basis was soon in great demand. The forest reserve lieu land Act had not then gone into effect, and as Valentine Scrip, Sioux half-breed scrip, and military bounty and land warrants of every description were held at prohibitive figures, the fact that the State lieu selections could be made at such a comparatively low price, and answered the same purpose, appealed to those who wished to secure large bodies of timber throughout Oregon. In addition to its right to select lands in lieu of tracts lost in the difl'erent Indian reservations, lakes, rivers, fractional townships, and homestead and pre-emption filings on school sections before sur- vey, the State was granted indemnity for school sections shown to be mineral in character, even though they had not been returned as such at the time of the approval of the official survey of the township by the United States Surveyor- General. Grasping this phase of the situation, I obtained authority from the State Land Board to adjudicate on a number of school sections in Eastern Oregon at my own expense wath a view of determining the mineral character thereof, it being understood that I was to be allowed the use of the basis on all such sections that I succeeded in having returned as mineral. The process of determining the mineral character of these lands, in vogue with the General Land Office, contemplated the posting of notices upon each legal subdivision of the ground ; the insertion of an advertisement for a period of thirty days in some paper nearest the land to the effect that a hearing was to be held before the United States Land Office on a certain date for the purpose of determining the mineral character of the land, and the sworn testimony of two or more competent witnesses that they had been acquainted with the tract prior to survey, and knew that it was mineral in character. After this evidence had been passed upon by the Register and Receiver it was transmitted to the Commissioner of the General Land Office at Washington, D. C, and if he considered the evidence sufficiently competent to sustain the mineral claim, the lands selected in lieu thereof could be listed to the State. This adjudicating process proved to be a successful ven- ture, from a financial standpoint, as it cost but twenty-five cents an acre, while the basis was worth from $1.25 to $2 per acre. As the school sections thus acted upon were invariably utterly worthless for any purpose, and it was hardly Page 321 likely that tlicv would ever be ajiplied for. the State jjrofited g^reatly by the exehanj^e, and as usual the Government got the worst of it. During the two years that I was engaged in the business of adjudicating these mineral lands, I succeeded in having about 40,000 acres so returned, while W. T. Rader got through about 30.000 acres in the same way. There was such a demand for school land base at that time that every available acre was exhausted, and those engaged in the business were put to their wit's end to supply more lieu. The "School Land Ring," composed of McCornack. D'Art:y, Rader, Jones and myself, finally conceived the idea of estab- lishing an immense forest reserve in the Cascade range of mountains, upon the theory that the State would be entitled to indemnity for all the unsurveyed school sections within the limits of the proposed reserve. Acting upon this belief, a fund of about $1400 was subscribed by those interested, which was to be devoted to the expenses incident to preliminary steps. We had an elaborate map made of the country that was proposed to be withdrawn, indicating that its boundaries extended along the Cascade range from one end of the State to the other, and embraced a strip about 30 or 40 miles in width. This map indicated that there were fully 195,000 acres of unsurveyed school sections within the proposed reserve, for which the State would be entitled to indemnity. We then engaged the services of Will G. Steel, of Portland, giving him the map and all other data at our command, and started him back to Wash- ington for the purpose of promoting the establishment of the reserve. He was successful in the undertaking, and we soon had the satisfaction of knowing that the now famous Cascade Poorest Reserve was upon a firm basis. Our attor- ney in Washington kept us apprised of the situation, and we were notified fully ten days in advance that it was President Cleveland's intention to sign the proc- lamation creating the reserve. We took advantage of this information to procure enough "dummy" applications to cover every available school section within the reserve, and these we were prepared to file with the Clerk of the Land Board as soon as we received word that the President had signed the proclamation. Upon receipt of this intelligence by wire, the Clerk of the Land Board submitted a selection list of a few hundred acres to Governor Pennoyer as a "feeler," but he had been laying for us, and refused absolutely to sign the list, at the same time notifying Clerk Davis not to receive or file a single application for any tract based upon Cascade Forest Reserve indemnity, and stating further that it was his intention to have a bill introduced before the next Legislature raising the price of all school indemnity lands to $10 an acre. The vigorous stand taken by the executive was a body blow to the school land ring, for we had figured upon making an enormous "killing" in connection with the sale of the 195.000 acres of base existing within the limits of the proposed reserve, there being a profit of from $1.50 to $2.50 an acre thereon. However, we did not lose all hope, but concluded to wait a few months until the Legislature met. when we could resort to the same methods that had so often proven suc- cessful upon former occasions — work the "third house" for all it was worth in the effort to prevent any change in the price of school indemnity lands. Pennoyer's term as Governor expired in January. 1895, and in his final message to the Legislature, he made a strong plea for his pet measure. The school land ring attended the session of lawmakers in a body, and exerted every efifort to defeat any bill afifecting prices of these lands to our detriment. Several measures were introduced, raising the price all the way from $5 to $10 an acre, but the ring succeeded in holding the price down to $2.50 an acre, provided for in a bill introduced by the late John D. Daly, Surveyor-General for Oregon at the time of his death recently. It was at this session that the ofiice of State Land Agent was created. The reorganized State Land Board consisted of Governor William P. Lord. Secretary of State H. R. Kincaid and State Treasurer Philip ]\Ietschan. Sr. Ex-State Sen- ator T. W. Davenport, of Silverton, (father of Homer Davenport, the noted Page 322 T. W. Davenport, who earned an enviable reputation as State Land Agent of Oregon. Mr. Davenport is father of Homer Davenport, the celebrated cartoonist cartoonist), was named as State Land At^^ent. He was one of the early settlers of Oregon, had occupied many prominent positions of trust, was known as a man of strict integrity, and as one of the most upright in the State. No sooner had he entered upon the duties of his office, than he proceeded to make selections of land in lieu of the school sections emhraced in the newly-created Cascade Forest Reserve. There was a provision in the Daly law that all land in lieu of sections 16 and 36 should be withdrawn from sale for a period of two years, and by a singular oversight, the Legislature failed to make any appropriation for meeting the expenses of the Land Board. This left the Land Agent without any salary or traveling expenses necessary in perfecting title to State indemnity selections. This fact did not deter Mr. Davenport from performing his duties, how- ever. The educational interests of the State were at stake, and as neither the Governor, Secretary of State nor any other official had the power to reimburse him for any outlay, Davenport conceived an idea of his own on the subject. He secured the adoption of a rule by the State Land Board to the eflfect that those making State indemnity selections should forward their applications to the Land Agent, designating the tract desired, accompanied by a fee of fifty cents an acre, together with $2 on each quarter section as fees at the United States Land Office, it being stipulated that the Agent should make the selection and at the expiration of two years, the time fixed by law, the applicant should have a preference right to purchase the land. Pursuant to this decision by the State Board, a printed circular of instruc- tions was issued, and sent broadcast throughout the State, notifying those inter- ested of the conditions. The scheme succeeded beyond all expectation, and appli- cations for indemnity lands kept pouring in from all directions. There was soon sufficient funds on hand to meet whatever expense attached to making the selec- tions, besides enough to pay the salary of the Land Agent, the intention of the latter being to have the next Legislature make an appropriation reimbursing him for his expenditures, and providing for the disposition of the funds in his hands. Although the action of the State Land Board in thus making provision for correcting the omissions of the Legislature was surrounded with the best of intentions, it soon became apparent that it likewdse created a golden opportunity for the school land ring to take advantage of its salient features. This was ac- complished by process of "dummy" applications for desirable tracts of timber in difi"erent portions of the State, these selections being filed with the Land Agent, who would hold them in abeyance until the expiration of the two years, when the selections could be approved. As the Daly law had doubled the price of State School lands, it might be inferred that there was not much in it for the ring, but it must be considered that in the meantime there had been a great increase in the value of Oregon timber lands, and this more than compensated us for the difference. Approximately, the ring selected 40,000 acres, and the State Land Agent probably 25,000 acres more, while some 30,000 acres were required to amend the basis of other selections that had previously been made under the Napoleon Davis and George W. Davis regimes, w^herein the basis proved defective. In other words, the State had given certificates and deeds to tracts where the basis was bad, and these had fallen into the hands of innocent purchasers, making it incum- bent upon the State to cure the titles. When I first began dealing in State lands, I paid $25 to each person for his right in making application for 320 acres. As I became more accustomed to the business, however, and learned more about the methods of those who had made a study of the subject, I gradually lowered the price, until finally I could obtain all the "dummies" I wanted for a glass of beer. It became the custom of the ring to extend little courtesies to the various members by "borrowing" these applications — which were signed and acknowledged before a notary in blank — so that whenever one ran short, and had a hurry order for a piece of land, all that Page 32i was necessary was to fill in the description of land, and the task was completed. The system adopted by the ring to secure applicants for these indemnity lands, or any school section, for that matter, was rather unique. We would go to some saloon around town, and after treating all hands a few times, would get them to sign up a bunch of applications and assignments in blank, and it was no material difference whether they signed their correct names or not, so long as a signature of some sort was in evidence. We would then take the papers to a convenient notary public, who would affix his jurat without the necessity of the applicant being present. The ruling rate for acknowledgments of this character was fifty cents, but once in a while we would come across a thin-skinned notary who would demand $2.50 as a balm to his conscience. They were quite rare, however. At the expiration of the two years, certificates of purchase were issued on the lands selected in the interest of "the gang." and handed over to whomsoever appeared upon record as attorney or agent for the applicant. As assignments had previously been procured, in the manner designated, all that was necessary was to fill in the description of the land to correspond with that embraced in the State certificate. It was an easy matter for us to transfer the title at some later date to whomsoever we chose, who in turn could surrender the documents to the Clerk of the Land Board, and by paying up the balance due the State on the land, would receive a deed in his own name as if he were the original purchaser. It will thus be seen that one person could secure deeds to thousands of acres, or such quantities of land as he had assignments for. Of the 40,000 acres of mineral sections that I had adjudicated, 12,000 acres were rejected by the General Land Office, and as my certificates were about to be cancelled by the School Board, I engaged the law firm of Baron & Ward, of Portland, to represent me at the proceedings, with a view of securing such action that would permit me to substitute base from the Cascade Forest Reserve. My petition was turned down upon the ground that as I was the attorney for the different applicants, and had adjudicated upon the mineral lands myself, it was my place to find new base outside the Cascade Reserve. It was also alleged that all selections in lieu of the Cascade Reserve were fixed at $2.50 an acre, while the selections in question were under the old law at $1.25 an acre. As my attorneys failed to accomplish results, I called upon "Old Pard" Mays to see if he had any suggestions to offer. He advised me that under the circumstances I should employ someone with sufficient influence with Governor Lord to induce him to sign the list, and recommended Joseph Simon, of Portland — afterwards elected United States Senator from Oregon — as a proper person for the undertaking. Taking his advice, I called upon Mr. Simon, to whom I explained the situation fully, showing how my selections were about to be can- celed, and that inasmuch as the State was entitled to fully 100,000 acres of avail- able base in the Cascade Forest Reserve, it was no more than right for the Gov- ernor to permit me to amend the selections with base from that source. My actions must have impressed Mr. Simon with the idea that I was seek- ing to secure his services more on account of his influence with Governor Lord than anything else, as he promptly declined to interest himself in the matter, notwithstanding that I off'ered him a fee of $2,500 if he would secure the ap- proval of the 12,000 acres embraced in my. selections. Subsequently the State Land Board, recognizing the justice of my claim, approved the selections upon their merits, after I had personally filed a su^^plemental petition, without the aid of any attorney, but the episode is significant as revealing the character of the man. Rather than participate in any transaction involving the slightest semblance of moral turpitude, Mr. Simon preferred to forfeit a fat fee, and in view of my experience with others along similar lines, I felt that here was one lawyer re- mindful of an oasis in the desert. During the five years' administration of George W. Davis as Clerk of the Land Board, many controversies arose between the various members of the gang Page 325 Ex-United States Senator Joseph Simon, of Oregon engaged in dealing in school land base. Throughout 1893-4, W. N. Jones, Rader and Clerk Davis were in cahoots, while McCornack and D'Arcy operated together. I preferred to go it alone. The Jones-Rader-Davis combination tried to hog the game, and in consequence, frequent disputes were aired before the School Land Board, which had the effect of often causing that body to shut down on all of us. Their action in this respect would last for a few months, when wc would patch the matter up with some' scheme or other, and aft'airs would run along smoothly for a while until there was another row in camp, when there would be a repetition of the quarantine process. Pending one of these wrangles, in which Governor Pennoyer had refused absolutely to recede from the ruling of the Land Board, I resolved to overcome his stubbornness by resorting to some clever subterfuge, and the scheme worked like a charm. Realizing that the Governor, while exceedingly firm in his convic- tions, and austere in manner, was a man of deep sympathies, I concluded that the best way to secure his favorable action was by playing upon this chord of his nature rather than attempt to appeal to the cold equities of the case. He was in a position to waive aside all consideration of equity, and interpret the regulations of the Land Board pretty much as he saw fit, but when it came to a question of sentiment, I knew that the rugged old fellow had a soft spot in his heart that might be touched by some shaft of pathos. Actuated by this instinct, I sought the North End precincts of Portland, and was fortunate in securing the co-operation of a cheap variety actor, who entered heartily into the scheme. Arraying this individual in an old dilapidated pair of overalls and ragged jumper, with a straw hat that had seen better days, and everything else to correspond, by the aid of some lamp black and other stage-like processes, I soon had him in shape to carry my plans into execution. Equipped with dinner pail and a look of the utmost despair and abject misery, and bearing the appearance of a typical woodchopper, my actor friend stationed himself at the foot of Montgomery street, near the Governor's sawmill, and calmly awaited developments. It was the custom of Governor Pennoyer to devote con- siderable attention to his lumbering interests whenever he was away from the seat of State government in Salem, and upon such occasion was in the habit of remaining at his sawmill until about 5 o'clock when he would proceed homeward. In a voice husky with well-feigned emotion, and with tears taking their pathetic course down his weatherbeaten countenance, the pseudo woodchopper upon intercepting the Governor, proceeded to unfold a tale that would have moved a graven image. "Behold in me a victim of bitter fate !" he pleaded. 'T am the owner of an humble homestead claim in a heavily-timbered tract that has appealed to the covetous eyes of the merciless landgrabber. See before you the father of nine motherless children, weeping out in the woods all alone for their devoted father, of whose tender care they are bereft in order that the immutable laws of a great government might be satisfied. By the force of cruel circumstances, I am obliged to remain away from them weeks at a time in order to earn my daily bread and keep the hungry wolf from the lonely doors of my loved ones. I am told that all this can be overcome through your Excellency, and that by relinquishing my homestead filing, I shall be permitted to make a State lieu selection of the tract, and thus avoid the necessity of compliance with the harsh measures incident to residence thereon." Evidently Governor Pennoyer was touched deeply by this pathetic appeal, as after listening to the assumed woodchopper's harrowing tale of woe, he patted him sympathetically upon the shoulder and assured him that he would do all in his power to relieve conditions. As a matter of fact, the land in question was still vacant, unappropriated land belonging to the Government, but as soon as I ascertained that the Governor was disposed to make exception to the strict ruling of the State Land Board in this particular case, I lost no time in taking the alleged woodchopper to the Oregon City Land Office and having him make Page 327 homestead entry of the piece desired. We then proceeded to Salem, where the claim was relinquished, and immediately thereafter selected as indemnity land. The selection list is made out in triplicate form on large sheets of paper, capable of embracing several thousand acres, and it was the practice for the at- torney for each apj)licant to attend to this feature by designating the land to be selected, together with its basis, after which the Clerk of the Land Board would secure the Governor's signature to the list and then transmit it to the local Land Office of the district where the tract was situated. The facts connected with the Governor's promise to the supposed woodchopper being presented to him, he promptly attached his signature to the list containing this single selection of 160 acres. Thereupon the entire land ring brigade got busy, and when the list left the hands of the Clerk of the State Land Board, it represented an application for more than 16.000 acres. This scoop more than repaid us for the trouble and ex- pense we had undergone in promoting the creation of the reserve. The principal grounds upon which the Board based its objections to sign- ing the selection list, was because some member of the ring would cause a selec- tion to be made covering a large tract of timber in a township that had just been surveyed, in which there were settlers who desired to make homestead filings. When a new township is thus thrown open to entry, it is always an easy matter to get the selection list into the hands of the Register of the Land Office ahead of the homesteaders, as we generally had the list mailed the day before, which would bring it to the attention of the Land Office officials on the morning that filings were receivable, thus giving the State a huge preference. The homesteader as a rule would thereupon appeal to the State Land Board for redress, which he generally got, and the selection list would have to be amended. These contests often resulted in the Board declining to sign any more lists until such time as some scheme of the character indicated was worked upon them. Under the law. settlers upon lands in an unsurveyed township have ninety days in which to file their claims at the local United States Land Office. Oftentimes we were able to blufif them out on account of possessing the State title, but as a general thing, whenever there was any interference of this sort, the Governor protected the settler as much as possible in his holdings. During the term in office of T. W. Davenport, there was no dissatisfac- tion, as Mr. Davenport favored one no more than the other. He was of a differ- ent type to those preceding him in the State Land Office, being courteous and obliging to all. and strictly honest and on the square in doing his duty as an officer of the .State, notwithstanding the many inducements held out to him by members of the School Land Ring. During the administration of Geo. W. Davis, there was a deficit in the School Land fund amounting to something like $31,000. The supposition is that Davis, who was on very friendly terms with Rader. issued certificates of purchase to several thousand acres of indemnity land without receiving any money thereon, the understanding being, that when Rader made sale of the land, he was to divide the i)r()fits with Davis, at which time the latter would credit the school fund the amount due on the jnuxhase price. In the meantime. Rader. in company with four Eastern cajjitalists. went into the timber in Clatsop County for the purpose of examining a tract of land. About two weeks later the entire party was found dead in camp, the supposition being that they fell victims to the poisonous efifects of eating canned goods. As no record had been kept in the State Land Office showing to whom certificates of purchase were issued, and as Rader had possession of the papers, Davis had no way of getting hold of them. For obvious reasons, he was afraid to exjxise the deficiency alluded \.o, conse- quently he manipulated the cash entries in such manner that for three or four years it was not discovered. Upon its exjiosure, however. Davis absconded, and has never been punished. The State began an action against E. P. IMcCornack and George G. Bing- ham, of Salem, to recover $5,000, the amount of surety as bondsmen for the Page 328 defaulter, but lost the suit by reason of the statute of limitations having run against the claim. George VV. Davis was removed from office on August 1, 1895, and W. H. Odell appointed to fill the vacancy. During the latter's administration of afi^airs — covering a period from the date of his commission until January 1, 1900 — there were comparatively few transactions connected with indemnity lands, as by this time the basis had prac- tically become exhausted, and what little was left was handled exclusively by the State Land Agent. The ring, however, continued to deal in the 16th and 36th sections, whenever opportunity -offered, as the latter class of lands remained at $2.50 an acre. This condition of aft'airs continued until sometime in 1898. when we all awoke to a realization that we were not half so smart as we thought we were. It appears that there were still some 44.000 acres of unsold surveyed State school sections within the limits of the Cascade Forest Reserve, which had been established September 28, 1893. After the passage of the lieu land Act of June 4, 1897, it was thought that the State had no power to make selections using as base the unsold surveyed portions of the 16th and 36th sections embraced in a forest reserve. So firmly was this idea fixed in the minds of the State officers in fact, that at the instance of T. W. Davenport, State Land Agent, United States Senator George W. McBride (former Secretary of State for Oregon) had introduced a bill in Congress granting the State such a privilege. It was at this juncture that F. A. Hyde and John A. Benson, the Califor- nia operators who have long enjoyed a complete monopoly of indemnity land business in that State, and who are now on trial in Washington, D. C, for their part in fraudulent land transactions, conceived the idea of invading Oregon in search of pastures new. In 1898 Hyde came to Portland personally, accom- panied by one Joost H. Schneider, a sort of "Man Friday" for the California schemer, whom he sent to Salem to do a little missionary work. One day Schneider appeared at the State Land office in Salem with an innocent-appearing application, calling for the purchase of a half-section of school land in the Cascade Forest Reserve. Meeting with no opposition to its filing, and having received the deed from the State, Schneider took his departure, but in a few days returned, armed with a sufficient number of similar applications to cover 44,000 acres, or practically every foot of vacant State school land left in the reserve. As may be surmised, there was general commotion in the State Land Office when the full force of this contemplated raid dawned upon the State authorities. G. G. Brown, at that time a deputy under Odell, and at present Clerk of the State Land Board, was in the office when this incident occurred, and objected to filing such a large number of applications calling for such a vast quantity of school land, and summoned Mr. Davenport into consultation with him upon the subject. The latter likewise demurred to such a proceeding, but Hyde's agent was not to be denied, citing the filing of the single application heretofore referred to as a precedent to sustain his contentions, and insisted that, inasmvich as the lands were for sale, and the applications in proper form, they should be accepted and deeds issued accordingly. He accentuated this request by tendering the full purchase price of the lands, and demanded the deeds on pain of a suit against the State in case of refusal. Under these circum- stances, the applications were accepted and deeds issued, conveying to the firm of San Francisco grabbers an immense domain, for which the State received $1.25 an acre, or approximately $50,000. It developed afterwards that Hyde and Benson, through Schneider, had secured "dummies"' in Portland and vicini- ty to make the filings, and this feature of the proceedings is embodied in one of the counts in the indictment against them charging them with conspiracy to defraud the United States of its public lands, it being alleged that the base thus fraudulently obtained was used in the selection of other tracts belonging to the Government, under the Act of June 4, 1897, as the lands purchased from the State at the time indicated were later conveyed to the Government in exchange for other lands. Page 329 To say that the ( )regon school land riii}^ was sore when it found out the artistic manner in which it had been done up, would be putting it mildly. They saw in the transaction the dissipation of a bright dream of wealth, because the la'nds were purchased from the State at $1.25 an acre and converted immediately into forest reserve scrip, which then had a market value of at least $5.50 an acre, making the net profits of these frenzied financiers fully $150,000 from this one deal alone. On Januarv 1. 1900. jM. L. Chamberlain succeeded General Odell as Clerk of the State Land Office, his appointment dating from the time that T. T. Geer was inaugurated as Governor. F. I. Dunbar was Secretary of State and Charles S. Moore. State Treasurer during the Geer administration, and L. B. Geer, the Governor's half-brother, was named as State Land Agent to succeed T. \\'. Daven]:)ort. During the period that Odell served as Clerk of the Land Office, although he had been afforded no opportunity for participating in any of the deals of the ring, he had not been idle, and in one way or another had discovered that there were splendid chances for making considerable money through State indemnity base. Actuated by this idea, he lost no time in inducing Governor Geer to ap- ])oint him an assistant to the State Land Agent, clothing him with full authority to deal in this commodity. General Odell was given desk room in the office of State Land Agent L. B. Geer, and the two entered into the "base" business with a vengeance. Intrenched behind a show of official recognition, Odell advertised extensively that he had an unlimited quantity of base for sale at $1.50 an acre. Desirous of selecting a tract of timber land containing 640 acres, and learning that State Land Agent L. B. Geer had several thousand acres of available school indemnity base, I applied to him accordingly, and was assured by Mr. Geer that he would furnish the base at the price indicated. I to pay the State for the land embraced in the selection. In conformity with this arrangement, I paid State Land Agent Geer $960, taking his receipt therefor, and filed my applications with Clerk M. L. Chamberlain, at the same time depositing with the latter the twenty per cent requisite on the purchase price of the land. In a few days the certificates were sent to me, indicating that the selections had been approved by the local United States Land Office. It was soon apparent that the business being conducted by State Land Agent Geer and General Odell was well-named. Never before in the history of the State had such base methods been adopted as those resorted to by this pair. It was a case of where "base met base," and, as usual, the public got the worst of it. Inasmuch as I had put in several years dealing in State basis, and was well posted regarding the quantity of indemnity to which the State was still entitled, it puzzled me to imagine how I could have overlooked the basis desig- nated by Geer in the selection of my land. However, as he was the Agent of the State, and with Odell had made a careful search of the records, I felt no apprehension on the subject, and besides reasoned that on account of his official position, in case the selection failed to pass muster in the General Land Office, it would be amended. In a few months it developed that the list containing my selections had been rejected by the Commissioner on the ground that the base named therein, wath the exception of forty acres, had already been used years previously. Upon learning this fact. I insisted that Geer should substitute new base, and was in- formed that there was none available, the supply having already been exhausted. I thereujion demanded the return of my money, which was also refused, and in order to protect my selections, I was obliged to substitute base purchased from other dealers, at an expense of $4 per acre, and have never to this day been reimbursed in the amount I was flim-flammed out of by Geer, all of which he had converted to his own use. General Odell later went into the adjudicating business in Eastern Oregon lands, and w^ould have succeeded in having several thousand acres adjudged as mineral were it not for the fact that in his greed to Page 330 Ex-Governor T. T. Geer, of Oregon ,q;obble up everythini*- in sight, he fell (Idwii on the whole. It came about in this way: Odell had contracted with a couple of fellows to do the adjudicating for him on the basis of ten cents an acre for all lands in which sufficient evidence was produced to declare it mineral in character. Rader and myself, as hereto- fore indicated, had already adjudicated every school section in that i)art of the State, but this did not deter Odell from operating along similar lines. His agents were therefore instructed to adjudicate everything left, no matter whether the section was vacant or belonged to somebody else. There was where he made a serious mistake, for no sooner had his agents advertised that adjudica- tions were to be made on certain school sections already sold by the State, than there was a howl of disapproval from the owners. Thev appeared at the Land Office on the date set for the hearing, and after listening to the perjured testimony being introduced to show that their holdings were mineral in character, immediately entered a vigorous protest with the Commissioner of the General Land Office, which resulted in knocking the adjudicating business into smithereens, but not, however, before the State had selected some 73.000 acres based upon this fraudulent mineral base, and had given deeds to the purchasers. Had Odell and L. B. Geer omitted the tracts that had been sold previously by the State to settlers and stockmen, there is no telling how much they would have gotten away with, as their agents were work- ing overtime for the ten cents an acre commission, and everything was grist that came to their mill. Shortly after L. U. Geer was apj^ointed State Land Agent, he was allowed additional clerks to assist in determining the quantity of base the State was en- titled to. This information- he used for his own personal benefit, and as General Odell had been given a desk in his office, all those making inquiry concerning indemnity selections were referred to him, and he would thereupon supply the base, exacting a fee of $L50 an acre for his services. Thousands of dollars were thus paid to Odell for information that required but a moment to furnish, and which should have been given by the State Land Agent, as the State had gone to the expense of having the search of the records made that revealed the exist- ence of this base. As a matter of fact, the two were working hand in glove, and the whole thing was a sort of "wheel within a wheel" proposition. While Odell and Geer were thus holding a monopoly on the disposition of all State base, I learned of two sections of school land located in the mineral belt of Southern Oregon, and called upon Governor Geer for authority to ad- judicate them as mineral. The Governor informed me that I would have to see L. B. Geer, as he was attending to that branch of the business. The latter passed me back to the Governor, who in turn referred me to Odell, w-ho told me in plain English, that as he had undertaken to adjudicate the mineral character of the various school sections east of the Cascade Range, he did not propose to permit me to interfere with his prerogative. Returning to the Governor once more, I assured him that the two sections T had under consideration did not conflict with any sacred territory and that if he would grant me the privilege of doing the work, I would willingly deposit the requisite fifty cents per acre and have the selections made, with the under- standing that the certificates of purchase were not to be issued until the basis was approved by the Land Department ; and if I failed to satisfy the demands of the Government in this respect, that the amount of my deposit should be re- funded. Governor Geer pulled in his horns at this suggestion, and resorted to his threadbare method of referring me to the State Land Agent, wdiich was equivalent to sending me U])on an endless chain journey. I reminded them both how certificates of purchase to thousands of acres were being issued to Odell long before he had even commenced the adjudication of basis, and as my proposition was perfectly fair, and the State did not stand to lose anything, nor was I interfering with the game of Odell and L. B. Geer, that I ought to be granted the privilege. ]\Iy ]iloa /V!' X £/•« f" . jV >} X X X X , X X r "I . ^ 1 I v5^ Sj ^ "5 'j X X X / 1 ' " p5 i> *" i^ [^ ^u r? ... > i- :« X A X (+. ^ X ^^ iS- !?. :^ )'j' ^ *^ \ f- * OL cia ^ r X /- I J! X X X X X X X , t:^x X X X S X X h «» / Uj) ^ V ^7 X » ) J*" ^ X X X ^;C; >V^^ X X X X X X *f X '^f X t a. '% U "' >■ X > X x> X X X X X X X « )t X f > < V X /■^ ■c7 c «ry (4 X \ % X > X X •X X *x X X J7S ajj ^* X X X < X X 5 'p -^ ^^ ), K X X ,» b X > ^ / / \ X X X / < ) s 'ft 1 % X 7' X .' X X / 1/ X X , X X S X X / > < : / ,^ T A X X ^*x ■ y X X X "5- Vx X X X X X s X y > ( J ' \. 6 5. \|>^ X ... V*-' X X K X Y X X X X X X ^ ) ^ t V > X X X V X X" K X X X X X Z^ ^' -^ 5 ( y ^ X X .d <"■"' a X ^1 5if ' M ~ - I t* X > r" 'x X X X y X X X y ^X X > ( X * ?i 3 ^ ^ % Jx X > X / X X X X X V X ^ y X < y SSi i^. £ \\ , ' X X X X X X X X X X x *■ X X x( X 1- X X > < X )>f \\ r -x y X X X X X X, ,>; X y X X y X X , X 1^ ■^>i -X y f/; * ,; V. fj ( , V X il" X X X ^ X X /« c^ X X X ff X .^■■'j ,«r % 1 \ , X K K X X X ^^t. •i;. y "' '" "xV X v *«< \ r ' 1 V K K X X X /V k ^^ /^ ''' '..'. .'.. /.. ■p i;f: : tv 'M _ / IzL / f / r C ?/V ",., *. _i^ 2_ _'' * / r / f >>■ / /■ The accompanying mal> indicates the illegal fencing of government land in Wheeler County, Oregon, by the Butte Creek Land, Livestock & Lumber Company, of Fossil. It is claimed that 18,360 acres of public lands were embraced in this inclosure, which was used entirely by the big corporation as a pasture to the exclusion of all adjacent homesteaders. Tracts marked with an X, as shown on the map, are unappropriated government lands. The dotted lines indicate the system of fencing employed by the corporation, while the lines noted by the cross-marks represent the "rim-rock, " or immense ledges that were used to form portions of the chain fence. The general policy of the company seems to have been to connect the rim-rock with the system of fences by the aid of "dummy" home- stead entries, upon which their lines of fencing were constructed as rapidly as the filings were made. For shielding the officers of the company against criminal prosecution, John H. Hall was dismissed from office, and later convicted by a jury in the Federal Court at Portland, Oregon. Standing Hall's contention that the statute of limitations had run against their criminal liability in 1903, when the matter was before the United States Grand Jury, Thayer and associates were indicted September 2, 1905, for the same offense, at the suggestion of Mr. Heney, who held that the criminal responsibility of the accused was still active at that date. Those involved in this indictment were Claude Thayer, Clark E. Hadley, Maurice Leach, Walter J. Smith (since deceased), Thomas Coates, John Tut- tle, Charles E. Hays and G. O. Nolan, all of whom, with the exception of Hays, were prominent residents of Tillamook county. Later the case against Hays was dismissed, as it was established to Mr. Heney's satisfaction that he had never been connected with any fraudulent effort to acquire the lands. On the con- trary. Hays filed a motion in Court during the July term in 1906, wherein he claimed the credit of having first called the attention of Secretary Hitchcock to Page 365 the scope of the Oresi^on land frauds through Rev. Joseph Schell, a CathoUc priest. In his petition asking for a separate trial, Hays set forth many interest- ing facts in connection w ith the matter, and as his statements throw considerable light upon the general system in vogue by which large tracts of valuable timber were secured through the "dummy" process of entry, a portion of the petition is presented herewith : "That in the spring of 1901, and after Alma Baker and others named in the indictment, had filed on the lands set forth in the indictment. I was introduced by Mr. \V. G. Howell to C. E. Loomis, then Special Agent of the General Land Office, at which time I disclosed to that Government official the facts that I had learned in relation to the acts of said Thayer, Hadley, Leach, Nolan, Tuttle, Smith and Coates, and requested said Loomis, as such Government official, to make an investigation thereof to the end that said parties might be prosecuted in the Courts of the United States for their unlawful acts; that nothing came of my interview with said Loomis, and in the Autumn of 1901, I went to J. A. Sladen, a Commissioner of the United States Circuit Court for the District of Oregon, and requested from said official a warrant charging said Thayer, et al., with the crime of conspiracy, and was by said Sladen referred to the United States Attorney for the District of Oregon as the proper person to apply for such warrant, and was introduced by said Sladen to Edwin Mays, Assistant United States Attorney for the District of Oregon. "That I laid the case before said Mays, but he declined to act unless authorized to do so by John H. Hall, then United States Attorney for Oregon, his superior officer; that I went repeatedly to the United States Attorney's office to see Hall, but was always denied an interview, first on one pretext and then another. Knowing of no other official to make application to in order to bring the parties to justice, I furnished, at my own expense, the Rev. Joseph Schell with affidavits and copies of all documents which I had obtained disclosing the con- spiracy, who thereupon proceeded to Washington, D. C, and laid the matter be- fore the Department of the Interior, resulting, as I am informed and believe, in the assignment of Special Inspector A. R. Greene to this district for the purpose of investigating the frauds charged against said Thayer, Hadley, Leach, Nolan, Tuttle, Smith and Coates. "That on August 26, 1902, the day on which I am charged with conspiring with these defendants, I was present at the Oregon City Land Office with Dan R. Murphy, my attorney, and through the latter waived the benefit I might derive through a motion to close the case filed in the contest of Hays vs. Allen (said contest case being one of those referred to in the indictment) and with- drew my motion in order to accommodate the officers of the Government, agree- ing that said case might be referred to Edward N. Deady, to take the testimony of contestee therein and his witnesses, Claude Thayer, Clark Hadley, Maurice Leach and Thomas Coates, at Tillamook, Oregon, the Government officials agreeing with me that if said testimony were given before said Deady that the frauds alleged in the indictment would be laid bare, and facts elicited upon which to predicate an indictment as against said Thayer, et al. In order to disclose said frauds and secure indictments, I paid my attorney to accompany said Special Inspector Greene and referee Deady to Tillamook for the purpose of taking said testimony. "That in the Autumn of 1902, when the United States Grand Jury for the District of Oregon was examining into the conspiracy charged in the indict- ment herein, I did all in my power to aid and assist Edward N. Deady, then Special Agent of the General Land Office, in gathering the facts against Thayer, et al., and fully and freely disclosed to him all the circumstances tending to show the guilt of said Thayer, et al.. elicited by me during the time I had been con- testing in good faith said fraudulent efforts to acquire the lands in question. That I am convinced that if it had not been for my contests and the ceaseless warfare waged by me against the fraudulent entries set forth in the indictment. Page 366 that the lands described therein would have long since gone to patent, and the unlawful designs of said Thayer and others would have been successful. "That I have, by every means in my power, endeavored to thwart the unlawful designs of said Thayer, et al, and have, through my contests, procured the absolute forfeiture of $5,356, paid by said Thayer, et al, into the Oregon City Land Office for thirteen claims situate in the same townships and ranges as the lands mentioned in the indictment, besides causing said parties to expend a large sum of money in defending the contests waged by me. "That said Thayer, Hadley, Leach, Nolan, Tuttle, Smith and Coates are well aware of the steps taken by me to prevent them reaping the harvest they had planned, as above set forth, and by the position I have taken I have incurred the ill will of each and all of them, and any attorney employed by them, if en- trusted in the slightest degree with my defense, would, if loyal to them, be com- pelled to suppress testimony necessary to be adduced to establish my innocence, as such testimony would tend to show the guilt of Thayer, Hadley, Leach, Nolan, Tuttle, Smith and Coates." Hall was defended by Lionel R. Webster, County Judge of Multnomah County, Oregon, who made a remarkable fight for his client's liberty, but without any apparent effect, as the jury lost little time in finding the ex-United States Attorney guilty as charged in the indictment. An appeal has been taken from the verdict, pending which Hall is out on bonds. With such marked ability was the defense of Hall conducted by Judge Webster, that Mr. Heney took occasion to compliment the Portland lawyer dur- ing the course of his argument, and called attention to the fact that it was the only case in which there had not been more or less friction between counsel for the opposing sides. George C. Brownell, the "Pretty Moth" of Oregon politics, whose wings were somewhat scorched by too close contact with the land fraud limelight. Page 367 Chapter XXIV Under the guise of creating a National Park from the bleak territory surround- ing Mt. Rainier, Congress enacts a measure giving the Northern Pacific Railroad Company autocratic pozccrs in the selection of Government lands, and oiables the Hill corporation to exchange its worthless holdings for valuable tracts in every State penetrated by its lines — Hoic the Land Department, under the Bollinger regime has aided the Northern Pacific zi'ith its lieu selections — H'ith less than thirty miles of constructed road in Oregon, the raiki'ay company is empoivercd by Congress to make selec- tion of more than ^00,000 acres of valuable timber lands in that State — The bulldozing manner in which settlers are prevented from taking home- stead claims. THE entire idea of making- a National I'ark out of the unprepossessing coun- try surrounding Mt. Rainier, was clever in the extreme. It was the work of a master mind, because there was no more necessity for endowing this region with such exclusiveness than would exist in the contemplation to create National Parks out of every high mountain peak in the country. In short, Mt. Rainier owes its distinction in this respect to the fact that the Northern Pacific Railroad Company owns a lot of land in the neighborhood. Had the Jim Hill corporation possessed the odd-numbered sections adjacent to Mt. Shasta, in California, Mt. Hood, in Oregon, or Mt. Anything, in Anywhere, there is no question but what Congress would have wisely recognized the utmost importance of making Na- tional Parks out of them also. Hence, good fortune must have smiled upon Mt. Rainier with peculiar blessings when old Nature itself took a hand in the game ages before anything human was ever dreamed of, and reared the snow-capped summit of the mountain 'mid territory that millions of years later, perhaps, fell within the granted limits of the Northern Pacific. In no essential particular, hov/ever, was the ingenuity of the plan to make Mt. Rainier a National Park more clearly defined than was contained in the cunning arrangement to permit the Northern Pacific to have the right of selection of unsurveyed lands of the United States in exchange for the worthless portions of its holdings in the entire Mt. Rainier Forest Reserve as well as the 5sational Park. This National Park idea was a subterfuge from the start to cloak the real intentions of the corporation, and was calculated to lull the public into the belief that Congress was moved by consideration of deep public interest when it enacted the measure that made the National Park possible. It should be borne in mind that the Mt. Rainier Forest Reserve was es- tablished February 22, 1897 — two years before the National Park of that name — and embraced a much greater scope of country. It included all of Mt. Rainier, besides a vast area adjacent thereto, aggregating 2,565,760 acres, of which the railway company owned practically one-half, and while it enjoyed the same rights as others under the Act of June 4, 1897, applicable to forest reserves, and could exchange its lands in the reserve for any unappropriated lands of the United States, it had no exclusive privileges, such as would accrue under a special Act, and it is the purpose to show herein how this seeming obstacle was overcome. In order to circumvent any possible future ho.stile legislation, and at the same time clothe the great railway corporation with a complete monopoly along certain lines — after the fashion of starting a back fire — the company on March 2, 1899, caused the passage of an Act setting aside a comparatively small Page 368 Map of the Mt. Rainier Forest Reserve, showing ihe position of the Mt. Rainier National Park, which was created for the special benefit of the Northern Pacific Railroad Company, that the Hill corporation might be enabled to exchange its worth- less holdings for the cream of creation. proportion of the Rainier Mountain Forest Reserve as a National Park. It was a veritable "wheel within a wheel" proposition, and it has never developed why any such action was necessary as a measure of common interest. So far as Mt. Rainier was concerned, the forest reserve laws protected it fully as much as it could possibly be under the laws governing National Parks, hence the scheme of creating a National Park was in reality a cloak for some hidden purpose. In order to indicate precisely what that purpose was, there is presented herewith the full text of the bill creating the National Park. There is nothing on the face of the measure to show that it had to do with any- thing except the proper pri)tection of natural wonders that could not be pre- served in any other way. Other National Parks were in existence at the time, so what objections could there be to adding to the list? The wonders of Yellow- stone are thus guarded ; so are those of the Yosemite Valley, the Calaveras Big- Trees, and other notable points of interest throughout the country, but then it must be considered that they are marvelous attractions, and besides were not included in any forest reserve at the time of being converted into National Parks. True, the Crater Lake National Park was cut out of the Cascade Forest Reserve, but there are no signs that anybody got the benefit of exclusive privi- leges by the operation. It is between the lines of the Act creating the Mt. Rain- ier National Park where its worst features exist — where the "nigger in the woodpile" may be observed in all his sable glory — and it is this phase of the sit- uation that shall be analyzed in detail during the course of this article. The original Pacific Forest Reserve was located where the Mt. Rainier National Park now is. It included an area about twice as large as the present park and was proclaimed by the President, February 20, 1893. By a second proclamation, February 22, 1897, this Pacific Forest Reserve and a large addi- tion was proclaimed to be the Mt. Rainier Forest Reserve. By act of IVIarch 2, 1899, the Mt. Rainier National Park was created. The Mt. Rainier Forest Reserve was withdrawn from settlement ]\'Iarch 1. 1898. Recent additions were made March 2, 1907. What was called the Mt. Rainier Forest Reserve is now known as the Rainier National Forest. The law establishing the latter reads as follows : CHAP. 377. — An Act To set aside a portion of certain lands in the State of Washington, now known as the Pacific Forest Eeserve, as a public park, to be known as the Mount Eainier National Park. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Kepresentatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, that all those certain tracts, pieces, or parcels of land lying and being in the State of Washington, and within the boundaries particularly described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a point three miles east of the northeast corner of township numbered seventeen north, of range six east of the Willamette mer- idian; thence south through the central parts of townships numbered seventeen, sixteen, and fifteen north, of range seven east of the Willamette meridian, eighteen miles, more or less, subject to the proper easterly or westerly offsets, to a point three miles east of the northeast corner of township numbered fourteen north, of range six east of the Willam- ette meridian; thence east on the township line between townships numbered fourteen and fifteen north, eighteen miles, more or less, to a point three miles west of the north- east corner of township fourteen north, of range ten east of the Willamette meridian; thence northerly subject to the proper easterly or westerly offsets, eighteen miles, more or less, to a point three miles west of the northeast corner of township numbered seventeen north, of range ten east of the Willamette meridian (but in locating said easterly bound- ary, wherever the summit of the Cascade Mountains is sharply and well defined, the said line shall follow the said summit, where the said summit line bears west of the easterly line as herein determined); thence westerly along the township line between said towii ships numbered seventeen and eighteen to the place of beginning, the same being a por- tion of the lands which were reserved from entry or settlement and set aside as a public reservation by proclamation of the President on the twentieth day of February, in the year of our Lord eighteen hundred and ninety-three, and of the Independence of the United States the one hundred and seventeentli, are hereby dedicated and set apart as a public park, to be known and designated as the Mount Eainier National Park, for the benefit and enjoyment of the people; and all persons who shall locate or settle upon or occupy the same, or any part thereof, except as hereafter provided, shall be considered trespassers and be removed therefrom. Page 370 Sec. 2. That said public park shall be uuder the exclusive control of the Secre- tary of the Interior, whose duty it shall be to make and publish, as soon as practicable, such rules and regulations as he may deem necessary or proper for the care and manage- ment of the same. Such regulations shall provide for the preservation from injury or spoilation of all timber, mineral deposits, natural curiosities, or wonders within said park, and their retention in their natural condition. The Secretary may, in his discretion, grant parcels of ground at such places in said park as shall require the erection of build- ings for the accommodation of visitors; all of the proceeds of said leases, and all other revenues that may be derived from any source connected with said park, to be expended under his direction in the management of the same, and the construction of roads and bridle paths therein. And through the lands of the Pacific Forest Eeserve adjoining said park rights of way are hereby granted, under such restrictions and regulations as the Secretary of the Interior may establish, to any railway or tramway company or companies, through the lands of said Pacific Forest Eeserve, and also into said park hereby created, for the purpose of building, constructing, and operating a railway, or tramway line or lines, through said lands, also into said park. He shall provide against the wanton destruction of the fish and game found within said park, and against their capture or destruction for the purposes of merchandise or profit. He shall also cause all persons trespassing upon the same after the passage of this Act to be removed therefrom, and generally shall be authorized to take all such measures ^ shall be necessary to fully carry out the objects and purposes of this Act. Sec. 3. That upon execution and filing with the Secretary of the Interior, by the Northern Pacific Eailroad Company, of proper deed releasing and conveying to the United States the lands in the reservation hereby created, also the lands in the Pacific Forest Reserve which have been heretofore granted by the United States to said company, whether surveyed or unsurveyed, and which lie opposite said company's constructed road, said company is hereby authorized to select an equal quantity of non-mineral public lands, so classified as non-mineral at the time of actual Government survey, which has been or shall be made, of the United States not reserved and to which no adverse right or claim shall have attached or have been initiated at the time of the making of such selection lying within any State into or through which the railroad of said Northern Pacific Eail- road Company runs, to the extent of the lands so relinquished and released to the United States: Provided, That any settlers on lands in said National Park may relinquish their rights thereto and take other public lands in lieu thereof, to the same extent and under the same limitations and conditions as are provided by law for forest reserves and National Parks. Sec. 4. That upon the filing by the said railroad company at the local land office of the land district in which any tract of land selected and the payment of the fees prescribed by law in analogous cases, and the approval of the Secretary of the Interior, he shall cause to be executed, in due form of law, and deliver to said company, a patent of the United States conveying to it the lands so selected. In case the tract so selected shall at the time of selection be unsurveyed, the list filed by the company at the local land oflBce shall describe such tract in such manner as to designate the same with a reas- onable degree of certainty; and within the period of three months after the lands in eluding such tract shall have been surveyed and the plats thereof filed by said local land office, a new selection list shall be filed by said company, describing such tract according to such survey; and in case such tract, as originally selected and described in the list filed in the local land office, shall not precisely conform with the lines of the official survey, the said company shall be permitted to describe such tract anew, so as to secure such conformity. Sec. 5. That the mineral land laws of the United States are hereby extended to the lands lying within the said reserve and said park. Approved March 2, 1899. Could the human mind conjure a more cunning device for flim-flamming the pubHc than is contained in this measure? Consider all phases of the situation, and what is the result? Here was a vast extent of country already embraced within the protecting folds of a forest reservation, and within the limits of which the Northern Pacific Railroad Company owned fully 1,000,000 acres of various kinds of lands — good, bad and indifferent — all available for use as base in the selection of other lands under the Act of June 4, 1897. In order to clothe itself with even greater and more exclusive privileges than were enjoyed under the Forest Reserve Act, the company — through its hirelings in Congress — secures the passage of a law so cleverly drawn that it operates as a blanket in the better protection of the Company's base lands. The process was simple enough after it is understood properly; by creating a National Park within the limits of an established forest reserve, and inserting a sufficient quantity of ''jokers" in the measure, making the National Park project possible, the railway corporation is Page 371 James Henry Booth, ex-Receiver of the United States Land Office, at Roseburg, Ore., who was removed from his position and indicted on account of too close connection with fraudulent land operations not only endowed with exclusive privileges, but the scheme is executed in such an artistic manner as to convey the idea that a great ])ublic benefit has been accomplished; whereas, the whole thing is a low-down means of granting the Northern Pacific extraordinary powers in the selection of lands in lieu of iti> worthless holdings in the two reserves. The Act of June 4, 1897, did not give the railway corporation enough margin in this respect, so the National Park idea was played up for all it was worth. It is evident, that from the moment the plot was conceived of making a National Park — and incidentally letting down the bars for the Northern Pacific to get in on the ground floor with its lands in the big forest reserve — the cor- poration had its hungry eyes fastened upon the rich unsurveyed townships of Oregon, Washington. Idaho, and other States penetrated by its lines. Like charity, this law creating the National Park covered a multitude of sins, and no- where was this idea more clearly outlined than in the clause that has permitted the company to operate with a free hand in the selection of tracts in townships that were not subject to entry through any other process. Under this privilege the Northern Pacific has filed scIecticMi lists covering upwards of 50.000 acres of unsurveyed lands in Oregon alone, with several States yet to hear from. The clause referred to provides as follows: Page 372 "In case the tract so selected shall, at the time of selection, be unsurveyed, the list filed by the company at the local land office shall describe such tract in such manner as to designate the same with a resonable degree of certainty; and within the period of three months after the lands including such tract shall have been surveyed and the plats thereof filed by said local land office, a new selection list shall be filed by said Company, describing such tract according to such survey; and in case such tract, as originally selected and described in the list filed in the local land oflace, shall not precisely conform with the lines of the official survey, the said Company shall be permitted to describe such tract anew, so as to secure such conformity. ' ' In other words, it is not only given the perpetual right of doing something that none others are allowed to do — fde on unsurve3^ed lands — but is further granted the privilege of cruising everything in the township, and then, if it finds that any mistake has been made in the matter of securing the cream of the timber, it is privileged to float its base around like a bogus Mexican grant and light upon anything in sight worth having ! In fact, the whole bill, from begin- ning to end, is a mass of subterfuge, and to say that the Congressmen who voted for the measure did not know what they were doing or could not see any of its glaring features, is to write them down a lot of asses. It would have been bad enough, under the most extenuating circum- stances, for Congress to have confined the operations of the Act of March 2, 1899, to the Mt. Rainier National Park alone, as the Northern Pacific owned fully 100,000 acres within its confines, and the greedy corporation ought to have been satisfied with that amount of plunder; btit that was not the point; the idea was to bring in all the lands owned by the company in the larger area contained in the Rainier Mountain Forest Reserve — aggregating about 1,000,000 acres — and this Congress has succeeded in doing with a vengeance, as may be seen by reference to the third section of the Act creating the Mt. Rainier National Park which provides that "also the lands in the Pacific (Rainier Mountain) Forest Reserve which have been heretofore granted by the United States to said Com- pany, whether surveyed or unsurveyed," shall come under the operations of the law. Those voting for the bill may seek pardon for their offense upon the theory that the law gives actual settlers in the Park the same privileges as those enjoyed by the great railway company, btit when it is considered that there never were any settlers in the region, and that, by reason of the rough character of the country, no self-respecting billy goat would even be tempted to try and exist there, the humor of the allusion to "actual settlers" may be fully appre- ciated. It was merely a sop to pull the wool over the eyes of those members ot Congress who voted for the measure in the half-hearted belief that they were aiding a lot of poor homesteaders, when as a matter of fact, they were entirely unacquainted with conditions, and accepted that view of the situation as a drug to their consciences in having become accessory to a highway robbery. The whole bill is a tissue of deceit from beginning to end, because it is paved with the same kind of good intentions that another place is supposed to be noted for. There is a whole lot of buncombe in it about "preservation from injury or spoliation of all timber, mineral deposits, natural curiosities, or ivonders within said park, and their retention in their natural condition." Any ten- year-old child knows that the only "natural curiosity" or "wonders" in any way connected with the alleged "park" exists solely in the phraseology of the law that created it. Even with this tremendous pull in the weights the Northern Pacific was not satisfied, so what was its next course? Why, its henchmen in the halls of National legislation adopted a protective measure so as to clinch its bargain beyond any question of doubt, and here in the proceedings of the Fifty-Eighth Congress (see pages 4239, 4240 and 4241, Congressional Record, March 4, 1905), we find Congressman Lacey, of Iowa, calling for unanimous consent for the substitution of the statement for the conference report upon the repeal of the forest reserve lieu land Act of June 4, 1897, and its amendments of June 6, 1900, and March 3, 1901. There being no objection, the Clerk read the state- ment of the Committee instead of the full report, as follows : Page 373 "The Senate amendment provides for the repeal of the Acts of June 4, 1897. June 6, 1900, and March 3, 1901, in so far as they provide for the relinquishment, selection and patenting of lands in lieu of tracts covered by an iinperfected bona fide claim or patent within a forest reserve It also provides for the protection of all contracts hereto- fore entered into by the Secretary of the Interior on this subject. The aniendnient to tlie Senate aniendnient, iiisisti'd upon iiy tlir lloiisc conferees, protects selections heretofore made in lieu of lands already relinquished to the United States. ' ' This statement was sio^ned by Congressmen John F. Lacey of Iowa, F. VV. Mondell of Wyoming-, and John Lind of Miimesota, as managers on the part of the House. Of course there was a long debate on the floor involving the repeal of the obnoxious "Scripper" Act of June 4, 1897. All the big corporations in the country could afford to kill the law. because it had outlived its usefulness, and the next move was to make a grandstand play before the country and pretend to bow to the people's will, and incidentally shut the stable door after the horse was gone. All these proceedings were part of the game to help along the good cause for the Northern Pacific. It was a lot of horseplay calculated to fool the people. By pretending virtuous indignation against the poor, old, wornout Scripper Act — which really never did possess any sincere friends — the schemers in Congress were enabled to throw a protecting arm around all the base belonging to the great railway corporation in the Mt. Rainier Forest Reserve, as well as the Mt. Rainier National Park, and practically give it a free license to do as it pleased with the public domain in those States penetrated by its lines. The Jim Hill road takes its different courses through the State of Washington like the uncertain wander- ings of a tangled skein, and yet it has made selection of but 100,000 acres herein ; it also traverses Idaho for a considerable distance, and here the records show that 120,000 acres have been selected for the benefit of the corporation ; while in Ore- gon, its few miles of line in that State, extending from Kalama, on the Columbia river, to the City of Portland, gave them a franchise, under the clever wording of the Act quoted above, to select more than 320,000 acres of its best timber ! Nor is this intended as any commentary upon the good taste of the Northern Pacific in preferring to make selections in Oregon to other States. It simply goes to show that it was worth while to build that much road in the State, even if it had to let it go to rot, for the divine privilege of acquiring such a vast amount of valuable property, because, had the Northern Pacific lines not penetrated Oregon to some extent, it could not have selected an acre of its magnificent forests in lieu of the worthless, burned-over and logged-oft' tracts in the Mt. Rainier Reserve and National Park. That is as plain as day, as a careful perusal of the Act will show. Then comes the question : How could the Northern Pacific make forest reserve selection of lands in any of these States — and particularly unsurveyed lands — when the Act of June 4, 1897, was supposed to be repealed? That is where the fine Italian hand of the Northern Pacific comes in — because Congress, in its passage of the measure repealing the Act of June 4, 1897 (no doubt, inad- vertently!) very kindly clothed the Jim Hill corporation with an exclusive right when it provided "for the protection of all contracts heretofore entered into by the Secretary of the Interior on this subject." Which means, that the Northern Pacific, having already filed with the Secretary of the Interior proper deeds "releasing and conveying to the United States the lands in the reservation hereby created, also the lands of the Pacific (Rainier Mountain) Forest Reserve which have been heretofore granted by the United States to said company, whether surveyed or unsurveyed," was entitled to select "an equal quantity of non-mineral public lands, so classified as non-mineral at the time of actual Government survey, which has been or shall be made, of the United States not reserved and to which no adverse right or claim shall have attached or have been initiated at the time of the making of such selection lying within any State into or through which the railroad of said Northern Pacific Railroad Company runs, to the extent of the lands so relinquished and released to the United States." Page 374 Gold dredger at work near Oroville, Butte County, California. It is claimed a fair profit is made working ground that yields five cents a cubic yard by this process This clause in the Act of March 2, 1899, has been construed by the Interior Department as a contract between the Secretary of the Interior and the railway corporation. If it had been a lawful contract from the start, there would never have been any occasion for laying particular emphasis upon it, as a constitutional provision prohibits Congress from passing any act that will impair the obligations of a contract where the Government is a party; so it would seem that there was some doubt upon the subject, even in the controlling minds of the great railroad corporation, and as the Secretary of the Interior is vested with arbitrary power in the interpretation of these fine points, the next move on the programme was in the direction of making sure that there would be no question concerning the confirmation of selections under the act itself. This was the situation when James Rudolph Garfield assumed the duties of Secretary on March 4, 1907. Up to that time com.paratively few of the Northern Pacific selections had been patented, and those already approved by the Interior Department were based upon the recommendation of chiefs of divisions. In this respect the conclusions of the Commissioner of the General Land Ofiice had a certain amount of influence, and whenever any difiference of opinion arose upon the subject, the matter would be brought to the attention of the Secretary, who usually referred it to his legal advisers. During the last days of the Hitchcock administration, there was considerable friction between the Interior Department and the General Land Office, for obvious reasons, and, in consequence, the opin- ions of Commissioners Hermann and Richards carried little weight. Practicallv everything was left to the discretion of those close to the Secretary, and where there were no serious objections to a list selecting public lands, it was generally approved without much ceremony. Page 375 The situation in regard to sonic of the ruHngs of the Interior l)ei)artnicnt (hiring Secretary Hitchcock's a W 1 60.00 acres " "54. Tp. 25 S., R. !) W 1 60.00 acres 18,000.00 acres Snrve}ed lands selected by the Northern Pacific Railroad Company, in the Oregon City Land District, Oregon : List Xo. 2. Tp. 6 S.. R. 3 and 4 E., Tp. 2 S.. R. C W.. Tp. 4 N., R. K) W. 6.8S9.53 acres 3. Tp. 5 S.. R. 4 H, and 7 S., R. 4 E 4.204.47 acres 4. Tp. 12 S.. R. 3 E.. Tp. 3 N., R. 7 W., and Tp. 3 X., R. 8 W. 3,379.25 acres 5. Tp. 8 S., R. 3 and 4 E., Tp. 7 S.. R. 4 E 10,819.77 acres 6. Tp. 12 S., R. 4 E 4.074.71 acres 7. Tp. 12 S., R. 4 E 6,969.42 acres 8. Tp. 11 S., R. 4 E 4,453.04 acres 9. Tp. 10 S., R. 4 E 8.252.93 acres ID. Tp. 11 S., R. 4 E 5.185.96 acres 14. Tp. 2 and 3 N.. R. 6 \V 3,093.12 acres 57,322.19 acres Unsurveyed lands selected by the Northern Pacific Railroad Company, in the Oregon City, Oregon, Land District : List Xo. 6. Tp. 12 S., R. 4 E 3.680.00 acres " " 7. Tp. 12 S., R. 4 E 9.600.00 acres " " 8. Tp. 11 S., R. 4 E 600.00 acres " " 9. Tp. 10 S., R. 4 E 400.00 acres " "10. Tp. 11 S., R. 4 E 5.760.00 acres " "11. Tp. 7 S., R. 8 W. 1 160.00 acres " "11. Tp. 9 S., R. 7 W 160.00 acres " "12. Tp. 1 1 S., R. 4 E 1 ,440.00 acres " "13. Tp. 7 S., R. 8 W 5,880.00 acres 27,680.00 acres Approximately 1,COO,000 acres were in the Rainier Mountain Forest Reserve belonging to the Northern Pacific. One-half of this was covered with a heavy growth of timber, which the company sold several years ago to the Weyerhaeuser Syndicate, before their value was realized, and the balance was used as scrip. Of the above quantity, about 100,000 acres were situated within the limits of the Alt. Rainier National Park, and were absolutely worthless for any purpose whatever, except as basis for the selection of other lands. The Com])any selected in the State of Washington practically 100,000 acres of yellow fir timber, worth at this time at least $100 an acre, and in the State of Idaho probably 120,000 acres more of white and yellow pine timber valued at from $50 to $100 per acre, while in Oregon 320,000 acres of the finest yellow fir timber in the State was selected, having a market value of at least $100 an acre, 50,000 acres being unsurveyed and considered the cream of the selections. The re- mainder of their scrip, with the exception of a few thousand acres, the Company sold to speculators throughout the ct)untry at a price ranging from $5 to $15 an acre. That the Northern Pacific Railroad Company has a fondness for grasping opportunities is shown by the fact that not much time was lost in clinching the bargain after the Act of ATarch 2, 1899, went into effect, as the records show Page 380 ^ ^ 5tt 2 S 05 that on July 19 of that year the company executed a blanket deed, conveying' to the United States all its culled and worthless tracts embraced in the Mt. Rainier National Park and Rainier Mountain Forest Reserve. Some sort of intuition must liave inspired this step, because the clause in the Act of June 4, 1897, permitting the exchange of lands situate in a forest reserve for unsurveye«1 Government lands became inoperative after October, 1899. The fact of the Northern Pacific having relinquished to the United States all claims to a large percentage — the worthless portions, in short — of its holdings in the two reserva- tions, gave the company full authority to sit back and select lands in lieu thereof at its pleasure, and it has since followed this policy at all times. While individuals are not permitted to make selections under the dead "scripper" law of June 4, 1897, the favored Northern Pacific is allowed to do so, and can take its pick from the cream of all townships, surveyed or unsur- veyed, in any State penetrated by its lines. During the period the Act in question was in effect, whenever an individual presented a selection under its provisions, he w^as required to do so simultaneously with his transfer of the base to the Govern- ment. Not so with the Northern Pacific, however. Under the broad and sweeping regulations of the Act of March 2, 1899, arranged especially for the benefit of the corporation, it was kindly granted the privilege of conveying to the Govern- ment all portions in the two reserves that it did not want, or had no use for, and then leisurely awaiting developments until it saw something that appealed to its desires! This was not the worst feature of the situation, either; whenever the great railway corporation once feasted its eyes upon a township rich in timber resources, like a hungry pack of wolves inspired by the taste of blood, it would brook no obstacle in the way of acquiring a foothold, and in furtherance of this grasping idea, has been known to harass settlers in every illegitimate manner possible. By bulldozing tactics, no less than fifteen families were frightened out of a surveyed township in Clark County, Washington, upon one occasion, notwith- standing they had made, substantial improvements upon their claims, were acting in good faith, and had presented their homestead filings at the local Land Ofiice when the official survey was approved. The Northern Pacific had made selection of the various tracts in accordance \wiih the rights conferred by Congress under the Act of March 2, 1899, and had instituted contests against the settlers, who gave up their possessions rather than take chances against such odds, knowing that they had no show in either the Courts or the Land Department, where it was realized the Northern Pacific had full sway. In some sections of Oregon, cruisers and guards warn intending settlers away from unsurveyed townships that have been covered by Northern Pacific selections, and around the various United States Land Offices of the different districts in that State, are stationed agents of the corporation who discourage settlers from attempting to find homes within the confines of any region wanted by this grasping octopus. The fact that the company has adopted such stringent measures discloses in itself that a question exists concerning the validity of titles acquired to such tracts. I am unaware that the issue has ever been determined by any competent legal tribunal, but if the Northern Pacific was really satisfied in its own mind that the Act of March 2, 1899, granting them such exclusive privileges was not special legislation of a dangerous type, and liable to be upset by process of Court proceedings, it is hardly likely that such brutal tactics would be resorted to. There was one notable instance where the Northern Pacific got badly left in its efforts to grab a whole township of unsurveyed land. This was in connec- tion with Township 15 South, Range 3 East, situated in Lane County, Oregon. Although the entire township had been settled by squatters prior to survey, with a view of filing homestead claims thereon as soon as the survey was approved, the Northern Pacific made forest reserve lieu selection of every acre in the town- ship shortly before it came into market, and sent its agents around to notify the squatters to vacate their claims, threatening that unless they did so the railroad Page 382 company would contest each entry on the ground that it was more valuable for its timber than for agricultural purposes. Rather than run any risk of a lawsuit with the gigantic corporation, the settlers, who were all poor persons, gave up their claims. As the Act of March 2, 1899, required the company to file a new Hst to lands that had been selected prior to survey, within 90 days after the survey of the township had been approved, Frederick A. Kribs became aware of this fact, and his stand-in with the Register and Receiver of the Roseburg Land Office enabled him to work a clever scheme on the Northern Pacific and beat the corporation out of more than 20,000 acres of fine timber land. Kribs knew that as soon as the survey of the township was approved the Northern Pacific would be obliged to file an amended selection, under the term of the Act of March 2, 1899, heretofore quoted. He therefore placed in the hands of Register J. T. Bridges and Receiver J. H. Booth a selection list in his own name, covering the entire township, with instructions for those officers to file the same as soon as the Northern Pacific withdrew its base for the purpose of amendment, in order to conform with the strict lines of the new survey. By keeping in close touch with the survey before the official plat was filed in the Land Office, Kribs had been enabled to secure an accurate description of the lands he wanted, so that when the Northern Pacific withdrew its selection for the purpose of amend- ment, the officers of the Roseburg Land Office permitted Kribs's selection to have the right of way, and the bold operator thus became the owner of more than 23,000 acres of choice yellow fir timber land, easily worth $50 an acre, at a cost of $6 an acre — the price of the scrip. It is believed that the Northern Pacific now has in view another base project, almost equally as brazen as its successful effort in connection with the Mt. Rainier National Park scheme. This contemplates the conversion of Mt. St. Helens into a National Park, and the consequent creation of more lieu for the railway corporation. This high peak was originally outside the limits of the Rainier Mountain Forest Reserve, but has since been included therein, and it begins to look as if it were omitted intentionally at first for some ulterior purpose of the character indicated. The fact is, the Northern Pacific finds itself running short of lieu, and something like this has to be done in order to relieve the congestion. Besides, what is the use of keeping a lot of hired men around without any visible means of support? No plausible reason exists why Mt. St. Helens should not have been included in the Rainier Mountain Forest Reserve in the first place. It was only separated from the southwestern boundary of the old limits by a single township, as the map shows, and as the company owns the odd-numbered sections surround- ing it for many miles, and as there are all kinds of golden opportunities to get in on the ground floor with a lot of jokers of the kind that are very much in evidence in the Act of March 2, 1899, the country can expect something in the shape of a dupHcate of the Mt. Rainier National Park scheme sooner or later. It is claimed that all these high peaks in the Northwestern country were active volcanoes during prehistoric days, and if indications count for anything, they are still gifted with eruptive tendencies in the way of belching forth enor- mous benefits for great and greedy corporations. At the time I was taken to Washington as a witness for the Government in the case against Binger Hermann, an episode occurred that bears out the ideas I have undertaken to convey herein. On December 27, 1906, I published a state- ment in the Portland Morning Oregonian, foreshadowing an attack in my forth- coming book upon the methods pursued by the Northern Pacific Railroad Com- pany regarding the Rainier Mountain Forest Reserve steal. That was sufficient notice to put the "faithful" on guard, so that when I reached the National capital in March, 1907, my coming had been anticipated in that respect. Upon arrival there I gave out an interview in the local press, to the effect that it was my intention to take advantage of the situation and gather material for the book, and this was the signal for all hands to be on the alert. Page 383 J. F. {"Jack") Kerrigan, the United States Deputy Marshal who escorted Puter to Washington when the land fraud king was summoned as a witness in the Hermann case, and who brought Mchinley hack from China after a 30,000-mile chase About two weeks alter my arrival, accompanied by Deputy United States Marshal J. F. Kerrigan, who had escorted me across the continent, 1 went to the General Land Office, equipped with an order from United States Attorney D. W. Baker, of the District of Columbia, for certain data to be used at the Hermann trial. This included the status of the six fraudulent homestead claims in Tp. 24 S., R. 1 E., together with information pertaining to the seven bogus entries in 11-7, acquired by ]\IcKinley and Montague. A clerk in Division "P" of the Land Office was sent with us for the purpose of enabling me to secure the data required, and after having obtained this information, I next made inquiry pertaining to the Northern Pacific Railroad Company's lieu selections in Oregon. This was like a thunderbolt from a clear sky to the clerk, and notwithstanding that United States Attorney P)aker's order called for this information, objection was raised to showing the Northern Pacific lieu selection records to me that day. upon the plea that the clerk was too busy to do so. and for me to call again. At the time we entered the room where the lieu selections were kept, a person Page 384 was present whom the clerk declared in our presence was an attorney for the Northern Pacific, and he seemed to manifest considerable interest when the subject of the corporation's selections came up. On the day following my visit to the General Land Office, I was called as a witness in the Hermann case, and was on the stand at intervals for three days. About three or four days after my first visit, I returned to the General Land Office, still accompanied by Kerrigan, and was asked by Assistant Commissioner Dennett what was wanted this time. "I desire to finish up the work for which I was given an order several days ago," was my response. After C[uestioning me very closely concerning the nature of the business, Dennett went into Commissioner Ballinger's private office, and upon emerging therefrom, after quite a long conference with his chief, told me that having testified already in the Hermann case, I would have to get a new order from Baker. I thereupon returned to the latter's office, and at 11 o'clock the next morn- ing came back to the General Land Office with a new order from the United States Attorney, requesting him very plainly to give me what information was required relative to the Northern Pacific lieu selections, adding that it might be necessary for use in the Hermann trial. The order was delivered to a clerk, who took it in to Dennett. Dennett came out and questioned me about it, asking me what I wanted the information for. I replied that I was a witness in the Hermann case, and might need the information sought to strengthen my testimony. Dennett then said that he would have to see the Commissioner about it, so taking the order, he went into Mr. Ballinger's office, and upon his return, informed me that the matter would have to be taken up with the Secretary of the Interior, and for me to come back at 2 o'clock that afternoon. About half an hour later I met the clerk in the hallway of the Court house where the Hermann case was in progress. He held in his hand the same en- velope I had given him from Baker. Deputy Marshal Kerrigan, who had formerly been a member of the Portland detective force, called my attention to this fact, and will corroborate me upon the point. The clerk went into Baker's office, and we heard them wrangling over the matter for several minutes, with the result that Baker told the clerk in unmistakable language that the Commissioner would have to let me have what I wanted. At the hour appointed, Kerrigan and myself went back to the General Land Office, and into the same room we had been before, where we again noticed the Northern Pacific attorney. He endeavored in every possible way to ascer- tain what I was doing, even going to the extent of audacity by peering over my shoulder while I was at work on the lieu selection records, and I had to move in order to avoid him. Page 385 The picture that elected Binger Hermann to Congress HISTORY OF THE PICTURE THAT ELECTED HERMANN TO CONGRESS. One of the most brazen efforts to gain cheap notoriety ever recorded is portrayed in the illustration, reveahng President Roosevelt in the act of deliver- ing- a rear-platform speech, with Binger Hermann, the disgraced former Land Commissioner, standing complacently by his side, as if ordained to assist in court- ing the plaudits of the multitude. Those unfamiliar with the relations existing between the two at the time would very naturally assume that the Ex-Commmissioner of the General Land Office was the favored companion of the President upon this auspicious occasion, and that the Chief Executive found an affinity-like pleasure in his presence. As a matter of fact, he was simply a skeleton at the feast, and had appeared unbidden upon the scene at a moment when the photographer for a local newspaper was about to snap his camera. During President Roosevelt's tour of the West in the Spring of 1903, his itinerary included a visit to Portland, Oregon, and by some unexplained hocus- pocus, Hermann, who resides at Roseburg, in the southern part of the State, and was a candidate upon the Republican ticket for representative from the First Congressional District of Oregon, had smuggled himself on board the Presidential train, and with an exhibition of that rare quality of pure and unadulterated audacity that has invariably been the Ex-Land Commissioner's principal stock in trade, had ensconsed himself in the private car of Mr. Roose- velt, who, but a short time previously, had unceremoniously ousted Hermann from office on account of his crooked transactions. As the train moved into the depot at Portland, a vast concourse of citizens had assembled to pay its respects to the distinguished visitor, and, in response to the popular demand, the President appeared upon the rear platform and pro- ceeded to deliver one of his characteristic addresses. At this juncture, H. M. Smith, a member of the art department of the Evening Telegram, set his camera in position, with a view of taking an interesting scene. The arrangements of the photographer were not lost to the eagle eyes of Mr. Hermann, who discerned in the situation a golden opportunity for retrieving his rapidly fading political fortunes. With an acumen worthy of a better cause, Hermann timed his arrival coincident with the photographer's operations, and the two men are shown as if on terms of the utmost intimacy. Not content with the veneering of fame thus obtained, Hermann had enlarged copies of the picture circulated broadcast throughout his Congressional District, with the result that he was triumphantly elected, as President Roosevelt has always been such a popular idol in the Oregon country that Hermann's con- stituents were under the impression they were doing the Chief Executive a per- sonal favor by sending the deposed Land Commissioner to a seat in the legis- lative halls of the nation-; general publicity to the reasons for his removal from office not having been given at this time. Hermann's connection with the incident mentioned, is on a par with his conduct at the time he first appeared before the Federal Grand Jury of Oregon that returned indictments against him afterward. He had been called to give testimony in his own behalf in one of the several cases under consideration against himself, and as Hermann entered the Grand Jury room, he threw his right arm familiarly over the shoulders of Special Assistant Heney, who pre- ceded him, as if the latter were his bosom companion, and in this manner stalked majestically into the presence of the inquisitorial body, much to Heney 's uncon- cealed disgust. In fact, the most plausible explanation as to why the Ex-Land Commissioner refrained from maintaining a continuous loving embrace of the Government prosecutor throughout the entire proceedings exists in the belief that the rear portion of Heney's neck was becoming too warm for further comfort. Page 387 Chapter XXV Sonic intcrcstiiii^ infoniuitioii mi the subject of "cruisers," sho7i'iiii^ the important it,'ork of this highly necessary class in connection with the litniberiiig indus- try — Honesty and integrity a prime factor in the business of estimating timber — Hoic dealers in timber lands are often sivindled by misleading reports of dishonest cruisers — Also exposes the scheme of land locators to catch I'ictiins, and furnishes a Tivtv of pre-renting deception in this respect. THERE has been such frequent alkision to "cruisers" in these pages that it does not seem amiss to give the reader a short description of this class, whose operations are so essential to the timber business. A cruiser is a per- son who estimates the standing timber on a tract of land. He must be well versed in the different qualities of timber and able to tell at a glance whether a tree is perfectly sound or not; the amount of clear lumber it will produce, as well as the tctal quantity in the tree. He is also required to know something about civil engineering, how to run the compass, and to understand the various mag- netic variations of the townships. All subdivision lines in a township are not run on the same variations, as they often vary from 3 to 10 degrees. The cruiser must likewise be skilled in mathematics, as much depends upon his accuracy in computing the amount of the dift'erent classes of timber on a given tract. All cruisers do not estimate timber alike, however. Generally the first thing to do is to find the corner post of a section that is to be estimated, and if it should be the southeast corner, and it was concluded to estimate north and south instead of west and east, it is the usual custom to begin by first taking 62y2 l-aces due west from the cornerpost, from which point he would proceed due north, parallel with the section line, noting down in a small plat book at the end of each 100 paces the character of timber encountered, and such other mem- oranda as would enable the cruiser to form an accurate estimate of each acre traversed. Should he run into a "burn," the exact point of entering same is noted on his plat book, together with the spot where the green timber is once more encountered. The reason for taking 62^4 paces west at the start is based upon the fact that a section of 640 acres — or one mile in extent — is supposed to be covered by 2,000 ordinary paces ; hence such a division would make the 62^ paces, equivalent to one-sixteenth of a mile. After a competent cruiser has completed 2,000 paces, he knows that he is near the north boundary of the section being cruised, and seldom misses the line of survey more than 20 or 30 paces, no matter how rough or broken the country is through which he is passing. He becomes so accustomed to his work that it is possible for a competent criser to pace a mile almost as accurately as the lines could be run with a measured chain. As he goes north in this fashion, he makes a careful estimate of the different qualities of timber through which he is pass- ing, setting down the number and varieties of trees, together with the measure- ments of those of commercial value. It has even been stated that so careful is the great Weyerhaeuser syndicate in this respect that cruisers working for them are instructed to take perfect measurements of each tree, no matter what its size or quality, so as to e(|uip the estimator with the fullest information on the subject. After the north line of the section has been intercepted, the cruiser will proceed west on the section line for 125 paces, or double the distance previously marked. He does this for a tv,-ofold object; first, because from the line originally Page 388 established he is able to determine the character of timber for a distance of at least 62^ paces on either side ; second, for the reason that it enables him to cover more territory and accomplish the same object. If, however, he should discover the trees to be remarkably thin, and with little or no underbrush to contend with, he would, in that event, proceed west 125 paces each time, or exactly double the distance originally named. In this manner the entire section is gone over, traveling' north and south upon each occasion until it frequently happens that fully sixteen miles of traveling back and forth are necessary to complete the estimates on a single section. Where a tract of several thousand acres are involved, which often happens, it can be seen readily that a great deal of ground must necessarily be gone over in this way. As a rule, however, the estimator can see plainly for a distance of 62^ paces on either side, and arrive at a close conclusion regarding the quantity of timber on the land. Very much depends upon the honesty of a cruiser, as may be assumed. He has it in his power to do either the contemplated purchaser of the tract or the one who sells an irreparable injury by any dishonest methods. For instance, he can "stuff" the estimates in such manner as to make it appear that there is a great deal more timber on the land than actually exists, or he can underestimate just as readily, according to how he has been "approached," and if his figures do not show that the land runs up to a given quantity or merchantable lumber, the seller is usually quite willing to shave the price ; whereas, if it runs much more than anticipated, the would-be-purchaser is quite eager to buy, when, as a matter of fact, he is paying for padded returns. In all truth the position of a cruiser or estimator in regard to honesty and reliability is on a par with that occupied by the cashier or paying teller of some large bank. In fact, it is more important, in some respects, as a crooked cruiser is capable of swindling his employer out of thousands of dollars without becom- ing involved in criminal liability, because, if cornered he can set up as a defense that subsequent estimates exposing- his dishonest eft'orts are the result of a diff- erence of opinion between experts, and there is no law that can reach him. A crooked cruiser can defraud his employer by standing in with the man who is selling the timber and stuffing the estimates, or turning in several thous- and feet more per acre than the estimates justify. In consequence, a "square" cruiser — of which, unfortunately, the woods are not full — often receives high pay for his services, some of the best obtaining from $15 to $20 a day, besides expenses, and if he is sincere and earnest in his eft'orts to reach a proper deter- mination of the quantity of timber on a tract, it is obvious that his services are worthy of even greater compensation. As a matter of fact, estimating timber by "stumpage" has only been in vogue for a few years past, as it has heretofore been the custom to sell land by the quarter section, and not by the thousand feet, as it is purchased now. Consequently, until comparatively recent date, the services of a practical estima- tor have not been required on the Pacific Coast, as in days gone by, a few million feet one way or the other did not make so much difference on a quarter section. However, timber lands are constantly increasing in value, and rapidly becoming concentrated in the hands of a few wealthy syndicates, so that it is absolutely necessary to know the exact amount each acre is capable of producing before there is much likelihood of a sale. In other words, the intrinsic value of timber lands is becoming recognized more than ever before. "Stumpage" throughout the Pacific Northwest now ranges from 50 cents to $2.50 per thousand feet, according to market conditions and quality of timber, while a decade ago these lands were disposed of on the basis of from $4 to $10 an acre, as the supply and demand justified. This amounted practically to a maximum price of about 25 cents per thousand feet. In order to be thoroughly competent in making estimates, the cruiser should have had some experience in scaling saw logs in the mill pond, or bed of the mill before being manufactured into lumber, as well as tallying the lumber Page 389 after the logs have been sawed, so as to know just what (leckictions are necessary witli respect to defects in the log, such as blind knots, shake, and many other imperfections that develop in the course of manufacture. He must also be able to judge whether the tree as it stands in the forest is perfectly sound, which is often (letcrmined by the fungus growth or "conkers" in the sides of the tree, spike tops, white moss and dead limbs, or similar conditions. The latter is a sure indication that the heart of the tree is more or less affected by rot. In other cases timber with pitch holes, or small oj^enings in the butt of the tree de- note serious defects. Another feature that must be considered is the liability of breakage in falling the timber on rough ground. Without being possessed of these qualifications, a cruiser would be unable to determine with any degree of accuracy whether a body of timber was sound or not. When a tract is cruised, the estimates should show the quantity of timber; as well as the different qualities thereof on each subdivision of forty acres, together with notes showing the location of "burns" and openings ; all branches, streams, ridges, elevations, slopes, and in fact it should contain a complete pen- picture of everything connected with the tract, including the most feasible meth- od of getting the timber out, character of soil, etc. Cruisers and estimators throughout Minnesota, Wisconsin and Michigan, and other prominent Middle Western lumbering States, are in a class by them- selves, and are regarded generally with feelings of the greatest respect wherever they go, as they are known to occupy an important station in life. Although often roughly attired, they are usually men of affairs, and invariably seek the best accommodations obtainable. Up to w'ithin the past few years, Pacific Coast cruisers — so-called — were very much in disrepute, being looked upon as land sharks of a dangerous type. As a rule they knew less concerning the correct method of estimating the timber on a tract of land than a horse does of religion, their principal stock in trade consisting of a deep-seated desire to catch "suckers" by masquerading as experts on timber valuations. For the most part, they embraced a class of "locators," who, by process of dishonest methods, had brought a stigma upon their calling, and in consequence were regarded as "un- desirable citizens." During 1900 I had occasion to stop in San Francisco for a night while enroute from Minnesota, accompanied by the president of a large timber land syndicate, and one of his cruisers, the latter a trustworthy and reliable gentleman and one who understood the timber business thoroughly. They had come West with me for the purpose of cruising and estimating a large tract of redwood tim- ber land in Humlx)ldt County, Cal., with a view of purchasing. We entered the Palace Hotel and were about to register, when the incipient clerk at the desk, noticing the garbs of my two companions, adjusted his eyeglasses, and with a glance of the coldest hauteur, politely informed them that he did not have a room left, but that they could secure suitable accommodations by applying at a cheap lodging house south of Market street. They had thrown their packs down on the marble floor of the celebrated hostelry, and their general appearance probably gave the clerk the impression that they were a couple of tramps, whereas, either could have bought the Palace Hotel with the fastidious young man at the desk thrown in. The work of a cruiser is no snap, by any means. On the contrary it is a vocation not only of great responsibility, but of unremitting toil and hardship. To be successful, a person must be endowed w'ith a rugged constitution, and capable of enduring the greatest ]irivations wdiile in the field, as he is often compelled to pack his blankets and provisions for weeks at a time while in the woods, over the roughest character of country imaginable, with a tree as his canopy at night. In the winter he is required to use snowshoes in the course of his rounds, and sleep in the damp forests without any protection other than that afforded by nature from frequent storms. The day is fast approaching when a competent cruiser will be recognized on the Pacific Coast as an important Page 390 John F. Cusack, of Portland, Oregon, one of the most reliable and best known timber cruisers of the Pacific Northwest persoiiai^e, as there is no doiiht the hinihering' iiichistry tlierc is only in its infancy, and the country at larije is compelled tt) l(X)k westward tor its supply on account of its practical exhaustion in the Eastern and Middle West sections. By ])rocess of reservations. President Roosevelt has wisely preserved the use of the forests for future generations, and had this policy heen adopted fifty years ago, there is no doubt the supi)ly throughout Minnesota, Wisconsin and Michigan would have been adecjuate to meet demands for a century to come, without counting upon the ])ossil)ilities incident to replanting. This article would be incomplete without detailing some of the nefarious methods in vogue among a certain class known as "locators," who make a point of plying their vocations for no other purpose than reaping a harvest from the crop of "suckers" abounding in all public land States. They represent the unwary that are caught in every conceivable net. When "Hungry Joe," the celebrated New York bunco sharp was asked how it was possible for him to ply his vocation when his methods were so well known, he replied: "Because there is a sucker born every minute !" The same conclusion would apply with ec|ual force to the business of locating persons on the public lands, and especially in a timbered region. Visions of great w'ealthy are always in the mind's eye wherever the public domain is involved, because it appeals to the general public as being a something for noth- ing proposition. Consequently, it is usually an easy matter to find some one quite eager to bite at any get-rich-quick bait of this character. The woods are full of timber land locators, styling themselves cruisers, when, at a matter of fact, they are not familiar with the first rudiments of the game when it comes to esti- mating the quantity of timber on a given tract of land. They are ex]ierts, how- ever, in any plan that contemplates swindling some poor deluded creature out of from $25 to $100 by locating him in a "burn," or on a worthless piece of ground, under the representation that it will cut several million feet of lumber. The .scheme is worked by taking the victim into a heavy tract of timber already pat- ented, showing him the cornerposts of the section he is to file on. and then taking him to the land office where he makes his entry. In all probability the post has either been manufactured to order, or else transplanted from another section in some township miles away, but it answers the purpose of deluding him into the belief that he is securing a great bargain, and he only discovers his mistake when a subsequent survey indicates that an imposition has been practised. For the benefit of those contemplating acquiring a timber claim at any time in the future there is presented herewith the diagram of a section corner, exhibiting the customary witness trees and other evidence of exact locality, from the field notes of an official survey, a careful study of which will enable any person to readily determine whether he is on the land represented irrespective of what marks may be on the alleged section post. Every section corner is supposed to have four bearing, or witness trees, by which to identify the corner. This is done in order that the corner can be easily re-established in case of destruction by fire or any other process. The wit- ness trees are generally those nearest to the corner, and vary in size as well as quality, for puq^oses of identification. With that idea in view, they are naturally at different angles from the section post, and at random distances as well, the "land mark" feature being the chief consideration. These trees are marked by the deputy United States surveyor at the time he sets the posts when surveying the towmship, and a description of these marks is incorporated in his field notes, at which time he designates the character of the trees, their diameter, as well as the distance and angle of each from the post. These field notes are readily obtainable from the Ignited States Surveyor-General's office in any public land State. In order to make certain that you are on the land calculated to be taken up as a claim, have the locator show you one of the section corners of your intended claim, at which time you can note the character of the surroundings. Page 392 5ECB5 5EC. 33 S£C.36 Corner posts and "bearing trees" to the corner of sections 25, 26, 35 and 36, Township 4 South, Eange 5 East W. M. as described in the field notes of the Government survey. The marks on the trees were made with a marking iron by the Deputy United States Surveyor, at the time the survey was made, and more particularly described as follows to-wit: Set post 4 feet long, 4 inches square, 24 inches in ground for corner to sections 25, 26, 35 and 36, marked T. 4. S. S. 25, on North East face, R. 5 E. S. 36, on South East face, S. 35, on South West face, S. 26 on North West face, with one notch on South and East edges, from which a fir 48 inches diameter, bears North 20 degrees East 27 links'distance, marked T. 4. S. R. 5. E. S. 25. B. T. A Cedar 18 inches diameter, bears South 28 degrees East, 23 1^ links distance, marked T. 4. S. R. 5. E. S. 36. B. T. A Fir 60 inches diameter, bears South 60 degrees West, IZVz links distance, marked T. 4. S. R. 5. E. S. 35. B. T. A White Pine 24 inches diameter, bears North 30 degrees West, 61\'2 links distance, marked T. 4. S. R. 5. E. S. 26. B. T. Thus it will be seen, that it is an utter impossibility to find a duplication of trees at any two section corners, taking into consideration the character of the trees, as well as the angle and distance they lay from the corner post. Hence, it is easy to determine if the correct corner has been found. By an inspection of the field notes on file in the Surveyor General's Office, which describes accurately the distance each bearing tree is from the corner, its variety, and such other details as will enable a person to ascertain whether any trick has been played when a locator shows one the land. Page 393 witli special reference to the witness trees, and by making a oonijjarison of this flata with the field notes of the official snrvey, not even the most accomplished rogne in existence can throw yon od. In fact, it is absolntely impossible to dujilicate the witness trees of any two sections of land in the United States. In case a section corner has but three witness trees, the field notes will show it, at the same time statin^;^ the reason for the deficiency. Many surveyors use a stone for a post, wherever obtainable, as they are more indestructible. By horizontal lines engraved thereon, it can be readily de- termined how' far the corner is from the township line. For instance, if it was the corner to the southeast corner of section 16, the stone would show three horizontal marks on the East side, and the same number on the south side, in- dicating that it was three niiles from the East and south boundaries of the town- ship, or practically in the center thereof. These stones are usually about 10x10 inches, and extend above ground from 14 to 20 inches, according to circumstances. as there is no established rule to govern. They are always described minutely in the field notes of the survey, however, and by following these notes carefully there is no reason why any person should not know if he is on the right land, or whether somebody is trying to misrepresent the true conditions for whatever purpose intended to deceive. Yellow pine tree in the Big Meadows region, Plumas County, California Page 394 Chapter XXVI History of the famous contest betiveen the Scrippcrs and Mineral Locators in- the Kern River oil fields of California over the titles to valuable petrolcuni lands, li'hercin Binger Hermann figures as the Good Samaritan — The plot also thickens, involving a high Federal official in its meshes, besides having something to do zvith the mysterious disappearance of Henry J. Fleisch- mann, the petted child of fortune, ivith half a million dollars belonging to the funds of a Los Angeles bank, and "no questions asked" or arrests made. By Horace Stevens. IN THE Spring of 1899, intense excitement was created throughout the southern portion of Cahfornia by the discovery of vast quantities of petroleum oil in the Kern River fields, adjacent to Bakersfield. At this time the con- ditions there regarding titles were rather peculiar. The lands upon which the oil was found had been surveyed by the Government many years previously, and returned as agricultural in character. As a matter of fact, no other return could then have been made, as there was nothing to indicate the presence of any kind of mineral in the soil, while on the contrary, there was everything to show that the land could properly be classed as agricultural, for the reason that it annually produced good crops of luxuriant grass, and was regarded generally as excellent range for various kinds of livestock. Only during certain seasons of the year, however, could it be thus utilized, alfileria, the native grass, having a tendency to dry and disappear after reaching maturity. For this reason the land did not appeal to the homeseeker, as it was practically valueless without the aid of artificial irrigation, and there were no known methods of conducting water thereon. Therefore, although in most cases the several townships had been surveyed as early as 1855, the title to nearly all the land embraced therein was still vested in the Government, even in the face of the fact that the various vacant tracts were lying at the gates of a prosperous city of several thousand inhabitants. True, all the odd numbered sections of each township belonged to the Southern Pacific Company by virtue of inclusion within the grant limits of the railway corporation, but the other portions were as barren of claimants as the desert of Sahara. This was the peculiar situation when oil was first found in the southeast quarter of Section 3, Township 29 South, Range 28 East, Mt. Diablo Base and Meridian. Instantly there was a rush from all directions to acquire title to lands adjacent to the point of discovery in the hope that the holdings thus secured might fall within the proven territory and enrich the owners. Railroad lands that had gone begging at $2.50 an acre suddenly achieved fabulous valuations, many trans- actions ultimately involving from $1,000 to $5,000 an acre, according to location, and derricks were springing up on all sides as if by magic. No wonder it was enough to inflame the imagination and cause men to do all sorts of things in order to obtain a foothold where the returns were so certain and phenomenal. Titles to the various vacant tracts were sought in two ways : First, by applicants through the placer mining laws of the United States, in claims of twenty acres each, and almost simultaneously by claimants under the forest reserve lieu land Act of June 4, 1897. The latter were called "Scrippers," while the others were commonly known as "Mineral Locators." According to the mining laws as they had been construed by every Court in the land up to that time, no placer mining location could be made validly unless the entry was based upon an actual discovery of mineral, while the Scrippers, so called, were required to set forth in their affidavits that the land was "vacant and unoccupied" at the date of selection. Page 395 Xaturalh-. a question not only of law. but of fact became involved, one of llic chief contentions of the Scrippers being that the land was vacant and unoc- cupied at the time of its selection, while the mineral locators alleijed actual i)os- session, and it is generally admitted that in most instances since the origination of the controversies over title to the lands, oil has been found thereon in paying quantities. The ])resent holding of the Interior Department is that a jjcrson who has made a selection under the Act of June 4. 1897, accpiires no title thereto, although the land taken was "vacant land, o])en to settlement."' and in the condition pre- scribed by the statute, unless the selector at the time of selection made affidavit that the land was wholly unoccupied. It was the contention of the Scrippers that land was subject to selection under the above Act, notwithstanding it was occupied, unless the occupant had some legal right to the property, but that, even if wrt)ng in this view, they contended that the selector acquired a good title if the land was in fact unoccu])ied when selected, although no affidavit to that effect was filed at the date of selection. It would thus seem that the inception of the trouble between the mineral locators and Scrippers was due to the fact that the mining claims were re- quired to be filed in the United States Land Office of the district where the land was situated instead of in the County Recorder's office. By the latter process the claimant in the land office did not become cognizant of any conflicting entries, because the records there showed the tract to be vacant; and the mineral locator was kept in equal ignorance of the situation, because there was nothing in the County Recorder's office showing the existence of any bona fide title to give him notice that the land was not subject to mineral entry. It would appear that the logical remedy under the circumstances would be to make it obligatory that all claims of whatsoever character affecting title to the public domain should not only be filed in the local land office, but also placed on the records of the County where the land is situated. The forest reserve lieu land Act of June 4, 1897, has since been repealed, although the cases affecting the issues involved are still pending in the Courts. I shall only discuss them hereafter as they apply to the salient features of my story, as the details are too intricate to be properly considered in the space at my command. Suffice to say that among those who became interested in the acquisition of title to these oil lands by process of forest reserve lieu selections were William H. Crocker, a prominent capitalist of San Francisco ; William Singer, Jr., of the Southern Pacific law department, besides Charles F. Gardner, Harry V. Reardan. George E. Whitaker, a trio of San Francisco attorneys, and Wellington Gregg, Jr., and George T. Cameron, the two latter acting in the capacity of agents for Crocker, who was always a silent partner in matters of this kind, although it was common knowledge that he was the financial backer of the scheme to secure con- trol of much of these lands by the "Scripper" process. Through Charles E. Swezy, a land lawyer of Alarysville, Cal., this combin- ation had filed on several thousand acres of presumed oil land in the Kern River field under the "scripper law," and in each instance it produced a conflict with some mineral entry. In consecjuence a great many animosities were aroused, with the result that threats of violence were made frequently against the so-called "Scrip- pers" by the oil men. It was during this acute stage that I was engaged by the associates of Crocker to go into the affected district and take possession of the northeast quarter and north half of the southeast quarter of Section 4, Township 29 South, Range 28 East, Alt. Diablo Base and Meridian, upon which a forest reserve lieu selection had been filed. This tract embraced 240 acres of the most valuable oil land then known in the Kern River fields, and a portion thereof was being oper- ated by Joseph A. Chanslor and Charles A. Canfield under a lease from the mineral locators of the "June Bug" claim. They had installed a Standard rig on the ground, and were preparing to drill for oil, and in order to prevent them Page 396 Horace Stevens, collaborator with S. A. D. Puter in the authorship of "Looters of the Public Domain" from making- a bona tide discovery, it was deemed expedient that injunction pro- ceedings should be brought in the United States Circuit Court at Los Angeles, restraining Chanslor & Canfield from continuing their drilling operations ; and ni order to legally maintain this proceeding, it was considered absolutely necessary that our side should be in possession of the land at the time the injunction suit was brought. Accompanied by a hired man, I reached liakcrsfield on the night of Jan- uary 4. 1900. On the same train going south was George E. Whitaker, who was interested with Crocker and his associates, and who continued on to Los Angeles for the purpose of filing the injunction suit before Circuit Judge E. M. Ross. The next morning after arriving in Bakersfield, I purchased a cook cabin, that had been constructed on wheels, and was of the type in use among grain thresh- ing crews. It was late in the afternoon before I had everything in readiness for the trij) to the land, so that it became necessary for me to camp out on the way on account of darkness, antl to move onto the disputed tract early in the morning of January 6. In discussing this feature of the situation afterwards, one of the Bakers- field papers stated'that I took possession of the land "in the gray of the early dawn," but this statement was a stretch of the imagination. As a matter of fact, the roads leading into the oil fields at that time were exceedingly crude, and the co<)k-wagon, being of unwieldly design, and liable to upset on the slightest provo- cation, it would have been unsafe for me to have proceeded further that night, especially in view of the Egypt-like darkness pervading the "kopjes" that dis- tinguished the oil fields. It was after 10 o'clock that Saturday morning before I reached a point on Section 4 where I knew that I w^as in actual possession of the tracts embraced in our forest reserve selection. In the meantime, Whitaker had returned from Los Angeles armed with the temporary restraining order from Judge Ross, which was served upon the crew of the drilling rig by a deputy United States Marshal. I accompanied them back to town in their bugy with the idea of securing another vehicle and loading it with provisions for our improvised residence, the calculation being to return there that night. I was on my way back when I met two men in a buggy, one of whom in- quired if the cook wagon belonged to me. Upon my answering in the affirmative, he continued : "Well, are you camping on the ground temporarily, or are you there permanently ?" "Why, I am going to settle permanently," was my rejoinder. "It is a nice looking country, and I have concluded to make it my future home !" The speaker, who proved to be Frank Lindsay, of Fresno, grew furious at my nonchalent manner, and ejaculated : "I am one of the mineral locators of that land, and myself and associates have leased the ground to Chanslor & Canfield, and they are coming down to- night from Fresno with fifty armed men to put you ofif!" "The h — 1 they are !" I answered in assumedly surprised tones. "Are their lives insured ?" This reply angered Lindsay to such an extent that words were inadequate to express his indignation, and he drove ofif in the direction of Bakersfield at a rapid pace, leaving a stream of blasphemy behind that resembled the phospores- cent glare from the tail of a meteor. When I reached the cabin. Joe, the hired man whom I had left in charge during my absence, assured me that the same two men had called upon him, and had made similar threats about armed men putting us ofif. At that I concluded it was about time to take some kind of notice of what they had said, as I had con- sidered previously that they were undertaking a game of "blufif." After Joe and myself had partaken of our evening repast, I told him it was nothing more than right that I should apprise Whitaker, one of our attorneys, of the situation, and Page 398 as his train did not leave until 9 o'clock that evening, I thought it possible to intercept him before he left Bakersfield for San Francisco. The horse was still hitched to the buggy, and as I got in to drive away, Joe asked me if I intended to return that night. "I shall if I am alive," was my rejoinder. "Then we had better agree on some countersign," he added, significantly, "as you might get shot if you prowled around here without my knowing who it was." As he had formerly been a resident of Elmira, we agreed upon that as the password, and under this understanding I drove away. Although there were plenty of firearms in the cabin, I did not deem it expedient to take any kind of weapon with me into Bakersfield. In the first place, I was on a peaceful mission, and have always been opposed to committing any act that might involve the shedding of human blood. Again, even if I felt disposed to resist by armed force the attack of any group of enemies, it would have been folly for me to have done so, as I was greatly outnumbered, and a conflict of the sort could only have resulted disastrously to me in the end, no matter how successful I might have been at the outset. Upon my arrival in Bakersfield I found Whitaker preparing to take the hotel 'bus for the train. I hurriedly informed him of what had occurred, and he decided at once to defer his trip until morning. We held a conference on the subject, and discussed various features incident to the condition of things. It was finally resolved to lay the matter before Superior Judge J. W. Mahon, and with that object in view we called upon him at his chambers, as per arrangement by telephone. Judge Mahon stated that he was powerless to prevent them from carry- ing their threats into execution in the absence of any criminal charge, but advised us to call on Sheriff Henry Borgwardt, Jr. The latter could afford us no relief, either, but volunteered the suggestion that I had a perfect right to defend my property. "Even to the extent of taking human life?" I inquired. "Yes," was the answer of Sheriff Borgwardt. "You would be justified in shooting to kill if they undertake to attack you !" I was mad all the way through by this time, and it had occurred to me that there must be something radically wrong with the eternal fitness of things when the laws could afford a citizen no protection as against the threatened onslaught of an armed mob, and that flimsy legal technicalities might result in the taking of human life. "Then, if that is all the satisfaction I am able to secure from the lawful authorities of this county," I retorted with considerable spirit, "I want you to distinctly understand, Mr. Sheriff, that I am going back to my cabin tonight, and that whoever comes there upon an errand of violence is going to smell gunpowder." This had a rather soothing effect upon the Sheriff, and it was evident that he was preparing to sidestep any proposition that involved the chance of trouble. I could see, too, that politics actuated the law officer in his conclusions more than any sense of justice, because the Scrippers were decidedly unpopular in the com- munity, and the voting element was strongly in favor of the alleged "poor man's method" of taking up these oil lands through mineral locations. As a wealthy syndicate afterwards secured control of nearly all the tracts embraced in the placer mining locations, it is obvious that the scheme to arouse public senti- ment against the Scrippers was part of a well-laid plot to use the local residents as catspaws. Sheriff Borgwardt fell back on his only recourse after his attention had been directed to the possibilities of serious trouble ; he passed us up to the District Attorney, and this official we found, after considerable search, enjoying a play at Scribner's Opera House. In answer to Whitaker's card requesting an inter- view on important business, District Attorney J. W. Ahern sent out word that he Page 399 wmild sec us immediately after the performance, so Whitaker and myself had to rest our souls in patience until such time as it suited the convenience of the public prosecutor to talk business with us. W'e were both somewhat disgusted with the turn of events by this time, and 1 told Whitaker candidly that, having- given the county peace t)fficials ample notice that our lives were in danger, so that in case of any subsequent Court proceedings it could be shown that we were acting upon the defensive, 1 was in favor of returning to the cabin forthwith and preparing for the expected attack. My plan as outlined to Whitaker was for all three of us — Whitaker, the hired man Joe. and myself — to take up separate positions in the form of a semi-circle around the cabin at a measined distance of 2CX^ yards, so that if necessary we could concentrate a triangular tire uikmi any would-lie assailants. 1 felt satisfied that no attack would be made that night, as it was bitterly cold, besides too dark for them to proceed in our direction with any degree of caution, knowing, also, that they were aware that we had received warning of their proposed coming. Aly idea in suggesting a defense at such a long distance from the cabin was based upon the fact that I had had considerable experience over the 200-yard range at target practice, while a member of various rifle clubs, and knew that it would give me an advantage, should the worst come to the worst. I felt satis- fied, also, that if any attack was made, it would be about daybreak, in accordance with Indian methods, and that if we put up a game defense, it w'ould have a tendency to disconcert our assailants. Whitaker opposed such measures, contending that we ought to exhaust every process of securing legal protection rather than adopt any course that was liable to result in bloodshed. While we were deliberating upon a plan of action the 'bus drove up in front of the Southern Hotel, and a number of passengers alighted. We saw the Deputy United States Marshal hand a paper to one of those who had just registered, and guessed that it must be Canfield who was being served with the restraining order from Judge Ross. "Let's go in and ask him if he really intends to resort to violence in ousting you from .Section 4," suggested Whitaker. I agreed to this, and we walked up to him in the crowded lobby of the hotel. "Is this Mr. Canfield?" inquired Whitaker. "It is," was the gruff response. Whitaker handed him his card and continued : "We understand, Mr. Can- field, that you have brought dow'u an armed force from Fresno for the purpose of putting Mr. Stevens here off from Section 4 — is there any truth in that report ?" "If Mr. Stevens is on my land I shall certainly resort to force to put him oft' !" replied Canfield, with a determined expression. He was a square-jawed individual, and I should imagine was a person of considerable bravery so long as the odds were strongly in his favor. "What land do you claim?" I asked. He drew a map from his pocket and spread it on the table. "Our lease covers this portion of Section 4," he said, pointing to some tracts that had been colored red. I looked and saw^ that it related to the west half of the southeast quarter of the northeast quarter, and the west half of the northeast quarter of the south- east quarter of Section 4, Township 29, South, Range 28 East, Mt. Diablo Base and Meridian. The strip was an eighth of a mile w'ide and half a mile long, running north and south, and contained 40 acres. My cabin was very near the center of the section, in the southwest quarter of the northeast quarter, and more than an eighth of a mile from the western line of the Chanslor & Canfield lease. I had placed it there purposely, as there was a deep gorge separating us, and besides all that w^as necessary for me to hold possession of the whole northeast quarter and the north half of the southeast quarter — which included the Chanslor & Canfield lease — was to get my cabin on any legal subdivision embraced in the forest reserve selection, and this I had done. I indicated with my pencil the exact location of the cabin, whereupon Canfield responded rather loftily: Page 400 Southern Hotel, Bakersfield, California, location of the mob's attack on Whitaker and Stevens on the night of January 6, 1900 "You are not on my land, Mr. Stevens, so there is no use in discussing the matter any further." At this juncture a man stepped up to Canfield and said; "there is a com- mittee of about tv/enty persons desirous of seeing you right away up on the corner," and the famous oil operator left us in rather brusque fashion. "I think it is all a bluff about any committee wanting to see him," re- marked Whitaker. "Let's go up there and find out." We followed after Canfield, but had barely reached the street corner upon which the Southern Hotel is situated before we were accosted by William H. McKenzie and Robert Rader, two Fresnoites, whom I then knew slightly. They engaged us in conversation relative to my alleged "jumping" of the land in Section 4, and the argument was waxing rather heated on both sides when Whitaker and myself were suddenly surrounded by fully one hundred excit&d persons, all clam- oring like a lot of magpies, and evidently considerably put out about something. Their sudden appearance reminded me very forcibly of the scene from Sir Walter Scott's "Lady of the Lake," where the signal from Roderick Dhu "garrisoned tho glen With full five hundred armed men!" Page 401 Unlike the Highlanders, however, they were not a bit choice in their language, and 1 soon saw that the burden of their displeasure related to me. in fact, I was the storm center of all their accumulated aggregation of wrath, and they proceeded to unload their vituperation upon me in a gloveless style. In all my experience I had never encountered individuals half so skilled in the use of blasphemous expressions. They seemed to be pastmasters in the art. and what impressed me most was the array of ponderous jaws, all turned in my direction. In fact it resembled a sea of upturned jaws, and for a few sec- onds I would have sold out my interest in Section 4 and about everything else worth having at a very cheap figure. There did not appear to be much humor in the situation, and I cannot comprehend what possessed me to do it, but I told the crowd a funny story, and some of them were kind enough to laugh at it. and then I knew that the danger crisis was passed. W'hitaker and I had become separated, and I saw him expostulating wildly with a bunch of the square- jawed fraternity fully twenty feet away from me. Gradually, however, they left him. and concentrated their energies on me. They undertook to harangue me concerning the relative rights of the mineral locators and scrippers to the lands, and I knew that as soon as they started into talking we had them. We argued the proposition in all its phases from 9 :30 at night until 1 :30 the next morning — four hours of solid discussion — and finally reached what each side viewed as an amicable adjustment of the diffi- culty. It was arranged that ten of their number should accompany me to the cabin on Section 4 ; that I should remove my personal belongings, lock the door of the establishment, and that I was not supposed to know what happened afterwards. Some of the mob demanded that both Whitaker and myself accompany them to the cabin, but he refused absolutely to agree to any such proposition, but I was willing to go for several reasons ; in the first place, it would not have been fair to Joe, the hired inan, to have left him there alone and let the crowd come in on him without any warning. He would most likely have opened fire on them as soon as they undertook to disturb the cabin, and while he might have injured some of them, they w^ould eventually have killed him. Besides, the pro- ceeding was in the nature of a forcible ejectment from the land, and my legal rights were in no way impaired thereb}'. I was not particularly infatuated with the idea of living out there in the cabin in the first place, and this "forcible eject- ment" idea furnished an excellent solution of the whole thing, as I could thereaf- ter live in comfort in town, while, from a legal point of view, I was still a resident of the bleak and desolate Section 4, and figuratively speaking, my cabin was yet on the land. It did not take us long to act after we had reached the conclusion indicated. A two-seated rig was secured, and accompanied by four men, I started for the cabin. Following us was a four-horse wagon, in which were six or eight additional men, the idea being for them to attach the tongue of our four-wheeled cabin to the larger vehicle and haul it off the land. It was pitch dark when we reached the vicinity of the cabin, and I called a halt, telling them that I would get out and go on ahead so as to apprise Joe of our coming. "He is subject to heart disease," I said, significantly, "and if he is rudely awakened by this crowd, it might have a disastrous effect upon his nervous system." My companions appeared to see the point, so I went on ahead and gave Joe the countersign. He had been asleep, but as soon as he heard my voice he was outside in an instant with a shotgun in one hand and my favorite rifle in the other. In his half-drowsy condition he v.as liable to shoot me or anybody else, and it was some moments before he properly understood the situation. It was easy to perceive the wisdom of my accompanying the crowd. Page 402 (While the injunction proceedings involving the right of Chanslor & Canfield to continue their drilling operations on portions of Sec. 4, Tp. 29 S., E. 28 E., M. D. M., embraced in the "June Bug" claim, were pending before Judge Ross in the United States Circuit Court, at Los Angeles, Cal., a cipher form of communication was arranged between Wm. Singer, Jr., an attorney for the Scrippers, and Horace Stevens, their repre- sentative in the Kern River oil fields. The foregoing is a facsimile of the original, in the well-known handwriting of the San Francisco lawyer. Its significance may be properly understood when it is known that a compliance with either instruction by Stevens would have involved the possibility of bloodshed, so intense was the feeling existing between the contending factions. Interpretation of the code indicates that had Singer wired Stevens to the effect that the oilmen had filed affidavits while the ease was going on that an actual "discovery" of petroleum had been made upon any portion of the disputed tract, Stevens was to take immediate advantage of this fact by filing placer mining locations covering the portions affected. The object of this move was to circumvent the oilmen whose only show of title was based upon mining locations that were made prior to finding oil, the statutes requiring that all valid claims to mineral lands must be based upon a "discovery" of mineral of some kind in paying quantities. It was therefore considered that had Stevens got in ahead of the mineral claimants with fresh locations, based upon any actual discovery of the oilmen, it would endow the Scrippers with a superior advantage in being possessed with whatever rights accrued under their forest reserve lieu selection, as well as a prio-r valid mineral entry, thus standing to win, no matter how Judge Ross decided the case. His ruling took an unexpected turn, however, when he held that a test well should be drilled to the same depth — 118 feet — at which the original locators of the "June Bug" claim alleged in their location notice that oil had been found.) After we had taken our personal belong-ings from the cabin, and locked its door, I signalled the others to come on, and as the two-seated rig drove up, Joe and I piled into it and were driven hurriedly back to town. That night the others hitched the cabin to their four-horse wagon and hauled it onto the south half of the southeast quarter of Section 4, which was patented land, and therefore not subject to disturbance of title by reason of any adverse occupancy. When the injunction proceedings came up for hearing before United States Circuit Judge Ross, he directed that a test well should be drilled on Sectioii 4 to the same depth wherein it was claimed a discovery of oil had been made simultaneously with the mineral location, and upon which alleged "discovery" the claim was based. The original locators had set forth in their filing that they had reached petroleum oil at a depth of 118 feet, and Judge Ross held that if a test well corroborated this contention, he would dissolve the injunction ; other- wise he would make it permanent, so he appointed William R. Rowland and H. E. Graves, two prominent oil operators of Los Angeles, as Commissioners to have ■> Page i03 ^5 51 a 1^ 05 s the well bored and with instructions to report their conclusions in open Court with as little delay as possible. O. M. Souden accompanied them in the capacity of an expert driller. A word or two in regard to this original "discovery" well: When it was announced that Judge Ross had ordered a test well to be bored, corresponding in depth and general characteristics with the alleged "discovery" well, it was the first intimation I had of the existence of the latter, so in company with Charles E. Swezy, I undertook to find it. After considerable search we came across a dry hole near the southern boundary of what was known as the "June Bug" claim, upon which Chanslor & Canfield had their lease. Swezy and myself were equipped with a long, heavy cord, and prepared to take soundings of any well we might encounter. The locators of the June Bug claim had declared that at the depth of 118 feet they had struck a strong flow of petroleum oil, which had risen several feet in the hole, so Swezy and I proceeded to make sure about it. We attached a heavy piece of bar iron to the end of the cord, and let it down into the well. It came up perfectly dry, and we thereupon sat down and wrote out a report of our findings in order to be on the safe side. Just before the Commissioners were expected to arrive, we concluded it would be a wise idea to make another inspection of the well, and much to our surprise, upon sinking the bar of iron down as before, it came up thoroughly saturated with oil, and investigation developed that there was at least 20 feet of petroleum in the well. So hurriedly had the well been "doctored" in fact, that the oil was freshly splashed all over the sides, and when the Commissioners came and saw what had been done, they tested the oil and pronounced it "dead" — that is, oil that had been in a barrel a long time before being poured down the hole. "Live" oil, just from the earth, is readily recognizable on account of its tendency, to bubble wdien hrst brought to the surface, and to develop "rainbow" hues. I represented the "Scrippers" while the test well was being bored, and as only a small hand-rig could be used, and the weather was very cold, all were glad enough of a chance to work at the drill and keep warm. While we were thus engaged, a crowd of drillers who had been in town th^ night before having a good time, and were pretty much the worse for wear in consequence, drove along the ridge above us, and as the crisp morning atmosphere conveyed every sound, we were greatly amused to hear one of them call out to his companions in contemptuous tones : "See them damned fools down there trying to strike oil with a hand-rig." As the distance we had to drill was but 118 feet, and to have installed a Standard rig on the ground would have involved a great deal of extra expense, it is obvious that a hand-rig was the most available contrivance for our purpose. The drilling operations consumed several days, and as the hole progressed to the depth demanded by the order of the Federal Court, I took every precaution to see that there was no repetition of the "doctoring" process. It was even asserted in the Bakersfield papers that I slept over the hole, but my anxiety was not quite that acute, although I sealed the well at night in such a way that if there had been any tampering with it I should have known it at once. The day following the departure of the Commissioners I took a reporter of the Bakersfield Morning Echo named Merrill out to the well and had him make independent soundings with a view of ascertaining whether there had been any signs of petroleum found in the hole. He attached a soda water bottle to a heavy fish cord and sunk it in the liquid that was encountered at the bottom, and it came up filled with clear water. There was not even the slightest sign of rainbow hues so common to this kind of oil, and ]\Ierrill expressed himself as satisfied that there had been no trace of oil foiuid. "Then are you prepared to say as much in the Echo tomorrow morning?" I inquired. "No," responded ^Merrill, "it would be as much as the life of the paper was worth to say anything favorable to the Scrippers, no matter how true it might be !" Page 405 Birdseye view of an oil field in Southern California And all this during the year of our Lord, 1900, when the people of the United States were supposed to be independent, and it was not thought that shackles of any kind manacled the liberties of the press ! Well, it may be said to Merrill's credit that he did the best he could under the circumstances, and in a roundabout way made it appear that the Commis- sioners had not found petroleum oil of any consequence in the test well. It came, therefore, as a great surprise to those directly affected, when Commissioners Rowland and Graves reported to Judge Ross that they had found unmistakable evidence of the existence of petroleum oil in the hole, thus sus- taining the contentions of the oil men that a "discovery" had been made at a depth of 118 feet. Half a thousand wells have been drilled in that vicinity since and not one has found oil under 300 feet, and if the Commissioners would go back to Kern county today and announce that oil could be reached at the depth of 118 feet on any portion of Section 4, Township 29 South, Range 28 East, M. D. M., kind hands would lead them gently away, and with tender emotions safely consign them to some friendly lunatic asylum. The records of Kern county show that immediately after the report of Commissioners Rowland and Graves had been made to Judge Ross, a deed was placed on file from C. A. Canfield, conveying to the two Commissioners the south half of the northwest quarter of Section 29, Township 28 South. Range 28 East, M. D. ]\I., and containing 80 acres in the proven territory, wnich, with its improvements, was sold by them in less than eighteen months for an amount ^g&i'egating considerably more than $100,000. The consideration named in the original transfer from Canfield to Rowland and Graves was about $20,000. William H. Crocker and those interested with him in the scripper land became disgusted with the findings of the Commissioners, and disposed of their holdings in the Kern River field to a syndicate composed of Riverside and Los Angeles capitalists, of which Shirley C. Ward, a leading attorney of the latter place, and J. R. Johnston and H. T. Hays, both of Riverside, were the controll- ing spirits. They continued my employment as general superintendent of their affairs in that district, and prepared for an aggressive legal campaign against the mineral locators. Page 406 Crocker afterwards ex- pended fully $200,000 drilling various "wildcat" wells there- abouts, but misfortune seemed to have followed all his foot- steps, although his operations were carried on in a conscien- tious manner. He eventually withdrew his casing from nu- merous "dry" holes, and retired from the field, a sadder, if not a wiser man. It was but a short time after Ward and his associates had assumed charge of the liti- gation affecting the forest re- serve selections that Judge Ross astounded everybody by render- ing a decision in the case of the Olive Land and Development Company against Olmstead, et al., which was in the nature of a complete victory for the scrip- pers. The Court held in thi-^ proceeding (103, Fed., 568, de- cided July 9, 1900) that "the lo- cation as an oil placer mining claim of public lands upon which no discovery of oil has been made, vests the locators with no rights in such lands as against the United States, or as against one subsequently acquiring the title thereto or rights therein from the United States by any legal means prior to any such discovery." To add to the discomfit- ure of the situation, Commis- sioner of the General Land Office Binger Hermann, about this time held in similar cases coming before him. that there could be no valid mineral location prior to a discovery, and that the discovery should not merely reveal indications of mineral, but should be based upon the finding of mineral in paying quantities. In consequence of these rulings, the spirits of the Scrippers became wrought up to the highest pitch of exuberence, while those of the mineral locators were correspondingly dejected. About this time the Cosmos Exploration Company began simultaneous actions in the Federal Court and the Land Department against the Gray Eagle Oil Company, involving title to the west half of Section 30, Township 28 South, Range 28 East, M. D. M., while the Pacific Land and Development Company brought similar suits against the El wood Oil Company, affecting the west half of the southwest quarter of Section 4, Township 29 South, Range 28 East, M. D. M. The plaintiffs in both instances were corporations of the Ward- Johnston- Hays syndicate, claiming under forest reserve selections, while the defendants were holding under mineral locations. Precisely the same issues were involved as were at stake in the Olive Land and Development Company case, hence the scrippers felt very sanguine of results. Sample "seepage" in the oil fields Page 407 W Ink' tlK>e two suits were pending before judge Ross ami the Laud De- partment, during August and September. I'^OO, it was announced with a great l)lare of journahstic trumpets, that I'.inger Hermann, the innnaculate Connnis- sioner of the Cjeneral Land Office, was coming West for the jnirpose of studying conditions afi'ecting the issues between the oil men and the scrippers. According to the statement contained in the dispatch conveying this information, Hermann was not satisfied with the reports he had received from special agents and through other sources, but wanted lo be on the ground and investigate for him- self. "Out on the firing line," as he proclaimed afterward. It is necessary for me to enter into details concerning some of these occur- rences, in order to show the close connection between certain events about this stage of the game, and in order to fortify what I am about to relate covering other phases of diflferent matters. No sooner had it been announced that Commissioner Hermann was per- sonally going to visit the Kern River oil fields, than the big oil operators began to develop a tremendous vein of activity. More than $25,000,000 worth of property was involved in the suits between themselves and the Scrippers, and it was a case of desperate ends requiring desperate measures. What followed is best shown in quotations from the Los Angeles newspapers of the period, wherein it appears that Mr. Hermann was well treated during his brief stay on the Coast. He was met at Albuc[uerque. New Mexico, by a private car contain- ing Charles A. Canfield, Edward L. Doheney, A. B. Butler and Congressman R. J. Waters, of the Eighth Congressional District of California, and escorted with all due pomp and ceremony on his so-called tour of inspection of the oil fields. The Los Angeles Herald, of August 27, 1900 — page 3, second column — contains a dispatch from Bagdad, Arizona, to the elTect that Hermann had reached there the preceding day, and was accompanied by Congressman Waters, whom the report stated met him at Albuquerque, and that the two had visited several forest reserves while en route. They expected to arrive in Los Angeles August 27, and would spend the day inspecting the local land office. The Los Angeles Times of August 28, 1900 — page 12, Column 4 — prints an account of Hermann's arrival in a private car, accompanied by Congressman Waters and wife, C. A. Canfield, "and others," including Edward L. Doheney and bride. Los Angeles Herald, Tuesday, August 28, 1900 — 1st page, column 1, 2, and 3, and page 3, columns 6 and 7 — also had an extended report regarding Hermann's movements. Wallace L. Hardison, the proprietor of the paper at that time, was a heavy oil producer, and heartily in sympathy with the mineral locators. He therefore had a large-sized axe to grind in showering attentions upon the Land Commissioner. The Herald of this date announced Hermann's arrival in a private car on the Santa Fe Overland, escorted by Congressman Waters. They were met at the depot by a committee from the Chamber of Com- merce, in addition to Forest Superintendent B. F. Allen, A. J. Crookshank and Arthur W. Kinney, register and receiver, respectively, of the Los Angeles land office. It was likewise stated in black-face type that it was Hermann's intention to visit the Bakersfield oil fields that morning. Los Angeles Herald, August 29, page 9. colunm 3, contains a dispatch from Bakersfield in its "News from the Oil Fields and the Mines," department, telling about the arrival there of Commissioner Hermann in a special car, ac- companied by United States Surveyor-General Cleaves, Special Agent Jay Cum- mings. Congressman Waters, and C. A. Canfield, E. L. Doheney and A. B. But- ler, three of the principal oil producers of the State. The dispatch stated further that the private car was pulled direct on the spur track to Oil City, the shipping point of the Kern River fields, where they were met by teams provided (by the oil men ) and taken all over the fields. Page 408 During Hermann's visit to the oil fields he came in contact with no per- son not in sympathy with the mineral locators, and on all sides his head was filled with tirades against the Scrippers. F. Roper, vice-president of the Kern Valley Bank, and one of the most respected citizens of Bakersfield, was an old friend of the Land Commissioner, having known him in Oregon, but on account of Roper's well-known sympathy with the Scrippers, he was not allowed to come within trumpet call of him, there being a constant guard of oil men around Hermann to see that the Scrippers' side of the story did not reach his ears. Hermann submitted to an interview at some point while returning to Washington, and made the declaration that he had found positive evidence of the existence of petroleum oil "leading up to the derricks" in every portion of the Kern River fields. According to his statement in this respect, oil seepages were visible upon every hand, and this condition had prevailed at the time the first mineral locations were filed. As a matter of fact, the only known seepage in the Kern River oil fields exists at the point of original "discovery," in the south- east quarter of the southeast quarter of Section 3, Township 29 South, Range 28 East, M. D. M., and aside from that insignificant outcropping — which really had no bearing whatever upon the existence of petroleum in the vicinity — there was nothing to show that the lands were fit for anything except grazing purposes at the time the rush to acquire titles first began. At all events, Commissioner Hermann lost no time after his return to Washington, in deciding the two contest cases of the Cosmos Exploration Company against the Gray Eagle Oil Company, and the Pacific Land and Im- provement Company against the Elwood Oil Company, in favor of the defend- ants, and completely reversing himself in former rulings. On top of this came the decision of Judge Ross relative to the injunction proceedings pending before him in these two cases, in which the Court swept away whatever props Hermann had left for the Scrippers to lean on. I had been in constant attendance during the arguments of counsel in the cases before Judge Ross, and had taken an active part in securing evidence for the Scrippers. I had sent in thirty-three affidavits, in addition to my own, of well-known citizens of Kern County, showing that the lands in controversy never had any signs of petroleum oil on them prior to the filing of the mineral locations, and that they had been used for fifty years past as grazing lands ; also that there were no improvements on the west half of Section 30, Township 28 South, Range 28 East, M. D. M.,( claimed by the Gray Eagle Oil Company) in December-, 1899, when the forest reserve or "Scrip" selections were made, nor in fact until January, 1900. Opposed to this array of testimony were the affidavits of C. A. Canfield and Edward L. Doheney, to the effect that they had seen a Standard rig in oper- ation on the west half of Section 30 as early as November, 1899, and the affidavits of Frank Pitney and O. B. Phelps (both of whom were also deeply interested in the success of the mineral locations), that the formation bore unmistakable evidence of petroleum deposits. Pitney had formerly been a local fish dealer, and Phelps had never seen an oil well before coming to Kern County. Neither had any more intimate acquaintance with the geological conditions affecting the formation of the Kern River fields than a pig has about astronomy. ?nd yet Judge Ross accepted their unsupported statements as gospel truth, and turned down the disinterested testimony of some of Kern County's best citizens! The decision of Judge Ross in the case was one of the most remarkable documents I ever perused. Prominent lawyers of Los Angeles, who attended the arguments and familiarized themselves with every phase of the situation, declared in emphatic terms that the attorneys for the Scrippers had made much the best showing, and that there was no possible excuse for Judge Ross to decide against them. Everybody on our side felt the same way because the oil men had certainly made a lamentable showing. Page i09 My first niisj2^iving came when W. E. DeGroot, a Los Angeles pawnbroker, who was heavily interested in the Reed Oil Company, of Bakersfield, and one of the leading factors in the warfare against the Scrippers, offered to wager heavy odds that Judge Ross would decide in favor of the Gray Eagle and Elwood Oil Companies. This was before the cases had even been submitted, and while the arguments were still in progress. On September 24, 1900. Judge Ross made his now famous decision in the two cases, completely demolishing every vestige of title set up by the Scrip- pers to the lands. Not only that, but the findings of the Court ended with the suggestion that the United States Grand Jury, then in session, should take official cognizance of the variance in the two sets of affidavits that had been presented for consideration, hinting that myself and others had committed perjury when we swore that the land had any agricultural value, and that the west half of Section 30 was not in the possession and occupancy of the Gray Eagle Oil Company at the time the forest reserve selections were made. Frank P. Flint (since elected United States Senator from California), was then United States Attorney for the Southern District of California. Inci- dentally he was also one of the leading attorneys for the oil men, and decidedly opposed to the Scrippers in every way. It therefore came with exceedingly good grace for Mr. Flint to do all in his power to have us indicted, on account of the terrorizing effects of such a proceeding, and he lost no time in adopting the Court's suggestion. Indictments were accordingly prepared against myself and the thirty- three others who had substantiated my statements, and I was advised that I had better get busy and secure bonds if I wanted to keep out of prison. It was at this critical stage that I met Milton McWhorter one day on the streets of Bakers- field. He had been the contractor for the Gray Eagle Oil Company and for C. A. Canfield, and in such capacity had drilled the first oil well, besides erecting the initial improvements on the west half of Section 30, over which all the trouble was about. It struck me as rather peculiar, as soon as I saw McWhorter, that he had not been called as a witness by the oil men, so I determined to ask him the reason, as we were quite friendly. "Mac," said I. "why didn't Canfield and the Gray Eagle people get you to testify for them in those Scripper cases?" "Oh, I guess they did not want me very badly," he replied with a signifi- cant expression of countenance. It was like a drowning man grasping at a straw, and I pressed him for an explanation. This he at first refused to give me, but finally said that if it could be of any personal benefit to me he did not mind giving me the facts, but otherwise it would only tend to create enmity, and hurt him in his business. In the most earnest manner at my command. I informed McWhorter that they were trying to indict myself and associates for telling the truth about Section 30, and that if he was aware of any evidence that would help us out. it was his duty to supply me with the information. "Well," he declared vehemently, after reading a copy of my affidavit, "they will never put you behind bars for w^hat you have sworn to here if I can help it. and I guess that I can, too, because everything you have said here is the truth. In fact, you have not put it strong enough. I have documentary evidence that they never hauled a load of lumber on Section 30 until after January 8, 1900. for the reason that the bill was not purchased from the VVendling Lumber Co. until that date. I drilled the first holes out there, and none of them were put down until after the lumber was purchased and the der- ricks were erected, which was some time subsequent to January 8." McWhorter then conducted me up into his office and showed me his account books as kept by John Rader, his bookkeeper, and said that if necessary Page 410 Standard drilling rig in operation, showing a "sump hole" where the oil is stored after a gusher has been struck he would not only accompany me to Los Angeles and appear before the Federal Grand Jury with his evidence, but would also have Rader go with us so as to substantiate everything contained in his books. This conversation occurred about noon, and within the next hour I had wired Shirley C. Ward, our attorney at Los Angeles, a complete statement cov- ering the evidence secured, and had received instructions to proceed to Los Angeles with McWhorter and Rader, together with their books, bills for material and other documentary evidence, as fast as steam could carry us. Upon our arrival in Los Angeles, we went direct to Ward's office and exhibited the convincing proof we had brought with us. He was overjoyed at the sight of the evidence, and accompanied us to the United States Attorney's office and asked permission to have McWhorter and Rader go before the inquis- itorial body and give their testimony. Mr. Flint objected to the introduction of the evidence to the Grand Jury, and in this position he was sustained by District Judge Olin M. Welborn, whose son, Charles Welborn, was the attorney for E. L. Doheney, whereupon Ward re- sorted to the only available method of acquainting the organization with the nature of the proposed evidence by writing a letter to the foreman of the Grand Jury and requesting permission from Judge Welborn in open Court to have this communication delivered. This request was also refused by Judge Welborn, just as Ward expected it would be, but the episode did not escape the eagle eyes of the newspaper re- porters present, exactly as the astute lawyer had planned, with the result that every paper in Los Angeles printed the text of what had been written to the foreman of the Grand Jury. Ward had practically made a brief of what he expected to prove by McWhorter and Rader, and as soon as the jurymen read the papers they sum- moned McWhorter and Rader before them, Mr. Flint to the contrary notwith- standing. The straightforward statements of the two men, made doubly im- pregnable by the mass of unimpeachable documentary evidence they had brought Page 411 with them, produced a profound sensation in the Grand Jury room, and had the effect of causing the body to ignore the indictments previously formulated, and prepare new ones, charging Charles A. Canhehl and Edward L. Doheney with the crime of perjury in having made false affidavits that the west half of Section 30 was in the possession of the Gray Eagle Oil Company as early as November. 1899, and that they had seen a Standard rig in operation there at that time. Thereupon Mr. Flint awoke to a sudden realization of the fact that he was something more than the mere attorney for the oil men. and in his official capacity as United States Attorney, pointed out to Judge Welborn that inasmuch as Judge Ross had held in his clecision heretofore referred to that he had no jurisdiction over the cases at bar, consequently no crime could have been com- mitted in any proceeding before him. no matter how glaring the perjury might have been, and it has always remained a mystery why Mr. Flint did not think of that when he was laying the iron fist of the Government down upon a lot of so- called Scrippers. When Mr. Flint's term of office expired, he was not re- appointed, although making a vigorous effort for the place. He has since been elected United States Senator from California, defeating Thomas R. Bard, one of the most honorable men that ever represented the State in the upper branch of Congress, and it is claimed that Mr. Flint was greatly assisted in his election through the influence of the Southern Pacific Railroad Company, which had no use for Bard. Immediately after Judge Ross had rendered his decision in the Olive Land and Development case, wherein the contentions of the Scrippers were sustained at every point, the oil men of Bakersfield boasted quite freely that they were rais- ing a campaign fund for the purpose of neutralizing the effects of these findings. They made no secret of the matter at the time, and in the course of a civil action tried in Bakersfield during 1902. Judson Elwood, one of the active spirits among the mineral locators, admitted on the witness stand that a large sum of money had been raised to fight the Scrippers. and that he had personally subscribed $1000 towards this fund, although he was nothing more than one of the small frys in this immense kettle of fish. Just what amount was secured by process of assess- ment upon each person whose interests were identified with the mineral locators may perhaps never be fully known ; but that it must have aggregated an immense sum is evident from the sensational developments following closely upon the foot- steps of the Court's adverse ruling. Rumors were rife all along after Judge Ross decided the cases of the Cosmos Exploration Company I's. the Gray Eagle Oil Co. ; and the Pacific Land and Improvement Company vs. the Elwood Oil Company, in favor of the defend- ants, that everything was not as it should be, but it was not until 1904 that I came in possession of tangible evidence that Judge Ross had a sordid motive in revers- ing himself. Somehow or other the Government found out that I entertained grave sus- picions on the subject, and ]\Iay 20, 1904, I received telegraphic instructions to proceed to Los Angeles and investigate every feature of the situation as far as possible. I had gone away from Bakersfield in the summer of 1902, and for several months was employed on the IjOS Angeles papers when engaged by the California State Mining Bureau upon some special service that shall form the basis for a separate chapter. I was in San Francisco at the time of being com- missioned by the Government to run down the ugly rumors that were afloat con- necting the names of Binger Hermann, Commissioner of the General Land Oflice, with the scandals incident to Hermann's visit to the Kern River oil fields in a private car provided by the oil men, and of Judge Ross' acrobatic ruling in the last Scripper cases that came before him. I lost no time in going to Los Angeles upon the errand designated, and after spending several days there gathering in- formation upon the subject, made a report to the Government substantiallv as follows : Page 412 Stevens' Report to the Goveiiuuefit Coiieeniiiii^ the Disappeanviee of Henry J. Fleiseluuann, and His Connection witJi tJie Seripper Cases. Pursuant to your telegraphic instructions of May 20, 1904, I proceeded to Los Angeles on the 21st instant, and the next day, as well as the following Mon- day, was in consultation with Shirley C. Ward, one of the leading local attorneys for the Scrippers, and J. R. Johnston, president of the Cosmos Exploration Com- pany and the Pacific Land & Improvement Company, from whom I gathered much valuable information relative to the sensational flight from justice, in the latter part of 1900, of Henry J. Fleischmann, cashier of the Farmers' & Merch- ants' Bank, of Los Angeles. According to Johnston, who was an intimate acquaintance of Fleischmann, on the Wednesday night preceding the decision of Judge Ross on the following Monday in the Scripper cases, and shortly after Commissioner of the General Land Office Hermann had visited the Kern River oil fields, he (Johnston) was sitting near the large open window in the lobby of the W^estminster Hotel in Los Angeles, when Henry J. Fleischmann passed by, accompanied by a female companion. He excused himself to her for a moment, and came inside, accosting Johnston in an excited manner with this exclamation : "Well, you have been sold out in those cases all around, and you are beaten ! There is no show on God's earth for you to win!" Johnston asked him what he meant, and Fleischmann replied : 'T haven't time to tell you now, and besides, we are exposed to view from the street ; but come down to the bank early tomorrow morning, and I will explain everything." Johnston was ailing at the time this conversation occurred, and that night his condition became rapidly worse, so that he was obliged to retire to his room, where he was confined a week. As soon as he was able to be out, he repaired to the bank and heard Fleischmann's story. In the meantime Judge Ross had ren- dered his famous decision adverse to the Scrippers. The first question that Fleischmann asked Johnston was, "Are you a Mason?" Being answered in the negative, Fleischmann continued: "Well, I've known you a long time, anyhow, but if you were a Mason, I would tell you a great deal more." He then went on to relate that Judge Ross' decision was read in the private office of the bank at least ten days before it was rendered, to a group of persons consisting of Charles A. Canfield, J. A. Graves (brother to H. E. Graves, whom Judge Ross had named as one of the Conmiissioners to drill the test well on Sec- tion 4, Township 29 S., R. 28 E., M. D. M.), President I. W. Hellman, of the Farmers' & Merchants' Bank, and himself, and after Canfield and Graves had expressed their approval concerning the salient features of the decision, that Judge Ross had thereupon borrowed from the Farmers' & Merchants' Bank, on his unindorsed note, the sum of $20,000, with which he purchased stock in the Canfield Oil Company at 15 cents per share, and which were repurchased by Can- field immediately after the decison in question had been handed down for 55 cents per share, giving Judge Ross a net profit of more than $55,000 by the transaction, and that the records of the bank would exhibit the whole thing. Fleischmann arranged the chairs in the room in such manner as to indicate to Johnston where each participant sat during the entire proceedings. He had previously told H. T. Hays, of Riverside, California, and his attorney, Edward A. Meserve, of Los Angeles, all about it, and had intimated that another high Fed- eral official was involved. Johnston, Hays and Meserve went to Fleischmann in a body and implored him to expose the whole afifair in the interest of justice. Fleischmann replied that' if they would throw out a dragnet, as he expressed it, so as to apparently en- tagle him in its meshes — meaning that if they would have all the different cash- iers of the various local banks subpoenaed, so as to make it appear that he was an 413 involuntary witness, and that his testimony was being forced out of him — he was willing to go on the witness stand and tell the whole truth. This was agreed to, whereupon Johnston, Hays and Meserve incorporated Fleischmann's statement in an affidavit which they signed and filed with the Department of Justice at Washington. D. C. At this stage of proceedings Fleischniann suddenly disap])eared. and the amount of his alleged defalcation was currently reported to be in the neighborhood of $90,000, but in a letter written to Meserve from Peru subsequent to his flight, Feischmann made a clean breast of everything pertaining to this phase of the situation. He declared that he was given $500,000 in bills of the denomination of $1000 each, and fled first to the City of Mexico, where he was joined by a trusted friend, at that time a resident of Los Angeles. It was arranged between them that Fleischmann should take $10,000 of this money, leaving the balance in his friend's keeping, with the understanding that the latter should join Fleischmann in Peru and deliver the $490,000 to him there; but it developed that this presumed friend (whose name Fleischmann re- vealed to Meserve, but whose identity neither Ward nor Johnston would disclose to me at the present time) played feischmann false, and as soon as the absconding cashier had left Mexico, returned to the United States, where it was reckoned that Fleischmann would not dare to follow, and is now living in luxury on the ill-gotten gains. Meserve has ever since maintained a correspondence with Fleischmann, and no longer than last Saturday (May 21, 1904), received a letter from the fugitive, in which he deplored the conditions, and expressed considerable chagrin concern- ing fate and human treachery, at the same time expressing a wish to return and face the music, and declaring that the bank ofiicials would not dare to molest him. Meserve is convinced that it is his absorbing desire now to sneak into Chicago and kill the individual that robbed him, and then expose the scheme of official graft and corruption in its entirety, while Ward and Johnston are satisfied that if Fleischmann did not mean Commissioner of the General Land Office Binger Hermann when he made reference to "another Federal official," that Hermann was bribed by Edmund Burke, a sort of Poo Bah of the oil men while the fight with the Scrippers was on in Washington, and that at all events the bank records should exhibit everything in connection with the transaction, as the money to pay Hermann must have come through that source, Canfield being one of its principal patrons. This man Burke, who is a sort of speculator and member of the local bar, with offices in the Byrne building, Los Angeles, is alleged to have become quite confidential with Johnston rather suddenly, and upon the occasion of a recent trip up from Long Beach, admitted to Johnston, in the presence of the latter's wife, that he had been paid a salary of $5,000 a year and expenses to go to Washington and lobby in the interests of the oil men, but that his job was finished with them, and that now he was willing to engage with the Scrippers upon the same terms. Johnston said that Burke was much in evidence around Commissioner Her- mann while in Washington, as was also a man named A. P. Maginniss, the Santa Fe Railway Company's right-of-way man, who had likewise been employed by Edward L. Doheney up to the time the latter disposed of his oil interests to the Santa Fe. Maginnis made his headquarters in the law office of Britton & Gray while the fight was in progress before the Land Department. Col. J. B. Lankershin, a wealthy and reputable citizen of Los Angeles, was a heavy stockholder in the Farmers' & Merchants' Bank, and when the flight of Fleischmann was first announced, without invitation attended an executive session of the directorate of that institution, and demanded from President I. W. Hellman the privilege of inspecting the books of the concern. This request Hellman declined to grant, and a heated controversy on the subject arose between the two in the presence of all the other directors, culmi- nating in Lankershin pointing to Attorney J. A. Graves, who was also vice-presi- dent of the bank, and saying: Page 414 "I will leave it to your own lawyer if I have not got the legal right to do so." Hellman appealed to Graves for his opinion, and the attorney coincided with Lankershin, who immediately left the bank and returned to his office, with the avowed intention of at once setting an investigation on foot. He had no soon- er reached his office, however, when Hellman called him up over the telephone, and asked him how much he would take for his stock. Lankershin at first declined to sell, but upon being implored to do so, finally named a price which he afterwards declared to a friend "would raise you out of your boots if you knew what it was." Within ten minutes thereafter, he was notified to call at the bank, and re- ceived a check for the full amount asked. Last Thursday night, J. A. Graves responded to the toast, "Morality of Banking," at a public banquet in Los Angeles. A. J. Crookshank, Register of the United States Land Office at Los An- geles, who met Hermann at the Union depot there, is authority for the statement that the Land Commissioner was then in the private car of E. L. Doheney, Charles A. Canfield and A. B. Butler, and that they so accompanied him on his trip to the Kern county oil fields. In order to satisfy any possible public curiosity as to Fleischmann's reasons for being on confidential terms with the attorneys for the Scrippers, I shall take occasion to state that he was interested with them in forest reserve selections con- flicting with oil locations in Kern county, and naturally had a motive in rendering all the aid he could to their cause, although neither the bank officials nor the oil- men, so far as I am able to ascertain, were aware of this fact at the time. His close relationship to the Farmers' & Merchants' Bank as its trusted cashier, together with his ties of kinship to L W. Hellman, its president, probably threw them ofif their guard, and the presumption is that he used his knowledge of the transaction recited in my report not only as a measure of expediency in looting the bank, but as a leverage to shield himself from subsequent prosecution. At all events, although a great hue and cry was apparently made by the bank officials concerning his embezzlement of their funds, no earnest effort was made to apprehend him, and if any warrant for his arrest was ever sworn out, I was unable to find any record of it at the time of making my investigation for the Government at Los Angeles. Fleischmann was the favorite nephew of Banker Hellman — had been reared in the latter's family, so it was said, as a petted child of fortune ever since the death of his parents, so that when it became known that he had absconded, various ruses were adopted to hush the matter up. It was given out that he had taken merely a paltry $91,000, and that he had left behind him sufficient property to cover the extent of his stealings. This report was obviously circulated for the purpose of allaying the minds of the stockholders, because, had it become gen- erally known that Fleischmann's flight involved a loss to the bank of half a million dollars, it would have had the effect of producing such a run on the institution that no prophet could have foretold the outcome. It may be asked why the Government did not investigate the details of the defalcation at the time of its occurrence. The answer is embodied in the fact that during this period the concern was not a National bank, hence the Federal au- thorities had no more right to question its conduct in that respect than it would in prying into the private affairs of an individual. It was incorporated under State laws, and was under the jurisdiction of the California Bank Commissioners, al- though I believe it has since acquired a National charter. I have never been advised as to the situation respecting Fleischmann's pres- ent whereabouts, but at the time I made my investigations, the attorneys for the Scrippers were endeavoring to induce him to return and place the Federal author- ities in full possession of the facts, and if promised immunity by the civil author- ities, there is hardly any reasonable doubt that he would come back and endeavor to make good vipon his serious charges. Page 415 When tlie case of the Cosmos Exploration Co. I's. the Ciray Eagle Oil Co., and that of the Pacific Land & Improvement Co. against the Elwood Oil Co. reached the United States Circuit Court of Appeals, two of its members — Judges Ilawlcv and Morrow — sustained the lower Court in its ruling, while judge W'm. B. Gilbert, of Oregon, rated as one of the most able jurists in the I'^deral service, rendered a strong dissenting opinion. The two cases came up before the United States Supreme Court in 1903, that tribunal handing down a decree that gave neither side any particular advantage, and resulted in sending all the issues back to their original starting point, the local Land Office at V'isalia, California, where a fresh hearing was had January IS. 1904. The suits are still ])cnding before the Land Department. The following sworn statement, tabulated from tlie oflicial records of Kern County, shows that in that county alone, within a year, 103 persons located 8,248 placer petroleum mining claims of 20 acres each, an axcrage of over 80 claims, or 1,600 acres to the person, or a total of 1(54,960 acres. In this list appear tlu' names of -l persons whose claims numhcr between 200 and 250; 7 between 150 and 21)0; 13 hetwrtn loo jind 150; 41 between 50 and 100; 37 between 30 and 50. This list shows the following number of claims located l)y single families: Three of the .lameson family located 220 claims, or an average of 73 each; G of the Prewett family located 565 claims, or an average of 94 each; 7 of the Kichardson family located 885 claims, or an average of 126 each, anil 4 of the Wrainjit Imt ier family located 292 claims, or an average of 73 each. ^ Those holding less than 30 claims each are not shown in this list. Adams, John . . (54 Armstrong, R. B. . . . . 54 Batz, J. B . . 153 Berry, W. J . . 31 Bernard, E. M . . 47 Beverage, Geo . . 64 Bilkev, C 5S Bissell, \V. S . . 86 Blanding, Gordon . . . . 46-^ Blodgett, H. A. . . . . . 23 4- Braoewell, J. M. . . . 75 Bernard, James . . . . . . 43 Calcote, Dan . . 39 Carson, J. M 75 Clark, C. T . . 4^ Congdon, C. H . . 43 Congdon, H. B . . 31 Crities, Phoebe J. . . . . 54 De Groot, W. E. . . . . 43 Druillard, S. G . . 42 Drum, F. G . . 46-' Emmons, K. J . . 75 Emmons, M 31 Emmons, W. H . . 65 Farnum, X. C . . 185 Fewell, W. G . . 30 Goldman, I . . 35 Gould, J. L . . 59 Graham, F. M . . 137 Gurnet t, A. G . . 65 Hailstone, C. E. . . . . . 81 Hendryx, W. A. . . . 71 Hodgkiss. O. E. . . . . . 33 Hughes, J. A . . 40 Jameson, .1. M. . Jameson, J. S. . Jameson, J. W. Jastro, H. A. . . Jewett, S .Tordan, J. H. . . Keller, F. L. ... Kellopg, L. O. . Kennison, A. W. Kowdy, C. E. ... Langdon, F. A. . Tjandis, J. B. . . Lange, H. T. ... Lee, C. A Lemon, F. H. . . Lhote, H. C. ... Lindsav, G. J. . McCutchen, G. W. McCutchen, J. B. McCutchen, \V. S. McKee, Robert Mentry, C. A. . . Moran, Kate . . . Moran, T. L. ... Newson, Jno. .J. . Packard, H. L. . Packard, T. J. . Phelps, O. B. ... Pitney, F. R. . . Prewett, Alpha . Prewett, E. J. . Prewett, H. J. . Prewett, N. E. . Prewett, S. J. . . Prewett, W. J. 45 52 123 30 228 160 42 34 58 73 31 62 40 117 76 49 47 3G 34^ 65 134 54 245 229 57 82 67 96 121 95 98 137 Purfurst, A. B 74 Pulien, 0. J 80 Rader, A. L 37 Rader, R. M 37 Richardson, E. A 139 Richardson, Fannie ... Ill Richardson, Geo 122 Richardson, James ... 130 Richardson, Jessie, sr. 12 1 Richardson, Jessie jr.. . 98 Richardson, S 163 Rodgers, Warren 37 Roper, F 182 Schofield, S. G 34- Shafer, W. H 40 Simon, S. S 115 Smith, A.L 58 Smith, I. M 73 Smith, P 71 Spencer, W. M 56 Tevis, Hugh 34 Tevis, ^V. S 31 Tousley, C. L 31 Wagy, J. J 181 Wagy, M. S 34 Williams, Elizabeth . . 48 Wrampelmeier, L. A... 73 Wrampelmeier, L. C. . . 73 Wrampelmeier, F. W. . . 73 Wrampelmeier, T. G. . . 73 ^ Youle, W. E 229^ Young, C. S 30 Zartman, G. W 160 Zartman, M. E 137 Total number of claimants. Total nunibor of cjaitns .. . . 103 8,248 Page 416 Chapter XXVII Great rush of Eastern timber speculators with a horde of duuimy eiitrxiiieii iuto the virgin forests of Northern California impels the State Mining Bureau to scud a special agent to the affected districts for the purpose of investi- gating numerous complaints relative to encroachments on unpatoited min- ing claims by the greedy grabbers — His report to State Mineralogist An- bury has the effect of drazving the President's attention to the situation, zvith the result that an Executive proclamation is issued, making provisional suspension of a vast territory for forest rese-rue purposes, and calling a halt on further depredations — It also encompasses the loss of several official heads in the Land Department, and likezvise reveals a cunning scheme to grab 265,000. acres of valuable timber land by process of placer mining locations, in order to blaze the zuay for the coming of the Western Pacific railroad. WHILE to Ethan xA.llen Hitchcock, late Secretary of the Interior, unques- tionably belongs the distinction of having inaugurated the crusade that has resulted in the complete subjugation of the plunderers of the public domain, it was Lewis E. Anbury, the State Mineralogist of California, who was among the first to call public attention to the gigantic depredations. And it is one of the ironies of fate that the overpowering avarice of these looters was re- sponsible for their own untimely downfall. It was the fuse that ignited the chain of mines whose explosion has destroyed the strongholds of fraud. Not content with grabbing all the vacant timber lands of Northern Cali- fornia that they could lay their hands on, with that reckless abandon creditable to a buccaneer of old, they overstepped the bounds of discretion, and seized upon the holdings of many poor old miners who had been in peaceful possession of their claims for a quarter of a century or more, and who felt secure in their prop- erty rights by reason of having complied with the laws in relation to assessment work upon their mineral entries, even though their claims were not patented. It may be asked how it was legally possible for a person to be deprived of his property, or even assailed in his rights, after having worked a mining claim in good faith for upwards of 25 years, and it is this phase of the situation that 1 shall take the liberty of explaining. Under the present system, whenever a town- ship is surveyed by the Government, it is supposed to be segregated in accordance with its well-known characteristics. For instance, if some portions were known to be mineral in character, they were returned as such, and title thereto could only be obtained through the mining laws of the United States, unless the mineral character of the land should be subsequently disproved in the course of an official investigation. Other parts of the township were returned as agricultural in char- acter, title thereto being acquired under the homestead laws, while still other tracts might have been subject to overflow at the time the State w^as admitted into the Union, in consequence of which they were declared to be swamp and overflow lands, and subject to sale by the State by virtue of its sovereignty. In like manner the 16th and 36th sections of each township are returned as school lands, the pro- ceeds of their sale going towards the maintenance of the public school funds of the State wherein the lands are situated. In fact, all the lands in the newly-sur- veyed townships are classified, and become subject to sale upon the basis of what- ever return is made by the United States Surveyor-General for the district. Practically all the public land surveys are made under contract, and by men who are generally unfamiliar with geological conditions. Thus, unless a tract is Page 417 well-known to be mineral in character, and is notoriously operated for mining- piw- poses at the time of survey of the township, it is just as liable to be returned as agricultural land as anything else, because the deputy surveyor, upon whose field notes the Surveyor-General always bases his returns, is usually in a hurry to get over as much ground as possible, and consequently pays no heed to geological conditions, even if he knew anything about them. Under these circumstances, whenever mineral is found upon land that has been returned as agricultural, the process of acquiring title is very peculiar. In accordance with the mining laws of the United States, he is obliged to file his claim to the desired portion with the County Recorder of the County where the land is situated, and no record of his claim appears in the local United States Land Oflfice until after the issuance of patent. By the performance of $100 worth of assessment work each year upon his claim, the locator can hold the same in- definitely, and these conditions prevailed to a large extent in Northern California in 1902, at which time the great rush by Eastern syndicates to grab up the valuable forests of that region had reached flood tide. By reason of the lands having been returned as agricultural or timbered at tiic time of survey, and of the fact that there was no record in the Land Ofiice of any unpatented mineral entries, the records of the Land Offices indicated that the tracts were vacant, and subject to location accordingly. Great train loads of "dummy" locators were brought out from the East to file on these lands under the timber and stone act of June 3, 1878, and in the grand scramble that ensued they went pell mell after everything" in sight in their efforts to get ahead of the other fellow, paying no heed to the clause in their applications requiring personal knowl- edge of the tract, and swallowing the required non-mineral affidavit with as much gusto as an ostrich would display in digesting a tomato can. Their operations finally became so emboldened that numerous complaints began to reach the Cali- fornia State Mining Bureau, and as time progressed the volume of these com- plaints increased at a corresponding ratio. During this period I was employed upon the Los Angeles newspapers, and it was while thus engaged that State Mineralogist Aubury made a trip to that city for the purpose of conferring with me upon the subject of suppressing the wholesale depredations. He was aware that I had had considerable experience in public land matters, and besides we were friends of long standing. As a result of his visit, I proceeded northward under a commission as "Special Agent of the California State Mining Bureau," with power to investigate conditions and report my findings to Mr. Aubury. I took the field October 8, 1902, and in less than 30 days had submitted a report that revealed an awful state of aflfairs, the publication of which had the effect of opening the eyes of Secretary Hitchcock to the true situation. I drove for more than 600 miles through the mountainous dis- tricts of Northern California in a light buggy, in the course of which I traversed portions of Yuba, Butte, Sierra, Plumas, Lassen, Tehama, Shasta and Siskiyou counties. While the looters of these magnificent forests had been swift in their operations, like any raiding organization, they left a well-defined trail behind them, and this it was an easy matter to follow. In fact, their work was so "raw," to use a common expression, that a blind man could not have failed to become cog- nizant of what was going on, and why they were allowed to operate in this fash- ion for such a length of time under the very nose of the Government, can only be explained upon the hypothesis that Binger Hermann was at that time Com- missioner of the General Land Office. The Marysville Land Office was my objective point after leaving San Francisco, and here it soon became evident that the complaints of the miners of Northern California were not without foundation. It developed that Register Johnson was likewise business manager of the Appeal, a local newspaper, and that he spent most of his time attending to those duties. It seems that he only came to the Land Office wdien sent for to sign papers that had been prepared Page 418 Lewis E. Aubury, the honest State Mineralogist of California, who has earned the everlasting gratitude of the miners of the Golden State by his fearless attitude in protection of their interests by Mrs. Coult, his mother-in-law, who was not only chief clerk of the Land Office, but also the sister of Charles E. Swezy, an attorney who had for years dominated the affairs of the Governmental institution, and had practically, run things to suit himself. My investigations indicated that out of a total of 170 forest reserve lieu selections filed at the Marysville Land Office since the Act of June 4, 1897, had gone into effect, aggregating 29,005.59 acres, Swezy had appeared as attorney of record for 160 thereof, embracing an area of 27,079.16 acres. Nearly all these Page 419 selections had been made in the interest of Thomas B. Walker, a multi-millionaire lumberman of Minnea]K»lis, Minnesota, who was reputed to be an intimate as- sociate of James J. Hill, the great Xorthern Pacific railroad magnate. Swezy ad- mitted to me that he had also filed forest reserve selections in the Susanville Land Office covering 70,000 acres, and 14,000 acres in the Red-ril<«IOINT. IiBWIS B. RUC PRANK O. DRUM, p. M. MAHVCV , Stata Klnaralogiat. • "i* ^jjcr*^ t^oz. y' t-^ "^t-U/O^ -yU^oA Ux^i^^ Lr^^^f^y^-JyUA "^ ^T^>-A-^ ,^1^^ C^lSS-iw*, /%.<5tY c> (^ Oit.^J^, ^^ ^^^ ^^ ,^,_^ -2^ -t;;. ^.y\. a,Z£4.^ , >SS^ ,»^ ■ , TltUSTaSS — WM. O. RALSTON, - - midOINT. thos. b. sishop, vioi-pkuidint. fhank monaohah. ,«IIANK a. DRUM, P. H. HARVKT. T*~34C~'T» ' _ MS? :?^0 V ^ J^t^L/Vvvvl* ^^ /T-*-^C/ L\^^A\, ^1-1/-H^i,^L/ /^f"^^^^ ^>*^isJ^t*'t<^*_X- C%/- ank & Trust Company, which is one of the most im- portant financial institutions of Los Angeles, is accused of being directly connected with the plot and to have advanced money to finance the fraudulent proceedings. Huntley, who occupied the office of United States Commissioner from 1901 to 1904, was brought into the conspiracy by allowing himself to be induced to re- ceive the fraudulent entries, which, it is averred, he knew at the time were illegal. The part of Johnston, the Deputy Clerk of Curry county, was to certify the fraud- ulent timber and stone applications. None of the minor offenders who filed upon the claims are included in the indictment, the policy of the Federal authorities evi- dently being to strike at the men who were the principals in the nefarious plot to rob the Government. The indictment is a lengthy document, setting out in detail the many ram- ifications of the scheme as they have been unearthed by District Attorney Bristol and Special Inspector Neuhausen, with the assistance of the Government agents. Thirteen separate counts are included in the indictment, any one of which, if it is proved, is sufficient for conviction. In gathering evidence against the land thieves. District Attorney Bristol and Special Inspector Neuhausen were greatly assisted by the late M. A. jMeyen- dorlf , Special Agent of the General Land Office, who did much work on the Cali- fornia end of the affair. Horace T. Jones and J. D. Watts, also special agents of the Government, assisted by carrying on investigations in Curry county, Oregon. No. 4445 — Indictment returned April 3, 1906, against Joseph Black, John C. Black, August Anderson, Sumner A. Parker, Leander Choate, James Doughty, Benjamin Doughty, 'J homas Daly, James Bray, James H. Driscoll, John Doc, Richard Roe, Thomas Roe and Andrew Roe, charging them with a violation of section 5440, Revised Statutes. This is known as the "Wisconsin case." Page 448 The late Michael A. Meyendorff, Special Agent General Land Office, whose death was hastened by the constant "nagging" of the heads of Departments The Wisconsin men involved are said to be the chief participants in the fraudulent operations for which the indictment which included their names was issued. Oregon men were also implicated in the alleged fraudulent proceedings, but only, it is alleged, as the tools of the Easterners, who are men of wealth and furnished the funds for the operations and also laid the plans by which, it is charged, they illegally obtained great tracts of Government acreage. The Oshkosh men indicted, Leander Choate, James Matt Bray, Benjamin Doughty, James Doughty and Thomas Daly, operated in Southern Oregon as the Oshkosh Land & Timber Company. August Anderson and Joseph Black, of Shawano, are also said to be connected with this corporation. Choate is said to be very wealthy, and the others are all men of wealth and prominence in their home state. Bray is the president of the Bray & Choate Lumber Company, and Choate is the treasurer of that company. The Doughtys are retired lumbermen. Daly is the cashier of the Commercial National Bank, and all the men are large stock- holders in that institution. The charge upon which they were indicted is that of obtaining a large tract of timber land east of Klamath by inducing men to file upon it and then turn it over to them for a small consideration. Most of their work is said to have been carried on through representatives in Oregon, but the principals themselves Page 4i9 arc saiil ti> have been on the ground at \ari(»iis times. Choalc. who is rc])ortc(l to have been a leader in the ])rocee(hiins. is said to have visited the state and to have taken a (hrect hand in Ijiini^in^ about some of the frau(hilent entries. It is alleged tliat the original scheme of the coterie of capitalists was to ac(|uire several immense tracts of valuable land. ai^i.(re,!4"atinj.( nearly 40 sections. The plan did not work out in its entirety, but even the partially coiupleted opera- tions are said to have brous^ht them into control of alx)Ut 160.000 acres of land. Some of the land is located on Jenny Creek, some on Lone IMne Mountain and a portion east of Klamath. All of the land is in Klamath and Lake counties, Ore.i^on. The Eastern men are said to have come into ])ossession of the land by in- ducing" Orei.^"on people to file upon it and turn it over to them as soon as they ob- tained it. hi many cases it is alle^^ed the transfers were made the day the final proofs were received. All of the land was taken as homestead claims. Most of those who made filings were residents in the vicinity of Ashland and Medford, and the.se per.sons were used as witnesses before the grand jury. Sunuier J. Parker, of Ashland, is understood to have been the solicitor for the Wisconsin men. Through his agency it is alleged men and women were in- duced to take up the land with the understanding that it w'as to be turned over to the (3shkosh Land & Timber Comjjany as soon as the final ])apers were re- ceived. The papers were filed with James IT Driscoll at Klamath Falls. Driscoll is accused of accepting fraudulent i)roofs of land and being a party to the general .scheme to defraud the Government. With all of the wires carefully laid for their operations, it is said that the scheme was carried on smoothly and thousands of acres of Government lands seized before the proceedings against them were com- menced. No. 4.S.")7 — IiKlic'tincnt rctunnMl May 5. Ul()(i, af>ainst F. W. (.iilchrist, Kalpli K. (Tili-hrist, Patrick Culligan, .Tames G. MacPherson, Herman W. Stone, Edmund Dorgan. Francis .1. Devine, John Joseph Collins, Charles M. Klkins, John Combs. Benjamin F. Allen. Malcolm McAlpin. Amond C. Palmer, IJ. Judd I'almer, Donald F. Steffa. M. E. Brink, C. A. M. Schlierholz, J. W. Hopkins, W. W. Brown, Ed. N. White, Thomas H. Watkins. .John Doe, Richard Roe, Thomas Roe, Andrew Roe, William Roe and James Roc. charging them with a violation of section 5-t40, Revised Statutes, known as the ''Michigan case. The Oregon men involved follow: Charles ^I. Elkins and Jack Combs, of Prineville, and Benjamin ]\ Allen, of Portland, members of the firm of Elkins & Co.; Judge AL E. l>rink. of Prineville; Donald F. Steffa, of Prineville, editor of the Crook County Journal; Almond C. Palmer and H. Judd Palmer, attorneys of Portland ; E. Dorgan, Francis J. Devine and John J. Collins, members of the firm of E. Dorgan & Co., of Albany; ]\Ialcom ]\Ic.\l])in, merchant, of Albany; J. W. Ho])kins, attorney, of \ ancouver, Washington ; W'. \V. lirown, attorney, of Seattle; Thomas H. \\'atkins, member of the former firm of Erickson & Watkins, Prineville, and Edgar X. White, saloonkeeper, of Portland. The Eastern men whose names appear in the indictment are: F. W. Gil- christ, Ralph Gilchrist, Patrick Culligan and James G. Macpherson, of Alpena, Michigan ; Herman W. Stone, of P»enson. ^Minnesota, and C. A. ]\L Schlierholz. of Little Rock. Arkansas. The latter is an ex-s])ecial agent of the (icneral Land Office. The charge U])on which these men have been indicted is conspiring to- gether to defraud the Government of great tracts of rich timber land in Lake, Crook and Klamath counties. According to the indictment the conspiracy is one of many ramifications, but in its essential features is a counterpart of that upon which the eight rich Wi.sconsin men w'ere arrested a short time previously. The leaders in the alleged plot were the (iilchrists, Culligan, Macpherson and Stone, who endeavored, and to a large extent succeeded, to come into the ])ossession of thousands of acres of the public domain by procuring dupes in Oregon who were willing to take up claims by making false entries with the un- derstanding that they were turned over to their emj^loyers for a stipulated con- sideration as soon as title should ])e secured. Page 450 With this plan for a working- basis, it is charged, the Eastern men operated through representatives in Oregon with whom they were closely associated. Be- sides the Alpena men and Stone, those who are said to have figured as principals in the illegal transactions are the members of Elkins & Co.. of Prineville. and of E. Dorgan & Co., of Alban". The other men whose names are mentioned, al- though in many cases men of considerable capital and prominence, served in the alleged scheme in subsidiary capacities, such as procuring men and women who were to file on the claims and expediting in one way and another the fraudulent entries. Over 400 claims, taken under the timber and stone Act of Congress, are involved in the alleged plan to steal the wealth-producing forests of Uncle Sam. Of this amount 150 are mentioned specifically in the indictment returned by the grand jury through the efiforts of District Attorney Bristol and Special Inspector Thomas B. Neuhausen. The total tract in the alleged theft covers the immense area of approximately 201.600 acres. The land lies entirely within Lake, Klam- ath and Crook counties, and borders on the headwaters of the Deschutes River. The description of the claims cited in the indictment covers six large typewritten pages. The territory which the big land sharks are accused of trying to gobble up in disregard of the Federal statutes, is one of the richest timber sections of Oregon. Nearly the entire area is covered with the most excellent yellow pine timber. Placing the low estimate of 2.000.000 feet to the quarter section, the land would be worth at least $2000 a claim, or $800,000 for the land involved. The value is probably close to $1,000,000. F W. Gilchrist and Ralph Gilchrist are said to be in the millionaire class. Patrick Culligan is worth about $600,000, and James G. Macpherson is also a man of means. Elkins & Co., charged with being closely allied with them in the conspiracy, are men well known throughout the entire state. The firm's business is money lending and general financial business. The company is said to have put up large amounts of money and to have otherwise assisted in the plot. xA-lmond C. Palmer, who is among the men said to have been brought with- in the toils, was formerly United States Commissioner at Prineville. He is accused of using his position to assist in the acceptance of fraudulent proofs and illegal filing of claims. He had trouble with the Federal authorities upon a previous occasion, but was acquitted. Judge M. E. Brink, of Prineville, Oregon, is accused of using his power of attorney in the same illegitimate way, as is also J. W. Hopkins, of Vancouver, Washington, and W. W. Brown, of Seattle. Dorgan & Co., of Albany, who are included in the list of principals to the dealings, is a firm of timber cruisers and locators. John J. Collins, who was subpoenaed as a witness in connection with the case, refused to produce the books of the firm in accordance with the order of the court, and as a consequence was confined in the Multnomah County jail for a period of four months upon order of Judge Wolverton. It is believed by the government representatives that Collins received good pay for his action from the other men who were indicted, as it is supposed that the records of the firm contain incriminating evidence in connection with the present charges. All of the Eastern men involved have paid repeated visits to Oregon during the past few years, and it is believed that upon each occasion they acquired title to a number of the fraudulent claims. Sometimes, it is said, one would come, sometimes more, but each visit is alleged to. have been in connection with the pro- ceedings for which they now stand indicted. It is said that persons were secured in large numbers to assist in the operations by filing upon the claims. It is al- leged that they were taken to the land as many as 20 at a time, and that im- mediately upon receiving title from the Government, they transferred it to the men who were engineering the deal, in each case taking payment far below the true value of the land. These ]:)ersons, for the most part, came from Albany. Shaniko, Morrow, Prineville and ^Mitchell. They figured as witnesses in the grand jury proceedings, between 100 and 200 of whom being called before that body. So (lecp laid was the allc_L;"0(l ])lt)l that the promoters succeeded in mis- representinj^ the true facts in the case to such an extent to the Oreg;on Representa- tives in Conoress that they succeeded in e^etting them to urge the department at Washington to exjiccUte the fraudulent claims. ]»y presenting false pnxifs, en- tries, oaths and affidavits in rcs])ect to the timber and stone entries "to Senator I'ulton and Congressman j. Xcwton Williamson, the indictment alleges that these men were led to in-ge that the claims he expedited. These claims were rep- resented as being in every way genuine, whereas it is now charged they were illegal and untrue in every particular, and were being ])rocurcd solely in the interest of the eleven men at the head of the operations. The following letter is included as a portion of the indictment: Washington, D. C, IMarcli 11. 1904. Hon. William A. Kicliaids. Conunissionor of tlio (i(MUMal T^and OfTli-c, Washington, D. C. Sir — I onoloso you herewith a number of aflidavits of entrvmen under the timber and stone act. These gentlemen are all residents of Albany, Or., I think. Most of them 1 am personally acquainted with and I am confident they would not engage in any corrupt practices in order to secure timl)er claims. Mr. Cusick. the first party mentioned, is a banker of Albany. Or., and the others are prominent l)usiness men, as a rule. I have heretofore written you about this situation. It seems to me that a great injustice is being done these men, for they entered the land, I have no doubt, in perfect good faith. They have paid their money and complied with the law in every respect. I trust, therefore, that your department will be able to dispose of these cases at an early date and direct the patents to issue. Very respectfully, C. W. FULTON. It is claimed that the foregoing letter referred to the proofs upon a num- ber of the fraudulent claims. The Mr. Cusick referred to is a prominent Albany banker. Congressman Williamson also addressed the following letter to the Land Department in behalf of the fraudulent entries: Washington, D. C, April 2, 1904. Hon. William Richards, Commissioner of the 0-eneral Laud Office, Washington, D. C. Sir — I today forward you under separate cover, as many as 50 affidavits concerning the timber and stone claims now held up by the department in Lake, Crook and Klamath Counties in Oregon. I also inclose herewith a letter from Hon. M. E. Brink, of Prineville, Or., bearing upon the same question. I will again add my earnest desire that these claims shall proceed at once to patent. Very truly yours. J. N. WILLIAMSON. The following shows convictions in land fraud cases and present status of the cases : Henry Meldrum indicted April 2, 1904, for forgery in connection with surveying contracts, on November 17, 1904, sentenced 1,080 days at McNeil's Island and fined $5,250 and costs; serving sentence. S. A. D. Puter, indicted March 17, 1904, for conspiracy to defraud Government, on December 6, 1904, sentenced to two years in County Jail and fined $7,500; served portion of sentence and pardoned by President, December 31, 1907. Horace G. McKinley, indicted March 17, 1904, for conspiracy to defraud Govern- ment, on December 6, 1904; returned from Manchuria, sentenced on February 28, 1908 to two years in the Multnomah County jail and fine of $7,500. Dan W. Tarpley, indicted March 17, 1904, for conspiracy to defraud Government, on December 6. 1904; not sentenced. Emma L. Watson, indicted March 17, 1904, for conspiracy- to defraud Government, on December 6, 1904; not sentenced. Frank H. Walgamot, indicted March 17, 1904, for conspiracy to defraud Govern- ment; pleaded guilty; not sentenced. John H. Mitchell, indicted February ], 1905, for receiving compensation for service before Department while United States Senator, on July 3, 1905, sentenced to si.\ months in County Jail and fined $1,000; dead. John N. Williamson, indicted February 11, 1905, for conspiracy to suborn perjury, on September 27, 1905, sentenced to 10 months in County Jail and fined .$500; new trial granted. Page i52 "The Grand Old Man"— Ethan Allen Hitchcock, ex-Secretary of the Interior, who earned the ill-will of the grafters by his firm stand on public land questions Dr. Van Gosner. indicted Ft'hriiary 11, HM)"), for conspiracy to suborn perjury, on i^epteniVior 27. 1905. sentenced lo five niontlis in County Jail and fined .lil.OOO; served sentence and paid fine. Marion K. Hijjgs, indicted Keliruarv 11, 19(15, for cons])iracy to suborn perjury, on September '_'". 19(15, sentenced to H* nioiitlis in County .lail and fined .$500; served sentence. Willard N. .Jones, iiidicti'd yi'|)tenil)i'r 'J, 19(t5, tor ronspirjicy to defraud Govern- ment, on October 14, 1905, sentenced to one year at McNeil's Island ;iiid fined $2,000; on appeal. Tliaddeus S. Potter, indicted September 2, 1905, for conspiracy to defraud Govern- ment, on ()('t(d)er 1-1, 1905, sentenced to si.\ months in County .lail and fined .$500; ou appeal. Henry W. Miller, indicted .I;niuary Ijl. 1905, for consjtiracy to suborn i)erjury. pleaded guilty, sentenceil to one year at McNeil's Island; served sentence. Frank K. Kincart, indicted .January 31, 1905, for conspiracy to suborn perjury, pb^aded jruilty. sentenced to one year at McNeil's Island; served sentence. Ciiarles Xickell. indicted .lanuary 31. 1905, for conspiracy to suborn ])erjury. ou .July 27. 1900. sentenced to 13 months at McNeil's Island; on appeal. Martin G. Iloge. indicted for cons|)iracy to suborn perjury, on .luly 27, 1906, sen- tenced to four months in County .Jail and fined .$500; served sentence. Hamilton H. Hendricks, indicted February S, 1905, f(»r subornation of ])erjurv. on August 4, 190(5; to be sentenced. Charles A. Watson, indicted on April S, 1905, for perjury, on August 8, 190G; sen- tence suspended. Coe D. Barnard, indicted April S. 1905, for perjury, on August 11, 1906, sentenced to two years at McNeil's Island and fined $2,000; on appeal. C. B. Zachary, indicted April 8, 1905, for ])erjury, on August 17. 1906; not sentenced. 'Franklin Pierce Mays, indicted February 13. 1905. for conspiracy, on September 13. 1906, sentenced to four months in County .lail and fined $10,000; on appeal. Willard N. .Jones, indicted February 13. 1905. for conspiracy, on September 13. 1906, sentenced to eight months in (A)unty .Jail and fined $2,000; on appeal. George Sorenson, indicted on February 13, 1905, for conspiracy, on September 13, 1906, not sentenced. Winlock W. Steiwer, indicted February 10, 1905, for cons])iracy, pleaded guilty .lanuary 22, 1908; not sentenced. Hamilton H. Hendricks, indicted Febiuarv 10. 1905. pleaded guilty .lanuary 22. 1908; not sentenced Clarence B. Zachary. indicted Febru;ny 10. 1905, pleaded guilty .January 22, 1908; not sentenced. .John H. Hall, indicted February 10. 1905. for conspiracy, on February 8, 1908, not sentenced. Embryo matches on property of the Diamond Match Company Butte County California Page 454 Chapter XXIX A fezv argiiiiiciits in support of President Roose-relt's forestry poliev — //or*.' the creation of reserz'es has been the salivtion of the timber indnstry in this country — Views of those well-informed indicate that it zvas a zcise plan to place the control of the forests in the general Government, and that the only protest comes from selfish interests — Hozv the Denver Public Lands Convention had the tables turned in the effort to discredit the President's policies. This is the forest primeval. The mnnnuring pines and the hemlocks, Bearded with moss, and in garments green, indistinct in the twilight, Stand like Druids of old, with voices sad and prophetic. — From Longfellow's "Evangeline." THE chief opposition to the Government's forestry pohcy comes from a source inspired by selfish motives. In the efiforts that are being made to have the reserves, or the best portions of them, restored to pubUc entry, there exists a powerful reminder of a greedy herd feasting its eyes upon a farmer's inclosed cornfield, whose waving plumes excites a beastly appetite that can only be satis- fied by the sacrifice of the crop intended for human comfort. That self-interest is the basis of nearly all this agitation against the crea- tion of forest reservations, is evidenced by the fact that none of its advocates have yet advanced a single argument that appeals to common sense. They have in- dulged in glittering generalities, and purposely ignored every phase of reason and practically all elements of truth in their representations pertaining to the ac- tual situation. No person imbued with a g'rain of intelligence can voice any honest protest against the creation of the reserves in accordance with President Roosevelt'.- well-defined plans ; no one possessed of a clear and unbiased knowledge of con- ditions prevailing in the mountainous regions of the West is in any position to raise sincere objections to a measure that is founded upon the lofty principle of preserving the forests for the benefit of future generations, and for the purpose of protecting the watersheds and conserving the rainfall, that the people of the present age may not suffer. The greater portion of my life has been passed among the mountains and forests of the West, and for upward of 25 years I have been actively engaged in exploration of this vast domain. This has aftorded ample opportunity for stitdy- ing conditions existing in the forests, and I have no hesitancy in asserting that had not the President interfered when he did in October, 1902. and put a stop to the carnival of looting then in progress by making provisional suspension of the afifected districts for forest reserve purposes, it would have resulted in the en- forced consideration of problems the solvition of which no prophet could have foretold, and would have become merely a question of time measured by a short span of years when the Sierra Nevada and Cascade ranges of mountains would have become shorn of their magnificent heritage, and the broad valleys of Cali- fornia and Oregon left to the mercy of the elements. The winter of 1906-7 gave timely notice that the wholesale devastation that has been in progress for more than a quarer of a century must reap its own harvest of perpetual injury to mankind. The principal watercourses of the inter- ior of the two states named, overflowed their banks as they had never done be- fore, notwithstanding the scientific methods of restraint that had been adopted Page i55 from time to time to meet just such emergencies. \'ast inland seas wrought their consequent mark u\X)x\ the prosperity of rich communities, and that was only the warning note. History is constantly repeating itself, and the history of the tremendous floods that have (Kcurred again and again throughout the lower Mississippi \'al- ley, is the indellihle record of the crime of those responsible for denuding the headwaters of the great stream of its standing timber ; and the history of this shameful condition shall be the history of similar conditions that the next gene- ration will have to face in all the principal valleys of the West, if those who are advocating the abolition of Governmental control over the public forests are per- mitted to have full sway. Already the rainfall in the arid regions east of the ranges in {jucstion has been visibly affected by the loss of trees; already the writing is on the wall for all who run to read if the hands of commercial greed are not stayed. In a speech delivered at Portland, Oregon, during the Lewis and Clark Exposition of 1905, James J. Hill, the great railway magnate — and incidentally heavily interested in 'VX'estern timber lands — declared that one acre of timber land possessed more intrinsic value to a railway corporation than forty acres of agri- cultural land. Why? Because, 25 years hence, James J. Hill will have been gathered to his fathers, and he had no thought beyond the grave. It is preposterous to believe that he was giving expression to an honest opinion, for the reason that the 40 acres of agricultural land will be producing constant revenues for his transportation lines ages after Mr. Hill is dead and for- gotten — long after 40.000 acres of timber land has ceased to yield any profit for his roads if the policy shall henceforth be to throw down the bars for the cattle to get in and devour the crop. Seemingly, this antagonistic feeling against reserves is inspired by the old hoggish instinct that has stood as a barrier against the proper development of the West since the earliest period of its attempted settlement. It is the ghost of the desire which characterized the action of the hydraulic miners in the early days of California to ruin the navigable streams of that state at the expense of the gen- eral public, that their greed for gold might be satiated; the same old phantom of selfishness that has haunted the action of sheep and cattlemen on the Great Plain.- to acquire control of all that portion of the universe that tlieir herds might multi- ply upon tne ruins of individual rights; a relic of the warfare that has raged for centuries throughout the civilized globe in the struggle to make public interest subservient to private gain. Dr. Harry Lane, the Mayor of Portland, Oregon, is an enthusiastic advo- cate of the idea that the forests should be under Governmental control, and ad- vances many potent reasons for his views upon the subject. He was born in Oregon, and for more than half a century has made a close analytical study of the forestry question. On account of his knowledge in this respect, his opinions carry much weight, and he is regarded generally through- out the Northwest as an authority in the premises. Trade journals devoted to timber interests have eagerly sought contributions from his pen bearing upon the various problems incident to the situation, and his remarks in relation thereto before civic bodies has been productive of a wide range of intelligent thought. In discussing the matter recently with the writer, he said : "I am decidedly in favor of the plan for the Government to have absolute control over the forests of this country. It is not a new idea, by any means, as the wisdom of such a measure has been long recognized in Germany, Sweden and Norway, where the people of the present age are sawing up lumber from trees that were planted by their ancestors a hundred years previously. "I do not pretend to be familiar with conditions existing anywhere beyond the borders of the Pacific Northwest, but here I have lived practically all my life. Page 456 %JrO^ CKi.^^- "^ *;p .f'-'^^ Dr. Harry Lane, the reform Mayor of Portland, Oregon, who is a strong advocate of the Government's forestry policy, and probably the best posted person in the Northwest on the subject and it has been one of the keene>t i»leasure> of my existence to analyze the various feature^ entering into the forestry (juestion. It is certainl\- an interesting^- study, and i)rohahly appeals to the lover of nature with a jj^reater rvation, the building of roads, cutting of timber, etc. It would be easy to foresee that the forest reserve idea would meet strong opposi- tion from those persons who wish to acquire timber lands and those who wish to graze their cattle upon the ])ublic domain unrestricted. The capitalist with money to invest can see no good in a forest reserve. The cattle owner who feels confident of getting his share of the range, if left to his own devices entirely, has no word of commendation for a system of regulation which guarantees to a weaker cattleman a just share of the public range. One would expect, too, that the great majority of the people, who have no interest except that possessed by every citizen, would favor the forest reserve system, for it proposes to retain for them the vast wealth that is theirs. That there has been strong opposition to the forest reserve idea is due in part to the abuses which were permitted to grow up in it, chief among them the scripping evil, which enabled large corporations to exchange their worthless lands for good and still retain their good lands within a reserve. In a few instances some lauds may have been in- cluded in a forest reserve which should have been omitted. This, with some inconvenience in securing grazing permits, may have caused some opposition to the reserves. But, in the main, the fight now being waged in the public lands convention at Denver against the policy of conserving the public lands has its origin in the selfish desires of men who want free timber or free range. The forest system undoubtedly has its faults, but its defects are not serious enough to justify throwing down the lines of the reservations and permit- ting all who wish to rush upon the last of the timber lands, seizing them in sections and townships to hold until the needs of the people and the concentration of control shall en- able the holders to dictate the price of lumber There are some indications of an effort on the part of the timber interests to control the convention and determine its expressions upon public land questions. If such a movement has been undertaken and should succeed, the opinions voiced by the convention would have but little weight with the people. On the contrary, it would tend to make them more than ever supporters of the policy which is designed to retain for the people tue land that belongs to them. The argument offered that the creation of a forest reserve withholds land from tax- ation is a shallow one. If a timber syndicate can afford to buy a township of timber and pay taxes on it for ten years in order to make a profit on the advance in value, cannot the people afford to retain that same land and go without the taxes in order to realize the profit on the advance in value? Wherein are the people gainers if they lose the large profit represented by growing value, and gain the small amount of money paid in the form of taxes? And more — wherein have the people profited if they sell the standing timber to a speculator today and buy it back from him ten or twenty years hence at many times the price he paid? If a sawmill proprietor needs logs for his mill, let him buy from the people's supply of timber at prices tliat prevail today; but let him not buy the timber in large tracts at present prices to hold until he can exact from the people a much larger price because he controls the supply. The forestry policy of the National Government, more popularly known as Presi- dent Eoosevelt's forestry policy-, is all that stands in the way of ultimate annihilation of the American forests, according to the arguments presented by Assistant Forester Sher- rard, in an article appearing in the Agricultural Yearbook for 1906. The forestry question has been argued pro and con for such a long time that its main features are well understood, but the subject has never been discussed from a practi- cal business standpoint more clearly than in the article in question. In his paper entitled "National Forests and the Lumber Supply." Mr. Sherrard reviews briefly the history of Eastern forests, showing that Maine and New York, once the great lumber centers of the United States, long ago dropped out of sight as lumber producers when their forests were Page 464 James Rudolph Garfield, Secretary of the Interior all luit (Icstrovcd. and now idixlncc luinln'i- I'ur litflr else tliaii wduiI |iii1|i. 'riic Imriliciini-ii iiiovt'd over to the (in-at Lakt-s rcjiioii and tlicrr \vnni<;lit tlic same liaxuc tliat marked tluMr projjross in tlio vir>;iii fori'sts of N'tw Kii;;laiid and .New ^'ork. Finally tlit» forests of the lake rt'jtjion woro denuded of all tlieir desirable timber and the manufaetiirers scattered, some to the Soutii which had lieen but little exploited 1") years ajjo, and others to the I'a- oifie Coast. It was not until they reached the Coast that they encountered the Govern- ment's forestry policy, and it lias only been within the last year or so that the lumber manufacturers ha\'e found it necessary to jjo into reserves and buy u|i timber at a fair stumpajie value. \'et the time is cotninji when the deniaml for reserved timber will assume lar^e jiroportions. But even before that time, it is arjjued by tlw writer that the reserves, or National forests, as they are now called, will act as a regulator of the price of timber in the forest. in that they will compcd the payment of a fair price for jirixate stumpajje durin^j the pres- ent days of plenty on the Coast, and will act as a restraint ay.iinst exorbitant prices when the timber in jtrivate ownership has larjjely disapjiearetl. All in all. the article presents a number of forceful arfjuments. The following extracts present the salient features: ''The old process of exhaustinjj the sujjply of timber in a rejjion and then seeking new fitdds is very nearly over. Already the industry is turning back on its tracks. A quality of timber is eagerly sought in the Lake States which a few years ago was jiassed over as utterly worthless, and certain sawmills have dej)ended for a part of their supply ujion the recovery of logs which have sunk in the waterways in j)rocess of transjiortation. In the South the whole pine region is being gone over in close search of the old fi(dd pine. This inferior and once despised growth of timlier is now bought up at prices greatly in excess of those once paid for the magnificent timber of the \irgin forests "Great improvement in logging and sawmill machinery, signal success in reducing the waste in manufacture, wonderful railroad extension, concentration, and systematic organization of producers to reach the consumer most effectively through the markets, have all combined to cheaj)en the cost of production and increase the profit in the lumber business. Yet the price of lumber has never before been as high as in the year 1900. This increased price is in s])ite of an increased production which it taxes the railroads to transport. "The price of stunipage is far more stable than that of lumber, and responds very tardily to fiuctatious in the lumber market. The usual policy of disposing of Federal and State timber for ))ractically nothing has acted powerfully, particularly in the West. ti> keep the selling price of stunipage far below its legitimate value. Jt is not surprising that it has always been impossible for the bulk of the owners of timber to have a broad view of the lumber industry and close acquaintance with the lumber market, for most of the cost of i>roducing lumber lies in logging and manufacture, and the margin of profit has varied widely. The price of stunipage has always been artificially depressed, and has lagged far behind the constantly increasing value of lumber. "The timber and stone act provides for the purchase of public timberland at the uniform price of .$2.50 per acre. The purpose of Congress in enacting this law was to make it possible for settlers, miners, and other actual users of timber to satisfy their needs. Becords of the General Land Office show that in 1904 over oo.OOO entries had been made under this act, covering an area of nearly 8,000,000 acres. Probably 10,000,000 acres .f carefully selected ])ublic timberland has by this time passed into the control of private owners under this law alone. "It is well known that most of the entries under this law have been made, indirectly, by nonresidents for si)eculation. And the great bulk of the entries have almost immediate- ly passed into the hands of timber .syndicates, with profit to the original entrymaii amounting to no more than bare wages. Thus the law has reacted greatly to the disad vantage of the very classes whom it was intended to help, and the bona fide settler and miner and the small sawmill man have seen the public timber rapidly withdrawn and pass into the hands of speculative syndicates. % "The land laws, while they have provided for the rapid disjiosal of ])ulilic timlier- lands, have tended strongly to the segregation of large holdings of timberland for specu- lative ])urposes. "Money receipts from the sale of timber for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1905. were .$5tl.OOO. During the present fiscal year receipts from timber sold will proliably exceed .$500,0(1(1, and contracts for the sale of timber, extending from one to five years, will reach a value of over .$1,500,000. "The money return which the Government realizes from these sales is in striking contrast to that received from the sale of timberland under the land laws. Under the tiniVjer and stone act timberland could be bought for .$2.50 jier acre, and under the lieu land law it could be acquired in exchange for denuded and worthless land without money pay- ment. Timber from the forests is now purchased by the thousand board feet, and payment j.-^ made upon the actual scale of the logs when cut. The cut varies from 5(100 to 20,00(1 feet per acre, so that, at the comparativ(dy low stumjiage rate of $2.50 i)er thousand feet. the Government receives from five to 20 times as nnicii for the timber as it received under the timber and stone ;ict and retains tiic lan) the treaty had been ratified, and the same .\ct contained the following jircwision for the disposition of the lands: ''The iiiincral lanlicahle tlu'reto, and the balance of the land so ceded shall be dis|)osed of until further jjrovided by law under the townsite law and under the ])rovisions of the homestead law; Provided, however, that eacii settler, under and in accordance with the i)rovisions of said homestead laws shall, at th;- time of makinfj his original entry, pay the sum of llfty cents per acre in addition to tlu' fees now required by law, and at tlie time of making final proof shall pay the further sum of one dollar per acre, final ])roof to be made within five years from the date of entry, and three years' actual residence on the land shall be established by such evidence as is now required in homestead proofs as a jirerequisite to title or jtatent. " This Act has not been changed in any particular, except that the pa\ment of v$1.50 an acre by the settler was dis])ense(l with bv the .Act of Congress of ]\Iav 17, l')00 (31 Stats., 17*>). While these lands have been thrown open for settlement for nearly fourteen years, many of the townships were unsurveyed at the date of the proclamation. Official surveys have been made from time to time ever since, so that at the i)resent time only one whole township and portions of two others remain unsurveyed. Page 470 Palatial residence of a Siletz homesteader Notwithstanding several fraud reports from honest special agents. Com- missioner Ballinger passed the entry to patent Xo sooner was a township survey- ed than it was quietly gobhled up l)v allei^cd settlers under the special home- stead Act created by Congress for their so-called benefit. The whole proceedings looking- to the disposition of these lands was a mistake from the beginning-. In the first place, the country is of such general character that no person could ever make his living there by cultivation of the soil, as it would take a lifetime to develop any kind of respectable clearing. As a matter of fact, the region is a vast jungle, impenetrable to a greater degree than any portion of the heart of Africa, and it has been estimated that it would cost fully $300 an acre to clear the land. It is essentiall}' a magnificent for- est, and as such should have been pre- served by the Government, allowing the few surviving Indians therein to retain possession of their own. They could do no harm by their occupancy, but on the contrary, were capable of accomplishing a great deal of good, as they would nat- urally take a pride in preserving it from devastating fires, thus afifording- a con- tniuous protection to the watershed, and thus operating to the material benefit of the climate of the \\'estern coast of the State. Provision should have been made for the sale of the ripened timber to the highest bidder in an open market, and in this way the Government could have secured a revenue sufficient to have main- tained the reserve for all time. Wild game could thrive there almost unmolested throughout the closed season, and eventually the region would have become one of the world's greatest hunting grounds. But there was design on the magnificent timber from the very start, and the proposition to throw the reservation open for settlement under the farcical Homestead Act quoted, was merely a ruse to cloak the real motives of those in- terested, wdio figured wdsely that few honest claimants would attempt to compl}' with the prohibitive conditions of the law, and go there with the idea of making a home in every sense of the word. With only one method of acquiring a legal foothold, hundreds of men, and not a few women, were found base enough to lend themselves to the scheme of the looters, and even old soldiers, who had shed their blood on the battlefields of their country, were lured into committing perjury by the fascination of the plunderers' ^o\<\. iVIost of them established a quasi right in a manner that it were a vain pity to call residence, and was seemingly done more for the purpose of maintaining a franchise on the right of possession, than through any honest effort^to make a permanent settlement. Here it w'as that Willard X. Jones, himself the son of a distinguished officer of the Rebellion, and honored in his own name by the gift of political favor, discarded all his claims to good citizenship by employing such methods to acquire these titles that has made him a candidate for prison bars. His scheme contem- plated the location of a large area by process of "dummy" entrymen, and to the shame of all concerned, these were drawn mostlv from the ranks of old soldiers, Page 471 Ira Wade, County Clerk of Lincoln County, who bears the distinction of being the only person acquitted of Oregon land frauds in any case prosecuted by Heney ff'ade was involved with Jones and Potter in the Siletz matter members of the G. A. R., who were tempted and fell. Scores of this class invaded the forests and staked out what they were pleased to call their homes. I have shown by photographs the general character of these residences so-called, and will state that these pictures are fairly representative of the alleged "settlement" of the group of entrymen controlled by Jones and his associates. They were mere makeshifts, as will be seen at a glance, and in every case it was shown at the trial of W'illard N. Jones, Thaddeus S. Potter and Ira Wade, in consequence of their connection with the frauds, that the entrymen transferred their claims to Jones before the ink was yet dry upon their linal certificates, and that they had pre- viously entered into an agreement to do so. Practically the entire body confessed upon the witness stand how they had been led astray, and how they had been induced to commit perjury when making the necessary proof of settlement and cultivation, and that their alleged residence was all a delusion and a snare. Here- with is presented a list of those who thus perjured themselves for the sake of a few dishonest dollars, nearlv all of whom were old soldiers or their widows : :Intrv No. Name. Entrv No. Name. 13137 Edward C. Brigham. 14154 Bert Blauvelt. 14233 Daniel Clark. 13116 Oliver T. Conner. 12946 Esther P. Collins. 13113 Richard D. Depue. 14237 Homan K. Finch. 13088 Joseph Gillis. 13087 Anthony Gannon. 12932 Annetta Huston. 13135 Benjamin S. Hunter. 13136 Franklin Hummel. 13089 Thomas Johnson. 14236 James Landfair. 14239 Addison Longenecker. 14235 Granville C. Lawrence 14234 George F. Merrill. 14238 Thad. S. Potter. 13105 Louis Paquet. 13091 George Rilea. 14240 Henry M. Riggs. 13142 • Nelson B. Smith. 13396 William Teghtmeier. 13090 John L. Wells. 13406 George West. 13416 William T. Everson. What lends additional peculiarity to the situation, is the fact that United States Senator Fulton lost no time, after his election, to urge upon the Land Department at Washington the absolute necessity for prompt action in regard Page 472 to the Jones group of entries, with a view that these fraudulent claims should be passed to patent with as little delay as possible. He even went so far as to write personal letters to the head of the Land Department, insisting that an injustice was being done the homesteaders by longer withholding their final titles, and in at least one instance wrote a letter extolling Willard N. Jones as a man of irreproachable character and high standing in the community ! It may be only a coincidence, and all that, and it may be that Senator Fulton falls back upon his well-worn plea that he was misled regarding his conclusions, but it would be interesting to know what kind of an excuse he is able to ofifer for the following self-explanatory correspondence between the Acting Commissioner of the General Land Office and Secretary Hitchcock, brought about through the unwarranted eagerness of Senator Fulton to have the Jones claims expedited : C. W FULTON. Chairman J. F. ORYDEN. B. R. TILLMAN, Q. F. HOAR. J. W. BAILEY. EUQENE HALE, W, A. CLARK, C. W. FAfRBANl \V. II. L J. !>. V. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, ( ; i: m: K' A L land offici:. Washington, D. ('., S('i)t«'iiil)('r 14, U»(i4. Adilii'ss (inly tlic L'lininiissiontT of tlic (Joncriil l>:iinl (>lli('c. Tlic Honoralilc Sccn-t.-irv of tlic Iiilciior. Sir: I liavc tlu' honor to acknow h'dyc the icc'cipt, by your rcfcriMicc of the Unl instant for early report in duplicate and return of ]iapt>r. of a letter fnun Hon. (". W. Fulton. Astoria. Oregon, dated tlie 2Sth ultimo, wiiicii is as follows: I liave received a great nunilx'r of eoinphiints from immestead entrymen on tiie Siietz Indian Koservation. in Oregon, .about the treatment they have received at the hands of the Department. 1 know how diilicuit it is for a homesteader to comply with the letter and spirit of the general homestead law in tiiat country. At the same time I realize that you did not make the law and are not responsible for its provisions. That section of the country is so isolated from any inhabited region and so difficult of access that it is very expensive and difficult w'ork to get ])rovisioTis in to tlie iiomesteaders. Being heavily limbered, it is of course very difficult to make a farm out of a tract of land in that locality, and as a result, entryment cannot remain long at a time on their claims, but are compelled to go outside and work. In cases of married men it is difficult to get their wives in to the land and utterly iiniiracticable for them to keejt their wives residing there continuously. Nevertheless they are anxious to secure a tract of land on which they will ultimately make their home. 1 think in construing the homestead law the character of the country in Western Oregon should be taken into consideration. It is not so easy to make a home on a ti'act of land here as it is in an open prairie country, nevertheless we are very anxious that the country shall be settled up and that homesteaders shall be allowed to exercise the riglit of entry and to secure their titles and ultimately make their homes on the land. I have therefore prepared and determined to introduce and work to secure the passage of. through the next Congress, a bill for the relief of the settlers in that section of the country. I shall make provision for issuing jiatents to every homestead entryman who has spent a certain amount in the way of im])rovements on his tract, wliether in labor or cash, withoul regard to settlement. 1 will wish to confer with you about the amount of exi>enditure recpiired, etc. It may be well to require some character of settlement, but 1 wish, and that is the j)articular thing I do wish to do, to relieve them from the necessity of continued residence on the land. I wish. therefor<\ that you would suspend your investigation of claims in that section and not prosecute matters relative thereto until I can have an ojtjior- tunity to confer with you relative thereto, and to attemjjt at least to secure the passage of some measure of relief. The investigation of all entries in the former JSiletz Indian Reservation was directed by letter "P" of March 26. 1903. under departmental letter of March 12, 1903, referring to this office copy of correspondence had with Mr. Warren H. Brown, Agency Clerk at the Yakima Indian Agency, Fort Simcoe, Washington, relative to frauds in con nection with such entries. The special agent to whom tiie matter was originally referred having been trans ferred to other territory before he had made any rejiorts, directions were given August 7, 1903, to the agent then in charge, the latter having made general rejwrts touching said entries under dates of August 19, November 7, atherford. A. B Dec. 23. 1905. l-'urthcrmorc, in August and September. V)07, Acting Chief Xeuhausen was directed by the Commissioner to cause field investigations to be made on fully fifty difiPerent Siletz entries, and under this authority, detailed Special Agent James D. Watts and .Assi.stant William J. Mitchell to make such investigations. They were in the field ftdly six weeks, diu-ing which they insjiected every claim that had been designated ])y the Land De])artment as subject to such consideration. While engaged in making out their reports, wherein it was shown that many of those under investigation had failed to comply with the laws governing the ac- quisition of the Siletz lands, an order came from .\ssistant Commissioner Dennett passing to patent a number of the claims then under investigation, without regard whatever to their fraudulent character. This act of the Land Department dis- gusted Special Agent Watts to such an extent that he forthwith tendered his resignation, and is now no longer in the (government service. Page 478 R. A. Bollinger, Ex-Commissioner of the '{General Land Office Thad. S. Potter, convicted with Willard N. Jones in the former Siletz Indian Reservation frauds Watts had formerly been a IMontana sheriff, and was a man of strict integrity, as well as utterly oblivious to fear of any kind. An attempt was made to bribe him upon the occasion of his investigation of the Siletz entries alluded to, and this act he reported promptly to x\cting Chief Neuhausen, but it is ques- tionable whether it had any effect in causing those in Washington to entertain greater respect for him. It became the habit, finally, for the General Land Office to ignore all reports of special agents affecting the character of the Siletz entries, and to pass them to patent in utter disregard of prevailing conditions. Thus, the claim of Robert B. Montague, the crooked deputy county clerk of Linn county, Oregon, was picked out as a worthy subject for final title, although it was notorious in the Department, through the reports of special agents, and from other sources, that Montague had never in the slightest degree complied with the laws relati\e to residence and cultivation. Two other claims, ecjually fraudulent, were included in the letter from Assistant Commissioner Dennett, conveying the information that the three entries had been passed to patent, but fortunately, somebody re- covered from the shock sufficiently to enter such a vigorous protest, and set up such well-founded charges of fraud, that even Dennett was obliged to take some sort of official cognizance of the situation by recalling his action in passing the entries to patent, and permitting contests upon specific charges of fraud ! If necessary, I could cite numerous instances in the Siletz country alone where the General Land Office, under the Ballinger and Dennett administrations, has strangely shut its eyes to glaring frauds, and passed entries to patent that it must have known should have been cancelled. This condition applies only to the Siletz country, and whether or not it extends in other directions, I am in no position to state. In the case of the Siletz entries, it is a matter of record that in nearly every instance the claims were transferred to speculators as soon as final certificates Page 480 Fred Dennett, Commissioner of the General Land Office were granted by the local Land (')t"fice. and that the holders of title were exceed- ing-ly active in securing the issuance of patents. The trial of WiUard N. Jones, Thad S. Totter and Ira Wade during 190r. wherein the two former were convicted and the latter actiuitted, developed enough evidence to show that hardly an entry in the former Siletz Indian Reser- vation was made in good faith. Naturally, there are some exceptions, but they are so scarce as to render them unworthy of notice. When it became known that John 11. Hall, the United States Attorney for Oregon, was shielding from punishment some of those since found to have been most prominently identifietl with the general system of looting. President Roo.se- velt lost no time in removing him summarily from office, and appointing Mr. Henev to the vacancy. The latter continued to conduct the affairs of the office until December 3. 1905. when President Roosevelt sent in the name of William C. Bristol, a brilliant young lawyer of Portland, Oregon, to fill the position. Bristol was known to be a man of strict integrity and marked legal ability, and as one posses.sed of the courage of his convictions. It was an open secret that he was Henev's choice for the place, and this, in itself, was sufficient to bring down upon his head the accumulated opposition of every land grafter in^ Oregon and elsewhere, who were against everything bearing the stamp of Heney's a])proval. Every possible effort was made to prevent the confirmation of Bristol by the United States Senate, until finally the President withdrew his name and after Christian Scheubel, of Oregon City, James T. Cleeton, of Portland, and James McCourt. of Pendleton, had been successively named for the place, the Senate, in March, last, confirmed the latter. The fight against Bristol was led by United States Senator Fulton, of Oregon, and it is believed that his stand in the matter had much to do with his recent rejection by the Republican voters of the State for re-nomination as a Senatorial candidate, and while there is, no doubt, a multitude of causes that led to Fulton's defeat at the polls, it is thought the friends of Bristol contributed their share, nor is there any reason to deny that Fulton's indifference in connec- tion with fraudulent land schemes of the Siletz order operated as much as anything to his political downfall. Under a recent ruling of the General Land Office, Special Agents are required to make daily reports to the Comniissioner covering all their movements, while on duty. This order has had the effect of arousing considerable hostile criticism in the ranks of the better class of Special Agents, who reason that if the head of the Laud Department was a person of unsavory stripe, these daily reports would have a tendency to keep him in constant touch with the movements of all the men under his jurisdiction, and enable him to thwart any honest effort to prevent fraud where the Commissioner himself was person- ally concerned. As an illustration of the idea there is herewith presented a facsimile of the report cards in use by the Special Agents of the General Land Office at the present time, which is filled out w-ith a presumed report of a crooked special agent: ^-c^- 30cparttnent of the Interior. GENERAL LAND OFFICE DAILY KKPORT Jiljli(l^y....Uay J-3-. 190X. Detroit, Oregon. Direoted by Hon.Coiranlssioner 's letter "P" ,1323 ,M.Y.O.B. , Q.T. ,P.D.Q. .April 1,1901, to inaKe field InveBtig^tlon alleged fraudulent Hd entries Tp 11-7. Pd $1000 by Puter to Xeep ray mouth shut; made report recoMmending all claims for Pat; sed Nellie Backus "was a ggodgirl., and done the best she could." (Jok.) Seen Heldecke; told him "mum's the word — hev you saw Puter?" Stated in report that Walgamot raises cabbages In Summer and traps coons In Winter. (Nother Joak — he raises teeth between seasono. ) Hain't saw Dan Tarpley sence he flashed check, made 4-480. re- port about old hayseed living on his claim; wouldn't come through; sed he didn't hev nothin': he'll git hls'n all right—where the chicken got the axe. Traveling expenses and subsistence — 411.7 0^ Special Agent Page 482 Chapter XXXI Brief history of the famous Hyde-Bciisoii-Scliiicidcr-Diiiioiid Conspiracy Case, noiv on trial at Washington, D. C. — Defendants brought to bar after four years of vexations delays — Some interesting features in connection zvith the manner in zvhich the evidence against the accused zcas unearthed by the Government. ALTHOUGH indictments had been returned against F. A. Hyde, John A. Benson, Joost H. Schneider and Henry P. Dimond on February 17, 1904, the defendants were not brought to trial until April 1. 1908. Legal efforts to prevent the case from being reached at all were responsible for some of the delays, but generally the continuances and repeated postponements were brought about through technical questions raised to hinder proceedings. At all events, it has taken the Government more than four years to bring the quartet of alleged conspirators into Court, and there is a strong likelihood of the case dragging its weary length along for some time to come before any final determination is reached, the trial being still in progress at this writing. Three of the defendants — Hyde, Benson and Dimond — reside in San Fran- cisco, California, while Schneider is engaged in business at Tuscon, Arizona. They were accused under Section 5440, of the United States Revised Statutes, with having defrauded the Government of its public lands, their plan of operation, ac- cording to the theory of the prosecution, embracing a system without parallel for its magnitude. In brief, it contemplated the fraudulent acquisition of title to thousands of acres of school lands within the confines of forest reserves in Cali- fornia and Oregon by process of "dummy" and fictitious applicants, and the ex- change of tracts thus acquired for valuable timber lands of the LTnited States under the forest reserve lieu land Act of June 4, 1897. It was through this ex- change with the Government that they became involved in trouble, as the United States has no authority over State lands of any kind, and had the alleged con- spirators confined their operations to the acquisition of title to the 16th and 36th sections of townships in the two States named, the chances are that nothing in the nature of a criminal proceeding would have resulted from their scheme of looting. As soon, however, as they undertook to select Government land in lieu of their fraudulent State holdings, it brought them within the jurisdiction of L'ncle Sam, and entailed a condition that has resulted in a long legal battle for their liberties. Dimond was stationed at Washington, D. C, during the period it was claimed the frauds had been committed, and his supposed connection with Hyde and Benson as their legal representative at the National Capital is responsible for the case being tried there. It was set up in the indictment that the fact of his appearing before the Land Departments at different times in the interest of the two alleged arch conspirators formed the connecting link, and entitled the Government to try the defendants wherever any part of the plot was hatched. The attempt to remove the quartet to Washington for trial was resisted to the utmost, but without avail, as the United States Supreme Court sustained the Government's contention that if any part of the proceedings tending to connect the defendants with the commission of a conspiracy originated in Washington, they could be brought across the continent for trial. The first official intimation that frauds of an extensive character were being perpetrated by the Hyde-Benson ring, came in the form of a letter from J. A. Zabriskie, an attorney of Tuscon, Arizona (since deceased), who advised the General Land Oflice at Washington, D. C, that he was in possession of information Page 483 Arthur B. Pugh, of Washington, D. C, Special Assistant to the United States Attorney-General and Chief Counsel for the Government in the Hyde- Benson case from Joost H. Schneider, a client, to the effect that F. A. Hyde, John A. Benson and Henry P. Dimond were engaged in a conspiracy to defraud the Government out of immense tracts of State school lands in California aixl Oregon by process of illegal filings, and that Schneider was willing to aid the Land De- partment officials in uncovering the frauds. After considerable delay, Binger Hermann, then Commissioner of the General Land Office, detailed Special Agent S. J. Holsinger to proceed to Tuscon and interview Schneider. Acting under these instructions, Holsinger proceeded to Tuscon, where on November 6, 1902, he held his first interview with Schneider in the presence of Attorney Zabriskie. Several days were consumed in securing full details from Schneider, so that it was not until November 12, 1902, that Special Agent Holsinger was prepared to make his report to the Commissioner of the General Land Office. This he did from Phoenix, Arizona, on the date indicated, covering practically every feature of the conspiracy as described by Schneider. In brief, the admissions of Schneider amounted to a confession that he had acted as the agent for Hyde and Benson in prcuring "dummies" to locate the school lands in existing and proposed forest reserves of California and Ore- gon, with a view of their subsequent exchange with the Government for other lands. In this manner several hundred applications had been filed, many of which embraced the names of fictitious persons. Holsinger transmitted his report to the General Land Office, and it was promptly pigeonholed by Commissioner Hermann, and probably would never have seen the light of day again had not a clerk unearthed it, and its contents become known to Secretary Hitchcock, months after it had been filed with the Commissioner. The Secretary of the Interior at once instituted an investigation, intrusting this feature of the case to Arthur B. Pugh, an attorney for the Interior Department. The latter proceeded to California accompanied by Special Agent Steece, of the General Land Office, and the two secured much damaging evidence against Hyde, Benson and others. Later William J. Burns, of the Treasury De- partment, was called into the case, and he spent several weeks in San Francisco and Oregon in unearthing the frauds, with the result that from the mass of evi- dence in the possession of the Government from these various sources, the in- dictment was returned. When Burns returned to Washington from his preliminary investigation of the Hyde-Benson case, he asked the Chief Clerk, James T. Macey, of the Gen- eral Land Office, for a confidential stenographer to write up his report. Macey sent Irvin Rittenhouse to him for a few days. His work was of such value to Burns that he was retained by him indefinitely. This was the early part of No- vember, 1903. About December 28th or 29th, 1903, Secretary of the Interior E. A. Hitchcock received two anonymous letters from San Francisco concerning- the Hyde-Benson case. One was typewritten and the other pen printed. He turned them over to Burns and the latter brought them to the Land Office, where he showed them to Rittenhouse and asked him who he thought wrote them. Rittenhouse, who had been handling a lot of typewritten papers in connection with the case, noticed at once that the anonymous letter was written on a Blickens- derfer typewriter and immediately called Burns' attention to the fact that all of Dimond's letters to the General Land Office, entering his appearance as attorney in the Hyde lieu selection cases, had been written with this type of machine, and that it was his opinion Dimond wrote the anonymous letters. Several months later Rittenhouse accompanied Burns to San Francisco for the hearing before United States Commissioner E. H. Heacock on the ques- tion of the removal of the defendants Hyde and Dimond, Schneider having been arrested in Washington, D. C, and Benson in New York City. The hearing lasted about six or eight weeks, during March, April and May, 1904. Dimond had been on the stand in his own defense for about a week or ten days, under cross-examination by Mr. Heney, and his story w'as one that could not be shaken by the Government. It was vitally important that the Commissioner should hold Page 485 Daniel W. Baker, United States Attorney for the District of Columbia Dimond for removal, as the majority of the overt acts aUeged in the indictment were committed in Washington, D. C, where Dimond had been stationed. The Government ofificers were not a Httle worried over the defense Dimond was making, and the newspapers were all inclined towards the assumption that he had no connection with the conspiracy and that he was innocent of any criminal knowledge thereof. The anonymous letters contained statements that no one but a co-conspirator could have made, and if it were possible to prove Dimond to be the writer of them, his defense would fall. Burns had not accepted the theory of Rittenhouse, and was working on other lines to connect Dimond with the letters, but had been unsuccessful. One afternoon after Court had adjourned, while Dimond was still on the stand, and the Government officers had almost concluded it would be impossible to break him down, Judge Pugh, Rittenhouse, and Burns accompanied Heney to his offices, and while there discussing the case, Heney asked Burns for the anonymous letters, which Rittenhouse had brought to San Francisco, and was reading them over in an effort to find some connection with Dimond in them. The anonymous letters had erroneously spelled the Special Agent's name STAGE instead of STEECE. As soon as Heney read this part of the pen written letter 'Tf your Mr. STAGE had been worth the powder to blow him up," etc., Ritten- house remarked in the presence of Burns and Pugh, "Why, Dimond has been calling STEEGE STAGE all afternoon." Heney looked up and said: "By, G — d, that's right, Rit!" Burns gave a look of doubt as to the correctness of the statement, but both Heney and Pugh immediately recalled the fact. Mr. Heney read the following portion of the letter which referred to a Mr. BROHASKI in Tucson, Arizona. This meant Zabriskie, who had been Schneider's attorney when he first made his confession of the conspiracy to Special Agent Holsinger. As soon as Mr. Heney read the sentence containing this name BROHASKI, Rittenhouse again remarked, "Dimond has been calling Zabriskie BROHASKI, too." Heney looked up with the smile of satisfaction that had not then become famous and said : "That's right ; Good for you, Rit !" and brought his fist down on his desk, saying "We've got him ; We've got him !" Burns was inclined to doubt even this statement, but both Heney and Judge Pugh recalled it, and the former paid no attention to the doubts of Burns. Turning to Rittenhouse Burns said : "Now that goes to shqw the importance of you being down there all the time, Rit." Rittenhouse immediately rejoined, "What's the matter with the 'King of Detectives?' he was asleep this afternoon." As a result of these identical errors by Dimond on the stand in the course of his examination and numerous other coincidences which Rittenhouse then pointed out to Mr. Heney in Dimond's admitted correspondence, it was clearly proven that Dimond had written the two anonymous letters to Secretary Hitch- cock, and the Government even proved that he was the writer of one which he claimed to have received from some unknown source, and which he had written to himself to use as a "club" on Hyde to make the latter pay him a fee of $10,000 which Dimond claimed was due him from Hyde. Judge Stafford, of the Supreme Gourt of the District of Columbia, pre- sides at the trial of the four defendants, while Judge Arthur B. Pugh, Special Assistant to the Attorney-General, and Daniel W. Baker, United States Attorney for the District of Columbia, ably represent the Government in the proceedings. Hyde is defended by A. S. Worthington, a prominent lawyer of Washington, D. G., and the legal interests of Benson are skillfully guarded by J. C. Campbell, of San Francisco. Page 487 ^'^^'^ UNCLE SAM AS HE MAY APPEAR TH'ENTY YEARS EROM NOW Chief Eorester Pinchot declares that the supply of timber in this country will be exhausted in twenty years if nothing is done to protect it Spokane Spokesman- Review Index List of Illustrations Page Francis J. Heney (Steel Engraving) Frontispiece. Buffalo Head on Wyoming Plains 13 Puter's Old Home in Humboldt County, California 14 Gulliver and the Lilliputians 17 A King of the Redwood Forest 19 Fallen Redwood Giant 20 Desert Automobiles 21 The Dead Monarch 24 ' ' Old Pard' ' Mays 26 Willard N. Jones 29 House Made of Beer Bottles 32 Thomas B. Neuhausen, Special Inspector, Interior Department 34 Puter Making Estimates on Fraudulent Claim 37 Map Showing Fraudulent Timber Entries in Township 14 S., Ranges 3 and 4 East 39 Sample of Timber on Fraudulent Claim 41 Oregon City Land Office 43 Field Marshal Kribs 45 Map of the Famous Township ' '11-7" 47 Horace G. McKinley 49 Ardigah Falls 51 Linn County Courthouse 54 Cedar Stump House 56 Bearing Tree in ' ' 11-7" 59 Ex-Commissioner of the General Land Office Binger Hermann 62 Daniel W. Tarpley 64 " T. A. " Ranch on Crazy Woman Creek, Wyoming 66 Puter Cooking Flapjacks on Bogus Homestead Claim 69 ' 'Line-Up" at Vancouver, Washington, Land Office 71 Cornerstone of Two Fraudulent Claims 73 Scene in Township 8 S., R. 3 E 75 Homestead Claim in Lakeview Land District 78 Group of Nevada Prospectors 79 Character of Yellow Pines in the Deschutes Country 82 A. B, Hammond 85 Ex-Special Inspector A. R. Greene 87 Special Agent Making Field Investigation 90 The Late Judge Charles B. Bellinger 93 Coal Lands of Wyoming Acquired Fradulently 96 Ex-United States Senator Fred. W. Mulkey 99 United States District Judge William H. Hunt 102 ' ' The Lure of the Sagebrush" (Poem) 104 Sample of Timber in Township 1 S., Range 6 W 108 Garden Patch in Heart of the Forest 113 Mrs. Emma L. Watson " 115 Captain J. A. Sladen 119 Prof. F. J. Toland 124 Judge Thomas O 'Day 129 Mammaloose Island 132 Monarch of the Sugar Pine Forest 135 Mount Jefferson, Oregon 137 Judge Martin L. Pipes 139 Forest Rangers' Cabin on Minto Mountain 141 Page 489 Page Captain Salmon B. Onnsby 143 Government Surveying Party 147 ' "Leather Stocking' ' Walgamot 149 Clyde D. Lloyd 151 Snowdrifts in June 154 George R. Ogdcn 156 Government Surveyor Barber Identifying Comer 158 Robert B. Montague 161 Maud Witt 163 Frank E. Alley 165 Judge O'Day Grilling Witness Heidecke 167 Puter Estimating Timber on C. A. Smith Claim 170 Special Agent J. H. Alexander 173 The Famous United States Grand Jury 177 Sample of Tillamook County Timber 181 Foothills of the Big Horn Movmtains 184 Clerk J. F. Casey, of the General Land Office 187 A Glimpse of the High Sierras 191 A Typical Mountaineer Named Andy NichoUs 193 Group of Portland Newspaper Men 197 Mount Hood, Oregon 201 Lumber Flume at Bridal Veil, Oregon 205 Samples of Lubricant 209 Scene on the Allie Houser Claim 211 Irvin Rittenhouse 213 Judge Tanner on the Witness Stand 215 Harry C. Robertson 217 Heney Arguing the Mitchell Case 218 Ex-United States Senator John M. Thurston 210 The Late United States Senator Mitchell 221 A Group of Sugar Pines 227 United States District Judge John J. DeHaven 228 Marie Ware-McKinley 231 "Chink in Stocks" 233 State Senator Robert A. Booth 237 Eskimo Grave on St. Michael's Island 239 William J. Bums 241 Fenway Branch Postoffice, Boston, Mass 245 Women Homesteaders in Lane County, Oregon 249 The Last Line-up in Oregon 253 Trading Station in the British Possessions 257 United States District Judge Charles E. Wolverton 261 An Official Inspection 266 William C. Bristol 271 Bogus Homestead Claim on Summit of Sierras 275 Some Clackamas County, Oregon, Timber 280 United States Marshal Charles J. Reed, of Oregon 285 Robert L. Stevens, Sheriff of Multnomah County, Oregon 290 ' ' Dad ' ' Hunter, Jailer of the Multnomah County Jail 292 Puter at Work in His Cell 294 Map of Township 13 S., R. 3 E., Linn County, Oregon 296 Plat of Township 13 S., R. 4 E., Linn County, Oregon 298 United States Surveyor-General George A. Westgate 299 Logging Train in Humboldt County, California 301 Sample of Redwood Timber in Humboldt County, California 303 C. A. Smith 307 ' 'Bull Donkey' ' in Operation Among the Redwoods 309 The Sequoia's Last Stand 312 The Happy Family 314 Ex- United States Senator George W. McBride, of Oregon 318 T. W. Davenport 323 Ex-United States Senator Joseph Simon, of Oregon 326 Page 490 Page Ex-Governor T. T. G-eer, of Oregon 331 Official Pet of Gibsonville, California 333 Governor George E. Chamberlain, of Oregon 335 Railroad Commissioner Oswald West, of Oregon 337 Dr. Van Gesner 340 Government Exhibit in the Williamson Case 343 ' ' Scapegoat " 345 Ex-Congressman J. N. Williamson, of Oregon 346 Yellow Fir Logs Ready for the Bull Donkey 349 George Sorenson 353 Marion R Biggs 355 John H. Hall 359 Edward A. Putnam 361 Edward W. Dixon, Chief of Field Division No. 3 363 Stupendous Scheme of Illegal Fencing 365 "Pretty Moth" of Oregon Politics 367 Map Showing Mt. Rainier National Park Steal of the Northern Pacific 369 James Henry Booth, Ex-Receiver Roseburg Land Office 372 Gold Dredger at Work Near Oroville, California 375 Critical Moment in the Williamson Case 378 Sample of Burnt Over Lands of the Northern Pacific in Mt. Rainier National Park .... 381 J. F. ("Jack") Kerrigan 384 The Picture that Elected Binger Hermann to Congress 386 John F. Cusack, Professional ' ' Cruiser' ' 391 Corner Post and ' 'Bearing Trees' ' 393 Yellow Pine Tree in the Big Meadows 394 Horace Stevens 397 Museum of the California State Mining Bureau 404 Birdseye View of Oil Field in Southern California 406 Sample ' ' Seepage ' ' in the Oil Fields 407 Standard Oil Drilling Rig in Operation 411 Lewis E. Aubury, State Mineralogist of California 419 Town of Taylorsville, Plumas County, California 421 La Porte, Plumas County, California 423 Scope of Operations of Timber Thieves in Mineral Belt 425 Scene in the United States Land Office at Susanville, California, During Great Rush for Timber in 1902 426 Fredonia Pass, Lassen County, California 427 Camel's Peak, Plumas County, California 428 H. H. Yard, the "frenzied' ' Mineral Locator 429 Gibsonville, Sierra County, California 430 Edward H. Benjamin 432 Thomas B. Walker 435 State Mineralogist Aubury in His Office 437 The Late Michael A. Meyendorff, Special Agent, General Land Office 449 Ex-Secretary of the Interior, Ethan Allen Hitchcock 453 Embryo Matches 454 Dr. Harry Lane, Mayor of Portland, Oregon 457 Enormous Timber Growth in the Siletz Country 463 James Rudolph Garfield, Secretary of the Interior 465 Scene in the Sunset Oil Fields, Kern County, California 468 An Humble Home in the Siletz Country 470 Palatial Residence of a Siletz Homesteader 471 Ira Wade, Clerk of Lincoln County, Oregon: 472 United States Senator Charles W. Fulton, of Oregon 475 Sample Residence of a Siletz Homesteader 476 R. A. Ballinger, Ex-Commissioner General Land Office 478 Thad. S. Potter 480 Fred Dennett, Commissioner of the General Land Office 481 Arthur B. Pugh, Special Assistant to the Attorney-General 484 Daniel W. Baker, United States Attorney for the District of Columbia 486 Uncle Sam, as He is Liable to Appear Twenty Years Hence 488 Page 491 Contents Page INTRODUCTORY 7 CHAPTER 1 15 Knrly life of Puter in the California Redwoods, showing how he was reared amidst scenes of turmoil and bereft of refining influences — Details the Indian outbreak of forty years afjo, wherein his childhood home was reduced to ashes — Gives his experience as a lum- berman and practical logger — Also tells the story of his initial connection with Govern- ment lands, and how his environs were such as to inspire him with a desire to prey upon the public domain — Describes the first fraud of anv consequence under the Timber and Stone Act of June 3, 1878. CHAPTER n 21 Stephen A. Douglas Puter meets Franklin Pierce Mays, and the pair form a mutual admira- tion society, which ripens into a business relationship of many years' standing. He also comes in contact with Willard N. Jones, and subsequent events indicate that there was all kinds of pleasure and profit in the association of the Triumvirate. Describes some of their crooked transactions in connection with the public domain, and also tells how Ex-SurveyorGeneral Meldrum refused to Vie buncoed. Operations of Puter and Jones result in a criminal proceeding of a "holdup" character, and marks the Land- Fraud King's first appearance as a defendant. CHAPTER III 33 C. A. Smith, a Minneapolis millionaire, engrosses the attention of the Land-Fraud King, and their acquaintance ripens into a clever scheme to bunco Uncle Sam out of a vast tract of Oregon timber. The outwitted Northern Pacific seeks revenge by having Mc- Kinley arrested, and is also blamed for reporting the matter to the Government. As a result of subsequent investigations by the Land Department, several special agents falJL by the wayside under the mystic spell of Fred. Kribs' tainted money, and the effort to acquire patents on the fraudulent entries marks the first step in the downfall of United States Senator John 11. Mitchell. CHAPTER rV 46 History of the Famous Township "11-7" deal, whereby Puter and his associates demon- strate conclusively that there is an actual method of stealing Government land — Des- perate efforts of the conspirators to secure the early issuance of patents on the fraud- ulent claims includes the wholesale bribery of public ofiicials of both high and low degree — Details of the transaction in which United States Senator John H. Mitchell, of Oregon, figures as the taker of tainted money in the shape of two $1000 bills for his services in securing favorable action by the Land Department at Washington. CHAPTER V 67 Emboldened by their success in the "11-7" deal, Puter and McKinley seek new worlds to conquer, and are rewarded by making a rich haul in Township "24-1" — McKinley plays an interesting hold-up game with Clyde Lloyd in the transaction, his careless methods resulting in laying the foundation for subsequent Governmental prosecutions — The irrepressible Franklin Pierce Mays also takes a hand in the game upon a per- centage basis, and poor Hobson is left with his usual choice. CHAPTER VI 80 ' Details of a well-laid plot to raid the public domain in the Deschutes Country, wherein 108 "dummies" seek to acquire 17,280 acres of fine timber land for speculative purposes — A combination of adverse circumstances operates to Puter's disadvantage, notwith- standing the collossal ideas of "Old Pard" Mays on the subject of evading conse- quences — -A. B. Hammond, a wealthy Pacific Coast lumberman, figures as a bold finan- cier, but is prevented from doing business on account of the general cussedness of in- animate things — Inspector Greene, of the Interior Department, strikes a smoking trail, and a case of mistaken identity leads to an amusing situation. CHAPTER VII 91 Petty controversies between McKinley and young Lloyd over money matters furnishes the basis for the first land fraud indictments in Oregon — Colonel Greene has his suspicions aroused by reason of the "241" transaction, and lifts the lid from the ugly mess — Incidentally, Special Agent Linnen, of the General Land Office, distinguishes himself in the terpsichorean art while in search of evidence against the conspirators — Francis J. Heney, Special Assistant to the United States Attorney-General, makes his initial appearance at the land fraud trials, and his presence causes a general scurrying to shelter by the two female defendants, as well as considerable anxiety on the part of F. P. Mays. CHAPTER VIII 97 Wherein Mrs. Kmma L. Watson is spirited away under the advice of Attorney F. P. Mays, and an interesting account is given of the frantic etTorts made by the Government to discover her hiding-place — Sleuth Gallagher shows up to good advantage in the start, but is finally obliged to let 'er go — Puter relates the ingenious methods resorted to by himself and McKinley in throwing the secret service man off the scent, and altogether, enough queer mix-ups occur to make the affair a "Comedy of Errors." Page 492 Page CHAPTER IX 105 Capture of Mrs. Watson in Chicago by Government sleuths after a hide-and-seek game of long duration — The Windy City newspapers draw the long bow in describing the affair, and print photographs of attractive actresses to represent the fair prisoner, in lieu of her genuine picture, which has never been published heretofore — Puter details his clever efforts to throw the Secret Service off the scent, and almost succeeds in getting Mrs. Watson out of town — -Detective Gallagher comes in for a gilt-edged "roast" at the hands of Mrs. Watson, and Special Inspector Greene, of the Interior Department, indulges in a wild-goose chase to his sorrow. CHAPTER X 123 Heney's coup in substituting the 11-7 case for that of the 24-1 throws consternation in the ranks of the defendants, and upsets Mays' arrangements with United States Attorney Hall to have Heney beaten in the weaker case, so as to open the doors for the dis- missal of the other — Marie Ware meets an interesting mining man, who is assiduous in his attentions, and almost wins her tender young heart, but he proves to be Douglas W. Doyle, of the Government Secret Service, and the astounding discovery causes the wed- ding bells to go on a strike- — Colonel Greene shows to disadvantage as a sleuth — - Details of the final preparations for the great 11-7 battle. CHAPTER XI 136 Trial of the famous "11-7" case ends in speedy conviction after a series of sensational developments — Puter charges that himself and associates were to be sacrificed as a burnt offering in atonement for the sins of those "higher-up" — Incidentally, the land fraud king pays his respects to John H. Hall, and shows how the efforts of the ousted United States Attorney to hide Heney's light under a bushel met with disastrous consequences — Binger Hermann's fickle memory proves a factor at the trial, but fails to save the defendants — Telegraphic correspondence between Heney and Mitchell indi- cates the powerful pressure brought by the Government to secure the Senator's at- tendance as a witness — Special Agent Loomis and Forest Superintendent Ormsby shine as pastmasters in the art of making misleading reports. CHAPTER XII 171 Pu ter 's motivesf or aiding the Government — His cooperation with Henelf and Burns the ' mainstay in the efforts Tb^^^onhect United States Senator John H. mitchell with the Oregon land frauds — How Frederick A. Kribs was driven into a corner and forced to "peach'' on his friends — C. A. Smith, the notorious Minneapolis millionaire, saved by the statute of limitations — Unique system of "mining" pursued by the Secret Service Department in reducing the strongholds of conspiracy. CHAPTER XIII 212 Evidence produced before the Federal Grand Jury by Fred A. Kribs and others results in the indictment and subsequent conviction of United States Senator John H. Mitchell, of Oregon, for violation of Section 1782 of the Revised Statutes — Judge Tanner, Senator Mitchell's law partner, breaks down in the Grand Jury room, and in order to save his son from criminal prosecution, confesses that a fake partnership agree- ment between the law firm of Mitchell & Tanner had been substituted for the original, and changed so as to exonerate Senator Mitchell from any criminal liability — Some interesting inside history of the manner in which the Government secured damaging evidence against the accused statesman, wherein Irvin Rittenhouse, private secretary to Prosecutor Heney, distinguishes himself as a sleuth. CHAPTER XIV 229 Tells how the acquaintance between the land fraud king and his chief lieutenant originated — Also gives a graphic account of the brilliant social function in Chicago, wherein the gay and festive Horace G. McKinley leads the charming Marie L. Ware to the altar, both bride and groom being exceedingly well known in land fraud circles — Cards are sent out announcing that the happy couple would be "At Home" in 11-7 — Recites the preparations for McKinley 's flight to the Orient, and pretends to describe the form of punishment meted out by the Chinese Government to its own looters of the public domain in the Flowery Kingdom. CHAPTER XV 234 Describes -Eiiter's- -flight from the Pacific Coast upon learning that the Oregon State "" authorities were after him on account of his connection with alleged fraudulent school land deals in that State — Also tells about the various disguises he adopted to avoid de- tection, and gives the inside facts pertaining to his unique system of correspondence with his family and friends for the purpose of baffling pursuit. CHAPTER XVI 240 Full particulars regarding Puter' s exciting capture by Secret Service Agent Burns at the Fenway Branch Postoffice in Boston, on the night of March 26, 1906, and his subse- quent sensational escape from the famous Government sleuth — Clever plans are pre- pared lor ensnaring the land fraud king, but the postmaster's blunder upstes calcula- tions — ^Puter's gun-play after a fierce battle on the sidewalk causes the great detective to beat an unceremonious retreat and enables the wily land grabber to get away — De- tails successful efforts to evade re-capture, and tells about his wanderings following escape from Burns. CHAPTER XVII 254 The King of the Oregon Land Fraud Ring encounters a Boston lawyer, who furnishes him some valuable up-to-date ideas on the subject of "cultured" looting — Holds Puter up to the tune of $322 for collecting a $1022 check — Describes his interesting experi- ences as a fugitive from justice and the clever methods adopted to evade the Govern- ment sleuths. Page 493 Page ' CHAPTER XVIII 267 Puter returns to tlio I'acitic ("oust for the jnirixise of throwing himself upon the leniency of Francis J. lleney, und is reciii)tured by (iovernnient Secret Service Agents and local officers after a scries of excitinc adventures — (lives a vivid account of his arrest and subsequent conlinenient in various jails, in the course of which he hands of Sheriff of ^Alameda County some left-handed complinientK for his Russianized methods of con the burdens of life as philosophically as possible in the Multnomah (.'ounty jail, and receives a New Year's gift from President Roosevelt in the form of a ])ardon. CHAPTER XIX 295 C". A. Smith, the mull i-millionaire of Minneapolis, and candidate for the I'nited States Senate from Minnesota, grows exceedingly "chesty"' when he imagines Puter has joined the "])own and Out" Club on account of being a fugitive from justice, and gives a local newspaper a false interview concerning the land fraud king — The latter retaliates, and proves Smith to be not only the I'remier Disciple of Ananias, but a Shylock of the first water and a miser of the deepest dye, behind whom the turnkey stalked with lieiidish glee until the statute of limitations kindly came to his rescue. CHAPTER XX 315 A few pertinent fa<'ts connected with Oregon State School Lauds, which have a tendency to throw ct)nsi(lerable light on the inner workings of one system of plunder slightly out of the ordinary — Indemnity selections are shown to be a favorite method of operation, and the "School Land Ring" comes in for its share of attention — Governor Pennoyer's heart and the State Treasury are touched simultaneously l)y a clever ruse, wherein a bum actor plays a leading part — How the Hyde-Benson gang stole a march on the Oregon "Push,'' and got away with 40,000 acres of lieu in the cascade Forest Reserve under their eyes, causing much wailing and gnashing of teeth among the "faithful" — Ex-Governor (Jeer looms up in the land fraud limelight — The election of Governor Chamberlain marks the downfall of the School Land sharks, and Oswald West earns an enviable reputation as State Land Agent — Puter's explanation of the State indictments against him. CHAPTER XXI 339 Conviction of Congressman Williamson, Dr. Van Gesner and Marion R. Biggs, for con- spiracy to defraud the Government of its public lands, after three stubbornly-contested trials — Apprehending a third disagreement of the jury, Heney prepares for a fourth trial of the case — The United States Supreme Court grants Williamson a new trial upon grounds that practically open the doors for all forms of abuse of the timber land laws, and legalizes the ''dummy" system of acquiring titles under the Act of June ■^. IMTS. CHAPTER XXII 347 Details of the great Blue Mountain Forest Reserve conspiracy, as outlined at the trial of F. P. Mays, W. N. Jones and George Sorenson — All three defendants are convicted after a trial that broke all records in the Federal Courts of Oregon for longevity — McKinley and Tarpley work a shrewd flim-flam game on Mays, who threatens to "checkerboard" their holdings unless they pay tribute to his autocratic power — Almost the entire Oregon delegation in Congress is implicated in the plot to establish the Blue Mountain reserve, which develops into a clever scheme to convert a large (lu'i'itity of school land into forest reserve scrij). CHAPTER XXIII 257 John H. Hall's repeated efforts to protect his political associates from criminal prosecution for violations of the Federal statutes results in his conviction for consi)iracy in the Butte Creek Land, Livestock & Lumber Company Case, during which a gigantic scheme of inclosing Government land is laid bare — Nearly 20,000 acres of the public domain is inclosed in a vast pasture by the wealthy corporation, but the persistency of Edward A. Putnam, a small stockraiser, in fighting for his rights, is the David that destroys the Goliah of evil — Senator Fulton's name is brought under an unpleasant limelight by the Court proceedings, and the inactivity of former United States Attorney Hall is established clearly by the testimony, especially where those "higher up" were involved — George C. Brownell, the uncrowned king of Clackamas county politics, is absolved from blame by Government Prosecutor Heney, as a result of Henry Meldrum's fnnf(>ssions. -CHAPTER XXrV 368 Under the guise of creating a National Park from the bleak territory surrounding Mt. Rainier, Congress enacts a measure giving the Northern Pacific Railroad Company autocratic powers in the selection of Government lands, and enables the Hill cor- poration to exchange its worthless holdings for valuable tracts in every State pene- trated by its lines — How the Land Department, \inder the Ballinger regime has aided the Northern Pacific with its lieu selections — With less than thirty miles of con- structed road in Oregon, the railway company is empowered by Congress to make selec- tion of more than 300,000 a<-res of valuable timber lands in that State — The bulldozing manner in which settlers are iirevented from taking homestead claims. CHAPTER XXV 388 Some interesting information on the subject of '■cruisers," showing the imi)ortant work of this highly necessary class in connection with the lumbering industry — Honesty and integrity a prime factor in the business of estimating timber — How dealers in timber lands are often swindled by misleading reports of dishonest cruiser.s — Also exposes the scheme of land locators to catch victims, and furnishes a way of preventing deception in this respect. Page 49i L^ CHAPTER XXVI. Page . 395 History of the famous contest between the Scrippers and Mineral Locators in the Kern River oil fields of California, over the titles to valuable petroleum lands, wherein Binger Hermann figures as the Good Samaritan — The plot also thickens, involving a high Federal official in its meshes, besides having something to do with the mysterious disappearance of Henry J. Fleischmann, the petted child of fortune, with half a million dollars belonging to the funds of a Los Angeles bank, and "no questions asked" or arrests made. CHAPTER XXVII 417 Great rush of Eastern timber speculators with a horde of dummy entrymen into the virgin ^^_^- forests of Northern California impels the State Mininjr Bureau to "send a special agent .--'^'^ to the aflfected districts for the purpose of investigating numerous complaints relative to encroachments on unpatented mining claims by the greedy grabbers — His report to State Mineralogist Anbury has the effect of drawing the President's attention to the situation, with the result that an Executive proclamation is issued, making provisional suspension of a vast territory for forest reserve purposes, and calling a halt on further depredations — It also encompasses the loss of several official heads in the Land Department, and likewise reveals a cunning scheme to grab 265,000 acres of valuable timber land by process of placer mining locations, in order to blaze the way for the coming of the Western Pacific railroad. CHAPTER XXVIII 442 ^ji^^ Grist of the Government's land fraud mill in the shape of indictments and convictions — How the famous Federal Grand Jury of Oregon put a stop to the reign of the looters. In the course of a session lasting several months, the body returns numerous indict- ments covering about every phase of the land fraud situation with the result that twenty-seven persons have already been convicted while other trials are to follow. — Resume of the different eases showing social status of most of those involved. CHAPTER XXIX 455 A few arguments in support of President Roosevelt's forestry policy — How the creation of reserves has been the salvation of the timber industry in this country — "Views of those well-informed indicate that it was a wise plan to place the control of the forests in the general Government, and that the only protest comes from selfish interests — How the Denver Public Lands Convention had the tables turned in the effort to discredit the President's policies. CHAPTER XXX 469 The story of Siletz — How the Indians were robbed of their homes for the benefit of pale- faced looters, under the guise of treaty rights — The scheme to open the reservation to settlement under a special homestead law merely a cloak for grabbing the timber by dishonest methods, as only a few entrymen were acting in good faith — The part United States Senator Fulton, of Oregon, took in the game of trying to induce the Secretary of the Interior to expedite the issuance of patents to the bogus entries of Willard N. Jones — How old soldiers were lured into committing perjury by the clink of land fraud gold — Fulton's senseless warfare on William C. Bristol prevents the latter from being confirmed as United States Attorney for Oregon, and also helps ma- terially in the overthrow of Fulton at the polls. CHAPTER XXXI 483 Brief history of the famous Hyde-Benson-Schneider-Dimond Conspiracy Case, now on trial at Washington, D. C. — Defendants brought to bar after four years of vexatious delays — Some interesting features in connection with the manner in which the evidence against the accused was unearthed by the Government. ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO PUTER AND STEVENS PORTLAND, OREGON RETURN TO the circulation desk of any University of California Library or to the NORTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY Bldg. 400, Richmond Field Station University of California Richmond, CA 94804-4698 ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS • 2-month loans may be renewed by calling (510)642-6753 • 1-year loans may be recharged by bringing books to NRLF • Renev\/als and recharges may be made 4 days prior to due date. DUE AS STAMPED BELOW MAY 07 1997 -_ A A, onnA RETURNED AKK u » LUUJI JUL 7 1997 "5 an*" '^ OCT % B l^^' OCT 2 7 200B 12,000(11/95) ijJJZIA-eOm-8,'70 (N88378l0)476— A-32 vjtrncrai Liorary University of California Berkeley f u ubii: f o ; / MS) I THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY ; 'A. fiK lixm';.'