MftiW &*? : LIBRARY OF THE University of California. GIFT OK Mrs. SARAH P. WALS WORTH. Received October, 1894. ^Accessions No. 3d 3 2-fl Class No. i > I « > -1 t&&?~jfi& t PERAMBULATIONS OP COSMOPOLITE; OR TRAVELS AND LABORS OF LORENZO DOW, IN EUROPE AND.AMERICA M^ INCLUDING A BRIEF ACCOUNT OF HIS EARLY LIFE AND CHRISTIAN EXPERIENCE, AS CONTAINED IN HIS JOURNAL. TO WHICH IS ADDED HIS CHAIN, JOURNEY FROM BABYLON TO JERUSALEM, DIALOGUE BETWEEN CURIOUS AND SINGULAR, HINTS ON THE FULFILMENT OF PROPHECY, &c, &c. BY ORRIN SCOFIELD. ROCHESTER: PRINTED FOR THE PUBLISHER. 1842. (oA ^ Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1841, By Orrin Scofield, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States for the Northern District of New York. PREFACE The writings of the Rev. Mr. Dow need no commendation. His native genius and eminent talents have won for him an exalted rank among the distinguished characters of his time. As a Philanthropist and a Christian, he sought the best interest of mankind, and pursued that course which, in his opinion, would best promote that object. He lived in more trying days and under different circumstances than those in which our lot is fallen. Though eccentric in his manners, he was proverbially strict in accom- plishing every enterprise he undertook, whatever sacrifice it might cost. Unawed by power, and unbiased by sectarian creeds, he followed out principles peculiar to himself, which excited much interest among his con- temporaries ; some of whom charged him with enthusiasm, and others with insanity. But though he had to encounter the tide of opposition from various sources, he never murmured or repined, but pursued a steady and onward course, without yielding to the frowns or flatteries of men, or sur- rendering any imbibed doctrine in his creed without the most conclusive evidence of the error. We do not claim for the author more than he deserves, and as the greatest and best of men may err in determining the rule of moral action, it is reasonable to suppose that he also may be justly charged with impro- prieties ; but what is pardonable in the conduct of others, should be in his. And therefore, in determining upon the merits of this work, if the reader should detect any real or supposed errors, common civility and a just regard for worth will influence him to place it to the right account. We are aware that prejudices have, and may yet exist in a few minds against the novel course pursued by Mr. Dow, in discharging what he conceived as duty to God and his fellow-men. Yet it must be allowed that he was instrumental, in an eminent degree, in bringing many to the knowledge of the truth. The publisher claims no merit in presenting to the public this invalu- able treasure, other than discharging a duty which the genius of our in- stitutions demands of every citizen, by perpetuating the names, and memo- rializing the benevolence and virtues of the great and good of past days, and in cancelling the claims of succeeding generations. THE PUBLISHER c ) UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. STATE OF NEW YORK, ss. r -I By this public instrument, be it known to all whom the same •- 'J may or doth concern, that I, Cadwallader D. Colden, a Public Notary, in and for the State of New York, by Letters Patent under the Great Seal of the said State, duly commissioned and sworn, and in and by the said Letters Patent invested " with full powers and authority to attest deeds, wills, testaments, codicils, agreements, and other instruments in writing, and to ad- minister any oath or oaths to any person or persons," do hereby certify, that on the day of the date hereof, personally appeared before me the said Notary, the Reverend Lorenzo Dow, whose person being by me particularly examined, ap- pears to me to be of the age of twenty-eight years, or thereabouts ; of the height of five feet ten inches : rather light complexioned, and much marked with the small-pox; ha\nng small light eyes, dark brown hair and eyebrows, small fea- tures, and a short visage, a scrofulous mark on his neck under his chin, on the right side : and the said Lorenzo Dow being by me duly sworn on the Holy Evangelists of Almighty God, deposeth and saith, that he was born in the town of Coventry, in the State of Connecticut, in the United States of America, of Humphrey B. Dow, and Tabitha his wife, who was Tabitha Parker ; that his said parents were also born in the said town ; that his mother is dead, but his father is yet living, and resides in the same place. And the said deponent fur- ther saith, that he is the person named, intended and described as Lorenzo Dow, in all and each of the several documents hereunto annexed, which are re- spectively lettered A, B, C, D, and which are now produced to me, the said Notary, and lettered as aforesaid by me, the said Notary, and my notarial firm thereon written. And I, the said Notary, do further certify, that on the same day and year last aforesaid, also appeared before me, the Reverend Nicholas Snethen, of New York, and James Quackenbush, of the State of New York, gentleman, who being by me also sworn on the Holy Evangelists of Almighty God, depose and say : and first the said Nicholas Snethen saith, that he is well acquainted with the said Lorenzo Dow, and has known him from his youth to this time ; and this deponent has been also well acquainted with the parents of the said Lorenzo Dow : that the said Lorenzo Dow is a native of the United States of America, and a Minister of the Holy Gospel, and the said deponent doth verily believe that all the facts herein stated and set forth by the said Lorenzo Dow, are true. And the said James Quackenbush saith, that he hath known the said Loren- zo Dow, for four years last past, and upwards — that he hath always understood, and doth believe him to be a native citizen of the United States of America, and doth believe that all the facts to which the said Lorenzo Dow hath above de- posed, are true. And the said Lorenzo Dow being such native citizen as afore- said, of the United States of America, is entitled to all the advantages and privi- leges thereof, and to the friendly aid and protection of all persons, Potentates and States, with whom the said United States are in peace and friendship. Whereof an attestation being required, I have granted this under my notarial firm and seal. Done at the city of New York, in the United States of America, the said deponents having first countersigned the same, this fifth day November, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and five. Cadwallader D. Colden, Lorenzo Dow, Not. Pub. Nicholas Snethen, James Quackenbush. Jz~ It Cadwallader D. Colden, Not. Public. To all to whom these presents shall concern, Greeting : THE BEARER HEREOF, LORENZO DOW, A citizen of the United States of America, having occasion to pass into for- eign countries, about his lawful affairs, these are to pray all whom it may con- cern, to permit the same Lorenzo Dow, (he demeaning himself well and peace- ably,) to pass wheresoever his lawful pursuits may call him, freely without let or molestation in going, staying, or returning, and to give him all friendly aid and protection, as these United States would do in the like case. IN FAITH WHEREOF , I have caused the seal of the Department of State for the said ot state s United States, to be hereunto affixed. Done at Washing. « § ton, this 23d day of October, in the year of our Lord one h SEAL. 2 thousand eight hundred and five, and of the independence « w of these States the thirtieth. 1 (GRATIS.) JaM = S M , ADIS ° N ' , secretary of Slate. B Cadwallader D. Colden, Not. Pub. VIRGINIA, to wit. Be it known to all whom it may concern, that the Reverend Lorenzo Dow, who declares himself a native of Connecticut, one of the United States of Ameri- ca, has for two or three years past occasionally travelled through this common- wealth, as an itinerant preacher of the Gospel ; that his appointments to preach have, according to report, been attended by considerable numbers of the inhab- itants of this state ; that on all occasions his conduct has been inoffensive, and his manners impressive. It is believed that his views are confined to the pro- motion of human happiness, by diffusing, to the utmost of his abilities, a know- ledge of the Christian religion, and by a conviction, on his part, of its tendency to that desirable object. This certificate is granted to the said Reverend Loren- zo Dow, at the request of his friends, in consequence of a meditated voyage to Europe for the restoration of his impaired health. Given under my hand as Governor, with the Seal of the Com- [seal.] monwealth annexed, at Richmond, this 19th day of Octo- ber, 1805. John Page. Cadwallader D. Colden, Not. Public. Humphrey B. Dow and Tabitha Parker were joined in marriage, Oct. 8th, A. D. 1767. Lorenzo Dow, son of Humphrey B. Dow and Tabitha his wife, was born in Coventry, October 16th, A. D. 1777. (A true copy of record, examined by) Nathan Howard, Town Clerk. STATE OF CONNECTICUT, ss. Coventry. October 11th, A. D. 1805. I, the subscriber, do hereby certify that by the law of the State aforesaid, all marriages, births and deaths are to be recorded in the records of their respect- ive towns, and Nathan Howard, Esq. who hath attested the aforesaid from the town records, is the clerk of said town, duly appointed and sworn, and that the above signature is in his own proper handwriting, and that faith and credit is to be given to his attestation in court and country. In testimony hereof I have subscribed my hand and seal. r -. Jesse Root, L SEAL -J Chief Justice of the Superior Court STATE OF CONNECTICUT, ss. TOLLAND COUNTY, COVENTRY. October 15th, 1805. This certifies that the above Lorenzo Dow was born in Coventry, as above stated, of a reputable family, and he the said Lorenzo is by profession a Metho- dist preacher ; he is a man of decent morals and of peaceable behavior, so far as our knowledge of him extends. And that the above said Jesse Root is the Chief Justice of the Superior Court in the State of Connecticut, and that full credit is to be given to his certificate in court and country. Jeremiah Ripley, one of the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas, County of Tolland. Eleazer Pomeroy, Justice of Peace. r , HIS EXCELLENCY JONATHAN TRUMBULL, Governor in [seal.j AJ . D 0VER THE s TATE 0F Connecticut. To all who may see these presents — mdketh known, That Jesse Root, Esq. the person whose signature is set to the within Certi- ficate is Chief Judge of the Superior Court within said State. — That Jeremiah Ripley, Esq., signer of the within Certificate, is one of the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas, for the County of Tolland in said State. — That Eleazer Po- meroy, Esq., also one of the within signers, is a Justice of Peace, within and for the mentioned County. That each of the above named gentlemen have been legally qualified and duly appointed to do and perform all and singular the duties appertaining to their several offices. And that full faith and credit is to be given to their several acts and signatures in their respective capacities. In faith and testimony where- of I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal of office, at the City of New Haven, in said Stale, the 15th day of October, in the year of our Lord 1805. Jonathan Trumbull. D Cadicallader D. Golden, Not. Pub. GEORGIA. By his excellency JOHN MILLEDGE, Governor and Commander-in-Chief of the Army and Navy of this State, and of the Militia thereof. — To all whom these presents shall come, Greeting : KNOW YE, that Abraham Jackson, Risden Moore, Boiling Anthony, Za- chariah Lamar, James Terrell, John Clark, David Dickson, Solomon Slatter, Walter Drane, Jared Irwin, Thompson Bird, Robert Hughes, Drury Jones, George Moore, Wormly Rose, Joel Barnet, William H. Crawford, Samuel Alex- ander, George Philips, John Hampton, Elijah Clark, William W. Bibb, David Bates, Buckner Harris, Allen Daniel, William Fitzpatrick, James H. Little, John Davis, and James Jones, Esqrs., who have severally subscribed their names to the annexed recommendation, in favor of the Reverend Lorenzo Dow, are Members of the Legislature of this State, and now in Session. THEREFORE all due Faith, Credit and Authority, are and ought to be had and given to their signatures as such. tU IN TESTIMONY whereof, I have hereunto set my Hand, 2 and caused the Great Seal of the said State to be put S and affixed, at the State House in Louisville, this third * day of December, in the year of our Lord, eighteen hun- g dred and three, and in the twenty-eighth year of Ameri S can Independence. f 1 By the Governor, ' q Hor. Marbury, O Secretary of the State. STATE OF GEORGIA. To all whom these presents shall come or concern. BE it known, that the Reverend Lorenzo Dow, an Itinerant Preacher of the Gospel, hath travelled through this state several times, in the course of two years, and has maintained the character of a useful and acceptable Gospel Preacher ; and now being about to leave the State, We, in testimony of our high regard for him, recommend him to all Christians and lovers of virtue, as a man whose sole aim appears to be the propagating useful Principles through the Christian religion. Given under our hands at Louisville, this 3d December, 1803. Abraham Jackson, Joel Barnet, Risden Moore, W. H. Crawford, Bolling Anthony, Samuel Alexander, Z. Lamar, George Philips, James Terrell, John Hampton, John Clark, Elijah Clark, David Dickson, William W. Bibb, Solomon Slatter, David Bates, W. Drane, Buckner Harris, Jared Irwin, Allen Daniel, Thompson Bird, William Fitzpatrick, Robert Hughes, James H. Little, Drurt Jones, John Davis, George Moore, James Jones, Wr. RpsE. * This publication is for the benefit of society when I am dead and gone.t The press is ' next to the pulpit, for usefulness, and many having desired the " quintessence of my wri- tings," with difficulty they have been collected and concentrated accordingly. — L. D. t Note by the Editor. — After a course of thirty years' preaching, having travelled over England and Ireland, and visited almost every part of the United States, Mr. Dow died at Georgetown, in the District of Columbia, on the 2d of February, 1831. THE JOURNAL OF LORENZO DOW CHAPTER I. MY CHILDHOOD. I was born, October 16, 1777, in Coventry, Tolland County, State of Connecticut. My parents were born in the same town and descended from English ancestors. They had a son, and then three daughters, older than myself, and one daughter younger. They were very tender towards their children, and endeavored to educate them well, both in religion and common learning. . When I was two years old, I was taken sick ; and my parents having been a long journey and returning homeward, heard of my dangerous illness, and that I was dead, and they expected to meet the people re- turning from my funeral. But to their joy, I was living ; and beyond the expectation of all, T recovered. When I was between three and four years old, one day, while I was at play with my companion, I suddenly fell into a muse about God and those places called heaven and hell, which I heard people converse about, so that I forgot my play, which my companion observing, desired to know the cause. I asked him if ever he said his prayers, morning or night ; to which be replied, " No." Then said I, " You are wicked, and I will not play with you." So I quit his company and went into the house. My mind, frequently on observing the works of creation, desired to know the cause of things ; and I asked my parents many questions which they scarcely knew how to answer. Being for a few weeks in another neighborhood, I associated with one who would both swear and lie, which proved some harm to me. But these serious impressions did not leave me until in my eighth year, when my parents removed to another vicinity, the youth of which were very corrupt ; and on joining their company, I too soon learned their ways, grieved the tender feelings of my mind, and began to promise myself felicity when I should arrive to manhood. One day I was the means of killing a bird, and upon seeing it gasp, I was struck with horror. And upon seeing any beast struggle in death it made my heart beat hard, as it would cause the thoughts of my death to come into my mind. Death appeared such a terror to me, I sometimes wished 2 14 DOW'S JOURNAL that I might be translated as Enoch and Elijah were ; and at other times I wished I had never been bom. About this time a query arose in my mind, whether God would answer prayer now as in primitive times ; and there being a small lottery in the neighborhood, and I wishing for the greatest prize, promised within myself, that if it was my luck to obtain the prize, I would take it as an answer to prayer, and afterwards would serve God. No sooner had I gotten the prize, which was nine shillings, than I broke my promise. My conscience condemned me, and I was very uneasy for some weeks. After I had arrived to the age of twelve years, my hopes of worldly pleasure were greatly blasted by a sudden illness, occasioned by overheat- ing myself with hard labor, and drinking a quantity of cold milk and water. I than murmured and complained, thinking my lot to be harder than that of my companions ; for they enjoyed health, while I was troubled with an asthmatical disorder or stoppage of breath. Oh ! the pain I endured ! Sometimes I could lie several nights together and sleep 'sound; and at other times would be necessitated to sit up part or all night. And some- times I could not lie down at all for six or seven days together. But as yet I did not consider that the hand of God was in all this. About this time, I dreamed that I saw the prophet Nathan, in a large assembly of people, prophesying many things. I got an opportunity to ask him how long 1 should live. Said he, " Until you are two-and-twenty." This dream was so imprinted in my mind, that it caused me many serious and painful hours at intervals. W.hen past the age of thirteen years, and about the time that John Wesley died, (1791,) it pleased God to awaken my mind by a dream of the night, which was, that an old man came to me at mid-day, having a staff in his hand, and said to me, " Do you ever pray ?" I told him, " No." Said he, "You must;" and then went away. He had not been long gone before he returned ; and said again, " Do you pray?" I again said, " No." And after his departure I went out of doors, and was taken up by a whirlwind and carried above the skies. At length I discovered, across a gulf, as it were through a mist of darkness, a glorious place, in which was a throne of ivory overlaid with gold, and God sitting upon it, and Jesus Christ at his right hand, and angels and glorified spirits celebrating praise. — Oh ! the joyful music ! I thought the angel Gabriel came to the edge of heaven, holding a golden trumpet in his right hand, and cried to me with a mighty voice to know if I desired to come there. I told him I did. Said he, " You must go back to yonder world, and if you will be faithful to God, you shall come here in the end." With reluctance I left the beautiful sight and came back to the earth again. And then I thought the old man came to me the third time and asked me if I had prayed. I told him I had. " Then," said he, "be FAITHFUL, AND I WILL COME AND LET YOU KNOW AGAIN." I thought that was to be when I should be blest. And when I awaked, behold it was a dream. But it was strongly impressed on my mind, that this singular dream must be from God ; and' the way that I should know it, I should let my fattier know of it at such a time and in such a place, viz. as he would be feeding the cattle in the morning, which I accordingly did. No sooner had I done it than keen conviction seized my heart. I knew I was unprepared to die. Tears began to run down plentifully, and I again DO W'S JOURNAL. 15 resolved to seek the salvation of my soul. I began that day to pray in secret; but how to pray or what to pray for, I scarcely knew. I at once broke off from my old companions and evil practices, which some call innocent mirth, which I had never been told was wrong ; and betook to the Bible, kneeling in private, which example I had never seen. Soon I became like a speckled bird among the birds of the forest, in the eyes of my friends. I frequently felt, for a few seconds, cords of sweet love to draw me on ; but from whence it flowed, 1 could not tell. I since believe this was for an encouragement to hope in the mercy of God. If now I had had any one to instruct me in the way and plan of salva- tion, I doubt not but I should have found salvation. But, alas, I felt like one wandering and benighted in an unknown wilderness, who wants both light and a gufeje. The Bible was like a sealed book ; so mysterious I could not understand it. And in order to hear it explained, I applied to this person and that book : but got no satisfactory instruction. I fre- quently wished I had lived in the days of the prophets or apostles, that I could have had sure guides ; for by the misconduct of professors, I thought there were no Bible saints in the land. Thus with sorrow many months heavily rolled away. But at length, not finding what my soul desired, I began to. examine the cause more closely, if possible to find it out : and immediately the doctrine of unconditional reprobation and particular election was exhibited to my view — that the state of all was unalterably fixed by God's " eter- nal decrees.'''' Here discouragements arose, and I began to slacken my hand by degrees, until I entirely left off secret prayer, and could not bear to read or hear the scriptures, saying, " If God has foreordained what- ever comes to pass, then all our labors are vain." Feeling still condemnation in my breast, I concluded myself reprobated. Despair of mercy arose, hope was fled, and I was resolved to end my wretched life ; concluding the longer I live, the more sin I shall commit, and the greater my punishment will be ; but the shorter my life, the less sin, and of course the less punishment, and the sooner I shall know the worst of my case. Accordingly I loaded a gun, and withdrew to a wil- derness. As I was about to put my intention into execution, a sudden solemn thought darted into my mind. " Stop and consider what you are about : if you end your life, you are undone for ever ; but if you omit it a few days longer, it may be that something will turn up in your favor." This was attended with a small degree of hope, that if I waited a little while, it should not be altogether in vain. And I thought I felt thankful that God prevented me from sending my soul to everlasting misery. About this time there was much talk about the people called Methodists, who were lately come into the western part of New England. There were various reports and opinions concerning them. Some said they were the deceivers that were to come in the last times ; that such a delusive spirit attended them, that it was dangerous to hear them preach, lest they should lead people out of the. good old way which they had been brought up in ; and that they would deceive if possible the very elect. Some, on the other hand, said they were a good sort of people. A certain man invited Hope Hull to come to his own town, who ap- pointed a time when he would endeavor, if possible, to comply with his 16 DOW'S JOURNAL. request. The day arrived, and the people flocked* out from every quarter to hear, as they supposed, a new gospel. I went to the door and looked in to see a Methodist; but to my surprise he appeared like other men. I heard him preach from — " This is a faithful saying and worthy of all ac- ceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners." And I thought he told me all that ever 1 did. The next day he preached from these words : " Is there no balm in Gilead ? Is there no Physician there ? Why then is not the health of the daughter of my people recovered?"' Jer. viii. 22. As he drew the analogy between a person sick of a consumption and a sin-sick soul, he endeavored also to show how the real balm of Gilead would heal the consumption ; and to spiritualize it, in the blood of Christ healing the soul ; in which he described the way to heaven, and pointed out the way-marks, which I had never heard described so clearly before. I was convinced that this man enjoyed something that I was destitute of, and consequently that he was a servant of God. He then got upon the application, and pointing his finger towards me, made this expression : " Sinner, there is a frowning Providence above your head' and a burning hell beneath your feet; and nothing but the brittle thread of life prevents your soul from falling into endless perdi- tion. But, says the sinner, What must I do? You must pray. But I can't pray. If you don't pray, then you'll be damned." And as he brought out the last expression he either stamped with his foot on the box on which he stood, or smote with his hand upon the Bible, which both together came home like a dagger to my heart. I had like to have fallen backwards from my seat, but saved myself by catching hold of my cousin who sat by my side, and I durst not stir for some time for fea.r lest I should tumble into hell. My sins, and the damnable nature of them, were in a moment exhibited to my view ; and I was convinced that I was unprepared to die. After the assembly was dismissed, I went out of doors. All nature seemed to wear a gloomy aspect ; and every thing I cast my eyes upon seemed to bend itself against me, and wish me off the face of the earth. I went to a funeral of one of my acquaintance the same day, but durst not look upon the corpse, for fear of becoming one myself. I durst not go near the grave, fearing lest I should fill in, and the earth come in upon me ; for if I then died, I knew I must be undone. So I went home with a heavy heart. I durst not close my eyes in sleep, until I first attempted to supplicate the throne of grace for preservation through the night. The next morn- ing, as I went out of doors, a woman passing by told me that my cousin the evening before had found the pardoning love of God. This surprised me, that one of my companions was taken and I was left. I instantly came to a resolution to forsake my sins and seek the salvation of my soul. I made it my practice to pray thrice in a day for about the space of a week ; when another of my cousins, brother to the former, was brought to cry for mercy in secret retirement in a garden, and his cries were so loud that he was heard upwards of a mile. The same evening he found conili irl . Shortly after, several persons in the neighborhood professed to have found the pardoning love of God, among whom was my brother-in-law Fish, and his brother. DOW'S JOURNAL. 17 Sorrows arose in my mind, to think that they were heavenward, whilst I, a ^uilty one, was in the downward road. I endeavored to double and treble my diligence in prayer, but found no comfort to my soul. Here the doctrine of unconditional reprobation was again presented to my view, with strong temptations to end this mortal life. But the thought again arose in my mind ; if I comply, I am undone for ever, and if 1 continue crying to God, I can but be damned at last. One evening there being, by my desire, a prayer-meeting appointed by the young converts, I set out to go ; and on my way, by the side of a wood, I kneeled down and made a solemn promise to God, if he would pardon my sins and give me an evidence of my acceptance, that I would forsake all those things wherein I had formerly thought to have taken my happiness, and lead a religious life devoted to him ; and with this promise I went to meeting. I believe that many present felt the power of God. Saints were happy and sinners were weeping on every side : but I could not shed a tear. Then I thought within myself, if I could weep I would begin to take hope ; but, oh ! how hard is my heart ! I went from one to another to know if there was any mercy for me. The young converts answered, " God is all love ; he is all mercy." I replied, " God is just too, and justice will cut me down." I saw no way how God could be just and yet show me mercy. A certain woman bound upon a journey, tarried at this house that night ; and discovering the distress of mind I was in, broke through the crowd with the hymn-book in her hand, and after reading a part of a hymn, said to me, " My friend, I feel for you ; my heart aches for you ; but this. I can tell you, that before I leave town in the morning, you will come down here praising God." I told her, " No ; I believed I should be in hell before morning." After the meeting had concluded, which was about nine o'clock, and previous to the foregoing circumstance, I had, by the advice of my pa- rents, set out for home thrice ; but by a strong impression, as it were a voice whispering to my heart, " You must not go yet ; but go back and pray to God ;" I turned about, and went into a wheat field, and kneeled down ; and striving to pray, I felt as if the heavens were brass and the earth iron ; it seemed as though my prayers did not go higher than my head. At length I durst not go home alone, fearing I should be carried away by the devil, for I saw destruction before me. Several of the young converts accompanied me on my way ; one of whom was Roger Searie. They since have told me that I fell down several times by the way, which I do not remember, as my distress was so great that I scarcely knew what position I was in. When I got home, I went into my bedroom ; and, kneeling down, I strove to look to God for mercy again ; but found no comfort. I then lay down to rest, but durst not close my eyes in sleep, for fear I should never awake, until I awaked in endless misery. I strove to plead with God for mercy, for several hours, as a man would plead for his life ; until at length being weary in body, as the night was far spent, I fell into a slumber. In it I dreamed that two devils entered the room, each with a chain in his hand ; they laid hold on me, one at 2* 18 DOW'S JOURNAL. my head, the other at my feet, and bound me fast, and breaking out the window, carried me a distance from the house, and laid me on a spot of ice ; and whilst the weaker devil flew oft* in flames of fire, the stronger one set out to drag me down to hell. And when I got within sight of hell, to see the blue blazes ascending, and to hear the screeches and groans of devils and damned spirits, the shock it gave me I cannot describe. I thought that within a few moments this must be my unhappy lot. I can- not bear the thought, I will struggle and strive to break these chains ; and if I can, and get away, it will be gain ; but if I cannot, there will be nothing lost. In my struggle I waked up ; and, oh ! how glad was I that it was only a dream ! Still I thought that within a few hours it would surely be my case. I again strove to lift my heart to God for mercy — and these words struck my mind ; " In that day there shall a fountain be opened to the house of David, and to the inhabitants of Jerusalem, for sin and for uncleanness." A thought darted into my mind that the fountain was Christ ; and if it were so deep and wide for the wicked inhabitants of Jerusalem to wash in and be clean, why not for the whole world ? why not for me ? Here hope sprang up that there was a Saviour offered to all, instead of a certain few ; and if so, possibly there might be mercy yet for me. But these words followed ; " Wo to them that are at ease in Zion." Here discouragements arose ; I concluded that if there had been a time when I might have obtained mercy, yet as I had omitted it so long, the day of grace is now passed, and the wo denounced against me. 1 thought myself to be the unprofitable servant, who had wrapped his talent in the napkin, and buried it in the earth. I had not on the wedding gar- ment, and was unprepared to meet God. I thought I heard the voice of God's justice saying, "Take the unpro fitable servant, and cast him into utter darkness." I put my hands to- gether, and cried in my heart, " The time has been, that I might have had religion, but now it is too late ; mercy's gate is shut against me, and my condemnation for ever sealed : — Lord, I give up ; I submit ; I yield ; if there be mercy in heaven for me, let me know it ; and if not, let me go down to hell and know the worst of my case." As these words flowed from my heart, 1 saw the Mediator step in, as it were, between the Fa- ther's justice and my soul, and these words were applied to my mind with great power; "Son! thy sins which are many are forgiven thee; thy faith hath saved thee ; go in peace." The burden of sin and guilt and the fear of hell vanished from my mind, as perceptibly as a hundred pounds weight' falling from a man's shoulder ; my soul flowed out in love to God, to his ways and to his peo- ple ; yea, and to all mankind. As soon as I obtained deliverance, I said in my heart, I have now found Jesus and his religion, but I will keep it to myself. But instantly my soul was so filled with peace, and love, and joy, that I could no more keep it to myself, seemingly, than a city set on a hill could be hid. At this time daylight dawned into the window. I arose, ami wont out of doors; and, behold, every thing I cast my eye upon, seemed to be speak- ing forth the praise and wonders of the Almighty. It appeared more like a new world than any thing else I can compare it to. This happiness is easier felt than described. I set out to go down to the house where the meeting was held the pre- DOW'S JOURNAL. 19 ceding evening ; but the family not being op, and I being young, I thought it not proper to go in and disturb them. Seeing a wicked swearer coming down the road, I wished to shun him, and accordingly I went down to the barn. As he drew near me, I went round it, and looked up towards the house, and saw the woman who was hound on the joi/nici/ coming out at the back door. I made to her with all the speed I could. It seemed to me that I scarcely touched the ground, for I felt so happy, that I scarcely knew whether I was in the body or out of it. When I got to her, she said," " Good-morning." "Yes," said I, "it is the blessedest morning that ever I saw ;'.' and. walking into the house, the first words that I said were, " 1 am happy, happy, happy enough." My voice penetrated almost every part of the house ; and a preacher coming down stairs, opened his hymn-book on these words : " O ! for a thousand tongues to sing 3Iy dear Redeemer's praise." Indeed, I did want a thousand tongues, and ten thousand to the end of it, to praise God for what he had done for my soul. About nine o'clock I set out for home ; when to behold the beautiful sun rising in the east above the hills, although it was on the twelfth of November, and the ground partly frozen, was to me as pleasant as May. When I got home to my parents, they began to reprove me for going out so early, as they were concerned about me. But when I told them where I had been, and what I had been upon, they seemed to be struck ; it being such language as they had never heard from me before, and almost unbelieving to what I said. However, my soul was so happy that I could scarcely settle to work ; and I spent the greatest part of the day in going from house to house, through the neighborhood, to tell the people what God had done for me. I wanted to publish it to the ends of the earth, and then take wings and fly away to rest. In this happy situation I went on my way rejoicing for some weeks, concluding that I should never learn war any more. Some said that young converts were happier than those who were many years in the way. Thought I, Lord, let me die whilst young, if I may not feel so happy when I am old. One day relating my past experience and trials, in a prayer meeting, my mother, upon hearing thereof, said to me, " How do you know that you are converted ? How do you know but what you are deceived, if you have passed through such trials as I understand you have ?" I said, " God has given me the evidence of what ground I stand upon, and he cannot lie." Afterward, walking out of doors, it was suggested to my mind, " Here are many in town that have professed religion thirty or forty years, and say they do not know their sins forgiven ; and can it be that a young upstart strippling could have more knowledge and experience in these things than they 1 Nay ; you have only lost your conviction : you think you are converted, but your peace is a false one." I then began to reason with the tempter, instead of going to God in prayer to show me my state, " Can all these things I have met with be a deception ?" Unbelief began to arise ; and my Beloved hid his face from me. I ran to the fields and woods, sometimes kneeling and walking, and bemoaning my loss ; for I felt as if something of more value than silver 20 DOW'S JOURNAL. or gold was departed from me ; but I found no comfort to my restless mind. I then set out to go to a house where some converts lived, hoping God would enable them to speak something for my comfort ; but before I got to the house, I met my Beloved in the way ; he was the chiefest among ten thousand, and altogether lovely. And I went home happy in the Redeemer's love, and with twelve others, among whom was my cousin Roger Searle, I joined the Methodist Society. CHAPTER II. CALL TO PREACH, ETC. One day being alone in a solitary place, whilst kneeling before God, these words were suddenly impressed on my mind : " Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature." I instantly spoke out, "Lord, I am a child, I cannot go; I cannot preach." These words fol- lowed in my mind : " Arise, and go, for I have sent you." I said, " Send by whom thou wilt send, only not by me, for I am an ignorant, illiterate youth, not qualified for the important task." The reply was, " What God hath cleansed, call not thou common." I resisted the impression as a temptation of the devil ; and then my Saviour withdrew from me the light of his countenance. I dared not believe that God had called me to preach, for fear of being deceived ; and durst not disbelieve it, for fear of grieving the Spirit of God : thus I halted between two opinions. When I nourished and cherished the impression, the worth of souls was exhibited to my view, and cords of sweet love drew me on ; and when I resisted it, a burden of depression and distress seized my mind. Shortly after this, my trials being very great, I took an opportunity to open my mind to my friend, R. Searle, who said his mind had been im- pressed the same way for about four months. One day, as I went to meeting, being in August, 1793, a certain person said to me, " My friend, it appears to me as though you never had any trials." My reply to her was, " Although my soul had been happy the greatest part of the time these nine months past, yet the remainder of my life will be a life of grief, and trouble, and sorrow." Said she, " I hope not." Said I, " You may wish so in vain ; for what is revealed will surely come to pass." Very shortly after this, as I was riding along one day, I was seized with an unusual weakness, and my eyesight entirely failed me, whilst my horse carried me forward about the space of half a mile, when my sight returned, and strength, in some degree. Soon after this, whilst retired in a wood, I was taken in a similar manner, and for some time I thought I was dying ; but my mind was calmly stayed by God. My bodily strength continued gradually to decline, till at length it was concluded I had the quick consumption; and by physicians and friends I was given over to die. In the beginning of this illness, the sacra- ment was administered to the society, at which I attended. It was suggested to my mind, " What good does it do to kneel down DOW'S JOURNAL. 21 there and eat a little bread and drink a little wine ; why is it not as good to eat bread and milk at home ?" I replied, " It is a command of liod ;" and threw it out of my mind. I partook, and felt measurably happy. But the same suggestion returned in the evening, and so harassed my mind for a space of time, that I, instead of resisting it by watching unto prayer, began to give way, by querying with the enemy, until my happi- ness of mind was fled: and shortly after this, being brought apparently near the borders of eternity, and not enjoying that consolation as hereto- fore, the language of my heart was, "I have fall'n from my heaven of grace, I am brought into thrall, I am stript of my all, And banished from Jesus's face."' Oh ! how I felt cannot be described by tongue, at this critical period of life, not to see my way so clearly as formerly ! But it was not long before God blessed these words to the comforting of my soul, though all but my confidence was given up before : " Peace ! troubled soul, thou need'st not fear — Thy great Provider still is near :" so that now I could look beyond the grave, and see my way to joys on high. One thing I desired to live for, viz., to attain to higher degrees of holi- ness here, that I might be happier hereafter ; and what I desired to depart for was, to get out of this trying world, and be at rest with saints above. Yet I was resigned to go or stay. But it pleased kind Providence to rebuke the disorder beyond the expectation of all, and in a measure to restore me to health, so that, after about five months' confinement, I was enabled once more to attend meeting : and falling into conversation with R. Searle about the dealings of God towards us, the impression came upon my mind stronger than ever, that I should have to call sinners to repentance. After returning home, I began to consider the matter on every side more attentively than I had done before, and to make it a matter of earnest prayer to God, that if the impression was from him, it might increase ; but if not, that it might decrease. My mind soon became so powerfully exercised as to cause some sleep to depart from me ; till at length my trials were so great, that I was resolved to fast and pray more fervently, that if the will of God was to be known I micht find it out ; and on the twenty-third day of my so doing, according to what my bodily strength would admit of, it being one Sunday afternoon whilst engaged in prayer in the wilderness, in an uncommon manner the light of God's countenance shiried forth into mv soul, so that I was as fully convinced that I was called to preach as ever I was that God had pardoned my sins. This continued for about the space of forty-eight hours, when I again began to doubt ; but after eleven days it pleased the Lord to banish all my doubts and fears, and to fill me with his love. 1794. One day a prayer meeting being appointed in the town, and I feeling it my indispensable duty to go, I sought for my parents' consent in vain. Still, something was crying in my ears, "Go, go:" but fearing that my parents would call me a disobedient child, I resisted s^at I believe was required of me, and felt conscience to accuse me, aiT^P^k- 22 DO W'S JOURNAL. ness to cover my mind. But at length, finding a spirit of prayer, I had faith to believe that God would bless me, though from the fourteenth of May to the ninth of June, I felt the sharp, keen, fiery darts of the enemy. June 12th. This scripture afforded me some strength: "Fear not, the night is far spent, the day is at hand." I heard G. Roberts (the one who had taken me into society) preach from these words : " Our soul is escaped as a bird out. of the snare of the fowlers; the snare is broken, and we are escaped." June 14th. These words afforded my soul great comfort : " I will not leave you comfortless, but we will come unto you, and take up our abode with you." And whilst retired in devotion, my soul did taste of the powers of the world to come. 24th. I was still satisfied that it would be my duty to preach the gospel, though several reasons occurred to my mind against it, viz. : 1st, Accord- ing to human appearance, my bodily strength would not endure the fatigues and the inclemencies of the weather which must attend such a life. 2dly. My parents and relations would be against my travelling, from whom I must meet with much opposition. 3dly. My weakness and want of learning, and my abilities, did not seem adequate to the task. But upon hearing my father read this expression in Whitfield's sermons, " Where reason fails, there faith begins" my mind was strengthened to meditate on the work. Sunday, October fifth, was the first time that I (with a trembling mind) attempted to open my mouth in public vocal prayer in the societ)^. A little previous to this time, upon considering what I must undergo if I entered upon the public ministry, I began to feel discouraged, and had thoughts of altering the situation of my life to excuse me from the work ; but I could get no peace of mind until I gave them entirely up, though my trials in this respect were exceedingly great. November 14th. About this period, I attempted to speak a few words of exhortation in public, which my parents hearing of gave me a tender reproof, which was like a sword to my heart, fearing lest I should run too fast. One day I felt impressed to exhort again, but fearing the reproof of my relations, (as the old enemy was now raised,) I neglected my duty, in- order to shun the cross : but horror and condemnation seized upon my mind ; and I began to reflect if, in the beginning of my pilgrimage, I have such trials to encounter with, what will it be if I attempt to go into the vineyard to face a frowning world? Nay, let the consequence be what it may, saved or damned, I am resolved I will not preach the gospel. And if ever one felt the pains of the damned in this world, it appeared to me that I did. I was willing to be a private member of society, but not a public teacher. I had rather retire to some remote part of the earth and spend my days ; but I could not feel myself excused from preaching the gospel. Filled with horror and darkness whilst awake, and with fearfulness and frightful dreams by night, for near the space of four weeks, one night I was awaked by surprise; and, in idea, then 1 were represented to my view, two persons, the one by the name of Mercij. with a smiling counte- nance, who said to me, "If you will submit, and be willing to go and preach, there is mercy for you," he having a book in his hand ; the other DO W'S JOURNAL. 23 by the name of Justice, with a solemn countenance, holding a drawn, glit- tering sword over my head, added, " If you will not submit, you shall be cut down: now, or never." It appeared to me that I had but one half hour for consideration ; and if I still persisted in obstinacy, that it would be a gone case forever. I put my hands together, and said, " Lord, I submit to go and preach thy gospel : only grant my peaceful hours to return ; and open the door." At the dawn of day, I arose and withdrew to the wilderness to weep and mourn before God. At length the light of his countenance shined into my soul, and I felt humble under his mighty hand, willing to become any thing as God should see fit. About this time, I made known to my parents the exercise of my mind, which previously I had kept from them. They immediately began to oppose me in this thing ; and advised me to reject it by all means, con- cluding it to be a temptation, as it appeared to them an impossibility that I should be called to such a work as this, which apparently I could not fulfil. 1795, July 16th. Last night the hand of the Lord was heavy upon me. I was much afflicted in body and mind ; in body, by the want of breath, so that I was scai'cely able to exist, by reason of my asthmatical disor- der — in mind, by much heaviness ; whilst the enemy suggested, " You will never go forward in public, because of the weakness of your body and the violence of your disorder ; and you are deluded by that impression which you think is from God : besides, none will equip you out, and you will one day perish by the hand of Saul." Here my faith was greatly tried, for I saw no way for my equipment, unless the hand of the Al- mighty should interpose ; for my parents had hinted already that they would neither give their consent nor assistance. My discouragements therefore became exceedingly great. August 4th. I feel tried and tempted by the world, the flesh, and the devil ; and if I think of pursuing any other course of life but that of preaching, I sink into horror and find no peace in any other way. 22d. About this time, my mind was much exercised concerning; the doctrines of unconditional election and final perseverance. I dreamed that I saw Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden ; and God, after talking to them as written in Genesis, said, " I shall be faithful on my part, and it depends upon your being faithful to the end, to receive a crown of clory : but if you are not faithful you will be exposed to the damnation of hell." He then said to me, " Write these things, for they are true and faithful." October 28th. Being greatly pressed in spirit for a number of days to know my father's will, whether, provided a door was opened, he would give his consent for me to go out to travel, or whether he would withhold me by his authority, when I think the time is come that I should go, he said, " I shall not hinder you ; only give you my old advice, not to harbor the thought ; and I shall not give you any help." I told him I did not desire any help, only liberty of conscience. I concluded that my father thought that some persons, and not God, had raised such thoughts in my mind, which occasioned him to restrain me; so I told him if this was the case, that he judged the matter wrong. November 9th. Being again tried in my mind with regard to preaching, 24 DOW'S JOURNAL. fearing lest I should run too fast or too slow, and querying from what quarter my impression came, \ dreamed that I was walking in the solitary woods beside a brook, and saw a beautiful stalk about eight feet high : from the middle and upwards, it was covered with beautiful seeds. I heard a voice over my head, saying to me, " Shake the stalk that the seeds may fall off, and cover them up : the" seed will be of great value to some, though not to thyself; but thou shalt receive thy reward hereafter.'"' I shook the stalk, and beautiful speckled red seeds fell off, and I cov- ered them up with earth and rotten leaves, and went on my way to serve the Lord. Some time after, I thought I was there again, and saw a large number of partridges or pheasants that had been scratching up a great part of the seed. I discovered them and was very sorry, and went and drove them away ; and watched it to keep them away, that the remainder, with my nourishing, might bring forth fruit to perfection. Then I thought I began to preach, and immediately awaked, when the parable of the sower came strongly into my mind. 19th. My mind lias been buffeted and greatly agitated, not tempted in the common sense of the word, so that my sleep departed from me, and caused me to walk and wring my hands for sorrow. Oh, the corruption of wicked nature! I feel the plague of a hard heart, and a mind prone 9 to wander from God ; something within which has need to be done away, and causes a burden, but no guilt, and from which discouragements fre- quently arise tending to slacken my hands. I dreamed that I saw a man in a convulsion fit, and his countenance was expressive of hell. I asked a bystander what made his countenance look so horrible. Said he, " The man was sick and relating his past experience, his calls from time to time, and his promises to serve God ; and how he had broke them ; and now, said he, I am sealed over to eter- nal damnation, and instantly the convulsion seized him." This shocked me so much that I instantly awaked, and seemingly the man was before my eyes. I dropped asleep again, and thought I saw all mankind in the air sus- pended by a brittle thread over hell, yet in a state of carnal security. I thought it to be my duty to tell them of it, and again awaked ; and these words were applied to my mind with power : " There is a dispensation of the gospel committed unto you, and wo unto you if you preach not the gospel." 1 strove to turn my mind on something else ; but it so strongly followed me, that I took it as a warning from God. And in the morning, to behold the beautiful sun to arise and shine into the window, whilst these words followed — "Unto you that fear my name, shall the Sun of Right- eousness arise, with healing in his wings" — Oh ! how happy I felt ! The help of kings and priests is vain without the help of God. December 31st. The year is now at a close. I see what I have passed through. What is to come the ensuing year, God only knows. But may the God of peace be with me, and grant me strength in proportion to my day, that I may endure to the end, and receive the crown of life. 1 felt my heart drawn to travel the world at large ; but to trust God by faith. like the birds, for my daily bread was difficult, as my strength was small ; and I shrunk from it. DO W'S JOURNAL. 25 CHAPTER III. MY BEGINNING TO TRAVEL. 1796. January 7th. I received a message, with orders from C. Spry, the circuit preacher, to go to Tolland to the brethren there, for a few days, that lie might get some knowledge of my gifts. This visit caused some opposition. Afterwards, I was directed to go and meet L. Macombs, a preacher on New London circuit, who after two days constrained me to part from him ; so I turned and went to East Hartford, .having my brother- in-law's horse with me. In this place I attended several meetings. From thence to Ellington, where 1 met C. Spry — who directed me to fulfil three of his appointments, Warehouse Point, East Windsor, and Wapping, at one of which, whilst speaking, I was taken suddenly ill, even to the losing of my sight and strength : so I was constrained to give over. 15th. I rode near forty miles to Munson and met N. Snethen, with whom I travelled through his appointments a few days, when he likewise constrained me to part from him, after giving me the following hints: — " You are but eighteen years of age ; you are too important, and you must be more humble, and hear and not be heard" so much. Keep your own station, for by the time that you arrive at the age of twenty-one years, you will see wherein you have missed it. VYbu had better, as my advice, to learn some easy trade, and be still for two or three years yet ; for your bodily health will not admit of your becoming a travelling preacher at present ; although, considering your advantages, your gifts are better than mine were when I first set out to preach. But it is my opinion that you will not be received at the next conference." 19th. I feel gloomy and dejected ; but the worth of souls lies near my heart. O Lord ! increase my faith, and prepare my way. After travelling several days and holding a few meetings, I attended the quarterly meeting at Wilbraham. iff. Spry hinted that there were many scruples in his mind with regard to my travelling ; as many thought my health and behavior were not adequate to it. February 5th. I set out for home, and in the town of Somers I missed my road, and got lost in a great wilderness, the snow being about two feet deep, on which was a sharp, icy crust. After some time, as the path divided into branches, so that I could not distinguish one plainer than another, and those extending over the woods in all directions for the pur- pose of getting ship timber, I went round about till I was chilled with cold, and saw nothing but death before me. At a distance I could see a village, but could discern no way to get to it ; neither could I find the passage out by which I entered ; and night drawing on, no person can tell my feelings, except one who has been in a similar situation. I at last heard a sound, and by following it, perhaps about half a mile or more, I found a man driving a team, who gave me a direction so that I could find a foot-path made by some school-boys, by which I might happen to get through. Towards this I proceeded, and by means of leaping my horse over logs, frequently stamping a path for the horse through the snow banks, with much difficulty made my way, and late at night got to my 3 26 DOW'S JOURNAL. brother-in-law's, in Tolland, and the next day went home, and my soul was happy in God. I am glad that I went, although there was great opposition against me on every side. I am everywhere spoken evil of, &c. I feel the worth of souls to lie near my heart, and my duty still to be to preach the gospel, with a determination to do so, God being my helper. 20th. I dreamed that, in a strange house as I sat by the fire, a messen- ger came in and said, " There are three ministers come from England, who in a few minutes will pass by this way." I followed him out, and he disappeared. I ran over a wood-pile, and jumped upon a log, to have a fair view of them. Presently three men came over a hill from the west towards me : the foremost dismounted ; the other two, one of whom was on a white horse, and the other on a reddish one, both, with the three horses, disappeared. I said to the first, " Who are you ?" He replied, "John Wesley," and walked towards the east. He turned round, and looking me in the face, said, " God has called you to preach the gospel ; you have been a long time between hope and fear, but there is a dispensa- tion of the gospel committed to you. Wo unto you, if you preach not the gospel." I was struck with horror and amazement to think how he should know the exercise of my mind, when I knew he had never heard of me before. I still followed him to the eastward, and expressed an observation, for which he with his countenance reproved me, for the better improvement of my time. At length we came to a log house, where negroes lived. The door being open, he attempted twice to go in, but the smoke prevented him. He said, " You may go in, if you have a mind, and if not, follow me." I followed him a few rods, where was an old house, two stories high, in one corner of which my parents looked out at a window, and said to him, " Who are you ?" He replied, "John Wesley." " Well," said they, "what becomes of doubting Christians?" He replied, "There are many serious Christians who are afraid of death. They dare not believe they are converted, for fear of being deceived ; and they are afraid to dis- believe it, lest they should grieve the Spirit of God : so they live and die, and go into the other world, and their souls to heaven with a guard of angels." I then said, " Will the day of judgment come as we read, and the sun and moon fall from heaven, and the earth and works be burnt?" To which he answered : " It is not for you to know the times and seasons which God hath put in his own power, but read the word of God with atten- tion, and let that be your guide." I said, " Are you more than fifty-five ?" He replied, " Do you not remember reading an account of my death in the history of my life ?" I turned partly round, in order to consider, and after I had recollected it, I was about to answer him, "Yes;" when I looked, and behold, he was gone, and I saw him no more. It set me shaking and quaking to such a degree, that it waked me up. N. B. The appearance of his person was the very same as he who appeared to me three times in the dream when I was about thirteen years of age, and who said that he would come to me again, &c. March 14th. About this time my uncle made me the offer of a horse, and to wait a year for the payment, provided I would get bondsmen. Four of the society willingly offered. O ! from what an unexpected DOW'S JOURNAL. 27 quarter was this door opened ! My parents seeing my way thus begin- ning to open, and my resolution to go forward, with loving entreaties and strong arguments strove to prevail against it. But as they promised Borne time before not to restrain me by their authority, in case a door should open from another quarter, (they not expecting it would.) and seeing they could not prevail upon me to tarry, they save up the point, and gave me some articles of clothing and some money for my journey. Not having as yet attempted to preach from a text, but only to exer- cise my gifts in the way of exhortation, I obtained a letter of recom- mendation concerning mv moral conduct : this was all the credentials I had. About the tenth of last- month, I dreamed that C. Spry received a letter from Jesse Lee, that he wanted help in the province of Maine, and that the said C. S. and L. Macombs concluded to send me. N. B. These were the two preachers who afterwards signed the above-mentioned letter of recommendation. 1796. March 30th. This morning early I set out for Rhode Island in quest of J. Lee, who was to attend a quarterly meeting there. As I was coming away, we joined in prayer, taking leave of each other ; and as I got on my road, I looked about, and espied my mother looking after me until I got out of sight ; this caused me some tender feelings after- wards. Until this time I have enjoyed the comforts of a kind father's house ; and oh ! must I now become a wanderer and stranger upon earth until I get to my long-home ! During this day's journey, these words of our Lord came into my mind : " The foxes have holes, and the birds of the air have nests, but the Son of man hath not where to lay his head." The language of my heart is, " What is past, I know ; what is to come, I know not. Lord, bless me in the business I am set out upon." I feel more than ever that God has called me to this work. April 1st. Upon my arrival at Cranston, in Rhode Island, I found that J. Lee had gone to Boston. I accordingly set out after him, and found the preachers' boarding-house at Boston, and they told me that Lee had gone to the east, and that I could not overtake him short of two or three hundred miles ; and their advice was, to go to Warren, in Rhode Island, with Thomas Coope, a native of Manchester, who was going to set out that afternoon. Accordingly I joined him in company thirty-six miles to Easttown. Sunday, 3d. This day, for the first time, I gave out a text before a Methodist preacher ; and I being young, both in years and the ministry, the expectations of many were raised, who did not bear with mv weak- ness and strong doctrine, but judged me very hard, and would not consent that I should preach there any more for some time. Having travelled a few days with T. C, we came to Reynham, where attempting to preach, I was seized with sudden illness, such as affected me at Warehouse Point, with the loss of sight and strength, so that I was constrained to give over, and T. C. finished the meeting. After this, lots were cast to see whether I should pass the sabbath here, or go to Easttown. It turned up for me to tarry here, which I accordingly did, and held three meetings, which were solemn. 28 DOW'S JOURNAL. I met T. C, who said, if I was so minded, I might return home ; which I declining, he said, "I do not believe God has called you to preach." I asked him why ? He replied, " First, your health ; second, your gifts ; third, your grace ; fourth, your learning ; fifth, sobriety : in these you are not equivalent to the task." I replied, "Enough! Lord, what am I but a poor worm of the dust, struggling for life and happiness."* The time now drawing near when I expected to leave these parts, the society where I first attempted to give out a text desired to hear me again ; and, contrary to my entreaties, T. C. appointed a meeting, and constrained me to go, threatening me if I refused. Accordingly I went, and gave out these words : " Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth ?" Gal., iv. 16. June 30th. I rode twenty-four miles, and preached once, and saw J. Lee, the presiding elder, who had just returned from the east. I gave him my recommendation. July 3d. This evening, our quarterly meeting being over, from the representation that was given of me by T. C, I received a dismission from the circuit, with orders to go home, which was as follows : " We have had brother Lorenzo Dow, the bearer hereof, travelling on Warren circuit these three months last past. In several places, he was liked by a great many people ; at other places, he was not liked so well, and at a few places, they were not willing he should preach at all. We have therefore thought it necessary to advise him to return home for a season, until a further recommendation can be obtained from the society and preachers of that circuit. " John Vaniman, Jesse Lee, Elder.. " Thomas Coope. "Rhode Island, July 3, 1796.' " To C. Spry, and the Methodists in Coventry." The time has been when I could easier have met death than this dis- charge. Two or three handkerchiefs were soon wet through with tears. My heart was broke. I expostulated, and besought him for further employment, but apparently in vain. The next morning, as we were about parting, he said, "If you are minded, you may come to Greenwich quarterly meeting next Sunday, on your way home." This evening I preached in Greenwich courthouse, as I once dreamed, and the assembly and place looked natural to me. After travelling through Sepatchet, Smithfield, (in which I formed a class, for the first time,) Providence, and Wickford, where attending a prayer meeting among the Baptists, I asked liberty to speak, which seemed to give them a surprise ; and, after some time, they said, "If I had a message from God, they had no right to hinder me." I spoke a few minutes, had their attention, and their leader seemed satisfied, and bid me God-speed. From thence to South Kingston I set out for my native town, at which I arrived, and met my friends, who were glad to see me. My parents asked me whether I was not convinced that I did wrong * He is since expelleil Uio Connection ! DOW'S JOURNAL. 29 in going? I told them, "No; but was glad."' Others began to mock, and cry out, " This man began to build, and was not able to finish." After a few days I set out for Granville, to meet C. Spry, who gave me a written license, and orders to come to the ensuing quarterly meet- ing at Enfield, where he would give me a credential for the conference ; and, if I was so minded, and brother Cankey willing, I might travel Tolland circuit until that time. But, as the circuit extended through my native town, I thought proper to forbear, and set off for Hanover, in the state of New Hampsbire, to see my sister, whom I had not seen for about five years. But J. Lee coming to town next day, lodged at a house where I had inquired the road, ana they informed him of me. He sent for me, and querying me whether I still preached, and by what authority, and what I came there for, showed his disapprobation at my coming hither, and then we parted. I tarried a few days, and held several meetings, and for the time met with no small trials of mind and opposition from without, and then returned to Connecticut, fulfilling several appointments by the way. i went twenty-eight miles to Enfield quarterly meeting, for my cre- dential, and C. Spry sent me to Z. Cankey, who could not give it to me, according to discipline. He sent me back to S., and he again to Z. C, several times ; but at length Z. C. said, " Have you not a written license ?" I told him, " Yes, to preach." Said he, " That is as good as a recommendation to the conference," which I believed ; though C. Spry knew that, according to the letter of the discipline, I could not be received with this, yet he told me to attend the conference. September 20th. Conference came on in the town of Thompson, and I passed the examination by the bishop before them ; and after some conversation in the conference, T. Coope, J. Lee, and N. Snethen bore hard upon me after I had been sent out of the room, and those who were friendly to me durst say but little in my favor ; so I was rejected and sent home, they assigning as the reason, the want of a written credential, though the greatest part of them were personally acquainted with me. This so affected me, that I could take no food for thirty-six hours. After my return home, still feeling it my duty to travel, I accordingly resolved to • set off the next Monday; but Philip Wagar, who was appointed for Orange circuit, being in Tolland, sent for me, and I went twelve miles to see him. After he had criticised and examined my credentials, he concluded to take me on his circuit. I accordingly got prepared, and bidding my friends farewell for a season, met him in West Windsor. Some weeks ago, whilst I was in Rhode Island, being troubled with the asthmatical disorder, I was necessitated to sit up some nights for the want of breath ; but at length laying down on the carpet, I found that I could sleep and breathe easy. Accordingly, I was resolved to try the experiment until the fall of the year, which I did without much trouble. But September twenty-seventh, being on my way with P. Wagar, he said the people would despise me for my lodging;, and it would hurt my usefulness ;• and accordingly he insisted upon my lying in bed with him, he thinking it was a boyish notion that made me lie on the floor. To convince him to the reverse I went to bed, but was soon much 30 DO W'S JOURNAL. distressed for want of breath, and constrained to arise and sit up all night ; after which, 1 would be persuaded to try the bed no more. After travelling with him a few days into the state of New York, he gave me a direction when and where to take the circuit. I travelled to New Leba- non, where I saw one who experienced religion about the time that I did, and our meeting in this strange land was refreshing to our souls. Monday, October 10th. I rode twenty miles to Adams, and thence to Stanford :" at these places we had refreshing seasons. Wednesday, 12th. I rode thirty miles across the Green Mountain, in fifteen of which there was not a sign of a house ; and the road being new, it frequently was almost impassable. However, I reached my ap- pointment, and though weary in body, my soul was happy in God. From Halifax I went to Guilford ; and on entering a chamber where the people were assembled, it appeared natural to me, as though I had seen it before, and brought a dream to my remembrance, which so over- come me that I trembled and was obliged to retire for some minutes. In this meeting, three persons were stirred up to seek God. Leaving the state of Vermont, I crossed Connecticut river, through Northfield to Warwick, Massachusetts, where we had a refreshing season. Thence I went to Orange, and preached in the Presbyterian meeting house, the clergyman having left the town. Being this day nineteen years old, I addressed myself to the youth. I spent a few days here; and, though meeting with some opposition, we had refreshing seasons. Oh ! how fast is the doctrine of unconditional reprobation falling, and infidelity and the denial of future punishment prevailing ! Men thus going from one extreme to the other, as they wish to lull conscience to sleep, that they may go on in the enjoyment of the world without disturbance. But, oh*! would they wish to be deceived in a dying hour? I never felt the plague of a hard heart as I do of late, nor so much faith as I now have that inbred corruption will be done away, and I filled with perfect peace, and enabled to rejoice evermore. I never felt the worth of souls so near my heart as I do of late, and it seems as if I could not give vent enough to it. Lord ! prosper my way, and keep me as under the hollow of thy hand, for my trust is in thee. October 20th. Satan pursues me from place to place. Oh ! how can people dispute there being a devil ! If they underwent as much as I do with his buffetings, they would dispute it no more. He throwing in his fiery darts, my mind is harassed like punching the body with forks and clubs. Oh that my Saviour would appear and sanctify my soul, and deliver me from all within that is contrary to purity ! 23d. I spoke in Hardwick to about four hundred people, thence went to Petersham and Wenchendon, to Fitchburgh, and likewise to Notown, where God gave me one spiritual child. Thence to Ashburnham, where we had some powerful times. November 1st. I preached in Ringe, and a powerful work of God broke out shortly after, though some opposition attended it ; but it was very solemn. Some here, I trust, will bless God in the day of eternity that ever they saw my face in this vale of tears. In my happiest moments I feel something that wants to be done away. DOW'S JOURNAL. 31 Oh ! the buffeting of Satan ! if I never had any other hell, it would be enough. Thence proceeded to Marlborough, where our meetings were not in vain. Whilst I am preaching I feel happy. But as soon as I have done, I feel such horror, without guilt, by the bufferings of Satan, that I am ready to sink like a drowning man, sometimes to that degree that I have to hold my tongue between my teeth to keep from uttering blasphemous ex- pressions ; and I can get rid of these horrible feelings only by retirement in earnest prayer and exertion of faith in God. From Marlborough I went to Packersfield, and thence to Chesterfield, where I had one seal of my ministry. Leaving New Hampshire, I crossed into Vermont, and came to Marlborough. Thus I continued round my circuit until I came to Belcher. A few evenings previous, I dreamed that a minister came and reproved me harshly, whilst I was preaching. In this place it was fulfilled ; for a Baptist preacher accused me in the congregation of laying down false doctrine. Presently a Presbyterian affirmed the same likewise ; because that I said a Christian would not get angry. Here also appeared some little fruit of my labor, among which were some of my distant relations. About this time I visited Mary Spalding, who had been suddenly and miraculously restored, as was said, from an illness which had confined her to her bed about the space of nine years. Her conversation was so profitable, that I did not grudge the journey of several miles to obtain it. I found it to strengthen my confidence in God. The account was pub- lished by a Presbyterian minister, with her approbation. On the 29th, I met P. Wagar, which seemed to refresh my mind. I had to take up a cross and preach before him. But, oh ! the fear of man ! The next day I parted with him and went on my way. My discouragements were so great, that I was ready to leave the cir- cuit. I would think within myself, I will go to my appointment to-day and then go off; but being refreshed during the meeting, my drooping spirits would be revived, and I would be encouraged to go to the next. Thus it would be, day after day ; sometimes I was so happy, and the times so powerful, I would hope " the winter was past and gone :" but soon it would return again. Thus I went on, during the three first months on the circuit ; at length, my discouragements being so great, and inward trials so heavy, I concluded to go further into the country and spend my time in the best manner I could, about the neighborhood where my sister lived. December 15th. I rode fifteen miles to Brattleborough. About this time, on my way, I took a severe cold on my lungs, and almost lost my voice. The next day my friends advised me not to go to any other ap- pointments, as they thought it presumption ; but I feeling impressed in my mind, could not feel content to disappoint the people. Accordingly, in the name of God, I set out in a hard snow-storm, over the mountains, about ten miles, and a solemn time we had. The storm still continuing to increase, the snow had now fallen about knee high, so that the moun- tains were almost impassable by reason of snow, steepness, mud, and logs ; the people here thought my life would be endangered by the fall- 32 DO W'S JOURNAL. ing of trees, or the extreme cold in the woods, as there was no house for several miles, and the wind blew exceedingly hard. However, out I set, relying upon the Strong for strength. The snow being driven in banks more than belly deep, I frequently was obliged to alight and stamp a path for my -horse ; and though I was much wearied and chilled, yet by the goodness of God, I arrived at my appointment, fourteen miles. We had a good time, and I did not begrudge my labor. I believe these trials tvill be for my good, to qualify me for future usefulness to others: and a secret conviction I feel, that if I prove faithful, God will carry me through, and support me to see the cause that should ensue. After my arrival at my sister's, I had thoughts of spending my time principally in study ; but feeling it my duty to call sinners to repentance, I could not enjoy my mind contented without travelling in the neighbor- ing towns, there being no Methodists in this part of the world. I went to Enfield several times during my stay, (being first invited by a Universalian,) by which there seemed to be some good done. Here I received an invitation to fix my residence among them, as their stated preacher. This was somewhat pleasing to nature, as by it I could have ease and acquire wealth ; an elegant new meeting house being also ready ; but something within would not suffer me to comply. — Still feel- ing it my duty to travel, I went into Canaan, Lyme, Dorchester, Orford, Hebron, New Lebanon, Strafford, Tunbridge, Chelsea, Hartford, with many other adjacent towns ; and the. feather edge of prejudice was re- moved, and some few were awakened and hopefully converted to God. 1797, June 4th. At Vershire in Vermont, I met with N. Snethen, who informed me that he had seen J. Lee, and that I must come down to the quarterly meeting ; and, said he, "J. Lee disapproves of your travelling into so many new places, and what will you do provided that he forbids your preaching?" 1 told him it did not belong to J. L. or any other man to say whether I should preach or not, for that was to be determined between God and my own soul ; only it belonged to the Methodists to say whether I should preach in their connection ; but as long as 1 feel so impressed, I shall travel and p:*each, God being my helper; and as soon as I feel my mind released, I intend to stop, let people say what they will. But, said he, " What will you call yourself? The Methodists will not own you ; and if you take that name, you'll be advertised in the public papers as an impostor." Said I, "I shall call myself a friend to mankind." "Oh!" said he, " for the Lord's sake don't; for you are not capable of it — and not one of a thousand is; and if you do you'll repent it." I sunk into a degree of gloominess and dejection — and told him I was in the hand of God, and felt submissive ; so I bade him fare- well and rode ten miles on my way. The next day I rode fifty miles to Charlestown, where I overtook J. Lee, to my sorrow and joy ***** He mentioned some things, particularly that if ever I travelled I must get a new recommendation from my native circuit, or else not offer my- self to conference again. We then rode to Orange quarterly meeting. Hut J. Lee forbade P. W. to employ me any more, and then set off* I ran after him and said, " If you can get no text to preach upon between now and conference, I * This was the fourth time 1 had been sent home. DOW'S JOURNAL. 33 give you Genesis xl. 14,*' and then turned and ran, and saw him no more for some vears, when we met at Petersburg in Virginia. I then returned home to my parents, after an absence of eight months ; haying travelled more than four thousand miles, through heat in the val- leys, the scorching sun beating down, and through cold upon the moun- tains, frequently sleeping with a blanket on the floor, where I could look up and see the stars through the bark roofs, the frost nipping me so that I lost the skin from my nose, hands, and feet ; and from my cars it peeled three times — travelling through storms of rain and snow ; this frequently drifted into banks, so that I had no path for miles together, and was obliged at times to alight and stamp a way for my horse for some rods: at other times, being engaged for the welfare of souls, after preaching in the dark evening, 1 would travel the chief part or the whole of the night, from twenty to forty miles, to get on to my next day's appointment; preaching from ten to fifteen times a week, and oftentimes no stranger to hunger and thirst in these new countries ; and though my trials were great, the Lord was still precious to my soul, and supported me through. The preacher of Tolland circuit, (Evah Rogers, who since hath turned churchman.) after some close and solemn conversation, advised me to preach in my native town, and provided that I could obtain a letter of recommendation concerning my preaching gifts as well as my conduct, he saw no hindrance why I should not be received at conference. The thought was trying. The cross was great, to think of preaching before my old acquaintance and relations ; besides, my parents were opposed to it, fearing how I should make out. However, there being no other way, and necessitated thereto, the people flocked out from every quarter, and after my feeble manner, I attempted to perform ; and I obtained a credential by the voice of the whole society ; which was approved of by the preachers at the quarterly meeting ; after which it was thought pro- per to send me to Granville circuit. During my stay at and about home, though I went into several other places, not in vain to some souls, yet my trials were very great, so that many almost whole nights 1 sleep departed from me. I walked the floor and woods, weeping until I could weep no more, and wringing my hands until they felt sore. When I was in the north country, being under strong temptations to end my life, I went down to a river" to do it, but a thought of futurity darted into my mind ; the value of my soul ! oh ! Eternity. I promised and resolved if God would grant me strength to resist the temptation, and see my native land in peace, that I would dis- charge my duty to my friends. This he had done, and now my promise began to stare me in the face. I felt it my duty to visit from house to house ; but the cross was so heavy, I strove to run round it. But the thorns beside the way scratched me : and to take up one end of the cross, it dragged hard. Here the old temptation returned so powerful, that I durst "not go from one appoint- ment to another alone, nor without one to go with me, and sometimes one to sleep in the same room, lest I should" end myself at night; and for the ease and enjoyment of my mind, I was necessitated and did visit about sixty different families, and then set off to Granville circuit, under the care of Sylvester Hutchinson, with Smith Weeks and Joseph Mitchell. Weeks was at first unwilling I should come on the circuit, fearing how I 34 DOW'S JOURNAL. would make out; but seeing I was under trials, consented. Accord- ingly I went round until I came to Suffield. Upon my entering the neighborhood, I fell into conversation with an old man, and he invited me to hold a meeting at his house. Accordingly 1 appointed to preach to the youth in the evening ; and went to my other appointment not far off. The man of this house shut his door and would entertain no more meetings. This was a trial to me, not knowing what the society would do for a place to meet in. . When I began to meditate what I should say to the youth. I could think of no subject, felt distressed, and was sorry I had made the ap- pointment. I withdrew to a field to seek help from the Lord ; but I felt as if all the powers of darkness were combined and compassed me about. When I saw the people began to collect, I thought I would have given the whole world, if I possessed it, that the meeting had not been appointed ; but as it was now give© out, and circumstances being as they were, I durst do no other than go to the house. I went with this burden to the house, and by an impression, spoke ironically from the words of Solomon, which mightily pleased the youth at first. My burden was soon gone ; the power of God seemed to overshadow the people, as I turned the dis- course upon the judgment which the youth must be brought into : and one of the ringleaders was cut to the heart, and brought to seek God. Here a good work broke out ; and where about thirty or forty used to attend, now the congregation was increased to hundreds, and this wilder- ness seemed to bud and blossom as the rose. In Northampton, a society was collected likewise, though Methodists had not preached there before. August 6th. After preaching in Conway, I went to Buckland ; and when the people saw my youth, and were disappointed of the preacher they expected, they despised me in their hearts. However, God made bare his arm, and I have reason to believe that about thirty persons were stirred up to seek God from this clay. The year past Mas remarkable for very many persons complaining of uncommon trials of mind from the enemy of souls, and scarcely any re- vival to be heard of either in Connecticut, Massachusetts, or the upper part of New York. The flame kindled and ran into several neighboring towns, and som< hundreds of souls professed to experience the forgiveness of their sins. A great deal of opposition, both from preachers and people, Baptists and Presbyterians, was in this quarter; professing to be friends to God and truth, whilst to us they were secret enemies, seeking to get pi converted to their way of thinking, and proselyted to their denomination. I dreamed one night that I saw a field without end. and a man and boy striving to gather in the corn, whilst thousands of birds were destroy- ing of it. I thought there was such a necessity for the com to be gath- ered, that let the laborers work ever so hard, the labor would not wear out their strength until the harvest was past. This dream encouraged me to go on in this work ; and in the space of twenty-two days, 1 travelled three hundred and fifty miles, and preached seventy-six times, besides visiting some from house to house, and speak- ing to hundreds in class-meetings. In several other places, there was a DO W'S JOURNAL. 35 good revival likewise. At the quarterly meeting, I obtained a certificate, concerning my usefulness and conduct here ; and as S. Hutchinson thought not proper to take all the preachers to conference, he concluded to leave me to help the revivals, and that he would there transact my business for me. So I gave him my dismission from Rhode Island, and my two last recommendations to carry into conference. September 19th. Conference began in Wilbraham. My case was brought forward, to determine whether I should be admitted on trial to preach, or sent home, or expel led. J. Lee and several others, of whom some were strangers to my person, took up hard against me, from say and hear-say ; and only one at first espoused my cause. This was Joseph Mitchell, with whom I had tra- velled these last few weeks. After some time a second joined him. The debate was sharp and lasted for about three hours, when Mitchell and Bostwick could say no more, but sat down and wept ; which seemed to touch the hearts of some. At length, it being put to the vote whether I should travel or not, about two thirds of the conference were in my favor. All that saved me, in this conference, from an expulsion, was the blessing which had attended my labors. But still those who were against me would not suffer me to be admitted on trial, nor my name printed in the minutes. One said, if they acknowledged me fit to travel, why not my name to be put on the minutes 1 If he be fit for one, why not for the other, &c. So I was given into the hands of S. Hutchinson, to employ me or send me home, as he should think fit. He sent me a mes- sage to meet him on Long Island, which I did not receive in time to go ; and the first preacher, Daniel Bromley, who came to me after confer- ence, I asked, " What hath the conference done with me ?" He replied, " They have done by you, as they have done by me." " What's that ?" said I. He replied, " They have stationed me on this circuit." And that was all that I could get out of him concerning the matter ; only he ordered me to take his appointments round the circuit, whilst he should g;o to see his friends, until he should meet me ao;ain. Accordingly I set out to go round the circuit. I had been on my way but a clay or two, before I came to places where the preachers, on their way from confer- ence, had been, and told the accusations against me, and my rejection. Thus it was, day after day ; people telling me the same story. From this circumstance, as the conference had given me no station, and Hutchinson's message had not reached me, I concluded I should be sent home again, as I had no license according to discipline, which one must have, if his name is not printed in the minutes. My trials were so great, I was afraid I should become insane ; and seeing no chance for my life, I publicly gave up the name of Methodist, and assigned the reasons why, viz. : because the preachers would not receive me as a brother to travel with them, &c. I was resolved to set out for some distant part of America, out of sight and hearing of the Methodists, and to get societies formed, and the next year to come and offer myself and them to the connection, and by this method to get my character established ; for J. Lee had said, if I attempted to travel in the name of a Methodist without their consent, he would advertise me in every paper on the continent, &c, for an impostor. But now arose a difficulty from another quarter. I had lost my great I 36 DO W'S JOURNAL. coat on the road whilst travelling, and my coat was so worn out that 1 was forced to borrow one ; my shoes were unfit for further service, and I had not a farthing of money to help myself with, and no particular friends to look to for assistance. Thus one day, whilst riding along, facing a hard, cold, northeast storm, very much chilled. I came to a wood ; and alighting from my horse, and falling upon my knees on the wet grass, I lifted up my voice and wept, and besought God, cither to release me from travelling and preaching, or else to raise me up friends. My soul was refreshed, and my confidence was strengthened, and I did believe that God would do one or the other. And thus it was : people a few days after this, of their own accord, supplied all my necessities, and gave me a few shillings to bear my expenses. Jeremiah Ballard, whom I had esteemed as a pi#us man, was expelled at the Wilbraham conference, and, as he represented it to me, it was unjustly. He went with me to the north, and in a number of places he saw, with me, the outpouring of God's Spirit. Fie was minded to form societies, and call ourselves by the name of Separate Methodists. I told him no, for God did own the Methodists ; and of course I durst not do any thing to their injury. This caused a separation between him and me. He formed societies on his own plan, and afterwards I saw him no more ; but by what I could learn, he and his people differed, and then he and some of them removed off to the western country. It appears that the conference were under the necessity of excluding him for a foolish thing, as he would show no humility, but was stubborn and im- penitent. O ! how blessed is the spirit of meekness ! I accordingly left the circuit, and set off for the north. I had not gone far till I came to Deerfield river. In riding through it, the cakes of ice going down the stream had like to cost me my life. But this did not discourage me ; I still went on my way, upwards of a hundred miles, till I came to the town of Windsor, in Vermont, where God poured out his Spirit, and several were turned to him. I thought it not my duty to leave the young converts to the devouring wolves, but to tarry and strengthen them for a season ; and whilst here, I wrote back to some of my old friends, who told the preachers where I was, and what I was about. They wrote, requesting me to come back to a quarterly'meeting. At first I concluded not to go, thinking what should they want but to scold me. But feeling it impressed upon my mind in a powerful manner, one evening, after holding two meetings, I called for my horse, and set out for Claremont, and continued travelling twenty-five hours, excepting the times of baiting my horse ; during which space I rode about a hun- dred and seventeen miles, and got back to Conway on my old circuit. From hence, I proceeded to Buckland, where was held the quarterly meeting, and met the preachers, wishing to know what they wanted with me. Hutchinson began to be very crabbed and cross, seemingly, at first, in his questioning me why I went away. I assigned him as the reason, because I had no chance for my life. " Why," said he, "did you not receive the message I sent you, to come to me?" I replied, "No; not until it was too late," &c, which I could hardly persuade him to believe at the first. L. Macombs asked what I came back for? I told him, "I was sent DO W'S JOURNAL. 87 for, and I came to see what they wanted of me." Said he, " What do you intend to do?" I replied, -'I expected to go back to the north." Then he and Hutchinson went and talked together. I was sorry I had gone away, after I had found out the mistake and Hutchinson's friend- ship for me. Accordingly, in answer to a query which was proposed, viz., What satisfaction can you make ? I replied, " That I was willing to acknowledge that I was sorry, but not guilty, as I did it in sincerity, not hearing soon enough of his message." Which acknowledgment I made, first, in quarterly conference, before about thirty preachers, leaders, and stewards, with exhorters, and then he required it in a public assembly of about eight hundred people. After this, I travelled several days in company with S. Hutchinson, who was going to take me to Cambridge circuit ; and on the way, said he, " The conference have had a great deal of talk and trouble concern- ing you, and now you are under my care, and you shall lire or r//e'at the end of three months : if you are faithful, and your labors blest, so that you can obtain a recommendation from the circuit, all shall be well ; but if not, vou shall die." Accordingly, after reaching the circuit, a saying I remembered, viz., you had as good be hanged for stealing an old sheep as a lamb, and finding the people in a very low state of religion, I was convinced that nothing but a revival could save my life ; I was therefore resolved to do my endeavors to get up a revival, or else to get the circuit broke up. So I went visiting the people from house to house, of all denomina- tions, that were in the neighborhood ; and where there was freedom, to exhort them, collectively or individually, as I felt in my mind, after joining in prayer. Pittstown, New York, was the first place I thus tried on this circuit, and preached at night. Thus 1 did here, for several days successively, and it caused a great deal of talk. Some said I was crazy ; others, that I was possessed of the devil. Some said one thing, and some thought another. Many it brought out, to hear the strange man, who Avould go away cursing and swearing, saying that I was saucy, and deserved knocking down ; and the uproar was so great among the people, that the half-hearted and lukewarm Methodists were tried to the quick, and became my warm opposers, complaining of me to my travelling com- panion, Timothy Dewey, whose mind at first was prejudiced. However, it was not long before I had the satisfaction to see some small fruit of my labor here, which gave me encouragement to strive to raise the inquiry of the people to consideration, though the devil should be raised round the circuit. In this place I visited about a hundred families, some of them twice or thrice over. In Ashgrove I walked about four miles, and visited every family in the way, and generally met with a good reception, though the cross of visiting thus was the hardest and happiest that ever I took up. From thence I set out to go to an appointment in Wilson's Hollow, which was surrounded by mountains, except one small entrance, and coming to a house, I felt impressed to go in and pay them a visit ; but the cross being heavy, I strove to excuse myself and go by, saying, the other preachers, who are older in years, and in experience and learning, do not visit thus, and yet enjoy the comforts of religion, and I will take them 4 38 DO W'S JOURNAL. for my pattern — thinking it impossible that God should call me to such a peculiarity, who was so weak and ignorant. Instantly I felt distress in my mind. When I came to a second house, I felt impressed as above ; but still supported my mind against it with the same arguments, when I cast a look to the sky, and I felt as if God was about to revive religion there, and, if I did not visit them, their souls would be required at my hand. It seemed as though the sun frowned upon me : accordingly I resolved, if the impression continued, that I would go into the next house, and if I met good reception, I would thus go through all the families in the Hollow, which amounted to about thirty in number. I called, and finding a good reception, I went to a second and third, but was turned away. To all the village, however, I went. Some thought one thing, and some said another. However, they came out, to hear a crazy man, as they thought, and were struck with a great solemnity, whilst I spoke from these words : " Thus saith the Lord, set thine house in order, for thou shalt die and not live." The second and the third day I held meet- ings likewise, and said, at such a time, I hope to be here again, God willing. Accordingly I came, and proposed a covenant to the people, if they would attempt to pray three times a day, four weeks, on their knees, I would remember them thrice in the twenty-four hours during that space, God being our helper to perform ; and requested those who would en- deavor to do it, to signify it by standing on their feet, and those who would not, to keep their seats, for God is about to revive religion here ; and those who put in for a share may freely obtain, but those who neglect will find it to their sorrow. About twenty rose up, to which I called God to witness ; and whilst we were at prayer, one who had not agreed caught hold of a loom to avoid falling down, whilst his knees smote together. The evening after 1 was gone, the youth assembled to take counsel about their souls, and were so concerned that the cries became general, and were heard afar off, and eight persons found comfort before they disbanded. To this place Hutchinson came, just after he reached the circuit, though I had not heard of this effect of my labors. Thus round the circuit I went, visiting from house to house, getting into as many new neighborhoods as I could, and sparing no character in my public declarations. Many were offended at my plainness, both of dress, expressions, and address in conversation about heart-religion, so that the country seemed to be in an uproar. Scarcely one was found to take up my cause, and I was mostly known by the name of Crazy Dow. At length quarterly meeting came on in Welsh Hollow, and I expected an expulsion, the uproar being so great. T. Dewey had come thirty miles to give me a scolding for my conduct, to whom I said, " I make a con- science of what I do, and for it I expect to give an account to God ; if you should ever turn against me, I cannot hearken to you in this matter." After this, God gave me favor in his sight ; so that he took my part, and defended my cause (round the circuit, like a champion) to the lukewarm, unknown to me at first. Of him I was the more afraid, as I knew that lie had promoted the expulsion of Ballard. So I went to Hutchinson, and besought him to exclude me, that I might go my way, and be of no more trouble to them, which he refused, and DOW'S JOURNAL. 39 gave me some sharp words, and said he would not, but that I should tarry on that circuit another quarter ; adding, " But before the quarter is up, I expect you'll leave the circuit and run away." So we parted. But I was resolved he should be disappointed in me for once, at least, if no more. At Claridon and Castleton the society were watching over me for evil, and not for good. These two places I visited, likewise, from house to house. Next I went to Fair Haven, where I met with hard speeches. Then to Poultney, where was no regular preaching. Here lived a young woman, whom I began to question about her soul, but met with cool answers. "Well," said I, "I'll pray to God to send a fit of sickness upon you, if nothing else will do, to bring you to good ; and if you won't repent then, to take you out of the way, so that you shall not hinder others." Said she, "If you'll pray for such things, you can't be the friend you pretend to be to my soul, and I'll venture all your prayers ;" and she was much displeased, and so was her mother likewise. She soon, however, began to grow uneasy and restless, and went into one room and into another, back and forth ; and at last sat down, but could get no relief. The whole family, except the father and one son, began to grow outrageous towards me, which occasioned me to go seven miles late at night, for the sake of family quietness. Shortly afterwards the young woman began to seek God, and, with two of her sisters, was soon found walking in the ways of wisdom ; and a society was shortly formed in the place, although I saw them no more. In Hampton and Skeinsborough, on the south end of Lake Champlain, was some revival, likewise. Here was a woman who found fault with me for exhorting the wicked to pray, saying, " The prayers of the wicked were an abomination to the Lord." But I told her that was homemade scripture, for there was no such expression in the Bible ; and after bringing undeniable passages to prove it was their duty, I besought her to pray. She replied, " I cannot get time." I then offered to buy the time ; and for a dollar she promised to spend one day as I should direct, if it were in a lawful way, provided she could get the day, she not thinking I was in earnest. I then turned to her mistress, who promised to give her a day. Then throwing a dollar into her lap, I called God, and about thirty persons present, to witness the agreement. She besought me to take the dollar again, which I . refused, saying, " If you go to hell, it may follow and enhance your damnation." About ten days elapsed, when her conscience roaring loud, she took the day, and read two chapters in the Bible, and retired thrice to pray to God to show her what she was, and what he would have her to be, according to my directions. Afterwards, I had the satisfaction to hear that before night she felt distressed on account of her soul, and before long found the comforts of religion. From thence I visited Kingsborough and Queensborough, where many were brought to a sense of themselves, among whom was Solomon Moon. One evening, just as I had dismissed the assembly, I saw a man to whom my mind was impressed to go ; and before I was aware of it, 1 was breaking through the crowd ; and when I had got to him, I said, 40 DOW'S JOURNAL. " Are you willing I should ask you a few serious questions ?" He replied. "Yes." "Do you believe," said I, "there is a God?" Said he, "Yes." Q. "Do you believe there is a reality in religion ?" A. " I arn uncertain ; but think we ought to do as we would be done by." Q. " Are you willing for some good advice ?" A. "Yes." Q. " Supposing I shall give you some that you can find no fault with the tendency of it; are you willing, and will you try to follow it for four weeks ?" A. "Yes, if it is no unreasonable request." I then desired him not to believe what authors, ministers, or people said, because they said so ; but to search the scriptures to seek for light and instruction there ; to read but a little at a time, and read it often, striving to take the sense of it. 2dly, Not to stumble over the unexemplary walk of professors of reli- gion, nor the contradiction in ministers' sermons ; and to forsake not what other people thought was wrong, but what he himself thought to be wrong : and then to take his leisure time, and go where none would see him but God, twice or thrice a day, and upon his knees beseech the Al- mighty to give him an evidence within, that there was a heaven and a hell, and a reality in religion, and the necessity of enjoying it in order to die happy. " And then," said I, " I do not believe the time will expire before you will find an alteration in your mind, and that for the better." Q. " Is the advice good or bad ?" A. " I have no fault to find ; the natural tendency of it is to good, if followed." I then said, " You promised, if the advice was good, and you had no fault to find with it, that you would follow it four weeks : and now I call God to witness to your promise." So left him. He went away, and began to meditate how he was taken in the pro- mise before he was aware of it, and for forty-eight hours neglected it — when his conscience condemned him, and for the ease of his mind he was necessitated to go and pray. From hence I went to Thermon's Patent, and held several meetings, not in vain ; and riding across the branches of Hudson's river, I called the inhabitants together, and we had a refreshing season from the pre- sence of the Lord. In eternity, I believe, some will be thankful for that day. After preaching at Fort Edward, (where one took fire mysteriously, and was burnt to death,) I went to Easttown. Here the youth, under plain dealing, would frequently leave the house. Accordingly, after procuring a school-house, I invited all the youth to come and I would preach to them ; and the house was' filled from end to end: and then placing my back against the door, to prevent their running away, gave out the text, and did not spare, and \\»as soon confirmed that God Was about to visit the place. Solemnity rested on every countenance; and in the morning the con- gregation was treble its usual number, ami there was a shaking among the dry hones. This neighborhood [ visited from house to house likeu ise, conversed personally with the youth, and found that aboul two thirds of them were under serious impressions, hut durst not expose it to each DOW'S JOURNAL. 41 other for fear of being laughed at, though some fled from me for fear of being talked to. In this private conversation, they promised to pray for a season, one of which broke her promise and strove to escape my sight ; but following her to a neighboring house, I sat in the door and would not let her out till she promised to serve God or the devil for a fortnight. The latter she chose, saying, " I can't keep the other." I called God to witness, and said, " I'll pray that you may be taken sick before the fortnight's up;" and left her. Before night she began to grow un- easy and was sorry she made the promise. She soon broke it, and began to seek the salvation of her soul ; and in about a week was hopefully converted to God. After I had gone through the visiting, in public meeting I set forth plainly the state of the youth, as above-mentioned, and besought them not to be afraid of each other, but to continue seeking the Lord. And one evening, whilst T. Dewey was exhorting, a Hash of forked lightning pierced the air, and rolling thunder seemed to shake the house. Some screeched out for mercy ; and some jumped out at the windows, and others ran out at the door. From this night the stir became visible, and thirteen of the youth that night resolved together to pursue religion, let their companions do as they would. A young man by the name of Gideon Draper, said, " If I can stand the crazy man, I will venture all the Methodist preachers to con- vert me." And when I heard of his expression, faith sprang up in my soul, and I felt a desire to talk to him. He objected, " I am too young ;" but here God brought him down, and he is now an itinerant preacher. As our quarterly meeting was drawing near, every society round the circuit promised, such a day, as much as their labor and bodilv strength would admit, to observe as a day of prayer and fasting to God, that he would meet with us at the quarterly meeting, which came on June 20th at Pittstown. Here, after S. Hutchinson had finished his sermon, J. Mitchell began to exhort, when there commenced a trembling among the wicked ; one, and a second, and a third fell from their seats ; and the cry for mercy became general. Many of the backsliden professors were cut to the quick ; and I think for eleven hours there was no cessation of the loud cries. No business of a temporal nature could be done at this quarterly meeting conference. The next day, Solomon Moon, who had come more than forty miles, stood up in the love-feast and declared how he was caught in a promise, and to ease his mind, was necessitated to fulfil, and within three days, found the reality of what he had doubted ; and he besought others not to be afraid of promising to serve God. " For," said he, " I bless the day that ever I saw the face of brother Dow." It was curiosity, as he testi- fied, which first induced him to come out to hear him that was called the crazy man. In this love-feast, the cry began again, and continued till within two hours of sun-setting, when I went off to an appointment, leaving about twenty who were resolved not to go away until thev found pardon. This day's meeting was a season not soon to be forgotten. I have reason to believe, from observation round the circuit, that not less than a hundred souls were blessed and quickened here. — N. B. It had con- tinued from nine in the morning. 4* 42 DOW'S JOURNAL. During these last three months, I had six hundred miles to travel in four weeks, besides meeting in class upwards of six hundred members and spectators, and preaching seventy or seventy-five times, and some visiting. As we were enlarging this circuit, there being a vacant place of up- wards of sixty miles, I, with some trouble, got a few places for preach- ing. As I was travelling, at a distance I saw one dressed in black, whom I overtook ; and I asked, in our conversation, if he knew any thing of the Methodists and their doctrine lately in these parts. He was a Calvinist Baptist preacher, and from my dress and questions he sup- posed that I was no preacher, but a stranger to the Methodists ; so he talked just like a prejudiced Calvinist about them ; and when he had found me out, he colored, and invited me to dine with an acquaintance of his. I requested permission to pray with them, which caused some sur- prise. " Prayers," thought they, " in the middle of the day !" Through this medium, the door was opened at Brandon, where I made a covenant with the people. Here curiosity brought out one of the chief men, a merchant, with his proud niece, to hear, as he expected, a great man ; but being disappointed in the looks of the person, he was almost ready to go home. But considering in nis mind, " I have come a mile and a half distance, through a difficult road ; now I am here, I'll stay to the end." He rose up in the covenant, with his niece, not thinking what they were about, but seeing others rise. I called God to witness to the covenant, and went on my way. The consciences of these two persons began to condemn them for breach of promise ; and to ease their minds, they were constrained to fulfil, and soon found comfort : and they, with his wife, at the end of four weeks, came out to join society ; and twenty- two others followed their example the same day. In nine days after, twenty-five others joined likewise. The commonalty said, " The Methodists have done some good, by turning the mind of the blasphemer, from collecting in his debts, to reli- gion, and so we are kept out of jail." In New Huntingdon, I made a covenant with the people, which proved not altogether in vain. Shortly after, about forty were joined in class. This place I visited from house to house, with Hindsburg, Monkton, and Starksboroul Worst, I'll get up : so I lay down, thinking it was more than probable 1 should have to rise within half an hour, on account of my asthma. I soon fell asleep, and slept sound until morning. CHAPTER V. MY DUBLIN RECEPTION. December 15th, after two days sail, I landed in Dublin. Having a letter, I sought to find him to whom it was directed ; and a customhouse officer, for two-and-si.\pence English, piloted me there — hut in vain, he not being at home ; and night coming on, I scarcely knew what to do, as the family would not suffer me to stay within, fearing who or what I might be. I inquired for Methodists ; and a chaise-man said, " I know where there is one lives ;" and for a shilling I got him to pilot me to the house. After rapping, the door was opened by a boy, who informed the mis- tress that a stranger wanted her husband. She said, " Let him come in till he comes home :" so I went in, and sat down in the shop. By and by in came her husband, William Thomas, who stopped and looked, and then with a smile shook hands with me ; which gave me some hope. After I told him my case, he invited me to tarry all night ; which I ac- cordingly did, and in the evening attended meeting at Gravel-walk, where I was called upon to pray. The next day I called to see the preachers, and when I saw Mr. To- bias, made my case known to him. He heard me, and then with plain dealing advised me to go on board again and return to America, though he did not attempt to scruple the account I gave of myself. He offered me half a crown, which I refused, and with tears left him, though I had only two shillings left. In the evening, at Whitefriar-street meeting-house, I was again invited to pray and sing ; but Mr. Tobias, the preacher, on whom I "bad called, checked me in the meeting, and took the hymn out of my mouth, com- manding the persons who prayed to stand on their feet ; and after meet- ing gave me a sharp reprimand: and then called the local preacl^ s and leaders into a room, and, I suppose, charged them, and reprimanded him who had invited me, as he ever after was shy to me. Now my door seemed to be completely hedged up, and I saw not! but death before me, having no money to pay my passage back, and not know how to do ship-work, and no trade to follow for my bread, and I could not expect this family to entertain me long : no acquaintance round about, and three thousand miles from my friends. No one can tell my feelings but those who have been in the like circumstances. It was a trial of my faith, yet I could not say I was sorry that I had come ; though it seemed to me I should sink. But these words strengthened my confi- dence, " The very hairs of your head are all numbered;" immediately I lay down and fell asleep, and dreamed that I saw a person put leaven 6 62 DOW'S JOURNAL. in a bowl of meal ; it leavened and leavened till it swelled clear over on the ground, then leavened under ground till it got a distance of some score rods, imperceptible by the inhabitants : at length it broke out in the furthermost place ; and then appeared in several other spots. This dream strengthened my confidence in God, that my way was preparing, though imperceptible to me. When I awaked, my trials of mind were greatly lessened. I besought God if he had any thing for me to do in this country, to open a door and prepare my way ; but if not, to take me to himself; for now I was only a burden to myself and others : and I did believe that one or the other he would grant. 20th. Whilst we were at family prayer, a Scotch soldier overheard us, and came in and invited me to preach in the barracks at Chapel-izod ; which I did several times. Several other doors opening in different bar- racks, I improved the opportunities ; one of which was at Island-bridge, where God began a revival, and a small society was formed. Having a desire to visit the country, at first the door appeared shut ; but one, (who for a scruple of conscience had been expelled society,) upon hearing there- of, sent word to me that he was going to the Queen's County, and if I was minded to go, would bear my expenses. 26th. Taking the canal boat, we proceeded to Monastereven, whence we walked to Mount Mel lick. Here I found a man out of society, who had been abused, which occa- sioned the separation of about thirty, who held meetings by themselves. I held several meetings in different parts of the neighborhood, and re- freshing seasons we had from the presence of the Lord. A quarterly meeting was held here. I petitioned for liberty to go into the love-feast, but was denied, saying, you belong to no particular people. My congregations were so large that no private house could contain them, for which reason some got open the preaching-house doors, contrary to my advice, lest it should look as though I wanted to cause divisions, as the preacher had left strict orders not to let me in, &c. Here I heard two women from my own country preach, called Quakers, for the first time of my hearing any of their society. A question arose in my mind whether I had done wrong in coming away from my own country : Is it not possible that I lay under a mistake after all ? Thus I fell asleep, and dreamed that I died, and was buried under a hearth ; the lid which composed a part of the hearth was marble. My father coming into the room, said, "What is there?" One replied, "Your son lies there." He then pulled off the lid, and, behold, it was truth. And I stood and looked at my body, and, behold, it began to putrefy and moulder. I was then a mystery to myself, to see my body in one place, and I standing in another. I began to feel, to see if I was flesh, when a voice seamed to answer, " I will explain the mystery to you. If you had tarried in America, you would have died as the prophet predicted, and your body would have been mouldering as you now see it ; but you are now preserved for future usefulness." I waked up with the queries gone. From hence (Mount MelHck) I returned to Dublin. I received two letters from the north, requesting me to return with all speed to Larne. I had received money enough from the withdrawn members to return. After holding some more meetings in the barracks, and paying my DOW'S JOURNAL. 63 passage, and procuring some provisions, (having two shillings left,) 1 set sail, but was put back by a contrary and tempestuous wind, after being out thirty hours. I believe there was the peculiar hand of God in this, for a powerful time we had at Island-bridge the same evening. January 20th, 1800. After walking some miles, I embarked again, and just as I was going on board, heard the shrieks of a woman, and turning round, saw a door shut to, and one weeping as if her heart would break. I asked the cause. She said she had three children at home, who had eaten nothing since yesterday, and that she had not a sixpence to buy bread for them, and this family would not lend a shilling, and that her husband would not receive his wages until Saturday night. There was a dialogue in my mind whether duty required me to relieve her want, as I reflected how much better my present circumstances were than hers. However, I did not leave her till I had given her one of the shillings I had left ; and, oh, how grateful she appeared ! The wind was not en- tirely fair ; however, we put to sea. The storm increased, and the sea seemed to run mountains high, and washed several valuable things over- board ; but what surprised me was, I never once heard the captain swear or take an oath during all the time. On the twenty-second we gained Belfast harbor, and came to anchor within two miles of the town, where I jumped into the pilot's boat, and gave my remaining shilling to be taken ashore, and, through cold wind and rough sea, reached the town about six o'clock in the evening. I wandered up and down for some time, the way I felt my heart inclined,* till recollecting a letter I had in my pocket ; but how to find the person to whom it was directed I did not know, but feeling my heart drawn up an alley, I went to the door and rapped. The people desired to know what I wanted. I told them, and they invited me to take tea, which favor I received as from the hand of God ; then a lad piloted me to the house where I wished to go, where I found the mother of Sergeant Tipping, in whose room I preached at Island-bridge, he having sent by me a letter to her. Here I had lodging, and continued a few days. I went to see the preacher, Andi'ew Hamilton, jr., to whom I related all my situation ; and, after a little conversation, he gave me the right hand of fellowship, with liberty to improve round his circuit, so long as my conduct should be such as it had been at Larne. He could not be blamed for this pre- caution, for if I behaved bad he would be blamed. I told him I hoped he would not by me have cause to repent giving the liberty. He like- wise gave me money to pay the passage of a letter to New York, to get justice to my character. £ From thence to White Abbey, where I was questioned very close, and it was judged I did wrong in leaving America ; but J. Morrison, whom I had seen at Larne, (the local preacher who formed the class, and ques- tioned me very close, to know where I came from and was going to,) persuaded them to call an assembly, to whom I spoke. Thence to Carrickfergus, (where a jailer apparently died and remained * By the light of lamps, famine and death now stared me in the face in this large town, yet I could not say I was sorry I had left America. 64 DO W'S JOURNAL. for some hours, then revived again for some hours, and appeared to be in great horror,) and held several meetings ; to these two places I had notes of introduction from a preacher. Thence to Ballycarey, and held three meetings, which were very serious. From thence to Larne, which I gained about twelve o'clock. I took breakfast, and visited two or three families, and though my dress was somewhat altered, the people knew me, and were staring from their nls towards Georgia. After holding several other meetings in Iredell, I set off, and had meeting at Major M'Claray's, Spartanburgh, Enore, Ab- beville courthouse, so to Petersburgh in Georgia, where I arrived on the 2d of February, 1803, having had some trials, and experienced some providences by the way. I felt the want of credentials, as the Methodists for hundreds of miles had treated me coolly. However, as soon as I en- tered Petersburgh, a lad knew me, and soon word flew over the town that the walking preacher had got back, and I spoke to an assembly of magni- tude that night. A society of Methodists was raised here when I was walking this country last year, though religion was cold. Now it seemed to flourish, my way was opened, and I sent appointments, and visited the country extensively as Providence enabled me to succeed. At Rolem's meeting-house, and at Thompson's, Cunningham's, Powel- ton, Sparta, Rehobeth, Washington, Sardis, Indian Creek, General Stew- ard's, Burk's, General Dickson's, Baker's, Carroll, Red wine's, Paine 's, M-Daniel's, Coldwater, Stenchcomb's, and Sest's neighborhood, &c, I held meetings. A camp-meeting, the first I ever attended, was held on Shoulder-bone creek, where I arrived on the third day of its sitting, about the dawn of it. I spoke several times, and the Lord was with us ; ten persons came for- ward, and testified that they had found the pardoning love of God, among whom was Judge Stith, who had been a noted deist. In this quarter God gave me favor in the sight of the people, and some were raised up to sup- ply my wants, among whom was Doctor B. and S. Roundtree, Doctor Lee, &c, and another gentleman, who gave me a cloak ; for these favors, may God remember those who administered to my necessities. I visited Hancock, Clark, Jackson, Oglethorp, Franklin, and Elbert counties, quite extensively ; the congregations were exceeding large, so that I mostly spoke under the trees, and the Lord overshadowed us with his divine presence : the fruit of this visit I expect to see in a future world. Though it was by a very sweet drawing that I undertook to wander here by land, yet it was trying to my flesh and blood to leave my friends and acquaintance in the north, and wander so many hundred miles among strangers, considering what I had passed through before among strangers; 118 DO W'S JOURNAL. yet something within would say, go and you shall see peace ; and T went and saw it ; so I do not grudge all my toil. However, I was not without my trials here, considering the cause of God, for many of the Baptists supposed me to be a Baptist preacher when I was on foot through this quarter at first, and now flocked out by crowds to hear me, as I had said but little about names or parties when here before, and was coolly received by those whose friendship I wished to retain. The Baptists (of whom many are pious) were sorely disappointed in me now, when they heard my doctrine, or ideas on election and reprobation ; and instead of owning me now for a Baptist, reprobated me to the highest pitch, and several church meetings were held on the subject, the result of Avhich was, that they should hear me no more. Some of their preachers spoke hard against me in public and in private, behind my back ; and some things I was informed they said which they could not prove ; and all this, because I endeavored to show the evil of that doctrine which had been such a curse to me, and for preaching up a free salvation ; which caused brother Mead to say, (as they now preached up eternal decrees more than usual,) " It will be the means of drawing out the cloven foot to cut it off" — meaning, it would cause the people to know their sentiments more fully, which they frequently kept hid, and so deceived the people, by preaching an offer of mercy, when only a few, the elect, could possibly have it. And as some of them said that I preached or held to things that were false, brother Mead, and a number of others, advised me to prepare for publication my Thoughts, or Chain, on different religious subjects. I visited Augusta, and found a good society formed there ; also Wanes- borough, Sandersville, and many other adjacent places, together with Louisville the capital, where the governor offered me money, which I did not feel free to accept, but was thankful for his good wishes. March 25th, 1803. Camp-meeting came on at Jones's meeting-house, and lasted until the 29th. Some were convinced of error of sentiment, and some of sin, and a goodly number found peace in the blood of the Lamb, and the world's people were brought to acknowledge that something out of the common course of nature must have produced the effect in two instances. I found the people here kind, for as Hope Hull mentioned to them that I was about to go to the western country, and perhaps 1 might want some spending money, &c, upwards of a hundred dollars were given me ; so I found the Lord to provide, who put it into the heart of General John Stewart to get me a pass on parchment from the governor, under the seal of the state, to pass through the Indian country. My horse not being good for travelling, I sold him on credit, and a Methodist, so called, having one for sale, offered him to me for a hun- dred and fifty dollars. This man who was called a Methodist, did not show me the kindness to wait, as another man of no society and of no re- ligion did ; for the latter was bound for me, though he had not seen me before ; and he also carried the money a distance for nothing ; so I see that the hearts of all men are in the hand of God, and he can and doth work by whom he pleaseth. Feeling my soul refreshed by my visit, and my work done here for the present, and my horse paid for, and 1 well equipped for travelling, and my heart drawn to the west, and a number of letters being given me to give to people, I was resolved to go to the westward. 1 accordingly told brother DOW'S JOURNAL. 119 Mead, who was going to Virginia, that if he was minded he might give out a chain of appointments for me, through that country, to which he agreed. (During this visit, I had a narrow escape from a raving heifer.) I "felt a desire to hold meeting in a certain house of quality people ; but knew not how to accomplish it. But a thought struck my mind ; so I got one to go and deliver an errand in such a way as to provoke the man to say, "I'm willing if my wife is," and the woman to say, "I'm willing if my husband is ;" which was effected by the errand being delivered to them separately. I then published the appointment, but it so happened, that the family were all from home, except the blacks, at the time of meet- ing ; so I spoke before the gate in the road, and had a good time : but I received a few lines from one of the absentees, expressing grief on their side at. the circumstance. April 19th. Being provided with necessaries, I crossed the Oconee river, and there meeting some persons, set off for Tombigbee ; but I had not proceeded a hundred yards, before I found that one on whom we de- pended as a guide, knew nothing about the road ; of course, I must depend on my own judgment. I had procured a map of the road, a hundred and thirty miles to the Chatahochee river, and a pocket compass, &c. A young man from Connecticut, who was acquainted with some of my rela- tions, was feeding mules in the woods, so we followed him a few miles, and then encamped in the wood for the night. Next day a woman and a child got flung from a horse, and thereby were ducked in the Ocmulgee river. So we proceeded on, frequently seeing Indians, (which a black woman of the company was much afraid of,) till we came to Flint river, where we hired an Indian to lead a horse through, and himself waded before it. Some of the land over which we passed, was miserable, and some was preferable to any I had ever seen in the south. We frequently saw wild game, among which were deer and turkeys. The Indians frequently came to our camp, and while we had our evening devotion, they would be solemn and mute : we could talk together only by signs, and I desired to know if they knew what we were about ; they replied, that we were pay- ing our addresses to the Great Man above, who is the author of breath, &c. Thus all intelligences have some idea of Divinity, futurity, and re- wards and punishments. And what causes such universal acknowledg- ment, but an universal teacher ? which must be God ! I broke my um- brella, and likewise lost my whip, the latter while buying corn, and hir- ing a pilot. One day a couple of us thought to get to the agent's house before the company to get provision, but had not gone far before an Indian alarmed us much, shooting a deer through, and the ball struck near us, which made us suppose some hostile intention was against us till we saw the mistake. We left a man and a woman in the woods, who were going to trade with the Indians, as they travelled slow. Hawkins, the agent, treated us cool, so we quit him and went on. Next day we missed our road, or rather Indian path, which we were convinced of by some swamps and water-courses, and turning a little back, one of the company being a good woodsman took the lead, and striking across Ave came to a path, which divided the minds of the company at first ; but at length we agreed to strike across it further through the woods, and that afternoon found a path which proved to be the right one. We at length 120 DOW'S JOURNAL. found a man hunting horses, who piloted us to the first house in the settle- ment, which we made in thirteen days and a half from the time we set out, having travelled about four hundred miles. The company supposed that they could save thirty or forty miles' travel by swimming across the Alabama River, and fording a swamp, which they attempted to do, and got detained by rain two days. But I left them and went down the river ten miles and stayed with a half-breed Indian, who charged me a dollar and a half for the night. I then left an appointment for Sunday in the Tensaw settlement, and went over the Alabama by the Cutoff, to the west side of Tombigbee, through a cane-brake or swamp, seven miles, and found a thick settlement, and then a scattered one seventy miles in length, through which I sent a chain of appointments, and after- wards fulfilled them, and the fruit I expect to see at a future day. The river Tombigbee, like the Nile, overflows once a year, and is also a flood-tide river only once in twenty-four hours. It is navigable for ves- sels, and will one day become the glory of the south part of the United States, as the trade of Tennessee, &c, will pass through it. The inhab- itants are mostly English, but are like sheep without a shepherd. Whilst under the Spanish government it was a place of refuge for bad men ; but of late, since it fell to us, it seems to be in a hopeful way, and there is still room for great amendment. A collection was offered to me, which I did not feel free to accept ; and I left the settlement, procured some corn, and had not a cent left. Three of my travelling companions fell in with me again, and accompanied me through the Choctaw nation to the Natchez settle- ment, which we reached in six days and a half, being about eight hundred miles from Georgia. On the way we met with a man going alone to Georgia ; and in the sixth town I gave my saddle-cloth to the Indians for corn to feed my horse with. Here I was called to another exercise of my faith, having no money, and a stranger in a strange land ; but my hope was still in God, who hath helped me hitherto. The master of the house to which I first came was once a Methodist. He happened to hear of my coming the week preced- ing, by some travellers, and received me and the three men kindly, and the next day got me a meeting, and good I trust was done. The night after I held a meeting at the house of a Baptist ; then rode on towards the town of Natchez, and parted with my three companions by the way, who were going to West Florida to see their father. I called on a man who was said to be a Methodist, but found he was not ; so I went to another house where they were called Methodists, but met with a cool reception at the first until I showed them the governor's passport, and likewise two papers, one from brother Mead and one from Hull, that I was an acceptable preacher, of moral conduct, &c.j then they were more kind, and kept my horse about two weeks. Brother Moses Floyd met me the same night, and having received letters by me from Georgia, was friendly ; then the above family became more so. The gov- ernor, to whom I had an introductory letter, was also friendly. I held two or three meetings in the assembly-room, with the permission of the mayor, though with difficulty obtained. The man on whom 1 call- ed and found he was not a Methodist, reflected how far I had come to see them through the woods, and felt his heart inclined to lend me a horse to ride more than a hundred miles. So I went to Kingston, and procured a DOW S JOURNAL. 121 spot of ground (by selling my watch) for a meeting-house ; and then to the heights, and Pinckneyville, and held meetings. I stopped at a house in the edge of West Florida and sold my cloak. Thence I returned and visited several neighborhoods, and God's power was to be felt in some of them. My horse was now taken lame, so that he was not fit to ride to Ten- nessee. I spoke at the Pineridge meeting-house, and at Washington, Sulsertown, and at Calender's meeting-house, where some were offended. Here quarterly meeting was held. Thence I went to Wormsville, Biopeer, and Bigblack, and preached the funeral sermon of a niece of the Rev. Tobias Gibson ; and the Lord was with us. I left my horse with brother Gibson, and took a Spanish race-horse, which he was to be respon- sible for, and I was to remit him the money by post when it should be due on my arrival in Georgia in November. June 20th. Having got equipped for my journey through the woods of Cumberland, which was several hundred miles, and having been informed that a party of men was that morning to start into the wilderness, I in- tended to go with them, but on my arrival found they had started the day before ; so I must either wait for more, or go and overtake them. To wait I durst not, as my appointments had gone to Virginia. A Kentuck- ian had some time before, as I was informed, struck an Indian, who shortly after died ; and the other Indians supposed that his death was in conse- quence of the blow, and they complained to the governor, and the Ken- tuckian was tried and acquitted. Wherefore the Indians, according to their custom, were determined to kill somebody, as they must have life for life. And they had now become saucy, and had shot at and wounded several on that road, but had not killed any one yet ; and it was supposed that some one must shortly fall a victim. However, I set off alone and rode the best part of twenty miles, when I saw a party of Indians within a hundred feet of me. I was in hopes they would pass me, but in vain, for the first Indian seized my horse by the bridle, and the others surround- ed me. At first I thought it was a eone case with me : then I concluded to get off my horse and give up all in order to save my life. But it turn- ed in my mind, that if I do, I must return to the settlement in order to get equipped for another start, and then it will be too late for my appoint- ments. Again it turned in my mind, how, when I was in Ireland, some- body would frequently be robbed or murdered one day, and I would travel the same way the day before or the day after, and yet was preserved and brought back in peace, and the same God is as able to preserve me here and deliver me now as then. Immediately I felt the power of faith to put my confidence in God. At the same time I observed the Indians had ramrods in the muzzles of their guns, as well as in their stocks, so it would take some time to pull out the ramrods, and get their guns cocked and prepared up to their faces ready to shoot. At this moment my horse started and jumped sideways, which would have laid the Indian to the ground who held the bridle, had it not slipped out of his hands. At the same time the Indian on the other side jumped, seemingly like a streak, to keep from under the horse's feet, so that there was a vacancy in the circle, when I gave my horse the switch, and leaned down on the saddle so that if they shot I would give them as narrow a chance as I could to hit me, as I supposed they would wish to spare and get my horse. I did not look 11 122 DOW'S JOURNAL behind me until I had got out of sight and hearing of the Indians. I was not long in going a dozen or fifteen miles ; so I overtook the company that day, and told them what I had passed through. They said that they had met the same Indians, and that a Chickasaw trader who was with them, told them, that two Chickasaw Indians with him said, that the Choctaws which I met informed them, that if the Chickasaw trader was not with these Kentuckians they should have taken their provisions from them. When I heard this, I reflected if such a small preventive was the only means of saving a party from being plundered, what danger was I ex- posed to ? And I felt more solemn afterwards than when in the midst of dangers. About forty-eight hours after, a party of twenty-five men were attacked by some ruffians, driven from their camp, and plundered of some thou- sands of dollars, and some of them came near starving before they got in. I travelled on several days with the company, but they proceeded so slow that I resolved to quit them ; and thinking I was within about forty miles of the Chickasaw nation, set off alone one morning in hopes of get- ting in the same night. So I travelled on all day as fast as I could conveniently, stopping only once to bait, until I came within about twenty miles of the settlements ; and about ten at night came to a great swamp, where I missed the trail, and was necessitated to camp out without any company, (except my horse,) fire, or weapons of defence. As I dismounted to fix my bridle and chain together for my horse to graze, while fastened to a tree, I heard a noise like the shrieks of women, and listened to know what it might be ; but it occurred to my mind that I had heard hunters say that the catamount or panther would imitate the cries of women. At first I felt some queries or fears in my mind ; but I soon said, God can command the wild beast of the forest as well as he can command the Indians : so I knelt down and committed myself to the protection of a kind Providence, and then lay down and had a comfortable night's rest. The next morning I went on and joined the settlement about ten o'clock, and got some milk and coarse Indian bread for myself, and corn for my horse. I then went on about twenty miles further, and, through the good provi- dence of God, did not miss my road, though there were many that went in different courses. At length I saw a man dressed like a gentleman : he came up and shook hands with me, and after some conversation invited me to his house, about a mile and a half off". I tarried with him a few days, and had two meetings with some reds, blacks, whites and half-breeds ; and good I think was done in the name of the Lord. The post came along and I left Mr. Bullen, the missionary, with whom I spent my time, and set off with him. In three days and a half we travelled upwards of two hundred miles, and came to the settlements of Cumberland ; and, having a letter, I called on Major Murray, who treated me kindly. 1 gave away the last of my money and my pen-knife, to get across an Indian ferry. I sold my chain halter for two dollars, and brother Murray lent me a horse to ride to Nashville, where I got two or three letters, which I consider as the hand of Providence, as it was the only means of opening my door. I inquired for Methodists, but found none — I strove to get a place for meet- ing that night, but all in vain : so I went about six miles and called upon a local preacher, who treated me with friendship, and I tarried all night. Next day early I returned to Nashville, and tried to get the courthouse, DOW'S JOURNAL. 123 and several private houses ; but all in vain. Then I went to a grog-house and began to talk ironically, as if I was one of their company : and soon the man offered me the liberty of his house for what I would choose to give him ; he supposing I was not in earnest. But I let him know tbat I was, by giving him a dollar, and told him as a man of honor I should expect the room of him. I then went out and told the post-master, who adver- tised it for me, as he knew by the superscription of my letters that I was no impostor. I returned to Major Murray's, and delivered up my horse, where was a class-meeting. The circuit preacher was cool ; but Mr. Cannon, a local preacher, being a man of consideration, prevailed. I met the class, and the Lord being with us we had a good time : so my way was opened through the country. The grog-house in Nashville would not contain the people, and somebody prepared the market-house forme. I spoke and de- scribed the character of a Christian, a gentleman, and the filth of the earth, which were the subjects of my discourse : and some, fearing of coming under the class of filth, behaved well. I appointed meeting again, in the courthouse, if it should be opened, if not, on the public square, or in an ad- jacent grove, as might serve best. The court sat in the mean time, and they ordered the courthouse to be opened, and I spoke to hundreds. Con- tributions were offered me, which I refused ; however, several dollars were forced on me by some gentlemen. The cause of my refusing the above was this : I did not wish to put myself in the power of another, nor give Satan a sword to slay me, or power to hedge up my way, as the eyes of hundreds were upon me. A camp-meeting was held; but I believe good was prevented by their not following the openings of Providence. 1 visited several other places, and then went to Kentucky, and visited Beardstown, Frankfort, and Lexington. Some Methodist local preachers treated me coolly, and strove to shut up my way ; bat God opened my way by the means of a Baptist, at Beardstown. At Frankfort I got the state- house : and at Lexington I first got the courthouse, then a playhouse, and afterwards, the Methodists opened to me their meeting-house — in sev- eral meetings God was with us. Thence I steered to Virginia. On the way I was informed of an old salt well being found and a large bed of ashes by it, and pieces of earthen kettles, denoting their size to be larger than potash kettles ; and also vessels of stone like a salt-cellar, which must have belonged to the ancients. At an inn I offered the man pay over night ; but he refused, saying he would be up in season in the morning. However he was not, so I left what I supposed would be his demand, on the table, and went on : he af- terwards reported that I had cheated him. At another place, all my money was gone to one dollar, and the landlord, attempting to accuse me of passing counterfeit money, would not exchange my dollar for my fare, but thought to injure me, until another man changed it for me. At length, I met two men, who told me that my appointments were made in Virginia, at Abington, where I arrived August 21st, about three hours before meeting time. I was now dirty and ragged, as my pantaloons were worn out, my coat and jacket worn through, as also my moccasins. I had only the smallest part of a dollar left : however, some gentlemen gave me seven dollars, and then a collection was made, which I refused, until they hurt my feelings and forced it upon me : some others held back their liberality. I had a convenient stage erected, and we had a solemn 124 DO W'S JOURNAL. time. I left an appointment when I would be there again, and in the neighboring counties, and went on to Fincastle ; then to Bedford county, where I spoke in the town of Liberty. I took my text from the Age of Reason ; and some went off before I had cleared up the point, they sup- posing me to be a deist ; but afterwards were sorry. I spoke in Lynch- burgh, New-London, at Carmel Courthouse, and a number of adjacent places, and left hundreds of appointments for the spring. I saw Dr. S. K. Jennings, and found him to be a man of strong powers of mind, and great acquired information, and very pious. Oh, may he fill up that sphere of life, which he is qualified for. In Cumberland county John Hobson, Jun., got awakened, and found peace, as he fell down while I was speaking. His dear companion was laboring under great trials of mind, for the loss of all her offspring, till God cast my lot in that quarter, when she got reconciled to the same, by the sanctifying influence of God's Holy Spirit. His mother, who was up- wards of eighty years old, also found peace. I visited several other places, and the Lord was with us. Then I went to Richmond, and by the gov- ernor's consent, spoke in the capitol, (which somebody had advertised in the Argus,) and afterwards in the Methodist meeting-house several times : also in Manchester, and at New Kent quarterly meeting. I rode twenty miles to Petersburgh in the rain, and seeing a man, in- quired of him if he knew Jesse Lee. He replied, "he is my brother," and took me to his house. As soon as I passed the gate, I saw Jesse standing in the door, and I sat still on my horse, though I was wet through, (with a bundle of books under my arm.) I had no outer garment on ; and there was not a word spoken for some time between us. At length, said he, " Come in." I desired to know whether it was war or peace. Said he " Come in." Said I, " Is it war or peace ?" Said he, " Come in." I made the same reply. Said he, " It is peace." So I dismounted and went in, and he, after some conversation, went and procured me a large assem- bly that night, in the Methodist meeting-house. I spoke there several times, and God was with us. Oh, how different was I now received from what I was formerly ! Surely I was agreeabty disappointed in my recep- tion ; and there must have been the hand of God in this. I visited several neighboring places not in vain. I got five hundred pamphlets printed, and as I was going to the office for them, a stranger called me out one side and put ten dollars into my hand, (though he knew not my necessity) which was just the sum I wanted for the printer. I had much offered me in my travels through the state ; but was unwil- ling to give Satan any ground to hedge up my way, and of course declined the most of it. One day 1 had an appointment to preach, and then started for South Carolina, through a part of some hundreds of miles, where I never was before, and had only a few cents at my command. However, my trust was still in God, who put it into the hearts of some, as wo were parting and shaking hands, to leave about seven dollars in my hand : so I went on and saw more providences of God: I also saw some evils. Near Raleigh, North Carolina, a petty constable attempted to take me up as a horse thief. Col. Paul Rushian, of Chesterfield county, South Carolina, took me up also, examined my private writings, and gave me some of the most abusive, dirty language that I ever met with in my life. I found brother Dougherty, the presiding elder, had given me out a chain of ap- DOW'S JOURNAL. 125 pointments througn his district, of several hundred miles, which I fulfilled, and arrived back at Petersburgh, in Georgia, according to appointment when going away. Here my wants were relieved, mostly by Major John Oliver, who came and called me his spiritual father, and so did several others ; and I saw a great alteration in the inhabitants. RULES FOR HOLY LIVING. SERIOUS considerations upon the value of thy soul ; with the short- ness and uncertainty of time, and the duty that you owe to GOD — with the awful consequence of living and dying in sin ! Remember that by nature you are a fallen, degenerate creature, there- fore you must be regenerated and born of the Spirit — for without holiness no man "shall see the LORD ! Consequently, be persuaded, and resolve, through grace, to begin, and spend, and close every day with GOD, forsaking all known sin, with unnecessary wicked company ; having your heart drawn out after GOD, in a praying frame, with your mind solemnly staid upon HIM in quest of truth — that you may enjoy HIS favor here, and experience HIS bene- dictions for ever in CHRIST JESUS ! 11* THE JOURNAL OF LORENZO DOW PART SECOND. CHAPTER I. CAROLINAS AND TENNESSEE TOUR. October 28th, 1803. After an absence of about seven months, I arrived back in Georgia, having travelled upwards of four thousand miles. When I left this state, I was handsomely equipped for travelling, by some friends whom God had raised me up in time of need, after my trials on my jour- ney from New England. My equipment was as follows : My horse cost forty-five pounds, a decent saddle and cloth, portmanteau and bag, um- brella and lady's shove whip, a double suit of clothes, a blue broadcloth cloak, (given me by a gentleman,) shoes, stockings, cased hat, a valuable watch, with fifty-three dollars in my pocket for spending-money, &c, &c. But now on my return I had not the same valuable horse, and my watch I parted with for pecuniary aid to bear my expenses. My pantaloons were worn out, and my riding chevals were worn through in several places. I had no stockings, shoes, nor moccasins,* for the last several hundred miles, nor outer garment, having sold my cloak in West Florida. My coat and vest were worn through to my shirt ; my hat-case and umbrella were spoiled by prongs of trees, whilst riding in the woods. Thus with decency I was scarcely able to get back to my friends as I would. It is true, I had many pounds and handsome presents offered me in my jour- ney, but I could not feel freedom to receive them, only just what would serve my present necessity, to get along to my appointments, as I was such a stranger in the countrv, and so many to watch me (as an impos- tor) for evil, and but few to lift up my hands for good. As I considered that the success and opening of many years depended on these days, I was not willing to give any occasion for the gospel to be blamed, or any occasion to hedge up my way. For it was with serious- ness and consideration that I undertook these journeys, from conviction of duty, that God required it at my hands. And, knowing that impostors are fond of money, I was convinced that Satan would not be found want- * An Indian shoe. DOW'S JOURNAL. 127 inc to whisper in the minds of the people, that my motives were sinister or impure. Major John Oliver came and took me by the hand, calling me father, saying, " When you preached in Petersburg!* last, your text was con- stantly ringing in my ears, for days together, whether I would deal kindly and truly with the Master, &c. ; so I had no peace until I set out to seek the Lord : and since, my wife and I have been brought to rejoice in the Almighty." . . ... He gave me a vest, pantaloons, umbrella, stockings, handkerchief, and a watch, &c. Another gave me a pair of shoes and a coat, a third, a cloak, and a few shillings for spending-money from some others. Thus I find that Providence, whose tender care is over all his works, by his kind hand is still preserving me. Oh, may I never betray his great cause committed to my charge ! I visited the upper counties, and had refreshing seasons among my friends, from the presence of the Lord. General Stewart informed me of a remarkable circumstanee, of a man who heard the doctrine of uncon- ditional election and reprobation preached up. The devil told him that he was one of the reprobates, which drove him to despair ; so he put an end to his life by blowing out his brains. An A-double-L-part minister, who held the doctrine of unconditional election and reprobation, preached up good works, saying, " it would do no good to preach his sentiments ;•" which caused my spiritual father (in the gospel) to observe to him, " that a doctrine which is not fit to be preached, is not fit to be believed." I held a meeting in a republican meeting-house, that is, one free for all denominations. I spoke on A-double-L-partism. An A-double-L-part preacher present being asked how he liked the preaching ; he replied, " that he held and preached no contrary sentiments himself." But after- wards, he did his utmost to cut my doctrine to pieces, and blacken my character. I preached in Georgetown, and set out at eight at night for Augusta ; and travelling nearly all night, I came to a camp where some negroes were toting* tobacco to market. I stopped with them until day, and one gave me some corn for my horse. The next day, missing my road, I gave my pocket-handkerchief for a pilot. November 20th. I arrived at camp-meeting at Rehoboth. I took, "Master, I am," for my text; with observing that he offered a great reward for runaways, whose marks I would describe. The auditory, amounting to about five thousand, sunk into a solemn silence, whilst I described the diabolical marks of sinners, and the reward for their re- turn, &c. About fifty souls were born to God. There were forty-four tents, eight wooden huts, forty-eight covered wagons, besides carriages, &c, of various sorts. Many I parted with here whom perhaps I shall never see more, and set. oft* for St. Mary's, in company with several of the preach- ers. As we hove in sight of a town, I inquired its name, and felt an im- pulse to stop and hold meeting, which I did, intending to overtake my * The mode of toting tobacco to market is by rolling it in casks, with a wooden axle through the middle, on the ends erf which are fastened the shafts for the horse to draw it by Fifteen or sixteen hundred weight may thus be pressed and carried to market. 128 DOW'S JOURNAL. company next day ; but leaving Warrington late at night, I rode several miles, and stopped to inquire the road. The man within knew my voice, and persuaded me to alight and tarry until morning, when he accompa- nied me to meeting, in Bethel meeting-house, where I was d? aVn partic- ularly to speak of murder and murderers ; after which brother Mead observed, that two murderers were supposed to be present. November 23. I spoke in Louisville to as many as could conveniently get into the statehouse. J»*gadier-g*eneral. Jolm* Stewart was then pre- sent. I attacked A-double-L-partism, and proposed a covenant to the auditory, to meet me at the throne of grace, for a limited period of time, when the gentlemen observing General Stewart to arise, followed his example, as a sign of their compliance with the proposal ; which I ob- served, they were bound by the principles of honor and veracity to keep. Whilst I was preaching, I pointed out the duty of rulers, as stewards of God and guardians to the people, that vice might be suppressed, and virtue encouraged. Whilst speaking, also, I perceived the chair on which I stood, on the writing-table, to move twice or thrice, the cause of which I could not then ascertain, but sat down to prevent my falling. After meeting, a young German, having observed a Baptist preacher to put his foot on my chair twice or thrice, apparently with a design to tilt me over and set the house in a laughter, (who was an A-double-L-part man,) went and shook his fist in his face, intimating that, if he had him out of doors, he would pay him for his insult to the stranger. The A-double-L-part man, being a member of the legislature, com- plained of the young man to the house for having insulted him. The house ordered the young man to prison, and the next day to trial, as no member might be insulted whilst sitting in the house. The young man pleaded that the member was not sitting at the time, and so was acquitted. This cost him about thirty dollars, and the state about six hundred, as the trial lasted two days. It was a few days after this that I received a recommendation, as a preacher of the gospel to the world of mankind, signed by the governor, secretary, and twenty-eight members of the legis- lature, with the great seal of the state. Bishop Asbury's appointments being given out, and it being uncertain whether he would attend, Stith Mead, who was presiding elder of the dis- trict, thought proper to send me on his own appointments to St. Mary's quarterly meeting, whilst he intended to take the bishop's plan. 25th. The high waters retarded ; but to prevent disappointing the peo- ple in my circuitous route, I made the greatest speed ; and a gentleman- traveller supposing, from my speed, that I was some murderer, clapped spurs to his horse and pursued me to a meeting, where God's power was manifested among us. 26th. I held a two days' meeting at Union meeting-house, where there was some quickening ; but the A-double-L-part people were in this part also raking my character. Hence to Kenootchy creek, and so to Tabor's creek ; and Captain Mitchell, in whose house I held meeting, so interrupted, that we removed into the street. Then he ordered me down from the stage, and we retired to a neighboring plantation ; but he took his horse and pistols, and in- terrupted us here also. Oh, the sin of drunkenness, which leads to murder ! DO W'S JOURNAL. 129 My evening appointment was not given out near the Goose ponds, and I found it almost impossible to get a place to lodge. December 3d. I crossed the Altamaha, and met brother Isaac Cooke, who came missionary from conference here, the most dismal, marshy part I ever was in. I found he had good success, though he was not without his enemies ; but God, for his indefatigable labors, gave him upwards of a hundred members this year, and he had two meeting-houses erected for the connection. A clear conscience is like a clear sky without a cloud. Oh, may I never live to be useless ! I remember Doctor Johnson said, " Thou hast an ulcer or defect in thy liver, with which thou wast born into the world ; and if thou livest high or intemperate, or bringest slight condemnation or burden on thy mind, or dost not labor hard, &c, &c, the nature of tin- disorder is such, thou wilt be in danger of being suddenly cut off: but if thou art prudent, &c, thou mayest live as long as most others, unless some contagious disorder shall lay hold on thee." The propriety of these remarks I am convinced of from experience. We took our departure from Savannah, where we parted, and I spent a few days. The curse of God seems to rest about here since the days in which they treated John Wesley ill, and confiscated the property of George Whitfield, which was appropriated to religious and charitable purposes. Hence to Tukisaking, where old father Boston lived, who received me as I left Savannah the first time I came to Georgia. Last night, as brother Cooke was preaching, a black woman was struck under com ic tion, with the power of God. Her body was cold as a corpse, and laid aside sixteen hours as in a sweet sleep or state of insensibility, and no symptoms of life, except a regular pulse. Some thought that she Mould never come to ; however, she revived, praising God. I spoke, and we had a refreshing time in the woods. I sent an appointment to Lanear's ferry, on the Ogeechee river. On my arrival, I found a stage erected in the woods, and a vast concourse of people, few of whom had ever seen me before. As I began meeting, I perceived a man uneasy. He got up, and sat down, and up and down again, and walked around, which denoted some unusual uneasiness in his mind. After meeting, I set ofi* for my evening's appointment. Several were going the same way. I abruptly spoke to one, " Are you not sorry vou came to meeting ?" (not recollecting him to be the above man.) He replied, " Yes ; and I believe it would have been better for me to have stayed at home, and my horse eating grass. I understand," added he, " you can tell fortunes ; and if you can tell what is to come, you can tell what is past. Tell me, did I ever kill anybody? If I did, PIT confess it before the people !" Thus he twice or thrice strove to make me answer the question. It made a solemn impression on my mind, so that I did not speak ; but looking him in the face as we rode a distance, viewing it necessary to be guarded in my conduct, as the company were strangers to me, I inquired his name as we parted at the forks of the road. However, it made such an impression on my mind, that I could not but relate it to the congrega- tion in Springfield courthouse. After meeting, the gentleman where I 130 DOW'S JOURNAL. lodged informed me that this Squire H. was supposed to be concerned in a murder with a man who was under sentence of death. It appears, from the best accounts I could collect, that this H. was an A-double-L- part man, and believed once in grace and always in grace, which brought me to reflection, (from the horrible circumstance,) what dangerous senti- ments these are, not only in a religious point of view, to lull people to sleep, but also in a civil and political respect. For if one falls into pub- lic scandal, and retains an idea of being secured unchangeably in the favor of God, he cannot be under the influence of the principles of honor, nor yet the idea of future reward and punishment ; and of course he is a dangerous person to society, seeing neither civil, nor honorable, nor moral obligation, will restrain him from his evil designs. This is the truth, and cannot be confuted. I left my horse and cloak, expecting they would be sent to me, and with difficulty reached Augusta, where the conference was beginning to sit. Here I met Dr. Coke. He said, " How do you do, brother Dow ? I am glad to see you. Your warning to the people of Dublin had liked to have proved too true." Here Stith Mead brought me the parchment of recommendation from the governor, 'fee, and I gave him a testimonial of my sincerity and at- tachment to the Methodist body, and my approbation of the general tenor of their conduct, &c. Here I was talked over in conference ; and after some conversation, the doctoi observed that 1 had done the Methodist societies no injury that he knew of, but in sundry instances to the reverse. Bishop Asbury directed the preachers to publish for me to preach in the meeting-house during the sitting of conference, whicu was done, and I gave my farewell to the people, and also my thoughts on different reli- gious subjects, which were published under the title of, The Chain of Lo- renzo, by the request of his friends, as his farewell to Georgia, as a present to the meeting-house, which was in debt. The cause of this publication originated from the false reports and dust which the A-double-L-part people had raised against me ; but my friends advised me to it, that the unprejudiced might judge for themselves where the truth lay, and so thus the cloven foot be drawn out, and cut clear ofT; that when God had killed the old stock, there should be none to carry the news, and thus A-double-L-partism be driven from the land, which con- cern had drawn me from Ireland, that precious " souls might escape as from the snare of the fowler." I sold my watch for printing some religious handbills, {rules for holy living,) which I distributed around the town ; and got some also printed on silk, for the higher class, lest paper would be too much neglected, one of which I had framed, and the doctor tied it up for me in paper, and superscribed it, " For his Excellency the Governor," which I left with an attorney to deliver, as I delivered one of my silk bills. Thus 1 left the conference, who had agreed not to hedge up my way, with weeping eyes and aching heart, and took my departure to South Carolina. With diffi- culty I crossed Savannah river, and a man who crossed with me, took me behind him on his horse, and carried me over several runs of water. I got assistance to where my horse was, having several good times, and the A-double-L-part people looked sour. A fresh had been in the river, DOW'S JOURNAL. 131 so I could not get my cloak, neither had I a second shirt at this time. But my trust is in God, who hath helped hitherto. On my way to Charleston I spoke in an old Methodist meeting-house, and at Cossahatchee ; here was Mr. C, once an itinerant, sensible preacher, but now cold in religion. M. B. heard me also, but has quitted the Methodists, and preaches A-double-L-partism. Monday, January 9th, 1804. I rode fifty-two miles, and arrived at Charleston late in the evening, and put up with W. Turpin, Esq., who received me when I first was in this place, and procured me picked meet- ings at his house. I find Mr. Hamet has gone to a world of spirits, to answer for the deeds done in the body. As it respects his division, it ap- pears his motives were impure, arising from a desire of popularity ; in consequence of which there was a breach of confidence by him as respect- ed the incorporation of the house. Awful to relate, it appears he died drunk ! I spoke in his house called Trinity Church ; also, in the Methodist meeting-house. Here I saw Dr. Coke ; who informed me that he saw a recommendation for me at the house of brother John Harper, signed by some of the members of the legislature and the governor of the state, which has not yet fallen into my hands ; the cause I know not, though I have sent for it repeatedly. Friday, 13th. I left Charleston, crossing a ferry, and rode thirty-three miles, keeping up with the mail-stage. 14th. I crossed a bad ferry of several miles, in consequence of a fresh in the river, which took three hours with the stage. Hence we went on to Georgetown, where I held a few meetings, and then rode forty-three miles to King-ston ; leaving brothers Mallard and Jones behind. The former was blessed in his labors here last year ; and Hamet's conduct had done injury. Jones soon after was found drowned in a creek, sup- posed to have been seized with a fit of epilepsy, which he was subject to ; but the verdict of the coroner's jury was that he had died drunk, though he was exemplary for temperance and piety. I put up at a tavern, though a Methodist preacher lived near, hired a room for a meeting, and called in the neighbors. Next day I fell in with brother Russel, who was going to his station. So we crossed a ferry together, and continued on upwards of eighty miles, until we came to Wilmington, where I found religion low, and bigotry so prominent, particularly in the leading local preacher, that had not Mr. Russel been with me, who was stationed here, I should have been shut out. I held several meetings, and got some religious handbills on paper and silk printed, " Rules for Holy Living," which I distributed to the people of the town, and took my departure for Newbern. But this being so far north, and near the seaboard, at this cold season of the year, that I al- most perished with the cold, frost, and snow ; having no outer garment, and my clothing thin. I held a few meetings in Newbern and proceeded to Washington, where I had like to have been chilled in crossing a ferry. But after getting somewhat warmed and refreshed with a cup of tea, I proceeded to meet- ing, where God made it up to me. 25th. I spoke at Tarborough, then at Prospect. 27th. At Sampson's meeting-house — Jones's at night ; being now in North Carolina near Vir- 132 1)0 W'S JOURNAL. ginia. Hence tc Raleigh, and spoke twice in the statehouse. Here the petty constable who took me up as a horse-stealer near this, did not meet me according to expectation. My appointments were not given out ac- cording to direction. From hence I proceeded to Iredel county, to the house of a man of whom I had bought a horse, when on my way from New England to Georgia. Some people mocked him for giving me credit, saying, " You have lost your horse." But now their mouth was shut, as I paid him his demand, although he only had my word. I visited several places around, and took my departure for Tennessee, having a cloak and shirt given to me. My money is almost out, my ex- penses have been so enormous in consequence of the unusual floods^ &c. In crossing the Celuda mountains the way was narrow ; whilst preci- pices were on one side, the other rose perpendicular ; which rendered it dangerous travelling in the night, had not the mountains been on fire, which illuminated the heavens to my convenience. February 14th, I spoke in Buncomb to more than could get into the Presbyterian meeting-house, and at night also, and good I trust was done. The minister was not an A-double-L-part man, but pious. Next day I rode forty-five miles in company with Dr. Nelson, across the dismal Alle ghany mountains, by the warm springs; and on the way a young man, a traveller, came in (where I breakfasted gratis at an inn) and said, that he had but three-sixteenths of a dollar left, having been robbed of seven- ty-one dollars on the way, and he being far from home I gave him half of what I had with me. My horse having a navel-gall come on his back, I sold him, with the saddle, bridle, cloak, blanket, &c, on credit, for about three-fourths of the value, with an uncertainty whether I should ever be paid.* Thus, I crossed the river French Broad in a canoe, and set out for my appoint- ment. But fearing I should be behind the time, I hired a man whom I met on the road with two horses, to carry me five miles in haste for three ■shillings, which left me but one-sixteenth of a dollar. In our speed he observed, there was a nigh way, by which I could clamber the rocks and cut off some miles. So we parted, he having not gone two-thirds of the of the way, yet insisting on the full sum. I took to my feet the nigh way as fast as I could pull on, as intricate as it was, and came to a horrid ledge of rocks, on the bank of the river where there was no such thing as going round, and to clamber over would be at the risk of my life, as there was danger of slipping into the river. However, being unwilling to disappoint the people, I pulled off my shoes, and with my handkerchief fastened them about my neck, and creeping upon my hands and feet with my fingers and toes in the cracks of the rocks, with difficulty I got safe over ; and in about four miles I came to a house, and hired a woman to take me over the river in a canoe, I'm- my remain- ing money and scissors, the latter of which was the chief object with her. So & our extremities are others' opportunities. Thus, with diiliculty I got to my appointment in Newport in time. I had heard about a singularity called the jerks or jerking exercise, which appeared first near Knoxville in August last, to the ureal alarm of * Ix)st it forever. DOW'S JOURNAL. 133 the people, which reports at first I considered as vague and false. But at length; like the Queen of Sheba, I set out to go and see for myself, and sent over these appointments into this country accordingly. When I arrived in sight of this town, I saw hundreds of people col- ted in little bodies, and observing no place appointed for meeting, be- fore I spoke to any, I got on a log and gave out a hymn ; which caused them to assemble around, in solemn attentive silence. I observed several involuntary motions in the course of the meeting, which 1 considered as a specimen of the jerks. I rode seven miles behind a man across streams of water, and held meeting in the evening, being ten miles on my way. In the night I grew uneasy, being twenty-five miles from my appoint- ment for next morning at eleven o'clock. I prevailed on a young man to attempt carrying me with horses until da}', which he thought was im- practicable, considering the darkness of the night, and the thickness of the trees. Solitary shrieks were heard in these woods, which he told me were said to be the cries of murdered persons. At day we parted, being still seventeen miles from the spot, and the ground covered with a white frost. I had not proceeded far, before I came to a stream of water, from the springs of the mountain, which made it dreadful cold. In my heated state I had to wade this stream five times in the course of an hour, which I perceived so affected mv body, that my strength began to fail. Fears began to arise that 1 mus! disappoint the people, till I observed some fresh tracks of horses, which caused me to exert every nerve to overtake them, in hopes of aid or assistance on my journey, and soon I saw them on an eminence. I shouted for them to stop till I came up. They inquired what I wanted ? I replied, I had heard there was a meeting at Severs- ville by a stranger, and was going to it. They replied, that they had heard that a crazy man was to hold forth there, and were going also ; and perceiving that I was weary, they invited me to ride : and soon our com- pany was increased to forty or fifty, who fell in with us on the road from different plantations. At length I was interrogated whether I knew any thing about the preacher. I replied, "I have heard a good deal about him, and have heard him preach, but I have no great opinion of him." And thus the conversation continued^for some miles before they found me out, which caused some color and smiles in the company. Thus, I got on to meeting ; and after taking a cup of tea gratis, I began to speak to a vast audience, and I observed about thirty to have the jerks. Though they strove to keep still as they could, these emotions were involuntary and irresistible, as any unprejudiced eye might discern. Lawyer Porter, who had come a considerable distance, got his heart touched under the word, and being informed how I came to meeting, voluntarily lent me a horse to ride near one hundred miles, and gave me a dollar, though he had never seen me before. Hence to Marysville, where I spoke to about one thousand five hundred ; and many appeared to feel the word, but about fifty felt the jerks. At night I lodged with one of the Nicholites, a kind of Quakers who do not feel free to wear colored clothes. I spoke to a number of people at his house that night. Whilst at tea, 1 observed his daughter (who sat opposite. to me at table) to have the jerks, and dropped the tea-cup from her hand in the violent agitation. I said to her, " Young woman, what is the mat- ter?" She replied, " I have got the jerks." I asked her how long she 12 134 DOW'S JOURNAL. had it ? She observed. "A few days," and that it had been the means of the awakening and conversion of her soul, by stirring her up to serious consideration about her careless state, &c. Sunday, February 19th, I spoke in Knoxville to hundreds more than could get into the courthouse, the governor being present. About one hundred and fifty appeared to have the jerking exercise, among whom was a circuit preacher (Johnson) who had opposed them a little before, but he now had them powerfully ; and I believe he would have fallen over three times had not the auditory been so crowded that he could not unless he fell perpendicularly. After meeting. I rode eighteen miles to hold a meeting at night. The people of this settlement were mostly Quakers, and they had said (as I was informed) the Methodists and Presbyterians have the jerks because they sing and pray so much; but we are a still, peaceable people, where- fore we do not have them. However, about twenty of them came to the meeting, to hear one, as they said, somewhat in a Quaker line. But their usual stillness and silence was interrupted, for about a dozen of them had the jerks as keen and as powerful as any I had seen, so as to have occa- sioned a kind of grunt or groan when they would jerk. It appears that many have undervalued the great revival, and attempted to account for it altogether on natural principles ; therefore it seems to me (from the best judgment I can form) that God hath seen proper to take this method to convince people, that he will work in a way to show his power, and sent the jerks as a sign of the times, partly in judgment for the people's unbe- lief, and yet as a mercy to convict people of divine realities. I have seen Presbyterians, Methodists, Quakers, Baptists, Episco- palians, and Independents, exercised with the jerks — gentleman and lady, black and white, the aged and the youth, rich and poor, without exception; from which I infer, as it cannot be accounted for on natural principles. and carries such marks of involuntary motion, that it is no trifling matter. I believe that those who are most pious and given up to God, are rarely touched with it, and also those naturalists who wish and try to get it to philosophize upon it, are excepted. But the lukewarm, lazy, half-hearted, indolent professor is subject to it; and many of them I have seen, who, when it came upon them, would be alarmed and stirred up to redouble their diligence with God ; and after they would get happy, were thankful it ever came upon them. Again, the wicked are frequently more afraid of it than the small-pox or yellow fever; these are subject to it. But the persecutors are more subject to it than any; and they sometimes have cursed,, and swore, and damned it whilst jerking. There is no pain at- tending the jerks except they resist it, which if they do, it will weary them more in an hour than a day's labor, which shows that it requires the con- sent of the will to avoid suffering. 20th. I passed by a meeting-house, where I observed the undergrowth had been cut up for a camp-meeting, and from 50 to 10(1 saplisgs left, breast-high, which to me appeared so slovenish that I could not hut ask my guide the cause, who observed they were topped so high anil left for the people to jerk by. This so excited my attention thai I went over the ground to view it, and found where the people had laid hold of them and jerked so powerfully that they had kicked up the earth as a horse .stamp- ing flies. I observed some emotion both this day and night among the DO WS JOURNAL. 135 people. A Presoyterian minister (with whom I stayed) observed, "Yes- terday whilst I was preaching some had the jerks, and a young man from North Carolina mimicked them out of derision, and soon was seized with them himself, (which was the case with many others.) He grew ashamed, and on attempting to mount his horse to go off, his foot jerked about so that he could not put it into the stirrup ; some youngsters seeing this assisted him on, but he jerked so that he could not sit alone, and one got up to hold him on, which was done with difficulty. I observing this, went to him and asked him what he thought of it?" Said he, "I believe God sent it on me for my wickedness, and making so light of it in others;" and he requested me to pray for him. I observed his wife had it ; she said she was first attacked with it in bed. Dr. Nelson said he had frequently strove to get it in order to phi- losophize upon it, but could not, and observed they could not account for it on natural Drinciples. CHAPTER II. VISIT THROUGH VIRGINIA. I called at a gentleman's house to get some breakfast, and inquired the road. The gentleman observing my tin case in my pocket, (contain- ing my credential from the state of Georgia, and supposing me to be some vile cbaracter,) took it out and examined the contents without my consent. When he had got about half through, as he looked at me, I observed he appeared pale. He gave me what I wanted and treated me as a king. I had not been long gone from the house before a runner on foot over- took me, and another servant on horseback, with a request that I should go back and preach. I did to many of the neighbors who were called in. The mistress deserted during the meeting, which to me she denied, until the servants affirmed that she was in the negro-house. I observed to her that I considered her absence a slight, as they had called me back, and to make it up with me, desired she should let me know the cause of her absence. She replied she was afraid of the jerks more than of the small-pox or yellow fever. Next day he gave me some money, and sent a horse with me several miles ; and then I took to my feet and went on to Greenville, and so on to Abingdon in Virginia. The last jerks that I saw was a young woman, who was severely exercised during the meeting. She followed me into the house. I observed to her the indecency and folly of such public gestures and grunts, and requested, (speaking sternly to make an impression on her mind,) if she had any regard for her character, to leave it off. She replied, " I will if I can." I took her by the hand, looking her in the face, and said, " Do not tell lies." 1 perceived by the motion of her hand that she exerted every nerve to restrain it, but instantly she jerked as if it would have jerked her out of her skin if it were possible. I did this to have an answer to others on the subject, which I told her that my abrupt- ness might leave no bad impression on her mind. 136 DOW'S JOURNAL. These appointments had been given out rising of six months, with the days and hours fixed. I remarked in Abingdon, as I was dismissing the auditory, that on such a day thirteen months, and such an hour, I should be in town to hold a meeting, God willing. And I steered westerly on a circuitous route to Turswell, where I preached in a sunk hole formed by nature, to a vast auditory ; being accommodated thus far by an attorney's horse. Here I saw a gentleman, a stranger, of whom I purchased a horse at a word, and proceeded across the mountains of Clinch, which were tremendously high and covered with snow, and having no outer gar- ment, I felt as if I should freeze. However, all was made up at good meetings on the other side. So I came to With courthouse; hence to Grayson, and the lead mines ; thence to New River ; so to Montgomery, Salem, Fincastle, and Lexington, where I spoke in the Presbyterian meet- ing-house ; to Woodstock, Rocktown, and so on to Newtown, where God was graciously with us. Hence to Winchester, where I spoke in the Methodist chapel, and a champion bully of an A-double-L-part minister was present, for whom the Methodist preacher's heart did ache. Next day he went from house to house among his friends, to represent me as a crazy man ; but three of his pillars were shaken, one of whom replied to him, "If a crazy man will talk so, what would he do if he was in his right mind ?" which seemed to confound him. I preached at Front oval, and crossed the Blue Ridge in the night, in order to get on to my nex 1 day's ippointment. A deist was present, and on hearing me observe " : hat no nan was a deist who would not dare to take an oath to relinquish all "avors from God through Christ." he began to examine whether he would )e willing, and something replied, " No, not for ten thousand worlds." Thus his foundation shook, and conviction ensued. An A-double-L-part man who had followed up my meetings, perceiv- ng the man to be shaken, appointed a time to answer my discourse ; but, vhilst attempting to answer it, forgot one of the heads of the discourse ; vhich so confounded him, that he complained of being unwell, and con- .luded his meeting ; and so sunk into disgrace. I spoke in Culpepper courthouse, and then rode fifty miles, or more, to Jharlottesville, near the President's seat, in Albemarle county. I spoke o about four thousand people, and one of the President's daughters, who ■/as present, died a few days after. Hence I went circuitously to Lynchburgh, where I spoke in the open ir, in what I conceived to be the seat of Satan's kingdom. From thence to New London, where 1 began speaking in the court- iouse ; where papa and mamma Hobson came in, and we had a gi eious ime. Here I fell in with brother Stith Mead, and we went on to the ■'-meeting, which I had appointed last August. [arch 22d. Several families came about twenty miles, and encamped m the ground, though there were but i'ew Methodists anywhere short of hat distance. The weather was chilly, the clouds appeared threatening, ml the prospects before us very gloomy. However, we poured nut our •omplaint to God, who graciously heard our cry, sent off the clouds, and ave us a beautiful sun. '23d. About fifteen hundred people appeared on the ground, and the iQvd began a gracious work that day, which I trust hell shall never be DO W'S JOURNAL. 137 able to extinguish. One soul found peace before night, and another in the night. 24th. About three thousand people attended. The solemnity and tender- ness, and prospect of good increased. 25th. Sunday. About five thousand on the ground, and in general good attention. Colonel Callaway and a number of respectable gentle- men used their endeavors to protect our peaceable privileges. Monday, 26th. About three thousand appeared on the ground ; and the rejoicing of old saints, the shouts of young converts, and the cries of the distressed for mercy, caused the meeting to continue all night, until we parted on Tuesday morning 27th. Abouf fifty, during this meeting, professed to have found the pardoning love of God. From hence the work went home with the people and spread over the country, as may be seen from the following letters sent by William Heath, Methodist preacher, to Ezekiel Cooper, one of the Book- stewards to the Connection, and the Rev. Stith Mead to Bishop Asbury. " Richmond District, April 4th, 1803. " I have been in the habit of communicating to you the remarkable oc currences which have fallen in my way from time to time : but your being kept from us in the south by sickness, I have been at a loss where to direct my intelligence. Being informed you shortly will be in Baltimore, I shall endeavor to throw the following narrative in your way. But, passing over a great number of pleasing scenes which might be noticed, for brevity's sake, I shall confine myself to the giving you a list of the camp, and other meetings of magnitude, with their immediate effects ; and then in an ag. gregate, the consequences of the meetings will be seen on a more enlarged scale, though still much of their fruit will be unnoticed, being scattered generally over the circuits. Dates of meetings. 1804. March 23—27 April 21—23 May 5—11 12—15 17—21 30 31 June 1 June 3 8— 12 Aug July 20—24 - 28—29 3 — 7 8 1 —21 3 Sept. 7 — 1 Places. Bedford County, Campbell County, . Goose Creek, Lynchburgh, Tabernacle, New Hope Chapel, Tabernacle, Flat Rock, Lynchburg, New Hope Chapel, Tabernacle, Charity Chapel, Pouhauta, Bethel Chapel, . Leftwich's Chapel, Bedford New-hope, Bottetourt, Fincastle, . Ebenezer-Chapel, Bedford Tabernacle, Oaks, Amherst, 12* circuit, Converted. 50 . 24 16 . 16 100 . 100 150 . 20 50 . 40 . 100 50 100 30 50 20 50 20 40 Joined. 40 49 140 49 48 60 60 19 7 17 13 30 12 10 11 20 13 138 DOW'S JOURNAL. Aug. 21 — 25 Brown's Chapel, Campbell, . Sept. 28 Oct. 1 Chesnut Chapel, Franklin, 1805 Mar. 29. Ap. 2 barley's Chapel, Bedford, . 1036 538 " In this great and glorious work, it may be observed, that at the close of two months, I numbered six hundred converted, and five hundred and twenty added to the church. And in the six months, and that principally at the meetings, the number converted amounted to eleven hundred and seventy-six, and eight hundred and fifty joined the Methodist Episcopal church. With the preachers in the five circuits, Bedford, Bottetourf, Am- herst, Cumberland and Franklin, each having one or more camp meet- ings, hundreds are brought to God, and into his militant church. Other denominations have shared largely the fruits of our labors. " In this work it may be remarked, that I have baptized near one hun- dred adult believers, from ten to twenty at a time ; and after giving them the choice of the mode, there has not been one instance where they have chosen immersion. The blessing of God has visibly attended the or- dinance by effusion ; and there are but few who have joined, but what professed saving religion previous to their joining. Persecution has raged in proportion to the revival : but hitherto the Lord has helped us. And we can say with the apostle, 2 Cor. vi. 6, ' By honor and dishonor, by evil report and good report : as deceivers, and yet true : as unknown, and yet well known : as dying, and behold we live : as chastened, and not kill- ed : as sorrowful, yet always rejoicing : as poor, yet making making many rich : as having nothing, vet possessing all things.' " STITH MEAD." EXTRACT OF A LETTER FROM WILLIAM HEATH TO EZEKIEL COOPER. " Lynchburg, July 25th, 1804. " To you, I suppose it will be a matter of joy to hear of the prosperity >f Zion in these parts of the Lord's vineyard. " The camp-meetings, which have been usual in the south and west for some years, never began with us till last spring. "On the 23d of March, a camp-meeting was held by L. D.* in con- junction with a number of other preachers and ministers ; at which fifty souls professed to find peace with God. From this the work of God spread in almost every direction, for many were awakened at this meet- ing, who afterwards found the pearl of great price. At the several meet- ings which were held at Flat Creek meeting-house, by the 16th of April, twenty-four souls professed converting grace ; and the work has continued more rapid at that place ever since. Forty have joined the church there. and sixteen in the neighborhood above that have professed conversion, and planted a society among us. In the town and vicinity, from the beginning of the work in April until now, from six to twelve and sixteen, at a meet- ing, have professed to find "the pearl of great price. So that from a class * Lorenzo Dow. DOW'S JOURNAL. 139 of twenty members, we have now one hundred and sixty. Bless the Lord, O my soul ! and let all the people magnify his holy name I " On the 5th of May, a meeting was appointed at a place fifteen miles above us, called the Tabernacle, to be held three days ; but the work was so great that it continued five days, day and night, with very little inter- mission : in which time one hundred were thought to have obtained true conversion. From the 12th to the 15th of May, at a place called New- Hope, five miles from town we had another meeting, which continued also day and night ; at which there were about one hundred who professed to get converted : and many are daily added to our numbers. From the 17th to the 22d of May, meeting again, at Tabernacle meeting-house, at which place the people encamped on the ground, and continued preaching, pray- ing, and other godly exercises, night and day, for the five days, in which time one hundred and fifty were thought to be savingly converted. One hundred joined the Methodist church at that time and place. From the 8th to the 12th of June, another camp-meeting was held at Charity Chap- el, Powhatan, at which one hundred souls were thought to obtain saving conversion, and sixty joined the Methodist church. From the 20th to the 24th of this month, we had a camp-meeting in Bedford, at Leftwich's meeting-house, at which one hundred and ten came forward, and gave tes- timony of their faith, that God had converted their souls. Very many are the prayer, class, and preaching meetings, not mentioned here, at which the Lord pours out his Spirit in a wonderful manner. Considering the low ebb of religion among us, before the revival began, I can truly say, that 1 never saw or read of greater times. True, the times mentioned Dy broth- er Cox in his letter to Bishop Coke, in 1787, were great ; but I was in the whole- of that revival, as well as this, and it is my opinion that this revival far exceeds that. " The glorious work is spreading in various directions, and extensively. It is chiefly among the Methodists : though our Presbyterian brethren are very friendly, and labor mightily with and among us. Indeed, my brother, we hope, and at times are almost led to believe, that the glorious millenium is ushering in ! Proclaim at your pleasure the contents of this, or any part. " I am, in the best of bonds, thine, &c. " William Heath." I was unwell the latter part of this meeting, from an unusual incident, but after the meeting broke up, I rode in a walk thirty miles, and lay down upon a table with a blanket and pillow, and spoke to several hun- dreds in the open air at night. I had been necessitated to alight several times and rest, laying upon the ground in the course of the day. 28th. I rode in great misery eleven miles and spoke to hundreds, an hour by sun in the morning. Thence to Franklin courthouse at twelve o'clock, and some were offended, but good I trust was done. In the even- ing I spoke twelve miles off"; but was grieved with the family: could not e with them, but next morning quitted them betimes, and went to Henrv courthouse ; spoke to about fifteen hundred people; and stayed with Ge- neral Martin at night, where we had a good time. 30th. I started this morning an hour before day, and rode thirty miles to Pittsylvania courthouse. Here were several of my spiritual children, 140 DOW'S JOURNAL. among whom was Polly Callaway, whom I once had pointed at whilst preaching, the first time she ever saw me, and God struck her under con- viction ; she ran away thirty miles to a camp-meeting, where God set her soul at libertv ; and almost the whole of her father's family have been brought to God ; and her brother is become an itinerant preacher. One soul was set at liberty to-day. some mocked and caused interruption, but good was done during the three meetings. It is eight years this morning since I parted with my parents, on the errand in which 1 am now engaged. I still feel, " Wo is me if I preach not the gospel." Hitherto I have been preserved (through the providence of God,) by land and sea, through storms and afflictions, with the tempta- tions of friends and foes ; but the Lord hath kept me, glory to his holy name ! 31st. I held meeting sun half-hour high, and then rode eighteen miles to Wilson's meeting-house ; these were tender times. Eight miles hence I spoke at night. Sunday, April 1st. I spoke at Rockingham courthouse, North Carolina, to fifteen or sixteen hundred people, wdio appeared in general solemn and well-behaved, considering the inconvenience of standing in the freezing air and falling snow, more than two hours. I rode twelve miles and spoke at night. 2d. 1 spoke in Danville to about two thousand : this was the seat of Satan's kingdom, yet I believe I shall one day see good times in this quarter. Some children were brought forward, for me to pray for them, instead of offering them up in baptism, which I had never seen before. 3d. I rode thirty miles to Halifax, Virginia, where I spoke to about two thousand, and in general good attention. A family of A-double-L-part people, without my knowledge or consent, appointed me a meeting, and, to excuse the matter, said they would pilot me a road five miles shorter to my next day's meeting. To prevent disappointing the people I complied, but on my arrival, before I entered the house, I inquired whether I might feel at home whilst I stayed ? They replied, " Yes." I then observed, that I had come forty miles, and would be glad of a cup of tea or coffee, as I could not take food without them. They took their dinner, and prepare. 1 not mine, until it was time to begin meeting ; but as I would suffer nothing to clash with my appointments, and finding the people talkative, I got on a table by the porch out. of doors, in the dark, unseen ; and with a stamp, as if I would have stove the table through, and clapping my hands at the same instant with all my might, I cried with exertion, " Hush," which caused a solemn silence among the people, and then began meeting ; having told the family if my food was ready, I would take it when I had done. When I had finished, I found it not ready and cold ; and being so Wear} I was unable to sit up, and retired to rest, observing, I must be off betimes in the morning, and they must accommodate my breakfast accordingly, which however was not ready until I had got on my horse, neither did they procure me a pilot; thus 1 went twenty-three miles to Charlotte courthouse, got some breakfast, and spoke. The above family, after T was gone, told lies about me, and one of their preachers appeared friendly to my face, but acted like them behind my back ; saying, that I said, " Jesus Christ was a liar," &c. Next year V DOW'S JOURNAL. 141 when I came this way again, this family had made another appointment for me ; but as it happened, before the son, who had come to meeting, delivered his invitation, I prayed to God to have mercy on those who had told lies about me, which caused shame to prevent him from doing his errand ; so they had to look to the disappointment themselves. April 5th. A Presbytery was sitting at Prince Edward, and many law- yers were here, (it being court time.) I spoke to about three thousand people, (standing upon the stocks or pillory,) on the subject of predestina- tion and deism, showing the one to be the foundation of the other. The court adjourned whilst I spoke. I added, " A man present hath some books, which contain the essence of what I spoke, if any of you should desire to procure them." A minister (observing the attention of the great and small, and also the sale of the books) replied, that the stocks were the fittest place for me ; which showed the bitterness of his heart, and pro- cured him no small disgrace among his friends. Lynchburg was a deadly place for the worship of God, but my friends asked, what shall be done with the profits of your Chain ? which they computed at five hundred dollars. I replied, " I give the profits to build a brick chapel in Lynchburg, for the Methodists, reserving only the pri- vilege of preaching in it, when not occupied by them, and whilst my con- duct shall continue as unexceptionable as it now is." 6th. I spoke in a church, at Tarwallet, in the day-time, and at night at John Hobson's, jr., whom I called my papa and his wife my mamma. His mother, who is near ninety years of age, as I asked her if she prayed, thought, " What should I pray for unless it be to get home safe from meet- ing ;" but in the night, whilst she meditated upon the above thoughts of her mind, reflected, "What have I been about all my lifetime? I am near one hundred years old, and never considered upon my future state." Here conviction seized her mind : she went in the morning to her son's, and de- sired prayer : in about a week she was brought to rejoice in God. 7th. Papa took me in a chair to Cartersville. The first time I visited this place, I sent to an innkeeper to preach in his house, who replied, as was said, he would first meet me in hell ; he shortly after died. No one offered a place, except one man a room, which would contain about a dozen ; at length I got the liberty of a tobacco-shed or warehouse, where I spoke to about five hundred. One man rode into the company, and continued on his horse about two hours, until I had done ; it rained so tremendously that the people, who were mostly excited by curiosity, were compelled to stay until I finished. So I left the town without eating or drinking ; but now there was a stage erected for me, and I spoke to about two thousand. I observed to the people their former coolness, and told them that I would neither eat nor drink with them this time ; but intended to clear my skirts from their blood. Several were brought under conviction, and since are brought to rejoice in God. I received several invitations, but would not break my word, which gave great offence. The third time I visited this place, God gave me favor in the sight of the people : prejudice seemed to be removed, and we had a gracious time. 8th. 1 spoke under some shades at Powhatan, about two thousand pre- sent ; we had a good time, except one drunken man, and some few took offence. 142 DOW'S JOURNAL. 9th. I addressed an auditory on some boards, at Chesterfield courthouse, and in Manchester at night. 10th. I spoke in Richmond to about two thousand. Here I found several spiritual children, the fruit of my first visit. Here the posts of the gallery sunk two inches, crushing the bricks on which they stood, and two inches more would have let down hundreds of people upon those beneath. 11th. I returned to Cumberland to prepare my Address to the people of Virginia for the press. I communicated my thoughts to papa and mamma Hobson, who, after seriously weighing circumstances, gave their advice and consent concern- ing mv marriage. Sunday, 15th. I came to Petersburgh ; some were noisy, and some were tender in the meeting. 16th. A young gentleman carried me in a gig to Osborne church ; he a few days after was thrown from the gig, and soon expired. Oh, how uncertain is life ! Oh, the necessity of being always ready ! I spoke under the federal oaks to about seventeen hundred ; we had a melting time. Trials I expect are at the door ; the clouds seem gather- ing fast, and to none but a Divine Providence can I look, as an inter- posing friend. I am taught to use all men as friends, and yet to put myself in the power of none, but to make God my only friend, and put my whole con- fidence in him ; for whom else can I rely upon 1 The fable saith, that the snake, to oblige the porcupine, suffered him to come into his den out of the cold ; the latter growing warm, began to bristle up and stir about, and the quills to prick the snake, which caused him to request the other to be gone, or else behave. He replied, " I'm well enough off, and if you do not like the place, you may seek rest elsewhere." Brother Mallard writes thus : "lam out of hell, thank God. Christ was rebuked by Peter, and his friends thought him beside himself. Joshua thought it wrong in those who prophesied in the camp. Aaron and Miriam rose up against Moses ; and John, with others, forbid one who was casting out devils in the name of Christ, because he followed not with them. And ignorant brethren cause trials, though well-mean- ing, beside those from false brethren, hypocrites, and backsliders." There are trials enough daily, without borrowing trouble from the morrow. All is well now, to-morrow may take thought for itself. I spoke at Prince George courthouse, and though there were but few religious people, it was a tender time, notwithstanding it was muster-day. I rode fourteen miles, and spoke in the afternoon in Jones's Hole chtirch to hundreds. A Quaker girl, who was excited hither, was brought under concern of mind in the meeting, and had no rest until the Lord spoke peace to her soul. The next time I saw her, sin 1 was rejoicing in God. Here I met Jesse Lee, and rode home with him to his father's, whose house has been a preaching-house most constantly for thirty years, and I suppose one of the oldest in America. I communicated my intention to publish my journal, and apply the profit towards building a meeting-house in the city of Washington, as a gentleman had offered to give me a spot of ground for that purpose. J. L. said that he had no objection, if I told the whole truth, and gave the DOW'S JOURNAL. 143 meeting-house to the Methodists, which was then my intention. But one of the conferences making some objection to my building meeting-houses for them, I afterwards altered my mind, and gave what I conceived to be the profits to some Methodist trustees, still in the District of Columbia, which contains ten miles square, and includes the cities of Washington, Georgetown, and Alexandria. 18th. I had meeting at Sussex courthouse ; then to Jones's meeting- house, where I met five travelling preachers, on their way to general conference. 19th. Had meeting at Hall's meeting-house and Dinwiddie courthouse, and appointed a camp-meeting, to commence on the eighth of March fol- lowing. 21st. I spoke at the camp-meeting ground, and next day at Brunswick courthouse, and at night at Ellis's meeting-house, to about one thousand. One professed to find peace. Ira Ellis is one of the old travelling preach- ers, and Drumgoole also, who live in this country. It inspires me with a sympathetic reflection when I fall in company with those who were the first in the planting the infant Methodist Church in America. I reflected how some have backslidden, others retired in oblivion, a few still engaged, and the rest gone to glory. I spoke at Hicksford in the courthouse, and at a widow's in the night. 1 stood upwards of three hours in these meetings, and it was a happy time for me. 24th I rode to Jones's church, and from thence to Jerusalem, a place noted for wickedness ; I spoke in the courthouse, but none asked me either to eat or drink, which was the greatest inhospitality I had met with for some time. This town was beautifully situated on a river. 26th. I held meeting at Suffolk and Jolly's chapel. Some A-double- L-part people took offence, but good, I trust, was done. 27th. I spoke at Portsmouth to more than could get into the house. Without there was disturbance, within was peace. At brother Green's also we had a good time, whilst some fell to the floor and raised the peo- ple in the street. ' 28th. I spoke in Norfolk and Portsmouth, and some souls were set at liberty. I refused some money, and got some handbills printed, and then had not a sufficiency left to pay my ferriage. However, some one slipped some money into my pocket, which answered the end. So I still perceive that the calls of God's Spirit and the openings of his providence go hand in hand. 29th. The Church minister and Baptist gave over their meetings, which gave me a fine opportunity of addressing the people, both in the Method- ist chapel and in the church, in the latter of which one fell as in the agonies of death. I feel as if my work in this country was drawing to a close, and my heart drawn towards England. Oh, how easv some peo- ple can rest, even ministers, and see so little fruit of their labor! 30th. I rode to Yorktown, where Cornwall is was taken prisoner, and the cave to which he retired during the siege still remains, being cut on purpose for him in a rock. The effects of the siege and shot still remain. The town is since of little consequence. I spoke in the church to what I could, but I doubt if there be one white a Christian in the place. I crossed York river to Gloucester side, and spoke again. 144 DOW'S JOURNAL. May 1st. I spoke at Mount Zion, and had a good time ; saw some of brother Mead's spiritual children seven years old. Hence to Bellamy's chapel. Stood about six hours this day, but I and my horse had but little to eat till night, having travelled about thirty miles. 2d. Had meetings at Shacklesford chapel and the new church. The Church of England was once the established religion, by law, in this state. The clergyman was allowed sixteen thousand pounds weight of tobacco yearly as his salary from the parish. When the war com- menced between England and America, the legislature of this state thought it unreasonable to compel a man to pay, and so deprive him of his natural privilege of showing his voluntary liberality ; and also to compel him to pay to the support of those in whose ministry he did not believe. Part of the clergy gave over preaching, while others, supposing the Virginians would be conquered after the above act, and their arrears made up to them, continued their attendance for a while ; but after the taking of Cornwallis, they deserted the churches also, and left them vacant, which caused the legislature to permit other denominations to use them,* &c, and many scores of the best buildings in this state are now going to ruin. 3d. I spoke at Pace's meeting-house, and also in the Baptists' chapel. Benjamin Pace had borne an unblemished character as a preacher, and at length fell into a decline, which he bore with Christian fortitude, and calling for his shroud and grave-clothes, dressed himself in them as some great hero on an important expedition; he then bade his wife, son, and daughters farewell, with orders to have the society notified, adding, " I am done fighting, my soul is in glory ;" and with his hands fixed in a proper attitude, went off triumphant. This is a match for an infidel. 4th. I spoke four hours, lacking thirteen minutes, under the shade between two trees at Cole's chapel, to a crowded, serious, and attentive auditory. In the midst of my discourse, I observed a man at the other side of the trees, whom I considered as a backslider. It ran repeated ly through my mind to ask him before the people, if the language of his heart was not contained in these words : " What peaceful hours I once enjoyed How sweet their memory still ! But they have left an aching void The world can never fill." At length I proposed the question, after telling the congregation the cause, and requested him, if it was, to give me his hand, which he did, to the surprise of the people. He was a Baptist, as I afterwards was told, and continued uneasy in his mind for some weeks, till some of his peo- ple plastered him up with the old doctrine, " once in grace always in grace." 5th. I rode forty-two miles to Port Royal, and had a solemn time. 6th. I spoke in Fredericksburgh four times, and collected upwards of forty pounds for the benefit of a free school. The little boys who heard jne preach, next day went all over town, spelling, " \-double-L-part — * Only about three or four continued to officiate— which shows that they preached for tobaccu and not for souh .' DO W'S JOURNAL. 145 few — elect — some — small number," &c, which diverted some, and exas- perated others. 7th. I spoke in Stafford and Dumfries courthouses. 8th. I gave my last here ; and spoke in a church on the way to Alex- andra, where I spoke at night, and next morning. 9th. 1 spoke in Georgetown. 10th. I went to Montgomery, but finding my appointment not given out, I pushed on to Baltimore, making about sixty miles, and heard a sermon by night. Here brother Daniel Ostrander brought me heavy tidings, the death of my mother, the first that ever died out of my father's family. It gave me a tender sensation, but I could neither weep nor mourn, whilst these words were in my mind, " Oh ! is my mother gone ! is she gone, never to return !" The last time I saw her she requested that I should come and see them once a year whilst she should live, which was my then intention. But God so wonderfully opened my way in the southern climes, that I could not find my way clear, although I had felt unusual exercise when I parted from her last, which I remarked to my friends ; and also about the time of her decease, though it was near five months after she died before I heard of it. 11th. I received a letter from my father, giving me the particulars of my mother's dissolution and triumphant end ; which was a little more than twelve months from the time I parted with her last. He also in- formed me of the death of my brother Fish, which took place a few weeks before hers. When I saw him last, he was backslidden from God. It appears he was reclaimed in his last illness, and made a happy exit. Jesse Lee advised me to preach in the market, and published it from the pulpit, and also prepared an advertisement for the public paper, for me to preach there a second time. There was a large concourse of peo- ple at the last meeting, and near one hundred preachers present, it being now general conference time. I had come here to see if they intended to hedge up my way. Brother Ostrander informed me, that the New York conference had conversed me over, and some were minded to block up my way, whilst others objected, saying, " He does us no harm, but we get the fruit of his labor," whilst the former urged my example was bad ; for perhaps fifty Dows might spring out of the same nest. So they agreed to discourage giving out my appointments. It appears that some came to this conference with an intention to have a move to block up my way at one stroke ; but on seeing the southern preachers, and hearing of my conduct and success, their prejudice deserted them, and their opin- ions and views of things concerning me altered, (as several of them told me,) and became friendly, though before cool and distant. Stith Mead, who was on his way from Georgia to general conference, when we met at the camp-meeting, got detained on account of the revival which then broke out, and spread as a fire on a mountain, in all direc- tions. He wrote to Baltimore conference, and also to me, that he con- ceived his presence would not be necessary there on my account. Nicholas Snethen I here heard preach in the life and power of the Holy Ghost. Oh ! what an alteration in the man for the better ! He once was a pleasant speaker to the ear, but little energy to the heart, until God knocked him down twice at a camp-meeting, and gave him such a 13 146 DO W'S JOURNAL. baptism as he never felt before. However, spiritual blessings may be abused through unfaithfulness to the Divine Spirit ; and what need there is of our practising the apostle's caution, " If any man think he standeth, let him take heed lest he fall !" The preachers as a body seemed unprejudiced, yet a few individuals are excepted ; among whom R and W , of ancient date, which I desired might be done away, and requested an interview for that purpose ; but though one of them invited me to breakfast, yet they both went out before the time appointed, without acquainting the family, which caused me to feel awkward and abashed when I came. I had felt a desire to visit Boston for some time, but never saw my way opening until now. George Pickering, who was presiding elder in Bos- ton district, invited me to his jurisdiction, which I esteemed as a provi- dence, expressed my gratitude, quitted Baltimore and returned to Rich- mond, where I put some manuscripts to press and visited some neighbor- ing places. I saw a man executed for the horrid crime of murder, having spoken to him through the grate the preceding day. Some trifled when this aw- ful catastrophe was exhibited. Papa Hobson met me here, but my appointments would not admit of my returning with him in the gig ; and I had sold my horse to pay for printing, and how to get on I did not know, being unwell a day or two after ; however, a gentleman who had been excited by curiosity to come near twenty miles to hear me at Cartersville, was there brought under concern ; and with his servant was now on his return from Petersburgh, where he had been to purchase a coach to accommodate his family to meetings. He hearing of this appointment, delayed on his journey twen- ty-four hours, and then in his coach carried me home to Cumberland. 26th. I have a bad cough, which some think denotes my approaching dissolution. I feel unwell out of employ these few days past, though I have had but very few rest-days for seventeen months ; but have gene- rally preached from two to five times a day, riding from thirty to fifty miles. Sunday, 27th. I spoke at Charity Chapel preparatory for camp-meet- ing. We had a shout ; two found peace ; and some ungenerous persons struck the negroes, who were rejoicing in God, to the shedding of blood. Friday, June 1st. Camp-meeting commenced near Poplar Spring church, in Gloucester county. Brother Mead, who had ordered me to appoint it, did not come according to expectation. No preachers were on the ground, and hundreds of people, were assembled. This, indeed, w as a trial of my faith among the strange people. However, in the nam the Lord, I went up the stage and began the meeting, and besought God for a token for good; and soon a poor woman, who had come thirty miles on foot, under distress, was delivered, and clapping her hands, shouted for joy. Upon this, three or four preachers appeared. These things began to revive my heart ; but a shower of rain expelled us from the woods into the church, where six or eight souls found peace. The next day was a good time also. Sunday, 3d. Some thousands assembled, and whilst I was speaking from a stage, a storm seemed coming up, which put the people in motion, but I requested the people to be still and raise their hearts to God, if per- DO W'S JOURNAL. 147 haps he would send off the clouds, and soon the threatening grew favor- able and the clouds went round. Monday, 4th. Our meeting broke up; about thirty found peace; a number of backsliders were reclaimed; scores were awakened, and good was done in the name of the Lord. 5th. I replied to an A-double-L-part discourse, delivered against me in my absence by Bob S., who had heard me preach, which I think was un- manly. Thursday, 7th. 1 met brother Mead at papa Hobson's, who informed me that the work in Bedford county has greatly spread. Six hundred found peace, and five hundred and twenty he had taken into society, and the flame was still going on. Friday, 8th. Camp-meeting came on at Charity Chapel, Powhatan county- The Lord was precious, but the wicked strove to trouble us. Sunday, 10th. About five or six thousand were on the ground. The work went on, and the opposition increased. Twenty-five combined to- gether to give me a flogging. They ransacked the camp to find me whilst I was taking some repose. This was the first discovery of their project. As I went out of the tent one was seen to cock a pistol towards me, whilst a voice was heard, " There he is ! there he is !" My friends forced me into the tent. Next day I had one of the young men arrested, and two others fled before they could be taken. The young man acknow- ledged his error, and promised never to do the like again. So we let him go. The law was read from the stage, and after that we had peace. Satan was angry, and brought to hush with only growling what should be done by waylaying me on the road. I defied them to do their worst. The work went on, and continued all night and next morning. When we were parting, we had good reason to believe that one hundred souls were brought to liberty. Some were minded I should go off in a covered coach, which I refused, but with brother Dunnington went off in a gig, believing that they had no power to hurt me. What enraged them so, was my showing their improper behavior in their striking the blacks, &c. 13th. Last night I spoke at friend Baker's, in whose family God hath begun a gracious work. I purchased a grave-suit for the dead, and sent it to Betsey M , and took my departure to Pctersburgh. The stage-coach not going, I was detained twenty-four hours behind my intention. Friday, 15th. I arrived on the camp-ground, about an hour by sun in the evening. Three found peace ; some attempted interruption ; but the magistrates were on our side. I continued on the ground until Monday the 18th, in which time about sixty professed to have found peace, and about one hundred awakened. Brother Cox wrote me that about thirty found peace after that I left the ground. Some blamed me for appointing this meeting : however, the devil's kingdom suffered loss in the Isle of Wight, and I will rejoice. I gave one hundred dollars worth of books towards building a chapel ; and spent a few days in Norfolk and Portsmouth ; and several souls were set at liberty while I stayed. 148 DOW'S JOURNAL, CHAPTER III, RETURN TO NEW ENGLAND. Sunday, 24th. I embarked for New- York. We had some contrary winds, horrible squalls, and calms ; however, in eight days, I spoke with some friends in New-York, having quitted the vessel, and by the way of Elizabethtown came to the city. N. Snethen is stationed here, and seems not so lively (by the account of friends) as he was some time ago. He is lately married. — Cyrus Steb- bens objected to my preaching where he was stationed, though the trustees were mostly friendly. He withdrew from the connection soon after, which showed what spirit he was of. I put my trunk on board a vessel for Middletown, and a friend took me in a chaise, near forty miles, whence I continued on foot until I came near Connecticut line. When about sixty yards off, whilst raising my heart to God to open me a way for provision, as I had but a few cents in my pocket, I met Aaron Hunt, a preacher, who told me where to call and get some refreshment. I did so, and held two meetings in the neighborhood ; then came to Danbury, and pawning my watch, took stage for Hartford. July 10th. Walking twenty miles I came to my father's house, which appeared empty. Things seemed pleasant round about ; but my mother is no more. I cannot mourn — my loss is her gain. I trust to meet her in the skies, where sorrow and parting are no more. The rest of my friends were well in body, but low in religion. I went to Middletown for my trunk, and found the plans for the con- templated meeting-house like to fall through, although six hundred dollars were subscribed. I offered them eight hundred dollars worth of books to aid therein, provided they would give me assistance in putting my journal to press. Here brother Burrows met me, and we went to Hebron, where we saw brother Wood. We agreed on a camp-meeting, to commence the last day of May following ; which when known, was ridiculed as enthu- siasm, to think that I could get people to go into the woods, and encamp night and day in this populous part, where elegant meeting-houses were so numerous. I was now called to another difficulty — a young horse being dead, and some money miscarried which I had sent for his keeping, and a coat: my appointment had gone on to Boston, and how to do 3 I saw not my way clear ; but here that same Providence, whose kindness I had experienced on many interesting occasions, was manifest. A biter from a motherly woman, who had never *f<-n me but once, came to band, in which was enclosed a bank note. This enabled me to pay what I owed and take stage from Springfield to Waltham. A paper-maker agreed, if I would pay one hundred dollp-rsdown and give him bonds forthe remainder, he would accommodate me; but how to accomplish this 1 did not know, until I fell asleep al brother Pickering's father-in-law's in Waltham, when 1 dreamed bow and whore I could get the money, which 1 observed to P , who replied, " A dream is a dream." I said, " True ; but I intend to see the result." — 1 wrote to my Middletown friends and succeeded ac- DOW'S JOURNAL. 149 cordingly. I spoke several times in Boston, and once on the common, •where two caused interruption ; but shortly after God called them to eternity. Some dated their awakenings and conversions from this visit. — Thence I took stage and returned to Springfield, where I arrived about twelve at night, and lay under a haystack until day ; when I called on the paper- man, with a friend I met from Middletown, and completed our bargain. I then went with the friend to Hartford, and completed our agreement with the printers and bookbinder. I had now a tour of about six thousand miles laid off before me, to be ac- complished against my return in May. and not a cent of money in my pocket ; however, in the name of God, I set off on foot from my father's house, though no one knew my situation ; doubting not, but that the providential hand which I had experienced heretofore, would go with me still. 1 walked to Hartford river, telling the ferryman my case. He carried me over, saying, "Pay when you can," (it being one cent.) Isold some books, and continued my walk to Litchfield, falling in with a wagon of Quakers, who suffered me to ride some on the way. Thence I took stage to Danbury and redeemed my watch : held a few meetings, and came to New- York. A friend who had employed me to get him some printing done, not making remittance, I had like to have been involved in difficulty ; but Providence delivered me from this diffi- culty also. Brother Thatcher had consented for my holding a camp- meeting in his district ; but reconsidering the matter, recoiled with prohi- bition. Yet to prevent my disappointment from being too great, he suffer- ed four appointments to be made for me by a local preacher, not choosing to give them out himself, considering the agreement at last conference. These appointments were given out wrong end foremost, considering the line of my journey, which caused me much more travelling. However, with a heavy heart, I fulfilled the appointments, in each of which I could but remark, with tears, that some persons had accused me with being of a party spirit, and striving to get a separation, which thing was false, and I did not expect to trouble them any more in that part, until there was an alteration and God should further open mv way. As I was going to take the stage, a man brought up a horse, saddle, and bridle for me, with orders to pay when convenient. I considered this act as Christian kindness ; but Satan strove to raise a dust, as I did not make remittance very speedily, having no safe opportunity for some months. I passed through my old circuit, the Dutchess, and saw some who retained prejudice ; but I continued my journey, putting up at the inns, being unwilling to screw any thing through the devil's teeth. When I arrived in Albany, the preaching-house doors, which had been shut in Stehbens' time, were now open. As the stationed preacher was out of town, and one or two others, who were expected, not coming, the people were like to be disappointed ; which to prevent, gave rise to the opening, which I embraced as providential, and held a number of meetings. Here 1 have always found some kind friends, particularly brother Taylor. I took my departure to AVeston, where I saw Smith Miller, his wife Hannah, and Peggy, after an absence of nearly two years. August 31st. Camp-meeting began, and the people were entirely stran- gers to the quality and magnitude of this kind of meeting. Several Me- 13* 150 DOW'S JOURNAL. thodist preachers came as spectators, intending, if the meeting did well, to take hold, heart and hand with me ; hut if ill, to leave it as they found it, and let the blame devolve on me. A stage being erected, I addressed the people thereon, from Luke xxi. 19. An awful solemnity came over the people : several mourners came forward to be prayed for ; and some shortly found comfort, and the Lord bejjan to move in the camp. However, the preachers were minded we should disband to private habitations ; but 1 replied, " If I can get twenty to tarry on the ground, I will not go off until the meeting break up." Soon the Lord began to move among the people, and many were detained on the ground, and souls were born to God. Next day the congregation and work increased, and so in the course of the night likewise. Sunday, Sept. 2d. I was sick. It rained, and the people were punished, by getting wet in the shower, through not coming better prepared for en- campment, &c, which I was glad of, as it taught them a useful lesson ao-ainst my return. It cleared up and the sun broke out, when I addressed them. Being informed of some ill designs among the youth, to bring a stigma on the meeting, and observing three companies in the woods, I got on a log in the triangle, and began relating a story concerning a bird's nest, which my father had remarked represented his family, that would be scattered like those young birds, who knew not the getting of things, but only the fruition of provision, and not parental affection until they come to have children of their own ; which remarks had made great impression on my mind. The rehearsal to them had the desired effect, and gathered their wandering minds into a train of serious thinking, and prepared their hearts for the reception of good advice. Several of them desired I should pray with them ; soon nine were sprawling on the ground, and some were apparently lifeless. The doctors supposed they had faint- ed, and desired water and fans to be used. I replied, "Hush!" Then they, to show the fallacy of my ideas, attempted to determine it with their skill ; but to their surprise their pulse was regular. Some said, " It is fictitious, they make it." I answered, " The weather is warm and we are in a perspiration, whilst they are cold as corpses, which cannot be done by human art." Here some supposing they were dying, whilst others suggested, "It is the work of the devil ;" I observed, " If it be the devil's work, they will use the dialect of hell, when they come to :" some watched my words, in great solemnity, and the first and second were soon brought through, happy, and all in the course of the night, except a young woman, who had come under good impression, much against her father's will, thirty miles. She continued shrieking for mercy for eight hours, sometimes on the bor- ders of despair, until near sunrise, when I exhorted her if she had a view of her Saviour, to receive Him as appearing for her. Here hope revived ; faith sprang up ; joy arose ; her countenance was an index of her heart to all the beholders ; she uttered a word, and soon she testified the reality of her mental sensation, and the peace she had found. About thirty found peace; and I appointed another camp-meeting, to commenoe in May. DOW'S JOURNAL. 151 CHAPTER IV. MARRIAGE. When I was in Ireland, I saw the first pair that I thought were happy in marriage, or showed a beauty in their connection as the result of matri- mony. I heard also of a young man, who made a proposal of marriage : the young woman, possessing piety and consideration, agreed to make it a matter of fasting and prayer, to know the Divine will on the subject ; she also told a considerate friend, who gave her advice on the subject. At the time appointed they met, to return their answers upon the subject. The man said he thought it was the will of God that they should proceed, and the two women's opinion was the reverse. It was then submitted for my opinion, why I thought the young man's mind differed from theirs. I replied, " That many persons desire a thing, and wish that it might be the will of God it should be so, and from thence reason themselves into a be- lief that it is his will, when in fact it is nothing but their own will, sub- stituted for God's, and so stand in their own light and deceive themselves. It appears to me, concerning every person who is marriageable, and whose duty it is to marry, that there is some particular person whom they ought to have. But I believe it to be possible for them to miss of that object and obtain one who is not proper for them. Some people have an idea that all matches are appointed, which I think repugnant to common sense, for a man will leave his wife and a woman her husband ; they two will go to another part, and marry, and live as lawful man and wife. Now can rational creatures suppose that God ap- pointed this match, whose revealed will saith, " Thou shalt not commit adultery." Again, I have seen some men and women in courtship put the best foot foremost, and the best side out ; and from this their ways would appear pleasing, and fancy would be conceived and taken for love ; but when they got acquainted with each other's weaknesses, after the knot was tied, the ways which once appeared agreeable are now odious : thus the dear becomes cheap, and the honey is gall and vinegar ; but, alas ! it is too late to repent. Their dispositions being so different, it is as much impossi- ble for them to live agreeable and happy in love together as for the cat and dog to agree. Thus a foundation is laid for unhappiness for life. " Whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God," is the language of the scripture. Therefore, as Christ saith, " Without me ye can do nothing ;" and as Paul saith, " Through Christ who strengthened me, I can do all things ; we are to look to God for help in whatever we undertake, as all things are sanctified through faith and prayer ; therefore what- soever we dare not pray to God for his blessing upon, we have no right to pursue : it is forbidden fruit : but as there is a providence of God attending every person in every situation in life, and no such thing as mere chance, it is my opinion, if people were but resigned to the dis- pensation of Divine providence, instead of being their own choosers, their will resigned to his disposal, &c, that they would find his providence to guide and direct them to the object proper for them, as the calls of his Spirit and the openings of his providence go hand in hand. 152 DOW'S JOURNAL. I was resolved when I began to travel, that no created object should be the means of rivalling my God, and of course not to alter the situation of my life, unless a way seemed to open in the way of providence, whereby I might judge that my extensive usefulness should be extended rather than contracted. S M , of Western, came to a big meeting in the woods, and heard that crazy Dow was there, and after some time sought and found me. He accompanied me to my appointments, consisting of about one hundred miles' travel. He kept what some call a Methodist tavern, i. e. a house for the preachers, &c. One of my appointments being near his house, he invited me to tarry all night ; observing his daughter would be glad to see me. I asked if he had any children ! He replied, " A young wo- man I brought up I call my daughter." I stayed all night ; but so it hap- penened, that not a word passed between her and me, though there were but the three in family. I went to my appointment, where we had a pre- cious time : but whilst preaching, I felt an uncommon exercise, known only to myself and my God, to run through my mind, which caused me to pause for some time. In going to my evening appointment, I had to return by the house, he being still in company with me. I asked him if he would object if 1 should talk to his daughter concerning matrimony ? He replied, " I have nothing to say, only I have requested her, if she hath any regard for me, not to marry so as to leave my house." When I got to the door, I abruptly asked his wife who had been there, and what they had been about in my absence. She told me, which made way for her to observe, that Peggy was resolved never to marry unless it were to a preacher, and one who would continue travelling. This reso- lution being similar to my own, as she then stepped into the room, caused me to ask her if it were so 1 She answered in the affirmative ; on the back of which I replied, " Do you think you could accept of such an ob- ject as me ?" She made no answer, but retired from the room : this was the first time of my speaking to her. I took dinner ; asked her one ques- tion more and went to my neighboring meetings, which occupied some days ; but having a cloak making of oiled cloth, it drew me back to get it. I stayed all night, and in the morning, when going away, I observed to her and her sister, who brought her up as a mother, that I was going to the warm countries, where I never had spent a warm season, and it was probable I should die, as the warm climate destroys mostly those who go from a cold country. " But," said I, " if I am preserved about a year and a half from now, I am in hopes of seeing this northern country again, and if during this time you live and remain single, and find no one that you like better than you do me, and would be willing to give me up twelve months out of thirteen, or three years out of four, to travel, and that in foreign lands, and never say, do not go to your appointment, &c. — for if you should stand in my way, I should pray to God to remove you, which I believe he would answer, — and if I find no one that I like better than I do you, perhaps something further may be said on the subject;" and find- ing her character to stand fair, I took my departure. In my travels. 1 went to the Natchez country, where I found religion low, and had hard times, but thought this country one day would be the garden of America, and if this family would remove there, it would prove an everlasting bless- ing (as it respects religion) to the inhabitants, considering their infant DOW'S JOURNAL. I5S state.* It lay on my mind for some weeks, when I wrote to them on the subject, though I had no outward reason to suppose they would go, con- sidering the vast distance of near two thousand miles. But now I found she was still single, and they all willing to comply with my request, which removed many scruples from my mind, knowing that it was a circumstance that turned up in the order of Providence, instead of by my own seeking ; so our bargain was drawn to a close, but still I thought not to have the ceremony performed until I should return from Europe ; but upon reflec- tion, considering the circumstance would require a correspondence, my letters might be intercepted, and the subject known, prejudice arise, jeal- ousy ensue, and much needless conversation and evil be the result ; where- fore to prevent the same, a preacher coming in, we were married that night, though only we five were present, this being the third of September, 1804.f CHAPTER V. TOUR TO THE MISSISSIPPI. 4th. Smith Miller set off with me for Natchez, early in the morning, as my appointments had been given out for some months. I spoke at Westmoreland and Augusta that day. 5th. We rode fifty miles : I spoke once on the road, and saw a spiritual daughter, who was awakened when I travelled the Pittsfield circuit. 6th. We rode fifty miles, and stayed with a family of Methodists, near the east branch of the Susquehannah river. The man was kind, but the woman was as she was. 7th. Rode thirty-four miles, and spoke at night at Sugar creek. 8th. Thirty-five miles, to Lycoming. 9th. Twenty-five miles, to Amariah Sutton's, and found Gideon Draper preaching, who was awakened when I was on Cambridge circuit. Oh ! how these things refreshed my soul, to see the fruit of my labor, hundreds of miles off, years after ! I spoke when he was done. He accompanied us ten miles, when I spoke again. 10th. Thirty-three miles to P — p Antisse's. 11th. Forty miles — stayed with a Dutchman, who was reasonable in his charges. 12th. Thirty-four miles across part of the Allegany mountain to Welsh- town. 13th. We crossed the Laurel hills, and though we lost some miles by false direction, yet we came near to Dennistown, and stayed with a friend. 14th. We went to Greensborough, where I spoke in the evening, and then rode thirty-two miles to Pittsburg, where we arrived about the dawn of day. I found my appointments were not given out accurately. * Provided they should be faithful to God — but many good things fall through for want of humble and faithful perseverance under God. t See the Reflections on Matrimony— and you that are young, digest it well. 154 DO W'S JOURNAL. Sunday, 16th. I spoke in Pittsburg, and Washington. 17th. Brownsville and Uniontown, where I heard that the bishops As- bury and Whatcoat were sick, twenty-five miles off. 18th. Spoke twice in Washington. 19th. Spoke in Steubenville, in the state of Ohio. I have now been in each of the seventeen states of the Union. 20th. Spoke in Charlestown, and some were offended. 21st. Spoke to hundreds, beginning before sunrise ; and then went to Wheeling. Spoke at ten o'clock to a large concourse, and so went on our journey. 23d. Spoke to a few in Zanesville on the Muskingum river. I could not but observe great marks of antiquity, ridges of earth thrown up so as to form enclosures of various forms, on which three or four might easily ride abreast. Some of these I think would contain near one hundred acres or more. 24th. Came to New Lancaster, where I spoke. 25th. Came to Chillicothe : held four meetings : some of the A-double-L- part people were offended : stayed with the governor two days. In him are connected the Christian and the gentleman. I think this state is laid oif in townships, six miles square, and then into sections of one mile square, (containing six hundred and forty acres,) and half sections. The title of this is obtained from government at nine shillings English per acre, for ever, in four annual payments : or if the money be paid down the interest will be deducted. No slavery can be introduced here. There are lands laid off for schools in great magnitude : and I consider the form of the con- stitution superior to that of any other in the Union. Near the Ohio river, people are sometimes troubled with fevers ; but on uplands near the heads of the streams, the country is far more healthy. Monday, Oct. 1st. I found Mr. Hodge, a Presbyterian minister, had failed in giving out my appointments. However, I fell in with the western conference, which was now sitting in Kentucky, and God was with them and the people. I saw the jerks in Pennsylvania, Ohio, and this state on this journey. Several of the presiding elders called me into a private room ; and after some interview, we parted in friendship. Next day I spoke under the trees, nearly the whole conference being present. I thought I could discern every countenance present, and tell the Methodist from the A-double-L-part people. I never before observed that present impression would cause the countenance to be such an index to the mind, of pleasure and pain, especially in an auditory. From thence I went to Lexington, held a few meetings, and saw one whom I had known in Dub- lin, but he was not as happy now as he was once. I here experienced some kindness, and also spoke at Paris by the way. An A-double-L- part man being convinced that A-double-L meant all, 'caused great unea- siness among the Presbyterians. First, several preachers formed them- selves into an association, by the name of the Springfield Association* and then made a will and voluntarily died, and instead of being a distinct party, sunk into union with all Christians. Sunday, 7th. I spoke in Herodsburgh and Springfield. As I was get- ting up, 1 found my clothes had been moved during the night, which caused me to arouse the family. My jacket was found in the piazza, and all my money gone except one cent. DOW'S JOURNAL. 155 Thence I went to Tennessee, but found my appointments were not given out. I spoke in Clarkesville and Nashville, and many other places over the country, until I came to a brother Canon's, who had been the means of opening my way (under God) before. Friday, 19th. Camp-meeting commenced at Liberty. Here I saw the jerks; and some danced : a strange exercise indeed. However, it is invol- untary, yet requires the consent of the will : i. e. the people are taken jerking irresistibly ; and if they strive to resist it, it worries them' much : yet is attended by no bodily pain, and those who are exercised to dance, (which in the pious seems an antidote to the jerks,) if they resist, it brings deadness and barrenness over the mind ; but when they yield to it they feel happy, although it is a great cross. There is a heavenly smile and solemnity on the countenance, which carries a great conviction to the minds of beholders. Their eyes when dancing seem to be fixed upwards, as if upon an invisible object, and they lost to all below. Sunday, 21st. I heard Doctor Tooley, a man of liberal education, who had been a noted deist, preach on the subject of the jerks and the dancing exercise. He brought ten passages of scripture to prove that dancing was once a religious exercise, but corrupted at Aaron's calf, and from thence young people got it for amusement. I believe the congregation and preach- ers were generally satisfied with his remarks. The Natchez mission had almost discouraged the western conference, having made several trials with little success. However, Lawner Black- man and brother Barnes, finding that I was going thither, offered as volun- teers and fell in with me for the journey. Tuesday, 23d. We started from Franklin, (where I received some kind- ness,) and riding thirty-two miles, encamped in the woods. It rained, and apparently we could get no fire ; but some moving families from North Carolina got affrighted by some Indians, and were returning, being fearful to venture on their way. They showed us the remains of their fire where they had encamped the preceding night ; and with difficulty I prevailed on them to stay with us, until I let them know my name, which they had heard of before : they intended travelling on all night to the settlement, fearful of being massacred by the Indians. 24th. Travelled about thirty-five miles, and saw one company of In- dians on the way. 25th. The post and a traveller passed us by early ; but we overtook them, and continued together to the Tennessee river. The wind was high, and none crossed except the post, and he with danger. 26th. We crossed, paying one dollar each, where was a small garrison, and some few half-breed Indians. 27th. We gained the suburbs of Bigtown of the Chickasaws. I am now beside the fire, the company laying down to rest, and our horses feeding in a cane-brake and provisions nearly out. Sunday, 28th. Two of our horses were missing, but were returned early in the morning by a negro and an Indian, who, I suppose, had stolen them to get a reward. One of our company was for flogging the negro, which I opposed, lest it should raise an uproar, and endanger other travellers by the Indians, who are of a revengeful temper. This day was a hungry time to us. We thought of the disciples who plucked the ears of corn on the sabbath. 156 DOW'S JOURNAL. At length we came to another village where some whites lived, and one Mr. Gunn (who was touched under the word, when I was here before) received us kindly. We tarried two days in this settlement, held some meetings, and receiving gratis necessaries for our journey, took our depart- ure. Having a gun with us, we killed some turkeys, which were nu- merous in flocks. From what we saw, there were bears and plenty of wolves and deer in these woods. The canopy of heaven was our covering by night, except the blankets we were rolled in. We kept fires to prevent the wild beasts from approaching too near. The post we saw no more. The man who was with him continued with us, and being seized with de- rangement for some hours in the woods, retarded our progress. November 4th. Crossed the ground where I had the providential escape from the Indians, and arrived at the settlement of Natchez. We were glad to see white people, and get out of the woods once more. Stayed at the first house all night. 5th. Called on Moses Floyd, a preacher on Bigblack. Here brother Barnes tarried to begin his route. Blackman went with us to Colonel Barnet's, on Biopeer. Next day we went to Randal Gibson's, on Clarke's creek, and got some washing done, and there Miller stayed. Blackman went with me to 'Squire Tooley's, father of the doctor, where brother Har- riman, a missionary, was at the point of death. However, he recovered. Our presence seemed to revive him. 8th. I visited Washington and Natchez, and some of the adjacent parts. Here I must observe the truth of the maxim, " Give the devil rope enough and he will hang himself." A printer extracted a piece from the Lexington paper, as a burlesque on me, which, however, did me no harm, though it circulated in most papers in the Union. He had just got his types set up before I made application for the insertion of a notice, that I should hold a meeting in the town on Sunday. This following the other, made impression on the people's minds, and excited the curious to attend meeting. When I was here before I found it almost impossible to get the people out to meeting any way, and had my scruples whether there were three Christians in town either black or white. But now I spoke three succeeding sabbaths, and some on week days. 12th. This day I am twelve years old. Brother Blackman* preached a funeral sermon. I spoke a few words, and God began a gracious work. Here by Washington we appointed a camp-meeting. There is ground laid off for a college, and Congress, beside a handsome donation, halh given twenty thousand acres of ground, &c. This country is now dividing into townships and sections, and sold by government, as in the state of Ohio ; and though only a territory now, yet will be incorporated into a state when the inhabitants shall amount to sixty thousand. They now had a small legislature ; the governor is appointed by the President. One representa- tive goes to Congress. Sunday, 25th. I spoke for the last time at Natchez. I visited Seltzer- town, Greenville, and Gibson Port. This last place was a wilderness not two years ago, but now contains near thirty houses, with a courthouse and jail. We held a quarterly meeting on Clarke's creek. Sonic supposed I would get no campers, but at this quarterly meeting I wanted to know it' *Afler many dangers in his years of itinerancy, came to his end by Providence, eviden- cing a remarkable foreboding. DOW'S JOURNAL. 157 there were any backsliders in the auditory, and if there were and they would come forward, I would pray with them. x\n old backslider, who had been happy in the old settlement, with tears came forward and fell upon his knees, and several followed his example. A panic seized the congregation, and a solemn awe ensued. We had a cry and shout, and it was a weeping, tender time. The devil was angry, and some without persecuted, saying, " Is God deaf, that they cannot worship him without such a noise V though they perhaps would make a greater noise when drinking a toast. This prepared the way for the camp-meeting, and about thirty from this neighborhood went thirty miles or upwards, and encamped on the ground. The camp-meeting continued four days. The devil was angry at this also, and though his emissaries contrived various projects to raise a dust, their efforts proved ineffectual. In general there was good decorum, and about fifty were awakened, and five professed justifying faith ; so that it may now be said that the country which was a refuge for scape-gallowses a few years since, in Spanish times, is in a hopeful way, and the wilderness begins to bud and blossom as the rose, and the barren land becomes a fruitful field. I crossed the Mississippi into Louis- iana, and visited several settlements, holding religious meetings. I believe there is a peculiar providence in such a vast territory falling to the United States, as liberty of conscience may now prevail as the country populates, which before was prohibited by the inquisition. We got some things fixed to our minds, and procured three Spanish horses, which had been foaled wild in the woods, and had been caught out of the gang by climbing a tree and dropping a noose over the head, it being made fast to a bough, &c. We got letters from home, with information that they were well, and the work going on. CHAPTER VI. RETURN TO THE NORTH. December 16th. Our horses being tamed and taught to eat corn, by forcing it into their mouths, and we prepared with a tent and provisions, bid the settlement on the Mississippi adieu, and betook to the woods for Tombigbee, having two others in company. We had not gone far before the saddle turned on the pack-mare. She took fright, which affrighted the one S. M. rode, and they both set to rearing and jumping, which endan- gered his life. However, he held them both until he dismounted and tfcey got settled. If they had got away there was little prospect of catching them again. Twenty-three miles to the Indian line, on the main branch of Homachitti, we encamped for the night, it being cloudy and rainy. We spread our tent, kept a good fire, hobbled the forelegs of our horses together, leaving a long rope dragging from their necks. Here was plenty of grass, and a cane-brake. 20th. Thirty- five miles. Encamped a little off the road, lest the In- dians should steal our horses. 21st. We arrived this afternoon at Pearl, or Half-way river. The 14 158 DOW'S JOURNAL. ford last year was good a number of yards wide, but now not more than five or six feet, which we knew not. A man who knew the ford, (being much among the Choctaws,) attempted to cross first and succeeded, though his horse made a small misstep; the next man's horse erred a little on the other side, but still I knew not the danger. I proceeded next, leading the pack-mare, but there not being sufficient ground for both horses, the water running like a mill-tail, carried me down the stream two feet, whilst my mare could swim but one towards the shore. She struck the bank, which gave way ; however, she being an excellent swimmer and springy, made a second effort and got out. I lost my hobbles, and our tea, sugar, coffee, &c, got injured. And I being much chilled by the wet, we- went on till we came to a convenient tarrying place, and encamped for the night to dry our things, &c. N. B. The river was muddy, I could not swim, and had not the mare struck the bank where she did, I must have lost my life, as the trees and brush filled the shore below. 22d. I met some people from Georgia. At night I was taken with a strong fever, but drank some water and coffee, and got a good night's rest. Sunday, 23d. Feel somewhat better. It snowed some, and the sun hath shone scarcely ten minutes during these five days. 24th. We rode about forty miles, through Sixtown, of the Choctaws, and whilst we were passing it I observed where they scaffold the dead, and also the spot where the flesh was when the bone-picker had done his office. The friends of the deceased weep twice a day for a term, and if they cannot cry enough themselves, they hire some to help them. It was weeping time, and their cries made our horses caper well. I Mas inform- ed of an ancient custom which at present is out of date among them. When one was sick, a council was held by the doctors ; if their judgment was that he would die, they being supposed infallible, humanity induced the neck-breaker to do his office. An European being sick, and finding out his verdict, to save his neck crept into the woods and recovered, which showed to the Indians the fallibility of the doctors and the evil of the practice. Therefore, to show that the custom must be totally abolished, they took the poor neck-breaker and broke his neck. 25th. We came to Densmore's, agent for Indian affairs. Our pro- visions were gone, and with difficulty we procured relief. Some people who were dancing in a neighboring house came in to hear me talk. I held a meeting with them, and then lay down to rest. 26th. After breakfast we came near the trading road from the Chick- asaws to Mobile, where we encamped near a spring and cane-brake. The leaves of the cane are food for cattle, &c. 27th. We started betimes and came to the first house on the Tombig bee settlement, within four miles of Fort St. Stephen, where there is but one family, but it will be a place of fame in time. We had met the man of the house where we stayed, who told us to call. His wife made a heavy charge ; we paid her, and S. M. said, " Tell your husband never any more to invite travellers to be welcome for his wife to extort." The river was high and swamp not fordable, which necessitated us to go down the river about seventy miles to the Cutoff, which is a channel from the Tornbigbee to the Alabama river, about seven miles from their junction, where they form the Mobile. The island contains about sixty thousand DOW'S JOURNAL. 159 acres, which are commonly overflowed by the spring flood, as Egypt is by the Nile. I held meetings during the six days of my tarrying in the set- tlement, and took my departure for Georgia, but was necessitated to keep on the dividing ridge between the streams, to prevent being intercepted by creeks. There were ferries at the above rivers. In the settlement there was not a preacher of any society. My appointments were given out in Georgia, with the days and hours fixed. In consequence of the high waters we had to lose much travelling. January 4th, 1805. We fell in with a camp of whites, where we were informed of some whites having been murdered by Indians, and one Indian killed by a white, and another wounded. The wounded Indian was de- termined to kill some white in revenge. These whites had hired a chief to pilot them around to avoid the danger. But my time being limited obliged me to take the nighest cut, which was through the village where the wounded Indian lived. Here we parted from all the company, and set off by ourselves, having four hundred miles to go. 8th. We fell in with an Indian trader, who was out of provisions. We gave him some, and tarried at his habitation that night. He made us some return next day. Then we pursued our journey. This being in the Creek nation, we had some difficulty in finding our way, there being so many Indian by-paths ; however, we came to Hawkins's old place that night. 10th. Our charges were eleven shillings, though I think not worth the half. We left the place about an hour by sun, having the prospect of a pleasant day before us ; but we had not gone many miles before it gath- ered up and began to rain and sleet, whicb made it tremendous cold. So we stopped to let our horses feed, and pitching our tent, kindled up a fire to warm us ; but the weather appearing more favorable, we proceeded on through a bad swamp, meeting two travellers by the way. At length we perceived it began to grow dark, which convinced us that it was later than we thought. We halted, hobbled out our horses immediately, (find- ing some grass present on the hill,) and proceeded to kindle up a fire, but every thing being so wet, and covered with sleet, and our limbs benumbed with cold, it was next to an impossibility to accomplish it. Things ap- peared gloomy ; the shades of a dark night fast prevailing, death appear- ed before. In consequence of my being robbed I had no winter coat, but only my thin summer one at this time ; however, at length we succeeded in getting prepared for the night. Our tent spread, which kept off the falling weather, and a good fire at the door soon dried the ground. We prepared our kettle of coffee, and partook with gratitude, and found we here could sing the praise of God, not without a sense of the Divine favor, considering our situation a little before. We lay down to rest as under the wing of the Almighty in this desert, inhabited only by wild beasts, whilst the wolves were howling on every side. Next day we passed the settlement where we considered the danger was, and continued our course till we came to Hawkins's, on Flint river ; having seen an Indian point his gun at us by the way. We stayed with Hawkins a night ; he was kind and hospitable, and lias had some success, though with difficulty, in introducing civilization and cultivation among the Indians. First they despised labor, saying, "We are warriors;" and threatened him with death if he did not depart, (they being prejudiced, supposing him to be 160 DO W'S JOURNAL. their enemy, as if to make slaves of them like the blacks,) and cast all the contempt on him imaginable ; but being afraid of Longknife, (i. e. Congress,) refrained from violence. However, they would not accept of tools or implements of agriculture, but would go directly opposite to his advice ; e. g., he said, scatter and raise stock : but they would live more compact. Two years elapsed with less rain than usual, causing the crops to fail ; some died with hunger. A chief asked, " Have you power with the Great Man above, to keep off the rain?" H — replied, "No, but the Great Man sees your folly and is angry with you." H — wanted pork and corn ; the Indians, accustomed to sell by the lump, would not sell him by weight or measure, apprehending witchcraft or cheatery. A girl bringing to him a hog to sell, asked one dollar and three quarters, which they call seven chalks ; he weighing the pig gave her fourteen ; she supposed the additional seven were to buy her as a wife for the night, it being their custom to marry for a limited time, as a night, a moon, &c. Another girl bringing a larger hog, demanded fourteen chalks, which came to twenty-eight, which the other girl observing, supposed herself cut out, began to murmur, and flung down the money. But an old chief seeing the propriety of the weight, explained the matter. This gave rise to its introduction and reception among them. An old squaw receiving by measurement more than ler demand for corn, laughed at the Indians who had refused to sell in this manner. Thus, measures were intro- duced. I met some travellers, who showed me a paper containing the adver- tisement of my appointments published by brother Mead, beginning six days sooner than I appointed. Thursday, 17th. We reached the settlement of Georgia, near Fort Wilkinson, and falling in with Esquire Cook, whom I knew, we went home with him, and had a meeting. He lent me a horse, and I went on to camp-meeting, and got there the very day I had fixed some time be- fore. We had a good time. Brigadier-general John Stewart and his brother, the captain, in Virginia, had agreed to join society, which the latter had done ; and as brother Mead had taken him and their wives into class, the general, to the surprise of the people, came forward in public, and re- quested to be taken under care also. Many had heard of my marriage, but did not credit it, until they had it from my own mouth, the particu- lars of which, to prevent fruitless and needless conversation, I related in public : for many said, " I wonder what he wants of a consort ?" I re- plied, as above, to enable me to be more useful on an extensive scale. Hence I spoke at the Rock meeting-house, Comb's meeting-house, and Washington. January 25th. I spoke at Scott's meeting-house, and Jones's at night. Here Smith Miller fell in with me again. In my sleep I viewed myself as at papa Hobson's with my companion, and shortly separated at a great distance, and found myself with a horse upon a high hill from whence I could espy the place where she was, although there intervened a wilder- ness with great rivers flooded into the swamps. 1 felt duty to require my presence there, and descended the hill the right way for that purpose, after i had set my compass. However, 1 soon got into the dale, on a winding, circuitous road, where I could not see before me ; discourage- DOW'S JOURNAL. 161 merits seemed almost insurmountable, yet conviction said I must go; faith said it might be accomplished by patient diligence, resolution, and fortitude ; as well as some other things I had succeeded in, &c I had a similar dream upon this, from which I inferred that some severe trials are at hand, but by the grace of God through faith I may surmount them. Sunday, 27th. I spoke three times in Augusta, and had some refresh- ing seasons. I found the first cost of my Journals would amount to be- en two and three thousand dollars; the profits of it I designed to aid in erecting a meeting-house in Washington, the Federal city. A person had promised me the loan of one thousand dollars to assist, if necessary, but found it inconvenient to perform : also, about two hundred guineas' worth of books were missent and not accounted for about this time. So that my prospects of pecuniary means were gloomy. 28th. Bidding farewell to Georgia, I spoke at letter's meeting-house, and twice at Edgefield courthouse. O 29th. I spoke at the cross-roads and Burlington's. 30th. At Edney's meeting-house in the morning ; at noon at Newbury courthouse, where were Quakers, Baptists, Presbyterians, Methodists, Universalists, and Nothingarians. 31st. I spoke at Mount Bethel, in the Methodist academy, to hundreds of people, and addressed the scholars in particular, who amounted to about sixty ; and at night in Clarke's meeting-house. February 1st. I crossed the Enoree, and spoke at Fishdamford meet- ing-house ; then riding across Broad River, through danger, I spoke at Ester's at night. 2d. Spoke at Chester courthouse to many hundreds in the open air, and at Smith's at night. Sunday, 3d. Was excessively cold ; however, I rode twenty miles to Esquire Fulton's, and had a gracious time, though twice interrupted by a deist. This winter is the coldest of the four which I have spent in the south, and the oldest people say it is the severest they ever knew. 4th. Went twenty-five miles to Davenport's meeting-house ; and find- ing a fire, around which the auditory were warming themselves, I availed myself of the circumstance for the sake of agreeable convenience, and gave them a preaching, which surprised them as a singularity. At night I stayed at a private house where I held meeting, having just got through S. to the edge of North Carolina. Here the family, either as a put or for convenience, were guilty of improprieties, considering I was a stranger, but God will judge between them and me. 5th. I spoke at Charlotte courthouse, but some A-double-L-part people strove to kick up a dust. S. M — r met me here again, and we were en- tertained at an inn gratis. 6th. I went twenty-six miles in the rain to Sandy-ridge, where we had a comfortable time, but S. M. felt a bad effect from the rain. Thence we rode to Salsbury, and I spoke in the air, as it was court-time, but in the evening in the courthouse, from Solomon's irony. A man, who had been careless about religion, was so operated upon, that God opened his heart to give me cloth for a winter coat, which I greatly needed. 8th. I spoke twice in Lexington, but a drunken man interrupted us, and when he became sober, he made acknowledgment. 4 162 DOW'S JOURNAL. 9th. Early this morning I parted with S. M. (my father-in-law so c sidered) who started for Mr. Hobson's, and I rode twenty miles to Salem, and spoke to about three thousand people in the open air ; in general good attention. Whilst I was speaking about our sorrows ending in future joy, it appeared like going to heaven with many, whose countenances were indexes of their sensations. I being a stranger, on entering the town, it appears I providential in my choice where to stand whilst speaking, being contiguous to an economy-house of the Moravian sisters, as, where it otherwise, they would not have heard me. Sunday, 10th. I spoke in Bethany to about three thousand ; at night at Doub's, who has the most convenient room, with a pulpit and seats, of any I have seen in the south. 11th. Stokes's courthouse, three thousand, a solemn time ; left my mare, and procuring a horse, proceeded to Mr. M — 's ; felt awfully, de- livered my message as in the presence of the dread Majesty of Heaven, which greatly shocked the family, considering some circumstances in the same. 12th. Three thousand in the woods by Meacomb's, and good, I think, was done in the name of the Lord : at night, at Mr. Wades's, Henry county, Virginia ; he gave me some cloth for over-alls. 13th. At Dr. French's, whose wife is my spiritual daughter, and sister of Mrs. Jennings. 14th. Spoke at the courthouse at night, at Henry Clarke's, but was interrupted by some drunkards. I have spoken to so many large congre- gations in the open air of late, and not one day of rest since I got out of the wilderness into Georgia, that I feel considerably emaciated, and almost broken down. These appointments were made without my consent and contrary to my orders, so that some of my intentions were frustrated. 15th. I feel unwell this morning, my horse is missing, things appear gloomy, but my hope is in God, who hath been my helper hitherto in trials past. Some more cloth given to me, as I am still unprepared for winter, neither have I had it in my power to get equiped with proper clothing for the inclemency of the weather, since I was robbed in Kentucky ; but have the same clothes now which papa Hobson gave me last spring. Spoke at General Martin's, in the door. What is before me I cannot tell ; my heart feels drawn and bound to Europe, where, I believe, the Lord will give me to see good days, in that weary, disturbed, distressed land. Lord ! increase my faith, to put my confidence in thee, and feel more resigned to thy will and disposal, that when I come to die, I may be able to lay my hand upon my heart and say, " I have spent my time as I would try, if I were to do again." Many think that ministers have no trials. I am confident this is a mistake : there is no life more trying, yet none on earth more happy. As Nancy Douglass said, " It is not the thing itself that is the trial, but the impression it hath on the mind ;" for some have great disappointments and yet but little trials, whilst others with less misfortunes break their 1 'arts with grief: therefore what a fine thing is faith in the order of God, and submission to his disposal, who can and will overrule all our unavoidable trials for our spiritual and eternal good. But, alas f where shall the wicked and careless find strength and repose from danger in the time of DOW'S JOURNAL. 163 trouble? Lord ! how dismal is the thought to have no God to rest upon, seeing cursed is he that trustethin the arm of flesh. 16th. My horse was brought to me and I rode twenty miles to Watson's meeting-house, where I spoke to a listening multitude. The bench on which I stood, suddenly let me down out of sight of the people ; recover- ing dexterously, I observed it was a loud call to sinners to be in readiness, lest they should sink lower than the grave. My pilot being of an airy turn, I said, as something is to be given for something, and as you have come to favor me, I will pay thee, and pointing to him, directed my dis- course from Solomon's ironi/. and concluded from Rev. xvi. 15. Sunday, 17th. Spoke in Danville in the open air, and then at Allen Waddel's. 18th. Was awakened by a singular dream, about one o'clock, that I had disappointed the people through my neglect ; and as my sleep departed, I roused the family, got some refreshment, and took my departure. Over- taking some people on the road, who were going to the meeting, I was in- formed of the distance being nine miles beyond my expectation, which otherwise I should have disappointed the people, the road also being intri- cate. I spoke to hundreds, and also the next day at Halifax courthouse, where some A-double-L-part people got angry, and attempted to kick up a dust. Hence to Charlotte and Prince Edward, where I spoke, and arrived at papa Hobson's, in Cumberland county, late in the evening on the 22d. 23d. Some people say that I have grown lazy since my marriage, as once I had no rest time in this country, but now. could rest a day. Sunday, 24th. I met about three thousand at the Boldspring meeting- house. I addressed them from the death hi the pot, and Paul's going to revisit his brethren. The night following, my mind was much depressed, (unaccountable for on natural principles,) so that my sleep departed, and I was convinced that some storm was gathering, though I could not tell from what quarter it would originate, and the trials come. Next day I exchanged a Spanish breeding mare for a travelling one ; then we pro- ceeded two hundred miles to the city of Washington, where a gentleman offered me gratis a spot of ground in a central place for a meeting-house. My mare being taken lame from an old infirmity, I took the stage to Fredericksburg, being unwilling to disappoint the people. S. M — r de- parted for the north. Being denied passage in the stage, I left my cloak and walked thirty- four miles to prevent future disappointments. On this journey I experienced a great contrast : on the one side friendship and favor, and on the other, contempt and ridicule, without any particular provocation, but the foresight of Satan, who, in the invisible world, could discover the movements of Providence, and view the danger of his kingdom ; which reminds me of the scripture which said, the devil is come down in great wrath, knowing that his time will be short. Wednesday, March 6th. I saw one whom the Lord gave me as a spi- ritual daughter in Richmond, and after visiting some others in Manchester, proceeded to Petersburg), where I received a letter from J. Lee, that nay appointment was countermanded, and I must not attend it, he assigning as the reasons, 1st, he did not like my appointing meetings of such mag- nitude ; 2d, the season of the year being too early ; and 3dly, it was too 164 DO W'S JOURNAL. soon after conference : but I could not in conscience falsify my engage- ment, seeing 1 was within a few miles of the ground. This meeting was appointed sometime before the alteration of the time of the conference. 1 Friday, March 8th. Lawson Dunnington fell in with me, and carried me in his chair to Stoney-creek meeting-house, where the camp-meeting was appointed, and I found two preaching stands erected, a number of wooden cabings, tents, covered wagons, carriages, &c. The meeting last- ed four days, in which time the Lord gave us extraordinary fine weather ; and although the preachers did not arrive from conference, several local ones joined with me heart and hand in the work. About five thousand people attended, and about thirty souls were hopefully converted to God. Sinners were alarmed, backsliders reclaimed, Christians quickened, and good was done in the name of the Lord. The weather at this season is generally inclement, and was so now until we arrived on the ground, when the sun beamed forth the warmth of his influential rays ; and so the weather continued until about three hours after the meeting broke up, which caused some to say, I will tell J. Lee that God is able to send fine weather in the fore part of March, as in April. These before had been prejudiced against me. The wicked observed the weather suitable to our convenience so extraordinary, that they said, it was in answer to prayer. The trustees requested me to occupy the meeting-house, but I refused, lest I should give offence, considering the countermand, but desired the local preachers to occupy it within,, and I would officiate without, so the cause might not be wounded : hence the Lord raised me up friends to aid me on through my appointments to papa Hobson's in Cumberland. Friday, 15th. I went in their carriage, and spoke on a funeral occasion. 16th. We went to another vicinity, where, standing on the carriage-box, I addressed a large congregation from Solomon's irony, in which I showed the contrast of a gentleman and fool deist ; with an address to the magis- trates and candidates. Here I parted with my friends, and rode to Squire Evans's, who hath three daughters and a son, whom the Lord gave me at a camp-meeting after I had begged them of their father ; greatly to the mortification of the daughters, who with inward reluctance attended, to prevent their father's displeasure. I, perceiving uncommon tranquillity and felicity in this family, desired the father to tell me how it was that his children were so respectful. He replied : " When they are little stubs of things, I take the switch and let them know that they must submit ; so I have but little difficulty with them when growing up." Sunday, 17th. I spoke to about two thousand, near Hendrick's new store, and then proceeded around the country nearly one hundred miles: spoke at Amelia courthouse, and Chinkapin church, where the congregation was a third larger than I had ever seen there before. It being court-time, the auditory at Petersville church was not so large as it otherwise would have been ; however, what few there were were solemn and tender ; among whom were some of the twenty-five men who had in vain combined to flog me at the camp-meeting. I spoke at Columbia and Fluviana; also at New Canton, where I found some given me i" the Lord. Bidding farewell to my friends hereabout, I started for the west on Tuesday. 26th. In company with brother Mead, but having returned my borrow- ed horse 1 was on foot, when a young gentleman, who, having finished his studies at Philadelphia, was on his way home, dismounted, and constrained DOW'S JOURNAL. 163 me to ride; thus we three spelled each other alternately- When I came to Lynchburg, I found the brick meeting-house was in a fair way, and en- gaged thirty pounds worth of books more for its aid ; had a good time, and weat to New London. Friday, 29th. Camp-meeting began at Ebenezer ; the inclemency of the weather retarded many ; however we continued the meeting, and God sent oil*, in some degree, the clouds which threatened us. Being invited to a local preacher's tent, I at first hesitated, till they agreed to give me their daughter to give to my Master, which greatly mortified the young woman, and prepared the way for her conversion. I found two young men, and another young woman, in the tent, with whom I conversed about their souls : the young woman was turbulent : I told her Old Sam would pay her a visit ; which reminded her of my description of a character some months before, pointing to her, and saying : " You, young woman, with the green bow on your bonnet, I mean." Here conviction ran to her heart ; her shrieks became piercing, and the three others also, which gathered the Christians around to wrestle with God in prayer, and he set their souls at liberty. Prejudice had been conceived in the minds of some ; which was removed by my relating in public the particulars of my marriage. I bought me a new horse for forty-five pounds, and continued my journey. Sunday, April 7th. 1 feel unwell, having travelled in the rain near a hundred miles expeditiously, to get on to this chain of appointments, which began this day in Abington. Here I spoke to hundreds, at eleven o'clock, in the sun ; at three, at Crawford's meeting-house ; thence five miles : spoke by candle-light. 8th. Arose at two, proceeded to Royal Oak, and spoke at eight. The day before, a man was buried, moving from Powhatan to Kentucky : I could but pity his disconsolate widow, who requested me to speak some- thing over her husband. Oh! how uncertain is life! I proceeded to Wyth, and spoke in the courthouse. My horse was taken lame, so that I was constrained to leave him and borrow another, and proceed to my evening appointment, which was to begin at nine ; being appointed about thirteen months. This day I had travelled seventy miles, and spoke three times. I was disappointed of near one hundred dollars, which were to have been sent to me. 9th. Spoke at Montgomery courthouse to a large auditory, and in Salem at night ; having travelled fifty-five miles. I think good was done. 10th. Left my borrowed horse with a friend to be returned, and my lame one to be disposed of; but my directions not being followed, was a great detriment to me. However, I got another horse on credit for thirty- six pounds, this morning, and proceeded to Fin Castle, where I employed a smith to shoe my horse during meeting ; but having no money to pay him, I was under the disagreeable necessity of making my circumstances known to the congregation, who gave me three fifths of a dollar ; this be- ing the first time that I ever had hinted for the public aid since I com- menced travelling. I sold a book, which enabled me to clear up with the smith, and then went to Springfield, where I spoke at night. A man privately asked my advice, saying his daughter shouted and fell down, which caused him to beat her, with prohibition from religious meetings. I asked him if he did not believe his daughter sincere, and feel conviction for his conduct. He answered in the affirmative. I replied that 166 DO W'S JOURNAL. parents have no right to exercise authority in matters of conscience, further than giving advice, as every one must account for themselves to God. 11th. Lexington; the people mistook the time by an hour, which made me hurry to my evening meeting in Stantown, where I arrived about sun- set, opposite a house which I had felt my heart drawn particularly to pray for when here before. A woman now rushed out of the door, and grasp- ing me in her arms, gave me a welcome to the house ; she was a spiritual daughter of mine, and lately married to the man of the house, whose former wife with him found peace, and she shortly after died happy, though I knew not who lived in the house at the time I had preached in the street. Fearing lest my horse might have been heated too much, to prevent injury 1 gave him salted grog. The church being open, I sat on a table in the door, and spoke, I suppose, to some thousands. 12th. My horse, I think, is as well as usual ; so I proceeded on my journey, preaching in Rocktown, and two other places, on the way. Sunday, 14th. I spoke at Newtown, at an hour by sun in the morning, to about three thousand; thence to Winchester, where I spoke, at eleven, to about six thousand, in the woods ; rode twenty-two miles, and spoke at night ; continued my way to Carlisle, where I spoke twice, fulfilling ap- pointments on the road ; hence a Methodist preacher accompanied me to Tioga Point, 150 miles, in three days. This young man was laboring under some depression of mind when we met ; but the circumstances of the meeting and journey seemed to help him both in mind and body. Thus in fifteen days I closed the journey of seven hundred and fifty miles ; speaking twenty-six times on the way, which appointments were given out about thirteen months beforehand. CHAPTER VII. TOUR THROUGH NEW ENGLAND. 22d. Arrived back in Western, after an absence of near eight months. Peggy was not at home. Our marriage was not known in general in this neighborhood, until within a few days past. It caused a great uproar among the people. 23d. Peggy felt it impressed on her mind that I was here, and so came home early in the morning; having enjoyed her health better, and her mind also, than for some time previous to my absence. In the afternoon S. Miller and his wife came home, well, and were preparing for their journey to the Mississippi Territory. Thursday, May 2d. I saw brother Willis, who married us, and Joseph Jewell, presiding elder of Genesee district, who came a great distance to attend the camp-meeting, and brought a number of lively young preachers with him. they having never attended one before. Friday, :3d. The people attended in considerable crowds, amongst whom was Timothy Dewey, my old friend, whom I had seen hut once for more than four years past. The wicked attempted intrusion; but their DOW'S JOURNAL. 167 efforts were ineffectual, and turned upon their own heads, being checked by a magistrate. Monday, 6th. We had a tender parting-time. In the course of the meeting good was done in the name of the Lord. I moved a collection for one of Jewell's young preachers, Perley Parker, formerly a playmate of mine. Here I left my Peggy on the camp-ground, within three miles of home, and proceeded on my tour, speaking twice on my way. Tuesday, 7th. We rode fifty-nine miles, parting with Jewell and Parker by the way. 8th. Came to Albany. Here the preaching-house was shut against me, being the only one which has been refused to me for a considerable length of time : Canfield assigning, as the reason, the vote of conference ; which, however, was only a conversation concerning the giving out of my appointments, &c, lest I should be a pattern for others, and " fifty Dows might spring out of the same nest." I spoke in the courthouse, and God gave me one spiritual child. 9th. With difficulty I crossed the river, and coming to New Lebanon, saw one of my old acquaintances, with whom I held a meeting. 10th. Fire being out, I did not stay for breakfast, but rode fifty- four miles to New Hartford. My mind is under deep trials concerning my singular state and many disappointments ; but my hope is in God, who gives me peace from day to day. 11th. Came to Hartford. Found the printing of my Journals finished, and about half the books bound. I now had a trial from another source ; the two preachers with whom I had intrusted the preparation of the camp- meeting at hand had, in my absence, incurred the displeasure of the Methodists. The one, for embracing some peculiar sentiments, was sus- pended ; the other had withdrawn. Therefore, said brother Ostrander, the presiding elder, " If Lorenzo Dow admits them to officiate at his camp-meet- ing, he will have no more liberty with us." My trials were keen, for these men were in good standing when we made the agreement ; and I had no doubt but that Ostrander would fall into the measure, considering the circumstance of my not being able to consult him, for want of time, on the occasion, so I went to two meetings to explain the matter to him. Sunday, 12th. He spoke with more life than I think I ever heard him. Afterwards I spoke, and God cut a young woman to the heart : her father came and dragged her out of meeting, and her soul was set at liberty while she was in his arms ; so I made remarks on the folly of his con- duct. Ostrander, upon reflection, viewed my conduct in a different light than before, and consented, if I would give up the camp-meeting to his superintendence, that he would bring on his preachers to attend with me. This I had always expected, and advertised the meeting accordingly. 13th. Pawned my watch for an old trunk, and taking stage came to New Haven ; thence embarked for New York, where I spent a few days, and found prejudice in some minds, and in some it was removed. I re- ceived a letter with information that more books, which I expected, would fail coming ; thus I find one disappointment after another. Saturday, 18th. I sailed to Long Island to attend a camp-meeting with brother Thatcher, and preached in the packet to about fifty friends. I also spoke at night at the camp, and then called up the mourners to be /raved for ; several found peace, backsliders were reclaimed, and Chris- 168 DOW'S JOURNAL. tians quickened and comforted. Bishop Asbury came up before I had got through, and the meeting continued all night. Sunday, 19th. Whilst one was speaking on the subject of the dead, small and great, standing before God, an awful black cloud appeared in the west, and flashes of forked lightning, and peals of rumbling thunder ensued. A trumpet sounded from a sloop, whilst hundreds of a solemn auditory were fleeing for shelter. This scene was the most awful repre- sentation of the day of judgment of any thing I ever beheld. Next day the meeting broke up. My hat could not be found, so I em- barked on board one of the fifteen craft which brought passengers, and sailed forty miles in three hours and a half; and after landing at the Black Rock, one of the passengers pulled me into a store, and constrained me to take a hat. Thence I walked to Strafford, and so through New Haven to Durham, thence to Hartford, where I settled with the ferryman for a former passage, and a gentleman paid my present one, as it had taken the last of my money to redeem my watch. Thence I went to Cov- entry, and found my father and friends well. Sunday, 26th. Spoke twice at Square Pond meeting-house, and once in Tolland, and the quickening power of God seemed to be present ; but I soon must quit this my native land, and repair to parts to me un- known. 30th. The camp-ground was in the township of Bolton, on Andover parish line, to which lead a lead-off road, ending on this spot of ground unoccupied. This appeai-ed providential, as we could repair to the spot of woods on the hill, without trespassing on any man's ground in this solitary place. The neighborhood was thick settled by bigoted, federal Presbyterians, much prejudiced against the Methodists. The people were unwilling that we should get water from their brooks or wells, but held the meet- ing in ridicule and contempt, thinking, who should I get to encamp on the ground. However, a report having prevailed that the Indians, in their times, had a spring on this hill to which they resorted, caused a man to go in search of it ; and after some difficulty, he struck upon a fountain beneath a rock, which afforded us a sufficient supply. 31st. Many people came from distant places to the ground. Satan hoisted his standard near by, as a grogman brought his liquors for sale, but was constrained by threats (when reason would not do) to give it over, the law being against him. I opened the meeting, and had an agreeable time ; the work of God began in the evening. Saturday, June 1st. The congregation and work increase. Sunday, 2d. Some thousands appeared on the ground ; several found peace, and prejudice seemed to wear off from the minds of the people. Monday, 3d. Meeting broke up. I had given my farewell to the peo- ple ; it was an affecting time of parting with my Christian friends, many of whom I shall see no more until eternity. I observed to Ost rainier. that I had caused him some uneasiness, but should trouble him no more whilst he presided in the district. 4th. About 7 A. M. I left my dear father, I know not but for the last time, and with my sister Mirza rode to ,the burying-groupd, where my dear mother was interred, for the first time of my seeing the grave. I DO W'S JOURNAL. 169 could not mourn, but was comforted with the prospect of meeting again. I departed to Windham, and preached under the trees, and tarried in Coventry, Rhode Island, that night, riding fifty miles without food, through want of money, to Providence, and pawned a hook by ti: ■ way to get through a toll-gate. I held several meetings in Providence, then rode to Norton, where Zadock Priest died at old father New< .; . whose wife had then no religion, but since professes to be converted, and is in society. On their ground, brother George Pickering, with eleven of his preachers and myself, by agreement, held a camp-meeting, the preparation for which was now going forward.* This being about a mile from the place where I first attempted to preach, I related a dream to brother P., who replied, that he thought some trials were near me, but by the blessing of God 1 might escape, which in fact proved to be the case, for Satan's emissaries set up the grog-tents, which cost them dearly ; for after that they would not hearken to reason, I showed the impropriety of corrupting the meeting, and warned the people against them, and also laid a foundation whereby they might be prosecuted, in consequence of which they were alarmed, sunk into contempt, and did not sell a sufficiency to indemnify them for their expenses. This so exasperated them, that they fell on different plans to be revenged, either by provoking me to say something that would expose me to the law, or else to get an opportunity to give me a flogging. However, God defeated their designs, and turned their treacher- ous intentions to the disgrace of their characters, so that they appeared as ciphers in the eyes of a generous public. The Lord was wonderfully present with his Spirit to acknowledge the meeting ; for, whilst P. was preaching, numbers fell, as if the powers of unbelief gave way, and the cry became so general that he was constrained to give over, but the work continued. The full result of this meeting- will not be known until eternity. I was to have met some friends at the New York district conference, now sitting at Ashgrove, where I once had a glorious revival when on the circuit, but my wife and they were disappointed, as brother P. had made arrangements for me for about two weeks. Monday, 10th. The meeting broke up, and the Boston friends who were the first arrived on the ground, took me in their stage-coach and carried me home with them. Here I spoke several times, and we had comfortable times from the presence of God. I gave near forty pounds worth of books towards the deficiency of the meeting-house, and remitted money to clear out with my printer in Hart- ford. I visited Lynn, where we had a precious time, though religion had been cold there for some time. I also visited Marblehead, where I saw a preacher from Ireland, who escaped with some others in an open boat, at sea, from on board the ship Jupiter, as she struck against a cake of ice, and went down, with twenty-seven persons on board, among whom was a preacher with his wife and seven children. What an inestimable support must be the Divine presence at such a time as this ! * 1801. Camp-meetings began in Kentucky ; next, North Carolina ; attended them in Geor- gia ; introduced them in the centre of Virginia, New York, Connecticut, Massachusetts, ami Bliss ssippi Territory, 1803-4-5. 15 170 DOW'S JOURNAL. 14th. The following appeared in the Salem Gazette, (where the Qua- kers had been martyred by religious bigotry :) " By desire, Lorenzo Dow, an eccentric genius, whose pious and moral character cannot be censured with propriety, is to preach at the court- house, precisely at nine o'clock this morning." I spoke to a few of various ranks, who fain would have made a laugh, but there seemed to be a restraining hand over them. This day I had five meetings, and near thirty miles' travel ; at the last of them, the rabble attempted to make a disturbance, set on by some, called gentlemen ; and at night broke the windows of the preaching-house, which denotes that Satan views the danger of his kingdom ; and caused P. to remark, that the devil thought he had as good a right to the common, as God Almighty. This reminded me of last year, concerning two who attempted interrup- tion and shortly after had to appear at the bar of God. Hence to Waltham, to brother P.'s quarterly meeting. His wife is a well educated woman, of a sweet amiable disposition, and far from the proud scornful way of some. Here are four generations under one roof; i. e. her grand-parents, own parents, self, and children. I preached on Saturday and Sunday, and called up those who would wish me to remember them, and strive to remember themselves in prayer, to give their hands : and the power of God seemed to come over all. I visited Needham and Milford, which places I had been invited to before, but Providence overruled my coming here, though I had previously put them off. 21st. Set off with P — , thirty miles to Salem in New Hampshire, and spoke from, " halting between two opinions," in which I observed, if a lamb should be led from its dam by a goat, to feed on moss, it would die. — N. B. A man was present whom the A-double-L-part people had been fishing for. 22d. We came to Hawke, where I met Bachelor, Webb, and Metcalf. I spoke from " Oh ! thou man of God, there is death in the pot." At night I had conversation with some, and felt my work drawing to a close in this quarter. Sunday, 23d. Spoke again to a large assembly, bade my friends fare- well, and rode thirty miles to Pembroke, where I arrived about half past nine at night, and being weary, I could not stay up to supper, but retired to rest, having taken no food all day, except some sacramental bread re- maining after the ceremony, which a young man observing, said, " I had got more than my share," which set some in a laughter. 24th. Rode about sixty miles to Romney, and stayed with a man, who a day or two before had joined society, and was about to charge me for my poor fare, when his wife hushed it. 25th. I went fifty-four miles to Peachem Gore, in Vermont, and stayed with a friend, where I had been before, meeting Phineas Peck, a preacher, on the road. 26th. About nine o'clock I arrived at my youngest sister's, Tabitha French, she being married and settled here in the midst of the town of Hardwicke, on river Demile ; this being the first time I had seen her hus- band. Joseph Bridgman, my brother-in-law, and my sister Ethelinda, his wife, resided about a mile hence. For this day 1 had a meeting, ap- pointed some months before, which I now held, and spoke five days suc- cessively. I had sent on a chain of appointments through Upper Canada, DOW'S JOURNAL. 171 from Montreal to the Falls of Niagara ; thence to Philadelphia ; hut when in Hyde-park, I felt whilst preaching, a secret conviction or impulse, that my appointments were not given out, and that I must return to Western ; thrice it ran through my mind. I rejected it twice, but perceiving a cloud or depression beginning to come over my mind, I yielded, and taking the left-hand road, went to Stow that night, where I found some of my spirit- ual children, whom God had given me some years before; spoke next day in this township on my way : in Waterbury twice, and rode to Rich- mond that night : next day I breakfasted in Starksborough, with a black- smith, who once intended to flog me, hut he now put a shoe on my horse, having since got religion. About twelve, I arrived at Middlebury, fed my horses, and spoke in the street ; then came on to Orwell, and stayed the night with my uncle and aunt Rust, having rode forty-six miles. July 3d. 1 rode sixty miles, by South Bay, Fort Ann, Glenn's Falls, and stayed at an inn ; but judging from circumstances that it was necessary to watch my horses, I slept none that night. 4th. I started between three and four in the morning, and came sixty- five miles to the Little-falls on the Mohawk river. 5th. Rode forty-six miles to Western, arriving about three P. M. ; found my Peggy and friends well. Sunday, 7th. I spoke twice, and had good times: rested the 8th: rode to Camden the 9th : spoke to an attentive congregation and returned : rested on 10th ; but soon shall be bound with expedition to North Carolina. 11th. I visited Floyd, by brother Keith's request: he was Peggy's spiritual father. Here many gave me their hands, if they should see me no more on earth, that they would strive to meet me in a happy eternity. I visited several other neighborhoods, as a wind-up for this quarter. CHAPTER VIII. JOURNEY TO NORTH CAROLINA. Sunday, 14th. Gave my farewell to a vast congregation, under the shades at Western, when Hannah Miller, standing upon a log, bade her neighbors farewell ; she being one of the first settlers in the country: and Oh ! what a weeping and embracing there was between the neighborhood (of all ranks and descriptions,) and her and Peggy. After this we went to Westmoreland, taking leave of all things by the way. Here Timothy Dewey met us, who informed me that he had seen the Canada preachers, and my appointments were not given out ; so that if I had gone, I must have lost one thousand miles travel ; and my time being so limited : I held two meetings, and realized the propriety of the poem : "We should suspect some danger nigh, Where we possess delight." When I arrived at Albany, brother Vanderlip, the stationed preacher, gave me the liberty of preaching in the meeting-house : from hence I shipped Peggy down the river for New York, myself proceeding thither by land, and settled some temporal concerns by the way. 172 DO W'S JOURNAL. Saturday, 27th. We met again, and heard a Baptist preach in the park just after sunrise next morning. He had a tincture of A-double-L-part- ism, yet his discourse in general was good, and blessed to the people. I spoke here in the afternoon, and also in several other parts of the city. Ezekiel Cooper, one of the book stewards, and superintendent of the book affairs, invited me to preach in the preaching-house at Brooklyn, which he also superintended : here I spoke sundry times. Said he, " I am of the same mind now concerning your mode of travelling as I was when you saw me in Philadelphia ; but nevertheless, I wish never to hinder good from being done, or prevent your usefulness." He is a man of general reading and strong powers of mind. I have been much troubled with the asthma, of late, which I suppose originated from drying up an eruption on my body by outward applica- tion, which was recommended from the idea that it might be the itch brought with me from Ireland : this reminded me of what Dr. Johnson said concerning my inward complaint. Peggy being unable to keep up with me, I was necessitated to leave her with brother Quackenbush, and disposing of her horse, I proceeded to Elizabethtown, New Jersey. Saw T. Morrel, w! ose father was dying : he excused some former things to me. I rode fifty miles to Trenton, where Washington took the Hessians, which turned die gloomy aspect in favor of America. My appointment was not given out as exr cted ; however the preach- ing-house was open, and I held sundry meetings in and about this place. 'I'll n proceeded to Philadelphia, where I called and found brother Col- bert, who, being superintendent, paved my way to the getting access to all the Methodist meeting-houses in and about this place, one excepted, which was in the power of a contentious party. The other houses amounted to about half a dozen. August 14th. Elder Ware informs me that my appointments were given out through the Peninsula, which I had been informed was pre- vented : so after preaching at Ebenezer, I silently withdrew, and taking my horse, travelled all night, until ten next morning, when I spoke at Bethel, and then jumping out at a window from the pulpit, rode seventeen miles to Union : thence to Duck creek cross-roads, making near eight} miles travel and five meetings without sleep. Tbese few weeks past, since the eruption was dried up, and the astbma more powerful and fre- quent than usual, I feel myself much debilitated. 16th. Spoke at Georgetown cross-roads, and at Chestertown at night, and next morning; after which I crossed Chester river gratis, and preach- ed in Centerville. Here some unknown gentleman discharged my bill of fare. I spoke at Wye meeting-house in the afternoon to a lew. [ inquired the cause why more general notice was not given ; and was answered, that John M'C. replied, " I give out no appointments for him : I have nothing to do with Lorenzo Dov ."" Sunday, 18th. I spoke in the open air at Easton, to about two thousand. The Lord was with us. James Polhemus (M'Clasky's colleague) gave out my appointments, as most of the preachers in this country also did. In (lie afternoon I spoke at the Trap to a large auditory, having (on account of M'Clasky's mind) concluded not to occupy the preaching- house until the trustees solicited me, to prevent wounding the cause of God. DO W'S JOURNAL. 173 I find that Roger Searle has withdrawn from the Methodist connection. 19th. Spoke at Cambridge, in the Methodist meeting-house, and at Fos- ter's chapel in the afternoon : then accompanying a carriage with two sis- ters, we, in crossing a bridge, espied some careless people and a town. I expressed a desire to preach. And on perceiving a collection of people, and inquiring the cause, found that it was a Methodist meeting. One of •the sisters knowing a man, got me introduced to preach. 20th. I had a meeting at St. Johnstown, under great weakness of body, which caused me to sit down whilst speaking, as I had puked, and was obliged to stop several times by the way. From this I was carried in a chair to Deep-creek meeting-house, passing near where G. R. was raised, who took me into society, but now thinks I am crazy. Surely, if one from such a low sphere of life, through conversion and diligence can attain to such an extension of useful knowledge, what will be the account most must give at the last day ? I also spoke at Concord, Laurel-hill and Sals- bury, being aided thither by carriages. 22d. Princess Anne courthouse, and Curtis's meeting-house. Near this my spiritual father, Hope Hull, was raised. 23d. I spoke under the shades at Newtown, to about two thousand or more. I gave them a mixed dose, and we had a good time from the Lord, whilst they gave me their hands to remember me to God when on the other side of the Atlantic. I spoke at Downing chapel also. On this peninsu- la were now C. Spry, Fredus Aldridge, and Z. Kankey, the last of whom I met. I have now seen most of the old preachers on the Continent: the greater part of them are retired into the private spheres of life. The chief of those who most opposed me have located, and are almost in oblivion, or withdrawn, or expelled the connection, or in a cold, low, uncomfortable state of formality. Lord ! what am 1 1 Oh ! ever keep my conscience holy and tender! Trials await me, and unless God support me I cannot succeed. Oh God ! undertake for me. I have seen thy salvation in time past, and shall I distrust thy goodness or providence at this critical time ? No ; my hope is still in thee : I will hope and trust to thy providence until I must give up. I feel my work on this Continent drawing to a close, and heart my and soul bound to Europe. 24th. Spoke at Guilford. Feeling my strength more and more to de- cline, without help I must depart ; but hope I shall recover on my intend- ed voyage. Sunday, 25th. Spoke to near three thousand at Drummingtown : good decorum, except in a few. At Onancock we had a shout. The sandy dust has been distressing for hundreds of miles, there having been no rain for near twelve weeks over this country. Vegetation and the cattle are in mourning : yet not so much here as in some parts of the north, this land beinw more level. I viewed the camp-ground, and preparations making for the meeting, which I think the most convenient I have seen. Spoke at Garretson's meeting-house, and in a farm-house at night. 27th. A young woman took me in a chaise to Northampton courtyard, where I held some meetings. Being unable to ride on horseback with propriety any longer, I sold my horse, &c. at great loss. I find the great 15* 174 DOW S JOURNAL. have their trials as well as the small, from what I now observe in others. But " all shall work together for good to them that love God." 28th. I rode in a eoachee to the camp-ground, with a family, having solicited several to attend. I found hundreds on the ground to be in readi- ness for the next day. I have been reading Washington's Life. What must have been his sufferings of mind during the war, particularly when retreating from New-York through the Jerseys to Trenton, and the gloomy aspect of the times — his life and property in danger, and particularly if defeated. Yet be was not cast down, but supported, and finally won the day. Here I reflected, if he, through difficulties, endured to accomplish an earthly transitory design, shall I, for a little earthly trouble, desert that which I think will turn to the glory of God in the promotion of the kingdom of Christ on earth ? Though I meet with difficulties I will not despair. I want more faith : in order to accomplish the spread of the gospel, I want a greater acquaintance. 29th. By invitation from Dr. Chandlei, the presiding elder, and preach- ers, I spoke in the afternoon on sanctification. About three thousand rose up in,,covenant, sundry of whom came up to be prayed for, and among them three young women, two of whom were prayerless three days be- fore, and came with me. One of them found pardon in a few minutes, and shouted the praise of God ; the other was delivered shortly ; and the third, who owned the camp-ground, found deliverance that night. Thus the work went on, so that there could be no preaching until ten the next day, though meeting had been appointed for eight at night and morning. When I left the place, the rain impeded the meeting, yet it continued un- til Monday ; and, on a moderate calculation, there was reason to believe that about five hundred were hopefully converted. A captain sent word that I might sail with him over the Chesapeake. But the wind being high, and /rom such a direction that I could not be landed where I would, so I must where I could. We sailed about one hundred miles in less than a day, to Suffolk, where I spoke at night. Our danger was great on the passage, in consequence of the sloop being old, and impossible to keep dry below decks. Sunday, September 1st. I set off in a chair for Portsmouth, it raining by the way. However, I preached, and also in Norfolk, where two souls found peace. Next day got some temporal affairs adjusted, and returned to Suffolk, where I spoke to about one thousand, and rode on a cart, as a chair could not be obtained for love nor hired for money. 4th. Rhoda Williams, a young woman, of late under concern for her soul, was somewhat unwell, yet took me in a chair forty miles to Smith's chapel, before she alighted. Here we found a congregation of about three thousand, waiting, whom I addressed with liberty. Oh ! may God re- member Rhoda for good, in recompense for her kindness. We were de- ceived in the distance about seventeen miles, yet the disappointment was prevented. I had twelve miles to go this evening, so I rode four in a cart, walked one, and a Connecticut pedler coming along with his wagon, carried me the remainder to Halifax, in North Carolina, where I spoke, and got a let- ter from Peggy. 5th. Esq. B sent a servant and chair with me to Ebenezer, where I addressed about one thousand seven hundred : then a friend whom I had DO W'S JOURNAL. 17") never spoken to, said if I would dine with him, he would carry me in his chair to the camp-meeting, about twenty miles, where we arrived that eve- ning. Thus I find God provides for those who put their trust in him. 6th. Camp-meeting came on in the edge of Franklin county. The weather was somewhat lowering, which incommoded us, at intervals. Thousands, however assembled, and though Satan was angry, and, by means of a few drunkards, strove to make a rumpus or uproar, yet I think here was the best decorum I ever saw, considering the magnitude of the as- sembly from this wilderness country. There were near one hundred tents, and upwards of sixty covered wagons, &c. the first day, besides carriages, &c. Philip Bruce, an old preacher and friend, was presiding elder here. The Lord began a glorious work : it might truly be said, we had the cry of heaven-born souls, and the shout of a King in the camp. Some months ago brother Mead had agreed to appoint a train of camp-meetings through his district, the first of which was to begin a week after this in Bucking- ham county, Virginia, which he had engaged me to attend. But, being unacquainted with my arrangements, he took the liberty to anticipate the time, and publish accordingly, which made the two meetings clash. This brought me into a dilemma, as I was necessitated to attend them both, not only by engagement, but also to get my temporal affairs wound up, and business settled with individuals who were to meet me ; and also my book concerns, as they related to meeting-houses, &c. 7th. Feeling my mind greatly exercised about what was before me, I was convinced of the necessity of attempting to force my way from one camp-meeting to the other, before they should break up, which would make a distance of about one hundred and forty miles to be travelled over in about forty hours, across a country where were no country roads, except for neighborhood or plantation convenience. I slept but little the past night, in consequence of laboring with mourners, conversation and preach- ing. In my last discourse I remarked my decline, my necessity of de- parture, and intention of sailing shortly. As I bade the people farewell, hundreds held up their hands, as a signal of their intention and desire that we should remember each other when separated, and if we never meet below, to strive to meet above. A young man whom I had never seen before, took me in a carriage about forty miles to his brother's, where I took some tea. Then a ser- vant, carriage and two horses, were despatched with me seventeen miles. A man, on whom I was directed to call for further assistance, pleaded inconvenience, but asked me to tarry until morning ; so I took my feet and went on. Being feeble in body, I made poor headway, having the inconvenience of near eight hundred dollars in a tin box. At dawn of day, I arrived at Mecklenburgh courthouse, where a chair was not to be hired on any terms, but a gentleman who had never seen me before, on finding out my name, gave me a breakfast, and despatched a servant and two horses with me about twelve miles, (the servant carrying my lug- gage ;) but I growing weak, and perceiving I must alight, espied a chair, which I strove to hire, though at first in vain, yet on telling them my name and situation, the mistress consented, (her husband being out,) and the son for twelve shillings carried me expeditiously ten miles, where I called, making my case known as before. The family rejected, until they un- 176 DOW'S JOURNAL. derstood my name, when a servant was sent with me six miles. Here I called again, but was denied assistance, until a female visiter said, "If you are Lorenzo Dow you shall be welcome to my horse;" and so her son went with me thirteen miles. Then I got some refreshment, but here could get no assistance further; so I took to my feet and went on as well as I could, being frequently assaulted by dogs on the road, at different periods of the night, and at length one of them made such a fuss, that the master came out with his gun to see what was the matter ; and as I spoke to the dog, he knew my voice. He invited me to come in and tarry, but not prevailing, aroused a servant to get me a horse ; so I mounted and pushed on, and coming to a house, hailed them up for a pilot on the road. The old man said, " Tarry till morning." I replied, " I cannot." Then he despatched several for his horse, whilst he should dress himself, which doing in haste, he forgot his small-clothes until after his boots were on. At length we started, and arrived on the camp-ground just after sunrise, where I found brother Mead and papa and mamma Hobson, with hun- dreds of friends, who were surprised and glad to see me, as they had despaired of my coming. There were about ten thousand at this meeting. Scores were hopefully converted to God, and the Lord was with them of a truth. I addressed the auditory as my bodily strength would admit, and settled my temporal affairs to my mind, though some in whom I had con- fided betrayed it. Tuesday, 10th. I bade the people farewell, the meeting broke up, and I went home in the carriage to Cumberland, with papa and mamma Hobson. 12th. A servant aided me four miles, whence a friend helped me with a carriage to Richmond. Sunday, 15th. Having put to the press my " Farewell to America : a Word to the Public — as a hint to suit the times," I preached in Rich- mond and Manchester. Then brother Dunnington, in his chair, carried me to Campbell camp-meeting; papa Hobson being with us. At this meeting a woman found peace with God, who had thought camp-meetings scandalous for women to attend. Her husband, some months previous, had felt serious impressions from some talk I had given him, and he wanted her to go to the last camp-meeting, but she to get off said, " If you or any of our neighbors get converted at it, 1 will go to the next." He found peace, and held her to her promise. She, as a woman of veracity came, though much to the mortification of her pride, but now the happy pair went home rejoicing in God. Here, also, a man a hundred and three years old found peace. An- other man, some nights ago, dreamed that he came to this meeting, and asked a black woman to pray for him, and that God set his soul at lib- erty. The dream so impressed his mind, that he could not enjoy himself until he came to see what we were about, and searching round out of curiosity, he found the very countenance he had seen in his dream. A secret impulse ran through his mind — " Ask her to pray for you ?" which at first he rejected, hut for the ease of his mind, secretly made the request, so as not to be distinguished by the people, thinking thus to avoid the cross. Said she, " If you will kneel down, I will.'' Thought he, "I shall mock the woman if I do not;" and, when on his knees, thought he, "the people are noto observing me, and if I do not persevere, 1 shall look DOW'S JOURNAL. 177 like a hypocrite : the cross I must bear, let me do as I will ; therefore, see- ing I have gone so far, I will make a hand of it/' And whilst on their is, he yielded in his heart to be the Lord's, and God set his soul at lib- erty. Thus, God's words are verified, which say, " Noio is the accepted time and day of salvation." The devil's time is a future one ; but God is immutable, and of course always ready, he being love. As saith the apostle, •' God is in Christ reconciling the world unto himself." There- fore, the exhortation is, " Be ye reconciled to God ;" i. e. " Give up your will and heart to God. for him to reign within." Look at the thief on the cross, and the jailer and family. Paul's was the longest in the pangs of the new birth of any related in the New Testament, yet that was but three days : though some think it must take a man two or three years to be converted. Thus, denying the freedom of the will, waiting for what thev term a special call. Yet it is evident, that the Spirit of God strives With all, and no man will condemn himself for not doing what he believes to be an impossibility ; yet many condemn themselves for acting as they do, which implies that they believe they had power to have acted other- wise than as they did, and argues the power of choice and the freedom of the huma i will, which every one must assent to. I returned to the Lowlands, bidding my friends farewell, and brother Dunnington, who had accommodated me two hundred and fifty miles. Many dear faces in these lands I expect to see no more until in a bet- ter world. A man and wife who were my spiritual children, were pass- ing in a coach as I concluded my meeting ; they took me in and carried me a distance, when brother Mead carrying me in his chair, brought me to New Ken* camp- meeting. The rain kept back many ; however, there were about fifty hopefully converted to God in the course of the meeting ; and it may he said, " the beloved clouds helped us," as my life had been previously threatened, and the collegians, backed by their president the bishop, said they would have been upon us had not the rain hindered them. A chump of wood being flung in through the window, I leaped out after the man ; he ran, and I after him, crying, " Run, i-un, Old Sam is after you." He did run, as for his life, and leaping over a fence hid among the bushes. Next morning I cut Old Sam's name on the wood, nailed it to a tree, and called it " Old Sam's Monument."* I asked the people publicly, pointing to the monument, who was willing to enlist and serve- so poor a master. I also observed, that the people who had threatened my life, only upon hearsay accounts, were cowardly and inhuman, as I was an entire stranger to them, and their conduct against me was under cover. 1 said, " Your conduct is condemnable, which expression means damnable, and of course, to make the best of you, you are nothing but a pack of damned cowards, for there durst not one of you show your heads. These young coxcombs were mightily grated, and to retaliate, said that I cursed and swore. Many I belii ve at that time, had a sense of the poor wages the devil would give his servants. * The monument stuck to the tree for many months; a young man was hired to pull it down, but when he arrived on the ground a td .vas looking at it, such were the inward work- ings of his mind, that he ibrebore to do it. The collegians, backed by their president, were held back by the rain from disturbing us a: this meeting, and a few months alter one of those who had a hand in and led on the van o I I sturbance, had the end of his nose bit oft ; and another was Hung from his horse and bro e his neck ; and several others were remarked to be followed with chastisement from '.he I nrd. 178 DOW'S JOURNAL. Oct. 3d. Camp-meeting began at Old Poplar Spring church, and con- tinued four days ; several found peace, among whom was a young wo- man that came ill with an ague and fever, whose mother had long been praying for her conversion : she was smitten clown by the power of God, but went home well in soul and body. Many say these camp-meetings are injurious to health, but I do not find ground to believe that more evils accrue than otherwise, considering the number and time. Many go home better than they came ; even delicate women, who rarely would step ofF a carpet for twelve months, grew more healthy from that time. I held meetings in Pace's meeting-house, and Cole's chapel, and stayed with old father Le Roy Cole. He wrote a letter to Bob Sample, one of the most popular A-double-L-part preachers in the country, who like a little fice, or cur dog, would rail behind my back. He charged his con- duct with being unmanly, and said, " If Lorenzo be wrong, you ought to come and correct him to his face, or hush." He attended, heard me preach, and then said he would answer my discourse at a future period, at the same time knowing that I was leaving the country. I replied, it is hard not to give a man a chance to defend himself, and was minded that he should come out early next morning, so as not to delay my journey, and let the people judge where the truth lay. He refused, until I insisted that backbiting was unfair ; however, I could not get him out before eleven. I invited the people, and we met. He spoke two hours and forty minutes, wearying the patience of the people ; though I was minded that we should speak fifteen minutes at a time, alternately, which he refused, but in his talk observed, " I dare not say that Christ did not die for any living, man ; I dare not say he died for any who are in hell." And many other ex- pressions he dropped similar to the above. I attempted to follow him as well as I could, making remarks upon the dark expressions to blindfold the people, and said the man was not honest to proceed in such an intricate way. Said I, why did he say, that " he dare not say Christ had not died for any living man V Because he did not know but that that man was one of the elect. Again, why did he say, " that he dare not say that Christ had died for any who are in hell ?" Because he did not believe that Christ died for any who are lost. This shows he does not believe that Christ died for all, yet he was not honest enough to acknowledge it in plain words ; and he has not brought one passage of scripture in support of his ideas, only that sometimes the term all is limited. But, said I, it never can be used with propriety in the Calvinistic sense, because it al- ways means the greater part ; yet they say a. few elect, or a small number ; and 1 gave about thirty passages to demonstrate it. He raked up the ashes of John Wesley, and quitted the ground before I had done.* Hence I rode with F. and M. Cole to camp-meeting, where the Mole- chites and some split-off Methodists, had done much mischief by prejudicing the minds of the neighborhood; and to avoid a quarrel, were suffered to occupy a meeting-house which belonged to the Methodists. However, the Lord was with us, and thirteen souls were set at liberty in the course of the meeting ; and though there were the greatest discouragements * Leaving lii« bible behind. The wordlings compared us to officers fighting a duel — one flung down bis sword, and ran oil', crying, Sword, fight for yourself! DO W'S JOURNAL. 179 against this meeting, yet our enemies who came as spies, acknowledged they never saw so much decorum in so large an auditory. Leaving Hanover I came to Louisa, with brother Mead, where I attend- ed the last camp-meeting for America. Providence was with us here. Hundreds at these meetings gave me their hands as a token of their desire that I should remember them in my absence, and that they would strive to remember me when I should be be) r ond the Atlantic, that God would preserve, succeed, and bring me back in peace, if consistent with His will, and if we meet no more below, strive to meet above. It was a solemn feeling thus to bid friends farewell, on the eve of embarking from one's own native country for a land unknown, and there to be a stranger among strangers. At this last meeting, in the act of shaking hands, many left money with me, which sufficed to bear my expenses to the north. Perceiving my bodily strength more and more to decline, and my heart still bound to the European world, 1 was convinced of the propriety of a speedy departure, and as my wife did not arrive in Virginia, where I intend- ed to leave her, at P. Hobson's, (for the fever breaking out at New- York, expelled her to the country, so that she did not get my letters in time.) I took the stage, and went on to New- York, about four hundred miles, in about four clays and nights, not getting any rest. The season being far advanced, I suffered by cold, but got an old cloak on the way at Frede- ricksburg, which I once was necessitated to leave there. Arriving in New- York, I found my Peggy and friends well, and a vessel bound for Liver- pool. I gave Peggy her choice, whether to go to her friends who were still at Pittsburg, waiting for a fresh in the river ; or to Virginia, to P. and M. Hobson's, who had made the request ; or to my father's, who had written to that purport ; or to tarry with friends in and about New- York who solicited ; or to go with me to Europe, the dangers of which I had set before her. She choosing the last, if agreeable to me, I engaged our passage on board the ship Centurion, Benjamin Lord master, belonging to a steady, fair Quaker. When I was in Europe before, I suffered much from the political state of affairs, for the want of a protection, and proper credentials ; but now after I had got ready to sail, only waiting for a fair wind, the Lord provid- ed me with them. The Penny-post brought me two letters one day, and one the next, containing a certified recommendation from the Governor of Virginia, with the seal of that state ; another containing an American protection under the seal of the United States, from Mr. Madison, the third man in the nation. This was obtained only on the intimation of a Me- thodist Preacher. A third was from the Town Clerk, Magistrates. County Clerk, Judges and Governor, of Connecticut, giving an account of my parentage, &c. &c, as may be seen in the document. Considering my four credentials, which had so providentially fallen info my hands, I thought it advisable to have my protection perfected so as to carry authority out of the nation, and conviction or evidence on an inves- tigation, and went to a Notary Public's office, with two substantial wit- nesses accordingly, viz. Nicholas Snethen and James Quackenbush. Here my descriptions were taken, proven, and certified, as may be seen in the beginning. 180 DOW'S JOURNAL. CHAPTER IX. Sunday,* Nov. 10th, 1805, having got equipped for sailing, and my affairs settled as well as I could, considering my many disappointments, the wind became fair, we saw them hoisting sail, and from circumstances I believe the captain designed to have left us behind — so I hired a boat for ten shillings to put us on board. The sea was rough and I believe some- what dangerous ; but we reached the vessel in time, and she soon was under way. I wrote a letter for our friends, to notify them of our depart- ure, which the pilot took ashore. Whilst writing we passed the light- house, the sea began to toss the vessel, whilst an occean without bounds seemed to present itself to view, and the land to disappear. Poor Pi went on deck to look about, and beholding above, returned with death seem- ingly pictured in her countenance. We lost sight of land before night ; she began to grow sick, becoming worse and worse for some days, and then recovered it better than for some years. 18th. The wind blows a fresh gale. The head of the rudder was ob- served to be unsound ; so the helm would not command the ship, which exposed us to great danger. The captain afterwards said that he suffered more in his mind on this voyage, than in all the times he had been at sea before ; however, they got cordage and wedges and bound it together as well as they could, and carrying less sail to prevent straining, we weather- ed the voyage, Providence favoring us with an aft wind. 20th. We are now on the banks of Newfoundland, about one third of our passage. There are thousands of sea-gulls around our vessel, four land birds came aboard, one of which the mate caught and let it go. la one of the late gales it appears Peggy passed through some trials of her faith, as I heard her saying, " How much easier to rely on human proba- bilities, than on divine promises !" When our Lord called or set apart the twelve, he did not at first send them to preach and do miracles, but kept them with him a while, and then gave them commission to go forth with power, &c, and predicting what should happen to them in their latter days, to prepare their minds for it ; and afterwards it appears, he told them what should happen to himself, which it seems they did not realize, as they had an idea of a temporal kingdom ; but he informed them that what they knew not then, they should know afterwards more perfectly. Though God the Father had already revealed to Peter, that Jesus was the Christ. After our Lord's resurrection, he renewed a promise of the Holy (thost or Spirit, being given unto them more fully, yet commanded them to stay in Jerusalem until that time should come, and then they were to go and preach everywhere they could among all nations, and, for their encour- agement, promised further to be with them unto the end of the world, &c. Now, he cannot be with ministers, unless he hath ministers to be with ; and this promise could not refer to the apostles alone, as he previously predicted their dissolution : therefore, it must include succeeding minis- * Mr. N. S. iliis tiny spoke against me in three different places of worship, which meeting- houses I had never been suffered to occupj . ( ompare ihis date with his oath in the Prefaoe, ■and his letter in the Appendix, with their dates, &c. DO W'S JOURNAL. 181 ters, which God in Christ would raise up to tread in the apostles' steps ; and they cannot be his ministers, unless he has sent them, any more than I can be the king's ambassador, when no embassy has been committed to my charge. Sinking I once delighted in the sound of, but after my conversion ab- horred it, abstracted from the spirituality, and when in Ireland almost was Quaker/zed in that sentiment ; but after I saw the effects of singing in the power of faith at camp-meetings, &c, in the awakening and conversion of sinners, I was convinced of the medium, and that singing properly was a divine employment, and will be done to the approbation and declarative glory of God and our own profit. December 3d. We have seen but three vessels on the way, one of which was the New York, of Philadelphia, which had brought General Moreau from Cadiz to America, whom I saw at Trenton ferry. The winds have been very unsteady for several days, like some people, almost in a gale and then a calm. We are now in latitude 49 29, and longitude about 20. I hope in a few days, of course, we shall breathe the air of the European world. Surely, the nigher I draw across the mighty waters, the more I feel the work of my mission on my mind at heart, and am more and more satis- fied that I acted in the will of God in coming, let what may ensue. I want to see Doctor Johnson, whom I have not heard from this year and a half. A few days now will put me in quite a different sphere of life. I shall quit the ship, and then have crosses, &c, to surmount, which I am conscious will require all the faith, zeal, wisdom, and patience, which I am possessed of, and after all must fail unless God be with me. But my reliance is on Him, the great, the strong, for strength, and as I penned before, so do I again — " I feel an uncommon exercise about what is before me." What Doctor Coke will say, I know not ; perhaps there is a great providence in my sailing to Liverpool first, as I expect some have heard of me there. This is one of the happiest voyages thus far I ever had, and my com- panion is a great consolation to me as a lent favor ; but oh, how apt we are to under or over value the creature, and thereby lose its blessing designed by God- for us! I am convinced of our privileges of walking as it were in eternity whilst in this unfriendly world — that is, the soul walking in the light of God's countenance, whilst veiled in flesh and blood. Whether I shall die a natural death is to me at times a query, and sometimes causes sensations of heart ; but while the soul hangs on God alone it cannot suffer, properly speaking, though in this probationary state. Still, there may be outward trials, yet inward peace, which is sweet and satisfactory to the mind. Oh, what may we not attain unto if we be faithful ? Religion will beget sympathy, or a feeling for the wel- fare of others ; sin makes people dark and contracted, selfish and barbar- ous, but religion the reverse ; and those acts of humanity, sympathy, and pity, which even the Indians and heathen show forth, who can with pro- priety deny but they are under the influence of God's Holy Spirit ? Oh, that people would hearken more to the guidance within, and not put so much stress on what is handed down by tradition without evidence : then we should have more affectionate ones than we now behold among .16 182 DOW'S JOURNAL. the nations of the earth. Hundreds of my American friends, I doubt not, are daily praying for me. Whilst in devotion, Peggy being called to a fresh trial of her faith in the gale, the words of our Lord to his disciples, " others have labored, and ye have entered into their labors," went with power through my mind, as on former occasions ; and why have I to labor in other men's labors, unless it be to provoke them to jealousv. There are three Methodist connections, besides the new connection, so called, raised by Alexander Kilham, viz., the English, Irish, and the American Episcopal one. The two latter I have travelled through, from centre to circumference, without their consent, and though they have done ************ t0 hedge up my way, yet I have travelled ******** of them as a body, however much I am indebted to indi- viduals, as a means under God to open my way, and give me access to the people. Thursday, December 5th. Saw two vessels on our voyage. Late at night saw land, and afterwards passed Waterford lighthouse. 6th. Saw Wales. Had a fair wind with some gales, but all is well now. We have eaten up but the smallest part of our provisions. We shall soon be at the pilot ground, and what will then ensue is now in the womb of futurity, but I expect to see the providence of God in trials ; but how, when, by whom, or what means, I know not, yet still I feel power to leave all to the Author of breath, and Disposer of all events. When on my former visit, I was advised to go immediately on board the vessel again and work my passage back, as I should have no opening- there ; but, as I could not do ship- work, did not, neither could I in con- science comply. Then they warned the Methodists against me, to starve me out, and only one family received me at first ; but after God opened my way, they offered to pay my passage home, if I would quit the coun- try, and promise never to return, which in conscience I could not do. Then Dr. C. wanted me to go on a mission to some other part ; I could not comply, neither in reason nor in conscience. Then the conference passed a vote to hedge up my way, whether or no, &c, &c. I may expect similar from the English conference, on whose shores I expect shortly to land, if they think me dependent ; but my trust is in God. About the time I landed in Ireland before, this passage ran repeatedly through my mind, Joshua, iii. 7, and it hath been so imprinted on my mind, that now I make a memorandum of it. Again : Isaiah, " Ye shall go out with joy," (from the ********* * ; ) « anc | be led forth with peace ;" (of mind by the Spirit of God;) "the mountains and hills" (of difficulties and discouragements) " shall break forth before you into singifig," (of salvation,) "and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands," (for joy,) &c. — Beginning of the millenium — camp-meetings. 7th. We took in a pilot, and came to anchor in a dangerous place, if the wind had blown a gale, as the tide would not admit of our going over the bar, and the weakness of the rudder would nut admit of beating into the quarantine ground. We heard of the defeat of the French and Spaniards off Cape Trafalgar, by Nelson, and also of the defeat of the Austrians. Wrote to Dr. Johnson, in Dublin, to let him know of my arrival. Sunday, 8th. Slipped our cables, and came up the river by the town ; DO W'S JOURNAL. 183 saw about forty wind-mills as I sailed, and a few ships of war, and not wharves, as in America, but lock-docks, &c. The country around ap- pears like a garden, considering the season of the year. I sent a letter on shore to-day for Edward Wilson, attorney at law, with one enclosed from his brother, John Wilson, book-steward to the connection in America. I wrote a letter to the preachers in the city, as preparatory. 11th. Wrote some letters to my friends in America. The ship-carpen- ters came and examined our rudder, and made reports accordingly to the officers of government relative to our state. We were exempted from quarantine, after a detention of ten days, which time passed heavily away, two miles above the town in the river, as we had a bill of health from the British consul. December 17th, Tuesday. At five o'clock this morning the Prodic came on board, which made me rise and prepare to go on shore, and see what God would do for me there. I must, undertake it by faith, as I know ■ no one in town, and have heard of no friend. The captain will go on shore by sight, but I cannot see an inch before me. I had rather die, than not see Zion prosper, before I quit this kingdom. O, Lord, prepare my way, and give me wisdom in this matter, is what this morning I ask of thee. About ten o'clock we attempted to go on shore. I heard the tolling of the bell, which gave me a solemn feeling, under a sense of mortality; when I reflected that, when at Quebec, I saw a boat come from a ship of war with something in it which at first appea' ed like a white chest, but as it approached nigher, I found it to be a coffin. When I first landed at Savannah, in Georgia, I retired to a solitary place for meditation, and found a yard, enclosed by a brick wall ; the gate being down I entered, and beheld the humble piles of earth, under which lay the silent human dust. When in Dublin, I saw the genteel mode of burying; the hearse drawn by six horses, and coaches following : but in the west of Ire- land, I espied across a dale, a company coming down, and as we drew near to each other, I saw, lying on a board, a corpse, dressed like a beg- gar, which they carried over an old church wall, to inter it. Thus I saw the different modes and forms, according to their rank, in every land where I have travelled. So mortality prevails and sweeps down all ! This brought to my remembrance that, when in New Salem, Massachu- setts, whilst riding by myself in a shrubbery pine-plain, I suddenly came to an opening, where were some graves ; and one, near the path, had these words on the headstone : " Behold, ye strangers, passing by, As you are now, so once was I ; As 1 am now, so must you be, Prepare for death, and'follow me." I saw in Ireland, also, the ancient castles, which were said to have been destroyed in the days of Cromwell: yet none could tell me when they were built. I thus reflected : " Children did exist, like myself, when playing at my father's house, who built these ancient ruins ! They are gone, many generations since ; and at length, Lorenzo Dow came upon the stage of action, who, after a few more revolving years, shall be seen to act here no more !" Thus my reflections flew from thing to thing, as we were landing, with the solemn tolling still ringing in my ears; but I 184 DO W'S JOURNAL. felt consolation at the prospect, by and by, of a better world, to me un- known. We landed from the leaky boat about a mile above the town ; and glad was I to get once more on land, as the boat was constantly bailed by two of us all the way. What now ? I am on shore in an old country ; old in inhabitants, and old in sin ; but new to me, for I never was on the Eng- lish shore before. I left my Peggy at the captain's boarding-house, whilst I went to trans- act some business of money matters, and deliver letters of introduction, &c. But all was gloomy. I returned to Peggy, and wandered about the town till all our letters were delivered but one, and where that should be left we could not find, until I observed the name on the wall as we stopped, pondering what to do. The man, whose name answered to the letter, ob- serving we did not turn to go off, said, " Come in." One said, whilst he was silently reading the letter, " Dost thou know one Lorenzo Dow ?" I was surprised, and, answering in the affirmative, equally surprised them. The man said, " Tarry a night or two ;" but the wife objected inconve- nience ; so we put up at a boarding-house, at twenty-eight shillings, British, per week, for one. We received letters from Dublin. Strove to get places for meeting. Spoke once in an A-double-L-part place; the minister was friendly to my face, but afterwards said I was crazy. We strove five times to sail for Dublin, but were forced back by contrary winds, and twice were like to be lost. The woman who asked if I knew one Lorenzo Dow, was a Quaker, and having formed some acquaintance with Henry Forshow's family, No. 40 Edmond-street, took me there one day : these were Methodists. The last time we were driven back, our hostess, having taken in so many boarders, there was no more place for us ; when, before we knew it, called in to Mr. Forshow's, whose wife invited us to tarry all night ; which was esteemed by us as a providence. We stayed here a few days. One evening a woman came suddenly in, and said some people were in a neighboring house, who wished to see the American. I went ; and finding about twenty together, without any ceremony, singing or prayer, I stood up and gave them a preach, to their great surprise ; and God fastened conviction on one woman's heart, who, the next day, with her husband, wished me to preach at their house, which I did for a few evenings, where were some Methodists of the old society, and Kilhamites : when, shortly after, a conversation ensued at the leader's meeting, to this effect : " What encouragement shall we give Lorenzo the American ?" At the old party it was lost ; at the new I was invited by vote, &c» Part of my experience being in a magazine, which I had published to give away when in Ireland before, contributed to clear my way, &c. I spoke in Zion not many times : some were awakened, and joined society : the preacher was prejudiced. One meeting Peter Philips, of Warrington, attended, having come to town on business, and felt his mind strongly drawn to come to Zion. After meeting, as I went into the vestry to get my hat, two women came to be prayed for, being under distress of mind ; the vestry was fdled with people, and four were soon lying on the floor muler the power of God; which some thought was faintness, and used fans, and called for water; whilst others thought they were dying, and were frightened, thinking we should be called to an account. But I told them to hush — it was the power of God ; and they soon came through DOW'S JOURNAL. 185 happy ; which caused Peter to give me an invitation to his neighborhood. I asked him what they were ; and told him to go home and tell his people, and if they were unanimous, I would come and preach ; being then on my way to London. He did so, and they were unanimous. These, in deri- sion, were called Quaker- Methodists ; because they were so simple, using the plain language, and held class-meetings, &c. Through the medium of Mr. Thomas W — , a local preacher, I called on the preachers of the Old Connection on my landing ; he, with his brother, having got a letter from their brother in America, the Rev. John Wilson, one of the book stewards. The testimonials, letters, &c, were left for their inspection. Mr. Brown was as a cousin on my calling, according to direction. Mr. Barber seemed satisfied with my testimonial credentials • but as Thomas Taylor, one of the oldest preachers, came in, lie wanted me to begone, not waiting to hear what Mr. Barber had to say, but interrupting him, saying, " I fear he is not settled in his head" fyc. As I was going out, Mr. Barber put W.'s into my hand, saying, " It may be of service to you ;" but I having not then the consent of the W.'s, laid it on the table, and went off. Through another local preacher, I called on Mr. Atmore, who wrote the Methodist Memorial. He came to the door, and said if I had not special business with him, he could not see me, and advised me to go to Mr. B — . I replied, " I have been there, and want to form some acquaintance with you ;" but he shut the door upon me, without inviting me to come in. I thought perhaps there was a cause, and so called again. I met with similar treatment. I called the third time, when the children came, and said, "Call to-morrow morning." I did, and found the gate locked ; so I pounded, but none could I rally, &c. The power of God was present, as I preached twice in Warrington. Thence I went to Manchester ; here I wandered about for eleven hours to get a place to lodge, but could find none, for love or money, among Chris- tian or sinner, except one. which I thought to be a house of bad fame, and not prudent to stay in. I called on Jabez Buntin, but he would not be seen, and the public houses were full ; but as I was getting passage for London, in the coach, I found a garret where I could stay, being near ten at night. I heard Jabez, and also in the morning ; then I went to Brodaz Band room. Here, in sermon, one looking earnestly at me, said, " You are a stranger — dine with me." I did: stayed two days. A chapel of the New Connection offered. Preacher and trustees said they would he passive, if I could obtain an assembly; so I got one thousand handbills and gave them through the town. Got five hundred to speak to, and a thousand next evening, same way ; as the preachers would not suffer me to publish from the pulpit my appointments, &c. On my arrival in London, I delivered, with much difficulty, all my let- ters but two or three, and those persons could not be found. One place, in Monmouth-street, the woman, to whom a sum of money was sent, would hardly give me access to deliver her some money, sent from her friends in America, they are so afraid of strangers. She took the letter. I told her she must read it, and I must come in. The daughter said, " Come in ;" but placed herself between me and the door, that she might alarm the neighbors if I was a robber. I stayed a few days : held no meetings. Got the king's license to stay in the kingdom, under his seal manual. Surely London is more like the city of Babylon than any other city, to fill the world 16* 196 DOW'S JOURNAL. with her merchandise, and answers better to that mentioned in Revelation than any other. The British appear to me to lie under an infatuation as it relates to their "wooden walls;" for the means of coming with a flo- tilla is doubtless more than many know, and might set their •• walls'' on fire : " Cursed be he that trusteth in the arm of flesh, but blessed is he whose God is the Lord." Vis used for w, and w for v — converted, con- victed, and I wow I vill, fyc. SfC. There were many curious monuments to behold. The state of the country was such, I did not think it proper to hold forth here in meetings, it being the metropolis ; and as the laws of these lands require every preacher to have a license for that purpose, ob- tained from the sessions, with an oath of allegiance, and two others, or be subject to twenty pounds fine ; also every place must be licensed, or pay twenty pounds, and the hearers five shillings each, &c. ; which tilings militated against me, as I was an alien, considering the times, and was a trial of my faith. I believe I ought to conform to the laws of the country which I am in, if they don't militate against the law of God and my own conscience ; but if I cannot in conscience submit to it, I could not take the oath, and of course could not have the license. I returned to Manchester — spoke in Zion's Temple, so called, belong- ing to the Kilhamites ; but as I once spoke on A-double-L-partism, they would allow me to speak there no more. In Warrington, among the Quaker-Methodists, we had a great revival under an out-pouring of the Spirit of God, and many were gathered in, which brought many out from other vicinities, tp hear and see ; so that I got invitations into various places, and God was with us at Risley. Appleton, Thorn, Lymn, Preston- Brook, and Frodsham. Here, when I was first invited, before I went, Si- mon Day recalled my appointment, and then sent word by Musquit, that I would not be received, and must not come. I thought the errand strange, (Musquit being ashamed, did not deliver the message to me, he only came to the door, called Peter, and told him, and so went o(F.) I went — the meeting-house was opened contrary to my advice, as I desired to do no harm, but when the people were assembled, I dared not do otherwise than to speak to them ; so I stood on a bench, not feeling freedom to go into the pulpit, as that was the object of contention ; spoke twice, then the trustees were afraid. I made neither of the appointments — it was themselves; so I spoke in a salt-pan, and about twenty were struck under conviction. — The meeting-house was then opened again, but as the preacher S. D was so rash, he liked to have broke up the society, and kept many out until he was gone the circuit, which otherwise would have joined immediately. I visited Bolton, Hayton, Norley, Preston, and the File Country, and God was with me, opening my door step by step, and raising me up friends against times of need; neither did he suffer me or my Peggy to want in this strange land, though we asked for no assistance. Travelling so extensively, exposed me to a fine and imprisonment, and the families that entertained me, to fifty pounds each, as my license was limited ; but I dare do no otherwise than go, feeling how 1 could account to God ; so I went in his name and ho opened my way, gave me favor in the sight of the people, and access to thousands; yet I had souls for hire, almost in every neighborhood where God cast my lot, though many hard sayings were spoke, and many letters as a bull, sent to block up my w a j ; DOW'S JOURNAL. 187 but hitherto the Lord hath been my helper, preserver, and protector, and on him I will rely for strength. When in London, Adam Clarke treated me as a gentleman ; he fre- quently had heard of me from America; but did not show or discover it, by his conduct, but said Dr. Coke was to preach in such a place that evening; so oft* I ran, as hard as I could pull, to see the little man, as he was the only one I knew in England. They were singing as I came into the meeting-house. After sermon I got one to introduce me to him ; but though he first appeared friendly, as when in Georgia, yet on finding out my name, asked what I came there for ; and before I could tell him, he turned to another. He shook hands, and bid all in the room farewell, ex- cept me, and went suddenly off. So I had seven miles, as it were at the hazard of my life, to walk to the opposite side of London, to my lodgings, late at night. Next time I saw him was in Lancashire ; he supposed Peter to be one of the old society's official members, and Peggy to be his wife, and treated them very friendly. I asked him if he thought he should be over to the next general conference. He replied, "If the connection positive- ly sees it necessary, and insists upon it, and cannot do without me." I saw him at the Dublin and Leeds conferences, but did not speak together, as I could not intrude myself with propriety any more ; many wondered why it was that the doctor did not publish me, and make a public example of me, whilst others inquired, what for? Mr. B called my hostess to account for Peggy's going into band- meeting, though she had her certificate from Elijah Woolsey, as an ac- ceptable member on the Western circuit. Saturday, May 3, 1806. I spoke in Preston Brook, and a prospect of good, as numbers appeared under deep divine impression. I bade them farewell for the present, and went to Warrington, where I spoke the next morning, and had a comfortable season, in the little chapel belonging to those called Quaker-Methodists, and found that about forty new members had joined them in my absence, and the prospect of good increases. Thence to Risley, where I found several had been set at liberty since I was there last. From this I went to Leigh, where I spoke to about two thousand people, at a Methodist chapel, of the old connection ; and we had a powerful season. This is the first chapel of the Old Methodists, into which I was voluntarily invited by what they call a round preacher. Monday, 5th. I spoke at Loton Common, and found a number more had been brought into liberty ; we had a great display of the Divine presence. Hence I walked fifteen miles to Hayton Bridge, spoke at seven o'clock, and twice a day afterwards, for several days, and the prospect greatly increased, and several backsliders were reclaimed, and some were brought into liberty. I visited Black Rod and Carley, but I fear with little success. Saturday, 10th. I spoke in a country village on my way to Preston, not in vain. Sunday, 11th. I spoke four times in Preston, and attended a love- feast, of what is called by some the Free-gospellers, or third division of Metho- dists ; and six souls gave comfortable satisfaction of being brought into liberty 'this day. Hence I visited the File Country, for several days ; but was disagreeably disappointed of hearers, by my appointments not being regularly given out; however, I spoke to a few, here and there. In this journey I saw a woman, who preached, and I was informed that 183 DOW'S JOURNAL. she was born three months before the time, and remained without nourish- ment, wrapped in flannels, in a torpid state like sleep, yet frequently moving : the natural heat was supported near a fire, and in about thirteen weeks, appearances or actions took place, such as in a child new born at the full time. 15th. The tide being out, I crossed Preston river, in a cart, at a ford three miles wide, called the Guide, and walking a few miles, in the rain, took the canal boat, and arrived in Liverpool about five in the evening, and completed the bargain for printing my journal. I held a few more meetings in Liverpool ; and had the satisfaction to find more people rejoicing in God. Here I find that my hostess had been called to an account, for inviting , Peggy to a band-meeting ; although she had a certificate of her member- ship from America : and a number of their own members also were called to an account, for having attended some of my former meetings. Sunday, 18th. We embarked in the Lark with Hannah Gough, the Quaker woman ; who said to me, the first day I came on shore in the country, in the house where I presented a letter, &c," Dost thou know one Lorenzo Dow in America ?" (She had seen me formerly in Dub- lin, but did not now recognise my person, only my voice reminded her of the name.) Tuesday, 20th. With a light breeze from Liverpool we reached Dublin harbor, and the tide not serving to ccme to the wharf, I took a boat for Dunlary, where I landed about six o'clock, and hiring a jingle, came to Dublin, and whilst walking to New-street, William Thomas, the man at whose house I first lodged when in this country before, suddenly met me at the end of a street : we recognised each other's countenances, and were in each other's arms before a word was spoken on either side, and our hearts were mutually refreshed as in former days. He went with me to No. 102, where I was in hopes to have embraced my dear doctor and mamma Letitia, but the servants informed me of their having just gone out. I waited with uncommon anxiety for their return, whilst the servants went through the city in search of them. I took tea with a very feeling sense of obligation for past favors : but still the doctor and his companion not returning, I went to Thomas-street, with William Thomas, to see his wife, and received some letters, which I was informed were from America. This pair was the first couple in whom I ever saw, as I thought, a happiness in matrimonial union. 1 em- braced her in my arms, with a feeling remembrance of my first reception, when a stranger in this city, and but two shillings in my pocket, when all other hearts, seemingly, were shut against me ; here I had an asylum, though reproved for harboring me and giving me bread. I returned and found the doctor had come home, and was anxiously waiting my return, which was near eleven at night ; we embraced each other in our arms, and mamma Letty gave me a kiss and a hearty welcome. Thus I was cordially received after an absence of five years, one month, and eighteen days. Thursday, May 22, 1806. The German church was opened to me by invitation to the doctor, before I came, but the wardens considered them- selves slighted, not having been consulted ; and one of them said at the leader's meeting, " If you are not willing he should have the liberty. DOW'S JOURNAL. 180 shall be prevented." They replied, '-'they had nothing to do or act concerning it. : ' I lowever, as I was not willing to be called a thief or a robber, I chose to come in by the door, and went to the above warden accordingly. This church belongs to the German congregation, but is occupied by the Methodists and Cooper, who belonged to lady Huntingdon's party, but now is near a Sandimanian. I held a number of meetings that were respectable and very profitable to many. Alice Cambridge, the woman who was so attentive to me when in this country before, still continues her meetirgs, and gave up her meetings and room to me, and another company who occupied it alternately did the same ; so that my way was opened, and the quickening power of God seemed to be present at most of the meetings which I held in the above place, and at Esquire Shegog's, the barracks, and the streets, which amounted to about twenty in number. I was invited to hold a meeting in Ranelagh, by a rich old woman, who had built a preaching-house, which she had given to the Methodists, and a door from her bedchamber opened into the gallery. Her own house not accommodating the number, she with much fuss and ado got the preaching-house open, which I refused to occupy, lest I should be esteem- ed a thief, but addressed them from her chamber door, and we had a good time. The doctor I found had been lately unwell in my absence, but was now recovered. Saturday, June 7th, 1806. Having received invitations to the country, through the medium of tiie missionaries, G. Ousley, W. Hamilton, and others, I set off for Wicklow county in a gig, through the kindness of a backslider, whose heart God had touched. I held a meeting at New- town, Mount Kennedy, by the way to Wicklow. where I found religion low. We had quickening times, though with difficulty I got the people convened at the latter place. Sunday, 8th. I spoke thrice in the town, and once at widow Tighe's, who was prejudiced against me when here before. 9th. I gave my last, and a backslider took me in a jaunting car to Rathdrum, whence a man helped me with a horse to Cappagh, where I spoke that night and next morning, and then departed with him to Hack- etstown. Here I spoke seven times in three days, having previously been invited by a man who had married one of my spiritual daughters. She, with her sister, who had married a Methodist preacher, still endured. These were the daughters of the old man who felt these words to run through his mind, whilst they talked with me back and forth through the door, when I was in Ireland before, " Be not forgetful to entertain stran- gers.'' Two others of his children God gave me for my hire now. The quickening power of God seemed to be displayed in the different meetings, and convictions and conversions were shortly multiplied ; and not long after my departure, I was informed that about four-score were added to society, the most of them happy in God. I spoke in Baltinglass, on my way to Carlow. In both places I had good times, and a preacher was friendly whom I formerly thought cool. He invited me to meet a class and attend his quarterly meeting. W r ith the latter I could not comply. I rode on the car of my daughter, which brought me here to the colliery, where I found the missionaries praying with some mourners. Here was a big. meeting appointed, which they 190 DOW'S JOURNAL. called a camp-meeting, but I a field-meeting ; there being no tents, only the open air, in imitation of America. So I see the spirit of the revival is spreading in the breasts of the chil- dren of men. Here I saw Mr. Averill, who appeared as friendly as ever, and solicited my attendance at another meeting of magnitude, at Mount Mellick, and some other places. At this meeting I preached, and when I had done, I invited up the mourners to be praved for ; several found peace, and we had a refreshing season from the presence of God. A Romanist interrupted the meeting, which caused many of them to run awav. supposing him to be a priest. I never knew that in this our day priestcraft was so influential, and carried such a dread to the fear of man. Next morning I spoke again ; the missionaries took about fifty into society. Hence we went to Castle Comber. They spoke in the street, and I beside the chapel door ; having the church minister present, whose relations gave him a look whilst I was repeating what I heard an old man say in my infancy, that a minister's call was two hundred pounds settlement, and one hundred pounds a year. Next morning I spoke again, and breakfasted with the clergyman's friends, who seemed piously inclined. Here the missionaries took about forty into society, and then we went to Kilkenny. The above priest said the missionaries were mountebanks, kidnapping the people. In this place we stayed three days. The missionaries attacked popery in the streets twice or thrice a day, and I attacked sin with A-double-L-partism in the preaching-house, which caused considerable uneasiness in the town. The mayor had a potatoe flung at his head, and also received a letter without signature, threatening that if he did not put us three out of town, his house should be pulled down on his head. They took about thirty into society here. I bade some old friends farewell. So we departed to Moneybey, where I spoke under an ash ; had a good time, though under some depression of mind. I attended two other meetings in a large warehouse. Here thirty were taken into so- ciety, and some shortly before, making eighty-two in all. William Ham- ilton took me in a gig to Carlow, where I spoke at ten in the morning, intending to comply with Mr. Averill's invitation, but was prevented by gudden inward illness, which flung me into spasms like convulsions. So by the advice of my friends I stayed until next day, and then W. H — n attended me in the canal boat about seventy English miles to Dublin, where I arrived about ten at night, on Sundav the 22d, and found mv Peggy and friends well at the doctor's. He said he thought my com- plaint proceeded from a small abscess of the liver, bursting into the cavity of the belly outside of the bowels. A love-feast being held at Gravelwalk, I was informed that a number spoke there of being quickened by my last visit. I breakfasted several times in company with William Smith, the assistant preacher. He in- vited me to pray in the families, and is thought by some to be one of the most popular preachers in Ireland. I find he is a great kingsman, but 1 am convinced that many in these countries, who have been shining lights. are in a more lukewarm state than they are aware of. I continued my meetings as before; the Lord was with us. and the revival seemed to in- ase, which some of the preachers, who still retained a degree of life, as they came to conference observed, and took hold with me heart and hand. DO W'S JOURNAL. 191 One evening, I was informed, upwards of twenty preachers were pre- sent, anions whom were several of the old preachers that had treated me with coolness and neglect when here before, besides others who had been friendly. Among these was Mr. Averill, who requested me to tour the kingdom at large. During this visit at conference time, I received not one unkind word from any of the preachers, but the reverse. Several gave me encourage- ment to visit them in their circuits, and also persuaded me to go into the pulpit at Ranelagh, where I had preached from the chamber-door, through the gallery into the preaching-house. Even Tobias said he believed that I was an honest man, when he read Snethen's letter, asserting in the most positive terms that I was an impostor : though he had a spat with the doc- tor about keeping his hat on in the meeting at prayer-time. The doctor replied, "Because I believe thou art not sent of the Lord to pray nor preach, for thou art the man that used Lorenzo ill and never repented of it, nor of the poor woman whose heart thou broke, and was the cause of her death, and her blood is upon thee." He turned ofF shocked and confused. This man, in the course of my absence to America, was sta- tioned on the Larne circuit, where some of my spiritual children spoke in a love-feast, concerning the blessing of my labors to their souls, which caused him to reprove them, saying, " Let Mr. Dow alone ; if you have any thing to say for God, speak it." He also has been put back on trial for some improper conduct. Thus, those who are hard upon others, find hardships to overtake themselves. In the same house where he first checked me, taking the hymn out of my mouth, &c, the doctor gave him his due in the presence of several of the preachers and people, which I could not find that any of the conference were displeased with the doctor for. Tobias's impertinency, because the doctor believed and practised some of the Quaker forms, gave rise to this. Snethen's letter from New York to block up my way, was investigated at the leader's meeting, and unanimously acknowledged to have been written in a bad spirit, and did me no injury, but refuted itself, and so opened my way.* About these days, Wm. Thomas, Dr. Johnson told me, had a liver com- plaint, which I remembered when he was taken unwell. The disorder in- creased to a degree of insanity, which caused him to leap out of a window, on the third floor, and yet so as only to break his thigh. After this he came to his right mind, and called off his thoughts from the world to divine subjects, and the last words he said before he expired were, glory f glory ! He was attended by an ungodly physician and surgeon, who prohibited him seeing religious visiters, and pronounced him in a fair way for recove- ry after his fall ; but Dr. Johnson, who did not attend him, said he would die, his liver being rotten, &c. I put the first part of the second volume of my journal to the press, which contained one hundred and twenty pages duodecimo. Having now completed my visits and business, I contemplated a departure ; saw Doctor Coke, who did not speak to me ; but I had several more refreshing seasons, and embarked for England in the Lark, Capt. Williams, having my Dr. * A meeting of about seventy official members, the result of which was — " Written in a bad spirit by a wicked man." 192 DOW'S JOURNAL. Johnson in company. The wind seemed contrary, and a prospect of a long and a tedious passage at first ; however the wind came round and we were favored with only about thirty hours on the water. A doctor of a Guineaman, a passenger, treated me at first ungentlemanlike on the way. Dr. Johnson fell in conversation with several of the cabin pas- sengers, who were Romanists, which seemed to cast some light upon their minds, and on his informing them about me, they expressed a desire that I should preach in the cabin, which accordingly I did. The Guinea doctor was the first to propose and urge my preaching, he having previously made very humble acknowledgments for his rudeness, saying to my doctor, that it had cost him a tear. Saturday, July 12th. We landed early in the morning at Liverpool, called on Mr. Forshow, my printer, and kind host, and after giving some directions about my books, we took our departure in the coach for Warring- ton, and arrived safe in the afternoon ; where I found my friends well, and many glad to see us, and some of my spiritual children shed tears at our meeting. Sunday, 13th. I spoke four times : we had tender seasons. 14th. Gave my last, and many seemed to take fresh courage for the Christian race to glory, and one soul found peace. 15th. We walked to Knuttsford. I spoke in the old Methodist chapel, but there seems to be a hardiness over these meeting-houses in England, so I don't have such good times in them as in Ireland and America, or even the third division here. We came to Macclesfield, where I spoke at night, John Mee and Peter Philips being with us, having walked twenty- four miles that day. A man being urged by his friends to read deistical writings, when dying. cursed those who were the instigators, and T. P.'s "Age of Reason." being in black despair. Oh ! how careful people should be, what they ask others to do ; for one act may cause repentance with tears in vain, with- out a possibility of retraction. 19th. I feel much unwell, unusual sensations which I conceive orisi- nate from the abscess, but trust by God's favor to recover. We have visited Joseph Bradford, one of the oldest preachers of the old connection ; he being a former friend and acquaintance of the doctor's. he manifested after the doctor's suggestion, that had I called on him when I first came to town, I should have had the liberty of his pulpit ; the young preacher was also willing, but the trustees objected. I have held meetings twice every day since my arrival here, and there seems a quickening among the people. This party, it seems, wen' of the old Society, but driven off on account of not obeying orders which they conceived to be hard ; they call themselves the Christian Revivalists. some call them the Free-gospellers; they are of the third division, (the Kilhamites being second,) somewhat similar to the Quaker-Methodists, and of the spirit of the Methodists in America. Sunday, July 20th. My labors were equal to seven sermons, which gave me a fine sweat, that w*ts very refreshing, and seemed to add to my health, as I felt better at night by far than in the morning, and more able to preach another sermon than I was at first. In speaking twice in the street, 1 addressed about five thousand. I attended a love-feast, and wrest- led with mourners at night, having stood, &c, about ten hours or upwards, DOW'S JOURNAL. 199 in the different exercises through the day. I observed, that for people to make a noise, and loud aniens, &c, was irksome to me, and I would like as well to hear a dog bark, unless it came from a proper feeling in the heart, which if it did, would carry its own conviction with it ; but other- wise it would appear flat, and bring a deadness over the mind. And to make a fuss and pretend feeling without possessing it, is a piece of hypo- crisy, like a man possessing a vessel of water partly full, yet would say it was running over, and to prove it, would tilt the cup that it might run out. Yet if people feel the power of God, (of which I have no doubt at times they do,) to constrain them to cry for mercy or shout for joy, I can bear it as well as any one. I dare not oppose it, knowing that God com- municates these superlative blessings, that others also may be benefited by it : as I have seen a general move from the conviction through one, more than from a whole sermon, which if the person had suppressed, he would have quenched the spirit of God. I spoke sixteen times while here, which was short of six days. I think about twenty professed to find peace in that time ; some backsliders were reclaimed, sinners awakened, and a considerable move in the town. After- wards I was informed by a letter, that the revival went on incneasing, so that three, five, eight, and even so many as fourteen appeared to be. con- verted at a meeting, besides sundry who found peace the afternoon, even- ing and morning after my departure. 21st. I found a similar people in Stockport, who had been driven out from the Kilhamites. I held meeting with them at night and next morning, which were comfortable times. The late society who separated at the band-room in Manchester, have been the abuse of itinerancy so much that they are prejudiced against having any at all, but think the gospel can be spread sufficiently by local preachers alone. This is a misconception. 22d. I arrived in the evening at Oldham, where also I found some of what may be called the Third division ; had good times at night and in the morning. 23d. The doctor was with me all this time, and helped me some at Macclesfield ; but being disappointed of a place in the coach, we set off on foot for Leeds in Yorkshire, where we arrived next day in the afternoon. On the way we were frequently beset with rain ; and the doctor having left his cloak and great-coat behind, was exposed to the weather, and being unaccustomed to be much wet with rain, having always had a good fire at home, he was now put to his shifts, (possessing a delicate constitution,) and strove to take shelter beside a wall or a rock more than once or twice ; however, one time we stopped in a cottage, where he got some repose in sleep, whilst I dried his coat at a peat fire. Another time, we evaded k shower whilst resting at breakfast, yet the doctor was determined, let the weather continue as it might, he would not be the cause of detaining me, so as to break my appointments. My sympathetic feelings in pity were tried, when I saw the tenderness and danger of his constitution, when tak- ing shelter as above. I could but reflect on the goodness of God, in making my constitution require a great degree of exercise, according to my sphere of life and action, and also its preservation through the various changes, in different seasons, and different climes and circumstances. 17 194 DO W'S JOURNAL. From what I could collect, it appears to me that Win. B ought to have launched out as a champion for God, but unbelief to trust God with his family, &c, caused him apparently to shrink. Is it not possible for a man to lose a great share of his crown ? It appears that he saw the for- mality and danger into which the English connection were exposed, and sinking ; he came out for a space, and God began to open his way, but through unbelief, the reasoning of Satan, and the solicitation of his brethren, he was prevailed upon to shrink, recant in part, and return ; in consequence of which, some pious ones, who requested Christian liberty to pray with mourners, &c, and united with him to dissent, were left in a dilemma here. They were similar to the Quaker-Methodists, Free-gospellers or third-division, though most of these societies had no particular intercourse or communion together, or with each other. I suppose I was the first preacher who made them a general visit. They held a conference some few weeks ago, to know each other's minds, and see how near they could come towards the outlines of a general union. I was invited to Leeds by some of this society ; I tarried several days, but it being a particularly hurrying time in the cloth business, and the conference of the old connection sitting, I found it impracticable to get many to meeting on the week days, and on Sunday they chose to go and hear the old preachers, with whom they were acquainted. Here I saw Adam Clarke ; I think I was informed, that he was acquainted with fourteen different languages. He is esteemed a man of as great letters as any of the age, and all acquired by his own industry, without the aid of college or university. He acknowledged to me that he once was in the spirit of the great revival in Cornwall, and that he was almost ready to persecute some who objected to the work, as an " impropriety and wild-fire ;" " but now," said he, " I see better !" He treated me in all respects as I might expect from a gentleman ; but his mind was made up against the camp-meetings in America, as being improper, and the revival attending them, as a thing accountable for altogether on natural principles. It seemed to me, from circumstances, that he had got his mind hurt and prejudiced through the abuse of revivals, which caused him to fix his mind to one invariable rule as a criterion for direction, viz., the old system, order ; for he seemed determined not to listen to any argument which might be adduced to solve the query. He was chosen president of the conference, as I was informed, by a great majority of votes. This was an honor he had not sought for, but accepted it with considerable reluctance. He was an old acquaintance and particular friend of the doctor's, which opened a door for intimacy of conversation on some points — one of which was my singular way of proceeding, which he could not at all approbate on any consideration as being right ; assigning as a reason, that if once generally adopted by the body, it would completely destroy Methodism in three months ; therefore, he barred his mind against listening to any arguments, or making an exception to the general rule for particular cases. This appears to me to be wrong in any person, to form their mind, hit or miss, right or wrong, to stick to the old system, as though it were in- fallible, or the summit of perfection. For to be thus bound up, without laying open our minds to conviction, as sincere inquirers after truth, is DOW'S JOURNAL. 195 to kill the spirit of inquiry, and prevent the spreading of true knowledge and righteousness ; and by so doing vice will continue to reign, and the grossest errors to go undiscovered or unclipt. I heard him preach. Just before the meeting an anthem was sung 4 apparently without the spirit or understanding, as nothing could be heard but a dead, dull sound, &c. The sermon was well delivered in speech, though there appeared much deadness in the beginning ; but in his last prayer he grew some- what fervent, until God began to send down his power, and there began a move among the people, when he seemed to lower, as if to ward off the move, to prevent a noise, which it seems the English connection in general are determined to prevent, as it appears from their conduct and publica- tion in the Magazine. I heard S. Bradburne. He spoke somewhat lengthy, and had the out- lines of an orator ; but I thought there were some flaws in his discourse too great for a man of his supposed abilities. For example : he insisted that a child is impure as it comes into the world, and is enlightened as soon as it is born, but not before ; which would argue that a seven months' child might be saved, and one come to the full time could not, were it to die but one day before its birth. Therefore, one should suppose, according to his idea, that the being enlightened with the divine light was inseparably connected with the breathing the natural air, or receiving the natural light of the sun. Here I also saw Dr. Coke, but so it happened that we did not exchange a word, though we met, passed and repassed each other in the streets, &c. I, being a little one, must keep my place. I carried a bundle of my journals to the door of the conference meeting — one copy for each chairman of a district, amounting to twenty-five, and one for a preacher, who agreed to take them in. These were all refused, and returned. I sent one to the doctor's wife, which she received with acknowledgments, saying afterwards, when she had read some, that the more she read of it, the better she liked me, and had a better opinion of me than before, and that she had desired to see me when in Dublin, but was disappointed. She, by accounts, is an agreeable, plain, fine little woman, of some piety ; but, if I am informed right, was not, nor is, a Methodist, though I think the rule of Methodists in Europe require mar- riage in society, if they do marry. A. Clarke bought one of my journals at his lodgings at Banker's, where he had invited me to breakfast with him, giving more than the price, saying it was not enough. 30th. Leaving my doctor near Leeds, I came in the coach to Roch- dale, whence I walked to Bolton, twelve ,or fifteen miles, where I held meeting at night by appointment, and next morning ; both comfortable times. 31st. Went to Hayton, and had a good time. August 1st. Walked to Preston, and was disappointed of my books. Spoke to a few ; and next day, returning, spoke in Blackrod. Sunday, 3d. Spoke at twelve o'clock. Went twelve miles to Leigh, so to Loton, then to Warrington, (where I met my doctor.) having spoken four times this day. 4th. Spoke here again ; and Miss Mary Barford, eldest sister of Mar- 196 DOWS JOURNAL. tha, who was principally educated and brought up in London, under a rich aunt, who, having no children, adopted her as her daughter, and dying, left her a large, independent fortune, being now here on a visit with her mother, gave me an opportunity of speaking closely with her concerning' her soul's salvation. This night God gave her to feel the comfort of religion, and about two days after, an evidence of her accept- ance. There are four in this family whom the Lord has given me for my hire, who were all careless when I visited this town. 5th. I spoke at Lymn, Appleton, Thorne, and Peter Wright's, where we had good times. 6th. At Preston Brook, and twice in Frodsham. where the Lord was with us ; and after my last meeting in the evening, feeling my mind un- easy, I could not feel free to comply with various and strong solicitations to visit some new places ; not even Macclesfield, from whence we re- ceived the most urgent request, but walked to Runcon in the dark and rain, and sleeping none all night, was up betimes in the morning, and finding a packet just going off, I embarked for Liverpool, where I arrived about eleven o'clock. Got my affairs arranged, cleared out with my printer and bookbinder, and contracted for a second edition of part of my second volume ; then finding a boat with some passengers going to pur- sue a packet, I embarked in it, and overtook the vessel beyond the rock, where I got on bora'd about five in the evening, with a positive, direct head wind for several hours. The wind at length becoming favorable, we made the lighthouse in Dublin bay. when the wind and tide would not suffer us to proceed further. Here they cast anchor, and I hired the sailors to put me ashore, and walking up by the Pigeon House, arrived at home in New-street about noon, where I found my friends and Peggy well, having been on my passage about thirty-six hours, and left my doctor behind me in England. The British conference read N. Snethen's letter to Benson concerning me ; yet it appears that it bore but little weight with them, considering its spirit, although they agreed, according to its design, to have nothing to do with me. The letter sent to Mr. Joyce, the book-steward in Dub- lin, was read in the leader's meeting, where it was unanimously agri to have been written in a very bad spirit, so much so as to be its own refutation. It was also read in conference, where it was investigated, and received the same censure, which the British conference heard of, and did not scruple to mention it. It being asked if any one knew any thing against me, one replied, that it was said I had taken two hund dollars in one contribution, which was false ; but if it were the case, what was that to him or them, if I made a proper use of it ? I am informed by a special letter from Joseph Mitchell, dated New- York, May, 1806, that N. Snethen had located, and that in consequence of his opposition, &c. Mr. Joyce tells me that he saw brother Beatty, a local preacher from America, come to sec his friends here, w ho informed him, that Mr. Snethen had mostly lost his congregations, in consequence of his bitter ambition or activity in writing to Europe against me. Monday, August 12th. This morning early the doctor arrived safe, somewhat benefited by the excursion, as he thought himself, both in hody and mind. I lis Letty had not been so long deprived of his company before for twenty-four years past. She seenw d somewhat uneasy at my DOW'S JOURNAL. 197 return without him ; but I replied it would be some guineas benefit to her to learn to trust all things with God : and now her joy at his return took place of fears. I find Matthew Lanktree, my old particular friend, is appointed assistant or head preacher of Dublin. By what I can under- stand, he would be willing to let me have the pulpits, but the trustees were in the way. Alice Cambridge gave up her meetings always to me ; and her room in Golden-lane, near Whitefriar-street chapel, is open to me, where I constantly hold meetings at eight o'clock in the evenings, so as not to clash with their hour. This room I conceive to be better filled than any worship place in Dublin. Sunday, 17th. By invitation I took coach with two friends about sixteen miles to Balbriggen. A little deformed man behaved as if a legion of devils was in him, as on the road he would neither be still nor civil, but apparently profligate in order to irritate and ruffle me. I saw church service performed, but never saw any thing appear so much like a sham as this ceremony in the way of religious worship ; nei- ther had I ever a greater sense of the difference between praying and say- ing prayers. I thought if human wisdom could have invented a machine to go by steam, to preach and pray, and say amen ; and also to make the organ play, all to charm a parcel of beasts, when no human intelligence was there, it would be divine worship as much in reality, as some things which are now substituted for it. I held meeting in a private house in the evening, and some Romanists and children attempted to make a disturbance in the street, when a sudden shower of rain dispersed them, so we had a quiet meeting, and next morn- ing also, and I think that good was clone. Hence, I returned to Dublin, and put the third edition of the first volume of my journal, to press: also " Thoughts on different religious subjects." I continued my meetings in Golden-lane, night after night : the house was generally crowded. I also held some meetings in the "barracks, and there appeared some fruit of them to my encouragement. Sunday, 24th. I walked to the camp, and spoke in a hut built by the soldiers, in the following manner : James Ransford, my bookbinder, fre- quently held meetings in various places with the army. Near this they had no place but a quarry in a corn-field, and being exposed to the weath- er, as no person would hire them a place, he got application made to the barrack-master, (by the quarter-master-sergeant,) who gave them leave to cut sods on the camp-ground to make the wall, though the privilege had been refused for soldiers' families. They set to work by cutting a plat- form out of the side of a hill, leaving the back in such a form as served for a wall, with the bottom part projecting for a seat. The other three sides were raised as above with sods or turf well beaten down solid ; then a kind of rafter was put on for the roof to be thatched with straw. But now they were put to their shifts to know how to complete it, as their finances were now out, having paid the irreligious for their labor, not feeling free to receive it gratis, which was offered. But about half an hour after the discouragements concerning straw for thatching, which was then dear, an officer brought them a pound note, &c. and shortly after some shillings : so the house was completed, and would contain about one hundred persons. Most of the officers attended my meeting, and among them the head one. 17* 193 DOW'S JOURNAL. They gave good attention, and, as I was informed, expressed satisfaction, and wished that I should come again. As I was returning I passed one, who to me appeared like a coxcomb.* I was informed that he belonged to the Stranger's Friend Society, and was sent here to preach. When he arrived and was informed that I had held i meeting, which seemed to supersede his exhibition, he broke out in a rage, and began to scold before the unconverted : saying that I was not countenanced nor accountable for my conduct ; which hurt tender minds. I have continued my meetings at Golden-lane all this week, and once in the barrack ; and the work seems to deepen and increase. Tuesday, September 2d. The devil viewing the danger of his kingdom, began to work in the minds of the people, and to raise confusion and dis- turbance. However, on my return from meeting I took a street out of my customary way, by which means I escaped the rabble, who were in pur- suit ; one of whom was heard to say, " Now for the life of Lorenzo," an- other cried, " Mind the white hat," &c. &c. The former escaped by des- perate exertion, with his coat much torn and dirtied ; the latter was se- cured by my friends, (after having a sharp contest between the parties.) and kept by the watchmen until morning, when the alderman, being par- tial, discharged him at the earnest intercession of his mother. The next evening, some peace-officers, with others, brought swords, pistols, &c, but I retired unobserved through an intricate passage, and so baffled the mob. Another night a friend changed hats with me, so they were deceived. My friends finding fault at my so obscurely retiring, I came off with the doctor, the usual way, and one beginning to cry for the mob, receiv- ed a blow on the head, which kept him quiet. However, about halfway, a drunken attorney in derision, asked if we had a good meeting. To which was replied, " Yes : but thy master's servants did not like it." A friend interrogating concerning an obscene and scurrilous reply, received £ a- blow as an answer ; for which the attorney was taken into custody, not without a torn shirt, &c. 8th. Lord Belvidere and his lady, this evening and last Saturday, at- tended meetings. On Thursday, by invitation T took tea with them. A Presbyterian minister present, wanted to know what A-double-L-part, in my journal meant, or who the A-double-L-part people Avere. Lady B.'s sisters are under good impressions. We all came together in the coach to meeting, and on Saturday evening I took tea at his house again, and held meeting with a select party, and by his desire spoke large- ly on A-double-L-partism, and the 8th and 9th of Romans, &c. Sunday, 14th. We had several comfortable meetings. I have spoken once particularly to the little boys, and have held Sunday meetings, simi- lar to class-meetings, in which I find many who not long since were care- less, now stirred up to seek religion, some of whom are rejoicing in God. My mind is strangely drawn out in exercises, and views of the present time in the political world, the state of Zion, whose Avails are broken down, and how to counteract the kingdom of darkness, by expanding the travail of Zion. 18th. A general meeting of the official members of the Methodist So- * His name was Murphy. DOWS JOURNAL. 199 pii tv in this city, was held this evening, by a special call on my account. I went and made a speech to the following purport, in the loft where To- bias had once checked me. Said I, " I remember near seven years ago, to have been in this house. I have my feelings as well as other men. and am sometimes tried. There are, on a moderate calculation, near one hun- dred persons or more under awakenings of late, from my labors in Golden- lane. I feel it my duty indispensably, to travel as I do, and of course cannot watch over them, but desire to recommend them to your care ; yet as I tear that some of them are somewhat prejudiced against the Method- ists, they will not come into class, unless they are led on by degrees. Wherefore, I wish, if any plan can be devised to meet the circumstance, that it may be adopted, knowing they will be apt to fall away, unless uni- ted in some religious body ; and I feel more unity with none, to recommend them to than you." I was then asked, '• Who should watch over them ?" I replied, "One of your leaders;" and observed, if they had any more questions to ask me, I would solve them if I could, to their satisfaction. A general silence prevailed. Then I was interrogated, if I had any thing more to say : and also repeatedly, whether I did not design to return to Dublin, and make a party ? As soon as I had replied, I retired. A talk was held among themselves, and Matthew Lanktree, the assist- ant preacher, with J. Jones, was desired to tell me the next morning, which tiiey did, viz. that they had agreed to receive any I should recom- mend to them, after examining them ; but could not think it expedient to have classes formed particularly at or from Golden-lane, lest it should appear too much like a party business, and they say, " We are Lorenzo's people;" but would intermix them with the other classes, among the solid members. Oh ! when will the time commence, when people shall be actuated with only purity of intention in all things, to glorify God, and not be afraid to follow his providential openings with the leadings of the Spirit, and exercise faith enough to leave the contingencies of events with him. 29th. Justice Bell, (who it appears has made his livelihood, of late years by exerting himself to bring people to the gallows) interrupted our meeting, saying, I could'not talk common English, because I used the word " besom," for which he was put out of the house, getting several blows in his passage. Finding he was known to the peace-officers, &c, he cried, " Keep the peace and I'll support you," to deceive them. The next day the Rev. Mr. M'Cay, father-in-law to Lord Belvidere, with Mr. Clarke, a justice of the peace, called on Bell to inquire and demand a public apology. But he, to cloak the matter, denied the charge. Several persons were considerably injured in the hubbub, by getting out of the window, &c. Among these was a young woman, who had a bone of her arm put out of joint; and the next evening, absconding again, for Bell's sons were present with drawn swords, &c, she felt conviction for her littleness of faith, which she acknowledged the next day at meeting, and has since been happy in religion. Saturday evening there was also a hubbub ; and one or two hundred persons came home with me, as an escort, almost every night, which caused a rumpus through the streets, as some were friends and some were foes ; part of which were for my safety, but the others threw stones. Sun- dry, on each side, were charged upon by the watch ; but the Alderman, 200 DOW'S JOURNAL. &c, were such poor things, that none of the disorderly were brought to trial. Sunday, 21st. I spoke four times, being feeble in body ; but could not feel freedom to attend Golden-lane at night, where Alice C e spoke, as I felt there would be a disturbance, which was the case ; and a guard of soldiers, with fixed bayonets, came to keep the peace, the watch being found insufficient. 22d. Going to a meeting, a stone, from a 3'outh, through design, hit me in the back, near the kidney, the shock of which I felt for several days. This exhibits to view why it is that the common Irish have the name, over the world, for wicked, disorderly conduct, being kept in ignorance, and trained up in bigotry and prejudice, without the fear of God. This, to me, shows the propriety of literature for general information, and encour- agement for freedom of thought on conscientiousness. 23d. Being informed of some little uneasiness in the mind of the man who lent us the house in Golden-lane, as the mob had broke the windows, &c, and escaped prosecution, I thought proper to discontinue my meet- ings ; and so appointed my last for the next day afternoon, and a contri- bution to repair the injuries, &c. 24th. Spoke from Acts xx. 25, 26, 27, and had a solemn, tender time. God opened the hearts of the people, so that a redundancy was received. The last night, a powerful mob was assembled ; but as I spoke on the nature, &c, of camp-meetings, their minds were so attracted, that we met with but little disturbance during the meeting ; and, as I retired through a back, intricate way, the mob lost the object of their aim, though they had a race through a number of streets. I knew nothing of this all the time, but, by a strong impulse, went into a friend's house, and felt as if in safe- ty ; and as I thrice attempted to come out for home, I felt a forbidding, unaccountable for on natural principles, which I expressed to J. Jones ; and he, sending for a coach, brought me home in it, when Dr. Johnson told me what had happened in the streets. It appears that many were determined on some horrid action of violence, if we judge from their weapons and conduct. Thus far the Lord has delivered me ; though a female friend, it appears, received a blow for my sake, mistaking, in the dark, her bonnet and pe- lisse for my gray hat and surtout. I was unwell some few days, which prevented my going to the country ; also the delay of my books, the work- men being indolent. Mr. Parsons, the owner of the house in Golden-lane, sent me a note, expressing a desire that I should hold more meetings in it ; which I ac- cordingly occupied sundry times at five P. M., so that the rabble would not be at leisure. Justice Clark, with some difficulty, procured me the liberty of the Tailor's Hall, in Back-lane, which I occupied two evenings, at seven o'clock ; but as the hour clashed with Whitefriar-street, I thought proper to discontinue, lest the last part of my conduct should seem to con- tradict the first. However, it appeared that considerable numbers of the fruit of Golden-lane have joined the Methodist society, by my advice to go to Matthew Lanktree, &c* I have been taken very unwell of late, with a convulsive affection of my * See his letters in the Appendix. DOW'S JOURNAL. 201 belly, similar to that with which I was seized at Carlow ; and my doctor said he had never before seen or heard of any person under the same affliction altogether. The disorder was somewhat keen, and very weak- ening, and continued, at intervals, for several days. Matthew Lanktree sent me a ticket, with my name printed on it, and signed with his own, to admit me to the love-feast; but being somewhat weak in body, I did not think proper to attend ; and also, as I might feel if m'y duty to speak somewhat more than would be agreeable or accepta- ble ; which, to prevent, I might come away with a burdened mind, as most of the leading and official characters were to be there. Several friends came to see me. A question was proposed : " Wou.'d I be willing for a petition to be drawn up, &c, to get signers, for the opening to me the Wesley chapel ?" I replied : " What other people do is nothing to me ; but I would advise not, as I conceive that it would be labor lost, and might raise a hubbub, by causing uneasiness, &c." I ob- served that when I came to Dublin, it was with the expectation of seeing a revival, and I was not disappointed : yet I believe that much more good would have been done, had I had a place to have access to the people ; but those who had it in their power to accommodate me and did not, the blood will lay at their door, if good was prevented through their omission, for I feel conscientiously clear : therefore, I shall leave their conscience and their God to settle it together. Shortly after I was interrogated by a visiter, to know if I intended to denounce judgments against the society. Another inquired of my printer if I was going to print, and call names, &c, after the manner of a pope's bull. October 16th. This clay I enter upon my thirtieth year, twenty-five of which I could reflect back ; and, behold, they are gone as a dream ! — rand thirty years more will soon revolve, which, if I live, will bring me to the ordinary age of man. Oh ! the preciousness of time ! Oh ! the duration of eternity ! I held several meetings at Golden-lane, as I have been detained here about two weeks by contrary winds, and waiting for my doctor. I received a letter from Matthew Lanktree,* the assistant preacher, mentioning that about thirty, or upwards, of those who had been awaken- ed, had joined his society on my recommendation of them to his watch- care, and that many of them were rejoicing in God. 23d. The wind became fair, and we embarked with Captain Thomas, in the Duchess of York, for Liverpool. We were accompanied from the doctor's house to Pigeon House, by Mamma Letty and Sally Jones, who had procured a coach for that purpose. Here I could but now reflect, that I sailed up this river, near seven years ago, with only five shillings and sixpence, British, in my pocket, without credentials, or acquaintance, or a place to go to ; that I was a poor stranger in a strange land, having none to rely upon, but, like the fowls of the air, to trust to Divine Providence for my daily bread. This was living by faith instead of sight ; and a trial of my faith it was ; but God did carry me through. Now the scene is changed. I have friends to convey me in a carriage * See Appendix. 202 DOW'S JOURNAL. by the side of a river : I have now a wife and a daughter, and my way is opening before me. When I sailed from Quebec, it appeared to me that God chose to make use of that means to recover my health, for some end unknown to me. But now, methinks, I dimly see the end or purpose, viz. to lay a founda- tion for the enlargement of Zion's borders ; for God works by means, and simple means answer the most noble ends : a small mustard-seed in the east will produce a great tree, and the kingdom of God is compared to it, and to a vine. I also see even some of the effects, in different respects, of my former visit, particularly in the publication of my conversion, &c, to give away, though it then took all my money, but one guinea, just as I was taken ill of the small-pox. After about twenty-seven hours sail, we anchored in the river, and the next morning went on shore at Liverpool. I was considerably unwell on the passage, both as it related to the convulsions arising from my late ab- scess, or humor, &c, and the foulness of my stomach, which was the bit- terest of the bitter, and set my teeth on edge, which thing I had never heard of before : this was not the effect of sea-sickness. My doctor was of singular use to me at this time. Sunday, October 26th. We took coach and came to Warrington, where we arrived about noon, and found our friend, Peter Philips, from home. So we went to the chapel where Peter was preaching ; but he, espying us through the window, told the people, and sat down in the midst of his dis- course, as if just assembled. However, as we came in, the conduct of the auditory expressed their joy at our arrival. I sat down, and we had a Quaker-meeting for some time ; i. e. silence. At length Peter spoke, and I dismissed the people. I spoke twice, and the next evening also ; but I had my fears that some had not been as faithful as they should. 28th. Set off, on foot, for Macclesfield ; but felt so weak in body, that I could scarcely go two miles an hour. However, Mary B , who had heard me speak, by way of warning, concerning what I thought was com- ing over the country, and felt as if a witness in her own breast, concluded to have some talk with me on the subject of America, as being an asylum to those who might escape from the storm, as she had an independent fortune fallen to her from a relation, who brought her up, in London. She ac- cordingly took post-chaise with her sister Martha, overtook us on the road, insisted on our getting in, and carried us to our destined place. Imme- diately after our arrival, word ran through the town, "the doctor and the American are come ;'.' and that night there came more than could get into the house. We tarried a few days, and found wonders had been wrought since our departure; between two and three hundred had joined society U • ii\ incement, and several strange things had taken place, among which was a dumb boy who had seen me cutting the initials of my name upon a tree, as he was passing by on crutches, came to meeting, got happy, and desired to express it to others, and was enabled so to do, in the pow er of speech and songs, to the surprise of the people. His father had strove to hire him to speak ; had flattered, and even threatened to flog him if he did not, but all in vain. The people carried the news to his father, that his son could talk, which DO W'S JOURNAL. 203 he was scrupulous to believe, for joy, saying, " I must put my ear to his mouth, to be sure that the sound comes from him." A deist also, who had been a commissioned officer, in both the navy and army, and had been in many parts of Europe and Africa, a great profligate, and a disciple of Voltaire, having heard of the American preacher, with the white hat, &c, happening to see me in the street, was excited by curiosity, or some other motive, to come to meeting ; and so it happened, that whilst I related a story of a negro, who feeling so happy that he shouted the praise of God, was asked by a gentleman deist pass- ing by, " Negro ! what do you praise God for ? Negroes have got no souls !" The negro replied, " Massa, if black man got no soul, religion make my body happy." The power of God fastened it on his mind that he wanted his body happy, and could not rest until he gave up his deism, and found what the negro expressed. I visited some other places, but found my bodily strength to decay, be- ing much agitated with the asthma or convulsions, as if nature was break- ing loose, shrinking, and giving up. The people would flock out to meet- ing, as many or more than could get into the house before day, so that my meetings could conclude as soon as it was light. So I visited Preston-brook ; hence in a gig to Frodsham, where I had comfortable meetings. A backslidden Methodist, a sea-captain, whom I happened to lay hold of by the hair in the meeting, and putting my finger on his heart, told him my thoughts, felt the truth of my remarks, and the next morning, as soon as it was day, with a hand set out to carry me in an open boat to Liverpool, there being no flats ready. We had pro- ceeded a few miles, when we espied a fiat beating forward. The morn- ing being calm, we strove to fall in with her on her tack, which brought us into the middle of the river, that was about a league broad. Of a sud- den there came on a pufFfrom a squall of wind, the most sudden I ever saw. We could not catch the flat, nor stem the wind, nor gain the shore. Scarcely had we turned round to run before the wind, when the squall overtook us, which seemed to raise the waves, and yet to smooth them, so as to prevent breakers. In this state the Runcon Packet espied us, and bore down to our relief. I was so chilled that I could not clamber into the vessel, but was dragged in by main force. My state was truly sensible of being attended with convulsions, the surprise of the passengers, &c. A well-dressed female on board, was so indecent in her conduct with the captain, in the presence of the passengers, as I had never been wit- ness to the like before. It makes me think of the state of Port-au-Prince and Cape St. Fran£ois before the insurrection, and of former nations who had filled up the measure of their iniquities, like the Canaanites or So- domites. And if this be a specimen of this country, is not the downfall of many at the door ? On my arrival in Liverpool, I found my appointment was not given out until for next evening, which gave me some rest. An A-double-L- part man, who had in general executed his work well for my printer, Forshaw, was employed to do my books, but departed from the pattern given him, and had like to have spoiled some hundreds, as he fell into a passion, and became saucy and fretful without a cause, (unless it was the subject of my writings.) I went to see him ; he acknowledged the above, which made me think of Charles Wesley having once said in company, 204 DOW'S JOURNAL. " I can always know a C 1 by his temper." One replied, " That's a lie." C W rejoined, " Hah ! Leviathan, have I drawn thee out with a hook." I got some more letters from America, one of which informs me that Bishop Whatcoat is dead, and of a camp-meeting, in the little state of Delaware, in which eleven hundred and sixty-five professed to be con- verted, and six hundred and six sanctified. Oh ! may the flame kindle over the whole earth. I had a comfortable meeting in Zion chapel, and then took the canal packet to Wigan, where Dr. J n and brother J. Mee, from Warring- ton, met me. We proceeded to Hayton, where I held three meetings ; met the children, and found the work prospering. Sunday, Nov. 9th. Spoke at night in Bolton, and next morning ; and thence returned to Warrington, through Lowton, where I had ordered an appointment, which through mistake was given out for a wrong hour. So I left them very abruptly, bidding none farewell, leaving my doctor and J. Mee behind me. However, this turned for good ; for, as the doc- tor had previously spoken of visiting this family, they would not readily let him off. The people assembled, and the doctor spoke near an hour and a half to their general satisfaction, which I think seemed somewhat to raise his drooping mind. 1 visited Risley with some satisfaction. 12th. Set out from Lynn, but through weakness of body was necessi- tated to give over, and requested my doctor to proceed to Lynn, as a gig was waiting for us on the way. He did, and found a congregation wail- ing, and spoke to them with a degree of liberty, and I believe to their general satisfaction, and some to himself. A man of no religion living near Warrington, in a neighborhood where I had frequently felt a desire to hold meetings, came and invited me. A thought struck me to ask him if he had plenty of stable-room, as I had some thoughts of getting travelling convenience in consequence of my late weakness. He replied in the affirmative, and also added, he had a horse and chair at my service. November 13th, 1806. Some months ago I took tea in company with a preacher's wife of the name of Beaumont, and gave her a camp-m ing book. They were stationed this year at Congh ton. and the account which she gave of me, caused a desire in the breasts of the official mem- bers that I should pay their town a visit, particularly after they had heard of the revival in Macclesfield, and some of them had heard me preach, (t was tried at the leader's meeting whether ] should be invited there. Some strenuously opposed it, among whom was the young prea» Beaumont, the assistant, was silent. However, it was carried by a great majority ; and one told the young preacher that he had better go home to the plough, than to talk in such a manner. At first I had thoughts of taking Peggv with me on this visit. But upon reflection thought best to have my doctor. So we proceeded in the carriage to the place, where we arrived about six in the evening, and were cordially received by friends who had sat up the preceding night, expecting me by the coach, and were now preparing to send in search of me. 1 felt as if this field was ripe for harvest. About seven o'clock the DOW'S JOURNAL. '.205 chapel was nearly filled, and though I felt weak in body, 1 appointed four meetings for next day, intending to make a proper trial in the town. The people thought, surely the American intends to give us preaching enough. 14th. At half-past five o'clock in the morning, the chapel was full, and more at noon. At six the house was filled, and at eight overflowed. 15th. Had four meetings also, and the doctor went to Macclesfield, which appeared providential, as otherwise the people would have been disappointed ; which was prevented to the people's general satisfaction, as far as I could learn. Sunday, 16th. I spoke at six o'clock in the chapel, at twelve in the open air, to, as some supposed, from four to eight thousand. After Beau- mont had done in the evening, I addressed the same congregation, and those members who had opposed my coming, were detained to hear, as they could not get out, which I believe removed some prejudice, as some of them heard me again. Monday, 17th. House nearly filled at half-past five o'clock, and I in- vited the mourners to meet me at twelve. A number came, and Beau- mont's wife took an active part in helping me to pray with them. In the evening the house was filled at both meetings as usual. 18th. Meeting again in the morning, and appointed my farewell for noon. There was a large auditory attended. At the close of the meet- ing I invited the mourners to come forward ; about fifty distinguished Themselves. I prayed with them ; several professed to find deliverance. I retired, leaving a number of mourners with those who were helping me. The work spread and became more general, so that people flocked from various parts of the town to see what was the matter. The meet- ing continued until night, after which, two young men came after me to Macclesfield, where I was gone, and brought me the news before day, that about sixty had professed to find peace before the conclusion. Among these were ray hostess, who had been a thorn to her husband for about twenty-three years, and a profligate son of the man who had been the principal cause of my coming. Beaumont said he would rather have a noise that would blow the roof off the house than have the people all dead. These were Old Methodists, and there was no separate party at Congleton ; but a great majority of the leaders, &c, were determined to leave the society if the invitation was prevented, which I knew not of till afterwards. At Macclesfield, these Quaker-Methodists, or Third Division, who call themselves Revivalists, were hoped by the Old Methodists to have dwin- dled away. But now this expectation was given up, apprehending that my visits had been the means of their perpetuation, in consequence of the late great revival and large addition to their society. On my first coming to Macclesfield, my doctor, being acquainted with Joseph Bradford, the head preacher, waited on him with the originals of my credentials, &c, letting him know that I was no party man, but kept. in as close connection with the old society as the nature of «my calling would admit. He, with the young preacher, was willing I should have their pulpit, but it was objected to by the official members, which, as I was well in- formed, caused him to lose a night's rest. But now I received an invita- 18 206 DOW'S JOURNAL. tion to occupy the house. I spoke twice, to about one thousand five hundred each time, and twice at the Revivalists'. Some of the minds of these were pained, and the conduct of the others reminded me of a little, fierce dog I once saw, who, to save his food, would only come when the cat was called. Oh, party spirit ! when will it be abolished from the earth ? Wednesday, 19th. Came to Knuttsford in the evening, but found my appointment had not been given out according to my direction ; however, I spoke at eight o'clock, and early in the morning. At the last meeting there seemed some good impressions. My mind was distressed. I took no food in town, and but little sleep, which was on a hard seat near the fire in the kitchen, and walked ofTon my way before daylight, after dismissing the people, and leaving the doctor to get the chair and follow me. We arrived in Warrington as soon as we could, where I found the family ; but not seeing my Peggy, I inquired where she was. Went up stairs, and found her lying sick upon the bed, just as I had seen her in my sleep the night before. She was in a nervous fever, as the doctor said, having been taken unwell the night I went away. An unconverted doctor or apothecary attended her, but whether he had done much harm or good, I know not ; however, he was now dismissed, as I had the one I desired with me, who, if he were in Dublin, I should have sent for him. He the first day seemed to think the fever only a momentary thing, and in no wise dangerous ; but next day shook his head as he was going to Frodsham, where he held two meetings, to the general satisfaction of the people; and returning, found the fever inflexible, which seemed to leave little grounds for hopes of recovery. Peggy complained of great heaviness and continual sinking, like the giving up of nature ; which the doctor said was the nature of her disor- der, arising from a complaint in the liver, which she had been more or less affected with for many years, and was the cause (by the humor get- ting into the blood) of her long-continued infirmities, and particularly fainting, &c, with which she had been attacked in America, and the cause of which had not been understood. Having several appointments given out, my present circumstances were such that I scrupled about fulfilling them, considering her situation and my own weakness, until Mary B d requested, as doing her a favor, that I would accept the loan of a carriage, &c. In company with Peter Philips, I visited North wich, the metropolis of the circuit, where I spoke twice in the Old Methodist meeting-house, I believe to the general satisfaction. Good was done, and some prejudice removed. Sunday, 23d. Spoke at the forest at ten A. M. Many had to stand in the rain ; but we had a shout which frequently drowned my voice. As I was passing the Moor, I could but reflect on Nixon's prophecy of a battle to be fought in this place, in which England should be won and lost three times in one day, whilst a miller with three thumbs should hold three kings' horses ; which I remarked in my discourse at Newpale at two o'clock. I was afterwards informed, that a miller of the above de- scription now resided at the mill mentioned in the prophecy, and, more- over, that "in the neighborhood where Nixon (called the Cheshire fool) lived, it was received as a truth, and that many things which he prophe- DO W'S JOURNAL. 207 sied did really come to pass, and that he died of hunger in the palace of James I., according to his own prediction in his native place." I spoke in the evening at Norley, hut many could not get within hear- ing ; so I spoke in the chapel next morning, which was nearly filled. I since hear that a good work then began. Thence to Bradley Orchard, where we had a quickening time. Also at Frodsham. From hence to Warrington, having been absent fifty-two hours, held nine meetings, and travelled about fifty miles. Found Peggy still in her sinking, low state. The first words she spoke as I entered the room were, " Where is my Jesus ?" The doctor said he had never known more powerful means used with such little effect, on account of the inflexibility of the fever. I observed the doctor to make use of the oil of tar (not the spirits of turpentine) ex- ternally on the feet, and a preparation of camphor and opium internally, which produced such a copious sweating that her clothes were necessi- tated to be changed twice in a night, and this successively for several days. We also used a large stone bottle, filled with hot water, kept constantly to the feet. These had the desired effect, and were the only means that seemed to give any relief to the sinking, as she called it, which the doctor said proceeded from the disorder in the liver approaching towards a mortification — the poisonous, corrupt humor of it operating upon the heart and nervous system, and producing this sensation ; and he since has added, that he never before saw any one in a similar situa- tion, who did not either die, or fall into melancholy, madness, or despair. The man who had lent me his horse and chair for Congleton, had in- vited me to hold meetings in a large barn at Stockton Heath, where he resided. These I now attended to with assiduity in the evenings ; and Mary B.'s favoring me with a seat in a carriage was no small convenience at this time, as my body was still weak, not being entirely free from the convulsions ; and also attending mostly by night and day to Peggy, as we had no watchers of consequence till towards the last, and no proper nurses at this time, though the family did all in their power for our con- venience ; but the mistress was taken sick with the fever, and our little child taking the infection from the breast, made the house a kind of hos- pital at this time. Sunday, December 6th. I held meeting last evening, and three to-day, in the Kilhamite or New Connection chapel, in Chester, where there seemed to be a considerable quickening among a barren people. J. Mallison, the preacher, is one of the sweetest, most liberal-hearted, spirited men I have seen in that connection, as in general they are too much given to finding fault with the Old Methodists. On my return, Peggy's appearance seemed a little more ghastly to me ; but the doctor replied that the inward symptoms were to the reverse. On Tuesday the symptoms again appeared unfavorable. On Wednes- day I felt an omen in my mind, as if something in our circumstances was going to turn up. In the afternoon a spiritual daughter of mine, from Elsby, (a country place about twelve miles off,) came to see us ; and it so happened in con- versation, that she agreed to take our child and attend it with motherly care, they being in comfortable circumstances : and also our watcher 208 DOW S JOURNAL. seemed to answer so well, that I prevailed with her to give up her own employment, and attend upon Peggy till the conclusion of her illness. The workshop being contiguous to the house, the work of both lofts, together with the noise of the children, annoyed Peggy more than she was well able to bear, which she had not complained of until now. So I de- termined to remove her to the house of Peter Wright, at Stretton, about four miles off, in the country, where the air was more pure. Dr. Johnson sat up with her about fifteen nights, without taking off his clothes ; neither did I change mine for three or four-and-twenty days. However, the jarring of the coach did her no injury, but in a few days some symptoms of a recovery were entertained. She was now called to a fresh trial. I had felt it on my mind ever since my leaving America, to pay Ireland a general visit ; and as circum- stances had turned up, and feeling my soul bound to America in the spring, I had no opportunity until now ; which circumstances I stated to to her. She said, " Go. " However, I tarried a week later ; we then joined in prayer. I went to Stockton Heath, spoke at night, then took coach to Liverpool, so lost my night's rest; but as no packet had sailed for two weeks, nor probably would shortly, the winds being contrary, I got my affairs adjusted, and took packet to Chester, but was disappointed in getting a seat in the mail coach for Holly Head ; but another in a cir- cuitous route presented to view, in which I was overcharged in my fare, on account of my ignorance, being a stranger. I also was deceived, as a cross coach was to take me on the road, which perhaps might be full, and so I lose my accommodation. Thus I lost the next night's rest, but had not gone twenty miles before I changed my. inside to an outside passage, the cross coach being so full ; and had not a man quitted the coach to accommodate me, I should have been left in the lurch. My situation was trying, it being a hundred and twenty miles, and exceedingly cold and rainy: also some young Irish officers, of the Popish religion, just from Malta, were continually my tormentors over these "Welsh mountains, many miles of which 1 walked to avoid them, the coach being overloaded. One day as I passed a lake or pond of water, a whirlwind from a moun- tain crossed the road just as I had passed. I could but reflect on a pro- vidential care, when I saw the water forced many yards into the air. Took food but twice on the journey. Had not time to procure provisions, but went on board in my wet clothes, (as the packet was then ready to sail,) and took my passage in the hold with the horse, rag, tag, and bob- tail, to avoid the Irish officers. Thus I continued from Saturday to Mon- day, when a boat double manned, by signal, came to take some out, charging treble price; adding they never were in such swells before. Pawning ;; note to satisfy them, it was with the greatest difficulty that I could ge the doctor's house, where Mrs. Johnson got me a cup of tea, with a heart} welcome. I lay down before the fire to dry myself, it being now Monday evening, and my last refreshment was breakfast on Saturday. Here the hand of providence was manifest. I arrived in Dublin just before the holydays, which are kept more sacred than Sunday. At a leader's meeting, (being informed I was come,) it was broached by some who had been distant heretofore, if they should not open the Dublin houses, which hitherto had been shut against me, and it was not objected by gene- ral vote; wherefore Matthew Lanktree, the assistant or superintendent DOW'S JOURNAL. 209 preacher, took me to Gravel-walk meeting-house, where I exhorted after sermon — thence a way opened for me to hold meeting also in Whitefriar- street meeting-house, where I spoke a number of times both evenings and mornings; then Mr. Averill, who was a church clergyman, formed me a route through Ireland, adding a kind of recommendation to this purport : " Our Brother Lorenzo Dow has preached in Whitefriar-street and Gra- vel-walk meeting-houses : he travels Ireland relying on God. In the name of the Lord I wish him success, or bid him God-speed. " Dublin, December, fyc. Adam Averill." The man by the name of Wade, who had taken me in his gig to Wick- low, accommodated me with it on this intended journey also. It being whispered that I wanted a young man to attend me, to take care of the horse and gig, one by the name of John Fleming, obtaining his master's consent, offered. The first day we went to Drogheda, where I spoke five times in the Methodist meeting-house, and Tholsel ; thence to Cullen, spoke twice — Dundalk once — mostly Roman Catholic. At Carickmaccross, meet- ing not being appointed, I spoke in the street to a few attentives, and went to King's Court, spoke in the market-house, and stayed with Mr. Dyoss, a kind family. Thence to Baleborough, spoke in the street and in the house ; so to Coote Hill, where were three houses for meeting in a row. The Methodists had invited all the Calvinists in town to come. I spoke on A-double-L-partism, which gave great offence, as it was wrongly supposed to be designedly done, and some being abashed, others exasperated — neighbors would hardly speak to each other next day. At Clones saw Wood, whom I had seen when in this country before — his friendship still remained — spoke twice — appointed when to come again ; and went to Caven, a cool town — hard people — spoke twice, and also at Kilmore, in the house of , brother to , who abridged the church articles for America, when Dr. Coke was designed to come over, &c. Spoke six times in Granard, and an A-double-L-part church minister taking offence, went out — twice at Old Castle — twice at Mulengar — once at Terilspass — also at Kilbegan — then to Bracke Castle, to the house of a great man, of about three thousand sterling per annum ; he thought I had an errand to his family : some of this Handy family followed me to Moate. I visited Moss-town, tarrying with Mr. Kingston in a great house, but as the family were designingly striving to retard or detain me from meeting, saying, it is too late, &c, I suddenly and abruptly left the table, found the way out of the house, and pushed off to meeting, which brought out all hands upon a jaunting car. Next morning I visited Goshen and Lisduff— held four meetings — saw the wife of the clergyman who had left the meeting; she was a pious Methodist, but got deceived in his A-double-L-partism, until the matrimonial knot was tried ; and many a poor woman gets im- posed upon as a cipher for a husband. Spoke twice in Longford — good times — saw Mr. Armstrong, a preacher, and I believe an excellent man. Visited Athlone ; spoke twice — called for mourners, but none came for- ward. One who did not preach, though he had the name, said, " The people here are uncircumcised in heart and ears, and will not stoop and bow to Lorenzo." His name was Robinson. Next morning about twenty came up under the melting power of God to be prayed for — thence to Clara, where some of the Handy people were — thence to Tullamore, and 18* 210 DOW'S JOURNAL. several friends met me on the way, one of which was Christopher Wood. When in this country before, I felt distress and abruptly left a house of quality, where I intended to lodge, late at night — I met this man in the street and went home with him, whose wife from that time became serious ; so now I had a home — had two good meetings — got the gig repaired, and went to Mount Mellick — pressed a man to send a bell-man through the town, to ring out the people, saying, " Put on the courage of a man" — he did — afterwards I found he was a Methodist preacher. Spoke twice in Portarlington — here I received the solemn news of the death of our only child — I felt, as it were, as if part of myself was gone ; yet could not mur- mur, but felt with submission to say, " The Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away, blessed be his name :" it is a feeling which nothing but ex- perience can fully realize. Though our Letitia be no more seen, yet she having escaped the evil to come, with all the vain snares of this delusive world, I trust it is not long before we shall meet above, where parting shall be no more. What must have been the feelings of my poor Peggy, when in a strange land, given over to die, at least but small probability of ever meeting again — her husband and child absent — and then the news of the death of the latter to reach her ears? — Experience only can tell. Messrs. Jones and Griffin, who brought me the above news, accompanied me to Monsteverin and Athy, and talked about going to America. I visited a country place, and then to Maryborough ; stayed with John Campoin, who was a happy local preacher when I was here before ; but now he is in an uncomfortable state, some uncomfortable circumstances having turned up. He spoke frequently ; finding fault and speaking of the faults of the Methodists, which is too frequently the case with back- sliders, retailing the improprieties of others without mending their own. Vice ought to be discountenanced ; but to watch others with a jealous spirit, to speak of them in a canting way, &c, argues very bad, and savours of an unholy spirit. I visited Mountrath and Tentore, where Mr. Averill lives. His conversion was as follows. His grandmother was a good church woman for the time; a church clergyman gave him a rap on the head with a cane in play, when he was six years old. He said, " Grandmother, 1 wish that man would never come again." Said she, " Wish God's minister would never come again !" Feeling the effect of the blow, a large bunch on his head, she was exasperated also : he desired an explanation why the man preached. She said, "To save people, but he would not except he was well paid for it." Thus, while she was ex- plaining things to his understanding, he felt a great light or comfort to break into his mind, but could not tell the cause, nor what it was — it lasted near twelve months. He said to her, " When I am grown up I will preach for nothing." She replied, " That is a good resolution, but you will for- get it." He said, "I will not." His father lost a purse of gold, and said, " The child who would find and return it, should have whatever they would ask." He found it, and said, "Let me go to college instead of my elder brother, (whom the father intended to educate,) and would not be put oil*." Thus he got his education and became a church minister, but preached for hire ; and one day when visiting his parish, he called on a family called Quakers. They asked, "Who art thou, the man who preaches in the steeple-house ?" One said, " Don't thee preach for hire ?" Fie said DOW'S JOURNAL. 211 he did. Q. " Dost thou think it is right ?" A. " I don't know that it is wrono-." Q. " I did not ask if thou thought it wrong, but dost thou think it is right?" His youthful promise started into his mind, not to preach for hire, so he dare not say he thought it right, and he still replied, ' ; I don't know it to be wrong." Q. " Art thou willing for light on the sub- ject ?" A. '•' Yes." So the Quaker gave him a book against hirelings, which he read with attention, and every word carried conviction to his mind. So he gave up the curacy, which his wife had for pocket-money heretofore ; and when she observed him not go to church, she inquired the cause, and said, " What shall I do for pocket-money ?" He replied, u - My dear, I trust God will help me to make you out the same sum some other way," &c. He built a pulpit in his own house, and held meetings; and shortly one man professed to be converted, and know his sins forgiven, which Averill reproved him for, saying, " I don't know my own forgiven." A Methodist present said, ' ; If you don't, I do ; and if you will look for the witness God will give it you ;" and soon after he felt the same sensa- tions as when a lad, &c. His wife* left him because he dare do no other- wise than itinerate and preach without hire, being possessed of an inde- pendent fortune. So the order of providence brought him among the Methodists. One day a mob saw him coming over a bridge, and one said, "Devil split my head open if I don't do so and so to the swadler," (the Methpdists being called swadlers in Ireland, in derision ;) but the restrain- ing providence of God kept them, so he passed unhurt. Afterwards that man on the continent had his head opened by a French sword, which one saw who heard him express the words, and wrote home to his friend not to oppose Mr. Averill, for he was a man of God. He (though in connec- tion) is not confined to a circuit, but travels as he pleases. Also there are ten missionaries employed, though not particularly confined, but are somewhat like Mr. G. and C, dec, in New York district. I had three church ministers to hear me, one of whom was a deist, yet continued his living in Averill's vicinity. From Durrow I went to Kil- kenny, and from thence to Moneybeg, where some more conversed about America. I visited a country place, Carlow and Ballitore ; here I spoke in a Quaker meeting-house. Here Job Scott died, and Dr. Johnson was born. I visited Baltinglass, Hacketstown. Tinahaly, Killaveny, Rednagh, Rathdrum, to Wicklow. Here was J. Wade, son to the man who lent me the gig, who conversed about America. He also accompanied me to Arklow and Gorey, where I spoke in the market-house ; thence to Ferns and Newtown-Barry. When I was here seven years before, I was sur- * She lived but a few years, during which time she caused him much trouble, sorrow, and anxiety, though he allowed her two hundred pounds sterling per annum for her support, and the daughter; and she would not. see him, nor suffer the daughter to write to him, though she appeared ready to fly when she met him on the road. But after the mother's death, she returned, being young. The wives of J. W. and George Whitefield were similar ; but those three men stuck to the work, and God blessed them in it, until those objects were removed out of the way. And if a man is faithful in the way of duty, and those beings who act thus are removed and taken away, how can one in conscience and in truth call it a " i.oi.s ?" And those men whom God has moved by his Spirit, and called to preach the Gospel, how- do tliey leel when under petticoat government so far as to desert the work ? " Any way for the sake of peace." But remember thai which God wills concerning the sphere of our ac- tion, is the only road to sure PEACE, "for the way of transgressors is hard." Therefore, out of the order of God a conscientious man cannot feel easy in his mind until he fully back- slides in heart. 212 DOW'S JOURNAL. prised by an unusual noise, so that I could not sleep ; yet I would not be scared away, knowing if the devil came he could not hurt me, but could obtain no satisfactory information relative to it, yet would sleep there no more. That family now told me that they heard the noise several days successively after I was gone, until a backslider who was then sick under the roof, was dead, being in black despair. Enniscorthy, Wexford, Old Ross, New Ross, city of Waterford, Carrick on Seur, Clonmel, Cashel, Littleton, Rosgrey, Templemore, Clesordan, Burr, Aughrim, Tuam, and Castlebar, I visited. Some of these places had received wrong informa- tion relative to my coming, which disappointments paved the way to my getting greater congregations. Gideon Ousley, one of the missionaries, met me and observed, " Yesterday a Roman priest being insufficient, got another to help him, and one with a whip and the other with a club, drove off some thousands of people like swine to market, who were attentively hearing me preach." I could scarcely believe that the clergy in this our day, could have such an ascendancy over their people. He accompanied me to many appointments to Sligo. In this journey I found numbers con- verted, the fruit of awakenings when here before, and many came out to hear who did not usually attend any place of religious worship ; so I have access sometimes to one class of people, which was I to labor in any other sphere of life I should not. Thence to Manor-Hamilton, Violet-Hili, Enniskilen, Maguire's Bridge, Brookborough. Clones, Monauham. Aghna- cloy, Cook's-town, Cole-Island, Moy, Blackwater, Armagh, Rich-Hill, Tanderagee, Portadown, Lurgan, Moria, Lisburn, and Belfast. Here I met some of my old friends from Larne, who informed me of the expecta- tions of the people there. I intended to visit that place ever since I came to Europe, but now could get no further down into the north. There mav be the providence of God in this. Balinahinch, Downpatrick, Newry. and so to Dublin, having been gone sixty-seven days, in which time I travelled about seventeen hundred English miles, and held about two hundred meetings, in most of which the quickening power of God was to be felt, and some were set at liberty before we parted. I returned the horse and chair to the owner, satisfied the demand, left money for the doctor's books, which he once had sent by me to America, and prepared for my departure. The friends who had conversed relative to sailing with me, now met and agreed that I should engage their passage. I suddenly departed to Liverpool, feeling my work done here, and en- gaged the steerage of a ship for our company accordingly. Peggy was recovered, and thus the Lord was good to bring us together once more, when there was so little prospect to human probability when we parted. Many condemned me for going to Ireland when and as I did ; but had I tarried I could have done her no more good, as I obtained the nurse I wished for, and by going I answered a clear conscience. We went by canal to Wigan, walked to Hecton, and from thence we went to Bolton ; in the mean time I visited Blackburn and another place. So when I came, the man who invited me treated me cool, by which means I was disagreeably necessitated to disappoint hundreds of people. We came by canal to Manchester, where we met the doctor, who suddenly departed from us by coach to Chester ; thence to Hollvhead. and so went over to Dublin, and I saw him no more. He is one of the kindest, humane men to the poor I have seen, and I am under more obligations to him than DO W'S JOURNAL. 213 any I have acquaintance with in my travels. I was in hopes to have had his company to America, but here I was disappointed, as he could not see his way clear to come. Thence to Warrington, saw our friends and found them well. The society called Quaker-Methodists, gave me a tes- timonial concerning my conduct, as may be seen in the appendix. Here I met brother Shegog. We went to Knutsford, and thence to Maccles- field, where I preached the dedication sermon of the new chapel belonging to the Free-gospellers, or Revivalists. Instrumental music was introduced here in form, to draw the more people together, to get money to defray the expense of the house. I believe they got less money by so doing than they would otherwise ; and of course it is a foolish thing to take the devil's tools to do the Lord's work with ; it is an evil practice, and you cannot deny it. I visited Congleton, and found more than one hundred had been taken into society since my other visit. I also visited Boslem, in Staffordshire, and many other places ; also the city of Chester, and all around its vicini- ty. I received invitations into different parts of England, but feeling as it were my work done here, and my heart and soul bound to America, I dare do no otherwise than return, and of course durst not accept the invi- tations but with thankfulness, and not comply. There are six kinds of names of Methodists in England : 1. Old Society ; 2. Kilhamites; 3. Quaker-Methodists ; 4. Whitefield's Methodists ; 5. Re- vivalists, or Free-gospellers; 6. Welsh Methodists, (called jumpers,) a happy, simple, pious people, by the best accounts ; besides the Church Methodists. The old body are the main stock, as that in America ; they have never had a final separation from the church. They are calletl protestants, but most of them are as dissenters, preaching in church hours, which Mr. Wesley did not allow. They mostly have the ordinances among them, though their preachers are not ordained, but say the power which qualifies them to preach, does not make a man half a minister; and if he be prop- erly called, and qualified by God to administer the substance in the word to the salvation of souls, the same of course is fit to administer the shadow in form, and of course coufit the oM,i nation but a. form* There is instrumental music in most of the leading chapels in England. But for a lad to start up and sing away in form like a hero, yet have no more sense of divine worship than a parrot that speaks a borrowed song, T ask how God is glorified in that ? If mechanism was in such perfection, as to have a machine by steam to speak words in form of sentences ; and so say a prayer, repeat a sermon, and play the music, and say amen, would this be divine worship ? No ! there is no divinity about it ; and of course it is only mechanism. And hence if we have not the Spirit of God, our worship is not divine. Consequently, it is only form ; and form with- out power, is but a sham. In Ireland the separation from the Church has not taken place. There is more of the ancient Methodist simplicity discoverable among them, but not as in America. I believe the plan fallen upon in these United States, is, and has been the most proper one for the time being, to carry on an extensive itinerancy with little expense ; but. what will or should be best * For the sake of order. 214 DO W'S JOURNAL. in future, may God's wisdom direct, and his providence point out ? "Well may the Poet say, " Except the Lord conduct the plan, The best concerted schemes are vain, And never can succeed." If " the kingdom of God be righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost," and the "testimony of Jesus be the spirit of prophecy," well may the Apostle say, " No man can call Jesus Lord but by the Holy Ghost." Again, " If any man have not the spirit of Christ, he is none of his."* In Europe there is much more stress put upon forms, names and tradi- tion, than in America ; you can scarcely give a greater offence, than ask, " Have you any religion ?" " Got any religion !" " Think I am a hea- then — got my religion to seek at this time of day ?" " I was always reli- gious." What is your religion ? It is the religion of my father, and he was of the religion of his father, the good old way ; we don't change our religion." Suppose a man has a young horse, that will run a race — win a prize, and is a valuable animal ; he wills the horse to his son, and he to his son, and so on. But the horse dies : the grandson boasts, what, have not I got a good horse ? I have, my grandfather raised him, willed him to my father, who gave him to me ; and I can prove by the neighbors, he ran such a race, and won such a prize. But on a close inspection, it is found only the bones are remaining. Look at the Congregationals, or Independents, Presbyterians, Quakers, &c. &c. &c, and compare them now with the history of their ancestors, and a change will be visible. f Two or three centuries ago, perhaps, ancestors had religion, and were out of stigma, called by a name that has been attached to their form, and handed down from father to son. These ancestors living in the divine life of religion, in that divine life have gone to heaven, as Christ saith, " My sheep hear my voice, and follow me, and I give unto them eternal life," «fec. But the children down have, or, bearing the same name, think they have, the same religion ; but on a close reflection or inspection, there is no more divine life about their form, than animal life about the bones of the old horse ; and of course, will no more carry, a man to heaven, than the bones will, with whip and spurs, carfl^ a man a journey, &c. Because bible religion is what we must have especially, for the ancients " were filled with joy and with the Holy Ghost," and " without holiness no man shall see the Lord;" but "blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God." I scruple whether the funds which have been raised in England have not proved a temptation to some, though they might be turned to the glory of God, and doubtless have in many instances ; yet I fear that to some, through fear, it hath proved a snare, so that they have not borne that testi- mony, which their conscience and judgment told them was their duty, against a growing evil ; whilst others have had too much affluence and case, and by that means have sunk too much upon their lees ! God forbid it should be the case in America ! Whilst a man, or body of people are .simple and sincere, having frequently recourse to their first principles in * My. Asbury is to America what Wesley was to Europe. + And unless people have recourse to their first principles they will degenerate ? DOW'S JOURNAL. 215 the Lord, there is no room to doubt his favor and his blessing, and these will make a happy life, and procure a happy end ; and all is well that ends well, is the old proverb. But who can stand when God sets his face against them ? Or what can prosper if God don't smile his approbation. The wicked may prosper for a while, but at length they will be driven away as the chaff, and their candle put out — whilst the righteous shall be had in everlasting remembrance. CHAPTER X. A SHORT ACCOUNT OF "ECCENTRIC COSMOPOLITE." When Cosmopolite was on his last tour through ******* ? orders were sent from the " Castle," somewhere, by somebody, that he must be taken into custody ; which body returning, replied for answer, that Cosmopolite could not be found* — this, more than once or twice. Moreover, the Thresh- ers pursued him two nights and one day for a noted heretic ; but he un- wittingly escaped from them likewise. The martial law was now pro- claimed in four counties, which made it dangerous travelling without a pass ; but Cosmopolite was providentially kept in peace, and safely deli- vered from the whole — yet not by foresight in any human wisdom — for it was not within the reach of human ken. " Question 22. A man from America, named ******* *** ; having tra- velled through this country, professing himself a friend to the ********** ? what judgment ought this ********** to pass concernine; the conduct of that man f "^.nswer. He came or any authorized to give it has not travelled as one of our people, nor as one of our friends — and we are determined that should he return, none of our ********* ****** shall be opened to him on any account whatever." — Minutes of both countries. He left ****** at full tide and fair wind, in an extra packet — having just stepped on board as she cast off: down came the "pursuers," and looked from the dock, while he gazed at them from the deck, and thus went out of the harbor. Twice the consul had applied for passports in vain, and likewise solicit- ed the interference of the ambassador, but there were no returns. Hence Cosmopolite, when he had finished his work and got ready, came away in a vessel that was fitted for the purpose ; but not with design, except by Providence. Another vessel had sprang a leak, which the pursuers were searching, as Cosmopolite sailed by out of port, in the other ship. * Cosmopolite was on the chase seventeen hundred miles in sixty-seven days, and held two hundred meetings — such being the distance from the people, without intimacy — and the velocity of the journey, that they scarcely knew from whence he came or where he was gone! 216 DOW'S JOURNAL. The fog was as a hiding-place in the hand of God — to preserve from those " Floating Hells" — while coming round Hibernia and doubling Cape Clear — for several days together ! This vessel was called the Averick — 323 tons — De Cost, master — would keep half point nigher the wind than usual ; hence ships at the leeward must run parallel, or cross our track to gain the weather gage, in order to bear upon us — therefore would lose time and distance. De Cost put out his lights and altered his course, and so evaded the intruders thrice — ■ whereas the other ship which had been refused on account of her leak, was boarded twice. Thus Cosmopolite was preserved to Columbia's shores, for which praised be the Lord ! Though a stranger, the way was opened for meetings, and some good times in public — some aquaintance with the Quakers, and sailed to New- York with most of the passengers. Cosmopolite was accused with " hush money" clandestinely, by some who were on board. On getting wind of it he had the agreement stated, and then produced the receipt to the full amount, which answered to the articles. Then he was accused of having received a present of ten pounds from the captain, which they said should have been divided with the pas- sengers. Cosmopolite said why ? was there any such agreement ? They acknowledged not ! yet observed it would have been but just. Cosmopo- lite said, he did not see nor feel the obligation — had the donation been given — which he observed had never been given ; and appealed to the captain if ever he had made the gift, who answered in the negative. Nevertheless, ungenerously did some persist to make the impression that Cosmopolite was a swindler. But what is amiss here must be rectified hereafter. Some of those people who were led by inclination or judgment to come to America, questioned Cosmopolite antecedent to their coming. Civility demanded a reply, which accordingly was given. As free agents they came for their own interest only ; but meeting with some trials, bitterly accused Cosmopolite, as the cause of all their trials, calamities, and mis- fortunes — who could have no interest in their coming. One even went so far as to curse the day she ever saw his face, though he had done all he could to serve them. But the sin of ingratitude is one of the most abom- inable crimes that the heart of man can be contaminated with, and very obnoxious in the sight of heaven — evidently marked with just displeasure in righteous retributions. Here it may be observed, that those who have fled from oppression and privation to the " Land of Liberty," are the worst enemies, and most bit- ter in the execrations of any on these shores, when fortune smiles upon them. But yet it is very observable that few of them are willing to re- turn to the old world. A certain pair, whose passage the king paid, from the old world to the new — fortune smiling on them in Alexandria — the term being expired, in contempt he quit the country, exclaiming, i( the best flour in America is not equal to the mud of London." There he put his barrel of dollars in a private bank ; which broke in a few days after, and he then had to turn porter, and stand in the mud, to get wherewith to support nature ! On this voyage, Cosmopolite frequently felt a foreboding of approaching DOW'S JOURNAL. 217 trials ; and a secret conviction that all was not well at the Mississippi, which he expressed more than once or twice. He went to Virginia, by land — saw brother Mead — met his rib in Rich- mond, and then returned to New England, holding meetings and had good times by the way. But now the storm began to gather, preludes of which were seen. Hence, Cosmopolite felt he must fortify his mind — consider- ing these omens a dispensation of preparation accordingly, from the benefi- cent Parent of the world ! Whilst in Europe Cosmopolite was attacked with spasms of a most ex- traordinary kind, which baffled the skill of the most eminent of the faculty ; and reduced his nervous strength, and shook his constitution to the centre, more than all his labors and exposures heretofore — which had been from seven to ten thousand miles a year, and attending meeting from six to seven hundred times. But now his sun appeared declining, and his career draw- ing to a close. But the idea of yielding and giving up the itinerant sphere, was trying to Cosmopolite, seeing it was his element and paradise to travel and preach the gospel. Hence he got a stiff leathern jacket girded with buckles to serve as stays, to support his tottering frame, to enable him to ride on horseback ; which the doctors remonstrated against. When that would answer no further, he took the gig and little wagon ; but was oblig- ed to sit or lay down some part of the meeting to be able to finish his dis- course, mostly for seven years. Some could or would not make the necessary distinction between volun- tary singularity and a case of extreme necessity. But such a cavilling argues an ungenerous mind, and is too much tainted with " moral evil." Cosmopolite had bought a pair of mules, which were to have been fitted to the carriage against his return ; but in lieu thereof, were put in a wag- on ; and so broke down they were unfit for service : hence he had to part with them for about half value, to be able to prosecute his journey. The horse he had was shortly starved so as to fail, and hence obliged to part with him for one of little worth. Shortly followed the residue — while in his decline of health. From New England he was found in the Mississippi Territory ; having travel- led there by land through Georgia, where he received letters of confirma- tion that all was not going right. Here Cosmopolite was induced to aid two parties, as a friend between, who got him bound and would not let him go off. He offered all he had ; but in vain. The circumstance was, one party owned three hundred and twenty-four acres of land, and verbally consented for the other to build a mill on it ; who set up a frame without any title, and getting involved in debt, the first would not sell it to him lest they should lose it by his cred- itors ; and he was afraid lest he should lose his labor for the want of a title. So they wished Cosmopolite to step in between them, so as to make each secure — which, without looking at consequences, he did. This was ^an error of his life, and he repents it once for all. However, it has been a school of an important nature to him, and doubtless will be for life. Then went for his rib, by the advice and request of friends — whose friendship in the sequel consists in fair words untried, like the pine tree which appears as good timber, but upon investigation is found rotten at the heart. For, after Cosmopolite had gone, in a few months, over most of the north- 19 218 DOW'S JOURNAL. em states, he returned with his companion to that part, and was reduced to the most painful situation imaginable, as follows: — First, some heavy debts, in consequence of purchasing sixty-four acres of the three hundred and twenty-four ; though he had but about twenty- four remaining, with the mill frame on it, having parted with about forty, to be able to work through. Secondly : No money or flush loose property. Thirdly : A sick companion, without house or home — this being the time when friends forsook him — all except a deist and his family. Fourthly : Reputation — attacked on all sides, and in remote parts through the states — that he was revelling in riches and luxurv, with a fine brick house, sugar and cotton plantation, flour and saw mills, slaves, and money in the banks, &c. &c. &c, like a nabob in the east. Whilst others made use of every thing they could that would be to his discredit — among which, some few who had subscribed for his journals and paid in advance ; but not getting their books, no allowance was made for the books being lost ; but all was construed, " a design to cheat, and had got the property, and gone to the Mississippi to feather his nest." Hence the famous expression — " The star which rose in the east, is set in the west." About this time he dreamed that he was in New York, and was going from the Park to Pearl-street, in quest of J. Q's. house, when the street appeared burned and only the ruins of the walls remaining, and not a trace of his family could be found in the city — which waked him up in a tremor of horror. He told his wife that he thought they should hear some thing disagreeable from New York, which the sequel proved in a few days, for a letter from Mr. W was opened in Virginia, and acci- dentally, or rather providentially, a friend wrote to the Mississippi, "I suppose that you have heard that J. Q. has eloped to the W. I. and taken off another man's W . . ., and also left you in the lurch with Mr. W and J. C. T." &c. &c. &c. The whole mystery was then developed, and consequences to be read that would be disagreeable enough. Mr. N. S. had his trial by men who had never seen his " letter," or been acquainted with Cosmopolite, nor heard any thing he had to say about the circumstance — gave judgment in Mr. N. S.'s favor, and a certificate of acquittal, only on hearing his own statement — though pagan Romans had the accuser and accused face to face, that he might have an opportuni- ty for his own defence. The Jews' law did not condemn a man before it heard him. Hence CosmoDolite had the sentence of being the agent of all the evil instead of Mr. S ; and moreover was a "sabbath breaker,"' having let some people have a few religious books through necessity, and nol of choice, as they could not be supplied with them at any other time : there- fore must have no countenance, but go on his own footing. Cosmopolite delivered a discourse from, "As ye would that others should do to you, do ye even so to them :" First, in person ; secondly, in proper- ty ; and third, in character : which discourse gave great offence! These things now came to a focus about one time, which augmented the distress of Cosmopolite. As he was fast verging towards the grave, to human appearance he could not stay long ; and the thoughts o\' dying in this cloud, under these gloomy circumstances, were of the most painful DOW'S JOURNAL. 219 and distressing nature. Circular letters were sent forth from the execu- tive already, that he might rise no more ; and at N. Y. it was thought and said by many that he would never dare to show his face again ! A gathering in the side of Cosmopolite for some time, now began to ripen, and, finally, burst in the cavity of the body, between the bowels and skin, and he expected to die ; but, falling asleep, he dreamed that he was in a mill-race, below the wheel. The water was as clear as crystal, but the bottom and sides were a quicksand, so that there was nothing to seize hold of or to stand on, for the possibility of relief. Thus situated, he drifted with the stream towards the ocean near by, where was a whirlpool of vast depth. People were sitting on the banks, merrily diverted to see him drift, with- out offering any assistance. However, a little man, in white raiment, ran down to the stream, waded in up to his chin, between the current and whirlpool in the eddy, and, stooping over, reached as far as he could, seized him by the edge of his garment, and dragged him to shore : here a gentleman opened his house, and invited him to the parlor, while the lady made the necessary arrangement for his relief in food, raiment, &c. ; he was then shown into a convenient room, where he was left to compose himself to rest. In the mean time, the people on the bank merrily diverted themselves, saying, " He has lost one shoe in the river, and will never be able to travel and preach again." But in the morning, to the surprise of all, both shoes were found safe in the dining-room, though the doors were shut and locked all night. The idea of being stigmatized, and of having his ashes raked up by misrepresentation after his dissolution, was painful in the extreme; be- cause of the slur it would bring upon religion, as the time appeared fast approaching. He cried to the " God of Jacob" for relief, and that for His name and glory's sake, to hear his prayer, that His cause might not be slandered on his account. Thus, after spending the bloom of youth in the service of others, for Zion's welfare, to be now, in the greatest time of affliction, forsaken of friends, and turned out as an old dog who hath lost his teeth, was a feeling that cannot well be described. " But where reason fails, there faith begins — For man's extremity is God's opportunity." As the last retreat, Cosmopolite retired into a canebrake, at the foot of a large hill, where was a beautiful spring, which he named " Chicimaw spring," by which he got a small cabin made of split poles, where the bear, wolf, tiger, &c, &c, with all kinds of serpents in North America, abound. This was an agreeable retreat from the pursuing foe, there to await and see what God the Lord would do. Once he met with three animals, when going to a neighboring house, upon a by-way, which he hacked out through the cane ; he told them to get out, and chinked his tins together ; one took to the left, and two to the right a few feet, and he passed between, when they closed behind. He inquired if Mr. Neal had been there, having seen his bull-dogs. The family, on hearing their description, replied that they were wolves! Being routed from this peaceful retreat, in the manner that the porcu- pine drove the snake from his den, Cosmopolite made arrangements to leave his rib and go to the states ; so, by mutual consent, they parted for three hundred and seventy-one days, and he came into Georgia, having 220 DO W'S JOURNAL. only about three dollars when he started in the wilderness from the Mis- sissippi. He attended a large association of Dominies in South Carolina, who were mostly strangers to him — there being not more than three mem- bers remaining of the same body when he was acquainted with them a few years before, as about five years changes the majority in each * * * * *******, and not more than five or six spoke to him. However, he endeavored to make clear work as he went ; which, through the mercy and providence of God, was accomplished ; except about subscribers, which he supplied a few months after, though he had to travel several hundred miles to accomplish it. There was a subscription which Cosmopolite had made, but part remained unpaid. He parted with his horse, which cost one hundred and thirty-five dollars, and fifty dollars in cash, with which he was let off, though he was denied the privilege of preaching in the house before he asked it. So he took to his feet, and went on to New- York, and sent for Mr. W and J. C. T., and shortly all the horrid consequences of J. Q.'s conduct came to view. Some years before, Cosmopolite was in a house where the man and all his family were confined with sickness, who requested some papers to be filed, in the west, to save his land, which he had been banished from by the Catholic Spaniards, on account of his religion ; and he had to take his family, in an open boat, round Cape Florida, living on game, and had nothing but Providence and his gun to depend on until they arrived in Georgia, during a space of about seven months. To oblige him, Cosmopo- lite took the papers and filed them ; and J. Q. wished to make the pur- chase ; which matters were executed, accordingly, all round, excepting one instrument of writing, which was only prevented by a sudden fit of illness. Thus God sees not as a man sees : what we think for the best, may prove our ruin ; and what we think for the worst, may be the best way of all ! J. C. T. acted the reasonable part, on Christian principles, to bear and forbear, and wait the bounds of possibility ; but Mr. VV act- ed otherwise. J. Q. had been in the habit of opening the letters of Cosmopolite, and taking out money ; also, he was to have paid Mr. W and J. C. T. ; the latter he did not pay, but the former received a note from J. Q. on the account of Cosmopolite, but not to the full amount ; giving a receipt for money, and wrote a letter to Cosmopolite, for the " balance," to Virginia, where it was broken open, and remained on a shelf for more than a year; and was taken down carelessly by Cosmopolite, who, observing his name on it, opened it, read it, and put it in his pocket, with the receipt, as he came along. Mr. W denied the " receipt," although he acknowledged the letter : but the names were in his own proper handwriting, so admitted by judges, when compared with a receipt-book. He demanded the whole from Cosmopolite, saying the note of J. Q. was destroyed, which amounted to about two hundred and eight dollars ; the whole was less than three hundred. Cosmopolite said it was hard to pay it twice, but was willing to submit it to arbitrators, and abide their judgment ; to this Mr. W assented ; he should choose one, Cosmopolite another, and these two should choose a DOW'S JOURNAL. 221 third, a majority of which should be final. The hour being fixed, Cos- mopolite started with his, and met that of Mr. W ; and who should it be but the sheriff, prepared to take Cosmopolite to the "tight-house." Thus his situation was of the most gloomy nature ; however, two men stepped up and became security for his appearance at court. This gave him time to breathe, and see what next. The assignees to the estate of J. Q., who had died in the West Indies, offered to acquit Cosmopolite of all demands, if he would let them step into the place of J. Q.., and have the transfer in his lieu from those whom it had concerned, (as J. Q. had left a demand on book against Cosmopolite improperly ;) and, moreover, would step in between him and Mr. W , and fight him in the law, giving Cosmopolite a bond of indemnity. Cosmopolite readily consented ; being paid only his expenses, but flung in his trouble ; so that in attempting to favor the sick man, he neither gained nor lost, except the plague and censure, as the sick man was paid his full demand. There is one instrument of writing which hath been paid, but was never delivered up, which, in justice, Cosmopolite should have — as Major Mills, Charles Smith, and Frances Steel, doth know ! Thus Cosmopolite was enabled to clear ofFwith J. C. T., and leave the city in peace ; while Mr. W was left to have his dispute decided in his own way. But what was the consequence 1 He was cast, having the cost of court to pay, and only got the balance. After which there was a resurrection of the note of J. Q., which he, Mr. W , wished Cosmopo- lite to purchase ; and for the refusal, called him all to nought, as a "scoundrel," &c. &c. &c. Cosmopolite went as far as Boston, where he had a few books, procured him a horse and little wagon, and returned to the south, and so to the Mississippi to his rib ; and immediately started for Georgia, through the wilderness, without bidding a friend farewell. He visited many counties, and then started for the north. Was pre-warned in dreams, which the sequel proved, at Lynchburg, Virginia. She was taken sick, brought nigh unto death, and detained two years. See her " Journey of Life." Cosmopolite was defeated in attempting to get a small cabin here, his reputed " riches" not being adequate to surmount it. He was taken unwell with those spasms, and lay beside a road, and probably would have died, but a doctor came along, and gave him some medicine, which flung the spasms from the nerves into the blood-vessels ; and he began to amend from that time. The Presbyterians were remarkably kind and open in North Carolina. Many of their meeting-houses were at his service, and some of their min- isters he formed acquaintance with, who appeared like very pious men, with the spirit of liberality ! Thus, after long struggles, Cosmopolite got through his difficulties, into which others had involved him, after turning every way,* even to parting * Though he thought of paying with a " ramskin," as the saying is — i. e. deliver up all — but Providence wrought the other way, when it came to the last extremitv with Mr ■yy***** " ' Cosmopolite sent the money to J. Q. according to agreement, but he gave his note to Mr. W*****, and kept the money, which Mr. W***** accepted on Cosmopolite's account, and gave the receipt for money accordingly ! 19* 222 DOW'S JOURNAL. with his horse and library ; the latter of which he had taken much pains to collect and select, having the small piece of ground left at the Missis- sippi, on which was the old mill frame, from which he derived no bene- fit, neither does he expect to, having sent a deed of relinquishment, but received no value.* Those who are fond of retailing evil reports about absent characters with a degree of rejoicing, are a partaker of evil, inasmuch as they would consider it very hard, ungenerous, and unjust, for one to take half the liberty about them in their absence that they do about others. For the motives cannot be good, nor the spirit savor of righteousness. There- fore, if they profess friendship to the face, they are only base " hypo- crites" in heart, from which, may society be delivered ! Dreams may come from the enemy — from the business of the day past — from a disordered body — propensities founded by contamination — from "moral evil" — and from God, through the medium of angels and depart- ed saints, as forewarnings to stir up and prepare the mind for those scenes ahead, as a dispensation of preparation ; which many remain ignorant of for the want of due attention, with a heart conformed to the Divine government. Many people, from a spirit of prejudice founded on jealousy, surmise things about others, which amounts to a reality in their imagination ; and hence assume the liberty to report and circulate it as truth founded upon fact, to the great injury of society, friendship, and the innocent. The foregoing short history of " eccentric" Cosmopolite, is given for the benefit of all those whom it may concern. CHAPTER XI. June 9th, 1813. Leaving Peggy at John M. Walker's, in Buckingham county, Virginia, where she was confined with , I spoke in Char- lotte county, Mecklinburg, Brunswick, Belfield, and Murfreesborough, down to Edenton, in North Carolina, at which place I was interrupted by a Baptist preacher, who gave me the lie, and brought himself into dis- repute. I replied, " There were some good, mistaken men whose hearts were better than their heads." By Elizabeth I came to the Hickory Ground, and down to Princess- Ann ; and while upon the road I heard " Jefferson's bull-dogs," so called, roaring at one of neighbor George's frigates ; which gave me awful sen- sations concerning the horrors of war, and the curse the world is under. On my arrival at Norfolk, I saw the smoke of cannon, and the awful scene during ihe battle of Craney Island. " God sees not as man sees ; for the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong," which was exemplified in that instance ; the termi- nation being different from every calculation, both of friend and foe. * Roswell V*****, who was disinterested by his influence and interference, saved some I it'll' value from the wreck. DO W'S JOURNAL. 223 I returned by Suffolk, where I found my old friend, Yarborqugh, had gone to the other world. By Petersburgh to Richmond, where 1 found my old friend, Stith Mead, still going on in the work of the Lord. On my arrival in Buckingham, finding Peggy still low in health, and the people unwilling for her removal, as unadvised, I requested a ride in the gig, and the family not suspecting my intentions, we started; and, beyond probability, she endured ten miles before we stopped, as the doc- tor had advised the " White Sulphur Springs," in Greenbriar. Next dav we reached Lynchburgh, where I was requested to preach, but Le Roy Merntt, who had been converted in this place, and came with me from the Lowlands, had been to see his friends, was now on his return, and desired to preach. I felt as if it was his turn, and gave way accordingly. He spoke with life and authority from above, and going to his station in Portsmouth, died in a few days after, with the shouts of " Victory ! Vic- tory ! Victory !" in his mouth. •• Let me die the death of the righteous, and my last end be like his." ■• Mark the perfect man, and behold the upright, for the end of that man is peace." While in the Lowlands I saw some good times, and revivals of reli- gion ; but the drought, the sun, and flies, were dreadful at that time. Many streams were so dried that swine fattened upon their fish, and the want of water and food for cattle were distressing ; with the addition of swarms of flies to suck the blood of man and beast. Hiring a hack we came to the " White Sulphur Springs," in Green- briar, where I got access to many neighborhoods where I had not been before, being a stranger in those parts. Our expenses were nearly one hundred dollars, but I did not begrudge it, considering the benefit we re- ceived from those waters. When on the way, Peggy could hardly bear her weight ten yards, but now was able to ride sixteen miles on horseback to the "Sweet Springs," where I spoke to a large and attentive audience, though the devil reigned in those parts. Lawyer Baker collared me, and threatened to break my neck for preaching ; because, he said, I insulted Mrs. ten years before, by saying, hell is moving from beneath to meet her at her coming: and he did it to revenge her cause. But his assertion was false. The ladies, however, took up my cause, and pro- mised me protection. And hence his gambling comrades became ashamed, and he had to hold his peace and let me alone. By the assistance of Providence we found the way opened to gain Fin- castle, and the camp-meeting, near Salem, where I had to apologize for my " lappel coat," single-breasted, which 1 was reprobated for wearing. The case was this : eighteen months before, I was in distress for a coat, the winter coming on, and had not money to spare to get one. But a man owed me twenty dollars, which he could not pay in ready money ; hence I must lose it, being about to leave those parts, unless I would accept a turn to a shop where garments were ready made, being brought over from England. Hence, from my necessity, and the nature of the case, origi- nated the contended coat, the most valuable I ever wore in my life. But T soon gave it away rather than hurt weak minds, and got a sailor's blanket coat to prosecute mv journey. From thence to Blackrpd in a wagon, where we had some good times. I spoke to the military in Christianburg, where they gave me a surtout. 224 DOW'S JOURNAL. I attended a camp-meeting one day and two nights, which appeared like a blank in my life. So I started off twenty miles on foot to my des- tination. Having procured me a tackey, and parting with Peggy at the Yellow Springs, in Montgomery county, I started for the west, while she went to the east, with brother and sister Booth, in Brunswick county. On Walker's creek I saw the greatest preparation for camp-meeting that I ever viewed in my life, being encircled with barracks all round. It was a dreadful rainy time, but from our convenience preaching went on in the tents, and all were accommodated. 1 called at a house to feed my horse, where I was recognised, and so- licited to stop and preach, which I did, and had a good time. The man of the house turned away circuit preaching, because they held private class-meetings, and so broke up the class. In Abingdon I spoke three times. Exchanging my poney for another, as she was with foal, which had been kept a secret from me by the seller, I got imposed on again, as the latter had not been corn-fed, and in two days she tired. Hence, I was obliged to exchange for a third, to be able to keep up with my appointments. But this was so rough in his gait, that my state of health would not admit of keeping him. Hence, I ex- changed for a fourth, having expended eighty-three dollars. I obtained one worth about forty, having but one eye. When I started on this journey, I felt to go as far as Nashville ;* but any further, a gloom seemed to overspread my contemplation on that sub- ject. I could not tell why ; yet when I arrived in West Tennessee, the cause was obvious. The Indians having commenced war, blocked up the way to Louisiana, as many were murdered in that direction. Putting my work, improved, to press, I sent off my appointments; after which, I commenced my tour through Gallatin, Carthage, Lebanon, where I saw the wife of the " Wild man of the Woods." I strove to obtain his journal ; but in that I was disappointed — though they had agreed on cer- tain conditions to let me have it — he died in peace. From Lebanon to Jefferson, Murfreesborough, Columbia on Duck ; Ricees' M. H., Frank- lin ; Liberty, near Green Hills; Dixon county, Clarksville, Palmyria, Christian county and Russellville, Kentucky; Robinson C. H., Macmins- ville, Secotchee valley, Washington, Kingston, Marysv-ille, Seversville, Knoxville, Clinton, Jacksborogh, Claiborne C. H., Rutledge, Rogersville, Greensville, Jonesborough, and Carter C. H., to Wilksborough, and then * In Nashville jail I saw an Indian chief of the Creek nation, named Bob, taken prisoner by Coffee's spies. ] asked him why their nation took up the hatchet against the whites, when they were paid lor their friendship by the United States. He replied, thai a letter from the Great Father, the King of England, said ihe time was arrived to lake up the hatchet. Then the governor of Pensacula sent for the big Prophet, who said if we did not take up the hatchet, our cattle would become buffalo, and our fowls like wild turkeys, and our hogs would become lizards; and likewise our dogs would become spirits and kill us. because w e had whipped them. Which prophecy the go\ ernor delh ered by an interpreter to runners, who quickly circulated it through the nation. Some believed it, who were credulous in the doctrine of spirits. It was through such a threefold influential source : others believed it, being disaffected to the I nited States ; and a third, to prevent being tomahawked, as there could be no neutral in the war, and hence the commencement of hostilities. They that observe lying vanities, forsake their own mercies, four armies are now against them, ami destruction appears coming upon them to the uttermost. But wo to them who make use of religion to answer their wicked ends thereby ! DOW'S JOURNAL. 235 Huntsville, so to James Clemments, where I arrived on Tuesday evening the 14th of December; intending to proceed immediately to Raleigh, and from thence to Brunswick, where Peggy is. But in this I was disappoint- ed : being taken sick, was confined until Thursday, when the weather set in bad. On Sunday J spoke to several hundreds in the door-yard, and rode fourteen miles on my way ; and falling in with a congregation, I spoke at night. Next day it rained, snowed, and hailed, in a distressing manner, so that I could not feel myself justifiable to pursue my journey, however anxious. There is something peculiar in my detention here, — for I felt to hasten my journey to the utmost, and accomplish my route ; but still I was pre- vented going further at present, though I have accomplished the essence of my visit. More than a year ago, I dreamed that we were on the shore in the Low- lands ; where about twelve o'clock at night the great ocean presented to view before without bounds, and the awful cavalry pursuers were in the rear, and destruction to the uttermost awaited us if we stayed there until day. I saw a batteau, without sails, oars, or rudder, in which I said we must embark as the only alternative, and leave the event to God ; and putting in our trunk, for it was present with my papers, and all we had, Peggy stepped in, and as I shoved it off stepped in myself; the motion of which, with the wind and tide, took us out of sight of land before day. A porpoise rose and struck the gunwale of the boat, and broke in a part, which admitted the waves to dash in, and the boat began to fill. I said, " We are lost — there is no hope, but to commit ourselves to God, and hang our souls upon Him !" Just then a fine large ship presented to view, and was immediately alongside ; and seeing our danger, flung us a rope, to which we fastened the trunk, and so were drawn into the ship, as the boat just then filled and went down ! There were three ladies in the cabin, who served us with a dish of warm coffee or tea; for we were wet and very much chilled. I could eat but little, from the gratitude to the great Disposer of all events for our late deliverance from the danger of the sea, and our dreadful pur- suers. I asked the captain where he was from, and bound to ? He said, ' : From Ireland — have been to the West Indies — am sailing to Jerusalem." While reflecting on the subject, and the probability that my pursuers would not hear of me for years, if ever, I awaked, all in a flood of tears ! What it means, I know not ; time must unfold it ! When on my return from Europe, from an unaccountable impulse of mind I frequently said, I awfully feared that all was not right at the Mississippi ; as a brother and sister-in-law had gone to that territory about the time we left America. In Ireland, one day a person observed to me her dream, which left a tremor of horror on her mind — that I had wings, and could roam at plea- sure where I pleased ; at length I lit down on a certain place, and sunk into the mire — and the more I strove to get out, the deeper I sunk clown in the black mire ; when she waked up with a degree of horror. Those persons in M. T. separated, by grievously sinning against the tender mercies of the Lord. Leaving Peggy in Virginia^ I arrived at Claiborne county, where he had begun a mill on ground which was not his own, and got involved in debt, which caused both parties, viz. the 226 DOW'S JOURNAL. owners of the ground and him, to desire me to act as a mediator between them ; which I did, and writings were passed accordingly. But alas ! this was the beginning of sorrows to me ; and proved a school, arising from a combination of circumstances, which I shall never forget. I offered all I had, in a few days after, for a release, but in vain — they proved like blood-suckers, which stuck close to the skin. Hence I was compelled to purchase a part of the land and improvements ; which in- volved me in debt head and ears, of several thousand dollars, which took me some time to extricate myself! But which was accomplished by per- severance, through the providence of God. The " Rights of Man," fifth edition, being finished, I visited Fayetteyille, Wilmington, Kingston, Georgetown, and Charleston; where the woman lived at the " Planter's Hotel," who had been instrumental in saving me from the hand of Baker — here I put up gratis. I visited Sumpterville, Statesborough, Columbia, Chesterfield, Wades- borough, and several adjacent counties, to Moore ; and Raleigh, Smith- field, Kingston to Newbern, and Washington ; so by the intermediate places to Tarborough, and also to Nash C. H., Louisville, Williamsbo- rough, Granville, Hillsborough, to Terswell and Person, to Warrington and Brunswick — from whence we took our departure to Petersburg, Rich- mond, Fredericksburg, Alexandria, Washington to Baltimore ; and on the way I met Jesse Lee, who hailed me in the stage. I once saw him at a camp-meeting in Georgia — we took a walk ******** He has been Chaplain to Congress longer than anyone individual since the " True American Federal Government" was formed. I spent some time with him at Washington — he gave up his appointment for Cosmopo- lite in the " Big House." One night Cosmopolite, while sleeping in the room with him, dreamed, that a rat came out of the dark, and fastened on his finger, and began to suck his blood, which he, in endeavoring to shake off, had like to have sprung out of bed. Next day there came a swindlei to Cosmopolite, and ingeniously duped him out of thirty-eight dollars, which he desired never to reimburse. This also was a school, and taught him the lesson — " He that will be surety for a stranger shall smart for it." Mr. F. A. is sick, and perhaps is about to end his long and arduous labor. What then ?******** Cosmopolite heard N S preach from, " The Lord knoweth how to deliver the godly out of temptation, and to reserve the unjust unto the day of judgment to be punished." The Lord knoweth — not is able or willing — but hioiceth hoto, i. e. the best way to deliver, &c. ; and to reserve the unjust unto the day of judgment — not the general judgment, but some particular judgment in this world: adding, those who will not be subject to rule and order, put themselves out of the power of the magistrate, for he cannot follow them through all their intricate wind- ings; of course they surrender themselves into the hand of God only — and hence we niay expect to sec some particular judgment befall them, as a just dispensation, and make a striking example of them as a warning to others ! From Baltimore to Philadelphia, and so to New York, where he saw 3 M , who professes himself toi>e an " alien enemy" — who hath caused (more) uneasiness in the society, and disturbance (than Cosmopolite hath done on these shores this eighteen DO W'S JOURNAL. 227 years*) though accountable to none in a moral or ecclesiastical point of view, for his conduct on these shores; though a man of "order,"' yet he lias been generously used in various senses in this city ; but his life shows the liberty in his country, as published by himself. However, Americans as "alien friends" there in time of peace, are used worse than "alien enemies" are here in time of war ; which Cosmopolite doth know. There Cosmopolite, with his rib, had to appear at the customhouse, by summons ; and tell his age, parentage, birth-place, occupation, city, street, number of the house, and name of the family where he stayed before em- barking, ship's name, &c, &c, &c, complexion, height, flesh-marks, &e., &c, all the answers recorded, and his name he had to sign to his testi- mony. This examination they passed through three rimes at the custom- house, then at the Mayor's Office, and also at the Alien Office ; then he could not stay without the king's license, on which were certified his lodg- ing, &c., which must not be removed even to the next door without per- mission, under a penalty ; and the family who received him to fifty pounds fine. Moreover, he must not exceed eleven miles distance, nor preach without license from the sessions, which could not be obtained without, first, the oath of allegiance ; second, to support that particular form of government; third, against Popery, or be subject to pay a fine of twenty pounds ; and those who suffered meetings in their houses without a license from the Bishop's court, were subject to twenty pounds fine ; and each of those who attended, to pay five shillings. Render unto Csesar the things that are Caesar's, and unto God the things that are God's. For the devil ought to have his due, and God requires no more ; and every thing should have justice done to it ! And to misrepresent any thing designedly, with an intention to deceive, to injure another, and thereby answer our own designs, is a "moral evil" of the deepest dye. And while the Vicegerent governs the world in righteousness, judgment must and will be given in favor of the injured. Therefore vice must not triumph over virtue ; and though the " wicked may flourish like the green bay tree" for a season, the day of retribution will come at last. Consequently, all persons whose actions flow from impure and unjustifiable motives, will have only a curse and bitterness, as a just entailment at last, as the final issue of their conduct ! But innocence, uprightness, and integrity of heart, founded upon virtuous and justifiable principles, as a responsible agent to the Supreme Governor of the world, will meet his approbation ; who will carry them through safely. However severe their trials and conflicts may be for a season, salvation will come at last. Hence the propriety of " faith in God," and a " hope" in his providen- tial hand ! Likewise charity or love, which is the spirit of the gospel of Christ, should be the moving spring of all our actions, in order that we may glorify him in all our w'ays, by a suitable disposition of heart fitted to his government, which requires a worship in spirit and in truth, with the understanding ! * The example of Cosmopolite, it had been urged, would prove pernicious : but where has the effect been produced yet ? Moreover the " Defence of Methodism" .states the distinction between " Accidental and Moral Evil;" and shows the absurdity of saying "most good or evil," &c. — "more evil than good." 228 DOW'S JOURNAL. " Natural law," " moral law," and the " rule of practice," originated from the same Author. Natural law embraces unalienable rights, which are founded upon in- nate principles, as life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, &c, from which equality originates " natural justice." Agreeable to such natural justice is " moral obligation" — " love the Lord with all thy heart, and thy neighbor (not less or more, but) as thyself," — " and as ye would that others should do to you, do ye even so to them, for this is the law and the prophets" — or what the law of Moses, and the spirit of the prophets, and the example of Jesus Christ enjoined. " Therefore, with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged," and " with what measure you mete, it shall be measured to you again." The just retributions of divine Providence have been observable in social bodies, as well as in personal and individual cases. Haman and Mordecai exemplify an instance — " he that will dig a pit for another, shall fall into it himself." CHAPTER XII. CONCLUSION. The first fifteen years of my life were as lost, not being devoted to God : though more sober and steady than most at that age, which was remarked by many. When in my sixteenth year, I became acquainted with the comforts of religion, which hath kept me out of many a hurtful snare. About eighteen I commenced my itinerant career, which is more than eighteen years since. Various are the scenes through which I have been preserved since, by land and water, in those different climes where my lot hath been cast, arising from the different customs, interests, and the prejudice of education. There is a family likeness, so there may be a family temper, and likewise a family education. Hence the various modes give rise to various preju- dices ; and those that predominate will infest and taint whole societie neighborhoods, whose influence thev control. Little minds are capable of little things ; and hence to see an exaltation, is apt to produce a jealousy, which when admitted begets envy : and friendship and respect degenerate into hatred, malice, and ill-will. Every person supposes himself to be in the middle of the world, and his way to be the most right, as a criterion, and the summit of perfection. A difference of course to be an error, which should be cured. Hence he s testimony against it with all the zeal, acrimony, and bitter censorious- ness imaginable. Why? Because it varies from his views ; withoul al- lowing ethers the same liberty that he takes, to think, and judge, and act for themselves ; but all are in error who do not come to his rule, founded upon bigotry and the prejudice of education. For, the most ignorant are rally tin- most rude, saury, impertinenl and positive in their assertions ; not knowing how to state a proposition, nor draw a right conclusion ; but DOW'S JOURNAL. 229 think that assertion is argument, and so take it for granted that it proves the point. Those persons who have sprung out of the ashes, and have been raised in the corner, when they get into office and power, become the most im- portant, self-exalted, imperious, and tyrannical of any persons whatever, and domineer with a vengeance over those that come within their power and displeasure,* from which, good Lord deliver the earth !f I perceive all things below the sun to be of a fleeting nature — nothing permanent but divinity and immortality! And to feel the love of the former, brightens up the prospects of the latter ; and inspires the heart with hope beyond this life ! I have not an acre of ground I call my own upon earth, and but a small pittance of this world's goods in any shape or form. But I am without house or home of my own, and but very few on whose friendship to depend. The last seven years of my life have been a scene of trials, but they have been a school. During this time, I have not received from other people in my travels, what would bear one half of my necessary expenses, and yet there is no time nor place in Europe or America, that any person can point out, when or where I asked for a " contribution," for " myself," either directly or indirectly — though I have taken a few, made by other people, in some cases of extreme necessity, or to prevent doing harm by hurting the feelings of some well wishers, in the course of those eighteen years ; but have by far declined the bigger part — perhaps ten to one 4 The profits of my books, I derived no real advantage from, before I went to Europe the last time ; and by the Journal I sunk about one thousand dollars, by engaging too many to meeting-houses, before the work was done ; at one of which there happened to lack twenty-five of eight hundred ; and hence twenty-five dollars in cash was demanded, and paid from other publications ; so that I had but about ten dollars, when I embarked for Europe. But hitherto the Lord hath helped and brought me through, and gently cleared my way. I feel a sweet inward peace of mind — a blessing I have never lost since I saw Calvin Wooster. What is before me I know not — trials I expect ever await me, while upon the journey of life on these mortal shores ; but the anticipation of a better and happier world, attracts my mind to surmount every obstacle by " faith in Jesus," to gain that bright abode ; and strive by every possible means to regenerate the earth by the knowledge of God ; that " moral evil" may be expelled the world, the kingdom of Christ become general, and rule over all. I verily believe these are the last days of troublesome times ; and will continue to grow worse and worse, and rise higher and higher, until after the " fall of Babylon," which I expect cannot be far off- — and the " beast and * This is observable in petty understrappers ********* as well as in the black overseers in the West-Indies. t The narrow contracted tyrant — condemned such a variety of heights — thought to be "uniform" would be for the best — and choosing his own height for the model, had an "Iron bestead" erected for the criterion — and all the longer must be " cut off" and those that were shorter must be stretched — which neither nature nor grace admit. \ 1 have now and then rode up to a bouse, and asked for a bit of bread and some few things of the like necessity, &c. 20 230 DOW'S JOURNAL. false prophet" be taken away ; then the divine government will be ac- knowledged — natural justice attended to — moral obligation performed in the golden rule of practice, as enjoined by the Vicegerent of the world ! Whoever will read the xxviii. of Deut., and compare it with the history of the Jews, and our Lord's prediction with Josephus, must be at least rationally convinced of the doctrine of providence in nature and grace. And whosoever is convinced, and looks at the "signs" may discern the "times;" "for the light of the moon is becoming as the light of the sun," when compared with the last centuries, and " the light of the sun shall become seven fold, as the light of seven days," saith the inspiration of the Almighty. Then " the house of the Lord shall be established in the top of the mountain, and exalted above the hills," — "and all nations shall flow unto it;" then "the wolf and the lamb shall dwell together," and the " nations learn war no more," for " the name of the Lord alone shall be exalted in that day," and natural evil will be expelled the world, and the earth restored to its paradisaical state " until the thousand years be ended;" whether a common thousand, prophetic or apostolic, when Christ shall rei°;n on earth and brinsj his saints with him. But after the loosing of Satan, then there will be a falling away, and shortly will come the gen- eral judgment, " moral evil" having contaminated the earth again. And hence it is inconsistent with the nature and government of the Almighty to continue the world in being any longer: then we arrive at the "con- summation" of all things. The world is fitted to man's body, but not to the mind ; the love of God is the only principle that can satisfy the mind, and make him happy. Man is ever aspiring for new and greater things. Now this principle is not wrong, being implanted by the Author of nature as an inherent princi- ple that is innate. The evil consists in the pursuit of improper objects, objects that can never satisfy, and so become idolaters, to the neglecting the Author of all good, the privation of which is misery, as he is the only fountain of perfect and lasting happiness. This world is man's beginning place, like a state of embryo, he being a candidate for future happiness ; hence the other world is his place of destination. For " moral evil" brought " natural evil " into the world. Man is degenerate ; hence the necessity of " regeneration " by the divine Spirit, called the "new birth." "The kingdom of heaven was prepared for man," not from all eternity, but "from the foundation of the world V" whereas " the lake of fire and brimstone " was never made for man, but was " prepared for the devil and his angels." The " pleasure " of the Lord was the moving cause of "creation ;" " love " was the moving cause of " redemption ;" and " faith" is the in- strumental cause of" salvation." But " sin," man's own act, is the cause of his " damnation." Therefore the necessity of seeking the Lord by faith, to find that knowledge of him which will give an evidence of pardon, and bring peace to the mind. The "divisions" of the human family into " nations," has its advantages, to cause a ha.lanee of power, and a refuge for the oppressed people. The variety of " denominations" also in those nations have an advan- tage, that no one should have the pre-eminence to domineer over others in matters of" conscience," there being so little real piety in the world. DO W'S JOURNAL. 231 Union of form and ceremony is not religion in a moral point of view, for by ir, with the addition of power, the world hath been imposed upon, and taken the shell for the kernel in their awful, delusive ignorance, which hath driven men to deism and infidelity, as common sense began to wake up and see the imposition, — and doubtless will continue so to do more and more. Hence the propriety of these words, " When the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth ?" But the union of heart in the spirit of the gospel of Christ, is a necessary thing to promote peace, and convince the world of the reality of the reli- gion of Jesus being founded in divinity, that they may embrace it by faith and "know" its blessed enjoyments. Let brotherly love continue, for Avhere bitter contention is, is every evil work ; and instead of judging and striving for a party, and using the devil's tools with which to do the Almighty's work, strive to excel in love ; evidencing your ' ; faith in Christ by works," and bringing forth those fruits of Christianity that will be the evidence on which will turn your eternal ''justification" forever, in the day of final retribution. The glory of God should be our object, the will of God our law; his spirit our guide, and the Bible our rule, that Heaven may be our end. Hence we must " watch and pray," endure to the end to receive the " crown of life," where is pleasure without pain, for evermore. Then the storms of life are forever over, and this journey is drawn to a close, where there is glory, and honor, praise, power, and majesty, might, and dominion forever ascribed to God and the Lamb. O! this "pleasing anticipation of a future world, the hope beyond the grave ! After our arrival in New York, a combination of circumstances con- spired together, whereby I was enabled to put my works to press, through the assistance of some friends, whose friendship I required. But as many of the books were sold at cost, and considerable expense attended the transportation and circulation of them, there was very little if any nett gain or profits attending the same, without counting the great attention, care, &c, attending it; if we except the pleasure and benefit of mankind, which were my principal objects in their circulation ; all of which was accomplished in about seven months, and discharged. Frequently did I attend meetings at the Asbury meeting-house, belong- ing to the Africans or people of color, and some other places ; and depart- ed to New Haven, where we spent a few days. It was the Fourth of July, and many were celebrating the time of independence, but in a way neither to the glory of God, nor the honor of our country ; but rather savored of a spirit of ingratitude, arising from a state of insensibility of how great and glorious our privileges are, when contrasted with other nations, and what has been before. So I made some remarks upon the sin of ingratitude, and its concomitant evils prospectively* on the occa- sion. Thence to North Guilford and Middletown, where I found a wagon going to Hebron, having held a number of meetings by the way. Here I received a note from N. D., of N. L., containing the following queries : 1st. Why less time in private devotion now than formerly? 2d. Whether the time spent in writing would not be better spent in private prayer? 3d. Why more conversant with my friends? These questions reminded me of a circumstance of several vessels which were loaded with live stock, cattle, sheep, hogs, geese, &c, when several 232 DOW'S JOURNAL. foreign vessels were off at a distance. Those things caused me to think so loud that I spoke out : "This looks like fulfilling the scripture — 'If thine enemy hunger, feed him.'' "Yes," replied a bystander, "the Connecticut people are very pious in that respect." But books are next akin to preaching, and may benefit society when I am no more ; and duties never clash. Getting equipped with a horse and small light wagon, I proceeded to Coventry, and found my aged father, one sister and two nephews well. I stayed a few days, and visited a number of adjacent places, and had some tender times. But my mind was uneasy, and some hours of sleep departed from we when I reflected upon the state of the country, and the spirit of the times. When in Hartford city I felt as if bewildered, and scarce knew which way to go ; I left the beast to start which way he chose, feeling no inclina- tion to go anywhere in particular. Thus in a slow walk we started and took the road west, towards the state of New York, about twenty miles. when I met an old man. I asked him if anybody in the neighborhood loved God. He mentioned a family, and escorted me to the house, where two persons lived, who were my former acquaintance when they wen- single. Stayec all night, had two meetings, and went to Wensted, where I was invited by John Sweet, an acquaintance whom I fell in with by the way. Had two meetings, and went to Lenox and Pittsfield, and saw some of my old acquaintance and spiritual children whom I had not seen for fifteen years. Held several meetings, and went to Bennington and spoke once. Then to Cambridge, where I had formerly travelled, but felt not free to call on any of my old acquaintance ; nor have I felt free to do it intentionally where I formerly travelled the circuits, unless it so happened just in my way of travelling. Spent, about a week with Peggy's sister and brother-in-law ; held sev- eral meetings, met some opposition with an A-LL-part minister, and de- parted to Saratoga and Ballstown springs, and held about fifty meetings in the adjacent country towns. Thence went to Stillwater and Waterford ; so to Lansingburg and Troy, where Chichester proclaimed war against me before I came, assigning as the reason, "order !" But they wha are not conformed to moral order in the divine government, will not be able to stand in that day when all hearts shall be disclosed ! Thence to New York, where the countenances of the people were an index to the mind, during the awful suspense of the engagements at Baltimore and Plattsburgh ; and also it was visihle who were the friends of the country and felt interested, and those who were not; and a day or two days after, when accounts came from those two places that they had not fallen, the scene was equally reversed.* Thence to Philadelphia, where I spent about a month. Sold my travel- ling convenience, and went by water in a steam-boat to New-Castle, in Delaware. Saw an old house one hundred and twenty-seven years old : held one meeting, and took stage to Smyrna ; spoke once. Then to Dover. and found a distant people. Spoke four times; disturbed twice by some- thing coming into my room in the night. Spoke to it, got no reply ; in- terrogated the family, got no satisfaction, only found others had been dis- * The countenance being an index to the mind. DO W'S JOURNAL. 233 turbed there before. Thence to Frederica ; spoke three times, and went to Milford; where I spoke several times, and went to Georgetown ; and spoke twice. So on to Daggsborough, and spoke in a church of England meeting-house, and then to Martinsville, and held two meetings. From thence to Poplartown, in Maryland ; and Snow-Hill, where I spoke six times, and departed to Havertovvn, and from thence to Drummingtown, in Virginia. Thence I returned by Downing-Chapel, and Newtown to Snow- Hill ; thence to Salisbury ; and so to Cambridge, where the snow and cold overtook me. During this journey so far, I had many precious times — ■ at the Trap, in particular, and in Eastown and Centreville, and at Ches- tertown, and at the head of Chester. I then returned to Smyrna, and vis- ited its vicinity. At the head of Sassefras, I saw Margaret Keen, whom I saw two years before in Baltimore ; and who had accurately dreamed of Bonaparte's disasters, &c. &c, which had made considerable impression upon my mind. Thus, after about thirty days, I returned to Philadelphia, where I met my companion from New York, where I had left her ; having travel- led about five hundred miles, and held upwards of sixty meetings. As neither of us had been in those northern latitudes at this inclement season of the year, having been seasoned to a warm climate, prudence dictated the propriety of a proper line of conduct. Having some writing to do, it was proper to attend to it ; and now appeared the time. But a proper place was hard to find, where we might be retired. Once, seemingly we had thousands of friends ; but alas, a true friend is hard to find ! — one who is not like the pine tree, rotten at the heart. Man is not to be trusted, unless fear, interest, or the grace of God, shall influence him ! For mankind in general, are led like an animal, by in- clination for the time being, without exercising judgment or reason, which should be founded in a virtuous principle ! There is none but God who can be depended upon as certain; for he never forsakes us, unless we first forsake him ! though some talk to the contrary, saying, David was left to do so and so, &c. Where are my many friends now ? Zion is gone into captivity ; her harps are hung upon the willows ; but she will yet come out of the wil- derness of this world, leaning upon her beloved, terrible as an army with banners ! When travelling north and south, the difference of the country, the pre- judice of the people, in their different modes of raising, both among the religious, and those who do not profess, taking the Potomac for the di- viding ground, makes me think of the " ten pieces " of garment that Ahi- jah gave to Jeroboam ; which prejudice had begun in the time of Saul, the first king in Israel, and the house of David ! When Cosmopolite was invited to preach in Congress-Hall, before the House, he spoke from these words : " Righteousness exalteth a nation ; but sin is a shame to any people." He went clown to the Navy-yard, and stayd at the house of James Friend. During the night he dreamed, and thought that he was in the gallery of the Capitol, which was much crowded, and the House was in session. A little, sharp-looking man came to the top of the stairs, and winked and beckoned to me, as if in great agi- tation ; and then turned and went out. I thought I made my way through the crowd, and got out of the door, where I found a military guard around 20* 234 DOW'S JOURNAL. the house. Getting through them, I started towards the Navy-yard, when I saw the house arise, and fall into two parts, and burst into ten thousand atoms, and the whole was enveloped in a column of smother and smoke, which shock waked me up ! I told James Friend in the morning my cu- rious dream. Fifteen months after, as I was coming from Virginia, I called at his house ; he reminded me of the dream, adding, that he had never been in the house since, without thinking of it, and feeling a degree of horror! O^T" Several months after this, when I heard of Ross and Cockburn being at Washington, I could measurably interpret my dream. There was more blood spilt in the Carolinas, between the inhabitants, during the former struggle, than between the regular armies. There is an awful gloom gathering fast, and clouds hang over a guilty land. Wars are neither less nor more than the sword and scourge of God ; not only for a nation, but as individuals also ; and there are two classes who feel it heaviest here : the first is those who are of no service to God or man — viz. those who are a nuisance to society, not pursuing any useful, inno- cent or lawful calling, to gain a subsistence ; but have corrupted society by the influence of their example, and violating the divine law, by pro- fane cursing, swearing, lying, drinking, whoring, and lounging about the streets. This filth is in a great measure drained from our towns, and gone to the slaughter-house. The other is the mercantile class, who, through the unparalleled space of peace and prosperity, were led off by the tempta- tion of riches and grandeur, whereby they forgot God : hence the influ- ence of their example, to the injury of society, and the dishonor of God's government. Therefore it was necessary that those avenues of wealth should be shut up ; and hence the scourge from God. Consequently we should take warning that we may be able to stand ; and of course must conduct ourselves accordingly, in the duty of love to God and our . igh- bor ; and attend to our Saviour's golden rule of practice, " As ye would that others should do to you, do ye even so to them." After inquiring some time, I found a place in a Quaker family, where we obtained a room. Attended some of their, meetings ; had some very com- fortable feelings while sitting in silence with them ; heard some who spoke feelingly, and to satisfaction ; among whom was Richard Jordan. His track I was much upon in Ireland, but never saw him until in this city: visited his house, and had good satisfaction. Peter's call was to the Jews; Paul's to the Gentiles: so there are different gifts and calls in our day, and all by the same Spirit. Dorothy Ripley, an English woman, who hath crossed the ocean five times, is now in this city. She belongs to no religious society ; but is rather upon the Quaker order. She was very kind to me, when going on my last tour to Europe. She has travelled most of the states of the 1 niou : and also in Ireland, as well as her native country. There has been much opposition to her, from those who may be called religious bigots, who are of narrow, contracted minds \ for little minds are only capable of little things. But she hath brunted the storm, and lived down much that was designed to block up hen- path, and make the way bitter; but God hath been with her. How many she hath been a blessing to, the day of eterni- mUSt disclose ! Theophilus II. (lates; the influence of his example is very impressive on many minds, lie travels on foot, inculcating the necessity of innoeen- DOW'S JOURNAL. 235 cy, and purity of heart, flowing from love to God and man. He belongs to no particular society, but considers that to be bigoted to a party is to have or subscribe to, and constitute one of the number of the beast. How many more God may stir up to go the same way, I know not ; but though many have prophesied of the mischief that would arise from the influence and example of Cosmopolite ; yet those are not " Dowites," neither is " Dowism " planted, in a spherical point of view. But " Let talkers talk, stick thou to what is best ! To think of pleasing all, is all a jest !" Hence, O ! ye bigots of " Different sects, who all declare, Lo ! here is Christ, and Christ is there ! Your strongest proofs divinely give ; And show us where the Christians live ! Your claim, alas ! you cannot prove ! Ye want the genuine mark of love ! The news of peace salutes our ears, and reverberates through the land : but many appear to be intoxicated with the prospects ; as though the bit- terness was past. However, it may be that many ere long may find that the struggle between the powers of darkness and light is not over : time must disclose it. May God have mercy on the human family, prosper Zion, and help the Pilgrims through this thorny maze to the peaceful shores, where the wicked shall cease from troubling, and the weary shall be at rest ! I saw two chairs made out of the elm tree under which William Penn held his treaty with the Indians, when treating with them for the ground of Pennsylvania, and where the city of Philadelphia now stands — not con- sidering the mere discovery and donation of a king a sufficient title, though done as the reward of merit, for his father's services to the public. While the New Englanders were at .war with the natives, it is said to be a fact that there was no war between Penn's colony and the Indians, all the days of Penn I* * It is said that a man was employed to attend the king's fire, and keep it well perfumed, while Penn was waiting to have the accounts regularly and carefully made out and delivered, which contained the amount of arrears for his father's services — which perfume was very expensive. His majesty being present, was invited by Penn to visit him, and he would ■honor him with one equally costly ; which invitation being accepted, Penn put the obliga- tions into the fire — doubtless as a testimony against war. The king afterwards sent for Penn, and made him a donation of the grant of Pennsylvania. * 102, New Street, Dublin, 9th of bill mo., 1813. Dear Lorenzo — This day thy very acceptable letter of March 19th came to hand, and afforded us particu- lar satisfaction. It was about this time two years when we received the last letter from thee, and the only one since our return from England. I am now established in more extensive and profitable practice than I ever had before — indeed I think the last year exceeded any two former ones since my first commencing as physician, and I must acknowledge that I think Divine Providence made use of thee, in a particular manner, as an instrument to bring about this, to me unexpected, event. For thy persuading me to go at that time with thee to Eng- land, opened the way for my going to settle when I did at Macclesfield, where I willingly resumed my medical practice, after having striven for about seven years earnestly to decline it. My last year's business amounted, 1 think, to near 7001., which with former years' increas- ing prosperity has enabled me to give some hundreds away to assist others in their distresses, and at present to have a few hundreds at my command, for the use of myself and others. Put whatever I may have, either now or in future, I consider not as my own, but as a 236 DOW'S JOURNAL. However much these people called Quakers, are derided for the Protestant Christian world is indebted to them, as the means, for many of the blessings, both civil and religious, which we now enjoy under God. stewardship put into my hands by the great and good Master, and to be unreservedly devot- ed to his service in whatever way and manner he may seen' clearly to point out. If profes- sors of religion would in general consider themselves only as stewards of what they possess, I think it might then be said with truth, as it was at the time of the first promulgation of the gospel, that no man counted any thing he had his own, and no member of the church felt any wants. If any thing has gathered with me it has been providential, and not by my own seeking; by which means it is not a burden to me, as I once felt some to be. However easy and prosperous in outward matters I seem to be, yet I think it would be far more agreeable to me to be in America, travelling along with thee — even encountering some difficulties. But this gratification seems hitherto forbidden me ; and I apprehend that I shall have to abide the great thunder-storm, which I fear ere long will shake and agitate these hitherto highly favored countries. I think it will take place much sooner than most people apprehend, and in a time and manner somewhat sudden and unexpected. I believe it will try the foundations of hundreds of thousands, and the truly upright, and those free from all idolatry, be alone preserved safely through it. I suppose I shall be favored to know of its approach, and a place of safe and quiet retirement be afforded to me during its contin- uance. I am not afraid of rny opinion being known, as I am clear of all political spirit and parties. I heard that thou hadst thoughts of going to the West-Indies, and from thy long silence I had fears that thou hadst gone thither, and sunk under the unwholesomeness of the climate. But now I have a hope of seeing thee once more in this wilderness ; for if thou art favored to visit England after her conflict is over, I have no doubt at present but that I may then meet thee there, and I hope much to our mutual satisfaction. Thy true friend, P. JOHXSOX. The following is the substance of a poem which I wrote down the 24th of February, two days before Napoleon left Elba for France. The first verse, for reasons, I omit. 1 was then under restraints on account of singularities of various sorts. By the beast and false prophet I designated Napoleon and Mahomet. — P. J. N. B. The second beast of the 13th, seems the false prophet of the l'Jth chapter. Verse 2. I sing of a glorious day near a-coming — The kingdom of heaven set up amongst men — The servants of God to his standard a-running. As sheep when their shepherd calls into the pen. The Beast and False Prophet shall first he a-reigning, And horrible carnage 'mongst < Christians will make ; The servants of Jesus in conflicts engaging, A glorious warfare most valiantly wa Their lives laying down for their Greal Master's sake; Their blood not these monsters' deep malice assuaging, Till God s blessed day in the morning. These tyrants alive being cast into fire. As shown to she Ford's highly favored friend; Their armies destroy'd in God's terrible ire : The world'sgreal wickedness come to its end — Then Satan fas) bound and most firmly chained, Is in the abyss for a thousand years fix'd, A seal set u\k»\ it, he horribly pained, His blasphemous rage by his torments untamed, The cup of his punishment here is unmix'd. But God's righteous judgments ran never be blamed — For he is the Ford from the morning. The Serpent no more poor weak mortals deceiving, They all shall acknowledge God's heavenly law His rig hi eo us commands witli obedience receiving. The saints shall promulge wiihoui erroi or flaw DOW'S JOURNAL. 237 Marriage, for example, was considered an ecclesiastical subject — hence no marriage, unless the ceremony was performed by a priest — otherwise, the children illegitimate of course ! The bold, firm and patient stand, which these people made with perseve- rance, was what broke the charm — and obtained the act of Parliament in their favor on that subject. Thank God ! there never has been a spi- ritual court in the United States. Also the " Act of Toleration," under King William, was another effect from the conduct of this people. Likewise the "equal rights of conscience," in our form of government, is another effect, growing out of Penn's policy for the government of his colony ; requiring no particular test as a qualification to office, only a general test, viz., the belief in one God, with future reward and punishment. Thus the lesson he learnt from the persecution in his time ; so a little "leaven leaveneth the whole lump." May it go on throughout the world, till priestcraft and tyranny shall fall, and the nations learn war no more. I took stage for Mellville, and arrived between seven and eight o'clock' at night. Word flew over town, and soon the school-house was filled ; I spoke there, and next day at Buddville. Thence to Elizabeth Port quarterly meeting, where I spoke twice, and thence to Dennis's creek meeting-house. Being disappointed of a conveyance, I went on foot ; found a wagon, and so got on to Cold Spring meeting-house. Thence to Cape May courthouse, and so walked to brother Moore's. Brother Fidler carried me to Big Egg Harbor Baptist meeting-house ; so to Tuck- These servants, raised up by their Great Master's power, Shall sit upon thrones with Messiah to reiirn : 'Tis now of God's kingdom the glorious hour, His blessings come down in a plentiful shower, There now is no suffering, sorrow, nor pain ; But Jesus's presence their heavenly dower — For he is the Star of the morning. This glor'ous day of a thousand years' standing, All death shall abolish to Jesus's friends ; They rule o'er the nations with sceptres commanding, Their Master now makes them abundant amends. The wolf and the lamb they shall lay down together, The calf and the lion in harmony meet, The birds of the air — of all sorts of feather — At springs of the laud, both the upper and nether, Together shall play, and in innocence breed ; An infant shall lead the wild beasts in a tether: 'Tis day with the sons of the morning. But how can I sing of these wondrous matters — In Babylon's basiile a prisoner fast ? — My bonds are made stronger — the devil bespatters My soundness of mind from the first to the last. Poor David* from home and from friends now is banished, As formerly happened in Saul's cruel day ; All comforts domestic entirely vanished, The hillocks of cheerfulness thoroughly planished, The devil triumphant now carries the sway. But God's loved servant, although now astonished, Will yet see a glorious morning. * David means a beloved one. 238 DOW'S JOURNAL. ahoe and May's Landing. Then Weymouth, Fairfield Presbyterian meeting-house, Bridgetown, Penn's Neck, Salem, Sharptown, and Wood- bridge, so back to Philadelphia — having been gone seventeen days, held thirty meetings, and travelled about three hundred miles. In going to the east, Peggy was taken seriously ill. We were detained about a month in New York. Thence we sailed with Captain Howard to New London, who generously gave our passage, as did Dr. Brush his bill at New York. Held a number of meetings, then sailed to Norwich, and spoke in the Baptist meeting-house. I hired a wagon, and came to Coventry ; found my father well. I left Peggy, and visited Hebron, Stonington. (where George's ship Nimrod killed two horses, one hog, and a goose,) and New- port, Rhode Island. My constitution is so broken, and nervous system worn down, that let me put on what resolution I may, I am necessitated to sit down every little while to rest, if I attempt to walk and go on foot. After speaking several times in a large meeting-house with a steeple and bell, occupied by brother Webb, and where he taught school, I spoke in Bristol, where I had been near twenty years before, in the beginning of my itinerancy, and departed to New Bedford, where I had been about eight years before. I spoke several times. Designed for the Vineyard, and attempted to sail for New York ; in both I was disappointed, so I returned by land. One offered a horse, another a chaise, and a third attended me to Providence, where I saw a vessel, and found two boxes of books on board. I disposed of them in the best manner I could, and after attending several meetings, and experiencing some kindness from whence I had no ground to expect it, and in other cases it turned out the reverse, I returned to Coventry. I made preparation to leave my Peggy for some time, and departed to New Haven, sailed in the dreadful gale to New York, came to Philadelphia, and visited Baltimore. I spoke in the second African meeting-house, and the one formerly occupied by old father Otterbine. Friday, 22d September, 1815. I took stage for Carlisle; the wheel came off, and we upset ; but, thanks be to God. none were materially injured. I quit the stage, and walked several miles through the mud — spoke several times — made remittance to my printer and bookbinder — assisted ten miles with a horse. Monday, 25th. I spoke in the Dutch " United Brethren" meeting-house, near the big spring, to a simple-hearted people. I found my father to be entitled to a tract of crown land, for service — probably will be cheated out of it, as many others are of their just rights — and as one day I myself may be also: but what is amiss here, must be rectified hereafter, Tuesday, 20th. I rode on the coupling tongue of the wagon — came to Shippensburg — feeble in body — faith revives, that the providence of Gt^d will attend and bar my way upon this journey; Hut a few months will turn up something — I know not what. Things cannot continue as they are. May I be prepared for all events! I spoke in the Methodist meeting-house — well-behaved — a few dollars to assist me on the way — the stage was full, and could not take me — Providence provided — a man brought me a horse for his brother to return DOW'S JOURNAL. 239 from the college at Washington. Thus I was accommodated two hun- dred miles over the mountains, while many were hurt by the upsetting of the stages on the way, about this time. Wednesday, 27. I rode twenty-four miles to Kines — spoke to a few well-behaved — next day to Bedford, and spoke in the courthouse. Here it is said that a minister wanted his elders to agree with bonds to pav him annually for life, whether he should preach or not, and killed one who opposed to prevent it. Another, who was a magistrate, com- mitted him for trial ; and after sentence, asked him what he thought of his state? He replied, "I know I have had religion, and shall of course go to heaven, which I can prove by the articles of our church." Friday, 29. I roue thirty-five miles, and next day came to Greensburg — met a preacher, who told me when, &c, he became religious. Those things are like bread cast on the water, and found many days hence ; which circumstances repeatedly happen, and are a comfort to my poor heart, and tend to keep my head above the billows. Sunday, October 1st. I spoke three times — good attention. Monday, 2d. I came to Pittsburgh — stayed about a week — spoke a dozen times — hundreds attended more than could get into the house — appears a serious, inquiring spirit. Here are some of my old friends from Hiber- nia, at whose houses I was received hospitably when on my former visit to that country — a stranger in a strange land. Among these are the Tackuburies and Jovces. Pittsburgh (once Fort Duquesne, then Fort Pitt, from the great minister Pitt) has become famous in the new world ; and by nature, combined with art, promises to be one of the greatest manufacturing towns in America. There are seven or eight glass-works in this neighborhood, and as many different places of worship. The*turnpike-road is in a fair way to be effected, and the steamboats will accommodate the west. I am free from pain in body. Hence, I call it well, though threats of inward indisposition — the spasms, with which I am frequently attacked ; the asthma, which frequently interrupts my sleep, and tends to weaken my strength ; the piles, also, which are painful and distressing to a tra- velling life; also, the scrofula on my neck. The frequent speaking tends to create inflammation in the organs or glands of my throat, which causes me keen pain at times. To walk six or eight miles in a day fa- tigues me more than thirty or forty would once. Thus nature will fall beneath that which once it was capable to resist and throw off. This I could never realize from theory ; I can know it only by experience. To what a state of health one may be reduced by exposure, fatigue, sickness, and wants of various kinds! Anxiety of mind is impairing to health; hence religion is the only real support to keep the mind in peace through the vicissitudes attending the journey of life. But I feel a measure of gratitude to the great Disposer of events, that it is as well with me as yfchat I now enjoy, and that I have as much strength remaining, and can labor as much as I do. Monday, 9th. I came to Washington just as the man was starting in the stage. He saw the horse, got out, and so I delivered him up. I spoke in the courthouse, and took stage to Middletown, where I was beset to preach in a barn, it being election-day. A religious bigot made a motion to mob me ; but none would second it. A worldling replied to him, 240 DO W'S JOURNAL. " Let the dead bury their dead." The same night and next day I spoke in Charleston, where Mr. Fetter lent me a horse to ride to Wheeling. Here I spoke three times, and found a Quaker family who had been kind to Peggy when she had travelled the west with me. Here, it is probable, the great roads from the Atlantic will intersect with the waters of the Ohio, and this will be the grand place of deposit between the east and western country. Though the Alleghany, Muskingum, Sciota, and .Mi- ami, with the Wabash, &cV, intersect with the waters of the lakes of Canada, with only small portages of a few miles — connect with that round the falls of Niagara, and from Albany to Schenectady — yet the principal will be through the waters of the Mobile and Tennessee, which are connected by a portage — one of eight miles, by Coosee and Highwas- see — one of thirty, from Twenty Mile creek to Bear creek — and sixty- nine, from Main river to Main river. Mobile has a tide of about one hundred and fifty miles. Taking water with Captain Wood, I arrived at Marietta on Sunday, fifteenth, and spoke in the Methodist meeting-house to more than could get in — generally well-behaved. Monday, 16th. This day I am thirty-eight years old. Sixteen years ago I embarked for Europe ; nineteen, I was in Orange meeting, address- ing the youth. Thirty-eight more, no doubt, will change my state. Above half of the "seventy-six" is gone. Spoke, at sunrise, to about two hundred ; at about nine in the two- steepled, or rather horned meeting-house ; spoke several times ; and also at Point or Fort Harmer. The marks of antiquity in this western world are so conspicuous, that should New England be depopulated, the monuments would not be so visible, in a few hundred years, as what these are now. And it is remark- able, that where nature appears to have formed it commodious for a town, those ancients, as well as these moderns, fixed on the same sites in a great many places.* What is ahead I know not ; but this one thing I am conscious of, that it requires more grace to be able to suffer the whole will of God, than merely to do it. What now is my object and aim? What now is my hope and desire ? To follow the Heavenly Lamb, And after his image aspire ! A young gentleman and his lady, returning from a visit to her parents, having a spare horse, I obtained the privilege of riding it about one bun- dred miles, visiting Gallipolis and Greenopsburgf by the way. * The works of antiquity are beyond any description as yd given, thai I have seen, by Morse or others. Here are two circles, including several acres each, with what is railed a covered-way to the water. In one of these circles are two platforms, one of which 1 found io be fifty paces square, eight feet high, and three convex and one concave walk i.i ascend it. The earth appears to have been brought from a distance, i" make 'he top a hard walk. like that near Natchez. There have been found brass ami copper polished beyond what is common in our day, ''steel bow,'" iron, silver, glass beads. -a salt well laid in cement, flint knives, and stone axes. Also, a stone • incite," large as life, denoting great antiquity. t Here an old gentleman replied, I should not preach so ; " for,'' said he. "it w dl hurt the feelings of my neighbors." Thus he interrupted two or three times. They made a collec- tion for me, which was given to bear the expenses of another. At a public house, the wo- man Charged fiftj per cent mure than her husband. 1 made some remarks upon il. Il was replied, " That is nothing ; for it Was a customary thing in the- our day." I observed, " That 1 liked honest women to maturity, and honest afterwards." DO W'S JOURNAL. 241 Thence, in a family-boat, to Portsmouth and Alexandria, where I was recognised, and embargoed to stop. So I held several meetings ; saw the " mammoth orchard" of America. Thence to Limestone, where I had a meeting. Was driven ashore at Augusta ; the courthouse was soon filled. After meeting the wind fell, so we departed, and arrived at Cincinnati, where I had never been before, as was the case with most of the towns on the Ohio ; I found here many of. my old friends, from different parts of the Union. There was soon a large collection on the bank of the river, to whom I spoke. Was requested to stop a few days, which I accordingly complied with ; and, in eleven days, held about thirty meltings in the vicinity of this place, and trust it was not time spent in vain. I got several' thousand handbills printed for distribution, and received some remuneration from those whose hearts the Lord had touched, among whom was General Taylor. William B'. r one of Snethen's men, got vexed, as is said, at something I said in the market, at Baltimore, 1804. . * * * * * * * * "Chicimaw exshow." The«laws from Europe, tribunal in France, Spain, and Italy, to restore the order of Jesuits, which were exiled as dangerous to papistical govern- ments ; and the Inquisition, with all its horrors. Here Lawner Blackmail was drowned.' I accompanied .him to Natchez. He was retarded by no danger— by land, or crossing streams of water. It appears he felt ominous preludes of his dissolution j and the concomitant circumstances show that he came to his end by Providence, . "Who plants his footsteps in the sea, And rides upon the storm." Captain C , of the barge Defiance, took me, in a skiff, down the river to the falls, a distance of about one hundred and fifty miles. Visited Lawrenceburg; in Indiana, which has 68,000 inhabitants, and will soon become a state. First time I was ever in this territory. . ■ Thence to the Rising Sun, about seven at night. The people assembled before ei^ht, and again, before day, in the morning. So I took my de- parture by sunrise to Vevia. Thence I spoke at the mouth of Kentucky river; held two meetings: at Madison likewise, standing on the logs to collect the villagers, which had the desired effect.- Then to Bethlehem. . November 13th. I came to Lewisville, at the Falls of Ohio, and went to distributin. I have just returned from a tour through Genesee; Vermont, New Hampshire, ami Connecticut, to Philadelphia — found the spirit of inquiry increasing; and heard of Tevivals among four different Societies — saw three of my sisters whom I had not Been for eight years. Left my companion al my father's until my return in the spring. Hard judged by man, but which must and will finally be decided by the judgment of God only. END OF THE JOURNAL. CHAIN OF LORENZO. After I had found religion, I began to reflect on my experience, and perceiving that I felt a love to all. though I had been taught that God only loved a few, which he had given to his Son,* I could not reconcile the two ideas together, how my love should exceed the love of God : and feeling within myself that I stood in danger of falling into sin, and con- sequently into condemnation, I could not reconcile it with the common idea, that if a man once obtained religion he was always safe, let him do as he would. This put me upon examining the scriptures for myself, ami comparing past ideas therewith : and on examination of the same, I could find no promise that any should be saved, but those who endure unto the em 7 . On the other hand, the Bible seemed to correspond with my feel- ings, that there was danger, being full of cautions; and there is no need of caution where there is no danger. The more light and knowledge a. person hath, and commits a crime, the worse it must be ; because he sins against the more light. Therefore, any sin is greater in a professor of religion than in a non-professor, seeing he sins against the greater light. If the sin is the greater, of course the condemnation and punishment must be proportioned ; as Christ saith, " He that knoweth his master's will and doeth it not, shall be beaten with many stripes ; whereas, he that knoweth not his master's will, shall be beaten with few." There- fore, if the sinner, who never had religion, deserves to be damned for ac- tual transgression, why not the professor, upon the principles of impartial justice. Now, it appears to me that this doctrine, once in grace, always in grace, is inseparably connected with the doctrine of particular election, and re- * To talk about an eternal covenant between the Father and the Son before all worlds, a bargain that Christ should have a certain number of mankind, which some call the < ltd, i> a contradiction in terms, and a piece of inconsistency. For, first, a covenant is a contract made between two parties, and there cannot be a covenant without two parties. Therefore, to say that the Father and Son made a covenant, would be to adopt the idea that there were two divinities, which would divide the Godhead, and of course argue tw r o Gods. But the Bible authorizes us to believe in one God and no more. Again, if the Father and Son made a covenant, there was a time when they made it, and if so, then there was a time befon they made it; consequently it was not made from all eternity, unless we suppose eternity began at the time when they made it, which is incon- sistent, because eternity implies unbeginning time. Vgain, this covenant cannot be a new one if it be so old. and a new covenant of works made with Adam but six thousand years ago, cannot be called an old one. Therefore, to term the oldest covenant a new one, and the newest the oW one, is a piece of inconsistency, like putting the cart before the horse, and you cannot deny it. For, there is no account of such a covenant in the Bible, between the Father and the Soil, but "between God and his j ople" to whom Christ was given for a covenant, &e. 248 CHAIN OF LORENZO. probation ; and to deny the latter, and to hold to the former, to me appears inconsistent. For, if a saint cannot be punished in proportion to his con- duct, then he is not accountable ; and if he be not accountable, then not rewardable ; and if neither rewardable nor punishable, then his salva- tion or damnation does not turn upon his actions, pro nor con, but upon the five electing love of God. Therefore, God will have mercy upon whom he will, and whom he will he passeth by. Thus, they appear connected, like two links in a chain. And it appeareth moreover, that the doctrine of particular election leadeth to Universalism. For, according to the above, we must, suppose that God decreed all things ; if so, God being wise, whatever he hath decreed, he must have decreed it right ; consequently nothing cometh to pass wrong : then there is no sin, for it cannot be sin to do right. If then one shall be damned for doing right, why not all ? And if one be saved for doing right, why not all ? according to the rule of impartial justice. Again, this doctrine of election saith, all that were given by the Father to the Son, in the covenant of grace, will be saved ; none that Christ died for can be lost. The Bible saith, "Christ gave himself for all," (1 Tim. ii. 4, 6. 1 John ii. 2 ;) and A-double-L does not spell part, nor some, nor few, but it means all. Well, now if all Christ died for will be saved, and none of them can be lost, then Universalism must be true, and you cannot deny it. And now it appears furthermore, that Universalism leads to deism ; for, if all are. saved, none are lost, and of course no future punishment. Therefore, the threatenings in the Bible must be false, like a sham scare- scrow hung up in the fields to represent what is not real. And if the threatenings be false, the promises are equally so ; for, while the promises are given in one scale to encourage virtue, the threatnings are put in the opposite one, to discourage vice. To deny the one, disallows of the other, and of course breaks the chain of the Bible, and thereby destroys its authority ; consequently, ye cannot suppose with propriety that it came from God by divine direction ; but rather, that it was hatched up by some cunning politicians, to answer their political designs, to keep the people in order ; and that it has been kept on the carpet ever since, by the black and blue coats, to get a fat living out of the people. "Away with the Bible," says the deist, " I will be imposed upon by that no more, but I will go upon reason ; for, whoever came back from the other world, to bring us news from that country about heaven or hell, or exhibited a map thereof?" Now, if I denied the Bible, T should of course deny miracles and inspi- ration ; for, if I admit of them, I must in reason admit of the propriety of the Bible. But no one who denies inspiration and miracles, can prove the exist- ence of a God. There are hut six ways to receive ideas, which are by inspiration, or one of the fire senses. Deny inspiration, there are but the five ways; and matter of fad demonstrates, thai a. man by these outward sensitive organs, can neither hear, see, smell, taste, nor feel God. I low then can we know him hut by a revelation in the inward sense. '• Why."' saith the deist, "the works of nature proclaim aloud in both my ears, 'there is a God.' : But I deny it according to your scale of reasoning, for you deny miracles ; and vet you say, whai has been once, may be again. Now, if there was a miracle once, there may be one again. If CHAIN OF LORENZO. 249 so, then there may be such a thins as revealed religion, for that is but miraculous. But, if there cannot be a miracle again, that is an argu- ment there never was one, and of course denies the works of creation. If there was no creation, then there is no Creator. For, it must have been a miracle to have spoken the world into existence, and to have formed intelligent, beings. Therefore, if there never was a miracle, then there never was such a thing as creation ; consequently, the works of nature do not speak forth a Divine Being, for his hand never formed them. But they argue, that matter is eternal, and that all things comp by nature ; for it is evident, that if nought had been once, nought had been now; for nothing cannot put forth the act of power and beget something : yet it is self-evident that something does exist ; therefore, something must have existed eternally. Then saith reason, if all things come by nature, then nature is eternal ; and when forming from its primitive chaos, into its present position by congelation, brought forth mankind, beasts, and vegetables spontaneously ; something like the mushroom growing up without seed, or the moss growing on the tree ; and are kept on the stage by transmigration, like the caterpillar, transmigrating or turning into a beautiful butterfly, or the muckworm into a hornbug. Thus, nature as- sumes one form or shape for a while ; then laying that aside, takes up another. In confirmation of this idea, it appears, that one race of ani- mals, or beings, goes from the stage, and another comes on the carpet. For instance, the bones of a certain animal found in different parts of the continent of America, demonstrate there was a race of beings once, called the mammoth, which, as far as we know, are now extinct. The Hessian fly, which was discovered a few years since, near where the Hessian troops encamped, and from thence took its name, is supposed to have been brought by them from Hesse ; and since, this insect has greatly spread over New England, and destroys the wheat. I have made much inquiry, but cannot learn that it is found in the country from whence the Hessians came. From this, one may infer and argue, that it is an ani- mal come on the stage within late years, as it appears some other insects have done. In further confirmation of this idea, and which stands op- posed to the account given by the Bible, " that all animals were drowned except those with Noah in the ark," we find, that although it is natural for us to conclude, that all animals would generate and be found on that part where the ark rested, yet the racoon is peculiar to America. This, then, is a new species of animal, and we may say the account cannot be admitted that all other parts were drowned. But again, in confirmation of revolutions in nature we perceive, that even if scripture be true, once giants did exist, but now they are apparently extinct. On strict exami- nation, it appears that earth and shells congealed form marble, and wood when put into certain lakes of water, becomes stone. The turf bogs in Ireland, which are found on the tops of the highest mountains, or in the valleys, miles in length and breadth, and scores of feet deep, evidently appear to have been vegetables washed together by some singular cause, or awful deluge ; whole trees, with ancient artifi- cial materials, being found many feet below the surface. I likewise was informed of a spring in that country, by putting bars or sheets of iron therein, they would be converted into copper. On my way from Georgia, I could not but observe great quantities of 250 CHAIN OF LORENZO. shells, which to me appear to belong to the oyster, some hundreds of miles from any salt or brackish water, and it is quite improbable they could have been brought by human art, considering the vast quantities found in the savannahs or prairies to Tombigbee, and thence to the Natchez coun- try and in the Chickasaw nation. It evidently appears likewise, that this western country was once inhabited by a warlike, informed people, who had the use of mechanical instruments ; and there are evident marks of antiquity, consisting of artificial mounds and fortifications, &c, pronounc- ed by the curious who have examined, to have been deserted loner before the discovery of America by Columbus. One of these mounds, a few miles above the Natchez, covers about six acres of ground, forty feet above the common level, on which stands another, forty feet high, making in all eighty feet. Great numbers of these artificial mounds, fortifications, and beds of ashes, are to be found, extending from the western parts of Geor- gia, to the Mississippi, and then northward with the waters of said river, to Lake Erie, &c, all which denote that it once was a populous, and since is a forsaken country, which neither history nor tradition hath given us any information of. Therefore it appears, that greater revolutions have taken place in this terraqueous globe, than many imagine ; and herefrom Ave might suppose, that the earth had stood longer than six thousand years calculated from scripture — and with the Chinese assent to their boasted ancient histories, &c* Thus 1 shall be an atheist instead of a deist ; but I cannot be one or the other according to reason : for if there be no God, nature depends on chance, and this earth would be like a well-stringed instrument, without a skilful hand to play upon it ; or a well-rigged vessel, without mariners to steer her : for every thing that hath not a regulator, is liable to go to ruin : and if all things depend on chance, then by chance there may be a God and a Devil, a Heaven and Hell, saints and sinners; and by chance the Saints may get to Heaven, and by chance the sinners may go to Hell. It is evident in reason, that as a stream cannot rise higher than its fountain, so confusion can never produce order; for the effect cannot be more noble than the cause : consequently, if confusion had been once, it must have remained. But as the stars keep their courses without infring- ing on each other in their different revolutions, so that the astronomer can calculate his almanacs years beforehand, it is evidenl there is such a thing as order ; and to suppose this order to have been eternal, would be arguing that the earth has stood forever as we now behold it ; and to sup- pose that the earth has forever had its present form, is to suppose that there has been an eternal succession of men, beasts, and vegetables, and that to an infinite number ; (for if the number be not infinite, how could the succession have been eternal ?) and yet to talk about an infinite num- ber, is a contradiction in terms, for there is no number but what may be made larger, by the addition of units ; but that which is infinite cannot be i nlargedi Again, if there has been an eternal succession of men and beasts, by the same rule there has been an eternal succession of days and nights, and years likewise. It must be allowed that infinite numbers are equal, for if one number be smaller than the other, how can it be said to * This "fine linked Chain" hath two hooks and a Swivel— Fluttvnj and Despair—" it if so because ii i.- so, because !" CHAIN OF LORENZO. 251 be infinite ? Well, if infinite numbers be equal, and if there bath been an eternal succession of years, and days and nights, we must suppose that their infinite numbers are equal. And yet to allow there hath been as many years as there hath been days and nights, is inconsistent, seeing that it takes three hundred and sixty-five to compose one year ; and if the number of years be less than the number of days and nights, the number cannot be admitted to be infinite : consequently the succession cannot have been eternal ; therefore it must be, there was a time when years began. If so, we must admit the idea, that there is something superior to nature that formed it, and thus of course an Almighty regulator, that with wisdom must have constructed and preserved this system ; and this power and regulator must be self-dependent, for no power could exceed it for to be dependent on, and of course self-existent, of course eternal, ac- cording to the foregoing ; and this eternal, self-existent, all-wise, regula- tor, is what we term God, and what the Indians term, the Great Man above.* Various are the ideas formed concerning this God. Some ac- knowledge one Supreme Being, but disallow of what is called the Trinity, saying, how can three be one 1 Answer : As rain, snow, and hail, when reduced to their origin arc one, (water,) a n d as light, heat, and color are seen in one element, (fire,) and as the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian oceans compose but one ; so, if in natural things, three can make one, why may we not admit the idea with reason, that three can be one in things super- natural and divine, &c. What is meant by God the Father, is, that eter- nal Being that is everywhere present. What is meant by Christ the Son, is the manhood of Christ, being brought forth by the omnipotent power of God, as the evangelists relate ;f arid that manhood being filled with the divine nature, of course he would be God as well as man, and man as * " Causeless causator." f "Here I trust I may be permitted to say, with all due respect for those who differ from me, that the doctrine of the eternal Sonship of Christ is, in my opinion, antiscriptural and highly dangerous ; this doctrine I reject for the following reasons : 1st. I have not been able to find any expi-e-.s declaration in the scriptures concerning it. 2dly. If Christ be the Son of God as to his divine nature, then he cannot be eternal : for son implies a father ; and father implies, in reference to son, precedency in time, it' not in nature too. Father and son imply the idea of genei'ation ; and generation implies a time in which it was effected, and time also antecedent to such generation. 3dly. If Christ be the Son of God, as to his divine nature, then the Father is of necessity prior, consequently superior to him. 4thly. Again, if this divine nature were begotten of the Father, then it must be in time, i. e. there was a period in which it did not exist, and a period when it began to exist. This destroys the eternity of our blessed Lord, and robs him at once of his Godhead. 5thly. To say that he was begotten from all eternity, is, in my opinion, absurd; and the phrase eternal Son is a positive sell-contradiction. Eternity is that which has had no be- ginning, nor stands in any reference to time. Son supposes time, generation, ami father ; and time also antecedent to such general ion. Therefore the conjunction of these two terms Son and eternity is absolutely impossible, as they imply essentially different and opposite ideas. The enemies of Christ's divinity have, in all ages, availed themselves of this incautious method of treating this subject, and on this ground, have ever had the advantage of the defenders of the Godhead of Christ. This doctrine of the eternal Sonship destroys the dei- ty ot Christ; now if his deity be taken away, the whole gospel scheme of redemption is mined. On this ground, the atonement of Christ cannot have been of infinite merit, and consequently coufd not purchase pardon for the offences of mankind, nor give any right to, or possession of, an eternal glory. The very use of this phrase is both absurd and danger- ous ; therefore let all those who value Jcsv* and their salvation abide by the Scriptures." — Dr. Clarke. 252 CHAIN OF LORENZO. well as God — two distinct natures in one person ;* and it is no more in- consistent with reason, to acknowledge that he came as above, than to ac- knowledge a miracle for the first man's origin ; which idea in reason we must admit, for there cannot be an effect without a cause ; and as, men * We read, " No man hath seen God at any time." 1 John iv. 12. But Christ saith to Philip, " He that hath seen me, hath seen the Father." John xiv. 9. Again,, " I in them, and Thou in me," John xvii. 23; i. e. the invisible manifestation, as Paul sajth — " Christ in you, the hope of glory." Colos. i. 27 — Again," We will come unto him, and make our abode with him." John xiv. 23. In this the Christian feels God to be his Father. Re- deemer, and Comforter. And supposing the word Trinity is not to be found in the Bible, or Persons the plural, yet there are manifestations, and people should be careful not to quarrel too much about names, forms, or words, but seek for essential realities. We read, Heb. i. 1, 2, " God hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, by whom also he made the worlds ;" or as John i. 1 — 1. He existed as the Word, visible manifesta- tion or Son of God ; as-by an act of the mind a thought is begot, so this manifestation might be said to be begotten by the will and power of God, though some query it does not appear to be written*whether he existed as the Son or only as the Word until he was manifested in the flesh. The first covenant, the covenant of works, was made with us in Adam, we being in his loins ; he was our federal head and representative) and God required him to keep a mo{al law ' of innocence for us in himself, Arc. Adam fell from his innocent happiness, and we being in his loins, fell with him. Well, says one, would not God be just to have damned us for Adam's sin 1 Answer : A punishment should never exceed the transgression-, and of course, we deserve not a personal punishment for that which we were never actually guilty of: but as we were passive in the action, should have been passive in the suffering: of course, as we fell in Adam's loins, should have been punished in his loins, and of course have perished ,in his loins. Adam and Eve only were actually guilty, and of course they only dtesi an actual punishment, which* I. believe would have been just in God to have indicted ; but to punish his posterity with a personal punishment, for that of which they were never per- sonally guilty, would be representing Uod as unjust, by making the punishment to exceed the crime, which would exceed the bounds of moral justice. 1 therefore argue, that as the punishment should be proportioned to the crime; if a Mediator was net provided, we should nave perished by being punished in Adam's loins ; and if we had, then God's declarative glory must have been eclipsed, he not being actually glorified in our personal salvation or damnation. In further demonstration of this idea, 1 argue, that as every title to any bless- ing was forfeited by Adam's fall, they could never have been enjoyed, except they were purchased, (for if they could there was no need for him to purchase them lor us. &c.) Our temporal lives being blessings, they came through the merits of Christ; of course, if it had not been for Christ's merits we should not have had this blessing, and of course should have perished in Adam, as we fell with him as above. But -we read that? Christ was a lamb slain (not from all eternity) from the foundation oi the world, though not/actually slain un- til tour thousand years after; meaning that God made a revelation of his Son to the cients. who were saved by faith in a Messiah which was to conn.', the same as we are saved By faith in a Messiah which hath come eighteen hundred years ago, &c., as Christ said, •■Abraham rejoiced to day; he saw it and was glad." John viii. 96, Bom. i. 19, 20, to ii- 14, J5, Gal. iii. S. Jot) was a l*eathen, yet observe his faith, .job xix. 25. 26. erve, as the first covenant, the covenant of works, was made with us in Adam, he being our head and representative, &c. ; so the second covenant, the covenant of gi was not made between the Father and the Hon, as seme do vainly think, (there is no men- tion of such a covenant in the Bible.) but was made with us in' Chris', he hem- given to the people for a covenant, &C. Isaiah xlii. 6. and xlix. 8. ( iod had a sovereign right to make the first, Adam and require his obedience ; and when he fell, he had the sane- ii right to raise up the second 'Adam as he had the I and to re.qyife his obedience. But, says the deist, there would be no moral justice to make the innocent sutler for the guilty. Allowing it, what then ! If th'e innocent Miller volunta- rily, who can be impeached With injustice ': For instance, if I break a law, and the penal- ty is, pay five pounds or take the lash; if 1 cannot advance the money, I musl take tha stripes. ' Bui a gentleman steps up ancj voluntarily suffers ihe loss of Gye pounds out of his own poektet : nobody can Be censured with injustice. At the same time the law, ha\ oil; mil satisfaction^ would "have no further demand— and of course I shduld be extricated from the punishment. Ho Christ our second Adam, oui Second bead and representative, was raised up to heal the breach thai Adam made, for this purpose he stepped right into tin- shoes of the firei Adam, between that Law of nioral -.nee, that Adam was required to ketp for us, and kept n ejeri as Adam was required to keep it. How did he keep K2 First, by a passive obedience^ having ifo will of .his own, al> straet from what thai law required. Secondly, b\ an'active obedience— doing what the law did require, during the thirty-three \ eats whii b he resided in this vale of tearsi thirdly, by voluntarily la} ing down his hie to sutler in our lieu, whal we musl have suffered CHAIN OF LORENZO. 253 do exist, it is evident there is but one way for them to generate in nature : if so, who did the first man and woman generate from ! To suppose that they came by nature, is to suppose the earth brought them forth sponta- neously. If so, take the inhabitants from an island, and it would produce them again ; but matter of fact saith it will not. Then if nature hath not changed, it never brought forth people ; for if it had, it might again do so ; and if not, a miracle hath taken place in nature. What is meant by tVe Holy Ghost, is the Spirit of God proceeding from the Father, through the mediation of the man Christ Jesus, down to the sons of men ; the office of in Adam if he did not do it. Observe — it was not the divinity of Christ that suffered, but the manhood. And where the Bible calls Christ the Son of < rod, it does not allude to his Godhead as God, but manifestation : as we read (Gal. iv. 4. Heb. x. 5. and i. 5, (i. Johnxv. 13. and x. 18,) that he was made or born of a woman, (who was the Srst in the transgres- sion,) and made or born under the law, as no man came into the world as we are informed Christ did, &c. Luke i. 35. But says one, Prove that he did it voluntarily. Very well — Christ saith, "Greater love than this hath no man, that he lay down his life for his friends;" and, " I lay down my life for the sheep." Again — " No man taketh my life from ni have power to lay it down, and power to take it again." Now, if no man took Christ's life from him, then their nailing him to the tree did not cause him to die ; if not, then it must have been something else— and of course the sin of the world. Again — we read that Christ was heard in that he feared — and that he pie not himself, but gave himself a ransom. Heb. v. 7. Rom. xv. 3. 1 Tim. ii. (5. Luke xxii. 42. and Heb. xii. 2. " He, for the joy that was set before him, endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of Gcd," &c. Again — he said in the garden of Gethsemane, " Not my will, but thine be done," &c, which certainly ar- gues that he had a human will ; and when he thus gave up voluntarily, &c, we find that the sin of the world was laid upon him, and caused him to cry out, " My soul is e.\ ing sorrowful, even unto death," (and he never spoke extravagantly.) and the agony of his mind caused the very blood to gush through the pores of his skin, and run down like drops of sweat ; and by his dying so much sooner than malefactors do in general whi n cruciiied, the governor appeared to have been astonished, and marvelled if he were already dead; and could hardly believe the account till he had called the centurion and had it from his own mouth. &c, Mark xv. 11 — 45. I herefrom infer, that as no man took his life from him, and as he died out of the common course of nature, that something out of the cot of nature killed him— which must have been the sin of the world. And when he had sui fered so much as what was necessary to suffer, even unto death, the law which Adam broke had full satisfaction on him ; and having full satisfaction, it had no further demand. On th'- third day, the Divinity raised the humanity from the dead, by which means lite immortality are brought to light by the gospel : and glory he to ( iod ! We react nothing about John the Methodist, nor' John the Presbyterian in all the Bible, but we read of John the Baptist ; but what did be say ' He saith, (John i. 2!),) " Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world." Observe, the sin of the world was the sin of Adam, as he was the represen'ative of the world, and Christ the second Adam, John says, took it away. How 1 By atoning for it, &c. Now if John preached up that Christ took away the sin of the world, then all John's people ought to preach it up. And if he took it awav, then it does not lie upon us; anrl if not, then we do not (eel the guilt, only the effect, which is the evil corrupt nature instinct within, fee, and not the guilt : this is the truth, and you cannot deny it. Thus, you see the first covenant of works was made with us ifc^mr first head, and the second covenant with us in our second head, (Christ.) According to Isaiah liii. 6, " all we like sheep are gone astray, &c, and the Lord hah laid upon him (Christ) the iniquity of us all." Observe, John did not say the sins of the world, but 8th; the singular ; and the prophet Isaiah doth not sav iniquities, but iniquity j which must have alluded to the fall of man. Therefore the plaster is as large as the wound, and you cannot deny it- We read, (1 v. \S.) " therefore ashy the offence of one judgment came upon all men unto condemnation — even so (not uneven) by the righteousness of one. the tree gift came upon a 1 ! men unto jus- tification of life." Observe, the words justification and regeneration are not synonymous, as o ii use them, but are of different meanings. Regeneration signifies to be born of the Spirit of God ; i. e to be purified within by its inspiration, and to become holy and God- like, Sec. Bui justification signifies to acquit and look upon as frpe from guilt. And now if thf tree gift from God by Christ, came upon all men unto justifi :ation of life, I herefrom would infer, thai (iod hath justified all rpen by the death oi his Hon, i. e. acquitted them from what is called the guilt of original sin, and looks upon them free therefrom as they came into the world. 09 254 CHAIN OF LORENZO. which Spirit is to instruct mankind, and purify and prepare them for the enjoyment of God in glory. If I deny there was such a person as Christ on this earth eighteen hundred years ago, I should deny three things : first, our dates ; second, all sacred, and, third, the greatest part of profane history, which historians in general would not be willing to give up. If I allow there was such a person as Christ, I must acknowledge his miracles too, for the same his- tories, sacred and profane, which mention his person, relate his miracles ; and to deny his miracles would be giving the histories the lie, and of course destroy their authority. If I allow his miracles, I must allow his sacred character also ; for it is inconsistent with reason to believe that God would aid and assist a liar or an impostor to do the mighty deeds which we are informed Christ did.* * There is an inward feeling of the mind, as well as an outward feeling of the body. For instance : sometimes my mind is calm, yet 1 feel pain of body ; at other times, my body is well, and I feel pain of mind — remorse, guilt, fear, &c. — which are not feelings of the body, but in, or of the mind, which feelings are as perceptible as the wind blowing upon the body, and you cannot deny it. Again — a man walking along, spies the wild beast of the forest, and feels his hair to rise, and his flesh to crawl upon his bones. What is the cause of this feel- ing? It must be the fears in his mind, originating from a view of his danger ; and perhaps, likewise, he may feel the powers of his limbs in a measure to fail, and sits down under the shock. Now, allowing the above, why should it be thought strange, if people were to fall under the mighty power of God operating upon the human mind ? But, says one, it is inconsistent with reason to adopt the idea that God will work in this form. But I say, Hush ! There cannot be a law without a penalty, and we know that we are accountable to God for our moral conduct, for we feel it in our own breasts ; and when we do wrong, we feel misery, and, living and dying therein, shall carry our misery to eternity with ns, as death only separates the soul from the body, but doth not change the disposition of the mind. - Again — through the medium of organs my spirit can convey an idea to the spirit of another, and make him angry or wrathful, or please him with novelty, and make him laugh and feel joyful. If so, then spirit can operate on spirit, as well as matter upon matter, ami convey ideas, and you cannot deny it. If so, why not the divine Spirit operate on the human mind, and give an inward conviction, &c, of right and wrong ' If we are accountable unto I lod, then we are rewardable or punishable according to our behavior and capacity ; and of course a day of account must take place, when these rewards and punishments must be actually given. From this 1 argue there is such a thing as moral evil and good, or vice and virtue, and of course there is a road to shun, and a particular one in which we ought to walk ; therefore it is necessary to have a guide. And now the question arises, What guide is necessary ' Some say the Alcoran; but there is more proof for the belief of the writings of Moses than for those of Mahomet. Moses got a whole nation of people to believe thai he led them through the Red Sea, by drying it up before them, &c. He likewise u< >t them to erect a monument in remembrance that they actually saw it, viz., to kill the paschal lamb, and eat him with bitter herbs, and walk with their staff's in their hands on a certain night of the year, which monument is now standing, and has been annually observed among them lor some thousands of years, though for near eighteen centuries they have been scattered as a nation. Now, it is evident, the most ignorant people could not be imposed upon, and made to belie\ e that they saw a river dn^up, if they never did see it dry; and likewise in erect a monumenl of stone in remembrance that they saw it, if they never did. lint. Moses left tliis proof of his mission, which the other did not; therefore there is more reason to credit him than Mahomet, and you cannot deny it. Another says, Reason is the surest and only guide. This I deny; because the greatest dmnes, so called, disagree; as you may find that, out of about three hundred and seventy denominations, thirty-one take the scripture to prove their doctrines by, yel oul of these thirty-one, neither two agree with regard in their religious tenets or opinions. \ el one says, lam right, and you are wrong; another, No. you are wrong, and I am tight. Here steps up a deist, and says, All religion is counterfeit ; and the reason why they so disagree is, because no consistent system can be formed on the < 'hnstiau plan. Answer : \ our objection proi es too much, and is not solid. For, first, to say all religion is counterfeit, is inconsistent ; because counterfeit religion implies a false one, and there Cai I be a falsi 6 except there be cine to falsify ; and if there be one to falsify, before it is falsified u must be genuine; Therefore to say all religion is false, is proving too much, and just argues that i here is a genuine one; as there cannot be such a thing as falsehood without truth,' of course counterfeit is the oppo- site of genuine. CHAIN OF LORENZO. 255 If there be no such thing as inspiration, how could the prophets foretell future events out of the common course of nature ? Some people say the prophecies were written in prophetic language, after the things took place. But that is unreasonable to suppose ; for if they were, they were written as late down as what the New Testament dates back ; and if so, then both Tes- taments came on the carpet about one time. How could you impose the one Testament on the learned people without the others, seeing their close connection 1 But as the Jews acknowledge the Old Testament and disallow the New, I therefrom argue, that the Old Testament was written some time previous to the New — of course, previous to the things being transacted which were predicted. It must, therefore, have been by divine inspiration. But, says one, the word revelation, when applied to religion, means some- thing immediately communicated from God to man ; that man tells a second, the second a third, &c, &c. ; it is revelation to the first only, to the rest it is mere hearsay. And if the Bible was revealed once, it was not re- vealed to me; to me, therefore, it is hearsay. Answer: Allowing the above, yet if a man tells me it is revealed to him that my father is dead, &c, and the same spirit which revealed it to him accompanies his words with energy to my heart, then it is revelation to me as well as to him, and not bare hearsay. Consequently, if the same Spirit which dictated the writing of the Bible attends the same with energy, then it is not hear- say, but revelation, because we have a divine conviction of the truths therein contained. And the sincere, of different persuasions, find some- thing in the Bible to attract their attention, above any other book ; and even the deists, when conscience begins to lash them, find something in Again — reason alone is not a sufficient guide without revelation ; because, when reason was to determine the number of gods, she said there was about thirty thousand. And in this our day, the men of the greatest acquired information and strongest powers of mind, who deny revelation, (of whom some doctors and lawyers, Are., may be included,) disagree in their ideas on divine things, and that which is in connection with them, as much as the min- isters and preachers ; whereas, if reason was a sufficient guide, I suppose they would agree and come into one particular channel, &c. Some say the Bible is revelation, but deny that there is any in this our day, saying the Bible is sufficient without the influence of God's Spirit. Observe, 1 believe in the scrip- tures as much as any person, etc. But with regard to the influence of the Spirit. 1 believe it is strictly necessary ; for supposing 1 was to cast a look at the print and paper, what would be the benefit, except I realized the truth of what is contained therein \ And how can I realize it but by the influence of the same Spirit which dictated its writings .' Surely we read that no man can call Jesus, Lord, but by the Holy Ghost ; and that the natural man understandeth not the things of the Spirit, for they are spiritually discerned. Romans viii. 9. 1 Corinthians, ii. 11, i"2, 13, 14, 15, i6— xii. 3. Rev. xix. JO. Why is it that the men of the greatest natural and acquired abilities get to be deists ? They say it is reason, and that the more weak and ignorant part embrace religion. This is pretty true, viz. : their reason makes them deists. And why s There are certain ideas which must be taken through certain mediums, in order to have a right and just conception of them, and otherwise, would cause a person to run into absurdities. For instance: I heard of a blind man, who hearing persons talk about colors, informed them that he thought he could describe what the color of red was like, vi/.., the sound of a trumpet, This absurdity, that red was like the sound of a trumpet, orig nated by attempting to catch the idea through the medium of the ear. Equally absurd would be the idea of sounds, if taken through the medium of the eye, which only can be taken through the medium of the ear. So these deists attempt to con- ceive just and accurate ideas of revealed religion by natural reason, which leads them into an absurdity, and causes them to conclude that it is imagination, deception, or hypocrisy, in those who pretend to it : whereas, if they would conceive of it through a different channel or medium, viz., the inward sens itions or convictions of the mind. &c. — if they would give due attention to the same, as sincere inquirers after truth, they would feel the Spirit of Truth bearing witness to, or of the truth, to convince and correct, &c, and their deism would flee away. Oh, may God cause the reader to reflect on what I have just observed, and turn at- tention within your breast, and weigh the convictions of your mind for eternity ! 256 CHAIN OF LORENZO. the Bible to attract their minds, of the truth of which, the conduct of a number to be found on this continent might be adduced. Neither can I believe all will be saved ; for in Mark iii. 29 we are in- formed of a certain character, which hath never forgiveness, but is in danger of eternal damnation, which they could not be in danger of if there be no such thing. And in Luke xvi. we read (not a parable, but a posi- tive matter of fact, related by Christ himself, who knew what was trans- acted in eternity as well as in time) concerning a rich man, who died and went to hell, and there was a separation between him and the good place ; and if one be lost, Universalism is not true. We feel in our breast that we are accountable to God ; and if so, we are rewardable and punishable according to our behavior and capacity ; and of course a day of account must take place, when the rewards and punishments are given. Some say we have all our punishment here. In reason I deny it, for the benefit of religion is to escape punishment ; and if so, none have punishment but the vicious. But as many of the virtuous have suffered the most cruel, tormenting, lingering deaths, as may be said, for years, in matters of tender conscience, while others have lived on flowery beds of ease, and thus die ; from this I argue that the punishment is to come hereafter* If .1 go to heaven as soon as they die, it being looked upon as a piece of humanity to relieve the distressed, would it not be right for me to end all he sorrows of those I can, who are in trouble? And does not this open a door to argue that murder is humanity, thereby sending them to heaven ? But, says one, I will acknowledge future punishment, but it is not so long nor so bad as it is represented by some ; for we read of the resurrection, when all mortal bodies shall be raised, and of course become immortal and spiritual ; and corporeal fire and brimstone cannot operate on spiritual bodies, and of course the punishment is but the horror of a guilty conscience. And the word forever, frequently in the scripture, ig of a limited nature, it may be inferred the punishment is not eter- nal. Answer: Allowing that the punishment is only the horror of a guilty conscience, (which will bear dispute.) yet I think that horror to the mind will be found equal to fire and brimstone to the material body ; for frequently I have been called to visit people on sick-beds, who have told me that their pain of body was great, but their pain of mind so far ex- ceeded it as to cause them to forget their pain of body for hours together, unless some person spoke particularly to them concerning it. Again — * Can I suppose those thinking powers which constitute the soul, and make us sensible, active, and rational, and prevent the corporeal body from returning to its mother dust from day today, will cease to exist when I am dead, or fallen asleep, or gone into a state of non- entity, by annihilation ? Nay, I rather must believe this immortal doth still exist. I say immortal, because 1 do not see how those qualities ran be subject to decay, considering their nature, though I acknowledge, whilst acting upon organs, there may be heaviness, in conse- quence of mortality, which is the effect oj sin. bin when disembodied shall appear in their strength. And as a proof of future e ti ice of this thinking power, I ask, Why is it thai so many well-informed people shrink al the thoughts of death, seeing ii is the common lotot all mankind ? I ask, is u barely the thought - of dying \\ hich makes them turn their atten- tion to various objects to divert thru- minds from reflecting? .Nay. but a conviction of the realities of an awful eternity. Again — if a limb of mine be dissected or taken off, does that depreciate an eighth or sixteenth purl of my soul ' .Nay. I am as rational us ever. There- fore it' in y soul ran exist without apart of the body, why not exisl without the whole or any part of it ' J have known men. who base lost their Innbs, feel an itching, and put down their hand to rub. ) usk, What was the I au ie of th it sensation. Seeing the leg 01 loot WBJ gone 1 CHAIN OF LORENZO. 257 you know what horror you have felt for a short space for one crime. Now, supposing all the sins that ever*you committed in thought, word, or deed, in public and in private, were set in array before you, so that you could view all of them at one glance, and, at the same time, that con- science were to have its full latitude to give you the lash ; would not the horror which here causeth people to forget their temporal pain, while there is hope, be worse than fire to the body, when hope is for ever fled ? For when hope is gone, there is no support. And the idea that the punishment is not eternal, because the word for- ever sometimes in scripture is of a limited nature, I think will not do; because the duration of certain words is bounded by the duration of the things unto which they allude. For instance, "The servant shall serve his master forever," in Moses's law. The word forever was bounded by the life of the servant. And where it relates to mortality, it is bounded by mortality; of course where it relates to immortality, it is bounded by immortality, and when it relates to God, it is bounded by the eternity of God ; and as we are informed in several parts of scripture, after that mortality is done away, that the wicked shall be banished forever from the presence of God, the word forever and the word eternal must be synonymous, having one and the same meaning as endless, being bound- ed by the eternity of God, and the endless duration of the immortal soul, &c. Matt. xxv. 41, 46. 2 Thess. i. 9. Rev. xix. 3. Judges vii. And observing the doctrine of particular election and reprobation to tend to presumption, or despair, and those who preached it up, to make the Bible clash and contradict itself, by preaching somewhat like this : " You can and you can't — You shall and you shan't — You mil and you won't — And you will he damned if you do — And you will be damned if you dan/t." Thus contradicting themselves, that people must do, and yet they cannot do, and God must do all, and at the same time invite them to come to Christ. These inconsistencies caused me to reflect upon my past experience, and conclude that the true tenor of the Bible did not clash, of course that a connec'ed chain should be carried on through that book, and the medium struck between the dark passages, which literally contradict, and reconcile them together by explaining scripture by scripture ; and by striving so to do, I imbibed what here follows: 1st. That election is a Bible doctrine, but not an elect number, for I cannot find that in the Bible, but an elect character, viz : " Him that becomes a true penitent, willing to be made holy and saved by free grace, merited only by Christ." And on the other hand, instead of a reprobate number, it is a reprobate character; namely, " him that obstinately and finally continues in unbelief, that shall be cast off," &c. Thus any one may discover that it is an election and reproba- tion of characters instead of numbers, and you cannot deny it. But the following scriptures demonstrate undeniably, that God, instead of repro- bating any, is willing to receive all : 2 Pet. iii. 9; Ezek. xxxiii. 11 ; 1 Tim. ii. 3, 4 ; 2 Cor. v. 19. 2dly. That Christ, instead of dying only for a part, the prophets, angels, Christ, and the apostles, positively affirm that salvation by his merits is possible for all : Gen. xxiii. 14 ; Isaiah liii. 6 ; Luke ii. 10 ; John iii. 16, 17. 3dly. That the Holy Spirit doth not strive with a part only, as some say a special call, but strives with every man 22* 258 CHAIN OF LORENZO. t according to the hardness of his heart, while the day of mercy lasts : John i. 9 and xvi. 8, (compare vi. 44 with xii. 33.) Again, then/ is a gospel for and an invitation to all, and you cannot deny it : Mark xvi. 15 ; Matt, xi. 28. Again, there is a duty which we owe to God, according to reason, conscience, and scripture ; and there are glorious promises for our en- couragement in the way of duty, and awful threatenings in the way of disobedience, and you cannot deny it: Prov. xxviii. 13; Matt. v. 2 to S, vii. 24 — 28; Isaiah i. 16 — 20; Ps. ix. 17. And now to affirm that a part were unconditionally elected for heaven, and can never be lost, what need was there of a Saviour ? To save them from what? And if the rest have no possibility of salvation, who are benefited by Christ ? Or what did he come for ? Not to benefit the elect or reprobate, but to accomplish a mere sham, or solemn nothing. This reminds me of a story I heard concerning a negro, who had just returned from meeting. His master said, "Well, Jack, how did you like the minister?" "Why, massa, me scarcely know, for de minister say, God makey beings, calla man ; he pickey out one here, oney dare, and givey dem to Jesus Christ, an' da can't be lost. He makey all de rest reprobate, and givey dem to the devil, da can't be saved. And de devil he go about like a roaring lion, seeking to get away some ob Christ's, and he can't. De minister he go about to get away some de devil's, and he can't; me don't know which de greatest fool, de preacher or de devil." v It is evident that the devil and the damned in hell do not believe in the doctrine of eternal decrees, for it is the nature of sinners to strive to justify themselves in evil, and cast the blame elsewhere. This is evil practice, therefore came from an evil source, and consequently from the devil. When Aciam fell, and God called to him, he cast the blame on the woman. God turning to her, she cast the blame on the serpent. God turned to him, and he was speechless. Now if he had believed in the doctrine of decrees, does it not appear evident that he would have replied, " Adam was not left to the freedom of his own will ; he was bound by the decrees, and we have only fulfilled thv decrees and done thy will, and thou ought- est to reward us for it?"v But he was speechless, and knew nothing of such talk then ; therefore it must be something that he has hatched up since — as saith the poet : "There is a reprobation plan, "This is a bold serpentine scheme, Some how it did arise, It suits the serpent well : By the predestinarian clan If he can make the sinner dream Of horrid cruelties. That he is doomed to hell. "The plan is this •. They hold a few, " Or if he can persuade a man They are ordained for heaven ; Decree is on his side ; They hold the rest accursed crew, Then he will say without delay, That cannot be forgiven. This cannot he untied. "They do hold, God hath decreed "He tells one simier, he's decreed Whatever comes to pass ; I nto eternal bliss ; Some to he damned, some to be freed — lie tells another, he ean'1 be freed, And this they call free grace. For he is doom'd t<> miss. ■'This inn, bedstead they do fetch "The first lie bindeth fast in pride, To try our hopes upon ; The second in despair ; And il loo short, we must he strelch'd — If Ik 1 can only keen them tied. Cut oil, il wc'ii' loo long. Which way lie does no! eare." It appeareth by the rich man's desiring his five brethren to be warned, / C H A I N O F L R E N Z . 259 lest they come to Hell with him, &c, (Luke xvi.,) that he did not believe their states to be unalterably fixed by God's decrees ; for if he did, why did he request their warning? saying, " if one arose from the dead, they would repent," &c. It appeareth likewise that if God hath decreed all things, that his decrees are as ancient as his knowledge ; as his decrees are generally argued from his foreknowledge, and that he foreknows it will be so, because he hath decreed it, &c. This opens a door to argue, that there was a time when God was ijjnorant and knew nothing. For a decree is an act of the mind, and there cannot be an action without there bring a time when that action took place. If so, then if God hath decreed all things, it must be that there was a time when God passed those decrees ; and if so, then there was a time when the decrees were not passed ; and if God did not foreknow anything until he decreed it, then there was a time when God knew nothing. This is the truth, and you cannot deny it.* And now to talk about God's foreknowledge, or decreeing all things from all eternity, appears a nonsensical phrase ; becauseto say from (as the word from implies a place of starting) all eternity, implies eternity had a beginning ; and as some use an unmeaning expression to convey an idea of unbeginning time, for the want of language, it is nonsense to at- tempt to build an argument thereon. For as it is argued in the foregoing that God is eternal, we may admit with propriety that he possesseth all the attributes that are ascribed to him ; and yet it is not inconsistent to say that the first thing ever God made was time,^ and in time he made all things, and probably the angelic creation was previous to men. Now, many attempt to make God the author of sin : but sin is not a creature as many falsely think ; it is the abuse of good. And to say that God, who is good, abuses good, is the highest blasphemy that we could im- peach the Deity with ; therefore he cannot be the author of it, consequently it must have come from another source. Now we must admit the idea that there was a time when there was no creature, but the Creator only : and declarative glory could never redound to God ; except that finite ac- countable intelligences were created, (for what should declare his glory,) his justice nor goodness could nevrr be shown forth in rewards and pun- ishments, except such accountable beings were made ; and of course must have remained in solemn silence : therefore, declarative glory could never have redounded to God. But, that he might have declarative glory, aris- ing from his attributes,! by intelligences, it appears that angels were * Whatever is, or exists abstract from God, is finite. How or what God conceives or knows of himself, or the manner of his knowing, I shall not attempt to fathom till the day of eterni- ty. But relative to his knowledge, as it concerns his creatures, I think the term infinite improper, for he can know no more than what hath been, is, and will be, (for there is no more to know.) which are only finite in any and every sense whatever. Therefore to at- tempt to build an eternal covenant, by arguing or attempting to conceive his infinite know- lodge, is a contradiction. For first, the term knowledge implies a power of perception, to know and comprehend tJie existence of qualities, or things, &c; therefore in this sense, when you speak of the knowledge of God relative to creation or his creatures, in the sense they speak, you must necessarily hound God's knowledge by finity. I now refer only to the act or cir- cumference of the act, not to the power or capacity, for only God is infinite ; of course to apply the word infinite, &c, to argue great knowledge, is a contradiction: and you cannot deny it, because there cannot be an infante finite. t Eph. i. 3, 4, 5. God hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in Christ, (not out of him.) according as he hath chosen w, in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love. Ver. 9 and 10 hath reference to building up Zion in Christ, not in the Universalist's sense, but upon earth. &c. } Rev. iv 11. " Thou hast created all things, imd for thy pleasure (or glory) they arc and were created" 260 CHAIN OF LORENZO. created ; and we must suppose they were all happy, holy, and good at at first, seeing this is the nature of God, (as all argue, from the Christian to the deist.) As likeness doth beget likeness, and every cause produces its own effect ; and as we are informed, that the devil sinneth from the beginning, and that some kept not their first estate, but left their own habita- tion, and sinned, and were cast down to hell, &c. (2 Pet. ii. 4, Jude 6, Rom. iv. 15, 1 John iii. 4, 8 ;) and as we read, where there is no law there is no transgression ; it must be that the angels had a law to keep, and power sufficient to keep or break the law ; or else, how could they be accountable ? And if they were not, they could not be rewardable ; and if not, then not praise nor blame worthy. But says one, allowing that God did make such pure, intelligent, accountable beings, and had a sovereign right to demand their obedience, seeing they were dependent ; what should induce a holy being to sin against a holy God, especially as there was no evil in him or them, nor yet any to tempt him ? Answer : Suppose I were walking along in meditation in a great field : of a sudden I cast a look forward, and can see no end to it : it would be' natural for me to stop and look back the way from whence I came. So, in my opinion, the angels were looking into futurity : they could discover no end to eternity, and it would be natural for them to reflect on time past. They could remember no time when they had no existence, any more than I can. This would open a door for self-temptation to arise in thought, " How do we know but we are eternal with God ? and why should we be dependent on him, or be accountable to him ?" In order to find out whether they were depend- ent or independent, the only method was, to try their strength, by mak- ing head against the King of heaven, by a violation of his command. Now, evil is the abuseof good, and the first abuse of good was the ori- gin of evil, and as their commandment was good, the evil consisted in the abuse of it; and the natural consequence of breaking the same, would be to convert them into devils — as the consequence of murder is death. From this we may see, that God made the devil, but he made himself a devil. Now. it appears to me impossible for God to show the devils mercy, con- sistent with the principles of reason and justice ; for I may sin against my equal, and in the eyes of the law, the crime is looked upon as a trifle ; the same crime against a government would forfeit my liberty, if not my life. Thus, the magnitude of a crime is not looked upon according to the dig- nity of the offender, but according to the dignity of the offended : of course, a finite being sinning against an infinite God, there is an infinite demeril in the transgression ; of course justice demands infinite satisfaction. A finite being can make finite satisfaction only, although the crime demands an infinity of punishment. A finite being cannot bear infinity of punishment at once; therefore the punishment must be made up in duration, and of course be eternal, that it may be adequate to the crime. But, says one, Why was not a mediator provided for fallen angels, as well as for fallen men ? — Answer : It was impossible, in the reason and na- ture of things ; for when mankind fell it was by the action of one, and they multiply. So the Godhead and manhood could be united, as in the per- son of Christ. But not so with the devils, for the} were all created active beings, and each stood or fell for himself, and of course was actually guilty, and therefore must have actual punishment, except a mediator was pro- vided ; which could not be, for the devils do not multiply ; therefore the CHAIN OF LORENZO. 261 Godhead and the devilhood could not be joined together. But supposing they could, yet, says Paul, without the shedding; of blood there can he no remission, and spirits have no blood to shed : and upon this ground it ap- pears, that the devils' restoration or redemption must fall through. The scripture saith, Rom. ix. 11, &c. "The children being yet un- born, having done neither good or evil, that the purpose of God ac- cording to election might stand, it was said unto her, the elder shall serve the younger ; as it is written, Jacob have I loved, and Esau have I hat- ed," &c. Any person by examining Genesis xxv. 23, and Mai. i. 1, 2, may see that Paul's talk doth not mean their persons, but that undeniably it must be applied to their posterity. And to apply them the other May, as though one was an elect, the other a reprobate, on purpose to be damn- ed, without a possibility of escape, is a plot of the devil, to blindfold man- kind bv a multitude of words without knowledge : for no such inference can be drawn from that passage, that Jacob was made for salvation, and Esau for damnation. But observe, it must be applied to their posterity: see Genesis xxv. 23. " And the Lord said to Rebecca, two nations are in thy womb, and two manner of people shall be separated from thy bowels ; and the one people shall be stronger than the other people, and the elder shall serve the younger." Which came to pass in the reign of King David, when the Edomites were brought into subjection to the Israel- ites, (2 Sam. viii. 14, 1 Chron. xviii. 13 :) and that passage, "Jacob have I loved, and Esau have I hated," was not spoken before the children were born, but hundreds of years after they were dead, by Mai. i. 1, 2. Now, cannot any person who is unprejudiced, plainly discover, that the word "Jacob " here means the Jewish nation, which God saw fit to exalt to high national privileges ; because Christ was to come through that lineage, &c. And as to " Esau hare Ihated," the word hate in scripture frequent- ly means loving in a less degree, &c. : for instance — Christ saith, except a man hate his father, mother, and his own life also, he cannot be my dis- ciple — the word hate, here means loving in a less degree, as we are to love God supremely ; and lent favors in a less degree, as belonging to him. So the passage " Esau have I hated," meaneth, that God did not see fit to exalt the Edomites to so high national privileges as the Jews ; yet they were the next highest, for their land was given to them for a possession, which the Jews were not permitted to take from them, as they were going from Egypt to Canaan, (Deut. ii. 4, 5 ;) and that passage (Heb. xii. 17) which saith, that " Esau was rejected, and found no place of repentance, though he sought it carefully with tears," we must not therefrom infer, that it was God who rejected him, because he was a reprobate, but his father Isaac. Take notice, at a certain time Esau went out a hunting, and on his re- turn home, being at the point to perish with hunger, came into Jacob's tent, and desired refreshment ; but Jacob attempted to make Esau's extremity his opportunity to grow rich, and to cheat him out of his birth-right for a mess of pottage ; and Esau, rather than starve, promised to give it up; and who can blame him, considering his distress? All that a man hath will he give for his life, saith Satan : this is the truth, and you cannot de- ny it, (Gen. xxv. 30, &c.) But there is no account that ever Jacob got the birth-right ; but by Esau's continuing with his father, and being so rich on Jacob's return, it appears that he lived with his father, and was heir 262 CHAIN OF LORENZO. to the inheritance. Jacob got not any thing from Esau ; but Esau got a present from him. After this, Isaac was determined to bless Esau, and commanded him to get venison for that purpose ; and while he was going for it, Rebecca told Jacob to kill kids, dec, and he should get the blessing. He saith, " I shall get a curse instead of a blessing." She said, " The curse be on me," &c, and it appears as though she got it, as it was the means of her losing her idol's company during her lifetime ; for there is no ac- count of her being alive at his return. Scarcely had he told the lies to Isaac, and withdrawn, &c, but Esau came in, and thereby blind Isaac perceived the deception in full, and began to tremble exceedingly, by which Esau perceived what had passed, and immediately lifted up his voice and wept, and sought after repentance ; not in himself, (for he had done nothing to repent of.) but in his father Isaac. But Isaac would not take back the blessing, but said, Jacob is blessed, and shall be blessed, (Gen. xxvii. &c.) From this loss of the blessing, some people think Esau was reprobated and damned : but Paul saith, (Heb. xi. 20,) " By faith Isaac blessed Jacob and Esau concerning things to come." Some forget to read that Esau was blessed as well as Jacob, though not in so great a degree, and how could he be blessed by faith if he were reprobated? (Gen. xxvii. 39. 40.) Esau was blessed with four things ; the first two were like a part of Jacob's, viz. the dew of heaven, and the fatness of the earth — thirdly, by his sword he was to live — and fourthly, when he should have the do- minion, he was to break Jacob's (or Jewish) yoke from off his neck, which came to pass in the reign of Jehoram, the son of Jehoshaphat. 2 Chron. xxi. 8 — tO. And now to show the inconsistency of thinking that Esau served Jacob the younger, it doth appear that Jacob served Esau ; and moreover, that Jacob had no religion when he attempted to cheat and lie, that being contrary to the spirit of Christianity. But it appears that he got converted afterwards, when on his way to Padan-aram ; he lay to rest in the woods, and in the night he had a vision, in which he saw a ladder, the top reach- ing to heaven, &c. Now, as the ladder had two sides, it represents the Godhead and manhood of Christ, and the rounds, the different degrees of grace. If Jacob had been pious, doubtless he would have realized the presence of God being there to protect him from the wild beasts; but his expression, " the Lord was in this place, and I knew it not," argueth ig- norance. Secondly, he adds, " it is no other than the house of God and gate of heaven ;" which is the language of young converts. Thirdly, he made a vow, if God would give him food to eat, and raiment to put on, and bring him back in peace, that God should be his God ; which certain- ly implies, that he did not serve God before as he did afterwards. (Gen. xxviii. 10.) Observe, first, Jacob served Esau, was afraid of him, and ran from home twenty years, through scenes of sorrow, and had his wages changed not less than ten times — Secondly, when he set out to return, his past con- duct created such fear in his breast, that he dared not sec Esau's face, until by messengers he inquired, "May I come in peace?" And under- standing that Esau with a body of men was coming to meet him, his sleep departed from him. He divided his host in two bands, and wrestled all nighl in prayer; and such fear surely denotes guilt. Thirdly, he sent a number of messengers with presents, and a message in Esau, calling him lord, as if himself was the servant. Fourthly, Esau bowed not at all ; but CHAIN OF LORENZO. 263 Jacob bowed not once, nor twice only, but seven times ; and then cried out, " I have seen thy face, as though I had seen the face of God." Now if Esau was a reprobate, how could his face have been as God's ? Nay, it would have been as the devil's. But as they had a joyful meeting to- gether, like two Christian brethren, that had been some time absent ; I therefore conclude, that Jacob saw the image of God in his brother Esau ; and in that sense, Esau's face might be said to be as the face of God, and in no other. And as the general tenor of Esau's conduct was not so bad as some part of Jacob's conduct, I therefrom conclude, that Esau died in peace ; and if ever I can be so happy as to get to glory, I expect to meet Esau there as well as Jacob. (Gen. xxxii. and xxxiii. &c.) If I believed all things were decreed, I must suppose that Pharaoh did the will of God in all things ; seeing God decreed all his thoughts, words, and actions : and the will being the determining faculty, it must be, that whatever God decrees, he wills : therefore Pharaoh did the will of God, according to that doctrine, and you cannot deny it. If the scripture be true, then Pharaoh doing the will of God, according to that doctrine, must be saved, according to the intimation of Christ, that whoever docth the will of God is his brother, sister, and mother. Observe, if all Pharaoh's conduct was decreed, he did as well as he could, and Peter as bad as he could. According to that doctrine, then, which is the most praise or blame worthy ? Again, if God decreed Pharaoh's conduct, did he not decree it right; and if so, could it be wrong? If not, there was no sin, consequent- ly no punishment ; unless you say a man is punishable for doing right. Again, if God decreed Pharaoh should do as he did, why did he command him to act to the reverse ? Does he decree one thing and command another? If so, then you make God's decrees and commandments clash; for according to that doctrine, God's revealed will is that we should obey : and his decreed will is that we should disobey. Thus you make out that God has two wills right opposite to each other, which makes God divided against himself. Christ intimates that that which is divided against itself, cannot stand. If so, then Deity being divided, must fall, and of course the works of nature sink, and go to ruin. Thus we see the inconsistency of dividing and subdividing God's will. There is no account of Pharaoh's heart being more hard than others, until he became hardened; but it appeareth from Rom. v. 19, 20, that the hearts of all people are alike hard by nature. Well, saith one, what is the meaning of that scripture, " For this same purpose have I raised thee up, that I may show forth my power in thee. And I will harden his heart, and he shall not let the people go," &c. Answer : The Lord raised Pharaoh up. Up from what ? From the dust unto a child, from a child to a man, to be a king on the throne, that he might show forth his power in him. And he has raised up you, and me, and all mankind, for the same purpose; viz. to show forth his power in us. If it be not for that, what is it for ? We read in several places that the Lord hardened Pha- raoh, and yet that Pharaoh hardened himself: how could that be? God do it ! and yet Pharaoh do it ! We read that the Lord afflicted Job, and yet that Satan did it, (Job xix. 21. ii. 7 ;) and that the Lord moved David to number Israel, and yet that Satan did it, &c. (2 Sam. xxiv. 1. 1 Chron. xxv. 1 ;) and that Solomon built the temple, and yet tells how his many 264 CHAIN OF LORENZO. workmen did it. Thus we see there is a first cause, and a second cause ; as saith the poet : — " No evil can from God proceed, 'Twas only suffered, not decreed ; As darkness is not from the sun, Nor mounts the shades till he is gone." Reason saith, that mankind are agents or else prophets ; for they can foretell some things, and then fulfil them :* this is the truth, and you can- * Matter, when it is moved by another cause, cannot stop of itself, and when stopped cannot move of itself. But as we have the power of action, (the same as I give out my appointment months before hand, and then fulfil it,) it is evident that we are prophets or else agents. To adopt the idea of prophecy, you will not ; and if not, you must acknow- ledge agency, which material substance without thinking power doth not possess. 1 rom this I argue that there is something in man abstract from matter, which is spirit, which some call the soul, and which makes him sensible and rational, &c. And to suppose the soul to be a part of God is inconsistent, because God is completely happy, as is acknow- ledged from the Christian to the Deist. Therefore, if my soul was a part of him, I should have one continued stream of happiness. But as 1 have frequently felt unhappy in mind, I herefrom argue that my soul is spirit abstract from God. Some people have an idea that the souls of infants come right pure from the hand of God by infusion into the body, and that the body being of Adam's race, pollutes the soul, and causes it to become impure, just as it' the body governed the mind. Allowing the above — When did God make the soul of the child that was born yesterday 1 Why, says one, within the course of a few months past. Hush, I deny it ; for the Bible says, ( Jen. ii. 1, 2, 3, that God finished the heavens (that is, the starry heavens) and earth, and all the host of them, and then Got! rested from the works pi the creation on the seventh day — he hath not been at work in creating new souls ever since. Therefore your idea that God makes new souls daily, falls to the ground; and you cannot deny it, if the Bible be true. But, says one, their souls were made in the course of six days. Where then have they been ever since 1 ? Laid up in a storehouse in heaven ? If they were, they were happy ; if so, what kind of a being does this represent the Almighty, especially if connected with the opinion of some who suppose that there are infants in 1 it ■ 11 not more than a span long ! First, God made Adam nappy in Paradise, and these infantile souls happy in a storehouse ; then when Adam tails, prohibits adultery, and at the same time previously decrees that they shall commit it to produce an illegitimate body ; and he to help them on to pi ?he illegitimate, takes one of these pure souls, infuses it into the body, and the body pnl- lutes it, caused it to become impure; and is now a reprobate for hell-lire. Thus yon see some people represent < ■• d as in;! Hi them happy some thou of years, then damning them for a sin they never committed! And now the difference between \h\s Being, it any such there be, that dealeth thus with his creatures, ami Him that ill the devil, 1 leave you to judge. God help you to look at it in the scale of equality, and see whether the above be right or wrong ! But, says one, where do you think tin- soul comes from 1 ? A.-. Adam was the first man, I must suppose, from reason and scripture, he got his soul right from God, as there was no other source lor him to derive it from : hut E\ e was taken "in of Adam, and there is no account other receiving her soul right from God ; and it not, 1 must suppose the whole of her was taken from Aiam, and of course she gol her soul from him as well as her body. Andasweread that the souls of Jacob's children (Gen. slvi. 26) ii Jacob's 1 nil! came out, A c., i herefrom infer, that they were not laid up in a storehouse in heaven, I mi came by natural generation from the parents, as well as the b Well, says one, estimate tin- value ol the soul, (by mechanism.) First, some people prize a thing according as who made it: if one mechanic made it, j prize 1 1 so much worth; I" 1 ' ii another made it they would prize it higher, because it was made by a more perfect workman. It' we prize the soul by this standard, it must be considered as valuable, because h was made by the perfected of the perfect, and the w iseal ol the wise, him thai cannot err, God Almighty. Secondly, some people value ■> thing ci ding to its duration. If the soul be valued en ad, i' must be prized high ; tor it being spirit, it is immortal, ami must endure as as eternal ai;es pass away. Thirdly, some people prize a thing according to the case of it ; if tic- soul be prized on this must be esteemed as valuable, for a certain time, it is said, five millions yere offered to anj one who would contrive a machine thai would perform perpetual mo- ami yet nine have been able to do it : yd in the construct^ n of the case ot the soul, inch is the body, iheie is more wisdom discoverable than all the wisdom of the mechan- ics, in all the machinery on the face of this terraqueoi CHAIN OF LORENZO. 365 not deny it. If so, then it may be said with propriety, that the Lord hard- ened the heart of Pharaoh, and yet that Pharaoh hardened himself, even as mankind are hardened in this our day, &c. Observe, first, the Lord called to Pharaoh by favor, and gave him a kingdom. Secondly, the Lord called by commandments, and Pharaoh would not obey, by saying, " I know not the Lord, neither will I let Israel a;o." Then the Lord called, thirdly, by miracles, but Pharoah reasoned against them in a diabolical way, by setting the magicians to If the case is thus wisely and beautifully made, how valuable must the soul be which the body is made to contain ! Fourthly, some people prize a thing according to what it costs: if the soul be prized according to this medium, it must be valuable, for if any smaller ransom than the blood of Christ could have purchased immortal souls from the curse of a broken law, doubtless God would have accepted that offering. Some people say that one drop of Christ's blood is sutficient to cleanse a soul, which idea I condemn, because the magnitude of a crime is not looked upon according to the dignity of the offender, but according to the dignity of the offended ; therefore a rinite being sinning against an infinite God, there is an infinite demerit m the transgression, and justice demands infinite satisfaction. But a finite being can make linite satisfaction only ; therefore there needs a mediator between a rebel creature and the Creator, which could be formed no way but by the two natures being joined to- gether, that is to say, the finite and the infinite, or in other words, the Godheeui and man- hood, or Divinity veiled in humanity. But here comes up a deist, and says, Hush, Lorenzo, it is inconsistent to adopt the idea that divinity and humanity can be joined together, as you talk, in the person of Christ. But I say, hush ; for it is no more inconsistent, with reason to adopt the idea that divinity and humanity can be joined together, than to adopt a former one which is self-evident, viz. that spirit and matter can be joined together and form a man, which idea, how it is, 1 cannot comprehend ; yet self-evident matter of fact puts it beyond all doubt, that spirit and matter are joined to form man, and you cannot deny it — and of course the idea that divinity and humanity can be joined together in the person of Christ, may be admitted according to reason. The manhood being offered up under an infinite influence of the Divinity, the sacrifice would be of infinite merit according to the transgression and the demands of jus- tice But to return — I cannot suppose that Christ would nave done any thing superfluous for man's redemption ; and of course, that one drop of his blood is sufficient to cleanse a soul or save a world, is inconsistent, as though a considerable part of what he did was superfluity, fcc. And of course in atoning for what is called original sin, I must believe that nothing needless was done ; if not, then Christ did no more than what was necessary ; and if so, the idea that one drop of his blood, &c, to cleanse a soul, is inconsistent. And if the demerit of one transgression demands infinite satisfaction, then the atonement made for that would be a sufficiency for all the world, or ten thousand times as many : for what greater satisfaction could be made than that which is infinite? Therefore, the human na- ture being offered a sacrifice by the influence of the Divinity, for the sin of the world, which was the sin of Adam, the sacrifice or ransom in some sense may be considered as infinite, it being offered under an infinite influence of the Divine Spirit ; therefore, the satisfaction would be according to the transgression, and of course, in doing that, there would be a sufficient provision for all the actual sins of men, considering the nature of it, and how unbounded it is. Therefore, the soul, when prized according to what it cost, must be con- sidered very valuable. But again, fifthly — some people prize a thing according to the scarcity of it. If a thing is very plenty, they would give so much for it ; but if it were more scarce, they would give much more, ice So, immortal souls are plenty, and yet very, very scarce, for each man hath but one, each woman hath but one. O sinner! if thou lose thy soul, thou [osest thy all, thou hast nothing left. God help thee to consider seriously, and stimulate thee to im- prove thy tune (which is on the wheel) for eternity accordingly ! The soul, which we perceive governs our body, (as the body without the soul is a life- less lump of clay,) we find from experience hath a memory, which is the power of reflection or recollection, to call past things to remembrance, &c. Again, it hath an understanding, which is a power to comprehend and realize things as they are ; again, it hath a will, which is the power of choosing and determining. We also have passions, one of which is love, inclining us to that which appears delight- some. Anger is another passion, which implies dislike or opposition to a thing that is odious in our minds. Also we have fear when danger we behold. Also joy, when plea- sure or h ippiness we possess. There are live outward senses by which we distinguish ob- jects or qualities; these are inlets of knowledge to the mind, and only through them can we receive ideas, (except by inspiration, which is an inward conviction wrought by another Spirit ) These five senses are, hearing, seeing, tastine, Smelling, and feeling. 23 266 CH ,K\ r OF LORENZO. work. Then, fourthly. God called hy affliction ; and Pharoah made a promise to obey God, and let the Jews depart, if the affliction might be removed: but when the judgment was removed, Pharaoh broke his pro- mise. Therein he was to blame, and you cannot deny it. For, by breaking his promise, his heart would naturally become harder, like me- tal when melted it is tender, and when grown cold is harder than before, and of course requires a hotter fire to melt it again. So it required a heavier judgment to operate on Pharaoh ; and God would send it, and Pbaraoh would promise and break them, till ten afflictions passed away ; and when the first-born were slain by the Lord, and yet by evil angels, as David in the Psalms tells you, Pharaoh was shocked, and let the Jews depart. He pursued them, and God permitted him to be taken in his own folly, and drowned in the Red Sea. Thus, we find how God hardened Pharoah's heart, and yet how he hardened himself by disobedience ; and so in this our day it may be said, that God hardens some, and yet they harden themselves, as follows : — First, God calls by prosperity or favors, and yet many enjoy them without a feeling sense from whom they flow. Secondly, God calls by commandments ; an inward monitor, telling what is right and what is wrong. But some do not give attention thereto, which, if they did, they would hear the voice more and more distinctly, till at length it would become their teacher. Thirdly, God calls by mira- cles ; the operation of his Spirit, perhaps, under preaching, or some other cause, and they have thought, " If I could always feel as I do now, I should soon be a Christian : or, if all my companions would turn ami serve the Lord, I would gladly go with them to heaven." But through inattention, those serious impressions, which I call miracles, soon wear off. A miracle is something done out of the common course of nature, by the operations of the power or Spirit of God. Therefore, O reader, it was not the minister who made you have those feelings, but the power of God. Therefore, in some sense, you have been called upon miracu- lously, and you cannot deny it. Fourthly, God calls by affliction ; and when people are taken sick, and view death near, they make vows and promises, and think how good they will be if God will spare them and raise them up. But when they are recovered, they, Pharaoh like, too soon forget their promises, and break their vows, and hereby become harder than before, and can do things without remorse, which once they would have felt the lash of conscience for. And that preaching, which once would make impressions on their mind, strikes their heart and bounds back like a stone glancing against a rock. This character is what may be termed a gospel-hardened sinner. Thus, you may discover that this plan clears the Divine character, and casts the blame on the creature, where it ought to be cast. Whereas, the opposite would cast the blame directly on God, if he decreed it so. This is the truth, and you cannot deny it. Although Christ hath promised once to draw all men unto him, (not to drag, for bait draws birds, yet they come voluntarily,) ye1 he never promises to draw them a second time, but on the other hand posi- tively saith, " My spirit shall not always strive with man.'" And again, " liecause I have called and ye have refused, but ye have set at nought my counsel, and would none of my reproofs, I also will laugh at your calamity, and mock when your fear cometh." " Ephraim is joined to his idols, let him alone." And the language of a reprobate is, " The harvest CHAIN OF LORENZO. 267 is past, the summer is ended, and we are not saved." — Jer. viii. 20. Prov. i. 24, 25, 26. Gen. vi. 3. As the Lord requireth a right sacrifice in the path of revealed duty, those who, like Cain, bring a wrong offering, the fruit of the ground, in- stead of the firstling of the flock, like Abel, must expect, like Cain, to be rejected, (Gen. iv. 7 ;) for God saith, " Behold, I have set life and death before you, choose you this day whom ye will serve," &c. (Josh. xxiv. 15. ) " One thing is needful, and Mary hath chosen the good part." We do not read God chose it for her. This is the truth, and you cannot deny it. Even, as we read in John iii. 19, that " this is the condemnation, that light has come into the world, and men love darkness rather than light," &c. Oh ! reader, prepare to meet thy God ! Objection : Hath not the potter power over the clay, of the same lump to make one vessel to honor, and another to dishonor ? Answer : A potter never makes any vessel on purpose to destroy it ; for, the most dishonorable one in family sickness is as useful as the hon- orable teacup in time of health. Neither doth God make any on purpose for destruction, but all mankind are useful, if they get the spirit of their station, and fill up that sphere for which they are qualified. For, without servants there can be no masters ; without subjects, no rulers ; without commonalty, no quality ; and any one may observe that David was elected or set apart to be king, Jeremiah and Samuel to be prophets, &c; and any discerning eye may easily discover that Paul's election (Rom. ix.) was not an election to future happiness, but of temporal advantages. And yet those not so positive, but that the privileges might be forfeited and lost by sin, as you may find, 1 Chron. xxviii. 9, 10 : " If thou serve him with a perfect heart, and with a willing mind, he will be found of thee ; but if thou forsake him, he will cast thee off for ever." (Deut. xxx. 15 — 19.) Moses's dying declaration was, that the children of Israel must obey, and if they would, all needful blessings they should have, but if rebellious, should be cursed and scattered, &c. This is a truth and you cannot deny it. And observe Paul, when talking about the clay and potter, alludes to Jer. xviii., where the prophet was commanded to see the potter work, &c. And then God says, verse 6th, " Cannot I do with you as this potter, O house of Israel V s &c. Again, verse 7th, " At what in- stant I shall speak concerning a nation or kingdom, to pluck up, pull down, or destroy it ; if that nation against whom I have pronounced, turn from their evil, I will repent of the evil I thought to do unto them. At what instant I shall speak concerning a nation or kingdom, to build or plant it, if it do evil in my sight, that it obey not my voice, then will I repent of the good wherewith I said I would benefit them." Now observe, if God be unchangeable, as Paul saith, God cannot lie, then he is bound by his immutability, or the law of his nature, to perform his promises to the obedient, and his threatenings against the dis- obedient ; and this is the truth, and you cannot deny it. Objection: Bible language is, "I will," and "you shall;" and the promises are '• yea and amen," without any ifs or amis. Answer : To take the promises without the condition, is a practice of Satan, (Luke iv. 10, 12,) which he made use of to our Lord to get him to fall down from the battlement of the temple, and thereby tempt God, and presume on God, because of the promise which the devil intended he 268 CHAIN OF LORENZO. should think to be unconditional ; and so bear him up in the way of dis- obedience. Whereas, our Saviour knowing the path of duty to be'the wav of safety, replied, " It is written, thou shalt not tempt* the Lord thy God.'' For in the way of obedience there is a promise of preservation, and in the way of disobedience a threatening of destruction. This is the truth, and you cannot deny it. Therefore, to cut these two little letters if out of the Bible, which make such a great significant word, is wrong, seeing it is so frequent in scripture. Frequently there are conditions implied in the Bible, though not expressed; for instance, David, when at Keilah. (1 Sam. xxiii. &c.) inquirer] of the Lord whether Saul would come down, and the men of the city deliver him up, and the Lord answered in the affirmative. Here is no condition expressed, yet there is one implied : for David left the city and fled to the wilderness ; so Saul came not down, neither did the people deliver him up. Again, God said to the Ninevites. by Jonah, " Yet forty days and Nineveh shall be overthrown." Now, if von say all threatenings are without conditions, you give God the lie ; for' the city was spared in consequence of their believing God, and turning from their evil ways; Jonah iii. 5 — 10. This is the truth, and you cannot deny it. Again, Ezek. xxxiii. &c. There is a condition implied and explained undeniably, though not so fully expressed at the first, concern- ing the righteous and wicked man, wlrch you may read at your leisure. This is the truth, and you cannot deny it. Objection : Says one, " God will have mercy on whom he will have mercy," &c. Answer : " God will have mercy on whom he will, Come think you who they be 1 'Tis every one that lov is his Son, And horn (heir sins do flee : — 'Tis every one that doth repent, And truly hates his si n : 'Tis every one that is content To turn to God again. And whom he will he hardeneth — Come think you who they be 1 'Tis every one that hates his Son, Likewise his liberty : — 'Tis ev'ry one that in sin persist, And do qutstand their day ; Then God in justice leaves them to Their own hearts' lusts a prey." Objection : " My people shall be made willing in the day of my power," says one. Answer: That is home-made scripture ; for the Almighty doth not so speak, but King David (Psa. ex. 3) speaks to the Almighty : " Thy people shall be willing in the day of thy power." He doth not say, they shall be made willing; the word made is not there, neither has it any bu- siness there. Again: those little words in italic letters were nol in the original, but were put in by the translators, to make what they thoughl to be sense in the English language ; and those little words, shall be. are in italic letters — of course, put in by the translators: now, I have them out, and iii lieu thereof put in the word are, and then read it. " Thy people are willing in the day of thy power." Now is the day of God's power, and now his people are willing ; they are always a willing people. It is the reprobate character that is unwilling that God's will should be done. CHAIN OF LORENZO. 269 This is the truth, and you cannot deny it. (Matt. vii. 24-26.) Objection. Christ did not pray for all mankind, &c. . Answer : That's a lie — see John xvii. 9 : first, Christ prayed for his disciples ; secondly, (ver. 20,) for those who should believe on him through their word ; and, thirdly, for the whole world, (ver. 21-23 :) thus, " That the world may believe that thou hast sent me." Again : that the world may know that thou hast sent me ; and this doth not mean A-double-L-part. Objection : Paul says, (Rom. viii.) whom God foreknew he predestinated, called, justified, and glorified, &c. Here is no condition expressed ; of course, it appeareth that he glorified all that he justified, called, and predestinated, and foreknew, &c. Answer : If that be taken just as it stands, without any conditions whatever, it will follow that Universalism is true, or else that we are all reprobates ; for God foreknows one as much as another, in every sense of the word, and, of course, foreknows all mankind. And now, if all that he foreknows he predestinates, calls, justifies, and glorifies, without any condition, in any shape or sense, it undeniably argues the universal salvation of every son of Adam. This is the truth, and you cannot deny it. Or else, if you take the apostle unconditionally, as he speaketh in the past tense, then no more can be glorified. Therefore we are all reprobates ; and you cannot deny it. But it is my opinion that Paul is only rehearsing a catalogue of states, as they take place in succession. And to take any particular part of the Bible, in the face and eyes of twenty scriptures more, any doctrine thereby may be proved : and thus we find, by such means, have sprung up the many sentiments in the earth. People, desirous to get to heaven in an easier way than God hath pointed out, will hew out an opinion of their own — a broken cistern, that can hold no water — and will twist and bend the scriptures to their sentiment ; and sometimes will have to grind the same, and put it into a press and press out a construction of their own. But this will not do. Scripture must be explained by scripture, and that according to reason, so as not to make it clash, but rather correspond with, true Christian experience. Objection : We read, " As many as were ordained to eternal life be- lieved." Answer: True ; but the word ordained, signifies, set apart as a minister for his office : thus Jeremiah was set apart a prophet. And Da- vid saith, " The Lord hath set apart him that is godly for himself." (Psa. iv. 3.) And there is no account of any being set apart for the Lord's self, but the godly. No man is godly, or godlike, but the believer ; therefore, none are ordained, or set apart for heaven, but those that believe. Besides, the Acts of the Apostles were written some time after the things took place, and, of course, are all written in the past tense. Ordained is in the past tense, and so is believed ; and there is no account of the one being prior to the other. But it may be said, as many as believed were then ordained to eternal life ; as none are ordained, or set apart for eternal life, but the saints. No man is a saint except he believes ; for " he that believeth not is condemned already," saith Christ. Therefore, as soon as one be- lieves, he is free from condemnation, and, of course, set apart for heaven, and not before — he being in Christ now by the act of faith. Now observe : Peter talks about elect in Christ, not out of him. Paul saith, (2 Cor. v. 17,) " If any man be in Christ he is a new creature," &c. ; and (Rom. viii. 1) saith, " There is now'" (not yesterday or to-morrow) " no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus ; who walk not after the flesh, but after the 23* 2T0 CHAIN OF LORENZO. it" SfC. ; which implies, there is condemnation to those who are not in Christ, but walk after the flesh, and not after the Spirit. And Paul saith, " They which have not the Spirit of Christ, are none of his." (Rom. viii. 9.) And John saith, " He that committeth sin is of the devil/' (2 John. iii. 8.) And again : " No man can call Jesus Lord, but by the Holy Ghost." " But as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God." Query. If all things are decreed right, is it not evident that there is no no such thing as sin or guilt ? For it cannot be wrong to fulfil right de- crees. Consequently, there can be no redemption, for there is nothing to redeem them from : consequently, if mankind think they have sinned and are redeemed, their thoughts must be a deception, and are imaginary ; and, of course, their praising God for redeeming love is folly, for they pfaise him for that which he never did. Now, supposing this imaginary, false, mistaken idea, that they " had been sinners and were redeemed," was removed, and they so enlightened as to discover that nothing, accord- ing to right decrees, had ever taken place wrong, &c, how would the heavenly host be astonished to think they had been deceived ! What silence would immediately ensue ! Some people hold to a falling from grace, which I think is wrong ; for, say they, if we were always to be in the light, we should grow proud ; therefore, it is necessary that we should have a darkness, to make us feel our weakness and dependence. From this, it appears that they think a little sin is necessary for the perfecting of the saints : and you cannot deny it. Now, to hold a thing necessary, implies holding to it : the same as I think doing duty, or perfection in love, to be necessary, therefore, I hold to it. Thus you see they hold to a falling from grace, which I think wroiig. Yet I adopt the idea that a man can fall from grace according to conscience, reason, and scripture, which idea some people think to be dan- gerous : but I think it is not naturally attended with such bad conse- quences as the other ; for if a man thinks he is safe, he is not apt to look out for danger ; whereas, if he thinks there is danger he is apt, like the mariner, to look out for breakers. Again: supposing I have religion, I think I can fall so as to perish everlastingly. Here is another man, with the same degree of religion, believing once in grace always in grace. Now, if my idea of the possibility of falling, &c, be false, his sentiment, if true, will certainly reach me ; so I am as safe as he. But supposing his doc- trine to be false, and mine true, he is gone for it, and mine will not reach him. So you see I have two strings to my bow to his one. This is the truth, and you cannot deny it. Now, reader, observe : as I heard of a seine on Rhode Island which caught a shoal of fish, and, for fear of the escape of some, a number of seines encircled the enclosed, so that they could not escape, and if any did escape the first or second nit. the others should catch them, &c. So you may plainly discover, as I have linked the above <\ >ctrin< if some of my ideas arc false, the other ideas, as so many seines, will catch me. Once in grace always in grace ; or Predestination, or I'ni- versalism, or Deism with Atheism. But tfthey are false, those characters are gone, if they have nothing else to depend upon but principles; yet I still may be safe This is the truth, and you cannot deny it. Again: it it evident, in reason's eye, that the more Light a person hath, CHAIN OF LORENZO. 271 if he abuse the same, the greater is the sin and guilt. Therefore, in jus- tice, the condemnation and punishment must be proportioned, according to the saying of Christ, " He thai knoweth his master's will, and doeth it not, shall be beaten with many stripes ;" whereas, he that committeth things worthy of stripes, and knoweth not his master's will, shall be beaten with few stripes. Thus you see it is required according to what a man hath, and not according to what he hath not. As we read, every man is to be rewarded according to his works, or the deeds done in the body. (Rev. xxii. 12, and xiv. 13 : Luke xii. 47, &c.) Now scripture proof that a man may fall from grace, runneth thus: "If any man draw back, my soul shall have no pleasure in him. The back- slider in heart shall be filled with his own ways," &c. Now if a man were in a high pillory, it would be nonsense for one to cry out, " Hold tight, stand and hang fast, for if you fall it will hurt you," if there be no danger of his falling, and more so if there be not a possibility of it. If so, then how much greater nonsense, for an almighty God to give us his will, with many cautions as needless as the above, there being no dan- ger nor even a possibility of danger. And yet he, like some passionate parents who say to their children, " If you do so and so, I'll whip you — I'll burn you up — I'll skin you and turn you out of doors," &c, and yet have no intention to perform the threatenings, but do lie to them. Just such a character some people seem to represent the Lord in. When he cautions as follows : Gen. ii. 17, "In the day thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die ;" serpent-like, say they, (Gen. iii. 4,) " Ye shall not surely die." But it is evident that God is in earnest in the following threaten- ings : Rev. xxii. 19, "If any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city,'" &c. There is no account of a sinner's having a part in the book of life, or holy city, but the saint ; for it is holiness that gives the title. Heb. xii. 14. Again : " Hold fast, that no man take thy crown," &c. Rev. iii. 11. "Be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life," and " he that endureth to the end, the same shall be saved." Rev. ii. 10. Mark xiii. 13. Jude tells us of some "whose fruit withereth, twice dead, plucked up by the roots." Now it is evident that a sinner is but once dead, then these must have been once alive in the scriptural sense ; or else how could the fruit wither, or they be twice dead and be plucked up by the roots? Ver. 12. Again : there is as in unto death, which we are not commanded to pray for, (compare 1 John v. 16, 17 with Hebrews x. 26 to 31.) Again : Peter tells of some that have forgotton that they were purged from their old sins, and even escaped the pollutions of the world, through the knowledge of Christ, &c, and yet are again entangled therein ; and saith he, " it had been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than after they have known it, to turn from," &c, (2 Pet. i .9 and ii. 20, &c, to the end.) How could they have forgot that which they never knew ? Again : (Heb. vi. 4 to 7) what higher attainments can one have than are here mentioned ; and (2 Pet. iii. 17, &c.) "if any man thinketh he standeth, let him take heed lest he fall." 1 Cor. x. 12, Rom. xi. 20, 21, Heb. iv. 1. Observe, there were six hundred thousand Jews, all well, active men, &c, which came out of Egypt with Moses, and one was in as fair a way for Canaan as another ; and God promised as positively to carry them to the promised 272 CHAIN OF LORENZO. land, as ever he promised to carry the saint from earth to heaven : only four wot through the wilderness- Aaron and Moses died on the mountains, and Caleb and Joshua reached the desired country. But all the others it appears were once favorites of heaven, from Paul's talk, (1 Cor. X. 3, 4, &c.) as he saith, "they all drank of Christ, the spiritual rock," &c, "and yet some of them tempted him," &c, ver. 9, "and thus they all by sin fell in the wilderness." And Paul addeth, moreover, that these things happened unto them for examples, and were written for our admonition, ver. 11. Now what need of saints being admonished, if there be no dan- ger of losing the spiritual land of rest ? Paul was afraid of falling, ix. 27. But observe, though God had promised to carry the Jews to Canaan, &c, yet there was a condition implied. Numb. xiv. 34 : "And ye shall know my breach of promise." There was a condition implied, though not fully expressed before. Gen. xvii. 8, 28, xiii. 50, xxiv. 25 ; Heb. xi. 2 ; Exod. iii. 16, 17, &c.j Lev. xxvi. 27, 28, &c. Hark! "If you will not for all this hearken unto me, (saith God,) but walk contrary unto me, then I will walk contrary unto you also in fury, and I, even I, will chastise you seven times for your sins." Now if all things are decreed right straight forward, how could the Jews walk contrary to God ? And if not, how could God walk contrary to them ? God help thee to consider this, if there be no condition implied ; and likewise Exod. xiii. 17 ; Numb. xiv. 21, 22, 23, 24, &c. " Because those men, which have seen my glory and mira- cles which I did in Egypt and in the wilderness, and have tempted me now these ten times, and have not hearkened to my voice, surely they shall not see the land which I sware unto their fathers," ver. 34. God help you to take warning by the Jews, for it is evident that according to the words of Moses, (Deu't. xxviii.) that great blessings were promised, if the nation would obey, and curses in consequence of disobedience, which ideas were confirmed in the dying speech of Joshua, (xxiv. 20,) which was fulfilled, according to the book of Judges. When it went well with the Jews, we find they were serving God ; but when they did evil, God sold them into the hands of their enemies. God help thee to compare the promises and threatenings in Deuteronomy with the book of Judges, &c, and observe God's dealings thenceward, and apply that to Matt. vii. 24, &c. And observe the gospel, for we are to take warning by God's deal- ings with the ancients, and square our lives accordingly ; because to judg- ment we must come, and be judged with strict justice, and receive sentence accordingly. Either " come ye blessed," or "depart ye cursed/' (Matt. xxv. 34, 41, &c.) Now observe, if I am guilty I must have pardon here, and then if my life from the day of forgiveness brings forth good fruit from a holy heart, it is right; consequently the reward must ensue ac- cordingly. But if I turn, and willingly love sin again, my conduct (lav- ing from that evil desire, thus living and dying, my sentence must be ac- cordingly agreeable to the principles of true justice. This is the truth, and you cannot deny it. Read attentively about the good and evil ser- vants, from Matt. xxiv. 40 to 4^, &c, and xviii. 23, &c. Observe, "Paul exhorts Timothy to war a good warfare, holding faith and & good conscience, which, saith be, "some having put away concern- ingfaith, have made shipwreck ; of whom is Hymeneus and Alexander,' (1 Tim. i. 19; John xv.) Christ saith, "I am the true vine, and my Father is the husbandman; every branch in me that bearetb not fruit he CHAIN OF LORENZO. 273 taketh away, (observe, he could not take them away unless they were there ;) and" every branch that beareth fruit, he purgeth it. that it may bring forth more fruit." " Now ye are clean, through the word which I have spoken unto you." Observe, a sinner is not clean, but filthy. Rut if these were made clean through the word of Christ, as just mentioned, then they were saints, and you cannot deny it. Ver. 4 : " Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine, no more can ye, except ye abide in me. I am the vine, ye are the branches," &c. Ver. 6 : " If a man abide not in me, he is cast forth as a branch, and is withered," &c. Observe, a sinner is not compared to a green tree, but a dry; this could not wither except it were green, and a branch once withered, it is hard to make it green again, &c, but they are gathered and burned. Verses 7, 8: "If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you : herein is my Father glorified, that ye bear much fruit, so shall ye be my disciples." Ver. 9 : "Continue ye in my love." Now ye may see that the five little letters that are herein enclosed, which too many people overlook, and which fixes the sense of a great many scriptures, running parallel through the Bible, &c, viz : "ifandeth." Now the Bible run- neth thus : if ye do so and so, I will do so and so ; and if ye do so and so, I will do so and so, &c. And again, "ed," past tense, we find but little in the Bible. But the scripture, instead of making a yesterday Christian, it maketh a present, every-day Christian. Thus, he that believeth, heareth, seeth, understandeth, knoweth, pursueth, itiatcheth, hath, enjoyeth, and endur- cih. This is the truth, and you cannot deny it, for the Bible doth not in- quire what I was yesterday, but what I am now? Objection: Christ saith " my sheep hear my voice ; they follow vie, and shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand," &c, (John x. 27. 28.) Answer: Here the saint is represented by the similitude of a sheep, hear- ing and following a shepherd ; and observe, the promise is made, as before observed, to a certain obedient character, and here the promise is to those that hear ; hearing doth not mean stopping your ears, or being careless and inattentive ; but it implieth giving strict attention to the object which requireth the same ; and following, likewise, doth not mean running the other way, but a voluntary coming after. Therefore, there is a con- dition implied and expressed in this passage, viz : hear and follow, and the promise is to that character. Of course a backslider doth not imitate it, and of course cannot claim the promise but what he may perish ; may turn away, according to Ezekiel xxxiii. 18. " When the righteous [man] turneth away from his righteousness, and committeth iniquity, he shall even die thereby," &c. Objection: The death there spoken of is temporal. Answer: I deny it, for the body will die, whether you sin or not ; and God when he mean- eth the body, doth not say the soul, but positively declares, "the soul that sinenth, it shall die," chapter xviii. 4. Objection : But the righteous man there spoken of is a self-righteous man. Answer: I deny it, for he is pronounced a righteous man by God himself; and how can he be righteous, in the judgment of God, without saving faith ? God doth not call a wicked man good, nor a good man evil ; yet you say that him that God here pronounceth righteous is only self-righteous — a Pharisee. Oh, scandalous for any man to twist the 274 CHAIN OF LORENZO. scriptures thus ! Now look at it in your own glass ; self- righteousness being wickedness, we will style it iniquity, and the man an iniquitous man, and then read it, " when an iniquitous man turneth away from his ini- quity, and committeth iniquity, for his iniquity. &c, shall he die." Read the above twice over, and then sound and see if there be any bottom or top, according to your exposition. Leaving your shameless construction, I pass on to answer another objection, which may be urged from Romans viii. 38, 39, where Paul saith, "I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels, principalities, powers, things present or to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God," &c. Observe, though Paul speaks of a second cause not being able to sepa- rate us from the enjoyment of God's love, yet he does not say but that we may separate ourselves by disobedience, which is sin. Sin is not a creature, as some people falsely think ; but sin is a non-confornrty to the will of God. If you still say that sin is a creature, I ask you what shape it is in, or what color it is of, or how many eyes or wings it hath, or whether it crawls like a snake ? Paul doth not term it a creature, but agreeth with St. John, where he saith, " Sin is the transgression of the law, and where there is no law, there is no transgression ;" and being not without law to God, but under the law of Christ, the Christian still feeleth himself conscientiously accountable unto God, and you cannot deny it. 1 John iii. 4; Romans iii. 20 — iv. 15; 1 Corinthians ix. 21, for we read, not that a good man falleth into sin every day, and still is in the way to heaven, being a child of God, but to the reverse. 1 John iii. 8, "He that committeth sin, is of the devil." John viii. 8, '-Who- soever committeth sin, is the servant of sin ;" verse 36, " If the Son there- fore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed." Romans vi. 18, " Being then made free from sin, ye became the servants of righteous- ness;" verse 20, "For when ye were the servants of sin, ye were free from righteousness ;" verses 22, 23, " But now being made free from sin, «fec, for the wages of sin is death." Any person, by reading Psalm lxxxix., may plainly discover that the promise made therein to David, as in the person of Christ, was not alto- gether without condition, by comparing the promise from verses 19 to 20, &c, to 38. From that, either there is a contradiction in the Psalm, or else a condition must be allowed; for one part saith that, " His seed and throne shall endure for ever," and another part, " Thou hast cast his throne to the ground," verses 36, 44, &c. But, observe, most people when quoting this Psalm to prove once in grace always in grace, read thus, verse 33: " Nevertheless, will I not utterly lake from them, nor suffer my faithfulness to fail," which is a wrong quotation. He does not say in the plural, he will not take it from them, but in the singular, will not utterly take from him ; that is, from Christ Jesus, as David frequently represents Christ. Compare this Psalm with 1 Chronicles xxviii. <>. 7, and 1 Kings ix. 4 to 9, where undeniably you will find the condition. Objection: "I have loved thee with an everlasting love," and, " He that believeth hath everlasting life." Answer: The life there spoken of is the love of God, which is called everlasting, because it is his eternal nature, which all those that believe enjoy; yet God, being holy, cannot behold iniquity with allowance, and ot'eourse his justice cries against it, CHAIN OF LORENZO. 275 and demands satisfaction. , It must be, that if I lose that life, that the nature of it does not change, but returns to God who gave it, by my out- sinning the day or reach of mercy, &c. But, says one, can a man sin beyond the love of God, or out of the reach of mercy ? Answer : We read that God loved the world, and yet that there is a sin unto death, which we are not commanded to pray for when one cominitteth. John iii. 16, 17 ; 1 John v. 16. Those who may read the above, that have en- joyed the comforts of religion in their own souls, when they are faithful to God they feel his love, and enjoy the light of his countenance ; and a mountain of trouble appears as a hill, and he surmounts it with delight, and cries in the poet's language : " Give joy or grief, give ease or pain, Take life or friends away, But let me find them all again In that eternal day." They feel the truth of Christ's words, (John viii. 12,) " He that follow. eth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life." But when they let down their watch, their strength departs, like Sampson's when shorn, and their enemies get the better. A hill of trouble appears as a mountain, and they feel like one forsaken; and, on reflection, con- science lays the blame not on God, like the doctrine of decrees, but on them, and they have no peace until they repent and do their first work, viz., to go to God as a criminal, and yet as a beggar, broken-hearted, willing to part with the accursed thing; then they find the Lord to lift upon them the light of his countenance, and their peaceful hours return. They take their harps from the willows, and cry, like the ancients, " Our soul is escaped as a bird from the snare of the fowler ; the snare is broken, and we are escaped." Query: Who ever fell from grace? Answer: We are informed (1 Samuel xv. 17) that when Saul was little in his own eyes, God exalted him to be king over Israel ; and (x. 6) when Samuel anointed him, he said, " The Spirit of the Lord will come upon thee, and thou shalt pro- phesy, and shalt be turned into another man," &c. Verse 9, we read, moreover, that God gave him another heart, &c, and what sort of a heart God gives, I leave you to judge. And God seemed to prosper Saul while he was humble, xiii. 12. It appeareth after two years that his heart got lifted up with pride, and the Lord sent him to utterly destroy the Amale- kites, and all things belonging thereto, according to the commandment by Moses; but Saul rebelled, and committed a sin thereby, which was as the sin of withcraft and idolatry, xv. 23. After this the Spirit of the Lord departed from him ; and afterwards Saul murdered himself in the field of battle. And we read, no murderer hath eternal life abiding in him, and that murderers hereafter shall be shut out of the holy city, xvi. 14, and xxxi. 4 ; 1 John iii. 15; Revelation xxii. 15. But, saith one, was not David a man after God's own heart, when committing adultery and murder ? Answer : No, for God hath not the heart of an adulterer nor a murderer. And again — no murderer hath eternal life abiding in him, 1 John iii. 15. And supposing David was a man after God's own heart when feeding his father's sheep, that is no sign he was when com- mitting adultery and murder, any more than if I were honest seven years ago, and then turned thief, am honest still because I was once ; this is 276 CHAIN OF LORENZO. the truth, and you cannot deny it. But observe, the Lord was displeased with David, being angry with the wicked everyday; and there is no account that the Lord put away David's sin until he confessed it, &c, 2 Samuel xi. 27 — xii. 13 ; and all backsliders, who sincerely repent, may receive pardon as David did, &c. But yet there is no scripture that saith they shall be brought to repentance irresistibly, whether they will or not ; for God will have volunteers for heaven, or none at all, Revela- tion xxii. 14-17. We cannot with reason suppose that a king would choose an enemy as an ambassador with an embassage to rebels, but a friend. Neither can we suppose, wkh propriety, that God or Christ would call an enemy — a child of the devil — to go and preach and do miracles, but a friend. Yet we find in Matthew x. that Judas, with the others, was positively called, and commanded to preach, and had power to raise the dead, heal the sick, and cast out devils, &c. And the twelve went out, and returned, &c. It speaks of them collectively, but not indi- vidually, doing miracles, till after Christ's resurrection. Chapter xix.. Peter saith, " We have forsaken all, (not /,) and followed thee ; what .shall we have, therefore ?" Christ answereth, (verse 28,) " Verily, (or certainly,) I say unto you, that ye which have followed me in the regen- eration, when the Son of man shall sit in the throne of his glory, ye also shall sit upon twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel." Now, I ask, how they could follow Christ in the regeneration except they were regenerated, i. e., born again ? Doth it not mean Judas for one, seeing there were twelve apostles, twelve thrones, and twelve tribes — a throne for each ? But it appeareth that the thrones were promised on conditions of overcoming, (Revelation iii. 21,) and that Judas forfeited his title by disobedience, &c. But, saith one, I thought Judas was raised up for the very purpose to betray Christ, and was always a wicked man. Answer : Many people think so, through the prejudice of education, and set up their opinion for the standard, and attempt to bend the scriptures to it ; but that will not do, for truth will stand when error falls, and of course our tenets should correspond with the Bible, which doth not say that Judas was always evil. But Christ conveys an idea to the reverse, when refer- ring (John xiii. 18) to Psalm xli. 9, where David is speaking of Judas, as in the person of Christ, and saith, "Mine own- familiar fri&nd, in whom ( trusted, which did eat of my bread, hath lifted up his heel against inc." Here Judas is not only styled Christ's friend, but his familiar one, in whom he trusted. Now, can we suppose, with propriety, that Christ would be familiar with the deceitful, and put confidence in them ? No, methinks he would have set a better example. Objection : Christ says, John vi. 70, " Have I not chosen you twelve, and one of you is a devil ?" Answer : Sometimes Christ spoke as man, and sometimes as God, and God frequently speaks of things that are not as though they were. For instance, (Rev. xiii. 8,) we read that Christ was a Land) slain from the foundation of the world, and yet he was not actually slain till four thou- sand years after. Again, God said to Abraham, " I have made thee a father of many na- tions ;" when he was not the father of but one child, Ishniael. So Christ, foreseeing, as God, that Satan would enter into Judas, spoke it. as if it was in the present tense, though it was not really so for some time after. C MAIN OF LORKNZO. 277 There was more trust put in Judas than in the other apostles, lie being made treasurer. We have repeated accounts of Peter, James, and John sinning ; but no account that Judas did, until six days before the Pass- over, John xii. Mark xiv. 3. When our Lord was in the house of Simon the leper, which appears to be Judas's father's house, a woman came in to anoint Christ, &c, and it appears that Judas felt a thievish, covetous disposition arise, and from that no doubt he was called a thief, and had the bag, for he was never called a thief before ; and Christ gave him a gen- tle rebuke, and it appears that Judas got affronted, by his complying with a suggestion of Satan. Satan was not really in him yet, only tempted him. And going out the same day, he made a bargain. (John xiii. 2, and Mark xiv. 10,) like some ministers, saying, " What will ye give me, and I will deliver him unto you," &c. Some people make scripture, and say, whom Christ loves, he loves to the end, (to the end of what '?) There arc no such words in the Bible. In John xiii. 1, we read thus: " When Je- sus knew that his hour was come that he should depart out of this world unto the Father, having loved his own which wei'e in the world, he loved them unto the end" — namely, the night in which the sacrament was in- stituted — Judas being present, &c, received the sop, after which Satan entered him, verse 27. And now it may be said, in the full sense of the word, that he was a devil, and not before, unless you allow of his being one before, and another entering into him now — and so making a double devil of him — and what sort of being that may be, I cannot tell. Objection : I think if Judas had regeneration, or was ever a friend to Christ, as you talk from Matt. xix. 28, 29, and Psa. xli. 9, that he is gone to glory. Answer : No, he has not ; for Christ affirmed, " Wo to that man, it had been good for him that he had never been born," Mark xiv. 21 ; Luke xxii. 21, 22. Again, we read Judas murdered himself; and no murderer hath eternal life abiding in him. Objection : I do not think one that is given to Christ can be lost. Answer : Then you do 'not be- lieve the Bible, for we read (John xvii. 12) that Judas was given to Christ, and yet he is lost, and styled a son of perdition, which means a son of destruction ; and, (Acts i. 24, 25,) when the eleven surviving apos- tles chose Matthias to fill up Judas's sphere, they prayed thus : " Thou, Lord, which knowest the hearts of all men, show whether of these two thou hast chosen, that he may take the part of this ministry and apostle- ship, from which Judas by transgression fell," &c. Now, if Judas were always a devil, (which could not be, for there must have been a time when he began to be one,) why would they choose a good man to fill up a devil's place? Observe, there were twelve parts of the ministry, and the apostles were persons accountable to God. Judas fell by transgres- sion, for where there is no law there is no transgression. Now, what did he fall from ? An old profession ? To fall from an old profession, is no transgression at all : for transgression is sin, which implies the violation of a known law ; of course, falling by transgression, implies losing some- thing which is valuable, by misconduct, &c. This is the truth, and you cannot deny it. " But," says one, " I do not like your talk, for you de- stroy my comfort ; and it is a discouraging doctrine against getting reli- gion, if one thinks they can lose it after they get it." Answer : I might on the other hand, or in another case say, that it is discouraging against getting money, or buying this farm, or that horse, for perhaps it mav be 24 273 CHAIN OF LORENZO. squandered, lost, or die ; therefore, I would not try for them. What would you think of the man who would stop and be negligent at such ob- jections? People temporally do not term such things discouraging, so as to flee ; and methinks none will make that reply, but those who live and plead for a little sin : one leak will sink a ship. Objection : Solomon was a wise man, but did many wrong things, and yet wrote Ecclesiastes afterwards ; from which we may infer, no doubt, he is happy. Answer : Solomon no doubt was a wise man, above all the kings of the earth, and yet became the greatest fool by abusing his wis- dom ; for, after that God had done so much for Solomon, Solomon turned and committed sin, and, according to the Mosaic law, was worthy of tem- poral death in jive respects. First, he made an affinity with Pharoah, king of Egypt ; secondly, took his daughter to be his wife ; thirdly, made affinity with Hiram, king of Tyre; fourthly, fell in love with heathenish women, who turned his heart from God ; fifthly, fell into idolatry. He had four gods that he worshipped himself, and others for his wives. When Solomon was young, we read the Lord loved him ; but now he was old, we read the Lord was angry with him, and he is angry with the wicked every day. The Lord endeavored to reclaim Solomon ; first, by mercy, and then by affliction ; and raised up three adversaries for that purpose. But Solomon would not hear, but. went on a step further, and attempted to kill Jeroboam, who arose and fled to Egypt : and as the scripture leaves Solomon, he died in that state, with murder in his heart, as he attempted to slay the innocent ; and " no murderer hath eternal life abiding in him." And there is no account of Solomon's repentance, but that he died in his sins ; and our Lord intimates, that if we die in our sins, where he is, we cannot come. And David's dying words to Solomon were, " If thou seek the Lord, he will be found of thee ; but if thou forsake him, he will cast thee off forever." Solomon sought the Lord, and the Lord appeared to him twice ; afterwards he forsook God, and there is no account of his re- turn, as before observed : and as for believing that Ecclesiastes was written afterwards, I no more believe Solomon could write when he was dead, than I believe I could. To evade this answer, and say Solomon wrote it when he was old ; I reply, it is no more than any old man that swears and gets drunk can do, to cry out vanity of vanities, cS:c. when their lives are burdensome. But what makes the beauty of Ecclesiastes is, to see that a young man could cry out vanity, which is so contrarj to nature, when nature is so fond of it. As for the book of Proverbs, any person may discover they were written before the building of the temple, by turning to 1 Kings iv. 32, &c, and before much of his wickedness. You need not say, that I said, that Solomon is gone to hell. 1 did not affirm so ; but I take Solomon where the scripture doth, and leave him where the scripture doth, in the hand of a merciful God ; asking, since the Bible is so particular to mention all the good conduct of Solomon, and then his had conduct, if he repented, why was not that put down ? Turn to the history of Josephus, and it leaves Solomon, if possible, in a worse situation than the Bible doth, &c. Some people blame me for holding to perfection, and at the same time they hold to it stronger than I do ; and moreover, for not holding to the final perseverance of the saints; which assertion I think is \\ rongj for T think there is danger of falling away — therefore, I hold to perseverance, CHAIN OF LORENZO. 279 and they cannot deny it. But they hold, a man cannot get rid of sin. Here, therefore, they hold to persevering in sin, and they hold to a falling from grace of course. This is the truth, and you cannot deny it. Some have heard ministers pray to God, that the people might he sanctified from all sin, and then told them that they could not get rid of all sin. This was a clash. People frequently feel good desires from God to get rid of " all sin," (James i. 17,) and yet think they cannot obtain the blessing, so pray in unbelief for it. We read, that whatsoever is not of faith is sin ; therefore, if I hold with them, I should pray thus: "Lord, save me from part of my sins now, and at death take them all away," &c. But this doth not correspond with the Lord's prayer, which commandeth us to pray that God's kingdom may come, and his will be done, &c, as in heaven, and we be delivered from evil. The kingdom of God, we read, is not meat and drink, but righteous- ness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost. And Paul saith, this is the will of God, even your sanctification ; and if a man be delivered from all evil, there is no sin left. And what is the benefit to pray for it, if we cannot have it ? But in obedience to the commandment 1o pray for deliv- erance from evil, Paul besought God to sanctify the Thessalonians wholly, and to preserve their whole spirit, soul, and body blameless, unto the coming of Christ, (1 Thess. v. 23 ;) and again, verse 16 to 18, he commandeth them to rejoice evermore, pray without ceasing, in every thing give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. Matt. v. 48, Christ saith, "Be ye perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect ;" i. e. for a man in our sphere, as perfect as God is for God in his sphere. Again, " Be ye holy for I am holy." Again, " The commandment is to love the Lord with all our heart, soul, body, mind, and strength, and our neighbor as ourself," &c. And blessed be God, the promise is equal to the commandments, for God hath bound him- self by a promise, (Ezek. xxxvi. 25,) " Then will I sprinkle clean water upon you, and ye shall be clean ; from all your filthiness, and from all your idols will I cleanse you, a new heart also will I give you," &c. Again, (Psalm cxxx. 8,) the promise is, that "Israel shall be redeemed from all his iniquities." John viii. 12, Christ saith, "He that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life." And again, God hath promised by the hand of Moses, thus : " 1 will circum- cise thy heart, and the heart of thy seed, to love the Lord with all thy heart," &c, and thy neighbor as thyself. And Paul speaketh of the oath and promise of God, two immutable things, in which it is impossible for God to lie. Now, if God cannot lie, then he cannot do all things, espe- cially that which is contrary to his nature. If so, 'then the above men- tioned promises are equal to the commandments, and God is bound by the law of his nature to perform the same. This is the truth, and you can- not deny it. Objection : David saith, " There is none righteous, no, not one." An- swer : True, yet we read about righteous Abel, and Lot's righteous soul, (2 Pet. ii. 8. Matt, xxiii. 35.) Objection : Solomon saith, " There is no man that sinneth not." Answer : True, but John saith, " He that is born of God doth not commit sin." Objection : Paul saith, " I am carnal, sold under sin ;" yet he was a saint. Answer : Paul addeth elsewhere, " that the carnal mind is enmity against God, and is not subject to his law, nei- 280 CHAIN OF LORENZO. ther indeed can be, and to be carnally minded is death/' Again, " Christ came to save sinners, &c. of whom I am chief." Now to take these ex- pressions together just as they stand, you might prove that Paul was one of the worst of men, in the way to death, and at the same time one of the best apostles, in the way to life, &c. Though Paul saith, I am carnal, sold under sin, yet it cannot be that he -was speaking of himself, as a holy apostle ; but was describing or rehearsing the language of one under the law, as you may see, Rom. vii. 1 : " I speak to them that know the law," &c. But chap. viii. 1, 2, Paul saith, " There is therefore now no con- demnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit, for the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death." And now, if Paul was made free he could not be groaning under bondage at the same time, unless you can reconcile liberty and slavery together. Paul saith in one place, " 1 robbed other churches." Now to take this passage just as it stands, you might prove that Paul was a robber ; if so, would not the government hang him if he was here, as they hang robbers, &c. And to take any particular passage you may prove almost any doctrine, if it be not taken in connection with the context, or general tenor of scrip- ture. But as the Bible doth not plead for sin, but condemneth it, command- ing us to be holy in heart and life, &c, therefore we should not plead for sin as though we loved it, and rolled it under our tongue as a sweet mor- sel, but should be scripttirians or Bible men ; for Paul telleth the Romans, to whom some think Paul made allowance for a little sin, inferring it from the 7th chapter ; but, by the by, they should remember that Paul talketh thus, " being justified by faith, we have peace with God," chap. v. 1 : vi. 18 — 22, he saith, " Being made free from sin," &c. and being now made free from sin, &c. Well, says one, what next? Answer: Any person by reading the epistles of John may find a sufficiency of proof to convince any candid mind that the doctrine of Christian perfection in love, is a Bible doctrine. Query : How far can a man be perfect in this life ? Answer : A man may be a perfect sinner by the help of Satan, and you cannot de- ny it. Now, if a man can be a perfect sinner, why not a perfect saint ? Shall we not allow as much power to God to perfect his children in his own nature, which is love, as the devil has power to perfect his in sin ? i\ c. But, says one, answer the former question, and likewise, who ever attain- ed what you are talking about ? Very well : I'll tell you ; I think a man cannot be as perfect as God, except it be for men in our sphere, as < rod if for God in his sphere ; for absolute perfection belongs to God alone ; nei- ther as perfect as angels, or even as Adam before he fell, because I feel the effect of Adam's fall ; my body being mortal is a clog to my soul, and frequently tends to weigh down my mind, which infirmity I do not expect to get rid of until my spirit returns to God. Yet I do believe that it is the privilege of every saint, to drink into the spirit and nature of God : so far as to live without committing wilful, or known, or malicious sins against God, but to have love the ruling principle within ; and what we say and do, to flow from that divine principle of love within, from a sense of duty, though subject to trials, temptations and mistakes at the same time; and a mistake in judgment may occasion a mistake in practice — I may think a man more pious than he is, and put too much confidence in him, and thereby be brought into trouble. Now such a mistake as this, CHAIN OF LORENZO. 281 and many other similar ones I might mention, you cannot term sin with propriety ; for when Eldad and Medad prophesied in the camp, Joshua mistaking in his judgment, thinking they did wrong, occasioned a practi- cal mistake, requesting Moses to stop them, dec, which was not granted. Observe, one sin shut Moses out of Canaan, of course one sin must have shut Joshua out. But as God said, Joshua wholly followed him, and wholly not being partly, and as he entered Canaan from that circumstance, I argue that a mistake following from love is not imputed as a sin. Again, as we are informed that Christ was tempted in all respects like as we are, Heb. iv. 15, yet without sin, and can be touched with thefeelingof our infirmi- ties, dec. Again, as we are commanded, James i. 2, to count it all joy when we fall (not give way) into divers temptations. And if the devil, or wicked men tempt me, and I reject and repel the temptation with all my heart, how can it be said that I sin ? Am I to blame for the devil's conduct ? 1 can no more prevent my thoughts than I can prevent the birds from fly- ing over my head ; but I can prevent them from making nests in my hair. Some people expect purgatory to deliver them from sin ; but this would, methinks, make discord in heaven. Others think that death will do it. If death will deliver one from the last of sin, why not two, why not all the world by the same rule ? So Universalism will be true, and death have the praise, and Jesus Christ be out of the question ? But death is not called a. friend, but is styled an enemy, and it does not 'change the disposi- tion of the mind. All that death does is to separate the soul from the body ; therefore, as we must get rid of the last of sin, either here or hereafter, and as but few in America allow of purgatory, I suppose it must be here. If so, then it is before the soul leaves the body, consequently it is in time, of course before death. Now the query arises, how long first? Why, says one, perhaps a minute before the soul leaves the body. Well, if a minute before, why not two minutes, or an hour ; yea, a day, a week, a month, or a year, or even ten years before death — or even now ? Is there not power sufficient with God, or efficacy enough in the blood of Christ ? Certainly the scripture saith. all things are now ready ; now is the accept- ed time, and behold now (not to-morrow) is the day of salvation. To-day if you will hear his voice. Remember now thy Creator in the days, dec And there being no encouragement in the Bible for to-morrow, now is God's time, and you cannot deny it, dec. Observe examples : " By faith Enoch walked with God (not with sin) three hundred years, and had the testimo- ny that he pleased God," Gen. v. 22. Heb. xi. 5 ; and Caleb and Joshua wholly (not partly) followed the Lord, Numbers xxxii. 11, 12. Job like- wise, God said, was a perfect man, and you must not contradict him ; and though Satan had as much power to kill Job's wife, as to destroy the other things, (as all except Job's life was in his hands,) but he thought he would spare her for an instrument, or a torment, Job i. 12 — 22, and ii. 9, 10. David was a man after God's own heart, when feeding his father's sheep, not when he was committing adultery, 1 Sam. xiii. 14, and xvi. 7 — 11, 2 Sam. xii. 13. Zacharias and Elizabeth were both righteous before God, walking in all the commandments, dec, blameless, Luke i. 5, 6. Natha- niel was an Israelite indeed, in whom there was no guile, dec, John i. 47. John speaking of himself, and those to whom he wrote, says, " Herein is our love made perfect, and perfect love casteth out fear." 1 John iv. 17, 18. Again, of the seven churches of Asia, five had some reproof, but two had no 24* 282 CHAINOFLORENZO. reproof at all, Smyrna and Philadelphia ; why not if they had a little sin. The latter was highly commended, (Rev. ii. 8, 9, and iii. 7,) and so on, &c. Query — Must we not get rid of all sin before we go to glory ? Do not we feel desires for it ? Did not God give us those desires ? Does not he command us to pray for it ? Should we not look in expectation of receiv- ing 1 God help thee to consider without prejudice the above impartially, as a sincere inquirer after truth, let it come from whom it may, intending to improve conscientiously, as for eternity : Amen. Says one, do you think a man can know his sins forgiven in this life, and have the evidence of his acceptance with God? Answer: We are informed, that Abel had the witness that he was righteous, Gen. iv. 4, Heb. xi. 4. Enoch had the testimony, v. 5. Job said, " I know that my Redeemer liveth," (Job xix. 25,) and " though he slay me yet will I trust in him." David said, " Come unto me all ye that fear the Lord, and I will tell you what he hath done for my soul." " As far as the east is from the west, so far hath the Lord separated our sins from us." Psalm lxvi. 16. Peter said. (John 21,) " Lord, thou knowest that I love thee." John saith, " He that believeth on the Son of God hath the witness in himself," 1 John v. 10. Matt. i. 21, "Jesus shall save his people" (not in, but) " from their sins." Again, (John iii. 8,) "the wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof," &c. ; " so is every one that is born of the spirit." The wind, though we do not see it, we feel and hear it, and see the effects it produces, — it waves the grass, &c. So the Spirit of God, we feel it, it gives serious impressions, and good desires within our breast for religion. Again, we hear it — an inward voice telling what is right and what is wrong : and the more attention one gives to the inward monitor, the more distinctly they will hear the sound, till at length it will become their teacher. Again, we may see the effect it produces — some that have been proud and profligate, get reformed and become examples of piety ; which change, money could not have produced, &c. Says one, I will acknow- ledge the ancients could talk of the knowledge, but inspiration is now done away ; therefore, it is nonsense to expect any such thing in this our day. Answer: We read (Jeremiah xxxi. 33, 34) of a time when all shall know the Lord from the least to the greatest. Now, if there hath been a time past, when people have known God, and a time to come when all shall know him, which time is not yet arrived, (Isa. xi. 9, Heb. ii. 14 ;) why may not people know him in this our day ? Nature has not changed, nor God ; and if matter still can operate on matter, why not spirit upon spirit ? Some people are so much like fools, that they think they are not bound in reason to believe any thing except they can comprehend it. This idea centres right in atheism; for the thing which comprehends, is always greater than the thing comprehended: therefore, if we could comprehend God, we should be greater than he, and of course look down upon him with contempt ; but because we cannot comprehend him, then according to the above ideas we must disbelieve and rejecl the idea of a God. The man who so acts, supposes himself to be the greatest, he comprehending all other men or things, and of course he is God ; and many such a god there is, full of conceit. — Observe, I can know different objects by the sensitive organs of the eye, ear, &c, and t< 11 whether they are animate or inanimate ; and yet how my thinking power gets the idea, or compre- CHAIN OF LORENZO. 283 hends the same through the medium of matter, is a thing I cannot compre- hend ; yet it being such a self-evident matter of fact, I must assent to the idea, &c. But, says one, who knows these things in this our day ? An- swer : The Church of England prayeth to have the thoughts of their hearte cleansed by the inspiration of God's Holy Spirit ; and with the Church of Rome, acknowledged what is called the Apostle's Creed, a part of which runneth thus : " I believe in the communion of saints, and in the forgive- ness of sins." Again, the above ideas are in the Presbyterian Catechism, which saith, " that the assurance of God's love, peace of conscience., and joy in the Holy Ghost, doth accompany or flow from justification, adop- tion, and sanctification in this life," (not in the life to come.) Agreeably to the above, the Baptists, when going to the water, tell how this assurance was communicated to their souls, and when, &c. The Quakers likewise acknowledge that the true worship is in spirit, (not in the outward letter,) and in truth, (not in error;) and many other proofs might be brought, but let one more suffice, and that is in your own breast. You feel the witness and reproof sometimes for doing wrong ; now why may we not, on the principles of reason, admit the idea of a witness within likewise of doing right ; also of pardon from God through Christ, and ac- ceptance. And now I have as good a right to dispute whether there were any such land as Canaan, as you have to dispute revealed religion ; for if I credit it, it is by human information, and you have as strong proof about revealed religion. And such proof as this in other affairs, in com- mon courts of equity, would be allowed, and you cannot deny it. REFLECTIONS ON THE IMPORTANT SUBJECT OF MATRIMONY. " Marriage is honorable in all, and the bed undefiled. But whoremongers and adulter- ers God will judge." — Heb. xiii. 4. Various are the opinions with regard to the subject before us. Some people tell us it is not lawful for men and women to marry, and argue thus to prove it : " It is living after the flesh ; they that live after the flesh shall die, (by which is meant separation from God;) therefore they who live together as husband and wife shall die." Now the premises being wrong, the conclusion is wrong of necessity; for living together as hus- band and wife is not living after the flesh, but after God's ordinance : as is evident from Matt. xix. .4, 5, 6 — " And he answered, and said unto them, have ye not read, that he which made them at the beginning, made them male and female, and said, for this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife ; and they twain shall be one flesh ? Wherefore, they are no more twain, but one flesh. What there- fore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder." — In these words Christ, our great lawgiver, refers to Gen. ii. 24 ; which at once proves, that the paradisaical institution is not abrogated. From the beginning of the world until the words of the text were written, people lived together as husband and wife, and had divine approbation in so doing ; as is easily proven from the word of God. Some people have an idea that we cannot be as holy in a married as in a single state. But hark ! " Enoch walked with God, after he begat Methuselah, three hundred years, and begat sons and daughters." (Gen. v. 22, Heb. xi. 5.) Now if Enoch under that dark dispensation could serve God in a married state, and be fit for trans- lation from earth to heaven, why may not another person be equally pious, and be filled with "righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost" under the Gospel dispensation, according to Rom. xiv. 17 ? — But admit- ting it is right for common people to marry, is it right for the clergy to marry ? Answer : I know that too many think it is not, and are ready to conclude that whenever " a preacher marries, he is backslidden from God ;" hence the many arguments made use of by some to prevent it. When I hear persons who are married trying to dissuade others from mar- rying, I infer one of two things : cither that they are unhappy in their marriage, or that they enjoy a blessing which they do not wish others to partake of. The Church of Rome have an idea that the pope is St. Pe- ter's successor, and that the clergy ought not to marry. But 1 would ask, REFLECTIONS ON MATRIMONY. 285 if it was lawful for St. Peter to have a wife, why not lawful for another priest or preacher to have one ? But have we any proof that Peter had a wife? In ?vlatt. viii. and 14, we read as follows: "And when Jesus was come into Peter's house, he saw his wife's mother laid, and sick of a fever." Now how could Peter's wife's mother be sick of a fever, provided he had no wife ? And as we have no account that Christ parted Peter and his wife, I infer that he lived with her after his call to the apostleship ; according to Rom. vii. 2, for "the woman which hath an husband is bound by the laio to her husband so Ions: as he liveth ;" now if Peter's wife was " bound" to him, how could he go oft' and leave her, as some people think he did ? The words of the text saith, " marriage is honorable in all." But how could it be honorable in all, if it were dishonorable in the priestly order ? For they form a part, of course are included in the word A-double-L. In the first epistle written by St. Paul to Timothy, (iv.) we read thus : " Now the spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils ; speaking lies in hypocrisy ; having their conscience seared with a hot Iron ; forbidding to marry and commanding to obstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth." Observe, forbidding to marry is a doctrine of devils, therefore not of divine origin ; of course not to be obeyed, for we are under no obligation to obey the devils ; but in opposition to them, to enjoy all the benefits of divine institutions. Marriage is a divine institution, therefore the benefits of matrimony may be enjoyed by them that believe and know the truth. Having briefly, but fully shown that matrimony is lawful, I shall proceed to elucidate the words of the text. In doing which I shall, First. Show what matrimony is not. Secondly. What it is. Thirdly. Point out some of the causes of unhappy marriages, and con- clude with a few words of advice. Resuming the order proposed, I come, in the first place, to show what matrimony is not. 1st. Two persons, of the same gender, dressed in the garb of the sexes, deceive a magistrate or minister, and have the ceremony performed ; which is no marriage, but downright wickedness, which some have audaciously been guilty of. 2d. There are certain beings in the world in human shape, and dress in the garb of one of the sexes, but at the same time are not properly mas- culine or feminine ; of course not marriageable. They enter into matri- monial engagements with persons of one of the sexes, and the formal cere- mony is performed. This is not matrimony, but an imposition ; forasmuch as the design of matrimony cannot be answered thereby. 3d. Sometimes a banditti catch two persons, and compel them ceremo- nially to marry at the point of the sword, to save their lives. But this is not matrimony, for it is neither sanctioned by laws divine or human ; neither are they obligated by such laws to live together. 4th. Some men have a plurality of women, but they cannot be married to them all : if the first marriage was lawful, the others are not ; " for two," saith He, (not three) "shall be one flesh." Moreover, when two persons enter into marriage they promise to forsake all others, and be true 286 REFLECTIONS ON MATRIMONY. to each other while they both shall live ; therefore are not at liberty to have any thing to do with other persons. 5th. Sometimes persons who are married, without just cause leave their companions, take up with another person, and live with him or her. This is not matrimony, but adultery; and all such persons may expect to meet with God's disapprobation in eternity ; " for such shall not inherit the kingdom of God." 6th. Two persons living together as husband and wife, and yet feeling at liberty to forsake the present and embrace another object at pleasure — this is not matrimony but whoredom ; and " whoremongers and adulterers God will judge." Yet we may here observe, in many parts of the world the political state of affairs is such, that two persons may live together by mutual consent as husband and wife, where there is no formal ceremony performed, and yet be justified before God ; which was the case with the Jews, (instance also if some were cast away upon an island ;) but this is not the case in America, except among the colored people, or heathen tribes, as will be more fully shown under the next head, in which I am to show — Secondly, What matrimony is. Some people believe in a decree, (commonly called a lottery,) viz. that God has determined, in all cases, that particular men and women should be married to each other ; and that it is impossible they should marry any other person. But I say hush! for if that be the case, then God appoints all matches. But I believe the devil appoints a great many ; for if God did it, then it would be done in wisdom, and of course it would be done right ; if so, there would not be so many unhappy marriages in the world as there are. If one man steals or runs away with another man's wife, goes into a strange country and there marries her, did God decree that ? What made God Almighty so angry with the Jews for marrying into heathen families ? and why did the prophet Nehemiah contend with them, curse them, pluck off their hair, and make them swear that they would not give their daughters to the Ammonites, &c, as we read in the xiiith chapter of Nehemiah, if he appointed such matches 1 Again : why did John the Baptist exclaim so heavily against Herod for having his brother Philip's wile'? If it was necessary, he could not help it; therefore John talked very foolishly when he said it was not lawful, for that was to say it was not lawful to do what God had decreed should be done. Notwith- standing I do not believe in lottery, (so called,) yet 1 believe* that persons who are under the influence of divine grace, may have a guide to direct them to a person suitable to make them a companion, with whom they may live agreeably ; but this can only be done by having pure intentions, paying particular attention to the influence of the, Divine Spirit within, and the opening of Providence without. ; being careful not to run so fast as to outstrip your guide, nor yet to move so slow as to lose sight thereof. But to return. Marriage consists in agreement of parties, in union of heart, and in a promise of fidelity to each other before God ; " forasmuch as he looketh at the heart, and judgcth according to intention." (1 Sam. * I apprghend thai every person who is marriageable, and whose duty it is to marry, there is a particular object they ought to have ; bul I believe il possible lor them to miss that ob- ieci and l»- connected with one that is improper for them — one cause of so many unhappy i'amilies. There is a providence attending virtue, and a curse attending vice. REFLECTIONS ON MATRIMONY. 287 xvi. 7.) As there is such a thing as for persons morally to commit adul- tery in the sight of God who never actually did so, (Malt. v. 28,) so persons may be married in his sight who never had the formal ceremony performed. Observe: marriage is a divine institution; was ordained by God in the time of man's innocency, and sanctioned by Jesus Christ under the gos- pel — he graced a marriage- feast in Cana of Galilee, where he turned wa- ter into wine. (John ii. 1.) Now, that marriage consists not barely in the outward ceremony is evident ; for this may be performed on two per- sons of either sex, and yet no marriage ; for the benefits resulting from marriage cannot be enjoyed through such a medium. If matrimony is the formal sentence, who married Adam and Eve ? and what was the cere- mony by which they were constituted husband and wife ? But if Adam and Eve were married without a formal ceremony, then something else is matrimony in the sight of God : of course it must be an agreement of par- ties, as above. Yet it is necessary to attend to the laws of our country, and have a formal ceremony performed, which is the evidence of matri- mony ! For we are commanded to "be subject to every ordinance of mem, for the Lord's sake." (1 Peter ii. 13.) St. Paul saith, " Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers, for there is no power but of God ; the powers that be are ordained by God. Whosoever, therefore, resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God ; and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation." (Rom. xiii. 1, 2.) Moreover, without this outward evidence it cannot be known who are married and who are not; so that men could leave their wives and children to suffer ; deny they ever engaged to live with such women ; and, having no proof thereof, they could not be compelled by any law to provide for such women and chil- dren. Once more : unless the law is complied with, the woman cannot be considered as his lawful wife, (for what makes her his lawful wife is compliance with the law,) and of course the children are not lawful : then it follows they are adulterers and adultresses ; else fornicators and forni- catresses ; their children are illegitimate ; and, after the death of the man, the woman and children cannot heir his estate if he dies without a will. Question. If two persons contract for marriage, and have pledged their fidelity to each other before God, are they justifiable in breaking that mar- riage contract ? Answer. If one has acted the part of an impostor, told lies, and deceived the other, this is not marriage, but an imposition; of course the person so imposed on is justifiable in rejecting such deceiver ! But if they both make statements in truth, are acquainted with each other's characters, disposi- tions, practices, and principles ; and then, being in possession of such in- formation, voluntarily engage before God to live together as man and wife, unless something wicked, more than was or could be reasonably expected, transpires relative to one or the other of the persons so engaged, the per- son who breaks such contract cannot be justifiable before God ! For I think I have clearly proved such contract to be marriage in his sight ; and Christ saith, " Whosoever shall put away his wife, except it be for fornication, and shall marry another, committeth adultery;* and whoso * Now it appears, furthermore, that the Jews considered a mutual contract, as above, mar- riage and sacred ; as is evident from Dent. xxii. 22-28, " If a damsel that is a virgin be be- txothed unto a husband, and a man find her in a city and lie with her, then ye shall bring them both out unto the gate of that city ; and ye shall stone them with stones that they die , 283 REFLECTIONS ON MATRIMONY. marrieth lier which is put away" (for fornication) " doth commit adultery. - ' (Matt. xix. 9.) From this passage it is evident that, for the cause of for- nication, a man may put away his wife, marry another, and yet be justi- fiable in the eye of the divine law. Moreover, if a man puts away his wife for any other cause, she is at liberty to marry, but he is not. This I think is what St. Paul meaneth in 1 Cor. vii. 15 : " But if the unbeliev- ing depart, let him depart ; a brother or sister is not^under bondage in such cases ;" i. e. they are free from the law, for that is what they were bound by: of course at liberty to marry again, for the innocent are not to softer for the guilty. Admitting the above to be correct, how many such adul- terers and adultresses are there in the world! And w^hat a dreadful ac- count will thousands have to give in the day of eternity for the violation of their most sacred promises ! But one is ready to say, " I was not sin- cere when I made those promises." Then you dissembled to deceive, and told lies* to ensnare the innocent — like the devil when he transforms him- self into an angel of light ; and the greater shall be your damnation : " for all liars shall have their portion in the lake that burns with fire and brim- stone." (Rev. xxi. 8.) Many men will work a hundred schemes, and tell ten thousand lies, to effect the most devilish purposes ; and after their ends are answered, turn with disdain from the person deceived by them, and make themselves merry to think how they swept the pit of hell to accom- plish their design. Thirdly, I am to point out some of the causes of unhappy marriages. Here I would observe, that divine wisdom hath ordained marriage for several important ends — 1st. For the mutual happiness of the sexes in their journey through life, and as a comfort and support to each other. 2d. That souls may be propagated agreeably to the Divine will, capable of glorifying and enjoying him for ever. 3d. As the man without the wo- man or the woman without the man, is not in a capacity to provide for a family, divine wisdom hath wisely ordained their mutual aid, in providing for, instructing, and protecting offspring as guardian angels who most give account ; besides the reason assigned by St. Paul, 1 Cor. vii. But to re- turn, 1 would observe — 1st. Too many marry from lucrative views ; their object is not to get a suitable companion who will sweeten all the ills of life, but to get a large fortune, so that their time may be spent in idleness the damsel because she cried not, being in the city, and the man because lie humbled his neighbor's wife." Now observe: the woman is styled a virgin, and yel a man's wife, be- cause she was betrothed — thai is, engaged to him by solemn contract. Take notice : the punishment inllictcd on such as broke their marriage contract was death ; whereas there was no such punishment inflicted on those who were not betrothed ; as you may read in the same chapter, ver. 28, 29. Why ibis difference in ilicir punishment'! Answer: Because the crime was aggravated by the violation of the marriage contract God is the rame injus- tice now that he was then ; and crimes are not less under the gospel than they were under the law " Lei them thai read understand." In the gospel as recorded by St. Matthew, this is further verified. (Matt i. 18, 19, 20, as exemplified in Mary the mother of Christ and Joseph; for, before they came together, she is styled his wife, and he her husband. This is the truth, and you cannot deny it Strange to think what numbers in the world, for the sake of human flesh and a little of this perisha- ble world's goods, Will persuade their friends or children to sm against God by breaking their marriage contract! The devil can but tempt, but mortal men compel! I am here speaking of contracts where there is no lav. ltd objection. : i. man (I do not say a gentleman) in the west soughl the destruction of an innocent; and, to accomplish his designs, "wished that heaven might never receive his snuj nor the earth his body, if he did not perform his contract;" and afterwards boasted of his worse than diabolical act But God took him at bis word ; for he was Bhoi by an Indian, and rot- ted above ground ! REFLECTIONS ON MATRIMONY. 289 and luxury, that they may make a grand appearance in the world ; sup- posing that property will make them honorable. This being the leading motive, they direct their attention to an object, which, if it was not for pro- perty, would perhaps he looked upon by them with contempt, and profess the greatest regard for the person while the property is the object of their affections. Perhaps the person is old ; the ideas are — " This old man or woman cannot live long ; then all will be mine, and I shall be in such circumstances that I can marry to great advantage ;" forgetting that there are other people in the world just of their own opinion ! The contract is made, the sham marriage is performed, there is a union of hand but not of heart ; in consequence of which they are not happy together. The deceived, on finding out the deception, wishes a reversion in vain, which the other must sensibly feel ; for sin hath its own punishment entailed to it ; therefore the curse of God follows such impure intentions. I appeal to those who have married from these incentives, whether these things are not so ? — 2d. Some people take fancy for love ; they behold a person whom they would almost take to be an angel in human shape, (but all is not gold that glitters,) through the medium of the eye become enamored, and rest not until the object of their fancy is won. Beauty being but skin deep, sickness or age soon makes the rose to wither ; they are then as much disappointed as the miser who thought be had ten thousand guineas all in gold, but after counting them over every day for twelve months, the gilt wore off, by which means he discovered his gold was only tarnished copper; of course it lost its value in his estimation. So when beauty fades, the foundation of happiness being gone, and seeing nothing attract- ing to remain, it is not uncommon for an object more beautiful to be sought. 3d. There is such a thing as for persons to marry for love, and yet be un- happy ! Did I say marry for love ? Yes — but not their own love ; only the love of their parents or friends. For instance, two persons of suitable age, character, dispositions, &c, form attachments of the strongest nature, are actuated by pure motives, are united in heart, and enter into the most solemn engagements to live together during life ;* the parents being asked, utterly refuse to give their daughter, without any sufficient reason for such refusal. In the next place, they strive to break the marriage con- tract, as made by the two young people. Perhaps the man has not pro- perty enough to please them, for worth is generally (though improperly) estimated by the quantity of property a person possesses ; instead of his character, his principles, his practices, &c. In order to effect their wishes, every measure they can invent is pushed into operation, (and it is fre- quently the case that family connections, and even strangers interfere, who have no business so to do ; but fools will be meddling) to change the woman's mind, and make bad impressions on the same with respect to the obj ct of her affections ; they strive by placing their diabolical optic to her eye. to make her view every thing in the worst light they possibly can ; promise great things if she will break it off — ( l 'all these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me," said the devil once ;) thr< aten to place the black seal of reprobation upon her if she fulfils her engagements. Here the mind becomes as a " troubled sea which cannot * .-nine people say the bargain should be conditional, thus — " If my parents love yon. well enough, 1 will have you " This just proves the point in hand, that they must marry for the parents' love and not their own. 25 290 REFLECTIONS ON MATRIMONY. rest ;" she is at a loss to know what is duty — she loves her parents, also the man to whom her heart has been united — her affections are placed, her honor is pledged — she spends restless nights and mournful days to know how to decide ! Critical, but important period ! Her present, and perhaps eternal peace depends upon the decision ! After many struggles with her own conscience, at length through powerful persuasion she yields to the wishes of others — betrays her trust, breaks her marriage contract, deserts her best friend, and pierces herself through with many sorrows.* Does this decision give peace of mind ? By no means ! She is pained at the very heart, and flies to some secret place to give vent to the sorrow she feels. Follow her to the lonely apartment — behold her there as pale as death — her cheeks bedewed with tears ! What mean those heavy groans ? What mean those heart-breaking sights? What mean those floods of briny tears poured forth so free, as if without consent? She was torn from the object of all her earthly joy ! The ways of God " are pleasantness, and all his paths are peace," but she finds nothing save sorrow in the way and path which she has taken — therefore she is not in ihe way in which she ought to have gone. Another man pays his addresses to her ; by no means calculated to make her a suitable companion — but he has large possessions ; and this being the ob- ject her parents and friends have in view, they do and say all they can to get her to consent. But parents should remember, that they can no more love for their children, than they can eat and drink for them. Through their entreaties she is prevailed on to give him her hand, while her affections are placed on another. Thus she marries for the love of her parents : they having laid a foundation to make her unhappy while she lives ; and may I not say, more than probable to procure her future mise- ry ? For how can she be happy with a man whom she does not love ? " How can two walk together except they be agreed ?" Where there is no agreement there can be no union, and where there is no union, there can be no happiness. As the parents are not so immediately concerned therein as the child, they act very improperly in over-persuading their child to marry. For if she is unhappy in such marriage, she will have cause to reflect on them, and place her misery to their account ; while she waits for the hour to come to end her existence, and terminate the misery which she feels ! Marriage was intended for the mutual happiness of the sexes — for the woman was given to the man to be " an help meet for him," Gen. ii. 18. Marriage is an emblem of that union which subsists between Christ and his Church, Eph. v. 32. Solomon saith, " Whose findeth a wife, findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favor of the Lord." — Prov. viii. 22. Again, " a prudent wife is from the Lord," Prov. xix.' 14. I therefore conclude that a happy marriage is the greatest blessing and consolation which can be enjoyed on this side of eternity, next to the love of God in the soul. Of course an unhappy marriage is the greatest curse which is endured on this side of hell, next to the horrors of a guilty ooDscierjce, Quitting this, I pass on to observe that many people make themselves * If the woman is under aire, she my perhaps he justifiable on thai account ; but if Av is of age, it argues imhecility ; for she has as much right to act for herself, as her parents have to act lor themselves ; of course should have a judgment and soul of her own ' It the fault is altogether in herself, she proves at once she is not to be confided in: and 1 would pro- nounce that man blessed who lias escaped a woman of so mean a principle— lor such a thing has scarcely been known among heathens. REFLECTIONS ON MATRIMONY. 291 unhappy after marriage. I shall first notice some things in the conduct of men ; secondly, in the conduct of women ; thirdly, point out some complex cases. First, Ft frequently happens that wicked men pay their addresses to religious women ; and, in order to accomplish their desire, pretend to have a great regard for piety, promise to do all in their power to assist them on their way to heaven, and call God to bear witness to a lie that they will be no hindrance to them, &c. ; and many go so far as to put on the outward garb of religion, that they may the more easily betray with a kiss ! But shortly after marriage the wolf sheds his coat, and openly avows his dislike to the ways of godliness, and either directly or indirectly declares that his wife shall not enjoy the privileges of the gospel. Here the wife is convinced of the insincerity of his promise, which makes her doubt the sincerity of his affection for her ; the house becomes divided, and the foundation of their future misery is laid ; and it will be a mercy of God, if they are not a means of peopling the regions of the damned, and at last go down to the chambers of death together. Secondly, Some men pretend to respect their wives ; the wife looks up to her husband as her head for protection, and, as a reasonable woman, expects him to redress her grievances. But, alas, how is she disappointed ! For he approbates that in others which he could prevent without any loss of property or character, and appears to delight in her misery. Instance those who have religious wives, and suffer drinking, swearing, frolicking, gambling, &c, about their houses. Is it not natural for such women to conclude their husbands have a greater regard for such wicked beings than themselves 1 If so, how can my husband have that regard for me which he ought to have? And what becomes of that scripture which saith, " So ought men to love their wives as their own bodies : he that loveth his wife loveth himself," Ephesians v. 28. Again, (Colossians iii. 19,) "Husbands, love your wives, and be not bitter against them." Thirdly, A great many men stay away from home unnecessarily, spend their time in drinking, &c, expending their money in the taverns, which ought to go to the support of their families, while their wives have not the necessaries of life, and are laboring night and day to keep their chil- dren from starving;. Thus manv families are brought to disgrace and misery by the wickedness of husbands. But one is ready to say, I pro- vide well for my family, and am I not at liberty to go and come when I please ? Yes, as far as is expedient, but no farther, if you do not wish to forfeit your wife's confidence. I ask, What must be the feelings of a woman left in such a case, when she knows her husband has no lawful business to detain him from home ? What conclusion can she more rationally draw than this ? My company is disagreeable to him, there- fore he is determined to have as little of it as possible. The society of others is more pleasing to him than that of his family ; therefore he seeks pleasure abroad. Here grounds are given for her to suspect his virtue ; and it is very common for women to think such men have their misses from home, which is too often the case. Reflect, for a moment, what must be the sensations of a delicate woman, to hear that her bosom friend lies intoxicated among the swine in the streets. I am certain, from ob- servation, that no woman can be happy with a drunken man; therefore I am bold to say, wherever you see such a thing, you see an unhappy family ; and, except such persons repent and get forgiveness, they will 292 REFLECTIONS ON MATRIMONY. assuredly be damned, however rich, honorable, and wise they may be, for St. Paul ranks drunkenness among the works of the flesh, and posi- tively declares, " They who do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God," Galatians v. Therefore I would advise all young ladies, if they wish to be happy in time or eternity, to avoid such young men as hanker about the taverns, and have not respect enough for their own characters to raise them above the level of the beasts ; for beasts do not get drunk. They who get drunk when young, are apt to be sots when old. Moreover, a great many sins flow from that of drunkenness, a few of which I shall here mention. First, It brings on disorders to their de- struction ; which, second, Prevent their usefulness as worthy members in society. Third, Shortens their days, which is a species of murder, the most heinous of all crimes. Fourth, A bad example before others. Fifth, Procures a family scandal. Sixth, His money is laid out for that which is worse than if thrown into the fire ; which, seventh, Prevents his useful- ness as a charitable man. Eighth, Is a breach of God's law. Ninth, Quenches the divine Spirit. Tenth, Exposes his family to want. Elev- enth, Liable to bring a burden on the country. Twelfth, Deprives him of the power of reason ; which, thirteenth, Makes him liable to injure his friends, and commit every horrid depredation. And such men as will get drunk, and then abuse their wives, do not deserve the name of men, for they have not the principle of men, but may be called the devil's swill-tub walking upright : such deserve a dose of eel-tea. Now, take notice, a man of good principles thinks as much of his word as his oath, therefore will be true to his engagements, and will fulfil that promise, made before witnesses, " to forsake all other women, and keep to his wife only, so long as they both shall live, to live with her after God's holy ordinance." Now I ask, Is adultery God's ordinance ? No, for he for- bids adultery, Exodus xx. 14. He who breaks his most sacred engage- ments is not to be confided in. Matrimonial engagements are the most sacred ; therefore he who breaks his matrimonial engagements is not to be confided in. Fifthly, Some men have an unhappy temper — are morose and peevish — and though their wives do all they can, or as they may, it is impossible to please them. They are easily angered, and view a mote until it looks as large as a mountain ; one word brings on another, and at length they proceed from words to blows, until they become so large that one bed cannot hold them both. Many of our eyes and ears hint- been witnesses to this shameful conduct ; the jarring string of discord runs through all the family ; they live like devils incarnate ; and if a person happens to be in the family who has never been used to such eon- duct, would he not be almost led to think he had gotten into the territo- ries of the damned? What is here said of the man is applicable to a great many women. A wounded bird will flutter. God has placed the man as governor in the family, and he is styled, "the head of the woman," Ephesians v. 23. Now there are some wo- men, though they promise to " live after God's ordinance," are not willing to do it, bul wish to be head themselves. Whatever is to be done, they must give directions; the man durst not bargain without leave, and if he does, his wife's tongue runs as though it would never .stop. What di>«• neglected REFLECTIONS ON MATRIMONY. 297 exemplify the truth which shows the corruption of their very raising. For example : the two first things generally taught to children in their in- fancy, is to be deceitful and lie. The mother is going out, the child cries to go too ; the mother promises to bring the "pretties" with no intention to perform. The child is deceived and disappointed, and confidence is forfeited. " I will whip, &c, if you don't hush," but the child is not in- fluenced, knowing the scarecrow. Thus being taught to deceive and lie, he becomes expert at the trade, and then must be whipped for the very thing the parents have taught him ; whereas if the example had been good, and all foolish, wicked, and evil improprieties were discountenanced by a proper line of conduct, then a blessing would be transmitted to posterity according to the promise, and as exemplified by Abraham. It is a rarity that young women go the leeward with a broken * * *, provided the seeds of modesty, innocence, and virtue are sown in the mind at an early age ; whereas those mothers who do not watch over their daughters as '-guardian angels," are apt to let them run at random. Hence many get their ankles scratched, if no more ! Fathers and sons may also take a hint. The tyranny of parents, as well as too great liberty, is equally per- nicious ; also their being divided in their family government — likewise backbiting, flattery, &c. But remember the day of retribution, and conduct yourselves accord- ingly ! For first impressions are most durable, therefore the propriety and necessity of beginning right to end well. As the consequence of starting wrong, you will forever continue in error. Hence the propriety of " consideration,'''' and a proper exercise of "judg- ment" as rational creatures, who need divine assistance, for which we should look accordingly. ANALECTS UPON NATURAL, SOCIAL, AND MORAL PHILOSOPHY. General Washington, in comparing those days of ignorance, when people tamely submitted to the galling yoke of tyranny and priestcraft, with modern times, when men take the liberty to suspect the propriety of the creed of '■'■passive obedience and non-resistance," dropped the following reflection : " But this seems to be the age of wonders, and it is reserved for intoxicated and lawless France, for purposes of providence far beyond the reach of human ken, to slaughter her own citizens, and disturb the re- pose of all the world besides." When we reflect on past occurrences, on the awful revolutions of the present day, and those big events now probably at the door, any person who thinks for himself, and is not callous to all important things, must feel a degree of interest. It is a self-evident matter of fact, that there has been, and there still is, a great deal of deceit, oppression, and consequent misery in the world. It is equally certain, that there is such a thing in the world as " natural evil!," And natural evil must be the effect or consequence of "moral evil,"* otherwise all our ideas of goodness and justice are chimerical. It therefore may be taken for granted, and our own experience and observa- tion will justify the conclusion, that all things are not right in the present condition of the human family. To be a little more particular, I will for a moment consider man in an individual, social, and moral capacity. First, Individually. One seeks to take care of himself only, as charity is said to begin at home. And as long as self is served, he may make pretensions to friendship, but when interest ceases the case is altered. Again : one is a poor outcast, perishing in the streets, while another is revelling, having more than heart could wish ; but because of the trouble, will not give the stranger an asylum or afford him wherewithal to allay his hunger, not expecting a reward. One is in trouble, another is merry at his distress. One commands, because it is his pleasure, and another must obey, however hard and imperious the command. One claims the country for his own, and all the others must pay him for the privilege to live in it, or else suffer banishment. One hath thousands, gained by the labor of others, while another hath not the assurance of a day's provision, _ _ — ' *Gen. iii 17. Rom. v. 12. ANALECTS, ETC. 299 nor money to procure the coarsest raiment, much less the promise of a friend in the day of adversity. Secondly, Socially. — There is a body of men called gentlemen, or no- bility. There is another grade called peasants. The first will possess the country, and feel and act more than their own importance ; while the latter are put on a level with the animals, and treated as an inferior race of beings, who must pay to these lords a kind of divine honor, and bow, and cringe, and scrape. The will of one must be the laiv, and it must be the pleasure of the other to obey ; and it is the policy and interest of the former to keep the latter in subjection and ignorance. For if they were permitted to think, and judge, and act for themselves, they would overthrow their rulers. Here the question will arise, how such differences came to exist among men ? Another question also arises, Can the motives of men who thus conduct themselves in the world, be "just and good ?" A third question also arises : If men be actuated by motives in their objects and ends, and in particular in their actions and dealings with their fellow-men, who can doubt whether there be such a thing as " moral evil" in the world ? Every purpose must be weighed and willed in the heart, before it is acted out. Of course, to take from another his substance without his consent, or giving him an equivalent, is contrary to every rule of equity. Thirdly, Morally. — Some people invade the divine rights by prescrib- ing " articles of faith," and binding the conscience of man in all things of religion, under the most severe penalties that human ingenuity could invent. When we reflect, therefore, upon the actions of men, taken as they stand in relation to one another, we are led to inquire how they may comport, first, with our " personal rights;" secondly, with our " social rights;" and, thirdly, with our " moral rights," as established on the " law of nature." OF THE LAW OF NATURE. I here would observe, that all our rights, whether personal, social, or moral, are the graces of the Governor of the universe, and established by him primarily in the great and universal " law of nature." It is a self-evident truth, that all men are born equal and independent ; and as individuals, are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights, among which are life, liberty, the use of property, the pursuit of happiness, with the privilege of private judgment. These principles being admitted, it will follow, that as the wants or necessities of mankind and their duties are equal, so their rights and obli- gations are equal also. Hence our rights, duties, and obligations are the same in each and in all. The " rights of man," when applied to an individual, are called " per- sonal rights ;" considered as he stands in relation to his fellow-creatures, they are called "social rights ;" and considered as he stands in relation to his Creator, they are called "moral rights." OF PERSONAL RIGHTS. Personal rights are those benefits or privileges which appertain to man 300 ANALECTS UPON THE in right or by virtue of his existence. Of this kind are all the intellectual rights, or rights of the mind ; and also all those rights of acting as an in- dividual for his own comfort and happiness, which are not injurious to the natural or personal rights of others — of course the rights of the mind, re- ligious liberty, freedom and independence, cannot be taken from a man justly but by his own consent ; except only when taken by the laws of the Creator, who gave them, or when forfeited to society by some misde- meanor. The human family, which is divided into nations, is composed of indi- viduals. And, as a whole is composed of parts, and the parts collectively form one whole, of course in their individual-capacity they are naturally free and independent, and endowed by their Creator with certain inalien- able rights and privileges, such as life, liberty, pursuit of happiness, and the right of private judgment in moral duty, &c. They are equal and in- dependent in their individual capacity. This is called the " law of na- ture," established primarily by the Governor of the universe. Of course, differences and distinctions are rather the result of art, in which the order of things is inverted, and by which mankind are deprived of their personal and just rights, than of any natural modification of things. And hence the "nick-names," or unmeaning and empty titles in the old world. Such distinctions arise, therefore, from a self-created authority, or an usurped authority, which of course must be considered as an unjust ty- ranny. For any thing given by the God Denature only, can be remanded by none but him alone ; consequently, for one to take it from another without his consent, or without giving an equivalent, is to deprive him of his personal rights, and must be an infringement upon natural justice. All men may be considered thus equally free, and independent in their individual capacity; but when taken in a social capacity, thev are cer- tainly dependent on each other. And none more so than those who consi- der themselves the most independent ; because the Governor of the uni- verse hath determined, as we see in the order of nature, that health and laziness cannot dwell together. So man must not be a Stoic nor a ma- chine, but an active being. Therefore, the laws of nature are fixed, that self-interest shall be a stimulus, or moving spring to action. Hence, there are some things which man cannot do, or subsist without, such as food, water, &c. &c, consequently, self-preservation is called the first law of nature, in point of duty. But there are some, yea, many things which we cannot perform our- selves, and are, of course, dependent on others for their assistance and help. Such is the case in different operations of mechanism, agricul- ture, and commerce. All of these are mutually connected, and depend- ent on each other. Therefore, if I derive advantage from others, why should not others derive some benefit from me in return ? This is equal and right, and of course it is just and proper. If, therefore, I withhold that advantage which I could bestow on society, it is an Infringement up- on natural justice. Of course, we must account to the Author of nature, for the neglect or abuse of those natural, or personal and social privileges, bestowed by him, and enjoyed by us. OF SOCIAL RIGHTS. As a whole is composed of parts, and the parts collectively form one RIGHTS OF MAN. 301 whole, so to judge correctly of social principles we must view them as they apply naturally, individually, collectively, and prospectively. As our personal rights are the same, so are our obligations the same. And hence our rights and obligations are naturally and necessarily recip- rocal. To derive the benefit of society collectively and individually, there is need for general rules, for the regulation of the whole. And how shall general rules be formed, but by general consent ? It is, therefore, our true interest as individuals, to be involved and connected with such regu- lations, as may be formed for the benefit and safety of our personal rights ; and such as prudence dictates, as necessaVy to guarantee them from usurpation. Our personal rights, privileges, and obligations, being equal, we have each, as an individual, a right to claim a voice in the formation of those general rules; and personal duty arising from the law of nature calls upon us collectively, to act our part as individuals : and there would be an infringement upon natural justice, to neglect the right of suffrage. Social rights, are those which appertain to man, in right of his being a member of society. Every social right has for its foundation some personal right pre-existing in the individual, arising from the law of na- ture ; but to the enjoyment of which his individual power is not, in all cases, sufficiently competent. Of this kind are all those which relate to security and protection. From this short review it will be easy to distinguish between that class of personal rights which a man retains after entering into society, and those which he throws into the common stock as a member of society. The personal rights which he retains, are all those in which the power to execute, is as perfect in the individual, as the right itself. Among this class, as is before mentioned, are all the intellectual rights, or rights of the mind ; consequently, religion and the privilege of private judgment, are some of those rights. The personal rights which are not retained, are all those in which, though the right is perfect in the individual, the power to execute them is defective. They answer not this purpose. A man by the law of na- ture has a personal right to judge in his own cause; and as far as the rights of the mind is concerned, he never surrenders it. But what availeth it him to judge, if he has not the poiver to redress ? He therefore deposits this right in the common stock of society, and takes the arm of so- ciety, of which he is a part, in preference, and in addition to his own. Society grants him nothing. Every man is a proprietor in society, and draws on the capital as a matter of right. From these premises, a few certain conclusions will follow. First: That every social right grows out of a personal right, and is founded on the law of nature ; or, in other words, it is a personal right exchanged agreeably to natural justice. Secondly : That civil power, which is derived from society, when ap- plied to the body, is called political, but when applied individually is called civil authority. This power when properly considered as legal authori- ty, is made up of the aggregate of that class of the personal rights of man, which becomes defective in the individual, in point of power, and an- 26 302 ANALECTS UPON THE swers not his purpose ; but when collected to a focus, becomes competent to the purpose of every one. Thirdly: That the power produced from the aggregate of personal rights, imperfect in power in the individual, cannot be applied to invade the personal rights, which are retained in the individual, and in which the power to execute is as perfect as the right itself, without intruding on natural justice; seeing the rights are personal only and can concern no- body else. Thus have we seen man traced as a natural individual, to a member of society ; and observed the qualities of the personal rights retained, and those which are exchanged for social rights. Those principles, when digested and properly applied, show the origin and foundation of the only trug and proper fountain of government, which is, properly speaking, the personal social compact. Because mankind, in their individual capacity, are equally free and independent, by the law of nature, as established by its Author. Therefore the facts must be that the individuals themselves, each in his own personal and sovereign right, entered into a compact, not with a government, but with each other to produce a government. And this is the only mode in which govern- ments have a right to arise, and the only principles on which they ought to exist, or possibly can exist agreeably to natural justice. It is a self-evident fact, that the people are the original and only true and proper source from whom a government can be deduced, and spring into existence, on just and equitable principles, agreeably to the law of nature, because the people existed before any government came to exist. Of course society, on social principles, have a right to three things: First: To form their own government. Secondly : To choose their own rulers. And thirdly : To cashier them for misconduct. Hence it follows, first, that the authority of rulers is only delegated au- thority. Secondly, that they are accountable to the fountain from whom they derived it. And thirdly, that they are not to serve themselves, but society, whose servants they are, and by whom they are employed and paid for their services. OF MORAL RIGHTS. Moral rights are the personal privileges to think, and judge, and act for one's self in point of moral duty. This is the more plain and clear, as no one is concerned but God, the judge, and the individual man, as a re- sponsible agent. For what right hath any one to meddle with that which does not con- cern him ? Moral duties are the result of moral law, which is the Divine prero- gative alone; and man hath no right to invade the moral duty of another, for this is the right of the Divine government. No man. therefore, nor set of men, have a right to infringe upon or bind the conscience of another. Man, therefore, as a rational creature, must be convinced before he can be converted, in order to act consistently, as an agent accountable to the Su- preme Governor of the universe. Consequently, a submission of will to.a compulsory power, in matters of religion, in repugnance to the dictates of RIGHTS OF MAN. 303 tender conscience, is nothing but an empty show, a piece of hypocrisy, without any mixture of moral goodness or genuine virtue. All natural religious establishments, or " churches established by law," have been a curse to mankind and a pest to society. Vice and corruption in religion are encouraged and upheld, and virtue lies depressed. If a man, from a principle of duty, would support religion voluntarily, by be- ing compelled to do it he is prevented the opportunity of showing the vir- tue of his heart, and the influence of his example is lost. If his religion be different from that " established by law," his conscience is bound, and he is prevented from supporting his own religion by taking away from him that which he would give to his own minister, for the support of those in whom he does not believe. Law-religion will cause people to be hy- pocrites, but cannot cure them of error. A man must be convinced in his judgment, by evidence to his understanding, before he is converted in his heart. Of course, to form articles of faith, for people to subscribe to under severe penalties, is not founded upon common sense, nor on equitable prin- ciples. For it supposes people capable of believing without reason or evi- dence — is contrary to the " law of nature," and repugnant to natural jus- tice, inasmuch as all men are free and independent in their individual capacity, and of course their rights and privileges are equal — to think and to judge, and also to act for themselves, in point of moral duty, and in all matters of opinion in religion. Suppose that one man believes in one God ; another believes in ten : what is that to the first 1 " It neither picks his pocket nor breaks his leg ;" of course, why should he persecute him ? Persecution is contrary to natural justice, inasmuch as it assumes a power which no mortal man can claim, it being the Divine right only to judge in such cases. But, nevertheless, moral duty, from pity and a concern for his welfare, may excite a man to strive to convince another for his good — to shun his errors and find the happy road. Universal right of conscience is given by the Author of nature, who is the moral Governor of the human family ; and such liberty of conscience ought to be established in every land. Intolerance assumes to itself the right of withholding liberty of con- science ; toleration assumes the right of granting it : both are despotisms in their nature. Man worships not himself, but his Maker; and liberty of conscience, which he claims, is not for the service of himself, but of his God. In this case, therefore, we must necessarily have the associated ideas of two beings ; the mortal, who renders the worship, and the immor- tal Being who is worshipped. Toleration, therefore, places itself not between man and man, nor be- tween church and church, nor between one denomination of religion and another, but between God and man — between the being who worships, and the Being who is worshipped ; and, by the same act of assumed au- thority by which it tolerates man to pay his worship, it presumptuously and blasphemously sets itself up to tolerate the Almighty to receive it. Suppose a bill was brought into any legislature, entitled " An act to tolerate or grant liberty to the Almighty to receive the worship of a Jew or a Turk," or "to prohibit the Almighty to receive it," all men would startle and call it blasphemy : there would be an uproar. The presump- tion of toleration in religious matters would then present itself unmasked. 304 ANALECTS UPON THE But the presumption is not the less, because the name of man only appears to those laws ; for the associated ideas of the worshipper and the worship- ped cannot be separated. Well may one exclaim : " Who then, art thou, vain dust and ashes, by whatever name thou art called, whether an em- peror or a king, a bishop or a state, or any thing else, that obtrudest thine in- significance between the soul of man and its Maker ? Mind thine own con- cerns. If he believes not as thou believest, it is a proof that thou believest not as he believeth, and there is no earthly power can determine between you." With respect to what are called denominations of religion, if every one is left to judge of his own religion, there is no such a thing as a religion that is wrong. But if they are to judge of each other's religion, there is no such a thing as a religion that is right; and, therefore, all the world is right or all the world is wrong. But with respect to religion itself, with- out any regard to names, and as directed from the universal family of mankind to the Divine object of all adoration, it is man bringing to his Maker the fruits of his heart ; and the grateful tribute of every one is ac- cepted — " like as a father pitieth his children, so the Lord pitieth them that fear him." He looketh at the heart, and judgeth according to inten- tions — " of a truth is no respecter of persons, but in eve' y nation he that feareth God and worketh righteousness, is accepted with him." It is re- quired of a man according to what is given him, whether one, two, or five talents; and " he that knoweth his master's will, and dceth it not, shall be beaten with many stripes;" for "where there is no law, there is no transgression;" "sin is the transgression of the law." Man is under a moral law — the law of the mind — of right and wrong. There is a moral duty, and a moral obligation on the part of man to perform that duty. If he does not perform it he falls under condemnation ; which he is con- scious of, for not acting as well as he knew how : hence the propriety of the words, " This is the condemnation, that light has come into the world, and men love darkness rather than light, because their deeds are evil." Man is a rational agent, actuated by motives ; his actions are deliberate, and his motives of two kinds, good and evil : one is called moral good, the good principle existing in the mind ; the other is called moral evil, because the spirit of the mind is bad, and the intention of the mind is to do wrong, which motive is not right, nor agreeable to natural justice and moral obli- gation. Because, as all men have equal rights and wants, so their duties and obligations are equal in their social capacity, as established in the law of nature by the Creator and Governor of the world. Of course there is need for a definite rule by which to measure our duties towards each other ; because if our rights and obligations are the same and equal, then we are to expect no more than we can justly claim, or would be willing to bestow, agreeable to that which is just and equal ; and bence the com* manil. which is agreeable to the law of nature, " Love thy neighbor as thyself," which is always agreeable to the moral law, and corresponds with the rule, " As ye would that others should do to you, do you even so to them ; for this is the law and the prophets ;" or what the law of Moses and the prophets, and Jesus Christ taught, which ought, therefore, to be the leading principle of every heart, and the rule of the spirit and conduct of every one in practice, in our actions and dealings with mankind in all things whatever. Here the mora! law, and the law of nature, and the rule of practice, all RIGHTSOFMAN. 305 correspond and harmonize together in securing the "social rights, obliga- tions, and duties of man, which have the Almighty for their author, to whom man is accountable." Of course man ought to be actuated by no- ble principles, conforming himself accordingly, seeing his eternity depends upon it. But to deprive man of the right to think, and judge, and act for himself, in point of moral duty, is an infringement on the Creator's government, as well as on natural justice, and contrary to every rule of right, and is at- tended with complicated misery to the human family. It creates broils, ani- mosities, and contentions in society ; and raises a domineering spirit in one, and a spirit of resentment and resistance in another ; and thus more blood hath been shed, in consequence of such a line of proscription and practice, than from all other sources put together, and hath been attended with more apparent cruelty and misery to mankind, than all other things what- soever. Therefore, such national establishments of religion are well styled the " whore of Babylon," or the " mother of harlots and the abomi- nations of the earth." The mother must be the old w**** ; and if she be a mother, who can her daughters be but the corrupt established Protestant churches which came out of her, and have not forgot to tread in her steps of persecution towards those who differ from them in opinion ? And hence they are said to be "drunk with the blood of the saints and martyrs," which God, as a just governor, will cause to be visited on them in their turn ; that the earth may revert to its original and proper Owner, and the inhabitants know that His kingdom is over all. OF GOVERNMENTS. From what authority shall one person or a body of men, have power and exercise a command over others ? It must be obtained in one of these three ways. 1st, It must be the gift of the Creator and Governor of the universe — or 2dly, it must be delegated by the people — or else, 3dly, must be self-created or usurped* OF DIVINE DELEGATION. First, With regard to that authority, which is said to be the gift of the Creator, and derived from the Governor of the universe as his delegated power. It hath not for its foundation or support, either Scripture or com- mon sense. Before any conclusion can be admitted, certain facts, or first principles, or data, must be established or admitted for its confirmation. The error of those who reason by precedents drawn from antiquity, respecting the rights of man, is, that they do not go far enough into anti- quity. They do not go the whole way. They stop in some of the inter- mediate stages, of a hundred or a thousand years, and produce what was then done, as their precedent. This is no authority at all. If we travel still further into antiquity, we shall find a direct contrary opinion and practice prevailing. And if antiquity is to be authority, a thousand such authorities may be produced, successively contradicting each other. But if we proceed on, we shall at last come out right — we shall come to the time when man came from the hands of his Maker. * By the Creator's 'law of nature,' is man a cosmopolite or the local property of ano- ther"? 26* 306 ANALECTS UPON THE What was he then ? ' Man !' Man was his high and only title, and a higher cannot be given him. We have now gone back to the origin of man and to the origin of his rights. As to the manner in which the world has been governed from that day to this, it is no further any concern of ours, than to help us to make a proper use of former errors, and suitable improvements upon ancient history. Those who lived a hundred or a thousand years ago, were then moderns as we are now. They had their ancients, and those ancients had others, and we shall be ancients in our turn. If the mere name of anti- quity is to govern in the affairs of life, the people who ai'e to live a hun- dred or a thousand years hence, will be as much bound to take us for a precedent, as we are to take as a precedent those who lived a hundred or a thousand years ago. The fact is, that an appeal to antiquity may prove any thing, and es- tablish nothing. It is authority against authority, still ascending till we come to the divine origin of the rights of man at the creation. Here our inquiries find a resting-place, and reason finds a home. If a dispute about the rights of man had arisen at the distance of a hundred years from the creation, to this source of authority they must have referred — and to the same source of authority we must now refer. The genealogy of Christ is traced to Adam. Why not trace the rights of man up to his creation 1 The answer is, that upstart governments, through ambition founded in moral evil, have arisen and thrust them- selves between, to unmake man, and trample upon all his precious rights, to keep him in profound ignorance, that they may be served at his expense. If any generation of men ever possessed the right of dictating the mode by which the world should be governed forever, it was the first generation that existed ; and if that generation did not, no succeeding generation can show authority for so doing. The illuminating and divine principle of the equal rights of man, (for it has its origin from the Maker of man,) re- lates not only to living individuals, but to all generations of men succeed- ing each other. Every generation is equal in rights to the generation which preceded it ; by the same rule that every individual is born equal in rights to his contemporary. Every history of the creation, and every traditionary account ; whether from the lettered or unlettered world, however they may vary in their opi- nion or belief of certain particulars, all agree in establishing one point — the unity of man. By which I mean, that all men are of one degree ; and consequently, that all men are born equal, and with equal natural rights ; in the same manner as if posterity had been continued by crea- tion instead of generation. The latter being only the mode by which the former is carried forward ; and consequently, every child born into the world, must be considered as deriving its existence from God. The world is as new to him, as it was to the first man that existed, and his natural rights are of the same kind. The Mosaic account of the creation, whether taken as divine authority, or merely historical, fully maintains the unity or equality of man. The following expression admits of no controversy. '• And God said, let us make man in our own image. In the image of God created he him : male and female created he them." The distinction of the sexes is point- ed out, but no other distinction is implied. If this be not divine authority , RIGHTS OF MAN. 307 it is at least historical authority, and shows the equality of man so far from being a modern doctrine, to be the oldest upon record. It is also to be observed, that all the religions known in the world, are founded, as far as they relate to man, on the unity of man, as being all of one degree. Whether in heaven or hell, or in whatever state man may be supposed to exist hereafter, the bad and good are the only distinctions. Nay, even the laws of government are obliged to slide into this principle, by making degree to consist in crimes and not in persons. This is one of the greatest of all truths, and it is our highest interest to cultivate it. By considering man in this light, it places him in a close connection with his duties, whether to his Creator, or the creation, of which he is a part ; and it is only when he. forgets his birth or origin, or to use a more fashionable phrase, " his birth and family," that he becomes dissolute. The distinction of the sexes only, is mentioned at the creation of man. Hence, the man was considered as the head of his family; and so estab- lished by the law of custom, which gave rise to the simple patriarchial government. But so far are the scriptures from justifying the idea that monarchy is the ;i delegated power of God," that they speak directly to the reverse. — They inform us that the Jews were the peculiar people of God, and " they desired a king to reign over them, to be like all the nations round about," after they had been a commonwealth for several hundred years. And a king they obtained, as a judgment for their moral evil ; and he proved a scourge for their national sin. Thus, " the nations round about" had kings at an early period. The Is- raelites also desired to have one, and a king was given them as a judg- ment. We may therefore conclude, that monarchy had its origin in some wisdom which was not divine. Here it may be observed, that the wisdom of God, in his dispensations to nations and people accomplishes many great ends with very few simple means — hence when one " social compact" is removed, in justice, for sin, a way is then opened for another as a matter of mercy. This was mani- fested in the overthrow of Babylon, for the relief and return of the Jews to Jerusalem, to rebuild the temple. So also, Saul was removed for a better man to reign in his stead. Hence if there be kings, it is better to have good men than bad ones. Therefore the Christians were commanded to pray for them, as well-wishers and friends to mankind, who wished for peace in the land. It could have been no difficult thing, in the early and solitary ages of the world, while the chief employment of man was that of attending flocks and herds, for a banditti of ruffians to overrun a country, and lay it under contribution. Their power being established, the chief of the band con- trived to lose the name of robber into that of monarch; and hence the /\n of monarchy and kings. Those bands of robbers having " parcelled out the world," and divided it into dominions, began, as is naturally the case, to quarrel with each other. What at nrst was obtained by violence, was considered by others as proper and lawful to be taken, and a second plunderer succeeded the first. They alternately invaded the dominions which each had assigned to himself, and the brutality with which they treated each other, explains the original character of monarchy ; it was ruffian torturing ruffian. The 303 ANALECTS UPON THE conqueror considered the conquered, not as his prisoner, but his property. He led him in triumph, rattling in chains, and doomed him, at pleasure, to slavery or death. As time obliterated the history of their beginning, their successors assumed new appearances, to cut off the entail of their disgrace, but their principle and object remained the same. What at first was plundered, assumed the softer name of revenue, and the power originally usurped, they affected to inherit. The career of Nebuchadnezzar, Alexander the Great, Julius and Au- gustus Ccesar, Mahomet, William the Conqueror, Cromwell, and Bona- parte, with their concomitants, are enough to exemplify the propriety of the remarks already made. Monarchical government, when considered as the delegated power of God, supposes an hereditary succession ; and of course the will of the monarch, with his successors, must be binding, not only on the present generation, but also on those which are to come. To suppose that the will of those who existed once, but are note dead, can be binding on the gene- rations yet to come, is ridiculous. One is out of the world, and the other not in it, and of course they are two nonentities, which can never meet in this world, and therefore can by no means form obligations for one another, agreeably to natural justice. Moreover, the government is for the bene- fit of the people, and not the people for the government. Hence, it must be calculated so as to answer every purpose of government. But monarchy is not calculated so to do, but by the aid or assistance of an aristocracy, an additional oppression, whereby the generality of the peo- ple must be kept in fear and profound ignorance, by tyrannical laws, to prevent the "spirit of inquiry," the "liberty of speech," and of the "press;" which shows that their works are bad, and that they " love darkness rather than light, because their deeds are evil !" Of course it is not the most excellent way ; because it supposes one man to have more sense and wisdom than all the nation besides — whereas hereditary suc- cession is as liable to have a fool as a wise man for a governor ; and more so, when degeneration is rendered certain by confining their intermarriages exclusively to royal blood. The more this subject is investigated, the more the absurdity of it will appear. It is inconsistent, both with scripture and common sense. It is contrary to every principle both of moral goodness and of natural justice. It cannot stand the test of a comparison with the moral law, the law of nature, or the rule of practice. OF THE POPE'S POWER. If the progressive power of the pope, and the almost incredible height to which it grew, the summit appearing so stupendous with a pompous show, be compared with the " law of nature," and the character of the Almighty, the idea of monarchy or tyrannical power as being the dele- gated power of God, will sink into contempt. Moral obligation and duty having ereat influence on the mind and prac- tice of man, religion was made use of as a tool to answer the purposes 01 ambitious and designing men. Hence the origin of " religion established by law." But in order to accomplish the end, the charge must be com- mitted only to an ingenious few, who are fitted and qualified for the pur- RIGHTS OF MAN 300 pose by every possible instruction ; while all the rest must be kept in the greatest possible ignorance, that they may be the more manageable. The executors of the work being ingeniously qualified, and the minds of the people prepared, a deception might easily be practised where none were permitted to think, and judge, and act for themselves. Hence the origin of the pagan heroes, and mythology, and oracles, and priests. Under tyranny and oppression, which prohibit liberty of conscience, and bind the people in eternal ignorance, the mental powers of men are so impaired, and their moral faculties so darkened, that reason will not do its office. And hence mankind became credulous to a degree, which in this enlightened day is hardly to be believed. Constantine the Great, in order to secure the influence of Christian min- isters in his favor, and thereby establish his unbounded power, in and over the Roman empire, abolished paganism, and established Christianity as the national religion. And from thence the ministry became a species of trade and traffic down to this time. Every valuable and important institution is capable of abuse ; and not any thing more so than religion : but there is a distinction to be made be- tween the thing itself and the abuse of it. Religion is a good thing; but from one small abuse of it may originate important consequences. Con- stantine, in order to accomplish his nvn purposes, erected the image of the Saviour on the cross, and carried it in the front of his army, to lead on the van of nominal Christians. The image of the Virgin Mary found its way to follow after ; and hence all the abominations of images, &c, &c, in the Christian church. As might have been expected, from the temptation of gain and grandeur, arising out of the " religious law establishment" of Constantine, many of the heathen priests and others became professional Christians, either for the name, or for the " loaves and fishes." Of course, " moral evil" took the lead, and the Church, so called, went on the road to ruin. In those days of yore, when people were taught that the will of a tyrant should be considered as the delegated power of God, and reverentially obeyed accordingly; few pretended to think and act for themselves, ex- cept the true worshippers of God, who acted from conscientious motives. The multitude were sadly imposed upon. The bare say-so of the priest was received as Divine truth, and impostors became influential, and were respected. It was difficult to cope with popular opinion, which was founded in long established habits — backed by civil, and supported by ecclesiastical authority; till at length, the power of the established clergy became more respectable and influential than the civil authority, and began to take the lead, and bear rule accordingly ; domineering over those who had been their promoters, until .affairs were entirely transposed; so that the civil law and authority were only used as tools by the ecclesias- tics, to answer their own ends, as the priests were formerly used to sup- port the tyrannical power of ambitious usurpers. Credulous people, still chained by despotism and ignorance, retained their old prejudices. With them tyranny was humanity, and was rever- enced as the delegated power of God. And if a priest should say that a " horse was a cow," or a " ham of bacon was a fish," he must not dispute it ; but must believe the say-so of the priest, in opposition to his own* senses. At length, one was exalted above his fellows, and as an expression of 310 ANALECTS UPON THE his power and dignity, was styled, " Bishop of Bishops, or Universal Bishop," and claimed all the world for his own, so that no king or poten- tate could reign but by his consent, as he was to be considered the suc- cessor of the Apostle Peter, who was constituted the Vicegerent of the Almighty upon earth. Thus the right to determine all disputes, and to bestow crowns and kingdoms at pleasure, and to make new laws, &c, &c, were his pretensions to mankind, as exemplified in the affairs of Poland — " And all the world wondered after the beast." Infallibility, which be- longs to the Almighty alone, was ascribed to this great one by all his adherents. The crown of France possessed by Henry IV., was adjudged to Ru- dolph, his competitor, by the power and decision of the pope, who also claimed the kingdom of Spain as the patrimony of St. Peter, by virtue of some old deeds which he pretended were lost. The claim not being disputed, a tax or annuity was the result. Hence the origin of" Peter-pence," known in different countries to a late day. The titles of" Most Christian Majesty," and " Most Catholic Majesty," were the result and donation of this self-claimed vicegerent power. Also "Defender of the Faith," was another spurious gift from the same self- claimed authority, as a reward for merit in writing .a book in favor of the vicegerency, by Henry VIII. of England. The crown of England was adjudged to the king of France, unless King John would comply with the vicegerent's requisition ; which was done to save the kingdom. The idea became so popular, that the sanction and confirmation of this " spurious" vicegerent was necessary to make good and valid any kingly authority, that the king of Denmark sent to Rome, to obtain the blessing of confirmation, in and over his kingdom. The son to the emperor of Russia posted off to Rome also, to be con- firmed in what he expected to inherit by virtue of his father. And, " The world wondered after the beast !" A law of " Inquisition" was enacted by the ecclesiastical court, to de- stroy heresy, — that is, all who dare to think, and judge, and act for them- selves. The art of printing was considered witchcraft, and the inventor was punished as a wizard, and his colleague only escaped by proving it to be mere mechanism. A gentlemen who taught the present theory of astronomy, was adjudged to die for heresy, because he apprehended the earth to be like a ball, when the pretended vicegerent affirmed it to be like a table upon legs ; and a recantation was necessary to save his life. And all who believed in the antipodes were excommunicated by Pope Gregory VII. Difference of opinion was heresy, and the consequence was recantation or death. And doubtful cases were put to the torture, to compel them to give evidence against themselves. If a man should speak the truth, it would be considered and construed as a libel, if in opposition to popular and common received opinion ; -and the greater the truth, the greater the libel or heresy, of course. Many dead bodies were raised, and their coffins chained, to prevent them from giving leg-bail, while they were ex-communicated and " cursed" to eternal misery, with " hell book and candle light," and then consigned RIGHTS OF MAN. 311 to the flames as culprits, or "heretics," who were to be burnt alive. What a pompous show, what a farce and a mockery of common sense! The fallacious ideas that " tyranny is the delegated power of God," and that ignorance is necessary for the welfare of society, are now hap- pily excluded from the United States, and ought to be banished out of the world. THE DAWN OF LIBERTY. The bishop's power, arrived at its zenith, had so intoxicated him that he fell asleep. This spurious vicegerent, who was so charitable as to give crowns and kingdoms not his own, to obtain money and popularity from his courtiers, and enlarge his own power and influence, bestowed two things more than formerly, which began to awaken up " common sense." The first was countries of which he had never heard ; and, secondly, pardons, not only for sins past and present, but also for those which were to come. The first laid the foundation for enterprise. It ex- cited inquiry after true philosophic information, and improvements in the arts and sciences. The latter paved the way for the discovery of truth in divinity. One quarter of the world, by the wisdom of the Creator, for the benefit of rising generations of man, for several thousands of years had remained an uncultivated wilderness. A land, magnificent for its stupendous and lofty mountains — its numerous and extensive rivers — its expanded lakes, or inland seas, with a soil superior to that of any country in the ancient world, is discovered. A new world appears — the theatre, designed by the Governor of the universe, for the display of some important and grand design worthy of himself. Tyranny had unmanned the people ; but the spirit of enterprise and discovery being excited, and the countries which might be discovered being conferred upon the fortunate adventurer by the spurious vicegerent, which was considered sufficient to give a good title to any discovered countries, many thousands embarked in the undertaking. Supported by this authority, they considered not the countries only, but the people also who inhabited those countries, as their property, and treated them as an inferior race of beings, dooming them at pleasure both to slavery and death. Such was the degraded state of the human mind ! So much was an universal revolution wanting for the amelioration of man ! On the other hand, the selling of pardons, or granting indulgences for sins to come, opened a door for all manner of vice, so offensive to virtuous minds, as to excite a spirit of detestation and abhorrence. And " com- mon sense" awoke from its lethargy, and paved the way for what is called the " reformation." Martin Luther bore testimony in Germany against the pope. And the pope, in his turn, poured out " bulls" with fury. Their disputes, aided by the art of printing, produced an almost universal reflection among the people, attended with a spirit of inquiry and research after truth. And thus, after a sleep of several hundred years, the people were awakened, and began to think and judge for them- selves. But common sense had become so much blinded by the dark- ness of ignorance, that she only "viewed men as trees walking!" And such were the prejudices of the people of the old world, that there was 312 ANALECTS UPON THE not a place found among them, where the rights of man could be peace- ably enjoyed, agreeably to the law of nature. Mark the wisdom and goodness of the supreme Governor of the world, that the discovery of America was so long delayed ; and that at length it happened at such an important era of the world. The two grants of the vicegerents, viz., that by which unheard of countries were given away, and that by which indulgences for sin were given to purchasers — were both conferred about the same time ; and the discovery of America, and the reformation in Germany, followed very shortly after the same period of time — all of which co-operated in effect- ing a revolution in the theories both of astronomy and divinity. The earth was no longer considered by thinking men as a table upon legs. The vicegerency was treated with contempt, as being an imposition upon mankind, and the bishop was soon stripped of one third of his dominions. But, nevertheless, the spirit of persecution still prevailed among the dif- ferent sects, until the innocent Quakers appeared in the days of Fox. It could not be otherwise ; it will ever attend all law-religion. John Cal- vin was the cause of M. S. being put to death for mere matters of opinion, and Melancthon justified him in it. Martin Luther wrote to the magis- trates to punish some who differed from him, which afterwards gave great uneasiness. Hence, many thousands, who were waked up, " flew to the wilderness of America," hoping there peaceably to enjoy those rights be- stowed upon them by the God of nature. But the spirit and prejudice of education, so deeply rooted, was hard to be eradicated. Hence, some who had fled from the intolerant hand of persecution became oppressive themselves, and others in turn had to suffer. Four Quakers were put to death, merely for indifferent matters of religion. And from the old idea, that religion could not be maintained unless upheld by civil power, those who had come hither to enjoy their opinions began to form religious estab- lishments by laws of their own. At length, however, they were better informed, and their progeny better taught, which laid a foundation for the investigation of the rights of man, and the more perfect knowledge of the law of nature. As virtue and religion and the arts and sciences have gone hand in hand together, so dissipation and destruction succeed each other. These things are observable in the rise and fall of the five succeeding nations — the Jews, Babylonians, Medes, and Persians, Greeks, and Romans — who succeeded each other in their turns. Persecution drove the first settlers to America, and oppression pursuing them still, gave rise to the spirit of inquiry. All that energy of soul with which man is endowed by the God of nature was roused, and they were determined to enjoy as much of nature's law as by their exertions they could secure. From this sprung the outlines of our national char- acter. As ignorance and severity are necessary for the support of tyranny, to keep the people in awe, so light and information are necessary to cut the sinews of tyrannical government, and bring mankind into the exercise and enjoyment of their proper rights ami dignity, agreeably to the laM of nature, to the moral law, and to the rule of practice, as established by the Governor of the universe. The laws, prejudices, and ignorance of mankind had been such, that RIGHTS OF MAN. 313 there was not a place in the ancient known world, that admitted the revo- lution to begin, which was necessary for the emergency of man. No place was so ripe — no part in the natural world so fitted, as Amer- ica. Because of its infancy, the people would hear instruction, as a child who wishes to acquire a perfect education. But those of the old coun- tries of monarchy, imagined themselves to have arrived at the summit of political perfection : of course there was no occasion for further inquiry. Religious bigotry was also another great hindrance, which, through the prejudice of church and state, had mighty influence. Besides, the minds of the people were so degraded, and the moral faculty was so debased, they were not prepared to act with that prompt and deliberate firmness which was required in so great a work. From all these considerations, such persons who had the clearest heads and best hearts which those days afforded, fled to America. Determined not to receive things as matters of fact on the bare say-so of others, when repugnant to common sense, (they were men, and had the spirit of inquiry,) they took the liberty to think, and judge, and act for themselves. And as that was not admissi- ble in the old world, they had energy and enterprise enough to come to the new world and enjoy their opinions. Thus the spirit of independence in embryo migrated with our ancestors when they emigrated to this happy land. One thing is worthy of observation, which, though of small beginning, produced noble consequences. William Penn, the celebrated Quaker, in his regulations for Pennsylvania, contrary to the practice in all other countries, required no particular test, or religious opinion, as a qualifica- tion for office, but encouraged all societies to settle in the state, making all equally secure, and eligible to any office and dignity which then- worth and virtue might deserve. The persecution of the Quakers in Massachusetts, was the effect or relic of prejudices brought from the old world. But the death of those four innocent sufferers, tended in its consequences to check religious bigo- try, and it lowered away. The various opinions which emigrated were a check upon each other, and laid a foundation for a mutual forbearance, which was exemplified by Providence and Rhode Island ! Lord Baltimore also, who was a Roman Catholic, being provoked to jealousy, became liberal towards emigrants of dilferent opinions, and wave them encouragement to settle in his colony. And since the revolution, the oppressive tobacco laws have been repealed both in Maryland and Virginia, which put the established clergy on a level with other denomi- nations. New Hampshire and Vermont have likewise laid aside the clerical yoke. But Massachusetts and Connecticut retain a tincture of the old W ; which is a departure from the law of nature, and a vio- lation of moral obligation, and an infringement upon natural justice ! Though some of their laws have been modified in a small degree. And the liberal spirit of Penn, so agreeable to the law of nature, the moral law, and the rule of practice, prevailed in the land, until the law of nature, established by the Governor of the universe — that is, an uni- versal liberty of conscience, was established.* This done, nothing fur- : By the confederation in the constitution of the federal government. 27 314 ANALECTS UPON THE ther is wanting, but that the moral law of love should be written in every heart, " Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself ;" and the rule of prac- tice be seen in the conduct of each and every individual, " As ye would that men should do unto you, do ye even so unto them," that golden rule of practice, which was the law of Moses, the spirit of the prophets, and the injunction of Jesus Christ. Before all things can be right in the human family, the moral law must reign in all parts. Before that can exist universally, the law of nature must be revived and restored, to reign in all nations ; and that it may be so, the rule of practice must be attended to from principle ; be- cause they are connected with, and mutually dependent upon each other. Therefore, there is need for a general reform in the world, both in the head and heart. For the whole head is sick, and the whole heart is faint ; from the crown of the head to the sole of the foot, is full of wounds, bruises, and putrefying sores. The discovery of America after her dormant state, with the concomi- J J tant circumstances attending it, began to cast great light on the dispen- sations of Divine Providence, and shed a new lustre on the aspect of hu- man affairs. The spirit of the gospel, or the moral law of love, the law of nature and the rule of practice, have begun to revive, and some are running to and fro, and knowledge is increasing. But all things are not right yet, nor can they be, until the personal, social, and moral rights of mankind are restored. When this is done, there will be an end of tyrannical power, and established religion will cease, and universal liberty of con- science will be enjoyed in the love of the Creator, and of mankind. Then the " wolf and the lamb will dwell together, and there will not be any more war." The Almighty had long borne with the nations of the earth, but now his controversy has begun, and happy will it be for those who are pre- pared for the storm. It is a matter of rejoicing with the upright in heart, that they have an asylum in the day of trouble. But where will the wicked and proud op- pressors hide their guilty heads ? The day of vengeance is near, and the Jive swords of the Almighty are so visible in the earth, that no considerate man can deny the hand of God — destructive insects, earthquakes, wars, pestilence, and famine. Though people account for these things on na- tural principles, yet nature emanated from the poiver of God, and is still under his control, which, to the discerning eye, is visible in all his works. Hence the words of General Washington are pertinent to the case in hand : " But this seems to be the age of wonders, and il is reserved tin- intoxicated and lawless France, for purposes of Providence Jar beyond the reach of human ken, to slaughter her own citizens, and disturb the re- pose of all the world besides." OF FORMS OF GOVERNMENT. We have no instance of an elective monarchy established upon proper social principles. To avoid perpetual civil commotion, it has been found necessary to make the electors hereditary. Of course, to confine the right of suffrage, in the most important of all elections, to a few over- grown individuals. RIGHTS OF MAN. 315 An hereditary monarchy is both dangerous and absurd. And an ab- solute monarchy, where an individual is endowed with both legislative and executive authority, is still much more to be feared. He that is not accountable to anybody for his conduct, should be intrusted by nobody. Besides, hereditary monarchy, in any form, runs an equal risk to have a fool as a wise man for a governor ; and more so, considering the etfects of limited intermarriages. An ai'istocracy may secure to the counsels of state a larger fund of information ; but at the same time, it places the people under many ty- rants instead of one. Besides, as they must also be hereditary, and be supported by entailed property, they are disqualified for legislative and executive, and even for judicial trust, inasmuch as the law of nature is violated in their very raising. They have become unnatural brothers, who consider their brethren as beings of an inferior grade and rank to themselves: and of course, from the spirit of their education, they are contaminated with prejudices and partiality, which wholly disqualify them to judge with equity and humanity agreeable to the law of nature. Democracy, in small and petty societies, may apply and answer many valuable purposes to mankind, as in days of old, where the whole voice of the people could be obtained, or at least all of those concerned. But in a large and extensive country, it would become too unweildy. But as the law of nature on social principles makes them equally interested and entitled to a voice in the formation of those prudential rules made for the regulation of the whole, a representative form of government presents itself as most appropriate to answer every purpose. By this method the voice of the people is made over to their representative. And hence, there is a personal and social compact, agreeable to the law of nature ; which may be made to suit the greatest nation. And provided the world of mankind were more enlightened, it might forever exclude the necessity of an appeal to war. Wars are neither more nor less than national quar- rels ; and when both parties are sick and tired of the contest, they settle their differences through the medium of a convention of delegates. Why not take this course in the first instance, and spare human blood 1 This mode of government will best guard the people against tyrannical imposition of both church and state. The representation being only for a limited time, and the delegate then returning to his former sphere, and becoming a private citizen, he of course feels the effect of his own legis- lation as a member of society. This exchange of public for private life, like the ebbing and flowing of the sea, will tend to keep things pure, so that the affairs of the nation may at all times bear investigation. More- over, it stimulates people of all classes to search after truth and to' com- municate knowledge. And the interest of the commonwealth is made secure, whilst the rights of individuals are safely guarantied, and sa- credly kept by chosen men in trust, who, as faithful executors, must give account. RIGHT OF PROPERTY HELD UNDER MONARCHS. In monarchical governments, in cases of rebellion or treason, the real estates are forfeited to the monarch, and the widow and fatherless child are turned out of doors, and the poor culprit himself suffers death. Now, considering the punishment to be proportioned to the crime, the conclusion 316 ANALECTS UPON THE must be, that the land properly belongs to the monarch ; otherwise why disinherit the wife and children, seeing there is no natural justice in making the innocent suffer for the guilty ? But as real estates are made hereditary in a particular branch of the family, and subject to forfeiture to the crown in cases of rebellion or treason, it is manifest that they must have been derived from the government, and are onlv held during good behavior. Of course all lands originally were considered crown lands, no doubt made so by conquest or usurpation, and then parcelled out to a few, who should hold them as tenants to the crown. These tenants had their tenants also — and thus the whole was dependent on the will and plea^re of one individual. OF REPRESENTATION. All men being considered free and independent, in their individual ca- pacity, but dependent in their social capacity, the rights of each are equal. The first, by virtue of existence ; the latter, by virtue of being a member of society. Our personal and social rights being equal, neither of them can be taken from us but by our own consent, without infringing upon natural justice, except only when forfeited to society by some iiiisdemeanor, or taken by the laws of the Creator who gave them. Our rights being equal, so are our privileges — of course our rights, privileges,, duties and obligations are the same in each and all. Therefore, the neg- lect of the right of suffrage in any individual is a violation of social duty — that is, a breach of one of the obligations we owe to society. Bv neg- lecting our social duties, we involve ourselves in a violation of natural justice, which requires a proper use and improvement of those social blessings, conferred upon us by the Supreme Governor of the world, who will hold us accountable for the neglect of every relative duty. These are considerations not sufficiently weighed by many. All are deeply in- terested in them, though many remain ignorant of it. And to exi ise < urselves by concluding that these things do not concern us, though our well-being is deeply concerned, is all of a piece with the supposition that, the will of a tyrant is the order of Providence and the delegated power of God. As individuals and as members of society, we have a right to claim a voice in all public deliberations, and to see to it that we have justice done us ; because our social rights grow out of our personal rights. Our own power as individuals, not being equal to our wants and necessities, we ex- change a part of our personal rights for social rights, by casting a part into the common stock by delegation ; and hence our power and will are made over to our representative, and we take the arm of society of which we are a part for our protection, in addition to our own. So that society grants us nothing ; but we draw on the capital as a matter of right. Hence, it is self-evident that social or civil distinctions can be founded only on public utility, agreeable to the rules of equity. NATURE AND DESIGN, AND ENACTION OF LAW. Social rights when protected by general rules and applied to a na- tion or people as a body, are called political ; but when applied to in- Ji\ iduals, are called civil. Hence the distinction between political and civil law. RIGHTS OF MAN. 317 The end of all political associations is the preservation of the natural and imprescriptible rights of man ; and these rights are liberty, property, security, and resistance of oppression. The people are essentially the source of all sovereignty. Nor can any individual or body of men be en- titled to any authority which is not expressly derived from them. Civil liberty consists in doing whatever does not injure another. And the law is an expression of the will of the community for individual instruction. The law of course ought to prohibit such actions only as are hurtful to society, and to impose no penalties, but such as are absolutely and mani- festly necessary for the welfare of society. And all citizens have a right to concur, either personally or by their representative, in the formation of those general rules, which might be properly enough called the law of prudence. The general rule, or the law of prudence, should be the same to all, whether to punish or protect. All being equal in rights, are equally eli- gible to all honors, places, and employments, according to their different abilities, without any other distinction than that created by their virtue and talents. OF THE LAW OF NATIONS. Here it is proper to remark, that there is frequently a misapplication of terms, which gives improper conceptions, leading the reader or hearer to ascribe effects to causes which could never produce them. And so setting out in error, they must forever continue to be wrong. Thus, says one, " Reason teacheth me this or that," when the information was derived through the channel of tradition. Again, " Nature works " so and so, when there is no principle in nature to operate it ; but is wholly the ef- fect of art, or the works of nature's God. To ascribe that to nature which belongs to art is certainly wrong, and leads to confusion ! Every effect should be ascribed to its original and proper cause, in order to come at the true knowledge of things as they are, or as they should be in a relative point of view. Islands, for example, may originate three ways. First, From na- ture's God; Secondly, From nature herself ; Thirdly, From art. Thus, the island of Great Britain was formed by nature's God, at the creation. The island of New Orleans, near two hundred miles in length and about twelve in breadth, was formed by nature; the flood-wood and mud washing down from the Missouri and other rivers into the Mississippi, having formed this island, and divided the water that was once an arm of the sea, making Lake Ponchartrain and Tuckepaw Bay. And an artifi- cial island is formed at New York for the erection of a battery, at the junction of the two rivers. I have now hinted at our rights, as existing by the law of nature, estab- lished primarily by our Creator, as we individually stand related to each other ; and also at the law of nations, which is improperly called the law of nature, and is evidently the effect of art ; and such as prudence dic- tates as necessary for general rules, for the regulation of the whole, and may with greater propriety be called the law of prudence. These last being received in some degree among the nations, are therefore called the law "of nations. And indeed it might be well if they were received more generally among the human family. 27* 318 ANALECTS UPON THE RECAPITULATION. We have derived from the God of nature certain inalienable rights. It is necessary to have those rights guarantied against an usurper. Civil government is therefore necessary. Prudence dictates the proprie- ty of delegating to suitable persons so much of those rights as may be ne- cessary for the formation and execution of that political machine which is called government. Government, when formed, is under obligations to act only for the pub- lic good and general welfare. And the principles of natural justice and moral obligation will sanction the same, when considered in relation to the moral Governor of the world. By way of explanation, from what hath been observed, as one of the whole, I have certain personal rights which cannot be taken from me on the principles of natural justice, without my consent. I am naturally in- terested in their security, and of course prudence requires my consent. 1 wive it, and by virtue thereof I have a right to expect and claim, in con- Junction with others, certain privileges at the hand of my government — that is my bounty, viz. protection of my person, character, and property, and peaceably to enjoy without interruption the use of my liberty, and the privilege of seeking happiness in an innocent way : that is, where no man s right is invaded, nor the public peace disturbed. I have also the right and privilege of private judgment in matters of opinion and moral duty in the things of God and eternity — things which can concern no one but myself. A CONTRAST. Let the foregoing reflection be contrasted with the present state of the world, and we shall distinctly see that all things are not right in the world, and of course that there is need of a great and general reform before the head and heart, the motives and conduct of men will correspond with the moral law, the law of nature, and the rule of practice. And it will be well to remember that all men are accountable to the Supreme Governor of the world, not only for their motives and conduct towards each other. but for their disposition of heart towards him, whether they be rulers, sub- jects, or citizens, if they would meet the approbation of God upon their .souls. Let them therefore take heed how they suffer considerations of in- terest or popularity to lead them astray, lest they sell their eternal peace for a transitory object. Upstart governments may take heed and tremble, and so may all oppressors and workers of iniquity, seeing their eternity is at stake ! OF PUNISHMENTS. It is the certainty of punishment, more than the severity of it, that will have the greatest effect upon mankind. Vigorous laws, properly appor- tioned to the nature of crimes, and well and faithfully executed, are best for the well-being of society. But as the degrees of punishment must bear some analogy to the circumstances of the crime, so the heinousness of the offence, with its magnitude, must be taken into the account, to judge pro- piil y whal degree of chastisement shall be inflicted in any ease. Ver) lew, if any, persons should be punished with death, because it is taking RIGHTS OF MAN. 319 that which cannot be restored. And to take that from another, which we did not bestow, and which cannot be restored, is running near to the pre- cipice of doing unnatural justice. An innocent person being suddenly cut off, is injured irreparably be- yond all possible calculation ; for his eternity may depend upon it. But the variations of crimes are so great and numerous, that a variety of pun- ishments is necessary to meet every case ; hence the penitentiary system presents to view, as proper for the subject, by admitting of degrees, both of time and solitude. The institution is humane, both in its nature and consequences. The culprit is prevented from further injury to society, and has opportunity for reflection — and by learning or improving some trade, he may become a useful member of society — and if innocent of the charge, may yet be restored to his privileges, which has been exemplified in several cases. In many cases, the judge or jury, from strong presumptive proof, may believe a man accused to be guilty of the charge, and, as a dangerous man to society and to his neighborhood, would feel free to send him to the peni- tentiary, when neither the crime nor the evidence would justify them to take his life. Hence, under sanguinary laws many offenders would escape through humanity. •A few plain rules, properly enforced, will prove of more consequence than tyrannical barbarity or despotic cruelty. This is self-evident, to those who reflect on the various modes of family government. Those parents who threaten much, and perform but little, and promise some and do nothing ; but, by fits and starts, deal out blows without rule or reason, and then only when in a pet or passion ; have children who have no confidence in what they say. For their inconsistencies they are cordially despised by their children, who wish to get from under their government. And such children become mere pests to society. On the other hand, such parents as use few words, and are firm, who act deliber- ately, perform their promises or threats, are generally blest with obedient children, who afterwards are a blessing to the community. The design of punishment is, — 1st, to reform the person who suffers it — 2dly, to prevent the perpetration of crimes, by deterring others — 3dly, to remove those persons from society, who have manifested by their tempers and crimes that they are unfit to live in it. The reformation of a criminal can never be effected by a public punish- ment, for the following reasons: First — As it is always connected with infamy, it destroys in him the sense of shame, which is one of the strongest outposts of virtue. Secondly — It is generally of such short duration, as to produce none of those changes in body or mind, which are absolutely necessary to reform obstinate habits of vice. Thirdly — Experience proves, that public punishments have increased propensities to crimes. A man who has lost his character at a public whipping-post, hath nothing valuable left to lose in society. Pain has begotten insensibility to the whip, and shame to infamy ; there, added to his old habits of vice, probably beget a spirit of revenge against the whole community, whose laws have inflicted his punishment upon him, and hence he is stimulated to add to the number and enormity of his out- rages upon society. 320 ANALECTS UPON THE Therefore public punishment will harden the heart, and tend to qualify a man to be a nuisance to society, and a pest to mankind. For a man who hath neither moral virtue, nor a good character, nor property to influence his actions and conduct, hath nothing to lose by misconduct but his soul, the company of his friends, and his liberty and life. Hence the punishment should be fitted to his case, and the degree to the nature of his crime, which the law of equity requires. The difference of crimes and the variations are such, that the penitentiary system seems best fitted to it, and appears the most suitable, on the principles of human- ity and common sense, to answer the purpose. First — It admits of degrees both of time in the duration, and also in the confinement. Secondly — It prevents the stupefaction, or insensibility to every sense of shame, or duty and moral obligation and character, which the ignominy from the pillory or whipping-post beget — and also it prevents the resent- ment or desire to revenge the public infamy. Thirdly — It prevents his bad example from corrupting society, and gives him no opportunity of injuring others, were he disposed to do it. Fourthly — It gives him time and opportunity for reflection and repent- ance ; and must naturally prove a stimulus to the mind. The loss of friends and their company, the loss of liberty, the idea of which is more painful than the thoughts of death, and the hope of regaining or being restored to them again, which is so animating and pleasing, have a pow- erful operation and influence upon the mind to produce a reformation. And he may yet become a useful citizen by his trade: the injured also may be indemnified, and likewise the public expenses paid. The practice of hanging for horse-stealing, under the idea of propor- tioning the punishment to the crime, is to suppose that a man is of no more value than a horse, degrading mankind down to a level with the brutes. The frequency of public executions and gibbets in Great Britain, tend to harden the people, and contaminate the human mind. It eradicates those soft principles of nature, implanted in the human breast by the Crea- tor, which are so visible in childhood, until they are erased by a long course of evil habits. Thus people becoming hardened, are qualified for every evil work, so as to sport with death, and scoff at damnation — and hence the many pick-pocket robberies, and other evils which transpire while viewing the awful scene of execution, and which, if detected, would expose them to a similar fate. There are upwards of one hundred and sixty offences which are pun- ishable with death, according to their code of criminal laws. Now to consider this subject properly, there appears not that distinction observed between vice and virtue, which the nature of the case admits and requires to be made for the welfare of society ; — and of course, if the human mind is not properly informed, and impressed with just views of right and wrong, good society cannot be cultivated, and the world will remain as a bedlam under the curse of ignorance. For according to the fountain so will be the stream. Hence if the principle be bad, the fruit must be bad also. Therefore the axe must be laid at the root, and the rubbish, dissipation, and darkness, arising from ignorance, must be re- moved. General information must be promoted, and proper ideas im- RIGHTS OF MAN. 321 planted and cultivated in the mind, that people may practise virtue from principle, as rational agents, who must give account. The propriety and importance of a good and early education, is not con- sidered by many. But let it be remembered, whatever is learned in youth, remains fixed for life; whereas what old people learn, is like wri- ting on the sand, which is washed out by the first rain. Therefore bend the tender mind, like a young branch, the way you would have it grow, otherwise it will be hard to effect by art, what would become easy and natural, if timely performed. Provided we are not to be governed on such principles as ignorance and terror compose, then we must insist on the opposite theory, viz. gene- ral information and proper motives ; such as are noble in their nature, and calculated in their consequence to promote the welfare of society. And every one must strive to do his part, both in cultivating and practising the work. This subject, properly digested, shows the propriety of inculcating the doctrine of first principles — our relation to God and man. Without this, how shall people judge of natural justice and moral obligation ? Or how perform their moral duties? In proportion to the ignorance of the people, vice and imposition have ever abounded — whilst on the other hand, in proportion as light has shone, true dignity of soul has appeared in a line of virtuous conduct, natural justice been attended to, and the moral govern- ment of the Supreme Being acknowledged. In proportion as any nation or people have been just and good, so prosperity has attended them, whilst the arts and sciences have flourished. But when their conduct has been reversed, though God may have borne with them for a season, the day of their visitation has come at last ! OF POLITICAL EXISTENCE. God, as the Creator and supporter of man, hath a right to govern his creatures and prescribe the rule of their actions. Man, as his creature, has a right, and it is his duty and privilege to obey. In eternity people must be judged and rewarded as individuals only. But in this world, as we exist socially, we have social privileges, which are called political; and national political privileges abused, become a political evil : and a political evil must be cured, or it must become remediless. And as these privileges are for time only, when abused, the personal rights of mankind are infringed upon, contrary to the law of nature, and natural justice calls for a remedy. Of course there must be a reform, or else an overthrow ! It is perfectly consistent with propriety to demand the former — the latter is the just visitation of a righteous Judge ! The first is a dut}' which is in our own power — the latter always a just dispensation of the Almighty. As it is nowhere said that nations in their political capacity shall be judged in futurity, political evils must be punished here. Therefore, when a government is overgrown in tyrannical power and wickedness, dissipation, luxury, and oppression abound, and unheard of cruelties prevail. All manner of debauchery, drunkenness, and revelling, with other concomitant vices and evils, so great and so many abound, that it may be said "moral evil" reigns triumphant in the land, and virtue cannot be found ; justice is trampled upon, moral obligation is despised, • t 322 ANELECTS UPON THE and mankind become like bedlamites, and the doctrine of atheism is the order of the day. Hark ! Let reason ask, Does it not seem to comport with the moral government of the Supreme Being, who is just and wise, to overthrow such political existence, as being unworthy, and thereby open a door for another such an one as will secure to the people the enjoyment of their rights, agreeable to the order of things, and acknowledging his government, live agreeable to the moral law, the law of nature, and the rule of practice ? If all our ideas of good and evil, of right and wrong, are not chimerical, we must answer in reason, that it would be just to overthrow them as a social and political body, as unworthy of their privileges; and it would be a mercy to the people and to rising generations, by some revolutions to be restored to their just rights. The history of the Egyptians, from the time of Joseph to Moses, with their conduct towards the Jews, and the overthrow of the Egyptians, with the consequent deliverance of the Israelites, the former being necessary for the accomplishment of the latter, are examples of this truth. How just and merciful, and yet how wise are the dispensations of divine provi- dence, in the social and political existence of human affairs! The history of the Jews, from the time of Moses to the present day, is a further continued example of the same. And taking moral good and evil as the rule or criterion by which to judge of expected dispensations, according to Deuteronomy, xxviiith chapter, any considerate man may fore- tell the probable fate of any nation. The present state of the Jews is a living and standing monument of the dispensations of divine providence. The overthrow of Babylon, as unworthy of a political existence, was just; and yet it was a mercy to the Jews, whose deliverance was connected with it. And the same observation would equally apply to the rise and fall of kingdoms and empires in different countries and ages of the world ; provided we had light and information enough to view the hand of the Lord. For these things happen not by accident or chance, neither do they spring up from the dust, but they happen under the wise and super- intending hand of the providence of God. And these things will continue until universal rights, obligations, and duties are universally regarded, and his kingdom rules over all. OF THE SPREAD OF THE GOSPEL. To judge correctly of things we must view them as they ought to be, as they are now, and then inquire how they became so. First. The gospel was commanded by Jesus Christ to be preached to all nations, and to every creature, promising to be with his heralds to the end of the world. When the persecution arose about Stephen, the brethren were scattered, and were travelling abroad preaching the word. The blessing of God attended their labors, while the apostles still abode at Jerusalem. Hence the command and promise for the spread of the gospel was not confined and limited to the twelve disciples, but extended to all the ministers of Jesus Christ through all ages to the end of the world. There- fore if all things were right, the gospel would be received in all lands and in all hearts. But it is not so ; a small part only of the world hear and enjoy the heavenly tidings, and that in a very dark degree. In Asia, which contains, as is computed, five hundred millions of people, t • RIGHTS OF MAN. 323 what, darkness and ignorance prevail ! But a few, very few, have even the outward preaching of the gospel ; not even excepting those coun- tries and parts of Europe and Africa, as well as Asia, which are contigu- ous to old Jerusalem, where the gospel was first propagated and substan- tiated. Turkish darkness and Mohammedanism triumph, and the name of Christian is held in contempt. Of 120,000,000 of Christians, nominally so called, in Europe, how few have just and proper notions and ideas of things pertaining to religion ! Far the greater part are almost as ignorant, even of the doctrines of Christianity, as the Indians of America, and of experimental religion they are as ignorant as the Hottentots at the Cape of Good Hope ! ' Of seven or eight millions of people in North America, though most of them have the Bible or Testament in their houses, how many are unacquainted with experimental religion, and even ignorant of the very first principles of the doctrines of Christ ! though America is favored with the greatest share of common learning among the common people of any nation in the world, probably as three to one. Yet how dark and ignorant still ! What selfishness prevails, and how little is natural justice regarded in social life ! How little is moral obligation con- sidered in the various transactions and concerns of life ! How few are living for eternity, and conducting as they expect to an- swer at the bar of the Supreme Judge ! In short, how few attend to the moral law, " to love the Lord with all their heart, and their neighbor as themselves ;" and to the law of nature, which coincides with the rule of practice, as " ye would that others should do to you, do ye even so to them !" Yet this is "the law and the prophets," and is sanctioned by Jesus Christ. Until the gospel is preached to all mankind, there is somebody who ought to preach that does not ; and there are grand causes, enough to pro- voke the God of love to anger towards those who hold the people in the darkness of ignorance by cruel and wicked laws ! Query. — How happens it that Mohammedanism rooted Christianity out of the eastern world ? Doubtless Christianity was abused, perverted, and so corrupted that the substance was lost in the shade, and the name of the thing only remained. Hence Mohammedanism, which admits of no idolatry, was preferable ; therefore the nominal Christians, who were not worthy of a political or social existence, having forfeited their right and privilege by sin, were justly scourged, deprived of the gospel, and removed out of the way, that a better 'ism might follow. These ideas will " justify the ways of God to man." When a social existence is forfeited by abuse, the people constituting it stand in the way of their betters, and of course the Being who "gave, hath a right to take away," and bestow it on such as are more worthy. Justice is then ad- ministered to the former and mercy to the latter. And that people who possess the most moral virtue, or will answer the best and most noble purpose, are the most preferable. Therefore, to remove the vicious out of the way, as being hindrances to righteousness, is good. Of two objects, goodness and wisdom will prefer and choose the best, to answer a good and important purpose, and accomplish a noble end. Hence of two 'isms supported by the arm of human power, one is old in evil and very bad ; 324 ANALECTS UPON THE the other young and more hopeful ; and therefore it is consistent with wis- dom, justice, goodness, and mercy to prefer the latter. Many people talk about the plans of the Almighty! If man was per- fect in wisdom he would need no plan ; and that which argues imperfec- tion in man will not, cannot argue perfection in the Deity. Therefore such expressions are perfect nonsense, if brought for any thing more than a comparison or illustration. Morally speaking, whosoever is right must be just ; and whosoever is right and just, must be good ; and whosoever is right and just and good, must be wise ; and whosoever is just and righteous and good and wise, must be most noble, in the superlative degree. Therefore we must unite these ideas of justice, righteousness, goodness, and wisdom in the moral character of the Almighty, in order to have any proper conceptions of his moral government and of his noble dispensations to the social bodies of mankind. Some people, to exalt his justice, destroy his goodness and mercy, and represent him a mere tyrant ; others speaking to exalt the power of God, destroy his justice and mercy ; another exalting his mercy, destroys his justice. Thus they split up the Almighty into parts, ascribing to him certain ideas which they call attributes, formed in their own conceptions. And by extolling his power, or his mercy or justice, improperly bear false testimony, and give the Almighty a character which is far from the truth, as manifested either in his dispensations or the written word. For instance, says one, "God is all mercy, he is so good." If he be all mercy, where is his justice? A governor is so good as to be all mercy, and therefore will pardon every culprit, and will suffer none to be punished, however dan- gerous to society. Thus the innocent must suffer, and the guilty escape and go free ! Now to let the guilty escape and the innocent suffer, with- out any possible remedy, exhibits the executive power as possessing neither mercy nor justice nor goodness in his procedure ; and of course he cannot be right or noble in his nature or dispensations. A being without mercy, who is unjust and not good, but destitute of every right and noble princi- ple, and is not in possession of any true and genuine wisdom, is the picture of the very devil himself. But the true character of Jehovah, or the manifestation of God in Christ, is uniformly consistent with itself, agreeable to the principles of justice, and righteousness, and goodness, and wisdom, and mercy, — mercy to proper objects of mercy, for to let the innocent suffer and the guilty es- cape is an unjust tyranny. But mercy is always dispensed consistent with, or agreeable to, the principles of true justice, when administered by the Most High. If a person hath sinned, pardon without repentance could never excite gratitude ; therefore it would be a thankless act. or favor, bestowed upon any culprit who remained impenitent. Religious privile- ges are the graces of God, and, as a wise Governor, he expects and requires a proper use of them. Some people abuse these privileges by stealing a power, without a right, which is assumption ; and a power pos- sessed without a right is an unjust tyranny. Now here is an abuse of social rights; and the innocent must suffer, by being oppressed and deprived of their rights, who have not merited such treatment at their hands. Natu- ral justice is infringed upon, and the government of the Almighty is de- spised. God is said to be "jealous for his glory, and will not give it to RIGHTS OF MAN. 325 another." Therefore, for the honor of his government, and the mercy of the injured, justice demands the removal of such power. And such re- moval would bring mercy to the injured, justice to the guilty, and honor to his own moral character. As natural evil is the effect or consequence of moral evil — as nations have flourished in proportion to their virtues, and as judgments have pur- sued them on account of their wickedness — hence, " angels sinned, and are reserved under chains of darkness to the judgment-day to be pun- ished." Sin drove Adam out of Paradise ; sin brought destruction on the antediluvian world ; sin was the cause of the overthrow of Sodom and Gomorrah. Of the Canaanites God said, " The iniquity, &c, is not yet full." He had a right to demand their obedience, and to dispose of their lives in any manner he chose. God waited and bore with them near five hun- dred years as a political body, and then destruction to the full overtook them as a nation. Sin brought calamities on the Jews as a nation, and they are a standing monument thereof to this clay. Again, as political evils in social bodies, consequent upon moral evil in them, bring national destruction, so a social repentance and political reform are necessary to avert the judgments of God, which threaten im- pending danger over a guilty land. The case of Nineveh is a striking example of the dealings of God with a sinful and repenting people. The Jews frequently experienced deliverances in their social capacity, when a reform and repentance took place among them. If ten righteous per- sons had been found in Sodom, the place would have been spared for their sakes. Isaiah said, " Except the Lord had left unto us a small remnant we should have been as Sodom and Gomorrah !" Jesus Christ calls the righteous the "salt of the earth." And if it were not for the righteous that now are, and those that will be in succession, it would be inconsis- tent with the moral character of the Almighty, and the nature of his moral government, to continue the world in existence. The Jews were to attend three feasts in a year — Pentecost, Taberna- cles, and Passover — by the special command of God. All the males who were twenty years of age and upwards, were to appear thrice annu- ally before the Lord, in one congregation at Jerusalem, which would leave all their borders defenceless, and exposed to an invading foe. Their enemies, in their absence, might have laid their country waste, and cap- tivated their wives and children, unless restrained by the providence of God. Here would be' a trial of faith, and a proof of Providence, who, for their encouragement, promised that their enemies should not desire their land at such times, which argues the superintending hand of Providence over nature and over human affairs. The fourteenth chapter of Ezekiel is pertinent to the same point of doctrine. When a nation or people had forfeited their political existence by sin, the sword of the Lord, either beasts, famine, sword, or pestilence, was drawn for their extermination ; "though Noah, Daniel, and Job stood before me, saith the Lord, they should deliver neither son nor daughter, but their own souls." The escape of Lot from the overthrow of Sodom, and, by the warning of Christ, the escape of the Christians from the destruction of Jerusalem, are striking examples of salvation, and remarkable proofs of the providence of God. 28 326 ANALECTS UPON THE of god's repository. There was but one generation between Adam and Noah, inasmuch as Methuselah, the oldest man, connected them both in a line. Again, Shem connected Noah and Abraham, from whence a connect-chain down through his posterity was transmitted, recording the dispensations of divine Providence. God, as a wise and good being, we may apprehend, has actions and ends worthy of himself — hence, the righteous Disposer of events, and the universal Governor. What he doeth must be right, just, good, and wise. And hence, righteousness, justice, goodness, and wisdom, reigning together, goodness will bestow mercy where it can be done agreeable to justice ; and wisdom and righteousness are perfect and will not err, for here is perfect and complete harmony in the attributes of God, in every case whatever. The fewest means are employed to accomplish the most important and noble ends, in the display of his justice against the impenitent, and in his warnings to rebels. Hence privileges revert to the objects who were in- jured, whilst the greatest possible good and mercy are extended to future and remote generations of mankind. Moral evil being universal in a social capacity, there was no moral virtue but in individuals, and hence the necessity of virtuous society. Therefore, as every thing must have a beginning, Abraham, the fifth life from Adam, Methuselah, Noah, and Shem, having come in between, to connect the chain of tradition, by having a personal acquaintance with each other, until the invention of letters should furnish a record. Abra- ham lived in Chaldea, feared the Most High, and was enjoined to quit that part of the country, and come to the land of Canaan. And God made a " covenant with Abraham " Christ was on the side of God. The nature and object of the covenant was holiness, which Abraham was to " receive, practice, teach his family, and transmit to his posterity." Faith was the condition on which the promised blessings were depend- ing, and circumcision was the seal ; and the blood of Christ, to which it looked forward, and which was comprised in the blessings, was to purify the heart, through the faith of Abraham, which was in fact the faith of the gospel. The eternal covenant between the Father and Son, to divide the world between Christ and Satan, is nowhere to be found in scripture ; but the covenant with Abraham was real. The covenant was frequently intimated, but never confirmed, until it was actually done with Abra- ham. The apostle calls it a " man's covenant ;" yet as Abraham was brought into it by faith and obedience, so must we, for we are to be "justified by faith," and " without faith it is impossible to please God." " lie that cometh to God, must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him." Hence, in this manner of seeking through faith, there is a moral conformity to the whole will of God, from the heart, which necessarily implies resignation and dependent e. Of course thnc is an agreement between the will of the creature and the will of the Creator, at which time and place the blessing of pardon and holiness is given by Christ, and received by the suppliant, which is the new cove- RIGHTS OF MAN. 327 nant of grace written in the heart, and a confirmation of the covenant made with Abraham. Thus Christ is the meritorious cause of our redemption. But faith is the instrumental cause of our salvation. " Abraham believed God, and it was counted (or imputed) to him for righteousness." Thus Abraham was justified by faith, and he was called the friend of God. And Abraham was circumcised, and the males of his household also, which was the beginning of the Church of God, established by faith upon earth, as a spiritual, personal, social compact. From the family of Abraham originated afterwards what was called the " congregation of the Lord," and the " church in the wilderness," through whom the oracles were transmitted to posterity. As bad and as rebellious as the Jews were, God chose the best people the world furnished at that time, to prove and show his mercy and display his justice, in a visible and providential manner, to bring about universal righteousness, as a precious seed in reserve, and as a repository for him- self, to be manifested as a standing and living monument and credible proof through all ages of the world, as a reasonable evidence against infi- delity. To this day, in Hindoostan, there are found black and white Jews. One class of them is called children of Israel, from the ten tribes ; the other is called Jews, from the tribe of Judah. On account of " national sin," the ten tribes were permitted to separate, and become a distinct nation. The Lord promised them his blessing, and an establishment and a sure house, if they would fear, obey, and love him. But they did not, but were vain idolaters, until they became unworthy of a political existence. So the justice of God removed them into captivity by the Assyrians, who scattered them into all countries ; and of course they carried the writings of Moses and the prophets with them. And it proved to be a mercy to succeeding generations, who thereby had their minds impressed and prepared with expectations of the Messiah to come, as the Saviour of men, which was remarkably exemplified in the language of the woman of Samaria, who said, " when the Messiah cometh, he will tell (or teach) us all things." The writings of Moses, and the Psalms, and the prophets, which were dispersed and conveyed by means of the ten tribes, who were scattered all over the then known world, prepared the way for the dispensation of the Gospel ; and the spread thereof, from the persecution which arose about Stephen, is an incontestable proof of its authenticity. As they were scat- tered at such an early period, and were a people who were held in detes- tation among the nations of the earth ; which is also the fact at this very day, there was not the same temptation to counterfeit, alter, and impose, as there might otherwise have been. And moreover, if they were disposed to do it, there was not the same opportunity, considering the enmity be- tween those at Jerusalem and those of the Samaritan mountain, and the dispersed. Besides, the great number of copies which they must have had among them, must have enabled any one who chose, to detect an at- tempt at an imposition. And although twenty-six false Christs have appeared in different ages of the world, the folly of each quickly became manifest ; for error and falsehood can never become truth. But the true Messiah, although 328 ANALECTS UPON THE he met with every opposition, and although he appeared not in any worldly pomp or grandeur, and although his gospel was contemned, and every method used that human ingenuity could invent, to abolish and destroy it out of the world, it still stands unshaken. And why, unless it had its foundation in Divinity ? Truth will bear investi- gation, and carry its own conviction with it, when properly understood. And hence we have sufficient cause to be thankful for the repository which Divine Providence hath favored us with, by transmitting the account of his former dispensations for our perusal, reflection, and benefit, inasmuch as we may become the heirs of the inheritance, through the covenant of grace, which by faith are partakers of the happy realms in the paradise of God. God is declared to be a Spirit. His worship is required to be of that nature, viz. in spirit and in truth, i. e. in the heart and really ! For he is said to be " the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob !" Thus making a discrimination among men, and confining his spiritual favors to his faithful worshippers. Thus also Paul declares that all are not Israel that are of Israel, neither because they are the seed of Abraham, are they all children. They must become spiritual children by an action of faith, under the influence of love divine, inspiring the heart with peace and joy, running through all their conduct. Or as the scrip- tures declare, " If ye are Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise." Or, as said Christ, " If ye were the children of Abraham, ye would do the works of Abraham." "Abraham rejoiced to see my day, and he saw it and was glad :" for " before Abraham was, I am." John viii. 56, 58. Compare Genesis xvii. 1, 8, 14. Rom. iv. 9 to 13, &c. Galatians iii. 6. to 15. shows 1st, Abraham is called "the fa- ther of the faithful," and the " heir of the world." Secondly. Abraham was justified by faith, while in uncircumcision ; and to him was made the first* promise of the Messiah to come, " In thy seed, (Christ) shall all the families of the earth be blessed. ' : " Abraham believed God, and it was imputed to him for righteousness." " Now it was not written for his sake alone, that it was imputed to him, but for us also, to whom it shall be imputed if we believe on him that raised up Jesus our Lord from the dead, who was delivered for our offences, and was rais- ed again for our justification," Rom. iv. 23 to 25. Thirdly. The promises of the blessings in Christ the seed, are by faith, through which the blessings of the seed are to be received and enjoyed ; and hence, Fourthly. " If ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise." Galatians iii. 29. Thus the true light of moral virtue came by revelation, and is enjoyed by divine inspiration operating on the heart, which all men are under the restraining influence of, in a greater or less degree, until the day of their vi- sitation be past. But when they become incorrigible; they are unworthy od asocial or political existence. Hence, said Jesus, " Jerusalem! Jerusalem! how often would I have gathered thy children together, as a hen doth gather her brood under her wings, but ye would not. Behold, your house is left * The thing was intimated and hinted, but never continued till the nine of Abraham. Gen. iii. 14, 15, was not a promise, but a threatening against theserpent. " I will put enmi- ty between thee and the woman, and thy .seed and her seed ; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel." RIGHTS OF MAN. 329 unto you desolate, and ye shall not see me henceforth, until ye shall say, Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord." And they were de- stroyed and dispersed, like the ten tribes, abroad among the nations of the earth, by the Roman army ; like as a curse for disobedience, entailed on them to this day. The abuse of moral privileges, by luxury and dissipation, tends to sink the human mind into brutality, and destroy every principle that is kind, noble, generous, and humane. The present state of the natives of Africa and America, are striking examples, and show to what a low ebb the moral faculty can be reduced. We see them prefer a toy or trifling trinket to useful arts. In them we see every unkind disposition indulged towards their fellow-creatures, and strangers considered as enemies ; so that al- most every family becomes a village, and every village becomes a nation. And these are almost continually at war, destroying each other, so as to prevent their population from extending. " The love of money" is said to be " the root of all evil." The spirit of it is " moral evil," and the effect is " natural evil," as the necessary consequence entailed. The " love of money" led the nations of Europe to enslave and destroy the poor blacks of Africa, and the miserable In- dians of America. And within the space of three centuries, they have destroyed and enslaved together, as many of those unfortunate creatures as now exist in those two quarters of the world. Nine millions have been enslaved from Africa, which is computed to contain twelve mil- lions of inhabitants. And an incredible number also must have been slain. The Spaniards in South America, enslaved and destroyed alone, twelve millions — besides the millions which fell in the isles, of which Hayti itself contained 3,000,000. But the superintending hand of Prov- idence, which overrules the actions of men and devils, will no doubt bring good out of evil. Most of those unhappy wretches, after being in slavery a term of time, will be affronted at the idea of being sent back to their native shores ; and many are rejoiced at their situation, miserable as it is, and express gratitude that by this means they have found the faith of Abraham, in the gospel of God's dear Son, to bring them the peace and joy of the kingdom. And why should it be incredible to believe, that one day the gospel shall return to their native shores, and spread through Afric regions, and that wilderness blossom like the rose ? The natural abilities of the European and the African, perhaps admit of improvement equally alike. Yet while one is now rising to its highest excellence, the other is but a little superior to the brute beasts. Doubtless it is the providence of God, attending the improvement of one, while the other is justly visited with the entailment of ignorance, stupidity, and sloth ; whilst moral evil fills their hearts, and governs all their actions. America, adorned and enriched with some of the most lofty mountains, extensive rivers, natural canals, and numerous fresh inland seas ; situa- ted between two oceans, nearly divided in the centre, and yet connected by a narrow isthmus; enriched with almost every species of valuable treasure in the bowels of the earth, as if to invite the foreign emigrant to pay a friendly visit; nevertheless, lay undiscovered for several thousand years, as if reserved for the era when " common sense" began to awake up from her long slumber. As if the Creator's wisdom and goodness had a " new world," in reversion for a new theatre for the exhibition of new things. 28* 330 ANALECTS UPON THE Here a new philosophy, both in nature and in divinity, was to be taught and embraced. False notions respecting the figure of the earth, and the spurious vicegerency, were both to be rejected together. The doctrine of " passive obedience and non-resistance" was then to be suspected, and to go down the hill. There seemed to be no place in the political world, nor any part of the natural world, that admitted of the change to begin so thoroughly as in America. The state of the country, and the prejudices of the people, were both favorable for it. And these things are the result, which are worthy of reflection : First. All religious opinions are protected, and universal rights of con- science established ; and also a government of representation, which is elective only. Secondly. The dirty slave-trade, in which almost all Eurpoe, as well as America, was engaged, is now forever at an end — no nation protecting it. And in those countries where slavery exists, they are used more hu- manely than formerly ; and instead of death for mere trifles, the peniten- tiary system is adopted. Thirdly. The spirit of inquiry, and the spirit of missionary, is prevail- ing, together with the translation of the scriptures into so many new lan- guages. Bible societies are forming, to disperse the holy scriptures. Priestcraft is falling, and the power and influence of the established, cor- rupt, and wicked clergy, is broken, and tumbling down. Crowned heads are going out of date. The whole world is in commotion, and peace is taken from the earth. The animal creation is proving a scourge, in many parts, to the human family. The wars may be considered as the sword of the Lord ; as if "the devil had come down in great wrath, knowing that he hath but a little time." This brings scarcity, which produces famine ; and famine will bring plague, which already prevails in many parts of the world. Besides, such general and repeated shocks of earth- quakes, so that sixteen cities were destroyed, in a very short space of time, in South America. Thus, so many extraordinary things as have trans- pired of late, and are transpiring, have not been known in the annals of history. And there never was a time, except the era which gave our Sa- viour birth, that was so pregnant with important things as the day in which we live. May not the seventh trumpet now be sounding, and the seven last plagues be pouring out ? Is not the harvest of the earth ripe for the reaper with the sharp sickle ? Then we should swell the cry, " Thy kingdom come — send forth more laborers into the harvest." Is not the " vintage of the earth ripe also to be gathered, and cast into the wine-press of the wrath of Almighty God?" Are not all the governments of the old world tyrannical, and repugnant to the law of nature? Is there any government in the world, except America, that is framed so as to admit of amendment ? Being con- trary to the law of nature, and not admitting of amendments, art- not those governments, in their very first principles, of a pernicious kind, and of an incorrigible nature, founded in moral evil, so as to perpetuate the same, without any possibility of redress? Why ought they to exist ? By what right can they exist? Are they worthy of an existence 1 Does not in- jured innocence cry against them for redress to the Governor of the world. whose tender care is over all his works ? Docs not justice, in the law of RIGHTS OF MAN. 331 nature, demand a satisfaction against them ? Would not mercy be ex- tended from the divine Governor to the injured, by undertaking their cause, and restoring to them their rights, which are unjustly withheld by those evil governments ? Do not these reflections lead the mind necessarily to conclude, that a powerful and just Judge will undertake the cause of the oppressed, and overwhelm the oppressors with an everlasting destruction ? SUMMARY REVIEW. The law of nature is that relation which man originally stands in to his Creator, and to his fellow-creature. In this state all men are equal, and naturally free and independent, in their individual capacity, and endowed by their Creator with certain ina- lienable rights, as life, liberty, enjoyment of property, pursuit of happi- ness, and the privilege of private judgment. In these they are equal and independent, as much as if there was no other person upon the earth but the individual himself alone. But when taken in a social capacity, they are dependent upon each other. The king is dependent on his subjects, and the governor on the governed ; the master on the servant, and the servant on the master ; the blacksmith upon the carpenter, and the car- penter upon the blacksmith, and both of them upon the farmer for their bread ; and the farmer, in his turn, is dependent on them for his mechan- ism. Thus social privileges are reciprocal ; being connected mutually, they are necessarily dependent upon each other. A hermit's life, in solitude, is the most independent of any ; and yet what could he do in sickness ? He would then be dependent upon others for their assistance, to do that for him which he could not do for himself. Therefore, the idea of social independence is a solecism, which has no place in common sense. As a whole is composed of parts, and the parts collectively form one whole ; so the human family are, and must be considered, socially related, and collectively dependent upon each other. Hence, our rights and necessities being equal, so are our obligations and duties likewise ; and, therefore, considering the rights of man as an individual, they are called personal rights ; considering them in his rela- tion to his fellow-creature, they are called social rights ; and considering them in his relation to his Creator, they are called moral rights. Personal rights are by virtue of existence, as life, liberty, and all the intellectual rights of the mind ; of course, religion is one of those rights, as also the pursuit of happiness, &c. Social rights are by virtue of being a member of society ; and as one of the whole, who is interested in the security of those personal rights against usurpation, he hath a claim, in conjunction with others, for pro- tection of his person, property, and character. The right itself is good and perfect, by virtue of existence ; but is imperfect in point of power, both in each and all, in their individual capacity. And hence the power, which is called govenunent, is made up, or composed of, all those rights which are surrendered by the individuals themselves, and cast into the common stock, for the better regulation of the whole ; which is made up, or consists of, the aggregate of those rights, which, though perfect in the individual personally, yet, socially, answer not his purpose, for the want of power. And, therefore, for the want of personal power for the 332 ANALECTS UPON THE security of personal rights, the right, imperfect in power, is surrendered, and cast into the common stock ; and so the arm of society, of which he is a part, is taken in preference, and in addition to his own. The aggregate of those rights, imperfect in power in the individual, is surrendered to trustees in trust, as the delegates of the people, to act as their representa- tives, for the benefit of the whole. This delegated power is called govern- ment, and can never be applied to invade those rights retained, which are sufficiently perfect in the individual, and, for their proper exercise, need no political strength. Of this kind are the rights of life, limb, liberty, and all the intellectual powers, or rights of the mind, as study, pursuit of happiness, private judgment, &c. These things can never be invaded by the power of the government, without infringing upon natural justice, be- cause the power delegated is to be applied for the benefit and welfare of the people, and not to oppress, domineer, and tyrannize over the people, and make them miserable. These observations show the origin of government, and the necessity of a constitution, to point out what may and what may not be done ; to make the rulers responsible for their trust and conduct, and to secure the admission of improvement, as experience may point out wherein the con- stitution is defective ; and all the laws which are founded upon this, as a charter given to the delegates, or trustees, in trust, should be an expres- sion of the will of the people. And those laws should be as few as is pos- sible, consistently with the nature and state of things ; and should be founded on such principles of justice as will admit of the greatest human- ity in the suppression of vice, in the maintenance of equity, and in the promotion of virtue in the land. Therefore, a proper distinction between vice and virtue should be made, and punishment fitted and apportioned to the nature of crimes. Torture, barbarity, and every thing which has a tendency to harden mankind, should be cautiously avoided. Private re- venge should be discountenanced by civil law ; and the abuse of servants ought not to be passed over with such impunity as it is in many parts of the world : but there ought to be some restriction upon masters, so that justice may take place in the administration of corporal chastisement. Ought not a responsibility be secured in this as well as in any other ex- ercise of authority? There is something here which deserves to be seri- ously weighed, when we reflect on the universal rights of man. Moral rights are the result of moral law : and, as a creature depend- ent upon the Supreme Governor of the world, who enjoins the obligation and prescribes the law, and rule of practice, man has a right to obey, by at- tending to the law, and by keeping the rule. Human governments have no right to interfere by assuming a power to tolerate man to pay his devo- tion to his God. For before any human government existed in the world, there was a compact between man and his Maker, which cannot be alter- ed by any human laws. Therefore, all laws ought to be made in con- formity to this pre-existing compact ; otherwise they do mischief by making encroachments upon the rights of conscience, and cause confusion in so- ciety l»y creating broils and animosities; consequently, all denominations of religion should be protected in the peaceable enjoyment of their rights. And universal rights of conscience ought to be established in every land, agreeable to the Creator's law, primarily established by him. Rights imply privileges ; and a privilege implies duty, when taken on RIGHTSOFMAN. 333 the ground of the law of nature, or the moral law, or the rule of practice. Duties imply obligation ; therefore, if by the law of nature, one is favored with the rights of equality and independence, it is his duty to enjoy, main- tain, and improve them. If it be my right to enjoy life and liberty, it be- comes my duty to preserve and improve them. If I have a right to enjoy property and pursue happiness, it is my duty to do it properly. And also in matters of private judgment, in matters which concern me, it is my duty to investigate and judge rightly. Why is it my duty to maintain my equa- lity and independence, to preserve my life and liberty, and to enjoy pro- perty and pursue happiness, and also to judge in matters of moral duty? Equality, independence, life, liberty, property, happiness, and the things of private judgment in moral duty, are the gifts of the God of nature, and designed by him to answer a purpose worthy of himself. Therefore, to neglect them, is to treat them with indifference ; and to be indifferent is to undervalue them ; and to undervalue such important gifts, is to underval- ue the Giver ; and of course to treat him, not with neglect only, but with a degree of contempt also : because our all is connected with it. Not only our eternity hangs upon it, but also, all the things of time ! And hence the omission or neglect prevents our accomplishing that noble purpose for which we were designed by the Creator. Therefore we infringe upon the law of nature, by departing from her rule, which is the law of God ; and violate our moral obligation to the Most High, who, as a righteous judge, will call all people to an account, and reward them, each individual, ac- cording to the deeds done in the body. Consequently, our equality and independence is given us, as individu- als, that we may be capable of thinking, judging, and acting in an indi- vidual capacity, and not to be accountable for the misconduct of others, but live in conformity to the moral law of love. Hence, life is the gift of God, which is our right to enjoy : but man has no right to destroy it. To destroy our life, is to infringe on nature's law, and violate the obligation we are under to nature's God. Of course also, as means are necessary to be used for the preservation of life, they must be attended to according- ly. Liberty, also, is one of our rights, but it must not be abused, but used agreeably to natural justice and moral obligation. The pursuit of pro- perty is a right, and becomes a duty, that we may not be dependent on others, but have wherewith to help ourselves, and to afford assistance to a fellow-mortal in distress. Man was designed by his Maker to be hap- py, and the pursuit of happiness is enjoined upon him, and it is his duty to promote the same in others. Hence the object and the right, and the means and the duty, are all connected and stand in relation to each other. The duty demands the use of the means to improve the right to obtain the object — happiness! This duty is a moral obligation, because enjoined by the moral Governor of the world. Consequently, all the intellectual powers of the man, are called upon, and employed to act as a rational creature, who must give an account : the understanding to collect evidence, that it may judge correctly ; the memory to reflect and recollect, for the benefit of the judgment; the will to consent only to what is right, agreeable to his best judgment: for man is led by inclination sometimes contrary to his judgment, and then he comes under condemnation, of which he is always conscious in a degree, conformable to his judgment. 334 ANALECTS UPON THE Man is required to act as a rational creature, and to act from proper motives, and of course to act from a well-regulated judgment. And that the judgment may be correct, the understanding must be well and proper- ly informed. This implies a duty to search for truth, and weigh every evidence, and give it just and proper weight, in order to proceed righteous- ly, as for eternity. Moral evil is an improper motive or bad principle at heart. So says Christ — " He that looketh on a woman to lust after her, hath committed adultery with her already in his heart ;" the desire being indulged, and the consent of the mind being given to a thing contrary to a better judg- ment, against the law of nature. Sin is a transgression of the law ; and the will of God is the moral law. By going contrary to it, a person must forfeit what I choose to call his infantile justification, mentioned Romans v. 18 — 20 ; and thus goes out of the divine favor by his own personal sin, into personal condemnation and the kingdom of Satan, and is led captive by him, at his will. Hence, there must be a personal repentance for personal sins ; and a moral conformity to the will of God, to be reinstated in the divine favor, as one of the divine family. This conformity is through " the door — the way" to God, which is Christ. Here is pardon and peace to be found in such conformity, and faith, or what may be lermed an assent or conformity to the proper moral evidence — evidence given to the mind (but not to the bodily sense) is the power by which it may be done. This act of confor- mity is the act of faith, which is imputed for righteousness. Thus, a man is justified by faith, and hath peace with God, through our Lord Jesus Christ. Being justified by faith from the guilt of his own sins, and having peace with God through Christ, he has a sensible love to God from obliga- tion, and a sense of the love of God towards him, in the gift of Jesus Christ, by whom he hath acceptance, and for the Holy Spirit through the same divine channel, from whom all blessings flow. After justification by faith from the guilt of his own sins, he is required to prove his love to Christ, by walking in the light, and keeping his com- mandments. Hence the commandment is to " Love one another " — " Love your enemies " — " Do good to them that hate you " — " Pray for them that despitefully use you and persecute you." Again : " Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, soul, mind and strength, and thy neighbor as thyself;" which implies that from the heart we should devote our whole soul, body, and substance, with all our time and talents, to the glory of the Most High, which is a resigna- tion to the will, disposal, and service of God only: and hence thou shalt " Love thy neighbor as thyself." Who is thy neighbor? Thy friend, enemy, acquaintance, and stranger, and whosoever is in distress, no mat- ter who. He is God's creature, and thy brother by the law of nature; and the moral law commands to "love thy neighbor as thyself ;" and also enjoins the rule of practice, " As ye would that others should do to you, do ye even so to them." Thus Moses, the prophets, and Jesus Christ, teach the same doctrine. Hence, the moral law and the law of nature, and the rule of practice, on the principles of equity and obligation, are a unit! Therefore, said Christ, " If ye love me, keep my commandments." And one command is, "to do good to those who are our enemies," and " Love thy neighbor as thyself." The conduct of the Samaritan towards the man RIGHTS OF MAN. 335 who fell among the thieves, is enough to prove who our neighbor is. The Samaritans were taught to consider the Jews as enemies, and hence the woman questioned Christ why he asked her for water. The Samaritan proved a nurse, a servant, and a benefactor, by provid- ing an asylum, and taking him to the inn, paying the expenses, without expecting any reward from man. And the command was, " Go and do thou likewise." But "if a man doth not love his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen ?" Again, " If a man seeth his brother stand in need, and give not wherewithal to supply his wants, how dwelleth the love of God in him ?" Therefore, we are com- manded to " love in deed and in truth, and not in word and in tongue only." Consequently, to say " be ye warmed and be ye clothed," and like the priest and Levite, pass by on the other side, with perfect neg- lect or composure, is a departure from the law of nature, and the moral law, and the rule of practice, seeing our rights and wants, duties and obli- gations, are equal in both laws and in the rule ! We are to prove our faith and love to Christ, by walking in the light and keeping his commandments: and hence the injunction, " As ye have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in him." And thence our ac- tions flowing from faith and love, are the evidences or fruits of faith. Hence said James, " show me your faith without works, and I will show you my faith by my works." Then he makes mention of two, who were justified by works flowing from faith, and adds, " as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also." Therefore, we conclude that a man is justified by ivorhs, and not by faith only. Let it ever be remembered, that faith will never be called in question in the day of judgment ; there will not be any need for faith then, because Christ, who then will be our judge, will have given up the mediatorial kingdom to the Father, and faith will be brought to sight. But the virtue of all our deeds will then be put to the trial, what spirit they were of; and mankind will be " rewarded according to their works," or " the deeds done in the body, whether they be good or bad !" Those who " put away the evil of their doings, and wash in the fountain for sin, and have made their robes white in the blood of the Lamb," having continued to take up their cross daily, and follow after him by denying themselves, will stand acquitted ; but " those who will not have Christ to reign over them," but lead a life of rebellion — the non-conformity disquali- fies them for a divine inheritance, hence there must be two classes of dif- ferent states and dispositions of heart. And of course, on the principles of moral justice, they must have different sentences and rewards from a righteous judge. How then can it be said to them agreeable to truth, in that day of final retribution, "Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the king- dom prepared for you — For I was an hungered, and ye gave me meat; I was thirsty and ye gave me drink ; I was a stranger, and ye took me in ; naked, and ye clothed me ; sick and in prison, and ye came unto me and visited me ; inasmuch as ye did it unto one of the least of these, ye did it untome" — provided they have never been in the spirit of doing such things to the people of Christ, for his sake ? The rights and obligations of all men are equal ; and so their expo- sures, and dangers, and necessities, and reverses of fortune ; and hence the golden rule of practice, " As ye would that others should do to you, do 336 ANALECTS UPON THE ye even so to them," — for the objects of distress are the representatives of that Lord Jesus — therefore as they are sent to prove our love to Christ, a cup of cold water, in the name of a disciple, given to one of his little ones, shall not lose its reward ;" and when done from duty and love to Christ, will be so acknowledged by him in the day of judgment, and is as accep- table to the Lord as if it had been done to the person of Christ. For " God looketh at the heart, and judgeth according to intentions;" — there- fore " he that confesseth me before men, him will I confess," said Jesus, " before my Father and his holy angels !" — " And for every idle word that man shall speak, he shall give an account thereof in the day of judg- ment," — and " by thy words thou shalt be justified — and by thy words thou shalt be condemned." Matt. xii. 36, 37. Therefore man is called to devote all his time, soul, body, and sub- stance, to the love and service of the Lord Jesus Christ in this world, if he would stand acquitted in the day of account ! Of course, objects of dis- tress are to be attended to, and not barely those of our own household, though they ought not to be neglected ; but objects of charity should be sought out. I do not say, that such as are able to work, and will not, should receive, nor the man that will take your charity to buy spirits and get drunk — because to give to such, instead of its being a charity, is paying for their idleness and wicked conduct, and encouraging them to persevere in evil. But it would be better to give to ten impostors, than to deny one real object of distress. Therefore remember the good Samari- tan, " Go and do thou likewise," if you profess to be a follower of Christ, lest you hear the sentence, "depart;" with these piercing words — "I was sick, hungry, thirsty, a stranger, naked and in prison, and ye neither visited, nor fed, nor gave me drink, nor clothed me, nor took me in ; inas- much as ye did it not unto one of the least of these, ye did it not unto me — depart ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared (not for man, but) for the devil "and his angels." Matt. xxv. 41, 42, 43, and 45. For those only " who have washed their (not Christ's) robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb, will stand before the throne of God." Rev. vii. 14, 15, Isaiah i. 17, Zech. xiii. 1. Therefore attend to the two laws and the rule ! CONCLUSION.' Personal rights are by virtue of existence. Social rights, by virtue of being a member of society. Moral rights, by virtue of moral obligation to the moral Governor. Equality and independence being the law of nature, from them government should spring by delegation and representation. But from assumption sprang tyrannical governments. Ajad " religious establishments by law," founded on ignorance and false moral obligation, were imposed on the world, to answer the purposes of ambitious usurpers. Hence arose the papal power, as man was not suffered to think, and judge, and practise for himself: but the nonsense of others must be believed before his own senses ; which produced the seas of blood, which flowed hy the intolerant hand of persecution ! At length light broke in ! Common sense waked up, and embraced a new theory of philosophy, both in nature and divinity! The old world being chained, did not admit of a general and thorough reform ; hence America was the only place, both in the political and natural world, that opened a fair prospect for a beginning. And such RIGHTS OF MAN. 337 as began to think, and to judge, and to act for themselves, and felt the spirit of independence and equality of man, which is the law of nature, arose from their depressed state, and felt the spirit of enterprise. They fled to the wilderness of America, pregnant with the spirit of freedom in embryo, in their emigration, which then laid the foundation, and still marks the outlines of our national character. Moral virtue came by revelation, and is enjoyed by inspiration in the heart, called " restraining grace." Hence the necessity of a moral social compact. Abraham and his suc- cessors formed the beginning of the true Church of God; through whose succession the promised Messiah came. The Jews are a standing monu- ment of the just dispensations of divine providence. Justice, when admin- istered in the removal of societies corrupted through moral evil, who are incorrigible, and unworthy of a political existence, proves a mercy to rising generations. And such revolutions will continue, until it appears whose right it is to reign, and His kingdom come, and reign over all ! The sword of the Lord is drawn out ; and the five scourges of the Almighty are abroad in the earth ; and O ! that the people would learn righteousness ! A cause of a cause, is the cause of the effect also which that cause pro- duces. And hence, those who injure others by slander or misrepresenta- tion, are responsible for all the consequences attending it ; and must answer it before the Supreme Judge of the world ! By what right or authority may one person, or a body of men, raise a persecution against another ? It is not authorized in the records of Christ, either by his commands or his example. And of course, such a right or power was never delegated or sanctioned by him. Man could not bestow the right, because he does not possess the authority to do it ; unless it be assumed, which is an unjust tyranny. Persecution, for differences of opinion and modes, &c, in religion, is an antichristian spirit ; and is contrary to every rule of right, and repugnant to every moral obligation ; and of course it is a violation of the law of nature, as well as of the moral law, and of the rule of practice. Of course, natural and moral justice must condemn it. Those people who usurp the liberty to attack the absent character of others, in an unjust manner, to weaken their influence by destroying their good reputation, and sinking them into contempt in public estimation, rejoicing at their misfortune and calamity, as if a very great victory was gained, do not know what spirit they are of! It would be well for such persons to study the law of nature, with the moral law, and reconsider them by comparing them with the rule of practice, examining their own spirit and conduct, and then see how they agree and comport together, according to love and union, which are enjoined by the gospel of Jesus Christ. For if the practice flows from an unjust and an unhallowed spirit of jealousy, from ambition, pride, and self-will, the soul is surely destitute of that heavenly principle, that noble mind, which was in Christ ; and which was designed to reign in the heart and practice of his followers, to be made manifest in their spirit and tempers ; and shine forth in their example continually. And hence they are to be called " The light of the world," and as a city set on a hill, which cannot be hid. And it would be proper for such persons as those to attend to Luke xi. 35th, with the con- text, and Matt. vii. 2, &c, as a looking-glass. Therefore, " let all those who name the name of Christ, be careful to 29 338 ANALECTS UPON THE depart from iniquity, " and never take the devil's tools, with which to do the Almighty's work. But said one, " Master, we saw one casting out devils in thy name, and we forbade him, because he followed not us." Why do you forbid him ? — " He followed not with us." Wherein does he differ ? " In name, mode, and opinion." But do you believe he is a good man, and that the essence of the matter is in him ? " O yes, but he followeth not with us." Take care ! forbid him not ! The lowest sense in which one can be supposed to " cast out devils in the name of Christ," is to be instrumental in the hands of Christ by preaching the gospel, to the awakening and conversion of sinners from the errors of their ways, to serve the living God. Now, if such fruit evidently appears, and it be manifest that the pleasure of the Lord pros- pers in his hand, who durst set himself up as inquisitor-general ? and as the accuser, witness, judge, and jury, to condemn such as being nothing but shameless intruders and most daring impostors ? But " he followeth not us !" Hark ! hear what the Master saith : " Forbid him not ; for there is no one who shall do a miracle in my name, that can readily speak evil of me ; for he that is not against you, is for you." It is not enough barely to say, T will let him alone ; for there is no neuter in this war ! Therefore, if you are a follower of Christ, you must prove your love to him, according to your ability : " For he that know- eth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin." And in the day of final decision, you will hear the sentence, " Inasmuch as ye did it not unto one of the least of these, ye did it not unto me. Depart," &c. Consequently, that the cause of Christ be not hindered, but that his gos- pel take a universal spread, instead of being actuated by a shortsighted, mean, sinister, low, contentious party spirit, we should have a heart full of love to God and man, to expand the mind with that " charity which never faileth, and thinketh no evil, but suffereth long and is kind, is gen- tle, and easy to be entreated." And look at the universal or most exten- sive good ; and encourage such means and institutions, as are most likely to accomplish the most noble ends and purposes to mankind. And hence, not like the Jews, who long looked with expectation for the Messiah, and when he came, rejected him ; or, as some others, who pray to God to revive his work, and send forth more laborers into the harvest, then op- pose both the work and the means which the wisdom of God is pleased to make use of to accomplish it. God doth work and accomplish great and important ends, by simple means, which are noble and worthy of himself, to exhibit his finger, hand, or arm of power and wisdom to man- kind ; whilst his mercy and goodness is magnified, and his justice dis- played to the most ordinary understanding. And thus, " out of the mouths of babes and sucklings, God will perfect praise !" The apostle rejoiced that the gospel was preached ; and even if Christ was preached by those who were of a different ******** h e did rejoice. Therefore, forbid not those whom God hath sent to preach the gospel of his dear Son, lest you be found fighting against God, and it cause you tears of sorrow and repentance when it is too late. For the cause is the Lord's, and the eternity of mankind is connected (herewith, and hangs upon it ; and " he that sees the sword coming, and blows not (lie trumpet — the man is taken away in his iniquity, but his blood or soul is required at the watchman's hand !" Therefore, "the gospel is to be spread into RIGHTS OF MAN. 339 all nations, and preached to every creature;" and the ministers, i. e. servants, should " be instant in season, and out of season, to reprove, re- buke, exhort, with all long-suffering," — and swell the cry, " Thy king- dom come," that " more laborers may be sent into the harvest," " and many run to and fro, and knowledge be increased;" that people may be in- formed, and turn from their idols ; " Satan be bound, that the nations be deceived no more ; but the house of the Lord be established in the top of the mountain, and exalted above the hills, and all nations flow unto it ; when the wolf and the lamb shall dwell together, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid. The watchmen shall see eye to eye ; and the knowledge of the Lord shall cover the earth as the waters do the sea. When they shall not hurt nor destroy in all the holy mount; the nations learn war no more: when the Unlit of the moon shall become as the lisht of the sun ; and the light of the sun shall become seven-fold, as the light of seven days." And then the vice of superstition, and the barbarity of ignorance and tyranny will hide their deformed faces, being swept with the besom of destruction from the human family. Natural evil is the effect or consequence of moral evil. And igno- rance, superstition, and tyranny, with impositions and wicked laws, have been, and still are the chains by which social privileges are curtailed. They are the means, also, which have brought what is called natural, as the necessary consequence of moral evil, upon society, in the different ages and nations of the world, which hath been and still is such a curse to the world of mankind ! General information and the spread of moral virtue, are a necessary antidote to such obnoxious principles ; that the moral faculty may be re- paired, and peace and righteousness reign in every clime.* While inventions are increasing, and the arts and sciences are improv- ing, it may not be amiss for all the well-wishers of Zion to watch the openings of Providence, for the furtherance of truth, and the spread of knowledge valuable to society among mankind. And, provided some suitable point should some day be taken on the Isthmus which connects the north and south of the new world, now probably held in reversion, as a mercy to rising generations, to be a theatre for great things to be dis- played, worthy of its Author, and there should be the proper arrange- ments made for the spread of the true knowledge through the whole world ; how long a space could be required to circumnavigate, and cir- cumfuse such knowledge of the Causeless Causator, as would inspire all nations with sensations of gratitude to the Redeemer of mankind ; whose commandment we have for our encouragement, " Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel, and lo I am with you !" Buckingham County, Virginia, August 21, 1812. * The constitution of the United States was framed by a delegated confederation, who were chosen hy the people for that purpose. The constitution, when framed, was recom- mended by the confederation to the different states ; each of which voluntarily received it by their own proper legislative and sovereign authority, whose officers were chosen by the people for that purpose — all of which procedure is agreeable to natural justice, arising from the Creator's law of nature ! Which shows the federal union deduced from democratic principles, which exhibits the difference between six and half a dozen, each state reserving to itself the power to govern its own policy ; which shows that Congress cannot legislate on slavery in the south, or upon the Yankee law religion in the north ; of course they are state instead of national crimes, existing before we became a nation, when under the k*** '. A JOURNEY FROM BABYLON TO JERUSALEM OR, THE ROAD TO PEACE. The Journey of Life is an important theme. All mankind are equally- interested in it, and the happiness or misery of every individual necessa- rily depends upon it. Time may be considered as the road, and every day may be compared to a mile, cutting off some part of the distance ! Eternity is the country to which all are travelling, and sleeping or waking they progress with unremitting speed. Childhood and youth is the morning of life ; the perfection of manhood is the meridian ; and the declension of age, may be called the evening shades, when the sun is lowering in the western sky, and sable glooms prevail ! The experience of grace should be connected with the journey of life, as in eternity there are two places of destination, the states of which are very different both in their nature and enjoyment — one being attended with ineffable pleasure, the other with weeping, wailing, and gnashing of teeth ! As one of the human family upon the great journey of life, travelling the road of time to eternity, I am now upon the way. More than twelve thousand miles are already gone over. The morning of life is passed away — the clock strikes twelve — and the evening shades will soon come on apace. Are all these things a fancy and but a dream ? Can imagination only suggest all this as credible ? Impossible ! Life and existence are more than fable. Hearing, seeing, smelling, tasting, feeling, with talking and walking, are things which cannot admit of proof : being self evidence they do not admit of doubt. Sensible existence excites reflection, whence inquiries come. Cast a look in different directions, and behold, Nature, with all her parts, and their relative concomitants, presents to view, in an impressive and august mode ! The mind, which constitutes the man, is ever an inquirer, in search after truth, when properly employed upon a noble theme. Sensations of different kinds excite their peculiar inquiries ; and the mind, on reflection, BABYLON TO JERUSALEM. 341 seeks for names, fitted to the nature of things, intending to employ them in its investigation of causes and effects. An inquirer, observing day and night, seed-time and harvest, summer and winter, months and years, to succeed each other in their turn, finds himself asking this important question, Where am I, and whence the origin of all these things ? Truth, sometimes, is self-evident, and can admit of no doubt, being an object of sense ; but at other times, truth is more latent, and can only be inferred from circumstantial things. In the first case, the evidence re- ceived is positive knowledge; but the latter is only faith, in the solution of queries. Hence the difference between the terms, knowledge and faith. The first refers to things present, which are grasped by sense ; the latter alludes to absent things, which always admit of dispute. The sun, in the centre, and all the host around, both of a first and sec- ond order, and their eclipses and conjunctions, are calculable to a mathe- matical demonstration. Hence, a lew degrees east and north of the me- tropolis of Columbia, in the third planet from the sun in rotation, on the terraqueous theatre of human existence, Inquirer found himself, and com- menced his career : first, in sensible existence ; and then in reflections, in search after truth ! The sensation felt on beholding a compound of various and different reflections of those rays of light, sometimes visible in the clouds opposite the sun, is termed color ; and, under certain shades and figures, is called beauty : the power to behold them is called sight. The sensibility by which we discern the qualities of nutriment, arising from the different shapes of particles, exciting the sensations of bitter, sweet, sour, &c, is called taste. The power by which we discern odors, whether good or bad, is called smell. The vibration of the atmosphere, when striking upon the ear, is called sound, and the power to discern the sound is called hearing. And the power to discern objects by the touch, is called feeling. These things, being objects of sense, give immediate knowledge, which, of course, is self -evidence, and cannot possibly admit of doubt. But the origin and cause of all those things remained a secret ; which gave Inquirer great uneasiness, in painful suspense, from conviction of interest in the important relation of things ; and nothing short of a solution of the query could give him proper satisfaction on the subject. " Is it possible," says Inquirer to himself, " that these things are so 1 Have I an existence which shall continue here but for a limited period ; and then must I moulder to dust, and become food for worms, and have only a name remaining above-ground ?" Solemn reflection ! Awful thought ! But to soothe those sensations, which give uneasiness, the study of na- ture presents itself, to call off* the mind from moral contemplation to natu- ral investigation. REFLECTIONS ON NATURE. The canopy of nature appears to shut down in a concave form, through the limitation of sight ; while the water exhibits a convex shape, through the globular form of the earth. Thus the large and lowermost parts of a 29* 342 A JOURNEY FROM ship first disappear, as she sails from the coast ; but the uppermost parts, which are smallest, first appear as she returns to the shore. The mind makes the man, and is connected with its casket ; which, be- ing corporeal, confines him to the earth, as a prison, through the power of gravitation ; which principle prevails in all material things, and is called attraction of gravitation. This prison, to which man is confined, revolves, with almost incredible swiftness, in an annual revolution, at the rate of more than sixty thousand miles an hour, whirling its inhabitants, imperceptible of motion, more than a thousand miles in the diurnal revolution on its own axis at the same time. The different kinds and grades of beings are so many, and so nearly related to each other, from the most intelligent creature to the lowest ani- mated matter, that the exact line of distinction between the animal and vege- table commonwealth is difficult to be determined. The ourang-outang appears to possess the organs of speech in his form- ation ; and yet, for some cause, he is deprived of that faculty, though he differs from man, in anatomy, in the lack of the pan of the knee only. The sensitive-plant has some of the appearances of animation ; while some of the sea-fish scarcely exhibit life of any kind. Some are in shells, located, growing upon rocks ; others, called sun-fish, and Portuguese men- of-war, are floating on the water, or near the shores, &c. The perch, in embryo, has been known to produce more than twenty- eight thousand at a time, and the cod upwards of three millions. Eight thousand different kinds of insects, and six hundred species of birds, with the various animals on land and in the water, of so many dif- ferent shapes, forms, and sizes, with natures so diverse ; and yet abun- dance of food is suited to the demands and situation of the whole : all of which exhibits a parental, tender care, marked with wisdom, goodness, and power, displayed through every part of universal nature. But the origin and cause of all those things still remained a query with Inquirer, whose research for important truth could not pass over things so interest- ing, with a stoical indifference. The sun, near a hundred millions of miles from the earth, is but a step, in comparison of the distance to one of the fixed stars, which is al- lowed by philosophers to be so immense, that the velocity of a cannon-ball would require at least seven hundred thousand years to reach from one to another. Admitting it; and that seventy-two millions of those stars are within the sphere of astronomical calculation : moreover, admitting each star to be a sun like ours, in the centre of a system, with an equal number of planets of a first and second order, and each planet to be a world, with as great a variety of beings as inhabit this earth : what must be the ag- gregate number of the whole ! And what, or who, could be the author, and upholder, governor and provider, of this stupendous display ? was the Inquirer's question still.* MISCELLANEOUS REFLECTIONS. The five senses of the body being avenues or inlets of knowledge to the mind, the things of nature may be examined, contemplated, and reasoned * See the " Chain." Causeless Causator. BABYLON TO JERUSALEM. 343 upon, but never to satisfaction. Although inferences and conclusions may be drawn from causes to effects, yet there remains a hungering in the mind, which continues unsatisfied until a proper object can be found, which is perfect both in its nature and degree ; which alone can afford moral con- solation. Should the sun be annihilated, the effects produced by him would cease ; and what would be the consequence but unbearable frost and perpetual night ? The rays from the sun, but an inch in diameter, when brought to a focus, are equally unbearable, producing a flame. What a strange dependency on the sun, whose benign rays are wisely dispensed and with- held, in such a proportionable manner, as to answer every purpose ! Sure- ly this declares an overruling Hand ! From these circumstances, the sun is deified by many in the heathen world ; yet we have not evidence that he can quicken an inanimate sub- stance, and cause it to possess the power and principle of sense and rea- son : for the Being who is capable of such power and generous donation, must possess the principles of all innate substance, and, in the nature of the case, must be an Omnipotent Author. Hundreds of comets, in their various orbits, with all the heavenly bodies, move in rotation, and have no infringement in their conjunction ; but each, in order, keeps its course, and harmonizes with the whole ! Could a drop of water, or a grain of sand, go out of existence, but by the will of its Author, by the same rule, the whole fabric of nature could annihilate itself, and sink into a state of nonentity ! If every thing which had a beginning must have an end, then that which had no beginning can have no end ; consequently, if nature exists by ema- nation, from the will of its Author, by the same rule, it must continue to exist, or go out of being, but when agreeable to his pleasure. Those people who plead for the perfection of nature, independent of its Author, saying, " nature does this or that," as luck, fortune, or chance would have it, &c, necessarily ascribe omnific power and omniferous principles to matter. And this would argue the omnipotence and omni- presence of nature, abstract from its Author also, inasmuch as there is a bond of union throughout the whole ; which bond of union prevails as far as nature is explored and understood, as the laws of electricity and mag- netism exemplify on this globe, and as the laws of gravitation manifest throughout universal nature ! But to ascribe those powers to nature, is not to make a proper distinction between mind and matter ; moreover it imputes effects to causes which could never produce them. Matter, when moved by another cause, cannot stop of itself; and when stopped it cannot move of itself. Hence matter when put in motion is al- ways indebted to some other cause. Consequently those heavenly bodies which play in their different orbits, harmonizing together, have not existed forever in their order, but must have emanated from a higher Cause, who prescribed their spheres and gave them their laws dependent upon himself as their author and support. Of course the Causeless Causator must be considered as the centration and bond of union throughout the whole of universal nature ; otherwise how can man account for any thing in nature, even how a particle of sand or a drop of water cohere together ! 344 A JOURNEY FROM MORAL INQUIRIES. Inquirer feeling a hungering in the mind, and being unsatisfied on various accounts, went to a school in the environs of Babylon, in order to be taught. The tutors, with their ushers, who constituted masters of different grades, taught doctrines which may be inferred from their expressions, such as " seated upon a topless throne " — " an eternal decree " — " go down to the bottom of the bottomless pit " — " from all eternity a covenant was made " — " an infinite number " — " boundless space " — " the creature man is an in- finite being." Thus by starting wrong they must forever continue in error. Those expressions being contradictory, must be considered as nonsensical, and hence they ought to be turned out of doors as beneath contempt. For how if a throne be topless can one be seated on it ? If a decree be passed, there was a time when it was done ; if so, how could it have been eternal ? If the pit be bottomless, where is the bottom ? If the covenant was made, there was a time when they made it, consequently a time be- fore they made it ; if so, how could it have been eternal, unless eternity is to be dated from the period of making that contract ? as ' from ' implies a starting place, or place of beginning. An infinite number to be en- larged by units ! Space, which always implies limitation, as the space of a mile, the space of an hour or a day, &c, and yet is boundless ! as some say. And man a creature infinite when he is limited ! He had a beginning, which may be considered as the first and beginning end. From thence the time down to the other end, where he is now, may be cal- culated and measured to a mathematical demonstration. His futurity is a nonentity to him, and at best can only be a subject of faith. Hence those masters gave but little satisfaction to Inquirer, on the all- important subject which still specially occupied his attention in his re- searches after truth. OF HIEROGLYPHIC BABYLON. As men journeyed from the east, in the days of Nimrod, the mighty hunter of men, they came to a plain in the land of Shinar, on the river Euphrates, where they built the memorable Babylon, which was begun in that of Babel. In this great city stood the celebrated temple of Bel us, denoting the religion of the land. Babylon was enclosed with a wall of brick three hundred and fifty feet in height, and eighty feet thick. The bricks were taken from a ditch afterwards filled with water to add to the strength of the place, the cir- cumference of which was not less than sixty miles. It was four square, with twenty-five brass gates on a side, making one hundred in all. From each gate there was a street leading across the city from gate to gate, so that the streets intersected each other at right angles, and divided Babylon into five hundred and seventy-six squares, besides the spaces for building next to the walls, which were defended by several hundred towers, erected upon their summit. Now there was a very wise prince, of age and experience, who reigned over Babylon; his name was Jupiter, and he was the author of the wine of Bacchus, which wine is moral evil. With this wine the people of Baby- BABYLON TO JERUSALEM. 345 Ion were stupidly intoxicated, so as to be almost insensible to those impor- tant tilings in which all are greatly interested. And there was a great con- fusion of tongues, insomuch that there was not less than seventy-two lan- guages, which have since increased to more than one hundred and twenty. There were many things in the environs of Babylon, more than could be well enumerated, which were very troublesome and painful, and which are called natural evils, all of which are the effect or consequence of moral evil. For this was the cause of their introduction into the world. There were also certain associations, which may well be denominated the schools of Babylon ; so great the influence of their example and the progress of their pupils. Men of ability and spirit, being intoxicated with the wine of Bacchus, volunteer their services, pleased with the idea of becoming masters in those schools ; which, by the by, is considered as an important distinction, constituting them great and mighty men ! The first is the military -school. Here is taught the art of war. Its ob- ject is fame and glory. Although it is attended with such horrors as tend to harden the heart, yet many weak men are so infatuated as to be delight- ed at the sight. The second is the dancing-school. Here is taught the important art of hopping and jumping about, at a signal made by a black man, who as their captain, with his noisy instrument directs their movements, whilst they turn their backs and faces to and fro, without either sense or reason, except indeed it may serve to show fine shapes and clothes. But consump- tions are dated, and serious impressions are driven away ! The third is the school of lawyers. The nature of this association will be discovered by the following lines : "Should I be lawyer, I must lie and cheat, For honest lawyers have no bread to eat. 'Tis rogues and villains fee the lawyers high, And fee the men who gold and silver buy." The fourth is the school of music, intended to divert the mind, and touch the passions, and is admirably calculated to be a substitute for peni- tence, and the prologue to forbidden indulgences. In the fifth is taught the art of dress. This is intended to hide deformi- ty, and please the eye ; to gain a fanciful pre-eminence, and wear the bell as first in fashion, glorying in their shame. For dress was ordained in consequence of sin, and may be considered as a badge of fallen nature. The sixth is the school of quacks. These have had success in imposing on the ignorant by high-sounding words. But the poor deceived sufferers at length detect the imposition, and die — to warn their survivors not to partake of their follies. In the seventh is taught the fascinating art of theatric representations. This is called a very moral institution by its advocates, who affect to con- sider it very corrective of every species of vice. But the matter of fact sufficiently proves , that the theatre is best supported when vice most abounds. The eighth is an establishment for the promotion of polite literature. Here lectures are given upon the barbarity and folly displayed by the writers of the Old and New Testament, and on the sublimity, beauty, ele- gance, taste, and morality which are everywhere found in a choice col- 346 A JOURNEY FROM lection of romances and novels. This establishment is exclusively in- tended for privileged orders ; such as have been distinguished by wealth and idleness, and such as had rather feel than think. The ninth is a very extensive institution, having many united colleges, in which are taught the various arts of picking pockets, picking locks, stealing highway robbery, house-breaking, &c. And the progress of those pupils who are instructed in these various branches is really prodigious. There is also a department, an appendage to the former, where is taught the art of preparing and using false weights and measures, the method of raising false charges, of managing extortion, the excellent art of over- bearing and over-reaching in bargains, and the making of others' extrem- ity their own opportunity to be well served at their expense. The eleventh is furnished with male and female instructors, for the improvement of tattling, backbiting, lying, &c. Here also astonishing progress is made by all the pupils of both sexes. The twelfth is a school for match-making. And, considering the mo- tives whichrseem to govern most people on the subject of marriage, and the many unhappy families which are formed, it would appear that the wine of Bacchus furnished the stimulus, and Cupid and Hymen the only bands of union. But this is a private establishment, and their lessons are secretly given. The thirteenth is the university of grandeur. Here pompous show, empty titles, impudent flatteries, haughty oppression, vain ignorance, pampering luxury, and wanton revelling, are effectually taught. This establishment is the most popular, and scarcely a family can be found in all the precincts of Babylon, which is not ambitious to obtain a finishing touch to the education of their children in this grand university. In this great city is erected the " temple of Belus," called, " church established by law." This is a towering building, exalted almost to the lowering sky, intended by its stupendous height to domineer over the consciences of all the people. And so imperious are the priests, that the " temple of Belus" could never be reared but where the wine of Bacchus greatly abounds. The rites of this temple are very pleasing to Jupiter, the supreme god of the city, who is called the " prince of this world," reigning in Babylon over "the children of disobedience," without control. So much for mystical Babylon. Inquirer, having observed all these mysteries, still looking at causes and effects, was convinced that there was such a tiling as an overruling Hand, who superintended the affairs of life, and governed in wisdom and goodness, as well as in mercy and justice, and mighty power. . He perceived, also, that there were many things in Babylon which were opposed to the nature of this supreme Ruler, and therefore could not be right, nor by any means spring from the same original fountain, and consequently must have proceeded from a different source. And lo ! whilst sorely grieved at the condition of the deluded citizens of Babylon, an angelic voice called his attention, inviting him to take a survey of a much more glorious city. OF JERUSALEM. This city is called Jerusalem, and is the glorious habitation of the moral Governor, against whom the prince of this world had revolted) BABYLON TO JERUSALEM. 347 and set up his kingdom in Babylon. Jerusalem is situated in the new earth, where there is no sorrow nor pain, neither frost nor chilling winds, but all is delightful and tranquil, and the inhabitants have pleasure for evermore. Jerusalem is six thousand miles in circumference, and fifteen hundred miles in height, with a window which extends all round the city, through which the light shines out from within to a vast distance, even to Babylon, so that people may see how to travel the road to Jerusalem. There were twelve gates to the city, with an angel at each gate, to wait upon the heirs of salvation ; and on the gates were written the names of the twelve tribes of the children of Israel. The wall of the city had twelve foundations, and upon them were written the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb. The houses of the city are of gold, the wall of jasper, and the founda- tions between the gates were made of precious stones. The first foundation was a jasper, which is the color of white marble, with a light shade of green and red ; the second, a sapphire, which is sky-blue, speckled with gold ; the third, a chalcedony, that is, a earbun-x cle, and of the color of red-hot iron ; the fourth, an emerald, and is of a grass-green ; the fifth, a sardonyx, red, streaked with white ; the sixth, a sardius, which is a deep-red ; the seventh, a chrysolite, a deep-yellow ; the eighth, a beryl, a sea-green ; the ninth, a topaz, which is pale-yellow ; the tenth, a chrysoprase, greenish and transparent, with gold specks ; the eleventh, a jacinth, which is a red-purple ; the twelfth, an amethyst, a violet-purple. The twelve gates are twelve pearls; each of the gates is of one pearl. The streets of the city are pure gold, and transparent as glass. The city hath no need of the sun, neither of the moon to shine on it ; for the gates will not be shut by day, and there is no night there. In this city there is a throne belonging to the great King ; round about it is a rainbow, and four living creatures, four-and-twenty elders, sitting upon thrones, clothed in white, with crowns of gold upon their heads. Next to those were the saints, and then the angels encircled the whole, of which two hundred millions were but a part, and they are of different orders, as the cherubim and seraphim, archangels, &c. From the throne proceeds a river, clear as crystal, which is the water of life, and those who drink it will never thirst. This " city was prepared originally for man, from the foundation of the world," in the order of things, as primarily established by the Creator, in his moral government. OF MORAL EVIL. When all things were inane, and nature but in the sphere of nonentity, and all was dark and void, yet then existed the Causeless Causator — the great Author of dependent beings. A cause of a cause is also the cause of the effect which that cause pro- duces. This will hold in law, in nature, and in grace, upon logical prin- ciples, and yet the introduction of moral evil cannot impeach the divine character. First, in law, a man is considered responsible for all his conduct. Hence, if in attempting feloniously to shoot a fowl, he kills a man be- 348 AJOURNEYFROM yond, the action being evil, he is accountable for all the consequences thereof. In mechanism, the effects produced by the most remote cog, are de- pendent upon the first moving cause of the machine. And hence, the first moving cause produces the effects in a direct succession. In grace, it is the same thing. Moral virtue, the good principle, comes from above, and not from nature. Hence its effects, of which man's free will is one, are of grace, as the original and moving cause ; and it is equally as necessary for the same cause to continue to operate, in order to produce a continuation of the effects, as it was to put it in motion at the first. Otherwise, the effect and cause would cease together. But a free agent can act freely, not on the principles of mechanical necessity, but upon that of volition, the necessary result of free agency, and the very quintessence of moral ability. Admitting this — for upon what principles can it be denied, it being self-evident 1 — then, if the or- der of things be inverted, in consequence of a wrong act, intentionally done by a free agent, under those free circumstances, the consequence of this invention must have its original and proper foundation in the agent as the author, from whom the act, and consequently the effect, flowed. On these principles moral evil could be introduced, without impeaching the divine character, and includes the ideas, that all the goodness in all beings, whether in nature or in moral agents, comes from the good Being who is the author of all goodness ; and sin, which is not a creature nor a principle of nature, but the base transgression of the law of the righteous Ruler of the universe, of course, the base act of the agent who wills it, primarily originated in the abuse of moral power or agency, in a revolt against the Creator's government. " Sin is the transgression of a law," " and where there is no law, there can be no transgression." Hence follows the associated ideas of a compact between the governor and the governed ; the will of the one is the law, which the others have capacity to obey. A law implies a penalty, and of course a time of judgment and retribution ; hence the trial is a limited period only, and not eternal, both as it relates to angels and man. Here we see the propriety of the following words : " Angels — kept not their first habitation, but sinned — are cast down — reserved under chains of darkness, unto the judgment of the great day, to be punished." " The devil abode not in the truth, but sinneth from the beginning," &c. All things were good when they emanated from their Author's hand. Thinking spirits, without earthly bodies, never sleep, but must for ever be in contemplation. Before this world existed, there were not so many things for the mind to ruminate upon. Looking forward into futurity, or viewing in retrospect, they could behold no end ; neither could they re- member a time when they had no existence. Hence, if tempted at all, it must have been self-temptation ; and the first act of disobedience must have destroyed their innocency, and brought misery upon them, even a forfeiture of their Governor's favor, and his consequent displeasure, who is a righteous Judge, and cannot approbate a revolt against his govern- ment. Those spirits who constituted themselves devils by sinning, do not mul- tiply, but each, being actually guilty for himself, deserves a personal punishment for his crime. BABYLON TO JERUSALEM. 349 OF MAN'S FALL. But with the human family it was far different. Man contained a vast posterity, seminally, which must have perished in his loins, had they heen immediately subjected to a punishment proportioned to theircrime ; as they sinned and fell seminally only in their first head! Jerusalem was prepared for man when he was commanded to multi- ply, before he transgressed. And as a state of trial must be limited, doubtless man would have been translated ; otherwise the earth would have been overrun with people, as none would have died, neither would there have been any miscarriages, provided man had never sinned. Man was neither mortal nor immortal before the fall, but may be con- sidered as a candidate upon trial ; for, according to his conduct, so should be his fate. The death with which he was threatened was absolute and uncondi- tional, but not eternal in the common acceptation of the word eternal death. Otherwise, how could man be saved, seeing the threatening was irrevocable ? Neither was it temporal death, seeing that was denounced afterwards, and Adam actually lived more than nine hundred years. If temporal and eternal death were both implied absolutely and uncondi- tionally, man must have lost half of himself, viz. his body ! For, as the resurrection came by Jesus Christ, tlrrough the gospel, he dying a tem- poral death, must have lost his body, and as his soul was doomed irrevo- cably to eternal death, how could there have been a re-union or an escape 1 But thanks be to the Supreme Ruler of the world, it was not so ! as is manifested in the unspeakable gift of Jesus. The death was spiritual, and was executed as the entailment, as soon as he ate. For he immedi- ately lost his communion with his Maker, being guilty, having lost his innocence by the violation of his law. The tree was good — the evil con- sisted in the abuse of it — which was a moral evil. Temporal death was pronounced afterwards in mercy, and he was driven from paradise — " lest he should partake of the tree of life and live forever" — become an immortal sinner, eternally chained to this world of wo ! St. Paul, in enumerating the blessings in Christ Jesus, includes tem- poral death expressly; and in his conclusion says, "all are yours:" which argues that temporal death was denounced in consequence of sin, that life and immortality might be brought to light through the gospel in mercy to mankind, and man again have a chance for Jerusalem, a better opportunity than before ; because, " If a man sin, we have an Advocate with the Father, even Jesus, who is the propitiation for our sins, and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world," so that by grace we may repent, and find pardon for our personal crimes ; whereas the paradisaical law knew no forgiveness. Thus, the prince of this world introduced the wine of Bacchus into the moral world, so far, that even the natural world is affected with it ; and hence the confusion both in the natural and moral world, with all the ca- lamities, curses and miseries — from the elements, from vegetable and mineral agents, and from the malicious designs of men against each other: all combining in ten thousand different shapes and forms, to de- 30 350 AJOURNEYFROM stroy the peace of the world, as hieroglyphic Babylon abundantly exempli- fies, and which may be more fully seen in every quarter of the globe. Natural evil is the effect of moral evil, or is consequent upon it, as a curse or penalty entailed by a righteous and just Judge ! Hence, man should learn the lesson, " having no continuing city here, we should seek one to come !" OF THE NEW BIRTH. Justification by faith is what God does for us, through the death of his Son ; but regeneration* or the new birth, also called sanctification, is what God does in us by the operation of his Holy Spirit. The first work is pardon, the latter is purity. One is to forgive, the other is to make holy. Man by nature, though free from guilt, is not holy. Holiness is not an innate inherent principle of parentage, but must be received by an opera- tion of the Holy Spirit. And hence, "Ye must be born again ;" as hap- piness is only consequent upon experiencing this change of heart. A transitory object can only produce a transient pleasure ; for the effect cannot exceed the cause which produced it. Therefore, the enjoy- ment must perish with the using, and both must cease together. Of course there can be no permanent fruition of the things of time, for all of them are very uncertain, and at furthermost death will end the whole, and how soon that may come, who can tell ? Here, then, the aspect ends ; and with this reflection peace is marred, and the mind is overspread with a gloom ! Consequently to enjoy perfect happiness and solid peace, there must be some lasting fountain which can afford it. And where can such conten f ment be found but in Divinity ? Every other enjoyment must fail. Many things will satisfy the body, as food, drink, &c. ; but there remains an aching void within, the world can never fill. The love of God shed abroad in the heart, which is comfort from the everlasting fountain, and never will run dry, is fitted to man's necessity, and is called the " kingdom of God within," which is " righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost." It is the moral image of God. which Adam lost, and which we must receive in order to be happy, called Christ within, the hope of glory, and is the earnest of the saints' inheri- tance. And hence the distinction between the outward manifestation of Christ in the days of his flesh, and the inward revelation by his Spirit. f * Regeneration is the opposite of degeneration. t The stout, which constitutes the man, (the body being the ease, or mechanical part for cer- tain purposes and ends, which, with the soul, was derived from the parents, as Levi paid tithes in Abraham,) is not a particle of the Deity; but must be considered as spirit in the abstract. Divinity cannot be ignorant or sutler both in a moral and temporal sense, as do the human race. Conscience appears to be the result of judgment; ami judgment is the conclusion of the understanding. For, according to the evidence afforded to the understanding, conclusions are formed and fixed in the mmd; which conclusions universally modify the judgment) Hence, if the understanding be misinformed the mind is deceived, and the judgment will be wrong of necessity. Of course, in point of duty, the understanding being dark, the judgment cannot be sound and clear, and consequently conscience may be silent and not speak at all, being "seared as with a hot iron ;" or it may be deliled and tell lies, and prove not to be a sure guide. The Mahometan's conscience will not allow him to drink wine, from an error of his judg- ment, in consequence of a misinformed conscience, while the conscientious Christian feels BABYLON TO JERUSALEM. 351 OF REPENTANCE. Repentance implies three things. First, a conviction for sin. Secondly, a forsaking of sin. And, thirdly, a confession of it, as a penitent. First. A man cannot repent of a sin which he never committed. Of course, he must be convinced of his crime before he can feel sorrow for it. Secondly. If a man sees his error, and still persists in it, he of course loves and delights in it ; therefore, he is not sorry for it ; consequently he does not repent of it ; for, if he did repent of it, he would forsake it with abhorrence and detestation. Thirdly. A penitent would make restitution if he could. And, at least, there is a hearty confession, and a sincere desire for pardon and restora- tion ; which causes the soul to hunger and thirst after the salvation of the Lord, as the chased hart panteth for the cooling water-brook ! Such have the promise of salvation ; for where there is a moral con- formity to the will of God, they meet his approbation, and, of course, adop- tion ; and hence enjoy his favor, as one of the divine family : " for there bound in duty on some occasions to drink it. And thus conscience guides people directly opposite to each other in point of moral duty, and two opposites cannot be right; of course conscience is not a sure guide, which argues the necessity of a regulation. The conduct of persecuting Saul, who lived in all good conscience, obtained pardon, be- cause of his ignorance; and loving 1'aul afterwards exhibited a very apposite disposition and conduct towards I he same people, from similar conscientious motives. But the Spirit from above will direct no man wrong ; being the spirit of truth, it will tell no lies; neither can it be defiled, or "seared w ; th a hot iron." Whereas the conscience of man, without the aid of divine influence, is liable to every species of error. • „ •- I ence, the necessiiy of attending to the light from Jerusalem, and to walk by the light . 'I . which shines from above. Conscience, like a nose of wax, may be put into any shape, through the influence of ex- ample and the prejudice of education. And this is one reason why there are so many opin- ions in the world. Conscience having yielded to inclination, vain imaginations bear the sway. Inclination, through temptation, leads one way, while abetter informed judgment dictates another. J 'ere follows a dialogue in the mind. 'I he evil must consist in giving the consent of the mind, contrary to the dictates of a better judgment. And hence, a consciousness of self-condemnation. One among the many reasons wherefore the world is so given to idolatry, is that through K the darkness of the human understanding the moral faculty is weakened, and men are pre- \ pared to be satisfied with ceremonies, modes and images, as substitutes for purity of heart, and pure spiritual worship. And thus religion, instead of being considered a moral principle to be cultivated in the heart, was at length thought to consist in name and form only ; until nothing but images and ceremonies entirely made up the gods and the devotions of such idolatrous worshippers. ri Even the Jews were so much inclined to be satisfied with things outward, that in the ab- sence of Moses tliey made their calf, in imitation of the ox-god of Egypt. I ence, the ceremonial-law was " added because of transgression." Which ceremonies, however, were so modified, as to be directly opposite to those in use among the heathen. The heathen kept the first day of the week, the Jews the last. The heathen seethed the kid in its mother's milk ; the ceremonial law said, "Thou shah not seethe a kid in its mother's milk," &c. As man cannot have a proper conception of a being whose very existence is infinite, eter- nal and immense, expressions which imply something incomprehensible — as man can only judge by comparison from anology — there was need for the Causeless Causator to manifest himself in a character suitable to man's capacity; that man, as a rational being, might wor- ship him in spirit, with the understanding, agreeable to the principles of truth. • Hence the necessity of a Jesus Christ ! both his outward manifestation, and the inward revelation to the heart, by inspiration ! This inward revelation corresponds to the outward manifestation as a witness thereto. The will of God is a secret, known only to himself; except so much only as he is pleased to reveal ; reason could not find it out or fathom it, but by the aid of inspiration. A monarch requires the obedience of his subjects to serve himself, but God requires the submission and obedience of his creatures, that he may benefit them that they may be wise and happy. And this is the proper intention of all divine worship'. TV m 352 AJOURNEYFROM is no condemnation to them who are in Christ Jesus, and walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit." Because spiritual things take the lead : the flesh, the contrast, is given up ; as much as a man turns his back to the north, when he travels with his face to the south. Here, then, is repentance, which needeth not to be repented of; for it is the work of the Lord, begun by the operation of his Holy Spirit. From light cometh sight ; from sight cometh sense ; and from sense cometh sor- row ; which causes resignation, and dependence on the arm of the Lord for salvation. But the sorrow of the world, which needeth to be repented of, worketh death, i. e. misery : because it causes a fretting against the dispensation of the Lord, and procures no relief, but makes bad worse ; and brings the soul under condemnation, and, finally, into despair and endless wo ! OF FAITH. There is a distinction between knowledge and faith, which ought to be observed. Knowledge is the evidence of sense, and always refers to things present, i. e. within the present grasp and possession of the senses. But faith always refers to things which are absent, and not within the sphere of the senses: and hence, "faith cometh by hearing." Faith and knowledge are both derived from evidence ; but the evidences are different. One is self-evidence, being an object of sense ; the other is circumstantial evidence, being inferred from circumstantial things. Self-evidence is sensible knowledge, which can admit of no doubt ; but circumstantial evidence is always uncertain, and, consequently, is only a subject of faith. Evidence must always be agreeable to the nature of the subject. In arithmetic, it must be numerical ; in courts of law, it must be human tes- timony, under certain regulations and modifications ; and in divine things, we need divine evidence, in order to obtain a moral certainty. The subject of creation is a doctrine of miracles and faith ; and so is Christianity, which many condemn, as an unreasonable thing. But the reverse is atheism. For whatsoever is produced out of the common course of nature, by the immediate power of God, must be considered a miracle. And such is the doctrine of creation. And yet it is a subject of faith only, not of knowledge. We did not see it ; of course, we do not know it ; and yet we believe it. We have not human evidence of it; for who saw when the work was performed ? But to deny the doctrine of miracles, is to to deny the work of creation, and, of course, the Creator also ; because it was the act which gives the character. Hence, we must say with Paul, " By" (or through) " faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God." The difference between sense and reason may be discovered, bv con- sidering, first, the nature of a spirit, having the power and use of reason, without a fleshly body; then, secondly, that of an idiot, who has the five, senses, without the power of reasoning ; and then, thirdly, thai which would be the probable result of the two properties concentred in one com- plex object, and, of course, possessing the united powers of sense and rea- son, or the seven senses, if you will. ' Some deny any sense but the hodihj senses, and plead for the perfection of these. But the question may be retorted, Whether either of the five BABYLON TO JERUSALEM. 353 bodily senses are so keen as either to hear, see, taste, feel, or smell, the. Deity ? If not, how can He be known, unless by the inward feeling of the mind ? The body cannot feel grief, nor joy, nor anger, &c. : these emotions are peculiar to the mind. Hence, there must be an inward feel- ing of the mind, which may be considered as the sixth sense ; and common sense may be considered as the seventh. Common sense is that principle and power by which men can discern, understand, and judge of matters, agreeably to the truth and propriety of things ; which requires the a'rt of reason, and is common to mankind. That which is obvious to sense, we know : hence, we do not say that we believe snow is white, but we know it. Whatsoever the senses grasp is self evidence to us ; which knowledge is positive, and cannot admit of doubt. Self-evidence, when derived through the avenues of bodily sense, is called sensible ; but when it exists in the mind, without the body being particularly considered, it is called moral evidence. Bui faith is derived from circumstantial evidence, and refers to absent objects and things future, but never to things present, except where a de- gree of knowledge from self-evidence gives the assurance to faith, so that " we see and know in part ;" but what remains, is embraced by faith in things future : and hence, " we stand, and walk, and live, by faith." There are degrees of faith, according to the degree of evidence, which are distinguished by different names, according to the things to which they relate ; as historical faith, faith of heathens, faith of devils, &c. &c. The lowest degree of faith is conjecture ; the second is opinion ; the third is a, firm belief. Conjecture is an inclination to assent to the thing proposed ; but is slight or weak, by reason of the weighty objections that lie against it. Opinion is a more steady and fixed assent; when a man is almost cer- tain, but he still has some fear of the contrary remaining with him. Belief is a more full and assured assent to the truth. Belief is the assent of the mind to any truth or proposition, no matter what the arguments or propositions may be. If we admit the evidence, we give our assent, and receive it as a truth ; and hence, we believe it. But if we reject the evidence, which is only circumstantial, we do not assent to it, nor believe it ; of course, 'we are unbelievers in the thing. Self-evidence, which is knowledge, is irresistible ; but circumstantial evidence is not. A man may continue in unbelief two ways : first, through a careless indifference ; and, secondly, he may wilfully reject proper evi- dence. Hence, unbelief is avoidable ; otherwise, how or why should he be commanded to believe, or be condemned for unbelief, or not believing. Here, then, is the proof or trial of man, on which depends his eternity! He is not adequate, by his natural ability, to keep the Adamic or para- disaical law of works, which requires a perfect obedience. Through the frailty of fallen nature, man cannot do it. Therefore, " by the deeds of the law shall no flesh be justified," that it may be by grace, through faith in the Gospel. Man can believe, if he cannot work. He can admit the truth, by an assent unto it, and receive it, when the Spirit of truth reveals it unto him. By giving assent heartily, he admits it and thereby receives it; and this 354 A JOURNEY FROM is an act of faith. This act is right : and it is the lowest and onlv act that man could do, that is right. And hence, this act of faith is accounted or imputed unto him for righteousness. Of course, the penitent soul, who feels condemned hy the moral law, which he has broken, and thereby for- feited his infantile justification, feels the need of a Redeemer or Saviour. Hence, the Saviour, as offered in the Gospel by the Spirit, is gladly em- braced : here the soul finds a resting-place : even the virtue of that name. inspires the soul with the evidence of pardon and peace, whereby he can rejoice with joy unspeakable, and full of comfort, which is the earnest of the saints' inheritance. A degree of faith and hope attends repentance. The Ninevites had a degree of faith and hope, which, by repentance, brought salvation. The judgment of God hung over the city for moral evil, which they were ignorant of: faith coming by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. The word of God was preached unto them ; and they believed God. and said, "Who can tell but the Lord will be gracious?'' They fasted, and humbled themselves : which shows that they were saved ; first, from their carelessness ; secondly, from their practices ; and, thirdly, from tin- destruction denounced. A soul believes there is a God, and that salvation is necessary, or it would never seek for it : also, there must be a degree of hope, or else the soul would feel no heart to seek, but must sink into despair. " Without faith it is impossible to please God." Faith is the way to come — " For he that cometh to God, must believe that he Is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him." All the blessings of God are attained only by faith in Christ. First, to apprehend there is such a blessing attainable ; and then seek in fervent expectation: believing, first, that God is able to give the bless- ing ; secondly, that he is willing to bestow it ; thirdly, that he will give it, because he hath promised it, saying, " Whatsoever ye ask, believing that ye receive, ye shall have." Here claiming the blessing by faith. Fourthly, claiming it noio, as now is declared to be the acceptable time, and day of salvation : to-day, if you will hear his voice, — "Come, for all things are now ready," — God is in Christ reconciling the world unto him- self — therefore be ye reconciled to God. We love God because he first loved us — he first loved us, before we loved him. We need not do some- thing to pacify God, to make him willing to receive us. He is willing already ; the hindering cause is on the side of the creature — his will being opposed to the will of God — as Christ saith, — " O Jerusalem, Jerusalem ! how often would I have gathered thy children together as a hen doth gather her chickens under her wings ; but ye would not." Knowledge, as before explained, being the effect of self-evidence, is therefore a sensible or moral certainty ; which of course cannot admit of doubt : a man can testify no further than he knows. A man who hath felt conviction, can testify, as a witness of it, and give evidence to that truth. So one who hath experienced pardon, i. e. witness of justification by faith, can justify, saying, "We know in whom we have believed" — because to him faith has been brought to sight — he has the inward divine witness to the sixth sense of the soul ; and the testi- mony corresponds with the demands of his seventh or common sense, whereby he is able to give a rational account of it to others. BABYLON TO JERUSALEM. 355 The man who has experienced the blessing of sanctification can testify what he knows, and no further ; so the glorified Enoch and Elijah can testify what glorification is, for they know it; but we do not; and yet we- firmly believe it and hope for it. Yet when we obtain the same state of enjoyment, faith will be brought to sight, and hope to the fruition, and these two will then cease, being swallowed up in the knowledge and enjoyment for ever. Then let every inquirer, who wishes to escape to Jerusalem, from the overthrow of Babylon, strive in earnest for salvation, in fervent expecta- tion of the blessings of pardon and purity. And if you cannot believe as you would, believe as you can — " Lord, I believe, help thou mine unbe- lief." And if you cannot pray and seek as you would, pray and seek as you can — resigning, submitting, and depending upon his bounty for deliv- erance ; and never rest, until you find the Lord precious to your soul. Christ was in earnest for thee: O be in good earnest for thyself; — and may God for Christ's sake speed you on the way. OF HOPE. A hope of future glory is composed of desire and expectation, pre- dicated upon faith and repentance ; which were produced by a divine con- viction in the mind of the reality of the invisible world, through the oper- ation of the Holy Spirit of God. Conviction being thus wrought in the heart, the consequence to such as persevere, is a reformation ; a forsaking of sin, and a conformity to the will of God — who is ever ready to receive and forgive returning penitents, for Jesus' sake, — where the mind finds a resting-place, and the inquirer a home. A man may desire a thing which he never expects to enjoy ; of course he has no hope of it, but is in despair. Again, a man may expect a thing which is not desirable ; and hence he does not hope for it, but is under a dread on that account. Hence neither a desire nor an expectation, considered abstractly, can constitute a hope: they must be taken in conjunction, in order to remove the dread, avoid despair, and afford a consolation in the mind. The Christian hopes for heaven and glory. His hope is composed of desire and expectation. Heaven he desires, being convinced it is a de- sirable place. He expects to get there, because there is a prospect before him. He has repented, and is forgiven. He enjoys a sense of the divine favor, and feels the evidence of pardon by the witness of the Spirit of God in his soul ; which witness is righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost ; which is styled the " assurance of faith and hope." For the aspect is animating, and the prospect is cheering whilst looking through hope, the perspective, by which we look into another and a better world. Hence, said one, " Mark the perfect man, and behold the upright ; for the end of that man is peace." Another, "Let me die the death of the righteous, and let my last end be like his." "For the righteous have hope in their death." OF CHARITY. Charity consists in something more than giving away a kw old worn out clothes to a beggar. For thus saith Paul : " Though I give all my goods, to feed the poor, and have not charity, it profiteth me nothing." 356 A JOURNEY FROM " And though a man had all knowledge and all faith ; so as to remove mountains, and talk like an angel ; and have not charity: he would be only as sounding brass, and a tinkling cymbal." Charity does not consist in name, nor in outward form ; but is a suita- ble disposition of heart, which is begotten by the Spirit of God. And hence those who are endowed with this precious grace are said to be born of God, and are called new creatures. They are new in many respects : first, they have new views and discoveries of things ; their judgments are new, and so are their motives and desires, as also their objects and ends. The term charity is frequently misapplied, and thereby abused. Hence, says one, " I have no charity for such and such persons — but such and such are very charitable." In the first case, faith or belief is intend- ed, and in the latter, kindness. For a bountiful act is an act of kindness, but every act of kindness is not an act of charity ; because it does not always flow from a charitable motive ; but often from pride, ostentation, and vain-glory. As the religion of Christ is summed up in one word, love; to say, I have no charity, is to say, I have no religion : for there can be no reli- gion without charity, which is love ; which principle causes its subjects to attend to the moral' law, in point of duty — " Thou shalt love thy neigh- bor as thyself." Secondly, the law of nature, which considers the equal rights, wants, duties, and obligations of man : and thirdly, the rule of prac- tice, which is, " as ye would that others should do unto you, do ye even so to them ;" for the law of Moses, the spirit of the prophets, the example of Jesus Christ, concur in enjoining them upon all mankind. Hence the importance of charity. And the idea of a Christian without charity, is a complete solecism ; like an honest thief, a chaste harlot, or a holy devil. " Charity never faileth," being the divine, eternal principle — but " suffer- eth long and is kind" — suffereth wrong rather than do wrong ; and instead of •• being overcome with evil, overcometh evil with good" — by returning good for evil. "Charity — thinketh no evil," i. e. is not jealous and evil-eyed, surmis- ing evil ; but " hopeth and believeth all things" — for the best, by making proper allowances, and putting the most favorable construction upon men and things, that the nature of the case will justly admit of. But charity is not a fool ; she must have legs to stand upon — knowing that justice should be done to every thing ; and hence desires that God and man, and all beings should have their due — and feeling determined to render the same to every creature, she is ever ready to act in every case agreeable to the moral law, the law of nature, and the rule of practice. And upon this disposition hangs the eternity of man ; seeing he is to be rewarded according to the deeds done in the body. OF FASTING. " Then shall they fast in those days," which words of our Lord con- cerning his apostles "and followers, came to pass in the gospel dispensation, as exemplified in the Acts of the Apostles, and in Paul's writings. The practice of fasting, and the benefits derived by it. are exemplified in the cases of the Ninevites ; of Queen Esther in the deliverance of the BABYLON TO JERUSALEM. 357 Jews from Haman, who was executed upon his own gallows which he had prepared for Mordecai ; and in the case of Daniel. Our Lord mentioned a kind of devil which was to be expelled only by fasting and prayer. God does not require murder for sacrifice. A person instead of fasting may starve, and injure his health ; while others do not fast at all, but in attempting to avoid one extreme, run into the other. Jesus fasted, and afterwards hungered. Daniel fasted three full weeks, and says, " I eat no pleasant bread," which implies a degree of absti- nence, and bread of a coarser kind. A person who lives to the full, would find it for the health of his body, as well as his soul, at times to use a degree of abstinence, from a princi- ple of duty. And, moreover, by being acquainted with a degree of hun- ger, he would the better sympathize with others, who are objects of charity and in distress. Fasting is enjoined ; but there is no general rule laid down how often, or to what degree it shall be performed. The reason is obvious : because the sta'es and situations of men are so various, that no general rule could be laid down to suit every case. One is confined with sickness, as much as can be done for him to take the necessary food for the sup- port of life, while others are strong and in full health. Thus, as things and circumstances vary so much, no general rule is laid down, only the duty is inspired to fast ; but man, as a rational being is required to act according to his judgment, and clear his conscience. The prince of darkness is more busy to buffet and tempt the mind upon our fast-days than at any other time, to prevent the exercise of faith. But as " the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force," we should spend more time in private devotion then, than what we commonly do. OF PRAYER. The prayer of the profligate for damnation is an abomination to the Lord, and it is a mercy that he does not take them at their word. The prayer of the hypocrite is wrong, and his hope shall perish. Some are like the Gadarenes, who prayed Christ to depart from their coast. Others only say their prayers as a parrot says his borrowed song, without as much form as the ox, which kneels when he lies down ; but, like the hog in the stye, fall down, and before they get half through, the devil lolls them to sleep! Thus they satisfy themselves by saving prayers, and asking God to save them from their sins, when they do not consent to part with them. But the commandment is, to pray without ceasing, which is called mental prayer, being the language of the heart properly disposed towards God to do bis will ; and let one lay down with such "disposition of the heart, and wake up any time, and appeal to the inward testimony, he still feels the same disposition to do his Maker's will. In order to live in this frame of prayer, it is proper and necessary to attend to ejaculatory prayer, like Abraham's servant, when he weiit to seek a bride for his master's son, as all things are sanctified through faith and prayer. We need God's blessing upon all things we do, and all things should be done to the glory of God. Therefore we should ask his 358 A JOURNEY FROM benediction on all we do; and such things as cannot be done to the glory of God, in the name of Christ Jesus, we have no right to perform ; for we are not authorized to take the devil's tools to do the Lord's work with, and of course all engagements upon which we cannot look to God with a degree of expectation for his blessing to attend them, are forbidden fruit, with bitterness at the bottom. We ought not therefore to touch the accursed thing. Private prayer was the custom of the patriarchs, prophets, Christ, and the apostles. Jesus said, " Enter into thy closet, and shut to thy door, and pray to thy Father who is in secret, and thy Father who seeth in secret shall re- ward thee openly," &c. When you retire, don't hurry it over as a burden, and feel satisfied with the mere performance, like the schoolboy, who repeats his lesson as a task ; but look in expectation, believing, first, that God is able to bless me now ; secondly, that, being unchangeable, he declares his willingness, and now is the accepted time ; thirdly, if you are ready, close in now, and take the promise, and prove the veracity of God. " Whatever ye ask, believing, that ye receive, &c, ye shall have ; for God cannot deny himself, neither can he nor will he deny our faith." Also there is public prayer ; even if but two or three meet in his name, he is with them. OF WATCHING. "What I say unto you, I say unto all, Watch," was the injunction of the Saviour of men to his followers. And hence the dutv of watching is obligatory upon all mankind ; and there is a positive necessity, as every Christian feels and knows from experience, to attend to this im- portant duty of watching, by reducing it to practice, considering the dan- gers and difficulties of this transitory and unfriendly world, which is so full of flattery and deceit, that nothing can be depended upon as perma- nent here below, but snares and temptations accompany every lane of life. As temptations generally come in through the medium of thought, there is need to watch over our thoughts, and keep our minds composed and solemnly stayed upon God ; otherwise the soul will be as a ship, which, having slipped her cables, is liable to be carried away by the tide, and stove against the rocks. Examples also should be watched over, lest we corrupt society by our misconduct. Children should be watched over, from an early period, in a tender manner, and diligently restrained from apparent evil. Our weaknesses demand that a double guard be placed at every weak place, that we be not overtaken unawares, by any sudden or unforeseen event. The world, the flesh, and Satan, should be watched against with un- wearied diligence. First, the world. The riches and cares of this life are both captivating and deceitful ; the mind being overcharged, the soul is surfeited, and hence disqualified for devotion. Therefore, says one, " save all you can, and get all you can, and give all you can, that the things of this world may prove a blessing, and not a curse." Watch against the love of the riches of this world, against the spirit of BABYLON TO JERUSALEM. 559 the world, and also the practice and fashions of the world, hy not con- forming to those which are wrong and improper ; hut be transformed by the inward renewing of the mind, and so have the adornings of truth and virtue. The " lusts of the flesh, the lusts of the eye, and the pride of life," must be watched against and conquered. The devil, called the " prince of this world," will flatter the imagina- tion with promises which he never can perform, endeavoring, by vain allurements, to attract from the path of holiness. And, moreover, he will exhibit all the difficulties and trials of the cross of Christ, to deter the traveller from the happy road to Zion, saying, " mercy is clean gone, the day of grace is passed, of course there is no hope," and thus strive to drive the soul to despair, and, if possible, to suicide. But those thoughts should be resisted, with a hope in the merits of a Redeemer for accept- ance with God ; for while the desires remain, the spirit strives, and of course mercy may be sought and found by conformity to the will of God, depending upon his Son for salvation. The tempter, also, after pardon is received, strives to destroy all our confidence in God, by reasoning in the mind, so as to give way to doubt, and be filled with unbelief; for this abiding witness in the soul is to be kept by a constant exercise of faith in God, under the operation of his Spirit ; and hence it is obvious that this mental exercise is the reaction of the soul upon God. Therefore, a person heavenward bound, is as one rowing up against the stream ; by diligence, there is progression, but if the exertion stops, the boat will float with the tide. So we must diligently keep our minds as we ought, continually looking to God, and depending our all upon him. When people blackslide from God, it is not by giving away to great sins at first, but gradually, little by little — from an omis- sion of a thing of small beginning, until conscience is lulled to sleep, and enormities can be committed without remorse. Hence their fall from their steadfastness is so gradual, as to be almost imperceptible ; and when they are beconTe poor, and blind, and naked, they still are ready to con- clude that they are rich, and increased in goods, and have need of nothing, and like Samson, though shorn of his strength, and wist it not, they go out as at other times, but fall an easy prey to his conquerors. Thus many strong men have fallen ! Therefore we should remember the caution to ."shun all the appearance of evil." For it is easier to keep out of a snare while one is out, than to get out after we once get in. Instead of reasoning with the tempter, we should betake to the strong- hold in prayer, knowing that the devil cannot counterfeit the love of God, and a delight to do his will. For those sensations come from God alone. Watch for opportunities for meetings, private devotion, family instruc- tion, reading the scriptures, and strive to get all the good you can, and extend all the good within your power to others, which Christ will con- sider as done to himself, and will so acknowledge it in the day of judg- ment, if they flow from a spirit of obedience and love to him. Watch for the hour of death ! People are taken by him suddenly and unawares. In such an hour as ye think not the Son of Man cometh ! Blessed are those that are found watching. But those who say in their heart " My Lord delayeth his coming ; and are eating, drinking, quarrelling, and 360 A JOURNEY FROM sleeping," &c, such will be taken by surprise and appointed to their por- tion with hypocrites and unbelievers, where will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. Watching without prayer, or prayer without watching, is of no account. For they are mutually connected and dependent on each other. Hence, being joined by the God of grace, that which God hath joined together, let. not man put asunder. For if one is a drunkard habitually, and prays to be kept from it, and yet will not be guarded nor watch against it, what can his prayer avail ? And on the other hand, if one will watch but not pray, the resolution is soon broken, in consequence of the want of power to cope with the temptation and evil habit. Then we must watch and pray, that we enter not into temptation." Sometimes watching and praying will not avail and make headway against the foe ; then fasting or a degree of abstinence must be used ; as our Lord said, "This kind goeth out by fasting and prayer." And the spirit of prayer, which is the spirit of devotion, is the spirit of Christ, the enjoyment of which is a blessing. And those people, even if it be but the husband and wife who meet together thus, have the Lord Je- sus with them ! OF THE NIGHT OF DEATH. Death ! What is it ? Dying, simply considered, is but the changing of states ! To leave the prison and prison-yard ; the body, the house of clay, which confines man to the terraqueous ball through the power of gravitation. The laws of nature being reversed, what scenes present to view ! Man, who was an inhabitant of time, is now disembodied and be- come an inhabitant of eternity ! How great those realities now, which once were viewed but darkly through the glass of faith ! How dreadful and terrific to a guilty mind ! What awful horrors must seize the condemned soul, who hath sinned against a righteous God ! Those who love the Lord, and feel the powers of the world to come, whilst inhabiting the house of clay, and live for eternity, by denying them- selves and taking up their daily cross, and so follow after him in order to be his disciples— how soon will all the scenes of life be over, and their eternity commence ! Then those important realities will be more fully understood which now at best are faintly known ! But soon we shall be unveiled to see-as we are seen, and know as we are known. As it relates to the agonies of death at the time of our departure, pain of body is generally gone, at or near the last moments. The greatest pain most universally subsides, some few hours if not some days before the dis- solution. In scripture the death of the righteous is called sleep. Hence, " Stephen fell asleep," &c. &c. Now the last sensation in slumber, be- fore the senses are locked up in sleep, are very sweet and agreeable ; and by the same parity of reason, if we have the due preparation in the mind, why not possess an agreeable exit at the hour of death ? Death is called the king of terrors; and is justly said to be a terror to kings. But why ? The sting of death is personal sin ■; and the strength of sin is the law ; for sin is the transgression of .the law, which is the re- vealed will of God ; and hence the soul comes under the divine displeasure, and the person is afraid to appear before a righteous judge, being conscious of self-condemnation. BABYLON TO JERUSALEM. 36J A person with a bee in his hand might be afraid of it ; but if the sting be pulled out and is gone, why should the man fear? So, if the sting of d ath be removed by the pardon of all personal sin, then being restored to the favor of God as one of his family, all dread must be removed and terror be gone : what then should one have to fear ? There must be a joy in God, and a rejoicing in the prospective hope of eternity, from pos- sessing an earnest of their inheritance in the kingdom of God. Thus the Lord gives suffering grace in a suffering day, and. dying, or supporting grace in a dying day ! OF HELL AND PARADISE. Neither hell nor paradise is the eternal home of any beings, or their place of final destination at the consummation of all things. But rather they are the intermediate states and periods of lime, which departed souls inhabit between the dissolution and the resurrection of the body, before the general judgment. The souls of mankind do not sleep in the graves with their bodies until the resurrection, but exist in a separate state, in a sensible manner. St. John saw the souls of those who were beheaded for the testimony of Jesus, under the altar ; and the rich man's body was entombed in gran- deur ; yet we read of him, " In hell he lifted up his eyes," &c. "Saw Abraham — and cried, and — said unto him — I am tormented'" — " Lazarus is comforted ;" which cases evince the realities of future sensation. The term " hell," or hades, is to cease at the consummation of all things, when all the dead must be given up, and the " lake of fire" receive those who are doomed to it, and hell and death be cast into the lake ; which shows that hell is something distinct from the lake. And hence the for- mer will be swallowed up of the latter, like yesterday in the following time, when this day commenced. The idea of a purgatory, or restoration from hell to heaven, is a delu- sion. For, that Christ did not go to the lower inhabitants to preach repent- ance to the damned, is evident from what he said to the thief on the cross, "To-day shalt thou be with me in paradise." And the prediction, " Thou wilt not leave my soul in hell, nor suffer thine Holy One to see corruption," was a prophecy of David, concerning the resurrection of Christ : so that he should not corrupt, according to the common lot of human nature before the re-union of the soul and body ! OF THE DAY OF JUDGMENT. At the consummation of all things, the states of all mankind will be made perfect, and become complete, and not before. The idea of right and wrong supposes two sides to a question, with cer- tain consequences entailed on the principles of moral equity. Hence, the subject must presuppose a governor and the governed, with laws from the former as governor, to regulate the latter who are the governed ; and laws imply penalties annexed ; and of course a judgment, that justice may re- ward or punish, as the case may require. Consequently, upon those premises the conclusion mast follow, seeing mankind are conscious of a right and wrong, that a day of judgment must take place, in which the world shall be judged in righteousness. And hence the beauty of the expression — " God hath appointed a day to judge 31 362 A JOURNEY FROM the world in righteousness by Christ Jesus ;" who, as man, knows what al- lowance to make for human infirmities ; but as God he cannot err, as some of our finite judges do. Christ, the Judge upon his throne ! The mediatorial office being then given up. The angels — called the clouds of heaven, of which two hundred and two millions are but a part. And all the dead from the days of Adam to that time, from the king upon the throne to the beggar upon the dunghill, both great and small, with those who will then be alive, must appear in the grand assembly, not as curious and idle spectators, but as responsible crea- tures, who must be judged and rewarded according to the deeds done in the body, and receive their sentence accordingly, whether it be good or evil, and it will be done according to sound justice. The devils also, who are re- served under chains of darkness unto that day to be punished, will appear to receive their doom. And such will be the Majesty of the Judge upon the throne, that the terrestrial heaven and the earth will flee away, and the books will be open- ed, and the witnesses will appear. First: The book of nature, in which the wisdom, goodness, and power of the Supreme Governor of the world may be read. Secondly: The book of God's remembrance will be opened. Mai. iii. Rev. xx. Thirdly: The book of Conscience : and these two will exactly tally. Fourthly: The book of Truth ; and those who have the written word will be judged according to it. And, fifthly, the book of Life will be open- ed, and happy are they whose names are written in that book. The witnesses : " Thus saith the Lord, I will be a swift witness against the adulterer, and false swearer, and such as oppress the hireling in his wages, and turn away the stranger from his right, and fear not the Lord of Hosts." Angels who were our guardians will be witnesses ; and so will the saints of God, and particularly his ministers. The devils also will be wit- nesses, and so will companions in sin and wickedness, witness against each other. Yea, so plain will naked truth appear, that none will deny the facts, but must acknowledge their sentence to be just. Jesus Christ being appointed heir of all things, shall judge in righteous- ness. The kingdom of heaven being prepared for men from the founda- tion of the world, which first was attainable by obeying the paradisaical law ; and after the fall, the law of faith was substituted through a Re- deemer. But the " lake of fire and brimstone " was prepared for the devil and his angels, primarily, but not for man, who is an intruder there ; and hence the danger of eternal damnation ! Mark iii. 29. The righteous, who are justified by faith in this world, i. e. have re- ceived the pardon ol personal sins by conformity to the will of God, and then have proven their obedience and love to Christ by keeping his com- mandments, and walking in the light ; these, in that day of final retribu- tion, will not only stand acquitted, but will receive a reward, not of debt but of grace, called " a crown of glory which fadeth not away." Thus faith is brought to sight. What was a subject of faith once, has now become a subject of knowledge. The righteous are " heirs of God and joint heirs with the Lord Jesus BABYLON TO JERUSALEM. 363 Christ," who said, "to him that overcometh, will I give to sit with me in my throne." Hence the sentence, "Come, ye blessed of my Father, in- herit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world ; for I was an hungered, and ye gave me meat ; I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink ; I was a stranger, and ye took me in ; naked, and ye clothed me; sick and in prison, and ye came unto me and visited me : inasmuch as ye did it unto one of the least of these, ye did it unto me." — " Well done, good and faithful servant, enter thou into the joys of thy Lord !" But to the opposite characters, who had the power, means, and opportu- nities of improving, but did it not, being opposed to the moral government of the Supreme Governor of the world, those rebels must receive their deserts on equitable principles, which sentence will be, to depart into the lake of fire " prepared for the devil and his angels." The righteous, the joint heirs with Christ in his throne, will judge angels by acquiescing in the will of God, and say amen to his justice, when he pronounces upon the devils their final doom. Three ministers appear. The first preached for money and popularity. The second preached from contention, or backslid after his labors were attended with a blessing. The third preached from conviction of duty, in the spirit of love to Christ. What will be the difference of their reward at the day of retribution ? The first delivers his Lord like Judas, and must go with him to his place, which is purchased with the reward of iniquity. The second comes forth, saying, " Lord ! Lord ! I taught thus and so, and cast out devils in thy name !" But hark ! " Depart from me, ye workers of iniquity." The third, whose principle was love and duty to Christ, will shine forth as the sun in the firmament forever. OF PROVIDENCE IN NATURE. There is no such thing as accident in nature — as accident or chance, or chance, commonly so called, in which neither the hand of God directs or superintends, any more than there can be effects without causes, or nothing can produce something. Nature hath received her laws from God, on the principles of mechani- cal necessity, still subordinate to, and dependent on himself, who is the centration of universal nature, and can alter or suspend those laws at pleasure. And hence the doctrine of miracles and providence. There is such a thing as a primary law of nature, and also a law of a secondary result of the first. The first, as primarily established by the Creator in his works ; the latter, as the necessary consequence of art or habit, by the power and agency of man. When Hezekiah had departed from God, sickness overtook him, with the message, " Set thine house in order, for thou shalt die," &c. The king's tears and prayers denote his repentance. Then God, who knoweth how to resist the proud, and to give grace to the humble, sent the message. "I will add unto thy days fifteen years." The sentence was reversed, and as a token, the sun went back ten degrees in the dial of Ahaz. Yet means were used for his recovery. St. Paul, after it was revealed to him that there should not be the loss of any life, only the ship, said to the soldiers, as the sailors were about to 364 AJOURNEYFROM flee away in the boat, " except these abide in the ship, ye cannot be saved !" Hazael inquired if his master would recover, and received for answer, "he may recover, but God hath showed me that he will surely die ;" i. e. according to the common course of things in the order of nature, he might recover ; but God saw the intention of Hazael to reverse the order of na- ture by art, and thus he died an unnatural death. Man sins without permission, by stealing the time, and assuming the liberty and authority to do it, which is not" prevented. For should 1 man be prevented irresistibly from sinning, he would cease to be that creature of a noble mind, for which he was designed by his Maker, as a responsi- ble agent, who might be capable of a reward. God permits some of the effects of man's designs to take place, by with- drawing his restraining hand, as exemplified in the instance of Job, when the hedj i round about him was removed. Man can appoint, but God, in wisdom and mercy and justice, can dis- appoint, having ways and means and ends worthy of himself, both in the furtherance and accomplishment and reward of virtue, and the correction or chastisermnt and punishment of vice ! Afflictions to the righteous are, from the grace of God, in mercy, to wean their affectio s from the love of the creature, to feel dependent upon the Creator. For some people cannot bear prosperity ; they would be as ships with gr at sails, having no ballast. Sometimes God designs to glorify himself in u.- by our sufferings, to prove our graces, for the conviction of others ; and again to prove us, and thereby qualify us to be as instruments of usefulnes to others, in some particular sphere of action in his church : to labor from experience as well as theory. But above all, the saints are tried, that th< y may become meet subjects for Jerusalem, the city of the great King. OF SPIRITS GOOD AND EVIL. It is obvious that not only the angel of the covenant, J-hovah, the Lord Jesus Christ, who being appointed heir of all things, attends and superin- tends the affairs of nations and individuals, but that created angels also are employed in the important affairs of mm, as the general tenor of scrip- ture will authorize us to believe both in the Old and New Testament. Evil angels appear to have a monarchy among themselves : Beelzebub the prince of the devils — The devil and his angels — My name is Legion, for we are many. " Then goeth ho and taketh seven other spirits more wicked than himself," which argues degrees of wickedness, even among the devils. From the principles of moral evil, evil spirits are always ready to go upon evil errands, like a dog when his master unchains him. This is exemplified in the case of Job. Before the hedge was removi Satan is said to be the messenger of, and to have the power of death. God is said to have slain the first-born of Ko'vpt by sending evil angels among them. When the spiri of God had departed from Saul, an evil spirit from the Lord came upon him. Paul was " buffeted by the nics- sentrer of Sat m." For moral i vil, "God shall send them strong delusions, to believe a lie, BABYLON TO. TERU SALEM. 365 that they may be damned, because," &c. This is exemplified in the case of Ahab, king of Israel. God sitting upon his throne, and all the host around, said, " Who will persuade Ahab to go up to Ramoth Gilead, that he may fall there ?" None was found to go, it being contrary to the na- ture of a good angel to go upon a bad errand. At length one appears, saying, "I will go and be a lying spirit in the mouth of all Ahab s pro- phets." The Lord replied, " Thou shalt prosper and prevail — go and do it." Thus Ahab was deluded and fell in battle, because he let Benhadad go, whom he should have slain ; and the Lord said, " Because thou hast let go out of thine hand a man whom I appointed for utter destruction, therefore thy life shall go for his life, and thy people for his people," as the sequel proved. Thus Benhadad, Asrag, and the Canaanites lived longer than was the will of God they should ; while others do not live half their days, but die sooner than is the revealed will of God they should ; for some take their own lives, and the lives of others, when it is the revealed will of God, "Thou shalt not kill." Then that we may have angels to guide or bear us away, as Lazarus did, and, as the patriarchs, be gathered to our people above, let us lead the. life of the righteous, that we may die their death, and our last end be like theirs. " Mark the perfect man, and behold the upright, for the end of that man is peace !"* * Grace is a gift or favor conferred upon an unworthy object. Debt implies an obligation ; but God is under no obligation to his creatures. Of course whatsoever he bestows must be free unmerited grace. The kingdom of heaven prepared for man from the foundation of the world, was grace. Man by grace was at lirst placed in a state of trial in paradise, under a law of works, which law saith, do and live ; or, as Paul saith, " If a man keep the law, he shall live by the law." But the moral faculty is so impaired and dark since the fall, that man is not adequate to keep the paradisaical law ; and therefore, as says the apostle Paul, " by the deeds of the law shall no flesh be justified in the sight of God, that it may be by grace through faith in Christ Jesus." Hence the law of faith, requiring righteousness by grace through faith, is fitted to the capacity and situation of fallen man Man being capable of believing, his faith, instead of works, may be imputed to him tor righteousness, and thus he may be justified through faith in Christ. And so the law of faith is brought in as the condition of his salvation ; and thus he may arrive at last at Jerusalem, which kingdom " was prepared for man from the foun- dation of the world;" and be admitted according to the original order of things, by man's free will concurring with the commandments, in the established order of God. The lake of lire which originally was prepared for the " devil and his angels," was never designed for man. Consequently, if man goes there, it is by stealing the time, and assum- ing the liberty to sin ; and thereby inverting the established order of things, contrary to God's appointment; for God appointed his creatures to serve him, but never gave them permission to sin — on the contrary he positively forbids it. Therefore, by violating the moral order of God, these rebels disqualify ihemselves for the kingdom of God, and are thereby fitted for the lake of fire. And moral justice demands the execution. All the favors of God are grace, but more particularly those in Christ Jesus, as a Redeem- er and Saviour. As all title to every favor was forfeited by sin, man could not make atonement for his crime, but must remain condemned bv the law which he has violated, and stand exposed to all the dire consequences, which at the least must be privation, unless there be a ransom ! Hence " Christ was delivered for our offences, and rose again for our justification. He suffered, the just for the unjust, that he might bring us to God." "God so loved the world he sent his Son, tha' the world through him might be saved." " No man taketh my life from me : I have power to lay it down, and to take it again " " Greater love than this hath no man, than that he lay down his life for his friend : and I lay down my life for the sheep." " He was wounded for our transgressions," and " the Lord hath laid upon him the iniquity of us all." We read of fhe seven spirits of God, teferring to the different operations. First, The enlightening grace of Cod, which is saving in its nature — saving mankind from their natural darkness, by " enlightening every man who cometh into the world." 31* 366 A JOURNEY FROM OF THE RESURRECTION. The identity of matter cannot be annihilated, but it possesses the in- nate principle of immortality. For, if one particle of water could be annihilated, the whole fabric of nature might, on the same principle, sink into a state of nonentity. Matter may be changed, as it relates to time, place, and quality ; yet there may be certain innate principles of matter, the identity of which can never become a part, or the properties of any other body. Supposing a person to be dead, and eaten by a fish, which fish is eaten by a man. Query : Could the second person have any of the real parti- cles of the first ; and if so, who of the twain will possess them at the res- urrection, as both cannot have it ? " A corn of wheat cast into the ground remaineth alone, except it die." The corn upon the stalk is not the same kernel that was sown, but rather is some of the innate principle of the corn which was sown, and is brought to perfection. " It was sown a natural body, it is raised a spiritual body; sown in weakness, raised in power; this mortal shall put on im- mortality, that mortality may be swallowed up of life !" Mortality implies subject to decay. Matter may be changed, as it re- lates to shape and form, &c, but still it doth exist, though in a different mode and situation. And the innate principle of the identity of man can- not be changed to become the property of another; then each will retain his own, though the skin, an^ flesh, and blood, the coarser matter, which is supposed to change every seven years upon the living, be set aside as acquired, yet the original man remains, the other being the dregs. " But it doth not yet appear what we shall be, but this we know, we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is." " We now see and know but in part, then shall we see as we are seen, and know as we are known !" Secondly, Restraining grace, bv which man is distinguished and prevented from becom- ing mere devils incarnate, through the principle of mora} evil, which principle is restrained bv the grace of God. and saves from those consequences which otherwise would follow. Thirdly, justifying gr ce, i. e. an act whereby God, for Christ's sake, pardoneth all our sins ; which is salvation from the condemnation of sin, as well as from the love and reign- ing power and dominion of sin. Fourthly, The infusion of the spirit, or sanctifying grace of God, by which man is saved from his privation, and from the nature of sin. Fifthly, Comforting, supporting, and heart-cheering grace, which saves from the gloom that otherwise would surround the mind. Sixthly, The grace which leads, guides, and instructs into necessary truth, and into prac- tical duty. And — Seventhly, The peace and joy of the kingdom, which brightens up the prospect of eter- nity, and inspires the mind with hope beyond this life, which foretaste is the earnest of the stints' inheritance of another world, and is called " righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost." As it takes two to make a bargain, so grace, or the operation of the Holy Spirit, requires the concurrence of mail's free will in i rder for him to experience salvation from his sins. For man is not to be saved in his sms, but mast be saved from his sins. Hence the propriety of the caution, "Quench not the Spirit," lest it be said in the language «( Stephen, ■' As your fathers did, so do ye always resi.-t the Holy Ghost," and so obstruction come upon you to the uttermost. And God says : "Because I have called and ye have refused, and set at naught my counsel, 1 therefore will laugh at your calamities, ami mock when your f«ar comeih." " Ephraim is joined to bis idols, Li t him alone." And then the heart's reply: "The harvest is past, and the summer is ended, and I am not saved." And the consequence is, to receive the sentence : " Depart into the lake of (ire, prepared for the devil and his angels." BABYLON TO JERUSALEM. 367 OF THE LAKE OF FIRE. The lake of fire, originally prepared for ihe devil and his angels, into which the wicked will be cast, at their final doom, which is the second death, and burns with fire and brimstone, is dreadful to contemplate. A bar of iron heated, when touched with brimstone, will run down like melted lead. Supposing a person to be confined, and yet not consumed, how awful is the thought ! In this life, time is divided by days, and months, and years, but in eternity, where years shall cease to roll, how will time be then described ? Suppose a damned ghost should inquire of Beelzebub the time ? Beelze- bub replies, " Eternity !" After a period equal to ten thousand years, multiplied by the number of sands, the waves, the drops, the stars, and then the twigs, and spires of grass, and doubled over ten thousand times, and multiplied again ; still the reply would be eternity ! without pleasure, and without slumber, and without end ! A trial implies a limited accountability, at the end of which, judgment and justice will take place, and prove final. Therefore, in the origi- nal established order of man, his end was heaven, his will concurring ; but, by non-conformity, he inverted his own order and destination, where- by he disqualified himself for the fruition, being contaminated with mora! evil, and is so hardened as to be incorrigible, and hence confirmed in his vicious disposition of heart, so as to become as the lower inhabitants, and a fit subject for that region only. For any being, being put into a place or situation for which it has no disposition, the state would afford it no pleasure ; not being agreeable to its nature, it could feel no union or sat- isfaction in it, but would rather depart to a place more suited to itself, and be with beings more congenial to its nature. And hence it appears, that the very damned would be in more torment, was it possible for them to get to heaven in their own nature, than to remain in their damned state ! Therefore, man must be born again, while the Holy Spirit strives to change the heart by grace, or else remain incorrigible forever, and con- tinue unhappy of course ! OF THE HEAVENLY JERUSALEM. Though we say God filleth immensity, yet that is no argument why we may not suppose, with propriety, that there is some particular place, where the effulgent glory of God is more displayed to the view and admi- ration of his creatures, than in any other place ? Enoch and Elijah were translated ; they cannot be everywhere, of course they must be some- where. The body of our Lord was finite, of course it does not fill im- mensity ; it is not everywhere, of course it must be somewhere, from which we may infer a located heaven ; and on the other hand a located lake of fire and brimstone ! How different those places, and also the states, and situations, and dis- positions of those inhabitants! The hundred and forty and four thousand sung a song which none could learn but they themselves, although there was such a great multi- tude out of all nations, kindreds, tongues, and people, which no man could number, who were redeemed from the earth by the blood of the Lamb, unto God, and joined in a song of acknowledgment and thanksgiving. 368 A JOURNEY FROM The situations of individuals are different, universally varying from each other in a greater or less degree, which must vary their experience and enjoyments, and of course the degrees of their reward in the other world, which is to be prepared according to the deeds done in their body ; and this taken in conjunction with their various talents, and the different dispensations they were under. Of the millions of different complexions and physiognomies, no two are exactly alike in the whole creation. So also experiences, varying from the different dispensations, will differ in the same universal degree. Dif- ferent tempers of mind, and natural dispositions of heart. Different states of the body, health, and sickness. Different circumstances too, riches and poverty. Different periods of existence, long and short life. Differ- ent abilities, whether natural or acquired. Different situations, whether in good or bad society. Difference in the opportunity, power, and means of acquiring information, and doing acts of brotherly-kindness and charity, or being confined to solitude, as objects of want and distress ! From the nature of such diversity of cases, their rewards must vary beyond description, when it is done in equity, agreeable to the deeds done in the body. Hence the expression, " There are many mansions in my Father's house." So St. Paul, when speaking of the resurrection, " those who are Christ's at his coming" — " every one in his own order" — compares them to the sun, moon, and stars, which differ from each other in glory, or magnitude. The smallest difference there, between two saints, will be greater than the greatest difference possibly imaginable upon earth, between the great- est monarch and the lowest peasant. And yet the infant, the smallest cup, will be perfectly satisfied, being brimfull of the jovs of the kingdom of God. The memory, which is now impaired by the fall, being clogged with a disordered, mortal body, will then be liberated and repaired, being ar- rived to maturity. Paul compares this life to childhood, and that to man- hood, saying, " When I was a child, I thought, and understood, and spake as a child ; but when I became a man, I put away childish things." " We now see as through a glass, darkly, and see and know but in part ; but when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part will be done away, then shall I see as I am seen, and know even as I am known." The act of praising God then, for redemption here in time, proves the re- tention of the power of recollection, and hence why not see, and know, and recollect our friends again? seeing that no power of the soul, which is of utility here, will ever be diminished hereafter, but greatly strength- ened and enlarged. Consequently, the longer our stay below, with proper faithfulness, and the greater our conflict in the Christian warfare, when we shall have overcome by the blood of the Lamb, the soul will be the more enlarged and capacitated for a greater enjoyment in the realms above. Because the greater the trials and conflicts, the greater the deliverance and salva- tion ; which experience must excite proportionate sensations of gratitude. For God designs his dispensations, whether merciful or afflictive, to prove our obedience, that we may receive a reward at his hand as grace, but not of dcl)i, agreeable to our improvement. Vessels may vary in si/.e, whether a pint, a quart, or a gallon; fill BABYLON TO JERUSALEM. 369 them, and each will be perfectly full, according to its degree : so the in- fant will be as perfectly happy as its capacity can admit and enjoy, but those who live to the age of fifteen or twenty years pass through propor- tionably more trials, and must feel a heart of gratitude accordingly. If so, then look at the old soldiers of the cross ; and those who have " turned many to righteousness, shall shine as the stars for ever and ever." There to see, not only the first, oldest, most patient, strongest, meekest, and most perfect men of old times, but all the patriarchs, prophets, apos- tles, and martyrs of the Lord, with all who depart this life in his favor, and join the general assembly and church of the first-born, where they obtain joy and gladness, and sorrow and sighing shall flee away, and all tears shall be wiped from all eyes, and peace and joy shall for ever flow. There the blessed shall have correct judgment of things, and view the expanded works of God with admiration and wonder. Therefore as God sees and knows what will be best for each and all, and in infinite wisdom grants or withholds the things of this life, we ought to be resigned to his gracious and wise dispensations, knowing that what- soever is withheld is for the best, seeing that " no good thing shall be withheld from them who walk uprightly ; but all things shall work to- gether for good to them who love the Lord" — " For as a father pitieth his children, so the Lord pitieth them who fear him" — " For the eyes of the Lord are over the righteous, and his ears are open to their prayer, but the face of the Lord is against the wicked" — " And the Lord knows how to deliver the godly out of temptation." Then, as " trials work patience, and patience experience, and experience hope, and hope maketh not ashamed, because the love of God is shed abroad in the heart" — " Our light affliction, which is but for a moment, shall work for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory" — " For the suffering- of this pre- sent world are not worthy to be compared with the joys which shall be revealed." Consequently, by " enduring unto the end in the ways of righteousness," we shall have all to hope and nothing to fear, for such have the promise of a final salvation ; and such, in their last moments, shall be enabled to say with one of old, " I have fought a good fight. I have finished my course, I have kept the faith, and am ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at hand ; henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of glory, which fadeth not away, which God the righteous Judge will give me at that day ; and not only me, but also to all those who love his appearing." Considering the way, the nature, the means, the end, accomplished by creation, redemption, and salvation, the subject is worthy of God himself. and his creatures ever will have ground and cause of adoration, which never can wax old. CONCLUSION. From the conviction brought to my rational understanding by the divine evidence in my own soul, I am convinced and fully satisfied of the fol- lowing things as facts : First, That there is such a thing as natural evil in the world. Secondly, That there is such a thing as moral evil also ; and, Thirdly, That natural evil is the consequence of moral evil. 370 A JOURNEY FROM Fourthly, That the new birth is not a chimera, but a divine reality, on which hangs the blissful eternity of man. Fifthly, That Jesus Christ is more than a creature, and is the only way to God as a Saviour of men. Sixthly, That repentance, faith, hope, and love, are experienced by the people of God. Seventhly, That salvation is of grace, man's free will concurring, which is necessary in order to be justified here, or stand justified here- after. But man's condemnation is of himself, by revolting against God's moral government. Eighthly, That the knowledge of pardon is attainable here — the wit- ness, first, of our own spirit, a consciousness of it, and then the divine evi- dence, by the operation of his Spirit, which witnesseth with our spirit, and gives the confirmation of it, which, Ninthly, Is the kingdom of heaven opened in the soul, and is the ear- nest of the saints' inheritance, and inspires the mind with the assurance of hope beyond this life. The destruction of Babylon is inevitable ; for the wicked must be over- thrown, which they are conscious of upon serious reflection, and in the hour of danger being alarmed, like poor Volney upon the lake. But the righteous have hope in their death, arising from the assurance of faith in Christ Jesus. From more than twenty years' experience of the truth of the revelation of Christ in the heart, as the foundation and essence of all religion, I feel a satisfaction in resting my eternal all upon him ; and by persevering in obedience to God, to my life's end, depending on his Son as my Saviour, I believe he will receive me when I die, together with all the Israel of God, who persevere to the end, into that blissful state, where we shall unanimously join to sing the following lines : And let this feeble body fail, And let it faint or die, My soul shall quit this mournful vale, And soar to worlds on high ; Shall join the disembodied saints, And find its long-sought rest, That only bliss for which it pants, In the Redeemer's breast. In hopes of that immortal crown, I now the cross sustain, And gladly wander up and down, And smile at toil and pain ; I sutler on my three-score years, Till my Deliverer come, And wipe away his servant's tears, And take his exile home. what hath Jesus bought for me ! Before my ravished eyes Rivers of life divine I see, And trees of Paradise ; 1 see a world of spirits bright, Who taste the pleasures there ; They all are robed in spotless white, And conquering palms they bear. O what are all my sufferings here, If, Lord, thou count me meet With that enraptur'd host t'appear, And worship at thy feet 1 Give joy or grief, give ease or pain, Take life or friends away, But let me find them all again In that eternal day ! Oh, ye professional people of God, Zion bleeds ! her walls are broken down; therefore bestir yourselves, and let not a hypocrite be found in the gate. But, if ye love Christ, put on Christ, and prove your love by walk- ing in the light, as he is in the light, and keeping his commandments. Adorn your profession by your life and conversation, remembering how many it is to be feared have stumbled into ruin, over the misconduct of the professors, who have wounded the cause of religion more than the BABYLON TO JERUSALEM. 371 writings of the deists. Get all the good you can, and do all the good to the souls and bodies of men within your power, for the Redeemer's sake, who will acknowledge the whole in the day of judgment. But oh, ye rebels in heart, take warning ! for time grows old, and the judgments of God are abroad in the earth. Fly, escape for your life ! Attend to the light of grace ; seek Jesus, and take the high road, and tarry not in all the plain, that you may escape the final overthrow of Babylon, and have peace and happiness for ever at Jerusalem. A DIALOGUE BETWEEN THE CURIOUS AND SINGULAR. * Curious. Friend Singular, how and where have you been for a long time ? Singular. If you are Curious to know, I have been in different parts, and striving through grace to do as well as I could. C. That is well ; but it is a great thing for one to say he does as he ought. S. True — but nevertheless we should act at all times, and on all occa- sions, as in the immediate presence of God — as the ship on the ocean, let the course of the wind be as it may, the ship's head is aimed for the port of destination, so we should conduct for eternity, as one who must give account. C. What makes you so singular in your looks, dress, and conduct, from everybody else 1 S. As it relates to my looks, no two persons are exactly alike. And even your looks are peculiar to yourself, and no one is just like you. And as it relates to dress, if yours were flung into a heap with others, you could pick out your own from all the rest. And with regard to singular- ity, I am conscious I am never singular, merely for singularity sake. C. Why do you act and travel in the manner that you do ? What are your motives and reasons for so doing ? S. My motives are the glory of God in the salvation of immortal souls ! My reasons are a consciousness of duty to my God and my fellow-mortals — for I wish for peace of mind ! C. Do you suppose that all mankind are in the wrong, and none are right but you 1 S. I suppose many are right in many things ; and all are liable to err — some are more right than others. And as it relates to myself, no man should be our pattern further than he follows Christ. Also proper beha- vior should vary according to times and circumstances. C. Then I suppose you conclude you are the most right; and how is it that none have found out so right a way before ? S. We are given to understand that there are various gifts in the Chris- tian church ; and yet all by the same spirit — and every man in his own order, at the coming of Christ. Of course we should have the spirit of * These dialogues are (bunded upon circumstantial facts. CURIOUS AND SINGULAR. 373 our station in the church of Christ. And this sphere of action I believe to be mine ; in it, God gives me inward peace ; out of it, I believe I should lose my usefulness to others. C. Then you are for an inspired ministry, and a spiritual church. What do you think of all the religious societies ; are not some of these "The Church of Christ?" S. To style one sect " The Church of Christ," is to save that party at the expense of all the rest ; and of course savors of religious bigotry, ty- ranny and superstition — as the preceding ages have horribly exemplified. — Whereas the book of truth informs us, that " God is no respecter of per- sons, but in every nation he that feareth God, and worketh righteousness, is accepted with him," and shall join in the song of salvation, with the society above, " out of every nation, kindred, tongue, language, and peo- ple." Of course there may be bad and good people among all sects. C. Suppose all Christians should do like you, there would be no form or order in the world, and of course, confusion would come in at the door. S. To say " if all should do like me," you might as well say, on the same principles, where would be the carpenters if all were blacksmiths ? It is no just mode of reasoning. As the different branches of mechanism are necessary for society, so these different gifts are necessary as the eye, hand, and foot, &c, to constitute one perfect body ; as a whole is com- posed of parts, and the pai'ts collectively form one whole. As to confu- sion — what is termed confusion with and by men, may be order with God, who sees not as men see. C. In what do you believe and preach % S. I believe in the deity of Jesus Christ.* * It being both idolatry and blasphemy to give divine honors to a mere creature, Jesus Christ must be viewed in a more noble light. Eternity, immensity, and infinity, are words we have heard and can repeat : but who can fix any definite meaning to theml Though they are in common use, yet they are words fit only to be applied to the Deity, and ought not to be applied anywhere else ; for they cannot be otherwise used without palpable absurdities, and nonsensical contradictions. And such abuses have too long been existing in the world already ! An infinite, eternal Being of immensity! What can man know of Him, the Causeless Causator, but by revelation, inspiration or manifestation'! How can man worship his Maker with his understanding, provided he be in the dark- ness of ignorance, so far, as neither to know nor understand any thing about if? The world by wisdom know not their Maker. He is a Spirit, and is spiritually discerned. "What man knoweth the things of man, save the spirit of a man which is within him V And how shall a man know the mind and will ot his Maker, but by revelation ? If the Maker of man be a spirit, how shall his will be revealed, so as to be understood, but by inspiration 1 Should his voice be heard from the sky, over the whole world, who could bear the sound ? The clash of ten thousand pieces of artillery redoubled, would be comparative silence ! Well might the Jews af Mount Sinai request Moses should speak to them, the voice of the Lord being so dreadful in their ears. The human family is so numerous, and their cases so many and so various, and their languages so different — as twenty in Xew Orleans — that there could not any thing be heard distinctly, but all would be nonsense and confusion. Hence the tender care and goodness of God, the Maker and Governor, over man his creature, in sending the influence of his Holy Spirit, to operate upon the mind and guide man upon the road to Jerusalem; so that without terror he may be enlightened to under- stand his Maker's will, and inspired with evidence and conviction on the all-important subject. The Angel of the Covenant, was not a created angel ; but was termed Jehovah, which name the Jews consider as implying all the divine attributes; and therefore will not speak it, lest it should not be done with suitable reverence ; and so take this majestic name in vain, and not be guiltless. And hence they will write it only. The word Lord, printed in small capitals in the Old Testament, should be Jehovah ; which the Jews understand to imply the divinity of the Messiah, to be manifested in the world as the Saviour of men. 32 374 DIALOGUE BETWEEN THE C. Do you feel willing to depend your everlasting welfare on Jesus Christ 1 S. To see one malefactor put confidence in another, who is under the same condemnation, to save him, exhibits great faith ; and also a noble opinion, as exemplified in the instance of Calvary. To trust in a creature to save me, I cannot : but. to trust in Christ, according to the gospel, gives me peace, and brightens up the prospects of eternity before me. C. But supposing Christ was a deceiver ; then he was only an impos- tor, and of course you are under a delusion. S. The worst of opposers to Christianity admit that Christ, as man, was a good man ; of course no real good man will be a deceiver : if so, he was no impostor. Therefore, according to this admittance, his religion may be genuine and real. Again, it is too uncharitable to suppose and con- clude, that all who have died so happy and triumphant in the love and religion of Jesus Christ were under a delusion. And if it be once admitted that it was a reality with even but one instance, the point is gained. C. How do you know that there ever was such a person as Jesus Christ upon earth ? f Christ in the heart; corres- ponding to the outward manifestation given in the days of his flesh! And it is not possible that any man should sincerely pray to God to be taught by him, and if he hath a Son, to reveal him, in his heart j and not And a solution of the query to hid own satisfaction. * There is divine witness in my own soul. CURIOUS AND SINGULAR. 375 they should be exposed to ridicule for breaking the legs of a dead man to prevent him from running away. And yet to put it beyond all doubt that Christ was dead, one of them up with a spear and run it through his heart ; which puts it beyond all dispute he was really dead. Moreover, consider for a moment, a cell or prison hewed out in the centre of a rock, and there in prison confined, with a stone door, so large and weighty that three females thought they could not roll it away ; and this door confined and sealed, and also a military guard placed to keep the same with all safety, and if any thing was amiss, must pay the forfeit with their lives ! Hence, is obvious the natural impossibility of such decep- tion, imposition, and escape. C. But the apostles stole the body of Jesus Christ, and hid it, and then propagated a lie, that it was risen and ascended. S. It was naturally impossible for such a thing to exist, if we, in con- junction with the foregoing circumstances, consider that the apostles could have no access to the vault ; second, no temptation to steal the body ; third, they were not moneyed men to bribe the guard ; fourth, though an individual may be bribed, yet I do not recollect to have read, or heard of a whole guard being bribed ; fifth, it was death under the Roman law to sleep on guard ; sixth, if the guard had been sleepy, the natural conclu- sion is, they would have set or lain on the stone door, or contiguous to it, so that no one could approach without giving alarm. Now, for the seal to be broke, and the stone removed, without waking the soldiers when in such heaps and piles, would argue an unnatural sleep, and of course a miracle. Therefore, to obviate the idea of one miracle on one side, you must admit and argue one on the other side ; of course your argument proves too much, like the Indian's tree, which was so straight it leaned a little over the other way. What is a miracle, but something unnatural, providentially ? C. But the vault was undermined by the apostles, and the body taken away through a subterraneous passage ! S. Nay. but it would have taken a longer space of time to undermine the vault by digging through a rock, than the space of time the body was in the tomb. C. Some other body arose, and not the body of Christ. S. Nay, for man before was never there entombed, of course none could arise therefrom but the body of Christ. C. The account contradicts itself. " For as Jonah was in the belly of the whale three davs and three nights, so shall the Son of man be in the heart of the earth," whereas he was not in the vault seventy-two common hours. S. We should not contend for words, but seek for facts, of course take people as they mean. The Jews did not divide time as we do, into twen- ty-four hours ; but the daylight into twelve hours, and the night into watches. Our time begins and ends at midnight, but the Jews at sunset. "The evening and morning were the first, day." Any circumstance which we express by day, or include any part of what toe call the twenty- four hours, in their mode of expression included the day and night. The body was entombed before sunset on Friday, continued there on the Jew- ish sabbath, (our Saturday,) which ended at sunset. The third day had commenced before the body arose. Therefore, take their meaning ac- 376 DIALOGUE BETWEEN THE cording to their mode of expi-ession, and the account will hold good, and of course may be received and held as sacred truth. C. If the resurrection of Jesus Christ be real, who saw him after he arose ? S. The apostles and hundreds of others. C. If faith in his ascension be so necessary for salvation, why do we not have better proof thereof than the say-so of a few poor fishermen ? S. A fisherman can tell the truth as well as any one else, and of course relate what he saw. Reasonable evidence should be considered and re- ceived as proof to a reasonable mind. Therefore, if in the most conse- quential cases, even between life and death, two or three substantial wit- nesses, where there is no evidence to the reverse, are considered sufficient ; then the evidence of the fishermen may be credited as reasonable and proper testimony. C. They did not believe their own testimony, and of course were not sincere. S. Look at the circumstance impartially. They could not be prompt- ed by either honor or lucre to bear such testimony, but to the reverse ; their personal safety would be in jeopardy thereby. The only reason they assigned for their testimony was duty ; and they evidenced their sin- cerity therein by perseverance, and sealing the same with their Mood. What greater evidence can we desire 1 C. Why did not Christ ascend in the view of all the inhabitants of Je- rusalem, and so have city testimony, instead of a few individuals ? S. Admitting he had ascended in the view of all the people of Jerusa- lem, that would not have mended the matter, for the people of Rome, who then exceeded three millions, might have made the same objection ; — " Jews we know to be deceitful, why receive it only on their say-so ?" And if all people then living had beheld the sight, we were not living, and of course we might make the same objection. " Why receive it on the say- so and tradition of our forefathers ; why were we not favored with the sight ?" Thus, to satisfy an unreasonable mind, Christ must come a se- cond time, to die, rise, and ascend, and then you might upbraid God with cruelty to his Son. Thus, the objection leads to error, being only found- ed in error, and of course is an unreasonable objection, and plead for but by unreasonable men. There is not a circumstance of antiquity so well authenticated and substantiated with concomitant circumstances, as the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ; of course, if we are not to give credit to the same, we must bid adieu to every thing which we have not personally sensible evidence of! C. What do you think about the covenant made between the Father and the Son from all eternity ? oi bod: also, n i.- said he offered a reward to that one who would make the greatest impi in galvanism ; not Calvinism.— Image ; imitation or likeness: whether thisshould be taken literal or moral, time will determine; bul I here add an imitation oi the popes, which a friend writes to his correspondent from Europe to America, thus : A popish catechism hath been published in France, under the sanction of. N pronouncing all to be heretics, and in a stale of damnation, who are not of their communion. 1 It was there and then that the present greal revival ol religion hrst began. Observe, " Judgment must first begin at the house ol ' rod ' FULFILMENT OF PROPHECY. 389 relative to the two beasts, &c, he viewed first in heaven, and afterwards fulfilled upon the earth, and a clear distinction must be kept, otherwise our ideas will be confused, or else the subject will appear as tautology.* I have no doubt but we have arrived towards the closing of the sound of the trumpet of the sixth angel, and the commencement of the seventh, and also the pouring out of the seven last plagues. And however much the earth, or political, civil, religious, and Christian world, may now be convulsed or confused, I apprehend worse times, as it were, are at the door ; and what has passed for the last twenty years, only as a few drops before a shower, in comparison to what is to come. I therefore entreat all, into whose hands these hints may fall, to take timely warning, and particularly the true Christian, that he may have suffering grace in the day of evil,f and be preserved as the seed of the gospel, and found in a state of readiness against the coming of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, and be counted worthy to have a seat at the marriage-supper of the Lamb, when the Bride shall make herself ready. There is more contained in these words than many are aware of — and who is ambitious to meditate our privileges — as it relates to the " hundred and forty and four thousand." As it relates to the states of Great Britain and France, I would make the following remarks : — Let the reader imagine four thousand gun-boats, three thousand five hundred of which are sufficient to carry two hundred thousand men and all their naval stores, and three thousand five hundred field-pieces ; five hundred prames, carrying from twenty to forty guns each, with forges for heating shot; thirty-six sweeps or oars to each boat, together with sails : these may be sunk, and thereby preserved from de- cay, and raised at pleasure, and also fastened together with great conve- nience and expedition by means of spring-bridges, composed of ropes, which would enable the whole force to disembark, as though marching on parade. A wind which would be fair for these to go from France to England, which is but thirty miles, and take but about five hours, would be precisely against the British fleet ; and a calm would do the same. If thus once on the British coast, they would be out of reach of all the king's navy, for on that side of England next to France, for seventy miles in length, a ship of war cannot get within half a dozen miles of the shore, but the flotilla, drawing but about twenty-two inches of water, would there be screened, and could choose their place of landing. The British, in 1807, did not make their boast of being able to bring above seventy thousand men to any given point in twenty-four hours, provided the French should land. It was ascertained that Bonaparte had a map of London, with the number of every house and street that was worth plundering, to distribute among his officers ; also to confiscate the estates of the nobility to be distributed among his army ; so put an end to the war, and make gentlemen of his soldiers ! What a powerful temp- tation ! In 1805, when he was called off* to Germany against the Rus- * Compare Rev. xv. 1, with chapter xvi. 1, and then read from chapter xiii. 11, to the end of the fifteenth chapter, (for heaven) and the following ones to the twentieth, as ful- filled (on earth.) — This may serve, in a measure, as a key to an inquiring mind. t " Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord, from henceforth, saith the Spirit," &c. Why"! They rest from their labors, and their works follow them. Observe, this denotes something extraordinary, which should be remarked by the Christians of those times! I here would refer the reader to Mr. Wesley's comment on Rev. xii. 12, xiii. 1, 3, then xvii. 10 xiii. 11 and 15; and the catalogue after xxii. or at the close of his notes. 33*- 390 HINTS ON THE sians, he told his lads it had been his intention to have given them a din- ner in London at such a time ; but being called off, he would give them a suit of clothes in Vienna at such a time — which he performed. Shortly after this, Mr. Pitt, viewing the state of the country, with his last words cried out — " O my country ! My country !" and expired. The British, though ridiculing the idea of Bonaparte's breaking over the " wooden walls of old England," and saying he never designed to come, yet made great preparations to meet him. Besides the regular army in England, and two hundred thousand in Ireland, they balloted eight hundred thousand militia. And all the carriages, carts, wagons, &c, of whatsoever name or nature, were numbered, and also the draft horses and boats ; beacons were erected on every high hill, composed of combustibles to give warning with fire by night, telegraphs to give intel- ligence by day, which would give information one hundred miles an hour ; then all hands must turn out. Here observe, Bonaparte was again called off from attempting the in- vasion in 1806 to Prussia, and since to Spain, &c. But now look at the present state of Europe, and behold poor* Britain has to stand it out sin- gle-handed all alone ! borrowing money at five per cent to carry on the war, the taxes being only sufficient to pay the interest of the national debt,f &c. A hint at the taxes must here suffice — 1st, on every pound of hide ; 2d, on every month of the tan works ; 3d, on every pound of leather ; again, six shillings for a dog, and half a guinea for every hound ; half a crown for wearing a hat, in which you must have a stamp, or be subject to lose your hat and be fined ; five guineas for a riding-horse ; and five for a two-wheel carriage, &c. &c. Whatever geographers may say of the poor Irish, for poverty, of which I have seen none to exceed the truth, yet the people are in a more deplo- rable situation in England, being dependent on foreign trade ; whereas, the Irish live more on potatoes, which they raise, and of course are not so much affected by the times. And were I to have my choice, to be a slave in America, or one of the laboring people in England, I should, without hesitation, prefer the former, with this condition, let me chose my master ; for then I would be sure of getting something to eat. The king being head of the church, must be considered in a measure as sponsor ; yet there is not less than sixty thousand prostitutes in the city of London, that are licensed by the crown. I forbear to mention what I know to be the truth relative to the country towns, leaving the seaports out of the question ; but would advise the perusal of " Simpson's Plea for Religion," and see the corruption of the church and state, &c. * Then it turned afterwards on America, now reversed. What next ? t The national debt was contracted in the reign of Henry \ 11. and amounted to £1 in 1697, two hundred years after, to £5,000,000; 1755, fifty-eighl years, £72,000,000; 1776, twenty-one years, to £123,000,000 ; in 1786 increased to 6239,000,000; L796to i sterling, and 1810 to about one thousand millions for England, and two hundred millions for Ireland : and their annual expense £70,000,000; £11,000,000 more than their income. What 'mentation in the reign of George th< Second, and it may end with George the Third I the solemn address of the " Plain Man" to George II. : 'It will c< me in the daj sof him that shall come a#er thee !" Query — If 35,000,000 came to a premature end in the Easl [ndies, under the administra- tion of two — and the combination of 1792 was from ( reorge, — lOOjOOOjOOO in his reign untimely — ami it each person contains twenty-eight i>inis of blood, how much would be required to '■ afthe royal navy? FULFILMENT OF PROP II ECY. 391 of Great Britain, particularly that edition published by John Hagerty, of Baltimore, as a spurious work under that title was published by the bish- ops of England, after God took Simpson from the evil to come, just as the bishops were going to call him to an account before the ecclesiastical court for that work, which it was expected would have resulted in the loss of his life. Some have supposed the eighteen letters of his (Napoleon Buonaparte) name divided by three, and added together, will make the number of the beast, which is 606. Another author calculates 665 kings prior to him, and that he completes the number of 666. But my opinion is different from theirs, and should rather apply it a different way, or wait for future time to unfold it. The legion of honor, so called, of which a legion of life-guards is the shell, or shadow of the substance, or essence of that honor. I therefore, here remark, though a legion is no positive definite number, yet a certain author calculates a perfect legion thus : six thousand privates ; a cap- tain to every ten men ; a centurion to every one hundred ; and one offi- cer to every one thousand ; which Mould make a complete legion to con- sist of 6666 ; which would make 666 officers : that would be just the number of the beast ! When I take a view of Bonaparte's movement — 1st, relative to the Jews ; 2d, as it relates to the papacy ; 3d, his politics ; 4th, his confede- ration of ten ; 5th, his military manoeuvres ; 6th, the relation of affairs in the east, in succession with his movements — I am led to meditate the time near, when the seven last plagues, under the seventh trumpet, are to be poured out, and particularly the two, one on the seat of the beast,* the other on the Euphrates, which denotes the Ottoman empire. Russia, which rose in lieu of the " eastern empire," whose emperor is now styled the " emperor of the east," while Bonaparte is styled " empe- ror of the west," and is at war with the Turks. Again, it is evident that Bonaparte has a large number of men in his employ in Persia, to teach them his art of war. For a moment reflect on the present state of the world ; England has eight hundred thousand militia ; two hundred thou- sand in Ireland ; two hundred thousand seamen, besides what may be oc- cupied in standing armies at home and abroad. Again, view France, as it were the whole nation as one cantonment, with three millions of militia and one million in standing armies ; all Russia put in military requisi- tion, amounting to seven millions ; and the Turks putting that empire in a similar state, by order of the Grand Seignior, who is about to take the field in person. These things, when taken in conjunction with the state of Europe, a few years ago, and what it is now, with the probable consequence of what is at the door, denote something impressive indeed, and ought to stimu- late every thinking mind on the continent of America to prize their privi- leges, and improve them accordingly ; for where can a country be found with peace, plenty, and religious liberty, but these United States ? And * Which vial brought darkness on his kingdom — the woman took this advantage to seat herself upon the beast, i. e. establish her maritime claims as ' ; queen" of the ocean and "mis- tress" of the seas — having no rival, "shall see no sorrow." Rev. xviii. 7; but her interest will clash with theirs, which will beget opposition, and cause them to consolidate. See Revelation, chapter xvii. 16, 17. Council at Paris. 392 HINTS ON THE how soon we may be called to trials, is in the womb of futurity. As I do not believe that a country was ever given up to the sword and destruc- tion, wherever pure religion was on the progression, therefore, we need to pray for peace, that we may be kept from the deluge of the old world, which is fast progressing. And should the Euphrates, or Turkish empire receive an overthrow, as other nations of late have fared, we should know exactly the time of the church ; and it is not improbable but Bonaparte will avail himself of the prejudices of the Jews to answer his own design, who amount to nine millions in his jurisdiction ; and in doing this, in the establishment of them at Palestine, it will cut up the Turkish empire, afford him money, men, and a half-way house to the Indies. Thus, the " Euphrates would be dried up, that the way of the kings of the east might be prepared." Rev. xvi. 12.* I add no more, only give a reca- pitulation of the subject, &c. 1. The woman, the church, persecuted, and the child, Christ, not in his person, but in his kingdom. 2. 1st. She fled to the north of Europe. 2d. Flew to America. 3. The devil or dragon governing the seven heads of Rome pagan, the last of which was imperial ; under whom the ten horns were united in subjection. 4. Constantine the Great is the tail of the dragon, and by the change of the religious national establishment, corruption creeps into the church ; Popery is begotten, in embryo ; 606 appears ; come to the full, 1077. 5. The ten horns now have their crowns. 6. The first beast out of the sea (Europe) with seven heads is the Pa- pacy, but no crowns are ascribed to them, because the ecclesiastical au- thority took the lead of the civil. 7. The dragon had only seven crowns, but here are ten, which shows that the dragon and the beast are not one. 8. The dragon transferred his power to him — i. e. from Rome pagan to the Papacy, &c. 9. Five heads are fallen, viz. Cselian, Vatican, Quirinal, Equiline, and Bonaparte's pope. 10. " The beast is not," and " Babylon reigns queen." Here, observe the transfer from Rome to England, as a city compact, and " queen of the ocean." 11. The safety under " the wooden walls of old England," — Stepped into the shoes of oldf Popery ; (to distinguish it from Bonaparte's new- * The Jewish " Sanhedrim" have acknowledged Lewis XVIII. yet those " ten horns," or kingdoms, who are indebted to the " woman" for their crowns, may find it their interest to dispute her claims, and "agree to give their power" to the exiled, as a proper person : and adopt a similar continental policy to dispute her claim, which, when effected, would astonish the world, and produce the lamentation — Rev. xvii. 16 to 18. xviii. '.I to 19. j For the last relics of old Popery, the British arc now fighting, viz. in Spain ami Portu- gal, where the inquisition law only remains in force ; while the king of one is a captive, and the other fled from his kingdom to Brazil, the British authority uphold what the !'>>|" a have contended lor. If so, do they not step into the shoes, and necessarily merit a transfer as above ! Moreover, now they have reinstated him again, lor he is gone to Koine. \\ es- li aid the sixth \\<-,w\ would he with or under the government of Babylon, though not with the power of Ins predecessors 1 The Pope, after his return to Rome, passed high encomiums on the Prince Regent, for the services the royal power hml afforded the Papal cause; and especially for receiving the Pope's Legate, i. e. right-hand man; which the Pope said had not been received in iai-land before, lor two hundred years FULFILMENT OF PROPHECY. 393 modelled Popery) and reigning as a queen, styling herself, t! empress of the seas !" intoxicated joy at Napoleon's downfall. Rev. xviii. 7. 12. Distinction between — 1st, The dragon ; 2d, The first beast ; 3d, The second beast ; 4th, Babylon ; 5th, The power of Babylon ; and 6th, The false prophet. 13. The second beast comes out of the earth, Asia, and appears at '• the end of the 42 months of the first beast; which was 1810." As Mahometanism and Popery rose in one year, 666. And " the beast and false prophet will be taken and destroyed together." So the fifth and sixth angels pour out from their vials the plagues on the seat of the beast and the Euphrates, or Rome and the Ottoman empire, at no great distance asunder — xix. 20. and xvi. 10 — 12. 14. Bonaparte's movements with the Jews, &c. 15. The temple built at Jerusalem. The two witnesses prophesy 42 common months, and then slain ; after which a tenth part of the city fell, and 7000 slain, (70,000 in all,) the rest (63,000) repent and give glory to God. 16. " Three unclean spirits, like frogs ; 1st, came out of the mouth of the dragon ; the 2d, out of the mouth of the beast ; 3d, out of the false prophet. 17. Out of the mouth of the dragon. Paganism opposed to the true God. Atheism,* &c, which is the result of the " Heathen Mythology." The Illuminati, formed from Voltaire, who said, " Jesus Christ began the conversion of the world with twelve men, but I with six will banish Chris- tianity from the earth." And by striving to reduce nature to its first principles, think proper to destroy every thing out of the way, even to the removing of father and mother as obstacles to the fruition of their object, so that no rival shall be in the way. This society was as a powdermine in France, and when Fayette and others went home from America to France with the flame of liberty, they took fire and blew up the French monarchy. Remarkable to tell — Robert Fleming, on the first Sunday of the last century, preached a sermon on the prophecies, in which he calcu- lated the French revolution to the very year ; which sermon Avas publish- ed about ninety years before. Also, one observed that the massacre at Paris by Louis XIV. would be visited on (his grandson) Louis XVI. by the hand of God. 18. The " legion of honor." — As all societies must have grades, from the " apprentice to the Grand Master," so we must conceive of Bona- parte'sf " legion of honor ;" and the legion of life-guards as the shell to the * Antichrist is generally applied to the Papacy by commentators, but it will not apply there better than to any other sin, but is an unscriptural explanation, for John saith, " he that denies the Father and Son is Antichrist," 1 John ii. 22 ; but the Papists do not deny either, but confess both. f The intoxicated joy at his downfall — a viceroy appointed for America as a consequence — a rod laid up for a while — but how long before these words may be exemplified : " The beast which thou sawest, was, and is not, and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit:" the ten horns transfer their powerto him, he being the eighth, and may constitute the seventh head of the first beast, adding a peculiar degree of, and a new and singular character and title, at his last rise from the abyss — xvii. 8. Ths second beast of chap. xiii. 11. whose kingdom is darkened, xvi. 10, appears to be the talse prophet of the xix. 20 — who at his last ascent, after destroying Babylon, will go to the Holy Land, slay the two witnesses, xi. 7 — having erected the image to the first beast, xiii. 14 — which the angel warns against, xiv. 9 — and prepares the way for the battle ; the last that will ever be fought, verse 20— xvi. 13, to 16, inclusive ; comDare with xix. 19, &o. 394 HINTS ON THE essence of that honor. Moreover it appears by his suppressing the liberty of the press, and restricting the number of the printing presses, as though this was to sink Europe into its former darkness and ignorance ; like Vol- taire's society, though on a different plan : of course is the " unclean spi- rit," like the frog out of the mouth of the beast.* 19. Out of the mouth of the false prophet; after the Euphrates or Ot- toman empire is dried up, Rev. xvi. 12 to the 16th inclusive, read and compare with chap. xix. from the 11th verse to the end of the chapter. Awful, but important ! 20. The dragon or Satan is bound in the other world for 1000 years, but we know not the time ; Christ comes to reign on the earth 1000 years ; if a prophetic thousand, (a day for a year,) it would be 365,000 ; again, as one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day, it may be 365,000,000 of common years. Considering the present agitated state of Europe, and the East, where can we calculate for peace and safety unless in America ? There are about 15,000,000 of men under military requisition ; and God's controversy with the nations will not cease until they learn right- eousness. Therefore it stands all true Christians in hand to look to God, that our rulers may be influenced aright, and have his wisdom to guide them ; that we may be kept in peace, and from falling into the general commotion and calamities of Europe and the East. The Spirit of God teaches his followers to pray according to the pattern given ; (i. e. the Lord's Prayer) which saith — " Thy kingdom come," — which implies that every obstacle, as a hindrance to the spread of Christ's kingdom, must be removed. Therefore, those ecclesiastical establish- ments which bind the consciences of men, and prevent the spirit of free inquiry, must be shaken as a rope of sand. Also, those civil or mo- narchical governments, which uphold those religious national establish- ments, must be torn down ; seeing they are mutually dependent on each other. The peace of nations is dependent on the laws of nations. Custom makes law ; when certain customs which are the laws of nations are in- fringed upon, the public peace is disturbed, and commonly settled with powder and ball ; which shows that the laws of nations are dependant on the martial law, and supported thereby. The martial law is dependent on the civil law, for it is put in execution by the same, as the military act, by the magistrate's command. The civil law is dependent upon the ecclesiastical, for our rulers are ad- mitted into office upon oath. An oath is a sacred thing, and is connect oil with the moral law, which shows that religion is the foundation of civil * The constitution of the federal government, and the proceedings of Congress, maj be providential, as it relates to American citizens receiving conferred honors and titles, .V'-., from other governments, to preserve us asa nation from falling into the sen - I calamity. Query— It is possible that some arc connected with *****, and should they be convicted of the reception as American citizens, n would run them hard as being guilty ol treason— therefore, to save their**** would wish lor a hack door to plead that they were no1 Amer- ican citizens, &c. vlisa or Mis. *********'s young Bonaparte, with Ins throne and impe- rial retinue may be ****** embryo ! Remember, an egg may hatch a serpent ! and if peo- ple sleep now, thej will awake then ! in Frarjce twenty being prohibited from meeting together is like ! FULFILMENT OF PROPHECY. 395 government, particularly ours ; therefore, all persons who oppose religion, strike at the public safety, by sapping the very foundation of civil autho- rity ; of course, advertise themselves to be public enemies. Again, any person who does not believe in religious sentiment, (the ideas of our future rewards and punishment,) does not believe in things sufficient to constitute an oath ; therefore for such person or persons to take an oath, would be to act a sham, and perform a solemn nothing, also a mocking of common sense ; and any persons who thus would act should be considered as deceitful hypocrites, and dangerous to society, because they trifle with things most sacred to answer their sinister designs, and cannot feel such oath binding upon their consciences ; of course can give no assurance of fidelity to the public. Hence it is evident that all who give or receive a drink of grog for a vote, do no better than give or receive a trifling bribe ; therefore they are trifling persons, and consequently are not fit for free- men, much less for rulers, seeing they take such improper measures to answer their own designs, which shows they are not men of principle nor veracity, but may be influenced to swerve from the path of justice by de- signing men, and let the guilty escape, and make the innocent suffer. Therefore, watch the conduct of people, and look out for men of noble prin- ciples, that there may be practice accordingly, good society cultivated, and justice appear in our land : be guarded against office-hunters, who would become worse than a nuisance to society. All rulers ought to be men of information and veracity, and influenced by noble and virtuous principles, as guardian angels for the public safety and welfare, who must render an account. They being, as it were, trus- tees for the welfare of society, are accountable to God and men for their conduct, having derived their power and authority from the same, and of course are praise or blame-worthy, according to their motive and conduct. Truth will bear investigation, and carry its own conviction with it, when properly understood. But error says hush to the spirit of inquiry ; wish- ing truth to lie dormant, and herself unsearched, to appear gay to every glancing eye. Therefore, our freemen ought to look well to the choice of their rulers, as it relates to society, as sponsors for what is to come. ON THE MINISTRY. How shall one person know, and be able to determine and judge, wheth- er it be the duty of another to preach or not ? There are but three evidences by which he may be able to judge and determine concerning him on that subject. 1st, Divine evidence in his own soul ; or 2dly, by the fruits of his labor ; or 3dly, the witness of his word with power. How shall one know whether it be his own duty to preach or not 1 Says one, leave it to your brethren to determine. But if they have not the proper evidence by which to judge, are incapable of forming a correct judgment ; of course may err, to his great injury ; therefore, there should be further investigation beyond those who are incomptent to be judges. Search the Scriptures ! The Scriptures do not say whether he, as an individual, shall go or stay. If God wills the thing and requires it at his hand, there is no counselling against the Lord. And if it be not his duty, no man nor any body of men, have a right to tell or command him to go. There is no rational evidence that wicked men are called of the Lord to preach. Those who feel the call enjoined upon them, by obeying the divine convictions in their soul, they feel quietness and peace, and joy in God, by walking in that way. But the rejection of duty brings pain and wo ! As there are various gifts in the Christian church, and yet all by the same Spirit, how shall a person know and determine what place and sphere is his ? Answer — he must get the spirit of his station, and then he will feel the witness, and have the testimony that he pleases God. The open- ing of providence corresponds with the calls of the spirit, when and where to go. But some people who are too much bigoted to a mode of their own. had rather good would not be done at all, if it does not come in their own way, agreeably to their preconceived notion of the thing — if we may judge of their conduct in opposing the instruments which it pleases God to use, as means to accomplish it. But the words of Gamaliel, Acts v. 35, are apropos to such as forbid others, because they act not with them ! DOW'S LAWSUIT. Supreme Court. 1 ^his was an action brought by the plaintiff PAR A R' h A a g amst defendant, in a plea of trespass on the r. as n. A. Kicnards I c in which ig claimed damages for an unne- T " n I cessary detention of water from the said plain- Lorenzo JJow ' J tiff's mills by the said defendant. The jury in this case consisted of the following gentlemen : Elisha Waterman, Matthew Brown, Asa Roath, Julius S. Hammond, Joshua Maples, jun., Thomas H. Wilson, Jacob McCall, Abial Roath, Bishop Burnham, Henry Brown. Ebenezer Howe, Being eleven, the number agreed to by the parties. Charles Laterop, Clerk. January 30th, 1829. ESTABLISHMENTS. 1, Dow's, 4, R. Palmer's, 7, Giles Turner's. 2, Baker's, 5, Smith's fulling-mill, 8, Peter Richard's. 3, Scholfield's, 6, G. Palmer's. plaintiff's witnesses. Esquire Hurlburi. — Distance from factory to pond, 1711 rods ; to Giles Turner's, 235 ; to G. Palmer's, 163; to Smith's, 170; to R. Palmer's, 130 ; to Scholfield's, 526 ; to Baker's, 280 ; to the pond, 207. _ Baker's pond, small ; Scholfield's larger, dam small, perhaps from eight to ten feet high ; considerable surface of pond ; perhaps fifteen oi\ twenty acres. R. Palmer's pond long, narrow, dam not high ; does not recollect how high. Smith's pond small, dam not high. G. Palmer's pond small, dam low. Turner's pond small, dam low ; no large streams running into the principal ones ; has noticed them on plan ; first small, second largest ; it cannot differ much from thirty years since ; Lester first built his grist-mill ; cotton-factory been built within five or six years ; oil-mill never run ; before the purchase of Lester's small dam ; since enlarged ; did not grind ; formerly went there to mill ; cannot say whe- ther every year or not ; mills above occasionally dry ; the Fox mills ; 34 398 DOW'S LAWSUIT. has been to Dow's dam two or three times since he built it ; cannot say whether as much water in the stream below as before ; thinks more power necessary to move the present machinery than formerly ; thinks, in the course of the year, as much as formerly run to Richard's mill ; does not know whether more or less in the dry season ; 1827-28, wet ; more wet through the year of '27 than '26 ; Dow's dam accumulates much more water than formerly it could have done ; the surface in the basin is much larger than formerly. Hasam Browning. — Dow's dam raised considerably, thinks four feet ; darn very tight when he saw it ; has frequently been there ; been ac- quainted about twenty-five years; cannot tell how much land flowed by the new dam ; trees killed ; large pond, say one mile or over long ; half or three quarters of a mile wide, generally speaking; in August, 1827, ninth day, found water shut up ; very little leak from the dam or flume ; if any had been let out that day, must have been early water, about three feet above old clam ; never been there since to examine ; had seen it when the dam was building, which thinks was in 1826 ; was a waste- way to the old dam, and when the pond was filled they would raise the gate and let it off in freshets ; were some holes, thinks two, in the old dam ; never saw the body of the water in the pond before ; tight match whether he ever saw so little in the stream below ; saw the dam while building; went there with Joshua Baker, and saw them wheeling the dirt ; afterwards went and saw it after finished ; went with Cleveland ; knew the old dam leaky ; been there to mill ; just above Dow's dam, ap- parently an old dam ; never saw the time but that there was water in the ditch ; behind the old dam, in very dry time, and water much drawn off to grind, thinks dry. R. Palmer's grist-mill pond long ; has some- times seen the water rather low ; then has been obliged to wait for grind- ing ; in a very extreme dry time, guesses all the mills have been in want of water ; as much runs down the stream as before, only what is reserved ; since Dow's dam has been built has not waited at R. Palmer's, because very wet seasons. Asahel Otis. — Former dam quite old ; leaked some ; Dow has raised the dam ; made a nice one, very durable ; thinks dam finished in 1827 ; in the fall blowed away the rocks ; thinks the bottom of the sluiceway about four feet higher than the old dam; has been acquainted with the old dam ever since a schoolboy ; old dam always pretty much the same ; leaky ; thinks pond would embrace a mile square ; never formerly came up to the road into twenty rods ; deep pond; an island in the middle; has seen half an acre dry; 1827-28 have been wet seasons; in 1^'Jti, till last of July, very dry, then wet ; no leak to this pond ; dam very tight; old and new dam abut against a ledge ; old sluiceway would let off when up to a certain pitch ; so it does now above four feet higher; thinks the dam about five feet higher than before; has been to Dow'a mill formerly; frequently, when he could get no grinding, used to clear out the ditch; Mr. Miner used to invite his neighbors to dig out, thinks a little spot of two or three rods lower than the ditch, and where it stood ; Palmer used to grind when Miner did not ; there is another stream run- ning into Palmer's pond ; it has been so low that they ground very little ; does not think that there is any more water discharged here in the dry season than formerly ; has never known Dow's mill want for water since DO W'S LAWSUIT. 399 Dow owned it; frequently did before; does not, as he thinks, grind ag much as was ground seven years ago ; does not know that in 1926 there was a want of water at this or any of these mills ; did not think there was ; has known the old dam more than forty years ; pretty much the same as remained, only it grew rather worse. Nathan Comstock, jun. — Commenced business in 1812 where he now lives : recollects the Lester mill about thirty-one years, and that before Scholfield came into these parts ; grist-mill did not take so much water as the Lesters' does ; when the water run over the factory dam, it came in too great quantities at a time ; the water that was wasted at Lester's dam was equal to nearly as much as is necessary to operate the machi- nery ; water might be a day or two coming from Miner's dam ; said the cotton-factory stopped year before last ; cannot tell at what time of the year ; always been occupied since he has known it ; when the Richards' factory stopped, thinks the other mills stopped on the stream at Richards' ; thinks part of the same race-way in part ; can't tell ; race-way about the same ; thinks the side built up a little higher than before ; thinks the Richards' mill has occasionally stopped, in a very dry time, before Dow built his dam ; not very certain. James Comstock. — Has known Lester's mill about thirty years, situa- ted very near Richards' mills ; has been accounted as permanent a stream as any they had among them ; two last seasons been very wet ; as near as he can recollect, they have stopped at Richards' some days ; thinks there would have been water enough the two last seasons ; cannot tell whether the water wasted at Lester's would have been sufficient to carry the factory wheel ; large ; does not know as he ever knew Lester's mill stop for any length of time for want of water; four years since Richards' factory got a going ; can lay up much more water than for- merly ; thinks the old race-way nearly as formerly ; Richard's grist- mill where Lester's was ; thinks would not vary ; thinks there would have been enough for the grist-mill if it had not been used for the factory ; thinks not enough to carry Lester's grist-mill. Amos Comstock. — Known Lester's mill, say twenty-five years ; some times wanted water ; but considered very dry when stream lacked; oc- cupied in W. Comstock's mill for the last two years ; all that is retained has not come along ; two last years has been present ; has been a lack of water for several days summer before this last ; he stopped one whole day and two or three days in part ; dry time when stopped ; frequently stop their mill because not water to carry both ; doubtful whether there would have been enough to carry Lester's mill ; does not know whether he ever knew all the factories and mills stopped for want of water. Burr ell Thompson. — Dow's dam higher than the other ; this very tight ; the old one not very tight ; plenty of water for grinding at Dow's ; some- times not constant millers there ; believes they had set days, thinks one day in a week; was such a time, but cannot tell how long it continued. Can't tell whether Dow's pond generally ran over ; can't tell how much more it flows now than formerly ; thinks does not flow twenty rods farther towards the road than formerly : has risen on his land, can't tell how far nor how deep ; perhaps from two to three feet ; thinks in the fall of the year, the set days for grinding ; cannot tell exactly ; thinks one of Miner's sons tended ; was a Latham tended ; after crossed the stream did not par- 400 DO W'S LAWSUIT. ticularly observe ; has known the water very low ; rare that grinding could not be had ; should not think there was more water ran down this stream in the dry season in consequence of Dow's dam. J. Hartshorn. — Mill stopped on the 24th of July, 1827, one quarter of a day ; 25th one quarter of a day ; 6th day of August, one quarter of a day, 7th whole day ; 11th whole day ; from 11th to 13th had a heavy rain and stopt ; grist-mill had no water ; should say could not be considered a dry time; factory built in 1823; commenced operation 12th April, 1824; 1825 or '26 had a dry season ; afterwards more wet ; thinks there would have been enough water if it had come in the natural stream ; if it had come as formerly thinks it would not have been as likely to stop ; thinks stopped more this season for want of water than before ; forty-five persons employed ; great inconvenience to be interrupted parts of days. Rich- ards' dam completed in the spring of '27 ; old dam did not lay up as much water as this ; unusual quantity of water came down at the time of the heavy rain ; does not know whether owing to that cause or not ; opera- tions of factory suspended in '25 and '26. Flume six feet in width, depth six feet, quantity of water under the gate opens one and a half or tM'o inch- es, since the dam finished by Richards ; more water than before ; good deal of water ran by of which he had not the benefit, wasted ; don't know how much water was required at the old mill ; factory now takes more water than the grist-mill. Peter Richards understood went to Mrs. Dow ; don't know any thing about an application to purchase the water above ; Mr, Richards sent him to request Mr. Miner to let the water down; pur- chased the right of Mr. Miner for fifteen dollars. In the dry season of 1825-6, can't tell how long the water had been held back ; had rather pay a little than keep it back ; one of the dams below would retain the Mater more than three or four hours ; great advantage to the mill-owners be- low if they could control the dam ; can't say whether the entry on the book was made the same day, or day after ; don't recollect whether the notes at the bottom were made when the others were, or not. James C. Andrew. — Works in the factory ; July 24th, one quarter of a day; 25th, same ; August 6th, one quarter of a day; 7th, whole day; 11th, whole day ; between the 7th and 11th, 25 persons in the mill ; stop- pages inconvenient ; does not recollect how much they have stopped in previous seasons. Joshua Baker. — Dow's dam raised in the fall of '26 ; does not know but that he worked on it in January ; four and a half feet higher than the old dam ; two and a half or three feet head raised ; retains one third more wa- ter ; in the summer of '27 rather held back; had some considerable grinding ; winter ground only one clay in the week ; last of July or Au- gust '27, thinks it did not run out the sluiceway much ; recollects once the water came out freely, soon after the suit was brought ; ran two or three days ; lowered it down to the old dam ; thinks drew it down to near- ly the level of the old dam ; Dow not at home when the suit was brought ; ran out of the waste- way before ; for a fortnight previous thinks the Mater had run over the waste-gate ; frequently went to Miner and got liberty to hoist the gate ; water discharged only at the waste-gate and flume ; no stream below Dow's and his mill which enters; Dow did not keep back from him ; when they grind at Dow's he can saw ; main flume plank had sprung, and to repair it was the object of taking off the board ; two plank DO W'S LAWSUIT. 401 sprung ; had a miller very generally in the summer ; set days began in the fall and continued in the winter ; never knew Dow stop the stream except when repairing ; has known all the mills pretty much stop : did in dry times ; has owned his mills thirty years ; been the custom for each one to retain until he had occasion to use ; often asked Miner to ac- commodate him ; no more dry than formerly ; no disadvantage to him ; thinks very little difference as it regards Lester's mill ; cannot say, thinks sluiceway finished after suit was commenced. Nathan Corn-stock, jr. — Went to Miner ; understood he refused to grind ; went up, asked Miner to grind ; he refused ; demanded the water. Miner said he had water in the pond ; pay him he would let it come ; asked him twenty dollars. Richards said he would give him a five dollar bill ; proposed to open the flume ; finally gave fifteen dollars. Robert Comstock, Depo. — Occupied a mill below Uncasville Factory ; went to Dow's pond and Richards', a day or two before the suit. In con- sequence of the dry weather and detention of the water in Dow's pond, Uncasville Factory stopped. Daniel Lester. — Son of the former owner ; built a little over thirty years ; tended part of the time ; used to lack some for water ; only in a dry time ; has known it stop ; present canal a little larger than formerly ; does take more to carry this factory than old gristmill, what ordinarily run in the stream. Don't think at all times the water that run in the stream would carry the factory. His father used to collect the water in the night ; for- merly let it come as they had occasion to use it. Edwin Baker. — Stoppage of the factory in the summer of 1827. July 24th part of the day ; 25th same ; August 6th one quarter ; 7th whole da;/; 11th whole day; kept a meteorological journal. 7th of August, Comstock and Richards were up to the Dow dam. defendant's witnesses. Gideon Palmer. — Acquainted with the stream ; knew Lester's situation, small dam ; temporary to turn water into the ditch ; above could put down a plank and raise considerable water ; could operate his mill with little water ; 21 inches when he saw it ; considerable grain in the mill ; could grind but little. Just above this pond a little brook puts in ; about a quar- ter of a mile another stream puts in ; Giles Turner's mill in '27 ; from 12 to 14 feet high ; into that pond a little stream from the east; on the west side one or two small streams ; above his pond a considerable of a stream ; Smith raises about four feet ; above this is a small stream which empties in. The Fox mill-seat ; Elder Palmer and Eells ; head about four feet, twelve feet head and fall ; pond a mile or more long ; channel- way running from the dam to the upper end ; whole distance across the marshes thinks fifty rods when pond full ; stream, considerable one emp- ties into the pond ; Scholfield's pond considerable large ; raise four and a half or five feet of water ; does not recollect any year in which there has not been a complaint of want of water. At Dow's mill about the time of lowering his sluiceway ; of great advantage as he thought. Has bought the water at the Fox mill-seat ; thinks the dam very beneficial if properly used ; much safer thinks in high freshets ; if it should be shut down and kept tight would be of great advantage. Brother Reuben's pond large ; necessary that the oil-mill should be kept in operation. Fore part of Au- 34* 402 DOW'S LAWSUIT. gust, '27, his brother wished to repair ; went to help him on Tuesday ; then turned the water into a particular channel ; secured the bottom part Tuesday afternoon ; repaired the dam up along ; Thursday night put up another plank ; held the water until Saturday afternoon ; thought the wa- ter came dawn in the usual quantity ; run faster than he expected ; thinks July and first of August dry ; has heard no complaint from the owners above ; never knew that the lower proprietors had any claim upon the proprietors further up the stream ; Mr. Lester's grist-mill frequently stop- ped for want of water ; the detention of the water at Elder Palmer's pond and not at Dow's ; when put down first plank rarely any running Mater below ; as it rose leaked a little more. Fore part of the month of August, began to repair on Tuesday ; on Wednesday supposed there would be a want of water ; cannot tell how much higher this dam than the old one ; droughts operated considerably on the springs. Elder Palmer. — Should agree with the testimony of his brother gene- rally ; thirty-three years has known the stream, excepting four years in the mean time ; knew of Lester's building his mill ; did not much busi- ness at it except in dry season ; the one occupied by him has had an extensive custom ; very durable ; more so than at Lester's ; for seven years past or more ; business managed differently ; Rogers built a ma- chine factory ; that failed and then turned into a cotton mill ; then run all day ; prior to that time had used it for customers. When Richards' folks began, workmen went to Richards'; his factory burnt in March, 1825 — knew the privilege twenty years before he was interested in it. All re- tained supposed he was obliged to submit to it. Has been acquainted with the stream thirty years. Cannot say whether the present establish- ment requires more water than the gristmill ; his gristmill did not want water long. Miner's pond and his are the only two natural ponds ; Les- ter's mill frequently had not water enough in the morning. Do ndt think the stream impaired. In the summer season has more water than for- merly. Cannot say whether the water was stopped at Dow's dam when he repaired. Monday or Tuesday after his repairs, saw Richards and Comstock returning. Privileges have not been injured. Have always considered themselves independent of Miner's pond. Thinks at present more water requisite to carry the factory than did the old mill. Thinks it would take twenty-four hours for the water to go from Dow's to Rich- ards'. While his dam was repairing water continually flowing. Ad- vantages — detaining freshet water — reservoir : gave him to understand (i. e. Richards and Comstock did) that they had been to Dow's ; all stop- ped below till he has started ; thinks the time he was repairing his mill the usual quantity of water came down ; and that the lack of water at Richards' factory in August, 1827, was occasioned by the not using his dam. CusMng Eclls. — Owned the property several years, never there but once. Thinks the alterations beneficial ; should think it beneficial to the factory below. H. Miner. — Owned the mill between twenty and thirty years. As soon as the pond is full, runs round ; gravelled the dam ; if as much grinding, as much water runs; tended the mill for Dow, and does now : Peter Richards wanted to gel the water. None of the proprietors claimed a right to open his dam while he owned it; at his own dam once stopped DOW'S LAWSUIT. 403 could only grind about a bushel. Dam, say fifteen feet ; pond is increas- ed ; covers five or six acres more than formerly ; supposes ground one day in a week, in the fall, or fore part of the winter, or in the winter. When they ground but one day in the week, plenty of water. Richards wanted the water ; talked of knocking down the flume ; gave him fifteen dollars for letting the water go; always the practice to raise a pond, and no one ever interfered with him till Richards ; returned home a week or fortnight after the suit brought. John VaUct. — Acquainted with the water privilege, i. e. Dow and Ba- ker's ; have always calculated upon a scarcity of water in the stream once a year. Used to go to Fox's mills pretty much in the last resort for grinding. Thinks Dow's improvements beneficial to all. Elder Dow has not to his knowledge withheld the stream. Dam, before Dow had possession, sometimes leaky. Waste-gates could sometimes be raised ; then put down boards ; used to stop the dam as had occasion. The stop- pages in the dam to reserve the water. Branch. — Came in May before last, in 1827. Mill required more water in 1827 than now. No such lack of water as required him to stop his wheel. Never knew Dow withhold his water intentionally. Pond fifty rods, say twenty wide. Never stopped all his machinery. Scholfield. — Did not know about the stream prior to April. Mill prin- cipally furnished by the Miner pond. A stream runs into his pond; operated one carding machine, sometimes not so fast as he could wish. One time, was the week before the water came on ; suffered no incon- venience. Abel Bissel. — Concerned in an oil-mill. Did but little business except when the water was plenty. Improved Scholfield's establishment three or four years. Lacked water, thinks in the fall of 1825. Thinks if Dow operates his mill, beneficial to all. Thinks the custom to the mill would cause this to discharge more water than Miner's could. In Aug., '27, thinks there was a miller regularlv employed and constantly attended. Giles Turner. — Should agree substantially with the Palmers as to the ef- fects of Dow's improvements at the head of the stream. Something was said to him about paying Mr. Miner. Mills below have occasionally wanted water. Eells's establishment, as far as he knows, could do more or less business every day, although there has been a leakage. Those at the lower part of the stream have smaller dams ; never claimed a right to control others ; had some acquaintance with the Lester mill ; often wanted water ; although ground a little every day. Fore part of the season of 1827, wet ; July, and fore part of August, not. THE CONFESSION. According to the best of my knowledge and belief- — I confess that I think Owanico, principal sachem of the Mohegan tribe, to be the same as Onecho, the son of Uncas — was a blood connection of the great Sassi- cus, principal sachem of the ancient Pequot Indians ! That Uncas was made a princely sachem by the white men. That Owanico, on the 11th of December, 1698, gave a deed of land to Thomas 404 DOW'S LAWSUIT. Stanton, of Stonington ; that the said Stanton sold it to Lieut. James Harris, a noted land speculator, who sold it to Joseph Otis ; and the said Otis sold it to Wm. Mynard ; and the said William left it by heirship to his son Jonathan, who conveyed it by deed to his son, Capt. Jonathan Mynard, jr., who conveyed it by deed to his son Henry ; and the said Henry Mynard conveyed it to me — with all the cows and hogs, (fee. &c, by deed — as recorded in Montville. There were four mortgages on the premises ; the last was mine. In my absence, there was a decree of court, that if I did not pay the others, I must be cut off by a " foreclosure." Hence, I confess, I did not want the property — so I concluded to offer it to Peter Richards, for less than the value of my mortgage on the face ! — As the said Peter and son were preparing great water-works below, on the same stream, near six miles off; as I thought that they would wish for a fountain, as a reservoir for a dry time ; so I confess that in good friendship I offered the same, as I saw no way for them to be supplied with sure water otherwise. But the said Peter differed from me in opinion, and declined the offer, as if he felt no interest seemingly. So I was obliged to take the deed myself or lose my claim ! After this, with some hands, had the trees and bushes cut down, at the outlet of " Oxoboxo" pond, on said premises — to see how the appearances were, and the location of the situation, also. On the east side, there is a high pile of rocks, from the summit of which may be seen the ocean, three light-houses, several islands, vessels sail- ing, &c, and retiring down, you have all the romance of the wilderness, bordering on the solitude of monastic hermitage ! On the west side of the stream is another pile or ledge of rocks, form- ing a promontory ! One pile of rocks is considered good for building-stone, of supei'b qua- lity, that may be rolled down with ease and convenience ; and the other may be easily split into flag or flat stone, according to wish ; and also some " fire-stone," enough for several hundred buildings, near at hand. The pond in front — a dale in the rear, or down the stream southeast, towards the Thames — with excellent springs of water, convenient to the establishment — and other things in appearance, as " chalk clay," " iron ore," &c. This place has about twenty feet, press and fall, of water; and accord- ing to computation, from testimony in court, " a mile square," twelve feet deep, more than 300,000,000 cubic feet, might be applied to the use of machinery. There was a mill erected here, about one hundred and twenty years ago, kept in use for the neighborhood ever since ; and said to have been the first erected in this part of the country ; and of course must have been the oldest on the stream by occupancy. There are eight dams below mine ; the last but one belongs to the Ri- chardscs — lying on the road from Norwich to New-London ; and six be- twixt theirs and mine. From rocks on each side, at the outlet of the pond, a wall for a perma- nent support might be connected with them at the ends — being about se- venty-five feet asunder — from side to side ! This wall being raised sixteen feet high, connected with the two rocks DOW'S LAWSUIT. 405 at the ends, would admit of a trench in front for boards to be set perpen- dicularly, with two thicknesses, so as to break joints, that water nor eels should find a way through the dam, when completed : hence, the old dam being about forty feet above or higher up the stream than the wall, the concave was filled with earth — wet down, to make it permanent and solid around the boards ; and from the old dam to the new wall, which wall was eight feet thick. The rock on the west side might be so reduced as to admit of a sluice- way for the pond floods to escape from the pond, and so vent itself, without danger of being washed away by ice and freshets. And moreover, double the quantity of water would be retained of the spring freshets, and reserv- ed for a dry season, without injury to anybody, but beneficial to all par- ties concerned or any ways connected or interested in the water privileges on the stream. I went to Mr. Richards, and attempted to describe to him the advantage that might be taken of the situation by improvement, thinking it would be for his interest as well as mine ; and if he would aid therein, should share the benefit. I confess that I did go to him this second time, and made this second offer — whether right or wrong, it was well meant by me. But the offer was declined by him : so I undertook the erection of the dam alone, with the intention of raising it higher than the old dam, to detain more water. For I had no idea of giving offence to any one ; nor did I think that such an act could injure any one, seeing all the water which I expected to detain, was only that which would run off in the spring of the year, without doing anybody any good ; and at a season, too, when there would be plenty of water for all concerned. But Mr. Richards wrote me a curious kind of letter, or at least it seem- ed so to me, of which the following is a copy. Ifyw-London, 11 Oct. 1826. Rev. Lorenzo Dow, Sir — Understanding that you are repairing or rebuilding the dam to your Miner pond, without knowing or pretending to know your intentions as to the structure of it, we derm it a friendly duty to advise you, that you have no legal right to raise the dam in the least degree above what it has heretofore been, and that you have not the right to hold back water or to let it off at your pleasure to the injury of those who improve mill-seats below you. We would persume that you have no unfriendly intentions, nevertheless we consider it our duty in this friendly manner to advise you as above, what we have no doubt is law on this subject ; and to add, that we shall endeavor to maintain our own rights, and should you raise your dam above its former height, or hold back, or let off water, otherwise than for your own necessary and fair purposes, and we are injured thereby, we shall hold you liable for all damages. We are, very respectfully, your obedient servants, P. & H. A. Richards. So I called on him for an explanation ; when, I confess, I talked my Lorenzo talk, very plain. Among the rest, if 1 mistake not, I think I said, " If you sue me for 406 DO W'S LAWSUIT. damage, and the law will give you my property, without an equivalent — if you can afford to receive it so, I can afford to let you have it for nothing" — or words to that point — this being the third time of my calling, and I think it was the last. In Nov. 1826, I went to the West and South, and was gone till about the 16th or 17th of Aug. 1827. About Dec. 20th, 1826, the sluiceway was blown out, the dam finished, and the gates shut down, and pond filled and run over, without any harm to anybody. The mill ground for the neighborhood, one day in the week, which supplied the neighborhood for the winter. But in the spring there was a miller all the time, every day, until late in the fall, so that there should be the usual flow of water as heretofore, steadily grinding for cus- tomers as they came to mill. Before this property fell into my hands, the water has been so low, that I have been under the necessity of sending out of the neighborhood a dis- tance to obtain grinding for my family. For it appears that almost from time immemorial there* has been a scarcity of water in a dry season, there being no stream that runs into the pond in a dry time, above-ground ; still, the pond has been known, before it came into my possession, to rise a foot in a few days, from springs, when the gate has been kept shut — the water beino;, as is said, about fifty feet deep. All those who are concerned in the water privileges below me, except the Richardses, admit my dam is no injury to them or their water privi- lege ; but most of them admit it rather, of the two, to be a benefit than otherwise ! Mr. Peter Richards called on my wife in my absence, and requested extra water to be let off, over and above the usual quantity, to keep his factory with a steady supply, which is very different from a mill going occasionally, for customers, at my mill ; and it was at Lester's mill, be- fore Mr. R. put up the factory there — which mill was about " thirty odd" years standing, only. But as there fell a torrent of rain, Lucy concluded that Mr. R. was supplied with water ; and hence, things remained as they were, until Elder Palmer, wishing to repair his flume, drew his pond as low as possi- ble, and stopped all the water he could, by corking it with moss, &c, which dried Mr. R.'s big factory right up, and they had to stop. Mr. R. then called on Lucy a second time, and demanded the gate to be hoisted, as his right, to have water over and above what the miller let off by grinding. I confess that I suppose that she talked some of her " Lucy talk," as she, "instead of playing the hypocrite, is very apt to let off; and, accord- ing to her statement, said that she was glad there were some men, viz. the Thames Company, who had honor and honesty enough to procure a fountain of water at their own expense. So he told her what he would do ; and he did it — namely, commence suit. The overseer of the factory, in the fall of 1826, told me that it yielded a profit of twenty-eight dollars per day, after paying every expense, and allowing ten per cent interest on the whole capital of sixty thousand dol- lars also. DO W'S LAWSUIT. 407 Now, after my return home about the 16th of August, 1827, to find my property under an attachment of two thousand dollars, was a thing that I little expected ; and to find myself to be so bad a man, so mean and wick- ed, was a thing that I little dreamed of. The power of fancy must have been very great, when some have be- lieved the say-so of the doctors, or of the priests, in opposition to their own senses ! So, thought I, is it possible that I have been at home, and have given such instructions, as some say ? No ! Where was I when I wrote those instructions laid to my charge ? I was from home when the dam was finished, and wrote nothing about it, by way of instruction, while absent. But I must confess that I am convicted and fould guilty, in the eye of the law, of what I here call " Villany detected" — matter of fact to the con- trary, notwithstanding ; for, to come to the nicety of the case, it is my candid opinion that the dam erected by me, was never any real injury to any one below me. Neither do I think that Peter and H. A. Richards ever had one hogshead of water detained by me, or from having it when they wanted it, and that would have been beneficial to them, had my dam been out of the way. Now I confess, that after my return from the west, the Messrs. Richards came to see me, and, as they intimated, to settle with me. But I replied, that I had got nothing to settle with them, for I owed them nothing, neither had I any claim against them, and, of course, had nothing to settle. But if they wished to talk about water, provided the suit was withdrawn, and the cost paid, I was ready to meet them on fair ground ; but while they had a rod shaking over my head, I had nothing to say. This, Peter said, he was not disposed to do ; for he supposed the law was on his side. What this law was, I then knew not; for it was not to be found in the statute book. But I knew the common old custom ; and the privileges I had bought were handed down, through seven hands, between the Indians and myself. But times turn. A " new law" must be brought in ! — the dawn of a new era begins to appear ! One must be favored, and the other de- pressed ! The privilege of the water, according to custom, which had remai undisputed, not only for " fifteen years" last past, (before Peter began the trouble to claim more water than heretofore,) but for an hundred years anterior to that, was in peaceable possession, by occupancy, one hundred and sixteen years in all. The suit was commenced three months sooner than was necessary for suing timely for court ; whereas, if they had wished to meet me on prin- ciples of reciprocity, they would have waited one week longer, when f should have been at home. But I suppose they wished to establish a principle, and to see the same exemplified as the law of the land ; and if they did not, no doubt others would. So the case was appealed up from the county to the superior court ; and 408 DOW'S LAWSUIT. in the January term, was put over to October, 1828, when there were so many criminals to be tried, that it was put off till January, 1829; keep- ing me in suspense by detention, and cutting across all my other arrange- ments — giving me cost, vexation, and trouble enough. Being in New Orleans, I had to return back on a fool's errand to attend court for nothing ; and such was the conduct of the case during eighteen months. But the struggle came on at last, with a strong fend-off. The agony is over, and brought forth both a mountain and a mouse ! Now, thoughts being involuntary, I confess what came into my head like a dream, viz. that the office of the county court " bench" being somewhat vacant, an appointment is made for a gentleman of very high standing, as a counsellor at law, to fill ; but it was not accepted till after the late de- cision ; which, if it had been anterior, might have prevented his assiduity on the trial. Young Mr. C. appears to possess a good delivery at the bar. My friend Hungerford, made a speech to the point, as I thought, con- sidering circumstances. Here I was called from court to attend meeting, which prevented my hearing the two other gentlemen, viz. Lyman Law, who was my attorney, and Calvin Goddard, who was on the other side. Judge Hosmer was on the bench. The anti's were all around, whisper- ing that his honor would give me the case, because I was a mason ; and were watching for signs, as they have since confessed. Such is the delu- sion and fanaticism anions; them ! I applied to the Hon. Calvin Goddard for his plea ; but he gave me to understand that he could not help me to " make a book.'"' I applied to Mr. C, who only furnished me with a short extract, which is annexed, in the trial, with such official documents as I could procure. An /i-Englishman, from Wales, by the name of John Dolbeare, a brass- founder, emigrated to America with his wife, whose coat of arms, accord- ing to heraldry, exhibits the family once to have been the fourth family in the kingdom of Great Britain. The personal estate inventory was about seventy-five thousand dollars, besides a vast amount of real estate, after his decease. They had twenty-four children — twenty-two sons, and two daughters. The twenty-fourth child, named George, was given to a gentleman, in ap- pearance, for he had a hat and coat covered with gold-lace, and came from a place called Pogwunk. This son George heired the estate of land iu this part of the country. In 1698, one of the established ministers preached an election sermon, (not Calvinistic, but political election,) for which he was to have " two hundred acres of land," "bounded by water," "be the same more or less," i. e. fifteen hundred acres ; which location was made between Oxo- boxo pond and Bozrah lake ; and being divided between two clergymen, the preacher kept the south half, and sold it to one Livingston, whose widow sold it to James Harris, the land speculator ; he sold it to John Dolbeare, of Boston, whose twenty-fourth child, George, came into posses- sion of it by heirship. This George was considered a great man in his day, having four saw- mills, and much land. DOW'S LAWSUIT. 409 He sent to London for a gun, with his name engraved thereon ; and to make a trial with his gun, he shot down a fine beef, and gave it to the poor, saying, " Dress, and eat ;" so they took it away. Having heard decrees, or predestination, preached, he concluded that it was of little account for us to go to meeting, if all our destinies were fix- ed ; and so he made himself scarce from the pew ! Now, this George had a son by the name of George, whose partner Mas named Margaret, and was called " Aunt Peggy ;" but she was of an un- happy turn of 'mind ; it was impossible for any one to meet her humor — she forever working by the rule of contrary. George, jr., hired the gun, for the namesake engraved; and so it de- scended to his son George. But Aunt Peggy stole the gun, and sold it for two dollars, which was a grief to the Dolbeare family ; and the gun went the rounds while George was absent. But when he came home, the gun being put into his hands at a shooting-match, he kept it, and carried it off, which was construed a trespass. So the said George was taken up, and tried before H. Browning, Esq., and condemned for a trespass. But George went to Indiana, and carried off the gun with him ! Now, the twenty-fourth child had six children — three sons and three daughters ; one of whom married Mr. Guy Richards, of New London, the father of Peter, whose son, H. A., is mentioned in this case. Now it must be mentioned, that Peggy lived a widow many years, and then married again to a Mr. W., whom I shall call Mr. Wrong. With spite she cheated her children ; got married, and went off: but the race of human career must have an end. I remarked to my family, that it appeared to me that they would, ere long, hear that Aunt Peggy was taken sick. I went to Boston ; return- ing home, J told Lucy that I thought Aunt Peggy would be willing to see her for the first time. On our arrival we found she was sick ; she then wished to see her children, and to make them some remuneration for the injury done them. I advised them to have nothing to do with any thing she had, remark- ing, there would only be a curse attending it ; and feeling her time near, I quit home for about two weeks, till I felt she was dead. I then returned home. Judge T. wrote her will, without being candid enough to say it was of no - account, but showed it to Mr. W., and put him in train to possess the whole, as Mr. W. had been much in law, and never had been known to lose a case, because he could always prove what he undertook ! By going away I escaped the Sunday trap business ; and to get out oi the clutches of Mr. W., it came into my heart to do with him as God dealt with the Hebrews in the wilderness, viz., give him all he would. I went, inquired, gave, let him dictate, and take all he wanted, and pa receipts ; after which, I remarked that I thought his race short and swift, and his judgment sure, and if he died the common death of men, I was mistaken. He stayed a few months only ; * ***** under circumstances solemnly and awfully impressive ! Aunt Pego-v had her will while she lived, but was prevented it when she died. M. Dow, of Norfolk, England, turned his thoughts to the wilderness 35 410 DO W'S LAWSUIT. of America. His son T. came over; and his son William Dow, the grandson, was buried at Ipswich. He had four sons, who spent one night in conversation, and dispersed to seek their fortunes. One was heard of no more ; one came to Voluntown and settled ; one to Plainfield, and the other, Ephraim, settled in Coventry, on lands bought of the Indian sachem, Joshua. Ephraim married the daughter of Humphrey Clarke, of Ipswich, from whom my father was named, and lies deposited by the side of my mother in my native place. She was the daughter of James Parker, the son of Joseph Parker, whose parents came from England, and were murdered by the Indians ; himself, with the other children, escaped the Indians, by hiding in the grass and brush, still in plain sight. One Avas an infant, which the sister had dropped from her arms ; Joseph picked it up, and as the child happened to be still and quiet, they were not discovered. Joseph died at the age of ninety-four years, having possessed the first house ever built (by one Rust) in Coventry. It had port-holes through hewn logs, for fear of Indians in that day, and was standing since the days within my recollection. Here, then, according to tradition, were the descendants of Lord Parker, of Macclesfield, England, who is said to have descended from one of the natural children of King Charles II., who, in circumlocution, is said to have descended from William the Conqueror ; and, pray, who was he ? Why, the son of a w**** ! Thus we may all trace back our origin to the ashes from whence we sprang — " dust thou art, and unto dust thou shalt return." Whether my " coat of arms" be a star, a basket, or a broom, hereditary from my forefathers, what is that to me ? If I inherit their vices, I am none the better for that; nor any the worse, if I imitate their virtues. Virtue nor vice can be hereditary in a moral point of view. The effect of vice or virtue may, but not the principle, personally ; for natural evil is not a moral evil. Moral evil is sin. By giving loose to passions evil in nature, and going beyond the bounds of rectitude, it becomes a sin — moral evil. It is your own act, involving motives, which give charac- ter to the action. Reason and judgment should then be called into the account, by proper exercise. Hence the doctrine of the cross, and self- denial, following Christ in the regeneration, by the spirit of his grace, to escape condemnation for personal crime. Some thought the water from me to R. would take but a few hours to run ; but when the gate was hoisted a little extra, (about three feet long and four inches high, which, in court, some said was five feet long ami one foot high, which judgment was not correct,) it took about twenty-six hours to reach them, which is the best evidence I have on the subject of its velocity. This letting off was, first, to blow out the sluiceway rather more to my mind ; the second time, to secure a plank that was sprung ; lli! id, to measure the land by survey that was overflowed, so as to inti- mate the damage, and remunerate the owners. There is another privilege on the premises, but it would be a trespass to improve it, as the law now stands. What clashing of interest and trammelling of property by this something called lair ! But it is a poor wind which blows nobody any good. It makes better fishing for lawyers. Whilst we were standing by the family vault of her great grandfather, DOW'S LAWSUIT. 411 which was one hundred years old, by the date there engraved — " John Dolbeare, 1725," — along came our friend Lafayette, following the masonic and procession of citizens to Bunker Hill, from Boston statehouse — June 17th, 1825. Thus " all flesh is as grass, and all the glory of man as the flower of grass ; the grass withereth, and the flower thereof fadeth away." The Hebrews were forbidden to reap the corners of their fields, or to return after a sheaf when forgotten, or to glean their fields, for it was for the stranger, the fatherless, and the widow ; neither were they to glean their vineyards, for what was left should be for the needy ; they might enter their neighbor's vineyard and eat grapes, but not to carry any away. The stranger, the fatherless, and widow, with the poor, were not to be oppressed, nor be unfeeling, nor bowels of mercy shut up ; but were to remember that they once were strangers, and in bondage, in Egypt. They were interdicted oppressing each other by trading, either in buy- ing or selling. And if a man be unfortunate in worldly affairs, or, by age, infirm, thou shalt relieve him. Humanity and mercy was the law of Moses, as well as justice. In my experience on the journey of life, I find that man, by nature, is a democrat, as it relates to himself; but when taken in relation to his neighbor, he seems to be a tyrant. As though power constituted right. And hence he will too often make them feel it. Several times have I known the walls of the tight-houses, called prisons, in the old world, but have been released, because they found no cause of punishment. To be arrested in my own country, I have been no stran- ger to such treatment ; for do as one may, they will have those who will oppose them. At Charleston, S. C, the circumstances were painful and distressing. A few months passed over ; and whilst those who had me in their power are gone, having reduced me to a level with the world, "all but," yet I have been permitted to see good days in the land of the living, since most of them have been sleeping under ground. I was called to account in Philadelphia, but a receipt in full produced my discharge, which, anterior, had been attained. In New York, by two claims, from the mismanagement of one who had gone off and died, I was brought into trouble, by those who used authority, when I ought to have been discharged ; but the justice of my case was made to appear in a way beyond my ability, and deliverance came to my relief. At Troy, twenty years after a contract was made and paid by me, and afterwards paid a second time, I was arrested, before a congregation of four or five thousand persons, to make me pay it a third time. To avoid the vexation — after going to attend court, in the dead of winter, on a fool's errand, more than a hundred miles, the law having altered the time of court a month sooner — I gave what would procure an exchange of re- ceipts, " from the beginning of time to the end of the world." But an attorney, whom I had never seen nor employed, stepped forward as a friend at the time of the court, and some years after wrote me his bill, and also sent it to an attorney in , to make me pay it, (and there 412 DOW'S LAWSUIT. was no escape,) twenty years from the first payment from my hands. See his bill of items : Retaining fee, warrant attorney, and riling, ..... $2,68.5 Do. special bail for two, and copy and riling, ..... 43 Notice of retaining 19, do. special bail 19, ..... 38 Do. plea notice for 5 fair copy, copy to file and copy to serve, - - 1,52.5 Do. affidavit to put cause over February term lor 5 and /air copies - 75 Court tee taking same, 12, clerk reading and filing affidavit, 12, - 25 Writ of sub. 25, do. ticket for 3 and copy, - 80 Brief lor trial, 75, trial for attending court on notice, $2,00 - - 2.75 Brief on M to put one cause, and me and rule to put over cause, - 2,37.5 Augt. of M 100 copy, cost 25, notice of tax, 19, tax, 25, attend. 25, - 1,94 £13,SS5 Counsel retaining fee, 5,0i>. Counsel fee at term, .......... 5,00 Received the amount of the within. $23,88.5 October 31, 1S28. When in Europe I was pursued by the king's officers, both in England and Ireland, who were set on by those who sought to do me harm, by misrepresenting me to the government, to* appear loyal, and to remove one whom they thought was in their way ; but when I went back, twelve years after, where did I find the calumniators ? Twice have I commenced suit myself, not with the design ever to let it come to trials but from the necessity of the case — of all evils, to avoid the greatest. Hence they were withdrawn, and I paid the cost ; yet, perhaps, it would have been better, if I had not commenced the suits at all. I have had various suits commenced against me, attended with much trouble and cost. I ever aim to pay all my just and honest debts as soon as I oan, for it is ever more satisfactory to me to pay a debt, than to make it ; and people sometimes, by suing, are kept out of their money longer than if they had used lenity. It is not a good thing to make debts ; but sometimes people are unfortunate, although they have every prospect at the time. But to.oppress the poor and the unfortunate is not good ; it is not doing as we would be done by, in the like circumstances ; it is a violation of that golden rule of practice — love thy neighbor as ! Looking forward to the day of retribution, I have felt much more peace, sweet peace, to err — if indeed it was an error — to show lenity, to " for- give my debt" and lose it, than to attempt to recover it by the tyrannical hand of oppression. For I remember the saying of Him, who is all- powerful, " That which ye measure to others, shall be measured to you again." I had rather attend to the direction, feel peace, leave it with Providence, meet his approbation, and thereby insure his protection, than run the risk of losing his favor and the protecting hand of peace. To injure another, because we can, is not good, either in bis person, or property, or character. For power and confidence should ne\ er be abused. Whoever will reflect on the Jewish economy — not merely the cere- monies of the law, but the rule of practice, as it relates to the stranger, the poor, and the unfortunate — will see a principle which Jesus Christ enlarged upon, by precept and example, on which the " law and the pro- DOW'S LAWSUIT. 413 phets" were built. For it is a plain case, throughout the general run and. tenor of the good Book, that virtue shall not go unrewarded, nor vice unpunished. This may appear enthusiastic. But if is my creed in times of exigency, when no human power can relieve, and all is shut up and dark. " Where reason fails, there faith begins" — " For man's extremity is God's opportunity." Hence, "Cast thy bread upon the waters, and thou shalt find it after many days." "In all thy ways acknowledge thou Him, and He shall sustain thee." For He will keep those in peace whose mind is stayed on Him. Read Psalm 91. Had I been brought up behind a counter, to buy and sell at my own price, and, as an indulged child, to have my own way, or in any other located, limited, and secluded sphere, I should have had but little know- ledge of the world ; and, of course, been ill qualified to calculate how to meet the contradictions and opposition of a crooked and perverse world, that may well be termed "omnifarious.' But my parents, by example and precept, taught me when young to respect those I stood in relation to, and, hence, to respect myself. At about fifteen, divine grace was my theme of pursuit. At eighteen, 1 went into a wide world, seeing, as I started, while viewing the rocks and trees, my mother looking till I got out of sight. But oh, the scenes, the trying scenes, in the vicissitudes of life, till now, in my fifty-second year ! But if I am the man, as stated in the writ, the seve- ral paragraphs and the figures interspersed, then it is time that I should confess judgment and be confined, that I may trouble the world no more ! The term villain, in these days, is perverted from the sense and mode in which it was formerly used, in the days of the feudal system, when it meant a tenant in servitude, or vassal, which was the landlord's property in that day. And if a man now owns land, with a water-stream on it, and must not improve it, or alter the situation of it, but by the will and consent of an- other ; then he becomes a vassal, or villain, and tenant at will, for the other. He must not build a new dam, great or small, but by the consent of the one below, if he has machinery, although miles off, and others in- tervene ; nor stop a leak in his dam, nor make a leak, nor raise the dam, nor lower it, but must keep it stationary, for the convenience of the one below, at your own expense, though you do not wish to use it at all. Thus it is like " cap in hand," or " your humble servant" — virtually, like the ancient villains in vassalage ; in its degree, according to the feudal form, " my master," which principle is reviving and travelling very fast in the country — this seizing on the outlets of streams, and monopolizing two ele- ments, earth and water ! P. S. Cost, «Scc, in the aggregate, about two hundred dollars ; but what the whole cost was, on the other side, I don't know. How soon I may be sued again, I do not know ; but I acknowledge myself conquered and found guilty, in the eye of the law ! And although I once thought myself a free man, I find that I was mistaken. I am only a villain — vassal — tenant at will — a gate-tender for others at my own expense! And that is not all— I cannot help myself ! Farewell, sweet freedom ! My property I cannot call my own ! Brother gate-tenders,. look out ! 35* 414 DOW'S LAWSUIT. TO THE INHABITANTS OF CONNECTICUT. Fellow-citizens, — From a sense of duty to myself and to the public at large, involving the interest and welfare of generations yet unborn, I am constrained to address you on a very interesting, but painful subject, arising from cir- cumstances beyond the power of my control ; as the power of redress for relief is only to be found there by the voice of your representatives, in their legislative capacity. The principle of law, on the subject of water, as it now stands, involves awful consequences, when considered as a precedent, introduced and adopted, to become the governing principle of the country, as the supreme law of the land. Supposing, for instance, the intended dam on the Shetucket river, above Chelsea Landing, should go into operation — what must be the consequence, as the principle called law, now stands ? It would give a favored few complete control over one eighth part of the water in this state, by computation, involving the tributary streams. For if a man has a water privilege on his premises, he has no right to improve it by building a dam on it for machinery, if there be any mill ol- factory below ; although the dam should be no injury to any one, but rather, a very great advantage to all ; but still it would be actionable, for it is considered a crime, in point of law, to do a man a favor without his consent, equally as to do him an injury. To build a dam, to lower a dam, to tighten a dam, or to make a leak in a dam, or to raise a dam, if there be machinery below, is actionable ; you must let it remain as it was, stationary. One has all the right ; the other has no right. One is privileged, the other depressed. One is master, the other a servant. One is •' My lord," the other, "Obedient and very humble servant" — "cap in hand." One has all the privilege ; the other is deprived of all — not allowed to improve the water equally on his own land ; although nobody in the least degree is injured, still it is a crime, unless you obtain the consent of the big man below — whose works may be ten miles off — and a dozen dams intervene ; and should all above and below him acknowledge it to be a real benefit to them, still he could prosecute and obtain damage and cost, by this something, called law, — as exemplified in the late decision at Norwich. If a citizen has a spring branch on his farm, he is liable to be prose- cuted even for stopping water, by damming the stream for a hog-Mallow or goose-pond ; or, by the same rule, for detaining it falling from the eaves of his house. Hence the doctrine of, equal rights, &c. Privilege is done away, see- ing a man is not allowed to improve his own water power and privilege equal to his neighbor; when his neighbor suffers no injury or possible harm by it. This doctrine being admitted, and the principle of it adopted for law, farewell forever to the privileges which our fathers fought and bled to DOW'S LAWSUIT. 415 obtain, and then transmitted to us their children. If the fence of a farm be down for a season, my neighbor interdicts my repairing it because he claims the privilege for his hogs, &c, by the same mode of reasoning. The darkness of the feudal system seems to threaten our borders — an " embargo" being in the land. Thus the one who is privileged to have the ascendancy over his neigh- bor, is like a " lord," and should he sell his possession he would sell the privileges with it ; and the other is only as a vassal or a kind of " tenant at will," without any way for redress, the statute law being lame on the subject. Here then I would suggest the propriety of getting a petition from a considerate public, to present to the general assembly, for a redress of grievance, to obtain some special acts of legislation, to protect us in the peaceable possession and enjoyment of our freehold estates in fee simple — with all the privileges thereto belonging — that we may be protected from the imposition and tyrannical hand of oppressors ; and thereby prevent the introduction of darkness — the darkness of the feudal system — a favored few being suffered to monopolize two elements, in this land ! — by ex post facto-ism. Lorenzo Dow. April 25, 1829. APPENDIX. GREAT BRITAIN. Vfarrington, April 15th, 1807. To the Church of God in every place : This cometh in behalf of Lorenzo Dow, itinerant preacher of the gos- pel of God our Saviour. We, the undersigned, ministers and members of the people called Methodist Quakers, late in connection with the old body of Methodists, do testify, that although his appearance among us was in much weakness, many suspicions, good and evil report, his word was with power and the Holy Ghost sent down from heaven. From the time we have been favored with his labors, he hath conducted himself on all occa- sions, in prosperity and adversity, as one whose sole aim is the glory of God and the welfare of mankind, far beyond his strength, in labors more abundant, travelling night and day for the accomplishment of his vast de- sire to preach the gospel of the kingdom to many perishing for lack of knowledge ; and we are witnesses his labor hath not been in vain in the Lord. Many of the stones of the street have been raised to be sons and daughters of Abraham — backsliders reclaimed, and many of infidel prin- ciples shaken. From the impressive manner of his life, many, sunk into Laodicean ease, have been stirred up to glorify God with their body, soul, and substance, whom we trust and pray will remain stars in the church militant, and afterwards form one part of his crown of rejoicing in the day of the Lord. Amen. Being about to depart from this to his native land, we pray that the gui- dance of the same holy hand, which through a train of divine providences cast his lot among us, may conduct and protect him over the great deep to the American shores in peace and safety. Amen. R. Harrison, Richard Mills, W. M'Ginnis, Peter Philips, G. Brimelow, Preachers.* Dublin, October \8th, 1806. My dear brother Dow : As you are about to leave this city, I send you this small testimonial of my esteem and love, as it may on some occasions op^i your way among strangers. * Also signed by upwards of one hundred persons more APPENDIX. 417 I had but few opportunities of attending your meetings ; when I did, I had no doubt of the divine blessing attending your ministry. On other occasions I have had the fullest proof, that although you were confined in your place of preaching, the word of the Lord was not bound, but became the power of God to the salvation of many precious souls. I suppose not less than thirty of these have, on your recommendation, joined the society ; several of whom are rejoicing in God, and living to his glory in newness of life. When you formerly visited Ireland, I witnessed the power of God at- tending your ministry in several instances, and I rejoice in the continua- tion of his grace to you. From all I have seen and heard respecting you, I acknowledge the hand of God, who is now, as formerly, abasing the pride of man in the instruments by whom he works. — See 1 Cor. i. 26 — 29. I have no doubt of your candid attachment to the Methodists, in affec- tion and interest, as well as doctrine. I believe your aim is to spend and be spent in bringing sinners to the Lord Jesus, and do therefore cordially bid you God-speed. May you have many souls given you in every place, to form your crown of rejoicing in the day of the Lord ! May the eternal God be your refuge, and protect you, and your dear wife and lit- tle one, is the prayer of Your affectionate brother in Christ, Matthew Lanktree.* Rev. Lorenzo Dow. Dublin, April 21st, 1807. My dear brother Dow : I was in expectation of hearing from you ever since your departure. At present I must be brief. Whatever be the ultimate result of the emi- grating spirit which is at present moving so many of our dear friends to leave us, I cannot tell ; this I know, we already feel in a distressing- way its painful effects — our hands hang down, and our enemies rejoice. May the Lord interpose, and order it for our' good ! I cannot unravel the providence which prevented brother Joyce from proceeding along with you. I fear he was not in the will of God. With respect to the fruit of your labors, the general testimony of all I have conversed with has been, that the Lord has owned your ministry in various parts of Ireland. My desire and prayer for you is, that you may feel the Lord's presence, and the power of God with you more fully than ever. I would thank you for a few lines before you leave England. My love in the Lord Jesus to sister Dow, and all our friends who accompany you. I am your affectionate brother in Christ, Matthew Lanktree. Mr. Dow, Liverpool. My dear wife sends her love to sister Dow and you. The class under her care is going on well in general. * Superintendent preacher of the Methodist society in Dublin. 418 APPENDIX. New York, November 16th, 1805. My unknown friend : Having received information from Mr. Kirk, respecting your situation, and supposing you to be a proper person, from your influence in the Irish connection, I take this opportunity, the earliest that offers, to write to you, by the way of Liverpool, on a subject in which our brethren are deeply interested. Mr. Lorenzo Dow has embarked again for Europe, better furnished perhaps for success than when he was with you last. His con- fidence of success must at least be very considerably increased, having succeeded so well in deceiving or duping so many of the preachers in the American connection. I hope that our brethren in Europe will unani- mously resolve to have nothing at all to do with him. There is the great- er necessity of this, as it appears to me, that if you should suffer him to have any access to our people, it would not only do us an injury, but him also : for such is the nature of his plan, or system, that he estimates truth and right, not so much by principle as by success. If he should not make immediately for Ireland, please to use your ability to put the English on their guard. I expect he embarked for Liverpool. If he did not take such grounds as to lead our people into an acquiescence, and even approbation of his measures ; if he did not affect to act as a Methodist, I should say nothing about him. But as an itinerant plan may indirectly lead to imposture, it stands us in hand to be very cautious to distinguish be- tween the true and the false itinerant : the lines of distinction should al- ways be kept very clear between the Methodist preacher and his ape. I am sorry, my dear friend, that we can give you no better specimen of the fruits of Methodism in this country. Alas ! alas ! shame ! shame ! It shall be published in the streets of London and Dublin, that Methodist preachers in America, have so far departed from Wesley and their own discipline, as to countenance and bid God-speed to such a man as Mr. Dow ; the last person in the world who should have been suffered to trample Methodism under foot with impunity or countenance. His manners have been clown- ish in the extreme ; his habit and appearance more filthy than a savage Indian ; his public discourses a mere rhapsody, the substance often an in- sult upon the gospel : but all the insults he has offered to decency, clean- liness, and good breeding; all his impious trifling in the holy ministry; all the contempt he has poured upon the sacred scriptures, by often refus- ing to open them, and frequently choosing the most vulgar sayings as a motto to his discourses, in preference to the word of God — all this is as nothing in comparison. He has affected a recognizance of the secrets of men's hearts and lives, and even assumed the awful prerogative of pre- science, and this not occasionally, but as it were habitually, pretending to foretell, in a great number of instances, the deaths or calamities of per- sons, &c. If he makes converts as an apostle, he will not meet witli your interfer- ence ; but I have this confidence in my elder brethren, that as the disci- APPENDIX. 419 pies of the great Wesley, whom they have known in the flesh, they will make a public stand against this shameless intruder, this most daring im- postor.* Grace and peace, Nicholas Snethen. To the Rev. Matthias Joyce, Dublin, Ireland. A true copy : The original is in Mr. Joyce's possession. John Jones. P. Johnson. CONTINENT OF AMERICA. State of Virginia, Richmond District, 4tk Feb. 1806. Dear Lorenzo : I expect you will be surprised and disappointed on the arrival of this letter, without complying with your request — " send on your manuscript." I do assure you it is not for want of inclination, but the want of time to collect the materials of such a work — the vacancy wherein I flattered myself (when with you) I could occupy in the business you required. On my arrival at Lynchburg and New London, from the state of things I was continually on the push. I went so far as to take with me the scattered accounts, in order to select therefrom, but could not take nor make time, so as to be composed for such a work ; but, as I cannot comply with your request in that, I will enclose to you " Dr. Jenning's Vindication of Camp- Meetings," and "A short account of a Camp-Meeting in North America." I received yours from New York a little before you embarked for Eu- rope, together with your companion's inclusive, and doubt not but that you have had the prayers and well-wishes of numbers of your American breth- ren and friends, as well as myself, for your health and preservation at sea, and safe landing in Europe, and also for your friendly reception and usefulness among our European brethren. We are informed in Scripture, that we should " render to all their dues;" and if you have yours, it cannot be denied that your ministerial labor, amidst your indefatigable exertions has been, and still remains a blessing to hundreds and thousands ; and as I have been much in your company for the term of about four years, I have tracked your way in Georgia as Presiding Elder of the District there, as also in Virginia ; and have had an opportunity of forming a considerable judgment, and am con- scious that many stubborn infidels will praise God in time and eternity, that they ever heard the sound of your voice. Yet sensible I am that you * An "intruder" is a bad character — but a "shameless" one must be callous to all deli- cate and important feelings. An " impostor" is a bad character — a " daring" one is worse ; — but the "most daring" is in the superlative degree — which charge is unfounded — as Cos- mopolite has given an honest account of himself at all times, to all persons, and in all coun- tries wherever he hath been — whether in Europe or America, from Uuebec to New Orleans ; and the foregoing history is a simple relation in miniature for the correction of error, the wel fare of Zion, and those whom it may concern. This, with Dr. C * * * threatening me with Lord Castlereagh, &c. gave rise to my pursuers, and afterward to advertise me in the min- utes of the conferences, both in England and Ireland ! 420 APPENDIX. have many enemies, and not confined to the irreligious alone. Yet. for my own part, (although your manner has been much out of the common order,) that piety and extensive usefulness, as an instrument to pull down Calvinism and Deism, and that accompanied with visible and sudden awakenings on the consciences of sinners, and which has terminated in (as I believe) the sound conversion of many, has ever been a motive in me to bear with your apparent irregularities, and to encourage, by every pos- sible effort consistent with propriety, rather than to " forbid one so evident- ly casting out devils in the name of the Lord ;" and withal, one whom I consider to be orthodox in doctrine and a friend to the cause of Methodism. Had you been with me the camp-meeting following at Kingswood Chap- el, in Amherst circuit, the first of November from Friday until Tuesday, 3 r ou would have discovered on your arrival a much better prospect than we saw by the first appearance at the Marquest Road in Louisa. Provi- dence so ordered that the week preceding which was the quarterly meet- ing at Keys, the weather was wet and cold, and attended with snow, which in all probability moved the brethren to fortify themselves. So they mark- ed off the ground, and felled trees, and built seven small houses, covered with boards, and snugly filled in with mortar. Six out of the seven had fire-places, with doors hung on hinges and fastened with a wooden button ; and one of these house-tents was set apart wholly for the ministers. On my arrival Thursday evening I collected those who were on the ground, at the sound of the ram's horn. Sung a millenium hymn, and joined in prayer for God's blessing on the meeting ; and a melting time we had, which I received as an omen of good to come, and mentioned on the stage at the commencement of the meeting next day. If ever I felt an earnest of good to come, I felt it at my arrival on that ground ; and though we had fewer preachers and people than usual at such meetings, the Lord was with us in majesty and great glory. Sinners were awakened and convert- ed, insomuch that it was adjudged not less than sixty souls obtained saving conversion at that meeting, and many were engaged for, and I trust ob- tained the blessing of sanctification, and forty were admitted into the church. Satan here, as at other meetings of the kind, showed his dis- approbation at our breaking down his kingdom. A man threatened to break my neck: another fired off a pistol or gun. On Sunday evening I read the law, "Ten lashes on his or her bare back, well laid on." The work from this, as from other camp-meetings, spread in every direc- tion. One wagon company from near Lynchburg, a distance of thirty miles, had occasion to stop on their return near a tavern, and being all on fire singing the praises of God, several young people came out to the wagon, and being taken by the hand by those in the wagon, were helped in; and, being touched to the heart, they professed religion before they parted: God's blessing appeared with them as with the ark in the days of old. The meeting at the Marquest Road, terminated in the c< m of about thirty souls, and a spread of religion therefrom. The meeting at Reedy Church, Carolina, the week before, was like the bread on the water. I am informed all the sinners in the wagon from Richmond, obtained reli- gion before they got back to town, and a work took place in Richmond therefrom which proved the happy conversion of many, and added many to the church. The interview you had with Robert Sample, the Baptist minister, has (as I am told) greatly weakened his influence, and opened APPENDIX. 421 the eyes of the people. The discerning worldlings, I am told, burlesqued Mr. Sample as follows : two officers were represented on the field of bat- tle, and one being found too weak, dropped his sword and ran off, saying, " Sword, fight for yourself." 1 suppose you recollect Mr. S. went off be- fore you were done, and left his book. The meeting at Roper's Chapel, in New Kent, where our opposition was greatest, has been wonderfully blessed. Two of the old lady's daughters converted, who granted us the privilege of the camp-ground, and many others. Some of those daring opposers have been severely scourged since. Old Sam's monument yet sticks to the tree. It was a providence sure enough that it rained, as we agreed ; as I am told since, the collegians at Williamsburg, backed by their president the bishop, say, had it not rain- ed they would have been upon us : so the beloved clouds came and help- ed us. The work is going on in a lively degree about Roper's yet. Our preacher, the magistrate John Saunders, who was afraid to befriend us at that time, writes me since thus : " When you appointed our camp-meeting some time last summer, so weak was my faith, and so hardened did I be- lieve the people in our neighborhood to be, that it was a query with me whether one soul would be converted at it ; yea, I feared (although I can truly say I was a friend to the institution) that through the wickedness of the wicked, it would be productive of more harm than good (accidentally.) But oh ! the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God ! How unsearchable are his judgments and his ways past finding out ! May light ever shine on that day that the camp at Roper's commenced ! When- ever you see Doctor Jennings of Campbell, please present my compli- ments to him, and inform him that if there was but one of his pamphlets in the world on the subject of defending camp-meetings, I would willingly, gladly wive its weight in gold for it, rather than see it no more." I am now just from the Virginia conference, at Norfolk. The bishops As- bury and Whatcoat were well, and we had a time similar to a camp-meet- ing. Preaching went on by night and day in both towns, and souls were awakened and converted ; and although Satan raged, some spat in the faces of the ministers, and one minister had his nose rung, they bore it with Christian fortitude, and I trust one hundred souls were converted during the time. Glory to God in the highest, peace on earth, good- will to men ! My respects to sister Dow. The Lord bless you both, and bring us all to glory, prays your brother and friend in Jesus, STITH MEAD. 36 VICISSITUDES; OR THE JOUKNEY OF LIFE. BY PEGGY DOW. " A virtuous woman is a crown to her husband : but she that maketh ashamed is as rottenness in his brines." — Prov. xii. 4. " Wlio can find a virtuous woman 1 for her price is far above rubies. "The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her, so that he shall have no need of spoil. " She will do him good, and not evil, all the days of her life."— Prov. xxxi. 10, 11, 12. ROCHESTER: PRINTED FOR THE PUBLISHER. 1842. VICISSITUDES, &c I was born in the year 1780, in Granville, Massachusetts, of parents that were strangers to God ; although my father was a member of the Church of England, and my mother had been raised by pious parents, of the Presbyterian order. But, whether she had any sense of the neces- sity of the new birth and holiness of heart, I cannot say ; for she was called to a world of spirits when I was but five months old, leaving be- hind six children, two sons and four daughters, my eldest sister being about fifteen years old. My father married in about six months after the death of my mother ; and, although the woman that he married was an industrious, good housewife, yet he lost his property, and was reduced very low, by the sinking of continental money ; and the children were scattered as a consequence. My eldest sister married when I was six years old ; and she prevailed on my father to give me to her, which ac- cordingly he did ; and I was carried into the state of New York, and saw his face no more.* My tender heart was often wrought upon by the Spirit of God, and I was at times very unhappy, for fear I should die, and what would become of my soul ! I was early taught that there was a God, a heaven, and hell ; and that there was a preparation necessary to fit me for those mansions of rest, prepared for all that are faithful until death. My heart often mourned before God, young as I was, for something, I scarce knew what, to make me happy. I dared not sleep without praying to God, as well as I knew how, for many years. My sister's husband being a man not calculated to gain the world, although they had no children, I was raised to labor as much as my strength would permit ; and perhaps more, as my constitution was very delicate from my birth. But the Lord was my helper, though I knew him not by an experimental knowledge, yet I had a fear of him before my eyes ; and he that taketh care of the young ravens cared for me. From the time that I was six years of age until I Mas eleven, my serious impressions never left me ; but from twelve to fifteen I was mixing with those that were unacquainted with God, or the things that pertain to the kingdom of heaven. My mind was taken up with the vanities of this present world, although my heart was often tender under the preaching of the gospel, so that I could weep and mourn ; yet * The summer past, in my journey to the east, I met with a half-brother, whom I had not seen for twenty-seven years — and with whom my father died : and also was at one of my sisters, whom I had not seen but once for twenty years. She being nine or ten years older than myself, was able to inform me of some particulars concerning my mother's death, which were a consolation to me. 36* 426 VICISSITUDES; OR, I did not seek the Lord in earnest to the saving of my soul. At the age of fifteen, the Lord laid his rod upon me in taking away my health, which was not restored until I was seventeen. In that time, I was much afraid I should be called to pass the dark valley, but the Lord was pleased to restore me to health again in a good degree ; and at the age of nineteen, I set out to seek my soul's salvation, through many trials and difficulties. The Methodists' preaching and zeal were new in that part of the country where I lived at that time ; and my sister's husband was very much op- posed to them, so that it made my way very trying ; but I was determined, come what might, that I would take up my cross and follow Jesus in the way. I was willing, and gave up all my young companions, and all the diversions of which I had been very fond — such as dancing, and company that feared not God ; and the Lord, who giveth liberally, and upbraideth not, gave me peace and consolation in him. My sister and myself joined the first society that was raised in that part of the country, at a neighbor- hood called Fish Creek, about four miles from where we lived ; where we attended preaching and class-meeting once a week. And the Lord was very precious to my soul in those days. About that time, my brother-in-law was brought to see himself a sinner, and embraced religion ; and we were a happy family, although but three in number. We often felt like heaven began below, Jesus precious to our souls ! The preachers made our house their home, at that time, and it was my delight to wait on them. I felt as if I could lie at their feet, and learn instruction from their lips. My chief delight was in going to meet- ing, and praising and singing praises to my God and Saviour. We had preaching once in two weeks in our neighborhood. But few attended for nearly two years ; yet the preachers continued to preach, and that in faith, and the Lord heard and gave them their hearts' desire. They formed a little class, consisting only of seven ; my brother and sister, two other men and their wives, and myself, composed the society in the place where I lived. We had class-meeting and prayer-meeting every week at the beginning ; and it was but a few months before the Lord burst the cloud, and the work broke out, and sixty or seventy were added to the number. We had precious times of the out-pouring of the Spirit of God. If we met only for prayer-meeting, oftentimes our meetings would last until twelve and one o'clock, and souls would be so filled with divine love, that they would fall prostrate on the floor, and praise Christ their King! So we continued to love like children in one family, for two or three years. when some difficulties took place ; however, none were turned out of society. O! how sweet it is for brethren to dwell together in unity — but how often doth the enemy of mankind make use of that most destructive weapon, division, to destroy the fallen race of Adam! — O that Christians would make a stand against him ; and live and love like children of one family — that the world might say, " See how these Christians love one another!" After this, I lived in love and union with my brethren for two years or more ; and enjoyed the privilege of preaching and class-meetings, and had many precious seasons to my soul. About this time, " camp-meetings" began to be introduced into that part of the country, and were attended with the power of God, in the conver- sion of many precious souls ! THE JOURNEY OF LIFE. 427 At this time, there was one about thirty miles from where I then lived ; and my brother-in-law attended it, where he met with Lorenzo Dow, on his way to Canada ; and invited him home with him, to preach at our preaching-house, and sent on the appointment a day or two beforehand, so that the people might get notice. And as he was a singular character, we were very anxious to see and hear him. The day arrived, he came, and the house was crowded, and we had a good time. I was very much afraid of him, as I had heard such strange things about him. He was invited to my brother-in-law's, but did not come for several days. He had appointments to preach twice and thrice in the day. How- ever, at last he came, and tarried all night. The next morning he was to preach five or six miles from our house ; and little did I think that he had any thoughts of marrying, in particular that he should make any pro- position of the kind to me : but so it was, he returned that day to dinner ; and in conversation with my sister, concerning me, he inquired of her how long I had professed religion. She told him the length of time. He requested to know whether I kept Avicked company. She told him I did not ; and observed, that I had often said, " I had rather marry a preacher than any other man, provided I was worthy ; and that I would wish them to travel and be useful to souls." By this time I happened to come into the room, and he asked me if I had made any such remarks. I told him I had. He then asked me if I would accept of such an object as him. I made him no reply, but went directly out of the room — as it was the first time he had spoken to me, I was very much surprised. He gave me to understand, that he should return to our house again in a few days, and would have more conversation with me on that subject ; which he did, after attending a meeting ten or twelve miles from where I lived. He re- turned the next evening, and spoke to me on the subject again, when he told me that he would marry, provided he could find one that would con- sent to his travelling and preaching the gospel ; and if I thought I could be willing to marry him, and give him up to go, and do his duty, and not see him, perhaps, or have his company more than one month out of thir- teen, he should feel free to give his hand to me ; but if I could not be willing to let him labor in the vineyard of his God, he dared not make any contract of the kind ; for he could not enjoy peace of mind in any other sphere. He told me I must weigh the matter seriously before God, whether I could make such an engagement, and conform to it ; and not stand in his way, so as to prevent his usefulness to souls. I thought I would rather marry a man that loved and feared God, and that would strive to promote virtue and religion among his fellow-mortals, than any other ; although I felt myself inadequate to the task, without the grace of God to support me. Yet I felt willing to cast my lot with his ; and be a help, and not a hindrance to him, if the Lord would give me grace ; as I had no doubt he would, if I stood as I ought — and I accepted of his pro- posal. He was then on his way to Canada, and from thence to the Mis- sissippi territory ; and did not expect to return in much less than two years : then if providence spared, and the way should open for a union of that kind, when he returned, we would be married ! But would strive in that case, as well as in all others of such importance, to lay it before the Lord ; and be directed by him, as far as we could judge, and not rush precipitately into a state, that so much concerned our happiness in this 428 VICISSITUDES; OR world and the next. As I doubt not many engage in the holy bands of matrimony, without once considering its importance, and the obligations they lay themselves under to each other, to do all in their power to make the silken cord not prove a chain of iron. He left me, and went on his way to preach the gospel through Canada, and from thence to the south, and was gone for near two years before he returned ; he left an appointment for a camp-meeting, in conjunction with some of the preachers, on his return, which he fulfilled: and on Septem- ber the fourth, we were joined in the bands of matrimony, late in the evening. There was not any present but the family, and the preacher who performed the ceremony. Early in the morning he started for the Mississippi territory, in company with my brother-in-law, who intended to remove to that country if he should like it, as Lorenzo had a chain of appointments, previously given out, for four thousand miles. I expected to continue to live with my sister, as she had no children, and was much attached to me. or seemed to be so at that time ; but the Lord ordered it otherwise. My Lorenzo was gone about seven months, before he returned to me. My brother-in-law was pleased with the coun- try, and intended to return to it with his family, in a few months. My husband was preparing to go to Europe, in the fall. He returned, and stayed with me about two weeks : and then started for Canada, and left me with my sister. They were preparing to remove to the Mississippi in July ; this was in May, and my Lorenzo was to meet them in the western country, where they were to carry me ; and from thence we would go to New York, and they continue on their journey to the Mississippi territory. But he went on as far as Vermont, and held a number of meetings, where he saw his sisters that lived there ; and then feeling an impulse to return to Western, where I then was, he gave up the intended tour through Ca- nada, and came back, prepared to take me to New York city, where he intended to embark for Europe. We stayed a few weeks in Western, until my brother-in-law got his temporal concerns settled ; and then, after bidding my friends and brethern in the Lord farewell, we set off for New York, attended by my sister, who went the same road we were going, eighteen or twenty miles ; where Lorenzo held several meetings, and stayed two or three days together ; and then bid each other farewell, expecting to meet again in eighteen months or two years. But the providence of God did not favor this, or the inter- ference of the enemy of mankind prevented ; for we never met again ; and could I have foreseen what awaited my unfortunate sister in the coun- try to which she was bound, the parting would have been doubly distress- ing. But it is happy for us that we do not know what is in futurity, as the great Master knoweth best how to prepare our minds for greater tribu- lation, while we travel through this world of wo. Our parting was truly sorrowful and afflicting, but it was light when compared to what followed. We left Westmoreland, and went down to Albany, where Lorenzo had some acquaintances, and stayed for several days at the house of Mr. Tay- lor, and were treated as if we were their children. Now my sphere of life was altered, ft was the first time I had been so far from home without my sister ; she was like a mother to me, as I knew no other. My heart often trembled at what was before me, to be continually among strangers ; being so little acquainted with the ways of THE JOURNEY OF LIFE. 429 the world, it made me feel like one at a loss how to behave, or what to do. Lorenzo was very affectionate and attentive to me. He left me at Al- bany with sister Taylor, who was going down to New York in a sloop. As I was very much fatigued by riding on horseback, he thought it best for me to go down with her, by water ; while he went by land, rode one horse, and led the other. He arrived in New York perhaps four-and- twenty hours before me. I went on board, for the first time that I ever was on the water, except to cross a ferry. It made me somewhat gloomy to be on board the vessel among strangers, while going down the river to the city of New York, as I had never been in such a place before. However, we landed about ten o'clock at night, where I met Lorenzo, who had been on the look-out for some time. We went to a friend's house, that had been very kind to him in days past, who then belonged to the Methodist church. I felt much embarrassed, as I had never been in the city before. We stayed in New York several weeks, and had some precious meetings. Here I became acquainted with some kind friends, who were tome like mothers and sisters ; whilst Lorenzo left me and went to fulfil some appointments lie had made in Virginia and North Carolina, and expecting only to be gone five or six weeks ; but was detained, contrary to his expectation, near three months. In that time the fever, that was common in the city of New York, broke out, and I went with Mrs. Quackenbush to the country, about forty miles up the river, to a brother Wilson's, where she carried her children to go to school. Here I stayed several weeks. They were people of handsome property ; l>ut the more we have the more we want, as has been observed by many. \.nd I think it will hold good almost without exception ; for they were i engaged to gain property, as if they had only bread from hand to mouth. I was a stranger, and many times I felt as such, but the Loi I gave me support, so that I was tolerably cheerful in the absence of my companion. Before he returned, I went back to New York, where I stayed until he came ; and prepared to sail for Europe, which was some time in Novem- ber. We obtained a protection from our government, when leaving the country for England. It was necessary to have witnesses to prove that he was the Lorenzo Dow that was identified and intended in the documents which he had obtained from the United States of America. Consequently he got N. S. and J. Q. to go before a notary public, and certify that he was the same Lorenzo Dow referred to in the documents. Mr. N. S. gave in under oath, that " he knew him from his youth ****** * * * holy gospel !" And about the same time he wrote letters to Ireland and England, to make his way narrow in those countries. And no thanks to him that it did not bring Lorenzo into the greatest distress and difficulties that a man could have been brought into. But through the mercy of God it was otherwise overruled. He gave me my choice, to go with him, or stay with friends in America, as there were many that told us I might stay with them, and be as wel- come as their children; and strove to prevent my going to a land where I would find many difficulties and dangers to encounter that I was un- acquainted with, and could not foresee. But I chose to go, and take my lot and share with him of whatever might befall us. Consequently on the 10th of November, 1805, we set sail from New York for Liverpool, 430 VICISSITUDES; OR, in old England. We embarked about 10 o'clock, with a fine breeze. They spread their canvass, and were soon under way. Lorenzo came into the cabin, and told me to go on deck, and bid fare- well to my native land ! I did so — and the city began to disappear ! I could discover the houses to grow smaller and smaller ; and at last could see nothing but the chimneys and the tops of the houses ; then all disap- peared but the masts of vessels in the harbor. In a short time nothing remained but a boundless ocean opening to view ; and I had to depend upon the Providence of God. I went down into the cabin, and thought perhaps I should see my native land no more ! The vessel being tossed to and fro on the waves, I began to feel very sick, and to reflect I was bound to a foreign land ; and, supposing I should reach that country, I knew not what awaited me there. But this was my comfort, ihe same God presided in England that did in America. I thought if I might find one real female friend, I would be satisfied. I continued to be sea-sick for near two weeks, and then recovered my health better than I had enjoyed it in my life before. We were twenty-seven days out of sight of land. The vessel being in a very bad situation, we had not been at sea more than five or six days, before the rudder began to fail ; so they could not have commanded her at all, if the wind had been unfavorable. The weather was very rough and stormy ; but through the mercy of God, the wind was favorable to our course, so that we reached safe our place of destination. When we arrived in the river at Liverpool, we were not permitted to land, until they could send up to London, and get returns from there, as our vessel came from a port subject to the yellow fever; on that account, we were obliged to stay in the river for ten days, before we were permit- ted to come on shore. I never saw a woman for thirty-seven days, except one, who came along- side our vessel, to bespeak the captain as a boarder at her house, when he should come on shore. I strove to pray much to God to give us favor in the eyes of the people, and open the way for Lorenzo, to do the errand that he came upon ; and to give him success in preaching the gospel to poor sinners. The prospect was often gloomy. Lorenzo used to say to me, keep up your spirits — we shall yet see good days in Old England, before we leave it, as the sequel proved. We went on shore the twenty-fourth or fifth of December. Lorenzo had a number of letters to the people in Liverpool. Some were letters of recommendation ; others, to persons from their friends in America. We went with the master of the vessel to. a boarding-house, where I was left until Lorenzo went to see what the prospect might be, and v* bother he could meet with any that would open the way for him to get access to the people. After giving out all the letters but one, lie returned to me ; having been two or three hours absent without any particular success. The house that I tarried at was a boarding-house for American cap- tains ; and the women that were there, wore wicked em nigh ! My heart was much pained to hear my own sex taking the name of their Maker and Preserver, in vain ! O! thought I, shall I never meet again with any that love and fear God? Lorenzo intended to go and find the person that the last letter was directed to, and told me I might either stay there or go THE JOURNEY OF LIFE. 431 with him. I chose to go with him, rather than be left with them any long- er. It was almost night, and we had not much to depend upon, without the openings of Providence. We started, but could not find the person for some time. However, at last, as we were walking, Lorenzo looked up to the corner, and happened to espy the name that he was after ; ac- cordingly we went up to the door, and gave a rap, and were admitted. He delivered the letter. There was a woman from Dublin, who seeing that we were stangers and foreigners, began to inquire of Lorenzo, for some persons in America ; and shortly after this, she asked him if he had ever heard of a man by the name of Lorenzo Dow. Not knowing that any one in that country could have any knowledge of him, it was very surprising to me. He told her, that was his name, and she was as much surprised in her turn. She had seen him in Ireland, when he v^as there some years before ; but did not know him now, as he had had the small- pox after she had seen him, which had made a great alteration in his ap- pearance. The man of the house invited us to tarry all night ; but the woman made some objections. They were Friends, (Quakers,) and told us there was a Quaker lady just across the street that kept a boarding-house, where we could be accommodated with lodging for the night. And as it was then somewhat late in the evening, the man conducted us thither, where we obtained permission to stay. As Lorenzo had little to depend on but the openings of Providence, he intended to go to Ireland, and take me to his friends, and leave me there ; as he had written to that country, and had returns from his old friend Dr. Johnson, with an invitation from him to bring me, saying that I should have a home at his house as long as we chose, while Lorenzo pursued his travels through Ireland and England. Lorenzo went and procured a passage across the channel, in a packet, to Dublin, but we did not sail for several days. So we had to stay in Liverpool for some time. Our board was more than two guineas a week, which was bringing Lorenzo very short as to money. At last we got on board of the packet, with our little baggage, and some provisions for the voyage ; but the wind proved unfa- vorable, and we were driven back into the port of Liverpool again ; and that was the case for no less than five times in succession. Before this, our friend that we met at the Quaker's, had introduced us to a family of people who were Methodists, where the woman was a very affectionate friend ; this opened the door* for acquaintance, and we went there several times. The landlady that we were boarding with, told us we could not stay with her any longer, as her house was full ; so we must go elsewhere. The last time we went on board of the packet, and put to sea, we had not been out more than two or three hours before the wind blew a gale. It was so dark that they could not see their hands before them on deck, and we knew not how soon we might be cast on rocks or sand-banks, and all sent to eternity. There were some on board who, before the storm came up, had been very profane in taking the name of their Maker in vain ; but when they saw and felt the danger that they were in, they were as much alarmed as any persons could be ! I could not but wonder that people would or could be so careless and secure while they saw no danger ; but when the waves began to roll, and 432 VICISSITUDES; OR, the ship began to toss to and fro, they were struck with astonishment and horror ! My husband and myself lay still in the birth, and strove to put our trust in that Hand that could calm the roaring seas ; and I felt measurably composed. At daylight the captain made for the port of Liverpool again, and about eight or nine o'clock in the morning, we came into the dock ; but as we were coming in, under full sail and a strong tide, there was a large ship, of the African trade, that was lying at anchor in the harbor; we ran foul of her, but through mercy were preserved from much harm. The weather was very rainy ; the streets were muddy, and I had walk- ed through the mud for a considerable distance ; the prospect was gloomy beyond description ; but my Lorenzo cheered my spirits, by telling me that the Lord would provide, which I found to be true. We went to Mr. Forshaw's, the people that we were introduced to by the friend that we saw at the Quaker's, the first night we were in Liver- pool. When my good friend, Mrs. Forshaw, now saw me returning, she was touched with pity for me, as I was very muddy and fatigued. She told Lorenzo that he had better leave me with her, while he travelled through the country, until the weather was better, and then take me over to Ireland in the spring ; which invitation we were very thankful for. Oh ! how the Lord provided for me in a strange land, where I had nothing to depend on but Providence ! My Lorenzo left me at her house, and proceeded up to London, where he was gone about two weeks. But previous to this the Lord had opened his way, so that he had held a number of meetings in Liverpool ; and one woman had been brought to see herself a sinner, and seek the salvation of her soul. I was at this time in a state of ******** * } arK j m y mind was some- what depressed ; but the Lord gave me favor in the eyes of the people, and they were very kind to me while he was gone. I attended class- meetings and preaching, which was very refreshing to me. I felt that I ought to bless God that I had found the same religion in that country that I had experienced in my own native land. I was sometimes very much distressed in mind, for fear my husband should die, and I be left in a strange land. But he returned to me at the time he had appointed. He had several invitations to other parts of the country to hold meetings, which he accepted. I left Liverpool with him for •Warrington, where he had been invited by a man that came to Liverpool on business. This man did not know that there was such a person as Lorenzo in the country ; but feeling, after he had done his business, as though he wanted to go to a meeting, he wander- ed about for some time, when he at last went into a meeting-house that be- longed to the people called Kilhamites, (where Lorenzo had been invited to preach,) and found a congregation assembled to hoar preaching. After preaching, during which the people were very solemn and attentive, and many were much wrought upon, this man invited Lorenzo to go to War- rington, where there was a little society of people called Quaker-Method- ists, and that the meeting-house should be opened to him. He did so, and found them a very pious people. We stayed there for several weeks, and he held meetings two and three times in the day ; while the Lord began a good work in that place, and many were brought to rejoice in the Lord. THE JOURNEY OF LIFE. 433 Peter Philips, the man that invited Lorenzo there, and his wife, were very friendly to us, and their house was our home ever after when we were in Warrington. A widow lady who lived there, had three daughters, one of whom lived in London, and the other with her. She came out to hear Lorenzo preach ; and one day, after meeting, she came to Peter Philips' to see us, and was very friendly. Lorenzo asked her if she had any children. She told him she had three, and that two were with her. He inquired if they professed religion. She told him that one of them had made a profession, but she feared that she had lost it ; but that the youngest never had. He request- ed her to tell them to come and see him ; but the mother insisted that he should come and see them, and he then could have an opportunity to con- verse with them at home. He did so ; they both became very serious, and came to his meetings ; and although they had been very gay young women, they would come up to be prayed for in the public congregation. The result was. they both got religion ; and the youngest has since died happy in the Lord. The eldest came down from London on a visit to her mother's, where my Lorenzo saw her, and he was made an instrument, in the hand of God, of her conversion to Him. She was one of the most affectionate girls I ever saw. We stayed in and about Warrington until May ; in which time Lorenzo had openings to preach in different places — more than he could attend ; and the Lord blessed his labors abundantly to precious souls ! In May we returned to Liverpool, and prepared to cross the channel to Ireland. We had a very pleasant voyage, and arrived in safety. We found our kind friend, Dr. Johnson, and his family, well ; and we were received with affection by many. The preachers that were in Dublin, were very friendly, and I felt much united to them. We were invited to breakfast, dine, and sup, almost every day. But my situation being a delicate one, it made it somewhat * * * * * to me ! The friends were as attentive to me as I could have wished ; for which may the Lord fill my heart with gratitude ! Lorenzo stayed with me for some time, and then went into the country, where he held many meetings, and the Lord was with him. After which he returned to Dublin, and, with the doctor, he went over again to Eng- land. I stayed with Mrs. Johnson until his return, where I expected to continue until I should get through my approaching conflict, if it was the will of the Lord to bring me through. I felt in tolerable good spirits; and although I was many hundred miles from my native land, yet the Lord gave me favor in the eyes of the people. My wants were supplied, as it related to my present situation, abundantly. Lorenzo stayed in England for six or eight weeks, and then returned to me, to be with me in my approaching conflict. He was very weak in body, but continued to preach two and three times in the day. He got some books printed, which enabled him to prosecute his travels through England and Ireland. While he was absent, a woman had spoken to a doctor to attend me when I should want him, which was not agreeable to my Lorenzo. But having gone so far, it was thought by those that employed him, that it was best not to employ any other ; and I, being unacquainted with the manners and customs of the country, was passive. My Lorenzo was much hurt ; 37 434 VICISSITUDES; OR, but I was not sensible of it, as much before as after. If I had been, I should not have suffered it to be so : but we are often mistaken in what will be best for us. The time arrived that I must pass through the trial, and my Lorenzo was at the doctor's. But those that attended on me would not suffer him to come into the room where I was, which gave him much pain. I did not at that time know how much he was hurt ; but after my child was born, which was on the 16th of September, between three and four o'clock, he was permitted to come in ; he had a white handkerchief on his head, and his face was as white as the handkerchief. He came to the bed, and took the child, observing to me, that we had got an additional charge, which, if spared to us, would prove a blessing, or else one of the greatest trials that possibly we could have to meet with. I expect Lorenzo passed through as great a conflict in his mind, as he had almost ever met with. The Lord was my support at that time, and brought me safely through. The friends were very kind lo me, and supplied my wants with every thing that was needful ; and in about two weeks I was able to leave my room. My heart was glad when I viewed my little daughter : she was a sweet infant. But oh ! how short-lived are earthly joys ! We stayed in Dublin until she was five weeks old ; and then Lorenzo, with myself and our little one, embarked on board a packet for Liverpool. The weather was rainy, and tolerably cold : there was no fire in the cabin. There were a number of passengers, men and women, who thought themselves rather above the middle class, who were very civil to us. But I was so much afraid that my little infant would be too much exposed, that I neg- lected myself, and probably took cold. We were two nights and one day on board the packet. We got into Liverpool about ten or eleven o'clock, where I was met by my good friend, Mrs. Forshaw. We went to her house, where we stayed a day or two ; and then took stage for Warring- ton, about eighteen miles from Liverpool, where we arrived on Sunday morning. Our friends, Peter Philips and his wife, were at meeting. Lorenzo went to the chapel. The people were very much rejoiced to see him. They had been concerned for us, as they had not heard from us for some time. Many of the friends from the country came to see us ; while Lorenzo had meetings, in town and country, two and three times in a day ; and the Lord was present to heal mourning souls. Dr. Johnson came with us from Ireland. He was much engaged in helping to bring souls to the knowledge of the truth, and was, 1 trust, made an instrument of good to many. Lorenzo and the doctor travelled into various places in Lancashire and Cheshire, with some other counties, and many were brought to see themselves sinners, and seek their souls' salvation. The people in that country seemed to feel much for me, and manifested it by numberless acts of kindness. For, instead of having to sell my sown for bread, as Lorenzo told me I might have to do, when we were in America, there was scarcely a day but I had presents of clothing or money, to supply myself with whatever I needed. Oh, how grateful ought I to be to my great Benefactor, for all his mercies to unworthy me ! My little Lctit/a Johnson, for so was my child called, grew, and was a very fine, attracting little thing. I found my heart was too much set THE JOURNEY OF LIFE. 435 upon it, so that I often feared I should love her too well ; but strove to give myself, and all that I had, to my God. Lorenzo was in a very bad state of health, which alarmed me very much. I often cried to the Lord to take my child or my health, but spare my dear husband ! The thought was so painful to me, to be left in a strange land, with a child, so far from my native soil. The Lord took me at my word, and laid his afflicting hand upon me. Lorenzo and the doctor went to Macclesfield, and expected to be gone a week, and left me at Peter Philips', where I was taken sick, the day they started, with the nervous fever, but kept up, and nursed my child, until two or three days before they returned. I thought I had taken a very severe cold, and should be better, but grew worse every day. The friends were very kind to me, particularly Mary Barford, a young lady of fortune, who had got religion through the instrumentality of Lo- renzo. She attended me two and three times a day. After I got so as not to be able to sit up, she hired a girl to take care of my child. My fever increased very fast, and the night before Lorenzo got to Warrington, I thought I was dying, and those that were about me were very much alarmed, and sent for a doctor ; he came, and administered something to me. He said I was not dying, but that I was very sick. The next morning Doctor Johnson and Lorenzo came ; they found me in bed. The doctor thought perhaps I had taken cold, and it would wear off, after giving me something to promote a copious sweat. But when he found that the fever continued to rise, he told us to prepare for the worst, for it was a nervous fever, and that it was probable it would carry me to a world of spirits. I had continued to nurse my child for more than a week after I was taken sick, which was very injurious to her. The doctor forbade my suckling her any longei - , which gave me much pain. They were obliged to take her from me, and feed her with a bottle. My fever increased, and rose to such a height, that it was thought I could not survive many days. The doctor stayed with me, and payed every attention in his power, for twenty days and nights. Lorenzo was not undressed, to go to bed, for near three weeks, nor the doctor for nearly the same length of time. My kind friends gave me every assistance in their power. They came from the country, for many miles distant, to see if we were in want of anv thing that they could help us to. May the Lord reward them for their kindness to me in the day of adversity. Our dear friend, Mary Barford, used to come every day two or three times to see me, and ad- minister to my necessities ; and many others came also. She was a pre- cious girl, and although she had been raised in the first circle, would go into the houses of the poor, and supply their wants, and nurse and do for them like she had been a servant. Although Lorenzo was so broke of his rest and fatigued by night, yet he held meetings almost every day, some of which were a considerable distance from town ; and as he was weak in body, our friend M. B. frequently hired a hack to convey him to his appointments and back, so that he was with me the greatest part of the time. I was very much reduced, so that I was almost as helpless as an infant. 436 VICISSITUDES; OR, There was a chairmaker's-shop adjoining the house, and the room that I was confined in being most contiguous, the noise of the shop, to- gether with that of the town, was very distressing to me ; likewise the family was large, and the house small, so that it was very uncomfortable. We were under the necessity of having some person to sit up with me every night, for my fever raged to that degree I wanted drink almost every moment. The light was not extinguished in my room for six or eight weeks. My poor child was very fretful ; the girl that nursed it would get to sleep and let it cry ; this distressed my mind, and it was thought best by my friends to get some person to take it to the country, to be nursed there. To be separated from my child was very painful to me ; but as my life vyas despaired of by my friends, and as I myself had not much expecta- tion that I should recover, I strove to give it up, knowing it would be best for the child, and for me also. There was a woman from Cheshire, who lived about ten miles distant from Warrington, that had no children. She came to see me, and offered to take my baby and nurse it, until I should die or get better, which was agreed to ; so they made ready, and she took it. But oh, the heart-rend- ing sorrow that I felt on the separation with my helpless little infant ! Language cannot paint it ! But the Lord was my support in that trying hour, so that I was enabled to bear it with some degree of fortitude. I was anxious to get well and return to America ; but little did I know what awaited me on my native shore. My disorder affected my mind very much. Likewise I was very desirous to see my sister that raised me once more in time. She was as near to me as a mother. We had heard that they had arrived safe in the Mississippi territory, and were like to do well. At times I was very happy ; and then at other times my mind was very gloomy, and sunk, as it were. The doctor said that he never saw any one's nerves so affected that did not die, or quite lose their reason for a time. But I retained my senses and recollection as well as ever, although it seemed that I scarce slept at all. As I was surrounded with noise, the doctor thought it would be better for me to be removed to a friend's house in the country, who lived about four miles from where I was. Accordingly they hired a long coach, and put a bed in it, and then a man took me in "his arms and put me in. The doctor and Lorenzo got into the coach with me, and carried me four miles into the country, to a friend's house, where I had even- attention paid me that I could wish for, and from that time I began to mend and recover. This was about Christmas. Lorenzo felt a desire to visit Ireland once more before he returned to America, as he wished to make arrangements to return in the spring ; and if he did not go to Ireland in a short time, he could not go at all. f was at that time so low that I could not get up, or assist myself so much as to get a drink of water; and it was doubtful whether I should recover again or not. He told me what he felt a desire to do, but added, that he would not go unless I felt quite willing. I told him the same merciful God presided over us when separated, as when we were together; and that he would provide for me, as he had done, in a strange land, through my pre THE JOURNEY OF LIFE. 437 illness, and wished him to go and do his duty. Accordingly he hired a young woman to come and stay with me night and day. He had to preach at a place about two miles from where I was at night, and told me perhaps he should not return that night, and if he did not, he should not return to see me again before he left that part for Ire- land. However, I thought he would return to me again before he left England ; but he, to save me the pain of parting, did not return as I had expected, but took the coach for Chester, and so on to Holyhead, in Wales, there to embark for Dublin. He left the doctor to stay with me until his return, which he did, and was a father and a -friend to me in his absence. Although I felt willing for him to go and blow the gospel trumpet, yet my heart shrank at the thought of being left in a strange land, in my present situation, being so weak that I could not put on my clothes without help, and my sweet little babe at a considerable distance from me, and among strangers. But the Lord was my support, and have me strength to be, in some considerable degree, resigned to the will of God. Lorenzo went on the outside of the coach, exposed to the inclement weather, and to the rude insults of the passengers, until he got to Holy- head, where he went on board a packet for Dublin, when he was both wet and cold, and was for four-and-twenty hours without food. But when he got to Mrs. Johnson's, he found her, as ever, a friend indeed. He stayed there until he got recruited, and then commenced his travels ; whilst I was left behind, to encounter the most trying scene that I had ever met with. My strength gradually increased, so that I was in a few weeks able to sit up and walk about the room. The people that I was with, were as kind and atten- tive as they could be : may the Lord reward them. But the doctor thought it would be best for me to go to another neighborhood, as a change of air and new objects might contribute to my health ; and I should be nearer my child, which was a pleasing thought to me. We got into a carriage, and went to a friend's house, eight or ten miles, where I had been invited and sent for. We stayed a week or more, and then we went to another place, within two miles of my child, which I expected to see and clasp to my bosom ! O how short-lived are all earthly enjoyments ! I did see my sweet little babe once more ! The woman that had her, brought her to see me ; and my heart leaped with joy at the sight. The innocent smile that adorned her face — O how pleasing ! I wished very much to keep her, but the doc- tor would not consent that I should undertake to nurse her. He said I had not recovered my strength sufficient to go through the fatigue of nurs- ing. :But He that gave it, provided for it better than I could. He saw it best to transplant kin a happier soil than this ; for in two or three days, the flower that began to bloom was nipped by the cold hand of death, after a short illness of perhaps two or three days: my tender babe was a life- less lump of clay, and her happy spirit landed on the peaceful shore of a blessed eternity. They kept me in ignorance of her sickness, until she was dead. T could not tell why my mind was so much distressed on the account of my child . I inquired of every one that I could see from where she was ; but they would not tell me of her danger, until she was dead. I was then about four miles from her, where I had gone the day that she died. A kind sister walked that distance to let me know that my little Letitia was no 37* 438 VICISSITUDES; OR more, lest some one should too abruptly communicate the heavy tidings ; as my health was not yet restored, and it was feared that it would be at- tended with some disagreeable consequences. I was much surprised to see sister Wade come, as I had left her house only the day before. The first question I asked her was, How is my child 1 She made me no reply. It struck my mind very forcibly, that she was no more ! I requested her to tell me the worst, for I was prepared for it. My mind had been im- pressed with a foreboding for some time ! She told me my child was gone, to return no more to me ! I felt it went to my heart, in sensations that I cannot express ! — It was a sorrow, but not without hope. I felt my babe was torn from my bosom by the cruel hand of death ! But the summons was sent by Him that has a right to give and take away. He had re- moved my innocent infant far from a world of grief and sin, perhaps for my good ; for I often felt my heart too much attached to it ; so much that I feared it would draw my heart from my duty to my God ! O the dan- ger of loving any creature in preference to our Saviour ! I felt as one alone : my Lorenzo in Ireland — my child was gone to a happier clime ! I strove to sink into the will of God ; but the struggle was very severe, although I thought I could say, " The Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away, and blessed be the name of the Lord !" The day that my child was carried to Warrington, to be interred in the burying-ground of the Quaker-Methodists, about ten miles from where she died, I felt as though I must see her before she was consigned to the dust to be food for worms. They had to carry the corpse by the house that I was at : and my friends opposed it so warmly, urging my present state of health as a reason, that I thought perhaps it would be best, and strove to compose myself, and use my reason, and resign my all into the hands of the Lord. It was a severe struggle, but the Friend of sinners sup- ported me under all my afflictions. They carried my sweet little Letitia, and consigned her to the tomb, there to rest until the last trump .shall sound, and the body and spirit be reunited again ; and then we shall see how glorious is immortality ! I wrote to my Lorenzo the day that our child died. He did not get it, but wrote to me, and mentioned that he wished to see me and the child ; which opened afresh the wound that had been received ; but he got the news by way of Mrs. Johnson. He wrote to me that he intended to return to America in the spring ; which I was very anxious for. My health be- gan to get better, so that I was able to walk two miles at a time, as walk- ing was very customary among the people in that country. I felt a desire to return to Warrington, which I did in a canal boat, and was kindly re- ceived by my good friends and benefactors, Peter and Hannah Philips, with many others that had contributed to my comfort, while afflicted with sickness and distress. I stayed in the town of Warrington for several weeks, with my friends, and was frequently at the little chapel, where my sweet little infant's remains were deposited. I often felt a pleasure of the sweetest kind in contemplating that my child had escaped all the vani- ties and dangers of this treacherous and uncertain world, for the never- fading glories of paradise, where I hoped, when life should end, I should meet her to part* no more: notwithstanding, I felt the loss very sensibly. I wrote to Lorenzo from that place and received an answer which was calculated to console my heart, and comfort me under my present afllie- THE JOURNEY OF LIFE. 439 tion. He desired me to meet him in Liverpool, on the 1st of March, which I did. I went by the way of Fordsham, in Cheshire, down the river in a large flat, with a man and his wife who were employed to bring the rock for making salt. The river had been frozen considerably, and was full of ice ; and when the tide came in it appeared very alarming to me. But after a little the boat got under way, and we had a tolerably pleasant sail down the river to Liverpool, where I met with Mr. and Mrs. Forshaw, my kind friends that had succored me in days past, when I had no one to de- pend upon on that side of the great ocean! They still were, as ever, friendly. Here I stayed until near the middle of March, when Lorenzo returned from Ireland, which made my heart rejoice. We left Liverpool in a canal boat for the country, and visited several towns, where Lorenzo preached to numerous congregations. The people were remarkably attentive. There was a pleasant prospect opened before him, and he received more invitations to preach in different parts of the country than he could attend. There had a number of people determined to come from Ireland to America with us ; and were accordingly to meet us in Liverpool in April. Consequently, we had but a few weeks to stay in and about Warrington. I had become so much attached to the friends, that it was truly painful to part with them. Our friends came from various parts of the country to bid us farewell ; and we had sweet and melting times together, not ex- pecting to meet again until we should meet in a blissful eternity. We left Warrington for Lymn, where Lorenzo preached, and bid the people farewell. They were much affected. We parted with a hope of meeting in a better and a happier world. From thence we went to Pres- tonb-rook, where Lorenzo preached «again another farewell. It was a pre- cious time to many. From thence to Fordsham : the people flocked around him with the greatest affection, for there the Lord had blessed his labors in a peculiar manner to the souls of many. He preached to them for the last time, and bid them an affectionate farewell, while they were bathed in tears, seemingly as much pained as though they were parting with a parent. From thence he went to Chester, the most ancient city, perhaps, in that country, except London. He left me to come in the coach a rew clays af- ter, whilst he visited the country adjacent. Accordingly, I met him on the day appointed, and we stayed some time in Chester. It was a great curiosity, as it was built on the most ancient construction, being walled in quite round, and the outside of the wall very high. There was a trench dug on the outside, and it was walled up from that. The top of the wall was wide enough for a carriage to pass, with a breastwork sufficiently high to prevent any thing from falling over, and upon the inside was an- other similar. The antiquity of the houses, and the nobleness of the public buildings, struck me with a solemnity that I cannot express. My thoughts ran to times that had gone by, when those who had laid the foundation of these Avails were animated with life and activity ! Where are they now ? They have gone to a world of spirits — and we must shortly follow them ; and those that take our place, will wonder at the labor of our hands in like manner. The country is truly delightful that surrounds the city of Chester. It 440 V I C I S S I T U D E S ; R, was in the spring when I was there, when every thing wears a pleasing appearance. The people were hospitable and kind, at least they were so to me. We left Chester for Liverpool in a little sail-boat, and the river was something; rough. There was a number of passengers, > which made it quite unpleasant ; but we arrived safe in the evening, where we met our friends from Ireland, that intended to come to America with us. Lorenzo had made the necessary preparations for the voyage, and he had charter- ed the cabin and the steerage for the accommodation of passengers, at a lower rate than he could have got it if there had been but two or three. The first ship that he engaged to transport us to our native soil, sprang a leak as she was coming out of dock. She got injured by some means, and had to unlade, and get it repaired, so that it delayed her sailing for some time longer. But as we were in readiness to leave the coun- try, Lorenzo met with another, where he could obtain accommodations at a better rate. He accordingly made a bargain with the captain for a pas- sage in her ; and every thing being prepared for our voyage, on the sixth of May we hoisted sail and weighed for America, which gave me a very pleasant sensation ; after having been in England and Ireland about eigh- teen months, and experiencing many kindnesses and favors from the peo- ple ; and that Lorenzo was made an instrument in the hand of a gracious God, in bringing many precious souls to the knowledge of the truth. On the first day, in the morning, we had a pleasant breeze, but a fog springing up, it was something gloomy for several days ; but by that means we avoided the ships of war that were very numerous on the coast of England ; and Lorenzo and myself had no legal passport from that country, the law being such that aliees were much put to it to travel in that kingdom, particularly those that were in Lorenzo's capacity, such as preachers. They must first take the oath of allegiance to the king of Eng- land, and get a license to preach, or they were subject to a fine for every ser- mon they should preach, of twenty pounds each. Every house must be licensed also, or the man that owned it was subject to a fine of twenty pounds ; and every person that heard preaching there, was likewise liable to pay five shillings ! But Lorenzo, in the first place, could not take the oath that was requested, to obtain that license. He thought as he had left his native land, not to gain worldly honors or applause, he could still trust that Providence who had guided his course through the great deep, and brought him through many dangers and difficulties in his own country : so he strove to do his duty, and leave the event to God. We had a very pleasant voyage, except the passengers were generally sick, for more than a week, except my husband and self. I was nev< r better in health in my life ; but they recovered their health and spirits af- ter a few days, and we had some very good times on board. Lorenzo preached to the people on Sundays, and we had prayers night and morn- ing, when the weather would admit. We had plenty of the necessaries of life to make us comfortable. We were near six weeks on our passage. Some time towards the last of June, we saw the long-wished for land of America," which I so earn- estly desired to behold once more. The beautiful country and town of New Bedford, in Massachusetts, presented to view, where we landed, and were kindly received. THE JOURNEY OF LIFE. 441 The people that professed religion were chiefly Quakers, and those who styled themselves Christians. Lorenzo held several meetings in the town, which were very satisfactory to many. After staying near two weeks in New Bedford, Lorenzo, with nearly all the passengers that were in the ship, went on board a packet for New York ; and left me to come round with the other women in the ship, to Virginia, and meet him in Richmond. We parted, and I had to stay nearly two weeks before the ship sailed ; they were taking out the lading, and preparing her for a fresh cargo when they should arrive in Virginia. It was about the time that the ship Chesa- peake was fired upon by the British. We sailed from New Bedford about the first of July, and had tolerable pleasant weather, though we were lonely, not having any company but us three women. We got into Chesapeake Bay at evening, and passed one of the armed vessels belong- ing to the British, and expected them to have stopped us, as it had been reported that they were in the habit of requiring the captains of American vessels to pull down their colors to them, or else firing upon them. How- ever, we passed unmolested, except that they hailed us ; but it being dark we got by. Sister Wade was very much alarmed ; but I felt so much of the spirit of independent America, that I did not wish my country's fla.-r to be disgraced in our own waters. In the morning we came into Hampton Roads, where we anchored and stayed several days, in sight of the British ships of war, while the captain took a boat and went to Nor- folk to seek for a cargo. We were in a very unpleasant situation, as we had no one on board that we could place any real confidence in ; but Providence provided for us, and we met with no insults from any. The captain returned at night, and the next morning we set sail for City Point. The day was delightful, and the scenes that surrounded were truly pleasing. The river seemed by the bends to be enclosed in on every side ; and the banks to be covered with all the beauties that summer could produce, which gave my mind a pleasant sensation, when I reflected that it was my native country — my beloved America ! But little did I know what awaited me in my native land! We sailed on very pleasantly through the day, and about eight or nine o'clock we arrived at City Point. The ship was in the river, until her lading was brought down from Richmond in lighters. The weather was getting very warm, and we were obliged to stay on board until we could get an opportunity to go to Richmond, which, by land, was not more than twenty-five miles ; by water it was, perhaps, twice as far. And here time passed away very heavily, until the master of the ship went up to Richmond on business, and hired a hack to return ; consequently we em- braced the opportunity, when it returned, to get a seat in it to Richmond, leaving our trunks and other things to be brought up by the boats that were to bring down the lading for the ship. We bid farewell to the ship, where I had been confined the most of the time for near three months ; and it was a happy day for me, although I was in a part of the continent that I had never been in before. I felt as though I could kiss the ground : but my companion, Mrs. Wade's mind, was occupied in quite a different way — she was thousands of miles from her native land, while I was breathing my native air. 442 VICISSITUDES; OR, We arrived in Richmond about one or two o'clock, and stopped at the "Bell Tavern," strangers to all that we saw. However, I had received a direction where to go, and make myself known ; which I did, at a bro- ther Foster's, and when they learned who I was, received us very kindly : but it was a severe trial, it being the first time I had been obliged to call on friends, without any one to introduce me. But the Lord provided for me, and I found many friends in that place : we stayed there some days. Brother Wade and Lorenzo came and met us, and the latter held seve- ral meetings, and we had good times with the brethren. There I saw the girl that brother Mead has since married. Lorenzo had bought a span of mules before he went to Europe, and they were to be broke for a carriage by the time he should return ; but they were taken and put into a wagon, and so broke down that they were unfit for use. He had paid eighty pounds for them just before he left the continent ; this was the beginning of trouble to him. We obtained the loan of a gig from one of our friends, to carry us up as far as Cumberland, to Mr. John Hobson's, who had been a great friend to Lorenzo in days that were past and gone, and still appeared to be such. Here he traded off his mules with a man, for a horse and gig not worth half the money that he paid for them ; but he could do no better, as we were under the necessity of going to the north, to make ready to go to the Mis- sissippi, where my relations had gone, and I was very anxious to go. But oh, the heartfelt sorrow they were the cause of to me and my companion after ! We left our friend's house, and started for the north. As we had writ- ten to my sister in the Mississippi, on our first arrival in America, but had got no answer from them, I felt very desirous to hear from her, as she was as a mother to me in my infant days — I loved her dearly. We went through New London and Lynchburg, where we met with many friends, and attended a camp-meeting in Amherst ; from thence to New Glasgow, where Lorenzo preached at night. We stayed at an old gentleman's house, who was very friendly. Thence we continued our jour- ney to a camp-meeting near Georgetown, where we stopped and staved until the meeting broke up. Our horse was at some person's place, to "be kept, and I expect got nothing to eat ; for we only went from the camp-meeting to Leesburg, and from there to another little town, which was two short days' travel, but before we reached there he tired, and Lorenzo was obliged to trade him away for an old horse that was not worth but a little more than half as much ! However, he answered our purpose, so that we got on to New York, where I met with some friends that I had seen be- fore ; which were the first faces that I had met with for two years that I had ever beheld before, which gave me much satisfaction ! We stayed at New York for several weeks, and then started for New England, to visit Lorenzo's father. I had never seen him, nor any of the family, except one sister : it was a very great cross to me : but we ar- rived at his father's some time in September, and were joyfully received by our father, there being none of the family with them, exa pt one daugh- ter anil one grandson. There my Lorenzo could contemplate the days of youth ; for that was the place of his birth, and of his rambles in child- hood: the place where he first sought the path of righteousness — the way to peace and true happiness, in this world and that which is to come : the THE JOURNEY OF LIFE. 443 house where his honored mother had taken her flight to a happier clime — where once he had enjoyed her company, with the rest of the family ; but now were separated hundreds of miles asunder ! Lorenzo held several meetings in the neighborhood, and had tolerable solemn times : but the society that he once belonged to was quite gone ! Some had died, and others had moved away, while others had gone back into the world, and lost their love to Christ and his cause, which made him feel very awful ! His father was a worthy old man, a kind friend, an affectionate parent — he was every thing that was good in his family. I thought I could have done the part of a child for him, if I might have the privilege ; but I felt a strong desire to see my sister in the Mississippi. We went to Tolland, where Lorenzo had sent an appointment to preach at a Methodist meeting-house, a#d I. did not expect to return to his father's any more ; but Lorenzo's sister from Vermont coming down to her father's, we returned, and stayed two or three days longer. Lorenzo sold his gig and horse to a preacher, and bought his brother- in-law's horses to return to New York, where he had made an engage- ment with a man to make him a light wagon, which was to be ready on his return for the south. We left his father's on horseback, after bidding them farewell : but as I had not been accustomed to travel in that mode for a long time, it was very fatiguing to me, so that I could not endure it ; and when I got within about forty miles of New York, I was obliged to go by water the remainder of the way, while Lorenzo rode one horse and led the other. He arrived there some time before me, and had gone to the country, about ten or twelve miles from the city to preach, but he returned that night. We stayed a week or more until our wagon was ready for us to start ; then bidding our friends farewell, proceeded on our journey. Lorenzo had given out appointments all the way to Virginia, and had tolerable hard work to keep up with them ; we had to travel nearly one whole night over the mountain from Fredericktown to the Potomac river, which we crossed about two o'clock in the morning. Lorenzo's appointment was some distance the other side of the river ; we lay down, and as soon as it was light we started again, and reached the courthouse just as the people had assembled. I went to a friend's house, while Lorenzo preached to the people. After meeting we went on to the next appointment, where he preached again at night also : and so continued on our journey, until we arrived in Virginia. Lorenzo preached every day, once, and twice, and three times ; and when we arrived at Winchester, he preached twice to large congregations. From thence we went to a camp-meeting, where I saw brother Grober, a presiding elder, whom I had been acquainted with a number of years ago, which was very satisfactory to me. We left the camp-ground in the morning for Staunton, where Lorenzo had an appointment at night. It was threatening to rain in the morning when we started, and about twelve o'clock it began, and rained almost as fast as I ever saw it : we were in an open wagon, and I was wet through and through, as it continued to rain excessively all the afternoon. When we arrived at Staunton it was almost dark, and the people had assembled for meeting ; Lorenzo had not time to take any refreshment, but went and preached in his wet clothes. We were received with coolness by the 444 VICISSITUDES; OR, family that we stayed with, although he was acquainted with them before — but that is nothing uncommon ; man is so changeable in his nature, that we may find him at one time all friendship, and perhaps the next day he is as cool as need be. Hence I have found it necessary to strive to take it as it comes ; to be thankful for friends, when I find them, and to be satisfied when I have them not. It was on Saturday night that we got to Staunton, and Lorenzo intended to stay until Monday morning. On Sunday morning brother Wade came from New London to meet us, and carry me home with him ; and Lorenzo had calculated on leaving me at Hobson's, in Cumberland, while he went to the Mississippi territory ; consequently he thought it best for me to go to New London with brother Wade, who was anxious for me to go and stay with his wife a few months, as she was a§stranger in this country ; and my coming to America in company with her made us like sisters in- deed. It was a trial to my mind to part with my companion for nine or ten months ; as I did not expect to be with him but a few days, even if I went on to Cumberland with him, as he then must leave me, and start for the country where my sister lived : accordingly we parted, and I went home with brother Wade. This was on Sunday, and he was to leave Staunton the next morning. My spirits were very much depressed ; but 1 did not know what laid before me. I arrived in New London in safety, and was kindly received by sister Wade, and had got tolerably compo when I received a letter from Lorenzo, which gave me an account of the imprudence of my sister that lived in the Mississippi — but it was in so dark a style that I did not comprehend it fully, as I could not believe that she would be guilty of such enormities. I thought some one had charged her without grounds: that was some consolation to me, as I hoped it was not true. I was in hopes that he would come through New London, and give me a more full account of the circumstance ; but he could not, con- sistently with his arrangements. I was in great distress of mind on her account, as she had been a great professor of religion, and the cause must suffer by her falling so foully : and the disgrace attending it was almost unbearable. Brother Mead and his wife came through New London on their way to Georgia, .and brought the news that Lorenzo was not com- ing through that place, which made my heart almost sink within me. I felt as though the trial was more than I could bear — but this was but the beginning of sorrow. I stayed at brother Wade's for more than two months, and was kindly treated by him and his wife, and many others; and had many good times in meeting with the children of God, to worship him. The letter that I had received from Lorenzo, in Cumberland, had stated that my sister had been guilty of very improper conduct, but that she was penitent. But when Lorenzo got to Georgia, he received a letter from brother Black- man, stating that she had escaped from her husband with a young man, and had gone over the line into the Spanish country, to elude the displea- sure of their connections. It was then an undeniable fact that she was really guilty — and Lorenzo wrote to me from Georgia a full account of the circumstance, which gave me the severest wound that I had ever felt. To have heard of her death, O how much more preferable ! — but I had no other way, but must submit. My dear sister, that lay so near my heart, had strayed so widely from the path of rectitude — it was such a heart THE JOURNEY OF LIFE. 445 rending affliction, I thought it was almost more than I could bear ! It appeared impossible that she could be so far lost to her own honor, and the love that she had manifested to the cause of God, and the prosperity of Zion, as 1o be guilty of such an atrocious crime. But so it is, that some who make the greatest show of religion, wound it the. deepest. So it was in this case. She had professed to have experienced the blessing of religion for many years ; and was as much opposed to any thing that had the appearance of imprudence in her own sex, as any person that ever I knew. She was married, when young, to a man that was inferior to her, in point of talents, and was not calculated to get the world, as the saying is, as much as many others — and she possessed a very proud spirit, to- gether with a very quick temper ; and he not having as mild a disposition as might be, they were unhappy in their union, which was attended with many disagreements. He was subject to intoxication, and that was fre- quently the cause of much misery between them ! I was witness, many times, to such conduct on both sides, that gave me the greatest pain of any thing that could have befallen me. I often would beg my sister to say nothing, but her turbulent disposition was such, that I have thought she would almost suffer death, rather than submit to any one. They lived in that way for many years.' She was very industrious, and strove hard to live ; but he was negligent, and often spent more than he made. They removed, when they were first married, into the state of New York, about ninety miles from the place of their nativity, where they lived five or six years ; she had religion at that time, and he opposed her very much, as she had joined the Baptist church before she left New Eng- land ; but after leaving her Christian friends, and having so much oppo- sition, she had lost her religion almost entirely, and became like the rest of the world. At that time the Methodists came into the neighborhood, and she became acquainted with them, and would have joined their society, but her husband would not permit it — but she attended their meetings, and was much engaged at that time. My brother-in-law took it into his head to remove to Fort Stanwix, on the Mohawk river, within seventy or eighty miles of the line of Canada, and she backslid again, not having any to converse with but those that were unacquainted with God or themselves ! O how prone we are to forget the obligations we are under to our Saviour, notwithstanding it is on his bounty we live, and we are indebted to him for every mercy that we enjoy ! She continued to live in that careless way for several years, until I was, perhaps, eighteen years of age, and the Methodists found her out again, and I got under distress for my soul : find she was stirred up again, and I believe had religion. My brother-in-law opposed us with all his might. They had got in a tolerable good way before this, and there was a prospect that they might live comfortably, as to the things of this life ; but he possessed such an # uneasy disposition, that he could never be satisfied unless he was trading, and he had but a poor talent for that business. He sold his plantation, that he could have made a comfortable living upon, to a man that was a sharper, on trust, and took no security — the man sold his property, and cleared himself, without making any compensation for the land. This was a very great affliction to my sister, as she had made every exertion for a living that a woman could do, and strove in every way she could to prevent his selling hi.s place — but all to no purpose. He carried on a great stroke at drinking, 38 446 VICISSITUDES; OR, and spending his time for nought : she was harassed and troubled on every side, not enjoying that satisfaction in religion she had formerly done — it made her truly wretched ! I strove to comfort her in every way I could. We supported the family by our labor, weaving, spinning, and sewing, and any kind of work that we could do. This continued for more than twelve months, and then he took a little farm of about fifty acres of land, with a comfortable house for a small family, that suited us very well ; the rent being small, he could have lived as well as need be, if he would have been industrious. He was of a turn that was rather indolent and careless, but my sister and myself kept the family in tolerably comfortable circumstances. It was at that time that the Methodist preachers came into the neighbor- hood, and preached the gospel to poor lost sinners. My heart was wrought upon, and I set out to seek the salvation of my soul. My sister heard the pleasing sound with gladness, but my brother-in-law was violently opposed to them, and strove in every way that he could to prevent us from going to meeting ; but I felt determined to seek the Lord with all my heart, come what would, and strive to save my soul. It was near twelve months before I or my sister joined society ; but at last we broke through and joined the people called Methodists — and I have never seen the time that I was sorry that I cast my lot with them ; but I have often lamented that I did not live nearer to the gospel rules that they teach. After we had joined society, my brother-in-law became somewhat more softened, and let us have more peace, and would sometimes go to meeting ; but he still continued to go on in the same evil practice of spending his time in the most unprofitable way — but the preachers and people that feared God ceased not to pray for him, and at last he was brought to see his situation, and the danger of living in sin, and set about the work of his own salvation ; and I doubt not but he experienced the pardon of his sins. O the joy that was felt on this occasion ! we had, as it were, a heaven begun below ! He became a new man, and providence seemed to bless us on every side ; and we continued to enjoy the consolations of religion for several years, and the Lord prospered us in all our undertakings until after I was married ; and they started for the Mississippi, and my husband and myself parted with them : we were coming to New York, and from thence to sail for Europe. They went to that country, and it appeared they left all tiie prudence that they ever possessed behind them ; for when they arrived, he, it ap- peared, thought he could launch into building mills, not counting the cost that he must be at, but calculating that Lorenzo, when he returned from his tour in Europe, would pay all expenses — he ran into debt for land that had a mill-seat upon it, and began to erect a mill. Some people were much pleased with them, as they appeared to be engaged in religion. My sister was very much respected by the people, both religious and irreligious — but O the danger we are exposed to while in this world ! She was possessed of good natural abilities, and consider- able acquired knowledge, and was the last person I should have thought would have conducted in the way she did ; but we have need to watch and pray, lest we enter into temptation. She had lived with her husband for twenty years at least, and I never heard or knew any thing laid to her charge of that nature, before or after her marriage — and she had been THE JOURNEY OF LIFE. 447 a guide to me in my youth, and I suppose, possessed as great a sense of honor as any person I ever knew. But — how it was I cannot tell — she fell into a snare of the enemy, and hecame a prey to the most unaccount- able of all vices. There was a young man, that was of a most abandoned character and principle, that was taken into the family, that she was fond of by some means ; and there was a criminal intercourse between them for several months before it was discovered. She was in society, and thought to be very pious, but at last it was mistrusted by some, and a plan laid to detect them, which was accomplished. When it was proved upon her, she gave some marks of penitence, and her husband would have made friends with her ; but when the devil gets the advantage of poor infatuated mortals, he makes the best improvement of it in his power. So it was in this case ; for I expect her sorrow was but slight, if she was in the least affected with sorrow — for as soon as she found that Lorenzo and myself had returned to America, she laid every plan to make her escape with that wretched young man into the Spanish country, which she effected, and left her husband in a state of mind almost frantic : he had more affection for her than I once thought him capable of. He went after her, and strove to get her to return, but she would not. I do not think there ever was as permanent a union between them as was necessa ry for happiness. O the misery of many that are joined in the holy bands of matrimony : for the want of due consideration they rush into that state, and are wretched for life. ■# When she completed her wicked plan, information was communicated to us — my Lorenzo had left me, and started for that country. No one can paint the heart-felt sorrow that I experienced on receiving the infor- mation. I felt as though I was deprived of almost all my earthly comfort. I felt I could not believe it possible that she could have acted in that miser- able, disgraceful manner ; but it was even so ! Many have been the nights that I have wet my pillow with tears upon her account, but all to no purpose. O that it may be a warning to me to watch and pray, lest I enter into temptation ! Lorenzo went on, and found my poor brother-in-law in a wretched state of mind, and every thing that he had was in a ruinous condition ; and furthermore, they had run so deeply in debt that it was impossible for my brother-in-law to extricate himself from it. He had made a contract with a couple of girls for a tract of land that had a mill- seat upon it, and began to build a mill, without a title to the land ! When Lorenzo came, he wished Lorenzo to assist him to procure the land, that he might not be in danger of losing his labor. Lorenzo felt a very great reluctance to engage in any thing of the kind, but by the persuasion of friends he was prevailed upon to make a contract with the girls for the land, and likewise paid the old man for his labor, as he desired to return to the state of New York. There was considerable less than one hundred acres, with a log-cabin upon it. He paid a very enormous price, which was a great disadvantage. As Lorenzo was not a man that felt a freedom to have much to do with the world, except when he could not well avoid it, after he had got the place, he scarcely knew what to do with it. The mill was not finished ; there was a dam and mill-frame, but the dam had broke, and it was uncertain whether it could be made to stand, as the banks of the stream that it was erected on were so subject to wash in times of high water. There was a man who thought he could make it 448 VICISSITUDES; OR, stand. Lorenzo made an offer to him of the place ; if he would take it, and make a mill upon it, he should have one half of the mill. Accord- ingly he undertook, and repaired the dam, so that it sawed some that win- ter. He intended to tear up the old foundation, and build entirely on another plan — and was to have the use of the old mill until he should get the other finished. People in that country appeared anxious that Lorenzo should come to that part of the world, and get a residence ; they talked that they would assist us in any thing we needed ; and as Lorenzo thought that it might be best to prepare for sickness, and for whatever might befall us, he con- cluded to come for me and bring me with him to that country. I had felt a great desire to go to the Mississippi, before my friends had conducted themselves in that wretched way, but now I felt a reluctance to going, for it appeared to me that I could not hold up my head in the place where my own sister had disgraced herself and me. My heart recoiled at the thought of being a mark, as I knew I must, for people to look at, and say, that is a sister to such a woman ; and she had been guilty of an odious crime. But as my Lorenzo thought it would be best for me to go, I made no objection. He returned in June to Cumberland, in Virginia, and we started for the North, and went on to New York, where Ave stayed a few days — and from thence to Albany, where Lorenzo left me, and continued to journey on to his father's in Connecticut, being gone six or seven weeks. I stayed in Albany part of the time, and Troy, and I also went to see my brother, that lived near Schenectady. He did not profess religion, but was friendly to it. I stayed there a few days. There was a camp-meeting within eight or ten miles, where I expected to meet Lorenzo : my brother and his wife went with me to the place on the commencement of it, and there to my great joy I met my companion, with many others of my acquaintance, that I had been acquainted with many years before. The meeting was attended with good to many — we stayed until the close, and then we went with some very kind friends to Troy, who gave Lorenzo a good suit of clothes, and were as affectionate to us as people could be. My brother-in-law, who came from the Mississippi, had been to the place that he left when he removed to the South ; was at the meeting, and came down to Troy after us, as Lorenzo was to let him have some books on the account of his labor in the Mississippi : he did so — but this was not the end of trouble to us. It gave me inexpressible pain to see the man that I thought had been the cause, in one sense, of the destruction of my poor sister ; for he had been an unkind husband in the days that were past. Although I could not excuse her, yet I believe, if he had done as he ought, she never would have become what she did. But they were not equally yoked together: he had some good traits in his character, but he was indolent, and a bad economist, consequently kept them behind- hand. She was industrious, and would have managed well, if she had been united to a man that would have stood in his place, and made her known, and kept hers — for she possessed a turbulent disposition. But he was neither a good husband, nor a good manager : that made her fret at him, and he would not take it from her. Thus it was a means of their living a considerable part of their time in discontent : but after they both THE JOURNEY OF LIFE. 449 experienced religion, they lived more agreeable, until they removed to the Mississippi, and she fell in with that young man who proved her ruin.* We parted with our friends at Troy, after getting a small wagon and two horses, and what little we could get together, and started across the country to the western waters, in company with a young man that came with us from Europe, and a brother Valentine, from the state of New York, who wished to go to that country. We travelled with as little expense as possible, through the state of Pennsylvania, and struck the Ohio river at Wheeling, where we stayed for near two weeks, at a Quaker's, who was very kind to me. Lorenzo strove to get a passage in a flat-bottomed boat, where they frequently took horses, carriages, and produce, with families that are wishing to remove to that country — but he could not obtain one that would take his horses, consequently he was under the necessity of taking his horses through by land : he met with a person who was going down the river with a loaded barge to Natchez. They engaged to carry me with some trunks, and other baggage. These people were friendly Quakers, who owned the boat that Lorenzo had engaged my passage in. But they were not ready to sail for some time ; accordingly Lorenzo left me with the young man that came with us from Europe, to go down the river in this boat, while he went on by land. I felt very gloomy to be left among strangers, and to go on board a boat with a company of men, with- out one woman for a companion. But the people in Wheeling were very kind to me while I stayed there, after Lorenzo left me, which gave me much satisfaction. They provided me with many necessaries for the voyage, such as sugar, and tea, and other things to make me comfortable, for which may the Lord reward them. I stayed at Wheeling between one and two weeks after Lorenzo left me. In that time the people who owned the boat sold it to a couple of doctors from Virginia, with all that appertained to it ; but they made a reserve for me still to go in the boat. This was a very trying time to me : the people that owned the boat, when Lorenzo applied for me to go down in it, were plain Quakers, and they promised Lorenzo to take good care of me ; but the man that had bought the boat was quite of a different ap- pearance, although he was in a gentleman's garb. The young man that was with me went as a hand to help work the boat. We went on board at evening. The barge was laden with flour and cider, and various kinds of produce adapted for the Natchez. There was a small cabin with two berths, where three or four persons might sleep tolerably comfortable. There I was obliged to rest at night : and there was a small vacancy be- tween this cabin and the other part of the boat, where they had run up a small chimney, where they could cook provisions. In this gloomy situation I was fixed to start for the Mississippi, where I knew I must meet with many trials, if ever I should reach there. The river, at the time when we started, was very low, and we made but slow progress for many days together. I could not set my foot on land — shut up in a boat, with none but men, and those of that class who * From a train of circumstances, which correspond and hang together like a chain ot truth, it appears there was a combination of Deists, one of whom was a physician, who sought the overthrow of the family, through the object of temporal gain, (they being a fami- ly connection of those who owned the mill-seat,) and to bring a stigma upon the cause of religion ! She was considerably over fortv years of age at this time of her life. 38* 450 VICISSITUDES; OR, neither feared God nor man, though they, for the most part, treated me with civility. None can tell how disagreeable such a situation is, but those who have passed through something similar. We left Wheeling about the last of October. The boat stopped at Limestone, in Kentucky, for part of one day and a night. There Lorenzo had some acquaintances ; and when they found out that I was on board of this boat, some of them came down to see me, and invited me to go on shore and stay the night, which I accepted with thankfulness. I had some hope that Lorenzo would arrive there before the boat would start in the morning. Oh ! how anxiously I looked out for him ! But he did not come ; and 1 had to go on board the boat very early in the morn- ing, and continue on my journey with a very heavy heart. My mind was much depressed ; the prospects before me were dark, when I should reach my place of destination ; and the weather was uncommonly cold for that climate and season. After being confined on board of a boat for six weeks, we reached the mouth of Byopeare, about twelve miles from Gibson Port, which was forty miles from Natchez. We left the boat, myself and the young man that was with me, and took our things to a public house ; but that was ten or twelve miles from the place that we wished to get. I had never been in that country before, but Lorenzo had several times ; and hence I had some grounds to expect I should find some friends, as many of them had manifested a desire that I should come to that country. But my sister had conducted in such a manner, that it made my way difficult ; and how to get to the neighborhood that I wished to go to, I did not know. However, brother Valentine, who came with us from the state of New York, travelled by land with Lorenzo as far as Limestone, and then put his horse on board of a boat, and worked his passage down to the same place that I was at. I landed at night, and he came in the morning ; so that I was provided for. We left our things at this public house : and I rode the horse, while he and the young man walked about twelve miles through the mud. This was about the 12th of January. We stayed at Gibson Port that night, about four miles from the place where my sister had lived, and brought such a stain on the cause of religion. We were all strangers ; but Lorenzo had written to some friends that we were coming ; and, furthermore, he had requested them, if I should arrive be- fore him, to take care of me until he should come. We left Gibson Port, and went to the neighborhood of the mill, to the house of Samuel Cobun. He did not profess religion, though lie was very kind and humane ; but he had two sisters that were members of the Meth- odist church. He had no wife living, and they lived with him to take care of the family. They had been friends to my sister, when she first went to that country. They received me, apparently, with affection, which was a consolation to my heart ; for I expected to meet with many a cold look, on the account of my poor unfortunate sister, and I expect I did ; but I do not blame them, as it had given them so much pain : but 1 could not help it. However, I stayed at Mr. Cobun's until Lorenzo came ; as those that professed religion seemed not to take much notice of me. When Lorenzo left' me at Wheeling, he went on through the state of Ohio, Kentucky, and Tennessee, and so on through the Indian country to the Mississippi territory. THE JOURNEY OF LIFE. 451 A man, who was a Methodist, and preached, and who had appeared very friendly to Lorenzo in days that were past, Lorenzo had written to, and requested, that if I should reach there before him, that he would per- mit me to stay with him until he should arrive. But he did not seem very anxious that I should stay at his house. He came over to Mr. Cobun's, which was six or seven miles, to see me, and requested me to come and see them — as though I had been fixed in a comfortable situation, with every thing that I needed. But it was quite the reverse with me ; I had neither house nor friends in that country, without the people chose to be- friend me. I was a stranger, in a strange land, and in the neighborhood where my nearest relatives had conducted very improperly ; and I expect that was one cause why the friends kept so distant. However, the family that I was with was very kind. 1 went once to this friend's house, before Lorenzo arrived, which was somewhere about two weeks. I stayed there one night, and then returned to Mr. Cobun's, where I stayed until Lorenzo came to me. The winter had been uncommonly severe, and he had a very distressing time through the wilderness ; but Providence had brought him through in safety, which was a matter of rejoicing to my poor heart. The cloud that had been gathering for some time, grew darker and darker, so that we scarcely knew which way to turn, or how to extricate ourselves from the difficulties that my imprudent friends had brought us into on every side. They had run in debt to merchants, making the im- pression that when Lorenzo came from Europe he would pay all. There were some that had befriended them on Lorenzo's account ; these he felt it was his duty to compensate, which he did. My brother-in-law had made a contract with some people in that country for a tract of land, on which was a mill-seat ; and without any title whatever, before we return- ed from Europe, he went to building a mill, which involved them still deeper in debt. After Lorenzo returned from Europe, and went to that country, which was nearly twelve months after, finding him in such a dis- tressed situation, he, out of pity, stepped in to assist him as a kind of me- diator, when they cast the whole burden on his shoulders, which proved a heavy one to Lorenzo. We arrived there in January. We had a couple of tolerably good horses, and a small wagon, and some money ; but we were under the ne- cessity of parting with them, and what little money we had was soon gone. The old mill-frame, which was all that was done to the mill, Lorenzo let a man take on such terms as these — that he might undertake to build a mill if he chose, without any more expense to Lorenzo ; and if he could make one stand, Lorenzo should be entitled to one half. We stayed with a family near the mill-frame, from March until July. In this time I was taken sick with the fever that is common in that coun- try, on the day that Lorenzo had resolved to prepare to start for Georgia, and my life was despaired of. The people that had appeared so desirous that we should come to that country, forsook us ; and had not the man that was styled a deist, and who first received me into his house, befriend- ed u.s now, I know not what I should have done. His two sisters, Eliza- beth and Ann Cobun, were friends indeed. Ann stayed with me, day and night, for about three weeks ; and then we were under the necessity of 452 VICISSITUDES; OR, removing from this house somewhere else. But where to go we could not tell. However, Mr. Cobun gave us permission to come and stay at his house as long as we chose ; but I was so low at that time that I could not sit up at all. They sewed some blankets together over a frame, similar to a bier to carry the dead, and putting a bed upon it, laid me thereon, and two black men conveyed to his house, which was, perhaps, a mile. The next day Lorenzo was taken very ill also. There we were, both confined to our beds, unable to help each other to as much as a drink of water. At that time Lorenzo could not have commanded one dollar, to procure so much as a little medicine. This was a trying time ; and when the storm would be over we could not tell. But the Lord supported us under these distressing circumstances, or we must have sunk beneath the weight. Forever praised be the adored name of our great Benefactor, for all his mercies unto us ! My fever began to abate, but Lorenzo grew worse ; and it was doubtful which way it would terminate with him. Oh ! the anguish of heart I felt at this trying juncture ! I was still so low that I could not sit up but very little, nor walk without assistance ; and we were altogether dependent on others for the necessaries of life. Lorenzo appeared to be fast approach- ing to eternity ; but after some weeks he began to gain a little, so that he was able to ride a few miles at a time. We then removed to brother Ran- dal Gibson's, where we stayed a few days. I was still unable to work, as I then had the common fever and ague, which kept me very weak and feeble. After staying there for some time, perhaps two weeks, we return- ed to friend Baker's, near the mill. Lorenzo held meetings as much as he was able, and perhaps more ; and, although he was so weak in body, and depressed in mind, he did not slack his labors, but preached frequently sitting or lying down. There was a young man, who died about six or seven miles from where we then were, desired Lorenzo should preach at his funeral. He was still very feeble, but wished to be of some use to his fellow-mortals the few days he might have to stay in this world of wo. He started soon in the morning to attend the funeral, and brother Baker went with him. This was on Sunday. He preached to a crowded con- gregation, with considerable liberty. The people were tender and atten- tive. After the conclusion of the ceremony, he started to return to brother Baker's, where he had left me. He had rode but a few miles before he was suddenly taken ill, and would have fallen from his horse, if friend Baker had not seen that something was the matter, and being active, he sprang from his horse, and caught him before he fell to the ground. As it happened, they were near a small cabin, that was occupied by a man who professed religion. They conveyed him into it senseless; and so ho continued for some time. When he came to himself, he was in the most excruciating pain imaginable. They gave him a large quantity of laud.i- num, which gave him some little relief; but he could not be removed from that place. Brother Baker stayed with him until nearly night, and then came home. I had become very uneasy in my mind on his account, as he did not re- turn according to my expectation. When this friend came and told me Lorenzo's situation, my heart trembled lest I should be called to relin- quish my claim, and resign him up to the pale messenger. It made me THE JOURNEY OF LIFE. 453 cry mightily to God to give me strength to say, " The will of the Lord be done !" I had no reason to doubt, if the great Master saw it best to re- move him from this region of pain, lie would be conveyed by angelic hands to the realms of peace and happiness, where he would have to suffer no more pain and affliction, either of body or mind. But it was a task too hard for me to accomplish, without the immediate assistance of the Friend of sinners. I slept but little that night, and early the next morning, the friend at whose house Lorenzo was, came with two horses to take me to him. When I arrived there, I found him in a very distressed situation ; he could not be moved in any position whatever, without the greatest pain ; he could lie no way, except on his back, and in this position he lay for ten days. The disorder was in his left side, and across his bowels. I was apprehensive it would terminate in a mortification, and others I be lieve were of the same opinion. One day we thought he was dying, the whole day ; he was unable to speak for the greater part of the day. My mind was in such a state of anxiety as I had never experienced before ; however, that appeared to be the turning point — for the next day he was something better, and continued to mend slowly, and in a few days he had gained so much strength as to ride about a mile to a quarterly meeting : and a precious time it was to me, and many others. what an indulgent Parent we have to rely upon ! May my heart ever feel sensations of gratitude to that God who hath cleared my way through storms of affliction, and various other difficulties. 1 had not recovered my health fully at this time. The people, it ap- peared to me, were almost tired of us in every direction. I was unable to labor for a living, and Lorenzo was so feeble in body that he could preach but little ; consequently we were entirely dependent on others for a subsistence. We continued in the neighborhood where Lorenzo had been sick, and that of the mill, until the first of January, and then we left that part for a friend's house, twelve or fourteen miles off; their house was small, and family large, which made it very inconvenient to them and us, although they were very kind and friendly. Our situation at this time was truly distressing — we scarcely knew which way to turn. Lorenzo concluded it was best to strive to prepare some place as a shelter from the storms that appeared to have come to such a pitch, as not to admit of rising much higher. Sickness and pov- erty had assailed us on every side ; and many, such as had professed to be our friends, forsook us in that country as well as in the states. It was circulating through many parts that we were at that time rolling in riches, surrounded with plenty. The old mill-frame (for it was never finished) had made such a noise in the world, that many had been led to believe that we possessed a large plantation, with an elegant house, and other necessary appurtenances, together with two or three mills, and a number of slaves, besides money at interest. Whilst this was carried from east to west, and from north to south, and the people supposing that Lorenzo had ranged the wide fields of America, and also of Europe to gather up worldly treasure, and had gone to the Mississippi to enjoy it, would of course make a very unfavor- 454 VICISSITUDES; OR, able impression on their minds, as it related to his motives in travelling in such an irregular manner as he had done. We were, as I observed before, in quite a different situation — without house or home, or any thing of consequence that we could call our own. There was a tract of land, lying in the midst of a thick cane-brake, on which was a beautiful spring of water, breaking out at the foot of a large hill, which some person had told Lorenzo of : the soil belonged to the United States, and the cane was almost impenetrable, from thirty to forty feet high ; and likewise it was inhabited by wild beasts of prey, of various kinds, and serpents of the most poisonous nature. Notwithstanding these gloomy circumstances, Lorenzo got a man to go with him to look at it, to see if it would do for an asylum for us to fly to, provided we could get a little cabin erected near the spring. After he had taken a survey of the place, he concluded to make a trial, and employed a man accordingly to put up a small log-cabin within ten or twelve feet of the spring, which he did, after cutting down the cane for to set it — a way was made through from a public road to the spot, so that we could ride on horseback or on foot. We obtained a few utensils for keeping house, and in March we removed to our little place of residence, in the wilderness, or rather it ap- peared like the habitation of some exiles ; — but it was a sweet place to me — I felt I was at home, and many times the Lord was precious to my soul. There was a man who had resided in Philadelphia, and by some means had got involved in debt, and left there to reside in this country. He had a wife and one child : once he had belonged to the Methodist society, and then backslid ; but after he came to that country he was brought into fry- ing circumstances, which brought him to reflect on his present situation ; and meeting with Lorenzo at this time, there began some intimacy between them on this occasion : after mis he wished to return to Philadelphia for a short time, and wanted some place for his wife to stay at while he should be gone ; consequently he requested us to let her stay with us at our little cabin, which was agreed — she came, and this made up our little family. She was a peaceable, friendly woman, and we spent the time quite agree- ably ; although we were left by ourselves for days together, Lorenzo being frequently called from home to attend meetings, and to procure the necessaries of life. The people were much surprised when they came to our little residence, how we came to fix on such a lonely place as this to retreat to ! — This is a proof, that experience teaches more than otherwise we could learn : we had felt the want of a home in the time of trouble and sickness. This was a pleasant retreat to us : the wilderness appeared almost like a para- dise to me. There were but two ways we could get to our neighbors, the nearest of which was more than half a mile, and the way so intricate, that it would be almost impossible for any one to find it, or get through either place in the night. We stayed there for near four months ; in that time Lorenzo preached as much as his strength would admit. We were sometimes very closely run to get what was necessary to make us comfortable ; yet I felt quite contented. 1 had, in a good degree, regained my health ; so that I was able to labor, and I strove to do all I could for a living, although my sit- uation was such, that I could not do as much as I wished ; but the Lord provided for us, beyond what we could have expected. We did not know THE JOURNEY OF LIFE. 455 how long we should stay in that place ; we had no other alternative hut to stay there, until Providence should open some other way. The man that had left his wife with us, and started for the city of Phil- adelphia, went as far as the falls of Ohio, and got discouraged, and getting into a boat, he returned to us in the cane : there we had an addition to our family, this man, and his wife, and child. The chief of the burden fell to my lot, to do for them and ourselves, which Lorenzo thought was too much for me to go through with — and the man seemed not to give himself much concern about it. His wife was in a situation that would require more attention than I should be able to give. We thought it was best to make our way to the states, if possible, as we had been defeated in almost every thing that we had undertaken in that country. Accord- ingly, Lorenzo made some arrangements to prepare to leave it. He let the man that was with us have possession of the house and spring, and what little we had for family use, as it relates to housekeeping, and took a horse for the intended journey. We left the peaceful retreat of the spring, where I had enjoyed some refreshings from the presence of the Lord, and were again cast on the world, without any thing to depend upon but Providence. However, he had never forsaken us : his power and willingness to save all that trust in him was still the same ; and as he had promised that he would be with us in six troubles, and in the seventh that he would not forsake us, so it proved in the end. We left the little cabin on Sunday morning, to attend an appointment that Lorenzo had given out, twelve or fourteen miles distance from there, on horseback, where we arrived in time. He preached to an attentive congregation. This was about six miles from Cobun's, where we had found an asylum in days that were past. We left the place where the meeting was held, and started for Mr. Cobun's, but we lost our way, by taking a foot-path that we supposed was nearer, and wandered in the woods until almost night, before we came to the place that we were in pursuit of: but at last we got to the place, where we met with sister Cobun, and with brother Valentine, who had been back to the state of New York for his family, and had arrived here a few weeks previous. We did not intend to stay in the country any longer than we could make the necessary arrangements for our journey through the wilderness to Georgia. Lorenzo turned every way that he could, to obtain what was necessary, and had got all ready to start, our clothes and every thing being packed up, when we concluded to attend a camp-meeting about six miles from the neighborhood of the old mill-frame, and then continue on our journey : but Providence seemed not to favor our intentions at that time, for I was taken sick, and unable to travel ; consequently, Lorenzo was under the necessity of leaving me behind, and going through without me — but he stayed for several weeks longer, until I had in some degree recov- ered my health. He had made some preparations for me to be provided for in his absence. Brother Valentine had erected a small log-house, on public ground, near the mill-frame, and contiguous to the little tract that Lorenzo still retained, of perhaps five-and-twenty acres. This house, in conjunction with the sisters Cobun, he obtained from Mr. Valentine for us to reside in, while he should take a tour through the states. He had let another man have a part of the right that he still held in the mill, if ever it should be made to do any business ; consequently, this left 456 VICISSITUDES; OR, him but one fourth, and that was in a state of uncertainty, whether it would ever be of any use to him, which the sequel lias since proved to be the case. About this time my poor unfortunate sister finished her career, and was called to a world of spirits, to give an account of the deeds done in the body. I felt very awful when I first heard the news — but I considered that we had done all in our power to bring her back to the paths of recti- titude. Lorenzo had seen her three times : the first, on purpose — the second, on the road — the third, she came to meeting thirty miles to see me, but I was not there — and strove by every argument to prevail on her to come to us, and forsake the ways of vice and strive to seek her soul's salvation, and we would strive to do the part of children by her. But she would not — alleging that she could not bear the scoffs of her ac- quaintance. When Lorenzo found that she was determined to stay with the person that she had apostatized for, he told her to read the counsel of Jeremiah to Zedekiah, on their last interview, and look at the sequel, and make the application, at which she wept as they parted. This was the last time that he ever saw her ; she was taken sick shortly after, and died in a strange land, without a friend to drop a tear of compassion over her in her last moments ! The person that had been her seducer went on like one distracted — his wickedness and evil conduct, no doubt, stared him in the face, when he reflected that he had been the cause of one, who had once enjoyed the Divine favor, losing that blessing, and falling into sin of such an enormous nature as she had been guilty of — and I know not but he might have been the cause of her sudden departure ; but I leave that until the day when the secrets of all hearts shall be disclosed! She was interred in a lonely place, where, perhaps, in a few years, the spot of earth cannot be found that contains her ashes.* that this may be a warning to all that may peruse this short account of the fall of one that might have proved a blessing to society, and a com- fort to her friends, if she had kept at the feet of her Saviour, and attended to the dictates of that Spirit which teaches humility. 1 was much afflicted on account of my poor sister — she had lain near my heart : but I was enabled to give her up, knowing that she was gone to a just tribunal, and her state unalterably fixed. What remained for me to do, was, to strive to make my way safely through a tempestuous world, to a glorious eternity. Lorenzo had made the necessary preparations for me to stay with the sisters Gobun, and for him to take his departure for the states, not expect- ing; to return in less than twelve months. This was something of a cr to me, as he was still considerably afflicted in body, and, to appearance would never enjoy health again. But 1 was supported under it, so that 1 * The foregoing unfortunate circumstances, are necessarily involved in the thread of those vicissitudes, which arc connected in the narrative in order to be explicit — seeing the circum- stances were generally known, but in many respects greatly misrepresented, through the Erejudice and ambition of some, to block up the way and destroy the reputation of Lorenzo, y unfavorable impressions on the public mind. Many, through false modesty and (aide, are willing to claim relationship with some, because chey are considered in the higher cir- cles of life; which ihey would be ashamed of, h' u was nol for their money — as worth is generally estimated according to a man's property, agreeably (o the old saying, "Money makes the man." Whereas, what am 1 the worse forothers 1 pices, or better !<>r their worth and merit, if 1 have no virtues of my own ' THE JOURNEY OF LIFE. 457 felt in a great measure resigned to this dispensation also. I was supplied with what I needed to make me comfortable. I had joined society when I first came to this country, within a mile of the place I then lived. I lived in great harmony with my two compan- ions that Lorenzo had left me with, while he had gone to visit the states once more. I attended meeting regularly every week, and had many precious times to my soul. I had some trials to encounter, but the Lord was my helper, and brought me through them all. I was desirous to re- turn to some part of the states, if Providence should spare Lorenzo, and he should again come back to me in safety. He left me in October. I spent that winter and the next summer, as agreeably as I had done such a length of time in almost any situation that I had been placed in for several years ; at the same time these people that had pretended a great deal of friendship to us in former times, were quite distant. However, this affected me but little, as I had learned in some degree this lesson, that our happiness does not depend on the smiles or frowns of the world ; but we must have peace in our own breast, or we can find it nowhere else. I lived quite retired from the world, with a few exceptions. I seldom went out but to meeting ; there I found most peace and consolation. Thus, I continued to spend my time, until the period that Lorenzo was to return. I received a letter from him, to meet him about twelve miles from where I then was, where he had sent an appointment to preach. This was pleasing intelligence to me, as I had then been separated from him for near twelve months. I went the day before the time appointed for him to arrive at the place, and the day that he came I was again attacked with the ague and fever, which I had never escaped for one summer while I was in that country. The ague had left me, and the fever was tolerably high, when it was ob- served by some of the family that Lorenzo was come ! My heart leaped for joy at the sound of his name. We met, after having been separated for twelve months and six days. I felt some degree of gratitude to our great Preserver, that he had brought us through many dangers and diffi- culties, which we had met with during our separation. We intended to return to the states, as soon as we could get prepared. There was a large cong-rea-ation attended to hear Lorenzo preach ; and it was a solemn, melting time among the people. After meeting we started for the place that I had made my home in his absence. Although I was quite unwell, in consequence of having a fit of the ague the day before, we rode twelve miles, in company with several friends that had come from the neighborhood to meet him. It was then ten o'clock before we reached our destination : however, we were very much rejoiced to have the privilege of joining our hearts and voices in prayer and praise to that God who had prolonged our lives, and brought us to meet again on mortal shores. The next day I had a very sick day — the ague came on more severely than it was the day that Lorenzo came back. He wished to make ready to leave the territory, and I was anxious to go with him, as I could not enjoy health in that country. I made use of some means to get rid of the ague, and it had the desired effect, so that after a few days I got something better, and in about * 39 458 VICISSITUDES; OR, two or three weeks I was able to start on our journey through the wil- derness to Georgia. Lorenzo had intended to have stayed longer than he did when he re- turned, and had given out a chain of appointments through the country ; but reflecting that the winter rains might come on, and make it impossible for me to get through the long and tedious wilderness that we had to travel — consequently, he attended but one or two of these appointments, and recalled the rest, and started for Natchez, where we got what was necessary for our journey, and from thence we made the best of our way to the wilderness, although our friends expected us to have returned and bid them farewell, and I myself expected to have seen them again before I left that country ; but it was otherwise ordered, for I saw them no more, and I do not know that I ever shall, until we meet in eternity. May God help us so to live, that we may join the blood-washed throng, in the mansions of endless day. We reached the outskirts of the settlements of Natchez on the third day after we left the city. It was something late in the day before we left the last house inhabited by white people, and entered the vast wilderness. This was a new scene to me, such as I had never met with before. My heart trembled at the thought of sleeping out in this desert place, with no company but my husband : however, a little before sunset we came to a place where we could get water and plenty of cane for our horses. There we stopped for the night, built a fire, and cut a quantity of cane to last our horses through the night : after that we prepared our supper, which consisted of coffee and hard biscuit, which we had brought from the settle- ments with us. We had no tent to screen us from the inclement weather, but we had blankets on which we slept, which made us tolerably comfort- able when the weather was clear. We lay down, after having prepared a quantity of wood for the night ; but it was a gloomy night to me, it be- ing the first time that I ever had been in the like circumstances ; and to look up and see the wide extended concave of heaven bespangled with stars, without any covering, it was truly majestic. Yet to consider we were in a lonely desert, uninhabited by any creature but wild beasts and savages, made me feel very much alarmed, and I slept but little, while Lorenzo was quite happy and composed ; as he observed, he had never been so well pleased with his situation in travelling through this wild un- frequented part of the country before ; and this was the tenth time that he had passed through it, in the space of nine or ten years ! We met with no molestation through the night, and as soon as day dawned we started on and travelled until late breakfast time, when we stopped, struck up a fire, and prepared some refreshment, and fed our horses, and then continued on our journey. We travelled near forty miles that day. It was quite dark before we got to Pearl River, which we had to cross in a ferry-boat, and stay at a house, such as it was, that belonged to a half-breed, during the night. I was very much fatigued, but rested tolerably well. In the morning we started by ourselves soon after we had got some re- freshment, and (ravelled on through the day until towards evening, when we met a company of Indians, who had been preparing their camp for the night. This struck me with some considerable dread, and to add to that we had to cross a dreadful slough, called by travellers, " Hell Hole." THE JOURNEY OF LIFE. 459 This place consisted of thin mud, so that horses, after they were stripped of saddle and harness, could swim through; and then it was necessary that some one should be on the other side, so as to prevent them from run- ning away. But we had no one with us to assist, and we could not tell what we should do: yet so it happened, that the Indians had made a tem- porary bridge of poles and canes to get their horses over, which served for us to get over upon also. We were then under the necessity of preparing for the night, as it was almost sunset, and we were not more than half a mile from the Indians' camp, which was quite alarming to me ; but there was no alternative, there we must stay. Accordingly Lorenzo made a good fire, and provid- ed a plenty of cane for our horses, and made ready our little repast ; by this time it was dark. We then lay down to try to compose ourselves to rest, but my mind was too much occupied by gloomy reflections to sleep, while I could hear Indians' dogs barking, and the horses' bells jingle, al- though it was a beautiful night. The moon shone through the trees with great splendor, and the stars twinkled around ; and if my mind had been in a right frame, it would have been a beautiful prospect to me, but I was so much afraid, that it quite deprived me of any satisfaction, while Lo- renzo would have slept sweetly if I had not been so fearful, and frequently disturbed him. I longed for daylight to appear ; and as soon as it dawned we started and travelled a long and tedious day, still in this dreary wil- derness. We expected to have got to a man's house, living on the Chicka- saw River, who had an Indian family, before night. Accordingly we came to a creek, which Lorenzo took to be that river. I felt very much rejoiced, as I hoped to find a house which we could have the privilege of sleeping in ; but we were disappointed in our expectation ; for when we got over the creek we found there an Indian village. We inquired how far it was to this man's house ; they told us by signs it was ten miles, and it was now almost sunset. We started on again, and went perhaps half a mile, when the path became divided into so many little divisions, that we could not tell which to take. Lorenzo went back to an Indian's house, and requested an old Indian to go and pilot us to Nales ; the old man hesitated at first, but after understanding that he should be well paid, he took his blanket and wrapping it about his head, he started on before us, and we followed after ; by this time it was almost sunset, but we kept on. There was a moon, though it was obscured by a thin cloud, so that it was not of so much use to us as it would otherwise have been. We had not got more than three miles from the Indian's house before it was quite dark. I was very much afraid of our pilot. I strove to lift my heart to God for protection, and felt in some degree supported. Our way lay through a large swamp, intermixed with cane, which made it appear very gloomy ; but our pilot was almost equal to a wolf to find his way through this wild unfrequented spot of the earth ; he could wind about and keep the path where I would have thought it almost impossible. Having travelled until ten or eleven o'clock, we arrived at the river ; but how to get across, that was the next difficulty — we must cross a ferry, and the boat was on the other side. Lorenzo requested the old Indian to go over and fetch it, but he would not move one step until he promised him more money. This was the second or third time he had raised his wages after he started, to keep him on, until we could reach the place that we wished for. However, 460 VICISSITUDES; OR, after he found that he would get more money, he started and went up the river, and found some way across. In a short time he had the boat over, and we went into it with our horses, and the old man set us over. This was perhaps eleven o'clock at night ; we came to the house, the family was gone to bed, but the woman got up, and although she was half-Indian, she treated me with more attention than many would have done that had been educated among the more refined inhabitants of the earth ! I felt quite comfortable, and slept sweetly through the remaining part of the night. In the morning we started again, being then thirteen miles from the settlements on the Tombigbee. We passed through some delight- ful country that day, and about two or three o'clock in the afternoon we reached the first house that was inhabited by white people. It made my heart rejoice to meet again with those that spoke a language which I un- derstood, and above all to find some that loved the Lord. Lorenzo held several meetings in this neighborhood that were profitable, I trust, to some. We stayed here two nights, and a good part of three days, when we took our leave of them, and departed on our journey through the settlements on the Tombigbee, which extends seventy or eighty miles in length, throusrh a rich and fertile soil. The settlements were flourish- ing, and the people in some parts hospitable. We arrived at Fort St. Ste- phen's, situated on the Tombigbee river. It is on an eminence, and makes a handsome appearance, although it is but small. The river is navigable up to this place. It is a beautiful river: the water is as clear as crystal, and the land very fertile, and well situated for cultivation. This will be a delightful country, no doubt, in time. We got fresh supplies at this place, and made but a few hours' stop be- fore we started on our journey, and crossed the river in a ferry-boat. This; was after twelve o'clock. We travelled until late, and came to a small cabin, where we got permission to stay all night, which we did. In the morning we started very early — saw some scattered houses, and at night we got to the Alabama river, where there was a ferry, kept by a man who was a mixture, where we stayed that night. This river is beautiful, al- most beyond description. On its pleasant banks stood Fort Mims. that has since been destroyed by the savage Creek Indians, with those that fled to it for protection. We were now in the bounds of the Creek nation, but without any com- pany. This day we struck the road that had been cut out by the order of the President, from the state of Georgia, to Fort Stoddard. This made it more pleasant travelling, and then we frequently met people removing from the states to the Tombigbee, and other parts of the Mississippi ter- ritory. We travelled betwixt thirty and forty miles that day, and came to a creek, called Murder-creek. It got this name in consequence of a man having been murdered there. This circumstance made it appear very gloomy to me. But we made the necessary preparations for the night, and lay down to rest : although I was so much afraid, 1 got so weary at times ihat I could not help sleeping. About twelve o'clock it began to rain so fast that it was like to put out our fire, and we were under the ne- cessity of getting our horses and starting, as we had nothing to screen us from the rain. The road having been newly cut out, the fresh marked trees served for a guide : there was a moon, but it was shut in by clouds. THE JOURNEY OF LIFE. 461 However, we travelled on ten or twelve miles, and it ceased raining. I was very wet and cold, and felt the need of a fire, more perhaps than I had ever done in my life before. At last we came in sight of a camp, which would have made my heart glad, but I feared lest it was Indians ; yet to my great satisfaction, when we came to it we found an old man and boy, with what little they possess- ed, going to the country we had left behind, and had encamped in this place, and with their blankets had made a comfortable tent, and had a good fire. This was refreshing to us, as we were much fatigued. We made some coffee, and dried our clothes a little — by this time it was daylight: we then started on our way again. I thought my situation had been as trying as almost could be, but I found that there were others who were worse off than myself. We came across a family who were moving to the Mississippi. They had a number of small children, and although they had something to cover them like a tent, yet they suffered considerably from the rain the night before ; and to add to that, the woman told me they had left an aged father at a man's house by the name of Manack, one or two days before, and that she expected he was dead perhaps by that time. They were as black almost as the natives, and the woman seemed very much disturbed at their situation. I felt pity for her — I thought her burden was really heavier than mine. We kept on, and about the middle of the day we got to the house where the poor man had been left with his wife, son, and daughter. A few hours before we got there, he had closed his eyes in death. They had lain him out, and expected to bury him that evening ; but they could not get any thing to make a coffin of, only split stuff to make a kind of box, and so put him in the ground. I thought this would have been such a distress to me, had it been my case, that it made my heart ache for the old lady. But I found she was of that class of beings that could not be affected with any thing so much as the loss of property ; for she began immediately to calculate the ex- pense they had been at by this detention ; and I do not recollect that I saw her shed one tear on the occasion. We stayed but a short time, and continued our journey. There we got a supply of bread, such as it was ; there we met, also, with three men who were travelling our road, the first company that we had found since we left the Mississippi, being now not more than one-third of the way through the Creek nation. We left this place betwixt one and two o'clock. I was very glad of some company, for we had been very lonely before. We travelled on without any thing particular occurring for three days, until we arrived at the Chattahoochee river, where we met with some diffi- culty in getting over, as the boat was gone. This was early in the morn- ing, before sunrise, that we came to the river. There we were detained until ten o'clock, and then had to hire an Indian to take a canoe, and first carry our baggage over, and then swim our horses over. This hindered us until near eleven o'clock before we got ready to start again. We were in hopes of getting to Hawking's, the agent's, that night ; but being so long detained at the river, we were obliged to stay at an Indians' camp, our company having stopped before. I had got a fall from my horse and hurt myself considerably; and I was as much fatigued and worn out by travelling as ever I was in 39* 462 VICISSITUDES; OR, my life. I thought sometimes that I never should stand it, to get through the wilderness, but Providence gave me strength of body beyond what I could have expected. We left the Indians' camp in the morning, and reached Col. Hawking's that night. This was within about thirty miles of the settlements of Georgia. I felt grateful to the God of all grace for his tender care over us, while in this dreary part of the land, where our ears had been saluted by the hi- deous yells of the wolf — and we had been surrounded by the savages, more wild than they ; and yet we were preserved from all danger, and brought through in safety. We got to the river that divides the state of Georgia from the Indians' boundaries, about three or four o'clock, and got into the white settlements, which was very satisfactory to me. We got to a friend's house that night about dark, where we were received kindly. This was like a cordial to my heart, as it had been a long time since I had met with a friend. We stayed that night with them, and the next day we got to a friend's house within twelve or fourteen miles from Milledgeville, the metropolis of Georgia. There Lorenzo had left a small wagon, six weeks or two months before. Here he exchanged the two horses we had for one that would work in carriage, and went on to Milledgeville, where we stayed about a week, and found many kind friends. This was sometime in De- cember. While we were here the earthquakes began, which alai*med the people very much. It was truly an awful scene, to feel the house shaking un- der you as sensibly as you could feel the motion of a vessel, when it was moving over the water ; and the trees as it were dancing on the hills — all nature seemed in commotion. This was enough to make the stoutest heart tremble ! But when the people get so hardened, that mercies nor judgments cannot move them, we may conclude they are in a bad way. This is the case with too many. that the day would arrive, when the inhabitants of the earth would love and serve the Lord ! We left Milledgeville, and went to a friend's house, where I stayed three or four weeks, while Lorenzo travelled the upper counties, and through the New Purchase — and offered free salvation to crowed congre- gations. He then returned to where I was, and we started on our journey to Virginia. Lorenzo preached at several places before we got to Louis- ville, and had a chain of appointments given out which extended to North Carolina. We came to Louisville, intending to stay only for a few days ; but there came on such a rain, that it raised the water courses to such a degree, that it was impossible for us to travel for near two weeks — this brought him behind his appointments ; but it gave him an opportunity of preaching to the people in Louisville a number of times. As soon as we could get along we started, and with some difficulty wo overtook the appointments — but not without disappointing three or four congregations. We travelled on from Georgia to Carolina in the cold in- clement weather, such as we have in January and February ; and Lo- renzo preached once and twice in the day. The people seemed quite atten- tive all the way that we came. I was very anxious to get to Lynchburg, as we had some thoughts of striving to get a small house built there, that we might have a place of re- THE JOURNEY OF LIFE. 463 treat in case of necessity — Lorenzo still expecting to travel and preach as long as his strength would admit. But we intended to go on to Con- necticut, to his father's, where I expected to have stayed for some time, and then return to Lynchburg ; but the Providence of God seemed not to favor the design. We arrived in Lynchburg about the seventeenth of March, where we calculated to stay but a few days, and then go on to his father's — after making some preparations for building our little house. However, we had not been in Lynchburg but about one week, before I was taken very ill, and confined to my -bed, Attended by two doctors, Jennings and Owen, who said my affliction was an inflammation of the liver — which confined me for three months to my bed, and I was expected to die. However, after having gone through a course of physic, I got so as to be able to sit up and ride a little ; but was very feeble. My sickness had detained Lo- renzo from going to the North, as he had intended, and after counting the expense of building, he found that it would not be in his power to ac- complish his design in building a house, without involving himself in debt, which he was not willing to do ; accordingly he gave it up, and conclud- ed still to continue as we had been, without house or home, and leave the event in the hand of Providence ; knowing that we had been provided for all our lives, from a never-failing source — and we felt willing in some degree to trust him still ! We were still at Lynchburg , and had been there for more than three months — and the friends were very kind to me in my sickness. Lorenzo wished to take me to his father's ; but my health was in such a state that it was impossible for me to travel. There was a man who lived in Buckingham county, about five-and- twenty miles from Lynchburg — we had but a small acquaintance with him : he, coming to Lynchburg, saw Lorenzo, and invited him to come and stay at his house a while. He told him he had no objections, but was thankful to him for his kindness, though he saw no way of conveyance. Mr. John M. Walker, for that was his name, told him he would send hi&carriage for me the next week, which he did, and we went to his house. This was a kind family. I had not been there but a little more than a week, before I was again confined to my bed, and it was expected that I must die. They gave every attention to me they could have done had I been their own child — may the great Master reward them in this world with every needed blessing, and in the world to come, with a crown of never- fading glory. My Lorenzo attended me day and night almost from this time, until near Christmas. By this I had got a little better, so as to be taken and wrapped in blankets and put into a close carriage, and carried about half a mile to another dear friend's house, Major William Duval, where I was treated as if I had been a near relation — and provided with every thing- necessary to make me comfortable ; and they wished me to stay with them all the winter. This was matter of thankfulness to us. I had got so as to walk about my room a little — and Lorenzo wishing to take a tour to the North, he made the necessary arrangements, and about the twenty-fifth of December he left me and started to Richmond, on his way to the city of Washington, where he stayed for some time, and then on to New York ; and so on to his father's in Connecticut. 464 VICISSITUDES; OR, He expected to return in March, but did not until May. I stayed at brother Duval's, partaking of their hospitality, until some time in March, when brother Walker's family seemed so solicitous that I should go to their house again, and sister Walker coming in her carriage herself, she being very delicate too — I concluded to go. The old gentleman was not at home at the time, or I expect he would not have consented for me to leave his house, until Lorenzo returned. I feel under great obligations to that dear family that I cannot express. His wife was a lovely woman. May the Lord reward them — for it is not in my power ! • I went home with sister Walker. I was at this time much better, but in a few days after I had got to brother Walker's I was again attacked with my old complaint, a pain in my side, very severe. I applied to the remedies that had been made use of, and that was bleeding and blistering, but to little purpose apparently. I felt very much discouraged ; as I thought it more than probable that my time would be but short in this world of wo — and I wished much to see my companion once more in time, but strove to be resigned to the will of the Lord. My cry was, Lord help me to be willing to suffer all thy goodness sees best to inflict. My pain was at times very severe, and then I would get a little relief. I was taken about the twenty-seventh of March, but three or four days later than it was the spring before, when I was first attacked. I had received letters from Lorenzo, which informed me that he could not get back before May. My strength was continually declining ; and to appearance, I would shortly be an inhabitant of the other world. My mind was variously exercised — it was sometimes cast down, and at other times much comforted. This long and tedious sickness taught me a greater lesson, as it related to the uncertainty of earthly enjoyments, than any thing I had met with before. My desires for temporalities were gone — at least any more than was strictly necessary to make me comfortable — and the Lord that cared for us had provided me with the kindest friends, where I was treated with the greatest attention. Lorenzo returned in May, as he had wrote me he should. I was at that time unable to get out of my bed without assistance. I had written to him to New York, before I got so bad, that I was threatened with an- other attack. He had made all the speed that he could, and the day that he got to the place where I was, he had travelled near seventy miles. I was much rejoiced to see him once more ; the God of all grace had granted my request, and returned him in safety to me again. He staved with me for several weeks, and every means was made use of to restore me to health, that could be — but they all seemed to prove abortive. Dr. Jennings saw me several times after my last attack, and advised the use of mercury, as the only remedy that could be of any service to me. I followed his advice, and was reduced very low, from the disorder and medicine together — so that it was thought by all who saw me that I must die. I strove to sink into the will of God ; knowing whatsoever was best for me would be given — yet I could not divest myself of a desire to get well, and live a little longer : not to enjoy what is commonly called the pleasures THE JOURNEY OF LIFE. 4G5 of the world, for my prospects were but small at that time — but to live more to the glory of God, and be better prepared to join the blood-washed company above, when I should be called for. Lorenzo had at this time gone to the lowlands, to fulfil some appoint- ments which had been given out by some of the preachers, which took him about three weeks. I was very ill while he was gone. About the time he returned I began to mend a little, so that I could set up in the bed. The Doctor had advised Lorenzo to carry me to the White Sulpher Springs, as it. was the most likely means to restore my health. After a few weeks, I had got so as to be taken and put into a chair and carried as far as Lynch- burg, to Doctor Jennings. We had then a chair and a horse of our own — but our horse's back had got injured, so that we were under the necessi- ty of staying in Lynchburg until he should get well, so that we could get on to the Springs. We were detained for some time before our horse got so as we could use him, I still was very feeble in body — I could not walk one hundred yards without assistance. Our horse had been quite high for near three weeks, and his back had got tolerably well ; so that we were about to make a start, and try to get on to the Springs — but although our horse had brought Lorenzo all the way from New England, and down to the lowlands of Virginia and the Carolinas, and back again to Buckingham, and from there to Lynchburg in the chair, and appeared very gentle ; yet when he put him in the chair to prepare to start for the Springs, he began to act like as if he was frightened, and we were apprehensive he could not be managed by him, considering my weak and helpless state ; and the road through which we must travel was very rough and mountainous, conse- quently he sold him on the spot, and hired a hack from a Quaker living in that place : he paid four dollars a day for the use of it for ten days, besides bearing all the expenses. We left Lynchburg in the morning, and went the first day to New London, about fifteen miles, and I stood the travel much better than I expected I could. There Lorenzo preached to the people, as he had some appointments sent on before him ; and we stay- ed all night. The next day we went to Liberty, where we had another appointment — and from there we went to a friend's house, where we were treated kindly — and they called in some of their neighbors, and we had a comfortable little meeting. The next day to Fincastle, where we stayed all night, and Lorenzo preached twice. We were now within a few miles of the mountains, which were in some places so craggy and steep, that it was with difficulty we could ascend them ; and then we would come into a valley, where the soil would appear as charming and beautiful as the mountains were rug- ged and barren. We travelled on, and met with nothing particular un- til we arrived at the Springs, whither we were bound. The Springs are situated in Greenbriar county, about three miles the other side of the Alleghany mountains, and from Lynchburg upwards of one hundred miles. It is a pleasant place where the man lives who has rented the Springs, and has built a number of cabins, perhaps fifty or six- ty. They were placed in a regular form, the yard enclosed, and a beau- tiful grass-plot, with handsome shade-trees, for the accommodation of those that attend the Springs. They have a large house that stands near the centre, where the boarders dine, &c. 466 VICISSITUDES;OR, We went there, but the person that had hired the Springs would not take us in ! He pretended they were so full that they could not. But they took more after we went there than they had before. But we got in a house perhaps a mile from the Spring. I was better satisfied with this situation than I would have been at the place, for I could have the water brought twice in the day, and there I was in a more retired place. I stayed there near three weeks. Lorenzo was there part of the time, and part of the time he was travelling through the neighborhoods and preaching to the people. He held several meetings at the Springs, by the request of those that were attending there. There were persons from various parts, some for pleasure, and others for the restoration of health. They were peo- ple that moved in the higher circles, and were very gay ; but they were quite attentive when he spake to them of heavenly things, except one who was a most abandoned character. He thought to frighten him by threatening his life, and abusing him in a scandalous manner. But the enemy was defeated in this, for the gentleman that kept the Springs, and others, soon stopped his mouth, so that he had peace ever after. There were none just about this place that knew much about religion ; but they appeared anxious to hear the glorious sound of the gospel. I be- gan to get my strength in some measure, so that I could walk about con- siderably well. There was to be a camp-meeting held near Salem, in Botetourt county, which was a distance of seventy or eighty miles, and we were in the mountains, without horse or carriage, and how we should get out we could not tell. But Providence, that had so often opened our way where we could see none, made a way at this time. There was a friend that was a Methodist, who lived at the Sweet Springs, a distance, perhaps, of eighteen miles from the White Sulphur, who had requested Lorenzo to come over there and preach. He told him he would, provided he could send a couple of horses for us to ride. I had by this time got so well that we thought I might be able to ride that distance on horseback. Accordingly the man sent the horses ; and we started and arrived at his house some time in the afternoon. We stayed at the Sweet Springs three or four days, and Lorenzo preached several times. We then, by the assistance of friends, were enabled to get on to Fincastle, which was within twenty miles. We came with the preachers that were going to camp-meeting. Here we got a chair from a friend to convey us part of the way from this to the place where the meeting was to be held, to another friend's, who let us have his horse and gig to carry us the remaining part of the way. When we got to the camp-ground it was nearly dark ; but there we met with some of our old acquaintance, which made my heart to rejoice. The preachers were very friendly. There I met with my dear friend, sister Dunnington, who, perhaps, enjoys as great communion with God as any person I ever saw. She was very kind to me : and I felt it was good to meet with those that truly love and serve the Lord. We stayed at the camp-meeting until the day before it broke up. It was a tolerable good time, and there were a number of souls converted to God. May they con- tinue to walk in the narrow happy road, until they reach the peaceful shores of Canaan. We left the camp-ground in company with a preacher and his family for Blacksburg, near the Yellow Springs, so called, where 1 was advised THE JOURNEY OF LIFE. 467 to go and try the water. This was nearly thirty miles from Salem. Here we stayed for two or three weeks, and I made use of the waters, which was, I think, beneficial to me. We got acquainted with a gentleman from the lowlands of Virginia, who was at the Springs with his wife, on account of her health. These people were possessed of a large property, and had but one child ; and they also possessed as great a share of hospitality as any I ever met with. They, understanding our situation, gave me an invitation to go home and spend the winter with them, which I thankfully accepted ; while Lorenzo took quite a different course to the western country, intending to visit Lou- isiana before his return. But the Indian war breaking out, flung some obstacles in the way, which were unavoidable. Hence, he sent on a deed of relinquishment to those who had possession of the old mill, which had made such a noise in the world. We had heard that they had got it, or rather built a new one, to do some business ; but Lorenzo had never reap- ed any benefit from any thing that ever he claimed in that country, and I do not expect he ever will. Here ends the history of his reported vast possessions in the Mississippi. We parted at the Springs. I was to go home with brother Booth, the friend from Virginia, while he pursued his journey to the west. Brother Dunnington, who lived at Salem, happened to be at the Springs at this time, took me in his chair, and carried me to his house, and brother Booth came down the next day. His wife was very unwell, which detained us in the mountains for six or seven weeks. I stayed with sister Dunnington, until sister Booth was able to travel. We then started for Brunswick, their place of residence, where I was treated with the greatest kindness. Lorenzo went on to the western states, and from thence to Carolina, and so on to Virginia, to where I was, after an absence of near four months. He in this tour visited about forty counties, and travelled near two thou- sand miles. He stayed with me about ten days, and then started on an- other route through North and South Carolina to Charleston, and visited many places, preaching from one to four times in a day, until he returned, which was about seven weeks. He got back to me on Friday night ; preached on Sunday, and on Monday morning we prepared to start for Petersburg. March 8th, 1814, we bid adieu to my kind friends in Brunswick, where I had found an asylum from the cold winter for near five months, whilst my Lorenzo was ranging through the western and southern states, to call sinners to repentance. The morning that we parted with that dear family will be a memorable one to me : it was like parting with my near- est friends. May the Lord bless them with all such spiritual and temporal mercies as shall prepare them for a seat at the right hand of the Majesty on high. Brother Booth had furnished us with two horses, a gig, and servant, to go with us to Petersburg ; and there we were to take his carriage and continue on to Baltimore. But when we got to Petersburg, the carriage which it was designed we should take from there was taken to pieces for repairing, so that we could not obtain it for our journey, and hence were under the necessity of taking the public stage for Richmond, which was 468 VICISSITUDES; OR, something disagreeable to me. But I strove to put my trust in that hand which had dealt so liberally with me in days that were past by. The roads were very bad, being so much cut up by the large heavy wagons that were on the road, laden with cotton and other produce for market. We arrived in Richmond between two and three o'clock, and were re- ceived with kindness by brother West and his companion. There we met several preachers, who treated us with friendship, which was very pleas- ing to me. Oh how sweet it is to meet with those that love and serve the great Master in sincerity and in truth ! And if it is so pleasant here, what will it be when we shall meet in that sweet world of rest, where we shall see eye to eye, and be no more subject to erroneous conclusions, as it relates to our brethren ! O that I may be enabled to fight my passage through, and to meet with the dear friends of Jesus on the happy banks of everlasting deliverance ! We stayed in Richmond from Wednesday until Monday morning. Lo- renzo hired a hack at the rate of five dollars per day to bring us on to Fredericksburg, which cost us near forty dollars ; but we came on in safety. I felt my heart often drawn out in prayer to God for protection while we were on the road, that he would attend us on our journey. We were received with kindness also at this place by our old friend, bro- ther Green, and his family, where we stayed for some days. Lorenzo held several meetings, and then took a seat in the public stage for Alexandria, where we arrived on Sunday, between two and three o'clock. We stopped at a public house, where the people that travel in the stage are accommodated, but did not stay longer than to deposit our baggage, and then to go in search of some friends where we had put up, when in the place some years before, by the name of Slone. We walked down the street for some distance, and as it happened, a gentleman and lady were standing at the door where Lorenzo had formed some acquaint- ance the preceding winter, and invited us to come in, which we did, and found a pleasant asylum where we could rest from our fatigue of travel- ling in the stage. O how sweet is it to meet with kind friends after hav- ing been confined with those who neither feared God nor regard man ! We stayed at Mr. Waiter's two nights, and then by the request of a family of Quakers, by the name of Scholfield, we spent one night with them. It was a very pleasant time to me. They were remarkably kind and friendly. The gentleman in the morning took me in his chair and carried me to the city of Washington, which was about six miles from Alexandria, to another friend's where my Lorenzo had found a kind re- ception a little more than twelve months before, and who had requested that he would bring me if ever he should travel that way again. Lorenzo had stayed behind to find some conveyance for our trunks and other baggage. In a short time he found a return hack, which he engag- ed, and arrived in a short time after me, and was received with affection by the family. They were by name Friends, and they were so by nature. We stayed with them three nights, and received many marks of friend- ship from them — for which may the great Master reward them in the day when he cometh to make up his jewels! They had been married for seventeen years, and had no children, except one little adopted daughter, of the lady's brother, which they had taken as their own. They doted on THE JOURNEY OF LIFE. 469 her. She was taken sick the clay after I went there, and the second day, at night, they thought she was dying, and the poor little woman was in great anguish of soul on the account. I did not expect the child would live until morning. We had engaged our passage in the stage for that morning at five o'clock, and were up at three. The family had slept very little for two nights ; but when we arose in the morning, which was at an early hour, to prepare for our journey, the dear little child was still living, but looked like she had almost finished her course, and would shortly be conveyed to the realms of peace. Brother Friend went with us to the stage-house, where we parted. We came on to Baltimore, where we stayed two nights with brother Hagerty ; and Lorenzo preached twice in the town. We then took the steamboat for Philadelphia, where we arrived in about twenty-six or eight hours, and tarried from Tuesday until Friday. There Lorenzo preached two evenings in the African church. We then left Philadelphia, and continued on in the steamboat to Trenton, where we took the stage for New York. We stayed at Princeton one night, and the next evening we arrived at the city of New York, and came to brother Morris D"Camps, from whose house I started when going to the Mississippi — he then lived in Troy — after an absence of about five years and six months from the time we started, and from whom we have received many favors. May that God, who is able and willing to reward those that will be kind, for their benevolence, bless him and all my dear friends, for their kindness to me — and in particular for the last nine vears of my life. 40 SUPPLEMENTARY REFLECTIONS TO THE JOURNEY OF LIFE. I left Lynchburg on the 19th of July, and came to brother Walker's, in Buckingham, where I was taken worse. I stayed there three months., and then went to brother Duval's, where I stayed about five months, and then returned to brother Walker's again, where I continued near tw i months more — making ten months in all. May the Lord give them the reward that is promised to those that give a cup of cold water to a disci- ple, in the name of a disciple, for their kindness to unworthy me in this day of adversity. January 25th. I this morning have been much relieved from melancholy reflections that employed my mind through the last night, as it relates to Lorenzo ; as I had not heard from him for several weeks, which gave 1115 much uneasiness, and made me feel my situation, which is something lonely : but what most distressed me was my heart being so prone to dis- trust the protection of Providence over us, which I had so much reason to rely upon — for his tender care hath been over me from my earliest day* until now, and hath brought me through dangers seen and unseen. "Through various deaths my soul hath led; And turn'd aside the fatal hour, And lifted up my sinking head." O that I may ever feel resigned to the will of God! The day will shortly arrive when we must bid adieu to all sublunary things. Mav the Lord help me to tear my heart from earth away for Jesus to receive. I long to be dead to all below the sun, and have my affections placed on things above, where sorrow will be turned into joy, where we shall view our Saviour, who hath borne all our sins in his own body on the tree, without a dimming veil between ! Lord, enable me to say — " Forever here my rest shall be, Close to thy bleeding side ; This all my hope and all my plea, For me the Saviour died. My dying Saviour and my ( rod, Fountain for guilt and sin, Sprinkle me ever with thy blood, And cleanse, and keep me clean.'' January '26th. My heart longs to be filled with love and gratitude to God, for his mercy to, me : and through his grace strengthening me, I hope to overcome all the evils that may befall me, whether outward or SUPPLEMENTARY REFLECTIONS, ETC. 471 inward. O that 1 may consider the uncertainty of time — and that I know not the hour when the Son of man may call for me, whether it will be at midnight, or at the cock : s crowing — so it stands me in hand to watch and pray, that I may not be surprised when He shall come, but be ready to enter in with the bridegroom to the marriage supper of the Lamb ! How sweet rest will be, after the toilsome "journey of life" is over. We shall then be received to those joys that have been purchased at so dear a rate — \\ hich cost no less than the precious blood of the Son of God ! O what a ransom ! That it should be neglected by those who ought to benefit by it — what a pity ! O that' they may take timely warning, and flee to the out- stretched arms of the Saviour, and hide them, until the storms of life be past, that they may be guided safe into the haven of eternal rest. February 7th, 1813, Sunday. I feel this morning my spirits are very much depressed — I fear that trouble awaits me. O that I may be pre- pared for whatever may be the will of God concerning me, whether pros- perity or adversity. May I ever lay passive at his feet, and feel a dispo- sition to say — Not my will, but thine be done. I am assured that this is a state of trial, wherein we must stand to our arms, or we shall suffer loss — for we are surrounded with enemies on every side, within and without, that are watching to do us mischief. O that I may be on my guard, and watch unto prayer, that the Lord may be fore-front and rere-ward ! and although troubles should assail me, and dangers affright, I may be enabled to fly to the arms of Jesus, and find shelter and consolation there ! For he hath said, that he will carry the lambs in his bosom, and gently lead those that are with young. O that I may be one of those that can claim this promise and protection from him. I am left as one alone in the earth — but if I can only put my trust in him, I need not fear. Although dan- gers stand thick through all the ground, yet if the Lord is my shield, I shall not fear what man can do unto me. But I too often sink into a state of despondency, as my situation seems to be very gloomy at present ; — not that I am in want of any thing to make me comfortable, as it relates to living — for I am placed in a kind family, for which I desire to be thank- ful — but my concern for my companion, who hath been gone for near two months, and whom I have not heard of but once, fills my heart with fear, lest something hath befallen him. O that God may preserve him from those that would do him harm — and may I be enabled to give him up into the hands of God ; knowing that he will do all things well : and if we meet no more on earth, may we meet in glory, where we shall be reunited never to part again — and receive the crown of glory that is laid up for those that are faithful to the Lord, who bought their pardon on the tree ! February 9th. I am still alive, and enjoy a tolerable degree of health — for which I desire to be thankful : for it is more than I once expected, from the state of my health. I expected that I should have been an inhabitant of eternity before this — but the Lord hath preserved me for a longer space ! O that I may im- prove the precious moments as they pass, to the glory of God, and for the good of my immortal soul — that when time shall be no more with me, I may be received into glory, where sorrow will be turned into joy ; where I may join the blood-washed throng in singing hajlelujahs to God and the Lamb for ever ! 472 SUPPLEMENTARY REFLECTIONS " And then my happy soul shall tell, My Jesus hath done all things well." February 15th, I am still alive, and on praying ground. O that I may improve the precious moments as they pass, to the glory of God and the good of my own soul. My heart is too little engaged with God ! O that I may never rest until I am filled with love to God and all mankind. May the Lord prepare me for whatever awaits me through this unfriendly world — for I expect that troubles will be my lot, while here, more or less, until I pass over Jordan ! God grant that they may end then ; and for them may I receive a crown of glory, though unworthy. May God help me to watch and pray without ceasing, that I may be in a state of readi- ness for whatever may befall me ! " How happy every child of grace, Who knows his sins forgiven ! This earth, he cries, is not my place, I seek my place in heaven. " A country far from mortal sight, Yet, O by faith, I see The land of rest, the saint's delight ; The heaven prepar'd for me." March 12, 1813. I have reason to bless and praise God, that it is as well with me as it is — that I have some desire still to devote my life and all that I have to the service of that God who hath preserved and brought me to the present moment. O that every power of my soul and body may be, without reserve, devoted to him. Fie hath been my Preserver and kind Benefactor from my earliest days until the present time ! O that my heart may be filled with love and gratitude to Him, for every mercy that I do enjoy. It hath been better than three months since I parted with the friend that I esteem most dear ; and I long much to see him — but I must be patient, and strive to give my all to the Lord, and say, not my will, but thine be done. March 14th. This day has been a day of a good degree of peace and joy to my soul. As I have been so long deprived of meeting with my brethren to praise God ! O that I may give my soul and body as a living sacrifice to him day by day — and be prepared to meet my Saviour in the skies, with joy and gladness. " Through grace I am determin'd To conquer though I die !" March 21st. I have reason to praise God for his tender mercy to me; that he hath given me a degree of health and strength — and feel a de to spend the remainder of my days in his service and to his glory. May the Lord bless me with an hungering and thirsting for all the mind that was in Christ, that I may be a comfort to my companion, and a hies to society, and be prepared for heaven and glory. " Come, Lord, from above, these mountains remove, O'erturn all that hinders the course of thy love" I long to be altogether his. The day is fast approaching when it will be of more importance to have an interest at a throne of grace, than to be possessed of all the riches in this lower world ! May God help me TO THE JOURNEY OF LIFE. 473 to realize the worth of time and the length of eternity — and improve my privileges accordingly ! March 21st. I feel to be in some degree thankful to God for the blessings that I do enjoy. May 1 improve the glory of my great Benefac- tor — and may the Lord reward my kind friends for their friendship to me. " O that my God would count me meet To wash his dear disciples' feet." I feel my heart prone to wander from the God that I desire to love ! O that the day may arrive when I shall love my God supremely — above every thing else. April the 15th, 1813. I am this day out of eternity, but am not well — and know not how long I may be an inhabitant of this world ! O that I may be in a state of readiness for death, when it shall come — for whether it be long or short, it will be the same kind of terrors when it comes, if we are not prepared for it. My heart and soul long for full redemption in the blood of Jesus. " O that my tender soul might fly The least abhorr*d approach of ill : Quick as the apple of an eye, The slightest touch of sin to feel." I hope the Lord may give me grace to be faithful ; that whether my days are many or few, they may all be devoted to him, that when I am called to go I may have a convoy of angels to escort my happy soul to realms of glory. My conflicts are many here, but the hand of the Lord is strong. O that I may be enabled to put my trust in him in every trying hour. April 21st. I am this day a spared monument of mercy — that I am not cut off as a cumberer of the ground. O that my heart may be filled with real gratitude for the blessings I do enjoy — for kind friends in the day of adversity. I'feel that I need daily suplies from the fountain that was opened in the house of King David for sin and uncleanness ; for the enemy thrusts sore at me — and I often fear I shall come short at last. I want the whole armor, and skill to use the weapons, that I may be more than conqueror through the strength of Jesus ; that when my sun is setting, I may have a prospect of Canaan's happy land, and view by faith the celestial fruits of paradise, where joys immortal grow — where pain shall be exchanged for pleasure that never shall cease — where we may gaze on the face of our beloved without, a dimming veil of mortality between. April 23d. I have reason to be thankful to God my great Preserver, for the peace that I do feel in my soul this morning. Although my body is afflicted, yet I feel a degree of resignation to the will of God, and hope that I may be prepared for whatever is the will of God concerning me — whether life or death. " Through grace I am determin'd To conquer though I die, And then away to Jrsus On wings of love I'll lly : And then my happy station In lile's fair tree shall have i Close by the throne of Jesus, Shut up with God above." 40* 474 SUPPLEMENTARY REFLECTIONS O that I may consider that my days are as a shadow that passeth away. God grant that I may secure a lot among the blest. " My suffering time will soon be o'er, Then shall I sigh and weep no more; My ransom'd soul shall soar away, To sing God's praise in endless day." The road I have to travel is interspersed with joys and sorrows, and the only way to be happy is to receive the one with gratitude and the other with submission. O that I may have that true resignation to the will of heaven, that may enable me to rejoice evermore, and pray without ceasing. and in every thing to give thanks — thank the Lord for the blessings that I do enjoy, and be patient under sufferings, knowing that it is good for me to be afflicted, that I may know my own weakness the better, and rely only on the strength of him that is able to save all those that put their trust in his clemency and mercy ! May the Lord help me to live to his glory while on earth I stay. May 9th, 1813. I have reason to bless God that it is as well with me as it is ! Whether 1 shall ever enjoy health or not I do not know, and I would not be anxious concerning it : but may I be prepared for whatever is the will of the Lord concerning me, whether life or death, health or sickness, prosperity or adversity. I feel a desire to see my Lorenzo once more in time : but if that is denied me, may I be enabled to say, the will of the Lord be done, and may we meet on Canaan's happy shore, where sorrow will be turned into joy, and all that's earthly in our souls will be done away, and in its place we shall have the nature of angels and saints. " O what a happy company — Where saints and angels join !" There will be no more anger nor strife, no more malice nor envyings, evil speaking, nor any thing that shall mar our happiness, or give us pain, but harmony and peace shall for ever abound ! May God help us to be faithful to him, and to the spirit of his grace. " How tedious and tasteless the hours When Jesus no longer I see ; Sweet prospects, sweet birds, and sweet flow'rs Have all lost their sweetness to me. The midsummer sun shines but dim — The fields strive in vain to look gay ; But when 1 am happy in him, December's as pleasant as May. " His name yields the richest perfume, And sweeter than music his voice ; His presence disperses my gloom, And makes all within me rejoice. I should, were he always thus nigh, Have nothing to wish or to Tear — No mortal so happy as I, My summer would last, all the year." O that I could always be enabled to put my trust in him in every time of trouble, and may the Lord prepare me for death and glory. " There on a green and flowery mount < lur weary souls shall sil : And with transporting joy, recount The labors ol our feet !" TO THE JOURNEY OF LIFE. 475 May 10th. I am in a lingering state of health, and whether 1 shall ever be able to be of any use to myself or others I know not, but I hope that I may be enabled to be resigned to the disposal of Providence, and say, not my will, but thine be done. It is a reality that we arc born to die, and after death to come to judgment ; and how ought we to live, that we may stand acquitted in that awful day. when Christ in glory shall appear to judge both the quick and the dead ! O that I may have " my robes wash- ed and made white in the blood of the Lamb," that I may hear the wel- come sentence, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom pre- pared for you from the foundation of the world. O happy day, when we shall be delivered from this body of clay, that clogs and weighs clown the soul oftentimes, and makes us cry out with the apostle, Who shall deliver me from the body of this death ! How necessary it is for us to watch and pray, that we enter not into temptation, but hold fast the confidence that we have in a blessed Saviour. " On Jordan's stormy hanks I stand, And cast a wishful eye, To Canaan's fair and happy land, Where my possessions he. O the transporting, happy scene, That rises to my >iy:lit— _ Sweet fields array'd in living green, And rivers of delight ! "There generous fruits that never fail, On trees innin >r!;il :rn.>w : There rocks and hills, and brooks and vales, With milk and honey flow. All o'er those wide extended plains, Shines one eternal day ; There God the Son forever reigns, And scatters night away. " No chilling winds nor pois'nous breath Can reach that healthful shore ; Sickness and sorrow, pain and death, Are felt and fear'd no more. When shall i reach that happy place, And be for ever blest ? When shall I see my Father's face, And in his bosom rest ? " Fill'd with delight, my raptur'd soul Would here no longer stay ; Though Jordan's waves around me roll, Fearless I'd launch away : There on those high and ilow'ry plains, Our spirits ne'er shall tire ; But in perpetual, joyful strains, Redeeming love admire." It is through the tender mercy of God that I am alive and out of hell ! O that I may be rewarded in the spirit of my mind ! May all the earth- ly dispositions of my heart be changed into heavenly, that I may be pre- pared to bid adieu to this world of sorrow, and find an habitation of peace, where the wicked cease from troubling, and the weary are at rest. May God help me to be faithful the few days that I have to spend on earth. My heart hath been much sunk under a weight of sorrow, when I consid- er how far from God and heaven, and what I would be, I am ! O that the cry of my soul may be, Dear Jesus, raise me higher ! I long to be 478 SUPPLE ?,I E NT A R Y REFLECTIONS holy, as thou art holy. May the Lord help me to rely on his mercy and goodness for all that is to come — and say, without reserve, " The will of the Lord be done." " O God, my help in ages past, My hope for years to come ; My shelter from the stormy blast, And my eternal home :" prepare me for that day, when all the saints shall get home, and sit down on the right hand of God — where we shall be freed from all the toils and troubles of life, and have pleasure without end — where trouble and an- guish cannot enter, but all shall be harmony and peace ! " O what a glorious company, When saints and angels meet" — in robes of white arrayed — when Christ shall wipe all tears from our eyes, and we shall be admitted to sit down with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and all the saints that have gone through much tribulation, and washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. May my heart and life be conformed to the gospel, that I may be a comfort to my com- panion, and a blessing to society. " And may my sun in smiles decline, And bring a pleasing night." The men that love the Lord are happy in this world and in the next ! O may that be my happy lot — may the Lord help me to tear every idol from my heart, and may he reign without a rival there. I feel my heart's desire is, to love the Lord with my whole heart. "This is a world of trouble and grief, I plainly see ; But when in deepest sorrow, O God, I look to Thee ! Thou deliver'dst Daniel, when in the lion's den — And if thou didst protect him, O why not other men !" Help me to pray without ceasing, mid in every thing give thanks ! May my soul's concern and only care be to secure a lot among the blest, that when my days are ended on earth. I may receive an inheritance that can never be taken from me ! May God preserve my companion while absent. In my days of childhood, the providence of God was over mo to pre- serve me from evil ; although I lost my mother, one of the most invaluable blessings that a child can be deprived of, particularly a female. Yet the Lord was my friend, and brought me up to the years of maturity, with a mind as little tainted with the evil practices "that are prevalent am young people as most. My sister was very careful to teach me the vi of rectitude in my earliest clays, which was" of greal benefit in my journey through life. And I doubt not, if mothers would begin with their c hildren when they are young, they might mould them into almosl any frame they chose. I!uf instead of paying that attention to their morals while their minds are young and susceptible of good impressions, as they ought, they suffer them to mix with those who arc wicked l> a proverb, thinking there is no danger — they are too young to be injured by any bad example or precept, lint they find, when it is too late, that their minds arc too easi- TO THE JOURNEY OF LIFE. 477 ly impressed with evil, and that habits imbibed in childhood are not easily eradicated : and through their neglect, many that might have been shining characters in society, and a blessing to the age they live in, are but a nuisance to mankind, and are rearing up another set to walk in their tracks. Thus the world is contaminated by the mismangement of mothers ! My heart has often been pained to see the dear little innocents run at random, and taught nothing that would be of service to them, ei in this world, or in the next ! May the Lord open the eyes of those v. ho have the care of children, to see the importance of their charge, and ena- ble them to do their duty, that the rising generation may be more obedient to their parents, more attentive to the duty they owe their God ; then they will be a greater blessing to society, and will be better qualified to fill up that sphere in life which they may be called to, and above all, be prepar- ed for those happy regions, where all will be harmony and peace ! After my marriage, leaving the place where I had lived from my early clays, I was placed in quite a difl re of life. Unacquainted wit!; I lie variety of manners and dispositions of mankind, I thought all who prof I friendship were friends : but I have found myself mistaken in many in- stances. Some that at one time would appear like as if there was nothing too good that they could do for one, at another time were so cool and dis- tant^ that one would be ready to conclude that they could not be the same people ! These constant changes have, in some measure, taught me this lesson, that we are all frail mortals, liable to change ; and there is but one source that is permanent. There we may place implicit confidence, and we will not be deceiv 1 i.ave abundant cause to be thankful to my great Benefactor, for the continued favors bestowed on me, and for the many kind friends who have .listered to my i in the time of adversity. May the great Master reward them richly in this world? and in that which is to come, oal life and glory ! It is said to be more blessed to give than to re- ceive : therefore, those who have it in their power to do good to the needy sons and daughters of affliction, and follow the dictates of charity, will a double reward. They will feel a sweet peace in their own souls while they are travelling through this unfriendly world ; and when thi y come to bid adieu to all things below the sun, they will have a glorious prospect of a happy entrance into the blest abode of saints and angels ' " O may my lot be oa.=t with these, The least of Jesus' witnesses'' — on earth, and at last be joined to that happy company above the skies ! What need there is to watch and pray, and guard against the vain al- lurements of this world — to steer our course between the rocks on either hand, that we may gain the destined port of eternal repose in the bosom of our once crucified, but now risen and exalted Saviour ! Our hearts are too often fixed on the vain and transient things of time and sense, while the important concerns of eternal happiness or misery are almost, if not quite neglected ! We are leaving nothing undone that we can accomplish to lay up treasure on earth, which will perish in the using ; while the immortal part, which will have an existence as long as its Author exists, lieth in ruins! what madness! This poor body, what is it, but a dying lump of clay, that must in a few revolving days be 473 SUPPLEMENTARY REFLECTIONS consigned to the dust from whence it was taken ? What will it avail us then, whether we were rich or poor, nohle or ignohle ? The main point will then be, whether we have spent our time in the service of God, or have devoted it to the pleasures and vanities of the world, to please our- selves instead of obeying the calls of the gospel, and taking up the cross! O that these things may lay with serious weight on our minds, that we may make sure work for eternity, and spend no time un profitably, but husband it to the best advantage. The various scenes of life make such an impression on our minds that we are often brought into such perplexities that we hardly know which way to turn. But if we could always live in the enjoyment of that faith, which it is our privilege to possess, we should never be at a loss. I have passed through many trying situations in Europe and America ; but the Lord hath been my helper thus far, through all the vicissitudes attending the journey of life ! And I hope one day to outstrip the wind, beyond the bounds of time, where there will be no more uncertainty or disappoint- ment — where peace and harmony shall for ever abound : after all our troubles here, how sweet and consoling rest will be ! May the Lord help me to live near to the bleeding side of a crucified Redeemer, willing to lake up my cross and follow him wherever lie may lead, if it is to go through fire or water. These are trying times — the love of many is wax- ing cold. How soon we may be called to a fresh trial of our faith, we cannot tell. May we stand firm, knowing that all shall work together for good to those that love God. How many and various are the difficulties of life, while travelling through this vale of tears, to the place of rest, whither we are all hasten- ing ! Were it not for the mixture of pleasure that we find interwoven in those pains, we should often sink under them ; but He that rides upon the winds and can command them at a nod, undertakes our cause and makes a way for us when we see none, and cannot tell which way we must go. I am indebted to that great and beneficent hand for all the mercies that I do enjoy. O that my heart may be filled with gratitude to God for these favors. I arrived in New York with my companion towards the last of March, 1814, where I met with kind friends, particularly brother Munson and his family. They are like as though they were our own dear brothers and sisters : may the Lord reward them in this world and in the next ! Here I met with my old friend, sister Lester. She is still the same : may the Lord prosper her on her journey to a glorious eternity ! I have found as kind friends of late as I could expect. O that my heart may ever fed grateful to my God for all his mercies to unworthy me ! I have felt a greater desire to be all devoted to the Lord, (soul and body, and all that 1 have and am, for time and eternity,) of late, than I have felt for a long- time. I do not expect to find that place, while 1 am an inhabitant of this lower world, where there is nothing to trouble or afflict either bod) or mind. May the great Master give me more of the spirit of humility, that it may enable me to be willing to suffer all the righteous will of God j and when called to bid adieu to all below the sun, that 1 might have a pleasing prospect of a glorious immortality ! how sweet and delightful must be the scene to souls that have been tossed on the ocean of time, and have fought their passage through, and got within a view of the happy land, TO THE JOURNEY OF LIFE. 479 " When all their sorrows will be o'er, Their suff'ring and their pain ; Who meet on that eternal shore Shall never part again !" O may I be prepared to meet those that have gone before, and those that may come after. May 10th, 1814. We have been in New York for several weeks, and kindly treated by many — may the Lord reward them. Though many have been my trials and afflictions the last four or five years of my life, yet the Lord hath been my friend — and I feel a desire to devote the remainder of my days to his service. How long I shall be an inhabitant of this world of wo, is uncertain with me ; I feel the seeds of death in this mortal frame — and it is my earnest desire to become more and more acquainted with my own heart, that when the summons shall arrive, I may not be alarmed, but rejoice to go and be at rest ! O how soon my heart sinks down to earth again ! O my Lord, help me to keep my eye upon the prize, and my heart stayed on thee, that this world may have no charms sufficient to draw me from the contemplation of heaven and glory ! " Was I possessor of the earth, And called the stars my own, Without thy graces, and thyself, I were a wretch undone ! Let others stretch their arms like seas And grasp in all the shore ; Grant me the visits of thy grace, And I desire no more." May I ever lay at the feet of my glorious Redeemer, Avho hath bought my pardon on the tree ! My soul is pained on the account of those that were once plain, humble followers of the meek and lowly Jesus, but now are so conformed to the world, that they can hardly be distinguished from them ! How long will they sleep in security, wandering from God — pur- suing a shadow instead of a substance ? Flow vain are all things below the sun ! We may have prosperity one day, and the next may prove quite the reverse. How necessary it is to have our hearts detached from the world, and placed on a more durable object ! May 13th, 1814. I am this clay under renewed obligations to the great Preserver for the blessings that I enjoy — my life is preserved, and I have kind friends that appear willing to supply all my wants. May God, that is able to give me the inward consolation of the Holy Spirit, enable me to draw water out of the fountain that never will run dry ! I long to be more holy in heart and life ; and then I shall surely be more happy. my soul, arise ! and shake thyself, and put on thy beautiful garments ! and then, I can rejoice in tribulation, knowing that tribulation worketh patience ; and what a charming trait it is in the Christian character — that of patience ! O that I may learn to possess my soul in patience in this day of trial ! The times are gloomy, and we need to be continually at the throne of grace, and cry mightily to God to stand by us ; that we may keep the narrow road, and not turn to the right hand or to the left. Sunday, May 15th, 1814. I thank the Lord that I have once more had the privilege of hearing the sweet sound of the gospel, from these words : " By whom shall Jacob arise, for he is small ?" I wish it may sink into the hearts of those that heard it. In the first place, he told what was 480 SUPPLEMENTARY REFLECTIONS meant by Jacob or Israel — spiritually the church of Christ ; and then went on to tell why it was styled small in those days, as well as at the present day. First, because the professed clergy were not faithful, but were fallen asleep upon their watch-tower ; and did not warn the people of their danger as they ought. Secondly, wicked rulers, by their bad example, prevented that good being done as otherwise would be, if they were men that truly loved and feared God. And thirdly, the laity, those that heard the sound of the gospel, did not make that improvement of the precious opportunities which they enjoyed as they ought. Parents set bad examples before their children — this was one great cause why we so sel- dom saw the young and rising generation turning to God ! And fourthly, and lastly, he showed by whom Jacob must arise — it was our duty to pray in faith, but it was God that gave the increase — therefore, we must hope and believe that God would hear our prayers, and convert our children and neighbors, and prosper Zion. If we were united in heart, so as to be like an army with banners, and not let the spirit of division get in among us, and cry out, " I am of Paul, and I am of Apollos, and I of Cephas, and I of Christ" — but all must be of one mind and heart in Christ Jesus the Lord ! Then we should see how the church would prosper, and what glorious seasons we should have ! But the times are gloomy, and when the cloud will disperse we cannot tell. May 19th. Lorenzo is quite unwell — trials await us, but may our trust be in the Lord, that he will deliver us from all our troubles at last, and. land us safe on the peaceful shores of blest eternity ; where all our toils will be over — our suffering and our pain ; where we shall join the happy millions that surround the throne of God, and sing hallelujah to God and the Lamb forever and ever ! " Our moments fly apace, Nor will our minutes stay ; Just like a flood our hasty days Are sweeping us away." May our hearts be inspired with love and gratitude. to the great Giver of all things, for the mercies we do enjoy — to enable us to improve every moment to the glory of God, and our own good ! May 20th, 1814. We are at Hobokcn, a delightful spot of the earth, upon the Jersey side of the river, opposite New York — where, from the window of the room we occupy, we have a grand view of the city, witli the majestic steeples of the different churches, reaching their lofty heads almost to the lowering skies — while the beautiful trees that are inter- spersed among the houses, with the surrounding country, which can also be seen at the same time, conspire to make it a most enchanting prospect. On the other hand, the Jersey side presents to view, decorated with all the charms of spring — green trees and shady groves ; while the delightful sters of the woods tune their harmonious throats in praising their great Creator! These beauties of nature all joined in concert, one would sup- pose, could not fail to excite gratitude in the hard and obdurate heart of man, the most noble work of our great Creator! But, lamentahle to tell, they appear to be less thankful than the birds thai fly in open space, or even the reptiles that crawl upon the earth, for they answer the end for which they were made — but man, who was formed in the image of his God, and not only indebted to him for creation, but also for redemption in TO THE JOURNEY OF LIFE. 481 the blood of Jesus, tramples on his mercies, and despises the offers of his grace ; and live more like beasts, than creatures possessed of rationality ! that men would learn to love and serve the Lord ! We are at the house of a kind family, but they do not profess religion. May the Lord make our stay with them a blessing to their souls, and to the neighborhood where they live ; for the people in this place, by what 1 can learn, are quite careless about their souls ! O that the Lord may make use of some measures to bring them to a knowledge of the truth — my soul longs to see a revival of religion take place once more. May 21st. I am still alive, and out of a never-ending eternity : for which may my heart be filled with gratitude to him that sustains and supplies me with every needed blessing ; who inclines the hearts of my fellow-mortals to treat me with kindness. O how much I am indebted to my God — and how little is my heart affected with a grateful sense of his goodness ! O that he would implant, deep in my soul, love to God and man, with a heart-felt sense of my dependence upon him, for all the favors which I do enjoy. From Sunday until Monday we were in New York, at brother Mun- son's the greatest part of the time. — Lorenzo is printing his Journal, with some other tracts ; which has detained him in and about this city far longer than he expected to have stayed when we came here — but the way seemed to open for him to print his books, and he thought it best to improve the present opening, and I hope it may prove a blessing to many. On Wednesday afternoon we came over to Mr. Anderson's again ; where we met with the same kind reception which we had experienced some days before. Mrs. Anderson was very sick, but was something better the next day. Lorenzo preached to the people in this place on Wednesday evening, and had a crowded house. May the seed take root in some heart, and bear fruit to perfection ! I feel the need of more faith, to be enabled to put my trust in the great Giver of every good and perfect gift — my heart too often wanders from the right source. O that my mind may be stayed on God in every trying hour. I long to be made holy in heart and life ; and feel a willingness to bear the cross like a good soldier of Jesus Christ, that when the sun of life shall decline, I may have a pleasing prospect of a happy eternity ! Saturday, May 28th. Through the goodness of God I enjoy better health than I have done for more than two years before. May my heart be filled with love and gratitude to the Great and Beneficent hand- that is daily showering down blessings on my unworthy head, and improve my length- ened days, in doing good to myself and others ! For why should I be useless in this time of need 1 But, O ! my heart shrinks at the cross ! — May the Lord help me to be willing to take it up, and follow Jesus in the way ! When we consider the shortness of time, and the length of eterni- ty, we perceive there is no time to lose ; but a necessity to improve every moment to the best advantage. May it be impressed on my heart ! May 31st. I desire to have my heart filled with grateful songs of praise, to the God of all grace and mercies, for his favors to me ! Through every lane of life, he hath provided me kind friends, in the day of adversii well as in the day of prosperity. What reason have I to be faithful to my God for all these blessings ! May the Lord help me ever to lie at the of the Saviour, and learn instruction from his lips ! I am still at ca 41 482 SUPPLEMENTARY REFLECTIONS Anderson's at the beautiful little town of Hoboken, as charming a place as I almost ever saw. O, what a pity there is not (as I know of) one person in this place that enjoys religion ; or at least, not many feeling much concern for their souls ; and they have no preaching, except by the Baptists, who preach up " particular election" and reprobation, in the strongest terms that I ever heard. I went to hear them on Sunday last, and my heart was truly pained, to hear a man get up and address a num- ber of people, (who were unacquainted with the way of salvation, and for aught I knew, were living in the neglect of their duty altogether,) in this way ; that they " could do nothing ; they must be taken by an irresistible power, and be brought in." But my heart replied, " Ho, every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters ; and he that hath no money, come buy wine and milk, without money and without price !" — What a pity it is, that men should darken counsel by words without knowledge ! For it is expressly said, that all may come that will ; and that they shall in no wise be shut out. May God stop the mouths of those that attempt to speak in his name, who are not called and qualified by the Spirit for the work ; but bless and prosper those that have taken their lives in their hands, and have gone forth to call sinners to repentance, offering a free salvation to all the fallen race of Adam. June 1st. What a miracle of mercy it is that I am still spared on this side of eternity, whilst many of my fellow-mortals have been called from the stage of action ; their bodies numbered with the pale nations under ground, and their souls taken flight to a world of spirits ; whilst I, the most unprofitable, perhaps, of any, am spared, and enjoy a tolerable state of health, so much better than I once expected I ever should ! May my heart be made truly sensible of the duty I owe to the great God of heaven and earth ; whose name is terrible to all who are in any measure sensible of his majesty and power. And also I desire to know and to do my duty to my fellow-mortals ; but I tremble at the cross ! O that I may be deliv- ered from " the fear of man, which bringeth a snare !" "My drowsy powers, why sleep ye so ! Awake, my sluggish soul ! Nothing hath half thy work to do, Yet nothing is hall" so dull ! Go to the ants ; for one poor grain See how they toil and strive ; Yet we who have a heaven to obtain, How negligent we live ! Waken, O Lord, my drowsy sense, To walk this dangerous road ; That if my soul be hurried hence," It may be found in God ! June 2d. I am this day under renewed obligations to that hand which hath supplied all my necessities, from my earliest days, until the present period of time. that I may lie in the valley of humility, under a sense of the numerous favors bestowed upon me, by the hand of an ever bounti- ful God, and improve the moments that are allotted me, to the glory of his great name, and the good of my own immortal soul ! I feel 1115^ heart is too often placed upon things below the sun — may the Lord help me to tear my heart and affections from earth, and place them on things above. My Lorenzo's mind is exercised and drawn out to visit foreign lands, TO THE JOURNEY OF LIFE. 483 to call sinners to repentance ; and I would not stand in his way above all things, but I feel the need of more grace to acquiesce, in all circumstances, in the will of Providence, which I desire to do more than any thing be- sides. May the God of all grace enable me to say — "not my will, but thine be done." Lord, may I be made of some use to my fellow-creatures while on earth I stay, that I need not be quite useless, while I am an in- habitant of this lower world ! It is now night, and the evening shades prevail. The sun hath set beyond the western sky, and the Lord only knows whether I shall see the return of another day ! May he take charge of me this night, and grant that whether I sleep, or whatever I do, I may have a single eye to his glory, and be prepared to meet my " last enemy" in peace ! May God reward my kind benefactors with every needed blessing. Sunday, June 12th. This hath been a day of deep trial to my soul. There having been an appointment made for my Lorenzo to preach in the African church, at six o'clock, and the people appearing anxious to see me, as many of them had not, it was published that I would be there, and perhaps I would subjoin a few words by way of exhortation : this made such an impression on the minds of people, that they came out in such numbers, that they could not get into the house. I took my seat in the altar ; and after Lorenzo had given them a discourse from these words, " O earth, earth, earth, hear the word of the Lord," I rose up and spoke a few words ; but the cross was so weighty, I did not fully an- swer my mind. I closed the meeting by striving to lift my heart to God, in prayer, with some degi'ee of liberty. May the Lord deliver me from the fear of man, which bringeth a snare ! Why should we be so much under the influence of the enemy, as not to speak for our God in these important times, when wickedness doth so much abound, and the love of many is waxing cold, and others are carrying such burdens ! O may the God of all grace stand by and support his people in this day of trial ! The storm is gathering fast, and who will be able to stand, while the anger of the Lord is pouring out upon the inhabitants of the earth, for their in- gratitude, particularly those of our favored land, America ? We have had peace and plenty for many years ; but the fulness of bread was the destruction of Sodom ! O that it may not be the case with us ! June 13th. May my soul and body be altogether devoted to that God who hath provided for me ever since I have had an existence ! I have in some instances been brought into trying circumstances ; but there hath always been a way opened for me, so that I have never lacked any thing so much as to say that I was in a suffering condition. For if I had it not, nor wherewith to procure it for myself, yet the Lord that hath the hearts of all men in his hands, would raise up some one to supply my wants. Glory ! glory ! be to his name for ever and ever, for all his mercies to such an unworthy mortal as me ! What is past we know ; but what is to come we cannot tell. May we be prepared for whatever lies before us ! The cloud seems gathering fast over our land ! May the God that rules on high, that all the earth surveys, avert the threatening storms, and deliver us from the power of our enemies. O the charms of America ! shall they be destroyed by foreigners ? Shall the rich jewel of liberty be plucked from the American crown by tyrants ? Forbid it, mighty God ! and grant, if we need chastisements, as no doubt we do, as a nation, to let 484 SUPPLEMENTARY REFLECTIONS us fall into thy hand, rather than into the hand of man, for thou art mer- ciful ! O that the people of this favored land might learn to be wise, in time to save our country from destruction ! My soul mourns on account of my fellow-mortals. May they be made sensible of the necessity of mak- ing their peace with God, before the evil clay shall come, when they shall say, " I have no pleasure in them." June 14th. Through the favor and goodness of God I am still alive, and am blessed with as good health as I have enjoyed for many months ; and trust my face is Zion-ward. For ever praised be the Lord for all his blessings which I do enjoy. may my soul drink deeper and deeper into that spirit which will enable me to bear the cross with joy ; and not shrink from it like a coward, and the crown fall from my head, and others take the prize. June 18th. Through the tender mercy of the Lord, who is over all and above all, I am still an inhabitant of this lower world, surrounded by dangers and difficulties ; liable to stray in bye and forbidden paths : and the way appears so gloomy that I tremble at the prospect. I feel much concerned for the present state of my beloved country. There is so much dissension among the people of this most favored of all lands, that I fear for its consequences. My heart has often been pained, to see the ingrati- tude which has been prevalent in our peaceful, plentiful, and happy coun- try. Whilst other nations were almost deluged in blood, we have been blessed with peace in our borders ; and the glorious gospel has been spread from shore to shore. But these happy days are gone, and for aught I know or can see, it may be long before they will return, unless the Lord should undertake our cause. He can bring low and raise up. He sways kingdoms ; and it is through his long-suffering and tender mercy that the world is kept in existence ; for it groaneth under the wickedness of its in- habitants ! If he were to enter into judgment with us, who could stand before him 1 And it appears he is about to visit the earth with a curse ! It is surely time for those that profess to fear God, to awake and shake themselves from that indolence of spirit, which so prevails in our land, and lay siege to a throne of grace for deliverance ; for he is all-sufficient, and can make a way, where it appears to us, short-sighted creatures, im- possible for a way to be made. May he undertake our cause, and bring deliverance in whatever channel he thinks best. Sunday, June 19th. I have been at Capt. John Anderson's, Hoboken, for several weeks, where I have been treated very kindly. Himself and wife are as agreeable a couple as I have met with for a long time, and I believe they wish well to the cause of religion : but they do not enjoy that peace in their own souls as they might. May the God of all grace attend them, and enable them to take up the cross, that they may be prepared for a seat at the right hand of God, at last. On the twenty-ninth of June, we left New York, after having been there for the space of near three months, for New Haven, in the mail-stage. We travelled through the most delightful country that my eyes ever beheld ; the season was so charming ! The gardens were in bloom ; the fields and meadows clothed in their richest dress ; so that the eye might be transport- ed with pleasure at almost every glance. My heart was at the same (imp contemplating the goodness of God to the once happy land of America ; but now, how soon her beauty might be laid in the dust, by the spoiler. TO THE JOURNEY OF LIFE. 485 we could not tell, and all her glory brought to nought ! But there is a God that rules over all ; and I trust he will bring order out of confusion. May the people learn humility and submission, from the present calamity, to the will of the great Ruler of the universe. We arrived at New Haven about nine o'clock at night ; we stopped at the stage-tavern, kept by a man that fears not God nor regards man, if we may judge by the appearance, but we could not get permission to stay there for the night. It being so late we could not find any friends, al- though there were Methodists in the place ; consequently, we were under the necessity of seeking lodgings in another public house : accordingly, we did, and slept there. But in the morning, Lorenzo went out to find the preacher that is stationed at New Haven, and in his way he met with a brother Woolf, and he requested him to breakfast with him, and sent up to the public house for me to come to his house ; accordingly I did, but the people "where we stayed said that we ought to have eat breakfast with them, as we stayed there the night before ; and so charged us one dollar and a half for our lodging, which Lorenzo paid. The friends in New Haven were very kind, and wished Lorenzo to stay over the Sabbath. This was on Thursday : he was anxious to get to his father's ; but by the solicitation of brother Smith, the stationed preacher, and many others, he was prevailed on to stay. He preached on Thurs- day night and Friday night ; and on Sunday he preached four times : the people appeared quite solemn and attentive. The preacher in that place is one of the most affectionate, friendly men, that I ever met with ; may the Lord bless him, and make him useful to souls ! On Monday morning I left New Haven, in company with a man and his wife for Branford, in their wagon ; while Lorenzo stayed to give them another sermon, as it was the " Fourth of July," and there was an oration to be delivered by the great Mr. T * * * * ; accordingly, he spoke some- thing on the present state of our country, to an audience that was atten- tive. He then left there in a wagon, which belonged to a Quaker, who was going to see his friends in Branford, where he spoke again at night. The next morning the friend that had brought us to Branford, started with us to North Guilford, to a brother of mine, that I had not seen for near thirty years. We were both very small at that time, but now he had a wife and six children, and I felt much pleased to find that he had been industrious, and appeared to be doing well, as it relates to this world ; and I trust he was not altogether indifferent to the things of another. His wife was in a low state of health, but I have no doubt but she enjoys reli- gion. May the God of all grace bless them and their dear children. There I saw my step-mother also, that I had not seen before since I was six years of age : my heart glowed with affection towards her ; may her last days be crowned with peace ! My brother took his wagon, and carried us to Durham, on the stage- road, and tarried with us that night ; and in the morning bid us farewell, and returned home. A friend living at Durham, lent us a chaise to Mid- dletown ; where my Lorenzo held meeting at night. There we met brother Burrows from Hebron, with a wagon, which was to return the next morning, in which we came to his house, where we stayed from Friday until Monday. Lorenzo preached on Friday night, and also on Sunday at the Methodist meeting-house ; the people were solemn and at- 41* 480 SUPPLEMENTARY REFLECTIONS tentive. At five o'clock, at another place four or five miles distant, and returned again that night. This place was about twelve or fourteen miles from his clear father's ; and as we had no horse or carriage, and brother Burrows made wagons, he bought a horse and wagon from him ; and we started on Monday, about three o'clock in the afternoon, and arrived at his father's just before dark. We were kindly received by his father and the rest of the family. We found the old gentleman in tolerable health ; but being a man advanced in years, he was something feeble : we stayed with him from Monday until Saturday. The people of this place are much degenerated from what they once were, when the candle of the Lord shone upon their heads ; but now there is scarcely any, that I saw, who appeared to enjoy religion ! Our dear old father seemed to be struggling for deliverance in the blood of Jesus ; may the great Master appear to his soul, the first among ten thousand, and altogether lovely ! We spent the week, I may say, in a solitary way, in taking our rambles through the lonely walks that my Lorenzo had taken in early days of childhood, before his tender mind was matured ; and after he had arrived to the age of fifteen, when his heart was wrought upon by the Spirit of God. Here was the sweet grove, at the foot of a beautiful hill, through which ran a charming rivulet of water, where he used to go to meditate and pray to that God, who was able to save and did deliver his soul, and enabled him to take up his cross, and go forth to call sinners to repentance. My heart was pained to know and see that some part of the family was not, or appeared not engaged to save their souls. On Saturday we started for Tolland, and from thence to Square-pond, where Lorenzo preached twice the next, day, at the Methodist meeting- house, to an attentive congregation ; and at five o'clock at Tolland : the people seemed very solemn. Early on Monday morning we left Tolland, for Hartford, where Lorenzo preached at night, in a Presbyterian meeting- house, to a tolerable congregation. We met with kind treatment from a Doctor Lynds — may the Lord bless him and his ! We left Hartford on Tuesday, and went to an aunt of Lorenzo's that night, living about four or five miles from his father's. She appeared very glad to see us ; and sent out and called in the neighbors, and Lorenzo gave them a short dis- course. The next day Lorenzo was quite unwell, unable to sit up ; but towards evening we made ready, and started for his father's, where we arrived in safety. Lorenzo had intended to leave me at his father's, while he took a journey to the east ; but circumstances appeared not to favor it, and he concluded to take me with him. Accordingly, we made prepara- tions for our departure, on Saturday morning, July 23d, 1814, after hav- ing stayed with his father for ten or twelve days. [ felt truly pained to part with the dear old man : may the Lord 11 him, and make his last days abundant in peace ! My Lorenzo preached at Vernon at night, and in the morning, to an attentive little company — ma) r the Lord make it like bread cast upon the waters ! He preachi ITartford-five-miles, on Sunday, to a crowded congregation. July 25th. Wc have this day arrived at, Hartford, and my Lorenzo has received his books from New York ; and furthermore, we have heard of the arrival of a large force of (.in- enemy's soldiers, landing on our once peaceful happy shore f O that the God that is able to save, would appear TO THE JOURNEY OF LIFE. 4-7 for our deliverance ! Although, as a nation, we have forfeited all right and title to protection ; yet there is nowhere else to fly for deliverance ! O that we, as a nation, may be humbled before God, and lift our united cries to the throne of grace for his assistance ! May the tumults of the earth be hushed to silence, and people learn war no more ! My soul longs to drink deeper into the spirit of love to God and man, that I may be made useful to souls, and a comfort to my wandering companion, that I may be a helpmate indeed. " How vain are all tilings here below, How false, and yet how fair ! Each pleasure has its poison too, And every sweet a snare !" that the Lord would teach me the emptiness of earthly enjoyments, and help me to rely on him alone for support and comfort ! O that my prospects for glory may brighten up, and my soul be struggling for full deliverance from everv desire that is not centred in Him that is able to give all things ! 1 have been reading the exercise of a precious woman, who went with her husband to the East Indies, to help him to preach the gospel to the poor ignorant Hindoos. O that the desire which filled her soul, to spread the good news of glad tidings of the Saviour, may prevail more and more ! We rode three miles from Hartford, the same day that we went there ; and Lorenzo preached at night, at East Hartford, to, perhaps, one hun- dred and fifty or two hundred, (and they were quite attentive,) from these words — " Behold, I stand at the door and knock ; if any man hear my voice and open the door, I will come in to him, and sup with him, and he with me." My mind was quite depressed, although I was enabled to close the meeting by prayer. I feel a gloom hanging over my mind, on account of the present state of my country. — O ! will the great God deliver our happy land into the hand of the spoiler ? O that God would hear and answer prayer ; inspire, and then accept the prayer of us poor mortals ! My soui longs to be prepared for whatever awaits us on the shores of time. If we live as we ought, we may rely on the providence of God, to protect us from every evil. My Lorenzo is very unwell. O that the Lord may give him grace and strength to do his duty, and call sinners to repentance ! May the Lord bless his labors, and make him useful to souls ! I long to get more confidence, to take up my cross, and help him to spread the good news of glad tidings to all people — may God help me ! My desire is, that I may lie at the feet of Jesus, and be willing to love the cross, that I may wear the crown in those happy mansions above the skies. My heart, I find, is too often wandering from my God. O that I may arise and shake myself, and in the strength of Jesus, overcome my enemies, both of a spiritual and a temporal nature ! I long to be altogether devoted to my God. Lorenzo expects to preach this evening — may the Lord attend, by the unction of his Holy Spirit. Lorenzo preached the last night ; but I was so unwell that I could not attend : and he is to preach twice to-day — may the Lord stand by him, and make his words sharp and piercing, reaching the hearts of those that hear ! My soul longs to be more alive to God. that I may be made more useful to my fellow-creatures, and help my companion to spread the glorious 488 SUPPLEMENTARY REFLECTIONS gospel through this weary land : we are wanderers on earth — we have no abiding home in this world, but are seeking one above — may the God of all grace enable us to keep the prize in view, and deliver us from all our enemies. My Lorenzo hath spoken once to-day, and is to speak again this evening — may the Lord attend the word with power. Why should we desire to live in this world to be useless ? For what would be the benefit if we were to live to the age of Methuselah, and neglect the one thing needful ? It would only add to our condemnation ! O that these things may be im- pressed on my heart ! July 28th. Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits ! What reason have I to be thankful to my great Benefactor for mercies to rne, a poor wanderer upon the earth, that I am provided with kind friends in this world of wo ! May my heart glow with gratitude to my God and my fellow- mortals for the blessings that I enjoy ! May the great Master reward those who are willing to administer to the necessities of those that have taken their lives in their hands, and have gone forth to sound the alarm, and call sin- ners to repentance — to offer them free salvation in the blood of Jesus ! My soul longs to see Zion prosper — to hear poor sinners inquiring the way to peace and true happiness. O may the Lord inspire my heart with that living faith, to cry mightily to him who is able to save souls. O, if Christians were more engaged to obtain the height and depth, and length and breadth of the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord, what a happy time it would be ! O my soul, awake ! lift up a cry to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, for full redemption in the blood of Jesus ! Lorenzo preached three times at East Windsor ; but the people are like the nether mill-stone, hard and unfeeling : may the Lord soften their hard hearts, and bring them to a sense of their danger ! We were at a kind family by the name of Stoten. May the Lord prosper them in the way to glory. My heart hath felt somewhat refreshed since I came to the house of friend Barker's, living in West Windsor. Lorenzo hath been acquaint- ed with the family sixteen years : it does my heart good to meet those who have their faces Zion- ward ! What a sweet meeting it will be when all the tempted followers of Jesus get home ! " There on a green and flow'ry mount Our weary souls shall sit ; And with transporting joys recount The labors of our feet." What a prize ! Is it not worth striving for ? O may I be more zealous in the way of my duty — more willing to take up the cross ! The news of war is saluting our ears daily. O that God may prepare us for whatever awaits us ; and if a scourge is necessary, may it bring us, as a nation, to the feet of Jesus ! My heart is pained within me. O Lord, prepare me to submit to thy will, with the vest of the poor fallen race of Adam. We have all sinned, and come short of the glory of God, and deserve chastisement. O that we may fall into the hand of God rath- er than the hand of man — for he is merciful ! I feel a desire to submit without murmuring ; but our hearts are so refractory, we need the influence of grace, to make us what we ought to be. My Lord, help America ! TO THE JOURNEY OF LIFE. 489 July 29th. Lorenzo preached last evening to a tolerable company, con- sidering it was a very unpleasant night ; and they gave very good atten- tion : may the Lord make it like seed sown on good ground, that it shall bring forth fruit in due time ! There seems to be a number in this place that are heaven-born and heaven-bound : may the Lord make them burn- ing and shining lights in the land wherein they live, that they may be like unto the leaven which was hid in three measures of meal, leavening the whole lump ; so that the flame may continue to increase until the town shall be filled with the glory of God ! My soul longs to see Zion pros- per ! O God, fill my heart with love to thee and my fellow-sinners. My heart is pained to see so little good done as there is — may God revive his work once more in the land. "Through grace lam determined To conquer though I die ; And then away to Jesus, On wings ol'love I'll fly !'' I am a stranger and pilgrim on earth, together with my dear companion ; but we have the promise of a substantial inheritance, if we are faithful, and continue to the end. " The Lord my pasture shall prepare, And ieed me with a shepherd's care ; My noonday walks he shall attend. And all my midnight hours defend." O Lord, help me to rely upon thy promises, by faith ! July 31st, 1814. What cause have I to adore that beneficent hand, that hath and doth still provide for such a poor unprofitable creature as I ! May my heart be filled with grateful songs of praise to the great Master. We left Hartford on the morning of the 30th, without knowing whither we went, or where we should find a resting-place for the night ; but God provided for us beyond what we could have expected. We met with an old man, and after speaking to him, we found him to be one of those who are striving to walk the narrow happy road. He told us of a family who he thought would be glad to see Lorenzo. Accordingly, we went there, and found it even so : this place is called Barkhamstead. Tiey received us with affection, and every attention possible. Their names were Fran- cis. Lorenzo held two meetings at a barn, within about a mile of this friend's : the people were solemn and attentive. There I met with two of my uncle's daughters very unexpectedly : they lived in the neighbor- hood. They appeared glad to see me, this being the first time I had ever seen them since I could recollect. I have had as little acquaintance with any of my relation as most people. This circumstance excited a sensation in my heart, that I was almost a stranger to before — I felt such a drawing towards them ! O that the Lord would give them to feel the necessity of living up to the requirements of the gospel, that we may meet at last on the happy banks of everlasting deliverance ! In the evening we went about five miles further, where Lorenzo preached again. This was the third time he had preached this day : may the Lord strengthen his body and soul, to cry aloud and spare not, to sinners to repent. Monday morning, August 1st. Lorenzo preaches again this morning at 5 o'clock. O that the Lord would make him more and more useful to 490 SUPPLEMENTARY REFLECTIONS his fellow-mortals. I feel this morning a desire to be more engaged with my God ! O that my heait might be filled with all the fulness of the Spirit, that I may be more willing to take up my cross and help my com- panion to do good ! Time is short — we are hastening to eternity ! that our days may be spent in the service of God, helping souls on to the peace- ful mansions of rest. We left brother Coe's this morning and went on about seven or eight miles, when our horse was taken sick. We stopped at a public house, and the people seemed willing to help us to administer some relief. I felt my mind quite composed, knowing that he who dealeth out to us, knoweth what is best, and what good may result from it we can- not tell. The family Avere desirous Lorenzo should hold a meeting here this eve- ning, and he hath consented. May the Lord stand by him, and enable him to declare the whole counsel of God to those who may come out to hear ! May my heart feel more engaged for the salvation of our souls. August 3d. What cause of gratitude I have to the God of all mercies, that it is as well with me this morning as it is ! May my heart be filled with grateful songs of praise for his preservation ! We started from the public house, where our horse was sick, on Tuesday morning the 2d day of August. Lorenzo preached the evening before to a small congrega- tion, but quite attentive. I think there were really pious, humble souls ; but I left there condemned in my own mind for not taking up my cross : may the Lord forgive, and enable me to be more obedient in future. We intended to reach Lenox that night, which'was about thirty miles, our horse appearing quite well. It was not far from sunrise : the day appeared very gloomy. We travelled until about six o'clock, then we stopped at a tavern and got some refreshments. They made a tolerable heavy charge, which we paid, and Lorenzo gave them two books. He requested the man to let one of them circulate through the neighborhood, hoping it might prove a blessing to some. God grant it for his mercy's sake ! We continued on our way through a wood four or five miles, ly- ing nearly on the Farmington river, over a mountain of considerable height. The road was very good, and the prospect delightful to me. The river breaking through the rocks appeared to me very majestic, while the banks were^lothed with delightful green. My heart was charmed with thescene. After we got over the mountain, the country seemed more thinly inhabited than any part of Connecticut that I have been in : may the Lord bless the people. We travelled on until between one and two o'clock, and then stopped and gave our horse some food. By this time the clouds began to grow somewhat more gloomy ; but we did not think the storm was so near. We started, but had not gone more than a mile and a half before the clouds began to discharge their contents at such a dreadful rate, that we were almost blinded with the rain, and no house so near that we could retreat to. At last we came to a place where there was a house over in a lot, and also a barn. We drove up to the bars, and I got out and ran to the barn ; but there seemed no asylum from the impetuous rain. From thence T ran to the house, but no one lived there ; so I was compel- led to return to the barn, where, by the time Lorenzo had got with his horse and wagon, and drove them into the barn upon the floor, I was wet through and through. I crept upon the mow, and he reached me my trunk. There I changed my clothes; but he was not so well off, for he TO THE JOURNEY OF LIFE. 491 was under the necessity of keeping his on. We stayed there until the storm was over, and then made the best of our way to Lenox, where we arrived a little before sunset. We got into a friend's house, where we were treated very kind. Lorenzo appeared to have taken some cold ; but we have reason to be thankful that it is no Avorse. We have a trying world to pass through. O that the Lord may enable us to keep the prize in view — that our conflicts may prove blessings to our souls, and we at last come off more than conquerors through him that hath loved us and given himself for us ! Lorenzo hath had the privilege of preaching in the court- house twice, and perhaps he may hold meeting there again this evening : may the Lord ttoat can answer by fire, attend the word with power to the hearts of those that hear ! O my soul, look up to him that is able to save, for all the strength that is necessary to enable me to bear with patience whatever may be the will of my heavenly Father to inflict. My soul longs to enjoy more of the perfect love of God, that I may in all things say, " not my will, but thine be done !" August 4th. Through the goodness of the Friend of sinners, I am still alive, and better in health than I could expect, considering my exposure for a few days past. May my heart be grateful to him that supplies all my wants. We left Lenox this morning, and have come to Pittsfield. This is a delightful country, but the same gloom appears to hang over the country as it relates to religion. O that the cloud would break, and the work of God revive once more ! May my heart glow with love to God and my fellow-sinners. I want to be a true follower of the meek and lowly Jesus — be prepared for life or death, a living witness of his good- ness, and when I am called to bid adieu to this world of wo, that I may leave it in peace. August 5th. How much I am indebted to the rich mercy of a kind Pro- vidence, for the many blessings which I do enjoy, the favor of kind friends, while a wanderer on earth ! We left Lenox the morning of the 4th, and went to the north part of Pittsfield, to old friend Ward's, where we were received with seeming friendship ; but my Lorenzo could not get the peo- ple notified as he had expected he might have done, when he thought of going there at night, and concluded to start from there early the next morn- ing ; but several people coming in that evening, appeared so anxious that he should preach before he left the place, that he concluded to stay, if they would give notice, which they promised to do, at half past 10 o'clock the following day, and at evening in the centre of the town, it being a day set apart for a fast by the Methodists. Accordingly we repaired at the ap- pointed hour to the meeting-house, where a considerable number of people were collected, and Lorenzo spoke to them on the duty of fasting, from these words, " In those days shall they fast," with a good degree of liber- ty : the people were very solemn and attentive ; may God make it a bless- ing to some souls. From thence we came to the centre of the town, to a brother Green's, where we were received with great kindness. O that the great Master may reward those who are willing to receive his wandering pilgrims, and make them comfortable with every needed blessing for time and eternity. O that I could always keep the place of Mary, at the feet of Jesus ! Lord, give me more of the loving spirit which she possessed, that my soul may enjoy the blessings that are laid up for those that are 492 SUPPLEMENTARY REFLECTIONS faithful. My Lorenzo is much afflicted of late with his old complaint — may God give him and me grace to say, The will of the Lord be done. August 6th. My mind is quite depressed this day, the fluctuating scenes of this life lie too much on my heart. O that my Lord would give me grace to bear them with patience ! We are still in Pittsfield ; the people are kind, but they have their peculiarities, so inquisitive to know the con- cerns of others ! May the Lord help us to look more carefully into our own hearts, and see that we are right before God ! I need more of the spirit of submission to the will of my Master. August 7th. My poor companion hath been very much afflicted yester- day and the last night with the toothache; in so great atlegree, that be could not attend the appointment the last evening, which gave me some pain, as it would be a disappointment to many. I thought if I could have gone and spoken to the people, if I could have spOke any thing to the edi- fication of souls, it would, I thought, have been a great comfort to my mind. My health is but poor ; may God strengthen my body : and above all, may my heart be so filled with love to my fellow-sinners, that I may call upon them to close in with the overtures of mercy ! I felt such a desire that souls might be benefited, that 1 could not sleep. O that I may be willing to take up my cross, and if the Lord has any thing for such an unworthy creature as me to do, may I not be so loth to accede to it. I feel many times much distressed on account of my backwardness. O that I may be a cross-bearer indeed. Lorenzo hath gone to speak to those who will assemble to hear the word, in much weakness of body : may that God who is able to bring strength out of weakness, stand by him, and enable him to declare the whole counsel of God. He labors under many weaknesses, but this I trust is his consolation, that when his work is done, he will receive double for all his pain! that I may willingly take my share with him in this vale of wo, that I may share with him in the reward ! May the Lord bless his labors this day. We returned to Pittsfield town in the afternoon, and he preached at 5 o'clock to a crowded congregation. They were really attentive : may the Lord seal conviction on their hearts. This was the third time he had spoken that day ; he re- turned to brother Green's, where we lodged, and seemed much better than he was in the morning : in the evening there was a number who came in, and he spoke to them again, and it was quite a solemn time ; my heart was much drawn out in prayer that the Lord would bless them. We expected to have left the place on Monday morning, but the wea- ther proved so unfavorable that it was impracticable : consequently we stayed until Tuesday ; then we left brother Green's and came on to Ben- nington that night, to a public house, where Lorenzo got permission to hold meeting in a large ball-room. He hired two little boys to go down into the middle of the town to give notice, and others told some, so that there were perhaps more than one hundred that attended ; they gave very good attention. God grant they may profit by it. On Tuesday the 9th of August we left Bennington, and came to Cambridge white meetifig-house, where we took breakfast. This brought to my recollection former times, when I was a child ; the rambles that I have taken among my companions through this delightful spot ! Now those that were my companions, are married, and have large families ; many have gone to the " silent tomb," whither we are all hastening. May the Lord prepare us for that impor- TO THE JOURNEY OF LIFE. 493 tant day. We than started for my sister's, living near the Batonkill river ; where we arrived a little before night. My sister was much re- joiced to see us, and I was not less happy to meet with a sister whom I had not seen but once in more than twenty years. I found her enjoying a good degree of peace and plenty : a kind husband and a sufficiency of this world's goods ; and I trust her face is Zion-vvard ! May God help us to keep on our journey until we meet to part no more ! Sunday, August 14th. Bless the Lord, my soul, for the present mercies that I do enjoy : I have been privileged once more of meeting with a kind sister ; my heart warms with affection towards her. She appears to be striving to make her way to Mount Zion. May the Friend of sinners be her guide and support through this vale of tears, and may we meet on the peaceful banks of eternity at last, with those of our friends that have arrived there before us. She is blessed with an affectionate friend and companion; may the Lord make them happy in time and eternity. Lorenzo is very much afflicted with the old complaint, that has follow- ed him almost all his life. This northern clime disagrees greatly with his health, and I know not what will be the consequence, if he stays long in this part of the world. My sister wishes me to stay with her for some time, but I cannot feel reconciled to let my companion go and leave me behind ; and on the whole, I think I had rather go and take my chance with him, until it is the will of our God to part us by his Providence. May the Lord help us to feel resigned to his will in all things, enable us to keep the prize in view, and be faithful to our good God while on earth we stay, and be prepared to shout hallelujahs above, among the blood- washed throng, in the paradise of God ! Monday, 15th. My Lorenzo preached twice yesterday in this place, and some were offended at his doctrine. This shows how prejudiced people are in favor of their own notions. May the Lord help people to discern be- tween truth aud error. My heart's desire is to keep the narrow road that leads to joys on high ; may the way appear more plain to my understand- ing, and my heart feel more love to God and man. We know not what is in store for us, nor how many conflicts we may have to pass through. May our days be spent in the service of the great Master, so that whether we have pleasure or pain, we may be enabled to say, the will of the Lord be done ! The way of danger we are in, and we need the influence of his grace to speed us on our way. The cloud seems to darken, and what may be the troubles that America may have to encounter we do not know : may that God who is able to deliver nations as well as individuals, under- take our cause, and make it a blessing to the inhabitants of this our once happy land. My soul longs for the prosperity of my country, and that precious souls may be brought to the knowledge of the truth, as it is in Christ Jesus the Lord ! O that my heart may feel a greater inward struggle for the welfare of my dear fellow-mortals ; and may I keep the crown in view myself! Tuesday, August 16th. I am still the spared monument of mercy. O that my soul may glow with love and gratitude to my great Benefactor, for all his favors to unworthy me. But my cold heart is too little warm- ed by all these blessings ! O God, give me more of that inward purity oi heart, that my life may be like an even-spun thread — my heart and soul 42 494 SUPPLEMENTARY REFLECTIONS engaged in the work, to help my Lorenzo to cry aloud to poor sinners to turn to God, and seek the salvation of their poor souls ! " Come, Lord, from above, These mountains remove ; O'erturn all that hinders the course of thy love." Wednesday morning, August 17th. We have been one week at my brother-in-law's, and they are very kind ; we have taken much satisfac- tion with my sister and her husband : may their hearts be placed on those riches that are durable and will never fade ! I feel my heart too little alive to my God. O that I had more of the power of living faith ! " The praying spirit breathe, The watching pow'r impart ; From all entanglement beneath, Call off my peaceful heart !" August 19th. We left my dear sister's yesterday, with hearts much affected, not knowing whether we should meet again on mortal shores, but hoping if we meet no more below, we may have a happy meeting in that bright world above, where separation will be dreaded no more ! We travelled about twenty-three miles, and met with a kind family, where we put up for the night. In the morning, by the time the day broke, we started for the Saratoga Springs, where we were aiming, and arrived there by six o'clock. There Lorenzo met a lady from South Carolina, who had treated him with every attention when at the White Sulphur Springs in Virginia, and also at her- own house at Charleston. She still appeared much pleased to meet with him here : she invited him to call upon them at their lodgings, at the Columbia Hotel. Accordingly we did, and were treated with great politeness. Lorenzo received an invitation to preach in the afternoon at four o'clock, which he accepted. O may the word come from the heart, and reach the hearts of those that hear ; may his labors be blessed to the people in this place ! My soul longs to see the work revive, and souls brought to the knowledge of the truth. We are now at the Springs, but which way we shall bend our course when we leave here, I cannot tell. May the Lord direct our steps in that way which will be most for our good and his glory ! I am a wanderer upon the earth : may the Lord help me to be resigned to his will in all things. I feel to shrink from the cross at times ; but the desire of my heart is, that I may be a willing follower of the meek and lowlyJesus. My soul's desire and prayer to God is, that the people of America may learn righteousness, and put their trust in that God that is able to^ save. O ! my heart is pained to see so much inattention to the one thing needful, and I also mourn before God for the coldness of my heart ! that I may be stirred up to more diligence in my duty ! Saturday, August 20th. The Springs seem to have a salutary effect upon me. May my soul glow with gratitude to my great and good Benefactor for all his mercies to unworthy me. I am under many obligations to him who supplieth all our necessities ; may my soul ever feel sensations of love to my precious Redeemer for these unmerited favors, bestowed on such an unprofitable creature as I ! My poor companion is still much alflict- ed with the asthma, which makes him very feeble in body ; but 1 pray TO THE JOURNEY OF LIFE. 495 God to strengthen his soul, and give him wisdom from above to prevail on precious souls to close in with the overtures of mercy ! The Lord help us to wait patiently to see the salvation of God ! " The way of danger we are in, Beset by devils, men, and sin !" But may we view the line drawn by the Friend of sinners, and keep there : so that we may be prepared to pass over Jordan with joy, and ever- lasting songs of praise to him who conquered death and the grave, and made "it possible for the ruined race of Adam to obtain peace and pardon! Monday, August 22d. Through the tender mercies of a beneficent Pro- vidence I am still alive and out of eternity ! O may my soul be bowed down at his footstool, feeling gratitude to that hand which hath preserved and provided for me in this unfriendly world ! I, of all .creatures, have the most reason to be thankful ; the Lord hath raised me up friends to supply all my necessities, may the great* Master have all the glory. Lo- renzo preached at the Springs on Sunday the 20th, to an attentive con- gregation, though made up of various characters, and some of the first rank ; but gentlemen or ladies may be known by their behavior, meet them where you will. At Milling's, (living about six or seven miles from the Springs,) he met a large company, but of quite a different cast : they gave him a quiet hearing ! "May the Lord turn curiosity into godly sincerity ; my soul longs to see Zion prosper ! A lady at the Springs had requested us to return in the morning before she should leave there, as she expected to start for the Balston Springs soon after breakfast. Accordingly, we started very soon in the morning, and arrived about six at the Columbian Hotel, where this lady, with one more, had invited us. They appeared very friendly : they were from South Carolina, by the name of Coldon and Harper, the latter made me a present of six dollars : may the Lord reward her as well as others, for their liberality to me ! Thursday, August 25th. I am now at Balston Springs, whither we came on Tuesday, for the benefit of the water. We have met with a kind family, for which I desire to be truly thankful to that gracious Pro- vidence who hath opened the hearts of many to show us kindness. May he reward them richly in this world, and in the next bestow on them a crown of glory ! Lorenzo hath left me this morning, to fulfil some ap- pointments which have been given out for him : may the great Master at- tend him with his grace, and bless his labors to precious souls ! I should rejoice to see the prosperity of Zion ! May the Lord prosper his people, and make them of one heart and of one mind, that they may join together to build up the cause of God, and not stand in the way of sinners ! When that happy day will arrive I know not, but whosoever lives to see that period may truly rejoice. We stayed a few days more in this place. There are but few people here, I am afraid, that truly love and serve the Lord. O that something might take place to bring them to a sense of their danger, and cause them to seek the Lord in good earnest ! The way of sin and transgression is hard and dangerous. May the Lord teach me my duty, and enable me to walk in the way of holiness, that my last end my be peace ! The prospect before me is something dark and gloomy at times, while I am tossed to and fro upon the boisterous ocean of life, but the Lord hath been 496 SUPPLEMENTARY REFLECTIONS my helper hitherto, and I trust he will save to the end. My soul needs more grace and strength to stem the torrent of difficulties and dangers that I have to encounter, but the arm of the Lord is sufficient ! What is before me I know not, but I hope to put my trust in the Lord, who is able to save, and not say my will, but thine be done. August 27th. My soul is much depressed this morning. I spent the last night at a house where the woman is a Methodist, but the man makes no profession of religion. I felt myself quite embarrassed, as he appeared very unsociable. I have returned to brother Webster's ; they are kind, but have a good many in family. My way appears something difficult, but I pray God to help me to sink into his will ; and in whatever situation I may be brought in, to learn therewith to be content. O thou Friend of sinners, draw nigh and give me more of the true spirit of Chris- tian love ! I pray my God to give my poor companion strength of body and mind, to be useful to souls, that when his work is finished on earth, he may enter into joys on high. O happy, happy day, when the laborer shall receive his reward ! May he be faithful to his God, that he may have a clear sky, and a glorious prospect of that rich inheritance, which is laid up for those that are faithful to their God ! " O may my lot be cast with these, The least of Jesus' witnesses" on earth, and at last join the blood-washed throng above ! Sunday, August 28th. This is the day that our all-conquering Saviour burst the bands of death, and led captivity captive ; opened the door of mercy to the enslaved sons and daughters of Adam, that they may profit by the rich sacrifice which hath been offered for their redemption. What matter of sorrow it is, that the offers of such unbounded mercy should be neglected by those who are so deeply interested in it, to prepare them for the day of adversity and death ; which must assuredly overtake them, whether they will or not — there is no escape. Moments fly on without control, and will shortly bring us to the place appointed for all living. O that it may rest with ponderous weight on the hearts of all concerned in it ! And thou, O my soul ! look well to thyself, that thou mayest meet thy Judge in peace, when he shall come in the clouds of heaven, attended with his glorious retinue of saints and angels, to sit in judgment on the descendants of the first man and woman, who have all had the offers of life and salvation made to them ! It will be a joyful day to those who have improved their time, " and washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb;" but O what horror will seize the guilty soul that squandered away his precious time, and slighted the overtures of mercy — who did despite to the Spirit of grace and the Son, who took upon hirn the form of a servant, spent many years of toil and pain, and at last gave his life a ransom for our salvation ! O what unbounded mercy ! O unexampled love ! Why are not our souls lost in wonder, love, and praise ! May I ever tremble at his word ! My departure may be at hand— time is short at the longest. O that 1 may improve my precious moments as they pass, to the glory of my God, and the good of my own immortal soul ! My Lorenzo is engaged in blowing the gospel trumpet — may the Lord TO THE JOURNEY OF LIFE. 497 bless and be with him while absent from me, and at last bring us to meet to part no more in that sweet world of love. August 29th. My companion hath returned this morning. We left the Springs and came on to Greenfield, to Dr. Young's. Lorenzo had an appointment to preach at ten o'clock. The people assembled at the time appointed. Lorenzo was quite feeble in body, but he stood up and gave them a discourse on, " The great day of his wrath is come, and who shall be able to stand?" with a good degree of liberty. I felt my heart some- what refreshed under the word, and the people appeared very attentive. I think there are some souls in this place who truly love the great Master — may the Lord prosper them on their journey, and preserve them from the evils that are in the world ! My Lorenzo left it to others to give out a few appointments, which they did, in such a manner, that he would be much pinched for time : conse- quently, he was under the necessity of getting some person for a pilot, and go on horseback, as that would be a more speedy way of conveyance than his wagon. Accordingly he started, leaving me behind, at the doc- tor's, until he should return. He had to preach that afternoon, and again at night ; and once or twice, and perhaps three times, the next day. May that God, whom he is striving to serve, strengthen him, soul and body, to cry aloud and spare not, to sinners to repent ! My heart is many times pained on his account. O that I could oftener say, Not my will, but thine be done — that whether our days be many or few, they may all be devoted to God. August 30th. The Lord is still gracious to unworthy me, in giving me a good degree of strength of body, and a desire in my soul to make my way through this trying world to a peaceful eternity. O that I may have the whole armor to fight the battles of my Master, and through his strength come off victorious ! The days are truly evil, and we need much grace to enable us to keep the narrow way, and not lose our guide ; for we are surrounded by ene- mies on every hand : some, who profess to love the Lord, are watching for evil, and not for good : — may they be sensible that it was a command of our blessed Saviour, " to love one another" as he hath loved us ! May our hearts overflow with love to God, and our brethren ! My soul longs for more of that spirit, that my heart might melt at human wo. May my soul feel for my dear fellow-sinners, that I may bear them up by faith, to a throne of grace, knowing their souls are in danger while living without God in the world ! My lot is a peculiar one, may God help me to fill the station that hath fallen to me, with true courage and fortitude. My com- panion is calling sinners to repentance, under many trials and inconve- niences : may the Lord stand by him, and give him power and wisdom from above, to give to every one a portion in due season ! Wednesday, August 31st. We have come eight or ten miles this morn- ing, after Lorenzo had preached at sunrise, to a considerable congrega- tion, with a good degree liberty : the people were very serious, and many I trust were true lovers of Jesus. In about two days Lorenzo preached seven times. The last meeting was under the trees by moonlight ; the prospect was delightful ; he addressed the people from these words : " Who is she that looketh forth as the morning, fair as the moon, clear as the sun, and terrible as an army with banners?" The people were solemn and 42* 498 SUPPLEMENTARY REFLECTIONS tender. After this meeting he came to Dr. Young's, where I had been left- two days and one night. May the Lord strengthen his body and soul, that he may cry aloud and spare not, for sinners to repent. The times are truly awful, and alarming ; may God send the word home with power to the hearts of the impenitent, that they may take the alarm, and fly to the arms of Jesus for shelter, before troubles shall overtake them. We have heard a report that the city of Washington is taken by the enemy, and burned, but I hope it is not so : be that as it may, we must strive to sink into the will of the Lord. What though the fire, or plague, or sword, receive commission from the Lord to strike his saints among the rest, their very pains and deaths are blest ! O that the Lord would prepare them for every event of his providence ! 1 think I should be -will- ing to go to any part of the world, if the Lord would make duty plain before us ; the way seems to be intricate at present, although our way hath been opened in a very wonderful manner since we left Virginia. Bless the Lord, O my soul ! and let all within me join to praise his holy name ! May he guide us in the way he would have us to go, and teach us our duty, and enable us willingly to bear the cross, that we may wear a crown of glory at last. If our happy land should be brought into bondage to a foreign foe, the time will be distressing beyond what many imagine. I pray God to de- liver us from our enemies, if it is consistent with his will ; and if we need a scourge, that we may fall into the hands of God, and not man : my heart is pained on account of my country. My companion preached on Thursday, 1st of September, three times ; first at the Methodist meeting-house in Malta, where we had a sweet and precious time ; there were many praying souls present. From thence we came on to a friend's house, where we got some refreshment ; we then went to another appointment at a large " steeple house," where he had been requested to preach by some person : but the house was shut when we arrived, and was not opened at all, for what reason I cannot tell, but expect it was through prejudice : but this did not dishearten him, he stood up by the side of the house, and gave them a discourse on " Many are called, but few are chosen." The people were attentive in general, ex- cept one or two, who thought their craft in danger ; they grumbled a little to themselves, but did not make much disturbance : we had a peaceable waiting before the Lord. From thence we came on to Still Water village, where we had another appointment ; there he spoke in the open air, to a tolerable congregation, who gave good attention : there the meeting-house was shut also against him. From thence we came on to the Borough, to a brother Evan's, where we stayed that night, the next day Lorenzo had an appointment at ten o'clock ; my prayer to the Lord was that he would stand by him. We wei'e on our way to the city of New York, and what awaited us there I could not tell, the gloomy clouds seemed gathering over our hemisphere ; our once happy land is involved in a bloody war, and what will be the end of it, we cannot tell ; may the great Master give those that have an interest at the throne of grace, the true spirit of agoni- zing prayer, to cry mightily to God for deliverance from the thraldom of war ! My Lorenzo is drawn to visit a land far distant from that which gave him birth ; may God teach him the way he would have him go ! My TO THE JOURNEY OF LIFE. 499 desire is, that God would direct our steps ; and enable us to do our duty ; that when the storms of life are over, we may sit down in the paradise of God. Friday, Sept. 3d. This day Lorenzo hath preached once at the Borough, to an attentive congregation. We found kind friends in this place. From thence we came to Waterford, and stopped at friend King's, where we were received with expressions of kindness. They, with one more, re- quested Lorenzo to stay over the Sabbath, which he consented to. My soul's desire was, that the Lord would stand by him, and make his stay profitable to souls. My heart was something gloomy, the prospect was dark, the times pre- carious ; what was before us, I could not tell, and I felt my heart drawn out in prayer to God, that he would help us to walk in the way he would have us to go. My desire is, that I may be prepared for all the troubles and difficulties that I may have to encounter in this world of wo ! My dear companion in tribulation is quite feeble in body, which gives me much pain. that I may learn the lesson of submission : the time is fast approaching when sorrow will be turned into joy to those that are faithful to the God of all grace. O that I may be of that happy number ! Lorenzo is preaching in Waterford still ; on Friday and on Saturday night, on Sunday morning at sunrise, and at eight o'clock. The people came out very well, and appeared very solemn, and I trust good was done in the name of the Lord. May the Lord inspire our hearts to cry mighti- ly to him who is able to save, for ourselves and our country. It lies near my heart. O that the people may be interested for its welfare, and lay at the feet of the Master, and humble themselves in the dust, that God may deliver us ! September 6th. We came to Lansingburgh, the appointment having been given out the day before. But Mr. Chichester, a local preacher, who had been a principal man in building the meeting-house in that place, forbid his preaching in it. Consequently the people erected seats by the side of a large brick house, for accommodation beneath its shade, where we had a refreshing time from the presence of the Lord. My heart was grateful that his blessings were not confined to any particular place : for if we fly to the desert, behold he is there — in the city or country — still the throne of grace is accessible to the humble soul ! May God ever keep us from pride and vain glory, that we may always keep the intercourse open be- tween our souls and him ! From thence we went to Troy ; but the same difficulty existed there, the meeting-house being shut up in this place also. But he repaired to the market-house, where he soon had a large company and spoke to them there. Many appeared quite serious : may conviction fasten on their hearts ! We had been in Troy about six years before, and then had more friends than we could visit ; but now we were under the necessity of going to a public-house to put up for the night. But, after Lorenzo had done preaching, and we had retired to our lodgings, there was a friend with whom we had no previous acquaintance, who came to the tavern where we were, and requested us to go and sleep at his house, which af- ter some hesitation we accepted, but left our horse where we were. The different treatment we met with now, from what we had received in years that were past, made a great impression on my mind. Lorenzo had 500 SUPPLEMENTARY REFLECTIONS preached in this same place a number of times about six years previous, and was treated with much kindness by the Methodists ; but now they were very distant. We left Troy about eight o'clock on Monday morning, and travelled more than forty miles that day, and stayed at a public house at night. We started early in the morning, and came about seven miles, to a house of entertainment, where we stopped for breakfast. There Lorenzo missed his pocket-book, containing a considerable sum in bank notes, having left it under his pillow. He took the horse, borrowed a saddle, rode back and found it, which was matter of thankfulness to us. After taking breakfast, we started and came on to Rhinebeck Flats, but made no stop ; from thence to the ferry. We had to cross in a sail-boat, and the wind blew quite hard, so that it appeared considerably gloomy to me ; but we got over very well. We wished to get to Esopus, or rather Kingston, which was about three miles from the ferry, before we stopped. We came on, and the first thing we saw when the town appeared in view, was a nu- merous concourse of people assembled together, to see the soldiers take their departure for the city of New York, to defend it, if necessary, from the enemy. This filled my heart with pain and sorrow, when I consider- ed they were liable to fall in the contest, and perhaps leave a wife and children unprotected ; and if not a wife and children, they had parents Avhose hearts were bleeding at the prospect : may God deliver us in his own good time ! We were received by brother and sister Covel with friendship : may the Lord reward them in this world with every temporal blessing necessa- ry, and crown them at last with a crown of glory ! It gives me fresh courage when I meet with those who love and serve the Lord, for we find such to be kind and affectionate to all. The times are truly awful ! — may the Lord stand by his followers, and help them to lay at his feet, that they may be prepared for the gathering storm. My God, give me more grace to hang my soul on thee. I know what I have passed through, but what is to come I cannot tell : but if God be for us, who can be against us ? O that we may so live, that we may be prepared for the worst. Since we left our father's, we have travelled several hundred miles, through a delightful country, flowing, as it were, " with milk and honey." Plenty abounds on every hand ; nothing is lacking but a grateful sense from whence these mercies flow. May God inspire the hearts of the peo- ple with a due sense of their privileges, both of a spiritual and temporal na- ture, which they enjoy : and may they esteem them as they ought, that they may be saved from destruction ! We stayed two nights and part of three days at friend Covel's ; and Lo- renzo held two meetings in the town, in the court-house, to a crowded au- dience. They were as attentive as could be expected, considering what a thoughtless place it was : may God have mercy upon them ! We left friend Covel's on Thursday, September 5th, and travelled on until night, and stopped at a public house. From thence we came on to- wards Newburg, and about ten o'clock we came to a brother Fowler's, and called ; but he not being at home, and the family not choosing to give us an invitation to stop, we kept on to Newburgh. We had been directed to call at a friend's house, by the name of Cowles, but could not find him. TO THE JOURNEY OF LIFE. 501 We then continued on our way, intending, the first puhlic house we came to, to stop, and get some refreshment. But in passing a toll-bridge, the old man who attended it knew Lorenzo, and solicited him so earnestly to stop and take breakfast, that he consented. They appeared much pleas- ed, and entertained us as well as we could wish. It was done with such cheerfulness that it made a pleasant repast to us indeed. O that people who have it in their power to do good in the world, would be more liberal, and not let the poor outdo them, and so take their crown ! — May God have mercy on the high and lofty ones of the earth, and teach them they are born to die, and perhaps their dust will mingle with the beggar's, and if they are not purified by grace their souls will appear guilty before God ! How can they stand in that great day, when the dread alarm shall be sounded — arise, ye dead, and come to judgment ! My God make us all sensible of the necessity of being ready to meet our Judge in the air ! From the toll-bridge we came on to a public house, and stopped to feed our horse ; and while he was eating, there was a woman, whom we had met in a wagon a little before we had got to this house, who, thinking it was Lorenzo, had returned back to this house, and requested him to stop and preach to the people in this neighborhood. The tavern-keeper also soli- cited him, saying he would notify the neighbors. Lorenzo then consented to stay, and we went about a mile further, to sleep at a house where they were Methodists. The place where we went to stay was a delightful spot, situated in a valley, between two considerable mountains, covered with shrubs and trees, but not very fertile, which made the contrast more striking. The house was surrounded with meadows and fruit-trees : the scene appeared charming beyond description. This would be a sweet -re- treat, was suggested to my mind, if we had a few select friends, whose souls were formed for social pleasure, as it relates to spiritual and tempo- ral converse. But stop, my fancy ! stay thy soul on God, who can give peace even on the raging ocean. To him, and him alone would I look for comfort, and not to objects which are so transient. My lot appears to be in a peculiar sphere, and I hope in love and mercy the Master will enable me to fill it with patience and submission. We left Cornwall on Saturday morning, and proceeded on our way to the city of New York. We made such progress that we got within fifteen or sixteen miles of the city that night, and put up at a public house, where we were much disturbed by some town's people, Avho, I believe, did it on purpose, on the account of our appearance. O that they may be made sensible of the duty they owe to themselves, their God, and their neighbors. We started early on Sunday morning, and get to a brother Paradise's, at Bull's Ferry, where we left our horse and wagon. Lorenzo hired a Presbyterian man to keep the horse, and brother Paradise took a small boat and rowed us down to the city. My mind was overspread with gloom, but I strove to put my trust in the Lord. We had a pleasant time on the water. We got clown to New York about two o'clock, and went to our old friend brother Munson's, and were received with the same marks of friendship as formerly : may the Lord reward them for their kindness to us. Our situation is as good at present as it has ever been, as it relates to our temporal prospects, but no doubt trials await us still : may the Lord prepare us for whatever may befall us in the way of duty. I have met 502 SUPPLEMENTARY REFLECTIONS with another kind family, to whom J am under many obligations for their kindness in days that are past : the}- still are friends. This is not the case with many. Brother and sister Decamp are true-hearted : may the Lord prosper them on their journey to a peaceful eternity ! The cloud appears to spread over the American hemisphere : may God prepare his children for the shock. What though the fire, or plague, or sword, receive commission from the Lord to strike his saints among the rest, their pains and deaths are blest. Monday, September 12th. I have this day felt my heart somewhat more composed than I have done for some time. September 13th. This day we have received more intelligence of the invasion of our once happy land. O that the Lord would prepare us for every event of his providence ! September 14th. I desire to be truly thankful to the Giver of every mercy for the blessings I enjoy this precious morning. I enjoy a tolerable degree of health, and am surrounded with kind friends. O that my soul may be filled with grateful songs of praise to him who so richly provides for me. My situation is as pleasant as it has ever been, perhaps for ma- ny years. "Bless God, my soul, even unto death, And write a song for every breath." September 15th. May my heart be made truly sensible of my depend- ence upon God, who giveth to every one liberally, that seek him with an undivided heart. But I feel this morning as though my heart was too far from that enjoyment which makes happy in this world and in the next. May my heart be revived, and filled with love to God and my fellow-mor- tals. Religion is low at this time in almost every direction : may our hearts feel interested for the prosperity of the church. The times are truly alarming, the sound of war is heard in our borders : the alarm is gone forth, " Ye sons of Columbia, to arms, arms." Our sea-boards are likely to be deluged in blood. While our interior is in commotion, our frontiers have been saluted by the warwhoop of the savage ; while tender wives and children have fallen victims to their wanton cruelty. May He that rules on high, that can calm the raging ocean, and bring harmony out of confusion, undertake our cause, and deliver us from the hand of our enemy, and establish peace once more on the earth ! But this may only be the beginning of sorrow to the inhabitants of this terres- trial ball. O that all who have an interest at the throne of grace, would cry mightily to him for strength, to stand in this day of adversity. Lord, prepare us to make our way through all opposition, to the peaceful, happy mansions of unclouded day. O happy, happy land ! when shall we get there ? My God, wash out the stains that sin has made on my immortal soul, that I may have a glorious admittance into those pure regions of everlasting rest ! Trials await me on these mortal shores : may the God of love attend us by his grace, and give us true submission to his will ! May my soul be filled with love and gratitude to that hand which hath provided for me, from my cradle to the present time. How much I owe, yet how little I do as I ought ! O my soul, awake, awake to a sense of duty to the God of all consolation, that thou mayest be filled with all his fulness. September lGth. Nothing material has taken place in my situation for TO THE JOURNEY OF LIFE. 503 some days, but a continual clangor of war is saluting our ears, and what will be the final issue, doth not yet appear : may we be prepared for what- ever may await us : my soul is truly pained on account of my country. O that God would undertake the cause of America. O that the people may learn humility, and submission to his divine will ! My mind was much depressed this morning, when I arose, but these words came to my mind, " Be still, and know that I am God," with some power ; may my heart acquiesce in whatever may be our lot. We have just heard the joyful tidings, that our dear fellow-citizens of the town of Baltimore are delivered from their troublesome visiters. O that their hearts may be thankful to that hand which was able to save, when appearances were most gloomy ! Help us, O thou God of love, to render thee sincere thanks for these mercies ; and may America, above all lands, be conformed to the will of him, who hath wrought out such a deliverance for this favored country ! May my heart glow with thankfulness to such a good God, and may the remnant of my days be spent in his service. Sunday, September 18th. This day my soul hath been refreshed under the improvement of brother Daniel Smith ; while discoursing on the wicked- ness of the Jews, the once chosen people of God, in destroying that most worthy servant of God, Stephen — his triumphant death, and ascension to glory. It filled my soul with raptures. I had something of a view of the suffering Christian, bidding adieu to a world of wo, transported by a con- voy of angels to his Redeemer's bosom ! O what a glorious scene ! may that be my happy lot, though unworthy ! September 19th. My heart feels quite gloomy this day. O that these trials might teach me from whence my strength must come ! I cannot tell what is before me ; may God prepare and help me to hang upon his pro- mises, and lay at the feet of the Redeemer of mankind. I long to be more holy, that my heart may be drawn from earth, and placed on more permanent riches. Through grace I hope one day to out- ride the tempest and storms of life, and reach the fair fields of unclouded day. May God revive his work in the land, and prosper Zion, and fill his church with faithful Christians ! September 21st. Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his be- nefits. The days are evil ; we have need of more wisdom and humility, to walk the narrow road that leads to joys on high. What a vain, deceit- ful world we have to travel through ! How many snares on every side ! May we be* as wise as serpents and harmless as doves. Friday, September 23d. The days are rolling fast away : may I have wisdom and grace, to improve my time to the glory of my Creator and the comfort and satisfaction of my own immortal soul ! My heart is often pained to see and feel so little of the life of religion, in almost every di- rection : may the Lord once more revive his work in the land ! Since I came to the city, my husband and self took a walk to the " Sate Prison," which was a very great satisfaction to me. We gave one shilling for admittance, and had the privilege of going through every apartment in the prison ; and to see the neatness and industry that pre- vail there, was truly charming. This institution is one of the most noble, perhaps, that ever was adopted by any nation : it saves many of those poor unfortunate creatures who have forfeited their life and liberty, from suffering death, and gives them a space for repentance : and furthermore, 504 SUPPLEMENTARY REFLECTIONS their labor is very useful to the community. The men were very serious, and appeared downcast ; but the women that have been so unfortunate as to get into this place, appear the most hardened creatures I ever saw. This is a striking proof, to what human natui'e may be reduced. There is a large square in the centre of the prison, where they may range for health, at times. A man may love and serve the Lord in this place, as well as in any other, if he be so minded, and it may be some of these poor mortals will be brought to reflection. The happy day is fast approaching, I trust, when light will shine forth, as the morning, and peace will be es- tablished upon the earth. From the eleventh of September to the seventh of October, Lorenzo spent in New York : then he took his departure for Philadelphia, expecting to return in six or eight weeks; but, when he arrived there, he found his way opened in the city and country, so that he thought best to send for me to come to Philadelphia, where he had concluded to spend the winter. Accordingly I started without delay, in a carriage which was sent for me, and arrived in safety in about three days. I was kindly received by friend Allen and his wife, where I tarried until the return of Lorenzo from the Eastern Shore, whither he had taken a tour two or three weeks previous. When he came back, he wished to find a small room, where we could be retired from the world for a few months ; and we were so fortunate as to meet with a friend, (who had plenty of house room, and was willing to accommodate us with a small room, which was made very comfortable by putting up a stove in it,) in a neighborhood of the people called Quakers, where we found it very agreeable. I attended their meetings with much satisfaction : I believe many, very many of those people to be truly spi- ritual. The friend and his wife, at whose house we stopped, belonged to the meeting, and they both appeared striving to be what they ought. May the Master prosper tham in the way of their duty. February 27th, 1815. The news of peace salutes our borders, and echoes through the land ! It is a truly pleasing sound. May it inspire our hearts with gratitude to that God who hath given us the blessing. O that divine peace may fill every soul, until this favored nation shall be- come Immanuel's land, and the earth be full of his glory. May 8th, 1815. We left Philadelphia in the steamboat, for New York, after spending an agreeable winter at Benedict Dorsey's. The weather being very chilly, and my health somewhat impaired by reason of a severe cold I had taken some time previous, this exposure which I passed through, came very near being too much for my feeble constitution. After we ar- rived at New York I was confined almost two weeks to my bed ; but re- covering my strength in some measure, we embarked on board a packet for New London, where we had every accommodation necessary ; and after a pleasant sail of about thirty hours, we arrived safely and found the people very kind and friendly. But the cold I had taken was so deeply seated on my lungs, it was thought by many it would prove serious in its consequences to me. We arrived here on Saturday. On Sunday, Lorenzo preached four times to crowded congregations, and several til through the week — until he was taken sick : he was attacked very suddenly as he was about to lay down at night, with a pain at his heart, attended with chills. We were then at his brother's. VVe were all much alarmed, thinking perhaps his dissolution was at hand, yet he appeared composed TO THE JOURNEY OF LIFE. 505 and serene, with a smile on his countenance, although his pain was beyond description ! My soul was poured out to God for his deliverance. After a while he got so much relief that he could be laid down in his bed, but continued very ill for near two weeks; he then had recovered so far as to be able to go on board a boat for Norwich, where we arrived in five or six hours. We were received with kindness by brother Bentley and his companion. Lorenzo was still very feeble in body, but the people appearing very anx- ious he should preach, he consented, and at six o'clock that evening the Baptist meeting-house was opened and well filled ; he addressed them — his strength holding out beyond what could have been expected. He spoke again on Monday night ; it was a solemn assembly, and 1 hope good was done in the name of the Lord. Lorenzo hired a wagon and horse to convey us to his father's — which was betwixt twenty and thirty miles. Early on Tuesday morning we started, and arrived there about one o'clock on the 14th of June. We found his dear father, with the rest of the family, in tolerable health. Lorenzo spent two weeks with us, and then thinking it best to leave me with his father, bid me farewell, and set out on a tour through a part of the states of Rhode Island and Massachusetts, to sound an alarm to the fallen race of Adam in those parts. My heart went with him, in desire that he might be useful to precious souls. His father's place of residence is very pleasant. I spent my hours as agreeably as the circumstances could admit, seeing I was separated from my companion and had not the opportunity of meeting, there being none within my reach, except the Presbyterian, and that not very convenient. He thought he might be absent three or four months, but returned in five or six weeks unexpectedly to me, and spent a few weeks with us ; made preparations to leave me with his father, and start on a long tour which would take him eight or nine months to accomplish. This was something trying to my feelings ; but I dare not say do not go, neither do I feel a disposition to prevent him doing his duty. On the 30th of August, he had got in readiness and bid me adieu — leaving me comfortably provided for as it relates to outward things. The family consisted of his father, sister, and myself. The old gentleman is an affectionate friend and father. We spent our time for the most part quite comfortably ; considering the cold inclement season, my health was far better than it had been for years. I frequently received letters from my absent companion, which gave me much satisfaction ; this being the only way we could communicate our pleasures or pains to each other. He gave me to understand he expected to return to us in April or May. The last letter I received from him, was dated March 30th, expecting to sail from New Orleans to New York the first of April ; and by his writing, it appeared to me, there was a doubt whether he should be brought through in saft ty — or at least he expected some uncommon difficulty to attend him ; which laid me under great anxiety of mind. The season also was so uncommonly blustering, that I, from the first of April until the middle of May, was in a state of mind not to be expressed. This gave my body another shock — for the mind and body are so closelv connected, one can not suffer, without the other in some considerable degree feeling afFeetfd. I strove hard to appiy to Him who is able to save, and at times found some 43 506 SUPPLEMENTARY REFLECTIONS relief: but then, my thoughts would retrace the happy seasons which were past ; and the gloomy prospects that now presented to view, made me very wretched. I strove to realize the day, the happy blessed day when we should meet to part no more ; but could not so much as I could wish : this gave me greater pain, seeing my heart so attached to earthly objects. Yet under all this, in some measure I was supported : for which may my heart render a tribute of praise to the Giver of all our mercies! About the 13th of May, I received the pleasing intelligence that Lorenzo had arrived at New York, which removed a heavy burden from my heart, and the 25th he reached his father's. I need not say it was a memorable day to me. May I ever feel true sensations of gratitude for all these fa- vors, and improve them while they are preserved to me ! My soul's desire is, to find closer communion with my God ; may my soul sink in his will in all things ! After Lorenzo's return, he prepared to steer his course first to Phila- delphia, then into the state of New York — from thence to Vermont; and wishing me to go writh him, he procured a horse and wagon, and on the 12th of June wa left ins iatir?r's house, it being twelve months lacking two days, since I came 'here. We went from there to Hebron, where we stayed a few days — met some preachers from the general conference ; they were friendly towards Lorenzo. From thence we came onto Durham, where we spent the Sabbath. Lorenzo preached three times. On Monday morning we left there and proceeded on to New Haven — there we met with more preachers and kind friends ; here we stayed until Friday. Lorenzo held a number of meetings in the time. From there we came to New York — spent the Sab' ath, and he al^o held three meetings there in the course of the day. I met with old friends, Captain Anderson and his wife, who gave me a pressing invitation to go home with them that evening. Lo- renzo was willing, and I accepted the invitation ; he was to come over the next morning. Accordingly I went and spent an agreeable evening, and about one o ; ciuck the next day Lorenzo came ; but I was quite un- well ; the weather having become much warmer, it so debilitated me, that Lorenzo feared lest I could not hold out to travel — and Captain Anderson and his wife wishing me to tarry with them, I concluded to stay. Ac- cordingly, on Tuesday morning, Lorenzo set off on his way to Philadel- phia, leading me behind ; he came on that night to Bridgetown, where he preached ; and finding such an opening, he spent two or three days in the place. The friends requested him to send for me to come there; accord- ingly brother Thomas Pitts coming to New York, got brother Washburn to write a few lines to me. I came over from Hoboken and met him at brother Washburn's : the next day we were to go on board the steamboat. I did not expect Lorenzo so soon ; but when we came to the ferry-house, and the boat came in, Lorenzo was on board. He 'intended returning that night or the next day to Bridgetown ; consequently I went on, and he re- turned that night. We have spent some time in this place, and find the people remarkable kind : may they be rewarded for their kindness to us ! My soul's desire to God is, that he would reward our kind benefactors, wherever they be. Visited Woodbridge — had meeting in the meeting-house of the Presby- terians, and returned to Bridgetown and held several other meetings. Julv 26th, 1816. TO THE JOURNEY OF LIFE. 507 The following letter I received, and think proper to have it subjoined as an Appendix. — L. D. October 6th, 1816. Dear Lorenzo, — Through the tender mercy of a kind providence, I enjoy a better state of health than when you left me, and my mind is in sorne measure comforted from day to day : I think, also, it is my sincere desire to live a life devoted to God. I view this as uncertain at best. The world is only good in its place, but it will not give peace and comfort to the mind ; but to feel the indwelling spirit of the Saviour is inexpressible peace indeed ; it makes crosses bearable, it gives us the power of resignation to all the will of the Master ; if we are deprived of that we esteem most, we feel to give it up without murmuring at the dispensation. O how sweet such a spirit is! May the Lord give me all that is my privilege, that I may be a comfort to my best friend in this world, and a blessing to myself while a sojourner on these mortal shores. Our dear father is as well as when you left us, and I, as ever, feel much satisfaction in his company ; we have had peace and harmony in the family since your departure. I pray God to give all as one, the true spirit of the gospel, and prepare us for a happy exit from this to the world of spirits. I felt a desire to arise in my soul, that the Master would commission you to preach the everlasting gospel, that your words may be quick and powerful, reaching the sinners' hearts, that their eyes may be opened to see the necessity of peace and pardon on their hearts. May the Lord bless and be with you, make your peace as a gentle running stream from day to day ; and if we meet again in this world, may we find we have made more progress in the divine life than we have ever made before when separated. Through grace, 1 hope to conquer all my foes. Remember me to all our friends in Philadelphia, without reserve. Adieu, my Lorenzo, Peggy Dow. 503 SUPPLEMENTARY REFLECTIONS, ETC. QUIETNESS, AS A CANOPY, COVERS MY MIND. " Great God, thy name be blest, Thy goodness be adored; My soul has been distressed, But thou hast peace restored. " A thankful heart I feel, In peace my mind is stayed, Balsamic ointments heal The wounds by sorrow made. " Though elements contend, Though wind and waters rage, I've an unshaken Friend, Who doth my grief assuage. " Though storms without arise, Emblems of those within, On Christ my soul relies, The sacrifice for sin. " Though inward storms prevail, Afflicting to endure, I've help that cannot fail, In HLm that's ever sure. " Though outward war and strife Prevail from sea to sea, I've peace in inward life, And that sufficeth me. "Though clamor rear its head, And stalk from shore to shore, My food is angels' bread, What can I covet more J "Though ill reports abound, Suspicions and surmise, I find, and oft have found, In death true comfort lies: " That death I mean whereby Self-love and will are slain ; For these, the more they die The more the Lamb doth reign. "And well assured I am True peace is only known Where He, the harmless Lamb, Has made the heart his throne. " Then, then may tempests rage, Cannon may roar in vain; The Rock of every age, The Lamb, the Lamb doth reign." & «& 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED i ham HEFT. This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. m l 2 7 m z *^c4' /. 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